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YA- abbrev. [Yet Another] In hackish acronyms this almost invariably expands to Yet Another, following the precedent set by Unix yacc (1) (Yet Another Compiler-Compiler). See YABA.
YABA /ya'bU0259.gif/ n. [Cambridge] Yet Another Bloody Acronym. Whenever some program is being named, someone invariably suggests that it be given a name that is acronymic. The response from those with a trace of originality is to remark ironically that the proposed name would then be 'YABA-compatible'. Also used in response to questions like "What is WYSIWYG?" See also TLA.
YAFIYGI /yaf'ee-yU0259.gif-gee/ adj. [coined in response to WYSIWYG] Describes the command-oriented ed/vi/nroff/TEX style of word processing or other user interface, the opposite of WYSIWYG. Stands for "You asked for it, you got it", because what you actually asked for is often not apparent until long after it is too late to do anything about it. Used to denote perversity ("Real Programmers use YAFIYGI tools and like it!") or, less often, a necessary tradeoff ("Only a YAFIYGI tool can have full programmable flexibility in its interface.").
This precise sense of "You asked for it, you got it" seems to have first appeared in Ed Post's classic parody Real Programmers don't use Pascal (see Real Programmers); the acronym is a more recent invention.
YAUN /yawn/ n. [Acronym for 'Yet Another Unix Nerd'] Reported from the San Diego Computer Society (predominantly a microcomputer users' group) as a good-natured punning insult aimed at Unix zealots.
Yellow Book n. You're holding it. See book titles.
yellow wire n. [IBM] Repair wires used when connectors (especially ribbon connectors) got broken due to some schlemiel pinching them, or to reconnect cut traces after the FE mistakenly cut one. Compare blue wire, purple wire, red wire.
Yet Another adj. [From Unix's yacc (1), 'Yet Another Compiler-Compiler', a LALR parser generator] 1. Of your own work: A humorous allusion often used in titles to acknowledge that the topic is not original, though the content is. As in 'Yet Another AI Group' or 'Yet Another Simulated Annealing Algorithm'. 2. Of others' work: Describes something of which there are already far too many. See also YA-, YABA, YAUN.

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