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Charles-Martial-Allemand Lavigerie
French cardinal, b. at Huire near Bayonne, 13 Oct., 1825; d. at Algiers, 27
Nov., 1892. He studied at the diocesan seminary of Larressore, then went to St.
Nicolas-du-Chardonnet in Paris, and finally to St. Sulpice. Ordained on 2 June,
1849, he devoted the first year of his priesthood to higher studies at the newly
founded Ecole des Carmes, taking at the Sorbonne the doctorates of letters
(1850), and of theology (1853), to which he added later the Roman doctorates of
civil and canon law. Appointed chaplain of Sainte-Geneviève in 1853, associate
professor of church history at the Sorbonne in 1854, and titular of the chair in
1857, Lavigerie did not confine his activity to his chaplaincy or chair, but
took a leading part in the organization of the students' cercles catholiques,
and of l'uvre des écoles d'Orient. As director of the latter he collected large
sums for the benefit of the Oriental Christians persecuted by the Druses, and
even went to Syria to superintend personally the distribution of the funds
(1860). His brilliant services were rewarded by rapid promotion, first in 1861
to the Roman Rota, and two years later to the See of Nancy. From the beginning
of his episcopate he displayed that genius of organization which is the
characteristic of his life. The foundation of colleges at Vic, Blamont, and
Lunéville; the establishment at Nancy of a higher institute for clerics and of a
Maison d'étudiants for law students; the organization of the episcopal curia;
the publication of the Recueil des Ordonnances épiscopales statuts et
règlements du diocèse de Nancy
, were but the first fruits of a promising
episcopate, when he was transferred to Algiers on 27 March, 1867.
As Archbishop of Algiers he promptly reversed the policy of neutrality
towards the Moslems imposed upon his predecessors by the French authorities, and
inaugurated a strong movement of assimilation and conversion. With the help of
the White Fathers and of the White Sisters, whom he founded for the purpose, he
established and maintained at great cost orphan asylums, industrial schools,
hospitals, and agricultural settlements, wherein the Arabs could be brought
under the influence of the Gospel. Appointed as early as 1868 Apostolic Delegate
of Western Sahara and the Sudan, he began in 1874 the work of southward
expansion which was to bring his heroic missionaries into the very heart of the
Dark Continent, and result in the erection of five vicariates Apostolic in
Equatorial Africa. To those many burdens - made heavier by the consequences
(felt even in Algeria) of the Franco-Prussian war, the withdrawal of government
financial support, and the threatened extension to the African colonies of
anti-religious legislation passed in France - Lavigerie added other cares: the
administration of the Diocese of Constantina, 1871; the foundation at St. Anne
of Jerusalem of a clerical seminary for the Oriental missions, 1878, and, after
the occupation of Tunis by France, the government of that vicariate. Cardinal in
1881, he became the first primate of the newly restored See of Carthage in 1884,
retaining meanwhile the See of Algiers. I shall not seek one day's rest
the remark of Lavigerie when he landed on African soil. He carried out that
promise to the letter. While Notre-Dame d'Afrique at Algiers, the Basilica of St.
Louis at Carthage, and the Cathedral of St. Vincent de Paul at Tunis will stand
as monuments of his prodigious activity in Africa, his labours ranged far beyond
the vast territories placed under his jurisdiction. Klein (Le Cardinal Lavigerie,
p. 268) describes minutely the many ways in which he served the best interests
of France in, and out of, Africa. He will, however, be best remembered by the
leading rôle he played in furthering the policy of Leo XIII, with regard to
French Catholics, and in promoting the anti-slavery movement.
Tinctured with Gallicanism through his early association with the Sorbonne,
Lavigerie modified his views during his stay at Rome, and his attitude at the
Vatican Council is fully expressed by the promise he made his clergy to be with
. When Leo XIII, by his Encyclicals Nobilissima Gallorum gens
of 8 Feb.,
1884, and Sapientiæ æternæ
of 3 Feb., 1890, directed the French Catholics to
rally to the Republic, he generously put aside other political affiliations and
again was with Peter
. A great sensation was created when at Algiers, on 12
Nov., 1890, he proclaimed before a vast assemblage of French officials the
obligation for French Catholics of sincerly adhering to the republican form of
government. The famous toast d'Alger
was the object of harsh criticism and
even vituperation from the monarchist element. With his usual vehemence Cardinal
Lavigterie answered by his Lettre à un catholique
, in which he not only
impugned the pretenders - the Comte de Chambord, the Comte de Paris, and Prince
Napoléon - but even hinted that monarchy was an outgrown institution. In this he
may have gone too far, but in the main point it was proved later by Cardinal
Rampolla's letter of 28 November, 1890, and Pope Leo's Encyclical Inter
of 16 Feb., 1892, that Lavigerie had been the self-sacrificing
spokesman of the pope.
The suppression of slavery had been the subject of Lavigerie's first pastoral
letter at Algiers. When Leo XIII in his Encyclical to the bishops of Brazil (5
May, 1888) appealed to the world in behalf of the slaves, the Primate of
Carthage was the first to respond. In spite of age and infirmities he visited
the capitals of Europe, teling of the horrors of African slavery and urging the
formation of anti-slavery societies. The international Conférence
of Brussels,
1890, practically adopted Lavigerie's suggestions as to the best means of
achieving the desired abolition, and the Congrés de Paris
, called the same
year by the cardinal himself, showed great enthusiasm and verified Lavigerie's
saying: pour sauver l'Afrique intérieure, il faut soulever la colère du monde.
After the toast d'Alger
and the Congrès de Paris
, Lavigerie, broken in
health, retired to Algiers. His last two years were saddened by the often unjust
criticism of his cherished project - the frères pionniers du Sahara
- the
death of many of his missionaries, and, above all, the passing of Uganda under
the control of the sectarian Imperial East-African Company. He died at Algiers
as preparations were being made for the twenty-fifth anniversary of his African
episcopate. The daily press throughout the world eulogized him, who had
forbidden all eulogies at his funeral, and the Moniteur de Rome
summarized his life by saying that, in a few years of incredible activity, he
had laid out work for generations. An able scholar and an orator of the first
order, Lavigerie was also a writer. Besides some scholastic productions destined
for his pupils at the Ecole des Carmes (1848), we have from his pen a doctorate
thesis: Essai sur l'école chrétienne d'Edesse
(Paris, 1850); several
contributions to the Bibliothèque pieuse et instructive à l'usage de la
jeunesse chrétienne
(Paris, 1853); Exposé des erreurs doctrinales du
(Paris, 1858), an abridgment of his lessons at the Sorbonne;
Decreta concilii provincialis Algeriensis in Africa
(1873); a large number of
discourses, pamphlets, or reports, some of which were embodied in the two
volumes of his uvres choises
(Paris, 1884); Documents pour la fondation de
l'uvre antiesclavagiste
(St. Cloud, 1889), etc.
BAUNARD, Le Cardinal Lavigerie (Paris, 1896 and 1898); KLEIN, Le Cardinal Lavigerie et ses uvres d'Afrique (Tours, 1891 and 1897); DE LACOMBE, Le Card. Lavigerie in Le Correspondent (Sept., 1909); DE COLEVILLE, Le Cardinal Lavigerie (Paris, 1905); LAGES, Le Cardinal Lavigerie, sa vie, ses écrits, sa doctrine in Gloires Sacerdotales Contemporaines (Paris, s. d.); GRUSSENMEYER, Vingt-cinq années d'episcopat (Paris, 1888). See also PIOLET, Les Missions d'Afrique (Paris, 1908), and such periodicals as the Bulletin des Missions d'Alger, the Missions d'Afrique des Pères Blancs, the Bulletin official de la Societé anti-esclavagiste de France.
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