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Page iv
As always, Steven and Deanne provided ideas while Jan supported my interest in the strange hobby of searching for business applications from military strategy.
With thanks for world-class performance to Erny James who designed the cover art and Sandy Belcher, a talented and tireless editor who gets everything right.
Jere Calmes, Jeff Cowell, Carl Glass, Trent Price, Townes Osborn, and Steve Rivkin gave awesome advice concerning major changes in format and content.
My thanks to many friends who offered ideas and input during the eight years of intermittent writing and rewriting of this book. The most recent helpful contributions were offered by Roger Bean, Tim Carpenter, Suzzane Dupes, Tom Gordon, Frank Hung, Irving Mills, Vergil Metts, Allen Pannell, John Shamley, Chuck Sawyer, and Jerry Sentell. My apologies to those I may have missed.
With sincere appreciation to the staff at TAI who cheerfully performed a myriad of support tasks, including Stephanie Daugherty, Kaye Dennison, Connie Fancher, Felesa Honeycutt, Elaine Lasher, Richard Lebo, Angela Murr, Charlie Norton, Lynda Perkins, Otie Smith, and Lisa Taylor.
Thanks to friends in Beijing: Zhai Zhihai who introduced me to the new translation, Mr. Chen Yingming for his gracious assistance in arranging contacts, and Ms. Wu Ying for making arrangements with Mr. Chen Shufang who gave approval on behalf of his publishing house to use this translation of The Art of War.

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