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Page 139
Chapter Five
Use Of Energy
Build a Sound Organization Structure
Control is a matter of organization and communications.
Use the same fundamental principles regardless of size.

Apply Extraordinary Force
That which directly confronts your opponent is the normal or direct force.
That which strikes at his weakest areas is the extraordinary or indirect force.
Keep your opponent confused concerning routes of attack.
Plan the impact of the very strong against the very weak.
Use the normal force to engage, the extraordinary to win.
The combination of the normal and the extraordinary is an endless circle of direct and indirect engagements.

Coordinate Momentum and Timing
Your actions must have the energy of momentum and take place at the most advantageous time.
Whether there is order amidst apparent confusion depends upon organization.
When planning creates favorable circumstances, you have the advantage of high morale.
Whether you are weak or strong depends on all of the arrangements you have made.
All of the strength will come from the people alone; the leader must create the situation for victory.
People must be selected for a task on the basis of their abilitynot on nepotism or favoritism.
The energy created is the combined energy of all people and all resources.

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