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Pope Paul I
Date of birth unknown; died at Rome, 28 June, 767. He was a brother of
Stephen II. They had been educated for the priesthood at the Lateran palace.
Stephen entrusted his brother, who approved of the pope's course in respect to
King Pepin, with many important ecclesiastical affairs, among others with the
restoration to the Roman States of the cities which had been seized by the
Lombard Kings Aistulf and Desiderius; these cities Desiderius promised to give
up. While Paul was with his dying brother at the Lateran, a party of the Romans
gathered in the house of Archdeacon Theophylact in order to secure the latter's
succession to the papal see. However, immediately after the burial of Stephen
(died 26 April, 757), Paul was elected by a large majority, and received
episcopal consecration on the twenty-ninth of May. Paul continued his
predecessor's policy towards the Frankish king, Pepin, and thereby continued the
papal supremacy over Rome and the districts of central Italy in opposition to
the efforts of the Lombards and the Eastern Empire. Pepin sent a letter to the
Roman people, exhorting them to remain steadfast to St. Peter. In the reply sent
by the senate and the people of Rome to the Frankish king, the latter was urged
to complete the enlargement of the Roman province which he had wrested from the
barbarians, and to persevere in the work he had begun. In 758 a daughter was
born to Pepin, and the king sent the pope the cloth used at the baptism as a
present, renewing in this way the papal sponsorship. Paul returned thanks and
informed Pepin of the hostile action of Desiderius, who had failed to deliver
the cities of Imola, Osimo, Ancona, and Bologna to Rome, and had also devastated
the Pentapolis on his expedition against the rebellious Dukes of Spoleto and
Benevento. The two duchies were conquered and annexed by Desiderius (758). At
Benevento Desiderius had a conference with the Greek ambassador Georgios, and
agreed on a mutual alliance of Byzantines and Lombards in central Italy. On his
way home Desiderius came to Rome, and when the pope demanded the return of the
aforesaid cities, he refused to comply. He promised to give back Imola, but on
condition that the pope should persuade Pepin to send back the Lombard hostages
whom the Frankish king had carried off, some time before, at the time of his
second victory over the Lombard King Aistulf. If Paul would not do this,
Desiderius threatened to go to war with him. The pope was in great straits. He
found it difficult even to get the Frankish king informed of his position. He
gave two letters to Bishop George of Ostia and the Roman priest Stephen, his
ambassadors to Pepin, who made the journey with the Frankish messenger
Ruodpertus. In the one letter that was to secure the envoys a safe passage
through Lombard territory, he agreed to the demands of Desiderius and begged
Pepin to accede to the wishes of the Lombards by making a treaty of peace and
returning the hostages. At the same time the envoys were to give the Frankish
king a second secret letter, in which the pope communicated to him the latest
occurrences, informed him of the agreement of Desiderius with the Byzantines for
the conquest of Ravenna, and implored Pepin to come to the aid of the pope, to
punish the Lombard king, and to force him to yield the towns retained by him.
Towards the close of 759 another envoy was sent to Pepin. Early in 760 two
Frankish envoys, Bishop Remidius of Rouen, brother to Pepin, and Duke Antschar,
came to Desiderius, who promised to return its patrimony to the Roman Church in
April, and also to yield the towns demanded by the pope. But he again refused to
carry out his promises, dallied, and even forced his way into Roman territory.
Once more Paul implored the Frankish king's help. The position of affairs was
made even more threatening by Byzantine action. Georgios had gone from southern
Italy to the court of Pepin and had here won over a papal envoy, Marinus. With
all his efforts Georgios could not move Pepin. In 760 a report spread through
Italy that a large Byzantine fleet was under sail for Rome and the Frankish
kingdom. Later it was reported that the Byzantines intended to send an army to
Rome and Ravenna. The Archbishop Sergius of Ravenna received a letter from the
Byzantine emperor, in which the latter sought to obtain the voluntary submission
of the inhabitants of Ravenna. The same attempt was also made in Venice. Sergius
sent the letter of the emperor to the pope, and the pope notified Pepin. In case
of a war with the Eastern Empire it was important to make sure of the support of
the Lombards, consequently Pepin desired to come to an agreement with Desiderius.
Thereupon the Lombard king showed more complaisance in the question of the Roman
patrimony included in the Lombard territory, and when he visited Rome in 765,
the boundary disputes between him and the pope were arranged. The Frankish king
now directed Desiderius to aid the pope in recovering the Roman patrimony in the
regions in southern Italy under Byzantine rule, and to support the
ecclesiastical rights of the pope against the bishops of these districts. Paul's
opposition to the schemes of the Emperor Constantine Copronymus had no real
political basis. The pope's aim was to defend ecclesiastical orthodoxy regarding
the doctrine of the Trinity and the veneration of images against the Eastern
emperor. Paul repeatedly dispatched legates and letters in regard to the
veneration of images to the emperor at Byzantium. Constantine sent envoys to
western Europe who in coming to King Pepin did not disguise their intention to
negotiate with him concerning dogmatic questions, also about the submission of
the Exarchate of Ravenna to Byzantine suzerainty. Papal legates also came to
Pepin in regard to these matters. On their return the legates were able to
reassure the pope as to the views of the Frankish ruler, who kept two of the
papal envoys, Bishop George and the priest Peter, near him. In 767 a Frankish
synod was held at Gentilly, near Paris, at which the Church doctrines concerning
the Trinity and the veneration of images were maintained. Paul showed great
activity and zeal in encouraging religious life at Rome. He turned his paternal
home into a monastery, and near it built the church of San Silvestro in Capite.
The founding of this church led to his holding a synod at Rome in 761. To this
church and other churches of Rome, Paul transferred the bones of numerous
martyrs from the decayed sanctuaries in the catacombs devastated by the Lombards
in 756. He transferred the relics of St. Petronilla (q. v.) from the catacomb of
St. Domitilla to a chapel in St. Peter's erected by his predecessor for this
purpose. The legend of St. Petronilla caused her at that era to be regarded as a
daughter of St. Peter, and as such she became the special Roman patroness of the
Frankish rulers. Paul also built an oratory of the Blessed Virgin in St. Peter's,
and a church in honour of the Apostles on the Via Sacra beyond the Roman Forum.
He died near the church of San Paolo fuori le mura, where he had gone during the
heat of summer. He was buried in this church, but after three months his body
was transferred to St. Peter's. The Liber Pontificalis
also praises the
Christian charity and benevolence of the pope which he united with firmness.
Paul is venerated as a saint. His feast is celebrated on the twenty-eighth of
Liber Pontificalis, ed. DUCHESNE, I, 463-467; Liber Carolinus, ed. Mon. Germ. Hist.: Epist., III, 507 sqq.; KEHR in Nachrichten der Gesellschaft der Wiss. zu Göttingen (1896), 103 sqq.; JAFFÉ, Regesta Rom. Pont., I, 277 sqq.; LANGEN, Geschichte der römischen Kirche, II (Bonn, 1885), 668 sqq.; HEFELE, Konziliengeschichte, 2nd ed., III, 431 sqq., 602; SCHNÜRER, Die Entstehung des Kirchenstaates (Cologne, 1894); DUCHESSE, Les premiers temps de l'Etat pontifical (2nd ed., Paris, 1904); DE ROSSI, Insigni scoperte nel cimitero de Domitilla in Bull. di archeol. crist., ser. II, an. VI (1875), 5 sqq., 45 sqq.; IDEM, Sepolcro di S. Petronilla nella basilica in via Ardeatina e sua traslazione al Vaticano, ibid., Ser. III, an. III (1878), 125 sqq.; an. IV (1879), 5 sqq., 139 sqq.; MARUCCHI, Basiliques et églises de Rome (2nd ed., Rome, 1909); MANN, Lives of the Popes (London, 1902).
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