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Ob- /ob/ pref. Obligatory. A piece of netiquette acknowledging that the author has been straying from the newsgroup's charter topic. For example, if a posting in alt.sex is a response to a part of someone else's posting that has nothing particularly to do with sex, the author may append 'ObSex' (or 'Obsex') and toss off a question or vignette about some unusual erotic act. It is considered a sign of great winnitude when one's Obs are more interesting than other people's whole postings.
Obfuscated C Contest n. (in full, the 'International Obfuscated C Code Contest', or IOCCC) An annual contest run since 1984 over Usenet by Landon Curt Noll and friends. The overall winner is whoever produces the most unreadable, creative, and bizarre (but working) C program; various other prizes are awarded at the judges' whim. C's terse syntax and macro-preprocessor facilities give contestants a lot of maneuvering room. The winning programs often manage to be simultaneously (a) funny, (b) breathtaking works of art, and (c) horrible examples of how not to code in C.
This relatively short and sweet entry might help convey the flavor of obfuscated C:
63aae95d7142d91b7e908a3e5868baf1.gif 63aae95d7142d91b7e908a3e5868baf1.gif
* HELLO WORLD program
* by Jack Applin and Robert Heckendorn, 1985
main(v,c)char**c;{for(v[c++]="Hello, world!\n)";
**c=!c) write (!!*c,*c,!!**c);}
Here's another good one:

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