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Translation - Philippians
PAULOS and Timotheus, servants of Jeshu the Meshiha, to all the saints
who are in Jeshu Meshiha at Philipos, with the presbyters and deacons. Grace
be with you and peace from Aloha our Father, and from our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.
I offer thanks unto Aloha upon the remembrance of you constantly, in all my
prayers on your behalf; and while rejoicing, I pray, for your fellowship
which is in the gospel from the first day until now; because I am confident
of this, that he who hath begun good workings in you will himself make
perfect until the day of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. For so it is right for me
to think concerning you all, because you are laid up in my heart; and in my
bonds, and in the defence of the truth of the gospel, you are partakers with
me in grace. For Aloha is my witness how I love you with the bowels of Jeshu
Meshiha. And this I pray, that your love may still increase and abound in
knowledge and in all spiritual understanding; that you may distinguish those
things that are proper, and may be pure and without offence in the day of
the Meshiha, and filled with the fruits of righteousness which are in Jeshu
Meshiha, to the glory and the honour of Aloha.
BUT I wish you to know, my brethren, that my business tendeth the more to
the forwarding of the gospel. For so also my bonds are manifest for the
Meshiha in the whole palace,1 and unto all besides. And a multitude of
brethren who are in our Lord are strengthened on account of my bonds, and
have dared the more fearlessly to speak the word of Aloha. Some preach from
envy and contention, but some from good-will, and in the love of the Meshiha;
for they know that for the defence of the gospel I am appointed. But those
who preach the Meshiha from contention do it not sincerely,2 but think to
add affliction to my bonds. Yet in this I have rejoiced, and do rejoice,
that in every way, if for an occasion, or if in truth, the Meshiha shall be
preached. For I know that these things shall be found unto my life by your
prayers, and by the gift of the Spirit of Jeshu Meshiha; even as I hope and
expect, that in nothing I shall be confounded, but manifestly, as at all
times, so also now, the Meshiha shall be magnified in my body, whether by
life or by death. For my life is the Meshiha; and if I die, it is gain to
me. But if in this life of the flesh there be also fruit to me from my
works, I know not what to choose. For these two straiten me. I desire to be
set free, that I might be with the Meshiha, and this is greatly preferable 3
to me; but also to remain in my body is the thing which constraineth me on
your account. For I know this confidently, that I am to remain and tarry for
your joy and for the increase of your faith: that when I come again to you,
your glorying which is in Jeshu Meshiha alone shall abound in me. As it
becometh the gospel of the Meshiha, so have your conversation; that if
coming I see you, or absent, I may hear of you, that you stand in one spirit
and in one soul, conquering together for the faith of the gospel; in nothing
moved by them who stand against us, to the forthshowing of their perdition,
and of our salvation, And this from Aloha hath been given to you, not only
believing to believe in the Meshiha, but also for his sake to suffer, and to
sustain a conflict, as you have seen in me, and now hear concerning me.
1 Or, praetorium. 2 Or, purely. 3 Profitable.
IF, therefore, you have consolation in the Meshiha, and if there be
comfort in love, 4 and if communion of the Spirit, and if compassions and
mercies, complete my gladness by having one sentiment and one love, and one
soul and one mind. And do nothing in contention or vainglorying, but in
meekness of mind let a man consider his neighbour as better than himself.
And let no one care for himself (only), but every one for his neighbour
also. And feel 5 this in yourselves, which Jeshu the Meshiha (did) also:
who, when he was in the form of Aloha, considered this not to be robbery,
(this, namely,) that he was the co-equal of Aloha: yet emptied he himself,
and took the form of a servant, and was made in the form of men; and in
fashion was found as a man, and humbled himself, and was obedient unto
death, but the death of the cross. Wherefore also Aloha greatly exalted him,
and gave him a name that is more excellent than all names, that at the name
of Jeshu every knee should kneel, of those in heaven, and on earth, and
under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jeshu the Meshiha
is the Lord, to the glory of Aloha his Father.
4 Ven mamale belebo bachubo, " If there be the speaking of the heart in
love." Mamale belebo, (like the Hebrew, Dibber al leb,) " the speaking of,
or into, the heart," is an idiom for giving consolation. Compare John xi.
19, 31. 5 Or, be of this sentiment in yourselves.
WHEREFORE, my beloved, as you have all time obeyed, not while I am near
you only, but now that I am far from you, the more with fear and trembling
work the work of your salvation; for Aloha himself effectuates 6 in you also
to will, also to do, the thing which you will.7 Do every thing without
murmuring and without division; that you may be perfect and without spot, as
the pure children of Aloha, who dwell in a generation depraved and perverse;
and be manifest among them as luminaries in the world, to be unto them for a
place of salvation, for my exultation in the day of the Meshiha, that I may
not have run in vain, nor laboured to no purpose. But, also, [if I should
be] offered on the sacrifice and service of your faith, I am glad, and
rejoice with you all; so also you be glad and rejoice with me. But I hope in
our Lord Jeshu to send Timotheos to you soon, that I also may have quietness
when I learn concerning you. For I have no other who is so as my (own) soul,
who will diligently take care for yours. For all are seeking what is theirs,
and not what is of Jeshu Meshiha. But the proof of this [evangelist] you
know, that as a son with his father, so hath he wrought with me in the
gospel. Him, therefore, I hope to send to you speedily, when I shall have
seen what [will be done] with me. And I confide on my Lord, that I also
speedily shall come unto you. But now the matter hath pressed me to send to
you the brother Epaphroditos, who is a helper and labourer with me, but your
messenger and minister to my necessity; for he desired to see you all, and
was anxious, because he knew that you had heard that he was sick. Yes, he
was sick, unto death; but Aloha had mercy upon him; but not upon him only,
but upon me also, lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow. Urgently,
therefore, have I sent him to you, that when you have seen him again you may
rejoice, and that I may have a little breathing. Receive him, then, in the
Lord with all joy; and those who are such, hold in estimation: because for
the work of the Meshiha he had come nigh unto death, and was disregardful of
his life, that he might accomplish that which you had wanted in the service
which concerned me.
6 Mechaphet becun. 7 Medem detsobeen.
HENCEFORTH, my brethren, rejoice in our Lord. To write the very same
(things) to you, to me is not weariness, because they make you [the more]
cautious. Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the cutting of
the flesh. For the circumcision are we, who serve Aloha in the spirit, and
glory in Jeshu the Meshiha, and confide not on the flesh. Yet I may have
confidence on the flesh. For if any one consider that his confidence is in
the flesh, I [have] more than he. Circumcised the son of eight days, of the
family of Israel, of the tribe of Benyomin, Ebroia of Ebroyee; in the law,
Pharisha; in zeal, a persecutor of the church; and in the righteousness of
the law, without fault have I been.
But these things which were my gain, I have reckoned loss for the Meshiha;
and I also (still) reckon them all loss, for the grandeur 8 of the knowledge
of Jeshu Meshiha my Lord; for whose sake I have lost all things, and have
reckoned as dung, that the Meshiha I may gain, and be found in him, not
having my own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is by the
faith of the Meshiha, which is righteousness that is from Aloha: that in it
I may know Jeshu, and the power of his resurrection, and have fellowship in
his sufferings, and be conformed into his death, that any how 9 I may be
able to come to the resurrection which is from among the dead. I have not
yet received, nor (am I) yet perfected; but I run, that so I may lay hold on
that for the sake of which Jeshu the Meshiha hath laid hold on me.
8 Rabutho. 9 Dalmo.
MY brethren, I think not concerning myself that I have laid hold (of the
final prize); but one (thing) I know, that what is behind me I forget, and
to that which is before me I stretch, and run towards the sign, to obtain
the victory of the high vocation of Aloha by Jeshu Meshiha. Let those, then,
who are mature consider these things; and if otherwise you consider, this
also will Aloha reveal to you. Nevertheless, that to this we may attain, in
one way let us proceed, and with one consent. Be like me, my brethren, and
consider them who so walk according to the pattern you have seen in us. For
there are many who walk otherwise, of whom many times I have told you, but
now weeping I tell you, they are adversaries of the cross of the Meshiha;
they, whose end is perdition, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is
their shame; they, whose mind is in the earth. But our employment 1 is in
heaven, and from thence we expect the Saviour, our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, who
will change the body of our abasement to make (it) in the fashion of his
glorious body,2 according to his great power, by which all is subjected unto
Wherefore, my brethren, beloved and tenderly-regarded, my joy and my
crown, so stand in our Lord, my beloved. Of Evhodia I beseech, and of
Syntika, that one mind they have in our Lord. Also of thee I beseech, my
true yokefellow, to be helpful to those who are labouring with me in the
gospel, with Klimis, and with the rest of my helpers, whose names are
written in the book of life.
Rejoice in our Lord in all time, and again I say, Rejoice. And let your
meekness be known unto every man: our Lord is near. For nothing be anxious;
but in all time, with prayer and with supplication, let your requests be
made known before Aloha: And the peace of Aloha, which is greater than all
knowledge,3 shall keep your hearts and your minds, through Jeshu Meshiha.
1 Pulchonan. Pulchono is " occupation," whether sacred, cultus, or civil,
2 The body of his glory. 3 Knowing.
FINALLY, my brethren, those (things) which are true, and those which are
honest, and those which are just, and those which are pure, and those which
are lovely, and those which are laudable, and those (which are) works of
praise and of celebration, these consider. These which you have learned, and
received, and heard, and seen in me, these perform; and the God of peace
will be with you.
But greatly do I rejoice in our Lord, that you have begun to care (again)
for me, as also you were [formerly] careful, but you have not had ability.4
But I have not spoken because I have had need; for I have learned to make
sufficient to me that which I have had. I know (how) to be abased, I know
also how to abound in all; and in every thing I am trained with sufficiency
and with hunger, with abundance and with destitution [to be satisfied]: for
every thing I am empowered through the Meshiha who strengtheneth me.
Nevertheless, you have done well to communicate unto my afflictions. Know
also, you Philipisoyee, that in the commencement of the gospel, when I went
forth from Makedunia, not one of the churches communicated to me in the
account of receiving and giving, but you only. For also to Thessalonika one
time and twice to my necessity you sent. Not because I seek the gift, but I
seek that fruit may multiply unto you. But I have received every thing, I
abound; and am full; and I have accepted all that you sent me by
Epaphroditos, a sweet fragrance and a sacrifice, acceptable, which pleaseth
Aloha. And my God shall supply all your necessity, according to his riches
in the glory of Jeshu Meshiha. To Aloha our Father be praise and glory to
the age of ages. Amen.
Ask for the peace of all the saints who are in Jeshu the Meshiha. The
brethren who are with me ask for your peace. All the saints ask for your
peace, especially those who are of the house of Caesar.
The grace of our Lord Jeshu the Meshiha be with you all. Amen.
Finished is the Epistle to the Philipisoyee, which was written from Ruma,
and sent by the hands of Epaphroditos.
4 Sufficiency.