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Etheridge Translation - 1Peter



The Epistle Of Petros.

I. 1:1

   PETROS, an apostle of Jeshu Meshiha, to the chosen-ones and sojourners who are scattered in Pontos and in Galatia, and in Kapadukia, and in Asia, and in Bithunia: them who are elected by the foreknowledge of Aloha the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, that they might be unto obedience, and unto the sprinkling of the blood of Jeshu Meshiha: grace and peace be multiplied with you.
   Blessed be Aloha, the Father of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, who by his abundant grace hath begotten us anew through the resurrection of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha unto the hope of salvation, and to the inheritance which is not corruptible, and not defiled, and not to be consumed, which is prepared for you in heaven, while you are kept by the power of Aloha and through faith, unto the salvation which is prepared to be revealed in the last times; wherein you will rejoice for ever, though in this little time you are afflicted 1 by manifold temptations which pass over you; that the proof of your faith may be seen, which is more precious than gold refined which is proved in fire, unto praise and unto honour and unto glory, at the revelation of Jeshu Meshiha; whom you have not seen and (yet) love, and in whose faith you exult with glorious joy that is not spoken: that you may receive the recompence of your faith, the salvation of your souls. That salvation which the prophets investigated when they prophesied concerning the grace which was to be given unto you, and searched into, what time the Spirit of the Meshiha who dwelt in them showed and testified of the future sufferings of the Meshiha, and his glory which (should be) after them. And all that they searched was revealed to them; for not for themselves they inquired, but to us (and) of us 2 they prophesied those (blessings) which now are revealed to you by them who have preached to you 3 by the Spirit of Holiness which is sent from heaven; for into these themselves the angels also desire to look.
   Wherefore gird up the loins of your minds, and be fully wakeful, and hope for the joy that cometh to you at the revelation of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha; as obedient children, and not partaking again of the former desires which you desired when ignorant. But be holy in all your conversations, as he is holy who calleth you; because it is written, Be ye holy, as I also am holy. And if you call him Father before whom there is no respect of persons, and who judgeth every man according to his works, with fear conduct you in this time of your sojourn; while you know that not with silver which wasteth away, nor with gold, you have been redeemed from your vain works which you received from your fathers, but with the precious blood of the Lamb spotless and unblemished, who is the Meshiha; who was afore-separated for this from before the foundations of the world, and hath been manifested in these last times for you, who by him 4 believe in Aloha, who raised him from the dead, and gave him glory, that your faith and your hope may be in Aloha. Let your souls be sanctified in obedience to the truth, and be filled with the charity which respecteth not persons, that with a pure heart and perfect you may love one another, as men who are regenerated, not by a perishable seed, but by that which is imperishable, by the living word of Aloha which abideth for ever. Because all flesh is grass, and all its beauty as the flower of the field. The grass withereth and the flower drieth up, but the word of our God abideth for ever; and this is that word which is preached unto you.

1 Or, straitened. 2 Lan dilan. 3 Or, evangelized you. 4 Dabideh.

II. 2:1

   MAKE to cease therefore from you all malice and all guile, and dissimulation, and envy, and slander; and be as (new)-born babes, and be desirous of the word as of milk pure and spiritual, that by it you may increase unto life. If you have tasted and seen how good is the Lord, unto whom you have come, who is the living stone whom men have rejected, yet (who is) chosen and honourable with Aloha. And you also as living stones are builded, and become a spiritual temple, and holy priests to offer sacrifices, which are acceptable before Aloha by Jeshu Meshiha.
   For it is said in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Zion a stone choice 5 and honourable in the head of the corner: whosoever believeth in him shall not be ashamed. To you therefore is given this honour, to them who believe: but to them who are disobedient he is a rock 6 of offence, or a stone 7 of stumbling, and they are offended at him in not obeying the word, because to this they are set.
   But you are a chosen race, who minister as priests to the kingdom,8 a holy people, a congregation redeemed to announce the praises of him who hath called you from darkness to his transcendant light: those who before were not reputed a people, but now the people of Aloha; upon whom also mercies were not; but now, mercies are poured upon you.

5 Or, tried, bachirtho. 6 Kipha. 7 Abn'na. 8 Damkahno lemalkutho.

III. 2:11

   MY beloved, I beseech you as strangers and as sojourners, be separate from all the lusts of the body which make wars against the soul. And let your conversation be good before all men; and they who speak against you malicious words shall see your good deeds, and shall glorify Aloha in the day of the probation. And be subject to all men for the sake of Aloha: to kings, on account of their authority; and to judges, because from him they are sent for the punishment of transgressors, and for the commendation of good works. For so is the will of Aloha, that by your comely works you may shut the mouth of fools who know not Aloha. As the sons of liberty, yet not as men who make their liberty a veil for their wickedness, but as the servants of Aloha. Honour all; your brethren love; and Aloha revere; and kings honour. And those servants who are among you, be subject to your masters with reverence; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the hard and the severe. For these are pleasing before Aloha, who, for the sake of a good conscience, endure the afflictions that come upon them unjustly. For they who on account of their offences suffer tribulations, what praise have they ? But when you do well and they afflict you, and you endure, then doth your praise become great with Aloha. For unto this have you been called; because the Meshiha also hath died for us, and left us this example, that in his steps we may walk. Who did no sin, nor was guile found in his mouth; who was reviled and reviled not, and suffered and threatened not, but delivered his cause to the Judge of righteousness; and took all our sins and upbore 9 them in his body on the cross; that when dead to sin, in the righteousness of him we might live; for by his stripes you are healed, who had wandered as sheep, and are returned now unto the Shepherd and Guardian 1 of your souls.
   So you also, wives, be subject to your own husbands, that them who have not obeyed the word, by your comely manners without labour you may win, while they see that with reverence and with chastity you conduct yourselves. Neither be adorned with outward adornings of the entwinement of your hair, or necklaces of gold, or of excelling vestments, but adorn yourselves in the hidden man of the heart, with the spirit of gentleness which perisheth not, the ornament of excellence before Aloha. For so also of old the holy women who confided in Aloha adorned themselves, and were subject to their husbands, even as Sara was subject to Abraham, and called him My Lord: of her be you the daughters in good works, not being perturbed by any fear.

9 Vaseq enun. Aphel of nesaq, ascendit, clevarit. 1 Souro,  curator.

IV. 3:7

   AND you, men, dwell likewise with your wives with knowledge, and as feeble vessels in honour hold them; for they also with you inherit the gift of the life of eternity; that you be not hindered in your prayers. But, finally be all unanimous, and suffer with those who suffer, and love one another, and be merciful and gentle; and let no man render evil for evil, nor invective for invective, but, that which is contrary to them, bless: for unto this are you called, that the blessing you may inherit.

   Who then willeth life,
   And loveth good days to see ?
   Let him keep his tongue from evil,
   And his lips that they speak not guile. 
   Let him depart from evil and do good, 
   And seek peace and run after it.
   For the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, 
   And his ears, to hear them;
   And the face of the Lord is against the wicked.

And who (is he) who will do you evil if you be emulous of good 2 (actions) ? And (yet) if you suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are happy. And you will not fear them who would make you afraid, nor be shaken. But sanctify in your hearts the Lord Meshiha.

2 Plural.

V. 3:16

   AND be prepared to make defence to every one who shall seek of you speech concerning the hope of the faith, with meekness and with seriousness, while you have a good conscience; that as they speak against you as against evil men, they may be made ashamed who have traduced your good conversations in the Meshiha. For it helpeth you (if) while doing goodly works you have to sustain evil, if so it be the will of Aloha, and not while working evils. Because the Meshiha also once died on account of sins, the just on account of sinners, that he might bring 3 us unto Aloha. And dead in the body and alive in the Spirit, he preached unto those souls who were held in sheul, those who before were disobedient in the days of Nuch;4 while the long-suffering of Aloha commanded that he should make the ark, upon the hope of their conversion, and eight souls only entered therein, and were saved in the waters. After which very type also you are saved in baptism,5 not while you cleanse the body from filth, but while you make confession of 6 Aloha with a pure conscience, and of 6 the resurrection of Jeshu Meshiha; who is exalted unto heaven, and is at the right hand of Aloha, and unto whom are subject angels and authorities and powers.
   If then the Meshiha hath suffered for you in the flesh, be you also armed in it with the same mind; for every one who dieth in his body hath ceased from all sins, that henceforth to the lusts of men he should not live, what time he is in the body, but to the will of Aloha. For the time which hath passed sufficeth to have served the will of the Gentiles in indulgence, in drunkenness, in vileness, in revellings, and in the service of demons. And, behold, now they wonder and blaspheme at you because you riot not with them in that former indulgence; they who shall give account to Aloha, who will judge the dead and the living. For on this account the dead also have been evangelized; that they might be judged as men in the flesh, and live with Aloha in the Spirit.

3 Or, present. 4 Or, Nooch. 5 B'mahmuditho. 6 Or, in.

VI. 4:7

   BUT the end of all cometh; therefore be sober, and watch unto prayer. And before every thing have ardent love for one another; for love covereth a multitude of sins. And be lovers of guests without murmuring. And every man of you the gift which he hath received from Aloha, let him minister thereof unto his neighbours as good stewards of the various grace of Aloha. Whoever shall speak, as the word of Aloha let him speak and whoever ministereth, (he shall minister) as from the power which Aloha giveth to him, that in every thing which you do Aloha may be glorified through Jeshu Meshiha, whose are the glory and honour to the age of ages. Amen.
   My beloved, be not amazed at the temptations which you have, as that something strange happeneth to you, because for your probation they have been; but rejoice that you are partakers of the sufferings of the Meshiha, that so also at the revelation of his glory you may rejoice and exult. And if you be reviled for the sake of the name of the Meshiha, you are happy; for the Spirit of the glory of Aloha resteth upon you. Only, let no man of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as a doer of evils. But if he suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify Aloha in that very name.
   For the time is, that judgment shall begin from the house of Aloha. But if from us it begin, what is the end (to be) of them who obey not the gospel of Aloha ? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, the wicked and the sinner where shall he be found ? Wherefore, let them who suffer according to the will of Aloha commend to him their souls in good works, as unto the Faithful Creator.

VII. 5:1

   BUT I entreat of the presbyters who are among you, I, a presbyter, your companion, and a witness of the sufferings of the Meshiha, and a partaker of his glory that is to be revealed; feed the flock of Aloha which is delivered to you, and take care (of it) spiritually,7 not by constraint, but with the will; not for corrupt gain, but with all your heart; not as lords of the flock, but that you may be to them a goodly example; that when the Chief of pastors 8 shall be revealed, you may receive from him a crown of glory which fadeth not.
   And you younger, be subject to your presbyters, and be clothed carefully 9 with humility of mind towards one another; because Aloha is against those who exalt themselves, and to the humble he giveth grace. Be humbled, therefore, under the mighty hand of Aloha, that he may exalt you at the right time. And all your anxiety cast upon Aloha, because he is careful over you.
   Watch, and be mindful, because your adversary Satana, as a lion, roareth and walketh and seeketh whom he may devour. Withstand him then, being confirmed in the faith; and know that upon your brethren also who are in the world, these same sufferings come. But the God of grace, who hath called us to his eternal glory by Jeshu Meshiha, will give to us while we endure these few afflictions to be strengthened, and confirmed, and established in him for ever. To Him be glory and dominion and honour unto the age of ages. Amen.
   These few, as I consider, I have written to you by the hands of Silvanos, a faithful brother; and I persuade and testify, that this is the true grace of Aloha, this wherein you stand.
   The elect church which is in Babel, asketh for your peace, and Markos my son. Salute one another with the holy kiss. Peace be with all of you who are in the Meshiha. Amen.

Finished is the Epistle of Petros the apostle.

7 Vasuru ruchonoith. 8 Rab Roauthö. 9 Or, closely.