Subject: Eminescu again From: Hi everybody, I'd like to present you all a short, but maybe the most beautiful poem of Eminescu. In my opinion, ("De gustibus et coloribus non disputandum", as the Latin said) the poem "To the star" is the most beautiful poem of Eminescu, from the formal point of view of verses' musicality. As regarding the poem's ideas, these may be found, otherwise expressed, in "Evening-star" too. I doesn't dare to translate the poem into English AS A POEM. I think it might be like a sacrilege. In my opinion, only another genial poet, or at least, a very good poet, could translate Eminescu. And I am not a poet... One of the major theme of Eminescu's poems is the universe. Eminescu was fascinated by the universe, not by a static one, but by a living universe, in a continuous motion, in which the stars are duying and others are borning instead of them, in some eternal successions of time. The poet says in "Evening-star": Din sinul vecinicului ieri From the eternal yesterday Traieste azi ce moare, Drinks what to-day will drain Un soare de s-ar stinge-n cer And if a sun dies on the sky S-aprinde iarasi soare; A sun quickens again. Let's see comparatively also a translation into French and one into German of the above stanza: De l'hier illimite" provient Wie aus des ewigen Gestern Schoss L'aujourd"hui qui tre'passe Das Heute kommt und schwindet, Et me^me si un soleil s'e"teint, Wird eine neue Sonne gross, Un autre prend sa place. Wenn unsre einst erblindet. [As regarding the syntax used by me for the French version, the "accent aigu" is represented by quotation marks after the appropriate letter, the "accent grave" by a backquote after the letter, and the "accent circonflexe" by a "^" after the letter in cause. In German version, the "Scharfes" (for example, in the word "Schoss") has been replaced by double s, and the "Umlaut", by doubling the vowel with a letter e (ae, oe, ue).] The Eminescu's cosmos is infinite, and it is impossible for the human mind to imagine the Creator's place, where there is no time too: Caci unde-ajunge nu-i hotar, For that region is boundless and Nici ochi spre a cunoaste, Searching regards avoids Si vremea-ncearca in zadar And Time strives vainly there to come Din goluri a se naste. To life from the dark voids. Ou` il arrive, aucune frontie`re, Wohin er strebte, war kein Ort, Nul oeil pour tout connai^tre. Kein Auge, um zu sehen: Le temps s'efforce pour sa Die Zeit mueht sich vergebens dort, carrie`re, Du vide, en vain de nai^tre. Aus Leere zu entstehen. Hyperion is flying among the stars... Un cer de stele dedesupt, Below, a depth of stars; above Deasupra-i cer de stele - The heaven stars begem, - ... according to the Fizeau's law: Parea un fulger nentrerupt He seems an endless lightning that Ratacitor prin ele. Is wandering through them. Un ciel d'e"toiles au-dessus, Und unter sich ein Sternenmeer, Dessous un ciel d'e"toiles - Darueber Meer von Sternen, C'e"tait un e"clair continu War er ein Blitz aus Fernen her Errant parmi leurs voiles. Endlos in fernste Fernen. The Hyperion's flight among the stars is made with the light's speed: Porni luceafarul. Cresteau The Evening-star went out. His wings In cer a lui aripe, Grow, into heavens dash, Si cai de mii de ani treceau And on his way millenniums In tot atitea clipe. Flee in less than a flash. L'astre partit. En de"ployant Jaeh stob der Abendstern dahin, Ses ailes grandies, s'avance. Weit wuchsen seine Schwingen: Ainsi que des secondes, passant Jahrtausende des Raumes schien Les mille"naires distance. Im Nu er zu durchdringen. The poet has (we are in 1883!) the vision of the Big Bang: Si din a chaosului vai, And from the Chaos' vales he sees Jur imprejur de sine, How in an immense ring Vedea, ca-n ziua cea dentii, Round him, as in the World's first day, Cum izvorau lumine; Ligths from their sources spring; Et des abi^mes chaotiques, Aus Taelern, wo der Ursprung lag, Vit autour de lui-me^me, Um sich in weiten Ringen Comme au premier jour ge"ne"sique, Sah er wie einst am ersten Tag Que des lueurs essaiment. Des Lichtes Quellen springen. Nu e nimic si totusi e 'Tis nought. 'Tis, though, thirst that sips him O sete care-l soarbe, And which he cannot shun, E un adinc asemene 'Tis depth unknown, comparable Uitarii celei oarbe. To blind oblivion. Il n'y a rien. Pourtant il est Nichts is dort mehr als nur vielleicht Un soif qui le consomme. Ein Duersten unermessen, Une profondeur que l'on dirait Die Unergruendlichkeit, die gleicht L'oubli qui nous assomme. Dem gaenzlichen Vergessen. The whole translation into French of "Evening-star", entitled "L'Astre du soir", is due to Veturia Draganescu-Vericeanu, and the German version, entitled "Der Abendstern", is due to Alfred Margul-Sperber. The two versions are also in the multi-lingual volume of Eminescu's poems, issued in 1971, under supervision of Zoe Dumitrescu-Busulenga, Professor at University "Bucharest". And now, here you all are the Eminescu's poem "To the star", along with a word by word translation into English. This way, I have been forced do not always observe the word order rules of English. "La steaua" "To the star" de Mihai Eminescu by Michael Eminescu La steaua care-a rasarit To the star that just rose E-o cale atit de lunga, It is a so long way, Ca mii de ani i-au trebuit That thousands years needed Luminii sa ne-ajunga. The light to reach us. Poate de mult s-a stins in drum Maybe long time ago it passed away In departari albastre, In its blue distances, Iar raza ei abia acum But just now its beam Luci vederii noastre. Are shining for our sight. Icoana stelei ce-a murit The icon of the star that has died, Incet pe cer se suie: Is slowly climbing up on the sky: Era pe cind nu s-a zarit, It was when nobody has seen it, Azi o vedem, si nu e. Today we are seeing it, but it isn't. Tot astfel cind al nostru dor The same way, when our longing Pieri in noapte-adinca, Is perished into the deep night, Lumina stinsului amor Light of the love that passed away Ne urmareste inca. Still is following us. It is interesting to re-find in this short poem ones of the Eminescu's cosmogonic concepts, largely exploited by him in "Evening-star". Personally, I love "To the star" for the splendid created cosmogonic athmosphere, for the similitude of the love with a star, and for, maybe (in my opinion!), the most beautiful Eminescian metaphor: "the icon of the star" and, of course, the two appropriate verses: "The icon of the star that has died,//Is slowly climbing up on the sky:"... Marian Dodu .