Hinweise zur Catholic Encyclopedia
Sts. Processus and Martinian
The dates of these martyrs are unknown. The Martyrologium Hieronymianum
De Rossi-Duchesne, 85) gives under 2 July their names. The Berne manuscript of
the Martyrology also gives their burial-place, viz. at the second milestone of
the Via Aurelia. The old catalogues of the burial places of the Roman martyrs
likewise mention the graves of both these saints on this road (De Rossi, Roma
, I, 182-3). They were publicly venerated in Rome from the fourth or
perhaps the third century, although nothing further is known. A legend makes
them the keepers of the prison of Sts. Peter and Paul (Lipsius, Apokryphe
Apostelgeschich. u. Apostellegenden
, II, Brunswick, 1887, 92, 105 sqq., 110
sq.). It cannot be shown how the legend came to give them this identification.
Pope Paschal I (817-24) translated the bones of the two martyrs to a chapel in
the old basilica of St. Peter; they still rest under the altar dedicated to them
in the right transept of the present St. Peter's. Their feast is celebrated on 2
Acta SS., July, I, 303-4; DUFOURCQ, Les Gesta martyrum romains, I (Paris, 1900), 170 sq., 233, 327 sqq.; MARUCCHI, Les catacombes romaines (2nd ed., Rome, 1903), 46 sqq.
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