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Etheridge Translation - Acts



The Book Of The Acts.

I. 1:1

   THE former writing, O Theophilus, I wrote concerning all those (things) which our Lord Jeshu Meshiha began to do and to teach, until that day in which he was taken up, after that he had instructed1 those apostles whom he had chosen by the Holy Spirit: to whom also he showed himself alive, after he had suffered, with many signs, for forty days, appearing to them, and discoursing on the kingdom of Aloha. And when he had eaten bread with them, he directed them that from Urishlem they should not remove; but await the promise of the Father, which, [said he,] you have heard from me. For Juhanon baptized with waters, but you shall be baptized with the Spirit of Holiness after days not many.
   But they when assembled asked him, and said to him, Our Lord, at this time wilt thou restore 2 the kingdom to Israel ? He saith to them, This is not yours to know the time or the times which the Father hath reposed in his own authority: but when the Spirit of Holiness hath come upon you, you shall receive power to be made unto me the witnesses, in Urishlem and in all Jehud, and also among the Shomroyee, and unto the confines of the earth.
   And as these he said, while they beheld him, he was taken up, and the cloud received him, and he was covered from their eyes. And while they looked to the heavens 3 as he went, two men were found standing with them in white vestments; and they said to them, Men, Galiloyee, why stand you looking to the heavens 3 ? this Jeshu who is taken up from you into the heavens will so come as you have seen him ascend into the heavens.
   And afterward they returned to Urishlem from the mount which is called the place of Olives, which is over against Urishlem, and distant from her as seven stadias. And after they had entered, they ascended to that upper room in which were Petros, and Juhanon, and Jakub, and Andros, and Philipos, and Thoma, and Mathai, and Bar Tolmai, and Jakub bar Halphai, and Shemun the Zealous, and Jihuda bar Jakub. These altogether persevered in prayer with one soul, with the women, and with Mariam the mother of Jeshu, and with his brethren.

* The titles vary. That here given is Walton's. 1 Or, commanded. 2 Or, return. 
3 Into heaven._WALTON.

II. 1:15

   AND in those days arose Shemun Kipha in the midst of the disciples;-now there was there an assembly of men as an hundred and twenty;-and said, Men, brethren, it was right for that scripture to be fulfilled which the Spirit of Holiness had before spoken, by the mouth of David, concerning Jihuda, who was the leader of them who took Jeshu. For he had numbered with us, and had part in this ministry. This is he who obtained the field with the wages of sin, and fell upon his face on the ground, and was severed in his middle, and all his bowels were shed forth. And this hath been known of all who dwell in Urishlem; and so is called that field in the language of the country Hakel-damo, the interpretation of which is, A field of blood. For it is written in the book of Psalms:
   Let his habitation be desert,
   And no inhabitant be therein,
   And his ministry let another take.
There needeth therefore one from these men who have been with us in all this time in which our Lord Jeshu hath come in and gone out among us, which went forth from the baptism of Juhanon until the day that he was taken up from (being) with us, to be with us a witness of his resurrection.
   And they set up two: Jauseph, who is called Barshaba, who is surnamed Justus, and Mathia. And praying, they said, Thou, Lord, (who) knowest the hearts of all, show the one whom thou choosest of these two, that he may receive the part in the ministry and the apostleship from which Jihuda separated, to go unto his place.
   And they cast the lots, and it came up unto Mathia; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles.

III. 2:1

   AND when the days of pentecost were fulfilled, while they were assembled all together, there was suddenly from heaven the voice as of a mighty wind, and all that house in which they were sitting was filled with it; and tongues that were divided like fire appeared to them, and sat upon each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began to speak in several tongues as the Spirit gave them to speak.
   But there were men dwelling in Urishlem who feared Aloha; Jihudoyee, from all the peoples who are under heaven. And when that voice was made, the whole people assembled and were perturbed, because every man of them heard as they spoke in their (several) tongues. (And) they were all astonished, and wondered, saying one to another, These all who speak, behold, are they not Galiloyee? How hear we (then) each in his own tongue in which we were born? Parthoyee and Medoyee and Alanoyee, and they who dwell in the Place of Rivers,4 Jihudoyee and Kapadukoyee, and of the region of Pontos and of Asia; and from the land of Phrygia and of Pamphylia and of Metsreen, and the regions of Lybi neighbouring upon Kyrine, and those who come from Rumi, Jihudoyee, and Proselytes, [Gíuree,] and from Krete and Arabia, behold, we hear them speaking in our tongues the wonders of Aloha. But all of them were amazed and admired, saying one to another, Of whom is this thing ? But others mocked them, saying, These have drunk new wine, and are inebriate.
   And afterwards arose Shemun Kipha with the eleven apostles, and lifted up his voice and said to them:
   Men, Jihudoyee, and all who dwell at Urishlem, be this known to you, and hearken to my words. For not as you suppose are these drunken; for, behold, until now are [there but] three hours. But this is that spoken of by Joel the prophet:
   It shall be in the last days, saith Aloha,
   I will pour [out] my Spirit upon all flesh:
   And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, 
   And your youths shall see visions,
   And your elders shall dream dreams:
   And upon the servants and upon the handmaids 
   Will I pour my Spirit in those days;
   And they shall prophesy.
   And I will give signs in heaven, 
   And mighty (deeds) on earth;
   Blood and fire and clouds of smoke:
   The sun shall be turned into darkness, 
   And the moon into blood,
   Before shall come the day of the Lord, great and fearful;
   And every one who shall call [upon] the name 
   Of the Lord shall be saved.

IV. 2:22

   MEN, sons of Israel, hear these words; Jeshu Natsroya, the man who from Aloha appeared with you, with powers and mighty acts, which Aloha wrought among you by his hand, (even) as you know, This, who was separated thereunto by the foreknowledge and by the will of Aloha, you delivered into the hands of the wicked, and crucified and slew. But Aloha raised him, and loosed the bands of Shiul, because it was not possible that he should be holden in Shiul. For David said concerning him,
   I have foreseen my Lord at all time,
   Who is at my right hand that I should not be moved;
   Wherefore my heart is glad,
   And my glory rejoiceth:
   And also my body shall sojourn in hope;
   For thou wilt not leave my soul in Shiul,
   Nor give thy Saint to see corruption.
   Thou wilt reveal to me the way of life,
   Thou wilt fill me with joy with thy presence.

Men, brethren, suffer me to speak openly with you concerning the chief-father David, that he is dead and also buried, and his sepulchre is with us till this day. For he was a prophet, and knew that the oath Aloha had sworn to him,

   Of the fruit of thy loins
   I will cause to sit upon thy throne:

And he foresaw and spake concerning, the resurrection of the Meshiha, that He would not be left in Shiul, nor would his body see corruption. This Jeshu hath Aloha raised, and we all are his witnesses. And he it is who at the right hand of Aloha is exalted, and hath received of the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, and hath shed forth this gift, which, behold, you see and you hear. For David hath not ascended into heaven, because he himself hath said,

   The Lord said unto my Lord,
   Sit thou at my right hand
   Until I place thine adversaries the stool of thy feet.

Assuredly, then, let all the house of Israel know, that Lord and Meshiha hath Aloha made this Jeshu, whom you crucified.

V. 2:37

   AND when they heard, they were pierced in their heart,5 and said to Shemun and to the rest of the apostles, What shall we do, brethren ? Shemun saith to them, Repent, and be baptized, every man of you, in the name of the Lord Jeshu, for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For to you is the promise, and to your children, and to all them who are afar off, whom Aloha himself shall call. And with many other words he testified to them and entreated of them, saying, Save (yourselves) from this perverse generation.
   And some of them eagerly received his word and believed and were baptized, and there were added in that day as three thousand souls. And they were faithful in the doctrine of the apostles, and participated in prayer and in the breaking of the eucharist. And solemnity was on every soul; and many signs and mighty acts were done by the hand of the apostles in Urishlem. And all those who believed were together, and every thing they had was in common. And they who had property sold it, and divided to each according to that which he needed. And every day they continued in the temple with one soul, and in the house they brake the bread, and took their food rejoicing and in the cleanness of their hearts, praising Aloha, (and) given (to be) in favour before all the people. And our Lord added daily them who were saved into the church.

5 Consternavit, permovit animo. Ethpa. Perculsus, permotus, compunctus est.

VI. 3:1

   AND it was that as Shemun Kipha and Juhanon ascended together to the temple at the time of prayer, which is the ninth hour, behold a certain man lame from the womb of his mother, (whom) they carried, who were used to bring and set at the gate of the temple which is called the Beautiful, to beg alms of those who entered into the temple. He, when he saw Shemun and Juhanon entering the temple, prayed of them to give him alms. And Shemun and Juhanon beheld him, and said to him, Regard us. But he regarded them, expecting to receive from them somewhat. Shemun saith to him, Gold and silver I have not, but what I have I give thee: In the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha Natsroya, rise and walk. And he took him by his right hand and raised him: and instantly his feet strengthened and his heels. And he leaped and arose and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and glorifying Aloha. And all the people saw him walking and glorifying Aloha. And they knew that it was he, the beggar, who had sat daily and asked alms at the gate which is called the Beautiful. And they were filled with wonder and astonishment at what had been done.

VII. 3:11

   AND as he held Shemun and Juhanon, all the people ran wondering unto them to the portico which is called Of Shelemun. And when Shemun saw, he answered and said to them,
   Men, sons of Israel, why wonder you at this ? or why gaze you at us, as [though] by power of ours, or by our (own) authority, we had done this, that this (man) should walk ? The God of Abraham, and of Ishok, and of Jakub, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his son Jeshu, him whom you delivered up, and denied before the face of Pilatos, when he had justified (him) and would have released him; but you the Holy and the Just denied, and demanded for you the man the murderer to be given to you. And Him the Prince of life you killed, whom Aloha hath raised from among the dead; and we all are his witnesses. And by faith in his name, this, whom you see and know, he hath strengthened and healed; and faith which is in him hath given to him this soundness before you all. Now, however, my brethren, I know that through delusion you did this, as also did your princes; and Aloha, according to that which he had before proclaimed by the mouth of all the prophets, that his Meshiha should suffer, hath fulfilled this.
   Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, and that the times of repose may come to you from before the presence of the Lord; and he may send to you Him whom he hath ordained for you, Jeshu Meshiha, whom the heavens must receive until the completion of the times of all those which Aloha hath spoken by the mouth of his holy prophets, who (have been) from of old.
   For Musha hath said, A prophet shall the Lord raise up unto you from your brethren, like to me; him hear in all (things) which he shall speak with you. And it shall be that every soul who will not hear that prophet, perish shall that soul from his people. And the prophets, all of them from Shamuel and they who were after him, spake and proclaimed concerning these days. You are the sons of the prophets; and the covenant which Aloha set with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, In thy seed shall be blessed all the generations of the earth, with you from the first he hath established; and Aloha hath sent his Son, blessing you, if you will return and repent of your iniquities.

VIII. 4:1

   AND while they spake these words to the people, the priests, and Zadukoyee, and the governors of the temple, arose against them, being angered against them because they taught the people, and preached through the Meshiha the resurrection from the dead. And they laid upon them hands, and kept them unto the day after, because the evening had drawn nigh.
   And many who heard the word believed; and they were in number as five thousand men.   And the day after, the rulers, and elders, and sophree, assembled, and also Hanan chief of the priests, and Kaiapha, and Juhanon, and Alexandros, and they who were of the race of the chief priests. And when they had made them stand in the midst, they questioned them, By what power, or in what name, have you done this ?
   Then Shemun Kipha was filled with the Spirit of Holiness, and said to them, Rulers of the people, and elders of the house of Israel, hear: If we this day are judged of you concerning the good which has been done to the infirm man, insomuch that he is cured; be this known to you, and to all the people of Israel, that in the name of Jeshu Meshiha Natsroya, whom you crucified, whom Aloha hath raised from among the dead, through this Himself, behold, this (man) standeth before you well. This is the stone which you builders rejected, and he is become the head of the corner. And in no other one 6 is redemption: for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind, by which we must be saved.
   And when they heard the words of Shemun and of Juhanon, which they had confidently spoken, they perceived that they knew not literature and were common-men,7 and wondered at them; and they recognised them, that with Jeshu they had been conversant. And they saw that the lame man who had been healed was standing with them, and they could not say any thing against them. Then they commanded that they should lead them from their assembly, and said one to another, What shall we do with these men ? For, behold, a conspicuous sign which hath been done by their hands to all the inhabitants of Urishlem is known, and we cannot deny. But that this report may not go forth more [widely], we will threaten them that again they shall not speak in This Name to any man.8 And they called them, and commanded them that not at all they should speak and teach in the name of Jeshu.

6 In no other man. 7 Hediutee. 8 To a man of men.

IX. 4:19

   SHEMUN KIPHA and Juhanon answered and said to them, If it be right before Aloha that you we obey rather than Aloha, judge you. For what we have seen and heard we cannot but speak. And they threatened them, and dismissed them; for they could not find cause to lay [a penalty] upon their head,9 because of the people; for every one glorified Aloha for that which had been done. For a son of more than forty years was that man in whom had been wrought this sign of healing.
   And when they were dismissed they came to their brethren, and made known to them whatever the priests and elders had said. And they, when they had heard, with one accord lifted up their voice unto Aloha, and said,
   Lord, thou art God who hast made heaven and earth and the seas, and all that is in them: And thou art he who hast spoken by the Spirit of Holiness in the mouth of David thy servant:

   Why rage the Heathen,
   And the peoples imagine vanity ?
   The kings and powers of the earth arise 
   And counsel together against the Lord, 
   And against his Meshiha.

For verily they are assembled in this city against thy holy Son Jeshu, whom thou hast anointed,-Herodes and Pilatos with the Gentiles and the synagogue of Israel, -to work whatsoever thy hand and thy will have signified before should be done. And now also, Lord, behold and see their threatenings, and give unto thy servants with boldness to preach thy word, while thy hand thou outstretchest unto healings and mighty works which they shall do in the name of thy holy Son Jeshu.
   And as they prayed and supplicated, the place in which they were assembled was moved, and they were all filled with the Spirit of Holiness, and they spake with openness the word of Aloha.

9 Compare chap. xxii. 5, Syriac; and SCHAAF. Lex. in verb.

X. 4:31

   BUT to the assembly of the men who believed there was one soul and one mind; and no man of them said of the goods which he possessed that they were his own, but all whatever they had was in common. And with great power did those apostles testify concerning the resurrection of Jeshu Meshiha, and great grace was with all of them. And no man of them had want; for they who possessed fields and houses sold [them], and brought the prices of whatever was sold and laid at the feet of the apostles, and there was given to each according to that which was needed. But Jauseph, who was entitled Bar Naba by the apostles, which is interpreted, A son of consolation, a Levoya from the Isle of Kypros, had a field, and he sold it, and brought its price and laid before the feet of the apostles.

XI. 5:1

   AND a certain man whose name was Hanania, with his wife whose name was Shaphira, sold a field, and took from its value and concealed, while his wife consented, and brought of it silver and laid before the feet of the apostles. And Shemun said to him,
   Hanania, how hath Satana thus filled thine heart that thou shouldest lie to the Spirit of Holiness, and conceal from the silver of the price of the field ? Was it not thine own until it should be sold ? and when it was sold thou hadst yet power over the price of it. Why hast thou laid up in thy heart to do this thing ? Thou hast not lied unto men, but unto Aloha !
   And when Hanania heard these words he fell and died. And there was great fear upon all those who heard. And they who were young men among them arose and composed1 him, [and] carried him forth and buried him.
   And after there had been three hours, his wife also entered, not knowing what had been done.
   Shemun said to her, Tell me if for these prices you sold the field ?
   But she said, Yes: for these prices.
   Shemun said to her, Why have you agreed to tempt the Spirit of the Lord ? Lo, the feet of the buriers of thy husband are at the door, and they will carry thee out !
   And at once she fell before their feet and died.
   And those young men entered and found her dead, and they laid her out, and brought her forth and buried her by the side of her husband. And there was great fear upon all the church and in all them who heard.

1 Collected or gathered up.

XII. 5:12

   AND by the hand of the apostles were done great signs and mighty works among the people: and all gathered together at the portico of Shelemun. And from the others not a man dared to come near them; but the people magnified them. And the more were they who believed added to the Lord, an assemblage of men and of women; so that into the streets they brought forth the diseased lying on beds, that, when Shemun should come, even his shadow might overshadow them. But there came many to them from the other cities round about Urishlem, bringing the diseased and those who had unclean spirits: and they were healed, all of them.
   And the chief of the priests, and they who were with him, who were of the doctrine of the Zadukoyee, were filled with envy, and they laid hands on the apostles, and apprehended and bound them in the house of the bound. Then in the night the angel of the Lord opened the gate of the house of the bound, and brought them forth, and said to them, Go stand in the temple and speak to the people all these words of salvation. And they went forth in the time of morning, and entered the temple, and taught.
   But the chief of the priests and they who were with him arose (and) convoked their associates and the elders of Israel, and sent to the house of the bound to bring the apostles. And when they who were sent from them went, they found them not (in) the house of the bound; and they returned, and came, and said, We found the house of the bound shut carefully,2 and the keepers standing at the gates: and we opened, but no man found we there. And when the chief priests and rulers of the temple heard these words, they were astounded by them, and reasoned, what this was. And one came and declared to them, Those men whom you shut up in the house of the bound, behold, they are standing in the temple and teaching the people. Then went the rulers with the satellites to bring them, not with violence, for they feared lest the people should stone them; and when they had brought them they made them stand before all the assembly, and the chief of the priests began to say to them,
   Did we not commanding command you, that you should teach no man in this name? But, behold, you have filled Urishlem with your doctrine, and you will to bring upon us the blood of this man !

2 Or, cautiously.

XIII. 5:29

   SHEMUN answered with the apostles and said to them, Aloha must we obey rather than men. The God of our fathers hath raised up Jeshu whom you killed and hanged on the tree. Him hath Aloha constituted a Prince and a Saviour, and elevated him at his right hand, to give repentance and remission of sins unto Israel. And we are witnesses of these words, and the Spirit of Holiness himself, whom Aloha hath given to them who believe in him.
   And when they heard these words they were transported with rage, and were mindful to kill them. And one of the Pharishee arose, whose name was Gamaliel, a doctor of the law, and honoured by all the people, and commanded to take the apostles without a little time. And he said to them, Men, sons of Israel, beware of yourselves, and consider what it behoves you to do concerning these men. For before this time arose Thuda, and said of himself that he was something great, and there went after him four hundred men: and he was slain, and they who went after him were scattered and became as nothing. Afterward arose Jihuda Galiloya in the days when men were enregistered for the head-silver, and tempted much people after him; and he died, and all they who went after him were scattered. And now I say to you, keep aloof from these men, and dismiss them; for if from men be this imagination 3 and this work, it will be dissolved and end; but if it be from Aloha, there is no power in your hands to bring it to an end: lest you should be found to have arisen against Aloha.
   And they were persuaded by him, and called the apostles, and scourged them, and commanded them that they should not teach in the name of Jeshu, and loosed them. And they went out from before them, rejoicing to be worthy for the sake of the Name to be ill treated. And they ceased not daily to teach in the temple, and in the house, and to preach concerning our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.

3 Or, thought.

XIV. 6:1

   AND in those days the disciples being many, the Javnoyee disciples murmured against the Ebroyee because their widows were slighted in the daily ministration. And the twelve apostles called all the assembly of the disciples and said to them, It is not fit that we should leave the word of Aloha, and serve tables. Look out therefore, brethren, and choose seven men from you who have testimony concerning them, and are full of the Spirit of the Lord and wisdom, and we will appoint them over this matter. And we will be constant in prayer, and in the ministration of the word. And this saying was pleasing before all the people; and they chose Estephanos, a man who was full of faith and the Spirit of Holiness; and Philipos, and Prokoros, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmena, and Nikolos, a proselyte of Antiokia. And these they set before the apostles: and while praying they laid upon them the hand.
   And the word of Aloha increased, and the number of the disciples increased in Urishlem greatly: and much people of the Jihudoyee were obedient to the faith. But Estephanos was filled with grace and power, and wrought signs and miracles among the people. And men arose from the congregation which was called Libertinu, Kyrainoyee, and Aleksandroyee, and from Cilicia, and from Asia, and disputed with Estephanos, and were not able to stand against the wisdom and the spirit which spake in him. Then they sent men and instructed them to say, We have heard him speak words of blasphemy against Musha and against Aloha. And they stirred up the people and the elders and the sophree, and came and rose upon him, and carried him away and brought him into the midst of the assembly.

XV. 6:13

   AND witnesses of falsehood arose, and said, This man ceases not from speaking words contrary to the law and against this holy place. For we have heard him say that this Jeshu Natsroya shall destroy this place, and shall change the customs which Musha delivered unto us. And all they who sat in the assembly looked upon him, and saw his face as the face of an angel.
   And the chief of the priests demanded if these (things) were so ? But he said, Men, brethren, and fathers, hear !
   The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham while he was between the rivers, [and while] he had not yet come to dwell in Charan, and said to him, Go forth from thy country and from (being) with the sons of thy family, and come to the land that I will show thee. Then went forth Abraham from the land of the Kaldoyee, and came and dwelt in Charan: and from thence, his father being dead, Aloha caused him to pass into this land in which you dwell to-day. And (yet) he gave him no inheritance in it, nor a place of the feet, but he promised to give it to him for an heritage to himself and to his seed, while as yet he had not a son. And Aloha spake with him, telling him that his seed should be a sojourner in a strange land, and that they would enslave and ill-treat them four hundred years. And the nation whom they will serve (in) bondage will I judge, saith Aloha: and afterward they shall come forth and serve me in this place. And he gave to him the covenant of circumcision. And then begat he Ishok, and circumcised him on the eighth day, and Ishok begat Jakub, and Jakub begat our twelve fathers. And these our fathers were incited against Jauseph, and sold him into Mitsreen. And Aloha was with him: and he delivered him from all his afflictions, and gave him grace and wisdom before Pherun king of Mitsreen, and he appointed him prince over Mitsreen, and over all his house.

XVI. 7:11

   AND there was a famine and great affliction in all Mitsreen, and in the land of Kenaan, and our fathers had nothing to satisfy them. And when Jakub heard that there was corn in Mitsreen, he sent forth our fathers before. And when they had gone the second time, Jauseph made himself known to his brethren, and the family of Jauseph were made known unto Pherun. And Jauseph sent and brought his father Jakub and all his family, and they were in number seventy and five souls. And Jakub went down into Mitsreen and died there; he and our fathers. And he was removed to Shechem, and laid in the sepulchre that Abraham bought with silver from the B'nai Chamur.
   And when was come the time of that which Aloha promised with an oath unto Abraham, the people had multiplied and increased in Mitsreen until another king had arisen over Mitsreen, who knew not Jauseph, and he dealt fraudulently against our kindred, and shamefully entreated our fathers, and commanded that their children should be cast away,4 that they might not live. In that time Musha was born, and was beloved of Aloha, and was brought up three months in the house of his father. And when he was outcast from his people, the daughter of Pherun found him, and brought him up unto her for a son. And Musha was instructed in all the wisdom of the Mitsroyee, and was excellent in words (and) also in deeds. And when he became a son of forty years, it arose upon his heart to visit his brethren the sons of Israel. And he saw one of the sons of his tribe treated with violence, and he avenged him, and did him justice, and he killed the Mitsroya who had offended him and hoped that his brethren, the sons of Israel, would understand that Aloha by his hand would give them deliverance; but they understood not. And the day after he appeared to them while they strove one with another: and he persuaded them to be pacified, saying, Men, you are brethren; why offend you one the other? But he who had offended his neighbour removed himself from him, and said to him, Who appointed thee over us a prince and a judge? Seekest thou to kill me as thou killedst the Mitsroya yesterday ? And Musha fled at that word, and became a sojourner in the land of Median, and there were to him two sons.

4 Or destroyed.

XVII. 7:30

   AND when forty years were there fulfilled to him, there appeared to him in the desert of Mount Sinai the angel of the Lord in a flame that burned in a bush. And while Musha looked, he wondered at the sight. And as he drew near to gaze, the Lord spake to him with the voice: I am the God of thy fathers, the God of Abraham and of Ishok and of Jakub. And Musha, trembling, dared not look upon the sight. And the Lord said to him, Loose thy sandals from thy feet: for the ground on which thou standest is holy. Seeing I have seen the affliction of my people who [are] in Mitsreen, and his groaning I have heard, and I have descended that I may deliver them. And now come, I will send thee into Mitsreen.
   This Musha whom they denied, when they said, Who appointed thee over us a prince and a judge ? this, sent Aloha unto them a prince and a deliverer by the hand of the angel who appeared to him at the bush. This brought them out, when he had wrought signs and wonders and mighty deeds in the land of Mitsreen, and at the Sea of Suph, and in the desert forty years.

XVIII. 7:37

   THIS is that Musha, who said to the sons of Israel, A Prophet will Aloha the Lord raise up unto you from your brethren, like me; him shall you hear. This is he who was with the congregation in the desert, with the angel himself who spake with him and with our fathers at the mountain of Sinai; and he it was who received the words of life to give (them) to us. And our fathers willed not to give heed to him, but left him, and in their hearts turned back to Mitsreen, saying to Aharun, Make us alohee that may go before us, because this Musha, who brought us forth from the land of Mitsreen, we know not what is become of him. And he made them the calf in those days, and they sacrificed sacrifices to idols, and were delighted with the work of their hands. And Aloha turned, and delivered them up to be worshippers of the hosts of heaven; as it is written in the book of the prophets,

   Forty years in the desert
   Victims or sacrifices did you offer to me, 
   Sons of Israel ?
   But you took up the tabernacle of Malkum, 
   And the star of the god of Raphan,
   Images you have made to worship them; 
   I will remove you beyond Babel.

XIX. 7:44

   BEHOLD, the tabernacle of testimony of our fathers was in the desert, as He who spake with Musha had commanded to make it after the pattern which he had seen. And this tabernacle also our fathers bringing brought in with Jeshu to the land which Aloha had given to them, an inheritance from those peoples whom he had expelled from before them, and it was carried until the days of David; who found favour before Aloha, and asked to find a tabernacle for the God of Jakub. But Shelemun builded the house. But the Most High dwelleth not in the work of hands, as saith the prophet,

   Heaven is my throne,
   And earth the footstool beneath my feet:
   What house will you build me ? saith the Lord: 
   Or what is the place of my rest ?
   Hath not my hand made all these ?

   O, hardened of neck and uncircumcised in your hearts and in your hearing, you at all times against the Spirit of Holiness stand up; as your fathers, so you also. For which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted and slain? they who before announced the coming of the Righteous; him whom you delivered up and slew. And you have received the law by the precept of angels. and have not kept it.

XX. 7:54

   AND when they heard these they were filled with wrath in themselves, and they gnashed their teeth upon him. And he, being full of faith and of the Spirit of Holiness, looked up to heaven, and saw the glory of Aloha, and Jeshu standing at the right hand of Aloha. And he said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing at the right hand of Aloha. And they cried with a high voice, and stopped their ears, and rushed upon him, all of them, and seizing they brought him out of the city and stoned him. And they who witnessed against him laid their garments before the feet of a certain young man named Shaol. And they stoned Estephanos, (he) praying and saying, Our Lord Jeshu, receive my spirit. And kneeling down, he cried with a high voice, and said, Our Lord, let not this sin arise against them. And when this he had said, he slept. But Shaol willed to take part in his killing. And there was made in those days a great persecution against the church that was in Urishlem; and they were all dispersed in the country of Jihud and also among the Shomroyee, excepting only the apostles. And faithful men laid Estephanos in his tomb, and mourned over him greatly.

XXI. 8:3

   BUT Shaol persecuted the church of Aloha, going to the houses, and drawing men and women delivered them to the house of the bound. And they who were dispersed went about and preached the word of Aloha. But Philipos descended to a city of the Shomroyee, and preached concerning the Meshiha. And when they heard his word, the men who were there attended to him, and were persuaded of all that he said: for they saw the signs that he wrought. For many whom unclean spirits possessed cried with a high voice, and they came out from them; and others, palsied and lame, were healed: and great joy was in that city.
   But a certain man was there whose name was Simon, who had dwelt in that city much time, and with his sorceries had deceived the people of the Shomroyee, magnifying himself, and saying, I am the Great.5 And all inclined to him, great and small, and said, This is the great Power of Aloha. And they were persuaded by him, because that much time by his sorceries he had astonished them. But when they believed Philipos, who evangelized the kingdom of Aloha in the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, they were baptized, men and women. And Simon also himself believed, and was baptized, and adhered to Philipos. And when he saw the signs and great works which were done by his hands, he wondered and was astonished.

5 Ano 'no Rabo.

XXII. 8:14

   AND when the apostles who were at Urishlem heard that the people of the Shomroyee had received the word of Aloha, they sent to them Kipha and Juhanon. And they went down and prayed for them, that they might receive the Spirit of Holiness: for he was not upon one of them yet; but they were only baptized in the name of our Lord Jeshu. Then they laid upon them the hand, and they received the Spirit of Holiness.
   And when Simon saw that by the hand-laying of the apostles the Spirit of Holiness was given, he offered to them silver, saying, Give also to me this power, that he on whom I shall lay the hand may receive the Spirit of Holiness. Shemun Kipha said to him, Thy silver go with thee into perdition, because thou thoughtest that the gift of Aloha with the possessions of the world might he obtained. Thou hast neither part nor lot in this faith, because thine heart hath not been right before Aloha. Nevertheless, repent of this thy wickedness, and pray of Aloha, that the guile of thy heart may haply be forgiven thee; for in bitter gall and in the bonds of iniquity I see that thou art. Simon answered and said, Pray you on my behalf, of Aloha, that not any of these things which you have spoken may come upon me.
   But Shemun and Juhanon, when they had testified and taught the word of Aloha, returned to Urishlem, and evangelized in many villages of the Shomroyee.

XXIII. 8:26

   AND the angel of the Lord spake with Philipos, and said to him, Arise, go to the south, in the desert way which goeth down from Urishlem to Gaza. And arising he went. And there met him a certain eunuch 6 who had come from Cush, an officer of Kandak, queen of the Cushoyee; and he was officer over all her treasure. And he had been to worship at Urishlem; and while returning that he might go, he sat in the chariot and read in Eshaia the prophet.
   And the Spirit of Holiness said to Philipos, Approach, and join the chariot. And being near, he heard that he read in Eshaia the prophet; and he said to him, Understandest thou what thou readest ?
   And he said, How can I understand, unless one teach me ? And he prayed of him, of Philipos, to ascend and sit with him.
   But the section (phosuka) of the scripture in which he was reading is this:

   As a lamb to the slaughter was he led;
   And as a sheep before the shearer is silent,
   So opened not he his mouth in his humiliation.
   From oppression and from judgment was he led; 
   And his age who shall recount ?
   For his life is taken from the earth.

   That eunuch said Unto Philipos, I pray thee, of whom speaketh this the prophet ? of himself, or of another man ?
   Then Philipos opened his mouth and began, from that very scripture, preaching to him concerning our Lord Jeshu.
   And as they went in the way they came to a certain place which had water in it, and that eunuch said, Behold the water; what is the hinderance that I should be baptized ? 7 And he commanded that the chariot should stand; and they descended both of them to the water, and Philipos baptized that eunuch.
   And when they had ascended from the water, the Spirit of the Lord rapt away Philipos, and the eunuch again saw him not; but he went on his way rejoicing. But Philipos was found at Azotos, and from thence he itinerated and evangelized in all the cities until he came to Cesarea.

6 Mahaimna, " a faithful or confidential one."  7 Verse 37 is wanting in the Peschito.

XXIV. 9:1

   BUT Shaol was yet full of threatenings and murderous wrath 8 against the disciples of our Lord. And he demanded letters from the chief priests which he should give at Darmsuk to the synagogues, that if he found (any) who walked in this way, men or women, he might bind and bring them to Urishlem.
   And as he went and began to come nigh to Darmsuk, suddenly there shone forth upon him a light from heaven; and he fell upon the earth, and heard a voice which said to him, Shaol, Shaol, why persecutest thou me ? It is hard to thee to kick against the pricks.
   He answered and said, Who art thou, my Lord ?
   And our Lord said, I am Jeshu Natsroya, whom thou persecutest; but arise, go into Darmsuk, and there it will be spoken with thee concerning what thou must do.
   And the men who went with him in the way stood astonished, because the voice alone they heard, but a man was not seen by them. And Shaol arose from the earth, and could not see any thing when his eyes were opened. And they took him by his hand and brought him into Darmsuk; and he saw not for three days, neither did he eat or drink.
   But there was in Darmsuk a certain disciple whose name was Hanania. And the Lord said to him in a vision,
   And he said, Behold me, my Lord.
   And our Lord said to him, Arise, go to the street which is called the Straight, and inquire in the house of Jihuda for Shaol, who is from Tarsos the city. For, behold, while praying, he hath seen in a vision a man whose name is Hanania, who entered and laid upon him the hand that his eyes might be opened.
   And Hanania said, My Lord, I have heard from many concerning this man, of how much evil he hath brought upon thy saints in Urishlem. And behold, here also he hath authority from the chief priests to bind all those who invoke thy name.
   And the Lord said to him, Arise, go; for a vessel is he to me, chosen to bear my name to the nations, and to kings, and to the house of the sons of Israel. For I will show him what he is to suffer on account of my name.
   Then Hanania went to the house unto him, and he laid upon him the hand, and said to him, Shaol, my brother, our Lord Jeshu hath sent me; He who appeared to thee in the way while thou wast coming, that thine eyes may be opened, and thou mayest be filled with the Spirit of Holiness. And instantly there fell from his eyes something which was like to scales; and his eyes were opened, and, arising, he was baptized. And he took food and was strengthened, and was (certain) days with those disciples who were in Darmsuk. And at once he preached in the synagogues of the Jihudoyee concerning Jeshu, that he is the Son of Aloha. And all they who heard him wondered, and they said, Is not this he who persecuted all those who call upon this name in Urishlem ? And behold, also, hither upon the self-same (object) was he sent to bind and take them to the chief priests.

8 Wrath of slaughter.

XXV. 9:22

   BUT Shaol was the more strengthened, and moved those Jihudoyee who dwelt at Darmsuk, while he showed that this is the Meshiha. And when days were many to him there, the Jihudoyee wrought treachery against him to kill him. But their treachery was showed to Shaol, which they sought to do to him; and that they kept the gates of the city day and night to kill him. Then the disciples set him in a pannier, and dismissed him from the wall by night. And he went to Urishlem, and willed to be attached to the disciples. And all of them were afraid of him, and believed not that he was a disciple. But Bar Naba took him and brought him to the apostles, and recounted to them how in the way he had seen the Lord, and what he had spoken with him; and how in Darmsuk with boldness he had spoken in the name of Jeshu. And he went in with them and went out in Urishlem. And he spake in the name of Jeshu with boldness, and disputed with those Jihudoyee who knew Greek; 9 but they were wishful to kill him. And when the brethren knew, they brought him by night to Cesarea, and from thence sent him to Tarsos. Nevertheless, in the church which was in Jihud, and in Galila, and Shomreen, there was peace, while (it) was edified; and going forward in the fear of Aloha, and in the consolation of the Spirit of Holiness, was multiplied.
   And it was that while Shemun itinerated among the cities, he went down also to the saints who dwelt in Lud the city. And he found a certain man whose name was Ania, who had lain upon a bed paralyzed eight years. And Shemun said to him, Ania, Jeshu Meshiha healeth thee; arise, and make thy bed. And instantly he arose. And all who dwelt in Lud and in Sarona saw him, and turned to Aloha.

9 Javanith.

XXVI. 9:36

   BUT there was a certain disciple in Joppa the city, whose name was Tabitha. This was rich in good works and in alms which she had done. But she became afflicted in those days, and died. And they washed her and laid her in an upper room. And the disciples heard that Shemun was in Lud the city, because it is over against Joppa, and they sent to him two men, who should pray of him not to delay to come among them. And Shemun arose and went with them. And when he was come, they brought him up to the upper room, and assembled (and) stood around him all the widows, weeping, and showing him those vestments and mantles which Tabitha had given them, while living. But Shemun put forth all the men without, and fell upon his knees and prayed; and he turned towards the corpse and said Tabitha, arise.1 And she opened her eyes; and when she beheld Shemun, she sat. And he reached his hand and raised her, and called the saints and widows, and gave her to them living. And this was known to all the city, and many believed in our Lord. And he was in Joppa days not a few, sojourning in the house of Shemun the tanner.

1 Tabitha Kumi.

XXVII. 10:1

   BUT in Cesarea was a certain man, a centurion, whose name was Cornelius, of the cohort which was called the Italic. And he was just, and feared Aloha, he and all his house: he did much alms among the people, and in all time prayed of Aloha. This saw an angel of Aloha in a vision manifestly about the ninth hour of the day, who came in to him, and said to him, Cornelius !
   And he beheld him, and feared, and said, What, my Lord ? And the angel said to him, Thy prayers and thy alms have ascended for a memorial before Aloha. And now send men to Joppa the city, and bring Shemun who is called Kipha: behold, he sojourneth in the house of Shemun the tanner, which is hard by the sea.
   And when the angel who had spoken with him had gone, he called two from the sons of his house, and a certain soldier who feared Aloha (and) who was obedient to him; and he made known to them every thing he had seen, and sent them to Joppa.

XXVIII. 10:9

   AND the day after while they went on the way, and drew nigh to the city, Shemun ascended to the roof to pray, at the sixth hour. And he hungered, and desired to eat: and while they were preparing for him, there fell upon him an entrancement, and he saw the heavens opened, and a certain vessel bound at the four corners, and like to a great sheet, and it was let down from heaven upon the earth: and in it were all animals of four feet, and reptiles of the earth, and fowls of the heaven. And a voice came to him, which said, Shemun, arise, slay, and eat.
   And Shemun said, Not so, my Lord: for never have I eaten any thing that is profane 2 and unclean.
   And again the second time was to him, Those (things) which Aloha cleanseth make not thou profane. 2
   This was three times done: and the vessel was elevated to heaven. And while Shemun wondered in himself for what (was) the vision he had seen, those men came who had been sent by Cornelius, and inquired for the house where Shemun sojourned, and they came and stood at the gate of the court. And they called there, and inquired, whether Shemun who was called Kipha there sojourned.
   And while Shemun thought on the vision, the Spirit said to him, Behold, three men seek thee: arise, descend and go with them, not being divided in thy mind: for I have sent them. Then Shemun descended to those men, and said to them,
   I am he whom you seek: what is the occasion on which you have come?
   They said to him, A certain man whose name is Cornelius, a centurion, who feareth Aloha, and of whom all the people of the Jihudoyee give witness, hath been told in a vision by an holy angel to send and bring thee to his house, and to hear words from thee.
   And Shemun brought them in, and received them while they tarried; and he arose the day after, and went forth, and proceeded with them; and certain of the brethren of Joppa went with them. And the next day they entered Cesarea: but Cornelius was waiting for them, while all the sons of his family, and the friends and beloved ones whom he had, were assembled with him.

2 Or, polluted.

XXIX. 10:25

   AND when Shemun entered Cornelius met him, and fell and worshipped at his feet. And Shemun raised him, and said to him, Arise, I also am a man. And while speaking with him he entered, and found many who had come thither. And he said to them,
   You know that it is not lawful for a man a Jihudoya to attach to a foreign man who is not a son of his tribe. But me hath Aloha showed that I should not declare any man unclean or profane. Wherefore I the more diligently came when you sent for me. But I ask you, on what account you have sent for me ?
   And Cornelius said to him, Four days are unto this from when, behold, I am fasting; and at nine hours, while praying in my house, a certain man stood before me clothed in white. And he said to me, Cornelius, thy prayer is heard, and thy alms have made memorial before Aloha. But send to Joppa the city, and bring Shemun who is called Kipha; behold, he abideth in the house of Shemun a tanner, which is by the sea; and he will come and speak with thee. And immediately I sent to thee, and thou hast well done to have come. And, behold, we are all before thee, and desire to hear every thing that hath been commanded thee by Aloha.

XXX. 10:34

   BUT Shemun opened his mouth, and said, In truth I comprehend that Aloha is no respecter of persons: but in all nations whoever feareth him and worketh righteousness is accepted of him. For (this is) the word which he hath sent to the sons of Israel, and hath announced to them peace and repose through Jeshu Meshiha,-this is the Lord of all. And you also know by the word which hath been in all Jihud (which began) from Galila after the baptism which Juhanon preached, concerning Jeshu who was of Natsrath, whom Aloha anointed with the Spirit of Holiness and with power: he who went about and healed those who were worn out with evil, because Aloha was with him. And we are his witnesses of all which he did in the land of Jihud and of Urishlem. This (one) himself did the Jihudoyee hang upon the tree and kill; and him did Aloha raise up on the third day, and gave him to be seen openly; yet not to all the people, but to us who by Aloha were chosen to be unto him the witnesses, who ate with him and drank after his resurrection from among the dead. And he commanded us to preach and to testify to the people that this is he who hath been separated by Aloha (to be) the Judge of the living and of the dead. And of him all the prophets testify, that whoever believeth in his name shall receive remission of sins.
   And while Shemun spake these words the Spirit of Holiness overspread all who heard the word. And the circumcised brethren who had come with him were astonished and amazed, because upon the Gentiles also the gift of the Spirit of Holiness was poured out. For they heard them speaking with tongues; and they magnified Aloha. And Shemun said, Can any one forbid waters that they should not be baptized, they who, behold, have received the Spirit of Holiness as well as we ? Then he commanded them to be baptized in the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. And they prayed of him to remain with them (certain) days.
   And the apostles and brethren who were in Jihud heard that the Gentiles also had received the word of Aloha.

XXXI. 11:2

   AND when Shemun had gone up to Urishlem, they who were of the circumcision contended with him, saying, that unto men uncircumcised he had entered, and had eaten with them. And Shemun put forth in order to say to them, That while praying in Joppa I saw a vision; a certain vessel descended which was like to a sheet, and bound at the four corners: and it came down from heaven and came unto me. And gazing at it I beheld in it animals of four feet, and reptiles of the earth, and fowls of the heaven. And I heard a voice which said to me, Shemun, arise, slay, and eat. And I said, Not so, my Lord; for nothing hath entered my mouth that is unclean or profane.3 And again the voice said to me from heaven, What Aloha hath cleansed make not thou to be polluted. This was done three times, and every thing was taken up into heaven.
   And at that moment three men, who had been sent to me by Cornelius from Cesarea, came and stood at the gate of the court where I was sojourning. And the Spirit said to me, Go with them without doubting. And there went also with me these six brethren, and we entered into the man's house. And he related to us how he had seen in his house an angel, who stood and said to him, Send to the city Joppa, and bring Shemun who is called Kipha, and he will speak with thee words by which thou wilt be saved, thou and all thy house. And when I proceeded to speak there, the Spirit of Holiness overshadowed them, as upon us from the beginning. And I remembered the word of our Lord, who said, Juhanon baptized you with waters, but you shall be baptized with the Spirit of Holiness. If then Aloha equally hath given the gift to the Gentiles who have believed in our Lord Jeshu Meshiha as we, who was I, that I should be sufficient to prohibit Aloha ?
   And when these words they had heard they were silent, and they praised Aloha, and said, Now also unto the Gentiles Aloha hath given repentance unto life.

3 Or, polluted.

XXXII. 11:19

   BUT they who had been dispersed by the tribulation that was concerning Estephanos went unto Punika, also to the region of Kypros and to Antiokia, but with any one not speaking the word unless only with the Jihudoyee. But of them were men of Kypros and of Kyrine; these entered into Antiokia, and discoursed with the Javnoyee, and evangelized concerning our Lord Jeshu. And the hand of the Lord was with them, and many believed, and were converted unto the Lord. And this was heard by the ears of the sons of the church which was at Urishlem, and they sent Bar Naba to Antiokia. And when he came thither, and beheld the grace of Aloha, he rejoiced, and entreated them with all their heart to cleave to our Lord. For he was a good man, and full of the Spirit of Holiness and of faith, and there was added much people to our Lord. And he went forth to Tarsos to seek for Shaol; and when he had found him he brought him with him to Antiokia. And a whole year together they assembled in the church, and taught much people: from thence first in Antiokia the disciples were called Christianee.
   And in those days there came from Urishlem thither prophets. And one of them arose whose name was Agabos: and he made known to them by the Spirit that a great famine would be in all the land. And that famine was in the days of Claudios Caesar. Therefore the disciples, according as each of them had, determined to send for the service of those brethren who dwelt in Jihud; and they sent by the hand of Bar Naba and Shaol to the presbyters who were there.

XXXIII. 12:1

   BUT at that time Herodes the king, he who was surnamed Agripos, stretched forth hands upon some who were in the church, to ill-treat them. And he killed with the sword Jakub the brother of Juhanon. And when he saw that this pleased the Jihudoyee, he added to apprehend also Shemun Kipha. And they were the days of the Phatiree.4 And he apprehended him and cast him into the house of the bound, and delivered him to sixteen soldiers to keep him, that after the Petscha he might deliver him to the people of the Jihudoyee. And while Shemun was kept in the house of the bound, constant prayer was offered by the church on his behalf unto Aloha.
   And in that night of the coming morning when he should be delivered up, while Shemun slept between two soldiers, and bound with two chains, and the others were watching the gates of the house of the bound, the angel of the Lord stood over him, and light shined in all the house. And he smote him on his side, and said to him, Arise quickly. And the chains fell from his hands. And the angel said to him, bind thy loins, and put on thy sandals. And he did so. And again he said to him, Wrap thy mantle, and come after me. And he went forth, and came after him; not knowing that what was done by the hand of the angel was reality, for he thought that he saw a vision. And when he had passed the first and second guard, they came to the gate of iron, and it was opened to them of its own accord.5 And when they went forth and had passed one street, the angel departed from him.
   Then acknowledged Shemun, and said, Now know I in truth that the Lord hath sent his angel, and hath delivered me from the hand of Herodes the king, and from that which the Jihudoyee had calculated against me.
   And when he had understood, he came to the house of Mariam the mother of Juhanon, he who is surnamed Markos; because many brethren were assembled there and praying. And he knocked at the gate of the court, and there came forth to answer him a damsel whose name was Roda. And she knew the voice of Shemun; and for joy she opened not the gate, but returned with running, and said to them, Shemun, behold, stands at the gate of the court. And they said to her, Thou art altogether moved. And she contended that it was so. And they said, It may be that it is his angel. And Shemun knocked at the gate; and they went forth, and seeing him they were astonished. And he beckoned to them with his hand to be silent; and entered, and showed them how the Lord had brought him out from the house of the bound. And he said to them, Show these to Jakub and to the brethren; and he departed and went to another place.
   And when it was morning there was made a great tumult among the soldiers concerning Shemun, what was become of him ? But Herodes when he inquired and found him not, condemned the guards, and commanded that they should die. And he went forth from Jihud and came to Cesarea. And because he was angry with the Tsuroyee and with the Tsaidonoyee, they gathered together and came to him by persuasion of Blestos the chamberlain of the king, and prayed of him that peace should be to them, because the sustenance of their country was from the kingdom of Herodes.
   But upon a public day Herodes was clothed with the robe of royalty, and sat upon the tribunal, and he discoursed to an assembly. But all the people exclaimed, and said, These are the words 6 of a god, and not of a man. And on this account, because he gave not the glory to Aloha, in that hour the angel of the Lord smote him, and he was corroded with worms, and died.
   And the gospel of Aloha was proclaimed, and was great.

4 See the Gospels, page 384. 5 From the will of itself. 6 Benoth kolee, " voices."

XXXIV. 12:25

   BUT Bar Naba and Shaol returned from Urishlem to Antiokia after they had accomplished their ministry; and they took with them Juhanon who was called Markos. But there were in the church of Antiokia prophets and teachers, Bar Naba and Shemun who was called Niger, and Lukios who was from the city of Kyrene, and Manael, a fosterbrother of Herodes Tetrarka, and Shaol. And as they fasted and supplicated Aloha, the Spirit of Holiness said to them, Separate to me Shaol and Bar Naba for the work to which I have called them. And after they had fasted and prayed, they laid upon them the hand, and dismissed them. And they, being sent by the Spirit of Holiness, went down to Selukia, and from thence proceeded by sea to Cyprus. And when they had entered the city Salamina, they preached the word of our Lord in the congregations of the Jihudoyee, and Juhanon ministered to them. And when they had itinerated through the whole island unto the city Paphos, they found a man, a certain sorcerer, a Jihudoya, who was a false prophet, whose name was Bar Shuma. This adhered to a wise man who was proconsul, and was called Sergius Paulos. And the proconsul called Shaol and Bar Naba and requested to hear from them the word of Aloha. But this sorcerer, Bar Shuma, whose name interpreted is Elymos, stood against them, because he desired to avert the proconsul from faith. But Shaol, he who is called PAULOS, was filled with the Spirit of Holiness, and beheld him, and said, O full of all deceits and all wickednesses, thou son of the devil, and adversary of all righteousness, ceasest thou not to pervert the right ways of the Lord ? And now the hand of the Lord is upon thee, and thou shalt be blind, and not see the sun until the time. And in the hour there fell upon him obscurity and darkness, and he went about asking some one to hold him by the hand. But when the proconsul saw what had been done, he wondered, and believed in the doctrine of the Lord.

XXXV. 13:13

   BUT Paulos and Bar Naba went on by sea from the City Paphos, and came to Perga, a city of Pamphylia; and Juhanon separated from them, and went to Urishlem. But they went forth from Perga, and came to Antiokia, the city of Pisidia. And they entered the synagogue, and sat on the day of shabath. And after the law and the prophets had been read, the presbyters of the synagogue sent to them, and said, Men, brethren, have you a word of exhortation to say to the people ? And Paulos arose, and signed with his hand, and said to them:
   Men, sons of Israel, and those who fear Aloha, hearken! The God of this people elected our fathers, and exalted and magnified them, when they were sojourners in the land of Metsreen, and with uplifted arm brought them out therefrom And he nourished them in the desert forty years. And he destroyed seven nations in the land of Canaan, and gave them their land an inheritance. And four hundred and fifty years he gave them judges, until Shamuel the prophet; and then prayed they for themselves a king; and Aloha gave to them Shaol-bar-Kish, a man of the tribe of Benjamin, forty years. And he took him, and raised unto them David the king, and testified of him, and said, I have found David, the son of Jeshai, a man according to my heart; he will perform all my will. From the seed of this (man) the God of Israel, as he had promised, raised up Jeshu the Redeemer. And he sent Juhanon to proclaim before his coming the baptism of repentance to the whole people of Israel. And while Juhanon accomplished his ministry, he said, Whom think you that I am ? I am not (he), but, behold, he cometh after me, he, the latchet of whose sandals I am not worthy to unloose.

XXXVI. 13:26

   MEN, brethren, sons of the race of Abraham, and they among you who fear Aloha, unto you is sent the word of life. For they, the inhabitants of Urishlem and their princes, have not consented thereto, nor also to the writings of the prophets which are read on every shabath; but condemned him, and accomplished all that was written. And while they found not any cause of death, they requested Pilatos that they might kill him. And when they had fulfilled every thing that was written concerning him, they took him from the cross, and laid him in a sepulchre. But Aloha raised him from among the dead. And he was seen days many by those who had come up with him from Galila to Urishlem, and they are now his witnesses unto the people. And we also, behold, we preach to you that that promise which was made to our fathers, behold, Aloha hath fulfilled it to their children, (in) that he hath raised up Jeshu; as it is written in the second psalm,

   Thou art my Son;
   This day have I begotten thee.

And thus did Aloha raise him from among the dead, that again he should not return thither to see corruption; as he had said,

   I will give you the sure grace of David.

And again he hath said in another place,

   Thou hast not given thy Saint to see corruption.

For David in his generation served the will of Aloha, and slept, and was added to his fathers, and saw corruption. But This whom Aloha raised saw no corruption. Know then, brethren, that through This himself is preached to you the remission of sins; and from all (from) which we could not by the law of Musha be justified, through This all who believe are justified. Beware, then, lest there come upon you that which is written in the prophets:

   Behold, despisers, and wonder, and perish:
   For a work I work in your days
   Which you will not believe if one should declare it to you.

And when they had gone out from among them, they besought of them that the next shabath they would speak to them these words. And when the congregation was dissolved, many Jihudoyee went after them; and also the proselytes who worshipped Aloha. And they discoursed (with) and persuaded them to cleave to the grace of Aloha.

XXXVII. 13:44

   AND on the next shabath the whole city gathered to hear the word of Aloha. And when the Jihudoyee saw the great assemblage, they were filled with envy, and arose against the words which Paulos spake, and blasphemed. But Paulos and Bar Naba said to them openly, To you it behoved first to speak the word of Aloha; but because you repel it from you, and determine against yourselves that you are not worthy of eternal life, behold, we turn to the Gentiles. For so hath our Lord commanded, as it is written,

   I have set thee a light to the Gentiles,
   To be for salvation to the ends of the earth.

And when the Gentiles heard, they rejoiced and glorified Aloha; and they believed who were disposed 7 unto eternal life. And the word of Aloha was spoken in all that region. But the Jihudoyee excited the principal men of the city and [certain] rich women, who with them feared Aloha, and raised a persecution against Paulos and against Bar Naba, and cast them out from their bounds. And as they went forth, they shook off against them the dust of their feet; and they came to Ikanon, a city. And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Spirit of Holiness.
   And they came and entered into the synagogue of the Jihudoyee, and so spake with them as that many believed of Jihudoyee and of Javanoyee. But Jihudoyee, of those who were not persuaded, excited the Gentiles to ill-treat the brethren. But they much time were there, and openly discoursed concerning the Lord; and He testified of the word of his grace by the signs and the wonders which he wrought by their hands. And all the society of the city was divided: of them some were with the Jihudoyee, and of them (some) adhered to the apostles. But there was made a movement by the Gentiles and by the Jihudoyee and their chiefs to maltreat them, and to crush them with stones. And when they knew, they passed away, and escaped to the cities of Lykania, Lystra, and Derbe, and the villages which surround them, and there evangelized.

7 Or, set unto.


   AND a certain man dwelt in the city of Lystra who was afflicted in his feet, lame from the womb of his mother, (and) who had never walked. This heard Paulos discourse. And when Paulos saw him, and knew that there was faith in him to be saved, he said to him with a high voice, To thee I say, in the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, Stand upon thy feet. And leaping, he stood and walked. And the assembly of the people, when they saw what Paulos had done, lifted up their voice in the language of the country, and said, Gods in the likeness of men have come down unto us. And they named Bar Naba, lord of the gods ;8 and Paulos, Hermis, because he was foremost in discourse. And the priest of the lord of the gods, who was without the city, brought oxen and garlands to the gates of the court of the place where they dwelt, and willed to sacrifice to them. But Bar Naba and Paulos, when they heard, rent their garments, and sprang up, and came out to the crowd. And they cried, and said, Men, what do you ? We also are children of men liable to sufferings like you, (and) who preach to you that from these vanities you should turn unto Aloha the living, who made heaven and earth, and the seas, and all that is in them: who in former generations left all nations to walk in ways of their own; yet leaving not himself without witness, while he did them good from heaven, and sent down rain, and multiplied the fruits in their times, and filled with food and gladness their hearts. And when these they had said, they scarcely restrained the people that some one should not sacrifice to them.
   But there came thither Jihudoyee from Ikanon and from Antiokia, and stirred up against them the people; and they stoned Paulos, and dragged him out of the city, because they thought that he was dead. And the disciples gathered to him, and, arising, he entered the city.

8 Mare Alohee.

XXXIX. 14:20

   AND the day after he went forth from thence with Bar Naba, and came to Derbe the city. And when they had preached to the sons of the city, they discipled many. And they returned and came to Lystra the city, and to Ikanon, and to Antiokia, confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to persevere in the faith. And they said to them, that through much tribulation it behoveth to enter the kingdom of Aloha.
   And they constituted for them in all the churches presbyters, having fasted with them and prayed, and commended them to our Lord in whom they had believed.
   And when they had gone through the country of Pisidia, they came to Pamphylia, and when they had preached in the city Perga the word of the Lord, they went down to Atalia, and from thence voyaged by sea and came to Antiokia, because from thence they had been commended to the grace of the Lord for the work which they had accomplished.
   And when all the church had convened, they recounted every thing which Aloha had done with them, and that he had opened the door of the faith unto the Gentiles. And much time were they there with the disciples.
   But men from Jihud came down and taught the brethren, If you be not circumcised after the custom of the law, you cannot be saved. And there were great agitation and disputation for Paulos and Bar Naba with them; and it was that Paulos and Bar Naba, and others with them, went up to the apostles and presbyters who were in Urishlem on account of this question. And conducting, the church dismissed them; and they went through all Punika, and also among the Shomroyee, declaring the conversion of the Gentiles; and they caused great joy unto all the brethren.

XL. 15:4

   AND when they came to Urishlem, they were received by the church, and by the apostles, and by the presbyters. And they recounted to them how much Aloha had done with them; but (that) certain had arisen who had believed from the doctrine of the Pharishee, and said, It behoved you to circumcise them, and require them to keep the law of Musha. But the apostles and presbyters assembled to consider this doctrine. And when there had been much investigation, Shemun arose, and said to them,
   Men, brethren, you know that from the first days from my mouth did Aloha choose that the Gentiles should hear the word of the gospel and believe. And Aloha, who knoweth what is in the hearts, testified of them, and gave them the Spirit of Holiness, as to us. And nothing distinguished between us and them, because he had purified by faith their hearts. And now why tempt you Aloha, that you would lay a yoke upon the necks of the disciples, which nor our fathers nor we could bear? But by the grace of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, we believe that we shall be saved, as they.
   And all the assembly were silent. And they listened to Paulos and Bar Naba, who related how Aloha had done by their hands signs and mighty works among the Gentiles.

XLI. 15:13

   AND after they were silent, Jakub arose, and said, Men, brethren, hear me: Shemun hath related to you how Aloha hath begun to elect from the Gentiles a people to his name. And with this accord the words of the prophets; as when it is written,

   After these I will return,
   And raise the dwelling of David which hath fallen;
   And I will build that which hath fallen from it,
   And will raise it up:
   That the residue of men may seek the Lord,
   And all the Gentiles, on whom my name is called,
   Saith the Lord, who doeth all these.

Known from eternity are the works of Aloha. On this account I say, that we should not molest those who from the Gentiles have been converted unto Aloha; but that we send to them, that they shall separate from the uncleanness of (idol) sacrifice, and from fornication, and from the strangled, and from blood. For Musha from former generations in all cities hath had preachers in the synagogues who on all shabaths read him.
   Then the apostles and presbyters, with all the church, elected men from them, and sent to Antiokia with Paulos and Bar Naba Jihuda, who was called Bar Shaba, and Shilo, men who were chief among the brethren.

XLII. 15:23

   AND they wrote an epistle by their hands, thus:
   The apostles and presbyters and brethren, to those who are in Antiokia and in Syria and in Cilicia, the brethren who are of the Gentiles; peace.
   It hath been heard by us, that men from us have gone forth and disturbed you with words, and have subverted your souls by saying, that you should be circumcised and observe the law, whom we have not commanded. On account of this we have deliberated, all being assembled, and have chosen men and sent them to you, with Paulos and Bar Naba, our beloved; men who have delivered their lives for the sake of the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. And we have sent with them Jihuda and Shilo, that by word they may tell you the same things.
   For it hath been the will of the Spirit of Holiness, and also of us, not to lay upon you greater burden beyond these things which are constraining; that you abstain from that which hath been sacrificed (to idols), and from blood, and from that which is strangled, and from fornication; and while you keep yourselves from these, you will be well. Be confirmed in our Lord.
   Now they who were sent came to Antiokia, and they assembled all the people and gave the epistle. And when they had read, they rejoiced and were comforted. And by the word the brethren were the more strengthened, and Jihuda and Shilo established them because they were prophets also. And when they had been there a time, the brethren dismissed them with peace unto the apostles.9

9 Some Greek MSS. read here, " Notwithstanding, it pleased Silas to abide there still."

XLIII. 15:35

   BUT Paulos and Bar Naba remained in Antiokia, and taught and preached, with many others, the word of Aloha. And after (certain) days Paulos said to Bar Naba, Let us return and visit the brethren in every city in which we have preached the word of Aloha, and see what they do. But Bar Naba willed to take Juhanon, he who is surnamed Markos. But Paulos willed not to take him with them, because he had forsaken them when they were in Pamphylia, and had not come with them. On account of this contention they separated one from the other; and Bar Naba took Markos, and they went by sea and came to Cypros. But Paulos chose for him Shilo, and went forth commended by the brethren to the grace of Aloha. And he went through Syria and Cilicia, confirming the churches. And he came to Derbe the city, and to Lystra.

XLIV. 16:1

   BUT a certain disciple was there whose name was Timotheus, the son of a certain Jihudoytha, a believer, and his father an Aramoya. And all the disciples who were of Lystra and Ikonia testified concerning him. This Paulos willed to take with him; and he took and circumcised him because of the Jihudoyee who were in the place; for they all knew his father that he was an Aramoya.
   And when they had gone into the cities they preached and instructed them to keep those statutes which the apostles and presbyters who were in Urishlem had written. So were the churches confirmed in the faith, and multiplied in number every day. But they went through the countries of Phrygia and Galatia; and the Spirit of Holiness forbad them, that they should not preach the word of Aloha in Asia. And when they came to the region of Mysia they willed to go from thence to Bithynia; and the Spirit of Jeshu permitted them not.

XLV. 16:8

   AND when they had gone forth from Mysia they came to the region of Troas. And in a vision of the night, Paulos saw as a certain man, a Makedonoia, who stood and besought him, saying, Come unto Makedunia and help me. But when Paulos had seen this vision, he immediately willed to go forth to Makedunia, for he understood that our Lord called us to evangelize them. And we went from Troas and proceeded directly to Samuthracia, and from thence the day after we came to Neapolis the city, and from thence to Philippos, which is the head of Makedunia, and is a colony. But we were in that city certain days. And we went out on the day of shabath without the gate of the city to the bank of the river, because there was seen a house of prayer; and sitting down we discoursed with the women who assembled there. And a certain female, a seller of purple, who feared Aloha, her name was Lydia, of Theatira the city, (was there,) whose heart our Lord opened, and she heard that which Paulos spake. And she was baptized, she and the sons of her house. And she besought us and said, If it be that you truly think that I have believed in our Lord, come, remain in my house; and she constrained us much.

XLVI. 16:16

   AND it was while we went to the house of prayer, a certain damsel met us in whom was a spirit of divination, and she had produced her lords much gain by her divination. And she came after Paulos and after us, and cried and said, These men are the servants of Aloha the Most High, and announce to us the way of salvation. And this she did many days. And Paulos was indignant, and said to that spirit, I command thee in the name of Jeshu Meshiha to come out of her. And in that hour it came out. And when her lords saw that the hope of their gain had gone from her, they laid hold on Paulos and Shilo and drew them to the public place, and brought them unto the prefects and to the chiefs of the city, and said, These men are troubling our city, because they are Jihudoyee, and are preaching to us those rites which it is not permitted us to receive and perform, because we are Rumoyee. And a great gathering assembled against them. Then the prefects rent their vestments, and commanded to scourge them. And when they had scourged them much, they cast them into the house of the bound, and commanded the keeper of the house of the bound to keep them watchfully. But he, having received this command, brought in and shut them in the inner house of the house of the bound, and fastened their feet in the stocks. And in the dividing of the night, Paulos and Shilo prayed and glorified Aloha, and the chained-ones heard them. And suddenly there was a great trembling, and the foundations of the house of the bound trembled, and at once the doors of all were opened, and the chains of all were loosened. And when the keeper of the house of the bound awoke, and saw that the doors of the house of the bound were open, he took a sword and sought to kill himself, because he thought that the chained-ones had fled. And Paulos cried with a high voice and said to him, Do thyself no harm, for we are all here. And he kindled for himself a lamp, and sprang, and came, perturbed, and fell at the feet of Paulos and of Shilo: and he brought them without, and said to them, My lords, what behoveth me to do that I may be saved? And they said to him, Believe in our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. And they spoke with him the words of the Lord, and with all the sons of his house. And in the same hour of that night, he took and washed them from their stripes, and was forthwith baptized, and all the sons of his house. And he took and brought them up into his house, and set for them the table, and exulted, he and the sons of his house, in the faith of Aloha. And when it was morning the prefects sent to the bearers of rods to say to the chief of the house of the bound, Loose those men.

XLVII. 16:36

   AND when the chief of the house of the bound heard, he entered and spoke that word to Paulos, that the prefects have sent that you might he dismissed; and now go forth (and) proceed in peace.
   Paulos saith to him, They scourged us in the eyes of the world, (we) being innocent, (and) Roman men, and threw us into the house of the bound; and now would they bring us forth secretly ? No, indeed, but they shall come and bring us out.
   And the bearers of rods went and told the prefects these words which had been spoken to them. And when they heard that they were Rumoyee, they feared. And they came to them, and besought them to come forth and depart from the city. And when they had gone forth from the house of the bound, they entered with Lydia, and there saw the brethren, and consoled them. And they went forth and passed by Amphipolis and Apolonia, cities, and came to Thessalonika, where was a synagogue of the Jihudoyee.

XLVIII. 17:2

   AND Paulos entered, as his custom was, with them, and three shabaths spoke to them from the scriptures, expounding, and showing, That Meshiha was to suffer and to rise from the house of the dead, and he is Jeshu the Meshiha whom I preach to you. And men of them believed and adhered to Paulos and Shilo, and many of the Javnoyee who feared Aloha, and distinguished women not a few. And the Jihudoyee envied, and joined to them evil men from the public place of the city, and made a great multitude, and conturbed the city. And they came and stood at the house of Jason, and demanded that they should bring them out from thence and deliver them to the multitude. And when they could not find them there, they drew Jason and the brethren who were there, and brought them to the chiefs of the city, crying, These are they who have troubled the whole land; and behold again have they come here; and their receiver is this Jason; and all these against the commands of Cesar are risen, in saying that there is another king, Jeshu. And the chiefs of the city and all the people were troubled when they heard these things; and they took pledges from Jason and also from the brethren, and then dismissed them. But the brethren immediately in that night dismissed Paulos and Shilo unto Beroa the city; and when they were come thither they entered into the synagogue of the Jihudoyee: for more noble1 were those Jihudoyee who were there than those Jihudoyee who were in Thessalonika; and they heard from them the word daily with joy, while they decided from the scriptures whether these things were so. And many of them believed, and so also of the Javnoyee, men many, and distinguished women. And when those Jihudoyee who were of Thessalonika knew that the word of Aloha was preached by Paulos in Beroa the city, they came there also, and ceased not to move and trouble the people. And the brethren dismissed Paulos that he should go down by sea; and Shilo and Timotheos remained in that city.

1 Or, free.

XLIX. 17:15

   AND they who accompanied Paulos came [with him] unto Athinos the city; and when they departed from the midst of it they took from him an epistle to Shilo and Timotheos, that they should speedily come to him. But he, Paulos, while he waited in Athinos, was embittered in his spirit, (for he) saw how the whole city was filled with idols. And he spake in the synagogue with the Jihudoyee, and with those who worshipped Aloha, and in the public place with those who met there daily; and the philosophers also who were of the doctrine of Epikuros, and others who were called Estoiku, disputed with him. And some of them said, What willeth this accumulator of words ? And others said, He preaches foreign gods; because Jeshu and his resurrection he preached unto them. And they took him and brought him to the house of judgment which is called Arios-pagos, saying to him, Can we know what this new doctrine is which thou art preaching? for thou sowest foreign words in our hearing, and we desire to know what these things are. But all the Athinoyee, and those foreigners who are there, of no other thing are careful, but to say and to hear something new.

L. 17:22

   AND as Paulos stood on Arios-pagos he said, Men of Athinos, I observe you that in all (things) you exceed in the worship of demons. As I walked about and saw the place of your worship, I found a certain altar on which was inscribed, To GOD THE HIDDEN: him then whom while not known you worship, This I declare to you. For ALOHA who made the world and all that is in it, and is himself the Lord of heaven and of earth, in temples made with hands resideth not. Neither is he served by the hands of men, nor needeth he any thing, for it is he who giveth to every man life and soul. And of one blood hath he made the whole world of men to dwell upon the face of all the earth, and he hath distinguished the times by his decree, and set the limits of the dwelling of mankind, that they should seek Aloha and inquire, and from his creatures find himself, because he is not far from every one of us. For in him we live, and are moved, and are; as also one of your sages hath said,

   From him is our descent.

Men, therefore, whose descent is from Aloha, should not think that gold or silver or stone sculptured by the art and skill of man is like the Divinity.2 For the times of error Aloha hath made to pass away; and in this time he commandeth all men, that every man in every place should repent; because he hath set a day in which he will judge the whole earth in righteousness by that Man whom he hath ordained; and he will convert every man to the faith of him in having raised him from among the dead.
   And when they heard of resurrection from among the dead, (some) of them mocked, and (some) of them said, At another time we will hear thee concerning this. And so Paulos went forth from among them. And certain of them adhered to him and believed: but one of them was Dionosios of the judges of Arios-pagos, and a certain woman whose name was Damaris, and others with them.

2 Alohutha.

LI. 18:1

   AND when Paulos had gone forth from Athinos, he came unto Kurinthos. And he found there a certain man, a Jihudoya, whose name was Akilos, who was from the country of Pontos, (and) who at that time had come from the country of Italia, himself and Priskila his wife, because Klaudios Cesar had commanded that all the Jihudoyee should go out from Ruma; and he drew near to them: (and) because he was a son of their art, he dwelt with them and wrought with them: but in their art they were tentmakers. And he discoursed in the synagogue every shabath, and persuaded the Jihudoyee and the Heathens. And when from Makedunia Shilo and Timotheos had come, Paulos was constrained in his speech, because the Jihudoyee arose against him and blasphemed, while he testified to them that Jeshu is the Meshiha. And he shook his garments and said to them, From now I am clean: I go unto the Gentiles. And he went forth from thence, and entered into the house of a man named Titos, who worshipped Aloha; and his house adjoined the synagogue. And Krispos, master of the synagogue, believed in our Lord, he and all the sons of his house. And many of the Kurinthoyee heard and believed in Aloha, and were baptized.
   And the Lord said in a vision unto Paulos, Fear not, but speak and be not silent; for I am with thee, and no man can do thee harm; and I have much people in this city. But he abode a year and six months in Kurinthos, and taught them the word of Aloha.

LII. 18:12

   AND when Galion was proconsul of Akaia, they gathered together against Paulos, and brought him before the tribunal, saying, This (man) part from the law persuadeth men to worship Aloha. And when Paulos sought to open his mouth and speak, Galion said to the Jihudoyee, If it were concerning some thing of evil, or of wickedness, or of abomination, you would complain, O Jihudoyee, it would be proper for me to receive you; but if they be questions concerning language and names, and concerning your law, let them be known among yourselves; for I am not willing to be a judge of these matters. And he drove them from his tribunal. And all the Heathens seized Sosthenis the presbyter of the synagogue, and beat him before the tribunal. And Galion was careless of these. And when Paulos had been there many days, he gave the salutation to the brethren, and proceeded by sea to go to Syria: and Priskila and Akilos went with him, when he had shaved his head at Kankreos, because he had vowed a vow. And they came to Ephesos.
   And Paulos entered the synagogue and discoursed with the Jihudoyee; and they requested of him to tarry with them; and he was not willing; for he said, It behoveth me faithfully to perform the feast which cometh at Urishlem; and if Aloha willeth, I will come again to you.
   And Akilos and Priskila he left at Ephesos; and he voyaged by sea and came to Cesarea: and he went up and wished the peace of the sons of the church, and went unto Antiokia. And when he had been there certain days, he went forth and itinerated successively through Phrygia and Galatia, confirming all the disciples.
   And a certain man whose name was Apolu, a Jihudoya, who was by family of Aleksandria, and erudite in speech, and accurate in the scriptures, came to Ephesos. This was discipled in the way of the Lord, and was fervid in spirit, and he spake and taught freely concerning Jeshu, while knowing not any thing but the baptism of Juhanon. And he began boldly to speak in the synagogue. And when Akilos and Priskila heard him, they brought him to their house, and fully showed to him the way of the Lord. And when he willed to go to Akaia, the brethren were careful of him, and wrote to the disciples to receive him. And when he had gone he helped much, through grace, all the believers. For he disputed forcibly against the Jihudoyee before the assemblies, while he showed from the scriptures concerning Jeshu, that he is the Meshiha.

LIII. 19:1

   AND while Apolu was in Kurinthos, Paulos itinerated through the upper countries unto Ephesos; and he asked those disciples whom he found there, Have you received the Spirit of Holiness from [the time] that you believed ?
   They answered and said to him, It hath not been heard by us whether there be the Spirit.
   He saith to them, And into what were you baptized ?
   They said, Into the baptism of Juhanon.
   Paulos saith to them, Juhanon baptized the people with the baptism of repentance, saying that they should believe in him who was coming after him, who is Jeshu Meshiha.
   And when they heard these (words), they were baptized in the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. And Paulos laid on them the hand, and the Spirit of Holiness came upon them, and they spake with tongues, and prophesied. But all the men were twelve.
   And Paulos entered the synagogue, and discoursed boldly three months, and persuaded concerning the kingdom of Aloha. And men of them were obdurate, and contended, and reviled the way of Aloha, before the assembly of the people. Then Paulos removed and separated from them the disciples, and every day discoursed with them in the school of a man whose name was Tyranos. And this was done two years, until all who dwelt in Asia, Jihudoyee and Aramoyee, had heard the word of the Lord. And great power-works wrought Aloha by the hand of Paulos; so that they brought even from the garments that were upon his body napkins or wrappings, and laid them upon the sick, and the diseases went from them; and demons also went forth.

LIV. 19:13

   BUT men, Jihudoyee, also, who went about and adjured demons, willed to adjure in the name of our Lord Jeshu over those who had unclean spirits, saying, We adjure you in the name of Jeshu whom Paulos preacheth. There were seven sons of a man, a certain Jihudoya, chief of the priests, whose name was Skeva, who did this. And that evil demon answered and said to them, Jeshu I acknowledge, and Paulos I know; but who are you ? And the man in whom was the evil spirit sprang upon them, and was strong against them, and threw them, and they, naked and wounded, fled from that house. And this was known to all the Jihudoyee and Aramoyee who dwelt in Ephesos: and fear fell upon them all, and the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha was exalted. And many of those who believed came and acknowledged their sins, and confessed whatever they had done. Many also of the magicians collected their writings and brought and burned them before all men; and they reckoned the price of them, and it ascended to silver five myriads. And thus with great power prevailed and increased the faith of Aloha.
   But when these were fulfilled, Paulos set in his mind to itinerate throughout all Makedunia and Akaia, and to go into Urishlem. And he said, When I shall have gone thither, it behoveth me Ruma also to see. And he sent two men of those who ministered to him to Makedunia, Timotheos and Aristos; but he remained a time in Asia.

LV. 19:23

   BUT there was made at that time a great tumult on account of the way of Aloha. For there was a certain worker of silver there whose name was Dimitrios, who made shrines of silver of Artemis, and he produced for the sons of his art great gains. This (man) assembled all the sons of his art and those who wrought with them, and said to them, Men, you know that all our merchandise is from this work; and you also hear and see, that not only the sons of Ephesos, but also many of all Asia, this Paulos persuadeth, and hath perverted them, saying, that there be no gods which by the hands of men are made. And not only is this business defamed and brought to an end, but also the temple of Artemis the great goddess is reputed as nothing, and she also, the goddess of all Asia, and (whom) all the nations worship, is despised. And when they heard these (words) they were filled with wrath; and they cried, and said, Great is Artemis of the Ephesoyee. And the whole city was perturbed, and they ran together and came to the theatre; and seizing, they led with them Gaios and Aristarkos, men of Makedunia, companions of Paulos.

LVI. 19:30

   AND Paulos willed to enter the theatre, and the disciples restrained him. And the chiefs of Asia, because they were his friends, sent, praying of him not to deliver 3 himself by going into the theatre. But the crowd who were in the theatre were greatly commoved, and others cried other things; for many of them knew not on what account they were assembled. But the people of the Jihudoyee who were there appointed of them a man a Jihudoya, whose name was Aleksandros; and when he stood (forth) he signed that he would apologize to the people. And when they knew that he was a Jihudoya, all of them cried with one voice, as two hours, Great is Artemis of the Ephesoyee! And the chief of the city stilled them, saying, Men, Ephesoyee, who is there of mankind who knoweth not that the city of the Ephesoyee is a votaress of the great Artemis, and of her image which descended from heaven? Therefore, since no man can contradict this, it behoves you to be silent, and to do nothing in haste. Yet have you brought these men who have neither spoiled temples nor blasphemed our goddess. But if this Dimitrios and the sons of his craft have strife with any man, behold, the proconsul is in the city, (and) there are officers: let them go nigh and judge one with another. And if you require other (procedure), in the place which is given by the law for an assembly it shall be resolved. For now also are we standing in peril of being accused as disturbers, because we cannot make excuse for the concourse of this day, inasmuch as we have met uselessly, and have made a tumult without cause. And when these he had said, he dissolved the assembly.
   And after the tumult had stilled, Paulos called the disciples and consoled them and kissed them, and going forth went unto Makedunia. And when he had itinerated those regions, and had consoled them with many words, he came into the country of Hales,4 and was there three months. But the Jihudoyee wrought treachery against him, when he was about to go into Syria, and had thought to return into Makedunia. And (there) went forth with him into Asia Supatros who was from Berula, the city; and Aristarkos and Sakundos, who (were) from Thessalonika; and Gaios, who was from Derbe the city; and Timotheos, who was from Lystra; and from Asia, Tukikos and Trophimos. These went before us, and waited for us in Troas. But we went forth from Philipos, a city of the Makedunoyee, after the days of the Phatiree, and voyaged by sea and came to Troas in five days, and there were we seven days.

3 Or, give his life. 4 Quasi dicat, HELLAS, Greece.

LVII. 20:7

   AND on the first day in the week, when we were assembled to break the eucharist, Paulos discoursed with them, because the day following he was to depart; and he prolonged his discourse until the dividing of the night. And there were many lamps of fire in the high-room 5 where we were assembled. And a certain youth whose name was Eutikos sat in a window and heard. And he had sunk into a heavy sleep while Paulos prolonged his discourse, and in his sleep he fell from the third floor, and was taken up as dead. And Paulos descended, and fell upon him and embraced him, and said, Be not agitated, for his life is in him. When he had gone up, he broke bread and tasted, speaking with them until the morning arose; and then went he forth to proceed by land. And they brought the young man alive, and rejoiced over him greatly.
   But we went down to the ship, and voyaged to the port 6 of Thesos, because there we were to receive Paulos, for thus he had instructed us, while he himself would proceed by land. But when we had received him from Thesos, we took him up into the ship and came to Mitylene. And from thence the day after we voyaged over against Kios the island, and again the day after we came to Samos; and we tarried at Trogalium, and the day after we came to Militos: for Paulos had decided with himself to pass by Ephesos, that he might not be hindered there, because he hastened, that, if it were possible, on the day of the Pentecost in Urishlem he might work.

5 B'elitho. 6 Portus. But Tremellius, G. Faber, Buxtorf, and Trostius say, Caetus, congregatio. Schaaff seems to prefer caetus.

LVIII. 20:17

   AND from Militos he sent to bring the presbyters of the church of Ephesos; and when they came to him, he said to them:
   You know, that from the first day that I entered Asia, how I was with you all time, serving Aloha in much lowliness and with tears, and in those temptations which passed upon me through the devices of the Jihudoyee. Neither neglected I any thing that was profitable for your souls, that I might preach to you and teach in public places and in houses, while I testified to Jihudoyee and to Aramoyee concerning repentance that is toward Aloha, and faith which is in our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. And now I, bound in the Spirit, go to Urishlem; not knowing what I shall know in her. Nevertheless, the Spirit of Holiness in every city testifieth to me and saith, that bonds and afflictions are for me. But by me my life is reckoned nothing, so that I may accomplish my course, and the ministry I have received from our Lord Jeshu, to bear witness concerning the gospel of the grace of Aloha.
   And now, I know that again my face you will not see, you, all, among whom I have gone about, preaching to you the kingdom of Aloha. I testify to you this very day, that I am pure from the blood of you all. For I have not shunned to make known to you all the will of Aloha.
   Take heed therefore to yourselves, and to the whole flock over which the Spirit of Holiness hath constituted you the bishops; to pasture the church of the Meshiha which he hath purchased with his blood. For I know that after I shall have gone, there will enter with you furious wolves which will not spare the flock. And also from you, of yourselves, will men arise speaking perverse things to turn away disciples to go after them. On account of this be watchful, and remember, that for three years I ceased not by night and by day with tears to instruct every one of you.
   And now I commend you to Aloha, and to the word of his grace, who is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance with all the saints. Silver, or gold, or raiment have I not coveted; and you know to the necessity of myself, and of those who are with me, these hands have ministered. And I have shown you every thing, (that) so it behoveth to labour, and to be careful of those who are infirm, and to remember the word of our Lord Jeshu, that he said, He is blessed who giveth, more than he who receiveth.
   And when these he had said, he kneeled on his knees and prayed, and all the men with him. And there was a great weeping with all of them, and they embraced him and kissed him; but most agonized (were they) by that word which he had spoken, that again they were not to see his face. And they accompanied him to the ship.
   And we separated from them and voyaged directly unto Ko the island, and the day after we came to Rodos, and from thence to Patara; and we found there a ship which was going to Punike, and we ascended into her and voyaged. And coming near Kypros the island, we left it on the left hand and came unto Syria, and thence came we to Tsur: for there was the ship to relieve from her burden. And having found disciples there, we sojourned with them seven days. And these said daily unto Paulos in the Spirit, That he should not go unto Urishlem. And after those days we departed to go on the way. And they accompanied us, all of them, they and their wives and their children, till without the city, and kneeled upon their knees on the sea shore, and prayed. And we kissed one another, and we ascended to the ship, and they returned to their homes. But we voyaged from Tsur, and came to Aku the city, and gave the salutation to the brethren who were there, and abode among them one day. And the day after we departed and came to Cesarea; and we entered and abode in the house of Philipos the preacher, he who was of the seven. And he had four virgin daughters who prophesied. And when we had been there many days, there came down from Jihud a certain prophet whose name was Agabos. And he came in to us, and took the loins'-girdle of Paulos, and bound his own feet and his hands, and said, Thus saith the Spirit of Holiness, So the man the master of this girdle will the Jihudoyee bind in Urishlem; and they will deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles. And when we heard these words, we and the sons of the place entreated of him not to go unto Urishlem.

LIX. 21:13

   THEN answered Paulos and said, What do you, weeping and bruising my heart? For not to be bound only am I prepared, but also to die in Urishlem, for the sake of the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. And when he would not be persuaded by us, we desisted, and said, The will of our Lord be done.
   And after those days we prepared and went up to Urishlem. And there went with us men, disciples, from Cesarea, who conducted with them a certain brother of the first disciples whose name was Mnason, and he was from Kypros, to receive us into his house. And when we were come to Urishlem, the brethren received us joyfully.
   And the day following we entered with Paulos to Jakub, while all the presbyters were with him. And we gave them salutation.7 And Paulos recounted to them in order what Aloha had done among the Gentiles by his ministry. And when they heard, they glorified Aloha.
   And they said to him, Thou seest, our brother, how many myriads there are in Jihud who believe, and all of them are zealous for the law. But it hath been said to them of thee, that thou teachest all the Jihudoyee who are among the Gentiles to remove from Musha; telling them that they should not circumcise their sons, nor walk in the customs of the law. On this account, when they hear that thou art come hither, do that which we tell thee. We have four men who have a vow to be purified. Take them, and go, purify with them, and lay out upon them the expenses, that they may shave their heads; and it will be known to every man that what hath been said against thee is false, and that thou fulfillest and keepest the law. Concerning those of the Gentiles who believe, we wrote that they should keep themselves from sacrifices, and from fornication, and from the strangled, and from blood.   Then Paul took those men the day after, and was purified with them. And he entered and went into the temple, making known to them the fulfillment of the days of the purification, so that an oblation might be offered for each man of them.
   And when the seventh day was come the Jihudoyee who were from Asia saw him in the temple, and stirred up against him all the people. And they lifted their hands against him, crying out, and saying, Men, sons of Israel, help ! This is the man who contrary to our people teacheth every where, and contrary to the law, and against this place. And also Aramoyee hath he brought into the temple, and profaned this holy place. For they had before seen with him Trophimus the Ephesian in the city, and supposed that with Paulos he had entered the temple. And the whole city was commoved, and all the people assembled, and they laid hold of Paulos, and dragged him without from the temple; and instantly the gates were shut.
   And while the multitude sought to kill him, the tribune 8 of the cohort heard that the whole city was agitated. And forthwith took he a centurion and many soldiers and ran upon them; and when they saw the tribune and the soldiers, they desisted from beating Paulos. And the tribune drew near and took him, and commanded them to bind him with two chains. And he asked concerning him who (he was), and what he had done ? And men from the crowd cried against him variously, and because of their crying he was not able to know what was the truth; and he commanded that they should lead him to the fortress. And as Paulos came to the stairs the soldiers carried him, on account of the violence of the people: for after him was much people; and they cried, and said, Away with him !
   And as they came to enter into the fortress, Paulos himself said to the tribune, May I be permitted to speak to the people ?
   But he said to him, Javanith knowest thou? Art thou not that Metsroya who before these days stirred up and led forth into the waste four thousand men workers of evils ?
   Paulos said to him, I am a man a Jihudoya from Tarsos of Cilicia, an illustrious city in which I was born: I pray you permit me to speak to the people.
   And when he had permitted him, Paulos stood upon the stairs, and signed to them with his hand; and when they had ceased, he spoke to them in Hebrew, and said to them,
   Brethren and fathers, hear the defence which I make to you. And when they heard that Hebrew he was speaking with them, the more they ceased; and he said to them, I am a man a Jihudoya; and I was born in Tarsos of Cilicia, but was brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, and instructed perfectly in the law of our fathers. And I was zealous for Aloha, even as all of you are also. And this way I persecuted unto the death, while I bound and delivered to the house of the bound both men and women; as the chief of the priests can testify of me, and all the elders, that from them I received letters to go to the brethren who were in Darmsuk, that also them who were there I should bring to Urishlem bound, that they might be fined. And as I went, and began to approach Darmsuk in the dividing of the day, suddenly from heaven there shone upon me a great light, and I fell upon the earth, and heard a voice, which said to me, Shaol, Shaol, why persecutest thou me ? But I answered and said, Who art thou, my Lord ? And he said to me, I am Jeshu Natsroya, whom thou persecutest ! And the men who were with me saw the light, but the voice they understood 9 not which spake with me. And I said, What shall I do, my Lord ? And he said to me, Arise, go into Darmsuk, and there shall it be told thee of whatever it is commanded thee to do. And while I could not see because of the glory of that light, they who were with me took me by my hands, and I entered Darmsuk. And a man, one Hanania, righteous in the law, as the Jihudoyee who were there testified of him, came to me, and said to me, Shaol, my brother, open thine eyes. And in a moment my eyes were opened, and I beheld him. And he said to me, The God of our fathers hath appointed thee to know his will, and to see that Just One, and to hear the voice from his lips, that thou mayest be a witness to all men of all that thou hast seen and heard. And now why delayest thou ? Arise, baptize, and be washed from thy sins, while thou callest his Name.
   And being returned, I came hither to Urishlem. And I prayed in the temple. And I saw him in a vision, when he said1 to me, Hasten, and remove thee from Urishlem: for they will not receive thy testimony concerning me. And I said, My Lord, they know also how I delivered to the house of the bound, and smote in all the synagogues, those who have believed in thee. And when the blood of thy martyr Estephanos was shed, I also stood with them, and fulfilled the will of his murderers, and kept the garments of them who stoned him. And he said to me, Go: for I send thee far away to preach to the Gentiles.
   And when they had heard Paulos until this word, they lifted up their voice, and cried, Take from the earth one like this; for he ought not to live. And as they shouted and cast their garments and threw dust to the heaven, the tribune commanded that he should be brought into the fortress, and commanded him to be questioned by scourging, that he might know for what cause they cried against him. And as they exposed him with thongs, Paulos said to the centurion who stood near him,
   Is it allowed you to scourge a Roman man who is not condemned ? And when the centurion heard, he approached the tribune, and said to him, What doest thou ? For this is a Roman man.
   And the tribune approached him, and said to him, Tell me, art thou a Roman ?
   He said to him, Yes.
   The tribune answered, and said to him, I with much money purchased the Roman-right.2
   Paulos said to him, But I was born in it.
   And immediately those who had sought to scourge him desisted from him; and the tribune feared when he learned that he was a Roman, because he had bound him.

7 Shaloma. 8 Kiliarka. 9 Lit. " heard." 1 Or, saying. 2 Rumoiutha.

LX. 22:30

   AND the day after he willed to know truly what was the accusation which the Jihudoyee brought against him. And he ordered him and commanded the great priests and all the synagogue of their rulers to come; and he took Paulos and brought (him) down, and stood him among them.
   And Paulos, looking upon their assembly, said, Men, brethren, I in all good conscience have conversed before Aloha, unto this day. And Hanania the priest commanded them who stood by him to smite Paulos upon his mouth. And Paulos said to him, It will be that Aloha will smite thee, (thou) whitened wall: thou sittest to judge me according to the law, while thou transgressest the law, and commandest that they smite me ! And they who stood there said to him, The priest of Aloha revilest thou? Paulos said to them, I knew not, my brethren, that he is the priest; for it is written, Of the chief of thy people thou shalt not speak evil. And when Paulos knew that (part) of the people were of the Zadukoyee and (part) of it of the Pharishee, he cried in the assembly, Men, my brethren, I am a Pharisha, the son of Pharishee; and for the hope of the resurrection of the dead am I judged. And when he had said this, the Pharishee and the Zadukoyee fell on one another, and the people was divided. For the Zadukoyee say that there is no resurrection, nor angels, nor spirit; but the Pharishee confess all these. And there was made a great noise. And certain sophree of the choice of the Pharishee arose and contended with them, and said, We have not found any thing of evil in this man; but if a spirit or an angel hath spoken with him, what is there in this ? And when there was a great commotion among them, the tribune feared lest they should tear Paulos in pieces, and he sent to the Rumoyee to come and carry him away from the midst of them, and take him into the fortress.
   And when it was night our Lord appeared unto Paulos, and said to him, Be strong: for as thou hast testified of me in Urishlem, so is it to be that thou also in Ruma shalt testify.

LXI. 23:12

   AND when it became morning, men of the Jihudoyee gathered and bound a vow 3 upon themselves, that they would not eat or drink till they had killed Paulos. But there were of those who established by oath this compact more than forty men. And they drew nigh to the priests and to the elders, and said, A vow we have vowed upon us, that nothing will we taste until we have killed Paulos. And now do you and the princes of the synagogue request from the tribune to bring him to you, as if you sought to investigate more truly his work, and we are prepared to kill him while he shall come to you. And the son of the sister of Paulos heard this plot, and he entered the fortress and informed Paulos. And Paulos sent (and) called one of the centurions, and said to him, Bring this youth to the tribune, for he has somewhat to tell him. And the centurion conducted the youth, and introduced him to the tribune, and said, Paulos the prisoner called me, and requested of me to bring this youth to thee, because he hath somewhat to tell thee. And the tribune took the youth by his hand, and led him on one side, and asked him, What hast thou to tell me? And the youth said to him, The Jihudoyee have determined to request of thee to send down Paulos, tomorrow, to their synagogue, as if willing to learn somewhat more from him: thou therefore yield not to them; for, behold, more than forty men of them watch for him in ambush, and have bound a curse upon themselves, that they will neither eat nor drink till they have killed him: and, behold, they are ready, and wait thy promise. And the tribune dismissed the youth, when he had admonished him, Let no man know that these thou hast informed me.
   And he called two centurions, and said to them, Go, prepare two hundred Romans to go to Cesarea, and seventy horsemen and right-handed spearmen two hundred, to go forth at the third hour of the night; but provide also a beast to carry Paulos, and escape to Felix the governor. 4
   And he wrote a letter, and gave it to them, which was thus:
   Klaudios Lusios unto Felix the victorious governor, peace. The Jihudoyee had seized this man to kill him; and I arose with the Romans and rescued him, when I had learned that he is a Roman. And when I sought to know the occasion of which they accused him, I brought him down to their synagogue. And I found that concerning questions of their law they accused him; and a cause worthy of bonds or of death was not in him. And when it was told me of the treachery of a plot which the Jihudoyee wrought against him, I straightway sent him to thee; and I have commanded his accusers to come and speak with him before thee. Farewell.
   Then the Rumoyee, as they had been commanded, took Paulos by night, and brought him to Antipatros the city; and the day after the horsemen sent away their foot-companions to return to the fortress. And they came to Cesarea. And they gave the letter to the governor, and made Paulos stand before him. And when he had read the letter, he asked him from what province he was. And when he had heard that (he was) from Cilicia, he said to him, I will hear thee when thy accusers have come. And he commanded that they should keep him in the pretorium of Herodes.

3 Cherem. 4 Verse 25 is wanting.

LXII. 24:1

   AND after five days Hanania the great priest came down with the elders, and with Tartelos a rhetor, and informed the governor against Paulos. And being called, Tartelos came forth to accuse him, and said,
   For many years have we dwelt (in peace) through thee, and many reformations have been made for this people in the bearing of thy office; and all we in every place receive thy bounty, victorious Felix. But, not to weary thee with many (words), I pray thee to hear our humbleness with brevity. For we have found this man to be a destroyer, and an exciter of agitation among all the Jihudoyee, and in all the land: for he is a chief of the doctrine of the Natsroyee, and he willed to pollute our temple; and having apprehended him, we sought to judge him according to our law; but Lusios the tribune came, and with great force transferred him from our hands, and hath sent him unto thee, and commanded his accusers to come to thee; and thou canst by questioning him learn from him concerning all these things of which we accuse him.
   The Jihudoyee themselves also contended against him, saying, that so these things were. And the governor signed to Paulos to speak. And Paulos answered, and said,
   For many years I know that thou hast been the judge of this people, and on this account I joyfully make defence for myself; while thou shouldst know that it hath not been more than twelve days since I went up to Urishlem to worship. Neither found they me speaking with any man in the temple, neither have I gathered an assembly in their synagogue nor in the city; nor is it in their power to demonstrate before thee any thing of what they accuse me. Nevertheless, this do I confess, that in that very doctrine of which they speak, in it serve I the God of my fathers, believing in all that is written in the law and in the prophets, and having hope in Aloha [for] that which they also hope: that there shall be a resurrection from the house of the dead, of the just and of the evil. Because of this also I labour to have a good conscience before Aloha and before men, continually.
   But after many years I came to the sons of my people to bestow alms, and to present an oblation. And these found me in the temple being purified, not with a concourse nor with tumult; but men Jihudoyee who had come from Asia raised a tumult; (and) these it behoved to stand with me before thee, and to accuse of that whatever they have (against me). Or let these themselves declare, what crime they found in me, when I stood before their assembly, unless for this one word which I proclaimed while standing in the midst of them, For the resurrection of the dead am I judged this day before you.
   But Felix, because he knew this way fully, delayed them, saying, When the tribune comes I will hear between you. And he commanded the centurion to keep Paulos in quietude, and that none of his acquaintances should be hindered from ministering to him. And after a few days Felix, and Drusilla his wife, who was a Jihudoytha, sent and called Paulos, and they heard from him concerning the faith of the Meshiha. And as he discoursed with them of righteousness, and of holiness, and of the judgment which is to come, Felix was filled with fear, and he said, Now go, and when I have opportunity 5 I will send for thee. For he hoped that a bribe would be given him by Paulos, and on this account he continually sent to bring him, and to speak with him. And when two years were fulfilled to him, another governor came in his place, who was called Porcios Festos. But Felix, as to do a favour to the Jihudoyee, left Paulos bound.
   And when Festos came to Cesarea, after three days he went up to Urishlem. And the chief priest and elders showed him concerning Paulos, and besought from him, asking of him this favour, that he would bring him to Urishlem, while they would act treacherously in the way by killing him. And Festos returned the word, That Paulos was kept in Cesarea, and I am hastening to proceed; let those therefore of you who are able, go down with us, and accuse him of whatever guilt there is in the man. And when he had been there eight days or ten, he went down to Cesarea.
   And the day after he sat on the tribunal, and commanded to bring Paulos. And when he had come, the Jihudoyee who had come down from Urishlem surrounded him, and accusations many and hard brought against him, which they were not able to prove; while Paulos put forth the mind, that he had not offended in any thing, neither against the law of the Jihudoyee, nor against the temple, nor against Caesar. But Festos, because he willed to accord a favour to the Jihudoyee, said to Paulos,
   Art thou willing to go up to Urishlem, and there concerning these things to be judged before me ?
   Paulos answered, and said, At the tribunal of Caesar stand I. There it is right for me to be judged. Not any thing have I transgressed against the Jihudoyee, as also thou knowest; and if a crime I have committed, or any thing worthy of death, I ask not (to be exempted) from death. But, if there be nothing in me of which these accuse me, no man shall give me to them as a gift. I invoke the appeals of Caesar.
   Then Festos, having spoken with the sons of his council, said, The appeals of Caesar hast thou invoked? To Caesar goest thou.

5 Or, place.

LXIII. 25:13

   AND when days had been, Agripos the king and Bernike came down to Cesarea to salute 6 Festos. And when they had been with him (some) days, Festos recounted to the king the judgment 7 of Paulos, saying, A certain man has been left bound by Felix; and when I was at Urishlem, the chief priests and elders of the Jihudoyee informed me against him, and begged that I would do for them judgment against him. And I told them, it was not the custom of the Romans to give any man as a gift to be killed, until his adversaries have come and accused him to his face, and there be given him place to defend himself against that of which he is accused. And when I had come hither, without delay, the day after I sat on the tribunal, and commanded to bring the man to me. And his accusers stood up with him, but could not find any evil accusation to prove against him, (such) as I had expected, but (had) various questions with him regarding their worship, and concerning Jeshu, a man who was dead, of whom Paulos said that he was alive. And because I stood not 8 upon the investigation of these (matters), I said to Paulos, Dost thou require to go to Urishlem, and there be judged concerning these? But he required to be kept unto the judgment of Caesar; and I commanded that he should be kept until I may send him to Caesar.
   And Agripos said, I would hear this man.
   And Festos said, To-morrow thou shalt hear him.
   And the day after came Agripos and Bernike with great pomp, and entered the house of judgment, with the tribunes and the chiefs of the city. And Festos commanded, and Paulos came.
   And Festos said, King Agripos, and all men who are with us, concerning this man whom you see have all the people of the Jihudoyee taken me at Urishlem and here, crying, that This ought not further to live; but I perceived not that he had done any thing worthy of death. And because he required to be reserved for the judgment of Caesar, I have commanded that he should be sent. But (as) I know not what to write of him unto Caesar, therefore have I willed to bring him before you, and especially before thee, king Agripos, that, having inquired into his case, I may find what to write. For it is not fit when we send a man bound, not to record his transgression.
   And Agripos said to Paulos, It is permitted thee to speak for thyself. Then Paulos stretched forth his hand and made defence, and said,
   Of all that I am accused by the Jihudoyee, king Agripos, I consider myself happy, that before you I (have to) make defence. Especially because I know that you are conversant with all questions and laws of the Jihudoyee; therefore, I pray you with patient mind to hear me. For the Jihudoyee themselves-if they would testify-know my manners from my youth, which were mine from the beginning among my people at Urishlem; because they of a long time were assured of me, and they know that in the high doctrine of the Pharishee I lived. And now, concerning the hope of the promise that was made to our fathers by Aloha, stand I, and am judged. And for this hope (to which) our twelve tribes, with diligent prayers by day and night, are expecting to come, for this very hope am I accused by the Jihudoyee, king Agripos! What judge you; ought we not to believe that Aloha will raise the dead ?
   For I, at the first, proposed in my mind to do many things against the name of Jeshu Natsroya. This I also did in Urishlem. And many holy ones I cast into the house of the bound, by the authority which I had received from the great priests; and when they were killed by them, I participated with those who condemned them. And in every synagogue I was furious against them, while I constrained them to blaspheme the name of Jeshu; and, being filled with great wrath against them, I went forth unto other cities also to persecute them.
   And while going on this account to Darmsuk, with authority and permission from the great priests, at the dividing of the day, in the way, I saw from heaven, O king, shining upon me and upon all who were with me, a light which (was) more excellent than the sun. And we fell all of us upon the earth; and I heard a voice that said to me in Hebrew, Shaol, Shaol, why persecutest thou me ? 9 It is hard to thee to kick against the pricks ! And I said, Who art thou, my Lord ? And he said, I am Jeshu Natsroya, whom thou persecutest. And he said to me, Stand upon thy feet, because for this I have appeared to thee, to appoint thee a minister and witness of that (for) which thou hast seen me, and (for) which thou shalt see me. And I will deliver thee from the people of the Jihudoyee, and from the other nations to whom I send thee, to open their eyes, that they may turn from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto Aloha, and receive the forgiveness of sins, and a lot with the saints through faith, which (is) in me.
   Wherefore, king Agripos, I withstood not with perversity the heavenly vision, but preached, at first to them who were in Darmsuk, and to them who were at Urishlem, and in all the districts of Jihud, and also to the Gentiles have I preached, that they should repent, and turn to Aloha, and do works worthy of repentance. And for these things the Jihudoyee seized me in the temple, and would have killed me; but Aloha hath helped me until this day; and, behold, I stand and testify to the small and to the great, yet nothing beyond Musha and the prophets do I speak, but those things which they said should come to pass; that the Meshiha should suffer, and should be the chief of the resurrection from the house of the dead, and should preach light to the people and to the nations.

6 To wish the peace of. 7 Or, cause. 8 Or, have not been constituted for.
9 Shaol, Shaol, mono rodeph ath li ?

LXIV. 26:24

   AND as Paulos was thus making defence, Festos cried with a high voice, Thou art mad, Paulos; much learning 1 hath made thee mad !
   Paulos said to him, I am not mad, victorious Festos, but words of truth and righteousness I speak. And king Agripos also, especially, knoweth concerning these things; and therefore speak I with openness before him; because not one of these things I think have been hidden from him; for they were not done in secrecy. Believest thou, king Agripos, the prophets? I know that thou believest.
   King Agripos said to him, (Within) a little thou persuadest me to become a Christian.
   And Paulos said, I would from Aloha that in little and in much, not only thou, but also all who hear me to-day, were as I am, except these bonds.
   And the king arose, and the governor, and Bernike, and those who sat with them: and when they were removed thence they spake one with another, and said, Nothing that is worthy of death or of bonds hath this man done. And Agripos said to Festos, This man could have been dismissed, if he had not called the appeal of Caesar.
   And Festos commanded concerning him that he should be sent unto Caesar in Italia. And he delivered Paulos, and other prisoners with him, to a certain man, a centurion of the band of Sebaste, whose name was Julios. And when he would proceed, we went down to a ship which was from Adramantos the city, to go to the region of Asia. And Aristarkos, a Makedonoya who was of Thessalunike the city, entered the ship with us. And the day after we came to Tsaidon. And the centurion behaved with kindness towards Paulos, and permitted him to go to his friends and be refreshed. And from thence we voyaged; and because the winds were contrary we made a circuit unto Cypros.2 And we went through the sea of Cilicia and of Pamphulia, and came to Mura, a city of Lukia. And the centurion found there a ship from Aleksandria which was going to Italia, and he placed us in her. And because she sailed heavily, (after) many days we had scarce come over against Knidos the island, and as the wind did not permit us to go directly, we went round by Kreta against Salmona the city; and hardly voyaging we passing around it came to the place which is called the Fair Havens.

1 Or, many books. 2 Al Kypros. 

LXV. 27:9

   AND it was nigh to the city named Lasia. And we were there much time, until the day when the day 3 of the fast of the Jihudoyee had also passed, and there had become danger for one to voyage by sea. And Paulos counselled them and said, Men, I perceive that with distress and much loss we are to voyage, not only to the burden of the ship, but also to our own lives. But the centurion hearkened to the governor and to the lord of the ship rather than to the counsel of Paulos. And because that haven was not convenient to winter in, many of us desired to proceed thence, and if possible to come and winter in a certain harbour in Kreta, called Phoniks, and which looked to the south. And when the wind of the south blew, and we thought we could come as we desired, we sailed round Kreta. And after a little there came forth against us a blowing of the tempest which is called Tuphonikos Euroklidon; and the ship was carried away, and could not stand against the wind, and we gave her into its hand. And when we had passed a certain isle that is called Cyra; we could scarcely take up the boat. And when we had uplifted her, we girded and strengthened the ship. And because we feared lest we should fall into the precipitancy 4 of the sea, we brought down the sails, and so went forward. And while there rose against us the hard tempest, the next day we threw the goods into the sea. And the third day the things of the ship itself we cast forth. And when the storm had held more days, and neither the sun was seen, nor the moon, nor stars, the hope that we should be saved at all was cut off. And while no man had taken any food, then stood Paulos among them, and said, Men, if you had been persuaded by me, you would not have voyaged from Kreta, and we should have been exempted from loss, and from this distress. Yet now I counsel you to be without anxiety; for not one of you will perish, but the ship only. For in this night there appeared to me the angel of Aloha, (of) him whose I am, and whom I serve. And he said to me, Fear not, Paulos, for thou art to stand before Caesar; and, behold, Aloha hath given thee the gift of all who voyage with thee. Therefore, men, take courage; for I believe Aloha, that so it shall be as he hath told me. Nevertheless, upon a certain island we have to be cast.

3 Tishri, 10th day : about September 20th. 4 Locus declivis, descensus, praecipitium. Greek, snrtiv.

LXVI. 27:27

   AND after fourteen days (in) which we had wandered and been beaten in the sea of Hadrios, in the dividing of the night, the mariners thought that we drew nigh to land. And they cast the lead, and found twenty cubits; and again a little they proceeded, and found fifteen cubits. And fearing lest we should be found in a place in which were rocks, they cast forth from the hinder part of the ship four anchors, and prayed that it would become day. But the mariners sought to escape from the ship, and lowered from her the boat into the sea, on the pretext that they would go in her, and bind the ship to the land. And when Paulos saw, he said to the centurion and to the soldiers, If these in the ship remain not, you cannot be saved. Then cut the soldiers the cable of the boat from the ship, and let her drive.   But Paulos himself, until it was morning, persuaded all of them to take food, saying to them, To-day it is fourteen days (in which) from danger you have tasted nothing. Wherefore I beseech you receive meat for the establishment of your lives; for a hair of the head of one of you will not perish. And when these he had said, he took bread, and praised Aloha before them all, and he broke and began to eat. And they were all comforted, and received food. But we were in the ship two hundred and seventy and six souls. And when they were satisfied with food, they lightened the ship, and took up the wheat and sent it into the sea.
   And when it was day, the sailors knew not what land it was; but they saw along the coast a certain inlet of the sea, (into) which they purposed if possible to drive the ship. And they cut the anchors 5 from the ship, and left them in the sea, and they loosed the bands of the oars, and raised a small sail to the wind which blew, and went forward to the face of the land. And the ship struck on a high place between two depths of the sea, and infixed 6 herself in it; and her forepart stood upon it, and was immovable, but her afterpart was loosed from the violence of the waves. And the soldiers would have killed the prisoners, lest they should cast forth to swim, and escape from them; and the centurion restrained them from this, because he was willing to save Paulos. And those who could cast forth to swim he commanded to be the first to swim, and to pass to the land. And the rest, on boards, and on other timbers of the ship, passed; and thus all of them escaped to land.

5 Sic.
6 Infixit se.-TREM. Illisa est.-REG. Resupinata est.-Paris, Min. et Angl. Rupta est.- BUXT. C. R.

LXVII. 28:1

   AND afterwards we learned that Melita was called that island. And the Barbaroyee who dwelt in it many kindnesses showed us. And they kindled a fire, and called all of us to warm, because there was great rain and cold. And Paulos took many sticks and placed upon the fire; and there came forth a viper from the heat of the fire, and bit (him) in his hand. And when the Barbaroyee saw it hang upon his hand, they said, Perhaps this man is a murderer, whom, though he is escaped from the sea, justice suffereth not to live. But Paulos shook his hand, and cast the viper into the fire, and nothing of evil befell him. But the Barbaroyee expected that he would immediately have swelled and fallen dead upon the ground; and when they had for a great while expected and saw that nothing of evil befell him, they changed their words, and said he was a god.
   But there were possessions in that place (belonging) to a certain man whose name was Publios, who himself was the chief of the island; and he cheerfully received us into his house three days. But the father of Publios was ill in a fever, and a disease of the bowels. And Paulos went in to him, and prayed and laid his hand on him, and healed him. And when this was done, the rest also of them who were diseased in the island came to him and were cured. And with great honours they honoured us; and when we went forth from thence they supplied us.

LXVIII. 28:11

   But we went forth after three months and voyaged in an Alexandrine ship which had wintered at the island; and she had upon her the sign of the Twins. And we came to Sarakosa the city, and remained there three days. And from thence we went round and came to Regium the city. And after one day the south wind blew, and in two days we came to Putialos, a city of Italia. And we found there brethren, and they prayed of us, and we were with them seven days, and then went we unto Ruma.
   And when the brethren who were there heard, they came forth to meet us unto the street that is called Apios Foros, and unto the Three Taverns. And when Paulos saw them he thanked Aloha, and was strengthened.
   And we entered Ruma.
   And the centurion allowed Paulos to sojourn where he willed, with the soldier, him who guarded him. And after three days Paulos sent to convoke the principal men of the Jihudoyee; and when they were assembled, he said to them, Men, brethren, I, who in nothing have risen against the people, nor the law of our fathers, in bonds was delivered from Urishlem into the hands of the Rumoyee. And they who examined me willed to dismiss me, because they found not in me any fault worthy of death. And when the Jihudoyee had risen against me, I was constrained to call the appeal of Caesar; (yet) not as though I had in any thing to be the accuser of the sons of my people. Wherefore I have besought you to come, that I might see you, and declare to you these things; for on account of the hope of Israel am I bound with this chain.
   They said to him, We have not received letters concerning thee from Jihud, and none of the brethren who have come from Urishlem have spoken any thing evil of thee. But we are willing to hear from thee what it is that thou thinkest; for we know that this doctrine is by no man received.

LXIX. 28:23

   AND they appointed him a day; and many assembled and came where he sojourned; and he explained to them concerning the kingdom of Aloha, testifying and persuading them concerning Jeshu, from the law of Musha and from the prophets, from the morning until the evening. And some of them were persuaded by his words, and others were not persuaded. And they removed from him, while not agreeing together. And Paulos said to them this word, Well spake the Spirit of Holiness, by the mouth of Eshaia the prophet, against your fathers, saying,

   Go unto this people, and say unto them,
   Hearing, you will hear and will not understand.
   And you will see, but not discern:
   For stupified is the heart of this people,
   And their hearing they have made heavy,
   And their eyes have they closed,
   Lest they should see with their eyes,
   And hear with their ears,
   And understand with their hearts,
   And be turned unto me, and I should forgive them.

Be this therefore known to you, that to the Gentiles is sent this redemption, for they will also hear it.
   And Paulos hired his own house, and was in it two years, and received there all those who came to him. And he preached concerning the kingdom of Aloha, and taught with confidence concerning our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, none forbidding.

   Finished are the Acts of the Blessed Apostles; that is, their Histories.