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Writings of the Early Church Fathers presented in format conducive to daily reading. 366 sections including bio- graphical summaries and index.
A masterpiece of fourth century patristic theology.
Anthology of texts newly translated from the letters of Sts Basil, Gregory of Nyssa & Gregory Nazianzus.
Classic exposition of trinitarian doctrine, demonstrating the Holy Spirit is consubstantial with the Father.
Interprets the writings of Irenaeus and Clement from their own perspective rather than as historical or socialogical sources.
A reference guide to early patristic thought including key biblical verses, definitions of unfamiliar terms and cross- referencing of topics. Valuable guide to Ante-Nicene Fathers
The ascetical life portrayed as a ladder which each aspirantmust ascend, each step being a virtue to be acquired or viceto be surrendered. A classic text of spiritual direction.
Complete and unabridged full edition of Eusebius' classic ofthe first three Chrstian centuries.
St Cryil is one of the most important patristic theologians ever to deal with the issues of christology. This text expl ains the single subjectivity of Christ.
An exposition of Baptism, Chrismation, and Eucharist by the fourth century Bishop of Jerusalem. Greek & English text.
Earliest attempts to interpret Mary's dormition in the lightof the whole Paschal Mystery. Twelve different fathers including St Germanus, St John of Damascus & Andrew of Crete
A readable treatment of the mission of the angels in the economy of salvation according to the Fathers of the Church.
From "The Spirituality of the Fathers" series. Short selec-tions from the writings of St Basil the Great.
Eighth century explanation of the Divine Liturgy.
The encounter between Christianity and the Greek culture on the doctrine of the resurrection
Gregory the Great (+604) seeks out the moral application of Scripture to daily Christian life, and through it reflects on the hidden reality of God.
A translation of Chrysostom's commentary on Ps 4-13 and Ps 44-50. An extensive introduction includes origins of the commentary, and the spiritual & moral accents of the works.
"An excellent introduction..providing an accurate translation of the most important passages and drawing out its spiritual wisdom for today." (A Louth)
Fifth century homilies on the Mother of God by a monk-priest of Curtem on the Euphrates. Poetry rooted in scripture and expressing the deep love and devotion of Jacob for Mary. "A poet of simplicity, lucid imagery, and profound theological insight. His simplicity makes these texts easily accessible to a lay audience... Fluid and graceful in English." (Susan Ashbrook Harvey, Brown University)
Selections from Chrysostom's writings on marriage. Still relevant for Christian couples & families of today.
The temptations of the rich & the poor, with compassionate insights into the human condition.
The exacting demands of the pastoral ministry upon those who exercise it.
Three treatises written in response to the iconoclastic heresy which rejected veneration of images.
"A grand story told well and based on a careful reading of the texts and a critical assessment of the scholarly literature." (American Historical Review)
"A superb biography...so readable that it is easy to forget the practically every sentence is the fruit of research" W H C Frend, New York Review of Books
Complete set of Monastery Books titles includes "The Bible & Holy Fathers, Grace for Grace, Lament of Eve, Isaiah Through the Ages and Wisdom, Let us Attend".
Includes prologue from Georges Florovsky and Ignatius Brianchaninov.
Gregory of Nyssa comments on the inscriptions found before most psalms believing their teaching, in conjunction with reading the Psalms, leads us to true blessedness.
The first genaral treatment of the Cappadocians(St Basil, Grgory of Nazianzus and Gregory of Nyssa) about their lives and writings. Shows their connecttions with their culture.
The Golden Age of Latin Patristic Literature.
From the Beginnings of Patristic Literature; Apostle's Creedto Irenaeus
The Golden Age of Greek Patristic Literature.
The Ante-Nicene Fathers, Literature after Irenaeus.
Thirty-eight volumes including the Ante-Nicene Fathers, Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First and Second Series. Total of 22,800 pages of invaluable patristic writings.
Shaw's rich and fascinating work provides a startling look at early Christian notions of the body - diet, sexuality, the passions, and especially the ideal of virginity - and sheds light on the growth of Christian ideals that remain powerful cultural forces even today.
Consisting of 139 homilies from one of the outstanding Fathers of the early Church (5th C) Beautifully bound, with scriptural references in the margin, footnotes on word usage and derivation and early Christian customs and practices, and introductory article from Georges Florovsky on "Scripture and Tradition in the Early Church".
Three volume set of the Ethical Discourses of St Symeon the New Theologian. St Symeon was abbot of the monastery of St Mamas in Constantinople at the turn of the elventh century. he was also perhaps the most remarkable and certainly the most forceful advocate of the mystical experience of God in the history of the Byzantine Church. Volume one; The Church and the Last Things, Volume two; On Virtue and the Christian Life, Volume three; Life, Times and Theology
Second of three volumes. Addresses the traditional language of Eastern Christian asceticism in the light of his message. Also, Symeon takes up the "tools of asceticism", ie fasting, vigils, poverty, etc. Other discourses dwell on the character and signs of the saint, on faith and love, and on ascetic retreat.
The third of a three volume series. This volume seeks to place the teaching of the discourses in their proper context, both among Symeon's other writings and with regard to his sources in the Tradition. Includes a sketch of the life of Symeon together with an extensive discussion of his thought.
The treatises on the mystical life comprise Symeon's most extensive treatment of the experience of God. Translated for the first time into English Symeon discusses salvation history from creation leading to the glory of the eschaton. Includes a special section on the cosmic dimension of salvation, and the experience of the rapture in the 'third heaven' by the apostle Paul.
An affirmation of the incarnation as the basis for icon veneration, relationship between image & prototype.
The Sundays and Feasts of the Church offering sermons from Eastern and Western Fathers and Doctors of the Church particular to the reading from scripture for that day.
Includes non-Christian views on marriage in Egypt in the 1stcentury, Christian attitude to marriage before Athanasius, his doctrine of sanctification and its relation to marriage
This 9th century text is one of the most complete and profound treatises written on the procession of the Holy Spirit and the doctrine of divine grace. Written by on of the intellectual and spiritual giants of the Christian Church. Includes the original greek text of the Mystagogy and the Synodicon as an appendix.
Translation and introduction to three documents attributed to Emperor Justinian (527-565) on issues of Christology.
Item count is 110