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St. Aldhelm
Abbot of Malmesbury and Bishop of Sherborne, Latin poet and ecclesiastical
writer (c. 639-709). Aldhelm, also written Ealdhelm, Ældhelm, Adelelmus,
Althelmus, and Adelme, was a kinsman of Ine, King of Wessex, and apparently
received his early education at Malmesbury, in Wiltshire, under an Irish
Christian teacher named Maildubh. It is curious that Malmesbury, in early
documents, is styled both Maildulfsburgh and Ealdhelmsbyrig, so that it is
disputed whether the present name is commemorative of Maildubh or Ealdhelm, or,
by contamination,
possibly of both (Plummer's Bede,
II, 310). Aldhelm
himself attributes his progress in letters to the famous Adrian, a native of
Roman Africa, but formerly a monk of Monte Cassino, who came to England in the
train of Archbishop Theodore and was made Abbot of St. Augustine's, Canterbury.
Seeing, however, that Theodore came to England only in 671, Aldhelm must then
have been thirty or forty years of age. The Saxon scholar's turgid style and his
partiality for Greek and extravagant terms have been traced with some
probability to Adrian's influence (Hahn, Bonifaz und Lul,
p. 14). On returning
to settle in Malmesbury our Saint, probably already a monk, seems to have
succeeded his former teacher Maildubh, both in the direction of the Malmesbury
School, and also as Abbot of the Monastery; but the exact dates given by some of
the Saint's biographers cannot be trusted, since they depend upon charters of
very doubtful authenticity. As abbot his life was most austere, and it is
particularly recorded of him that he was wont to recite the entire Psalter
standing up to his neck in ice-cold water. Under his rule the Abbey of
Malmesbury prospered greatly, other monasteries were founded from it, and a
chapel (ecclesiola), dedicated to St. Lawrence, built by Aldhelm in the village
of Bradford-on-Avon, is standing to this day. (A. Freeman, Academy,
1886, XXX,
154.) During the pontificate of Pope Sergius (687-701), the Saint visited Rome,
and is said to have brought back from the Pope a privilege of exemption for his
monastery. Unfortunately, however, the document which in the twelfth century
passed for the Bull of Pope Sergius is undoubtedly spurious. At the request of a
synod, held in Wessex, Aldhelm wrote a letter to the Britons of Devon and
Cornwall upon the Paschal question, by which many of them are said to have been
brought back to unity. In the year 705 Hedda, Bishop of the West Saxons, died,
and, his diocese being divided, the western portion was assigned to Aldhelm, who
reluctantly became the first Bishop of Sherborne. His episcopate was short in
duration. Some of the stone-work of a church he built at Sherborne still remains.
He died at Doulting (Somerset), in 709. His body was conveyed to Malmesbury, a
distance of fifty miles, and crosses were erected along the way at each halting
place where his remains rested for the night. Many miracles were attributed to
the Saint both before and after his death. His feast was on May the 25th, and in
857 King Ethelwulf erected a magnificent silver shrine at Malmesbury in his
Aldhelm was the first Englishman who cultivated classical learning with any
success, and the first of whom any literary remains are preserved
Both from Ireland and from the Continent men wrote to ask him questions on
points of learning. His chief prose work is a treatise, De laude virginitatis
(In praise of virginity
), preserved to us in a large number of manuscripts,
some as early as the eighth century. This treatise, in imitation of Sedulius,
Aldhelm afterwards versified. The metrical version is also still extant, and
Ehwald has recently shown that it forms one piece with another poem, De octo
principalibus vitiis
(On the eight deadly sins
). The prose treatise on
virginity was dedicated to the Abbess and nuns of Barking, a community which
seems to have included more than one of the Saint's own relatives. Besides the
tractate on the Paschal controversy already mentioned, several other letters of
Aldhelm are preserved. One of these, addressed to Acircius, i.e. Ealdfrith, King
of Northumbria, is a work of importance on the laws of prosody. To illustrate
the rules laid down, the writer incorporates in his treatise a large collection
of metrical Latin riddles. A few shorter extant poems are interesting, like all
Aldhelm's writings, for the light which they throw upon religious thought in
England at the close of the seventh century. We are struck by the writer's
earnest devotion to the Mother of God, by the veneration paid to the saints, and
notably to St. Peter, the key-bearer,
by the importance attached to the holy
sacrifice of the Mass, and to prayer for the dead, and by the esteem in which he
held the monastic profession. Aldhelm's vocabulary is very extravagant, and his
style artificial and involved. His latinity might perhaps appear to more
advantage if it were critically edited. An authoritative edition of his works is
much needed. To this day, on account of the misinterpretation of two lines which
really refer to Our Blessed Lady, his poem on virginity is still printed as if
it were dedicated to a certain Abbess Maxima. Aldhelm also composed poetry in
his native tongue, but of this no specimen survives. The best edition of
Aldhelm's works, though very unsatisfactory, is that of Dr. Giles (Oxford, 1844).
It has been reprinted in Migne (P.L., LXXXIX, 83 sqq.). Some of his letters have
been edited among those of St. Boniface in the Monumenta Germaniae
Aevi Merovingici, I).
ABBOT FARICIUS in an eleventh-century biography [Acta SS., May (VI)]; WILLIAM OF MALMESBURY, Gesta Pontificum, V; WILDMAN, Life of St. Ealdhelm (London, 1905); BROWNE, St. Aldhelm (London, 1903); LINGARD, Anglo-Saxon Church; MONTALEMBERT, The Monks of the West (tr.), V; HUNT in Dict. of Nat. Biog.; STUBBS in Dict. of Christ. Biog.; BIRON in Dict. de theol. cath.; BONHOFF, Aldhelm von Malmesbury (Dresden, 1894); SANDYS, A History of Classical Scholarship (Cambridge, 1903), 430; MANITIUS, Geschichte der christlich-lateinischen Poesie (Stuttgart, 1891), 489-496; Sitzungsberichte Akad. Wien. Phil. Hist. cl. CXII, 536-634; EBERT, Geschichte der Litteratur des M. A. (2d ed., Leipzig, 1889), I, 623-634; TRAUBE, Karolingischen Dichtungen (Berlin, 1888); Sitzungsberichte des Bayer. Akad. phil. philolog. cl. (Munich, 1900), 477; EHWALD, Aldhelm's Gedicht de Virginitate (Gotha, 1904); bibliography in CHEVALIER'S Repertoire, etc., Bio-Bibliogr. (2d ed., Paris, 1905), 45, 46.
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