Translator's Bibliography |
(includes only books containing a complete translation used in research for this book) |
Ames, Roger, Sun Tzu: The Art of Warfare, (New York, Ballantine Books, 1993), pp. 321, HB $25.00. Includes analysis, complete text, and "five hitherto unknown chapters." |
Bruya, Brian, Sun Zi Speaks (Sun Zi is the Chinese spelling and more clipped phonic of Sun Tzu), (New York, Anchor Books, 1966), pp. 139, Paper $10.95. This book is illustrated by Tsai Chih Chung with cartoon-like drawings accompanying each sentence. |
Chien-sein Ko, The Art of War by Sun Tzu in Chinese and English, (Publisher unknown, 1973), out of print. |
Clavell, James, The Art of War Sun Tzu, (New York, Delta by Dell, 1988), pp. 82, paper $10.95. Written by a novelist with his interpretations of the ideograms which lack the combative interpretations of military authors. |
Cleary, Thomas, The Art of War Sun Tzu, (Boston & London, Shamballa, 1988), pp. 171, Paper $11.00. Original translation plus extensive commentary by eleven interpreters. |
Griffith, Samuel B., Sun Tzu The Art of War (London, Oxford, New York, Oxford Press, 1963), pp. 197, Paper $8.95. Also in hardback. Extensive commentary throughout. |
Giles, Lionel, Sun Tzu on the Art of War, (Publisher unknown), out of print. Includes extensive annotations for every sentence. |
Krause, Donald G., The Art of War for Executives, (New York, Berkly, 1995), pp. 116, Paper $12.00. Lots of interpretive commentary, but may not include entire translation. |
Phillips, Major Thomas R., Numerous translations including The Art of War, (Westport, Connecticut, Greenwood Press, 1940), hardback and paperback where available. |