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Page 46

Common: equals; gets; takes. Rare: quadrathorpe; [half-mesh].
Common: query; question mark; ques. Rare: whatmark; [what]; wildchar; huh; hook; buttonhook; hunchback.
Common: at sign; at; strudel. Rare: each; vortex; whorl; [whirlpool]; cyclone; snail; ape; cat; rose; cabbage; commercial at.
Rare: [book].
Common: l/r square bracket; l/r bracket; opening/closing bracket; bracket/unbracket. Rare: square/unsquare; [U turn/U turn back].
Common: backslash; escape (from C/UNIX); reverse slash; slosh; backslant; backwhack. Rare: bash; reverse slant; reversed virgule; [backslat].
Common: hat; control; uparrow; caret; circumflex. Rare: chevron; [shark (or shark-fin)]; to the ('to the power of'); fang; pointer (in Pascal).
Common: underline; underscore; underbar; under. Rare: score; backarrow; skid; [flatworm].
Common: backquote; left quote; left single quote; open quote; grave accent; grave. Rare: backprime; [backspark]; unapostrophe; birk; blugle; back tick; back glitch; push; opening single quotation mark; quasiquote.
Common: o/c brace; l/r brace; l/r squiggly; l/r squiggly bracket/brace; l/r curly bracket/brace; opening/closing brace. Rare: brace/unbrace; curly/uncurly; leftit/rytit; l/r squirrelly; [embrace/bracelet].
Common: bar; or; or-bar; v-bar; pipe; vertical bar. Rare: vertical line; gozinta; thru; pipesinta (last three from UNIX); [spike].
Common: tilde; squiggle; twiddle; not. Rare: approx; wiggle; swung dash; enyay; [sqiggle (sic)].

The pronunciation of '#' as 'pound' is common in the U.S. but a bad idea; Commonwealth Hackish has its own, rather more apposite use of 'pound sign' (confusingly, on British keyboards the pound graphic '£' happens to replace '#'; thus Britishers sometimes call '#' on a U.S.-ASCII keyboard 'pound', compounding the American error). The U.S. usage derives from an old-fashioned commercial practice of using a '#' suffix to tag pound weights on bills of lading. The character is usually pronounced 'hash' outside the U.S. There are more culture wars over the correct pronunciation of this character than any other, which has led to the ha ha only serious

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