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Translation - 1Timothy
PAULOS, an apostle of Jeshu Meshiha, by the commandment of Aloha our
Saviour, and of Jeshu Meshiha our hope; to Timotheos, my true son in the
faith: grace and mercy and peace from Aloha our Father and Jeshu Meshiha our
I requested of thee, when I would go into Makedunia, to remain at Ephesos,
and instruct certain men that they teach not various doctrines, nor throw
themselves (away) upon stories and tales of generations which have no end,1
(but) which rather subserve contentions, and not edification in the faith of
Aloha. But the end 1 of the commandment is love, from a pure heart, and from
a good conscience, and from genuine faith. And from them that have erred,
and have declined to vain words, seeking to become teachers of the law,
while they understand not what they speak, nor that concerning which they
contend. But we know that the law is good, if a man according to the law 2
converse in it; knowing that against the righteous the law is not set, but
against the evil, and rebels, and the wicked, and sinners, and the
dishonest, and those who are not pure, and those who strike their fathers,
and those who strike their mothers, and murderers, and fornicators, and
liers with men, and stealers of the free, and liars, and doers against an
oath and whatever (else) is opposed to the healthful doctrine of the gospel
of the glory of the blessed Aloha, with which I have been intrusted. And I
thank him who hath empowered me, our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, who accounted me
faithful, and constituted me his minister; me, who before was a blasphemer,
and a persecutor, and injurious; but I received mercy, because while
ignorant I did it, without faith. But in me hath abounded the grace of our
Lord, and faith and love which are in Jeshu Meshiha. Faithful is the word,
and worthy of reception that Jeshu the Meshiha came into the world to save
sinners, of whom I am first. But for this he had compassion upon me, that in
me first Jeshu Meshiha might show all long-suffering, as an exhibition 3 for
them who should believe in him unto everlasting life. But to the King who is
eternal, incorruptible, and unseen, who is one Aloha, be honour and glory
for ever and ever. Amen.
This commandment I commit to thee, my son Timotheos, according to the
early 4 prophecies which were concerning thee, that thou mayest war through
them this good warfare with faith and with a good conscience. For those who
this have put away from them of faith have been emptied; as Hymeneos and
Alexandros, whom I have delivered to Satana, that they may not blaspheme.
1 Soko, " design or scope." 2 Or, as of the law. 3 Or, spectacle. 4 Or,
I REQUIRE 5 then from thee, that, before every thing supplication be
offered to Aloha, and prayer and intercession and thanksgiving for all men;
for kings and princes,6 that an habitation quiet and tranquil we may inhabit
in all the fear of Aloha and purity. For this is good and acceptable before
Aloha our Saviour; who willeth that all men should be saved, and turn to the
knowledge of the truth. For one is Aloha, and one is the Mediator of Aloha
and of men; the man Jeshu Meshiha, who gave himself a ransom for every man;
a testimony which cometh in its time, of which I am constituted an herald
and an apostle, I say the truth and lie not, to be a teacher of the nations
in the faith of the truth. I wish then for men to pray in every place,
uplifting their hands purely and without wrath and without disputations. So
also let women with decorous simplicity of apparel, with modesty and with
chastity, adorn themselves, not with braidings, and with gold, and with
pearls, and with fine vestments, but with good works, as becometh women who
profess the fear of Aloha. Let the wife in quietude learn with all
submission: for unto the wife to teach 7 I permit not, neither to be
authoritative 8 over the husband, but to be in quietude. For Adam was formed
first, then Hava; and Adam was not deceived, but the wife was deceived, and
transgressed the commandment. But she is saved by her children, if they
continue in faith, and in love, and in sanctification, and in chastity.
5 Boeno, " I request, entreat." 6 Or, great ones, rurbonee. 7 Lamlophu, to
8 Or, daring.
This saying is faithful, that if a man desire the presbyterate,9 a good
work he desireth. But it behoveth that a presbyter be as that blame be not
found in him; and that he be the husband of one wife; (a man) who is of a
vigilant mind, chaste, and orderly, and a lover of guests, and instructful;
and not a transgressor over wine, nor (one) whose hand hastens to strike;
but he is to be gentle and not contentious, nor a lover of money; and (one
who) ruleth his house well, holding his children in subjection with all
purity. For if his own house he know not to rule well, how is he able to
rule the church of Aloha ? Neither shall his discipleship be recent, lest he
be lifted up, and fall into the judgment of Satana. But it is needful that
he have also a good testimony from those without, that he may not fall into
reproach, and into the net of Satana.
And also the ministers 1 must be pure, not speaking doubly, not inclined
to much wine, nor shall they love unclean gains. But they shall hold the
mystery of the faith with a pure conscience. And these are to be proved
first, and then to minister, being without blame.
Thus also must the woman be chaste, and they shall be vigilant (in their)
minds, and faithful in every thing; and they shall not be accusers. The
ministers 1 shall be (of them) severally who have one wife, and shall rule
each his children and his household well. For they who minister well, a good
degree acquire for themselves, and much openness of face in the faith of
Jeshu Meshiha.
These I write to thee, hoping soon to come to thee; but if I should
delay, that thou mayest know how to converse in the house of Aloha, which is
the church of Aloha the Living, the column and foundation of the truth. And
truly great is this mystery of righteousness,2 which was revealed in the
flesh, and justified by the Spirit, and seen of angels, and preached among
the peoples, and believed in the world, and taken up into glory.
But the Spirit distinctly saith, that in the last times some will remove
from the faith, and will go after deceiving spirits, and after doctrines of
demons. These, with a false appearance, will deceive, speaking a lie, and
seared in their conscience, and prohibiting to marry, and abstaining from
meats, which Aloha created to be used with thanksgiving by them who believe
and know the truth; because every creature of Aloha is good, and nothing to
be abominated, if with thanksgiving it be received; for it is sanctified by
the word of Aloha, and by prayer. These if thou shalt teach thy brethren, a
good minister wilt thou be of Jeshu Meshiha, while thou wilt be enlarged
with words of faith and of the good doctrine which thou hast learned. But
from the foolish stories of old women abstain; and exercise thy soul in
righteousness. For the exercise of the body a little time profiteth; but
righteousness in every thing profiteth, and hath the promise of the life of
this time, and of the future.
9 Kashishutho. 1 M'shamshonee. 2 Kinutho.
FAITHFUL is the saying and worthy is it of reception: for on this account
we labour and are reproached, because we hope in Aloha the Living, who is
the Saviour of all men, and especially of the believers. These teach and
command. And let no man despise thy youth; but be an example to the
believers in word, and in conduct, and in charity, and in faith, and in
purity. Till I come be diligent in reading, and in prayer, and in teaching.
Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee with prophecy,
and the hand-laying 3 of the presbytery. In these meditate, and in them be,
that it may be known to every man that thou goest onward. And take heed to
thyself, and to thy doctrine, and persevere in them; for while these thou
doest, thyself wilt thou save, and them who hear thee.
An elder do not reprimand, but persuade him as a father, and those who
are young as thy brethren, and the elderly women as mothers, and those who
are young as thy sisters, with all purity. The widows honour them who are
widows in truth. And if there be a widow who hath children, or children's
children, let them learn first to do justly for their families, and to repay
the debts (owing) to their parents; for this is acceptable before Aloha. But
she who is truly a widow and solitary (is one) whose hope is in Aloha, and
who persevereth in prayer and in supplication by night and by day. But she
who serveth pleasure is dead while she liveth. These things prescribe to
them, that they be without blame. For if a man hath not care of them who are
his own, and especially of them who are children of the household of faith,
he hath denied the faith, and is worse than those who believe not. Elect,
then, the widow who is not less than sixty years, who hath had one husband,
and who hath the testimony of good works: if she have brought up children,
if she have received guests, if she have washed the feet of the saints, if
she have cheered the afflicted, if she have walked in every gracious work.
But from the widows who are young, withhold (the election); for these become
schismatical 4 against the Meshiha, and seek to marry, and their
condemnation is confirmed, because they have rejected their first fidelity.
They also learn idleness, wandering from house to house; and not only
idleness, but also to multiply words, and to follow vain (pursuits), and to
speak things which they ought not. I will therefore that those who are young
should marry, and bear children, and conduct their households, and not give
to the adversary any occasion to revile. For already have some begun to turn
aside after Satana.
If any believing man or believing woman have widows, let them support
them, that they may not be burden-some on the church, that they who are
widows indeed may have sufficient.
Those presbyters who well conduct themselves 5 shall be worthy of double
honour, especially they who labour in the word and in doctrine. For the
scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox in the treading out; and,
Worthy is the labourer of his hire.
Against a presbyter an accusation receive not, except on the mouth of two
or three witnesses.
Those who sin before all men reprove, that the rest may be afraid.
I attest thee before Aloha and our Lord Jeshu Meshiha and his elect
angels, that thou keep these, (precepts,) and let not thy mind be
pre-occupied by any thing, and do nothing with acceptance of persons.
The hand suddenly on any man lay not, neither participate in others'
sins. Keep thyself in purity. And henceforth water drink not, but wine a
little drink, on account of thy stomach, and on account of thy constant
3 Sim-yado. 4 Metstarin, partic. Ethpa. of Tsero, Scidit, dilaceravit.
5 D'shaphir methdabrin.
THERE are men whose sins are known, and they precede them to the place of
judgment; and there are whose (sins) go after them. So also good men are
known; and those who are otherwise cannot be hid.
Let those who are under the yoke of servitude hold their masters in all
honour, that the name of Aloha and his doctrine be not blasphemed. But let
not those who have believing masters slight them, because they are their
brethren; but serve them the more, because they are believers, and beloved
who are refreshed by their ministry. These things teach and require of them.
But if there be a man who teacheth other doctrine, and who accedeth not to
the healthful words of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, and to the doctrine of the
fear of Aloha, this (is one) who extolleth himself while knowing nothing,
but is infirm with disputation and questioning of words, from which are
envy, and contention, and evil speaking, and supposition in the evil mind,6
and conflicts of men whose minds are corrupt and deprived of the truth, and
who consider that gain is the fear of Aloha. But thou, remove thyself from
them. For our gain is great which is the fear of Aloha, with the use of our
sufficiency.7 For nothing brought we into the world, and we know that
nothing we are able to take from it. Therefore sufficient to us are food and
raiment. 8 But they who will be rich fall into temptations and snares, and
many lusts which befool and injure, and which plunge men into destruction
and perdition. For the root of all evil is the love of money; and there are
who have coveted it, and from the faith have erred, and have made themselves
enter into many sorrows. But thou, O man of God, from these things flee, and
follow after righteousness, and after equity, and after faith, and after
charity, and after patience, and after meekness. And contend in the good
agony of faith, and lay hold of the life which is eternal, unto which thou
art called, and hast confessed a good confession before many witnesses.
6 Masom b'reyono bisho. 7 Bachshachtho demesthan. 8 Or, covering.
I ATTEST thee before Aloha, who vivifieth all, and Jeshu Meshiha, who
witnessed before Pontius Pilatos the good testimony, that thou keep (this)
commandment without spot and without blemish, until the manifestation of our
Lord Jeshu Meshiha, whom in his time will show Aloha the blessed and only
Strong One, the King of kings, and Lord of lords; he who only is
incorruptible, and (who) dwelleth in light which no man can approach; whom
no man of men hath seen, nor is able to see: to him be honour and power for
ever and ever. Amen.
The rich of this world instruct, that they be not uplifted in their
minds, nor be trustful upon riches which have no security, but upon Aloha
the living, who giveth to us all abundantly for our comfort; and that they
perform good works, and become rich in welldoings, and be ready to give and
to communicate, and lay for themselves a good foundation for that which is
to be, that they may lay hold on the true life.
O Timothy, watch over that which is confided to thee, and fly from vain
words,9 and the turnings of false knowledge. For they who pursue it err from
the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.
Finished is the First Epistle to Timotheos, which was written from Laodikia.
9 B'noth kolee serïktho, vain voices.