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Translator's Bibliography
(includes only books containing a complete translation used in research for this book)
Ames, Roger, Sun Tzu: The Art of Warfare, (New York, Ballantine Books, 1993), pp. 321, HB $25.00. Includes analysis, complete text, and "five hitherto unknown chapters."
Bruya, Brian, Sun Zi Speaks (Sun Zi is the Chinese spelling and more clipped phonic of Sun Tzu), (New York, Anchor Books, 1966), pp. 139, Paper $10.95. This book is illustrated by Tsai Chih Chung with cartoon-like drawings accompanying each sentence.
Chien-sein Ko, The Art of War by Sun Tzu in Chinese and English, (Publisher unknown, 1973), out of print.
Clavell, James, The Art of War Sun Tzu, (New York, Delta by Dell, 1988), pp. 82, paper $10.95. Written by a novelist with his interpretations of the ideograms which lack the combative interpretations of military authors.
Cleary, Thomas, The Art of War Sun Tzu, (Boston & London, Shamballa, 1988), pp. 171, Paper $11.00. Original translation plus extensive commentary by eleven interpreters.
Griffith, Samuel B., Sun Tzu The Art of War (London, Oxford, New York, Oxford Press, 1963), pp. 197, Paper $8.95. Also in hardback. Extensive commentary throughout.
Giles, Lionel, Sun Tzu on the Art of War, (Publisher unknown), out of print. Includes extensive annotations for every sentence.
Krause, Donald G., The Art of War for Executives, (New York, Berkly, 1995), pp. 116, Paper $12.00. Lots of interpretive commentary, but may not include entire translation.
Phillips, Major Thomas R., Numerous translations including The Art of War, (Westport, Connecticut, Greenwood Press, 1940), hardback and paperback where available.

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