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Berthold of Ratisbon
A Franciscan of the monastery of that city and the most powerful preacher of
repentance in the thirteenth century, b. about 1210; d. at Ratisbon, 14 December,
1272. He was probably a member of a well-to-do middle class family of Ratisbon
named Sachs. The excellence of his literary training is proved by his sermons
which show more than common acquaintance with the ancient classics. From his
knowledge of the usages of secular life, it may be inferred that he was a man of
mature age before he entered the monastery. The first fixed date in Berthold's
life is 1246, when the papal legate appointed him and David of Augsburg
inspectors of the convent of Niedermünster, a proof of the high regard in which
Berthold was then held. One of his contemporaries, the Abbot of Niederaltaich,
who is a reliable historian, speaks in 1250 of the great reputation that
Berthold had in Bavaria as a preacher. Four years later the missionary trips of
this preacher extended as far as the valley of the Rhine, Alsace, and
Switzerland. During the next ten years Berthold's apostolic labours led him
eastward into Austria, Moravia, Bohemia, and Silesia. In 1263 Pope Urban IV
appointed him to preach the Crusade and Albert the Great was designated as his
assistant. When speaking to Slavonic audiences, Berthold naturally employed an
interpreter, just as St. Bernard, in his day, made use of an interpreter in
Germany. Notwithstanding any difficulties that might arise as to speech,
wherever he went Berthold exerted an extraordinary power of attraction over his
hearers so that the churches were not able to hold the great crowds of plain
people who came from all quarters to his services, and he was often obliged to
preach in the open air. When this was the case, a pulpit was generally arranged
under the spreading branches of a linden tree. Long after his day Berthold's
was to be seen at Glatz. About 1270 he seems to have returned to
Ratisbon where he remained the rest of his life. The Franciscan martyrology
includes his name among the blessed of the order, and his remains form the most
precious relic among the treasures of the cathedral at Ratisbon. The poets and
chroniclers of his time made frequent reference to Berthold. He was called
sweet Brother Berthold
, the beloved of God and man
, a second Elias
, the
teacher of the nations
; all of these expressions are proofs of the high esteem
in which his activities were held. The secret of the preacher's success lay
partly in the saintliness of his life and partly in his power to make use of the
language of humble life. He became the great master, it may be said, the classic
of homely speech, and this rank has been maintained by his sermons to the
present day. One of his two popular discourses on the Last Judgment became a
favourite book of the people under the title The Valley of Josaphat
. There is
no doubt that Brother Berthold preached in German. For a long time, however,
scholars disagreed as to how his sermons had been preserved. It is now generally
accepted that the sermons were often written down afterwards in Latin,
frequently with marginal comments in German; these reports of the sermons, as
they may be called, partly German, partly Latin, or at times in the language in
which they were delivered, are what have been handed down to posterity. The
discourses thus preserved are of the greatest importance for the history of the
development of the literature of homiletics; they are of equal value as rich
sources for determining the condition of education and culture in the thirteenth
century. It is difficult, therefore, to understand how this greatest of German
preachers to the poor could have been forgotten for centuries. It was not until
some of Brother Berthold's sermons were published in 1824 that attention was
called to the eloquent Franciscan. Since this date, the enthusiasm for Berthold
has grown steadily so that he has become a favourite, both of Germanic scholars
and of the historians of the development of German civilization. He is also
regarded as the great pattern of homely pulpit eloquence.
KLING, Bertholds, des Franziskaners, deutsche Predigten (Berlin, 1824); PFEIFFER UND STROBL, Berthold von Regensburg (Vienna, 1862, 1880); G BEL, Die Missionspredigten des Franziskaners Berthold von Regensburg, in jetziger Schriftsprache (Ratisbon, 1873); H TZL, Beati Fr. Bertholdi a Ratisbona sermones ad religiosos (Munich, 1882); UNKEL, Berthold von Regensburg (Cologne, 1882); STROMBERGER, Berthold von Regensburg (Gterslob, 1877); MICHAEL, Gesch. des deutschen Volkes vom 13. Jahrh. bis zum Ausgange des M. A. (Freiburg im Br., 1897), II, III, 144-180.
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