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Translation - Romans
PAULOS, a servant of Jeshu Meshiha, called, and an apostle, who hath been
separated unto the gospel of Aloha, which from of old he had promised by the
hand of the prophets, in the holy writings, concerning his Son, who was
born, according to the flesh, of the seed of the house of David, and is
known 1 (to be) the Son of Aloha by power, and by the Holy Spirit, who
raised him from among the dead, Jeshu Meshiha our Lord: by whom we have
received grace and apostleship among all nations, that they should become
obedient unto the faith of his name: and you also are of them, called in
Jeshu Meshiha: To all who are in Ruma, beloved of Aloha, called and saints;
peace and grace be with you from Aloha our Father, and from our Lord Jeshu
First, I praise my God through Jeshu Meshiha on behalf of you all, that
your faith is heard (of) in all the world. For a witness unto me is Aloha,
whom I serve in the spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing at
all time I remember you in my prayers. And I pray that from now there may be
opened unto me the way, by the will of Aloha, to come to you. For I greatly
desire to see you, and to impart to you the gift of the Spirit, that thereby
you may be established, and that together we may be comforted by your faith
and mine.
1 Or, acknowledged.
BUT I will that you know, my brethren, that many times I have willed to
come to you, and have been hindered until this; that among you also I may
have fruit as among the rest of the nations of the Javnoyee and Barbaroyee,
the wise and the foolish, because to every man am I obligated to preach; and
so am I urged to evangelize unto you also who are in Ruma. For I am not
ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of Aloha for the salvation of
all who believe in him, whether of the Jihudoyee first, or of the Aramoyee:
for the righteousness of Aloha in it is revealed from faith to faith, as it
is written,
The righteous by faith shall live.
For the wrath of Aloha is revealed from heaven against all the
unrighteousness and depravity of the sons of men, who the truth in
unrighteousness detain. Because the knowledge of Aloha is revealed in them;
for Aloha revealed it in them. For the occult things 2 of Aloha from the
foundations of the world, unto his creatures by intelligence are apparent,
and his power and his Godhead eternal, that they may be without excuse. For
when they knew Aloha, they did not as Aloha glorify him and praise him, but
became vain in their imaginations, and their heart was darkened, that they
understood not. And while thinking in themselves that they were wise, they
were fools.3 And they changed the glory of Aloha the Incorruptible into the
likeness of the image of corruptible man, and into the likeness of birds and
of four-footed (beasts) and of reptiles of the earth. Because of this Aloha
delivered them up to the unclean lusts of their hearts, that they would
debase their bodies among them. And they changed the truth of Aloha into a
lie, and worshipped and served the creatures rather than their Creator, to
whom be praises and blessings for ever and ever. Amen.
2 Kasyotheh d'Aloha. 3 Or, befooled.
WHEREFORE Aloha delivered them up to passions of vileness: for their
females changed the use of their nature, and to what is not natural were
used. And also their males likewise left the natural use of their females,
and were inflamed with concupiscence one with another, and male with male
wrought shamefulness, and the just retribution for their perverseness in
themselves received. And as they did not decide in themselves to know Aloha,
so did Aloha cause them to be delivered up to a mind of vainness, and to do
what is not fit; being filled with all wickedness, and uncleanness, and
rancour, and malice, and rapacity, and envy, and murder, and contention, and
deceit, and evil imaginings, and murmurings, and slanders, and hating of
Aloha: vilifiers, inflated ones, boasters, inventors of evil things,
mindless, disobedient to parents, (men) to whom a compact is nothing, and
(who) neither love peace nor (have) mercy in them; who, knowing the judgment
of Aloha, that they who these things do, unto death are condemned, (yet) not
only do them, but also participate with those who do them.
Wherefore thou hast no excuse, O man, who judgest thy neighbour; for in
that for which thou judgest thy neighbour, thou condemnest thyself; for in
those which thou judgest, thou also art conversant.
AND we know what is the judgment of Aloha in truth against them who in
these things converse. But thinkest thou, O man, who judgest them who in
these converse, while thou also conversest in them, that thou wilt escape
the judgment of Aloha? Or upon the riches of his goodness, and upon his
long-suffering, and upon the space he giveth thee, presumest thou ? and
knowest not that the goodness of Aloha unto repentance leadeth thee? Yet,
through the hardness of thy unrepenting heart, layest thou up the treasure
of wrath for the day of wrath, and the revelation of the just judgment of
Aloha, who rendereth to every man according to his works. To them who seek,
in perseverance of good works, glory and honour and incorruption, he giveth
eternal life; but to them who are rebellious, and obey not the truth, but
unrighteousness obey, he will render wrath and indignation and affliction
and distress, upon every man who worketh evils; to Jihudoyee first, and to
Aramoyee; but glory and honour and peace to every one who worketh good, to
the Jihudoya first, and also to the Aramoya; for there is no acceptance of
faces with Aloha.
For they who without the law have sinned, without the law also will
perish: and they who in the law have sinned, by the law will be judged. For
not the hearers of the law are righteous before Aloha, but the doers of the
law are justified.
FOR if the Gentiles, who have not the law, from their nature shall
perform the law, these, while not having the law, unto themselves become a
law. And these show the work of law written upon their hearts, and their
conscience testifieth of them, while their reasonings accuse or excuse one
another; in the day when Aloha judgeth the secrets of men according to my
gospel by Jeshu Meshiha.
But if thou (who) a Jihudoya art called, and reposest on the law, and
boastest in Aloha, because thou knowest his will, and distinguishest the
things that are fitting, because thou art learned from the law; and
confidest upon thyself that thou art a guide of the blind, and a light to
those who are in darkness, and an instructor of the wanting-in-mind, and a
teacher of children, and hast a type of knowledge and of truth in the law:
Thou, then, who teachest others, dost thou not teach thyself ? and who
preachest that men should not steal, dost thou steal? and who sayest they
should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery ? And thou who
condemnest idols, dost thou despoil the sanctuary ?4 And thou who boastest
of the law, in this that thou transgressest against the law, Aloha himself
despisest thou? For the name of Aloha through you is blasphemed among the
Gentiles, as it is written.
For circumcision profiteth, if thou accomplish the law; but if thou
transgress the law, thy circumcision is become uncircumcisedness. But if the
uncircumcision shall keep the commandment of the law, is not
uncircumcisedness reckoned to him (as) circumcision ? And the uncircumcision,
who by nature accomplishes the law will judge thee, who with the scripture
and with circumcision, transgressest against the law.
4 The house of holiness.
FOR it is not in outwardness that he is a Jihudoya nor is that which is
seen in the flesh circumcision: but he is a Jihudoya who is one in
inwardness; and circumcision is that which is of the heart, in the spirit,
and not in the letter; whose praise is not from the sons of men, but from
What then is the excellence of the Jihudoya, and what the profit of
circumcision ?
Much in every thing: primarily that they had intrusted (to them) the
words of Aloha.
For if some of them believed not, would their unbelief abolish the
faithfulness of Aloha ?
Not so: for Aloha is true, and every man a liar; as it is written,
That thou mayest be just in thy words,
And triumph when they judge thee.
But if our iniquity the righteousness of Aloha establisheth, what shall we
say ? Is Aloha evil, who bringeth his wrath ? As a man do I speak.
Not so; otherwise how shall Aloha judge the world ?
For if the truth of Aloha is promoted by my lie unto his glory, why then
am I judged as a sinner ?
Or why, as certain blaspheme concerning us, affirming that we say, Let us
do evil, that good may come? they, whose condemnation is reserved by
What then, have we attained excellence ? (No.) For before we decided of
the Jihudoyee and of the Aramoyee that they are all under sin; as it is
None is righteous, not one.
None understandeth or seeketh Aloha.
All have declined together and are reprobate,
And there is none that doeth good, not one.
Open sepulchres are their throats,
Their tongues have deceived,
And the venom of asps is under their lips.
Their mouth is full of cursing and bitterness,
And their feet are swift to shed blood.
Crushing and misery are in their ways;
And the way of peace they have not known;
And the fear of Aloha is not before their eyes.
BUT we know that whatever the law saith, to them who are under the law it
saith: that every mouth may be shut, and all the world be guilty unto Aloha.
Because by the works of the law no flesh is justified before him; for from
the law sin is known. But now, without the law the righteousness of Aloha is
revealed, and the law and the prophets (themselves) testify of it. But the
righteousness of Aloha is by faith 5 of Jeshu Meshiha, unto all and also
upon all who believe in him. For there is no distinction: for all have
sinned, and have failed of the glory of Aloha; and all are justified by
grace freely, and (that) through the redemption which is in Jeshu Meshiha,
whom Aloha before ordained (to be) a propitiation through faith in his blood
for our sins which from the first we had sinned, within the space which
Aloha hath given to us in his patience, unto the manifestation of his
righteousness which (is) in this time: that he might be just, and might
justify in righteousness him who is in the faith of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.
Where, then, is boasting ? It is abolished. By what law ? of works ? No,
but by the law of faith. We comprehend, therefore, that by faith man is
justified, and not by the works of the law. Is Aloha of the Jihudoyee only,
and not of the Gentiles ? Yes, of the Gentiles also Because one is Aloha,
who justifieth the circumcision by faith, also the uncircumcision by the
same faith. Do we therefore the law abolish by faith ? Not so, but the law
itself we establish.
What then say we of Abraham, the chief of the fathers, that he found in
the flesh ? For if Abraham by works was justified, he had cause for
boasting; but not with Aloha. For what saith the scripture ? That Abraham
believed Aloha, and he reckoned it to him for righteousness. But to him who
worketh, his wages are not reckoned to him as of favour, but as that which
is owing to him: but to him who worketh not, but believeth only in him who
justifieth sinners, his faith is reckoned to him for righteousness. As also
David hath spoken concerning the blessedness of the man to whom Aloha
reckoneth righteousness without works, saying,
Blessed are they whose iniquity is forgiven,
And whose sins are covered.
Blessed is the man to whom Aloha reckoneth not his sin.
Is this blessedness, then, upon the circumcision (only), or upon the
uncircumcision (also) ? Now we have said, that his faith was reckoned to
Abraham for righteousness. When, then, was it reckoned to him ? In
circumcision or in uncircumcision ? It was not in circumcision, but in
uncircumcision. For he received the sign of circumcision (as) a seal of the
righteousness of his faith, which (was his) in uncircumcision, that he
should be the father of all them who believe of the uncircumcision; that it
might be accounted also to them for righteousness: and the father of the
circumcision, not of them who are of the circumcision only, but of them who
pursue 6 the footsteps of the faith of uncircumcision of our father Abraham.
5 Lit. " By the hand of faith." 6 Or, accomplish, fulfil.
FOR not through the law was the promise unto Abraham and to his seed that
he should be the heir of the world, but through the righteousness of faith.
For if they who are of the law were heirs, faith would be vain, and the
promise be abolished. For the law is the worker of wrath. For where there is
no law, there also is no transgression of the law. Therefore it is by faith,
which is through grace, that we are justified, that the promise might be
firm unto all his seed; not to that which is of the law only, but also to
that which is of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all: (as it
is written, I have ordained thee the father of many nations before Aloha, in
whom thou hast believed, who maketh alive the dead, and calleth those who
are not as though they were:) and who, without hope, unto hope believed that
he should be the father of many nations, as it is written, that " so shall
be thy seed." Nor was he weak in his faith, while considering his body dead,
(for he was the son of an hundred years,) and the dead womb of Sara; and at
the promise of Aloha he wavered not as deficient in faith, but was strong in
faith, and gave glory to Aloha; and was sure that what he had promised to
him Aloha could fulfil. Wherefore it was reckoned to him for righteousness.
And not for his sake only was this written, that his faith was reckoned for
righteousness, but for our sake, because it should be reckoned to us also
who believe in Him who hath raised our Lord Jeshu Meshiha from among the
dead; who was delivered for our sins, and rose that he might justify us.
BECAUSE, then, we are justified by faith, we have peace with Aloha
through our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. And by him we have been admitted through
faith into this grace in which we stand, and exult in hope of the glory of
Aloha. And not thus only, but also in afflictions we exult; for we know that
affliction perfecteth patience in us, and patience experience, 7 and
experience hope: but hope maketh us not ashamed, because the love of Aloha
is shed forth upon our hearts by the Spirit of Holiness who is given to us.
But if the Meshiha on account of our infirmity in this time for the
wicked hath died: for hardly for the wicked one dieth; for on account of the
good one may perhaps dare to die. Nevertheless Aloha hath manifested his
love for us, in that, when we were sinners, the Meshiha for us died: how
much more, then, shall we be now justified through his blood, and by him be
delivered from wrath? For if, while we were adversaries, Aloha was
reconciled with us through the death of his Son, how much more, then, in
reconciliation with him, 8 shall we be saved by his life ? And not thus
only, but we also exult in Aloha through our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, by whom we
have now received the reconciliation.
7 Or, proof, probation. 8 Or, in his reconciliation.
As by one man sin entered into the world, and by sin death, so death hath
passed upon all men through this, that all have sinned. For until the law,
sin, while it was in the world, was not reckoned sin, because the law was
not; yet death reigned from Adam until Musha on them also who had not sinned
after the manner of the transgression of the law of Adam, who was the type
of him who was to be. But not as was the fall, so is the gift; for if, on
account of the fall of one, many died, how much more the grace of Aloha, and
his gift, for the sake of one man, Jeshu Meshiha, in many will abound ? And
not as the transgression of one, so is the gift; for the judgment that was
by one was unto condemnation, but the gift (which saves) from many sins was
unto righteousness. For if because of the transgression of one death was
made to reign, much more (shall) they who receive the abundance of the grace
and of the gift and of righteousness, reign in life by one, Jeshu Meshiha.
As then on account of the transgression of one was the condemnation of all
men, so, on account of the righteousness of one shall there be acquittal 9
unto the life of all men. For as on account of the disobedience of one man
many became sinners, so also on account of the obedience of one many became
righteous. But the entrance which was of the law, (made) sin to increase;
and where sin increased, there grace hath abounded: that as sin hath reigned
in death, so grace might reign in righteousness unto the life which is
eternal, by the hand of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.
9 Zokutho, Victoria, innocentia, justificatio. Heb. Zakah, Purum fuit, purum
WHAT, then, shall we say, Let us remain in sin, that grace may abound ?
Not so. For how shall they who are dead to 1 sin live yet in it ? Or do you
not know, that they who have been baptized into Jeshu Meshiha, into his
death have been baptized ? For we are buried with him by baptism into death;
that as Jeshu Meshiha arose from among the dead by the glory of his Father,
so also we in a new life shall walk. For if together we have been planted
with him in the likeness of his death, so also in his resurrection shall we
be. For we know that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin
might be abolished, that more we should not serve sin. For he who is dead is
set free from sin. If then we are dead with the Meshiha, we believe that
with him, with the Meshiha, we shall live: for we know that the Meshiha rose
from among the dead, and no more dieth, nor hath death dominion over him.
For [as] he who died on account of sin died once, and he who liveth liveth
unto Aloha; so also reckon yourselves to be dead unto sin, and alive unto
Aloha by our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.
Let not sin then reign in your dead body, as that you may obey the lusts
of it: nor prepare your members the instruments of iniquity unto sin, but
prepare yourselves for Aloha, as men who from the dead have been made alive,
and your members instruments to be for the righteousness of Aloha. For sin
shall not rule over you; for you are not under law, but under grace. What,
then, shall we sin, because we are not under law, but under grace ? Not so.
Know you not, that to whomsoever you prepare yourselves to obey him unto
service, of him you are the servants, of him whom you obey; whether of sin,
or of the hearing of the ear of righteousness ? But praise to Aloha that you
were the servants of sin, but have obeyed from the heart the form of
doctrine to which you have been delivered. And when you were made free from
sin, you became obedient to righteousness. As among men I speak, because of
the infirmity of your flesh, that as you have prepared your members for the
service of uncleanness and of iniquity, so also now prepare ye your members
for the service of righteousness and of holiness. For when you were the
servants of sin, you were free from righteousness. And what product 2 had
you then from that of which to-day you are ashamed? For the end of it is
death. And now made free from sin, and become servants to Aloha, you have
holy fruits, 3 of which the end is the life of eternity. For the wages of
sin is death; and the gift of Aloha the life of eternity by our Lord Jeshu
1 Or, by, on account of, sin: the particle admitting of either meaning.
Compare the Syr. Apoc. xx. 11; I Peter i. 5; 2 Cor. viii. 14. 2 Odsho. 3
BUT know you not, my brethren, for to those who know the law I speak,
that the law has authority over a man as long as he liveth ? as a woman who
is bound in law to her husband as long as he liveth; but if her husband be
dead, she is freed from the law of her husband. But if, while her husband
lives, she adhere to another man, she becometh an adulteress; but if her
husband shall die, she is freed from the law, and is not an adulteress,
though she become (the wife) of another man. And now, my brethren, you also
are dead to the law, through the body of the Meshiha, that you should be
married to another, (namely, to) him who rose from the dead, that you may
render fruit unto Aloha.
For while we were in the flesh, the affections of sin, which are against
4 the law, wrought powerfully in our members to yield fruits unto death; but
now we are loosed from the law, and are dead to that which held us, that we
might serve henceforth in the newness of the spirit, and not in the oldness
of the writing.
What then, say we the law is sin ? Not so. But sin I had not learned (to
know) but by the law: for I had not known concupiscence (to be sinful), but
(by) the law, which hath said, Thou shalt not covet. And by this commandment
sin found for itself an occasion, and completed in me all concupiscence. For
without the law sin was dead. But I was alive without the law formerly: but
when the commandment came, sin lived, and I died. And that commandment of
life was found to me (to tend) unto death. For sin, by the occasion it found
through the commandment, deceived me, and thereby killed me. The law
therefore is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good. The good,
then, unto me, unto death was made? Not so. But sin, that it might be seen
what sin is, by the good (law) effected death in me, that sin might be the
more condemned by the commandment. For we know that the law is spiritual ; 5
but I am carnal, and sold unto sin. For what I work, I know 6 not; and not
that which I will, I do; but what I hate, that I do. And if the thing that I
would not, I do, I witness of the law that it is good. 7 But now it is not I
who work this, but sin which dwelleth in me. For I know that in me, but that
is in my flesh, good dwelleth not; because to will the good is easy to me,
but to perform it I find not. For the good that I will to do, I do not; but
the evil that I will not to do, that do I. And if the thing that I will not
I do, it is not I who do it, but sin which dwelleth in me. I find then a law
which accordeth with my mind, that willeth to do good, because evil is near
to me. For I rejoice in the law of Aloha in the interior man; but I see
another law in my members, which warreth against the law of my mind, making
me captive to the law of sin that is in my members. Miserable son of man am
I ! who will deliver me from this body of death ? I give thanks to Aloha !
(it is) by the hand of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.
4 Compare the same particle, 2 Cor. vii. 2. 5 Da-ruch, " Of the spirit. "
6 Or, acknowledge, approve. 7. Shaphir.
Now then, I in my mind am the servant of the law of Aloha, but in my
flesh 8 I am the servant of the law of sin. Hence, there is no condemnation
to them who do not walk according to the flesh, in Jeshu Meshiha. For the
law of the Spirit of life, which is in Jeshu Meshiha, hath set thee free
from the law of sin and of death. Because the law was weak through the
infirmity of the flesh, Aloha sent his Son in the likeness of the flesh of
sin, on account of sin to condemn sin in his flesh; that the righteousness
of the law might in us be fulfilled, who walk not in the flesh, but in the
Spirit. For they who are in the flesh, of that flesh are mindful; and they
who are of the Spirit, of that Spirit are mindful. For the mind of the flesh
is death, and the mind of the Spirit life and peace. Because the mind of the
flesh is enmity towards Aloha; for to the law of Aloha it is not subject,
for it cannot be; and they who are in the flesh cannot please Aloha. But you
are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if truly the Spirit of Aloha
dwelleth in you. But if a man have not the Spirit of the Meshiha, this (man)
is not his. And if the Meshiha be in you, the body is dead because of sin;
but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. And if the Spirit of him
who raised our Lord Jeshu Meshiha from among the dead dwell in you, he who
raised our Lord Jeshu Meshiha from among the dead will also make alive your
dead bodies, on account of his Spirit who dwelleth in you.
8 Compare verse 13 with John iii. 6, 7.
Now, my brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, that according to the
flesh we should walk. For if after the flesh you live, you must die: but if,
after the Spirit, the habitudes of the body you mortify, you live. For they
who by the Spirit of Aloha are led, they are the sons of Aloha. For we have
not received the spirit of servitude again unto fear, but we have received
the Spirit of the adoption 9 of sons, by whom we cry, Father, our Father!
And the Spirit himself witnesseth with our spirit, that we are the sons of
Aloha. And if sons, heirs also; heirs of Aloha, and the sons of the
inheritance of Jeshu Meshiha. For if we suffer with him, with him also shall
we be glorified. For I consider that the sufferings of this time are not
equal to that glory which is to be revealed in us. For the whole creation
hopeth and waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of Aloha. For the
creation hath been subjected to vanity, not willingly, 1 but on account of
him who subjected her, upon the hope that the creation herself also shall be
made free from the servitude of corruption into the liberty of the glory of
the sons of Aloha. For we know that all creatures groan and travail until
this day; and not only they, but we also who have in us the first-fruit of
the Spirit, groan within ourselves, and wait for the adoption, the
redemption of our bodies. For in hope we live: but hope that is seen is not
hope; for if we see it, why hope we for it ? But if we hope for that which
is not seen, in patience we wait. So also the Spirit helpeth our infirmity:
for what to pray for as we ought we know not; but the Spirit himself prayeth
on our behalf in groanings unspoken. But he who searcheth the hearts, he
knoweth the mind of the Spirit, who, according to the will of Aloha, prayeth
for the saints.
9 Rucho da-simath benayo: The Spirit of the constituting of sons. 1 Or, not
with her will.
BUT we know that those who love Aloha, in every thing he helpeth them for
good; them whom he set before that they might be called. And from the first
he knew them, and signified 2 them in the likeness of the image of his Son,
that he might be the first-born of many brethren. But whom he before
signified, them he called; and whom he called, them he justified; and whom
he justified, them he glorified.
What then shall we say of these ? If Aloha be for us, who is against us?
And if his Son be spared not, but for all of us delivered him up, how will
he not with him give us all things ? Who is against the chosen of Aloha ?
Aloha justifieth. Who condemneth? The Meshiha hath died and arisen, and is
at the right hand of Aloha, and prayeth for us. Who shall separate us from
the love of Meshiha ? Affliction, or sorrow, or persecution, or famine, or
nakedness, or peril, or the sword ? As it is written:
For thee all the day long are we killed,
We are reckoned as sheep for the slaughter.
But in these we all are victorious by the hand of him who hath loved us. For
I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor authorities,
nor powers, nor things subsisting, nor things to come, nor height, nor
depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate me from the love of
Aloha which is in our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.
I say the truth in Meshiha, and lie not; my conscience witnesseth for me
in the Spirit of Holiness, that I have great grief, and (that) the sorrow of
my heart ceaseth not. For I could pray that I myself might be one accursed
from Meshiha 3 instead of my brethren and my kinsmen who are in the flesh;
who are the sons of Israel, and whose was the adoption of sons, and the
glory, and the covenants, and the law, and the ministry, and the promises,
and the fathers; and from whom appeared the Meshiha in the flesh, who is
Aloha over all: his be praises and benedictions to the age of ages. Amen.
2 Var'sham enum, Signed, designated, notified them. 3 Cherem from Meshiha.
FOR the word of Aloha hath not really fallen :4 for not all who are of
Israel are Israel; neither also are they who are of the seed of Abraham all
children; because it was said, In Ishok shall be called unto thee the seed:
but that is, the children of the flesh are not the children of Aloha, but
the children of the promise are reckoned the seed. For the promise is this
word, In this time I will come, and a son shall be unto Sara. And not this
only, but also Raphka when with one, our father Ishok, she had association,
before her sons were born, and had not wrought good or evil, the (choice) of
Aloha was (made) known before that it should remain: not by works, but by
him who called: for it was said, The elder shall be servant to the less; as
it is written, Jakub have I loved, and Isu have I hated.
What then say we? Is there iniquity with Aloha? Not so: behold, also, he
said unto Musha, I will have mercy upon whom I will have mercy, and I will
be gracious to whom I will be gracious. Therefore it is not by him who
willeth, nor by him who runneth, but by Aloha the Merciful. For it is said
in the scripture to Pherun, For this I have raised thee up, that I might
show in thee my power, and that my name might be proclaimed in all the
earth. Then upon whom he willeth he is merciful, and whom he willeth he
Perhaps thou wilt say, Of what then doth he complain; for who shall arise
against his will ? Who then art thou, O man, who givest answer against Aloha
? Will the mass say to him who formeth it, Why thus hast thou formed me ?
Or, hath not the potter power over his clay, that from the (same) mass he
might make vessels, the one to honour, and the other to vileness ?
4 Fallen to fall.
BUT if Aloha, willing to reveal his wrath, and to make known his power,
in his much patience bore with the vessels of wrath who were perfected for
destruction, and poured his mercy upon the vessels of mercy who were
prepared of Aloha for glory, who are we, (ourselves) the called, not only of
the Jihudoyee, but also of the Gentiles: so also in Husha he said, I will
call them my people who were not my people, and on those on whom I was not
merciful, will I be merciful: for it shall be in the place where they were
not called my people, there shall they be called the children of Aloha the
Living. But Eshaia proclaims of the sons of Israel: Though the number of the
sons of Israel were as the sand which is on the sea, the residue of them
shall be saved. The Lord hath decreed and determined the word, and will
perform it upon the earth. And as that which Eshaia had said before: Unless
the Lord of sebaoth had left to us a residue, as Sedum should we have been,
and to Amura have been likened.
WHAT then shall we say? That the Gentiles who have not followed 5 after
righteousness have attained righteousness, but that righteousness which is
of faith: but Israel, who followed 5 after the law of righteousness, unto
the law of righteousness have not attained. For why ? Because it was not by
faith, but by the works of the law: for they stumbled at the stone of
stumbling; as it is written,
Behold, I lay in Zion a stone of stumbling
And a rock of offence;
And whosoever in him shall believe
Shall not be ashamed.
My brethren, (it is) the wish 6 of my heart, and my prayer to Aloha
concerning them, that they may be saved. For I testify of them that they
have zeal for Aloha,7 but not in knowledge. But the righteousness of Aloha
they know not, but seek the righteousness of themselves to establish, and on
this account to the righteousness of Aloha they have not become subject. For
the end of the law is the Meshiha unto righteousness in all who believe in
5 Or, ran. 6 Or, will. 7 Or, the zeal of Aloha.
FOR Musha thus describeth the righteousness which is of the law, that he
who doeth these things shall live by them. But the righteousness which is by
faith thus speaketh,
Say not in thy heart, Who shall ascend into heaven,
And bring down the Meshiha ?
And who shall descend into the deep of Sheul,
And bring up the Meshiha from among the dead ?
But what saith it ?
Nigh thee is the word of thy mouth and of thy heart: that is, the word of
faith, which we preach. And if thou wilt confess with thy mouth our Lord
Jeshu, and wilt believe with thy heart that Aloha hath raised him from among
the dead, thou shalt be saved. For the heart which believeth in him is
justified, and the mouth which confesseth him is saved. For the scripture
saith, that every one who believeth in him shall not be ashamed. And in this
he hath not distinguished nor the Jihudoya nor the Aramoya; for one is the
Lord of them all, who is rich toward every one who calleth on him. For every
one who shall invoke the name of the Lord shall be saved.
How then shall they invoke him in whom they have not believed ? Or how
shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard ? Or how shall they
hear without a preacher? Or how shall they preach if they are not sent ? As
it is written,
How beautiful the feet of them who evangelize peace,
And who evangelize good things !
But all of them have not obeyed 8 the preaching of the gospel: for Eshaia
My Lord, who hath believed our voice ?
Therefore faith is from the hearing of the ear, and the hearing of the ear
from the word of Aloha.
But I say, Have they not heard ?
Behold, in all the earth their voice hath gone forth,
And to the ends of the world their words !
But I say, Hath not Israel known? First, Musha thus speaketh,
I will provoke you by a people who is not a people.
And by the disobedient people will I make you angry.
But Eshaia is bold, and saith,
I am beheld by them who have not sought me,
And found of them who for me have not inquired.
But of Israel he saith,
I have stretched out my hands all the day
To a contentious and disobedient people.
8 Lit. " heard."
BUT I say, Hath Aloha put away his people ? Not so. For I also am of
Israel, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benyamen. Aloha hath not put
away his people whom from before he knew. Or know you not what he saith in
the scripture concerning Elia, when he cried unto Aloha against Israel,
saying, My Lord, thy prophets have they killed, and thy altars overthrown,
and I alone am left, and they seek my soul ? And it was said to him by
revelation, Behold, I have left to myself seven thousand men, who upon their
knees have not kneeled nor worshipped Baal. So also, at this time, a residue
is left by the election of grace. But if by grace, it is not of works;
otherwise grace is not grace. But if by works, it is not of grace; otherwise
work is not work. What then, That which Israel sought he hath not found; but
the election hath found: but the rest of them are blinded in their hearts.
As it is written,
Aloha hath given them the spirit of trouble,9
And eyes that see not, and ears that hear not,
until the present day.1 And David again saith,
Let their table become a snare before them,
And their reward be for a stumbling-block:
Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see,
And their back at all times be bowed;
But I say, Have they stumbled so as to fall ? Not so: but, by their
stumbling was salvation to the Gentiles, unto [the stirring up of] their
zeal. And if their stumbling were wealth to the world, and their
condemnation wealth to the Gentiles, how much then will their fulness be?
9 Spiritum stupidum.-WALTON. 1 Until the day of to-day.
To you, Gentiles, I speak, I, who am apostle of the Gentiles, in my
ministry I glory,2 if I may provoke my fleshly kindred, and save some of
them. For if their rejection was the reconciliation of the world, what
(will) their conversion (be) but life from the dead ? For if the
first-fruits be holy, (so) also (will be) the mass; and if the root be holy,
(so) also the branches. And if the branches were cut off, and thou who art a
wild olive art engrafted in their place, and hast a participation of the
root and fatness of the olive, boast not against the branches: but if thou
boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root beareth thee. And perhaps
thou wilt say, The branches were cut off, and I in their place am engrafted:
Well, they on account of unbelief were cut off, and thou by faith standest:
be not exalted in thy mind, but fear. If Aloha spared not them who were
branches by nature, (take heed) lest he spare not thee. Behold, then, the
goodness and the severity of Aloha: towards them who fell, severity; but
towards thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness; if not, thou also
wilt be cut off. And they, if they continue not in their want of faith, they
also shall be engrafted; for Aloha is able again to engraft them. For if
thou who art of the wild olive which is thy nature, wast cut off, and, which
was not thy nature, art engrafted into the good olive, how much more they,
if they are engrafted into the olive of their nature ?
But I would have you know, my brethren, this mystery, that you may not be
wise in your own mind,-that blindness of heart for a little space is unto
Israel until the fulness of the Gentiles be brought in: and then all Israel
shall be saved. As it is written,
The Redeemer shall come from Sion, 3
And turn iniquity from Jakub;
And then shall be to them my covenant,
When I have forgiven them their sins.
But, in (regard of) the gospel, they are enemies on your account; and, in
the election, they are beloved on account of the fathers. For Aloha turneth
not in his gift and in his vocation. For as you also were not obedient unto
Aloha at the first, and now have received mercy through their disobedience;
so also these are now disobedient for the mercy that is upon you, that upon
them also might be mercy. For Aloha hath included them all in disobedience,
that upon all he might show mercy. O the depth of the riches of the wisdom
and knowledge of Aloha, whose judgments man searcheth not, and whose ways
are inscrutable ! For who hath known the mind of the Lord, or who hath been
his counsellor? Or who hath first given to him, that so he should receive
from him ? For all is of him, and all in him, and all by him. To him be
praises and benedictions unto the age of ages. Amen.
2 Or, boast. 3 Nithe men Tshiun Poruko.
I BESEECH then of you, my brethren, by the mercies of Aloha, that you
present 4 your bodies a sacrifice, living and holy and acceptable unto
Aloha, in a rational 5 service. And be not likened unto this world, but be
changed by the renewing of your minds, that you may discern what is the will
of Aloha, good, and acceptable, and perfect.
But I tell you all through the grace which is given to me, that you are
not to think beyond what it is proper to think; but that you think with
sobriety, every man as Aloha hath divided to him faith in measure. For as in
one body we have many members, and as all the members have not one work, so
also we who are many are one body in the Meshiha; but we are each of us
members one of another. But we have various gifts according to the grace
that is given to us: is it prophecy ? (let him who has received it) prophesy
according to the measure of the faith. Hath (another the gift) of ministry?
(let him be employed) in his ministry; he who is a teacher, (let him labour)
in his teaching; he who is an exhorter, in his exhorting; as he who giveth,
(let him give with simplicity;) and he who presideth,6 (let it be) with
diligence; and he who (is engaged in works) of mercy, with cheerfulness. And
let not your love be guileful; abhor things evil, cleave to the good. Be
tender to your brethren, and love one another, being forward to honour one
another. Be diligent, and not slothful, be fervent in spirit, be serving
your Lord. Rejoice in your hope, sustain your afflictions, be constant in
prayer; distributing to the necessity of the saints. Be kind to strangers.
Bless your persecutors; bless, and curse not. Rejoice with them who rejoice,
and weep with them who weep. And what you think of yourselves, (that) also
think of your brethren; nor think with a high mind, but incline to them who
are humble; and be not wise in the conceit of your own mind. And repay to no
man evil for evil, but be careful to do good before all men. And if
possible, as much as is in you, with all men make peace. And avenge not
yourselves, my beloved, but give place unto wrath; for it is written, that
if thou execute not judgment for thyself, I will execute thy judgment, saith
Aloha. And if thy adversary hunger, feed him; and if he thirst, give him
drink: and if these things thou do unto him, coals of fire thou wilt heap
upon his head. Let not evil overcome you, but overcome evil with good.
4 Or, make to stand, constitute.
5 Meliltho. Compare the use of the corresponding Chaldee word in the Targum
of Onkelos on Gen. ii. 7, where the divine afflatus is described as creating
in man ruch memalla, " a speaking or rational spirit."
6 Lit. " standeth at the head."
XXIII . 13:1
LET every soul to the powers of dominion be subject. For there is no
power that is not from Aloha, and the powers that be, of Aloha are they
instituted. Whoever then riseth up against the power, against the
institution of Aloha he riseth; and they who arise against them will receive
judgment. For judges are not a terror to the workers of good, but to the
evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do good, and thou shalt
have praise from him. For he is the servant of Aloha, but to thee for good:
and if thou do evil, fear; for not in vain is he girded with the sword; for
he is the servant of Aloha, and the dispenser of wrath to them who do evil.
And because of this are we bound to be subject, not for the wrath only, but
also because of conscience. On this account also give we tribute 7 to them;
for they are the servants of Aloha over these things constituted.
Render therefore to every man as is due to him: to whom tribute 7 (is
due,) tribute ;7 and to whom custom, custom; and to whom reverence,
reverence; and to whom honour, honour. And to no man owe any thing, but one
another to love. For whoever loveth his neighbour fulfilleth the law: for
that also which it hath said, Thou shalt not kill; and, Thou shalt not
commit adultery; and, Thou shalt not steal; and, Thou shalt not covet; and
if there be any other commandment, in this word it is accomplished, Thou
shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Love unto his neighbour evil worketh
not: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.
7 Lit. " head-silver."
AND also this know, that the time is, and the hour is, when we should be
awake from our sleep; for now hath drawn nearer to us our salvation than
when we believed. The night now passeth away, and the day hath drawn nigh;
put we away then from us the works of darkness, and let us clothe with the
arms of light. And as in the day, let us walk decorously, not with the song,
nor with drunkenness, nor in the unclean chamber, nor in envy and in
contention; but let (every one) clothe himself with our Lord Jeshu Meshiha,
and care not for your flesh unto the lusts (thereof).
But to him who is weak in the faith give the hand, and be not divided in
your thoughts. For there are some who believe that one may eat every thing,
and he who is weak; eateth (only) the herb. But let not him who eateth
despise him who eateth not; and he who eateth not, let him not judge him who
eateth; for Aloha hath received him. Who art thou that judgest a servant who
is not thine ? who, if he stand, unto his Lord he standeth, and if he fall,
falleth unto his Lord. But standing, he standeth; for there is power in the
hands of his Lord to make him stand. There is who distinguisheth 8 day from
day, and there is who judgeth all days (to be alike); but let every man in
the conviction 9 of his (own) mind be confirmed. He who thinketh of the day,
to his Lord he thinketh; and every one who thinketh not of the day, unto his
Lord he thinketh not (of it). He who eateth, to his Lord he eateth, and to
Aloha giveth thanks; and he who eateth not, to his Lord he eateth not, and
giveth thanks to Aloha. For there is no one of us who to himself liveth and
no one who to himself dieth. For if we live, to our Lord we live; and if we
die, to our Lord we die: and if we live, then, or if we die, our Lord's are
we. Because of this also the Meshiha died and lived and arose, that he might
be Lord of the dead and of the living. But thou, why dost thou judge thy
brother? Or thou, also, why despisest thou thy brother ? For we shall all
stand before the tribunal of the Meshiha: as it is written, As I live, saith
the Lord, unto me every knee shall bow, and to me shall every tongue
confess. Therefore, every one of us the answer for himself shall give unto
Aloha. Then judge not one another, but this determine 1 rather, to lay not a
stumbling-block for thy brother. For I know, and am persuaded in the Lord
Jeshu, that a thing which is unclean from itself is not (so); but to him who
judgeth of any thing that it is polluted, to him only it is polluted. But if
on account of meat thou grievest thy brother, thou walkest not in love:
destroy not by thy meat him on account of whom the Meshiha died. Let not our
good 2 (things) be blasphemed. For the kingdom of Aloha is not meat and
drink, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Spirit of Holiness. For
who in these things serveth the Meshiha pleaseth Aloha, and before men is
approved. Now, after peace let us pursue,3 and after the edification of one
another, and not for the sake of meats undo the work of Aloha. For each
thing is pure, yet evil is it to the man who eateth with offence. It is well
not to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing by which our brother is
offended. Hast thou confidence ? In thyself retain it before Aloha. Blessed
is he who condemneth 4 not himself in what he distinguisheth. For he who
doubteth and eateth is made guilty, because he eateth not with confidence.
For every thing that is not of confidence is sin.
8 Or, judgeth. 9 Or, knowledge, intelligence.
1 Or, judge. 2 Toböthan, plural. 3 Run. 4 Judgeth.
WE then, the strong, are obligated to bear up the infirmities of the
weak, and not ourselves to please. But let every one of us please his
neighbour in good things as unto edification. Because the Meshiha also
pleased not himself; but as it is written,
The reproach of thy reproachers hath fallen upon me.
For every thing that hath before been written for our instruction was
written, that by the patience and consolation of the scriptures we might
have hope. But the God of patience and of consolation give to you that with
impartiality 5 you may think one of another in Jeshu Meshiha, that with one
mind and with one mouth you may glorify Aloha, the Father of our Lord Jeshu
Meshiha. Therefore, receive and bear with one another, as also the Meshiha
hath received you, to the glory of Aloha.
But I say that Jeshu Meshiha ministered [to] the circumcision, on behalf
of the truth of Aloha, that he might confirm the promise of the fathers, and
the Gentiles might glorify Aloha for his mercy that was upon them. As it is
I will confess thee among the Gentiles,
And to thy name will I sing.
And again he hath said,
Be glad, ye Gentiles, with his people.
And again he hath said,
Praise the Lord, all (ye) Gentiles;
Let all peoples praise him.
And again, Eshaia hath said,
There shall be a root of Jeshai,
And he who shall arise shall be the chief of the peoples;
And upon him will the Gentiles hope.
But the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace, through faith, that you
may abound in hope through the power of the Spirit of Holiness.
5 Equality.
BUT I am persuaded also concerning you, my brethren, that you are also
full of good, and filled with all knowledge, and able also to instruct
others. But I have somewhat 6 boldly written to you, my brethren, as that I
may put you in remembrance, through the grace which is given to me from
Aloha, to be a minister of Jeshu Meshiha among the Gentiles, and to labour
in the gospel of Aloha, that there may be an oblation of the Gentiles,
acceptable and holy through the Spirit of Holiness. I have, then, exultation
in Jeshu Meshiha with Aloha. For I dare not speak any thing which the
Meshiha hath not done by my hands, unto the obedience of the Gentiles, in
word and in deeds, with the power of signs and miracles, and with the power
of the Spirit of Aloha; as that I have itinerated from Urishlem unto
Illyrikum, to fulfil the preaching of Meshiha; being anxious to preach, not
where the name of Meshiha had been called, that I might not build upon
another foundation, but as it is written, They to whom it hath not been told
of him, they shall see him; and they who have not heard shall be persuaded.7
On this account I have been hindered many times when I would have come to
you. But now, because I have no place in these countries, and have desired
for many years to come to you, when I go into Ispania, I hope to come and
see you; and you shall lead me thitherward, when I shall in some measure 8
have been gladdened with the sight of you. But now I go to Urishlem to
minister to the saints. For they in Makedunia and in Akaia have desired that
a communication should be made from themselves with the poor and the saints
who are at Urishlem. They have desired (this), because they also are
indebted to them. For if the Gentiles have participated with them in the
Spirit, they are indebted to serve them in the flesh. This, then, when I
have accomplished, and have sealed to them this fruit, I (intend to) pass by
you into Ispania. And I know that when I come to you, with the plenitude of
the blessing of the gospel of Meshiha I (shall) come.
Now I entreat of you, my brethren, by our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, and by the
love of the Spirit, to labour with me in prayer on my behalf, with Aloha,
that I may be delivered from them who believe not in Jihud, and (that) the
service which I bear to the saints may be well received, and I may come to
you with joy in the will of Aloha, and be rested with you. The God of peace
be with all of you. Amen.
6 Or, a little. 7 Or, be obedient. 8 Kalil men sagi, " a little from much."
I COMMEND to you Phebe our sister, who is a deaconess of the church of
Kancreos, that you receive her in the Lord, as is right for saints; and, in
every thing which she requests from you, assist 9 her; because she also hath
assisted many, and myself also. Ask for the peace of 1 Priskela and Akulos,
labourers with me in Jeshu Meshiha; for they themselves for my life have
given their necks; and not only do I praise them, but also all the churches
of the Gentiles. And give salutation 2 to the church which is in their
house. Ask the peace of Epenetos, my beloved, who was the first-fruits of
Akaia in the Meshiha. Ask the peace of Maria, who hath laboured much with
you. Ask for the peace of Andronikos and Junia, my kindred, who were
captives with me, and are known among the apostles, and in Meshiha were
before me. Ask for the peace of Ampleos, my beloved in our Lord. Ask for the
peace of Urbanos, a labourer with us in Meshiha, and of Estakos my beloved.
Ask the peace of Apella, chosen in our Lord. Ask for the peace of the sons
of the house of Aristobulos. Ask the peace of Herodion, my relative. Ask for
the peace of the sons of the house of Narkisos, who are in our Lord. Ask for
the peace of Tryphena and Tryphosa, who labour in our Lord. Ask for the
peace of Parsis, my beloved, who much hath laboured in our Lord. Ask for the
peace of Rufus, the chosen in our Lord, and of his mother and mine. Ask the
peace of Asynkritos, and of Phlegun, and of Arma, and of Patroba, and of
Herma, and of the brethren who are with them. Ask the peace of Philologos,
and of Julia, and of Niros, and of his sister, and of Olympa, and all the
saints who are with them. Ask for the peace one of another with the holy
kiss. All the churches of the Meshiha ask for your peace.
But I beseech of you, my brethren, beware of them who make divisions and
scandals apart from the doctrine which you have learned; and be distant from
them. For they who are thus serve not our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, but their
bellies; and with sweet words and benedictions seduce the hearts of the
simple. But your obedience is known to every one; I rejoice therefore in
you, and I wish you to be wise unto good (works), and pure with regard to
[those which are] evil. But the God of peace will soon bruise Satana beneath
your feet. The grace of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha be with you !
Timotheos, a labourer with me, and Lukios and Iason and Sosipatros my
kinsmen ask for your peace. I, Tertios, who have inscribed this epistle in
our Lord, ask for your peace. Gaios my entertainer, and of all the church,
asketh for your peace; (as do) Erastos steward of the city, and Quartos a
TO ALOHA, who is able to confirm you in my gospel which is proclaimed
concerning Jeshu the Meshiha, through revelation of the mystery, which from
the times of the ages was hidden, but is revealed in this time by means of
the scriptures of the prophets, and by the commandment of the Everlasting
Aloha is made known to all the nations for the obedience of faith; (to Him)
The grace of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha be with you all. Amen.
Finished is the Epistle to the Rumoyee, which was written from Kurinthos,
and sent by the hands of Phebe, a faithful deaconess.
9 Or, stand by. 1 Shalu bashalomo; the same form as in the Hebrew of Psalm
cxxii. 6: Shaalu shelowm Yerushalaim,, "Ask the peace of Jerusalem. " 2