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St. Lazarus of Bethany
Reputed first Bishop of Marseilles, died in the second half of the first century. According to a tradition, or rather a series of traditions combined at different epochs, the members of the family at Bethany, the friends of Christ, together with some holy women and others of His disciples, were put out to sea by the Jews hostile to Christianity in a vessel without sails, oars, or helm, and after a miraculous voyage landed in Provence at a place called today the Saintes-Maries. It is related that they separated there to go and preach the Gospel in different parts of the southeast of Gaul. Lazarus of whom alone we have to treat here, went to Marseilles, and, having converted a number of its inhabitants to Christianity, became their first pastor. During the first persecution under Nero he hid himself in a crypt, over which the celebrated Abbey of St.-Victor was constructed in the fifth century. In this same crypt he was interred, when he shed his blood for the faith. During the new persecution of Domitian he was cast into prison and beheaded in a spot which is believed to be identical with a cave beneath the prison Saint-Lazare. His body was later translated to Autun, and buried in the cathedral of that town. But the inhabitants of Marseilles claim to be in possession of his head which they still venerate. Like the other legends concerning the saints of the Palestinian group, this tradition, which was believed for several centuries and which still finds some advocates, has no solid foundation. It is in a writing, contained in an eleventh century manuscript, with some other documents relating to St. Magdalen of Vézelay, that we first read of Lazarus in connection with the voyage that brought Magdalen to Gaul. Before the middle of the eleventh century there does not seem to be the slightest trace of the tradition according to which the Palestinian saints came to Provence. At the beginning of the twelfth century, perhaps through a confusion of names, it was believed at Autun that the tomb of St. Lazarus was to be found in the cathedral dedicated to st. Nazarius. A search was made and remains were discovered, which were solemnly translated and were considered to be those of him whom Christ raised from the dead, but it was not thought necessary to inquire why they should be found in France.
The question, however, deserved to be examined with care, seeing that,
according to a tradition of the Greek Church, the body of St. Lazarus had been
brought to Constantinople, just as all the other saints of the Palestinian group
were said to have died in the Orient, and to have been buried, translated, and
honoured there. It is only in the thirteenth century that the belief that
Lazarus had come to Gaul with his two sisters and had been Bishop of Marseilles
spread in Provence. It is true that a letter is cited (its origin is uncertain),
written in 1040 by Pope Benedict IX on the occasion of the consecration of the
new church of St.-Victor in which Lazarus is mentioned. But in this text the
pope speaks only of relics of St. Lazarus, merely calling him the saint who was
raised again to life. He does not speak of him as having lived in Provence, or
as having been Bishop of Marseilles. The most ancient Provencal text alluding to
the episcopacy of St. Lazarus is a passage in the Otia imperialia
of Gervase
of Tillbury (1212). Thus the belief in his Provencal apostolate is of very late
date, and its supporters must produce more ancient and reliable documentary
evidence. In the crypt of St.-Victor at Marseilles an epitaph of the of the
fifth century has been discovered, which informs us that a bishop named Lazarus
was buried there. In the opinion of the most competent archfologists, however,
this personage is Lazarus, Bishop of Aix, who was consecrated at Marseilles
about 407, and who, having had to abandon his see in 411, passed some time in
Palestine, whence he returned to end his days in Marseilles. It is more than
likely that it is the name of this bishop and his return from Palestine, that
gave rise to the legend of the coming of the Biblical Lazarus to Provence, and
his apostolate in the city of Marseilles.
CHEVALIER, Gallia christ. noviss., II (Paris, 1899), 1-6; Analect. Bolland., VI (Brussels, 1887), 88-92; BOUCHE, Vindic fidei et pietatis Provinci pro cflitibus illius tutelaribus restituendis (Aix, 1644); DE CHANTELOUP, L'apttre de la Provence ou la vie du glorieux S. Lazare, premier évèque de Marseille (Marseilles, 1864); FAILLON, Mon. inid. sur l'apostolat de Ste. Marie Madeleine en Provence et sur les autres apttres de cette contrie (Paris, 1848); DE LAUNOY, De commentitio Lazari et Maximini Magdalen et Marth in Provinciam appulsu dissertatio (Paris, 1641); DE MAZENOD, Preuves de la mission de S. Lazare - Marseille in Annales de philos. Chrit., XIII (Paris, 1846), 338-50; TILLEMONT, Mem. pour servir ` l'hist. ecclis., II (Paris, 1694); 32-4; L. DUCHESNE, Fastes ipisc. de l'anc. Gaule, I (Paris, 1894), 324-5, 341-4; MORIN, S. Lazare et S. Maximin, donnies nouvelles sur plusieurs personnages de la tradition de Provence in Mim. de la Soc. des ant. de France, F, VI (Paris, 1897) 27-51.
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