Hinweise zur Catholic Encyclopedia
St. Mark
(Greek Markos, Latin Marcus).
It is assumed in this article that the individual referred to in Acts as John
Mark (xii, 12, 25; xv, 37), John (xiii, 5, 13), Mark (xv, 39), is identical with
the Mark mentioned by St. Paul (Col., iv, 10; II Tim., iv, 11; Philem., 24) and
by St. Peter (I Peter, v, 13). Their identity is not questioned by any ancient
writer of note, while it is strongly suggested, on the one hand by the fact that
Mark of the Pauline Epistles was the cousin (ho anepsios) of Barnabas (Col., iv,
10), to whom Mark of Acts seems to have been bound by some special tie (Acts, xv,
37, 39); on the other by the probability that the Mark, whom St. Peter calls his
son (I Peter, v, 13), is no other than the son of Mary, the Apostle's old friend
in Jerusalem (Acts, xxi, 12). To the Jewish name John was added the Roman
pronomen Marcus, and by the latter he was commonly known to the readers of Acts
(xv, 37, ton kaloumenon Markon) and of the Epistles. Mark's mother was a
prominent member of the infant Church at Jerusalem; it was to her house that
Peter turned on his release from prison; the house was approached by a porch
(pulon), there was a slave girl (paidiske), probably the portress, to open the
door, and the house was a meeting-place for the brethren, many
of whom were
praying there the night St. Peter arrived from prison (Acts, xii, 12-13).
When, on the occasion of the famine of A.D. 45-46, Barnabas and Saul had completed their ministration in Jerusalem, they took Mark with them on their return to Antioch (Acts, xii, 25). Not long after, when they started on St. Paul's first Apostolic journey, they had Mark with them as some sort of assistant (hupereten, Acts, xiii, 5); but the vagueness and variety of meaning of the Greek term makes it uncertain in what precise capacity he acted. Neither selected by the Holy Spirit, nor delegated by the Church of Antioch, as were Barnabas and Saul (Acts, xiii, 2-4), he was probably taken by the Apostles as one who could be of general help. The context of Acts, xiii, 5, suggests that he helped even in preaching the Word. When Paul and Barnabas resolved to push on from Perga into central Asia Minor, Mark, departed from them, if indeed he had not already done so at Paphos, and returned to Jerusalem (Acts, xiii, 13). What his reasons were for turning back, we cannot say with certainty; Acts, xv, 38, seems to suggest that he feared the toil. At any rate, the incident was not forgotten by St. Paul, who refused on account of it to take Mark with him on the second Apostolic journey. This refusal led to the separation of Paul and Barnabas, and the latter, taking Mark with him, sailed to Cyprus (Acts, xv, 37-40). At this point (A.D. 49-50) we lose sight of Mark in Acts, and we meet him no more in the New Testament, till he appears some ten years afterwards as the fellow-worker of St. Paul, and in the company of St. Peter, at Rome.
St. Paul, writing to the Colossians during his first Roman imprisonment (A.D.
59-61), says: Aristarchus, my fellow prisoner, saluteth you, and Mark, the
cousin of Barnabas, touching whom you have received commandments; if he come
unto you, receive him
(Col., iv, 10). At the time this was written, Mark was
evidently in Rome, but had some intention of visiting Asia Minor. About the same
time St. Paul sends greetings to Philemon from Mark, whom he names among his
fellow-workers (sunergoi, Philem., 24). The Evangelist's intention of visiting
Asia Minor was probably carried out, for St. Paul, writing shortly before his
death to Timothy at Ephesus, bids him pick up Mark and bring him with him to
Rome, adding for he is profitable to me for the ministry
(II Tim., iv, 11). If
Mark came to Rome at this time, he was probably there when St. Paul was martyred.
Turning to I Peter, v, 13, we read: The Church that is in Babylon, elected
together with you, saluteth you, and (so doth) Mark my son
(Markos, o huios
aou). This letter was addressed to various Churches of Asia Minor (I Peter, i,
1), and we may conclude that Mark was known to them. Hence, though he had
refused to penetrate into Asia Minor with Paul and Barnabas, St. Paul makes it
probable, and St. Peter certain, that he went afterwards, and the fact that St.
Peter sends Mark's greeting to a number of Churches implies that he must have
been widely known there. In calling Mark his son
, Peter may possibly imply
that he had baptized him, though in that case teknon might be expected rather
than huios (cf. I Cor., iv, 17; I Tim., i, 2, 18; II Tim., i, 2; ii, 1; Tit., i,
4; Philem., 10). The term need not be taken to imply more than affectionate
regard for a younger man, who had long ago sat at Peter's feet in Jerusalem, and
whose mother had been the Apostle's friend (Acts, xii, 12). As to the Babylon
from which Peter writers, and in which Mark is present with him, there can be no
reasonable doubt that it is Rome. The view of St. Jerome: St. Peter also
mentions this Mark in his First Epistle, while referring figuratively to Rome
under the title of Babylon
(De vir. Illustr., viii), is supported by all the
early Father who refer to the subject. It may be said to have been questioned
for the first time by Erasmus, whom a number of Protestant writers then followed,
that they might the more readily deny the Roman connection of St. Peter. Thus,
we find Mark in Rome with St. Peter at a time when he was widely known to the
Churches of Asia Minor. If we suppose him, as we may, to have gone to Asia Minor
after the date of the Epistle to the Colossians, remained there for some time,
and returned to Rome before I Peter was written, the Petrine and Pauline
references to the Evangelist are quite intelligible and consistent.
When we turn to tradition, Papias (Eusebius, Hist. eccl.
, III, xxxix)
asserts not later than A.D. 130, on the authority of an elder
, that Mark had
been the interpreter (hermeneutes) of Peter, and wrote down accurately, though
not in order, the teaching of Peter (see below, MARK,
GOSPEL OF SAINT, II). A widespread, if somewhat late, tradition represents
St. Mark as the founder of the Church of Alexandria. Though strangely enough
Clement and Origen make no reference to the saint's connection with their city,
it is attested by Eusebius (op. cit., II, xvi, xxiv), by St. Jerome (De Vir.
, viii), by the Apostolic Constitutions (VII, xlvi), by Epiphanius
, li, 6) and by many later authorities. The Martyrologium Romanum
(25 April) records: At Alexandria the anniversary of Blessed Mark the
Evangelist … at Alexandria of St. Anianus Bishop, the disciple of Blessed Mark
and his successor in the episcopate, who fell asleep in the Lord.
The date at
which Mark came to Alexandria is uncertain. The Chronicle of Eusebius assigns it
to the first years of Claudius (A.D. 41-4), and later on states that St. Mark's
first successor, Anianus, succeeded to the See of Alexandria in the eighth year
of Nero (61-2). This would make Mark Bishop of Alexandria for a period of about
twenty years. This is not impossible, if we might suppose in accordance with
some early evidence that St. Peter came to Rome in A.D. 42, Mark perhaps
accompanying him. But Acts raise considerable difficulties. On the assumption
that the founder of the Church of Alexandria was identical with the companion of
Paul and Barnabas, we find him at Jerusalem and Antioch about A.D. 46 (Acts xii,
25), in Salamis about 47 (Acts, xiii, 5), at Antioch again about 49 or 50 (Acts,
xv, 37-9), and when he quitted Antioch, on the separation of Paul and Barnabas,
it was not to Alexandria but to Cyprus that he turned (Acts, xv, 39). There is
nothing indeed to prove absolutely that all this is inconsistent with his being
Bishop of Alexandria at the time, but seeing that the chronology of the
Apostolic age is admittedly uncertain, and that we have no earlier authority
than Eusebius for the date of the foundation of the Alexandrian Church, we may
perhaps conclude with more probability that it was founded somewhat later. There
is abundance of time between A.D. 50 and 60, a period during which the New
Testament is silent in regard to St. Mark, for his activity in Egypt.
In the preface to his Gospel in manuscripts of the Vulgate, Mark is
represented as having been a Jewish priest: Mark the Evangelist, who exercised
the priestly office in Israel, a Levite by race
. Early authorities, however,
are silent upon the point, and it is perhaps only an inference from his relation
to Barnabas the Levite (Acts, iv, 36). Papias (in Eusebius, Hist. eccl.
, III,
xxxix) says, on the authority of the elder
, that Mark neither heard the Lord
nor followed Him (oute gar ekouse tou kurion oute parekoluthesen auto), and the
same statement is made in the Dialogue of Adamantius (fourth century, Leipzig,
1901, p. 8), by Eusebius (Demonst. Evang.
, III, v), by St. Jerome (In
), by St. Augustine (De Consens. Evang.
), and is suggested by the
Muratorian Fragment. Later tradition, however, makes Mark one of the seventy-two
disciples, and St. Epiphanius (Hær
, li, 6) says he was one of those who
withdrew from Christ (John, vi, 67). The later tradition can have no weight
against the earlier evidence, but the statement that Mark neither heard the Lord
nor followed Him need not be pressed too strictly, nor force us to believe that
he never saw Christ. Many indeed are of opinion that the young man who fled
naked from Gethsemane (Mark, xiv, 51) was Mark himself. Early in the third
century Hippolytus (Philosophumena
, VII, xxx) refers to Mark as ho
kolobodaktulos, i.e. stump-fingered
or mutilated in the finger(s)
, and later
authorities allude to the same defect. Various explanations of the epithet have
been suggested: that Mark, after he embraced Christianity, cut off his thumb to
unfit himself for the Jewish priesthood; that his fingers were naturally stumpy;
that some defect in his toes is alluded to; that the epithet is to be regarded
as metaphorical, and means deserted
(cf. Acts, xiii, 13).
The date of Mark's death is uncertain. St. Jerome (De Vir. Illustr.
, viii)
assigns it to the eighth year of Nero (62-63) (Mortuus est octavo Neronis anno
et sepultus Alexandriæ), but this is probably only an inference from the
statement of Eusebius (Hist. eccl.
, II, xxiv), that in that year Anianus
succeeded St. Mark in the See of Alexandria. Certainly, if St. Mark was alive
when II Timothy was written (II Tim., iv, 11), he cannot have died in 61-62. Nor
does Eusebius say he did; the historian may merely mean that St. Mark then
resigned his see, and left Alexandria to join Peter and Paul at Rome. As to the
manner of his death, the Acts
of Mark give the saint the glory of martyrdom,
and say that he died while being dragged through the streets of Alexandria; so
too the Paschal Chronicle. But we have no evidence earlier than the fourth
century that the saint was martyred. This earlier silence, however, is not at
all decisive against the truth of the later traditions. For the saint's alleged
connection with Aquileia, see Acta SS.
, XI, pp. 346-7, and for the removal of
his body from Alexandria to Venice and his cultus there, ibid., pp. 352-8. In
Christian literature and art St. Mark is symbolically represented by a lion. The
Latin and Greek Churches celebrate his feast on 25 April, but the Greek Church
keeps also the feast of John Mark on 27 September.
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