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Bishop of Passau, date of birth unknown; died 20 May, 991. He was educated at
the Benedictine monastery of Niederaltaich, and was made bishop in 971. To him
are attributed some, if not all, of the Forgeries of Lorch
, a series of
documents, especially Bulls of Popes Symmachus, Eugene II, Leo VII, and Agapetus
II, fabricated to prove that Passau was a continuation of a former archdiocese
named Lorch. By these he attempted to obtain from Benedict VI the elevation of
Passau to an archdiocese, the re-erection of those dioceses in Pannonia and
Msia which had been suffragans of Lorch, and the pallium for himself. While
Piligrim was ambitious, he also had at heart the welfare of the captive
Christians in Hungary and the Christianization of that country. There is extant
an alleged Bull of Benedict VI granting Piligrim's demands; but this is also the
work of Piligrim, possibly a document drawn up for the papal signature, which it
never received. Apart from these forgeries, common enough at the time, Piligrim
was a good and zealous bishop, and converted numerous heathens in Hungary, built
many schools and churches, restored the Rule of St. Benedict in Niederaltaich,
transferred the relics of St. Maximilian from Oetting to Passau, and held synods
(983-91) at Ennsburg (Lorch), Mautern, and Mistelbach. In the Niebelungenlied
he is lauded as a contemporary of the heroes of that epic.
DÜMMLER, Piligrim von Passau und das Erzbisthum Lorch (Leipzig, 1854); IDEM in Berliner Sitzungsberichte (1898), 758-75; UHLIRZ, Die Urkundenfälschung zu Passau im zehnten Jahrhundert in Mittheilungen des Instituts für österreichische Geschichtsforschung, III (Vienna, 1882), 177-228; IDEM, ibid., supplementary vol., II (1888), 548 sq.; HEUWIESER, Sind die Bischöfe von Passau Nachfolger der Bischöfe von Lorch? in Theologisch-praktische Monats-Schrift, XXI (Passau, 1910), 13-23, 85-90; MITTERMÜLLER, War Bischof Piligrim von Passau ein Urkundenfälscher? in Der Katholik, XLVII (Mainz, 1867), 337-62.
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