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Translation - Colossians
PAULOS, an apostle of Jeshu the Meshiha by the will of Aloha, and the
brother Timotheos, to those who are in Kulosos, the holy brethren and
believers in Jeshu Meshiha: peace be with you, and grace from Aloha our
Father. We give thanks to Aloha the Father of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha in all
time, and pray on your behalf, even from our hearing of your faith in Jeshu
Meshiha, and of your love to all the saints; for the hope which is kept for
you in heaven, which at the first you heard through the word of the truth of
the gospel, which is preached to you, as also to all the world, and
increaseth and giveth fruits, as also in you from the day that you heard,
and knew the grace of Aloha in truth, as you learned from Epaphra our
beloved companion, who is himself for you a faithful minister of the Meshiha,
and who hath made known to us your love, which is in the Spirit.
ON account of this also we, from the day that we heard, have not ceased
to pray for you, and to supplicate that you may be filled with the knowledge
of the will of Aloha in all wisdom and in all spiritual understanding, and
may walk according to that which is just, and may please Aloha in all good
works, and may yield fruit, and increase in the knowledge of Aloha; and in
all power be empowered according to the greatness of his glory in all
patience and prolongedness of spirit: and with joy may give thanks to Aloha
the Father, who hath fitted us for a portion 1 of the inheritance of the
saints in light, and hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and
brought us into the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption
and the forgiveness of sins: who is the image of Aloha the unseen,2 and the
first-born of all the creatures. And by him was every thing created that is
in heaven and in earth; all that is seen, and all that is unseen, whether
thrones or dominions, or princes or powers; all things by his hand and
through him were created; and he is before all, and every thing by him
subsisteth. And he is the head of the body of the church, (he) who is the
chief and first-born from among the dead, that he should be preeminent in
all. For in him (the Father) hath willed all fulness to dwell; and by him to
reconcile all things to himself, and to make peace through the blood of his
cross, (even) by him, whether they be inhabitants in earth or in heaven.
1 Or, made us adequate to a portion. 2 Or, Aloha who is not seen.
YOU also, who before were aliens and adversaries in your minds by your
evil works, hath he reconciled now in the body of his flesh and through his
death, to constitute you saints before him without spot and without blame;
if you continue in your faith, your foundation being firm, and be not moved
from the hope of the gospel which you have heard, and which is proclaimed to
every creature who is under heaven, of which I, Paulos, am made a minister.
I rejoice in the sufferings which are on your account, and fulfil the void
of the afflictions of the Meshiha in my flesh for the sake of his body,
which is the church; of which I am made a minister according to the
dispensation of Aloha, which was given to me for you, to accomplish the word
of Aloha; that mystery which was hidden from ages and generations, but now
hath been revealed unto his saints. To whom Aloha hath willed to make known
what is the opulence of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which
is, The Meshiha, who in you (is) the hope of glory; whom we proclaim, and
(concerning whom) we teach and inform every man in all wisdom, that we may
present every man perfect in Jeshu Meshiha; for which also I labour and
contend, according to the help of the power which is given to me.
But I wish you to know what an agony I have for you and for those who are
in Laodikia, and for the rest who have not seen my person in the flesh; that
their hearts may be comforted, and that they may approach in love to all the
riches of assurance, and to the understanding of the knowledge of the
mystery of Aloha the Father and of the Meshiha, in whom are hidden all the
treasures of wisdom and of knowledge. But this I say, Let no man deceive you
with the persuasion of words. For though in the flesh I am far from you, yet
in the spirit I am with you; and I rejoice to behold your order, and the
firmness of your faith in the Meshiha.
As, then, you have received Jeshu Meshiha our Lord, (so) in him walk,
your roots strengthened,3 and you builded in him, and established in that
faith which you have learned, that you may abound therein with thanksgiving.
Beware lest any man strip you by philosophy and by vain deceit, according to
the teaching of men, and according to the principles of the world, and not
according to the Meshiha, in whom dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead
bodily. And in him also you are complete; for he is the head of all
principalities and powers. And in him you have been circumcised with the
circumcision which is not with hands, by the putting away of the flesh of
sins, (even) by the circumcision of the Meshiha. And you have been buried
with him by baptism, and in him have risen with him, who have believed in
the power of Aloha who raised him from among the dead. And you who were dead
in your sins, and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, he hath made alive
with him, and forgiven us all our sins; and hath blotted out in his mandates
the writing of our debts that was against us, and hath taken it from the
midst, and affixed it to his cross; and by the yielding up of his body he
hath prostrated principalities and powers, and hath shamed them openly by
3 Or, confirmed.
LET no man therefore judge you in meat and in drink, or in the
distinctions of festivals, and of new moons, and of shabeths,4 which are
shadows of those to come, but the body is the Meshiha. And lest any man wish
by abasement of mind to fetter you to be subject to the worship of angels,
intruding 5 upon that which he hath not seen, and vainly inflated in his
fleshly mind; and not holding the Head, from whom all the body is composed
and constituted in joints and limbs, and increaseth (with) the increase of
Aloha. For if you are dead with the Meshiha from the principles of the
world, why as if you lived in the world are you judged ? as that 6 you are
not to touch, nor to taste, nor to handle? For these are of perishable use,
and are ordinances and doctrines of men; and appear to have in them a reason
of wisdom, with the look of humility and the fear of Aloha, (as) not sparing
the body, (yet) not in that which is (really) of value, but in those
(things) whose use pertains to the flesh.
4 Or, weeks. 5 Or, adventuring; perhaps better, presuming. 6 Lam. scilicet.
IF, then, you have risen with the Meshiha, seek (the realities) which are
on high, where the Meshiha sitteth at the right hand of Aloha. Think of that
which is on high, and not of that on earth. For you are dead, and your life
is hid with the Meshiha in Aloha; and when the Meshiha, who is our life,
shall be manifested, then also will you be manifested with him in glory. Put
to death, then, your members that are upon the earth: fornication,
uncleanness, and passions, and evil desires, and covetousness, which itself
is idolatry. For on account of these cometh the anger of Aloha upon the sons
of disobedience.7 In these also you walked aforetime, when you were
conversant in them. But now cease you from all these; anger, wrath, malice,
reviling, impure speech: and lie not one to another, but put off the old man
with all his manners, and wear the new, who is renovated by knowledge in the
image of his Creator, where there is not Jihudoya and Aramoya, nor
circumcision and uncircumcision, nor Javanoya and Barbaroya, nor slave and
freeman, but the Meshiha is all and in all. Wear, therefore, as the chosen
of Aloha, saints and beloved, compassions and tenderness, and benignity, and
lowliness of mind, and composure, and patience. And bear with one another,
and forgive one another, if any man have a complaint against his neighbour;
even as the Meshiha hath forgiven you, so also forgive; and with all these
charity, which is the girdle of perfection. And let the peace of the Meshiha
direct your hearts, for to it you have been called in one body; and give
thanks to the Meshiha, whose word shall dwell in you abundantly, in all
wisdom. And teach and admonish yourselves in psalms and in hymns and in
songs of the Spirit, and with grace sing with your hearts unto Aloha. And
whatsoever you do, either in word or work, do (it) in the name of our Lord
Jeshu Meshiha, and with thanksgiving through him unto Aloha the Father.
7 Or, perverseness.
WIVES, be subject to your husbands, as it is right in the Meshiha. Men,
love your wives, and be not bitter against them. Children, obey your parents
in every thing, for so it is pleasing before our Lord. Fathers, exasperate
not your children, that they be not discouraged. Servants, obey in every
thing your masters according to the flesh, not in the sight of the eye
(only), as those who please men, but from a simple heart, and in the fear of
the Lord. And all that you do, from all your heart do (it), as to our Lord,
and not as to men. And know that from our Lord you receive the reward in the
inheritance; for the Lord the Meshiha you serve. But he who injureth is
recompensed as he had injured, and there is no acceptance of persons.8
Masters, do equity and justice to your servants, knowing that you also have
a Master in heaven. In prayer be constant, and be watchful in it, and (in)
giving thanks; praying also for us, that Aloha may open to us the gate of
the word, to speak the mystery of the Meshiha, for the sake of which I am
bound, that I may fully make it manifest, as it behoveth me. In wisdom walk
towards the outward ones, and redeem your opportunity. And let your speech
at all time be with grace as sprinkled 9 with salt, each one knowing how it
becometh him to return the answer. What concerneth me will Tykikos, a
beloved brother and faithful minister, and our companion in the Lord, make
known to you: whom I have sent to you for this, that he may know how it is
with you, and may comfort your hearts; with Onesimos, the faithful and
beloved brother who is of you. These will make you know what concerneth us.
Aristarchos, a captive with me, asketh for your peace, and Markos, the
nephew 1 of Bar Naba, regarding whom you are directed, that if he come to
you, receive him, and Jeshu who is called Justos: these are of the
circumcision, and these only have helped me in the kingdom of Aloha, and
these have been a consolation to me. Epaphra, who is of you, asketh for your
peace; a servant of the Meshiha, who is always labouring on your behalf in
prayer, that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of Aloha.
For I testify of him that he hath a great zeal for you and for those in
Laodikia and in Iropolis. Lukos our beloved physician, and Dima, ask for
your peace. Ask the peace of the brethren who are in Laodikia, and of Nymfa,
and of the church which is in his house. And when this epistle shall have
been read to you, cause it also to be read in the church of the Laodikoyee;
and that which is written from the Laodikoyee, read you it. And say to
Arkipos, Be vigilant in the ministry which thou hast received in our Lord,
that thou fulfil it.
This salutation 2 with the hand of me, PAULOS. Remember my bonds. Grace
be with you. Amen.
Finished is the Epistle to the Kulosoyee, which was written from Ruma, and
sent by the hands of Tykikos.
8 Faces. 9 R. MADAK, aspersit. 1 Bar-dodeh, " uncle's son." 2 Shaloma.