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Jacopone da Todi
Franciscan poet, born at Todi in the first half of the thirteenth century;
died at Collazzone about 1306. Very little is known with certainty about the
life of this extraordinary man. Although the oldest lives go back only to the
fifteenth century, yet a few earlier records exist. The oldest and most
authentic document we have is Jacopone's signature to the manifesto of Cardinals
Jacopo and Pietro Colonna against Boniface VIII, dated Lunghezza (between Rome
and Tivoli), 10 May, 1297. [See text in Archiv für Litteratur and
, V (1889), 509 sq.] Angelo Clareno in his Chronica septem
, written about 1323 [Archiv f. Litt. u. Kirchengesch.
, II
(1886), 308; Döllinger, Beitrage zur Sektengesch.
, II (Munich, 1890), 492],
mentions Jacobus Tudertus among those spiritual friars who, in 1294, sent a
deputation to Celestine V, to ask permission to live separate from the other
friars and observe the Franciscan Rule in its perfection - a request which was
granted. The next reference to the poet is found in Alvarus Pelagius's De
Planctu Ecclesiae
, written principally in 1330; he quotes two of Jacopone's
sayings (lib. II, cc. lxxiii and lxxvi; ed. Venice, 1560, f. 196 r b, and f. 204
r b), and calls him a perfect Friar Minor. This passage occurs also in Chronica
XXIV generalium
(Analecta Franciscana
, III, Quaracchi, 1897, 460), which was
compiled in great part before 1369 and completed in 1374. About 1335 the
Catalogus sanctorum Fratrum Minorum
(in Speculum Vitae beati Francisci et
Sociorum eius
, Venice, 1504, f. 200 r; cf. the separate reprint of the
by Lemmens, Rome, 1903, 9) uses even more emphatic words of praise.
Some further details about Jacopone are given by Bartholomew of Pisa in 1385
[Liber conformitatum
(ed. Milan, 1510), fructus VIII, pars ii, f. 60 v a to f.
61 v a; cf. Analecta Franciscana
, IV (Quaracchi, 1906), 235-40]. It may be
taken for granted that all these writers knew nothing of the detailed lives of
Jacopone which appear in the fifteenth century. The Chronica XXIV generalium
and Bartholomew of Pisa would certainly have inserted one or other, as they were
wont to do in other cases. Those lives can all be reduced to one, inserted in
the chronicle commonly called Franceschina
, attributed to Jacopo Oddi, O.F.M.
(d. 1488; see bibliography). The historical value of this and similar lives has
been recntly denied by Giulio Bertoni (La Leggenda Jacoponica
in Fanfulla
della Domenica
, Rome, 10 June, 1906), on the ground that this legend has too
many points of resemblance with the Legends of St. Francis
. But these
resemblancs between the lives of the saints have already become a commonplace,
and in this case are not to be taken seriously. On the other hand, Bertoni is
right in rejecting the description of the circumstances in which each poem of
Jacopone was written. The part of his life is rather to be considered as a
commentary on the poems of Jacopone. As to the real sources of his life, the
author himself, in the Tobler version (see bibliography), points out that he has
collected the reminiscences and traditions concerning Jacopone still extant
among the older friars in the Umbrian converts of his epoch.
With the help of the aforesaid sources and of some allusions in Jacopone's
poems, we can gather the following facts of his life. Born at Todi (1228?), of
the noble family of Benedetti, Jacopone took up the study of law - probably at
Bologna, as might be inferred from the fact that this was the most famous school
of law at the time, and from the manner in which he speaks of Bologna in the
poem Senno me pare e cortesia
(Modio, I Cantici del B. Jacopone da Todi
Rome, 1558, 109). On returning home, he exercised - the legends say with some
avarice - the profession of an advocate (procuratore). In course of time (1267?)
he married a noblewoman, who in one version of the legend is called Vanna,
daughter of Bernardino, Count of Collemedio (Coldimezzo near Todi) (La Verna, IV,
1906, 386). It was the great piety and the tragical death of his young spouse
that brought about an entire change in Jacopone. A great feast was being
celebrated at Todi - probably in 1268. Among the onlookers was Jacopone's wife
in rich array. Suddenly the raised platform from which she was witnessing the
spectacle gave way, crushing her fatally. When the poet reached her side Vanna
was already dying; on opening her dress, he found a hair cloth beneath the
splendid robes. The terrible blow caused by his wife's death, together with the
evidence of her secret penance for his sins, made such an impression on Jacopone
that for many years he seemed to be no longer himself. Abandoning his profession,
and wearing the habit of a Franciscan Tertiary (bizochone), he led a roaming
life for a full decade (see the poem Que farai fra Jacopone
in Modio, 73).
During this period he was the terror of his friends and relations, and became a
sort of Christian Diogenes. It was then probably that the former proud doctor of
law, Jacopo dei Benedetti, mocked and scoffed at by the boys in the streets of
Todi, received the nickname of Jacopone. Once, saddled and bridled like an ass,
he crawled on all fours in the public swuare of Todi; on another occasion, to
the great confusion of his family, he appeared at a wedding in his brother's
house, tarred and feathered from top to toe. When asked by a citizen to carry
home a pair of capons for him, Jacopone brought them to the man's family tomb,
saying that this was his true house. Jacopone's folly was however the folly of
the Cross, as he says:
Senno me pare e cortesia
Empazir per lo bel Messia.
(A wise and courteous choice he'd make
Who'd be a fool for the dear Lord's sake.)
About 1278 he sought admission into the Order of Friars Minor at his native
town, a request which after some difficuly was granted. Out of humility he chose
to be a lay brother. In the great convent of S. Fortunato, at Todi, the
so-called party of the Community
of the Franciscan Order certainly prevailed.
This party was strongly opposed to that of the more zealous friars, called the
. The sympathies of Jacopone were with the latter. Boniface VIII,
who had under unusual circumstances succeeded Celestine V, the friend of
Spirituals, having recalled all privileges granted by his predecessor and thus
subjected anew the zealous friars to their regular superiors, and having engaged
in a struggle with the two Cardinals Colonna, Jacopone took sides with these two
protectors of the Spirituals against the pope. Perhaps there were also personal
reasons for enmity between Boniface and the poet, dating from the time when the
former, then a young man (1260), obtained an ecclesiastical benefice at Todi,
where his uncle Peter was bishop from 1252 to 1276 (see Eubel, Hierarchia cath.
med. aevi
, I, 530; Tosti, Storia di Bonifazio VIII
, Monte Cassino, I, 1846,
221; Finke, Aus den Tagen Bonifaz VIII
, Münster, 1902, 4). Palestrina, the
stronghold of the Colonnas, having been taken in 1298 by the papal troops,
Jacopone was imprisoned in the fortress above the town, known to-day as Castel
San Pietro. Some of Jacopone's most touching, and also most agressive, poems
were composed in this dungeon. Not even in the great Jubilee of 1300 did
Jacopone obtain pardon, the Colonnas and their partisans having been excluded
from the Jubilee by a special Bull (see text in Tosti, l.c., II, 283). Boniface
VIII was captured at Anagni on 7 Sept., 1303, and upon his death, which occured
shortly afterwards (11 Oct.), Jacopone was set at liberty. Now an old man,
broken down, tried and purified by hardships, he withdrew first to Pantanelli, a
hermitage on the Tiber, three hours distant from Orvieto (La Verna, l. c., 390),
then to Collazzone, a small town situated on a hill between Perugia and Todi.
There is no record of a Franciscan monastery at that place, but there was a Poor
Clare Convent, S. Lorenzo, served as was usual by Franciscan Friars (see
Livarius Oliger, Dove e morto il B. Jacopone da Todi?
in Voce di S. Antonio
Quaracchi, 13 Feb., 1907). It was here that Jacopone died on 25 Dec., 1306, just
at the moment when the priest was intoning the Gloria in Excelsis Deo at the
midnight Mass; his last moments were consoled by the presence of his faithful
friend, Blessed John of La Verna, from whom he had especially desired to receive
the Last Sacraments, and who really arrived just before the poet's death.
His body was brought to Todi and buried in the church of the Poor Clares of Montecristo (Tobler's version of the legend) or Montesanto (Bartholomew of Pisa, Marianus Florentinus), outside the walls of Todi. In 1433 it was discovered in Montecristo and removed to the Franciscan church of S. Fortunato inside the town, where his tomb is still to be seen, embellished by Bishop Cesi in 1596 and adorned by a beautiful inscription:
Ossa. Beati Jacoponi. De Benedictis. Tudertini. Fratris Ordinis Minorum. Qui stultus propter Christum. Nova mundum arte delusit. Et caelum rapuit. Obdormivit in Domino. Die XXV Martii. An. Dom. MCCXCVI. Ang. Caes. Episc. Tudert. Hic collocavit ann. MDXCVI.Here lie the bones of Blessed Jacopone dei Benedetti da Todi, Friar Minor, who, having gone mad with love of Christ, by a new artifice deceived the world and took Heaven by violence …
(translation of Knox Little.) The date, 25 March, 1296, is however obviously erroneous.
Jacopone is often called blessed, and has been considered a blessed
or a
, in the technical sense of the words, by different authors. As a matter
of fact, Jacopone has not been beatified or canonized by the Church, although
various efforts have been made in this direction - for example, by the municipal
council of Todi in 1628, and by the chapter of the cathedral of Todi in 1676.
Lastly, in the years 1868 and 1869 the postulator of the causes of saints of the
Friars Minor collected call the documents proving the cultus ab immemorabili
paid to Jacopone, in order to obtain its official confirmation [see Tudertina
Confirmationis Cultus ab immemorabili tempore praestiti Jacobo a Tuderto Ord.
Min. S. Francisci, Beato Jacopone vulgo nuncupato (Rome, 1869), in archives of
the postulator general O.F.M.]. The chief obstacle to the confirmation of the
cultus lies in the part Jacopone took against Boniface VIII and the satires he
wrote against this much calumniated pope.
The iconography of Jacopone is not very rich. In the cathedral of Prato is a
beautiful fifteenth-century fresco, often reproduced. The fourteenth-century
Codex Strozzi 174 at the Laurentian Library, Florence, containts a miniature of
the poet; another miniature (certainly conventional) is found in the
of the Portiuncula. The church of S. Fortunato of Todi is adorned
by two picture of Jacopone - one over his tomb (1596), another in a side chapel
together with the portraits of four other saints (seventeenth century). Jacopone
was believed to have died not so much from bodily ailment as from the excess of
Divine love, which at last broke his heart (Modio, preface). The chief interest
attaching to Jacopone is derived from his literary works. Of his poems, written
almost all in his native Umbrian dialect, seven early editions exist but no
modern critical one.
- The first is printed at Florence, 1490. It is almost a critical edition and
contains 102 Italian pieces. [See accurate description in
Miscellanea Francescana
, I (Foligno, 1886), 21-29.] The other editons are: - Brescia, 1495, containing (in addition to compositions of other poets) 122 poems, of which seven are in Latin;
- Venice, 1514 - 139 songs;
- Venice, 1556 - repetition of the preceding;
- Rome, 1558 - by Modio, with life of Jacopone in the preface, best edition after that of 1490, which it follows in the number of poems (102);
- Naples, 1615 - reprint of the Roman edition with slight alterations;
- Venice, 1617 - by Francesco Tresatti, O.F.M. - the best known by least critical edition, containing 211 copiously annotated songs, many of which certainly do not belong to Jacopone.
Alessandro de Mortara published a few hitherto unedited poems of Jacopone
(Lucca, 1819). Towards the middle of the nineteenth century, Ozanam revived
general interest in Jacopone by his Poètes franciscains
. Since then many have
written on the subject and expressed their appreciation of these medieval songs.
Jacopone was certainly a true poet, so much so that some of his productions, as
In foco l'amor mi mise
and Amor di caritate
, have been attributed to St.
Francis himself. Both are at the head of Umbrian poets. Jacopone's rhymes,
simple, at times even rough in expression, but profound and tender in sentiment,
were less adapted to the cultured classes than the Divina Commedia
of Dante,
but were sung with enthusiasm by the people. How much Jacopone's poetry was
appreciated down to the seventeenth century is shown by the numberless
manuscripts which contain them, often in the particular dialect of the region
where they were written, and by the fact that almost every old Italian spiritual
song has been ascribed to him. These laudi were especially in use among the
so-called Laudesi and the Flagellants, who sang them in the towns, along the
roads, in their confraternities, and in sacred dramatical representations. Even
the Stabat Mater Dolorosa
, the authorship of which is still attributed to
Jacopone with greater probability than to any other competitor (Gihr), was sung
in the same way. (See, on this point, D'Ancona, Origini del Teatro Italiano
, I,
Turin, 1891, 114, 155-62, 550- 2.)
Jacopone's prose works are much less generally known than his poems. They
consist mainly of small spiritual treatises, somewhat resembling the well-known
golden saying of Blessed Giles (see AEGIDIUS OF ASSISI), but they are more
connected. The Latin text of these may be found in part in Bartholomew of Pisa
(l. c.) and in many manuscripts. An Italian version, translated from Bartholomew
of Pisa, is found in the Franceschina
and some other versions of the life of
Jacopone. Another fifteenth century Italian version, ascribed to Feo Belcari,
together with the treatises of Ugo Panciera at Venice (s. d.); ed. Parenti at
Modena in 1832; and finally in Prose di Feo Belcari edite ed inedite
(Rome, 1843), by Gigli; cf. E. Böhmer in Romanische Studien
, I (Halle, 1871),
123-32. Finke (l. c.) suspects that a treatise in the MS. J 491, no. 799, in the
National Archives of Paris, and directed to the King of France by Illiteratus
, belongs to Jacopone.
(1) LIVES.- In Franceschina, a manuscript chronicle by
JACOPO ODDI (d. 1488), of which four codices exist: two at Perugia, one at
Portiuncula (Assisi), one at Norcia (Umbria). Description of the one existing in
the public library at Perugia is given by PERCOPO, La Vita e le Laudi di Fra
Jacopone da Todi nello Specchio de l'Ordene Menore (Franceschina) in Il
Propugnatore, XIX (bologna, 1886), 151-212. Almost identical with this is the
life edited by TOBLER in Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, II (Halle, 1878),
26-39; cf. ibid., III (1879), 178-92; and another of MARIANO FLORENTINO (?),
edited by LIVARIUS OLIGER in Luce e Amore, IV (Florence; 1907), 418-26; 473-89.
There is also a shorter version: POSSEVINO, Vite de' Santi e Beati di Todi
(Perugia, 1597), 98-113; MODIO, I Cantici del B. Jacopone da Todi (Rome 1558),
preface; DAL GAL, La Verna (Rocca S. Casiano, 1906), 385-92; JACOBILLI, Vite de
Santi e Beati dell' Umbria, III (Foligno, 1661), 215-19; WADDING, Annales, V
(2nd ed.) 407-14, VI, 77-84.
(2) MODERN LIVES AND TREATISES.- MACDONNELL, Sons of Francis (London 1902),
354-86, with good samples of translations of Jacopone's poetry - see also, ibid.,
401-2; ANON., Jacopone da Todi in Quarterly Review (London, Jan., 1910), 53-72;
DORSEY, The Mad Penitent of Todi (Notre Dame, Ind., s. d.) (a novel); OZANAM,
Les Poetes franciscains en Italie au treizieme siecle (Paris, 1852), many
successive editions - German tr. by JULIUS (Munster, 1853), Italian tr. by
FANFANI (Prato, 1854); D'ANCONA, Jacopone da Todi, il Giullare di Dio del secolo
XIII in Nuova Antologia, 2nd series, LI of the whole collection (Rome, 1880),
193-228, 438-70, reprinted in D'ANCONA, Studi della Letteratura italiana dei
primi secoli (Ancona, 1884), 3-104; THODE, Franz von Assisi und die Anfänge der
Kunst der Renaissance in Italien (2nd ed., Berlin, 1904), 440-51; GEBHART,
L'Italie mystique (Paris, 1890), 257- 70; ALVI, Jacopone da Todi (Todi, 1906) -
full of inaccuracies, see Voce di San Antonio, XII (Rome, 1907), 19-20; BRUGNOLI,
Fra Jacopone da Todi, publication of Societa internazionale di Studi Francescani
in Assisi (Assisi, 1907).
Romanische Studien, I (Halle, 1871), 123-61; MOSCHETTI, I Codici Marciai
contenenti Laude di Jacopone da Todi (Venice, 1888); TENNERONI, Inizii di
antiche Poesie italiane religiose e morali con prospetto dei Codici che le
contengono e Introduzione alle Laudi spirituali (Florence, 1909), preparatory
work for critical edition of Jacopone. Partial German translation of Jacopone's
poetry, with good introduction: SCHLUTTER AND STORK, Ausgewählte Gedichte
Jacopone's da Todi (Munster, 1864); FELDER, Jacopones Marienminne (Stans, 1903),
Franch tr. La Madonne dans les Poesies de Jacopone de Todi in Études
Franciscaines (Couvin, Belgium, March and April, 1904); LATINI, Dante e Jacopone
e loro contatti di pensiero e di forma (Todi, 1900). On the Stabat Mater
Dolorosa see JULIAN, Dictionary of Hymnology (2nd impression of 2nd ed., London,
1908), 1081-84, where the numerous English translations, old and new, are
indicated; see, ibid., 575 and passim; CHEVALIER, Repertorium Hymnologicum, II
(Louvain, 1892), 599-600, with copious bibliography; HENRY, The Two Stabats in
American Cath. Quarterly Review, XXVIII (1903); GIHR, Die Sequenzen des
römischen Messbuches (Freiburg im Br., 1887), 80-130; TENNERONI, Lo Stabat Mater
e Donna del Paradiso (Todi, 1887); COLARULLI, La Satira, O Papa Bonifatio, molt
ay jocato al mondo
, e la Sequenza Stabat Mater
di Fra Jacopone da Todi (Todi,
1906); MARINI, L'Estetica dello Stabat Mater (Siena, 1897); GIOIA, LO Stabat
Mater Speciosa
di Jacopone da Todi (Rome, 1892); GHILARDI Il B. Jacopone da
Todi e la sua prigionia in Luce e Amore, III (Florence, 1906), 931-36.
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