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Page 146
Chapter Eleven
The Nine Varieties Of Ground
Choose a Favorable Battleground
Each opportunity must consider the situation:
Do not fight internally.
Do not attack or defend where you cannot have the advantage.
When you can neither advance or retreat, concentrate on protecting yourself.
When progress is difficult, keep on the offensive.
When outnumbered, resort to strategy.
Fight courageously when desperate.

Shape Your Opponent's Strategy
Do what you lawfully can to disrupt your opponent's internal communications, cooperation, morale, and cohesion.
Advance when you can gain an advantage; stay where you are when no advantage can be gained.
Seize the initiative so you can keep him on the defensive.
Speed is essential. Move rapidly and miss no opportunity.

Make Victory the Only Option
The more successful you are, the greater will be the morale and the more certain will be your future success.
Devise winning plans and actively solicit new resources.
Make certain the consequences of failure of the organization are understood.
Fighting for survival assures unity and develops its own strength.
The skillful tactician accepts the attack in one area and strikes back in another.

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