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Pope St. Mark
Date of birth unknown; consecrated 18 Jan., 336; d. 7 Oct., 336. After the
death of Pope Sylvester, Mark was raised to the Roman episcopal chair as his
successor. The Liber Pontificalis
says that he was a Roman, and that his
father's name was Priscus. Constantine the Great's letter, which summoned a
conference of bishops for the investigation of the Donatist dispute, is directed
to Pope Miltiades and one Mark (Eusebius, Hist. Eccl.
, X, v). This Mark was
evidently a member of the Roman clergy, either priest or first deacon, and is
perhaps identical with the pope. The date of Mark's election (18 Jan., 336) is
given in the Liberian Catalogue of popes (Duchesne, Liber Pontificalis
, I, 9),
and is historically certain; so is the day of his death (7 Oct.), which is
specified in the same way in the Depositio episcoporum
of Philocalus's
, the first edition of which appeared also in 336. Concerning an
interposition of the pope in the Arian troubles, which were then so actively
affecting the Church in the East, nothing has been handed down. An alleged
letter of his to St. Athanasius is a later forgery. Two constitutions are
attributed to Mark by the author of the Liber Pontificalis
(ed. Duchesne, I,
20). According to the one, he invested the Bishop of Ostia with the pallium, and
ordained that this bishop was to consecrate the Bishop of Rome. It is certain
that, towards the end of the fourth century, the Bishop of Ostia did bestow the
episcopal consecration upon the newly-elected pope; Augustine expressly bears
witness to this (Breviarium Collationis, III, 16). It is indeed possible that
Mark had confirmed this privilege by a constitution, which does not preclude the
fact that the Bishop of Ostia before this time usually consecrated the new pope.
As for the bestowal of the pallium, the account cannot be established from
sources of the fourth century, since the oldest memorials which show this badge,
belong to the fifth and sixth centuries, and the oldest written mention of a
pope bestowing the pallium dates from the sixth century (cf. Grisar, Das
römische Pallium und die ältesten liturgischen Schärpen
, in Festschrift des
deutschen Campo Santo in Rom
, Freiburg im Br., 1897, 83-114).
The Liber Pontificalis
remarks further of Marcus: Et constitutum de omni
ecclesia ordinavit
; but we do not know which constitution this refers to. The
building of two basilicas is attributed to this pope by the author of the Liber
. One of these was built within the city in the region juxta
; it is the present church of San Marco, which however received its
present external shape by later alterations. It is mentioned in the fifth
century as a Roman title church, so that its foundation may without difficulty
be attributed to St. Mark. The other was outside the city; it was a cemetery
church, which the pope got built over the Catacomb of Balbina, between the Via
Appia and the Via Ardeatina (cf. de Rossi, Roma sotterranea
, III, 8-13;
Bullettino di arch. crist.
, 1867, 1 sqq.; Wilpert, Topographische Studien
über die christlichen Monumente der Appia und der Ardeatina
, in Röm.
, 1901, 32-49). The pope obtained from Emperor Constantine gifts
of land and liturgical furniture for both basilicas. Mark was buried in the
Catacomb of Balbina, where he had built the cemetery church. His grave is
expressly mentioned there by the itineraries of the seventh century (de Rossi,
Roma sotterranea
, I, 180-1). The feast of the deceased pope was given on 7 Oct.
in the old Roman calendar of feasts, which was inserted in the Martyrologium
; it is still kept on the same date. In an ancient manuscript a
laudatory poem is preserved (unfortunately in a mutilated text), which Pope
Damasus had composed on a Saint Marcus (de Rossi, Inscriptiones christ. urbis
, II, 108; Ihm, Damasi epigrammata
, Leipzig, 1895, 17, no. 11). De
Rossi refers this to Pope Mark, but Duchesne (loc. cit., 204), is unable to
accept this view. Since the contents of the poem are of an entirely general
nature, without any particularly characteristic feature from the life of Pope
Mark, the question is not of great importance.
Liber Pontif., ed. DUCHESNE, I, 202-4; URBAIN, Ein Martyrologium der christl. Gemeinde zu Rom am Anfang des V. Jahrh. (Leipzig, 1901), 198; LANGEN, Gesch. der rom. Kirche, I, 423.
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