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James of Sarugh
A writer of the Syrian Church the flute of the Holy Spirit and the harp of
the believing church
; b. at Kurtam, 451, probably in the district of Sarugh;
his father was a priest; d. at Batnan 29 Nov., 521. Three biographies of him are
extant in Syric: first by James of Edessa (seventh century), the second
anonymous, and the third by a certain George, probably George, Bishop of Sarugh,
contemporary of James of Edessa. We do not know where he was educated, nor when
and how he was ordained to the priesthood. He became periodeutes
of Haura in the district of Sarugh, whence in 502 he wrote to
the city of Edessa, threatened by the Persians, and in 519 to the Christians of
Najran: in 519 he became Bishop of Batnan, the chief city of Sarugh. Assemani
(Bibliotheca Orientalis, I, 290 sq.) has endeavoured indeed to prove against
Renaudot the orthodoxy of James of Sarugh, but from this writer's letters to the
monks of the convent of Mar-Bassus (published by Martin in the Zeitschrift der
deutschen morgenl. Gesellschaft
, XXX. 217 sqq.) it is evident that he was
always a Monophysite and continued such to his death. However, he took
practically no share in the Christological polemics of his time and devoted his
activity to study and literature. He is especially famous for his metrical
HomilieEine Homilie (von griech.„ὁμιλεῖν”, „vertraut miteinander reden”) ist eine Art von Predigt. Während eine Predigt die Großtaten Gottes preist (lat. „praedicare”, „preisen”) und Menschen für den Glauben begeistern will, hat die Homilie lehrhaften Charakter. s in the dodecasyllabic verse of which, says Bar-Hebraeus, he composed
seven hundred and sixty. Of these barely one-half has come down to us, and a few
only have heen published, e.g. on Simeon Stylites (in Assemani, Acta Martyrum
Il. 230 sqq.), on virginity, fornication, etc. (in Overbeck, S. Ephraemi Syri
… opera selecta
, pp. 385 sq.), two on the Blessed Virgin Mary (in Abbeloos,
De vita et scriptis S. Jacobi Sarugensis
, Louvain, 1867), on the chariot of
Ezechiel (in Moesinger, Monum. Syr.
, II). He wrote the first one (on
Ezechiel's chariot) when only twenty-two years of age. His prose writings were
comparatively few. The most important besides the letters already mentioned are
a letter to Paul of Edessa of 519, a letter to the pantheist Bar-Sudaili
published by Frothingham (Stephen Bar-Sudaili. etc.
, Leyden, 1886, p. 10 sqq.),
a liturgy (tr. Renaudot, Liturg. Orient. Collectio
, II, 356), an order of
baptism (ed. and tr. Assemani, Cod. Liturg. Eccl. Univ.
, II, 309, III, 184),
festal HomilieEine Homilie (von griech.„ὁμιλεῖν”, „vertraut miteinander reden”) ist eine Art von Predigt. Während eine Predigt die Großtaten Gottes preist (lat. „praedicare”, „preisen”) und Menschen für den Glauben begeistern will, hat die Homilie lehrhaften Charakter. s (Ger. tr. Zingerle, Sechs Hom. d. heil. Jacob v. Sarug
, 1867).
WRIGHT, A Short History of Syriac Literature (London, 1894); DUVAL, La litterature Syriaque, 3rd ed. (Paris, 1907), pp. 351-854; ASSEMANI, Bibliotheca Orieritalis, I, c. XXVII.
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