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Pope Alexander III
Pope from 1159-81 (Orlando Bandinelli), born of a distinguished Sienese
family; died 3 August, 1181. As professor in Bologna he acquired a great
reputation as a canonist, which he increased by the publication of his
commentary on the Decretum
of Gratian, popularly known as Summa Magistri
Called to Rome by Eugene III in the year 1150, his advancement was
rapid. He was created Cardinal Deacon, then Cardinal Priest of the title of St.
Mark, and Papal Chancellor. He was the trusted adviser of Adrian IV and was
regarded as the soul of the party of independence among the cardinals, which
sought to escape the German yoke by alliance with the Normans of Naples. For
openly asserting before Barbarossa at the Diet of Besancon (1157) that the
imperial dignity was a papal beneficium (in the general sense of favour, not
feudal sense of fief), he incurred the wrath of the German princes, and would
have fallen on the spot under the battle-axe of his life-long foe, Otto of
Wittelsbach had Frederick not intervened. For the purpose of securing a
submissive pontiff at the next vacancy, the Emperor despatched into Italy two
able emissaries who were to work upon the weaknesses and fears of the cardinals
and the Romans, the aforesaid Otto and the Archbishop-elect of Cologne, Rainald
von Dassel, whose anti-Papal attitude was largely owing to the fact that the
Holy See refused to confirm his appointment. The fruits of their activity became
patent after the death of Pope Adrian IV (1 September, 1159). Of the twenty-two
cardinals assembled, 7 September, to elect a successor all but three voted for
Orlando. The contention made later, that the imperialist cardinals numbered nine,
may be explained by the surmise that in the earlier ballotings six of the
faithful cardinals voted for a less prominent and obnoxious candidate. In
opposition to Cardinal Orlando, who took the immortal name of Alexander III, the
three imperialist members chose one of their number, Cardinal Octavian, who
assumed the title of Victor IV. A mob hired by the Count of Wittelsbach broke up
the conclave. Alexander retreated towards the Norman south and was consecrated
and crowned, 20 September, at the little Volscian town of Nympha. Octavian's
consecration took place 4 October, at the monastery of Farfa. The Emperor now
interposed to settle a disturbance entirely caused by his own agents, and
summoned both claimants before a packed assembly at Pavia. He betrayed his
animus by addressing Octavian as Victor IV and the true Pope as Cardinal Orlando.
Pope Alexander refused to submit his clear right to this iniquitous tribunal,
which, as was foreseen, declared for the usurper (11 February, 1160). Alexander
promptly responded, from the ill-fated Anagni, by solemnly excommunicating the
Emperor and releasing his subjects from their oaths of allegiance. The ensuing
schism, far more disastrous to the Empire than to the Papacy, lasted for
seventeen years and ended after the battle of Legnano (1176) with the
unconditional surrender of the haughty Barbarossa in Venice, 1177. (See
FREDERICK I.) The childish legend that the Pope placed his foot on the neck of
the prostrate Emperor has done valiant service to Protestant tradition since the
days of Luther. [See the dissertation of George Remus, Nuremberg, 1625; Lyons,
1728; and Gosselin, The Power of the Pope during the Middle Ages
(tr. London,
1853) II, 133.] Alexander's enforced exile (1162-65) in France contributed
greatly to enhance the dignity of the papacy, never so popular as when in
distress. It also brought him into direct contact with the most powerful monarch
of the West, Henry II of England. The cautious manner in which he defended the
rights of the Church during the quarrel between the two impetuous Normans, King
Henry and St. Thomas Becket, though many a time exciting the displeasure of both
contestants, and often since denounced as
, was the strategy of an able
commander who, by marches and countermarches succeeds in keeping the field
against overwhelming odds. It is no disparagement of the Martyr of Canterbury to
say that the Pope equalled him in firmness and excelled him in the arts of
diplomacy. After Becket's murder the Pope succeeded, without actual recourse to
ban or interdict, in obtaining from the penitent monarch every right for which
the martyr had fought and bled.
To crown and seal the triumph of religion, Alexander convoked and presided
over the Third Lateran Council (Eleventh Ecumenical), in 1179. Surrounded by
over 300 bishops, the much-tried Pontiff issued many salutary decrees, notably
the ordinance which vested the exclusive right of papal elections in a
two-thirds vote of the cardinals. Throughout all the vicissitudes of his
chequered career Alexander remained a canonist. A glance at the Decretals shows
that, as an ecclesiastical legislator, he was scarcely second to Innocent III.
Worn out by trials, he died at Civita Castellana. When we are told that the
pursued his remains with curses and stones, the remembrance of a similar
scene at the burial of Pius IX teaches us what value to attach to such a
demonstration. In the estimation of Rome, Italy, and Christendom, Alexander
III's epitaph expresses the truth, when it calls him the Light of the Clergy,
the Ornament of the Church, the Father of his City and of the World.
He was
friendly to the new academical movement that led to the establishment of the
great medieval universities. His own reputation as a teacher and a canonist has
been greatly enhanced through the discovery by Father Denifle in the public
library of Nuremberg of the Sententiae Rolandi Bononiensis,
edited (Freiburg,
1891) by Father Ambrosius Gietl. The collection of his letters (Jaffé, Regesta
RR. Pontif., Nos. 10,584-14,424) was enriched by Löwenfeld's publication of many
hitherto unknown (Epistolae Pontif. Rom. ineditae, Leipzig, 1885). Even Voltaire
regards him as the man who in medieval times deserved best from the human race,
for abolishing slavery, for overcoming the violence of the Emperor Barbarossa,
for compelling Henry II of England to ask pardon for the murder of Thomas Becket,
for restoring to men their rights, and giving splendour to many cities.
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