A Guide to Latin Christian Authors of the Early Centuries as Listed in

E. Dekkers, Clavis Patrum Latinorum, 3rd edition (Brepols, 1995), pp. 1-269.

Published in the Corpus Christianorum series. 

This list covers only the first two sections of CPL which lists the authors up to the Council of Chalcedon (AD 451).  It does not add poets, grammarians, lives of saints, etc. as listed separately in CPL. The CPL item numbers of the genuine works are given first; any doubtful or spurious works are listed in the third column. 

Bishops are normally listed with the name of their see (e.g. Augustine of Hippo).  Wherever possible other geographical indicators are given to identify the principal area where the writer lived and worked.  Since early Christians were very mobile, however, these indicators are not complete.  The time indicators are generally those given by Dekkers.

Abbreviations used

b. born
c. circa, about
d. died
fl. flourished

I. Ante-Nicene Latin Writers

Number in CPL Name (Area, Dates) Doubtful or Spurious Works
1-31e Tertullian (North Africa, fl. 197-220) 32-34 doubtful, 35-36 spurious
37-37a   Minucius Felix (fl. Rome, c. 225)  
38-51 Cyprian of Carthage (fl. mid-3rd century) 52-56 appendix, 57-67 doubtful and spurious 
68-74 Novatian (Rome, fl. mid-3rd century) 75 doubtful, 76 appendix
77-78 Reticus of Autun (fl. Gaul, early 4th century)  
79-80 Victorinus of Pettau (Pannonia, d. 304) 81-83, doubtful, 83a-84 Anonymous
85-92 Lactantius (North Africa, fl. 305-323)  
93 Arnobius (North Africa, fl. early 4th century)  

II. From the Council of Nicaea to the Council of Chalcedon

            1. Those Writing in Italy

94-99 Marius Victorinus (b. Africa c. 275, d. Italy after 363) 100 spurious,
101-102 Firmicus Maternus (b. Sicily, d. after 360) 103 spurious
104 Fortunat[ian]us of Aquileia
(b. North Africa, fl. mid-4th century)
 105-108  Eusebius of Vercelli (Italy, d. 371)  109-111e appendix
 112-117  Lucifer of Cagliari (fl. Sardinia, 350s)  118 doubtful
 119-120  Faustinus (Luciferian priest, 380s)  
 121-121a  Filastrius of Brescia (fl. Italy, 380s)  

Pseudo-Hegemonius (fl. Rome, c. 400)

 123-165 Ambrose of Milan (Italy, 339-397) 166-168 doubtful, 169 appendix, 170-183 spurious 
 184-185 Ambrosiaster (fl. Rome, late 4th century)

186-188 doubtful

 189 Isaac (late 4th century) 190 doubtful, 191-192 Anonymous
193 Honorius Scholasticus (mid-6th century)  
194-194b Ap[p]onius (fl. Italy, 5th century)  

Rufinus (c.345-411)

198p-201 doubtful and spurious
202-203 Paulinus of Nola (Gaul, d. 431) 204-205 doubtful, 206 spurious
207 Uranius ( Nola, 431)  
208-208a Zeno of Verona (fl. Italy, 360s) 209-209a appendix
210-211 Petronius of Bologna/Verona (fl. 432-450)  
212-213 Vigilius of Trent (fl. 385-405) 214 appendix
215 Gaudentius of Brescia (early 5th century) 216 spurious
217-218a Chromatius of Aquileia (d. 407) 219 doubtful
219a Maximus of Turin (d. between 408-423)  
219b Maximus (II) of Turin (fl. c. 451-465)  
220-221 Pseudo-Maximus

222-226b spurious

227-229a Peter Chrysologus of Ravenna (fl. c. 425-450) 230-237dubious and spurious
238 Anonymous Roman Archdeacon (5th c.)  
239-242 Arnobius the Younger (fl. Italy, mid-5th c.) 243 dubious

            2. Those Writing in North Africa

244 Optatus of Milevis 245-249 doubtful and spurious
250-357 Augustine of Hippo 358-359 appendix, 360 florilegia, 361-386 spurious, 387-388 dubious 
389-390 Euodius of Uzali (d. c. 426) 391 appendix, 391a spurious
392 Ianuarianus (early 5th century)  
393-396 Aurelius of Carthage (bishop 391-430)  
397-400 Capreolus of Cathage (bishop 430-437)  
401-413a Quodvultdeus of Carthage (bishop 437-454) 414-417b, 418-425 appendix
426 Honoratus Antoninus of Cirta (fl. c. 437)  

            3. Those Writing in Gaul

427-464 Hilary of Poitiers (c. 310-367) 465-472 spurious
473 Phoebadius of Agen (d. c. 393)  
474-477 Sulpicius Severus (c. 363  420) 478-479 spurious, 480 appendix
481 Victricius of Rouen (d. c. 407)  
482 Evagrius (fl. c. 430)  
483 Leo of Bourges, Victorius, and Eustochius (fl. mid-5th century)  
 484  Maximus of Afri[n]ca[t]inus (early 5th century)  
 485-487 Salvianus, priest of Marseilles (fl. c. 435-440)   
 488-494  Eucherius of Lyons (fl. 428-450)  495-496 appendix, 497-498 spurious
499   Salonus of Geneva (fl. c. 450)  
500-505 Hilary of Arles (fl. c.429-440) 506-507 appendix, 508-509 spurious
510-511 Vincent of Lerins (fl. c. 434)  
512-514 Cassian, abbot of Marseilles (fl. c. 415-430)  
515 Leporius, monk (fl. c. 426)  
516-528 Prosper of Aquitaine 529-535 doubtful and spurious, 536 appendix 

            4. Those Writing in Spain

537-539a Hosius of Cordova (fl. c. 325-358) 540-540a spurious
541-544a Potamius of Lisbon (d. after 357) 545 appendix
546-551 Gregory of Elvira (d. after 392) 552-557 doubtful and spurious
558 Olympius (4th-5th c.)  
558a Valerian of Calagoritanus (early 5th c.)  
559 Pastor of Gallecia (fl. c. 430)  
560 Syagrius, bishop (mid-5th century)  
561-563 Pacianus of Barcilona (late 4th century)  
564 Turribius of Astorga (mid-5th century)  
565-567 Eutropius, priest (fl. c. 400)  
568-570 Bachiarius, monk (fl. early 5th century)  
571-573 Paulus Orosius, priest of Braga (d. after 418) 574-575 spurious
576 Severus of Minorca (fl. c. 417) 577 spurious
578-579 Calidius, deacon (fl. early 5th century)  
579a Honrius Augustus (c. 408)  

            5. Those Writing in Illyria

580-621b Jerome (347-420) 622-623 appendix, 623a-642 spurious 
642a Asterius of Anseduna (4th-5th century)  
643 Philipp, priest (d. 455-456)  
644-645 Laurentius of Novae (fl. early 5th century)  
646-649 Nicetas of Remesiana 650-652 doubtful
652a-653f Dionysius Exiguus (fl. Rome 500-545)  
654 Anonymus Scythian monk  
655 Trifolius, priest (fl. c. 520)  
656-662 John Maxentius, monk (fl. early 6th century) 663-664 spurious
664a-664c Anonymous Scythian monk  
665 John of Tomitanus  
666 Stephan of Larissenanus 667 Anonymus
668-675a Pseudo-Origen  
676--678 Eugippius, abbot (fl. c. 509) 679 appendix

            6. Heretical and Schismatic Writers

                    A. Arian Writers


682-684 Ursacius of Singidunum (Belgrade) and Valens of Mursa (fl. 335-370)  
685-686 Germinius of Sirmium (fl. c. 366) 687 appendix
688 Palladius of Ratiaria (fl. c. 379)  
689a Ulfilas, bishop of the Goths (d. 383)  
690 Anonymus (5th century)  
691 Auxentius Durostorensis  
692-698 Maximinus, bishop of the Goths (c.365  c. 428) 699-702 appendix
703 Pascentius  
704-706 Arian fragments  
707 Pseudo-Chrysostom (mid-6th century)  
707a Pseudo-Origen (Africa, 5th century)  
708 Fastidiosus (Africa, 6th century)  

                    B. Donastist Writers

709-710 Tyconius (African, fl. c. 400)  
711 Parmenianus of Carthage (d. 393)  
712 Primianus of Carthage (fl. 393-411)  
713 Emeritus of Caesaria (fl. 394- c. 425)  
714 Petilianus of Cirta (fl. c. 400-420)  
715 Gaudentius of Thamugada (fl. c. 420)  
716 Cresconius (fl. c. 405-411)  
717 Fulgentius (fl. c. 420-430)  
718 Senentiae Concilii Bagaiensis  
719-721 Sufferingns of the Donatist Martyrs 722-723 Letters,  724 appendix   

                    C. Manichaean Writers

725 Secundinus
726 Faustus of Milevis (d, before 400)
727 Anonymus
727a Cresconius (4th-5th century)
727b Anonymous

                    D. Pelagian Writers

728-756a  Pelagius (c.350  c. 429) 757-759 doubtful and spurious, 759a-766 appendix 
767-768 Caelestius (African, d. after 431)

769-770 doubtful


Anianus Celedensis, deacon (fl. 5th century)

773-777a Julian of Eclanum  
778 Ambrose of Chalcedon  
779 Rufinus, the Syrian  
780-781 Marius Mercator (Constantinople, 5th century)  
781a-782 Anonymous  
783 Jovinian (Rome, fl. c. 393)  

                    E. Luciferian Writers

                    (see above nos. 112 ff.)

                    F. Novatian Writers

                    (see Novatian, above nos. 68 ff.)

784  Sympronia

Sempronianus (Spain, end of 4th century)

                    G. Priscillian Writers

785-787  Priscillian of Avila (d. 385) 788-789 spurious, 790-796c appendix 
797 Dictinius of Asturga (later 4th century)  


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Last updated: 5/21/07
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