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Page 8
Compare Attributes
Sun Tzu continues:
Therefore, to forecast the outcome of a war the attributes of the antagonistic sides should be analyzed by making the following seven comparisons:
1.Which sovereign possesses greater moral influence?
2.Which commander is more capable?
3.Which side holds more favorable conditions in weather and terrain?
4.On which side are decrees better implemented?
5.Which side is superior in arms?
6.On which side are officers and men better trained?
7.Which side is stricter and more impartial in meting out rewards and punishments?
By means of these seven elements, I can forecast victory or defeat.
If the sovereign heeds these stratagems of mine and acts upon them, he will surely win the war, and I shall, therefore, stay with him. If the sovereign neither heeds nor acts upon them, he will certainly suffer defeat, and I shall leave.

A Strategic Moral
Following the success of the Prussian Army in the Franco-Prussian War, the British General Staff sent a team of aristocrats to find out the secret of success. They reported the Prussian troops were all clean shaven with short cropped hair. The British Army copied this. It remains a law to this day.
The moral of the story is: Don't copy the wrong thing! (Or don't send aristocrats to do competitive studies.)

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