Hinweise zur Catholic Encyclopedia
Blessed Frowin
Benedictine abbot, d. 11 March, 1178. Of the early life of Frowin nothing is
known, save that he is claimed as a monk of their community by the historians of
the two great Benedictine abbeys of Einsiedeln in Switzerland and St. Blasius in
Baden. The first authentic fact in his career is his election as abbot, the year
1142, to succeed St. Adelhelm in the newly established monastery of Engelberg
(q.v.) in the Canton of Unterwalden, Switzerland. As abbot Frowin was
conspicuous for sanctity, learning and administrative ability. Through his
efforts the possessions and privileges, civil and ecclesiastical, of the abbey
were greatly increased, while its renown as a home of learning, art, and piety
spread far and wide. Himself a man of great intellectual endowments thoroughly
versed in all the science, sacred and profane, of his time, he established a
famous school in his abbey, in which besides the trivium and quadrivium,
philosophy and theology were likewise taught. The library which he collected
possessed, for those days, a vast number of maruscripts. According to a list
that he himself has left us, it contained Homer, Cicero, Cato, Ovid and other
authors of antiquity. This rich collection perished in 1729, when the abbey was
destroyed by fire. Blessed Frowin not only copied books for his library, but
composed several. Two of these, a commentary on the Lord's Prayer, and a
treatise in seven books, De Laude Liberi Arbitrii
(In Praise of Free Will
but in reality a discussion of the chief theological questions of his day,
directed, it is thought, against the errors of Abelard) are still extant, having
been discovered by Mabillon in the archives of Einsiedeln. Frowin's other works,
Commentaries on the Ten Commandments and various parts of Holy Scripture, are
lost. Though never formally beatified, Frowin has commonly been styled Blessed
by the chroniclers (see Act. SS.
, March, IX, 683). Pétin (Dictionnaire
I, iiii) gives 7 March as his feast day, and credits him with
many miracles.
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