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Page 538

This book could never have been without the generally warm and enthusiastic support of the network community. Hundreds of people spent untold thousands of hours putting together submissions and criticizing our drafts; we are deeply grateful. Some of the most dedicated contributors have been cited in the frontmatter; here are the rest. TNX * 1e6 to you all.

*Hobbit* hoit@ftp.com, Beast dee@skidrow.ljo.d ec.com, CatWoman diana@wetware.com, Dak dak@sq.c om, Dionisius aus001@rs1.rrz.Uni-Koeln.DE, Major major@pyrmania.oz.au, Michael-Stern Michael-Stern @deshaw.com, Valkyrie valkyrie@phoenix.earthlight. co.nz, Werme werme@alliant.com, anw anw@piaggio. uucp, dmr dmr@research.att.com, harvey harvey@in dyvax.iupui.edu leo leo@lgab.demon.co.uk, mathew mathew@mantis.co.uk, msb msb@sq.com mshapiro m shapiro@ryptyde.uucp, wollman wollman@uvm-gen.emba .uvm.edu, Jason Abbott jason@sco.com, Jeff Adams jeffa@kurz-ai.com, Paul C. Anagnostopoulos greek@ windfall.com, Kathryn Andersen kat@bacchus.esa.oz. au, Dennis Andrews dsa@uts.amdahl.com, Dr. T. And rews tanner@cdis-1.compu.com, Vadim G. Antonov av g@hq.demos.su, H. Peter Anvin hpa@zytor.com, Ken Arromdee arromdee@server.cs.jhu.edu, James Aspnes asp@cs.cmu.edu, Ran Atkinson atkinson@itd.nrl.nav y.mil, Kristen Axline kristen@mport.com, Wil Bade n wil@sun.com, Patrick Roger Bahn prb@digex.acces s.com, Mark S. Bailen msbailen@msbdcolka.cr.usgs.g ov, Pete Barber WPETEB@wok-msmail-gw.isl.com, Dan iel Barlow dan@dial1051.dialup.warwick.ac.uk, Bill Barns barns@gateway.mitre.org, Olaf Barthel olsen @sourcery, Richard Bartle 76703.3042@compuserve.co m, Richard Basch probe@uunet!mit.edu, Samuel B. B assett samlb@ra-iris.arc.nasa.gov, Ian G. Batten I.G.Batten@fulcrum.bt.co.uk, Ron Bean zaphod@madni x.uucp, Andrew Beattie andrew@tug, Mike Begley s pam@iastate.edu, Thomas Bellman Bellman@Lysator.Li U.SE, Steven M. Bellovin smb@ulysses.att.com, Dav orin Bengez dbengez@znanost.mz.hr, Randolph Bentso n bentson@grieg.CS.ColoState.edu, Peter Glen Berge r pb1p+@andrew.cmu.edu, Steve Berlin stevO@sti.co m, Pandora Berman cent@silver.lcs.mit.edu, Robert Biddle Robert.Biddle@vuw.ac.nz, James Birdsall jw birdsa@amc.com, Eric Black ericb@Atherton.com, Pa ul Black black_pd@darwin.ntu.edu.au, Matt Blaze m

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