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Page 81
Chapter Nine
On The March
Strategic Rules
Occupy Strong Natural Positions
Always Seek the High Ground
Make an Estimate of the Situation
Discipline Can Build Allegiance
Strategically, a secure position establishes a base for the offensive. Tactically, this position helps you use your natural strengths. Positions where you can occupy a key strong point are important in every endeavor. There are only a few leaders in each industry; everyone else marches in their shadow.
In order for a position to be secure, we must "own" it. We "own" a position because of a perceived strengththe perception is indeed the reality. People accept only that which is consistent with what they already know as they pyramid perceptions about the position of a product or service.
All positions are in the mind. The entry into the mind is through emotions, not logic. Logic sounds most convincing to the presenter; it is emotions that cause one to change positions. In coveting competitive positions, the first rule is: it's very, very difficult to move into a position occupied by someone else.
To build a strong position, you must first determine what position you want and who you want your customers to be; and then figure out how you are going to meet the needs of those customers better than anyone else.
In business, the most secure positions are owned by those with a loyal base of customers. Premier positions are earned by organizations with systems for really listening to their customers and focusing resources on meeting or exceeding needs in a manner that delights customers. The idea is to make customers so happy that not only do they not buy anything else, they don't even think of buying anything else.
However, the more secure your position seems to be, the greater can be the danger. When you feel most secure, you are most vulnerable to surprise.

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