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Pope St. Symmachus (498-514)
Date of birth unknown; d. 19, July, 514. According to the Liber pontificalis
(ed. Duchesne, I, 260) he was a native of Sardinia and his father was named
Fortunatus. Symmachus was baptized at Rome (Thiel, Epist. pont. rom.
, I, 702),
entered the ranks of the clergy of Rome, and was ordained deacon. Directly after
the death of Pope Anastasius II, Symmachus was elected his successor by a
majority of the Roman clergy at the Lateran Basilica on 22 November, 498. The
election was approved by a part of the Roman senate and he was at once
consecrated Bishop of Rome. Later on the same day a minority of the clergy who
were friendly to the Byzantines and were supported by a party in the Senate met
in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore and elected the Roman archpresbyter
Laurentius as antipope. According to Theodorus Lector (P.G., LXXXVI, 193), the
Laurentian party was aided with money supplied chiefly by the rich Senator
Festus, who hoped that Laurentius would be influenced by this to sign the
, the edict of faith of the Emperor Zeno. The other authorities do
not speak of such motives, which are very probable, and the testimony of
Theodorus can very readily be accepted. Both parties, however, agreed that the
two candidates should appear at Ravenna before the Gothic king Theodoric, the
ruler of Italy, and abide by his decision. Theodoric pronouncing in favour of
Symmachus on the ground that he was elected first and by the majority of the
clergy, Laurentius submitted to the decision. At a synod held at Rome on 1 March,
499, the Acts of which have been preserved, Symmachus, who was now universally
acknowledged, bestowed on Laurentius the Diocese of Nocera in Campania. The
synod ordained that any Roman cleric who sought to gain votes for a successor to
the papacy during the lifetime of the pope, or who called conferences and held
consultations for that purpose, should be deposed. King Theodoric was given a
vote of thanks by acclamation for his unpartizan decision. When the king came to
Rome in the following year he had a brilliant reception both from the pope and
the people. However, the Byzantine party, headed by the two senators Festus and
Probinus, did not abandon its hostility and hope of overthrowing the pope and
gaining the papal see for Laurentius. The opportunity occurred in the following
year, 501. Pope Symmachus celebrated Easter on 25 March, following the old Roman
cycle, while the Byzantines and others observed the feast on 22 April, according
to a new reckoning. The Laurentian party appealed to King Theodoric against the
pope, making other accusations besides this digression in the celebration of
Easter. Theodoric summoned the pope and Symmachus set out to meet him. At Rimini
Symmachus learned the contents of the indictment and, refusing to acknowledge
the king as his judge, returned home. The opposing party now accused him of
squandering the property of the Church and other matters. It gained in strength
and occupied the Lateran palace, so that the pope was obliged to live near the
Church of St. Peter outside the city walls. His opponents requested the king to
call a synod for the investigation of the accusations and to appoint a visitor
for Rome. Symmachus agreed to the calling of a synod, but he and his adherents
protested against the sending of a visitor. Theodoric, however, sent as visitor
Bishop Peter of Altinum in upper Italy, who was to administer the Roman Church
in the place of the accused pope. Peter came to Rome and, contrary to the
commands of king, allowed himself to be won over by the adherents of Laurentius,
so that Theodoric at a later date dismissed him. Not long after Easter, between
May and July, 502, the synod met in the basilica of Julius (Santa Maria in
Trastevere). The pope declared before the synod that it had been called with his
consent and that he was ready to answer the accusations before it, if the
visitor were removed and he were re-established as the administrator of the
Church. To this the majority of the bishops agreed and sent an embassy to the
king to demand the execution of these conditions. Theodoric, however, refused,
and demanded, first of all, an investigation of the accusations against the pope.
A second session of the synod was held, therefore, on 1 September, 502, in the
Sessorian basilica (Santa Croce in Gerusalemme), and the minority had the
indictment made by the Laurentian party read aloud. Symmachus desired to go from
St. Peter's to the synod in order to defend himself, but on the way there he was
attacked by his opponents and maltreated, and, escaping only with great
difficulty, returned to St. Peter's; several priests who were with him were
killed or severely wounded. The Goths sent by Theodoric promised him a reliable
escort but the pope now refused to appear before the synod, although invited
three times. Consequently the assembled bishops declared at the third session,
held about the middle of September, they could not pass judgment upon the pope,
because he had appeared twice before his judges, and because there was no
precedent showing that an occupant of the Roman See had been subjected to the
judgment of other bishops. They called upon the opposing clergy to submit to the
pope, and requested the king to permit the bishops to return to their dioceses.
All these steps were in vain; the majority of the clergy and people sided indeed
with Symmachus, but a minority of the clergy and a majority of the Senators were
at that time partizans of Laurentius. A fourth session, therefore, was held on
23 October, 502, called the Synodus Palmaris
(Palmary synod) either from the
place where it was held (ad Palmata, Palma), or because it was the most
important session (palmaris). At this session it was decided that on account of
the reasons given earlier the decision must be left to the judgment of God;
Symmachus was to be regarded as free from all the crimes of which he was accused,
and therefore entitled to the full exercise of his episcopal office; the whole
property of the church was to be transferred to him; whoever returned to his
obedience should escape punishment, but whoever undertook ecclesiastical
functions at Rome without papal permission was to be regarded as a schismatic.
The decision was signed by seventy-five bishops, among them the bishops of Milan
and Ravenna. Many bishops now returned to their dioceses. The majority, however,
met with the Roman priests in St. Peter's for a fifth session under the
presidency of Symmachus on 6 November, 502. The edict issued by the prefect
Basilius, in 483, regulating the administration of the possessions of the Church
was declared invalid and Symmachus issued a new edict respecting the
administration of this property, and especially in regard to its sale.
King Theodoric, not satisfied with the decision of the synod, although the
great majority of the Italian episcopate was on the side of the rightful pope,
did nothing to carry out the new ordinances. Consequently the opposition called
its candidate Laurentius again to Rome. He resided in the Lateran palace, which
was in the hands of his adherents, while Symmachus retained the house of the
bishop (episcopium) near St. Peter's. The division continued for four years,
during which both parties carried on a furious quarrel at Rome. Laurentius had
his portrait added to the series of popes in the Church of Saint Paul Without
the Walls. However, certain prominent persons exerted their influence in favour
of Symmachus, as Bishop Avitus of Vienne, who, at the request of the Gallican
bishops, addressed an urgent letter to the Senate on behalf of the rightful pope
and for the restoration of unity. Symmachus gradually won over a number of
adherents of the opposition. The greatest factor in the healing of the schism
was the interposition of Deacon Dioscurus of Alexandria, who had come to Rome.
He was commissioned by Symmachus to go to Theodoric, and won the king over to
the side of the rightful pope. Apparently political motives were involved, as
the king wished to take action against the Laurentian party, which inclined to
Constantinople. He commanded Senator Festus, the head of the hostile party, to
return all Roman churches to Symmachus. Laurentius having lost many adherents
among the senators the king's command was executed without difficulty. The
antipope, obliged to leave Rome, retired to a farm belonging to his protector
Festus. Only a small party still held to Laurentius and refused to recognize
Symmachus as Bishop of Rome; but it was insignificant and was reconciled later
to Hormisdas, the successor of Symmachus. During the schism a number of
polemical writings appeared, as from the party of Laurentius the treatise
Contra Synodum absolutionis incongruae
, to which Deacon Ennodius replied in
Libellus adversus eos qui contra Synodum scribere praseumpserunt
(Mon. Germ.
Hist.: Auct. ant.
, VII, 48 sq.). While the author of the life of Symmachus in
the completely preserved text of the Liber pontificalis
is very favourable to
the pope, the writer of another continuation of the papal biographies supports
the cause of Laurentius (Fragment Laurentine
, ed. Duchesne in Liber
, I, 44-46). During the dispute the adherents of Symmachus drew up
four apocryphal writings called the Symmachian Forgeries
; these were: Gesta
synodi Sinuessanae de Marcellino
; Constitutum Silvestri
, Gesta Liberii
Gesta de purgatione Xysti et Polychronii accusatione
. These four works are to
be found in Coustant, Epist. rom. pontif.
(Paris, 1721), appendix, 29 sq.; cf.
Duchesne, Liber pontificalis
, I, introduction, CXXXIII sq.: Histoire
littéraire des apocryphes symmachiens
. The object of these forgeries was to
produce alleged instances from earlier times to support the whole procedure of
the adherents of Symmachus, and, in particular, the position that the Roman
bishop could not be judged by any court composed of other bishops. Still these
forgeries are not the first documents to maintain this latter tenet.
Symmachus zealously defended the supporters of orthodoxy during the disorders
of the Acacian schism. He defends, although without success, the opponents of
the Henotikon
in a letter to Emperor Anastasius I (491-518). At a later date
many of the persecuted oriental bishops addressed themselves to the pope to whom
they sent a confession of faith. Shortly after 506 the emperor sent him a letter
full of invectives, to which the pope sent a firm answer, maintaining forcibly
the rights and liberty of the Church (Thiel, Epist. rom. pont.
, I, 700 sq.).
In a letter of 8 October, 512, addressed to the bishops of Illyria, the pope
warned the clergy of that province not to hold communion with heretics. Soon
after the beginning of his pontificate Symmachus interposed in the quarrel
between the Archbishops of Arles and Vienne as to the boundaries of their
respective territories. He annulled the edict issued by Anastasius II in favour
of the Archbishop of Vienne and later (6 November, 513) confirmed the
metropolitan rights of archbishop Caesarius of Arles, as these had been fixed by
Leo I. Moreover, he granted Caesarius the privilege of wearing the pallium, the
first-known instance of such a grant by the Holy See to a bishop outside of
Italy. In a letter of 11 June, 514, he appointed Caesarius to represent the
interests of the Church both in Gaul and Spain, to hold synods of the bishops in
certain cases, to give letters of recommendation to clergy who journeyed to Rome.
More important matters were to be laid before the Holy See. In the city of Rome,
according to the Liber pontificalis
, the pope took severe measures against the
Manichaeans, ordered the burning of their books, and expelled them from the city.
He erected or restored and adorned various churches. Thus he built a Church of
St. Andrew near St. Peter's, a Basilica of St. Agnes on the Via Aurelia, adorned
the Church of St. Peter's, completely rebuilt the Basilica of Sts. Sylvester and
Martinus, and made improvements over the Catacomb of the Jordani on the Via
Salaria. He built episcopal houses (episcopia) to the right and left of the
parvis of St. Peter's. These buildings were evidently connected with the
residence of the pope for several years near St. Peter's during the disorders of
the Laurentian schism. He also built asylums for the poor near the three
churches of St. Peter, St. Paul, and St. Laurence that were outside the city
walls. The pope contributed large sums for the support of the Catholic bishops
of Africa who were persecuted by the rulers of the Arian Vandals. He also aided
the inhabitants of the provinces of upper Italy who suffered so sorely from the
invasion of the barbarians. After his death he was buried at St. Peter's.
Symmachus is venerated in the Roman Church as a saint.
Liber pontificalis, ed. DUCHESNE, I, 260-268; JAFFE, Regesta pont. rom. (2nd ed.), I, 96 sq.; THIEL, Epist. rom. pontif., 639 sq.; Acta synodorum Romae habit. a. 499, 501, 502 in Mon. Germ. Hist.: Auct. ant., XII, 393 sq.; GRISAR, Gesch. Roms under der Papste, I, 460 sqq.; LANGEN, Gesch. der römischen Kirche, II, 219 sqq.; HEFELE, Hist. of the Councils of the Church, tr. CLARK, IV (Edinburgh, 1895), 49 sqq., 58-75; STOBER, Quellenstudien zum laurentianischen Schisma in Sitzungsber. der Wiener Akademie, CXII (1886), 269 sqq.; MAASSEN, Gesch. der Quellen des Kirchenrechtes, I, 411 sqq.; PFEILSCHIFTER, Theoderich der Grosse in Weltgeschichte in Karakterbildern (Mainz, 1910), 44 sqq.; HARTMANN, Gesch. Italiens im Mittellter, I (Leipzig, 1897), 142 sqq.
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