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Page 41
Chapter Five
Use Of Energy
Strategic Rules
Build a Sound Organization Structure
Apply Extraordinary Force
Coordinate Momentum and Timing
There are two basic command systems for the use and control of energy in the attack:
Centralized ControlReinforcing Weakness: Imagine a field of battle where the commander monitors the front line to see where he is winning and losing. When he sees that one of his units is losing, he sends in his reserves to strengthen the weakness. This system of shoring up weakness requires a high degree of control.
Decentralized ControlReinforcing Strength: In this situation, as offensive forces move forward, they attempt to bypass strengths instead of engaging in battle. If they meet opposition, they go around again and again until they find where they can penetrate. The front line commander does not ask for permission to advance; he merely reports while the senior commander and his staff monitor and support the advance. This decentralized control reinforces strength. 1
The decision concerning use of a system of centralized or decentralized control depends on the mental set of the senior officers and the corporate culture. Whether the culture tolerates one system or the other has a great deal to do with success.
Someone must be in charge. Where everyone decides everything, no one decides anything. Rule by committee can become rule by mediocrity. The inevitable result when decisions are made by everyone is chaos. Clearly expressing his views on command, Napoleon wrote to the National Assembly stating that one bad general is preferable to two good ones. Be careful! The ability of modern communications to reach everywhere can make it too easy to concentrate all power in a single man, who through overwork is often over his head.
No one command system is best. Command systems radically different from each other have led to equally good results.

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