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Translation - 2Corinthians Chapter 10
1 ¶ NOW I, Paul, beseech you by the gentleness and
meekness of Christ; even though I am humble when present among you, I have the
confidence when I am far away,
2 I beseech you not to be troubled, when I arrive, by
the things which I hope to carry out; for it is my purpose to put to scorn
those men who regard us as if we lived after the flesh.
3 For though we do live an earthly life, yet we do
not serve worldly things.
4 For the weapons which we use are not earthly
weapons, but of the might of God by which we conquer rebellious strongholds,
5 Casting down imaginations, and every false thing
that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and capturing every thought
to the obedience of Christ;
6 And we are prepared to seek vengeance on those who
are disobedient, when your obedience is fulfilled.
7 ¶ Do you judge by outward appearance? If any man
thinks of himself that he belongs to Christ, let him know this of himself,
that just as he belongs to Christ, so we also belong.
8 For if I should boast somewhat more of the
authority which our Lord has given me, I should not be ashamed, for he has
given it to us for your edification, and not for your destruction.
9 But I am hesitant, lest I seem as if I were trying
to frighten you with my letter.
10 For there are men who say that his epistles are
weighty and powerful; but his bodily appearance is weak, and his speech
11 But let him who supposes so consider this, that
just as we express ourselves in our epistles when we are away, so are we also
in deed when we are present.
12 ¶ For we dare not count or compare ourselves with
those who are proud of themselves; for it is because they measure themselves
by themselves that they do not understand.
13 We do not boast beyond our measure, but according
to the measure of the rule which God has distributed to us, a measure to reach
even to you.
14 It is not because we are unable to climb where you
are; nor are trying to misrepresent ourselves; for we have climbed where we
are through the gospel of Christ;
15 And we do not boast of things beyond our measure;
that is, by other men’s labor, but we have the hope, that when your faith
grows, our pride shall be justified according to our measure.
16 And we shall become strengthened so that we may
preach the gospel in the regions beyond you, and not boast of the things
already done by others.
17 But he who boasts, let him glory in the Lord.
18 For it is not the one who praises himself who is
approved, but the one whom the Lord commends.