Hinweise zur Catholic Encyclopedia
St. Thomas Becket
Martyr, Archbishop of Canterbury, born at London, 21 December, 1118 (?); died
at Canterbury, 29 December, 1170. St. Thomas was born of parents who, coming
from Normandy, had settled in England some years previously. No reliance can be
placed upon the legend that his mother was a Saracen. In after life his humble
birth was made the subject of spiteful comment, though his parents were not
peasants, but people of some mark, and from his earliest years their son had
been well taught and had associated with gentlefolk. He learned to read at
Merton Abbey and then studied in Paris. On leaving school he employed himself in
secretarial work, first with Sir Richer de l'Aigle and then with his kinsman,
Osbert Huitdeniers, who was Justiciar
of London. Somewhere about the year 1141,
under circumstances that are variously related, he entered the service of
Theobald, Archbishop of Canterbury, and in that household he won his master's
favour and eventually became the most trusted of all his clerks. A description
embodied in the Icelandic Saga and derived probably from Robert of Cricklade
gives a vivid portrait of him at this period.
To look upon he was slim of growth and pale of hue, with dark hair, a long nose, and a straightly featured face. Blithe of countenance was he, winning and loveable in his conversation, frank of speech in his discourses, but slightly stuttering in his talk, so keen of discernment and understanding that he could always make difficult questions plain after a wise manner.
Theobald recognized his capacity, made use of him in many delicate
negotiations, and, after allowing him to go for a year to study civil and cannon
law at Bologna and Auxerre, ordained him deacon in 1154, after bestowing upon
him several preferments, the most important of which was the Archdeaconry of
Canterbury (see Radford, Thomas of London
, p. 53).
It was just at this period that King Stephen died and the young monarch Henry
II became unquestioned master of the kingdom. He took Thomas of London
, as
Becket was then most commonly called, for his chancellor, and in that office
Thomas at the age of thirty-six became, with the possible exception of the
justiciar, the most powerful subject in Henry's wide dominions. The chroniclers
speak with wonder of the relations which existed between the chancellor and the
sovereign, who was twelve years his junior. People declared that they had but
one heart and one mind
. Often the king and his minister behaved like two
schoolboys at play. But although they hunted or rode at the head of an army
together it was no mere comradeship in pastime which united them. Both were hard
workers, and both, we may believe, had the prosperity of the kingdom deeply at
heart. Whether the chancellor, who was after all the elder man, was the true
originator of the administrative reforms which Henry introduced cannot now be
clearly determined. In many matters they saw eye to eye. The king's imperial
views and love of splendour were quite to the taste of his minister. When Thomas
went to France in 1158 to negotiate a marriage treaty, he travelled with such
pomp that the people said: If this be only the chancellor what must be the
glory of the king himself.
In 1153 Thomas acted as justice itinerant in three counties. In 1159 he seems
to have been the chief organizer of Henry's expedition to Toulouse, upon which
he accompanied him, and though it seems to be untrue that the impost of scutage
was called into existence for that Occasion (Round, Feudal England
, 268-73),
still Thomas undoubtedly pressed on the exaction of this money contribution in
lieu of military service and enforced it against ecclesiastics in such a way
that bitter complaints were made of the disproportionately heavy burden this
imposed upon the Church. In the military operations Thomas took a leading part,
and Garnier, a French chronicler, who lived to write of the virtues of St.
Thomas and his martyrdom, declares that in these encounters he saw him unhorse
many French knights. Deacon though he was, he lead the most daring attacks in
person, and Edward Grim also gives us to understand that in laying waste the
enemy's country with fire and sword the chancellor's principles did not
materially differ from those of the other commanders of his time. But although,
as men then reported, he put off the archdeacon
, in this and other ways, he
was very far from assuming the licentious manners of those around him. No word
was ever breathed against his personal purity. Foul conduct or foul speech,
lying or unchastity were hateful to him, and on occasion he punished them
severely. He seems at all times to have had clear principles with regard to the
claims of the Church, and even during this period of his chancellorship he more
than once risked Henry's grievous displeasure. For example, he opposed the
dispensation which Henry for political reasons extorted from the pope, and
strove to prevent the marriage of Mary, Abbess of Romsey, to Matthew of Boulogne.
But to the very limits of what his conscience permitted, Thomas identified
himself with his master's interests, and Tennyson is true to history when he
makes the archbishop say:
I served our Theobald well when I was with him:
I served King Henry well as Chancellor:
I am his no more, and I must serve the Church.
Archbishop Theobald died in 1161, and in the course of the next year Henry
seems to have decided that it would be good policy to prepare the way for
further schemes of reform by securing the advancement of his chancellor to the
primacy. Our authorities are agreed that from the first Thomas drew back in
alarm. I know your plans for the Church,
he said, you will assert claims
which I, if I were archbishop, must needs oppose.
But Henry would not be
gainsaid, and Thomas at the instance of Cardinal Henry of Pisa, who urged it
upon him as a service to religion, yielded in spite of his misgivings. He was
ordained priest on Saturday in Whitweek and consecrated bishop the next day,
Sunday, 3 June, 1162. It seems to have been St. Thomas who obtained for England
the privilege of keeping the feast of the Blessed Trinity on that Sunday, the
anniversary of his consecration, and more than a century afterwards this custom
was adopted by the papal Court, itself and eventually imposed on the whole world.
A great change took place in the saint's way of life after his consecration as archbishop. Even as chancellor he had practised secret austerities, but now in view of the struggle he clearly saw before him he gave himself to fastings and disciplines, hair shirts, protracted vigils, and constant prayers. Before the end of the year 1162 he stripped himself of all signs of the lavish display which he had previously affected. On 10 Aug. he went barefoot to receive the envoy who brought him the pallium from Rome. Contrary to the king's wish he resigned the chancellorship. Whereupon Henry seems to have required him to surrender certain ecclesiastical preferments which he still retained, notably the archdeaconry, and when this was not done at once showed bitter displeasure. Other misunderstandings soon followed. The archbishop, having, as he believed, the king's express permission, set about to reclaim alienated estates belonging to his see, a procedure which again gave offence. Still more serious was the open resistance which he made to the king's proposal that a voluntary offering to the sheriffs should be paid into the royal treasury. As the first recorded instance of any determined opposition to the king's arbitrary will in a matter of taxation, the incident is of much constitutional importance. The saint's protest seems to have been successful, but the relations with the king only grew more strained.
Soon after this the great matter of dispute was reached in the resistance
made by Thomas to the king's officials when they attempted to assert
jurisdiction over criminous clerks. The question has been dealt with in some
detail in the article ENGLAND. That the saint himself had no wish to be lenient
with criminous clerks has been well shown by Norgate (Angevin Kings, ii, 22). It
was with him simply a question of principle. St. Thomas seems all along to have
suspected Henry of a design to strike at the independence of what the king
regarded as a too powerful Church. With this view Henry summoned the bishops at
Westminster (1 October, 1163) to sanction certain as yet unspecified articles
which he called his grandfather's customs (avitæ consuetudines), one of the
known objects of which was to bring clerics guilty of crimes under the
jurisdiction of the secular courts. The other bishops, as the demand was still
in the vague, showed a willingness to submit, though with the condition saving
our order
, upon which St. Thomas inflexibly insisted. The king's resentment was
thereupon manifested by requiring the archbishop to surrender certain castles he
had hitherto retained, and by other acts of unfriendliness. In deference to what
he believed to be the pope's wish, the archbishop in December consented to make
some concessions by giving a personal and private undertaking to the king to
obey his customs loyally and in good faith
. But when Henry shortly afterwards
at Clarendon (13 January, 1164) sought to draw the saint on to a formal and
public acceptance of the Constitutions of Clarendon
, under which name the
sixteen articles, the avitæ consuetudines as finally drafted, have been commonly
known, St. Thomas, though at first yielding somewhat to the solicitations of the
other bishops, in the end took up an attitude of uncompromising resistance.
Then followed a period of unworthy and vindictive persecution. When opposing a claim made against him by John the Marshal, Thomas upon a frivolous pretext was found guilty of contempt of court. For this he was sentenced to pay £500; other demands for large sums of money followed, and finally, though a complete release of all claims against him as chancellor had been given on his becoming archbishop, he was required to render an account of nearly all the moneys which had passed through his hands in his discharge of the office. Eventually a sum of nearly £30,000 was demanded of him. His fellow bishops summoned by Henry to a council at Northampton, implored him to throw himself unreservedly upon the king's mercy, but St. Thomas, instead of yielding, solemnly warned them and threatened them. Then, after celebrating Mass, he took his archiepiscopal cross into his own hand and presented himself thus in the royal council chamber. The king demanded that sentence should be passed upon him, but in the confusion and discussion which ensued the saint with uplifted cross made his way through the mob of angry courtiers. He fled away secretly that night (13 October, 1164), sailed in disguise from Sandwich (2 November), and after being cordially welcomed by Louis VII of France, he threw himself at the feet of Pope Alexander III, then at Sens, on 23 Nov. The pope, who had given a cold reception to certain episcopal envoys sent by Henry, welcomed the saint very kindly, and refused to accept his resignation of his see. On 30 November, Thomas went to take up his residence at the Cistercian Abbey of Pontigny in Burgundy, though he was compelled to leave this refuge a year later, as Henry, after confiscating the archbishop's property and banishing all the Becket kinsfolk, threatened to wreak his vengeance on the whole Cistercian Order if they continued to harbour him.
The negotiations between Henry, the pope, and the archbishop dragged on for
the next four years without the position being sensibly changed. Although the
saint remained firm in his resistance to the principle of the Constitutions of
Clarendon, he was willing to make any concessions that could be reasonably asked
of him, and on 6 January, 1169, when the kings of England and France were in
conference at Montmirail, he threw himself at Henry's feet, but as he still
refused to accept the obnoxious customs Henry repulsed him. At last in 1170 some
sort of reconciliation was patched up. The question of the customs was not
mentioned and Henry professed himself willing to be guided by the archbishop's
council as to amends due to the See of Canterbury for the recent violation of
its rights in the crowning of Henry's son by the Archbishop of York. On 1
December, 1170, St. Thomas had brought with him, as well as over the restoration
by the de Broc family of the archbishop's castle at Saltwood. How far Henry was
directly responsible for the tragedy which soon after occurred on 20 December is
not quite clear. Four knights who came from France demanded the absolution of
the bishops. St. Thomas would not comply. They left for a space, but came back
at Vesper time with a band of armed men. To their angry question, Where is the
the saint boldly replied, Here I am, no traitor, but archbishop and
priest of God.
They tried to drag him from the church, but were unable, and in
the end they slew him where he stood, scattering his brains on the pavement. His
faithful companion, Edward Grim, who bore his cross, was wounded in the struggle.
A tremendous reaction of feeling followed this deed of blood. In an extraordinary brief space of time devotion to the martyred archbishop had spread all through Europe. The pope promulgated the bull of canonization, little more than two years after the martyrdom, 21 February, 1173. On 12 July, 1174, Henry II did public penance, and was scourged at the archbishop's tomb. An immense number of miracles were worked, and for the rest of the Middle Ages the shrine of St. Thomas of Canterbury was one of the wealthiest and most famous in Europe. The martyr's holy remains are believed to have been destroyed in September, 1538, when nearly all the other shrines in England were dismantled; but the matter is by no means clear, and, although the weight of learned opinion is adverse, there are still those who believe that a skeleton found in the crypt in January, 1888, is the body of St. Thomas. The story that Henry VIII in 1538 summoned the archbishop to stand his trial for high treason, and that when, in June, 1538, the trial had been held and the accused pronounced contumacious, the body was ordered to be disinterred and burnt, is probably apocryphal.
By far the best English life is MORRIS, The Life of St. Thomas Becket (2nd ed., London, 1885); there is a somewhat fuller work of L'HUILLIER, Saint Thomas de Cantorbery (2 vols., Paris, 1891); the volume by DEMIMUID, St. Thomas Becket (Paris, 1909), in the series Les Saints is not abreast of modern research. There are several excellent lives by Anglicans, of which HUTTON, Thomas Becket (London, 1900), and the account by NORGATE in Dict. Nat. Biog., s. v. Thomas, known as Thomas a Becket, are probably the best. The biography by ROBERTSON, Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury (London, 1859), is not sympathetic. Nearly all the sources of the Life, as well as the books of miracles worked at the shrine, have been edited in the Rolls Series by ROBERTSON under the title Materials for the History of Thomas Becket (7 vols., London, 1875-1883). The valuable Norse saga is edited in the same series by MAGNUSSON, Thomas Saga Erkibyskups (2 vols., London, 1884). The chronicle of GARNIER DE PONT S. MAXENCE, Vie de St. Thomas Martyr, has been edited by HIPPEAU (Paris, 1859). The miracles have been specially studied from an agnostic standpoint by ABBOT, Thomas of Canterbury, his death and miracles (2 vols., London, 1898). Some valuable material has been collected by RADFORD, Thomas of London before his Consecration (Cambridge, 1894). On the relics see MORRIS, Relics of St. Thomas (London, 1888); THORNTON, Becket's Bones (Canterbury, 1900); WARD, The Canterbury Pilgrimages (London, 1904); WARNER in Eng. Hist. Rev., VI (1891), 754-56.
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