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Page 31
Obey Fundamental Principles
The chances for failure are high when the rules that ensure victory are ignored.
Here are a few fundamental principles of business:
Organize an Intelligence System: Know your market as well as you know yourself. Decision making must be data driven.
Maintain Objectives: Determine a clear direction and keep a steady aim. Do not wander down side tracks.
Establish a Secure Position: Occupy a position that cannot easily be taken by your opponent. Strengthen your core competencies.
Keep on the Offensive: Being on the offensive preserves freedom of action and keeps you in control.
Plan Surprise: This is the best way to gain psychological dominance and deny the initiative to your opponent. Speed is an essential component of surprise.
Think Maneuver: Consider how to put yourself at an advantage and your opponent at a disadvantage. Find lightly defended or unoccupied positions.
Concentrate Resources: Mass sufficiently superior force at the decisive place and time. Be a guerrilla when you can't be a gorilla. The strongest at any given time and place will always defeat the weakest.
Keep It Simple: The simple works best. Even the simplest plans can be difficult to execute. 3
These fundamental principles of business are guidelines that lead to success. Although principles can sometimes be violated, they must always be considered. To know the principles and violate them is to take risks. To ignore the principles is stupidity. Violate the rules only when you know you are violating them. The further you stray from the fundamental rules, the greater the risks.
Applying the rules is an art. It is in this art that judgment comes into play. Professionals are aware of the subtleties of business rules; amateurs too often ignore the rules. Both take risks; both win and lose. Only one has the odds in his favor. The greater the experience of the professional manager, the greater his or her understanding of the risks of straying from the rules and the less the tendency to stray without a valid reason.

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