Chapter Twelve
Attack By Fire |
Be Disruptive and Intrusive
Consolidate Your Gains
Exercise Restraint |
People who concentrate all of their efforts on tactical issues only are working short term. They will eventually be overwhelmed by those who are doing the right thing today as part of a longer term strategic plan. We can find the overemphasis on tactics in those who work in the more tactical selling and advertising areas of business. The overly tactical salesperson is characterized by those who concentrate only on the immediate sale and not on the long-term selling and service relationship with the customer. Overly tactical advertising concentrates on low prices without considering the debilitating effects of too much price advertising. There's a saying, "People don't buy price; they are sold price." |
The right long-term strategy can be in conflict with the need for immediate results. While a particular position may appear conceptually sound, the organization may deplete its resources before the strategy yields results. |
Battles can be won with tactics; however, business victory comes only with the proper balance of strategy and tactics. Penetration is achieved with the right mix of thinking and doing. |
The offensive military commander has always known that breakthroughs are opportunities which must be exploited. Somehow this simple truth often gets lost in the bureaucracy of organizations. |
For organizations to change, the culture must change. Even when senior managers let go of control and try to decentralize, they find scores of subordinates patiently waiting for instructions or authority. One of the most difficult tasks facing managers who want to initiate change is how to overcome the ghosts of past corporate cultures. Leaders can actively shape organizational culture by continual reinforcement of the message they want to deliver. |