PROJECT: SEDRA, VERSION 3.0 FILE: SEDRA3.DOC (DO NOT ALTER THIS FILE BEFORE RENAMING IT.) DATE: March 1996 PROGRAMMER: GEORGE A. KIRAZ COMMENTS: This file contains the documentation for the ASCII version of SEDRA III. For additional information on the structure of the Database, see G. Kiraz, `Automatic Concordance Generation of Syriac Texts', in VI Symposium Syriacum 1992, ed. R. Lavenant, Orientalia Christiana Analecta 247, Rome, 1994. SEDRA III is available for scholarly use. To use it for publications, a special permission is required. You are allowed to use SEDRA III for personal and academic purposes provided that: 1. You do NOT redistribute any altered versions of the files. 2. You do NOT redistribute any files for any kind of profit. 3. You acknowledge in any publication whose results make use of SEDRA III, by any means, using a formula similar to the following: "This work makes use of the Syriac Electronic Data Retrieval Archive (SEDRA) by George A. Kiraz, distributed by the Syriac Computing Institute." You should also (1) require a special permission to use it for publications, and (2) cite the paper mentioned above. ***************************************************************************** FILES: ====== The .ZIP file contains the following files: ROOTS.TXT - root entries LEXEME.TXT - lexical entries WORDS.TXT - word entries ENGLISH.TXT - English meanings ETIMOLGY.TXT - origin of words To extract the files, use any of the ZIP utilities available to you (e.g. PKUNZIP, UNZIP, GZIP etc.) TRANSCRIPTION OF SYRIAC: ======================== Consonants: A B G D H O Z K Y ; C L M N S E I / X R W T Vowels: a o e i u Diacretics: ' dot above, Qushaya , dot below, Rukkakha _ line under * Seyame GENERAL FORMAT: =============== Each record entry is given in one line. The fields are seperated by a comma. The first field is always the address of the entry in the form FileId:RecordNo where FileId is according to the following table: 0 = root record (in ROOTS.TXT) 1 = lexical record (in LEXEME.TXT) 2 = word record (in WORDS.TXT) 3 = English meaning record (in ENGLISH.TXT) 4 = origin record (in ETIMOLGY.TXT) and RecordNo is a sequential no (i.e. 1, 2, 3 etc.) ROOTS.TXT ========= Root records, e.g. 0:2,"AB","ab |A",0 Fields: Record Address, e.g. 0:2 Root, e.g. "AB" Sorting, e.g. "ab |A" This field is for sorting purposes. The 'Root' field is mapped according to the following table: Root: A B G D H O Z K Y ; C L M N S E I / X R W T Sorting: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v Hence, 'AAR' becomes 'aat'. Each entry ends with '|0' if there is no other homograph root; otherwise, it ends with '|A', '|B', etc. to indicate the order of homograph roots. Attributes: 16-bit intiger as follows 0 SEYAME FLAG: 0 NO SEYAME 1 SEYAME 1-2 ROOT TYPE: 00 NORMAL 01 PARETHESIED 10 BRACKETED 11 HIGH FREQUENCY ROOT, e.g. propositons 3-15 LEXEMES.TXT =========== Lexeme records, e.g. 1:2,0:2,"ABA",41960448,16 Fields: Lexeme Address, e.g. 1:2 Root Address (in ROOTS.TXT), e.g. 0:2 Lexeme, e.g. "ABA" Attributes: 16-bit intiger as follows 0 SEYAME FLAG: 0 NO SEYAME 1 SEYAME 1 WORD TYPE: 0 NORMAL 1 PARENTHESISED 2-5 GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY: 0000 VERB 0001 PARTICIPLE ADJECTIVE 0010 DENOMINATIVE 0011 SUBSTANTIVE 0100 NOUN 0101 PRONOUN 0110 PROPER_NOUN 0111 NUMERAL 1000 ADJECTIVE 1001 PARTICLE 1010 IDIOM 1011 ADVERB (ending with AiYT) 1100 ADJECTIVE OF PLACE 1101 ADVERB Morphological Type: 32-bit intiger as follows 0-3 First SUFFIX: 0000 0001 ToA 0010 YoA 0011 NoA 0100 oNoA 0101 iYNoA 0110 uONoA 0111 ToNoA 1000 TuONoA 1001 uOSoA 1010 oRoA 1011 QoNoA 1100 i;N 4-5 SECOND SUFFIX: 00 01 oYoA 10 iYToA 6-7 THIRD SUFFIX: 00 01 uOToA 10 oAiYT 8-9 PREFIX: 00 01 M 10 T 10-12 FIRST VOWEL: 000 001 a 010 o 011 e 100 i 101 u 13-15 SECOND VOWEL: as above 16-18 THIRD VOWEL: as above 19-21 FOURTH VOWEL: as above 22-24 Total no of vowels in lexeme: 0-7 25-27 RADICAL TYPE: 000 001 BI 010 TRI 011 FOUR_RADICAL 100 FIVE_RADICAL 101 SIX_RADICAL 110 COMPOUND 28-31 FORM: 0000 0001 PEAL 0010 ETHPEAL 0011 PAEL 0100 ETHPAEL 0101 APHEL 0110 ETTAPHAL 0111 SHAPHEL 1000 ESHTAPHAL 1001 SAPHEL 1010 ESTAPHAL 1011 P 1100 ETHP 1101 PALPEL 1110 ETHPALPAL WORDS.TXT ========= Word records, e.g. 2:8,1:2,"ABHOH;","AaB,oHaOH_;",7405716,129 Fields: Word Address, e.g. 2:8 Lexeme Address (in LEXEMES.TXT), e.g. 1:2 Word, e.g. "ABHOH;" Vocalised Word, e.g. "AaB,oHaOH_;" Attributes: 16-bit intiger as follows 0 SEYAME FLAG: 0 NO SEYAME 1 SEYAME 1-4 ignore 5 ENCLITIC FLAG: 0 NOT ENCLITIC 1 ENCLITIC 6 LEXEME FLAG: 0 NO 1 YES, i.e. = word represents lexeme Morphological Features: 32-bit intiger as follows 0-1 2-3 SUFFIX GENDER: 00 COMMON or 01 MASCULINE 10 SUFFEMININE 4-5 SUFFIX PERSON: 00 01 THIRD 10 SECOND 11 FIRST 6 SUFFIX NUMBER: 0 SINGULAR or 1 PLURAL 7-8 SUFFIX/CONTRACTION: 00 01 SUFFIX 10 CONTRACTION 9-14 PREFIX CODE: 0-63 15-16 GENDER: 00 01 COMMON 10 MASCULINE 11 FEMININE 17-18 PERSON: 00 01 THIRD 10 SECOND 11 FIRST 19-20 NUMBER: 00 01 SINGULAR 10 PLURAL 21-22 STATE: 00 01 ABSOLUTE 10 CONSTRUCT 11 EMPHATIC 23-25 TENSE: 000 001 PERFECT 010 IMPERFECT 011 IMPERATIVE 100 INFINITIVE 101 ACTIVE_PARTICIPLE 110 PASSIVE_PARTICIPLE 111 PARTICIPLES 26-31 FORM: 000000 000001 PEAL 000010 ETHPEAL 000011 PAEL 000100 ETHPAEL 000101 APHEL 000110 ETTAPHAL 000111 SHAPHEL 001000 ESHTAPHAL 001001 SAPHEL 001010 ESTAPHAL 001011 PAUEL 001100 ETHPAUAL 001101 PAIEL 001110 ETHPAIAL 001111 PALPAL 010000 ETHPALPAL 010001 PALPEL 010010 ETHPALPAL 010011 PAMEL 010100 ETHPAMAL 010101 PAREL 010110 ETHPARAL 010111 PALI 011000 ETHPALI 011001 PAHLI 011010 ETHPAHLI 011011 TAPHEL 011100 ETHAPHAL ENGLISH.TXT =========== English meaning records, e.g. 3:165,1:97,"cause","without","","",0,0 Fields: Record address, e.g. 3:165 Lexeme address (in LEXEMES.TXT), e.g. 1:97 Meaning, e.g. "cause" String before meaning, e.g. "without" (i.e. without cause) String after meaning, e.g. "" Comment, e.g. "" Attributes: 15-bit intiger as follows: 0 1 COMMENT POSITION: 0 COMMENT BEFORE MEANING 1 COMMENT AFTER MEANING 2 COMMENT FONT: 0 NORMAL 1 ITALIC 3 STRING BEFORE FONT: as above 4 STRING AFTER FONT: as above 5-6 VERB TYPE: 00 01 TRANSITIVE 10 INTRANSITIVE 7-8 NUMBER: as above 9-10 GENDER: as above 11-15 FORM: as above Ignore last field ETIMOLGY.TXT ============ Etimology records, e.g. 4:1,1:1,"a\255h\256r",5 Fields: Record address, e.g. 4:1 Lexeme address (in LEXEMES.TXT), e.g. 1:1 Word Origin, e.g. "a\255h\256r" Attributes: 16-bit integer as follows: 0-3 LANGUAGE: 0000 SYRIAC 0001 AKKADIAN 0010 ARAMAIC 0011 ARABIC 0100 ARMENIAN 0101 GREEK 0110 HEBREW 0111 LATIN 1000 PERSIAN 1001 SANSKRIT 4 TYPE: 0 NORMAL 1 PARENTHESIED *** GOOD LUCK! ***