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St. Catherine of Siena
Dominican Tertiary, born at Siena, 25 March, 1347; died at Rome, 29 April, 1380.
She was the youngest but one of a very large family. Her father, Giacomo di
Benincasa, was a dyer; her mother, Lapa, the daughter of a local poet. They
belonged to the lower middle-class faction of tradesmen and petty notaries,
known as the Party of the Twelve
, which between one revolution and another
ruled the Republic of Siena from 1355 to 1368. From her earliest childhood
Catherine began to see visions and to practise extreme austerities. At the age
of seven she consecrated her virginity to Christ; in her sixteenth year she took
the habit of the Dominican Tertiaries, and renewed the life of the anchorites of
the desert in a little room in her father's house. After three years of
celestial visitations and familiar conversation with Christ, she underwent the
mystical experience known as the spiritual espousals
, probably during the
carnival of 1366. She now rejoined her family, began to tend the sick,
especially those afflicted with the most repulsive diseases, to serve the poor,
and to labour for the conversion of sinners. Though always suffering terrible
physical pain, living for long intervals on practically no food save the Blessed
Sacrament, she was ever radiantly happy and full of practical wisdom no less
than the highest spiritual insight. All her contemporaries bear witness to her
extraordinary personal charm, which prevailed over the continual persecution to
which she was subjected even by the friars of her own order and by her sisters
in religion. She began to gather disciples round her, both men and women, who
formed a wonderful spiritual fellowship, united to her by the bonds of mystical
love. During the summer of 1370 she received a series of special manifestations
of Divine mysteries, which culminated in a prolonged trance, a kind of mystical
death, in which she had a vision of Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven, and heard a
Divine command to leave her cell and enter the public life of the world. She
began to dispatch letters to men and women in every condition of life, entered
into correspondence with the princes and republics of Italy, was consulted by
the papal legates about the affairs of the Church, and set herself to heal the
wounds of her native land by staying the fury of civil war and the ravages of
faction. She implored the pope, Gregory XI, to leave Avignon, to reform the
clergy and the administration of the Papal States, and ardently threw herself
into his design for a crusade, in the hopes of uniting the powers of Christendom
against the infidels, and restoring peace to Italy by delivering her from the
wandering companies of mercenary soldiers. While at Pisa, on the fourth Sunday
of Lent, 1375, she received the Stigmata, although, at her special prayer, the
marks did not appear outwardly in her body while she lived.
Mainly through the misgovernment of the papal officials, war broke out
between Florence and the Holy See, and almost the whole of the Papal States rose
in insurrection. Catherine had already been sent on a mission from the pope to
secure the neutrality of Pisa and Lucca. In June, 1376, she went to Avignon as
ambassador of the Florentines, to make their peace; but, either through the bad
faith of the republic or through a misunderstanding caused by the frequent
changes in its government, she was unsuccessful. Nevertheless she made such a
profound impression upon the mind of the pope, that, in spite of the opposition
of the French king and almost the whole of the Sacred College, he returned to
Rome (17 January, 1377). Catherine spent the greater part of 1377 in effecting a
wonderful spiritual revival in the country districts subject to the Republic of
Siena, and it was at this time that she miraculously learned to write, though
she still seems to have chiefly relied upon her secretaries for her
correspondence. Early in 1378 she was sent by Pope Gregory to Florence, to make
a fresh effort for peace. Unfortunately, through the factious conduct of her
Florentine associates, she became involved in the internal politics of the city,
and during a popular tumult (22 June) an attempt was made upon her life. She was
bitterly disappointed at her escape, declaring that her sins had deprived her of
the red rose of martyrdom. Nevertheless, during the disastrous revolution known
as the tumult of the Ciompi
, she still remained at Florence or in its
territory until, at the beginning of August, news reached the city that peace
had been signed between the republic and the new pope. Catherine then instantly
returned to Siena, where she passed a few months of comparative quiet, dictating
her Dialogue
, the book of her meditations and revelations.
In the meanwhile the Great Schism had broken out in the Church. From the outset Catherine enthusiastically adhered to the Roman claimant, Urban VI, who in November, 1378, summoned her to Rome. In the Eternal City she spent what remained of her life, working strenuously for the reformation of the Church, serving the destitute and afflicted, and dispatching eloquent letters in behalf of Urban to high and low in all directions. Her strength was rapidly being consumed; she besought her Divine Bridegroom to let her bear the punishment for all the sins of the world, and to receive the sacrifice of her body for the unity and renovation of the Church; at last it seemed to her that the Bark of Peter was laid upon her shoulders, and that it was crushing her to death with its weight. After a prolonged and mysterious agony of three months, endured by her with supreme exultation and delight, from Sexagesima Sunday until the Sunday before the Ascension, she died. Her last political work, accomplished practically from her death-bed, was the reconciliation of Pope Urban VI with the Roman Republic (1380).
Among Catherine's principal followers were Fra Raimondo delle Vigne, of Capua
(d. 1399), her confessor and biographer, afterwards General of the Dominicans,
and Stefano di Corrado Maconi (d. 1424), who had been one of her secretaries,
and became Prior General of the Carthusians. Raimondo's book, the Legend
, was
finished in 1395. A second life of her, the Supplement
, was written a few
years later by another of her associates, Fra Tomaso Caffarini (d. 1434), who
also composed the Minor Legend
, which was translated into Italian by Stefano
Maconi. Between 1411 and 1413 the depositions of the surviving witnesses of her
life and work were collected at Venice, to form the famous Process
. Catherine
was canonized by Pius II in 1461. The emblems by which she is known in Christian
art are the lily and book, the crown of thorns, or sometimes a heart-referring
to the legend of her having changed hearts with Christ. Her principal feast is
on the 30th of April, but it is popularly celebrated in Siena on the Sunday
following. The feast of her Espousals is kept on the Thursday of the carnival.
The works of St. Catherine of Siena rank among the classics of the Italian language, written in the beautiful Tuscan vernacular of the fourteenth century. Notwithstanding the existence of many excellent manuscripts, the printed editions present the text in a frequently mutilated and most unsatisfactory condition. Her writings consist of
- the
, orTreatise on Divine Providence
; - a collection of nearly four hundred letters; and
- a series of
The Dialogue
especially, which treats of the whole spiritual life of man in
the form of a series of colloquies between the Eternal Father and the human soul
(represented by Catherine herself), is the mystical counterpart in prose of
Dante's Divina Commedia
A smaller work in the dialogue form, the Treatise on Consummate Perfection
is also ascribed to her, but is probably spurious. It is impossible in a few
words to give an adequate conception of the manifold character and contents of
the Letters
, which are the most complete expression of Catherine's many-sided
personality. While those addressed to popes and sovereigns, rulers of republics
and leaders of armies, are documents of priceless value to students of history,
many of those written to private citizens, men and women in the cloister or in
the world, are as fresh and illuminating, as wise and practical in their advice
and guidance for the devout Catholic today as they were for those who sought her
counsel while she lived. Others, again, lead the reader to mystical heights of
contemplation, a rarefied atmosphere of sanctity in which only the few
privileged spirits can hope to dwell. The key-note to Catherine's teaching is
that man, whether in the cloister or in the world, must ever abide in the cell
of self-knowledge, which is the stable in which the traveller through time to
eternity must be born again.
Processus contestationum super sanctitate et doctrina beatae Catharinae de Senis, in MARTENE AND DURAND, Veterum Scriptorum et Monumentorum Amplissima Collectio (Paris, 1729), VI; GIGLI, L'opere della serafica Santa Caterina da Siena (Siena and Lucca, 1707-54); TOMMASEO, Le Lettere di S. Caterina da Siena (Florence, 1860); Italian translations of the Legend and the Supplement are included in the first and fifth volumes of GIGLI's Edition; important portions of the Process are still left unpublished in manuscripts in the Biblioteca Comunale of Siena and the Biblioteca Casanatense at Rome.
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