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St. Cyril of Jerusalem
Bishop of Jerusalem and Doctor of the Church, born about 315; died probably
18 March, 386. In the East his feast is observed on the 18th of March, in the
West on the 18th or 20th. Little is known of his life. We gather information
concerning him from his younger contemporaries, Epiphanius, Jerome, and Rufinus,
as well as from the fifth-century historians, Socrates, Sozomen and Theodoret.
Cyril himself gives us the date of his Catecheses
as fully seventy years after
the Emperor Probus, that is about 347, if he is exact. Constans (d. 350) was
then still alive. Mader thinks Cyril was already bishop, but it is usually held
that he was at this date only as a priest. St. Jerome relates (Chron. ad ann.
352) that Cyril had been ordained priest by St. Maximus, his predecessor, after
whose death the episcopate was promised to Cyril by the metropolitan, Acacius of
Caesarea, and the other Arian bishops, on condition that he should repudiate the
ordination he had received from Maximus. He consented to minister as deacon only,
and was rewarded for this impiety with the see. Maximus had consecrated
Heraclius to succeed himself, but Cyril, by various frauds, degraded Heraclius
to the priesthood. So says St. Jerome; but Socrates relates that Acacius drove
out St. Maximus and substituted St. Cyril. A quarrel soon broke out between
Cyril and Acacius, apparently on a question of precedence or jurisdiction. At
Nicaea the metropolitan rights of Caesarea had been guarded, while a special
dignity had been granted to Jerusalem. Yet St. Maximus had held a synod and had
ordained bishops. This may have been as much as the cause of Acacius' enmity to
him as his attachment to the Nicene formula. On the other hand, Cyril's correct
Christology may have been the real though veiled ground of the hostility of
Acacius to him. At all events, in 357 Acacius caused Cyril to be exiled on the
charge of selling church furniture during a famine. Cyril took refuge with
Silvanus, Bishop of Taraus. He appeared at the Council of Seleucia in 359, in
which the Semi-Arian party was triumphant. Acacius was deposed and St. Cyril
seems to have returned to his see. But the emperor was displeased at the turn of
events, and, in 360, Cyril and other moderates were again driven out, and only
returned at the accession of Julian in 361. In 367 a decree of Valens banished
all the bishops who had been restored by Julian, and Cyril remained in exile
until the death of the persecutor in 378. In 380, St. Gregory of Nyssa came to
Jerusalem on the recommendation of a council held at Antioch in the preceding
year. He found the Faith in accord with the truth, but the city a prey to
parties and corrupt in morals. St. Cyril attended the great Council of
Constantinople in 381, at which Theodosius had ordered the Nicene faith, now a
law of the empire, to be promulgated. St. Cyril then formally accepted the
homoousion; Socrates and Sozomen call this an act of repentance. Socrates gives
385 for St. Cyril's death, but St. Jerome tells us that St. Cyril lived eight
years under Theodosius, that is, from January 379.
The extant works of St. Cyril of Jerusalem include a sermon on the Pool of
Bethesda, a letter to the Emperor Constantius, three small fragments, and the
famous Catecheses
. The letter describes a wonderful cross of light, extending
from Calvary to the Mount of Olives, which appeared in the air on the nones of
May, after Pentecost, toward the beginning of the saint's episcopate. The
catechetical lectures are among the most precious remains of Christian antiquity.
The include an introductory address, eighteen instructions delivered in Lent to
those who were preparing for baptism, and five mystagogical
instructions given
during Easter week to the same persons after their baptism. They contain
interesting local references as to the finding of the Cross, the position of
Calvary in relation to the walls, to the other holy places, and to the great
basilica built by Constantine in which these conferences were delivered. They
seem to have been spoken extempore, and written down afterwards. The style is
admirably clear, dignified, and logical; the tone is serious and full of piety.
The subject is thus divided: 1. Hortatory. 2. On sin, and confidence in God's
pardon. 3. On baptism, how water receives the power of sanctifying: as it
cleanses the body, so the Spirit seals the soul. 4. An abridged account of the
Faith. 5. On the nature of faith. 6-18. On the Creed: 6. On the monarchy of God,
and the various heresies which deny it. 7. On the Father. 8. His omnipotence. 9.
The Creator. 10. On the Lord Jesus Christ. 11. His Eternal Sonship. 12. His
virgin birth. 13. His Passion. 14. His Resurrection and Ascension. 15. His
second coming. 16-17 On the Holy Ghost. 18. On the resurrection of the body and
the Catholic Church. The first mystagogical catechesis explains the
renunciations of Satan, etc. which preceded baptism; the second is on the
effects of baptism, the third on confirmation, the fourth on Holy Communion, and
the fifth on holy Mass for the living and the dead. The hearers are told to
observe the disciplina arcani; Rom. they must repeat nothing to heathens and
catechumens; the book also has a note to the same effect.
A few points may be noted. The mythical origin of the Septuagint is told, and
the story of the phoenix, so popular from Clement onwards. The description of
Mass speaks of the mystical washing of the priest's hands, the kiss of peace,
the Sursum Corda
, etc., and the Preface with its mention of the angels, the
Sanctus, the Epiclesis, the transmutation of the elements by the Holy Ghost, the
prayer for the whole Church and for the spirits of the departed, followed by the
Paternoster, which is briefly explained. Then come the Sancta Sanctis
and the
Communion. Approaching do not come with thy palms stretched flat nor with
fingers separated. But making thy left hand a seat for thy right, and hollowing
thy palm, receive the Body of Christ, responding Amen. And having with care
hallowed thine eyes by the touch of the Holy Body, take it, vigilant lest thou
drop any of it. For shouldst thou lose any of it, it is as though thou wast
deprived of a member of thy own body.
Then after Communion of the Body of
Christ, approach the Chalice of His Blood, not extending thy hands, but bending
low, and with adoration and reverence saying Amen, sanctify thyself by receiving
also the Blood of Christ. And while thy lips are yet wet, touch them with thy
hands, and sanctify thy eyes and thy forehead and thy other senses
(Cat. Myst.,
v, 22, 21-22). We are to make the sign of the cross when we eat and drink, sit,
go to bed, get up, talk, walk, in short, in every action (Cat. iv, 14). Again:
if thou should be in foreign cities, do not simply ask where is the church
(kyriakon), for the heresies of the impious try to call their caves kyriaka, nor
simply where is the Church (ekklesia), but where is the Catholic Church, for
this is the proper name of this holy Mother of all
(Cat. xviii, 26).
St. Cyril's doctrine is expressed in his creed, which seems to have run thus:
I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten by the Father true God before all ages, God of God, Life of Life, Light of Light, by Whom all things were made. Who for us men and for our salvation came down, and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost and the Virgin Mary, and was made man. He was crucified … and buried. He rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures, and sat at the right hand of the Father. And He cometh in glory to judge the living and the dead, whose kingdom shall have no end. And in one Holy Ghost, the Paraclete, Who spake by the prophets; and in one baptism of repentance for the remission of sins, and in one holy Catholic Church, and in the resurrection of the body, and in life everlasting.
The italicized words are uncertain. St. Cyril teaches the Divinity of the Son
with perfect plainness, but avoids the word consubstantial
, which he probably
thought liable to misunderstanding. He never mentions Arianism, though he
denounces the Arian formula, There was a time when the Son was not
. He
belonged to the Semi-Arian, or Homoean party, and is content to declare that the
Son is in all things like the Father
. He communicated freely with bishops such
a Basil of Ancyra and Eustathius of Sebaste. He not only does not explain that
the Holy Trinity has one Godhead, but he does not even say the Three Persons are
one God. The one God for him is always the Father. There is one God, the Father
of Christ, and one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of the only God, and
one Holy Ghost, Who sanctifies and deifies all things
(Cat. iv, 16). But he
rightly says: We do not divide the Holy Trinity as some do, neither do we make
a melting into one like Sabellius
(Cat. xvi, 4). Cyril never actually calls the
Holy Ghost God, but He is to be honoured together with the Father and the Son
(Cat. iv, 16). There is therefore nothing incorrect in his doctrine, only the
explicit use of the Nicene formulae is wanting, and these, like St. Meletius and
others of his party, he fully accepted at a later date.
St. Cyril's teaching about the Blessed Sacrament is of the first importance,
for he was speaking freely, untrammelled by the discipline of the secret
. On
the Real Presence he is unambiguous: Since He Himself has declared and said of
the bread: This is My Body, who shall dare to doubt any more? And when He
asserts and says: This is My Blood, who shall ever hesitate and say it is not
His Blood?
Of the Transformation, he argues, if Christ could change water into
wine, can He not change wine into His own Blood? The bread and wine are symbols:
In the type of bread is given thee the Body, in the type of wine the Blood is
given thee
; but they do not remain in their original condition, they have been
changed, though the senses cannot tell us this: Do not think it mere bread and
wine, for it is the Body and Blood of Christ, according to the Lord's
. Having learned this and being assured of it, that appears to be
bread is not bread, though perceived by the taste, but the Body of Christ, and
what appears to be wine is not wine, though the taste says so, but the Blood of
Christ … strengthen thy heart, partaking of it as spiritual (food), and
rejoice the face of thy soul
. It is difficult not to see the whole doctrine of
Transubstantiation in these explicit words. Confirmation is with blessed chrism:
As the bread of the Eucharist after the invocation of the Holy Ghost is not
bread, but the Body of Christ, so this holy myrrh is no longer simple, as one
might say, after the invocation, but a gift of Christ and capable by the
presence of the Holy Ghost of giving His divinity
(ii, 4). St. Peter and St.
Paul went to Rome, the heads (prostatai) of the Church. Peter is ho
koryphaiotatos kai protostates ton apostolon. The Faith is to be proved out of
Holy Scripture. St. Cyril, as the Greek Fathers generally, gives the Hebrew
canon of the Old Testament omitting the deutero-canonical books. But yet he
often quotes them as Scripture. In the New Testament he does not acknowledge the
There have been many editions of St. Cyril's works: - (Vienna, 1560); G. Morel (Paris, 1564); J. Prévot (Paris, 1608); T. Milles (London, 1703); the Benedictine edition of Dom Touttée (Paris, 1720; reprinted at Venice, 1763); a new edition from manuscripts, by G.C. Reischl, 8vo (Munich, 1848; 2nd vol. by J. Rupp, 1860); Migne gives the Bened. ed. in P.G., XXXIII; Photius Alexandrides (2 vols., Jerusalem, 1867-8); Eng. tr. in Library of the Fathers (Oxford).
TILLEMONT, Memoires pour servir, etc., VIII; TOUTTEE in his edition, and REISCHL; Acta SS., March, II; DELACROIX, Saint-Cyrille de Jerusalem (Paris, 1865); MADER, Der hl. Cyrillus, Bischof von Jerusalem (Einsiedein, 1901).
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