@@@@@@@@@@@@@A COMPUTER%19BASED TEXTUAL DATA BANK OF &3@@@@@@@@@@INSCRIPTIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN EMPIRE& (1991) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@and &3@@@@@@@@@INSCRIPTIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN KINGDOMS& (1995) @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@John M. Mansfield @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Cornell Univ., Ithaca NY @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@`5.30.91 %9 11.15.95 @ __ "Inscriptions of the Christian Empire" (&3ICE&) @ The collection "Inscriptions of the Christian Empire" (1991, &4`2&`1995) includes texts, mainly Greek, of the late imperial and Byzantine periods. The limits of the collection are chronological: the accession of Diocletian and the fall of Constantinople (285%19`1453 A.C.). However, pre%19Constantinian Christian inscriptions and Jewish inscriptions of the earlier Roman period are also included. @ The Greek inscriptions have been collected from a great variety of publications. The main source for the Latin inscriptions is the collection of E. Diehl, &3Inscriptiones &3Latinae Christianae Veteres& (1925%19`1928); the main source for the Jewish inscriptions (Greek, Latin, Hebrew and Aramaic) is the collection of J.%19B. Frey, &3Corpus Inscriptionum &3Iudaicarum, I%19II& (1936%19`1952), together with other supplementary publications. @ Since the first release of the &3ICE& data bank (1991), a comprehensive collection of the Late Antique Latin inscriptions of Gaul, Germany and Spain has been added. In the case of Italy and Africa the collection is obviously still incomplete __ but these areas are well represented in Diehl, &3ILCV.& The other parts of the &3ICE& have not been updated since 1991 (PHI CD %101`6). @ The Greek texts are divided into nine geographic groups on the CD: @ @@@@@@@@@@Asia Minor [Chr] @@@@@@@@@@Macedonia, Thrace [Chr] @@@@@@@@@@Constantinople [Chr] @@@@@@@@@@Greece [Chr] @@@@@@@@@@Cyprus [Chr] @@@@@@@@@@Syria, Arabia, Palestine [Chr] @@@@@@@@@@Egypt, Cyrenaica [Chr] @@@@@@@@@@Italy, Africa, West [Chr] @@@@@@@@@@Varia [Chr] @ The Latin texts are to be found under: "Late Antique Latin Inscrs." @ __ "Inscriptions of the Christian Kingdoms" (&3ICK&) @ @@@@@The collection "Inscriptions of the Christian Kingdoms" (1995) includes Latin inscriptions of the eighth%3ninth through thirteenth centuries A.C., from Germany, France, Italy, Spain, England, Croatia, Palestine, and elsewhere. @ All of the texts included in the collection of medieval Latin inscriptions have been revised __to a greater or lesser degree, as required__ in order to conform with the standards for the presentation of ancient Greek and Latin inscriptions. @ The texts are to be found on the PHI CD under: "Medieval Latin Inscrs." @ __ Bibliographic Aids @ What follows is a brief description of the bibliographic materials and research tools included on the PHI CD (1995): @ @@@"Works, Late Antique%3Byzantine" is a list of the works @@@included in &3ICE& (1991). The new works included on the CD @@@under "Late Antique Latin Inscriptions" (1995) will also @@@be found here. @ @@@"Works, Medieval Latin" is a list of the works included in &3@@@ICK& (1995) %6 "Medieval Latin Inscrs." @ @@@"Three Byzantine Documents" records the sources of the @@@small group Byzantine documents __ the Cadastral Codex of @@@Thebes, the Athenian Praktikon, and the &3Chronicle of &3@@@Monembasia& __ that were included as a complement to &3ICE @@@(`1991). @ @@@The "Supplementary Bibliography" (1991) contains a highly @@@detailed bibliographic record of all the inscriptions @@@included in the &3ICE& collection. @ @@@"Dated Inscriptions" (1991) is a list of the dates @@@assigned by the editors to the inscriptions contained in &3@@@ICE.& (8) "Dated Inscriptions: Gaul, Germany and Spain" @@@(`1992) is an incomplete list, in the same format, of the @@@dates of the Latin inscriptions from those areas added to @@@the collection in 1991%19`1992. @ @@@The "Geographical Index" (1991) is a systematic list of @@@the places%19of%19finding of the inscriptions contained in the &3@@@ICE& collection, divided into regions. @ @@@"&3ILCV& Sources" (1995) is based on the concordances @@@prepared by J. Moreau and H. Marrou, &3Inscriptiones Latinae &3@@@Christianae Veteres, IV. Supplementum.& (Dublin %9 Zu+rich @@@`1967), pp. 63%19`165, with some corrections and additions. @@@The data has been rearranged in the order of the &3ILCV @@@numbers, so that, when searched, it serves as a @@@concordance, and when browsed, as a list of sources. @ __ Status of Work @ No additions or corrections have been made to the Greek parts of the &3ICE& collection since 7.91. The added Latin inscriptions were prepared in 1991%19`1992; no new material has been added since 10.92. The &3ICK& collection was prepared, at intervals, between 1992 and 1995. @ @@@@@@@@@<1Date Lang. Inscrs. Words Mbytes>1 @@@@@@@@@`4th%19`15th c. Grk. 19,539 195,539 4.3 @@@@@@@@@`4th%19`8%3`9th c. Lat. 13,819 299,918 3.3 @@@@@@@@@`8%3`9th%19`13th c. Lat. 6,623 236,889 2.6 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Totals: 39,981 732,346 10.2 @ The data bank of "Inscriptions of the Christian Empire" and "Inscriptions of the Christian Kingdoms" is made available to researchers only by the medium of compact disk (CD), distributed by the Packard Humanities Institute (Los Altos, California). Users are asked to familiarize themselves with all of the conditions of the PHI lease agreement, and particularly those concerning "fair use," and to consider their obligations to the compiler of this data bank. @ @@"INSCRIPTIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN EMPIRE": SHORT BIBLIOGRAPHY @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@John M. Mansfield @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@`9.30.1992 @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Greek Inscriptions @ Those collections of inscriptions marked with an asterisk (*) below have been reproduced in their entirety; in other cases, only the inscriptions of the Christian period have been included. @ __ Asia Minor (General) @ *Gre/goire, H., &3Recueil des inscriptions grecques chre/tiennes &3de l'Asie Mineure, I& [IGChAs]. Paris 1922. [`497 inscr.; 10419 words; 2629 lines] Inscriptions from Hellespontus, Asia, the Aegean Islands (part), Caria, Lycia, Pamphylia and Lydia. Only the first fascicule of this corpus was published. @ &3Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua& [MAMA]. Vols. 1%19`8. Manchester 1928%19`1962. Vols. 1 and 7 (Pisidia, Lycaonia and Galatia); vols. 2%19`3 (Isauria and Cilicia); vols. 4%19`6 (Phrygia); vol. 8 (Lycaonia and Caria). See below for individual volumes. @ __ Troas @ Frisch, P., &3Die Inschriften von Ilion.& "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 6. Bonn 1978. [`6 inscr.; 145 words; 43 lines] @ Merkelbach, R., &3Die Inschriften von Assos.& "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 4. Bonn 1976. [`8 inscr.; 70 words; 40 lines] @ __ Aiolis @ Engelmann, H., &3Die Inschriften von Kyme.& "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 5. Bonn 1976. [`2 inscr.; 39 words; 18 lines] @ __ Ionia @ Petzl, G., &3Die Inschriften von Smyrna.& 3 vols. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 23%19`24,1%19`2. Bonn 1982%19`1990. [`57 inscr.; 1109 words; 393 lines] @ Engelmann, H., and R. Merkelbach, &3Die Inschriften von Erythrai &3und Klazomenai.& 2 vols. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 1%19`2. Bonn 1972. [`14 inscr.; 129 words; 59 lines] @ Merkelbach, R., et al., &3Die Inschriften von Ephesos I%19VIII. 9 vols. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 11%19`17. Bonn 1979%19`1984. [`378 inscr.; 7153 words; 2162 lines] @ Kern, O., &3Die Inschriften von Magnesia am Maeander.& Berlin 1900. [`5 inscr.; 945 words; 167 lines] @ Poljakov, F., &3Die Inschriften von Tralleis und Nysa, I: Die &3Inschriften von Tralleis.& "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 36,1. Bonn 1989. [`14 inscr.; 694 words; 187 lines] @ __ Caria @ See also &3MAMA& 8 (Aphrodisias). @ Rehm, A., &3Milet I,9: Thermen und Palaestren.& Berlin 1928. [`4 inscr.; 208 words; 59 lines] @ Rehm, A., &3Didyma II. Die Inschriften.& Berlin 1958. [`32 inscr.; 561 words; 169 lines] @ Blu+mel, W., &3Die Inschriften von Iasos.& 2 vols. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 28,1%19`2. Bonn 1985. [`15 inscr.; 372 words; 117 lines] @ Blu+mel, W., &3Die Inschriften von Mylasa.& 2 vols. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 34%19`35. Bonn 1987%19`1988. [`26 inscr.; 1097 words; 213 lines] @ S%25ahin, M. C%25etin, &3Die Inschriften von Stratonikeia.& 3 vols. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 21 and 22,1%19`2. Bonn 1981%19`1982, 1990. [`15 inscr.; 450 words; 105 lines] @ Varinliog%148lu, E., &3Die Inschriften von Keramos.& "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 30. Bonn 1986. [`10 inscr.; 271 words; 41 lines] @ __ Lydia @ Herrmann, P., &3Tituli Asiae Minoris, V: Tituli Lydiae, I, &3Regio septentrionalis ad orientem vergens.& Vienna 1981. [`45 inscr.; 611 words; 315 lines] @ Buckler, W., and D. Robinson, &3Sardis, VII: Greek and Latin &3Inscriptions,& Part I. Leiden 1932. [`28 inscr.; 963 words; 232 lines] @ __ Bithynia @ Corsten, T., &3Die Inschriften von Kios.& "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 29. Bonn 1985. [`5 inscr.; 118 words; 38 lines] @ S%25ahin, S., &3Bithynische Studien& [BithSt]. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 7. Bonn 1978. &3SEG 28.1047, 1056%19`106, 1063, 1068%19`1069; for S%25ahin, &3BithSt& 68, no. 21 (Mysia), see &3SEG& 28.946. [`10 inscr.; 166 words; 96 lines] @ S%25ahin, S., &3Katalog der antiken Inschriften des Museums von &3Iznik (Nikaia).& 2 vols. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 9%19`10. Bonn 1979%19`1982. [`91 inscr.; 1379 words; 553 lines] @ Merkelbach, R., &3Die Inschriften von Kalchedon.& "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 20. Bonn 1980. [`62 inscr.; 563 words; 284 lines] @ Feissel, D., "De Chalce/doine a\ Nicome/die," in &3Travaux et &3me/moires& 10 (1987), pp. 405%19`436. [`46 inscr.; 433 words; 211 lines] @ Do+rner, F., &3Tituli Asiae Minoris, IV,1: Nikomedeia.& Vienna 1978. [`38 inscr.; 774 words; 261 lines] @ Ameling, W., &3Die Inschriften von Prusias ad Hypium.& "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 27. Bonn 1985. [`19 inscr.; 404 words; 131 lines] @ Becker%19Bertau, F., &3Die Inschriften von Klaudiu polis. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 31. Bonn 1986. [`16 inscr.; 198 words; 85 lines] @ Do+rner, F., &3Bericht u+ber eine Reise in Bithynien. "O+sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.%19hist. Kl., Denkschriften," 75,1. Vienna 1952. Inscriptions not republished in &3IK Prusias ad Hypium& (1985) or &3IK Klaudiu polis (1986). [`3 inscr.; 24 words; 16 lines] @ __ Paphlagonia and Pontus @ Anderson, J., F. Cumont, and H. Gre/goire, &3Recueil des &3inscriptions grecques et latines du Pont et de l'Arme/nie. "Studia Pontica," 3,1; Brussels 1910. [`108 inscr.; 1692 words; 679 lines] @ __ Trebizond @ Millet, G., "Les Monaste\res et les e/glises de Tre/bizonde," in &3Bulletin de correspondance helle/nique& 19 (1895), pp. 419%19`459. [`21 inscr.; 450 words; 119 lines] @ Millet, G., "Inscriptions byzantines de Tre/bizonde," in &3Bulletin de correspondance helle/nique& 20 (1896), pp. 496%19`501. [`2 inscr.; 170 words; 12 lines] @ Gre/goire, H., "Le veilleurs de nuit a\ Tre/bizonde (XIV sie\cle)," in &3Byzantinische Zeitschrift& 18 (1909), pp. 489%19`499. [`2 inscr.; 123 words; 19 lines] @ __ Phrygia @ Buckler, W.H., W.M. Calder and W.K.C. Guthrie, &3Monuments and &3Documents from Eastern Asia and Western Galatia.& "Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua," 4. Manchester 1933. [`73 inscr.; 1463 words; 494 lines] @ Cox, C.W.M., and A. Cameron, &3Monuments from Dorylaeum and &3Nacolea.& "Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua," 5. Manchester 1937. [`25 inscr.; 248 words; 127 lines] @ Buckler, W.H., and W.M. Calder, &3Monuments and Documents from &3Phrygia and Caria.& "Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua," 6. Manchester 1939. [`56 inscr.; 1581 words; 486 lines] @ *Gibson, E., &3The "Christians for Christians" Inscriptions of &3Phrygia.& Missoula 1978. [`43 inscr.; 1497 words; 548 lines] @ Drew%19Bear, Th., &3Nouvelles inscriptions de Phrygie& [NIPhryg]. Zutphen 1978. &3SEG& 28.1126, 1129%19`1130, 1144, 1148, 1155%19`1156, 1161, 1203. [`9 inscr.; 275 words; 91 lines] @ Sheppard, A.R.R., "R.E.C.A.M. Notes and Studies No. 6: Jews, Christians and Heretics in Acmonia and Eumeneia," in &3Anatolian &3Studies& 29 (1979), pp. 169%19`180. [`5 inscr.; 342 words; 122 lines] @ Haspels, C., &3The Highlands of Phrygia& (Princeton 1971), App. III, pp. 295%19`358, "Greco%19Roman and Byzantine Inscriptions". [`53 inscr.; 431 words; 226 lines] @ Robert, L., in J. des Gagniers et al., &3Laodice/e du Lycos: le &3Nymphe/e.& Que/bec 1969. [`2 inscr.; 36 words; 10 lines] @ __ Galatia @ See also &3MAMA& 1 and 7. @ Mitchell, S., &3Regional Epigraphic Catalogues of Asia Minor, &3II: The Ankara District, The Inscriptions of North Galatia [RECAM]. Oxford 1982. [`169 inscr.; 1528 words; 1051 lines] @ Mitchell, S., "R.E.C.A.M. Notes and Studies No. 1: Inscriptions of Ancyra," in &3Anatolian Studies& 27 (1977), pp. 63%19`103. &3SEG& 27.847%19`848, 864, 872%19`888. [`22 inscr.; 551 words; 170 lines] To the epigram concerning the benefactor Ioannes, &3ibid.,& p. 91, no. 36, are appended (a) the honorary inscription published by A. von Domaszewski, &3AEMO+& 9 (1885), 115, no. 67, and (b) the fragmentary text, &3CIG& 3.4045, both referring to the same person. Cf. E. Bosch, &3Quellen zur &3Geschichte der Stadt Ankara im Altertum& (1945) ("Tu+rk Tarih Kurumu Yayinlarindan, VII. Seri," no. 46; Ankara 1967), pp. 369%19`371, no. 306. The inscriptions from Ankyra are reserved for publication in &3RECAM& I. @ Gre/goire, H., "Inscriptions historiques byzantines," in &3Byzantion& 4 (1927%19`1928 [`1929]), pp. 437%19`461, nos. 1%19`5 (Ankyra). [`6 inscr.; 328 words; 71 lines] On no. 4, also studied by de Jerphanion (below, p. 278, no. 54), see also D. Krencker and M. Schede, &3Der Tempel in Ankara& ("Archa+ologisches Institut des deutschen Reiches. Denkma+ler antiker Architektur," 3; Berlin 1936), pp. 59%19`60. @ de Jerphanion, G., &3Me/langes d'arche/ologie anatolienne,& [%6 &3Me/langes Beyrouth& 13,1, 1928], ch. 15, "Inscriptions grecques et latines d'Angora," pp. 228%19`293, with Add. pp. 298%19`299. [`17 inscr.; 196 words; 85 lines] Inscriptions also published in Gre/goire (above) are omitted. @ Anderson, J.C.G., "Exploration in Galatia Cis Halym," in &3Journal of Hellenic Studies& 19 (1899), pp. 52%19`318. [`11 inscr.; 179 words; 83 lines] Inscriptions from Ankyra and its vicinity (pp. 60, no. 8; 62, no. 10; pp. 97%19`98, nos. 79%19`84; 102, no. 87; 104, no. 91; 106, no. 94) not republished in &3RECAM& II (1982); for other inscriptions from Cappadocia, southern Galatia and Lycaonia also published here, see under "Periodicals". @ Strubbe, J., "Descriptive Catalogue and Bibliography of the Inscribed Monuments of Pessinus," in J. Devreker and M. Waelkens, &3Les Fouilles de la Riksuniversiteit te Gent a &3Pessinonte& ("Dissertationes Archaeologicae Gandenses," 22; Brugge 1984), pp. 216%19`244. [`17 inscr.; 255 words; 153 lines] In anticipation of the publication of the inscriptions from Pessinous (Balihisar), Ioustinianoupolis (Sivrihisar) and Mt. Dindymos in the &3RECAM%19&series, these texts are collected here following the bibliography of Strubbe. @ __ Lycaonia @ See also &3MAMA& 1 and 7. @ Cormack, J.M.R., and W.M. Calder, &3Monuments from Lycaonia, the &3Pisido%19Phrygian Borderland, Aphrodisias.& "Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua," 8. Manchester 1962. [`134 inscr.; 1767 words; 758 lines] @ Ramsay W.M., and G. Bell, &3The Thousand and One Churches [Barata]. London 1909. [`37 inscr.; 368 words; 167 lines] @ Bees, N.A., &3Die Inschriftenaufzeichnung des Kodex Sinaiticus &3Graecus 508 (976) und die Maria%19Spila+otissa%19Klosterkirche bei &3Sille (Lykaonien).& "Texte und Forschungen zur byzantinisch%19neugriechischen Philologie," 1 [BNgJ Suppl 1]. Berlin 1922. [`6 inscr.; 222 words; 34 lines] @ Cronin, H.S., "First Report of a Journey in Pisidia, Lycaonia and Pamphylia," in &3Journal of Hellenic Studies& 22 (1904), pp. 94%19`125, 339%19`376, and 24 (1904), pp. 113%19`124. See under "Periodicals". @ __ Pisidia @ Calder, W.M., &3Eastern Phrygia.& "Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua," 1. Manchester 1928. [`201 inscr.; 4123 words; 1658 lines] @ Calder, W.M., &3Monuments from Eastern Phrygia.& "Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua," 7. Manchester 1956. [`195 inscr.; 3902 words; 1604 lines] @ Heberdey, R., &3Tituli Asiae Minoris, III: Tituli Pisidiae, I, &3Tituli Termessi et agri Termessensis.& Vienna 1941. [`12 inscr.; 160 words; 96 lines] For &3TAM& III,1.448, see Frey, &3CIJ& II (1952), no. 758a. @ Lanckoronski, C., G. Niemann and E. Petersen, &3Sta+dte &3Pamphyliens und Pisidiens, II: Pisidien.& German ed. Vienna 1893. [`6 inscr.; 54 words; 43 lines] @ __ Lycia @ Kalinka, E., &3Tituli Asiae Minoris, II. Tituli Lyciae, 1%19`3. Vienna 1920%19`1944. [`17 inscr.; 494 words; 121 lines] For other sites in Lycia, not represented in the completed portions of &3TAM& II, see Gre/goire, &3Recueil& (1922) 283&3ter, 286%19`292, and 294%19`301. For &3TAM& II,2.612, see Frey, &3CIJ& II (1952), no. 757. @ Bean, G.E., &3Journeys in Northern Lykia 1965%19`1967. "O+sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.%19hist. Kl., Denkschriften," 104. Vienna 1971. [`7 inscr.; 73 words; 33 lines] @ __ Pamphylia @ Bosch, E., in A. Mansel, E. Bosch and J. Inan, &3`1947 senesi &3Side kazilarina o+nrapor.& ("Tu+rk Tarih Kurumu Yayinlarindan, V. Seri," no. 11; Ankara 1951), "Kitabeler," pp. 46%19`80; G.E. Bean, in A. Mansel, G. Bean and J. Inan, &3Side agorasi ve &3civarindaki binalar& ("Tu+rk Tarih Kurumu Yayinlarindan, V. Seri," no. 15; Ankara 1956), "Kitabeler," pp. 79%19`98; and G.E. Bean, &3Side Kitabeleri& ("Tu+rk Tarih Kurumu Yayinlarindan, V. Seri," no. 20; Ankara 1965). [`31 inscr.; 301 words; 137 lines] The numeration of the inscriptions is continuous through the three volumes. @ __ Isauria%3Cilicia @ Herzfeld, E., and S. Guyer, &3Meriamlik und Korykos. Zwei &3christliche Ruinensta+tten des rauhen Kilikien.& "Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua," 2. Manchester 1930. [`3 inscr.; 37 words; 12 lines] @ Keil, J., and A. Wilhelm, &3Denkma+ler aus dem rauhen Kilikien. "Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua," 3. Manchester 1931. [`761 inscr.; 5986 words; 2594 lines] Inscriptions from Seleukeia, Diokaisareia, Korasion and Korykos. Most of the texts in this volume have been included. @ Dagron, G., and D. Feissel, &3Inscriptions de Cilicie& [ICil]. Paris 1987. [`66 inscr.; 1032 words; 410 lines] @ Heberdey, R., an A. Wilhelm, &3Reisen in Kilikien.& "Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.%19hist. Kl., Denkschriften," 44,6. Vienna 1896. [`19 inscr.; 194 words; 72 lines] @ Bean, G.E., and T.B. Mitford, &3Journeys in Rough Cilicia in &3`1962 and 1963.& "O+sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.%19hist. Kl., Denkschriften," 85. Vienna 1965. [`3 inscr.; 45 words; 15 lines] @ Bean, G.E., and T.B. Mitford, &3Journeys in Rough Cilicia &3`1964%19`1968.& "O+sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.%19hist. Kl., Denkschriften," 102. Vienna 1970. [`26 inscr.; 1378 words; 208 lines] @ Reynolds, J., in E. Alfo+ldi%19Rosenbaum, &3The Necropolis of &3Adrassus (Balabolu) in Rough Cilicia (Isauria).& "The Inscriptions," pp. 81%19`90. "O+sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.%19hist. Kl., Denkschriften," 146. Vienna 1980. [`11 inscr.; 136 words; 57 lines] @ *Russell, J. &3The Mosaic Inscriptions of Anemurium. "O+sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.%19hist. Kl., Denkschriften," 190. Vienna 1987. [`18 inscr.; 178 words; 72 lines] @ __ Cappadocia @ *de Jerphanion, G., &3Une nouvelle province de l'art byzantin: &3les e/glises rupestres de Cappadoce& I, 1%19`2, and II, 1%19`2. Paris 1925%19`1942. Inscriptions nos. 1%19`209. @ *Thierry, N. and M, &3Nouvelles e/glises rupestres de Cappadoce. &3Re/gion du Hasan Dag%148i.& Paris 1963. To which are appended: N. and M. Thierry, "Ayvali Kilise ou pigeonnier de Gu+llu Dere: E/glise inde/dite de Cappadoce," &3Cahiers arche/ologiques& 15 (1965), pp. 97%19`154 (inscriptions, pp. 99, 100, 128); and N. Thierry, &3Travaux et me/moires,& "Enseignements historiques de l'arche/ologie cappadocienne," 8 (1981), pp. 501%19`519, (inscriptions from Kizil C%25ukur, p. 507, and Zelve, p. 509). [`17 inscr.; 531 words; 157 lines] __ On Thierry, &3Nouvelles &3e/glises& (1963), pp. 37%19`72, see N. Oikonomides, "The Dedicatory Inscription of Eg%148ri Tas%25 Kilisesi (Cappadocia)," in &3Harvard &3Ukrainian Studies& 7 (1983) ["&3Okeanos&: Essays presented to Ihor S%148evc%148enko"], pp. 501%19`506, and N. Thierry, in I. Beldiceanu%19Steinherr, "Une tourma re/ve/le/e par l'inscription de l'e/glise Eg%148ri Tas%25 de Cappadoce," in &3Jahrbuch der &3o+sterreichischen Byzantinistik& 38 (1988), pp. 395%19`420, esp. 397%19`404. __ On Thierry, &3Nouvelles e/glises& (1963), pp. 202%19`206, see V. Laurent, "Note additionnelle: L'inscription de l'e/glise Saint%19Georges de Be/lise/rama," in &3Revue des e/tudes byzantines 26 (1968), pp. 367%19`371, and S. Vryonis, "Another Note on the Inscription of the Church of St. George of Beliserama," in &3Byzantina& 12 (1971) 11%19`22. @ Restle, M., &3Studien zur fru+hbyzantinischen Architektur &3Kappadokiens.& "O+sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.%19hist. Kl., Denkschriften," 138. Vienna 1979. [`4 inscr.; 79 words; 24 lines] @ __ Asia Minor (Other) @ Le Bas, Ph., and W.%19H. Waddington, &3Voyage arche/ologique en &3Gre/ce et en Asie Mineure pendant 1834 et 1844. III. &3Inscriptions grecques et latines recueilles en Gre\ce et en &3Asie Mineure& [LBW]. Paris 1847%19`1876. [`57 inscr.; 742 words; 282 lines] Includes: inscriptions from Part V (Asia Minor) not re%19edited in other publications included in this collection; also, one inscription, no. 2819, from Part VII (Cyprus). For other texts from Cyprus, see under &3Byzantion& 20 (1950), pp. 169%19`170 (&3LBW& VII,2727, 2769, 2791 and 2807d). @ Cagnat, R., &3et al., Inscriptiones Graecae ad Res Romanas &3pertinentes.& [IGRR]. 3 vols. Paris 1906%19`1927. [`13 inscr.; 485 words; 145 lines] Includes: a small number of inscriptions from vols. 3 and 4 not re%19edited in other publications in this collection. @ __ Aegean Islands (Eastern and Southern, except Crete) @ Inscriptions of the Aegean islands are awkwardly divided here among "Asia Minor", "Macedonia" and "Greece". Inscriptions from Aegean Islands of Rhodes, Syme, Karpathos, Kos, Samos, Lesbos, Thera, Therasia, Melos, Amorgos, Delos, Naxos, and Tenos ("Nesoi") are included in Gre/goire, &3Recueil ... Asie &3Mineure& (1922). @ Hiller von Gaertringen, F., &3Inscriptiones Graecae, XII. &3Inscriptiones insularum maris Aegaei praeter Delum,& fasc. 1. Berlin 1895. Only &3IG& 12,1.1043 (&3CIG& 8880) from Kasos. [`1 inscr.; 4 words; 2 lines] Other inscriptions are to be found in Gre/goire, &3Recueil ... Asie Mineure& (1922), nos. 124%19`138bis (Rhodes) and 140%19`142 (Karpathos). @ Paton, W.R., &3Inscriptiones Graecae, XII. Inscriptiones &3insularum maris Aegaei praeter Delum: 2, ... Lesbi, Nesi, &3Tenedi.& Berlin 1899. Cadastral records from Lesbos, nos. 76%19`80, together with the additional fragment published by S. Charitonides, &3Hai Epigraphai te%26s Lesbou. Symple%26ro%26ma& (Athens 1978), pp. 14%19`17, no. 17. [`6 inscr.; 815 words; 294 lines] Other inscriptions are to be found in Gre/goire, &3Recueil ... &3Asie Mineure& (1922), nos. 150%19`165 (Lesbos). @ Hiller von Gaertringen, F., &3Inscriptiones Graecae, XII. &3Inscriptiones insularum maris Aegaei praeter Delum,& fasc. 3, and &3Supplementum.& Berlin 1898 and 1904. [`10 inscr.; 892 words; 104 lines] Cadastral records from Astypalaia and Thera. Other inscriptions are to be found in Gre/goire, &3Recueil ... Asie &3Mineure& (1922), nos. 139 (Syme), 166%19`205bis (Thera), 206%19`207 (Therasia), and 208%19`210bis (Melos). @ Hiller von Gaertringen, F., &3Inscriptiones Graecae, XII. &3Inscriptiones insularum maris Aegaei praeter Delum. &3Supplementum.& Berlin 1939. Three Latin inscriptions: Lesbos (Mytilene), &3CIL& III.450, 14196 and 14197. [`3 inscr.; 64 words; 20 lines] @ Delamarre, J. &3Inscriptiones Graecae XII,7. Inscriptiones &3Amorgi.& Berlin 1908. Only &3IG& 12,7.296 [`1 inscr.; 3 words; 1 lines] @ &3Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene& [Ann] (Rome). Inscriptions from Kalymnos, Rhodes, Lemnos, Karpathos, Telos, Lepsia, Patmos, published in volumes: 22%19`23, N.S. 6%19`7 (1944%19`1945); 30%19`32, N.S. 14%19`16 (1952%19`1954); and 41%19`42, N.S. 25%19`27 (1963%19`1964). [`17 inscr.; 123 words; 68 lines] @ &3Clara Rhodos. Studi e materiali pubblicati a cura dell' &3Istituto Storico%19Archeologico di Rodi& [ClRhod]. 10 vols. Bergamo 1928%19`1940. A small number of texts from &3Clara &3Rhodos& I (1928), II (1932) and VI%19VII,2 (1932%19`1933). [`6 inscr.; 132 words; 38 lines] @ Blinkenberg, Chr., &3Lindos. Fouilles de l'acropole 1902%19`1914. &3II, Inscriptions.& 2 vols. Copenhagen 1941. [`1 inscr.; 4 words; 5 lines] @ Chaviaras, D., "$*SULLOGH\ XRISTIANIKW=N E)PIGRAFW=N KAI\ PERIGRAFH\ $XRISTIANIKW=N A)RXAIOTH/TWN. *B#. *NH/SOU *SU/MHS,"& in &3Vizantijskij &3Vremennik& 19,2 (1912 [`1915]), Sec. 3, pp. 147%19`170. [`6 inscr.; 53 words; 17 lines] @ Orlandos, A.K., "$*PALAIOXRISTIANIKAI\ BASILIKAI\ TH=S *LE/SBOU,"& in &3Praktika te%26s Akade%26mias Athe%26no%26n& 1928,3 (1928), pp. 322%19`330. One inscription from Melos is also included here: &3PrAA& 1928,3 (1928), p. 43,8. [`10 inscr.; 101 words; 43 lines] @ __ Macedonia @ *Feissel, D., &3Recueil des inscriptions chre/tiennes de &3Mace/doine du IIIe au VIe sie\cle& [IChMac]. "Bulletin de correspondance helle/nique. Supple/ment 8". Paris 1983. [`304 inscr.; 3938 words; 1774 lines] @ Edson, C., &3Inscriptiones Graecae X,2: 1, Inscriptiones &3Thessalonicae et Viciniae,& Berlin 1972. [`7 inscr.; 160 words; 56 lines] @ *Speiser, J.%19M., "Inventaires en vue d'un recueil des inscriptions historiques de Byzance: I. Les Inscriptions de Thessalonique", in &3Travaux et me/moires& 5 (1973), pp. 145%19`180, with &3idem,& "Addenda et Corrigenda", &3Travaux et me/moires& 7 (1979), pp. 333%19`340. [`35 inscr.; 1663 words; 344 lines] @ Tsigaridas, E., and K. Loberdou%19Tsigarida, $*KATA/LOGOS $XRISTIANIKW=N E)PIGRAFW=N STA\ MOUSEI=A *QESSALONI/KHS.& "Makedonike Bibliotheke," 52. Thessalonike 1979. [`16 inscr.; 129 words; 57 lines] @ Soteriou, G. and M., $*(H BASILIKH\ TOU= *(AGI/OU *DHMHTRI/OU $*QESSALONI/KHS& [AgDemetr]. Athens 1952. [`25 inscr.; 518 words; 135 lines] @ Millet, G., J. Pargoire and L. Petit, &3Recueil des &3inscriptions chre/tiennes de l'Athos.& Paris 1904. Here is appended the inscription (same text as &3CIG& 8725, from Grottaferrata) published by G. Hoffmann, in &3Orientalia &3Christiana Periodica& 13 (1947) 235, no. 3. [`29 inscr.; 733 words; 194 lines] @ Demitsas, M., $*(H *MAKEDONI/A E)N LI/QOIS FQEGGOME/NOIS. Thessalonike 1896. Reprinted in two vols. under the title &3Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum et Latinarum Macedoniae, (Chicago 1980%19`1981). [`2 inscr.; 78 words; 9 lines] @ Kakoures, Isidoros, "$*)ANAKTORO/POLH: I(STORIKE\S PLHROFORI/ES KAI\ $A)RXAIOLOGIKA\ DEDOME/NA,"& in $*(H *KABA/LA KAI\ H( PERIOXH/ THS ... $*PRAKTIKA/.& (Thessalonike 1980), pp. 249%19`262. [`1 inscr.; 9 words; 1 lines] @ __ Aegean Islands (Northern) @ See also Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) for Thasos. @ Friedrich, C. &3Inscriptiones Graecae XII,8. Inscriptiones &3insularum maris Thracici.& Berlin 1909. [`5 inscr.; 30 words; 16 lines] @ Fraser, P.M., &3Samothrace 2,1. The Inscriptions on Stone. New York 1960. [`2 inscr.; 24 words; 10 lines] @ Pouilloux, J., &3Recherches sur l'histoire et les cultes de &3Thasos& [RThas]. 2 vols. Paris 1954%19`1958. [`4 inscr.; 45 words; 35 lines] @ Friedrich, C., "Imbros," in &3Mitteilungen des deutschen &3archa+ologischen Instituts. Athenische Abteilung& 33 (1908), pp. 90%19`85. See under "Periodicals". @ Friedrich, C., "Aus Samothrake," in &3Mitteilungen des deutschen &3archa+ologischen Instituts. Athenische Abteilung& 34 (1909), pp. 26%19`27. See under &3CIG& 8872%19`8873, 8777. @ __ Thrace @ Dumont, A., "Inscriptions et monuments figure/s de la Thrace," augmented by Th. Homolle, in Dumont, &3Me/langes &3d'arche/ologie et d'e/pigraphie& [IThrace]. Paris 1892. [`101 inscr.; 1419 words; 560 lines] Inscriptions of Haemimont, Europe and Rhodope. @ Hasluk, F.W., "Monuments of the Gatellusi," in &3Annual of the &3British School of Athens& [BSA] 15 (1908%19`1909), pp. 248%19`269. [`6 inscr.; 143 words; 25 lines] Inscriptions from Ainos, Phokaia and Mytilene. The dedicatory inscriptions from Ainos are also found in G. Lampakes, "Perie%26ge%26seis," in &3DChAE& ser. 1, 8 (1908), pp. 13, no. 248, and 16, no. 263, where three more inscriptions are also published, pp. 19, no. 265, 29, nos. 302 and 307. @ *Bes%148evliev, V., &3Spa+tgriechische und spa+tlateinische &3Inschriften aus Bulgarien& [Bulg]. Berlin 1964. [`265 inscr.; 3364 words; 1543 lines] Includes addenda from: L. Ognenova%19Marinova, "Les briques a\ estampilles de Nesse\bre," in &3Nesse\bre, I& ("Acade/mie bulgare des Sciences, Institut d'arche/ologie;" Sofia 1969), pp. 109%19`122; V. Bes%148evliev, "Grabinschrift einer Phrygerin aus Kikidadon in Odessos," &3Klio 52 (1970), pp. 25%19`26; &3idem,& "Zwei vulga+rlateinische Inschriften aus Bulgarien," &3Klio& 59 (1977), pp. 265%19`266; V. Gjuzelev and J. Koder, "Ein inschriftliches Grabepigramm des Jahres 1428 in Neseba%148r," in &3Byzantinobulgarica& 5 (1978), pp. 305%19`311; Dimitrina Mitova%19Dz%148onoza, "Contribution e/pigraphique de la haute e/poque de Byzance," in &3E/tudes balkaniques& 12,1 (1976), pp. 142%19`144; G. Gomolka and R. Koerner, "Eine fru+hchristliche Lampe mit Inschrift aus dem Kastel Jatrus bei Krivina, Bez. Ruse (VR Bulgarien)," in &3Ausgrabungen und Funde 19,2 (1974), pp. 110%19`114. @ *Bes%148evliev, V., &3Die protobulgarische Inschriften& [PrBulg]. Berlin 1963. [`93 inscr.; 1798 words; 667 lines] Includes addenda from: V. Bes%148evliev, "Protogulgarische Inschrift auf einer Silberschale," in &3Byzantion& 35 (1965), pp. 1%19`9; &3idem, "Eine neue protobulgarische Gedenkinschrift," in &3Byzantinische &3Zeitschrift& 65 (1972), pp. 394%19`399; and &3idem,& "Zur Deutung der protobulgarischen Inschrift von Vassilika, Chalkidike," in &3Jahrbuch der o+sterreichischen Byzantinistik& 35 (1985), pp. 143%19`148. @ __ Dacia and the Northern Black Sea Region @ *Popescu, E., &3Inscript%25iile greces%25ti s%25i latine din secolele &3IV%19XIII descoperite i=n Romania& [IGLRom]. Bucharest 1976. [`486 inscr.; 2806 words; 1622 lines] @ Latys%148ev, V., &3Sbornik grec%148eskich nadpisej christianskich vremen &3iz Juz%148noj Rossii& [Sbornik]. St. Petersburg 1896. Some of the very late texts published in this volume have been omitted. [`50 inscr.; 857 words; 287 lines] @ Struve, V., &3Corpus inscriptionum regni Bosporani& [CIRB]. Moscow 1965. [`11 inscr.; 187 words; 88 lines] Second edition of Latys%148ev, &3IOSPE& 2 (1890). For inscriptions dating before 285 A.C. not repeated here, see Frey, &3CIJ& I (1936), nos. 683%19`691a. @ Latys%148ev, V., &3Inscriptiones antiquae orae septentrionalis Ponti &3Euxini graecae et latinae, IV: Supplementa& [IOSPE]. St. Petersburg 1901. [`1 inscr.; 39 words; 9 lines] @ __ Constantinople @ Other inscriptions from Constantinople are included among the "Periodicals" (below). @ Kirchhoff, A., &3Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum, IV,2.& Berlin 1859. [`68 inscr.; 2181 words; 590 lines] Includes: inscriptions from Constantinople__revised from later publications, where possible__and dedicatory inscriptions on treasures taken from Constantinople, now to be found at Venice and elsewhere in the West. For the later, cf. A. Frolow, &3La &3Relique de la Vraie Croix. Recherches sur le de/veloppement &3d'un culte.& ("Archives de l'Orient chre/tien," 7; Paris 1961). For other texts from &3CIG& IV, see below under "Italy", "Greece: Attica" and "Varia: Collections". @ Schneider, A., in Meyer%19Plath, B., and A. Schneider, &3Die &3Landmauer von Konstantinopel.& Berlin 1943. Inscriptions, pp. 123%19`144. [`102 inscr.; 943 words; 305 lines] @ van Millingen, A., &3Byzantine Constantinople: The Walls of the &3City and the Adjoining Historical Sites& [BCple]. London 1899. [`7 inscr.; 118 words; 26 lines] Inscriptions from the Sea Walls, not found in &3CIG. @ &3Anthologia graeca,& ed. H. Beckby. 4 vols. 2nd edn. Munich 1965%19`1968. [`59 inscr.; 3023 words; 551 lines] Select epigrams of the late antique period from Constantinople. For others, see under "Varia: Collections". Three additional epigrams are appended from E. Cougny, &3Epigrammatum Anthologia Palatina cum &3Planudeis et Appendice Nova, III& (Paris 1890), along with several texts from Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961), not included elsewhere in the collection. @ *Cameron, A., &3Porphyrios the Charioteer& [Char]. Oxford 1973. [`11 inscr.; 1850 words; 384 lines] The epigrams &3AnthPal. 15.41%19`50 and &3AnthPlan.& 335%19`378, including the additional inscriptions of the two extant bases of Porphyrios, for which see also %N. Firatli, &3La Sculpture byzantine figure/e au Muse/e &3arche/ologique d'Istanbul& [SByzIst], edited by C. Metzger, A. Pralong and J.%19P. Sodini. ("Bibliothe\que de l'Institut franc%25ais d'e/tudes anatoliennes d'Istanbul," 30; Paris 1990), pp. 30%19`34, nos. 63%19`64. @ Antoniades, E.M., $*)/EKFRASIS TH=S A(GI/AS *SOFI/AS.& 3 vols. Leipzig 1907%19`1909. [`33 inscr.; 188 words; 93 lines] **Incomplete. @ Mercati, S.G., &3Collectanea Byzantina, II.& Bari 1970. Selections from the articles reprinted in this collection on "Epigrafia," pp. 209%19`343, and "Archeologia%19Arte," pp. 425%19`534, in particular, pp. 276%19`295, "Sulle iscrizioni di Santa Sofia" (1922). [`18 inscr.; 1229 words; 219 lines] @ Underwood, P.A., &3The Karije Djami.& 4 vols. London 1967%19`1975. H. Soter in Chora. [`15 inscr.; 410 words; 149 lines] Inscriptions from the dedicatory mosaic panels and the inscriptions from the tombs in the &3parekklesion. @ van Millingen, A. &3Byzantine Churches in Constantinople [BCple]. London 1912. Inscriptions from the Church of the Pammakaristos (pp. 138%19`159) only. The dedicatory epigram from the apse mosaic has been added ("`140a") from H. Belting, C. Mango and Doula Mouriki, &3The Mosaics and Frescoes of St. Mary &3Pammakaristos (Fetiye Camii) at Istanbul& (Washington, D.C. 1978), p. 21. Also appended ("`140b") are the monograms in brick of Michael Glabas Tarchaniotes from the fac%25ade of the church, reported by K. Bittel &3ArchAnz 1939,& col. 195 (Belting, Mango and Moriki, [`1978], p. 21). [`8 inscr.; 390 words; 57 lines] For other inscriptions from the church, see A. Megaw, "Notes on Recent Work of of the Byzantine Institute in Istanbul," &3DOP& 17 (1963) 367%19`371, esp. 370; C. Mango and E. Hawkins, "Report on Field Work in Istanbul and Cyprus, 1962%19`1962," &3DOP& 18 (1964) 319%19`333, esp. 325; and P. Schreiner, "Eine Unbekannte Beschreibung der Pammakaristoskirche (Fetiye Camii) und weitere Texte zur Topographie Konstantinopels," &3DOP 25 (1971) 219%19`248, esp. 221%19`226 and 236. @ Ebersolt, J., &3Mission arche/ologique de Constantinople.& Paris 1921. [`16 inscr.; 180 words; 61 lines] Inscriptions from the Archaeological Museum of Istanbul. @ Mango, C., "The Byzantine Inscriptions of Constantinople: A Bibliographical Survey," in &3American Journal of Archaeology& 55 (1951), pp. 52%19`66. [`50 inscr.; 686 words; 267 lines] For the sake of convenience, some inscriptions from other sources have been included here in the places where they are noted in this bibliography. @ &3Dumbarton Oaks Papers& (Washington, D.C.). [`86 inscr.; 4272 words; 810 lines] Select inscriptions, mostly from Constantinople, but also a few from other regions. Includes (in addition to the articles mentioned above): C. Mango, "The Conciliar Edict of 1166," &3DOP& 17 (1963), pp. 315%19`330; and, C. Mango and I. S%148evc%148enko, "Some Recently Acquired Byzantine Inscriptions at the Istanbul Archaeological Museum," &3DOP& 32 (1978), pp. 1%19`27. @ &3Archa+ologischer Anzieger,& in &3Jahrbuch des deutschen &3archa+ologischen Instituts& (Berlin). [`11 inscr.; 378 words; 88 lines] Select inscriptions; **not complete. Includes: C. Mango, "A Byzantine Inscription Relating to Dyrrhachium," in &3JdI& 81 (1967%3`67), &3Arch. Anz. 1966,& pp. 410%19`414. The quotations from the &3Passion& of the saint, which accompany the painted scenes from the life of H. Euphemia of Chalkedon, in the Martyrion of H. Euphemia, reported by A.M. Schneider, in &3AA 1941, col. 311%19`312, are given here according to the edition of H. Belting, in R. Naumann and H. Belting, &3Die Euphemia%19Kirche &3am Hippodrom zu Istanbul und ihre Fresken& ("Istanbuler Forschungen," 25; Berlin 1966), pp. 113%19`171. @ Robert, L., "Noms de me/tiers dans des documents byzantines," in &3Chariste%26rion eis A.K. Orlandon,& vol. 1 (Athens 1965), pp. 324%19`347. [`1 inscr.; 20 words; 12 lines] Only the epitaph no. 3, p. 326. The other inscriptions discussed in this article are included elsewhere. @ __ Northwestern Greece: Epiros @ "Epiros". [`68 inscr.; 2072 words; 516 lines] A collection of Early Christian and Byzantine inscriptions from Epirus Vetus (Nikopolis), Epirus Nova and Corfu, from various sources. Includes Akarnania and Greek Illyricum. @ @@@Some notable special works: I.K. Papademetrios, "$*(O $*)IOBIANO\S TH=S BASILIKH=S TH=S *PALAIOPO/LEWS *KERKU/RAS," &3ArchEph 1942%19`1944 (1948), Chron., 39%19`48; A.K. Orlandos, $*(H $*PARHGORH/TISSA TH=S *)/ARTHS.& "Bibliothe%26ke%26 te%26s en Athe%26nais Archaiologike%26s Hetaireias," 52. Athens 1963; __ A.K. Orlandos, "$*(H PARA\ TH\N *)/ARTAN MONH\ TW=N *BLAXERNW=N,"& in &3Archeion &3Byzantino%26n Mne%26meio%26n Hellados& [ABME] 2, 1 (1936) 3%19`50, "The Inscriptions," pp. 42%19`49; __ H. and H. Buschhausen, &3Die &3Marienkirche von Apollonia in Albanien.& "Byzantina Vindobonensia," 8. Vienna 1976. @ @@@Some additional inscriptions from Achris%3Ochrid have been extracted from J. Ivanov, &3Bulgarski Starini iz Makedonija [Bulgarian Antiquities in Macedonia] (Sofia 1931), and Demitsas, &3Macedonia& (1898) (above)__not the best publications, to be sure, but the best available at the present time to the compiler of this collection. @ __ Central Greece: Thessaly @ *Feissel, D., and A. Avramea, "Inventaires en vue d'un recueil des inscriptions historiques de Byzance: IV, Inscriptions du Thessalie (a\ l'exception de Me/te/ores)", in &3Travaux et me/moires 10 (1987), pp. 357%19`398 [`26 inscr.; 812 words; 178 lines] @ "Thessalia". [`127 inscr.; 1331 words; 658 lines] A collection of inscriptions from Thessaly, from various sources, including (in addition to periodicals and &3SEG&): O. Kern, &3Inscriptiones &3Graecae, IX,2: Inscriptiones Thessaliae& (Berlin 1908); __ Th. Rizakes and G. Touratsoglou, $*)EPIGRAFE\S *)/ANW *MAKEDONI/AS, *A# [AnoMak]. Athens 1985; __ Bakhuizen, S.C., F. Gschnitzer, Chr. Habicht, and P. Marzolff, &3Demetrias V.& "Beitra+ge zur ur%19 und fru+hgeschichtlichen Archa+ologie des Mittelmeer%19Kulturraumes, 27. Die deutschen archa+ologischen Forschungen in Thessalien". Bonn 1987. (Inscriptions from the "Damokratia"%19basilica at Demetrias edited by Chr. Habicht, pp. 292%19`306, and a late imperial boundary%19marker from Olosson%19Elasson, published by F. Gschnitzer, pp. 339%19`351). @ @@@@@Some notable special works: *G. Soteriou, &3Archaiologike &3Ephemeris& 1929, pp. 1%19`229 %6 $*AI( XRISTIANIKAI\ *QH=BAI TH=S $*QESSALI/AS& (Athens 1931); __ N. Bees, "$*SU/NTAGMA E)PIGRAFIKW=N $MNHMEI/WN *METEW/RWN KAI\ TH=S PE/RIC XW/RAS,"& in &3Byzantis& 1 (1909 [Athens]) [Met], pp. 557%19`626, nos. 17, 19, 43%19`45, 69 and 128 only. @ __ Central Greece: Boiotia (etc.) @ "Hellas". [`109 inscr.; 3061 words; 762 lines] A collection of inscriptions from Central Greece (Aitolia, Phokis, Boiotia, Euboia and Megara), from various sources, including (in addition to periodicals and &3SEG&): W. Dittenberger, &3Inscriptiones Graecae, VII: Megaridis, Oropiae, Boiotiae (Berlin 1892); __ W. Dittenberger, &3Inscriptiones Graecae IX, &3`1: Inscriptiones Phocidis, Lokridis, Aetoliae, Acarnaniae, &3insularum maris Ionii& (Berlin 1897); __ E. Ziebarth, &3Inscriptiones Graecae, XII,9: Euboiae insulae.& (Berlin 1915); __ W. Dittenberger, &3Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum.& 3rd ed. Leipzig 1915%19`1924; __ K. Andrews, &3Castles of the Morea. "Gennadeion Monographs," 4. Princeton 1953; __ M. Spiro, &3A &3Critical Corpus of the Mosaic Pavements on the Greek Mainland, &3Fourth%19Sixth Centuries.& 2 vols. New York 1978. @ @@@@@Some notable special works: M.G. Soteriou, "$*(O NAO\S TH=S $*SKRIPOU=S TH=S *BOIWTI/AS," &3ArchEph& 1931 (1933) 119%19`157 __ W. Miller, "The Frankish Inscription at Karditsa," &3JHS& 29 (1909) 198%19`201. __ N. Platon, "$*XRISTIANIKH\ E)PIGRAFH\ E)K *TANA/GRAS," &3ArchEph& 1937, 2 (1940) 655%19`667. @ __ Central Greece: Attica @ "Attica". [`638 inscr.; 6807 words; 2740 lines] A collection of inscriptions from Attica from various sources. @ Dittenberger, W. &3Inscriptiones Graecae, III. Inscriptiones &3Atticae.& Berlin 1882. @ *Bayet, Ch., &3De titulis Atticae christianis antiquissimis &3commentatio historica et epigraphica.& Paris 1878. Reprinted in A.N. Oikonomides, ed., &3Supplementum Inscriptionum Atticarum, &3III& (Chicago: Ares 1979), pp. 47%19`183. Inscriptions also published in &3IG& III (1882) are included there, with cross%19references to Bayet. @ *Creaghan, John S., and Anton E. Raubitschek, "Early Christian Epitaphs from Athens," &3Hesperia& 16 (1947) 1%19`54. Reprinted (without plates) in A.N. Oikonomides, ed., &3Supplementum &3Inscriptionum Atticarum, III& (Chicago: Ares 1979), pp. 185%19`238. @ Kirchner, J. &3Inscriptiones Graecae, II%19III: Inscriptiones &3Atticae.& 2nd ed. Berlin 1931%19`1940. @ Konstantinidis, P., "$*)AQHNW=N A)NE/KDOTOI *XRISTIANIKAI\ $E)PIGRAFAI\,"& in &3Parnassos& 6 (1882) 80%19`85 @ Konstantopoulos, K. M., "$*)ANE/KDOTOI E)PIGRAFAI\ E)PITU/MBIOI $*XRISTIANIKW=N XRO/NWN,"& in &3Harmonia& 1 (1900) 19%19`37. @ Dantis, S.P., "$*PALAIOXRISTIANIKE/S EPIGRAFE/S TOU *EPIGRAFIKOU/ $*MOUSEI/OU *AQHNW/N," &3Archaiologika Analekta ex Athe%26no%26n& 17 (1984) 87%19`100. @ *Orlandos, A.K., and L. Vranoussis, $*TA\ *XARA/GMATA TOU= $*PARQENW=NOS.& Athens 1973. With additions: "Add,1*" %6 &3BCH& 101 (1977) 216, "Add,2*" %6 &3BCH& 101 (1977) 219. &3CIG& 8600, 8803, 9321%19`9349 are also included here. @ @@@@@Other sources (partial list): D.W. Bradeen, &3Inscriptions: &3The Funerary Monuments& ("The Athenian Agora," 17; Princeton 1974) [Ag 17]; __ M. Lang, &3Graffiti and Dipinti& ("The Athenian Agora," 21; Princeton 1976) [Ag 21]; __ S.A. Koumanoudes, $*)ATTIKH=S E)PIGRAFAI\ E)PITU/MBIOI& (Athens 1871) [AEE]; __ F. Lenormont, &3Recherches arche/ologiques a E/leusis& (Paris 1862) [Len]; __ N. Bees, "$*BUZANTIAKAI\ E)PIGRAFAI\ *)ATTIKH=S," &3Ro+mische &3Quartalschrift& [RQ] 26 (1912) 61%19`77; __ G.A. Soteriou, $*EU(RETH/RION TW=N MESAIWNIKW=N MNHMEI/WN TH=S *(ELLA/DOS& [Heur]. Vol. 1 (Athens 1927); __ W. Peek, &3Attische Grabschriften II ("Abhandlungen der deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse fu+r Sprachen, Literatur und Kunst," 1956, 3; Berlin 1957) [AttGr]. @ @@@@@Some notable special works: K. Konstantopoulos, $"*)EPIGRAFAI\ E)K TOU= NAOU= TOU= A(GI/OU *)IWA/NNOU *MAGKOU/TH," &3EEBS& 8 (1931) 245%19`255 (cf. F. Do+lger, &3BZ& 32 [`1932] 470); __ A. Plassart, "Inscriptions de Pie\rie, d'E/mathie et de Bottie/e," &3BCH& 47 (1923) 172%19`180, thirteenth%19century inscriptions of Athanasios, Neophytos and Philosophos, for which see also Ph. Koukoules, "$*TO\ KIO/NION TOU= *NEOFU/TOU," &3EEBS& 8 (1931) 148%19`156; __ A. Xyngopoulos, "$*(H KTHTORIKH\ E)PIGRAFH\ TOU= *QHSEI/OU," &3BNgJ& 8 (1929%19`1930 [`1931]) 147%19`149; __ D.I. Pallas, "$*(H FIA/LH TOU= $XRISTIANIKOU= *PARQENW=NOS," &3PChAE& ser. 3, 1 (1932) 19%19`32, also published as &3BNgJ& 10 (1932%19`1934) 185%19`198; __ A. Xyngopoulos, $"*FRAGKOBUZANTINA\ GLUPTA\ E)N *)AQH/NAIS," &3ArchEph& 1931 (1933) 69%19`102. @ __ Peloponnesos @ *Feissel, D., and A. Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaires en vue d'un recueil des inscriptions historiques de Byzance: III, Inscriptions du Pe/loponne\se (a\ l'exception de Mistra)", in &3Travaux et me/moires& 9 (1985), pp. 267%19`395 [`93 inscr.; 3623 words; 687 lines] @ &3Corinth, Results of the Excavations Conducted by the American &3School of Classical Studies at Athens.& [`415 inscr.; 2836 words; 1868 lines] Late%19antique and Byzantine inscriptions published in: B.D. Meritt, &3Corinth, VIII,1, Greek Inscriptions &3`1896%19`1927& (Cambridge, Mass. 1931); __ J.H. Kent, &3Corinth, &3VIII,3, The Inscriptions 1926%19`1950& (Princeton 1966); __ C.H. Morgan II, &3Corinth, XI: The Byzantine Pottery& (Cambridge, Mass., 1942); __ G.R. Davidson, &3Corinth, XII, The Minor &3Objects& (Princeton 1952). @ "Peloponnesos". [`203 inscr.; 2845 words; 1081 lines] A collection of inscriptions from the Peloponnesos (Corinthia, Argolis, Laconia, Messenia, Arcadia, Elis, Achaia), from various sources, including (in addition to periodicals and &3SEG&): M. Fraenkel, &3Inscriptiones Graecae, IV: Aeginae, &3Pityonesi, Cecryphaliae, Argolidis& (Berlin 1902); __ F. Hiller von Gaertringen, &3Inscriptiones Graecae, IV: Epidauri.& 2nd ed., fasc. 1 (Berlin 1929); __ W. Kolbe, &3Inscriptiones Graecae, &3V,1: Laconiae et Messeniae& (Berlin 1913); __ F. Hiller von Gaertringen, &3Inscriptiones Graecae, V,2: Arcadiae& (Berlin 1913); __ F. Felten, in W. Wurster and F. Felten, &3Alt%19A+gina &3I,2& (Mainz am Rhein 1975) [AAeg]; __ W. Dittenberger, and K. Purgold, &3Die Inschriften von Olympia& ("Olympia," 5. Berlin 1896) [IvO]; __ R. Scranton, &3Kenchreai. Eastern Port of &3Corinth, I& (Leiden 1978). @ __ Peloponnesos (Mistra) @ *Millet, G., "Inscriptions byzantines de Mistra", in &3Bulletin &3de correspondance helle/nique& (Paris) 23 (1899), pp. 97%19`156, 638, and &3idem,& "Inscriptions ine/dites de Mistra," &3BCH& 30 (1906), pp. 452%19`466. [`57 inscr.; 7765 words; 614 lines] Includes additions from: M. Manousakas, "$*(H XRONOLOGI/A TH=S $KTITORIKH=S E)PIGRAFH=S TOU= *(AGI/OU *DHMHTRI/OU TOU= *MUSTRA=," &3DChAE ser. 4, 1 (1959) 72%19`79; __ A.K. Orlandos, "$*DANIH\L O( PRW=TOS $KTI/TWR TW=N *(AGI/WN *QEODW/RWN TOU= *MUSTRA=," &3EEBS& 12 (1936) 443%19`448; __ A.K. Orlandos, "$*TA\ PALA/TIA KAI\ TA\ SPI/TIA TOU= $*MUSTRA=," &3ABME& 3,1 (1937) 1%19`114; __ M. Chatzedakes, "$*NEW/TERA $GIA\ TH\N I(STORI/A KAI\ TH\N TE/XNH TH=S *MHTRO/POLHS TOU= *MUSTRA=," &3DChAE& ser. 4, 9 (1977%19`1979) 143%19`179. @ __ Peloponnesos (Byzantine Lead Seals) @ "Seals". [`221 inscr.; 1998 words; 1335 lines] The large collection of lead seals of the Byzantine period (9th%19`12th c. A.C.) found at Corinth and published by G.R. Davidson, &3Corinth, XII, The Minor Objects& (Princeton 1952), nos. 2686%19`2823, is here supplemented by the seals of Peloponnesian officials published in other works: A.D. Mordtmann, "Plombs byzantins de la Gre\ce et du Pe/loponne\se". &3Revue Arche/ologique N.S. 33 (1877) 294%19`298, and 34 (1877) 47%19`60; __ G. Schlumberger, &3Sigillographie de l'empire byzantin& [SEB] (Paris 1884); __ A.D. Mordtmann, "$*MOLUBDO/BOULLA BUZANTINA\ TW=N $E)PARXIW=N *EU)RW/PHS,"& in $*(O E)N *KWNSTANTINOPO/LEI *(ELLHNIKO\S $*FILOLOGIKO\S *SU/LLOGOS,& 17 (1886), Suppl., $*)ARXAIOLOGIKH\ $E)PITROPH/.& __ K.M. Konstantopoulos, $*BUZANTINA\ MOLUBDO/BOULLA TOU= $E)N *)AQH/NAIS *NOMISMATIKOU= *MOUSEI/OU& (Athens 1917), reprinted from &3Journal international d'arche/ologique numismatique& 2%19`3 (1899%19`1900) and 5%19`10 (1902%19`1907) __ B.A. Panchenko, &3Katalog &3molivdovulov& [in Russian: "Catalogue of Lead Seals"] (Sofia 1908), reprinted from &3Isvestija Russkago Archeologicheskago &3Instituta ve Konstantinopolje& [IRAIK] 8 (1903) 199%19`246, 9 (1904) 341%19`396, and 12 (1908) 78%19`151. __ V. Laurent, "Bulletin sigillographique," &3Byzantion& 6 (1931) 771%19`829; __ V. Laurent, "Sceaux byzantins ine/dits," in &3Byzantinische Zeitschrift& 33 (1933) 331%19`361; __ V. Laurent, &3Les Bulles me/triques dans &3sigillographie byzantine& (Athens 1932), reprinted from &3Helle%26nika& 4%19`8 (1931%19`1935); __ V. Laurent, &3Documents de &3sigillographie byzantine: la Collection C. Orghidan ("Bibliothe\que byzantine: Documents," 1; Paris 1952); __ V. Laurent, &3Les Sceaux byzantins du Me/dallier Vatican ("Medagliere della Biblioteca Vaticana," I; Vatican City 1962); __ V. Laurent, &3Le Corpus des sceaux de l'empire &3byzantin, V,1%19`2: L'E/glise& [CSEB] (Paris 1963%19`1965); __ G. Zacos, and A. Veglery, &3Byzantine Lead Seals, I,1%19`3& [BLS] (Basel 1972). __ Cf. also, N.A. Bees, "Zur Sigillographie der byzantischen Themen Peloponnes und Hellas," &3Vizantijskij &3Vremennik& 21,2%19`3 (1914) 90%19`100 and 192%19`235. __ Cross%19references are given to the list of Peloponnesian officials in A. Bon, &3Le Pe/loponne\se byzantin jusqu'en 1204. (Paris 1951). @ __ Aegean Islands (Central) @ See also Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& (1922). @ Hiller von Gaertringen, F., &3Inscriptiones Graecae XII,5. &3Inscriptiones Cycladum.& 2 vols. Berlin 1903%19`1909. [`57 inscr.; 852 words; 279 lines] Includes: graffiti of sailors at Grammata on Syros. @ Hiller von Gaertringen, F., &3Inscriptiones Graecae, XII. &3Inscriptiones insularum maris Aegaei praeter Delum. &3Supplementum.& Berlin 1939. One fragment only: Andros, &3IG XII, &3Suppl.& 133,296. @ __ Crete @ *Bandy, A., &3The Greek Christian Inscriptions of Crete [GChICret]. Athens 1970. [`115 inscr.; 1481 words; 669 lines] @ Guarducci, M., &3Inscriptiones Creticae& [ICret]. Vols. 1%19`4. Rome 1935%19`1950. [`34 inscr.; 1405 words; 367 lines] Late Antique inscriptions not included in Bandy. Citations in vols. 1 and 2 are by page and number; in vol. 4, by number alone. @ __ Greater Syria (Syria, Phoenice, Arabia) @ Jalabert, L., and R. Mouterde, &3Inscriptions grecques et &3latines de la Syrie, I. Commage\ne et Cyrrhestique.& Paris 1929. [`29 inscr.; 278 words; 134 lines] @ Jalabert, L., and R. Mouterde, &3Inscriptions grecques et &3latines de la Syrie, II. Chalcidique et Antioche\ne.& Paris 1939. [`327 inscr.; 4226 words; 1142 lines] @ Jalabert, L., and R. Mouterde, &3Inscriptions grecques et &3latines de la Syrie, III,1%19`2. Re/gion de l'Amanus. Antioche. &3Antioche\ne.& 2 vols. Paris 1950%19`1953. [`114 inscr.; 1099 words; 423 lines] @ Jalabert, L., and R. Mouterde, &3Inscriptions grecques et &3latines de la Syrie, IV. Laodice/e. Apame\ne.& Paris 1955. [`598 inscr.; 6119 words; 1612 lines] @ Jalabert, L., and R. Mouterde, &3Inscriptions grecques et &3latines de la Syrie, V. Emese\ne.& Paris 1959. [`268 inscr.; 2715 words; 928 lines] @ Rey%19Coquais, J.%19P., &3Inscriptions grecques et latines de la &3Syrie. VI. Baalbek et Beqa'.& Paris 1967. [`29 inscr.; 404 words; 149 lines] @ Rey%19Coquais, J.%19P., &3Inscriptions grecques et latines de la &3Syrie. VII. Arados et re/gions voisines.& Paris 1970. [`8 inscr.; 64 words; 23 lines] @ Sartre, M., &3Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie. &3XIII,1. Bostra.& Paris 1982. [`101 inscr.; 1448 words; 558 lines] @ Gatier, P.%19L., &3Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie. &3XXI. Inscriptions de la Jordanie, 2: Re/gion centrale.& Paris 1986. [`130 inscr.; 1957 words; 555 lines] @ Waddington, W.%19H., in Ph. Le Bas and W.%19H. Waddington, &3Voyage &3arche/ologique en Gre/ce et en Asie Mineure pendant 1834 et &3`1844. III. Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie& [LBW]. Paris 1870. [`192 inscr.; 4043 words; 1132 lines] Includes: inscriptions published in Part VI ("Syria"), not re%19edited in &3IGLSyr& or &3PPUAES& IIIA, mainly from the province of Arabia; and also, the edict of Anastasius from Ptolemais in the Cyrenaica (&3LBW& 1906a %6 &3CIG& 5187), for other copies of which see &3SEG 9.414 (Teucheira) and &3SEG& 27.1139 (Apollonia). @ Littmann, E., and D. Magie Jr., &3Syria. Publications of the &3Princeton University Archaeological Expeditions to Syria in &3`1904%19`5 and 1909. Division III, Greek and Latin Inscriptions, &3Section A: Southern Syria& [PPUAES]. Leiden 1907%19`1921. [`173 inscr.; 3360 words; 1108 lines] @ Prentice, W.K., &3Greek and Latin Inscriptions. Part III of &3the Publications of an American Archaeological Expedition to &3Syria in 1899%19`1900& [PAAES]. New York 1908. [`10 inscr.; 171 words; 50 lines] @ Seyrig, H., "Appendice II: Inscriptions grecques," in G. Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du nord: Le Massif du &3Be/lus a l'e/poque romaine& [VASyrN], vol. 3 (Paris 1958), pp. 2%19`62. [&3SEG& 20.328%19`353.] [`43 inscr.; 681 words; 263 lines] @ Lassus, J., &3Sanctuaires chre/tiennes de Syrie& [SanctChr]. Paris 1947. [`17 inscr.; 250 words; 65 lines] Inscription from the churches at Bra=d in northern Syria (see also &3VASyrN 3,1%19`5,6). The inscription from Qabr Hiram near Tyre (E. Renan, &3Mission de Phe/nice& [Paris 1864%19`1874], p. 613, pl. lxix), discussed on p. 251, is also included. @ Mouterde, R., and A. Poidebard, &3Le Limes de Chalcis& [LimChalc]. 2 vols. Paris 1945. [`29 inscr.; 421 words; 119 lines] Includes: those inscriptions, edited by R. Mouterde, "Releve/s comple/mentaires," I, pp. 183%19`221, esp. nos. 8%19`54, not republished in &3IGLSyr& 4 (1955), viz., 8%19`11, 15%19`17, 19%19`24, 27%19`30, 32%19`39, 39a ("`39"), 47, and 53%19`54. @ Welles, C.B., in C.H. Kraeling, &3Excavations at Dura%19Europos. &3Final Report VIII, Part II: The Christian Building.& [EDE] New Haven 1967. [`13 inscr.; 40 words; 20 lines] @ Rey%19Coquais, J.%19P., &3Inscriptions grecques et latines &3de/couvertes dans les fouilles de Tyr (1963%19`1974), I. &3Inscriptions de la Ne/cropole.& "Bulletin du Muse/e de Beyrouth," 29; Paris 1977. [`174 inscr.; 1086 words; 577 lines] The inscriptions nos. 164, 167%19`168 have been included in the collection of Jewish inscriptions (below) as &3CIJ& 880a%19`880c. @ Welles, C.B., in C.H. Kraeling, &3Gerasa. City of the Decapolis. New Haven 1938. [`111 inscr.; 1283 words; 395 lines] @ Piccirillo, M., &3Chiese e Mosaici della Giordana Settentrionale [SBFCM 30]. "Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Collectio Minor," 30; Jerusalem 1981. [`15 inscr.; 554 words; 107 lines] @ *Avi%19Yonah, M., &3The Madaba Mosaic Map& (Jerusalem 1954). [`1 inscr.; 529 words; 420 lines] With additions from H. Donner and H. Cuppers, &3Zeitschrift des deutschen Pala+stina%19Vereins& 83 (1967) 1%19`33. References follow the numeration of Gatier, &3IGLSyr& 21:2 (1986), pp. 148%19`180, no. 153,1%19`154, with the numbers in the publication of Avi%19Yonah given in parentheses. @ __ Palaestina @ Thomsen, P., "Die lateinischen und griechischen Inschriften der Stadt Jerusalem und ihrer na+chsten Umgebung," in &3Zeitschrift des deutschen Pala+stina%19Vereins& 44 (1921) 1%19`61 and 90%19`168, with "Nachtrag," 64 (1941) 203%19`256. [`146 inscr.; 1309 words; 619 lines] @ Vincent, H., and Abel, F%19M., &3Le sanctuaire de la Nativite/ a\ &3Bethle/em& [Nativite] (Paris 1914), pp. 92, 149%19`154, 157, 167 (&3CIG& 8867, 8953%19`8964, 8736, 8492). [`4 inscr.; 802 words; 222 lines] Incorporates H. Stern, "Les Repre/sentations des conciles dans l'e/glise de la Nativite/ a\ Bethle/em. Deuxie\me partie. Les Inscriptions," in &3Byzantion& 13,2 (1938), pp. 415%19`459 @ &3Revue Biblique& [RB] (Paris). [`125 inscr.; 1514 words; 594 lines] **Incomplete. Includes Lifshitz, B., "La Ne/cropole juive de Ce/sare/e," in &3RB& 71 (1964), pp. 384%19`387; &3idem, "Inscriptions de Ce/sare/e en Palestine," &3RB& 72 (1965), pp. 98%19`107; &3idem,& "Notes d'e/pigraphie palestinienne," &3RB& 73 (1966), pp. 256%19`257 (no. 3 %6 SEG 8.297!); &3idem,& "Inscriptions de Ce/sare/e," &3RB& 74 (1967), pp. 50%19`59; and A. Negev, "Inscriptions he/braiques, grecques et latines de Ce/sare/e Maritime," &3RB& 78 (1971), pp. 247%19`263; Jewish inscriptions from this series of articles have been inserted in their geographical place in Frey, &3CIJ& II (1952). @ Fitzgerald, G.M., &3A Sixth%19Century Monastery at Beth%19Shan &3(Scythopolis).& Philadelphia 1939. [`10 inscr.; 335 words; 71 lines] @ *Canova, R., &3Iscrizioni e monumenti del paese di Moab.& Vatican City 1954. [`430 inscr.; 3468 words; 2424 lines] @ *Kirk, G., in C.B. Welles, &3Excavations at Nessana, I.& London 1962. [`129 inscr.; 1210 words; 488 lines] @ Negev, A., &3The Greek Inscriptions from the Negev.& "Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Collectio Minor," 25. Jerusalem 1981. [`79 inscr.; 881 words; 363 lines] Inscriptions from Eboda, Sobata, Mampsis and Elusa. @ __ Sinai @ S%148evc%148enko, I., "The Early Period of the Sinai Monastery in the Light of Its Inscriptions," in &3Dumbarton Oaks Papers 20 (1966), pp. 255%19`264. [`17 inscr.; 444 words; 129 lines] @ __ Egypt and Nubia @ *Lefebvre, G., &3Recueil des inscriptions grecques chre/tiennes &3d'E/gypte& [IGChEg]. Paris 1907. [`808 inscr.; 9404 words; 4011 lines] @ Bernand, A., &3Le Delta e/gyptien d'apre\s les textes grecques, I: &3Les Confins libyques.& 3 vols. "Institut Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie Orientale du Caire, Me/moires publie/s par les membres," 101. Cairo 1970. [`9 inscr.; 117 words; 42 lines] @ Bernand, E., &3Recueil des inscriptions grecques du Fayoum.& 3 vols. (1975%19`1981). I. &3La "Me/ris" d' He/rakleide\s.& Leiden 1975 __ II: &3La "Me/ris" de The/mistos.& "Institut Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie Orientale, Bibliothe\que d'E/tude," 79; Paris 1981 __ III: &3La "Me/ris" de Polemo=n.& "Institut Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie Orientale, Bibliothe\que d'E/tude," 80; Paris 1981. [`4 inscr.; 55 words; 27 lines] @ Bernand, A., &3Les Portes du de/sert.& Paris 1984. [`3 inscr.; 87 words; 21 lines] @ Baillet, J., &3Inscriptions grecques et latines des tombeaux des &3rois ou Syringes a\ The\bes.& 3 vols. "Institut Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie Orientale du Caire, Me/moires publie/s par les membres," 42. Cairo 1920. [`61 inscr.; 713 words; 297 lines] **Incomplete. Provincial governors and other officials of the fourth through sixth centuries mentioned in the section of the introduction, pp. xxxv%19xxxix, "Administrateurs", have been included. @ Bernand, A., &3Pan du de/sert.& Leiden 1977. [`9 inscr.; 114 words; 61 lines] @ Bernand, E., &3Inscriptions grecques et latines d'Ako=ris. "Institut Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie Orientale, Bibliothe\que d'E/tude," 103; Paris 1988. [`12 inscr.; 387 words; 94 lines] @ Evelyn%19White, H.G., and J.H. Oliver, &3The Temple of Hibis in &3the El Kha%26rgeh Oasis.& New York 1938. [`4 inscr.; 27 words; 6 lines] @ Bernand, E., &3Les Inscriptions grecques de Philae, II: Haut &3et Bas Empire.& Paris 1969. [`62 inscr.; 830 words; 286 lines] Nos. 185%19`246 only. @ Zucker, M., &3Von Debod bis Bab Kalabsche, III.& "Service des Antiquite/s de l'E/gypte. Les temples immerge/s de la Nubie". Cairo 1912. [`1 inscr.; 55 words; 15 lines] @ Milne, J.G., &3Greek Inscriptions.& "Service des Antiquite/s de l'E/gypte. Catalogue ge/neral des antiquite/s e/gyptiennes du Muse/e du Caire." Oxford 1905. [`8 inscr.; 172 words; 55 lines] @ Breccia, E., &3Iscrizioni greche e latine.& "Service des Antiquite/s de l'E/gypte. Catalogue ge/neral des antiquite/s e/gyptiennes du Muse/e d'Alexandrie." Cairo 1911. [`5 inscr.; 52 words; 25 lines] @ Bernand, E., &3Inscriptions me/triques de l'E/gypte gre/co%19romaine [IMetr]. "Annales litte/raires de l'Universite/ de Besanc%25on," 98. Paris 1969. [`7 inscr.; 216 words; 51 lines] @ Dittenberger, W., &3Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae [OGIS]. 2 vols. Leipzig 1903%19`1905. [`11 inscr.; 1779 words; 285 lines] &3SEG& 24.1194, which is a duplicate of &3OGIS& 722 (Lefebvre 64), is included here. Likewise, for the sake of convenience, several inscriptions of the Axumite kings reprinted in &3SEG (24.1246%19`1247, 26.1813, 32.1601, and 34.1641%19`1641) are included here with &3OGIS& 199%19`200. @ Preisigke, F., and F. Bilabel, &3Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden &3aus A+gypten.& Vols. 3%19`5. Heibelberg 1926%19`1934. [`60 inscr.; 2296 words; 519 lines] Inscriptions from Egypt and Nubia not found in &3SEG.& Volumes 4%19`5 (Bilabel) are complete; volume 3 (Preisigke) is **incomplete. @ __ Cyrenaica @ See also Lu+deritz, &3Corpus ju+discher Zeugnisse aus der &3Cyrenaika& (1983). @ *Reynolds, J., "The Christian Inscriptions of Cyrenaica," in &3Journal of Theological Studies& N.S. 11, 2 (1960), pp. 284%19`294. [`25 inscr.; 395 words; 175 lines] @ __ Cyprus @ Mitford, T.B., "Some new inscriptions from Early Christian Cyprus," in &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 105%19`175, with App. B, "A Survey of the Early Christian Epigraphy of Cyprus," pp. 168%19`171. [`27 inscr.; 541 words; 172 lines] Inscriptions not republished in the works listed below. @ Mitford, T.B., &3The Inscriptions of Kourion.& Philadelphia 1971. [`16 inscr.; 157 words; 55 lines] @ Pouilloux, J., P. Roesch and J. Marcillet%19Jaubert, &3Salamine de &3Chypre, XIII. Testimonia Salaminia 2. Corpus e/pigraphique. Paris 1987. [`68 inscr.; 878 words; 317 lines] This work replaces T.B. Mitford and I. Nicholaou, &3The Greek and Latin &3Inscriptions from Salamis.& Nikosia 1974. @ des Gagniers, J., and Tran Tam Tinh, &3Soloi. Dix campagnes de &3fouilles (1964%19`1974). Volume premier.& "Recherches arche/ologiques de l'Universite/ Laval." Sainte%19Foy 1985. [`4 inscr.; 259 words; 59 lines] @ *Stylianou, J. and A., "Donors and Dedicatory Inscriptions, Suppliants and Supplications in the Painted Churches of Cyprus," in &3Jahrbuch der o+sterreichischen byzantinischen &3Gesellschaft& [JOB] 9 (1960), pp. 97%19`128. [`18 inscr.; 1186 words; 183 lines] Cross%19references are provided to W.H. and G.G. Buckler, "Dated Wall Paintings in Cyprus," &3Universite/ &3Libre de Bruxelles. Annuaire de l'Institut de philol. et &3d'hist. orientales et slaves& 7 (1939%19`1940 [New York 1944]) 47%19`70. Appended to &3JO+B& 9 (1960) 101, no. 3, is a later inscription from the Panagia tou Arakos published by C. Mango, &3DOP& 23%19`24 (1969%19`1970) 379%19`380. The dedicatory inscription of Eumathios Philokales from H. Chrysostomos at Koutsovendi, published by C. Mango and E.J.W. Hawkins in &3DOP& 18 (1964) 333%19`339, will be found under "Constantinople". @ __ Italy and the West @ Kaibel, G., &3Inscriptiones Graecae, XIV. Inscriptiones Siciliae &3et Italiae, additis Galliae, Hispaniae, Britanniae, Germaniae &3inscriptiones.& Berlin 1890. [`301 inscr.; 3442 words; 1432 lines] Includes: the residue of inscriptions not re%19published in one of the more recent collections listed below. @ Moretti, L. &3Inscriptiones Graecae Urbis Romae& [IGUR]. Vols. 1%19`3. Rome 1968%19`1979. [`39 inscr.; 2145 words; 427 lines] Greek inscriptions of Rome, excluding Christian (&3IChUR&) and Jewish (&3CIJ&) inscriptions. @ Silvagni, A., and A. Ferrua, &3Inscriptiones Christianae Urbis &3Romae. Nova Series& [IChUR]. Vols. 1%19`9. Rome 1922%19`1985. [`990 inscr.; 7358 words; 3188 lines] **Incomplete. Only a relatively small portion of the Greek inscriptions from this series have thus far been incorporated in the data bank __ essentially: (a) all those inscriptions previously published in Kirchhoff, &3CIG& IV,2 (1859), and Kaibel, &3IG& XIV (1890); and (b) most of the inscriptions from &3IChUR& 1 (1922) and 9 (1985). For the Latin inscriptions, see Diehl, &3ILCV& (1925%19`1928), with the tables of concordance provided by Moreau and Marrou in the volume of addenda to the reprint edition (1967). @ Sacco, G., &3Iscrizioni greche d'Italia: Porto.& Rome 1984. [`32 inscr.; 268 words; 162 lines] @ Bollini, M., &3Iscrizione greche di Ravenna.& "Quaderni degli 'Studi Romagnoli'", 9. Faenza 1975. [`13 inscr.; 347 words; 78 lines] For Latin inscriptions, see below. @ *Agnello, S.L., &3Silloge di iscrizioni palaeocristiane di &3Sicilia.& Rome 1953. [`106 inscr.; 1884 words; 694 lines] @ *Strazzulla, V., &3Museum Epigraphicum, seu inscriptionum &3christianarum quae in Syracusis catacumbis repertae sunt &3corpusculum.& "Societa\ Siciliana per la Storia Patria, Documenti per servire alla storia di Sicilia," ser. 3, vol. 3. Panormo 1897. [`458 inscr.; 3036 words; 1400 lines] A convenient __though thoroughly inreliable__ compilation of texts published by Kaibel in &3IG& XIV (1890) and by P. Orsi in &3Notizie degli scavi di antichita\& 1 (1893), pp. 276%19`314, 3 (1895), pp. 477%19`521, and in &3Ro+mische Quartalschrift fu+r &3christliche Altertumskunde& 10 (1896), pp. 1%19`59. The texts have been collated, where possible, with the original publication; however, since Orsi (1896) was not available to the compiler of this data bank, the texts of nos. 328%19`410 and 450%19`460 are not reliable and the line%19numbers here do not correspond to the lines of the inscriptions. Corrections made by Ferrua (1940, 1941, 1948) have been incorporated. Some epitaphs collected in Strazzula, but demonstrated to be non%19Christian by Ferrua (1940), have been retained. @ Ferrua, A., "Nuovi studi nelle catacombe di Siracusa," in &3Rivista di Archeologia Cristiana& [RAC] 17,1%3`2 (1940), pp. 43%19`81. Inscriptions from Syracuse. Includes corrections to previously published texts. Several of the inscriptions studied here appear in Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953): &3RAC 17 (1940) 46,1a (Agnello 82); 52,4 (19); 55,6 (74); 58,9 (101); 69,12a (102), and 72,12c (34). Of the two epigrams, &3RAC 17 (1940) 48,2 (W. Peek, &3Griechische Vers%19Inschriften& I [Berlin 1955], no. 94) is included, but 49,3 (Peek, &3GVI& 791) is omitted. @ Ferrua, A., "Epigrafia sicula pagana e cristiana," in &3Rivista &3di archeologia cristiana& 18,3%3`4, 1941, pp. 151%19`243. [`13 inscr.; 102 words; 45 lines] Inscriptions from Syracuse. Includes corrections to previously published texts. @ Ferrua, A., "Florilegio d'iscrizioni paleochristiane di Sicilia," in &3Rendiconti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di &3Archeologia& [RPARA] 22 (1946%19`1947 [`1948]), pp. 227%19`239. [`49 inscr.; 284 words; 170 lines] Inscriptions from Syracuse. Includes corrections to previously published texts. @ Jacopi, A., "Inscriptions byzantines date/es de la province de Lecce (Carpignano, Cavallino, San Cesario)," in &3Atti della &3Accademia nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti. Classe di scienze &3morali, storiche e filologiche.& Ser. 8, 37 (1983), pp. 41%19`61. [`8 inscr.; 180 words; 78 lines] @ Jacob, A., "L'Inscription me/trique de l'enfeu de Carpignano," in &3Rivista di studi byzantini e neoellenici,& N.S. 20%19`21 (1983%19`1984), pp. 103%19`122. [`1 inscr.; 151 words; 36 lines] @ Guillou, Andre/, "Une nouvelle inscription byzantine ine/dite de Trani (Italie)," in &3Okeanos. Essays presented to Ihor S%148evc%148enko &3on his Sixtieth Birthday& (&3Harvard Ukrainian Studies& 7 [`1983]), pp. 270%19`275. [`1 inscr.; 21 words; 3 lines] @ Kirchhoff, A., &3Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum, IV,2.& Berlin 1859. [`58 inscr.; 1586 words; 335 lines] Includes: inscriptions from Italy and Sicily not re%19edited in other works listed above. For other texts from &3CIG& IV, see under "Greece: Attica", "Constantinople" and "Varia: Collections". @ __ Gallia @ See Kaibel, &3IG& XIV (1890). @ Gauthier, N., &3Recueil des inscriptions chre/tiennes de la &3Gaule, I: Premie\re Belgique& [IChGaul]. Paris 1975. [`12 inscr.; 192 words; 65 lines] __ Includes: Greek Inscriptions only. @ Descombes, F., &3Recueil des inscriptions chre/tiennes de la &3Gaule, XV: Viennoise du Nord& [IChGaul]. Paris 1985. [`3 inscr.; 91 words; 47 lines] __ Includes: Greek Inscriptions only. @ __ Roman Africa @ For Latin inscriptions, see Diehl, &3ILCV& (1925%19`1928), and Durliat (1981), below. For Jewish and supposedly "judaizing" inscriptions, see Le Bohec (1981). @ Monceaux, P., "Enque=te sur l'e/pigraphie chre/tienne d'Afrique," in &3Revue arche/ologique,& 4th ser., 2 (1903) 59%19`90 and 240%19`256. [`119 inscr.; 618 words; 256 lines] The Greek inscriptions from this series only. @ Reynolds, J.M., and J.B. Ward Perkins, &3The Inscriptions of &3Roman Tripolitania& [IRTrip]. Rome 1952. [`7 inscr.; 64 words; 27 lines] The small number of Greek inscriptions only. @ __ Varia (Collections) @ Kirchhoff, A., &3Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum, IV,2.& Berlin 1859. [`147 inscr.; 1916 words; 704 lines] Includes: Inscriptions not re%19edited in other works included here. Where possible, the texts have been corrected from later editions. The inscriptions from (a) Constantinople, (b) Italy and Sicily, and (c) Athens and other parts of Greece have been separated and included beside the other collections covering those areas. Cf. K. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, "$*XRONOLOGHME/NAI $BUZANTINAI\ E)PIGRAFAI\ TOU=& Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum IV,2," in &3Deltion Christianikes Archaiologikes Hetaireias& ser. 4, 9 (1977%19`1979), pp. 77%19`132. @ &3Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum& [SEG]. Volumes 1%19`36. Leiden 1923%19`1989. [`1498 inscr.; 21956 words; 7786 lines] @ &3Anthologia graeca,& ed. H. Beckby. 4 vols. 2nd edn. Munich 1965%19`1968. [`33 inscr.; 1187 words; 205 lines] Select epigrams of the late%19antique period from sites other than Constantinople. @ Guarducci, M., &3Epigrafia greca, IV: Epigrafi sacre, pagane e &3cristiane.& Rome 1978. Pp. 301%19`556. [`20 inscr.; 701 words; 222 lines] A small number of inscriptions not found in other collections here. The full biblical texts (&3Judges& 14.6%19`16.30) accompanying the cycle of mosaic%19representations of the story of Sampson at Mopsuhestia (Cilicia), mentioned by Guarducci, p. 429, have been added here from H.G. Thu+mmel, "Das Sampson%19Mosaik in Misis (Mopsuhestia) und seine Inschriften," in &3Zeitschrift des deutschen Pala+stina%19Vereins& 90,1 (1974), pp. 69%19`75. @ De/le/age, A., &3Capitation du Bas%19Empire& [Capit]. "Annales de l'Est, Me/moires," 14. Nancy 1945. [`8 inscr.; 257 words; 164 lines] @ Grabar, A., &3Les Reve=tements en or et en argent des icones &3byzantines du Moyen Age.& "Bibliothe\que de l'Institut helle/nique d'e/tudes byzantines et post%19byzantines de Venise," 7. Venice 1975. [`15 inscr.; 289 words; 87 lines] @ Robert, J. and L., "Bulletin e/pigraphique" [`1938%19`1980], published (semi%19)annually in the &3Revue des e/tudes grecques (Paris), and separately reprinted in nine volumes (Paris 1972%19`1982), with five volumes of indices (Paris 1973%19`1983) [BE]. [`134 inscr.; 1854 words; 358 lines] As a temporary expedient, texts__and significant extracts__quoted in the "Bulletin" (1956%19`1976) from inscriptions not found in other collections in the data bank or in &3SEG& have been included. In general, line%19divisions are not indicated, and the user will need to refer to the original publications cited in the "Bulletin" in order to obtain a proper text. @ Halkin, F., "Inscriptions grecques relative a\ l'hagiographie," in &3Analecta Bollandiana& 67 (1949), 69 (1951), 70 (1952), and 71 (1953), reprinted in &3E/tudes d'e/pigraphie grecque &3d'hagiographie byzantine& (London: Variorum 1973). [`20 inscr.; 271 words; 89 lines] As in the case of the "Bulletin e/pigraphique" (above), certain texts quoted in the bibliographic survey of Halkin, which are not found in other publications contained in the data bank or in &3SEG,& have been included here __ among them, H. Delehaye, "L'Aqueduc de S. Socrate a\ Ze/nopolis," in &3Analecta Bollandiana& 30 (1911), pp. 316%19`320 (%6 Halkin 5.88), and the dated memorial inscription of Arsavir from Constantinople, published by C. Mango, "The Funeral Tree. A Newly%19discovered Byzantine Inscription from Istanbul," in &3Archaeology& 3 (1950) 140%19`141 (%6 Halkin IV,310). @ __ Varia (Periodicals) @ @@@Select inscriptions from various periodicals, not found in other collections in the data bank and not reprinted in &3SEG. [`511 inscr.; 8278 words; 2841 lines] @ @@@Many works of great merit and special interest, each deserving separate mention, are "anonymously" incorporated in the collection here. @ @@@The thoroughness of coverage varies greatly from one periodical to the next. The best%19represented are the &3Bulletin &3de correspondance helle/nique, Byzantion& and the &3Journal of &3Hellenic Studies& __ and even in the case of these publications the collection is not complete. @ &3Archeion Byzantino%26n Mne%26meio%26n Hellados& (Athens) [`16 inscr.; 271 words; 58 lines]; __ &3Archaiologikon Deltion& (Athens) [`16 inscr.; 133 words; 42 lines]; __ &3Archaeologisch%19epigraphische &3Mittheilungen aus Oesterreich%19Ungarn& (Vienna) [`10 inscr.; 123 words; 49 lines]; __ &3Archaiologike%26 Ephe%26meris& (Athens) [`21 inscr.; 181 words; 76 lines]; __ &3Mitteilungen des deutschen &3archa+ologischen Instituts. Athenische Abteilung& (Berlin) [`40 inscr.; 467 words; 184 lines]; __ &3Anatolian Studies& (London) [`54 inscr.; 410 words; 215 lines]; __ &3Athena& (Athens) [`9 inscr.; 66 words; 30 lines]; __ &3Bulletin de correspondance &3helle/nique& (Paris) [`117 inscr.; 2009 words; 749 lines]; __ &3Berliner philologische Wochenschrift& (Berlin) [`2 inscr.; 26 words; 11 lines]; __ &3Byzantion& (Brussels) [`24 inscr.; 780 words; 235 lines]; __ &3Byzantinoslavica& (Prague) [`1 inscr.; 19 words; 9 lines]; __ &3Byzantinische Zeitschrift& (Leipzig) [`22 inscr.; 383 words; 128 lines]; __ &3Deltion Christianike%26s &3Archaiologike%26s Hetaireias& (Athens) [`12 inscr.; 150 words; 35 lines]; __ &3Epete%26ris Hetaireias Byzantino%26n Spoudo%26n& (Athens) [`2 inscr.; 18 words; 6 lines]; __ &3Mitteilungen des deutschen &3archa+ologischen Instituts. Istanbuler Abteilung& (Berlin) [`5 inscr.; 26 words; 8 lines]; __ &3Journal of Hellenic Studies (London) [`75 inscr.; 1188 words; 508 lines]; __ &3Jahreshefte &3der o+sterreichischen archa+ologischen Instituts in Wien (Vienna) [`4 inscr.; 75 words; 25 lines]; __ &3Jahrbuch der &3o+sterreichischen Byzantinistik& (Vienna) [`12 inscr.; 322 words; 56 lines]; __ &3Kokalos& (Palermo) [`1 inscr.; 22 words; 9 lines]; __ &3Me/langes de la faculte/ orientale. Universite/ Saint%19Joseph, &3Beyrouth (Liban)& (Beirut) [`32 inscr.; 543 words; 191 lines]; __ &3Praktika Archaiologike%26s Hetaireias& (Athens) [`3 inscr.; 18 words; 6 lines]; __ &3Syria. Revue d'art oriental et &3d'arche/ologie& (Paris) [`11 inscr.; 173 words; 31 lines]; __ &3Travaux et me/moires& (Paris) [`14 inscr.; 490 words; 112 lines]. &3Zbornik radova Bizantolos%148kog Instituta& (Beograd) [`8 inscr.; 385 words; 68 lines]. @ @@@In addition to the periodicals, the abbreviated titles of which are given below, the following works have also been included here: @ Robert, L., &3Hellenica. Recueil d'e/pigraphie, de numismatique &3et d'antiquite/s grecques.& Paris 1940%19`1960. Vols. 1 (1940), 2 (1946), 4 (1948) and 11%19`12 (1960). [`18 inscr.; 746 words; 216 lines] @ Siebt, W., "Das Reliquarkreuz des Leon 'Damokranites'," in $*B*U*Z*A*N*T*I*O*S. &3Festschrift fu+r Herbert Hunger zum 70. Geburtstag, ed. W. Ho+randner, J. Koder, O. Kresten and E. Trapp (Vienna 1984), pp. 301%19`310 [FestHunger]. [`1 inscr.; 35 words; 7 lines] @ Periodicals and other abbreviations__not consistently employed: @ AAA &3Archaiologika Analekta ex Athe%26no%26n& (Athens) ArchAnz &3Jahrbuch des deutschen archa+ologischen Instituts. &3@@@@@@@@@@@@Archa+ologischer Anzeiger& (Berlin) ABME &3Archeion Byzantino%26n Mne%26meio%26n Hellados& (Athens) AEubMel &3Archeion Euboi+ko%26n Meleto%26n& (Athens) AD &3Archaiologikon Deltion& (Athens) AEMO &3Archaeologisch%19epigraphische Mittheilungen aus &3@@@@@@@@@@@@Oesterreich%19Ungarn& (Vienna) AEph &3Archaiologike%26 Ephe%26meris& (Athens) AJA &3American Journal of Archaeology& (Boston) AM &3Mitteilungen des deutschen archa+ologischen Instituts. &3@@@@@@@@@@@@Athenische Abteilung& (Berlin) Ann &3Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene& (Rome) AnalBoll &3Analecta Bollandiana& (Brussels%3Paris) ArchIug &3Archaeologica Iugoslavica& (Ljubljana) AS &3Anatolian Studies& (London) Ath &3Athena& (Athens) AusgFund &3Ausgrabungen und Funde& (Berlin) BCH &3Bulletin de correspondance helle/nique& (Paris) BEO &3Bulletin d'e/tudes orientales& (Cairo%3Paris) BNgJ &3Byzantinisch%19neugriechische Jahrbu+cher& (Athens%3Berlin) BPhW &3Berliner philologische Wochenschrift& (Berlin) BSA &3Annual of the British School at Athens& (London) Byz &3Byzantion& (Brussels) ByzBulg &3Byzantinobulgarica& (Sofia) Byzslav &3Byzantinoslavica& (Prague) BZ &3Byzantinische Zeitschrift& (Leipzig) DChAE &3Deltion Christianike%26s Archaiologike%26s Hetaireias @@@@@@@@@@@@(Athens) DOP &3Dumbarton Oaks Papers& (Washington D.C.) EEBS &3Epete%26ris Hetaireias Byzantino%26n Spoudo%26n& (Athens) EO &3E/chos d'Orient& (Paris) Ergon &3Ergon& (Athens) EtBalk &3E/tudes balkaniques& (Sofia) Hellenika &3Hellenika& (Thessalonike) Hsp &3Hesperia& (Princeton) HUS &3Harvard Ukrainian Studies& (Cambridge, Mass.) IM &3Mitteilungen des deutschen archa+ologischen Instituts. &3@@@@@@@@@@@@Istanbuler Abteilung& (Berlin) IRAIK &3Isvestija Russkago Archeologicheskago Instituta ve &3@@@@@@@@@@@@Konstantinopolje& (Sofia) JdI &3Jahrbuch des deutschen archa+ologischen Instituts @@@@@@@@@@@@(Berlin) JHS &3Journal of Hellenic Studies& (London) JOAI &3Jahreshefte des o+sterreichischen archa+ologischen &3@@@@@@@@@@@@Instituts in Wien& (Vienna) JOB &3Jahrbuch der o+sterreichischen Byzantinistik& (Vienna) JRS &3Journal of Roman Studies& (London) JThS &3Journal of Theological Studies& (Oxford) Klio &3Klio& (Weisbaden) Kokalos &3Kokalos& (Palermo) KSyl &3Helle%26nikos philologikos Syllogos Ko%26nstantinopoleo%26s @@@@@@@@@@@@(Istanbul) MBey &3Me/langes de l'Universite/ Saint%19Joseph, Beyrouth &3@@@@@@@@@@@@(Liban)& (Beirut) MEFRA &3Me/langes de l'E/cole Franc%25aise de Rome: Antiquite/ @@@@@@@@@@@@(Rome) NH &3Neos Helle%26nomne%26mo%26n,& ed. S. Lampros (Athens) OrChrPer &3Orientalia christiana periodica& (Rome) PAE &3Praktika Archaiologike%26s Hetaireias& (Athens) PrAA &3Praktika Akade%26mias Athe%26no%26n& (Athens) PrChAE &3Praktika Christianike%26s Archaiologike%26s Hetaireias @@@@@@@@@@@@(Athens) RA &3Revue arche/ologique& (Paris) RAC &3Rivista di archeologia cristiana& (Rome) RB &3Revue biblique& (Paris) RPARA &3Rendiconti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di &3@@@@@@@@@@@@Archeologia& (Rome) RQ &3Ro+mische Quartalschrift fu+r christliche &3@@@@@@@@@@@@Altertumskunde und fu+r Kirchengeschichte @@@@@@@@@@@@(Freiburg) REB &3Revue des e/tudes byzantines& (Paris) RIPBelg &3Revue de l'instruction publique en Belgique& (Brussels) SBFCM &3Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Collectio Minor @@@@@@@@@@@@(Jerusalem) Syllekt &3Syllekte%26s& (Athens) Syria &3Syria. Revue d'art oriental et d'arche/ologie& (Paris) TM &3Travaux et me/moires& (Paris) VizVr &3Vizantijskij Vremennik& (Petrograd) ZbRad &3Zbornik radova Bizantolos%148kog Instituta& (Beograd) ZPE &3Zeitschrift fu+r Papyrologie und Epigraphik& (Bonn) @ Other miscellaneous abbreviations: @ ANRW &3Aufstieg und Niedergang der ro+mischen Welt.& ed. H. @@@@@@@@@@@@Temporini and W. Haase. Berlin 1972 and on. ByzVind &3Byzantina Vindobonensia& (Vienna) BE "Bulletin e/pigraphique," ed. J. and L. Robert, in &3@@@@@@@@@@@@Revue des e/tudes grecques& (Paris) CIL &3Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum ChOrl &3Chariste%26rion eis A.K. Orlandon.& 4 vols. "Bibliothe%26ke%26 @@@@@@@@@@@@te%26s en Athe%26nais Archaiologike%26s Hetaireias," 54; @@@@@@@@@@@@Athens 1965%19`1968. DkWien &3Denkschriften der o+sterreichischen Akademie der &3@@@@@@@@@@@@Wissenschaften in Wien& (Vienna) FD &3Fouilles de Delphes& (Paris). GVI W. Peek, &3Griechische Vers%19Inschriften, I.& Leipzig @@@@@@@@@@@@`1955. @ º@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Jewish Inscriptions @ *Frey, J.%19B., &3Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaicarum. I. Europe. Vatican City 1936. Reprinted with an extensive "&3Prolegomenon&" by B. Lifshitz (New York 1975). The corrections and supplements of Lifshitz have been incorporated. [`928 inscr.; 11,426 words; 4529 lines] @ *%Frey, J.%19B., &3Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaicarum. II. &3Asie%19Afrique.& Vatican City 1952. Supplemented and corrected from: B. Lifshitz, &3Donateurs et fondateurs dans les synagogues &3grecques. Re/pertoire des de/dicaces grecques relatives a\ la &3construction et a\ la re/fection des synagogues& (Paris 1967); __ L. Robert, &3Nouvelles inscriptions de Sardes& (Paris 1964); __ *J. Reynolds and R. Tannenbaum, &3Jews and God%19Fearers at &3Aphrodisias& ("Cambridge Philological Society, Supplementary Volume," 12; Cambridge 1987); __ C.B. Welles, in C.H. Kraeling, &3Excavations at Dura%19Europos. Final Report VIII, Part &3I: The Synagogue& (New Haven 1956; augmented reprint, 1979); *M. Schwabe and B. Lifshitz, &3Beth She%102arim, II. The Greek &3Inscriptions.& Jerusalem 1964 (Engl. ed. 1974); __ *N. Avigad, "The Hebrew and Aramaic Inscriptions," in &3Beth She%102arim, III. &3Catacombs 12%19`23.& Jerusalem 1971 (Engl. ed. 1976), pp. 230%19`258; __ D.M. Lewis, "The Jewish Inscriptions of Egypt," in Tcherikover, Fuks and Stern, &3Corpus Papyrorum Judaicarum& III (Cambridge, Mass. 1964); __ and other sources. [`789 inscr.; 8547 words; 3537 lines] @ *Lu+deritz, G., &3Corpus ju+discher Zeugnisse aus der Cyrenaika. Wiesbaden 1983. [`253 inscr.; 2952 words; 1444 lines] @ *Le Bohec, Y., "Inscriptions juives et judai+santes de l'Afrique romaine," in &3Antiquite/s africaines& 17 (1981), pp. 165%19`207. [`119 inscr.; 539 words; 358 lines] @ &3Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum& [SEG]. vols. 1%19`35. Leiden 1923%19`1988. [`169 inscr.; 1097 words; 576 lines] Jewish inscriptions and comparanda. @ Note: Where Hebrew occurs in a Greek or Latin inscription, the text is given in transliteration (code: #1219`81). Hebrew and Aramaic inscriptions, together with the Hebrew passages from bilingual texts, are included separately in Hebrew script. The Michigan%19Clairmont coding system for Hebrew, which is used here, brings with it certain inherent deficiencies for the representation of epigraphical texts. In display, encoded editorial signs (brackets, missing%19letter dots, hyphens, etc.) will not appear, and medial and final letter%19forms will sometimes be confused. A modified version of the Hebrew encoding system has been proposed by PHI (9.95). @ The collection of Hebrew and Aramaic inscriptions of the Roman and Byzantine periods in &3CIJ& II (1952), reproduced here, is **incomplete. See F. Hu+ttenmeister, &3Die Antiken Synagogen in &3Israel, 1: Die ju+dischen Synagogen, Lehrha+user und &3Gerichtsho+fe,& and G. Reeg, &3Die Antiken Synagogen in Israel, 2: &3Die samaritanischen Synagogen,& "Beihefte zum Tu+binger Altas der Vorderen Orients, Reihe B (Geisteswissenschaften)," 12:1%19`2 (Wiesbaden 1977), and K. Beyer, &3Die arama+ischen Texte vom &3Toten Meer, samt den Inschriften aus Pala+stina, dem Testament &3Levis aus der Kairoer Genisa, der Fastenrolle und den alten &3talmudischen Zitaten& (Go+ttingen 1984). In the future, the new texts from these volumes will be added to the data bank. @ ú@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@Latin Inscriptions&4`2& (7.4.1995) @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@General @ *&7Diehl,& Ernst. &3Inscriptiones Latinae Christianae Veteres. Vols. 1%19`2. Berlin 1925%19`1928. Reprinted with "&3Emendationes&" by J. Moreau and H. Marrou (Berlin, Dublin %9 Zu+rich 1961%19`1967). [Items: 7295; Words: 155213; Lines: 40862] __ The corrections collected by Moreau and Marrou have been incorporated. __ Texts quotes in the notes ("adn.") are not included. __ Duplicates of a few inscriptions (23) published here have also been included in the collection of Greek inscriptions, under "Varia" __ See also (not incorporated) Antonio &7Ferrua, &3Nuove correzioni alla Silloge del Diehl, Inscriptiones &3Latinae Christianae Veteres.& ("Sussidi allo Studio della Antichita\ Cristiane, pubblicati a cura del Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana," 7; Citta\ del Vaticano 1981). @ &7Dessau,& Hermann. &3Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae.& 3 vols. Berlin 1892%19`1916. [Items: 470; Words: 18093; Lines: 4861] __ Selections: "Tituli imperatorum domusque imperatoriae," nos. 612%19`861, 8928%19`8956, "Tituli virorum et mulierum ordinis senatorii," nos. 1211%19`1312, 8982%19`8994 "Tituli virorum nonnullorum in litteris clarorum," nos. 2941%19`2952. @ &7Riccobono,& Salvatore. &3Fontes Iuris Romani Antejustiniani. &3Pars Prima: Leges.& 2nd ed. Florence 1941. Only &3FIRA&(`2) I, p. 458, no. 93 (Brigetium). [Items: 1; Words: 430; Lines: 38] __ Appended to Dessau, &3ILS& (above). __ Other documents: &3FIRA&(`2) I, p. 458, no. 94, here &3ICret.& I (1935), p. 226, no. 188 (Lyttos); p. 461, no. 95 (&3ILS& 6091), here &3MAMA& 7 (1956), no. 305 (Orkistos); 464, no. 96, P.Col. 7.145, here &3SB& 5.8246 (as re%19edited in R.S. Bagnall and N. Lewis, &3Fourth Century &3Documents from Karanis& [Missoula 1979]); p. 466, no. 97, here Gre/goire, &3Recueil& (1922), no. 314 (Isinda); p. 468, no. 98, here &3SEG& 8.171 (Jerusalem). __ For the edict of Maximinus Daia concerning the Christians see Gre/goire, &3Recueil& no. 282 (&3TAM& 2.118 [Arykanda]; &3OGIS& 2.569). __ For the rescript of Constantine to Hispallum see Dessau, &3ILS& 155. __ The edict of 297 A.C. concerning the new tax system of Diocletian, &3P.Cair.Isid.& 1, is included as &3SB& 5.7622. __ The additional papyrological material contained in M. Amellotti and L. Migliardi Zingale, &3Le costituzione giustinianee nei papiri e &3nelle epigrafi& (2nd ed.; Milan 1985) has not been incorporated. @ *&7Lauffer,& Siegfried. &3Diokletians Preisedikt.& Berlin 1971. __ Composite text, with the corresponding Latin and Greek versions juxtaposed. [Items: 1; Words: 16870; Lines: 2745] @ *&7Durliat,& Jean., &3Les De/dicaces d'ouvrages de de/fense dans &3l'Afrique byzantine.& "Collection de l'E/cole Franc%25aise de Rome," 49. Rome 1981. [Items: 40; Words: 1277; Lines: 248] @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Italy @ &7Rugo,& Pietro. &3Le iscrizioni dei sec. VI%19VII%19VIII esistenti in &3Italia.& 5 vols. Cittadella (Padova) 1974%19`1980. vols. I, &3Austria Longobarda,& 1974; II, &3Venezia e Istria,& 1975; III, &3Escarato, Pentapoli e Tuscia,& 1976; IV, &3I Ducati di Spoleto e &3Benevento,& 1978; and V, &3Neustria,& 1980. [Items: 777; Words: 15532; Lines: 4892] @ @ &3Inscriptiones Italiae& X,1%19`3 (Roma 1934%19`1947). Vol. 1, &3Pola et &3Nesactium,& ed. Bruna &7Forlati Tamaro.& 1947; vol. 2, &3Parentium, ed. Attilio &7Degrassi.& 1934; vol. 3, &3Histria septentrionalis, ed. Attilio &7Degrassi.& [Items: 165; Words: 1529; Lines: 686] __ Selections. @ &7Monneret De Villard, Ugo. &3Castello Sforzesco& [Milano]. &3Catalogo &3delle iscrizioni cristiane anteriori al secolo XI.& Milan 1915. [Items: 50; Words: 1225; Lines: 385] @ &7Patrono, C.M.,& "Le Iscrizioni bizantine di Ravenna," in &3Atti &3e memorie delle R. deputazione di storia per le provincie di &3Romangna,& 3rd ser., 27, Bologna 1909, pp. 347%19`374. [Items: 18; Words: 917; Lines: 182] Latin texts only, selected from E. Bormann, &3Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, XI: Inscriptiones &3Aemiliae, Etruriae, Umbriae latinae, 1.& Berlin 1888. For the Greek texts, see Bollini &3IGrRav& (1975). @ &3Il Santuario di S. Michele sul Gargano dal VI al IX secolo. &3Contributo alla storia della Langobardia meridonale. ú&3Atti del Convegno tenuto a Monte Sant'Angelo il 9%19`10 dicembre &3`1978.& Giorgio &7Otranto& and Carlo &7Carletti,& eds. "&3Vetera &3Christianorum.& Scavi e ricerche," 2. Bari 1980. [Items: 173; Words: 847; Lines: 497] __ Especially, Carlo Carletti, "Iscrizioni murali," pp. 7%19`180. @ __ Other collections (not yet included): @ &3Inscriptiones Christianae Italiae septimo saeculo &3antiquiores.& 7 vols. Bari 1985%19`1990 and continuing. [Abbrev.: &3IChItal&] Vols. 1 [VII(1)], &3Volsinii: Regio VII,& ed. Carlo &7Carletti& (1985); __ 2 [VII(2)], &3Centumcellae: Regio VII,& ed. Danilo &7Mazzoleni& (1985); __ 3 [IV], &3Cluviae, Interpromium, &3Sulmo, Corfinium, Superaequum, Peltuinum, Aveia, Marruvium, &3Supinum Vicus, Alba Fucens, Carsioli, Amiternum, Interocrium: &3Regio IV,& ed. G. Giacomo &7Pani& (1986); __ 4 [VII(3)], &3Ager &3Capenas: Regio VII,& ed. Vincenzo &7Fiocchi Nicolai& (1986); __ 5 [III], &3Regium Iulium, Locri, Taurianum, Trapeia, Vibo &3Valentia, Copia__Thurii, Blanda Iulia : Regio III,& ed. Marco &7Buonocore& (1987); __ 6 [VI], &3Umbria: Regio VI,& ed. Gianfranco &7Binazzi& (1989); __ 7 [IX], &3Dertona, Libarna, Forum Iulii &3Iriensium: Regio IX,& ed. Giovanni &7Mennella& (1990). @ &7Monneret De Villard, Ugo. &3Iscrizioni cristiane della &3provincia di Como anteriori al secolo XI.& Como 1912. @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Gaul and Germany @ *&7Le Blant,& Edmond. &3Recueil des inscriptions chre/tiennes de la &3Gaule ante/rieures au VIIIe sie\cle.& Vol. 1, &3Provinces &3Gallicanes&; vol. 2, &3Le Sept Provinces.& "Collection de documents ine/dits sur l'histoire de France, publie/s par les soins du Ministre de l'instruction publique". Paris 1856%19`1865. [Abbrev.: &3ICG&] [Items: 606; Words: 22541; Lines: 5367] __ Included: Inscriptions not re%19edited in Gauthier, &3RICG& I (1975) and Descombes, &3RICG& XV (1985), or in Gose, &3Katalog ... Trier& (1958), below. A few indubitable forgeries and non%19Christian inscriptions of the imperial period have been omitted. The literary texts are included (see below for additional bibliography). __ References to "&3CIL&", without the volume%19number, are to &3CIL& XIII,1%19`4 (1899%19`1916). Abbreviations: B. %6 Boppert; D. %6 Diehl, &3ILCV&; Ds. %6 Dessau, &3ILS&; G. %6 Gose; K. %6 Kraus; N. %6 Nahon; W. %6 Wessel; Fieb.%19Schm. %6 Fiebiger__Schmidt; &3HFS& %6 Duchesne, &3Historiae &3Francorum scriptores&; &3RHG& %6 Bouquet, &3Recueil des historiens &3des Gaules ...&; Mai, &3NC& %6 Mai, &3Scriptorum veterum nova &3collectio&; &3MGH& %6 &3Monumenta Germaniae Historica&; Stroh. %6 Stroheker, &3Die senatorische Adel& (1948). @ *&7Le Blant,& Edmond. &3Nouveau Recueil des inscriptions &3chre/tiennes de la Gaule ante/rieures au VIIIe sie\cle. "Collection de documents ine/dits sur l'histoire de France, publie/s par les soins du Ministre de l'instruction publique". Paris 1892. [Abbrev.: &3NR&] [Items: 311; Words: 4978; Lines: 1989] __ Supplement to &7Le Blant, &3Recueil des inscriptions &3chre/tiennes de la Gaule& (1856%19`1865). The &3Nouveau Recueil& was published after the appearance of &7Hirschfeld, &3CIL& XII (1888), below. __ Included: Inscriptions not re%19edited in Gauthier, &3RICG& I (1975) and Descombes, &3RICG& XV (1985), or in Gose, &3Katalog ... Trier& (1958), below. __ References to "&3CIL&", without the volume%19number, are to &3CIL& XIII,1%19`4 (1899%19`1916). @ &7Hirschfeld, Otto. &3Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, XII: &3Galliae Narbonensis.& Berlin 1888. [Items: 364; Words: 7931; Lines: 2981]. __ Included: Inscriptions not re%19edited in Descombes, &3RICG& XV (1985) below. The texts of other inscriptions previously published in &7Le Blant, &3Recueil des &3inscriptions chre/tiennes de la Gaule& (1856%19`1865) or &3Nouveau &3Recueil& (1892) are included in both places. __ A small number of Greek inscriptions are appended from Kaibel, &3IG& XIV (1890): nos. 2462 (Le Blant, &3ICG& 547), 2463 (Le Blant, &3NR 215), 2473, 2476 (&3ICG& 521), 2481, 2493 (&3NR& 150), and 2494. Three Jewish inscriptions are also appended from &7Nahon, &3Inscriptions he/brai+ques et juives de France me/die/vale& (1986), below: nos. 287 (Le Blant, &3NR& 292; Frey, &3CIJ& 1.671) 291 (Le Blant, &3ICG& 621; Frey, &3CIJ& 1.670) and 326C (Greek). @ &7Espe/randieu, Emile. &3Inscriptions latines de Gaule &3(Narbonnaise).& Paris 1929. [Abbrev.: &3ILGN&] [Items: 24; Words: 461; Lines: 191] Supplement to &3CIL& XII (1888). __ Included: Late%19antique and Christian inscriptions not previously published in &7Le Blant, &3Nouveau Recueil& (1892). @ &7Grenier,& Albert. &3Carte arche/ologique de la Gaule romaine, XII: &3De/partement de l'Aude.& Paris 1959. "Narbonne chre/tienne," pp. 47%19`58. [Items: 11; Words: 172; Lines: 63]: @ &7Hirschfeld,& Otto, and others. &3Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, &3XIII: Trium Galliarum et Germaniae.& 8 vols. Berlin 1899%19`1943. [Items: 777; Words: 13073; Lines: 4826] __ Individual volumes and fasicules: Otto &7Hirschfeld,& ed., &3CIL& XIII,1:1 (1899), &3Inscriptiones Aquitaniae et Lugdunensis,& nos. 1%19`3252; Otto &7Hirschfeld& and Karl &7Zangemeister,& eds., &3CIL& XIII,1:2 (1904), &3Inscriptiones Belgicae,& nos. 3253%19`4740; Otto &7Hirschfeld& and Karl &7Zangemeister,& eds., &3CIL& XIII,2:1 (1905), &3Inscriptiones &3Germaniae Superioris,& nos. 5001%19`7775; Alfred &7Domaszewski, ed., &3CIL& XIII,2:2 (1907), &3Inscriptiones Germaniae Inferioris, nos. 7776%19`8860, including &3Miliaria Galliarum et Germaniarum, edited by %Theodor &7Mommsen,& Otto &7Hirschfeld& and Alfred &7Domaszewski,& nos. 8861%19`9165; Otto &7Hirschfeld,& Karl &7Zangemeister,& Oscar &7Bohn& eds., &3CIL& XIII,3:1 (1901) and 3:2 (1906), &3Instrumentum Domesticum,& nos. 10001%19`10036; Otto &7Hirschfeld,& Hermann &7Finke,& and others, eds., &3CIL& XIII,3:4 (1916), &3Addenda ad Partes Primam et Secundam,& nos. 11001%19`12090; Johann &7Szlatolawek& and Hermann &7Dessau, &3CIL XIII,5 (1953), &3Indices& (including maps); Ernst &7Stein,& Hans &7Volkmann& and Paul &7Steiner,& eds., &3CIL& XIII,6 (1933), &3Signacula &3publice laterculis impressa,& nos. 12091%19`13099; __ Included: Inscriptions not re%19edited in Gauthier, &3RICG& I (1975) and Descombes, &3RICG& XV (1985), or in Gose, &3Katalog ... Trier (1958), below. The texts of other inscriptions in &7Le Blant, &3Recueil des inscriptions chre/tiennes de la Gaule& (1856%19`1865) or &3Nouveau Recueil& (1892) are included in both places. __ One Greek inscription and one inscribed weight (possibly alien) are appended from Kaibel, &3IG& XIV (1890): nos. 2525 (Le Blant, &3ICG& 4), and 2579,3. For &3IG& 14.2573,21 and 2577,5 (both &3instrumenta&) see Kraus, &3Rheinland& I (1890), nos. 17 and 71, @ &7Wuilleumier,& Pierre. &3Inscriptions latines des Trois Gaules. "&3Gallia,&" Suppl. 17. Paris 1963. [Abbrev.: &3ILTG&] [Items: 53; Words: 920; Lines: 331] Supplement (excluding the two Germanies) to &3CIL& XIII,1%19`4 (1899%19`1916). __ Included: Late%19antique and Christian inscriptions only. @ &7Boussard,& Jacques. &3Carte arche/ologique de la Gaule romaine, &3XIII: De/partement de l'Indre%19et%19Loire.& Paris 1959. "Appendice e/pigraphique," pp. 125%19`127. [Items: 2; Words: 41; Lines: 11]: @ &7Descombes,& Franc%25oise and Jean%19Franc%25ois &7Reynaud.& "E/pitaphes chre/tiennes re/cemment de/couvertes a\ Lyon". In &3Rivista di &3archeologia cristiana& 54,3%19`4 (1978), pp. 265%19`302. [Items: 22; Words: 489; Lines: 154] @ *&7Descombes, Franc%25oise. &3Recueil des inscriptions chre/tiennes de &3la Gaule ante/rieures a\ la Renaissance carolingienne, XV: &3Viennoise du Nord.& Paris 1985. [Abbrev.: &3RICG&] [Items: 310; Words: 7848; Lines: 2618] __ References to &3CIL& XII (1888) are given in brackets following the cross%19references to &7Le Blant, &3Recueil des inscriptions chre/tiennes de la Gaule& (1856%19`1865) or &3Nouveau Recueil& (1892); references to "&3CIL&", without the volume%19number, are to &3CIL& XII. __ For other inscriptions from úVienna (Vienne) and N. Viennensis, not re%19edited in &3RICG& XV, see &3CIL& 12.1789, 1795a, 1852, 1858, 2016, 2136, 2173, 2174a,A%19B, 2174c, 2175d, 2176a%19`2176b, 2176e, 2177e%19`2177h, 2229, 2643, 2648%19`2649, 5508, 5512%19`5513, 5516%19`5517, 5543, 5547, 5560, 5562, 5697,2, 5697,5, 5863, and Falsa 180* @ &7Sautel,& Joseph. &3Carte arche/ologique de la Gaule romaine, XI: &3De/partement de la Dro=me.& Paris 1957. "Appendice e/pigraphique," pp. 129%19`155. [Items: 5; Words: 62; Lines: 33]: @ *&7Gauthier, Nancy. &3Recueil des inscriptions chre/tiennes de la &3Gaule ante/rieures a\ la Renaissance carolingienne, I: Premie\re &3Belgique.& Paris 1975. [Abbrev.: &3RICG&] [Items: 325; Words: 5731; Lines: 1980] __ Cross%19references to the publication of Gose, &3Katalog ... Trier& (1958) are added in parentheses to the inscription%19numbers. References to &3CIL& XIII,1:2 (1904) and XIII,3:4 (1916) are given in brackets following the cross%19references to &7Le Blant, &3Recueil des inscriptions &3chre/tiennes de la Gaule& (1856%19`1865) or &3Nouveau Recueil (1892); references to "&3CIL&", without the volume%19number, are to &3CIL& XIII. __ For other inscriptions from Augusta Treverorum (Trier__Tre\ves) and Belgica Prima, not re%19edited in &3RICG& I, see Gose, &3Katalog ... Trier& (1958) (below). @ &7Gose,& Erich. &3Katalog der fru+hchristlichen Inschriften in &3Trier.& "Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier. Trierer Grabungen und Forschungen," 3; Berlin 1958. [Items: 680; Words: 5583; Lines: 3271] Catalogue of the inscriptions of the early Christian period from Trier in the Rheinisches Landesmuseum. __ Included: Inscriptions not re%19edited in Gauthier, &3RICG& I (1975). For items marked with an asterisk (*) see &7Karl &7Kra+mer, &3Die fru+hchristlichen Grabschriften Triers. &3Untersuchungen zu Formular, Chronologie, Pala+ographie und &3Fundort__mit einem epigraphischen Nachtrag& ("Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier. Trierer Grabungen und Forschungen," 8; Mainz am Rhein 1974), pp. 80%19`102, "Bemerkungen zu Text und Deutung der Trierer Inschriften". @ &3Fru+hchristliche Zeugnisse im Einzugsgebiet von Rhein und &3Mosel.& Trier 1965. [Abbrev.: &3FZ&] Theodor Konrad &7Kempf& and Wilhelm &7Reusch,& eds., with Maria R. Alfo+ldi, Heinz Cu+ppers, Else Fo+rster and Margherita Guarducci. [Items: 43; Words: 277; Lines: 157] __ Included: The remainder of inscriptions from Trier not previously published in Gose, &3Katalog ... &3Trier& (1958) or re%19edited in Gauthier, &3RICG& I (1975), and a small number of &3instrumenta& from other sites. @ &3Trier. Kaiserresidenz und Bischofssitz. Die Stadt in &3spa+tantiker und fru+hchristlicher.& Heinz &7Cu+ppers,& ed. "Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier." Mainz am Rhein 1984. [Items: 18; Words: 222; Lines: 67] @ &7Boppert,& Walburg. &3Fru+hchristliche Inschriften des &3Mittelrheingebietes.& Mainz am Rhein 1971. [Items: 14; Words: 238; Lines: 109] __ Commentaries on selected inscriptions from Mainz, Bingen, Boppard, Wiesbaden and Worms. __ Included: Only the small number of inscriptions not published in &3CIL& XIII,2:1 (1905) and XIII,3:4 (1916), where cross%19references to Boppert ("B.") are added. References are to the page%19numbers of the monograph of Boppert. @ &3Bericht der Ro+misch%19germanischen Kommission des Deutschen &3Archa+ologischen Instituts,& Suppls. 1%19`4 [Items: 31; Words: 408; Lines: 200]: @ &7Finke,& Hermann. "Neue Inschriften". In &3Bericht der &3Ro+misch%19germanischen Kommission des Deutschen Archa+ologischen &3Instituts& 17 (1927 [`1929]), pp. 1*%19`2*, 1%19`107, with "Nachtra+ge zu den neuen Inschriften," &3ibid.,& pp. 198%19`231. __ Supplements (1916%19`1926) to &3CIL& 13,1%19`2 for those parts of Gallia Belgica, Germania Superior and Germania Inferior lying within the borders of modern Switzerland, Germany (pre%19war), Luxembourg and the Netherlands. __ Two items included by Finke had already been published in &3CIL& XIII (the volume of &3Indices& had not yet been compiled): "Neue Inschriften," 21,63 %6 &3CIL 13.3899 [&3RICG& 1.62], and 92,277 %6 &3CIL& 13:2,2.1310b*, p. 32* [&3NR& 88%3`440; Kraus 282]. __ "Neue Inschriften," 100,302 described as a "Bru+chstuck eines fru+hchristlichen Grabsteins", does not appear to be an inscription of the Christian period. @ &7Nesselhauf,& Herbert. "Neue Inschriften aus dem ro+mischen Germanien und den angrenzenden Gebieten". In &3Bericht der &3Ro+misch%19germanischen Kommission des Deutschen Archa+ologischen &3Instituts& 27 (1937 [`1939]), pp. 51%19`134. @ &7Nesselhauf,& Herbert, and Hans &7Lieb.& "Dritter Nachtrag zu &3CIL. XIII. Inschriften aus dem germanischen Provinzen und dem Treverergebiet". In &3Bericht der Ro+misch%19germanischen &3Kommission des Deutschen Archa+ologischen Instituts& 40 (1959 [`1960]), pp. 120%19`229, with a map of places%19of%19finding, pp. 228%19`229. @ &7Schillinger%19Ha+fele,& Ute. "Vierter Nachtrag zu &3CIL& XIII und zweiter Nachtrag zu Fr. Vollmer, &3Inscriptiones Baivariae &3Romanae.& Inschriften aus dem deutschen Anteil der germanischen Provinzen und des Treverergebietes sowie Ra+tiens und Noricums." In &3Bericht der Ro+misch%19germanischen Kommission &3des Deutschen Archa+ologischen Instituts zu Frankfurt am Main 58,2 (1977 [`1978]), pp. 447%19`603, pls. 1%19`8. @ &7Kraus,& Franz Xaver. &3Die christlichen Inschriften der &3Rheinlande.& Vol. 1, &3Die altchristlichen Inschriften der &3Rheinlande von Anfa+ngen des Christentums am Rheine bis zur &3Mitte des achten Jahrhunderts.& Freiburg 1890. [Items: 31; Words: 968; Lines: 268] __ Included: The remainder of inscriptions not found in Le Blant, &3ICG& (1856%19`1865), or republished in &3CIL& XIII,1%19`3 (1901%19`1907) or Gose, &3Katalog ... &3Trier& (1958); some non%19Christian inscriptions of the imperial period have also been omitted, together with the alien inscriptions in "Anhang I" pp. 155%19`159 ("Von auswa+rts eingefu+hrte Inschriften"). The fragments from Trier, not republished in &3CIL& XIII,1:2 (1904) or in Gauthier, &3RICG& I (1975), are appended to Gose, &3Katalog ... Trier& (1958), with the label "K". @ &3L'Anne/e e/pigraphique. Revue des publications e/pigraphiques &3relative a\ l'antiquite/ romaine.& Paris 1888%19`1991 (and continuing). [Items: 67; Words: 1272; Lines: 476]: __ Included: Inscriptions of the Christian period from Gaul and Gemany not included in one of the other publications above. The most recent issue of &3L'Anne/e& included is that covering 1988, which appeared in 1991. __ Eleven miscellaneous items from various sources have also been appended here: Michel Fleury and Albert France%19Lanord, "Les bijoux me/rovingiens d'Arne/gonde", &3Art de France& I (Paris 1961), pp. 7%19`17 (cf. M. Vieillard%19Troiekouroff, &3Monuments re/ligieux& [`1976], p. 253, pl. 12.49) __ Carl Maria Kaufmann, &3Handbuch der &3altchristlichen Epigraphik& (Freiburg im Bresgau 1917), p. 291 (cf. H. Atsma, "Klo+ster und Klosterbewohner" [`1976], p. 43, Belegnummer 34). __ B. Florin, in &3Le Nord de la France de &3The/odose a\ Charles Martel. Tre/sors des muse/es du Nord de la &3France& [Exhibition catalogue] (Lille 1983), pp. 142, 145, no. 39, ph. p. 144 __ M.J. Vermaseren, &3Corpus Inscriptionum et &3Monumentorum Religionis Mithraicae& (The Hague 1956%19`1960), II, no. 1315 (cf. &3Consuls& [`1987], "Critical Appendix," pp. 659%19`660) __ Heinz Heinen, "Zum Christentum im spa+tantiken Trier," &3Trierer Zeitschrift fu+r Geschichte und Kunst des &3Trierer Landes und seiner Nachbargebiete& 52 (1989) 391%19`413, esp. pp. 410%19`412 __ Lothar Schwinden, "Zu den fru+hchristlichen Inschriften von Karden an der Mosel," &3Trierer Zeitschrift fu+r Geschichte und Kunst des Trierer &3Landes und seiner Nachbargebiete& 54 (1991) 249%19`275 __ R. Egger, &3Bonner Jahrbu+cher& 154 (1954) 157, pl. 13 %6 Kurt Bo+hner, &3Des Grab eines fra+nkischen Herren aus Morken im &3Rheinland& ("Kunst und Altertum am Rhein. Fu+hrer des Rheinischen Landesmuseums in Bonn," 4; Ko+ln 1959), pp. 38%19`40 ú__ Brigitte and Hartmut Galsterer, "Neue Inschriften aus Ko+ln. Funde der Jahre 1983%19`1987", &3Ko+lner Jahrbuch fu+r Vor-&3und Fru+hgeschichte& 20 (1987) 83%19`109. @ &3Gallia. Fouille et Monuments arche/ologiques en France &3me/tropolitaine.& Ministe\re de l'E/ducation Nationale. Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique. (Paris). __ Selections from &3Gallia& 14 (1956) 21 (1963) and 29 (1971) [Items: 44; Words: 79; Lines: 99]. __ Most importantly: Louis &7maurin,& "Le Cimetie\re me/rovingien de Neuvicq%19Montguyon (Charente%19Maritime)," in &3Gallia& 29,1 (1971), pp. 151%19`189. @ __ Other works consulted (literary texts and inscriptions preserved in literary and manuscript sources): @ Fortunatus: &7Friedrich Leo,& ed., &3Venanti Honori Clementiani &3Fortunati presbyteri Italici opera poetica.& "&3Monumenta &3Germaniae Historica. Auctorum Antiquissimorum,&" IV,1. Berlin 1881. @ Sidonius: %&7Christian Lvetjohann,& ed., &3Gai Solii Apollinaris &3Sidonii Epistulae et Carmina.& "&3Monumenta Germaniae Historica. &3Auctorum Antiquissimorum,&" VIII. Berlin 1887. __ &7Andre/ Loyen, ed., &3Sidoine Apollinaire.& 3 vols. "Collection des Universite/s de France, publie/e sous le patronage de l'Association Guillaume Bude/". Paris 1960%19`1970. For the dating of individual poems and letters, see Loyen, &3Sidoine Apollinaire,& I (1960), pp. xxx%19xxxv (&3Carm.&), II (1970), "Chronologie des lettres," pp. 245%19`257 (&3Epist.& I%19V), and III (1970), pp. 213%19`219 (&3Epist. VI%19IX). @ Paulinus of Nola: Wilhelm von Hartel, ed., &3Sancti Pontii &3Meropii Paulini Nolani Opera, I: Epistulae.& "Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum" [&3CSEL&], 29. Wien 1894. See also &7Pierre Fabre, &3Essai sur la chronologie l'oeuvre de saint &3Paulin de Nole& ("Publications de la Faculte/ des Lettres de l'Universite/ de Strasbourg," 109; Paris 1948). @ Paulinus of Pe/rigueux: Michael Petschenig, ed., &3Paulini &3Petricordiae quae supersunt.& In &3Poetae Christiani Minores, I. "Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum" [&3CSEL&], 16. Wien 1888. @ MS. Paris. lat. 2832 (cod. Petavian. [Pe/tau]; 9th c. ac): &7Peiper,& Rudolf, ed., &3Alcimi Ecdicii Avitii Viennensis &3episcopi opera quae supersunt.& "&3Monumenta Germaniae &3Historica. Auctorum Antiquissimorum,&" VI,2. Berlin 1888. "Appendix, VI. Titulorum Gallicanorum Liber" pp. 183%19`196. __ The collection of epitaphs and other verse%19inscriptions contained in Paris, Bibl. nat. lat. 2832, is cited by Le Blant, &3Recueil des inscriptions chre/tiennes de la Gaule (1856%19`1865), from the incomplete transcription by Andre/ Duchesne, &3Historiae Francorum scriptores coaetanei, ab ipsius &3gentis origine ...,& I (Paris 1636), pp. 513%19`519, also reproduced in Martin &7Bouquet& and Le/opold &7Delisle, &3et al., eds., &3Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France. &3Nouvelle e/dition,& vol. 2 (Paris 1869), pp. 531%19`538, "Quaedam Epitaphia Vetera," to which are appended, p. 538, "Tria Alia Epitaphia," not derived from this collection. De Rossi, &3IChUr&(`1) II, Cod. 25, pp. 262%19`270, records the contents of the manuscript in full. The pieces reproduced by Le Blant are: &3ICG& I,27 (&3MGH& VI,2, p. 183,1), 31 (185,6 [De Rossi, &3IChUr&(`1) II,266.3]), 218 (181,15 [`268.24]), 219 (192,16 [`268.25]), 220 (192,17 [`268.26]), 221%3`438A (189,12 [`266.8]; &3RICG& 15,101), II,402 (185,7 [`266.4]; &3RICG& 15,81), 405 (186,8; &3RICG& 15,87), 413 (187,10 [`266.5]; &3RICG& 15,97), 425 (188,11 [`266.7]; &3RICG& 15,99), 429 (187,9 [`266.6]; &3RICG 15,95), 641 (194,21 [`267.22]) and 646 (191,14 [`267.12]). Six pieces from Vienna (Vienne) are republished and commented upon by Descombes in &3RICG& XV (1985): nos. 81 (&3MGH& VI,2, p. 185,7), 87 (186,8), 95 (187,9), 97 (187,10), 99 (188,11) and 101 (189,12). __ The first five pieces in the collection are from Lugdunum (&3MGH& VI,2, p. 183,1%19`184,5, ca. 9th c. ac?); the first, the epitaph of St. Iustus, is reproduced "pour me/moire" by Le Blant, &3ICG& I, no. 27; the second, which belongs with it, was not known him; the third, the epitaph of St. Baldomeris, was omitted by Le Blant, who judged it not to be antique (&3ICG& I, p. 62 n. 1). Like the second, the fourth and fifth poems were not reproduced by Duchesne, &3Historiae &3Francorum scriptores,& and were not known to Le Blant. __ Finally, the selection of poems from the manuscript brought together by Peiper (1888) includes several extraneous pieces: &3MGH AA& VI,2, p. 184,5 is the epitaph of Pope Gregory (de Rossi, &3IChUr&(`1) II,52(1), 78(3), 112(73) and 209(38); &3ILCV 990] (Rome, St. Peter's; 604 ac); in addition to &3MGH& VI,2, p. 193,13 (De Rossi, &3IChUr&(`1) II,268.28) by Eugenius of Toledo, three other pieces belong to Braga in Spain: Vives, &3ICER&V 275 (&3MGH& VI,2, p. 195,23 [De Rossi, &3IChUr&(`1) II,267.14%3`270.3]), 349 (194,22 [`267.13%3`269.1]), and 353 (195,24 [`267.15%3`269.2]); &3MGH& VI,2, p. 193,19 (De Rossi, &3IChUr&(`1) II,268.29), quoted by Le Blant, &3ICG& II, p. 182, is of unknown provenience; &3MGH& VI,2, p. 193,20 (De Rossi, &3IChUr&(`1) II,267.17) is the pseudo%19epigraphical epitaph of Fortunatus composed by Paulus Diaconus (&3Hist. Langobard.& 2.13; cf. &3MGH &3AA& IV, p. 118). @ &7Mai,& Angelo, and %Gaetano &7Marini. &3Scriptorum veterum nova &3collectio e Vaticanis codicibus edita.& vol. 5. Rome 1831. __ The collection of verse%19inscriptions from, and verses concerning, the Basilica of St. Martin at Tours, Mai, &3NC V,138%19`143,3, is re%19edited by Le Blant, &3ICG& 166%19`169, 170%19`175 and 182%19`183. For &3ICG& 176 (Mai, &3NC& V,141), which is not an inscription, see Paulinus of Pe/rigueux, &3CSEL& 16, p. 165 Petschenig. For the verse%19inscription, &3ICG& 173 (Mai, &3NC V,140), see also the variants recorded in &3CSEL& 16, Praef., p. 1%19`2 Petschenig. @ &7Pietri,& Luce. "Les &3tituli& de la basilique Saint%19Martin e/difie/e a\ Tours par l'e/ve=que Perpetuus (3e quart du Ve sie\cle)". In Jacques Tre/heux (ed.), &3Me/langes d'histoire ancienne offerts a\ &3William Seston.& "Publications de la Sorbonne, Se/rie 'E/tudes,'" 9; Paris 1974. [&3AE/& 1975.618] __ General discussion of the manuscript tradition and date of the collection of poems connected with the basilica of St. Martin, reproduced by Le Blant, &3ICG& 170%19`183. Pietri (pp. 423%19`426, with ph.) discovers part of &3ICG& 178 [Mai, &3Nova Collectio& V, p. 141] (&7Lugdun. III&: Caesarodunum [Tours]; ca. 460%19`470 ac?) in a fragment published by May &7Vieillard%19Troiekouroff,& "Les sculptures et objects pre/romans retrouve/s dans les fouilles de 1860 et de 1886 a\ Saint%19Martin de Tours," &3Cahiers arche/ologiques& 13 (1910) 110, fig. 31 (ph.). Pietri also observes (p. 421) that &3ICG& 183 is a versified summary of the biography of St. Martin by Sulpicius Severus, and does not belong here. Also, the epitaph of bishop Perpetuus of Tours, appended by Le Blant to the collection, &3ICG& 183 (&3PL& 71.1152 [`1320]), is a modern forgery: see J. &7Havet, &3Questions me/rovingiennes dans la &3Bibliothe\que des Chartes& (1885), pp. 205ff. @ &7De Rossi,& Giovanni Battista. &3Inscriptiones christianae Urbis &3Romae septimo saeculo antiquiores, II:1, De titulis &3christianis metricis et rhythmicis eorumque antiquis syllogis &3atque anthologiis.& Rome 1888. @ __ Other works consulted (Prosopography): @ &7Duchesne,& Louis. &3Fastes e/piscopaux de l'ancienne Gaule.& 2nd revised edn. 3 vols. Paris 1907, 1910 and 1915. @ &7Ebling,& Horst. &3Prosopographie der Amtstra+ger des &3Merovingerreiches. Von Chlothar II. (613) bis Karl Martell &3(`741).& "Beihefte der &3Francia,&" 2. Mu+nchen 1974. @ &7Heinzelmann,& Martin. "Gallische Prosopographie 260%19`527," in &3Francia& 10 (1982), pp. 531%19`718. @ &7Jones,& Arnold Hugh Martin, John Robert &7Martindale& and John &7Morris. &3The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire, I: A.D. &3`260%19`395.& Cambridge 1971. @ &7Martindale,& John Robert. &3The Prosopography of the Later Roman ú&3Empire, II: A.D. 395%19`527.& Cambridge 1980. @ &7Selle%19Hosbach,& Karin. &3Prosopographie der Amtstra+ger in &3der Zeit von 511%19`613.& Diss. Bonn 1974. @ &7Stroheker,& Karl Friedrich. &3Die senatorische Adel im &3spa+tantiken Gallien.& Tu+bingen 1948. "Anhang: Prosopographie zum senatorischen Adel im spa+tantiken Gallien," pp. 137%19`227. @ &7Sundwall,& Johannes. &3Abhandlungen zur Geschichte des &3ausgehenden Ro+mertums.& "Suomen Tiedeseura. O+fversigt af Finska Vetenskaps%19societetens fo+rhandlingar, Bd. 60, 1917%19`1918. Afd. B. Humanistiska vetenskaper," [`60,B] 2. Helsingfors 1919 [repr. New York: Arno 1975]. Prosopography (ca. 476%19`555 ac): Ch. 2, "Die letzen Ro+mer," @ __ Other Works Consulted (Christian Saints): @ &7Christiani, Le/on.& "Liste chronologique des saints de France, des origines a\ l'ave\nement des Carolingiens (Essai critique)". In &3Revue d'histoire de l'e/glise de France& 31 (1945), pp. 5%19`96. @ __ Other Works Consulted (Inscriptions as sources for special questions): @ &7Atsma,& Helmut. "Die christlichen Inschriften Galliens als Quelle fu+r Klo+ster und Klosterbewohner bis zum Ende des 6. Jahrhunderts". In &3Francia. Forschungen zur westeuropa+ischen &3Geschichte& 4 (1976) 1%19`57. @ &7Heidrich,& Ingrid. "Su+dgallische Inschriften des 5.%19`7. Jahrhunderts als historische Quellen." In &3Rheinische &3Vierteljahrsbla+tter& 32 (1968), pp. 167%19`183. @ __ Other Works Consulted (Merovingian Archaeology) @ &7James,& Edward. &3The Merovingian Archaeology of South%19West &3Gaul. Part I: Text& and &3Part II: Catalogues and Bibliography. 2 vols. "British Archaeological Reports. Supplementary Series," 25(i)%19`25(ii). Oxford 1977. @ __ Other works consulted (Milestones): @ &7Walser,& Gerold. &3Die ro+mischen Strassen in der Schweiz, 1. &3Teil: Die Meilensteine.& "&3Itinera Romana.& Beitra+ge zur Strassengeschichte des ro+mischen Reiches," 1. Bern 1967. @ &7Ko+nig,& Ingemar. &3Die Meilensteine der Gallia Narbonensis. &3Studien zum Strassenwesen der Provincia Narbonensis. "&3Itinera Romana.& Beitra+ge zur Strassengeschichte des ro+mischen Reiches," 3. Bern 1970. __ Ko+nig, &3Itinera Romana& III (1970) 186,102 has been added as &3CIL& 12.5513a*. @ __ Other works consulted (Publications of inscriptions): @ &7Doppelfeld,& Otto(ed.), with Wolfgang &7Binsfeld,& Eberhard &7Ku+hnemann,& Peter &7La Baume,& Fried &7Mu+hlberg,& and Otmar &7Schwab. &3Fru+hchristliches Ko+ln. Herausgegeben vom Ro+misch%19Germanischen &3Museum Ko+ln.& "Schriftenreihe der Archa+ologischen Gesellschaft Ko+ln," 12. Ko+ln 1965. __ Especially: W. Binsfeld, "Inscriptions on Stone," pp. 59%19`64; P. La Baume, "Minor Arts," pp. 65%19`93. @ &7Le Blant,& Edmond. &3E/tude sur les sarcophages chre/tiens antiques &3de la ville d'Arles.& "Collection de documents ine/dits sur l'histoire de France, publie/s par les soins du Ministre de l'instruction publique. Troisie\me se/rie: Arche/ologie". Paris 1876. @ &7Le Blant,& Edmond. &3Les Sarcophages chre/tiens de la Gaule. "Collection de documents ine/dits sur l'histoire de France, publie/s par les soins du Ministre de l'instruction publique. Troisie\me se/rie: Arche/ologie". Paris 1886. @ &7Benoi=t,& Fernand. &3Sarcophages pale/ochre/tiens d'Arles et de &3Marseille.& "Fouilles et monuments arche/ologiques en France me/tropolitaine (Supple/ment a\ 'Gallia', V)". Paris 1954. __ Catalogue, pp. 33%19`77. @ &7Wuilleumier, Pierre, Amable Audin& and &7Andre/ Leroi%19Gourhan. &3L'E/glise et la ne/cropole Saint%19Laurent dans la quartier &3Lyonnais de Choulans.& "Institut des E/tudes Rhodaniennes de l'Universite/ de Lyon, Me/moires et Documents," 4; Lyon 1949. Esp. "Les inscriptions," pp. 18%19`30, nos. 1%19`15 [%6 &3ILTG 290%19`302(3)] edited by P. Wuilleumier and A. Audin. @ __ Other Works Consulted (Commentaries on Previously Published Inscriptions): @ &7Marrou, Henri Ire/ne/e.& "Le E/pitaphe de sainte Casarie". In &3Forma Futuri. Studi in onore del cardinale Michele &3Pellegrino.& (Turin 1975), pp. 666%19`680. __ &3CIL& 12.1045. @ Marrou, Henri Ire/ne/e. "Le Dossier e/pigraphique de l'e/ve=que Rusticus de Narbonne". In &3Rivista di archeologia cristiana 46,3%19`4 (1970) pp. 331%19`349. __ &3CIL& 12.5335%19`5336, 5337 (wrongly cited on p. 345 as &3CIL& 12."`4311"); &3ILGN& 604. @ __ Other works consulted (Thematic Collections of inscriptions): @ &7Fiebiger, Otto,& and &7Ludwig Schmidt. &3Inschriftensammlung zur &3Geschichte der Ostgermanen.& "Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Philosophisch%19historische Klasse. Denkschriften," 60,3. Wien 1917. @ __ Other works consulted (Jewish inscriptions): @ &7Nahon, Ge/rard. &3Inscriptions he/brai+ques et juives de France &3me/die/vale.& "Collection Franco%19Judai+ca," 12; Paris 1986. [Abbrev.: &3IHJFrMe/d&] @ __ Bibliographic notes on the late%19antique Jewish inscriptions of Gallia. @@@@@A. Jewish inscriptions: Nahon, &3IHJFrMe/d& (1986), nos. 287, Novempop., Elimberrum [Auch] (Le Blant, &3NR& 292; Frey, &3CIJ 1.671 [Lifshitz (1975) 58]); 291, Narbon. I, Narbo [Narbonne] (Le Blant, &3ICG& 621 [cf. &3CIL& 12.286*,4]; &3CIJ& 1.670); 326C, Narbon. II, Antipolis [Antibes] (&7Berhard Blumenkranz,& in &3Salo &3Wittmayer Barron Jubilee Volume& [London 1974], I, p. 235 [&3BE/ 1976,798]); __ Frey, &3CIJ& I (1936), nos. 667, S. Vienn.(?) , now Avignon (provenience?) (&3CIL& 12.5690,134), bronze stamp; 672, Aquit. II, Burdigala [Bordeaux] (Le Blant, &3NR& 284A; &3CIL 13.10024,174 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 4947]), gold ring. __ In addition to the above: &3CIL& 13.2267, Lugdun. I, Lugdunum [Lyon] (&3CIG& 9888; &3IG& 14.2534), is probably Jewish; &3IG& 14.2569, once Haag, is certainly Jewish, and is not included in &3CIJ,& but the inscription is probably from Italy (Rome?). The three Hebrew inscriptions from Gallia included in Frey, &3CIJ& I (1936) are not earlier in date than the 10th or 11th c. A.C.: Nahon, &3IHJFrMe/d,& nos. 286, N. Vienn., Vienna [Vienne] (&3CIJ& 1.666); 305%19`306, S. Vienn., Arelate [Arles] (&3CIJ& 1.668%19`669 [Lifshitz (1975) 58]). @@@@@B. Other inscriptions, not Jewish: Nahon, &3IHJFrMe/d (1986), nos. 145B, Belg. I, Solimariaca [Soulosse] (Le Blant, &3ICG& 321B; &3CIL& 13.4701 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 5000]; Frey, &3CIJ& 1, App. 5, "probably Christian", 95*); 145C, Belg. I, Solimariaca [Soulosse] (&3CIL& 13.4702 [&3ILCV& 5000,adn.]; &3CIJ& 1, App.3, "probably pagan", 63*); 272B, Lugdun. I, Lugdunum [Lyon] (&3CIL 13.2076; &3CIJ& 1, App.3,63*); 272C, Vienn., N. Ste.%19Columbe, near Vienne (Le Blant, &3ICG& 460A; &3CIL& 12.2033; &3CIJ& 1, App.5,94*, wrongly "pre\s d'Auch"; Descombes, &3RICG& XV (1985), App. 6*); 326B, Alpes Marit., near Pe/ruis (&3CIL& 12.146* [forgery]); __ Frey, &3CIJ& I (1936) Add. 672a [Lifshitz (1975) 58], Belg. I, Aug. Treverorum [Trier] (Gose, &3Katalog ... Trier [`1958], no. 401*; Gauthier, &3RICG& I [`1975], no. 92); 674 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 59], Max. Sequanorum (trans%19Rhine Germany), Badenweiler (Kraus, &3Rheinland& I [`1890], no. 13; &3CIL& 13.5338 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 1633], curse%19tablet); App. 3 ("probably pagan"), 61*, Lugdun. I, Genay, (&3CIL& 13.2448; &3IG& 14.2532); 62*, Lugdun. I, Lugdunum [Lyon] (&3CIL& 13.2530; &3IG& 14.2530); App. 5 ("probably Christian"), 83*, Germ. Inf. [II], Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln] (Kraus, &3Rheinland& 1.298,1; &3CIL& 13.10025,246; &3IG& 14.2576,7), glass vessel with acclamation). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Spain @ *&7Vives,& Jose/. &3Inscripciones cristianas de la Espan%24a romana y &3visigoda.& [Abbr.: &3ICERV&] With two appendices: "Inscripciones griegas y judi/as," pp. 141%19`143, by Antonio &7Ferrua,& and "Inscripciones cristianas en monedas visigodas," pp. 147%19`160, Felipe &7Mateu y Llopis.& "Instituto Jero/nimo Zurita (Comisio/n de Barcelona), Balmesiana (Biblioteca Balmes)". Barcelona 1942. Reprinted with corrections (see p. 304) and with an added "Nuevo Suplemento," pp. 301%19`331 (nos. 525%19`593) and pls. 21%19`24, as &3Monumenta Hispaniae Sacra, ser. patristica II& ("Bibliotheca úhisto/rica de la Biblioteca Balmes," ser. 2, 18; Barcelona 1969). [Items: 662; Words: 12342; Lines: 4506] __ Note: In the list of corrected items on p. 304 of the second edition "`308d" should be corrected to "`308b"; "`218" and "`305a" also seem to be misprints. The correction to no. 418 on p. 294 of the first edition has not been made in the second edition, where this page is missing; likewise, not all the corrections on pp. 175%19`176 have been made in the second edition (for example, those for nos. 31a and 284) @ *&7Vives,& Jose/. "Nuevas inscripciones cristianas de la Espan%24a romana y visigoda." In: &3La Ciudad de Dios& 181 (1968) %6 "Miscela/nea Patristica. Homenaje al P. A/ngel Custodio Vega" 847%19`862 [`429%19`444]. __ A supplement to Vives, &3ICERV& (1942). All the texts (40 items) are included in the "Nuevo Suplemento" in &3ICERV& (&4`2&`1969). @ The additional inscriptions published in Mallon %9 Mari/n (1951) and Palomar Lapesa (1951) [Items: 9; Words: 72; Lines: 33] are appended to &3ICERV&: @ &7Mallon,& Jean, and Toma/s &7Mari/n. &3Las Inscripciones publicadas &3por el marque/s de Monsalud (1897%19`1908): Estudio cri/tico. "Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cienti/ficas, Instituto 'Antonio de Nebrija' de Filologi/a: Scripturae: Monumenta et Studia," 2; Madrid 1951. __ Reprint and critical study of the publications of inscriptions by Mariano Carlos &7Solano y &7Ga/lvez,& the Marque/s de Monsalud in the &3Boleti/n de la Real &3Academia de la Historia& [Madrid] 30%19`53 (1897%19`1908). __ Included: three inscriptions not included in Vives, &3ICERV (1942). The texts of those inscriptions published in Vives, &3ICERV& (1942), have been revised, where necessary, in order to take account of the revisions and studies of Mallon and Mari/n. Some of the more important changes are noted by Vives in the "Nuevo Suplemento" in &3ICERV& (&4`2&`1969). @ &7Palomar Lapesa,& Manuel. "De epigrafi/a espan%24ola romano%19cristiana y visigoda, I." &3Zephyrus& 2 (1951) 21%19`31. __ A supplement to Vives, &3ICERV& (1942). Of the inscriptions collected by Palomar Lapesa (29 items): one is already in Hu+bner, &3Supplementum& (no. 6 %6 &3IHChrSuppl.& [`1871], no. 356); two are already in Vives, &3ICERV& (1942) (no. 19 %6 &3ICERV& 246a [Alfo+ldy, &3RIT& (1975) 1044] and no. 21 %6 &3ICERV& 222 [&3RIT 1011]); seven (two of which are found in Hu+bner, &3IHChr [`1871]) are included in the "Nuevo Suplemento" in &3ICERV (&4`2&`1969); nine, from Tarragona, are re%19edited by Alfo+ldy, &3RIT& (1975); and two also appear Mallon and Mari/n. &3Inscr. &3Monsalud& (1951). Of the remaining eight items, no text is given for two (nos. 9 and 17). __ Included: six inscriptions (nos. 12%19`13, 26%19`29). @ &7Hu+bner,& Aemilius [Emil]. &3Inscriptiones Hispaniae christianae. Berlin 1871, and &3Inscriptiones Hispaniae christianae. &3Supplementum.& Berlin 1900. __ Some of the inscriptions not re%19edited by Vives, &3ICERV& (1942), belong to the Roman and Visigothic periods: for these items (approximately 89, including forgeries), see the collection of Medieval inscriptions. @ &7Alfo+ldy,& Ge/za. &3Die ro+mischen Inschriften von Tarraco. "Deutsches Archa+ologisches Institut, Abteilung Madrid. Madrider Forschungen," 10. Berlin 1975. [Abbrev.: &3RIT&] [Items: 50; Words: 607; Lines: 320] __ Included: Inscriptions from Tarragona not in Vives, &3ICERV& (1942, &4`2&`1969). The texts of the of the inscriptions published in Vives, &3ICERV (1942), have been revised, where necessary, in order to take account of the revisions of Alfo+ldy, &3RIT& (1975). @ __ Other works consulted (Documents written on slate): @ &7Go/mez Moreno,& Manuel. &3Documentatio/n goda en pizarra. Estudio y &3trascripcio/n.& Revision, facsimiles and photographs by Manuel &7Casmar.& Madrid 1966. Documents dating from the Visigothic period written on slate. @ &7Diaz y Di/az,& Manuel Cecilio. "Un document prive/ de l'Espagne wisigothique sur ardoise". In &3Studi Medievali& 1,1 (1960), pp. 52%19`71. @ &7Diaz y Di/az,& Manuel Cecilio. "Los documentos hispano%19visigo/ticas sobre pizarra". In: &3Studi Medievali& 7,1 (1966), pp. 75%19`107. Revised texts of several documents published by M. Go/mez Moreno, &3Documentatio/n goda en pizarra (1966). @ __ Other works consulted (Coins): @ &7Miles,& George Carpenter. &3The Coinage of the Visigoths of Spain: &3Leovigild to Achila II.& "The American Numismatic Society. Hispanic Numismatic Series, Monograph" 2; New York 1952. @ __ Other works consulted (Prosopography): @ &7Garci/a Moreno,& Luis A. &3Prosopografi/a del reino visigodo de &3Toledo.& "Acta Salmanticensia, iussu senatus universitatis edita. Filosofi/a y Letras," 77. Salamanca 1974. @ &7Kampers,& Gerd. &3Personengeschichtliche Studien zum &3Westgotenreich in Spanien.& Mu+nster 1976. "Anmerkungen und Erga+nzungen zur &3Prosopografi/a del reino visigodo de Toledo& von Garci/a Moreno," pp. 2%19`40; "Prosopographie des Klerus mit Ausnahme der Bischo+fe," pp. 40%19`95; "Prosopographie der nicht oder nicht mit Sicherheit der Oberschicht oder dem Klerus angeho+renden Personen," pp. 95%19`124. @ __ Other works consulted (Sources): @ &7Grosse,& Roberto. &3Las fuentes del la e/poca visigoda y &3bizantinas.& "Fontes Hispaniae Antiquae," 9; Barcelona 1947. __ Historical sources for the fifth through seventh centuries A.C., arranged chronologically. @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland @ *&7Nash%19Williams, V.E. &3The Early Christian Monuments of Wales. Cardiff 1950. [Items: 196; Words: 1469; Lines: 901] __ The later texts have been revised to incorporate the readings and supplements of &7Macalister, &3CIIC& II (1949). The inscriptions nos. 74, 228 (%6 Hu+bner 81) 296, 300 (%6 Hu+bner 107), 319 (Celtic, in Ogam alphabet) and 287 (%6 Hu+bner 126) (Old Welsh) have been omitted. @ *&7Okasha,& Elisabeth. &3Corpus of Early Christian Inscribed &3Stones of South%19west Britain.& London, New York 1993. [Items: 76; Words: 376; Lines: 287] @ &7Macalister, Robert Alexander Stewart. &3Corpus Inscriptionum &3Insularum Celticarum.& 2 vols. Dublin 1945%19`1949. [Items: 59; Words: 336; Lines: 249] __ Included here, from vol. 1: Latin inscriptions, except those also published in Nash%19Williams, &3ECMonWales& (1950). @ &7Allen,& John Romilly. &3The Early Christian Monuments of Scotland. &3A Classified, Illustrated, Descriptive List of the Monuments, &3with an Analysis of their Symbolism and Ornamentation. Edinburgh 1903. __ In three parts, with separate pagination: Part I, "General Introduction", by Joseph Anderson, pp. i%19cxxii, including a chapter, "II. The Inscribed Monuments," pp. xii%19xxi; Part II, "General Results of the Archaeological Survey of the Monuments," pp. 1%19`419, and Part III, "General Results of the Archaeological Survey of "Classified, Illustrated, Descriptive List of the Monuments, arranged by Counties," pp. 1%19`522, by J. Romilly Allen. [Items: 12; Words: 113; Lines: 70] @ &7Hu+bner, Emil. &3Inscriptiones Britanniae christianae.& Berlin 1876. [Items: 33; Words: 187; Lines: 99] __ Included: A small number of Latin inscriptions not republished in Macalister, &3CIIC& I%19II (1945%19`1949), Nash%19Williams, &3ECMonWales& (1950), Okasha, &3Anglo%19Saxon Non%19Runic Inscriptions& (1971), or Okasha, &3Early Chr. Inscr. Stones SW England& (1993). Several of the texts belong in the data bank of medieval inscriptions, and are of even later date. @ ĺ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ERRATA @@@@@@@@@@@PHI Demonstration CD ROM %101`6 (1991) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@`7.4.91 @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ASIA MINOR @ Under "Asia Minor" __ "Gre/goire": For the inscription &3IGChAs& 115(5), the date should read "`5th%19`6th ac". @ Under "Asia Minor" __ "Gre/goire": For the inscription &3IGChAs 124(2), the place%19of%19finding should be "Gu+ridje". Delete the cross%19reference to &3IK Ephesos& 7,2.3823, which belongs to &3IGChAs& 124(4). @ Under "Asia Minor" __ "Gre/goire": To the inscription &3IGChAs ĺሐ124(4), add the cross%19reference "&3IK Ephesos& 7,2.3823." @ Under "Asia Minor" __ "Gre/goire": For the inscription &3IGChAs 304 [&3Tu+rk Tarih Kurumu, Beleten& 22 (1958) 44,42], the date should read "`909%3`10" @ Under "Asia Minor" __ "Milet I,9": The region for the four inscriptions reproduced from this work should be "Caria". @ Under "Asia Minor" __ "IK Nikaia: For the inscription &3IK &3Nikaia& 1026, the place%19of%19finding should be "Chogeae". @ Under "Asia Minor" __ "IK Prusias ad Hypium": For the inscriptions reproduced from this work, the region should be "Honorias". @ Under "Asia Minor" __ "IK Klaudiu polis": For the inscriptions reproduced from this work, the region should be "Honorias". @ Under "Asia Minor" __ "DkschrWien 75:1": For the inscriptions reproduced from this work, the region should be "Honorias". @ Under "Asia Minor" __ "MAMA I,IV%19VIII": For the inscriptions &3MAMA& 1,315%19`316, the place%19of%19finding should be "Kolu Kissa". @ Under "Asia Minor" __ "MAMA I, IV%19VIII": For the inscriptions &3MAMA& 6,94%19`96, the place%19of%19finding should be given as "Herakleia Salbake". @ Under "Asia Minor" __ "MAMA I,IV%19VIII": For the inscriptions &3MAMA& 8,325%19`326, 326a%19`326b, the place%19of%19finding should be "Eg%148ribayat". @ Under "Asia Minor" __ "Gibson": For the inscription Gibson no. 18, the place%19of%19finding should be "Karaag%148ac%25". @ Under "Asia Minor" __ "Anat.St.29.1979 [Phrygia]": For the inscription &3AS& 29 (1979) 174, the cross%19reference should read "&3CBPhryg& 2.385,231". @ Under "Asia Minor" __ "StPont 3,1": For the inscriptions, &3StPont& 3,1.16a, 17, 17a, 19, and 19a%19`19d, the place%19of%19finding should be "Amisene". @ Under "Asia Minor" ... __ "Barata": For the inscription, Ramsay and Bell, &3The Thousand and One Churches& (1909) 519,9 [&3SEG& 30.1542] (Lykaonia, Binbir Kilise), the date should read "`337%19`378 ac?". @ Under "Asia Minor" ... __ "MAMA II%19III": For the inscription &3MAMA& 3,p.62[a] [&3JHS& 12 (1891) 266,57], the date should be "ca. 350%19`400". @ Under "Asia Minor" __ "IGRR": For the inscription &3IGRR& 4.607, the cross%19reference should be to "&3CR& 11 (1897) 136,6". @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@CONSTANTINOPLE @ Under "Constantiople" __ "CIG": For the inscription &3CIG& 8785, of unknown provenience, the present location should be given as "Rome: Biblioteca Casanatense". @ Under "Constantinople" __ "Landmauer": For the inscription &3Landmauer& 23, the date should be "`976%19`1025 ac". @ Under "Constantinople" __ "Landmauer": For the inscription &3Landmauer& 26, the date should be "`685%19`695 ac?" @ Under "Constantinople" __ "Landmauer": The inscription &3Landmauer& 39 (717%19`741 ac) has inadvertently been omitted. @ Under "Constantinople" __ "Ephrasis": For the inscriptions Antoniades, &3Ekphrasis& II,23 and 28, the date should be given as "`527%19`565". @ Under "Constantinople" __ "Byzantine Churches": For the three inscriptions &3ByzChs& 139, 158 and 159, the cross%19references are to pages in &3AJA& 55 (1951). @ Under "Constantinople" __ "Kariye Djami": For the inscriptions &3KarDjami& I (1967) 217,224%19`227, the date should be "ca. 1320%19`1321". @ Under "Constantinople" __ "AJA": For the inscription here included as &3AJA& 55.64,18 [Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture &3byzantine figure/e au Muse/e arche/ologique d'Istanbul& (1990) 67,115], the date should be given as "`13th%19`14th ac". @ Under "Constantinople" __ "Ebersolt, Mission": For the inscription &3Ebersolt& 41,3 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 66,6], the place%19of%19finding should be "Galata: Arap Camii". @ Under "Constantinople" __ "DOP": The label "&3DOP& 22.184,25" is wrongly attached to two items. The second inscription is &3DOP 22.184,26. @ Under "Constantinople" ... __%19 "DOP": For the inscription, &3DOP 25 (1971) 266, from Bargala, the region should be "Macedonia II". @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@MACEDONIA AND THRACE @ Under "Macedonia and Thrace" __ "InvSal": To the inscription &3InvSal& 21a%19b, add the cross%19reference "&3BZ& 10 (1901) 27%19`28". @ Under "Macedonia and Thrace" __ "AgDemetr": For the inscription Soteriou, &3Basilike%26 Agiou De%26me%26triou& (1952) 234, the date should be "ca. 1430%19`1492?". @ Under "Macedonia and Thrace" __ "Athos": In the cross%19references attached to &3Athos& nos. 231, "`489a" and "Add,1*", correct the abbreviation "&3ChrOrP&" to "&3OrChrP&" @ Under "Macedonia and Thrace" __ "IG XII,8 and Suppl.": The last inscription, &3IG& XII, &3Suppl.& 133,296 (Andros), ought to have been placed under "Greece" at the end of "IG XII,5 [Central Aegean]". @ Under "Macedonia, Thrace" ... __ "Beshevliev, IBulg": For the inscription &3IBulg& 44, from Ljutbrod, the region should be "Dacia Ripensis". @ Under "Macedonia, Thrace" ... __ "Beshevliev, IBulg": For the inscription &3IBulg& 48, from Nikopol, near Oescus (Gigen), the region should be "Dacia Ripensis". @ Under "Macedonia, Thrace" ... __ "Beshevliev, IBulg": For the inscription &3IBulg& 49, from Stogosa (Pleven), the region should be "Dacia Ripensis". @ Under "Macedonia, Thrace" ... __ "Beshevliev, IBulg": For the two inscriptions Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. &3Inschr. aus Bulgarien& (1964) 55 and 57, the dates should be given as "`10th ac". @ Under "Macedonia, Thrace" ... __ "Beshevliev, IBulg": For the inscriptions &3Bulg& 77%19`79, the place%19of%19finding should be "Durostorum". @ Under "Macedonia, Thrace" ... __ "Beshevliev, IBulg": For the inscriptions &3Bulg& 223%19`237, the place%19of%19finding should be "Diocletianopolis" (Hisarija). @ Under "Macedonia, Thrace" ... __ "Beshevliev, IBulg": For the inscription &3Bulg& 228, the place%19of%19finding should be "Kalugerovo". @ Under "Macedonia, Thrace" ... __ "Beshevliev, IBulg": For the inscription &3IBulg& 234, from Ga%148rmen, the place%19of%19finding should be given as "Nicopolis ad Nestum". @ Under "Macedonia, Thrace" ... __ "Beshevliev, IBulg": For the inscription &3IBulg& (1964) 254, the region should be "Macedonia". @ Under "Macedonia, Thrace" ... "Beshevliev, PrBulg": For the inscriptions &3PrBulg& 78, the place%19of%19finding should be "Odessos". @ Under "Macedonia, Thrace" ... __%19 "Struve, CIRB": For the inscriptions, &3CIRB& 64%19`66, 736, the place%19of%19finding should be "Panticapaion". @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@GREECE @ Under "Greece" __ "InvThess": For the inscription &3InvThess& 8, the cross%19reference "&3AE& 1929.156,5" refers to the &3Archaiologike%26 Ephe%26meris,& not to &3L'Anne/e e/pigraphique. @ Under "Greece" __ "Epirus (various Sources)": The inscription published in &3Archaeologica Iugoslavica& 24 (1987) 83,1 (Epirus N., Taranes%148; 317%19`322 ac) is mislabeled "ArchIug 34:83,1" @ Under "Greece" __ "Epirus (various sources)": For the inscription "ByzVind 8,31" (Epirus N., Bals%148i; 1107 ac), the cross%19reference should read "JO+AI 21%19`22 (1922%19`1924) Beiblatt 194,9" instead of "`194,11". @ Under "Greece" __ "Hellas (various sources)": The cross%19reference given for the inscription "SEG 16,241" (Megaris, Aigosthena; 337%19`340 ac) should be "SEG 23.267": in full, &3PAE& 1954.140 (&3SEG& 16.241) with Vatin, &3BCH& 90 (1966) 242,3 (&3SEG& 23.267). @ Under "Greece" __ "Hellas" (various sources): The inscription &3CIG& 8718 (Hellas, Thebes; 11th ac) is missing here. It has been wrongly placed in the selection of texts from &3CIG& included under "Constantinople". @ Under "Greece" __ "Hellas" (various sources): For the inscription &3SEG& 23,296 [&3BCH& 90 (1966) 246] (Boeotia, Lebadea), the date given in &3SEG& is "`293%19`306 ac" __ but more correctly, for ll. 1%19`6 "`293%19`305" and for ll. 7%19`8 "`305%19`306". @ Under "Greece" __ "Attica (various sources)": The inscriptions labeled "BCH 67:176, 177, 178a%19`178b" are published in &3BCH& 47 (1923) 176%19`178. @ labeled "BCH 47:173" (Macedonia, Platamon; 1280 ac) is published in &3BCH& 67 (1923) 173. @ ĺ䈨Under "Greece" __ "Attica (various sources)": The inscription labeled "Syllekt 6:76" (Attica, Pentele Grotto) is published in &3Syllektes& 6%19`8 (1950) 149 [Halkin III,124]. @ Under "Greece" __ "Attica (various sources)": For the inscription &3IG& 2(2),4227, the cross%19reference should be to Peek, &3AM& 67 (1942) 48,70, not "AM 67.323,69". @ Under "Greece" __ "InvPel": For the inscription &3InvPel& 3 [&3Corinth& 8,3.510] (Peloponnesos, Korinthos), the date given by the editor is "`337%19`350 ac". @ Under "Greece" __ "Inv.Pel.": For the inscription &3InvPel& 34A the cross%19reference should be to &3CIG& 8824, not "CIG 8620". @ Under "Greece" __ "Inv.Pel.": For the inscription &3InvPel& 47 [&3AEph& 1967.139], the place%19of%19finding should be "Frangoulia". @ Under "Greece" __ "InvPel": For the inscription &3InvPe/l& 84, the cross%19reference should be to de Rossi, &3IChUR&(`1) II:1.367. @ Under "Greece" __ "Peloponnesos (various sources)": Delete the cross%19reference "Guarducci, &3EG& IV,332" attached to the inscription &3IG& 4,437 (Sikyonia, Stimanga; 6th ac). @ Under "Greece" __ "BCH 23 [Mistra]": To the inscription &3BCH& 23 (1899) 121,11, add the cross%19reference "DChAE(4) 1 (1959) 73". @ Under "Greece" __ "Bandy": For the inscriptions &3GChICret& 1%19`36, the place%19of%19finding should be "Hagioi Deka" (Gortyn). @ Under "Greece" __ "Bandy [Crete]": For the inscriptions Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 62%19`63, the place%19of%19finding should be "Herakleion Museum". @ @@@@@@@@@@@GREATER SYRIA AND PALAESTINA @ Under "Syria" ... "IGLSyrie": For the inscription &3IGLSyr 2,443, the place%19of%19finding should be "Qa%26t%1u=ra". @ Under "Syria ..." __ "IGLSyrie": For the inscription &3IGLSyr 3,1046, the date should be "`402%3`3". @ Under "Syria ..." __ "IGLSyrie": For the inscriptions &3IGLSyr 3,1217%19`1223, the place%19of%19finding should be "Thaumaston Oros". @ Under "Syria ..." __ "IGLSyrie": For the inscription &3IGLSyr 4,1957, the date should be "`540%3`1". @ Under "Syria" ... __ "IGLSyrie": For the inscription &3IGLSyr 6,2963, the date given by the editor is "`317%19`324 ac". @ Under "Syria ..." __ "Le Bas%3Waddington": For the inscription &3LBW& VI,2058, the place%19of%19finding should be "Um%19el%19Djema=l". @ Under "Syria ..." __ "Le Bas%3Waddington": For the inscription &3LBW& VI,2412p, the place%19of%19finding should be "Doroa (ed%19Du=r)". @ Under "Syria ..." __ "Le Bas%3Waddington": For the inscription &3LBW& VI,2158, the cross%19reference should be "&3CIG& 8609". @ Under "Syria" ... __ "PPUAES III,A": For the inscription Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 207, the date should read "`292%19`305 ac". @ Under "Syria ..." __%19 "PPUAES IIIA": For the inscriptions &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 611 and 614, the place%19of%19finding should be "il%19Mu%102arribeh". @ Under "Syria ..." __ "Revue Biblique": The fragments &3RB 1905.250,5 and &3RB& 1905.252,9 (Palaestina, Birosaba) are parts of the same inscription. See Alt, &3GIPT& 22,31. @ Under "Syria ..." __ "Revue Biblique": For the inscription &3RB 1907.610 (Palaestina, Birosaba), the cross%19reference should be "Alt, GIPT 14,9%7" @ Under "Syria ..." __ "Revue Biblique": The two inscriptions included here as "RB 1920.104,2" and "RB 1920.105,3" are mislabeled. The inscriptions are published in &3RB& 18, N.S. 6 (1909) 104,2 [Alt, &3GIPT& 14,7] (Palaestina, Birosaba) and 105,3 [Alt, &3GIPT& 29,64]. The place%19of%19finding of the second should be given as "Chalasa". @ Under "Syria ..." __ "Revue Biblique": For the inscription &3RevBibl& 1905.604,18, the region should be "Arabia". The place%19of%19finding is not el%19Kerak (Charachmoba) in the Moab, but el%19Kerak (Charax) in the H%1aura=n. @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@CYPRUS @ Under "Cyprus" __ "Byzantion 20": For the inscription &3Byz 20.128,7, the place%19of%19finding should be "Kytherea". @ Under "Cyprus" __ "Salamis": For the inscriptions &3Salamis 219%19`226, the place%19of%19finding should be "Salamis%3Kytherea". @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@EGYPT AND THE CYRENAICA @ Under "Egypt" ... "Lefebvre": For the inscription Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 57%19`60, the place%19of%19finding should be "Kanopos (Aboukir)". @ Under "Egypt" ... "Lefebvre": For the inscriptions Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 351%19`352, the place%19of%19finding should be "Wd. Bir el%19Ain". @ Under "Egypt" ... "Lefebvre": For the inscription Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 639, the place%19of%19finding should be "Semne/h". @ Under "Egypt" ... "Lefebvre": For the inscription Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 710bis, the place%19of%19finding should be "Akhmi=m". @ Under "Egypt" ... "Lefebvre": For the inscription Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 722, the place%19of%19finding should be "place?". @ Under "Egypt" ... __ "Breccia": To the inscription "Breccia 90" (Egypt, Heroonpolis; 306%19`307 ac) add the cross%19reference "ILS 657" (&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 6633). @ Under "Egypt" __ "I.Fayoum": For the inscription "CIG 9864", "I.Fayoum 31" the cross%19reference should read "SB 1.3905". @ Under "Egypt" ... "JThS 11 [Cyrenaica]: For the inscription &3JThS& 11.Add.,1* [&3JThS& 16 (1965) 462], the cross%19reference given in the text should be to "&3BE/& 1968.591a". @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ITALY AND THE WEST @ Under "Italy" ... __ "IG XIV": For the inscriptions &3IG 14.F33*, F35*%19F36*, the place%19of%19finding should be "Carales". @ Under "Italy" ... __ "IG XIV": For the inscriptions &3IG& 14.633 the editorial note in the text should read " &3IG& 14.633 %6 &3SEG 1.421". The place%19of%19finding should be "Vibo Valentia (Hipponium)". @ Under "Italy" ... __ "IG XIV": For the inscriptions &3IG 14.243%19`245, 247%19`253, from Mo/dica, the place%19of%19finding should be given as "Motyca". @ Under "Italy" ... __ "IG XIV": For the inscription &3IG& 14.2247, the place%19of%19finding should be "Interamna (Teramo)." @ Under "Italy" ... __ "IG XIV ": For the inscription &3IG 14.2304, from Brixia, the region should be "Venetia". @ Under "Italy" ... __ "IG XIV ": For the inscriptions &3IG 14.2306, 2310a and 2311, from Verona, the region should be "Venetia". @ Under "Italy" ... __ "IG XIV": For the inscription &3IG 14.2573,12. the place%19of%19finding should be "Aquae Sextiae". @ Under "Italy" ... __ "IG XIV ": For the inscription &3IG 14.2580,1, from Valentia, the region should be "Hispania Tarrac." @ Under "Italy" ... __ "IChUR": The inscription &3IChUR& 2,5972 is mislabeled "`2,5971". Also, the cross%19reference should be to &3IG 14.2165. @ Under "Italy" ... __ "IChUR": For the twenty%19one inscriptions in the range &3IChUR& 5,14981%19`15168a, the place%19of%19finding should be "C. Praetextati". @ Under "Italy" ... __ "IChUR": For the inscription &3IChUR 9,26017, the cross%19reference should be "&3IGUR& 2.490". @ Under "Italy" ... __ "Agnello": For the inscription Agnello 85, the cross%19reference should be to CIL 10.2.7173 (Strazzulla 425). @ Under "Italy" ... __ "Strazzulla": For the inscription "Straz. 458", the date given by the editor is "`388 ac?". The same text is dated at &3ILCV& 2.2734 to 411 ac. Neither date is certain: &3coss. dn. Theodosi A(ug.)& alone, Theodosius I (383 or 393 ac), Theodosius II (consul eighteen times betw. 403 and 444 ac)? @ Under "Italy" ... __ "RPARA 22.1946%19`1947": For the inscription "RPARA 22.230,5b" (&3NSc& 1893.389[a]), the place%19of%19finding is "Catana", not Syracuse. @ Under "Italy" ... __ "CIG": For the inscription &3CIG& 8876, from Cremona, the region should be "Venetia". @ Under "Italy" ... __ "CIG": For the inscription "CIG 9864", the cross%19reference should read "DChAE(1) 4.44". @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@VARIA @ Under "Varia" __ "SEG": Among the inscriptions included under the heading of "Palaestina" in &3SEG& and repeated here, the following belong to other late%19antique provinces: Phoenice __ &3SEG& 8,1 (Tyros: Kh. %102Alja= ["%102Alija%26"]; 539%3`40 ac); &3SEG& 8,2 ("Tyros: K%1edes Naphtali; 117%3`8 ac); &3SEG& 8,18 (Tyros: el%19Bas%1s%1a; ĺ鈉5th ac). &3SEG& 8,21 (Tyros: Suh%1ma%26ta%26; 6th ac); &3SEG& 8,19 (Ptolemais: ez%19Zi=b; 309%19`311 ac); &3SEG& 35,1558. (Ptolemais: Nahariya); &3SEG& 16,841 (Ptolemais; Haifa; 6th ac); &3SEG& 20,415 (Ptolemais: Haifa; 6th ac); &3SEG& 8,29 (Caesarea Phil.: el%19G%148uwe%26zi; 4th%19`5th ac); &3SEG& 32,1499 (Caesarea Phil.; 285%19`305 ac); Arabia __ &3SEG& 28,1441. (Mt. Nebo). Similar problems are characteristic of the collection of material from &3SEG,& in its current state of completion__especially, in the case of inscriptions labeled as having been found at sites in "Syria" (%6 Syria, Phoenice and Phoenice Libani), "Cilicia" (%6 Isauria and Cilicia). @ Under "Varia" __ "SEG": For the inscription, &3SEG& 6,144, the place%19of%19finding should be "Zemme". @ Under "Varia" __ "SEG": For the inscriptions &3SEG& 7,915%19`916, from el%19H%1os%1n, near Arbela (Irbid), the region should be "Palaest. II". @ Under "Varia" __ "SEG": For the inscription &3SEG& 7,1078, the place%19of%19finding should be "Nela (el%19Moushannef)". @ Under "Varia" __ "SEG": For the inscriptions &3SEG& 7,1126%19`1127 and 1129 [&3LBW& VI,2261], the place%19of%19finding should be "Salamanestha (Sa=la=)". @ Under "Varia" __ "SEG": For the inscription &3SEG& 18,265 from near Scodra, the region should be "Praevalitana". @ Under "Varia" __ "SEG": For the inscription &3SEG& 20,395, the region should be "Arabia". The place%19of%19finding is el%19Kerak (Charax) in the H%1aura=n. @ Under "Varia" __ "SEG": For the inscriptions &3SEG& 27,390%19`391 the place%19of%19finding should be "Noviodunum". @ Under "Varia" __ "SEG": For the inscription &3SEG& 29,1054, the place%19of%19finding should be "Keszthely%19Dobogo/". @ Under "Varia" __ "SEG": The inscription &3SEG& 31,1593 ought to have been included in the collection of Jewish inscriptions and comparanda from &3SEG& under "Judaica". @ Under "Varia" __ "SEG": For the inscription &3SEG& 33,1323, the place%19of%19finding should be "Hermonthis". @ Under "Varia" __ "SEG": For the inscription, &3SEG& 34,1407, from Nauloi (Mahmutlar), the region should be "Pamphylia". @ Under "Varia" __ "SEG": For the inscription &3SEG& 35,1360, from Boncuklar, near Hadrianopolis, the region should be "Honorias". @ Under "Varia" __ "SEG": For the inscription &3SEG& 36,621bis, the cross%19reference should be to &3ArchIugo& 24 (1987) 101%19`111 (Makedonia, Herakleia; ca. 497%19`523). @ Under "Varia" __ "CIG": For the inscription &3CIG& 8761, the region and place%19of%19origin should be "Macedonia: Heraclea Lynci". @ Under "Varia" __ "CIG": The inscription &3CIG& 8818 is mislabeled "CIG 8817". @ Under "Varia" __ "CIG": For the inscription &3CIG& 8983,is the place%19of%19finding should be "Rome: Vinea Claudii de la Valle". The inscription should be moved to the collection of Italian inscriptions published in &3CIG. @ Under "Varia" __ "CIG": For the inscription &3CIG& 9067, the present location should be "Monza". @ Under "Varia" __ "Bull.e/pigr.": For the inscription &3BE/ 1940,189[c], the cross%19reference should read "&3Me/lDuss& 559,289" %6 &3Me/langes syriens offerts a\ R. Dussaud& (Paris 1939), II, 559%19`576, no. 289. @ Under "Varia" __ "Bull.e/pigr.": The inscription quoted under &3BE/& 1962.320 should be deleted. The full text is included in the data bank as &3IGLSyr& 21,2.147. @ Under "Varia" __ "Bull.e/pigr.": For the inscription &3BE/ 1972,366 [Tas%25likliogl%148u, &3Trakya'da epigrafya aras%25tirmalari& II (1971) 178], the place%19of%19finding should be "Kyzikos". @ Under "Varia" __ "Bull.e/pigr.": For the inscription &3BE/ &3BE/& 1973,481 [&3Papers of the British School at Rome& 37 (1969) 98] from Seleukeia on the Kalykadnos, the region should be "Isauria". @ Under "Varia" __ "Revetements": The inscription Grabar, &3Reve=tements& (1975) 28,2 is mislabeled. The reference should read "`28,7". @ Under "Varia" __ "De/le/age, Capitation": For the inscription De/le/age, &3Capitation& (1945) 156b (Djermana=; 293%19`305 ac), the cross%19reference should be to &3Me/lBey& 3 (1909) 317, with &3Me/lBey 4 (1910) 223. Also, for the inscriptions De/le/age, &3Capitation (1945) 156a (Djisr%19el%19Ghadjar) and 156b (Djermana=), the region should be "Phoenice"; for 154d (Bas%1i=r), "Arabia". @ Under "Varia" __ "AEMO": The inscription labeled &3"AEMO+ 8:197,15" should be "`197,16". The number "`15" is a misprint in the &3editio princeps. @ Under "Varia" __ "Athenische Mitteilungen": For the inscription &3AthMitt& 54 (1929) 77 [Guard. &3EG& IV,374], the place%19of%19finding should be "Samos: Misokampo". @ Under "Varia" __ "ArchDeltion": For the inscriptions &3AD& 26,B,2 (1971) 532, 532,8, 532,10%19`532,12, the place%19of%19finding should be "Elounta Isl." @ Under "Varia" __ "BCH": For the inscription &3BCH& 13 (1889) 305,11 from Sinope, the region should be "Helenopontus" instead of "Paphlagonia". @ Under "Varia" __ "BCH": The inscription &3BCH& 25 (1901) 23,159 is mislabeled "`23,160". The place%19of%19finding should be "Osnan" and the region "Honorias". @ Under "Varia" __ "BCH": For the inscription &3BCH& 25 (1901) 10,146, from Hadrianopolis, the region should be "Honorias". @ Under "Varia" __ "BCH": For the inscriptions, &3BCH& 25 (1901) 47,192b, the place%19of%19finding should be given as "Herakleia Pontike" and region "Honorias". @ Under "Varia" __ "Byzantion": For the inscription &3Byzantion& 39 (1969) 75, the place%19of%19finding should be "Afyonkarahisar". @ Under "Varia" __ "Byzantion": For the inscription, &3Byzantion 48 (1978) 386 and 389, from Tarentum, the region should be "Calabria". @ Under "Varia" __ "Byz.Zeitschr.": The inscriptions from Bizye published by C. Mango and I. S%148evc%148enko, "Three Inscriptions of the Reigns of Anastasius I and Constantine V," in &3Byzantinische Zeitschrift& 65 (1972), pp. 379%19`393, on p. 384 and 386 n. 17, are mis%19labeled in the data bank "BZ 56:384,2" and "BZ 56:386n17". For the other inscriptions published here, see under "Asia Minor" __ "Studia Pontica 3,1", nos. 101A and 101B. @ Under "Varia" __ "Byz.Zeitschr.": The inscription included here as &3BZ& 66 (1973) 266 [&3MEFRA, Moyen Age& 83 (1973) 149] (Latium Adiectum, Terracina; 663 ac?) should be deleted. The same text appears in the data bank as &3SEG& 34,1027 (Terracina; 7th%19`8th ac). @ Under "Varia" __ "DChAE ser. 1": The inscription labeled "DChAE ser. 1, 11.375" (Haeminontus, Hadrianoupolis) is published in &3DChAE& ser. 1, 10 (1911) 11, no. 375. @ Under "Varia" __ "JHS": For the inscription &3JHS& 4 (1883) 401,20, the cross%19reference should read "&3CBPhryg& 2.529,373". @ Under "Varia" __ "JHS": For the inscriptions "JHS 22.97,1" and "JHS 22.98,2", the cross%19references should read "Ramsay%3Bell 531", i.e. Ramsay and Bell, &3The Thousand and One Churches (1909), here also "Barata". @ Under "Varia" __ "JHS": For the inscriptions, &3JHS& 19 (1898) 290,196, 291,200%19`292,202, found at Meida=n, the region should be "Pisidia". @ Under "Varia" __ "JHS": For the inscriptions, &3JHS& 19 (1898) 302,235%19`302,236, the place%19of%19finding should be "Kizil Kuyu". @ Under "Varia" __ "ZbRadova": For the inscription &3ZbRad& 8,2 (1964) 17, from Struga, near Ochrid, the region should be "Epirus Nova". @ Under "Varia" __ "Hellenica": For the inscription Robert, &3Hellenica& 1 (1940) 33 [&3AEMO+& 19 (1896) 33,14], found at Devejuklu Ko+y, the region should be "Lycaonia". @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@JUDAICA @ Under "Judaica (Greek%3Latin)" __ "CIJ": For the inscription &3CIJ& 637, from "Ferraria", the region should be "Venetia". Also, correct the place%19of%19finding to "Ferrara". @ Under "Judaica (Greek%3Latin)" __ "CIJ": For the inscription &3CIJ& 650, the cross%19reference should be to Lifshitz (1975) 51. @ Under "Judaica (Greek%3Latin)" __ "CIJ": For the inscriptions &3CIJ& 673, from Castra Regina (Regensburg), the region should be "Raetia II" @ Under "Judaica (Greek%3Latin)" __ "CIJ": For the inscriptions ĺ&3CIJ& 674, from Badenweiler, across the Rhine, north of Basel, for the sake of clarity, the region should be "Germany" rather than "Germania". @ Under "Judaica (Greek%3Latin)" __ "CIJ": The inscription &3CIJ 679, from Sarajevo, now Szombathely Museum (Hungary), is mislabeled by Frey. The region should be "Dalmatia", instead of "Pannonia". @ Under "Judaica (Greek%3Latin)" __ "CIJ": For the inscription &3CIJ& 709, Frey follows the earlier dating of the archon Archon Kallia (ca. 170%19`157%3`6 bc), who is placed by G. Daux &3Chronologie delphique& (Paris 1943), p. 54, L 41, in 158%3`7 bc. @ Under "Judaica (Greek%3Latin) __ "CIJ": For the inscription included here as &3CIJ& 731d(5) [Guarducci, &3ICret& II,294,13], the place%19of%19finding should be "Sybrita". @ Under "Judaica (Greek%3Latin)" __ "CIJ": For the inscription "CIJ 735", the place%19of%19finding should be "Golgoi" @ Under "Judaica (Greek%3Latin)" __ "CIJ": For the inscription "CIJ 736", the cross%19reference should read "Donateurs 83". @ Under "Judaica (Greek%3Latin)" __ "CIJ": Among the addenda inserted after &3CIJ& 751 from Robert, &3Nouvelles inscriptions de &3Sardes& (1964) five items have been overlooked: pp. 45, top (Inv. 62,274) overlooked]2, 53%19`54, nos. 9%19`12. @ Under "Judaica (Greek%3Latin)" __ "CIJ": For the unpublished inscription labeled "CIJ 751b(5)", the cross%19reference to Robert, &3NISardes& (1964) 53 n. 2 is incorrect: see, rather, Hanfmann, &3BASOR& 187 (1967) 27. @ Under "Judaica (Greek%3Latin)" __ "CIJ": For the inscription included in the collection as CIJ 751d(5) [&3BE& 1954.24, p. 102 bottom], the date should be "date?". @ Under "Judaica (Greek%3Latin)" __ "CIJ": For the inscription included here as &3CIJ& 801a [&3IK Klaudpl& 180], from the Plain of Bolu, the region should be "Honorias". @ Under "Judaica (Greek%3Latin)" __ "CIJ": For the inscription &3CIJ& 994a, the cross%19reference should read "BS 1.75,24". @ Under "Judaica (Greek%3Latin)" __ "CIJ": It is assumed here that the Hebrew inscription &3CIJ& 1058, "Yoaseph R(abbi)", belongs with the Greek inscription published by Schwabe and Lifshitz, &3Beth She%102arim, II& (1964) 29,45, "Rib Joaas[ph]"__a misprint in the English edition for $*)IWASA/&[$F&]?__who state, however, only that "above the Greek inscription appears the name Yehoseph in Hebrew". The Hebrew inscription &3CIJ& 1057, "Yoaseph", evidently also belongs with the two inscriptions above. Neither &3CIJ& 1057 or 1058 appears to be mentioned in Maisler, &3Beth She%102arim, I& (1940). @ Under "Judaica (Greek%3Latin) __ "CIJ": The Greek inscription labeled "`1246" is &3CIJ& 1246%3`4. The inscriptions &3CIJ 1246%3`1%19`1246%3`3 are Hebrew. @ Under "Judaica (Greek%3Latin)" __ "CIJ": To the inscription &3CIJ 1537 add the cross%19reference "Bernand, &3Paneion& (1970) 42". The place%19of%19finding should be "el%19Kanai+s" and the date "ca. 2nd%19`1st bc". @ Under "Judaica (Greek%3Latin)" __ "Luederitz": For the inscription Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 50c, the date should be "`75%3`6". @ Under "Judaica (Greek%3Latin)" __ "SEG": In &3SEG& 28,1362, $*SARIKI/A,& reproduced here, is a misprint for $*SIRIKI/A. &3SEG 28,1363 is not a new text, as stated there, but is already found in Schwabe and Lifshitz, &3Beth She%102arim, II& (1964) 134,151. The items &3SEG& 28,1362%19`1364 should be deleted. These are duplicates of the inscriptions included here as &3CIJ "`1161e(3)", "`1161c(7)" and "`1161g(6)". The inscription &3SEG 28,1365 is mentioned and illustrated, but not transcribed in Avigad, &3Beth She%102arim, III& (1971), p. 20. @ Under "Judaica (Hebrew%3Aramaic)" __ "Various Sources": In the inscription &3CIJ& 1082, replace the text of Schwabe, <91$55L)WN*?YWS&>91 (dotted &3sin%3shin&), with that of Mazar in &3Beth She%102arim& I (1940) 204,93, <91$55L)WNJ?YS&>91 (dotted &3t%1eth&), i.e. "Leontios". @ Under "Judaica (Hebrew%3Aramaic)" __ "Various Sources": In the text of the inscription &3CIJ& 1009, the order of the two Hebrew words, which are written vertically to either side of the Greek inscription, is reversed. The order should be <91$55NP* )STR&>91. @ Under "Judaica (Hebrew%3Aramaic)" __ "Various Sources": In the text of the inscription &3CIJ& 1246%3`2, correct <91$55GRWD)&>91 to <91$55GRYD)&>91 (&3Grida&). @ @@@@"INSCRIPTIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN KINGDOMS": BIBLIOGRAPHY @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@John M. Mansfield @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@`10.21.1995 @ @@@@@Those collections of inscriptions marked with an asterisk (*) below have been reproduced in their entirety; in other cases, only the inscriptions dating before 1300 A.C. have been included. @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@General @ &3Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Poetarum latinorum medii aevi. [Abbrev.: &3MGH Poet.&] 6 vols. in 10 parts. Berlin 1881, 1884, 1886%19`1896, 1899%19`1923, 1937%19`1939; Weimar 1951; Mu+nchen 1979. [Items: 869%7; Words: 60713; Lines: 11283] __ &3Poetae latini &3aevi Carolini,& vols. 1%19`2, ed. Ernst Ludwig &7Du+mmler& (1881, 1884); vol. 3, ed. Ludwig &7Traube& (1886, 1892, 1896); vol. 4,1, ed. Paul &7von Winterfeld& (1899); and vols. 4,2 and "Supplementa", 4,3, ed. Karl &7Strecker& (1914, 1923). __ &3Die &3lateinischen Dichter des deutschen Mittelalters. Ottonenzeit, vols. 5,1%19`2, ed. Karl &7Strecker& (1937, 1939), and 5,3, ed. Gabriel &7Silagi& with Bernhard &7Bischoff& (Munich 1979). __ &3Die &3lateinischen Dichter des deutschen Mittelalters. Nachtra+ge zu &3den Poetae aevi Carolini,& vol. 6,1 (Weimar 1951), ed. %Karl &7Strecker.& __ Included: metrical inscriptions (epitaphs, dedications) and other like pseudo%19epigraphical compositions dating from the Carolingian and Ottonian periods, from France, Germany, Italy and Spain. Inscriptions on art%19works, but not those of decorated manuscripts, are included. __ Selections have been included from the following sections of &3MGH Poet.& 1 (1881): "Bonifatii carmina", pp. 19%19`23; "Pauli et Petri diaconorum carmina", pp. 27%19`86; "Tituli saeculi VIII", pp. 99%19`115; "Alcuini (Albini) carmina", pp. 160%19`351; "Fardulfi abbatis carmina", pp. 352%19`354; "Angilberti (Homeri) carmina", pp. 355%19`381; "Hibernici exulis [`395%19`413] et Bernowini carmina [`413%19`425]", pp. 392%19`425; "Tituli saeculi noni ineuntis", pp. 430%19`433; "Theodulfi carmina", pp. 437%19`581; and "Smaragdi (Zmaragdi) carmina", pp. 605%19`619. __ &3MGH Poet.& 2 (1884): "Appendix ad Ermoldum", pp. 92%19`93 (Flodoard); "Candidus De Vita Aeigili: Appendix", p. 117 (Hraban); "Hrabani Mauri carmina", pp. 153%19`258; "Walahfridi Strabi carmina", pp. 259%19`423; "Appendix ad Walahfridi carmina", pp. 423%19`473; "Carmina Sangallensia", pp. 474%19`482; "Flori Lugdunensis carmina", pp. 507%19`566; "Carmina Cenomanensia", pp. 623%19`636; "Carmina Salisburgensia", pp. 637%19`648; "Carmina varia", pp. 649%19`668. __ &3MGH Poet.& 3,1 (1886): "Pauli Albari carmina," pp. 122%19`142; "Cipriani et Samsonis carmina," pp. 143%19`147; and "Sedulii Scotti carmina," pp. 151%19`240. __ &3MGH Poet.& 3,2:1 (1892): "Carmina Centulensia," pp. 265%19`368; "Carmina de Ludovico II. imperatore," pp. 403%19`405; "Hincmari carmina," pp. 406%19`420; and "Heirici carmina," intro., p. 425. __ &3MGH Poet.& 3,2:2 (1896): "Iohannis Scotti carmina," appendix, p. 553; "Appendix ad Milonem," pp. 676%19`684; and "Carmina Scottorum latina et graecanica," pp. 685%19`701. __ &3MGH Poet.& 4,1 (1899): "De vita ... S. Germani," appendix, pp. 136%19`137; "Sylloga codicis Sangallensis CCCLXXXI. Appendix," pp. 335%19`349; and "Gesta Berengarii imperatoris. Appendix," pp. 402%19`403. __ &3MGH &3Poet.& 4,2 (1914): "Rhythmi ex variis codicibus collecti," pp. 614%19`666; and "Rhythmi Langobardici," pp. 718%19`731. __ &3MGH &3Poet.& 4,3 (1923): "Tituli Italici," pp. 1006%19`1026; "Epitaphia Varia," pp. 1026%19`1042; "Tituli Varii," pp. 1043%19`1055; "Carmina Varia," pp. 1072%19`1090; "Versus Sangallenses," pp. 1091%19`1112; and "Versus Augiensis," pp. 1112%19`1116. __ &3MGH &3Poet.& 5,1 (1937): "Vita S. Clementis," appendix, p.145; and "Vita S. Maximini," pp. 146%19`152; __ &3MGH Poet.& 5,2 (1939): "Grabschriften," pp. 281%19`353, including "Die Familie der Ottonen," pp. 281%19`289, "Sachsen," pp. 290%19`293, "Niederlande," pp. 293%19`301, "Rheinlande," pp. 301%19`324, "Su+ddeutschland und die Schweiz," pp. 324%19`332, "Burgund," pp. 332%19`334, and "Italien," pp. 334%19`353; "Inschriften und Aufschriften," pp. 355%19`371, including "Deutschland," pp. 355%19`371, and "Italien," pp. 366%19`371; "Bucheintra+ge," pp. 372%19`414 (only the epitaph included here by the editor, p. 379,9); "Verse in Miniaturenhandschriften," pp. 415%19`463 (only the small number of inscriptions on the covers of books and a few poems of other kinds included here by the editor); "Otto III in vermischten Gedichten," pp. 464%19`489; and "Verschiedenes," pp. 490%19`563, including "Deutschland" pp. 490%19`526, "St. Gallen," pp. 526%19`554, and "Italien," pp. 554%19`563. __ &3MGH Poet.& 5,3 (1979): "Aus dem Umkreis des Ottonenhauses," pp. 629%19`634; "Grabschriften und Perso+nliches," pp. 635%19`642; and "Verse zu Miniaturen un Goldschiedarbeiten," pp. 673%19`676. __ &3MGH Poet. 6,1 (1951): "Gedichte im Codex Parisiensis 8812," pp. 135%19`141; "Grabschriften," pp. 154%19`158; and "Inschriften und Aufschriften," pp. 159%19`162. @ __ Other works consulted (Publications of Inscriptions) [partial list]: @ &7Beckwith,& John. &3The Basilewsky Situla.& "Victoria and Albert Museum, Monograph," 21. London 1963. @ &7Schramm,& Percy Ernest, and Florentine &7Mu+therich. &3Denkmale der &3deutschen Ko+nige under Kaiser. Ein Beitrag zur &3Herrschergeschichte von Karl dem Grossen bis Friedrich II. &3`768%19`1250.& "Vero+ffentlichen des Kentralinstitutes fu+r Kunstgeschichte in Mu+nchen," 2; Munich 1962. __ Included: The remainder of inscriptions, mainly on art objects, not also published in &3MGH Poet. @ &3Schatzkammer der Residenz Mu+nchen. Katalog.& 3rd edn. Herbert &7Brunner,& ed. "Bayerische Verwaltung der staatlichen Schlo+sser, Ga+rten und Seen, Mu+nchen." Mu+nchen 1970. @ &7Wallach,& Luitpold. "The Epitaph of Alcuin: A Model of Carolingian Epigraphy". In &3Speculum. A Journal of Mediaeval &3Studies.& 30,3 (1955), pp. 367%19`373. @ &7Wallach,& Luitpold. "Alcuin's Epitaph of Hadrian I: A Study in Carolingian Epigraphy". In &3American Journal of Philology& 72 (1951), pp. 128%19`144. @ __ Other works consulted (Grave%19monuments of the Popes): @ &7Gregorovius,& Ferdinand Adolf. &3Die Grabdenkma+ler der Papste. &3Marksteine der Geschichte des Papsttums.& 1st edn., Leipzig 1857 (French translation by F. &7Sabatier, &3Les tombeaux des &3papes romains,& Paris 1859); 1st Italian edn., &3Le tombe dei &3papi,& revised and enlarged by the author, Rome 1879; 2nd revised German edn., Leipzig 1881 (English translation by R.W. &7Seton%19Watson, &3The Tombs of the Popes: Landmarks in Papal &3History,& Westminster 1903); 3rd illustrated German edn., ed. by Fritz &7Schillmann,& Leipzig 1911. 2nd Italian edn., &3Le tombe &3dei papi,& revised and enlarged by Christian &7Hu+lsen,& Rome 1931. @ %&7Schneider,& Fedor. &3Die Epitaphien der Pa+pste und andere &3stadtro+mische Inschriften des Mittelalters (4. bis 12. Jh.), ed. by Walther &7Holtzmann.& "Texte zur Kulturgeschichte des Mittelalters," 6; Rome 1933. @ __ Note on Geography: @ Concerning the geographical codes and abbreviations included in the supplementary data fields: @ __ For places in Germany we give the &3Land& (in abbreviated form: RP, BW, HS, BAY etc.) followed by a hyphenated two%19number code specifying the &3Regierungsbezirk& and the &3Landkreis& or &3Kreisfreie Stadt.& These codes were derived from the publication: @ Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden. &3Amtliche Schlu+sselnummern &3und Bevolkerungsdaten der Gemeinde und Verwaltungsbezirke in &3der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Ausgabe 1983.& Stuttgart, Mainz 1983. @ This publication has also been useful in bridging the gap between the &3Landkreise& existing at the time of the publication of the essential series of reference works, "Handbu+cher der historischen Sta+tten Deutschlands" (Stuttgart: Kro+ner) in the 1960s and the present. @ __ For places in France, we give the official number of the Department (sometimes also accompanied by the name of the Late Roman imperial %3 ecclesiastic diocese). See any edition of the invaluable @ &3Dictionnaire national des communes de France.& 20th edn., ed. Dominique &7de Fleurian& and others. "Dictionnaire Meyrat. Editions Albin Michel." Paris 1977. @ __ For places in Switzerland, we specify the canton in abbreviated form. __ In the case of Italy and Spain, most commonly we have used the same scheme of geographical divisions found in the collection of Late Antique Latin inscriptions, that is, in the case of Italy, the familiar Augustan regions (I%19XI), and in the case of Spain and Portugal, the Roman province and the &3conventus.& __ In the case of England, Scotland and Wales, we give the name of the present%19day county. @ º@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Germany @ *&7Kraus,& Franz Xaver. &3Die christlichen Inschriften der &3Rheinlande.& Vol. 2, &3Die christlichen Inschriften der &3Rheinlande von der Mitte des achten bis zur Mitte des &3dreizehnten Jahrhunderts.& Freiburg, Leipzig 1894. [Items: 988; Words: 53738; Lines: 11091] __ Inscriptions of the 8th through mid%19`13th centuries from Switzerland, Germany and France (Alsace). __ The unused verses of Ekkehart IV composed for the Dom of Mainz (Kraus II 235, 1022%19`1031 ac) have been supplied from: Johannes &7Egli, &3Der Liber Benedictionum &3Ekkeharts IV nebst den kleinern Dichtungen aus dem Codex &3Sangallensis 393& ("Mitteilungen zur Vaterla+ndischen Geschichte, herausgegeben vom Historischen Verein in St. Gallen," 31 [ser. 4, 1]; St. Gallen 1909), pp. 316%19`368. @ &3Die Deutschen Inschriften,& herausgegeben von den Akademien der Wissenschaften in Berlin, Du+sseldorf, Go+ttingen, Heidelberg, Leipzig, Mainz, Mu+nchen, und der O+sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Vols. 1%19`39. Stuttgart, Berlin Mu+nchen %9 Wiesbaden 1942%19`1995 (and continuing) [Abbrev.: &3DI&]. [Items: 557; Words: 14214; Lines: 3943] __ Included: only inscriptions dated before 1300 A.C. Accordingly, no items from vols. 3, 10, 10, 13 or 32 are included. @ @@Bd. 1: &3Die Inschriften des badischen Main%19 und &3@@@@@@@@@@Taubergrundes. Wertheim%19Tauberbischofsheim,& ges. u. @@@@@@@@@@bearb. v. Ernst Cucuel u. Hermann Eckert, Vorw. zum @@@@@@@@@@Gesamtwerk v. Friedrich Panzer. Stuttgart 1942, ND @@@@@@@@@@`1969. @@Bd. 2: &3Die Inschriften der Stadt Mainz von &3@@@@@@@@@@fru+hmittelalterlicher Zeit bis 1650,& ges. u. bearb. @@@@@@@@@@v. Fritz Viktor Arens auf Grund d. Vorarb. v. Konrad @@@@@@@@@@F. Bauer. Stuttgart 1958. @@Bd. 3: &3Die Inschriften des Burgenlandes,& ges. u. bearb. v. @@@@@@@@@@Rudolf Zimmerl. Stuttgart 1953. @@Bd. 4: &3Die Inschriften der Stadt Wimpfen am Neckar,& ges. u. @@@@@@@@@@bearb. v. Fritz Viktor Arens. Stuttgart 1958. @@Bd. 5: &3Die Inschriften der Stadt und des Landkreises &3@@@@@@@@@@Mu+nchen,& ges. u. bearb. v. Rudolf M. Kloos. @@@@@@@@@@Stuttgart 1958. @@Bd. 6: &3Die Inschriften des Naumburger Doms und der &3@@@@@@@@@@Domfreiheit,& ges. u. bearb. v. Ernst Schubert u. @@@@@@@@@@Ju+rgen Go+rlitz. Berlin Stuttgart 1959. @@Bd. 7: &3Die Inschriften der Stadt Naumburg an der Saale, @@@@@@@@@@ges. u. bearb. v. Ernst Schubert. Berlin Stuttgart @@@@@@@@@@`1960. @@Bd. 8: &3Die Inschriften der Landkreise Mosbach, Buchen und &3@@@@@@@@@@Miltenberg,& auf Grund d. Vorarb. v. Ernst Cucuel @@@@@@@@@@ges. u. bearb. v. Heinrich Ko+llenberger. Stuttgart @@@@@@@@@@`1964. @@Bd. 9: &3Die Inschriften des Landkreises Naumburg an der &3@@@@@@@@@@Saale,& ges. u. bearb. v. Ernst Schubert. Berlin @@@@@@@@@@Stuttgart 1965. @@Bd. 10: &3Die Inschriften Niedero+sterreichs, Teil 1: Die &3@@@@@@@@@@Inschriften der politischen Bezirke Amstetten und º&3@@@@@@@@@@Scheibbs,& ges. u. bearb. v. Herwig Hans Hornung. @@@@@@@@@@Graz Wien Ko+ln Stuttgart 1966. @@Bd. 11: &3Die Inschriften der Stadt Merseburg,& ges. u. bearb. @@@@@@@@@@v. Ernst Schubert u. Peter Ramm. Berlin Stuttgart @@@@@@@@@@`1968. @@Bd. 12: &3Die Inschriften der Stadt und des Landkreises &3@@@@@@@@@@Heidelberg,& ges. u. bearb. v. Renate @@@@@@@@@@Neumu+llers%19Klauser. Stuttgart 1970. @@Bd. 13: &3Die Inschriften der Friedho+fe St. Johannis, St. &3@@@@@@@@@@Rochus und Wo+hrd zu Nu+rnberg,& ges. u. bearb. v. @@@@@@@@@@Peter Zahn. Mu+nchen 1972. @@Bd. 14: &3Die Inschriften der Stadt Fritzlar,& ges. u. bearb. @@@@@@@@@@v. Theodor Niederquell. Mu+nchen 1974. @@Bd. 15: &3Die Inschriften der Stadt Rothenburg ob der Tauber, @@@@@@@@@@ges. u. bearb. v. Dietrich Lutz. Mu+nchen 1976. @@Bd. 16: &3Die Inschriften des Rhein%19Neckar%19Kreises (II). &3@@@@@@@@@@Ehemaliger Landkreis Mannheim, Ehemaliger Landkreis &3@@@@@@@@@@Sinsheim (no+rdlicher Teil),& ges. u. bearb. v. Renate @@@@@@@@@@Neumu+llers%19Klauser unt. Mitarb. v. Anneliese @@@@@@@@@@Seeliger%19Zeiss. Mu+nchen 1977. @@Bd. 17: &3Die Inschriften des Landkreises Hassberge,& ges. u. @@@@@@@@@@bearb. v. Isolde Maierho+fer. Mu+nchen 1979. @@Bd. 18: &3Die Inschriften des Landkreises Bamberg bis 1650, @@@@@@@@@@hg. v. Rudolf M. Kloos in Zs.arb. mit Lothar Bauer @@@@@@@@@@u. m. Beitr. v. Isolde Maierho+fer. Mu+nchen 1980. @@Bd. 19: &3Die Inschriften der Stadt Go+ttingen,& ges. u. bearb. @@@@@@@@@@v. Werner Arnold. Mu+nchen 1980. @@Bd. 20: &3Die Inschriften des Grosskreises Karlsruhe,& ges. u. @@@@@@@@@@bearb. v. Anneliese Seeliger%19Zeiss. Mu+nchen 1981. @@Bd. 21: &3Die Inschriften des Bundeslandes Ka+rnten, Teil 1: &3@@@@@@@@@@Die Inschriften der politischen Bezirke Spittal a. &3@@@@@@@@@@d. Drau und Hermagor,& ges. u. bearb. von Friedrich @@@@@@@@@@Wilhelm Leitner. Wien Mu+nchen 1982. @@Bd. 22: &3Die Inschriften des Enzkreises bis 1650,& bearb. v. @@@@@@@@@@Renate Neumu+llers%19Klauser. Mu+nchen 1983. @@Bd. 23: &3Die Inschriften der Stadt Oppenheim,& ges. u. bearb. @@@@@@@@@@v. Siegrid Du+ll. Wiesbaden 1984. @@Bd. 24: &3Die Inschriften des Lu+neburger St. &3@@@@@@@@@@Michaelisklosters und des Klosters Lu+ne,& ges. u. @@@@@@@@@@bearb. v. Eckhard Michael. Wiesbaden 1984. @@Bd. 25: &3Die Inschriften des Landkreises Ludwigsburg,& ges. @@@@@@@@@@u. bearb. v. Anneliese Seeliger%19Zeiss u. Hans Ulrich @@@@@@@@@@Scha+fer. Wiesbaden 1986. @@Bd. 26: &3Die Inschriften der Stadt Osnabru+ck,& ges. u. bearb. @@@@@@@@@@v. Sabine Wehking. Wiesbaden 1988. @@Bd. 27: &3Die Wu+rzburger Inschriften bis 1525,& auf d. @@@@@@@@@@Grundlage d. Nachlasses v. Theodor Kramer unt. @@@@@@@@@@Mitarb. v. Franz Xaver Herrmann bearb. v. Karl @@@@@@@@@@Borchardt, Geleitwort v. Peter Herde. Wiesbaden @@@@@@@@@@`1988. @@Bd. 28: &3Die Inschriften der Stadt Hameln,& ges. u. bearb. v. @@@@@@@@@@Christine Wulf. Wiesbaden 1989. @@Bd. 29: &3Die Inschriften der Stadt Worms,& ges. u. bearb. v. @@@@@@@@@@Ru+diger Fuchs. Wiesbaden 1991. @@Bd. 30: &3Die Inschriften des Landkreises Calw,& ges. u. @@@@@@@@@@bearb. v. Renate Neumu+llers%19Klauser. Wiesbaden 1992. @@Bd. 31: &3Die Inschriften des Aachener Doms,& ges. u. bearb. @@@@@@@@@@v. Helga Giersiepen, Geleitwort v. Raymund Kottje. @@@@@@@@@@Wiesbaden 1992. @@Bd. 32: &3Die Inschriften der Stadt Aachen,& ges. u. bearb. v. @@@@@@@@@@Helga Giersiepen, Geleitwort v. Raymund Kottje. @@@@@@@@@@Wiesbaden 1993. @@Bd. 33: &3Die Inschriften der Stadt Jena bis 1650,& ges. u. @@@@@@@@@@bearb. v. Luise u. Klaus Hallof. Berlin Wiesbaden @@@@@@@@@@`1992. @@Bd. 34: &3Die Inschriften des Landkreises Bad Kreuznach,& ges. @@@@@@@@@@u. bearb. v. EberhardJ. Nikitsch. Wiesbaden 1993. @@Bd. 35: &3Die Inschriften der Stadt Braunschweig bis 1528, @@@@@@@@@@bearb. v. Andrea Boockmann auf Grund einer @@@@@@@@@@Materialsammlung v. Dietrich Mack. Wiesbaden 1993. @@Bd. 36: &3Die Inschriften der Stadt Hannover,& ges. u. bearb. @@@@@@@@@@v. Sabine Wehking. Wiesbaden 1994. @@Bd. 37: &3Die Inschriften des Rems%19Murr%19Kreises,& ges. u. @@@@@@@@@@bearb. v. Harald Dro+s u. Gerhard Fritz unt. @@@@@@@@@@Benutzung d. Vorarb. v. Dieter Reichert. Wiesbaden @@@@@@@@@@`1994. @@Bd. 38: &3Die Inschriften des Landkreises Bergstrasse,& ges. @@@@@@@@@@u. bearb. v. Sebastian Scholz. Wiesbaden 1994. @@Bd. 39: &3Die Inschriften des Landkreises Jena,& ges. u. @@@@@@@@@@bearb. v. Luise u. Klaus Hallof. Berlin Wiesbaden @@@@@@@@@@`1995. @ *&7Funken,& Rolf. &3Die Bauinschriften des Erzbistums Ko+ln bis zum &3Auftreten der gotischen Majuskel.& Diss. Ko+ln 1980. "Vero+ffentlichung der Abteilung Architektur des Kunsthistorischen Instituts der Universita+t zu Ko+ln," 19; Ko+ln 1981. [Items: 34; Words: 1755; Lines: 384] __ Catalogue, with commentary, of thirty%19two inscriptions dating from the period ca. 950%19`1250 A.C., pp. 69%19`164. @ *&7Nisters%19Weisbecker,& Andrea. "Grabsteine des 7.%19`11. Jahhunderts am Niederrhein". In &3Bonner Jahrbu+cher& 183 (1983), pp. 175%19`326. With Rolf &7Funken,& "Epigraphische Anmerkungen zu niederrheinischen Grabsteinen," &3ibid.,& pp. 327%19`339. [Items: 67; Words: 734; Lines: 257] __ Includes (as 282,95): Walther &7Zimmermann,& "Das Grab der A=btissen Theophanu von Essen," &3Bonner Jahrbu+cher& 152 (1952), pp. 226%19`227, pl. 44. @ *&7Ehrentraut,& Harmut. "Bleierne Inschrifttafeln aus mittelalterlichen Gra+bern in den Rheinlanden". In &3Bonner &3Jahrbu+cher& 152 (1952), pp. 190%19`225, pls. 37%19`43. [Items: 48; Words: 1143; Lines: 336] @ *%&7Berges,& Wilhelm. &3Die a+lteren Hildesheimer Inschriften bis &3zum Tode Bischof Hezilos (&%&3`1079).& Aus dem Nachlass herausgegeben und mit Nachtra+gen versehen von Hans Ju+rgen &7Rieckenberg.& "Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Go+ttingen, Philologisch%19Historische Klasse," ser. 3, no. 131. Go+ttingen 1983. [Items: 36; Words: 1406; Lines: 380] @ &7Messerer,& Wilhelm. &3Der Bamberger Domschatz in seinem &3Bestande bis zum Ende der Hohenstaufen%19Zeit.& Aufnahmen von Max Hirmer. Mu+nchen 1952. [Items: 14; Words: 1927; Lines: 383] @ __ Other works consulted (Publications of Inscriptions) [partial list]: @ &7Kubach,& Hans Erich, and Walter &7Haas. &3Der Dom zu Speyer.& "Der Kunstdenkma+ler von Rheinland%19Pfalz, im Auftrage des Ministeriums fu+r Unterricht und Kultus, herausgegeben von Werner Bornheim gen. Schilling," vol. 5. Mu+nchen 1979. @ Bernhard &7Bischoff,& in Kurt &7Martin, &3Die Ottonischen Wandbilder &3der St. Georgskirche Reichenau%19Oberzell.& 1st edn. Konstanz 1961. Esp. pp. 62%19`69. @ __ Other works consulted (Inscriptions of documentary content): @ &7Mu+ller,& Wolfgang. &3Urkundeninschriften des deutschen &3Mittelalters.& "Mu+nchener Historische Studien. Abteilung Geschichtl. Hilfswissenschaften," 13. "Mu+nchener Universita+ts%19Schriften. Philosophische Fakulta+t." Kallmu+nz u+ber Regensburg 1975. @ __ Other works consulted (Paleography): @ &7Conrad,& Rudolf. &3Niederrheinische Epigraphik vom achten bis &3dreizehnten Jahrhundert. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der &3monumentalen Schrift.& Frankfurt am Main 1931. @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Switzerland @ &7Egli,& Emil. &3Die christlichen Inschriften der Schweiz vom 4.%19`9. &3Jahrhundert.& "Mitteilungen der Antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Zu+rich," XXIV,1. Zu+rich 1894. With a few added notes: "Nachtrag: Zu den alten christlichen Inschriften der Schweiz," in &3Anzeiger fu+r schweizeriche Altertumskunde& 4 (1899), p. 189%19`191. __ Work not yet incorporated in the data bank. @ &7Jo+rg,& Christoph. &3Corpus inscriptionum medii aevi Helvetiae. Die &3fru+hchristlichen und mittelalterlichen Inschriften der Schweiz, ed. by Carl &7Pfaff& [Abbrev.: &3CIMAHelv.&] Vol. 1, &3Die Inschriften &3des Kantons Wallis bis 1300.& "&3Scrinium Friburgense. Vero+ffentlichen des Media+vistischen Instituts der Universita+t Freiburg Schweiz. Sonderband," 1. Freiburg%3Schweiz 1977. __ Work not yet incorporated in the data bank. @ ú@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@France @ ú*&3Corpus des inscriptions de la France me/die/vale& [Abbrev.: CIFM]. Vols. 1%19`16. Paris 1974%19`1992 (and continuing). Textes e/tablis et pre/sente/s par Robert &7Favreau,& Jean &7Michaud& (vols. 1%19`10; with the collaboration of Bernadette Leplant, vols. 6%19`9; with the collaboration of Bernadette Mora, vols. 11%19`14; sous la direction de Edmond%19Rene/ Labande, vols. 1%19`11) and Bernadette &7Mora& (vols. 15%19@@). "Centre d'e/tudes supe/rieures de civilisation me/die/vale, Universite/ de Poitiers" (vols. 9%19`12); "Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Centre re/gional de publication de Bordeaux" (vols. 13%19@@). [Items: 2137; Words: 50753; Lines: 13465] __ Inscriptions dating from ca.750 to ca.1300 A.C. __ The 285 Christograms, $A *XR[1&istu$]1&s $W,& published in vol. 10 are omitted here. @ @@t. 1: &3Ville de Poitiers.& "I, Poitou%19Charentes: 1," 1974. @@t. 2: &3De/partement de la Vienne (excepte/ la ville de &3@@@@@@@@@Poitiers).& "I, Poitou%19Charentes: 2," 1975. @@t. 3: &3Charente, Charente%19Maritime, Deux%19Se\vres.& "I, @@@@@@@@@Poitou%19Charentes: 3," 1977. @@t. 4: &3Corre\ze, Creuse, Haute%19Vienne.& "II, Limousin," 1978. @@t. 5: &3Dordogne, Gironde.& 1979. @@t. 6: &3Gers, Landes, Lot%19et%19Garonne, Pyre/ne/es%19Atlantiques.& 1981. @@t. 7: &3Ville de Toulouse.& 1982. @@t. 8: &3Arie\ge, Haute%19Garonne, Hautes%19Pyre/ne/es, &3@@@@@@@@@Tarn%19et%19Garonne.& 1982. @@t. 9: &3Aveyron, Lot, Tarn.& 1984. @@t. 10: &3Chrismes du sud%19ouest.& 1985. @@t. 11: &3Pyre/ne/es%19Orientales.& 1986. @@t. 12: &3Aude, He/rault.& 1988. @@t. 13: &3Gard, Loze\re, Vaucluse.& 1988. @@t. 14: &3Alpes%19Maritimes, Bouches%19du%19Rho=ne, Var.& 1989. @@t. 15: &3La ville de Vienne en Dauphine/.& 1990. @@t. 16: &3Alpes%19de%19Haute%19Provence, Hautes%19Alpes, Arde\che, &3@@@@@@@@@Dro=me.& 1992. @ *&7Bertrand,& Simone. &3La Tapisserie de Bayeux et la manie\re de &3vivre au onzie\me sie\cle.& Paris 1966. [Items: 1; Words: 386; Lines: 148] __ Facsimiles of captions, nos. 1%19`58, pp. 75%19`115, with French translations. On pp. 112%19`113, captions nos. 54%19`56 have been printed out of sequence nos. 54%19`56, here %6 56, 54, 55). __ For a concise running commentary, with English translations of the captions, see: &7Gibbs%19Smith, Charles H., &3The Bayeux Tapestry.& London: Phaidon, 1973. @ __ Other works consulted (Inscriptions of Vienne): @ &7Allmer,& Auguste, and Alfred &7de Terrebasse. &3Inscriptions &3antiques et du moyen a=ge de Vienne en Dauphine/. Deuxie\me &3partie& [vols. 5%19`6]. &3Inscriptions et du moyen a=ge ante/rieures &3au XVIIe sie\cle, par Alfred de Terrebasse.& 2 vols. Vienne 1875. @ &7Allmer,& Auguste, and Adrien &7Allmer. &3Atlas des inscriptions &3antiques et du moyen a=ge de Vienne en Dauphine/ reproduites en &3fac%19simile.& Vienne 1875. @ ĺ@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Spain and Portugal @ &7Hu+bner,& Aemilius [Emil]. &3Inscriptiones Hispaniae christianae. Berlin 1871. [Items (incl. &3Suppl.&): 268; Words: 7276; Lines: 1834] __ The inscriptions from the late Roman and Visigothic periods, nos. 1%19`209, 289 and 1*%19`82* are (with some exceptions) re%19edited by Vives, &3ICERV& (1942); inscriptions from the ninth through eleventh centuries A.C., nos. 210%19`288, 290%19`293 and 83*%19`104* are included here. @ &7Hu+bner,& Aemilius [Emil]. &3Inscriptiones Britanniae &3christianae.& Berlin 1876. A special section of "Additamenta ad &3Inscriptiones Hispaniae christianas& (1871)", pp. 1*%19`5*, nos. 1%19`5, with corrections to other items, is published in this volume. All of this material is repeated in the &3Supplementum& (1900). @ Aemilius [Emil] &7Hu+bner. &3Inscriptiones Hispaniae christianae. &3Supplementum.& Berlin 1900. __ The inscriptions from the late Roman and Visigothic periods, nos. 293%19`453, 524%19`529 and 532%19`535, are (with some exceptions) re%19edited by Vives, &3ICERV (1942); the inscriptions from the ninth through eleventh centuries A.C., nos. 452%19`523 (the numbers 453%19`454 are repeated), 530, 531, and 105*%19`106* are included here. @ &7Go/mez%19Moreno,& M. &3Iglesias moza/rabes. Arte espan%24ol de los &3siglos IX a XI.& "Junta para Ampliacio/n de Estudios e Investigaciones Cienti/ficas. Centro de Estudios Histo/ricos." Madrid 1919. [Items: 17; Words: 68; Lines: 201] __ Included: Inscriptions not quoted from Hu+bner. &3I.Hisp.Chr.& (1871) and &3Supplementum& (1900). @ &3Boleti/n de la Real Academia de la Historia& (Madrid). __ Selections from volumes 20 (1892) 31 (1897) 41 (1902) 65 (1914) and 128 (1951). [Items: 24; Words: 189; Lines: 821] @ &7Dura/n Gudiol,& Antonio. "Las Inscripciones medievales de la provincia de Huesca." In &3Estudios de Edad Media de la Corona &3de Arago/n,& VIII: &3Publicaciones de la Seccion de Zaragoza,& 10. "Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cienti/ficas. Escuela de Estudios Medievales, Estudios: XXXIX." Zaragoza 1967 [`1968]. Pp. 45%19`153 [`1%19`109]. [Items: 268; Words: 3102; Lines: 1380] @ ź@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Italy and Croatia @ &7Gray,& Nicolette. &3"&The Paleography of Latin Inscriptions in the Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Centuries in Italy." In &3Papers of &3the British School at Rome& 16, N.S. 3 (1948), pp. 38%19`167, pls. 12%19`24. [Items: 50; Words: 2304; Lines: 488] __ Selections only. Many of the publications cited are not accessible to the compiler of this data bank. @ &7Grossi%19Gondi,& Felice. "Excursus sulla paleografia medievale epigrafica del secolo IX." In: &3Dissertazioni della Pontificia &3Accademia Romana di Archeologia,& ser. 2, vol. 13 (1918), pp. 147%19`179, pls. 32%19`35. [Items: 16; Words: 204; Lines: 73] __ Selections only. Many of the publications cited are not accessible to the compiler of this data bank. @ &7Mai,& Angelo, and %Gaetano &7Marini, &3Scriptorum veterum nova &3collectio e Vaticanis codicibus edita.& vol. 5. Rome 1831. [Items: 34; Words: 6056; Lines: 1049] __ A selection of texts, cross%19referenced with later editions. @ &7Roversi,& Giancarlo. &3Iscrizioni medievali bolognesi.& "Istituto per la Storia di Bologna. Collana Testi," n.s. 2. Bologna 1982. [Items: 30; Words: 716; Lines: 214] @ &3Corpus inscriptionum medii aevi Liguriae,& 1%19`3 (1978%19`1987) [Items: 61; Words: 1689; Lines: 415]: @ &7Varaldo,& Carlo &3Corpus inscriptionum medii aevi Liguriae,& 1: &3Savona, Vado, Quiliano.& "Universita\ di Genova, Istituto di Paleografia e Storia medievale. Collana storica di fonti e studi," 27. Genova 1978. @ &7Origone,& Sandra, and Carlo &7Varaldo, &3Corpus inscriptionum &3medii aevi Liguriae,& 2: &3Genova, Museo di S. Agostino. Universita\ di Genova, Istituto di medievistica. Collana storica di fonti e studi," 37. Genova 1983. @ &7Silva,& Augusta. &3Corpus inscriptionum medii aevi Liguriae, 3: &3Genova, centro storico.& "Universita\ di Genova, Istituto di medievistica. Collana storica di fonti e studi," 50. Genova 1987. @ &7Campana,& Augusta. "La testimonianza delle iscrizioni," in Marini Armandi (and others), eds., &3Lanfranco e Wiligelmo. Il &3Duomo di Modena.& Modena 1984. [Items: 15; Words: 791; Lines: 256] @ &7Montorsi,& William. &3Iscrizioni modenesi romaniche e gotiche, &3Duomo e Palazzo del comune con un'appendice sulla torre. "Deputazione di storia patria per le antiche provincie modenesi, Biblioteca," N.S. 35. Modena 1977. [Items: 11; Words: 375; Lines: 81] __ Remainder and miscellaneous. See &3Il &3Duomo di Modena& (1984). @ *&7Scalia,& Giuseppe. "Epigraphica Pisana. Testi latini sulla spedizione contro le Baleari del 1113%19`15 e su altre imprese anti%19saracene del sec. XI." In: &3Miscellanea di studi ispanici [`2], "Universita\ di Pisa. Istituto di letteratura spagnola e ispano%19americana, Pubblicazioni" 6 (1963), pp. 234%19`286. [Items: 12; Words: 729; Lines: 136] Cf. also G. Scalia, "Ancora intorno all'epigrafe sulla fondazione del duomo pisano," in &3Studi Medievali& 10,2 (1969 [`1970]), pp. 483%19`519. @ *&7Billo,& Luisa. "Le iscrizione veronesi dell'alto medioevo." źIn: &3Archivio Veneto. A cura della R. Deputazione di Storia &3Patria per le Venezie& 64, ser. 5,16. Venezia 1934. Pp. 1%19`122 and unnumbered plates. [Items: 25; Words: 1255; Lines: 293] __ Inscriptions dating from the eighth through the eleventh centuries A.C. @ &3Scritti di Carlo Cipolla,& I%19II, ed. C.G. &7Mor.& "Biblioteca di Studi Storici Veronesi," 12. Verona 1978. [Items: 14; Words: 260; Lines: 104] @ &7Saporetti,& Claudio. &3Iscrizione romaniche del Duomo di Fidenza. "La Deputazione di Storia Patria per le Province Parmensi, Fonti e Studi," 4. Parma 1981. [Items: 18; Words: 318; Lines: 196] @ &7Porter,& Arthur Kingsley. &3Lombard architecture.& 4 vols. New Haven 1915%19`1917. [Items: 209; Words: 7490; Lines: 2044] __ Included: Inscriptions anterior to 1300 A.C. in vols. 2%19`3 (1916%19`1917). @ &7Avarucci,& Giuseppe, and Antonio &7Salvi. &3Le iscrizioni &3medioevali di Cingoli.& "Universita\ degli Studi di Macerata. Pubblicazioni della Facolta\ di Lettere e Filosofia," 31. Padova 1986. [Items: 13; Words: 188; Lines: 84] @ &3Namentragende Steininschriften in Jugoslawien vom Ende des 7. &3bis zur Mitte des 13. Jahrhunderts.& Bearbeitung: Rade &7Mihaljc%148ic/&; Redaktion: Ludwig &7Steindorff& %6 "Glossar zur fru+hmittelalterlichen Geschichte im o+stlichen Europa," hrsg. von Jadran Ferluga (and others), Beihefte, no. 2. Wiesbaden 1982. [Items: 150; Words: 3195; Lines: 753] __ Latin inscritions only, mainly from Croatia. @ &3Namentragende Inschriften auf Fresken und Mosaiken auf der &3Balkanhalbinsel vom Ende des 7. bis zum 13. Jahrhunderts. Bearbeitung: Vojislav &7Djuric/& and Anna &7Tsitouridou&; Redaktion: Athanasios &7Fourlas& and Ludwig &7Steindorff %6 "Glossar zur fru+hmittelalterlichen Geschichte im o+stlichen Europa," hrsg. von Jadran Ferluga (and others), Beihefte, no. 4. Stuttgart 1986. __ Latin inscritions only, mainly from Croatia. [Items: 4; Words: 56; Lines: 7] @ __ Other works (Illustrations of Inscriptions) @ Angelo &7Silvagni. &3Monumenta epigraphica christiana saeculo XIII &3antiquiora quae in Italiae finibus adhuc extant.& 4 vols. in 7 parts. Vatican 1943. Vols. I,1, &3Roma&; II,1, &3Mediolanum&; II,2, &3Comum&; II,3, &3Papia&; III,1, &3Lucca&; IV,1, &3Neapolis&; IV,2, &3Beneventum.& __ Not accessible to the compiler of this data bank. @ ź@ @@@@@@@@@@@@England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland @ *&7Okasha,& Elisabeth. &3Hand%19list of Anglo%19Saxon Non%19Runic &3Inscriptions.& Cambridge 1971. With &7E. Okasha,& "Supplement to &3Hand%19list of Anglo%19Saxon Non%19Runic Inscriptions,&" in &3Anglo%19Saxon England& 11 (1983) 83%19`118, nos. 159%19`184. [Items: 186; Words: 1954; Lines: 1003] __ Latin and Old English inscriptions dating mainly from ca. 700 to ca. 1100 A.C. __ The presentation of the texts has been substantially revised in order to conform with the norms of epigraphical publications. __ The inscriptions of the stole and maniple of St. Cuthbert (Hu+bner, &3IBrChr& 229,c%19d) have been added as 35(2)%19`35(3): see &7C.F. Battiscombe,& ed., &3The Relics of Saint &3Cuthbert& (Oxford 1956), pp. 375%19`408, pl. 34. __ The texts of the Old English Runic inscriptions on eighth%19 to ninth%19century stone crosses from Thornhill, Lancaster and Bewcastle have been added as nos. 68(2), 105(2), and 116(2)%19`116(4). __ Notes on coding: In the reproduction of Old English texts, the codes <7 >7 (TLG Beta Code for "sling below" __ epigraphically, in ligature) enclose the letters <7th>7 (&3thorn&) and <7dh>7 (&3eth&), and the monophthongs <7ae>7 and <7oe>7. __ Transcriptions of English (Futharc) runes and runic letters appearing in inscriptions in the Roman alphabet are marked by the escape code %9`91. The runic letter &3wynn& is encoded as %9`91w%9. The sequences <7th>7, <7ae>7, <7oe>7, <4ng>4, <4e%26a>4 represent the single runic characters. @ &7James,& Montague Rhodes. &3The Verses formerly Inscribed on &3Twelve Windows in the Choir of Canterbury Cathedral. "Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Octavo Publications," 38; London 1901. [Items: 12; Words: 2808; Lines: 498] __ Manuscript copy of the verses which accompany the series of biblical scenes, now only partially preserved, on the stained glass windows (ca. 1175%19`1180), of the Christ Church Cathedral, Canterbury. @ &7James,& Montague Rhodes. "On Two Series of Paintings Formerly at Worcester Priory," in &3Proceedings of the Cambridge &3Antiquarian Society& 10, N.S. 4 (1898%19`1903 [`1904]), pp. 99%19`115. [Items: 2; Words: 1315; Lines: 268] __ Manuscript copies of the verses which accompanied two series of paintings, now destroyed, in the chapter%19house of Worcester Cathedral Priory: __ A. Typological verses which accompanied a series of paintings of biblical scenes, James, &3op. cit., pp. 99%19`110. Cf. also, Canon Wilson, "On Some Twelfth%19Century Paintings on the Vaulted Roof of the Chapter House of Worcester Cathedral," in &3Associated Architectural Societies' &3Reports and Papers& 32,1 (1913 [`1914]), pp. 132%19`148. __ B. Descriptive verses, ascribed to the poet Golias, which accompanied a series of paintings illustrating the history of the Maccabees, James, &3op. cit.,& pp. 110%19`115. @ &7Zarnecki,& George, Janet &7Holt,& Tristam &7Holland,& eds., and others, &3English Romanesque Art 1066%19`1200. Hayward Galley, &3London 5 April__8 July 1984.& London 1984. [Items: 16; Words: 599; Lines: 157] __ Included: a small number of inscriptions from art objects. @ &7Macalister,& Robert Alexander Stewart. &3Corpus Inscriptionum &3Insularum Celticarum.& 2 vols. Dublin 1945%19`1949. [Abbrev.: CIIC]. [Items: 60; Words: 608; Lines: 284] __ Included here, from vol. 2 ("ancient inscriptions in the Celtic languages, or in Latin, written in the &3Half%19Uncial& character"): only Latin and mixed%19language inscriptions. @ Under the heading "Other British Isles (various sources)" a few additional inscriptions, several dating after 1300 A.C., have been included from the following three publications: @ &7Pritchard,& Violet. &3English Medieval Graffiti.& Cambridge 1967. __ An illustrated collection of graffiti, mainly figural, dating from the 12th through 16th centuries A.C. Ten texts from the 12th through 14th centuries have been included here (pp. 62%19`63, 69%19`70, 74%19`75, 75%19`76, 79%19`80, 112, and 129%19`130), most notably, the notices concerning the Black Death (1348%19`1361 A.C.) at Ashwell Church in Hertfordshire, reviewed by Bruce Dickins, "Appendix III: Historical Graffiti at Ashwell, Hertfordshire," pp. 181%19`183. @ &7Coulton,& G.G. "Medieval Graffiti, especially in the Eastern Counties," in &3Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society 19, N.S. 13 (1914%19`1915 [`1915]), pp. 53%19`62, pls. 6%19`16. __ Includes three dated graffiti of the 14th century. @ &7Clark%19Maxwell,& B.M. "The Tombstone of Countess Ela, Foundress of Lacock Abbey," in &3The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural &3History Magazine& 45, no. 156, June 1932, pp. 528%19`532. __ An epitaph of 1261 A.C, later re%19inscribed. The arguments brought forward by Clark%19Maxwell to show that the inscription is an 18th%19century fabrication do not seem strong. @ __ Other works consulted: @ &7Brown,& G. Balwin. &3The Arts in Early England. Vol. V. The &3Ruthwell and Bewcastles Crosses, The Gospels of Lindisfarne, &3and Other Christian Monuments of Northumbria. With &3Philological Chapers by &7A. Blyth Webster.& London 1921. __ Inscriptions of the Ruthwell Cross, pp. 122%19`147, 203%19`244; and of the Bewcastle Cross, pp. 245%19`272. @ &7Elliot,& Ralph W.V., &3Runes. An Introduction.& Manchester 1959. 2nd edition: Manchester, New York 1989. Chapter VII, "Some English Runic Inscriptions," pp. &4`2&`101%19`139 (&4`1&`76%19`109), with additional bibliography, pp. &4`2&`143 (&4`1&`114%19`115). Especially, the crosses at Thornhill, pp. &4`2&`113%19`115 (&4`1&`86%19`87), and Lancaster, pp. &4`2&`112 (&4`1&`87%19`88). @ &7Page, R.I, &3An Introduction to English Runes.& London 1973. źChapters 10, "Rune%19Stones," pp. 134%19`162, and 11, "Runes Elsewhere," pp. 163%19`189. @ ƺ@ @@@@@@Palestine and Syria: Inscriptions of the Crusaders @ *&7De Sandoli, Sabino. &3Corpus Inscriptionum Crucesignatorum &3Terrae Sanctae (1099%19`1291). Testo, traduzione e annotazioni. "Pubblicazioni dello Studium Biblicum Franciscanum," 21; Jerusalem 1974. With additions (see below). [Items: 357; Words: 6575; Lines: 2216] The collection includes both inscriptions and seals. __ The presentation of the texts has been substantially revised in order to conform with the norms of epigraphical publications. @ __ Other works consulted and sources of added texts: @ &7Thomsen, Peter.& "Die lateinischen und griechischen Inschriften der Stadt Jerusalem und ihrer na+chsten Umgebung," in &3Zeitschrift des deutschen Pala+stina%19Vereins& 44 (1921) 1%19`61 and 90%19`168, with "Nachtrag," &3ZdPV& 64 (1941) 203%19`256. __ Inscriptions from the 12th%19`13th centuries: &3ZdPV& 44 (1921), pp. 13%19`28, nos. 26, 28%19`58, pp. 31%19`47, nos. 60%19`86, pp. 49%19`49, nos. 93%19`94, p. 50, no. 96, p. 52, nos. 100%19`101, p. 53, no. 103, p. 61, no. 122, p. 112, no. 188%19`199; and &3ZdPV& 64 (1941), p. 211, no. 31A, p. 220, no. 123F, and p. 223, no. 161A. For the sake of completeness, the Greek inscriptions found in the collection of Thomsen, but omitted in &3CICrTS&__namely, &3ZdPV& 44 (1921) 22,48, 24,54, 28,58(a), 31,60%19`61, and parts of 21,46 24,53 and 25,56(f)__have been added in their places. @ &7Bagatti, Bellarmino. &3Gli Antichi edifici sacri di Betlemme. "Pubblicazioni dello Studium Biblicum Franciscanum," 9; Jerusalem 1952. __ The Greek texts of the &3symbola& of the councils of the church (&3CIG& 8953%19`8964; &7H. Vincent& and &7F%19M. &7Abel, &3Le sanctuaire de la Nativite/ a\ Bethle/em& [Paris 1914], pp. 149%19`154), omitted in &3CICrTS,& have been added from the study of &7H. Stern,& "Les repre/sentations des conciles dans l'e/glise de la Nativite/ a\ Bethle/em. Deuxie\me partie. Les Inscriptions," in &3Byzantion& 13,2 (1938), pp. 415%19`459. Other Greek texts have been added from Bagatti (1952) and Vincent and Abel (1914). @ &7Gustav Schlumberger, Ferdinand Chlandon& and &7Adrien Blanchet. &3Sigillographie del l'Orient Latin.& "Haut Commissariat de l'E/tat Franc%25ais en Syrie et au Liban, Service des Antiquite/s. Bibliothe\que arche/ologique et historique," 37; Paris 1943. @ A small number of inscriptions from Lebanon (Tyre, Sidon, Beirut, and Tripoli) published or reproduced in the following two works have also been added: @ &7Clermont%19Ganneau, Charles.& "Nouveux monuments des Croise/s recueillis en Terre Sainte," in &3Archives de l'Orient Latin& 2 (1884), I, pp. 457%19`464. @ &7Enlart, Camille. &3Les Monuments des Croise/s dans le Royaume &3de Je/rusalem.& 2 vols. with &3Atlas& of plates in two albums. "Haut Commissariat de la Re/publique Franc%25ais en Syrie et au Liban, Service des Antiquite/s et Beaux%19Arts. Bibliothe\que arche/ologique et historique," 8,1%19`2; Paris 1925%19`1928. @ A fragmentary metrical dedication or epitaph from the Temple Mount: @ &7Pringle, Denys.& "A Templar Inscription from the Haram al%19Sharif in Jerusalem." In &3Levant& 21 (1989), pp. 197%19`201. __ Added. @ Two boundary%19markers of the Genoese from the territory of Acre, here added as &3CICrTS& nos. "`411(2)%19`411(3)": @ &7Frankel, Rafael.& "I Cippi confinari Genovesi dal Kibbutz Shomrat," in Gabriella Airaldi and Benjamin Z. Kedar, eds., &3I &3Comuni italiani del regno crociato di Gerusalemme. Atti del &3Colloquio "The Italian Communes in the Crusading Kingdom of &3Jerusalem (Jerusalem, May 24%19May 28, 1984),& (Universita\ di Genova, Istituto di Medievistica, "Collana storica di fonti e studi," 48; Genova 1986), pp. 693%19`695. @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@THREE BYZANTINE DOCUMENTS @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@John M. Mansfield @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@`5.30.1991 @ Three documents of the Byzantine period have also been included as a complement the main collection of "Inscriptions of the Christian Empire". @ __ Cadastral Codex of Thebes (11th%3`12th c. A.C.) @ Svoronos, N., "Recherches sur le cadastre byzantin et la fiscalite/ aux XIe et XIIe sie\cles: le cadastre de The\bes," in &3Bulletin de correspondance helle/nique& 83 (1959), pp. 11%19`19. [`2396 words; 168 lines] @ __ Athenian Praktikon (12th c. A.C.) @ Granstrem, E., I. Medvedev and Denise Papachryssanthou, "Fragment d'un praktikon de la re/gion d'Athe\nes (avant 1204)," in &3Revue des e/tudes byzantines& 34 (1976) 30%19`41 [`2710 words; 141 lines] @ __ Chronicle of Monembasia @ Duic%148ev, I., &3Cronaca di Monemvasia. Introduzione, testo critico &3e note& ("Istituto Siciliano di Studi Bizantini e Neoellenici, Testi e Monumenti: Testi," 12; Palermo 1976). [`1741 words; 234 lines] __ Abbreviations of sources: Iv(iron), T(aurensis), K(utlumu\s), A(rethae Scholia). The text has been divided into nine sections, not found in the edition of Duic%148ev, so that the parallel passages from the Cod. Taurensis, the Cod. Kutlumu\s and the scholia of Arethas will appear in juxtaposition with the main text of the Iviron manuscript. @ @@@@@@@@@@@"INSCRIPTIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN EMPIRE": @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@SUPPLEMENTAL BIBLIOGRAPHY @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@John M. Mansfield @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@`9.30.1992 @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Introductory Notes @ Most importantly, the supplementary bibliography (1) gives full bibliographic information for inscriptions included in those collections of texts in the data bank that have been assembled from "various sources", &3viz.& "Greece" __ "Thessaly", "Epirus", "Hellas", "Attica" and "Peloponnesos"; (2) provides full documentation for all inscriptions that have been inserted as quasi%19addenda into other published works; (3) contains lists of the specific inscriptions selected for inclusion in the data bank from publications not devoted solely to late%19antique epigraphy; and (4) contains lists of the specific inscriptions that have been included from the various periodicals grouped under "Varia". However, for the benefit of researchers who may have need to make more extensive use of the data bank, the scope of the supplementary bibliography has been enlarged to include almost a full listing of all the inscriptions contained in the data bank. There is much useful information here. @ In the data bank each inscription is accompanied by an indication of its place%19of%19finding, the administrative region to which the site belongs and the date of the inscription, where a date is given in the edition followed. Cross%19references are also commonly attached to the inscriptions included in the data bank. Depending on the particular case, the cross%19reference may give an earlier or a later publication of the inscription. In both cases, the cross%19references may help the user to recognize a text that is published in more than one place, or that may be cited in publications under different names. In the second case, the cross%19reference may also indicate the source of any revisions made to the text as given in the principal edition. At present only one cross%19reference can be attached to each inscription in the data bank, so that, in cases where two or several cross%19references might have been helpful, only the most important could be included. Cross%19references have not been provided in the data base to indicate the sources of inscriptions reproduced from &3SEG,& so that this material is not represented in the bibliography. @ The cross%19references have been inserted in their places, in geographical order, in the enumeration of works included in the data bank. Since the cross%19references given in the supplementary bibliography are derived primarily from the material included in the data bank itself __where, as we have said, only one cross%19reference can be attached to each inscription__ the cross%19references to any given publication, when collected together, will not necessarily be complete. That is, in some cases, an inscription may have appeared in a certain publication to which cross%19references are given in places in the data bank, but for that particular inscription a cross%19reference to a third work was included instead. Where appropriate, however, for certain works in the supplementary bibliography, a full concordance has been provided. @ In the supplementary bibliography cross%19references to earlier and later publications are enclosed in square%19brackets ([ ]). The "equals"%19sign (%6) is used to indicate that the inscription published in the first place cited is to be found in the data bank under the second reference. @ At present the Latin inscriptions included in the data bank from E. Diehl, &3Inscriptiones Latinae Christianae Veteres (1925%19`1928) are not accompanied by any subsidiary information (place%19of%19finding, date, other publications). Accordingly, this very large number of inscriptions is not represented in the supplementary bibliography. [See the added work "&3ILCV Sources (1995).] @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ASIA MINOR @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Asia Minor: General @ *Gre/goire, H., &3Recueil des inscriptions grecques chre/tiennes &3de l'Asie Mineure.& Paris 1922. Complete. Inscriptions from Hellespontus, Asia, the Aegean Islands (part), Caria, Lycia, Pamphylia and Lydia. __ Contents: &3IGChAs& 1 (HELLESPONTUS, &1Skamandros&; 9th%19`10th ac); __ 2%19`3 (&1Alexandria Troas&; 6th ac); __ 4 [&3SEG& 34,1243 and &3TravMe/m& 9 (1985) 452] (&1Abydos&; ca. 491%19`518 ac), 5 (4th ac); __ 5(2) [&3MAMA& I,258] (Pisidia, Laodicea Combusta; ca. 989 ac); __ 6 (&1Lampsakos&; 6th%19`7th ac); __ 7%19`8 (&1Kyzikos&; end 3rd ac), 9 (4th ac), 10 (4th%19`5th ac), 11, 12%19`14 (5th ac), 15%19`16, 16(2), 17 [&3IK Kyzikos& 1.222], 18%19`19, 20 [&3IK Kyzikos& 1.404], 21%19`24, 25 (992 or 1092 ac), 26, 27 (5th%19`6th ac), 28%19`29, 30%19`31 (4th%19`5th ac), 32%19`33, 33(2)%19`33(3); __ 34 [&3IK Kyzikos& 2.137] (&1Lopadion&), 35 [&3IK Kyzikos& 2.136], 36%19`37, 38 (4th%19`5th ac); __ 39 [&3IK Kyzikos& 2.135] (&1Miletopolis&), 40; __ 40(2) (&1Hadrianoutherai&); __ 41 [&3IK Assos 35a] (ASIA, &1Assos&; 5th ac), 42 [&3IK Assos& 69b] (5th ac), 43 [&3IK &3Assos& 35] (6th ac), 44 [&3IK Assos& 32] (6th ac), 45 [&3IK Assos 33], 46 [&3IK Assos& 69], 47 (6th ac), 47(2); __ 48%19`50 (&1Pergamon&), 51 (1544%19`1545 ac), 52%19`61; __ 61(2)%19`61(3) (&1Elaia&); __ 62 (&1Phokaia&; 1363 ac), 63; __ 64 (&1Teos&); __ 65 [&3IK Smyrna 845] (&1Smyrna&; beg. 5th ac), 66 [&3IK Smyrna& 559] (mid%19`5th ac), 67 [&3IK Smyrna& 567], 68 [&3IK Smyrna& 565], 69 [&3IK Smyrna& 560] (534 ac), 70 [&3IK Smyrna& 562] (541 ac), 71 [&3IK Smyrna& 561] (541 or 543 ac), 72 [&3IK Smyrna& 852], 73 [&3IK Smyrna& 849] (5th%19`6th ac), 74 [&3IK Smyrna& 563], 75 [&3IK Smyrna& 848] (6th%19`7th ac), 76 [&3IK Smyrna& 564] (6th%19`7th ac), 77 [&3IK Smyrna& 570], 78 [&3IK &3Smyrna& 853] (10th ac), 79 [&3IK Smyrna& 851A] (ca. 629%19`641 ac?), 80 [&3IK Smyrna& 851] (ca. 629%19`641 ac), 81%3`82 [&3IK Smyrna& 854] (1222%19`1223 ac), 82(2) [&3IK Smyrna& 846] (856%19`857 ac), 82(3) [&3IK &3Smyrna& 855] (5th%19`6th ac), 82(4)%19`82(8), 82(9) (1574 ac), 83 (1258 ac?), 84 (Turkish?), 85, 86 [&3IK Smyrna& 828] (5th ac?), 87 [&3IK Smyrna& 829] (5th ac?), 88 [&3IK Smyrna& 830A] (5th ac?), 89 [&3IK Smyrna& 831], 90 [&3IK Smyrna& 685] (4th ac?), 90(2)%19`90(3); __ 91 [&3IK Klamonenai& 532] (&1Klazomenai&), 92 [&3IK Klazomenai 534], 93 [&3IK Klazomenai& 533], 93(2) [&3IK Klazomenai& 535]; __ 93(3) [&3IK Erythrai& 143] (&1Erythrai&); __ 94 (&1Nea Kolophon&; 6th ac), 95 (959%19`960 ac), 96%19`97; __ 98 [&3IK Ephesos& 6.2227,5] (&1Ephesos&; 4th ac), 98(2) [&3IK Ephesos& 6.2253B] (4th%19`5th ac), 98(3) [&3IK Ephesos& 6.2240] (5th ac), 98(4) [&3IK Ephesos& 6.2271] (5th ac), 98(5) [&3IK Ephesos& 2.557] (5th ac), 99 [&3IK Ephesos 4.1304] (4th%19`5th ac), 100 [&3IK Ephesos& 1a.43] (372 ac), 100(2) [&3IK Ephesos& 4.1354] (6th ac), 100(3) [&3IK Ephesos& 4.1354] (ca. 527%19`548 ac), 100(4) [&3IK Ephesos& 4.1354] (6th ac), 100(5) [&3IK &3Ephesos& 4.1354] (ca. 527%19`548 ac), 100(6) [&3IK Ephesos& 6.2044] (4th ac), 100(7) [&3IK Ephesos& 6.2043] (4th ac), 100(8) [&3IK &3Ephesos& 4.1352] (ca. 441 ac?), 101 [&3IK Ephesos& 4.1361] (ca. 441 ac?), 101(2) [&3IK Ephesos& 4.1306] (6th ac), 101(3) [&3IK &3Ephesos& 2.552], 101(4) [&3IK Ephesos& 5.1534] (4th%19`5th ac), 102 [&3IK Ephesos& 5.1674], 103 [&3IK Ephesos& 5.1675], 104 [&3IK Ephesos 4.1351] (ca. 435 ac?), 105 [&3IK Ephesos& 7,2.4128] (ca. 457 ac), 105(2) [&3IK Ephesos& 2.458] (6th%19`7th ac), 106 [&3IK Ephesos 7,2.5115] (4th ac), 107 [&3IK Ephesos& 4.1353] (535%19`536 ac), 107(2) [&3IK Ephesos& 7,2.4133] (ca. 527%19`548 ac), 108 [&3IK Ephesos 7,2.4135] (ca. 531%19`537 ac), 109 [&3IK Ephesos& 1a.46] (5th%19`6th ac), 110 [&3IK Ephesos& 1a.39] (585 ac?), 111 [&3IK Ephesos& 1a.40] (585 ac), 112 [&3IK Ephesos& 4.1193] (ca. 609%19`610 ac), 113 [&3IK &3Ephesos& 4.1195] (629 ac), 113(2) [&3IK Ephesos& 4.1191,a] (ca. 609%19`610 ac), 113(3) [&3IK Ephesos& 4.1191,b] (ca. 609%19`610 ac), 114 [&3IK Ephesos& 4.1196] (613 ac), 114(2) [&3IK Ephesos& 4.1191,1] (602 or 610 ac?), 114(3) [&3IK Ephesos& 6.2090] (602 or 610 ac?), 114(4) [&3IK Ephesos& 4.1192,2] (602 or 610 ac?), 114(5) [&3IK &3Ephesos& 4.1192,3] (ca. 609%19`610 ac), 114(6) [&3IK Ephesos& 4.1359] (5th ac), 115 [&3IK Ephesos& 4.1364] (ca. 1464%19`1466 ac), 115(2) [&3IK Ephesos& 4.1363] (1012 or 1017 ac); __ 115(3) [&3IK Ephesos 7,1.3118] (&1Phygela&; 1019 ac); __ 115(4) [&3IK Ephesos& 4.1356] (&1Ephesos&; ca. 1260%19`1288 ac); __ 115(5) %6 &3IMagnesia& 359 (&1Magnesia Mae.&; 5th%19`6th ac), 115(6) %6 &3IMagnesia& 239 (6th ac?); __ 116 [&3IK Ephesos& 7,1.3136; &3IPriene& 216; Guarducci, &3EG IV,404,10 (&1Ephesos%3Priene&; 6th ac), 117 [&3IK Ephesos& 7,1.3134] (7th ac); __ 118%19`119 (&1Priene&; 5th%19`6th ac), 120 (613 ac?), 121%19`122, 123 (5th ac?), 123(2) (14th ac); __ 123(3) [&3IK &3Tralles& 1.243] (&1Tralles&), 123(4) [&3IK Tralles& 1.244], 123(5) [&3IK Tralles& 1.243]; __ 123(6) (&1Nysa&; 4th%19`5th ac); __ 124 (&1Aegai&); __ 124(2) (&1Magnesia Sipyl.&: Gu+ridje); __ 124(3) [&3IK &3Ephesos& 7,2.3708] (&1Koloe&; ca. 383%19`408 ac); __ 124(4) [&3IK &3Ephesos& 7,2.3823] (&1Hypaipa&); __ "`124%19`125" %6 125%19`125(2) (NESOI, &1Rhodes&), 126%19`127, 128 (5th%19`6th ac), 129 (3rd%19`4th ac), 130%19`131, 131(2), 132%19`133, 133(2), 134%19`138, 138(2), 139 (15th ac); __ 140 (&1Karpathos&), 141 [&3ASAtene& 41%19`42 (1963%19`1964) 240; Guarducci, &3EG& IV,370,3] (Karpathos: Diaphane; 4th%19`5th ac); __ 142 (&1Leros&; 1326%19`1327 ac), 142(2); __ 143 (&1Kos&; ca. 892%19`992 ac), 144 (5th%19`6th ac), 145%19`146; __ 147%19`148 (&1Samos&), 149 (1065%19`1066 ac); __ 150%19`151 (&1Lesbos&), 152 (13th ac?), 153%19`156, 156(2), 157%19`161, 162 (5th ac), 163 (1084%19`1085 ac), 164 [&3AD 23,A (1968) 54], 165; __ 166 (&1Thera&; 5th ac), 166(2)%19`166(3), 166(4) (4th%19`5th ac), 167%19`168, 168(2)%19`168(3), 169, 169(2), 170, 170(2), 171%19`185, 185(2)%19`185(3), 186%19`205, 205(2); __ 206%19`207 (&1Therasia&); __ 208 (&1Melos&; 4th ac), 209%19`210 (ca. 300%19`350 ac), 210(2) (5th ac); __ 210(3) (Amorgos), 211 (6th ac); __ 212 [&3ID 2583] (&1Delos&), 213, 214 [&3ID& 2585], 214(2) [&3ID& 2582] (5th ac); __ 215 (&1Naxos&; 9th ac), 215(2) (7th%19`9th ac?); __ 216 (&1Tenos&), 217 (ca. 1500 ac), 218 (16th ac); __ 219 (CARIA, &1Miletos&; 538 ac), 220 (ca. 527%19`565 ac), 220(2) (ca. 536 ac), 220(3), 221%19`223, 224 (5th%19`6th ac), 224(2) (6th ac); __ 224(3) [&3IDidyma 306] (&1Didyma&), 224(4) [&3IDidyma& 605], 224(5) (&1Miletos%3Didyma&); __ 225 [Robert, &3Hellenica& 11%19`12 (1960) 493f.] (&1Miletos&; 602 ac); __ 226 [&3IDidyma& 596] (&1Didyma&; ca. 527%19`565 ac), 226(2) [&3IDidyma& 552] (6th%19`7th ac), 226(3) [&3IDidyma& 609] (6th%19`7th ac), 226(4) [&3IDidyma& 612] (6th%19`7th ac), 226(5) [&3IDidyma& 613] (6th%19`7th ac), 226(6) [&3IDidyma& 599,II] (6th%19`7th ac), 226(7) [&3IDidyma& 599,I], 226(8) [&3IDidyma& 597; Robert, &3Hellenica& 11%19`12 (1960) 495f.; &3BE/& 1961.651] (988%19`989 ac? [`12th ac]); __ __ 226(9) (&1Herakleia Latmou&; 13th ac), 226(10), 226(11)%19`226(12) (7th%19`8th ac), 227, 227(2) (7th%19`8th ac), 227(3)%19`227(4) (11th ac); __ 227(5) [&3IK Iasos& 2.418] (&1Iasos&), 227(6) [&3IK Iasos 2.419] (5th%19`6th ac); __ 228 [&3IK Iasos& 2.637] (&1Bargylia&; 5th%19`6th ac), 229 [&3IK Iasos& 2.640] (5th%19`6th ac), 230, 230(2)%19`230(4), 230(5) (5th ac?), 231; __ 232 (&1Myndos&; 7th ac), 233, 233(2)%19`233(4) (7th ac), 233(5); __ 234 (&1Halikarnassos&; 10th%19`11th ac), 235 (1513 ac), 236; __ 237 (&1Knidos&); __ 238 (&1Idymos&; 6th%19`7th ac); __ 239 [&3IK Mylasa& 1.621] (&1Mylasa&; 6th ac), 239(2) [&3IK Mylasa& 1.632] (6th ac), 239(3) [&3IK Mylasa 1.623], 239(4) [&3IK Mylasa& 1.624], 239(5) [&3IK Mylasa& 1.625], 240 [&3IK Mylasa& 1.613] (ca. 480%19`484 ac), 240(2) [&3IK Mylasa 1.626], 240(3) [&3IK Mylasa& 1.627], 241 [&3IK Mylasa& 1.611] (ca. 424 ac), 242 [&3IK Mylasa& 1.612] (ca. 425 ac); __ 243 [&3IK &3Stratonikeia& 2,1.1059] (&1Stratonikeia&; 6th ac), 243(2) [&3IK &3Stratonikeia& 2,1.1020] (6th ac), 243(3) [&3IK Stratonikeia 2,1.1057], 243(4) [&3IK Stratonikeia& 2,1.853]; __ 244 (&1Alabanda&?; ca. 548 ac); __ 245 (&1Orthosia&); __ 246 [&3IK Keramos 66] (&1Keramos&; 5th%19`6th ac); __ 247 (&1Aphrodisias&; 6th%19`7th ac), 248 [&3MAMA& VIII,428], 248(2) (4th%19`5th ac), 249 [&3MAMA& VIII,599], 250%19`252, 253 [&3MAMA& VIII,459] (4th ac), 254, 254(2) [&3MAMA VIII,602], 255 (537%19`550 ac), 256%19`257, 257(2)%19`257(3), 258%19`259, 260 (6th ac), 261 (7th%19`8th ac), 262%19`264, 264(2) [&3MAMA VIII,603], 265 [&3MAMA& VIII,458], 266%19`269, 270 [&3MAMA& VIII,427] (4th%19`5th ac), 271 (5th%19`6th ac), 272%19`274, 275 (ca. 395%19`408 ac), 276 (ca. 364%19`375 ac), 277%19`278, 279 [&3MAMA& VIII,601], 280 (ca. 379%19`386 ac), 281 (ca. 388%19`392 ac), 281(2) [&3IK Keramos& 65]; __ 281(3) [&3MAMA& VI,163] (&1Tabai&); __ 282 [&3TAM& 2,3.785] (LYCIA, &1Arykanda&; 311 ac), 282(2) [&3TAM& 2,3.822]; __ 282(3) [&3IK Mylasa 2.946] (CARIA, &1Kasossos&; 6th ac); __ 283 (LYCIA, &1Phoinix&; 5th ac); __ 284 [&3TAM& 2,3.1170%3`1] (&1Olympos&), 285 [&3TAM& 2,3.1169]; __ 286%19`287 (&1Myra&; 812 ac), 288 (5th ac), 289, 290 (ca. 388%19`392 ac), 291 (1042%19`1043 ac), 292 (1118 ac); __ 293 [&3TAM& 2,1.219] (&1Sidyma&), 293(2) [&3TAM& 2,1.186%3`7] (391 ac); __ 294 (&1Kibyra&); __ 295 [Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 336] (&1Megiste&), 296%19`297, 298%19`299 (1637 ac), 300 (1641 ac), 301 (1735 ac); __ 302 [&3Tu+rk Tarih Kurumu, Beleten& 22 (1958) 43,41] (PAMPHYLIA, &1Attalia&; 911%19`912 ac), 303 (915%19`916 ac), 304 [&3Tu+rk Tarih &3Kurumu, Beleten& 22 (1958) 43,42] (909%3`10 ac), 305, 306 (11th ac), 307 (6th ac), 308 [&3TAM& 3,1.937], 308(2) (6th ac), 309 (5th%19`6th ac), 309(2) (1796 ac), 309(3) (379%19`395 ac), 309(4)%19`309(5); __ 309(6) (&1Perge&; 6th ac); __ 310 (&1Pogla&; 4th%19`5th ac), 311 (ca. 610 ac); __ 312 (&1Andeda&); __ 313%19`313(2), (&1Komama&); __ 314 [&3FIRA&(`2) 1.97] (&1Isinda?&; 527 ac), 315%19`316; __ 317%19`318 (&1Side&; 4th ac?); __ 319 [&3TAM& 3,1.876] (&1Termessos&), 320 [&3TAM& 3,1.890]; __ 321 (&1Sillyon&); __ 322 [&3Sardis& 7,1.18] (LYDIA, &1Sardeis&; 459 ac), 323 [&3Sardis& 7,1.191] (4th ac), 324 [&3Sardis& 7,1.19] (ca. 539 ac), 325 [&3Sardis& 7,1.190]; __ 326 (&1Tmolos&; 5th ac); __ 327%19`328 (&1Thyateira&; 1006 ac), 329, 330 [&3TAM& 5,1.192] (4th ac), 331 (1160%19`1161 ac), 332, 332(2) (333%19`395 ac), 333 (Thyateira?; 3rd ac); __ 333(2) (&1Apollonis&; ca. 378 ac); __ 333(3) [&3TAM& 5,1.646] (&1Sosandra&; 13th ac), 333(4) [&3TAM& 5,1.647,b] (13th ac); __ 333(5) (ASIA?, &1Kaystros &1Valley&); __ 334 (LYDIA, &1Parsada&; 5th ac); __ 335 [&3TAM& 5,1.582] (&1Maeonia&), 335(2) [&3TAM& 5,1.563], 335(3) [&3TAM& 5,1.564] (4th%19`5th ac), 336 [&3TAM& 5,1.561] (1057%19`1058 ac), 336(2) [&3TAM& 5,1.562] (1057%19`1058 ac), 336(3) [&3TAM& 5,1.373], 337 [&3TAM& 5,1.438] (10th%19`11th ac); __ 338 (&1Silandos&; 9th%19`10th ac), 339 (994%19`995 ac), 340 [&3TAM& 5,1.67,a]; __ 340(2) [&3TAM& 5,1.40] (&1Bagis&), 340(3) [&3TAM& 5,1.44] (5th ac), 340(4) [&3TAM& 5,1.45]; __ 341 [&3TAM 5,1.643] (&1Daldis&); __ 341(2) [&3TAM& 5,1.229] (&1Kastollos&); __ 341(3) (&1Philadelphia&), 342 [&3JHS& 37 (1916) 99,9 ] (476 ac), 343 [&3DOP& 32 (1978) 18,21] (531, 546 or 561 ac?), 343(2) (ca. 1305%19`1320 ac), 344%19`345(2) (5th ac), 346%19`346(2), 347 (1217 ac); __ 347(2) (&1Tralla&; 8th%19`9th ac), 347(3)%19`347(4). @ &3Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua.& Vols. 1%19`8. Manchester 1928%19`1962. Vols. 1 and 7 (Pisidia, Lycaonia and Galatia); vols. 2%19`3 (Isauria and Cilicia); vols. 4%19`6 (Phrygia); vol. 8 (Lycaonia and Caria). See below for individual volumes. Note: In selecting inscriptions for inclusion from &3MAMA& I and IV%19VIII, the compiler of this data bank has generally followed__often without conviction__the opinions of the editors, who mark all Christian inscriptions in the indices of the individual volumes. @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Mysia, Troas and Aeolis @ Schwertheim, E., &3Die Inschriften von Kyzikos und Umgebung.& 2 vols. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 18 and 26. Bonn 1980%19`1983. Not included in the data bank. &3IK Kyzikos 1.202 %6 &3JHS& 24 (1903) 40,67 (HELLESPONTUS, Hamamli), 222 %6 Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 17 (Kyzikos), 404 %6 &3IGChAs& 20; &3IK Kyzikos 2.135 %6 &3IGChAs& 39 (Miletopolis), 136 %6 &3IGChAs& 35 (Lopadion), 137 %6 &3IGChAs& 34. @ Frisch, P., &3Die Inschriften von Ilion.& "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 6. Bonn 1978. &3IK Ilion& 96 (HELLESPONTUS, Ilion; 293%19`305 ac), 97 (293%19`305 ac), 98 (284%19`305 ac), 99 (317%19`337 ac), 100 (360%19`363 ac), 156 (ca. 4th ac). @ Merkelbach, R., &3Die Inschriften von Assos.& "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 4. Bonn 1976. &3IK Assos& 30 (ASIA, Assos; 337%19`353 ac), 31 [Dessau, &3ILS& 785] (383%19`392 ac), 32 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 44] (6th ac?), 33 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 45], 35 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 43], 35a [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 41] (ca. 5th ac), 69 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 46] (late Byz.), 72,b [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 42]. @ Engelmann, H., &3Die Inschriften von Kyme.& "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 5. Bonn 1976. &3IK Kyme& 45 [&3CIJ& II,738] (ASIA, Phokaia%3Kyme?; 3rd ac?), 105 (Larissa?; 311%19`313 ac). __ Cross%19references: &3IK Kyme& 28 %6 &3IK Smyrna& 827 (ASIA, Smyrna; 293%19`305 ac). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ &3Anne/e e/pigraphique& (Paris). &3AE/& 1936.2 %6 &3IK Ilion& 99 (HELLESPONTUS, Ilion; 317%19`337 ac). @ Cook, J.M., &3The Troad. An Archaeological and Topographical &3Study.& Oxford 1973. &3Troad& 401,17 %6 &3BE/& 1976,571 (HELLESPONTUS, Bayramic%25). @ Cagnat, R., et al., &3Inscriptiones Graecae ad Res Romanas &3pertinentes.& 3 vols. Paris 1906%19`1927. &3IGRR& 4.214 %6 &3IK Ilion 96 (HELLESPONTUS, Ilion; 293%19`305 ac), @ Perrot, G., &3Exploration arche/ologique de la Galatie et de la &3Bithynie, d'une partie de la Mysie, de la Phrygie, de la &3Cappadoce et du Pont.& Paris 1862%19`1874. &3Perrot& 65 %6 &3SEG& 28,946 (HELLESPONTUS, Hadrianoi; 4th ac). @ Robert, L., &3E/tudes anatoliennes.& Paris 1937. Rob., &3E/tAn.& p. 213n3 %6 Halkin V,76 (HELLESPONTUS, Hisar Alan). @ Tas%25likliogl%148u, Z., &3Trakya'da epigrafya aras%25tirmalari.& "Istanbul Univ. Edebiyat Fak. yayinlari," 886 and 1654; Istanbul 1961 and 1971. Tas%25lik. II (1971), 178,6 %6 &3BE/& 1972,366 (HELLESPONTUS, Kykikos), @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Ionia @ Merkelbach, R., et al., &3Die Inschriften von Ephesos I%19VIII.& 9 vols. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 11%19`17. Bonn 1979%19`1984. &3IK Eph& 38 (ASIA, Ephesos; 5th ac?), 39 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 110] (6th ac), 40 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 111] (585 ac), 41 (ca. 344 ac), 42 (370%19`371 ac), 43 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 100] (ca. 372%19`378 ac), 44 (ca. 440 ac), 45 [&3SEG& 4.517] (6th ac), 46 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 109] (5th%19`6th ac), 305,1%19`305,3 (293%19`305 ac), 306 (379%19`395 ac), 307 (287%19`298 ac), 308%19`309 (285%19`305 ac), 309A,1%3`2 (285%19`305 ac), 309A,3 (285%19`305 ac), 310 (293%19`305 ac), 311 (311%19`313 ac), 311A (305%19`313 ac), 312 (317%19`324 ac), 313 (324%19`337 ac), 313A (361%19`363 ac), 314%19`315 (379%19`395 ac), 316 (393%19`423 ac), 317 (421%19`450 ac), 447 (4th ac), 452%19`453, 457, 458 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 105(2)], 494%19`495, 543, 552 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 101(3)], 557 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 98(5)], 561 (beg. 5th ac), 561B,1%3`3 (beg. 5th ac), 561B,4%3`12 (ca. 450 ac), 561C (400%19`410 ac?), 570,3, 571, 572,1, 581, 585, 587, 621 (286%19`305 ac), 666D (ca. 335 ac?), 1190, 1191,a%19`1191,b [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 113(2)%19`113(3)] (602%19`610 ac), 1192,1%19`1194,3 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 114(2), 114(4)%19`114(5)] (602%19`610 ac), 1192,4 (602%19`610 ac), 1193 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 112], 1194, 1195%19`1196 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 113%19`114] (612%19`638 ac), 1197, 1198,1%19`1198,3, 1251 (Jewish), 1278 (938 ac), 1279%19`1284, 1285,1%19`1285,19, 1289%19`1301, 1302 (end 4th ac?), 1303, 1304 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 99], 1305%19`1305A (ca. 424%19`436 ac), 1306 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 101(2)] (6th ac?), 1307, 1308 (ca. 400 ac), 1309, 1310%19`1311 (4th ac), 1312 (360%19`364 ac), 1313, 1314%19`1317 (340%19`350 ac), 1318%19`1319, 1320 (4th%19`5th ac?), 1321%19`1322, 1323 [cf. &3SEG 35.1114] (Early Byz.), 1324 (Early Byz.), 1325%19`1330, 1331,1, 1332%19`1336, 1337%19`1339 (Early Byz.), 1340, 1341%19`1346 (Early Byz.), 1346A, 1347, 1348 (Early Byz.), 1349%19`1350, 1351 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 104], 1352 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 100(8)] (mid%19`5th ac), 1353 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 107] (6th ac), 1354,1 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 100(2)], 1354,2 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 100(4)], 1354,3 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 100(3)] (6th ac), 1354,4 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 100(5)] (6th ac), 1355, 1356 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 115(4)] (1260%19`1288), 1356A, 1357%19`1358, 1359 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 114(6)], 1360, 1361 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 101], 1362, 1363 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 115(2)] (1017 ac), 1364 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 115], 1365,1%19`1365,2, 1366,1%19`1366,3, 1367,1%19`1367,3, 1368%19`1371, 1372 (Early Byz.), 1373 (6th ac), 1374%19`1376, 1534 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 101(4)], 1674 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 102], 1675 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 103], 1676 [&3CIJ& II,746] (2nd%19`3rd ac), 1677 [&3CIJ& 2.745] (2nd ac), 1879, 1940, 1957,2 (4th%19`5th ac), 1973A,1b (4th%19`5th ac), 1973A,2b (4th%19`5th ac), 2043 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 100(7)] (4th ac), 2044 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 100(6)] (4th ac), 2045 (ca. 4th ac), 2046 (ca. 4th ac?), 2090 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 114(3)] (7th ac), 2223,2%19`2223,4, 2223A,4%19`2223A,6, 2227,5 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 98] (4th ac), 2229, 2235, 2240 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 98(3)] (5th ac), 2249A, 2253B [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 98(2)] (4th%19`5th ac), 2263, 2271 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 98(4)] (5th ac), 2277, 2284, 2306K,1b, 2312B (1137 ac), 2314, 2409, 2580 (Frankish), 2951C, 2954, 3021 (361%19`363 ac), 3090; 3118 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 115(3)] (Phygela; 1019 ac); 3134 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 117] (Ephesos%3Priene; 7th ac), 3136 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 116] (6th ac); 3158 (Ephesos%3Magnes.; ca. 317 ac); 3186 (Kaystros Valley); 3203 (Belevi), 3288A (Kaystros Valley; Byz.?), 3304%19`3305 (Byz.), 3319 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 333(5)]; 3432 (Metropolis), 3603 (293%19`305 ac); 3604 (Ephesos; 293%19`305 ac), 3605a (308%19`313 ac), 3605b,1 (364 ac), 3605b,2 (383 ac); 3606 (Metropolis; 383 ac?); 3705 (Cayli); 3708 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 124(3)] (Koloe); 3755 (Dios Hieron; Byz.); 3804 (Hypaipa; 293%19`305 ac), 3805%19`3806 (293%19`305 ac), 3807, 3819, 3820 [Robert, &3Hellenica& 4 (1948) 18] (mid%19`5th ac), 3822 [&3CIJ& II,755], 3823 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 124(4)], 3842, 3843 (Late Byz.), 3844%19`3845, 3861 (2nd ac); 4106 (Ephesos), 4115, 4128 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 105], 4129, 4130 (Jewish), 4131%19`4132, 4132a, 4133 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 107(2)] (6th ac), 4134 (6th ac), 4135 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 108; &3CIJ& 747] (ca. 531%19`537 ac). 4136%19`4150, 4201%19`4202, 4204%19`4209, 4211, 4213, 4214, 4216,b, 4219%19`4220, 4223%19`4224, 4226%19`4228, 4233, 4236%19`4242, 4244, 4247, 4249%19`4250, 4266%19`4267, 4270%19`4271, 4281%19`4284, 4301, 4302%3`3 (792%19`891 ac), 4304,a%19`4304,d, 4305,b%19`4305,c, 4306,B (6th ac?), 4307 (938 ac), 4308 (938 ac?), 4309,B (Byz.), 4310,a%19`4310,d, 4311,a (Byz.), 4311,b%19`4311,d, 4312,a%19`4312,c, 4313,a%19`4313,b, 4314, 4315,a%19`4315,b, 4316%19`4317, 4318,a%19`4318,k, 4319,a%19`4319,d, 4320,a%19`4320,b, 4321, 4363 (6th ac), 5115 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 106] (5th ac). @ Petzl, G., &3Die Inschriften von Smyrna.& 3 vols. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 23%19`24,1%19`2. Bonn 1982%19`1990. &3IK Smyr& 295 [&3CIJ& II,741] (ASIA, Smyrna; 4th%19`5th ac?), 296%19`298 (imp.) (Jewish), 471 [&3ILCV& 2.2869] (263 ac), 559 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 66] (mid%19`5th ac), 560 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 69], 561 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 71] (541 ac), 562 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 70] (541 ac), 563 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 74], 564 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 76], 565 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 68], 566, 567 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 67], 568, 569 [&3SEG& 18.551], 570 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 77], 571 [&3SEG& 18.552], 572 [&3CIG& 3287], 636 [&3SEG& 26.1302] (4th%19`5th ac?), 685 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 90] (4th ac?), 697 [&3CIJ& II,742] (ca. 124 ac), 812,a (293%19`305 ac), 812,b (334%19`337 ac), 813%19`813A (334%19`337 ac), 814 (4th ac), 814A (293%19`305 ac), 815 (4th ac), 816 (361%19`363 ac), 818%19`819 (293%19`305 ac), 820 (4th ac), 821 (383 ac), 827 [&3IK Kyme& 28] (293%19`305 ac), 828%19`829 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 86%19`87] (5th ac?), 830A [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 88], 830B [&3SEG 19.701], 831 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 89], 844 [&3CIJ& II,739%3`740] (4th%19`5th ac?), 845 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 65] (395 ac), 846 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 82(2)] (856%19`857 ac), 847 (1048%19`1055 ac?), 848 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 75] (6th%19`7th ac), 849 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 73] (5th%19`6th ac), 850, 851 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 80] (629%19`641 ac?), 851A [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 79] (629%19`641 ac?), 852 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 72], 853 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 78] (10th ac?), 854 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 81%3`82] (1222%19`1223 ac), 855 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 82(3)] (5th%19`6th ac?), 886, 887, 905 (Byz.?); Beil. 365,35 [&3ABME& 3,2 (1937) 136,10] (Smyrna Mus.; 6th%19`7th ac), @ Engelmann, H., and R. Merkelbach, &3Die Inschriften von Erythrai &3und Klazomenai.& 2 vols. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 1%19`2. Bonn 1972. &3IK Erythr& 141 (ASIA, Erythrai; 408%19`423 ac), 142, 143 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 93(3)], 144; __ &3IK &3Klaz& 517 (ASIA, Klazomenai; ca. 337%19`354 ac), 520,A (292%19`305 ac), 520,B (402%19`408 ac), 521 (286%19`292 ac), 526 (late imp.) (Jewish), 532 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 91], 533 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 93], 534 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 92], 535 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 93(2)], 536. @ Kern, O., &3Die Inschriften von Magnesia am Maeander.& Berlin 1900. &3IMagn& 122 [De/le/age, &3Capitation& (1945) 194%7] (ASIA, Magnesia Mai.; 293%19`305 ac), 201 [&3Syll&(`3) 906B] (Magnesia Mai.; 361%19`363 ac), 202 [Robert, &3Hellenica& 4 (1948) 63] (388%19`392 ac), 239 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 115(6)] (6th ac?), 359 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 115(5)] (6th ac?). @ Poljakov, F., &3Die Inschriften von Tralleis und Nysa, I: Die &3Inschriften von Tralleis.& "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 36,1. Bonn 1989. &3IK Trall& 2 (ASIA, Tralles; 1282%19`1328 ac), 44 (354%19`359 ac), 56,I%19`56,II (400%19`403 ac), 152 (340%19`350 ac), 171,B (293%19`305 ac), 238, 240 [Lifshitz, &3Donateurs et fondateurs dans les synagogues grecques& (1967) 30], 241 (Jewish), 242 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 123(5)], 243 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 123(3)], 244 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 123(4)] (4th%19`5th ac), 249, 250 (284%19`305 ac). @ Rehm, A., &3Milet I,9: Thermen und Palaestren.& Berlin 1928. &3Milet& 1,9.339 [Robert, &3Hellenica& 4 (1948) 129,134] (CARIA, Miletos; end 3rd ac?), 341 [&3Hellenica& 4 (1948) 134] (4th%19`6th ac), 342%19`343 (4th%19`6th ac). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ Dittenberger, W., et al., &3Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum.& 3rd ed. 4 vols. Leipzig 1915%19`1924. &3Syll&(`3) 906A %6 &3BCH& 1 (1877) 288,65 (ASIA, Miletos; 361%19`363 ac); 906B %6 &3IMagnesia& 201 (ASIA, Magnesia Mai.; 361%19`363 ac). @ Cagnat, R., et al., &3Inscriptiones Graecae ad Res Romanas &3pertinentes.& 3 vols. Paris 1906%19`1927. &3IGRR& 4.1562 %6 &3LBW& V,100 (ASIA, Teos; 293%19`305 ac). @ Hiller von Gaertringen, F., &3Inschriften von Priene.& Berlin 1906. &3IPriene& 216 %6 Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 116 %6 &3IK Eph& 3136 %6 Guarducci, &3EG& IV,404,10 (ASIA, Ephesos%3Priene; 5th%19`6th ac). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Caria @ See also &3MAMA& 8 (Aphrodisias). @ Rehm, A., &3Didyma II. Die Inschriften.& Berlin 1958. &3IDidyma& 60 [&3LBW& V,234] (CARIA, Didyma; 361%19`363 ac), 89%19`90 (286%19`293 ac), 99 [&3Hellenica& 11%19`12 (1960) 493], 159 (287%19`293 ac), 160 (293%19`305 ac), 306 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 224(3)] (ca. 305 ac?), 519, 521, 522 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 226(2)], 565, 596 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 226] (527%19`565 ac), 597 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 226(8)] (12th ac); 598 (near Didyma); 599,I [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 226(7)] (Didyma; 6th%19`7th ac), 599,II [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 226(6)] (6th%19`7th ac); 600 (near Didyma; Byz.); 601 (Didyma; 11th%19`12th ac), 602 (Byz.), 603%19`604 [Robert, &3Hellenica& 11%19`12 (1960) 490,a%19b] (5th%19`7th ac), 605 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 224(4)] (Byz.), 606%19`607 (Byz.), 608, 609 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 226(3)] (5th%19`7th ac), 610%19`611 (5th%19`7th ac), 612%19`613 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 226(4)%19`226(5)] (6th%19`7th ac), 614%19`615 (Byz.). @ Blu+mel, W., &3Die Inschriften von Iasos.& 2 vols. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 28,1%19`2. Bonn 1985. &3IK &3Iasos& 14 (CARIA, Iasos; 361%19`363 ac), 15 (286%19`305 ac?), 19 (293%19`305 ac), 284 (imp.) (Jewish), 377 (imp.) (Jewish), 418 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 227(5)], 419 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 227(6)] (5th%19`6th ac), 420%19`423, 637 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 228] (Bargylia; 5th%19`6th ac), 638%19`639, 640 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 229] (5th%19`6th ac). @ Blu+mel, W., &3Die Inschriften von Mylasa.& 2 vols. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 34%19`35. Bonn 1987%19`1988. &3IK &3Mylasa& 271%19`281 (CARIA, Mylasa; 284%19`305 ac), 611%19`612 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 241%19`242] (427%19`429 ac), 613 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 240] (480 ac), 621 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 239] (6th ac), 622 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 239(2)] (6th ac), 623%19`625 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 239(3)%19`239(5)], 626%19`627 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 240(2)%19`240(3)], 628 [Halkin V,99], 629; 946 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 282(3)] (Kasossos), 947 (Byz.); 954 [Halkin V,99] (Hydistos). @ S%25ahin, M. C%25etin, &3Die Inschriften von Stratonikeia.& 3 vols. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 21 and 22,1%19`2. Bonn 1981%19`1982, 1990. &3IK Strat& 310 [&3Syll&(`3) 900] (CARIA, Panamara; 303%19`315 ac); 548 (Lagina); 851%19`852 (Stratonikeia); 853 (Stratonikeia?); 1018 (Stratonikeia; 4th%19`6th ac?), 1019 (465%19`473 ac), 1020 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 243(2)], 1057 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 243(3)], 1059 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 243], 1204, 1387%19`1390. @ Varinliog%148lu, E., &3Die Inschriften von Keramos.& "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 30. Bonn 1986. &3IK Keram 64 (CARIA, Keramos), 65 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 281(2)] (465%19`473 ac), 66 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 246] (4th%19`5th ac), 67%19`73. @ [Roueche/, Ch., &3Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity.& London 1989. Not yet incorporated into the data bank.] @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ &3American Journal of Archaeology& (Boston). &3AJA& 77 (1973) 418, here %6 &3BE/& 1974,549 (CARIA, Knidos) [text quoted from &3Demetrias V (1987) 294]. @ &3Annual of the British School at Athens& (London). &3BSA& 47 (1952) 171,45 %6 &3BE/& 1954,228 (CARIA, Knidos); __ &3BSA& 50 (1955) 141,62 %6 &3SEG& 16,700,b (CARIA, Konel Ada; Byz.), 141,63 %6 &3SEG& 16,700,c (Byz.), 141,64 %6 &3SEG& 16,700,d (Byz.). @ Dittenberger, W., et al., &3Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum.& 3rd ed. 4 vols. Leipzig 1915%19`1924. &3Syll&(`3) 900 %6 &3IK Stratonikeia 310 (CARIA, Panamara; 303%19`315 ac). @ &3Synthronon. Art et arche/ologie de la fin de l'Antiquite/ et &3du Moyen Age. Recueil d' e/tudes Andre/ Grabar.& Paris 1968. S%148evc%148enko, in &3Synthronon& 29%19`41 [&3DOP& 21 (1967) 286] %6 &3BE/ 1968,508 (CARIA, Aphrodisias; ca. 400 ac), 38 n. 36 %6 &3BE/ 1969,543. @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Lydia @ Herrmann, P., &3Tituli Asiae Minoris, V: Tituli Lydiae, I, Regio &3septentrionalis ad orientem vergens.& Vienna 1981. &3TAM 5,1.20%19`21 (N.E. LYDIA, Lyendos [Aktas%25]); 31 (Lyendos: Hopus%25) 40 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 340(2)] (Bagis [Gu+re]); 44 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 340(3)] (Bagis: Karakuyu; 5th ac), 45 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 340(4)] (9th ac?), 46; 47,a (Silandos [Karasilendi]; 299%19`302 ac), 47,b (323%19`326 ac), 67,a [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 340], 68,b, 69; 192 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 330] (Saittai: Borlu); 227 (Kastoloupedion [Burc%25ak Ovasi]), 229 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 341(2)]; 312 (Kula), 313%19`316; 373 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 336(3)] (Kollyda [Go+lde]), 418; 438 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 337] (Go+lde, Area N. of: Nisyra [Sarac%25lar]; 10th%19`11th ac); 485 (Go+lde, Area N. of: Hamidiye); 561%19`562 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 336%19`336(2)] (Maionia [Menye]; 1055%3`6 ac), 563%19`564 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 335(2)%19`335(3)], 565%19`566, 582 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 335]; 617 (Satala: Topalar); 618 (Daldis: Hasankirani; 4th ac), 619 (Daldis: Tas%25kuyucuk), 639b (Daldis: Hasankirani; 293%19`305 ac), 639c (Daldis: Hasankirani; 379%19`383 ac), 642 (Daldis: Nardi), 643 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 341] (Daldis: Hacihidar), 644 (Daldis: Kemer); 645, (Daldis: Sosandra [Go+lmarmara]; 313%19`317 ac), 646 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 333(3)], 647,b [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 333(4)]; 757 (Ioulia Gordos [Go+rdes]), 782 (Go+cek, Area of: Yayakirildik; 120%3`1 ac); 824 (Go+cek, Area of: Ko+mu+rcu+; 316%3`7 ac). @ Buckler, W., and D. Robinson, &3Sardis, VII: Greek and Latin &3Inscriptions,& Part I. Leiden 1932. &3Sard& 7,1.17 [&3CIJ& II,751] (LYDIA, Sardeis; ca. 200 ac), 18 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 322] (459 ac), 19 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 324] (ca. 531%19`534 ac?), 20 (535%19`536 ac), 83 [Robert, &3Hellenica& 4 (1948) 35] (4th ac?), 84 (295%19`305 ac), 164 (3rd ac), 166 (4th ac?), 167,a (4th ac?), 168 (4th ac), 169 (4th%19`5th ac), 170%19`171 (4th ac), 172 (4th%19`5th ac), 173 (4th%19`6th ac), 174 (4th%19`5th ac), 175 (4th%19`6th ac), 176 (10th%19`11th ac?), 184 (4th ac?), 187 [&3CIJ& II,750] (3rd%19`4th ac), 188 (4th ac?), 189 (5th%19`6th ac?), 190 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 325] (5th%19`6th ac), 191 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 323] (3rd ac?), 192 (3rd%19`4th ac?), 216 (5th%19`6th ac), 217 (3rd%19`4th ac), 218. @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ Keil, J., and A. von Premerstein, &3Bericht u+ber eine zweite &3Reise in Lydien ausgefu+hrt 1908.& "Denkschriften der o+sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien," 54,2; Vienna 1911. &3II Reise& 20,35 %6 &3IGRR& 4,1208 (LYDIA, Thyateira; a: 293%19`305 ac). @ Lampakes, G., $*OI( E(PTA\ A)STE/RES TH=S *)APOKALU/YEWS.& Athens 1909. Lampakes, p 336 %6 Halkin V,81 (ASIA, Magnesia Sipyl.; 966%3`7 ac). @ &3Mouseion te%26s Evangelike%26s Schole%26s te%26s Smyrne%26s& (Smyrna). &3MES& 5 (1884%19`1885) 67,466 %6 &3IGRR& 4,1647 (LYDIA, Philadelphia; 289 ac). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Bithynia @ Corsten, T., &3Die Inschriften von Kios.& "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 29. Bonn 1985. &3IK Kios 117 (BITHYNIA, Kios), 118%19`119; 120 (Kios%3Nikaia?; 5th%19`6th ac?); 121 (Kios; 16th%19`18th ac). @ S%25ahin, S., &3Bithynische Studien& [BithSt]. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 7. Bonn 1978. &3BithSt& 32,2 [&3SEG& 28.1056] (BITHYNIA, Strobilos; 585 ac), 35,3 [&3SEG 28.1047]; 37,4 [&3SEG& 28.1063] (Yalova; 780%19`782 ac); 45,16 [&3SEG 28.1057] (Strobilos; ca. 600 ac), 45,17 [&3SEG& 28.1058] (ca. 600 ac); 46,18 [&3SEG& 28.1069] (Yalova); 47,19 [&3SEG& 28.1059] (Strobilos), 47,20 [&3SEG& 28.1060]; 48,21 [&3SEG& 28.1068] (Yalova); 48,22 [&3SEG& 28.1061] (Strobilos). For S%25ahin, &3BithSt 68,21 %6 Perrot, &3Exploration arche/ologique de la Galatie et de &3la Bithynie& (1862%19`1874) 65 %6 &3SEG& 28,946 (MYSIA, Hadrianoi; 4th ac) see &3SEG& 28.946. @ S%25ahin, S., &3Katalog der antiken Inschriften des Museums von &3Iznik (Nikaia).& 2 vols. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 9%19`10. Bonn 1979%19`1982. &3IK Nikaia& 22 (BITHYNIA, Nikaia; 285%19`286 ac), 67 (379%19`392 ac), 68 (414%19`416 ac), 70 (395%19`408 ac), 71 (284%19`305 ac), 284, 339, 450%19`451 (ca. 720%19`741 ac), 460 (857%3`8 ac), 461%19`468 (842%19`867 ac), 480%19`481 (1204%19`1222 ac), 482 (1207%3`8 ac), 488%19`497 (ca. 1025%19`1028 ac), 498, 499 (Byz.), 500%19`501 (13th ac), 515 (1211 ac), 516b, 517%19`518, 530%19`531, 540, 550%19`555, 556 (4th%19`5th ac), 557%19`558, 559 (5th ac?), 570, 571 (6th ac), 572%19`575, 577%19`578, 585%19`586, 587 (12th%19`13th ac?), 588, 589 (5th ac?), 615; 803 (Chogeae; 293%19`305 ac), 1004, 1005 (337%19`340 ac); 1009 (Tation; 293%19`305 ac), 1010 (337%19`340 ac), 1011 (364%19`367 ac); 1012 (Tation%3Dableis; 293%19`305 ac), 1013 (364%19`367 ac); 1016 (Dableis; 293%19`305 ac), 1017 (293%19`305 ac), 1018 (337%19`340 ac), 1019 (361%19`363 ac), 1020 (363%19`364 ac), 1021 (364%19`367 ac); 1023 (Chogeae; 293%19`305 ac), 1025 (337%19`340 ac); 1026 (Chogeae; 3rd%3`4th ac); 1027 (Nikaia; 337%19`340 ac); 1028%19`1029 (Dableis; 364%19`367 ac); 1292 (Nikaia; imp.); 1491 (Dableis); 1492 (Nikaia; Early Byz.); 1493 (Chogeae; Byz.); 1586 (Nikaia; 4th%19`5th ac?). @ Merkelbach, R., &3Die Inschriften von Kalchedon.& "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 20. Bonn 1980. &3IK Kalch 20 (BITHYNIA, Kalchedon; 293%19`305 ac); 21a%19`21c (Hiereia; 6th ac); 22 [&3SEG& 34.1262] (Kalchedon; 452 ac); 23 (Chrysopolis); 24%19`26 (Kalchedon); 75 [&3CIJ& II,800; &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 411] (Arnavutko+y); 76 (Chrysopolis); 77 (Kalamis); 78 [&3DOP& 41 (1987) 461] (Rufinianai; 901%19`907,912%19`925 ac), 79 (Chrysopolis); 80 (Kalchedon); 81 [&3SEG& 28.1014bis] (Kalamis; 5th%19`6th ac); 82%19`83 (Kalchedon); 84%19`98 (Hiereia); 99 (Kalchedon); 100 (Chrysopolis); 105 (Kartal); 106 (Panteichion; ca. 10th ac), 107%19`108, 109,1; 109,2%19`109,3 (CONSTANTINOPLE, place?); 109,4%19`109,7 (BITHYNIA, Panteichion); 109,8 (Beylerbey); 110,1%19`110,6 (Panteichion), 111%19`112, 114, 115 (18th ac), 116%19`118, 120, 121 (564 ac). @ *Feissel, D. "De Chalce/doine a\ Nicome/die," in &3Travaux et &3me/moires& 10 (1987), pp. 405%19`436. Complete. Corrections made by Feissel to inscriptions published in &3IK Kalchedon& have been incorporated there. __ Contents: &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 408,1 (BITHYNIA, Haydarpas%25a), 408,3%19`409,5; 409,6%19`409,7 (Chrysopolis); 410,9 (BITHYNIA, near Beylerbey), 410,11; 414,13 (Fenerbahc%25e; 10th ac?); 415,18%19`416,20 (Erenko+y), 416,21%19`417,23 (5th%19`6th ac?), 418,24 (5th%19`6th ac), 418,25%19`418,27; 418,28 (Caddebostani); 418,29 (Erenko+y); 419,30%19`419,31 (near Bostanci); 420,32 (Kayis%25dag%148); 420,33 (Ku+c%25u+kbakkal); 421,35 (Ko+y Yeri); 421,36 [cf. &3SEG& 36,1146] (Samandra; 11th%19`12th ac?), 423,37 [cf. &3SEG& 36.1145] (6th ac?), 423,39, 424,40 (582%19`602 ac); 427,42 (Prinkipo), 427,43 (6th ac), 427,44, 428,45 (5th%19`6th ac); 429,46 (BITHYNIA, Cape Akritas; 3rd%19`4th ac), 430,47%19`431,51; 432,52 (Ag%148il Alti; 1176 ac), 432,53; 432,54 (Philokrene; 9th%19`10th ac?); 433,55 (Cape Leukate; 5th%19`6th ac); 434,56 (Dakibyza; 6th ac?), 434,57 (after 10th ac). @ Do+rner, F., &3Tituli Asiae Minoris, IV,1: Nikomedeia.& Vienna 1978. &3TAM& 4,1.28%19`29 (BITHYNIA, Nikomedeia; 284%19`305 ac), 30 (286%19`305 ac), 31 (294%19`296 ac), 122, 188, 189; 255 (E. of Nikomedeia; end 3rd%19`4th ac); 269 (Nikomedeia), 319 (Jewish), 352%19`366, 367 (4th ac), 368%19`372, 372a, 373 374 [&3CIJ& II,798], 375%19`376 (Jewish), 377 [&3CIJ& II,799], 383. __ Cross%19references: &3TAM& 4,1.28 %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 613 (Nikomedeia; 284%19`305 ac), 31 %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 650 (294%19`295 ac). @ Ameling, W., &3Die Inschriften von Prusias ad Hypium. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 27. Bonn 1985. &3IK Prus& 72 (HONORIAS, Prusias Hypium), 119%19`134, 136, 160. @ Becker%19Bertau, F., &3Die Inschriften von Klaudiu polis. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 31. Bonn 1986. &3IK Klaudpl& 44 (HONORIAS, Klaudioupolis; end 3rd ac), 45%19`46; 81 (Plain of Bolu), 113 (3rd ac), 137, 173%19`176, 177 (4th%19`5th ac?), 178%19`179, 180 (Jewish); T 17a%19`17b (lead seals) [Laurent, &3CSEB& 5,1.474%19`465] (Klaudioupolis; Mid. Byz.). @ Do+rner, F., &3Bericht u+ber eine Reise in Bithynien. "O+sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.%19hist. Kl., Denkschriften," 75,1. Vienna 1952. &3DenkschrWien& 75,1.60,162 (HONORIAS, Gu+neygo+kc%25esu), 61,163 (C%25orak), 61,164 (Elemen). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ &3Annual of the British School at Athens& (London). &3BSA& 13 (1906%19`1907) 209 %6 &3JHS& 17 (1896) 269,3 (BITHYNIA, Tachtali). @ &3Dumbarton Oaks Papers& (Washington D.C.). &3DOP& 41 (1987) 461 %6 &3IK Kalch& 78 (BITHYNIA, Rufinianai; 901%19`7,912%19`25 ac). @ Laurent, V., &3Le Corpus des sceaux de l'empire byzantin, V,1%19`2: &3L'E/glise.& Paris 1963%19`1965. &3CSEB& 5,1.474 %6 &3IK Klaudpl& T 17a (BITHYNIA, Klaudioupolis; Mid Byz.), 5,1.475 %6 &3IK Klaudpl& T 17b (Mid Byz.). @ Perrot, G., &3Exploration arche/ologique de la Galatie et de la &3Bithynie, d'une partie de la Mysie, de la Phrygie, de la &3Cappadoce et du Pont.& Paris 1862%19`1874. &3Perrot& 17,10 %6 &3JO+AI& 28 (1933) Beiblatt 101,79 (HONORIAS, Herakleia Pont.), 18,11 %6 &3JO+AI& 28 (1933) Beibl. 102,80, 18,12 %6 &3JO+AI& 28 (1933) Beibl. 101,78 (1206%3`7 ac). @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@Paphlagonia and Pontus @ Anderson, J., F. Cumont, and H. Gre/goire, &3Recueil des &3inscriptions grecques et latines du Pont et de l'Arme/nie. "Studia Pontica," 3,1; Brussels 1910. &3StPont& 3,1.10g [&3CIJ 2.802] (HELENOPONTUS, Amisos), 11, 12 (562 ac), 12a, 13 (5th%19`6th ac), 14, 14a (493 ac), 14b (4th ac); 15 (Themiskyra); 16a (Amisene), 17, 17a, 19, 19a (5th%19`6th ac), 19b%19`19d; 20 (Laodikeia), 22; 26%19`27 (Therma Phazim.; 4th ac), 30; 35%3`1 (Neoklaudiopolis; 5th ac), 35%3`2%19`35%3`3, 35b, 37%19`38, 44%19`46, 54%19`55, 63, 68 (441 ac), 68a (end 4th ac?), 70b, 72 (3rd ac), 75%19`76, 78 (125%3`6 ac), 88, 91; 99 (Amasia; 376%3`7 ac), 100a (3rd%19`4th ac), 101 with &3BZ& 65 (1972) 379 (515%19`518 ac), 102, 133%19`134 135 [&3SEG& 13.538], 136, 137 (4th ac); 138 (Gazacene), 145b (11th ac); 148 (Mersivan), 150; 157d (Yuwarla; Byz.); 161 (Turnouk; 201%3`2 ac); 173 (Diacopene), 176; 194 (Euchaita), 196, 197 (4th%19`5th ac?), 198%19`206, 211 (5th ac), 215, 217%19`218, 220 (372%3`3 ac?), 223, 226 (4th ac), 227 (4th%19`5th ac), 228%19`234, 237a%19`237b, 241%19`242, 245, 247, 247a, 249; 250 (Harsadin); 254%19`255 (GALATIA I, Verinopolis; 6th ac), 256; 257 (Pleuramis), 259; 263 (HELENOPONTUS, Zela); 275 (Sarin), 275a (Byz.); 277 (Zelitide); 278c (Gazioura%19Ibora; 8th%19`9th ac), 278d (Byz.), 278e. __ Cross%19references: &3StPont& 3,1.247 %6 &3SEG 35,1351 (HELENOPONTUS, Beke; 5th%19`6th ac?). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Trebizond @ Millet, G., "Les Monaste\res et les e/glises de Tre/bizonde," in &3Bulletin de correspondance helle/nique& 19 (1895), pp. 419%19`459. __ Includes: 422,1 (PONTUS POLEM., Trebizond; 914 ac?), 422,2 (914 ac?), 425 (14th ac?), 430 (1238%19`1263 ac), 432(1) (1427 ac), 432(2) (1443 ac), 434 (884%3`5 ac), 435(1) (1362 ac), 435(2) (1411 ac), 435(3) (1413 ac), 436(1) (ca. 1402 ac?), 436(2) (1402 ac), 436(3) (ca. 1402 ac?), 436(4) (ca. 1402 ac?), 437 (ca. 1402 ac?), 438 [&3CIG& 8741] (1350%19`1390 ac), 439 (1376 ac), 440 (1411 ac); "Add,1*" %6 Frolow, &3Relique de la &3Vraie Croix& (1961) 777] (Soumela; 1390 ac); "Add,2*" %6 &3DOP 23%19`24 (1969%19`1970) 369,1(1) (Trebizond; 1486 ac), "Add,3*" %6 &3DOP& 23%19`24 (1969%19`1970) 369,1(2) (1547 ac), @ Millet, G., "Inscriptions byzantines de Tre/bizonde," in &3Bulletin de correspondance helle/nique& 20 (1896), pp. 496%19`501. __ Includes: 496,1 (PONTUS POLEM., Trebizond; 1204 ac), 499,2 (1487 ac). @ Gre/goire, H., "Le veilleurs de nuit a\ Tre/bizonde (XIV sie\cle)," in &3Byzantinische Zeitschrift& 18 (1909), pp. 489%19`499. __ Includes: 18.493 (PONTUS POLEM., Trebizond; 14th ac), 18.494 [&3Abhandlungen der Mu+nchner Akademie, hist. Kl.& 3,3 (1843) 103,5] (1297%19`1330 ac?). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ &3Abhandlungen der Mu+nchner Akademie, hist. Kl.& (Munich). &3AbhMu+nchen& 3,3 (1843) 103,5 %6 &3BZ& 18 (1943) 494 (PONTUS POLEM., Trebizond; 1297%19`1330 ac?). @ &3Dumbarton Oaks Papers& (Washington D.C.). &3DOP& 23%19`24 (1969%19`1970) 369,1(1) here %6 &3BCH& 19 (1895) "Add,2*" (PONTUS POLEM., Trebizond; 1486 ac). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Phrygia @ [Ramsay, W.M., &3Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia.& Vol. I, Parts 1%19`2. 2 vols. Oxford 1895%19`1897. Not yet incorporated into the data bank.] @ Buckler, W.H., W.M. Calder and W.K.C. Guthrie, &3Monuments and &3Documents from Eastern Asia and Western Galatia.& "Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua," 4. Manchester 1933. &3MAMA& IV,13 (PHRYGIA SAL., Dokimeion; 4th ac); 28 (Prymnessos; 3rd ac); 31 (Afyon Karahisar; 3rd ac), 32 (later 3rd ac); 33 (Prymnessos); 34 (Afyon Karahisar; 5th%19`6th ac); 35 (Prymnessos; 4th%19`5th ac); 36 (Afyon Karahisar; 6th ac), 37 (6th%19`7th ac), 38 (934%3`5 ac), 39 (4th%19`5th ac), 40, 41 (4th%19`5th ac); 58 (Synnada; 292%19`305%3`317%19`326 ac), 59 (293%19`305 ac), 60 (2nd%3`3rd ac), 90 (1st%19`2nd ac), 91 (3rd ac), 93 (4th%3`5th ac), 94 (571 ac), 95 (1063%3`4 ac), 96 (end 11th ac), 97%19`98 (4th%19`5th ac), 99%19`102 (6th ac), 103 (4th ac), 104 (4th%19`5th ac), 105, 105a, 106 (5th%19`6th ac), 107, 110 (6th%19`9th ac); 118A%3`1 (Lysias), 120B (5th%19`6th ac), 120a (5th%19`6th ac); 135 (PISIDIA, Apollonia; 9th%19`10th ac), 138b (4th ac), 149 (1069%3`70 ac), 202 (1st%19`2nd ac), 219%19`220 (3rd ac), 221%19`222 (ca. 250%19`300 ac), 223 (4th%19`5th ac), 224 (4th ac), 225 (7th ac); 233 (Tymandos; 4th ac), 236 (end 3rd ac?), 264; 307%19`308 (PHRYGIA PAC., Dionysopolis); 312 (Motella; 556 ac), 313 (5th%19`6th ac); 320 (Karapinar; late 3rd ac); 321 (Bekilli), 322 (459%3`60 ac), 323 (ca. 550 ac?); 324 (U+ch Kuyu; 12th ac?), 325 (4th%19`5th ac); 326 (Bekilli; 4th%19`6th ac); 327 (Kavaklar); 353 (Eumeneia; 253%3`4 ac), 354 (253 ac), 355 (255 ac), 356 (258 ac), 357 (273%3`4 ac), 358%19`360 (3rd ac); 365 (PISIDIA, Apameia). @ Cox, C.W.M., and A. Cameron, &3Monuments from Dorylaeum and &3Nacolea.& "Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua," 5. Manchester 1937. &3MAMA& V,2 (PHRYGIA SAL., Dorylaion; 293%19`305 ac), 4 (5th ac?), 5 (4th%3`5th ac), 55 (5th ac), 56 (5th%19`6th ac?), 77 (4th%19`5th ac), 104 (5th%19`6th ac?), 116 (5th ac), 144 (6th ac?), 164%19`165 (6th ac or later); 191 (Nakoleia; 4th%19`6th ac), 260, 308%19`311 (4th%19`5th ac), 312%19`313 (5th ac or later), 314 (5th%19`6th ac); 320 (SW. of Dorylaion); R 13 (Nakoleia; 5th%19`6th ac), R 29 (4th ac); KB 4 (Dorylaion; 5th ac or later), KB 12 (Nakoleia; 4th ac or later). @ Buckler, W.H., and W.M. Calder, &3Monuments and Documents from &3Phrygia and Caria.& "Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua," 6. Manchester 1939. &3MAMA& VI,15 (PHRYGIA PAC., Laodicea Lyc.; ca. 450 ac), 38 (Kolossai; 305%19`306 ac); 49 (Chonai; Byz.); 59 (LYDIA, Tripolis); 84%19`86 (PHRYGIA PAC., Attouda); 94 (CARIA, Herakleia Salbake; 3rd%19`4th ac), 95 (395%19`408 ac), 96 (285%19`293 ac); 163 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 281(3)] (CARIA, Tabai), 171; 186 (PISIDIA, Apameia), 221, 222 (247%3`8 ac), 223%19`224 (3rd ac), 225, 226 (250 ac), 227%19`233, 234 [Gibson, &3Christians for &3Christians& (1978) 40] (ca. 275 ac), 235%19`236, 237 (ca. 600 ac?), 238 (477%3`8 ac); 277 (PHRYGIA PAC., Akmonia), 285, 287, 316, 321%19`323, 325 (255%3`6 ac), 334%19`335, 335a (248%3`9 ac), 336%19`337, 338 (9th%19`10th ac), 339, 340 (9th%3`10th ac); 358 (Diokleia), 359 (9th%19`10th ac); 361 (PHRYGIA SAL., Upper Tembris), 363, 367%19`368; 385 (Prymnessos?; 4th ac); 386 (GALATIA II, Amorion; 591%3`2 ac), 400. @ [Levick, B., S. Mitchell, J. Potter and M. Waelkens, &3Monuments &3from the Aezanitis recorded by C.W.M. Cox, A. Cameron, and J. &3Cullens.& "&3Monumenta Asiae Minoris,&" 9; London 1988. Not yet incorporated into the data bank.] @ *Gibson, E., &3The "Christians for Christians" Inscriptions of &3Phrygia.& Missoula 1978. Complete. __ Contents: &3Gibson& 1 (PHRYGIA PAC., near Abiye; 3rd%19`4th ac), 2 (Abiye; 3rd%19`4th ac), 3 (Yalnizsaray; 3rd%19`4th ac), 5 (Karaag%148ac%25; 3rd%19`4th ac); 7 (PHRYGIA SAL., Kec%25iller; 3rd%19`4th ac), 8 (near Akc%25a; 3rd%19`4th ac), 9%19`10 (Upper Tembris; 3rd%19`4th ac), 11 (U+c%25hu+yu+k; 3rd%19`4th ac), 12 (Aykirikc%25i; 3rd%19`4th ac), 13 (place?; 3rd%19`4th ac), 14 (Alibey; 3rd%19`4th ac), 15 (Aslanapa; 3rd%19`4th ac), 16 (place?; 304%3`05 ac), 17 (Abiye; 3rd%19`4th ac), 18 (Karaag%148ac%25; 3rd%19`4th ac), 19 (Eymir; 3rd%19`4th ac), 20 (Altintas%25; 3rd%19`4th ac), 21 (Gecek; 3rd%19`4th ac), 22 (Altintas%25 town; 248%3`9 ac), 23 (Kuyucak; 3rd%19`4th ac), 24 (Aslanapa; 3rd%19`4th ac), 25%19`26 (C%25akirsaz; 3rd%19`4th ac), 27%19`30 (Aykirikc%25i; 3rd%19`4th ac); 30 (PHRYGIA PAC., Gediz?; 3rd%19`4th ac), 31 (Bahtilli; 3rd%19`4th ac), 32 (Kizilcaso+guu+t; 296%3`97 ac), 33 (Akmonia; 3rd%19`4th ac), 34 (place?; 3rd%19`4th ac), 35 (Carik; 3rd%19`4th ac), 36 (Akmonia?; 278%3`79 ac); 37 (LYDIA, Hierokaisareia; 3rd ac?); 38 (PISIDIA, Apameia; 3rd%19`4th ac), 40 [&3MAMA& VI,234 (ca. 275 ac)] (3rd%19`4th ac); 41 (PHRYGIA PAC., Eumeneia; 3rd%19`4th ac), 42 (U+ckuyu; 242%3`43 ac), 43 (Karapinar; 3rd%19`4th ac); 44 (PISIDIA, Apollonia; 3rd%19`4th ac); 45 (GALATIA II, Amorion; 3rd%19`4th ac). @ Drew%19Bear, Th., &3Nouvelles inscriptions de Phrygie& [NIPhryg]. Zutphen 1978. &3NIPhryg& 27,15 [&3SEG& 28.1203] (PHRYGIA PAC., Sanaos; ca. 385 ac); 75,8 [&3SEG& 28.1126] (Eumeneia; early 3rd ac), 106,44 [&3SEG& 28.1161], 106,45 [&3SEG& 28.1156], 107,46 [&3SEG 28.1155], 108,47 [&3SEG& 28.1148], 109,48 [&3SEG& 28.1144] (257%3`8 ac), 110,49 [&3SEG& 28.1129] (350 ac), 111,50 [&3SEG& 28.1130] (563%3`4 ac). @ Sheppard, A.R.R., "R.E.C.A.M. Notes and Studies No. 6: Jews, Christians and Heretics in Acmonia and Eumeneia," in &3Anatolian &3Studies& 29 (1979), pp. 169%19`180. __ Includes: pp. 173 [Ramsay, &3Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia& I,2 (1897) 525,369] (PHRYGIA PAC., Eumeneia; 3rd ac), 174 [&3CBPh& I,2.385,231] (3rd ac), 175 [Robert, &3Hellenica& 11%19`12 (1960) 429] (3rd ac), 177 [&3CBPh I,2.386,232] (3rd ac), 180 (PHRYGIA PAC., place?; 3rd ac), @ Haspels, C., &3The Highlands of Phrygia& (Princeton 1971), App. III, pp. 295%19`358, "Greco%19Roman and Byzantine Inscriptions". &3Haspels& 22 (PHRYGIA SAL., Akpara Kale); 24 (Gerdek Kaya); 25 (Hamam Kaya); 28%19`29 (Metropolis; 475%19`478 ac), 34%19`35; 36 (Asmancik Tepesi); 39 (Baks%25eyis%25; ca. 400 ac); 42 (Yapildak); 43%19`44 (Inli); 50 (Erten); 53%19`54 (Malos; Early Byz.), 55; 59 (Ayazin; Late Byz.); 60 (Hayranveli Sult.; Byz.); 61%19`65 (Ko+hnu+s%25); 66%19`80 (Alaca Asma; Byz.); 81 (Su%26lin Kaya; Byz.), 87 (Meros; 4th ac); 89%19`90 (near Ovacik; Byz.), 91 (4th ac), 92; 97 (Avdan%19Tesvikiye; Byz.); 100 (Y.%19G%25o+c%25enoluk); 107 (Akoluk; mid%19`4th ac), 108; 111%19`112 (Sandik O+zu+), 114; 118 (Gu+llu+ Dere; Byz.); 125%19`126 (Kizil Saray). @ Robert, L., in J. des Gagniers et al., &3Laodice/e du Lycos: le &3Nymphe/e.& Que/bec 1969. &3LaodLyc& 338,14 [&3IGRR& 4.852] (PHRYGIA PAC., Laodikeia Lykos; 4th ac?), 339,15 (mid%19`4th ac?). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ &3Annual of the Archeological Museum of Istanbul& (Istanbul). &3AAMIst& 11%19`12 (1964) 34,18 %6 &3BE/& 1965,386 (PHRYGIA SAL., Tavs%25anli). @ &3Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists& (New York and Urbana, Ill.). &3BASPap& 12 (1975) 151%19`157 %6 &3BE/& 1976,675 (PHRYGIA PAC., Abiye). @ &3Cahiers arche/ologiques& (Paris). &3CahArch& 19 (1969) 160 %6 &3BE/ 1970,588 (PHRYGIA PAC., Sebaste; 11th ac). @ &3Classical Review& (Oxford). &3CR& 11 (1897) 136,6 %6 &3IGRR& 4,607 (PHRYGIA SAL., Doghan Arslan; beg. 4th ac). @ Cagnat, R., et al., &3Inscriptiones Graecae ad Res Romanas &3pertinentes.& 3 vols. Paris 1906%19`1927. &3IGRR& 4.852 %6 Robert, in &3Laodice/e du Lycos& (1969) 338,14 (PHRYGIA PAC., Laodikeia Lykos; 4th ac?). @ &3Jahrbuch des deutschen archa+ologischen Instituts& (Berlin). &3JdI 86 (1971) 288 %6 &3BE/& 1973,467 (PHRYGIA SAL., Dokimeion). @ Ramsay, W.M., &3Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia.& 2 vols. Oxford 1895%19`1897. &3CBPhryg& I,2 (1897) 385,231 %6 &3AS& 29 (1979) 174 (PHRYGIA PAC., Eumeneia; 3rd ac), 386,232 %6 &3AS& 29 (1979) 177 (3rd ac), 525,369 %6 &3AS& 29 (1979) 173 (3rd ac), 529,373 %6 &3JHS& 4 (1883) 401,20 (324%19`335 ac); 541,404 %6 Halkin VI,331 (Hierapolis), 558,442 %6 Halkin VI,328 (Us%25ak); 698,630 %6 &3IGRR 4,695 (PHRYGIA SAL., Hieropolis; a:c 284 ac), 720,656 %6 &3BCH& 6 (1882) 518,5 (Otrous; 216 ac); @ Ramsay, W.M., ed., &3Studies in the History and Art of the &3Eastern Roman Provinces.& Aberdeen 1906. &3SERP& 217(16) %6 &3LBW V,780 (PHRYGIA SAL, Altintas%25; ca. 200%19`250 ac?). @ &3Rivista di archeologia cristiana della Pontificia Commissione &3di Archeologia sacra& (Rome). &3RAC& 39 (1963) 136,3 %6 &3BE/& 1967,584 (PHRYGIA PAC., Hierapolis; 3rd ac?). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Galatia @ See also &3MAMA& 1 and 7. @ Mitchell, S., &3Regional Epigraphic Catalogues of Asia Minor, &3II: The Ankara District, The Inscriptions of North Galatia. Oxford 1982. &3RECAM& 2.80 (GALATIA I, Ioulioupolis; imp.), 84, 87%19`89; 8 (GALATIA II, Germokoloneia; 897 ac), 99 (Byz.), 106, 114; 121A (Eudoxias); 125 (Pessinous); 130 [&3SEG& 36.1179] (Eudoxias; 5th%19`6th ac), 133 [&3CIJ& 796], 135%19`137 141 (Jewish), 142; 158 (GALATIA I, Ioulioupolis; 4th ac?), 159%19`161; 171%19`174 (NW. of Ankyra), 176, 180, 183, 186, 189, 190; 197 (NE. of Ankyra; 460 ac), 207%19`208 [cf. &3SEG& 36.1178] (535%19`565 ac), 209B (3rd ac?) (Jewish), 211%19`212 217; 221 (S. of Ankyra), 222, 226, 231, 235, 237 (ca. 400 ac?), 246 (3rd ac), 261 (3rd%19`4th ac), 270 (3rd%19`4th ac), 271 (4th ac), 273 (4th ac), 274 (3rd%19`4th ac), 287, 292, 316 (3rd ac), 323 (3rd%19`4th ac?), 325 (247 ac), 328%19`329 (3rd%19`4th ac), 331 (3rd ac), 333 (4th ac), 340 (4th ac), 342 (3rd ac), 345 (imp.), 346 (4th ac?), 352%19`354 (3rd ac), 360 (4th ac?), 365, 371 (3rd ac), 381 (3rd ac), 382%19`384 (imp.), 385 (4th ac); 418 (Tavia; imp.), 423%19`479, 480, 482%19`490, 492%19`499; 500%19`508 (NE. of Tavia), 509%19`512 (Jewish), 513%19`515, 518, 519 (imp.), 523%19`527. @ Mitchell, S., "R.E.C.A.M. Notes and Studies No. 1: Inscriptions of Ancyra," in &3Anatolian Studies& 27 (1977), pp. 63%19`103. __ Includes: 91,36 [&3SEG& 27.847] (GALATIA, Ankyra; 4th ac), "`91,36a" &3AEMO+& 9 (1885) 115,67 [Bosch, &3Quellen& (1945) 369,306] (4th ac), "`91,36b" %6 &3CIG& 3.4045 (4th ac), 92,37 [&3SEG 27.848] (5th%19`6th ac), 96,38 [&3SEG& 27.872], 97,39 [&3SEG& 27.873], 98,40 [&3SEG& 27.874], 99,41 [&3SEG& 27.864], 99,42 [&3SEG& 27.875], 100,43 [&3SEG& 27.876], 100,44 [&3SEG& 27.877], 100,45 [&3SEG& 27.878], 100,46 [&3SEG& 27.879], 100,47 [&3SEG& 27.880], 101,48 [&3SEG& 27.881], 101,49 [&3SEG& 27.882], 101,50 [&3SEG& 27.883], 102,51 [&3SEG& 27.884], 102,52 [&3SEG& 27.885], 102,53 [&3SEG& 27.886], 102,54 [&3SEG& 27.887], 103,55 [&3SEG& 27.888]. @ Gre/goire, H., "Inscriptions historiques byzantines," in &3Byzantion& 4 (1927%19`1928 [`1929]), pp. 437%19`461. __ Includes: 438,1 [&3CIG& 8794] (GALATIA I, Ankyra; ca. 859 ac), 439,2 [&3CIG 8795] (ca. 859 ac), 445,3 (859 ac), 450,4 [&3CIG& 8817 [de Jerphanion, &3Me/lBey& 13 (1928) 278,54; Krencker and Schede, &3Der &3Tempel in Ankara& (1936) 59%19`60] (9th%19`10th ac?), 453,5a (569 ac), 455,5b (484 ac). @ de Jerphanion, G., &3Me/langes d'arche/ologie anatolienne,& [%6 &3Me/langes Beyrouth& 13,1, 1928], ch. 15, "Inscriptions grecques et latines d'Angora," pp. 228%19`293, with Add. pp. 298%19`299. Inscriptions also published in Gre/goire (above) are omitted. __ Includes: 234,7 [Bosch, &3Quellen& (1945) 367,305] (GALATIA I, Ankyra; 324%19`326 ac), 234,8 [&3CIL& 3.247] (362 ac), 260,32 [&3SEG 6.38], 275,47, 277,53 [Bosch, &3Quellen& (1945) 364,302] (293%19`305 ac), 284,56 (ca. 859 ac), 285,57 (ca. 859 ac), 286,58, 286,59, 287,60 [&3SEG& 6.28] (4th ac?), 288,62 (6th%19`7th ac), 289,63%19`290,64 (4th%19`6th ac), 290,64n (7th%19`11th ac?), 290,65%19`291,66, 13.291,67 [Krencker and Schede, &3Der Tempel in &3Ankara& (1936) 60]. @ Anderson, J.C.G., "Exploration in Galatia Cis Halym," in &3Journal of Hellenic Studies& 19 (1899), pp. 52%19`318. [`11 inscr.; 179 words; 83 lines] Inscriptions from Ankyra and its vicinity (pp. 60, no. 8; 62, no. 10; pp. 97%19`98, nos. 79%19`84; 102, no. 87; 104, no. 91; 106, no. 94) not republished in &3RECAM& II (1982); for other inscriptions from Cappadocia, southern Galatia and Lycaonia also published here, see under "Varia: Periodicals". @ Anderson, J.C.G., "Exploration in Galatia Cis Halym," in &3Journal of Hellenic Studies& 19 (1899), pp. 52%19`318. __ Includes: 60,8 [Bosch, &3Quellen& (1945) 364,300] (GALATIA I, Erkeksu C%25ifluk; 284%19`305 ac), 62,10 [Bosch, &3Quellen& (1945) 364,301] (Beyram; 284%19`305 ac), 97,79 (near Ankyra), 97,80 [&3Me/lBey& 13,1 (1928) 288,61] (Ankyra), 98,81%19`98,84 102,87 (Gorbeous; 364%19`375 ac), 104,91 [Bosch, &3Quellen& (1945) 363,299] (Karaali; 285%19`293 ac), 106,94 (Aspona; 313%19`324 ac). For other inscriptions from Cappadocia, southern Galatia and Lycaonia also published in the same article, see under "Varia: Periodicals". @ Strubbe, J., "Descriptive Catalogue and Bibliography of the Inscribed Monuments of Pessinus," in J. Devreker and M. Waelkens, &3Les Fouilles de la Riksuniversiteit te Gent a &3Pessinonte& ("Dissertationes Archaeologicae Gandenses," 22; Brugge 1984), pp. 216%19`244. &3Pessinous& 223,34 [&3CIG& 8822] (GALATIA II, Justinianopolis; 5th%19`6th ac?), 223,35 [&3CIG& 8682] (before 838 ac); 227,58 [Lambrechts and Bogaert, in &3Beitr. ... &3Altheim& (1969) I,561,2; &3BE/& 1970.601] (GALATIA II, S. of Pessinous; 4th ac); 232,89 [&3SEG& 31.1095] (Pessinous; ca. 350%19`400 ac?), 234,98 [Waelkens, &3Die kleinasiatischen Tu+rsteine (1986) 768] (ca. 225%19`250 ac?); 235,99 (Justinianopolis); 236,107 [&3SEG& 31.1096] (Pessinous; 5th ac?); 238,117 [&3AEMO+& 7 (1883) 184,54], 238,120 [&3BCH& 17 (1893) 292,105] (3rd%19beg. 4th ac), 239,122 [&3AthMitt& 22 (1897) 49,35] (ca. 3rd%19`4th ac?), 239,125 [&3SbMu+nchen& 1860 1860.195,11] (3rd%19`4th ac?); 243,151 [&3Mnemosyne& 34 (1981) 111,3; &3SEG& 31.1083] (Mt. Dindymos; ca. 350%19`400 ac?), 243,152 [&3Mnemosyne& 34 (1981) 110,2; &3SEG& 31.1082] (ca. 350%19`400 ac?), 243,153 [&3Mnemosyne& 34 (1981) 112,4; &3SEG 31.1084] (5th ac?), 243,154 [&3Mnemosyne& 34 (1981) 113,5; &3SEG 31.1085] (ca. 350%19`400 ac?), 243,155 [&3Mnemosyne& 34 (1981) 110,1; &3SEG& 31.1081] (5th%19`6th ac?), 244,156 [&3Mnemosyne& 34 (1981) 113,6; &3SEG& 31.1086] (ca. 350%19`400 ac?). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ Stiehl, R., and H.E. Stier, eds., &3Beitra+ge zur Alten &3Geschichte und deren Nachleben. Festschrift fu+r Franz Altheim &3zum 6.10.1968.& 2 vols. Berlin 1969. P. Lambrechts and R. Bogaert, in &3Beitr. Altheim& I,561,2 [&3BE/& 1970.601] %6 Strubbe, "Catalogue ... Pessinus," &3Fouilles ... Pessinonte& (1984) 227,58 (GALATIA II, S. of Pessinous; 4th ac). @ Bosch, E., &3Quellen zur Geschichte der Stadt Ankara im Altertum (1945). "Tu+rk Tarih Kurumu Yayinlarindan, VII. Seri," no. 46; Ankara 1967. Bosch 363,299 %6 &3JHS& 19 (1898) 104,91 (GALATIA, Karaali; 285%19`293 ac), 364,300 %6 &3JHS& 19 (1898) 60,8 (Erkeksu C%25ifluk; 284%19`305 ac), 364,301 %6 &3JHS& 19 (1898) 62,10 (Beyram; 284%19`305 ac), 364,302 %6 &3Me/lBey& 13,1 (1928) 277,53 (Ankyra; 293%19`305 ac), 367,305 %6 &3Me/lBey& 13,1 (1928) 234,7 (324%19`326 ac). 369,306 %6 &3AEMO+& 9 (1885), 115,67, here &3AS& 27 (1977) here &3AnatSt 27 (1977) "`91,36a" (4th ac). @ Krencker, D., and M. Schede, &3Der Tempel in Ankara ("Archa+ologisches Institut des deutschen Reiches. Denkma+ler antiker Architektur," 3; Berlin 1936). P. 60 %6 &3Me/lBey& 13,1 (1928) 291,67 (GALATIA, Ankyra), @ &3Sitzungsberichte der bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, &3philos.%19hist. Klasse& (Munich). &3SbM& 1860.195,11 %6 Strubbe, "Catalogue ... Pessinus," &3Fouilles ... Pessinonte& (1984) 239,125 (GALATIA, Pessinous; 3rd%19`4th ac?). @ &3Tu+rk Arkeoloji Dergisi& (Ankara). &3TAD& 13,2 (1964 [`1967]) 119 %6 &3BE/& 1967,596 (GALATIA, Ankyra). @ Waelkens, M., &3Die kleinasiatischen Tu+rsteine. Typologische und &3epigraphische Untersuchungen der kleinasiatischen Grabreliefs &3mit Steintu+r.& Mainz am Rhein 1986. &3Tuersteine& no. 768 %6 Strubbe, "Catalogue ... Pessinus," &3Fouilles ... Pessinonte (1984) 234,98 (GALATIA, Pessinous; ca. 225%19`250 ac?). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Lycaonia @ See also &3MAMA& 1 and 7 (below) @ Cormack, J.M.R., and W.M. Calder, &3Monuments from Lycaonia, the &3Pisido%19Phrygian Borderland, Aphrodisias.& "Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua," 8. Manchester 1962. &3MAMA& VIII,43%19`45 (LYCAONIA, Katin Serai); 46 (Kavak), 48; 50 (Hairabad); 51 (Katin Serai); 63%19`65 (C%25esme); 67 (Ako+ren), 86, 88%19`93; 98 (Kara Hu+yu+k); 101 (Balc%25ik Hisar); 117%19`119 (Alkaran), 121%19`128; 131%19`133 (Dinek Serai); 158%19`169 (Dorla); 174 (Karasenir); 182%19`185 (Almassun), 186 (286%19`292 ac), 187 (292%19`305 ac); 200 (Emir Han); 203%19`204 (Gu+delisin); 205 (Kizil Kuyu); 210 (Losta); 219 (Gene); 220%19`221 (Gene Ciftlik); 221a (Gene?; 4th%3`5th ac); 222%19`225 (Gene); 233 (Yali Bayat), 252b (4th ac); 253 (Kemc%25ik); 254%19`256 (Yali Bayat); 257 (Kemc%25ik); 258 (Yali Bayat); 270%19`287 (Obruk); 289%19`295 (Ako+ren); 302 (Konya); 303 (Sec%25me); 304%19`306 (C%25ariklar); 310 (Ali Bey Ho+yu+k); 312 (Zazadin Han), 318%19`324; 325%19`326 (Eg%148ribayat), 326a%19`326e; 328 (Kotu Delik Han); 335%19`339 (PISIDIA, Tiberiopolis); 360 (Kara Ag%148ac%25); 426 (CARIA, Aphrodisias), 427 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 270] (4th%19`5th ac), 428 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 248], 457, 458 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 265], 459 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 253], 486%19`487, 531. @ Ramsay W.M., and G. Bell, &3The Thousand and One Churches. London 1909. &3Barata& 512,4 [&3BE/& 1972.483] (LYCAONIA, Binbir Kilise), 514,6, 519,9 [&3SEG& 30.1542] (337%19`378 ac?), 524,10, 525,13, 527,15%19`529,16, 529,18, 533,20%19`539,29, 540,30 (1162%19`1171 ac), 541,34%19`541,36, 541,39, 545,42%3`3, 547,45%19`549,49, 549,50%3`1, 551,52 (ca. 800 ac?), 555,53%19`555,54, 556,56, 556,58, 556,59, 557,60 (Turkish?); 558,70 (Bunar Bashi). __ Cross%19references: Ramsey%3Bell 531 %6 &3JHS& 22 (1901) 97,1 (PISIDIA, Kizil O+ren; Byz.), 531 %6 &3JHS& 22 (1901) 98,2 (Byz.), @ Bees, N.A., &3Die Inschriftenaufzeichnung des Kodex Sinaiticus &3Graecus 508 (976) und die Maria%19Spila+otissa%19Klosterkirche bei &3Sille (Lykaonien).& "Texte und Forschungen zur byzantinisch%19neugriechischen Philologie," 1. Berlin 1922. __ Includes: 6a (LYKAONIA, Sille; 1068%3`9 ac), 6b (1288%3`9 ac); 53 (HELENOPONTUS, Sinope; 1215 ac); 64 (LYKAONIA, Sille; 1297 ac), 77 [&3JHS& 14 (0000) 44,31] (1302 ac), 78 [Sterrett, &3PASA& 2 (1883%19`1884) 211,230]. @ Cronin, H.S., "First Report of a Journey in Pisidia, Lycaonia and Pamphylia," in &3Journal of Hellenic Studies& 22 (1904), pp. 94%19`125, 339%19`376, and 24 (1904), pp. 113%19`124. Included among the collection of "Periodicals". @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ &3E/chos d'Orient& (Paris). &3EO& 35 (1936) 226,4 %6 &3BZ& 36 (1936) 537,4 (LYCAONIA, Damla; 10th%19`12th ac). @ &3Oriens Antiquus& (Rome). &3OrAnt& 2 (1963) 287n6 %6 &3BE/& 1964,484 (LYCAONIA, Laranda). @ &3Papers of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (Boston). &3PASA& 2 (1883%19`1884) 211,230 %6 &3BNgJ& Suppl. 1 (1922) 78 (LYCAONIA, Sille). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Pisidia @ Calder, W.M., &3Eastern Phrygia.& "Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua," 1. Manchester 1928. &3MAMA& I,18 (PISIDIA, Meidan); 19 (Laodicea; 308%19`314 ac), 31, 86; 154 (Kadyn Khan); 155 (Laodicea; 3rd ac), 156 (3rd ac?); 157 (LYCAONIA, Suwerek); 158 (PISIDIA, Serai o+nu+; 3rd%3`4th ac?); 159 (Laodicea; 3rd%3`4th ac), 160; 161 (Kadyn Khan); 162 (Serai o+nu+); 163 (Laodicea); 164 (Serai o+nu+); 164a (Kestel); 165%19`166 (Meidan); 167%19`169 (Laodicea), 169a%19`169b (4th ac), 170 [Guard. &3EG& IV,394] (ca. 340 ac), 170a, 171 (4th ac); 172 (Kadyn Khan); 173%19`174 (Laodicea); 175 (Kadyn Khan); 176 (Laodicea); 177 (Kavakly Punar); 178%19`185 (Serai o+nu+); 186 (Kadyn Khan); 187%19`188 (Serai o+nu+); 189%19`198 (Kadyn Khan); 199 (Meidan); 200%19`201 (Kinik); 202%19`203 (Chaldere); 204%19`205 (LYCAONIA, Suwerek); 206 (Dedeler); 207 (PISIDIA, Kinik); 208%19`209 (Meidan); 210 (LYCAONIA, Dokus Dervent Kh.); 211 (PISIDIA, Laodicea); 212 (Kinik); 213%19`216a (Laodicea); 217 (Saradj Punar); 218 (Laodicea); 219 (LYCAONIA, Dokus Dervent Kh.); 220 (PISIDIA, Shahr O+ren); 221 (Osmanjyk); 222 (Kadyn Khan); 223 (Osmanjyk); 224 (Tahsin); 225%19`228 (Serai o+nu+); 229%19`230 (Kadyn Khan); 231%19`231a (Kinik); 232%19`233 (LYCAONIA, Dedeler); 234 (Yeni Yaila); 235 (Suwerek); 236 (Keshlik Chiftlik); 237%19`238 (Suwerek); 239 (Keshlik Chiftlik); 240 (PISIDIA, Meidan); 241 (LYCAONIA, Yeni Yaila); 242%19`243 (PISIDIA, Laodicea); 244 (Serai o+nu+); 245%19`246 (PISIDIA, Laodicea); 249 (Kavakly Punar); 250%19`252 (Laodicea); 253 (Serai o+nu+); 254%19`256 (Laodicea), 257 (983%19`996 ac); 258 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 5(2)] (Serai o+nu+; 989 ac); 259 (Bozuk Kuyu); 260 (LYCAONIA, Dedeler; Mid.%3Late Byz.); 261%19`264 (PISIDIA, Kadyn Khan); 265 (Laodicea); 267%19`269 (Kadyn Khan); 270%19`271 (Meidan); 272 (Laodicea); 273 (Meidan; 4th ac); 274 (Laodicea); 275%19`276 (Kadyn Khan); 277 (Serai o+nu+); 278 (Laodicea); 279 (Zengi); 280 (Kadyn Khan; ca. 400 ac?); 281 (Laodicea); 281a (Serai o+nu+); 282 (LYCAONIA, Dedeler; later 4th ac); 283%19`284 (PISIDIA, Laodicea); 290 (Du+yer; later 4th ac), 291; 302%19`307 (Atlandy); 312%19`316 (GALATIA II, Kolu Kissa); 323 (PISIDIA, Go+zlu+); 323a (PHYRGIA SAL., Lysias); 324%19`327 (PISIDIA, Goslu); 333%19`334 (LYCAONIA, O+rek Yaila); 339 (Cheshmeli Zebir), 357%19`371; 375%19`381 (GALATIA II, Sengen), 382%19`383 (ca. 375%19`450 ac); 386 (PHRYGIA SAL., Bolavadyn); 387 (Ayas In); 388 (Yapuldak); 394%19`397 (Khosrev Pasha Kh.); 402%19`403 (PHRYGIA SAL., Bashara); 412 (GALATIA II, Gulushlu); 428 (Baghlija); 432 (Go+me); 434 (Emirli); 437 (Choghu), 439. @ Calder, W.M., &3Monuments from Eastern Phrygia.& "Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua," 7. Manchester 1956. &3MAMA& VII,8 (PISIDIA, Kestel; 308%19`313 ac); 9 (Nevine; 361%19`363 ac); 64 (Karasevic%25); 65 (Meidanli); 66 (Kos%25mer); 67 (Laodicea); 68 (Nevine), 69 (late 4th ac), 70 (4th ac), 71; 72 (Ise Bey Yayla); 73%19`74 (Serai o+nu+); 75 (Kestel); 76%19`79 (Kunderaz); 80%19`81 (Hacilar); 82 (Kunderaz); 82a (Laodicea); 83 (Tahsin); 84 (Nevine); 85 (Laodicea); 85a (N. of Laodicea); 86%19`87 (Kunderaz); 87a (Laodicea); 88 (Bedel Kale); 89 (Sog%148uk Pinar); 90 (Nevine); 91 (Dag%148 Dere); 92 (Serai o+nu+); 93%19`95 (Kestel); 96 (Kunderaz); 97 (Dag%148 Dere); 98 (Hacilar); 99%19`100 (Kestel); 101 (Serai o+nu+); 102 (Nevine); 103 (Karasevic%25); 104 (Dag%148 Dere); 104a%19`104d (LYCAONIA, Zivarik); 109 (PISIDIA, Tyriaion), 120%19`129; 144 (Hadrianopolis); 155 (C%25avus%25ci Ko+y); 173 (Mesarlik); 174 (Eldes%25); 175 (Balki); 176%19`177 (C%25avus%25ci Ko+y); 178 (Mesarlik); 179%19`180 (Mahmut Asar); 181 (Eldes%25); 182 (Mesarlik); 183 (Arkit Han); 184 (Dog%148an Han); 185%19`186 (Urus); 187%19`187 (Adaras O+ren); 189 (C%25etme); 190 (Koc%25as; 867%19`886 ac?); 206%19`207 (Philomelion); 208 (GALATIA II, Harunlar), 211; 222 (Durgut), 235%19`236; 236a (Kurs%25unlu); 237%19`242 (Durgut); 254a (Go+zo+ren), 255; 256 (Kizil Kuyu), 256a; 264 (Ku+rd Us%25ak); 276b (Davulga); 276c (Piribeyli), 277 (3rd%19`4th ac), 278%19`279; 279a (Kargali); 279b (Bu+g%148ru+ Delik); 296a (Bag%148lica); 296b (Kirk Pinar); 297 (Amorion), 298%19`299, 299a; 300 (Tu+rkmen Ko+y); 301 (Amorion); 302 (Batik); 305 [&3CIL& 3.352%3`7000; &3ILS& 6091; &3FIRA&(`2) 1.95] (GALATIA II, Orkistos; ca. 331 ac), 309, 310 (10th ac?); 338 (LYCAONIA, Sinanli), 346, 360%19`361; 362 (Su+lu+klu+); 377 (Kadi Og%148lu); 405 (GALATIA I, Modanli); 417%19`422 (Kerpis%25i); 425 (Yag%148ci C%25evrik); 426%19`427 (Kokar); 435 (LYCAONIA, Kozanli), 445, 450%19`452; 469%19`473 (Bulduk); 483 (Ko+tu+ Us%25ak); 484 (Kus%25ca); 491 (GALATIA I, Bes%25kavak); 517 (LYCAONIA, Kandil); 537%19`543 (Insuyu); 551%19`552 (Kuyulu Zebir), 556%19`561; 562%19`570 (C%25es%25meli Zebir); 571%19`585 (GALATIA II, Sengen); 586 (Kolu Kisa), 587 (ca. 375%19`425 ac?); 589%19`592 (PISIDIA, Atlandy), 593 (1065 ac). @ Heberdey, R., &3Tituli Asiae Minoris, III: Tituli Pisidiae, I, &3Tituli Termessi et agri Termessensis.& Vienna 1941. &3TAM& 3,1.45 (PISIDIA, Termessos; 310%19`324 ac), 46 (324%19`337 ac), 80 (285%19`305 ac), 82 (295%19`305 ac), 103 [Robert, &3Hellenica& 4 (1948) 128], 890%19`891; 936a [&3SEG& 6.643] (Uzun%19Kuju%19Kafe); 937 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 308] (near Termessos?); 942 (U=ju+k%19Ko+i; 293%19`305 ac), 943 (293%19`305 ac), 944 (335%19`337 ac). &3TAM& 3,1.448 is included here as &3CIJ& "`758a". @ Lanckoronski, C., G. Niemann and E. Petersen, &3Sta+dte &3Pamphyliens und Pisidiens, II: Pisidien.& German ed. Vienna 1893. &3Lanck& 2.228,208 (PISIDIA, Sagalassos; 5th ac?), 229,213 (311%19`317 ac?), 230,219%19`230,220 (378%19`379 ac), 232,235, 232,238 (Kremna). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ &3Anatolian Studies presented to W.M. Ramsay.& London 1923. &3ASRamsay& 74,3 %6 &3CIG& 9268 (PISIDIA, Kadinhani%3Pita; ca. 375 ac?). @ Peek, W., &3Griechische Vers%19Inschriften, I.& Leipzig 1955. &3GVI 1720 %6 &3CIG& 3962 (PISIDIA, Apameia; 2nd ac). @ &3Revue des e/tudes grecques& (Paris). &3REG& 2 (1889) 28 %6 &3CIG& 8860 (PISIDIA, Isparta). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Lycia @ Kalinka, E., &3Tituli Asiae Minoris, II. Tituli Lyciae, 1%19`3. Vienna 1920%19`1944. &3TAM& 2.118 (LYCIA, Telmessos); 186%3`7 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 293(2)] (Sidyma; 391 ac), 204, 219 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 293]; 257 [&3IGRR& 3.606] (Pydna%3Kydna; 293%19`305 ac), 258 (293%19`305 ac?); 553 [&3CIG& 4241] (Tlos); 703 [&3IGRR 3.505] (Araxa; 293%19`305 ac); 735 (Komba); 785 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 282] (Arykanda; 311%19`312 ac), 821, 822 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 282(2)], 823 [&3CIG& 8924]; 1169 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 285] (Olympos), 1170%3`1 [a: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 284]; 1182 (Hephaisteion); 1199 (Phaselis; end 3rd%19`4th ac?). For &3TAM II,2.612, see &3CIJ& 757. @ Bean, G.E., &3Journeys in Northern Lykia 1965%19`1967. "O+sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.%19hist. Kl., Denkschriften," 104. Vienna 1971. &3DenkschrWien& 104.29,52 (LYCIA, Podalia; 4th%19`5th ac), 32,55%19`32,57; 34,60%19`35,62 (Macun Asari). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ Cagnat, R., et al., &3Inscriptiones Graecae ad Res Romanas &3pertinentes.& 3 vols. Paris 1906%19`1927. &3IGRR& 3.505 %6 &3TAM& 2.703 (LYCIA, Araxa; 293%19`305 ac), 606 %6 &3TAM& 2.257 (Pydna%3Kydna; 293%19`305 ac), 691 %6 &3LBW& V,1293 (Aperlai; 293%19`305 ac). @ &3Tu+rk Arkeoloji Dergisi& (Ankara). &3TAD& 9 (1959) 17 %6 &3BE/& 1968,513 (LYCIA, Myra). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Pamphylia @ Bosch, E., in A. Mansel, E. Bosch and J. Inan, &3`1947 senesi &3Side kazilarina o+nrapor.& ("Tu+rk Tarih Kurumu Yayinlarindan, V. Seri," no. 11; Ankara 1951), "Kitabeler," pp. 46%19`80. &3Side [`1947] 70,20 (PAMPHYLIA, Side; ca. 337 ac), 72,24%19`73,25, 75,29 [&3SEG& 27.903] (4th%19`5th ac?), 76,30 (5th%19`6th ac), 77,32 (395%19`408 ac), 77,33 (367%19`383 ac). @ Bean, G.E., in A. Mansel, G. Bean and J. Inan, &3Side agorasi ve &3civarindaki binalar& ("Tu+rk Tarih Kurumu Yayinlarindan, V. Seri," no. 15; Ankara 1956), "Kitabeler," pp. 79%19`98. &3Side [`1956] 80,46 (284%19`305 ac), 80,47 [&3RevPh& 1967.82] (4th ac), 81,48 (361%19`363 ac), 82,49 (337%19`361 ac), 90,58b, 91,61a%19`92,61b, 93,62%19`93,63, 94,69 [Lifshitz, &3Donateurs et fondateurs dans les &3synagogues grecques& (1967) 37] (5th%19`6th ac), 94,69a [&3CIJ 2.781] (5th%19`6th ac), 95,70 [&3RevPh& 1958.47] (5th ac), 96,71. @ Bean, G.E., &3Side Kitabeleri& ("Tu+rk Tarih Kurumu Yayinlarindan, V. Seri," no. 20; Ankara 1965). &3Side& [`1965] 7,87%19`7,88 [&3BE/ 1965.419] (5th%19`6th ac), 8,89%19`8,90 (5th%19`6th ac?), 43,144, 58,156, 59,160, 60,165, 61,169, 64,181%19`64,182. @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ &3Revue de philologie& (Paris). &3RevPh& 1958.47 %6 Bean, &3Side &3Kitabeleri& (1965) 95,70 (PAMPHYLIA, Side; 5th ac), __ &3RevPh 1967.82 %6 Bean, &3Side Kitabeleri& (1965) 80,47 (PAMPHYLIA, Side; 4th ac). @ &3Tu+rk Tarih Kurumu, Beleten& (Ankara). &3TTKB& 22 (1958) 43,40a %6 &3BE/& 1959,447 (PAMPHYLIA, Attaleia; Byz.), 43,41 %6 Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 302 (Attalia; 911%3`2 ac), 44,42 %6 Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 304 (909%3`10 ac). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Isauria and Cilicia @ See also &3IGLSyr& I, see under "Syria". @ Herzfeld, E., and S. Guyer, &3Meriamlik und Korykos. Zwei &3christliche Ruinensta+tten des rauhen Kilikien.& "Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua," 2. Manchester 1930. &3MAMA& II,28 (ISAURIA, Meriamlik; 5th%19`6th ac); 106 (CILICIA I, Korykos; 5th ac?), 116 (end 6th ac?). @ Keil, J., and A. Wilhelm, &3Denkma+ler aus dem rauhen Kilikien. "Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua," 3. Manchester 1931. Essentially complete. &3MAMA& III,10%19`13 (ISAURIA, Seleukia), 16%19`22, 23 [&3CIJ& II,783], 24%19`30, 32 [&3CIJ& II,784]; 35%19`48 (Meriamlik); 51 (Bey o+ren), p. 62a [&3JHS& 12 (1891) 266,57] (Diokaisareia; ca. 350%19`400 ac?), p. 62b, 73 (395%19`408 ac), 75%19`76, 79%19`102; 106a (O+ren Ko+y; 6th ac); 109%19`110 (Tapureli); 112 (Eski Kale); 113%19`195 (CILICIA I, Korasion); 196 (ISAURIA, In Bunar); 197 (CILICIA I, Korykos; ca. 500%19`518 ac?), 198 (3rd%3`4th ac?), 199 (306%19`307 ac), 203%19`204 205 [&3CIJ& II,785], 206%19`209, 211%19`220b, 222 [&3CIJ& II,786], 223%19`224, 226%19`236, 237 [&3CIJ& II,787], 238%19`240, 240a, 241%19`261, 262 [&3CIJ& II,788], 264, 266%19`294, 295 [&3CIJ& II,789], 296%19`298, 299a, 299b%3`611, 301%19`343, 344 [&3CIJ& II,790], 345%19`352, 354%19`359, 361%19`388, 390%19`439, 440 [&3CIJ II,791], 441%19`447, 448 [&3CIJ& II,792], 449%19`539, 541%19`544, 544a, 545%19`570, 573%19`606, 607 [&3CIJ& II,793], 608%19`619, 620%3`21, 622%19`656, 658%19`678, 679 [&3CIJ& II,794], 680%19`760, 763%19`767, 767a, 768%19`788; p.219 [&3JHS& 12 (1891) 242,25] (Korykian Grotto). @ Dagron, G., and D. Feissel, &3Inscriptions de Cilicie. Paris 1987. &3ICil& 2 [&3AE/& 1978.814] (ISAURIA, Seleukia Kalyk.; 306%19`307 ac), 3 [&3AE/& 1978.815] (306%19`307 ac), 4 [&3AE/& 1978.816] (308%19`324 ac), 4a; 6 [Bean and Mitford, &3DenkschrWien& 102 (1970) 216] (Silifke Museum; 5th%19`6th ac), 7 (4th%19`6th ac), 8%19`9 (5th%19`6th ac), 10 (Byz.?); 14 (Diokaisareia; 4th%19`5th ac) (Jewish), 15 [&3SEG& 28.1268] (6th ac); 18 (CILICIA I; Korykos; 5th%19`6th ac), 19 [&3SEG& 28.1279] (5th%19`6th ac); 21 (Kanytella; 5th%19`6th ac); 22 (Akkale; 5th%19`6th ac); 23 (Erdemli Museum; 5th%19`6th ac); 24 (Pompeiopolis; 5th%19`6th ac); 24a (Mersin; 5th%19`6th ac); 25 [&3SEG& 28.1288] (Pompeiopolis; 5th%19`6th ac); 32 (Tarsus Museum; 4th ac), 33 (3rd%19`4th ac?); 35 (Tarsus; 6th ac), 36 (6th ac) (Jewish), 37 (6th ac), 38%19`39 (5th%19`6th ac), 40; 49 [&3SEG& 28.1293] (Adana Museum; 3rd%19`5th ac), 50 (5th%19`6th ac), 51 (6th ac), 52 [&3SEG& 28.1294] (527%19`548 ac), 53 (6th ac), 54 (5th%19`6th ac), 55 (6th%19`7th ac), 56%19`59 (5th%19`6th ac), 60 (ca. 6th ac), 61 (10th%19`11th ac); 65 (Etekli; 5th%19`6th ac); 73 (Magarsas; 5th%19`6th ac); 88 (CILICIA II, Mopsuestia; 3rd%19`4th ac), 89 [&3SEG& 28.1287] (559%3`60 ac), 90 (6th ac), 91 [&3SEG 28.1284] (6th ac), 92 (5th%19`6th ac), 93 [&3SEG& 28.1285] (5th%19`6th ac), 94 [&3SEG& 28.1283] (5th%19`6th ac), 95 (10th%19`11th ac), 96 (1052 ac), 97 (1053 ac); 104 (Anazarbos; 5th%19`6th ac), 105 (536 ac), 106%19`108 (5th%19`6th ac); 113 [&3SEG& 28.1260] (C%25emkale; 590 ac), 114 [&3SEG& 28.1264] (5th%19`6th ac), 115 [&3SEG& 28.1262] (5th%19`6th ac), 116 (5th%19`6th ac), 116a; 117 (Gafarli; 490%3`1 ac); 118 (Kadirli; 596 ac); 119 [&3SEG& 28.1256] (SE. Anazarbos; 5th%19`6th ac). p.258 (Kozan%3Sis; 1233 ac). @ Heberdey, R., and A. Wilhelm, &3Reisen in Kilikien.& "Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.%19hist. Kl., Denkschriften," 44,6. Vienna 1896. &3DenkschrWien& 44,6.13,38 (CILICIA II, Mopsouestia; 367%19`375 ac); 16,46 (Aigai; 286%19`293 ac); 25,56 (Hierapolis; 367%19`375 ac), 27,61%19`27,62 (367%19`375 ac); 37,93 (Anazarbos); 41,97%19`41,98 (CILICIA I, Kilise Dere); 42,99%19`42,100, (Tec%25e Dere), 43,102 (Pompeioupolis), 44,106%19`44,109, 44,109a [&3CIG& 4436], 44,109b [&3CIG& 4434b]; 89,168 (ISAURIA, Olba; 479 ac); 162,270 (PISIDIA, Tyriaion). @ Bean, G.E., and T.B. Mitford, &3Journeys in Rough Cilicia in &3`1962 and 1963.& "O+sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.%19hist. Kl., Denkschriften," 85. Vienna 1965. &3DenkschrWien 85.5 [&3BE/& 1967.609] (PAMPHYLIA, Seleukia?), 20,24 (Kolybrassos; 3rd%19`4th ac), 20,25 (284 ac). @ Bean, G.E., and T.B. Mitford, &3Journeys in Rough Cilicia &3`1964%19`1968.& "O+sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.%19hist. Kl., Denkschriften," 102. Vienna 1970. &3DenkschrWien& 102.19,2 (PAMPHYLIA, Side%3Seleukia); 51,31 (Kasai; 457%19`474 ac); 66,39 (Cibyra Minor; 5th%19`6th ac); 74,48 [&3SEG& 26.1456] (Kolybrassos?; 4th ac?), 76,50 [cf. &3ZPE& 15 (1974) 183] (288 ac); 105,91 (Laertes); 126,116 (ISAURIA, Yunt), 126,117a%19`126,117b; 193,214 (Aphrodisias; 491%19`518 ac), 194,215 (5th%19`6th ac); 196,216 [&3BE/& 1972.531] (Bag%148s%25akada); 196,217 (Seleukia; 305%19`311 ac), 198,219 [&3BE/& 1972.532]; 199,221%19`201,223, (Germanicopolis); 205,231 (Eirenopolis; ca. 355%19`359 ac); 205,231a [Dessau, &3ILS& 740] (Ermenek%3Karaman; 359 ac); 206,232 (Eirenopolis; 574%19`578 ac?); 210,239 (Lausada); 215,245 (Fariske); 218,248 (Philadelphia?), 219,250 (5th%19`6th ac), 219,251 [cf. &3ZPE& 15 (1974) 56] (4th%19`5th ac); 234,n.53a (Claudiopolis). __ Cross%19references: &3DenkschrWien& 102 (1970) 216 %6 Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie& (1987) 6 (CILICIA, Silifke Museum; 5th%19`6th ac). @ Reynolds, J., in E. Alfo+ldi%19Rosenbaum, &3The Necropolis of &3Adrassus (Balabolu) in Rough Cilicia (Isauria). "O+sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.%19hist. Kl., Denkschriften," 146. Vienna 1980. &3DenkschrWien& 146.82,1 [&3SEG 30.1545] (ISAURIA, Adrassos), 83,2 [&3SEG& 30.1554], 84,3 [&3SEG 30.1546], 85,5 [&3SEG& 30.1556], 86,6 [&3SEG& 30.1557], 86,7 [&3SEG 30.1547], 87,8 [&3SEG& 30.1558] (6th ac), 87,9 [&3SEG& 30.1548], 88,10 [&3SEG& 30.1559], 88,11 [&3SEG& 30.1560], 88,12 [&3SEG& 30.1549]. @ *Russell, J. &3The Mosaic Inscriptions of Anemurium. "O+sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.%19hist. Kl., Denkschriften," 190. Vienna 1987. Complete. __ Contents: &3DenkschrWien& 190.39,7 (ISAURIA, Anemurium; late 5th ac), 49,8%19`51,9 (ca. 430%19`450 ac), 53,10 (437 or 452 ac), 61,11 (5th%3`6th ac), 67,12%19`68,13 (ca. 400%19`425 ac), 70,14 (ca. 500 ac?), 75,15%19`76,17 (ca. 400%19`425 ac), 78,18 (ca 500 ac), 80,19%19`81,20 (ca. 400%19`425 ac), 82,21%19`88,24 (ca. 450%19`500 ac). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ &3Analecta Bollandiana& (Brussels and Paris). &3AnalBoll& 30 (1911) 316 %6 Halkin V,88 (ISAURIA, Zenopolis; 488 ac). @ &3Anne/e e/pigraphique& (Paris). &3AE/& 1978.814%19`816 %6 Dagron and Feissel, &3ICilicie& (1987) nos. 2%19`4 (ISAURIA, Seleukia Kalyk.; 306%19`307 ac). @ Budde, L., &3Antiken Mosaiken in Kililien, I. Fru+hchristliche &3Mosaiken in Misis%19Mposuhestia.& Recklinghausen 1969. Pp. 40%19`55 %6 Guarducci, &3EG& IV,426,3 (CILICIA II, near Mopsuestia; 400%19`450 ac?); p. 95 %6 &3BE/& 1974,612 with L. Budde, &3Antiken Mosaiken in &3Kililien, II. Die heidnischen Mosaiken& (Recklinghausen 1972) pp. 101%19`104, figs. 91%19`102, esp. fig. 93 (CILICIA, Narli Kuyu; ca. 375%19`400 ac?). @ Gough, Mary, &3Alahan. An Early Christian Monastery in Southern &3Turkey. Based on the Work of Michael Gough.& Toronto 1985. Pp. 22,1 %6 &3SEG& 14,812 (ISAURIA, Alahan; 462 ac), 23,2 %6 &3SEG& 14,813 (after 461 ac), 24,3%19`25,11 %6 &3SEG& 36.1224%19`1232. @ &3Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies& (Baltimore). &3GRBS& 20 (1979) 178,3 %6 &3BE/& 1951,223 (CILICIA I, Tarsos; 5th%19`6th ac). @ &3Papers of the British School at Rome& (London). &3PBSR& 37 (1969) 98 %6 &3BE/& 1973,481 (CILICIA, Seleukia Kalyk.). @ &3Phoenix& (Toronto). &3Phoenix& 26 (1972) 183%19`186 and 396%19`399 %6 &3BE/ 1973,480 (ISAURIA, Anemurium; ca. 382 ac). @ &3Tu+rk Arkeoloji Dergisi& (Ankara). &3TAD& 8,2 (1958) 6%19`7,ph.4 %6 &3BE/ 1960,394[a] (ISAURIA, Dag Pazari; 5th ac?), ph.6 %6 &3BE/ 1960,394[b], ph.11 %6 &3BE/& 1960,394[c]. @ &3Zeitschrift des deutschen Pala+stina%19Vereins& (Leipzig). &3ZDPV& 90 (1974) 69%19`75 %6 Guarducci, &3EG& IV,429 (CILICIA II, near Mopsuestia; 400%19`450 ac?). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Cappadocia @ *de Jerphanion, G., &3Une nouvelle province de l'art byzantin: &3les e/glises rupestres de Cappadoce& I, 1%19`2, and II, 1%19`2. Paris 1925%19`1942. Complete. Inscriptions nos. 1%19`209 and some other texts. __ Contents: &3Jerph& 1 (CAPPAD. II, Korama; 10th ac), 2%19`3 (11th or later), 4 (1147%3`8 ac), 5%19`13 (11th or later), 14%19`25 (Byz.), 26%19`26a (end 9th ac), 27%19`28 (ca. 1000%19`1050 ac), 29%19`30 (Byz.), 31%19`32 (mid%19`10th ac), 33 (beg. 10th ac), 34%19`36 (mid%19`10th ac), 1,2,p. 358 (mid%19`10th ac), 37%19`44 (mid%19`11th ac), 45%19`56 (11th or later), 57%19`58 (later 11th ac), 59%19`63 (12th or later), 64%19`68 (later 11th ac), 69 (12th or later), 70 (later 11th ac), 71%19`72 (ca. 1050 ac), 73 (1055 ac), 74 (1058 ac), 75 (1065 ac), 76 (1074 ac), 77 (1129 ac), 78 (11th or later); 79 (Matiane; 11th ac?), 80%19`81 (13th ac), 82 (Middle Byz.), 83%3`4 (Middle Byz.), 85%19`86 (Middle Byz.), 87 [Mercati, &3Collectanea &3Byzantina& II (1970) 217] (Middle Byz.), 88 (Middle Byz.), 89%19`92; 93 (H. Prokopios; 9th ac?), 94%19`97 (ca. 965 ac), 98 [&3TravMe/m& 9 (1985) 477] (ca. 965 ac); 1,2, p. 557 (Zelve; 10th ac), 99%19`100 (10th or later), 101%19`102 (Byz.), 103%19`107 (10th ac), 108 (10th or later), 109%19`113 (10th ac), 114%19`117 (Middle Byz.), 118%19`120 (10th ac); 121 (Gu+llu Dere; beg. 10th ac?); 122%19`125 (Zoropassos; 1212 ac); 126%19`127 (Susum Bayri; 11th ac?), 128%19`130 (11th or later?), 131 (11th ac); 2,1, p. 54 (Ortahisar; 10th ac); 132 (near Sinasos; ca. 900%19`1000 ac?), 133 (913%19`959 ac?), 134%19`138 (10th or later), 2,1, p. 106 (9th%19`10th ac?), 140%19`141 (9th%19`10th ac?), 143%19`149 (ca. 930%19`960 ac?); 153 (near Cemil; Late Byz.); 2.1,147 (Cemil; beg. 9th ac), 154%19`155 (beg. 9th ac), 156%19`157 (9th or later); 158 (Sobesos; 1217%3`8 ac); 159 (Tamisos; 13th ac?), 160 (13th ac?); 161%19`162 (Mavrucan; 13th or later), 163 (Early Byz.), 164 (1256%3`7 ac); 165%19`167 (Ortako+y; 1293 ac); 168 (Sog%148angli V.; 9th ac?); 169 (Sog%148angli; 9th ac?), 170%19`171 (ca. 1000 ac), 172%19`174 (11th or later), 175 (1051 ac), 176 (11th or later), 177%19`180 (10th ac), 181 (11th or later), 182%19`185 (1006 or 1021?), 186%19`191 (1060%3`1 ac), 192 (beg. 10th ac), 193%19`194 (1060%3`1 ac), 195 (1060%3`1 ac?), 196 (1060%3`1 ac), 197%19`203 (10th%19`11th ac), 204 (10th ac), 205 (13th ac), 206 (ca. 1250%19`1300 ac?), 207 (13th or later), 208 (10th%19`11th ac), 209 (Byz.). @ *Thierry, N. and M, &3Nouvelles e/glises rupestres de Cappadoce. &3Re/gion du Hasan Dag%148i.& Paris 1963. Complete. __ Contents: &3Thierry& pp. 42 [&3HUS& 7 (1983) 501%19`506; &3JO+B& 38 (1988) 401] (CAPPAD. II, Ihlara; 921%19`927 ac), 67,2%19`69,5 (10th or later), 69,6a%19`69,6b (10th or later), 74 (beg. 11th ac?), 91 (11th ac?), 156 (Beliserama; ca. 1000%19`1050 ac), 184 (976%19`1025 ac), 202 [&3RE/B& 26 (1968) 367%19`371; &3Byzantina& 12 (1971) 11%19`22] (1284%19`1295 ac). __ Additions: Add,1* %6 &3CahArch& 15 (1965) 99, 100, 128 (Gu+llu Dere; 913%19`920 ac); Add,2* %6 &3TravMe/m& 8 (1981) 507 (Kizil C%25ukur; end 7th ac); Add,3* %6 &3MonPiot& 50 (1958) 110 [text quoted from &3BE/& 1959.436] (10th%19`11th ac); Add,4* %6 &3TravMe/m& 8 (1981) 509] (Zelve; 10th ac); Add,5* %6 &3JSav& 1968.46 (Ihlara; 11th ac). __ Supplementary bibliography: M. Thierry, "Ayvali Kilise ou pigeonnier de Gu+llu Dere: E/glise inde/dite de Cappadoce," &3Cahiers arche/ologiques& 15 (1965), pp. 97%19`154; N. Thierry, &3Travaux et me/moires,& "Enseignements historiques de l'arche/ologie cappadocienne," 8 (1981), pp. 501%19`519; N. Oikonomides, "The Dedicatory Inscription of Eg%148ri Tas%25 Kilisesi (Cappadocia)," in &3Harvard Ukrainian Studies& 7 (1983) ["&3Okeanos&: Essays presented to Ihor S%148evc%148enko"], pp. 501%19`506; N. Thierry, in I. Beldiceanu%19Steinherr, "Une tourma re/ve/le/e par l'inscription de l'e/glise Eg%148ri Tas%25 de Cappadoce," in &3Jahrbuch der o+sterreichischen Byzantinistik& 38 (1988), pp. 395%19`420, esp. 397%19`404; V. Laurent, "Note additionnelle: L'inscription de l'e/glise Saint%19Georges de Be/lise/rama," in &3Revue des e/tudes byzantines& 26 (1968), pp. 367%19`371; S. Vryonis, "Another Note on the Inscription of the Church of St. George of Beliserama," in &3Byzantina& 12 (1971) 11%19`22. @ Restle, M., &3Studien zur fru+hbyzantinischen Architektur &3Kappadokiens.& "O+sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.%19hist. Kl., Denkschriften," 138. Vienna 1979. &3DenkschrWien& 138.44 (CAPPAD. I, Gereme; beg. 6th ac?); 48 (Buzluk; beg. 6th ac?); 64 (Manda; 9th ac?); 82 (Sivasa; 1222 ac?). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ &3Analecta Bollandiana& (Brussels and Paris). &3AnalBoll& 91 (1973) 364 %6 &3BE/& 1974,592 (CAPPADOCIA, Kirs%25ehir; 5th%19`7th ac). @ &3Cahiers arche/ologiques& (Paris). &3CahArch& 15 (1965) 99, 100 and 128, here %6 Thierry, &3Nouvelles e/glises& (1963) "Add,1*" (CAPPADOCIA, Gu+llu Dere; 913%19`920 ac). @ Hild, F., &3Das byzantinische Strassensystem in Kappadokien. "O+sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.%19hist. Kl., Denkschriften," 131. Vienna 1977. &3DenkschrWien& 131 (1977) 69 %6 &3SEG& 27,955 (CAPPADOCIA, Malakopea; 6th ac), @ &3Journal des Savants& (Paris). &3JSav& 1968.46 here %6 Thierry, &3Nouvelles e/glises& (1963) "Add,5*" (CAPPADOCIA, Ihlara; 11th ac). @ &3Monuments et Me/moires publie/s par l'Acade/mie des Inscriptions &3et Belles%19Lettres& (Foundation Piot) (Paris). &3MonPiot& 50 (1958) 110 here %6 Thierry, &3Nouvelles e/glises& (1963) "Add,3*" (CAPPADOCIA, Kizil C%25ukur; 10th%19`11th ac). @ Peek, W., &3Griechische Vers%19Inschriften, I.& Leipzig 1955. &3GVI 134 %6 &3BE/& 1959,437 (CAPPADOCIA, near Tyana), 1588 %6 &3BCH& 33 (1909) 142,113 (Poros). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Armenia and Iberia @ For inscriptions from these regions, see the Index of Places. @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ &3Archa+ologischer Anzeiger& (Berlin). &3AAnz& 1943.80 %6 &3BE/& 1952,151 (ARMENIA MINOR, Erzincan; 6th ac). @ Hild, F., &3Das byzantinische Strassensystem in Kappadokien. "O+sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.%19hist. Kl., Denkschriften," 131. Vienna 1977. &3DenkschrWien& 131 (1977) 145 %6 &3LBW& V,1814c (ARMENIA I, N. of Melitene; 5th%19`6th ac). @ Lemerle, P., &3Prole/gomenes a\ une e/dition critique et commente/e &3des "Conseils et Re/cits" de Ke/kaume/nos.& "Acade/mie royale de Belgique. Classe des lettres et des sciences morales et politiques. Me/moires. Collection in 8o," 2nd ser., 54,1; Brussels 1960. &3MABrux& 54,1 (1960) 29 %6 &3BE/& 1966,437 (ARMENIA, Egrek; 1006%3`7 ac). @ &3Bulletin de l'Acade/mie des Sciences de Ge/orgie& (Tbilisi). &3BASGe/org& 16 (1955) 73 %6 &3BE/& 1958,517 (IBERIA, Bitchvin). @ Kaoukchischvili, &3Inscriptions grecques de Ge/orgie. Kaoukchischvili, T.C., &3Inscriptions grecques de Ge/orgie& [in Russian]. Acade/mie de Ge/orgie. Tbilisi 1951. &3IGGe/orgie& 253 %6 &3BE/& 1958,516 (IBERIA, Michet Samtawro; 3rd%19`4th ac). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Asia Minor: Other @ Le Bas, Ph., and W.%19H. Waddington, &3Voyage arche/ologique en &3Gre/ce et en Asie Mineure pendant 1834 et 1844. III. &3Inscriptions grecques et latines recueilles en Gre\ce et en &3Asie Mineure.& Paris 1847%19`1876. Includes: &3LBW& V,100 [&3IGRR 4.1562] (ASIA, Teos; 293%19`305 ac), 113 [&3BCH& 4 (1880) 182,45]; 728 [&3CIG& 8909] (PHRYGIA PAC., Temenothyrai), 734 [&3CIG& 3872b] (Sebaste), 735 [&3CIG& 3872c] (353 ac); 780 [&3Studies ... Eastern &3Roman Provinces& (1906) 217(16) (PHRYGIA SAL., Altintas%25; ca. 200%19`250 ac?); 828 [&3CIG& 9263] (Kotiaion; 4th ac?); 991 [&3CIG 8697] (PHRYGIA PAC., Aizanoi; 981 ac?); 1007 [&3CIG& 8666] (Sanaos; 5th%19`6th ac); 1008 [&3CIG& 8823] (Ancyra Sanaou); 1095 [cf. &3JHS& 17 (1896) 269,4] (BITHYNIA, near Go+lyazi); 1136 (Apameia Myrlaia); 1188 (LYCAONIA, Ikonion?); 1293 [&3IGRR 3.691] (LYCIA, Aperlai; 293%19`305 ac); 1388 [&3CIG& 4322] (ISAURIA, Kelenderis); 1389 [&3CIG& 9231] (Seleukeia), 1392, 1393 [&3CIG 9212], 1394 [&3CIG& 9211], 1395 [&3CIG& 9206], 1396 [&3CIG& 9213], 1397, 1398 [&3CIG& 9208], 1399; 1402 (near Seleukeia), 1403 [&3CIG 9236]; 1404 [&3CIG& 9232] (Seleukeia), 1405 [&3CIG& 9214], 1406 [&3CIG 9218], 1407 [&3CIG& 9217], 1408 [&3CIG& 9230], 1411 [&3CIG& 9215], 1412 [&3CIG& 9216], 1413 [&3CIG& 9221], 1414 [&3CIG& 9224]; 1415 [&3CIG& 9235] (Meriamlik), 1417 [&3CIG& 9225] (Seleukeia), 1418 [&3CIG& 9210]; 1430 (CILICIA I, Korykos), 1469 [&3CIG& 4432e] (Elaioussa); 1474 [&3CIL& 3.223] (Kasanlu+; 293%19`305 ac); 1483 (Tarsos), 1484 [&3CIG 9161], 1485 [&3CIG& 9162]; 1504 (CILICIA II, Mopsouestia), 1505 [&3CIG& 9158]; 1516 [&3CIG& 9156] (Anazarbos), 1517 [&3CIG& 9155]; 1666c (ASIA, Mastaura); 1701 (PISIDIA, Apameia; 285%19`305 ac); 1714 [&3CIG& 9267] (PHRYGIA SAL., Dokimeion; 7th ac?); 1725 (ASIA, Koryphantis; 293%19`305 ac); 1758 (HELLESPONTUS, Edincik); 1812 [&3CIG& 4158] (HELENOPONTUS, Sinope); 1814c [Hild, &3DenkschrWien& 131 (1977) 145] (ARMENIA I, N. of Melitene; 5th%19`6th ac); 1814g [&3SEG& 36.1269] (Koloneia); __ &3LBW& VII,2819 (CYPRUS, near Kourion; 1591 ac). __ Cross%19references: &3LBW V,234 %6 &3IDidyma& 60 (CARIA, Didyma; 361%19`363 ac); 788 %6 &3IGRR 4,600 (PHRYGIA PAC., near Appia; 293%19`305 ac); __ &3LBW& VII,2727 here %6 &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 170,6a (CYPRUS, Kition), 2769 here %6 &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 170,6b (Lapethos; 351%19`354 ac), 2791 here %6 &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 169,2a (Nea Paphos), 2807d here %6 &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 169,1f (Palaia Paphos; 363%19`364 ac). For inscriptions from &3LBW& Part VI, see under "Syria". @ Cagnat, R., et al., &3Inscriptiones Graecae ad Res Romanas &3pertinentes.& 3 vols. Paris 1906%19`1927. Includes: &3IGRR& 3,336 [&3JHS& 8 (1887) 230,11] (PISIDIA, Sagalassos; 293%19`305 ac); 1397 [&3BCH& 24 (1900) 385,41] (BITHYNIA, Keremed; 288%19`289 ac); __ &3IGRR& 4.530 [&3Go+ttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen& 159,2 (1897) 415,81] (PHRYGIA SAL., Dorylaion); 600 [&3LBW& V,788] (PHRYGIA PAC., near Appia; 293%19`305 ac), 601 [&3JHS& 8 (1887) 515,4] (293%19`305 ac); 607 [&3CR& 11 (1897) 136,6] (PHRYGIA SAL., Doghan Arslan; beg. 4th ac); 612 [&3CIG& 3883b] (Dokimeion; a: 293%19`305 ac); 695 [Ramsay, &3Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia& I,2 (1897) 698,630] (Hieropolis; a: ca. 284 ac); 884 [&3JHS& 8 (1887) 226,2] (PHRYGIA PAC., Karyuk Bazar; 293%19`305 ac); 1083 [Herzog, &3Koische Forschungen und Funde& (1899), 55,14] (SE. AEGEAN, Kos: Kos; 293%19`305 ac); 1208 [Keil and von Premerstein, &3DenkschrWien 54,2 (1911) 20,35] (LYDIA, Thyateira; a: 293%19`305 ac); 1530 [&3CIG& 3449] (Sirge; 293%19`305 ac); 1647 [$*M*E*S& 5 (1884%19`1885) 67,466] (Philadelphia; 289 ac). __ Cross%19references: &3IGRR 3.505 %6 &3TAM& 2.703 (LYCIA, Araxa; 293%19`305 ac), 606 %6 &3TAM& 2.257 (Pydna%3Kydna; 293%19`305 ac), 691 %6 &3LBW& V,1293 (Aperlai; 293%19`305 ac), 1134 %6 &3LBW& VI,2514 (ARABIA, Habiba; 303 ac), 1278 %6 De/le/age, &3Capitation& 152 (ARABIA, Soada; 286%19`293 ac?), 1542 %6 &3Capitation& 154c (PALAESTINA, Apheca; 293%19`305 ac); __ &3IGRR 4.214 %6 &3IK Ilion& 96 (HELLESPONTUS, Ilion; 293%19`305 ac), 852 %6 Robert, in &3Laodice/e du Lycos& (1969) 338,14 (PHRYGIA PAC., Laodikeia Lykos; 4th ac?), 1562 %6 &3LBW& V,100 (ASIA, Teos; 293%19`305 ac). @ @ @@@@Aegean Islands: Eastern and Southern (excluding Crete) @ See also under "Greece" and "Macedonia and Thrace". For a combined list of inscriptions from the Aegean Islands, see the Geographical Index. Inscriptions from Aegean Islands of Rhodes, Syme, Karpathos, Kos, Samos, Lesbos, Thera, Therasia, Melos, Amorgos, Delos, Naxos, and Tenos are included in Gre/goire, &3Recueil ... Asie Mineure& (1922). @ Hiller von Gaertringen, F., &3Inscriptiones Graecae, XII. &3Inscriptiones insularum maris Aegaei praeter Delum,& fasc. 1. Berlin 1895. __ Includes only: &3IG& 12,1.1043 [&3CIG& 8880] (SE. AEGEAN, Kasos). For other inscriptions, see Gre/goire, &3Recueil &3... Asie Mineure& (1922), nos. 124%19`138bis (Rhodes) and 140%19`142 (Karpathos). @ Paton, W.R., &3Inscriptiones Graecae, XII. Inscriptiones &3insularum maris Aegaei praeter Delum: 2, ... Lesbi, Nesi, &3Tenedi.& Berlin 1899. Cadastral records from Lesbos: &3IG 12,2.76%19`80 (E. AEGEAN, Lesbos: Mytilene; 285%19`305 ac), "`80a" %6 Charitonides, &3Hai Epigraphai te%26s Lesbou. Symple%26ro%26ma& (1978) 14,17. (285%19`305 ac). For other inscriptions from Lesbos, see Gre/goire, &3Recueil ... Asie Mineure& (1922), nos. 150%19`165. @ Hiller von Gaertringen, F., &3Inscriptiones Graecae, XII. &3Inscriptiones insularum maris Aegaei praeter Delum,& fasc. 3, and &3Supplementum.& Berlin 1898 and 1904. Cadastral records from Astypalaia and Thera: &3IG& 12,3.180%19`182 [cf. De/le/age, &3Capitation (1945) 190] (S. AEGEAN, Astypalaia; 293%19`305 ac), 343%19`349 [cf. De/le/age, &3Capitation& (1945) 173] (Thera; 293%19`305 ac). For other inscriptions, see Gre/goire, &3Recueil ... Asie Mineure& (1922), nos. 139 (Syme), 166%19`205bis (Thera), 206%19`207 (Therasia), and 208%19`210bis (Melos). @ Hiller von Gaertringen, F., &3Inscriptiones Graecae, XII. &3Inscriptiones insularum maris Aegaei praeter Delum. &3Supplementum.& Berlin 1939. __ Includes: &3IG& 12 Suppl. 77,16 [&3CIL& 3.450] (E. AEGEAN, Lesbos: Mytilene; 292%19`305 ac); 210,23a [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 14196] (317%19`326 ac), 210,23b [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 14197] (337%19`350 ac), @ Delamarre, J. &3Inscriptiones Graecae XII,7. Inscriptiones &3Amorgi.& Berlin 1908. __ Includes: &3IG& 12,7.296 (C. AEGEAN, Amorgos: Minoa). @ &3Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene& (Rome). __ Includes: &3ASAtene& 22%19`23, N.S. 6%19`7 (1944%19`1945) 229%19`231 (E. AEGEAN, Kalymnos; 5th ac); __ &3ASAtene& 30%19`32, N.S. 14%19`16 (1952%19`1954) 301,85%19`302,88 (SE. AEGEAN, Rhodes); 320,2 [&3SEG 16.512] (N. AEGEAN, Lemnos); __ &3ASAtene& 41%19`42, N.S. 25%19`27 (1963%19`1964) 243,1 (S. AEGEAN, Karpathos; 527%19`565 ac), 243,2 (527%19`565 ac); 290,31 (SE. AEGEAN, Telos; 6th ac?); 328,29 [&3SEG 18.391] (E. AEGEAN, Lepsia), 328,30 [&3BE/& 1966.320], 329,31; 345,49 [&3BE/& 1966.323] (E. AEGEAN, Patmos), 346,50, 346,52. @ Chaviaras, D., "$*SULLOGH\ XRISTIANIKW=N E)PIGRAFW=N KAI\ PERIGRAFH\ $XRISTIANIKW=N A)RXAIOTH/TWN. *B#. *NH/SOU *SU/MHS,"& in &3Vizantijskij &3Vremennik& 19,2 (1912 [`1915]), pp. 147%19`170. __ Includes: 147,1 (SE. AEGEAN, Syme; 1049 ac?), 148,2 (8th%19`9th ac?), 150,3, 151,4, 168,7, 19,2.169,8 [cf. &3Byzantion& 4 (1927%19`1928) 713f.] (ca. 430 ac). @ &3Clara Rhodos. Studi e materiali pubblicati a cura dell' &3Istituto Storico%19Archeologico di Rodi.& 10 vols. Bergamo 1928%19`1940. __ Includes: &3Clara Rhodos& I (1928) 101 (no text) (SE. AEGEAN, Karpathos: Arkassa; ca. 500 ac?), 103 [Guard. &3EG IV,371] (ca. 400 ac?); __ &3Clara Rhodos& II (1932) 2.207,43 (SE. AEGEAN, Rhodes: Rhodes; 395%19`408 ac), 2.208,44 (402%19`450 ac); __ &3Clara Rhodos& VI%19VII,2 (1932%19`1933) 6%3`7.561 (SE. AEGEAN, Karpathos: Arkassa; ca. 400 ac), 6%3`7.568 (5th%19`6th ac). __ Cross%19references: &3ClRhod& 2 (1932) 208,45 %6 Robert, &3Hellenica& 4 (1948) 117 (SE. AEGEAN, Rhodes; 4th ac). @ Blinkenberg, Chr., &3Lindos. Fouilles de l'acropole 1902%19`1914. &3II, Inscriptions.& 2 vols. Copenhagen 1941. __ Includes: &3Lindos 2,2.675 (SE. AEGEAN, Rhodes: Kameiros). @ Orlandos, A.K., "$*PALAIOXRISTIANIKAI\ BASILIKAI\ TH=S *LE/SBOU,"& in &3Praktika te%26s Akade%26mias Athe%26no%26n& 1928,3 (1928), pp. 322%19`330. __ Includes: 325,1%19`325,2 [&3Byzantion& 4 (1927%19`1928) 712,1%19`712,2] (E. AEGEAN, Lesbos: Hypselom.; 6th ac), 327,1%19`329,5 [&3Byz 4.713,1%19`714,5] (E. AEGEAN, Lesbos: Eresos; ca. 430 ac), 329,6%19`329,7 (ca. 430 ac). Also included here is: &3PrAA& 1928,3 (1928), 43,8 (S. AEGEAN, Melos: Klema). @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ Charitonides, S., &3Hai Epigraphai tes Lesbou. Sympleroma. Athens 1978. &3EpLesbSympl& 14,17 here %6 &3IG& 12,2."`80a" (E. AEGEAN, Lesbos: Mytilene; 285%19`305 ac), 73,112 %6 &3BE/& 1970,422, p. 423. @ Herzog, R., &3Koische Forschungen und Funde.& Leipzig 1899. Herz., &3KFF& 55,14 %6 &3IGRR& 4,1083 (SE. AEGEAN, Kos: Kos; 293%19`305 ac). @ º@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@MACEDONIA AND THRACE @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Macedonia @ *Feissel, D., &3Recueil des inscriptions chre/tiennes de &3Mace/doine du IIIe au VIe sie\cle.& "Bulletin de correspondance helle/nique. Supple/ment," 8; Paris 1983. Complete. __ Sites: &3IChMac& 1%19`54 (MACED. I, Edessa) 55%19`55bis (Naousa), 56%19`75 (Beroia), 76%19`77 (Boskochorion), 78%19`79 (Dion), 80 (Parthenion), 81%19`206 (Thessalonike), 207%19`208 (Chalkidike), 209%19`210 (Serrai), 211%19`216 (Amphipolis), 217%19`221 (Pangeion), 222%19`252 (Philippi); 253%19`266 (N. AEGEAN, Thasos); 266%19`272 (MACED. I, Herakleia Lynkou); 273%19`282 (MACED. II, Stoboi), 283%19`284 (Bargala), 285 (Skopje Museum); __ Macedonians who died abroad: 286 (ATTICA, Athens), 287%19`288 (CRETE, Gortyn), 289 (PALAEST. I, Khoziba), 290 [&3IChUR& 5.15000] (ITALY, Rome: C. Praetextati), 290bis [&3CIL 8 Suppl. 25364a; Wessel, &3Inscr. gr. chr. vet. Occident.& (1936) 12; &3IG& 10,2:1.1027] (AFRICA PROC.; Carthago). __ Jewish inscriptions: &3IChMac& 291 [Speiser, "Inventaire ... Thessalonique" (1973%3`1979) 1] here also %6 &3CIJ& 693a [Lifshitz (1975) 70%19`75] (MACED. I, Thessalonike; 4th%19`5th ac?), 292 here also %6 &3CIJ& 693b [Lifshitz (1975) 75], 293 here also %6 &3CIJ& 693c [Lifshitz (1975) 76], 294 here also %6 &3CIJ& 694a [Lifshitz (1975) 77%19`78] (Beroia; 5th ac?), 295 %6 &3CIJ& 694b [Lifshitz (1975) 78] (4th%19`5th ac?). __ Cross%19references: Feissel, &3IChMac 81 [Speiser, "Inventaire ... Thessalonique" (1973%3`1979) 4] %6 Soteriou, &3Basilike%26 Agiou De%26me%26triou& (1952) 230,1 (Macedonia, Thessalonike; ca. 527%19`565 ac), 82 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 321,13] (after 569 ac), 83 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 322,14] (after 569 ac), 85 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 327,19] (5th%19`6th ac), 86 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 309,2] (mid%19`4th ac), 87 %6 &3AnthPal& 9,686 [&3InvSalon& 2] (4th%19`6th ac), 88 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 312,5] (ca. 408%19`450 ac), 89 [&3InvSalon& 3] (ca. 448%19`450 ac?), 90 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 314,8] (ca. 512 ac), 91 [&3InvSalon& 5] (ca. 600 ac), 92 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 328,20] (6th ac?), 94 [Soteriou, &3Basilike%26 Agiou &3De%26me%26triou& (1952) 172] (6th ac?), 102B [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 312,6] (5th ac), 117 [Soteriou, &3Basilike%26 Agiou De%26me%26triou& (1952) 226,4] (3rd ac?), 120 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 308,1] (ca. 325%19`350 ac?), 128 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 310,3] (366 ac?), 129 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 311,4] (412 ac?), 131 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 313,7] (507 ºac), 132 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 314,9] (519 ac), 133 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 317,11] (532 ac), 134 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 316,10] (525, 535 ac), 135 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 319,12] (535 ac), 153 [&3TravMe/m 7 (1979) 325,17] (5th ac?), 159 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 323,15] (5th ac?), 173 [Chr.] also %6 &3CIJ& 693 (5th%19`6th ac), 203 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 324,16] (5th ac?), 205 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 326,18] (5th%19`6th ac). @ Edson, C., &3Inscriptiones Graecae X,2: 1, Inscriptiones &3Thessalonicae et Viciniae,& Berlin 1972. __ Includes: &3IG& 10,2:1.39 (MACEDONIA, Thessalonike; 293%19`305 ac), 40 [Dessau, &3ILS& 634] (293%19`305 ac), 279 (4th%19`6th ac?), 592 (2nd%19`3rd ac), 842 [&3BE/& 1976.440] (3rd%19`4th ac?), 1009 (284%19`305 ac), 1018B (308%19`324 ac). __ Cross%19references: &3IG& 10,2:1.24 %6 &3InvSalon& 8 (Macedonia, Thessalonike; ca. 688%19`689 ac), 1027 %6 &3IChMac& 290bis [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 25364a] (AFRICA PROC., Carthago; ca. 2nd ac). For other inscriptions in this volume, see the concordance in Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983). @ Feissel, D., in D. Feissel and Speiser, J.%19M., "Inventaires en vue d'un recueil des inscriptions historiques de Byzance: II. Les Inscriptions de Thessalonique. Supple/ment," in &3Travaux et &3me/moires& 7 (1979), pp. 303%19`348, "A. Inscriptions protobyzantines," pp. 303%19`332, nos. 1%19`20. __ The inscriptions published and commented upon here are all republished in D. Feissel, &3Recueil des inscriptions chre/tiennes de Mace/doine du &3IIIe au VIe sie\cle& (1983): Feissel, &3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 308,1 %6 Feissel, &3IChMac& 120 (Macedonia, Thessalonike; ca. 325%19`350 ac?), 309,2 %6 &3IChMac& 86 (mid%19`4th ac), 310,3 %6 &3IChMac& 128 (366 ac?), 311,4 %6 &3IChMac& 129 (412 ac?), 312,5 %6 &3IChMac& 88 (ca. 408%19`450 ac), 312,6 %6 &3IChMac& 102B (5th ac), 313,7 %6 &3IChMac& 131 (507 ac), 314,8 %6 &3IChMac& 90 (ca. 512 ac), 314,9 %6 &3IChMac& 132 (519 ac), 316,10 %6 &3IChMac& 134 (525, 535 ac), 317,11 %6 &3IChMac 133 (532 ac), 319,12 %6 &3IChMac& 135 (535 ac), 321,13 %6 &3IChMac& 82 (after 569 ac), 322,14 %6 &3IChMac& 83 (after 569 ac), 323,15 %6 &3IChMac& 159 (5th ac?), 324,16 %6 &3IChMac& 203 (5th ac?), 325,17 %6 &3IChMac& 153 (5th ac?), 326,18 %6 &3IChMac& 205 (5th%19`6th ac), 327,19 %6 &3IChMac& 85 (5th%19`6th ac), 328,20 %6 &3IChMac& 92 (6th ac?). @ *Speiser, J.%19M., "Inventaires en vue d'un recueil des inscriptions historiques de Byzance: I. Les Inscriptions de Thessalonique", in &3Travaux et me/moires& 5 (1973), pp. 145%19`180, with &3idem,& "Addenda et Corrigenda", &3Travaux et me/moires& 7 (1979), pp. 333%19`340, nos. 1%19`32. &3InvSalon& 1 %6 Feissel, &3IChMac (1983) 291 (Macedonia, Thessalonike; 4th%19`5th ac?), 2 %6 Feissel, &3IChMac& 87 (4th%19`5th ac?), 3 %6 Feissel, &3IChMac& 89 (ca. 448%19`450 ac?), 4 %6 Feissel, &3IChMac& 81 (ca. 527%19`566 ac?), 5 %6 Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 91 (ca. 597%19`603 ac), 6 %6 Soteriou, &3Basilike%26 Agiou De%26me%26triou& (1952) 189 (ca. 630 ac), 7 %6 Soteriou, &3Basilike%26 Agiou De%26me%26triou& (1952) 193,3 (ca. 630 ac), 8 %6 &3BZ& 17 (1908) 354 [&3IG& 10,2:1.24] (ca. 688%19`689 ac), 9 %6 &3AthMitt& 22 (1897) 465 (ca. 780%19`797 ac), 10 %6 &3AthMitt& 22 (1897) 468 (885 ac), 11 %6 Tsigaridas and Loberdou%19Tsigarida, $*KATA/LOGOS ... *QESSALONI/KHS& (1979) 67 (9th%19`10th ac?), 12 %6 Tsigaridas 68 (904 ac), 13 %6 &3RA& 1878:2.172 (1028 ac), 14 %6 Evangelides, $*(H *PANAGI/A TW=N *XALKE/WN& (1953), p. 10 (1028 ac), 14bis %6 Soteriou, &3Basilike%26 Agiou De%26me%26triou& (1952) 183 and 226,3 (11th%19`12th ac?), 15 %6 Tafrali, &3Topographie de &3Thessalonique& (1913) 47 (ca. 1167 ac), 16 %6 Tafrali, &3Topographie de Thessalonique& (1913) 47, with &3JO+B& 23 (1974) 316 (ca. 1167 ac), 16bis %6 Tsigaridas 69 [&3IG& 10,2:1.45] (mid%19`12th ac?), 17 %6 &3BZ& 56 (1963) 284 (ca. 1200 ac), 18 %6 Demitsas, $*(H $*MAKEDONI/A E)N LI/QOIS FQEGGOME/NOIS& (1896) I,557,667 (1278%3`9 ac), 19 %6 Soteriou, &3Basilike%26 Agiou De%26me%26triou& (1952) 224,2 (1302%3`3 ac), 20 %6 &3CIG& 8834 [&3BZ& 10 (1901) 26] (ca. 1310%19`1314 ac), 21 %6 &3BZ& 10 (1901) 27 (a) and 28 (b) (ca. 1310%19`1314 ac), 22 %6 &3AEph 1932.155 (ca. 1310%19`1314 ac), 23 %6 &3RA& 1879:1.193 (1315%3`6 ac), 24 %6 Soteriou, &3Basilike%26 Agiou De%26me%26triou& (1952) 221,1 (1319%3`20 ac), 25 %6 &3EEBS& 11 (1935) 346 (ca. 1300%19`1350 ac), 26 %6 &3CIG& 8766 (1325 ac) 27 %6 Tsigaridas 50 (1333%3`4 ac), 28 %6 &3CIG& 8760 (1356 ac), 28bis %6 Duchesne and Bayet, &3Me/moire sur une mission au &3Mont Athos& (1876) 110 (1359 ac), 29 %6 Duchesne and Bayet, &3Me/moire sur une mission au Mont Athos& (1876) 107 (ca. 1369%19`1373 ac?), 30 %6 &3EEBS& 11 (1935) 356 (14th ac), 31 %6 &3AEph 1914.206 %6 Soteriou, &3Basilike%26 Agiou De%26me%26triou& (1952) 227,1 (1473%3`4%19`1492%3`3), 32 %6 Soteriou, &3Basilike%26 Agiou De%26me%26triou (1952) 228,3 (1481 ac). @ Tsigaridas, E., and K. Loberdou%19Tsigarida, $*KATA/LOGOS $XRISTIANIKW=N E)PIGRAFW=N STA\ MOUSEI=A *QESSALONI/KHS.& "Makedonike Bibliotheke," 52. Thessalonike 1979. __ Includes: &3KatThess& 30 (Macedonia, Thessalonike; 5th%19`6th ac), 51 (1348 ac), 52 (14th ac), 53 (1423%3`4 ac), 54 (15th ac), 55 (14th%19`15th ac), 56 (14th%19`15th ac), 57 (15th ac), 70 (1284%3`5 ac), 72 (Late Byz.), 73 (10th%19`12th ac?), 74, 75 (5th%19`6th ac), 76 (9th%19`10th ac?), 78 (10th%19`11th ac?), 79 (13th%19`14th ac?). __ Cross%19references: &3KatThess& 50 %6 &3InvSalon& 27 (Macedonia, Thessalonike; 1333%3`4 ac), 67 %6 &3InvSalon& 11 (9th%19`10th ac?), 68 %6 &3InvSalon& 12 (904 ac), 69 %6 &3InvSalon& 16bis (mid%19`12th ac?). @ Soteriou, G. and M., $*(H BASILIKH\ TOU= *(AGI/OU *DHMHTRI/OU $*QESSALONI/KHS.& Athens 1952. __ Includes: 189 [&3InvSalon& 6] (Macedonia, Thessalonike; ca. 630 ac), 193,3 [&3InvSalon& 7] (ca. 630 ac), 194,4 (ca. 630 ac), 195,6 [&3BZ& 17 (1908) 380] (ca. 630 ac), 196,7 (ca. 630 ac), 196,8 (ca. 630 ac), 198,10 (ca. 630 ac), 205,3 [Speiser, &3Topographie& 169] (8th ac?), 206,4 (7th%19`8th ac?), 208 [Speiser, &3Topographie& 181] (12th ac?), 209,3 (14th%19`15th ac), 210,4 (9th ac), 221,1 [&3InvSalon& 24] (1319%3`20 ac), 224,2 [&3InvSalon& 19] (1302%3`3 ac), 226,3 [&3InvSalon 14bis] (11th%19`12th ac?), 227,2 [&3BZ& 17 (1908) pl.9] (1467%3`8 ac), 228,3 [&3InvSalon& 32] (1481 ac), 233 (ca. 510%19`520 ac?), 234 (ca. 1430%19`1492 ac?), 235,4 [&3BSA& 68 (1973) 265 (I,B)] (510%19`520 ac?), 238,3 (Byz.). __ Cross%19references: &3AgDemetr& 172 %6 Feissel, &3IChMac& 94 [Tsigaridas and Loberdou%19Tsigarida, $*KATA/LOGOS ... $MOUSEI=A *QESSALONI/KHS& (1979) 71] (6th ac?), 226,4 %6 Feissel, &3IChMac& 117 [Tsigaridas and Loberdou%19Tsigarida, $*KATA/LOGOS ... $MOUSEI=A *QESSALONI/KHS& (1979) 26] (3rd ac?), 227,1 %6 Speiser, "Inventaire ... Thessalonique" (1973%3`1979) 31 [&3AEph& 1914.206] (1473%3`4%19`1492%3`3), 230,1 %6 Feissel, &3IChMac& 81 [&3IG& 10,2:1.23; Speiser, &3TravMe/m& 5 (1973) 153,4] (ca. 533%19`565 ac), @ Millet, G., J. Pargoire and L. Petit, &3Recueil des inscriptions &3chre/tiennes de l'Athos.& Paris 1904. __ Includes: &3Athos& 46 (Macedonia, Athos: Vatopedi; 1426 ac), 47 (beg. 14th ac?), 48a (1312 ac), 49 (1312 ac?), 70 (1349%19`1380 ac), 74 (ca. 1420 ac), 75 (ca. 1420 ac), 76 [Grabar, &3Reve=tements& 32] (ca. 1390 ac), 82 [Grabar, &3Reve=tements& 21] (14th ac), 101 [Frolow, &3Vraie &3Croix& 521,756] (1371%19`1389 ac), 105 (1365%19`1372 ac), 111 (ca. 1341 ac), 115 (1427 ac), 139 (1496 ac), 148 (1416 ac); 158 (Athos: Pantokrat.; 1363 ac), 160 (after 1363 ac); 231 (Athos: Iviron; 1052%19`1056 ac), "`231a" %6 &3OrChrP& 13 (1947) 234,2 (1052%19`1056 ac); 333 (Athos: Lavra; 1060 ac), 359 (1282%19`1304 ac); 437 (Athos: H.Paulou; 1425 ac); 461 (Athos: Dionysiou; before 1450 ac); 489 (1360 ac), "`489a" %6 &3OrChrP& 13 (1947) 233,1 (1360%19`1390 ac?); 527 (Athos: Simopetra; ca. 1365 ac), 546 (mid%19`12th ac?), 568 (1282%19`1328 ac); "Add,1*" %6 &3OrChrP& 13 (1947) 235,3] (Athos: Lavra; 11th%19`16th ac?). __ Cross%19references: &3Athos& 455 %6 &3BCH& 29 (1905) 55 (N. Aegean Isl., Lemnos: Hephaistia; end 4th%3`5th ac). @ ºDemitsas, M., $*(H *MAKEDONI/A E)N LI/QOIS FQEGGOME/NOIS. Thessalonike 1896. &3Demitsas& I,87,112 [Velmans, &3PMB& 209; Pelekanides, $*KALLIE/RGHS& (1973)] (Macedonia, Beroia: H.Christ; 1314%3`5 ac), II,823,1108 (Prosotsani; 1161%3`2 ac). __ Cross%19references: Demitsas I, 557,667 %6 &3InvSalon& 18 (Macedonia, Thessalonike; 1278%3`9 ac). For other inscriptions, see under "Greece: Epirus". @ Kakoures, I., "$*)ANAKTORO/POLH: I(STORIKE\S PLHROFORI/ES KAI\ $A)RXAIOLOGIKA\ DEDOME/NA,"& in $*(H *KABA/LA KAI\ H( PERIOXH/ THS ... $*PRAKTIKA/& (Thessalonike 1980), pp. 249%19`262. &3Kavala& 253 (Macedonia, Anaktoropolis; 1167%19`1170 ac?). @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ &3Annual of the British School at Athens& (London). &3BSA& 68 (1973) 265[I,B] %6 Soteriou, &3Basilike%26 Agiou De%26me%26triou& (1952) 235,4 (MACEDONIA, Thessalonike; 510%19`520 ac?). @ &3Archaeologica Iugoslavica& (Ljubljana). &3ArchIug& 24 (1987) 101%19`111 (MACEDONIA, Herakleia; ca. 497%19`523). @ Duchesne, L., and Ch. Bayet, &3Me/moire sur une mission au Mont &3Athos.& "Archives des missions scientifiques et litte/raires," ser. 3, 3; Paris 1876. &3D%19B Mission& nos. 107 %6 &3InvSalon& 29 (Thessalonike; ca. 1369%19`1373 ac?), 110 %6 &3InvSalon& 28bis (1359 ac). @ &3Epete%26ris He%26taireias Byzantino%26n Spoudo%26n& (Athens). &3EEBS& 11 (1935) 346 %6 &3InvSalon& 25 (Thessalonike; ca. 1300%19`1350 ac), 356 %6 &3InvSalon& 30 (14th ac). @ Evangelides, D., $*(H *PANAGI/A TW=N *XALKE/WN.& Thessaloniike 1953. &3P.Chalkeon& p. 10 %6 &3InvSalon& 14 (Thessalonike; 1028 ac). @ &3Helle%26nika& (Thessalonike). &3Hellenika& 20%19`22 (1967) 1 %6 &3ZbRad& 12 (1970) 9 (MACEDONIA, Thessalonike; 11th ac?). @ Lemerle, P., &3Philippes et la Mace/doine orientale a\ l'e/poque &3chre/tienne et byzantine.& Paris 1945. Lemerle pp. 108 %6 &3BCH& 56 (1932) 209 (MACEDONIA, Philippoi; 324%19`337 ac), 142 %6 &3BCH& 61 (1937) 103 (963%19`969 ac). For other inscriptions, see Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983). @ &3Orientalia christiana periodica& (Rome). &3OrChrP& 13 (1947) 233,1 %6 Millet, Pargoire and Petit, &3Recueil Athos& (1904) 489a (MACEDONIA, Athos: Dionysiou; 1360%19`1390 ac?), 234,2 %6 &3Recueil &3Athos& 231a (Athos: Iviron; 1052%19`1056 ac), 235,3 here %6 &3Recueil &3Athos& "Add,1*" (Athos: Lavra; 11th%19`16th ac?); @ For &3P. Chalkeon,& see Evangelides, $*(H *PANAGI/A TW=N *XALKE/WN (1953). @ &3Prosphora eis Stilpona P. Kyriakidin.& Athens 1953. Bakalakis, in &3Pr.Kyriakid.& 499 %6 &3BE/& 1955,150b (MACEDONIA, Neapolis%3Kavala; ca. 1311%19`1328 ac?). @ &3Revue arche/ologique& (Paris). &3RA& 1878:2.172 %6 &3InvSalon& 13 (Thessalonike; 1028 ac), 1879:1.193 %6 &3InvSalon& 23 (1315%3`6 ac). @ Speiser, J.%19M., &3Thessalonique.& Paris 1984. Speiser pp. 169 %6 Soteriou, &3Basilike%26 Agiou De%26me%26triou& (1952) 205,3 (MACEDONIA, Thessalonike; 8th ac?), 181 %6 &3Ag. De%26me%26tr.& 208 (12th ac?). @ Tafrali, O., &3Topographie de Thessalonique.& Paris 1913. &3Tafrali 47%7 %6 &3InvSalon& 15 (Thessalonike; ca. 1167 ac), 47 %6 &3InvSalon 16 (ca. 1167 ac). @ Velmans, T., &3Peinture murale byzantine a\ la fin du Moyen Age. "Bibliothe\que des Cahiers Arche/ologiques," 11; Paris 1977. Velmans, &3PMB& no. 209 %6 Demitsas 87,112 (MACEDONIA, Beroia: H.Christ; 1314%3`5 ac); @ Xyngopoulos, A., $*)/EREUNAI EI)S TA\ BUZANTINA\ MNHMEI=A TW=N *SERRW=N. $"*(ETAIREI/A *MAKEDONIKW=N *SPOUDW=N. *(/IDRUMA *MELETW=N *XERSONH/SOU TOU= $*AI(/MOU,"& 77; Thessalonike 1965. Xyngopoulos, p. 15 %6 &3BZ& 3 (1894) 239 (MACEDONIA, Serrai; 1350 ac), @ Xyngopoulos, A., $*(H YHFIDWTH\ DIAKOSMH/SIS TOU= NAOU= TW=N *(AGI/WN $*)APOSTO/LWN *QESSALONI/KHS. "*(ETAIREI/A *MAKEDONIKW=N *SPOUDW=N. $*MAKEDONIKH\ *BIBLIOQH/KH,"& 16; Thessalonike 1953. Xyngopoulos, p. 49 %6 Halkin VI,342 (MACEDONIA, Thessal.: H. Apost.; 1310%19`1314 ac). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Aegean Islands (Northern) @ See also under "Greece" and "Asia Minor". For a combined list of inscriptions from the Aegean Islands, see the Geographical Index. @ Friedrich, C. &3Inscriptiones Graecae XII,8. Inscriptiones &3insularum maris Thracici.& Berlin 1909. __ Includes: &3IG 12,8.42b (N. AEGEAN, Lemnos: Hephaistia); 75 [&3CIG& 8826] (Imbros); 204b (Samothrace); 546b (Thasos), 582 (Thasos: Aliki). @ Friedrich, C., "Imbros," in &3Mitteilungen des deutschen &3archa+ologischen Instituts. Athenische Abteilung& 33 (1908), pp. 90%19`85. See under "Varia: Periodicals". @ Fraser, P.M., &3Samothrace 2,1. The Inscriptions on Stone.& New York 1960. __ Includes: &3Samothr& 2,1.20 [&3BE& 1964.370] (Samothrake; 527%19`565 ac), 79 [cf. &3AJA& 66 (1962) 216 ] (Late Byz.). @ Friedrich, C., "Aus Samothrake," in &3Mitteilungen des deutschen &3archa+ologischen Instituts. Athenische Abteilung& 34 (1909), pp. 26%19`27. See &3CIG& IV (1859), nos. 8872%19`8873, 8777. @ Pouilloux, J., &3Recherches sur l'histoire et les cultes de &3Thasos.& 2 vols. Paris 1954%19`1958. __ Includes: &3RThas& 2.189,357 (N. AEGEAN, Thasos; 293%19`305 ac), 190,358 (Thasos; 293%19`305 ac?), 190,359 (293%19`305 ac), 190,360 (317%19`324 ac?). For other inscriptions from Thasos, see Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 253%19`266. @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ Conze, A., &3Reise auf den Inseln des thrakischen Meeres. Hannover 1860. Pp. 82 and pl. 3,13 %6 &3AthMitt& 33 (1908) 92,4 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Imbros; ca. 1442 ac), 82 and pl. 2,9 %6 &3AthMitt& 33 (1908) 92,5 (ca. 1442 ac), 82 and pl. 17,5 %6 &3AthMitt& 33 (1908) 93,8 (ca. 1451 ac), 101 and pl. 3,1 %6 &3AthMitt& 33 (1908) 94,10 (15th ac). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@Thrace (with Moesia and Dacia) @ Dumont, A., "Inscriptions et monuments figure/s de la Thrace," augmented by Th. Homolle, in Dumont, &3Me/langes &3d'arche/ologie et d'e/pigraphie.& Paris 1892. __ Includes: &3IThrace& 62(2) (HAEMIMONTUS, Hadrianopolis), 62(6) (574%19`578 ac), 62(7) (1113%19`1143 ac), 62(8) (1261%19`1282 ac?), 62(9) (1143%19`1180 ac), 62(10) (end 11th ac), 62(11)%19`62(12) (Byz.); 62a4 [&3CIG& 8702] (EUROPE, Bergula%19Tyroloe; 976%19`1025 ac); 62b26 (Selymbria; Byz.), 62b27 (842%19`856 ac), 62b28 [&3BCH& 36 (1912) 563,17] (741%19`775 ac?), 62b29 (1321%19`1328 ac?), 62b30%19`62b35, 62b36 (Byz.), 62b37%19`62b40, 62b43 (7th%19`8th ac?); 72l (Herakleia; 4th ac?), 74o%19`74p (293%19`305 ac), 74q [&3BE/& 1972.425] (293%19`305 ac), 74r (293%19`305 ac), 74z2, 74z3 (4th ac), 74z5 (4th%19`5th ac?), 74z6, 83i; 84%19`86 (Panion), 86a (9th%19`10th ac?), 86a1, 86b%19`86s, 86u5, 86u7%19`86u9, 86u11, 86v%19`86w, 86x (395%19`408 ac), 86y (519 ac), 86z (641%19`668 ac?), 86z1 (862 ac?), 86z2 (965 ac), 86z3 (882 ac), 86z4 (976%19`1025 ac?), 86z5 (1092 ac), 86z6 (8th ac?); 87f (near Panion; 3rd ac?), 87g; 87k (Tselebi%19Yolu; 1077 ac); 87l (H. Georgios; 1271 ac), 87m%19`87o (11th%19`13th ac?), 87p (1277 ac), 87q (11th%19`13th ac?); 89a [&3BCH 24 (1900) 166] (Chora?; ca. 293%19`305 ac); 89f1 (Chora); 92 [&3IK &3Sestos& 52] (Hexamili; 313%19`324 ac?), 95 [&3IK Sestos& 51], 96%19`96a (11th%19`12th ac), 96c [&3IK Sestos& 48], 96d [&3IK Sestos& 49], 96e [&3IK Sestos& 50], 96f (Byz.); 100r [&3IK Sestos& 16] (Kallipolis; 365 ac?), 100z (14th%19`15th ac?); 100z1 (Gelibolu; Byz.); 104b (RHODOPE, Ainos), 105a; 106 (Didymoteichos; 11th%19`12th ac); 107 (Traianopolis), 110 (976%19`1025 ac?); 110b15 (Maroneia); 111c6 (EUROPE, Madytos). __ Cross%19references: &3IThrace& 111c40 %6 &3IK &3Ilion& 97 (HELLESPONTUS, Ilion; 293%19`305 ac). @ Krauss, J., &3Die Inschriften von Sestos und des thrakischen &3Chersones.& "Inschriften Griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 19. Bonn 1980. Not included in the data bank. &3IK Sestos& 16 %6 Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& 100r (EUROPE, Kallipolis; 365 ac?), 48 %6 &3IThrace& 96c (Hexamili), 49 %6 &3IThrace& 96d, 50 %6 &3IThrace& 96e, 51 %6 &3IThrace& 95, 52 %6 &3IThrace& 92 (313%19`324 ac?). @ Hasluk, F.W., "Monuments of the Gatellusi," in &3Annual of the &3British School of Athens& 15 (1908%19`1909), pp. 248%19`269. __ Includes: 254,1 [&3DChAE&(`1) 8 (1908) 16,263] (RHODOPE, Ainos: ºZ.Pege; 1423 ac), 255,3 [&3DChAE&(`1) 8 (1908) 29,303] (Ainos: Kastro; 1385 ac), 255,4 [&3DChAE&(`1) 8 (1908) 30,308] (1413 ac), 256,5 [&3DChAE&(`1) 8 (1908) 13,248] (Ainos: H. Blasios; 1421 ac), 258 (ASIA, Phokaia; 1423%3`4 ac), 262,2 (E. AEGEAN, Lesbos: Mytilene; 1373 ac). @ *Bes%148evliev, V., &3Spa+tgriechische und spa+tlateinische &3Inschriften aus Bulgarien.& Berlin 1964. Complete. Includes inscriptions from Thracia, Haemimontus and Moesia Inferior, together with parts of Dacia Ripensis, Dacia Mediterranea, Macedonia and Europe. __ Contents: &3Bulg& 1 (DACIA MEDITER., Serdica; end 323 ac), 2 [Dessau, &3ILS& 8945] (361%19`362 ac), 3 (580 ac), 4 (6th ac), 5 (5th%3`6th ac), 6 (4th ac), 7 (5th ac), 8 (4th%3`5th ac), 9%19`16 (5th%3`6th ac), 17 (4th%19beg. 5th ac), 18 (5th%19`6th ac), 19 (4th%19`5th ac), 20 (5th%19`6th ac), 21%19`22, 23 (5th%19`6th ac), 24, 25 (6th ac), 26 [&3BE/& 1965.2] (4th ac), 27 (Ivanjane; ca. 5th ac), 28 (Slivnica), 29 (Goljama Rokovica; 5th ac), 30 (Sikija; 317%19`323 ac), 31 (Traiana Porta; before 317 ac), 32, 33 (Bodrovo; before 392 ac), 34 (Pautalia; 308%19`314 ac), 35%19`36 (4th ac), 37%19`38 (5th%19`6th ac), 39%19`40, 41 (Smoloc%148ino; 5th%19`6th ac), 42 (Perivol; 5th%19beg. 6th ac), 43 (Samokov; 5th%19`6th ac); 44 (DACIA RIPENS., Ljutbrod; 5th%19`6th ac), 45 (Dolna Kremena; 323%19`326 ac), 46 (Glava; beg. 4th ac), 47 (Ratiaria; 5th%19`6th ac), 48 (Nikopol; 4th%19`5th ac), 49 (Storgosia; 4th%19`5th ac); 50 (MOESIA II, Drinovo), 51 (C%148erven; 870 ac), 52 (Ha=rsovo; 4th ac), 53 (Preslav; 4th%19`5th ac), 54, 55 (10th ac), 56 (11th%19`12th ac), 57 (S%148umen; 10th ac), 58 (Ilija Bla=skovo; 9th ac), 59%19`61 (Pliska; 10th%19`11th ac), 62%19`64 65 (10th ac), 66, 67 (10th%19`11th ac), 68%19`73, 74 (Dineia; 4th ac), 75 (Stan; 5th ac), 76, 77 (Durostorum; 5th%19`6th ac), 78 (1042%19`1050 ac), 79 (1407%3`08 ac); 80 (SCYTHIA MINOR, Zaldapa; 383%19`392 ac), 81 (Plac%148i Dol; 5th ac?); 82%19`83 (MOESIA II, Marcianopolis; 5th%19`6th ac); 84 (SCYTHIA MINOR, Bizone; 5th%19`6th ac), 85 (Cranea; 4th%19`5th ac); 86 (MOESIA II, Gerania?; 383%19`384 ac), 87%19`89 (Odessos; 6th ac), 87%19`88 (Odessos; 6th ac), 89 [Wessel 132] (6th ac), 90 (5th ac), 91 (5th%19`6th ac), 92 (6th ac), 93 (5th ac), 94, 95 [Wessel 121] (6th ac), 96 (5th%19`6th ac), 97 (557 ac), 98%19`106 (6th ac), 107%19`109 (5th%19`6th ac), 110 (5th ac), 111%19`112 (6th ac), 113 (5th ac), 114%19`115 (5th%19`6th ac), 116%19`127 (6th ac), 128 (5th%19`6th ac), 129 (5th ac), 130 (4th ac), 131 (5th%19`6th ac), 132 (5th ac), 133 (4th%19`5th ac), 134%19`135 (10th ac), 136 (13th%19`14th ac), 137, 138 (5th%19`6th ac), 139%19`141 (ca. 6th ac), 142 (6th ac), 143 (5th%19`6th ac), 144 (6th ac), 145 (Teke Karaac%148; 10th%19`11th ac), 146 (6th ac), 147 (Adz%148emler; ca. 1346 ac), 148 (Alada=n; ca. 558 ac), 149 (Kipra; 383%19`393 ac), 150 (Goren C%148iflik; 333%19`337 ac); 151 (HAEMIMONTUS, Emine; 12th%19`13th ac), 152 (Mesembria; 330%19`337 ac), 153 with &3Nesse\bre, I& (1969) 109%19`122 (527%19`565 ac), 154%19`156 (6th ac), 157 (867%19`886 ac), 158 (879%19`886 ac), 159 (1059%19`1067 ac), 160 (1342 ac), 161%19`162 (6th ac), 163 (1441 ac), 164 (after 15th ac), 165, 166 (5th%19`6th ac), 167%19`168, 169 (Sveti Vlas; 6th ac), 170 (Koparan; 333%19`337 ac), 171 (Aquae Calidae; 6th ac), 172 (Ba=lgarevo; 12th%19`13th ac), 173 (Rusokastro; 6th ac), 174 (Deultum), 175 (13th%19`14th ac), 176%19`180 (Apollonia%19Sozopolis; 5th%19`6th ac), 181 (8th%19`9th ac), 182, 183 (11th ac?), 184 [Dessau, &3ILS& 8954] (Aetos; 450%19`457, 870%3`1), 185 (Lozarevo; ca. 6th ac); 186 (THRACIA, Diampolis; 11th%19`12th ac), 187 (Sliven; 5th%19`6th ac), 188 (6th ac?), 189 (330%19`337 ac), 190 (Novoselec; 323%19`337 ac), 191 [Dessau, &3ILS& 8944] (341%19`344 ac), 192 (Beroe; 5th%19`6th ac), 193 [&3BE/& 1965.2] (5th%19`6th ac), 194%19`195 (6th ac), 196%19`197, 198 (Kolarovo; 575%3`6 ac), 199 (Kiril%19Metodievo; 333%19`337 ac), 200 (Korten; 333%19`337 ac), 201 (4th%19`5th ac), 202 (Rupkite; 323%19`326 ac), 203 (C%148irpan), 204 (C%148ernokonevo; 4th%19`5th ac), 205 (Orizovo; 4th ac), 206 (Philippopolis; after 471 ac), 207%19`208 (4th ac), 209 (4th%19`5th ac), 210 [cf. &3BE/& 1965.2] (4th%19`5th ac), 211%19`212 (6th ac), 213 (13th%19`14th ac), 214 (4th%19`5th ac), 215 (4th ac), 216 (4th%19`5th ac), 217 (5th ac), 218 (Asenovgrad; 1262 ac), 219 (Novo Selo; 5th%19`6th ac), 220 (Boljarci; 3rd%19`4th ac), 221 (Belas%148tica; 13th ac), 222 (Kric%148im), 223 (Diocletianopolis; 5th ac), 224%19`226 (5th%19`6th ac), 227 (582 ac), 228 (Kalugerovo; 4th ac), 229 (Batkun; 1090%3`1 ac), 230 (Glavinica; 5th%19`6th ac); 231 (RHODOPE, Eles%148nica; 538 ac), 232 (Kovac%148evica; 337%19`340, 383), 233%19`234 (Nicopolis ad Nestum; 6th ac), 235 (Kremen; 5th%19`6th ac), 236 (MACED. I, Melnik; 1287 ac), 237 (1288 ac), 238 (13th ac), 239 [&3SEG& 35.763] (Sandanski%19Zapara; 5th%19beg. 6th ac), 240 (5th%19`6th ac), 241%19`243 (6th ac), 244 (Petrovo; 6th ac); 245 (DACIA MEDITER., place?; 324%19`326 ac), 246 (6th ac); 247 (SCYTHIA MINOR, Bizone); 248 (MOESIA II, Odessos; end 4th%3beg. 5th), 249 (544 ac), 250 (5th ac), 251 (6th ac); 252%19`253 (MACED. I, Sandanski%19Zapara), 254 (after 972 ac); 255%19`258 (HAEMIMONTUS, Mesembria), 259 (7th%19`8th ac). __ Added inscriptions: &3Byzantinobulgarica& 5 (1978) 305%19`311 %6 &3Bulg& Add.,1* (HAEMINONTUS, Mesembria; 1428 ac); &3Klio& 52 (1970) 25%19`26 %6 Add.,2* (MOESIA II, Odessos; 6th ac), &3Klio& 59 (1977) 265 %6 Add.,3* (near Krivina), &3Klio& 59 (1977) 266 %6 Add.,4* (Keifarevo); &3E/tudes balkaniques& 12,1 (1976) 142%19`144 %6 Add.,5* (DACIA MEDITERR., Berkovitsa; 408%19`423 ac); &3Ausgrabungen und &3Funde& 19,2 (1974) 110%19`114 %6 Add.,6* (MOESIA II, Iatrus; late 4th ac). __ Supplemental bibliography: L. Ognenova%19Marinova, "Les briques a\ estampilles de Nesse\bre," in &3Nesse\bre, I ("Acade/mie bulgare des Sciences, Institut d'arche/ologie;" Sofia 1969), pp. 109%19`122; V. Bes%148evliev, "Grabinschrift einer Phrygerin aus Kikidadon in Odessos," &3Klio& 52 (1970), pp. 25%19`26; &3idem,& "Zwei vulga+rlateinische Inschriften aus Bulgarien," &3Klio& 59 (1977), pp. 265%19`266; V. Gjuzelev and J. Koder, "Ein inschriftliches Grabepigramm des Jahres 1428 in Neseba%148r," in &3Byzantinobulgarica& 5 (1978), pp. 305%19`311; Dimitrina Mitova%19Dz%148onoza, "Contribution e/pigraphique de la haute e/poque de Byzance," in &3E/tudes balkaniques& 12,1 (1976), pp. 142%19`144; G. Gomolka and R. Koerner, "Eine fru+hchristliche Lampe mit Inschrift aus dem Kastel Jatrus bei Krivina, Bez. Ruse (VR Bulgarien)," in &3Ausgrabungen und Funde& 19,2 (1974), pp. 110%19`114. @ *Bes%148evliev, V., &3Die protobulgarische Inschriften.& Berlin 1963. Complete. __ Contents: &3PrBulg& 1 (MOESIA II, Madara; I: ca. 705%19`707 ac, II: ca. 756 ac, III: ca. 815%19`831 ac); 2 (THRACIA, Malamirovo; 813%3`4 ac?); 3 (MOESIA II, Durostorum; ca. 815%19`831 ac?), 4 (Pliska; ca. 813%19`820 ac?), 5 (ca. 803%19`814 ac?), 6 (Madara; ca. 815%19`831 ac), 7 (Pliska; perh. ca. 820 ac?), 8 (ca. 815%19`831 ac), 9%19`10 (ca. 815%19`831 ac?), 11%19`12, 13 (S%148umen; ca. 832 ac); 14 (MACED. I, Philippoi; ca. 837 ac?); 15 (EPIRUS NOVA, Balci; 855%3`6 ac); 16%19`21 (MOESIA II, Pliska; ca. 814 ac?), 22 (Ta%148rnovo; ca. 814 ac?), 23%19`24 (Pliska; ca. 814 ac?), 25 (Sv. Michajlovski; ca. 814 ac?), 26 (Pliska; ca. 814 ac?), 27 (Ilija Bla=skovo; ca. 814 ac?), 28%19`29 (Pliska; ca. 814 ac?), 30 (Isbul; ca. 814 ac?), 31 (Pliska; ca. 814 ac?), 32%19`33 (Radko Dimitrievo; ca. 814 ac?), 34%19`40 (Pliska; ca. 814 ac?), 41 (Sec%148is%148te; ca. 817 ac?), 42 (Ta=rgivis%148te; perh. ca. 823 ac), 43 (Sinivir; 819%3`20 ac), 44 (Pliska; after ca. 817 ac), 45 (ca. 815%19`831 ac?); 46 (MACED. I, Nea Philadelpheia; 903%3`4 ac); 47 (THRACIA, Malamirovo; early 813 ac?); 48 (SKYTHIA MINOR, S%148abla; ca. 815%19`831 ac?); 49 (MOESIA II, Selis%148te; early 9th ac?), 50 (Madara; early 9th ac?), 51%19`52 (Preslav; early 9th ac?), 53 (Krumovo), 54 (Dineia; before 822 ac?), 55 (Ta=rnovo; ºca. 815%19`822 ac?), 56 (Krumovo; 822 ac), 57 (S%148umen; ca. 833%19`836 ac), 58%19`59 (Provadija; ca. 815%19`831 ac), 60%19`62 (Pliska; ca. 815%19`831 ac), 63 (Va=rbane; ca. 815%19`831 ac), 64 (Pliska; ca. 815%19`831 ac), 65 (Kalugerica; ca. 815%19`831 ac), 66 (Pliska; ca. 815%19`831 ac), 67 (Radko Dimitrievo; 831%19`836 ac), 68 (S%148umen; 9th ac), 70%19`77 (Pliska), 78 (Odessos; 10th ac), 80 (Pliska), 81%19`82 (Popina; 8th%19`9th ac?), 83 (Pliska; 10th%19`11th ac), 84, 85 (Durostorum; 8th%19`9th ac?), 86 (Popina; 8th%19`9th ac?), 87 (C%148erven; 870 ac), 88%19`92 (Preslav; 893%19`927 ac). __ Added inscriptions: &3Byzantion& 35 (1965) 1%19`9 %6 &3PrBulg& Add.,1* (MOESIA II, Preslav; 9th ac), &3BZ& 65 (1972) 394%19`399 %6 Add.,2* (Pliska; ca. 815%19`831 ac), &3JO+B& 35 (1985) 143%19`148 %6 Add.,3* (MACED. I, Vassilika; ca. 837 ac?), __ Supplemental bibliography: V. Bes%148evliev, "Protogulgarische Inschrift auf einer Silberschale," in &3Byzantion& 35 (1965), pp. 1%19`9; &3idem,& "Eine neue protobulgarische Gedenkinschrift," in &3Byzantinische &3Zeitschrift& 65 (1972), pp. 394%19`399; and &3idem,& "Zur Deutung der protobulgarischen Inschrift von Vassilika, Chalkidike," in &3Jahrbuch der o+sterreichischen Byzantinistik& 35 (1985), pp. 143%19`148. @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references (Thrace) __ @ Belting, H., C. Mango and Doula Mouriki, &3The Mosaics and &3Frescoes of St. Mary Pammakaristos (Fetiye Camii) at Istanbul. Washington, D.C. 1978. P. 14 %6 &3DCAE&(`1) 10 (1911) 6,365 (RHODOPE, Demotika; ca. 1299%19`1303 ac?). @ &3Byzantinobulgarica& (Sofia). &3Byzbulg& 5 (1978) 305, here %6 "Bulg.Add,1*" (HAEMINONTUS, Mesembria; 1428 ac). @ &3Cahiers arche/ologiques& (Paris). &3CahArch& 20 (1970) 55 and 56 %6 &3BE/& 1971,427[a]%19`71,427[b] (THRACE, Medeia; Byz.). @ &3Classical Review& (Oxford). &3CR& 22 (1972) 175 %6 &3BE/& 1972,286a with &3GRBS& 20 (1979) 179 (EUROPE, Perinthos). @ &3Nesse\bre, I.& "Acade/mie bulgare des Sciences, Institut d'arche/ologie;" Sofia 1969. L. Ognenova%19Marinova, "Les briques a\ estampilles de Nesse\bre," in &3Nesse\bre, I& (1969), pp. 109%19`122 %6 Bes%148evliev, &3Bulg& (1964) 153 (HAEMIMONTUS, Mesembria; 527%19`565 ac). @ Tas%25likliogl%148u, Z., &3Trakya'da epigrafya aras%25tirmalari.& "Istanbul Univ. Edebiyat Fak. yayinlari," 886 and 1654; Istanbul 1961 and 1971. Tas%25lik. I (1961), pp. 46%19`49, 81%19`82 %6 &3BE/& 1962,191 (EUROPE, Aproi; 1064 ac); __ Tas%25lik. II (1971), 32,2 %6 &3BE/ 1972,293[a] (HAEMIMONTUS, Edirne Mus.), 34,4 %6 &3BE/& 1972,293[b] (Hadrianopolis); 79,6 %6 &3BE/& 1972,282[a] (EUROPE, Aproi), 80,8 %6 &3BE/& 1972,282[b], 81,9 %6 &3BE/& 1972,282[c]. @ &3Thrakika& (Athens). &3Thrakika& 8 (1937) 15,6 %6 &3BE/& 1939,188 (RHODOPE, Abdera); __ &3Thrakika& 10 (1938) 259 %6 &3BZ& 65 (1972) 386n17 (EUROPE, Bizye; 5th%19`6th ac?); __ &3Thrakika& 15 (1941) 106 %6 &3BZ& 41 (1941) 564 (EUROPE, Bergula%19Tyroloe; 963%19`969 ac). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references (Other) __ @ &3Ausgrabungen und Funde& (Berlin). &3AusgFund& 19,2 (1974) 109, here %6 "Bulg.Add,6*" (MOESIA II, Iatrus; late 4th ac). @ &3E/tudes balkaniques& (Sofia). &3EtBalk& 12,1 (1976) 142 here %6 "Bulg.Add,5*" (DACIA MEDITERR., Berkovitsa; 408%19`423 ac). @ Mihailov, G., &3Inscriptiones Graecae in Bulgaria repertae.& 5 vols. Sofia 1958%19`1970. &3IGBulg& 2.656 %6 &3SEG& 15,484 (MOESIA II; Nicopolis ad Istrum; 4th ac). @ &3Klio& (Weisbaden). &3Klio& 52 (1970) 25 here %6 Bes%148evliev (1964), "Bulg.Add,2*" (MOESIA II, Odessos; 6th ac), __ &3Klio& 59 (1977) 265 here %6 Bes%148evliev (1964), "Bulg.Add,3*" (MOESIA II, near Krivina), 266 here %6 "Bulg.Add,4*" (Keifarevo). @ @@@@Scythia Minor and the North Coast of the Black Sea @ *Popescu, E., &3Inscript%25iile greces%25ti s%25i latine din secolele &3IV%19XIII descoperite i=n Romania.& Bucharest 1976. Complete. Includes inscriptions from Scythia Minor and Trans%19Danubian Dacia. __ Sites and dated inscriptions: &3IGLRom& 1 (SCYTHIA MINOR, Tomis; 284%19`305 ac), 2 (293%19`305 ac), 3 (285%19`292 ac), 4%19`5, 6 (323%19`337 ac), 7%19`23, 24 [Wessel 114], 25%19`31, 32 [Wessel 156], 33%19`36, 37 [Wessel 17], 38%19`80A; 81 (Miris%25tea; 367%19`369 ac); 82 (Corbul de Sus%25); 83 (Dorobant%25ul; 293%19`305 ac); 84%19`107 (Callatis); 108 (Vama Veche; 307%19`323 ac); 109 (Histria; 307%19`323 ac), 110%19`111, 112%19`113 (491%19`518 ac), 114%19`166; 167 (Mihai Viteazul); 168 (Halmyris); 169 (Tropaeum Trajani; 293%19`305 ac), 170 [Dessau, &3ILS& 8938] (315%19`317 ac), 171%19`175; 176%19`178 (Dervent); 179%19`186 (Pa%27cuiul Soare); 187%19`191 (Altinum); 192%19`202 (Axiopolis); 203 (Murfatlar), 204 (982 ac); 205 (Seimeni; 292%19`304 ac); 206%19`219 (Ulmetum; 324 ac); 220%19`229 (Capidava); 230%19`231 (Carsium; 293%19`305 ac), 232; 233 [Dessau, &3ILS& 770] (Cius; 369 ac); 234%19`235 (Ibida); 236 [Dessau, &3ILS 2781] (Troesmis), 237 &3CIL& 3.6174; Dessau, &3ILS& 683] (308%19`323 ac); 238 [Dessau, &3ILS& 724] (Carcaliu; 337%19`340 ac); 239 (Arubium; 293%19`305 ac); 240 (Dinogetia; 293%19`305 ac), 241%19`246, 247 (ca. 561 ac), 249%19`265; 266 (Noviodunum); 267%19`268 (Niculit%25el), 269 (361%19`362 ac); 270 (Aegyssus); 271b [Dessau, &3ILS& 8940] (Salsovia; 322%19`323 ac), 272%19`273; 274 (place?; 313%19`323 ac), 275 (337 ac), 276; 277 (TRANS%19DANUBIAN DACIA, Sucidava), 278 (328 ac), 279%19`398G; 399 (Sla%27veni); 400 (Romula%19Malva); 401 (Desa); 401A (Vi=rvoru); 402%19`411 (Dobreta); 413%19`418 (Dierna); 420%19`422 (Aquae Herculis); 423%19`423A (S%25vint%25a); 424 (Gornea), 425 (294%19`300 ac), 426; 427 (Pojejena); 428 (Si=nnicolau); 428A (Cenad); 429%19`430 (Banat); 431 (Crasna); 432 (Feldioara); 433 (Ti=rgu); 433A (Poian); 434 (Biertan); 434A%19`435 (Bratei); 436%19`437 (Napoca); 438 (Micia); 439 (Turnu Ma%27gurele); 440 (Socetu); 441 (Curcani); 443 (Sudul Moldavei); 444 (Adjud); 445 (Bi=tca Doamnei); 446 (Da%27nes%25ti); 447 (Trus%25es%25ti). @ Struve, V., &3Corpus inscriptionum regni Bosporani.& Moscow 1965. __ Includes: &3CIRB& 64 [&3IGRR& 1.873] (N. COAST OF BLACK SEA, Panticapaion; 306 ac), 65 (308%19`322 ac?), 66 (308%19`322 ac), 736 [&3CIJ& 1.688] (3rd%19`4th ac?); 743 [&3CIJ& 1.689a (Add.)] (Kertch; 4th ac), 744 (343%19`353 ac), 746 [&3CIJ& 1.687] (4th ac), 777 [&3CIJ 1.686] (4th ac); 1051 (Phangoria; 307 ac); 1112 [&3SEG& 2.480] (Kuban; 335 ac); Add. 937,3 (Kertch; 304 ac). For other inscriptions, see under "Jewish Inscriptions". @ Latys%148ev, V., &3Sbornik grec%148eskich nadpisej christianskich vremen &3iz Juz%148noj Rossii& [Sbornik]. St. Petersburg 1896. __ Includes: &3Sbornik& 3 (S. RUSSIA, Akkerman; 1440 ac); 6 (G. Cherson); 7 (Chersonesos; 474%19`491 ac), 8 (1059 ac), 11 (Byz.), 12%19`13, 15%19`20, 24%19`26; 32 (Inkerman; 1272 ac), 33 (821 ac), 42 (1470 ac); 43 (Cherkes%19Kermen; Late Byz.); 45 (Mangup%3Theodoro; 1427 ac), 46 (ca. 1310 ac), 47 (14th ac); 58 (Derevnja Shurb; 1328 ac); 69 (Partenit; 906 ac), 70 (1427 ac); 73 (Sydak); 75 (Theodosia; 980 ac), 76 (1378 ac); 86 (Kertch; 436 ac?), 88%19`89 (5th%19`6th ac?), 90 (6th%19`7th ac?), 91; 91a%19`91b (Glinisht); 92 (Kertch), 93 (757 ac), 95 (ca. 897%19`987 ac); 98 (Tam. Polyostrov; 6th ac), 99 (582%19`602 ac), 100; 101 (Taman); 105 (Tam. Polyostrov), 107; 113 (place?), 114, 115a [&3BCH& 31 (1907) 334] (6th%19`7th ac), 115b (6th%19`7th ac), 116. @ Latys%148ev, V., &3Inscriptiones antiquae orae septentrionalis Ponti &3Euxini graecae et latinae, IV: Supplementa.& St. Petersburg 1901. __ Includes: &3IOSPE& 4.464 (N. COAST OF BLACK SEA, Chersonesos; 379%19`395 ac). @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ Cagnat, R., et al., &3Inscriptiones Graecae ad Res Romanas &3pertinentes.& 3 vols. Paris 1906%19`1927. &3IGRR& 1.873 %6 &3CIRB& 64 (N. BLACK SEA, Panticipaion; 306 ac), @ ú@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@CONSTANTINOPLE @ Kirchhoff, A., &3Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum, IV,2.& Berlin 1859. __ Inscriptions from Constantinople: &3CIG& 8611 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,1] (CPLE, Hippodrome; 4th%19`6th ac), 8612 [&3AJA& 55 ú(1951) 62,IV] (390 ac), 8614 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 63,VI] (Augustaion; 403 ac), 8639 [Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 319] (H. Sergios; ca. 530 ac), 8642 (now Italy; 13th%19`14th ac), 8643 [Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 264] (Hagia Sophia; 537 ac?), 8672 [van Millingen, &3Byzantine &3Constantinople& (1899) 183] (Sea Walls; 829%19`842 ac), 8673 [van Millingen, &3Byzantine Constantinople& (1899) 183] (829%19`842 ac), 8674 [van Millingen, &3Byzantine Constantinople& (1899) 183] (829%19`842 ac), 8675 [&3BCH& 60 (1936) 208] (829%19`842 ac), 8676 (829%19`842 ac), 8677 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 57,36] (829%19`842 ac), 8678 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,33] (829%19`842 ac), 8679 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,35] (829%19`842 ac), 8680 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 55,9] (Kadirga Limani?; 834 ac?), 8687 [van Millingen, &3Byzantine Constantinople& (1899) 186] (Sea Walls; 1023%3`24 ac), 8692 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,27] (842%19`862 ac), 8694 [Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 239,146] (CPLE?, now Cortona; 963%19`969 ac?), 8695 [Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 233,135] (now Limbourg; 963%19`976 ac), 8699a (Sea Walls), 8699b (829%19`842 ac), 8699c [van Millingen, &3Byzantine Constantinople& (1899) 187] (1005%3`6 ac), 8699d, 8700 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 55,1] (1013 ac), 8703 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,V] (Hippodrome; 945%19`958 ac), 8706 [Grabar, &3Sculpt. &3byz. du Moyen Age, II& (1976) 123] (now Venice; 13th ac), 8710 [Diehl, &3Manuel de l'art byzantin&4`2& (1925%19`1926) 661] (now Paris; 1067%19`1071 ac), 8714 [Hahnloser, &3Tesoro di San Marco& (1971) II,192] (now Venice; 13th ac), 8715 [&3MonPiot& 6 (1906) 199] (now London; 1078%19`1081 ac), 8719 (CPLE, now France; beg. 12th ac), 8721 [Hahnloser, &3Tesoro di San Marco& (1971) II,25] (now Venice; 1118%19`1133 ac), 8722 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 60,IX] (S. Pantokrator; ca. 1355 ac), 8728 [Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie &3Croix& (1961) 483,661] (now Paris; 13th%19`14th ac?), 8734 [van Millingen, &3Byzantine Constantinople& (1899) 187] (Sea Walls; 1163%3`4 ac), 8735 [Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 320,319] (once Grandmont; mid%19`12th ac), 8754 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 60,X.1] (M. Peribleptou; 1261%19`1282 ac), 8765 [Frolow, &3Relique &3de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 563,872] (now Venice; 1446%19`1459 ac?), 8768 (Palace?; 1334 ac), 8779 [cf. Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von Konstantinopel& (1943) 3] (Land Walls; ca. 1445 ac), 8781 (Sea Walls; 1118%19`1143 ac?), 8784 (now Firenze%3Dresden; 13th%19`14th ac?), 8785 (PROV.?, [Rome: Bibl. Casanatense]), 8786 [Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 271] (CPLE, now Citeaux; 957 ac), 8787 (now Rossano; Byz.), 8788 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,2] (place?; 641%19`668 ac?), 8790 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,II] (Porphyry Column; 1143%19`1180 ac), 8792 [Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 425] (now Vatican; 959%19`963 ac?), 8793 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 60,X.2] (M. Peribleptou; 1028%19`1034 ac), 8796 (now France; 1071%19`1078 ac?), 8797 [van Millingen, &3Byzantine Constantinople& (1899) 185] (Sea Walls; 842%19`862 ac), 8807 [Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 229,126] (once Lorch; 8th%19`9th ac?), 8809 [Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix (1961) 397,473] (now Somme; 1207 ac?), 8810 (now Troyes; Byz.), 8811 [&3Byzantion& 35 (1965) 75] (now Arezzo; ca. 940 ac?), 8811a [&3OrChrP& 13 (1947) 236,4] (once Herakleion; ca. 945%19`948 ac?), 8812 [Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 425,528] (once Venice; before 1241 ac), 8813 (Byz.), 8815a [Hahnloser, &3Tesoro di San Marco& (1971) II,172] (now Venice; 10th%19`11th ac), 8815b [Hahnloser, &3Tesoro di San Marco& (1971) II, 26] (12th ac?), 8850 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 60,X.3] (M. Peribleptou; 11th%19`13th ac?), 8907 (H. Stephanos?), 8939 [&3BE/ 1977.27] (now Torcello; 6th ac?), 8940 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 57,I.1] (place?), 9070 (now France), 9101 (now?; 1185%19`1195 ac?), 9445 (Kadirga Limani?), 9447 (H. Stephanos?). @ Schneider, A., in Meyer%19Plath, B., and A. Schneider, &3Die &3Landmauer von Konstantinopel.& Berlin 1943. Inscriptions, pp. 123%19`144, nos. 1%19`84. The brick%19stamps, pp. 148%19`150, and the post%19Byzantine inscriptions from Yedikule, pp. 145%19`148, have not been included. __ Contents (items marked with an asterisk are gravestones or re%19used fragments): &3Landmauer& 1 [&3CIG& 8701] (CPLE, Land Walls: Tower 1; 976%19`1025 ac), 1a, 2 (graffito); 3 [&3CIG& 8779] (Tower 2a: ca. 1435%19`1448 ac); 4a [&3CIG& 8791] (Tower 4; 1032%19`1033 ac); 4b; 5 (Outer Tower betw. Towers 4%3`5); 6%19`7 (Towers 5 and 7; 717%19`741 ac); 8 [&3CIL& 3.735; &3AJA& 55 (1951) 54(4)] (Golden Gate; ca. 388%19`391 ac?), 9a%19b [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 7405; Dessau, &3ILS& 9216%19`9216a; &3AJA& 55 (1951) 54(6)] (ca. 425 ac?), 9c%19d, 10 (graf.); 11 (Outer Tower 12a; 1443%3`4 ac); 12%19`13 (Towers 18%19`19; 717%19`741 ac); 14 [&3AnthPal& 9,690] (Xylokeros Gate [Belgatkapi]; ca. 447 ac); 15 (Tower 24); 16 (Tower 25; 717%19`741 ac); 17 (Tower 27; 1440 ac); 18 (Tower 34; 717%19`741 ac), 19 (1439 ac); 20 (Tower 35 [Silivrikapi]; 1438 ac), 21%19`22*, 23 (Tower 36 [Silivrikapi]; 976%19`1025 ac), 23b (graf.) (1446 ac), 23c (Silivrikapi, Outer Gate; 717%19`741 ac); 24 [&3CIG 8665] (Tower 37, 717%19`741 ac); 25 (Outer Tower 37a or 38a [now Berlin]; 1439 ac); 26 (Tower 40; 685%19`695 ac?); 6th ac); 27 (Tower 41 or 42?; 1437 ac); 28 (Tower 44); 29a (Tower 45; 717%19`741 ac), 29b (732%19`741 ac); 30 (Tower 46; 685%19`695 ac?); 31%19`32 (Towers 47 and 48; 717%19`741 ac?); 33a* (P. Rhesiou [Mevlevihane], Outer Gate), 33b [&3AnthPal& 9,691; &3CIL& 3.734b; Dessau, &3ILS& 823b] (ca. 447 ac), 34 [&3ZbRad& 12 (1970) 1] (ca. 573%19`578 ac), 35 [&3CIL& 3.734a; Dessau, &3ILS& 823a] (ca. 447 ac), 36 [&3CIG& 8789] and 36a [&3CIG& 8788] (Tower 50 [Mevlevihane], 682%19`683 ac?); 37 (Tower 54; 717%19`741 ac?), 37a (ptg.); 38 (Tower 55; 717%19`741 ac), 38a (graf.?); 39 (Tower 56; 717%19`741 ac), 39a; 40 [Foss, in &3Studies ... Dow& (1984), p. 84] (Tower 57; 944%19`959 ac), 40a*; 41* [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 54(1)] (Outer Wall betw. Gates 59a%3`60a), 41a*; 42a* (Tower 62), 42b; 43* (Tower 75); 44 (Gate of the Pempton, betw. Towers 77%3`78; ca. 460%19`465 ac?); 45 (Outer Tower 77a; 1432%3`3 ac), 46 (ca. 1452 ac); 47 (Curtain betw. Towers 81%3`82); 48a [Mercati, &3Collectanea &3Byzantina& II (1970) 220] (P. Charisiou [Edirnekapi]; 1197 ac), 48b (1333%3`4 ac), 49 (P. Charisiou [Edirnekapi], Tower 87); 50 (Tower 88); 51* (Tower 91), 52a%19`52b; 53 (Tower 93; 1425%19`1448 ac?); 54 (Tower 95); 55* [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 54(2)] (Blachernai Walls, Tekfur Saray), 55b*, 56; 57* (Blachernai Walls, Tower 9); 58 (Blachernai Walls, Tower 12; 1318 ac); 58a* (Blachernai Walls, House near Tower 11); 59 (Blachernai Walls, betw. Towers 12%3`13; 1441 ac); 60 (Blachernai Walls, Tower 13; 1186%3`7 ac?); 61%19`62 (Blachernai Walls, Towers 14 and 15; 821%19`842 ac); 63 (Blachernai Walls, Tower 17); 64a (Blachernai Walls, Outworks of Leon 821%19`829 ac), 64b (821%3`2 ac), 65 (1028%19`1034 ac?); 66 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 54(5a)] (Exi Marmara, Panagia; 1448 ac); 67* ("Sigma"; now Berlin); 68 [&3CIG& 8778] (place?; 1438 ac), 69 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 54(5b)] (near Yenikapi; 1432%3`3 ac), 70* [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 63(5)] (H. Romanos [Topkapi]), 71* [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 64(13)]; 72%19`77* [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 53, Gothic &3foederati&] (near Towers 78%3`79 [Sulu Kule Kapisi]), 77a*, 78*; 79 (betw. Edirnekapi and Topkapi), 80 (H. Georgios, near Edirnekapi), 81 (near Edirnekapi, 826%3`7 ac), 82 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 54(8)] (near Edirnekapi 1424%3`5 ac?), 83 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 54(8)] (betw. Edirnekapi and Eg%148rikapi 1362%3`3 ac), 84 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 54(8)] (Tower 97?; 1285%3`6 ac). @ van Millingen, A., &3Byzantine Constantinople: The Walls of the &3City and the Adjoining Historical Sites.& London 1899. &3ByzCple 186 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 55,8] (CPLE, Sea Walls; 886%19`911 ac), 187n.4b [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,15], 191 [Firatli, et al., &3La &3Sculpture byzantine figure/e au Muse/e arche/ologique d'Istanbul (1990) 41,78] (Golden Horn; ca. 1370%19`1409 ac), 192 [&3AJA& 55 ú(1951) 55,14] (Sea Walls; ca. 1425%19`1448 ac), 193 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 55,6] (1447%3`8 ac), 256 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,23] (5th%19`6th ac), 263 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 55,10]. @ &3Anthologia graeca,& ed. H. Beckby. 4 vols. 2nd end. Munich 1965%19`1968. __ For the epigrams &3AnthPal& 15,41%19`50 and &3AnthPlan 16,335%19`378 see Cameron, &3Porphyrios the Charioteer& (1973) Bases A%19F, H%19L (concordance below). __ Texts from Constantinople: &3Anth& 1,1 [Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 280] (CPLE, Hagia Sophia; 867 ac?), 1,2%19`3 (CPLE, Blachernai; 565%19`578 ac), 1,4 (CPLE, H. Io. Stoudiou; ca. 457%19`474 ac), 1,5 (CPLE, H. Thomas; 491%19`518 ac), 1,6 (CPLE, H. Theodoros; ca. 425%19`450 ac), 1,7 (after 452 ac), 1,8 (CPLE, H. Apostoloi; 527%19`565 ac), 1,9 (CPLE, place?; 5th ac?), 1,10 [Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture &3byzantine figure/e au Muse/e arche/ologique d'Istanbul& (1990) 211,494] (CPLE, H. Polyeuktos; 524%19`527 ac), 1,11 (CPLE, H. Anargyroi; 565%19`578 ac), 1,12%19`17 (CPLE, H. Euphemia; ca. 480%19`527 ac), 1,35 (EUROPE, Sosthenion; ca. 555%19`560 ac), 1,97%19`98 [cf. Mango, &3Brazen House& (1959) 83] (CPLE, Melete; 525%19`527 ac), 1,99 (EUROPE, Anaplous; ca. 493? ac), 1,106%19`107 (CPLE, Great Palace; ca. 856%19`861? ac), 1,109%19`114 (CPLE, Zoodochos Pege; 870%19`879 ac), 1,120 (CPLE, Blachernai; 11th ac?), 1,121 (11th ac?); __ &3Anth& 7,613 (CPLE, place?; 4th%19`6th ac); __ &3Anth& 9,655 (CPLE, Great Palace; 613%19`638 ac), 9,656 [cf. Mango, &3Brazen House& (1959) 26%19`30] (CPLE, Chalke; 498%19`518 ac), 9,658 (CPLE, Praetorium; ca. 567 ac), 9,682 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,IV] (CPLE, Hippodrome; 390 ac), 9,689 (CPLE, Golden Horn; 324%19`337 ac?), 9,690 (CPLE, Land Walls; ca. 447 ac), 9,691 (ca. 447 ac), 9,696%19`697 (CPLE, Basilike; ca. 500%19`550? ac), 9,779 (565%3`6 ac), 9,785 (CPLE, F. Constantine; 4th ac?), 9,799%19`801 (CPLE, Philadelpheion; 324%19`337 ac?), 9,803 (CPLE, Zeuxippos Baths; 565%3`6 ac), 9,804 (CPLE, place?; 565%3`6 ac), 9,810 (565%19`568 ac), 9,811 (527%19`565 ac), 9,812%3`3 (CPLE, Praetorium; ca. 567 ac), 9,815 (CPLE, place?; 5th%19`6th ac), 9,820%19`821 (BITHYNIA, Hiereia; 565%19`578 ac); __ &3AnthPlan& 16,39 and 314 (CPLE, place?; ca. 540%19`550 ac), 16,41 (CPLE, Plakidias; ca. 555%19`568 ac), 16,62%19`63 (CPLE, Hippodrome; 530 ac), 16,64 (CPLE, place?; ca. 570 ac), 16,65 (CPLE, Forum Tauri; 386 ac), 16,69 (CPLE, Chalke Palace?; 476%19`491 ac), 16,70 (CPLE, Senate?; 580 ac?), 16,71 (580 ac?), 16,72 (CPLE, place?; 566 ac), 16,73 (ca. 404 ac). __ Added inscriptions from E. Cougny, &3Epigrammatum Anthologia Palatina cum Planudeis &3et Appendice Nova, III& (Paris 1890): &3Anth& App. 1,355%19`356 %6 R. Janin, &3La Ge/ographie eccle/siastique de l'empire byzantin, I,3 (1953), p. 201 (CPLE, Kyros Q.; 408%19`450 ac); and 1,365 %6 R. Janin, &3Constantinople byzantine& (1st edn., 1950), p. 83 (CPLE, Porphyry Col.). __ Added inscriptions from Frolow, &3Relique de &3la Vraie Croix& (1961): &3Anth& Fr 241 %6 Frolow 281,241 (CPLE, place?; 1077%19`1118 ac), Fr 276 %6 Frolow 299,276 (PROV.?, [Mo/dena]; 11th%19`12th ac); Fr 312 %6 Frolow 317,312 (CPLE, place?; ca. 1120 ac), Fr 405 %6 Frolow 362,405 (Mon. H. Theodorou; 12th ac); Fr 407 %6 Frolow 363,407 (PROV.?, [Spain: Baga\]; 12th ac), Fr 427 %6 Frolow 371,427 ([Vatican]; 12th ac?), Fr 465 %6 Frolow 391,465 ([Troyes]; after 1205 ac); Fr 574 %6 Frolow 448,574 (CPLE?, [Nevers]; 1275%19`1345 ac?); Fr 662 %6 Frolow 485,662 (PROV.?, [Caucasus]; 13th ac?), Fr 729 %6 Frolow 512,729 ([Moscow]; before 1354 ac?). @ Cameron, A., &3Porphyrios the Charioteer.& Oxford 1973. Pp. 65%19`95 and 117%19`149. &3AnthPal& 15,41%19`50 and &3AnthPlan& 16,335%19`378: Base A [&3AnthPlan& 16,335%19`339] (CPLE, Hippodrome; before ca. 500); Base B [&3AnthPlan& 16,340%19`343; Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture &3byzantine figure/e au Muse/e arche/ologique d'Istanbul& (1990) 30,63] (ca. 500); Base C [&3AnthPal& 15,46%19`47 and &3AnthPlan 16,344] (after ca. 500); Base D [&3AnthPal& 15,44 and &3AnthPlan 16,345%19`346] (ca. 530%19`540); Base E [&3AnthPal& 15,50 and &3AnthPlan 16,347%19`350] (515 ac); Base F [&3AnthPlan& 16,351%19`356; Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture byzantine figure/e au Muse/e arche/ologique &3d'Istanbul& (1990) 32,64] (ca. 500); Base H [&3AnthPlan& 16,356, 360%19`362] (ca. 540%19`545); Base I [&3AnthPlan& 16,363%19`364] (ca. 500); Base J [&3AnthPal& 15,41%19`43 and &3AnthPlan& 16,365%19`375] (ca. 515 ac?); Base K [&3AnthPal& 15,48%19`49 and &3AnthPlan& 16,376%19`378] (ca. 550); Base L [&3AnthPal& 15,45] (ca. 500); @ Antoniades, E.M., $*)/EKFRASIS TH=S A(GI/AS *SOFI/AS.& 3 vols. Leipzig 1907%19`1909. &3Ekphr& I,83,9 (CPLE, Hagia Sophia; 6th ac), 84,10%19`84,13 (6th ac), 146 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 58,I.4] (839,841 ac), 147 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 58,I.4], 167 (886%19`912 ac?), 170 (10th%19`11th ac?), 176 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 58,I.6] (6th ac?); __ &3Ekphr& II,23 (527%19`565 ac), 28 (527%19`565 ac), 81, 209, 232, 237, 289, 303,392, 303,394, 316 (1205 ac), 317,422, 317,423, 318 (1379%19`1389 ac), 320,430, 320,431, 340 (13th%19`15th ac), 351 [&3AJA 55 (1951) 59,I.16], 352,518 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 59,I.17], 352,519 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 59,I.18], 352,520, 353,522; __ &3Ekphr& III,51 [Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 58] (ca. 886%19`912 ac?), 52 [Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 59] (ca. 886%19`912 ac?). @ Mercati, S.G., &3Collectanea Byzantina, II.& Bari 1970. Mercati 210[a] [Mango, &3Brazen House& (1959) 122] (CPLE, Chalke; 780%19`802 ac), 210[b] [Mango, &3Brazen House& (1959) 121] (780%19`802 ac), 215,I [Mango, &3Brazen House& (1959) 126] (ca. 843%19`847 ac); 216,II [Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 218,95] (place?; ca. 843%19`847 ac), 230 (near Hebdomon; 1025 ac); 241 (MACED., Thessalonike; 14th ac); 248 (CPLE?, [Urbino]; 1391%19`1425 ac); 255 (CPLE, Mausoleum; ca. 970 ac), 260 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 57,3] (Golden Horn), 277 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 57,I.2] (Hagia Sophia; 6th ac), 280 [Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 80%19`83] (867 ac?), 287 [Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 63%19`66] (ca. 886%19`912 ac?), 293 [Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 69%19`70] (1028%19`1034 ac), 295 (1341%19`1354 ac), 329 (Peribleptos; 1282%19`1341 ac); 338 [&3DChAE&(`1) 5 (1905) 80,131%19`132] (MACED., near Serrai; 1336%3`7 ac), 339 [&3BZ 10 (1901) 428] (Serrai; early 13th ac); 533 [d: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 115(4); &3IK Ephesos& 1356] (ASIA, Ephesos [Genoa]; a%19c: 862%19`867, d: 1260%19`1288). __ Cross%19references (Constantinople): Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 220 %6 Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von Konstantinopel& (1943) 48a (CPLE, Land Walls; 1197 ac); 280 %6 &3AnthPal& 1,1 (CPLE, Hagia Sophia; 867 ac?). __ Cross%19references (other regions): Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 217 %6 de Jerphanion, &3E/glises &3rupestres de Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) 87 (CAPPADOCIA, Matiane; Middle Byz.); 250 %6 &3CIG& 9539 (SICILY, Messana; 1149 ac); 336 %6 Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 295 (LYCIA, Megiste). @ Underwood, P.A., &3The Karije Djami.& 4 vols. London 1967%19`1975. H. Soter in Chora. &3KarDjami& I,18 (CPLE, Kariye Camii; ca. 1315%19`1321 ac), 39,1 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 61,XII.6] (ca. 1315%19`1321 ac), 40,2 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 61,XII.6] (ca. 1315%19`1321 ac), 42,3 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 61,XII.5] (ca. 1315%19`1321 ac), 45,6 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 61,XII.3] (ca. 1315%19`1321 ac), 168,186 (ca. 1315%19`1321 ac), 168,187 (ca. 1315%19`1321 ac), 217,224%19`217,227 (ca. 1320%19`1321 ac), 276,D [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 61,XII.2] (after 1328 ac), 280,E [&3DOP& 13 (1959) 216] (ca. 1325%19`1330 ac), 288,F [&3DOP& 13 (1959) 223] (after 1330 ac), 295,H [&3DOP& 12 (1958) 276] (ca. 1325%19`1350 ac?). @ van Millingen, A. &3Byzantine Churches in Constantinople& London 1912. Inscriptions from the Church of the Pammakaristos (pp. 138%19`159) only: &3ByzChs& 138 (CPLE, Fetiye Camii; 12th%19`13th ac?), 139 [&3AJA& 51 (1951) 61,XI.5] (1292%19`1294 ac?), 140 [&3DOP& 25 (1971) 222,4] (1292%19`1294 ac?), "`140a" %6 Belting, Mango and Mouriki, &3Mosaics and Frescoes of St. Mary Pammakaristos& (1978) ú21] (1292%19`1294 ac?), "`140b" [&3ArchAnz& 1939.195] (1292%19`1294 ac?), 141 (1328%19`1341 ac), 158%19`159 [&3AJA& 51 (1951) 60,XI.1%19`2] (ca. 1310 ac). @ Ebersolt, J., &3Mission arche/ologique de Constantinople.& Paris 1921. &3Ebersolt& 20,6 [&3DChAE&(`1) 10 (1911) 42,418b] (CPLE, Mus. Antiq.), 20,7 [&3DChAE&(`1) 10 (1911) 42,419b], 31 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 65,14] (CPLE, Great Palace), 41,3 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 66,6] (Galata: Arap Camii), 45,1 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,13] (S%25ahzade Imaret; 351 ac), 49,2 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,13] (Mus. Antiq.), 49,3 [&3AJA 55 (1951) 64,13], 50,4 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,13], 50,5 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,13], 51,6 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,13]; 51,7 [&3CIJ& 2.800] (BITHYNIA, Arnavutko+y); 52,8 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,13] (CPLE, Mus. Antiq.); 52,9 (HAEMIMONTUS, Hadrianople); 53,10 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,13] (CPLE, Mus. Antiq.), 54,11 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,13], 54,12 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,13]. @ [Curtis, C.G., and S. Aristarchis, $*)ANE/KDOTOI E)PIGAFAI\ $*BUZANTI/OU. "*)ARXAIOLOGIKH\ E)PITROPH\"& to vol. 16 of $*(O E)N $*KWNSTANTINOPO/LEI *(ELLHNIKO\S *FILOLOGIKO\S *SU/LLOGOS& (Istanbul); Constantinople 1885. Not available to the compiler of this data bank.] @ Mango, C., "The Byzantine Inscriptions of Constantinople: A Bibliographical Survey," in &3American Journal of Archaeology& 55 (1951), pp. 52%19`66. __ Texts of inscriptions from Constantinople included in the data bank in the place where they are enumerated in the "Survey": &3AJA& 55 (1951) 53, &3ed. pr. (CPLE, Land Walls), 55,13 (Sea Walls), 56,18 [Demangel and Mamboury, &3Quartier des Manganes& (1939) 78,13] (829%19`842 ac?), 56,20 [&3BCH& 60 (1936) 211] (905%3`6 ac), 56,25 [Demangel and Mamboury, &3Quartier des Manganes& (1939) 54,6] (829%19`842 ac?), 56,26 [Demangel and Mamboury, &3Quartier des Manganes& (1939) 54,5] (829%19`842 ac?), 56,28 [Demangel and Mamboury, &3Quartier &3des Manganes& (1939) 11,4] (829%19`842 ac?), 57,1 (Hagia Sophia?), 58,5 [Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 23] (Hagia Sophia; ca. 994 ac?), 58,9 [Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 66 and 71] (1353%19`1354 ac), 58,13 [Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 58] (ca. 886%19`912 ac?), 59,19 [Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 43], 59,20a [&3Materials& 27] (1028%19`1034 ac), 59,20b [Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 28] (1122%19`1143 ac), 60,III [&3BZ 4 (1895) 106] (H. Sergios; 527%19`564 ac), 61,XIIIa [&3E/O& 35 (1936) 224,3] (Odalar Camii; 6th ac), 61,XIIIb [&3E/O& 35 (1936) 225,3(1)] (6th ac), 61,XIIIc [&3E/O& 35 (1936) 226,3(2)] (6th ac), 62,I [&3CIL& 3.711] (Seraglio Col.; ca. 324%19`360 ac?), 62,III [&3CIL 3.738] (Col. Marcian.; 450%19`457 ac), 62,XIV [&3BZ& 42 (1942) 183; Naumann and Belting, &3Die Euphemia%19Kirche& (1966) 87] (H. Euphemia; 12th ac?), 62,XV [&3RE/B& 8 (1950) 161; Mango, &3Brazen &3House& (1959) 166%19`167] (Arslanhane; ca. 971%19`976 ac), 63,1a [&3BGdSL& 42 (1917) 332] (Deniz Abdal Q.; 559 ac), 63,1b [&3BGdSL 42 (1917) 334] (ca. 575%19`600 ac?), 63,9a [&3IRAIK& 9 (1904) 244,8] (place?), 63,9b [&3IRAIK& 9 (1904) 244,9], 63,9c [&3IRAIK& 9 (1904) 245,10], 63,9d [&3IRAIK& 9 (1904) 245,11], 63,9e [&3IRAIK& 9 (1904) 246,12], 63,9f [&3IRAIK& 9 (1904) 247,14], 64,10 [Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture byzantine figure/e au Muse/e arche/ologique &3d'Istanbul& (1990) 66,114] (place?; 5th%19`6th ac), 64,12 [&3AthMitt 42 (1917) 190,2] (Hasko+y), 64,18 [&3SByzIst& 67,115] (Atmeydan; 13th%19`14th ac), 64,19a [&3E/O& 35 (1936) 220,1] (Galata: Arap C.; 1408%19`1483 ac), 64,19b [&3E/O& 35 (1936) 223,2] (Phanar; 6th ac), 64,20 [Demangel and Mamboury, &3Quartier des Manganes& (1939) 154,2] (Mangana Quart.; 12th%19`13 ac?), 64,2793 [&3SByzIst& 65,113] (Bosphorus: Ortako+y; 5th%19`6th ac), 65,3 [De/thier, &3Nouvelles &3de/couvertes& (1867) 14] (Bayazit Quart.; 408%19`450 ac?), 65,8 [Naumann and Belting, &3Die Euphemia%19Kirche& (1966) 15] (Antiochos Pal.; ca. 416%19`418 ac), 65,13 (Incili Ko+s%25ku+), 65,18 [Demangel and Mamboury, &3Quartier des Manganes& (1939) 154,4] (Mangana Quart.; 14th%19`15th ac?), 65,21 (near Yedi Kule), 65,25 [&3SByzIst& 120,226] (Bayazit Quart.; 610%19`641 ac), 65,26 [&3SByzIst 122,231] (C%25atladi Kapi; ca. 600 ac), 65,30 (Great Palace), 66,4730 [&3SByzIst& 79,131] (Sokol. M. Pas%25a; 11th ac), 66,G2 [&3SByzIst& 83,142] (Bosphorus: Tophane; 10th%19`11th ac), 66,H1 [Demangel 35] (Hebdomon; ca. 422? 459? ac), 66,H2 [Demangel 51] (457%19`474 ac?), 66,H3 [&3BCH& 46 (1922) 377]. __ Cross%19references (incomplete) for other texts enumerated in the "Survey": &3AJA& 55 (1951) 55,6 %6 van Millingen, &3Byzantine &3Constantinople& (1899) 193 (CPLE, Sea Walls; 1447%3`8 ac), 55,6 %6 &3ByzCple& 193 55,8 %6 &3ByzCple& 186 (886%19`911 ac), 55,10 %6 &3ByzCple 263 55,14 %6 &3ByzCple& 192 (ca. 1425%19`1448 ac), 56,15 %6 &3ByzCple 187n4b, 56,23 %6 &3ByzCple& 256 (5th%19`6th ac), 56,33 %6 &3ArchAnz 1916.23,23c%19`23b (829%19`842 ac?), 59,III [Mercati, &3Collectanea &3Byzantina& II (1970) 319] %6 &3CIG& 8639 (H. Sergios; ca. 530 ac), 61,XII.1 %6 &3ArchAnz& 1940.592 (Kariye Camii; ca. 1315%19`1321 ac), 62,IV %6 &3AnthPal& 9,682 (Hippodrome; 390 ac), 64,11 %6 &3ArchAnz 1916.24,27%19`25,28 (Seraglio Pt.), 64,13 %6 Ebersolt, &3Mission (1921) 45,1 (S%25ahzade Imaret; 351 ac), 49,2%19`51,6, 52,8, 53,10%19`54,12 (Mus. Antiq.), 64,14 %6 &3BCH& 46 (1922) 358 (Argyropolis), 65,14 %6 Ebersolt, &3Mission& (1921) 31 (Great Palace), 66, Galata 1 [&3BZ& 8 (1899) 485] %6 &3InvThess& 24 (THESSALIA, Trikala; 1363%19`1372 ac), 66,6 %6 Ebersolt, &3Mission (1921) 41,3 (CPLE, Galata: Arap Camii); @ &3Jahrbuch des deutschen archa+ologischen Instituts. &3Archa+ologischer Anzeiger& (Berlin). &3ArchAn&z 1916.22,23b [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,33(c)] (CPLE, Sea Walls; 829%19`842 ac?), 23,23c [&3AJA 55 (1951) 56,33(b)] (829%19`842 ac?), 23,24 (Seraglio Pt.), 23,25, 24,26, 24,27 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,11[a]], 25,28 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,11[a]] (Late Byz.); __ &3ArchAn&z 1940.592 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 61,XII.1] (CPLE, Kariye Camii; ca. 1315%19`1321 ac), &3ArchAn&z 1941.311 [Naumann and Belting, &3Die Euphemia%19Kirche& (1966) 113] (H. Euphemia; ca. 1280%19`1290 ac?); __ &3ArchAn&z 1943.280 [Naumann and Belting, &3Die Euphemia%19Kirche& (1966) 171] (H. Euphemia, ca. 1300 ac?); __ &3ArchAn&z 1966.410 (Arch. Museum; ca. 1025%19`1050 ac?). @ &3Dumbarton Oaks Papers& (Washington D.C.). &3DOP& 17 (1963) 324 (CPLE, Hagia Sophia; 1166 ac); 348a (CPLE, Zereyek Camii), 348b (11th ac?); 370 (CPLE, Fetiye Camii; c. 1310 ac); __ &3DOP 18 (1964) 18.267 (CPLE, Mon. of Lips; 907 ac), 269,66 [Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture byzantine figure/e au Muse/e &3arche/ologique d'Istanbul& (1990) 194,418] (1303 ac?), 273,79 [Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture byzantine figure/e au Muse/e &3arche/ologique d'Istanbul& (1990) 186,389] (10th ac), 275,74A [&3SByzIst& 187,392] (10th ac), 275,80A [&3SByzIst& 188,395] (10th ac), 275,80B [&3SByzIst& 189,403] (10th ac), 275,81a [&3SByzIst 189,402] (10th ac), 275,81b [&3SByzIst& 190,404] (10th ac), 275,83 [&3SByzIst& 187,394] (10th ac), 300 (907 ac), 303 (c. 1300 ac?); 325,1 (CPLE, Fetiye Camii; 5th%19`6th ac), 325,2 [&3BE/ 1966.252] (5th%19`6th ac), 325,3 (1292%19`1294 ac?), 325,4 [&3DOP& 25 (1971) 236] (14th ac); 335 (CYPRUS, Koutsovendi; 1092%19`1111 ac?); __ &3DOP& 22 (1968) 183,1%19`183,6 (CPLE, Mon. of Lips; 5th%19`6th ac), 183,7 (6th ac) and 183,9%19`184,26 (5th%19`6th ac) [brick%19stamps]; __ &3DOP& 23%19`24 (1969%19`1970) 372,3 (CPLE, Pantokrator; 1180 ac); __ &3DOP& 25 (1971) 221 (CPLE, Fetiye Camii; 14th%19`15th ac); 242 (CPLE, Walls; Mid.%3Late Byz.); 247 [&3IK Kalchedon& p. 100] (CPLE, Valens%19Aqueduct; 366 ac); 266 [cf. &3PLRE& I,48] (MACEDONIA II, Bargala; 364%19`367 ac); __ &3DOP& 27 (1973) 296 (MESOPOTAMIA, Kartmin; 512 ac); __ &3DOP& 30 (1976) 59 [Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 266,205] (PALAESTINA.: Jerusalem? [Monte Cassino]; c. 950%19`990 ac?); __ &3DOP& 32 (1978) 3,1 [&3SEG& 28.569] (CPLE, S%25ehremini; c. 6th ac), 4,2 [&3SEG& 28.566] (c. 6th ac), 4,3 [&3SEG& 28.564] (Kocamustafapas%25a; 5th%19`6th ac), 4,4 [&3SEG& 28.573] (Yes%25ildirek; ú9th ac), 5,5 [&3SEG& 28.571] (S%25ehremini; c. 6th ac); 6,6 [&3SEG 28.1573] (ISTANBUL: Arch. Mus., prov.?; 5th%19`6th ac); 7,7 [&3SEG 28.1574] (CPLE?, place?; c. 5th%19`6th ac); 7,8 [&3SEG& 28.570] (CPLE, Ku+c%25u+kekmese; c. 6th ac), 8,9 [&3SEG& 28.567] (Cerrahpas%25a; c. 6th ac), 8,10 [&3SEG& 28.568] (c. 6th ac); 8,11 (ISTANBUL: Arch. Mus., prov.?; 10th ac); 9,12 (CPLE, Topkapi Sarayi; 13th ac?); 10,13 [&3SEG& 28.1583] (ISTANBUL: Arch. Mus., prov.?; 6th%19`7th ac), 11,14 [&3SEG& 28.1579] (c. 6th ac), 12,15 [&3SEG 28.1582] (c. 6th ac); 13,16 (BITHYNIA, Kalamis%25; 5th%19`6th ac?); 13,17 [&3SEG& 28.572] (CPLE, Ku+c%25u+kekmese; c. 6th ac), 14,18 (Yedikule; 14th ac); 15,19 [&3SEG& 28.1575] (ISTANBUL: Arch. Mus., prov.?; 5th%19`6th ac); 15,20 [&3SEG& 28.574] (CPLE, Arch. Mus.; c. 6th ac); 18,21 (LYDIA, Philadelphia; c. 6th ac); 19,22 [&3SEG& 28.1114] (PHRYGIA SAL., Dorylaion?; c. 6th ac); 19,23 [&3SEG& 28.1587] (ISTANBUL: Arch. Mus., prov.?; 7th%19`9th ac); 20,24 [&3SEG& 28.563] (CPLE, Silivirikapi; 6th ac), 20,25 [&3SEG& 28.1581] (CPLE?, place?; 6th ac); 21,26 [&3SEG& 28.575] (CPLE, Topkapi Sarayi; 9th%19`10th ac); 21,27 [&3SEG& 28.1576] (ISTANBUL: Arch. Mus., prov.?; 5th%19`6th ac), 21,28 [&3SEG 28.1577] (5th%19`6th ac); 22,29 [&3SEG& 28.565] (CPLE, Atako+y; 5th%19`6th ac); 23,30 [&3SEG& 28.1578] (ISTANBUL: Arch. Mus., prov.?; 5th%19`6th ac), 23,31 [&3SEG& 28.1580] (c. 6th ac), 24,32 [&3SEG& 28.1593] (6th ac), 24,33 [&3SEG& 28.1584] (c. 6th ac); __ &3DOP& 36 (1982) 2 (SARDINIA, Carales; 582%19`602 ac); 211 (SYRIA: ANTIOCH, [Aachen]; 969%19`970 ac). __ Cross%19references: &3DOP& 12 (1958) 276 %6 Underwood, &3The Karije Djami& I (1967) 295,H (CPLE, Kariye Camii; ca. 1325%19`1350 ac?); __ &3DOP& 13 (1959) 216 %6 Underwood, &3The Karije Djami& I (1967) 280,E (CPLE, Kariye Camii; ca. 1325%19`1330 ac), 223 %6 Underwood, &3The Karije Djami& I (1967) 288,F (after 1330 ac); __ &3DOP& 23%19`24 (1969%19`1970) 369,1(1)%19`369,1(2) here %6 Millet, "Monaste\res et les e/glises de Tre/bizonde," &3BCH& 19 (1895) "Add,2*" (PONTOS, Trebizond; 1486 ac), and "Add,3*"; __ &3DOP& 25 (1971) 236 %6 &3DOP& 18 (1964) 325,4 (CPLE, Fetiye Camii; 14th ac). @ Robert, L., "Noms de me/tiers dans des documents byzantines," in &3Charisterion eis A.K. Orlandon,& vol. 1 (Athens 1965), pp. 324%19`347. &3ChOrl& I,336,3 (CPLE?, Arch. Mus.). @ @@@@@__ Other Inscriptions from Constantinople __ @ &3Bulletin de correspondance helle/nique& (Paris). &3BCH& 46 (1922) 358 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,14] (CPLE, Argyropolis). @ &3Byzantinische Zeitschrift& (Leipzig). &3BZ& 29 (1929) 194 [&3BZ& 56 (1963) 272] (CPLE, [Venice]; ca. 1210 ac?); __ &3BZ& 35 (1935) 431 [Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture byzantine figure/e au Muse/e &3arche/ologique d'Istanbul& (1990) 51,88] (CPLE, Cubali Kapi; end 4th%19`5th ac); __ &3BZ& 36 (1936) 397,1 (CPLE, Mon. Chora); 397,2 (CPLE, Kilise Camii; 550%19`600 ac); 398,3 (CPLE, Fatih Mosque); 537,5a [&3E/O& 35 (1936) 229,5(1)] (CPLE, place?; 5th%19`6th ac), 537,5b [&3E/O& 35 (1936) 229,5(2)] (5th%19`6th ac). @ &3Byzantion& (Brussels). &3Byzantion& 3 (1926) 305,1 (CPLE, N. of Hebdomon; 12th ac), 308,2 (CPLE, place?; 13th ac); __ &3Byzantion& 8 (1933) 175,1 (CPLE, Myrelaion; 9th%19`10th ac?), 175,2 (beg. 14th ac?), 176,3 (9th%19`10th ac?); __ &3Byzantion 29%19`30 (1960) 384 (CPLE, Yassviran; 565%19`578 ac?); __ &3Byzantion 32 (1962) 52,4 (CPLE, Manganes; 867%19`886 ac); __ &3Byzantion& 39 (1969) 461 [Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 283,249] (CPLE, [Eine]; beg. 12th ac). @ &3Epete%26ris Hetaireias Byzantino%26n Spoudo%26n& (Athens). &3EEBS& 7 (1931) 329 [Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture byzantine figure/e au Muse/e &3arche/ologique d'Istanbul& (1990) 180,366] (CPLE, Mangana Quart.; 10th ac?). @ Grabar, A., &3Les Reve=tements en or et en argent des icones &3byzantines du Moyen Age.& "Bibliothe\que de l'Institut helle/nique d'e/tudes byzantines et post%19byzantines de Venise," 7. Venice 1975. &3Reve=tements& 63,35 (CPLE, [Genova]; ca. 1350 ac?). @ Halkin, F., "Inscriptions grecques relative a l'hagiographie, I%19VI," in &3E/tudes d'e/pigraphie grecque d'hagiographie byzantine (London: Variorum 1973). Halkin IV [%6 &3AnalBoll& 70 (1952) 306%19`311] 4,307 %6 Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 51 (CPLE, Hagia Sophia; ca. 886%19`912 ac?), 4,308 %6 Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 49 (ca. 886%19`912 ac?), 4,310 %6 &3Archaeolo&gy 3 (1950) 140 (CPLE, Sehzade%3Laleli; 902%3`3 ac), 4,311 %6 Demangel and Mamboury, &3Quartier des Manganes& (1939) 129,39 (CPLE, Mangana Quart.; 12th%19`13th ac?); __ Halkin VI [%6 &3AnalBoll& 71 (1953) 326%19`354] %6 Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 51 (CPLE, Hagia Sophia; ca. 29 (CPLE, Hagia Sophia; ca. 1100 ac?). @ Merkelbach, R., &3Die Inschriften von Kalchedon.& "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 20. Bonn 1980. &3IK &3Kalchedon& 109,2%19`109,3 (brick%19stamps) [cf. &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 425] (CPLE, place?). @ &3Jahrbuch der o+sterreichischen Byzantinistik& (Vienna). &3JO+B& 34 (1984) 238 (CPLE, ex%19Siegburg; 921%19`931 ac), 243a (CPLE, ex%19Krefeld; 976%19`1025 ac?), 243b (CPLE, [Cologne]; 976%19`1025 ac?), 245 (CPLE, ex%19Cre/py; 867%19`879 ac?), 246 (CPLE, ex%19Auxerre; 8th%19`9th ac), 251 (CPLE, Aachen%3Mu+nster; 11th ac?). @ &3Mitteilungen des deutschen archa+ologischen Instituts. &3Athenische Abteilung& (Berlin). &3AthMitt& 33 (1908) 147,4 (CPLE, Pera), 148,5%19`148,7, 148,8 [&3IK Klaudpl& T 27], 148,9, 149,10%19`149,11. @ Robert, J. and L., "Bulletin e/pigraphique" [`1938%19`1980], in &3Revue des e/tudes grecques& (Paris). &3BE/& 60,220 [&3CahArch& 10 (1959) 107] (CPLE, Marmara); __ &3BE/& 1961.394 [Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture byzantine figure/e au Muse/e arche/ologique &3d'Istanbul& (1990) 55,96] (CPLE, Tas%25kasap; end 4th%19`5th ac). @ Robert, L., &3Hellenica. Recueil d'e/pigraphie, de numismatique &3et d'antiquite/s grecques.& Paris 1940%19`1960. &3Hellenica& 2 (1946) 155 (CPLE, Galata). @ &3Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum& (Leiden). &3SEG& 26,789 (CPLE?, [Venice]; ca. 550%19`600 ac), 26,790%19`26,791 (CPLE, place?; 6th ac); __ &3SEG& 29,674 (CPLE, Kariye Djami; 5th%19`6th ac); __ &3SEG 31,1592 (ISTANBUL, Arch. Mus.). @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ &3Mitteilungen des deutschen archa+ologischen Instituts. &3Athenische Abteilung& (Berlin). &3AthMitt& 42 (1919) 190,2 %6 &3AJA 55 (1951) 64,12 (CPLE, Hasko+y). @ &3Archaeolo&gy 3 (1950) 140 %6 Halkin IV,310 (CPLE, Sehzade%3Laleli; 902%3`3 ac). @ &3Bulletin de correspondance helle/nique& (Paris). &3BCH& 46 (1922) 377 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 66, Hebdomon 3 (CPLE, Hebdomon); __ &3BCH& 60 (1936) 211 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,20 (CPLE, Sea Walls; 905%3`6 ac). @ &3Beitra+ge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur (Halle). &3BGdSL& 42 (1917) 332, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 63,1a (CPLE, Deniz Abdal Q.; 559 ac), 334 here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 63,1b (ca. 575%19`600 ac?). @ &3Byzantinische Zeitschrift& (Leipzig). &3BZ& 4 (1895) 106 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 60,III (CPLE, H. Sergios; 527%19`564 ac); __ &3BZ& 42 (1942) 183 [Naumann and Belting, &3Die Euphemia%19Kirche& (1966) 87], %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,XIV (CPLE, H. Euphemia; 12th ac?); __ &3BZ& 56 (1963) 272 %6 &3BZ& 29 (1929) 194 (CPLE, [Venice]; ca. 1210 ac?), @ &3Cahiers arche/ologiques& (Paris). &3CahArch& 10 (1959) 107 %6 &3BE/ 1960,220 (CPLE, Marmara). @ &3Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, III. Inscriptiones Asiae, &3provinciarum Europae Graecarum, Illyrici latinae,& ed. Th. Mommsen. Berlin 1893. &3CIL& 3.711 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,I [Dessau, &3ILS& 820] (CPLE, Seraglio Col.; ca. 324%19`360 ac?), 734a%19b %6 Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von Konstantinopel (1943) 35 [Dessau, &3ILS& 823a] and 33b [&3AnthPal& 9,691; &3ILS& 823b] (Land Walls: P. Rhesiou [Mevlevihane]; ca. 447 ac), 735 %6 &3Landmauer& 8 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 54(4)] (Land Walls: Golden Gate; ca. 388%19`391 ac?), 736 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 63,VI [&3CIG& 8614; &3ILS 822] (Augustaion; 403 ac), 737 %6 &3CIG& 8612 [&3ILS& 821; &3AJA& 55 ú(1951) 62,IV] (Hippodrome; 390 ac), 738 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,III [&3ILS& 738] (Col. Marcian.; 450%19`457 ac). @ &3Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, III. Inscriptionum Orientis et &3Illyrici latinarum supplementum,& ed. Th. Mommsen, et al. Berlin 1902. &3CIL& 3 Suppl., 7405 %6 Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von Konstantinopel& (1943) 9 [Dessau, &3ILS 9216%19`9216a] (CPLE, Land Walls: Porta Aurea; ca. 425 ac?) @ &3Deltion Christianike%26s Archaiologike%26s Hetaireias& (Athens). &3DChAE& ser. 1, 10 (1911) 42,418b %6 Ebersolt, &3Mission& 20,6 (CPLE, Mus. Antiq.), 42,419b %6 Ebersolt, &3Mission& 20,7. @ Demangel, R., &3Contribution a\ la topographie de l'Hebdomon. "Recherches franc%25aises en Turquie," 3; Paris 1945. Pp. 35 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 66, Hebdomon 1 (CPLE, Hebdomon; ca. 422? 459? ac), 51 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 66, Hebdomon 2 (457%19`474 ac?). @ Diehl, Ch., &3Manuel de l'art byzantin.& 2nd edn. Paris 1925%19`1926. Diehl, &3MAB& p. 661 %6 &3CIG& 8710 (CPLE, now Paris; 1067%19`1071 ac). @ &3E/chos d'Orient& (Paris). &3E/O& 35 (1936) 220,1 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,19a (CPLE, Galata: Arap C.; 1408%19`1483 ac), 223,2 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,19b (Phanar; 6th ac), 224,3 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 61,XIIIa (Odalar Camii; 6th ac), 225,3(1) %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 61,XIIIb (6th ac), 226,3(2) %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 61,XIIIc (6th ac), 229,5(1) %6 &3BZ 36 (1936) 537,5a (CPLE, place?; 5th%19`6th ac), 229,5(2) %6 &3BZ& 36 (1936) 537,5b (5th%19`6th ac). @ Naumann, R., and H. Belting, &3Die Euphemia%19Kirche am Hippodrom &3zu Istanbul und ihre Fresken.& "Istanbuler Forschungen," 25; Berlin 1966. Pp. 15 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 65,8 (CPLE, Antiochos Pal.; ca. 416%19`418 ac), 87 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,XIV (H. Euphemia, 12th ac?), 113 %6 &3ArchAnz& 1941.311 (ca. 1280%19`1290 ac?), 171 %6 &3ArchAnz& 1943.280 (H. Euphemia; ca. 1300 ac?). @ Frolow, A., &3La Relique de la Vraie Croix. Recherches sur le &3de/veloppement d'un culte.& "Archives de l'Orient chre/tien," 7; Paris 1961. __ Concordance: Frolow 218,95 %6 Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 216,II (CPLE, place?; ca. 843%19`847 ac), 229,126 %6 &3CIG& 8807 (CPLE, [once Lorch]; 8th%19`9th ac?), 233,135 %6 &3CIG& 8695 ([now Limbourg]; 963%19`976 ac); 239,146 %6 &3CIG& 8694 (CPLE?, [now Cortona]; 963%19`969 ac?); 266,205 %6 &3DOP 30 (1976) 59 (PALAESTINA: [Monte Cassino]; ca. 950%19`990 ac?); 281,241 here %6 &3Anth& Fr 241 (CPLE, place?; 1077%19`1118 ac), 283,249 %6 &3Byzantion& 39 (1969) 461 ([Eine]; beg. 12th ac); 299,276 here %6 &3Anth& Fr 276 (PROV.?, [Mo/dena]; 11th%19`12th ac); 317,312 here %6 &3Anth& Fr 312 (CPLE, place?; ca. 1120 ac), 320,319 %6 &3CIG& 8735 ([once Grandmont]; mid%19`12th ac), 362,405 here %6 &3Anth& Fr 405 (Mon. H. Theodorou; 12th ac); 363,407 here %6 &3Anth& Fr 407 (PROV.?, [Spain: Baga\]; 12th ac), 371,427 here %6 &3Anth& Fr 427 ([Vatican]; 12th ac?), 391,465 here %6 &3Anth& Fr 465 ([Troyes]; after 1205 ac); 397,473 %6 &3CIG& 8809 (CPLE, [now Somme]; 1207 ac?), 425,528 %6 &3CIG& 8812 (once Venice; before 1241 ac); 448,574 here %6 &3Anth& Fr 574 (CPLE?, [Nevers]; 1275%19`1345 ac?); 483,661 %6 &3CIG& 8728 (CPLE, now Paris; 13th%19`14th ac?), 485,662 here %6 &3Anth& Fr 662 (PROV.?, [Caucasus]; 13th ac?), 512,729 here %6 &3Anth Fr& 729 ([Moscow]; before 1354 ac?); 521,756 %6 Millet, Pargoire and Petit, &3Recueil Athos& (1904) 101 (MACED., Athos: Vatopedi; 1371%19`1389 ac); 529,777 here %6 &3BCH& 19 (1895) "Add,1*" (PONTUS, Soumela; 1390 ac); 563,872 %6 &3CIG& 8765 (CPLE, [now Venice]; 1446%19`1459 ac?). @ Grabar, A., &3Sculptures byzantines du Moyen Age, II (XI%19XIVe &3sie\cle).& "Bibliothe\que des Cahiers Arche/ologiques," 12; Paris 1976. &3Grabar& II,123 %6 &3CIG& 8706 (CPLE, now Venice; 13th ac). @ Merkelbach, R., &3Die Inschriften von Kalchedon.& "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 20. Bonn 1980. &3IK &3Kalchedon& p. 100 %6 &3DOP& 25 (1971) 247 (CPLE, Valens%19Aqueduct; 366 ac). @ Becker%19Bertau, F., &3Die Inschriften von Klaudiu polis. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 31. Bonn 1986. &3IK Klaudpl& T 27 %6 &3AthMitt& 33 (1908) 148,8 (CPLE, Pera). @ &3Isvestija Russkago Archeologicheskago Instituta ve &3Konstantinopolje& (Sofia). &3IRAIK& 9 (1904) 244,8 here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 63,9a (CPLE?, place?), 244,9 here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 63,9b, 245,10 here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 63,9c, 245,11 here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 63,9d, 246,12 here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 63,9e, 247,14 here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 63,9f; @ Janin, R., &3Constantinople byzantine.& 1st edn. Paris 1950. 2nd edn. Paris 1964. &3CB&(`1) p. 83 here %6 &3Anthology& "App 1,365" (CPLE, Porphyry Col.). The second edition was not available to the compiler of this data bank. @ Janin, R., &3La Ge/ographie eccle/siastique de l'empire byzantin, &3I,3: Les e/glises et les monaste\res.& Paris 1953. &3EM,& p. 201 here %6 &3Anthology& "App 1,355%3`6" (CPLE, Kyros Q.; 408%19`450 ac). @ Mango, C., &3The Brazen House. A Study of the Vestibule of the &3Imperial Palace of Constantinople.& "Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab: Arkaeologisk%19kunsthistoriske Meddelelser," 4,4; Copenhagen 1959. &3Brazen House& 121 %6 Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 210[b] and 122%19`125 %6 Mercati, &3op.cit.& 210[a] (&7CPLE,& Chalke; 780%19`802), 126%19`132 %6 Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 215,I (Chalke; ca. 843%19`847); 166%19`167 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,XV [&3RE/B& 8 (1950) 161] (Arslanhane; ca. 971%19`976 ac). @ Mango, C., &3Materials for the Study of the Mosaics of St. &3Sophia at Istanbul.& "Dumbarton Oaks Studies," 8; Washington D.C. 1962. &3Materials& 23 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 58,5 (CPLE, Hagia Sophia; ca. 994 ac?), 27 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 59,20a (1028%19`1034 ac%7), 28 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 59,20b (1122%19`1143 ac), 29 %6 Halkin VI,344 (ca. 1100 ac?), 43 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 59,19, 49 %6 Halkin IV,308 (ca. 886%19`912 ac?), 51 %6 Halkin IV,307 (ca. 886%19`912 ac?), 58 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 58,13 (ca. 886%19`912 ac?), 66 and 71 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 58,9 (1353%19`1354 ac). @ &3Monuments et Me/moires publie/s par l'Acade/mie des Inscriptions &3et Belles%19Lettres& (Foundation Piot) (Paris). &3MonPiot& 6 (1906) 199 %6 &3CIG& 8715 (CPLE, now London; 1078%19`1081 ac). @ %N. Firatli, &3La Sculpture byzantine figure/e au Muse/e &3arche/ologique d'Istanbul,& edited by C. Metzger, A. Pralong and J.%19P. Sodini. "Bibliothe\que de l'Institut franc%25ais d'e/tudes anatoliennes d'Istanbul," 30; Paris 1990. &3SByzIst& 30,63 %6 Cameron, &3Porphyrios the Charioteer& (1973), Base B (CPLE, Hippodrome; ca. 500 ac), 32,64 (ca. 500 ac), %6 Cameron, &3Porphyrios the Charioteer& (1973), Base F, 41,78 %6 van Millingen, &3Byzantine Churches in Constantinople& (1912) 191 (Golden Horn; ca. 1370%19`1409 ac), 51,88 %6 &3BZ& 35 (1935) 431 (Cubali Kapi; end 4th%19`5th ac), 55,96 %6 &3BE/& 1961,394 (Tas%25kasap; end 4th%19`5th ac), 65,113 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,2793 (Bosph.:Ortako+y; 5th%19`6th ac), 66,114 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,10 (place?; 5th%19`6th ac), 67,115 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1961) 64,18 (Atmeydan; 13th%19`6th ac), 79,131 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 66,4730 (Sokol. M. Pas%25a; 11th ac), 83,142 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 66,G2 (Bosph.: Tophane; 10th%19`11th ac), 120,226 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 65,25 (Bayazit Quart.; 610%19`641 ac), 122,231 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 65,26 (C%25atladi Kapi; ca. 600 ac), 180,366 %6 &3EEBS& 7 (1931) 329 (Mangana Quart.; 10th ac?), 186,389 %6 &3DOP& 18 (1964) 273,79 (Mon. of Lips; 10th ac), 187,392 %6 &3DOP& 18 (1964) 275,74A (10th ac), 187,394 %6 &3DOP& 18 (1964) 275,83 (10th ac), 188,395 %6 &3DOP& 18 (1964) 275,80A (10th ac), 189,402 %6 &3DOP& 18 (1964) 275,81a (10th ac), 189,403 %6 &3DOP 18 (1964) 275,80B (10th ac), 190,404 %6 &3DOP& 18 (1964) 275,81b (10th ac), 194,418 %6 &3DOP& 18 (1964) 269,66 (1303 ac?), 211,494 %6 &3Anthology& 1,10 (H. Polyeuktos; 524%19`527 ac). @ Demangel, R., and E. Mamboury, &3Le Quartier des Manganes et la &3premie\re re/gion de Constantinople.& "Recherches Franc%25ais en úTurquie," 2; Paris 1939. &3QMang& 11,4 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,28 (CPLE, Sea Walls; 829%19`842 ac?), 54,5 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,26 (829%19`842 ac?), 54,6 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,25 (829%19`842 ac?), 78,13 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,18 (829%19`842 ac?), 129,39 %6 Halkin IV,311 (Mangana Quart.; 12th%19`13th ac?), 154,2 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,20 (12th%19`13 ac?), 154,4 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 65,18 (14th%19`15th ac?). @ &3Revue des e/tudes byzantines& (Paris). &3REB& 8 (1950) 161 %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,XV [Mango, &3Brazen House& (1959) 166%19`167] (CPLE, Arslanhane; ca. 971%19`976 ac). @ &3Studies Presented to Sterling Dow on his Eightieth Birthday. "Greek, Roman and Byzantine Monograph," 10; Durham 1984. Foss, in &3StDow,& p. 84 %6 Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von &3Konstantinopel& (1943) 40 (CPLE, Land Walls; 944%19`959 ac). @ Hahnloser, H.R., et al., &3Il Tesoro di San Marco& (Florence 1971). &3Tesoro& II,25 %6 &3CIG& 8721 (CPLE, now Venice; 1118%19`1133 ac), 26 %6 &3CIG& 8815b (12th ac?), 172 %6 &3CIG& 8815a (10th%19`11th ac); 192 %6 &3CIG& 8714 (CPLE, now Venice; 13th ac). @ &3Zbornik Radova Bizantolos%148kog Instituta& (Beograd). &3ZbRad& 12 (1970) 1 %6 Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von &3Konstantinopel& (1943) 34 (CPLE, Land Walls; ca. 573%19`578 ac). ĺ@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@GREECE @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Thessalia @ Feissel, D., and A. Avramea, "Inventaires en vue d'un recueil des inscriptions historiques de Byzance: IV, Inscriptions du Thessalie (a\ l'exception de Me/te/ores)", in &3Travaux et me/moires 10 (1987), pp. 357%19`398, nos. 1%19`25. &3InvThess& 1 %6 &3CIL& 3 Suppl., 14206,33 (Thessalia, Tempe; 361%19`363 ac), 2 %6 &3AD& 23,B2 (1968) 350 (Kaisareia; 364%19`367 ac), 3 %6 &3IG& 9,2.661 (Larissa; 4th%19`5th ac), 4 %6 &3CIL& 3 Suppl., 14203,34 (Larissa; 4th ac), 5 %6 &3AD 20,B3 (1965) 439 (Kastoria; 5th%19`6th ac), 6 %6 &3PAE& 1955.138 (Thebes; 6th ac?), 7 %6 &3PAE& 1970.46 (Thebes; mid%19`6th ac?), 8 %6 &3AEph& 1929.156,5 (Thebes; ca. 531 ac), 9 %6 Rizakes and Touratsoglou, $*)EPIGRAFE\S *)/ANW *MAKEDONI/AS, *A#& (1985) 74,66 (Kaisareia; 5th%19`6th ac), 10 %6 &3BNgJ& 10 (1934) 348 (Kaisareia; 5th%19`6th ac), 11 %6 &3BNgJ& 10 (1934) 173 (Sykourion; 5th%19`6th ac), 12 %6 $*EI)S MNH/MHN *SPURI/DWNOS *LA/MPROU& (1935) 199 (Aetolophos; 11th ac), 13 %6 &3EEBS& 5 (1928) 373 %6 &3TravMe/m& 8 (1981) 33 (Stomion; 11th ac), 14 %6 &3AD& 16 (1960) 165 %6 &3AD& 28 (1973) 321 (Hypate; ca. 1050%19`1100 ac), 15 %6 &3EEBS& 11 (1935) 568 (Zappeion; 11th%19`12th ac?), 16 %6 &3Byzantis& 2 (1911%19`1912) 467,12 (Vitouma; 1161 ac), 17 %6 &3EEBS& 11 (1935) 392, 403 %6 &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979) 238 (H. Laurentios; 12th ac), 18 %6 &3BCH& 15 (1891) 565,4 %6 &3BCH& 23 (1899) 398,3 %6 (Halmyros; 1274%3`75 ac?), 19 %6 &3BCH& 44 (1920) 195, 210%19`211 (Ano Volos; 1274%19`1276 ac), 20 %6 &3PAE 1910.206 %6 &3EEBS& 2 (1925) 234 (Makrinitsa; after 1280 ac), "`20a" [p. 379] %6 Pazaras, $*)ANA/GLUFES SARKOFA/GOI KAI\ E)PITA/FIES $PLA/KES& (1984), 68,44 (Portaria; 13th ac), 21 %6 Heuzey and Daumet, &3Mission arche/ologique de Mace/doine& (1864%19`1876) 449,241 [Athens, EB, cod. 84, f. 148] (Porta Panagia; 1283 ac), 22 %6 &3AAA& 5 (1972) 372 (Selos; 1338%3`39 ac), 23 %6 Heuzey and Daumet, &3Mission arche/ologique de Mace/doine& (1864%19`1876) 447,229 %6 Duchesne and Bayet, &3Me/moire sur une mission au Mont Athos (1876) 133,193 (Trikala; 1363%19`1372 ac), 24 %6 &3BZ& 8 (1899) 485 [cf. AJA 55 (1951) 66, Galata 1] (Trikala; 1363%19`1372 ac), 25 %6 &3Parnassos& 5 (1901) 116 %6 &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979) 234n.48 (H. Laurentios; 1378 ac). @ &3Annual of the British School at Athens& (London). &3BSA& 13 (1906%19`1907) 316 and 318 (Thess., Theotokou). @ &3Archaiologika Analekta ex Athe%26no%26n& (Athens). &3AAA& 5 (1972) 372 %6 &3InvThess& 22 (Selos; 1338%3`39 ac). @ &3Archaiologike%26 Ephe%26meris& (Athens). &3AEph& 1915.80,1%19`9 (Thess., Phthiot. Thebes); __ G. Soteriou, &3Archaiologike%26 Ephe%26meris 1929, pp. 1%19`229 %6 $*AI( XRISTIANIKAI\ *QH=BAI TH=S *QESSALI/AS& (Athens 1931), &3AEph& 1929.4 (Thess., Phthiot. Thebes), 32, 36, 102,1, 107 (6th ac?), 116, 117, 126, 150%19`158,1%19`26 [&3AEph& 1929.151,6 %6 &3REG& 1966.765]; __ &3AEph& 1956.188 (NW. Aegean, Skopelos; 1078 ac). @ &3Archaiologikon Deltion& (Athens). &3AD& 16,B (1960) 164 (Thess., Echinos); __ &3AD& 18,B (1963) 140,1 (Thess., Demetrias), 140,3, 140,4; 142 [&3SEG& 25,663] (Persouphli); __ &3AD& 26,B1 (1971) 286 (Thess., Lamia), 26,B2 (1971) 307 [cf. Koder and Hild, &3TIB I,134] (Meliboia; 11th ac?). @ &3Archeion Byzantino%26n Mne%26meio%26n Hellados& (Athens). &3ABME& 8,2 (1955%19`1956) 118 (Thess., Trikala; 5th ac). @ &3Mitteilungen des deutschen archa+ologischen Instituts. &3Athenische Abteilung& (Berlin). &3AthMitt& 33 (1908) 294,9 (Thess., Halmyros). @ Bees, N., "$*SU/NTAGMA E)PIGRAFIKW=N MNHMEI/WN *METEW/RWN KAI\ TH=S $PE/RIC XW/RAS,"& in &3Byzantis& 1 (1909 [Athens]). &3Met& 573,17 (Thess., Meteora: M. Hyp.; 1366%3`7 ac), 574,19 (ca. 1360 ac); 583,43%3`4 (Meteora: M. Met.; 1387%3`8 ac), 585,45 (1483 ac); 599,69 (1382%3`3 ac?), 618,128 (14th ac). @ For &3BSA,& see &3Annual of the British School at Athens. @ &3Bulletin de correspondance helle/nique& (Paris). &3BCH& 23 (1899) 415,39 (Thess., Neai Patrai; Byz.). @ &3Byzantinische Zeitschrift& (Leipzig). &3BZ& 18 (1909) 502,1%19`2 (Thess., Halmyros); __ &3BZ& 21 (1912) 153,2%19`158,12 (Thess., Phthiot. Thebes), 159,13 (Halmyros), 161,16, 162,17; 165,22 (Phthiot. Thebes), 166,24; 167,25 (Gardikia Hetera; 12th ac?). @ &3Byzantinisch%19neugriechische Jahrbu+cher& (Athens and Berlin). &3BNgJ& 10 (1934) 173 %6 &3InvThess& 11 (Sykourion; 5th%19`6th ac), 348 %6 &3InvThess& 10 (5th%19`6th ac). @ &3Byzantis& (Athens). &3Byzantis& 2 (1911%19`1912) 467,12 %6 &3InvThess& 16 (Vitouma; 1161 ac). @ &3Deltion Christianike%26s Archaiologike%26s Hetaireias& (Athens). &3DChAE&(`1) 10 (1911) 53 (Thess., Phthiot. Thebes). @ Duchesne, L., and Ch. Bayet, &3Me/moire sur une mission au Mont &3Athos.& "Archives des missions scientifiques et litte/raires," ser. 3, 3; Paris 1876. &3D%19B Mission& 133,193 %6 &3InvThess& 23 (Trikala; 1363%19`1372 ac). @ &3Epete%26ris Hetaireias Byzantino%26n Spoudo%26n& (Athens). &3EEBS& 2 (1925) 109 (Thess., Episkope; end 13th ac); __ &3EEBS& 8 (1931) 130 (Thess., Volos); 415,4 (Phalanna); __ &3EEBS& 11 (1935) 111 (NW. Aegean, Skiathos); __ &3EEBS& 12 (1936) 401 (Thess., Volos). __ Corss%19references: &3EEBS& 2 (1925) 234 [&3PAE& 1910.206] %6 &3InvThess& 10 (Makrinitsa; after 1280 ac); __ &3EEBS& 5 (1928) 373 %6 &3TravMe/m& 8 (1981) 33 %6 &3InvThess& 13 (Stomion; 11th ac); __ &3EEBS& 11 (1935) 392, 403 %6 &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (177%19`1979) 238 %6 &3InvThess 17 (H. Laurentios; 12th ac), 568 %6 &3InvThess& 15 (Zappeion; 11th%19`12th ac?). @ &3Ergon Archaiologike%26s Hetaireias& (Athens). &3Ergon& 1972.131 (Thess., Phthiot. Thebes). @ Chr. Habicht and F. Gschnitzer, in Bakhuizen, S.C., F. Gschnitzer, Chr. Habicht, and P. Marzolff, &3Demetrias V ("Beitra+ge zur ur%19 und fru+hgeschichtlichen Archa+ologie des Mittelmeer%19Kulturraumes, 27. Die deutschen archa+ologischen Forschungen in Thessalien"; Bonn 1987). &3Dmtr& 5.292,23 (Thess., Demetrias; ca. 408%19`450 ac), 292,24 (ca. 408%19`450 ac), 295,25 (ca. 490 ac), 298,26 (ca. 490 ac), 301,27 (ca. 490 ac), 303,28 (end 4th ac); 339 (Olosson%19Elasson; 4th%19`5th ac). @ Heuzey, L., and H. Daumet, &3Mission arche/ologique de Mace/doine. Paris 1864%19`1976. &3Heuz.%19Daum.& 447,229 %6 &3InvThess& 23 (Trikala; 1363%19`1372 ac), 449,241 [Athens, EB, cod. 84, f. 148] %6 &3InvThess& 21 (Porta Panagia; 1283 ac). @ &3Inscriptiones Graecae, IX,2: Inscriptiones Thessaliae,& ed. O. Kern. Berlin 1908. &3IG& 9,2.p.122 [&3CIL& 3.14206,36] (Thess., Larissa; 305%19`306 ac), 659, 991 [&3SEG& 27,207]; 1165 (Demetrias); p.248 [&3CIL& 3.7360] (Phalanna; 285%19`305 ac;, 1326 [&3CIL 3.14206,34] (Pyrasos; 305%19`306 ac); 1353 [&3CIL& 3.14206,35] ĺ(Agyia; 305%19`306 ac). __ Cross%19references: &3IG& 9,2.661 %6 &3InvThess& 3 (Thess., Larissa; 4th%19`5th ac), @ $*EI)S MNH/MHN *SPURI/DWNOS *LA/MPROU.& Athens 1935. Giannopoulos, in &3MnemLamprou& p. 199 %6 &3InvThess& 12 (Aetolophos; 11th ac). @ &3Praktika Archaiologike%26s Hetaireias& (Athens). &3PAE& 1933.57,1 (Thess., Phthiot. Thebes), 57,2; __ &3PAE& 1934.64,1 (Thess., Phthiot. Thebes), 65,2; __ &3PAE& 1935,60 (Thess., Phthiot. Thebes), 64,1, 64,2, 65,3, __ &3PAE& 1955.137 [&3SEG& 19,419] (Thess., Phthiot. Thebes; (6th ac?), 138 [&3SEG& 19,420]; __ &3PAE 1956.116%19`117,1%19`3 (Thess., Phthiot. Thebes); __ &3PAE& 1960.66 (Thess., Phthiot. Thebes); __ &3PAE& 1961.62 (Thess., Phthiot. Thebes); __ &3PAE& 1969.21 (Thess., Phthiot. Thebes); __ &3PAE 1970.46 [&3InvThess& 7] (Thess., Phthiot. Thebes; mid%19`6th ac?). __ Cross%19references: &3PAE& 1910.206 %6 &3EEBS& 2 (1925) 234 %6 &3InvThess& 10 (Makrinitsa; after 1280 ac); __ &3PAE& 1955.138 %6 &3InvThess& 6 (Phthiot. Thebes; 6th ac?); __ &3PAE& 1970.46 %6 &3InvThess& 7 (Phthiot. Thebes; 6th ac). @ &3Parnassos& (Athens). &3Parnassos& 5 (1901) 116 [&3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979) 234n.48] &3InvThess& 25 (H. Laurentios; 1378 ac). @ Pazaras, Th., $*)ANA/GLUFES SARKOFA/GOI KAI\ E)PITA/FIES PLA/KES. Thessalonike 1984. P. 68,44 %6 &3InvThess& p. 379, here "`20a" (Portaria; 13th ac). @ &3Revue des e/tudes grecques& (Paris). &3REG& 79 (1966) 765 %6 &3ArchEph 1929.151,6 (Phthiot. Thebai). @ Th. Rizakes and G. Touratsoglou, $*)EPIGRAFE\S *)/ANW *MAKEDONI/AS, $*A#.& Athens 1985. &3AnoMak& 84,83 (Thess., Kaisareia; 5th%19`6th ac). __ Cross%19references: &3AnoMaked& 74,66 %6 &3InvThess& 9 (Thess., Kaisareia; 5th%19`6th ac). @ &3Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum& (Leiden). &3SEG& 26.645 (Thess., Demetrias; ca. 400 ac); __ &3SEG& 27.218 (Thess., Elosson); 255 (Phthiot. Thebes); __ &3SEG& 28.512 (Thess., Demetrias; end 3rd%3beg. 4th); __ &3SEG& 30.535 (Thess., Phthiot. Thebes; 4th ac), 536 (5th ac); __ &3SEG& 31.587 (Thess., Phthiot. Thebes); __ &3SEG& 32.614 (Thess., Phthiot. Thebes); __ &3SEG 34.583%19`585 (Thess., Phthiot. Thebes); __ &3SEG& 35.603 (Thess., Larissa; 6th%19`7th ac); 643 (Phthiot. Thebes; ca. 430 ac). @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Epirus @ Inscriptions from Epirus Vetus, Epirus Nova and the Ionian Islands. @ &3Archaeologica Iugoslavica& (Ljubljana). &3ArchIug& 24 (1987) 83,1 (Epirus N., Taranes%148; 317%19`322 ac). @ &3Archaiologika Analekta ex Athe%26no%26n& (Athens). &3AAA& 4 (1971) 188 (Akarnania, Bonitsa), 189; __ &3AAA& 6 (1973) 224 [&3BE/& 1974.317] (Epirus V., Nikopolis; 4th ac). @ &3Archaiologike%26 Ephe%26meris& (Athens). &3AEph& 1916.67 [&3DOP& 6 (1951) 100] (Epirus V., Nikopolis; ca. 525%19`550 ac?); __ &3AEph& 1917.48 (Epirus V., Nikopolis; ca. 525%19`550 ac?), 63 (ca. 525%19`550 ac?), 66 (ca. 550%19`600 ac?); __ &3AEph& 1918.40 (Epirus V., Nikopolis; 6th ac); __ &3AEph& 1942%19`1944 (1948) Chr.,39 (Ionian Isl., Kerkyra: Palaiop.; 5th ac), Chr., 41 [Guard. &3EG& IV,348] (5th ac). @ &3Archaiologikon Deltion& (Athens). &3AD& 27,B (1972) 483 (Ionian Isl., Kerkyra: Kassiope). @ &3Archeion Byzantino%26n Mne%26meio%26n Hellados& (Athens). &3ABME& 2,1 (1936) 43 (Epirus V., Arta: Mon. Blach.; after 1266 ac), 47 (13th ac), 56 (Epirus V., Arta: P. Mpryone; ca. 1238 ac), 80 [&3DChAE&(`1) 3 (1903) 89] (Epirus V., Arta: K. Panagia; 1231%19`1271 ac), 87 (1231%19`1271 ac). @ &3Bulletin de correspondance helle/nique& (Paris). &3BCH& 31 (1907) 39 (Epirus V., Photike; end 3rd%3`4th ac). @ Buschhausen, H. and H. &3Die Marienkirche von Apollonia in &3Albanien.& "Byzantina Vindobonensia," 8; Vienna 1976. &3ByzVind 8.31 [&3JO+AI& 21%19`22 (1922%19`1924) Beibl. 194,9] (Epirus N., Bals%148i; 1107 ac); 35 [Heuzey and Daumet, &3Mission arche/ologique de &3Mace/doine& (1864%19`1876) 407] (Oricum%19Jericho; 1369 ac); 39 [&3JO+AI 21%19`22 (1922%19`1924) Beibl. 194,11] (Apollonia%19Aulon; late Byz.?), 72 (1291%3`2 ac), 73 (1249%3`50 ac), 101,1 (1349%3`50 ac), 102,2 (1381 ac), 146 (ca. 1281%19`1282 ac). @ &3Byzantinische Zeitschrift& (Leipzig). &3BZ& 17 (1908) 129 (Epirus N., near Korc%25a; 1389%3`90 ac), 130 [&3IRAIK& 4,1 (1889) 75] (1389%3`90 ac). __ See also, under "Varia": &3BZ& 53 (1960) 112,1%3`7 (Macedonian Illyria, Ochrid; after 1303%3`4 ac). @ &3Chariste%26rion eis A.K. Orlandon.& "Bibliothe%26ke%26 te%26s en Athe%26nais Archaiologike%26s Hetaireias," 54,1%19`4; Athens 1965%19`1968. Vranousses, in &3ChOrl& IV,487 (Epirus V., Ioannina; 1384 ac), 497 [&3Hellenika& 24 (1971) 133] (1379%19`1384 ac), 504[a] (ca. 1204 ac), 504[b] (1367%19`1384 ac?), 505 (1367%19`1384 ac?); 512 (Bitsa; 1413%3`4 ac). @ Kirchhoff, A., &3Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum, IV,2.& Berlin 1859. &3CIG& 8733 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979), no. 113] (Ionian Isl., Kerkyra; 1149 ac); 8750 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979), no. 130] (Epirus N., Dyrrhachium; 1225 ac); 8751 (Ionian Isl., Kerkyra; 13th ac); 8774 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979), no. 129] (Epirus N., Elbassan; ca. 1381 ac); 8802 [&3DChAE&(`4) 5 (1969) 155] (Ionian Isl., Kerkyra; ca. 1000 ac); 8828 (Epirus V., Buthrotum; Byz.); 9425 [&3Chariste%26rion ... Orlandon& IV (1968) 480] (Epirus V., Ioannina; 13th ac); 9437 (Ionian Isl., Ithaca); 9438 (Ionian Isl., Kerkyra; beg. 13th ac). @ Demitsas, M., $*(H *MAKEDONI/A E)N LI/QOIS FQEGGOME/NOIS. Thessalonike 1896. &3Demitsas& 350 [Ivanov, &3Bulgarski Starini (1931) 36,4] (Macedonia Illyria, Ochrid; 1282%19`1328 ac), 351 [Ivanov, &3Bulgarski Starini& (1931) 38,8] (Ochrid: H.Klem.; 1311%3`12 ac), 352 (1311%3`12 ac), 353 [Ivanov, &3Bulgarski Starini (1931) 35,3] (Ochrid; 1215%19`1224 ac), 354 (Lychnidos). @ &3Dumbarton Oaks Papers.& Washington D.C. &3DOP& 6 (1951) 90 [&3BE/ 1958.285] (Epirus V., Nikopolis; ca. 525%19`550 ac?). @ &3Inscriptiones Graecae IX,1: Inscriptiones Phocidis, Lokridis, &3Aetoliae, Acarnaniae, insularum maris Ionii,& ed. W. Dittenberger. Berlin 1897. &3IG& 9,1.446 (Akarnania, Alyzia). @ Ivanov, J., &3Bulgarski Starini iz Makedonija& [Bulgarian Antiquities in Macedonia] (Sofia 1931). &3BulgStar& 35,2 [cf. Gelzer, &3Patriarchat von Achrida& (1902), 11,18] (Macedonian Illyria, Ochrid; ca. 1216%19`1234 ac), 39,9 [Velmans, &3PMB& 233] (1364%3`5 ac), 42,17 [Velmans, &3PMB& 232] (1378 ac), 55,45 [Velmans, &3PMB& 243] (Maced. Illyr., Ochrid: Zaum; 1361 ac). __ Cross%19references: Ivanov, &3BulgStar& 35,3 %6 Demitsas, &3Makedonia (1896) nos. 353 (Maced. Illyr., Ochrid; 1215%19`1224 ac), 36,4 %6 350 (1282%19`1328 ac), 38,8 %6 351 (1311%3`12 ac). @ Orlandos, A.K., $*(H *PARHGORH/TISSA TH=S *)/ARTHS.& "Bibliothe%26ke%26 te%26s en Athe%26nais Archaiologike%26s Hetaireias," 52; Athens 1963. &3Paregor& 78, 87 and 154 (Epirus V., Arta: Paregoret.; 1283%19`1296 ac). @ &3Praktika Archaiologike%26s Hetaireias& (Athens). &3PAE& 1919.219 (Epirus V., Nikopolis; 6th ac); __ &3PAE& 1956.153 (Epirus V., Nikopolis; 4th ac?). __ Cross%19references: &3PAE& 1972.109 %6 &3SEG 30,514 (Akarnania, Mytika). @ &3Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum& (Leiden). &3SEG& 2.377 [&3BE/ 1969.474,352] (Epirus N., Bals%148i; 527%19`565 ac); __ &3SEG& 18.270 (Macedonian Illyria, Achris%19Ochrid; imperial); __ &3SEG& 24.437 (Epirus V., Kassope; 361%19`363 ac); 24.442 (Epirus V., Paramythia; 286%19`305 ac); __ &3SEG& 30.514 [&3PAE& 1972.109] (Akarnania, Mytika); __ &3SEG& 33.481 (Epirus V., Nikopolis; 2nd ac?); 489 (Macedonia Illyria, Lychnidos; beg. 6th ac). @ &3Zbornik radova Bizantolos%148kog Instituta& (Beograd). &3ZbRad& 13 (1971) 139 (Macedonian Illyria, Achris%19Ochrid; 14th ac), 266 (5th%19`6th ac). __ See also, under "Varia": &3ZbRad& 8,2 (1964) 17 (Macedonian Illyria, Struga, near Ochrid; 1267 ac). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ &3Bibliotheca classica orientalis& (Berlin). &3BibClOr& 6 (1961) 321 %6 &3BE/& 1963,58 (EPIRUS N.?, place?; 10th or later). @ &3Chariste%26rion eis A.K. Orlandon.& 4 vols. "Bibliothe%26ke%26 te%26s en ĺAthe%26nais Archaiologike%26s Hetaireias," 54; Athens 1965%19`1968. &3ChOrl& IV (1968) 480 %6 &3CIG& 9425 (EPIRUS V., Ioannina; 13th ac). @ &3Dumbarton Oaks Papers& (Washington D.C.). &3DOP& 6 (1951) 100 %6 &3AEph& 1916.67 (EPIRUS V., Nikopolis; ca. 525%19`550 ac?). @ &3Helle%26nika& (Thessalonike). &3Hellenika& 24 (1971) 133 %6 &3ChOrl 4,497 (EPIRUS V., Ioannina; 1379%19`1384 ac). @ Heuzey, L., and H. Daumet, &3Mission arche/ologique de Mace/doine. Paris 1864%19`1976. &3Heuz.%19Daum.& 407 %6 &3ByzVind& 8.35 (EPIRUS N., Oricum%19Jericho; 1369 ac). @ &3Isvestija Russkago Archeologicheskago Instituta ve &3Konstantinopolje& (Sofia). &3IRAIK& 4,1 (1899) 75 %6 &3BZ& 17 (1908) 130 (EPIRUS N., near Korc%25a; 1389%3`90 ac). @ Velmans, T., &3Peinture murale byzantine a\ la fin du Moyen Age. "Bibliothe\que des Cahiers Arche/ologiques," 11; Paris 1977. Velmans, &3PMB& nos. 232 %6 Ivanov, &3BulgStar& 42,17 (MACED. ILLYRIA, Ochrid; 1378 ac), 233 %6 &3BulgStar& 39,9 (1364%3`5 ac), 243 %6 &3BulgStar& 55,45 (Ochrid: Zaum; 1361 ac). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Central Greece @ Inscriptions from Aitolia, Phokis, Boiotia, Megara and Euboia. @ Andrews, K., &3Castles of the Morea.& "Gennadeion Monographs," 4; Princeton 1953. &3Castles& 188[a] (Euboia, Chalkis; 1273 ac), 188[b] [&3NeosHell& 7 (1910) 314] (1393 ac). @ &3Archaiologike%26 Ephe%26meris& (Athens). &3AEph& 1917.163 [Guard. &3EG IV,335] (Boiotia, Plataia; ca. 300 ac?); __ &3AEph& 1924.1 (Boiotia, Thebes; 872 ac); __ &3AEph& 1931.127, 153, 154, 155 and 156 (Boiotia, Orchomenos%19Skripou; 873%3`4 ac); __ &3AEph& 1937.665 [Guard. &3EG& IV,339] (Boiotia, Tanagra; 4th ac?). @ &3Archaiologikon Deltion& (Athens). &3AD& 20,B (1965) 254,1 (Boiotia, Thebes; ca. 500 ac?), 254,2 (ca. 500 ac?), 255 (ca. 500 ac?); __ &3AD& 21,B (1966) 237 (Euboia, Pissonas); __ &3AD& 26,B (1971) 282,1%19`4 (W. Lokris, Kallion). @ &3Archeion Byzantino%26n Mne%26meio%26n Hellados& (Athens). &3ABME& 7,2 (1951) 141,1%7`145,3 [Koder, &3DenkschrWien& 112 (1973) 151] (Euboia, N. of Aliberi; 1014 ac), 144,3 [Koder, &3DenkschrWien 112 (1973) 151] (1067 ac), 145,4 [Koder, &3DenkschrWien& 112 (1973) 151] (ca. 1014 ac?). @ &3Archeion Euboi+ko%26n Meleto%26n& (Athens). &3AEubMel& 24 (1981%19`1982) 219 %6 &3IG& XII,9,907 (Euboia, Chalkis; ca. 359 ac). @ &3Mitteilungen des deutschen archa+ologischen Instituts. &3Athenische Abteilung& (Berlin). &3AthMitt& 25 (1900) 313 [Guard. &3EG& IV,337] (Megaris, Megara; 5th ac?). @ &3Bulletin de correspondance helle/nique& (Paris). &3BCH& 9 (1885) 32 [Guard. &3EG& IV,350] (Phokis, Elateia; 6th ac?), 40; __ &3BCH& 23 (1899) 273 [Guard. &3EG& IV,345] (Phokis, Delphi; 5th ac); __ &3BCH 50 (1926) 445,85 (Boiotia, Thespiai; 362%19`364 ac); __ &3BCH& 86 (1962) 234 (Phokis, Delphi; 337%19`350 ac?). @ &3Byzantinische Zeitschrift& (Leipzig). &3BZ& 3 (1894) 16 (Boiotia, Thebes). @ &3Byzantion& (Brussels). &3Byz& 5 (1929) 226 (E. Lokris, Daphnousia; ca. 400 ac?). @ Kirchhoff, A., &3Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum, IV,2.& Berlin 1859. &3CIG& 8730 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979), no. 57] (W. Lokris, Naupaktos; 1148 ac); 8801 (Euboia, Chalkis; 9th ac); 8806 (Greece, Lamprika?; Byz.); 8840 (Greece, place?); 8914 (Boiotia, Thebes); 9305 [Bayet 112] (Megaris, Megara), 9306 [Bayet 114]. __ The inscription &3CIG 8718 (Boiotia, Thebes; 11th ac) has been wrongly placed in the selection of texts from &3CIG& included under "Constantinople". @ &3Deltion Christianike%26s Archaiologike%26s Hetaireias& (Athens). &3DChAE&(`4) 3 (1962%19`1963) 176 (Phokis, Despine: H.Taxi.; 1332 ac). @ Dittenberger, W., &3Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum.& 3rd ed. Leipzig 1915%19`1924. &3Syll&(`3) 901 [cf. &3BE/& 1960.59] (Phokis, Delphi; 312%19`315 ac), 903A (337%19`350 ac), 903C [&3BCH& 63 (1939) 178%19`179; &3AE/& 1948.50] (335%19`337 ac). @ &3Fouilles de Delphes III. E/pigraphie.& 6 vols. Paris 1929%19`1976. &3FD& III,4:2 (1954) ed., R. Flacelie\re, 295,275 %6 &3SEG& 22,468 (Phokis, Delphi; 337 ac). @ &3Inscriptiones Graecae, VII: Megaridis, Oropiae, Boiotiae,& ed. W. Dittenberger. Berlin 1892. &3IG& 7.24 (Megaris, Megara; 401%3`2 ac), 26 (end 5th ac), 93 [&3SEG& 28,439] (408%19`412 ac), 94%3`5 (ca. 340%19`350 ac?), 96 (379%19`382 ac), 115%3`6 (4th ac), 117 (4th ac), 169, 170%3`1, 172%19`176, 177 [&3IRAIK& 14,2 (1909) 101], 178; 196 (Megaris, Pagae; 293%19`305 ac); 582%3`4 (Boiotia, Tanagra), 1646; 1681 (Boiotia, Plataia), 1682%19`1683, 1686%3`8; 1847 (Boiotia, Thespiai; 284%19`305 ac?), 1848 (323%19`327 ac), 1849 (363%19`378 ac), 1855 (4th%19`5th ac), 2182%19`2187, 2188 [&3BE/& 1965.183] (post%19Byz.?), 2189; 2451 (Boiotia, Thebes; 305%3`6,317%3`23), 2503 (308%19`314 ac), 2504 (307%19`323 ac), 2530 (Byz.), 2543%3`5 [Peek, &3GVI& (1955) 2035] (3rd%19`4th ac), 2692; 3227 (Boiotia, Orchomenos). @ &3Inscriptiones Graecae IX,1: Inscriptiones Phocidis, Lokridis, &3Aetoliae, Acarnaniae, insularum maris Ionii,& ed. W. Dittenberger. Berlin 1897. &3IG& 9,1.611 (W. Lokris, Naupaktos; 4th ac?), 700 (Maladrino). @ &3Inscriptiones Graecae, XII,9: Euboiae insulae,& ed. E. Ziebarth. Berlin 1915. &3IG& 12,9.907 [&3AEubMel& 24 (1981%19`1982) 219] (Euboia, Chalkis; ca. 359 ac), 1234B [&3GRBS& 20 (1979) 268,10] (Aidepsos; 312%19`37%3`337%19`40?), 1236 [&3GRBS& 20 (1979) 268,11] (379%19`395 ac?), 1239 [&3GRBS& 20 (1979) 269,12] (3rd%19`4th ac?). @ &3Inscriptiones Graecae, XII. Supplementum,& ed. F. Hiller von Gaertringen. Berlin 1939. &3IG& 12 Suppl., 673 (Euboia, near Chalkis). @ &3Journal of Hellenic Studies& (London). &3JHS& 29 (1909) 198 (Boiotia, Karditza; 1311 ac). @ Koder, J., &3Negroponte: Untersuchungen zur Topographie und &3Siedlungsgeschichte der Insel Euboia wa+hrend der Zeit der &3Venezianerherrschaft.& "Vero+ffentlichungen der Komission fu+r die Tabula Imperii Byzantini, 1. O+sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.%19hist. Kl., Denkschriften," 112. Vienna 1973. &3DenkschrWien& 112 (1973) 151 %6 &3ABME& 7,2 (1951) 141,1 (Euboia, N. of Aliberi; 1014 ac), 151 %6 &3ABME& 7,2 (1951) 144,3 (1067 ac), 151 %6 &3ABME& 7,2 (1951) 145,4 (ca. 1014 ac?). @ &3Praktika Archaiologike%26s Hetaireias& (Athens). &3PAE& 1958.60,1 (Aitolia, Klausion; ca. 500%19`550 ac?), 61,2, 61,3, 61,4, 61,5, 61,6; __ &3PAE& 1959.34 (Aitolia, Klausion). @ &3Praktika Christianike%26s Archaiologike%26s Hetaireias& (Athens). &3PChrAE& ser. 3, 4 (1936%19`1938 [`1939]) 50 (W. Lokris, Maladrino). @ Spiro, M., &3A Critical Corpus of the Mosaic Pavements on the &3Greek Mainland, Forth%19Sixth Centuries.& New York 1978. &3Spiro 234, 244, and 245 (Phokis, Delphi; ca. 500 ac?). @ &3Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum& (Leiden). &3SEG& 16.241 [&3BCH& 90 (1966) 242,3; &3SEG& 23.267] (Megaris, Aigosthena; 337%19`340 ac); __ &3SEG& 22.468 [&3FD& III,4.275] (Phokis, Delphi; 337 ac), 469 [&3Syll&(`3) 903D] (337 ac), 470 (364%19`367); __ &3SEG& 23.266 [&3BCH& 90 (1966) 243] (Megaris, Aigosthena; 313%19`314 ac); 296 [&3BCH& 90 (1966) 246] (Boeotia, Lebadea; a: 293%19`305, b: 305%19`306); __ &3SEG 27.140 (Phokis, Delphi); 570 (Euboia, Chalkis); __ &3SEG& 30.482 (Boiotia, Thebes; mid%19`6th ac). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ Dittenberger, W., et al., &3Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum.& 3rd ed. 4 vols. Leipzig 1915%19`1924. &3Syll&(`3) 903D %6 &3SEG& 22,469 (PHOKIS, Delphi; 337 ac). @ &3Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies& (Baltimore). &3GRBS& 20 (1979) 268,10 %6 &3IG& 12.9,1234B (EUBOIA, Aidepsos; 312%19`37%3`337%19`40?), 268,11 %6 &3IG& 12.9,1236 (379%19`395 ac?), 269,12 %6 &3IG& 12.9,1239 (3rd%19`4th ac?). @ &3Isvestija Russkago Archeologicheskago Instituta ve &3Konstantinopolje& (Sofia). &3IRAIK& 14,2 (1909) 101 %6 &3IG& 7,177 (MEGARIS, Megara). @ &3Neos Helle%26nomne%26mno%26n& (Athens). &3NeosHell& 7 (1910) 314 %6 Andrews, &3Castles of the Morea.& (1953), p. 188[b] (EUBOIA, Chalkis; 1393 ac). @ Peek, W., &3Griechische Vers%19Inschriften, I.& Leipzig 1955. &3GVI 2035 %6 &3IG& 7,2543%3`5 (BOIOTIA, Thebai; 3rd%19`4th ac). @ @ ĺ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Attica @ &3Anthologia graeca,& ed. H. Beckby. 4 vols. 2nd end. Munich 1965%19`1968. &3AnthPal& 7,341 (Attica, Athens; 485 ac). @ &3Archaiologika Analekta ex Athe%26no%26n& (Athens). S.P. Dantis, $"*PALAIOXRISTIANIKE/S EPIGRAFE/S TOU *EPIGRAFIKOU/ *MOUSEI/OU $*AQHNW/N,"& in &3AAA& 17 (1984) 87%19`100. &3AAA& 17.1984.88,1 [&3SEG& 34.221] (Attica, Athens?; 4th%19`5th ac?), 89,2 [&3SEG& 34,226] (4th%19`5th ac?), 91,3 [&3SEG& 34,235], 92,4 [&3SEG& 34,237], 93,5 [&3SEG& 34,238], 93,6 [&3SEG& 34,218], 94,7 [&3SEG& 34,220], 95,8 [&3SEG& 34,219], 96,9 [&3SEG& 34,229]; 97,10 [&3SEG& 34,230] (Attica, Chasani). @ &3Archaiologike%26 Ephe%26meris& (Athens). &3AEph& 1914.166,4 (Attica, Athens), 166,5; __ &3AEph& 1925.97 (Attica, Athens); 192 (Attica, Koropi; 1302 ac); __ &3AEph& 1929.233b (Attica, place?); __ &3AEph 1931.71 (Attica, Athens; 13th ac); 82 (13th ac), 84,1 (13th ac), 85,2 (13th ac), 86,5 (13th ac), 86,6 (13th ac); __ &3AEph 1948.114 (Attica, Salamis; 5th ac), 116; __ &3AEph& 1956.29 (Attica, Pikermi); __ &3AEph& 1964.34,170 (Attica, Athens), 34,171, 34,172. @ &3Archaiologikon Deltion& (Athens). &3AD& 2 (1916) 139 and 142 (Attica, Athens; Byz.); __ &3AD& 16,B (1960) 66 (Attica, Mone Asteriou; Byz.), 68 [&3BE/& 1964.159] (Mone Kynegou; Byz.); __ &3AD 25,B (1970) 152 (Attica, Anavyssos). @ &3Mitteilungen des deutschen archa+ologischen Instituts. &3Athenische Abteilung& (Berlin). &3AthMitt& 67 (1942) 71,125 (Attica, Koropi). @ Bayet, Ch., &3De titulis Atticae christianis antiquissimis &3commentatio historica et epigraphica.& Paris 1878. __ Includes: Bayet 10 (Attica, Athens), 11 [&3Hsp& 16 (1947) 29,X], 13 [&3Hsp& 16 (1947) 29,XI], 56, 60, 79 [&3Hsp& 16 (1947) 30,XII], 81 [&3Hsp& 16 (1947) 30,XIII], 82, 84, 87 [&3Hsp& 16 (1947) 31,XIV], 95 [&3Hsp& 16 (1947) 31,XV], 106 (place?). __ Concordance to Dittenberger, &3IG& III (1882): Bayet 1 %6 &3IG& 3.3521 (Attica, Athens), 2 %6 &3IG 3.3464, 3 %6 &3IG& 3.3453, 4 %6 &3IG& 3.3455, 5 %6 &3IG& 3.3467, 6 %6 &3IG 3.3452, 7 %6 &3IG& 3.3498, 8 %6 &3IG& 3.3465 [&3Hsp& 16 (1947) 25,III], 9 %6 &3IG& 3.3506, *10 (ed. pr.), *11 (ed. pr.) [&3Hsp& 16 (1947) 29,X], 12 %6 &3IG& 3.3512, *13 (ed. pr.) [&3Hsp& 16 (1947) 29,XI], 14 %6 &3IG& 3.3485, 15 %6 &3IG& 3.3462, 16 %6 &3IG& 3.3466, 17 %6 &3IG& 3.3463, 18 %6 &3IG& 3.3470, 19 %6 &3IG& 3.3468, 20 %6 &3IG& 3.3475, 21 %6 &3IG 3.3436, 22 %6 &3IG& 3.3488, 23 %6 &3IG& 3.3517 [&3Hsp& 16 (1947) 28,VIII], 24 %6 &3IG& 3.3456, 25 %6 &3IG& 3.3454, 26 %6 &3IG& 3.3529, 27 %6 &3IG& 3.3484, 28 %6 &3IG& 3.3447, 29 %6 &3IG& 3.3505, 30 %6 &3IG& 3.3507, 31 %6 &3IG& 3.3489, 32 %6 &3IG& 3.1428, 33 %6 &3IG& 3.3542, 34 %6 &3IG& 3.3503, 35 %6 &3IG& 3.3518, 36 %6 &3IG& 3.3448, 36 %6 &3IG& 3.3469, 37 %6 &3IG& 3.3502 [&3Hsp& 16 (1947) 26,Va%19b], 38 %6 &3IG& 3.1386 (Patissia), 39 %6 &3IG 3.3442, 40 %6 &3IG& 3.3451, 41 %6 &3IG& 3.1384, 42 %6 &3IG& 3.1427 %6 &3IG 2(2).13216, 43 %6 &3IG& 3.1467 %6 &3IG& 2(2).12825, 44 %6 &3IG& 3.3444, 45 %6 &3IG& 3.3536, 46 %6 &3IG& 3.3480, 47 %6 &3IG& 3.3483, 48 %6 &3IG& 3.3526, 49 %6 &3IG& 3.3458, 50 %6 &3IG& 3.3439, 51%7`55 %6 &3IG& 3.3437 [&3Hsp& 16 (1947) 25,I], 52 %6 &3IG& 3.3493, 53 %6 &3IG& 3.3508, 54 %6 &3IG& 3.3479, 55%7`51 %6 &3IG& 3.3481b%7 [&3Hsp& 16 (1947) 25,I], *56 (ed. pr.), 57 %6 &3IG& 3.3477, 58 %6 &3IG& 3.3501, 59 %6 &3IG& 3.3471, *60 (ed. pr.), 61 %6 &3IG& 3.3474, 62 %6 &3IG& 3.3504, 63 %6 &3IG& 3.3543, 64 %6 &3IG& 3.3511, 65 %6 &3IG& 3.3440, 66 %6 &3IG& 3.3438 [&3Hsp& 16 (1947) 25,II], 67 %6 &3IG 3.3449, 68 %6 &3IG& 3.3460, 69 %6 &3IG& 3.3461, 70 %6 &3IG& 3.3476, 71 %6 &3IG& 3.3481a, 72 %6 &3IG& 3.3500, 73 %6 &3IG& 3.3496 [&3CIJ& Add. 1.715h], 74 %6 &3IG& 3.3516, 75 %6 &3IG& 3.3435, 76 %6 &3IG& 3.3531, 77 %6 &3IG 3.3459, 78 %6 &3IG& 3.3525 [Guard. &3EG& IV,319], *79 (ed. pr.) [&3Hsp 16 (1947) 30,XII], [2`80 %6 &3IG& 3.1387 (Peloponnesos, Tenea [!]),]2 *81 (ed. pr.) [&3Hsp& 16 (1947) 30,XIII], *82 (ed. pr.), 83 %6 &3IG 3.3487 [&3Hsp& 16 (1947) 26,IV], *84 (ed. pr.), 85 %6 &3IG& 3.3472, 86 %6 &3IG& 3.3478, *87 (ed. pr.) [&3Hsp& 16 (1947) 31,XIV], 88 %6 &3IG 3.3532, 89 %6 &3IG& 3.3492, 90 %6 &3IG& 3.3491, 91 %6 &3IG& 3.3441, 92 %6 &3IG& 3.3544, 93 %6 &3IG& 3.3523, 94 %6 &3IG& 3.3530, *95 (ed. pr.) [&3Hsp 16.31,XV], 96 %6 &3IG& 3.3514, 97 %6 &3IG& 3.3443, 98 %6 &3IG& 3.1385, 99 %6 &3IG& 3.1449 %6 &3IG& 2(2).13075, 100 %6 &3IG& 3.3528; 101 %6 &3IG& 3.3445 (Peiraieus), 102 %6 &3IG& 3.3513 [&3Hsp& 16 (1947) 27,VI] (Trachones), 103 %6 &3IG& 3.3446 (Athens: Kolonaki), 104 %6 &3IG 3.3457 [&3SEG& 33,234] (Kalybia Kouvara), 105 %6 &3IG& 3.3527 (Hymettos); *106 (ed. pr.) (place?), 107 %6 &3IG& 3.3509 (Salamis), 108%19`117 (Megaris, Megara), see below; 118 %6 &3IG 3.1383 [Guard. &3EG& IV,317] (Attica, Athens), 119 %6 &3IG& 3.3519, [2`120 %6 &3IG& 3.1455 %6 &3IG& 2(2).11153, omitted]2, 121 %6 &3IG& 3.3545, [&3CIJ& 1.712], 122 %6 &3IG& 3.3546 [&3CIJ& 1.713], 123 %6 &3IG& 3.3547 [&3CIJ 1.715], 124 %6 &3IG& 3.3533 [&3CIJ& 1.714], 125 %6 &3IG& 3.3450. __ Inscriptions from Megara: Bayet 108 %6 &3IG& 7.175, 109 %6 &3IG 7.170%19`171, 110 %6 &3IG& 7.176, 111 %6 &3IG& 7.178, 112 %6 &3CIG& 9305, 113 %6 &3IG& 7.177, 114 %6 &3CIG& 9306, 115 %6 &3IG& 7.174, 116 %6 &3IG& 7.172, 117 %6 &3IG& 7.173. @ Bradeen, D.W., &3Inscriptions: The Funerary Monuments.& "The Athenian Agora," 17; Princeton 1974. &3Ag& 17.1063 [&3Hsp& 13 (1944) 265,19] (Attica, Athens), 1069 [&3Hsp& 32 (1963) 56,111 %6 &3SEG 21,1038], 1071 [&3Hsp& 32 (1963) 56,110 %6 &3SEG& 21,1021], 1075 [&3Hsp 32 (1963) 56,113 %6 &3SEG& 21,1063], 1084, 1099. __ Condordance: &3Ag& 17.1060 %6 &3Hsp& 16 (1947) 38,3 (Attica, Athens), 1061 %6 &3Hsp 16.39,5, 1062 %6 &3Hsp& 16.38,4, *1063 %6 [&3Hsp& 13 (1944) 265,19], 1064 %6 &3Hsp& 16.40,6, 1065 %6 &3Hsp& 16.40,7, 1066 %6 &3Hsp& 16.41,9, 1067 %6 &3Hsp& 16.41,8, 1068 %6 &3Hsp& 16.41,10, *1069 [&3Hsp& 32 (1963) 56,111; &3SEG& 21,1038], 1070 %6 &3Hsp& 16.37,1, *1071 [&3Hsp& 32 (1963) 56,110; &3SEG& 21,1021], 1072 %6 &3Hsp& 16.41,11, 1073 %6 &3Hsp 16.42,12, 1074 %6 &3Hsp& 16.38,2, *1075 [&3Hsp& 32 (1963) 56,113; &3SEG 21,1063], 1076 %6 &3Hsp& 16.45,16, 1077 %6 &3Hsp& 16.42,13, 1078 %6 &3Hsp 16.42,14, 1079 %6 &3Hsp& 16.46,21, 1080 %6 &3Hsp& 16.45,17, 1081 %6 &3Hsp 16.46,23, 1082 %6 &3Hsp& 16.47,26, 1083 %6 &3Hsp& 16.48,28, *1084 (ed. pr.), 1085 %6 &3Hsp& 16.46,24, 1086 %6 &3Hsp& 16.45,18, 1087 %6 &3Hsp 16.46,20, 1088 %6 &3Hsp& 16.49,32, 1089 %6 &3Hsp& 16.45,19, 1090 %6 &3Hsp 16.43,15, 1091 %6 &3Hsp& 16.47,27, 1092 %6 &3Hsp& 16.47,25, 1093 %6 &3Hsp 16.48,29, 1094 %6 &3Hsp& 16.46,22, 1095 %6 &3Hsp& 16.49,33, 1096 %6 &3Hsp 16.48,30, 1097 %6 &3Hsp& 16.48,31, 1098 %6 &3Hsp& 16.50,34, *1099 (ed. pr.). @ &3Bulletin de correspondance helle/nique& (Paris). &3BCH& 47 (1923) 173 (Macedonia, Platamon; 1280 ac), 176 (Attica, Mone Kynegou; 1238 ac), 177 (Athens; 1204 ac), 178a (Mone Kynegou; 1235 ac), 178b (ca. 1200%19`1250 ac). @ &3Byzantinisch%19neugriechische Jahrbu+cher& (Athens%3Berlin). &3BNgJ& 8 (1929%19`1930 [`1931] 149 (Athens, Theseum; 9th ac?); __ &3BNgJ& 17 (1939%19`1943 [`1944]) 42 (Attica, Athens; 4th ac). @ Kirchhoff, A., &3Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum, IV,2.& Berlin 1859. &3CIG& 8600 [Mommsen, &3Athenae christianae& (1868) 34] (Athens, Parthenon); 8803 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979), no. 1] (Athens, H.Theodoroi; 1049 ac); 9321 (Athens, Sot. Lykodemou; 1022 ac), 9322 (11th ac), 9323 (11th ac), 9324 (1061 ac?), 9325 (1052 ac?), 9326 (1058 ac?), 9327 (11th ac), 9328 (11th ac), 9329 (1061 ac), 9330 (1062 ac), 9331 (1070 ac), 9332 (1070 ac), 9333 (1071 ac), 9334 (1223 ac?), 9335 (11th ac?), 9336 (1045 ac); 9337 (Athens, Propylaia; 12th ac), 9338 (1108 ac), 9339 (1118 ac), 9340 (1171 ac), 9341 (1169 ac), 9342 (11th%19`12th ac), 9343 (1162 ac), 9344 (11th ac); 9345 [&3Syllekte%26s& 1 (1947%19`1951 [`1952] 69] (Athens, Theseum; 10th%19`11th ac), 9346 [&3Syllekte%26s& 1 (1947%19`1951] 62] (896 ac), 9347 [&3Syllekte%26s& 1 (1947%19`1951) 71] (10th ac), 9348 [&3Syllekte%26s& 1 (1947%19`1951) 62] (966 ac), 9349 [&3Syllektes& 1 (1947%19`1951) 66] (967 ac). @ ĺCreaghan, J.S., and A.E. Raubitschek, "Early Christian Epitaphs from Athens," &3Hesperia& 16 (1947) 1%19`54. __ Previously published inscriptions: &3Hsp& 16 (1947) 25,I %6 Bayet 51%7`55 %6 &3IG 3.3437%7`3481b (Attica, Athens), 25,II %6 Bayet 66 %6 &3IG& 3.3438, 25,III %6 Bayet 8 %6 &3IG& 3.3465, 26,IV %6 Bayet 83 %6 &3IG& 3.3487, 26,Va%19b %6 Bayet 37 %6 &3IG& 3.3502; 27,VI %6 Bayet 102 %6 &3IG& 3.3513 (Trachones); 27,VII %6 &3IG& 3.3516a (Athens), 28,VIII %6 Bayet 23 %6 &3IG& 3.3517, 28,IX %6 &3IG& 3.1426, 29,X %6 Bayet 11, 29,XI %6 Bayet 13, 30,XII %6 Bayet 79, 30,XIII %6 Bayet 81, 31,XIV %6 Bayet 87, 31,XV %6 Bayet 95, 32,XVI %6 &3Parnassos& 6 (1882) 84,11, 33,XVII %6 &3Harmonia& 1 (1900) 22,3, 33,XVIII %6 &3Harmonia& 1 (1900) 23,4, [2`33,XIX %6 &3Harmonia& 1 (1900) 23,5, and 35,XX %6 &3Harmonia& 1 (1900) 24,6, omitted: not Christian]2, 36,XXI %6 &3Harmonia& 1 (1900) 25,9, 36,XXII %6 &3Harmonia& 1 (1900) 25,10, 36,XXIII %6 &3Harmonia& 1 (1900) 27,15, 44 %6 &3Harmonia& 1 (1900) 26,12, 49%19`50 %6 &3Harmonia& 1 (1900) 30,22. __ Newly published inscriptions: &3Hsp 16 (1947) 37,1 [&3Ag& 17.1070] (Attica, Athens), 38,2 [&3Ag 17.1074], 38,3 [&3Ag& 17.1060], 38,4 [&3Ag& 17.1062], 39,5 [&3Ag 17.1061], 40,6 [&3Ag& 17.1064], 40,7 [&3Ag& 17.1065], 41,8 [&3Ag 17.1067], 41,9 [&3Ag& 17.1066], 41,10 [&3Ag& 17.1068], 41,11 [&3Ag 17.1072], 42,12 [&3Ag& 17.1073], 42,13 [&3Ag& 17.1077], 42,14 [&3Ag 17.1078], 43,15 [&3Ag& 17.1090], 45,16 [&3Ag& 17.1076], 45,17 [&3Ag 17.1080], 45,18 [&3Ag& 17.1086], 45,19 [&3Ag& 17.1089], 46,20 [&3Ag 17.1087], 46,21 [&3Ag& 17.1079], 46,22 [&3Ag& 17.1094], 46,23 [&3Ag 17.1081], 46,24 [&3Ag& 17.1085], 47,25 [&3Ag& 17.1092], 47,26 [&3Ag 17.1082], 47,27 [&3Ag& 17.1091], 48,28 [&3Ag& 17.1083], 48,29 [&3Ag 17.1093], 48,30 [&3Ag& 17.1096], 48,31 [&3Ag& 17.1097], 49,32 [&3Ag 17.1088], 49,33 [&3Ag& 17.1095], 50,34 [&3Ag& 17.1098]. @ Davidson, G.R., and D.B. Thompson, &3Small Objects from the &3Pnyx: I.& "Hesperia, Supplement," 7; Princeton 1943. &3Hsp& Suppl. 7.10,16 (Attica, Athens). @ &3Deltion Christianike%26s Archaiologike%26s Hetaireias& (Athens). &3DChAE&(`1) 1 (1892) 66 (Attica, Athens); __ &3DChAE&(`1) 2 (1894) 66 (Attica, Mone Asteriou; Byz.); 88 (Athens), 89,1, 89,2; __ &3DChAE&(`1) 3 (1903) 55 (Attica, Athens). @ &3Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies& (Baltimore). &3GRBS& 14 (1973) 173 %6 &3BE/& 1974,222 (place?; 4th ac). Included under "Varia". @ &3Harmonia& (Athens). &3Harm& 1 (1900) 21,1 (Attica, Athens), 22,3 [&3Hsp& 16 (1947) 33,XVII], 23,4 [&3Hsp& 16 (1947) 33,XVIII], 24,7, 25,8, 25,9 [&3Hsp& 16 (1947) 36,XXI], 25,10 [&3Hsp& 16 (1947) 36,XXII], 26,11, 26,12 [&3Hsp& 16 (1947) 44], 27,13, 27,15 [&3Hsp 16 (1947) 36,XXIII], 28,16, 29,17, 29,18, 29,19 (Byz.), 30,21, 30,22 [&3Hsp& 16 (1947) 49%19`50], 31,23, 31,24, 32,25, 32,26, 32,27, 33,28, 33,29, 33,30, 33,31, 34,32, 34,33, 34,34 (Byz.), 35,35 (Byz.), 35,36 (Byz.), 36,37 (Byz.), 37,38 (Byz.). @ &3Hesperia& (Princeton). &3Hsp& 2 (1933) 414,39 [&3SEG& 33,221] (Attica, Athens); __ &3Hsp& 4 (1935) 186,53 (Attica, Athens); __ &3Hsp& 7 (1938) 262 (Attica, Athens); __ &3Hsp& 16 (1947) 1%19`54 [see below]; __ &3Hsp& 16 (1947) 66,7 %6 &3RQ& 26 (1912) 64,3 (918 ac) (Attica, Athens); __ &3Hsp& 41 (1972) 442,94, 443,95, 443,96, 443,97, 443,98, 444,99, 444,100, 444,101, 450,130 (Attica, Athens). __ Other inscriptions: &3Hsp& 13 (1944) 265,19 %6 &3Ag 17.1063 (Attica, Athens); __ &3Hsp& 32 (1963) 56,110 [&3SEG 21,1021] %6 &3Ag& 17. 1071 (Attica, Athens), 56,111 [&3SEG& 21,1038] %6 &3Ag& 17.1069, 56,113 [&3SEG& 21,1063] %6 &3Ag& 17.1075. @ &3Inscriptiones Graecae, III. Inscriptiones Atticae,& ed. W. Dittenberger. Berlin 1882. &3IG& 3.1375 [&3Hsp& 16 (1947) 9] (Attica, Athens), 1383 [Bayet 118; Guard. &3EG& IV,317] (3rd%19`4th ac), 1384 [Bayet 41], 1385 [Bayet 98]; 1386 [Bayet 38] (Patissia); 1387 [Bayet 80] (Peloponnesos, Tenea [!]); 1426 [&3Hsp& 16 (1947) 28,IX] (Attica, Athens), 1427 [Bayet 42; &3IG 2(2).13216], 1428 [Bayet 32], 1449 [Bayet 99; &3IG& 2(2).13075], 1467 [Bayet 43; &3IG& 2(2).12825], 3435 [Bayet 75], 3436 [Bayet 21], 3437 [Bayet 51; &3Hsp& 16 (1947) 25,I], 3438 [Bayet 66; &3Hsp 16 (1947) 25,II], 3439 [Bayet 50], 3440 [Bayet 65], 3441 [Bayet 91], 3442 [Bayet 39], 3443 [Bayet 97], 3444 [Bayet 44]; 3445 [Bayet 101] (Peiraieus); 3446 [Bayet 103] (Athens), 3447 [Bayet 28], 3448 [Bayet 36], 3449 [Bayet 67], 3450 [Bayet 125], 3451 [Bayet 40], 3452 [Bayet 6], 3453 [Bayet 3], 3454 [Bayet 25], 3455 [Bayet 4], 3456 [Bayet 24]; 3457 [Bayet 104; &3SEG& 33,234] (Kalybia Kouvara); 3458 [Bayet 49] (Athens), 3459 [Bayet 77], 3460 [Bayet 68], 3461 [Bayet 69], 3462 [Bayet 15], 3463 [Bayet 17], 3464 [Bayet 2], 3465 [Bayet 8; &3Hsp& 16 (1947) 25,III], 3466 [Bayet 16], 3467 [Bayet 5], 3468 [Bayet 19], 3469 [Bayet 36], 3470 [Bayet 18], 3471 [Bayet 59], 3472 [Bayet 85], 3473, 3474 [Bayet 61], 3475 [Bayet 20], 3476 [Bayet 70], 3477 [Bayet 57], 3478 [Bayet 86], 3479 [Bayet 54], 3480 [Bayet 46], 3481a [Bayet 71], 3482 [&3BCH& 105 (1981) 481], 3483 [Bayet 47], 3484 [Bayet 27], 3485 [Bayet 14], 3486, 3487 [Bayet 83; &3Hsp& 16 (1947) 26,IV], 3488 [Bayet 22], 3489 [Bayet 31], 3490, 3491 [Bayet 90], 3492 [Bayet 89], 3493 [Bayet 52], 3494%19`3495, 3496 [Bayet 73; &3CIJ& Add. 1.715h], 3497, 3498 [Bayet 7], 3499, 3500 [Bayet 72], 3501 [Bayet 58], 3502a [Bayet 37a; &3Hsp& 16 (1947) 26,Va], 3502b [Bayet 37b; &3Hsp& 16 (147) 26,Vb], 3503 [Bayet 34], 3504 [Bayet 62], 3505 [Bayet 29], 3506 [Bayet 9], 3507 [Bayet 30], 3508 [Bayet 53]; 3509 [Bayet 107] (Salamis); 3510 (Athens), 3511 [Bayet 64], 3512 [Bayet 12]; 3513 [Bayet 102; &3Hsp& 16 (1947) 27,VI] (Trachones); 3514 [Bayet 96] (Athens), 3515, 3516 [Bayet 74], 3516a [&3Hsp& 16 (1947) 27,VII], 3517 [Bayet 23; &3Hsp& 16 (1947) 28,VIII], 3518 [Bayet 35], 3519 [Bayet 119], 3520, 3521 [Bayet 1], 3522, 3523 [Bayet 93], 3524, 3525 [Bayet 78; Guard. &3EG& IV,319] (3rd%19`4th ac), 3526 [Bayet 48]; 3527 [Bayet 105] (Hymettos); 3528 [Bayet 100] (Athens), 3529 [Bayet 26], 3530 [Bayet 94], 3531 [Bayet 76], 3532 [Bayet 88], 3533 [Bayet 124; &3CIJ& 1.714], 3534, 3536 [Bayet 45], 3537%19`3541, 3542 [Bayet 33], 3543 [Bayet 63], 3544 [Bayet 92], 3545 [Bayet 121; &3CIJ& 1.712], 3546 [Bayet 122; &3CIJ 1.713], 3547 [Bayet 123; &3CIJ& 1.715], 3856. @ &3Inscriptiones Graecae, II%19III: Inscriptiones Atticae.& 2nd edn., ed. J. Kirchner. Berlin 1931%19`1940. &3IG& 2(2).1121 (Attica, Athens; 305%3`6 ac), 3200 (4th ac), 3283,c (Byz.), 3818 (ca. 407%19`411 ac), 4222 (ca. 373%19`375 ac), 4223 (379%19`395 ac), 4224 (ca. 410 ac), 4225 (ca. 410 ac), 4226 (ca. 440 ac), 4227 [&3AthMitt& 67 (1942) 48,70] (4th%19`5th ac); 4841 (Phlya; ca. 375 ac), 4842 (387 ac); 5021 (Athens; 4th%3`5th ac?); 5202 (Eleusis; 285%19`305 ac), 5203 (4th ac); 5204 (Daphni; 4th ac); 5205 [&3SEG 29,199] (Athens; 397%19`401 ac), 5206,a [&3SEG& 21,822] (4th ac), 5206,b [&3SEG& 21,822] (7th ac); 5207 (Koropi; 4th%19`5th ac?); 5208 (Athens; 4th ac?); 5215 (Markopoulo); 11952 [&3SEG& 30,276] (Athens; 5th ac), 12767a [&3ZPE& 13 (1974) 201] (end 4th ac); 13236 [&3AthMitt& 67 (1942) 65,112] (Phyle: Pan; mid%19`4th ac?). __ Cross%19references: &3IG& 2(2),12825 %6 &3IG& 3,1467 (Attica, Athens), 2(2),13075 %6 &3IG& 3,1449, 2(2),13216 %6 &3IG& 3,1427. @ Koumanoudes, S.A., $*)ATTIKH=S E)PIGRAFAI\ E)PITU/MBIOI& (Athens 1871). &3AEE& 3587 (Attica, Athens; 1064 ac). @ Lang, M., &3Graffiti and Dipinti.& "The Athenian Agora," 21; Princeton 1976. &3Ag& 21.F322 (Attica, Athens; late 5th%3`6th ac); F323 (late 5th%3`6th ac), F324 (5th%19`6th ac), Ha46 (early 6th ac), Hc22 (late Roman), He39 (5th ac), I43 (6th ac), J1%19J3 (4th%19`5th ac), J4 (early 5th ac), J5%19J6 (5th ac), J7 (5th%19`6th ac), J8 (6th ac), J10%19J12 (late Roman). @ Lenormont, F., &3Recherches arche/ologiques a\ E/leusis.& Paris 1862. &3Len& 379,125 (Attica, Eleusis), 383,130, 385,131 (Byz.), 386,133 (Byz.). @ Mommsen, A., &3Athenae christianae.& Leipzig 1868. Mommsen, &3AChr p. 34 %6 &3CIG& 8600 (ATHENS, Parthenon). @ *Orlandos, A.K., and L. Vranoussis, $*TA\ *XARA/GMATA TOU= ĺ$*PARQENW=NOS.& Athens 1973. Complete. Contents: &3Orl& 1%19`232 (Athens, Parthenon) and p. 130 (Attica, Athens; 848 ac?). __ Dated inscriptions: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 8 (912 ac), 26 (1314 ac), 34 (693 ac), 39 (1153 ac), 40 (1160 ac), 47 (1121 ac), 48 (1175 ac), 55 (1068%3`9 ac), 56 (1041 ac), 57 (1030 ac), 58 (1086 ac), 59%19`60 (1060 ac), 61 (959 ac), 62 (1103 ac), 63 (926 ac), 65 (929 ac), 67 (768 or 813 ac), 68 (702 ac?), 69 (841 ac), 70 (879 ac), 72 (975 ac), 73 (1006 ac), 74 (8th%19`9th ac), 75 (913 ac), 77 (921 ac), 79 (841 ac), 80 (704 ac), 81 (881 ac), 82 (779 ac), 83 (713 ac), 85 (819 ac), 101 (1092 ac?), 120 (863 ac), 121 (898 ac), 126 (793 ac), 149 (1482%3`3 ac), 160%19`161 (919 ac), 161 (919 ac), 164 (848 ac), p. 130 (848 ac?), 166 (1482%3`3 ac), 170 (941 ac), 187 (914 ac), 188 (918 ac), 189 (893%19`991 ac), 190 (949 ac), 192 (893%19`991 ac), 196 (1006 ac), 215 (927 ac), 216 (943 ac), 217 (1055 ac), 218 (1058 ac), 221 (10th ac), 222 (1103 ac), 223%19`225 (1412 ac), 226 (1403 ac), 232 (1186 ac?), __ Added inscriptions: &3BCH& 101 (1977) 216 %6 &3Orl& Add.,1* (Athens, Parthenon), &3BCH& 101 (1977) 219 %6 Add.,2* @ [Orlandos, A.K., $*MESAIWNIKA\ *MNHMEI=A TH=S PEDIA/DOS TW=N *)AQHNW=N. $"*EU(RETH/RION TW=N *MESAIWNIKW=N *MNHMEI/WN TH=S *(ELLA/DOS,"& Part I, fasc. 3; Athens 1933. Not available to the compiler of this data bank.] @ &3Parnassos& (Athens). &3Parn& 6 (1882) 81,1 (Attica, Athens), 81,2, 81,3 (Byz.), 82,4, 82,5, 82,6, 82,7 (Byz.), 83,8, 83,9, 83,10 (Byz.), 84,11 [&3Hsp& 16 (1947) 32,XVI], 84,12 (Byz.), 84,13, 84,14 (10th%19`12th ac?), 85,16 (Byz.). @ Peek, W., &3Attische Grabschriften II.& "Abhandlungen der deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse fu+r Sprachen, Literatur und Kunst," 1956,3; Berlin 1957. &3AttGr 2.44,172 (Attica, Athens), 44,173. @ &3Praktika Christianike%26s Archaiologike%26s Hetaireias& (Athens). &3PChAE& ser. 3, 1 (1932) 13 (Attica, Athens), 21 [&3BNgJ& 10 (1932%19`1934) 185%19`198] (12th ac). @ &3Ro+mische Quartalschrift fu+r christliche Altertumskunde und fu+r &3Kirchengeschichte& (Freiburg). N. Bees, "$*BUZANTINAI\ E)PIGRAFAI\ $TH=S *)ATTIKH=S,"& in &3Ro+mQ& 26 (1921), pp. 61%19`77. &3Ro+mQ& 26.61,1 (Attica, Nea Liosia; 13th%3`14th ac?); 63,2 (place?); 64,3 [&3Hsp 16 (1947) 66,7] (Athens; 918 ac), 68,4, 68,5 (Byz.), 68,6, 69,7 (Byz.), 73,8, 73,9; 74,10 (Nea Liosia); 75,11 (Athens), 76,12, 76,13. @ Soteriou, G.A., $*EU(RETH/RION TW=N MESAIWNIKW=N MNHMEI/WN TH=S $*(ELLA/DOS.& Vol. 1. Athens 1927. &3Heur& 1.56 [Guard. &3EG& IV,325] (Attica, Athens; 5th ac). @ &3Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum& (Leiden). &3SEG& 3.208 (Attica, Athens; 3rd%19`4th ac?); __ &3SEG& 13.224 (Attica, Athens; 3rd%19`4th ac?); __ &3SEG& 14.296 (Attica, Brauron); __ &3SEG& 15.140%19`141 (Attica, Olympos), 164 (503%3`4 ac); 175%19`176 (Attica, Brauron); __ &3SEG& 21.768 [&3BE/& 1965.155] (Attica, Athens; ca. 375%19`400 ac); 1037 (Teithras); 1091 (Athens; Late Roman); __ &3SEG& 24.252 [Guard. &3EG& IV,321] (Attica, Argyroupolis; 4th%19`5th ac); __ &3SEG 27.30 (Attica, Kouvaras); __ &3SEG& 29.200 (Attica, Athens; 397%19`401 ac?), 250 (Paiania; 5th ac); __ &3SEG& 31.262 (Attica, Athens); __ &3SEG& 32.317 (Attica, Athens); __ &3SEG& 35.189 (Attica, Athens; 5th%19`6th ac). @ &3Syllekte%26s& (Athens). &3Syllekte%26s& 6%19`8 (1950) 149 [Halkin III,124] (Attica, Pentele Grotto) [&3non vidi&]. __ Cross%19references: &3Syllekte%26s& 1 (1947%19`1951 [`1952]) 62 [&3non vidi&] %6 &3CIG& 9346 (Attica, Athens: Theseum; 896 ac), 62 %6 &3CIG& 9348 (966 ac), 66 %6 &3CIG& 9349 (967 ac), 69 %6 &3CIG& 9345 (10th%19`11th ac), 71 %6 &3CIG 9347 (10th ac). @ [Xyngopoulos, A., $*TA\ BUZANTINA\ KAI\ TOURKIKA\ MNHMEI=A TW=N $*)AQHNW=N. "*EU(RETH/RION TW=N *MESAIWNIKW=N *MNHMEI/WN TH=S *(ELLA/DOS," Part I, fasc. 2; Athens 1929. Not available to the compiler of this data bank.] @ &3Zeitschrift fu+r Papyrologie und Epigraphik& (Bonn). &3ZPE& 13 (1974) 201 %6 &3IG& 2(2),12767a (Athens; end 4th ac). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Peloponnesos @ Feissel, D., and A. Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaires en vue d'un recueil des inscriptions historiques de Byzance: III, Inscriptions du Pe/loponne\se (a\ l'exception de Mistra)", in &3Travaux et me/moires& 9 (1985), pp. 267%19`395, nos. 1%19`92. &3InvPe/l& 1 %6 &3IG& 5,2.137 (PELOPONNESOS, Arcadia, Tegea; ca. 308%19`337 ac), 2 %6 &3IG& 5,1.1420 (Messenia, Gargalianoi; ca. 323%19`326 ac), 3 %6 Kent, &3Corinth, VIII,3& (1966) 510 (Corinthia, Korinthos; ca. 337%19`350 ac), 4 %6 &3IG& 5,2.140 (Arcadia, Tegea; ca. 323%19`326 ac), 5 %6 &3IG& 5,1.1109 (Laconia, Priniko; ca. 333%19`337 ac), 6 %6 &3Corinth& 8.3,504 (Korinthos; ca. 365 ac), 7 %6 &3Corinth& 8,3.505 (Korinthos, ca. 365 ac), 8 %6 &3CIG& 1558 (Achaia, Patras; ca. 364%19`375 ac), 9 %6 &3IG& 4.674 (Argia, Nauplia; ca. 375%19`378 ac), 10 %6 &3Corinth& 8,3.506 (Korinthos, ca. 393%19`395 ac), 11 %6 &3Corinth 8,3.507 (Korinthos, ca. 393%19`423 ac), 12 %6 &3BSA& 30 (1928%19`1930) 215,5 [&3SEG& 11.852] (Laconia, Sparta; ca. 393%19`423 ac), 13 %6 Meritt, &3Corinth, VIII,1& (1931) 145 (Korinthos; 446 ac?), 14 %6 &3Corinth& 8,3.548 (Korinthos; 524 ac), 15 %6 &3ArchEph& 1977.67,6 [&3SEG& 29,310] (Korinthos; 533 ac), 16 %6 &3Corinth& 8,3.508 [Guard. &3EG& IV,326,1] (Isthmos; ca. 527%19`565 ac), 17 %6 &3IG& 4.205 [Guard. &3EG& IV,326,2] (Isthmos; ca. 527%19`565 ac), 18 %6 &3Corinth& 8,1.195,a (Korinthos; ca. 574%19`578 ac), 19 %6 &3Corinth& 8,1.195,b (Korinthos; 11th ac?), 20 %6 &3AnthPal& 7,672 (Korinthos; 4th%19`6th ac), 21 %6 &3Corinth& 8,1.157 (Korinthos; 4th%19`5th ac), 22 %6 &3BSA& 29 (1927%19`1928) 35,58 [&3SEG& 11.810] (Laconia, Sparta; before 333 ac?), 23 %6 &3Corinth& 8,3.503 (Korinthos, before 358 ac), 24 %6 &3BSA& 26 (1923%19`1925) 225,20a [&3SEG& 11.464] (Laconia, Sparta; 359 ac), 25 %6 &3IG& 5,1.729 (Laconia, Sparta; ca. 359 ac), 26 %6 &3BSA 27 (1925%19`1926) 245,35 [&3SEG& 11.773] (Laconia, Sparta; ca. 375 ac), 27 %6 &3IG& 4.1608 (Argia, Argos; ca. 379%19`382 ac?), 28 %6 &3BCH 80 (1956) 616,9 [&3SEG& 16.261] (Argos; 4th ac), 29 %6 &3AntCl& 14 (1945) 5%19`9 [&3SEG& 11.325] (Argos; 4th%19`5th ac), 30 %6 &3Corinth 8,1.10 (Korinthos; 4th%19`5th ac), [2`31 %6 &3Corinth& 8,3.502 (Korinthos, 3rd ac), omitted]2, 32 %6 &3IG& 5,2.153 (Arcadia, Tegea; ca. 395 ac?), 33 %6 &3Corinth& 8,1.245 (Korinthos, 5th%19`6th ac), 34A %6 &3CIG& 8824 (Korinthos; 5th%19`6th ac), 34B %6 &3Corinth 8,3.509 (Korinthos; 5th%19`6th ac), 35 &3%6 PAE& 1961.133 (Korinthos; 5th ac?), 36 %6 &3ArchEph& 1977.68,7 [&3SEG& 29,302] (Korinthos; ca. 536 ac), 37 %6 &3IG& 5,2.p.145 (Arcadia, Tegea; ca. 451 ac), 38 %6 &3ABME& 12 (1973) 50%19`55 [&3SEG& 34.327] (Arcadia, Tegea; 6th ac?), 39 %6 &3BCH& 80 (1956) 271 (E. Argolid, Hermione; 6th ac), 40 %6 &3Hsp& 22 (1953) 157,10 [&3SEG& 11.385c] (E. Argolid, Hermione; 5th%19`6th ac), 41 %6 &3CIG& 8620 (Corinthia, Akrokorinthos; ca. 815%3ca. 900 ac?), 42 %6 Avramea, &3Geographica byzantina& (1981) 33%19`36 (Pallantion; 903 ac), 43 %6 &3Hellenika& 15 (1957) 95 (Sparta; 1027 ac), 44 %6 &3PAE& 1939.114 (Sparta; 1032%3`3 ac), 45 %6 $*MNH/MH& [&3Me/langes G. Kourmoules&] (1980), p. 1 (Milea; mid%19`11th ac), 46 %6 &3BSA& 15 (1908%19`1909) 183 (Vambaka; 1075 ac), 47 %6 &3AEph 1967.139 (Frangoulia; 1079 ac), 48 %6 $*MNH/MH& [&3Me/langes G. &3Kourmoules&] (1980), p. 3 (Milea; ca. 1150%19`1200 ac), 49 %6 &3DChAE ser. 4, 9 (1977%19`1979) 63 (Dryalos; 1102%3`3 ac), 50 %6 &3PAE 1978.190 (Tigani; mid%19`12th ac?), 51 %6 &3AthMitt& 34 (1909) 228 (Areia; 1149 ac), 52 %6 &3Mnemosyne& N.S. 56 (1928) 318 (Argos; 1173%3`4 ac), 53 %6 Drandakes, $*(H I(STORIKH\ *MONH\ TH=S *KLEISOU/RAS (1958), p. 7 (Vrontamas; 1201 ac), 54 %6 &3EEBS& 3 (1926) 193 (Kranidion; 1244%3`5 ac), 55 %6 &3AEph& 1980.97 (Kipoula; 1265 ac), 56 %6 Drandakis, &3Byzantinai Toichographiai te%26s Mesa Mane%26s (1964) 62 (Boulari; 1274%3`5 ac), 57 %6 &3LakSp& 6 (1982) 44 (Polemitas; 1274%3`5 ac), 58 %6 &3MonPiot& 49 (1957) 129 (Andravida; 1286 ac), 59 %6 &3AEph& 1967.137 (Krokeai; 1286 ac), 60 %6 &3LakSp& 6 ĺ(1982) 56 (Chrysapha; 1289%3`90 ac), 61 %6 &3Athena& 3 (1891) 425 (Arkassades; 1296%3`7 ac), 62 %6 Drandakis, &3Byzantinai &3Toichographiai te%26s Mesa Mane%26s& (1964) 63 (Boula; 13th%19`14th ac), 63 %6 &3Athena& 3 (1891) 430 (Sparta; 14th ac?), 64 %6 &3CIG& 8764 (H. Tessarakonta; 1304%3`5 ac), 65 %6 &3NeosHell& 5 (1908) 278 (H. Tessarakonta; 1304%3`5 ac), 66 %6 Sakellaropoulos, $*(H I(ERA\ MONH\ $TW=N *(AGI/WN *TESSARA/KONTA E)N *LAKEDAI/MONI& (1921), p. 15 (H. Paliopanagia; ca. 1304%3`5 ac), 67 %6 &3AEph& 1979.222 (Frangoulia; 1322%3`3 ac), 68 %6 &3CIG& 8767 (Oitylon, 1331%3`2 ac), 69 %6 &3AEph 1967.138 (Oitylon; 1334%3`5 ac), 70 %6 Kouge/as, $*PERI\ TW=N *MELIGKW=N $TOU= *TAU+GE/TOU& (1950), p. 1 (Platsa; 1337%3`8 ac), 71 %6 Kouge/as, $*PERI\ TW=N *MELIGKW=N,& p. 34 (Platsa; 1343%3`4 ac), 72 %6 &3PAE 1980.213 (Langada; 1347%3`8 ac), 73 %6 Kouge/as, $*PERI\ TW=N $*MELIGKW=N,& p. 34 (Platsa; 1348%3`9 ac), 74 %6 &3ABME& 11 (1969) 124 (Mavromati; mid%19`14th ac?), 75 %6 &3DChAE& ser. 4, 4 (1964%19`1965) 96 (Mone Blachernon; 1358 ac), 76 %6 Drandakis, &3Byzantinai &3Toichographiai te%26s Mesa Mane%26s& (1964) 63n.2 (Chrysapha; 1367%3`8 ac), 77 %6 &3BSA& 33 (1931%19`1932) 152 (Charouda; 1371%3`2 ac), 78 %6 &3EEBS& 14 (1938) 479 (Longanikos; 1374%3`5 ac), 79 %6 &3AEph 1953%19`1954,3 (1960) 238, here also %6 Grabar, &3Reve=tements& (1975) 58,20 (Kynouria [now Venice]; ca. 1380, 1425 ac), 80 %6 &3NeosHell& 2 (1905) 443 (Korinthos; 1395%3`6 ac), 81 %6 &3LakSp& 4 (1979) 168 (Vresthena; beg. 15th ac?), 82 %6 &3VizVrem& 11 (1904) 63 (Dimitsana; ca. 1400%19`1450 ac?), 83 %6 &3Byzantis& 1 (1909) 145 (Geraki, 15th ac?), 84 %6 de Rossi, &3IChUR&(`1) 2.367 (Isthmos; 1415 ac), 85 %6 &3AEph& 1953%19`1954,3 (1960) 245 (Kynouria; 1425 ac), 86 %6 &3CIG& 8776 (Patras; 1426 ac), 87 %6 Zakynthos, &3Despotat &3grec de More/e, II& (1952) 302 (Gortynia; 1397%3`8 ac?), 88 %6 &3Byzantis& 1 (1909) 142 (Geraki, 1430%3`1 ac), 89 %6 &3VizVrem& 11 (1904) 67 (Karytaina; 1439%3`40 ac), 90 %6 &3VizVrem& 11 (1904) 70 (Karytaina; 15th ac). 91 %6 &3AD& 4 (1918) 30 (Mega Spilaion; ca. 1450 ac?), 92 %6 &3Byzantis& 1 (1909) 137 (Geraki; 1450 ac). @ Meritt, B.D., &3Corinth, VIII,1, Greek Inscriptions 1896%19`1927. Cambridge, Mass. 1931. &3Corinth& 8:1.10 [&3InvPe/l& 30] (Pelopon., Corinth; 4th%19`5th ac), 92 (ca. 393%19`395 ac?), 111 [&3CIJ& 1.718] (2nd%19`3rd ac), 121%19`124 (4th%19`6th ac?), 135 (4th ac), 136 (3rd%19`4th ac?), 137%19`144 (5th%19`6th ac), 145 [&3InvPe/l& 13] (446 ac?), 146%19`154 (5th%19`6th ac), 155 [&3Corinth& 8:1.155%7`319] (4th%19`5th ac?), 156 (5th%19`6th ac), 157 [&3InvPe/l& 21] (4th%19`5th ac), 158%19`194 (5th%19`6th ac), 195,a [&3InvPe/l& 18] (ca. 574%19`578 ac), 195,b [&3InvPe/l& 19] (11th ac?), 196 (9th ac?), 197 (5th%19`6th ac), 198 (5th ac?), 199%19`220 (9th%19`10th ac?), 229%19`230 (5th%19`6th ac), 237 (5th%19`6th ac), 245 [&3InvPe/l& 33] (5th%19`6th ac), 249 (5th%19`6th ac), 253 (5th%19`6th ac), 256 (5th%19`6th ac), 257 (4th%19`7th ac), 258 (5th%19`6th ac?), 266 (5th%19`6th ac), 269 (5th%19`6th ac), 271 (5th%19`6th ac), 275 (5th%19`6th ac), 276 (11th ac), 289 (5th%19`6th ac?), 294 (5th%19`6th ac), 296 (5th%19`6th ac), 303 (5th%19`6th ac), 316 (11th%19`12th ac?), 321 (11th%19`12th ac?), 324 (5th%19`6th ac), 331 (5th%19`6th ac?). @ Kent, J.H., &3Corinth, VIII,3, The Inscriptions 1926%19`1950. Princeton 1966. &3Corinth& 8:3.501 (3rd%19`6th ac), [2`502 %6 &3InvPe/l& 31 (Korinthos, 3rd ac), omitted]2, 503 [&3InvPe/l& 23] (Pelopon., Lechaion; ca. 353%19`358 ac); 504 [&3InvPe/l& 6] (Pelopon., Corinth; ca. 365 ac), 505 [&3InvPe/l& 7] (ca. 365 ac), 506 [&3InvPe/l& 10] (393%19`395 ac), 507 [&3InvPe/l& 11] (393%19`423 ac), 508 [&3InvPe/l& 16] (Pelopon., Isthmos; 548%19`565 ac), 509 [&3InvPe/l& 34B] (Pelopon., Corinth; 5th%19`6th ac), 510 [&3InvPe/l& 3] (337%19`350 ac), 511 (3rd%19`4th ac?), 512 (5th%19`6th ac), 514 (6th ac), 515 (5th%19`6th ac), 516 (4th%19`6th ac), 517 (ca. 350 ac?), 518 (4th%19`5th ac?), 519%19`521 (5th%19`6th ac), 522 (363%19`393 ac), 523%19`529 (5th%19`6th ac), 530 (ca. 380%19`395 ac), 531%19`547 (5th%19`6th ac), 548 [&3InvPe/l& 14] (524 ac), 549%19`550 (5th%19`6th ac), 551 [Guard. &3EG& IV,330] (5th%19`6th ac), 552%19`566 (5th%19`6th ac), 568 (6th ac), 569%19`629 (5th%19`6th ac), 629 (5th%19`6th ac), 630 (ca. 400 ac), 631%19`647 (5th%19`6th ac), 647 (5th%19`6th ac), 648 (ca. 600%19`650 ac?), 649%19`656 (5th%19`6th ac), 657 (3rd ac?), 658 (late 4th ac?), 659%19`688 (5th%19`6th ac), 689 (5th%19`6th ac?), 690 (ca. 300 ac?), 691%19`718 (5th%19`6th ac), 719 (4th%19`6th ac), 720 (5th%19`6th ac), 721 (end 6th%19`7th ac), 722 (9th%19`10th ac?), 723 (5th%19`6th ac?), 724 (9th ac?), 725 (5th%19`6th ac?), 726%19`727 (9th ac?), 728%19`730 (9th%19`10th ac?), 731%19`732 (10th%19`11th ac?), 733 (9th%19`10th ac?), 734 (9th%19`12th ac?), 735 (9th%19`10th ac?), 737 (14th%19`15th ac?). @ Morgan II, C.H., &3Corinth, XI: The Byzantine Pottery. Cambridge, Mass., 1942. &3Corinth& 11.68 (12th ac?), 118 (ca. 1100%19`1125 ac?), 121 (ca. 1100%19`1150 ac). @ Davidson, G.R., &3Corinth, XII, The Minor Objects.& Princeton 1952. &3Corinth& 12.554 (13th ac), 557 (9th ac or later), 558 (Byz.), 1508 (Byz.), 1585%19`1586 (4th ac), 1587%19`1592 (late 4th ac), 1595 (before 11th ac), 1596%19`1597 (Byz.), 1599 (Byz.), 1600 (before mid%19`11th), 1601%19`1602 (Byz.), 1605%19`1606 (before 13th ac), 1607 (9th%19`11th ac), 1608 (4th%19`6th ac), 1609 (Byz.), 1658 (Byz.), 1661 (Byz.), 1719 (4th%19`6th ac), 1769 (10th%19`11th ac), 1777 (4th%19`6th ac?), 1855 (4th%19`6th ac), 1860 (6th ac), 1867%19`1868 (10th ac?), 1869 (10th%19`12th ac), 1888 (10th%19`12th ac), 1915 (10th%19`11th ac), 1934 (7th ac), 1935 (10th ac), 1936 (after 9th ac), 1947 (before 11th ac), 1951 (10th%19`11th ac), 1953 (Byz.), 2058 (Byz.), 2059 (Byz.), 2060 (before 13th ac), 2062 (before 13th ac), 2063 (before 13th ac), 2067 (Byz.), 2069 (Byz.), 2083 (before 11th ac?), 2095 (Byz.), 2101%19`2102 (Byz.), 2108 (11th%19`12th ac), 2149 (10th%19`11th ac), 2664 (11th ac?), 2824 (ca. 571%3`2 ac), 2825 (ca. 1081%19`1118 ac), 2848 (Byz.), 2861%19`2862 (Byz.), 2870%19`2871 (4th%19`6th ac), 2873 (before 12th ac), 2874 (10th%19early 12th), 2884 (Byz.). @ Andrews, K., &3Castles of the Morea.& "Gennadeion Monographs," 4; Princeton 1953. &3Castles& 22 (Messenia, Korone%19Coron; 1463 ac). @ Felten, F., in W. Wurster and F. Felten, &3Alt%19A+gina I,2.& Mainz am Rhein 1975. &3AAeg& 1,2.71,112 (Aigina, Aigina; end 6th%19`7th ac), 74,140 (6th%19`7th ac), 74,142 (6th ac). @ &3American Journal of Archaeology& (Boston). &3AJA& 64 (1960) 169 (Corinthia, Isthmos; ca. 1425 ac?). @ &3Annual of the British School at Athens& (London). &3BSA& 15 (1908%19`1909) 183 %6 &3InvPe/l& 46 (Vambaka; 1075 ac); __ &3BSA& 26 (1923%19`1925) 225,20a [&3SEG& 11.464] %6 &3InvPe/l& 24 (Sparta; 359 ac); __ &3BSA& 27 (1925%19`1926) 245,35 [&3SEG& 11.773] %6 &3InvPe/l& 26 (Sparta; ca. 375 ac); __ &3BSA& 29 (1927%19`1928) 35,58 [&3SEG& 11.810] %6 &3InvPe/l 22 (Sparta; before 333 ac?); __ &3BSA& 30 (1928%19`1930) 215,5 [&3SEG 11.852] %6 &3InvPe/l& 12 (Sparta; ca. 393%19`423 ac); __ &3BSA& 33 (1931%19`1932) 152 %6 &3InvPe/l& 77 (Charouda; 1371%3`2 ac). @ &3Anthologia graeca,& ed. H. Beckby. 4 vols. 2nd end. Munich 1965%19`1968. &3AnthPal& 7,672 [&3InvPe/l& 20] (Corinthia, Corinth; 4th%19`6th ac); &3AnthPlan& 16,280 (Arkadia, Tegea; 4th%19`6th ac). @ &3Antiquite/ classique& (Louvain). &3AntCl& 14 (1945) 5%19`9 [&3SEG 11.325] %6 &3InvPe/l& 29 (Argos; 4th%19`5th ac). @ &3Athena& (Athens). &3Ath& 16 (1904) 234,1 (Argolid, Nauplia; 1687 ac), 238,7 (1687 ac). __ Cross%19references: &3Athena& 3 (1891) 425 %6 &3InvPe/l& 61 (Arkassades; 1296%3`7 ac), 430 %6 &3InvPe/l& 63 (Sparta; 14th ac?). @ Avramea, A., &3Geographica byzantina.& Paris 1981. Avramea, &3GB 33%19`36 %6 &3InvPe/l& 42 (Pallantion; 903 ac). @ For &3BSA,& see &3Annual of the British School at Athens. @ &3Bulletin de correspondance helle/nique& (Paris). &3BCH& 27 (1903) 261,3 (Argia, Argos), 266,19; __ &3BCH& 28 (1904) 420,4 (Argia, ĺArgos); __ &3BCH& 31 (1907) 184 (Argia, Argos); 378,1 (Arkadia, Tegea; Byz.); __ &3BCH& 80 (1956) 271 [&3InvPe/l& 39] (E. Argolid, Hermione; 6th ac); __ &3BCH& 98 (1974) 779 (Argia, Argos), 781. @ &3Byzantis& (Athens). &3Byzantis& 1 (1909) 137 %6 &3InvPe/l& 92 (Geraki; 1450 ac), 142 %6 &3InvPe/l& 88 (1430%3`1 ac), 145 %6 &3InvPe/l& 83 (15th ac?). @ For &3Byz. Toichogr.,& see Drandakis, &3Byzantinai Toichographiai &3te%26s Mesa Mane%26s& (1964). @ Boeckh, A., &3Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum, I.& Berlin 1825%19`1828. &3CIG& 1558 [&3InvPe/l& 8] (Achaia, Patras; ca. 364%19`375 ac). @ Kirchhoff, A., &3Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum, IV,2& (Berlin 1859). &3CIG& 8620 [&3InvPe/l& 41] (Corinthia, Corinth; ca. 815%3ca. 900 ac?); 8775 (Messenia, Korone; 1492 ac?); 8824 [&3InvPe/l& 34A] (Corinthia, Corinth; 5th%19`6th ac); 9294 (Elis, Elis); 9298%19`9299 (Achaia, Patras). @ For &3Despotat,& see Zakynthos, &3Le Despotat grec de More/e (1932%19`1952). @ Dittenberger, W., and K. Purgold, &3Die Inschriften von Olympia. "Olympia," 5. Berlin 1896. &3IvO& 481 (Elis, Olympia; 3rd%19`4th ac?), 656 (beg. 5th ac?), 657 [Guard. &3EG& IV,333] (beg. 5th ac?), 705, 706 [Guard. &3EG& IV,334] (6th ac?). @ Drandakis, N., &3Byzantinai Toichographiai te%26s Mesa Mane%26s. Athens 1964. Pp. 62 %6 &3InvPe/l& 56 (Boulari; 1274%3`5 ac), 63 %6 &3InvPe/l& 62 (Boula; 13th%19`14th ac), 63n.2 %6 &3InvPe/l& 76 (Chrysapha; 1367%3`8 ac). @ Drandakes, N., $*(H I(STORIKH\ *MONH\ TH=S *KLEISOU/RAS H)\ *PALHOMNA/STHRO $*BRONTAMA= *LAKWNI/AS.& Athens 1958. &3Mon.Kleisoura& p. 7 %6 &3InvPe/l& 53 (Vrontamas; 1201 ac). @ &3Epete%26ris Hetaireias Byzantino%26n Spoudo%26n& (Athens). &3EEBS& 2 (1925) 245,1 (Aigina, Aigina%19Palaiochora; 1282 ac), 246,2 (Aigina, Aigina%19Palaiochora; ca. 1282 ac); 246,3 (1282 ac). __ Cross%19references: &3EEBS& 3 (1926) 193 %6 &3InvPe/l& 54 (Kranidion; 1244%3`5 ac); __ &3EEBS& 12 (1936) 446 %6 &3BCH& 23 (1899) "Add,3*" (Mistra; ca. 1272 ac); __ &3EEBS& 14 (1938) 479 %6 &3InvPe/l& 78 (Longanikos; 1374%3`5 ac); __ &3EEBS& 25 (1955) 207 %6 &3BCH& 23 (1899) 150,50 (Lakonia, Mistra; 1389 ac). @ &3Helle%26nika& (Thessalonike). &3Hellenika& 15 (1957) 95 %6 &3InvPe/l& 43 (Sparta; 1027 ac). @ &3Hesperia& (Princeton). &3Hsp& 28 (1959) 115,11 (E. Argolid, Hermione); 116,12, 116,13; __ &3Hsp& 36 (1967) 422 (Corinthia, Corinth; 522 or 567 ac), 424 (5th%19`6th ac); __ &3Hsp& 38 (1969) 85 (Corinthia, Corinth; 4th%19`6th ac), 92,1 (5th%19`6th ac), 92,2 (5th%19`6th ac), 92,3 (5th%19`6th ac), 93,4 (5th%19`6th ac), 93,5 (5th%19`6th ac), 93,6 (5th%19`6th ac), 93,7 (5th%19`6th ac), 93,8 (5th%19`6th ac), 94,9 (5th%19`6th ac), 94,10 (5th%19`6th ac), 94,11 (5th%19`6th ac), 94,12 (5th%19`6th ac); __ &3Hsp& 41 (1972) 28,21 (Corinthia, Corinth; 4th%19`6th ac), 30,22 (4th%19`6th ac), 31,23 (4th%19`6th ac), 41,30 (5th%19`6th ac), 41,31 (5th%19`6th ac), 41,32 (5th%19`6th ac), 41,33 (5th%19`6th ac), 42,34 (5th%19`6th ac), 42,35 (5th%19`6th ac). __ Other inscriptions: &3Hesp& 22 (1953) 157,10 [&3SEG& 11.385c] %6 &3InvPe/l& 40 (E, Argolid, Hermione; 5th%19`6th ac); __ &3Hesp& 41 (1972) 28,21 here %6 &3CIJ& 718c (Corinthia, Corinth; 4th%19`6th ac). @ &3Inscriptiones Graecae, III. Inscriptiones Atticae,& ed. W. Dittenberger. Berlin 1882. &3IG& 3,1387 (Corinthia, Tenea). @ &3Inscriptiones Graecae, IV: Aeginae, Pityonesi, Cecryphaliae, &3Argolidis,& ed. M. Fraenkel. Berlin 1902. &3IG& 4.53 (Aigina, Aigina; 359%19`360 ac?), 54, 188, 191; 205 [&3InvPe/l& 17] (Corinthia, Isthmos; 548%19`565 ac); 402 (Corinthia, Corinth; 5th%19`6th ac), 404 (5th%19`6th ac), 406 (5th%19`6th ac), 407 (5th%19`6th ac), 408 (5th%19`6th ac), 409 (5th%19`6th ac), 411 (5th%19`6th ac), 413 (5th%19`6th ac); 437 (Sikyonia, Stimanga; 6th ac); 628 (Argia, Argos); 4.653; 4.663; 666 (Argia, Lerna; ca. 380 ac); 674 [&3InvPe/l& 9] (Argia, Nauplia; ca. 375%19`378 ac); 678 (Argia, Thyreatis); 784 (E. Argolid, Troizen); 4.785; 4.787 (4th ac); 1569 (Argia, Nauplia); 1608 [&3InvPe/l& 27] (Argia, Argos; ca. 379%19`382 ac?); 1610 (E. Argolid, Troizen; 305%19`308 ac). @ &3Inscriptiones Graecae, IV: Epidauri.& 2nd edn., fasc. 1, ed. F. Hiller von Gaertringen. Berlin 1929. &3IG& 4.1(2),438 (E. Argolid, Epidauros; 355 ac), 692 (4th ac). @ &3Inscriptiones Graecae, V,1: Laconiae et Messeniae,& ed. W. Kolbe. Berlin 1913. &3IG& 5:1.450 (Lakonia, Sparta; 292%19`305 ac), 451 (292%19`305 ac), 729 [&3InvPe/l& 25] (ca. 359 ac), 820, 821, 822; 974 (Lakonia, Asopos); 1109 [&3InvPe/l& 5] (Lakonia, Helos; 333%19`7,364%19`75 ac); 1158 (Lakonia, Gytheion); 1326 (Lakonia, Thalamai); 1382 (Messenia, Thuria; 292%19`305 ac); p.277 (Messenia, Haliartos); 1420 [&3InvPe/l& 2] (Messenia, Gargalianoi; ca. 323%19`326 ac); 1494 (Messenia, Messene); 1554 (Messenia, Prote Is.). __ Cross%19references: &3IG& 5,1.1569a %6 &3SEG& 11,886 (Lakonia, Sparta; 3rd%19`4th ac). @ &3Inscriptiones Graecae, V,2: Arcadiae,& ed. F. Hiller von Gaertringen. Berlin 1913. &3IG& 5:2.135 (Arkadia, Tegea; 285%19`305 ac), 136 (292%19`305 ac), 137 [&3InvPe/l& 1] (ca. 308%19`337 ac), 138 (285%19`305 ac), 139 (306%19`307 ac), 140 [&3InvPe/l& 4] (ca. 323%19`326 ac), 153 [&3InvPe/l& 32] (ca. 395 ac?), 156 (3rd%19`4th ac), 169, p.145 [&3InvPe/l& 37] (ca. 451 ac); 359 [Guard. &3EG& IV,332] (Arkadia, Stymphalos). @ &3Jahreshefte der o+sterreichischen archa+ologischen Instituts in &3Wein& (Vienna). &3JO+AI& 46 (1961%19`1962) Beiblatt 79,2 (Elis, Elis), 84,3 [&3SEG& 22.330] (3rd ac), 87,4 [&3SEG& 22.331] (4th ac?), 89,5 [&3SEG& 22.332] (4th%19`5th ac), 90,6 [&3BE/& 1966.213], 92,7. @ Kouge/as, S., $*PERI\ TW=N *MELIGKW=N TOU= *TAU+GE/TOU E)C A)FORMH=S $A)NEKDO/TOU BUZANTINH=S E)PIGRAFH=S E)K *LAKWNI/AS. "*PRAGMATEI=AI TH=S $*)AKADHMI/AS *)AQHNW=N,"& 15,3; Athens 1950. Kouge/as, &3Mel.& pp. 1 %6 &3InvPe/l& 70 (Platsa; 1337%3`8 ac), 34 %6 &3InvPe/l& 71 (1343%3`4 ac), 34 %6 &3InvPe/l& 73 (1348%3`9 ac). @ &3Lako%26nikai Spoudai& (Athens). &3LakSp& 4 (1979) 168 %6 &3InvPe/l& 81 (Vresthena; beg. 15th ac?); __ &3LakSp& 6 (1982) 44 %6 &3InvPe/l& 57 (Polemitas; 1274%3`5 ac), 56 %6 &3InvPe/l& 60 (Chrysapha; 1289%3`90 ac). @ &3Mnemosyne& (Leiden). &3Mnem& N.S. 56 (1928) 318 %6 &3InvPe/l& 52 (Argos; 1173%3`4 ac). @ $*MNH/MH& [&3Me/langes G. Kourmoules&]. Athens 1980. Drandakes, in &3Me/lKourmoul& pp. 1 %6 &3InvPe/l& 45 (Milea; mid%19`11th ac), 3 %6 &3InvPe/l 48 (ca. 1150%19`1200 ac). @ $*EI)S MNH/MHN *SPURI/DWNOS *LA/MPROU.& Athens 1935. N. d'Olwer, in &3MnemLamprou& p. 391 %6 Halkin III,122 (Aigina, Palaiochora; 12th ac?). @ For &3Mone H. Tess.,& see Sakellaropoulos, $*(H I(ERA\ MONH\ TW=N $*(AGI/WN *TESSARA/KONTA& (1921). @ For &3Mon. Kleisoura,& see Drandakes, $*(H I(STORIKH\ *MONH\ TH=S $*KLEISOU/RAS& (1958). @ &3Monuments et Me/moires publie/s par l'Acade/mie des Inscriptions &3et Belles%19Lettres& (Foundation Piot) (Paris). &3MonPiot& 49 (1957) 129 %6 &3InvPe/l& 58 (Andravida; 1286 ac). @ &3Neos Helle%26nomne%26mno%26n& (Athens). &3NeosHell& 2 (1905) 443 %6 &3InvPe/l 80 (Korinthos; 1395%3`6 ac); __ &3NeosHell& 5 (1908) 278 %6 &3InvPe/l 65 (H. Tessarakonta; 1304%3`5 ac). @ &3Praktika te%26s Archaiologike%26s Hetaireias& (Athens). &3PAE& 1960.186 (Messenia, near Philiatra; 6th ac?); __ &3PAE& 1961.131 (Corinthia, Corinth; 5th%19`6th ac?), 132 (5th%19`6th ac), 133 [&3InvPe/l& 35] (5th ac?), 154,1 (Corinthia, Lechaion; 5th%19`6th ac?), 154,2 (5th%19`6th ac?), 154,3 (5th%19`6th ac); __ &3PAE 1962.53,1 (Corinthia, Corinth; 5th%19`6th ac), 53,2 (5th%19`6th ac), 54,1 (5th%19`6th ac), 54,2 [&3BE/& 1964.170] (5th%19`6th ac), 54,3 (5th%19`6th ac). __ Cross%19references: &3Praktika Archaiologike%26s &3Hetaireias& (Athens). __ &3PAE& 1939.114 %6 &3InvPe/l& 44 (Sparta; 1032%3`3 ac); __ &3PAE& 1961.133 %6 &3InvPe/l& 35 (Korinthos; 5th ac?); __ &3PAE& 1978.190 %6 &3InvPe/l& 50 (Tigani; mid%19`12th ac?); __ &3PAE 1980.213 %6 &3InvPe/l& 72 (Langada; 1347%3`8 ac). @ de Rossi, I.B., &3Inscriptiones Christianae Urbis Romae.& Rome 1857%19`1861. &3IChUR&(`1) II:1.367 %6 &3InvPe/l& 84 (Isthmos; 1415 ac). @ ĺSakellaropoulos, M., $*(H I(ERA\ MONH\ TW=N *(AGI/WN *TESSARA/KONTA E)N $*LAKEDAI/MONI.& Athens 1921. &3Mone H.Tess.& p. 15 %6 &3InvPe/l& 66 (H. Paliopanagia; ca. 1304%3`5 ac). @ Scranton, R., &3Kenchreai. Eastern Port of Corinth, I& (Leiden 1978). &3Kenchr& I,26 [&3BE/& 1965.163] (Corinthia, Kenchreai; 5th%19`6th ac?). @ &3Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum& (Leiden). &3SEG& 11.48 (E. Argolid, Spetsai; 4th%19`5th ac); 52a (Corinthia, Isthmos; 6th ac); 263 (Sikyonia, Kiato; 5th%19`6th ac); 325 [&3InvPe/l& 29] (Argia, Argos; 4th%19`6th ac), 350 (4th ac); 385b (E. Argolid, Hermione), 385c [&3InvPe/l& 40] (5th%19`6th ac), 385g; 464 [&3InvPe/l 24] (Lakonia, Sparta; 359 ac), 465 (359 ac?), 466 (4th ac?), 773 [&3InvPe/l& 26] (ca. 375 ac), 810 [&3InvPe/l& 22] (before 333 ac?), 850 (ca. 293%19`305 ac), 851 (359 ac), 852 [&3InvPe/l& 12] (ca. 393%19`423 ac), 886 [&3IG& 5,1.1569a] (3rd%19`4th ac), 887 (3rd%19`4th ac); 11.1008 (Messenia, Prote Is.; 3rd ac?), 1009 (3rd ac?); __ &3SEG& 13.277 (Achaia, Patras; 4th%19`5th ac); __ &3SEG& 16.241 (Sikyonia, Sikyon); 261 [&3InvPe/l& 28] (Argia, Argos; 4th ac); __ &3SEG& 17.157 (Argia, Argos; 5th ac); __ &3SEG& 24.331 (Achaia, Patras); __ &3SEG& 26.405 [&3SEG& 29,318] (Corinthia, Corinth; 5th ac), 406(1) (5th%19`6th ac), 406(2) (5th%19`6th ac), 406(3) (5th%19`6th ac), 406(4) (5th%19`6th ac); 434 [&3AD& 27,B (1972) 207,3] (Argia, Argos), 435 [&3AD& 27,B (1972) 207,2], 436 [&3AD& 27,B (1972) 207,1], 437 [&3BCH& 101 (1977) 224], 438 (5th ac); __ &3SEG& 27.37 (Corinthia, Kenchreai; ca. 350 ac); __ &3SEG& 28.376 (Corinthia, Agios Gerasimos; 5th%19`6th ac?); 390 [&3SEG& 29.320] (Corinthia, Tenea; 5th%19`6th ac); 300 (Corinthia, Corinth; 2nd%19`3rd ac), 302 [&3InvPe/l& 36] (ca. 536 ac), 303 (5th%19`6th ac), 307 (5th%19`6th ac), 309 (2nd%19`3rd ac), 310 [&3InvPe/l& 15] (533 ac), 311 (5th%19`6th ac), 312 (5th%19`6th ac), 313 (5th%19`6th ac), 314 (5th%19`6th ac), 315 (5th%19`6th ac), 316 (6th ac), 317 (5th%19`6th ac), 319 (431 ac), 324 (5th%19`6th ac); 325 (Corinthia, Aetopetra; 5th%19`6th ac); 326 (Corinthia, Corinth; 5th%19`6th ac), 327 (5th%19`6th ac), 329 (5th%19`6th ac); 372 (Argia, Kephalari); 423 (Achaia, Aigion; ca. 500 ac); 425 (Achaia, Patras), 430; __ &3SEG& 30.369 (Argia, Argos; 4th ac?), 373 (6th ac); __ &3SEG& 32.375 (Argia, Argos); __ &3SEG& 34.279 (Corinthia, Corinth; 4th ac); 304 [&3AEph 1974.249] (Lakonia, Molaoi; ca. 400%19`500 ac?), 305 [&3AEph 1974.250] (ca. 400%19`500 ac?); 327 [&3InvPe/l& 38] (Arkadia, Tegea; 6th ac?), 328 (6th ac?); __ &3SEG& 35.256 (Corinthia, Corinth; 4th%19`6th ac). @ &3Vizantijskij Vremennik& (Petrograd). &3VizVrem& 11 (1904) 63 %6 &3InvPe/l& 82 (Dimitsana; ca. 1400%19`1450 ac?), 67 %6 &3InvPe/l& 89 (Karytaina; 1439%3`40 ac), 70 %6 &3InvPe/l& 90 (15th ac). @ Zakynthos, D., &3Le Despotat grec de More/e.& 2 vols. Paris 1932; Athens 1952. &3Despotat& II,302 %6 &3InvPe/l& 87 (Gortynia; 1397%3`8 ac?). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Mistra @ *Millet, G., "Inscriptions byzantines de Mistra", in &3Bulletin &3de correspondance helle/nique& 23 (1899), pp. 97%19`156, and &3idem, "Inscriptions ine/dites de Mistra," &3BCH& 30 (1906), pp. 452%19`466. __ Contents: 99,1 (PELOPONNESOS, Lakonia, Mistra; 14th ac), 100,2 (Mistra; 1314%3`5 ac), 106,3 (1319 ac), 112,4 (1320 ac), 115,5 (1322 ac), 118,6 (beg. 14th ac?), 119,7 (1407 ac), 119,8%19`120,9, 120,10 (1418 ac), 121,11%19`122,12 (1291%3`2 ac), 119,8%19`120,9, 120,10 (1418 ac), 121,11 [&3DChAE&(`4) 1 (1959) 73] (1291%3`2 ac), 122,12 (1291%3`2 ac), 122,13 (1312 ac), 123,14a (1330 ac), 123,14b (1341 ac), 124,15a%19`124,15b (1339 ac), 126,16 (14th ac), 127,17%19`128,19, 129,20 [&3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979) 145] (ca. 1272 ac), "`129,20a*" [&3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979) 146] (ca. 1283%19`1284 ac), 129,21%19`130,23, 131,27, 133,29, 134,30a%19`134,30b, 134,31 [&3BCH& 30 (1906) 462,3] (1428 ac), 135,32%19`137,34 (1428 ac), 138,35 (1445 ac), 140,36 (1502 ac), 141,37, 141,38%19`142,39 (14th ac), 143,40%19`146,42 (1348%19`1380 ac), 147,43, 148,46%19`149,48, 150,50 [&3EEBS& 25 (1955) 207] (1389 ac), 154,51%19`155,53, 155,54 [&3BCH& 30 (1906) 453,1] (ca. 1350%19`1383 ac), 156,55; __ [2`156,55 omitted (18th c.)]2. __ Additions: Add,1* %6 &3CIG& 8763 (1300%3`1 ac), Add,2* %6 &3BCH& 30 (1906) 2, Add,3* %6 &3EEBS& 12 (1936) 446 (ca. 1272 ac), Add,4* %6 &3ABME& 3,1 (1937) 29 (ca. 1350%19`1450 ac), Add,5* %6 &3ABME& 3,1 (1937) 49 (1465 ac). Supplementary bibliography: A.K. Orlandos, "$*DANIH\L O( PRW=TOS KTI/TWR TW=N *(AGI/WN *QEODW/RWN TOU= $*MUSTRA=," &3EEBS& 12 (1936) 443%19`448; A.K. Orlandos, "$*TA\ PALA/TIA $KAI\ TA\ SPI/TIA TOU= *MUSTRA=," &3ABME& 3, 1 (1937) 1%19`114; R. Loenertz, "&3Res gestae Ioann. f. Palaeologi. Titulus metricus &3A.D. 1389,&" &3EEBS& 25 (1955) 207%19`210; M. Manousakas, "$*(H $XRONOLOGI/A TH=S KTITORIKH=S E)PIGRAFH=S TOU= *(AGI/OU *DHMHTRI/OU TOU= $*MUSTRA=," &3DChAE& ser. 4, 1 (1959) 72%19`79; M. Chatzedakes, $"*NEW/TERA GIA\ TH\N I(STORI/A KAI\ TH\N TE/XNH TH=S *MHTRO/POLHS TOU= $*MUSTRA=," &3DChAE& ser. 4, 9 (1977%19`1979) 143%19`179. @ @ @@@@@@@@@@Byzantine Lead Seals of the Peloponnesos @ Supplemental bibibliography: A. Bon, &3Le Pe/loponne\se byzantin &3jusqu'en 1204& (Paris 1951). @ Bees, N.A., "Zur Sigillographie der byzantischen Themen Peloponnes und Hellas," in &3Vizantijskij Vremennik& 21,2%19`3 (1914) 90%19`100 and 192%19`235. &3VizVr& 21 (1914) 103,14 [Bon, &3PB 207,79] (10th%19`11th ac). @ Davidson, G.R., &3Corinth, XII, The Minor Objects.& Princeton 1952. &3Corinth& XII (1952), nos. 2686%19`2823: &3Corinth& 12.2686 (Pelopon., Corinth; 11th%19`12th ac), 2688 (12th%19`14th ac), 2690 (8th%19`9th ac), 2691 (9th ac), 2692%19`2693 (8th%19`9th ac), 2694 (9th ac), 2695%19`2699 (8th%19`9th ac), 2700 [Bon, &3PB& 188,11] (early 10th ac?), 2701%19`2711 (8th%19`9th ac), 2712%19`2713 (9th ac), 2714%19`2716 (8th%19`9th ac), 2717%19`2733 (10th%19early 11th), 2734 (ca. 915%19?950 ac), 2735 (ca. 950%19`975 ac), 2736 (10th%19early 11th), 2737 (10th ac), 2738%19`2740 (10th%19early 11th), 2741 (ca. 900%19`950 ac), 2742 (ca. 1000%19`1050 ac?), 2743 (10th%19early 11th), 2744 (ca. 975%19`995 ac), 2745%19`2747 (10th%19early 11th), 2748 [Bon, &3PB& 192,31] (10th%19early 11th), 2750 (10th%19early 11th), 2751%19`2759 (11th%19`12th ac), 2760 (ca. 1000%19`1050 ac), 2761%19`2768 (11th%19`12th ac), 2769 (ca. 1190 ac?), 2770%19`2772 (11th%19`12th ac), 2773 (ca. 1050 ac), 2774%19`2783 (11th%19`12th ac), 2784 (end 10th ac), 2785%19`2797 (11th%19`12th ac), 2798 (ca. 1050%19`1100 ac), 2799%19`2802 (11th%19`12th ac), 2803 (11th ac), 2804%19`2809 (11th%19`12th ac), 2810 [Bon, &3PB& 194,40%3`1] (12th ac), 2811%19`2819 (12th ac), 2820%19`2821 (13th or later), 2823 (ca. 1243%19`1254 ac). @ Konstantopoulos, K.M., $*BUZANTINA\ MOLUBDO/BOULLA TOU= E)N *)AQH/NAIS $*NOMISMATIKOU= *MOUSEI/OU& (Athens 1917), reprinted from &3Journal &3international d'arche/ologique numismatique& 2%19`3 (1899%19`1900) and 5%19`10 (1902%19`1907). &3JIAN& 9 (1906) 67,94a [Bon, &3PB& 201,57] (10th%19`11th ac). @ Laurent, V., &3Les Bulles me/triques dans sigillographie &3byzantine& (Athens 1932), reprinted from &3Hellenika& 4%19`8 (1931%19`1935). &3BMetr& 47,130 [Bon, &3PB& 196,47b] (ca. 1100 ac), 196,494 [Bon, &3PB& 204,67] (12th%19`13th ac). @ Laurent, V., "Bulletin sigillographique," in &3Byzantion& 6 (1931) 771%19`829. &3Byz& 6 (1931) 802,4 [Bon, &3PB& 200,53] (ca. 1067%19`1078 ac). @ Laurent, V., &3Le Corpus des sceaux de L'empire byzantin, V, &3`1%19`2: L'E/glise.& Paris 1963%19`1965. &3CSEB& 5.553 (6th%19`7th ac), 554 (6th ac), 555 (7th%19`9th ac), 557%19`558 (10th ac), 559%19`560 (ca. 1000%19`1050 ac), 563 (ca. 1050%19`1150 ac), 564 (end 11th ac), 565 (11th%19`12th ac), 566 (ca. 1100%19`1150 ac), 567 (mid%19`11th ac). @ Laurent, V., &3Documents de sigillographie byzantine: la &3Collection C. Orghidan.& "Bibliothe\que Byzantine: Documents," 1; Paris 1952. &3Orghidan& 213 (11th ac), 228 (9th ac), 229 (11th ac), 259 (10th ac). @ Laurent, V., &3Les Sceaux byzantins du Me/dallier Vatican ĺ"Medagliere della Biblioteca Vaticana," 1; Vatican City 1962. &3MedVat& 109 (10th ac), 110 [Bon, &3PB& 190,21] (ca. 1080%19`1100 ac), 111 [Bon, &3PB& 203,65] (ca. 1050 ac). @ Laurent, V., "Sceaux byzantins ine/dits," in &3Byzantinische &3Zeitschrift& 33 (1933) 331%19`361. &3BZ& 33 (1933) 338,3 [Bon, &3PB 190,19] (ca. 800%19`843 ac), 340,4 [Bon, &3PB& 188,2] (10th ac), 358,19 [Bon, &3PB& 187,7] (9th ac). @ Mordtmann, A.D., $*MOLUBDO/BOULLA BUZANTINA\ TW=N E)PARXIW=N *EU)RW/PHS, in $*(O E)N *KWNSTANTINOPO/LEI *(ELLHNIKO\S *FILOLOGIKO\S *SU/LLOGOS, 17 (1886), Suppl., $*)ARXAIOLOGIKH\ E)PITROPH/. &3KSyl& 17 Suppl. (1886) 150,22 [Bon, &3PB& 189,17] (10th ac), 151,23 [Bon, &3PB& 190,20] (10th%19`11th ac?). @ Mordtmann, A.D., "Plombs byzantins de la Gre\ce et du Pe/loponne\se", in &3Revue Arche/ologique& N.S. 33 (1877) 294%19`298 and 34 (1877) 47%19`60. &3RA&(`2) 34 (1877) 50,22 [Bon, &3PB& 202,59] (11th%19`12th ac). @ Panchenko, B.A., &3Katalog molivdovulov& ["Catalogue of Lead Seals"] (in Russian) (Sofia 1908), reprinted from &3Isvestija &3Russkago Archeologicheskago Instituta ve Konstantinopolje& 8 (1903) 199%19`246, 9 (1904) 341%19`396, and 12 (1908) 78%19`151. &3Panchenko& 179 [Bon, &3PB& 201,55] (10th%19`11th ac?), 361 [Bon, &3PB 193,35] (10th ac), 462 [Bon, &3PB& 193,37] (9th%19`10th ac?). @ Schlumberger, G., &3Sigillographie de l'empire byzantin& (Paris 1884). &3SEB& 179,1a [Bon, &3PB& 187,10] (10th%19`11th ac?), 179n5,1 [Bon, &3PB& 187,6] (9th%19`10th ac?), 179n5,2 [Bon, &3PB& 187,8] (9th%19`10th ac?), 180n5,3 [Bon, &3PB& 191,24] (10th ac), 180n5,4 [Bon, &3PB& 188,13] (ca. 900%19`950 ac?), 180n5,5 (10th%19`11th ac), 180n5,6 [Bon, &3PB& 192,29] (10th%19`11th ac), 180n5,7 [Bon, &3PB 188,11] (9th%19`10th ac), 180n5,8 [Bon, &3PB& 189,15] (9th%19`10th ac), 180n5,9 [Bon, &3PB& 188,12] (10th ac), 180,1b [Bon, &3PB& 191,26] (11th ac), 180,2a [Bon, &3PB& 192,30] (9th%19`10th ac?), 180,2b [Bon, &3PB& 192,28] (9th%19`10th ac?), 180,4 [Bon, &3PB& 191,25] (11th%19`12th ac), 180,5 [Bon, &3PB& 189,16] (9th ac), 181,6 [Bon, &3PB& 191,23] (9th ac), 181,7 [Bon, &3PB& 189,18] (9th ac?), 181,8 [Bon, &3PB& 187,4] (11th ac), 181,9 [Bon, &3PB& 192,33] (12th ac), 182,1 [Bon, &3PB& 205,70] (8th%19`9th ac), 188n4,1 [Bon, &3PB& 195,44] (end 11th ac), 188n4,2 [Bon, &3PB& 194,38] (ca. 1100 ac), 188n4,3 [Bon, &3PB& 197,48] (ca. 1100 ac), 188n4,4 [Bon, &3PB& 202,59] (11th%19`12th ac), 188n4,5 [Bon, &3PB& 195,43] (11th%19`12th ac), 188n4,6 [Bon, &3PB& 197,48c] (end 12th ac?), 188n4,7 [Bon, &3PB 196,45] (end 12th ac), 188n4,8 [Bon, &3PB& 195,42] (11th%19`12th ac), 189,2 (ca. 1100 ac), 190,4 [Bon, &3PB& 201,56] (11th ac), 191,5 [Bon, &3PB& 194,39] (11th%19`12th ac), 191,6 [Bon, &3PB& 199,49] (ca. 1100 ac), 191,7 [Bon, &3PB& 202,58] (ca. 1175 ac?), 191,8 (11th%19`12th ac), 192,4 [Bon, &3PB& 193,36] (11th%19`12th ac), 194,7 [Bon, &3PB& 296,73] (11th ac). @ Zacos, G., and A. Veglery, &3Byzantine Lead Seals, I,1%19`3& (Basel 1972). &3BLS& 1.1335 (ca. 787%19`815 ac), 1814 (9th ac), 1865 (9th ac), 1908 (9th ac), 1929a (ca. 850%19`900 ac), 1929b (ca. 850%19`900 ac), 1935 (ca. 850%19`900 ac), 1979 (9th ac), 2006 (9th ac), 2067 (ca. 850%19`900 ac), 2068 (ca. 850%19`900 ac), 2104 (9th ac), 2145C (9th ac), 2215 (9th ac), 2287 (ca. 800%19`850 ac), 2427 (9th ac), 2493 (ca. 850%19`900 ac), 2528 (ca. 750%19`850 ac), 2569A (9th ac), 2575A (7th ac), 3220 (9th ac). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@Aegean Islands: Central (Part) @ See also under "Asia Minor" and "Macedonia and Thrace". For a combined list of inscriptions from the Aegean Islands, see the Geographical Index. Inscriptions from the Central Aegean Islands of Thera, Therasia, Melos, Amorgos, Delos, Naxos, and Tenos are included in Gre/goire, &3Recueil ... Asie Mineure (1922). @ &3Inscriptions de De/los& ed. F. Durrbach, P. Roussel, et al. 7 vols. Paris 1926%19`1972. Not included in the data bank. &3ID& 2582 %6 Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 214(2) (C. Aegean, Delos; 5th ac), 2583 %6 Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 212, 2584 %6 &3BCH& 60 (1936) 82 (5th or later), 2585 %6 &3BCH& 60 (1936) 81, 2585 %6 Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 214 (Delos), 2585bis %6 &3BCH& 60 (1936) 98, 2588bis %6 &3BCH& 60 (1936) 91 (ca. 550%19`600 ac?). For other inscriptions, see under "Jewish Inscriptions". @ &3Inscriptiones Graecae XII,5. Inscriptiones Cycladum,& F. Hiller von Gaertringen. Berlin 1903%19`1909. __ Includes: &3IG& 12:5.34 (C. Aegean, Sikinos); 269 (Paros; 317%19`337 ac), 292 (285%19`305 ac?), 328 (4th ac?), 329 (3rd%19`4th ac?); 564 [Peek, &3GVI& (1955) 1382] (Keos; 4th%19`5th ac), 565, 590 [&3GVI& 1562], 591 [&3GVI& 1775] (3rd ac?), 592; 712,22 (Syros: Grammata), 712,36, 712,56%19`99; 791 (Andros). @ &3Inscriptiones Graecae, XII. Inscriptiones insularum maris &3Aegaei praeter Delum. Supplementum,& ed. F. Hiller von Gaertringen. Berlin 1939. __ Includes: &3IG& 12 Suppl. 133,296 (C. Aegean, Andros). This inscription has misplaced under "Asia Minor: IG XII". @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ &3Archaiologika Analekta ex Athe%26no%26n& (Athens). &3AAA& 3,3 (1970) 416 %6 &3BE/& 1971,495[a] (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Naxos: Drosiane; 7th%19`8th ac?), 420 %6 &3BE/& 1971,495[b] (7th%19`8th ac?). @ $*EI)S MNH/MHN *K.*T. *)AMA/NTOU.& Athens 1960. N.M. Kontoleon, in &3MnAmant& 473,2 %6 &3BE/& 1962,260[a] (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Naxos), 473,4 %6 &3BE/& 1962,260[b], 473,5 %6 &3BE/& 1962,260[c] (12th ac?). @ Peek, W., &3Griechische Vers%19Inschriften, I.& Leipzig 1955. &3GVI 1382 %6 &3IG& 12,5.564 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Keos; 4th%19`5th ac), 1562 %6 &3IG& 12,5.590, 1775 %6 &3IG& 12,5.591 (3rd ac?). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Crete @ *Bandy, A., &3The Greek Christian Inscriptions of Crete.& Athens 1970. Complete. __ Sites: &3GChICret& 1%19`36 (CRETE, Gortyn%19Hagoi Deka), 37%19`47 (Metropolis), 48 (Gergere), 49%19`51 (Choustouliana), 52 (Vreli), 53 (Gallia), 54 (Kankales), 55 (Hodegetria), 56 (Ano Viannos), 57 (Hagia Galene), 58 (Plora), 59 (Bobia), 60%19`61 (Herakleion), 62%19`63 (Herakleion Mus.), 64%19`65 (Chersonesos), 66 (Koutoulouphari), 67 (Elounta), 68 (Kolykytha), 69%19`70 (Eremoupolis), 71%19`73 (Panormon), 74 (Pege), 75 (Rethymnon), 76%19`80 (Mt. Ida), 81%19`86 (Eleutherna), 87 (Thronos), 88 (Argyropoulos), 89 (Veran Episkope), 90 (Hagia Episkope), 91%19`93 (Chania), 94%19`109 (Kast. Kissamou), 110 (Panethymos), 111 (Polyrrhenia), 112 (Sougia; 5th%19`6th ac). __ Appendix: Jewish inscriptions (see further, below), App. 1, (Gortyn%19Hagioi Deka; 5th ac), App. 2, (Arkades: Kassianoi; 3rd%19`4th ac), App. 3 (Kissamos; 4th%19`5th ac). __ Cross%19references: &3GChICret& 71 [Guard. &3EG& IV,414] (Panormon; 5th ac?); 76 [Guard. &3EG& IV,411] (Mt. Ida; 4th%19`5th ac), 80 [Guard. &3EG& IV,413] (4th ac); @ Guarducci, M., &3Inscriptiones Creticae.& Rome 1935%19`1950. __ Includes: &3ICret& I,226,188 [&3FIRA&(`2) 1.94] (Crete, Lyttos; 314 ac), 229,189 (313%19`337 ac), 238,9 (Malla; 293%19`305 ac), 256,13 (Olous; ca. 381%19`384 ac), 311,4 (H. Thomas); __ &3ICret& II,127,24 (Crete, Chania Museum), 174,47 (Eleutherna), 298,28 (Sybrita; ca. 5th ac?), 316,9 (place?); __ &3ICret& IV,281 (Crete, Gortyn; 286%19`293 ac), 282%19`283 (293%19`305 ac), 284a%19`284b (ca. 381%19`383 ac), 285 (ca. 381%19`383 ac?), 306 (285%19`305 ac), 312 (ca. 372%19`376 ac?), 313%19`322 (ca. 381%19`384 ac), 323 (3rd or 4th ac?), 324 (4th ac), 325 (ca. 412%19`413 ac), 336 (4th ac), 341 (ca. 4th ac), 346 (ca. 5th ac), 347bis (ca. 5th ac). For Jewish inscriptions, see below. @ Other Inscriptions from Crete: &3Supplementum Epigraphicum &3Graecum. SEG& 23,580 (Stavros); &3SEG& 32,900 (Malla; 293%19`305 ac); &3SEG& 34,922 (Neapolis), 34,924 (place?; 5th%19`6th ac), 34,925 (7th ac), 34,926 (5th%19`6th ac), 34,927 (6th ac), 34,928 (7th ac), 34,929 (5th%19`6th ac); __ Kirchhoff, &3Corpus Inscriptionum &3Graecarum, IV,2& (1859) 8759 [Gerola, &3Monumenti veneti dell' &3isola di Creta& IV (1932) 51] (Gortyn; 1292 ac); __ Halkin, "Inscr. grecques relative a l'hagiographie," III [&3AnalBoll& 70 (1952) 116%19`137] 119 %6 G. Gerola, &3Monumenti veneti dell' isola ĺ&3di Creta& IV (1932) 580 (Katebate; 6th ac?); __ &3Archeion &3Byzantino%26n Mne%26meio%26n Hellados. ABME& 8,2 (1955%19`1956) 166 (Meskla; 1303 ac); __ &3Archaiologikon Deltion. AD& 26,B,2 (1971) 532 (CRETE, Elounta Isl.), 532,8, 532,10%19`532,12; __ &3Athe%26na& 15 (1903) 121 (Kisamos: Mone Gonias); __ &3Epete%26ris He%26taireias &3Byzantino%26n Spoudo%26n. EEBS& 7 (1931) 390 (Herakleion; ca. 1110 ac). @ Jewish inscriptions from Crete: Lifshitz, "Prolegomenon" (1975), pp. 87 %6 &3CIJ& 731b [&3ICret& II,179,8] (CRETE, Elyros), 88 %6 &3CIJ& 731c [Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) App. 3] (Kissamos; 4th%19`5th ac), 88 %6 &3CIJ& 731d [&3ICret& I,12,17; Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) App. 2; &3ZPE& 73 (1988) 173,B] (Arkades: Kassianoi; 3rd%19`4th ac); __ Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) Appendix: Jewish inscriptions, App. 1, here %6 &3CIJ& 731d(3) [&3ICret& IV,509; cf. Lifshitz (1975) 89; &3ZPE 73 (1988) 173,A] (Gortyn%19Hagioi Deka; 5th ac), App. 2 %6 &3CIJ 731d [&3ICret& I,12,17; &3ZPE& 73 (1988) 173,B] (Arkades: Kassianoi; 3rd%19`4th ac), App. 3 %6 &3CIJ& 731c [Lifshitz (1975) 88; &3ZPE& 73 (1988) 174,C] (Kissamos; 4th%19`5th ac); __ Guarducci, &3ICret I,12,17 %6 &3CIJ& 731d [Lifshitz (1975) 88; Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) App. 2; &3ZPE& 73 (1988) 173,B] (Arkades: Kassianoi 3rd%19`4th ac); I,25,51 here %6 &3CIJ& 731d(2) (Arkades; 3rd%19`4th ac), 208,72 here %6 &3CIJ& 731d(4) (Lyttos; ca. 1st ac); __ &3ICret& II,179,8 %6 &3CIJ 731b [Lifshitz (1975) 87] (Elyros), 294,13 here %6 &3CIJ& 731d(5) (Sybrita); __ &3ICret& IV,509, here %6 &3CIJ& 731d(3) [Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) App. 1; cf. Lifshitz (1975) 89; &3ZPE& 73 (1988) 173,A] (Hagioi Deka; 5th ac); __ Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 60,39 (Gortyn; 3rd%19`2nd bc), @ ź@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@CYPRUS @ Mitford, T.B., "Some new inscriptions from Early Christian Cyprus," in &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 105%19`175, with App. B, "A Survey of the Early Christian Epigraphy of Cyprus," pp. 168%19`171. __ Includes: 125,6 (CYPRUS, Carpasia; 5th%19`6th ac), 127n.1 (Rizokarpasos), 128,7 [&3TravMe/m& 5 (1973) 375] (Kytherea; ca. 578%19`582 ac?), 133,8%19`134,9 (6th ac?), 136,10 (Lapethus; 6th ac?), 139,11 (5th%3`6th ac), 141,12 [cf. &3BE/& 1951.236a] (6th%19`7th ac), 143,13%19`145,14 (Soloi%3Paphos; 337%19`340 ac), 147,15%19`151,17 (Soloi; 4th%3`5th ac), 154,18 (Old Paphos; 6th ac?), 156,19%19`158,20 (Amathous; end 5th ac?), 160,21 (CYPRUS, place?; 5th%3`6th ac?), 162,22, 166,a [&3BCH& 3 (1879) 165,7] (Soloi; 4th%3`5th ac), 168,b [&3BCH& 20 (1896) 349,4] (Lapethos; 5th ac), 169,1f [&3LBW& VII,2807d] (Palaia Paphos; 363%19`364 ac), 169,2a [&3LBW& VII,2791] (Nea Paphos), 169,2b [&3BCH& 20 (1996) 351,5] (Lapethos), 169,2c [D.G. Hogarth, &3Devia Cypria& [Oxford 1899] 11,6] (Drepano), 169,2d [&3JHS& 11 (1890) 75,21] (Arsinoe), 170,6a [&3LBW& VII,2727] (Kition), 170,6b [&3LBW& VII,2769] (Lapethos; 351%19`354 ac). __ Cross%19references: &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 105,1 %6 Pouilloux, et al., &3Salamine de Chypre, XIII,2 (1987) no. 201 (CYPRUS, Constantia; 4th ac?), 107,2 %6 205 (5th ac?), 116,4 %6 222 (CYPRUS, Salamis%3Kytherea; 619%19`627 ac), 118,5 %6 220 (621 ac?), 120,a %6 219 (619%3`620 ac), 120,b %6 221 (624%3`5 ac), 120,c %6 226 (624 or 640 ac), 120,d %6 223 (627 ac), 121,e %6 224 (628 ac), 121,f %6 225 (618 or 633 ac). @ Mitford, T.B., &3The Inscriptions of Kourion.& Philadelphia 1971. __ Includes: &3Kourion& 201 (CYPRUS, Kourion; late 4th ac?), 202 [Guard. &3EG& IV,418] (late 4th ac?), 203 [Guard. &3EG& IV,420] (late 4th ac?), 204 [&3SEG& 26.1474] (late 4th ac?), 205%19`208 (late 4th ac?), 209%19`211 (4th%19`5th ac), 212 (5th ac), 213 (5th%19`6th ac), 214%19`216 (6th ac). __ Other inscriptions: &3Kourion 70 here %6 &3CIJ& 736c (late Hell.). @ Pouilloux, J., P. Roesch and J. Marcillet%19Jaubert, &3Salamine de &3Chypre, XIII. Testimonia Salaminia 2. Corpus e/pigraphique. Paris 1987. __ Includes: &3Salamis& 130 [cf. &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 170,9] (CYPRUS, Constantia), 151%19`152 (293%19`305 ac), 152,39%19`152,40 (293%19`305 ac), 152,42 (340%19`350 ac?), 153 (340%19`350 ac?), 154%19`155 (293%19`305 ac), 156,b (293%19`305 ac), 156bis (293%19`311 ac?), 157 [&3AE/& 1973.544] (361%19`362 ac), 169 (4th%19`5th ac?), 170 (5th%19`6th ac), 200 [Lifshitz, &3Donateurs et fondateurs &3dans les synagogues grecques& (1967) 85] (3rd ac), 201 [&3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 105,1] (4th ac?), 202 (342%19`361 ac), 203%19`204 (5th ac), 205 [&3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 107,2] (5th ac?), 206 [&3SEG& 20.125] (mid%19`6th ac), 207 (5th%19`6th ac), 208 (ca. 542%3`3 ac?), 209 (542%3`3 ac?), 210%19`211 (ca. 542%3`3 ac?), 212%19`214 (6th ac), 216 (5th%19`6th ac), 217 (6th ac?), 218 (5th%19`6th ac); 219 [&3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 120,a] (Salamis%3Kytherea; 619%3`620 ac), 220 [&3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 118,5] (621 ac?), 221 [&3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 120,b] (624%3`5 ac), 222 [&3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 116,4] (619%19`627 ac), 223 [&3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 120,d] (627 ac), 224 [&3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 121,e] (628 ac), 225 [&3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 121,f] (618 or 633 ac), 226 [&3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 120,c] (624 or 640 ac); 227%19`229 (Constantia), 230 (5th ac), 231%19`232, 233 (368%19`403 ac), 234 (ca. 500 ac), 235 [&3SEG& 34.1428], 236%19`238, 284, 285 (6th ac), 293, 295%19`296, 296bis, 392%19`397, 401, 405, 407, 414 (4th%19`6th ac). @ des Gagniers, J., and Tran Tam Tinh, &3Soloi. Dix campagnes de &3fouilles (1964%19`1974). Volume premier.& "Recherches arche/ologiques de l'Universite/ Laval." Sainte%19Foy 1985. __ Includes: &3Soloi& I, 15 [Guard. &3EG& IV,417] (CYPRUS, Soloi; ca. 350 ac?), 51 (6th%19`7th ac?), 99 (ca. 500 ac?), 116 [&3SEG 35.1471] (ca. 654%3`5 ac). @ Stylianou, J. and A., "Donors and Dedicatory Inscriptions, Suppliants and Supplications in the Painted Churches of Cyprus," in &3Jahrbuch der o+sterreichischen byzantinischen &3Gesellschaft& 9 (1960), pp. 97%19`128: 97,1 (CYPRUS, P. Asinou; beg. 12th ac), 98,2 [Buckler, &3Annuaire de l'Inst. de philol. &3et d'hist. orientales et slaves& 7 (1939%19`1940 [`1944]) 52,2] (H. Neophytos; late 12th ac), 101,3 [Buckler 48,1] (P. Arakos; late 12th ac), "`101,3a" %6 &3DOP& 23%19`24 (1969%19`1970) 379 (early 14th ac), 102,4 [Buckler 55,3] (P. Moutoulla; late 13th ac), 103,5 [Buckler 57,4] (H. Demetrianos; beg. 14th ac), 104,6 (P. Asinou; 14th ac), 107,8 (Pelendri; 15th ac), 109,9 (Io. Lampadistes; 15th ac), 110,10 [Buckler 61,6] (H. Mamas; 15th ac), 111,11 [Buckler 66,7] (Platanistasa; late 15th ac), 112,12 [Buckler 68,8] (Pedoulas; late 15th ac), 114,13 (P. Podithou; beg. 16th ac), 115,14 (Kourdali; early 16th ac), 116,15 (H. Sozomenos; early 16th ac), 117,16 (Galata; early 16th ac), 120,17 [Buckler 59,5] (H. Christina; early 16th ac), 120,18 (Kakopetria; early 16th ac). @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ &3Anne/e e/pigraphique& (Paris). __ &3AE/& 1973.544 %6 Pouilloux, et al., &3Salamine de Chypre, XIII,2& (1987) no. 157 (CYPRUS, Constantia; 361%19`362 ac). @ &3Berytus& (Copenhagen). &3Berytus& 14 (1961%19`1963) 140,8 %6 &3BE/ 1965,446 (CYPRUS, Paphos), 140,10 %6 &3BE/& 1965,456 (Karpasia). @ &3Dumbarton Oaks Papers& (Washington D.C.). &3DOP& 23%19`24 (1969%19`1970) 369,1(2) here %6 &3BCH& 19 (1895) "Add,3*" (1547 ac); 379 here %6 &3JO+B& 9 (1960) "`101,3a" (CYPRUS, P. Arakos; early 14th ac). @ &3Felix Ravenna& (Faenza). &3FelRav& 66 (1954) 5 %6 Halkin VI,339 with Add. (CYPRUS, Lythrangomoi; ca. 500 ac). @ &3Report of the Department of Antiquities of Cyprus& (Nicosia). &3RDAC& 1965.130,21 %6 &3BE/& 1967,658 (CYPRUS, Lapethos). @ ƺ@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@SYRIA, ARABIA AND PALAESTINA @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@Greater Syria and Arabia @ Note: The user should be aware that for the place%19of%19finding included along with the text of the inscriptions in the data bank there is presently (1992) a technical limit of fifteen characters after conversion to Beta Code. Because of this limitation, Arabic and Hebrew place%19names sometimes require severe abbreviation, and diacritics printed in the edition followed must sometimes be omitted. [The limit is now ƺthirty%19one characters, but the &3ICE& data bank has not yet been revised.] @ Jalabert, L., and R. Mouterde, &3Inscriptions grecques et &3latines de la Syrie, I. Commage\ne et Cyrrhestique.& Paris 1929. __ Includes: &3IGLSyr& 1.48 (EUPHRAT., Perre), 58 (Sourp Hagop; 817%19`845 ac); 59 (Altynt%1as%19qal%102e; 293%19`305 ac); 90 [&3CIJ& 2.782] (Germanicia); 130 (Zambour); 145%19`147 (Cyrrhus; 542 ac), 160 (491%19`518 ac); 177 (SYRIA I, Beroia), 188 (5th%19`6th ac); 211%19`219 (area of Beroia), 220 (4th%19`5th ac), 221, 223, 226 (4th%19`5th ac?); 251 (EUPHRAT., Hierapolis; 6th ac?); 252a (el%19Bireh); 253 (SYRIA I, Djibri=n; 427 ac), 254 (Djibri=n; 427 ac), 255 (5th%19`6th ac). __ Cross%19references: &3IGLSyr& 1.111 %6 &3SEG& 26,1545 (Seleukeia). @ Jalabert, L., and R. Mouterde, &3Inscriptions grecques et &3latines de la Syrie, II. Chalcidique et Antioche\ne.& Paris 1939. __ Includes: &3IGLSyr& 2.257 (SYRIA I, Tell %102Aran; 515%3`6 ac); 258 (Soudji=n; 527%3`8 ac); 260%19`261 (Sfi=reh); 262 (%102Ain Sfi=reh; 565%19`578 ac?); 263 (Mellou\h%1a); 264%19`265 (al%19'Gabbul; 512 ac); 268 (H%1aqla); 269 (413 ac); 270 (Rasm el%19Buz; 506%3`7 ac); 271 (Mu%102allaq; 606%3`7 ac), 272%19`275, 276 (553%3`4 ac); 278 (Rasm al%19Nafal); 279 (Djene=d); 281 (Anasartha; 604 ac), 282, 284%19`286, 288 (594%3`5 ac?), 289, 291%19`292 (602%19`610 ac), 293 (beg. 7th ac?), 294%19`295, 297 [&3SEG& 15.845] (5th ac?), 298 (606 ac), 299%19`301; 302 (Djoubb el%19%102Ali); 304%19`306 (et%1%19T%1ouba; 326 ac), 308; 309 (Zebed; 474%3`5 ac?), 310 (512 ac), 311%19`314, 315 (337 ac), 316 (Rasm el%19H%1adjal; ca. 553%3`4 ac), 317 (563 ac), 318 [Mouterde, in &3Limes de Chalcis& (1945) 203,31] (6th ac), 319, 320 (553%3`4 ac); 322 (Deir S%1ali=b; 362 ac), 323%19`324; 327 (Kefr Hut); 328 (Burdj Azza=ui; 494%3`5 ac); 332 (Rbi=t%1 [Rasm er%19Rbeyt%1]; 487 ac), 333 (530 ac); 334%19`336 (Rbe=%102a); 337 (Mektebeh; 508%3`9 ac), 338%19`339, 340 (6th ac), 341; 342 (Burdj Sbinneh); 343 (Resm il%19Kubba=r); 348%19`349 (Chalkis [Qinnesri=n]; 550 ac); 351%19`352 (Me/rimi=n; 417%3`8 ac); 353 (Aboud%1d%1ouhour; 502 ac); 355 (Go+l%19Djibri=n; 521 ac); 356 (Ki=ma=r), 357 (573 ac); 360%19`361 (Bra=d), 362 (561 ac), 363%19`365, 366 (491 ac), 367, 369%19`371, 372 (496 ac); 373 (Burdj il%19Qa=s; 407 ac), 374 (493 ac); 377 (Kefr Nabo; 445%3`6 ac), 378 (504%3`5 ac), 379%19`380; 381 (Ka%26lo=ta; 387 ac), 382 (492 ac); 384 (Qal. Ka%26lo=ta; 6th ac?); 385 (Ba=nast%1ur; 285%19`305 ac?); 386 (Surqanya; 406%3`7 ac), 388; 389 (Fa%26firti=n; 372 ac); 390 (Ba%26zi=her); 391 (Ba%26tu=ta%26; 563 ac?); 392 (Kefr Anti=n; 523 ac); 394%19`395 (Simkha=r); 396 (349%3`50 ac); 400 (Shekh Sle%26ma=n; 407 ac), 401 (602 ac), 402, 403 (ca. 550%19`650 ac); 404 (Burdj H%1edar; 487 ac), 405%19`406; 410 (Ba%26s%1u%26fan); 411%19`413 (Qal. Sim%102a=n); 414%19`415 (Deir Sim%102a=n), 416%19`417 (479 ac), 418, 420 (334%3`5 ac), 421%19`423; 424 [Guard. &3EG& IV,438] (Refa=deh; 516%3`7 ac), 425 (439 ac), 426 (427 ac?), 428%19`429, 430 (341%3`2 ac), 431 (510 ac); 432 (Fidreh; 421 ac?), 433 (424 ac), 434 (453 ac), 435 (489 ac), 436, 437 (409 ac); 440 (Qa%26t%1u=ra; 391 ac), 441 (466%3`7 ac), 443 (336%3`7 ac), 444 (476 ac), 445 (476 ac), 448a; 456 (Zerzi=ta%26; 539 ac), 457, 458 (500 ac), 459 (423 ac), 460 (375%3`6 ac), 461 (5th ac?), 462 (538 ac); 475 (Koryphe); 477 (K. Sh. Bereka=t; 407 ac); 478 (Burdj is%19Sab%102; 572 ac); 479 (Tell %102A=deh); 481 (Kfellusi=n; 522 ac?), 482 (473 ac), 483 (487 ac); 484 (Serdjibleh), 485 (6th ac), 486 (471 ac), 487 (490%3`1 ac); 489 (De=r Rehshan); 490 (Da=na%26; 483 ac), 491 (324 ac), 493 (550 ac), 494, 495 (494 ac); 496 (Hezreh; 481%3`2 ac), 497 (482%3`3 ac), 498, 499 (285%19`305 ac); 500 (Tourma=ni=n; 592 ac); 500a (Rahaba; 490%3`1); 502%19`503 (Dur%102ama=n; 579 ac), 504 (Kfe=r; 360 ac); 506 (Tell %102Aqibri=n), 508 (mid%19`4th ac?); 509 (Kse=djbeh; 414%3`5 ac), 510 (359%3`60 ac); 511 (Sermada), 512 (426%3`7 ac?), 514 (482%3`3 ac), 515%19`516, 518 (341%3`2 ac); 524 (Burdaqli; 497 ac), 525 (517 ac), 526%19`527; 528 (Ba%26bisqa%26; 6th ac); 530 (Qas%1r el%19Bena=t; 588%3`9 ac), 531; 532 (Qas%1r Ibli=su%26); 533 (Khirbet Te%26zi=n; 585 ac), 534 (402 ac?); 535 (Da=r Qi=ta; 418 ac), 536 (431 ac), 537 (515%19`516? ac), 538 (456 ac), 539 (436 ac), 540 (452 ac), 541 (551 ac), 542 (350 ac), 543 (355 ac), 544, 545 (537 ac), 546 (566%3`7 ac), 547 (462 ac), 548%19`549 (485 ac), 551, 552 (434 ac?); 553 (Kh. el%19Khati=b; 473%3`4 ac); 554 (Ba%26bisqa; 352 ac), 555 (389 ac), 557 (403%3`4 ac), 558 (407%3`8 ac), 559 (401 ac), 560 (ca. 401 ac), 561 (390 ac), 562 (540 ac), 563 (609%3`10 ac); 564 (Ba%26%102u=deh; 392%3`3 ac); 565 (Ba%26qirh%1a; 546 ac), 566 (491 ac?), 567, 568 (384 ac?); 571 (Bashmishli; 536 ac), 572 (553 ac); 573 (Ba%26shaqu=h%1); 575 (T%1ourla=h%1a; 363%3`4 ac); 578 (Kfa=r Deria=n; 529 ac), 580; 583 (Me%102ez), 586 %6 &3SEG 35,1494; 587 (Kfa=r %102Aruq), 589 (521%3`2 ac), 590; 591 (Baresh el%102Amoud); 593 (Ma%102rra=ta), 594 (326%3`7); 595 (Ko%26kana=ya; 378 ac), 596 (349 ac), 597 (431 ac), 598 [Guard. &3EG& IV,431] (369 ac), 599, 600 (335 ac), 601, 602 (384 ac), 603 (552 ac); 604 (De=r Se=ta), 605 (412 ac); 608 (Kefr Finsheh), 609; 611 (Dju%26wa%26ni=yeh; 374 ac), 612 (340 ac), 613%19`616, 617 (398 ac), 618 (544 ac), 619 (early 5th ac), 620 (544 ac); 621 (%102Arshi=n; 433 ac); 624 (al%19Berke), 625 (6th ac); 627 (Bena=bil); 629 (Bettir; 475 ac); 630 (Qalb Lauzeh), 631%19`632; 633 (Bshindelinteh); 634 (Ma%102s%1arteh); 635 (Bsindela=ya; 554 ac), 636%19`637; 640 (Serdi=n; 434%3`5 ac), 641 (5th ac); 642 (Talti=ta; 570 ac); 646 (Kh. Sh. Ba=her; 353 ac); 648 (Millis; 359 ac), 649 (357 ac); 651 (%102Ameicha=n), 652 (367%3`8 ac); 653 (T%1ouri=n; 361 ac), 654 (395 ac), 655 (396 ac), 656 (364%3`5 ac); 659 (Kwa=ro), 660 (412 ac?), 662%19`663; 665 (Derkush; 352 ac); 668 (Urim el%19Djo=z; 376%3`7 ac), 669 (4th ac), 670 (ca. 354%19`444 ac), 671%19`672; 673 (Ruwe=h%1a; 6th ac?), 674 (6th ac), 675, 677 (396 ac), 678%19`679, 680 (384%3`5 ac), 681%19`682; 684 (Ktella=ta; 449 ac), 685; 687 (Ri=h%1a; 422 ac?), 688 (421%3`2 ac?), 689 (386 ac), 690 (4th ac), 691%19`692, 694%19`695 (ca. 500%19`550 ac?); 696 (Astumeh), 697%19`698 (beg. 7th ac?). @ Jalabert, L., and R. Mouterde, &3Inscriptions grecques et &3latines de la Syrie, III,1%19`2. Re/gion de l'Amanus. Antioche. &3Antioche\ne.& 2 vols. Paris 1950%19`1953. __ Includes: &3IGLSyr& 3.713 (CILICIA II, Iskanderun); 724 (Rhosos), 727, 728, 730%19`732; 733 (near Rhosos); 734 (SW. of Rhosos); 735 (SYRIA I, Hasan Beyli), 745 (Beyla=n); 746%19`747 (Shekkin); 765 (Antiochia), 770 (6th ac), 771 (5th ac), 774 (387 ac), 775 (end 4th%3beg. 5th), 776%19`777 (381%19`404 ac), 778 (420%19`429 ac), 779%19`783, 784 (6th ac), 785, 786 [&3Byzantion& 54 (1984) 148,22; &3AE/& 1984.897] (537%3`8 ac), 787, 789, 802, 805%19`806, 807 (6th ac), 810 (1063 ac), 814 (1142 ac), 815, 832, 851%19`852 (5th%3`6th ac), 862 (5th%19`6th ac), 869, 870%19`871 (5th ac); 872 (Toprak); 877%19`878 (Antiochia), 882 (6th ac), 883%19`884 (4th ac?), 984%19`986; 990 (Daphne; 6th ac?), 991, 996%19`998 (5th ac), 1013 (5th%19`6th ac), 1014 (end 5th ac), 1016 (4th ac), 1026 (5th%3`6th ac), 1027 (4th ac?), 1028, 1030 (4th ac?), 1032, 1040; 1045 (Antiochia), 1046 (402%3`3 ac?), 1049, 1057%19`1058, 1067bis, 1073 (6th ac); 1074 (Daphne), 1077; 1078 (Antiochia?); 1084 (Antiochia), 1084bis, 1104; 1107 (Bityas; 9th%19`10th ac), 1108 (Middle Byz.); 1109 (Sourp Thoma); 1124 (Seleucia Pieria), 1130, 1142 (524 ac), 1146, 1152%19`1153, 1191%19`1192, 1209, 1211; 1217%19`1223 (Thaumaston Oros); 1232 (Kara Douran; 6th ac), 1234; 1237 (el%19A=dja); 1242(3) (Seleucia Pieria; beg. 6th ac), 1242(5) (6th ac), 1242(7)%19`1242(8), 1242(10)%19`1242(16). @ Jalabert, L., and R. Mouterde, &3Inscriptions grecques et &3latines de la Syrie, IV. Laodice/e. Apame\ne.& Paris 1955. __ Includes: &3IGLSyr& 4.1249 (SYRIA I, Ba%26bu=da%26; 474 ac), 1250 (%102Alla%26ru=z; 572 ac?), 1267 (Laodicea), 1270, 1279, 1282, 1284; 1299 (SYRIA II, Balanaia), 1305, 1306a; 1316 (Apameia; 466 ƺac), 1318 (469 ac), 1319%19`1337 (391 ac), 1338%19`1339 (5th%19`6th ac), 1340%19`1342 (ca. 350%19`400 ac), 1343, 1344 (539 ac), 1352, 1353 (6th ac), 1356; 1377 (Larissa); 1383 (Dair S%1olaib; 6th ac?), 1384 (604%3`5 ac), 1385 (5th ac?); 1387 (Kefr %102Aki=d); 1391 (Besta=n); 1392 (Bradiyeh; 593 ac); 1393 (Dai+r Shomeil); 1394 (Bari=n); 1395 (413%3`4 ac), 1396, 1396bis; 1397 (Raphanaea); 1402 (Ma%102ya=n; 528 ac); 1403%19`1404 (Shna=n); 1405%19`1407 (Megara); 1408 (Fri=kya; 324%3`5 ac), 1409%19`1410 (325 ac), 1411 (324 ac), 1412%19`141 (4th ac), 1415 (364 ac), 1416%19`1423; 1424 (Da=na), 1426 (428 ac?), 1427%19`1430; 1431 (De=r Sambil; 397 ac), 1432 (399 ac), 1433%19`1435, 1436 (420 ac?), 1437%19`1446; 1447 (Ko=kaba); 1448%19`1452 (Dello=za); 1453%19`1458 (el%19Ba=ra), 1459 (6th%19`7th ac?), 1460%19`1464, 1465 (415 ac), 1466%19`1468, 1469 (494 ac), 1470%19`1472, 1473 (525%3`6 ac), 1474, 1476 (416 ac), 1477%19`1479, 1480 (417 ac), 1481; 1482 (W. Marth%1u=n); 1483%19`1487 (Midjleyya), 1488 (463 ac); 1489 (B%102u=da); 1490 (Serdjilla; 473 ac), 1491%19`1492, 1494 (394 ac?); 1495 (Khirbet H%1a=ss; 430 ac), 1496%19`1497, 1501 (367 ac), 1502%19`1504, 1505 (566 ac); 1506%19`1507 (H%1a=ss; 378 ac), 1508, 1509 [Guard. &3EG& IV,434] (372 ac), 1510%19`1521, 1522 [Guard. &3EG IV,435] (5th ac), 1523 (372 ac), 1524%19`1525; 1528 (Kefr Ambil), 1529 (338%19`348 ac?), 1531; 1532bis (Dahr el%19Kebi=ra; 378 ac); 1532ter (Umm Khibar; 511%3`2 ac); 1535 (Khirbet Fa=ris); 1538 (Kefr Ru=ma), 1539 (349 ac); 1545 (Mo%102arret en%19No.; 325 ac), 1546%19`1547, 1549, 1550 (6th ac); 1552 (%102Aiba=n; 418 ac?); 1553 (Ma%102shou=ri=n); 1554 (el%19Djadfeh); 1555%19`1556 (Ma%102s%1ara=n; 577%3`8 ac), 1557; 1558%19`1559 (Ma%102ra=ta), 1560%19`1561 (392 ac), 1562%19`1566; 1567 (Burdj el%19Abyad), 1569; 1570 (Fa%102lu=l; 526%3`7 ac), 1570bis, 1571%19`1574; 1576 (H%1era=keh; 496%3`7 ac), 1577, 1578 (517%3`8 ac), 1579 (524 ac), 1580%19`1581, 1582 (418%3`9 ac), 1583%19`1585; 1586 (I%102dja=z; 429%3`30 ac), 1587%19`1594bis (383%19`395 ac), 1595%19`1596 (end 4th%3beg. 5th), 1597, 1598 (546%3`7 ac), 1599%19`1603; 1604 (I%102djaiyiz); 1605%19`1606 (Abu%26 H%1ani=yeh; 406%3`7 ac); 1607 (Is%19Sek%1e=%102ah); 1608 (Shourrama=n); 1609 (el%19Habba=t%1; 557 ac); 1610 (el%19Burdj; 526 ac), 1611; 1612 (Ferwa=n); 1613 (Tarou=ti=n; 457 ac), 1614 (365 ac), 1615%19`1616, 1617 (504%3`5 ac), 1618, 1619 (510%3`1 ac), 1620%19`1622, 1623 (411%3`2 ac), 1624 (408%3`9 ac), 1625 (368%3`9 ac), 1626 (420 ac), 1627 (455%3`6 ac), 1628 (436%3`7 ac), 1629%3`41 (538%3`9 ac), 1630 (509%3`10 ac), 1631 (beg. 6th ac), 1632 (531%3`2 ac), 1633 (408%3`9 ac), 1634%19`1636, 1637 (443%3`4 ac), 1638 (444%3`5 ac), 1639 (474%3`5 ac), 1640, 1641 (538%3`9 ac), 1642 (477%3`8 ac), 1643 (486%3`7 ac), 1644 (465%3`6 ac), 1645%19`1647; 1648 (Mir%102a=yeh), 1649 (402%3`3 ac), 1650 (490%3`1 ac); 1651 (Umm Wila=t; 475%3`6 ac); 1652 (et%1%19T%1h%1edjeh); 1653 (%102O=djeh; 394%3`5 ac), 1654 (441%3`2 ac), 1655%19`1663; 1664%19`1665 (Sindja=r), 1666 (462%3`3 ac); 1667 (Sera=%102; 419 ac), 1668%19`1672; 1673 (St%1abl %102Antar; 577%3`8 ac), 1674; 1675 (el%19H%1o=meh); 1675bis (Abou Khana=teg); 1675ter (Umm el%19Groun; 6th ac); 1676%19`1677 (el%19Anderi=n), 1678 (583%3`4 ac), 1679%19`1681, 1682 [Guard. &3EG& IV,439] (559 ac), 1683%19`1694, 1695 (508%3`9 ac), 1696%19`1701, 1702 (528%3`9 ac), 1703%19`1706, 1707 (553%3`4 ac), 1708 (507 ac), 1709 (545%3`6 ac), 1710%19`1713; 1714 (Tell Minnis); 1715%19`1716 (Djerdjanaz), 1717 (567 ac), 1718; 1719 (Tell Da=m); 1720 (et%19Tekhkh); 1721 (Qerra=teh); 1722 (Rou=fa); 1723 (Bre=sa); 1724 (Sehal); 1725 (Umm et%19Ti=n; 516 ac); 1726 (Tell Khazneh; 563 ac), 1727; 1728 (Mesherfeh); 1729 (Umm er Reghi=m; 519 ac), 1730, 1731 (416 ac), 1732; 1733 (Sheykh Barak), 1734 (410 ac), 1735 (525%3`6 ac), 1736, 1737 (450%3`1 ac), 1738 (502%3`3 ac), 1739, 1739bis (412%3`3 ac), 1742 (559 ac); 1743 (Abou Khabbeh; 566 ac); 1744%19`1745 (Umm el Djela=l); 1746 (Tell Fre=dj; 474%3`5 ac), 1747%19`1748, 1749 (566 ac); 1750%19`1751 (U. el%19Khalakhil), 1752 (453%3`4 ac), 1753%19`1757, 1758 (459%19`468 ac), 1759 (575 ac), 1760 (356%3`7 ac); 1762 (Umm esh%19She=lik; 401 ac); 1763 (Rasm el%19%102A=bed; 510%3`1 ac), 1764; 1765%19`1766 (el%19Qsheyr); 1767 (Tell el%19%102Amara; 566%3`7 ac); 1768 (Khawa; 528%3`9 ac), 1769%19`1774bis; 1775%19`1776 (el%19Ekhwe=n), 1777 (460 or 463 ac), 1778 (470%3`1 ac); 1779 (Khan Sheykhoun); 1781 (Kefr ez%19Zi=ta); 1782%19`1783 (Ma%102arret Teshin); 1784 (Martareh); 1785 (%102At%1sha=n; 567%3`8 ac), 1786; 1787 (Qashr Sht%1te=b), 1788 (564 or 464 ac); 1789 (Rouweyd%1a; 539%3`40 ac), 1790 (554%3`5 ac), 1791, 1793%19`1795; 1796 (el%19Maks%1ar); 1802 (el%19Khawa=ys), 1803 (558%3`9 ac); 1809 (Ma%102an; 547%3`8), 1810 (555%3`6 ac); 1811 (Q el%19Moukharram; 551 ac), 1812 (570 ac), 1813%19`1814, 1815 (573%3`4 ac), 1816%19`1817, 1818 (542%3`3 ac); 1819 (Q. Abou Samra; 530 ac), 1820, 1821 (564 ac), 1822, 1824; 1825 (el%19Hazimeh), 1826 (402 ac); 1827 (el%19%102Arfa), 1828; 1829 (Q. Beyt %102Ali; 524 ac), 1830 (568 ac); 1831 (Rabdeh), 1832 (510 ac), 1833%19`1838; 1839 (Qashr Sha=wi); 1841 (Q. Ibn Warda=n), 1842 (564 ac), 1843 (561 ac), 1844; 1846 (ed%19Dabbaghin); 1847 (Rasm el%19Akhmar); 1849 (Sa%102n es Se%102n; 477%3`8 ac?); 1851 (Sho=ran; 509 ac), 1852; 1855 (M%102ardes; 413%3`4 ac); 1856 (Semreh); 1857 (M. esh%19Shkhour); 1858 (Qunbus), 1859 (561 ac); 1860 (Idni=n; 579%3`80 ac), 1861; 1862 (Fan es%19Shema=li; 576%3`7 ac), 1863; 1864 (Fa=n el%19Qibli); 1865 (Tell el%19Di=b; 577 ac), 1866 (Semma=qiyet; 577 ac), 1867, 1868 (597 ac); 1869 (Abu el%19Qudur; 574%3`5 ac), 1870; 1873 (el%19%102Anz; 542 ac), 1874; 1875 (er%19Rukhaiyeh; 556%3`7 ac), 1876 (564 ac), 1877 (373 ac), 1878%19`1881; 1881bis (er%19Rukhaiyeh?; 5th%19`6th ac); 1882 (er%19Rukhaiyeh; 529%3`30 ac); 1883 (et%1%19T%1u=ba; 572%3`3 ac), 1884 (582 ac), 1885%19`1886; 1887 (Umm Sakhridj; 602 ac); 1888 (Umm Kalak; 582 ac); 1889 (Khalba=n; 541 ac), 1890 (362 ac?), 1891%19`1893, 1894 (534 ac), 1895, 1897%19`1900; 1901 (el%19Mishrifeh; 453%3`4 ac), 1902, 1903 (583 ac), 1904 (597 ac?), 1905 (mid%19`6th ac), 1906%19`1907, 1908 (344 ac); 1909%19`1911 (el%19Bardouneh), 1912 (578 ac); 1913%19`1915 (et%1%19T%1aiyibeh), 1916 (597%3`8 ac), 1917%19`1918; 1919 (Umm Kharten); 1922 (Tell ed%19D%1ehheb; 469%3`70 ac), 1923, 1924 (489 ac), 1926 (569%3`70 ac), 1927 (592%3`3 ac); 1929 (Eshfi=n; 584%3`5 ac); 1930 (Zabbu=deh), 1931 (590 ac), 1932 (585%3`6 ac?), 1933 (591%3`2 ac); 1934 (el%19%102Aoudja), 1935%19`1936 (Sh. %102Ali Kasun), 1937 (506 ac), 1938%19`1939 (605 ac), 1940 (565 ac), 1941 (597%3`8 ac), 1942 (6th ac), 1943%19`1944; 1945%19`1949 (Nawa; 598%3`9 ac), 1950 (483%3`4 ac), 1951 (559 ac), 1952 (468%19`477 ac), 1953 (574%3`5 ac), 1954, 1955 (598 ac), 1956, 1957 (540%3`1 ac); 1958%19`1960 (Temek), 1961 (559%3`60 ac), 1963%19`1964; 1965 (U. et%19Tuwe=neh), 1966 (577 ac), 1967; 1968 (Do=seh); 1969 (Sabba%102; 546%3`7 ac), 1970 (578%3`9 ac), 1971 (544 ac), 1972 (601%3`2 ac), 1973; 1977 (Tell Sna=n; 478 ac), 1978 (439%3`40 ac?), 1979; 1980 (T %102Abd el%19%102Aziz), 1981 (599%3`600 ac?), 1982%19`1984, 1985 (532 ac), 1986, 1987 (492%3`3 ac?), 1988, 1989 (6th ac), 1990, 1991 (433 ac?), 1993, 1994; 1997 (%102Agerbat; 537 ac). __ Cross%19references: &3IGLSyr& 4.1415 %6 Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du nord III (1958) 30,32 (Fri=kya=; 364 ac), 1455 %6 &3VASyrN& III,29,30 (el%19Ba=ra), 1461 %6 &3VASyrN& III,29,29, 1473 %6 &3VASyrN& III,28,28 (595%3`596 ac?); @ Jalabert, L., and R. Mouterde, &3Inscriptions grecques et &3latines de la Syrie, V. Emese\ne.& Paris 1959. __ Includes: &3IGLSyr& 5.1999 (SYRIA I, Epiphaneia; 4th%19`6th ac), 2000%19`20001 (595 ac), 2002, 2003 (mid%19`4th ac), 2004%19`2006, 2007 (6th ac), 2008%19`2009, 2010 (521%3`2 ac), 2011%19`2013, 2014 (598 ac), 2016, 2027%19`2030, 2031 (6th ac), 2032%19`2035, 2036 (7th ac), 2037%19`2054, 2061; 2062 (Tizi=n); 2064 (Kfar Bouhoum; 540 ac); 2066 (Ayo; 539%3`40 ac); 2068 (Bse=ri=n; 616 ac); 2070 (De=r el%19Ferdi=s; 488%3`9 ƺac), 2071 (545 ac), 2072%19`2075 (599%3`600 ac), 2076; 2081 (Arethusa; 503%3`4 ac), 2086%19`2087; 2090 (Burdj el%19Qa=%102i; 457 ac), 2091 (528%3`9 ac), 2092 (530%3`1 ac), 2093 (531%3`2 ac), 2094 (605 ac), 2098 (539%3`40 ac), 2099 (588%3`9 ac?); 2100 (Da=r es%19Sala=m; 337 ac); 2102 (%102Aqrab; 492 ac), 2103 (488%3`9 ac); 2108 (Mariami=n; 493 ac), 2109 (493 ac), 2110 (594 ac); 2116 (Saya=diyeh); 2117 (Kh. Qa%102na=n); 2119 (Q. Umm T%1ouba); 2120 (Kh. el%19Qas%1r); 2121 (T%1ayibeh; ca. 535 ac); 2123 (Djagar el%19Amiri; 580 ac), 2125%19`2126 (582%3`3 ac), 2127 (ca. 582 ac), 2128; 2130 (Tisni=n; 390 ac), 2131; 2134%19`2136 (Umm Sheshou=kh); 2138 (Tell Bi=sseh; 325 ac), 2139%19`2140 (629 ac), 2141; 2142 (K. ad%19Da=siniya; 346%3`7 ac), 2143, 2144 (529 ac), 2145%19`2146; 2153 (Ghour; 497 ac), 2154 (519%3`20 ac), 2155 (524%3`5 ac), 2156 (566%3`7 ac), 2157%19`2162, 2167 (423 ac), 2168; 2169 (Sharaqliyeh; 576%3`7 ac); 2170 (Qana=qiyeh; 431%3`2 ac), 2171; 2172 (Tli=l; 501%3`2 ac), 2174; 2175 (Kh. Raf%102i=n; 596 ac), 2176 (618%3`9 ac); 2178 (Shi=n; 532%3`3 ac); 2179A (Kneysseh); 2180 (Tai+ri=n; 480%3`1 ac), 2181 (543%3`4 ac), 2182; 2189 (De=r Ba%102albeh); 2202 (PHOENICE LIBAN., Emesa), 2204 (509 ac), 2205 (5th ac?), 2206 (471 ac), 2207 (474 ac), 2208 (479 ac), 2209 (490 ac?), 2210 (459 ac?), 2211 (514 ac), 2226 (mid%19`6th ac), 2227, 2229 (end 5th ac), 2230%19`2231, 2232 (488%3`9 ac), 2233%19`2235, 2236 (568%3`9 ac), 2237 (561%3`2 ac), 2238 (529%3`30 ac), 2239 (665%3`6 ac?), 2240, 2241 (593 ac?), 2242 (581%3`2 ac), 2244, 2245 (607%3`8 ac?), 2246 (488 ac), 2247%19`2248, 2253 (510 ac), 2254 (606%3`7 ac), 2257, 2263, 2335 (7th ac), 2336 (538 ac), 2349 (335%3`6 ac), 2358 (494%3`5 ac), 2359 (495%3`6 ac), 2375, 2454, 2457, 2461, 2468, 2469 (mid%19`6th ac), 2476%19`2479, 2491, 2501; 2501bis (Emesa?; 5th ac?); 2507 (Tell Ameri; 555 ac), 2508 (366 ac); 2512 (Salamias; 604 ac), 2513, 2514 (432 ac), 2515%19`2517, 2522%19`2524, 2525 (431 ac), 2526 (489%3`90 ac), 2527%19`2530, 2531 (408%3`9), 2532, 2533 (537%3`8 ac), 2534 (539%3`40 ac?), 2535%19`2539, 2541, 2543, 2544 (379 ac); 2546 (al%19Moufaggar), 2548 (563 ac); 2553 (Heliaramia; ca. 528%19`588 ac); 2560 (Zai+dal; ca. 285%19`305 ac); 2604 (Feirouzi); 2608 (Meskeneh); 2611%19`2612 (Kh. et%19ti=n; 592 ac), 2613, 2614 (539 ac), 2615; 2617 (Kh. el%19H%1ama=m; 464 ac), 2618 (471 ac); 2620 (Saya=diyeh; mid%19`5th ac), 2621%19`2624, 2625 (448 ac); 2626 (Kinya; 568 ac); 2627 (Umm el%19Mais); 2628 (Bizna=ya; mid%19`5th ac); 2629 (Lifta=ya; 508 ac), 2630 (535 ac), 2631 (549 ac), 2632 (554 ac), 2633 (609 ac), 2634 (509%3`10 ac), 2635 (549%3`50 ac), 2636 (508 ac), 2637%19`2638, 2639%19`2640 (509%3`10 ac), 2641 (449%3`50 ac), 2642 (461%3`2 ac), 2643%19`2644 (463%3`4 ac), 2645%19`2647, 2648 (573 ac), 2649; 2650 (Kharba%102a=ra; 480%3`1 ac), 2651; 2653 (Djoubbaniyeh; 552%3`3 ac), 2654 (556 ac), 2655 (565%3`6 ac), 2656%19`2657, 2659 (479%3`80 ac); 2660 (Kh. %102Ashi=la; 456 ac), 2661 (588 ac); 2673 (%102Ardjoun), 2675 (293%19`305 ac); 2676 (Semakiyat; 293%19`305 ac); 2684 (Laodicea Liban.; 472 ac?); 2692 (Djouseh%19l%19Khar.), 2693 (425 ac); 2696 (Kha=wari=n; end 6th ac); 2704 (Khan el%19Abyad%1;%1 end 4th ac?); 2705 (Qa=ra); 2706 (Nbek); 2708 (Yabrou=d). __ Cross%19references: &3IGLSyr& 5.2336 %6 &3Anthology& 7,553 (PHOENICE LIBAN., Emesa; 538 ac). @ Rey%19Coquais, J.%19P., &3Inscriptions grecques et latines de la &3Syrie. VI. Baalbek et Beqa'.& Paris 1967. __ Includes: &3IGLSyr 6.2771%19`2772 (PHOENICE LIBAN., Ba%102albek; 293%19`305 ac), 2827 (mid%19`4th ac), 2828 (635%3`6 ac), 2830 (4th ac), 2831 (430%3`1 ac), 2832%19`2836, 2858, 2878%19`2879, 2882 (627%3`8 ac); 2886 (Soueidiyeh; beg. 4th ac), 2887 (end 4th ac); 2888 (Ras el%19%102Ai=n); 2897 (Ya%102at); 2900 (Djabbouleh; 293%19`305 ac); 2915 (Boudai=); 2924 (Bai=t Sha%26ma); 2927 (Timni=n; 293%19`305 ac); 2945 (Nabha; 746%3`7 ac); 2963 (Sa%102adna%102il; 317%19`324 ac); 2974 (Seri=n; 457%3`8 ac); 2984 (Chalkis Liban.; 6th ac); 2985 (D%1akoueh; 6th ac); 2988 (Ka%26med; beg. 8th ac). @ Rey%19Coquais, J.%19P., &3Inscriptions grecques et latines de la &3Syrie. VII. Arados et re/gions voisines.& Paris 1970. __ Includes: &3IGLSyr& 7.4007 (PHOENICE, Rouad; ca. 285%19`324 ac?); 4025%19`4026 (Tartous); 4042 (Joueikhat; 287%3`8 ac?), 4042bis; 4047 (Safita); 4050 (Saisainyeh); 4051 (Qalat Yahmour; ca. 293%19`340?); 4053 (Tell Sari=n; 596%3`7). @ Sartre, M., &3Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie. &3XIII,1. Bostra.& Paris 1982. __ Includes: &3IGLSyr& 13,1.9023 (ARABIA, Bostra; 4th ac?), 9037%19`9041, 9042 (6th ac?), 9043%19`9044, 9045%3`6 (488 ac), 9060 (293%19`305), 9061 (306 ac), 9062 (ca. 352%19`354 ac), 9091 (4th ac), 9111 (320%3`1 ac), 9112 (325%3`6 ac), 9115%19`9116 (beg. 5th ac?), 9117, 9118 (440%3`1 ac), 9119 (ca. 457 ac), 9120 (5th ac?), 9121 (479%3`80 ac), 9122 (488 ac), 9123 (490 ac), 9124 (501%3`2 ac), 9125 (512%3`3 ac), 9126 (524 ac), 9127 (end 5th%3beg. 6th), 9128 (540 ac), 9129 (539%3`40 ac), 9130 (540 ac), 9131 (540%3`1 ac), 9132%19`9134 (535%19`545 ac), 9135%19`9137 (mid%19`6th ac), 9138%19`9140, 9141 (6th ac?), 9142, 9155, 9174 (4th ac?), 9193 (mid. 3rd%19`4th ac?), 9209 (3rd%19beg. 4th ac), 9220, 9230, 9234, 9250, 9253, 9259%19`9260, 9268, 9276, 9281, 9283, 9299%19`9300, 9306, 9312, 9315, 9324, 9327, 9343, 9349, 9352%19`9353, 9358, 9364, 9366, 9377, 9381, 9394, 9396 (320%3`1 ac), 9399, 9403, 9407, 9411%19`9413, 9416, 9417 (492 ac), 9418 (492 ac), 9420, 9422%19`9423, 9426%19`9428, 9431, 9436, 9437 (5th ac?), 9439 (352%3`3 ac), 9441, 9442 (6th ac?), 9445 (333%3`4 ac), 9472. @ Gatier, P.%19L., &3Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie. &3XXI. Inscriptions de la Jordanie, 2: Re/gion centrale.& Paris 1986. __ Includes: &3IGLSyr& 21,2.2 (ARABIA, Zia); 4%19`5 (Safut); 6 (Jbeiha); 7 (Swafieh); 8 (Haraseh); 42 [&3SEG& 27.1003] (Amman; 6th ac), 43 (6th ac), 44%19`47; 52 [&3SEG& 34.1518] (Quweisme; ca. 717%3`8 ac), 53 [&3SEG& 34.1517] (717%3`8 ac), 54 [&3SEG& 34.1514%3`16] (ca. 550%19`600 ac); 56 (Yadudeh; 502 ac); 57 [&3SEG& 33.1271%3`75] (Masuh; ca. 550%19`600 ac); 59 (Hesban), 60 [&3SEG& 29.1611] (mid%19`6th ac), 61 [&3SEG& 29.1609] (mid%19`6th ac), 62 [&3SEG& 29.1610] (end 6th ac?); 65a%19`65c (el%19Muallaqah); 66 [&3SEG& 32.1527] (Shuneh; 7th%19`8th ac), 67 [&3SEG& 32.1524] (7th%19`8th ac), 68 [&3SEG 32.1523] (7th%19`8th ac), 69 [&3SEG& 32.1525] (7th%19`8th ac), 70 [&3SEG 32.1526] (7th%19`8th ac); 71 [&3SEG& 8.324] (Siyagha; 6th ac), 72 (6th ac), 73 [&3SEG& 8.323] (6th ac), 74 [&3SEG& 27.1019] (531 ac), 75 [&3SEG& 27.1020] (531 ac), 76b%19`76c, 78 [&3SEG& 8.322] (ca. 603%19`608 ac), 79 [&3SEG& 8.321] (ca. 603%19`608 ac), 80 [&3SEG& 8.318] (597 ac), 81 [&3SEG& 8.319] (ca. 600 ac), 82 [&3SEG& 8.320] (ca. 600 ac), 83 (4th%19`5th ac), 84 [&3SEG& 8.326] (6th ac), 85%19`87, 88 [&3SEG 8.327] (4th%19`5th ac), 89, 90 [&3SEG& 8.328] (4th%19`5th ac), 91%19`94; 96 [&3SEG& 34.1510%3`13] (Ayoun Mousa; 6th ac); 97 [&3SEG& 8.336] (Makhayyat; ca. 562 ac), 98 [&3SEG& 8.337] (mid%19`6th ac), 99 [&3SEG 8.338] (mid%19`6th ac), 100 (535%3`6 ac), 101%19`102 (ca. 535 ac), 103 [&3SEG& 8.338a] (ca. 535 ac), 104%19`105 (ca. 535 ac), 106 (ca. 562 ac), 1071%19`108 (mid%19`6th ac), 109%19`111; 112 (Kf.%19el%19Wakhyan); 113%19`116 (Kf. Abu Sarbut); 123%19`124 (Madaba), 125 (5th%19`6th ac), 126%19`127, 128 [&3SEG& 32.1547] (mid%19`6th ac), 129 (527%19`565 ac), 130 [&3SEG& 32.1545] (663 ac), 131 [&3SEG& 30.1709] (663 ac), 132 [&3SEG 32.1546] (ca. 663 ac), 133 [&3SEG& 31.1473] (562 ac), 134 [&3SEG 31.1472bis] (562 ac), 135 [&3SEG& 31.1474] (575%3`6 ac), 136 [&3SEG 31.1475,1] (575%3`6 ac), 137 [&3SEG& 31.1475,2%19`3] (575%3`6 ac), 138 [&3SEG& 31.1476] (536%19`562 ac), 140 [&3SEG& 31.1472] (603 ac), 141 (578%3`9 ac), 142%19`143 (ca. 578%3`9 ac), 144 (mid%19`6th ac), 145 (607%3`8 ac), 146 (ca. 607%3`8 ac), 147 (595%3`6 ac), 148 [&3SEG 8.331] (6th ac), 149%19`152, 153,1%19`154 here %6 Avi%19Yonah, &3The &3Madaba Mosaic Map& (1954) (ca. 550%19`600 ac?); 155 (Zizia; 580 ƺac); 156 [&3SEG& 35.1586] (Ma%102in; 5th ac), 157 [&3SEG& 35.1580] (719%3`20 ac), 158 [&3SEG& 35.1579] (719%3`20 ac), 159 [&3SEG& 35.1577] (719%3`20 ac), 160 [&3SEG& 35.1578] (719%3`20 ac), 161 [&3SEG& 35.1585], 162 [&3SEG& 35.1582] (mid%19`6th ac), 163 [&3SEG& 35.1581] (598%3`9 ac?), 164 [&3SEG& 35.1592], 165 [&3SEG& 35.1590,2], 166 [&3SEG& 35.1590,1], 167 [&3SEG& 35.1589], 168 [&3SEG& 35.1590,3], 169 [&3SEG& 35.1591], 170, 171 [&3SEG& 35.1588], 172 [&3SEG& 35.1587] (4th%19`5th ac?), 173 [&3SEG& 35.1594]; 174 [&3SEG& 35.1584] (ed%19Deir; mid%19`6th ac), 175 [&3SEG& 27.1006] (mid%19`6th ac); 176 [&3SEG& 31.1471] (Um el%19Walid; 3rd ac); 177 (Mekawer; 602%3`3 ac); 180%19`181 (Dhiban). @ Waddington, W.%19H., in Ph. Le Bas and W.%19H. Waddington, &3Voyage &3arche/ologique en Gre/ce et en Asie Mineure pendant 1834 et &3`1844. III. Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie.& Paris 1870. __ Includes: &3LBW& VI,1847a (PHOENICE, Berytos; ca. 338%19`344 ac); 1878 [&3CIG& 8641] (PHOENICE LIBAN., Abila; 565 ac); 1905 (PALAEST. I, Hebron); 1906a [&3CIG& 5187] (CYRENAICA, Ptolemais; 491%19`518 ac); 1959 (ARABIA, Djmirri=n [Djemerri=n]); 1959b [&3CIG& 9146] (near Bostra), 1960 [&3CIG& 8933]; 1965 (Qreyeh), 1966 (538 ac); 1970 (el%19%102Ayi=n; 344 ac); 1981 [&3CIG 8900] (Sahwet%19el%19Khudr); 1984 [&3CIG& 4631?] (%102Ayoun), 1986 (340 ac), 1988; 1990 (Salkhad; 252 ac), 1996 (601 ac), 1997 (656 ac), 1998 (322 ac), 1999 (345 ac), 2000 (351 ac), 2001 [&3CIG 4641] (369 ac), 2004 (392 ac), 2006, 2007 [&3CIG& 4642], 2009%19`2011, 2018 [&3CIG& 4638] (%102Orma=n; 341 ac), 2019 [&3CIG& 4635] (358 ac), 2020 [&3CIG& 4637] (398 ac); 2022a (Harise; 419 ac); 2031 [Peek, &3GVI& (1955) 1974] (Migdala; mid%19`4th ac?), 2032; 2033 (Mothana; 491%19`518 ac), 2034 (ca. 343 ac), 2035 (343 ac), 2036 (342 ac), 2037 (350 ac); 2038 (Khudr%19Imta=n); 2039 (Sam.%19el%19Berdan), 2040 (534 ac); 2045 (%102Auwas%1 [Awwas]; 354 ac), 2049%19`2050, 2053b (Deir%19el%19Meyas); 2054 (Um er%19Rumma=n; 364 ac), 2056 (468 ac), 2057; 2058 (Thainatha [Um el%19Djema=l]; 371 ac); 2070b (Sahwet%19el%19Qamh); 2070g (Adraa); 2070p (Turra); 2080 [&3CIG& 4603] (Philippopolis; 551 ac); 2087%19`2088 (%102Amra; 473 ac), 2089 (455 ac), 2090 (555 ac), 2091 (ca. 555 ac), 2092%19`2094; 2122 (Eitha; 4th ac?), 2124 [&3CIG& 8819] (354 ac), 2125%19`2126; 2127%19`2128 (Btheine), 2130, 2134; 2139 (Maximianopolis%19Saccaea), 2145 [Peek, &3GVI& (1955) 1983] (358%19`373 ac), 2158 [&3CIG& 8609] (506 ac), 2159 [&3CIG& 8616] (6th ac), 2160, 2160a [&3CIG& 8821], 2161%19`2162, 2162a, 2163; 2171 (Tafha); 2175 (Namara), 2185; 2187 (Djeneine), 2190; 2193 (Radeime); 2194 (Kh.%19el%19%102Ara=dji; 351 ac); 2197 (el%19Ma=liki=ye; 397 ac), 2199; 2201 (Douma); 2207%19`2208 (Um Ruaq); 2217 (Nela), 2219, 2225, 2235 (492 ac); 2239 (Bosana [Bu%26sa=n]; 365 ac), 2239a, 2240, 2243, 2245 (401 ac), 2247 (341 ac), 2249, 2250 (573 ac), 2251 (582 ac), 2252%19`2253; 2259 (Salamanestha), 2261 (566%19`574 ac), 2262%19`2263; 2293 (Kapra; 321 ac); 2299 (Mdje/mir; 516 ac); 2327%19`2328 (Soada); 2350 (Kanatha), 2358, 2361 [&3CIG 9147], 2362 [&3CIG& 8799]; 2381 [Peek, &3GVI& (1955) 264] (Selaima); 2388%19`2389 (Mif%102aleh); 2391%19`2391a (Merdocha); 2393 [&3OGIS& 619] (Deir%19el%19Lehben; 320 ac), 2394%19`2395 (ca. 320 ac); 2400 (Kefr%19Laha=); 2405 [&3CIG& 4582] (Migdala), 2406 [&3CIG& 4580]; 2412 (Deir%19el%19Kadi); 2412b [&3CIG& 8651] (et%19Tha%102leh; 538 ac?); 2412f (Kuteibeh; 575 ac); 2412k (Nahite; 356 ac), 2412l (385 ac), 2412m [&3CIG& 8652] (623 ac); 2412p (Doroa [ed%19Du=r]); 2412q [&3CIG 4575] (el%19Hari=ri); 2413a (Deir%19Eyoub; 641 ac); 2413o (Ke/na=kir); 2415 (Borechath Sabao.); 2419 [Peek, &3GVI& (1955) 271] (Reimea [Ri=met il%19Luh%1f), 2425%19`2426, 2426a%19`2426b (Mebna=%19el%19Beit); 2427 [&3CIG& 4578b] (Nedjra=n), 2431; 2442 (Aerita); 2459 (Agraina); 2462 (Harra=n; 397 ac), 2464 (568 ac), 2465%19`2467, 2469%19`2470; 2474 [Peek, &3GVI& (1955) 655] (Busr%19el%19Hari=ri; ca. 350 ac?), 2475 [&3PLRE& I,537] (ca. 350 ac?), 2476%19`2477; 2485 [&3BE/O& 1 (1931) 41,3] (Zorava), 2490 [&3CIG 4573], 2497 [&3BE/O& 1 (1931) 39,1] (542 ac), 2498 [&3PAAES III,437a] (515 ac), 2499 [&3BE/O& 1 (1931) 40,2] (ca. 542 ac), 2499a [&3BE/O& 1 (1931) 42,4] (ca. 542 ac), 2499b [&3BE/O& 1 (1931) 43,5] (ca. 542 ac), 2500, 2501 [&3CIG& 8921], 2502 [&3PAAES III,438] (6th ac?), 2503 [&3BE/O& 1 (1931) 43,6] (mid 6th ac?); 2504 (Schaqra), 2510 [&3BE/O& 1 (1931) 44,8]; 2513 (Zebi=reh); 2514 [&3IGRR& 3.1134] (Habiba; 303 ac); 2537a (Brak); 2537e (Khulkhula); 2546a [&3CIG& 4593 with Add.; cf. &3Consuls,& App. p. 631] (Umm ez%19Zeitun; 331 ac), 2548 [&3CIG& 8841]; 2551a [&3CIG 4512] (PHOENICE LIBAN., Damaskos; 361%19`363 ac), 2551c; 2558 [&3OGIS& 608] (Lebara; 318 ac); 2559 (Nedjha; 293%19`305,333%19`335); 2559a (el%19Hidja=ne); 2562 (el%19Ghassouleh; ca. 352 ac); 2562c [&3CIG& 4517] (el%19Burdj; ca. 566%19`580 ac); 2626 (Palmyra; 293%19`305 ac), 2629a (285%19`305 ac); 2633 (Salamias); 2642 (SYRIA II, Epiphaneia); 2723 (GREATER SYRIA, place?), 2724 (10th%19`11th ac). __ Cross%19references: &3LBW& VI,1963 %6 &3SEG& 7,1154 (ARABIA, Kre/ye/ [Qreyeh]; 295%3`6 ac), 2261 %6 &3SEG& 7,1129 (Mardocha). @ Littmann, E., and D. Magie Jr., &3Syria. Publications of the &3Princeton University Archaeological Expeditions to Syria in &3`1904%19`5 and 1909. Division III, Greek and Latin Inscriptions, &3Section A: Southern Syria.& Leiden 1907%19`1921. __ Includes: &3PPUAES& III,A.18 (ARABIA, Q. el%19H%1allabat; 529 ac), 20 [&3SEG 32.1554] (beg. 6th ac); 21 (K%1. il%19Ba=%102ik%1; 411 ac); 24 (Sameh; 624%3`5 ac), 25 (624%3`5 ac), 26, 27 (646 ac?); 28 (Jaber; 3rd%19`4th); 29 (Sameh), 32; 37 (il%19Umta%26%102i=yeh; 330%3`1 ac), 38%19`40, 40(1), 41; 51 (Umm is%19Surab; 489 ac); 59 (Khuraiyib; 569 ac); 61 (S%1ma=d; 327 ac), 62 (385 ac), 64; 114 (S%1abh%1ah; 293%19`305 ac), 115; 158 (S%1alkhad; 380 ac?), 159 (403 ac), 160 (419 ac), 161 (497 ac), 164, 166, 167 (377 ac), 168 (325 ac); 169 (Medjdel; 430 ac), 170 (485 ac?); 172 (is%1%19S%1a=fiyeh); 173 (Bura=k%1; 335 ac?), 174 (445 ac), 175; 177 (il%19Meshk%1u=k%1; 350 ac); 180 (Kfe=r; 318 ac); 183 (Umm ir%19Rumma=n; 366 ac); 186 [Dessau, &3ILS& 9465] (%102Anz; 362 ac), 188 (415 ac), 193; 197 (il%19Gha=riyeh; 380 ac), 198 (315 ac?), 201; 205%19`206 (il%19K%1ut%1t%1e=n; 305%19`306 ac), 207 (292%19`305 ac), 208 (314%19`317 ac), 213 (mid%19`4th ac); 224 (%102Ina=k; 348 ac); 228 (De=r il%19Kahf; 306 ac), 229 (367%19`375 ac), 230 (4th ac?); 233 (Thainatha [Umm idj%19Djima=l]; 371 ac), 234 (ca. 285%19`305 ac?), 237 (412%3`3 ac?), 245%19`259, 260 (556 ac), 261, 262 (344 ac), 263, 265%19`270, 280, 281%19`2, 285, 374, 386; 603 (Djemerri=n; 414 ac), 604 (400 ac?), 609; 611 (il%19Mu%102a=rribeh; 336 ac), 614; 618%19`620 (Ghas%1m); 623 (It%1%19T%1aiyibeh); 668 (il%19Kefr), 669 (350 ac), 670 (392 ac), 672 (583 ac), 677 (735 ac); 681 (Sahwit il%19Khidr; 305 ac); 685 (%102Auwas%1; 324 ac); 686 (%102Orma=n); 689 (%102Auwas%1?; 372 ac); 693 (%102Auwas%1; 387 ac?); 694 (%102Orma=n; 517 ac?), 695 (517 ac?), 696 (372 ac), 697 (323 ac), 701 (330 ac), 702 (325%19`334 ac), 705 (362 ac); 707 (M. is%1%19S%1arra=r), 708%19`710, 711 (315 ac), 712 (6th ac), 713%19`714 (466 ac), 715%19`716 (644 ac?), 717 (425 ac?), 718%19`719; 722%19`723 (D. in%19Nas%1ra=ni); 724 (Sa=leh; 359 ac), 725 (505 ac), 726 (359 ac), 727, 728 (547 ac), 730; 731 (Dj. il%19K%1ule=b; 520 ac); 732 (Bosana [Bu%26sa=n]; 358 ac?), 733 (4th ac?), 734 (386 ac), 736 (390 ac), 739, 740 (386 ac); 757 (Da=ma%26; 533 ac); 783(2) (Djdi=yeh), 783(3)%19`83(4); 784(3) (Reimea [Ri=met il%19Luh%1f); 787(7) (Mdje=dil), 787(8), 787(11); 788 (Wak%1m; 316 ac?), 788(1) (316%19`396 ac), 788(2) (4th ac); 791 (Idj%19Dja=dj); 792(1)%19`792(2) (Djre=n; 543 ac?); 793(3) (Agraina [Lubbe=n]; 417 ac?), 793(7); 794(1) (H%1arra=n; 397%3`8 ac); 796(2) (il%19Ube=r); 797(2) (Su=r; 326 ac), 797(3) (458 ac); 799(1) (Djedil; 352 ac); 800 (D. il%19%102Alya%26; 432 ac), 800(5), 800(8); 801(5)%19`801(6) (D. ƺidj%19Djuwani); 802 (Kre=m); 803(5) (Sha%102a=rah; 324%19`337 ac), 803(7); 804 (T%1aff), 804(1). @ Prentice, W.K., &3Greek and Latin Inscriptions. Part III of &3the Publications of an American Archaeological Expedition to &3Syria in 1899%19`1900.& New York 1908. __ Includes: &3PAAES& III,354 (PHOENICE LIBAN., Palmyra); 361 (ARABIA, S%1. il%19Kebi=reh); 364d (il%19Haiya=t), 367%19`368 (578 ac); 375 (Maximianopolis%19Saccaea [Shak%1k%1a%26]), 377 (361%3`2 ac?); 391 (T%1afh%1a%26); 403 (Philippopolis [Shehba%26]; 552 ac); 437 (Zorava [Zor%102ah]). Cross%19references: &3PAAES& III,437a %6 &3LBW& VI,2498 (ARABIA, Zorava; 515 ac), 438 %6 &3LBW& VI,2502 (6th ac?). @ Seyrig, H., "Appendice II: Inscriptions grecques," in G. Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du nord: Le Massif du &3Be/lus a l'e/poque romaine& (Paris 1958), III, pp. 2%19`62. __ Includes: &3VASyrN& III,5,4 [&3SEG& 20.330] (SYRIA I, Bra=d), 5,5 [&3SEG& 20.333], 5,6 [&3SEG& 20.332] (5th ac); 7,8 [&3SEG& 20.335] (Burg%148 H%1eidar; 297 ac); 8,8a [&3SEG& 20.336] (Kafr La=b; 297 ac), 8,8b [&3SEG& 20.337] (297 ac), 9,8c [&3SEG& 20.338] (297 ac); 9,8d [&3SEG& 20.339] (Ba=zi=her; 297 ac); 10,8e [&3SEG& 20.340] (Kafr Na=bo; 297 ac), 10,8f [&3SEG& 20.341] (297 ac); 11,9 [&3SEG& 20.342] (Ferka=n; 297 ac); 11,10 [&3SEG& 20.343] (H%1ara=b S%148ams%148); 11,10a [&3SEG 20.344] (Nebbul; 450 ac); 15,12 [&3SEG& 20.347] (Qal%102a=t Sim%102a=n), 16,13 [&3SEG& 20.346]; 16,14 [&3SEG& 20.348] (Qa=t%1u=ra; end 3rd ac?); 16,15 [&3SEG& 20.349] (Refa=de; 489 ac); 19,16 [&3SEG& 20.350] (Deir Sim%102a=n; 471 ac), 19,17 [&3SEG& 20.351]; 25,23 [&3SEG& 20.360] (Qalblo=ze); 26,25 [&3SEG& 20.362] (Ba=muqqa; 3rd%19`4th ac); 28,27a [&3SEG& 20.365] (Kafr Deria=n); 28,28 [&3IGLSyr& 4.1473] (SYRIA II, el%19Ba=ra; 595%3`596 ac?), 29,29 [&3IGLSyr& 4.1461], 29,30 [&3IGLSyr 4.1455]; 29,30a [&3SEG& 20.368] (Mug%148legga); 30,31 [&3SEG& 20.369] (Fri=kya=; 459 ac), 30,32 [&3IGLSyr& 4.1415] (364 ac); 30,33 [&3SEG 20.371] (Ma%102arret Beitar); 31,34 [&3SEG& 20.372] (Kfeirh%1a=ya=; 342 ac); 33,35 [&3SEG& 20.367] (Deir Debba=ne; 563 ac); 33,35a [&3SEG 20.373] (Deir es%148 S%148arqi; 546 ac); 33,36 [&3SEG& 20.374a] (EUPHRAT., Res%1a=fe), 34,37 [&3SEG& 20.374b], 34,38 [&3SEG& 20.374c]; 35,39 [&3SEG& 20.375] (SYRIA II, H%1a=s; 388 ac); 36,39a [&3SEG 20.376] (Khirbet Mu=qa; 384%3`5 ac); 37,39b [&3SEG& 20.377] (SYRIA I, Raya=n; 417 ac); 38,39c [&3SEG& 20.378] (Raya=n; 417 ac), 38,39d [&3SEG& 20.379] (417 ac), 38,39e [&3SEG& 20.380] (472 ac); 39,39f [&3SEG& 20.381] (SYRIA II, Qas%1r el Abyad%1; 4th%19`5th ac); 40,39g (PHOENICE, Tyros; 573%19`578 ac?). __ Cross%19references: &3VASyrN III,5,6 %6 Lassus, &3Sanctuaires chre/tiennes de Syrie& (1947) 258,7 (SYRIA, Bra=d; ca. 400 ac). @ Lassus, J., &3Sanctuaires chre/tiennes de Syrie& [SanctChr]. Paris 1947. __ Includes: &3SanctChr& 170 (SYRIA I, Bra=d; end 5th ac), 171 (Bra=d), 195 (end 5th ac); 251 [Renan, &3Mission de Phe/nice (1864%19`1874], p. 613, pl. lxix] (PHOENICE, Qabr Hiram; 576 ac); 257n.1 [Guard. &3EG& IV,437] (SYRIA I, Antioch: Machuka; end 5th ac); 257,1 (Bra=d; 402 ac), 257,2%19`258,6 (ca. 400 ac), 258,7 [Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du nord III (1958) 5,6] (ca. 400 ac), 258,8 (ca. 400 ac), 258,9 (ca. 399 ac), 259,10%19`259,12 (ca. 400 ac). @ Mouterde, R., "Releve/s comple/mentaires," in R. Mouterde and A. Poidebard, &3Le Limes de Chalcis& (Paris 1945), I, pp. 183%19`221. __ Includes: &3LimChalc& 185,8 (SYRIA I, Chalkis [Qinnesri=n]), 185,9 (503 ac); 186,10%19`186,11 (Sfi=re/; 487%3`8 ac), 188,15 (Borg%148 Za%102rou=r; 410%3`1 ac); 190,16 (Mou%102allaq); 190,17 (er%19Rouhhweyb; 553 ac); 192,19 (Rasm er%19Rbeyt%1 [Rbi=t%1]; 470%3`1 ac); 194,20 (Anasartha; 425 ac), 195,21%19`196,23, 196,26 (531%3`2 ac), 197,27; 197,28 (Zebed; 582 ac), 197,29; 200,30 (et%1%19T%1ouba; 353 ac); 204,32 (Rasm el%19H%1ag%148al; 486%3`7 ac); 205,33 (Dreyb el%19Wawi; 461%3`2 ac), 205,34 (5th ac), 205,35 (535%3`6 ac), 206,36 (539 ac), 206,37%19`207,38; 207,39 [&3BE/& 1954.243] (el%19H%1ammam); 209,39a (EUPHRAT., Hierapolis; 542%19`548 ac); 212,47 [&3SEG& 26.1617] (Zeugma; 325 ac); 215,53 (SYRIA I, Beroea); 216,54 (SYRIA II, Khreybe/; ca. 326%19`353 ac). __ Cross%19references: &3LimChalch 203,31 %6 &3IGLSyr& 2,318 (SYRIA I, Rasm el%19H%1adjal; 6th ac). @ Welles, C.B., in C.H. Kraeling, &3Excavations at Dura%19Europos. &3Final Report VIII, Part II: The Christian Building.& New Haven 1967. __ Includes: &3EDE& 8,2.90,1%19`90,2 (EUPHRAT., Dura%19Europos; ca. 230%19`256%3`7 ac), 91,4%19`91,5 (ca. 230%19`256%3`7 ac), 92,8%19`92,9 (ca. 230%19`256%3`7 ac), 93,10 (232%3`3 ac), 95,15%19`97,20 (ca. 230%19`256%3`7 ac). @ Rey%19Coquais, J.%19P., &3Inscriptions grecques et latines &3de/couvertes dans les fouilles de Tyr (1963%19`1974), I. &3Inscriptions de la Ne/cropole.& "Bulletin du Muse/e de Beyrouth," 29; Paris 1977. __ Includes: &3BMusBey& 29.9%19`13 (PHOENICE, Tyros), 13bis, 14%19`17, 19%19`22, 23bis, 26%19`29, 31%19`53, 56%19`66, 68, 70%19`73, 74 (376 ac), 75%3`6, 77%19`91, 93%19`99, 100 (4th ac), 102%19`113, 116%19`117, 121%19`124, 126%19`138, 141%19`143, 146%19`148, 150%19`153, 155%19`156, 158%19`160, 160bis, 161%19`162, 164, 166 (486 ac), 167%19`176, 178%19`179, 181 (440 ac), 183%19`190, 192, 197, 198 (469 ac), 200 (609 ac), 201%19`204, 205 (586%3`7 ac), 206%19`208, 211%19`212, 216%19`218, 221%19`222. __ The inscriptions nos. 164, 167%19`168 have been included in the collection of Jewish inscriptions as &3CIJ& "`880a%19`880c". @ Welles, C.B., in C.H. Kraeling, &3Gerasa. City of the Decapolis. New Haven 1938. __ Includes: &3Gerasa& 87%19`101 (ARABIA, Gerasa), 105%19`106 (293%19`305 ac), 160%19`162 (284%19`305 ac), 227 (2nd ac), 236 (3rd ac), 264 (beg. 4th ac), 265 (306%3`7? ac), 272 (6th ac?), 273 (ca. 440 ac), 274 (441%19`442 ac), 275 (447 ac), 276 (5th ac), 277 (533 ac?), 278 (533 ac), 279 (535 ac), 280%19`281 (6th ac), 282 (6th ac?), 283, 284 (6th ac), 285%19`286 [&3CIJ 2.867a%19`867b] (5th ac), 288, 289 (5th%19`6th ac), 290%19`295 (6th ac), 296 (454%3`5 ac), 297 (584 ac), 298 (464%3`5 ac), 299 (5th%19`6th ac), 300 (496 ac), 301%19`302, 303 (6th ac), 304 (526 ac), 305 (6th ac), 306%19`307 (531 ac), 308, 309%19`310 (529%3`30 ac), 311%19`316 (533 ac), 317%19`322 (6th ac), 323%19`324 (530%3`1 ac), 325%19`330 (6th ac), 331 (565 ac), 332, 333%19`334 (6th ac), 335 (611 ac), 336 (7th ac?), 337 (Byz.?), 338%19`343 (6th ac), 344 (5th ac), 345%19`348 (361%19`363 ac), 349 (6th ac?), 350%19`359 (Byz.). @ Piccirillo, M., &3Chiese e Mosaici della Giordana &3Settentrionale.& "Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Collectio Minor," 30; Jerusalem 1981. __ Includes: &3SBFCM& 30.20 [&3SEG 32.1513] (PALAEST. II, Kh. el%19Wadadneh); 24 [&3SEG& 32.1492] (Kh. el%19Maqati; 482%3`3 ac); 26 (Irbid); 27 (el%19Husn); 31 [&3SEG 32.1504] (near Gadara); 32 (Capitolias), 32n.13; 68,1 (ARABIA, Riha%26b; 605 ac), 70,2 [c: &3SEG& 32.1557] (594 ac), 73,3 (620 ac), 74,4 (6th ac?), 76,5 (635 ac), 78,6 [&3SEG& 30.1711%3`2] (596 ac), 80,7 [&3SEG& 30.1713%3`4] (624 ac), 88,8 [&3SEG& 30.1715%3`6] (582 ac). @ *Avi%19Yonah, M., &3The Madaba Mosaic Map.& Jerusalem 1954. With additions from H. Donner and H. Cuppers, &3Zeitschrift des &3deutschen Pala+stina%19Vereins& 83 (1967) 1%19`33. References follow the numeration of Gatier, &3IGLSyr& 21:2 (1986), pp. 148%19`180, no. 153,1%19`154, with the numbers in the publication of Avi%19Yonah given in parentheses. @ @@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references (Syria, Phoenice) __ @ &3Annales arche/ologiques arabes syriennes& (Damascus). &3AAAS& 22 (1972) 151 %6 &3BE/& 1974,630 (SYRIA II, Fri=kya=; 511 ac). @ &3Chariste%26rion eis A.K. Orlandon.& 4 vols. "Bibliothe%26ke%26 te%26s en Athe%26nais Archaiologike%26s Hetaireias," 54; Athens 1965%19`1968. &3ChOrl& I (1965) 339,5 %6 &3SEG& 7,197 (SYRIA, Berytus). @ Che/hab, M.H., &3Mosaiques du Liban& "Bulletin du Muse/e de Beyrouth," 14; Paris, 1957. R. Mouterde, in &3BMBey& 14 (1957) 100,1 %6 &3BE/& 1961,783[a] (PHOENICE, Sidon: Zahrani; 541 ac), ƺ101,2 %6 &3BE/& 1961,783[b] (5th ac), 103,4 %6 &3BE/& 1961,783[c] (6th ac), 103,5 %6 &3BE/& 1961,783[d] (ca. 400 ac?), 104,6 %6 &3BE/ 1961,783[e] (389%3`90 ac), 104,7 %6 &3BE/& 1961,783[f] (524 ac), 105,8 %6 &3BE/& 1961,783[g] (ca. 524 ac), 105,9 %6 &3BE/& 1961,783[h] (ca. 535 ac?), 105,10 %6 &3BE/& 1961,783[i] (535 ac), 127,c %6 &3BE/ 1961,783[j] (Berytos: Awzai; ca. 450%19`525 ac?), 127,d %6 &3BE/ 1961,783[k] (ca. 450%19`525 ac?), 167 %6 &3BE/& 1961,783[l] (Berytos: B. Mery; 6th ac); @ Dittenberger, W., &3Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae.& 2 vols. Leipzig 1903%19`1905. &3OGIS& II,608 %6 &3LBW& VI,2558 (PHOENICE LIBAN., Lebara; 318 ac). @ &3Epigraphica& (Rome). &3Epigr& 33 (1971) 95,4 %6 &3BE/& 1973,489 (SYRIA, Apameia). @ &3Israel Exploration Journal& (Jerusalem) &3IEJ& 16 (1966) 209 %6 &3BE/ 1970,626 (PHOENICE, Tyre: Hv. Kark.; 477 ac). @ &3Me/langes K. Michalowski& (Warsaw 1966). &3Me/l Michal.& p. 311 %6 &3BE/ 1968,553 (PHOENICE LIB., Palmyra; 535 ac). @ &3Monuments et Me/moires publie/s par l'Acade/mie des Inscriptions &3et Belles%19Lettres& (Foundation Piot) (Paris). &3MonPiot& 51 (1960) 129 %6 &3BE/& 1961,770 (SYRIA, place?; 6th%19`7th ac). @ &3Oriens Antiquus& (Rome). &3OrAnt& 4 (1965) 71 %6 &3BE/& 1966,467 (SYRIA I, Antioch%3Laodic.; 293%19`305 ac). @ Renan, E., &3Mission de Phe/nice.& Paris 1864%19`1874. Renan &3Miss.& p. 613 %6 Lassus, &3Sanctuaires chre/tiennes de Syrie& (1947) 251 (PHOENICE, Qabr Hiram; 576 ac). @ &3Revue des e/tudes byzantines& (Paris). &3REB& 22 (1964) 286 %6 &3Me/lBey& 38 (1962) 322,1 (SYRIA, Thaumaston Oros; 1266 ac), 286 %6 &3Me/lBey& 38 (1962) 323,3 (Byz.), 286 %6 &3Me/lBey& 38 (1962) 324,4 (Byz.). @ &3Rivista di archeologia cristiana della Pontificia Commissione &3di Archeologia sacra& (Rome). &3RAC& 37 (1961) 303 %6 &3BE/& 1964,41 (SYRIA, Tell Minnis; 489 ac). @ @@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references (Arabia) __ @ &3Archiv Orienta/lni/& (Prague). &3ArOr& 18,1%19`2 (1950) 144%19`164, nos. 338 %6 &3BE/& 1953,218[c] (ARABIA, Obta), 353 %6 &3BE/& 1953,218[a] (343%3`4 ac), 356 %6 &3BE/& 1953,218[d] (Namer), 369 %6 &3BE/& 1953,218[b] (Zorava; 601 ac), 373 %6 &3BE/& 1953,218[e] (Danaba). @ &3Bulletin d'e/tudes orientales& (Cairo and Paris). &3BEO& 1 (1931) 39,1 %6 Le Bas%19Waddington VI,2497 (ARABIA, Zorava; 542 ac), 40,2 %6 &3LBW& VI,2499 (ca. 542 ac), 41,3 %6 &3LBW& VI,2485, 42,4 %6 &3LBW& VI,2499a (ca. 542 ac), 43,5 %6 &3LBW& VI,2499b (ca. 542 ac), 43,6 %6 &3LBW& VI,2503 (mid%19`6th ac?), 44,8 %6 &3LBW& VI,2510 (Schaqra). @ Cagnat, R., et al., &3Inscriptiones Graecae ad Res Romanas &3pertinentes.& 3 vols. Paris 1906%19`1927. __ &3IGRR& 3.1134 %6 &3LBW VI,2514 (ARABIA, Habiba; 303 ac), 1278 %6 De/le/age, &3Capitation 152 (ARABIA, Soada; 286%19`293 ac?). @ Dittenberger, W., &3Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae.& 2 vols. Leipzig 1903%19`1905. &3OGIS& II,612 %6 De/le/age, &3Capitation 154f (ARABIA, Hau=ran: Ha=ra; 293%19`305 ac), 613 %6 &3AEMO+& 8 (1884) 181,4 (Hau=ran: Dja=sim; 392 ac), 619 %6 &3LBW& VI,2393 (Deir%19el%19Lehben; 320 ac), 769 %6 De/le/age, &3Capitation& 154e (Aqraba=; 293%19`305 ac). @ Jones, A.H.M., J.R. Martindale and J. Morris, &3The &3Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire, I. A.D. 260%19`395. Cambridge 1971. &3PLRE& 1.537 %6 &3LBW& VI,2475 (ARABIA, Busr%19el%19Hari=ri; ca. 350 ac?), @ &3Me/langes syriens offerts a\ R. Dussaud.& 2 vols. Paris 1939. Dunand, in &3Me/lDuss& II, 559%19`576, nos. 245 %6 &3BE/& 1940,189[e] (ARABIA, Dj.Druze:Kaper), 257 %6 &3BE/& 1940,189[a], 288 %6 &3BE/ 1940,189[b] (415%3`6 ac), 289 %6 &3BE/& 1940,189[c] (438%3`9 ac), 290 %6 &3BE/& 1940,189[d] (517%3`8 ac). @ Peek, W., &3Griechische Vers%19Inschriften, I.& Leipzig 1955. &3GVI 264 %6 &3LBW& VI,2381 (ARABIA, Selaima), 266 %6 &3BE/& 1961,796 (Fekea), 271 %6 &3LBW& VI,2419 (Reimea), 655 %6 &3LBW& VI,2474 (Busr%19el%19Hari=ri; ca. 350 ac?), 1974 %6 &3LBW& VI,2031 (Migdala; mid%19`4th ac?), 1983 %6 &3LBW& VI,2145 (Sakkaia; 358%19`373 ac). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Palaestina @ Thomsen, P., "Die lateinischen und griechischen Inschriften der Stadt Jerusalem und ihrer na+chsten Umgebung," in &3Zeitschrift des deutschen Pala+stina%19Vereins& 44 (1921) 1%19`61 and 90%19`168, with "Nachtrag," 64 (1941) 203%19`256. __ Includes: &3Jerus 5,8%19`6,9 (PALAEST. I, Jerusalem; 6th ac), 6,10 (5th%19`7th ac), 209,11A (6th ac), 8,12 (5th ac), 8,13 (6th ac), 9,14 (5th ac?), 9,15%19`10,17 (5th ac), 209,18 (5th ac), 10,19 (5th%19`6th ac), 11,20%19`11,21 (5th ac), 11,22 (7th%19`8th ac), 11,23 (8th ac?), 12,24 (5th ac), 210,24A (6th ac), 12,25 (5th ac), 13,27a (6th ac), 17,33d%19`17,34c (12th ac), 21,46 (12th ac), 22,48 (12th ac), 24,53%19`24,54 (12th ac), 27,56f (12th ac), 28,58a (12th ac), 31,60 (12th ac), 212,63A (5th ac?), 213,81A (4th ac), 47,87 (5th ac), 48,88 (6th ac), 50,95 (4th ac?), 50,97 (5th ac), 50,98%19`52,99 (6th ac?), 53,102 (6th ac), 216,102A (early 6th ac), 53,105%19`57,114 (6th ac), 58,116 (8th ac), 59,118 (8th%19`9th ac?), 59,119 [&3SEG& 36.1350] (7th ac?), 60,120%19`60,121 (5th ac), 61,123 (5th ac), 219,123A (6th ac), 219,123C%19`220,123E (5th%19`6th ac), 90,124 (6th ac), 220,124A (5th%19`6th ac), 90,125 (5th ac), 221,125A%19`221,125B (5th ac), 91,126%19`92,128 (5th ac), 92,129 (4th%19`5th ac), 94,130 [Guard. &3EG IV,445] (518 ac?), 95,131 (5th ac), 96,133 (5th ac), 96,135 (6th ac?), 96,136 (6th ac), 97,137 (5th%19`6th ac), 221,137A (5th ac), 97,138 (4th ac?), 97,139 (592 ac), 98,140 (5th ac), 98,141 (8th%19`9th ac?), 99,142 (5th ac), 99,143 (5th%19`6th ac), 99,144%19`100,145 (6th ac), 100,147 (6th%19`7th ac), 101,148 (5th ac), 102,151%19`103,156 (5th ac), 103,157 (4th%19`5th ac), 103,158%19`103,159 (8th%19`9th ac?), 104,162 (5th ac), 105,163 (647 ac), 223,163A (7th ac), 106,164%19`109,176 (5th ac), 111,184 (5th ac), 111,186 (4th ac), 111,187 (5th ac), 228,187A (5th ac), 121,207 (3rd ac), 123,210 (5th ac), 123,211 (8th ac), 123,212 (6th ac), 123,213 (10th%19`11th ac), 125,214 (5th ac), 125,215%19`129,219 (6th ac), 130,222 (6th ac), 130,223%19`131,226 (5th ac), 131,227 (6th ac), 233,227A (6th ac), 234,227B (5th%19`6th ac), 234,227C%19`234,227D (6th ac), 132,228 (5th%19`6th ac), 132,229%19`132,231 (6th ac), 133,233 (6th ac), 133,234 (ca. 350%19`400 ac), 234,234A (5th%19`6th ac), 133,235 (8th ac), 137,246 (6th ac), 137,247 (5th ac), 144,262 (6th ac). @ Vincent, H., and Abel, F%19M., &3Le sanctuaire de la Nativite/ a\ &3Bethle/em& [Nativite] (Paris 1914). __ Includes: &3Nativite/& 92 [&3CIG& 8867] (PALAEST. I, Bethlehem), 149 [&3CIG& 8953%19`8964; &3Byzantion& 13 (1938) 421] (Bethlehem; ca. 1163%19`1169 ac), 157 [&3CIG& 8736] (1169 ac), 167 [&3CIG& 8942] (12th ac?). @ Note: The corpus of A. Alt, &3Die griechischen Inschriften der &3Palaestina Tertia westlich der %102Araba& (Berlin and Leipzig 1921) was not available to the compiler of the data bank at the time of its first release (July 1991). Many inscriptions published in this volume, however, are to be found in the collection of inscriptions from the &3Revue Biblique,& listed below. A list of the inscriptions in Alt, &3GIPT& included in the data bank is also given here. @ &3Revue Biblique& (Paris). Includes: &3RevBibl& 1 (1892) 123 [&3RevBibl& 2 (1893) 212] (PALAEST., Kh. Zacharia); 239,1 (PALAEST. I, Gaza), 240,2 (504 ac), 241,3 (540 ac), 242,4 (547 ac), 243,5 (562 ac), 243,6 (572 ac); 245,7 (PALAEST. I, Caesarea Marit.), 245,8, 247,10 (PALAEST. I, Apollonia%19Soz.); 249,12 (PALAEST. I, place?); __ &3RevBibl& 2 (1893) 203,1 (PALAEST. I, Maiuma of Gaza; 510 ac), 204,2 (538 ac), 204,3 (540 ac), 204,4 (540 ac), 205,5, 205,6 (579 ac?); 206 (PALAEST. I, Qolonieh); 208 (PHOENICE, Sidon); 210 [Halkin II,72] (PALAEST. I, Aboud); 211 [Halkin II,72] (PALAEST. I, Medjdel%19Yaba); 213 (PALAEST. I, Beit%19Gimal); __ &3RevBibl& 3 (1894) 248 (PALAEST. I, Gaza; 723, 730 ac); 250[a] (PALAEST. I, Askalon); 250[b] (PALAEST. I, Caesarea Marit.), 251; 252[a] (PHOENICE, Sidon; 564 ac), 252[b], 253 (6th%19`7th ac?); 256 ƺ(PALAEST. I, Bad%19el%19Oued); __ &3RevBibl& 5 (1896) 273 (PALAEST., Kh. Malekat'ha); __ &3RevBibl& 12 (1903) 275 [Alt, &3GIPT& 18,19] (PALAEST. III, Beersheba; 543 ac); 278 [&3ZDPV& 11 (1888) 42%7] (PALAEST. II, D%102er%19Rumsaniyeh); 425,1 [Alt, &3GIPT& 23,38] (PALAEST. III, Beersheba), 426,2 [Alt, &3GIPT& 22,30] 426,3 [Alt, &3GIPT& 23,36] (547? 562? ac), 427,4 [Alt, &3GIPT& 17,16] (771 ac), 427,5 [Alt, &3GIPT& 21,27] (613 ac), 427,6 [Alt, &3GIPT& 18,18] (518 ac), 428,7a [Alt, &3GIPT& 24,41], 428,7b [Alt, &3GIPT& 14,9; added fr., &3RevBibl& 16, N.S. 4 (1907) 610]; __ &3RevBibl& 13, N.S. 1 (1904) 87 [Alt, &3GIPT& 15,10] (PALAEST. III, Beersheba), 266,1 [Alt, &3GIPT& 20,25; Guard. &3EG& IV,452; &3SEG& 34,1469] (588 ac), 267,2 [Alt, &3GIPT& 19,21; &3SEG& 34,1468] (547 ac), 267,3 [Alt, &3GIPT& 20,23] (564, 570 ac), 268,4 [Alt, &3GIPT& 22,32; &3SEG 34.1466] (6th ac), 269,5 [Alt, &3GIPT& 22,34]; __ &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 248,1%19`2 [Alt, &3GIPT& 19,22] (PALAEST. III, Beersheba; 564 ac), 249,3 [Alt, &3GIPT& 23,39; Peek, &3GVI& 2000] (6th ac?), 250,4 [Alt, &3GIPT& 21,29], 250,5%7`252,9 [Alt, &3GIPT 22,31], 251,6, [Alt, &3GIPT& 25,44] 251,7 [Alt, &3GIPT& 14,8], 252,9%7`250,5 [Alt, &3GIPT& 22,31], 252,10 [Alt, &3GIPT& 15,13]; 253,13 [Alt, &3GIPT& 27,56] (PALAEST. III, Chalasa [Khalas%1ah]), 253,14 [Alt, &3GIPT& 29,60], 255,16 [Alt, &3GIPT& 28,58], 255,17 [Alt, &3GIPT& 30,69], 255,20 [Alt, &3GIPT& 30,68]; 256,21 [Alt, &3GIPT 32,81] (PALAEST. III, Rouh%1ai+beh), 256,22 [Alt, &3GIPT& 32,84], 256,23 [Alt, &3GIPT& 36,111], 256,24 [Alt, &3GIPT& 36,110], 256,25 [Alt, &3GIPT& 35,104], 256,26 [Alt, &3GIPT& 35,98], 256,27 [Alt, &3GIPT& 37,115], 256,34 [Alt, &3GIPT& 35,99]; 256,35 [Alt, &3GIPT 43,142] (PALAEST. III, Sobata [S%1bai+t%1a]; 581 ac), 257,36 [Alt, &3GIPT& 43,143]; 597,4%19`598,5 [cf. Halkin I,106] (ARABIA, Djize/); 598,6 [cf. Halkin I,104] (ARABIA, Tayyibe/%19Djize/; 590 ac); 603,14 (ARABIA, Kharaba%26); 604,18 (ARABIA, Ke/rak [Charax]); 604,22 (ARABIA, es%19Saname=n; 345 ac); 606 (REGION?, place?); __ &3RevBibl& 15, N.S. 3 (1906) 86 [Alt, &3GIPT& 20,26] (PALAEST. III, Beersheba; 605 ac), 87 [Alt, &3GIPT& 11,4] (6th ac); __ &3RevBibl 16, N.S. 4 (1907) 275 (PALAEST. I, %102Ai+n Sa=meh; 557 ac); 610 [Alt, &3GIPT& 14,9, with added fr.] (PALAEST. III, Beersheba); __ &3RevBibl& 18, N.S. 6 (1909) 104,2 (mislabeled "RB 1920.104,2") [Alt, &3GIPT& 14,7] (PALAEST. III, Beersheba), 105,3 (mislabeled "RB 1920.103,3") [Alt, &3GIPT& 29,64] (PALAEST. III, Chalasa), __ &3RevBibl& 22, N.S. 10 (1913) 100 [Guard., &3EG& IV,444] (PALAEST. I, Emmau+s%19Nikopol.; 4th ac?); __ &3RevBibl& 29, N.S. 17 (1920) 121,12 (PALAEST. III, Negev: place?; 588 ac); __ &3RevBibl& 68 (1961) 122,15 [&3ANRW& 2,8.507] (PALAEST. I, Caesarea Marit.; after 536 ac), 123,16 [&3ANRW& 2,8.512] (ca. 500%19`536 ac); __ &3RevBibl& 69 (1962) 419 [&3BE/& 1964.513] (PALAEST. II, Nazareth); __ &3RevBibl& 70 (1963) 255,1 [&3SEG& 20,482] (PALAEST. III, Negev?; 5th%19`6th ac); __ &3RevBibl& 71 (1964) 386,4 (PALAEST. I, Caesarea Marit.), 1964.386,5, 1964.386,6; __ &3RevBibl& 72 (1965) 99,3 (PALAEST. I, Caesarea Marit.), 101,8, 101,10, 102,11, 102,12, 102,13, 103,15, 103,16, 103,17, 104,18, 104,20, 105,24; __ &3RevBibl& 73 (1966) 257,4 (PALAEST. I, Caesarea Marit.), __ &3RevBibl& 74 (1967) 54,7 (PALAEST. I, Caesarea Marit.; 6th ac?), 55,10, 57,2, 57,4 [cf. &3SEG& 27.1013]; __ &3RevBibl& 77 (1970) 76,12 [&3BE/& 1971.691] (PALAEST. II, Diocaesarea; 337%19`340 ac); 77,15%19`77,17 [&3BE/& 1971.701] (PALAEST. I, Hebron); __ &3RevBibl& 78 (1971) 249,5 (PALAEST. I, Caesarea Marit.), 251,10, 251,11, 252,12, 252,13, 253,14, 253,15, 253,16, 254,20, 256,29, 256,30 (4th%19`5th ac?), 257,31 (4th%19`5th ac?), 257,32 (4th%19`5th ac?). __ Cross%19references: &3RevBibl& 2 (1893) 206%7 %6 &3SEG& 8,17 (PALAEST. II, S%148efa %102Amr; 6th ac); 209%7 %6 &3SEG& 8,231 (PALAEST. I, K%1arjet es%19Sa%102i%26de; 6th ac), 212 %6 &3RevBibl& 1 (1892) 123 (Kh. Zacharia); __ &3RevBibl& 4 (1895) 626 %6 &3SEG& 8,235 (PALAEST. I, Bethlehem; 4th%19`6th ac); __ &3RevBibl& 58 (1951) 200,43 %6 &3BE/& 1954,249a (PALAEST. I, Bethania; 4th%19`6th ac); __ &3RevBibl& 73 (1966) 257,3 %6 &3SEG& 8,297 (PALAEST. III, Beersheba; 6th ac). @ Note: Jewish inscriptions from Caesarea, published in &3RevBibl 71 (1964), 72 (1965), 73 (1966), 74 (1967), and 78 (1971), have been incorporated in &3CIJ& II. For a list, see under "Jewish Inscriptions". @ Alt, A., &3Die griechischen Inschriften der Palaestina Tertia &3westlich der %102Araba.& "Wissenschaftliche Vero+ffentlichungen des deutsch%19Tu+rkischen Denkmalschutz%19Kommandos," 2; Berlin and Leipzig 1921. Alt, &3GIPT& (1921), nos. 1%19`3 [with fragment added to no. 3: &3RevBibl& 29, N.S. 17 (1920) 19,3 and &3ZdPV& 46 (1923) 52,1] here %6 &3SEG& 8,282 (PALAEST. III, Beersheba; 6th ac), 4 %6 &3RevBibl& 15, N.S. 3 (1906) 87 (6th ac), 7 %6 &3RevBibl& 18, N.S. 6 (1909) 105,3 8 %6 &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 251,7, 9 %6 &3RevBibl 12 (1903) 428,7b [added fr.: &3RevBibl& 16, N.S. 4 (1907) 610], 10 %6 &3RevBibl& 13, N.S. 1 (1904) 87, 13 %6 &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 252,10, 14 %6 &3SEG& 8,281 (6th ac), 16 %6 &3RevBibl& 12 (1903) 427,4, 18 %6 &3RevBibl& 12 (1903) 427,6, 19 %6 &3RevBibl& 12 (1903) 275 (543 ac), 21 %6 &3RevBibl& 13, N.S. 1 (1904) 267,2 [&3SEG 34,1468] (547 ac) 22 %6 &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 248,1%19`2 (564 ac), 23 %6 &3RevBibl& 13, N.S. 1 (1904) 267,3 (564, 570 ac), 25 %6 &3RevBibl& 13, N.S. 1 (1904) 266,1 [Guard. EG IV,452; &3SEG 34,1469](588 ac), 26 %6 &3RevBibl& 15, N.S. 3 (1906) 86 (605 ac), 27 %6 &3RevBibl& 12 (1903) 427,5, 29 %6 &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 250,4, 30 %6 &3RevBibl& 12 (1903) 426,2, 31 %6 &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 250,5%7`252,9 32 %6 &3RevBibl& 13, N.S. 1 (1904) 268,4 [&3SEG 34.1466] (6th ac), 34 %6 &3RevBibl& 13, N.S. 1 (1904) 269,5, 36 %6 &3RevBibl& 12 (1903) 426,3 (547? 562? ac), 38 %6 &3RevBibl& 12 (1903) 425,1, 39 %6 &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 249,3 (6th ac), 41 %6 &3RevBibl& 12 (1903) 428,7a, 44 %6 &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 251,6; 56 %6 &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 253,13 (PALAEST. III, Chalasa); 58 %6 &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 255,16, 60 %6 &3RevBibl 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 253,14, 64 %6 &3RevBibl& 18, N.S. 6 (1909) 105,3 68 %6 &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 255,20, 69 %6 &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 255,17; 81 %6 &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 256,21 (PALAEST. III, Ruh%1e=be), 84 %6 &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 256,22, 98 %6 &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 256,26, 99 %6 &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 256,34, 104 %6 &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 256,25, 110 %6 &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 256,24, 111 %6 &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 256,23, 115 %6 &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 256,27; 119 [&3SEG& 8,312] %6 Kirk, in &3Excavations at Nessana& I (1962) 94 (PALAEST. III, Nessana; 601 ac), 120 %6 &3Nessana& 72 (605 ac?), 121 %6 &3Nessana& 77, 122 %6 &3Nessana& 95, 123 [&3SEG& 8,306] %6 &3Nessana 73 (6th ac), 124 [&3SEG& 8,307] %6 &3Nessana& 74 (6th ac), 125 [&3SEG 8,308] %6 &3Nessana& 76 (6th ac), 126 %6 &3Nessana& 75 (6th ac), 127 %6 &3Nessana& 101, 128 %6 &3Nessana& 3, 129 %6 &3Nessana& 98, 130 %6 &3Nessana 97 (5th%19`6th ac), 131 %6 &3Nessana& 112 (541 ac), 132 %6 &3Nessana& 80 (541 ac), 133 %6 &3Nessana& 116 (560 ac), 134 %6 &3Nessana& 78 (570 ac), 135 %6 &3Nessana& 79 (589 ac), 136 %6 &3Nessana& 118 (592 ac), 137 %6 &3Nessana& 12 (592, 628 ac), 138 [&3SEG& 8,311] %6 &3Nessana& 81 (624 ac), 139 %6 &3Nessana& 14 (630 ac), 140 %6 &3Nessana& 82, 141 [&3SEG& 8,310] %6 &3Nessana& 96 (530%19`565 ac); 142 %6 &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 256,35 (PALAEST. III, Sobata; 581 ac), 143 %6 &3RevBibl 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 257,36; 146 %6 Negev, &3Greek Inscr. from the &3Negev& (1981), no. 41 (PALAEST. III, Eboda; Early Byz.), 147 %6 Negev (1981), no. 44 [&3SEG& 28.1404] (Early Byz.), 149 %6 Negev (1981), no. 18 [&3SEG& 28.1396] (PALAEST. III, Eboda; 581 ac). @ Fitzgerald, G.M., &3A Sixth%19Century Monastery at Beth%19Shan &3(Scythopolis).& Philadelphia 1939. __ Includes: &3Beth%19Shan& 6 ƺ[&3SEG& 8.42] (PALAEST. II, Skythopolis; mid%19`6th ac), 11, 13,1%19`14,3 (mid%19`6th ac), 14,4 [&3SEG& 8.39] (mid%19`6th ac), 15,5 [&3SEG& 8.40] (567 ac), 16,6 [&3SEG& 8.38] (553%3`4 ac?), 16,7 (6th ac), 19 [&3SEG& 8.37] (522 ac). @ *Canova, R., &3Iscrizioni e monumenti del paese di Moab.& Vatican City 1954. Complete. __ Contents: &3Moab& 1 (PALAEST. III, el%19Kerak; 375%3`6 ac), 2 (398%3`9 ac?), 3 (449%3`50 ac), 4 (476%3`7 ac), 5 (480%3`1 ac), 6 (5th ac?), 7 (601 ac), 8 (511%3`2 ac), 9 (513%3`4 ac), 10 (516 ac), 11 (525%3`6 ac), 12 (541%3`2 ac), 13 (553%3`4 ac), 14%19`15 (555%3`6 ac), 16 (556%3`7 ac), 17 (556%3`7 ac?), 18%19`19 (569%3`70 ac), 20 (577 ac), 21 (577%3`8 ac), 22 (578 ac), 23 (582 ac), 24%19`26 (582%3`3 ac), 27 (583%3`4 ac), 28 (585 ac), 29 (595%3`6 ac), 30 (596 ac), 31 (596%3`7 ac), 32 (598%3`9 ac), 33%19`34 (600%3`1 ac), 35 (601%3`2 ac), 36%19`37 (6th ac), 38 (605 ac), 39 (506 ac), 40 (634 ac), 41 (661 ac), 42 (7th ac), 43 (6th ac?), 44%19`167, 168 (6th%19`7th ac), 169%19`199, 199bis; __ 200 (Ader; 542 ac), 201 (569 ac), 202 (582 ac), 203 (582%3`3 ac), 204 (612 ac), 205 (666 ac), 206%19`214; __ 215%19`215bis (Smakiyeh); __ 216%19`217 (ar%19Rabba; Roman), 218 (7th ac); __ 219%19`226 (Samrah); __ 227 (el%19Frang/; 515%3`6 ac), 228 (550%3`1 ac), 229 (560 ac), 230%19`235; __ 236 (%102Ainun; 477%3`8 ac?), 237 (486%3`7 ac), 238 (559%3`60 ac), 239 (578 ac), 240 (584%3`5 ac), 241 (599%3`600 ac), 242 (620%3`1 ac), 243%19`269; __ 270 (eth%19Thaniyyeh; 576%3`7 ac), 271%19`275; __ 276 (%102Azra; 460%3`1 ac), 277 (524%3`5 ac), 278 (541%3`2 ac), 279 (557%3`8 ac), 280 (577 ac), 281%19`291; __ 292%19`293 (K. el%19Qaryatain); __ 294 (K. Umm el%19H%1amed; 553%3`4 ac), 295%19`296; __ 297 (Mah%1na; 545%19`555 ac), 298%19`300; __ 301 (el%19Mote; 437 ac), 302 (476 ac), 303 (480 ac), 304 (492 ac), 305 (493%3`4 ac?), 306 (498 ac), 307 (545 ac), 308 (561%3`2 ac), 309 (567 ac), 310 (573 ac), 311 (577 ac), 312 (587%3`8 ac), 313 (594%3`5 ac), 314 (595 ac), 315, 316 (653 ac), 317%19`321; __ 322%19`324 (Kefeiraz); __ 325%19`326 (el%19%102Araq); __ 327 (Ga%102far; 590 ac), 328%19`329; __ 330 (Sul; 577%3`8 ac), 331 (585%3`6 ac?), 332; __ 333 (al%19%102Amaqa; 537%3`8 ac), 334%19`338; __ 339 (Umm el%19H%1ama=t%1; 620 ac); __ 340 (Rugm Sakhari; 606 ac), 341; __ 342 (Dhat%19Ras; 546 ac?), 343 (562%3`3 ac), 344%19`345 (577 ac), 346 (643 ac), 347 (674 ac), 348%19`349; __ 350 (Mahaiy; 505 ac), 351 (524 ac?), 352 (561 ac?]), 353 (564 ac), 354 (568%3`9 ac), 355 (574 ac), 356 (576 ac), 357 (576%3`7 ac), 358 (586 ac), 359 (586 ac?), 360 (590%3`1 ac), 361 (593 ac), 362 (594 ac), 363 (596 ac), 364 (597%3`8 ac), 365 (598 ac), 366 (598 ac), 367 (599 ac), 368 (600 ac), 369 (600 ac), 370 (600%3`1 ac?), 371 (601%3`2 ac), 372 (602 ac), 373 (603%3`4 ac), 374 (6th ac), 375 (608 ac), 376 (610 ac), 377 (615%3`6 ac), 378 (616 ac), 379 (619 ac), 380%19`383 (620 ac), 384 (624 ac), 385 (627 ac), 386 (630 ac), 387 (632 ac), 388%19`389 (635 ac), 390 (643 ac), 391 (643%3`4 ac), 392 (644 ac), 393 (661 ac), 394 (671 ac), 395 (672 ac), 396 (686 ac), 397 (785 ac?), 398%19`418; __ 419 (el%19%102Aina; 542%3`3 ac); __ 420 (Duwekhle; 736%3`7 ac), 421; __ 422 (Guwir; 536%3`7 ac); __ 423 (Megreh; 596 ac), 424%19`427; __ 428 (Wadi el%19Hesa). @ *Kirk, G., in C.B. Welles, &3Excavations at Nessana, I.& London 1962. Complete. __ Dated inscriptions and cross%19references: &3Nessana& 2 (PALAEST. III, Nessana), 3 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 128], 9%19`10 (6th ac), 12 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 137] (592, 628 ac), 13 (605 ac), 14 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 139] (630 ac), 17 (601%3`2 ac), 24 (584 ac), 37 (475 ac), 45 (585 ac), 72 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 120] (605 ac?), 73 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 123; &3SEG& 8,306] (6th ac), 74 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 124; &3SEG& 8,307] (6th ac), 75 [Alt, &3GIPT (1921) 126] (6th ac), 76 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 125; &3SEG& 8,308] (6th ac), 77 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 121], 78 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 134] (570 ac), 79 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 135] (589 ac), 80 [Alt, &3GIPT (1921) 132] (541 ac), 81 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 138; &3SEG& 8,311] (624 ac), 82 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 140], 92 (601%3`2 ac), 94 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 119; &3SEG& 8,312] (601 ac), 95 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 122], 96 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 141; &3SEG& 8,310] (530%19`565 ac), 97 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 130] (5th%19`6th ac), 98 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 129], 100 [&3SEG& 8,309], 101 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 127], 106 [cf. &3BE/ 1965.441], 112 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 131] (541 ac), 113 (541 ac), 114 (541 ac), 115 (555 ac), 116 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 133] (560 ac), 117 (563%3`4 ac), 118 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 136] (592 ac), 152 (614%3`5 ac). @ Negev, A., &3The Greek Inscriptions from the Negev.& "Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Collectio Minor," 25. Jerusalem 1981. __ Includes: &3SBFCM& 25.14 [&3SEG& 28.1399] (PALAEST. III, Eboda: H.Theod.; Early Byz.), 15 [&3SEG& 28.1400] (Eboda: H.Theod.; Early Byz.), 16 [&3SEG& 28.1394] (550 ac), 17 [&3SEG& 28.1393] (541 ac), 18 [&3SEG& 28.1396] (581 ac), 19 [&3SEG& 28.1395] (577 ac), 20 (577 ac), 21%19`24 (Early Byz.), 25 [&3SEG& 28.1378] (Early Byz.), 26 [&3SEG& 28.1377] (Early Byz.), 27 [&3SEG& 28.1398] (618 ac), 28 [&3SEG& 28.1389] (Early Byz.), 29%19`30 (Early Byz.), 31 [&3SEG 28.1380] (Early Byz.), 32 [&3SEG& 28.1379] (Early Byz.), 33%19`36 (Early Byz.), 37 [&3SEG& 28.1401] (Eboda: N. Church; Early Byz.), 39 [&3SEG& 28.1402] (Early Byz.), 40 (Eboda: H. Theod.?; Early Byz.), 41 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 44,146] (Eboda; Early Byz.), 42 (Early Byz.), 43 [&3SEG& 28.1403] (Early Byz.), 44 [&3SEG& 28.1404] (Early Byz.), 45 [&3SEG& 28.1397] (589%3`90 ac), 46 [&3SEG& 28.1405] (Early Byz.); 47 [&3SEG& 31.1425] (Sobata: N. Church; 597 ac), 48 [&3SEG& 31.1426] (595 ac), 49 [&3SEG& 31.1426] (641 ac), 50 [&3SEG 31.1428] (646 ac), 51 [&3SEG& 31.1429] (646 ac), 52 [&3SEG& 31.1430] (643 ac), 53 [&3SEG& 31.1431] (582 ac), 54 [&3SEG& 31.1432] (608 ac), 55 [&3SEG& 31.1433] (588 ac), 56 [&3SEG& 31.1434] (Early Byz.), 57 [&3SEG& 31.1435] (612 ac), 58 [&3SEG& 31.1436] (643 ac), 59 [&3SEG 31.1437] (639 ac), 60 [&3SEG& 31.1438] (630 ac), 61 [&3SEG& 31.1439] (618 ac), 62 [&3SEG& 31.1440] (614 ac), 63 [&3SEG& 31.1441] (643 ac), 64 [&3SEG& 31.1442] (Early Byz.), 65 [&3SEG& 31.1443] (679 ac), 66 [&3SEG& 31.1444] (517 or 607 ac?), 67 [&3SEG& 31.1445] (Early Byz.), 68 [&3SEG& 31.1446] (Sobata: S. Church; 639 ac), 69 [&3SEG 31.1447] (Sobata: N. Gate; Early Byz.), 70 [&3SEG& 31.1448] (Sobata; Early Byz.), 71 [&3SEG& 31.1449] (Sobata: W. Gate; Early Byz.), 72 [&3SEG& 31.1450] (Sobata; Early Byz.), 73 [&3SEG& 31.1451] (Early Byz.), 74 [&3SEG& 31.1452] (Early Byz.), 75 [&3SEG& 31.1453] (505 ac?), 75a [&3SEG& 31.1454] (Early Byz.), 76%19`80 (Early Byz.); 81 [&3SEG& 31.1411] (Mampsis: W. Church; Early Byz.), 82 [&3SEG 31.1412] (Early Byz.), 83 [&3SEG& 31.1413] (Early Byz.), 84 [&3SEG 31.1414] (Early Byz.), 85 [&3SEG& 31.1415] (Early Byz.), 86 [&3SEG 31.1416] (Early Byz.), 87%19`89 (Early Byz), 90 [&3SEG& 31.1417] (Mampsis: E. Church; Early Byz.), 91 [&3SEG& 31.1418] (Mampsis; Early Byz.); 92 [&3SEG& 31.1401] (Elusa; 454%3`5 ac). @ *S%148evc%148enko, I., "The Early Period of the Sinai Monastery in the Light of Its Inscriptions," in &3Dumbarton Oaks Papers& 20 (1966), pp. 255%19`264. Complete. __ Contents: 262,1 (PALAEST. III, Sinai: St. Catherine's; 548%19`565 ac), 262,2 (6th ac), 262,3%19`262,5 (548%19`565 ac), 263,6 [&3DOP& 30 (1976) 375] (late 6th ac), 263,7 [&3CIG& 8825] (548%19`565 ac), 263,8%19`264,15 (6th%19`7th ac), 264,16 [&3BE/& 1967.67] (6th ac), 264,17 [&3CIG& 8634] ([2`527 ac]2 1759%19`1798? ac). @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ &3Analecta Bollandiana& (Brussels and Paris). &3AnalBoll& 76 (1958) 235 %6 &3BE/& 1959,477 (PALAESTINA, Bethlehem; 6th ac?). @ &3Aufstieg und Niedergang der ro+mischen Welt, II. Principat,& 8, ed. H. Temporini and W. Haase (Berlin 1977). &3ANRW& 2,8.501 %6 &3BE/ 1970,204 (PALAEST. I, Caesarea; 31 ac?), 507 %6 &3RB& 68 (1961) 122,15 (after 536 ac), 512 %6 &3RB& 68 (1961) 123,16 (ca. 500%19`536 ac). @ ƺBagatti, P., and J. Milik, &3Gli Scavi del "Dominus Flevit" &3(Monte Oliveto __ Gerusalemme).& 2 vols. "Pubblicazioni dello Studium Biblicum Franciscanum," 13; Jerusalem 1958. &3Dm Flevit 89,21 %6 Guarducci, &3EG& IV,441,1a [here also %6 &3CIJ& 1387a] (PALAEST. I, Jerusalem; end 1st%3beg. 2nd). @ &3Comptes rendus de l'Acade/mie des Inscriptions et Belles &3Lettres& (Paris). &3CRAI& 1950,307 %6 &3BE/& 1952,174 (PALAESTINA, Bethania; 4th%19`6th ac). @ &3Dumbarton Oaks Papers& (Washington D.C.). &3DOP& 30 (1976) 375 %6 &3DOP& 20 (1966) 263,6 (PALAEST. III, Sinai: St.Cath.; late 6th ac). @ &3E/chos d'Orient& (Paris). &3EO& 3,6 (1900) 361 %6 &3CIG& 9060 (EGYPT, place?). @ &3Harvard Theological Review& (Cambridge, Mass.). &3HThR& 57 (1964) 133 %6 &3BE/& 1965,58 (PALAEST. III, Eboda). @ Cagnat, R., et al., &3Inscriptiones Graecae ad Res Romanas &3pertinentes.& 3 vols. Paris 1906%19`1927. __ &3IGRR& 3.1542 %6 &3Capitation& 154c (PALAESTINA, Apheca; 293%19`305 ac). @ Peek, W., &3Griechische Vers%19Inschriften, I.& Leipzig 1955. &3GVI 2000 %6 &3RB& N.S. 2 (1905) 249,3 (PALAESTINA, Birosaba; 6th ac?); @ &3Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine (Jerusalem and London). &3QDAPal& 10 (1942) 162 %6 Halkin II,69 (PALESTINA I, Jerusalem; 524%19`552 ac). @ &3Zeitschrift des deutschen Pala+stina%19Vereins& (Leipzig). &3ZDPV& 11 (1888) 42%7 %6 &3RB& 12 (1903) 278 (PALAESTINA, D%102er%19Rumsaniyeh); __ &3ZDPV& 46 (1923) 52,1%7 %6 &3SEG& 8,282 (PALAESTINA, Bi%26r es%19Seba%102; 6th ac); __ &3ZDPV& 68 (1951) 228 %6 &3BE/& 1955,246 (PALAESTINA, Neapolis; 606%3`7 ac). @ &3Zeitschrift fu+r Papyrologie und Epigraphik& (Bonn). &3ZPE& 6 (1970) 62 %6 &3BE/& 1971,690[a] (PALAESTINA, Galilee: Araba), 63 %6 &3BE/& 1971,690[b] (Galilee: Henita), 64 %6 &3BE/& 1971,695 (Caesarea); __ &3ZPE& 7 (1971) 151,7 %6 &3BE/& 1971,703, 161,20 %6 &3BE/& 1971,700 (PALAESTINA, Eleutheropolis; 600 ac). @ Ǻ@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@EGYPT AND THE CYRENAICA @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Egypt @ *Lefebvre, G., &3Recueil des inscriptions grecques chre/tiennes &3d'E/gypte.& Paris 1907. Complete. __ Contents: &3IGChE/g& 1 (EGYPT, Alexandria; 524 ac), 2 (530 ac), 3 (533 ac), 4 (536 ac), 5%19`7 (537 ac), 8 (542 ac), 9 (570 ac), 10 (578 ac), 11 (580 ac), 12 (590 ac), 13%19`17, 18%19`20 (4th ac), 21 (3rd ac), 22 (beg. 4th ac), 23%19`32, 33 (3rd%3`4th ac), 34%19`35 (Antonine?), 36, 37 (6th ac), 38, 39 (beg. 4th ac), 40%19`47, 48 (409 ac), 49%19`51, 52 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 124,a; Bernand, &3Delta& I (1970) 335,5a] (EGYPT, Alexandria; end 4th ac), 53 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 124,b; Bernand, &3Delta& I (1970) 335,5b], 54 (148 ac), 55%19`56; __ 57%19`58 (Kanopos [Aboukir]), 59 [Bernand, &3Delta& I (1970) 255,32] (5th ac?), 60 [Bernand, &3Delta& I (1970) 255,33], __ 61 (Damiette); __ 62 (Hermoupolis Parva [Damanhour]; 693 ac), 63 [Peek, &3GVI& 593; Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 61 (Alexandria?; 4th%19`5th ac)] (4th ac?); __ 64 [&3OGIS& 722] (Athribis; 374 ac), 65; __ 66%19`68 (Memphis), 69 (6th ac?), 70 (4th ac); __ 71%19`89 (Fayoum), 90 [Bernand, &3IFayoum& I (1975) 30 (Arsinoe)], 91%19`113; __ 114%19`115 (Cheikh%19Hassan); __ 116 (Akoris), 117%19`145 (5th%3`6th ac), 146 (522 ac), 147%19`165 (5th%3`6th ac); __ 166 (Beni Hassan); __ 167%19`226 (Antinooupolis [area of Rodah]), 227 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 123 (ca. 388? ac)], 228%19`229; __ 230%19`234 (area of Deirut); __ 235%19`236 (area of Tema); __ 237 (Sohag [Atrip]); __ 238%19`350 (Panopolis [Akhmi=m]); __ 351%7 [Bernand, &3Pan du de/sert (1977) 14 (W. Bir el%19Ai+n), 352 [Bernand, &3Pan du de/sert& (1977) 13]; __ 353%19`359 (Oasis Major [el Khargeh]), 360 %6 Evelyn%19White and Oliver, &3Hibis& (1938) 30 (4th%19`6th ac?)], 361; __ 362%19`363 (area of Girgeh); __ 364%19`379 (Thebes [Luxor]), 380 (4th ac), 381%19`528; __ 529%19`532 (Latopolis [Esneh]), 533%3`4, 535%19`540, 541 (890 ac), 542%19`549; __ 550%19`559 (Apollinopolis Magna [Edfou]); __ 560 (Gebel Silsileh); __ 561%19`562 (Ombos; 6th%3`7th ac); __ 563 (Syene), 564 (1157 ac), 565%19`583; 584 [Bernand, &3Inscr. gr. &3de Philae, II& (1969) 216] (NUBIA, Philai; 577 ac), 585 [&3Philai II,230] (after 537 ac), 586 [&3Philai& II,200] (ca. 537 ac), 587 [&3Philai& II,203] (ca. 537 ac), 588,a [&3Philai& II,205%19`206] (after 537 ac), 588,b [&3Philai& II,207%19`214] (after 537 ac), 589 [&3Philai II,204] (ca. 537 ac), 590 [&3Philai& II,201] (ca. 537 ac), 591 [&3Philai& II,202] (ca. 537 ac), 592 [&3Philai& II,194] (ca. 449%19`468 ac), 593 [&3Philai& II,195] (ca. 450%19`468 ac), 594 [&3Philai& II,226] (6th ac?), 595 [&3Philai& II,227] (6th ac?), 596 [&3Philai& II,224] (6th ac [not "`796 ac"]) 597 [&3Philai& II,225] (6th ac [not "`785 ac"]) 598 [&3Philai& II,220] (6th ac?), 599 [&3Philai& II,221] (6th ac?), 600 [&3Philai& II,222] (6th ac?), 601 [&3Philai& II,223] (6th ac?), 602 [&3Philai& II,228] (6th ac?), 603 [&3Philai& II,219] (6th ac?), 604 [&3Philai& II,237] (after 537 ac), 604bis [&3Philai II,238] (after 537 ac), 605 (S. of Aswan); __ 606%19`612 (Ouadi%19Ghazal); __ 613%19`617 (Taphis); __ 618%19`627 (Talmis), 628 [&3OGIS& 201] (5th ac?); __ 629 (Dakkeh); __ 630 (Derr); __ 631 (Anibeh); __ 632%19`633 (Primis Parva); __ 634 (Phthouris [Pachoras (Faras)]); __ 635 (Colasucia), 636 (692 ac); __ 637%19`639 (Semneh); __ 640 (Essaboua); __ 641%19`642 (Dongola), 643 (812 ac); __ 644 (Meroe), __ 645 (Nubia, place?; 775 ac), 646, 647 (913 ac); __ 648%19`650 (Nubia?, place?), 651 (4th%3`5th ac), 652%19`655, 656 (707 ac), 657%19`660, 661 (699 ac), 662%19`663, 664 (after 644 ac), 665 (1007 ac), 666 (1173 ac), 667, 668 (766 ac); __ 669%19`685 (EGYPT, place?). __ Mummy tickets: &3IGChE/g& 686 (EGYPT, Antinooupolis [Cheikh Abadeh]); 687 (Panopolis [Akhmi=m]); 688 (Antinooupolis [Cheikh Abadeh]); 689 (Panopolis [Akhmi=m]); 690 (place?). __ Ampules and Lamps: &3IGChE/g& 691 (EGYPT, Alexandria); 692 (place?); 693%19`696 (Alexandria); 697 (place?); 698 (Alexandria); 699%19`701 (place?); 702%19`703 (Alexandria); 704%19`708 (place?); 709%19`710 (Alexandria); 710bis (Panopolis [Akhmi=m]); 711 (place?), 711bis, 712; 713 (Alexandria); 714 (place?); 715 (Alexandria); 716a%19`716b (place?), 717%19`720; 721 (Thebes [Karnak]); 722%19`726 (place?); 727 (Elephantine); 728%19`729 (place?); 730 (Alexandria); 731%19`732 (place?); 733 (Abydos); 734%19`736 (place?); 737 (Thebes [Karnak]); 738 (Koptos [Kouft]); 739 (place?); 740 (Koptos [Kouft]); 741%19`746(place?); 747 (Koptos [Kouft]); 748%19`750 (place?); 751 (Oxyrhynchos); 752%19`753 (place?); 754 (Thebes); 755 (Panopolis [Akhmi=m]). __ Amphora%19stoppers: &3IGChE/g& 756%19`758 (EGYPT, place?), 759 (Antinooupolis [Cheikh Abadeh]), 760 (place?), 761 (Terenouthis). __ Jewelry and metal items: &3IGChE/g& 762%19`763 (EGYPT, Thebes [Luxor]; 5th%3`6th ac); 764 (Abou Roach); 765%19`766 (Thebes [Luxor]; 5th%3`6th ac); 767%19`769 (place?); 770 (Fayoum); 771 (place?); 772 (Medinet el%19Fayoum; 6th%3`7th ac); 773 (place?; 4th ac?), 774. __ Wood, cloth and miscellaneous: &3IGChE/g& 775 (EGYPT, Fayoum: Hawara); 776 (place?); 777 (Deir el Azam; ca. 1156 ac?); 778%19`781 (Antinooupolis [Cheikh Abadeh]); 782%19`783 (place?). __ Addenda: &3IGChE/g& 784%19`789 (EGYPT, Fayoum), 790 (703 ac), 791%19`793, 794(?), 795; __ 796%19`802 (EGYPT, Hermonthis [Herment]), 803 (?); 804%19`805 (NUBIA, place?); 806%19`808 (EGYPT, place?). @ Bernand, A., &3Le Delta e/gyptien d'apre\s les textes grecques, I: &3Les Confins libyques.& 3 vols. "Institut Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie Orientale du Caire, Me/moires publie/s par les membres," 101. Cairo 1970. __ Includes: &3Delta& I, 253,30 (EGYPT, Kanopos), 254,31, 255,32 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 59] (5th ca. ac?), 255,33 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 60], 256,34; 335,5a [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 52; Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 124a] (Alexandria; ca. 388%19`390 ac), 335,5b [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 53]; 341 [&3SB& 5.8295] (Aboukir; 388%19`390 ac); 420,16 (Schedia; 4th ac?). __ Jewish inscriptions: &3Delta& I,414,3 %6 &3CIJ& 1440 (EGYPT, Schedia; Ǻ246%19`221 bc), 928,2 %6 &3CIJ& 1441 (Psenemphaia; 143%19`117 bc), 960,1 %6 &3CIJ& 1442 (Nitriai; 143%19`117 bc). @ Bernand, E., &3Recueil des inscriptions grecques du Fayoum.& 3 vols. (1975%19`1981). I. &3La "Me/ris" d' He/rakleide\s.& Leiden 1975 __ II: &3La "Me/ris" de The/mistos.& "Institut Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie Orientale, Bibliothe\que d'E/tude," 79; Paris 1981 __ III: &3La "Me/ris" de Polemo=n.& "Institut Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie Orientale, Bibliothe\que d'E/tude," 80; Paris 1981. __ Includes: &3IFayoum& I,30 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 90] (EGYPT, Fayoum: Arsinoe), 31 [&3SB& 1.147], __ &3IFayoum& II,131 [&3SB 1.1449] (Fayoum: Nazle/h; 5th%19`6th ac?); __ &3IFayoum& III,149 [&3SB 1.2279] (Fayoum: Talei; 4th%19`6th ac?). __ Jewish inscriptions: &3IFayoum& I,1 %6 &3CIJ& 1532a (EGYPT, Krokodilopolis; 245%19`221 bc); &3IFayoum& III,206 %6 &3CIJ& 1531 (EGYPT, Fayu=m; ca. 200 bc?), 210 %6 &3CIJ& 1532 (29 bc). @ Bernand, A., &3Les Portes du de/sert.& Paris 1984. __ Includes: &3Portes& 19 [&3SB& 5.8919] (Antinooupolis; ca. 389 ac); 91 (Koptos; 316 ac), 101. @ Baillet, J., &3Inscriptions grecques et latines des tombeaux des &3rois ou Syringes a\ The\bes.& 3 vols. "Institut Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie Orientale du Caire, Me/moires publie/s par les membres," 42. Cairo 1920. Includes: &3Baillet& 141 (EGYPT, Thebai: Syringes), 206, 302, 482 (5th%19`6th ac?), 522, 788 [&3CIG 4789d] (5th%19`6th ac?), 820, 1079%19`1080 (358%19`367 ac), 1118 (358%19`367 ac), 1247%19`1248 (ca. 300 ac?), 1253 (303%19`306 ac?), 1254 (ca. 300 ac?), 1259 (ca. 300 ac?), 1263 [&3OGIS& 721b] (326 ac), 1265 [&3OGIS& 721a] (326 ac), 1266 (4th ac?), 1277 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 147] (4th ac?), 1279 (4th ac?), 1282 (4th ac?), 1283 [&3OGIS& 694] (4th ac?), 1284 (beg. 4th ac?), 1285 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 148] (4th ac?), 1293 (4th ac), 1295 (4th ac), 1298 (4th ac), 1307 (4th%19`6th ac), 1310 (4th%19`5th ac), 1319 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 149] (343 ac), 1366 (370%19`371 ac), 1379 [&3OGIS& 686] (4th ac), 1380 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 150] (358%19`367 ac), 1381 (4th ac), 1403 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 151] (4th ac?), 1405 [&3OGIS& 691%3`2] (4th ac?), 1408%19`1409 (367%19`375 ac), 1415 (4th%19`5th ac), 1429 (4th%19`5th ac), 1471 (4th%19`6th ac), 1512 (358%19`367 ac), 1520 (358%19`367 ac), 1613 [&3OGIS& 688] (4th ac?), 1676 (4th%19`6th ac), 1680 (358%19`367 ac), 1690 (4th ac), 1693 (358%19`367 ac), 1695 (4th ac), 1720 (5th%19`6th ac?), 1814 [&3OGIS 689] (4th ac?), 1822 (4th ac?), 1826 (358%19`367 ac), 1827b (4th%19`6th ac), 1828 (beg. 4th ac), 1832 (beg. 4th ac), 1840 (4th ac), 1844 (358%19`367 ac?), 1848 (4th ac), 1861 [&3OGIS& 693] (4th ac?), 1889 [&3OGIS& 720] (326 ac). @ Bernand, A., &3Pan du de/sert.& Leiden 1977. __ Includes: &3Pan du &3de/sert& 1,b (EGYPT, W. Bir el%19Ai+n), 12 [&3SB& 1.147], 13 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 352], 14 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 351%7]; 27 (M. Porphyrites; 340%3`1 ac), 28 [&3SEG& 8.647] (4th ac), 29 (4th ac?), 30; 75 (Berenike). @ Bernand, E., &3Inscriptions grecques et latines d'Ako=ris. "Institut Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie Orientale, Bibliothe\que d'E/tude," 103; Paris 1988. __ Includes: &3Akoris& 30 [&3SB& 3.6598] (EGYPT, Akoris; 286 ac), 31 [&3SB& 3.6599] (287? ac), 32 [&3SB 3.6600] (288? ac), 33 [&3SB& 3.6601] (289? ac), 34 [&3SB& 3.6602] (290 ac), 35 [&3SB& 3.6603] (292 ac), 36 [&3SB& 3.6604] (305 ac), 37 [&3SB& 3.6605] (292%19`305 ac), 38 [&3SB& 3.6606] (292%19`305 ac), 39 [&3SB 3.6607] (305 ac), 40 [&3SB& 3.6608] (end 4th ac), 41 [&3SB& 3.6609] (end 4th ac?). @ Evelyn%19White, H.G., and J.H. Oliver, &3The Temple of Hibis in &3the El Kha%26rgeh Oasis.& New York 1938. __ Includes: &3Hibis& 9 (EGYPT, el Khargeh; 4th%19`6th ac?), 30 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 360] (4th%19`6th ac?), 34 (4th%19`6th ac?), 41 (5th ac?). @ Bernand, E., &3Les Inscriptions grecques de Philae, II: Haut et &3Bas Empire.& Paris 1969. Nos. 185%19`246. &3Philai& 2.185 (NUBIA, Philai; ca. 293%19`305 ac), 186 (373 ac), 187 (end 3rd ac), 188 (408%3`9 ac), 189 (411%3`2 ac), 190 (434 ac), 191 (ca. 400%19`430 ac), 192 (ca. 400%19`430 ac?), 193 (448%3`9 ac), 194 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 592] (ca. 449%19`468 ac), 195 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 593] (ca. 450%19`468 ac), 196%19`197 (452 ac), 198 (454%3`5 ac), 199 (456%3`7 ac), 200 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 586] (ca. 537 ac), 201 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g 590] (ca. 537 ac), 202 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 591] (ca. 537 ac), 203 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 587] (ca. 537 ac), 204 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g 589] (ca. 537 ac), 205 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 588a1] (after 537 ac), 206 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 588a2] (after 537 ac), 207 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 588b1] (after 537 ac), 208 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g 588b2] (after 537 ac), 209 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 588b3] (after 537 ac), 210 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 588b3] (after 537 ac), 211 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 588b4] (after 537 ac), 212 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g 588b5] (after 537 ac), 213 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 588b6] (after 537 ac), 214 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 588b7] (after 537 ac), 215 (after 537 ac?), 216 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 584] (577 ac), 217 (5th%19`6th ac), 218 (6th ac?), 219 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 603] (6th ac?), 220 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 598] (6th ac?), 221 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 599] (6th ac?), 222 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 600] (6th ac?), 223 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 601] (6th ac?), 224 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 596] (6th ac), 225 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 597] (6th ac?), 226 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 594] (6th ac?), 227 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 595] (6th ac?), 228 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 602] (6th ac?), 229 (after 537 ac), 230 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 585] (after 537 ac), 231%19`236 (after 537 ac), 237 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 604] (after 537 ac), 238 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 604bis] (after 537 ac), 239%19`241 (after 537 ac), 242 (6th ac?), 243%19`244 (after 537 ac), 245%19`256 (Late Empire). @ Zucker, M., &3Von Debod bis Bab Kalabsche, III.& "Service des Antiquite/s de l'E/gypte. Les temples immerge/s de la Nubie". Cairo 1912. __ Includes: &3Debod& 3.164 (Taifa; 710 ac). @ Milne, J.G., &3Greek Inscriptions.& "Service des Antiquite/s de l'E/gypte. Catalogue ge/neral des antiquite/s e/gyptiennes du Muse/e du Caire." Oxford 1905. __ Includes: Milne 44,9278 (EGYPT, place?; 285%19`305 ac); 75,9243 (Esneh; 890 ac); 77,9282 (place?; 4th ac), 77,9257 (5th ac?), 79,33036 (7th%19`8th ac?), 130,33026 (4th ac?), 133,33019%19`133,33020. __ Cross%19references: Milne 45,9238 %6 &3SEG& 34,1598 (EGYPT, Koptos; 323 ac). @ Breccia, E., &3Iscrizioni greche e latine.& "Service des Antiquite/s de l'E/gypte. Catalogue ge/neral des antiquite/s e/gyptiennes du Muse/e d'Alexandrie." Cairo 1911. __ Includes: Breccia 88 (EGYPT, Alexandria; 284%19`305 ac), 89 [Dessau, &3ILS 8947] (284%19`305 ac); 90 (Heroonpolis; 306%19`307 ac); 91 (Alexandria; 306%19`337 ac), 92 [Dessau, &3ILS& 8930%3`1] (364%19`375 ac?). @ Bernand, E., &3Inscriptions me/triques de l'E/gypte gre/co%19romaine. "Annales litte/raires de l'Universite/ de Besanc%25on," 98. Paris 1969. __ Includes: &3IMe/tr& 60 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 423] (EGYPT, Hermonthis; 4th%19`5th ac); 61 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 63] (Alexandria?; 4th%19`5th ac); 111 [&3SB& 1.2598] (Fisha Balkha; 3rd%19`4th ac); 122 (Cheikh Zoue\de; 4th ac?); 123 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 227] (Antinooupolis; end 4th ac); 124,a [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 52] (Alexandria; end 4th ac); 173 [&3SB& 5.8445] (el%19Bagawat; 6th ca. ac?). __ Cross%19references: &3IMe/tr& 124 %6 Bernand, &3Delta& I (1970) 335,5a (Alexandria; ca. 388%19`390 ac), 147 %6 Baillet, &3Inscr. ... tombeaux des rois& (1920) 1277 (Thebai: Syringes; 4th ac?), 148 %6 Baillet 1285 (4th ac?), 149 %6 Baillet 1319 (343 ac), 150 %6 Baillet 1380 (358%19`367 ac), 151 %6 Baillet 1403 (4th ac?). __ Jewish inscriptions: &3IMe/tr& 14 %6 &3CIJ& 1490 (EGYPT, Leontopolis; 117 bc), 15 %6 &3CIJ& 1511 (Leontopolis; early imp?), 16 here %6 &3CIJ& 1530a (Leontopolis; early imp?), 17 %6 &3CIJ& 1522 (early imp?), 37 here %6 &3CIJ& 1440a (Schedia; 2nd%19`1st bc?), 42 %6 &3CIJ& 1510 (Leontopolis; 5 bc?), 43 Ǻ%6 &3CIJ& 1530 (14 bc?), 44 %6 &3CIJ& 1513 (early imp.), 45 %6 &3CIJ& 1509 (20 bc?), 69 %6 &3CIJ& 1489 (Leontopolis?; early imp.), 70 %6 &3CIJ 1451 (Leontopolis; early imp.), 84 %6 &3CIJ& 1508 (early imp.), 94 %6 &3CIJ& 1512 (14 bc?), 95 %6 &3CIJ& 1539 (Leontopolis?; 8 ac). @ Dittenberger, W., &3Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae. 2 vols. Leipzig 1903%19`1905. __ Includes (with addenda): &3OGIS 199 [%6 Kosmas Indikopl., &3Topographia Christianike& 2.60%19`63, I, pp. 373%19`379 ed. Wolska%19Conus] (ETHIOPIA, Adule; bef. 522%19`525 ac); 200 [&3SB& 5.8546] (NUBIA, Taphis; 4th%19`5th ac); "`200(1)" %6 &3SEG& 32.1601 (ABYSSINIA, Axume; 4th%19`5th ac), "`200(2)" %6 &3SEG 24.1246 (NUBIA, Meroe; 5th ac?), "`200(3)" %6 &3SEG& 24.1247 (Decamere\; beg. 5th ac); "`200(4)" %6 &3SEG& 26.1813 (ABYSSINIA, Axume; 4th%19`5th ac); "`200(5)" %6 &3SEG& 34.1641 (NUBIA, Meroe; mid%19`4th ac), "`200(6)" %6 &3SEG& 34.1642 (4th%19`5th ac), 201 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 628] (Talmis; 5th ac?); 722 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 64] (EGYPT, Athribis; 374 ac), "`722a" %6 &3SEG& 24.1194 (374 ac). __ Cross%19references: &3OGIS& II,686 %6 Baillet, &3Inscr. &3... tombeaux des rois& (1920) 1379 (EGYPT, Thebai: Syringes; 4th ac), 688 %6 Baillet 1613 (4th ac?), 689 %6 Baillet 1814 (4th ac?), 691%3`2 %6 Baillet 1405 (4th ac?), 693 %6 Baillet 1861 (4th ac?), 694 %6 Baillet 1283 (4th ac?), 720 %6 Baillet 1889 (326 ac), 721a %6 Baillet 1265 (326 ac), 721b %6 Baillet 1263 (326 ac). @ Preisigke, F., and F. Bilabel, &3Sammelbuch griechischer &3Urkunden aus A+gypten.& Vols. 3%19`5. Heibelberg 1926%19`1934. &3SB& III (1926) 3,6018%19`6019 %6 &3Studi italiani di filologia classica (1912) 350 (EGYPT, Oxyrrhynchos; 602%19`610 ac); __ &3SB& IV (1931) 4,7297%19`7303 (EGYPT, place?), 4,7315 (end 3rd c. ac), 4,7316%19`7317 4,7318 (597 ac), 4,7319 (574%3`5 ac), 4,7320%19`7325; 4,7328 (EGYPT, Alexandria?); 4,7432 (NUBIA, Halfa); 4,7476 (NUBIA, Faras); 4,7488%19`7514 (EGYPT, Thebes); __ &3SB& V (1934) 5,7550 (EGYPT, Edfou); 5,7564 %6 &3SEG& 8,660 (&7Egypt,& (EGYPT, Qau el%19Kebir%3Antaeopolis; 601 ac); 5,8393 [&3IGRR& 1.1291] (EGYPT, Elephantis; ca. 298 ac); 5,8510 (NUBIA, Taphis); 5,8763 (NUBIA, place?; 1157 ac), 5,8765 (1181 ac); 5,8937 (EGYPT, Antinoe); 5,8948 (EGYPT, Gebel Barkal; 4th%19`5th ac). __ Cross%19references: &3SB& 1.147 %6 Bernand, &3Pan du de/sert& (1977) 12 (EGYPT, W. Bir el%19Ai+n), 1449 %6 Bernand, &3IFayoum& II (1981) 131 (Fayoum: Nazle/h; 5th%19`6th ac?), 2279 %6 Bernand, &3IFayoum& III (1981) 149 (EGYPT, Fayoum:Talei; 4th%19`6th ac?), 2598 %6 Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 111 (EGYPT, Fisha Balkha; 3rd%19`4th ac), 3905 %6 Bernand, &3IFayoum& I (1975) 31 (EGYPT, Fayoum: Arsinoe); 5928 %6 &3JThS& 11 (1960) 293,25 (CYRENAICA, Cyrene?; 6th ac?); __ &3SB 3.6598 %6 Bernand, &3Akoris& (1988) 30 (EGYPT, Akoris; 286 ac), 6599 %6 &3Akoris& 31 (287? ac), 6600 %6 &3Akoris& 32 (288? ac), 6601 %6 &3Akoris& 33 (289? ac), 6602 %6 &3Akoris& 34 (290 ac), 6603 %6 &3Akoris 35 (292 ac), 6604 %6 &3Akoris& 36 (305 ac), 6605 %6 &3Akoris& 37 (292%19`305 ac), 6606 %6 &3Akoris& 38 (292%19`305 ac), 6607 %6 &3Akoris& 39 (305 ac), 6608 %6 &3Akoris& 40 (end 4th ac), 6609 %6 &3Akoris& 41 (end 4th ac?); __ &3SB& 4.7492 %6 &3SEG& 8,737 (EGYPT, Thebes; 5th%19`7th ac); __ &3SB& 5.8295 %6 Bernand, &3Delta& I (1970) 341 (EGYPT, Aboukir; 388%19`390 ac), 8445 %6 Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 173 (el%19Bagawat; 6th ac?); 8546 %6 &3OGIS& 200 (NUBIA, Taphis; 4th%19`5th ac); 8919 %6 Bernand, &3Portes du de/sert& (1984) 19 (EGYPT, Antinooupolis; ca. 389 ac). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ &3Amtliche Berichte aus den ko+niglichen Kunstsammlungen (Berlin). &3ABkK& 34 (1912%19`1913) 211%19`219 %6 Guarducci, &3EG& IV,456,1 (EGYPT, place?; 4th ac). @ &3Archiv fu+r Papyrusforschung& (Leipzig). &3APap& 18 (1966) 44%19`46 %6 &3BE/& 1967,671 (NUBIA, place?). @ Bachatly, Ch., &3Le monaste\re de Phoibammon dans la The/bai+de, &3II, Graffiti, inscriptions et ostraca& (Cairo 1965). R. Re/mondon, ed., pp. 5%19`20, nos. 6 %6 &3BE/& 1972,615[a] (EGYPT, Mon. Phoibammon), 8 %6 &3BE/& 1972,615[b]. 10 %6 &3BE/& 1972,615[c] 11 %6 &3BE/& 1972,615[d], 13 %6 &3BE/& 1972,615[e], 17 %6 &3BE/& 1972,615[f], 19 %6 &3BE/& 1972,615[g], 20 %6 &3BE/& 1972,615[h]. @ &3Bulletin de l'Institut Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie Orientale du &3Caire& (Cairo). &3Bull.Inst.Cairo& 72 (1972) 139,21 %6 &3BE/& 1974,674 (EGYPT, place?), 161 %6 &3BE/& 1974,676 (place?). @ Wolska%19Conus, W., ed., &3Cosmas Indicopleuste\s. Topographie &3chre/tienne, Tome I (Livres I%19IV). Introduction, texte &3critique, illustration, traduction et notes.& "Sources chre/tiennes," 141; Paris 1968. Kosmas 2.60%19`63, I, pp. 373%19`379 ed. Wolska%19Conus %6 &3OGIS& 199 (ETHIOPIA, Adule; before 522%19`525 ac). @ Fakhry, A., &3The Necropolis of el Bagawa%26t in the Kharga Oasis. Cairo 1951. Pp. 39%19`66 and 67%19`78 %6 Guarducci, &3EG& IV,461,3[a%19b]; (EGYPT, Kharga Oasis; 5th ac). @ Cagnat, R., et al., &3Inscriptiones Graecae ad Res Romanas &3pertinentes.& 3 vols. Paris 1906%19`1927. &3IGRR& 1.1291 %6 &3SB& 5,8393 (EGYPT, Elephantis; ca. 298 ac). @ Koerner, R., &3Festschrift zum 150 ja+hrigen Bestehen des &3Berliner a+gyptischen Museums.& "Staatl. Museen Berlin, Mitt. a+gyptisch. Sammlung," 8; Berlin 1974. &3MBerlAS& 8.355,6 %6 &3BE/ 1976,756 (EGYPT, place?). @ Michalowski, &3Faras. Fouilles polonnaises 1961%19`1962& (1965). Michalowski, K., &3Faras. Fouilles polonnaises 1961%19`1962.& Warsaw 1965. &3Faras& 164,2 %6 &3BE/& 1966,498[a] (NUBIA, Pachoras), 164,3 %6 &3BE/& 1966,498[b] (923 ac). @ Peek, W., &3Griechische Vers%19Inschriften, I.& Leipzig 1955. &3GVI 593 %6 &3IGChEg& 63 (EGYPT, Damanhour; 4th ac?). @ &3Studi italiani di filologia classica& (Florence). &3SItFCl& 19 (1912) 350 %6 &3SB& 3,6018%19`6019 (EGYPT, Oxyrrhynchos; 602%19`610 ac). @ &3Zeitschrift fu+r Papyrologie und Epigraphik& (Bonn). &3ZPE& 13 (1974) 94 %6 &3BE/& 1974,678 (EGYPT, place?). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Cyrenaica @ *Lu+deritz, G., &3Corpus ju+discher Zeugnisse aus der Cyrenaika. Wiesbaden 1983. Complete. Included in the collection of Jewish inscriptions. @ *Reynolds, J., "The Christian Inscriptions of Cyrenaica," in &3Journal of Theological Studies& N.S. 11, 2 (1960), pp. 284%19`294: 285,1 [&3SEG& 30.1784] (CYRENAICA, Cyrene; 6th ac?), 285,2%19`285,3 (6th ac?), 286,4 [&3SEG& 9.187%3`8] (6th ac?), 286,5 [&3SEG& 30.1785] (4th%3`5th ac), 287,6 [&3ASAtene& 1 (1914) 161] (365 ac?), 287,7%19`287,8 (6th ac?); 288,9 [&3SEG& 30.1782] (Apollonia; 6th ac?), 288,10 (6th ac?), 288,11, 288,12%19`289,16 (6th ac?), 289,17 [&3SEG& 9.408]; 290,18 (Barke; 6th ac?), 290,19%19`290,20 (4th%19`6th ac); 291,21 [&3SEG& 30.1787] (Olbia; 539%3`40 ac), 293,22%19`293,23 [cf. &3SEG& 30.1787] (ca. 539%3`40 ac); 293,24 (Ain Mara; 6th ac); 293,25 [&3SB& 1.5928] (Cyrene?; 6th ac?); "Add,1*" [&3JThS& 16 (1965) 462] (Teucheira; 6th ac). @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ &3Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene& (Rome). &3ASAtene& 1 (1914) 161 %6 &3JThS& 11 (1960) 287,6 (CYRENAICA, Cyrene; 365 ac?). @ &3Journal of Theological Studies& (Oxford). &3JThS& 16 (1965) 462 here %6 &3JThS& 11 (1960) "Add,1*" (CYRENAICA, Teucheira; 6th ac). @ Kraeling, C.H., et al., &3Ptolemais, City of the Libyan &3Pentapolis.& "University of Chicago Oriental Institute Publications," 90; Chicago 1962. Kraeling, p. 208,11 %6 &3BE/ 1964,589 (CYRENAICA, Ptolemais). @ Ⱥ@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ITALY, AFRICA AND THE WEST @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Italy, Sicily and Gaul @ Kaibel, G., &3Inscriptiones Graecae, XIV. Inscriptiones Siciliae &3et Italiae, additis Galliae, Hispaniae, Britanniae, Germaniae &3inscriptiones.& Berlin 1890. Includes: &3IG& 14.14 [&3BE/& 1959.543] (SICILY, Syracuse; mid%19`4th ac), 19 [&3IGRR& 1.492], 194, 197%19`201, 201a; 237 (Acrae), 242 [&3RAC& 18,3%3`4 (1941) 177]; 243%19`253 (Motyca); 254 [&3RAC& 18,3%3`4 (1941) 208] (Licodia); 255a (S. Croce); 278 [&3IGRR& 1.500] (Lilybaeum; 4th ac?); 296 (Panormus; Ⱥ314 ac); 348 [&3RAC& 18,3%3`4 (1941) 225] (Thermae Himeraeae); 361 (S. Fratello); 403 [&3IGRR& 1.487] (Messana), 419%3`420; 442 [&3RAC 18,3%3`4 (1941) 234] (Tauromenium), 443,3, 444 (411 ac), 445, 447; 453 [a: &3CIL& 10.7017] (Catana), 455 [&3BE/& 1959.541] (434 ac), 461, 465 [&3RAC& 18,3%3`4 (1941) 226], 470, 480, 489 [&3RAC 18,3%3`4 (1941) 242], 498, 508 [&3RAC& 18,3%3`4 (1941) 243,141], 516 [&3RAC& 18,3%3`4 (1941) 243n.2], 523, 526, 528%19`529, 530,a%19`530,b 532, 533 [&3RAC& 18,3%3`4 (1941) 222,108], 534, 539, 543a, 544%19`546, 548, 550%19`551, 553%19`558, 559 [&3RAC& 18,3%3`4 (1941) 221,107], 560%19`566; 572 (near Hadranum); 582 (Centuripae); 591 (Megara Hyblaea); 592 [&3RAC& 18,3%3`4 (1941) 237] (Ustica Is.); 599 [cf. &3RAC& 18,3%3`4 (1941) 225n.1] (place?); 603 (Melita Is.); 604 [Wessel 144] (SICILY, Gaulus Is.); F33* and F35*%19F36*; and (SARDINIA, Carales); 625 (BRUTTIUM, Rhegium), 628 (490 ac?), 629 [Wessel 129; &3SEG& 13.469] (end 7th%3`8th ac), 629a; 633 [Wessel 75; &3SEG& 1.421; &3CIJ& 1.635a, Add. p. 49] (BRUTTIUM, Hipponium__Vibo Valentia; 5th%19`7th ac); 694a (CAMPANIA, Amalfi); 694b (Salernum), 696; 697 (Amalfi; end 8th ac); 697a (Salernum); 823%19`824 (Neapolis), 826,1%19`826,54, 827 [&3CIG& 8927?], 828; 879 [&3IGRR& 1.416] (Baiae; later 4th ac?); 895 [Wessel 123] (Pontiae Is.); 1073 [b: &3SEG& 33.773] (LATIUM, Ostia; 4th ac?); 1325 [&3CIJ& 1.500] (ROME, place?), 1381 [Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... &3Musei Vaticani& (1963) 98] (C. Hermetis), 1467 (place?), 1487 [Wessel 109] (V. Tiburtina), 1519 (place?), 1542, 1548 (S. Chrysogonus), 1587 [&3CIJ& 1.108] (Via Appia), 1606 [&3CIJ& 1.327] (C. Monteverde), 1613 [&3CIG& 9835] (place?), 1655 [Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei Vaticani& (1963) 84], 1695, 1910a (Rome?, Umbria: Urbinum), 2034 (Rome?, place?), 2174 (Rome, S. Clemens), 2176a (S. Valentinus), 2193 (place?), 2197 (C. Saturnini), 2206 (place?), 2213, 2218 (S. Maria Transt.), 2226 (Mus. Kirch.), 2227 (Mus. Capitol.), 2237 (place?); 2241 [Peek, &3GVI& (1955) 1763] (SAMNIUM, Scandriglia; 1st%19`2nd ac?); 2247 (PICENUM, Interamna [Teramo]); 2252 (UMBRIA, Pisaurum; 392 ac), 2253 [Wessel 148]; 2255,a [Wessel 52] (Arimnium), 2255,bcd; 2259 (ETRURIA, Lorium); 2263 [Wessel 166] (Orbetello; 6th ac?); 2264,a [&3IChrUR& 1.4023] (Volsinii; 6th ac?); 2265 [Wessel 60] (Florentia; 417 ac); 2266 (424 ac), 2267 [Wessel 83], 2268,a, 2268,b [Wessel 84], 2269, 2270,a%19`2270,e [a,c: Wessel 103,adn.] 2271; 2272 (Prato); 2279 (LIGURIA, Vercellae); 2288a (AEMILIA, Cassano); 2290 [Wessel 58] (TRANSPADANA, Ticinum; 471 ac); 2293 [&3CIL& 5.6195] (TRANSPADANA, Mediolanum; 444 ac), 2295 (393 ac), 2296%19`2297, 2298 [Wessel 85] (444 ac), 2299; 2300 [Wessel 54] (TRANSPADANA, Comum; 401 ac), 2301 (401 ac); 2304 [&3CIJ& 1.638] (VENETIA, Brixia); 2306 [Wessel 43] (VENETIA, Verona), 2310a [Wessel 146] (511 ac), 2311; 2314 [Wessel 133] (VENETIA, Vicetia); 2318 [&3CIJ& 1.637] (VENETIA, Ferrara); 2319 (REGION?, once Venice); 2320 [&3SEG& 26.1124] (VENETIA, Altinum); 2324%19`2325 (VENETIA, Iulia Concordia; ca. 400 ac), 2326 [cf. &3SEG& 30.1149] (ca. 400 ac), 2327%19`2328 (ca. 400 ac), 2329 [cf. &3SEG& 30.1149] (ca. 400 ac), 2330 (418%3`9 ac), 2331 [cf. &3SEG& 30.1149] (ca. 400 ac), 2332 (409%3`10 ac), 2333 [cf. &3SEG& 30.1149] (426%3`7 ac), 2334 [Guard. &3EG& IV,509] (ca. 400 ac), 2335, 2336 [cf. &3SEG& 30.1149] (ca. 400 ac?); 2345 [Guard. &3EG& IV,515] (Grado; ca. 580 ac); 2346 (Aquileia), 2347%3`8 [&3JO+AI& 6 (1903) Beibl. 75; Wessel 79], 2349, 2350 (442 ac), 2351 [Wessel 158], 2352%19`2353, 2354 [Wessel 15], 2355 [Wessel 92], 2356%3`2360 [&3JO+AI& 6 (1903) Beibl. 78; Wessel 80; Guard. &3EG& IV,512] (5th ac), 2357 [&3IChUR 1.4018], 2358 [Wessel 31], 2359 [Wessel 61], 2360%3`2356 [Guard. &3EG& IV,512] (5th ac), 2361%19`2362, 2363 [cf. &3SEG& 36.1279], 2364%19`2368, 2375%19`2376, 2379 [Wessel 35]; 2384 (HISTRIA, Pola); 2406,110%19`2406,111 (ROME, place?); 2409,1 (Rome?, place?); 2409,2 (LATIUM, Tusculum); 2409,5 (ROME, place?), 2410,8 [&3CIG 8982]; 2412,21 (CAMPANIA, Neapolis); 2412,26 (SICILY, Messana); 2412,27 (CAMPANIA, Neapolis); 2412,34 (ETRURIA, Florentia?); 2413,7 (UMBRIA, Fanum); 2413,17 [Bernabo\ Brea, &3Akrai& (1956) 170,52] (SICILY, Acrae); 2413,18 [&3CIG& 9065] (ITALY, now Monza); 2417,18%19`2417,19 (ITALY, place?); 2417,24 (BRUTTIUM, Rhegium); 2417,25 (ITALY, place?), 2417,31b; 2418,1 [&3CIG& 8632], here also %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 1308 [CIL 13.10032,8] (ROME, [ex%19Compiegne]; 525 ac); 2418,2 [&3CIL& 5.8120,4] (TRANSPADANA, Mediolanum?; 525 ac); 2418,11 (CAMPANIA, Neapolis); 2418,12 (CAMPANIA, Neapolis?); 2462%19`2463, (GALLIA NARBON., Massilia); 2473 (GALLIA NARBON., Arelate), 2476 [Wessel 90]; 2481 [cf. Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 341(3)] (GALLIA NARBON., Avennio); 2493 (GALLIA NARBON., Alba Helvorum), 2494 [cf. Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 341(3)]; 2517 [&3ILCV& 2891; Wessel 104] (GALLIA NARBON., Narbo; 527 ac); 2525 [Guard &3EG& IV,487] (GALLIA LUGDUN., Augustodunum; 4th ac?); 2534%19`2535, (GALLIA LUGDUN., Lugdunum); 2569 (ITALY?, once Haag), 2571; 2573,12 [Wessel 112] (GALLIA NARBON., Aquae Sextiae; 6th%19`7th ac?); 2573,21 (BELGICA I, Aug. Treverorum); 2577,5 (GERMANIA SUP., Argentorate); 2577,6 (BRITANNIA, South Shields); 2579,3 (GALLIA?, once "Lovanium", now Brussels; 6th%19`7th ac); 2580,1 (HISPANIA TARRAC., Valentia). __ Cross%19references: &3IG& 14.300* %6 Bollini, &3IGrRav& 39,12 (ITALY, Aemilia, Ravenna; 350%19`400 ac?); &3IG& 14.20 %6 Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) (SICILY, Syracuse), [2`21%19`26 omitted, not Christian]2, 27 %6 Straz. 123, 28 %6 Straz. 137, 29 %6 Straz. 138, [2`30 omitted, not Christian]2, 31 %6 Straz. 132, [2`32 omitted, not Christian]2, 33 %6 Straz. 139, [2`34%19`38 omitted, not Christian]2, 39 %6 Straz. 140, [2`40%19`45 omitted, not Christian]2, 46 %6 Straz. 131, [2`47%19`53 omitted, not Christian]2, 54 %6 Straz. 141 %6 Agnello, &3Silloge (1953) 43, [2`55%19`58 omitted, not Christian]2, 59 %6 Straz. 1, 60 %6 Straz. 2, [2`61 omitted, not Christian]2, 62 %6 Straz. 3, 63 %6 Straz. 4 %6 Agnello 100 (410 ac), 64 %6 Straz. 5, 65 %6 Straz. 6, 66 %6 Straz. 7, 67 %6 Straz. 8, 68 %6 Straz. 9 %6 Agnello 36, 69 %6 Straz. 10, 70 %6 Straz. 11, 71 %6 Straz. 12, 72 %6 Straz. 13, 73 %6 Straz. 14, 74 %6 Straz. 15, 75 %6 Straz. 16, 76 %6 Straz. 17, 77 %6 Straz. 18, 78 %6 Straz. 19 %6 Agnello 1, 79 %6 Straz. 20, 80 %6 Straz. 21, 81 %6 Straz. 22, 82 %6 Straz. 23, 83 %6 Straz. 24, 84 %6 Straz. 25, 85 %6 Straz. 26 (433 ac), 86 %6 Straz. 27, 87 %6 Straz. 28, 88 %6 Straz. 29 [Wessel 160], 89 %6 Straz. 30, 90 %6 Straz. 31, 91 %6 Straz. 32, 92 %6 Straz. 33, 93 %6 Straz. 34, 94 %6 Straz. 35, 95 %6 Straz. 36), 96 %6 Straz. 37, %6 Agnello 2, 97 %6 Straz. 38, 98 %6 Straz. 39, 99 %6 Straz. 40, 100 %6 Straz. 41, 101 %6 Straz. 42, 102 %6 Straz. 51, 103 %6 Straz. 52, 104 %6 Straz. 53, 105 %6 Straz. 43, %6 Agnello 3, 106 %6 Straz. 44, 107 %6 Straz. 45, 108 %6 Straz. 46, 109 %6 Straz. 47, 110 %6 Straz. 48, 111 %6 Straz. 49 %6 Agnello 4, 112 %6 Straz. 50 %6 Agnello 91 (360 ac), 113 %6 Straz. 54, 114 %6 Straz. 55, 115 %6 Straz. 56, 116 %6 Straz. 57, 117 %6 Straz. 58 [Wessel 99], 118 %6 Straz. 59, 119 %6 Straz. 60, 120 %6 Straz. 127, 121 %6 Straz. 128, 122 %6 Straz. 129, 123 %6 Straz. 61, 124 %6 Straz. 62 %6 Agnello 101, 125 %6 Straz. 63, 126 %6 Straz. 65, 127 %6 Straz. 64, 128 %6 Straz. 66, 129 %6 Straz. 67, 130 %6 Straz. 68 (439 ac), 131 %6 Straz. 69, 132 %6 Straz. 71, 133 %6 Straz. 73, 134 %6 Straz. 74 %6 Agnello 37, 135 %6 Straz. 75, 136 %6 Straz. 76, 137 %6 Straz. 77 %6 Agnello 5, 138 %6 Straz. 78, 139 %6 Agnello 44, 140 %6 Straz. 80 (SICILY, Syracuse), 141 %6 Straz. 81, 142 %6 Straz. 82 (SICILY, Syracuse), 143 %6 Straz. 83, 144 %6 Straz. 84, 145 %6 Straz. 86, 146 %6 Straz. 87 %6 Agnello 45, 147 %6 Straz. 88, 148 %6 Straz. 89, 149 %6 Straz. 90, 150 %6 Straz. 91 %6 Agnello 6, 151 %6 Straz. 92 %6 Agnello 7, 152 %6 Straz. 93 %6 Agnello 8, 153 %6 Straz. 94 %6 Agnello 9, 154 %6 Straz. 95 %6 Agnello 10, 155 %6 Straz. 96, 156 %6 Straz. 97, 157 %6 Straz. 98, 158 %6 Straz. 99, Ⱥ159 %6 Straz. 100 (427 ac), 160 %6 Straz. 101, 161 %6 Straz. 102, 162 %6 Straz. 103, 163 %6 Straz. 104, 164 %6 Straz. 105, 165 %6 Straz. 106, 166 %6 Straz. 107, 167 %6 Straz. 108, 168 %6 Straz. 109, 169 %6 Straz. 110, 170 %6 Straz. 111, 171 %6 Straz. 112, 172 %6 Straz. 72 %6 Agnello 11, 173 %6 Straz. 113, 174 %6 Straz. 142, 175 %6 Straz. 151, 176 %6 Straz. 114, 177 %6 Straz. 115 %6 Agnello 12, 178 %6 Straz. 116, 179 %6 Straz. 117 %6 Agnello 13, 180 %6 Straz. 118, 181 %6 Straz. 119, %6 Agnello 14, 182 %6 Straz. 134, 183 %6 Straz. 120, 184 %6 Straz. 121, 185 %6 Straz. 143, 186 %6 Straz. 144, 187 %6 Straz. 125 %6 Agnello 15, 188 %6 Straz. 126, 189 %6 Straz. 124 %6 Agnello 16, 190 %6 Straz. 133, 191 %6 Straz. 145 %6 Agnello 17, 192 %6 Straz. 136 %6 Agnello 105, 193 %6 Straz. 152, 194 not in Strazzulla, 195 %6 Straz. 153, 196 %6 Straz. 150; __ 197%19`201, 201a not in Strazzulla; __ &3IG& 14.235 %6 Agnello 63 [Wessel 125] (Palazz. Acreide), 236 %6 Agnello 64, 238 %6 Agnello 65, 239 %6 Agnello 95 (419 ac), 246 %6 Agnello 92 (Cava d'Ispica; 398 ac), 524 %6 Agnello 46, 525 %6 Agnello 106, 531 %6 Agnello 47, 535 %6 Agnello 94 (408 ac), 536 %6 Agnello 48, 537 %6 Straz. 147 %6 Agnello 49, (Catana), 538 %6 Agnello 50, 540 %6 Agnello 51, 541 %6 Agnello 52, 542 %6 Agnello 53, 547 %6 Agnello 54, 549 %6 Agnello 55, 552 %6 Agnello 56; __ &3IG& 14.765 %6 &3IChUR& 1,3977 (Rome?, Latium: Velitrae), 785 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2896 [Wessel 154] (Rome?, Campania: Neapolis); __ &3IG& 14.943 %6 &3IPorto& 53 (Latium, Portus; beg. 4th ac), 947 %6 &3IPorto& 70 (ca. 300 ac), 948 %6 &3IPorto& 72 (ca. 300 ac), 949a %6 &3IPorto& 75 [Wessel 120] (394%19`423 ac), 950 %6 &3IPorto& 79 (ca. 400 ac); __ &3IG 14.995 %6 Moretti, &3IGUR& 169 (Rome, Mus. Vatican.; 2nd ac), 1018 %6 &3IGUR& 129 (S. Nicolaus in Calcaria; 370 ac), 1019 %6 &3IGUR& 128 (Phrygianum?; 377 ac), 1020 %6 &3IGUR& 126 (Phrygianum; ca. 350%19`400 ac), 1026 %6 &3IGUR& 191 (place?; 299 ac), 1034 %6 &3IGUR& 203 (Vinea Cavalieri), 1062 %6 &3IGUR& 36 (Thermae Trajani; b: mid%19`5th ac), 1074 %6 &3IGUR& 63 (Forum Trajani; ca. 400 ac), 1075 %6 &3IGUR 65 (S. Petrus ad vincula; 399 ac), 1076 %6 &3IGUR& 904 (C. Callisti; 4th%3beg. 5th ac), 1078a %6 &3IGUR& 60 (Col. Quirinalis; 4th ac), 1106 %6 &3IGUR& 245 (S. Petrus ad vincula; 384%19`392 ac), 1272 %6 &3IGUR& 181 (Mus. Vatican.; 3rd%19`4th ac), 1344 %6 &3IChUR 1,3976, 1347 %6 &3IGUR& 306 (S. Clemens; 4th ac?), 1349 %6 &3IChUR 1,4006, 1351 %6 &3IChUR& 1,3983, 1352 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2974 (Rome, Umbria: Pisaurum), 1363 %6 &3IGUR& 1149 (Rome, Porta Maior; 4th ac?), 1364 %6 &3IChUR& 5,14981 (C. Praetextati), 1365 %6 &3IChUR 2,5976 (Mus. Paulianum), 1369 %6 &3IChUR& 1,1855 (Mus. Lateran.), 1373 %6 &3IChUR& 9,25983 (C. Priscillae), 1395 %6 &3IChUR& 3,8445 (C. Domitillae), 1415 %6 &3IChUR& 1,3000 [&3CIG& 9851; Bollini, &3Iscr. gr. &3di Ravenna& (1975) 69,32] (Rome?, Aemilia: Ravenna), 1417 %6 &3CIG 9648 (C. Callisti), 1442 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19772 (C. Cyriacae), 1443 %6 &3IChUR& 1,1860 [Wessel 155] (Mus. Lateran.), 1445 %6 &3IChUR& 3,9288 (Via Ardeatina), 1451 %6 &3IGUR& 391 (Mus. Vatican.; 3rd ac?), 1461%7 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2563%7`2592 [Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei &3Vaticani& (1963) 64] (Mus. Vatican.), 1462 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5659 [&3CIG 9777; Wessel 142; Feissel, &3RAC& 58 (1982) 365; &3SEG& 32.1063] (Bas. S. Pauli), 1477a %6 &3IChUR& 1,1314 (S. Cosimato), 1480 %6 &3IGUR& 424 (193%19`211 ac), 1485 %6 &3IChUR& 1,3982, 1486 %6 &3IChUR 8,21530 [&3CIG& 9557] (C. Agnetis), 1489 %6 &3IChUR& 1,1097 (SS. Quattuor C.), 1501 %6 &3IChUR& 1,895 (S. Mich. Burg.), 1508 %6 &3IChUR& 1,4024, 1516 %6 &3IChUR& 7,18853 (C. Cyriacae), 1531 %6 &3IChUR 1,3990, 1534 %6 &3IChUR& 1,3975, 1538 %6 &3IChUR& 8,22790 [&3CIG& 9564] (C. Maius), 1540a %6 &3IChUR& 1,3991b, 1541 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2566 (Mus. Vatican.), 1553 %6 &3IChUR& 8,21535 (C. Agnetis), 1563 %6 &3IChUR 1,3995, 1564 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2567 (Mus. Vatican.), 1573 %6 &3IChUR 1,1348 (Mus. Capitol.), 1576 %6 &3IChUR& 1,3998, 1588 %6 &3IChUR 9,26037 [&3CIG& 9689] (C. Priscillae), 1596 %6 &3IChUR& 4,12513 [&3CIG 9668; &3IG& 14.1596; Wessel 174] (C. Cis Callisti), 1608 %6 &3IChUR 8,23330 (Priscillianae), 1610 %6 &3IChUR& 9,26042 [Wessel 172] (C. Priscillae), 1617 %6 &3IChUR& 1,3140, 1620 %6 &3IChUR& 1,315 (S. Eustachius), 1629 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2670 (Rome?, Aemilia: Bononia), 1630 %6 &3IChUR& 1,4002 [Wessel 21], 1639 %6 &3IChUR& 6,17227 (C. SS. Marcell. %9 Petr.), 1662 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24815 [&3CIG& 9701; &3IG& 14.1662; Wessel 169] (C. ad V. Anapo), 1666 %6 &3IChUR& 1,1874 (Mus. Lateran.), 1667 %6 &3IChUR& 5,13838 (Via Appia), 1668 %6 &3IChUR 1,871 (S. Martinus), 1682 %6 &3IChUR& 8,22811 [&3CIG& 9568] (C. Maius), 1702 %6 &3IGUR& 626 (M. Esquilinus; 1704 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2570 (Mus. Vatican.), 1719 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24278 (Via Salaria), 1729 %6 &3IChUR& 1,712 (S. Maria Vall.), 1736 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2571 (Mus. Vatican.), 1738 %6 &3IChUR& 8,23374 (Priscillianae), 1744 %6 &3IChUR 1,2572 (Mus. Vatican.), 1765 %6 &3IChUR& 3,8398 (C. Domitillae), 1785 %6 &3IChUR& 1,4012, 1791 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24280 [&3CIG& 9711] (Via Salaria), 1793 %6 &3IChUR& 2,6403 [&3CIG& 9555] (C. Commodillae), 1802 %6 &3IChUR& 1,4020 (Rome?, Latium: Tusculum), 1811 %6 &3IChUR 1,4021, 1821 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2576 (Mus. Vatican.), 1828 %6 &3IChUR 1,2578, 1833a %6 &3IChUR& 7,19817 (C. Cyriacae), 1872 %6 &3IChUR 8,23379 [&3CIG& 9690] (Priscillianae), 1877 %6 &3IChUR& 4,12854 [&3CIG 9798] (V. Appia%3Ardeat.), 1880 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2245 (Mus. Vatican.), 1899 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2582 (Mus. Vatican.), 1905 %6 &3IGUR& 842 (Col. Quirinalis), 1941 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2791 (Rome?, Latium: Tusculum), 1950 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19830 [&3CIG& 9630] (C. Cyriacae), 1975 %6 &3IChUR 1,1891 (Mus. Lateran.), 1976 %6 &3IGUR& 1321 (C. Caledpodii; 3rd%19`4th ac?), 1985 %6 &3IChUR& 5,15421 (V. Appia), 1991 %6 &3IChUR 2,5960 [&3CIG& 6544; &3CIG& 9729] (Mus. Paulianum), 1992 %6 &3IChUR 1,4029, 1995 %6 &3IChUR& 1,4030, 14.1997 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5978 (Mus. Paulianum) %6 &3IChUR& 4,12858 (V. Appia%3Ardeatina), 2008 %6 &3IChUR 1,4032 [Wessel 135] (Rome, place?), 2016 %6 &3IChUR& 1,3139 (Rome, Latium: Velitrae), 2020 %6 &3IChUR& 1,1247 (Antiquar. Civ.), 2023 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2585 [Wessel 8] (Mus. Vatican.), 2028 %6 &3IChUR& 1,983 (S. Pudentiana), 2047 %6 &3IGUR& 987 (D. Virgo in Minerva), 2059 %6 &3IChUR& 1,874 (S. Martinus), 2062 %6 &3IChUR& 3,8634 (C. Domitillae), 2066 %6 &3IChUR& 1,1894 (Mus. Lateran.), 2068 %6 &3IGUR 1351 (place?; end 3rd%3beg. 4th), 2072 %6 &3CIG& 9615 (C. Cyriacae), 2085 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2671 (Rome?, Cispadana: Bononia), 2096 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2589 (Mus. Vatican.), 2102 %6 &3IChUR& 4,11706 (C. Callisti), 2103 %6 &3IChUR& 1,4039, 2108 %6 &3IChUR& 6,17233 [&3CIG 9597] (Via Labicana), 2114 %6 &3IChUR& 8,23367 (Priscillianae), 2165 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5972 (Mus. Paulianum), 2169 %6 &3IChUR& 5,13259 [&3CIG& 9649] (C. Catacumbas), 2184 %6 Moretti, &3IGUR& 2,2.1061 (Porta S. Sebastiani; end 2nd ac), 2187a %6 Moretti, &3IGUR 2,2.1113 [&3IChUR& 1,1248b] (Antiquar. Civ.), 2196 %6 &3IChUR 7,19860 [&3CIG& 9618] (C. Cyriacae), 2217 %6 &3IChUR& 1,418 (SS. Ioan. %9 Paul.), 2240 %6 &3IGUR& 246 (C. Hippolyti; ca. 313 ac); __ &3IG& 14.2264 %6 &3IChUR& 1,4023 (Rome?, Etruria: Volsinii; 6th ac?); __ &3IG& 14.2280 %6 Bollini, &3IGrRav& 42,15 (Aemilia, Ravenna), 2318 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2720 %6 &3CIJ& 637 (Rome?, Venetia: Ferrara), 2357 %6 &3IChUR& 1,4018 (Venetia, Aquileia); __ &3IG& 14.2490 %6 &3IChGaule 15,178 [Wessel 176] (GALLIA, Viennensis [N.], Vienne; 5th ac), 2491 %6 &3IChGaule& 15,186 [Wessel 126] (5th ac), 2492 %6 &3IChGaule 15,64 (441 ac), 2532 %6 &3CIJ& App. 3,61* (area of Lugdunum: Genay, near Tre/voux; beg. 3rd ac), 2558 %6 &3IChGaule& 1,10 [Wessel 56] (Belgica I, Aug. Treverorum; 5th ac), 2559 %6 &3IChGaule& 1,93 [Wessel 45] (409 ac), 2560 %6 &3IChGaule& 1,112 [Wessel 46] (ca. 400 ac?), 2561 %6 &3IChGaule& 1,168 [Wessel 18] (4th ac); __ &3IG& 14.Add.,45a %6 Straz. 149 (SICILY, Syracuse). @ Moretti, L. &3Inscriptiones Graecae Urbis Romae.& Vols. 1%19`3. Rome 1968%19`1979. &3IGUR& 1.36 [&3IG& 14.1062] (ROME, Thermae Trajani; b: Ⱥmid%19`5th ac), 57 (Forum Trajani), 60 [&3IG& 14.1078a] (Col. Quirinalis; 4th ac), 63 [&3IG& 14.1074] (Forum Trajani; ca. 400 ac), 65 [&3IG& 14.1075] (S. Petrus ad vincula; 399 ac), 66 (Colosseum; ca. 500 ac), 67 ("Legnaia di Ripetta"; 4th ac?), 69 [&3SEG& 13.471] (Piazza Paganaica; ca. 400 ac), 126 [&3IG 14.1020] (Phrygianum; ca. 350%19`400 ac), 127 [&3SEG& 2.518] (Phrygianum; 4th ac), 128 [&3IG& 14.1019] (Phrygianum; 377 ac), 129 [&3IG& 14.1018] (S. Nicolaus in Calcaria; 370 ac), 169 [&3IG 14.995] (Mus. Vatican.; 2nd ac), 181 [&3IG& 14.1272] (Mus. Vatican.; 3rd%19`4th ac), 191 [&3IG& 14.1026] (place?; 299 ac), 203 [&3IG& 14.1034] (Vinea Cavalieri), 245 [&3IG& 14.1106] (S. Petrus ad vincula; 384%19`392 ac), 246 [&3IG& 14.2240] (C. Hippolyti; ca. 313 ac); __ &3IGUR& 2,1.306 [&3IG& 14.1347] (S. Clemens; 4th ac?), 355 [&3SEG& 4.133] (place?), 391 [&3IG& 14.1451] (Mus. Vatican.; 3rd ac?), 404 [&3IChUR& 4,12841] (C. Callisti; 3rd%19`4th ac?), 411 (Via Ostiensis; ca. 300 ac?), 424 [&3IG& 14.1480] (Porta Pia; 193%19`211 ac), 426 [&3CIJ& App. 3,17*] (Via Appia Pignatelli; 3rd ac?), 527 (Piazza Navona), 626 [&3IG& 14.1702] (M. Esquilinus), 717 (Via Salaria); __ &3IGUR& 2,2.771 [&3CIJ& 1.733f (Add.)] (place?), 842 [&3IG& 14.1905] (Col. Quirinialis), 904 [&3IG& 14.1076] (C. Callisti; 4th%3beg. 5th ac), 987 [&3IG& 14.2047] (D. Virgo in Minerva), 1061 [&3IG& 14.2184] (Porta S. Sebastiani; end 2nd ac); __ &3IGUR& 3.1149 [&3IG& 14.1363] (Porta Maior; 4th ac?), 1180 [&3IChrUR& 5,12901] (Ar. ad Catacumbas), 1232 [&3IChrUR& 5,12902] (S. Sebastianus), 1266 [&3IChUR& 7.19817] (Via Tiburtina), 1321 [&3IG& 14.1976] (C. Calepodii; 3rd%19`4th ac?), 1351 [&3IG& 14.2068] (place?; end 3rd%3beg. 4th). __ Cross%19references: &3IGUR& 2,1.431 %6 &3IChUR& 1,3982 [&3IG& 14.1485] (place?), 490 %6 &3IChUR& 9,26017 (C. Priscillae), __ &3IGUR& 2,2.1113 %6 &3IChUR& 1,1248b [&3IG& 14.2187a] (Antiquar. Civ.). @ Silvagni, A., and A. Ferrua, &3Inscriptiones Christianae Urbis &3Romae. Nova Series.& Vols. 1%19`9. Rome 1922%19`1985. &3IChUR& 1,13 [&3CIG 9806] (ROME, S. Ambrosius); 33%19`35 (S. Anastasia); 68 (S. Bibianus); 80 (S. Caecilia), 87 [Wessel 107] (411 ac), 103; 259 [&3CIG& 9784] (S. Clemens); 279 [&3ILCV& 4469] (SS. Cosmas %9 Damian.); 303 [&3CIG& 9790; &3ILCV& 2792A] (S. Crux Hier.); 315 [&3IG 14.1620] (S. Eustachius); 418 [&3IG& 14.2217] (SS. Ioan. %9 Paul.); 695 [&3CIG& 9791] (S. Maria Transt.), 696 [&3ILCV& 2552%7]; 712 [&3IG& 14.1729] (S. Maria Vall.); 868 [&3CIG& 9787; Wessel 44] (S. Martinus), 871 [&3IG& 14.1668], 874 [&3IG& 14.2059]; 895 [&3IG 14.1501] (S. Mich. Burg.); 913 [&3CIG& 9788] (S. Nicol. Car.); 940 [&3CIG& 9842 &3ILCV& 2.2878] (S. Praxes; 367 ac), 962 [&3CIG& 9726; Wessel 42]; 983 [&3IG& 14.2028] (S. Pudentiana); 1097 [&3IG 14.1489] (SS. Quattuor C.), 1098%19`1101; 1139%19`1141 (S. Sabas); 1177 (S. Salv. Curt.); 1198 (S. Steph. Rot.); 1246 (Antiquar. Civ.), 1247 [&3IG& 14.2020], 1248a, 1248b [&3IG& 14.2187a; Moretti, &3IGUR& 2,2.1113], 1248c; 1314 [&3IG& 14.1477a; &3ILCV& 4473] (S. Cosimato); 1327 (Mus. Capitol.); 1345 (S. Maria Magg.); 1346 [&3CIG& 9841] (Mus. Capitol.); 1347 %6 &3IChUr& 7,17548%7`19864%3`1347 [Wessel 19,adn.; Feissel, &3RAC& 58 (1982) 358 (&3SEG& 32.1061)] (C. Cyriacae; 414 ac); 1348 [&3IG& 14.1573] (Mus. Capitol.), 1349; 1853 [&3CIG& 9826] (Mus. Lateran.), 1855 [&3IG& 14.1369; &3ILCV 4468], 1856 [&3CIG& 9825], 1857 %6 &3IChUR& 7.19767 [Wessel 29], 1858%19`1859, 1860 [&3IG& 14.1443; Wessel 155] 1861 [Wessel 68], 1862; 1863 %6 &3IChUR& 5,15011, 1864 %6 &3IChUR& 4,12888, 1865 [&3CIG 9885], 1866, 1867 [&3CIG& 9816], 1868%19`1869, 1870 [Wessel 47; cf. &3SEG& 36.1279], 1871, 1872 [&3CIG& 9817], 1874 [&3IG& 14.1666], 1877 [&3ILCV& 4044], 1883 [&3CIG& 9550; Wessel 22] 1886 [&3CIG& 9824], 1891 [&3IG& 14.1975], 1894 [&3IG& 14.2066], 1898 [&3CIG& 9840]; 2048 [&3CIG 9805] (Mus. Nazionale), 2049 [&3CIG& 9812], 2050 [&3CIG& 9814], 2058, 2075 [&3CIG& 9811]; 2080 [&3CIG& 9831] (Mus. Vatican.; 343 ac), 2092 [&3ILCV& 4458; Wessel 115] (373 ac), 2151 [&3ILCV& 4461C; Wessel 72], 2245 [&3IG& 14.1880], 2422 [&3ILCV& 4464], 2561 [&3CIG 9827], 2562, 2563%7`2592 [&3IG& 14.1461%7; Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... &3Musei Vaticani& (1963) 64], 2564 [&3CIG& 9820], 2565, 2566 [&3IG 14.1541], 2567 [&3IG& 14.1564], 2568 [Wessel 137], 2569 [&3CIG 9821], 2570 [&3IG& 14.1704], 2571 [&3IG& 14.1736], 2572 [&3IG 14.1744], 2574, 2575 [&3CIG& 9828], 2576 [&3IG& 14.1821], 2577, 2578 [&3IG& 14.1828], 2579, 2580 [&3CIG& 9818], 2581 [&3CIG& 9829], 2582 [&3IG 14.1899], 2583 [&3CIG& 9819], 2584, 2585 [&3IG& 14.2023; Wessel 8] 2586, 2587 [&3CIG& 9834], 2588 %6 &3IChrUR& 7.19850 [&3CIG& 9836], 2589 [&3IG& 14.2096], 2590%19`2591, 2592 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2563%7`2592 [&3IG 14.1461%7; Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei Vaticani& (1963) 64] 2593 [&3CIG& 9549]; 2632 [&3CIG& 9664] (ROME?, Latium: Anagnia), 2633, 2634 [&3CIG& 9655a; Wessel 70], 2635, 2636 with Ferrua, &3MPARA&(`3) 3 (1979) 75 [&3SEG& 31.847; cf. &3SEG& 36.1279], 2637 [&3CIG 9655b]; 2669 (ROME?, Aemilia: Bononia), 2670 [&3IG& 14.1629], 2671 [&3IG& 14.2085]; 2720 [&3IG& 14.2318; &3ILCV& 4118A; &3CIJ& 1.637] (ROME?, Venetia: Ferrara); [2`2757 omitted %6 Moretti, &3IGUR 2,1.751 (ROME?, Etruria: Florentia), 2767 [&3CIG& 9861]; 2789 [&3CIG& 9547] (ROME?, place?); 2790 [&3CIG& 9548] (ROME?, Latium: Tusculum), 2791 [&3IG& 14.1941]; 2803 (ROME?, Picenum: Muccia); 2893 [&3CIG& 9884] (ROME?, Latium: Velitrae); 2894 (ROME?, Campania: Neapolis); 2895 (ROME?, place?); 2896 [&3IG& 14.785; Wessel 154] (ROME?, Campania: Neapolis); 2897 (ROME?, Latium: Velitrae); 2898 (ROME?, Campania: Neapolis); 2934 [&3CIG& 9854] (ROME?, Etruria: Perusia), 2937, 2940; 2973 [Wessel 9] (ROME?, Umbria: Pisaurum); 2974 [&3IG& 14.1352] (ROME, Umbria: Pisaurum); 2975 [&3CIG& 9845] (ROME, place?); 2976 [&3CIG& 9843] (ROME, Umbria: Pisaurum), 2977 [&3CIG& 9846]; 2978 (ROME?, Umbria: Pisaurum); 2990b [Bollini, &3Iscr. gr. di Ravenna& (1975) 67,31] (ROME?, Aemilia: Ravenna), 3000 [Bollini, &3Iscr. gr. di Ravenna& (1975) 69,32; &3CIG& 9851; &3IG& 14.1415]; 3032a%19`3032b (ROME?, Latium: Roc. d. Pap.), 3035, 3036 [Wessel 103; cf. &3SEG& 36.1279], 3037%19`3038; 3090%19`3091 (ROME?, Etruria: Tarquinia); 3122 (ROME?, Umbria: Urbinum); 3139 [&3IG& 14.2016 &3ILCV& 4039A] (ROME, Latium: Velitrae); 3140 [&3IG& 14.1617] (ROME?, place?), 3420; 3630 (ROME?, Venetia: Venetiae); 3657 [&3ILCV& 4039] (ROME, Umbria: Tre/ia); 3974 [Wessel 128] (ROME?, place?; 589 ac); 3975 [&3IG 14.1534] (ROME, place?), 3976 [&3IG& 14.1344]; 3977 [&3IG& 14.765] (ROME?, Latium: Velitrae); 3978 [&3CIG& 9810] (ROME?, place?); 3979(1) (ROME, place?); 3979(2) [Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei &3Vaticani& (1963) 72] (ROME?, Latium: Velitrae), 3979(3); 3980 %6 &3IChUR& 4,11680 [&3CIG& 9551] (ROME, C. Callisti); 3981 [&3ILCV& 2953] (ROME, place?), 3982 [&3IG& 14.1485; Moretti, &3IGUR& 2.431], 3983 [&3IG& 14.1351]; 3984 (ROME?, place?); 3985 [&3CIG& 9809] (ROME, place?), 3986, 3987 [&3CIG& 9804], 3988 with Ferrua, &3MPARA&(`3) 3 (1979) 115 [&3SEG& 31.873], 3989, 3990 [&3IG& 14.1531], 3991b [&3IG 14.1540a], 3992%19`3994; 3995 [&3IG& 14.1563] (ROME?, place?), 3996%19`3997, 3998 [&3IG& 14.1576], 3999, 4000; 4001 [&3CIG& 9847] (ROME, place?); 4002 [&3IG& 14.1630; Wessel 21] (ROME?, place?), 4003 [&3SEG& 31.868] (347 ac), 4004 [&3SEG& 32.1064]; 4005 [&3CIG 9802] (ROME, place?), 4006 [&3IG& 14.1349], 4007%19`4008, 4009 [Wessel 20] 4010%19`4011, 4012 [&3IG& 14.1785], 4013%19`4014, 4015 [&3CIG 9800], 4016 [&3CIG& 9801]; 4017 (ROME?, place?); 4018 [&3IG 14.2357] (VENETIA, Aquileia); 4019 (ROME?, place?), 4020 [&3IG 14.1802] (ROME?, Latium: Tusculum); 4021 [&3IG& 14.1811] (ROME, place?), 4022 [&3CIG& 9848]; 4023 [&3IG& 14.2264] (ROME?, Etruria: Volsinii; 6th ac?); 4024 [&3IG& 14.1508] (ROME?, place?); 4025 [&3ILCV& 3999] (ROME, place?), 4026%19`4028, 4029 [&3IG& 14.1992], 4030 [&3IG& 14.1995], 4031, 4032 [&3IG& 14.2008; Wessel 135]; 4033 %6 &3IChUR& 8.22833 [&3SEG& 31.872] (ROME, C. Maius); 4034 [&3CIG& 9553] Ⱥ(ROME, S. Pontianus); 4035 (ROME, place?), 4036%3`7, 4038 [&3CIG 9803], 4039 [&3IG& 14.2103], 4040 [&3CIG& 9727], 4041 [Wessel 102] with Feissel, &3TravMe/m& 8 (1981) 138 [&3SEG& 31.869], 4042%19`4043, 4044%3`5, 4046%19`4047, 4070, 4072 [&3CIG& 9546]; __ &3IChUR& 2,4228 [&3CIG 9830] (ROME, Bas. S. Petri); 4433 [&3CIG& 9580] (ROME, C. Octavillae), 4434 [&3CIG& 9786; Wessel 105], 4435 [&3CIG& 9785], 4437 [&3CIG& 9578], 4438 [&3CIG& 9581], 4441 [&3CIG& 9579; Wessel 122], 4444 with Feissel, &3RAC& 58 (1982) 371ff. [&3SEG& 32.1067], 4446 [&3CIG& 9582; Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei Vaticani& (1963) 81], 4449 [&3CIG& 9577]; 4737 [&3CIG& 9554] (ROME, S. Pontianus), 4738 [&3CIG& 9553], 4740 [&3CIG& 9552]; 4849 [Wessel 14], (ROME, Bas. S. Pauli; 408 ac), 4891 [&3CIG& 9730; Wessel 57] with Feissel, &3Syria 59 (1982) 321 [&3SEG& 36.937] (431 ac), 4941 [&3CIG& 9775], 4945 [&3CIG& 9734] (458 ac), 4957 [&3CIG& 9752; Wessel 88] with Feissel, &3RAC& 58 (1982) 377 [&3SEG& 32.1062] (471 ac), 4989 [&3CIG& 9783] (5th ac), 5064 [Wessel 32] (534 ac), 5099 [&3CIG& 9753] (404 or 445 ac?), 5100b%3`5656a [&3CIG& 9748; Wessel 50] (409 ac?), 5101 [&3CIG 9760], 5149b [&3CIG& 9762], 5306 [&3CIG& 9746], 5655 [&3CIG& 9766], 5656a%3`5100b [&3CIG& 9748; Wessel 50] (409 ac?), 2,5659 [&3CIG& 9777; &3IG& 14.1462; Wessel 142; Feissel, &3RAC& 58 (1982) 365 (&3SEG 32.1063)], 5660 [&3CIG& 9751], 5661 [&3CIG& 9764; Wessel 34], 5663 [&3CIG& 9761], 5664 [&3CIG& 9737], 5666 [&3CIG& 9736], 5667 [&3CIG& 9735], 5668 [&3CIG& 9740], 5669%7`5675 [&3CIG& 9738; Wessel 37], with Feissel, &3RAC& 58 (1982) 371ff. [&3SEG& 32.1067], 5671 [&3CIG& 9757], 5672 [&3CIG& 9741], 5674 [&3CIG& 9749], 5675 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5669%7`5675 [&3CIG& 9738; Wessel 37], 5676 [&3CIG& 9731; Wessel 101], 5677 [&3CIG 9781], 5678 [&3CIG& 9742; Wessel 37,adn.(1)], 5679 [&3CIG& 9743; Wessel 33], 5680 [&3CIG& 9775], 5682 [&3CIG& 9776; Wessel 106], 5683 [&3CIG& 9782], 5685 [&3CIG& 9747], 5687 [&3CIG& 9744], 5688 [&3SEG 32.1065], 5689 [&3CIG& 9732], 5690a [&3CIG& 9773], 5696c [&3CIG& 9767], with Feissel &3TravMe/m& 8 (1981) 139 [&3SEG& 31.871], 5690d [&3CIG 9778a], 5691 [&3CIG& 9769], 5696 [&3CIG& 9758], 5696a [&3CIG& 9780], 5696c [&3CIG& 9767], 5696d [&3CIG& 9733], 5697c [&3CIG& 9763], 5698a [&3CIG& 9778b], 5698b [&3CIG& 9779], 5698c [&3CIG& 9765], 5701a [&3CIG 9771], 5701b [&3CIG& 9774], 5701c [&3CIG& 9755], 5701d [&3CIG& 9756], 5706a [&3CIG& 9739; Wessel 48,adn.], 5706b [&3CIG& 9745], 5709a [&3CIG 9759; Wessel 30]; 5709b [&3CIG& 9772], 5709c [&3CIG& 9750], 5709d [&3CIG& 9754]; 5960 [&3CIG& 6544; &3CIG& 9729; &3IG& 14.1991] (ROME, Mus. Paulianum), 5972 [&3IG& 14.2165], 5976 [&3CIG& 9728; &3IG& 14.1365], 5978 %6 &3IChUR& 4,12858 [&3CIG& 6523b; &3IG& 14.1997; Wessel 1]; 6398 [&3CIG& 9556] (ROME, S. Lucina); 6403 [&3CIG& 9555; &3IG& 14.1793] (ROME, C. Commodillae), 6404 [&3IGRR& 1.1389; Wessel 108]; 6466 [&3CIG& 9575] (ROME, C. Calepodii); __ &3IChUR& 3,7167 [&3CIG& 9673] (ROME, C. Domitillae); 7170 [&3CIG& 9653c] (ROME, C. Domitillae?); 7171 (ROME, C. Domitillae), 7205, 7218 [&3CIG 9718], 7243 [b: Wessel 64], 7244, 7246, 7249 [&3CIG& 9719; &3ILCV 1.2328], 7251; 7261 [&3CIG& 9653a] (ROME, C. Domitillae?); 7262 [&3CIG& 9653b; &3ILCV& 3992] (ROME, C. Domitillae), 8398 [&3IG 14.1765], 8445 [&3IG& 14.1395], 8626 [&3CIG& 9671], 8634 [&3IG 14.2062]; 9281 [&3CIG& 9603] (ROME, Via Ardeatina), 9286 [&3CIG 9667], 9287 [&3CIG& 9644], 9288 [&3IG& 14.1445; Bollini, &3Iscr. gr. &3di Ravenna& (1975) 33], 9289 [&3CIG& 9642], 9290 [&3CIG& 9631], 9291 [&3CIG& 9645], 9294 [&3CIG& 9652], 9299 [&3CIG& 9651], 9300 [&3CIG& 9670], 9305 [&3CIG& 9633], 9307 [&3CIG& 9640; Wessel 87], 9308 [&3CIG& 9632], 9311 [&3CIG& 9647], 9312 [&3CIG& 9635], 9314 [&3CIG& 9646], 9315 [&3CIG 9634], 9316 [&3CIG& 9666; Wessel 26], 9320 [&3CIG& 9641], 9321 [&3CIG 9822; Wessel 170], 9325 [&3CIG& 9836], 9326 [&3CIG& 9838], 9327 [&3CIG 9650], 9334 [&3CIG& 9672]; __ &3IChUR& 4,9483 [&3CIG& 9669; Wessel 145] (ROME, C. Callisti), 10558 [&3CIG& 9674a; &3ILCV& 954] (236 ac), 10584 [&3ILCV& 961] (295 ac), 10616 [&3CIG& 9674c; &3ILCV& 960] (282 ac), 10638, 10644 [&3CIG& 9660], 10645 [&3CIG& 9674d; &3ILCV& 958] (254 ac), 10651 [&3CIG& 9639a], 10658, 10664 [&3ILCV& 953(n)] (3rd ac), 10669 [&3ILCV& 2.3958], 10670 [&3ILCV& 953] (235 ac), 10685, 10688 [&3CIG& 9639b], 10694 [&3CIG& 9674b; &3ILCV& 955a] (250 ac), 11680 [&3IChUR& 1.3980; &3CIG& 9551], 11705, 11706 [&3IG& 14.2102]; 12240 (ROME, C. ad V. Ardeat.); 12513 [&3CIG& 9668; &3IG& 14.1596; Wessel 174] (ROME, C. Cis Callisti), 12516 [&3CIG& 9600; Wessel 65] (3rd ac), 12517 [&3CIG& 9789]; 12522 [&3CIG& 9654] (ROME, V. Appia%3Ardeatina; 260 ac?), 12840 [&3CIG& 9665], 12842 [&3CIG 9659a], 12844 [&3CIG& 9658], 12846 [&3CIG& 9659b], 12847 [&3CIG& 9710; Wessel 163], 12849 [&3CIG& 9611], 12850 [&3CIG& 9637], 12851 [&3CIG 9661], 12853 [&3CIG& 9662], 12854 [&3CIG& 9798; &3IG& 14.1877], 12858 [&3CIG& 6523b; &3IG& 14.1997; &3IChUR& 2,5978; Wessel 1], 12859 [&3CIG 9663], 12861 [&3CIG& 9657]; 12883 [&3CIG& 9656; Wessel 89] with Feissel, &3RAC& 58 (1982) 380 [&3SEG& 32.1066] (ROME, C. Praetextati); 12888 [&3IChrUR& 1.1864] (ROME, V. Appia%3Ardeatina); __ &3IChUR& 5,12889 [Guard. &3EG& IV,545] (ROME, C. Catacumbas; ca. 200%19`250 ac), 13052, 13055%19`13056, 13069, 13071, 13073, 13257, 13258 [&3CIG& 9793], 13259 [&3CIG& 9649; &3IG 14.2169], 13260; 13836 (ROME, Via Appia), 13838 [&3IG& 14.1667], 13841 [&3CIG& 9675]; 14981 [&3IG& 14.1364] (ROME, C. Praetextati), 14988, 14989 [&3CIG& 9676], 14992 [&3CIG& 9683], 14996 [&3CIG& 9682], 15000 [Feissel, &3IChMac& 290], 15006, 15007, 15008 [&3ILCV 2.3961,e], 5,15011 [&3IChUR& 1,1863], 15016 [&3ILCV& 3961,b], 15046 [&3CIG& 9677], 15069 [&3CIG& 9678], 15085, 15095 [&3CIG& 9680], 15096 [&3ILCV& 3961,a], 15107a [&3ILCV& 3961,d], 15107b, 15108, 15123 [&3ILCV& 3961,c], 15124, 15134 [&3CIG& 9681], 15168a [&3CIG& 9679]; 15421 [&3IG& 14.1985] (ROME, V. Appia); __ &3IChUR& 6,15654 [&3CIG 9593] (ROME, Coem. Vin. Eustachiorum), 15655 [&3CIG& 9589], 15656 [&3CIG& 9594], 15657 [&3CIG& 9591], 15658 [&3CIG& 9592], 15659 [&3CIG 9590], 15660 [&3CIG& 9588]; 15767 [&3CIG& 9586] (ROME, V. Latina; 307 ac), 15868 [&3SEG& 18.425] (end 4th ac), 15869 [&3CIG& 9595], 15870 [&3CIG& 9585], 15874 (ca. 300 ac?), 15881 [&3CIG& 9583], 15883 [&3CIG& 9587], 15884 [&3CIG& 9595a] (ca. 300 ac?), 15887a [&3CIG 9584]; 15927 [&3CIG& 9602] (ROME, C. Castuli), 15928 [&3CIG& 9601]; 15965 (ROME, C. SS. Marcell. %9 Petr.), 16811; 17225 [&3CIG& 9598] (ROME, Via Labicana); 17227 [&3IG& 14.1639] (ROME, C. Marcell. %9 Petr.); 17230 [&3CIG& 9599] (ROME, Via Labicana; 3rd ac), 17232 [&3CIG& 9596], 17233 [&3CIG& 9597; &3IG& 14.2108]; 17373 (ROME, C. Cis Callisti); __ &3IChUR& 7,17418 [&3CIG& 9622] (ROME, C. Cyriacae; 298 ac), 17548%7`19864%3`1347 [Wessel 19,adn.; Feissel, &3RAC& 58 (1982) 358 (&3SEG& 32.1061)] (414 ac), 18852 [&3CIG& 9628], 18853 [&3IG 14.1516; &3ILCV& 4467], 19312 [Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei &3Vaticani& (1963) 76], 19764 [&3CIG& 9606; Wessel 116], 19765 [&3CIG 9625], 19767%3`1857 [Wessel 29], 19772 [&3IG& 14.1442; Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei Vaticani& (1963) 75], 19773 [&3CIG& 9623], 19777 [&3CIG& 9629], 19782 [&3CIG& 9605], 19785 [&3CIG& 9609], 19789 [&3CIG 9604], 19790 [&3CIG& 9612; Wessel 51], 19793 [&3CIG& 9604], 19794 [&3CIG& 9621], 19795 [&3CIG& 9627], 19797 [&3BE/& 1965.483], 19798 [&3CIG 9607], 19802 [&3CIG& 9614], 19804 [&3CIG& 9619], 19807 [&3CIG& 9807], 19812 [&3CIG& 9610], 19817 [&3IG& 14.1833a], 19820 [Wessel 10], 19824 [&3CIG& 9616], 19826 [&3CIG& 9608], 19828 [&3CIG& 9569; &3CIJ& App. 5,80*; Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei Vaticani& (1963) 82], 19829 [&3CIG& 9620], 19830 [&3CIG& 9630; &3IG& 14.1950], 19832 [&3CIG& 9613], 19837 [Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei Vaticani& (1963) 73], 19840 [&3CIG& 9797], 19843, 19844 [&3CIG& 9624], 19845%19`19846, 19847 [&3CIG 9626], 19848%19`19849, 19850 [&3CIG& 9836; &3IChrUR& 1.2588], 19851%19`19852, 19853a%19`19853b, 19858, 19860 [&3CIG& 9618; &3IG 14.2196], 19864 %6 &3IChUR& 7.17548%7`19864%3`1347 [Wessel 19,adn.; ȺFeissel, &3RAC& 58 (1982) 358 (SEG 32.1061)] (414 ac), 19869; 19932 (ROME, C. Hippolyti; 366%19`384 ac), 19933%3`5 [&3CIG& 8613; Guard. &3EG& IV,535,3] (ca. 222%19`235 ac); 20577 (ROME, C. Novatiani); 20602 [&3ILCV& 2939] (ROME, V. Tiburtina), 20690 [Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei Vaticani& (1963) 290]; __ &3IChUR 8,21527 [&3CIG& 9796] (ROME, C. Agnetis), 8,21530 [&3CIG& 9557; &3IG 14.1486], 21532 [&3CIG& 9795], 21535 [&3IG& 14.1553], 21548 [&3CIG 9794]; 22562 [&3ILCV& 4066] (ROME, C. Maius), 22763 [&3CIG& 9562], 22767 [&3CIG& 9567], 22770 [&3CIG& 9563], 22782 [&3CIG& 9559], 22788 [&3ILCV& 4037], 22789 [&3CIG& 9572], 22790 [&3CIG& 9564; &3IG& 14.1538], 22792 [&3CIG& 9574], 22805 [&3CIG& 9560], 22811 [&3CIG& 9568; &3IG 14.1682], 22827 [&3CIG& 9813], 22833 [&3IChUR& 1.4033; Ferrua, &3MPARA&(`3) 3 (1979) 118 %6 &3SEG& 31.872], 22839 [&3CIG& 9558], 22865 [&3CIG& 9566], 22871 [&3CIG& 9571; Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei &3Vaticani& (1963) 87], 22873 [&3CIG& 9570], 22875 [&3CIG& 9565], 22882 [&3CIG& 9575], 22883 [&3CIG& 9573], 22889 [&3CIG& 9561]; 23330 [&3IG 14.1608] (ROME, Priscillianae), 23367 [&3CIG& 6702; &3IG& 14.2114; Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei Vaticani& (1963) 86], 23368 [&3CIG 9684], 23369, 23370 [&3CIG& 9692], 23371 [&3CIG& 9691], 23372 [&3CIG 9685], 23373 [&3CIG& 9694; Wessel 147; Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... &3Musei Vaticani& (1963) 85], 23374 [&3IG& 14.1738], 23377 [&3CIG 9687], 23378 [&3CIG& 9686], 23379 [&3CIG& 9690; &3IG& 14.1872], 23382 [Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei Vaticani& (1963) 92], 23384 [Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei Vaticani& (1963) 69], 23386a [&3CIG 9838; Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei Vaticani& (1963) 77]; 23742 (ROME, C. S. Felicitatis); __ &3IChUR& 9,23847 [Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei Vaticani& (1963) 78] (ROME, Via Salaria), 24008, 24019, 24062, 24266, 24267 [&3CIG& 9699], 24268 [&3CIG 9545], 24269 [&3CIG& 9833; Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei Vaticani (1963) 74], 24270, 24271 [&3CIG& 9839; Wessel 168], 24272 [Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei Vaticani& (1963) 96], 24273 [&3CIG 9849], 24274 [Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei Vaticani& (1963) 88], 24275 [&3CIG& 9712], 24276 [&3CIG& 9823; Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... &3Musei Vaticani& (1963) 80], 24277, 24278 [&3CIG& 6500; &3IG& 14.1719; Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei Vaticani& (1963) 89], 24279 [&3CIG 9708a], 24280 [&3CIG& 9711; &3IG& 14.1791], 24281 [Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei Vaticani& (1963) 83], 24282 [&3CIG& 9697], 24283 [Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei Vaticani& (1963) 91], 24284, 24285 [&3CIG& 9708b], 24286%19`24288, 24289 [&3CIG& 9698], 24290 [Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei Vaticani& (1963) 71], 24291, 24292 [&3CIG& 9709], 24293%19`24296, 24297 [&3CIG& 9693], 24298%19`24300; 24315 [&3ILCV& 2.3391] (ROME, C. Iordanorum; 269 ac), 24367, 24378, 24387%19`24388, 24589 [&3CIG& 9706], 24590%19`24599, 24600 [&3CIG 9705; Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei Vaticani& (1963) 70], 24601%19`24604 24605a%19`24605b, 24606%19`24608, 24609 [&3CIG& 9704], 24610%19`24611, 24612a%19`24612b, 24613a%19`24613c, 24614a%19`24614b, 24615, 24616a%19`24616d; 24803 (ROME, C. ad V. Anapo), 24804, 24805 [&3CIG& 9700], 24806%19`24809, 24810 [&3SEG& 36.935], 24811%19`24812, 24813 [&3SEG& 36.934], 24814 [&3SEG& 36.936], 24815 [&3CIG& 9701; &3IG& 14.1662; Wessel 169], 24816%19`24818, 24819 [&3CIG 9696], 24820%19`24824, 24825a%19`24825b; 24838%19`24841, (ROME, C. Priscillae), 25971%19`25978, 25979 [&3CIG& 9832; Zilliacus, &3Sylloge &3... Musei Vaticani& (1963) 90], 25980, 25981a%19`25981b, 25982, 25983 [&3IG& 14.1373], 25984a%19`25984b, 25985%19`25993, 25994a%19`25994c, 25995%19`26000, 26001a%19`26001b, 26002%19`26012, 26013a%19`26013b, 26014a%19`26014b, 26015%19`26016, 26017 %6 Moretti, &3IGUR& 2,1.490, 26018, 26019a%19`26019b, 26020a%19`26020b, 26021a%19`26021b, 26022%19`26024, 26025a%19`26025b, 26026%19`26030, 26031a%19`26031b, 26032a%19`26032b, 26033, 26034 [&3SEG& 36.938], 26035%19`26036, 26037 [&3CIG& 9689; &3IG& 14.1588], 26038 [&3ILCV& 3962A], 26039a%19`26039b, 26040%19`26041, 26042 [&3IG& 14.1610; Wessel 172], 26043%19`26044, 26045 [&3ILCV& 3999C], 26046a%19`26046b, 26047%19`26048, 26049a%19`26049b, 26050%19`26056, 26057a%19`26057b, 26058%19`26062, 26063a%19`26063b, 26064%19`26068, 26069a%19`26069b, 26070%19`26071, 26072a%19`26072b, 26073%19`26084, 26085 [Wessel 175], 26086%19`26088, 26089a%19`26089b, 26090%19`26103, 26104a%19`26104b, 26105%19`26109, 26110a%19`26110b, 26111 [&3CIG& 9703], 26112, 26113 [Wessel 161]; 26114%19`26119, 26120a%19`26120c, 26121, 26122 [&3CIG& 9702; Wessel 164], 26123%19`26137, 26138a%19`26138b, 26139a%19`26139b, 26140%19`26154, 26155a%19`26155b, 26156%19`26164, 26165 [&3ILCV& 3994], 26166%19`26170, 26171a%19`26171b, 26172%19`26179, 26180a%19`26180b, 26181%19`26189, 26190a%19`26190b, 26191%19`26192, 26193a%19`26193c, 26194a%19`26194c, 26195a%19`26195c, 26196%19`26197, 26198a%19`26198b, 26199%19`26201, 26202a%19`26202c, 26203, 26204a%19`26204b, 26205a%19`26205c, 26206%19`26210, 26211a%19`26211c, 26212%19`26217, 26218a%19`26218b, 26219a%19`26219b, 26220%19`26221, 26222a%19`26222b, 26223%19`26224, 26225a%19`26225b, 26226%19`26234, 26235a%19`26235d, 26236%19`26241, 26242a%19`26242b. __ Cross%19references: &3IChUR& 1,1347 %6 &3IChUr 7,17548%7`19864%3`1347 [Wessel 19,adn.; Feissel, &3RAC& 58 (1982) 358 (SEG 32.1061)] (ROME, C. Cyriacae; 414 ac); 1857 %6 &3IChUR 7.19767 [Wessel 29] (Mus. Lateran.), 1863 %6 &3IChUR& 5,15011 (C. Praetextati), 1864 %6 &3IChUR& 4,12888 (V. Appia%3Ardeatina); 1892 %6 Sacco, &3IPorto& 78 (LATIUM, Portus), 2588 %6 &3IChrUR& 7.19850 [&3CIG& 9836] (ROME, Mus. Vatican.), 2592 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2563%7`2592 [&3IG 14.1461%7; Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei Vaticani& (1963) 72] (ROME?, Latium: Velitrae); 3000 %6 Bollini, &3IGrRav& 69,32 (AEMILIA: Ravenna), 3980 %6 &3IChUR& 4,11680 [&3CIG& 9551] (ROME, C. Callisti); 4018 %6 &3IG& 14.2357 (VENETIA: Aquileia), 4023 %6 &3IG 14.2264,a (ETRURIA: Volsinii; 6th ac?); 4033 %6 &3IChUR& 8.22833 [&3SEG& 31.872] (ROME, C. Maius); __ &3IChUR& 2,5675 %6 &3IChUR 2,5669%7`5675 [&3CIG& 9738; Wessel 37] (ROME, Bas. S. Pauli), 5978 %6 &3IChUR& 4,12858 [&3CIG& 6523b; &3IG& 14.1997; Wessel 1] (ROME, V. Appia%3Ardeatina); __ &3IChUR& 3,9288 %6 Bollini, &3IGrRav& 70,33 (AEMILIA: Ravenna); __ &3IChUR& 4,12841 %6 Moretti, &3IGUR& 2,1.404 (ROME; 3rd%19`4th ac?); __ &3IChUR& 5,12901 %6 Moretti, &3IGUR& 3.1180, 12902 %6 Moretti, &3IGUR& 3.1232; 5,15000, also %6 Feissel, &3IChMac 290 (ROME, C. Praetextati); __ &3IChUR& 7,18802 %6 Dessau, &3ILS 2951 (C. Cyriacae; ca, 400 ac) 19817 %6 Moretti, &3IGUR& 3.1266 (V. Tiburtina), 19864 %6 &3IChUR& 7,17548%7`19864%3`1347 [Wessel 19,adn.; Feissel, &3RAC& 58 (1982) 358 (SEG 32.1061)] (C. Cyriacae; 414 ac). @ Sacco, G., &3Iscrizioni greche d'Italia: Porto.& Rome 1984. &3IPorto& 53 [&3IG& 14.943] (LATIUM, Portus; beg. 4th ac), 58 [&3CIJ 1.551c], 67 (2nd ac), 68 [&3SEG& 32.1059] (ca. 300 ac), 69 [&3SEG 33.779], 70 [&3IG& 14.947] (ca. 300 ac), 71 [&3CIJ& 1.551a], 72 [&3IG 14.948] (ca. 300 ac), 73 [&3CIJ& 1.546], 74 [&3CIL& 14 Suppl. 5234], 75 [&3IG& 14.949a; Wessel 120] (394%19`423 ac), 76 [&3SEG& 33.780], 77 [&3CIJ& 1.541], 78 [&3ICUR& 1.1892], 79 [&3IG& 14.950] (ca. 400 ac), 80 [&3SEG& 33.778], 81, 82 [&3CIJ& 1.551b], 83 [&3CIL& 14.57*], 84 [&3CIJ 1.548%7] (2nd%19`3rd ac), 85 (4th ac), 86 [&3CIJ& 1.544], 87,a [&3CIJ 1.536], 87,b [&3CIJ& 1.540], 88 [&3CIJ& 1.545], 89 [&3CIJ& 1.538], 90 [&3CIJ& 1.539] (2nd ac?), 91,a [&3CIJ& 1.543], 91,b [&3CIJ& 1.535], 92, 93, 94 [&3CIJ& 1.547]. @ Bollini, M., &3Iscrizione greche di Ravenna.& "Quaderni degli 'Studi Romagnoli'", 9. Faenza 1975. __ Includes: &3IGrRav& 39,12 [&3IG& 14.300*] (AEMILIA, Ravenna; 350%19`400 ac?), 39,13 [&3SEG 32.1040] (4th%19`5th ac), 41,14 [&3SEG& 32.1041] (5th ac), 42,15 [&3IG 14.2280] (Ravenna), 44,16 [&3CIG& 9870] (ca. 625%19`643 ac), 45,17 [&3CIG& 9869] (ca. 643 ac), 45,18 [&3CIG& 8862], 48,19 [Guard. &3EG IV,518] (ca. 450 ac), 49,20 [&3CIL& 11,1.281], 49,21 [&3CIL 11,1.290], 69,32 [&3IChUR& 1,3000], 70,33 [&3IChUR& 3,9288], 71,35 Ⱥ[&3CIL& 11,1.23*] (8th ac or later). __ Cross%19references: &3IGRav 67,31 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2990b (ROME?, Aemilia: Ravenna), 69,32 %6 &3IChUR 1,3000 [&3CIG& 9851; &3IG& 14.1415] (ROME?, Aemilia: Ravenna); &3IGRav 70,33 %6 &3IChUR& 3,9288 [&3IG& 14.1445] (ROME, Via Ardeatina). @ Patrono, C.M., "Le Iscrizioni bizantine di Ravenna," in &3Atti e &3memorie delle R. deputazione di storia per le provincie di &3Romangna,& 3rd ser., 27, Bologna 1909, pp. 347%19`374. [Latin texts from E. Bormann, &3Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, XI: &3Inscriptiones Aemiliae, Etruriae, Umbriae latinae, 1& (Berlin 1888)]. __ Includes: &3IByzRav& 348,310 [&3CIL& 11,1.310] (AEMILIA, Ravenna; 541 ac), 348,312 [&3CIL& 11,1.312] (551 ac), 349,295 [&3CIL& 11,1.295] (after 549 ac), 350,297 [&3CIL& 11,1.297] (590%19`604 ac), 351,313 [&3CIL& 11,1.313] (567 ac), 352,315 [&3CIL& 11,1.315] (571 ac), 353,316 [&3CIL& 11,1.316] (574 ac?), 354,11 [&3CIL 11,1.11] (585%19`589 ac), 355,331 [&3CIL& 11,1.331] (6th ac?), 355,350 [&3CIL& 11,1.350] (581%3`2 ac), 357[a] (717 ac), 357[b] (784 ac), 358,289 [&3CIL& 11,1.289] (521%19`534 ac), 358,319 [&3CIL 11,1.319] (ca. 586 ac), 360,303 [&3CIL& 11,1.303] (7th%19`8th ac), 361,255 [a: &3CIL& 11,1.255] (458 ac), 361,281a [&3CIL& 11,1.281a] (552%19`565 ac), 362,300 [&3CIL& 11,1.300] (596%3`7 ac). @ Agnello, S.L., &3Silloge di iscrizioni palaeocristiane di &3Sicilia.& Rome 1953. Agnello 1 %6 &3IG& 14.78 (Strazzulla, &3Museum &3Epigraphicum& [`1897], no. 19) (SICILY, Syracuse), 2 %6 &3IG& 14.96 (Straz. 37), 3 %6 &3IG& 14.105 (Straz. 43), 4 %6 &3IG& 14.111 (Straz. 49), 5 %6 &3IG& 14.137 (Straz. 77), 6 %6 &3IG& 14.150 (Straz. 91), 7 %6 &3IG& 14.151 (Straz. 92), 8 %6 &3IG& 14.152 (Straz. 93), 9 %6 &3IG 14.153 (Straz. 94), 10 %6 &3IG& 14.154 (Straz. 95), 11 %6 &3IG& 14.172 (Straz. 72), 12 %6 &3IG& 14.177 (Straz. 115), 13 %6 &3IG& 14.179 (Straz. 117), 14 %6 &3IG& 14.181 (Straz. 119), 15 %6 &3IG& 14.187 (Straz. 125), 16 %6 &3IG& 14.189 (Straz. 124), 17 %6 &3IG& 14.191 (Straz. 145), 18 %6 &3NSc& 1893.283,20 (Straz. 163), 19 %6 &3NSc 1893.288,41 %6 &3RAC& 17 (1940) 52,4, 20 %6 &3RQ& 9 (1895) 299%19`308 (Straz. 165) %6 Guarducci, &3EG& IV,526 (ca. 500 ac), 21 %6 &3NSc 1895.486,165 (Straz. 262), 22 %6 &3NSc& 1895.493,188 (Straz. 276), 23 %6 &3NSc& 1895.495,193 (Straz. 278), 24 %6 &3NSc& 1895.507,232 (Straz. 305), 25 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) 32,301 [Wessel 38] (Straz. 348), 26 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) 53,322 (Straz. 366), 27 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) 55,324 (Straz. 368), 28 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) 59,328 (Straz. 371), 29 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) 54[`81],350 (Straz. 390) 30 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) 61[`88],357 (Straz. 398), 31 %6 &3NSc& 1907.741%19`748,22, 32 %6 &3NSc 1907.741%19`748,36, 33 %6 &3Archivio storico per la Sicilia& 4%19`5 (1938%19`1939), pp. 19%19`37, no. 88, %6 Guarducci, &3EG& IV,524 (4th ac), 34 %6 &3RAC& 17 (1940) 71,12, 35 %6 &3Civilta\ Cattolica& 1941:2, 375%19`377, 36 %6 &3IG& 14.68 (Straz. 9), 37 %6 &3IG& 14.134 (Straz. 74), 38 %6 &3NSc& 1893.311,134 (Straz. 242) [Wessel 178], 39 %6 &3MPARA& 1 (1923) 113%19`122, no. 1, 40 %6 &3MPARA& 1 (1923) no. 10, 41 %6 &3MPARA 1 (1923) no. 14, 42 %6 &3RPARA& 22 (1946%19`1947 [`1948]) 236,40, 43 %6 &3IG& 14.54 (Straz. 141), 44 %6 &3IG& 14.139 (Straz. 79), 45 %6 &3IG 14.146 (Straz. 87); 46 %6 &3IG& 14.524 (Catana), 47 %6 &3IG& 14.531, 48 %6 &3IG& 14.536, 49 %6 &3IG& 14.537, 50 %6 &3IG& 14.538, 51 %6 &3IG 14.540, 52 %6 &3IG& 14.541, 53 %6 &3IG& 14.542, 54 %6 &3IG& 14.547, 55 %6 &3IG& 14.549, 56 %6 &3IG& 14.552, 57 %6 &3NSc& 1893.389, 58 %6 &3NSc 1918.62,3 59 %6 &3NSc& 1918.63,4, 60 %6 Libertini, &3Il Museo Biscari (1930) 37,5, 61 %6 &3Museo Biscari& 44,7, 62 %6 &3Museo Biscari& 44,8; 63 %6 &3IG& 14.235 [Wessel 125], 64 %6 &3IG& 14.236, 65 %6 &3IG& 14.238; 66 %6 Orsi, &3Sicilia Byzantina,& I (1942), p. 208 [Wessel 7] (Palazz. Acreide), 67 %6 &3MonLinc& 24 (1917) 707 67 [&3SEG& 36,828] (Halykiai [Salemi]), 68 %6 &3NSc& 1933.473 (Chiaram. Gulfi); 69 %6 Orsi, &3Sicilia Byzantina,& I (1942), p. 222 (Trepiedi%3Modica), 70 %6 &3Epigraphica& 5%19`6 (1943%19`1944) 99; 71 %6 &3CIL& 10,2.7123 (Straz. 418) (Syracuse), 72 %6 &3CIL& 10,2.7149 (Straz. 427) 73 %6 &3NSc& 1893.287,37 (Straz. 434), 74 %6 &3NSc& 1893.289,45 (Straz. 435) 75 %6 &3NSc& 1895.489,173 (Straz. 441), 76 %6 &3NSc& 1895.490,174 (Straz. 440), 77 %6 &3NSc& 1895.490,175 (Straz. 444), 78 %6 &3NSc 1895.492,185 (not in Straz.), 79 %6 &3NSc& 1895.494,191 (Straz. 445), 80 %6 &3NSc& 1907.741%19`748,17, 81 %6 &3NSc& 1909.350 82 %6 &3RAC& 17 (1940) 46,1a, 83 %6 &3CIL& 10,2.7182 (Straz. 433), 84 %6 &3NSc 1915.203 [Wessel 160]; 85 %6 &3CIL& 10,2.7173 (Straz. 425) (Catana); 86 %6 &3Epigraphica& 11 (1949) 55 (Lipari); 87 %6 &3NSc 1915.223 (Catana; 297 ac), 88 %6 &3Archivio storico per la &3Sicilia Orientale& 8 (1931) 48,2 (345 ac); 89 %6 &3NSc 1907.741%19`748,8 (Syracuse, 349 ac), 90 %6 &3CIL& 10,2.7167 (Straz. 419) (356 ac), 91 %6 &3IG& 14.112 (Straz. 50) (360 ac); 92 %6 &3IG 14.246 (Cava d'Ispica; 398 ac); 93 %6 Orsi, &3Sicilia Byzantina, I (1942), p. 222 (Trepiedi%3Modica; 394 or 402 ac); 94 %6 &3IG 14.535 (Catana; 408 ac); 95 %6 &3IG& 14.239 (Palazz. Acreide; 419 ac); 96 %6 &3Archivio storico per la Sicilia Orientale& 8 (1931) 40,1 (Catana; 435 ac); 97 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) 57[`84],353 (Straz. 394) [Wessel 127] (Syracuse, 452 ac); 98 %6 &3MPARA& 1 (1923) 113%19`122, no. 98 (513, 517 ac); 99 %6 &3CIL& 10,2.7330 (Palermo; 602 ac); 100 %6 &3IG& 14.63 (Straz. 4) (Syracuse; 410 ac); 101 %6 &3IG& 14.124 (Straz. 62) %6 &3RAC& 17 (1940) 48%19`60,9, 102 %6 &3NSc 1895.509,234 %7 &3RQ& 10 (1896) 13,282 (Straz. 401), 103 %6 &3Siculorum Gymnasium& 3 (1950) 122, 104 %6 &3NSc& 1905.396,1 (423 ac), 105 %6 &3IG& 14.192 (Straz. 136); 106 %6 &3IG& 14.525 (Catana). @ Strazzulla, V., &3Museum Epigraphicum, seu inscriptionum &3christianarum quae in Syracusis catacumbis repertae sunt &3corpusculum.& "Societa\ Siciliana per la Storia Patria, Documenti per servire alla storia di Sicilia," ser. 3, vol. 3. Panormo 1897. Straz. 1 %6 &3IG& 14.59 (SICILY, Syracuse), 2 %6 &3IG 14.60, 3 %6 &3IG& 14.62, 4 %6 &3IG& 14.63 %6 Agnello 100 (410 ac), 5 %6 &3IG& 14.64, 6 %6 &3IG& 14.65, 7 %6 &3IG& 14.66, 8 %6 &3IG& 14.67, 9 %6 &3IG 14.68 %6 Agnello 36, 10 %6 &3IG& 14.69, 11 %6 &3IG& 14.70, 12 %6 &3IG 14.71, 13 %6 &3IG& 14.72, 14 %6 &3IG& 14.73, 15 %6 &3IG& 14.74, 16 %6 &3IG 14.75, 17 %6 &3IG& 14.76, 18 %6 &3IG& 14.77, 19 %6 &3IG& 14.78 %6 Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 1, 20 %6 &3IG& 14.79, 21 %6 &3IG& 14.80, 22 %6 &3IG& 14.81, 23 %6 &3IG& 14.82, 24 %6 &3IG& 14.83, 25 %6 &3IG& 14.84, 26 %6 &3IG& 14.85 (433 ac), 27 %6 &3IG& 14.86, 28 %6 &3IG& 14.87, 29 %6 &3IG& 14.88 [Wessel 160], 30 %6 &3IG& 14.89, 31 %6 &3IG& 14.90 [Wessel 150], 32 %6 &3IG 14.91, 33 %6 &3IG& 14.92, 34 %6 &3IG& 14.93, 35 %6 &3IG& 14.94, 36 %6 &3IG 14.95, 37 %6 &3IG& 14.96 %6 Agnello 2, 38 %6 &3IG& 14.97, 39 %6 &3IG 14.98, 40 %6 &3IG& 14.99, 41 %6 &3IG& 14.100, 42 %6 &3IG& 14.101, 43 %6 &3IG 14.105 %6 Agnello 3, 44 %6 &3IG& 14.106, 45 %6 &3IG& 14.107, 46 %6 &3IG 14.108, 47 %6 &3IG& 14.109, 48 %6 &3IG& 14.110, 49 %6 &3IG& 14.111 %6 Agnello 4, 50 %6 &3IG& 14.112, 51 %6 &3IG& 14.102, 52 %6 &3IG& 14.103, 53 %6 &3IG& 14.104, 54 %6 &3IG& 14.113, 55 %6 &3IG& 14.114, 56 %6 &3IG& 14.115, 57 %6 &3IG& 14.116, 58 %6 &3IG& 14.117 [Wessel 99], 59 %6 &3IG& 14.118, 60 %6 &3IG& 14.119, 61 %6 &3IG& 14.123, 62 %6 &3IG& 14.124 %6 Agnello 101, 63 %6 &3IG& 14.125, 64 %6 &3IG& 14.127, 65 %6 &3IG& 14.126, 66 %6 &3IG& 14.128, 67 %6 &3IG& 14.129, 68 %6 &3IG& 14.130 (439 ac), 69 %6 &3IG& 14.131, 70 %6 &3NSc& 1893.285,25, 71 %6 &3IG& 14.132, 72 %6 &3IG& 14.172 %6 Agnello 11, 73 %6 &3IG& 14.133, 74 %6 &3IG& 14.134 %6 Agnello 37, 75 %6 &3IG& 14.135, 76 %6 &3IG& 14.136, 77 %6 &3IG& 14.137 %6 Agnello 5, 78 %6 &3IG& 14.138, 79 %6 &3IG& 14.139 %6 Agnello 44, 80 %6 &3IG& 14.140, 81 %6 &3IG& 14.141, 82 %6 &3IG& 14.142, 83 %6 &3IG& 14.143, 84 %6 &3IG& 14.144, 85 %6 &3NSc 1893.313,144 (reverse of &3IG& 14.103) 86 %6 &3IG& 14.145, 87 %6 &3IG 14.146 %6 Agnello 45, 88 %6 &3IG& 14.147, 89 %6 &3IG& 14.148, 90 %6 &3IG Ⱥ14.149, 91 %6 &3IG& 14.150 %6 Agnello 6, 92 %6 &3IG& 14.151 %6 Agnello 7, 93 %6 &3IG& 14.152 %6 Agnello 8, 94 %6 &3IG& 14.153 %6 Agnello 9, 95 %6 &3IG& 14.154 %6 Agnello 10, 96 %6 &3IG& 14.155, 97 %6 &3IG& 14.156, 98 %6 &3IG& 14.157, 99 %6 &3IG& 14.158, 100 %6 &3IG& 14.159 (427 ac), 101 %6 &3IG 14.160, 102 %6 &3IG& 14.161, 103 %6 &3IG& 14.162, 104 %6 &3IG& 14.163, 105 %6 &3IG& 14.164, 106 %6 &3IG& 14.165, 107 %6 &3IG& 14.166, 108 %6 &3IG 14.167, 109 %6 &3IG& 14.168, 110 %6 &3IG& 14.169, 111 %6 &3IG& 14.170, 112 %6 &3IG& 14.171, 113 %6 &3IG& 14.173, 114 %6 &3IG& 14.176, 115 %6 &3IG& 14.177 %6 Agnello 12, 116 %6 &3IG& 14.178, 117 %6 &3IG& 14.179 %6 Agnello 13, 118 %6 &3IG& 14.180, 119 %6 &3IG& 14.181 %6 Agnello 14, 120 %6 &3IG 14.183, 121 %6 &3IG& 14.184, 122 (not in &3IG& 14), 123 %6 &3IG& 14.27, 124 %6 &3IG& 14.189 %6 Agnello 16, 125 %6 &3IG& 14.187 %6 Agnello 15, 126 %6 &3IG& 14.188, 127 %6 &3IG& 14.120, 128 %6 &3IG& 14.121, 129 %6 &3IG 14.122, 130 %6 &3IG& 14.20, 131 %6 &3IG& 14.46, 132 %6 &3IG& 14.31, 133 %6 &3IG& 14.190, 134 %6 &3IG& 14.182, 135 (not in &3IG& 14), 136 %6 &3IG 14.192 %6 Agnello 105, 137 %6 &3IG& 14.28, 138 %6 &3IG& 14.29, 139 %6 &3IG 14.33, 140 %6 &3IG& 14.39, 141 %6 &3IG& 14.54 %6 Agnello 43, 142 %6 &3IG 14.174, 143 %6 &3IG& 14.185, 144 %6 &3IG& 14.186, 145 %6 &3IG& 14.191 %6 Agnello 17, 146 %6 &3NSc& 1893.295,61, 147 %6 &3IG& 14.537 (Catana?), 148 (not in &3IG& 14), 149 %6 &3IG& 14.Add,45a, [delete 150 %6 &3IG 14.196; same below, no. 410, with added frag.], 151 %6 &3IG 14.175, 152 %6 &3IG& 14.193, 153 %6 &3IG& 14.195, 154 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896), pp. 1%19`59, no. 270 155 %6 &3NSc& 1893.279,4, 156 %6 &3NSc& 1893.279,7, 157 %6 &3NSc& 1893.279,8, 158 %6 &3NSc& 1893.280,10, 159 %6 &3NSc 1893.281,11, 160 %6 &3NSc& 1893.282,15, 161 %6 &3NSc& 1893.282,16, 162 %6 &3NSc& 1893.282,18, 163 %6 &3NSc& 1893.283,20 %6 Agnello 18, 164 %6 &3NSc& 1893.283,21, 165 %6 &3RQ& 9 (1895) 299 %6 Agnello 20, 166 %6 &3NSc 1893.284,22 (402 ac), 167 %6 &3NSc& 1893.284,23, 168 %6 &3NSc 1893.285,27, 169 %6 &3NSc& 1893.285,30, 170 %6 &3NSc& 1893.286,32%19`33, 171 %6 &3NSc& 1893.286,34, 172 %6 &3NSc& 1893.286,35, 173 %6 &3NSc 1893.286,36 [Wessel 153A], 174 %6 &3NSc& 1893.287,38, 175 %6 &3NSc 1893.287,39, 176 %6 &3NSc& 1893.288,42, 177 %6 &3NSc& 1893.289,43, 178 %6 &3NSc& 1893.289,44 (428 ac), 179 %6 &3NSc& 1893.290,46, 180 %6 &3NSc 1893.290,47, 181 %6 &3NSc& 1893.290,48, 182 %6 &3NSc& 1893.290,50, 183 %6 &3NSc& 1893.290,51a, 184 %6 &3NSc& 1893.290,52, 185 %6 &3NSc 1893.290,53, 186 %6 &3NSc& 1893.290,54, 187 %6 &3NSc& 1893.291,55, 188 %6 &3NSc& 1893.295,60, 188bis %6 &3NSc& 1893.295,63, 189 %6 &3NSc 1893.296,66, 190 %6 &3NSc& 1893.296,67, 191 %6 &3NSc& 1893.297,68, 192 %6 &3NSc& 1893.297,69, 193 %6 &3NSc& 1893.297,70, 194 %6 &3NSc 1893.297,71, 195 %6 &3NSc& 1893.297,72, 196 %6 &3NSc& 1893.298,73, 197 %6 &3NSc& 1893.298,74, 198 %6 &3NSc& 1893.298,75, 199 %6 &3NSc 1893.298,76, 200 %6 &3NSc& 1893.298,77, 201 %6 &3NSc& 1893.298,78, 202 %6 &3NSc& 1893.299,79 (401 ac), 203 %6 &3NSc& 1893.299,80 [Wessel 41], 204 %6 &3NSc& 1893.299,82, 205 %6 &3NSc& 1893.299,83, 206 %6 &3NSc 1893.301,84, 207 %6 &3NSc& 1893.302,85, 208 %6 &3NSc& 1893.302,86, 209 %6 &3NSc& 1893.302,87, 210 %6 &3NSc& 1893.303,89, 211 %6 &3NSc 1893.303,92, 212 %6 &3NSc& 1893.303,93, 213 %6 &3NSc& 1893.303,94, 217 %6 &3NSc& 1893.304,100 [Wessel 4] 218 %6 &3NSc& 1893.304,101, 219 %6 &3NSc& 1893.304,102, 220 %6 &3NSc& 1893.304,103, 214 %6 &3NSc 1893.304,97, 215 %6 &3NSc& 1893.304,98, 216 %6 &3NSc& 1893.304,99 [Wessel 177], 221 %6 &3NSc& 1893.305,104, 222 %6 &3NSc& 1893.305,105, 223 %6 &3NSc& 1893.305,108, 224 %6 &3NSc& 1893.306,109, 225 %6 &3NSc 1893.306,111 [Wessel 23], 226 %6 &3NSc& 1893.307,112, 227 %6 &3NSc 1893.307,117, 228 %6 &3NSc& 1893.307,118, 229 %6 &3NSc& 1893.308,118, 230 %6 &3NSc& 1893.308,119, 231 %6 &3NSc& 1893.308,120, 232 %6 &3NSc 1893.308,121, 233 %6 &3NSc& 1893.308,122, 234 %6 &3NSc& 1893.308,123, 235 %6 &3NSc& 1893.308,124, 236 %6 &3NSc& 1893.309,125, 237 %6 &3NSc 1893.309,126, 238 %6 &3NSc& 1893.309,127, 239 %6 &3NSc& 1893.309,129 [Wessel 151]; 240 %6 &3NSc& 1893.310,131, 241 %6 &3NSc& 1893.310,132, 242 %6 &3NSc& 1893.311,134 %6 Agnello 38 [Wessel 178], 243 %6 &3NSc 1893.311,135, 244 %6 &3NSc& 1893.311,136, 245 %6 &3NSc& 1893.312,137, 246 %6 &3NSc& 1893.312,140, 247 %6 &3NSc& 1893.312,141, 248 %6 &3NSc 1893.312,142, 249 %6 &3NSc& 1893.313,145, 250 %6 &3NSc& 1893.313,147 [Wessel 157], 251 %6 &3NSc& 1893.313,149, 252 %6 &3NSc& 1895.480,151, 253 %6 &3NSc& 1895.480,152, 254 %6 &3NSc& 1895.481,153 (417 ac), 255 %6 &3NSc& 1895.481,154, 256 %6 &3NSc& 1895.481,155, 257 %6 &3NSc 1895.482,159 [Wessel 153], 258 %6 &3NSc& 1895.482,160, 259 %6 &3NSc 1895.483,161, 260 %6 &3NSc& 1895.483,162, 261 %6 &3NSc& 1895.485,164, 262 %6 &3NSc& 1895.486,165 %6 Agnello 21, 263 %6 &3NSc& 1895.486,166, 264 %6 &3NSc& 1895.486,167, 265 %6 &3NSc& 1895.487 middle, 266 %6 &3NSc 1895.487,169, 267 %6 &3NSc& 1895.488,170, 268 %6 &3NSc& 1895.490,177, 269 %6 &3NSc& 1895.491,178, 270 %6 &3NSc& 1895.491,179, 271 %6 &3NSc 1895.491,180, 272 %6 &3NSc& 1895.492,182, 273 %6 &3NSc& 1895.492,183, 274 %6 &3NSc& 1895.492,184, 275 %6 &3NSc& 1895.492,186, 276 %6 &3NSc 1895.493,188 %6 Agnello 22, 277 %6 &3NSc& 1895.493,190, 278 %6 &3NSc 1895.495,193 %6 Agnello 23, 279 %6 &3NSc& 1895.495,194, 280 %6 &3NSc 1895.496,195, 281 %6 &3NSc& 1895.496,196, 282 %6 &3NSc& 1895.497,198, 283 %6 &3NSc& 1895.497,200, 284 %6 &3NSc& 1895.497,201, 285 %6 &3NSc 1895.498,203, 286 %6 &3NSc& 1895.499,205, 287 %6 &3NSc& 1895.499,207, 288 %6 &3NSc& 1895.499,208, 289 %6 &3NSc& 1895.500,210 (423 ac), 290 %6 &3NSc& 1895.500,212, 291 %6 &3NSc& 1895.500,213, 292 %6 &3NSc 1895.501,215, 293 %6 &3NSc& 1895.501,216, 294 %6 &3NSc& 1895.501,217, 295 %6 &3NSc& 1895.502,218, 296 %6 &3NSc& 1895.502,219, 297 %6 &3NSc 1895.502,220, 298 %6 &3NSc& 1895.502,221, 299 %6 &3NSc& 1895.503,222, 300 %6 &3NSc& 1895.504,224 [Wessel 138], 301 %6 &3NSc& 1895.504,225, 302 %6 &3NSc& 1895.505,226, 303 %6 &3NSc& 1895.505,227, 304 %6 &3NSc 1895.505,229, 305 %6 &3NSc& 1895.507,232 %6 Agnello 24, 306 %6 &3NSc 1895.509,233, 307 %6 &3NSc& 1895.510,235, 308 %6 &3NSc& 1895.511,236 [Wessel 40], 309 %6 &3NSc& 1895.511,237, 310 %6 &3NSc& 1895.511,238, 311 %6 &3NSc& 1895.512,242, 312 %6 &3NSc& 1895.513,246, 313 %6 &3NSc 1895.514,249, 314 %6 &3NSc& 1895.515,251, 315 %6 &3NSc& 1895.515,252, 316 %6 &3NSc& 1895.515,253, 317 %6 &3NSc& 1895.516,254, 318 %6 &3NSc 1895.517,256, 319 %6 &3NSc& 1895.517,257, 320 %6 &3NSc& 1895.517,258, 321 %6 &3NSc& 1895.519,261, 322 %6 &3NSc& 1895.519,262, 323 %6 &3NSc 1895.519,264, 324 %6 &3NSc& 1895.520,266 (374 ac), 325 %6 &3NSc 1895.521,267 (399 ac), 326 %6 &3NSc& 1895.521,268, 327 %6 &3NSc 1895.521,269, 328 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896), pp. 1%19`59, no. 271, 329 %6 &3RQ 10 (1896) no. 272, 330 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 276, 331 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 278, 332 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 279, 333 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 280, 334 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 284, 335 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 285, 336 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 286, 337 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 287, 348 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) 32,301 %6 Agnello 25 [Wessel 38], 349 %6 &3RQ 10 (1896) no. 302, 350 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 303, 351 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 304, 352 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 305, 353 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 306, 354 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 308, 355 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 309, 356 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 311, 357 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 312, 358 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 313, 359 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 316, 360 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 315, 361 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 317, 362 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 318, 363 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 319, 364 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 320, 365 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 321, 366 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) 53,322 %6 Agnello 26, 367 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 323, 368 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) 55,324 %6 Agnello 27, 369 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 326, 370 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 327, 371 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) 59,328 %6 Agnello 28, 372 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 329, 373 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 330, 374 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 331, 375 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 332, 376 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) Ⱥno. 333, 377 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 334, 378 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 335[?] ("Orsi 336"), 379 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 337, 380 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 338, 381 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) 39,339 %6 &3RPARA& 22 (1946%19`1947) 232,14, 382 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 340, 383 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 341, 384 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 342 (423 ac), 385 %6 &3RQ 10 (1896) 41,343 ["`74"] %6 &3RAC& 18 (1941) 228, 386 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 344, 387 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 345, 388 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 346, 389 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 348, 390 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) 54[`81],350 %6 Agnello 29, 391 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 351, 392 %6 &3RQ 10 (1896) 29,314 [Wessel 162] 393 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 352 (416 ac), 394 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) 57[`84],353 %6 Agnello 97 [Wessel 127] (452 ac), 395 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 354 [Wessel 13], 396 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 355, 397 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 356, 398 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) 61[`88],357 %6 Agnello 30, 399 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 360, 400 %6 &3RQ 10 (1896) no. 361, 401 %6 &3NSc& 1895.509,234 %7 &3RQ& 10 (1896) 13,282 %6 Agnello 102, 402 %6 &3NSc& 1896.24, 403 %6 &3CIG& 8886 %6 &3RAC 17 (1940) 74%19`81, 404 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) 55%19`57,358[?] %6 &3RAC& 17 (1940) 66,11, 405 %6 &3RQ& 9 (1895) 13, 406 %6 &3RQ& 9 (1895) 14%19`15 [`473,2] [Wessel 139], 407 %6 &3RQ& 9 (1895) 14, 408 %6 &3RQ& 9 (1895) 15, 409 %6 &3RQ& 9 (1895) 15, 410 %6 &3IG& 14.196 (Straz. 150!) %7 &3NSc 1895.514,248, 411 (ed. pr.) [cf. &3RPARA& 22 (1946%19`1947) 237,46], 412 (ed. pr.), 413 (ed. pr.), 414 (ed. pr.), 415 (ed. pr.), 416 (ed. pr.) %6 &3RPARA& 22 (1946%19`1947) 238,46, 417 (ed. pr.) [cf. &3RPARA& 22 (1946%19`1947) 237,46], 418 %6 &3CIL& 10,2.7123 %6 Agnello 71, 419 %6 &3CIL& 10,2.7167 %6 Agnello 90 (356 ac), 420 %6 &3CIL& 10,2.7168 (431 ac), 421 %6 &3CIL& 10,2.7169 (492? 497? 507?), 422 %6 &3CIL& 10,2.7170, 423 %6 &3CIL& 10,2.7171, 424 %6 &3CIL& 10,2.7172, 425 %6 &3CIL& 10,2.7173 %6 Agnello 85, 426 %6 &3CIL& 10,2.7174, 427 %6 &3CIL& 10,2.7149 %6 Agnello 72, 428 %6 &3CIL& 10,2.7175, 429 %6 &3CIL 10,2.7176, 430 %6 &3CIL& 10,2.7177, 431 %6 &3CIL& 10,2.7178, 432 %6 &3CIL 10,2.7179, 433 %6 &3CIL& 10,2.7182 %6 Agnello 83, 434 %6 &3NSc 1893.287,37 %6 Agnello 73, 435 %6 &3NSc& 1893.289,45 %6 Agnello 74, 436 %6 &3NSc& 1893.292,59, 437 %6 &3NSc& 1893.303,90, 438 %6 &3NSc 1893.303,91, 439 %6 &3NSc& 1893.315,150, 440 %6 &3NSc& 1895.490,174 %6 Agnello 76, 441 %6 &3NSc& 1895.489,173 %6 Agnello 75, 442 %6 &3NSc 1895.485,163 (418 ac), 443 %6 &3NSc& 1895.488,171, 444 %6 &3NSc 1895.490,175 %6 Agnello 77, 445 %6 &3NSc& 1895.494,191 %6 Agnello 79, 446 %6 &3NSc& 1895.499,206, 447 %6 &3NSc& 1895.500,211, 448 %6 &3NSc 1895.512,244, 449 %6 &3NSc& 1895.517,259, 450 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 274, 451 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 281, 452 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 288, 453 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 289, 454 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 295, 455 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 307, 456 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 310, 457 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 325, 458 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 37,336 [?] ("Orsi 336") (383 ac) [&3ILCV& 2734, 411 ac], 459 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 347, 460 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 349, 461 (ed. pr.). @ &3Accademia dei Lincei. Notizie degli Scavi di Antichita\& (Rome). Concordance to Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) and Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 43. &3NSc& 1893.279,4 %6 Straz. 155 (SICILY, Syracuse), 279,7 %6 Straz. 156, 279,8 %6 Straz. 157, 279,9%7 [not in Straz.] %6 &3RPARA& 22 (1946%19`1947) 232,18, 280,10 %6 Straz. 158, 281,11 %6 Straz. 159, 282,15 %6 Straz. 160, 282,16 %6 Straz. 161, 282,18 %6 Straz. 162, 283,20 %6 Straz. 163 %6 Agnello 18, 283,21 %6 Straz. 164, 284,22 %6 Straz. 166 (402 ac), 284,23 %6 Straz. 167, 285,25 %6 Straz. 70, 285,27 %6 Straz. 168, 285,30 %6 Straz. 169, 286,32%19`33 %6 Straz. 170, 286,34 %6 Straz. 171, 286,35 %6 Straz. 172, 286,36 %6 Straz. 173 [Wessel 153A], 287,37 %6 Straz. 434 %6 Agnello 73, 287,38 %6 Straz. 174, 287,39 %6 Straz. 175, 288,41%7 [not in Straz.] %6 Agnello 19, 288,42 %6 Straz. 176, 289,43 %6 Straz. 177, 289,44 %6 Straz. 178 (428 ac), 289,45 %6 Straz. 435 %6 Agnello 74, 290,46 %6 Straz. 179, 290,47 %6 Straz. 180, 290,48 %6 Straz. 181, 290,50 %6 Straz. 182, 290,51a %6 Straz. 183, 290,52 %6 Straz. 184, 290,53 %6 Straz. 185, 290,54 %6 Straz. 186, 291,55 %6 Straz. 187, 292,59 %6 Straz. 436, 295,60 %6 Straz. 188, 295,61 %6 Straz. 146, 295,63 %6 Straz. 188bis, 296,66 %6 Straz. 189, 296,67 %6 Straz. 190, 297,68 %6 Straz. 191, 297,69 %6 Straz. 192, 297,70 %6 Straz. 193, 297,71 %6 Straz. 194, 297,72 %6 Straz. 195, 298,73 %6 Straz. 196, 298,74 %6 Straz. 197, 298,75 %6 Straz. 198, 298,76 %6 Straz. 199, 298,77 %6 Straz. 200, 298,78 %6 Straz. 201, 299,79 %6 Straz. 202 (401 ac), 299,80 %6 Straz. 203 [Wessel 41], 299,82 %6 Straz. 204, 299,83 %6 Straz. 205, 301,84 %6 Straz. 206, 302,85 %6 Straz. 207, 302,86 %6 Straz. 208, 302,87 %6 Straz. 209, 303,89 %6 Straz. 210, 303,90 %6 Straz. 437, 303,91 %6 Straz. 438, 303,92 %6 Straz. 211, 303,93 %6 Straz. 212, 303,94 %6 Straz. 213, 304,100 %6 Straz. 217 [Wessel 4], 304,101 %6 Straz. 218, 304,102 %6 Straz. 219, 304,103 %6 Straz. 220, 304,97 %6 Straz. 214, 304,98 %6 Straz. 215, 304,99 %6 Straz. 216 [Wessel 177], 305,104 %6 Straz. 221, 305,105 %6 Straz. 222, 305,108 %6 Straz. 223, 306,109 %6 Straz. 224, 306,111 %6 Straz. 225 [Wessel 23], 307,112 %6 Straz. 226, 307,117 %6 Straz. 227, 307,118 %6 Straz. 228, 308,118 %6 Straz. 229, 308,119 %6 Straz. 230, 308,120 %6 Straz. 231, 308,121 %6 Straz. 232, 308,122 %6 Straz. 233, 308,123 %6 Straz. 234, 308,124 %6 Straz. 235, 309,125 %6 Straz. 236, 309,126 %6 Straz. 237, 309,127 %6 Straz. 238, 309,129 %6 Straz. 239 [Wessel 151], 310,131 %6 Straz. 240, 310,132 %6 Straz. 241, 311,134 %6 Straz. 242 %6 Agnello 38 [Wessel 178] 311,135 %6 Straz. 243, 311,136 %6 Straz. 244, 312,137 %6 Straz. 245, 312,140 %6 Straz. 246, 312,141 %6 Straz. 247, 312,142 %6 Straz. 248, 313,144 %6 Straz. 85, 313,145 %6 Straz. 249, 313,147 %6 Straz. 250 [Wessel 157], 313,149 %6 Straz. 251, 315,150 %6 Straz. 439; 1893.389[a] top %6 &3RPARA& 22 (1946%19`1947) 230,5b (Catana; 447 ac), 389[e] bottom %6 Agnello 57; __ &3NSc& 1895.480,151 %6 Straz. 252 (SICILY, Syracuse) 480,152 %6 Straz. 253, 481,153 %6 Straz. 254 (417 ac), 481,154 %6 Straz. 255, 481,155 %6 Straz. 256, 482,159 %6 Straz. 257 [Wessel 153], 482,160 %6 Straz. 258, 483,161 %6 Straz. 259, 483,162 %6 Straz. 260, 485,163 %6 Straz. 442 (418 ac), 485,164 %6 Straz. 261, 486,165 %6 Straz. 262 %6 Agnello 21, 486,166 %6 Straz. 263, 486,167 %6 Straz. 264, 487 middle %6 Straz. 265, 487,169 %6 Straz. 266, 488,170 %6 Straz. 267, 488,171 %6 Straz. 443, 489,173 %6 Straz. 441 %6 Agnello 75, 490,174 %6 Straz. 440 %6 Agnello 76, 490,175 %6 Straz. 444 %6 Agnello 77, 490,177 %6 Straz. 268, 491,178 %6 Straz. 269, 491,179 %6 Straz. 270, 491,180 %6 Straz. 271, 492,182 %6 Straz. 272, 492,183 %6 Straz. 273, 492,184 %6 Straz. 274, 492,185 [not in Straz.] %6 Agnello 78, 492,186 %6 Straz. 275, 493,188 %6 Straz. 276 %6 Agnello 22, 493,190 %6 Straz. 277, 494,191 %6 Straz. 445 %6 Agnello 79, [2`494,192 [Wessel 124] lacking]2, 495,193 %6 Straz. 278 %6 Agnello 23, 495,194 %6 Straz. 279, 496,195 %6 Straz. 280, 496,196 %6 Straz. 281, 497,198 %6 Straz. 282, 497,200 %6 Straz. 283, 497,201 %6 Straz. 284, 498,203 %6 Straz. 285, 499,205 %6 Straz. 286, 499,206 %6 Straz. 446, 499,207 %6 Straz. 287, 499,208 %6 Straz. 288, 500,210 %6 Straz. 289 (423 ac), 500,211 %6 Straz. 447, 500,212 %6 &3Straz.& 290, 500,213 %6 Straz. 291, 501,215 %6 Straz. 292, 501,216 %6 Straz. 293, 501,217 %6 Straz. 294, 502,218 %6 Straz. 295, 502,219 %6 Straz. 296, 502,220 %6 Straz. 297, 502,221 %6 Straz. 298, 503,222 %6 Straz. 299, 504,224 %6 Straz. 300 [Wessel 138], 504,225 %6 Straz. 301, 505,226 %6 &3Straz.& 302, 505,227 %6 Straz. 303, 505,228 [not in Straz.] %6 &3RAC& 17 (1940) 57,8, 505,229 %6 Straz. 304, 507,232 %6 Straz. 305 %6 Agnello 24, 509,233 %6 Straz. 306, 510,235 %6 Straz. 307, 511,236 %6 Straz. 308 [Wessel 40], 511,237 %6 Straz. 309, 511,238 %6 Straz. 310, 512,242 %6 Straz. 311, 512,244 %6 Straz. 448, 513,246 %6 Straz. 312, 514,249 %6 Straz. 313, 515,251 %6 ȺStraz. 314, 515,252 %6 &3Straz.& 315, 515,253 %6 Straz. 316, 516,254 %6 Straz. 317, 517,256 %6 Straz. 318, 517,257 %6 Straz. 319, 517,258 %6 Straz. 320, 517,259 %6 Straz. 449, 519,261 %6 Straz. 321, 519,262 %6 Straz. 322, 519,264 %6 Straz. 323, 520,266 %6 Straz. 324 (374 ac), 521,267 %6 Straz. 325 (399 ac), 521,268 %6 Straz. 326, 521,269 %6 Straz. 327; __ &3NSc& 1905.396,1 %6 Agnello 104 (SICILY, Syracuse, 423 ac); __ &3NSc& 1907, pp. 741%19`748, nos. 8 %6 Agnello 89 (SICILY, Syracuse, 349 ac), 17 %6 Agnello 80, 22 %6 Agnello 31, 36 %6 Agnello 32, p. 768[?] %6 &3RPARA& 22 (1946%19`1947) 232,13; (SICILY, Syracuse); __ &3NSc 1909.350 %6 Agnello 81; __ &3NSc& 1915.203 %6 Agnello 84 [Wessel 160], 1915.223 %6 Agnello 87 (SICILY, Catana; 297 ac); __ &3NSc 1918.62,3 %6 Agnello 58, 1918.63,4 %6 Agnello 59; __ &3NSc 1920.231 %6 Guarducci, &3EG& IV,533,2 (ITALY, Rome: C. Pamphili; ca. 150%19`200 ac); __ &3NSc& 1931.372 %6 &3RPARA& 22 (1946%19`1947) 228,3a (SICILY, Catana; 402 ac); __ &3NSc& 1933.473 %6 Agnello 68 (SICILY, Chiaram. Gulfi); __ &3NSc& 1940.218 %6 &3RAC& 18 (1941) 157,13 (SICILY, Syracuse; 5th%19`6th ac). @ &3Ro+mische Quartalschrift fu+r christliche Altertumskunde und fu+r &3Kirchengeschichte& (Freiburg). Orsi, in &3RQ& 9 (1895) 13 %6 Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 405 (SICILY, Syracuse), 14 %6 Straz. 407, 14%19`15 [`473,2] %6 Straz. 406 [Wessel 139], 15 %6 Straz. 408, %6 Straz. 409, 299%19`308 %6 Strazz. 165 %6 Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 20 [Guard., &3EG& IV,526] (ca. 500 ac); __ Orsi, in &3RQ& 10 (1896), pp. 1%19`59 [&3non vidi&] 270 %6 Strazzulla, &3Museum &3Epigraphicum& (1897) 154, 271 %6 Straz. 328, 272 %6 Straz. 329, [2`273 lacking]2, 274 %6 Straz. 450, [2`275 lacking]2, 276 %6 Straz. 330, 278 %6 Straz. 331, 279 %6 Straz. 332, 280 %6 Straz. 333, 281 %6 Straz. 451, 13,282 %7 &3NSc& 1895.509,234 %6 %6 Agnello, &3Silloge (1953) 102 (Straz. 401), [2`283 lacking]2, 284 %6 Straz. 334, 285 %6 Straz. 335, 286 %6 Straz. 336, 287 %6 Straz. 337, 288 %6 Straz. 452, 289 %6 Straz. 453, [2`290%19`294 lacking]2, 295 %6 Straz. 454, [2`296%19`300 lacking]2, 32,301 %6 Agnello 25 [Wessel 38] (Straz. 348), 302 %6 Straz. 349, 303 %6 Straz. 350, 304 %6 Straz. 351, 305 %6 Straz. 352, 306 %6 Straz. 353, 307 %6 Straz. 455, 308 %6 Straz. 354, 309 %6 Straz. 355, 310 %6 Straz. 456, 311 %6 Straz. 356, 312 %6 Straz. 357, 313 %6 Straz. 358, 314 %6 Straz. 392 [Wessel 162], 315 %6 Straz. 360, 316 %6 Straz. 359, 317 %6 Straz. 361, 318 %6 Straz. 362, 319 %6 Straz. 363, 320 %6 Straz. 364, 321 %6 Straz. 365, 53,322 %6 Agnello 26 (Straz. 366), 323 %6 Straz. 367, 55,324 %6 Agnello 27 (Straz. 368), 325 %6 Straz. 457, 326 %6 Straz. 369, 327 %6 Straz. 370, 59,328 %6 Agnello 28 (Straz. 371), 329 %6 Straz. 372, 330 %6 Straz. 373, 331 %6 Straz. 374, 332 %6 Straz. 375, 333 %6 Straz. 376, 334 %6 Straz. 377, 335 [?] %6 Straz. 378 ("Orsi 336") 37,336 [?] %6 Straz. 458 ("Orsi 336") (383 ac?) [&3ILCV& 2734, 411 ac], 337 %6 Straz. 379, 338 %6 Straz. 380 ("Orsi 328"), 39,339 %6 Straz. 381 [&3RPARA& 22 (1946%19`1947) 232,14], 340 %6 Straz. 382, 341 %6 Straz. 383, 342 %6 Straz. 384 (423 ac) , 41,343 ["`74"] %6 Straz. 385 [&3RAC& 18 (1941) 228] 344 %6 Straz. 386, 345 %6 Straz. 387, 346 %6 Straz. 388, 347 %6 Straz. 459, 348 %6 Straz. 389, 349 %6 Straz. 460, 54[`81],350 %6 Agnello 29 (Straz. 390), 351 %6 Straz. 391, 352 %6 Straz. 393 (416 ac), 57[`84],353 %6 Agnello 97 (Straz. 394) [Wessel 127] (452 ac), 354 %6 Straz. 395 [Wessel 13], 355 %6 Straz. 396, 356 %6 Straz. 397, 61[`88],357 %6 Agnello 30 (Straz. 398), 55,358[?] %6 Straz. 404 [&3RAC& 17 (1940) 66,11], 58[`85],359%7 %6 &3RPARA& 22 (1946%19`1947) 232,15, 360 %6 Straz. 399, 361 %6 Straz. 400, 59[`86],362%7 %6 &3RPARA& 22 (1946%19`1947) 232,16, [2`363 to end lacking]2. @ &3Rivista di Archeologia cristiana della Pontificia Commissione &3di Archeologia sacra& (Rome). __ A. Ferrua, "Nuovi studi nelle catacombe di Siracusa," in &3RAC& 17,1%3`2 (1940), pp. 43%19`81: 47,1b (SICILY, Syracuse), 48,2 [Peek, &3GVI& (1955) 94] (2nd%19`3rd ac), 53,5, 57,8 [&3NSc& 1895.505,228], 71,12b. __ Other texts: &3RAC 17,1%3`2 (1940), 46,1a %6 Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 82 (SICILY, Syracuse), 52,4 %6 Agnello 19, 55,6 %6 Agnello 74, 58,9 %6 Agnello 101, 69,12a %6 Agnello 102, and 71,12c %6 Agnello 34. __ A. Ferrua, "Epigrafia sicula pagana e cristiana," in &3RAC 18,3%3`4 (1941), pp. 151%19`243: 157,13 [&3NSc& 1940.218] (5th%19`6th ac), 169,30, 223,109 [&3RPARA& 22 (1946%19`1947) 239,51], 228,119, 235,129%19`237,132. Other texts: &3RAC& 18,3%3`4 (1941) 177 %6 &3IG 14.242 (SICILY, Acrae), 208 %6 &3IG& 14.254 (Licodia), 221,107 %6 &3IG& 14.559 (Catana), 222,108 %6 &3IG& 14.533, 225 %6 &3IG& 14.348 (Thermae Himeraeae), 226 %6 &3IG& 14.465 (Catana), 234 %6 &3IG& 14.442 (Tauromenium), 237 %6 &3IG& 14.592 (Ustica Is.), 242 %6 &3IG& 14.489 (Catana), 243,141 %6 &3IG& 14.508, 243n.2 %6 &3IG& 14.516. @ &3Rendiconti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia (Rome). __ A. Ferrua, "Florilegio d'iscrizioni paleochristiane di Sicilia," in &3RPARA& 22 (1946%19`1947 [`1948]), pp. 227%19`239: 228,1 (SICILY, Syracuse; 428 ac), 228,2 (381 ac); 228,3a [&3NSc 1931.372] (SICILY, Catana; 402 ac); 228,4 (SICILY, Syracuse; 420 ac), 230,5b [&3NSc& 1893.389a] (447 ac), 231,9 (358 ac), 232,10%19`232,11, 232,13 [&3NSc& 1907.768], 232,15 [&3RQ& 10 (1996) 85,359%7], 232,16 [&3RQ& 10 (1896) 86,362%7], 232,17, 232,18 [&3NSc 1893.279,9%7], 233,19%19`236,39, 236,40a [Barecca, &3Catacombe di &3Siracusa& (1934) 385], 236,40b [Barecca 389], 236,40c [Barecca 393], 236,40d [Barecca 399], 236,40e [Barecca 403], 236,40f [Barecca 407], 236,41%19`237,45, 238,48%19`239,51. __ Cross%19references: &3RPARA& 22 (1946%19`1947 [`1948]) 236,40 %6 Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 42 (SICILY, Syracuse), 237,46[b] %6 Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 417, 237,46[c] %6 Straz. 411, 238,46[d] %6 Straz. 416, 239,51 %6 &3RAC& 18 (1941) 223,109. @ &3Atti della Accademia nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti. Classe &3di scienze morali, storiche e filologiche& (Rome). __ A. Jacopi, "Inscriptions byzantines date/es de la province de Lecce (Carpignano, Cavallino, San Cesario)," in &3RendLincei ser. 8, 37 (1983), pp. 41%19`61: 45 (CALABRIA, Carpignano; 1054%3`5 ac?), 47 (1020 ac), 50 (ca. 1020 ac), 51 (Casaranello; ca. 1000%19`1050 ac?); 53 (Cavallino; 1309%3`10 ac), 55 (1238 ac); 56 (San Cesario; 1329 ac); 59 [&3BZ& 7 (1898) 30] (CALABRIA, Carpignano; 1329 ac). @ &3Rivista di studi byzantini e neoellenici& (Rome). __ A. Jacob [Jacopi], "L'Inscription me/trique de l'enfeu de Carpignano," in &3RSBN,& N.S. 20%19`21 (1983%19`1984), pp. 103%19`122: &3RSBN& 20.103 (CALABRIA, Carpignano; 11th ac?). @ &3Harvard Ukrainian Studies& (Cambridge, Mass.). __ A. Guillou, "Une nouvelle inscription byzantine ine/dite de Trani (Italie)," in &3Okeanos. Essays presented to Ihor S%148evc%148enko on &3his Sixtieth Birthday& (&3Harvard Ukrainian Studies& 7 [`1983]), pp. 270%19`275: 270 (APULIA, Trani; ca. 1000 ac). @ Kirchhoff, A., &3Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum, IV,2.& Berlin 1859. Inscriptions from Italy and Sicily. &3CIG& 8689 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979), no. 233] (SICILY, Molae; 9th ac); 8709 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979), no. 224] (CALABRIA, Taranto; 1067%19`1071 ac?); 8716 (SICILY, Panormum; 1081 ac); 8717 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979), no. 228] (BRUTTIUM, Hieracium; 1084 ac); 8720 (SICILY, Syracusa), 8723 (Bronte; 1121 ac); 8724 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979), no. 220] (LATIUM, Grottaferrata; 1132 ac), 8725 [&3VizVrem& 11 (1904) 411] (11th ac); 8726 [&3Chariste%26rion ... Orlandon& I (1965) 10] (SICILY, Messana; 1135 ac); 8727 [&3Chariste%26rion ... Orlandon& I (1965) 6] (BRUTTIUM, Rossano; 1137 ac); 8731 (SICILY, Messina; 1169 ac), 8732 (Thermae; 1112%19`1127 ac), 8737 (Catana; 1171 ac), 8738 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979), no. 240] (Agro; 1172 ac); 8770 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 Ⱥ(1977%19`1979), no. 222] (CALABRIA, Galatina; 1355 ac); 8805 (SICILY, Panormus; Byz.); 8832 (ROME, S. Laurentius); 8846 (BRUTTIUM, Hieracium); 8848 (SICILY, Syracuse); 8853 (ROME, S. Stephanus in Burgo; 6th%19`8th ac?); 8859 (TRANSPADANA, Milan); 8863 (ROME, place?); 8876 (VENETIA, Cremona); 8938 (ETRURIA, Florentia); 8985 (SICILY, Panormus), 9057 (Syracuse), 9535 (Panormus; 1141 ac), 9536 (1141 ac), 9539 [Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 250] (Messina; 1149 ac), 9540 (1191 ac); 9543 [&3Me/langes d'arche/ologie et d'histoire& 57 (1940) 106] (CAMPANIA, Neapolis; 721%3`2 ac); 9544 [&3JO+B& 20 (1971) 151] (PICENUM, Corridonia; 1186 ac); 9615 [&3IG& 14.2072] (ROME, C. Cyriacae), 9648 [&3IG& 14.1417] (C. Callisti), 9688 (C. Priscillae), 9695 [Wessel 167] 9707 [Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... &3Musei Vaticani& (1963) 79] (C. Hermetis), 9713%19`9714, 9715 [Kaibel, &3Epigramata graeca& (1878) 732], 9716%19`9717, 9720%19`9725, 9770 [Wessel 66] (Bas. S. Pauli), 9792 [Wessel 143] (place?), 9799 (S. Marcus), 9808 (place?), 9815, 9837 [Wessel 2; Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei Vaticani& (1963) 97], 9844, 9850; 9864 [&3DChAE&(`1) 4 (1904) 44] (ETRURIA, Florentia; 1439 ac), 9865 (ETRURIA?, Barberini). __ Cross%19references: &3CIG& 8613 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19933%3`5 [Guard. &3EG& IV,535,3] (ROME, C. Hippolyti; ca. 222%19`235 ac); 8862 %6 Bollini, &3IGrRav& 45,18 (AEMILIA, Ravenna); 8982 %6 &3IG& 14.2410,8 (ROME); 9545 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24268 (ROME, Via Salaria), 9546 %6 &3IChUR& 1,4072 (place?), 9547 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2789 (place?), 9548 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2790 (Rome?, Latium: Tusculum), 9549 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2593 (Rome, Mus. Vatican.), 9550 %6 &3IChUR& 1,1883 [Wessel 22] (Mus. Lateran.), 9551 %6 &3IChUR& 1,3980 (C. Callisti), 9551 %6 &3IChUR& 4,11680, 9552 %6 &3IChUR& 2,4740 (S. Pontianus), 9553 %6 &3IChUR& 1,4034, 9553 %6 &3IChUR& 2,4738, 9554 %6 &3IChUR& 2,4737, 9555 %6 &3IChUR& 2,6403 (C. Commodillae), 9556 %6 &3IChUR& 2,6398 (S. Lucina), 9557 %6 &3IChUR& 8,21530 (C. Agnetis), 9558 %6 &3IChUR& 8,22839 (C. Maius), 9559 %6 &3IChUR& 8,22782, 9560 %6 &3IChUR& 8,22805, 9561 %6 &3IChUR& 8,22889, 9562 %6 &3IChUR& 8,22763, 9563 %6 &3IChUR& 8,22770, 9564 %6 &3IChUR& 8,22790, 9565 %6 &3IChUR 8,22875, 9566 %6 &3IChUR& 8,22865, 9567 %6 &3IChUR& 8,22767, 9568 %6 &3IChUR& 8,22811, 9569 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19828 (C. Cyriacae), 9570 %6 &3IChUR& 8,22873 (C. Maius), 9571 %6 &3IChUR& 8,22871, 9572 %6 &3IChUR 8,22789, 9573 %6 &3IChUR& 8,22883, 9574 %6 &3IChUR& 8,22792, 9575 %6 &3IChUR& 2,6466 (C. Calepodii), 9575 %6 &3IChUR& 8,22882 (C. Maius), 9577 %6 &3IChUR& 2,4449 (C. Octavillae), 9578 %6 &3IChUR& 2,4437, 9579 %6 &3IChUR& 2,4441 [Wessel 122], 9580 %6 &3IChUR& 2,4433, 9581 %6 &3IChUR 2,4438, 9582 %6 &3IChUR& 2,4446, 9583 %6 &3IChUR& 6,15881 (Via Latina), 9584 %6 &3IChUR& 6,15887a, 9585 %6 &3IChUR& 6,15870, 9586 %6 &3IChUR& 6,15767 (307 ac), 9587 %6 &3IChUR& 6,15883, 9588 %6 &3IChUR 6,15660 (V. Eustachiorum), 9589 %6 &3IChUR& 6,15655, 9590 %6 &3IChUR 6,15659, 9591 %6 &3IChUR& 6,15657, 9592 %6 &3IChUR& 6,15658, 9593 %6 &3IChUR& 6,15654, 9594 %6 &3IChUR& 6,15656, 9595 %6 &3IChUR& 6,15869 (Via Latina), 9595a %6 &3IChUR& 6,15884 (ca. 300 ac?), 9596 %6 &3IChUR 6,17232 (Via Labicana), 9597 %6 &3IChUR& 6,17233, 9598 %6 &3IChUR 6,17225, 9599 %6 &3IChUR& 6,17230 (3rd ac), 9600 %6 &3IChUR& 4,12516 [Wessel 65] (C. Cis Callisti; 3rd ac), 9601 %6 &3IChUR& 6,15928 (C. Castuli), 9602 %6 &3IChUR& 6,15927, 9603 %6 &3IChUR& 3,9281 (Via Ardeatina), 9604 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19789 (C. Cyriacae), 9604 %6 &3IChUR 7,19793, 9605 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19782, 9606 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19764 [Wessel 116], 9607 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19798, 9608 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19826, 9609 %6 &3IChUR 7,19785, 9610 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19812, 9611 %6 &3IChUR& 4,12849 (V. Appia%3Ardeat), 9612 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19790 [Wessel 51] (C. Cyriacae), 9613 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19832, 9614 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19802, 9616 %6 &3IChUR 7,19824, 9618 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19860, 9619 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19804, 9620 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19829, 9621 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19794, 9622 %6 &3IChUR& 7,17418 (298 ac), 9623 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19773, 9624 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19844, 9625 %6 &3IChUR 7,19765, 9626 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19847, 9627 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19795, 9628 %6 &3IChUR& 7,18852, 9629 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19777, 9630 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19830, 9631 %6 &3IChUR& 3,9290 (Via Ardeatina), 9632 %6 &3IChUR& 3,9308, 9633 %6 &3IChUR& 3,9305, 9634 %6 &3IChUR& 3,9315, 9635 %6 &3IChUR& 3,9312, 9637 %6 &3IChUR& 4,12850 (V. Appia%3Ardeatina), 9639a %6 &3IChUR& 4,10651 (C. Callisti), 9639b %6 &3IChUR& 4,10688, 9640 %6 &3IChUR& 3,9307 [Wessel 87] (Via Ardeatina), 9641 %6 &3IChUR& 3,9320, 9642 %6 &3IChUR 3,9289, 9644 %6 &3IChUR& 3,9287, 9645 %6 &3IChUR& 3,9291, 9646 %6 &3IChUR 3,9314, 9647 %6 &3IChUR& 3,9311, 9649 %6 &3IChUR& 5,13259 (C. Catacumbas), 9650 %6 &3IChUR& 3,9327 (Via Ardeatina), 9651 %6 &3IChUR 3,9299, 9652 %6 &3IChUR& 3,9294, 9653a %6 &3IChUR& 3,7261 (C. Domitillae?), 9653b %6 &3IChUR& 3,7262 (C. Domitillae), 9653c %6 &3IChUR& 3,7170 (C. Domitillae?), 9654 %6 &3IChUR& 4,12522 (V. Appia%3Ardeatina; 260 ac?), 9655a %6 &3IChUR& 1,2634 [Wessel 70] (Rome?, Latium: Anagnia), 9655b %6 &3IChUR& 1,2637, 9656 %6 &3IChUR 4,12883 [Wessel 89] with Feissel, &3RAC& 58 (1982) 380 [&3SEG 32.1066] (Rome, C. Praetextati), 9657 %6 &3IChUR& 4,12861 (V. Appia%3Ardeatina), 9658 %6 &3IChUR& 4,12844, 9659a %6 &3IChUR& 4,12842, 9659b %6 &3IChUR& 4,12846, 9660 %6 &3IChUR& 4,10644 (C. Callisti), 9661 %6 &3IChUR& 4,12851 (V. Appia%3Ardeatina), 9662 %6 &3IChUR 4,12853, 9663 %6 &3IChUR& 4,12859, 9664 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2632 (Rome?, Latium: Anagnia), 9665 %6 &3IChUR& 4,12840 (Rome, V. Appia%3Ardeatina), 9666 %6 &3IChUR& 3,9316 [Wessel 26] (Via Ardeatina), 9667 %6 &3IChUR& 3,9286, 9668 %6 &3IChUR& 4,12513 [&3IG 14.1596; Wessel 174] (C. Cis Callisti), 9669 %6 &3IChUR& 4,9483 [Wessel 145] (C. Callisti), 9670 %6 &3IChUR& 3,9300 (Via Ardeatina), 9671 %6 &3IChUR& 3,8626 (C. Domitillae), 9672 %6 &3IChUR 3,9334 (Via Ardeatina), 9673 %6 &3IChUR& 3,7167 (C. Domitillae), 9674a %6 &3IChUR& 4,10558 (C. Callisti; 236 ac), 9674b %6 &3IChUR 4,10694 (250 ac), 9674c %6 &3IChUR& 4,10616 (282 ac), 9674d %6 &3IChUR& 4,10645 (254 ac), 9675 %6 &3IChUR& 5,13841 (Via Appia), 9676 %6 &3IChUR& 5,14989 (C. Praetextati), 9677 %6 &3IChUR& 5,15046, 9678 %6 &3IChUR& 5,15069, 9679 %6 &3IChUR& 5,15168a, 9680 %6 &3IChUR& 5,15095, 9681 %6 &3IChUR& 5,15134, 9682 %6 &3IChUR& 5,14996, 9683 %6 &3IChUR 5,14992, 9684 %6 &3IChUR& 8,23368 (Priscillianae), 9685 %6 &3IChUR 8,23372, 9686 %6 &3IChUR& 8,23378, 9687 %6 &3IChUR& 8,23377, 9689 %6 &3IChUR& 9,26037 (C. Priscillae), 9690 %6 &3IChUR& 8,23379 (Priscillianae), 9691 %6 &3IChUR& 8,23371, 9692 %6 &3IChUR& 8,23370, 9693 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24297 (Via Salaria), 9694 %6 &3IChUR& 8,23373 [Wessel 147; Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei Vaticani& (1963) 85], (Priscillianae), 9696 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24819 (C. ad V. Anapo), 9697 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24282 (Via Salaria), 9698 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24289, 9699 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24267, 9700 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24805 (C. ad V. Anapo), 9701 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24815 [&3IG& 14.1662; Wessel 169], 9702 %6 &3IChUR& 9,26122 [Wessel 164] (C. Priscillae), 9703 %6 &3IChUR& 9,26111, 9704 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24609 (C. Iordanorum), 9705 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24600, 9706 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24589, 9708a %6 &3IChUR& 9,24279 (Via Salaria), 9708b %6 &3IChUR& 9,24285, 9709 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24292, 9710 %6 &3IChUR& 4,12847 [Wessel 163] (V. Appia%3Ardeatina), 9711 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24280 (Via Salaria), 9712 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24275, 9718 %6 &3IChUR& 3,7218 (C. Domitillae), 9719 %6 &3IChUR& 3,7249, 9726 %6 &3IChUR& 1,962 [Wessel 42] (S. Praxes), 9727 %6 &3IChUR& 1,4040 (place?), 9728 %6 &3IChUR 2,5976 [&3IG& 14.1365] (Mus. Paulianum), 9729 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5960 [&3CIG 6544; &3IG& 14.1991] (Mus. Paulianum), 9730 %6 &3IChUR& 2,4891 [Wessel 57] (Bas. S. Pauli; 431 ac), 9731 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5676 [Wessel 101], 9732 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5689, 9733 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5696d, 9734 %6 &3IChUR& 2,4945 (458 ac), 9735 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5667, 9736 %6 &3IChUR 2,5666, 9737 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5664, 9738 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5669%7`5675 [Wessel 37], 9738 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5675, 9739 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5706a [Wessel Ⱥ48,adn.], 9740 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5668, 9741 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5672, 9742 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5678 [Wessel 37,adn.(1)], 9743 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5679 [Wessel 33], 9744 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5687, 9745 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5706b, 9746 %6 &3IChUR 2,5306, 9747 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5685, 9748 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5100b%3`5656a [Wessel 50] (409 ac?), 9749 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5674, 9750 %6 &3IChUR 2,5709c, 9751 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5660, 9752 %6 &3IChUR& 2,4957 [Wessel 88] (471 ac), 9753 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5099 (404 or 445 ac?), 9754 %6 &3IChUR 2,5709d, 9755 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5701c, 9756 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5701d, 9757 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5671, 9758 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5696, 9759 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5709a [Wessel 30], 9760 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5101, 9761 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5663, 9762 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5149b, 9763 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5697c, 9764 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5661 [Wessel 34], 9765 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5698c, 9766 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5655, 9767 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5696c, 9768 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5690c, 9769 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5691, 9771 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5701a, 9772 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5709b, 9773 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5690a, 9774 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5701b, 9775 %6 &3IChUR& 2,4941, 9775 %6 &3IChUR 2,5680, 9776 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5682 [Wessel 106], 9777 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5659, 9778a %6 &3IChUR& 2,5690d, 9778b %6 &3IChUR& 2,5698a, 9779 %6 &3IChUR 2,5698b, 9780 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5696a, 9781 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5677, 9782 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5683, 9783 %6 &3IChUR& 2,4989 (5th ac), 9784 %6 &3IChUR& 1,259 (S. Clemens), 9785 %6 &3IChUR& 2,4435 [Wessel 105] (C. Octavillae), 9786 %6 &3IChUR& 2,4434, 9787 %6 &3IChUR& 1,868 [Wessel 44] (S. Martinus), 9788 %6 &3IChUR& 1,913 (S. Nicol. Car.), 9789 %6 &3IChUR& 4,12517 (C. Cis Callisti), 9790 %6 &3IChUR& 1,303 (S. Crux Hier.), 9791 %6 &3IChUR& 1,695 (S. Maria Transt.), 9793 %6 &3IChUR 5,13258 (C. Catacumbas), 9794 %6 &3IChUR& 8,21548 (C. Agnetis), 9795 %6 &3IChUR& 8,21532, 9796 %6 &3IChUR& 8,21527, 9797 %6 &3IChUR 7,19840 (C. Cyriacae), 9798 %6 &3IChUR& 4,12854 (V. Appia%3Ardeatina), 9800 %6 &3IChUR& 1,4015 (place?), 9801 %6 &3IChUR 1,4016, 9802 %6 &3IChUR& 1,4005, 9803 %6 &3IChUR& 1,4038, 9804 %6 &3IChUR 1,3987, 9805 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2048 (Mus. Nazionale), 9806 %6 &3IChUR 1,13 (S. Ambrosius), 9807 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19807 (C. Cyriacae), 9809 %6 &3IChUR& 1,3985 (place?), 9810 %6 &3IChUR& 1,3978 (Rome?, place?), 9811 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2075 (Rome, Mus. Nazionale), 9812 %6 &3IChUR 1,2049, 9813 %6 &3IChUR& 8,22827 (C. Maius), 9814 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2050 (Mus. Nazionale), 9816 %6 &3IChUR& 1,1867 (Mus. Lateran.), 9817 %6 &3IChUR& 1,1872, 9818 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2580 (Mus. Vatican.), 9819 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2583, 9820 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2564, 9821 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2569, 9822 %6 &3IChUR& 3,9321 [Wessel 170] (Via Ardeatina), 9823 %6 &3IChUR 9,24276 (Via Salaria), 9824 %6 &3IChUR& 1,1886 (Mus. Lateran.), 9825 %6 &3IChUR& 1,1856, 9826 %6 &3IChUR& 1,1853, 9827 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2561 (Mus. Vatican.), 9828 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2575, 9829 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2581, 9830 %6 &3IChUR& 2,4228 (Bas. S. Petri), 9831 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2080 (Mus. Vatican.; 343 ac), 9832 %6 &3IChUR& 9,25979 (C. Priscillae), 9833 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24269 (Via Salaria), 9834 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2587 (Mus. Vatican.), 9835 %6 &3IG& 14.1613 (place?), 9836 %6 &3IChUR& 3,9325 (Via Ardeatina), 9836 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19850 (C. Cyriacae), 9838 %6 &3IChUR& 3,9326 (Via Ardeatina), 9838 %6 &3IChUR& 8,23386a (Priscillianae), 9839 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24271 [Wessel 168] (Via Salaria), 9840 %6 &3IChUR& 1,1898 (Mus. Lateran.), 9841 %6 &3IChUR 1,1346 (Mus. Capitol.), 9842 %6 &3IChUR& 1,940 (S. Praxes; 367 ac), 9843 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2976 (Rome, Umbria: Pisaurum), 9845 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2975 (Rome, place?), 9846 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2977 (Rome, Umbria: Pisaurum), 9847 %6 &3IChUR& 1,4001 (Rome, place?), 9848 %6 &3IChUR& 1,4022, 9849 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24273 (Via Salaria), 9854 %6 &3IChUR 1,2934 (Rome?, Etruria: Perusia), 9861 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2767 (Rome?, Etruria: Florentia); 9869 %6 Bollini, &3IGrRav& 45,17 (AEMILIA, Ravenna; ca. 643 ac), 9870 %6 &3IGrRav& 44,16 (ca. 625%19`643 ac); 9884 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2893 (Rome?, Latium: Velitrae), 9885 %6 &3IChUR 1,1865 (Rome, Mus. Lateran.). @ Gauthier, N., &3Recueil des inscriptions chre/tiennes de la &3Gaule, I: Premie\re Belgique.& Paris 1975. Includes: &3IChGaule 1,10 [&3IG& 14.2558; Wessel 56] (BELGICA I, Aug. Treverorum; 5th ac), 1,32,b [&3ILCV& 4461F,a] (5th ac), 1,92 [&3CIJ& 672a (Add.)] (2nd%3beg. 3rd ac?), 1,93 [&3IG& 14.2559; Wessel 45] (409 ac), 1,94 (5th ac), 1,112 [&3IG& 14.2560; Wessel 46] (ca. 400 ac?), 1,168 [&3IG& 14.2561; Wessel 18] (4th ac), 1,172 [Guard., &3EG IV,499] (ca. 375%19`450 ac?), 1,211 [&3SEG& 19.651] (383 ac), 235,a(1) (4th ac), 236,i (ca. 400 ac). @ Descombes, F., &3Recueil des inscriptions chre/tiennes de la &3Gaule, XV: Viennoise du Nord.& Paris 1985. Includes: 15,64 [&3IG 14.2492] (VIENNENSIS [N.], Vienne; 441 ac), 15,178 [&3IG 14.2490; Wessel 176] (5th ac), 15,180, 15,186 [&3IG& 14.2491; Wessel 126] (5th ac). @ @@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references (Italy, Sicily) __ @ For &3Akrai,& see Bernabo\ Brea, &3Akrai. @ &3Analecta Bollandiana& (Brussels and Paris). &3AnalBoll& 27 (1908) 369 %6 Guarducci, &3EG& IV,519,7 (PICENUM, Ancona; ca. 550%19`600 ac). @ &3Antichita\ Altoadriatiche. AAltoadr& 12 (1977) 391 %6 Guarducci, &3EG& IV,510,3 [Wessel 134; &3ILS& 8883] (VENETIA, Julia Concordia; 6th ac). @ &3Archivio storico per la Sicilia& (Palermo). &3ASSic& 4%19`5 (1938%19`1939) pp. 19%19`37, no. 88, %6 Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 33 (SICILY, Syracuse). @ &3Archivio storico per la Sicilia orientale& (Catania). &3ASSicOr& 8 (1931) 40,1 %6 Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) no. 96 (SICILY, Catana; 435 ac), 48,2 %6 Agnello 88 (345 ac). @ &3Arctos. Acta Philologica Fennica& (Helsinki). &3Arctos& N.S. 7 (1972) 204 %6 &3BE/& 1973,93 (ROME). @ Bernabo\ Brea, L., &3Akrai.& "Societa\ di Storia Patria per la Sicilia Orientale, Biblioteca, serie III. Monografie Archeologiche della Sicilia," I; Catania 1956. P. 170,52 %6 &3IG 14.2413,17 (SICILY, Acrae). @ Brusin, G., and E.L. Zovatto, &3Monumenti palaeochristiani di &3Aquileia e di Grado.& Udine 1957. Pp. 331%19`349, nos. 3 %6 &3BE/ 1961,846[a] (VENETIA, Aquileia; 4th ac), 8 %6 &3BE%27& 1961,846[b] (4th ac), 18 %6 &3BE/& 1961,846[c] (4th ac). @ &3Bulletino della commissione archaeologica communale in Roma (Rome). &3BullComm& 57 (1929) 307,10 %6 Guarducci, &3EG& IV,533,2 (ROME, C. Pamphili; ca. 150%19`200 ac); __ &3BullComm& 75 (1953%19`1955) 83 %6 Guarducci, &3EG& IV,530,1 (ROME, V. Latina; 2nd ac). @ Cagnat, R., et al., &3Inscriptiones Graecae ad Res Romanas &3pertinentes.& 3 vols. Paris 1906%19`1927. &3IGRR& 1.416 %6 &3IG& 14.879 (CAMPANIA, Baiae; later 4th ac?), 487 %6 &3IG& 14.403 (SICILIA, Messana), 492 %6 &3IG& 14.19 (SICILIA, Syracusae), 500 %6 &3IG& 14.278 (SICILIA, Lilybaeum; 4th ac?), 1389 %6 &3IChUR& 2,6404 [Wessel 108] (ROME, C. Commodillae). @ &3Chariste%26rion eis A.K. Orlandon.& 4 vols. "Bibliothe%26ke%26 te%26s en Athe%26nais Archaiologike%26s Hetaireias," 54; Athens 1965%19`1968. &3ChOrl& I (1965) 6 %6 &3CIG& 8727 (BRUTTIUM, Rossano; 1137 ac), 10 %6 &3CIG& 8726 (SICILIA, Messana; 1135 ac); @ &3La Civilita\ cattolica& (Rome). &3CivCat& 1941:2.375 %6 Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 35 (SICILY, Syracuse). @ &3Epigraphica& (Rome). &3Epigr& 5%19`6 (1943%19`1944) 99 %6 Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 70 (SICILY, Trepiedi%3Modica); __ &3Epigr& 10 (1948 [`1950]) 62 %6 Guarducci, &3EG& IV, 505,1 (TRANSPADANA, Milan; ca. 400 ac); __ &3Epigr& 11 (1949) 55 %6 Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 86 (SICILY, Lipari Isl.); __ &3Epigr& 18 (1956) 94 %6 &3BE/& 199,523 (SARDINIA, Fangariu; 6th%19`7th ac?); __ &3Epigr& 33 (1971) 172 %6 &3BE/ 1973,542 (VENETIA, Julia Concordia; ca. 400 ac). @ Guarducci, M., &3I graffiti sotto la Confessione di San Pietro &3in Vaticano.& 2 vols. Rome [Citta\ del Vaticano] 1958. &3GrafVat II,385 %6 Guarducci, &3EG& IV,552,7 (ROME, Vatican cemetery; ca. 325 ac?). @ For &3IChUR&(`1), see de Rossi, &3Inscriptiones Christianae Urbis &3Romae& (1857%19`1861). @ Kaibel, G., &3Epigrammata graeca.& Berlin 1878. Kaibel 732 %6 &3CIG 9715 (ROME, C. Hermetis). @ Libertini, G., &3Il Museo Biscari.& Milan and Rome 1930. &3MusBiscar& 37,5 %6 Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 60, (SICILY, ȺCatana), 44,7 %6 Agnello 61, 44,8 %6 Agnello 62. @ &3Me/langes d'arche/ologie et d'histoire publie/s par l'E/cole &3Franc%25aise de Rome& (Paris). &3MAH& 57 (1940) 106 %6 &3CIG& 9543 (CAMPANIA, Neapolis; 721%3`2 ac). @ &3Me/langes de l'E/cole Franc%25aise de Rome, Moyen Age& (Paris). &3MEFRA,MA& 83 (1971) 149 here %6 &3BZ& 66 (1973) 266 [no text] and &3SEG& 34,1027 (LATIUM ADJ., Terracina; 663 ac?). @ &3Memorie della Pontificia Accademia Romani di Archeologia (Rome). Orsi, in &3MPARA& 1 (1923) 113%19`122, nos. 1 %6 Agnello 39 (SICILY, Syracuse), 10 %6 Agnello 40, 14 %6 Agnello 41, 30 %6 Agnello 98 (513, 517 ac); __ Ferrua, in &3MPARA&(`3) 3 (1979) 75 [&3SEG& 31.847; cf. &3SEG& 36.1279] %6 &3IChUR& 1,2636 (ROME?, Latium: Anagnia), 115 [&3SEG& 31.873] %6 &3IChUR& 1,3988 (ROME?, place?), 118 [&3SEG& 31.872] %6 &3IChUR& 8,22833 [&3IChUR& 1.4033] (ROME, C. Maius). @ &3Monumenti Antichi dell'Accademia dei Lincei& (Rome). &3MonLinc& 24 (1917) 707 %6 Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 67 (SICILY, Salemi). @ For &3MusBiscar,& see Libertini, &3Il Museo Biscari& (1930). @ &3Oikoumene. Studi palaeocristiani pubblicati in onore del &3Concilio Ecumenico Vaticano II.& Catania 1964. P. 605,3 %6 Guarducci, &3EG& IV,522,1 (SICILY, Catana; 4th ac). @ Orsi, P., &3Sicilia Byzantina,& I. Tivoli 1942. &3SicilByz& I, pp. 208 %6 Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 66 [Wessel 7] (SICILY, Palazz. Acreide), 222 %6 Agnello 93 (Trepiedi%3Modica; 394 or 402 ac), 224 %6 Agnello 69. @ Peek, W., &3Griechische Vers%19Inschriften, I.& Leipzig 1955. &3GVI 94 %6 &3RAC& 17 (1940) 48,2 (SICILY, Syracuse; 2nd%19`3rd ac); 1763 %6 &3IG& 14.2241 (SAMNIUM, Scandriglia; 1st%19`2nd ac?), 1907 %6 Guard., &3EG& IV,505,1 (TRANSPADANA, Milan; ca. 350%19`425 ac); @ &3Revue des e/tudes byzantines& (Paris). &3REB& 22 (1964) 180,a %6 &3BE/ 1965,492[a] (CALABRIA, S. Severina; ca. 1035 ac), 180,b %6 &3BE/ 1965,492[b] (ca. 1035 ac); @ &3Revue des e/tudes latines& (Paris). &3RE/L& 1968.162 %6 &3BE/& 1969,626 (ROME, Palatine). @ &3Rivista di archeologia cristiana della Pontificia Commissione &3di Archeologia sacra& (Rome). &3RAC& 17,1%3`2 (1940), 46,1a %6 Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 82 (SICILY, Syracuse), 71,12 %6 Agnello 34; __ &3RAC& 18,3%3`4 (1941) 177 %6 &3IG& 14.242 (SICILY, Acrae), 208 %6 &3IG& 14.254 (Licodia), 221,107 %6 &3IG& 14.559 (Catina), 222,108 %6 &3IG& 14.533, 225 %6 &3IG& 14.348 (Therm. Himeraeae), 226 %6 &3IG& 14.465 (Catina), 234 %6 &3IG& 14.442 (Tauromenium), 237 %6 &3IG& 14.592 (Ustica Is.), 242 %6 &3IG& 14.489 (Catina), 243,141 %6 &3IG& 14.508, 243n2 %6 &3IG& 14.516; __ &3RAC& 31 (1955) 105 %6 Guarducci, &3EG IV,549,6 (ITALY, Rome: Lateran; beg. 4th ac); __ &3RAC& 36 (1960) 19,10 %6 &3BE/& 1962,391 (SICILY, Syracuse); __ &3RAC& 38 (1962) 140 %6 &3BE/& 1965,485 (ITALY, Rome: Forum); __ &3RAC& 43 (1967) 45,10 %6 &3BE/ 1969,624 (VENETIA, Aquileia; ca. 400 ac?), __ &3RAC& 58 (1982) 358 [SEG 32.1061] %6 &3IChUR& 7,17548%7`19864%3`1347 (ROME, C. Cyriacae; 414 ac), 365 [&3SEG& 32.1063] %6 &3IChUR& 2,5659 [&3CIG& 9777; &3IG& 14.1462] (Bas. S. Pauli), 371ff. [&3SEG& 32.1067] %6 &3IChUR 2,5669%7`5675 [&3CIG& 9738], 371ff. [&3SEG& 32.1067] %6 &3IChUR& 2,4444 (C. Octavillae), 377 [&3SEG& 32.1062] %6 &3IChUR& 2,4957 [&3CIG& 9752; Wessel 88] (Bas. S. Pauli; 471 ac), 380 [&3SEG& 32.1066] %6 &3IChUR 4,12883 [&3CIG& 9656; Wessel 89] (C. Praetextati). @ &3Mitteilungen des deutschen archa+ologischen Instituts. Ro+mische &3Abteilung& (Berlin). &3Ro+mMitt& 80 (1973) 169 with 81 (1974) 341 %6 Guarducci, &3EG& IV,529,1 (ROME, Via Latina; 2nd ac), @ For &3Sicil.Byz.,& see Orsi, &3Sicilia Byzantina,& I (1942). @ &3Siculorum Gymnasium& (Catane). &3SiculGymn& 3 (1950) 122 %6 Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 103 (SICILY, Syracuse). @ &3Studi Classici e Orientali& (Pisa). &3StClOr& 19%19`20 (1971%19`1972) 442 %6 &3BE/& 1972,635 (ROME, Lateran; ca. 250%19`300 ac?). @ &3Studi Medievali& (Spoleto). &3StMed& 1970.403 %6 &3BCH& 9 (1885) 211 (CALABRIA, Carpignano; 959 ac). @ &3Vizantijskij Vremennik& (Petrograd). &3VizVrem& 11 (1904) 411 %6 &3CIG& 8725 (ITALY, Latium, Grottaferrata; 11th ac). @ Wessel, Karl, &3Inscriptiones graecae christianae veteres &3Occidentis.& Diss. Halle, 1936. Not available to the compiler at the time of this release of this data bank. Cross%19references to this collection have subsequently been added to the supplementary bibliography. __ Concordance and updated list of sources (inscriptions not in the data bank are labeled as "lacking"): Wessel, nos. 1 %6 &3IChUR& 4,12858 [&3CIG 6523b; &3IG& 14.1997; &3IChUR& 2,5978] (ROME, V. Appia%3Ardeatina); 2 %6 &3CIG& 9837 [Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei Vaticani& (1963) 97] (ROME, Vatican Mus.); 3 lacking %6 &3MPARA& 1 (1923) 118,18 [&3SEG 4.18] (SICILY, Syracuse); 4 %6 &3NSc& 1893.304,100 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 217] (SICILY, Syracuse); 5 lacking %6 &3RQ& 4 (1904) 257 (SICILY, Syracuse); 6 lacking %6 &3NSc& 1909.349 (SICILY, Syracuse); 7 %6 Agnello, &3Silloge& 66 [Orsi, &3Sicilia &3Byzantina,& I (1942), p. 208] (SICILY, Palazz. Acreide); 8 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2585 [&3IG& 14.2023] (ROME, Vatican Mus.); 8,adn. lacking %6 &3IChUR& 4,10721 (ROME, C. Callisti); 9 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2973 (ROME?, Umbria: Pisaurum); 10 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19820 (ROME, C. Cyriacae); 11 lacking %6 &3IChUR& 2,5098 (ROME, Bas. S. Pauli; 408 ac); 12 %6 Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 290bis [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 25364a; &3IG 10,2:1.1027] (AFRICA PROC., Carthago; ca. 2nd ac); 13 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 354 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 395] (SICILY, Syracuse); 14 %6 &3IChUR& 2,4849 (ROME, Bas. S. Pauli; 408 ac); 15 %6 &3IG& 14.2354 (VENETIA, Aquileia); 16 %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 248,94 [&3CIL& 8,p.620,e] (NUMIDIA, Cirta%19Constantina; 4th ac?); 17 %6 &3IGLRom& 37 (SKYTHIA MINOR, Tomis; 5th%19`6th ac); 18 %6 &3IChGaule& 1,168 [&3IG& 14.2561] (BELGICA I, Aug. Treverorum); 19 lacking %6 Egger, &3FSalona& II 96,180 (DALMATIA, Salona; 454 ac); 19,adn. %6 &3IChUR& 7,17548%7`19864%3`1347 [Feissel, &3RAC& 58 (1982) 358 (&3SEG& 32.1061)] (ROME; C. Cyriacae); 20 %6 &3IChUR& 1,4009 (ROME, place?); 21 %6 &3IChUR& 1,4002 [&3IG& 14.1630] (ROME, place?); 22 %6 &3IChUR& 1,1883 [&3CIG& 9550] (ROME; Lateran Mus.); 23 %6 &3NSc 1893.306,111 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 225] (SICILY, Syracuse); 24 lacking %6 &3IChUR& 4,12204 (ROME, C. Cis Callisti); 25 %6 &3Bull.arch.Com.trav.hist.& 1927.121 and 1928 1928%3`1929.90,1 [&3AE/& 1928,35; &3SEG& 9.872] (AFRICA PROC., Hippo Regius ["a\ Bo=ne"], 587 ac); 26 %6 &3IChUR& 3,9316 [&3CIG& 9666] (ROME, Via Ardeatina); 27 lacking %6 &3IChUR& 4,12182 [&3SEG& 4.128] (ROME, C. Cis Callisti); 28 lacking %6 &3NSc& 1909.186 (SARDINIA, Carales); 29 %6 7,19767%3`1857 (ROME; C. Cyriacae; 414 ac); 30 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5709a [&3CIG& 9759] (ROME; Mus. Paulianum); 31 %6 &3IG 14.2358 (VENETIA, Aquileia); 32 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5064 (ROME, Bas. S. Pauli; 534 ac); 32,adn. lacking %6 &3IChUR& 8,23748 (ROME, Via Salaria: C. S. Felicitatis); 33 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5679 [&3CIG& 9743] (ROME, Bas. S. Pauli); 34 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5661 [&3CIG& 9764] (ROME, Bas. S. Pauli); 35 %6 &3IG& 14.2379 (VENETIA, Aquileia); 36 lacking %6 &3IChUR& 1,870 (ROME, S. Martinus); 37 %6 &3IChUR 2,5669%7`5675 [&3CIG& 9738; Wessel 37] with Feissel, &3RAC& 58 (1982) 371ff. [&3SEG& 32.1067] (ROME, Bas. S. Pauli); 37,adn.(1) %6 &3IChUR 2,5678 [&3CIG& 9742] (ROME, Bas. S. Pauli); 37,adn.(2) %6 &3CIG& 9429 (DALMATIA, Salona); 38 %6 Agnello, &3Silloge& 25 [&3RQ& 10 (1896) 24,301; Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 348; (SICILY, Syracuse); 39 %6 &3IChUR& 4,12186 [&3SEG& 4.129] (ROME, C. Cis Callisti); 40 %6 &3NSc& 1895.511,236 [Strazzulla, &3Museum &3Epigraphicum& (1897) 308] (SICILY, Syracuse); 41 %6 &3NSc 1893.299,80 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 203] (SICILY, Syracuse); 42 %6 &3IChUR& 1,962 [&3CIG& 9726] (ROME, S. Praxes); 43 %6 &3IG& 14.2306 (VENETIA, Verona); 44 %6 &3IChUR& 1,868 [&3CIG& 9787] (ROME, S. Martinus); 45 %6 &3IChGaule& 1,93 [&3IG 14.2559] (BELGICA I, Aug. Treverorum; 409 ac), 46 %6 &3IChGaule Ⱥ1,112 [&3IG& 14.2560] (BELGICA I, Aug. Treverorum; ca. 400 ac); 47 %6 &3IChUR& 1,1870 [cf. &3SEG& 36.1279] (ROME, Lateran Mus.); 48 lacking %6 &3IChUR& 3,8048 (ROME, C. Domitillae); 48,adn. %6 &3IChUR 2,5706a [&3CIG& 9739] (ROME, Bas. S. Pauli); 49 lacking %6 &3CIL 3.14894 (DALMATIA, Salona); 50 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5100b%3`5656a [&3CIG 9748] (ROME, Bas. S. Pauli; 409 ac?); 51 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19790 [&3CIG 9612] (ROME, C. Cyriacae); 52 %6 &3IG& 14.2255,a [Wessel 52] (UMBRIA, Arimnium); 52,adn. lacking %6 &3IChUR& 1,990 (ROME, SS. IV Coronat.); 53 lacking %6 Egger, &3FSalona& II 101,224 (DALMATIA, Salona); 54 %6 &3IG& 14.2300 (TRANSPADANA, Comum; 401 ac); 55 lacking %6 &3CIL& 3.9522 (DALMATIA, Salona); 56 %6 &3IChGaule 1,10 [&3IG& 14.2558] (BELGICA I, Aug. Treverorum; 5th ac); 57 %6 &3IChUR& 2,4891 [&3CIG& 9730; Wessel 56] with Feissel, &3Syria& 59 (1982) 321 [&3SEG& 36.937] (ROME, Bas. S. Pauli; 431 ac); 58 %6 &3IG 14.2290 (TRANSPADANA, Ticinum; 471 ac); 59 lacking %6 Egger, &3FSalona& II 82,107 (DALMATIA, Salona); 60 %6 &3IG& 14.2265 (ETRURIA, Florentia; 417 ac); 61 %6 &3IG& 14.2359 (VENETIA, Aquileia); 62 lacking %6 &3CIL& 3.2659,adn. (DALMATIA, Salona; 535 ac); 63 lacking %6 &3IChUR& 3,9319 (ROME, Via Ardeatina); 64 %6 &3IChUR& 3,7243b (ROME; C. Domitillae); 65 %6 &3IChUR& 4,12516 [&3CIG 9600] (ROME, C. Cis Callisti; 3rd ac); 66 %6 &3CIG& 9770 (ROME, Bas. S. Pauli); 67 %6 &3CIL& 3.13123 [Feissel, &3BCH& 107 (1983) 601%19`609 (&3SEG& 33.491)] (DALMATIA, Salona); 67,adn. lacking %6 &3IChUR& 1,1899.4 (ROME, Lateran Mus.); 68 %6 &3IChUR& 1,1861 (ROME; Lateran Mus.); 69 lacking %6 &3IChUR& 4,12866b (ROME, Via Appia%3Ardeatina); 70 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2634 [&3CIG& 9655a] (ROME?, Latium: Anagnia); 71 lacking %6 &3MPARA& 1 (1923) 115,6 [&3SEG& 4.6] (SICILY, Syracuse); 72 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2151 [&3ILCV& 4461C; Wessel 72] (ROME, Vatican Mus.); 73 lacking %6 &3NBull& 1918%3`1919.91.14 (LATIUM, Grottaferrata); 74 lacking %6 Egger, &3FSalona& II no. 73 (DALMATIA, Salona); 75 %6 &3IG& 14.633 [&3SEG& 1.421; &3CIJ 1.635a,p.49] (BRUTTIUM, (BRUTTIUM, Hipponium__Vibo Valentia); 76, &3vacat&; 77 lacking %6 &3IChUR& 2,6417 (ROME, C. Commodillae); 78 lacking %6 &3IChUR& 4,12866c (ROME, Via Appia%3Ardeatina); 79 %6 &3IG& 14.2347%3`8 [&3JO+AI& 6 (1903) Beibl. 75] (VENETIA, Aquileia); 80 %6 &3IG& 14.2356%3`2360 [&3JO+AI& 6 (1903) Beibl. 78; Guard. &3EG& IV,512] (VENETIA, Aquileia; 5th ac); 81 lacking %6 &3CRAI& 1918.434 (AFRICA PROC., Carthago); 82 lacking %6 &3IG& 14.2405,47 (SICILY, Syracuse); 83 %6 &3IG& 14.2267 (ETRURIA, Florentia); 84 %6 &3IG 14.2268b (ETRURIA, Florentia); 85 %6 &3IG& 14.2298 (TRANSPADANA, Mediolanum; 444 ac); 86 lacking %6 &3IChUR& 2,6415 (ROME, C. Commodillae); 87 %6 &3IChUR& 3,9307 [&3CIG& 9640] (ROME, Via Ardeatina); 88 %6 &3IChUR& 2,4957 [&3CIG& 9752] with Feissel, &3RAC& 58 (1982) 377 [&3SEG& 32.1062] (ROME, Bas. S. Pauli; 471 ac); 89 %6 &3IChUR& 4,12883 [&3CIG& 9656] with Feissel, &3RAC& 58 (1982) 380 [&3SEG 32.1066] (ROME, C. Praetextati); 90 %6 &3IG& 14.2476 (VIENN., S., Arelate [Arles]) 91 %6 &3IChUR& 1,1891 [&3IG& 14.1975] (ROME, Lateran Mus.); 92 %6 &3IG& 14.2355 (VENETIA, Aquileia); 92,adn. %6 &3IG 14.2352 (VENETIA, Aquileia); 93 lacking %6 &3MPARA& 1 (1923) 118,21 [&3SEG& 4.21] (SICILY, Syracuse); 94 lacking %6 &3CIL 8.14088a (AFRICA PROC., Carthago); 95 lacking %6 &3IChUR& 3,8395 (ROME, C. Domitillae); 96 lacking %6 Vives, &3ICERV& 420 [Hu+bner 315] (PACENSIS [Lus.]: Myrtilis [Me/rtola]); 97 lacking %6 Egger, &3FSalona& II 196 (DALMATIA, Salona); 98 %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 248,93 [&3CIL& 8.17384] (AFRICA PROC., Thabraca); 99 %6 &3IG& 14.117 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 58] (SICILY, Syracuse); 100 lacking %6 &3IChUR& 2,4271b [&3IChUR&(`1) 1,402] (ROME, C. Octavillae); 101 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5676 [&3CIG& 9731] (ROME, Bas. S. Pauli); 102 %6 &3IChUR& 1,4041 [Wessel 102] with Feissel, &3TravMe/m 8 (1981) 138 [&3SEG& 31.869] (ROME, Vatican Mus.); 103 %6 &3IChUR 1,3036 [cf. &3SEG& 36.1279] (ROME?, Latium: Roc. di Papa); 103,adn. %6 &3IG& 14.2270,a and 2270,c (ETRURIA, Florentia); 104 %6 &3IG& 14.2517 [&3CIL& 12.5340; &3ILCV& 2891] (NARBON. I, Narbo [Narbonne]; 527 ac); 105 %6 &3IChUR& 2,4434 [&3CIG& 9786] (ROME, C. Octavillae); 106 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5682 [&3CIG& 9776] (ROME, Bas. S. Pauli); 107 %6 &3IChUR& 1,87 (ROME, S. Caecilia; 411 ac?); 108 %6 &3IChUR& 2,6404 [&3IGRR& 1.1389] (ROME, C. Commodillae); 109 %6 &3IG 14.1487 (ROME, V. Tiburtina); 110 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24839 (ROME, C. Priscillae); 111 lacking %6 &3IChUR& 2,5143 (ROME, Bas. S. Pauli); 112 %6 &3IG& 14.2573,12 [&3CIL& 12.5690,138] (GALLIA NARBON., Aquae Sextiae [Aix] [prov.?]; 6th%19`7th ac?); 113 lacking %6 &3BullArchCr 1884.128f. (VENETIA, Venice %103now:%103); 114 %6 &3IGLRom& 24 (SKYTHIA MINOR, Tomis; 4th ac); 115 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2092 [&3ILCV& 4458] (ROME, Vatican Mus.; 373 ac); 116 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19764 [&3CIG& 9606] (ROME, C. Cyriacae); 117 %6 &3CIL& 3.9534 [&3ILCV& 117; Egger, &3FSalona& II 273] (DALMATIA, Salona; 6th ac); 118 lacking %6 Egger, &3FSalona II 187 (DALMATIA, Salona); 119 lacking %6 &3IChUR& 4,10541 (ROME, C. Callisti); 120 %6 &3IPorto& 75 [&3IG& 14.949a] (LATIUM, Portus; 394%19`423 ac); 121 %6 &3IBulg& 95 (MOESIA II, Odessos; 6th ac); 122 %6 &3IChUR& 2,4441 [&3CIG& 9579] (ROME, C. Octavillae); 123 %6 &3IG 14.895 (CAMPANIA, Pontiae Is.); 124 lacking %6 &3NSc& 1895.494,192 (SICILY, Syracuse); 125 %6 Agnello, &3Silloge& 63 [&3IG& 14.235] (SICILY, Palazz. Acreide); 126 %6 &3IChGaule& 15,186 [&3IG& 14.2941] (VIENN., N., Vienna [Vienne]; 5th ac); 127 %6 Agnello, &3Silloge 97 [&3RQ& 10 (1896) 49,353; Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum (1897) 394] 128 %6 &3IChUR& 1,3974 (ROME?, place?; 589 ac); 129 %6 &3IG& 14.629 [&3SEG& 13.469] (BRUTTIUM, Rhegium; end 7th%3`8th ac); 130 %6 &3AEMO+& 9 (1885) 19,30 [&3CIL& 3, p. 282b; &3ILS& 9481] (DALMATIA, Salona; 5th%19`6th ac); 131 lacking %6 &3IChUR& 2,4973 with Feissel, &3RAC& 58 (1982) 379 n. 107 [&3SEG& 32.1062] (ROME, Bas. S. Pauli; 474 ac); 132 %6 &3IBulg& 89 (MOESIA II, Odessos; 6th ac); 133 %6 &3IG& 14.2314 (VENETIA, Vicetia); 134 %6 &3Antichita\ &3Altoadriatiche& 12 (1977) 391 [Guarducci, &3EG& IV,510,3; &3ILS 8883] (VENETIA, Julia Concordia; 6th ac); 135 %6 &3IChUR& 1,4032 [&3IG& 14.2008] (ROME, place?); 136 lacking %6 &3IChUR& 4,10549 (ROME, C. Callisti); 137 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2568 (ROME, Vatican Mus.); 138 %6 &3NSc& 1895.504,224 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 300] (SICILY, Syracuse); 139 %6 &3RQ& 9 (1895) 473,2 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 406] (SICILY, Syracuse); 140 lacking %6 &3NSc& 1918.63,7 (SICILY, Catana); 141 lacking %6 Fuehrer, &3Forschungen zur Sicilia sotteranea& (1897) 770 (SICILY, Syracuse); 142 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5659 [&3CIG& 9777; &3IG& 14.1462; Feissel, &3RAC& 58 (1982) 365; &3SEG& 32.1063] (ROME, Bas. S. Pauli); 143 %6 &3CIG& 9792 (ROME, Trastevere); 144 %6 &3IG& 14.604 (SICILY, Gaulus Is.); 145 %6 &3IChUR& 4,9483 [&3CIG& 9669] (ROME, C. Callisti); 146 %6 &3IG& 14.2310a (VENETIA, Verona; 511 ac); 147 %6 &3IChUR& 8,23373 [&3CIG& 9694; Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei Vaticani (1963) 85] (ROME, Priscillianae); 148 %6 &3IG& 14.2253 (UMBRIA, Pisaurum); 149 lacking %6 &3IG& 14.2405,46 (BRUTTIUM, Leucopetra); 150 %6 &3IG& 14.90 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 31] (SICILY, Syracuse); 151 %6 &3NSc& 1893.309,129 [Strazzulla, &3Museum &3Epigraphicum& (1897) 239] (SICILY, Syracuse); 152 lacking [not Chr.?] %6 &3IGUR& 2,1.641 [&3CIG& 6595; &3IG& 14.1717] (ROME, Vinea Moroni); 153 %6 &3NSc& 1895.482,159 [Strazzulla, &3Museum &3Epigraphicum& (1897) 257] (SICILY, Syracuse); 153A %6 &3NSc 1893.286,36 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 173] (SICILY, Syracuse); 154 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2896 [&3IG& 14.785] (ROME?, Campania: Neapolis); 154,adn. lacking %6 Styger, &3Monumento &3apostolica della Via Appia& (1918) 77,131 (Rome, S. Sebastianus); 155 %6 &3IChUR& 1,1860 [&3IG& 14.1443] (ROME, Lateran Mus.); 156 %6 &3IGLRom& 32 (SKYTHIA MINOR, Tomis; 4th%19`5th ac); 157 %6 &3NSc& 1893.313,147 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) Ⱥ250] (SICILY, Syracuse); 158 %6 &3IG& 14.2351 (VENETIA, Aquileia); 159 %6 &3CIG& 9436 (DALMATIA, Lissa Is.); 160 %6 &3IG& 14.88 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 29] (SICILY, Syracuse); 160,adn. %6 Agnello, &3Silloge& 84 [&3NSc& 1915.203] (SICILY, Syracuse); 161 %6 &3IChUR& 9,26113 (ROME, C. Pricillae); 162 %6 &3RQ& 10 (1896) 29,314 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum (1897) 392] (SICILY, Syracuse); 163 %6 &3IChUR& 4,12847 [&3CIG 9710], (ROME, V. Appia%3Ardeatina); 164 %6 &3IChUR& 9,26122 [&3CIG 9702] (ROME, C. Priscillae); 165 lacking %6 &3IChUR& 4,12214 (ROME, C. Cis Callisti); 166 %6 &3IG& 14.2263 (ETRURIA, Orbetello; 6th ac?); 167 %6 &3CIG& 9695 (ROME, C. Priscillae); 168 %6 &3IChUR 9,24271 [&3CIG& 9839] (ROME, Via Salaria); 169 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24815 [&3CIG& 9701; &3IG& 14.1662] (ROME, C. ad V. Anapo); 170 %6 &3IChUR 3,9321 [&3CIG& 9822] (ROME, Via Ardeatina); 171 lacking %6 &3MPARA& 1 (1923) 118,19 [&3SEG& 4.19] (SICILY, Syracuse); 172 %6 &3IChUR 9,26042 [&3IG& 14.1610] (ROME, C. Priscillae); 173 lacking [not Chr.] %6 &3IG& 14.2554 [&3CIL& 11.553] (UMBRIA, Arimnium); 174 %6 &3IChUR& 4,12513 [&3CIG& 9668; &3IG& 14.1596] (ROME, C. Cis Callisti); 175 %6 &3IChUR& 9,26085 (ROME, C. Priscillae); 176 %6 &3IChGaule 15,178 [&3IG& 14.2490] (VIENN., N., Vienna [Vienne]; 5th ac); 177 %6 &3NSc& 1893.304,99 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 216] (SICILY, Syracuse); 178 %6 Agnello, &3Silloge& 38 [&3NSc 1893.311,134; Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 242] (SICILY, Syracuse). @ Zilliacus, H., et al., &3Sylloge inscriptionum christianarum &3veterum Musei Vaticani.& "Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae," vol. I:1; Helsinki%19Helsingfors 1963. Partial concordance with &3IChUR& and &3IG& XIV. &3Zill. Vat& 64 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2563%7`2592 [&3IG 14.1461%7] (ROME, Mus. Vatican.), 70 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24600 [&3CIG& 9705] (C. Iordanorum), 71 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24290 (Via Salaria), 72 %6 &3IChUR 1,3979(2) (Rome?, Latium: Velitrae), 73 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19837 (C. Cyriacae), 74 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24269 [&3CIG& 9833] (Via Salaria), 75 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19772 [&3IG& 14.1442] (C. Cyriacae), 76 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19312, 77 %6 &3IChUR& 8,23386a [&3CIG& 9838] (Priscillianae), 79 %6 &3CIG& 9707 (C. Hermetis), 80 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24276 [&3CIG& 9823] (Via Salaria), 81 %6 &3IChUR& 2,4446 [&3CIG& 9582] (C. Octavillae), 82 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19828 [&3CIG& 9569; &3CIJ& App. 5,80*] (C. Cyriacae), 83 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24281 (Via Salaria), 85 %6 &3IChUR& 8,23373 [&3CIG& 9694; Wessel 147; Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei Vaticani& (1963) 85], (Priscillianae), 86 %6 &3IChUR& 8,23367 [&3CIG& 6702; &3IG& 14.2114], 87 %6 &3IChUR& 8,22871 [&3CIG& 9571] (C. Maius), 88 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24274 (Via Salaria), 89 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24278 [&3CIG& 6500; &3IG& 14.1719] (Via Salaria), 90 %6 &3IChUR& 9,25979 [&3CIG& 9832] (C. Priscillae), 91 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24283 (Via Salaria), 96 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24272, 69 %6 &3IChUR 8,23384 (Priscillianae), 78 %6 &3IChUR& 9,23847 (Via Salaria), 84 %6 &3IG& 14.1655 (place?), 92 %6 &3IChUR& 8,23382 (Priscillianae), 97 %6 &3CIG& 9837 [Wessel 2] (place?), 98 %6 &3IG& 14.1381 (C. Hermetis), 290 %6 &3IChUR& 7,20690 (V. Tiburtina). @ @@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references (Gallia) __ @ &3Journal des Savants& (Paris). &3JSav& 1975.47 %6 Guarducci, &3EG IV,494,2 (GALLIA, Lugdunum; end 2nd ac?). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Hispania @ No publications of inscriptions from Spain are included in this release of the data bank. [See the Short Biblio. (1995) for Latin inscriptions of Spain.] @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ Hu+bner, A., &3Inscriptiones Hispaniae christianae.& Berlin 1871. &3IHispChr& 178 %6 Guarducci, &3EG& IV, 485,2 (HISPANIA, Cartagena). Other inscriptions from this volume are reproduced in Diehl, &3ILCV,& which has not been incorporated into this supplementary bibliography. @ &3Mitteilungen des deutschen archa+ologischen Instituts. Madrider &3Mitteilungen& (Berlin). &3MadMitt& 3 (1962) 122 %6 Guarducci, &3EG IV, 482,1 (HISPANIA, Ecija; 4th ac). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Western Illyricum @ Egger, R., &3Forschungen in Salona, 2. Der altchristliche &3Friedhof Manastrine.& Vienna 1926. Not available to the compiler of this data bank. __ Cross%19references: &3FSalona& 2.171 %6 &3CIG& 9427 (DALMATIA, Salona; 437 ac), 175 %6 &3CIG& 9426 (440 ac), 273 %6 &3ILCV& 117 [&3CIL& 3.9534; Wessel 117] (Salona; 6th ac). @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ Peek, W., &3Griechische Vers%19Inschriften, I.& Leipzig 1955. &3GVI 136 %6 &3ILCV& 3042C (DALMATIA, Salona; 3rd%19`4th ac), 136 %6 &3ILCV 3042C (3rd%19`4th ac). @ Noll, R., &3Vom Altertum zum Mittelalter. Spa+tantike, &3altchristliche, vo+lkwanderungszeitliche und &3fru+hmittelalterliche Denkma+ler der Antikensammlung.& Vienna 1958. Noll, &3Vom Alt.& no. 9 %6 &3BE/& 1963,36[b] (PANNONIA II, Sirmium; 352 ac). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Africa @ Note: Many Latin inscriptions from Africa are included in Diehl, &3ILCV& (1925%19`1928). These have not yet been incorporated into the supplementary bibliography. @ For Y. Le Bohec, Y., "Inscriptions juives et judai+santes de l'Afrique romaine," &3Antiquite/s africaines& 17 (1981), pp. 165%19`207, see under "Jewish Inscriptions". @ Monceaux, P., "Enque=te sur l'e/pigraphie chre/tienne d'Afrique," in &3Revue arche/ologique,& 4th ser., 2 (1903) 59%19`90 and 240%19`256. &3RA&(`4) 2.70,1 [&3CIL& 8.10484(7)] (AFRICA PROC., Carthago; 5th%19`6th ac), 70,2 [&3CIL& 8.14258], 71,3, 71,4 [&3SEG& 9.824], 72,5%19`72,6, 72,7%19`73,10 (6th%19`7th ac), 73,11 [&3ILCV& 1.236g] (6th%19`7th ac), 73,12 (6th%19`7th ac); 74,13 (Carthago?; 7th%19`8th ac), 74,14 (10th%19`11th ac); 75,15 (Carthago; 6th ac), 75,16 (6th ac), 76,17%19`76,19 (6th%19`7th ac), 76,20 [&3ILCV& 1.236c] (6th%19`7th ac), 77,21%19`82,40 (6th%19`7th ac), 82,41%19`83,42, 83,43 [Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives ... Afrique romaine," &3Antiquite/s africaines& 17 (1981) 199,106], 83,44%19`85,47, 85,48 [&3SEG& 9.823], 85,49 [&3CIL 8.13601], 85,50%19`85,51, 85,52 [&3CIL& 8.13885], 86,53 [&3CIL 8.14088], 86,54 [&3CIL& 8.14089], 86,55 [&3CIL& 8.14090], 86,56 [&3CIL 8.14092], 86,57 [&3CIL& 8.14093], 86,58 [&3CIL& 8.14094], 86,59 [&3CIL 8.14095], 86,60 [&3CIL& 8.14259], 87,61 [&3CIL& 8.14260], 87,62 [&3CIL 8.14261], 87,63 [&3CIL& 8.14262], 87,64%19`88,73, 88,74 (6th%19`7th ac); 240,75 %6 Reynolds and Ward Perkins, &3Inscr. of Roman &3Tripolitania& (1952) 256a (TRIPOLITANIA, Oea%3Tripoli); 241,76 [Merlin, &3Inscr. lat. de la Tunisie& (1944) 78] (BYZACIUM, Sibi Gerib; 574%19`578 ac); 242,77 (Thysdrus); 242,78 [&3CIL& 8.10485(5)] (AFRICA PROC., Mehedia); 242,79 [&3CIL& 8.11132; &3SEG& 9.812] (Leptiminus); 242,80 (Hadrumentum; 6th%19`7th ac), 243,81%19`243,83 (6th%19`7th ac); 244,84a [&3SEG& 9.819] (Kairouan), 244,84b (6th%19`7th ac); 245,85 [&3CIL& 8.11423; Durliat, &3De/dicaces d'ouvrages de &3de/fense dans l'Afrique byzantine& (1981) 35,14] (BYZACIUM, Sufes; 539%19`544 ac); 245,86 (AFRICA PROC., Hippo Diarrhyt.; 6th%19`7th ac); 246,87 [&3CIL& 8.1259; Durliat, &3De/dicaces d'ouvrages &3de de/fense dans l'Afrique byzantine& (1981) 9,2] (Bordj Hellal; 539%19`544 ac); 246,88 [&3CIL& 8.16257] (Sicca Veneria); 246,89 (Theveste; 6th%19`7th ac); 4) 2.247,90 [Gsell, &3Inscr. lat. de &3l'Alge/rie& (1922%19`1976) 1037; [Durliat, &3De/dicaces d'ouvrages de &3de/fense dans l'Afrique byzantine& (1981) 25,10] (Thagura; 539%19`544 ac); 247,91 [Gsell, &3Inscr. lat. de l'Alge/rie (1922%19`1976) 2114; &3ILCV& 1.804; Durliat, &3De/dicaces d'ouvrages de &3de/fense dans l'Afrique byzantine& (1981) 18,6] (Madaura; 539%19`544 ac); 247,92 (MAURETANIA CAES., Tipasa); 248,93 [&3CIL 8.17384; Wessel 98] (AFRICA PROC., Thabraca); 248,94 [&3CIL 8,p.620,e; Wessel 16] (NUMIDIA, Cirta%19Constantina; 4th ac?); 248,95 [&3CIL& 8.10874], 249,96%19`253,110; 253,111 [&3CIG& 8990] (Rusicade; 6th%19`7th ac?); 254,112 [&3CIL& 8.8653a] (MAURETANIA SIT., Sitifis; 5th%19`7th ac); 254,113 (K. Bou Addoufen); 254,114 (MAURETANIA CAES., Tipasa); 254,115 (Tipasa%3Cherchel; 6th ac); Ⱥ255,116 [&3CIL& 8.21442a] (Caesarea%19Cherchel; 6th ac), 256,117 (6th ac), 256,118 (Djebel Hadjar). @ Durliat, J., &3Les De/dicaces d'ouvrages de de/fense dans &3l'Afrique byzantine.& "Collection de l'E/cole Franc%25aise de Rome," 49. Rome 1981. &3DedAfrByz& 7,1 [Merlin, &3Inscr. lat. de la &3Tunisie& (1944) 1253] (AFRICA PROC., Bordj Hellal; 539%19`544 ac), 9,2 [&3CIL& 8.1259] (539%19`544 ac); 11,3 [Gsell, &3Inscr. lat. de &3l'Alge/rie& (1922%19`1976) 276] (Calama; 539%19`544 ac), 14,4 [&3ILAlg 277] (539%19`544 ac), 17,5 [&3ILAlg& 1.278] (539%19`544 ac); 18,6 [&3ILAlg& 1.2114] (Madaura; 539%19`544 ac), 21,7 (539%19`544 ac); 22,8 [&3CIL& 8.1863 and 8 Suppl. 16507; Dessau, &3ILS& 831] (Theveste; 539%19`544 ac), 25,9 [&3CIL& 8.1864] (539%19`544 ac); 25,10 [&3ILAlg 1037] (Thagura; 539%19`544 ac); 27,11 [&3CIL& 8.10663] (BYZACIUM, Ai+n%19Bou%19Dries; 539%19`544 ac?); 29,12 [&3CIL& 8.101] (Capsa; 539%19`544 ac), 33,13 [&3ILTun& 291] (539%19`544 ac); 35,14 [&3CIL& 8.11423] (Sufes; 539%19`544 ac); 37,15 (Cululis Theodor; 539%19`540 ac); 42,16 (NUMIDIA, Bagai+; 539%19`544 ac); 44,17 [&3CIL& 8.4799] (Gadiaufala; 539%19`544 ac); 46,18 (Ksar Bellezma; 539%19`544 ac); 47,19 [&3AE/& 1911.118] (Thamugadi; 539%3`540 ac), 49,20 (539%3`540 ac), 51,21 (539%3`540 ac); 53,22 (Tigisis; 539%19`544 ac?); 55,23 [&3CIL& 8.8483] (MAURETANIA SIT., Sitifis; 539%19`544 ac), 57,24 [&3CIL& 8.8805] (539%19`544 ac?); 59,25 [&3ILTun& 1434] (AFRICA PROC., Thibursicu Bure; 572%19`574 ac); 62,26 [&3ILTun& 78] (BYZACIUM, Sibi Gerib; 574%19`578 ac); 64,27 (AFRICA PROC., Henchir Sguidan; 578%19`582 ac); 67,28 [&3CIL& 8.17671%7] (NUMIDIA, Mascula; 578%19`582 ac); 71,29 [&3CIL& 8.18540] (Ai+n Kasr; 578%19`582 ac); 77,30 [&3ILTun 605] (AFRICA PROC., Ai+n Lemsa; 582%19`602 ac); 78,31 [&3ILTun& 1227] (Vaga; 6th ac?); 80,32 [&3ILAlg& 3764] (H. Bou Sboa; ca. 600 ac?); 83,33 [&3ILAlg& 3597] (H.%19el%19Ksour; 610%19`626 ac?); 85,34 [&3ILAlg& 1038] (Thagura; 539%19`544 ac?); 86,35 (NUMIDIA, Thabudeos; 539%19`544 ac?), 87,36 (539%19`544 ac?); 87,37 [&3CIL 8.949] (AFRICA PROC., Tubernuc; 578%19`582 ac); 88,38 [&3ILTun 1222] (H. Negaschia; 6th%19`7th ac?), 89,A [&3CIL& 8.2525] (H.%19el%19Ksour; 582%19`602 ac?), 90,B [&3CIL& 8.700] (Churisa; 539%19`544 ac?). @ Reynolds, J.M., and J.B. Ward Perkins, &3The Inscriptions of &3Roman Tripolitania.& Rome 1952. __ Includes: &3IRTrip.& 256b [&3CIG 9137] (TRIPOLITANIA, Oea%19Tripoli); 469a (Lepcis Magna; 337%19`350 ac), 829, 830, 831, 832 [&3SEG& 9.806], 842 (6th ac?). __ Other inscriptions: &3IRTrip.& 103, here %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 779b (Sabratha; 378 ac), 476, here %6 &3ILS& 779a (Lepcis Magna; 378 ac), 571, here %6 &3ILS& 779c (Lepcis Magna; 378 ac). __ Cross%19references: &3IRTrip& 256a %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 240,75 (Oea%3Tripoli). @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ &3Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, VIII. Inscriptiones Africae &3latinae,& ed. Th. Mommsen. Berlin 1881. &3CIL& 8.27 %6 &3ILS& 787 (TRIPOLITANA, Gigthis; 383%19`388 ac); 101 %6 Durliat, &3DedAfrByz 29,12 (BYZACIUM, Capsa; 539%19`544 ac); 608 %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 637 (AFRICA PROC., Henchir Midid; 293%19`305 ac), 700 %6 &3DedAfrByz 90,B (Churisa; 539%19`544 ac?), 949 %6 &3DedAfrByz& 87,37 (Tubernuc; 578%19`582 ac), 989 %6 &3ILS& 9043 (Missua; 4th%19`5th ac), 1259 %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 246,87 and Durliat, &3DedAfrByz& 9,2 (Bordj Hellal; 539%19`544 ac), 1357 %6 &3ILS& 679 (Bisica Luc.; 316 ac), 1432 %6 &3ILS 750 (Thibursicu Bure; 361%19`363 ac), 1434 %6 &3ILS& 833 (572%19`574 ac), 1863 %6 &3ILS& 831 [&3CIL& 8.16507; &3DedAfrByz& 22,8] (Theveste; 539%19`544 ac), 1864 %6 &3DedAfrByz& 25,9 (539%19`544 ac); 2343 %6 &3ILS 633 (NUMIDIA, Thamugadi; 293%19`305 ac), 2346 %6 &3ILS& 632 (293%19`305 ac), 2347 %6 &3ILS& 631 (293%19`305 ac), 2389 %6 &3ILS& 839 [&3CIL& 8.2389] (Tigisis; 641%19`647 ac), 2525 %6 &3DedAfrByz& 89,A (AFRICA PROC, H.%19el%19Ksour; 582%19`602 ac?); 2721 %6 &3ILS& 689 (NUMIDIA, Lambaesis; ca. 312 ac), 4326 %6 &3ILS& 752 (Madher; 361%19`363 ac), 4647 %6 &3ILS 756 (Thagora; 363 ac), 4764 %6 &3ILS& 644 (Ksu=r el%19Ahmar; 303 ac), 4799 %6 &3DedAfrByz& 44,17 (Gadiaufala; 539%19`544 ac), 4848 %6 &3ILS 2943 (Thuburisicu; 326%19`333 ac); 5229 %6 &3ILS& 2811 (AFRICA PROC. [Numidia], Hippo Regius), 5348 %6 &3ILS& 1228 ([Numidia], Calama; after 341 ac); 5526 %6 &3ILS& 651 (NUMIDIA, Thibilis; 306 ac), p. 620,e %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 248,94 (Cirta%19Constantina; 4th ac?), 7004 %6 &3ILS& 674 (308%19`309 ac), 7006 %6 &3ILS& 688 (ca. 312 ac), 7010 %6 &3ILS& 691 (315 ac?), 7011 %6 &3ILS& 715 (333%19`337 ac), 7012%19`7013 %6 &3ILS& 1235%19`1236 (343 ac), 7014 %6 &3ILS& 758 (364%19`367 ac); 8412 %6 &3ILS& 696 (MAURETANIA, Ain%19Roua; 318 ac?), 8477 %6 &3ILS& 695 (Sitifis; 315 ac), 8481 %6 &3ILS& 802 (ca. 425 ac?), 8483 %6 &3DedAfrByz& 55,23 (539%19`544 ac), 8490 %6 &3ILS& 2794 (end 3rd%3beg. 4th), 8653a %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 254,112 (5th%19`7th ac), 8805 %6 &3DedAfrByz& 57,24 (539%19`544 ac?), 8836 %6 &3ILS& 645 (Tubusuctu [Tiklat]; 305%19`308 ac), 8931 %6 &3ILS& 662 (Bougie; ca. 311 ac), 9041 %6 &3ILS& 627 (Auzia; 290 ac), 9248 %6 &3ILS& 2812 (Icosium [Algiers]; 6th%19`7th ac), 9324 %6 &3ILS& 628 (Caesarea; ca. 290 ac), 9356 %6 &3ILS& 686 (2nd%19`3rd ac), 9835 %6 &3ILS& 859 (Altava; 508 ac), 10352 %6 &3ILS& 761 (Sitifis; 364%19`367 ac); 10382 %6 &3ILS& 668 (NUMIDIA, Kherbet Taga; 308%19`312 ac), 10396 %6 &3ILS& 616 (place?; 285 ac?); 10484(7) %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 70,1 (AFRICA PROC., Carthago; 5th%19`6th ac), 10485(5) %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 242,78 (Mehedia); 10489 %6 &3ILS& 779 (TRIPOLITANA, Gigthis; 378 ac); 10498 %6 &3ILS& 834 (BYZACIUM, Sibi Gerib; 574%19`578 ac), 10663 %6 &3DedAfrByz& 27,11 (Ai+n%19Bou%19Dries; 539%19`544 ac?); 10681%3`2 %6 &3ILS 838 (NUMIDIA, near Theveste; 610%19`641 ac), 10874 %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 248,95 (Cirta%19Constantina). @ &3Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, VIII. Supplementum,& ed. R. Cagnat, I. Schmidt, et al. Berlin 1891%19`1954. &3CIL& 8 Suppl., 11132 %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 242,79 (AFRICA PROC., Leptiminus); 11423 %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 245,85 and Durliat, &3DedAfrByz& 35,14 (BYZACIUM, Sufes; 539%19`544 ac); 12455 %6 &3ILS& 778 (AFRICA PROC., Carpis [el%19Meri=ssa]; 371%19`373 ac), 12527 %6 &3ILS& 768 (Carthago; 366%19`368 ac), 13601 %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 85,49, 13885 %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 85,52, 14088 %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 86,53, 14089 %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 86,54, 14090 %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 86,55, 14092 %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 86,56, 14093 %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 86,57, 14094 %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 86,58, 14095 %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 86,59, 14258 %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 70,2, 14259 %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 86,60, 14260 %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 87,61, 14261 %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 87,62, 14262 %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 87,63, 14752 %6 &3ILS& 763 (Hr. Msa'adi=n; 366%19`367 ac), 15451 %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 690 (Uchi Maiores; ca. 312 ac), 16257 %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 246,88 (Sicca Veneria), 16507 [&3CIL& 8.1863; &3ILS& 831] %6 &3DedAfrByz& 22,8 (Theveste; 539%19`544 ac), 17384 %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 248,93 [Wessel 98] (Thabraca); 17671%7 %6 &3DedAfrByz& 67,28 (NUMIDIA, Mascula; 578%19`582 ac), 17884 %6 &3ILS 654 (Thamugadi; 305%19`308 ac), 18540 %6 &3DedAfrByz& 71,29 (Ai+n Kasr; 578%19`582 ac); 20683 %6 &3ILS& 649 (MAURETANIA, Bougie; 293%19`305 ac), 20836 %6 &3ILS& 638 (Su=r Djua=b; 293%19`305 ac), 20989 %6 &3ILS& 671 (Caesarea; 311%19`312 ac), 21442a %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 255,116 (Caesarea; 6th ac); 22004 %6 &3ILS& 680 (AFRICA PROC., Hr. el%19Arfanin; 317%19`324 ac), 22183 %6 &3ILS& 8936 (Sicca?; 308%19`309 ac), 22196 %6 &3ILS& 719 (Simitthu; 335%19`337 ac), 22184 %6 &3ILS& 747 (Sicca; 350%19`353 ac), 22196 %6 &3ILS& 719 (Smitthus; 335%19`337 ac); 22284 %6 &3ILS& 744 (NUMIDIA, Theveste; 350%19`353 ac), 22376 %6 &3ILS 717 (Smendu; 317%19`326 ac); 22490 %6 &3ILS& 8933 (NUMIDIA, Diana%3Zarai; ca. 305 ac), 23116%6 &3ILS& 8942 (Semta; 315 ac); 22181 %6 &3ILS& 9206 (BYZACIUM, Thelepte); 23897 %6 &3ILS& 8941 (AFRICA PROC., Thabbora; 314 ac), 25362 %6 &3ILS& 8960 (Tunes; ca. Ⱥ530%19`533 ac), 25364a %6 Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 290bis [Wessel 12; &3IG& 10,2:1.1027] (Carthago; ca. 2nd ac). @ &3Anne/e e/pigraphique& (Paris). &3AE/& 1911.118 %6 Durliat, &3DedAfrByz (1981) 47,19 (NUMIDIA, Thamugadi; 539%3`540 ac). @ &3Bulletin d'arche/ologie alge/rienne& (Algiers). &3BAAlg& 3 (1968 [`1970]) 174%19`175 %6 &3BE/& 1970,665 (AFRICA PROC., Theveste; 5th ac). @ Gsell, S., et al., &3Inscriptions latines de l'Alge/rie.& 3 vols. Paris 1922, 1957; Algiers 1976. &3ILAlg& 276 %6 Durliat, &3DedAfrByz 11,3 (AFRICA PROC., Calama; 539%19`544 ac), 277 %6 &3DedAfrByz& 14,4 (539%19`544 ac), 278 %6 &3DedAfrByz& 17,5 (539%19`544 ac), 1037 %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 247,90 %6 Durliat, &3DedAfrByz& 25,10 (Thagura; 539%19`544 ac), 1038 %6 &3DedAfrByz& 85,34 (539%19`544 ac?), 2114 %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 247,91 %6 Durliat, %6 &3DedAfrByz& 18,6 (Madaura; 539%19`544 ac), 3597 %6 &3DedAfrByz& 83,33 (H.%19el%19Ksour; 610%19`626 ac?), 3764 %6 &3DedAfrByz& 80,32 (H. Bou Sboa; ca. 600 ac?). @ Merlin, A., &3Inscriptions latines de la Tunisie.& Paris 1944. &3ILTun& 78 %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 241,76 %6 Durliat, &3DedAfrByz& 62,26 (BYZACIUM, Sibi Gerib; 574%19`578 ac), 291 %6 &3DedAfrByz& 33,13 (Capsa; 539%19`544 ac), 605 %6 &3DedAfrByz& 77,30 (AFRICA PROC., Ai+n Lemsa; 582%19`602 ac), 814 [&3AE/& 1925.72] %6 &3TravMe/m& 9 (1985) 423] (Tubernuc; 336 ac), 1222 %6 &3DedAfrByz& 88,38 (H. Negaschia; 6th%19`7th ac?), 1227 %6 &3DedAfrByz& 78,31 (Vaga; 6th ac?), 1253 %6 &3DedAfrByz& 7,1 (Bordj Hellal; 539%19`544 ac), 1434 %6 &3DedAfrByz 59,25 (Thibursicu Bure; 572%19`574 ac). @ &3Rivista di archeologia cristiana della Pontificia Commissione &3di Archeologia sacra& (Rome). &3RAC& 43 (1967) 163 %6 &3BE/& 1969,621 (AFRICA PROC., Hippo; later 3rd ac?). @ ɺ@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@VARIA @ @@@@@@@@@@@@Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum @ &3Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum.& Volumes 1%19`36. Leiden 1923%19`1989. Contents and cross%19references. For other inscriptions, see under "Judaica". @ &3SEG& 1 (1923) 422 (ITALY, Hipponium); __ 453 (PISIDIA, Kadyn Khan; 4th ac); __ 458 (GALATIA II, Miskamos [Durgut]); __ 544 (PHOENICE, S%1arba), 547%19`548 (Berytus). @ &3SEG& 2 (1924) 521 (ITALY, Rome: Mus. Lateran.); __ 585 (ASIA, Teos; 305%19`306 ac), 591 (285%19`305 ac?); __ 735 (PISIDIA, Sagalassos; 292%19`305 ac), 745 (Barla; 5th ac); __ 752 (LYCAONIA, Anzoulada; 5th ac); __ 847 (PALAESTINA, Eleutheropolis); __ 883 (NUBIA, Djebel Barkal; after 6th ac). __ Cross%19references: &3SEG& 2.480 %6 Struve, &3CIRB& 1112 (N. COAST OF BLACK SEA, Kuban; 335 ac); 518 %6 Moretti, &3IGUR& 127 (ITALY, Rome: Phrygianum; 4th ac). @ &3SEG& 3 (1927) 553 (THRACE, Augusta Traiana; 5th ac). @ &3SEG& 4 (1929) 2 (SICILY, Syracuse), 4, 5, [2`6 [Wessel 71] missing]2, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, [2`18 [Wessel 3] missing]2, [2`19 [Wessel 171] missing]2, 20, [2`21 [Wessel 93] missing]2, 23; __ 116 (ITALY, Rome: C. Pamphili), 118, 119, 120, 121; 127 [&3IChUR 4,12185] (Rome: C. Cis Callisti; 4th ac), [2`128 [Wessel 27; &3IChUR& 4,12186] missing]2, 129 [&3IChUR& 4,12186]. __ Cross%19references: &3SEG& 4.133 %6 Moretti, &3IGUR& 355 (ITALY, Rome: place?); 517 %6 &3IK Ephesos& 45 (ASIA, Ephesos; 6th ac). @ &3SEG& 6 (1932) 19 (GALATIA, Ankyra), 27, 73 (Yu+reme); __ 108 (PHRYGIA, Kotiaion), 119 (mid%19`4th ac), 137%19`140 (Ku+rd Ko+y; ca. 300%19`350 ac), 144 (Zemme), 159 (C%25akirsaz; 3rd ac), 166 (Appia; 4th ac), 176 (Prymnessos; 3rd ac), 180 (Sebaste), 186 (388 ac), 188, 194 (Eumenia), 195, 201, 203 (ca. 250 ac), 204 (ca. 200%19`250 ac), 206, 208 (Byz.), 217, 218, 219 (249 ac), 221, 223 (Yakasimak), 224, 225, 226, 230, 234 (Kelenderes), 236 (Stectorium); 268 (PISIDIA, Apamea; 3rd%19`4th ac); __ 284 (LYCAONIA, C%25esmeli Zebir); __ 291 (PISIDIA, Go+zlu+), 303 (Laodicea Comb.), 306, 324, 357 (Nevinneh; 4th ac), 358, 360 (4th ac), 361 (W. of Sizma; 4th ac), 370 (Bash U+yu+k; 4th ac); __ 389 (LYCAONIA, Dedeler), 416 (Ikonion), 418, 419 (6th ac), 422 (4th%19`5th ac), 436 (3rd%19`4th ac), 441, 442 (4th ac); __ 447 (PISIDIA, Chamurlu), 448 (Pappa); __ 465 (LYKAONIA, Karasenir), 474 (Balc%25ik Hisar), 480 (Alkaran), 493 (Dinek Serai), 496, 536 (Balyklagho), 545 (Ak Kilisse); __ 560 (PISIDIA, Antiochia), 561, 567, 568, 580%19`582 (ca. 360 ac), 601 (Avshahr); __ 610 (PAMPHYLIA, Cremna); __ 801a (ASIA MINOR, place?). __ Cross%19references: &3SEG& 6.28 %6 &3Me/lBey& 13 (1928) 287,60 (GALATIA, Ankyra; 4th ac?), 38 %6 &3Me/lBey& 13 (1928) 260,32; 643 %6 &3TAM& 3,1 936a (PISIDIA, Uzun%19Kuju%19Kafe). @ &3SEG& 7 (1934) 48 (EUPHRAT., Samosata); __ 76 (PHOENICE, Tartous); __ 127 (PHOENICE LIB., Tell Nebi%26 Mindo%26); __ 131 (PHOENICE, Amioun); 152 (PHOENICE LIB., Palmyra; 293%19`305 ac); __ 188 (EUPHRAT., Sergiopolis; ca. 569%19`582 ac); __ 195 (PHOENICE, Nahir el%19Kelb; ca. 382 ac), 196 (Berytus; 5th%19`6th ac), 197 [&3Chariste%26rion ... Orlandon& I (1965) 339,5], 199, 200, 202, 204, 209, 210a%19b; __ 223 (PHOENICE LIB., Damascus; 285%19`305 ac), 233, 234 (4th ac), 243 (Meni=n; 449 ac), 247 (Gisri=n%3Saqba; 293%19`305 ac), 248 (Da=raya; 293%19`305 ac); __ 249 (ARABAIA, el%19Qonai=tra; 569 ac), 250 (569 ac), 251, 256 (Tafas; 343%19`348 ac), 259, 260 (368%3`9 ac); __ 322 (PHOENICE, Sidon), 323 (Tyrus), 325 (Gebel el%19Botom; 3rd%19`4th ac), 327 (Tyrus; 578%3`9 ac), 329 (Paneas; 3rd%19`4th ac?); __ 794 (EUPHRAT. Dura Europa), 795, 796, 797, 811; __ 915 (PALAEST. II, el%19H%1os%1n), 916; __ 954 (ARABIA, Adraa%19Edrei [Dera%102a]), 975 (Soada; 5th ac), 988 (Philippopolis), 993, 996 (Tell %102As%1far), 1003 (Maximianopolis), 1009, 1024, 1027, 1035 (Namara), 1040, 1042 (Q. ed%1%19D%1oubeib), 1055 (293%19`305 ac), 1060 (Sa%102a=d; 404%3`5 ac), 1061 (Radeime; ca. 350 ac), 1062 (349%3`50 ac), 1063 (303%19`305 ac), 1078 (Nela [el%19Moushannef]; 335%3`6 ac), 1116 (Mardocha), 1117, 1121; 1126 (Salamanestha [Sa=la=]; 433%3`4 ac), 1127, 1129 [&3LBW& VI,2261], 1137 (Abou%19Zreiq; 373%3`4 ac), 1146 (Sahwet el%19Bla=t), 1150 (el%19%102Afi=ne/; 6th ac), 1153 (Kre/ye/; 555%3`6 ac), 1154 [&3LBW& VI,1963] (295%3`6 ac), 1158 (Dibi=n), 1159, 1164 (365%3`6 ac), 1165, 1167, 1168 (388%3`9 ac), 1169 (%102Orma=n; 517%3`8 ac), 1170 (359%3`60 ac), 1171 (367%3`8 ac), 1178 (320%3`1 ac), 1181 (364%3`5 ac), 1182 (341%3`2 ac), 1183 (305%3`6 ac), 1184 (Mothana; 485%3`6 ac), 1186, 1193 (485%3`6 ac), 1194 (306%3`7 ac), 1197 (Melah%19es%19Sarrar; 606%3`7 ac), 1199, 1211 (el%19Gha=riye/; 314%3`5 ac), 1227 (Moghaire/), 1228 (430%3`1 ac), 1229 (426%3`7 ac), 1235 (Aurantis), 1244. @ &3SEG& 8 (1937) 1 (PHOENICE, Tyrus: Khirbet %102Alja%26; 539%3`40 ac); __ 5 (PALAESTINA, %102Ain et%19Ta%26bgha; ca. 478%19`486 ac), 6 (5th%19`6th ac), 7 (Si%26ri%26n; 6th ac), 8 (6th ac), 14 (Nazareth; 5th%19`6th ac), 17 [&3RB& 2 (1893) 206%7] (Sefa %102Amr; 6th ac); __ 18 (PHOENICE, Tyrus: el%19Bassa; 5th ac), 19 (Ptolemais: ez%19Zi=b; 309%19`311 ac), 20 (Ptolemais%19Ake; 4th ac), 21 (Tyrus: Suh%1ma%26ta%26; 6th ac); __ 26 (PALAESTINA, Kh. el%19Kerak; 6th ac), 27 (Beth Gan; 6th ac); __ 29 (PHOENICE, Caesarea Philippi%19Paneas: el%19G%148uwezi; 4th%19`5th ac); __ 31 (PALAESTINA, el%19H%1ammeh; 5th ac?), 34 (Scythopolis; ca. 529 ac), 41 (el%19H%1amma%26m; 6th ac), 45 (Scythopolis; 4th%19`5th ac), 47 (5th ac), 48 (4th ac?), 49 (6th ac), 50 (5th ac), 51 (6th ac), 52 (4th ac), 54%19`56 (4th%19`5th ac), 100 (Samaria%19Sebaste; 5th%19`6th ac), 101 (5th%19`6th ac), 119 (Samaria; 4th%19`5th ac), 134 [cf. &3BE/& 1958.483] (Garizim; 6th%19`7th ac), 138 (Caesarea Marit.; 3rd%19`4th ac), 147 (Wilhelma; 6th ac), 148 (Silo; 5th ac), 149 (5th ac), 150 (Muchma%26s; 6th ac), 151 (Emmaus%19Nikopol.; 4th%19`5th ac), 154 (3rd ac), 155 (4th%19`5th ac), 156%19`157 (5th ac), 158 (3rd ac), 162 (4th ac), 163 (6th ac), 166%19`167 (6th ac), 171 [&3FIRA&(`2) 1.98] (Jerusalem; 6th ac), 187 (4th ac), 216 (Ophel; 5th ac), 217 (Ophel; 5th ac), 228 (Umm er%19Rus; 6th ac), 229 [Halkin II,70] (%102Ain Karim; 6th ac), 230 (Bittir; 6th%19`7th ac), 231 [&3RB& 2 (1893) 209%7] (Kar. es%19Sa%102ide; ɺ6th ac), 232 (%102Ain el%19G%148edide; 6th%19`7th ac), 233 (%102Ain el%19Gedide; 5th ac), 234 (Bethlehem; 2nd ac), 235 [&3RB& 4 (1895) 626] (4th%19`6th ac), 236 (5th ac), 238 (Bet S%148a%102a%26r; 6th ac), 239 (Bet Su%26ri%26k%1; 516 ac), 240 (Hebron; 6th ac), 241 (6th ac), 242 (Kh. el%19Hebele; 6th ac), 243 (Eleutheropolis; 5th%19`6th ac), 268 (Gaza; 7th ac), 270 (449%3`50 ac), 271 (5th ac), 272 (616 ac), 275 (541 ac), 278 (Be%26t H%1anu=n; 6th ac), 279 (es%19Sellale; 6th ac), 281 (Bi%26r es%19Seba%102; 6th ac), 282 [&3ZDPV& 46 (1923) 52,1%7] (6th ac), 283 (6th ac), 284 (Negev: place?; 5th%19`6th ac), 285 (5th%19`6th ac), 287 (5th%19`6th ac), 288 (7th ac), 289 (Bi%26r es%19Seba%102; 6th ac), 290 (Negev: place?; 6th ac), 291, 292 (Bi%26r es%19Seba%102; 6th ac), 293 [&3SEG& 34.1467] (Negev: place?; 545 ac), 294 (564%3`5 ac), 295 (Bi%26r es%19Seba%102; 6th ac), 296 (Negev: place?; 5th%19`6th ac), 297 [&3RB& 73 (1966) 257,3] (Bi%26r es%19Seba%102; 6th ac), 298%19`301 (6th ac), 302 (el%19%102Aris), 303%19`353 (5th ac), 313 (Der el%19Mukellik; 5th ac), 315 (Jericho; 566 ac), 316 (Der Ibn %102Ubaid; 6th ac); __ 330 [&3SEG& 32.1548] (ARABIA, Madaba; 6th%19`7th ac); __ 333 (PALAESTINA, Masada; 5th%19`6th ac), 335 (Ghor es%19Safi; 387 ac), 339 (Fenan; 587%3`8 ac), 340%19`341 (5th%19`6th ac), 342 (455 ac), 343 (5th ac), 344 (Wadi el%19Hesa; 6th%19`7th ac), 346 (Iram; 5th ac), 347%19`349 (5th ac), 350 (Palaestina, place?), 351; __ 355 (EGYPT, Alexandria; 6th ac), 449 (Abu Mena; 5th%19`6th ac), 459 (Canopus), 461 (5th ac), 470 (Tell Ebsan), 660 %6 &3Sammelbuch& 5,7564 (Antaeopolis; 601 ac), 664%19`666 (Karnak; 4th%19`5th ac), 668%19`671 (4th%19`5th ac), 673%19`693 (4th%19`5th ac), 704 (Medamud; 291 ac), 709%19`713, 733%19`736 (Thebes; 5th%19`7th ac), 737 [&3SB& 4.7492], 738%19`759, 777 (Apollinopolis Magna; 5th ac), 781 (Syene; 6th ac), 782 (6th%19`7th ac), 798 (place?; 5th ac); __ 861 (NUBIA, Targama; 6th ac), 862 (Pachoras; 6th%19`7th ac), 863 (Maharraka), 864 (Anibah), 865%19`871 (Ermennae; 6th%19`8th ac), 871 (Nawi; 9th ac), 872 (Sekh Arab Hag), 873 (Khalewa), 874 (Debeiba), 875 (el Arak). __ Cross%19references: &3SEG& 8.37 %6 Fitzgerald, &3A Sixth%19Century &3Monastery at Beth%19Shan (Scythopolis)& (1939) 19 (PALAESTINA, Skythopolis; 522 ac), 38 %6 &3Beth%19Shan& 16,6 (553%3`4 ac?), 39 %6 &3Beth%19Shan& 14,4 (mid%19`6th ac), 40 %6 &3Beth%19Shan& 15,5 (567 ac), 42 %6 &3Beth%19Shan& 6 (mid%19`6th ac), 309 %6 Kirk, in &3Excavations at &3Nessana& I (1962) 100 (Nessana); 318 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.80 (ARABIA, Siyagha; 597 ac), 319 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.81 (ca. 600 ac), 320 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.82 (ca. 600 ac), 321 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.79 (ca. 603%19`608 ac), 322 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.78 (ca. 603%19`608 ac), 323 %6 &3IGLSyr 21,2.73 (6th ac), 324 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.71 (6th ac), 326 %6 &3IGLSyr 21,2.84 (6th ac), 327 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.88 (4th%19`5th ac), 328 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.90 (4th%19`5th ac); 330 %6 &3SEG& 32,1548 (ARABIA, Madaba; end 6th%19beg. 7th), 331 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.148 (6th ac), 336 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.97 (Makhayyat; ca. 562 ac), 337 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.98 (mid%19`6th ac), 338 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.99 (mid%19`6th ac), 338a %6 &3IGLSyr 21,2.103 (ca. 535 ac); 647 %6 Bernand, &3Pan du de/sert& (1977) 28 (EGYPT, M. Porphyrites; 4th ac). @ &3SEG& 9 (1938) 364 (CYRENAICA, Ptolemais; 364%19`375 ac?), 365 (395%19`408 ac?), 414 (Teuchira; 501 ac), 558 (4th ac), 767 (Berenice; 4th ac); __ 796%19`799 (TRIPOLITANA, Sirte; 4th ac), 801 [Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives ... Afrique romaine," &3Antiquite/s &3africaines& 17 (1981), no. 1] (4th ac); __ 818 (AFRICA PROC., Hadrumetum; 4th ac), 826%19`827 (Carthago; 4th ac), 871 [cf. &3JO+B 36 (1986) 335] (Tabarka), 872 [Wessel 25] (Hippo Regius; 587 ac), 873 (Thagasta); __ 879 (MAURETANIA, Tipasa; 4th ac), 880; __ 905 (REGION?, Paris; 4th ac). __ Cross%19references: &3SEG 9.187%3`8 %6 &3JThS& 11 (1960) 286,4 (CYRENAICA, Cyrene; 6th ac?), 408 %6 &3JThS& 11 (1960) 289,17 (Apollonia); 801 %6 Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives ... Afrique romaine," &3Antiquite/s africaines& 17 (1981), no. 1 (TRIPOLITANA, Sirte; ca. 350%19`400), 806 %6 Reynolds and Ward Perkins, &3Inscr. of Roman Tripolitania& (1952) 832 (Lepcis Magna); 819 %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 244,84a (AFRICA PROC., Kairouan), 823 %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 85,48 (Carthago), 824 %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 71,4. @ &3SEG& 11 (1950), no texts. __ Cross%19references: &3SEG& 11.325 %6 &3InvPe/l& 29 (PELOPONNESOS, Argos; 4th%19`5th ac), 385c %6 &3InvPe/l& 40 (Hermione; 5th%19`6th ac), 464 %6 &3InvPe/l& 24 (Sparta; 359 ac), 773 %6 &3InvPe/l& 26 (ca. 375 ac), 810 %6 &3InvPe/l& 22 (before 333 ac?), 852 %6 &3InvPe/l& 12 (ca. 393%19`423 ac). For other texts, see "Greece, Peloponnesos". @ &3SEG& 12 (1955) 458 (CARIA, Tekir); __ 484 (PISIDIA, Antiochia; 3rd ac); __ 504 (CILICIA, Karatepe), 509, 510, 542 (Anazarbos), 543, 544 (516 ac), 545a (after 516 ac). __ Cross%19references: &3SEG& 12.585 %6 &3SEG& 16,568 (SICILY, Gela; 4th%19`5th ac). @ &3SEG& 13 (1956) 597 (PALAESTINA, Jerusalem; 6th ac), 598 (555 ac). __ Cross%19references: &3SEG& 13.469 %6 &3IG& 14.629 (ITALY [Bruttium], Rhegium; end 7th%3`8th ac); 471 %6 Moretti, &3IGUR& 69 (Rome; ca. 400 ac); 538 %6 Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 135 (HELENOPONTUS, Amasia). @ &3SEG& 14 (1957) 585 [&3SEG& 16.568] (SICILY, Syracuse; Byz.), 587 (Acrae), 588; __ 610 (ITALY, Capua; 4th ac); __ 670 (CARIA, C%25andir), 694 (Gerbekilise; Byz.), 705 (Tymnus); __ 812 [Gough, &3Alahan& (1985) 22,1] (ISAURIA, Alahan; 462 ac), 813 [Gough, &3Alahan& (1985) 23,2] (after 461 ac); __ 816 (CYPRUS, Golgi); __ 846 (PALAESTINA, Apollonia; Byz.). @ &3SEG& 15 (1958) 484 [&3IGBulg& 2.656] (MOESIA II, Nicopolis Istr.; 4th ac); __ 503 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Rhodes: Rhodes), 545 (Chios: Chios; Byz.); __ 583 (SICILY, Syracuse; ca. 275%19`325 ac), 584%19`585 (4th ac), 586 (ca. 300%19`350 ac), 587 (4th%19`5th ac), 589 (4th ac), 590 [cf. &3BE/& 1967.708] (4th ac); __ 627 (ITALY, Clusium; 4th ac); __ 661 (CARIA, Aphrodisias; 5th ac), 796 (PHRYGIA, place?; 4th ac), 801 (C%25epni Ko+y; ca. 250%19`275 ac), 807 (Acmonia; 248%3`9 ac), 809 (near Selcikler; ca. 500 ac), 811 (Emircik; 246 ac); __ 818 (PISIDIA, Kinderaz; ca. 400%19`450 ac); __ 852a%19b (SYRIA, place?; 6th%19`7th ac); __ 883%19`884 (TRIPOLITANA, Lepcis Magna), 885 (4th ac?), 886 (el%19Asa\baa; ca. 6th ac); __ 887 (REGION?, now Przemys/l; 4th ac). __ Cross%19references: &3SEG& 15.845 %6 &3IGLSyr& 2,297 (SYRIA, Anasartha; 5th ac?). @ &3SEG& 16 (1959) 401 (MACEDONIA, near Titov Veles; 2nd%19`3rd ac); __ 416 (THRACE, Perinthus; 5th ac), 417 (4th%19`5th ac); __ 536 (SICILY, Syracuse; 4th ac), 568 [&3SEG& 12.585] (Gela; 4th%19`5th ac), 569 (Butera; 5th ac); __ 603 (ITALY, Rome: Mus. Capitol.; 1st%19`2nd ac), 613 (Vatican cemetery, 3rd ac); __ 665a (CARIA, Halicarnassus; 491%19`518 ac), 687 (Kuyucak; 5th%19`6th ac), 694 (Beypinar; 4th ac), 697a%19b (Yalikavak; Byz.), 700,b [&3BSA& 50 (1955) 141,62] (Konel Ada; Byz.), 700,c [&3BSA& 50 (1955) 141,63] (Byz.), 700,d [&3BSA& 50 (1955) 141,64] (Byz.); __ 763%19`764 (PAMPHYLIA, Attaleia; Byz.); __ 821 (PALAESTINA, Q. Ma%102ayan Bar.; 3rd%19`4th ac), 822%19`823 (Qibbus%1 Samir; 3rd%19`4th ac), 824%19`826 (Hippus; 6th ac); __ 841 (PHHOENICE, Haifa; 6th ac), 850 (PALAESTINA, Beth S%1afafa; 6th ac), 851 (Kh. Juhzum; 6th ac), 853 (Beersheba; 6th%19`7th ac). __ Cross%19references: &3SEG& 16.261 %6 &3InvPe/l& 28 (PELOPONNESOS, Argos; 4th ac); 512 %6 &3ASAtene& 30%19`32, N.S. 14%19`16 (1952%19`1954) 320,2 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Lemnos); 568 %6 &3SEG& 14,585 (SICILY, Syracuse; Byz.). @ &3SEG& 17 (1960) 441 (SICILY, Catana; 427 ac); __ 455 (ITALY, Rome: Vatican cemetery; ca. 150 ac?); __ 598 [cf. &3BE/& 1959.477] (PAMPHYLIA, Attaleia; 3rd%19`4th ac?); __ 714 (LYCIA, Girdev Go+lu+); __ 783 (PALAESTINA, Beerot Yis%1haq; 505 ac), 786 (Jerusalem; 5th%19`6th ac?), 787 (4th%19`6th ac?); __ 789 [&3SEG 18.643] (EGYPT, Alexandria; 297 or 302 ac), 790 [&3SEG& 18.715] (Esneh; 6th ac?). __ Cross%19references: &3SEG& 17.784b %6 ɺLuederitz, &3CjZKyr& 29b (PALAESTINA, Jerusalem), 785 %6 &3SEG 33,1279 (1st bc%19`1st ac). @ &3SEG& 18 (1962) 265 (PRAEVALITANA, near Scodra; 5th%19`7th ac); __ 396%19`407 (SICILY, Syracuse; 3rd%19`4th ac), 408 (Acrae; 5th ac), 409,a (Panormus; Byz.), 414 (Co\miso; 4th%19`5th ac), 415 (Ragusa; 4th%19`5th ac); __ 426%19`431 (ITALY, Rome; C. Domitillae); __ 443 (CARIA, Gelibolu), 466 (ASIA, Bozbu+k); __ 605 (PHOENICE LIB., Damascus; imp.), 607 (Boudai+; 539 ac), 615 (%102Arne; 330 ac); __ 620%19`621 (PALAESTINA, Q. Lehavot Hab.; 285%19`305 ac), 625 (Caesarea; 3rd%19`4th ac), 626 (ca. 385 ac); __ 647%19`648 (EGYPT, Alexandria; Byz.), 653 (Cairo; 335%19`341 ac), 658 (Antinoupolim; 5th%19`6th ac?), 660%19`666 (Antinoupolis), 667 (489 ac), 668, 670a%19b, 671, 672(9), 672(11), 672(15)%19`672(17), 672(19)%19`672(29) 672(41), 696 (Panopolis; 5th ac?), 697 (5th ac?), 709%19`713 (Tuphium), 714 (Byz.), 720 (place?; 5th%19`7th ac); __ 724 (NUBIA, Ikhmindi; ca. 550%19`600 ac); __ 751%19`752 (CYRENAICA, Cyrene; 4th%19`5th ac?); __ 777 (AFRICA PROC., Theveste; 6th ac). __ Cross%19references: &3SEG& 18.391 %6 &3ASAtene& 41%19`42, N.S. 25%19`26 (1963%19`1964) 328,29 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Lepsia); 425 %6 &3IChUR 6,15868 (ITALY, Rome: V. Latina; end 4th ac); 551 %6 &3IK Smyrna 569 (ASIA, Smyrna), 552 %6 &3IK Smyrna& 571; 643 %6 &3SEG& 17,789 (EGYPT, Alexandria; 297 or 302 ac), 715 %6 &3SEG& 17,790 (Esneh; 6th ac?). @ &3SEG& 19 (1963) 448%19`449 (MACEDONIA, Philippi); __ 629 (ITALY, Florentia; 4th%19`5th ac), 630 (405 ac), 631%19`632 (4th%19`5th ac); __ 704 (LYDIA, Hermocapelia; 333%19`337 ac), 719 (Gu+llu+ko+y; 4th ac); __ 895 [&3BE/& 1959.480] (ARABIA, el%19Kerak; 497 ac); __ 901%19`902 (PALAESTINA, Q. Levahot; ca. 293%19`305 ac), 903 (Q. S%148amir; ca. 293%19`305 ac), 912%19`919 (Caesarea Marit.). __ Cross%19references: &3SEG& 19.419 %6 &3PAE& 1955.137 (THESSALIA, Phthiot. Thebes; 6th ac?), 420 %6 &3PAE& 1955.138; 552 %6 &3AEph& 1966.96,6 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Kos: Mastichari; ca. 500 ac), 553 %6 &3AEph& 1966.94,4; 651 %6 &3IChGaule& 1,211 (BELGICA I, Aug. Treverorum; 383 ac); 701 %6 &3IK Smyrna& 830B (ASIA, Smyrna); 759 %6 &3AS& 9 (1959) 80,24 (PISIDIA, Lysinia; 313%19`324 ac), 764 %6 &3AS& 9 (1959) 84,29 (Malgasa), 819,a %6 &3AS& 9 (1959) 112,86 (Erekli), 819,b %6 &3AS& 9 (1959) 112,87 (Hadrianoi), 823 %6 &3AS& 10 (1960) 44,91 (Demirli). @ @ &3SEG& 20 (1964) 35 (BITHYNIA, Kavanlik; 3rd%19`4th ac); __ 110 (ARMENIA, Gorneae; 308 ac?), 111 (Nige; 3rd or 4th ac?); __ 259 [&3TravMe/m& 4 (1970) 477,1] (CYPRUS, Chrysochou); __ 390 (PHOENICE, Tyrus; ca. 550%19`600 ac); __ 394 (ARABIA, Ghariye%19Sharqui; 4th ac), 395 (Kerak; 4th ac), 396 (Athela; 4th ac); __ 415 (PHONICE, Haifa; 6th ac); __ 416 (PALAESTINA, Sepphoris; 4th%19`5th ac), 417 (517%3`8 ac), 455 (Scythopolis; 305%19`311 ac), 459, 460 (Q. B. Hashitta; 5th%19`6th ac), 465 (Caesarea), 466 (Apollonia), 492 (Talpioth; 40%19`50 ac); __ 658 (EGYPT, Karanis; ca. 6th ac), 692%19`693 (Aegyptus, Erment; 6th%19`7th ac); __ 705 (CYRENAICA, Bir Tarakenet; 6th ac), 711 (Ras el Hilal; 6th ac), 778 (Solluch; 5th%19`7th ac). __ Cross%19references: &3SEG& 20.125 %6 Pouilloux, et al., &3Salamine de &3Chypre, XIII,2& (1987) 206 (CYPRUS, Constantia; mid%19`6th ac); 330 %6 Seyrig, in G. Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie &3du nord& (1958) III,5,4 (SYRIA, Bra=d), 332 %6 &3VASyrN& III,5,6 (5th ac), 333 %6 &3VASyrN& III,5,5 (Bra=d), 335 %6 &3VASyrN& III,7,8 (Burg%148 H%1eidar; 297 ac), 336 %6 &3VASyrN& III,8,8a (Kafr La=b; 297 ac), 337 %6 &3VASyrN& III,8,8b (297 ac), 338 %6 &3VASyrN& III,9,8c (297 ac), 339 %6 &3VASyrN& III,9,8d (Ba=zi=her; 297 ac), 340 %6 &3VASyrN& III,10,8e (Kafr Na=bo; 297 ac), 341 %6 &3VASyrN& III,10,8f (297 ac), 342 %6 &3VASyrN& III,11,9 (Ferka=n; 297 ac), 343 %6 &3VASyrN III,11,10 (H%1ara=b S%148ams%148), 344 %6 &3VASyrN& III,11,10a (Nebbul; 450 ac), 346 %6 &3VASyrN& III,16,13 (Qal%102a=t Sim%102a=n), 347 %6 &3VASyrN III,15,12, 348 %6 &3VASyrN& III,16,14 (Qa=t%1u=ra; end 3rd ac?), 349 %6 &3VASyrN& III,16,15 (Refa=de; 489 ac), 350 %6 &3VASyrN& III,19,16 (Deir Sim%102a=n; 471 ac), 351 %6 &3VASyrN& III,19,17, 360 %6 &3VASyrN III,25,23 (Qalblo=ze), 362 %6 &3VASyrN& III,26,25 (Ba=muqqa; 3rd%19`4th ac), 365 %6 &3VASyrN& III,28,27a (Kafr Deria=n), 367 %6 &3VASyrN III,33,35 (Deir Debba=ne; 563 ac), 368 %6 &3VASyrN& III,29,30a (Mug%148legga), 369 %6 &3VASyrN& III,30,31 (Fri=kya=; 459 ac), 371 %6 &3VASyrN& III,30,33 (Ma%102arret Beitar), 372 %6 &3VASyrN& III,31,34 (Kfeirh%1a=ya=; 342 ac), 373 %6 &3VASyrN& III,33,35a (Deir es%148 S%148arqi; 546 ac); 374a %6 &3VASyrN& III,33,36 (EUPHRAT., Resafa%19Sergiopolis [Res%1a=fe]), 374b %6 &3VASyrN& III,34,37, 374c %6 &3VASyrN& III,34,38; 375 %6 &3VASyrN& III,35,39 (SYRIA, H%1a=s; 388 ac), 376 %6 &3VASyrN III,36,39a (Khirbet Mu=qa; 384%3`5 ac), 377 %6 &3VASyrN& III,37,39b (Raya=n; 417 ac), 378 %6 &3VASyrN& III,38,39c (417 ac), 379 %6 &3VASyrN& III,38,39d (417 ac), 380 %6 &3VASyrN& III,38,39e (472 ac), 381 %6 &3VASyrN& III,39,39f (Qas%1r el Abyad%1; 4th%19`5th ac); 482 %6 &3RB 70 (1963) 255,1 (PALAESTINA, Negev?; 5th%19`6th ac), 489 %6 Luederitz, &3CjZKyr& 35 (Jerusalem; 1st ac). @ &3SEG& 21 (1965), no texts. __ Cross%19references: &3SEG& 21.822 %6 &3IG 2(2),5206,a (ATTICA, Athens; 4th ac), and %6 &3IG& 2(2),5206,b (7th ac), 1021 %6 Bradeen, &3Agora& 17,1071, 1038 %6 &3Ag& 17,1069, 1063 %6 &3Ag& 17,1075. @ &3SEG& 22 (1967), no texts. __ Cross%19references: &3SEG& 22.330 %6 &3JO+AI& 46 (1961%19`1963), Beiblatt 84,3 (PELOPONNESOS, Elis; 3rd ac), 331 %6 &3JO+AI& 46 (1961%19`1963), Beibl. 87,4 (4th ac?), 332 %6 &3JO+AI& 46 (1961%19`1963), Beibl. 89,5 (4th%19`5th ac). @ &3SEG& 23 (1968) 516 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Delos; 5th%19`6th ac); __ 580 (CRETE, Stavros); __ 634 (CYPRUS, Evdhimou; end 3rd ac), 649 (Paphus Nova), 653 (5th%19`6th ac), 660 (Soli; 6th ac?), 682 (Carpasia; 4th%19`5th ac). __ Cross%19references: &3SEG& 23.267 %6 &3SEG 16.241 (CENTRAL GREECE [Megaris], Aigosthena; 337%19`340 ac). @ &3SEG& 24 (1969) 564a%19b (MACEDONIA, Thessalonica); __ 633 (THRACE, Komotini), 644 (Traianopolis), 911 (Panicovo; 4th ac); __ 1197%19`1199 (EGYPT, Sheik Zoued; 4th ac), 1204 (Arsinoites; 590 ac), 1205, 1218%19`1124 (Monastery of Phoebammon; 4th%19`5th ac), 1243 (place?). __ Cross%19references: &3SEG& 24.1194 here %6 &3OGIS& 722a (EGYPT, Athribis; 374 ac); 1246 here %6 &3OGIS& 200(2) (NUBIA, Meroe; 5th ac?), 1247 here %6 &3OGIS 200(3) (Decamere\; beg. 5th ac). @ &3SEG& 25 (1971) 732 (DACIA RIP., Ljutibrod); __ 931%19`992 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Thera; 3rd%19`4th ac), 992 (Amorgos: Minoa; imp.). __ Cross%19references: &3SEG& 25.663 %6 &3AD& 18 (1963) B,142 (THESSALIA, Persouphli). @ &3SEG& 26 (1976) 772 (MACEDONIA, Thessalonike; 305%19`306 ac), 773 (ca. 308, 317 ac); __ 789 (CONSTANTINOPLE; ca. 550%19`600 ac), 790%19`791 (6th ac); __ 817 (THRACE, Hadrianoupolis), 823 (Panion; 383%19`408 ac); __ 1121 (SICILY, Syracuse); __ 1155 (ITALY, Rome: place?); __ 1314%19`1315 (LYDIA, Sardeis; 4th%19`6th ac), 1316 (5th%19`6th ac), 1317%19`1320 (4th%19`6th ac); __ 1353 (PHRYGIA, Aizanoi; 301 ac), 1363%19`1364 (Ankyra Sidera; after 324 ac), 1365,II (Appia; early 4th ac), 1366 (end 3rd%19beg. 4th), 1371 [II: &3SEG& 36.1193] (Iulia? [C%25ay]; end 3rd%19beg. 4th), 1374 (Dorylaion; 5th%19`6th ac), 1381 (Aslanapa; 293%19`305 ac); __ 1424 (LYCIA, Boubon%19Kibyra), 1446%19`1447 (Xanthos; before 7th ac); __ 1483 (CYPRUS, Ovgoros; 5th ac); __ 1491%19`1493 (EUPHRAT., As%25agi C%25ardak); __ 1627 (SYRIA, Apameia; 533 ac), 1628%19`1630 (533%19`540 ac); __ 1631 (PHOENICE, Djebel Akrum; 309 ac), 1632 (541 ac); __ 1651 (EUPHRAT. Tell el Hajj; 4th%19`5th ac); __ 1656%19`1664 (PALAESTINA, Ai+la%3Eilath; 6th%19`7th ac), 1672 (Beth Safafa; 490 ac?), 1676 (Khisfin; 561 or 618 ac), 1677 (Khorsia; 585 ac), 1683 (Skythopolis); __ 1724 (EGYPT, Dakleh), 1782%19`1791 (Egypt, Khargeh), 1797 (Kom el%19Dikka; 480%19`560 ac), 1798 (560%19`610 ac), 1806 (Sai+), 1810 (place?), 1811 (place?; 400%19`600 ac); __ 1842 ɺ(CYRENAICA, Ruus el Ashlab; 5th ac?). __ Cross%19references: &3SEG 26.1012 %6 &3AEph& 1975.32,60 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Paros: Katapoli.), 1013 %6 &3AEph& 1975.25,41, 1014%7 %6 &3AEph& 1975.34,69, 1015 %6 &3AEph 1975.25,42 (5th%19`6th ac), 1016 %6 &3AEph& 1975.24,38; 1124 %6 &3IG 14.2320 (ITALY [Venetia], Altinum); 1302 %6 &3IK Smyrna& 636 (ASIA, Smyrna; 4th%19`5th ac?); 1456 %6 Bean and Mitford, &3DenkschrWien& 102 (1970) 74,48 (PAMPHYLIA, Kolybrassos?; 4th ac?); 1474 %6 Mitford, &3Kourion& 204 (CYPRUS, Kourion; late 4th ac?); 1617 %6 Mouterde, &3LimChalc& 212,47 (EUPHRAT., Zeugma; 325 ac); 1677 %6 &3SEG& 30,1697 (Kursi; 585 ac), 1677 %6 &3SEG& 33,1270 (Gadara; 582%19`587 ac); 1813 here %6 &3OGIS& 200(4) (ABYSSINIA, Axume; 4th%19`5th ac). @ &3SEG& 27 (1977) 359 (SCYTHIA MINOR, Dinogetia; 4th ac), 360 (6th ac), 361 (5th%19`6th ac), 362 (6th ac), 363 (4th ac), 390 (Noviodunum; 5th%19`6th ac), 391 (4th ac), 407 (Trop. Traiani; 4th ac), 408 (6th ac), 409 (Niculit%25el; end 4th ac); __ 420 (TRANS%19DANUBIAN DACIA, Sucidava; 4th%19`5th ac), 421 (4th%19`5th ac); __ 496 (AEGEAN ISLANDS; Lesbos: Mytilene), 506 (Thera; ca. 300 ac); __ 646 (SICILY, Eloros; 4th ac), 662 (Syracuse; 5th ac); __ 933 (LYCIA, Oinoanda; 2nd ac?); __ 948a%19b (CAPPADOCIA, Archelais; 6th ac), 950 (5th%19`6th ac), 951 (6th ac), 952%19`955 (6th%19`7th ac), 955 [Hild, &3DenkschrWien& 131 (1977) 69] (Malakopea; 6th ac), 956 (Tyana; end 4th%19beg. 5th); __ 965 (CYPRUS, Larnaka; 4th ac); __ 978%19`987 (SYRIA, Laodicea), 989 (early Byz.); 993 (EUPHRAT., Resafa%19Sergiopolis; 559 ac); __ 1001 (MESOPOTAMIA, Samachi; 6th ac); __ 1015 (PALAESTINA, Jerusalem; 534%3`5 or 549%3`50); __ 1120 (EGYPT, place?), 1123 (Upper Egypt); __ 1137 (CYRENAICA, Apollonia; 4th%19`5th ac), 1138 (4th%19`5th ac), 1139 (491%19`518 ac), 1140 (6th ac?), 1174 (4th%19`5th ac), 1175 (6th ac?), 1176%19`1179, 1186 (6th ac); __ 1238 (PHRYGIA?, place?). __ Cross%19references: &3SEG& 27.207 %6 &3IG 9,2.991 (THESSALIA, Larissa); 847 %6 &3AS& 27 (1977) 91,36 (GALATIA, Ankyra; 4th ac), 848 %6 &3AS& 27 (1977) 92,37 (5th%19`6th ac), 864 %6 &3AS& 27 (1977) 99,41, 872 %6 &3AS& 27 (1977) 96,38, 873 %6 &3AS& 27 (1977) 97,39, 874 %6 &3AS& 27 (1977) 98,40, 875 %6 &3AS& 27 (1977) 99,42, 876 %6 &3AS& 27 (1977) 100,43, 877 %6 &3AS& 27 (1977) 100,44, 878 %6 &3AS& 27 (1977) 100,45, 879 %6 &3AS& 27 (1977) 100,46, 880 %6 &3AS& 27 (1977) 100,47, 881 %6 &3AS& 27 (1977) 101,48, 882 %6 &3AS 27 (1977) 101,49, 883 %6 &3AS& 27 (1977) 101,50, 884 %6 &3AS& 27 (1977) 102,51, 885 %6 &3AS& 27 (1977) 102,52, 886 %6 &3AS& 27 (1977) 102,53, 887 %6 &3AS& 27 (1977) 102,54, 888 %6 &3AS& 27 (1977) 103,55; 903 %6 Bosch, in Mansel et al., &3`1947 senesi Side kazilarina &3o+nrapor& (1951) 75,29 (PAMPHYLIA, Side; 4th%19`5th ac?); 993 %6 &3SEG 36,1303 (EUPHRAT., Resafa%19Sergiopolis; 559 ac); 1003 %6 &3IGLSyr 21,2.42 (ARABIA, %102Amman; 6th ac), 1006 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.175 (ed%19Deir; mid%19`6th ac), 1019 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.74 (Siyagha; 531 ac), 1020 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.75 (531 ac); 1200 %6 Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives ... Afrique romaine," &3Antiquite/s africaines& 17 (1981), no. 3 (TRIPOLITANA, Oea%3Tripoli; 4th%19`5th ac?), 1201 %6 Le Bohec 4 (4th%19`5th ac?), 1202 %6 Le Bohec 5 (4th%19`5th ac?), 1203 %6 Le Bohec 6 (4th%19`5th ac?). @ &3SEG& 28 (1978) 581 (THRACE, Nikopolis ad Nest.; 3rd ac); __ 642 (N. COAST OF BLACK SEA, Kertch; 5th ac); __ 904 (ASIA, Hypaipa; 4th%19`6th ac); __ 946 [Perrot, &3Exploration &3arche/ologique de la Galatie et de la Bithynie& (1862%19`1874) 65] (BITHYNIA, Hadrianoi; 4th ac); __ 1089 (PHRYGIA, Altintas; 239%19`240 ac); __ 1228 (LYCIA, Tyriaion; 333%19`337 ac), 1229 (363 ac), 1230; __ 1308 (CYPRUS, Limassol; late 4th ac), 1309 (Paphos), 1313 (place?; early Byz.); __ 1321 (EUPHRAT., Doliche; 6th%19`7th ac), 1322, 1323 (Hu+lu+men; 4th%19`5th ac), 1324 (Ku+rdu+lu Kersentas%25; 447 ac), 1325 (Yukari So+g%148u+tlu; 413 ac); __ 1334 (SYRIA, Homs?); __ 1344 (PALAESTINA, Bashan; 5th%19`6th ac), 1345 (5th%19`6th ac), 1347 (6th ac), 1354%19`1356 (5th%19`6th ac), 1357 (6th ac), 1367 (Bir el%19Abid; Byz.), 1426 (Golan; 285%19`305 ac), 1427 (ca. 350%19`400 ac), 1436 (Jerusalem; 5th%19`6th ac?); __ 1441 (ARABIA, Mt. Nebo); __ 1447%19`1488 (PALAESTINA, Skythopolis; 522 ac), 1449; __ 1454 (EGYPT, Alexandria; 392%19`396 ac), 1459%19`1464 (Bardawil; 5th ac), 1465%19`1468, 1490 (Syene); 1586 (REGION?, place?; late imp.). __ Cross%19references: &3SEG& 28.439 %6 &3IG& 7,93 (CENTRAL GREECE, Megara; 408%19`412 ac); 563 %6 &3DOP& 32 (1978) 20,24 (CONSTANTINOPLE, Silivirikapi; 6th ac), 564 %6 &3DOP& 32 (1978) 4,3 (Kocamustafapasa; 5th%19`6th ac), 565 %6 &3DOP& 32 (1978) 22,29 (Atako+y; 5th%19`6th ac), 566 %6 &3DOP& 32 (1978) 4,2 (S%25ehremini; ca. 6th ac), 567 %6 &3DOP& 32 (1978) 8,9 (Cerrahpas%25a; ca. 6th ac), 568 %6 &3DOP& 32 (1978) 8,10 (ca. 6th ac), 569 %6 &3DOP 32 (1978) 3,1 (S%25ehremini; ca. 6th ac), 570 %6 &3DOP& 32 (1978) 7,8 (Ku+c%25u+kekmese; ca. 6th ac), 571 %6 &3DOP& 32 (1978) 5,5 (S%25ehremini; ca. 6th ac), 572 %6 &3DOP& 32 (1978) 13,17 (Ku+c%25u+kekmese; ca. 6th ac), 573 %6 &3DOP& 32 (1978) 4,4 (Yes%25ildirek; 9th ac), 574 %6 &3DOP 32 (1978) 15,20 (Arch.Mus.; ca. 6th ac), 575 %6 &3DOP& 32 (1978) 21,26 (Topkapi Sarayi; 9th%19`10th ac); 1014bis %6 &3IK Kalchedon& 81 (BITHYNIA, Kalamis; 5th%19`6th ac), 1047 %6 S%25ahin, &3Bithynische &3Studien& (1977) 35,3 (Strobilos), 1056 %6 &3BithSt& 32,2 (585 ac), 1057 %6 &3BithSt& 45,16 (ca. 600 ac), 1058 %6 &3BithSt& 45,17 (ca. 600 ac), 1059 %6 &3BithSt& 47,19, 1060 %6 &3BithSt& 47,20, 1061 %6 &3BithSt 48,22, 1063 %6 &3BithSt& 37,4 (Yalova; 780%19`782 ac), 1068 %6 &3BithSt 48,21, 1069 %6 &3BithSt& 46,18; 1114 %6 &3DOP& 32 (1978) 19,22 (PHRYGIA SAL., Dorylaion?; ca. 6th ac); 1126 %6 Drew%19Bear, &3Nouvelles inscriptions de Phrygie& (1978) 75,8 (PHRYGIA PAC., Eumeneia; early 3rd ac), 1129 %6 &3NIPhryg& 110,49 (350 ac), 1130 %6 &3NIPhryg& 111,50 (563%3`4 ac), 1144 %6 &3NIPhryg& 109,48 (257%3`8 ac), 1148 %6 &3NIPhryg& 108,47, 1155 %6 &3NIPhryg& 107,46, 1156 %6 &3NIPhryg 106,45, 1161 %6 &3NIPhryg& 106,44, 1203 %6 &3NIPhryg& 27,15 (Sanaos; ca. 385 ac); 1256 %6 Dagron and Feissel, &3ICilicie& (1987) 119 (CILICIA, SE. Anazarbos; 5th%19`6th ac), 1260 %6 &3ICil& 113 (C%25emkale; 590 ac), 1262 %6 &3ICil& 115 (5th%19`6th ac), 1264 %6 &3ICil 114 (5th%19`6th ac); __ 1268 %6 &3ICil& 15 (ISAURIA, Diokaisareia; 6th ac); __ 1279 %6 &3ICil& 19 (CILICIA, Korykos; 5th%19`6th ac), 1283 %6 &3ICil& 94 (Mopsuestia; 5th%19`6th ac), 1284 %6 &3ICil& 91 (6th ac), 1285 %6 &3ICil& 93 (5th%19`6th ac), 1287 %6 &3ICil& 89 (559%3`60 ac), 1288 %6 &3ICil& 25 (Pompeiopolis; 5th%19`6th ac), 1293 %6 &3ICil& 49 (Adana Museum; 3rd%19`5th ac), 1294 %6 &3ICil& 52 (527%19`548 ac); 1377 %6 Negev, &3Greek Inscr. from the Negev, SBFCM& 25 (1981) 26 (PALAESTINA, Eboda; Early Byz.), 1378 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 25 (Early Byz.), 1379 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 32 (Early Byz.), 1380 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 31 (Early Byz.), 1389 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 28 (Early Byz.), 1393 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 17 (541 ac), 1394 %6 &3SBFCM 25 (1981) 16 (550 ac), 1395 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 19 (577 ac), 1396 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 18 (581 ac), 1397 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 45 (589%3`90 ac), 1398 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 27 (618 ac), 1399 %6 &3SBFCM 25 (1981) 14 (Early Byz.), 1400 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 15 (Early Byz.), 1401 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 37 (Early Byz.), 1402 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 39 (Early Byz.), 1403 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 43 (Early Byz.), 1404 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 44 (Early Byz.), 1405 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 46 (Early Byz.); 1573 %6 &3DOP& 32 (1978) 6,6 (ISTANBUL: Arch. Mus., place?; 5th%19`6th ac), 1574 %6 &3DOP& 32 (1978) 7,7 (CONSTANTINOPLE?, place?; ca. 5th%19`6th ac), 1575 %6 &3DOP& 32 (1978) 15,19 (ISTANBUL: Arch. Mus., place?; 5th%19`6th ac), 1576 %6 &3DOP& 32 (1978) 21,27 (5th%19`6th ac), 1577 %6 &3DOP& 32 (1978) 21,28 (5th%19`6th ac), 1578 %6 &3DOP& 32 (1978) 23,30 (5th%19`6th ac), 1579 %6 &3DOP& 32 (1978) 11,14 (ca. 6th ac), 1580 %6 &3DOP& 32 (1978) 23,31 ɺ(ca. 6th ac), 1581 %6 &3DOP& 32 (1978) 20,25 (CONSTANTINOPLE?, place?; 6th ac), 1582 %6 &3DOP& 32 (1978) 12,15 (ISTANBUL: Arch. Mus., place?; ca. 6th ac), 1583 %6 &3DOP& 32 (1978) 10,13 (6th%19`7th ac), 1584 %6 &3DOP& 32 (1978) 24,33 (ca. 6th ac), 1587 %6 &3DOP& 32 (1978) 19,23 (7th%19`9th ac), 1593 %6 &3DOP& 32 (1978) 24,32 (6th ac). @ &3SEG& 29 (1979) 665 (THRACE, Apollonia Pont.), 674 (CONSTANTINOPLE: Kariye Djami; 5th%19`6th ac); __ 1005 (ITALY, Rome: Mus. Vatican.; later imp.), 1006%19`1010 (C. Priscillae), 1013 (Mus. Vatican.); __ 1043 (PANNONIA, Arrabona%3Gyo+r; end 4th ac), 1054 (Keszthely%19Dobogo/; late 4th ac), 1056%19`1057 (Sa/gva/r; 4th ac), 1059 (Alisca; early 4th ac), 1060 (Sopianae; 4th ac); __ 1070 (CARIA, Aphrodisias; before 536 ac), 1071 (late 5th%19`6th ac); 1139 (Miletos; 4th%19`5th ac); __ 1165 (LYDIA, Hermokapeleia; 308%19`310 ac), 1166 (333%19`337 ac), 1167 (364%19`375), 1206(1)%19`1206(2) (Sardeis; 4th%19`6th ac); __ 1269 (ASIA, Pergamon; Byz.); __ 1378 (PHRYGIA, Afyonkarahisar; mid%19`3rd ac), 1418 (Temenouthyrai; 3rd ac), 1426 (place?; 3rd ac); __ 1534 (CAPPADOCIA, Topakli, near Nevs%25ehir; 5th ac); __ 1589 (SYRIA, Apamea; 455 or 470 ac), 1590 (484 ac), 1591 (487 ac), 1592%19`1595 (ca. 450%19`500 ac), 1601 (place?; 5th%19`6th ac); __ 1602 (ARABIA, Bostra; 6th ac); __ 1606 (PALAESTINA, Bethlehem; 4th%19`6th ac), 1607 (near Gaza; 1st%19`3rd ac?), 1615 (place?; 6th ac), 1616 (late Roman); __ 1659 (EGYPT, Memphis; late Roman), 1660 (5th%19`6th ac), 1661, 1662, 1664 (5th%19`6th ac); __ 1721 (REGION?, place?; 6th ac). __ Cross%19references: &3SEG& 29.199 %6 &3IG& 2(2),5205 (ATTICA, Athens; 397%19`401 ac); 302 %6 &3InvPe/l& 36 (PELOPONNESOS, Corinth; ca. 536 ac); 310 %6 &3InvPe/l& 15 (524 ac), 318 %6 &3SEG& 26,405 (5th ac), 320 %6 &3SEG& 28,390 (Corinthia, Tenea; 5th%19`6th ac); 1609 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.61 (ARABIA, Hesban; mid%19`6th ac), 1610 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.62 (end 6th ac?), 1611 %6 &3IGLSyr 21,2.60 (mid%19`6th ac). @ &3SEG& 30 (1980) 680 (SCYTHIA MINOR, Kaliakra; 337%19`342 ac); __ 687 (THRACE, Maroneia), 699, 785 (Traianoupolis); __ 803,m (SCYTHIA MINOR, Histria; 5th%19`6th ac), 806,e (Byz.), 806,j (Byz.), 807,c (4th ac), 807,d%19e (Byz.), 807,f (4th%19`5th ac), 807,h (Byz.), 807,j, 807,l%19m (6th ac), 807,n (Byz.), 807,o (6th ac), 807,p, 807,q%19t (Byz.); __ 1060 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Naxos); __ 1124 (SICILY, Kalakte); __ 1208 [&3IChUR& 1,1942] (ITALY, Rome; Mus. Naz.; 401 ac), 1212 (C. Callisti), 1215 (C. S. Pancratii); __ 1262 (CARIA, Halikarnassos), 1294%19`1296 (Didyma); __ 1382%19`1387 (ASIA, Hypaipa; 301 ac), 1397 (Selviog%148lu; 4th ac?); __ 1479 [Guard., &3EG& IV,377] (PHRYGIA, Hierapolis; beg. 3rd ac); __ 1625 (CYPRUS, Lythrodontas; 3rd ac); __ 1666 (PHOENICE, Berytos; mid%19`6th ac), 1667a (608 ac), 1667b (622 ac); __ 1675 (PHOENICE LIB., Nabha; 557%3`8 ac); __ 1686 (PALAESTINA, Emmau+s; 5th ac), 1687 (Gadara; 662 ac), 1688 (Gaza; 576 ac), 1689 (578 ac), 1690%19`1693 (576%19`578 ac), 1696 (Jerusalem; 5th%19`6th ac), 1697 [&3SEG& 26.1677] (Kursi; 585 ac), 1701 (Sinai; 5th ac); __ 1704%19`1706 (ARABIA, Hammam %102Afra; 5th%19`6th ac); __ 1725 (EGYPT, Douch), 1727, 1731%19`1741 (Esna), 1744 (Mahura al%19Qibli), 1747 (Oxyrhynchos), 1776 (place?); __ 1786 (CYRENAICA, Naustathmos); 1794 (REGION?, place?; 3rd ac), 1795 (327 ac), 1796 (5th%19`6th ac), 1805bis (4th ac); __ 1898 (EGYPT, Fayoum; 4th ac). __ Cross%19references: &3SEG& 30.276 %6 &3IG 2(2),11952 (ATTICA, Athens; 5th ac); 1542 %6 Ramsay and Bell, &3The Thousand and One Churches& (1909) 519,9 (LYCAONIA, Binbir Kilise; 337%19`278 ac?); 1545 %6 Reynolds, in Alfo+ldi%19Rosenbaum, &3DenkschrWien& 146 (1980) 82,1 (ISAURIA, Adrassos), 1546 %6 &3DkWien& 146 (1980) 84,3, 1547 %6 &3DkWien& 146 (1980) 86,7, 1548 %6 &3DkWien& 146 (1980) 87,9, 1549 %6 &3DkWien& 146 (1980) 88,12, 1554 %6 &3DkWien& 146 (1980) 83,2, 1556 %6 &3DkWien& 146 (1980) 85,5, 1557 %6 &3DkWien& 146 (1980) 86,6, 1558 %6 &3DkWien& 146 (1980) 87,8 (6th ac), 1559 %6 &3DkWien& 146 (1980) 88,10, 1560 %6 &3DkWien& 146 (1980) 88,11; 1709 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.131 (ARABIA, Madaba; 663 ac), 1711%3`2 %6 Piccirillo, &3Chiese e Mosaici della Giordana Settentrionale, &3SBFCM& 30 (1981) 78,6 (ARABIA, Riha%26b; 596 ac), 1713%3`4 %6 &3SBFCM 30 (1981) 80,7 (624 ac), 1715%3`6 %6 &3SBFCM& 30 (1981) 88,8 (582 ac); 1782 %6 &3JThS& 11 (1960) 288,9 (CYRENAICA, Apollonia; 6th ac?), 1784 %6 &3JThS& 11 (1960) 285,1 (Cyrene; 6th ac?), 1785 %6 &3JThS& 11 (1960) 286,5 (4th%3`5th ac), 1787 %6 &3JThS& 11 (1960) 291,21 (Olbia; 539%3`40 ac). @ &3SEG& 31 (1981) 611 (DALMATIA, Salona; 3rd%19`4th ac); __ 621 (MACEDONIA, Amphipolis; 2nd%19`3rd ac); __ 663 (DACIA RIP., Almus; 2nd ac); __ 666 (BULGARIA, place?; 3rd%19`4th ac), 674(1)%19`674(20) (MOESIA II, Iatrus; 4th%19`6th ac); __ 686 (SCYTHIA MINOR, Pa%148c. lui Soare; ca. 550%19`600 ac); __ 692 (MOESIA II, Durostorum; 679%3`80%19`685 ac?); __ 694(1)%19`694(25) (TRANS%19DANUBIAN DACIA, Sucidava; 6th ac); __ 737 (AEGEAN ISLANDS; Rhodes: Mesanagros; 5th%19`6th ac), 738 (6th ac), 739; __ 830 (SICILY, Catana; 4th%19`5th ac), 844 (Syracuse; 3rd%19`5th ac), 855 (Forum Cornelii; 6th ac); __ 875bis,a%19c (ITALY, Rome: M. Palatinus; 5th ac), 876 (Sinuessa; 4th ac), 883 (Tridentum; ca. 400%19`430 ac); __ 894 (PANNONIA, Poetovio; end 2nd%19`3rd ac); __ 931 (CARIA, Aphrodisias; 5th ac), 932 (Halikarnassos; 293%19`305 ac), 940 (Mylasa; 293%19`305 ac); __ 1101 (PISIDIA, Apameia; 3rd%19`4th ac), 1112; __ 1116 (PHRYGIA, Kotiaion; beg. 4th ac), 1122 (U+c%25kuyu), 1123, 1125 (Sirikli); __ 1324 (CAPPADOCIA, Kemerhisar; 317%19`324 ac); __ 1364 (CYPRUS, Soloi); __ 1389 (SYRIA, Hawwa; 539 ac), 1390 (505 ac), 1396 (Q. es%19Shih; early 5th ac); __ 1402 (PALAESTINA, Gaza; 6th%19`7th ac), 1419 (Neapolis; 3rd%19`4th ac), 1421 (Sinai); __ 1464%19`1470 (ARABIA, Kh. es%19Samra'; 6th ac); __ 1479 (ARABIA FELIX, Saudi Arabia; early Byz.); __ 1485%19`1510 (EGYPT, Alexandria; 608%19`610 ac), 1536 (Philai; 6th ac), 1541, 1562 (place?; 4th%19`5th ac), 1569 (5th%19`6th ac), 1570 (ca. 500%19`550 ac), 1571 (6th%19`7th ac); __ 1578 (CYRENAICA, Cyrene; before 365 ac?), 1579 (4th%19`5th ac); __ 1592 (ISTANBUL, Arch. Mus.); __ 1593%19`1594 (REGION?, place?), 1596, 1598, 1600. __ Cross%19references: &3SEG& 31.868 %6 &3IChUR& 1,4003 (ITALY, Rome?: place?; 347 ac), 872 %6 &3IChUR& 1,4033 (Rome: C. Maius), 872 %6 &3IChUR& 8,22833, 873 %6 &3IChUR& 1,3988 (ROME: place?); 1081 %6 Strubbe, "Catalogue ... Pessinus," &3Fouilles ... Pessinonte (1984) 243,155 (GALATIA, Mt. Dindymos; 5th%19`6th ac?), 1082 %6 Strubbe 243,152 (ca. 350%19`400 ac?), 1083 %6 Strubbe 243,151 (ca. 350%19`400 ac?), 1084 %6 Strubbe 243,153 (5th ac?), 1085 %6 Strubbe 243,154 (ca. 350%19`400 ac?), 1086 %6 Strubbe 244,156 (ca. 350%19`400 ac?), 1095 %6 Strubbe 232,89 (Pessinous; ca. 350%19`400 ac?), 1096 %6 Strubbe 236,107 (5th ac?); 1401 %6 Negev, &3Greek Inscr. from &3the Negev, SBFCM& 25 (1981) 92 (PALAESTINA, Elusa; 454%3`5 ac), 1411 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 81 (Mampsis; Early Byz.), 1412 %6 &3SBFCM 25 (1981) 82 (Early Byz.), 1413 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 83 (Early Byz.), 1414 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 84 (Early Byz.), 1415 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 85 (Early Byz.), 1416 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 86 (Early Byz.), 1417 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 90 (Early Byz.), 1418 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 91 (Early Byz.), 1425 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 47 (Sobata; 597 ac), 1426 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 48 (595 ac), 1426 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 49 (641 ac), 1428 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 50 (646 ac), 1429 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 51 (646 ac), 1430 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 52 (643 ac), 1431 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 53 (582 ac), 1432 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 54 (608 ac), 1433 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 55 (588 ac), 1434 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 56 (Early Byz.), 1435 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 57 (612 ac), 1436 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 58 (643 ac), 1437 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 59 (639 ac), 1438 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 60 (630 ac), 1439 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 61 (618 ac), 1440 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 62 (614 ac), 1441 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 63 (643 ac), 1442 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 ɺ(1981) 64 (Early Byz.), 1443 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 65 (679 ac), 1444 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 66 (517 or 607 ac?), 1445 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 67 (Early Byz.), 1446 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 68 (639 ac), 1447 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 69 (Early Byz.), 1448 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 70 (Early Byz.), 1449 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 71 (Early Byz.), 1450 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 72 (Early Byz.), 1451 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 73 (Early Byz.), 1452 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 74 (Early Byz.), 1453 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 75 (505 ac?), 1454 %6 &3SBFCM& 25 (1981) 75a (Early Byz.); 1471 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.176 (ARABIA, Um%19el%19Walid; 3rd ac), 1472 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.140 (Madaba; 603 ac), 1472bis %6 &3IGLSyr 21,2.134 (562 ac), 1473 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.133 (562 ac), 1474 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.135 (575%3`6 ac), 1475,1 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.136 (575%3`6 ac), 1475,2%19`3 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.137 (575%3`6 ac), 1476 %6 &3IGLSyr 21,2.138 (536%19`562 ac). @ &3SEG& 32 (1982) 713 (MOESIA II, Odessos; 6th ac); __ 900 (CRETE, Malla; 293%19`305 ac); __ 928 (SICILY, Piazza Armerina; ca. 350 ac); __ 1054%19`1055 (ITALY, Rome: C. Bassillae ad S. Hermetem; 3rd ac), 1057 (early 4th ac), 1058 (ca. 300%19`350 ac); __ 1083%19`1084 (HISPANIA, Emerita Augusta; 5th ac?); __ 1093 (AFRICA PROC., Carthage; ca. 400%19`420 ac), 1094 (6th ac); __ 1105 (CARIA, Aphrodisias; end 3rd%19beg. 4th), 1106 (4th ac?), 1107 (ca. 337%19`350 ac), 1108; __ 1280 (PHRYGIA, Dorylaion; Byz.?); __ 1302 (PISIDIA, Antiochia; 4th%19`5th ac?); __ 1314 (ISAURIA, Lamos [Limonlu]; 5th%19`6th ac?); __ 1368 (CYPRUS, Amathous; imp.); __ 1399 (MESOPOTAMIA, Ambar; 507%19`518 ac); __ 1408 (SYRIA, Antiochene; 436%3`7 ac), 1410, 1411 (356%3`7 ac), 1412 (360%3`1 ac), 1413, 1418, 1419 (458%3`9 ac), 1420 (361%3`2 ac), 1422, 1431 (329 ac), 1437 (Antiochia; 502 ac?), 1439 (Apamene; 516 ac), 1440 (501%3`2 ac), 1441 (6th ac), 1442 (541%3`2 ac), 1444; __ 1449 (PHOENICE, Berytos; 506%3`7 ac), 1450 (early Byz.), 1452 (6th ac?); __ 1456%19`1460 (EUPHRAT., Hierapolis; 321 ac), 1461 (418 ac), 1463, 1465, 1467, 1468 (468 ac), 1469, 1471 (401 ac), 1474 (Kyrrhos); __ 1475%19`1479 (PHOENICE, Porphyrion; early 7th ac); __ 1491 (PALAESTINA, Abila; early Byz.), 1496 (Bet Guvrin; early Byz.), 1498 (Caesarea Marit.), 1499 (Caesarea Philippi; 285%19`305 ac), 1502 (Gadara; ca. 455 ac), 1503 (ca. 505 ac), 1509 (Hippos), 1510 (Beth Lavayah; Byz.), 1511 (H. Qeromit; Byz.), 1512 (Byz.); __ 1514 (PHOENICE, Ramat Yoh%1anan; Byz.); __ 1516%19`1521 (PALAESTINA, Samaria; 6th ac); __ 1539 (ARABIA, Gerasa; 2nd%19`3rd ac), 1548 [&3SEG& 8.330] (Madaba; end 6th%19beg. 7th), 1553 (Q. el%19%102Azraq; end 3rd ac), 1554 (Q. el%19H%1allabat; beg. 6th ac); __ 1567 (EGYPT, Abu%26 Mi%26na; 373%19`378 ac), 1568%19`1571 (after 450 ac), 1573 (Alexandria; 5th%19`6th ac), 1588%19`1589 (Panopolis; 6th%19`7th ac), 1590; __ 1617 (REGION?, place?; 4th%19`5th ac), 1625%3`6 (3rd%19`4th ac), 1625%3`7 (early 3rd ac), 1625%3`8 (4th%19`5th ac). __ Cross%19references: &3SEG& 32.1040 %6 Bollini, &3IGrRav& 39,13 (ITALY, [Aemilia:] Ravenna; 4th%19`5th ac), 1041 %6 &3IGrRav& 41,14 (5th ac); 1059 %6 Sacco, &3IPorto& 68 ([Latium:] Portus; ca. 300 ac); 1061 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19864 (Rome: C. Cyriacae; 414 ac), 1064 %6 &3IChUR& 1,4004 (Rome?: place?), 1065 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5688 (Rome: Bas. S. Pauli); 1492 %6 Piccirillo, &3Chiese e Mosaici della Giordana &3Settentrionale, SBFCM& 30 (1981) 24 (PALAESTINA, Kh. el%19Maqati; 482%3`3 ac), 1503 %6 &3SEG& 36,1346 (Gadara; ca. 505 ac), 1504 %6 &3SBFCM& 30 (1981) 31 (near Gadara), 1513 %6 &3SBFCM& 30 (1981) 20 (Kh. el%19Wadadneh); 1523 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.68 (ARABIA, Shuneh; 7th%19`8th ac), 1524 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.67 (7th%19`8th ac), 1525 %6 &3IGLSyr 21,2.69 (7th%19`8th ac), 1526 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.70 (7th%19`8th ac), 1527 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.66 (7th%19`8th ac), 1545 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.130 (Madaba; 663 ac), 1546 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.132 (ca. 663 ac), 1547 %6 &3IGLSyr 21,2.128 (mid%19`6th ac), 1548 %6 &3SEG& 8,330 (6th%19`7th ac), 1554 %6 &3PPUAES& IIIA,20 (Q. el%19H%1allabat; beg. 6th ac), 1557 %6 &3SBFCM& 30 (1981) 70,2[c:] (Riha%26b; 594 ac); 1601 here %6 &3OGIS& 200(1) (ABYSSINIA, Axume; 4th%19`5th ac); 1626 %6 &3SEG& 36,1339 (PALAESTINA, Caesarea Marit.; 5th%19`6th ac). @ &3SEG& 33 (1983) 491 [Wessel 67] (DALMATIA, Salona; 400 or 405 ac); __ 502 [cf. &3SEG& 36.588] (MACEDONIA, Amphipolis), 508 (Bitola; 5th%19`6th ac), 521 (H. Georgios; mid%19`5th ac), 555 (Thessalonike; end 4th ac); __ 605%19`608 (N. COAST OF BLACK SEA, Chersonesos; 4th ac); __ 749,1 (SICILY, Kephaloidion; 6th ac), 749,2 (6th%19`7th ac); __ 764 (ITALY, Genua; 4th ac); __ 940 (ASIA, Ephesos; 5th ac?), 961%19`962; __ 1051 (HELLESPONTUS, Kyzikos; 314 ac), 1071; __ 1096 (PAPHLAGONIA, Tas%25ko+pru+); __ 1191 (ISAURIA, Anemurium; ca. 425%19`450 ac), 1192 (ca. 600 ac); __ 1268 (PALAESTINA, Gaza; 6th ac), 1269 (6th%19`8th ac), 1270 [&3SEG& 26.1677] (Gadara; 582%19`587 ac); __ 1302 (ARABIA, Bostra; 6th ac), 1303 (Byz.), 1305 (Gerasa; ca. 550%19`600 ac); __ 1316 (EGYPT, Latopolis [Esna]), 1323 (Hermonthis; 4th ac), 1324 (Kellia; 7th ac?), 1327%19`1331 (Thebes [Medinet Habu]), 1333%19`1334 1334bis, 1335%19`1336 1338, 1340%19`1351, 1364 (place?; 7th ac); __ 1366 (NUBIA, Serra; 6th%19`8th ac), 1367 (ca. 550%19`600 ac?). __ Cross%19references: &3SEG& 33.221 %6 &3Hsp& 2 (1933) 414,39 (ATTICA, Athens), 234 %6 &3IG& 3,3457 (Kalybia Kouvara); 773 %6 &3IG 14.1073[b:] (ITALY [Latium], Ostia; 4th ac?), 778 %6 Sacco, &3IPorto& 80 ([Latium:] Portus), 779 %6 &3IPorto& 69, 780 %6 &3IPorto 76; 1271%3`75 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.57 (ARABIA, Masuh; ca. 550%19`600 ac). @ &3SEG& 34 (1984) 634 (MACEDONIA, Dion), 652 (Kozani), 667 (Philippi), 668, 669 [&3SEG& 36.629], 670%19`671; __ 713 (THRACE, Plagia; 293%19`305 ac); __ 733 (MOESIA II, Durostorum; 5th%19`6th ac); 734 (668%19`685 ac); __ 749 (SCYTHIA MINOR, Dinogetia; 4th ac); __ 877 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Thasos: Aliki; 5th%19beg. 6th ac); __ 922 (CRETE, Neapolis), 924 (place?; 5th%19`6th ac), 925 (7th ac), 926 (5th%19`6th ac), 927 (6th ac), 928 (7th ac), 929 (5th%19`6th ac); __ 944%19`945 (SICILY, Co/miso; early Byz.); __ 1007 (ITALY, Otranto; 7th ac), 1027 (Terracina; 7th%19`8th ac); __ 1033 (SARDINIA, Cornus; 7th ac); __ 1040 (BRITANNIA, Fahun Mura; 8th ac); __ 1046%19`165 (CARIA, Aphrodisias; ca. 500%19`550 ac); __ 1134%19`1135 (ASIA, Ephesos), 1196 (Smyrna); __ 1243 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 4] (HELLESPONTUS, Abydos; ca. 492 ac); __ 1254 (ASIA, Pergamon), 1255b (Byz.); __ 1291 (PHRYGIA, Dorylaion; 285%19`305 ac), 1292 (early Byz.); __ 1330 (LYCAONIA, Iconium), 1334, 1341; __ 1344%19`1345 (PISIDIA, Kadinhani); __ 1346 (LYCAONIA, Iconium); __ 1353%19`1354 (PISIDIA, Kinderaz); __ 1355 (LYCAONIA, Kotu Delik Han); __ 1396 (PISIDIA, Sizma; early 3rd ac); __ 1407 (PAMPHYLIA, Nauloi); __ 1437%19`1438 (SYRIA, Apameia; 5th%19`6th ac), 1439 (6th ac); __ 1442 (PHOENICE, Berytos; 5th ac), 1445 (Berytos?; ca. 450%19`525 ac); __ 1471 (PALAESTINA, Emmaus; after 337 ac), 1476 (Hebron; 6th ac), 1503 (Mukhmas; 6th ac?); __ 1508 (ARABIA, Hauran; ca. 364 ac?); __ 1529 (EGYPT, Abu%26 Mina; 4th%19`5th ac), 1598 [Milne, &3Cat. &3Cairo& (1905) 45,9238] (Koptos; 323 ac), 1625 (place?; 6th%19`7th ac); __ 1632 (NUBIA, Dodekaschoinos; ca. 300%19`330 ac), 1634 (4th%19`5th ac), 1640 (Quasr Ibri=m; 4th%19`5th ac); __ 1661 (REGION?, place?), 1667 (5th ac), 1668 (Syria?, place?; 4th%19`6th ac), 1669 (region?, place?), 1670%19`1673 (ca. 550%19`650 ac), 1674 (7th%19`8th ac), 1675 (6th ac), 1676 (ca. 550%19`650 ac). __ Cross%19references: &3SEG& 34.218 %6 &3AAA& 17 (1984) 93,6 (ATTICA, Athens?), 219 %6 &3AAA& 17 (1984) 95,8, 220 %6 &3AAA& 17 (1984) 94,7, 221 %6 &3AAA& 17 (1984) 88,1 (4th%19`5th ac?), 226 %6 &3AAA& 17 (1984) 89,2 (4th%19`5th ac?), 229 %6 &3AAA& 17 (1984) 96,9, 230 %6 &3AAA& 17 (1984) 97,10 (Chasani), 235 %6 &3AAA& 17 (1984) 91,3 (Athens?), 237 %6 &3AAA& 17 (1984) 92,4, 238 %6 &3AAA& 17 (1984) 93,5; 327 %6 &3InvPe/l& 38 (PELOPONNESOS, Tegea; 6th ac?); 1262 %6 &3IK Kalchedon 22 (BITHYNIA, Kalchedon; 452 ac); 1428 %6 Pouilloux, et al., ɺ&3Salamine de Chypre, XIII,2& (1987) 235 (CYPRUS, Constantia); 1466 %6 &3RB& N.S. 1 (1904) 268,4 (PALAESTINA, Beersheba; 6th ac), 1467 %6 &3SEG& 8,293 (Negev: place?; 545 ac), 1468 %6 &3RB& N.S. 1 (1904) 267,2 (Beersheba; 547 ac), 1469 %6 &3RB& N.S. 1 (1904) 266,1 (588 ac); 1510%3`13 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.96 (ARABIA, Ayoun Mousa; 6th ac), 1514%3`16 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.54 (Quweisme; ca. 550%19`600 ac), 1517 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.53 (717%3`8 ac), 1518 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.52 (ca. 717%3`8 ac); 1641 here %6 &3OGIS& 200(5) (NUBIA, Meroe; mid%19`4th ac), 1642 here %6 &3OGIS& 200(6) (4th%19`5th ac). @ &3SEG& 35 (1985) 732 (MACEDONIA, Beroia), 733%19`734 (ca. 350 ac), 736 (Dion; 4th ac), 737 (Edessa; 305%3`6 ac), 738 (beg. 4th ac), 743 (Herakleia Lynkou; 305%3`6 ac), 754,b (Pella; 305%3`6 ac), 757,b (Petrai; 305%3`6 ac), 758,b (305%3`6 ac), 758,c (317%19`324 ac?), 758,d (333%19`335 ac), 759%19`760 (305%3`6 ac), 762 (Sandanski); __ 847 (SCYTHIA MINOR, Tomis; ca. 550%19`567 ac), 848 (Noviodunum; 5th%19`6th ac), 849 (Tomis; 6th ac), 850 (6th%19`7th ac), 854 (Galati; ca. 500 ac); __ 1027 (ITALY, Canusium; 4th%19`6th ac), 1055 (Tibur; ca. 365 ac); __ 1070 (HISPANIA, Asturica August.; end 2nd%19`4th ac), 1070,n2 (Hispalis); __ 1073 (BRITANNIA, Braintree; 4th ac?); __ 1076 (PANNONIA, Tricciana; 4th ac); __ 1119 (ASIA, Ephesos; Byz.), 1120 (Byz.), 1121 (later 6th ac?); __ 1336 (PAPHLAGONIA, Amastris); __ 1346%19`1347, 1351 [Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia Pontica 3,1 (1910) 247] (HELENOPONTUS, Beke; 5th%19`6th ac?); __ 1358 (HONORIAS, Tieion), 1360 (Boncuklar, near Hadrianoupolis; mid%19`6th ac); __ 1391 (PHRYGIA, Kotiaion; 3rd ac); __ 1397 (PISIDIA, Philomelion; early Byz.), 1405 (Malos; after 324 ac); __ 1442 (LYCAONIA, Akviran; ca. 350%19`400 ac); __ 1451 (ISAURIA, Yanikhan; late 4th ac); __ 1473 (CYPRUS, place?; 6th%19`7th ac); __ 1475 (MESOPOTAMIA, Martyropolis; ca. 591 ac); __ 1485%19`1486 (SYRIA, Antiochia; 5th%19`6th ac); __ 1492 (EUPHRAT., Hierapolis), 1493 (early Byz.); 1494 [&3IGLSyr& 2.586] (SYRIA, Me%102ez); __ 1495 (PHOENICE, Nabatiyeh; 514 ac?); __ 1523 (SYRIA, Seleukeia Pieria; 6th ac), 1528 (place?); __ 1529%19`1532 (PALAESTINA, place?; 6th%19beg. 7th ac); __ 1537 (Eleutheropolis; mid%19`4th ac), 1538%19`1541 (Byz.), 1542 (4th ac?), 1547 (Jerusalem; ca. 550%19`575 ac), 1548 (Khirbet Zikrin; 6th%19`7th ac), 1549%19`1556 (Magen; 5th%19`6th ac), 1557 (Nahal Michmas; 6th ac); __ 1558 (PHOENICE, Nahariya); __ 1559 (PALAESTINA, Sinai; early Byz.), 1560%19`1565 (early Byz.); __ 1571 (ARABIA, Gerasa; 539%3`40 ac), 1574 (Byz.), 1593 (%102Ain Minyah); __ 1600 (EGYPT, Alexandria; 6th ac); __ 1724 (CYRENAICA, Cyrene; later 4th ac?); __ 1745 (REGION?, place?; Byz.), 1748 (4th ac). __ Cross%19references: &3SEG& 35.763 %6 Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus Bulgarien (1964) 239 (MACEDONIA, Sandanski%19Zapara; 5th%19beg. 6th ac); 1471 %6 des Gagniers and Tran Tam Tinh, &3Soloi& I (1985) 116 (CYPRUS, Soloi; ca. 654%3`5 ac); 1484 %6 &3TravMe/m& 9 (1985) 421,1 (SYRIA, Antioch; 336 ac); 1577 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.159 (ARABIA, Ma%102in; 719%3`20 ac), 1578 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.160 (719%3`20 ac), 1579 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.158 (719%3`20 ac), 1580 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.157 (719%3`20 ac), 1581 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.163 (598%3`9 ac?), 1582 %6 &3IGLSyr 21,2.162 (mid%19`6th ac), 1584 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.174 (ed%19Deir; mid%19`6th ac), 1585 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.161 (Ma%102in), 1586 %6 &3IGLSyr 21,2.156 (5th ac), 1587 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.172 (4th%19`5th ac?), 1588 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.171, 1589 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.167, 1590,1 %6 &3IGLSyr 21,2.166, 1590,2 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.165, 1590,3 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.168, 1591 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.169, 1592 %6 &3IGLSyr& 21,2.164, 1594 %6 &3IGLSyr 21,2.173. @ &3SEG& 36 (1986) 621bis [&3ArchIug& 24 (1987) 101%19`111] (MACEDONIA, Herakleia Lynkou; ca. 497%19`523 ac), 637 (Stobi), 638 (ca. 325 ac), 639 (ca. 350%19`400 ac), 650 (Thessalonike; ca. 600 ac); __ 691 (SCYTHIA MINOR, Tomis; 6th ac); __ 770 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Siphnos; 787 ac), 783 (Samos: Tigani [Athens]; ca. 300%19`350 ac), 784%19`785 (Samos: Tigani [Cyprus]; 4th ac); __ 828%19`830 [`828 %6 Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 67] (SICILY, Halykiai [Salemi]; 550%19`600 ac), 842 (Catana; 426 ac), 843 (455 ac), 848 (Lipara Isl.; 369 ac); __ 928 [I: &3ILCV& 1.73] (ITALY, Rome?; 513, 772 ac); __ 958 (BRITANNIA, Venta Silurum; 2nd%19`3rd ac); __ 990 (CARIA, Iasos; 6th ac); __ 1097 (LYDIA, Sardeis; 4th%19`5th ac), 1098 (4th%19`6th ac), 1099 (5th%19`6th ac), 1104 [&3BE/& 1968.478]; __ 1147 (BITHYNIA, near Tuzla), 1157 (Pylai); __ 1164 (HONORIAS, Herakleia Pont.; 383%19`392 ac); __ 1167 (PONTUS POLEM., Kerasos; 5th%19`6th ac); __ 1169 (HELENOPONTUS, Sinope), 1171%19`1172; __ 1180%19`1184 (GALATIA, Germia; 5th%19`6th ac), 1185 (5th%19`6th ac), 1186%19`1190; __ 1198 (PHRYGIA, Hierapolis; 352%19`354 ac?); __ 1205%19`1206 (PISIDIA, Hadrianoupolis; 286%19`293 ac); __ 1224%19`1232 (ISAURIA, Alahan); __ 1235 (LYCAONIA, Hyde), 1236 (Thebasa); __ 1238 (CILICIA, Civlikli; 6th ac), 1240 (Elaioussa; 5th%19`6th ac), 1242a%19b (Feke; 400%19`450 ac); __ 1266 (ARMENIA, Ereruk; 5th%19`6th ac), 1267 (ca. 600 ac), 1268 (Etsmiadzi), 1270%19`1271 (Mastar; 7th ac); __ 1303 [&3SEG& 27.993] (EUPHRAT., Resafa%19Sergipolis; 559 ac), 1304 (ca. 580%19`600 ac), 1305 [&3CIG 8829%7] (ca. 580%19`600 ac), 1306 (after 595%3`6 ac), 1307 (559 ac), 1308, 1309 (ca. 559 ac?), 1310 (after 6th ac), 1311 (6th ac?), 1311n(1)%19`1311n(2); __ 1313%19`1314 (PHOENICE, Tyre), 1318; __ 1323 (PALAESTINA, %102Ain Karem; 7th%19`10th ac), 1324 (Antipatris), 1326 (Beersheba; 6th ac?), 1327 (588%3`9 ac), 1328%19`1329 (6th ac), 1330 (606 ac?), 1331%19`1135 (6th ac), 1336 (6th%19`7th ac), 1337 (554%3`5 ac), 1338 (6th ac), 1339 [&3SEG& 32.1626] (Caesarea; 5th%19`6th ac), 1341 (560%19`614 ac), 1343 (Gadara; ca. 505 ac?), 1344%19`1345 (ca. 505 ac), 1346 [&3SEG& 32.1503] (ca. 505 ac), 1347 (ca. 505 ac), 1351 (Nikopolis; 333%19`337 ac), 1352 (Photis; 6th ac?); __ 1444 (EGYPT, Thebes [Luxor]), 1453; __ 1468%19`1469 (REGION?, place?; before 471 ac). __ Cross%19references: &3SEG 36.629 %6 &3SEG& 34,669 (MACEDONIA, Philippi); 934 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24813 (ITALY, Rome: C. ad V. Anapo), 935 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24810, 936 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24814, 938 %6 &3IChUR& 9,26034 (C. Priscillae); 1179 %6 &3RECAM& 2.130 (GALATIA II, Eudoxias; 5th%19`6th ac); 1193 %6 &3SEG 26,1371[II:] (PHRYGIA, Iulia? [C%25ay]; end 3rd%19beg. 4th); 1269 %6 &3LBW& V,1814g (ARMENIA I, Koloneia), 1350 %6 Thomsen, "Inschr. ... Jerusalem," &3ZdPV& 44 (1921) 59,119 (PALAESTINA, Jerusalem; 7th ac?). @ @ @@Collections, Miscellaneous Works and Bibliographic Sources @ Boeckh, A., and J. Franz, &3Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum, &3I%19III.& Berlin 1828%19`1853. Includes: &3CIG& 3962 [Peek, &3GVI& (1955) 1720] (PISIDIA, Apameia; 2nd ac); 4438 [cf. &3GRBS& 20 (1979) 177] (CILICIA I, Tarsos; 5th%19`6th ac). __ Cross%19references: &3CIG 1558 %6 &3InvPe/l& 8 (PELOPONNESOS, Patras; ca. 364%19`375 ac); 3287 %6 &3IK Smyrna& 572 (ASIA, Smyrna); 3449 %6 &3IGRR& 4,1530 (LYDIA, Sirge; 293%19`305 ac); 3872b %6 &3LBW& V,734 (PHRYGIA PAC., Sebaste), 3872c %6 &3LBW& V,735 (353 ac), 3883b %6 &3IGRR& 4,612 (PHRYGIA SAL., Dokimeion; a:293%19`305 ac); 4045 %6 &3AS& 27 (1977) 91,36b (GALATIA, Ankyra; 4th ac); 4158 %6 &3LBW& V,1812 (HELENOPONTOS, Sinope); 4241 %6 &3TAM& 2.553 (LYCIA, Tlos); 4322 %6 &3LBW& V,1388 (ISAURIA, Kelenderis); 4350 %6 Robert, &3Hellenica& 4 (1948) 51 (PAMPHYLIA, Side; 388%19`392 ac); 4432e %6 &3LBW& V,1469 (CILICIA, Elaioussa), 4434b %6 Heberdey and Wilhelm, &3DenkschrWien& 44,6 (1896) 44,109b (Pompeioupolis), 4436 %6 &3DenkschrWien& 44,6 (1896) 44,109a; 4512 %6 &3LBW& VI,2551a (PHOENICE LIB., Damaskos; 361%19`363 ac), 4517 %6 &3LBW& VI,2562c (el%19Burdj; ca. 566%19`580 ac); 4573 %6 &3LBW& VI,2490 (ARABIA, Zorava), 4575 %6 &3LBW& VI,2412q (el%19Hari=ri), 4578b %6 &3LBW VI,2427 (Nedjra=n), 4580 %6 &3LBW& VI,2406 (Migdala), 4582 %6 &3LBW VI,2405, 4593 with Add. %6 &3LBW& VI,2546a (Khulkhula; 331 ac), ɺ4603 %6 &3LBW& VI,2080 (Philippopolis; 551 ac), 4631? %6 &3LBW VI,1984 (%102Ayoun), 4635 %6 &3LBW& VI,2019 (Orman; 358 ac), 4637 %6 &3LBW& VI,2020 (398 ac), 4638 %6 &3LBW& VI,2018 (341 ac), 4641 %6 &3LBW VI,2001 (Salkhad; 369 ac), 4642 %6 &3LBW& VI,2007; 4789d %6 Baillet, &3Inscr. ... tombeaux des rois& (1920) 788 (EGYPT, Thebai: Syringes; 5th%19`6th ac?); 5187 %6 &3LBW& VI,1906a (CYRENAICA, Ptolemais; 491%19`518 ac); 6523b %6 &3IChUR& 4,12858 [&3IG& 14.1997; &3IChUR& 2,5978; Wessel, &3Inscr. gr. chr. vet. Occident.& (1936) 1] (ROME, V. Appia%3Ardeat.), 6544 %6 &3IChUR& 2,5960 [&3CIG& 9729; &3IG 14.1991] (Mus. Paulianum), 6702 %6 &3IChUR& 8,23367 [&3IG& 14.2114; Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei Vaticani& (1963) 86] (Priscillianae). @ Kirchhoff, A., &3Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum, IV,2.& Berlin 1859. Remainder of inscriptions, not included separately under "Constantinople", "Italy and the West", or elsewhere. Includes: &3CIG& 8624 [&3BCH& 7 (1883) 502,2] (PHRYGIA PAC., N. of Aizanoi; 508 ac); 8630 (ARABIA, Zorava; mid%19`6th ac); 8636 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979), no. 180] (PONTUS POLEM., Trebizond; 542 ac), 8637 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979), no. 181] (542 ac), 8653 (MESOPOTAMIA, Amida; 5th%19`6th ac); 8684 (BRUTTIUM, Rhegium; 861 ac?); 8693 [Halkin V,91] (ARMENIA II, S. of Melitene; 959%3`60 ac?); 8696 (GALLIA, Paris; 972 ac?); 8744 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979), no. 150] (BITHYNIA, Prousa; 1206%19`1222 ac?); 8748 (HONORIAS, Herakleia Pont.; 1255%19`1259 ac); 8759 [Gerola, &3Monumenti veneti dell' isola di Creta& IV (1932) 51] (CRETE, Gortyn; 1292 ac); 8761 (MACEDONIA, Herakleia Lynkou [now Grenoble]; 13th ac); 8772 [&3AthMitt& 34 (1909) 28] (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Samothrace; 1454%3`5 ac), 8773 [cf. &3AthMitt& 34 (1909) 27] (1431%19`1444 ac), 8777 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979), no. 118] (1433 ac); 8808 (ITALIA, Rome; Byz.), 8814 (Spoleto; Byz.), 8816 (once Rome; before 9th ac?), 8818 [mislabeled "`8817"] (place?; late Byz.); 8820 (MESOPOTAMIA, Nisibis); 8831 [&3AEMO+& 8 (1884) 197,15] (BITHYNIA, Prousa); 8837 (PHRYGIA, Temenothyrai); 8849 (PALAEST. III, Pharan); 8856 (ARABIA, Zorava); 8860 [&3REG& 2 (1889) 28] (PISIDIA, Isparta); 8865 (PROV.?, now Paris); 8866 (TURKEY, Bolokla+?); 8869 (BITHYNIA, Pazaryeri); 8873 (PHOENICE, Berytos); 8885 (PALAESTINA, Jerusalem), 8893; 8894 (HELENOPONTUS, near Amasia; Byz.); 8897 (MESOPOTAMIA, Amida); 8912 (BITHYNIA, Bosu+yu+k; Byz.); 8915a%19`8915d (N. SHORE EUXINE, Chersonesos?); 8917 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Andros; 14th%19`15th ac?); 8920 (PHOENICE LIB., Damascus); 8933 [cf. &3MAMA& 6,p.134] (PHRYGIA SAL., Prymnessos?; 4th ac?); 8935 (MACEDONIA, Thessalonike; 10th ac?); 8944 (LYCAONIA, near Ouasada); 8950a (NUBIA, Semneh); 8966 (TRANPADANA, Milan; 6th%19`7th ac?); 8967 (ROME, Vatican; 11th%19`12th ac?), 8968 (13th ac?); 8969 (REGION?, place?; 13th ac?), 8970 (13th ac?); 8971 (ROME, S. Paolo; 1070 ac); 8981 (NUBIA, Sabagura); 8983 (ROME, S. Agnese); 8984 [cf. &3BCH& 31 (1907) 325] (PROV.?, present location?; 6th ac), 9058; 9059 (EGYPT, place?), 9060 [&3EO& 3,6 (1900) 361], 9061%19`9063; 9064 (PHOENICE, Berytos); 9066 (PROV.?, now Monza), 9067%19`9068 (now Rome), 9069 (now Milan), 9071 (once Verulae); 9072 (VENETIA, Tarvisio); 9073 (SICILIA, Parnormon); 9074 (TRANSPADANA, Crema), 9075 (Milan); 9076%19`9078 (PROV.?, present location?), 9079%19`9082 (now Berlin), 9083 (now Copenhagen), 9084 (present location?), 9085 (now Vatican), 9086%19`9091 (now?), 9092 (now Paris), 9093 (now?), 9094 (now Berlin), 9095 (now Copenhagen), 9096%19`9098 (now?); 9099 (CAMPANIA, now?); 9100 (PROV.?, present location?); 9102 (ETRURIA?, present location?); 9103 (PROV.?, now Berlin), 9104 (present location?), 9105 (now Copenhagen), 9106%19`9109 (present location?); 9135 (NUBIA?, place?); 9153 (PHOENICE, Sidon; 691 ac?); 9181 (CILICIA I, Korykos), 9198; 9201 (Korasion), 9203; 9207 (ISAURIA, Seleukeia), 9209, 9219, 9220, 9222, 9223, 9226, 9227 [Robert, &3Hellenica& I (1940) 30], 9228, 9229, 9233, 9234; 9237 (LYCAONIA, Isauropolis); 9240 (CAPPADOCIA, Poros); 9248 (GALATIA, Alaca); 9257 (GALATIA?, Oknos); 9258 (GALATIA, Ankyra); 9260 (BITHYNIA?, Ackbiuck?); 9261 (HELENOPONTUS, Sinope); 9264 (PHRYGIA SAL., Kotiaion; 1071 ac?); 9265 (PHRYGIA PAC., Temenothyrai); 9266 [cf. Cumont, &3Me/langes &3d'arche/ologie et d'histoire& 15 (1895) 277,179] (PHRYGIA SAL., Sandylki; 3rd%19`4th ac); 9268 [&3Anatolian Studies ... Ramsay (1923) 74,3] (PISIDIA, Kadinhani%3Pita; ca. 375 ac?); 9270 (LYCAONIA, Ikonion); 9279 (ASIA, Smyrna); 9426 [Egger, &3Forschungen in Salona& II (1926) 175] (DALMATIA, Salona; 440 ac), 9427 [Egger, &3Forschungen in Salona& II (1926) 171] (437 ac), 9428, 9429 [Wessel 37,adn.(2)], 9430%19`9433; 9434 [cf. &3SEG 36.572] (near Salona), 9436 [Wessel 159] (Lissa); 9448 (PROV.?, now Paris), 9449 (518 ac). __ Cross%19references: &3CIG 8609 %6 &3LBW& VI,2158 (ARABIA, Maximinaopolis%19Saccaea; 506 ac), 8616 %6 &3LBW& VI,2159 (6th ac); 8620 %6 &3InvPe/l& 41 (PELOPONNESOS, Corinth: Akrokorinthos; beg.%3end? 9th ac); 8634 %6 &3DOP& 20 (1966) 264,17 (PALAEST. III, Sinai; 1759%19`1798 ac?); 8641 %6 &3LBW VI,1878 (PHOENICE LIB., Abila; 565 ac); 8651 %6 &3LBW& VI,2412b (ARABIA, et%19Tha%102leh; 538 ac?), 8652 %6 &3LBW& VI,2412m (Nahite; 623 ac); 8666 %6 &3LBW& V,1007 (PHRYGIA PAC., Sanaos; 5th%19`6th ac); 8682 %6 Strubbe, "Catalogue ... Pessinus," &3Fouilles ... &3Pessinonte& (1984) 223,35 (GALATIA, Justinianopolis; before 838 ac); 8697 %6 &3LBW& V,991 (PHRYGIA PAC., Aizanoi; 981 ac?); 8702 %6 Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& 62a4 (EUROPE, Bergula%19Tyroloe; 976%19`1025 ac); 8736 %6 Vincent and Abel, &3Le sanctuaire de la &3Nativite/& (1914) 157 (PALAESTINA, Bethlehem; 1169 ac); 8741 %6 &3BCH& 19 (1895) 438 (PONTUS POLEM., Trebizond; 1350%19`1390 ac); 8760 %6 &3InvSalon& 28 (MACEDONIA, Thessalonike; 1356 ac), 8763 here %6 &3BCH& 23 (1899) "Add,1*" (PELOPONNESOS, Lakonia, Mistra; 1300%3`1 ac); 8764 %6 &3InvPe/l& 64 (H. Tessarakonta; 1304%3`5 ac); 8766 %6 &3InvSalon& 26 (MACEDONIA, Thessalonike; 1325 ac); 8767 %6 &3InvPe/l& 68 (PELOPONNESOS, Oitylon; 1331%3`2 ac), 8776 %6 &3InvPe/l& 86 (Patras; 1426 ac); 8794 %6 &3Byzantion& 4 (1927%19`1928) 438,1 (GALATIA I, Ankyra; ca. 859 ac), 8795 %6 &3Byzantion& 4 (1927%19`1928) 439,2 (ca. 859 ac); 8799 %6 &3LBW& VI,2362 (ARABIA, Kanatha); 8817 %6 &3Byzantion& 4 (1927%19`1928) 450,4 (GALATIA I, Ankyra; 9th%19`10th ac?); 8819 %6 &3LBW& VI,2124 (ARABIA, Ei+tha; 354 ac), 8821 %6 &3LBW& VI,2160a (Sakkaia); 8822 %6 Strubbe, "Catalogue ... Pessinus," &3Fouilles ... Pessinonte& (1984) 223,34 (GALATIA II, Justinianopolis; 5th%19`6th ac?); 8823 %6 &3LBW& V,1008 (PHRYGIA PAC., Ancyra Sanaou); 8824 %6 &3InvPe/l& 34,a (PELOPONNESOS, Korinthos; 5th%19`6th ac), 8825 %6 &3DOP& 20 (1963) 263,7 (PALAEST. III, Sinai: St.Catherine's; 548%19`565 ac); 8826 %6 &3IG& 12,8.75 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Imbros); 8829%7 %6 &3SEG& 36,1305 (EUPHRAT., Resafa%19Sergiopolis; ca. 580%19`600 ac); 8834 %6 &3InvSalon& 20 (MACEDONIA, Thessalonike; ca. 1310%19`1314 ac); 8841 %6 &3LBW VI,2548 (ARABIA, Umm ez%19Zeitun); 8867 %6 Vincent and Abel, &3Le &3sanctuaire de la Nativite/& (1914) 92 (PALAESTINA, Bethlehem); 8868 %6 &3AthMitt& 33 (1908) 95,16 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Imbros), 8880 %6 &3IG& 12,1.1043 (Kasos), 8886 %6 Straz. 403 (SICILY, Syracuse); 8900 %6 &3LBW& VI,1981 (ARABIA, Sahwet%19el%19Khudr); 8909 %6 &3LBW& V,728 (PHRYGIA PAC., Temenothyrai); 8921 %6 &3LBW& VI,2501 (ARABIA, Zorava); 8924 %6 &3TAM& 2.823 (LYCIA, Arykanda); 8927? %6 &3IG& 14.827 (CAMPANIA, Neapolis); 8933 %6 &3LBW& VI,1960 (ARABIA, near Bostra); 8942 %6 Vincent and Abel, &3Le sanctuaire de la Nativite/ (1914) 167 (PALAESTINA, Bethlehem; 12th ac?); 8990 %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 253,111 (NUMIDIA, Rusicade; 6th%19`7th ac?); 9065 %6 &3IG 14.2413,18 (ITALY, now Monza); 9137 %6 &3IRTrip& 256b (TRIPOLITANIA, Oea%19Tripoli); 9146 %6 &3LBW& VI,1959b (ARABIA, near Bostra), 9147 %6 &3LBW& VI,2361 (Kanatha), 9155 %6 &3LBW& V,1517 ɺ(CILICIA, Anazarbos), 9156 %6 &3LBW& V,1516, 9158 %6 &3LBW& V,1505 (Mopsuestia), 9161 %6 &3LBW& V,1484 (Tarsus), 9162 %6 &3LBW& V,1485; 9206 %6 &3LBW& V,1395 (ISAURIA, Seleukeia), 9208 %6 &3LBW& V,1398, 9210 %6 &3LBW& V,1418, 9211 %6 &3LBW& V,1394, 9212 %6 &3LBW& V,1393, 9213 %6 &3LBW& V,1396, 9214 %6 &3LBW& V,1405, 9215 %6 &3LBW& V,1411, 9216 %6 &3LBW V,1412, 9217 %6 &3LBW& V,1407, 9218 %6 &3LBW& V,1406, 9221 %6 &3LBW V,1413, 9224 %6 &3LBW& V,1414, 9225 %6 &3LBW& V,1417, 9230 %6 &3LBW V,1408, 9231 %6 &3LBW& V,1389, 9232 %6 &3LBW& V,1404, 9235 %6 &3LBW V,1415 (Meriamlik), 9236 %6 &3LBW& V,1403 (Seleukeia); 9263 %6 &3LBW V,828 (PHRYGIA SAL., Kotiaion; 4th ac?), 9267 %6 &3LBW& V,1714 (Dokimeion; 7th ac?); 9443 %6 &3AthMitt& 33 (1908) 93,9 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Imbros; 1456 ac), 9444 %6 &3AthMitt& 33 (1908) 91,2 (1442 ac). @ Guarducci, M., &3Epigrafia greca, IV: Epigrafi sacre, pagane e &3cristiane.& Rome 1978. Includes: Guarducci, &3EG& IV,370,3 %6 &3ASAtene& 41%19`42 (1963%19`1964) 240 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 141] (AEGEAN ISL., Karpathos: Diaphani); 404,10 %6 &3IPriene& 216 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 116; &3IK Ephesos& 3136] (ASIA, Ephesos%3Priene); 426,3 %6 L. Budde, &3Antiken Mosaiken in Kililien, I& (1969), pp. 40%19`55, with &3ZdPV& 90 (1974), 69%19`75 (CILICIA, Mopsuhestia, 400%19`450 ac?); 441,1 Bagatti and Milik, &3Scavi ... "Dominus Flevit" (1958) 89,21 [here also %6 &3CIJ& 1387a] (PALAESTINA, Jerusalem; end 1st%3beg. 2nd), 453,6 &3ed. pr.& (PALAESTINA; place?; 5th%19`6th ac); 456,1 %6 &3Amtliche Berichte aus den ko+niglichen &3Kunstsammlungen& (Berlin) 34 (1912%19`1913) 211%19`219 (EGYPT, place?; 4th ac), 461,3[a%19b] %6 A. Fakhry, &3The Necropolis of el &3Bagawa%26t in the Kharga Oasis.& (1951), pp. 39%19`66 and 67%19`78 (EGYPT, Kharga Oasis; 5th ac); 482,1 %6 &3MadMitt& 3 (1962) 122 (HISPANIA, Ecija; 4th ac), 485,2 %6 Hu+bner, &3IHispChr& 178 (HISPANIA, Cartagena); 494,2 %6 &3Journal des Savants& 1975,47 (GALLIA, Lugdunum; end 2nd ac?); 505,1 %6 &3Epigraphica& 10 (1948 [`1950]) 62 [&3Peek, GVI& (1955) 1907] (NORTHERN ITALY, Transpadana, Milan; ca. 400 ac), 510,3 %6 &3Antichita\ &3Altoadriatiche& 12 (1977) 391 [&3ILS& 8883; Wessel 134] (NORTHERN ITALY, Julia Concordia; 6th ac); 519,7 %6 &3AnalBoll& 27 (1908) 369 (NORTHERN ITALY, Picenum, Ancona; ca. 550%19`600 ac); 522,1 %6 &3Oikoumene& (1964) 605,3 (SICILY, Catana; 4th ac), 529,1 %6 &3BullComm& 75 (1953%19`1955) 83 [&3SEG& 16,603, cf. &3BE/& 1958,554 and 65,487], and &3Ro+mMitt& 80 (1973) 169 with 81 (1974) 341 (ROME, Via Latina; 2nd ac), 533,2 %6 &3NSc& 1920,231 and &3BullComm& 57 (1929) 307,10 (ROME, C. Pamphili; ca. 150%19`200 ac), 549,6 %6 &3RAC 31 (1955) 105 (ROME, Lateran; beg. 4th ac), 552,7 %6 M. Guarducci, &3I graffiti ... Vaticano& (1958), II,385 (ROME, Vatican; ca. 325 ac?). __ Full list of inscriptions: Guarducci, &3EG& IV, 317,1 %6 &3IG& 3,1383 (ATTICA, Athens; 3rd%19`4th ac), 319,2 %6 &3IG& 3,3525 (3rd%19`4th ac), 321,3 %6 &3SEG& 24.252 (Argyroupolis; 4th%19`5th ac), 323,4 %6 Bayet (1878) 95 (Athens?; 5th ac), 325,5 %6 Soteriou, &3Heurete%26rion& I (1927) 56 (Athens; 5th ac); 326,1%19`2 %6 &3InvPe/l& 16%19`17 (PELOPONNESOS, Isthmia; 527%19`565 ac), 330,3 %6 &3Cor& 8.3,551 (Corinth; 5th%19`6th ac), 332,4 %6 &3IG& 5.2,359 (Arkadia, Stymphalos), 333,5 %6 &3IvO& 657 (Elis, Olympia; beg. 5th ac?), 334,6 %6 &3IvO& 706 (6th ac?); 335,1 %6 &3AEph& 1917.163 (CENTRAL GREECE, Boiotia, Plataia; ca. 300 ac?), 337,2 %6 &3AthMitt& 25 (1900) 313 (Megaris, Megara; 5th ac?), 339,3 %6 &3AEph& 1937.665 (Boiotia, Tanagra; 4th ac?), 345,4 %6 &3BCH 23 (1899) 273 (Phocis, Delphi; 5th ac), 348,5%19`6 %6 &3AEph 1942%19`1944 (1948), Chr., 41 (Ionian Islands, Kerkyra: Palaiop.; 5th ac), 350,7 %6 &3BCH& 9 (1885) 32 (Phocis, Elateia; 6th ac?); 355,1 %6 &3IChMac& 233 (NORTHERN GREECE, Macedonia, Philippoi; 379 ac), 357,2 %6 &3IChMac& 222 (5th%19`6th ac) 360,3 %6 &3IGLRom& 194 (Moesia Inf., Axiopolis; 3rd%19`4th ac), 361,4 %6 &3IGLRom& 267 (Noviodunum; 350%19`400 ac), 363,5 %6 Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace 395,74z3 (Europe, Herakleia%19Perinthos; 4th ac); 365,1 %6 Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 128 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Rhodes: Psythos.; 5th%19`6th ac), 368,2 %6 Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 209 (Melos; 300%19`350 ac), 370,3 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 141, with &3ASAtene& 41%19`42 (1963%19`1964) 240] (Karpathos: Diaphani), 371,4 %6 &3ClRhod& I (1928) 103 (Karpathos: Arkassa; ca. 400 ac?), 373,5 %6 &3AEph& 1966.96,7 (Kos: Mastichari; ca. 500 ac), 374,6 %6 &3AthMitt& 54 (1929) 77 (Samos: Misokampo; 6th ac?); 377,1 %6 &3SEG& 30,1479 (ASIA MINOR, Phrygia, Hierapolis; beg. 3rd ac), 386,2 %6 &3SEG& 6,204 (Eumeneia; ca. 200%19`250 ac), 388,3 %6 &3SEG& 28,946 (Mysia, Hadrianoi; 4th ac), 390,4 %6 &3BCH& 33 (1909) 342,102 (Phrygia, Synnada; end 3rd ac?), 392,5 %6 &3SEG& 15,796 (Phrygia, place?; 4th ac), 394,6 %6 &3MAMA& 1,170 (Pisidia, Laodikea Combusta; ca. 340 ac), 398,7 %6 Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 333bis (Lydia, Apollonis; ca. 378 ac); 400,8 %6 Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 104 %6 &3IK Eph& 1351 (Asia, Ephesos; ca. 435 ac?), 401,9 %6 Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 108 %6 &3IK Eph 4135 (Ephesos; ca. 531%19`537 ac), 404,10 [&3IPriene& 216; Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 116; &3IK Eph& 3136] (Ephesos%3Priene), 404,11 %6 Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 340(3) %6 &3TAM& 5,1.4 (Lydia, Bagis; 5th ac); 407,12 %6 &3StPont& 3,1.13 (Pontus, Amisos; 5th%19`6th ac); 408,13%19`14 %6 &3StPont 3,1.101 with &3BZ& 65 (1972) 379%19`382 (Pontus, Amaseia; 515%19`518 ac); 411,1 %6 Bandy, &3GChICret& 76 (CRETE, Mt. Ida; 4th%19`5th ac), 413,2 %6 &3GChICret& 80 (4th ac), 414,3 %6 &3GChICret& 71 (Panormon; 5th ac?); 417,1 %6 &3Soloi& I (1985) 15 (CYPRUS, Soloi; ca. 350 ac?), 418,2 %6 Mitford, &3Kourion& 202 (Kourion; late 4th ac?), 420,3 %6 &3Kourion& 203 (late 4th ac?), 421,4 %6 &3BCH& 88 (1964) 374 (Nea Paphos; end 5th%3beg. 6th); 424,1 %6 &3MAMA& 3,112 (CILICIA, Eski Kale; 4th%19`5th ac), 425,2 %6 &3MAMA& 2, p. 106 (Korykos; 5th ac?), 426,3 [L. Budde, &3Antiken Mosaiken in Kililien, I& (1969), pp. 40%19`55, with &3ZdPV& 90 (1974), 69%19`75] (Mopsuhestia, 400%19`450 ac?); 431,1 %6 &3IGLSyr& 2,598 (SYRIA, Ko%26kana=ya; 369 ac), 434,2 %6 &3IGLSyr& 4,1509 (H%1a=ss; 372 ac), 435,3 %6 &3IGLSyr& 4,1522 (5th ac), 436,4 %6 Lassus, &3SanctChr& (1947) 257n.1 (Antioch: Machuka; end 5th ac), 438,5 %6 &3IGLSyr& 2,424 (Refa=deh; 516%3`7 ac), 439,6 %6 &3IGLSyr& 4,1682 (el%19Anderi=n; 559 ac); 441,1 [Bagatti and Milik, &3Scavi ... "Dominus Flevit"& (1958) 89,21, here also %6 &3CIJ 1387a] (PALAESTINA, Jerusalem; end 1st%3beg. 2nd), 444,2 %6 &3RB 22 (1913) 100 (Emmaus%19Nikopol.; 4th ac?), 445,3 %6 Thomsen, "Inschr. ... Jerusalem," &3ZdPV& 44 (1921) 94,130 (Jerusalem; 518 ac?), 446,4 %6 M. Avi%19Yonah, &3The Madaba Mosaic Map& (1954) [&3IGLSyr& 21:2 (1986) 153,1%19`154] (Madaba; 6th ac), 452,5 %6 &3SEG 34,1469 (Birosaba; 588 ac), 453,6 &3ed. pr.& (place?; 5th%19`6th ac); 456,1 [&3Amtliche Berichte aus den ko+niglichen &3Kunstsammlungen& (Berlin) 34 (1912%19`1913) 211%19`219] (EGYPT, place?; 4th ac), 459,2 %6 &3IGChEg& 663 (Nubia; 5th ac), 461,3[a%19b] [A. Fakhry, &3The Necropolis of el Bagawa%26t in the &3Kharga Oasis& (1951), pp. 39%19`66 and 67%19`78] (Kharga Oasis; 5th ac), 464,4 %6 &3IGChEg& 353 %6 &3IMe/tr& 173 (6th ac?), 466,5a%19b %6 &3IGChEg& 590%19`591 %6 &3IPhilai& 2.201%19`202 (ca. 537 ac), 469,6 %6 &3IPhilai& 2.240; 470,1 %6 &3JThS& 11 (1960) 268,4 [&3SEG& 9.187%3`8; cf. &3BE/& 1971.725] (CYRENAICA, Cyrene; 4th ac), 473,2 %6 &3JThS& 11 (1960) 287,8 (4th ac); 475,3 %6 &3CIG& 5292 %6 &3JThS& 16 (1965) 462 [&3SEG& 30,1784], here %6 &3JThS& 11 (1960) "Add,1*" (Teucheira; 6th ac); 476,4 %6 &3JThS& 11 (1960) 291,21 [&3SEG& 30,1787] (Olbia; 539%3`40 ac); 482,1 [&3MadMitt& 3 (1962) 122] (HISPANIA, Ecija; 4th ac); 485,2 [Hu+bner, &3IHispChr& 178] (Cartagena); 487,1 %6 &3IG 14.2525 (GALLIA, Augustodunum; 4th ac?), 494,2 [&3Journal des &3Savants& 1975,47] (Lugdunum; end 2nd ac?), 498,3 %6 &3IChGaule 1,168 [&3IG& 14.2561; &3BE/& 1959.543] (Belgica, Aug. Treverorum; 4th ac), 499,4 %6 &3IChGaule& 1,172 (Aug. Treverorum; ca. 375%19`450 ɺac?); 505,1 [&3Epigraphica& 10 (1948 [`1950]) 62; Peek, &3GVI& 1907] (NORTHERN ITALY, Transpadana, Milan; ca. 400 ac), 508,2 %6 &3IG 14.2334 (Venetia, Julia Concordia; ca. 400 ac), 510,3 [&3Antichita\ Altoadriatiche& 12 (1977) 391] (6th ac), 512,4 %6 &3IG 14.2356%3`2360 (Aquileia; 5th ac), 515,5 %6 &3IG& 14.2345 (Grado; ca. 580 ac), 517,6 %6 Bollini, &3IGrRav& 48,19 (Aemilia, Ravenna; ca. 450 ac), 519,7 [&3AnalBoll& 27 (1908) 369] (Picenum, Ancona; ca. 550%19`600 ac); 522,1 [&3Oikoumene& (Catania 1964) 605,3] (SICILY, Catana; 4th ac), 524,2 %6 Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 33 (Syracuse; 4th ac), 524,3 %6 Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 91 (360 ac), 526,4 %6 Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 20 (ca. 500 ac); 529,1 [&3BullComm& 75 (1953%19`1955) 83 (&3SEG& 16,603, cf. &3BE/& 1958,554 and 65,487); &3Ro+mMitt& 80 (1973) 169 with 81 (1974) 341] (ROME, Via Latina; 2nd ac), 533,2 [&3NSc& 1920,231; &3BullComm& 57 (1929) 307,10] (C. Pamphili; ca. 150%19`200 ac), 535,3 %6 &3IChUR& 7,19933%3`5 [&3CIG& IV,8613] (C. Hippolyti; ca. 222%19`235 ac), 545,4 %6 &3IChUR 5,12889 (C. Catacumbas; ca. 200%19`250 ac), 547,5 %6 &3IChUR& 4,10616 [&3CIG& 4.9674c] (C. Callisti; 282 ac), 549,6 [&3RAC& 31 (1955) 105] (Lateran; beg. 4th ac), 552,7 [M. Guarducci, &3I graffiti ... &3Vaticano& (1958), II,385] (Vatican; ca. 325 ac?). @ &3Anthologia graeca,& ed. H. Beckby. 4 vols. 2nd end. Munich 1965%19`1968. For other texts, see also above under "Constantinople". Included here are &3Anth& 1,50 (ASIA, Ephesos; 527%19`565 ac?), 1,92 (CAPPAD. I, Kaisareia; ca. 360%19`390 ac), 1,93 (4th%19`6th ac); 1,95 (ASIA, Ephesos; 527%19`565 ac?); 1,103 (HELLESPONT, Kyzikos; 4th%19`6th ac); 1,104 (REGION?, place?; 4th%19`6th ac); __ &3Anth& 7,343 [Peek, &3GVI& (1955) 796] (REGION?, place?; 4th%19`5th ac); 7,553 [&3IGLSyr& 5.2336] (PHOENICE LIB., Emesa; 538 ac); 7,672%3`3 (PELOPONNESOS, Corinth; 4th%19`6th ac); 7,679 (CYPRUS, place?; 6th ac), 7,680; 7,689 (REGION?, place?; 4th%19`6th ac?); __ &3Anth& 9,615 (ASIA, Smyrna; 4th%19`6th ac); 9,641 (BITHYNIA, near Nikaia; 559%3`60 ac); 9,662 (ASIA, Smyrna; ca. 555%19`568 ac?); 9,670 (5th%19`6th ac?), 9,671 (ca. 375 ac); 9,686 [Feissel, &3IChMac& 87] (MACED., Thessalonike; 4th%19`6th ac); 9,692 (REGION?, place?; 459%19`460 ac); 9,694 (ASIA?, Ephesos?; 4th ac?); 9,704 %7 Robert, &3Hellenica& 4 (1948) 155 (CARIA, Aphrodisias; late 5th ac); 9,787 (EGYPT, Alexandria; 6th%19`7th ac); 9,817%19`819 (REGION?, place?; Byz.); __ &3Anth& 15,2 (LYCIA, Myra; 450%19`457 ac); 15,15%3`16 (RHODES, Lindos; ca. 925%19`950 ac); 16,35 (CARIA, Aphrodisias; before 538 ac); 16,38 (PHOENICE, Berytos; ca. 540%19`551 ac); 16,42 (ASIA, Smyrna; ca. 551 ac?); __ &3Anth(Plan)& 16,43 (ASIA, Smyrna; ca. 551 ac?); 16,280 (PELOPONNESOS, Tegea; 5th%19`6th ac?); 16,281 (BITHYNIA, Prainetos; 4th%19`6th ac); 16,316 (ASIA, Myrina; ca. 579%19`582 ac); 16,387c (REGION?, place?). @ Diehl, E., &3Inscriptiones Latinae Christianae Veteres.& Vols. 1%19`2. Berlin 1925%19`1928. __ Duplicates of a few Greek inscriptions: &3ILCV& 117 [Egger, &3Forschungen in Salona& II (1926) 273] (DALMATIA, Salona; 6th ac), 236f (AFRICA PROC, Carthago; 6th%19`7th ac), 239a (6th%19`7th ac), 359a%19`359b (6th%19`7th ac); 926 [&3CIL& 11.6726,513] (PROV.?, [Firenze]); 949c (AFRICA PROC., Carthago; 6th%19`7th ac), 949d (Carthago; 6th%19`7th ac), 949h (6th%19`7th ac); 1352C [cf. &3BE/& 1969.626] (ROME, Palatine); 2385 (MOESIA I, Viminacium); 2429 [&3CIL& 15.2415] (PROV.?, [Rome]); 3042C [Peek, &3GVI& (1955) 136] (DALMATIA, Salona; 3rd%19`4th ac); 3962 (ROME, C. Pamphili), 3962B,, 3986 (Mus. Lateran.), 3995A%19`3995C (S. Sebastianus), 3996B; 4463 (place?); 4465 (Mus. Lateran.); 4466 (S. Sebastianus). @ Robert, J. and L., "Bulletin e/pigraphique" [`1938%19`1980], published (semi%19)annually in the &3Revue des e/tudes grecques (Paris), and separately reprinted in nine vols. (Paris 1972%19`1982), with five vols. of indices (Paris 1973%19`1983). &3BE/ 1939,188 %6 &3Thrakika& 8 (1937) 15,6 (RHODOPE, Abdera); __ &3BE/ 1940,189[a] %6 Dunand, in &3Me/langes syriens offerts a\ R. Dussaud (1939) II,599%19`576, no. 257 (ARABIA, Dj. Druze: Kaper), 40,189[b] %6 Dunand, in &3Me/lDuss& II, no. 288 (415%3`6 ac), 40,189[c] %6 Dunand, in &3Me/lDuss& II, no. 289 (438%3`9 ac), 40,189[d] %6 Dunand, in &3Me/lDuss& II, no. 290 (517%3`8 ac), 40,189[e] %6 Dunand, in &3Me/lDuss& II, no. 245; __ &3BE/& 1949,13 %6 &3OrChrP& 13 (1947) 516 (PROV.?, [London]; 7th ac); __ &3BE/ 1951,223 %6 &3GRBS& 20 (1979) 178,3 (CILICIA I, Tarsos; 5th%19`6th ac); __ &3BE/& 1952,151 %6 &3ArchAnz& 1943.80 (ARMENIA MINOR, Erzincan; 6th ac); 52,174 %6 &3CRAI& 1950,307 (PALAESTINA, Bethania; 4th%19`6th ac); __ &3BE/& 1953,218[a] %6 &3Archiv Orienta/lni/ 18,1%19`2 (1950) 144%19`164, no. 353 (ARABIA, Obta; 343%3`4 ac), 53,218[b] %6 &3ArOr& 18,1%19`2 (1950) no. 369 (Zorava; 601 ac), 53,218[c] %6 &3ArOr& 18,1%19`2 (1950) no. 338 (Obta), 53,218[d] %6 &3ArOr& 18,1%19`2 (1950) no. 356 (Namer), and 53,218[e] %6 &3ArOr 18,1%19`2 (1950) no. 373 (Danaba); __ &3BE/& 1954,228 %6 &3BSA& 47 (1952) 171,45 (CARIA, Knidos); 54,249a %6 &3RB& 58 (1951) 200,43 (PALAESTINA, Bethania; 4th%19`6th ac); __ &3BE/& 1955,150b %6 Bakalakis, in &3Prosphora eis Stilpona P. Kyriakidin& (1953) 499 (MACED., Neapolis%3Kavala; ca. 1311%19`1328 ac?); 55,234 %6 &3JHS& 74 (1954) 179 (OSRHOENE, Carrhae%3Edessa; 4th%19`5th ac); 55,246 %6 &3ZDPV& 68 (1951) 228 (PALAESTINA, Neapolis; 606%3`7 ac); __ &3BE/ 1956,200 %6 Robert, &3Hellenica& 10 (1955), p. 230 n.1 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Lesbos: Eresos); __ &3BE/& 1958,516 %6 T.C. Kaoukchischvili, &3Inscr. gr. de Ge/orgie& (1951) 253 (IBERIA, Michet Samtawro; 3rd%19`4th ac); 58,517 %6 &3Bulletin de l'Acade/mie &3des Sciences de Ge/orgie& (Tbilisi). 16 (1955) 73 (IBERIA, Bitchvin). __ &3BE/& 1959,437 %6 Peek, &3GVI& (1955) 134 (CAPPAD. II, near Tyana); 59,447 %6 &3Tu+rk Tarih Kurumu, Beleten& 22 (1958) 43,40a (PAMPHYLIA, Attaleia; Byz.); 59,477 %6 &3AnalBoll& 76 (1958) 235 (PALAESTINA, Bethlehem; 6th ac?); 59,523 %6 &3Epigraphica& 18 (1956) 94 (SARDINIA, Fangariu; 6th%19`7th ac?); __ &3BE/& 1960,28 %6 &3Syria& 36 (1959) 74 (PHOENICE, Tyros; 597%3`8 ac); 60,220 %6 &3Cahiers arche/ologique& 10 (1959) 107 (CPLE, Marmara); 60,394[a]%19`60,394[c] %6 &3Tu+rk Arkeoloji Dergisi& 8,2 (1958) 6%19`7,ph.4, 6 and 11 (ISAURIA, Dag%148 Pazari; 5th ac?); __ &3BE/ 1961.394 %6 %N. Firatli, &3La Sculpture byzantine figure/e au &3Muse/e arche/ologique d'Istanbul& (1990) 55,96 (CPLE, Tas%25kasap; end 4th%19`5th ac); 61,770 %6 &3MonPiot& 51 (1960) 129 (SYRIA, place?; 6th%19`7th ac); 61,783[a] %6 &3Bulletin du Muse/e de Beyrouth 14 (1957) 100,1 (PHOENICE, Sidon: Zahrani; 541 ac), 61,783[b] %6 &3BMBey& 14 (1957) 101,2 (5th ac), 61,783[c] %6 &3BMBey& 14 (1957) 103,4 (6th ac), 61,783[d] %6 &3BMBey& 14 (1957) 103,5 (ca. 400 ac?), 61,783[e] %6 &3BMBey& 14 (1957) 104,6 (389%3`90 ac), 61,783[f] %6 &3BMBey& 14 (1957) 104,7 (524 ac), 61,783[g] %6 &3BMBey& 14 (1957) 105,8 (ca. 524 ac), 61,783[h] %6 &3BMBey& 14 (1957) 105,9 (ca. 535 ac?), 61,783[i] %6 &3BMBey& 14 (1957) 105,10 (535 ac), 61,783[j] %6 &3BMBey& 14 (1957) 127,c (PHOENICE, Berytos: Awzai; ca. 450%19`525 ac?), 61,783[k] %6 &3BMBey& 14 (1957) 127,d (ca. 450%19`525 ac?), and 61,783[l] %6 &3BMBey& 14 (1957) 167 (PHOENICE, Berytos: B.Mery; 6th ac); 61,796 [Peek, &3GVI& (1955) 266 (ARABIA, Fekea); 61,846[a] %6 G. Brusin, and E.L. Zovatto, &3Monumenti palaeochristiani di &3Aquileia e di Grado& (1957), 331%19`349, no. 3 (VENETIA, Aquileia; 4th ac), 61,846[b] %6 Brusin and Zovatto, &3Mon. palaeochr. &3Aquileia e di Grado& (1957), no. 8 (4th ac), and 61,846[c] %6 Brusin and Zovatto, &3Mon. palaeochr. Aquileia e di Grado (1957), no. 18 (4th ac); __ &3BE/& 1962,191 %6 Z. Tas%25likliogl%148u, &3Trakya'da epigrafya aras%25tirmalari& I (1961) pp. 46%19`49, 81%19`82 (EUROPE, Aproi; 1064 ac); 62,257 %6 &3BCH& 84 (1960) 808 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Lesbos: Mytilene); 62,260[a]%19`62,260[b] %6 Kontoleon, in $*EI)S MNH/MHN *K.*T. *)AMA/NTOU& (1960) 473,2 and 473,4 (C. AEGEAN, ɺNaxos) and 62,260[c] %6 Kontoleon, in $*EI)S MNH/MHN *K.*T. *)AMA/NTOU (1960) 473,5 (12th ac?); 62,320 %6 &3Studii Biblici Franciscani &3Liber Annuus& 10 (1959%19`1960) 169 (ARABIA, Madaba; 595%3`6 ac) [Delete. Full text: &3IGLSyr& 21,2.147]; 62,391 %6 &3RAC& 36 (1960) 19,10 (SICILY, Syracuse); __ &3BE/& 1963,36[a] %6 R. Noll, &3Vom &3Altertum zum Mittelalter& (1958) no. 8 (PROV.?, [Vienna]) and 63,36[b] %6 Noll, &3Vom Altertum zum Mittelalter& (1958) no. 9 (PANNONIA II, Sirmium; 352 ac); 63,58 %6 &3Bibliotheca classica &3orientalis& 6 (1961) 321 (EPIRUS N.?, place?; 10th or later); 63,280 %6 &3Me/lBey& 37 (1960%19`1961) 297 (ARABIA, Hauran: Kharaba; 326 ac); 63,286 %6 &3Me/lBey& 37 (1960%19`1961) 161 (PALAESTINA, Dora); __ &3BE/& 1964,41 %6 &3RAC& 37 (1961) 303 %6 (SYRIA II, Tell Minnis; 489 ac); 64,484 %6 &3Oriens Antiquus& 2 (1963) 287n.6 (LYCAONIA, Laranda); 64,589 %6 Kraeling, &3Ptolemais& (1962) 208,11 (CYRENAICA, Ptolemais); __ &3BE/& 1965,58 %6 &3Harvard &3Theological Review& 57 (1964) 133 (PALAEST. III, Eboda); 65,386 %6 &3Annual of the Archeological Museum of Istanbul& 11%19`12 (1964) 34,18 (PHRYGIA SAL., Tavs%25anli); 65,446 %6 &3Berytus& 14 (1961%19`1963) 140,8 (CYPRUS, Paphos) and 65,456 %6 &3Berytus& 14 (1961%19`1963) 140,10 %6 (Karpasia); 65,485 %6 &3RAC& 38 (1962) 140 (ITALY, Rome: Forum); 65,492[a]%19`65,492[b] %6 &3Revue des e/tudes &3byzantines& 22 (1964) 180,a and 180,b (CALABRIA, S. Severina; ca. 1035 ac); __ &3BE/& 1966,437 %6 P. Lemerle, &3Prole/gomenes a\ une &3e/dition critique et commente/e des "Conseils et Re/cits" de &3Ke/kaume/nos& (1960), p. 29 (ARMENIA, Egrek; 1006%3`7 ac); 66,467 %6 &3Oriens Antiquus& 4 (1965) 71 %6 &3BE/& 1966,467 (SYRIA I, Antioch%3Laodic.; 293%19`305 ac); 66,498[a] %6 K. Michalowski, &3Faras. Fouilles polonnaises 1961%19`1962& (1965) 164,2 (NUBIA, Pachoras), 66,498[b] %6 Michalowski, &3Faras& (1965) 164,3 (923 ac); __ &3BE/& 1967,584 %6 &3RAC& 39 (1963) 136,3 PHRYGIA PAC, Hierapolis; 3rd ac?); 67,596 %6 &3Tu+rk Arkeoloji Dergisi& 13,2 (1964 [`1967]) 119 (GALATIA, Ankyra); 67,658 %6 &3Report of the &3Department of Antiquities of Cyprus& 1965.130,21 (CYPRUS, Lapethos); 67,671 %6 &3Archiv fu+r Papyrusforschung& 18 (1966) 44%19`46 (NUBIA, place?); __ &3BE/& 1968,508 %6 S%148evc%148enko, in &3Synthronon& (1968) 29%19`41 [&3DOP& 21 (1967) 286] (CARIA, Aphrodisias; ca. 400 ac); 68,513 %6 &3Tu+rk Arkeoloji Dergisi& 9 (1959) 17 (LYCIA, Myra); 68,553 %6 &3Me/langes K. Michalowski (1966), p. 311 (PHOENICE LIB., Palmyra; 535 ac); __ &3BE/ 1969,543 %6 S%148evc%148enko, in &3Synthronon& (1968) 38 n. 36 (CARIA, Aphrodisias); 69,621 %6 &3RAC& 43 (1967) 163 (AFRICA PROC., Hippo Regius; later 3rd ac?); 69,624 %6 &3RAC& 43 (1967) 45,10 (VENETIA, Aquileia; ca. 400 ac?), (VENETIA, Aquileia; ca. 400 ac?), 69,626 %6 &3Revue des e/tudes latines& 1968.162 (ROME, Palatine); __ &3BE/& 1970,204 %6 &3Aufstieg und Niedergang der ro+mischen Welt II,8 (1977) 501 [Le/monon, &3Pilate et le gouvernement de la &3Jude/e& (1981) 23%19`32] (PALAEST. I, Caesarea; 31 ac?); 70,422 %6 Charitonides, &3Epigraphai tes Lesbou. Sympleroma& (1978) 73,112 (E. AEGEAN, Lesbos: Mytilene); 70,588 %6 &3Cahiers arche/ologiques 19 (1969) 160 (PHRYGIA PAC., Sebaste; 11th ac); 70,626 %6 &3Israel Exploration Journal& 16 (1966) 209 (PHOENICE, Tyre: Hv. Kark.; 477 ac); 70,665 %6 &3Bulletin d'arche/ologie alge/rienne& 3 (1968 [`1970]) 174%19`175 (AFRICA PROC., Theveste; 5th ac); __ &3BE/ 1971,427[a]%19`71,427[b] %6 &3Cahiers arche/ologiques& 20 (1970) 55 and 56 (THRACE, Medeia; Byz.); 71,495[a]%19`71,495[b] %6 &3AAA& 3,3 (1970) 416 and 420 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Naxos: Drosiane; 7th%19`8th ac?); 71,690[a] %6 &3ZPE& 6 (1970) 62 (PALAEST. II, Galilee: Araba), 71,690[b] %6 &3ZPE& 6 (1970) 63 (PALAEST. II, Galilee: Henita), 71,695 %6 &3ZPE& 6 (1970) 64 (PALAEST. I, Caesarea), 71,700 %6 &3ZPE& 7 (1971) 161,20 (PALAEST. I, Eleutheropolis; 600 ac), 71,703 %6 &3ZPE& 7 (1971) 151,7 (PALAEST. III, Umm%19Sideira); __ &3BE/& 1972,282[a]%19`72,282[c] %6 Z. Tas%25likliogl%148u, &3Trakya'da &3epigrafya aras%25tirmalari& II (1971) 79,6, 80,8 and 81,9 (EUROPE, Aproi); 72,286a %6 &3Classical Review& 22 (1972) 175 with &3GRBS& 20 (1979) 179 (EUROPE, Perinthos); 72,293[a] %6 Z. Tas%25likliogl%148u, &3Trakya'da epigrafya aras%25tirmalari& II (1971) 32,2 (HAEMIMONTUS, Edirne Mus.), 72,293[b] %6 Tas%25likliogl%148u II (1971) 34,4 (HAEMIMONTUS, Hadrianopolis); 72,366 %6 Tas%25likliogl%148u II (1971) 178 (HELLESPONTUS, Kykikos); 72,615[a] %6 Re/mondon, in Ch. Bachatly, &3Le monaste\re de Phoibammon dans la The/bai+de, II (1965), no. 6 (EGYPT, Mon.Phoibammon), 72,615[b] %6 &3Mon. &3Phoibammon& (1965) no. 8, 72,615[c] %6 &3Mon. Phoibammon& (1965) no. 10, 72,615[d] %6 &3Mon. Phoibammon& (1965) no. 11, 72,615[e] %6 &3Mon. Phoibammon& (1965) no. 13, 72,615[f] %6 &3Mon. Phoibammon (1965) no. 17, 72,615[g] %6 &3Mon. Phoibammon& (1965) no. 19, and 72,615[h] %6 &3Mon. Phoibammon& (1965) no. 20; 72,635 %6 &3Studi &3Classici e Orientali& 19%19`20 (1971%19`1972) 442 (ITALY, Rome: Lateran; ca. 250%19`300 ac?); __ &3BE/& 1973,93 %6 &3Arctos& N.S. 7 (1972) 204 (ITALY, Rome); 73,467 %6 &3JdI& 86 (1971) 288 (PHRYGIA SAL., Dokimeion); 73,480 %6 &3Phoenix& 26 (1972) 183%19`186 and 396%19`399 (ISAURIA, Anemurium; ca. 382 ac); 73,481 %6 &3Papers of &3the British School at Rome& 37 (1969) 98 (ISAURIA, Seleukia Kalyk.); 73,489 %6 &3Epigraphica& 33 (1971) 95,4 (SYRIA, Apameia); 73,542 %6 &3Epigraphica& 33 (1971) 172 (N. ITALY, Venetia, Julia Concordia; ca. 400 ac); __ &3BE/& 1974,222 %6 &3GRBS& 14 (1973) 173 (ATTICA, place?; 4th ac); [`74,549] (no mention) %6 &3AJA& 77 (1973) 418 [text quoted from &3Demetrias& V (1987) 294] (CARIA, Knidos); 74,592 %6 &3AnalBoll& 91 (1973) 364 (CAPPADOCIA I, Kirs%25ehir; 5th%19`7th ac); 74,612 %6 L. Budde, &3Antiken Mosaiken in &3Kililien, I& (1969), p. 95, with &3idem, Antiken Mosaiken in &3Kililien, II& (1972), pp. 101%19`104, figs. 91%19`102, esp. fig. 93 (CILICIA, Narli Kuyu II; ca. 375%19`400 ac?); 74,630 %6 &3Annales &3arche/ologiques arabes syriennes& 22 (1972) 151 (SYRIA II, Fri=kya=; 511 ac); 74,674 %6 &3Bulletin de l'Institut Franc%25ais &3d'Arche/ologie Orientale du& 72 (1972) 139,21 (EGYPT, place?) and 74,676 %6 &3Bull.Inst.Cairo& 72 (1972) 161 (place?); 74,678 %6 &3ZPE& 13 (1974) 94 (EGYPT, place?); __ &3BE/& 1976,571 %6 J.M. Cook, &3The Troad& (1973) 401,17 (HELLESPONTUS, Bayramic%25); 76,675 %6 &3Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists& (New York (1975) 151%19`157 (PHRYGIA PAC., Abiye); 76,756 %6 R. Koerner, &3Festschrift zum 150 ja+hrigen Bestehen des Berliner a+gyptischen &3Museums& (1974) 355,6 (EGYPT, place?). @ Halkin, F., "Inscriptions grecques relative a l'hagiographie, I%19VI," in &3E/tudes d'e/pigraphie grecque d'hagiographie byzantine (London: Variorum 1973). Halkin II [%6 &3AnalBoll& 69 (1951) 67%19`76] 2,68 &3%6 Syria& 27 (1950) 195 (PALESTINA I, Jerusalem; 6th%19`7th ac); 2,69 %6 &3Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities &3in Palestine& 10 (1942) 162 (PALESTINA I, Jerusalem; 524%19`552 ac); __ Halkin III [%6 &3AnalBoll& 70 (1952) 116%19`137] 3,119 %6 G. Gerola, &3Monumenti veneti dell' isola di Creta& IV (1932) 580 (CRETE, Katebate; 6th ac?); 3,122 %6 N. d'Olwer, in $*EI)S MNH/MHN $*SPURI/DWNOS *LA/MPROU& (1935), p. 391 (AIGINA, Paleochora; 12th ac?); __ Halkin IV [%6 &3AnalBoll& 70 (1952) 306%19`311] 4,307 %6 Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 51 (CPLE, Hagia Sophia; ca. 886%19`912 ac?), 4,308 %6 Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 49 (ca. 886%19`912 ac?), 4,310 %6 &3Archaeolo&gy 3 (1950) 140 (CPLE, Sehzade%3Laleli; 902%3`3 ac); 4,311 %6 Demangel and Mamboury, &3Quartier des Manganes (1939) 129,39 (CPLE, Mangana Quart.; 12th%19`13th ac?); __ Halkin V [%6 &3AnalBoll& 71 (1953) 74%19`99] 5,76 %6 L. Robert, &3E/tudes &3anatoliennes& (1937) 213n.3 (HELLESPONTUS, Hisar Alan); 5,77 %6 &3AthMitt& 35 (1910) 482,72 (ASIA, Pergamon); 5,81 %6 G. Lampakes, $*OI( E(PTA\ A)STE/RES TH=S *)APOKALU/YEWS& (1909), p. 336 (Magnesia Sipyl.; 966%3`7 ac); 5,84 (ed. pr.; copy of L. Robert) (CARIA, ɺHyllarima; Byz.), 5,86 %6 H. Pierce and R. Tyler, &3L'Art &3byzantin& II (Paris 1934), p. 74 and pl. 32 (PAMPHYLIA, Adalia), 5,88 %6 &3AnalBoll& 30 (1911) 316 (ISAURIA, Zenopolis; 488 ac); __ Halkin VI [%6 &3AnalBoll& 71 (1953) 326%19`354] 6,328 %6 Ramsay, &3Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia& I,2 (1897) 558,442 (PHRYGIA PAC., Us%25ak); 6,331 %6 Ramsay, &3Cities and Bishoprics of &3Phrygia& I,2 (1897) 541,404 %6 Halkin VI,331 (PHRYGIA PAC., Hierapolis); 6,338 %6 &3Rivista di studi bizantini e neoellenici 8 (1953) 246 (PALAEST. III, Aela); 6,339 (with with Add. [`1973]) %6 &3Felix Ravenna& 66 (1954) 5 (CYPRUS, Lythrangomoi; ca. 500 ac); 6,342 %6 A. Xyngopoulos, $*(H YHFIDWTH\ DIAKOSMH/SIS TOU= $NAOU= TW=N *(AGI/WN *)APOSTO/LWN *QESSALONI/KHS& (1953), p. 49 (MACED., Thessalonike: H.Apost.; 1310%19`1314 ac); 6,344 %6 Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 51 (CPLE, Hagia Sophia; ca. 29 (CPLE, Hagia Sophia; ca. 1100 ac?). __ Cross%19references: Halkin II [%6 &3AnalBoll& 69 (1951) 67%19`76] 70 %6 &3SEG& 8.229 (PALAESTINA, %102Ain Karim; 6th ac), 72 %6 &3RB& 2 (1893) 210 (Aboud), 72 %6 &3RB& 2 (1893) 211 (Medjdel%19Yaba); __ Halkin III [%6 &3AnalBoll& 70 (1952) 116%19`137] 124 %6 &3Syllektes& 6%19`8 (1950) 76 (ATTICA, Pentele Grotto); 130 %6 &3BCH& 71%19`72 (1947%19`1948) 400 (MACED., Thessalonike); __ Halkin IV [%6 &3AnalBoll& 70 (1952) 306%19`311] 342 %6 &3BCH& 68%19`69 (1944%19`1945) 430 (MACEDONIA, Thessalonike; 13th ac); Halkin V [%6 &3AnalBoll& 71 (1953) 74%19`99] 91 %6 Robert, &3Hellenica& 2 (1946) 156 (CAPPADOCIA, Limnai); 91 %6 &3CIG& 8693 (ARMENIA, S. of Melitene; 959%3`60 ac?); 92 %6 &3BZ& 39%19`40 (1944%19`1945) 393 (Sebasteia; 6th%19`7th ac); 93 %6 &3Syria& 27 (1950) 221 (GALATIA I, Ankyra; 4th%19`5th ac); 96 %6 &3BCH& 13 (1889) 294,1 (PAPHLAGONIA, Zafarambolu; Byz.), 96 %6 &3BCH& 13 (1889) 308,16 (Pompeioupolis), 96 %6 &3BCH& 13 (1889) 309,18; 97 %6 &3AEMO+& 7 (1883) 175,20 (BITHYNIA, Bosu+yu+k); 99 %6 &3IK Mylasa& 628 (CARIA, Mylasa), 99 %6 &3IK Mylasa& 954 (Hydistos); __ Halkin VI [%6 &3AnalBoll& 71 (1953) 326%19`354] 330 %6 &3ABME& 3,2 (1937) 147,23 (PHRYGIA PAC., Emircik; mid. Byz.). @ De/le/age, A., &3Capitation du Bas%19Empire.& "Annales de l'Est, Me/moires," 14. Nancy 1945. &3Capitation& 152 [&3IGRR& 3.1278] (ARABIA, Soada; 286%19`293 ac?), 154c [&3IGRR& 3.1542] (PALAEST., Apheca; 293%19`305 ac), 154d [&3Me/lBey& 4 (1910) 222] (ARABIA, Basi=r; 293%19`305 ac), 154e [&3OGIS& 769] (Aqraba=; 293%19`305 ac), 154f [&3OGIS& 612] (Hau=ran: Ha=ra; 293%19`305 ac), 156a [&3Me/lBey& 3 (1909) 314] (PHOENICE, Djisr%19el%19Ghadjar; 293%19`305 ac), 156b [&3Me/lBey& 3 (1909) 317, with &3Me/lBey& 4 (1910) 223] (Djermana=; 293%19`305 ac), 183 (E. AEGEAN, Chios; 285%19`305 ac). __ Cross%19references: De/le/age, &3Capitation& 173 %6 &3IG& 12,3.343%19`349 (S. AEGEAN; Thera; 293%19`305 ac); 190 %6 &3IG& 12,3.180%19`182 (Astypalaia; 293%19`305 ac); 194 %6 &3IMagnesia& 122 %6 (ASIA, Magnesia Mai.; 293%19`305 ac). @ Grabar, A., &3Les Reve=tements en or et en argent des icones &3byzantines du Moyen Age.& Venice 1975. __ Includes: &3Reve=tements 28,7 (HAEMIMONTUS, Mesembria; 14th ac); 34,9 (MACED., Petric%148%3Backovo; 1310%3`1 ac); 35,10a (MACEDONIAN ILLYRIA, Ochrid; ca. 1300 ac), 37,11 (14th ac), 38,13 (beg. 14th ac), 39,14 (14th ac); 41,16 %6 &3AEph& 1937,2 (1940) 505 (PROV.?, [Freising]; ca. 1250 ac?), 44,17 ([Fermo]; ca. 1250%19`1300 ac), 45,18 ([Moscow]; ca. 1250%19`1300 ac); 58,30 %6 &3AEph& 1953%19`1954,3 (1960) 232, here also %6 &3InvPe/l& 79 (PELOPONNESOS, Kynouria [Venice]; ca. 1425 ac); 63,35 (CPLE, [Genova]; ca. 1350 ac?); 65,36 (PROV.?, [Lie\ge]; late 14th ac). __ Cross%19references: &3Reve=tements& 26,1 %6 Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. &3Inschr. aus Bulgarien& (1964) 160 (HAEMIMONTUS, Mesembria; 1342 ac); 49,21 %6 Millet, Pargoire and Petit, &3Recueil Athos& (1904) 82 (MACEDONIA, Athos: Vatopedi; 14th ac), 60,32 %6 Millet, Pargoire and Petit, &3Recueil Athos& (1904) 76 (MACEDONIA, Athos: Vatopedi; ca. 1390 ac). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Periodicals @ &3Anatolian Studies& (London). &3AS& 2 (1952) 125 (CILICIA II, Anazarbos), 149,2 (305%19`306 ac); __ &3AS& 9 (1959) 80,24 [&3SEG 19.759] (PISIDIA, Lysinia; 313%19`324 ac), 84,29 [&3SEG& 19.764] (Malgasa), 89,34 (Tymbrianassos; 313%19`324 ac); 102,61 (PAMPHYLIA, Olbasa; 311%19`313 ac); 112,86 [&3SEG& 19.819,a] (PISIDIA, Erekli), 112,87 [&3SEG& 19.819,b] (Hadrianoi); __ &3AS& 10 (1960) 44,91 [&3SEG& 19.823] (PISIDIA, Demirli); __ &3AS& 13 (1963) 132 (LYCIA, near Karabel), 134 [&3BE/& 1965.377], 135, 136 (Alacahisar); __ &3AS& 14 (1964) 139,1 (LYCAONIA, Derbe); __ &3AS 17 (1967) 103,4 (PISIDIA, Antiocheia; 306%19`7%3`308%19`11?), 104,5 (313%19`324 ac), 104,6 (end 3rd%3beg. 4th), 104,7 (end 3rd%3beg. 4th), 105,8 (308%19`311 ac), 105,9 (305%19`311 ac), 119,52 [&3BE/ 1968.541], 120,53%19`54, 120,55 [&3BE/& 1968.541], 120,56%19`121,58; __ &3AS& 18 (1968) 64,3(1)%19`3(2) (PISIDIA, Pappa), 64,4 [&3BE/ 1969.574]; 71,13 (LYCAONIA, Mistheia), 88,53%19`89,54 (Ouasada); 134,6,33b (ARMENIA II, Komana), 135,8,1%19`8,5 135,8,6 [&3BE/ 1969.572], 136,8,7 [cf. &3BE/& 1969.572], 136,8,8%19`8,9; __ &3AS& 19 (1969) 36,8,10%19`37,8,15 (ARMENIA II, Komana); 139,1 (CILICIA I, near Korasion; 521 ac); 192 [&3BE/& 1972.560] (CILICIA II, Lampron; 12th%19`13th ac?); __ &3AS& 22 (1972) 213 (LYKAONIA, Leontopolis; ca. 350%19`400 ac); 220,3 (GALATIA, Koyun Ag%148illi), 223,6 (Holanta). __ Included as separate works: S. Mitchell, "R.E.C.A.M. Notes and Studies No. 1: Inscriptions of Ancyra," in &3Anatolian Studies& 27 (1977), pp. 63%19`103 [&3SEG& 27.847%19`848, 864, 872%19`888] (see under "Asia Minor: Galatia"). __ A.R.R. Sheppard, "R.E.C.A.M. Notes and Studies No. 6: Jews, Christians and Heretics in Acmonia and Eumeneia," in &3Anatolian &3Studies& 29 (1979), pp. 169%19`180 (see under "Asia Minor: Phrygia"). @ &3Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene& (Rome). See under "Asia Minor: Aegean Islands". @ &3Archaeologisch%19epigraphische Mittheilungen aus &3Oesterreich%19Ungarn& (Vienna). &3AEMO+& 7 (1883) 175,20 [Halkin V,97] (BITHYNIA, Bosu+yu+k); 178,28 (PHRYGIA SAL., Dorylaion); __ &3AEMO+& 8 (1884) 181,3 (ARABIA, Hau=ran: Dja=sim), 181,4 [&3OGIS 613] (392 ac), 186,14 (Hau=ran: Kre=je); 193,1 (PISIDIA, Antiochia); 197,16 ("`15") (BITHYNIA, Prousa); __ &3AEMO+& 9 (1885) 19,30 [Dessau, &3ILS& 9481] (DALMATIA, near Salona; 5th%19`6th ac?); 131,100 (HELENOPONTUS, Nefesko+y), 131,101 (near Mersivan). __ Cross%19references: &3AEMO+& 7 (1883) 184,54 %6 Strubbe, "Catalogue ... Pessinus," &3Fouilles ... Pessinonte& (1984) 238,117 (GALATIA II, Pessinous); __ &3AEMO+& 8 (1884) 197,15 %6 &3CIG& 8831 (BITHYNIA, Prousa); __ &3AEMO+& 9 (1885) 115,67 here %6 &3AnatSt& 27 (1977) "`91,36a" (GALATIA, Ankyra; 4th ac); __ &3AEMO+& 19 (1896) 33,14 %6 Robert, &3Hellenica& 1 (1940) 33 (LYKAONIA, Devejuklu Ko+y). @ &3Archaiologike%26 Ephe%26meris& (Athens). &3AEph& 1896.249,3 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Samos: Tigani; 4th ac?), 249,4 (4th ac?); __ &3AEph 1966.90,1%19`93,3 [&3BE/& 1968.391] (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Kos: Mastichari; ca. 500 ac), 94,4 [&3SEG& 19.553] 95,5 96,6 [&3SEG& 19.552] 96,7 [Guard. &3EG& IV,373], 98,8; __ &3AEph& 1975.23,36 [cf. &3PAE 1960.254] (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Paros: Katapoli.), 24,38 [&3SEG 26.1016], 25,41 [&3SEG& 26.1013], 25,42 [&3SEG& 26.1015] (5th%19`6th ac), 26,43 (5th%19`6th ac), 26,44, 26,45, 27,48, 32,60 [&3SEG 26.1012], 34,69 [&3SEG& 26.1014%7], 35,70. __ Cross%19references: &3AEph& 1914.206 %6 Soteriou, &3Basilike%26 Agiou De%26me%26triou& (1952) 227,1 %6 &3InvSalon& 31 (MACEDONIA, Thessalonike; 1473%3`4%19`1492%3`3), __ &3AEph& 1929.156,5 %6 &3InvThess& 8 (THESSALIA, Thebes; ca. 531 ac); __ &3AEph& 1932.155 %6 &3InvSalon& 22 (MACEDONIA, Thessalonike; ca. 1310%19`1314 ac); __ &3AEph& 1937,2 (1940) 505 %6 Grabar, &3Reve=tements& (1975) 41,16 (PROVENIENCE?, [Freising]; 1250 ac?); __ &3AEph& 1953%19`1954,3 (1960) 232 %6 Grabar, &3Reve=tements& 58,30 (PELOPONNESOS, [Venice]; 1425 ac), 238 %6 &3InvPe/l& 79 (Kynouria; ɺca. 1380, 1425 ac), 245 %6 &3InvPe/l& 85 (1425 ac); __ &3AEph 1967.137 %6 &3InvPe/l& 59 (PELOPONNESOS, Krokeai; 1286 ac), 138 %6 &3InvPe/l& 69 (Oitylon; 1334%3`5 ac), 139 %6 &3InvPe/l& 47 (Frangoulia; 1079 ac); __ &3AEph& 1974.249 %6 &3SEG& 34.304 (LAKONIA, Molaoi; ca. 400%19`500 ac?), 250 %6 &3SEG& 34.305 (ca. 400%19`500 ac?); &3AEph 1977.67,6 [&3SEG& 29,310] %6 &3InvPe/l& 15 (PELOPONNESOS, Korinthos; 533 ac), 68,7 [&3SEG& 29,302] %6 &3InvPe/l& 36 (Korinthos; ca. 536 ac); __ &3AEph& 1979.222 %6 &3InvPe/l& 67 (PELOPONNESOS, Frangoulia; 1322%3`3 ac); __ &3AEph& 1980.97 %6 &3InvPe/l& 55 (PELOPONNESOS, Kipoula; 1265 ac). For other inscriptions see under "Greece". @ &3Archaiologikon Deltion& (Athens). &3AD& 11 (1927%19`1928) 33,11 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Samos); __ &3AD& 18,A (1963) 32,65 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Rhodes: Halaermon); __ &3AD& 22,B (1967) 549 (CYPRUS, Trimithous); __ &3AD& 23,A (1968) 32,65 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Rhodes: Halaermon); 21 (Lesbos: Taxi.Myr.), 32 (Lesbos: Ampelia), 33,3 (Lesbos: Peribola), 33,11, 52 (Lesbos: Hypselom.; 413 ac); __ &3AD& 26,B,2 (1971) 428,2 (RHODOPE, Komotene; 5th%19`6th ac); 532 (CRETE, Elounta Island), 532,8, 532,10, 532,11, 532,12; 553 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Rhodes: Rhodes), 554. __ Cross%19references: &3AD 4 (1918) 30 %6 &3InvPe/l& 91 (PELOPONNESOS, Mega Spilaion; ca. 1450 ac?); __ &3AD& 16 (1960) 165 %6 &3AD& 28 (1973) 321 %6 &3InvThess& 14 (THESSALIA, Hypate; ca. 1050%19`1100 ac); __ &3AD& 20 (1965) B,3, 439 %6 &3InvThess& 5 (THESSALIA, Kastoria; 5th%19`6th ac), __ &3AD& 23,A (1968) 54 %6 Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 164 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Lesbos); __ &3AD& 23 (1968) B,2, 350 %6 &3InvThess& 2 (THESSALIA, Kaisareia; 364%19`367 ac); __ &3AD& 27 (1972) B, 207,1 %6 &3SEG& 26.436 (PELOPONNESOS, Argos), 207,2 %6 &3SEG& 26.435, 207,3 %6 &3SEG& 26.434; __ &3AD& 28 (1973) 321 [&3AD& 16 (1960) 165] %6 &3InvThess& 14 (THESSALIA, Hypate; ca. 1050%19`1100 ac). @ &3Archeion Byzantinon Mnemeion Hellados& (Athens). &3ABME& 3,2 (1937) 134,7 (ASIA, Smyrna Mus.; 5th%19`6th ac?); 141,19 (PHRYGIA SAL., Kotiaeion); 147,23 [Halkin VI,330] (PHRYGIA PAC., Emircik; mid. Byz.); __ &3ABME& 6,1 (1948) 11 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Rhodes: Rhodes?; 7th%19`8th ac), 26 (Rhodes: Aphantou; 6th ac?), 27 (6th ac?), 38 (Rhodes: Mesanag.; 6th ac?); __ &3ABME& 6,2 (1948) 226,1 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Rhodes; ca. 500 ac?), 226,2 (Byz.), 227,3 (Rhodes: Rhodes; Byz.), 227,4 (Byz.); __ &3ABME 8,1 (1955%19`1956) 28,1 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Andros: Mesaria; 1143%3`4 ac), 30,2 (ca. 1143%3`4 ac), 31,3 (1143%3`4 ac); __ &3ABME& 8,2 (1955%19`1956) 166 (CRETE, Meskla; 1303 ac); __ &3ABME& 10 (1964) 4,86 [&3BE/& 1966.89] (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Paros). __ Cross%19references: &3ABME& 3,1 (1937) 29 here %6 Millet, "Inscr. byz. de Mistra," &3BCH& 23 (1899) "Add,4*" (LAKONIA, Mistra; ca. 1350%19`1450 ac), 49 here %6 &3BCH& 23 (1899) "Add,5*" (1465 ac); __ &3ABME& 3,2 (1937) 136,10 %6 &3IK Smyrna& 2,2 (1990) Beil. 365,35 (ASIA, Smyrna Mus.; 6th%19`7th ac); __ &3ABME& 11 (1969) 124 %6 &3InvPe/l& 74 (PELOPONNESOS, Mavromati; mid%19`14th ac?); __ &3ABME& 12 (1973) 50%19`55 [&3SEG& 34.327] %6 &3InvPe/l& 38 (PELOPONNESOS, Tegea; 6th ac?). For other inscriptions, see under "Greece". @ &3Athe%26na. Syngramma periodikon te%26s en Athe%26nais Episte%26monikes &3He%26taireias& (Athens). &3Athena& 15 (1903) 121 (CRETE, Kisamos: M. Gonias); __ &3Athena& 20 (1908) 310,19 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Chios), 312,29, 313,33, 323,63, 326,74, 327,75, 327,77, 347,79. @ &3Berliner philologische Wochenschrift& (Berlin). &3BPhW& 12 (1892) 707,6 (ASIA, Teos; 308%19`311 ac), 707,8 (4th%19`6th ac?). @ &3Bulletin de correspondance helle/nique& (Paris). &3BCH& 1 (1877) 288,65 [&3Syll&(`3) 906A] (CARIA, Miletos; 361%19`363 ac); __ &3BCH& 3 (1879) 343,19 (PISIDIA, Konana); __ &3BCH& 6 (1882) 269 (MACEDONIA, Kavala; 926 ac); 517,3 (PHRYGIA SAL., Brouzos), 518,5 [Ramsay, &3Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia& I,2 (1897) 720,656] (Otrous; 216 ac); __ &3BCH& 7 (1883) 21,10 (GALATIA I, Ankyra); 260,2 (PAMPHYLIA, Attaleia; end 3rd%3`4th ac?); 308,31 (PISIDIA, Apameia), 309,32 (363%19`364 ac); 314,41 (LYCAONIA, Ikonion; 5th%19`6th ac?); 456,3 (PHRYGIA PAC., Sebaste; 256 ac); __ &3BCH& 8 (1884) 244,8 (PHRYGIA PAC., Eumeneia), 247,13, 248,16, 251,19; __ &3BCH& 9 (1885) 211 [&3Studi Medievali& 1970.403] (CALABRIA, Carpignano; 959 ac); __ &3BCH& 10 (1886) 503,5 (PISIDIA, Pappa; Byz.); 505,9 (LYCAONIA, Ikonion; 4th ac?), 506,12 (S. of Ikonion), 507,13, 507,14, 514,36 (Sidamaria); __ &3BCH& 13 (1889) 294,1 [Halkin V,96] (PAPHLAGONIA, Zafarambolu; Byz.); 305,11 (HELENOPONTUS, Sinope); 308,16 [Halkin V,96] (PAPHLAGONIA, Pompeioupolis), 309,17, 309,18 [Halkin V,96]; __ &3BCH& 17 (1893) 241,1 (PHRYGIA PAC., Eumeneia), 246,16 (SW of Eumeneia), 250,26 (near Sanaos); 276,75 (PHRYGIA SAL., Hieropolis), 287,90 (Synnada), 288,93, 290,98 (Prymnessos), 291,100 (Dokimeion); 638 (ASIA, Smyrna); __ &3BCH& 24 (1900) 166,4 (EUROPE, Peristasis; 292%19`305 ac); __ &3BCH& 25 (1901) 10,146 (HONORIAS, Hadrianopolis; 292%19`305 ac), 23,160, 47,192b (Herakleia Pont.); 332,24 (PHRYGIA SAL., Dorylaion), 333,25; 334,29 (GALATIA I, Sungurlu; Byz.); __ &3BCH& 27 (1903) 331,43 (PAPHLAGONIA, Pompeioupolis), 331,44, 332,46, 332,47; __ &3BCH 28 (1904) 198,22 (PHRYGIA SAL., Dorylaion), 198,23, 199,24, 199,25; __ &3BCH& 29 (1905) 55 [Millet, Pargoire and Petit, &3Recueil Athos& (1904) 455] (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Lemnos: Hephaistia; end 4th%3`5th ac); __ &3BCH& 31 (1907) 33 (MACEDONIA, Melnik; 1288 ac); 321 (HELLAS?, place?; 6th%19`7th ac); __ &3BCH& 33 (1909) 34,12 [Dessau, &3ILS& 9481a] (ARMENIA I, Nikopolis; 4th ac), 39,15 (Dagalassos; 6th%19`7th ac); 42,17 (CAPPADOCIA, near Siricha), 55,22 (Euaissa; 5th ac), 58,28 [&3Me/lBey& 3 (1909) 471,61] (Taxiarches), 60,33 [&3Me/lBey& 3 (1909) 465,46] (Kaisareia), 61,38 (NW. Kaisareia), 67,46 (Kaisareia), 69,49b (5th%19`6th ac), 75,62 (Byz.), 76,63 (Byz.), 76,64 (1465 or 1445 ac.), 89,76 [&3Me/lBey& 3 (1909) 461,35] (Korama), 95,80 (Nazianos), 120,97 (S. of Rhodanos; 778%3`9 ac), 127,102 (Pharanga), 127,103 (E. of Nakida), 129,106 (Dasmendron), 142,113 [Peek, &3GVI& (1955) 1588] (Poros), 143,115, 144,116, 145,118; 342,102 (PHRYGIA SAL., Synnada; end 3rd ac?); 367,133 (BITHYNIA, Prousa; Byz.), 429,431 (4th ac?), 429,432, 431,434; __ &3BCH& 36 (1912) 567 (EUROPE, Selymbria; 842%19`856 ac), 568,18 (978%19`1025 ac), 574,29a (Sariko+y; 4th%19`6th ac), 574,29b (Selymbria; 4th%19`6th ac), 624,81 (Herakleia), 625,82, 629,83, 630,84, 632,86, 633,87 (Selymbria), 633,88 (Herakleia), 634,89 (Selymbria), 634,90, 635,91 (Herakleia), 636,92 (Selymbria), 637,93, 637,94, 637,95, 639,97, 639,98, 639,99, 639,100, 640,101; __ &3BCH& 46 (1922) 358 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,14] (CONSTANTINOPLE, Argyropolis); __ &3BCH& 51 (1927) 392,14 (ASIA, Phokaia), 392,15 [Robert, &3Hellenica& 10 (1955) 261n.2]; __ &3BCH& 56 (1932) 209 [Lemerle, &3Philippes& (1945) 108] (MACEDONIA, Philippoi; 324%19`337 ac); __ &3BCH& 60 (1936) 81 [&3ID& 2585] (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Delos), 82 [&3ID& 2584] (5th or later), 91 [&3ID& 2588bis] (ca. 550%19`600 ac?), 98 [&3ID& 2585bis]; __ &3BCH& 61 (1937) 103 [Lemerle, &3Philippes (1945) 142] (MACEDONIA, Philippoi; 963%19`969 ac); __ &3BCH& 68%19`69 (1944%19`1945) 430 [Halkin IV,342] (MACEDONIA, Thessalonike; 13th ac); __ &3BCH& 71%19`72 (1947%19`1948) 400 [Halkin III,130] (MACEDONIA, Thessalonike; Byz.); __ &3BCH& 84 (1960) 297 (CYPRUS, Kition; 6th ac); __ &3BCH& 88 (1964) 374 [Guard. &3EG& IV,421] (CYPRUS, Nea Paphos; end 5th%3beg. 6th). __ Cross%19references: &3BCH& 3 (1879) 165,7 %6 &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 166,a (CYPRUS, Soloi; 4th%3`5th ac); __ &3BCH& 4 (1880) 182,45 %6 Le Bas%19Waddington, Part V, 113 (ASIA, Teos); __ &3BCH& 7 (1883) 502,2 %6 &3CIG& 8624 (PHRYGIA PAC., N. of Aizanoi; 508 ac); __ &3BCH& 15 (1891) 565,4 %6 &3BCH& 23 (1899) 398,3 %6 &3InvThess& 18 (THESSALIA, Halmyros; 1274%3`75 ac?); __ &3BCH& 17 (1893) 292,105 %6 Strubbe, "Catalogue ... Pessinus," &3Fouilles &3... Pessinonte& (1984) 238,120 (GALATIA, Pessinous; 3rd%19beg. 4th ac); __ &3BCH& 20 (1896) 349,4 %6 &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 168,b ɺ(CYPRUS, Lapethos; 5th ac), 351,5 %6 &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 169,2b; __ &3BCH& 23 (1899) 398,3 %6 [&3BCH& 15 (1891) 565,4] %6 &3InvThess& 18 (THESSALIA, Halmyros; 1274%3`75 ac?); __ &3BCH& 24 (1900) 166 %6 Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& 89a (EUROPE, Chora?; ca. 293%19`305 ac), 385,41 %6 &3IGRR& 3,1397 (BITHYNIA, Keremed; 288%19`289 ac); __ &3BCH& 30 (1906) 2 %6 Millet, "Inscr. byz. de Mistra," &3BCH& 23 (1889) "Add,2*" (LAKONIA, Mistra), 453,1 %6 &3BCH 23 (1899) 155,54 (ca. 1350%19`1383 ac), 462,3 %6 &3BCH& 23 (1899) 134,31 (1428 ac); __ &3BCH& 31 (1907) 334 %6 Latyshev, &3Sbornik (1896) 115a (N. BLACK SEA, place?; 6th%19`7th ac); __ &3BCH& 36 (1912) 563,17 %6 Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& 62b28 (EUROPE, Selymbria; 741%19`775 ac?); __ &3BCH& 44 (1920) 195, 210%19`211 %6 &3InvThess& 19 (THESSALIA, Ano Volos; 1274%19`1276 ac); __ &3BCH& 80 (1956) 271 %6 &3InvPe/l& 39 (PELOPONNESOS, Hermione; 6th ac), 616,9 [&3SEG& 16.261] %6 &3InvPe/l& 28 (Argos; 4th ac); __ &3BCH& 84 (1960) 808 %6 &3BE/& 1962.257 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Lesbos: Mytilene); __ &3BCH& 90 (1966) 243 %6 &3SEG& 23.266 (MEGARIS, Aigosthena; 313%19`314 ac), &3BCH 101 (1977) 216 here %6 Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) "Orl Add,1*" (ATHENS, Parthenon), 219 here %6 "Orl Add,2*"; 224 %6 &3SEG& 26.437 (PELOPONNESOS, Argos); __ &3BCH& 105 (1981) 481 %6 &3IG& 3,3482 (ATTICA, Athens). __ Included as separate works: G. Millet, "Les Monaste\res et les e/glises de Tre/bizonde," in &3BCH& 19 (1895), pp. 419%19`459 (see under "Asia Minor: Pontus"); __ G. Millet, "Inscriptions byzantines de Tre/bizonde," in &3BCH& 20 (1896), pp. 496%19`501 (see under "Asia Minor: Pontus"); __ G. Millet, "Inscriptions byzantines de Mistra", in &3BCH& 23 (1899), pp. 97%19`156, and &3idem,& "Inscriptions ine/dites de Mistra," in &3BCH& 30 (1906), pp. 452%19`466 (see under "Greece: Peloponnesos") @ &3Byzantinische Zeitschrift& (Leipzig). &3BZ& 3 (1894) 239 [Xyngopoulos, $*)/EREUNAI EI)S TA\ BUZANTINA\ MNHMEI=A TW=N *SERRW=N (1965) 15] (MACEDONIA, Serrai; 1350 ac); __ &3BZ& 4 (1895) 92 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Skyros; 895 ac); __ &3BZ& 8 (1899) 387 (PALAEST. III, er%19Rasif; 786 ac); __ &3BZ& 13 (1904) 480,A (SICILY, Catana), 480,B, 480,C (near Akrai); __ &3BZ& 29 (1929) 194 [&3BZ& 56 (1963) 272] (CONSTANTINOPLE, [Venice]; ca. 1210 ac?); __ &3BZ& 35 (1935) 431 [Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture &3byzantine figure/e au Muse/e arche/ologique d'Istanbul& (1990) 51,88] (CONSTANTINOPLE, Cubali Kapi; end 4th%19`5th ac); __ &3BZ& 36 (1936) 397,1 (CONSTANTINOPLE, Mon.Chora), 397,2 (Kilise Camii; 550%19`600 ac), 398,3 (Fatih Mosque); 537,4 [&3E/O& 35 (1936) 226,4] (LYCAONIA, Damla; 10th%19`12th ac); 537,5a [&3E/O& 35 (1936) 229,5(1)] (CONSTANTINOPLE, place?; 5th%19`6th ac), 537,5b [&3E/O& 35 (1936) 229,5(2)] (5th%19`6th ac); __ &3BZ& 39 (1939) 393 [Halkin V,92] (ARMENIA I, Sebasteia; 6th%19`7th ac); __ &3BZ& 41 (1941) 564 [&3Thrakika& 15 (1941) 106] (EUROPE, Bergula%19Tyroloe; 963%19`969 ac); __ &3BZ& 53 (1960) 112,1%3`7 (MACEDONIAN ILLYRIA, Ochrid; after 1303%3`4 ac); 113,9 (DARDANIA, near C%148uc%148er; beg. 14th ac), 113,10%3`11 (near Kumanovo; 1316%3`7 ac); __ &3BZ& 65 (1972) 384,2 (EUROPE, Bizye; 769%19`775 ac), 386n17 [&3Thrakika& 10 (1938) 259] (5th%19`6th ac?); __ &3BZ& 66 (1973) 266 (no text) [&3MEFRA, Moyen Age 83 (1973) 149] (LATIUM ADIECTUM, Terracina; 663 ac?), here also %6 &3SEG& 34,1027 (7th%19`8th c. ac). __ Cross%19references: &3BZ& 7 (1898) 30 %6 &3RendLincei& 37.59 (CALABRIA, Carpignano; 1329 ac); __ &3BZ& 8 (1899) 485 [cf. &3AJA& 55 (1951) 66, Galata 1] %6 &3InvThess 24 (THESSALIA, Trikala; 1363%19`1372 ac); __ &3BZ& 10 (1901) 428 %6 Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 339 (MACED., Serrai; early 13th ac); __ &3BZ& 17 (1908) 354 [&3IG& 10,2:1.24] %6 &3InvSalon 8 (MACEDONIA, Thessalonike; ca. 688%19`689 ac), 380 %6 Soteriou, &3Basilike%26 Agiou De%26me%26triou& (1952) 195,6 (ca. 630 ac), pl. 9 %6 227,2 (1467%3`8 ac); __ &3BZ& 56 (1963) 284 %6 &3InvSalon& 17 (MACEDONIA, Thessalonike; ca. 1200 ac); __ &3BZ& 65 (1972) 379 %6 &3StPont& 3,1.101 (HELENOPONTUS, Amasia; 515%19`518 ac), 395, here %6 "PrBulg Add,2*" (MOESIA II, Pliska; ca. 815%19`831 ac). __ Included as a separate work: H. Gre/goire, "Le veilleurs de nuit a\ Tre/bizonde (XIV sie\cle)," in &3Byzantinische Zeitschrift 18 (1909), pp. 489%19`499 (see under "Asia Minor: Pontus"). For other inscriptions, see under "Greece". @ &3Byzantinoslavica& (Prague). &3Byzslav& 19 (1958) 244 [&3JO+B& 11%19`12 (1962%19`1963) 160; cf. &3SEG& 36.1223] (ISAURIA, C%25irga; later 5th ac?). @ &3Byzantion& (Brussels). &3Byzantion& 1 (1924) 173 (PROV.?, [now Paris]; 10th ac?); 708 (PHRYGIA SAL., Dorylaion); __ &3Byzantion& 3 (1926) 305,1 (CONSTANTINOPLE, N. of Hebdomon; 12th ac), 308,2 (place?; 13th ac); __ &3Byzantion& 4 (1927%19`1928) 408 (PONTUS POLEM., Trebizond; ca. 1238%19`1269 ac); 465,7 [Robert, &3Hellenica& 4 (1948) 74] (CILICIA I, Andana; end 4th ac); 715 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Lesbos: Afendelli; ca. 500 ac); __ &3Byzantion& 8 (1933) 50,1 (PHRYGIA PAC., Sebaste; 313%3`4 ac), 58,3 (N. of Sebaste), 70,5 (Hierapolis; 5th%19`6th ac); 175,1 (CONSTANTINOPLE, Myrelaion; 9th%19`10th ac?), 175,2 (beg. 14th ac?), 176,3 (9th%19`10th ac?); __ &3Byzantion& 10 (1935) 171 (ARMENIA, Kamacha; 992 ac?); 507 (LYCAONIA, Sille; 1297 ac); __ &3Byzantion& 12 (1937) 688 (PANNONIA II, Sirmium; 579%19`582 ac); __ &3Byzantion& 29%19`30 (1960) 384 (CONSTANTINOPLE, Yassviran; 565%19`578 ac?); __ &3Byzantion& 32 (1962) 41,3 (MACEDONIA, Kavala; 1192%3`3 ac); 52,4 (CONSTANTINOPLE, Manganes; 867%19`886 ac); __ &3Byzantion& 35 (1965) 565 (EUROPE, Herakleia; 813 ac); __ &3Byzantion& 39 (1969) 75 (PHRYGIA SAL., Afyonkarahisar; ca. 800%19`850 ac?); 461 [Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 283,249] (CONSTANTINOPLE, [Eine]; beg. 12th ac); __ &3Byzantion 48 (1978) 386 (CALABRIA, Tarentum; 1135 ac), 389 (early 12th ac). __ Included as a separate works: H. Gre/goire, "Inscriptions historiques byzantines," in &3Byzantion& 4 (1927%19`1928 [`1929]), pp. 437%19`461 (see under "Asia Minor: Galatia"); __ T.B. Mitford, "Some new inscriptions from Early Christian Cyprus," in &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 105%19`175, with App. B, "A Survey of the Early Christian Epigraphy of Cyprus," pp. 168%19`171 (see under "Cyprus"). __ Cross%19references: &3Byzantion& 4 (1927%19`1928) 712,1 %6 &3Praktika tes Akademias Athenon& 1928,3 (1928) 325,1 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Lesbos: Hypselom.; 6th ac), 712,2 %6 325,2, 713,1 %6 327,1 (Lesbos: Eresos; ca. 430 ac), 714,2 %6 328,2, 714,3 %6 329,3, 714,4 %6 329,4, 714,5 %6 329,5; __ &3Byzantion& 13 (1938) 415%19`459 %6 Vincent and Abel, &3Le sanctuaire &3de la Nativite/ a\ Bethle/em& (1914) 149 (PALAESTINA, Bethlehem; ca. 700 ac?); __ &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 105,1 %6 Pouilloux, et al., &3Salamine de Chypre, XIII,2& (1987) no. 201 (CYPRUS, Constantia; 4th ac?), 107,2 %6 205 (5th ac?), 116,4 %6 222 (CYPRUS, Salamis%3Kythera; 619%19`627 ac), 118,5 %6 220 (621 ac?), 120,a %6 219 (619%3`620 ac), 120,b %6 221 (624%3`5 ac), 120,c %6 226 (624 or 640 ac), 120,d %6 223 (627 ac), 121,e %6 224 (628 ac), 121,f %6 225 (618 or 633 ac); __ &3Byzantion& 35 (1965) 1, here %6 "PrBulg.Add,1*" (MOESIA II, Preslav; 9th ac). @ &3Deltion Christianike%26s Archaiologike%26s He%26taireias& (Athens). &3DChAE& ser. 1, 1 (1892) 102 [cf. &3AEph& 1975.25] (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Paros: Katapoli.; 5th%19`6th ac), 104 [cf. &3DChAE&(`1) 2 (1894) 99]; __ &3DChAE& ser. 1, 2 (1894) 84,3 (HELLESPONTUS, Kurs%25unlu); __ &3DChAE& ser. 1, 8 (1908) 19,265 (RHODOPE, Ainos: Z. Pege; 1424 ac), 29,302 (Ainos: Kastro; end 13th ac?), 29,307 (1308 ac?); __ &3DChAE& ser. 1, 10 (1911) 6,363 (RHODOPE, Demotika; 12th ac), 6,365 [Belting, Mango and Mouriki, &3Mosaics and Frescoes of St. &3Mary Pammakaristos& (1978) 14] (ca. 1299%19`1303 ac?); 11,375 (HAEMIMONTUS, Hadrianoupolis); __ &3DChAE& ser. 4, 7 (1973%19`1974) 78 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Naxos: Tragaia; 1056 ac); __ &3DChAE& ser. 4, 10 (1980%19`1981) 119 (MACEDONIA, Thessalonike: H.Sophia; 780%19`797 ɺac?); 173 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Chios: Pan. Krina; ca. 1056%19`1091). __ Cross%19references: &3DChAE& ser. 1, 3 (1903) 89 %6 &3ABME& 2,1 (1936) 80 (EPIRUS V., Arta: K. Panagia; 1231%19`1271 ac); __ &3DChAE& ser. 1, 4 (1904) 44 %6 &3CIG& 9864 (ETRURIA, Florentia; 1439 ac); __ &3DChAE& ser. 1, 5 (1905) 80,131%19`132 %6 Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 338 (MACED., near Serrai; 1336%3`7 ac); __ &3DChAE& ser. 1, 8 (1908) 13,248 %6 &3BSA& 15 (1908%19`1909) 256,5 (RHODOPE, Ainos: H. Blasios; 1421 ac), 16,263 %6 &3BSA& 15 (1908%19`1909) 254,1 (Ainos: Z. Pege; 1423 ac), 29,303 %6 &3BSA& 15 (1908%19`1909) 255,3 (Ainos: Kastro; 1385 ac), 30,308 %6 &3BSA& 15 (1908%19`1909) 255,4 (1413 ac); __ &3DChAE& ser. 1, 10 (1911) 42,418b %6 Ebersolt, &3Mission& 20,6 (CONSTANTINOPLE, Mus. Antiq.), 42,419b %6 Ebersolt, &3Mission& 20,7; __ &3DChAE& ser. 4, 4 (1964%19`1965) 96 %6 &3InvPe/l& 75 (PELOPONNESOS, Mone Blachernon; 1358 ac); __ &3DChAE& ser. 4, 5 (1969) 15 %6 &3CIG& 8802 (IONIAN ISLANDS, Kerkyra; ca. 1000 ac); __ &3DChAE& ser. 4, 9 (1977%19`1979) 63 %6 &3InvPe/l& 49 (PELOPONNESOS, Dryalos; 1102%3`3 ac), 145 %6 &3BCH& 23 (1896) 129,20 (Lakonia, Mistra; ca. 1272 ac), 146 here %6 &3BCH& 23 (1896) "`129,20a*" (ca. 1283%19`1284 ac); 234n.48 [&3Parnassos& 5 (1901) 116] %6 &3InvThess& 25 (THESSALIA, H. Laurentios; 1378 ac), 238 [&3EEBS& 11 (1935) 392, 403] %6 &3InvThess 17 (12th ac). For other inscriptions, see under "Greece". @ &3Dumbarton Oaks Papers.& See under "Constantinople" and "Palaestina: Sinai". @ &3Epete%26ris He%26taireias Byzantino%26n Spoudo%26n& (Athens). &3EEBS& 7 (1931) 329 [Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture byzantine figure/e au Muse/e &3arche/ologique d'Istanbul& (1990) 180,366] (CONSTANTINOPLE, Mangana Quart.; 10th ac?); 390 (CRETE, Herakleion; ca. 1110 ac). For other inscriptions, see under "Constantinople" and "Greece". @ &3Jahrbuch der o+sterreichischen Byzantinistik& (Vienna). &3JO+B& 23 (1974) 273,1 (C. AEGEAN, Ikaria: Akamatra; 1103%3`4 ac), 273,2 (1126%3`7 ac), 273,3 (1103%3`4 ac), 275 (1103%3`4 ac); __ &3JO+B& 34 (1984) 238 (CONSTANTINOPLE, ex%19Siegburg; 921%19`931 ac), 243a ([ex%19Krefeld]; 976%19`1025 ac?), 243b ([Cologne]; 976%19`1025 ac?), 245 ([ex%19Cre/py]; 867%19`879 ac?), 246 ([ex%19Auxerre]; 8th%19`9th ac), 251 ([Aachen%3Mu+nster]; 11th ac?); __ &3JO+B& 36 (1986) 335 (REGION?, place?); __ &3JO+B& 38 (1988) 203 (LYDIA, Mt. Tmolos; ca. 975%19`1000 ac?). __ Included as a separate work: J. and A. Stylianou, "Donors and Dedicatory Inscriptions, Suppliants and Supplications in the Painted Churches of Cyprus," in &3Jahrbuch &3der o+sterreichischen byzantinischen Gesellschaft& 9 (1960), pp. 97%19`128 (see under "Cyprus"). __ Cross%19references: &3JO+B& 11%3`12 (1962%19`1963) 160 %6 &3Byzantinoslavica& 19 (1958) 244 (ISAURIA, C%25irga; later 5th ac?); __ &3JO+B& 20 (1971) 151 %6 &3CIG& 9544 (PICENUM, Corridonia; 1186 ac); __ &3JO+B& 35 (1985) 145 here %6 Bes%148evliev (1963) "PrBulg.Add,3*" (MACEDONIA, Vassilika; ca. 837 ac?); __ &3JO+B& 38 (1988) 401 %6 Thierry, &3Nouvelles e/glises (1963) 42 (CAPPADOCIA, Ihlara; 921%19`927 ac). @ &3Jahreshefte des o+sterreichischen archa+ologischen Instituts in &3Wien& (Vienna). &3JO+AI& 28 (1933) Beiblatt, 101,78 [Perrot, &3Exploration arche/ologique de la Galatie et de la Bithynie (1862%19`1874) 18,12] (HONORIAS, Herakleia Pont.; 1206%3`7 ac), 101,79 [Perrot 17,10], 102,80 [Perrot 18,11]; __ &3JO+AI& 55 (1984) 55.134 (ASIA, Ephesos; 354%19`359 ac). __ Cross%19references: &3JO+AI& 6 (1903), Beiblatt 75 %6 &3IG& 14.2347%3`8 (VENETIA, Aquileia); __ &3JO+AI& 21%19`22 (1922%19`1924) Beiblatt 194,9 %6 Buschhausen, &3ByzVind& 8 (1976) 31 (EPIRUS N., Bals%148i; 1107 ac), 198,11 %6 Buschhausen, &3ByzVind& 8 (1976) 39 (Apollonia%19Aulon; late Byz.?). @ &3Journal of Hellenic Studies& (London). &3JHS& 4 (1883) 401,20 [Ramsay, &3Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia& I,2 (1897) 529,373] (PHRYGIA PAC., Eumeneia; 324%19`335 ac); 405,21 (PHRYGIA SAL., Kilter; 260 ac), 405,22, 429,39 (PHRYGIA SAL., Eukarpia), 429,40; 434,43 (PISIDIA, NW. of Tyriaion); __ &3JHS& 6 (1885) 346 (PHRYGIA PAC., Hierapolis); __ &3JHS& 11 (1890) 236,1 (CILICIA II, Flaviopolis), 240,7 (Anazarbos); __ &3JHS& 12 (1891) 229,8 (ISAURIA, Diokaisareia); __ &3JHS& 17 (1896) 269,3 [&3BSA& 13 (1906%19`1907) 209] (BITHYNIA, Tachtali), 269,4 (near Go+lyazi); __ &3JHS& 18 (1897) 309,6 (CILICIA II, near Mopsuestia); 322,37 (ARMENIA I, Satala), 324,42 (Nikopolis), 325,44 [Robert, &3Hellenica& 1 (1940) 35]; 325,45 (PONTUS POLEM., Kejiut); __ &3JHS 19 (1898) 108,96 (CAPPADOCIA, Parnassos; 317%19`324 ac); 116,110 (LYCAONIA, Yaras%25li), 122,127 (Kozanli), 123,134, 124,135, 133,162 (Eskiil), 281,166 (S. of Congusso), 283,174 (C%25es%25meli Zebir), 285,178, 287,186 (Kuyulusebir); 290,196 (PISIDIA, Meida=n), 291,200, 292,201, 292,202; 294,205 (GALATIA II, Kurs%25unlu), 302,233 (Go+zo+ren), 302,235 (Kizil Kuyu), 302,236; __ &3JHS& 22 (1901) 97,1 [Ramsay and Bell, &3The Thousand and One &3Churches& (1909) 531] (PISIDIA, Kizil O+ren; Byz.), 98,2 [Ramsay and Bell, &3The Thousand and One Churches& (1909) 531] (Byz.), 99,3, 103,8 (Yonsular), 103,10, 106,15 (Yenidje), 114,29 (Millego+z); 118,43 (LYCAONIA, Konia Museum), 124,58 (Konia); __ &3JHS& 24 (1903) 40,67 [&3IK Kyzikos& 1.202] (HELLESPONTUS, Hamamli); 272,5 (LYCAONIA, Dorla; early 4th ac?), 276,10 (Elmasun), 280,17 (Dorla), 283,24, 284,26, 285,27, 347,84 (Konia), 348,88, 349,89; 352,95 (PISIDIA, Laodicea Comb), 352,96 (place?); 353,97 (LYCAONIA, Konia), 354,98 (Konia?), 354,99, 355,102, 355,106 (Konia), 355,108, 356,109, 356,110 (1569 ac), 357,113 (place?), 357,116 (Derbe), 361,125 (Zazeddin Khan), 364,130, 365,132, 366,138, 368,140 (Zingerli Khan); __ &3JHS& 37 (1916) 92,4 (LYDIA, Philadelphia), 37.92,5 (Byz.), 37.95,8 (NW Philadelphia; 515 ac), 37.100,11 (Philadelphia; 10th%19`11th ac). __ Included as a separate work: inscriptions from Ankyra and its vicinity published by J.C.G. Anderson, "Exploration in Galatia Cis Halym," in &3Journal of &3Hellenic Studies& 19 (1899), pp. 52%19`318 (see under "Asia Minor: Galatia"). __ Cross%19references: &3JHS& 8 (1887) 226,2 %6 &3IGRR 4,884 (PHRYGIA PAC., Karyuk Bazar; 293%19`305 ac); 230,11 %6 &3IGRR 3,336 (PISIDIA, Sagalassos; 293%19`305 ac); 515,4 %6 &3IGRR& 4,601 (PHRYGIA PAC., near Appia; 293%19`305 ac); __ &3JHS& 11 (1890) 75,21 %6 &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 169,2d (CYPRUS, Arsinoe); __ &3JHS& 12 (1891) 242,25 %6 &3MAMA& 3,p. 219 (CILICIA, Korykian Grotto); 266,57 %6 &3MAMA& 3,p. 62[a] (ISAURIA, Diokaisareia; ca. 350%19`400 ac?); __ &3JHS& 14 (1893) 44,31 %6 Bees, &3BNgJ& Suppl. 1 (1922) 77 (LYCAONIA, Sille; 1302 ac); __ &3JHS& 37 (1916) 99,9 %6 Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 342 (LYDIA, Philadelphia; 476 ac); __ &3JHS& 74 (1954) 179 %6 &3BE/& 1955,234 (OSRHOENE, Carrhae%3Edessa; 4th%19`5th ac). @ &3Kokalos& (Palermo). &3Kokalos& 9 (1963) 232 (SICILIA, Lilybaeum; 4th ac). @ &3Me/langes de l'Universite/ Saint%19Joseph, Beyrouth (Liban) (Beirut). &3Me/lBey& 3 (1909) 441,1 (HELENOPONTUS, Palake; 305%19`306 ac), 441,2 (near Palake; 335%19`337 ac), 444,4 (E. of Palake), 452,13 (Q. Kadichehr; 293%19`305 ac); 455,17 (ARMENIA II, Arabissos), 455,18, 455,19, 456,21, 457,23, 457,25, 458,26; 462,36 (CAPPADOCIA, Sobesos), 470,57 (Kaisareia), 470,60 (Siricha); __ &3Me/lBey& 7 (1914 [`1921]) 3,3 (CAPPADOCIA, Basilika Therma), 5,6 (C%25epni), 5,7 (Dendil), 5,8; 11,14 (PONTUS POLEM., Sebastopolis), 19,27 (Hammam Go+zu); __ &3Me/lBey& 13 (1928) 89 (ARMENIA I, Sebasteia; 6th%19`7th ac); __ &3Me/lBey& 38,14 (1962) 304a (SYRIA I, Thaumaston Oros), 304b, 307, 310, 311, 316 (ca. 600 ac?), 322,1 [&3REB& 22 (1964) 286] (1266 ac), 322,2 (1193 ac), 323,3 [&3REB& 22 (1964) 286] (Byz.), 324,4 [&3REB& 22 (1964) 286] (Byz.), 324,6. __ Included as a separate work: G. de Jerphanion, "Inscriptions grecques et latines d'Angora," in &3Me/langes Beyrouth& 13,1, 1928, pp. 228%19`293, with Add. pp. 298%19`299 (see under "Asia Minor: Galatia"). __ Cross%19references: &3Me/lBey& 3 (1909) 314 %6 De/le/age, &3Capitation ɺ156a (PHOENICE, Djisr%19el%19Ghadjar; 293%19`305 ac), &3Me/lBey& 3 (1909) 317, with &3Me/lBey& 4 (1910) 223 %6 De/le/age, &3Capitation& 156b (Djermana=; 293%19`305 ac); 461,35 %6 &3BCH& 33 (1909) 89,76 (CAPPADOCIA, Korama), 465,46 %6 &3BCH& 33 (1909) 60,33 (Kaisareia), 471,61 %6 &3BCH& 33 (1909) 58,28 (Taxiarches); __ &3Me/lBey& 4 (1910) 222 %6 De/le/age, &3Capitation& 154d (ARABIA, Basi=r; 293%19`305 ac), 223 %6 &3Capitation& 156b (Djermana=; 293%19`305 ac); __ &3Me/lBey& 13,1 (1928) 288,61 %6 &3JHS& 19 (1898) 97,80 (GALATIA I, Ankyra); __ &3Me/lBey& 37 (1960%19`1961) 161 %6 &3BE/& 1963,286 (PALAESTINA, Dora); 297 %6 &3BE/& 1963,280 (ARABIA, Hauran: Kharaba; 326 ac). @ &3Mitteilungen des deutschen archa+ologischen Instituts. &3Athenische Abteilung& (Berlin). &3AthMitt& 13 (1888) 250,50 (PISIDIA, Laodicea Comb.), 263,94 (Byz.); __ &3AthMitt& 25 (1900) 236,80 [cf. &3BE/& 1959.388] (LYDIA, Thyateira; 4th ac?); 410,20 [cf. &3BE/& 1963.260] (PHRYGIA SAL., NW. of Altintas%25; 4th ac?); __ &3AthMitt& 33 (1908) 90,1 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Imbros; 1392 ac), 91,2 [&3CIG& 9444] (1442 ac), 92,4 [Conze 82] (ca. 1442 ac), 92,5 [Conze, &3Reise auf den Inseln des thrakischen Meeres& (1860) 82] (ca. 1442 ac), 92,6 (ca. 1442 ac), 92,7 (1451 ac), 93,8 [Conze, &3Reise auf den Inseln des thrakischen Meeres& (1860) 82] (ca. 1451 ac), 93,9 [&3CIG& 9443] (1456 ac), 94,10 [Conze, &3Reise &3auf den Inseln des thrakischen Meeres& (1860) 101] (15th ac), 94,11 (11th%19`15th ac?), 94,12, 94,13, 95,16 [&3CIG& 8868], 95,17, 147,4 (CONSTANTINOPLE, Pera), 148,5, 148,6, 148,7, 148,8 [&3IK &3Klaudpl.& T 27], 148,9, 149,10, 149,11; 420,70 (ASIA, Pergamon); __ &3AthMitt& 54 (1929) 77 [Guard. &3EG& IV,374] (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Samos: Misokampo; 6th ac?), 137,1 (Samos: Vathy; 4th ac?), 138,3 (Samos: Misokampo), 138,4 (Samos:Tigani), 138,5, 138,6, 138,7 (6th ac), 139,12 (Samos: Tigani; 830%19`842 ac), 139,13 (969 ac), 140,15 (Samos: Chora; 1670? 1162? ac), 141,8 (Samos: Tigani; 8th%19`9th ac); __ &3AthMitt& 75 (1960) 127,28 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Samos; 4th ac). __ Cross%19references: &3AthMitt 22 (1897) 49,35 %6 Strubbe, "Catalogue ... Pessinus," &3Fouilles &3... Pessinonte& (1984) 239,122 (GALATIA II, Pessinous; ca. 3rd%19`4th ac?); 465 %6 &3InvSalon& 9 (MACEDONIA, Thessalonike; ca. 780%19`797 ac), 468 %6 &3InvSalon& 10 (885 ac); __ &3AthMitt& 34 (1909) 28 %6 &3CIG& 8772 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Samothrace; 1454%3`5 ac); 228 %6 &3InvPe/l& 51 (PELOPONNESOS, Areia; 1149 ac); __ &3AthMitt& 35 (1910) 482,72 %6 Halkin V,77 (MYSIA, Pergamon); __ &3AthMitt& 44 (1919) 45,36 %6 Robert, &3Hellenica& 4 (1948) 55 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Samos; 361%19`363? ac); __ &3AthMitt& 66 (1941) 76,21 %6 Robert, &3Hellenica& 4 (1948), 59 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Samos; 361%19`363? ac); __ &3AthMitt& 67 (1942) 48,70 %6 &3IG& 2(2),4227 (ATTICA, Athens; 4th%19`5th ac). 65,112 %6 &3IG& 2(2),13236 (Phyle: Pan; mid%19`4th ac?). @ &3Mitteilungen des deutschen archa+ologischen Instituts. &3Istanbuler Abteilung& (Berlin). &3IstMitt& 15 (1965) 132,26 (CARIA, Miletos), 132,27, 133,28; __ &3IstMitt& 25 (1975) 204 [&3BE/ 1976.618] (CARIA, Miletos; 10th%19`12th ac); __ &3IstMitt& 27%19`28 (1977%19`1978 [`1980]) 122 (CARIA, Miletos). @ &3Praktika te%26s en Athe%26nais Archaiologike%26s He%26taireias& (Athens). &3PAE& 1952.586 [&3BE/& 1956.198] (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Rhodes: Rhodes); __ &3PAE& 1960.40 (MACEDONIA, Thessalonike), 280 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Rhodes: Rhodes?). @ &3Revue biblique.& See under "Palaestina". @ &3Syria. Revue d'art oriental et d'arche/ologie& (Paris). &3Syria& 27 (1950) 221 [Halkin V,93] (GALATIA I, Ankyra; 4th%19`5th ac); __ &3Syria& 37 (1960) 117 (EGYPT%3SYRIA?, place?; 5th%19`7th ac?); 118 [cf. &3BE/& 1963.287] (PALAESTINA, once Jerusalem; 6th ac), 120 [cf. &3BE/& 1963.287] (6th ac); 123 [cf. &3BE/& 1961.71] (ASIA?, once Smyrna); 123n1 (PHOENICE%3SYRIA, once Beirut), 124 (5th%19`6th ac); 125 (ARABIA, Zorava; 6th ac); __ &3Syria& 40 (1963) 315 (SYRIA II, el%19Ba=ra; 482%19`484 ac); __ &3Syria& 43 (1966) 107,2 [&3BE/ 1967.633] (SYRIA I, H. Symeon; ca. 968 ac), 108,3 (729%3`30 ac?). __ Cross%19references: &3Syria& 27 (1950) 195 %6 Halkin II,68 (PALAEST. I, Jerusalem; 6th%19`7th ac); __ &3Syria& 36 (1959) 74 %6 &3BE/ 1960,28 (PHOENICE, Tyros; 597%3`8 ac); __ &3Syria& 59 (1982) 321 [&3SEG& 36.937] %6 &3IChUR& 2,4891 [&3CIG& 9730] (ROME, Bas. S. Pauli; 431 ac). @ &3Travaux et me/moires& (Paris). &3TravMe/m& 5 (1973) 245 (SYRIA II, Apamea; 483 ac), 256 (485 ac); __ &3TravMe/m& 9 (1985) 421,1 [&3SEG 35.1484] (SYRIA I, Antioch; 336 ac); 423 [Merlin, &3Inscr. lat. &3de la Tunisie& (1944) 814; &3AE/& 1925.72] (AFRICA PROCONS., Tubernuc; 336 ac); 452 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 4] (HELLESPONTUS, Abydos; end 5th ac); 457,3 (SYRIA I, Antioch; 999 ac), 459,4 (10th ac?), 460,5 (10th%19`11th ac), 460,6 (1046 ac), 463,1 (Gabala; 1043 ac), 464,2 (1059 ac?); __ &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 399,1 (EUROPE, Ku+c%25u+k Ko+y; beg. 6th ac), 401,2A (Tchataldja; 11th%19`12th ac), 402,2B (N. of Silivri; 11th%19`12th ac). __ Cross%19references: &3TravMe/m& 4 (1970) 477,1 %6 &3SEG& 20,259 (CYPRUS, Chrysochou); __ &3TravMe/m& 5 (1973) 375 %6 &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 128,7 (Kythera; ca. 578%19`582 ac?); __ &3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 308,1 %6 Feissel, &3IChMac& 120 (MACEDONIA, Thessalonike; ca. 325%19`350 ac?), 309,2 %6 &3IChMac& 86 (mid%19`4th ac), 310,3 %6 &3IChMac& 128 (366 ac?), 311,4 %6 &3IChMac& 129 (412 ac?), 312,5 %6 &3IChMac& 88 (ca. 408%19`450 ac), 312,6 %6 &3IChMac& 102B (5th ac), 313,7 %6 &3IChMac& 131 (507 ac), 314,8 %6 &3IChMac& 90 (ca. 512 ac), 314,9 %6 &3IChMac& 132 (519 ac), 316,10 %6 &3IChMac& 134 (525, 535 ac), 317,11 %6 &3IChMac 133 (532 ac), 319,12 %6 &3IChMac& 135 (535 ac), 321,13 %6 &3IChMac& 82 (after 569 ac), 322,14 %6 &3IChMac& 83 (after 569 ac), 323,15 %6 &3IChMac& 159 (5th ac?), 324,16 %6 &3IChMac& 203 (5th ac?), 325,17 %6 &3IChMac& 153 (5th ac?), 326,18 %6 &3IChMac& 205 (5th%19`6th ac), 327,19 %6 &3IChMac& 85 (5th%19`6th ac), 328,20 %6 &3IChMac& 92 (6th ac?); __ &3TravMe/m& 8 (1981) 33 %6 &3InvThess& 13 (THESSALIA, Stomion; 11th ac); 138 [&3SEG& 31.869] %6 &3IChUR& 1,4041 (ROME, place?), 139 [&3SEG 31.871] %6 &3IChUR& 2,5696c [&3CIG& 9767] (Bas. S. Pauli); 507 here %6 Thierry, &3Nouvelles e/glises& (1963) "Add,2*" (CAPPADOCIA, Kizil C%25ukur; end 7th ac), 509 here %6 Thierry, &3Nouvelles e/glises (1963) "Add,4*" (Zelve; 10th ac), __ &3TravMe/m& 9 (1985) 477 %6 de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) 98 (CAPPADOCIA, H. Prokopios; ca. 965 ac). __ Included as a separate work: D. Feissel, "De Chalce/doine a\ Nicome/die," in &3Travaux et me/moires& 10 (1987), pp. 405%19`436 (see under "Asia Minor: Bithynia"). @ &3Zbornik Radova Bizantolos%148kog Instituta& (Beograd). &3ZbRad& 8,2 (1964) 15 (MACEDONIA, Manastir; 1271 ac); 17 (MACEDONIAN ILLYRIA, Strouga; 1267 ac); 323 (VENETIA, Torcello; 640 ac); __ &3ZbRad& 11 (1968) 11 (EUROPE, Bizye; ca. 902%19`927 ac?); __ &3ZbRad& 12 (1970) 9 [&3Hellenika& 20%19`22 (1967) 1] (MACEDONIA, Thessalonike; 11th ac?), 11 (Mikra Prespa; 10th%19`11th ac?); __ &3ZbRad& 16 (1975) 161 (MACEDONIA, Serrai: Mone Prodromou; 1358%19`1364 ac); __ &3ZbRad& 18 (1978) 1 (PRAEVALITANA, Izbic%148anj; 527%19`565 ac). @ Robert, L., &3Hellenica. Recueil d'e/pigraphie, de numismatique &3et d'antiquite/s grecques.& Paris 1940%19`1960. &3Hellenica& 1 (1940) 33 [&3AEMO+& 19 (1896) 33,14] (CAPPADOCIA, Devejuklu Ko+y); __ &3Hellenica& 2 (1946) 155 (CONSTANTINOPLE, Galata), 156 [Halkin V,91] (CAPPADOCIA, Limnai); __ &3Hellenica& 4 (1948) 47 (KARIA, Aphrodisias; 5th ac); 51 [&3CIG& 4350] (PAMPHYLIA, Side; 388%19`392 ac); 55 [&3AthMitt& 44 (1919) 45,36] (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Samos; 361%19`363? ac), 59 [&3AthMitt& 66 (1941) 76,21] (361%19`363? ac), 66 [cf. &3SEG& 15.529] (4th%19`5th ac); 88 (PHRYGIA PAC., Laodikeia Lykos; 4th%19`5th ac); 115 (KARIA, Aphrodisias; late 5th ac); 117 [&3Clara Rhodos& II (1932) 208,45] (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Rhodes; 4th ac); 127 (KARIA, Aphrodisias; 5th%19`6th ac), 128a (5th%19`6th ac), ɺ128b (5th%19`6th ac), 133a, 133b (ca. 385 ac); __ &3Hellenica& 11%19`12 (1960) 436 (PHRYGIA PAC., Eumeneia; 3rd ac); 494 (KARIA, Didyma). __ Cross%19references: &3Hellenica& 1 (1940), pp. 30 %6 &3CIG 9227 (ISAURIA, Seleukeia); 35 %6 &3JHS& 18 (1898) 325,44 (ARMENIA I, Nikopolis); __ &3Hellenica& 4 (1948), pp. 18 %6 &3IK Eph& 3820 (ASIA, Hypaipa; mid%19`5th ac); 35 %6 &3Sardis& 7,1.83 (LYDIA, Sardeis; 4th ac?); 63 %6 &3IMagnesia& 202 (ASIA, Magnesia Mai.; 388%19`392 ac); 74 %6 &3Byzantion& 4 (1927%19`1928) 465,7 (CILICIA I, Andana; end 4th ac); 128 %6 &3TAM& 3,1.103 (PISIDIA, Termessos); 129, 134 %6 &3Milet& 1,9.339 (CARIA, Miletos; end 3rd ac?), 134 %6 &3Milet& 1,9.341 (4th%19`6th ac); 155 %6 &3AnthPal& 9,704 (CARIA, Aphrodisias; late 5th ac); __ &3Hellenica& 10 (1955), pp. 230n.1 %6 &3BE/& 1956,200 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Lesbos: Eresos); 261n.2 %6 &3BCH 51 (1927) 392,15 (ASIA, Phokaia); __ &3Hellenica& 11%19`12 (1960), pp. 429 %6 &3AS& 29 (1979) 175 (PHRYGIA PAC., Eumeneia; 3rd ac), 490 %6 &3IDidyma& 603 (CARIA, Didyma, 5th%19`7th ac), 490 %6 &3IDidyma 604 (5th%19`7th ac), 493 %6 &3IDidyma& 99, 493 %6 Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 225 (Miletos; 602 ac). @ $*B*U*Z*A*N*T*I*O*S. &3Festschrift fu+r Herbert Hunger zum 70. Geburtstag, ed. W. Ho+randner, J. Koder, O. Kresten and E. Trapp (Vienna 1984). Siebt, W., "Das Reliquarkreuz des Leon 'Damokranites'," pp. 301%19`310. &3FestHunger& 302 (PROV.?, Gene\ve; ca. 1000 ac). @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ Other cross%19references have been inserted in their places in geographical order in the enumeration of works included in the data bank. The remainder refer to inscriptions of unknown provenience: @ Noll, R., &3Vom Altertum zum Mittelalter. Spa+tantike, &3altchristliche, vo+lkwanderungszeitliche und &3fru+hmittelalterliche Denkma+ler der Antikensammlung.& Vienna 1958. Noll, &3Vom Alt.& no. 8 %6 &3BE/& 1963,36[a] (PROVENIENCE?, [Vienna]). @ &3Orientalia christiana periodica& (Rome). &3OrChrP& 13 (1947) 516 %6 &3BE/& 1949,13 (PROVENIENCE? [London]; 7th ac). @ Peek, W., &3Griechische Vers%19Inschriften, I.& Leipzig 1955. &3GVI 796 %6 &3AnthPal& 7,343 (REGION?, place?; 4th%19`5th ac); @ ʺ@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@LATIN INSCRIPTIONS @ [For the collections of Late Antique Latin inscriptions that have been added to the data bank since 1991, see the "Short Bibliography" (1995).] @ *Lauffer, S., &3Diokletians Preisedikt.& Berlin 1971. Complete. @ Dessau, H., &3Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae.& 3 vols. Berlin 1892%19`1916. __ Includes: &3ILS& 612 [&3CIL& 10.5576] (LATIUM ADJ., Fabrateria; 284%19`305 ac); 613 [&3TAM& 4,1.28] (BITHYNIA, Nikomedeia; 284%19`305 ac); 614 [&3CIL& 5.2817] (VENETIA, Patavium; 284%19`305 ac); 615 [&3CIL& 14.128] (LATIUM, Ostia?; 285 ac); 616 [&3CIL& 8.10396] (NUMIDIA, place?; 285 ac?); 617 [&3CIL& 3.22] (AEGYPTUS, Hieraconpolis; 288 ac); 618 [&3CIL& 3.5810] (RAETIA II, Aug. Vindelic.; 290 ac); 619 [&3CIL& 6.1125] (ROME, Forum; 293%19`296 ac); 620%19`620a [&3CIL& 12.2229] (GALLIA VIENN., Cularo; 286%19`293 ac); 621%19`622 [&3CIL& 6.254%19`255] (ROME, Thr. Pompeii; 286%19`293 ac); 623 [&3CIL& 3.3231] (PANNONIA INF., Sirmium; 286%19`293 ac); 624 [&3CIL& 5.803] (VENETIA, Aquileia; 286%19`293 ac), 625 [&3CIL 5.732] (286%19`293 ac); 626 [&3CIL& 6.773] (ROME, Fl. Tiber; 286%19`293 ac); 627 [&3CIL& 8.9041] (MAURETANIA, Auzia; 290 ac), 628 [&3CIL 8.9324] (Caesarea; ca. 290 ac); 629 [&3CIL& 3.710] (EPIRUS NOVA, Dyrrachium; 286%19`293 ac); 630 [&3CIL& 2.1439] (BAETICA, Lorilla; 293 ac); 631 [&3CIL& 8.2347] (NUMIDIA, Thamugadi; 293%19`305 ac), 632 [&3CIL& 8.2346] (293%19`305 ac), 633 [&3CIL& 8.2343] (293%19`305 ac); 634 [&3IG& 10,2:1.40] (MACED., Thessalonike; 293%19`305 ac); 635 [&3CIL& 3.449] (CARIA, Halikarnassos; 293%19`305 ac); 636 [&3CIL 5.8016] (VENETIA, Verona; 293%19`305 ac); 637 [&3CIL& 8.608] (AFRICA PROC., Henchir Midid; 293%19`305 ac); 638 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 20836] (MAURETANIA, Su=r Djua=b; 293%19`305 ac); 639 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 6746] (PONTOS POLEM., Trapezous; 293%19`305 ac); 640 [&3CIL& 13.5249] (GALLIA SEQ., Oberwinterthur; 294 ac); 641 [&3CIL& 3.6151] (MOESIA INF., Transmarisca); 642 %6 Lauffer, &3Diokletians &3Preisedikt& (1971), Praef. (VARIOUS, [composite]; 302 ac); 643 [&3CIL& 6.31378] (ROME, C. Quirinalis; 302%19`303 ac); 644 [&3CIL 8.4764] (NUMIDIA, Ksu=r el%19Ahmar; 303 ac); 645 [&3CIL& 8.8836] (MAURETANIA, Tiklat; 305%19`308 ac); 646 [&3CIL& 6.1130] (ROME, Therm. Diocl.; 305%19`306 ac); 647 [&3CIL& 9.4516] (SAMNIUM, Amiternum; 306%19`312 ac); 648 [&3CIL& 6.1132] (ROME, Forum; 293%19`305 ac); 649 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 20683] (MAURETANIA, Bougie; 293%19`305 ac); 650 [&3TAM& 4,1.31] (BITHYNIA, Nikomedeia; 294%19`295 ac); 650a [&3CIL& 9.4962] (SAMNIUM, Cures; 305%19`306 ac); 651 [&3CIL& 8.5526] (NUMIDIA, Thibilis; 306 ac); 652 [&3CIL& 10.6003] (LATIUM ADJ., Minturnae; ca. 306 ac); 653 [&3CIL& 3.383] (HELLESPONTUS, Alexandria Troas; 305%19`308 ac); 654 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 17884] (NUMIDIA, Thamugadi; 305%19`308 ac); 655 [&3CIL& 11.2928] (ETRURIA, Vulci; 305%19`308 ac); 656 (SAMNIUM, Roviano; 305%19`306 ac); 657 [&3CIL 3 Suppl. 6633] (AEGYPTUS, Heroonpolis; 306%3`7 ac); 658 [&3CIL 3.3522] (PANNONIA INF., Aquincum; 305%19`308); 659 [&3CIL& 3.4413] (PANNONIA SUP., Carnuntum; 307 ac?); 660 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 6979] (HELENOPONTUS, Sinope; 308%19`311 ac); 661 [&3CIL& 3.5325] (NORICUM, Seckau; ca. 311 ac); 662 [&3CIL& 8.8931] (MAURETANIA, Bougie; ca. 311 ac); 663 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 7174] (ASIA, Elles; 311%19`312 ac); 664 [&3CIL& 3.5565] (NORICUM, Prutting; 311%19`312 ac); 665 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 12326] (EUROPE, Perinthos; 293%19`324 ac); 666%19`667 [&3CIL 6.2825%19`2826] (ROME, Via Labicana; 305%19`306 ac); 668 [&3CIL 8.10382] (NUMIDIA, Kherbet Taga; 308%19`312 ac); 669 [&3CIL& 5.8015] (VENETIA, Verona; 306%19`312 ac); 670 [&3CIL& 9.6066] (APULIA, Venusia; 309%19`312 ac); 671 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 20989] (MAURETANIA, Caesarea; 311%19`312 ac); 672 (SARDINIA, Terranova; 306%19`309 ac); 673 [&3CIL& 6.1138] (ROME, Circ. Maxentii; 309 ac); 674 [&3CIL 8.7004] (NUMIDIA, Cirta; 308%19`309 ac); 675 (VENETIA, Aquileia; 308%19`324 ac); 676 [&3CIL& 9.6026] (APULIA, Canusium; 308%19`324 ac); 677 [&3CIL& 10.7284] (SICILIA, Panormus; ca. 314 ac); 678 [&3CIL 5.330] (HISTRIA, Parentium; 309 ac); 679 [&3CIL& 8.1357] (AFRICA PROC., Bisica Luc.; 316 ac); 680 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 22004] (Hr. el%19Arfanin; 317%19`324 ac); 681 [&3SupIt& I,1086,1] (ITALY?, Torino Mus.; 306 ac?); 682 (BRITANNIA, Anglia, Chester; 306 ac?); 683 [&3CIL& 3.6174; Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 237] (SCYTHIA MINOR, Troesmis; 309%19`311 ac?); 684 [&3CIL& 12.5470] (GALLIA NARBON., Cabasse; 307%19`310 ac?); 685 [&3CIL& 3.6019,4] (PANNONIA INF., Sirmium; 306%19`311 ac?); 686 [&3CIL& 8.9356] (MAURETANIA, Caesarea; 2nd%19`3rd ac); 687 [&3CIL& 14.131] (LATIUM, Ostia; ca. 312 ac); 688 [&3CIL& 8.7006] (NUMIDIA, Cirta; ca. 312 ac), 689 [&3CIL& 8.2721] (Lambaesis; ca. 312 ac); 690 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 15451] (AFRICA PROC., Uchi Maiores; ca. 312 ac); 691 [&3CIL& 8.7010] (NUMIDIA, Cirta; 315 ac?); 692 [&3CIL& 6.1140] (ROME, F. Trajani; 313%19`315 ac); 693 [&3CIL& 9.6060] (APULIA, S. Sossio; 313%19`315 ac); 694 [&3CIL& 6.1139] (ROME, Arc. Constant.; ca. 315 ac); 695 [&3CIL& 8.8477] (MAURETANIA, Sitifis; 315 ac), 696 [&3CIL& 8.8412] (Ain%19Roua; 318 ac?); 697 [&3CIL& 5.8011] (VENETIA, Vicetia; 328 ac); 698 [&3CIL& 6.1141] (ROME, Forum; 334 ac); 699 [&3CIL& 11.9] (AEMILIA, Ravenna); 700 [&3CIL& 6.1444] (ROME, place?; 324%19`337 ac); 701 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 12073] (AEGYPTUS, Luxor; 324%19`337 ac); 702 [&3CIL& 6.31564] (ROME, place?; 312%19`324 ac); 703 [&3CIL& 13.3255] (GALLIA BELG., Reims; 324%19`337 ac); 704 [&3CIL& 3.4121] (PANNONIA SUP., Toplica; ?316%19`324 ac); 705 [&3CIL& 11.5265] (UMBRIA, Hispallum; 333%19`337 ac), 706 [&3CIL& 11.6218] (Fanum Fortunae; 339%19`350 ac); 707 [&3CIL 6.1151] (ROME, S. Maria Cosm.; ca. 337 ac); 708 [&3CIL& 10.517] (CAMPANIA, Salernum; 323%19`336 ac); 709 [&3CIL& 6.1134] (ROME, S. Crux Hierus.; 326%19`333 ac); 710 [&3CIL& 10.678] (CAMPANIA, ʺSurrentum; 323%19`326 ac); 711 [&3CIL& 6.1153] (ROME, place?); 712 [&3CIL& 9.5434] (PICENUM, Falerio; 317%19`323 ac); 713 [&3CIL& 9.5955] (SAMNIUM, Rocca di Corno; 317%19`323 ac); 714 [&3CIL& 5.8015b] (VENETIA, Verona; 317%19`323 ac); 715 [&3CIL& 8.7011] (NUMIDIA, Cirta; 333%19`337 ac); 716 [&3CIL& 6.1155] (ROME, place?; 315%19`317 ac); 717 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 22376] (NUMIDIA, Smendu; 317%19`326 ac); 718 [&3CIL& 12.5505] (GALLIA NARBON., Saillans; 335%19`337 ac); 719 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 22196] (AFRICA PROC., Simitthu; 335%19`337 ac); 720 [&3CIL& 10.8015] (SARDINIA, Carales%3Turris; 335%19`337 ac); 721 [&3CIL 12.5457] (GALLIA NARBON., Forum Julii; 317%19`337 ac); 722 [&3CIL 6.1156] (ROME, Forum; 317%19`337 ac); 723 [&3CIL& 3.5207] (NORICUM, Celeia; 333%19`335 ac?); 724 [Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. Romania (1976) 238] (SCYTHIA MINOR, Troesmis; 337%19`340 ac); 725 [&3CIL& 2 Suppl. 6209] (LUSITANIA, Ponte de Trofa; 337%19`350 ac); 726 [&3CIL 6.36954] (ROME, Traste/vere; 340%19`350 ac); 727 [&3CIL& 3.4180] (PANNONIA SUP., Savaria; 349 ac); 728 [&3CIL& 3.6375] (DALMATIA, Salona; 337%19`350 ac); 729 [&3CIL& 14.3582] (SAMNIUM, Tibur; 340%19`350 ac); 730 [&3CIL& 2.4844] (HISP. TARRACON., Bracara Call.; 337%19`350 ac); 731 [&3CIL& 6.1158] (ROME, Forum; 352%19`353 ac); 732 [&3CIL& 3.3705] (PANNONIA INF., Sirmium; 353%19`354 ac); 733 [&3CIL 3.445%7] (ASIA, Tralles; 354%19`359 ac); 734 [&3CIL& 9.1117] (APULIA, Aeculanum; 355%19`361 ac); 735 [&3CIL& 5.7781] (LIGURIA, Albenga; ca. 354 ac); 736 [&3CIL& 6.1163] (ROME, Circ. Max.; 357 ac); 737 [&3CIL& 5.8073] (TRANSPADANA, Taurini; 351%19`354 ac); 738 [&3CIL 3.214] (CYPRUS, Chytroi; 351%19`354 ac); 739 [&3CIL& 11.4781] (UMBRIA, Spoletium; 355%19`360 ac); 740 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 6733] %6 %6 Bean and Mitford, &3DenkschrWien& 102 (1970) 205,231a (ISAURIA, Fl. Calycadnus [Ermenek%3Karaman]; 359 ac); 741 [&3CIL& 6.1166] (ROME, Therm. Titi; 350%19`351 ac); 742 [&3CIL& 5.8066] (TRANSPADANA, Ticinum%3Taurini; 350%19`353 ac); 743 [&3CIL& 2 Suppl. 6225] (HISP. TARRACON., Bracara%3Asturic.; 350%19`353 ac); 744 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 22284] (NUMIDIA, Theveste; 350%19`353 ac); 745 [&3CIL 2.4692] (BAETICA, Castima; 350%19`353 ac); 746 [&3CIL& 12.5677] (GALLIA NARBON., Tolosa; 350%19`353 ac); 747 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 22184] (AFRICA PROC., Sicca; 350%19`353 ac); 748 [&3CIL& 10.6945] (CAMPANIA, Aversa; 355 ac); 749 [&3CIL& 9.318] (APULIA, Cannae; 355%19`361 ac); 750 [&3CIL& 8.1432] (AFRICA PROC., Thibursicu Bure; 361%19`363 ac); 751 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 7088] (ASIA, Pergamon; 361%19`363 ac); 752 [&3CIL& 8.4326] (NUMIDIA, Madher; 361%19`363 ac); 753 [&3CIL 5.8024] (VENETIA, Sirmio; 361%19`362 ac); 754 [&3CIL& 3.247%7] (GALATIA I, Ankyra; 362 ac); 755 [&3CIL& 5.8987] (VENETIA, Julia Concordia; 362%19`363 ac); 756 [&3CIL& 8.4647] (NUMIDIA, Thagora; 363 ac); 757 [&3CIL& 5.8037] (VENETIA, Verona; 363 ac); 758 [&3CIL 8.7014] (NUMIDIA, Cirta; 364%19`367 ac); 759 [&3SupIt& 1.1061] (VENETIA, U/dine; 364%19`367 ac), 760 [&3CIL& 5.8031] (Verona%3Brixia; 364%19`367 ac); 761 [&3CIL& 8.10352] (MAURETANIA, Sitifis; 364%19`367 ac); 762 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 10596%7] (PANNONIA INF., Salva; 365%19`367 ac); 763 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 14752] (AFRICA PROC., Hr. Msa'adi=n; 366%19`367 ac); 764 [&3CIL& 10.1656] (CAMPANIA, Puteoli; 364%19`375 ac); 765 [&3CIL& 6.1180] (ROME, Circ. Max.; 367%19`375 ac), 766 [&3CIL 6.31405] and "`766a%19`766b" %6 &3CIL& 6.31407%19`31408 (Pons Valentian.; ca. 373 ac); 767 [&3CIL& 12.5697,5] (GALLIA VIENN., Genava; 364%19`375 ac); 768 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 12527] (AFRICA PROC., Carthago; 366%19`368 ac); 769 [&3CIL& 6.31402] and "`769a" %6 &3CIL& 6.31403] (ROME, Pons Valentian.; 365%19`367 ac); 770 [Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. &3s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 233] (SCYTHIA MIN., Cius; ca. 369 ac); 771 [&3CIL& 6.1175] (ROME, Pont. S. Barth.; 369 ac), 772 [&3CIL 6.1176] (369 ac); 773 [&3CIL& 3.88] (ARABIA, Umm%19el%19Djema=l; 371 ac); 774 [&3CIL& 3.5670a] (NORICUM, Fafiana; 370 ac); 775 [&3CIL 3.3653] (PANNONIA INF., Salva; 371 ac); 776 [&3CIL& 6.1177] (ROME, M. Palatinus; 374 ac); 777 [&3CIL& 5.8008] (VENETIA, Ferrara; 375 ac); 778 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 12455] (AFRICA PROC., Carpis [el%19Meri=ssa]; 371%19`373 ac); 779 [&3CIL& 8.10489] (TRIPOLITANA, Gigthis; 378 ac), "`779a" %6 Reynolds and Ward Perkins, &3Inscr. of Roman Tripolitania& (1952) 476 (Lepcis Magna; 378 ac), "`779b" %6 &3IRTrip.& 103 (Sabratha; 378 ac), "`779c" %6 &3IRTrip.& 571 (Lepcis Magna; 378 ac); 780 [&3CIL& 9.333] (APULIA, Canusium; 379%19`394 ac); 781 [&3CIL& 6.1184] (ROME, place?; 379%19`383 ac); 782 [&3CIL& 6.1184a] (Forum; 379%19`383 ac), 783 [&3CIL& 6.1185] (Colosseum?; 391 ac); 784 [&3CIL& 2.483] (LUSITANIA, Emerita; 388 ac); 785 [&3IK Assos& 31] (ASIA, Assos; 383%19`392 ac); 786 [&3CIL& 8.782] (AFRICA PROC., Apisa Maius; 383%19`392 ac); 787 [&3CIL& 8.27] (TRIPOLITANA, Gigthis; 383%19`388 ac); 788 [&3CIL& 5.8030] (VENETIA, Brixia; 383%19`388 ac); 789 [&3CIL 6.3791b] (ROME, Forum; 389%19`391 ac); 790 [&3CIL& 13.8262] (GERMANIA INF., Colonia Agrip.; 392%19`394 ac); 791 [&3CIL& 10.1693] (CAMPANIA, Puteoli; 393 ac), 792 [&3CIL& 10.1692] (394%19`395 ac); 793 [&3CIL& 6.1191] (ROME, Thr. Pompeii; 395%19`402 ac), 794 [&3CIL 6.1187] (Forum; 398 ac); 795 [&3CIL& 9.4051] (SAMNIUM, Aqua Anio Vetus; 398%19`399 ac); 796 [&3CIL& 6.1192] (ROME, M. Aventinus; 402 ac), 797 [&3CIL& 6.1189] (P. Praenestina; 401 ac), "`797a" [&3CIL 6.1188] (P. Portuensis; 401 ac), 798 [&3CIL& 6.1196] (place?; 402%19`408 ac), 799 [&3CIL& 6.31987] (Forum; 405 ac), 800 [&3ILCV& 15] (S. Petr. Vatic.; 407%3`8 ac), 801 [&3CIL& 6.1719] (place?; 420 ac); 802 [&3CIL& 8.8481] (MAURETANIA, Sitifis; ca. 425 ac?); 803 [&3CIL& 6.1677] (ROME, M. Aventinus; 425 ac); 804 [&3CIL& 10.1485] (CAMPANIA, Neapolis; 425%19`450 ac); 805 [&3CIL& 14.140] (LATIUM, Portus; 425%19`450 ac); 806 [&3CIL& 12.5494] (GALLIA NARBON., Arelate; 435 ac); 807%3`8 (here "`807") [&3CIL& 6.1198] (ROME, M. Caelius; 443%19`445 ac), 809 [&3CIL& 6.1749] (F. Trajani; 421 ac); 810 [&3CIL& 5.8119] (ROME?, [Venice]; 458 ac), 811 [&3CIL& 15.7108] (ROME?, [Rome]; 461%19`463 ac), 812 [&3CIL& 15.7118] (ROME?, [Wiczay]; 467%19`472 ac), 813 [&3CIL& 10.8072,4] (ROME, [Naples]; 457%19`472 ac), 814 [&3CIL& 3.6335] (ROME, [Beograd]; 474%19`475 ac); 815 [&3CIL& 2.4109] (HISP. TARRACON., Tarraco; 467%19`472 ac); 816 [de Rossi, &3IChUR&(`1) II, 8,13] (AEMILIA, Ravenna; 424%19`455 ac); 817 [de Rossi, &3IChUR&(`1) II, 435,107] (ROME, S. Crux Hierus.; 424%19`434 ac); 818 [`1: &3CIL& 11,1.276] (AEMILIA, Ravenna; 424%19`434 ac), 819 [de Rossi, &3IChUR&(`1) II, 110,66] (ROME, S. Petr. Vinc.; 439%19`440 ac?); 820 [&3CIL& 3.711; [cf. &3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,I] (CONSTANTINOPLE, Seraglio Col.; ca. 324%19`360 ac? 332 ac?), 821 [&3CIL& 3.737; &3CIG& 8612; &3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,IV] (Hippodrome; 390 ac), 822 [&3CIL& 3.736; &3CIG& 8614; &3AJA& 55 (1951) 63,VI] (Augustaion; 403 ac), 823a [&3CIL& 3.734a; Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von Konstantinopel& (1943) 35] (CONSTANTINOPLE, Land Walls; ca. 447 ac), 823b [&3CIL& 3.734b; [&3AnthPal& 9,691; Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von &3Konstantinopel& (1943) 33b] (Land Walls; ca. 447 ac), 824 [&3CIL 3.738; &3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,III] (CONSTANTINOPLE, Col. Marcian.; 450%19`457 ac), 825 [&3CIL& 6.1794] (ROME, Forum; 493%19`526 ac); 826 [&3CIL& 11.10] (AEMILIA, Ravenna; 493%19`526 ac); 827 [&3CIL 10.6850%3`1] (LATIUM ADJ., Tarracina; 507%19`511 ac?); 828 [&3CIL 15.1665] (ROME, place?; 493%19`526 ac), 828a [&3CIL& 15.1669] (493%19`526 ac); 829 [&3CIL& 5.6418] (TRANSPADANA, Ticinum; 528%19`529 ac); 830 [&3CIL& 10.7232] (SICILIA, Lilybaeum; 496%19`523 ac); 831 [&3CIL& 8.1863; &3CIL& 8.16507; Durliat, &3De/dicaces d'ouvrages de &3de/fense dans l'Afrique byzantine& (1981) 22,8]; 832 [&3CIL 6.1199] (ROME, Pons Salaria; 565 ac); 833 [&3CIL& 8.1434] (AFRICA PROC., Thibursicu Bure; 572%19`574 ac), 834 [&3CIL& 8.10498] (BYZACIUM, Sibi Gerib; 574%19`578 ac); 835 [&3CIL& 2.3420] (HISP. TARRACON., Carthago Nova; 589 ac); 836 [&3CIL& 11.11] (AEMILIA, ʺRavenna; 585%19`589 ac); 837 [&3CIL& 6.1200] (ROME, Forum; 608 ac); 838 [&3CIL& 8.10681%3`2] (NUMIDIA, near Theveste; 610%19`641 ac), 839 [&3CIL& 8.2389] (Tigisis; 641%19`647 ac); 859 [&3CIL& 8.9835] (MAURETANIA, Altava; 508 ac); 860 [&3Ephemeris& 5.826] (VENETIA, Feltria; 530%19`533 ac); 861 [&3CIL& 3.6037] (PHOENICE, Sidon; 5th%19`6th ac); 1211 [&3CIL& 6.1673] (ROME, place?; ca. 297 ac); 1212 [&3CIL& 10.6084] (LATIUM ADJ., Formiae; early 4th ac); 1213 [&3CIL& 6.1707] (ROME, S. Potentia; ca. 314 ac), 1214 [&3CIL 6.1704] (C. Quirinalis; 324%19`334 ac), 1215 [&3CIL& 6.1705] (334%3`5 ac?); 1216 [&3CIL& 10.3732] (CAMPANIA, Atellea; 314%19`337 ac); 1217 [&3CIL& 10.5061] (LATIUM ADJ., Altina; ca. 312 ac); 1218 [&3CIL 11.831] (AEMILIA, Mutina; ca. 324%19`330 ac); 1219 [&3CIL& 14.2919] (LATIUM, Praeneste; ca. 333 ac); 1220 [&3CIL& 6.1682] (ROME, place?; ca. 335 ac), 1221 [&3CIL& 6.1683] (F. Trajani; 335 ac), 1222 [&3CIL& 6.1708] (Capitolium; 337 ac); 1223 [&3CIL& 10.4752] (LATIUM ADJ., Suessa; 328%19`334 ac); 1224 [&3CIL& 10.1695%3`6] (CAMPANIA, Puteoli; 334%19`337 ac); 1225%7`1232 [&3CIL& 6.37112] (ROME, M. Aventinus; ca. 356 ac); 1226 [&3CIL& 10.1697] (CAMPANIA, Puteoli; mid%19`4th ac); 1227 [&3CIL& 6.1717] (ROME, place?; 339%19`341 ac); 1228 [&3CIL& 8.5348] (AFRICA PROC. [Numidia], Calama; after 341 ac); 1229 [&3CIL& 6.1768] (ROME, place?; 346 ac), 1230 [&3CIL& 6.1772] (340%19`350 ac); 1231 [&3CIL 10.1700] (CAMPANIA, Puteoli; 343%19`346 ac); 1232 %6 &3ILS& 1225%7`1232 above; 1233 [&3CIL& 11.4181] (UMBRIA, Interamna%19Terni; before 344 ac); 1234 [&3CIL& 3.167] (PHOENICE, Berytus; 344 ac); 1235%19`1236 [&3CIL& 8.7012%19`7013] (NUMIDIA, Cirta%19Constant.; 343 ac); 1237 [&3CIL& 6.32051] (ROME, C. Quirinalis; 365%19`368 ac); 1238 [&3CIL 6.1748] (ROME, place?; ca. 345 ac); 1239 [&3CIL& 9.1576] (APULIA, Beneventum; ca. 333 ac); 1240 [&3CIL& 6.1690] (ROME, M. Caelius; 340 ac), 1241 [&3CIL& 6.1693] (ca. 352 ac), 1242 [&3CIL& 6.1692] (ca. 352 ac), 1243 [&3CIL& 6.1741] (Bas. Lateran.; ca. 359 ac), 1244 [&3CIL& 6.1721] (F. Trajani; 355%19`361 ac), 1245 [&3CIL& 6.1745] (M. Esquilinus; ca. 360 ac), 1246 [&3CIL& 6.1746] (ca. 360 ac), 1246n [&3CIL& 6.1744] (ca. 360 ac); 1247 [&3CIL& 9.2637] (SAMNIUM, Allifae; 352%19`357 ac), 1248 [&3CIL& 9.2639] (Aesernaia; 352%19`357 ac); 1249 [&3CIL& 6.1700] (ROME, Mus. Capitolin.; 325%19`350 ac); 1250 [&3CIL& 10.6441] (LATIUM ADJ., Privernum; 357%19`370 ac); 1251 [&3CIL& 6.31904] (ROME, place?; after 366 ac); 1252 [&3CIL& 11.6958] (ETRURIA, Luna; after 366 ac); 1253 [&3CIL& 9.2566] (SAMNIUM, Bovianum Undec.; ca. 360 ac); 1254 [&3CIL& 6.1729] (ROME, F. Trajani; 364 ac), 1255 [&3CIL& 6.1764] (365%19`367 ac), 1256 [&3CIL 6.1736] (376 ac), 1257 [&3CIL& 6.1698] (Capitolium; 377 ac), 1258 [&3CIL& 6.1777] (M. Aventinus; 384 ac), 1259 [&3CIL& 6.1779] (Mus. Capitolin.; 384 ac), 1260 [&3CIL& 6.1780] (place?; 384 ac), 1261 [&3CIL& 6.1197] (M. Esquilinus; ca. 384 ac), 1262 [&3CIL& 6.1679] (place?; after 383 ac); 1263 [&3CIL& 14.2917] (LATIUM, Praeneste; 379%19`382 ac), 1264 (Pomptine Marshes; 385 ac); "`1264a" %6 &3CIL 6.1675 (ROME, H. Barberin.; before 381 ac), 1265 [&3CIL& 6.1751] (M. Pincius; 378 ac); 1266 [&3CIL& 5.3344] (VENETIA, Verona; ca. 395 ac); 1267 [&3CIL& 6.1753] (ROME, place?; ca. 395 ac), 1268 [&3CIL& 6.1752] (ca. 395 ac), 1269 [&3CIL& 6.1754] (ca. 395, 406 ac), 1270 [&3CIL& 6.1713] (ca. 360 ac), 1271 [&3CIL& 6.1714] (ca. 379 ac), 1272 [&3CIL& 6.1759] (Is. Tiberiana; 389 ac); 1273 [&3CIL 3 Suppl. 6587] (AEGYPTUS, Alexandria; 384%19`388 ac); 1274 [&3CIL 6.1715] (ROME, S. Petr. Vinc.; 399 ac), 1275 [&3CIL& 6.1727] (F. Trajani; ?E%3M 5th ac); 1276 [&3CIL& 10.3860] (CAMPANIA, Capua; before 403 ac); 1277 [&3CIL& 6.1730] (ROME, Forum; ca. 398 ac), 1278 [&3CIL& 6.1731] (406 ac?); 1279 [&3CIL& 12.1524] (GALLIA NARBON., Sisteron; ca. 405%19`412 ac); 1280 [&3CIL& 11.830] (AEMILIA, Mutina; late 4th ac); 1281 [&3CIL& 6.1678] (ROME, place?; ca. 400%19`410 ac), 1282 [&3CIL& 6.1767] (Forum; ca. 400%19`410 ac); 1283 [&3CIL& 14.2165] (LATIUM, Aricia; 437 ac); 1284 [&3CIL 6.1725] (ROME, F. Trajani; 425%19`450 ac), 1285 [&3CIL& 6.1761] (place?; 448 ac), 1286 [&3CIL& 6.32004] (S. Petr. Vatic.; 359 ac); 1287 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 9506] (DALMATIA, Salona; 375 ac); 1288 [&3CIL& 9.5300] (PICENUM, Cupra Marit.; 385 ac), 1289 [&3CIL 9.5566] (Tolentinum; after 379 ac), 1290 [&3CIL& 9.5897] (Ancona; after 386 ac); 1291 [&3CIL& 5.6268] (TRANSPADANA, Mediolanum; 418%3`439 ac); 1292 [&3CIL& 14.1875] (LATIUM, Ostia; ca. 370 ac?); 1293 [de Rossi, &3IChUR&(`1) II,149,17] (ROME, Bas. Lateran.; 428%19`450 ac), 1294 [de Rossi, &3IChUR&(`1) II,439,127] (S. Agatha; 459%19`472 ac); 1295 [&3CIL& 14.2824] (LATIUM, Gabii; ca. 511 ac); 1296 [&3CIL& 11.2089] (ETRURIA, Perusia; 5th%19`6th ac); 1297 [&3CIL 5.3100] (VENETIA, Patavium; ca. 500%19`524 ac); 1298 [&3CIL 13.10032,1] (ROME, [Paris]; 428 ac); 1299 [&3CIL& 11.2637] ([Firenze] [2Etruria, Cosa]2; 434 ac); 1300 [&3CIL& 13.10032,2] (ROME, [Lie\ge]; 449 ac); 1301 [&3CIL& 5.8120] ([Brescia]; 487 ac); 1302 [&3CIL& 12.133] ([Ge/ronde]; 488 ac), 1303 [&3CIL 13.10032,3a] ([Zu+rich]; 506 ac), 1304 [&3CIL& 13.10032,14] ([Nuremberg]; 513 ac), 1305 [&3CIL& 13.10032,5] ([Paris]; 517 ac), 1306 [&3CIL& 13.10032,6] ([Utrecht]; 518 ac), 1307 [&3CIL 5.8210,3] ([Cremona]; 521 ac), 1308 [&3CIL& 13.10032,8] (ex%19Compiegne; 525 ac), with &3CIL& 5.8120,4, here also %6 &3IG 14.2418,1 [&3CIG& 8632] ([Milan]; 525 ac), 1309 [&3CIL& 5.8120,6] ([Milan]; 530 ac), 1310 [&3CIL& 2.2699] ([Oviedo]; 539 ac), 1311 [&3CIL& 13.10032,9] ([Berlin]; 540 ac), 1312 ([Firenze]; 541 ac); 2776 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 9835] (DALMATIA, Promona; end 3rd%3beg. 4th); 2777 [&3CIL& 11.4787] (AEMILIA, Mutina; end 3rd%3beg. 4th), 2778 [&3CIL& 11.837] (late 3rd ac); 2779 [&3CIL& 3.6059] (BITHYNIA, Nikomedeia; end 3rd%3beg. 4th?); 2780 [&3CIL& 9.5649] (PICENUM, Treia; 4th ac); 2781 [Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. Romania (1976) 236] (SCYTHIA MINOR, Troesmis; end 3rd%3beg. 4th); 2782 [&3CIL& 6.32943] (ROME, place?; 3rd%19`4th ac); 2783 [&3CIL& 3.371] (HELLESPONTUS, Kyzikos; 4th ac); 2784 [&3CIL& 13.8274] (GERMANIA INF., Colonia Agrip.; 4th ac); 2785 [&3CIL& 6.32940] (ROME, place?; 4th%19`5th ac), 2785a [&3CIL& 6.32939] (4th%19`5th ac), 2786 [&3CIL& 6.32969] (4th%19`5th ac); 2787 [&3CIL& 3.3370] (PANNONIA INF., near Aquincum; 4th ac?); 2788 [&3CIL& 12.673] (GALLIA NARBON., Arelate; mid%19`4th ac?); 2789 [&3CIL& 5.6213] (TRANSPADANA, Mediolanum; 4th%19`5th ac); 2790 [&3CIL& 5.4369] (VENETIA, Brixia; 4th%19`6th ac); 2791 [&3CIL& 6.32965] (ROME, place?; end 3rd%3beg. 4th?); 2792 [&3CIL& 3.405] (LYDIA, Thyateira); 2793 [&3CIL& 5.4376] (VENETIA, Brixia); 2794 [&3CIL& 8.8490] (MAURETANIA, Sitifis; end 3rd%3beg. 4th); 2795 [&3CIL& 5.4100] (VENETIA, Cremona), 2796 [&3NSc 1890.170] (Julia Concordia), 2797 [&3CIL& 5.8759], 2798 [&3CIL 5.8740], 2799 [&3CIL& 5.8776], 2800 [&3CIL& 5.8739], 2801 [&3CIL 5.8750], 2802 [&3CIL& 5.8752], 2803 [&3CIL& 5.8773], 2804 [&3CIL 5.8760], 2805 [&3NSc& 1890.343]; 2806 [&3CIL& 11.1693] (ETRURIA, Florentia; 547 ac); 2807 [&3CIL& 6.32968] (ROME, place?); 2808 [&3CIL& 5.1590] (VENETIA, Grado), 2809 [&3CIL& 5.1593], 2810 [&3CIL 5.1591]; 2811 [&3CIL& 8.5229] (AFRICA PROC. [Numidia], Hippo Regius); 2812 [&3CIL& 8.9248] (MAURETANIA, Icosium [Algiers]; 6th%19`7th ac); 2813 [&3CIL& 13.3682] (GALLIA BELG., Aug. Trevir.; 5th ac?); 2814 [&3CIL& 3.3576] (PANNONIA INF., Aquincum); 2941 [&3CIL& 6.1418] (ROME, M. Pincius; 296%19`301 ac); 2942 [&3CIL 10.1125] (CAMPANIA, Abellinum; 340 ac?); 2943 [&3CIL& 8.4878] (NUMIDIA, Thuburisicu; 326%19`333 ac); 2944 [&3CIL& 6.537] (ROME, place?; later 4th ac), 2945 [&3CIL& 6.1186] (F. Trajani; 378%19`395 ac), 2946 [&3CIL& 6.1699] (M. Caelius; 394 ac), 2947 [&3CIL& 6.1782] (394 ac), 2948 [&3CIL& 6.1783] (F. Trajani; 431 ac), 2949 [&3CIL 6.1710] (ca. 400 ac), 2950 [&3CIL& 6.1724] (ca. 435 ac), 2951 [&3IChUR& 7,18802] (C. Cyriacae; ca, 400 ac); 2952 [&3CIL& 5.6464] (TRANSPADANA, Ticinum; 521 ac); 5694 [&3CIL& 14.137] (LATIUM, ʺOstia; 375%19`378 ac); 5696 [&3CIL& 11.4095] (UMBRIA, Ocriculum; 341 ac), 5697 [&3CIL& 11.4097] (341 ac); 5698 [&3CIL& 10.5348] (LATIUM ADJ., Interamna Lir.); 5699 [&3CIL& 2.191] (LUSITANIA, Olispo; 336 ac); 5700 [&3NSc& 1896.256] (CALABRIA, Tarentum; 4th ac); 5701 [&3CIL& 5.7250] (ALPES COTTIAE, Segusio; 375%19`378 ac); 5702 [&3CIL& 10.6656] (LATIUM ADJ., Antium; 379%19`382 ac); 5703 [&3CIL 6.1750] (ROME, C. Quirinalis; mid%19`5th ac?); 8928 [&3AE/& 1895.1] (BRITANNIA, Luguvallium; 286%19`293 ac); 8929 (DACIA RIP., Oescus; 286%19`290 ac); 8930%3`1 [Breccia, &3Cat. Alexandrie& (1911) 89] (AEGYPTUS, Alexandria; 293%19`305 ac); 8932 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 13661] (PISIDIA, Apameia; 311%19`312 ac?); 8933 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 22490] (NUMIDIA, Diana%3Zarai; ca. 305 ac); 8934 [&3CIL& 6.36949] (ROME, Forum; 306%19`312 ac), 8935 [&3CIL& 6.33856] (307%19`312 ac); 8936 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 22183] (AFRICA PROC., Sicca?; 308%19`309 ac); 8937 [&3CIL& 13.8502] (GERMANIA INF., Divitia%19Deutz; 314 ac?); 8938 [Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 170] (SCYTHIA MINOR, Trop. Trajani; 315%19`317 ac); 8939 [&3RA&(`4) 1 (1903) 26] (DACIA MEDIT., Naissus; 315%19`317 ac); 8940 [Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. &3s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 271b] (SCYTHIA MIN., Salsovia; ca. 323 ac); 8941 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 23897] (AFRICA PROC., Thabbora; 314 ac), 8942 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 23116] (Semta; 315 ac); 8943 [&3CIL 6.36951] (ROME, Forum; 328 ac); 8944 [Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. &3und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus Bulgarien& (1964) 191] (THRACIA, Aug. Trajana: Novoselec; 340 ac); 8945 [Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. &3und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus Bulgarien& (1964) 2] (DACIA MEDIT., Serdica; 361%19`362 ac); 8946 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 10648b] (PANNONIA INF., Mursa; 361%19`363 ac); 8947 [Breccia, &3Cat. Alexandrie (1911) 92] (AEGYPTUS, Alexandria; 364%19`375 ac); 8948 [&3CIL 6.36956] (ROME, Forum; 364%19`365 ac); 8949 [&3CIL& 13.11538] (GALLIA SEQ., Koblenz%3Stein; 371 ac); 8950 [&3CIL& 6.36960] (ROME, Via Sacra; 389%19`391 ac), 8951 [&3CIL& 6.31256] (Forum; ca. 398 ac?), 8952 [&3CIL& 15.7152] (place?; ca. 400 ac), 8953 [&3CIL 15.7153] (ca. 400 ac); 8954 [Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und &3spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus Bulgarien& (1964) 184a] (HAEMIMONTUS, Aetos; 450%19`457 ac); 8955 [&3AE/& 1904.148] (ROME, [France]; 476%19`491 ac); 8956 (LATIUM, Pomptine Marshes; 493%19`526 ac); 8960 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 25362] (AFRICA PROC., Tunes; ca. 530%19`533 ac); 8982 [&3NSc& 1905.217] (SICILIA, Lilybaeum; 4th%19`5th ac); 8983 (CAMPANIA, Cumae; 350%19`351 ac); 8984 [&3AE/& 1892.143] (CAMPANIA, Neapolis; 382%19`383 ac), 8985 [&3NSc& 1893.521] (409%19`430 ac); 8986 [&3CIL& 6.37119] (ROME, Camp. Mart.; ca. 438 ac); 8987 (PANNONIA INF., Mursa%3Sopianae; 4th%19`5th ac); 8988 (ROME, Via Latina; 440%19`461 ac), 8989 [de Rossi, &3IChUR&(`1) II, 55,10] (S. Petr. Vatic.; 440%19`461 ac); 8990 (ROME?, place?; end 5th%3beg. 6th); 8991 [&3CIL& 5.6836] (ROME, [Aosta]; 406 ac); 8992 (GALLIA BELG., Aug. Trevir.; 417 ac); 8993 [&3CIL& 13.10032,4] (ROME, [Limoges]; 455 ac), 8994 ([location?]; 470 ac); 9043 [&3CIL& 8.989] (AFRICA PROC., Missua; 4th%19`5th ac); 9044 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 9517] (DALMATIA, Salona; 432 ac), 9045 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 9518] (437 ac), 9046 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 9556] (5th%19`6th ac); 9047%3`8 (ROME, place?); 9204 [&3CIL& 11.6222] (UMBRIA, Fanum Fortunae; 4th ac?); 9205 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 10232] (PANNONIA INF., Sirmium; 4th%19`5th ac); 9206 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 23181] (BYZACIUM, Thelepte); 9207 [&3CIL 13.11538] (GALLIA LUGDUN., Lutetia Paris.); 9208 [&3CIL& 13.6238] (GERMANIA SUP., near Wo+rms); 9209 [&3CIL& 13.3493] (GALLIA BELG., near Amiens), 9210 [&3CIL& 13.3492]; 9211 (NUMIDIA, Thamugadi); 9212 (ROME, Piaz. Lucin.), 9213 [&3NSc& 1902.396] (S. Praxes); 9214 [&3CIL& 13.3494] (GALLIA BELG., near Amiens); 9215 [&3CIL 13.11032; &3ILCV& 554] (AQUITANIA, Burdigala); 9216%19`9216a [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 7405; Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von &3Konstantinopel& (1943) 9] (CONSTANTINOPLE, Porta Aurea; ca. 425 ac?); 9217, 9217a%19`9217b (MAURETANIA, Rusgunia; 6th%19`7th ac). __ Additions: &3CIL& 6.1188, here %6 &3ILS& 797a (ROME, P. Portuensis; 401 ac), 1197 here %6 &3ILS& "`808" (M. Esquilinus; ca. 384 ac), 1675 here %6 &3ILS& 1264a (H. Barberin.; before 381 ac), 31403 (365%19`367 ac) and 31407%19`31408 (ca. 373 ac), here %6 &3ILS& 769a and &3ILS& 766a%19`766b (Pons Valentian.); Reynolds and Ward Perkins, &3Inscr. of Roman Tripolitania& (1952) 103, here %6 Dessau, &3ILS "`779b" (Sabratha; 378 ac), 476 here %6 &3ILS& "`779a" (Lepcis Magna; 378 ac), 571 here %6 &3ILS& "`779c" (Lepcis Magna; 378 ac). __ Cross%19references: &3ILS& 8883 %6 Guarducci, &3EG& IV,510,3 [Wessel 134; &3Antichita\ Altoadriatiche& 12 (1977) 391] (VENETIA, Julia Concordia; 6th ac); 9465 %6 Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 186 (ARABIA, %102Anz; 362 ac), 9481 %6 &3AEMO+& 9 (1885) 19,30 (DALMATIA, near Salona; 5th%19`6th ac?), 9481a %6 &3BCH& 33 (1909) 34,12 (ARMENIA I, Nikopolis; 4th ac). @ Riccobono, S., &3Fontes Iuris Romani Antejustiniani. Pars Prima: &3Leges.& 2nd ed. Florence 1941. __ Includes only &3FIRA&(`2) 1.455,93 (PANNONIA INF., Brigetium; 311 ac). __ Cross%19references: &3FIRA&(`2) 1.458,94 %6 &3ICret& 1.226,188 (CRETE, Lyttos; 314 ac); 461,95 %6 &3MAMA& 7,305 (GALATIA, Orkistos; ca. 323%19`326 ac); 464,96 [&3P.Col.& 7.145] %6 &3SB& 5.8246, with R.S. Bagnall and N. Lewis, &3Fourth Century Documents from Karanis (Missoula 1979) (EGYPT, Karanis; 326%19`333 ac); 466,97 %6 Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 314 (PAMPHYLIA, Isinda?; 527 ac); 468,98 %6 &3SEG& 8,171 (PALAESTINA, Jerusalem; 6th ac). @ *Diehl, E., &3Inscriptiones Latinae Christianae Veteres.& Vols. 1%19`2. Berlin 1925%19`1928. Complete. __ Cross%19references (incomplete): &3ILCV& 15 %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 800 (ITALY, Rome: S. Petr. Vatic.; 407%3`8 ac), 73[I] %6 &3SEG& 36,928 (Rome?; 513, 772 ac), 236c %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 76,20 (AFRICA PROC., Carthago; 6th%19`7th ac), 236g %6 &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 73,11 (6th%19`7th ac), 953 %6 &3IChUR 4,10670 (ROME, C. Callisti; 235 ac), 953[n] %6 &3IChUR& 4,10664 (3rd ac), 954 %6 &3IChUR& 4,10558 [&3CIG& 9674a], 955a %6 &3IChUR 4,10694 [&3CIG& 9674b], 958 %6 &3IChUR& 4,10645 [&3CIG& 9674d], 960 %6 &3IChUR& 4,10616 [&3CIG& 9674c], 961 %6 &3IChUR& 4,10584 (295 ac), 2328 %6 &3IChUR& 3,7249 [&3CIG& 9719] (C. Domitillae), 2552%7 %6 &3IChUR& 1,696 (S. Maria Transt.), 2792A %6 &3IChUR& 1,303 [&3CIG& 9790] (S. Crux. Hier.) 2869 %6 &3IK Smyrna& 471 (ASIA, Smyrna; 263 ac), 2878 %6 &3IChUR& 1,940 [&3CIG& 9842] (ROME, S. Praxes; 367 ac), 2891 %6 &3IG 14.2517 (GALLIA NARBON., Narbo; 527 ac), 2939 %6 &3IChUR& 7,20602 (ROME, V. Tiburtina), 2953 %6 &3IChUR& 1,3981 (place?), 3391 %6 &3IChUR& 9,24315 (C. Iordanorum; 269 ac), 3958 %6 &3IChUR& 4,10669 (C. Callisti), 3961,a %6 &3IChUR& 5,15096 (C. Praetextati), 3961,b %6 &3IChUR& 5,15016, 3961,c %6 &3IChUR& 5,15123, 3961,d %6 &3IChUR 5,15107a, 3961,e %6 &3IChUR& 5,15008, 3962A %6 &3IChUR& 9,26038 (C. Priscillae), 3992 %6 &3IChUR& 3,7262 [&3CIG& 9653b] (C. Domitillae), 3994 %6 &3IChUR& 9,26165 (C. Priscillae), 3999 %6 &3IChUR& 1,4025 (place?), 3999C %6 &3IChUR& 9,26045 (C. Priscillae), 4037 %6 &3IChUR 8,22788 (C. Maius), 4039 %6 &3IChUR& 1,3657 (ROME, Umbria: Tre/ia), 4039A %6 &3IChUR& 1,3139 [&3IG& 14.2016] (ROME, Latium: Velitrae), 4044 %6 &3IChUR& 1,1877 (ROME, Mus. Lateran.), 4066 %6 &3IChUR 8,22562 (C. Maius), 4118A %6 &3IChUR& 1,2720 [&3IG& 14.2318; &3CIJ 1.637] (ROME, Venetia: Ferrara), 4458 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2092 (ROME, Mus. Vatican.; 373 ac), 4461C %6 &3IChUR& 1,2151, 4461F,a %6 &3IChGaule& 1,32,b (GALLIA BELG. [Belg. I], Aug. Treverorum; 5th ac), 4464 %6 &3IChUR& 1,2422, 4467 %6 &3IChUR& 7,18853 [&3IG& 14.1516] (ROME, C. Cyriacae), 4468 %6 &3IChUR& 1,1855 [&3IG& 14.1369] (Mus. Lateran.) 4473 %6 &3IChUR& 1,1314 [&3IG& 14.1477a] (S. Cosimato) 4469 %6 &3IChUR& 1,279 (SS. Cosmas %9 Damian.). @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ Cross%19references __ @ For other cross%19references to the Latin &3Corpus,& see under "Africa". @ ʺ&3Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, II. Inscriptiones Hispaniae &3latinae,& ed. E. Hu+bner. Berlin 1869. &3CIL& 2.191 %6 Dessau, &3ILS 5699 (Lusitania, Olispo; 336 ac), 483 %6 &3ILS& 784 (Lusitania, Emerita; 388 ac), 1439 %6 &3ILS& 630 (Baetica, Lorilla; 293 ac), 3420 %6 &3ILS& 835 (Hisp. Tarracon., Carthago Nova; 589 ac), 4109 %6 &3ILS& 815 (Hisp. Tarracon., Tarraco; 467%19`472 ac), 2699 %6 &3ILS 1310 (Rome, [Oviedo]; 539 ac), 4692 %6 &3ILS& 745 (Baetica, Castima; 350%19`353 ac), 4844 %6 &3ILS& 730 (Hisp. Tarrac., Brac. Call.; 337%19`350 ac). @ &3Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, II. Supplementum,& ed. E. Hu+bner. Berlin 1892. &3CIL& 2 Suppl., 6209 %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 725 (Lusitania, Ponte de Trofa; 337%19`350 ac), 6225 %6 &3ILS& 743 (Hisp. Tarracon., Brac. Call.; 350%19`353 ac). @ &3Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, III. Inscriptiones Asiae, &3provinciarum Europae Graecarum, Illyrici latinae,& ed. Th. Mommsen. Berlin 1893. &3CIL& 3.22 %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 617 (EGYPT, Hieraconpolis; 288 ac); 88 %6 &3ILS& 773 (ARABIA, Umm%19el%19Djema=l; 371 ac); 214 %6 &3ILS& 738 (CYPRUS, Chytroi; 351%19`354 ac); 223 %6 &3LBW& V,1474 (CILICIA, Kasanlu+; 293%19`305 ac); 247 %6 &3ILS& 754 [&3Me/lBey& 13,1 (1928) 234,8] (GALATIA I, Ankyra; 362 ac); 383 %6 &3ILS& 653 (HELLESPONTUS, Alexandria Troas; 305%19`308 ac); 405 %6 &3ILS& 2792 (LYDIA, Thyateira); 445%7 %6 &3ILS& 733 (ASIA, Tralles; 354%19`359 ac); 449 %6 &3ILS& 635 (CARIA, Halikarnassos; 293%19`305 ac); 450 %6 &3IG& 12 Suppl.,77,16 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Lesbos: Mytilene; 292%19`305 ac); 710 %6 &3ILS& 629 (EPIRUS NOVA, Dyrrachium; 286%19`293 ac); 711 %6 &3ILS& 820 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,I] (CONSTANTINOPLE, Seraglio Col.; ca. 324%19`360 ac? 332 ac?), 734a%19b %6 Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von &3Konstantinopel& (1943) 35 [&3ILS& 823a] and 33b [&3AnthPal& 9,691; &3ILS& 823b] (Land Walls: P. Rhesiou [Mevlevihane]; ca. 447 ac), 735 %6 &3Landmauer& 8 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 54(4)] (Land Walls: Golden Gate; ca. 388%19`391 ac?), 736 %6 &3ILS& 822 [&3CIG& 8614; &3AJA& 55 (1951) 63,VI] (Augustaion; 403 ac), 737 %6 &3ILS& 821 [&3CIG& 8612; &3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,IV] (Hippodrome; 390 ac), 738 %6 &3ILS& 824 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,III] (Col. Marcian.; 450%19`457 ac); 3231 %6 &3ILS& 623 (PANNONIA INF., Sirmium; 286%19`293 ac), 3522 %6 &3ILS& 658 (Aquincum; 305%19`308), 3653 %6 &3ILS& 775 (Salva; 371 ac), 3705 %6 &3ILS& 732 (Sirmium; 353%19`354 ac); 4121 %6 &3ILS& 704 (PANNONIA SUP., Toplica; ?316%19`324 ac), 4180 %6 &3ILS& 727 (Savaria; 349 ac), 4413 %6 &3ILS& 659 (Carnuntum; 307 ac?); 5207 %6 &3ILS& 723 (NORICUM, Celeia; 333%19`335 ac?), 5325 %6 &3ILS& 661 (Seckau; ca. 311 ac), 5565 %6 &3ILS& 664 (Prutting; 311%19`312 ac), 5670a %6 &3ILS& 774 (Fafiana; 370 ac); 5810 %6 &3ILS& 618 (RAETIA II, Aug. Vindelic.; 290 ac); 6019,4 %6 &3ILS& 685 (PANNONIA INF., Sirmium; 306%19`311 ac?); 6037 %6 &3ILS& 861 (PHOENICE, Sidon; 5th%19`6th ac); 6151 %6 &3ILS 641 (MOESIA INF., Transmarisca); 6174 %6 &3ILS& 683 [Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 237] (SCYTHIA MINOR, Troesmis; 309%19`311 ac?); 6335 %6 &3ILS& 814 (ROME, [Beograd]; 474%19`475 ac); 6375 %6 &3ILS& 728 (DALMATIA, Salona; 337%19`350 ac). @ &3Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, III. Inscriptionum Orientis et &3Illyrici latinarum supplementum,& ed. Th. Mommsen, et al. Berlin 1902. &3CIL& 3 Suppl., 6633 %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 657 (EGYPT, Heroonpolis; 306%3`7 ac); 6733 %6 &3ILS& 740 (ISAURIA, Fl. Calycadnus; 359 ac); 6746 %6 &3ILS& 639 (PONTUS POLEM., Trapezous; 293%19`305 ac); 6979 %6 &3ILS& 660 (HELENOPONTUS, Sinope; 308%19`311 ac); 7068 %6 &3IK Ilion& 100 (HELLESPONTUS, Ilion; 360%19`363 ac), 7069 %6 &3IK Ilion& 98 (284%19`305 ac); 7088 %6 &3ILS& 751 (ASIA, Pergamon; 361%19`363 ac), 7174 %6 &3ILS& 663 (Elles; 311%19`312 ac); 7360 %6 &3IG& 9,2.p. 248 (THESSALIA, Phalanna; 285%19`305 ac); 7405 %6 &3ILS& 9216%19`9216a [Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von &3Konstantinopel& (1943) 9] (CONSTANTINOPLE, Porta Aurea; ca. 425 ac?); 10596%7 %6 &3ILS& 762 (PANNONIA INF., Salva; 365%19`367 ac), 12073 %6 &3ILS& 701 (EGYPT, Luxor; 324%19`337 ac); 12326 %6 &3ILS& 665 (EUROPE, Perinthos; 293%19`324 ac); 14196 %6 &3IG& 12 Suppl., 210,23a (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Lesbos: Mytilene; 317%19`326 ac), 14197 %6 &3IG& 12 Suppl., 210,23b (337%19`350 ac); 14203,34 %6 Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 4 (THESSALIA, Larissa; 4th ac), 14206,33 %6 &3InvThess& 1 (Tempe; 361%19`363 ac), 14206,34 %6 &3IG 9,2.1326 (Pyrasos; 305%19`306 ac), 14206,35 %6 &3IG& 9,2.1353 (Agyia; 305%19`306 ac), 14206,36 %6 &3IG& 9,2.p.122 (Larissa; 305%19`306 ac). @ &3Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, V. Inscriptiones Galliae &3Cisalpinae latinae,& ed. Th. Mommsen. Berlin 1872%19`1877. &3CIL 5.330 %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 678 (HISTRIA, Parentium; 309 ac); 732 %6 &3ILS& 625 (VENETIA, Aquileia; 286%19`293 ac), 803 %6 &3ILS& 624 (Aquileia; 286%19`293 ac); 1590 %6 &3ILS& 2808 [&3CIL& 5.1590] (Grado), 1591 %6 &3ILS& 2810 1593 %6 &3ILS& 2809; 2817 %6 &3ILS& 614 (Patavium; 284%19`305 ac), 3100 %6 &3ILS& 1297 (ca. 500%19`524 ac); 3344 %6 &3ILS& 1266 (Verona; ca. 395 ac); 4100 %6 &3ILS& 2795 (Cremona); 4369 %6 &3ILS 2790 (Brixia; 4th%19`6th ac), 4376 %6 &3ILS& 2793; 6195 %6 &3IG& 14.2293 (TRANSPADANA, Mediolanum; 444 ac), 6213 %6 &3ILS& 2789 (4th%19`5th ac), 6268 %6 &3ILS& 1291 (418%3`439 ac); 6418 %6 &3ILS& 829 (Ticinum; 528%19`529 ac), 6464 %6 &3ILS& 2952 (521 ac); 6836 %6 &3ILS& 8991 (ROME, [Aosta]; 406 ac); 7250 %6 &3ILS& 5701 (ALPES COTTIAE, Segusio; 375%19`378 ac); 7781 %6 &3ILS& 735 (LIGURIA, Albenga; ca. 354 ac); 8808 %6 &3ILS& 777 [&3CIL& 5.8008] (VENETIA, Ferrara; 375 ac); 8011 %6 &3ILS& 697 (Vicetia; 328 ac); 8015 %6 &3ILS& 669 (Verona; 306%19`312 ac), 8015b %6 &3ILS& 714 (317%19`323 ac), 8016 %6 &3ILS& 636 (293%19`305 ac); 8024 %6 &3ILS& 753 (Sirmio; 361%19`362 ac); 8030 %6 &3ILS& 788 (Brixia; 383%19`388 ac); 8031 %6 &3ILS& 760 (Verona%3Brixia; 364%19`367 ac); 8037 %6 &3ILS& 757 (Verona; 363 ac); 8066 %6 &3ILS& 742 (TRANSPADANA, Ticinum; 350%19`353 ac); 8073 %6 &3ILS& 737 (Taurini; 351%19`354 ac); 8119 %6 &3ILS& 810 (ROME, [Venice]; 458 ac), 8120 %6 &3ILS& 1301 ([Brescia]; 487 ac); 8210,3 %6 &3ILS& 1307 ([Cremona]; 521 ac), 8120,4 %6 &3ILS& 1308 adn. [&3IG& 14.2418,1; &3CIG& 8632] ([Milan]; 525 ac), 8120,6 %6 &3ILS& 1309 ([Milan]; 530 ac); 8739 %6 &3ILS& 2800 (VENETIA, Julia Concordia) 8740 %6 &3ILS& 2798, 8750 %6 &3ILS& 2801, 8752 %6 &3ILS& 2802, 8759 %6 &3ILS& 2797, 8760 %6 &3ILS& 2804, 8773 %6 &3ILS& 2803, 8776 %6 &3ILS& 2799, 8987 %6 &3ILS& 755 (362%19`363 ac). @ Pais, E., &3Corporis inscriptionum Latinarum supplementa &3Italica, I. Additamenta ad vol. V Galliae Cisalpinae.& Rome 1888. &3SupIt& I,1061 %6 &3ILS& 759 (VENETIA, U/dine; 364%19`367 ac); 1086,1 %6 &3ILS& 681 (ITALY?, Torino Mus.; 306 ac?). @ &3Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, VI. Inscriptiones urbis Romae &3latinae,& ed. E. Bormann, G. Henzen, Chr. Huelsen, et al. Berlin 1876%19`1933. &3CIL& 6,1 (1876) 6.254%19`255 %6 Dessau, &3ILS 621%19`622 (Thr. Pompeii; 286%19`293 ac), 537 %6 &3ILS& 2944 (place?; later 4th ac), 773 %6 &3ILS& 626 (Fl. Tiber; 286%19`293 ac), 1125 %6 &3ILS& 619 (Forum; 293%19`296 ac), 1130 %6 &3ILS& 646 (Therm. Diocl.; 305%19`306 ac), 1132 %6 &3ILS& 648 (Forum; 293%19`305 ac), 1134 %6 &3ILS 709 (S. Crux Hierus.; 326%19`333 ac), 1138 %6 &3ILS& 673 (Circ. Maxentii; 309 ac), 1139 %6 &3ILS& 694 (Arc. Constant.; ca. 315 ac), 1140 %6 &3ILS& 692 (F. Trajani; 313%19`315 ac), 1141 %6 &3ILS& 698 (Forum; 334 ac), 1151 %6 &3ILS& 707 (S. Maria Cosm.; ca. 337 ac), 1153 %6 &3ILS& 711 (place?), 1155 %6 &3ILS& 716 (315%19`317 ac), 1156 %6 &3ILS& 722 (Forum; 317%19`337 ac), 1158 %6 &3ILS& 731 (352%19`353 ac), 1163 %6 &3ILS& 736 (Circ. Max.; 357 ac), 1166 %6 &3ILS& 741 (Therm. Titi; 350%19`351 ac), 1175%19`1176 %6 &3ILS& 771%19`772 (Pont. S. Barth.; 369 ac), 1177 %6 &3ILS& 776 (M. Palatinus; 374 ac), 1180 %6 &3ILS& 765 (Circ. Max.; 367%19`375 ac), 1184 %6 &3ILS& 781 (place?; 379%19`383 ac), 1184a %6 &3ILS& 782 (Forum; 379%19`383 ac), 1185 %6 &3ILS& 783 ʺ(Colosseum?; 391 ac), 1186 %6 &3ILS& 2945 (F. Trajani; 378%19`395 ac), 1187 %6 &3ILS& 794 (Forum; 398 ac), 1188 here %6 &3ILS& "`797a" (P. Portuensis; 401 ac), 1189 %6 &3ILS& 797 (P. Praenestina; 401 ac), 1191 %6 &3ILS& 793 (Thr. Pompeii; 395%19`402 ac), 1192 %6 &3ILS& 796 (M. Aventinus; 402 ac), 1196 %6 &3ILS& 798 (place?; 402%19`408 ac), 1197 here %6 &3ILS& "`808" (M. Esquilinus; (443%19`445 ac), 1198 %6 &3ILS 807%3`8 [here "`807"] (M. Caelius; 443%19`445 ac), 1199 %6 &3ILS& 832 (Pons Salaria; 565 ac), 1200 %6 &3ILS& 837 (Forum; 608 ac), 1418 %6 &3ILS& 2941 (M. Pincius; 296%19`301 ac), 1444 %6 &3ILS& 700 (place?; 324%19`337 ac), 1673 %6 &3ILS& 1211 (place?; ca. 297 ac), 1675 here %6 &3ILS& "`1264a" (H. Barberin.; before 381 ac), 1677 %6 &3ILS& 803 (M. Aventinus; 425 ac), 1678 %6 &3ILS& 1281 (place?; ca. 400%19`410 ac), 1679 %6 &3ILS& 1262 (place?; after 383 ac), 1682 %6 &3ILS& 1220 (place?; ca. 335 ac), 1683 %6 &3ILS& 1221 (F. Trajani; 335 ac), 1690 %6 &3ILS& 1240 (M. Caelius; 340 ac), 1692 %6 &3ILS& 1242 (M. Caelius, ca. 352 ac), 1693 %6 &3ILS& 1241 (M. Caelius, ca. 352 ac), 1698 %6 &3ILS& 1257 (Capitolium; 377 ac), 1699 %6 &3ILS& 2946 (M. Caelius; 394 ac), 1700 %6 &3ILS& 1249 (Mus. Capitolin.; 325%19`350 ac), 1704 %6 &3ILS& 1214 (C. Quirinalis; 324%19`334 ac), 1705 %6 &3ILS 1215 (C. Quirinalis; 334%3`5 ac?), 1707 %6 &3ILS& 1213 (S. Potentia; ca. 314 ac), 1708 %6 &3ILS& 1222 (Capitolium; 337 ac), 1710 %6 &3ILS 2949 (F. Trajani ca. 400 ac), 1713 %6 &3ILS& 1270 (place?; ca. 360 ac), 1714 %6 &3ILS& 1271 (place?; ca. 379 ac), 1715 %6 &3ILS& 1274 (S. Petr. ad vinc.; 399 ac), 1717 %6 &3ILS& 1227 (place?; 339%19`341 ac), 1719 %6 &3ILS& 801 (place?; 420 ac), 1721 %6 &3ILS& 1244 (F. Trajani; 355%19`361 ac), 1724 %6 &3ILS& 2950 (F. Trajani, ca. 435 ac), 1725 %6 &3ILS& 1284 (F. Trajani; 425%19`450 ac), 1727 %6 &3ILS& 1275 (F. Trajani; ?E%3M 5th ac), 1729 %6 &3ILS& 1254 (F. Trajani; 364 ac), 1730 %6 &3ILS& 1277 (Forum; ca. 398 ac), 1731 %6 &3ILS& 1278 (Forum, 406 ac?), 1736 %6 &3ILS& 1256 (F. Trajani; 376 ac), 1741 %6 &3ILS 1243 (Bas. Lateran.; ca. 359 ac), 1744 %6 &3ILS& 1246 adn. (M. Esquilinus; ca. 360 ac), 1745 %6 &3ILS& 1245 (M. Esquilinus; ca. 360 ac), 1746 %6 &3ILS& 1246 (M. Esquilinus; ca. 360 ac), 1748 %6 &3ILS& 1238 (place?; ca. 345 ac), 1749 %6 &3ILS& 809 (F. Trajani; 421 ac), 1750 %6 &3ILS& 5703 (C. Quirinalis; mid%19`5th ac?), 1751 %6 &3ILS 1265 (M. Pincius; 378 ac), 1752 %6 &3ILS& 1268 (place?; ca. 395 ac), 1753 %6 &3ILS& 1267 (place?; ca. 395 ac), 1754 %6 &3ILS& 1269 (ca. 395, 406 ac), 1759 %6 &3ILS& 1272 (Is. Tiberiana; 389 ac), 1761 %6 &3ILS& 1285 (place?; 448 ac), 1764 %6 &3ILS& 1255 (F. Tajani; 365%19`367 ac), 1767 %6 &3ILS& 1282 (Forum; ca. 400%19`410 ac), 1768 %6 &3ILS& 1229 (place?; 346 ac), 1772 %6 &3ILS& 1230 (place?; 340%19`350 ac), 1777 %6 &3ILS& 1258 (M. Aventinus; 384 ac), 1779 %6 &3ILS& 1259 (Mus. Capitolin.; 384 ac), 1780 %6 &3ILS& 1260 (place?; 384 ac), 1782 %6 &3ILS& 2947 (M. Caelius; 394 ac), 1783 %6 &3ILS& 2948 (F. Trajani; 431 ac), 1794 %6 &3ILS& 825 (Forum; 493%19`526 ac), 2145 %6 &3ILS& 1261 (M. Esquilinus; ca. 384 ac), 2825%19`2826 %6 &3ILS& 666%19`667 (Via Labicana; 305%19`306 ac); __ &3CIL& 6,4:2 (1902) 31378 %6 &3ILS 643 (C. Quirinalis; 302%19`303 ac), 31256 %6 &3ILS& 8951 (Forum; ca. 398 ac?), 31402 %6 &3ILS& 769 [&3CIL& 6.31402] (Pons Valentian.; 365%19`367 ac), 31403 here %6 &3ILS& "`769a" (Pons Valentian.; 365%19`367 ac), 31405 %6 &3ILS& 766 [&3CIL& 6.31405] (Pons Valentian.; ca. 373 ac), 31407%19`31408 here %6 &3ILS& "`766a%19`766b" (Pons Valentian.; ca. 373 ac), 31564 %6 &3ILS& 702 (place?; 312%19`324 ac), 31904 %6 &3ILS 1251 (place?; after 366 ac), 31987 %6 &3ILS& 799 (Forum; 405 ac), 32004 %6 &3ILS& 1286 (S. Petr. Vatic.; 359 ac), 32051 %6 &3ILS& 1237 (C. Quirinalis; 365%19`368 ac), 32939 %6 &3ILS& 2785a (place?; 4th%19`5th ac), 32940 %6 &3ILS& 2785 (place?; 4th%19`5th ac), 32943 %6 &3ILS& 2782 (place?; 3rd%19`4th ac), 32965 %6 &3ILS& 2791 (place?; end 3rd%3beg. 4th?), 32968 %6 &3ILS& 2807 (place?), 32969 %6 &3ILS& 2786 (place?; 4th%19`5th ac), 33856 %6 &3ILS& 8935 (S. Hadrianus; 307%19`312 ac); __ &3CIL& 6,4:3 (1933) 36954 %6 &3ILS& 726 (Traste/vere; 340%19`350 ac). 36949 %6 &3ILS& 8934 (Forum; 306%19`312 ac), 36951 %6 &3ILS& 8943 (Forum; 328 ac), 36954 %6 &3ILS& 726 (Traste/vere; 340%19`350 ac), 36956 %6 &3ILS& 8948 (Forum; 364%19`365 ac), 36960 %6 &3ILS& 8950 (Via Sacra; 389%19`391 ac), 37112 %6 &3ILS& 1225%7`1232 (M. Aventinus; ca. 356 ac), 37119 %6 &3ILS& 8986 (Camp. Mart.; ca. 438 ac), 3791b %6 &3ILS& 789 (Forum; 389%19`391 ac). @ &3Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, IX. Inscriptiones Calabriae, &3Apuliae, Samnii, Sabinorum, Piceni latinae,& ed. Th. Mommsen. Berlin 1883. &3CIL& 9.318 %6 &3ILS& 749 (APULIA, Cannae; 355%19`361 ac); 333 %6 &3ILS& 780 (Canusium; 379%19`394 ac), 1117 %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 734 (Aeculanum; 355%19`361 ac), 1576 %6 &3ILS& 1239 (Beneventum; ca. 333 ac); 2566 %6 &3ILS& 1253 (SAMNIUM, Bovianum Undec.; ca. 360 ac), 2637 %6 &3ILS& 1247 (Allifae; 352%19`357 ac); 2639 %6 &3ILS& 1248 (Aesernaia; 352%19`357 ac); 4051 %6 &3ILS& 795 (Aqua Anio Vetus; 398%19`399 ac); 4516 %6 &3ILS& 647 (Amiternum; 306%19`312 ac); 4962 %6 &3ILS& 650a (Cures; 305%19`306 ac); 5300 %6 &3ILS& 1288 (PICENUM, Cupra Marit.; 385 ac); 5434 %6 &3ILS& 712 (Falerio; 317%19`323 ac); 5566 %6 &3ILS& 1289 (Tolentinum; after 379 ac); 5649 %6 &3ILS& 2780 (Treia; 4th ac); 5897 %6 &3ILS& 1290 (Ancona; after 386 ac); 5955 %6 &3ILS 713 (SAMNIUM, Rocca di Corno; 317%19`323 ac); 6026 %6 &3ILS& 676 (APULIA, Canusium; 308%19`324 ac); 6060 %6 &3ILS& 693 (S. Sossio; 313%19`315 ac); 6066 %6 &3ILS& 670 (Venusia; 309%19`312 ac). @ &3Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, X. Inscriptiones Bruttiorum, &3Lucaniae, Campaniae, Siciliae, Sardiniae latinae,& ed. Th. Mommsen. Berlin 1883. &3CIL& 10,1.517 %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 708 (CAMPANIA, Salernum; 323%19`336 ac); 678 %6 &3ILS& 710 (Surrentum; 323%19`326 ac); 1125 %6 &3ILS& 2942 (Abellinum; 340 ac?); 1485 %6 &3ILS 804 (Neapolis; 425%19`450 ac); 1656 %6 &3ILS& 764 (Puteoli; 364%19`375 ac), 1692 %6 &3ILS& 792 (394%19`395 ac) 1693 %6 &3ILS& 791 (393 ac), 1695%3`6 %6 &3ILS& 1224 (334%19`337 ac), 1697 %6 &3ILS& 1226 (mid%19`4th ac), 1700 %6 &3ILS& 1231 (343%19`346 ac); 3732 %6 &3ILS& 1216 (Atellea; 314%19`337 ac); 3860 %6 &3ILS& 1276 (Capua; before 403 ac); 4752 %6 &3ILS& 1223 (LATIUM ADJ., Suessa; 328%19`334 ac); 5061 %6 &3ILS& 1217 (Altina; ca. 312 ac); 5348 %6 &3ILS& 5698 (Interamna Lir.); 5576 %6 &3ILS& 612 (Fabrateria; 284%19`305 ac); 6003 %6 &3ILS& 652 (Minturnae; ca. 306 ac); 6084 %6 &3ILS& 1212 (Formiae; early 4th ac); 6441 %6 &3ILS& 1250 (Privernum; 357%19`370 ac); 6656 %6 &3ILS& 5702 (LATIUM ADJ., Antium; 379%19`382 ac); 6850%3`1 %6 &3ILS& 827 (Tarracina; 507%19`511 ac?); 6945 %6 &3ILS& 748 (CAMPANIA, Aversa; 355 ac); __ &3CIL& 10,2.7017 %6 [a:] &3IG& 14.453 (SICILY, Catana), 7123 %6 Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 418 %6 Agnello, &3Silloge (1953) 71 (Syracuse), 7149 %6 Straz. 427 %6 Agnello 72, 7167 %6 Straz. 419 %6 Agnello 90 (356 ac), 7168 %6 Straz. 420 (431 ac), 7169 %6 Straz. 421 (492? 497? 507?), 7170 %6 Straz. 422, 7171 %6 Straz. 423, 7172 %6 Straz. 424 (Syracuse), 7173 %6 Straz. 425 %6 Agnello 85 (Catana), 7174 %6 Straz. 426 (Syracuse), 7175 %6 Straz. 428, 7176 %6 Straz. 429, 7177 %6 Straz. 430, 7178 %6 Straz. 431, 7179 %6 Straz. 432, 7182%7 %6 Straz. 433 %6 Agnello 83, 7232 %6 &3ILS& 830 (Lilybaeum; 496%19`523 ac), 7284 %6 &3ILS& 677 (Panormus; ca. 314 ac), 7330 %6 Agnello 99 (Palermo; 602 ac); 8015 %6 &3ILS& 720 (SARDINIA, Carales%3Turris; 335%19`337 ac); 8072,4 %6 &3ILS& 813 (ROME, [Naples]; 457%19`472 ac). @ &3Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, XI: Inscriptiones Aemiliae, &3Etruriae, Umbriae latinae,& ed. E. Bormann. 3 vols. Berlin 1888%19`1926. &3CIL& 11,1.23* %6 Bollini, &3IGrRav& 71,35 (AEMILIA, Ravenna; 8th ac or later); 9 %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 699 (Ravenna), 10 %6 &3ILS& 826 (493%19`526 ac) 11 %6 &3ILS& 836 and Patrono, &3IByzRav& (1909) 354,11 (585%19`589 ac), 255 %6 &3IByzRav& 361,255a (458 ac), 276 %6 ʺ&3ILS& 818(1) (424%19`434 ac), 281 %6 Bollini, &3IGrRav& 49,20, 281a %6 Patrono, &3IByzRav& 361,281a (552%19`565 ac), 289 %6 &3IByzRav& 358,289 (521%19`534 ac), 290 %6 Bollini, &3IGrRav& 49,21, 295 %6 Patrono, &3IByzRav& 349,295 (after 549 ac), 297 %6 &3IByzRav& 350,297 (590%19`604 ac), 300 %6 &3IByzRav& 362,300 (596%3`7 ac), 303 %6 &3IByzRav& 360,303 (7th%19`8th ac), 310 %6 &3IByzRav& 348,310 (541 ac), 312 %6 &3IByzRav 348,312 (551 ac), 313 %6 &3IByzRav& 351,313 (567 ac), 315 %6 &3IByzRav& 352,315 (571 ac), 316 %6 &3IByzRav& 353,316 (574 ac?), 319 %6 &3IByzRav& 358,319 (ca. 586 ac), 331 %6 &3IByzRav& 355,331 (6th ac?), 350 %6 &3IByzRav& 355,350 (581%3`2 ac); 830 %6 &3ILS& 1280 (Mutina; late 4th ac), 831 %6 &3ILS& 1218 (ca. 324%19`330 ac), 837 %6 &3ILS& 2778 (late 3rd ac); 1693 %6 &3ILS& 2806 (ETRURIA, Florentia; 547 ac); 2089 %6 &3ILS& 1296 (Perusia; 5th%19`6th ac); 2637 %6 &3ILS 1299 (ROME, [Firenze] [2Etruria, Cosa]2; 434 ac); 2928 %6 &3ILS& 655 (ETRURIA, Vulci; 305%19`308 ac); __ &3CIL& 11,2:1.4095 %6 &3ILS& 5696 (UMBRIA, Ocriculum; 341 ac), 4097 %6 &3ILS& 5697 (341 ac); 4781 %6 &3ILS& 739 (Spoletium; 355%19`360 ac); 4787 %6 &3ILS& 2777 (AEMILIA, Mutina; end 3rd%3beg. 4th); 5265 %6 &3ILS& 705 (UMBRIA, Hispallum; 333%19`337 ac); 6218 %6 &3ILS& 706 (Fanum Fortunae; 339%19`350 ac), 6222 %6 &3ILS& 9204 (4th ac?); __ &3CIL& 11,2:2.6726,513 %6 Diehl, &3ILCV& 926 (PROV.?, [Firenze]); 6958 %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 1252 (ETRURIA, Luna; after 366 ac). @ &3Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, XII: Inscriptiones Galliae &3Narbonensis latinae,& ed. O. Hirschfeld. Berlin 1888. 133 %6 &3ILS 1302 (ROME, [Ge/ronde]; 488 ac); 673 %6 &3ILS& 2788 (GALLIA NARBON., Arelate; mid%19`4th ac?); 1524 %6 &3ILS& 1279 (Sisteron; ca. 405%19`412 ac); 2229 %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 620 and 620a (GALLIA VIENN., Cularo; 286%19`293 ac); 5457 %6 &3ILS& 721 (GALLIA NARBON., Forum Julii; 317%19`337 ac), 5470 %6 &3ILS& 684 (Cabasse; 307%19`310 ac?); 5494 %6 &3ILS& 806 (Arelate; 435 ac); 5505 %6 &3ILS& 718 (Saillans; 335%19`337 ac); 5677 %6 &3ILS& 746 (Tolosa; 350%19`353 ac); 5697,5 %6 &3ILS 767 (GALLIA VIENN., Genava; 364%19`375 ac); 5690,134 %6 &3CIJ& 667 (GALLIA VIENN., Avennio [Avignon]). @ &3Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, XIII: Inscriptiones trium &3Galliarum et Germaniarum latinae,& ed. O. Hirschfeld, K. Zangemeister, et al. Berlin 1899%19`1933. &3CIL& 13,1:2 (1904) 2074 and 2076 %6 &3CIJ& App. 3, 62*%19`63* (GALLIA LUGDUN, Lugdunum [Lyon]), 2448 %6 &3CIJ& App. 3, 61* (area of Lugdunum [Lyon]: Genay, near Tre/voux; beg. 3rd ac); 3255 %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 703 (GALLIA BELG., Reims; 324%19`337 ac); 3492 %6 &3ILS& 9210 (near Amiens), 3493 %6 &3ILS& 9209, 3494 %6 &3ILS& 9214; 3682 %6 &3ILS& 2813 (Aug. Trevir.; 5th ac?); 4701%19`4702 %6 &3CIJ& App. 5, 95*%19`96* (Solimariaca [Soulosse]) __ &3CIL& 13,2:1 (1905) 5249 %6 &3ILS& 640 (GALLIA SEQUANA, Oberwinterthur; 294 ac); 5338 %6 &3CIJ& 674 [L. 59] ([ex%19GERMANIA SUP.], Badenweiler); 6238 %6 &3ILS& 9208 (GERMANIA SUP., near Wo+rms); __ &3CIL& 13,2:2 (1907) 8262 %6 &3ILS 790 (GERMANIA INF., Colonia Agrip.; 392%19`394 ac), 8274 %6 &3ILS 2784 (4th ac); 8502 %6 &3ILS& 8937 [&3CIL& 13.8502] (Divitia%19Deutz; 314 ac?) __ &3CIL& 13,3:2 (1906) 10025,246 %6 &3CIJ& I, App. 5, 83* (GERMANIA INF., Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]); 10032,1 %6 &3ILS& 1298 (ROME, [Paris]; 428 ac), 10032,2 %6 &3ILS& 1300 ([Lie\ge]; 449 ac), 10032,3a %6 &3ILS& 1303 ([Zu+rich]; 506 ac), 10032,4 %6 &3ILS& 8993 ([Limoges]; 455 ac), 10032,5 %6 &3ILS& 1305 ([Paris]; 517 ac), 10032,6 %6 &3ILS& 1306 ([Utrecht]; 518 ac), 100032,8 %6 &3ILS& 1308 (with &3CIL& 5.8120,4, [Milan]) ([ex%19Compiegne]; 525 ac), 10032,9 %6 &3ILS& 1311 ([Berlin]; 540 ac), 100032,14 %6 &3ILS& 1304 ([Nuremberg]; 513 ac) __ &3CIL& 13,4 Addenda (1916) 11032 %6 &3ILS 9215 [&3ILCV& 554] (AQUITANIA, Burdigala); 11538 %6 &3ILS& 8949 (GALLIA SEQ., Koblenz%3Stein; 371 ac) 11272 %6 &3ILS& 9207 (GALLIA LUGDUN., Lutetia Paris.). @ &3Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, XIV: Inscriptiones Latii &3veteris latinae,& ed. H. Dessau. Berlin 1887. &3CIL& 14.57* %6 Sacco, &3IPorto& 83 (LATIUM, Portus); 128 %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 615 (Ostia?; 285 ac); 131 %6 &3ILS& 687 (Ostia; ca. 312 ac), 137 %6 &3ILS 5694 (375%19`378 ac); 140 %6 &3ILS& 805 (Portus; 425%19`450 ac); 1875 %6 &3ILS& 1292 (Ostia; ca. 370 ac?); 2165 %6 &3ILS& 1283 (Aricia; 437 ac); 2824 %6 &3ILS& 1295 (Gabii; ca. 511 ac); 2917 %6 &3ILS& 1263 (Praeneste; 379%19`382 ac), 2919 %6 &3ILS& 1219 (ca. 333 ac); 3582 %6 &3ILS& 729 (SAMNIUM, Tibur; 340%19`350 ac). @ &3Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, XIV. Supplementum Ostiense, ed. L. Wickert. Berlin 1930%19`1933. &3CIL& 14 Suppl.,5234 %6 Sacco, &3IPorto& 74 (Latium, Portus). @ &3Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, XV. Inscriptiones urbis Romae &3latinae. Instrumentum domesticum,& ed. H. Dressel. Berlin 1891%19`1899. &3CIL& 15.1665 %6 &3ILS& 828 (ROME, place?; 493%19`526 ac), 1669 %6 &3ILS& 828a (493%19`526 ac); 2415 %6 &3ILCV& 2429 (PROV.?, [Rome]); 7108 %6 &3ILS& 811 (ROME?, [Rome]; 461%19`463 ac), 7118 %6 &3ILS& 812 ([Wiczay]; 467%19`472 ac); 7152 %6 &3ILS& 8952 (ROME, place?; ca. 400 ac), 7153 %6 &3ILS& 8953 (ca. 400 ac). @ &3Ephemeris epigraphica. Corporis inscriptinum latinarum &3supplementum.& 9 vols. Berlin 1872%19`1913. &3Ephemeris& V (1884) 826 %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 860 (VENETIA, Feltria; 530%19`533 ac) @ &3Anne/e e/pigraphique& (Paris). &3AE/& 1892.143 %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 8984 (CAMPANIA, Neapolis; 382%19`383 ac); __ &3AE/& 1895.1 %6 Dessau, &3ILS 8928 (BRITANNIA, Luguvallium; 286%19`293 ac); __ &3AE/& 1904.148 %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 8955 (ROME, [France]; 476%19`491 ac). @ &3Notizie degli scavi di Antichita\& (Rome). __ &3NSc& 1890.170 %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 2796 (VENETIA, Julia Concordia), 343 %6 Dessau, &3ILS 2805; __ &3NSc& 1893.521 %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 8985 (CAMPANIA, Neapolis; 409%19`430 ac); __ &3NSc& 1896.256 %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 5700 (CALABRIA, Tarentum; 4th ac); __ &3NSc& 1905.217 %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 8982 (SICILIA, Lilybaeum; 4th%19`5th ac). @ &3Revue arche/ologique& (Paris). &3RA&(`4) 1 (1903) 26 %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 8939 (DACIA MEDIT., Naissus; 315%19`317 ac) @ de Rossi, I.B., &3Inscriptiones Christianae Urbis Romae.& Rome 1857%19`1861. &3IChUR&(`1) II:1.8,13 %6 &3ILS& 816 (AEMILIA, Ravenna; 424%19`455 ac); 55,10 %6 &3ILS& 8989 (ROME, S. Petr. Vatic.; 440%19`461 ac), 110,66 %6 &3ILS& 819 (S. Petr. ad vinc.; 439%19`440 ac?), 149,17 %6 &3ILS& 1293 (Bas. Lateran.; 428%19`450 ac), 435,107 %6 &3ILS& 817 (S. Crux Hierus.; 424%19`434 ac), 439,127 %6 &3ILS& 1294 (S. Agatha; 459%19`472 ac). @ ˺@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@JEWISH INSCRIPTIONS @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@Corpus of Jewish Inscriptions @ *Frey, J.%19B., &3Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaicarum. I. Europe. Vatican City 1936. Corrected and augmented by B. Lifshitz, "Prolegomenon", pp. 21%19`104, in the reprint (Ktav: New York 1975). __ Contents (additions of Lifshitz marked with an asterisk; other additions, by quotation%19marks): &3CIJ& I,1%19`2 (ROME, Via Flaminia [`1%19`2]); __ 3 [Lifshitz (1975) 25] (Via Salaria [`3%19`5]), 4, 5 [L. 25]; __ 6%19`9 (Via Nomentana [`6%19`72]), 10 [L. 25], 11 [L. 25], 12 [&3SEG& 26,1203], 13, 14, 15 [L. (1975) 25], 16 [cf. &3SEG& 26,1204], 17 [L. 25], 18 [L. 26], 19%19`21, 22 [L. 26], 23, 24 [L. 26], 25 [&3SEG& 26,1205], 26 [L. (1975) 26], 27%19`29, 30 [L. 26], 31 [L. 26], 32%19`33, 34 [L. 26], 35, *35a %6 Lifshitz (1975) 27 (Villa Torlonia), 36%19`40, 41 [L. 27], 42%19`43, 44 [&3SEG& 26.1206], 45%19`46, 47 [L. 27], 48%19`52, 53 [L. 27], 54%19`55, 56 [L. 27], 57%19`65, 66 [&3SEG& 26,1182] (3rd%19`4th ac?), 67%19`68, 69 [L. 27], 70%19`71, 72 [L. 27]; __ 73%19`74 [Hebr.] (Via Labicana [`73%19`78]), 75%19`78; __ 79 [L. 28] (Via Appia Pignatelli [`79%19`80]), 80; __ 81 (Via Appia [`81%19`285]), 82 [L. 28], 83, 84 [L. 28], 85, 86 [L. 28], 87%19`88, 89 [L. 28], 90%19`92, 93 [L. 28], 94, 95 [L. 28], 96%19`98, 99 [L. 28], 100 [L. 28], 101%19`102, 103 [L. 28], 104 [L. 29], 105, 106 [L. 29], 107, 108 [%7Hebr.] [&3IG 14.1587; L. 29], 109%19`110, 111 [L. (1975) 29], 112 [L. 29], ˺113%19`117, 118 [L. (1975) 29], 119 [L. 30], 120%19`123, 124 [L. 30], 125, 126 [L. 30], 127, 128 [L. 30], 129 [L. 30], 130%19`134, 135 [L. 30], 136 [&3SEG& 14,623], 137%19`138, 139 [L. 30], 140, 141 [L. 30], 142, 143 [L. 30], 144 [L. 30], 145%19`150, 151 [L. 30], 152%19`157, 158 [L. 30], 159 [L. 30], 160%19`165, 166 [L. 31], 167 [L. 31], 168%19`172, 173 [L. 31], 174%19`192, 193 [L. 31], 194%19`203, 204 [L. 31], 205, 206 [L. 31], 207 [L. 31], 208 [L. 31], 209, 210 [L. 31], 211, 212 [L. 31], 213%19`214, 215 [L. 32], 216%19`227, 228 [L. 32], 229 [L. 32], 230, 231 [L. 32], 232%19`233, 234 [L. 32], 235 [L. 32], 236%19`238, 239 [%7Hebr.] [L. 32], 240, 241 [L. 32], 242, 243 [L. 32], 244%19`247, 248 [L. 32], 249 [L. 33], 250 [L. 33], 251%19`256, 257 [L. 33], 258%19`261, 262 [L. 33], 263%19`270, 271 [L. 33], 272%19`276, 277 [L. 33], 278%19`282, 283 [%7Hebr.] [L. 33], 284, 285; __ 286 [L. 33] (Via Ardeatina); __ 287 [L. 33] (Via Ostiensis [`287%19`289]), 288 [L. 33], 289; __ 290 [Hebr.] (Cat. Monteverde [`290%19`493]), 291 [%7Hebr.], 292%19`293 [Hebr.], 294 [Hebr.] [L. 33], 295 [Hebr.], 296 [%7Hebr.] [L. 33], 297%19`306, 307 [L. 33], 308%19`309, 310 [L. 34], 311%19`314, 315 [L. 34], 316%19`318, 319 [%7Hebr.] [&3IChUR& 2,5987], 320%19`326, 327 [&3IG 14.1606], 328, 329 [L. 34], 330%19`332, 333 [L. 34], 334, 335 [L. 34], 336 [L. 34], 337%19`348, 349 [%7Hebr.] [&3IChUR& 2.5988], 350, 351 [&3IChUR& 2.5989], 352%19`357, 358 [L. 34], 359 [L. 35], 360%19`361, 362 [L. 35], 363 [L. 35], 364%19`366, 367 [&3IChUR 2.5990], 368%19`371, 372 [L. 35], 373%19`378, 379 [L. 35], 380 [L. 35], 381%19`383, 384 [L. 35], 385 [L. 36], 386 [L. 36], 387%19`390, 391 [L. 36], 392 [L. 36], 393%19`395, 396 [L.36], 397 [%7Hebr.] [&3IChUR& 2.5993], 398%19`399, 400 [L. 36], 401 [&3IChUR& 2.5992], 402%19`407, 408 [L. 36], 409%19`411, 412 [L. 36], 413 [L. 36], 414 [L. 36], 415, 416 [L. 37], 417 [L. 37], 418%19`436, 437 [L. 37], 438%19`459, 460 [L. 37], 461 [L. 37], 462 [L. 37], 463%19`465, 466 [L. 37], 467, 468 [L. 37], 469, 470 [L. 37], 471%19`473, 474 [L. 37], 475 [L. 37], 476 [L. 37] (2nd ac), 477%19`478, 479 [L. 38], 480, 481 [L. 38], 482 [L. 38] (330 ac), 483%19`493; __ 494%19`496 (Via Portuensis [`494%19`499]), 497 [%7Hebr.], 498, 499 [%7Hebr.] [L. 38]; __ 500 [&3IG& 14.1325] (place? [`500%19`529, Add. 732%19`734]), 501 [L. 38], 502, 503 [L. 38], 504, 505 [L. 39], 506, 507 [L. 39], 508 [L. 39], 509, 510 [L. 39], 511%19`525, 526 [L. 39], 527 [L. 39], 528 [L. 40] (387 ac), 529; and Addenda, pp. 597%19`599 (also with additions of Lifshitz), 732 [%7Hebr.], *732a %6 Lifshitz (1975) 40, 733 (2nd ac), *733a %6 Lifshitz (1975) 41, *733b %6 Lifshitz (1975) 41, *733c %6 Lifshitz (1975) 42, *733d %6 Lifshitz (1975) 42 (3rd%19`5th ac), *733e %6 Lifshitz (1975) 42, *733f [Moretti, &3IGUR& 771] %6 Lifshitz (1975) 43 (2nd%19`3rd ac), *733g %6 Lifshitz (1975) 43, 734 (2nd%19`4th ac); and with these further additions [`733h%19`733p]: "`733h" %6 Silvagni, &3IChUR 1,2895, "`733i" %6 &3IChUR& 1,2978, "`733j" %6 &3IChUR& 1,3981, "`733k" %6 &3IChUR& 1,4042; "`733l" %6 Moretti, &3IGUR& 1.169 (2nd ac), "`733m" %6 &3IGUR& 2.726, "`733n" %6 &3IGUR& 3.1231, "`733o" %6 &3IGUR& 3.1268 (2nd%19`3rd ac), "`733p" %6 &3IGUR& 3.1323 (Via Salaria); "Non%19Jewish inscriptions concerning Jews" [`530%19`532]): &3CIJ& 530,1%19`3 [&3CIL 6,4:2 (1902) 31893, frr. b,4, d,II,12 and e,I,5%19`6] (ROME, S. Petr. ad vincula; after 374 ac), &3CIJ& 530,4 [&3CIL& 6,4:2 (1902) 31896, col. II,1] (ROME, Basilica Julia; end 4th ac), 531 [&3CIL 6,2 (1882) 9821; Dessau, &3ILS& 7495] (place?), 532 [&3CIL& 6,2 (1882) 8604; Dessau, &3ILS& 1519] (Forum); with these additions: "`532a" %6 Moretti, &3IGUR& 1.82 (ROME, Forum; before 194 ac), "`532b" %6 &3IGUR& 1.83 (Forum; end 2nd%3`3rd ac); __ 533 (LATIUM, Castel Porziano; 2nd ac), 534 (Ostia; 2nd%19`4th ac), *534a %6 Lifshitz (1975) 44; 535 [Sacco, &3IPorto& (1984) 91a] (LATIUM, Portus), "`535a" %6 &3IPorto& 92, "`535b" %6 &3IPorto& 93, 536 [&3IPorto 87a], 537 [cf. &3IPorto& p. 101] (ROME, place?); 538 [&3IPorto& 89] (LATIUM, Portus), 539 [&3IPorto& 90] (2nd ac?), 540 [&3IPorto& 87b], 541 [&3IPorto& 77 (Chr.)], 542 [&3IPorto& 48 (Pag.)], 543 [&3IPorto 91b], 544 [&3IPorto& 86], 545 [&3IPorto& 88], 546 [&3IPorto& 73 (Chr.)], 547 [&3IPorto& 94], 548%7 [&3IPorto& 84] (2nd%19`3rd ac), "`548a" %6 &3IPorto& 85 (4th ac), 549 [&3IPorto& 59 (Pag.)], 550 [&3IPorto& 101 (Fr.)], 551a [&3IPorto& 71 (Chr.)], 551b [&3IPorto& 82 (Chr.)], 551c [&3IPorto& 58 (Pag.)], 551d [&3IPorto& 62 (Pag.)], 551e [&3IPorto& 63 (Pag.)]; 552 [%7Hebr.] (CAMPANIA, Fondi); 553 (Capua); 554 [Hebr.] (Nola); 555 [Hebr.] (Neapolis), 556 [L. 44] (1st ac), 557, 558 [%7Hebr.], 559%19`560; 561 (Puteoli); 563%19`567 [L. 44] (Pompeii; before 79 ac); 568 [L. 44] (Neapolis); 569 [Hebr.] [L. 44] (APULIA, Venusia [Venosa]), 570 [%7Hebr.], 571%19`574 [Hebr.], 575 [%7Hebr.] [L. 44] (APULIA, Venosa), 576 [L. 45], 577 [L. 45], 578 [%7Hebr.], 579%19`580, 581 [L. 45], 582, 583 [L. 45], 584 [%7Hebr.], 585, 586 [%7Hebr.] [L. 45], 587%19`590, 591 [L. 45], 592, 593 [%7Hebr.], 594, 595 [Gk. in Hebr. script], 596 [%7Hebr.] [L. 45], 597 [%7Hebr.], 598, 599 [%7Hebr.] [L. 45], 600 [%7Hebr.], 601 [L. 45], 602%19`605, 606%19`607 [%7Hebr.], 608 [%7Hebr.] [L. 45], 609 [%7Hebr.], 610, 611 [%7Hebr.] [L. 45], 612, 613 [%7Hebr.], 614%19`615, 616 [L. 45], 617 [L. 45], 618%19`619, *619a %6 Lifshitz (1975) 46, *619b %6 Lifshitz (1975) 47, *619c %6 Lifshitz (1975) 47, *619d %6 Lifshitz (1975) 47, *619e %6 Lifshitz (1975) 48; 620%19`626 [Hebr.] (CALABRIA, Tarentum), 627%19`628, 629%19`630 [%7Hebr.], 631; 632 [%7Hebr.] (Otranto); 633 [Hebr.] (Bari); 634 [%7Hebr.] [L. 49] (Oria), 635 [%7Hebr.]; *635a %6 Lifshitz (1975) 49 [&3IG& 14.633; Wessel 75; &3SEG& 1,421] (BRUTTIUM, Hipponium%19Vibo Valentia; 5th%19`7th ac); *635b %6 Lifshitz (1975) 49 (Rhegium); 636 [L. 49] (ETRURIA, near Civitavecchia); "`636a" %6 &3IG& 14.2259 (Lorium); 637 [&3IG& 14.2318; &3IChUR& 1,2720] (ROME?, Venetia: Ferrara); 638 [&3IG& 14.2304] (VENETIA, Brixia), 639 [L. 49]; 640 (Julia Concordia); 641%19`642 (Pola); 643 (Aquileia), *643a %6 Lifshitz (1975) 49 (5th%19`6th ac); 644 [%7Hebr.] (TRANSAPADANA, Mediolanum [Milan]), 645%19`646; 647 (ITALY, place?), 648 [L. 51], 649 [%7Hebr.] (now Milan); *649a %6 Lifshitz (1975) 51 (SICILY, Tauromenium; 4th%19`5th ac); 650 [%7Hebr.] [L. 51] (Catana; 383 ac), *650a %6 Lifshitz (1975) 51, *650b %6 Lifshitz (1975) 51, *650c %6 Lifshitz (1975) 52 (4th%19`5th ac), *650d %6 Lifshitz (1975) 52 (4th%19`5th ac); *650e %6 Lifshitz (1975) 53 (Acireale); "`650f" %6 &3IG& 14.461 (Catana); 651 [L. 53] (Syracuse), 652 [L. 53], 653 [Lifshitz, &3Donateurs et fondateurs dans les &3synagogues grecques& (1967) 102] (Byz.); *653a %6 Lifshitz (1975) 54 (Acrillae); *653b %6 Lifshitz (1975) 54 (Philosophiana); 654 [L. 54] (Agrigentum?; 5th ac?), *654a %6 Lifshitz (1975) 54 (Agrigentum); 655 (MALTA, Rabato); 656 [Hebr.] (SARDINIA, Macomer; 5th%19`6th ac); 657%19`658 (Sulcis), 659 [%7Hebr.], 660; *660a%19*660b [%7Hebr.] %6 Lifshitz (1975) 55 (Sassari); *660c %6 Lifshitz (1975) 55 (HISPANIA, Tarragona); *660d %6 Lifshitz (1975) 56 (Pallaresos); 661 [%7Hebr.] [L. 57] (Tortosa; 6th ac?); 662 [L. 57] (Ilici), 663 [&3Donateurs& 101], 664 [L. 57]; 665 [L. 54] (Abdera), *665a %6 Lifshitz (1975) 57 (Emerita Aug.); 666 [Hebr.] (GALLIA, Vienna [Vienne]; end 7th ac?); 667 [&3CIL& 12.5690,134] (Avennio [Avignon]); 668 [Hebr.] [L. 58] (Arelate [Arles]; end 7th ac?), 669 [Hebr.] [L. 58]; 670 [%7Hebr.] (Narbo Martius [Narbonne]; 688 ac); 671 [%7Hebr.] [L. 58] (Elimberrum [Auch]), "`671a" %6 &3Salo Wittmayer Barron &3Jubilee Volume& (1975) 229%19`235 [&3BE/& 1976.798] (Antipolis [Antibes]), 672 (Burdigala [Bordeaux]; ca. 6th ac), *672a [&3IChGaule& I,92] %6 Lifshitz (1975) 59 (Aug. Treverorum [Trier]; 2nd%3beg. 3rd ac?); 673 [L. 59] (RAETIA, Castra Regina [Regensburg%3Ratisbon]; 3rd ac); 674 [&3CIL& 13.5338; L. 59] ([GERMANIA SUP.], Badenweiler); 675 [Scheiber, &3CIHungJud&(`2) 2; ˺L. 59] (PANNONIA, Aquincum; ca. 300%19`350 ac); 676 [&3CIHungJud&(`2) 1] (Solva); 677 [&3CIHungJud&(`2) 3; L. 59] (Intercisa; 222%19`235 ac), "`677a%19`677c" %6 &3CIHungJud&(`2) 4%19`6 (later 3rd ac); 678 [&3CIHungJud&(`2) 7; L. 60] (Siklo/s; beg. 3rd ac), *678a [&3CIHungJud&(`2) 8] %6 Lifshitz (1975) 60 (Mursa; end 2nd ac), "`679a" (should be "`678b") [Hebr.] %6 Scheiber, &3CIHungJud&(`2) 9 (Ciglana; end 4th ac); 679 [L. 61] (DALMATIA, Serajevo), 680 [L. 61] (Senia); *680a %6 Lifshitz (1975) 62 (Salona); 681 [&3CIHungJud&(`2) 10; L. 63] (DACIA RIP., Oescus [Gigen]; ca. 300%19`350 ac?), "`681*" %6 &3IGBulg& 2.597(3) [L. 63] (5th%19`6th ac?); *681a [&3IGBulg& 3,1.1432] %6 Lifshitz (1975) 63 (THRACIA, Asenovgrad%19Stanimaka); *681b %6 Lifshitz (1975) 63 (SCYTHIA MINOR, Tomis); 682 [&3Donateurs& 11; L. 64] (Olbia); 683 [Struve, &3CIRB& (1965) 70; L. 64] (N. COAST OF BLACK SEA, Panticapaeum; 81 ac); *683a [&3CIRB& 71] %6 Lifshitz (1975) 65 (Kertch; 2nd ac), *683b [&3CIRB& 72] %6 Lifshitz (1975) 66 (2nd ac); 684 [&3CIRB& 73; L. 63] (Panticapaeum; 2nd ac); 685 [&3CIRB& 735; L. 63] (Kertch; 3rd ac), 686 [&3CIRB& 777; L. 63] (4th ac?), 687 [&3CIRB& 746; L. 63] (4th ac), 688 [%7Hebr.] [&3CIRB& 736; L. 63] (3rd%19`4th ac?), 689 [&3CIRB& 724; L. 63] (2nd%19`3rd ac), 689a [&3CIRB& 743] %6 Lifshitz (1975) 66 (4th ac); 690 [&3CIRB& 1123; L. 64] (Gorgippa; 41 ac), *690a [&3CIRB& 1126] %6 Lifshitz (1975) 67 (67%3`8 ac), *690b [&3CIRB 1124] %6 Lifshitz (1975) 68 (59 ac); 691 [&3CIRB& 985; L. 69] (Phangoria; 16 ac), *691a [&3CIRB& 1225] %6 Lifshitz (1975) 69, *691b [&3CIRB& 1076] %6 Lifshitz (1975) 70 (1st bc); 692 [L. 70] (EUROPE, Bizye); *692a %6 Lifshitz (1975) 70 (Herakleia%19Perinthos); 693 [Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 173 (Ch.)] (MACEDONIA, Thessalonike; 5th%19`6th ac), *693a [%7Hebr.] [&3IChMac 291] %6 Lifshitz (1975) 71 (4th%19`5th ac?), *693b [&3IChMac& 292] %6 Lifshitz (1975) 75, *693c [&3IChMac& 293] %6 Lifshitz (1975) 76, *693d %6 Lifshitz (1975) 76; 694 [&3Donateurs& 10; L. 76] (Stobi [Maced. II]; 3rd%19`4th ac?), "`694(2)" %6 &3AJA& 76 (1972) 410 (end 3rd ac?), "`694(3)" %6 &3AJA& 76 (1972) 406ff., "`694(4)" %6 &3AJA& 75 (1971) 410; *694a [&3IChMac& 294] %6 Lifshitz (1975) 77 (Beroia; 5th ac?), *694b [&3IChMac& 295] %6 Lifshitz (1975) 78 (4th%19`5th ac?); 695 [L. 79] (THESSALIA, Phthiot. Thebai), 696 [L. 79], *696a %6 Lifshitz (1975) 79, *696b %6 Lifshitz (1975) 79, *696c %6 Lifshitz (1975) 80; 697 (Larisa), 698 [L. 80], 699%19`700, 701 [L. 80], 702%19`708, *708a %6 Lifshitz (1975) 80, *708b %6 Lifshitz (1975) 80; *708c %6 Lifshitz (1975) 81 (Volos Museum; end 3rd%3beg. 4th); *708d %6 Lifshitz (1975) 81 (Pherai); 709 [L. 81] (CENTRAL GREECE, Phocis, Delphi; 158%3`7 bc), 710 [L. 81] (162 bc), 711 (119 bc), *711a %6 Lifshitz (1975) 81 (Boiotia, Plataia), *711b %6 Lifshitz (1975) 81 (Oropia, Oropos; 300%19`250 bc); 712%19`713 (Attica, Athens), 714 [L. 82] (Athens?), 715, *715a %6 Lifshitz (1975) 83 (Athens; 1st ac), *715b %6 Lifshitz (1975) 83 (2nd%19`3rd ac), *715c %6 Lifshitz (1975) 83 (2nd bc), *715d %6 Lifshitz (1975) 84 (Roman), *715e %6 Lifshitz (1975) 84 (imperial), *715f %6 Lifshitz (1975) 84 (1st ac), *715g %6 Lifshitz (1975) 84 (1st ac), *715h %6 Lifshitz (1975) 85, *715i %6 Lifshitz (1975) 85; (Peiraieus), 716 (PELOPONESSOS, Achaia, Patras; 1625 ac! [JMM]), 717 [L. 85] (THESSALIA, Hypate%19Nea Patras); 718 [&3Corinth& 8.1,111; [L. 85] (PELOPONNESOS, Corinthia, Corinth; 2nd%19`3rd ac), *718a %6 Lifshitz (1975) 85 (late 3rd ac), "`718b" [%7Hebr.] %6 &3SEG& 29.309 [&3AEph& 1977.80,29] (2nd%19`3rd ac?), "`718c" %6 &3Hesperia& 41 (1972) 28,21 (4th%19`6th ac); 719 (Argia, Argos); 720 [&3Donateurs& 9; L. 86] (Arcadia, Mantineia; 4th ac); 721 [L. 86] (Laconia, place?); *721a %6 Lifshitz (1975) 86 (Tainaron); *721b [&3Donateurs& 9a] %6 Lifshitz (1975) 86 (Maina; 3rd ac); "`721b(2)" %6 &3IG& 5,1.950a (Aigilia); *721c %6 Lifshitz (1975) 87 (Messenia, Korone; 246 ac); 722%19`723 [&3Donateurs& 1%19`2; L. 87] (SARONIC GULF, Aegina; 4th ac?), 724; 725a%19`725b [&3ID& 2532,I%19II] (C. AEGEAN, Rheneia; end 2nd%19beg. 1st); 726%19`731 [&3Donateurs& 3%19`8; &3ID& 2329, 2331, 2330, 2328, 2332, 2333] (Delos; 1st bc?), *731a %6 Lifshitz (1975) 87 (beg. 3rd ac); "`731a(2)%19`731a(3)" %6 &3IG& 12,5.712,80 and 712,99 (C. AEGEAN, Syros: Grammata); *731b [Guarducci, &3ICret& II,179,8] %6 Lifshitz (1975) 87 (CRETE, Elyros); *731c [Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) App. 3] %6 Lifshitz (1975) 88 [&3ZPE& 73 (1988) 174,C] (Kissamos; 4th%19`5th ac); *731d [&3ICret& I,12,17; Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) App. 2] %6 Lifshitz (1975) 88 [&3ZPE& 73 (1988) 173,B] (Arkades: Kassianoi 3rd%19`4th ac); "`731d(2)" %6 &3ICret& I,25,51 (Arkades; 3rd%19`4th ac); "`731d(3)" [&3ICret& IV,509] %6 Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) App. 1 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 88; &3ZPE& 73 (1988) 173,A] (Gortyn%19Hagioi Deka; 5th ac); "`731d(4)" %6 &3ICret& I,208,72 (Lyttos; ca. 1st ac); "`731d(5)" %6 &3ICret& I,294,13 (Sybrita); *731e %6 Lifshitz (1975) 89 (SE. AEGEAN, Rhodes), *731f %6 Lifshitz (1975) 89 (E. AEGEAN, Samos; 2nd%19`3rd ac); *731g %6 Lifshitz (1975) 90 (PROV.?, now London). __ Appendix 1, "Forgeries" [`1*%19`2*]: &3CIJ& App. 1,1* [&3CIL& 6.12*] ([2ROME]2, 15th ac); 2* [%7Hebr.] (CAMPANIA, Neapolis, 14th ac or later?); __ App. 2, "An Obvious Pastiche" [`3*]: &3CIJ& App. 2,3* %6 &3CIL& 5.88 [&3CIJ& 642] %7 102 (VENETIA, Pola). __ App. 3, "Probably Pagan" [`4*%19`67*]: &3CIJ& App. 3,4*, (ROME, Via Nomentana); 5* [Moretti, &3IGUR& 2.850] (Via Appia [`5*%19`16*]), 6* [Moretti, &3IGUR& 2.876], 7*%19`15*, 16* [Moretti, &3IGUR& 2.482]; 17* [Moretti,&3IGUR& 2.426] (Via Appia Pignatelli [`17*%19`21*]; 3rd ac?), 18* [Moretti, &3IGUR 3.1282], 19*%19`21*; 22* [Moretti, &3IGUR& 2.404] (Via Appia; 3rd%19`4th ac?); 23* (ROME, Via Ostiensis); 24*%19`42* (ROME, Cat. Monteverde [`24*42*]); 43*%19`47* (ROME, place?); 48* [Hebr.] (LATIUM, Ostia); 49a* (Portus), 49b* [Sacco, &3IPorto& (1984) 8]; 50* (CAMPANIA, Neapolis); 51* [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 91] (Puteoli); 52*%19`55* (Pompeii; before 79 ac); 56* (LUCANIA, Tegianum); 57* (UMBRIA, Urbino); 58* (AEMILIA, Ravenna); 3,59* (LIGURIA, Tortona); 60* [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 91] (ROME?, place? [Naples]), 61* [&3CIL& 13.2448] (GALLIA [Lugdun. I], area of Lugdunum [Lyon]: Genay, near Tre/voux; beg. 3rd ac), 62*%19`63* [&3CIL& 13.2074 and 2076] (Lugdunum [Lyon]); 64* [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 91] (PANNONIA, Alberti%3Irsa), Aquincum [O/buda], later Alberti%19Irsa); 65* [Struve, &3CIRB& (1965) 74] (N. COAST OF BLACK SEA, Panticapaeum; 175%19`210 ac), 66* [&3IG& 10,2:1.195] (MACEDONIA, Thessalonike), 67* [&3IG& 10,2:1.473]; __ App. 4, "Judaeo%19Pagan" [`68*%19`79*]: &3CIJ& App. 4,68* (ROME, Esquiline); 69*, (Via Appia [`69*%19`70*]), 70* (1st bc); 71*%19`73* (place?); 74* (ETRURIA, Cerveteri); 75*%19`76* (CAMPANIA, Naples); 77* (VENETIA, Brescia); 78* [Struve, &3CIRB& (1965) 1125] (N. COAST OF BLACK SEA, Gorgippa; 175%19`210 ac), 79* [&3IGBulg& 4.2111] (DACIA MEDIT., Zelenigrad); __ App. 5, "Probably Christian" [`80*%19`102*]: &3CIJ& App. 5,80* [&3IChUR 7,19828; &3CIG& 9569; Zilliacus, &3Sylloge ... Musei Vaticani (1963) 82] (ROME, C. Cyriacae); 81* (Via Appia [`81*]; 502 ac); 82* (Via Ardeatina [`82*]; 397 ac); 83* [&3CIL& 13.10025,246] (GERM. INF., Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]); 84* (400 ac), 85*%19`87* (place?); 88*[a], (CAMPANIA, Nola), 88*[b] [Hebr.]; 89* (APULIA, Beneventum); 90* (SAMNIUM, Sulmona); 91* (VENETIA, Celeia); 92* (Julia Concordia), 93* (TRANSAPADANA, Mediolanum), 94* (GALLIA [Novem Populi], Elimberrum [Auch]), 95*%19`96* [&3CIL& 13.4701%19`4702] (GALLIA [Belgica], Solimariaca [Soulosse]); 97* (NORICUM, Schwarzenbach); 98*%19`100* (PELOPONNESOS, Argia, Argos), 101* (Arcadia, Tegea; 5th%19`6th ac); 102* (NORTH COAST OF BLACK SEA, place?); __ App. 6, "Of Uncertain Character" [`103*]: 103* (VENETIA, Julia Concordia); __ Addenda, pp. 594%19`599, nos. 732%19`734 (see above after nos. 500%19`29). @ *Frey, J.%19B., &3Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaicarum. II. &3Asie%19Afrique.& Vatican City 1952. __ Contents (additions of ˺Lewis, in &3CPJud& III [`1964], marked with an asterisk; other additions, by quotation%19marks): &3CIJ& II,735 [Lifshitz, &3Donateurs et fondateurs dans les synagogues grecques& (1967) 82] (CYPRUS, Golgoi; 6th ac?); 736 [&3Donateurs& 83] (Lapethos; 4th%19`5th ac?), "`736a" %6 Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 84 (5th ac?); "`736b" %6 Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 85 [Pouilloux, et al., &3Salamine de Chypre, XIII,2& (1987) 200] (Salamis%19Constantia; 6th ac?), "`736c" %6 Mitford, &3Inscriptions &3of Kourion& (1971) 70 (Kourion; late Hell.); 737 [Hebr.] (place?; Archaic); 1448 (HELLESPONTUS, Kyzikos), "`737a" %6 Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 12 (ASIA, Pergamon); 738 [&3Donateurs 13; &3IK Kyme& 45] (Kyme%3Phokaia?; 3rd ac?); "`738a" %6 &3IK &3Klazomenai& 526 (Klazomenai; late imperial); 739%19`740 [&3Donateurs 14%19`15; &3IK Smyrna& 2,1.844a%19b] (Smyrna; 4th%19`5th ac?), 741 [&3IK &3Smyrna& 1.295] (2nd%19`4th ac?), "`741a" %6 &3IK Smyrna& 1.296, "`741b" %6 &3IK Smyrna& 1.297, "`741c" %6 &3IK Smyrna& 1.298, 742 [&3IK Smyrna 2,1.697] (ca. 124 ac), 743; 744 [&3Donateurs& 16] (Teos; 3rd ac); 745 [&3IK Ephesos& 1677] (Ephesos; 2nd ac), 746 [&3IK Ephesos& 1676] (end 2nd ac), 747 [&3IK Ephesos& 4135] (ca. 531 ac), "`747a" %6 &3IK &3Ephesos& 1251], "`747b" %6 &3IK Ephesos& 4130; 748 (CARIA, Miletos); 749 [&3IK Iasos& 1.193] (Iasos; mid%19`2nd ac), "`749a" %6 &3IK Iasos 2.284, "`749b" %6 &3IK Iasos& 2.377 (3rd ac); 750 [&3Sardis& 7,1.187] (LYDIA, Sardeis; 3rd%19`4th ac), 751 [&3Sardis& 7,1.17] (ca. 200 ac), "`751a(1)%19`751a(3)" %6 Robert, &3NISardes& (1964) 39,4, 39,5 and 45,6 [&3Donateurs& 17%19`19] (ca. 360%19`370%3`80 ac?), [2Robert, &3NISardes& (1964) 45, top (Inv. 62,274), 53,9, 54,10, 54,11 and 54,12 overlooked here,]2 "`751a(4)%19`751a(9)" %6 Robert, &3NISardes (1964) 48,7, 51,8b, 54,13, 55,14, 55,15, 55,16, [&3Donateurs 20%19`25] (ca. 350%19`400 ac?), "`751b(1)" %6 Robert, &3NISardes& (1964) 55,17, [&3Donateurs& 26] (ca. 350%19`400 ac?), "`751b(2)%19`751b(3)" %6 Robert, &3NISardes& (1964) 53,n.2 (Inv. 62,111 and 62,273) [&3Donateurs& 27%19`27a] (5th%19`6th ac?), "`751b(4)" %6 Robert, &3NISardes (1964) 50,8 (350%19`400 ac?), "`751b(5)" %6 Hanfmann, in &3BASOR& 187 (1967) 27 (5th%19`6th ac?), "`751b(6)%19`751b(7)" %6 Robert, &3NISardes (1964) 56,18%19`56,19 (350%19`400 ac?), "`751b(8)%19`751b(9)" and "`751c(1)" %6 Robert, &3NISardes& (1964) 57,20%19`57,22, "`751c(2)" %6 Hanfmann, in &3BASOR& 187 (1967) 18n.23a (4th%19`6th ac?), "`751c(3)" %6 Hanfmann, in &3BASOR& 187 (1967) 26 (ca. 350 ac?), "`751c(4)%19`751c(5)" %6 Hanfmann, in &3BASOR& 187 (1967) 27 (4th%19`6th ac), "`751c(6)" %6 Hanfmann, in &3BASOR& 187 (1967) 29[a] [&3BE/ 1968.478] (ca. 350 ac?), "`751c(7)" %6 Hanfmann, in &3BASOR& 187 (1967) 29n.26, "`751c(8)" %6 Hanfmann, in &3BASOR& 187 (1967) 29[b] and 36 (5th%19`6th ac?), "`751c(9)" %6 Hanfmann, in &3BASOR& 187 (1967) 32[a], "`751d(1)%19`751d(3)" %6 Hanfmann, in &3BASOR& 187 (1967) 32[b]%19`32[d] (4th%19`6th ac), "`751d(4)" %6 Hanfmann, in &3BASOR& 187 (1967) 45 (ca. 350 ac?); "`751d(5)" %6 Dalton, &3Catalogue of Early Christian Antiquities ... British Museum (1901), no. 481 [&3BE/& 1954.24, p. 102 bottom]; 752 (Thyateira; beg. 2nd ac); 753 [&3IK Magnesia Sipyl.& 27] (ASIA, Magnesia Sipyl.); 754 [&3Donateurs& 28] (LYDIA, Philadelphia; 3rd ac); 755 [&3IK Ephesos& 7,2.3822] (ASIA, Hypaipa; ca. 200 ac?); 756 [&3Donateurs& 29] (CARIA, Myndos); "`756a" %6 Lifshitz, &3Donateurs (1967) 30 [&3IK Tralles& 240] (ASIA, Tralles; 3rd ac), "`756a(2)" %6 &3IK Tralles& 1.241; "`756b" %6 Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 31 (Nysa; 3rd%19`4th ac); "`756c" %6 Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 32 (CARIA, Hyllarima; 3rd ac); "`756d" %6 Reynolds and Tannenbaum, &3Jews and God%19fearers at Aphrodisias& (1987) pp. 5%19`7 (Aphrodisias; 3rd ac), "`756e" %6 &3Jews and God%19fearers& 132,1 (Byz.), "`756f" %6 &3Jews and God%19fearers& 133,2 (before 7th ac), "`756g" %6 &3Jews and God%19fearers& 134,7, "`756h" %6 &3Jews and &3God%19fearers& 135,8 (4th%19`6th ac), "`756i" %6 &3Jews and God%19fearers 136,9 (4th%19`6th ac), "`756j" %6 &3Jews and God%19fearers& 137,10 (5th ac?), "`756k" %6 &3Jews and God%19fearers& 138,11 (4th ac), "`756l" %6 &3Jews and God%19fearers& 138,12 (1st bc%3`1st ac); 757 [&3TAM& 2,2.612] (LYCIA, Tlos; end 1st ac); 758 (Limyra); "`758a" %6 &3TAM& 3,1.448 (PAMPHYLIA, Termessos; 3rd ac); 759 [&3MAMA& 4.90] (PHRYGIA SAL., Synnada; 1st%19`2nd ac); 760 [&3SEG& 15,807] (PHRYGIA PAC., Akmonia; 248%3`9 ac); 761 [cf. &3AnatSt& 29 (1979) 174] (Eumeneia; 3rd ac); 762 (Akmonia); 763 [&3MAMA& 6.287] (near Akmonia), 764 (357%3`8 ac), 765 [&3MAMA& 6.277]; 766 [&3MAMA& 6.264; &3Donateurs& 33] (Akmonia; end 1st ac?); 767 (Akmonia?; 2nd%19`3rd ac); 768 [&3MAMA 6.316] (near Akmonia); 769 (Akmonia), 770 (243%3`4 ac); 771 [&3Donateurs& 34] (near Akmonia), "`771a" %6 &3MAMA& 6.323, "`771b" %6 &3MAMA& 6.325 (255%3`6 ac); "`771c" [%7Hebr.] %6 &3MAMA& 6.334 (Akmonia); "`771d" %6 &3MAMA& 6.335 (near Akmonia), "`771e" %6 Robert, &3Hellenica 11%19`12 (1960) 409 (3rd ac); 772 [&3MAMA& 4.202] (PISIDIA, Apollonia; 1st%19`2nd ac), 773 (253%3`4 ac), 774 (3rd ac); 775%19`779 (PHRYGIA PAC., Hierapolis; 2nd%19`3rd ac), "`779a%19`779b" %6 &3Atti &3dell' Accademia delle Scienze di Torino& 101 (1966%19`1967) 300,14 and 319,46 [&3BE/& 1971.645], 780 (2nd%19`3rd ac); "`780a" %6 Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 35 (PAPHLAGONIA, Amastris; 3rd ac?); 781 [&3Donateurs& 36; Bean, in Mansel et el., &3Side agorasi ve &3civarindaki binalar& (1956) 94,69a] (PAMPHYLIA, Side; 5th%19`6th ac), "`781a" %6 Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 37 [Mansel, et al., &3Side& (1956) 94,69] (5th%19`6th ac); 782 [&3IGLSyr& 1.90] (EUPHRATENSIS, Germanicia), "`782a" %6 &3IGLSyr& 1.48 (Perre); 783 [&3MAMA& 3,23] (ISAURIA, Seleukia), 784 [&3MAMA& 3,32]; 785 [&3MAMA 3,205](CILICIA I, Korykos), 786 [&3MAMA& 3,222], 787 [&3MAMA 3,237], 788 [&3MAMA& 3,262], 789 [&3MAMA& 3,295], 790 [&3MAMA& 3,344] (4th%19`5th ac), 791 [&3MAMA& 3,440], 792 [&3MAMA& 3,448], 793 [&3MAMA 3,607], 794 [&3MAMA& 3,679]; 795 (ISAURIA, Olba), "`795a" %6 Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie& (1987) 14 (Diokaisareia; 4th%19`5th ac); "`795b" %6 Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie (1987) 36 (CILICIA I, Tarsos; 6th ac); 796 [&3RECAM& 2.133] (GALATIA I, near Eudoxias), "`796a" %6 Mitchell, &3RECAM& II (1982) 141; 797 (GALATIA II, Pessinous; imperial), "`797a" %6 Mitchell, &3RECAM& II (1982) 209B (GALATIA I, NE. of Ankyra; 3rd ac?); "`797b%19`797e" %6 Mitchell, &3RECAM& II (1982) 509%19`512 (NE. of Tavia); 798 [&3TAM& 4,1.374] (BITHYNIA, Nikomedia; mid%19`3rd ac), 799 [&3TAM& 4,1.377] (mid%19`3rd ac), "`799a%19`799b" %6 &3TAM& 4,1.375%19`376 (mid%19`3rd ac), "`799c" %6 &3TAM& 4,1.319 (3rd ac); 800 [&3IK Kalchedon 75; Ebersolt, &3Mission& (1921) 51,7; &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 411] (near Hieron: Arnavutko+y); "`800a" %6 &3IK Nikaia& 2,1.615 (Nikaia); 801 [&3IK Kalchedon& 76] (Chrysopolis; 4th%19`6th ac); "`801a" %6 &3IK Klaudiu polis& 180 (HONORIAS, Plain of Bolu; 3rd ac); 802 [&3StPont& 3,1.10g] (HELENOPONTUS, Amisos); 803%19`817 and 818 [&3IGLSyr& 4.1319%19`1334; &3Donateurs& 38%19`53] (SYRIA II, Apameia; 391 ac), "`817a%19`817c" %6 Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 54%19`56 [&3IGLSyr& 4.1335%19`1337] (391 ac); "`818a" %6 Lifshitz, &3Donateurs (1967) 57 [&3IGLSyr& 5.2205] (PHOENICE LIB., Emesa; 5th ac); "`818b" %6 &3IGLSyr& 3.770 (SYRIA I, Antiocheia; 6th ac?), "`818c" %6 &3IGLSyr& 3.789], 819 [Hebr.] (Beroea [Aleppo] 5th%19`6th ac); 820 [%7Hebr.] (PHOENICE LIB., Palmyra; 212 ac), 821%19`824 [Hebr.] (3rd ac); 825 [Hebr.] (ex%19SYRIA [Mesopotamia], Dura%19Europos; 194 ac), 826,a%19`826,c [Hebr.] [Welles, in Kraeling, &3Excavations at Dura%19Europos, VIII,1: The Synagogue (1956) 274,20%19`275,22] (before 244 ac), 827 [Hebr.] [&3EDE 8,1.274,19] (before 244 ac), 828a%19`828b [Hebr.] [&3EDE& 8,1.267,1b and 263,1a] (244%3`5 ac), 829 [&3EDE& 8,1.277,23; &3Donateurs& 58] (244%3`5 ac), 830 [&3EDE& 8,1.278,25; &3Donateurs& 60] (244%3`5 ac), 831 [&3EDE& 8,1.277,24; &3Donateurs& 59] (244%3`5 ac), 832 [&3EDE ˺8,1.279,26] (244%3`5 ac), 833 (244%3`5 ac), 834%19`836 [Hebr.] [&3EDE 8,1.269,3%19`270,4] (244%3`5 ac), 837 [&3EDE& 8,1.279,30] (244%3`5 ac), 838 [&3EDE& 8,1.279,31] (244%3`5 ac), 839 [&3EDE& 8,1.279,29] (244%3`5 ac), "`839a" %6 Welles, in &3EDE& 8,1.279,32 (245%19`256 ac), "`839b" %6 Welles, in &3EDE& 8,1.280,33 (245%19`256 ac), "`839c" %6 Welles, in &3EDE& 8,1.280,35 (245%19`256 ac), 840 [Hebr.] [&3EDE& 8,1.271,7] (244%3`5 ac), 841 [Hebr.] [&3EDE& 8,1.272,11] (244%3`5 ac), 842,a [Hebr.] [&3EDE& 8,1.271,9] (244%3`5 ac), 842,b [Hebr.] [&3EDE 8,1.272,10] (244%3`5 ac), 842,c [Hebr.] [&3EDE& 8,1.271,8] (244%3`5 ac), 843 [Hebr.] [&3EDE& 8,1.273,16] (after 244%3`5 ac), 844 (244%3`5), 845 [Hebr.]; 846 [&3IGLSyr& 4.1667] (SYRIA II, Apamea: Sera=%102 ["Sindja=r"]; 462%3`3 ac); 847 [&3IGLSyr& 4.1410] (Apamea: Frikya=; 325 ac); 848 [&3BE/& 1953.215; &3Donateurs& 61] (PHOENICE LIB., Damascus: Thelseae [D%1oumeir; &3al.& ed%19Dmer, Dmayr]; 5th%19`6th ac); 849 (GREATER SYRIA, provenience?: Damascus Mkt.; 4th%19`6th ac), 850%19`851; 852 [&3IGLSyr& 6,2931; &3Donateurs& 62] (PHOENICE LIB., Heliopolis: Nihata; 4th ac?); 853 [Hebr.] (ARABIA, Batanaea: Naveh); 854 [Hebr.] (PALAESTINA II, Clima Gaulanes: Mazra%102at Kanef); 855 [Hebr.] (Hippus%19Susita: Apheca; 3rd%19`4th ac), 856%19`859 [Hebr.] (Gadara: Emmatha%19H%1ammat Gader [el%19H%1amme]; ca. 400%19`450 ac), 860 (6th ac?); 861 [&3Donateurs& 63] (ARABIA, Dium [Batanaea]: Tafas; 4th ac); 862 [Hebr.] (Adraa%19Edrei); 863 (Trachonitis: Philippopolis; 4th ac); 864 (Trachonitis: Da=mit il%19%102Alya= ["Da=ma="]); 865 (Aurantis [Hauran]: %102Ain Mousa); 866 (Gerasa; 5th ac?), 867a [Welles, in &3Gerasa& (1938) 473,285; &3Donateurs& 78] (5th ac), 867b [Welles, in &3Gerasa& (1938) 473,286] (5th ac); 868 (PALAESTINA I, Regio Gedor [Peraea]: Tyrus Ammantidos [%102Ira=q el%19%102A=mi=r]; 3rd ac); 869 [Hebr.] (PHOENICE, Byblus), 870, 871 [&3SEG& 31.1388], 872 (188%3`9 ac); 873 (Berytus), 874 [%7Hebr.]; 875 [%7Hebr.], 876%19`877 (Sidon), 878 (Sidon: Ornithopolis%19Ornithokome [%102Adloun]); 879%19`880 (Tyrus), "`880a" %6 Rey%19Coquais, &3Bulletin du Muse/e de &3Beyrouth& 29 (1977) 92,164, "`880b" %6 &3BMBey& 29.94,167, "`880c" %6 &3BMBey& 29.95,168; 881 (provenience?); 882%19`883 (Ptolemai+s%19Ake: Haifa), 884%19`885 [Hebr.] (Ptolemais%19Ake?: Husifa; 6th ac); 886 [Hebr.] (PALAESTINA I, Caesarea Maritima: Hefzibah), 887 [%7Hebr.] (Caesarea Maritima), 888, 889 (4th ac?), 890, "`890a(1)" %6 Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 64 (6th ac), "`890a(2)" %6 Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 65 (5th%19`6th ac), "`890a(3)" %6 Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 66 (6th ac), "`890a(4)" %6 Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 67 (6th ac), "`890a(5)" %6 Lifshitz, &3Donateurs (1967) 68, "`890a(6)" %6 &3RevBibl& 71 (1964) 384,1, "`890a(7)" %6 &3RevBibl& 71 (1964) 385,2, "`890a(8)" %6 &3RevBibl& 71 (1964) 386,3, "`890a(9)" %6 &3RevBibl& 72 (1965) 98,1, "`890b(1)" %6 &3RevBibl& 72 (1965) 99,2, "`890b(2)" %6 &3RevBibl& 72 (1965) 100,5, "`890b(3)" %6 &3RevBibl& 72 (1965) 100,6, "`890b(4)" %6 &3RevBibl& 72 (1965) 101,7, "`890b(5)" %6 &3RevBibl& 72 (1965) 103,14, "`890b(6)" %6 &3RevBibl& 72 (1965) 105,22; "`890b(7)" %6 &3RevBibl& 72 (1965) 107,26 (Caesarea?); "`890b(8)" [%7Hebr.] %6 &3RevBibl& 73 (1966) 256,2 (Caesarea), "`890b(9)" %6 &3RevBibl& 74 (1967) 50,1, "`890c(1)" %6 &3RevBibl& 74 (1967) 52,2, "`890c(2)" %6 &3RevBibl& 74 (1967) 52,3, "`890c(3)" %6 &3RevBibl& 74 (1967) 52,4, "`890c(4)" %6 &3RevBibl& 74 (1967) 53,5, "`890c(5)" %6 &3RevBibl& 74 (1967) 55,8, "`890c(6)" %6 &3RevBibl& 74 (1967) 55,9, "`890c(7)" %6 &3RevBibl& 74 (1967) 55,11, "`890c(8)" %6 &3RevBibl& 78 (1971) 248,3, "`890c(9)" %6 &3RevBibl& 78 (1971) 249,4, "`890d(1)" %6 &3RevBibl& 78 (1971) 250,6, "`890d(2)" %6 &3RevBibl& 78 (1971) 250,7, "`890d(3)" %6 &3RevBibl& 78 (1971) 250,8, "`890d(4)" %6 &3RevBibl& 78 (1971) 251,9, "`890d(5)" %6 &3ZPE& 7 (1971) 162,21 (5th ac); 891 (Apollonia; 176 ac); 892%19`898 [Hebr.] (Joppa), 899%19`900 [%7Hebr.], 901%19`902, 903%19`904 [%7Hebr.], 905%19`907, 908 [%7Hebr.], 909%19`913, 914 [%7Hebr.], 915, 916 [&3SEG& 26,1670], 917%19`919, 920 [%7Hebr.], 921 922 [%7Hebr.], 923%19`928, 929 [&3Epigraphica& 36 (1974) 87], 930 [%7Hebr.], 931%19`932, 933%19`934 [%7Hebr.], 935%19`936, 937 [%7Hebr.], 938%19`942, 943 [%7Hebr.], 944%19`947, 948 [%7Hebr.], 949%19`950, 951 [%7Hebr.], 956 [%7Hebr.], 957, 958 [&3SEG& 8,144] (3rd%19`4th ac), 959 [%7Hebr.], 960; 961%7 [%7Hebr.] [&3Donateurs& 69] (Azotus Hippenus); 962%19`963 [Hebr.] (Ascalon), 964 [&3Donateurs& 70] (604 ac), 965 [&3Donateurs& 71] (5th ac); 966 [&3Donateurs& 72] (Joppa%3Gaza?: place?; 6th ac?); 967 [%7Hebr.] [&3Donateurs& 73 (Gaza B)] (Gaza), 968%19`969, "`969a" %6 Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 73a (Gaza A) (508 ac); 970 [%7Hebr.] (Maiumas [Miya=mas], near Caesarea Marit., not "Maiumas of Gaza"); 971 [Hebr.] (PALAESTINA II, Tetracomia: Thella); 972 (Tetracomia: Qision ["Kaysoun"]; ca. 198 ac?); 973 [Hebr.] (Tetracomia: Alma); 974 [Hebr.] (Tetracomia: Kefar Bar%102am B; 2nd ac), 975 [Hebr.] (Tetracomia: Kefar Bar%102am A); 976 [Hebr.] (Tetracomia: Gush Halav A); 977 [Hebr.] (Tetracomia: Kefar Niburaia); 978 [Hebr.] (Tetracomia: Meroth); 979 [Hebr.] (Tetracomia: er%19Rama; 3rd ac); 980 [Hebr.] (Tiberias: Kefar Hananyah; 6th ac?); 981 [Hebr.] (Tiberias: Korazim%19Chorozain; 6th ac?); 982 [Hebr.] (Tiberias: Capharnaum; ca. 400%19`450 ac?), 983 [&3Donateurs& 75] (ca. 400%19`450?); 984 (Tiberias); "`984a" %6 Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 76 (Tiberias: H%1ammat Tiberias B [el%19Hamma=m]; 4th ac), "`984b" %6 &3SEG& 33.1298 (4th ac), "`984c" [%7Hebr.] %6 &3SEG& 33.1299 (4th ac), 985%19`986 (Tiberias: H%1ammat Tiberias A [el%19Hamma=m]; 3rd%19`4th ac), 986a (2nd ac?), 986b (3rd%19`4th ac?); 987 [Hebr.] (Sepphoris%19Diocaesarea: Kafr Kanna=; 3rd%19`4th ac), 988 [Hebr.] (Sepphoris%19Diocaesarea: Nazareth); 989 [Hebr.] (Sepphoris%19Diocaesarea; before 352 ac), 990, 991 [&3Donateurs& 74] (ca. 400%19`450 ac?); 992a%19b [%7Hebr.] (Sepphoris%19Diocaesarea: Ushah%3Shefaram); 1112%19`1161 (texts of M. Schwabe first published in &3CIJ&), among which the inscriptions 993%19`1011 (those previously published) have been inserted in their proper places, and additions "`1161a(1)%19`1161k(7)" (Sepphoris%19Diocaesarea: Beth She%102arim), __ Catacomb 1, Hall A: 1012 [Schwabe and Lifshitz, &3Beth She%102arim, &3II& (1964) 1,1], 1013 [&3BS& II,2,2], 1014 [&3BS& II,3,3], 1015 [&3BS II,3,4], 1016 [&3BS& II,4,5], 1017 [&3BS& II,4,6], 1018 [&3BS& II,4,7], 1019 [Hebr.] [&3BS& I,197,8 (1,A: ii,1)], 1020 [&3BS& II,4,8], 1021 [&3BS& II,5,9], 1022 [&3BS& II,5,10], __ Cat. 1, C: 1023 [&3BS II,7,11], 1024 [Hebr.] [&3BS& I,198,12 (1,C: i,1)], 1025 [&3BS II,7,12], __ Cat. 1, E: 993 [&3BS& II,8,13] (2nd ac?), 1026 [&3BS II,9,14], 1027%19`1028 [Hebr.] [&3BS& I,199,17%19`199,18 (1,E: iii,1)], __ Cat. 1, F: 1029%3`30 [&3BS& II,9,15], 1031 [&3BS& II,10,16], 1032 [&3BS& II,10,17], __ Cat. 1, G: 994b [Hebr.] [Mazar, &3Beth &3She%102arim, I& (1940) 199,23 (1,G: panel above entrance%19door)], 994a [&3BS& I,75,24 (1,G: lintel of door)], 995 [&3BS& II,15,18], 996 [&3BS& II,15,19], 1033b [&3BS& II,15,20], 1034 [&3BS& II,16,21], 997 [&3BS& II,16,22], 998 [&3BS& II,17,23], 1035 [&3BS& II,18,24], 1036%3`37 [&3BS& II,18,25], 999 [&3BS& II,18,26], 1000 [&3BS& II,18,27], 1038 [%7Hebr.] [&3BS& II,19,28], 1039 [%7Hebr.] [&3BS& II,19,29; Hebr.: &3BS& I,200,36], 1040 [&3BS& II,20,30], 1041 [%7Hebr.] [&3BS II,20,31], 1042 [Hebr.] [&3BS& I,201,40 (1,G: iii,1)], 1043 [&3BS II,21,32], 1044 [&3BS& II,21,33], 1045 [&3BS& II,21,34], 1046 [&3BS II,22,35], 1047 [&3BS& II,22,36], 1048 [&3BS& II,23,37], 1049 [&3BS II,23,38], 1050 [&3BS& II,23,39], 1051 [&3BS& II,24,40], 1052 [%7Hebr.] [&3BS& II,25,41; Hebr.: &3BS& I,201,50], 1053 [&3BS II,25,42], 1054%3`55 [&3BS& II,26,43], 1056 [&3BS& II,26,44], __ Cat. 1, I: 1057 [Hebr.] (later publ.?), 1058 [%7Hebr.] %6 &3BS& II,29,45 (Gk. text only), 1059 [&3BS& II,29,46], 1060 [&3BS& II,29,47], 1061 [&3BS& II,30,48], 1001 [%7Hebr.] [&3BS& II,31,49; Hebr.: &3BS ˺I,201,62], 1002 [Hebr.] [&3BS& I,201,67 (1,I: iv,1)], 1062 [&3BS II,31,50], 1003 [&3BS& II,31,51], 1063 [&3BS& II,32,52], 1064 [&3BS II,32,53], 1065 [%7Hebr.] [&3BS& II,32,54; Hebr.: &3BS& I,202,69], 1066 [&3BS& II,33,55], 1004 [&3BS& II,33,56], 1067 [&3BS& II,33,57], __ Cat. 1, J: 1068 [&3BS& II,35,58], 1005 [&3BS& II,35,59], 1069 [&3BS II,36,60], __ Cat. 1, K: 1006 [&3BS& II,40,61], 1070 [Hebr.] [&3BS I,202,79 (1,K: i, wall)], 1071 [&3BS& II,41,62], 1072 [&3BS II,41,63], 1073 [&3BS& II,42,64], 1074%19`1076 [Hebr.] [&3BS I,202,83%19`203,85 (1,K: i, wall to right of passage to iii)], 1077%19`1078 [Hebr.] [&3BS& I,203,86%19`203,87 (1,K: i, wall to left of passage to iii)], 1079%19`1080 [Hebr.] [&3BS& I,203,88%19`203,89 (1,K: i, wall of passage to iii)], 1081 [%7Hebr.] [&3BS& II,42,65], 1007 [&3BS& II,42,66; Hebr.: &3BS& I,204,91], 1082 [Hebr.] [&3BS& I,204,93 (1,K: ii,1)], 1083 [Hebr.] [&3BS& I,204,94 (1,K: iii,3)], 1084 [&3BS& II,43,67], 1085 [&3BS& II,43,68], __ Cat. 1, M: 1086 [%7Hebr.] [&3BS& II,44,69], 1087 [Hebr.] [&3BS& I,204,98 (1,M: i, kokh $A&)], 1088 [&3BS& II,45,70], 1089 [&3BS& II,45,71], __ Cat. 1, N: 1090a%19`109b [Hebr.] [&3BS& I,205,101%19`101a (1,N: i,1)], 1091 [&3BS II,46,72], 1092 [&3BS& II,46,73], 1093 [Hebr.] [&3BS& I,205,104 (1,N: vi, entrance)], __ Cat. 1, O: 1094 [&3BS& II,47,74], __ Cat. 1, P: 1095 [&3BS& II,49,75], 1096a [&3BS& II,49,76], 1096b [Hebr.] [&3BS& I,205,108 (1,P : ii,1)], 1097 [&3BS& II,49,77], 1008 [&3BS& II,49,78], 1098 [%7Hebr.] [&3BS& II,50,79; Hebr.: &3BS I,205,112], 1099 [&3BS& II,51,80], __ Cat. 2, B: 1100 [&3BS II,57,81], 1101 [&3BS& II,58,82], __ Cat. 2, C: 1102 [&3BS II,58,83], __ Cat. 3, E: 1106 [&3BS& II,62,84], 1107 [&3BS II,62,85], 1108 [&3BS& II,63,86], 1109 [&3BS& II,63,87], 1009 [%7Hebr.] [&3BS& II,64,88; Hebr.: &3BS& I,206,126], 1110 [&3BS II,65,89], 1111, 1111a [&3BS& II,65,90], 1112 [&3BS& I,207,130 (3,E: viii,3)], 1113 [&3BS& II,66,91], 1114%19`1115 [&3BS& I,207,132%19`207,1133 (3,E: viii,3)], __ Cat. 4, A: 1010 [&3BS& II,72,92], 1116 [&3BS II,73,93], 1117 [&3BS& II,73,94], 1118 [&3BS& II,74,95], 1119 [&3BS II,75,96], 1121 [&3BS& II,76,97], 1122 [&3BS& II,76,98], __ Cat. 4, C: 1123 [&3BS& II,78,99], 1011 [&3BS& II,80,100], 1124 [&3BS II,80,101], 1125 [&3BS& II,81,102], 1126 [&3BS& II,81,103], 1127 [&3BS II,82,104], 1128 [&3BS& II,82,105], 1129 [&3BS& II,83,106], __ Cat. 5, A: 1130 [&3BS& II,85,107], __ location?: 1131%19`1133 [Hebr.], __ Cat. 6, B: 1134 [&3BS& II,87,108], __ Cat. 7, A: 1135 [&3BS II,89,109], 1136, 1137 [&3BS& II,89,110], 1138 [&3BS& II,90,111], 1139 [&3BS& II,90,112], __ Cat. 8, A: 1140 [&3BS& II,91,113], 1141 [&3BS& II,91,114], 1142 [Hebr.], 1143 [&3BS& II,92,115], 1144%19`1146 [Hebr.], 1147a [&3BS& II,92,116], 1147b [%7Hebr.] [&3BS& II,92,117], 1148 [Hebr.], 1149%3`50 [&3BS& II,92,118], 1151%3`52 [%7Hebr.] [&3BS II,93,119], 1153 [&3BS& II,93,120], 1154 [&3BS& II,94,121], 1155 [%7Hebr.] [&3BS& II,94,122], 1156 [Hebr.], 1157 [&3BS& II,94,123], 1158 [%7Hebr.] [&3BS& II,95,124], 1159 [Hebr.]; 1160 [&3BS II,95,125], __ Mausoleum Adjacent to Cat. 11: 1161 [&3BS II,95,126], __ Cat. 11, A: "`1161a(1)" %6 &3BS& II,97,127 (ca. 200%19`250?), "`1161a(2)" %6 &3BS& II,111,128, "`1161a(3)" %6 &3BS II,112,129, "`1161a(4)" %6 &3BS& II,114,130, "`1161a(5)" %6 &3BS II,116,131, "`1161a(6)" %6 &3BS& II,119,132, __ Cat. 12, A: "`1161a(7)" [%7Hebr.] %6 &3BS& II,121,133 [Hebr.: Avigad, &3Beth &3She%102arim, III& (1971) 235,4], "`1161a(8)" %6 &3BS& II,123,134, [2&3BS III,233,1 [Hebr.] (3rd ac) (12,A: iii,3),]2 "`1161a(9)" %6 &3BS II,124,135, [2&3BS& III,234,2 [Hebr.] (3rd ac) (12,A: viii, S. wall), 235,3 [Hebr.] (3rd ac) (12,A: viii),]2 __ Cat. 12, B: "`1161b(1)" %6 &3BS& II,124,136, "`1161b(2)" %6 &3BS& II,125,137, "`1161b(3)" %6 &3BS& II,125,138, "`1161b(4)" %6 &3BS& II,126,139, "`1161b(5)" %6 &3BS& II,127,140, "`1161b(6)" %6 &3BS& II,127,141, "`1161b(7)" %6 &3BS& II,128,142, "`1161b(8)" %6 &3BS& II,129,143, "`1161b(9)" %6 &3BS& II,129,144, "`1161c(1)" %6 &3BS& II,130,145, "`1161c(2)" %6 &3BS& II,130,146, "`1161c(3)" %6 &3BS& II,131,147, __ Cat. 13, B: "`1161c(4)" %6 &3BS& II,133,148, [2&3BS& III,236,5%19`237,6 [Hebr.] (13,B: i,3),]2 __ Cat. 13, C?: "`1161c(5)" %6 &3BS II,133,149, __ Cat. 13, D: "`1161c(6)" %6 &3BS& II,134,150, "`1161c(7)" %6 &3BS& II,134,151 [&3SEG& 28,1363], "`1161c(8)" %6 &3BS II,134,152, "`1161c(9)" %6 &3BS& II,135,153, "`1161d(1)" %6 &3BS II,135,154, "`1161d(2)" %6 &3BS& II,135,155, "`1161d(3)" %6 &3BS II,136,156, "`1161d(4)" %6 &3BS& II,136,157, "`1161d(5)" %6 &3BS II,137,158, "`1161d(6)" %6 &3BS& II,137,159, "`1161d(7)" %6 &3BS II,138,160, "`1161d(8)" %6 &3BS& II,138,161, "`1161d(9)" %6 &3BS II,139,162, "`1161e(1)" %6 &3BS& II,140,163, "`1161e(2)" %6 &3BS II,140,164, [2&3BS& III,238,7 [Hebr.] (13,D: ii,2),]2 __ Cat. 13, F: "`1161e(3)" %6 &3BS& III,37 [&3SEG& 28,1362] (13,F: lintel of entrance%19door), "`1161e(4)" %6 &3BS& II,142,165, "`1161e(5)" %6 &3BS II,142,166, "`1161e(6)" %6 &3BS& II,142,167, __ Cat. 13, G: "`1161e(7)" %6 &3BS& II,142,168, "`1161e(8)" %6 &3BS& II,143,169, __ Cat. 13, J: "`1161e(9)" %6 &3BS& II,143,170, __ Cat. 13, L: "`1161f(1)" %6 &3BS& II,144,171, "`1161f(2)" %6 &3BS& II,144,172, "`1161f(3)" %6 &3BS& II,145,173, __ Cat. 14, A: "`1161f(4)" [%7Hebr.] %6 &3BS& II,147,174 [Hebr.: &3BS& III,238,9], "`1161f(5)" [%7Hebr.] %6 &3BS& II,147,175 [Hebr.: &3BS& III,239,10], [2&3BS& III,238,8 [Hebr.] (14,A: i,1), 239,11 [Hebr.] (14,A: i,2), 240,12 [Hebr.] (14,A: iii),]2 __ Cat. 15, A: "`1161f(6)" %6 &3BS& II,149,176, "`1161f(7)" %6 &3BS& II,149,177, __ Cat. 16, A: "`1161f(8)" [%7Hebr.] %6 &3BS II,151,178, "`1161f(9)" %6 &3BS& II,151,179, "`1161g(1)" %6 &3BS II,151,180, "`1161g(2)" %6 &3BS& II,153,181, __ Cat. 17, B: "`1161g(3)" %6 &3BS& II,155,182, __ Cat. 18, A: "`1161g(4)" %6 &3BS II,157,183 (ca. 250%19`300 ac), "`1161g(5)" %6 &3BS& II,167,184, __ Cat. 19: "`1161g(6)" [%7Hebr.] %6 &3BS& III,82 [&3SEG& 28,1364] (19,C: plaque above entrance%19door), __ Cat. 19, C: "`1161g(7)" %6 &3BS II,171,185, __ Cat. 19, B: "`1161g(8)" %6 &3BS& II,172,186, "`1161g(9)" %6 &3BS& II,172,187, "`1161h(1)" %6 &3BS& II,172,188, "`1161h(2)" %6 &3BS& II,173,189, "`1161h(3)" %6 &3BS& II,174,190, __ Cat. 19, A: "`1161h(4)" %6 &3BS& II,175,191, "`1161h(5)" %6 &3BS II,176,192, __ Cat. 20: [2&3BS& III,83 (no text) and pl. 50,4 [Gk.] %6 &3SEG& 28,1365 (20, courtyard),]2 "`1161h(6)" %6 &3BS II,179,193, "`1161h(7)" %6 &3BS& II,180,194, "`1161h(8)" %6 &3BS II,181,195, "`1161h(9)" %6 &3BS& II,181,196, "`1161i(1)" %6 &3BS II,182,197, "`1161i(2)" %6 &3BS& II,182,198, [2&3BS& III,240,13 [Hebr.] (20,A: W. entrance%19corridor), 240,14 [Hebr.] (20,A: i, E. wall), 240,15 [Hebr.] (20,A: v, "daughters" sarcoph.), 243,16 [Hebr.] (20,A: ii), 243,17 [Hebr.] (20,A: iii, sarcoph. 15), 245,18 [Hebr.] (20,A: iii, sarcoph. 17), 245,19 [Hebr.] (20,A: entrance to iv), 245,20%19`246,21 [Hebr.] (20,A: xi), 247,22%19`248,24 [Hebr.] (20,A: xxi, sarcoph. 114%19`116), 249,25 [Hebr.] (20,A: xxi, sarcoph. 103), 250,26 [Hebr.] (20,A: xxi, sarcoph. 117), 251,27 [Hebr.] (20,A: xv, wall), 251,28 [Hebr.] (20,A: xvi, sarcoph. 89),]2 __ Cat. 21: "`1161i(3)" %6 &3BS II,185,199, "`1161i(4)" %6 &3BS& II,185,200, __ Unknown location: "`1161i(5)" %6 &3BS& II,187,201, __ Area of synagogue: "`1161i(6)" %6 &3BS& II,189,202, "`1161i(7)" [%7Hebr.] %6 &3BS& II,190,203, "`1161i(8)" %6 &3BS& II,191,204, "`1161i(9)" %6 &3BS& II,192,205, "`1161j(1)" %6 &3BS II,193,206, "`1161j(2)" %6 &3BS& II,193,207, "`1161j(3)" %6 &3BS II,194,208, "`1161j(4)" %6 &3BS& II,194,209, "`1161j(5)" %6 &3BS II,195,210, "`1161j(6)" %6 &3BS& II,195,211, "`1161j(7)" %6 &3BS II,195,212, "`1161j(8)" %6 &3BS& II,196,213, "`1161j(9)" %6 &3BS II,196,214, "`1161k(1)" %6 &3BS& II,197,215, "`1161k(2)" %6 &3BS II,197,216, "`1161k(3)" %6 &3BS& II,197,217, "`1161k(4)" %6 &3BS II,197,218, __ Cat. 25%19`26: "`1161k(5)" [%7Hebr.] %6 &3BS II,199,219, "`1161k(6)" %6 &3BS& II,200,220, "`1161k(7)" %6 &3BS II,200,221; 1162%19`1165 [Hebr.] (Beth She%102an%19Scythopolis: Beth ˺Alfa; 6th ac), 1166 [&3Donateurs& 77] (6th ac), "`1166a%19`1166c" %6 Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 77a%19`77c (mid%19`5th ac); 1167 [%7Hebr.] (PALAESTINA I, Neapolis [Nablus]; 4th%19`5th ac), 1168 (provenience? [now Jerusalem]); 1168 [Hebr.] (SYRIA%3PALESTINE?, provenience?); 1169 (PALAESTINA I, Neapolis [Nablus]: Deir Sharaf); 1170 [Hebr.] (Neapolis: %102Ain Sinja); 1171 [Hebr.] (Jerusalem: Gofna [Jifna]), 1172; 1173 (Lydda%19Diospolis [Lod]; end 1st bc); 1174 (Lydda%19Diospolis: Na%102ane ["Ni%102ane/"]; 5th%19`6th ac); 1175 [%7Hebr.] (Jamnia: Kh. Habra); 1176%19`1182 [Hebr.] (Emmau+s%19Nicopolis: Gezer), 1183 [%7Hebr.] (2nd bc?), 1184; 1185 [Hebr.] (Emmau+s%19Nicopolis [%102Imwa=s]; 3rd ac?), 1186 [%7Hebr.] (4th%19`5th ac), 1187%19`1188 [Hebr.]; 1189 (Emmau+s%19Nicopolis: "near"); "`1189a" %6 Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 80 (Emmau+s%19Nicopolis: Salbit; 6th ac); "`1189b" %6 Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 81 (Lydda%19Diospolis [Lod]: Huldah; 5th ac); 1190 [Hebr.] (Jerusalem: Kirjath Je%102arim ["near Abu Gosh", i.e. Qaryat el%19%102Inab]); 1191 [Hebr.] (Jerusalem: Machmas [Mukhma=s]); 1191%19`1194 [Hebr.] (Jerusalem: Rama); 1195 [Hebr.] (Beth Gubrin%19Eleutheropolis); 1196 [Hebr.] (PALAESTINA III [ex%19Limes Palaestinae], Beersheba); 1197%19`1207 [Hebr.] (PALAESTINA I, Regio Hierichus [Jericho]: Na%102aran ["Noarah"]; 5th%19`6th ac); 1208 [Hebr.] (PALAESTINA III [ex%19Arabia (Moabitis)]: "Tuba" by Zoara [Gho=r es Sa=fi]; 433 ac), 1209 (389%3`90 ac); 1210%19`1413 (PALAESTINA I, Jerusalem and env.), divided among 1210%19`1387 (ossuaries; ca. 2nd bc%19`2nd ac) and 1387%19`1413 (other inscriptions): 1210 [Hebr.] (Damascus Gate), 1211%19`1214; 1215%19`1223 [Hebr.] (S%148af%102at), 1224%19`1239; 1240%19`1245 (Mt. Scopus: Isawwiya), 246(1)%19`1246(3) [Hebr.], 1246(4); 1247%19`1249 [Hebr.] (Mt. Scopus), 1250%19`1252, 1253 [Hebr.]; 1254 [Hebr.] (NW. of Jerusalem: German Hospital); 1255 [Hebr.] (Mt. of Olives); 1256 [%7Hebr.], 1257%19`1259 [Hebr.], 1260, 1261%19`1263 [Hebr.], 1264 [%7Hebr.], 1265 [Hebr.], 1266 [%7Hebr.], 1267%19`1280, 1281 [Hebr.], 1282 [%7Hebr.], 1283%19`1284; 1285%19`1286 [Hebr.] (Mt. of Olives: Bethphage); 1287%19`1292 [Hebr.] (Kidron Valley), 1293 [%7Hebr.] [&3SEG& 33.1278] (1st bc%19`1st ac), 1294%19`1301 [Hebr.], 1302%19`1303; 1304%19`1323 [Hebr.] (Mt. of Olives: "Mt. of Offense" [Gebel Ba=t'n el%19Hawa]), 1324%19`1330; 1331%19`1335 [Hebr.] (SE. of Jerusalem, near "Schick's amphitheater" in the Wa=di esh%19Shama%102), 1336, 1337%19`1341 [%7Hebr.]; 1342 [Hebr.] (Wa=di Yasul), 1343%19`1344 [%7Hebr.], 1345%19`1346 [Hebr.], [2`1347, no text]2, 1348 [Hebr.], [2`1349, no text]2 (&3CIJ& 1348%19`1349 wrongly labeled "Wa=di Beit Sah%1ur"); 1350 [%7Hebr.] (Qatamon), 1351%19`1354 [Hebr.], 1355; 1356%19`1364 [Hebr.] (near Jerusalem: Greek Colony); 1365 [Hebr.] (Molkha); 1366 [%7Hebr.] (NW. of Jerusalem: German Hospital), 1367%19`1369, 1370 [Hebr.]; 1371 [Hebr.] (Syrian Orphanage), 1372%19`1374 [%7Hebr.], 1375%19`1376; 1377 [Hebr.] (NW. of Jerusalem: "Tombs of the Judges" [Qubu=r el%19Qud%1a=t]); 1378 [%7Hebr.] (Nakhalath Akhim); 1379 [Hebr.] ("Jaffa" [Jerusalem: Wa=di Yasul?]); 1380 [Hebr.] (place?), [2`1381, no text]2, 1382%19`1383, 1384 [Hebr.], 1385, 1386 [Hebr.], 1387; "`1387a" %6 Bagatti and Milik, &3Scavi ... "Dominus Flevit"& (1958) 89,21 [Guarducci, &3EG IV,441,1a] (Mt. of Olives; end 1st%3beg. 2nd); 1388 [Hebr.] (Damascus Gate, "Tombs of the Kings"); 1389 [Hebr.] (N. of Jerusalem); 1390 [Hebr.] (Viri Galilaei); 1391%19`1392 [Hebr.] (Mt. of Olives); 1393 [Hebr.] (Kefr Silwa=n); 1394%19`1396 [Hebr.] (Valley of Josaphat: area of "Tomb of Absalom"); 1397 [Hebr.] (Temple Mt.: Golden Gate), 1398 [Hebr.] (Temple Mt.: H%1aram esh%19Sheri=f; 6th ac?), 1399 [Hebr.] (Temple Mt.: H%1aram el%19Aqsa), 1400a (Via Dolorosa: Medresse by H%1aram ba=b el%19%102at%1em [now Istanbul]; Herodian period), 1400b [&3SEG& 8,169] (near St. Stephan's Gate; Herodian period), 1401 [Hebr.] (Temple Mt.: H%1aram el%19Aqsa), 1402 [Hebr.] (Temple Mt.: S. of H%1aram esh%19Sheri=f), 1403 [Hebr.] (Temple Mt.); 1404 [&3Donateurs& 79] (Ophel; 1st ac), 1405%19`1406; 1407 [Hebr.] (Mt. Zion: S. Peter in Gallicantu; 1st ac), 1408; 1409%19`1411 [Hebr.] (Meh%1anai+m Quarter); 1412 (Dabbet er%19Ri=s; 1st bc); 1413 [Hebr.] (NW. of Jerusalem: "Tombs of the Judges"); 1414 [%7Hebr.] (PALESTINE, provenience? [now Jerusalem]); "`1414a" %6 &3ZPE& 7 (1971) 151,2 (PALAESTINA III, Sinai: Umm%19Sideira); 1415%19`1416 [Hebr.] (OSRHOENE, Edessa; 1st%19`4th ac), 1417 (1st%19`4th ac), 1418 [Hebr.] (1st%19`4th ac); 1419 (Constantina); 1420 (PALAESTINA III, Sinai: Wa=di el%19Mukatteb); 1421 [Nabataean] (ARABIA FELIX: Egra [el%19Hegr]), 1422 1422 [Nab.] (42 ac); 1423 [Nab.] (el%19%102Ela; 306 ac); 1424 [Hebr.] (EGYPT, Alexandria), 1425 [Hebr.] (3rd bc), 1426 [Hebr.], 1427%19`1428, 1429 (2nd bc), 1430%19`1431, 1432 [&3Donateurs& 86] (37 bc), 1433 [&3Donateurs& 87] (2nd bc?), 1434; 1435a [&3Donateurs& 88] (provenience? [Alexandria Mkt.]), 1435b; 1436 [&3Donateurs& 89] (Alexandria); 1437 [%7Hebr.] [&3Donateurs& 90] (provenience? [Alexandria Mus.]; Roman); 1438 [%7Hebr.] [&3Donateurs& 91] (Alexandria), 1439; 1440 [&3Donateurs& 92; Bernand, &3Delta& I (1970) 414,3] (Schedia; 246%19`221 bc), "`1440a" [&3SEG& 8,469] %6 Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 37 (2nd%19`1st bc?); 1441 [&3Donateurs& 93; Bernand, &3Delta& I (1970) 928,2] (Psenemphaia; 143%19`117 bc); 1442 [&3Donateurs& 94; Bernand, &3Delta& I (1970) 960,1] (Nitriai; 143%19`117 bc); 1443%19`1444 [&3Donateurs& 95%19`96] (Athribis; 181%19`145 bc?), 1445; 1446 [&3Donateurs& 97] (provenience? [Alexandria Mus.]), 1447 [&3Donateurs& 98] (provenience? [Leningrad]); [2`1448, placed above after no. 737]2; 1449 (provenience? [Cairo Mkt.]; 3rd%19`2nd bc); 1450 (Heliopolite Nome: place?; 3rd%19`2nd bc); 1451%19`1530, with additions 1530a%19`1530f (Leontopolis [Tell el%19Yehoudiyeh]), 1451 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 70] (early imperial), 1452, 1453 (1st ac?), 1454 (5 ac), 1455%19`1456, 1457 (10%3`1 ac?), 1458%19`1461, 1462 (1st bc?), 1463%19`1464, 1465 (1st ac), 1466 (28 bc), 1467%19`1470, 1471 (4 bc?), 1472%19`1475, 1476 (1 ac), 1477%19`1480, 1481%19`1487 (end 1st%3beg. 1st), 1488 (33 bc?), 1489 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 69] (early imperial), 1490 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 14] (117 bc), 1491 (end 1st%3beg. 1st), 1492 (26%3`5 bc), 1493 (23 bc), 1494%19`1497 (end 1st%3beg. 1st), 1498 (5 bc), 1499%19`1500 (4 bc), 1501%19`1507 (end 1st%3beg. 1st), 1508 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 84] (early imperial), 1509 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 45] (20 bc?), 1510 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 42] (5 bc?), 1511 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr (1969) 15] (early imperial?), 1512 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 94] (14 bc?), 1513 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 44] (early imperial), 1514 (27 bc), 1515, 1516 (5 ac), 1517%19`1518, 1519 (5 bc), 1520 (3 bc), 1521, 1522 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 17] (early imperial?), 1523, 1524 (1 bc), 1525%19`1526, 1527 (37 ac), 1528%19`1529, 1530 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 43] (14 bc?), *1530a %6 Lewis, in &3CPJud& III (1964) 162,1530a [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 16] (early imperial?), *1530b %6 Lewis, in &3CPJud& III (1964) 163,1530b, *1530c %6 Lewis, in &3CPJud& III (1964) 163,1530c (26 bc), *1530d %6 Lewis, in &3CPJud& III (1964) 163,1530d, "`1530e%19`1530f" %6 &3Bulletin de l'Institut Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie &3Orientale du Caire& 72 (1972) 149,9%19`149,10 [&3BE/& 1972.676]; 1531 [Bernand, &3IFayoum& III (1981) 206] (Fayoum: place?; ca. 200 bc?), 1532 [Bernand, &3IFayoum& III (1981) 210] (Fayoum: place?; 29 bc); *1532a %6 Lewis, in &3CPJud& III (1964) 164,1532a [&3Donateurs& 99; Bernand, &3IFayoum& I (1975) 1] (Fayoum: Arsinoe%19Krokodilopolis; 245%19`221 bc); 1533 [Hebr.] (Minieh), 1534 [Hebr.] (Antinooupolis), 1535; 1536 [Hebr.] (provenience?); 1537%19`1538 [Bernand, &3Le Paneion d' el%19Kanai+s (1970) 42 and 34] (S. of Apollinopolis Magna [Edfou]: Redesiyeh; ca. 2nd%19`1st bc); *1538a %6 Lewis, in &3CPJud& III (1964) 166,1538a (Apollinopolis Magna [Edfou]); 1539 [Bernand, ˺&3IMe/tr& (1969) 95] (Leontopolis; 8 ac); *1539a %6 Lewis, in &3CPJud III (1964) 166,1539a (provenience? Early Roman?). @ ** Note: The lists above incorporates many corrections to the regions and places%19of%19finding of the inscriptions__especially for Greater Syria and Palaestine__as they are given in &3CIJ& II. It was not possible to make these corrections to the material included in the first release of this data bank (July 1991). @ *Lu+deritz, G., &3Corpus ju+discher Zeugnisse aus der Cyrenaika. Wiesbaden 1983. __ Contents: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 1%19`2 (CYRENAICA, Apollonia; 1st ac), 3, 4 (47%3`8 ac), 5; 6 (Kyrene; end 1st bc), 7 (3%3`4 ac), 8%19`9 (60%3`1 ac), 10%19`12, 13a%19`13d (1st ac), 14a%19`14b, 15%19`16, 17%19`18 (118 ac), 19 (ca. 118 ac?), 20 (118 ac), 21 (ca. 118 ac), 22 (172%19`175 ac), 23 (119 ac), 24%19`25 (118 ac), 28 [Hebr.] (before 586 bc); 29b [&3SEG& 17.784b] (PALAESTINA I, Jerusalem); 30 (CYRENAICA, Balagrai; 41%3`2 ac); 31a%19`31d (Ptolemais; 1st bc%3`1st ac), 32a%19`32d (1st ac), 33a%19`33d, 34; 35 [&3SEG& 20.489] (PALAESTINA I, Jerusalem; 1st ac); 36 (ITALY, Latium: Lanuvium; ca. 50%19`1 bc); 37 (CYRENAICA, Ptolemais; 2nd%3`3rd ac?), 38; 39 (CRETE, Gortyn; 3rd%19`2nd bc); 41a%19`41d (Teucheira; 1st%3`2nd ac), 42a (ca. 70%19`115 ac), 43a%19`43e (ca. 25%19`80 ac), 44a%19`44e, 44f (69%3`70 ac), 44g, 44h%19`44j (76%3`7 ac), 44k, 45a%19`45b, 45c (67%3`8 ac), 45d%19`45g, 46a%19`46c (1st bc%3`1st ac), 47a (1st ac), 47b, 48%19`49, 49a, 50a (64%3`5 ac), 50b (57%3`8 ac), 50c (75%3`6 ac), 50d%19`50f, 50g (1st ac%3`1st bc), 50h%19`50j, 51a%19`51d, 51e (76%3`7 ac), 51f, 52a%19`52b (1st ac), 52c (66%3`7 ac), 52d%19`52h, 53a, 53b (81%3`2 ac), 53c (49%3`50 ac?), 53d%19`53e, 54a%19`54e (1st ac), 55a%19`55g (1st ac?), 56a (79%3`80 ac), 56b (70%3`1 ac), 56c (1st ac), 57a%19`57g (1st%3`2nd ac), 57h (73%3`4 ac), 58a (74%3`5 ac), 58b, 58c (1st ac), 58d (80%3`1 ac), 58e (69%3`70 ac), 58f (1st%3`2nd ac), 59b%19`59d (1st%3`2nd ac), 61a%19`61d, 62a%19`62c, 63a, 63b (33%3`4 ac?), 63c%19`63d, 63e (72%3`3 ac), 63f, 65 (1st bc%3`1st ac), 66a%19`66b, 67a%19`67d, 67e (59%3`60 ac), 67f; 70%19`71 (Berenike; 24%3`5 ac), 72 [Lifshitz, &3Donateurs et fondateurs dans les synagogues &3grecques& (1967) 100] (55%3`6 ac), 73; Reynolds, in Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) App. 1%19`2 (CYRENAICA, Kyrene), 3 (86 ac); 4a%19`4c (Ptolemais), 5%19`8; 9a (Teucheira), 9b (80 ac), 10, 11a%19`11e, 12a, 12b (80 ac), 12c%19`12f, 12g (3 ac), 12h%19`12i, 12k%19`12m, 13a%19`13c, 14a%19`14d, 15a%19`15b, 15f%19`15g, 16a%19`16c, 16f%19`16g, 17a, 18d, 18g, 18i, 18l, 19d%19`19f, 19j, 19k%19`19n, 19p%19`19r, 20d (73%3`4 ac), 20h, 20i (70%3`1 ac), 21, 22a, 22f%19`22g, 23e%19`23f, 23i%19`23l, 24b, 24d%19`24g, 25a, 25c. @ *Le Bohec, Y., "Inscriptions juives et judai+santes de l'Afrique romaine," in &3Antiquite/s africaines& 17 (1981), pp. 165%19`207. __ Contents: Nos. 1 [&3SEG& 9.801] (TRIPOLITANA, Sirte; ca. 350%19`400), 2 (ca. 350%19`400); 3 [&3SEG& 27.1200] (Oea%3Tripoli; 4th%19`5th ac?), 4 [&3SEG& 27.1201] (4th%19`5th ac?), 5 [&3SEG& 27.1202] (4th%19`5th ac?), 6 [&3SEG& 27.1203] (4th%19`5th ac?); 7 [%7Hebr.] (BYZACIUM, Thaenae; 4th ac?); 8 (Sullecthum); 9%19`11 (Hr. Djounana); 12 [&3AE/& 1978.834] (AFRICA PROC., Segermes; 3rd ac), 13%19`15 (Naro; end 4th ac); 16%19`21 (Carthage), 22%19`23 [Hebr.], 24 [Hebr.] (2nd%19`3rd ac), 25 16%19`17, 18 [%7Hebr.], 19%19`21 (Carthage), 22%19`23 [Hebr.], 24 [Hebr.] (2nd%19`3rd ac), 25 (3rd ac), 26%19`27, 28 (2nd%19beg. 4th ac), 29%19`30, 31%19`32 (2nd%19beg. 4th ac), 33%19`38, 39 (2nd ac), 40 (end 2nd ac), 41 (2nd%19`3rd ac), 42, 43 (2nd%19beg. 3rd ac), 44%19`45, 46 (2nd%19beg. 3rd ac), 47%19`58, 59,a%19`59,b, 60%19`63; 64 (Tunis); 65 [&3AE/& 1978.833] (Utica); 66 (Bulla Regia; 4th%19`5th ac); 67 (Thagura); 68 (NUMIDIA, Hr. Fouara), 69%19`71 (Cirta), 72 (Festis); 73%19`75 (MAURETANIA SIT., Se/tif); 76 (MAURETANIA CAES., Auzia), 77 (3rd ac); 78 (MAURETANIA TING., Sala); 79 (Volubilis; 3rd ac), 80 [Hebr.] (4th ac?), 81; 82 (AFRICA PROC., Carthage; 3rd ac); 83 (Hadrumetum); 84 (Carthage; beg. 2nd ac); 85 (El%19Aouja); 86%19`87 (BYZACIUM, Thysdrus); 88 (AFRICA PROC., Kairouan); 89%19`90 (Hadrumetum); 91 (Sahel); 92 (place?); 93 (Thysdrus); 94 (Carthage); 95%19`96 (Hadrumetum); 97 (Leptiminus); 98 (Hadrumetum); 99 (Clypea); 100%19`110 (Carthage), 111%19`112 [Hebr.]; 113 (Goritana); 114%19`121 (Hadrumetum); 122%19`124 (Carthage). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Supplements @ Mazar [Maisler], B., &3Beth She%102arim, I. Catacombs 1%19`4. Jerusalem 1940 (Engl. ed. 1973). &3BS& I,26 [Hebr.] [2inscription inadvertently omitted]2 (PALAESTINA II, Sepphoris%19Diocaesarea: Beth She%102arim), 75,24 [Gk.] %6 &3CIJ& 994a; __ Ch. V, "The Hebrew and Palmyrene Inscriptions," pp. 193%19`209: 197,8 [Hebr.] %6 &3CIJ 1019, 198,12 [Hebr.] %6 &3CIJ& 1024, 199,17%19`199,18 [Hebr.] %6 &3CIJ 1027%19`1028, 199,23 [Hebr.] %6 &3CIJ& 994b, 200,36 [Hebr.; Gk.: Schwabe and Lifshitz, &3Beth She%102arim, II& (1964) 19,29] %6 &3CIJ 1039, 201,40 [Hebr.] %6 &3CIJ& 1042, 201,50 [Hebr.; Gk.: &3BS II,25,41] %6 &3CIJ& 1052, 201,62 [Hebr.; Gk.: &3BS& II,31,49] %6 &3CIJ 1001, 201,67 [Hebr.] %6 &3CIJ& 1002, 202,69 [Hebr.; Gk.: &3BS II,32,54] %6 &3CIJ& 1065, 202,79 [Hebr.] %6 &3CIJ& 1070, 202,83%19`203,89 [Hebr.] %6 &3CIJ& 1074%19`1080, 204,91 [Hebr.; Gk.: &3BS& II,42,66] %6 &3CIJ& 1007, 204,93%19`204,94 [Hebr.] %6 &3CIJ& 1082%19`1083, 204,98 [Hebr.] %6 &3CIJ& 1087, 205,101%19`101a [Hebr.] %6 &3CIJ& 1090a%19`109b, 205,104 [Hebr.] %6 &3CIJ& 1093, 205,108 [Hebr.] %6 &3CIJ& 1096b 205,112 [Hebr.; Gk.: &3BS& II,50,79] %6 &3CIJ& 1098, 206,126 [Hebr.; Gk.: &3BS& II,64,88] %6 &3CIJ& 1009, 207,130 [Hebr.] %6 &3CIJ& 1112, 207,132%19`207,133 [Hebr.] %6 &3CIJ& 1114%19`1115. @ Schwabe, M., and B. Lifshitz, &3Beth She%102arim, II. The Greek &3Inscriptions.& Jerusalem 1964 (Engl. ed. 1974). &3BS& II,1,1 %6 &3CIJ 1012 (PALAESTINA II, Sepphoris%19Diocaesarea: Beth She%102arim), 2,2 %6 1013, 3,3 %6 1014, 3,4 %6 1015, 4,5 %6 1016, 4,6 %6 1017, 4,7 %6 1018, 4,8 %6 1020, 5,9 %6 1021, 5,10 %6 1022, 7,11 %6 1023, 7,12 %6 1025, 8,13 %6 993, 9,14 %6 1026, 9,15 %6 1029%3`30, 10,16 %6 1031, 10,17 %6 1032, 15,18 %6 995, 15,19 %6 996, 15,20 %6 1033b, 16,21 %6 1034 16,22 %6 997, 17,23 %6 998, 18,24 %6 1035, 18,25 %6 1036%3`37, 18,26 %6 999, 18,27 %6 1000, 19,28 %6 1038, 19,29 %6 1039 [Hebr.: Mazar, &3Beth She%102arim, I& (1940) 200,36], 20,30 %6 1040, 20,31 %6 1041, 21,32 %6 1043, 21,33 %6 1044, 21,34 %6 1045, 22,35 %6 1046, 22,36 %6 1047, 23,37 %6 1048, 23,38 %6 1049, 23,39 %6 1050, 24,40 %6 1051, 25,41 %6 1052 [Hebr.: &3BS& I,201,50], 25,42 %6 1053, 26,43 %6 1054%3`55, 26,44 %6 1056, 29,45 %6 1058 (&3CIJ& 1058 is the Hebrew version of &3BS& II,29,45, where only Gk. text is given), 29,46 %6 1059, 29,47 %6 1060, 30,48 %6 1061, 31,49 %6 1001 [Hebr.: &3BS& I,201,62], 31,50 %6 1062, 31,51 %6 1003, 32,52 %6 1063, 32,53 %6 1064, 32,54 %6 1065 [Hebr.: &3BS& I,202,69], 33,55 %6 1066, 33,56 %6 1004, 33,57 %6 1067, 35,58 %6 1068, 35,59 %6 1005, 36,60 %6 1069, 40,61 %6 1006, 41,62 %6 1071, 41,63 %6 1072, 42,64 %6 1073, 42,65 %6 1081, 42,66 %6 1007 [Hebr.: &3BS& I,204,91], 43,67 %6 1084, 43,68 %6 1085, 44,69 %6 1086, 45,70 %6 1088, 45,71 %6 1089, 46,72 %6 1091, 46,73 %6 1092, 47,74 %6 1094, 49,75 %6 1095, 49,76 %6 1096a, 49,77 %6 1097, 49,78 %6 1008, 50,79 %6 1098 [Hebr.: &3BS& I,205,112], 51,80 %6 1099, 57,81 %6 1100, 58,82 %6 1101, 58,83 %6 1102, [2&3CIJ& 1103%19`1105, no text]2, 62,84 %6 1106, 62,85 %6 1107, 63,86 %6 1108, 63,87 %6 1109, 64,88 %6 1009 [Hebr.: &3BS& I,206,126], 65,89 %6 1110, 65,90 %6 1111a, 66,91 %6 1113, 72,92 %6 1010, 73,93 %6 1116, 73,94 %6 1117, 74,95 %6 1118, 75,96 %6 1119, 76,97 %6 1121, 76,98 %6 1122, 78,99 %6 1123, 80,100 %6 1011, 80,101 %6 1124, 81,102 %6 1125, 81,103 %6 1126, 82,104 %6 1127, 82,105 %6 1128, 83,106 %6 1129, 85,107 %6 1130, 87,108 %6 1134, 89,109 %6 1135, 89,110 %6 1137, 90,111 %6 1138, 90,112 %6 1139, 91,113 %6 1140, 91,114 %6 1141, 92,115 %6 1143, 92,116 %6 ˺1147a, 92,117 %6 1147b, 92,118 %6 1149%3`50, 93,119 %6 1151%3`52, 93,120 %6 1153, 94,121 %6 1154, 94,122 %6 1155, 94,123 %6 1157, 95,124 %6 1158, 95,125 %6 1160, 95,126 %6 1161, 97,127 %6 "`1161a(1)" (ca. 200%19`250?), 111,128 %6 "`1161a(2)", 112,129 %6 "`1161a(3)", 114,130 %6 "`1161a(4), 116,131 %6 "`1161a(5)", 119,132 %6 "`1161a(6)", 121,133 %6 "`1161a(7)" [Hebr.: Avigad, &3Beth &3She%102arim, III& (1971) 235,4], 123,134 %6 "`1161a(8)", 124,135 %6 "`1161a(9)", 124,136 %6 "`1161b(1)", 125,137 %6 "`1161b(2)", 125,138 %6 "`1161b(3)", 126,139 %6 "`1161b(4)", 127,140 %6 "`1161b(5)", 127,141 %6 "`1161b(6)", 128,142 %6 "`1161b(7)", 129,143 %6 "`1161b(8)", 129,144 %6 "`1161b(9)", 130,145 %6 "`1161c(1)", 130,146 %6 "`1161c(2)", 131,147 %6 "`1161c(3)", 133,148 %6 "`1161c(4)", 133,149 %6 "`1161c(5)", 134,150 %6 "`1161c(6)", 134,151 %6 "`1161c(7)", 134,152 %6 "`1161c(8)", 135,153 %6 "`1161c(9)", 135,154 %6 "`1161d(1)", 135,155 %6 "`1161d(2)", 136,156 %6 "`1161d(3)", 136,157 %6 "`1161d(4)", 137,158 %6 "`1161d(5)", 137,159 %6 "`1161d(6)", 138,160 %6 "`1161d(7)", 138,161 %6 "`1161d(8)", 139,162 %6 "`1161d(9)", 140,163 %6 "`1161e(1)", 140,164 %6 "`1161e(2)", 142,165 %6 "`1161e(4)", 142,166 %6 "`1161e(5)", 142,167 %6 "`1161e(6)", 142,168 %6 "`1161e(7)", 143,169 %6 "`1161e(8)", 143,170 %6 "`1161e(9)", 144,171 %6 "`1161f(1)", 144,172 %6 "`1161f(2)", 145,173 %6 "`1161f(3)", 147,174 %6 "`1161f(4)" [Hebr.: &3BS III,238,9], 147,175 %6 "`1161f(5) [Hebr.: &3BS& III,239,10]", 149,176 %6 "`1161f(6)", 149,177 %6 "`1161f(7)", 151,178 %6 "`1161f(8)", 151,179 %6 "`1161f(9)", 151,180 %6 "`1161g(1)", 153,181 %6 "`1161g(2)", 155,182 %6 "`1161g(3)", 157,183 %6 "`1161g(4)" (ca. 250%19`300 ac), 167,184 %6 "`1161g(5)", 171,185 %6 "`1161g(7)", 172,186 %6 "`1161g(8)", 172,187 %6 "`1161g(9)", 172,188 %6 "`1161h(1)", 173,189 %6 "`1161h(2)", 174,190 %6 "`1161h(3)", 175,191 %6 "`1161h(4)", 176,192 %6 "`1161h(5)", 179,193 %6 "`1161h(6)", 180,194 %6 "`1161h(7)", 181,195 %6 "`1161h(8)", 181,196 %6 "`1161h(9)", 182,197 %6 "`1161i(1)", 182,198 %6 "`1161i(2)", 185,199 %6 "`1161i(3)", 185,200 %6 "`1161i(4)", 187,201 %6 "`1161i(5)", 189,202 %6 "`1161i(6)", 190,203 %6 "`1161i(7)", 191,204 %6 "`1161i(8)", 192,205 %6 "`1161i(9)", 193,206 %6 "`1161j(1)", 193,207 %6 "`1161j(2)", 194,208 %6 "`1161j(3)", 194,209 %6 "`1161j(4)", 195,210 %6 "`1161j(5)", 195,211 %6 "`1161j(6)", 195,212 %6 "`1161j(7)", 196,213 %6 "`1161j(8)", 196,214 %6 "`1161j(9)", 197,215 %6 "`1161k(1)", 197,216 %6 "`1161k(2)", 197,217 %6 "`1161k(3)", 197,218 %6 "`1161k(4)", 199,219 %6 "`1161k(5)", 200,220 %6 "`1161k(6)", 200,221 %6 "`1161k(7). @ Avigad, N., &3Beth She%102arim, III. Catacombs 12%19`23.& Jerusalem 1971 (Engl. ed. 1976). &3BS& III,37 [Gk.] %6 &3CIJ& "`1161e(3)" [&3SEG 28,1362] (PALAESTINA II, Sepphoris%19Diocaesarea: Beth She%102arim), 82 [Gk., Hebr.] %6 &3CIJ& "`1161g(6)" and "&3BS& 3,p82%7" [&3SEG& 28,1364], 83 (no text) and pl. 50,4 [Gk.] %6 &3SEG& 28,1365; __ Ch. IV, "The Hebrew and Aramaic Inscriptions," pp. 230%19`258: &3BS& III, 233,1%19`235,3 [Hebr.] (3rd ac), 235,4 [Hebr.; Gk.: &3BS II,121,133] %6 &3CIJ& "`1161a(7)" and "&3BS& 2,133%7", 236,5%19`238,7 [Hebr.], 238,9 [Hebr.; Gk.: &3BS& II,147,174] %6 &3CIJ& "`1161f(4)" and "&3BS& 2,174%7", 239,10 [Hebr.; Gk.: &3BS& II,147,175] %6 &3CIJ "`1161f(5)" and "&3BS& 2,175%7", 239,11%19`240,12 [Hebr.], 240,13%19`251,28 [Hebr.]. @ Lewis, D.M., in Tcherikover, V., A. Fuks and M. Stern, &3Corpus &3Papyrorum Judaicarum.& 3 vols. Cambridge, Mass. 1957%19`1964. &3CPJud& III (1964), App. I, pp. 138%19`166, "The Jewish Inscriptions of Egypt." The correction of Lewis have been incorporated into the texts of &3CIJ& 1424%19`1539. __ Added inscriptions: &3CPJud& III, pp. 162,1530a %6 &3CIJ& 1530a [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 16] (EGYPT, Leontopolis; early imperial?), 163,1530b %6 &3CIJ& 1530b, 163,1530c %6 &3CIJ& 1530c (26 bc), 163,1530d %6 &3CIJ& 1530d; 164,1532a [&3Donateurs& 99; Bernand, &3IFayoum& I (1975) 1 (Arsinoe%19Krokodilopolis; 245%19`221 bc); 166,1538a %6 &3CIJ& 1538a (Apollinopolis Magna [Edfou]); 166,1539a %6 &3CIJ& 1539a (place?; Early Roman?). @ Lifshitz, B., &3Donateurs et fondateurs dans les synagogues &3grecques. Re/pertoire des de/dicaces grecques relatives a\ la &3construction et a\ la re/fection des synagogues.& "Cahiers de la Revue Biblique," 7; Paris 1967. &3Donateurs& 1%19`2 %6 &3CIJ& 722%19`723 (GREECE, Aegina; 4th ac?); 3%19`8 [&3ID& 2329, 2331, 2330, 2328, 2332, 2333] %6 &3CIJ& 726%19`731 (AEGEAN ISLANDS, Delos; 1st bc?); 9 %6 &3CIJ& 720 (PELOPONNESOS, Mantinea; 4th ac?), 9a %6 &3CIJ& 721b [Lifshitz 86] (Maina; 3rd ac?); 10 %6 &3CIJ& 694 (MACEDONIA, Stobi; 3rd ac); 11 [Lifshitz 64] %6 &3CIJ& 682 (N. COAST OF BLACK SEA, Olbia); 12 %6 &3CIJ& "`737a" (ASIA, Mysia, Pergamon), 13 %6 &3CIJ 738 (Ionia, Kyme%3Phokaia?; 3rd ac?), 14%19`15 [&3IK Smyrna 2,1.844a%19b] %6 &3CIJ& 739%19`740 (Smyrna; 4th%19`5th ac), 16 %6 &3CIJ& 744 (Teos; 3rd ac); 17 [Robert, &3NISardes& (1964) 39,4] %6 &3CIJ "`751a(1)" (LYDIA, Sardeis; ca. 360%19`370%3`80 ac?), 18 [Robert, &3NISardes& 39,5] %6 &3CIJ& "`751a(2)" (ca. 360%19`370%3`80 ac?), 19 [Robert, &3NISardes& 45,6] %6 &3CIJ& "`751a(3)" (ca. 360%19`370%3`80 ac?), 20 [Robert, &3NISardes& 48,7] %6 &3CIJ& "`751a(4)" (ca. 350%19`400 ac?), 21 [Robert, &3NISardes& 51,8b] %6 &3CIJ& "`751a(5)" (ca. 350%19`400 ac?), 22 [Robert, &3NISardes& 54,13] %6 &3CIJ& "`751a(6)" (ca. 350%19`400 ac?), 23 [Robert, &3NISardes& 55,14] %6 &3CIJ& "`751a(7)" (ca. 350%19`400 ac?), 24 [Robert, &3NISardes& 55,15] %6 &3CIJ& "`751a(8)" (ca. 350%19`400 ac?), 25 [Robert, &3NISardes& 55,16] %6 &3CIJ& "`751a(9)" (ca. 350%19`400 ac?), 26 [Robert, &3NISardes& 55,17] %6 &3CIJ& "`751b(1)" (ca. 350%19`400 ac?), 27 [Robert, &3NISardes& 53n.2] %6 &3CIJ& "`751b(2)" (5th%19`6th ac?), 27a [Robert, &3NISardes& 53,n.2] %6 &3CIJ& "`751b(3)" (5th%19`6th ac?), 28 %6 &3CIJ& 754 (Philadelphia; 3rd ac); 29 %6 &3CIJ& 756 (CARIA, Myndos); 30 [&3IK Tralles& 240] %6 &3CIJ& "`756a" (ASIA, Tralles; 3rd ac), 31 %6 &3CIJ& "`756b" (Nysa; 3rd%19`4th ac); 32 %6 &3CIJ& "`756c" (CARIA, Hyllarima; 3rd ac); 33 %6 &3CIJ& 766 (PHRYGIA PAC., Akmonia; end 1st ac?), 34 %6 &3CIJ& 771; 35 %6 &3CIJ& "`780a" (PAPHLAGONIA, Amastris; 3rd ac?); 36 %6 &3CIJ& 781 (PAMPHYLIA, Side; 4th ac?), 37 [Mansel, et al., &3Side& (1956) 94,69] %6 &3CIJ& "`781a" (Side; 5th%19`6th ac); 38%19`53 [&3IGLSyr& 4.1319%19`1334] %6 &3CIJ& 803%19`817, 818 (SYRIA II, Apameia; 391 ac), 54%19`56 [&3IGLSyr& 4.1335%19`1337] %6 &3CIJ "`817a%19`817c"; 57 [&3IGLSyr& 5.2205] %6 &3CIJ& "`818a" (PHOENICE LIB., Emesa; 5th ac), 58 [&3EDE& 8:1.277,23] %6 &3CIJ& 829 (EUPHRATENSIS [ex%19Syria], Dura%19Europos; 244%3`5 ac), 59 [&3EDE& 8:1.277,24] %6 &3CIJ 831, 60 [&3EDE& 8:1.278,25] %6 &3CIJ& 830; 61 %6 &3CIJ& 848 (PHOENICE LIB., ed%19Dmer; 5th%19`6th ac), 62 [&3IGLSyr& 6,2931] %6 &3CIJ& 852 (Nihata; 4th ac?); 63 %6 &3CIJ& 861 (ARABIA, Tafas; 4th ac); 64 %6 &3CIJ& "`890a(1)" (PALAESTINA I, Caesarea; 6th ac), 65 %6 &3CIJ "`890a(2)" (5th%19`6th ac), 66 %6 &3CIJ& "`890a(3)" (6th ac), 67 %6 &3CIJ "`890a(4)" (6th ac), 68 %6 &3CIJ& "`890a(5)", 69 %6 &3CIJ& 961 (Azotos), 70 %6 &3CIJ& 964 (Ascalon), 71 %6 &3CIJ& 965, 72 %6 &3CIJ& 966 (Joppe%3Gaza; 6th ac), 73 %6 &3CIJ& 967 (Gaza), 73a %6 &3CIJ& "`969a" (Gaza; 508 ac); 74 %6 &3CIJ& 991 (PALAESTINA II, Sepphoris%19Diocaesarea; 5th ac), 75 %6 &3CIJ& 983 (Capharnaum; 3rd ac?), 76 %6 &3CIJ& "`984a" (Tiberias; 4th ac), 77 %6 &3CIJ& 1166 (Beth Alpha; 6th ac), 77a%19`77c %6 &3CIJ& "`1166a%19`1166c" (Beth She%102an%19Scythopolis; mid%19`5th ac); 78 [&3Gerasa& 473,285] %6 &3CIJ& 867 (ARABIA, Gerasa; 5th ac); 79 %6 &3CIJ& 1404 (PALAESTINA I, Jerusalem; 1st ac), 80 %6 &3CIJ& "`1189a" (Salbit; 6th ac), 81 %6 &3CIJ& "`1189b" (Huldah; 5th ac); 82 %6 &3CIJ& 735 (CYPRUS, Golgoi; 6th ac?), 83 %6 &3CIJ& 736 (Lapethus; 4th%19`5th ac?), 84 %6 &3CIJ &3"&`736a" (5th ac?), 85 [Pouilloux, &3Salamis& 200] %6 &3CIJ& "`736b" (Constantia; 3rd ac?); 86 %6 &3CIJ& 1432 (EGYPT, Alexandria; 37 bc), 87 %6 &3CIJ& 1433, 88 %6 &3CIJ& 1435a, 89 %6 &3CIJ& 1436, 90 %6 &3CIJ ˺1437, 91 %6 &3CIJ& 1438, 92 [&3Delta& I,414,3] %6 &3CIJ& 1440 (Schedia; 246%19`221 bc), 93 [&3Delta& I,928,2] %6 &3CIJ& 1441 (Psenemphaia; 143%19`117 bc), 94 [&3Delta& I,960,1] %6 &3CIJ& 1442 (Nitriai; 143%19`117 bc), 95 %6 &3CIJ& 1443 (Athribis; 181%19`145 bc?), 96 %6 &3CIJ& 1444 (181%19`145 bc?), 97 %6 &3CIJ& 1446 (place?), 98 %6 &3CIJ& 1447, 99 [Bernand, &3IFayoum& I (1975) 1] %6 &3CIJ& 1532a (Arsinoe%19Krokodilopolis; 245%19`221 bc); 100 %6 Lu+deritz, &3CjZCyr 72 (CYRENAICA, Berenike; 55%3`6 ac); 101 %6 &3CIJ& 663 (HISPANIA, Ilici), 102 %6 &3CIJ& 653 (SICILY, Syracuse; Byz.). @ Reynolds, J., and R. Tannenbaum, &3Jews and God%19fearers at &3Aphrodisias. Greek Inscriptions with Commentary.& "Cambridge Philological Society, Supplementary Volume," 12; Cambridge 1987. &3JGAphr& pp. 5%19`7 %6 &3CIJ& "`756d" (CARIA, Aphrodisias; 3rd ac), 132,1 %6 &3CIJ& "`756e" (Byz.), 133,2 %6 &3CIJ& "`756f" (before 7th ac), 134,7 %6 &3CIJ& "`756g", 135,8 %6 &3CIJ& "`756h" (4th%19`6th ac), 136,9 %6 &3CIJ& "`756i" (4th%19`6th ac), 137,10 %6 &3CIJ& "`756j" (5th ac?), 138,11 %6 &3CIJ& "`756k" (4th ac), 138,12 %6 &3CIJ& "`756l" (1st bc%3`1st ac). @ Robert, L., &3Nouvelles inscriptions de Sardes.& Paris 1964. Robert, &3NISardes& 39,4 [Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& 17] %6 &3CIJ& "`751a(1)" (LYDIA, Sardeis; ca. 360%19`370%3`80 ac?), 39,5 [&3Donateurs& 18] %6 &3CIJ& "`751a(2)" (ca. 360%19`370%3`80 ac?), [2`45, top, Inv. 62,274 overlooked]2, 45,6 [&3Donateurs& 19] %6 &3CIJ& "`751a(3)" (ca. 360%19`370%3`80 ac?), 48,7 [&3Donateurs& 20] %6 &3CIJ& "`751a(4)" (ca. 350%19`400 ac?), 50,8 %6 &3CIJ& "`751b(4)" (c. 350%19`400 ac?), 51,8b [&3Donateurs& 21] %6 &3CIJ& "`751a(5)" (ca. 350%19`400 ac?), [2`53,9 overlooked]2, 53n.2, Inv. 62,111 [&3Donateurs& 27] %6 &3CIJ& "`751b(2)" (5th%19`6th ac?), 53n.2, Inv. 62,273 %6 &3CIJ& "`751b(3)" (5th%19`6th ac?), [2`54,10 overlooked, 54,11 overlooked, 54,12 overlooked,]2 54,13 [&3Donateurs& 22] %6 &3CIJ& "`751a(6)" (ca. 350%19`400 ac?), 55,14 [&3Donateurs& 23] %6 &3CIJ& "`751a(7)" (ca. 350%19`400 ac?), 55,15 [&3Donateurs& 24] %6 &3CIJ& "`751a(8)" (ca. 350%19`400 ac?), 55,16 [&3Donateurs& 25] %6 &3CIJ& "`751a(9)" (ca. 350%19`400 ac?), 55,17 [&3Donateurs& 26] %6 &3CIJ& "`751b(1)" (ca. 350%19`400 ac?), 56,18 %6 &3CIJ "`751b(6)" (350%19`400 ac?), 56,19 %6 &3CIJ& "`751b(7)" (350%19`400 ac?), 57,20 %6 &3CIJ& "`751b(8)", 57,21 %6 &3CIJ& "`751b(9)", 57,22 %6 &3CIJ "`751c(1)". @ Scheiber, S., &3Corpus Inscriptionum Hungariae Iudaicarum.& 2nd ed. Budapest and Leiden 1983. &3CIHungJud&(`2) 1 %6 &3CIJ& 676 (PANNONIA, Solva), 2 %6 &3CIJ& 675 (Aquincum), 3 %6 &3CIJ& 677 [Lifshitz 59] (Intercisa; 222%19`235 ac); 4 %6 &3CIJ& "`677a" (later 3rd ac), 5 %6 &3CIJ& "`677b" (later 3rd ac), 6 %6 &3CIJ& "`677c" (later 3rd ac), 7 %6 &3CIJ& 678 (Siklo/s; beg. 3rd ac), 8 %6 &3CIJ& *678a [Lifshitz (1975) 60] (Mursa; end 2nd ac); 9 %6 &3CIJ& "`679a" [Hebr.] (Ciglana; end 4th ac); 10 %6 &3CIJ& 681 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 63] (DACIA RIP., Oescus [Gigen]; ca. 300%19`350 ac). @ Welles, C.B., in C.H. Kraeling, &3Excavations at Dura%19Europos. &3Final Report VIII, Part I: The Synagogue& (New Haven 1956; augmented reprint, 1979). &3EDE& 8,1.263,1a %6 &3CIJ& 828b (EUPHRATENSIS [ex%19Syria], Dura%19Europos; 244%3`5 ac), 267,1b %6 &3CIJ& 828a (244%3`5 ac), 269,3 %6 &3CIJ& 834 (244%3`5 ac), 270,4 %6 &3CIJ 836 (244%3`5 ac), 270,5 %6 &3CIJ& 835 (244%3`5 ac), 271,7 %6 &3CIJ& 840 (244%3`5 ac), 271,8 %6 &3CIJ& 842,c (244%3`5 ac), 271,9 %6 &3CIJ& 842,a (244%3`5 ac), 272,10 %6 &3CIJ& 842,b (244%3`5 ac), 272,11 %6 &3CIJ& 841 (244%3`5 ac), 273,16 %6 &3CIJ& 843 (after 244%3`5 ac), 274,19 %6 &3CIJ 827 (before 244 ac), 274,20 %6 &3CIJ& 826,a (before 244 ac), 275,21 %6 &3CIJ& 826,b (before 244 ac), 275,22 %6 &3CIJ& 826,c (before 244 ac), 277,23 %6 &3CIJ& 829 (244%3`5 ac), 277,24 %6 &3CIJ& 831 (244%3`5 ac), 278,25 %6 &3CIJ& 830 (244%3`5 ac), 279,26 %6 &3CIJ& 832 (244%3`5 ac), 279,29 %6 &3CIJ& 839 (244%3`5 ac), 279,30 %6 &3CIJ& 837 (244%3`5 ac), 279,31 %6 &3CIJ& 838 (244%3`5 ac), 279,32 %6 &3CIJ& "`839a" (245%19`256 ac), 280,33 %6 &3CIJ& "`839b" (245%19`256 ac), 280,35 %6 &3CIJ& "`839c" (245%19`256 ac). @ @ @@@@@@Jewish Inscriptions and Comparanda published in &3SEG @ &3Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum& (Leiden). &3SEG& 2,823 (EUPHRATENSIS [ex%19Syria], Dura%19Europos); __ &3SEG& 7,29 (SUSIANA, Susa), 924%19`930 (ARABIA, Kh. es%19Samra); __ &3SEG& 8,2 (PHOENICE, K%1edes Naphtali; 117%3`8 ac); 15 (PALAESTINA II, Sepphoris%19Diocaesarea; 4th%19`5th ac); 160 (PALAESTINA I, Emmau+s%19Nicopolis; 4th ac); 433 (EGYPT, Alexandria), 436; __ &3SEG& 14,843%19`845 (PALAESTINA I, Caesarea Maritima; 4th ac); __ &3SEG& 16,827 (PALAESTINA II, Tiberias; Roman), 843%19`846 (PALAESTINA I, Caesarea; imperial), 849 (Jerusalem; Roman); __ &3SEG& 17,768 (ARABIA, Jaber; imperial); 782 (PALAESTINA I, Caesarea Maritima; 3rd%19`6th), 784 [b: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 29b] (Jerusalem; 1st bc%19`1st ac); __ &3SEG& 18,721 (EGYPT, place?); __ &3SEG& 19,852 [&3BE/& 1965.412] (PAMPHYLIA, Sidibounda); 908 (PALAESTINA II, Pella); 909%19`911 (PALAESTINA I, Caesarea Maritima), 922 (Jerusalem; 1st bc); __ &3SEG& 20,87 (ISAURIA, Selinus; 2nd ac); 408 (ARABIA, G%148amarri=n [Djemerri=n]; imperial); 468 (PALAESTINA I, Lydda%19Diospolis; Roman), 469 (Khirbet Habra), 481,a (Jerusalem; 4th ac?), 481,b (4th ac?), 483%19`488 (Kidron; 1st ac), 489 [Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 35] (1st ac), 490 (1st ac), 491 (c. 1st ac); __ &3SEG& 24,603 (MACEDONIA, Amphipolis), __ &3SEG& 26,1157%19`1202 (ROME, Villa Torlonia; 3rd%19`4th ac?); 1545 [&3IGLSyr& 1.111] (EUPHRATENSIS, Zeugma%19Seleukeia), 1555, 1593%19`1594; 1668 (PALAESTINA I, Hebron; 3rd ac), 1669 (Joppa), 1675 (Caesarea Maritima); 1685%19`1688 (PALAESTINA II, Tiberias); __ &3SEG& 27,1016 (PALAESTINA I, Jerusalem?), 1021 (Ramat%19Aviv; 6th%19early 7th); __ &3SEG& 28,1362 [Avigad, &3Beth She%102arim, III& (1971), p. 37; here also %6 &3CIJ& "`1161e(3)"] (PALAESTINA II, Sepphoris%19Diocaesarea: Beth She%102arim), 1363 [&3BS& III,38; already in Schwabe and Lifshitz, &3Beth She%102arim, II& (1964) 134,151, here also %6 &3CIJ "`1161c(7)"], 1364 [&3BS& III,82, here also %6 &3CIJ& "`1161g(6)"], 1365 [&3BS& III,83 (no text) and pl. 50,4]; 1368 (PALAESTINA I, Caesarea Maritima; 3rd ac), 1369 (late imperial), 1429 (Ha%19Bonim; 3rd%19`4th ac), 1432 (Hirbet Beit Lid), 1435 (Jerusalem; 1st bc); 1450a (PALAESTINA II, Beth She%102an%19Scythopolis; ca. 600%19`624 ac), 1450b (ca. 600%19`624 ac); 1476 (EGYPT, Leontopolis; 3rd ac); __ &3SEG& 29,300 (PELOPONNESOS, Corinthia, Corinth; Roman), 309; 556 (THESSALIA, Phthiot. Thebes); 968 [%7Hebr.] (CAMPANIA, Neapolis; 4th%19`5th ac), 969 (4th%19`5th ac); 1039 (PANNONIA, Aquincum; 3rd ac), __ &3SEG& 30,1728b (EGYPT, Douch); __ &3SEG 31,1405 (PALAESTINA I, Jericho; 50%19`54 ac), 1406%19`1407 (10%19`74 ac), 1408, 1409 (Jerusalem; 1st ac), 1410a%19c (Joppa; 102,107,110 ac); 1420 (PHOENICE, Ptolemais; 2nd%19`3rd ac); 1578b (CYRENAICA, Kyrene; before 365 ac?); 1593 (REGION? place?) [Inscription misplaced under Christian "Varia"]; __ &3SEG& 32,790 (N. COAST OF BLACK SEA, Gorgippa; ca. 1%19`50 ac); 809 (C. AEGEAN, Delos; 250%19`50 bc), 810 (250%19`175 bc); 1053 (ROME, place?; 2nd%19`3rd ac); 1451 (PHOENICE, Berytos; 605%3`6 ac), 1485 (Sidon; mid%19`2nd ac); 1522 (PALAESTINA, Samaria), 1530 (PALAESTINA II, Beth She%102an%19Scythopolis; Early Byz.); __ &3SEG 33,791 (ROME, near Porta S. Paolo); 1276 (PALAESTINA I, Jerusalem; ca. 81%19`82 bc), 1277 (18%19`17 bc), 1279 [&3SEG& 17.785] (1st bc%19`1st ac), 1280%19`1282 (1st bc%19`1st ac), 1283 [%7Hebr.] (1st bc%19`1st ac), 1284%19`1293 (1st bc%19`1st ac); 1326 (EGYPT, Leontopolis); 1540 (TRIPOLITANA, Leptis Magna; 2nd ac); __ &3SEG 34,1473%19`1475 (PALAESTINA II, Golan); __ &3SEG& 35,260 (PELOPONNESOS, Corinthia, Corinth; 3rd%19`4th ac); 633 (THESSALIA, Larissa; 4th ac); 995 (SICILY, Melita Isl.; 4th%19`5th ac). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@Other Addenda and Cross%19references @ &3American Journal of Archaeology& (Boston). &3AJA& 75 (1971) 410 %6 ˺&3CIJ& "`694(4)" (MACEDONIA II, Stobi); __ &3AJA& 76 (1972) 406ff., %6 &3CIJ& "`694(3)" (Stobi), 410 %6 &3CIJ& "`694(2)" (end 3rd ac?). @ &3Atti dell' Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Classe di &3Scienze morali, storiche e filologiche& (Turin). &3AttiTor& 101 (1966%19`1967) 300,14 and 319,46 [&3BE/& 1971.645] %6 &3CIJ& "`779a%19`779b" (PHRYGIA PAC., Hierapolis). @ Bagatti, P., and J. Milik, &3Gli Scavi del "Dominus Flevit" &3(Monte Oliveto __ Gerusalemme).& 2 vols. "Pubblicazioni dello Studium Biblicum Franciscanum," 13; Jerusalem 1958. &3Dm Flevit 89,21 [Guarducci, &3EG& IV,441,1a] %6 &3CIJ& "`1387a" (PALAESTINA I, Jerusalem; end 1st%3beg. 2nd). @ Bandy, A., &3The Greek Christian Inscriptions of Crete.& Athens 1970. Appendix: Jewish inscriptions, App. 1 %6 &3CIJ "`731d(3)" [&3ICret& IV,509; cf. Lifshitz (1975) 89; &3ZPE& 73 (1988) 173,A] (CRETE, Gortyn%19Hagioi Deka; 5th ac), App. 2 %6 &3CIJ& *731d [Lifshitz (1975) 88; &3ICret& I,12,17; &3ZPE& 73 (1988) 173,B] (Arkades: Kassianoi; 3rd%19`4th ac), App. 3 %6 &3CIJ& *731c [Lifshitz (1975) 88; &3ZPE& 73 (1988) 174,C] (Kissamos; 4th%19`5th ac), @ Bernand, A., &3Le Delta e/gyptien d'apre\s les textes grecques, I: &3Les Confins libyques.& 3 vols. "Institut Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie Orientale du Caire, Me/moires publie/s par les membres," 101. Cairo 1970. &3Delta& I,414,3 %6 &3CIJ& 1440 (EGYPT, Schedia; 246%19`221 bc), 928,2 %6 &3CIJ& 1441 (Psenemphaia; 143%19`117 bc), 960,1 %6 &3CIJ 1442 (Nitriai; 143%19`117 bc). @ Bernand, A., &3Le Paneion d' el%19Kanai+s: les inscriptions &3grecques.& Leiden 1970. &3Paneion& 42 and 34 %6 &3CIJ& 1537%19`1538 (EGYPT, S. of Apollinopolis Magna [Edfou]: Redesiyeh; ca. 2nd%19`1st bc) @ Bernand, E., &3Inscriptions me/triques de l'E/gypte gre/co%19romaine "Annales litte/raires de l'Universite/ de Besanc%25on," 98. Paris 1969. &3IMe/tr& 14 %6 &3CIJ& 1490 (EGYPT, Leontopolis; 117 bc), 15 %6 &3CIJ& 1511 (Leontopolis; early imp.?), 16 %6 &3CIJ& *1530a (Leontopolis; early imp.?), 17 %6 &3CIJ& 1522 (early imp.?), 37 %6 &3CIJ& "`1440a" (Schedia; 2nd%19`1st bc?), 42 %6 &3CIJ& 1510 (Leontopolis; 5 bc?), 43 %6 &3CIJ& 1530 (14 bc?), 44 %6 &3CIJ& 1513 (early imp.), 45 %6 &3CIJ& 1509 (20 bc?), 69 %6 &3CIJ& 1489 (Leontopolis?; early imp.), 70 %6 &3CIJ& 1451 (Leontopolis; early imp.), 84 %6 &3CIJ& 1508 (early imp.), 94 %6 &3CIJ& 1512 (14 bc?), 95 %6 &3CIJ& 1539 (Leontopolis?; 8 ac). @ Bernand, E., &3Recueil des inscriptions grecques du Fayoum.& 3 vols. Leiden 1975, Paris 1981. &3IFayoum& I,1 %6 &3CIJ& 1532a [Lewis, in &3CPJud& III (1964), p. 164] (EGYPT, Arsinoe%19Krokodilopolis; 245%19`221 bc), III,206 %6 &3CIJ& 1531 (Fayoum; ca. 200 bc?), III,210 %6 &3CIJ& 1532 (29 bc). @ &3Bulletin de l'Institut Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie Orientale du &3Caire& (Cairo). &3Bull.Inst.Caire& 72 (1972) 149,9 [&3BE/& 1972.676], %6 &3CIJ& "`1530e" (EGYPT, Leontopolis), 149,10 [&3BE/& 1972.676] %6 &3CIJ "`1530f". @ &3Bulletin du Muse/e de Beyrouth& (Paris). &3BMBey& 29 (1977) 92,164, %6 &3CIJ& "`880a" (PHOENICE, Tyros), 94,167 %6 &3CIJ& "`880b", 95,168 %6 &3CIJ& "`880c". @ &3Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (Baltimore). &3BASOR& 187 (1967) 18n.23a %6 &3CIJ& "`751c(2)" (LYDIA, Sardeis; 4th%19`6th ac?), 26 %6 &3CIJ& "`751c(3)" (ca. 350 ac?), 27 %6 CIJ "`751b(5)" (5th%19`6th ac), 27 %6 &3CIJ& "`751c(4)" (4th%19`6th ac), 27 %6 &3CIJ& "`751c(5)" (4th%19`6th ac), 29[a] [&3BE/& 1968.478] %6 &3CIJ "`751c(6)" (ca. 350 ac?), 29[b] and 36 %6 &3CIJ& "`751c(8)" (5th%19`6th ac?), 29n.26 %6 &3CIJ& "`751c(7)", 32[a] %6 &3CIJ& "`751c(9)", 32[b] %6 &3CIJ& "`751d(1)" (4th%19`6th ac), 32[c] %6 &3CIJ& "`751d(2)" (4th%19`6th ac), 32[d] %6 &3CIJ& "`751d(3)" (4th%19`6th ac), 45 %6 &3CIJ& "`751d(4)" (ca. 350 ac?). @ &3Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, VI. Inscriptiones urbis Romae &3latinae,& ed. E. Bormann, G. Henzen, Chr. Huelsen, et al. Berlin 1876%19`1933. &3CIL& 6,2 (1882) 8604 [Dessau, &3ILS& 1519] %6 &3CIJ 532 (ROME, Forum), 9821 [Dessau, &3ILS& 7495] %6 &3CIJ& 531 (ROME, place?); __ &3CIL& 6,4:2 (1902) 31893 %6 &3CIJ& 530,1%19`3 [frr. b,4, d,II,12 and e,I,5%19`6 only] (ROME, S. Petr. ad vincula; after 374 ac), 31896 %6 &3CIJ& 530,4 [col. II,1 only] (ROME, Basilica Julia; end 4th ac). @ &3Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, XII: Galliae Narbonensis.& ed. O. Hirschfeld. Berlin 1888. &3CIL& 12.5690,134 %6 &3CIJ& 667 (GALLIA [Vienn., S.], Avennio [Avignon]). @ &3Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, XIII: Trium Galliarum et &3Germaniae,& ed. O. Hirschfeld, K. Zangemeister et al. 8 vols. Berlin 1899%19`1943. &3CIL& 13.2074 and 2076 %6 &3CIJ& App. 3, 62*%19`63* (GALLIA [Lugdun. I], Lugdunum [Lyon]), 2448 %6 &3CIJ& App. 3, 61* (area of Lugdunum [Lyon]: Genay, near Tre/voux; beg. 3rd ac); 4701%19`4702 %6 &3CIJ& App. 5, 95*%19`96* (GALLIA [Belgica], Solimariaca [Soulosse]); 5338 %6 &3CIJ& 674 [L. 59] ([GERMANIA SUP.], Badenweiler); 10025,246 %6 &3CIJ& I, App. 5, 83* (GERM. INF., Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]). @ Struve, V., &3Corpus inscriptionum regni Bosporani.& Moscow 1965. &3CIRB& 70 %6 &3CIJ& 683 (N. COAST OF BLACK SEA, Panticapaeum; 81 ac); 71 %6 &3CIJ& 683a [Lifshitz 65] (Kertch; 2nd ac), 72 %6 &3CIJ 683b [Lifshitz 66] (2nd ac); 73 %6 &3CIJ& 684 (Panticapaeum; 2nd ac), 74 %6 &3CIJ& App. 3,65* (175%19`210 ac); 724 %6 &3CIJ& 689 (Kertch; 2nd%19`3rd ac), 735 %6 &3CIJ& 685 (3rd ac), 736 %6 &3CIJ& 688 (3rd%19`4th ac?), 743 %6 &3CIJ& 689a [Lifshitz 66] (4th ac), 746 %6 &3CIJ& 687 (4th ac), 777 %6 &3CIJ& 686 (4th ac?); 985 %6 &3CIJ& 691 (Phangoria; 16 ac), 1076 %6 &3CIJ& 691b [Lifshitz 70]; 1123 %6 &3CIJ& 690 (Gorgippa; 41 ac), 1126 %6 &3CIJ& 690a [Lifshitz 67] (67%3`8 ac), 1124 %6 &3CIJ& 690b [Lifshitz 68] (59 ac), 1125 %6 &3CIJ& App. 4,78* (175%19`210 ac); 1225 %6 &3CIJ& 691a [Lifshitz 69] (Phangoria). @ Dalton, O.M., &3Catalogue of Early Christian Antiquities and &3Objects from the Christian East in the Department of British &3and Mediaeval Antiquities and Ethnography of the British &3Museum.& London 1901. Dalton, &3Catalogue& no. 481 [&3BE/& 1954.24, p. 102 bottom] %6 &3CIJ& "`751d(5)" (&7LYDIA,& Sardeis). @ &3Epigraphica& (Rome). &3Epigr& 36 (1974) 87 %6 &3CIJ& 929 (PALAESTINA I, Joppa). @ Guarducci, M., &3Epigrafia greca, IV: Epigrafi sacre, pagane e &3cristiane.& Rome 1978. Guarducci, &3EG& IV, 441,1 [Bagatti and Milik, &3Scavi ... "Dominus Flevit"& (1958) 89,21] %6 &3CIJ& "`1387a" (PALAESTINA I, Jerusalem; end 1st%3beg. 2nd). @ &3Hesperia& (Princeton). &3Hesperia& 41 (1972) 28,21 %6 &3CIJ& "`718c" (PELOPONNESOS, Corinthia, Corinth; 4th%19`6th ac). @ Silvagni, A., and A. Ferrua, &3Inscriptiones Christianae Urbis &3Romae. Nova Series.& Rome 1922%19`1985. &3IChUR& 1.2895 %6 &3CIJ& 733h (ROME, place?), 2978 %6 &3CIJ& 733i (Umbria: Pisaurum), 3981 %6 &3CIJ 733j (place?), 4042 %6 &3CIJ& 733k (place?); __ &3IChUR& 2.5987 %6 &3CIJ 319 (C. Monteverde), 5988 %6 &3CIJ& 349, 5989 %6 &3CIJ& 351, 5990 %6 &3CIJ& 367, 5992 %6 &3CIJ& 401, 5993 %6 &3CIJ& 397. @ Guarducci, M., &3Inscriptiones Creticae.& 4 vols. Rome 1935%19`1950. &3ICret& I,12,17 %6 &3CIJ& *731d [Lifshitz (1975) 88; Bandy, &3GChICret (1970) App. 2; &3ZPE& 73 (1988) 173,B] (CRETE, Arkades: Kassianoi 3rd%19`4th ac); I,25,51 %6 &3CIJ& "`731d(2)" (Arkades; 3rd%19`4th ac), 208,72 %6 &3CIJ& "`731d(4)" (Lyttos; ca. 1st ac); __ &3ICret& II,179,8 %6 &3CIJ& *731b [Lifshitz (1975) 87] (Elyros), 294,13 %6 &3CIJ "`731d(5)" (Sybrita); __ &3ICret& IV,509 %6 &3CIJ& "`731d(3)" [Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) App. 1; cf. Lifshitz (1975) 89; &3ZPE& 73 (1988) 173,A] (CRETE, Hagioi Deka; 5th ac), @ Kolbe, W., &3Inscriptiones Graecae, V,1: Laconiae et Messeniae. Berlin 1913. &3IG& 5,1.950a %6 &3CIJ& "`721b(2)" (PELOPONNESOS, Lakonia, Aigilia). @ Hiller von Gaertringen, F., &3Inscriptiones Graecae XII,5. &3Inscriptiones Cycladum.& 2 vols. Berlin 1903%19`1909. &3IG 12,5.712,80 %6 &3CIJ& "`731a(2)" (C. AEGEAN, Syros: Grammata), 712,99 %6 &3CIJ& "`731a(3)". @ Kaibel, G., &3Inscriptiones Graecae, XIV. Inscriptiones Siciliae &3et Italiae, additis Galliae, Hispaniae, Britanniae, Germaniae ˺&3inscriptiones.& Berlin 1890. &3IG& 14.461 %6 &3CIJ& 650f (SICILY, Catana); 1325 %6 &3CIJ& 500 (ROME, place?), 1606 %6 &3CIJ& 327 (C. Monteverde); 2259 %6 &3CIJ& "`636a" (ETRURIA, Lorium); 2304 %6 &3CIJ& 638 (VENETIA, Brixia); 2318 [&3IChUR& 1,2720] %6 &3CIJ& 637 (ROME?, Venetia: Ferrara). @ Mihailov, G., &3Inscriptiones Graecae in Bulgaria repertae.& 5 vols. Sofia 1958%19`1970. &3IGBulg& 2.597(3) %6 &3CIJ& "`681*" (DACIA RIP., Oescus [Gigen]; 5th%19`6th ac?); __ &3IGBulg& 3,1.1432 %6 &3CIL *681a [Lifshitz (1975) 63] (THRACIA, Asenovgrad%19Stanimaka). @ Moretti, L. &3Inscriptiones Graecae Urbis Romae.& 3 vols. Rome 1968%19`1979. &3IGUR& 1.82 %6 &3CIJ& "`532a" (ROME, Forum; before 194 ac), 83 %6 &3CIJ& "`532b" (end 2nd%3`3rd ac), 169 %6 &3CIJ& "`733l" (place?; 2nd ac); __ &3IGUR& 2.404 %6 &3CIJ& App. 3,22* (Via Appia; 3rd%19`4th ac?), 426 %6 &3CIJ& App. 3,17* (V. Appia Pignat.), 482 %6 &3CIJ& App. 3,16* (Via Appia), 726 %6 &3CIJ& "`733m" (Vin. Moroni), 850 %6 &3CIJ App& 3,5* (Via Appia), 2.876 %6 &3CIJ& App. 3,6*; __ &3IGUR 3.1231 %6 &3CIJ& "`733n" (place?), 1268 %6 &3CIJ& "`733o" (2nd%19`3rd ac), 1282 %6 &3CIJ& App 3,18* (V. Appia Pignat.), 3.1323 %6 &3CIJ& "`733p" (V. Salaria). @ Merkelbach, R., et al., &3Die Inschriften von Ephesos I%19VIII.& 9 vols. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 11%19`17. Bonn 1979%19`1984. &3IK Ephesos& 4.1251 %6 &3CIJ& "`747a" (ASIA, Ephesos); __ &3IK Ephesos& 5.1676 %6 &3CIJ& 746 (Ephesos; end 2nd ac), 1677 %6 &3CIJ& 745; __ &3IK Ephesos& 7,2.3822 %6 &3CIJ& 755 (Hypaipa; ca. 200 ac?), 4130 %6 &3CIJ& "`747b" (Ephesos); 4135 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 108] %6 &3CIJ& 747 (ca. 531%19`537 ac). @ Engelmann, H., and R. Merkelbach, &3Die Inschriften von Erythrai &3und Klazomenai.& 2 vols. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 1%19`2. Bonn 1972. &3IK Klazomenai& 526 %6 &3CIJ& "`738a" (ASIA, Klazomenai; late imperial). @ Blu+mel, W., &3Die Inschriften von Iasos.& 2 vols. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 28,1%19`2. Bonn 1985. &3IK &3Iasos& 1.193 %6 &3CIJ& 749 (CARIA, Iasos; mid%19`2nd ac); __ &3IK Iasos 2.284 %6 &3CIJ& "`749a", 377 %6 &3CIJ& "`749b" (3rd ac). @ Merkelbach, R., &3Die Inschriften von Kalchedon.& "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 20. Bonn 1980. &3IK &3Kalchedon& 75 [&3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 411] %6 &3CIJ& 800 (BITHYNIA, near Hieron: Arnavutko+y), 76 %6 &3CIJ& 801 (Chrysopolis; 4th%19`6th ac). @ Becker%19Bertau, F., &3Die Inschriften von Klaudiu polis. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 31. Bonn 1986. &3IK Klaudpl& 180 %6 &3CIJ& "`801a" (HONORIAS, Plain of Bolu; 3rd ac). @ Ihnken, Th., &3Die Inschriften von Magnesia am Sipylos. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 8. Bonn 1978. &3IK Magnesia Sipyl.& 27 %6 &3CIJ& 753 (ASIA, Magnesia Sipyl.). @ Petzl, G., &3Die Inschriften von Smyrna.& 3 vols. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 23%19`24,1%19`2. Bonn 1982%19`1990. &3IK Smyrna& 1.295 %6 &3CIJ& 741 (ASIA, Smyrna; 2nd%19`4th ac?), 296 %6 &3CIJ& "`741a", 297 %6 &3CIJ& "`741b", 298 %6 &3CIJ& "`741c"; __ &3IK Smyrna& 2,1.697 %6 &3CIJ& 742 (ca. 124 ac), 697 %6 &3CIJ& 742 (ca. 124 ac), 844a %6 &3CIJ& 739 (4th%19`5th ac?), 844b %6 &3CIJ& 740 (4th%19`5th ac?). @ Poljakov, F., &3Die Inschriften von Tralleis und Nysa, I: Die &3Inschriften von Tralleis.& "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 36,1. Bonn 1989. &3IK Tralle&s 240 [Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 30] %6 &3CIJ& "`756a" (ASIA, Tralles; 3rd ac), 241 %6 &3CIJ& "`756a(2)". @ Dagron, G., and D. Feissel, &3Inscriptions de Cilicie.& Paris 1987. &3ICilicie& 14 %6 &3CIJ& "`795a" (ISAURIA, Diokaisareia; 4th%19`5th ac), 36 %6 &3CIJ& "`795b" (CILICIA I, Tarsos; 6th ac). @ &3Inscriptions de De/los& ed. F. Durrbach, P. Roussel, et al. 7 vols. Paris 1926%19`1972. &3ID& 2328 %6 &3CIJ& 729 (C. AEGEAN, Delos; 1st bc), 2329 %6 &3CIJ& 726 (1st bc), 2330 %6 &3CIJ& 728 (1st bc), 2331 %6 &3CIJ& 727 (1st bc), 2332 %6 &3CIJ& 730 (1st bc), 2333 %6 &3CIJ 731 (1st bc), 2532,I%19`2532,II %6 &3CIJ& 725a%19`725b (Rheneia; end 2nd%19beg. 1st), @ Jalabert, L., and R. Mouterde, &3Inscriptions grecques et &3latines de la Syrie.& Vols. 1%19`5. Paris 1929%19`1959. &3IGLSyr& 1.48 %6 &3CIJ& "`782a" (EUPHRATENSIS, Perre), 90 %6 &3CIJ& 782 (Germanicia); __ &3IGLSyr& 3.770 %6 &3CIJ& "`818b" (SYRIA I, Antiochia; 6th ac?), 789 %6 &3CIJ& "`818c"; __ &3IGLSyr& 1319%19`1334 %6 &3CIJ& 803%19`818 (SYRIA II, Apamea; 391 ac), 1335%19`1337 %6 &3CIJ& "`817a%19`817c" (ca. 391 ac), 1410 %6 &3CIJ& 847 (Apamea: Frikya=; 325 ac), 1667 %6 &3CIJ& 846 (Apamea: Sera=%102 ["Sindja=r"]; 462%3`3 ac). @ Rey%19Coquais, J.%19P., &3Inscriptions grecques et latines de la &3Syrie. VI. Baalbek et Beqa'.& Paris 1967. &3IGLSyr& 6.2931 %6 &3CIJ 852 (PHOENICE LIB., Heliopolis: Nihata; 4th ac?). @ Mitford, T.B., &3The Inscriptions of Kourion.& Philadelphia 1971. &3Kourion& 70 %6 &3CIJ& "`736c" (CYPRUS, Kourion; late Hell.). @ Sacco, G., &3Iscrizioni greche d'Italia: Porto.& Rome 1984. &3IPorto& 8 %6 &3CIJ& App. 3,49b* (LATIUM, Portus), 48 [Pag] %6 &3CIJ 542, 58 [Pag] %6 &3CIJ& 551c, 59 [Pag] %6 &3CIJ& 549, 62 [Pag] %6 &3CIJ 551d, 63 [Pag] %6 &3CIJ& 551e, 71 [Chr] %6 &3CIJ& 551a, 73 [Chr] %6 &3CIJ 546, 77 [Chr] %6 &3CIJ& 541, 82 [Chr] %6 &3CIJ& 551b, 84 %6 &3CIJ& 548 (2nd%19`3rd ac), 85 %6 &3CIJ& 548a (4th ac), 86 %6 &3CIJ& 544, 87a %6 &3CIJ 536, 87b %6 &3CIJ& 540, 88 %6 &3CIJ& 545, 89 %6 &3CIJ& 538, 90 %6 &3CIJ& 539 (2nd ac?), 91a %6 &3CIJ& 535, 91b %6 &3CIJ& 543, 92 %6 &3CIJ& 535a, 93 %6 &3CIJ& 535b, 94 %6 &3CIJ& 547, 101 [Fr] %6 &3CIJ& 550. @ Welles, C.B., in C.H. Kraeling, &3Gerasa. City of the Decapolis. New Haven 1938. &3Gerasa& 473,285%19`286 %6 &3CIJ& 867a%19`867b (ARABIA, Gerasa; 5th ac). @ Buckler, W.H., W.M. Calder and W.K.C. Guthrie, &3Monuments and &3Documents from Eastern Asia and Western Galatia.& "Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua," 4. Manchester 1933. &3MAMA& 4.90 %6 &3CIJ 759 (PHRYGIA SAL., Synnada; 1st%19`2nd ac); 202 %6 &3CIJ& 772 (PISIDIA, Apollonia; 1st%19`2nd ac). @ Buckler, W.H., and W.M. Calder, &3Monuments and Documents from &3Phrygia and Caria.& "Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua," 6. Manchester 1939. &3MAMA& 6.264 %6 &3CIJ& 766 (PHRYGIA PAC., Akmonia; end 1st ac?), 277 %6 &3CIJ& 765 (near Akmonia), 287 %6 &3CIJ& 763, 316 %6 &3CIJ& 768, 323 %6 &3CIJ& "`771a", 325 %6 &3CIJ& "`771b" (255%3`6 ac), 334 %6 &3CIJ& "`771c" (Akmonia), 335 %6 &3CIJ& "`771d" (near Akmonia). @ Mitchell, S., &3Regional Epigraphic Catalogues of Asia Minor, &3II: The Ankara District, The Inscriptions of North Galatia. Oxford 1982. &3RECAM& II,133 %6 &3CIJ& 796 (GALATIA I, near Eudoxias), 141 %6 &3CIJ& "`796a", 209B %6 &3CIJ& "`797a" (NE. of Ankyra; 3rd ac?), 509 %6 &3CIJ& "`797b" (NE. of Tavia), 510 %6 &3CIJ "&`797c", 511 %6 &3CIJ "`797d", 512 %6 &3CIJ& "`797e". @ &3Revue Biblique& (Paris). &3RevBibl& 71 (1964) 384,1 %6 &3CIJ "`890a(6)" (PALAESTINA I, Caesarea Maritima), 385,2 %6 &3CIJ "`890a(7)", 386,3 %6 &3CIJ& "`890a(8)"; __ &3RevBibl& 72 (1965) 98,1 %6 &3CIJ& "`890a(9)" (Caesarea), 99,2 %6 &3CIJ& "`890b(1)", 100,5 %6 &3CIJ "`890b(2)", 100,6 %6 &3CIJ& "`890b(3)", 101,7 %6 &3CIJ& "`890b(4)", 103,14 %6 &3CIJ& "`890b(5)", 105,22 %6 &3CIJ& "`890b(6)", 107,26 %6 &3CIJ "`890b(7)" (Caesarea?); __ &3RevBibl& 73 (1966) 256,2 %6 &3CIJ "`890b(8)" (Caesarea); __ &3RevBibl& 74 (1967) 50,1 %6 &3CIJ "`890b(9)" (Caesarea), 52,2 %6 &3CIJ& "`890c(1)", 52,3 %6 &3CIJ "`890c(2)", 52,4 %6 &3CIJ& "`890c(3)", 53,5 %6 &3CIJ& "`890c(4)", 55,8 %6 &3CIJ& "`890c(5)", 55,9 %6 &3CIJ& "`890c(6)", 55,11 %6 &3CIJ& "`890c(7)"; __ &3RevBibl& 78 (1971) 248,3 %6 &3CIJ& "`890c(8)" (Caesarea), 249,4 %6 &3CIJ& "`890c(9)", 250,6 %6 &3CIJ& "`890d(1)", 250,7 %6 &3CIJ& "`890d(2)", 250,8 %6 &3CIJ& "`890d(3)", 251,9 %6 &3CIJ& "`890d(4)". @ Robert, L., &3Hellenica. Recueil d'e/pigraphie, de numismatique &3et d'antiquite/s grecques.& Paris 1940%19`1960. __ &3Hellenica& 11%19`12 (1960), p. 409 %6 &3CIJ& "`771e" (PHRYGIA PAC., near Akmonia; 3rd ac). @ ˺S%25ahin, S., &3Katalog der antiken Inschriften des Museums von &3Iznik (Nikaia).& 2 vols. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 9%19`10. Bonn 1979%19`1982. &3IK Nikaia& 2,1.615 %6 &3CIJ "`800a" (BITHYNIA, Nikaia). @ &3Salo Wittmayer Barron Jubilee Volume.& Jerusalem 1975. Pp. 229%19`235 [&3BE/& 1976.798] %6 &3CIJ& "`671a" (GALLIA, Antipolis). @ Buckler, W., and D. Robinson, &3Sardis, VII: Greek and Latin &3Inscriptions,& Part I. Leiden 1932. &3Sardis& 7,1.17 %6 &3CIJ& 751 (LYDIA, Sardeis; ca. 200 ac), 187 %6 &3CIJ& 750 (3rd%19`4th ac), @ &3Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum& (Leiden). &3SEG& 8.144 %6 &3CIJ 958 (PALAESTINA I, Joppa; 3rd%19`4th ac); __ &3SEG& 14.623 %6 &3CIJ& 136 (ROME, Via Appia); __ &3SEG& 15.807 %6 &3CIJ& 760 (PHRYGIA PAC., Akmonia; 248%3`9 ac); __ &3SEG& 26.1182 %6 &3CIJ& 66 (ROME, Via Nomentana; 3rd%19`4th ac?), 1203 %6 &3CIJ& 12, 1205 %6 &3CIJ& 25, 1206 %6 &3CIJ& 44; 1670 %6 &3CIJ& 916 (PALAESTINA I, Joppa), __ &3SEG& 29.309 %6 &3CIJ& "`718b" (PELOPONNESOS, Corinthia, Corinth; 2nd%19`3rd ac?); __ &3SEG& 31.1388 %6 &3CIJ& 871 (PHOENICE, Byblos); __ &3SEG 33.1278 %6 &3CIJ& 1293 (PALAESTINA I, Jerusalem; 1st bc%19`1st ac); 1298 %6 &3CIJ& "`984b" (PALAESTINA II, Tiberias; 4th ac), 1299 %6 &3CIJ& "`984c" (4th ac). @ &3Tituli Asiae Minoris& (Vienna). __ &3TAM& 2,2.612 %6 &3CIJ& 757 (LYCIA, Tlos; end 1st ac); __ &3TAM& 3,1.448 %6 &3CIJ& "`758a" (PAMPHYLIA, Termessos; 3rd ac); __ &3TAM& 4,1.319 %6 &3CIJ& "`799c" (BITHYNIA, Nikomedeia; 3rd ac), 374 %6 &3CIJ& 798 (mid%19`3rd ac), 375 %6 &3CIJ& "`799a" (mid%19`3rd ac), 376 %6 &3CIJ& "`799b" (mid%19`3rd ac), 377 %6 &3CIJ& 799 (mid%19`3rd ac); @ &3Travaux et me/moires& (Paris). __ &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 411 %6 &3CIJ 800 [Ebersolt, &3Mission& 51,7; &3IK Kalchedon& 75] (BITHYNIA, near Hieron: Arnavutko+y). @ &3Zeitschrift fu+r Papyrologie und Epigraphik& (Bonn). __ &3ZPE& 7 (1971) 151,2 %6 &3CIJ& "`1414a" (PALAESTINA III, Sinai: Umm%19Sideira), 162,21 %6 &3CIJ& "`890d(5)" (PALAESTINA I, Caesarea Maritima; 5th ac). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@Hebrew and Aramaic Inscriptions @ The collection here is incomplete. Includes only__excluding Hebrew passages in Greek or Latin texts: &3CIJ& I,73%19`74 (ROME, Via Labicana); 290 (Cat. Monteverde), 292%19`293, 294 [Lifshitz (1975) 33], 295; 554 (CAMPANIA, Nola); 555 (Neapolis); 569 [L. 44] (APULIA, Venusia [Venosa]), 571%19`574, 595 [Gk. in Hebr. script]; 620%19`626 (CALABRIA, Tarentum); 633 (Bari); 656 (SARDINIA, Macomer; 5th%19`6th ac), 666 (GALLIA, Vienna [Vienne]; end 7th ac?), 668 [L. 58] (Arelate [Arles]; end 7th ac?), 669 [L. 58]; __ &3CIJ& I, App. 3,48* (LATIUM, Ostia), App. 5,88* (CAMPANIA, Nola); __ &3CIJ& II,737 (CYPRUS, place?; Archaic); 819 (SYRIA I, Beroia; 5th%19`6th ac); 821%19`824 (PHOENICE LIBAN., Palmyra; 3rd ac); 825 (EUPHRATENSIS [ex%19Syria], Dura%19Europos; 194 ac), 826,a%19`826,c [Welles, in Kraeling, &3Excavations at &3Dura%19Europos, VIII,1: The Synagogue& (1956) 274,20%19`275,22] (before 244 ac), 827 [&3EDE& 8,1.274,19] (before 244 ac), 828a%19`828b [&3EDE& 8,1.267,1b and 263,1a] (244%3`5 ac), 834 [&3EDE 8,1.269,3] (244%3`5 ac), 835 [&3EDE& 8,1.270,5] (244%3`5 ac), 836 [&3EDE& 8,1.270,4] (244%3`5 ac), 840 [&3EDE& 8,1.271,7] (244%3`5 ac), 841 [&3EDE& 8,1.272,11] (244%3`5 ac), 842,a [&3EDE& 8,1.271,9] (244%3`5 ac), 842,b [&3EDE& 8,1.272,10] (244%3`5 ac), 842,c [&3EDE& 8,1.271,8] (244%3`5 ac), 843 [&3EDE& 8,1.273,16] (after 244%3`5 ac), 845; 853 (ARABIA, Naveh); 854 (PALAESTINA II, Kh. Kanef), 855 (Apheca; 3rd%19`4th ac), 856%19`859 (H%1ammat Gader; ca. 400%19`450 ac); 862 (ARABIA, Edrai+), 866 (Gerasa; 5th ac?); 868 (PALAESTINA I, Tyrus Ammantidos; 3rd ac); 869 (PHOENICE, Byblus); 884%19`885 (Ptolemais?: Husifa; 6th ac); 886 (PALAESTINA I, Caesarea Maritima), 892%19`898 (Joppa), 962%19`963 (Ascalon); 971 (PALAESTINA II, Thella), 973 (%102Alma), 974 (Kefar Bar%102am; 2nd ac), 975, 976 (Giscala), 977 (Kefar Niburaia), 978 (Meroth), 979 (er%19Rama; 3rd ac), 980 (Kefar Hananyah; 6th ac?), 981 (Korazim%19Chorozain; 6th ac?), 982 (Capharnau+m; ca. 400%19`450 ac?), 987 (Kafr Kanna=; 3rd%19`4th ac), 988 (Nazareth), 989 (Sepphoris%19Diocaesarea; before 352 ac), 990, 994b [Mazar, &3Beth &3She%102arim, I& (1940) 199,23] (Beth She%102arim), 1002 [&3BS I,201,67], 1019 [&3BS& I,197,8], 1024 [&3BS& I,198,12], 1027 [&3BS I,199,17], 1028 [&3BS& I,199,18], 1042 [&3BS& I,201,40], 1057, 1058, 1070 [&3BS& I,202,79], 1074 [&3BS& I,202,83], 1075 [&3BS& I,202,84], 1076 [&3BS& I,203,85], 1077 [&3BS& I,203,86], 1078 [&3BS& I,203,87], 1079 [&3BS& I,203,88], 1080 [&3BS& I,204,89], 1082 [&3BS& I,204,93], 1083 [&3BS& I,204,94], 1087 [&3BS& I,204,98], 1090a [&3BS& I,205,101], 1090b [&3BS& I,205,101a], 1093 [&3BS& I,205,104], 1096b [&3BS I,205,108], 1112 [&3BS& I,207,130], 1114 [&3BS& I,207,132], 1115 [&3BS I,207,133], 1131%19`1133, 1142, 1144%19`1146, 1148, 1156, 1159; 1162%19`1165 (Beth Alpha; 6th ac); 1168 (PALAESTINA I, Neapolis), 1170 (%102Ain Sinja), 1171 (Gofna), 1176%19`1182 (Gezer), 1185 (Emmau+s%19Nicopolis; 3rd ac?), 1187%19`1188, 1190 (Kirjath Je%102arim), 1191 (Machmas), 1192%19`1194 (Rama), 1195 (Eleutheropolis); 1196 (PALAESTINA III, Beersheba); 1197%19`1207 (PALAESTINA I, Na%102aran; 5th%19`6th ac); 1208 (PALAESTINA III, Zoara; 433 ac); 1210 (PALAESTINA I, Jerusalem; 2nd bc%19`2nd ac), 1215%19`1223, 1240%19`1245, 1246%3`1%19`1246%3`3, 1247%19`1249, 1253%19`1255, 1257%19`1259, 1261%19`1263, 1265, 1281, 1285%19`1292, 1294%19`1301, 1304%19`1323, 1331%19`1335, 1342, 1345%19`1346, 1348, 1351%19`1354, 1356%19`1365, 1370%19`1371, 1377, 1379%19`1380, 1384, 1386 (2nd bc%19`2nd ac), 1388%19`1397, 1398 (6th ac?), 1399, 1401%19`1403, 1407 (1st ac), 1408%19`1411, 1413; 1415%19`1416, 1418 (OSRHOENE, Edessa; 1st%19`4th ac); 1421 (ARABIA FELIX, Hegra), 1422 (42 ac), 1423 (el%19%102Ela; 306 ac); 1424 (EGYPT, Alexandria), 1425 (3rd bc), 1426, 1533 (Minieh), 1534 (Antinoopolis), 1536 (place?). __ Additions: Scheiber, &3CIHungJud&(`2) 9 %6 &3CIJ& "`679a" (PANNONIA, Ciglana; end 4th ac); Avigad, &3Beth She%102arim, III& (1971) 233,1%19`235,3 (PALAESTINA II, Sepphoris%19Diocaesarea: Beth She%102arim; 3rd ac), 236,5%19`238,8, 239,11%19`251,28; Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 41,28 (CYRENAICA, Kyrene; before 586 bc); Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives ... Afrique romaine," &3Antiquite/s &3africaines& 17 (1981), 180,22%19`180,23 (AFRICA PROC., Carthage), 181,24 (2nd%19`3rd ac); 195,80 (MAURETANIA TING., Volubilis; 4th ac?), 199,111%19`199,112 (AFRICA PROC., Carthage). @ @@"INSCRIPTIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN EMPIRE": DATED INSCRIPTIONS @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@John M. Mansfield @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@`9.30.1992 @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Introductory Notes @ If the ideal list of dated inscriptions of the Christian Empire were a three%19legged stool, this would be a stool with only one leg. The list represents a mechanical compilation of the raw dates assigned by the editors to inscriptions contained in the data bank. The dates have not be verified or corrected. The late%19antique texts from H. Dessau, &3Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae& (1892%19`1916) have been included, but not those published in E. Diehl, &3Inscriptiones &3Latinae Christianae Veteres& (1925%19`1928). The two missing legs are: (1) the dated Latin inscriptions from &3ILCV& and other collections, and especially the material, Latin and Greek, so carefully analyzed in the compilation of R.S. Bagnall, A. Cameron, S.R. Schwartz and K.A. Worp, &3Consuls of the Later &3Roman Empire& (Atlanta 1987), and (2) a brief indication of the type and character of each inscription listed, and the basis for the dating (consulate, local era, &3annus mundi, etc.) @ The largest number of inscriptions contained in the data bank are datable to the period between 285 and 1453 A.C.; however, since the data bank also includes Jewish inscriptions of the Late Hellenistic and Early Imperial periods, the list of dated inscriptions begins with the third century B.C. The earliest datable, certainly Christian inscription in the list is the funerary monument of Aberkios from ca. 170%19`200 A.C. (&3JHS& 4 [`1993] 424%19`427 [&3SEG& 30,1479]). @ For the seventh century on, all inscriptions in the data bank attributed to each century and each range of centuries are also included. The special value of this list of dated inscriptions, even with all its obvious deficiencies, lies in its coverage of the period from the seventh to the fifteenth century A.C. @ Dates expressed in ranges are located in the list according to the first date in the range. Ranges of less than fifty years are placed in the main series of inscriptions dated to particular years, reigns etc., while ranges of fifty years or more are given separately. @ Discrepancies in editorial practice and errors by editors cause problems throughout. Discrepant dates, for example, are commonly assigned by different editors to equivalent texts in the period of the Tetrarchy. For later periods, different ways of presenting a year as determined by an indiction%19date may lead to the result that inscriptions from the same year are listed side%19by%19side in three different ways. @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@THIRD CENTURY B.C. @ LARGER RANGES: __ &1`300%19`250& bc: &3AEph& 1952.194 [&3CIJ& 711b, Lifshitz (1975) 82] (&7Boiotia,& Oropos). __ &1`250%19`175& bc: &3SEG& 32,810 (&7C. Aegean,& Delos). __ &1`250%19`50& bc: &3SEG& 32,809 (&7C. Aegean,& Delos). @ DATES AND SMALLER RANGES: __ &1`246%19`221& bc: &3CIJ& 1440 [Bernand, &3Delta& I (1970) 414,3] (&7Egypt,& Schedia); Lewis, in &3CPJud& III (1964), App. I, 1532a [Bernand, &3IFayoum& I (1975) 1] (&7Egypt, Krokodilopolis). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@SECOND CENTURY B.C. @ LARGER RANGES: __ &1`125%19`75& bc ("end 2nd%3beg. 1st bc"): &3CIJ 725a%19`725b [&3ID& 2532,I%19`2532,II] (&7C. Aegean,& Rheneia). @ @ DATES AND SMALLER RANGES: __ [&1`200&] bc: &3CIJ& 1531 [Bernand, &3IFayoum& III (1981) 206] (&7Egypt,& Fayu=m; ca. 200 bc?). __ &1`181%19`145& bc: &3CIJ& 1443%19`144 (&7Egypt,& Athribis; 181%19`145 bc?). __ &1`158%3`6& bc: &3CIJ& 709 (&7Phokis,& Delphi; "ca. 170%19`157%3`6 bc"). __ &1`170%19`156& bc: &3CIJ& 709 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 81] (&7Phokis, __ [&1`162&] bc: &3CIJ& 710 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 81] (&7Phokis,& Delphi; ca. 162 bc). __ &1`143%19`117& bc: &3CIJ& 1441 [Bernand, &3Delta& I (1970) 928,2] (&7Egypt,& Psenemphaia) and 1442 [Bernand, &3Delta& I (1970) 960,1] (&7Egypt,& Nitriai). __ &1`119& bc: &3CIJ& 711 (&7Phokis,& Delphi). __ &1`117& bc: &3CIJ& 1490 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 14] (&7Egypt, Leontopolis). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@FIRST CENTURY B.C. @ LARGER RANGES: __ &1`50%19`1& bc: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 36 (&7Italy, Lanuvium; ca. 50%19`1 bc). __ &1`25& bc%19&1`25& ac ("end 1st bc%3beg. 1st bc"): &3CIJ& 1481%19`1487, 1491, 1494%19`1497, 1501%19`1507 (&7Egypt,& Leontopolis). @ DATES AND SMALLER RANGES: __ &1`81%19`82& bc: &3SEG& 33,1276 (&7Palaest., Jerusalem; ca. 81%19`82 bc). __ &1`37& bc: &3CIJ& 1432 (&7Egypt,& Alexandria). __ &1`33& bc: &3CIJ& 1488 (&7Egypt,& Leontopolis; 33 bc?). __ &1`29& bc: &3CIJ& 1532 [Bernand, &3IFayoum& III (1981) 210] (&7Egypt, Fayu=m). __ &1`28& bc: &3CIJ& 1466 (&7Egypt,& Leontopolis). __ &1`27& bc: &3CIJ& 1514 (&7Egypt,& Leontopolis). __ &1`26& bc: Lewis, in &3CPJud& III (1964), App. I, 1530c (&7Egypt, Leontopolis). __ &1`26%3`5& bc: &3CIJ& 1492 (&7Egypt,& Leontopolis). __ &1`23& bc: &3CIJ& 1493 (&7Egypt,& Leontopolis). __ &1`20& bc: &3CIJ& 1509 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 45] (&7Egypt, Leontopolis; 20 bc?). __ &1`18%19`17& bc: &3SEG& 33,1277 (&7Palaest.,& Jerusalem). __ &1`14& bc: &3CIJ& 1512 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 94] and 1530 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 43 (&7Egypt,& Leontopolis; 14 bc?). __ &1`5& bc: &3CIJ& 1498, 1510(?) [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 42] and 1519 (&7Egypt,& Leontopolis). __ &1`4& bc: &3CIJ& 1471(?) and 1499 (&7Egypt,& Leontopolis; 4 bc?). __ &1`3& bc: &3CIJ& 1520 (&7Egypt,& Leontopolis). __ &1`1& bc: &3CIJ& 1524 (&7Egypt,& Leontopolis). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@FIRST CENTURY A.C. @ LARGER RANGES: __ &1`1%19`50&: &3SEG& 32,790 (&7N. Shore Euxine, Gorgippia; ca. 1%19`50). __ &1`10%19`74&: &3SEG& 31,1406%19`1407 (&7Palaest.,& Jericho). __ &1`25%19`80&: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 43a%19`43e (&7Kyrenaike, Teucheira; ca. 25%19`80). __ &1`75%19`125& ("end 1st%19beg. 2nd c. ac"): Bagatti and J. Milik, &3Scavi del "Dominus Flevit"& (1958) 89,21 [Guard. &3EG& IV,441,1a] (&7Palaest. I,& Jerusalem). @ @ DATES AND SMALLER RANGES: __ &1`1& ac: &3CIJ& 1476 (&7Egypt, Leontopolis). __ &1`3&: Reynolds, in Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983), App. 12g (&7Kyrenaike,& Teucheira). __ &1`3%3`4&: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 7 (&7Kyrenaike,& Kyrene). __ &1`4&: &3CIJ& 1500 (&7Egypt,& Leontopolis). __ &1`5&: &3CIJ& 1454 and 1516 (&7Egypt,& Leontopolis). __ &1`8&: &3CIJ& 1539 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 95] (&7Egypt, Leontopolis?). __ &1`10%3`11&: &3CIJ& 1457 (&7Egypt,& Leontopolis; 10%3`11?). __ &1`16&: &3CIJ& 691 [Struve, &3CIRB& (1965) 985; cf. Lifshitz (1975) 69] (&7Cimm. Bosphoros,& Phangoria). __ &1`24%3`5&: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 70%19`71 (&7Kyrenaike,& Berenike). __ &1`31&: &3ANRW& 2,8 (1977) 501 [Le/monon, &3Pilate et le gouvernement &3de la Jude/e& (1981) 23%19`32] (&7Palaest. I,& Caesarea; 31?). __ &1`33%3`4&: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 63b (&7Kyrenaike,& Teucheira; 33%3`4?). __ &1`37&: &3CIJ& 1527 (&7Egypt,& Leontopolis). __ &1`40%19`50&: &3SEG& 20,492 (&7Palaest.,& Talpioth). __ &1`41&: &3CIJ& 690 [Struve, &3CIRB& (1965) 1123] (&7Cimm. Bosphoros, Gorgippa). __ &1`41%3`2&: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 30 (&7Kyrenaike,& Balagrai). __ &1`42&: &3CIJ& 1422 (&7Arabia,& Hegra). __ &1`47%3`8&: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 4 (&7Kyrenaike,& Apollonia). __ &1`49%3`50&: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 53c (&7Kyrenaike,& Teucheira; 49%3`50?). __ &1`50%19`54&: &3SEG& 31,1405 (&7Palaest.,& Jericho). __ &1`55%3`6&: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 72 (&7Kyrenaike,& Berenike). __ &1`57%3`8&: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 50b (&7Kyrenaike,& Teucheira). __ &1`59&: Struve, &3CIRB& (1965) 1124 [&3CIJ& 690b, Lifshitz (1975) 68] (&7Cimm. Bosphoros,& Gorgippa). __ &1`59%3`60&: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 67e (&7Kyrenaike,& Teucheira). __ &1`60%3`1&: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 8%19`9 (&7Kyrenaike,& Kyrene). __ &1`64%3`5&: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 50a (&7Kyrenaike,& Teucheira). __ &1`66%3`7&: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 52c (&7Kyrenaike,& Teucheira). __ &1`67%3`8&: Struve, &3CIRB& (1965) 1126 [&3CIJ& 690a, Lifshitz (1975) 67] (&7Cimm. Bosphoros,& Gorgippa); Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 45c (&7Kyrenaike,& Teucheira). __ &1`69%3`70&: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 44f and 58e (&7Kyrenaike, Teucheira). __ &1`70%19`115&: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 42a (&7Kyrenaike, Teucheira; ca. 70%19`115). __ &1`70%3`1&: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 56b (&7Kyrenaike,& Teucheira); Reynolds, in Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983), App. 20i (&7Kyrenaike, Teucheira). __ &1`72%3`3&: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 63e (&7Kyrenaike,& Teucheira). __ &1`73%3`4&: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 57h (&7Kyrenaike,& Teucheira); Reynolds, in Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983), App. 20d (&7Kyrenaike, Teucheira). __ &1`74%3`5&: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 58a (&7Kyrenaike,& Teucheira). __ &1`75%19`100& ("end 1st c. ac"): &3CIJ& 757 [&3TAM& 2,2.612] (&7Lykia, Tlos) and 766 [&3MAMA& 6.264] (&7Phrygia Pac.,& Akmonia; end 1st?). __ &1`75%3`6&: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 50c (&7Kyrenaike,& Teucheira). __ &1`76%3`7&: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 44h%19`44j and 51e (&7Kyrenaike, Teucheira). __ &1`79%3`80&: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 56a (&7Kyrenaike,& Teucheira). __ &1`80%3`1&: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 58d (&7Kyrenaike,& Teucheira). __ &1`80&: Reynolds, in Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983), App. 9b and 12b (&7Kyrenaike,& Teucheira). __ &1`81&: &3CIJ& 683 [Struve, &3CIRB& (1965) 70] (&7Cimm. Bosphoros, Panticapaeum). __ &1`81%3`2&: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 53b (&7Kyrenaike,& Teucheira). __ &1`86&: Reynolds, in Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983), App. 3 (&7Kyrenaike,& Kyrene). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@SECOND CENTURY A.C. @ LARGER RANGES: __ &1`125%19`175& ("mid%19`2nd c. ac"): &3CIJ& 749 [&3IK Iasos 193] (&7Karia,& Iasos); &3SEG& 32,1485 (&7Syria,& Sidon; mid%19`2nd). __ &1`150%19`200&: &3NSc& 1920,231 [&3BullComm& 57 (1929) 307,10; Guard. &3EG IV,533,2] (&7Italy,& Rome: C.Pamphili; ca. 150%19`200). @ @ DATES AND SMALLER RANGES: __ &1`100%19`125& ("beg. 2nd c. ac"): &3CIJ 752 (&7Lydia,& Thyateira); Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives ... Afrique romaine," &3Antiquite/s africaines& 17 (1981), 84 (&7Africa Proc., Carthage). __ &1`102&: &3SEG& 31,1410a (&7Palaest.,& Joppa). __ &1`107&: &3SEG& 31,1410b (&7Palaest.,& Joppa). __ &1`110&: &3SEG& 31,1410c (&7Palaest.,& Joppa). __ &1`117%3`8&: &3SEG& 8,2 (&7Phoenice,& Tyros: K%1edes Naphtali). __ &1`118&: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 17%19`18, 20, 24%19`25 (&7Kyrenaike, Kyrene) and 19 and 21 (&7Kyrenaike,& Kyrene; ca. 118?); __ &1`119&: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 23 (&7Kyrenaike,& Kyrene). __ &1`120%3`1&: &3TAM& 5,1.782 (&7N.E. Lydia,& Area of Go+cek: Yayakirildik). __ &1`124&: &3IK Smyrna& 697 [&3CIJ& 742] (&7Asia,& Smyrna; ca. 124). __ &1`125%3`6&: Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 78 (&7Pontos,& Neoklaudiopolis). __ &1`148&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 54 (&7Egypt,& Alexandria). __ [&1`150&]: &3SEG& 17,455 (&7Italia,& Rome: Vatican; ca. 150?). __ &1`172%19`175&: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 22 (&7Kyrenaike,& Kyrene). __ &1`175%19`210&: &3CIJ& App. III,65* [Struve, &3CIRB& (1965) 74] (&7Cimm. &7Bosphoros,& Panticapaeum) and IV,78* [Struve, &3CIRB& (1965) 1125] (&7Cimm. Bosphoros,& Gorgippia). __ &1`170%19`200&: &3JHS& 4 (1993) 424%19`427 [&3SEG& 30,1479; Guard., &3EG IV,377] (&7Phrygia Sal.,& Hierapolis; ca. 170%19`200 ac [before 216 ac]). __ &1`175%19`200& ("end 2nd c. ac"): &3CIJ& 746 [&3IK Ephesos& 1676] (&7Ionia,& Ephesos); Moretti, &3IGUR& 1061 [&3IG& 14.2184] (&7Italia, Roma); &3Journal des Savants& 1975,47 [Guard., &3EG& IV,494,2] (&7Gallia,& Lyons; end 2nd?); &3CIJ& 678a [Lifshitz (1975) 60] (&7Pannonia,& Mursa); Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives ... Afrique romaine," &3Antiquite/s africaines& 17 (1981), 40 (&7Africa Proc., Carthage). __ &1`176&: &3CIJ& 891 (&7Palaest.,& Apollonias). __ &1`188%3`9&: &3CIJ& 872 (&7Phoenicia Litt.,& Byblos). __ &1`193%19`211&: Moretti, &3IGUR& 424 [&3IG& 14.1480] (&7Italia,& Roma). __ &1before 194&: Moretti, &3IGUR& 1.82 (&7Rome,& Forum; before 194). __ &1`194&: &3CIJ& 825 (&7Syria,& Dura%19Europos). __ [&1`198&]: &3CIJ& 972 (&7Palaest.,& Kaysoun; ca. 198?). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@THIRD CENTURY A.C. @ LARGER RANGES: __ &1`200%19`225%3`250& ("early 3rd c. ac"): Drew%19Bear, &3Nouvelles inscr. de Phrygie& (1978) 75,8 [&3SEG& 28.1126] (&7Phrygia &7Pac.,& Eumeneia); &3SEG& 34,1396 (&7Lykaonia,& Sizma); &3SEG& 32,1625%3`7 (&7region?,& place?). __ &1`200%19`250&: &3LBW& V,780 [&3Studies Eastern Roman Provinces& (1906) 217(16)] (&7Phrygia Sal.,& Altintas%25; ca. 200%19`250?); &3SEG& 6,204 (&7Phrygia,& Eumenia; ca. 200%19`250); Schwabe and Lifshitz, &3Beth &3She%102arim, II& (1964) 97,127 (&7Palaest.,& Beth She%102arim; ca. 200%19`250?). &3IChUR& 5,12889 [Guard, &3EG& IV,545,4] (&7Rome,& C. Catacumbas; ca. 200%19`250). __ &1`225%19`275& ("mid%19`3rd c. ac"): &3SEG& 29,1378 (&7Phrygia, Afyonkarahisar); &3TAM& 4:1.374 [&3CIJ& 798], 375%19`376 and 377 [&3CIJ 799] (&7Bithynia,& Nikomedia). __ &1`250%19`300&: &3MAMA& 4,221%19`222 (&7Pisidia,& Apollonia; ca. 250%19`300); Schwabe and Lifshitz, &3Beth She%102arim, II& (1964) 157,183 (&7Palaest.,& Beth She%102arim; ca. 250%19`300); &3Studi Classici e &3Orientali& 19%19`20 (1971%19`1972) 442 [&3BE& 1972,635] (&7Italy, Rome:Lateran; ca. 250%19`300?); __ &1`250%19`300& ("later 3rd c. ac"): &3MAMA& 4,32 (&7Phrygia Sal.,& Afyon Karahisar); Scheiber, &3CIHungJud&(`2) 4%19`7 (&7Pannonia,& Intercisa). __ &1`250%3`275%19`300& ("late 3rd c. ac"): &3MAMA& 4,320 (&7Phrygia Pac., Karapinar); &3Corinth& 8,3.304 [&3CIJ& 718a, Lifshitz (1975) 85] (&7Peloponnesos,& Korinthos); &3ILS& 2778 [&3CIL& 11.837] (&7Umbria, Spoletium). __ &1`275%19`325& ("end 3rd%19beg. 4th c. ac"): &3SEG& 28,512 (&7Thess., Demetrias); &3CIJ& 708c [Lifshitz (1975) 81] (&7Thess.,& Volos Museum); &3SEG& 26,1366 (&7Phrygia,& Appia); &3SEG& 26,1371 [II: &3SEG 36.1193] (&7Phrygia,& Iulia?); &3SEG& 32,1105 (&7Caria,& Aphrodisias); &3AS& 17 (1967) 104,6%19`104,7 (&7Pisidia,& Antiocheia); Moretti, &3IGUR 1351 [&3IG& 14.2068] (&7Italia,& Roma); &3SEG& 15,583 (&7Sicilia, Syracusa; ca. 275%19`325); Dessau, &3ILS& 2776 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 9835] (&7Dalmatia,& Promona), 2777 [&3CIL& 11.4787] (&7Umbria,& Spoletium), 2779 [&3CIL& 3.6059] (&7Bithynia,& Nikomedeia; end 3rd%3bg 4th?), 2781 [Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 236, "III%3IV"] (&7Moesia Inf.,& Troismis; end 3rd%3beg. 4th); 2791(?) [&3CIL& 6.32965] (&7Rome,& place?) and 2794(?) [&3CIL& 8.8490] (&7Mauretania,& Sitifis). @ @ DATES AND SMALLER RANGES: __ [&1`200&]: &3IK Ephesos& 3822 [&3CIJ& 755] (&7Lydia,& Hypaipa; ca. 200?); Buckler and Robinson, &3Sardis& VII,1 (1932) 17 [&3CIJ& 751] (&7Lydia,& Sardeis; ca. 200); __ &1`200%19`225& ("beg. 3rd c. ac"): &3CIJ& 678 [Scheiber, &3CIHungJud&(`2) 7] (&7Pannonia,& Siklo/s); &3CIJ& 731a [Lifshitz (1975) 87] (&7C. &7Aegean,& Delos); &3CIJ& App. III,61* [&3IG& 14.2532] (&7Gallia,& Genay). __ &1`201%3`2&: Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 161 (&7Pontos,& Turnouk). __ &1`212&: &3CIJ& 820 (&7Syria,& Palmyra); __ &1`216&: &3BCH& 6 (1882) 518,5 [Ramsay, &3Cities and Bishoprics of &3Phrygia& I,2 (1897) 720,656] (&7Phrygia Sal.,& Otrous). __ &1`222%19`235&: &3IChUR& 7,19933%3`5 [&3CIG& 8613; Guard. &3EG& IV,535,3] (&7Rome,& C. Hippolyti; ca. 222%19`235); &3CIJ& 677 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 59] (&7Pannonia,& Intercisa). __ &1`225%19`250&: Waelkens, &3Die kleinasiatischen Tu+rsteine& (1986) no. 768 [Strubbe, "Catalogue ... Pessinus," &3Fouilles ... &3Pessinonte& (1984) 234,98] (&7Galatia II,& Pessinous; ca. 225%19`250?). __ &1`230%19`256%3`7&: Welles, in Kraeling, &3Excavations at &3Dura%19Europos, VIII,2: The Christian Building& (1967) 90,1%19`92,9 and 95,15%19`97,20 (&7Euphrat.,& Dura%19Europos; ca. 230%19`256%3`7). __ &1`232%3`3&: Welles, in Kraeling, &3Excavations at Dura%19Europos, &3VIII,2: The Christian Building& (1967) 93,10 (&7Euphrat., Dura%19Europos). __ &1`235&: &3IChUR& 4,10670 [&3ILCV& 953] (&7Rome,& C. Callisti). __ &1`236&: &3IChUR& 4,10558 [&3CIG& 9674a; &3ILCV& 1.954] (&7Rome,& C. Callisti). __ &1`239%3`40&: &3SEG& 28,1089 (&7Phrygia,& Altintas). __ &1`242%3`3&: Gibson, &3Christians for Christians& (1978) 42 (&7Phrygia Pac.,& U+ckuyu). __ &1`243%3`4&: &3CIJ& 770 (&7Phrygia Pac.,& Akmonia). __ &1before 244&: Welles, in Kraeling, &3Excavations at &3Dura%19Europos, VIII,1: The Synagogue& (1956) 274,19 [&3CIJ& 827], 274,20 [&3CIJ& 826,a], 275,21 [&3CIJ& 826,b], 275,22 [&3CIJ& 826,c] (&7Syria,& Dura%19Europos; before 244). __ &1`244%3`5&: Welles, in Kraeling, &3Excavations at Dura%19Europos, &3VIII,1: The Synagogue& (1956) 263,1a [&3CIJ& 828b], 267,1b [&3CIJ 828a], 269,3 [&3CIJ& 834], 270,4 [&3CIJ& 836], 270,5 [&3CIJ& 835], 271,7 [&3CIJ& 840], 271,8 [&3CIJ& 842,c], 271,9 [&3CIJ& 842,a], 272,10 [&3CIJ& 842,b] 272,11 [&3CIJ& 841], 277,23 [&3CIJ& 829], 277,24 [&3CIJ 831], 278,25 [&3CIJ& 830], 279,26 [&3CIJ& 832], 279,30 [&3CIJ& 837], 279,31 [&3CIJ& 838], 279,29 [&3CIJ& 839] (&7Syria,& Dura%19Europos); &3CIJ 833 and 844 (&7Syria,& Dura%19Europos). __ &1after 244%3`5&: Welles, in Kraeling, &3Excavations at &3Dura%19Europos, VIII,1: The Synagogue& (1956) 273,16 [&3CIJ& 843] (&7Syria,& Dura%19Europos; after 244%3`5). __ &1`245%19`256&: Welles, in Kraeling, &3Excavations at Dura%19Europos, &3VIII,1: The Synagogue& (1956) 279,32, 280,33 and 280,35 (&7Syria, Dura%19Europos). __ &1`246&: &3SEG& 15,811 (&7Phrygia,& Emircik); &3CIJ& 721c [Lifshitz (1975) 87] (&7Peloponnesos,& Messenia, Korone). __ &1`247&: Mitchell, &3RECAM& II (1982) 325 (&7Galatia I,& S. of Ankyra). __ &1`247%3`8&: &3MAMA& 6,222 (&7Pisidia,& Apameia). __ &1`248%3`9&: Gibson, &3Christians for Christians& (1978) 22 (&7Phrygia &7Sal.,& Altintas%25 town); &3MAMA& 6,335a (&7Phrygia Pac.,& Akmonia); &3CIJ 760 [&3SEG& 15.807] (&7Phrygia Pac.,& Akmonia). __ &1`249&: &3SEG& 6,219 (&7Phrygia,& Eumenia). __ &1`250&: &3MAMA& 6,226 (&7Pisidia,& Apameia); &3IChUR& 4,10694 [&3CIG 9674b] [&3CIG& 9674b; &3ILCV& 1.955a] (&7Rome,& C. Callisti). __ [&1`250&]: &3SEG& 6,203 (&7Phrygia,& Eumenia; ca. 250). __ &1`250%19`275&: &3SEG& 15,801 (&7Phrygia,& C%25epni Ko+y; ca. 250%19`275). __ &1`252&: &3LBW& VI,1990 (&7Arabia,& Salkhad). __ &1`253&: &3MAMA& 4,354 (&7Phrygia Pac.,& Eumeneia). __ &1`253%3`4&: &3MAMA& 4,353 (&7Phrygia Pac.,& Eumeneia); &3CIJ& 773 (&7Phrygia Pac.,& Apameia). __ &1`254&: &3IChUR& 4,10645 [&3CIG& 9674d] [&3CIG& 9674d; &3ILCV& 1.958] (&7Rome,& C. Callisti). __ &1`255&: &3MAMA& 4,355 (&7Phrygia Pac.,& Eumeneia). __ &1`255%3`6&: &3MAMA& 6,325 (&7Phrygia Pac.,& Akmonia). __ &1`256&: &3BCH& 7 (1883) 456,3 (&7Phrygia Pac.,& Sebaste). __ &1`257%3`8&: Drew%19Bear, &3Nouvelles inscr. de Phrygie& (1978) 109,48 [&3SEG& 28,1144] (&7Phrygia Pac.,& Eumeneia). __ &1`258&: &3MAMA& 4,356 (&7Phrygia Pac.,& Eumeneia). __ &1`260&: &3IChUR& 4,12522 [&3CIG& 9654] (&7Rome,& V. Appia%3Ardeat; 260?); &3JHS& 4 (1885) 405,21 (&7Phrygia Sal.,& Kilter). __ &1`263&: &3IK Smyrna& 471 [&3ILCV& 2869] (&7Asia,& Smyrna). __ &1`269&: &3IChUR& 9,24315 [&3ILCV& 3391] (&7Rome,& C. Iordanorum). __ &1`273%3`4&: &3MAMA& 4,357 (&7Phrygia Pac.,& Eumeneia). __ [&1`275&]: Gibson, &3Christians for Christians& (1978) 40 [&3MAMA 6,234] (&7Pisidia,& Apameia; ca. 275). __ &1`275%19`300& ("end 3rd c. ac"): Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 7%19`8 (&7Hellespont,& Kyzikos); Rehm, &3Milet& 1,9 (1928) 339 [Robert, &3Hellenica& 4 (1948) 129,134] (&7Asia,& Miletos; end 3rd?); &3IK &3Klaudiu polis& 44 (&7Bithynia,& Klaudioupolis); &3BCH& 33 (1909) 342,102 (&7Phrygia Sal.,& Synnada; end 3rd?); &3MAMA& 4,236 (&7Pisidia,& Tymandos; end 3rd?); &3SEG& 23,634 (&7Cyprus,& Evdhimou); Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du nord III (1958) 16,14 [&3SEG& 20,348] (&7Syria I,& Qa=t%1u=ra; end 3rd?); &3SEG 32,1553 (&7Arabia,& Q. el%19%102Azraq; end 3rd); Bernand, &3Inscr. gr. &3de Philae, II& (1969) 187 (&7Nubia,& Philai); &3Sammelbuch& 4,7315 (&7Egypt,& place?). __ &1`278%3`79&: Gibson, &3Christians for Christians& (1978) 36 (&7Phrygia Pac.,& Akmonia?). __ &1`282&: &3IChUR& 4,10616 [&3CIG& 9674c; &3ILCV& 1.960] (&7Rome,& C. Callisti). __ &1`284&: Ramsay, &3Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia& I,2 (1897) 698,630 [&3IGRR& 4,695] (&7Phrygia Sal.,& Hieropolis; a: 284, b: 286, c: 292); Bean and Mitford, &3DenkschrWien& 85 (1965) 20,25 (&7Pamphylia,& Kolybrassos). __ &1`284%19`305&: &3IG& 10,2:1.1009 (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike); Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 1 (&7Scythia Minor,& Tomis); &3IG 7,1847 (&7Boiotia,& Thespiai; 284%19`305?); &3IK Ilion& 98 (&7Hellespontus,& Ilion); &3IK Tralles& 250 (&7Asia,& Tralles); &3IK &3Mylasa& 271%19`281 (&7Karia,& Mylasa); &3IK Nikaia& 71 (&7Bithynia, Nikaia); &3TAM& 4,1.28 [Dessau, &3ILS& 613] and 29 (&7Bithynia, Nikomedeia); &3JHS& 19 (1898) 60,8 [Bosch, &3Quellen& (1945) 364,300] (&7Galatia I,& Erkeksu C%25ifluk) and 62,10 [Bosch, &3Quellen (1945) 364,301] (&7Galatia I,& Beyram); Bean, in Mansel et el., &3Side agorasi ve civarindaki binalar& (1956) 80,46 (&7Pamphylia, Side); Welles, in &3Gerasa& (1938) 160%19`162 (&7Arabia,& Gerasa); Breccia, &3Cat. Alexandrie& (1911) 88 (&7Egypt,& Alexandria); Dessau, 612 [&3CIL& 10.5576] (&7Latium,& Fabrateria) and 614 [&3CIL 5.2817] (&7Venetia,& Patavium). __ &1`285&: Dessau, &3ILS& 615 [&3CIL& 14.128] (&7Latium,& Ostia?) and 616 [&3CIL& 8.10396] (&7Numidia,& place?; 285?). __ &1`285%19`286&: &3IK Nikaia& 22 (&7Bithynia,& Nikaia). __ &1`285%19`292&: Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 3 (&7Scythia Minor,& Tomis). __ &1`285%19`293&: &3JHS& 19 (1898) 104,91 [Bosch, &3Quellen& (1945) 363,299] (&7Galatia I,& Karaali); &3MAMA& 6,96 (&7Karia,& Herakleia). __ &1`285%19`305&: &3IK Ephesos& 308, 309A,1%3`2 and 309A,3 (&7Asia, Ephesos); &3SEG& 2,591 (&7Asia,& Teos; 285%19`305?); &3SEG& 34,1291 (&7Phrygia,& Dorylaion); &3TAM& 3,1.80 (&7Pisidia,& Termessos); &3LBW V,1701 (&7Pisidia,& Apameia); &3IG& 9,2.p.248 [&3CIL& 3.7360] (&7Thess., Phalanna); &3IG& 2(2),5202 (&7Attica,& Eleusis); &3IG& 5,2.135 and 138 (&7Pelonnesos,& Arkadia, Tegea); &3IG& 12,5 292 (&7C. Aegean,& Paros; 285%19`305?); &3ICreticae& IV,306 (&7Crete,& Gortyn); &3IG& 12,2.76%19`80 (&7E. &7Aegean,& Lesbos: Mytilene); Charitonides, &3Epigraphai Lesbou. &3Sympleroma& (1978)s 14%19`17, no. 17 (&7E. Aegean,& Lesbos: Mytilene); De/le/age, &3Capitation& (1945) 183 (&7E.Aegean,& Chios); &3IGLSyr& 2,385 (&7Syria I,& Ba=nast%1ur; 285%19`305?); &3IGLSyr& 2,499 (&7Syria I,& Hezreh); &3IGLSyr& 5,2560 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Zai+dal; ca. 285%19`305). &3LBW& VI,2629a (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Palmyra); &3SEG& 7,223 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Damascus); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 234 (&7Arabia,& Umm Idj%19Djima=l; ca. 285%19`305?); &3SEG 18,620%19`621 (&7Palaest.,& Q. Lehavot Hab.); &3SEG& 28,1426 (&7Palaest., Golan); &3SEG& 32,1499 (&7Palaest.,& Caesarea Phil); Milne, &3Cat. &3Cairo& (1905) 44,9278 (&7Egypt,& place?). __ &1`285%19`324&: &3IGLSyr& 7,4007 (&7Phoenice,& Rouad; ca. 285%19`324?). __ &1`286&: Ramsay, &3Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia& I,2 (1897) 698,630 [&3IGRR& 4,695] (&7Phrygia Sal.,& Hieropolis; a: 284, b: 286, c: 292); Bernand, &3Akoris& (1988) 30 [&3SB& 3.6598] (&7Egypt, Akoris). __ &1`286%19`290&: Dessau, &3ILS& 8929 (&7Moesia Inf.,& Oescus). __ &1`286%19`292&: &3IK Klazomenai& 521 (&7Asia,& Klazomenai); &3MAMA& 8,186 (&7Lykaonia,& Almassun). __ &1`286%19`293&: &3IDidyma& 89%19`90 (&7Karia,& Didyma); &3SEG& 36,1205%19`1206 (&7Pisidia,& Hadrianoupolis); &3ICreticae& IV,281 (&7Crete,& Gortyn); Heberdey and Wilhelm, &3DenkschrWien& 44,6 (1896) 16,46 (&7Cilicia &7II,& Aigai); De/le/age, &3Capitation& (1945) 152 [&3IGRR& 3.1278] (&7Arabia,& Soada; 286%19`293?); Dessau, &3ILS& 620%19`620a [&3CIL& 12.2229] (&7Gallia Viennen.,& Cularo), 621%19`622 [&3CIL& 6.254%19`2229] (&7Rome, Thr. Pompeii), 623 [&3CIL& 3.3231] (&7Pannonia Inf.,& Sirmium), 624 [&3CIL& 5.803] (&7Venetia,& Aquileia), 625 [&3CIL& 5.732] (&7Venetia, Aquileia), 626 [&3CIL& 6.773] (&7Rome,& Fl. Tiber), 629 [&3CIL& 3.710] (&7Epirus Nova,& Dyrrachium) and 8928 [&3AE& 1895.1] (&7Britannia, Luguvallium). __ &1`286%19`305&: &3IK Ephesos& 621 (&7Asia,& Ephesos); &3IK Iasos& 15 (&7Karia,& Iasos; 286%19`305?); &3TAM& 4,1.30 (&7Bithynia,& Nikomedeia); &3SEG& 24,442 (&7Epirus V.,& Paramythia). __ &1`287&: Bernand, &3Akoris& (1988) 31 [&3SB& 3.6599] (&7Egypt,& Akoris; 287?). __ &1`287%3`8&: &3IGLSyr& 7,4042 (&7Phoenice,& Joueikhat; 287%3`8?). __ &1`287%19`293&: &3IDidyma& 159 (&7Karia,& Didyma). __ &1`287%19`298&: &3IK Ephesos& 307 (&7Asia,& Ephesos). __ &1`288&: Bean and Mitford, &3DenkschrWien& 102 (1970) 76,50 [cf. &3ZPE& 15 (1974) 183] (&7Pamphylia,& Kolybrassos?); Bernand, &3Akoris (1988) 32 [&3SB& 3.6600] (&7Egypt,& Akoris; 288?); Dessau, &3ILS& 617 [&3CIL& 3.22] (&7Aegyptus,& Hieraconpolis). __ &1`288%19`289&: &3BCH& 24 (1900) 385,41 [&3IGRR& 3,1397] (&7Bithynia, Keremed). __ &1`289&: &3IGRR& 4,1647 [$*M*E*S& 5 (1884%19`1885) 67,466] (&7Lydia, Philadelphia); Bernand, &3Akoris& (1988) 33 [&3SB& 3.6601] (&7Egypt, Akoris; 289?). __ &1`290&: Bernand, &3Akoris& (1988) 34 [&3SB& 3.6602] (&7Egypt,& Akoris); Dessau, &3ILS& 618 [&3CIL& 3.5810] (&7Raetia II,& Aug. Vindelic.), 627 [&3CIL& 8.9041] (&7Mauretania,& Auzia) and 628 [&3CIL& 8.9324] (&7Mauretania,& Caesarea; ca. 290). __ &1`291&: &3SEG& 8,704 (&7Egypt,& Medamud). __ &1`292&: Ramsay, &3Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia& I,2 (1897) 698,630 [&3IGRR& 4,695] (&7Phrygia Sal.,& Hieropolis; a: 284, b: 286, c: 292); Bernand, &3Akoris& (1988) 35 [&3SB& 3.6603] (&7Egypt, Akoris). __ &1`292%19`304&: Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 205 (&7Scythia Minor,& Seimeni). __ &1`292%19`305&: &3BCH& 24 (1900) 166,4 (&7Europe,& Peristasis); &3IG 5,1.450%19`451 (&7Peloponnesos,& Lakonia, Sparta) and 1382 (&7Messenia,& Thuria); &3IG& 5,2.136 (&7Peloponnesos,& Arkadia, Tegea). &3IG& 12 Suppl. 77,16 [&3CIL& 3.450] (&7E. Aegean,& Lesbos: Mytilene); &3IK Klazomenai& 520,A (&7Asia,& Klazomenai); &3BCH& 25 (1901) 10,146 (&7Bithynia,& Hadrianopolis). &3MAMA& 4,58,I (&7Phrygia Sal., Synnada); &3MAMA& 8,187 (&7Lykaonia,& Almassun); &3SEG& 2,735 (&7Pisidia, Sagalassos); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 207 (&7Arabia,& il%19K%1ut%1t%1e=n); Bernand, &3Akoris& (1988) 37%19`38 [&3SB 3.6605%19`6606] (&7Egypt,& Akoris). __ &1`293&: Dessau, &3ILS& 630 [&3CIL& 2.1439] (&7Baetica,& Lorilla). __ &1`293%19`296&: Dessau, &3ILS& 619 [&3CIL& 6.1125] (&7Rome,& Forum). __ &1`293%19`305&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 74o%19`74p, 74q [&3BE& 1972.425] and 74r (&7Europe,& Herakleia), and 89a [&3BCH& 24 (1900) 166] (&7Europe,& Chora?; ca. 293%19`305); &3SEG& 34,713 (&7Thrace, Plagia); Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 2 (&7Scythia &7Minor,& Tomis), 83 (&7Scythia Minor,& Dorobant%25ul), 169 (&7Scythia &7Minor,& Tropaeum Traian), 230%19`231 (&7Scythia Minor,& Carsium), 239 (&7Scythia Minor,& Arubium) and 240 (&7Scythia Minor,& Dinogetia); &3IG& 10,2:1.39 and 40 [Dessau, &3ILS& 634] (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike); Pouilloux, &3Recherches sur l'histoire et les cultes de Thasos II (1958) 189,357, 190,358(?) and 190,359 (&7N. Aegean,& Thasos); &3SEG& 23,296,I [&3BCH& 90 (1966) 246] (&7Boeotia,& Lebadea; 293%19`305 and 305%19`306); &3IG& 7,196 (&7Megaris,& Pagae); &3SEG& 11,850 (&7Peloponnesos,& Lakonia, Sparta; ca. 293%19`305); &3IG& 12,3.180%19`182 [cf. De/le/age, &3Capitation& (1945) 190] (&7S. Aegean,& Astypalaia); &3IG& 12,3.343%19`349 [cf. De/le/age, &3Capitation& (1945) 171] (&7S. &7Aegean,& Thera); &3ICreticae& I,238,9 (&7Crete,& Malla) and IV,282%19`283 (&7Crete,& Gortyn); &3SEG& 32,900 (&7Crete,& Malla); &3IK &3Ilion& 96%19`97 (&7Hellespontus,& Ilion); &3IK Smyrna& 812,a, 814A, 818%19`819 and 827 [&3IK Kyme& 28] (&7Asia,& Smyrna); &3IK Ephesos 305,1%19`305,3 309%19`310 and 3604 (&7Asia,& Ephesos), 3603 (&7Asia, Metropolis) and 3804%19`3806 (&7Asia,& Hypaipa); Kern, &3IMagnesia& 122 [De/le/age, &3Capitation& (1945) 194] (&7Asia,& Magnesia Mai.); &3IK &3Tralles& 171,B (&7Asia,& Tralles); &3LBW& V,100 [&3IGRR& 4.1562] (&7Asia, Teos); &3LBW& V,1725 (&7Asia,& Koryphantis); Keil and von Premerstein, &3DenkschrWien& 54,2 (1911) 20,35a [&3IGRR& 4,1208a] (&7Lydia,& Thyateira); &3TAM& 5,1.639b (&7N.E. Lydia,& Daldis: Hasankirani); &3IGRR& 4,1530 [&3CIG& 3449] (&7Lydia,& Sirge); &3IDidyma 160 (&7Caria,& Didyma); &3IK Iasos& 19 (&7Caria,& Iasos); Dessau, &3ILS 635 [&3CIL& 3.449] (&7Caria,& Halikarnassos); &3SEG& 31,932 (&7Caria, Halikarnassos); &3SEG& 31,940 (&7Caria,& Mylasa); Herzog, &3Koische &3Forschungen und Funde& (1899) 55,14 [&3IGRR& 4,1083] (&7SE Aegean, Kos: Kos); &3IK Nikaia& 803 (&7Bithynia,& Chogeae), 1009 (&7Bithynia, Tation), 1012 (&7Bithynia,& Tation%3Dableis), 1016%19`1017 (&7Bithynia, Dableis) and 1023 (&7Bithynia,& Chogeae); &3IK Kalchedon& 20 (&7Bithynia,& Kalchedon); &3Me/lBey& 13 (1928) 277,53 [Bosch, &3Quellen (1945) 364,302] (&7Galatia I,& Ankyra); &3Me/lBey& 3 (1909) 452,13 (&7Helenopontus,& Q. Kadichehr); Dessau, &3ILS& 639 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 6746] (&7Pontus Polemon.,& Trapezous); &3MAMA& 4,59 (&7Phrygia Sal., Synnada); &3MAMA& 5,2 (&7Phrygia Sal.,& Dorylaion); &3JHS& 8 (1887) 226,2 [&3IGRR& 4,884] (&7Phrygia Pac.,& Karyuk Bazar); &3JHS& 8 (1887) 515,4 [&3IGRR& 4,601] (&7Phrygia Pac.,& near Appia); &3LBW& V,788 [&3IGRR 4,600] (&7Phrygia Pac.,& near Appia); &3SEG& 26,1381 (&7Phrygia Pac., Kotiaeion%3Appia); &3TAM& 3,1.942%19`943 (&7Pisidia,& U=ju+k%19Ko+i); &3JHS& 8 (1887) 230,11 [&3IGRR& 3,336] (&7Pisidia,& Sagalassos); &3TAM& 2.257 [&3IGRR& 3.606] and 258(?) (&7Lykia,& Pydna%3Kydna); &3TAM& 2.703 [&3IGRR 3.505] (&7Lykia,& Araxa); &3LBW& V,1293 [&3IGRR& 3.691] (&7Lykia, Aperlai); &3LBW& V,1474 [&3CIL III& 223] (&7Cilicia I,& Kasanlu+); &3IGLSyr& 1,59 (&7Euphrat.,& Altynt%1as%19qal%102e); &3Oriens Antiquus& 4 (1965) 71 [&3BE& 1966,467] (&7Syria I,& Antioch%3Laodic.); De/le/age, &3Capitation& (1945) 154d [&3Me/lBey& 4 (1910) 222] (&7Syria,& Basi=r), 156b [&3Me/lBey& 4 (1910) 223] (&7Syria,& Djermana=), 154f [&3OGIS& 612] (&7Syria,& Hau=ran:Ha=ra) and 156a [&3Me/lBey& 3 (1909) 314] (&7Syria, Djisr%19el%19Ghadj.); &3IGLSyr& 5,2675 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& %102Ardjoun); &3IGLSyr& 5,2676 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Semakiyat); &3IGLSyr& 6,2771%19`2772 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Ba%102albek); &3IGLSyr& 6,2900 (&7Phoen. Liban., Djabbouleh); &3IGLSyr& 6,2927 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Timni=n); &3LBW VI,2559,I (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Nedjha); &3LBW& VI,2626 (&7Phoen. Liban., Palmyra); &3SEG& 7,152 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Palmyra); &3SEG& 7,247 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Gisri=n); &3SEG& 7,248 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Da=raya); &3IGLSyr& 13,1.9060 (&7Arabia,& Bostra); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES III,A (1907%19`1921) 3A 114 (&7Arabia,& S%1abh%1ah); Welles, in &3Gerasa (1938) 105%19`106 (&7Arabia,& Gerasa); &3SEG& 7,1055 (&7Arabia,& Q. ed%1%19D%1oubeib); De/le/age, &3Capitation& (1945) 154e [&3OGIS& 769] (&7Arabia,& Aqraba=); De/le/age, &3Capitation& (1945) 154c [&3IGRR 3.1542] (&7Palaest.,& Apheca); &3SEG& 19,901%19`902 (&7Palaest.,& Q. Levahot; ca. 293%19`305); &3SEG& 19,903 (&7Palaest.,& Q. S%148amir; ca. 293%19`305); Bernand, &3Inscr. gr. de Philae, II& (1969) 185 (&7Nubia, Philai; ca. 293%19`305); Breccia, &3Cat. Alexandrie& (1911) 89 [Dessau, &3ILS& 8930%3`1] (&7Egypt,& Alexandria); Pouilloux, et al., &3Salamine de Chypre, XIII,2& (1987) nos. 151%19`152, 152,39%19`152,40, 154%19`155 and 156,b (&7Cyprus,& Constantia); Dessau, &3ILS& 631 [&3CIL 8.2347] 632 [&3CIL& 8.2346] and 633 [&3CIL& 8.2343] (&7Numidia, Thamugadi), 636 [&3CIL& 5.8016] (&7Transpadana,& Verona), 637 [&3CIL 8.608] (&7Africa Proc.,& Henchir Midid), 638 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 20836] (&7Mauretania,& Su=r Djua=b), 648 [&3CIL& 6.1132] (&7Rome,& Forum), and 649 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 20683] (&7Mauretania,& Bougie). @ __ &1`293%19`311&: Pouilloux, et al., &3Salamine de Chypre, XIII,2 (1987) no. 156bis (&7Cyprus,& Constantia; 293%19`311?). __ &1`293%19`324&: Dessau, &3ILS& 665 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 12326] (&7Europe, Perinthos). __ &1`293%19`340&: &3IGLSyr& 7,4051 (&7Phoenice,& Qalat Yahmour; ca. 293%19`340?). __ &1`294&: Dessau, &3ILS& 640 [&3CIL& 13.5249] (&7Gallia Sequan., Oberwinterthur). __ &1`294%19`295&: &3TAM& 4,1.31 [Dessau, &3ILS& 650] (&7Bithynia, Nikomedeia). (&7Bithynia,& Nikomedeia). __ &1`294%19`300&: Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 425 (&7Dacia,& Gornea). __ &1`295&: &3IChUR& 4,10584 [&3ILCV& 961] (&7Rome,& C. Callisti). __ &1`295%3`6&: &3SEG& 7,1154 [&3LBW& VI,1963] (&7Arabia,& Kre/ye/). __ &1`295%19`305&: Buckler and Robinson, &3Sardis& VII,1 (1932) 84 (&7Lydia,& Sardeis); &3TAM& 3,1.82 (&7Pisidia,& Termessos). __ &1`296%3`7&: Gibson, &3Christians for Christians& (1978) 32 (&7Phrygia Pac.,& Kizilcaso+guu+t). __ &1`296%19`301&: Dessau, &3ILS& 2941 [&3CIL& 6.1418] (&7Rome,& M. Pincius). __ &1`297&: Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du &3nord& III (1958) 7,8 [&3SEG& 20,335] (&7Syria I,& Burg%148 H%1eidar), 8,8a [&3SEG& 20,336] 8,8b [&3SEG& 20,337] and 9,8c [&3SEG& 20,338] (&7Syria I, Kafr La=b), 9,8d [&3SEG& 20,339] (&7Syria I,& Ba=zi=her), 10,8e [&3SEG 20,340] and 10,8f [&3SEG& 20,341] (&7Syria I,& Kafr Na=bo) and 11,9 [&3SEG& 20,342] (&7Syria I,& Ferka=n); &3NSc& 1915.223 [Agnello, &3Silloge (1953) 87] (&7Sicily,& Catania); Dessau, &3ILS& 1211 [&3CIL& 6.1673] (&7Rome,& place?; ca. 297). __ &1`297?&: &3SEG& 17,789 [&3SEG& 18.643] (&7Aegyptus,& Alexandria; 297 or 302). __ &1`298&: &3IChUR& 7,17418 [&3CIG& 9622] (&7Rome,& C. Cyriacae). __ [&1`298&]: &3Sammelbuch& 5,8393 [&3IGR& 1.1291] (&7Egypt,& Elephantis; ca. 298); __ &1`299%19`302&: &3TAM& 5,1.47,a (&7N.E. Lydia,& Silandos [Karasilendi]). __ &1`299&: Moretti, &3IGUR& 191 [&3IG& 14.1026] (&7Italia,& Roma). @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@FOURTH CENTURY A.C. @ LARGER RANGES: __ &1`300%19`325%3`350& ("early 4th c. ac"): &3SEG 26,1365,II (&7Phrygia,& Appia); &3SEG& 29,1059 (&7Pannonia,& Alisca); &3SEG& 32,1057 (&7Italy,& Rome); Dessau, &3ILS& 1212 [&3CIL& 10.6084] (&7Latium Adj.,& Formiae). __ &1`300%19`350&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 209%19`210 (&7Nesoi,& Melos; ca. 300%19`350); &3SEG& 36,783 ([&7Athens&], Samos: Tigani; ca. 300%19`350); &3SEG& 6,137%19`140 (&7Phrygia,& Kurd Keui; ca. 300%19`350); &3SEG& 15,586 (&7Sicilia,& Syracusa; ca. 300%19`350); Rizza, in &3Oikoumene& (1964) 605,3 [Guard. &3EG& IV,522,1] (&7Sicily,& Catania; ca. 300%19`350); &3SEG 32,1058 (&7Italy,& Rome; ca. 300%19`350); &3CIJ& 675 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 59] (&7Pannonia,& Aquincum; ca. 300%19`350) and 681 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 63] (&7Moesia Inf.,& Oescus; 300%19`350?). __ &1`325%19`375& ("mid%19`4th c. ac"): Feissel, &3IChMac& 86 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 309,2] (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike) and 226 (&7Maced., Philippoi); &3IG& 2(2),13236 [&3AthMitt& 67 (1942) 65,112] (&7Attica, Phyle:Pan; mid%19`4th?); Haspels, &3Highlands of Phrygia& (1971), App. III, nos. 107 (&7Phrygia Sal.,& Akoluk); Robert, in &3Laodice/e &3du Lycos& (1969) 339,15 (&7Phrygia Pac.,& Laodikeia Lykos; mid%19`4th?); &3SEG& 6,119 (&7Phrygia Sal.,& Cotiaeum); &3IGLSyr& 2,508 (&7Syria I,& Tell %102Aqibri=n; mid%19`4th?); &3IGLSyr& 5,2003 (&7Syria II, Epiphaneia); &3IGLSyr& 6,2827 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Ba%102albek); &3LBW VI,2031 [Peek, &3GVI& 1974] (&7Arabia,& Migdala; mid%19`4th?); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 213 (&7Arabia,& il%19K%1ut%1t%1e=n); &3SEG& 35,1537 (&7Palaest.,& Eleutheropolis); &3SEG& 34.1641 (&7Nubia, Meroe); &3IG& 14.14 [&3BE& 1959.543] (&7Sicily,& Syracuse); Dessau, &3ILS 1226 [&3CIL& 10.1697] (&7Campania,& Puteoli) and 2788 [&3CIL& 12.673] (&7Gallia Narbon.,& Arelate; mid%19`4th?). __ &1`350%19`400&: &3SEG& 36,639 (&7Makedonia,& Stobi; ca. 350%19`400); Robert, &3Nouvelles inscr. de Sardes& (1964) 48,7 [Lifshitz, &3Donateurs et fondateurs dans les synagogues grecques& (1967) 20] 50,8, 51,8b [&3Donateurs& 21], 54,13 [&3Donateurs& 22], 55,14 [&3Donateurs& 23], 55,15 [&3Donateurs& 24], 55,16 [&3Donateurs& 25], 55,17 [&3Donateurs& 26] and 56,18%19`56,19 (&7Lydia,& Sardeis; ca. 350%19`400?); Strubbe, "Catalogue ... Pessinus," &3Fouilles ... &3Pessinonte& (1984) 232,89 [&3SEG& 31,1095], 243,151 [&3SEG& 31,1083], 243,152 [&3SEG& 31,1082], 243,154 [&3SEG& 31,1085] and 244,156 [&3SEG 31,1086] (&7Galatia II,& Mt. Dindymos; ca. 350%19`400?); &3SEG& 35,1442 (&7Lykaonia,& Akviran; ca. 350%19`400); &3AS& 22 (1972) 213 (&7Isauria, Leontopolis; ca. 350%19`400); &3MAMA& 3,p.62[a] [&3JHS& 12 (1891) 266,57] (&7Isauria,& Diokaisareia; ca. 350%19`400?); &3IGLSyr 4,1340%19`1342 (&7Syria II,& Apameia; ca. 350%19`400); Thomsen, "Inschr. ... Jerusalem," &3ZdPV& 44 (1921) 133,234 (&7Palaest. I, Jerusalem; ca. 350%19`400); &3SEG& 28,1427 (&7Palaest.,& Golan; ca. 350%19`400). Moretti, &3IGUR& 126 [&3IG& 14.1020] (&7Italia,& Roma; ca. 350%19`400); Bollini, &3Iscr. gr. di Ravenna& (1975) 39,12 [&3IG 14.*300] (&7Aemilia,& Ravenna; 350%19`400?); Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives ... Afrique romaine," &3Antiquite/s africaines& 17 (1981), nos. 1 [&3SEG& 9.801] and 2 (&7Tripolitania,& Sirte; ca. 350%19`400). __ &1`350%3`375%19`400& ("later 4th c. ac"): &3MAMA& 1,282 (&7Lykaonia, Dedeler); &3MAMA& 1,290 (&7Pisidia,& Du+yer); &3SEG& 35,1724 (&7Kyrenaika, Kyrene; later 4th?); &3IG& 14.879 [&3IGRR& 1.416] (&7Campania,& Baiae; later 4th?); Dessau, &3ILS& 2944 [&3CIL& 6.537] (&7Rome,& place?). __ &1`350%3`375%19`400& ("late 4th c. ac"): &3Ausgrabungen und Funde& 19 (1974) 109 (&7Moesia II,& Iatrus); &3Corinth& 8,3.658 (&7Peloponnesos, Corinth; late 4th?); &3Corinth& 12,1587%19`1592 (weights) (&7Peloponnesos,& Corinth); &3MAMA& 7,69 (&7Pisidia,& Nevine); &3SEG 35,1451 (&7Cilicia,& Yanikhan); Mitford, &3Inscr. of Kourion& (1971) 201, 202 [Guard. &3EG& IV,418], 203 [Guard. &3EG& IV,420], 204 [&3SEG 26,1474], 205%19`208 (&7Cyprus,& Kourion; late 4th?); &3SEG& 28,1308 (&7Cyprus,& Limassol); &3SEG& 29,1054 (&7Pannonia,& Deszthely%19Dob.); Dessau, &3ILS& 1280 [&3CIL& 11.830] (&7Venetia,& Mutina). __ &1`350%19`425&: &3Epigraphica& 10 (1948) 62 [Guard., &3EG& IV,505,1; Peek, &3GVI& 1907] (&7N. Italy,& Milan; ca. 350%19`425). __ &1`375%19`425& ("end 4th%19beg. 5th c. ac"): Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. &3und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus Bulgarien& (1964) 248 (&7Moesia II, Odessos); &3MAMA& 7,587 (&7Galatia II,& Kolu Kisa; ca. 375%19`425?); &3SEG& 27,956 (&7Cappadocia,& Tyana); &3IGLSyr& 3,775 (&7Syria I, Antiochia); &3IGLSyr& 4,1595%19`1596 (&7Syria II,& I%102dja=z). __ &1`375%19`450&: &3MAMA& 1,382%19`383 (&7Galatia II,& Sengen; ca. 375%19`450); Gauthier, &3IChGaule& 1,172 [Guard. &3EG& IV,499] (&7Belgica I,& Aug. Treverorum; ca. 375%19`450?). @ @ DATES AND SMALLER RANGES: __ [&1`300&]: Feissel, &3IChMac& 119 (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike; ca. 300?); &3AE& 1917.163 [Guard. &3EG IV,335] (&7Boiotia,& Plataia; ca. 300?); &3Corinth& 8,3.690 (&7Peloponnesos,& Corinth; ca. 300?); &3SEG& 27,506 (&7S. Aegean, Thera; ca. 300). Baillet, &3Inscr. ... tombeaux des rois& (1920) 1247%19`1248, 1254 and 1259 (&7Egypt,& Thebai: Syringes; ca. 300?); Sacco, &3IPorto& (1984) 68 [&3SEG& 32,1059], 70 [&3IG& 14.947] and 72 [&3IG& 14.948] (&7Latium,& Portus; ca. 300); Moretti, &3IGUR& 411 (&7Italia,& Roma; ca. 300?); &3IChUR& 6,15874 and 6,15884 [&3CIG 9595a] (&7Rome,& Via Latina; ca. 300?). __ &1`300%19`325& ("beg. 4th c. ac"): Feissel, &3IChMac& 124%19`125 (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike; beg. 4th?); &3SEG& 35,738 (&7Maced.,& Edessa); Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 18 (&7Scythia Minor, Tomis), 171 (&7Scythia Minor,& Tropaeum Traiani), 192%19`193 (&7Scythia Minor,& Axiopolis), 285%19`297 (&7Dacia,& Sucidava) and 402 (&7Dacia,& Dobreta); &3ClRev& 11 (1897) 16,6 [&3IGRR& 4,607] (&7Phrygia &7Sal.,& Doghan Arslan); &3SEG& 31,1116 (&7Phrygia Sal.,& Kotiaion); &3IGLSyr& 6,2886 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Soueidiyeh); Welles, in &3Gerasa& (1938) 264 (&7Arabia,& Gerasa); Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 22 and 39 (&7Egypt,& Alexandria); Baillet, &3Inscr. ... tombeaux des rois (1920) 1284(?), 1828 and 1832 (&7Egypt,& Thebai: Syringes); Sacco, &3IPorto& (1984) 53 [&3IG& 14.943] (&7Latium,& Portus); &3RAC& 31 (1955) 105 [Guard. &3EG& IV,549,6] (&7Italy,& Rome: Lateran). __ &1`300%19`330&: &3SEG& 34,1632 (&7Nubia,& Dodekaschoinos; ca. 300%19`330). __ &1`301&: &3SEG& 26,1353 (&7Phrygia,& Aizanoi); &3SEG 30,1382%19`1387 (&7Lydia,& Hypaipa); __ &1`302&: Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt& (1971) [prologue: &3ILS 642] (&7Various Prov.,& [composite]). __ &1`302?&: &3SEG& 17,789 [&3SEG& 18,643] (&7Aegyptus,& Alexandria; 297 or 302). __ &1`302%19`303&: Dessau, &3ILS& 643 [&3CIL& 6.31378] (&7Rome,& C. Quirinalis). __ &1`303&: &3LBW& VI,2514 [&3IGRR& 3.1134] (&7Arabia,& Habiba); Dessau, &3ILS& 644 [&3CIL& 8.4764] (&7Numidia,& Ksu=r el%19Ahmar). __ &1`303%19`305&: &3SEG& 7,1063 (&7Arabia,& Radeime). __ &1`303%19`306&: Baillet, &3Inscr. ... tombeaux des rois& (1920) 1253 (&7Egypt,& Thebai: Syringes; 303%19`306?). __ &1`303%19`315&: &3IK Stratonikeia& 310 [&3Syll&(`3) 900] (&7Karia, Panamara). __ &1`304&: Struve, &3CIRB& Add. 937,3 (&7N. Shore Euxine,& Kertch). __ &1`304%3`5&: Gibson, &3Christians for Christians& (1978) 16 (&7Phrygia Sal.,& place?). __ &1`305&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 681 (&7Arabia,& Sahwit il%19Khidr); Bernand, &3Akoris& (1988) 38 and [&3SB 3.6604] 39 [&3SB& 3.6607] (&7Egypt,& Akoris). __ [&1`305&]: &3IDidyma& 306 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 224(3)] (&7Karia, Didyma; ca. 305?); Dessau, &3ILS& 8933 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 22490] (&7Numidia,& Diana%3Zarai; ca. 305). __ &1`305%3`6&: &3SEG& 7,1183 (&7Arabia,& %102Orma=n). __ &1`305%19`306&: &3IG& 2(2),1121 (&7Attica,& Athens); &3SEG& 23,296,II [&3BCH 90 (1966) 246] (&7Boeotia,& Lebadea; 293%19`305 and 305%19`306); &3IG 7,2451a (&7Boiotia,& Thebai); &3IG& 9,2, p.122 [&3CIL& 3.14206,36] (&7Thess.,& Larissa), 1326 [&3CIL& 3.14206,34] (&7Thess.,& Pyrasos) and 1353 [&3CIL& 3.14206,35] (&7Thess.,& Agyia); &3SEG& 26,772 (&7Maced., Thessalonike); &3SEG& 35,737 (&7Maced.,& Edessa), 35,743 (&7Maced., Herakleia Lynk.), 35,754,b (&7Maced.,& Pella), 35,757,b, 35,758,b, 35,759 and &3SEG& 35,760 (&7Maced.,& Petrai); &3SEG& 2,585 (&7Ionia,& Teos); &3MAMA& 6,38 (&7Phrygia Pac.,& Kolossai); &3AS& 2:149,2 (&7Cilicia II,& Anazarbos); &3Me/lBey& 3 (1909) 441,1 (&7Helenopontus, Palake); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 205%19`206 (&7Arabia,& il%19K%1ut%1t%1e=n); Dessau, &3ILS& 646 [&3CIL& 6.1130] (&7Rome, Therm. Diocl.), 650a [&3CIL& 9.4962] (&7Sabini,& Cures), 656 (&7Aequi, Roviano) and 666%19`667 [&3CIL& 6.2825%19`2826] (&7Roma,& Via Labicana). __ &1`305%19`308&: &3IG& 4,1610 (&7E. Argolid,& Troizen); Dessau, &3ILS& 645 [&3CIL& 8.8836] (&7Mauretania,& Tiklat), 653 [&3CIL& 3.383] (&7Hellespontus,& Alexandria Tr.), 654 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 17884] (&7Numidia,& Thamugadi), 655 [&3CIL& 11.2928] (&7Etruria,& Vulci), and 658 [&3CIL& 3.3522] (&7Pannonia Inf.,& Aquincum). __ &1`305%19`311&: Bean and Mitford, &3DenkschrWien& 102 (1970) 196,217 (&7Isauria,& Seleukia); &3AS& 17 (1967) 105,9 (&7Pisidia,& Antiocheia); &3SEG& 20,455 (&7Palaest.,& Scythopolis). __ &1`305%19`313&: &3IK Ephesos& 311A (&7Asia,& Ephesos). __ &1`306&: Struve, &3CIRB& 64 [&3IGRR& 1.873] (&7N. Shore Euxine, Panticipaion); &3IGLSyr& 13:1,9061 (&7Arabia,& Bostra); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 228 (&7Arabia,& De=r il%19Kahf); &3CIJ 1423 (&7Arabia,& el%19%102Ela); Dessau, &3ILS& 651 [&3CIL& 8.5526] (&7Numidia, Thibilis), 652 [&3CIL& 10.6003] (&7Latium Adj.,& Minturnae; ca. 306), 681 [&3Supplementa Italica, I& (1888) 1086,1] (&7Italy?, Torino Mus.; 306?) and 682 (&7Britannia,& Anglia; 306?). __ &1`306%3`7&: &3SEG& 7,1194 (&7Arabia,& Mothanae). __ &1`306%19`307&: &3IG& 5,2.139 (&7Arkadia,& Tegea); &3AS& 17 (1967) 103,4 (&7Pisidia,& Antiocheia; 306%19`307 or 308%19`311?); &3MAMA& 3,199 (&7Cilicia,& Korykos); Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie (1987) 2%19`3 [&3AE/& 1978.814%19`815] (&7Cilicia,& Seleukia Kalyk.); Welles, in &3Gerasa& (1938) 265 (&7Arabia,& Gerasa; 306%3`7?); Breccia, &3Cat. Alexandrie& (1911) 90 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 6633; &3ILS& 657] (&7Egypt,& Heroonpolis). __ &1`306%19`309&: Dessau, &3ILS& 672 (&7Sardinia,& Terranova). __ &1`306%19`311&: Dessau, &3ILS& 685 [&3CIL& 3.6019,4] (&7Pannonia Inf., Sirmium; 306%19`311?). __ &1`306%19`312&: Dessau, &3ILS& 647 [&3CIL& 9.4516] (&7Sabini,& Amiternum), 669 [&3CIL& 5.8015] (&7Transpadana,& Verona), and 8934 [&3CIL& 6.36949] (&7Rome,& Forum). __ &1`306%19`337&: Breccia, &3Cat. Alexandrie& (1911) 91 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 12050] (&7Egypt,& Alexandria). __ &1`307&: Struve, &3CIRB& 1051 (&7N. Shore Euxine,& Phangoria); &3IChUR 6,15767 [&3CIG& 9586] (&7Rome,& Via Latina); Dessau, &3ILS& 659 [&3CIL 3.4413] (&7Pannonia Sup.,& Carnuntum; 307?). __ &1`307%19`323&: &3IG& 7,2504 (&7Boiotia,& Thebai); Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. &3s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 108 (&7Scythia Minor,& Vama Veche) and 109 (&7Scythia Minor,& Histria). __ &1`307%19`311&: Dessau, &3ILS& 684 [&3CIL& 12.5470] (&7Gallia Narbon., Cabasse; 307%19`311). __ &1`307%19`312&: Dessau, &3ILS& 8935 [&3CIL& 6.33856] (&7Rome,& Forum). __ &1`308&: &3SEG& 20,110 (&7Armenia,& Gorneae; 308?); &3TAM& 5,1.618,b (&7N.E. Lydia,& Daldis: Hasankirani). __ [&1`308&]: &3SEG& 26,773a (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike; ca. 308). __ &1`308%19`309&: Dessau, &3ILS& 674 [&3CIL& 8.7004] (&7Numidia,& Cirta) and 8936 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 22183] (&7Africa Proc.,& Sicca?). __ &1`308%19`310&: &3SEG& 29,1165 (&7Lydia,& Hermokapeleia). __ &1`308%19`311&: &3AS& 17 (1967) 105,8 (&7Pisidia,& Antiocheia); &3AS& 17 (1967) 103,4 (&7Pisidia,& Antiocheia; 306%19`307 or 308%19`311?); &3BPhW 12 (1892) 707,6 (&7Asia,& Teos); Dessau, &3ILS& 660 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 6979] (&7Helenopontus,& Sinope). __ &1`308%19`312&: Dessau, &3ILS& 668 [&3CIL& 8.10382] (&7Numidia,& Kherbet Taga). __ &1`308%19`313&: &3IK Ephesos& 3605a (&7Asia,& Ephesos); &3MAMA& 7,8 (&7Pisidia,& Kestel). __ &1`308%19`314&: &3IG& 7,2503 (&7Boiotia,& Thebai); Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus Bulgarien& (1964) 34 (&7Dacia Mediter.,& Pautalia); &3MAMA& 1,19 (&7Pisidia,& Laodicea). __ &1`308%19`322&: Struve, &3CIRB& 65(?) and 66 (&7N. Shore Euxine, Panticipaion). __ &1`308%19`323&: Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 237 (&7Scythia Minor,& Troesmis). __ &1`308%19`324&: Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie& (1987) 4 [&3AE/ 1978.816] (&7Cilicia,& Seleukia Kalyk.); &3IG& 10,2:1.1018B (&7Maced., Thessalonike). Dessau, &3ILS& 675 (&7Venetia,& Aquileia); and 676 [&3CIL& 9.6026] (&7Apulia,& Canusium). __ &1`308%19`337&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 1 [&3IG& 5,2.137] (&7Peloponnesos,& Tegea; ca. 308%19`337). __ &1`309&: &3SEG& 26,1631 (&7Syria,& Djebel Akrum); Dessau, &3ILS& 673 [&3CIL& 6.1138] (&7Rome,& C. Maxentii); &3ILS& 678 [&3CIL& 5.330] (&7Histria,& Parentium). __ &1`309%19`311&: &3SEG& 8,19 (&7Palaest.,& ez%19Zib); Dessau, &3ILS& 683 [&3CIL 3.6174] (&7Moesia Inf.,& Troismis; 309%19`311?). __ &1`309%19`312&: Dessau, &3ILS& 670 [&3CIL& 9.6066] (&7Apulia,& Venusia). __ &1`310%19`324&: &3TAM& 3,1.45 (&7Pisidia,& Termessos). __ &1`311&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 282 [&3TAM& 2,3.785] (&7Lykia,& Arykanda); &3FIRA&(`2) 1.455,93 (&7Pannonia Inf.,& Brigetium); Dessau, &3ILS& 661 [&3CIL& 3.5325] (&7Noricum,& Seckau; ca. 311); and 662 [&3CIL& 8.8931] (&7Mauretania,& Bougie; ca. 311). __ &1`311%19`312&: Dessau, &3ILS& 663 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 7174] (&7Asia,& Elles), 664 [&3CIL& 3.5565] (&7Noricum,& Prutting), 671 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 20989] (&7Mauretania,& Caesarea), and 8932 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 13661] (&7Pisidia,& Apameia; 311%19`312?). __ &1`311%19`313&: &3IK Kyme& 105 (&7Asia,& Larissa?); &3IK Ephesos& 311 (&7Asia,& Ephesos); &3AS& 9 (1959) 102,61 (&7Pisidia,& Olbasa). __ &1`311%19`317&: Lanckoronski, et. al., &3Sta+dte Pamphyliens und &3Pisidiens, II: Pisidien& (1893) 229,213 (&7Pisidia,& Sagalassos; 311%19`317?). __ &1`312&: Dessau, &3ILS& 687 [&3CIL& 14.131] (&7Latium,& Ostia; ca. 312), 688 [&3CIL& 8.7006] (&7Numidia,& Cirta; ca. 312), 689 [&3CIL& 8.2721] (&7Numidia,& Lambaesis; ca. 312), 690 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 15451] (&7Africa Proc.,& Uchi Maiores; ca. 312) and 1217 [&3CIL& 10.5061] (&7Latium Adj.,& Altina; ca. 312). __ &1`312%19`315&: &3Syll&(`3) 901 [cf. &3BE& 1960.59] (&7Phokis,& Delphi). __ &1`312%19`324&: Dessau, &3ILS& 702 [&3CIL& 6.31564] (&7Rome,& place?). __ &1`312%19`337&: &3IG& 12,9.1234B [&3GRBS& 20 (1979) 268,10] (&7Euboia, Aidepsos; 312%19`337, altered 337%19`340?). __ [&1`313&]: Moretti, &3IGUR& 246 [&3IG& 14.2240] (&7Italia,& Roma; ca. 313). __ &1`313%3`4&: &3Byzantion& 8 (1933) 50,1 (&7Phrygia Pac.,& Sebaste). __ &1`313%19`314&: &3SEG& 23,266 [&3BCH& 90 (1966) 243] (&7Megaris, Aigosthena). __ &1`313%19`315&: Dessau, &3ILS& 692 [&3CIL& 6.1140] (&7Rome,& F. Trajani) and 693 [&3CIL& 9.6060] (&7Hirpini,& S. Sossio). __ &1`313%19`317&: &3TAM& 5,1.645 (&7N.E. Lydia,& Daldis: Sosandra [Go+lmarmara]; 313%19`317 ac). __ &1`313%19`323&: Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 274 (&7Scythia Minor,& place?). __ &1`313%19`324&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 92 [&3IK Sestos 52] (&7Europe,& Hexamili; 313%19`324?); &3JHS& 19 (1898) 106,94 (&7Galatia I,& Aspona); &3AS& 9 (1959) 80,24 [&3SEG& 19.759] (&7Pisidia, Lysinia); and 89,34 (&7Pisidia,& Tymbrianassos); &3AS& 17 (1967) 104,5 (&7Pisidia,& Antiocheia). __ &1`313%19`337&: &3ICreticae& I,229,189 (&7Crete,& Lyttos). __ &1`314&: &3SEG& 33,1051 (&7Hellespontus,& Kyzikos); &3ICreticae I,226,188 [&3FIRA&(`2) 1.94] (&7Crete,& Lyttos); &3IG& 14.296 (&7Sicilia, Panhormus); Dessau, 677 [&3CIL& 10.7284] (&7Sicilia,& Panormus; ca. 314), 1213 [&3CIL& 6.1707] (&7Rome,& S. Potentia; ca. 314), 8937 [&3CIL& 13.8502] (&7Germania Inf.,& Divitia%19Deutz; 314?), and 8941 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 23897] (&7Africa Proc.,& Thabbora). __ &1`314%3`5&: &3SEG& 7,1211 (&7Arabia,& el%19Gha=riye/). __ &1`314%19`317&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 208 (&7Arabia,& il%19K%1ut%1t%1e=n). __ &1`314%19`337&: Dessau, &3ILS& 1216 [&3CIL& 10.3732] (&7Campania, Atellea). __ &1`315&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 198 (&7Arabia,& il%19Gha=riyeh; 315?); and 711 (&7Arabia,& M. is%1%19S%1arra=r); Dessau, &3ILS& 691 [&3CIL& 8.7010] (&7Numidia,& Cirta; 315?), 694 [&3CIL 6.1139] (&7Rome,& Arc. Constant.; ca. 315), 695 [&3CIL& 8.8477] (&7Mauretania,& Sitifis), 8942 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 23116] (&7Africa &7Proc.,& Semta). __ &1`315%19`317&: Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 170 [Dessau, &3ILS& 8938] (&7Scythia Minor,& Tropaeum Traian); Dessau, &3ILS& 716 [&3CIL& 6.1155] (&7Rome,& place?) and 8939 [&3RA&(`4) 1 (1903) 26] (&7Moesia Sup.,& Naissus). __ &1`316&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 788 (&7Arabia,& Wak%1m; 316?); Bernand, &3Portes du de/sert& (1984) 91 (&7Egypt,& Koptos), Dessau, &3ILS& 679 [&3CIL& 8.1357] (&7Africa Proc., Bisica Luc.). __ &1`316%3`7&: &3TAM& 5,1.824 (&7N.E. Lydia,& Area of Go+cek: Ko+mu+rcu+; 316%3`7 ac). __ &1`316%19`324&: Dessau, &3ILS& 704 [&3CIL& 3.4121] (&7Pannonia Sup., Toplica; ?316%19`324). __ &1`316%19`396&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 788(1) (&7Arabia,& Wak%1m). __ &1before 317&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. &3aus Bulgarien& (1964) 31 (&7Dacia Mediter.,& Traiana Porta; before 317). __ [&1`317&]: &3SEG& 26,773b (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike; ca. 317); &3IK Ephesos& 3158 (&7Asia,& Ephesos%3Magnes.; ca. 317). __ &1`317%19`322&: &3Archaeologica Iugoslavica& 24 (1987) 83,1 (Epirus N., Taranes%148; 317%19`322 ac). __ &1`317%19`323&: &3IG& 7,2451b (&7Boiotia,& Thebai). __ &1`317%19`323&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus &3Bulgarien& (1964) 30 (&7Dacia Mediter.,& Sikija); Dessau, &3ILS& 712 [&3CIL& 9.5434] (&7Picenum,& Falerio), 713 [&3CIL& 9.5955] (&7Sabini, Rocca di Corno) and 714 [&3CIL& 5.8015b] (&7Transpadana,& Verona). __ &1`317%19`324&: &3SEG& 35,758,c (&7Maced.,& Petrai; 317%19`324?); Pouilloux, &3Recherches sur l'histoire et les cultes de Thasos II (1958) 190,360 (&7N. Aegean,& Thasos; 317%19`324?); &3IK Ephesos 312 (&7Asia,& Ephesos); &3SEG& 31,1324 (&7Cappadocia,& Kemerhisar); &3JHS 19 (1898) 108,96 (&7Cappadokia II,& Parnassos); &3IGLSyr& 6,2963 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Sa%102adna%102il); Dessau, &3ILS& 680 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 22004] (&7Africa Proc.,& Hr. el%19Arfanin). __ &1`317%19`326&: &3IG& 12, Suppl. 210,23a [&3CIL& 3.14196] (&7E. Aegean, Lesbos: Mytilene); &3MAMA& 4,58,II (&7Phrygia Sal.,& Synnada); Dessau, &3ILS& 717 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 22376] (&7Numidia,& Smendu). __ &1`317%19`337&: &3IG& 12,5.269 (&7C. Aegean,& Paros); &3IK Ilion& 99 (&7Hellespontus,& Ilion); Dessau, &3ILS& 721 [&3CIL& 12.5457] (&7Venetia, Forum Julii) and 722 [&3CIL& 6.1156] (&7Rome,& Forum). __ &1`318&: &3LBW& VI,2558 [&3OGIS& 608] (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Lebara); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 180 (&7Arabia, Kfe=r); Dessau, &3ILS& 696 [&3CIL& 8.8412] (&7Mauretania,& Ain%19Roua; 318?). __ &1`320&: &3LBW& VI,2393 [&3OGIS& 619] (&7Arabia,& Deir%19el%19Lehben); &3LBW VI,2394%19`2395 (&7Arabia,& Deir%19el%19Lehben; ca. 320). __ &1`320%3`1&: &3IGLSyr& 13,1.9111 and 9396 (&7Arabia,& Bostra); &3SEG 7,1178 (&7Arabia,& %102Orma=n). __ &1`321&: &3SEG& 32,1456 (&7Syria,& Hierapolis); &3LBW& VI,2293 (&7Arabia, Kapra). __ &1`322&: &3LBW& VI,1998 (&7Arabia,& Salkhad). __ &1`322%19`323&: Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 271b [Dessau, &3ILS& 8940] (&7Scythia Minor,& Salsovia). __ &1`323&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus &3Bulgarien& (1964) 1 (&7Dacia Mediter.,& Serdica; end 323); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 697 (&7Arabia, %102Orma=n); &3SEG& 34,1598 [Milne, &3Cat. Cairo& (1905) 45,9238] (&7Egypt,& Koptos). __ &1`323%19`326&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 2 [&3IG& 5,1.1420] (&7Peloponnesos,& Messenia, Gargalianoi; ca. 323%19`326) and 4 [&3IG& 5,2.140] (&7Peloponnesos, Tegea; ca. 323%19`326); Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. &3Inschr. aus Bulgarien& (1964) 45 (&7Dacia Ripens.,& Dolna Kremena) and 202 (&7Thracia,& Rupkite). &3TAM& 5,1.47,b (&7N.E. Lydia,& Silandos [Karasilendi]), Dessau, &3ILS& 710 [&3CIL& 10.678] (&7Campania, Surrentum). __ &1`323%19`327&: &3IG& 7,1848 (&7Boiotia,& Thespiai). __ &1`323%19`336&: Dessau, &3ILS& 708 [&3CIL& 10.517] (&7Campania,& Salernum). __ &1`323%19`337&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus &3Bulgarien& (1964) 190 (&7Thracia,& Novoselec); Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. &3s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 6 (&7Scythia Minor,& Tomis). __ &1`324&: Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 206 (&7Scythia Minor,& Ulmetum); &3IGLSyr& 2,491 (&7Syria I,& Da=na%26); &3IGLSyr 4,1411 (&7Syria II,& Fri=kya); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 685 (&7Arabia,& %102Auwas%1). __ &1after 324&: &3SEG& 26,1363%19`1364 (&7Phrygia,& Ankyra Sidera; after 324); &3SEG& 35,1405 (&7Pisidia,& Malos; after 324). __ &1`324%3`5&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1408 (&7Syria II,& Fri=kya). __ &1`324%19`326&: &3MAMA& 7,305, Doc. 3 [&3CIL& 3.352%3`7000; &3ILS& 6091, omitting Doc. 1 [I.1%19`7]; &3FIRA&(`2) 1.95] (&7Galatia II,& Orkistos; ca. 331 ac [Doc. 3, II.17%19`34, ca. 324%19`326 ac; Doc. 4, III.1%19`32, 331 ac]); &3Me/lBey& 13,1 (1928) 234,7 [Bosch, &3Quellen (1945) 367,305] (&7Galatia I,& Ankyra); Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. &3und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus Bulgarien& (1964) 245 (&7Dacia &7Mediter.,& place?). __ &1`324%19`330&: Dessau, &3ILS& 1218 [&3CIL& 11.831] (&7Venetia,& Mutina; ca. 324%19`330). __ &1`324%19`334&: Dessau, &3ILS& 1214 [&3CIL& 6.1704] (&7Rome,& C. Quirinalis). __ &1`324%19`335&: &3JHS& 4 (1883) 401,20 Ramsay, &3Cities and Bishoprics &3of Phrygia& I,2 (1897) 529,373] (&7Phrygia Pac.,& Eumeneia). __ &1`324%19`337&: &3BCH& 56 (1932) 209 [Lemerle, &3Philippes& (1945) 108] (&7Maced.,& Philippoi); &3Anth& 9,689 (&7Cple,& Golden Horn; 324%19`337?) and 9,799%3`801 (&7Cple,& Philadelpheion; 324%19`337?); &3IK Ephesos& 313 (&7Asia,& Ephesos); &3TAM& 3,1.46 (&7Pisidia,& Termessos); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 803(5) (&7Arabia,& Sha%102a=rah); Dessau, &3ILS& 700 [&3CIL& 6.1444] (&7Rome,& place?), 701 [&3CIL 3 Suppl. 12073] (&7Aegyptus,& Luxor) and 703 [&3CIL& 13.3255] (&7Gallia Belgic.,& Reims). __ &1`324%19`360&: &3CIL& 3.711 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,I] (&7Cple,& Seraglio Col.; ca. 324%19`360?). __ &1`325%19`350&: Feissel, &3IChMac& 120 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 308,1] (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike; ca. 325%19`350?); Dessau, &3ILS& 1249 [&3CIL 6.1700] (&7Rome,& Mus. Capitolin.). __ &1`325&: Mouterde, in &3Limes de Chalcis& (1945) 212,47 [&3SEG 26.1617] (&7Euphrat.,& Zeugma); &3IGLSyr& 4,1409 and 1410 [&3CIJ& 847] (&7Syria II,& Fri=kya); &3IGLSyr& 4,1545 (&7Syria II,& Mo%102arret en%19No.); &3IGLSyr& 5,2138 (&7Syria II,& Tell Bi=sseh); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 168 (&7Arabia,& S%1alkhad). __ [&1`325&]: &3SEG& 36,638 (&7Maced.,& Stobi; ca. 325); Guarducci, &3I &3graffiti ... Vaticano& (1958), II,385 [Guard. &3EG& IV,552,7] (&7Italy,& Rome:Vatican; ca. 325?); __ &1`325%3`6&: &3IGLSyr& 13,1.9112 (&7Arabia,& Bostra). __ &1`325%19`334&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 702 (&7Arabia,& %102Orma=n). __ &1`326&: &3IGLSyr& 2,304%19`306 (&7Syria I,& et%1%19T%1ouba); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 797(2) (&7Arabia,& Su=r); &3Me/lBey 37 (1960%19`1961) 161 297 [&3BE& 1963,280] (&7Arabia,& Hauran: Kharaba); Baillet, &3Inscr. ... tombeaux des rois& (1920) 1263 [&3OGIS& 721b], 1265 [&3OGIS& 721a] and 1889 [&3OGIS& 720] (&7Egypt, Thebai: Syringes). __ &1`326%3`7&: &3IGLSyr& 2,594 (&7Syria I,& Ma%102rra=ta). __ &1`326%19`333&: Dessau, &3ILS& 709 [&3CIL& 6.1134] (&7Rome,& S. Crux Hierus.) and 2943 [&3CIL& 8.4878] (&7Numidia,& Thuburisicu). __ &1`326%19`353&: Mouterde, in &3Limes de Chalcis& (1945) 216,54 (&7Syria II,& Khreybe/; ca. 326%19`353). __ &1`327&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 61 (&7Arabia,& S%1ma=d); &3SEG& 30,1795 (&7region?,& place?). __ &1`328&: Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 278 (&7Dacia, Sucidava); Dessau, &3ILS& 697 [&3CIL& 5.8011] (&7Venetia,& Vicentia) and 8943 [&3CIL& 6.36951] (&7Rome,& Forum). __ &1`328%19`334&: Dessau, &3ILS& 1223 [&3CIL& 10.4752] (&7Latium Adj., Suessa). __ &1`329&: &3SEG& 32,1431 (&7Syria,& Antiochene). __ &1`330%19`337&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus &3Bulgarien& (1964) 152 (&7Haemimontus,& Mesembria) and 189 (&7Thracia,& Sliven). __ &1`330&: &3SEG& 18,615 (&7Syria,& %102Arne); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES III,A (1907%19`1921) 701 (&7Arabia,& %102Orma=n); &3CIJ& 482 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 38] (&7Rome,& C. Monteverde). __ &1`330%3`1&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 37 (&7Arabia,& il%19Umta%26%102i=yeh). __ &1`331&: &3MAMA& 7,305, Doc. 4 [&3CIL& 3.352%3`7000; &3ILS& 6091, omitting Doc. 1 [I.1%19`7]; &3FIRA&(`2) 1.95; cf. &3MEFRA& 93 (1981) 381%19`416] (&7Galatia II,& Orkistos; ca. 331 ac [Doc. 3, II.17%19`34, ca. 324%19`326 ac; Doc. 4, III.1%19`32, 331 ac]); &3LBW& VI,2546a [&3CIG& 4593 with Add.; cf. &3Consuls,& App. p. 631] (&7Arabia,& Umm ez%19Zeitun). __ &1`332&: Dessau, &3ILS& 820 [&3CIL& 3.733 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,I] (&7Cple, Seraglio; 332?). __ &1before 333&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 22 [&3SEG& 11,810] (&7Peloponnesos,& Sparta; before 333?). __ [&1`333&]: Dessau, &3ILS& 1219 [&3CIL& 14.2919] (&7Latium,& Praeneste; ca. 333); and 1239 [&3CIL& 9.1576] (&7Samnium,& Beneventum; ca. 333). __ &1`333%3`4&: &3IGLSyr& 13,1.9445 (&7Arabia,& Bostra). __ &1`333%19`337&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) &3InvPel& 5,a [&3IG& 5,1.1109,a] (&7Peloponnesos, Lakonia, Helos; ca. 333%19`337); Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und &3spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus Bulgarien& (1964) 150 (&7Moesia II,& Goren C%148iflik), 170 (&7Haemimontus,& Koparan), 199 (&7Thracia, Kiril%19Metodievo) and 200 (&7Thracia,& Korten); &3SEG& 19,704 and &3SEG 29,1166 (&7Lydia,& Hermokapeleia); &3SEG& 28,1228 (&7Lycia,& Tyriaion); &3SEG& 36,1351 (&7Palaest.,& Nikopolis); Dessau, &3ILS& 705 [&3CIL 11.5265] (&7Umbria,& Hispallum); and 715 [&3CIL& 8.7011] (&7Numidia, Cirta). __ &1`333%19`335&: &3SEG& 35,758,d (&7Maced.,& Petrai); &3LBW& VI,2559,II (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Nedjha); Dessau, &3ILS& 723 [&3CIL& 3.5207] (&7Noricum,& Celeia; 333%19`335?). __ &1`333%19`395&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 332(2) (&7Lydia,& Thyateira). __ &1`334&: Dessau, &3ILS& 698 [&3CIL& 6.1141] (&7Rome,& Forum). __ &1`334%3`5&: &3IGLSyr& 2,420 (&7Syria I,& De=r Sim%102a=n); Dessau, &3ILS& 1215 [&3CIL& 6.1705] (&7Rome,& C. Quirinalis; 334%3`5?). __ &1`334%19`337&: &3IK Smyrna& 812,b, 813 and 813A (&7Asia,& Smyrna); Dessau, &3ILS& 1224 [&3CIL& 10.1695%3`6] (&7Campania,& Puteoli). __ &1`335&: Struve, &3CIRB& 1112 [&3SEG& 2,480] (&7N. Shore Euxine, Kuban); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 173 (&7Arabia,& Bura=k%1; 335?); &3IGLSyr& 2,600 (&7Syria I,& Ko%26kana=ya); Dessau, &3ILS& 1221 [&3CIL& 6.1683] (&7Rome,& F. Trajani). __ [&1`335&]: &3IK Eph& 666D (&7Asia,& Ephesos; ca. 335?); Dessau, &3ILS 1220 [&3CIL& 6.1682] (&7Rome,& place?; ca. 335). __ &1`335%3`6&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2349 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Emesa); &3SEG& 7,1078 (&7Arabia,& Tharbae). __ &1`335%19`337&: &3Syll&(`3) 903C [&3AE/& 1948.50] (&7Phokis,& Delphi); &3Me/lBey 3 (1909) 441,2 (&7Helenopontus,& near Palake); &3TAM& 3,1.944 (&7Pisidia,& U=ju+k%19Ko+i); Dessau, &3ILS& 718 [&3CIL& 12.5505] (&7Gallia &7Narbon.,& Saillans); 719 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 22196] (&7Africa Proc., Smitthus); and 720 [&3CIL& 10.8015] (&7Sardinia,& Carales%3Turris). __ &1`335%19`341&: &3SEG& 18,653 (&7Egypt,& Cairo). __ &1`336&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 611 (&7Arabia,& il%19Mu%102Ar=ribeh); &3TravMe/m& 9 (1985) 421,1 [&3SEG& 35.1484] (&7Syria I,& Antioch); and Merlin, &3Inscr. lat. de la Tunisie (1944) 814 [&3AE/& 1925.72; &3TravMe/m& 9 (1985) 423] (&7Africa Procons, Tubernuc); Dessau, &3ILS& 5699 [&3CIL& 2.191] (&7Lusitania,& Olispo). __ &1`336%3`7&: &3IGLSyr& 2,443 (&7Syria I,& Qa%26t%1tu=ra). __ &1`337&: &3IGLSyr& 2,315 (&7Syria I,& Zebed); &3IGLSyr& 5,2100 (&7Syria &7II,& Da=r es%19Sala=m); Dessau, &3ILS& 1222 [&3CIL& 6.1708] (&7Rome, Capitolium). __ [&1`337&]: &3SEG& 22,468 [&3Fouilles de Delphes& III,4:2 (1954) 295,275] (&7Phokis,& Delphi); &3SEG& 22,469 [&3Syll&(`3) 903D] (&7Phokis, Delphi); Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 275 (&7Scythia Minor,& place?); Bosch, in Mansel et al., &3`1947 senesi &3Side kazilarina o+nrapor& (1951) 70,20 (&7Pamphylia,& Side; ca. 337); Dessau, &3ILS& 707 [&3CIL& 6.1151] (&7Rome,& S. Maria Cosm.; ca. 337). __ &1after 337&: &3SEG& 34,1471 (&7Palaest.,& Emmaus; after 337). __ &1`337%19`340&: &3SEG& 16,241 [&3SEG& 16.241] (&7Megaris,& Aigosthena); &3IG 12,9.1234B [&3GRBS& 20 (1979) 268,10] (&7Euboia,& Aidepsos; 312%19`337, altered 337%19`340?); Keil and von Premerstein, &3DenkschrWien& 54,2 (1911) 20,35a [&3IGRR& 4,1208b] (&7Lydia,& Thyateira); &3IK Nikaia 1005 (&7Bithynia,& Chogeae), 1010 (&7Bithynia,& Tation), 1018 (&7Bithynia,& Dableis), 1025 (&7Bithynia,& Chogeae) and 1027 (&7Bithynia,& Nikaia); Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. &3Inschr. aus Bulgarien& (1964) 232a (&7Rhodope,& Kovac%148evica); Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 238 [Dessau, &3ILS 724] (&7Scythia Minor,& Carcaliu); &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 143,13 and 145,14 (&7Cyprus,& Soloi%3Paphos); &3RevBibl& 77 (1970) 76,12 [&3BE 1971.691] (&7Palaest. II,& Diocaesarea). __ &1`337%19`342&: &3SEG& 30,680 (&7Thrace,& Kaliakra). __ &1`337%19`350&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) &3InvPel& 3 [&3Corinth& 8,3.510] (&7Peloponnesos, Korinthos); &3BCH& 86 (1962) 234 (&7Phokis,& Delphi; 337%19`350?); &3Syll&(`3) 903A (&7Phokis,& Delphi); &3IG& 12 Suppl. 210,23b [&3CIL 3.14197] (&7E. Aegean,& Lesbos: Mytilene); &3SEG& 32,1107 (&7Caria, Aphrodisias; ca. 337%19`350); Dessau, &3ILS& 725 [&3CIL& 2 Suppl. 6209] (&7Lusitania,& Ponte de Trofa), 728 [&3CIL& 3.6375] (&7Dalmatia, Salona) and 730 [&3CIL& 2.4844] (&7Hisp. Tarracon.,& Bracara Calla.); Reynolds and Ward Perkins, &3Inscr. of Roman Tripolitania& (1952) 469a (&7Tripolitania,& Lepcis Magna). __ &1`337%19`353&: &3IK Assos& 30 (&7Asia,& Assos). __ &1`337%19`354&: &3IK Klazomenai& 517 (&7Asia,& Klazomenai; ca. 337%19`354). __ &1`337%19`361&: Bean, in Mansel et el., &3Side agorasi ve &3civarindaki binalar& (1956) 82,49 (&7Pamphylia,& Side). __ &1`337%19`378&: Ramsay and Bell, &3The Thousand and One Churches (1909) 519,9 [&3SEG& 30.1542] (&7Lykaonia,& Binbir Kilise; 337%19`378?). __ &1`338%19`344&: &3LBW& VI,1847a (&7Phoenice,& Berytos; ca. 338%19`344). __ &1`338%19`348&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1529 (&7Syria II,& Kefr Ambil; 338%19`348?). __ &1`339%19`341&: Dessau, &3ILS& 1227 [&3CIL& 6.1717] (&7Rome,& place?). __ &1`339%19`350&: Dessau, &3ILS& 706 [&3CIL& 11.6218] (&7Umbria,& Fanum Fortunae). __ &1`340&: &3IGLSyr& 2,612 (&7Syria I,& Dju%26wa%26ni=yeh); &3LBW& VI,1986 (&7Arabia,& %102Ayoun); &3ILS& 1240 [&3CIL& 6.1690] (&7Rome,& M. Caelius) and 2942 [&3CIL& 10.1125] (&7Campania,& Abellinum; 340?); __ [&1`340&]: &3MAMA& 1,170 [Guard. &3EG& IV,394] (&7Pisidia,& Laodicea; ca. 340). __ &1`340%3`1&: Bernand, &3Pan du de/sert& (1977) 27 (&7Egypt,& M. Porphyrites). __ &1`340%19`350&: &3IG& 7,94%3`5 (&7Megaris,& Megara; ca. 340%19`350?); &3IK Eph 1314%19`1317 (&7Asia,& Ephesos); &3IK Tralles& 152 (&7Asia,& Tralles); Pouilloux, et al., &3Salamine de Chypre, XIII,2& (1987) nos. 152,42 and 153 (&7Cyprus,& Constantia; 340%19`350?); Dessau, &3ILS& 726 [&3CIL& 6.36954] (&7Rome,& Traste/vere), 729 [&3CIL& 14.3582] (&7Latium, Tibur) and 1230 [&3CIL& 6.1772] (&7Rome,& place?). __ &1`341&: &3LBW& VI,2018 [&3CIG& 4638] (&7Arabia,& %102Orma=n) and 2247 (&7Arabia,& Bosana); Dessau, &3ILS& 5696 [&3CIL& 11.4095] and 5697 [&3CIL 11.4097] (&7Umbria,& Ocriculum). __ &1`341%3`2&: &3IGLSyr& 2,430 (&7Syria I,& Refa=deh); &3IGLSyr& 2,518 (&7Syria &7I,& Sermada); &3SEG& 7,1182 (&7Arabia,& %102Orma=n). __ &1`341%19`344&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus &3Bulgarien& (1964) 191 [Dessau, &3ILS& 726 8944] (&7Thracia, Novoselec). __ &1after 341&: Dessau, &3ILS& 1228 [&3CIL& 8.5348] (&7Numidia,& Calama; after 341). __ &1`342&: Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du &3nord& III (1958) 31,34 [&3SEG& 20.372] (&7Syria II,& Kfeirh%1a=ya=); &3LBW VI,2036 (&7Arabia,& Mothana). __ &1`342%19`361&: Pouilloux, et al., &3Salamine de Chypre, XIII,2 (1987) no. 202 (&7Cyprus,& Constantia). __ &1`343&: &3LBW& VI,2034 (ca. 343) and 2035 (&7Arabia,& Mothana); Baillet, &3Inscr. ... tombeaux des rois& (1920) 1319 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 149] (&7Egypt,& Thebai: Syringes); &3IChUR& 1,2080 [&3CIG 9831] (&7Rome,& Mus. Vatican.); Dessau, &3ILS& 1235%19`1236 [&3CIL 8.7012%19`7013] (&7Numidia,& Cirta%19Constant.). __ &1`343%3`4&: &3Archiv Orienta/lni/& 18,1%19`2 (1950) 144%19`164, no. 353 [&3BE 1953,218] (&7Arabia,& Obta). __ &1`343%19`346&: Dessau, &3ILS& 1231 [&3CIL& 10.1700] (&7Campania, Puteoli). __ &1`343%19`348&: &3SEG& 7,256 (&7Syria,& Tafas). __ &1`343%19`353&: Struve, &3CIRB& 744 (&7N. Shore Euxine,& Kertch). __ &1before 344&: Dessau, &3ILS& 1233 [&3CIL& 11.4181] (&7Umbria, Interamna%19Terni; before 344). __ &1`344&: &3IK Ephesos& 41 (&7Asia,& Ephesos; ca. 344); &3IGLSyr& 4,1908 (&7Syria II,& el%19Mishrifeh); Dessau, &3ILS& 1234 [&3CIL& 3.167] (&7Phoenice,& Berytus); &3LBW& 1970 (&7Arabia,& el%19%102Ayi=n); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 262 (&7Arabia,& Umm Idj%19Djima=l). __ &1`345&: &3LBW& VI,1999 (&7Arabia,& Salkhad); &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 1905:604,22 (&7Arabia,& es%19Saname=n); &3Archivio storico per &3la Sicilia Orientale& 8 (1931) 48,2 [Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 88] (&7Sicily,& Catania); Dessau, &3ILS& 1238 [&3CIL& 6.1748] (&7Rome, place?; ca. 345). __ &1`346&: Dessau, &3ILS& 1229 [&3CIL& 6.1768] (&7Rome,& place?). __ &1`346%3`7&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2142 (&7Syria II,& K. ad%19Da=siniya). __ &1`347&: &3IChUR& 1,4003 [&3SEG& 31.868] (&7Rome?,& place?). __ &1`348&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 224 (&7Arabia,& %102Ina=k). __ &1`349&: &3IGLSyr& 2,596 (&7Syria I,& Ko%26kana=ya); &3IGLSyr& 4,1539 (&7Syria &7II,& Kefr Ru=ma); &3NSc& 1907.741%19`748,8 [Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 89] (&7Sicily,& Syracuse); Dessau, &3ILS& 727 [&3CIL& 3.4180] (&7Pannonia &7Sup.,& Savaria). __ &1`349%3`50&: &3IGLSyr& 2,396 (&7Syria I,& Simkha=r); &3SEG& 7,1062 (&7Arabia,& Radeime). __ [&1`350&]: &3SEG& 35,733%19`734 (&7Maced.,& Beroia; ca. 350); &3Corinth 8,3.517 (&7Peloponnesos,& Korinthos; ca. 350?); &3SEG& 27,37 (&7Peloponnesos,& Corinthia, Kenchreai; ca. 350); &3BASOR& 187 (1967) 26, 29 and 45 (&7Lydia,& Sardeis; ca. 350?); __ &1`350&: Drew%19Bear, &3Nouvelles inscr. de Phrygie& (1978) 110,49 [&3SEG& 28.1129] (&7Phrygia Pac.,& Eumeneia); &3LBW& VI,2037 (&7Arabia, Mothana); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 177 (&7Arabia,& il%19Meshk%1u=k%1) and 669 (&7Arabia,& Il%19Kefr). __ &1`350%19`351&: Dessau, &3ILS& 741 [&3CIL& 6.1166] (&7Rome,& Therm. Titi) and 8983 (&7Campania,& Cumae). __ &1`350%19`353&: Dessau, &3ILS& 742 [&3CIL& 5.8066] (&7Gall. Cisalpina, Ticinum%3Tauri), 743 [&3CIL& 2 Suppl. 6225] (&7Hisp. Tarracon., Bracara%3Astur), 744 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 22284] (&7Numidia,& Theveste), 745 [&3CIL& 2.4692] (&7Baetica,& Castima), 746 [&3CIL& 12.5677] (&7Gallia &7Narbon.,& Tolosa) and 747 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 22184] (&7Africa Proc., Sicca). __ &1`351&: Ebersolt, &3Mission& (1921) 45,1 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,13] (&7Cple,& S%25ahzade Imaret); &3LBW& VI,2000 (&7Arabia,& Salkhad); and 2194 (&7Arabia,& Kh.%19el%19%102Ara=dji). __ &1`351%19`354&: &3LBW& VII,2769 [&3CIL& 3.214; Dessau, &3ILS& 738; &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 170,6b] (&7Cyprus,& Lapethos); Dessau, &3ILS 737 [&3CIL& 5.8073] (&7Gall. Cisalpina,& Taurini). __ &1before 352&: &3CIJ& 989 (&7Palaest.,& Sepphoris; before 352). __ &1`352&: &3IGLSyr& 2,554 (&7Syria I,& Ba%26bisqa); and 665 (&7Syria I, Derkush); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 799(1) (&7Arabia,& Djedil); Noll, &3Vom Altertum zum Mittelalter& (1958) no. 9 [&3BE& 1963,36] (&7Pannonia II,& Sirmium). __ &1`352%3`3&: &3IGLSyr& 13:1,9439 (&7Arabia,& Bostra). __ [&1`352&]: &3LBW& VI,2562 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& el%19Ghassouleh; ca. 352); Dessau, &3ILS& 1241%19`1242 [&3CIL& 6.1693 and 1692] (&7Rome,& M. Caelius; ca. 352). __ &1`352%19`353&: Dessau, &3ILS& 731 [&3CIL& 6.1158] (&7Rome,& Forum). __ &1`352%19`354&: &3SEG& 36,1198 (&7Phrygia,& Hierapolis; 352%19`354?); &3IGLSyr& 13,1.9062 (&7Arabia,& Bostra; ca. 352%19`354). __ &1`352%19`357&: Dessau, &3ILS& 1247 [&3CIL& 9.2637] (&7Samnium,& Allifae) and 1248 [&3CIL& 9.2639] (&7Samnium,& Aesernaia). __ &1`353&: &3LBW& V,735 [&3CIG& 3872c] (&7Phrygia Pac.,& Sebaste); &3IGLSyr 2,646 (&7Syria I,& Kh. Sh. Ba=her); Mouterde, in &3Limes de Chalcis (1945) 200,30 (&7Syria I,& et%1%19T%1ouba). __ &1`353%19`354&: Dessau, &3ILS& 732 [&3CIL& 3.3705] (&7Pannonia Inf., Sirmium). __ &1`353%19`358&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 23 [&3Corinth& 8,3.503] (&7Peloponnesos, Lechaion; ca. 353%19`358). __ &1`354&: &3LBW& VI,2045 (&7Arabia,& Awwas); and 2124 [&3CIG& 8819] (&7Arabia,& Ei+tha). __ [&1`354&]: Dessau, &3ILS& 735 [&3CIL& 5.7781] (&7Liguria,& Albenga; ca. 354). __ &1`354%19`359&: &3IK Tralles& 44 [&3CIL& 3.445%7; Dessau, &3ILS& 733] (&7Asia, Tralles); &3JO+AI& 55 (1984) 134 (&7Asia,& Ephesos). __ &1`354%19`444&: &3IGLSyr& 2,670 (&7Syria I,& Urim el%19Djo=z; ca. 354%19`444). __ &1`355&: &3IG& 4:1(2),438 (&7E. Argolid,& Epidauros); &3IGLSyr& 2,543 (&7Syria I,& Da=r Qi=ta); Dessau, &3ILS& 748 [&3CIL& 10.6945] (&7Campania, Aversa). __ &1`355%19`359&: Bean and Mitford, &3DenkschrWien& 102 (1970) 205,231 (&7Isauria,& Eirenopolis; ca. 355%19`359). __ &1`355%19`360&: Dessau, &3ILS& 739 [&3CIL& 11.4781] (&7Umbria,& Spoletium). __ &1`355%19`361&: Dessau, &3ILS& 734 [&3CIL& 9.1117] (&7Samnium,& Aeculanum), 749 [&3CIL& 9.318] (&7Apulia,& Cannae), and 1244 [&3CIL& 6.1721] (&7Rome, F. Trajani). __ &1`355%19`379&: &3RQ& 10 (1896) no. 278 [Strazzulla, &3Museum &3Epigraphicum& (1897) 331] (&7Sicily,& Syracuse; ca. 355%19`379). __ &1`356&: &3LBW& VI,2412k (&7Arabia,& Nahite); &3CIL& 10,2.7167 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 419; Agnello, &3Silloge (1953) 90] (&7Sicily,& Syracuse). __ [&1`356&]: Dessau, &3ILS& 1225%7`1232 [&3CIL& 6.37112] (&7Rome,& M. Aventinus; ca. 356). __ &1`356%3`7&: &3SEG& 32,1411 (&7Syria,& Antiochene); &3IGLSyr& 4,1760 (&7Syria II,& U. el%19Khalakhil). __ &1`357&: &3IGLSyr& 2,649 (&7Syria I,& Millis); Dessau, &3ILS& 736 [&3CIL 6.1163] (&7Rome,& Circ. Max.). __ &1`357%3`8&: &3CIJ& 764 [Ramsay, &3Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia& I,2 (1897) 652,562] (&7Phrygia Pac.,& near Akmonia). __ &1`357%19`370&: Dessau, &3ILS& 1250 [&3CIL& 10.6441] (&7Campania, Privernum). __ &1`358&: &3LBW& VI,2019 [&3CIG& 4635] (&7Arabia,& %102Orma=n); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 732 (&7Arabia,& Bu%26sa=n; 358?); &3RPARA& 22 (1946%19`1947) 231,9 (&7Sicily,& Syracuse). __ &1`358%19`367&: Baillet, &3Inscr. ... tombeaux des rois& (1920) 1079%19`1080, 1118, 1380 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 150], 1512, 1520, 1680, 1693, 1826 and 1844(?) (&7Egypt,& Thebai: Syringes). __ &1`358%19`373&: &3LBW& VI,2145 [Peek, &3GVI& 1983] (&7Arabia,& Sakkaia). __ &1`359&: Bean and Mitford, &3DenkschrWien& 102 (1970) 205,231a [Dessau, &3ILS& 740] (&7Isauria,& Ermenek%3Karaman); &3IGLSyr& 2,648 (&7Syria I,& Millis); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 724 and 726 (&7Arabia,& Sa=leh); Dessau, &3ILS& 1286 [&3CIL 6.32004] (&7Rome,& S. Petr. Vatic.). __ [&1`359&]: &3IG& 12:9,907 [&3AEubMel& 24.219] (&7Euboia,& Chalkis; ca. 359); Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 24 [&3SEG& 11,464] (&7Peloponnesos,& Sparta), and 25 [&3IG& 5,1.729] (&7Peloponnesos,& Sparta; ca. 359); &3SEG 11,465(?) and 851 (&7Peloponnesos,& Sparta); Dessau, &3ILS& 1243 [&3CIL& 6.1741] (&7Rome,& Bas. Lateran.; ca. 359). __ &1`359%3`60&: &3IGLSyr& 2,510 (&7Syria I,& Kse=djbeh); &3SEG& 7,1170 (&7Arabia,& %102Orma=n). __ &1`359%19`360&: &3IG& 4,53 (&7Aigina,& Aigina; 359%19`360?). __ &1`360&: &3IGLSyr& 2,504 (&7Syria I,& Kfe=r); &3IG& 14.112 [Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 91 (&7Sicily,& Syracuse); __ [&1`360&]: &3SEG& 6,580%19`582 (&7Pisidia,& Antiochia; ca. 360); Dessau, &3ILS& 1245 [&3CIL& 6.1745] (&7Rome,& C. Esquilinus; ca. 360); &3ILS& 1246 [&3CIL& 6.1746] (&7Rome,& C. Esquilinus; ca. 360); &3ILS& 1246n [&3CIL 6.1744] (&7Rome,& C. Esquilinus; ca. 360); &3ILS& 1253 [&3CIL& 9.2566] (&7Samnium,& Bovianum Undec.; ca. 360); &3ILS& 1270 [&3CIL& 6.1713] (&7Rome,& place?; ca. 360). __ &1`360%3`1&: &3SEG& 32,1412 (&7Syria,& Antiochene). __ &1`360%19`363&: &3IK Ilion& 100 (&7Hellespontus,& Ilion). __ &1`360%19`364&: &3IK Ephesos& 1312 (&7Asia,& Ephesos). __ &1`360%19`370%3`380&: Robert, &3Nouvelles inscr. de Sardes& (1964) 39,4 [Lifshitz, &3Donateurs et fondateurs dans les synagogues &3grecques& (1967) 17] 39,5 [&3Donateurs& 18] and 45,6 [&3Donateurs 19] (&7Lydia,& Sardeis; ca 360%19`370%3`380 ac?). __ &1`360%19`390&: &3AnthPal& 1,92 (&7Cappad. I,& Kaisareia; ca. 360%19`390). __ &1`361&: &3IGLSyr& 2,653 (&7Syria I,& T%1ouri=n). __ &1`361%3`2&: &3SEG& 32,1420 (&7Syria,& Antiochene); Prentice, &3PAAES III (1908) 377 (&7Arabia,& Shak%1k%1a%26; 361%3`2?). __ &1`361%19`362&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus &3Bulgarien& (1964) 2 [Dessau, &3ILS& 8945] (&7Dacia Mediter., Serdica); Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 269 (&7Scythia Minor,& Niculit%25el); Pouilloux, et al., &3Salamine de &3Chypre, XIII,2& (1987) no. 157 [&3AE/& 1973.544] (&7Cyprus, Constantia); Dessau, &3ILS& 753 [&3CIL& 5.8024] (&7Transpadana, Sirmio). __ &1`361%19`363&: &3IK Smyrna& 816 (&7Asia,& Smyrna); &3IK Ephesos& 313A and 3021 (&7Asia,& Ephesos); Kern, &3IMagnesia& 201 [&3Syll&(`3) 906B] (&7Asia,& Magnesia Mai.); &3BCH& 1 (1877) 288,65 [&3Syll&(`3) 906A] (&7Asia,& Miletos); &3IDidyma& 60 [&3LBW& V,234] (&7Karia,& Didyma); &3IK &3Iasos& 14 (&7Karia,& Iasos); &3IK Nikaia& 1019 (&7Bithynia,& Dableis); &3MAMA& 7,9 (&7Pisidia,& Nevine); Bean, in Mansel et el., &3Side &3agorasi ve civarindaki binalar& (1956) 81,48 (&7Pamphylia,& Side); Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus Bulgarien (1964) 228 (&7Thracia,& Kalugerovo); Feissel, &3IChMac& 86bis (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike); Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 1 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 14206,33] (&7Thess.,& Tempe); &3SEG& 24,437 (&7Epirus V.,& Kassope). Robert, &3Hellenica& 4 (1948) 55 [&3AthMitt& 44 (1919) 45,36] and 59 [&3AthMitt& 66 (1941) 76,21] (&7Aegean Islands,& Samos; 361%19`363?); &3LBW& VI,2551a [&3CIG& 4512] (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Damaskos); Welles, in &3Gerasa& (1938) 345%19`348 (&7Arabia,& Gerasa); Dessau, &3ILS& 750 [&3CIL& 8.1432] (&7Africa Proc., Tebursuk), 751 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 7088] (&7Asia,& Pergamon), 752 [&3CIL 8.4326] (&7Numidia,& Madher) and 8946 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 10648b] (&7Pannonia Inf.,& Mursa). __ &1`362&: &3Me/lBey& 13 (1928) 234,8 [&3CIL& 3.247%7; Dessau, &3ILS& 754] (&7Galatia I,& Ankyra); &3IGLSyr& 2,322 (&7Syria I,& Deir S%1ali=b); &3IGLSyr& 4,1890 (&7Syria II,& Khalba=n; 362?); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 186 [Dessau, &3ILS& 9465] (&7Arabia,& %102Anz) and 705 (&7Arabia,& %102Orma=n); __ &1`362%19`363&: Dessau, &3ILS& 755 [&3CIL& 5.8987] (&7Venetia,& Julia Concordia). __ &1`362%19`364&: &3BCH& 50 (1926) 445,85 (&7Boiotia,& Thespiai). __ &1`363&: &3SEG& 28,1229 (&7Lycia,& Tyriaion); Dessau, &3ILS& 756 [&3CIL 8.4647] (&7Numidia,& Thagora) and 757 [&3CIL& 5.8037] (&7Transpadana, Verona). __ &1`363%3`4&: &3IGLSyr& 2,575 (&7Syria I,& T%1ourla=h%1a). __ &1`363%19`364&: &3IK Nikaia& 1020 (&7Bithynia,& Dableis); &3BCH& 7 (1883) 309,32 (&7Pisidia,& Apameia); &3LBW& VII,2807d [&3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 169,1f] (&7Cyprus,& Palaia Paphos). __ &1`363%19`378&: &3IG& 7,1849 (&7Boiotia,& Thespiai). __ &1`363%19`393&: &3Corinth& 8,3.522 (&7Peloponnesos,& Korinthos). __ &1`364&: &3IK Eph& 3605b,1 (&7Asia,& Ephesos); &3IGLSyr& 4,1415 (&7Syria &7II,& Fri=kya); Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la &3Syrie du nord& III (1958) 30,32 [&3IGLSyr& 4.1415] (&7Syria II, Fri=kya=); &3LBW& VI,2054 (&7Arabia,& Um%19er%19Rumma=n); &3SEG& 34,1508 (&7Arabia,& Hauran; ca. 364?); Dessau, &3ILS& 1254 [&3CIL& 6.1729] (&7Rome,& F. Trajani). __ &1`364%3`5&: &3IGLSyr& 2,656 (&7Syria I,& T%1ouri=n); &3SEG& 7,1181 (&7Arabia, %102Orma=n). __ &1`364%19`365&: Dessau, &3ILS& 8948 [&3CIL& 6.36956] (&7Rome,& Forum). __ &1`364%19`367&: &3DOP& 25 (1971) 266 [cf. Jones, Martindale and Morris, &3PLRE& I (1971) 48] (&7Dacia Mediterr.,& Bargala); Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 2 [&3AD& 23,B2 (1968) 350] (&7Thess.,& Kaisareia); &3SEG& 22,470 (&7Phokis,& Delphi); &3IK Nikaia& 1011 (&7Bithynia,& Tation), 1013 (&7Bithynia, Tation%3Dableis) and 1021, 1028, 1029 (&7Bithynia,& Dableis); Dessau, &3ILS& 758 [&3CIL& 8.7014] (&7Numidia,& Cirta), 759 [&3Supplementa Italica, I& (1888) 1061] (&7Venetia,& U/dine), 760 [&3CIL& 5.8031] (&7Transpadana,& Verona%3Brixia) and 761 [&3CIL 8.10352] (&7Mauretania,& Sitifis). __ &1`364%19`375&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) &3InvPel& 5,b [&3IG& 5,1.1109,b] (&7Peloponnesos, Lakonia, Helos; ca. 364%19`375). and 8 [&3CIG& 1558] (&7Peloponnesos, Patras; ca. 364%19`375); Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 276 (&7Karia, Aphrodisias; ca. 364%19`375); &3SEG& 29,1167 (&7Lydia,& Hermokapeleia); &3JHS& 19 (1898) 102,87 (&7Galatia I,& Gorbeous); Breccia, &3Cat. &3Alexandrie& (1911) 92 [Dessau, &3ILS& 8947] (&7Egypt,& Alexandria; 364%19`375?); &3SEG& 9,364 (&7Cyrenaica,& Ptolemais; 364%19`375?); Dessau, &3ILS& 764 [&3CIL& 10.1656] (&7Campania,& Puteoli) and 767 [&3CIL 12.5697,5] (&7Gallia Viennen.,& Genava). __ &1before 365&: &3SEG& 31,1578%19`1578b (&7Kyrenaike,& Kyrene; before 365?). __ &1`365&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 100r [&3IK Sestos& 16] (&7Europe,& Kallipolis; 365?); Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 6%19`7 [&3Corinth& 8,3.504%19`505] (&7Peloponnesos,& Korinthos; ca. 365?); &3IGLSyr& 4,1614 (&7Syria II, Tarou=ti=n); &3LBW& VI,2239 (&7Arabia,& Bosana); &3JThS& 11 (1960) 287,6 [&3ASAtene& 1 (1914) 161] (&7Cyrenaica,& Cyrene; 365?); &3SEG& 35,1055 (&7Italy,& Tibur; ca. 365). __ &1`365%3`6&: &3SEG& 7,1164 (&7Arabia,& Dibi=n). __ &1`365%19`367&: Dessau, &3ILS& 762 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 10596%7] (&7Pannonia &7Inf.,& Salva); &3ILS& 1255 [&3CIL& 6.1764] (&7Rome,& F. Trajani); &3CIL 6.31402%19`31403 (&7Rome,& Pons Valentian.). __ &1`365%19`368&: Dessau, &3ILS& 1237 [&3CIL& 6.32051] (&7Rome,& C. Quirinalis). __ &1`366&: Feissel, &3IChMac& 128 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 310,3] (&7Maced., Thessalonike; 366?); &3DOP& 25 (1971) 247 [&3IK Kalchedon& p. 100] (&7Cple,& Valens%19Aqueduct); &3IGLSyr& 5,2508 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Tell Ameri); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 183 (&7Arabia,& Umm ir%19Rumma=n). __ &1after 366&: Dessau, &3ILS& 1251 [&3CIL& 6.31904] (&7Rome,& place?; after 366) and 1252 [&3CIL& 11.6958] (&7Etruria,& Luna; after 366). __ &1`366%19`384&: &3IChUR& 7,19932 (&7Rome,& C. Hippolyti). __ &1`366%19`367&: Dessau, &3ILS& 763 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 14752] (&7Africa &7Proc.,& Hr. Msa'adi=n). __ &1`366%19`368&: Dessau, &3ILS& 768 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 12527] (&7Africa &7Proc.,& Carthago). __ &1`367&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1501 (&7Syria II,& Khirbet H%1a=ss); &3IChUR& 1,940 [&3CIG& 9842; &3ILCV& 2.2878] (&7Rome,& S. Praxes). __ &1`367%3`8&: &3IGLSyr& 2,652 (&7Syria I,& %102Ameicha=n); &3SEG& 7,1171 (&7Arabia,& %102Orma=n). __ &1`367%19`369&: Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 81 (&7Scythia Minor,& Miris%25tea). __ &1`367%19`375&: Heberdey and Wilhelm, &3DenkschrWien& 44,6 (1896) 13,38 (&7Cilicia II,& Mopsouestia) and 25,56, 27,61%19`27,62 (&7Cilicia II,& Hierapolis); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 229 (&7Arabia,& De=r il%19Kahf); Baillet, &3Inscr. ... &3tombeaux des rois& (1920) 1408%19`1409 (&7Egypt,& Thebai: Syringes); Dessau, &3ILS& 765 [&3CIL& 6.1180] (&7Rome,& Circ. Max.). __ &1`367%19`383&: Bosch, in Mansel et al., &3`1947 senesi Side &3kazilarina o+nrapor& (1951) 77,33 (&7Pamphylia,& Side). __ &1`368%3`9&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1625 (&7Syria II,& Tarou=ti=n); &3SEG& 7,260 (&7Syria,& Tafas). __ &1`368%19`403&: Pouilloux, et al., &3Salamine de Chypre, XIII,2 (1987) no. 233 (&7Cyprus,& Constantia). __ &1`369&: &3IGLSyr& 2,598 [&3Guard EG& 4.431] (&7Syria I,& Ko%26kana=ya); &3LBW VI,2001 [&3CIG& 4641] (&7Arabia,& Salkhad); &3SEG& 36,848 (&7Tyrrhenian &7Sea,& Lipara); Dessau, &3ILS& 771%19`772 [&3CIL& 6.1175%19`1176] (&7Rome, Pont. S. Barth.). __ [&1`369&]: Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 233 [Dessau, &3ILS& 770] (&7Scythia Min.,& Cius; ca. 369); __ &1`370&: Moretti, &3IGUR& 129 [&3IG& 14.1018] (&7Italia,& Roma); Dessau, &3ILS& 774 [&3CIL& 3.5670a] (&7Noricum,& Fafiana) and 1292 [&3CIL 14.1875] (&7Latium,& Ostia; ca. 370?). __ &1`370%19`371&: &3IK Ephesos& 42 (&7Asia,& Ephesos); Baillet, &3Inscr. ... &3tombeaux des rois& (1920) 1366 (&7Egypt,& Thebai: Syringes). __ &1`371&: &3LBW& VI,2058 (&7Arabia,& Um%19er%19Djema=l); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 233 (&7Arabia,& Umm Idj%19Djima=l); Dessau, &3ILS& 773 [&3CIL& 3.88] (&7Arabia,& Umm%19el%19Djema=l), 775 [&3CIL 3.3653] (&7Pannonia Inf.,& Salva), and 8949 (&7Gallia Sequan., Koblenz%3Stein). __ &1`371%19`373&: Dessau, &3ILS& 778 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 12455] (&7Africa &7Proc.,& Carpis [el%19Meri=ssa]). @__ &1`372&: &3IGLSyr& 2,389 (&7Syria I,& Fa%26firti=n); &3IGLSyr& 4,1509 [Guard, &3EG& IV,434] and 1523 (&7Syria II,& H%1a=ss); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 689 (&7Arabia,& %102Auwas%1?) and 696 (&7Arabia,& %102Orma=n). __ &1`372%3`3&: Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 220 (&7Pontos,& Euchaita; 372%3`3?). __ &1`372%19`376&: &3ICreticae& IV,312 (&7Crete,& Gortyn; ca. 372%19`376?). __ &1`372%19`378&: &3IK Ephesos& 43 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 100, ca. 372] (&7Asia,& Ephesos; ca. 372%19`378). __ &1`373&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1877 (&7Syria II,& er%19Rukhaiyeh); Bernand, &3Inscr. gr. de Philae, II& (1969) 186 (&7Nubia,& Philai); &3IChUR 1,2092 [&3ILCV& 4458] (&7Rome,& Mus. Vatican.); Dessau, &3ILS& 766 [&3CIL 6.31405] (&7Rome,& Pons Valentian.; ca. 373); &3CIL& 6.31407%19`31408 (&7Rome,& Pons Valentian.; ca. 373). __ &1`373%3`4&: &3SEG& 7,1137 (&7Arabia,& Abou%19Zreiq). __ &1`373%19`375&: &3IG& 2(2),4222 (&7Attica,& Athens; ca. 373%19`375). __ &1`373%19`378&: &3SEG& 32,567 (&7Egypt,& Abu%26 Mi%26na). __ &1`374&: &3IGLSyr& 2,611 (&7Syria I,& Dju%26wa%26ni=yeh); Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g 64 [&3OGIS& 722] and &3SEG& 24,1194] (&7Egypt,& Athribis); &3NSc 1895.520,266 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 324] (&7Sicily,& Syracuse); Dessau, &3ILS& 776 [&3CIL& 6.1177] (&7Rome,& M. Palatinus). __ &1`375&: Dessau, &3ILS& 777 [&3CIL& 5.8008] (&7Gall. Cisalpina, Ferrara); and 1287 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 9506] (&7Dalmatia,& Salona). __ &1`375%3`6&: &3IGLSyr& 2,460 (&7Syria I,& Zerzi=ta%26); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 1 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Kerak). __ [&1`375&]: &3IG& 2(2),4841 (&7Attica,& Phlya; ca. 375); Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 26 [&3SEG 11,773] (&7Peloponnesos,& Sparta; ca. 375); &3AnthPal& 9,671 (&7Asia, Smyrna; ca. 375); &3CIG& 9268 [&3Anatolian Studies ... W.M. Ramsay (1923) 74,3] (&7Pisidia,& Kadinhani%3Pita; ca. 375?). __ &1`375%19`400& ("end 4th c. ac"): &3SEG& 27,409 (&7Moesia,& Tulcea); &3SEG 33,555 (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike); &3IK Ephesos& 1302 (&7Asia,& Ephesos; end 4th?). Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 68a (&7Pontos,& Neoklaudiopolis; end 4th?); &3Byzantion& 4 (1927%19`1928) 465,7 [&3Hellenica& 4 (1948) 74] (&7Cilicia I,& Andana); Budde, &3Antiken Mosaiken in Kililien, I& (1969) 95 and II (1972) 101%19`104 [&3BE& 1974,612] (&7Cilicia,& Narli Kuyu; ca. 375%19`400?); Habicht, in Gschnitzer, et al., &3Demetrias V& (1987) 303,28 (&7Thess.,& Demetrias); &3IG& 2(2),12767a [&3ZPE& 13 (1974) 201] (&7Attica,& Athens); &3SEG& 21,768 [&3BE& 1965.155] (&7Attica,& Athens; ca. 375%19`400); &3IGLSyr& 5,2704 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Khan el%19Abyad%1; end 4th?); &3IGLSyr& 6,2887 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Soueidiyeh); Bernand, &3Akoris& (1988) 40 [&3SB& 3.6608] and 41(?) [&3SB& 3.6609] (&7Egypt, Akoris); &3IChUR& 6,15868 [&3SEG& 18,425] (&7Rome,& V. Latina; end 4th); Scheiber, &3CIHungJud&(`2) 9 (&7Pannonia,& Ciglana); Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives ... Afrique romaine," &3Antiquite/s africaines& 17 (1981), nos. 13%19`15 (&7Proconsularis,& Naro). __ &1`375%19`378&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 9 [&3IG& 4,674] (&7Peloponnesos,& Nauplia; ca. 375%19`378); Dessau, &3ILS& 5694 [&3CIL& 14.137] (&7Latium,& Ostia) and 5701 [&3CIL& 5.7250] (&7Transpadana,& Segusio). __ &1`376&: Rey%19Coquais, &3Bulletin du Muse/e de Beyrouth& 29 (1977) 74 (&7Phoenice,& Tyros); Dessau, &3ILS& 1256 [&3CIL& 6.1736] (&7Rome,& F. Trajani). __ &1`376%3`7&: Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 99 (&7Pontos,& Amasia); &3IGLSyr& 2,668 (&7Syria I,& Urim el%19Djo=z). __ &1`377&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 167 (&7Arabia,& S%1alkhad); Moretti, &3IGUR& 128 [&3IG& 14.1019] (&7Italia, Roma); Dessau, &3ILS& 1257 [&3CIL& 6.1698] (&7Rome,& Capitolium). __ &1`378&: &3IGLSyr& 2,595 (&7Syria I,& Ko%26kana=ya); &3IGLSyr& 4,1506%19`1507 (&7Syria II,& H%1a=ss); &3IGLSyr& 4,1532bis (&7Syria II,& Dahr el%19Kebi=ra); Dessau, &3ILS& 779 [&3CIL& 8.10489] (&7Tripolitana,& Gigthis), nd 1265 [&3CIL& 6.1751] (&7Rome,& M. Pincius); Reynolds and Ward Perkins, &3Inscr. of Roman Tripolitania& (1952) 103 (&7Tripolitana, Sabratha), 476 (Lepcis Magna) and 571 (Lepcis Magna). __ [&1`378&]: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 333(2) (&7Lydia,& Apollonis; ca. 378). __ &1`378%19`379&: Lanckoronski, et. al., &3Sta+dte Pamphyliens und &3Pisidiens, II: Pisidien& (1893) 230,219%19`230,220 (&7Pisidia, Sagalassos); __ &1`378%19`395&: Dessau, &3ILS& 2945 [&3CIL& 6.1186] (&7Rome,& F. Trajani). __ &1`379&: Feissel, &3IChMac& 233 (&7Maced.,& Philippoi); &3IGLSyr& 5,2544 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Salamias); Dessau, &3ILS& 1271 [&3CIL& 6.1714] (&7Rome,& place?; ca. 379). __ &1after 379&: Dessau, &3ILS& 1289 [&3CIL& 9.5566] (&7Picenum, Tolentinum; after 379). __ &1`379%19`382&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" 1985) 27 [&3IG& 4,1608] (&7Peloponnesos,& Argos; ca. 379%19`382?); &3IG& 7,96 (&7Megaris,& Megara); Dessau, &3ILS& 1263 [&3CIL 14.2917] (&7Latium,& Praeneste) and 5702 [&3CIL& 10.6656] (&7Latium &7Adj.,& Antium). __ &1`379%19`383&: &3TAM& 5,1.639c (&7N.E. Lydia,& Daldis: Hasankirani); Dessau, &3ILS& 781 [&3CIL& 6.1184] (&7Rome,& place?); and 782 [&3CIL 6.1184a] (&7Rome,& Forum). __ &1`379%19`392&: &3IK Nikaia& 67 (&7Bithynia,& Nikaia). __ &1`379%19`386&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 280 (&7Karia,& Aphrodisias; ca. 379%19`386). __ &1`379%19`394&: Dessau, &3ILS& 780 [&3CIL& 9.333] (&7Apulia,& Canusium). __ &1`379%19`395&: Feissel, &3IChMac& 273 (&7Macedonia II,& Stoboi; ca. 379%19`395); Latys%148ev, &3IOSPE& 4,464 (&7N. Shore Euxine,& Chersonesos); &3IG& 12,9.1236 [&3GRBS& 20 (1979) 268,11] (&7Euboia,& Aidepsos; 379%19`395?); &3IG& 2(2),4223 (&7Attica,& Athens); &3IK Ephesos& 306 and 314%19`315 (&7Asia,& Ephesos); Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 309(3) (&7Pamphylia, Attalia). __ &1`380&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 158 (&7Arabia,& S%1alkhad; 380?) and 197 (&7Arabia,& il%19Gha=riyeh). __ [&1`380&]: &3IG& 4,666 (&7Argia,& Lerna; ca. 380); __ &1`380%19`395&: &3Corinth& 8,3.530 (&7Peloponnesos,& Korinthos; ca. 380%19`395). __ &1before 381&: &3CIL& 6.1675 (&7Rome,& H. Barberin.; before 381). __ &1`381&: &3RPARA& 22 (1946%19`1947) 228,2 (&7Sicily,& Syracuse). __ &1`381%19`383&: &3ICreticae& IV,284a%19`284b and 285(?) (&7Crete,& Gortyn; ca. 381%19`383). __ &1`381%19`384&: &3ICreticae& I,256,13 (&7Crete,& Olous; ca. 381%19`384) and IV,313%19`322 (&7Crete,& Gortyn; ca. 381%19`384?). __ &1`381%19`404&: &3IGLSyr& 3,776%19`777 (&7Syria I,& Antiochia). __ [&1`382&]: &3SEG& 7,195 (&7Syria,& Nahir el%19Kelb; ca. 382); &3Phoenix 26 (1972) 183 [&3BE& 1973,480] (&7Isauria,& Anemurium; ca. 382). __ &1`382%19`383&: Dessau, &3ILS& 8984 [&3AE& 1892.143] (&7Campania, Neapolis). __ &1`383&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus &3Bulgarien& (1964) 232b (&7Rhodope,& Kovac%148evica); &3IK Smyrna& 821 (&7Asia,& Smyrna); &3IK Ephesos& 3605b,2 (&7Asia,& Ephesos); &3IK Ephesos 3606 (&7Asia,& Metropolis; 383?); &3CIJ& 650 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 51] (&7Sicilia,& Catania); Gauthier, &3IChGaule& 1,211 [&3SEG& 19,651] (&7Belgica I,& Aug. Treverorum). __ &1after 383&: Dessau, &3ILS& 1262 [&3CIL& 6.1679] (&7Rome,& place?; after 383). __ &1`383%19`384&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus &3Bulgarien& (1964) 86 (&7Moesia II,& Gerania?). __ &1`383%19`388&: Dessau, &3ILS& 787 [&3CIL& 8.27] (&7Tripolitana,& Gigthis) and 788 [&3CIL& 5.8030] (&7Gall. Cisalpina,& Brixia). __ &1`383%19`392&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus &3Bulgarien& (1964) 80 (&7Scythia Min.,& Zaldapa); &3IK Assos& 31 [Dessau, &3ILS& 785] (&7Asia,& Assos); &3SEG& 36,1164 (&7Pontos, Herakleia). Dessau, &3ILS& 786 [&3CIL& 8.782] (&7Africa Proc.,& Apisa Maius). __ &1`383%19`393&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus &3Bulgarien& (1964) 149 (&7Moesia II,& Kipra). __ &1`383%19`395&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1587%19`1594bis (&7Syria II,& I%102dja=z). __ &1`383%19`408&: &3SEG& 26,823 (&7Thrace,& Panion); Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 124(3) [&3IK Ephesos& 3708] (&7Asia,& Koloe; ca. 383%19`408). __ &1`384&: &3IGLSyr& 2,568 (&7Syria I,& Ba%26qirh%1a; 384?); &3IGLSyr& 2,602 (&7Syria I,& Ko%26kana=ya); Dessau, &3ILS& 1258 [&3CIL& 6.1777] (&7Rome,& M. Aventinus), 1259 [&3CIL& 6.1779] (&7Rome,& Mus. Capitolin.), 1260 [&3CIL& 6.1780] (&7Rome,& place?), and 1261 [&3CIL& 6.2145] (&7Rome,& C. Esquilinus; ca. 384). __ &1`384%3`5&: &3IGLSyr& 2,680 (&7Syria I,& Ruwe=h%1a); Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du nord& III (1958) 36,39a [&3SEG& 20.376] (&7Syria II,& Khirbet Mu=qa). __ &1`384%19`388&: Dessau, &3ILS& 1273 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 6587] (&7Aegyptus, Alexandria). __ &1`384%19`392&: Moretti, &3IGUR& 245 [&3IG& 14.1106] (&7Italia,& Roma). __ [&1`385&]: Drew%19Bear, &3Nouvelles inscr. de Phrygie& (1978) 27,15 [&3SEG& 28.1203] (&7Phrygia Pac.,& Sanaos; ca. 385); &3SEG& 18,626 (&7Palaest.,& Caesarea; ca. 385); Robert, &3Hellenica& 4 (1948) 133[b] (&7Karia,& Aphrodisias; ca. 385); __ &1`385&: &3LBW& VI,2412l (&7Arabia,& Nahite); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 62 (&7Arabia,& S%1ma=d); Dessau, &3ILS& 1264 (&7Latium,& Pompt. Marshes); and 1288 [&3CIL& 9.5300] (&7Picenum, Cupra Marit.). __ &1`386&: &3AnthPlan& 16,65 (&7Cple,& Forum Tauri); &3IGLSyr& 2,689 (&7Syria I,& Ri=h%1a); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 734 and 740 (&7Arabia,& Bu%26sa=n). __ &1after 386&: Dessau, &3ILS& 1290 [&3CIL& 9.5897] (&7Picenum,& Ancona; after 386). __ &1`387&: &3IG& 2(2),4842 (&7Attica,& Phlya); &3IGLSyr& 2,381 (&7Syria I, Ka%26lo=ta); &3IGLSyr& 3,774 (&7Syria I,& Antiochia); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 693 (&7Arabia,& %102Auwas%1; 387?); &3SEG& 8,335 (&7Palaest.,& Ghor es%19Safi); &3CIJ& 528 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 40] (&7Rome,& place?). __ &1`388&: &3SEG& 6,186 (&7Phrygia,& Sebaste); Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du nord& III (1958) 35,39 [&3SEG 20.375] (&7Syria II,& H%1a=s); Dessau, &3ILS& 784 [&3CIL& 2.483] (&7Lusitania,& Emerita); Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 227 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr (1969) 123] (&7Egypt,& Antinooupolis, ca. 388 ac?). __ &1`388%19`391&: Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von &3Konstantinopel& (1943) 8 (&7Cple,& Land Walls; ca. 388%19`391?). __ &1`388%19`392&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 281 (&7Karia,& Aphrodisias; ca. 388%19`392) and 290 (&7Lykia,& Myra; ca. 388%19`392); Kern, &3IMagnesia 202 [Robert, &3Hellenica& 4 (1948) 63] (&7Asia,& Magnesia Mai.); Robert, &3Hellenica& 4 (1948) 51 [&3CIG& 4350] (&7Pamphylia,& Side). __ &1`388%3`9&: &3SEG& 7,1168 (&7Arabia,& Dibi=n). __ &1`388%19`390&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 52 [Bernand, &3Delta& I (1970) 335,5a; Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 124] (&7Egypt,& Alexandria; ca. 388%19`390), 341 [&3SB& 5.8295] (&7Egypt,& Kanopos [Aboukir]). __ &1`389&: &3IGLSyr& 2,555 (&7Syria I,& Ba%26bisqa); Dessau, &3ILS& 1272 [&3CIL 6.1759] (&7Rome,& Is. Tiberiana). __ [&1`389&]: Bernand, &3Portes du de/sert& (1984) 19 [&3SB& 5.8919] (&7Egypt,& Antinooupolis; ca. 389). __ &1`389%3`90&: Che/hab, &3Mosaiques du Liban& (1957) 104,6 [&3BE 1961,783] (&7Phoenice,& Sidon:Zahrani); &3CIJ& 1209 (&7Palaest., Touba). __ &1`389%19`391&: Dessau, &3ILS& 789 [&3CIL& 6.3791b] (&7Rome,& Forum) and 8950 [&3CIL& 6.36960] (&7Rome,& Via Sacra). __ &1`390&: &3CIG& 8612 [&3AnthPal& 9,682; &3CIL& 3.734; Dessau, &3ILS& 821; &3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,IV] (&7Cple,& Hippodrome); (&7Cple,& Hippodrome). &3IGLSyr& 2,561 (&7Syria I,& Ba%26bisqa); &3IGLSyr& 5,2130 (&7Syria II, Tisni=n); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 736 (&7Arabia,& Bu%26sa=n). __ &1`391&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 293(2) [&3TAM& 2,1.186%3`7] (&7Lykia, Sidyma); &3IGLSyr& 2,440 (&7Syria I,& Qa%26t%1u=ra); &3IGLSyr& 4,1319%19`1337 [&3CIJ& 803%19`818] (&7Syria II,& Apameia); Dessau, &3ILS& 783 [&3CIL 6.1185] (&7Rome,& Colosseum?). __ &1before 392&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. &3aus Bulgarien& (1964) 33 (&7Dacia Mediter.,& Bodrovo; before 392). __ &1`392&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1560%19`1561 (&7Syria II,& Ma%102ra=ta); &3AEMO+& 8 (1884) 181,4 [&3OGIS& 613] (&7Syria,& Hau=ran:Dja=sim); &3LBW& VI,2004 (&7Arabia, Salkhad); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 670 (&7Arabia,& Il%19Kefr); &3IG& 14.2252 (&7Umbria,& Pisaurum). __ &1`392%3`3&: &3IGLSyr& 2,564 (&7Syria I,& Ba%26%102u=deh). __ &1`392%19`394&: Dessau, &3ILS& 790 [&3CIL& 13.8262] (&7Germania Inf., Colonia Agrip.). __ &1`392%19`396&: &3SEG& 28,1454 (&7Egypt,& Alexandria). __ &1`393&: &3IG& 14.2295 (&7Transpadana,& Mediolanum); Dessau, &3ILS& 791 [&3CIL& 10.1693] (&7Campania,& Puteoli). __ &1`393%19`423&: &3IK Ephesos& 316 (&7Asia,& Ephesos); Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 11 [&3Corinth& 8,3.507] (&7Peloponnesos,& Korinthos; ca. 393%19`423) and 12 [&3SEG& 11,852] (&7Peloponnesos,& Sparta; ca. 393%19`423). __ &1`393%19`395&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 10 [&3Corinth& 8,3.506] (&7Peloponnesos, Korinthos; ca. 393%19`395); &3Corinth& 8,1.92 (&7Peloponnesos, Corinth; ca. 393%19`395?); __ &1`394&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1494 (&7Syria II,& Serdjilla; 394?); Dessau, &3ILS 2946 [&3CIL& 6.1699] and 2947 [&3CIL& 6.1782] (&7Rome,& M. Caelius). __ &1`394?&: Orsi, &3Sicilia Byzantina,& I (1942), p. 222 [Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 93] (&7Sicily,& Trepiedi%3Modica; 394 or 402). __ &1`394%3`5&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1653 (&7Syria II,& %102O=djeh). __ &1`394%19`395&: Dessau, &3ILS& 792 [&3CIL& 10.1692] (&7Campania,& Puteoli). __ &1`394%19`423&: Sacco, &3IPorto& (1984) 75 [&3IG& 14.949a] (&7Latium, Portus). __ &1`395&: &3IK Smyrna& 845 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 65] (&7Asia,& Smyrna); &3IGLSyr& 2,654 (&7Syria I,& T%1ouri=n). __ [&1`395&]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 32 [&3IG& 5,2.153] (&7Peloponnesos,& Tegea; ca. 395?); Dessau, &3ILS& 1266 [&3CIL& 5.3344] (&7Transpadana,& Verona; ca. 395), 1267 [&3CIL& 6.1753] (&7Rome,& place?; ca. 395), 1268 [&3CIL 6.1752] (&7Rome,& place?; ca. 395) and 1269b [&3CIL& 6.1754b] (&7Rome, place?; ca. 395 and 406). __ &1`395%19`402&: Dessau, &3ILS& 793 [&3CIL& 6.1191] (&7Rome,& Thr. Pompeii). __ &1`395%19`408&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 86x (&7Europe, Panion); Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 275 (&7Karia,& Aphrodisias; ca. 395%19`408); &3IK Nikaia& 70 (&7Bithynia,& Nikaia); &3MAMA& 6,95 (&7Karia, Herakleia); Bosch, in Mansel et al., &3`1947 senesi Side &3kazilarina o+nrapor& (1951) 77,32 (&7Pamphylia,& Side); &3MAMA& 3,73 (&7Isauria,& Diokaisareia); &3Clara Rhodos& 2 (1932) 207,43 (&7SE. &7Aegean,& Rhodes:Rhodes); &3SEG& 9,365 (&7Cyrenaica,& Ptolemais; 395%19`408?). __ &1`396&: &3IGLSyr& 2,655 (&7Syria I,& T%1ouri=n); &3IGLSyr& 2,677 (&7Syria I, Ruwe=h%1a). __ &1`397&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1431 (&7Syria II,& De=r Sambil); &3LBW& VI,2197 (&7Arabia,& el%19Ma=liki=ye) and 2462 (&7Arabia,& Harra=n); &3IChUR& 2,6065 [&3ILCV& 4988; &3CIJ& App. V,82*] (&7Rome,& Via Ardeatina). __ &1`397%3`8&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 794(1) (&7Arabia,& H%1arra=n). __ &1`397%19`401&: &3IG& 2(2),5205 [&3SEG& 29.199] (&7Attica,& Athens); &3SEG 29,200 (&7Attica,& Athens; 397%19`401?). __ &1`398&: &3IGLSyr& 2,617 (&7Syria I,& Dju%26wa%26ni=yeh); &3LBW& VI,2020 [&3CIG 4637] (&7Arabia,& %102Orma=n); &3IG& 14.246 [Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 92] (&7Sicily,& Cava d'Ispica); Dessau, &3ILS& 794 [&3CIL& 6.1187] (&7Rome, Forum). __ [&1`398&]: Dessau, &3ILS& 1277 [&3CIL& 6.1730] (&7Rome,& Forum; ca. 398); and 8951 [&3CIL& 6.31256] (&7Rome,& Forum; ca. 398?). __ &1`398%3`9&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 2 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Kerak; 398%3`9?). __ &1`398%19`399&: Dessau, &3ILS& 795 [&3CIL& 9.4051] (&7Aequi,& Aqua Anio Vetus). __ &1`399&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1432 (&7Syria II,& De=r Sambil); &3NSc& 1895.521,267 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 325] (&7Sicily, Syracuse); Moretti, &3IGUR& 65 [&3IG& 14.1075] (&7Italia,& Roma); Dessau, &3ILS& 1274 [&3CIL& 6.1715] (&7Rome,& S. Petr. Vinc.). __ [&1`399&]: Lassus, &3Sanctuaires chre/tiennes de Syrie& (1947) 258,9 (&7Syria I,& Bra=d; ca. 399). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@FIFTH CENTURY A.C. @ LARGER RANGES: __ &1`400%19`425%3`450& ("early 5th c. ac"): Lang, &3Graffiti and Dipinti& (1976) J4 (&7Attica,& Athens); &3IGLSyr& 2,619 (&7Syria I,& Dju%26wa%26ni=yeh); &3SEG& 31,1396 (&7Syria,& Q. es%19Shih). __ &1`400%19`450&: &3SEG& 15,818 (&7Lycaonia,& Kinderaz; ca. 400%19`450); &3SEG 36,1242,a%19`1242,b (&7Cilicia,& Feke); Budde, &3Antiken Mosaiken in &3Kililien, I& (1969) 40%19`55 with &3ZDPV& 90 (1974) 69%19`75 [Guard. &3EG IV,426%19`429] (&7Cilicia II,& near Mopsuestia; 400%19`450?); &3CIJ& 991 (&7Palaest.,& Sepphoris; ca. 400%19`450?); &3CIJ& 982%19`983 (&7Palaest., Kepharnau+m; ca. 400%19`450?); &3CIJ& 856%19`859 (&7Syria,& el%19Hammeh; ca. 400%19`450). __ &1`400%19`450%3`475& ("early%3mid%19`5th c. ac"): &3ILS& 1275 [&3CIL& 6.1727] (&7Rome,& F. Trajani; ?E%3M 5th). __ &1`425%19`575& ("mid%19`5th c. ac"): Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. &3Romania& (1976) 14 (&7Scythia Minor,& Tomis); &3SEG& 33,521 (&7Maced., H. Georgios); Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 66 [&3IK Smyrna& 559] (&7Asia, Smyrna); &3IK Ephesos& 3820 [Robert, &3Hellenica& 4 (1948) 18] (&7Asia,& Hypaipa); &3IGLSyr& 5,2620 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Saya=diyeh) and 2628 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Bizna=ya); Lifshitz, &3Donateurs et &3fondateurs dans les synagogues grecques& (1967) 77a%19`77c (&7Palaest.,& Skythopolis); Moretti, &3IGUR& 36b [&3IG& 14.1062] (&7Italia,& Roma); Dessau, &3ILS& 5703 [&3CIL& 6.1750] (&7Rome,& C. Quirinalis; mid%19`5th?). __ &1`450%19`500&: Russell, &3DenkschrWien& 190 (1987) 82,21, 83,22, 85,23, and 88,24 (&7Isauria,& Anemurium; ca. 450%19`500); &3SEG 29,1592%19`1595 (&7Syria,& Apamea; ca. 450%19`500). __ &1`450%3`475%19`500& ("late 5th c. ac"): &3AnthPal& 9,704 [&3Hellenica 4 (1948) 155] and &3Hellenica& 4 (1948) 115 (&7Caria,& Aphrodisias); Russell, &3DenkschrWien& 190 (1987) 39,7 (&7Isauria,& Anemurium). __ &1`450%3`475%19`500& ("later 5th c. ac"): &3Byzantinoslavica& 19 (1958) 244 [&3JO+B& 11%3`12 (1962%19`1963) 160] (&7Isauria,& C%25irga; later 5th?). __ &1`475%19`525& ("end 5th%19beg. 6th c. ac"): &3IGLSyr& 13,1.9127 (&7Arabia,& Bostra); &3BCH& 88 (1964) 374 [Guard. &3EG& IV,421] (&7Cyprus,& Nea Paphos); Dessau, &3ILS& 8990 (&7Rome?,& place?). @ @ DATES AND SMALLER RANGES: __ [&1`400&]: &3IK Ephesos& 1308 (&7Asia, Ephesos; ca. 400); Haspels, &3Highlands of Phrygia& (1971), App. III, no. 39 (&7Phrygia Sal,& Baks%25eyis%25; ca. 400); Mitchell, &3RECAM II (1982) 237 (&7Galatia I,& S. of Ankyra; ca. 400?); &3MAMA& 1,280 (&7Pisidia,& Kadyn Khan; ca. 400?); S%148evc%148enko, in &3Synthronon (1968) 29%19`41 [&3DOP& 21 (1967) 286; &3BE& 1968,508] (&7Caria, Aphrodisias; ca. 400); &3Clara Rhodos& 1 (1928) 103 [Guard. &3EG IV,371] and 6%19`7 (1932) 561 (&7SE. Aegean,& Karpath.:Arkassa; ca. 400); &3SEG& 26,645 (&7Thess.,& Demetrias; ca. 400); &3Byzantion& 5 (1929) 226 (&7E. Lokris,& Daphnousia; ca. 400?); &3Corinth& 8,3.630 (&7Peloponnesos,& Corinth; ca. 400); Lassus, &3Sanctuaires &3chre/tiennes de Syrie& (1947) 257,2%19`258,6, 258,7 [Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du nord& III (1958) 5,6], 258,8, and 259,10%19`259,12 (&7Syria I,& Bra=d; ca. 400); Che/hab, &3Mosaiques du Liban& (1957) 103,5 [&3BE& 1961,783] (&7Phoenice,& Sidon:Zahrani; ca. 400?); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 604 (&7Arabia,& Djemerri=n; 400?); &3IG 14.2324%19`2325, 2326 [cf. &3SEG& 30,1149], 2327%19`2328, 2329 [cf. &3SEG 30,1149], 2331 [cf. &3SEG& 30,1149], 2334 [Guard. &3EG& IV,509], and 2336(?) [cf. &3SEG& 30,1149] (&7Venetia,& Iulia Concordia; ca. 400); &3Epigraphica& 33 (1971) 172 [&3BE& 1973,542] (&7Venetia,& Iulia Concordia; ca. 400); &3RAC& 43 (1967) 45,10 [&3BE& 1969,624] (&7Venetia,& Aquileia; ca. 400?); Gauthier &3IChGaule& 1,112(?) [&3IG 14.2560] and 1,236,i (&7Belgica I,& Aug. Treverorum; ca. 400). Sacco, &3IPorto& (1984) 79 [&3IG& 14.950] (&7Latium,& Portus; ca. 400); Moretti, &3IGUR& 63 [&3IG& 14.1074] and 69 [&3SEG& 13,471] (&7Italia, Roma; ca. 400); Dessau, &3ILS& 2949 [&3CIL& 6.1710] (&7Rome,& F. Trajani; ca. 400), 2951 [&3IChUR& 7,18802] (&7Rome,& C. Cyriacae; ca. 400) and 8952%19`8953 [&3CIL& 15.7152%19`7153] (&7Rome,& place?; ca. 400). __ &1`400&: &3IChUR& 6,15780 [&3ILCV& 4942; &3CIJ& App, V,84*] (&7Rome,& Via Latina). __ &1`400?&: &3SEG& 33,491 (&7Dalmatia,& Salona; 400 or 405). __ &1`400%19`403&: &3IK Tralles& 56,I%19`56,II (&7Asia,& Tralles). __ &1`400%19`410&: &3IK Ephesos& 561C (&7Asia,& Ephesos; 400%19`410?); Dessau, &3ILS& 1281 [&3CIL& 6.1678] (&7Rome,& place?; ca. 400%19`410) and 1282 [&3CIL& 6.1767] (&7Rome,& Forum; ca. 400%19`410). __ &1`400%19`420&: &3SEG& 32,1093 (&7Africa Procons.,& Carthage; ca. 400%19`420). __ &1`400%19`425& ("beg. 5th c. ac"): Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 65 [&3IK Smyrna 845] (&7Asia,& Smyrna); &3IK Eph& 561 and 561B,1%3`3 (&7Asia,& Ephesos); Russell, &3DenkschrWien& 190 (1987) 67,12%19`68,13, 75,15%19`76,17 and 80,19%19`81,20 (&7Isauria,& Anemurium; ca. 400%19`425). Dittenberger and Purgold, &3Inschr. von Olympia& (1896) 656 and 657 [Guard. &3EG IV,333] (&7Elis,& Olympia; beg. 5th?); &3IGLSyr& 13,1.9115%19`9116 (&7Arabia,& Bostra; beg. 5th?); &3SEG& 24.1247 (&7Nubia,& Decamere\). __ &1`400%19`430&: Bernand, &3Inscr. gr. de Philae, II& (1969) 191 and 192(?) (&7Nubia,& Philai; ca. 400%19`430); &3SEG& 31,883 (&7Italy, Tridentum; ca. 400%19`430). __ &1`401&: &3SEG& 32,1471 (&7Syria,& Hierapolis); &3IGLSyr& 2,559 (&7Syria &7I,& Ba%26bisqa); &3IGLSyr& 2,560 (&7Syria I,& Ba%26bisqa; ca. 401); &3IGLSyr 4,1762 (&7Syria II,& Umm esh%19She=lik); &3LBW& VI,2245 (&7Arabia, Bosana); &3IG& 14.2300%19`2301 (&7Transpadana,& Comum); &3NSc& 1893.299,79 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 202] (&7Sicily, Syracuse); &3SEG& 30,1208 (&7Italy,& Rome); Dessau, &3ILS& 797 [&3CIL 6.1189] (&7Rome,& P. Praenestina); &3CIL& 6.1188 (&7Rome,& P. Portuensis). __ &1`401%3`2&: &3IG& 7.24 (&7Megaris,& Megara). __ &1`402&: &3IGLSyr& 2,534 (&7Syria I,& Khirbet Te%26zi=n; 402?); &3IGLSyr 4,1826 (&7Syria II,& el%19Hazimeh); Lassus, &3Sanctuaires chre/tiennes &3de Syrie& (1947) 257,1 (&7Syria I,& Bra=d); &3NSc& 1893.284,22 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 166] (&7Sicily, Syracuse); &3NSc& 1931.372 [&3RPARA& 22 (1946%19`1947) 228,3a] (&7Sicily, Catania); Dessau, &3ILS& 796 [&3CIL& 6.1192] (&7Rome,& M. Aventinus). __ &1`402?&: Orsi, &3Sicilia Byzantina,& I (1942), p. 222 [Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 93] (&7Sicily,& Trepiedi%3Modica; 394 or 402). __ &1`402%3`3&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1649 (&7Syria II,& Mir%102a=yeh); &3IGLSyr& 3,1046 (&7Syria I,& Antiochia; 402%3`3?). __ &1`402%19`408&: &3IK Klazomenai& 520,B (&7Asia,& Klazomenai); Dessau, &3ILS& 798 [&3CIL& 6.1196] (&7Rome,& place?). __ &1`402%19`450&: &3Clara Rhodos& 2 (1932) 208,44 (&7SE. Aegean,& Rhodes: Rhodes). __ &1before 403&: Dessau, &3ILS& 1276 [&3CIL& 10.3860] (&7Campania, Capua; before 403). __ &1`403&: &3CIG& 8614 [&3CIL& 3.736; Dessau, &3ILS& 822; &3AJA& 55 (1951) 63,VI] (&7Cple,& Augustaion); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 159 (&7Arabia,& S%1alkhad); __ &1`403%3`4&: &3IGLSyr& 2,557 (&7Syria I,& Ba%26bisqa). __ &1`404?&: &3IChUR& 2,5099 [&3CIG& 9753] (&7Rome,& Bas. S. Pauli; 404 or 445?). __ [&1`404&]: &3AnthPlan& 16,73 (&7Cple,& place?; ca. 404). __ &1`404%3`5&: &3SEG& 7,1060 (&7Arabia,& Sa%102a=d). __ &1`405&: &3SEG& 19,630 (&7Italia,& Florentia); Dessau, &3ILS& 799 [&3CIL 6.31987] (&7Rome,& Forum). __ &1`405?&: &3SEG& 33,491 (&7Dalmatia,& Salona; 400 or 405). __ &1`405%19`412&: Dessau, &3ILS& 1279 [&3CIL& 12.1524] (&7Gallia Narbon., Sisteron; ca. 405%19`412). __ &1`406&: Dessau, &3ILS& 1269a [&3CIL& 6.1754a] (&7Rome,& place?; ca. 395 and 406), 1278 [&3CIL& 6.1731] (&7Rome,& Forum; 406?) and 8991 [&3CIL 5.6836] (&7Rome,& [Aosta]). __ &1`406%3`7&: &3IGLSyr& 2,386 (&7Syria I,& Surqanya); &3IGLSyr& 4,1605%19`1606 (&7Syria II,& Abu%26 H%1ani=yeh). __ &1`407&: &3IGLSyr& 2,373 (&7Syria I,& Burdj il%19Qa=s); &3IGLSyr& 2,400 (&7Syria I,& Shekh Sle%26ma=n); &3IGLSyr& 2,477 (&7Syria I,& K. Sh. Bereka=t). __ &1`407%3`8&: &3IGLSyr& 2,558 (&7Syria I,& Ba%26bisqa); Dessau, &3ILS& 800 [&3CIL& 6.31987] (&7Rome,& S. Petr. Vatic.). __ &1`407%19`411&: &3IG& 2(2),3818 (&7Attica,& Athens; ca. 407%19`411). __ &1`408&: &3IG& 14.535 [Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 94] (&7Sicily, Catania); &3IChUR& 2,4849 (&7Rome,& Bas. S. Pauli). __ &1`408%3`9&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1624 and 1633 (&7Syria II,& Tarou=ti=n); &3IGLSyr 5,2531 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Salamias); Bernand, &3Inscr. gr. de &3Philae, II& (1969) 188 (&7Nubia,& Philai). __ &1`408%19`412&: &3IG& 7,93 [&3SEG& 28.439] (&7Megaris,& Megara). __ &1`408%19`423&: &3IK Erythrai& 141 (&7Asia,& Erythrai); &3E/tudes &3balkaniques& 12 (1976) 142] (&7Dacia Mediterr.,& Berkovitsa). __ &1`408%19`450&: De/thier, &3Nouvelles de/couvertes arche/ologiques (1867) 14 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 65,3] (&7Cple,& Bayazit Quart.; 408%19`450?); Cougny, &3Anthologia, III: Appendix& (1871) 1,355%19`356 [Janin, &3La Ge/ographie eccle/siastique de l'empire byzantin, I,3 (1953) 201 (&7Cple,& Kyros Q.); Feissel, &3IChMac& 88 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 312,5] (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike; ca. 408%19`450). Habicht, in Gschnitzer, et al., &3Demetrias V& (1987) 292,23%19`292,24 (&7Thess., Demetrias; ca. 408%19`450). __ &1`409&: &3IGLSyr& 2,437 (&7Syria I,& Fidreh); Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 48 (&7Egypt,& Alexandria); &3IChUR& 2,5100b [&3CIG& 9748] (&7Rome,& Bas. S. Pauli; 409?); Gauthier, &3IChGaule& 1,93 [&3IG& 14.2559] (&7Belgica I, Aug. Treverorum). __ &1`409%3`10&: &3IG& 14.2332 (&7Venetia,& Iulia Concordia). __ &1`409%19`430&: Dessau, &3ILS& 8985 [&3NSc& 1893.521] (&7Campania, Neapolis). __ [&1`410&]: &3IG& 2(2),4224%19`4225 (&7Attica,& Athens; ca. 410). __ &1`410&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1734 (&7Syria II,& Sheykh Barak); &3IG& 14.63 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 4; Agnello, &3Silloge (1953) 100] (&7Sicily,& Syracuse). __ &1`410%3`1&: Mouterde, in &3Limes de Chalcis& (1945) 188,15 (&7Syria &7I,& Borg%148 Za%102rou=r). __ &1`411&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 21 (&7Arabia,& K%1. il%19Ba=%102ik%1); &3IG& 14.444 (&7Sicilia,& Tauromenium); &3IChUR 1,87 (&7Rome,& S. Caecilia). __ &1`411%3`2&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1623 (&7Syria II,& Tarou=ti=n); Bernand, &3Inscr. &3gr. de Philae, II& (1969) 189 (&7Nubia,& Philai). __ &1`412&: Feissel, &3IChMac IChMac& 129 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 311,4] (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike; 412?). &3IGLSyr& 2,605 (&7Syria I,& De=r Se=ta); &3IGLSyr& 2,660 (&7Syria I,& Kwa=ro; 412?). __ &1`412%3`3&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1739bis (&7Syria II,& Sheykh Barak); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 237 (&7Arabia,& Umm Idj%19Djima=l; 412%3`3?). __ &1`412%19`413&: &3ICret& 4,325 (&7Crete,& Gortyn; ca. 412%19`413). __ &1`413&: &3AD& 23,A (1968) 52 (&7E. Aegean,& Lesbos:Hypselom.); &3SEG 28,1325 (&7Kommagene,& Yukari Sogutlu); &3IGLSyr& 2,269 (&7Syria I, H%1aqla). __ &1`413%3`4&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1395 (&7Syria II,& Bari=n); &3IGLSyr& 4,1855 (&7Syria II,& M%102ardes). __ &1`414&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 3A 603 (&7Arabia,& Djemerri=n); &3IChUR& 7,17548%7`19864%3`1347 [Feissel, &3RAC& 58 (1982) 358; SEG 32.1061] (&7Rome,& C. Cyriacae). __ &1`414%3`5&: &3IGLSyr& 2,509 (&7Syria I,& Kse=djbeh). __ &1`414%19`416&: &3IK Nikaia& 68 (&7Bithynia,& Nikaia). __ &1`415&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1465 (&7Syria II,& el%19Ba=ra); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 188 (&7Arabia,& %102Anz). __ &1`415%3`6&: Dunand, in &3Me/langes syriens offerts a\ R. Dussaud& II (1939) 559,288 [&3BE& 1940,189] (&7Arabia,& Dj.Druze: Kaper). __ &1`416&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1476 (&7Syria II,& el%19Ba=ra); &3IGLSyr& 4,1731 (&7Syria II,& Umm er Reghi=m); &3RQ& 10 (1896) 47, no. 83 (352) [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 393] (&7Sicily, Syracuse). __ &1`416%19`418&: Naumann and Belting, &3Die Euphemia%19Kirche& (1966) 15 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 65,8] (&7Cple,& Antiochos Pal.; ca. 416%19`418). __ &1`417&: Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du &3nord& III (1958) 37,39b [&3SEG& 20,377], 38,39c [&3SEG& 20,378], and 38,39d [&3SEG& 20,379] (&7Syria I,& Raya=n); &3IGLSyr& 4,1480 (&7Syria II, el%19Ba=ra); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 793(3) (&7Arabia,& Lubbe=n; 417?); &3IG& 14.2265 (&7Etruria,& Florentia); &3NSc 1895.481,153 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 254] (&7Sicily,& Syracuse); Dessau, &3ILS& 8992 (&7Gallia Belgic.,& Aug. Trevir.). __ &1`417%3`8&: &3IGLSyr& 2,351%19`352 (&7Syria I,& Me/rimi=n); __ &1`418&: &3SEG& 32,1461 (&7Syria,& Hierapolis); &3IGLSyr& 2,535 (&7Syria &7I,& Da=r Qi=ta); &3IGLSyr& 4,1552 (&7Syria II,& %102Aiba=n; 418?). &3NSc 1895.485,163 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 442] (&7Sicily,& Syracuse); Dessau, &3ILS& 1291 [&3CIL& 5.6268] (&7Gall. &7Cisalpina,& Mediolanum; 418, 439). __ &1`418%3`9&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1582 (&7Syria II,& H%1era=keh); &3IG& 14.2330 (&7Venetia,& Iulia Concordia). __ &1`419&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1667 (&7Syria II,& Sera=%102); &3LBW& VI,2022a (&7Arabia, Harise); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 160 (&7Arabia,& S%1alkhad); &3IG& 14.239 [Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 95] (&7Sicily,& Palazz. Acreide). __ &1`420&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1436 (&7Syria II,& De=r Sambil; 420?); &3IGLSyr 4,1626 (&7Syria II,& Tarou=ti=n); &3RPARA& 22 (1946%19`1947) 228,4 (&7Sicily,& Syracuse); Dessau, &3ILS& 801 [&3CIL& 6.1719] (&7Rome, place?). __ &1`420%19`429&: &3IGLSyr& 3,778 (&7Syria I,& Antiochia). __ &1`421&: &3IGLSyr& 2,432 (&7Syria I,& Fidreh; 421?); Dessau, &3ILS& 809 [&3CIL& 6.1749] (&7Rome,& F. Trajani). __ &1`421%19`450&: &3IK Ephesos& 317 (&7Asia,& Ephesos). __ &1`421%3`2&: &3IGLSyr& 2,688 (&7Syria I,& Ri=h%1a; 421%3`2?). __ &1`422&: &3IGLSyr& 2,687 (&7Syria I,& Ri=h%1a; 422?). __ [&1`422&]: Demangel, &3Contribution a\ la topographie de &3l'Hebdomon& (1945) 35 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 66, Hebdomon 1] (&7Cple, Hebdomon; ca. 422? 459?), __ &1`423&: &3IGLSyr& 2,459 (&7Syria I,& Zerzi=ta%26); &3IGLSyr& 5,2167 (&7Syria &7II,& Ghour); &3NSc& 1895.500,210 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum (1897) 289] (&7Sicily,& Syracuse); &3NSc& 1905.396,1 [Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 104] (&7Sicily,& Syracuse); [&3RQ& 10 (1896) 40, no. 342 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 384] (&7Sicily, Syracuse). __ &1`424&: &3IGLSyr& 2,433 (&7Syria I,& Fidreh); &3IG& 14.2266 (&7Etruria, Florentia). __ &1`424%19`434&: Dessau, &3ILS& 817 [de Rossi, &3IChUR&(`1) II,435,107] (&7Rome,& S. Crux Hierus.) and &3ILS& 818 [`1:&3IG& 11,1.276] (&7Aemilia, Ravenna). __ &1`424%19`436&: &3IK Ephesos& 1305 and 1305A (&7Asia,& Ephesos; ca. 424%19`436). __ &1`424%19`455&: Dessau, &3ILS& 816 [de Rossi, &3IChUR&(`1) II,8,13] (&7Aemilia,& Ravenna). __ &1`425&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2693 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Djouseh%19l%19Khar.); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 717 (&7Arabia,& M. is%1%19S%1arra=r; 425?); Mouterde, in &3Limes de Chalcis& (1945) 194,20 (&7Syria I,& Anasartha); __ [&1`425&]: Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von &3Konstantinopel& (1943) 9 (&7Cple,& Land Walls; ca. 425?); Dessau, &3ILS& 802 [&3CIL& 8.8481] (&7Mauretania,& Sitifis; ca. 425?), 803 [&3CIL 6.1677] (&7Rome,& M. Aventinus) and 9216%19`9216a [&3CIL& 3, Suppl. 7405] (&7Cple,& Porta Aurea; ca. 425?). __ &1`425%19`450&: &3AnthPal& 1,6 (&7Cple,& H. Theodoros; ca. 425%19`450); &3SEG& 33,1191 (&7Cilicia,& Anemurium; ca. 425%19`450); Dessau, &3ILS& 804 [&3CIL& 10.1485] (&7Campania,& Neapolis), 805 [&3CIL& 14.140] (&7Latium, Portus); and 1284 [&3CIL& 6.1725] (&7Rome,& F. Trajani). __ &1`426&: &3SEG& 36,842 (&7Sicily,& Catana). __ &1`426%3`7&: &3IGLSyr& 2,512 (&7Syria I,& Sermada; 426%3`7?); &3IG& 14.2333 [cf. &3SEG& 30,1149] (&7Venetia,& Iulia Concordia); &3SEG& 7,1229 (&7Arabia,& Moghaire/). __ &1`427&: &3IGLSyr& 1,253%19`254 (&7Syria I,& Djibri=n); &3IGLSyr& 2,426 (&7Syria I,& Refa=deh; 427?); &3IG& 14.159 [Strazzulla, &3Museum &3Epigraphicum& (1897) 100] (&7Sicily,& Syracuse); &3SEG& 17,441 (&7Sicily,& Catana). __ &1`427%19`429&: &3IK Mylasa& 611%19`612 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 241%19`242] (&7Karia,& Mylasa). __ &1`428&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1426 (&7Syria II,& Da=na; 428?); &3NSc& 1893.289,44 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 178] (&7Sicily, Syracuse); &3RPARA& 22 (1946%19`1947) 228,1 (&7Sicily,& Syracuse); Dessau, &3ILS& 1298 [&3CIL& 13.10032,1] (&7Rome,& [Paris]). __ &1`428%19`450&: Dessau, &3ILS& 1293 [de Rossi, &3IChUR&(`1) II, 149,17] (&7Rome,& Bas. Lateran.). __ &1`429%3`30&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1586 (&7Syria II,& I%102dja=z). __ &1`430&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 169 (&7Arabia,& Medjdel). __ &1`430&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1495 (&7Syria II,& Khirbet H%1a=ss). __ &1`430%3`1&: &3IGLSyr& 6,2831 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Ba%102albek); &3SEG& 7,1228 (&7Arabia,& Moghaire/). __ [&1`430&]: &3Praktika Akad. Ath.& 1928,3 (1928), 327,1 [&3Byzantion 4 (1927%19`1928) 713,1] 328,2 [&3Byzantion& 4 (1927%19`1928) 714,2] 329,3 [&3Byzantion& 4 (1927%19`1928) 714,3] 329,4 [&3Byzantion& 4 (1927%19`1928) 714,4] 329,5 [&3Byzantion& 4 (1927%19`1928) 714,5] 329,6 and 329,7 (&7E. Aegean,& Lesbos:Eresos; ca. 430); &3VizVr& 19,2 (1912) 169,8 [cf. &3Byzantion& 4 (1927%19`1928) 713f.] (&7SE. Aegean, Syme; ca. 430); &3SEG& 35,643 (&7Thess.,& Phthiot. Thebai; ca. 430). __ &1`430%19`450&: Russell, &3DenkschrWien& 190 (1987) 49,8 and 51,9 (&7Isauria,& Anemurium; ca. 430%19`450). __ &1`431&: &3SEG& 29,319 (&7Peloponnesos,& Corinth); &3IGLSyr& 2,536 (&7Syria I,& Da=r Qita); &3IGLSyr& 2,597 (&7Syria I,& Ko%26kana=ya); &3IGLSyr 5,2525 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Salamias); &3CIL& 10,2.7168 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 420] (&7Sicily,& Syracuse); &3IChUR 2,4891 [&3CIG& 9730] with Feissel, &3Syria& 59 (1982) 321 [&3SEG 36.937] (&7Rome,& Bas. S. Pauli); Dessau, &3ILS& 2948 [&3CIL& 6.1783] (&7Rome,& F. Trajani). __ &1`431%3`2&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2170 (&7Syria II,& Qana=qiyeh). __ &1`432&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2514 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Salamias); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 800 (&7Arabia,& D. il%19%102Alya%26); Dessau, &3ILS& 9044 [&3CIL& 3, Suppl. 9517] (&7Dalmatia,& Salona). __ &1`433&: &3IGLSyr& 2,621 (&7Syria I,& %102Arshi=n); &3IGLSyr& 4,1991 (&7Syria &7II,& T %102Abd el%19%102Aziz; 433?); &3CIJ& 1208 (&7Palaest.,& Touba); &3IG 14.85 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 26] (&7Sicily, Syracuse). __ &1`433%3`4&: &3SEG& 7,1126 (&7Arabia,& Mardocha). __ &1`434&: &3IGLSyr& 2,552 (&7Syria I,& Da=r Qi=ta; 434?); Bernand, &3Inscr. gr. de Philae, II& (1969) 190 (&7Nubia,& Philai); &3IG& 14.455 [&3BE& 1959.541] (&7Sicilia,& Catina); Dessau, &3ILS& 1299 [&3CIL 11.1299] (&7Etruria,& Cosa). __ &1`434%3`5&: &3IGLSyr& 2,640 (&7Syria I,& Serdi=n). __ &1`435&: &3Archivio storico per la Sicilia Orientale& 8 (1931) 40,1 [Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 96] (&7Sicily,& Catania); Dessau, &3ILS& 806 [&3CIL& 12.5494] (&7Gallia Narbon.,& Arelate). __ [&1`435&]: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 104 [&3IK Ephesos& 1351] (&7Asia, Ephesos; ca. 435?); Dessau, &3ILS& 2950 [&3CIL& 6.1724] (&7Rome,& F. Trajani; ca. 435). __ &1`436&: Latys%148ev, &3Sbornik ... Juz%148noj Rossii& (1896) 86 (&7S. &7Russia,& Kertch; 436?); &3IGLSyr& 2,539 (&7Syria I,& Da=r Qita). __ &1`436%3`7&: &3SEG& 32,1408 (&7Syria,& Antiochene); &3IGLSyr& 4,1628 (&7Syria II,& Tarou=ti=n). __ &1`437&: &3CIG& 9427 [Egger, &3Forschungen in Salona& II (1926) 171] (&7Dalmatia,& Salona); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 301 (&7Palaest. III, el%19Mote); Dessau, &3ILS& 1283 [&3CIL& 14.2165] (&7Latium,& Aricia); and 9045 [&3CIL& 3, Suppl. 9518] (&7Dalmatia,& Salona). __ &1`437?&: Russell, &3DenkschrWien& 190 (1987) 53,10 (&7Isauria, Anemurium; 437 or 452). __ &1`438%3`9&: Dunand, in &3Me/langes syriens offerts a\ R. Dussaud& II (1939) 559,288 [&3BE& 1940,189] (&7Arabia,& Dj.Druze: Kaper). __ [&1`438&]: Dessau, &3ILS& 8986 [&3CIL& 6.37119] (&7Rome,& Camp. Mart.; ca. 438). __ &1`439&: &3IGLSyr& 2,425 (&7Syria I,& Refa=deh); &3IG& 14.130 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 68] (&7Sicily, Syracuse); Dessau, &3ILS& 1291 [&3CIL& 5.6268] (&7Gall. Cisalpina, Mediolanum; 418, 439) __ &1`439%3`40&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1978 (&7Syria II,& Tell Sna=n; 439%3`40?); Dessau, &3ILS& 819 [de Rossi, &3IChUR&(`1) II,110,66] (&7Rome,& S. Petr. Vinc.; 439%19`440?). __ &1`440&: &3CIG& 9426 [Egger, &3Forschungen in Salona& II (1926) 175] (&7Dalmatia,& Salona); Rey%19Coquais, &3Bulletin du Muse/e de Beyrouth 29 (1977) 181 (&7Phoenice,& Tyros); __ [&1`440&]: &3IG& 2(2),4226 (&7Attica,& Athens; ca. 440); &3IK Ephesos 44 (&7Asia,& Ephesos; ca. 440); Welles, in &3Gerasa& (1938) 273 (&7Arabia,& Gerasa; ca. 440); __ &1`440%3`1&: &3IGLSyr& 13,1.9118 (&7Arabia,& Bostra). __ &1`440%19`461&: Dessau, &3ILS& 8988 (&7Rome,& Via Latina); and 8989 [de Rossi, &3IChUR&(`1) II,55,10] (&7Rome,& S. Petr. Vatic.). __ &1`441&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 100(8) [&3IK Ephesos& 1352] and 101 [&3IK &3Ephesos& 1361] (&7Asia,& Ephesos; ca. 441?); Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 68 (&7Pontos, Neoklaudiopolis); Descombes, &3IChGaule& 15,64 [&3IG& 14.2492] (&7Viennensis& [&7N.&], Vienne). __ &1`441%3`2&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1654 (&7Syria II,& %102O=djeh). __ &1`441%19`442&: Welles, in &3Gerasa& (1938) 274 (&7Arabia,& Gerasa; 441 or 442). __ &1`442&: &3IG& 14.2350 (&7Venetia,& Aquileia). __ &1`443%3`4&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1637 (&7Syria II,& Tarou=ti=n). __ &1`443%19`445&: Dessau, &3ILS& 807%3`8 [&3CIL& 6.1198] (&7Rome,& M. Caelius); &3CIL& 6.1197 (&7Rome,& C. Esquilinus). __ &1`444&: &3IG& 14.2293 [&3CIL& 5.6195] and 2298 (&7Transpadana, Mediolanum); __ &1`444%3`5&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1638 (&7Syria II,& Tarou=ti=n). __ &1`445&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 174 (&7Arabia,& Bura=k%1). __ &1`445?&: &3IChUR& 2,5099 [&3CIG& 9753] (&7Rome,& Bas. S. Pauli; 404 or 445?). __ &1`445%3`6&: &3IGLSyr& 2,377 (&7Syria I,& Kefr Nabo). __ &1`446&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 13 [&3Corinth& 8,1.145] (&7Peloponnesos, Korinthos; 446?). __ &1`447&: &3SEG& 28,1324 (&7Kommagene,& Kurdulu Kersent); Welles, in &3Gerasa& (1938) 275 (&7Arabia,& Gerasa); &3NSc& 1893.389a [&3RPARA& 22 (1946%19`1947) 230,5b] (&7Sicily,& Syracuse). __ [&1`447&]: Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von &3Konstantinopel& (1943) 14 [&3AnthPal& 9,690] and 33b [&3AnthPal 9,691] with 35 [&3CIL& 3.734; Dessau, &3ILS& 823b] (&7Cple,& Land Walls; ca. 447). __ &1`448&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2625 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Saya=diyeh); Dessau, &3ILS 1285 [&3CIL& 6.1761] (&7Rome,& place?). __ &1`448%3`9&: Bernand, &3Inscr. gr. de Philae, II& (1969) 193 (&7Nubia, Philai). __ &1`448%19`450&: Speiser, "Inventaire ... Thessalonique" (1973%3`1979) 3 [Feissel, &3IChMac& 89] (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike; ca. 448%19`450?); __ &1`449&: &3IGLSyr& 2,684 (&7Syria I,& Ktella=ta); &3SEG& 7,243 (&7Syria, Meni=n); Dessau, &3ILS& 1300 [&3CIL& 13.10032,2] (&7Rome,& [Lie\ge]). __ &1`449%3`50&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2641 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Lifta=ya); &3SEG& 8,270 (&7Palaest. I,& Gaza); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 3 (&7Palaest. III, el%19Kerak). __ &1`449%19`468&: Bernand, &3Inscr. gr. de Philae, II& (1969) 194 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 592] (&7Nubia,& Philai; ca. 449%19`468). __ &1`450%19`468&: Bernand, &3Inscr. gr. de Philae, II& (1969) 195 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 593] (&7Nubia,& Philai; ca. 450%19`468). __ &1`450&: Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du &3nord& III (1958) 11,10a [&3SEG& 20.344] (&7Syria I,& Nebbul). __ [&1`450&]: &3IK Ephesos& 561B,4%3`12 (&7Asia,& Ephesos; ca. 450); &3MAMA 6,15 (&7Phrygia Pac,& Laodicea; ca. 450). Bollini, &3Iscr. gr. di &3Ravenna& (1975) 48,19 [Guard. &3EG& IV,518] (&7Aemilia,& Ravenna; ca. 450). __ &1`450%3`1&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1737 (&7Syria II,& Sheykh Barak). __ &1after 450&: &3SEG& 32,1568%19`1571 (&7Egypt,& Abu%26 Mi%26na; after 450); __ &1`450%19`457&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus &3Bulgarien& (1964) 184a [Dessau, &3ILS& 8954] (&7Haemimontus,& Aetos); &3AnthPal& 15,2 (&7Lykia,& Myra). __ &1`450%19`460&: Feissel, &3IChMac& 214 (&7Maced.,& Amphipolis; ca. 450%19`460). __ &1`451&: &3CIL& 3.738 [Dessau, &3ILS& 824; &3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,III] (&7Cple,& Col. Marcian.). __ [&1`451&]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 37 [&3IG& 5,2.p.145] (&7Peloponnesos,& Tegea; ca. 451). __ &1`452&: &3IK Kalchedon& 22 [&3SEG& 34,1262] (&7Bithynia,& Kalchedon); &3IGLSyr& 2,540 (&7Syria I,& Da=r Qi=ta); Bernand, &3Inscr. gr. de &3Philae, II& (1969) 196%19`197 (&7Nubia,& Philai); &3RQ& 10 (1896) 84,353 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 394; Agnello, &3Silloge (1953) 97] (&7Sicily,& Syracuse); __ &1`452?&: Russell, &3DenkschrWien& 190 (1987) 53,10 (&7Isauria, Anemurium; 437 or 452). __ &1after 452&: &3AnthPal& 1,7 (&7Cple,& H. Theodoros; after 452). __ &1`453&: &3IGLSyr& 2,434 (&7Syria I,& Fidreh). __ &1`453%3`4&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1752 (&7Syria II,& U. el%19Khalakhil); &3IGLSyr 4,1901 (&7Syria II,& el%19Mishrifeh). __ &1`454%3`5&: Welles, in &3Gerasa& (1938) 296 (&7Arabia,& Gerasa); Negev, &3Greek Inscr. from the Negev& (1981) 92 [&3SEG& 31,1401] (&7Palaest. III,& Elusa); Bernand, &3Inscr. gr. de Philae, II (1969) 198 (&7Nubia,& Philai). __ &1`455&: &3LBW& VI,2089 (&7Arabia,& %102Amra); &3SEG& 8,342 (&7Palaest., Fenan); &3SEG& 32,1502 (&7Palaest.,& Gadara; ca. 455); &3SEG& 36,843 (&7Sicily,& Katane); Dessau, &3ILS& 8993 [&3CIL& 13.10032,4] (&7Rome, [Limoges]). __ &1`455?&: &3SEG& 29,1589 (&7Syria,& Apamea; 455 or 470). __ &1`455%3`6&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1627 (&7Syria II,& Tarou=ti=n). __ &1`456&: &3IGLSyr& 2,538 (&7Syria I,& Da=r Qi=ta); &3IGLSyr& 5,2660 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Kh. %102Ashi=la). __ &1`456%3`7&: Bernand, &3Inscr. gr. de Philae, II& (1969) 199 (&7Nubia, Philai). __ &1`457&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1613 (&7Syria II,& Tarou=ti=n); &3IGLSyr& 5,2090 (&7Syria II,& Burdj el%19Qa=%102i); Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 105 [&3IK Ephesos 4128] (&7Asia,& Ephesos; ca. 457); &3IGLSyr& 13,1.9119 (&7Arabia, Bostra; ca. 457). __ &1`457%3`8&: &3IGLSyr& 6,2974 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Seri=n). __ &1`457%19`472&: Dessau, &3ILS& 813 [&3CIL& 10.8072,4] (&7Rome,& [Naples]). __ &1`457%19`474&: Demangel, &3Contribution a\ la topographie de &3l'Hebdomon& (1945) 51 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 66, Hebdomon 2] (&7Cple, Hebdomon; 457%19`474?); &3AnthPal& 1,4 (&7Cple,& H. Ioan. Stoudiou; ca. 457%19`474); Bean and Mitford, &3DenkschrWien& 102 (1970) 51,31 (&7Pamphylia,& Kasai). __ &1`458&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 3A 797(3) (&7Arabia,& Su=r); &3IChUR& 2,4945 [&3CIG& 9734] (&7Rome,& Bas. S. Pauli); Dessau, &3ILS& 810 [&3CIL& 5.8119] (&7Rome?,& [Venice]); Patrono, "Iscrizioni bizantine di Ravenna" (1909) 361,255 [a:&3CIL 11,1.255] (&7Aemilia,& Ravenna). __ &1`458%3`9&: &3SEG& 32,1419 (&7Syria,& Antiochene). __ &1`459&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 322 [Buckler and Robinson, &3Sardis VII,1 (1932) 18] (&7Lydia,& Sardeis); Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du nord& III (1958) 30,31 [&3SEG 20.369] (&7Syria II,& Fri=kya=); &3IGLSyr& 5,2210 (&7Phoen. Liban., Emesa; 459?). __ [&1`459&]: Demangel, &3Contribution a\ la topographie de &3l'Hebdomon& (1945) 35 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 66, Hebdomon 1] (&7Cple, Hebdomon; ca. 422? 459?), __ &1`459%3`60&: &3MAMA& 4,322 (&7Phrygia Pac,& Bekilli). __ &1`459%19`460&: &3AnthPal& 9,692 (&7region?,& place?). __ &1`459%19`468&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1758 (&7Syria II,& U. el%19Khalakhil). __ &1`459%19`472&: Dessau, &3ILS& 1294 [de Rossi, &3IChUR&(`1) II, 439,127] (&7Rome,& S. Agatha). __ &1`460&: Mitchell, &3RECAM& II (1982) 197 (&7Galatia I,& NE. of Ankyra). __ &1`460?&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1777 (&7Syria II,& el%19Ekhwe=n; 460 or 463). __ &1`460%3`1&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 276 (&7Palaest. III,& %102Azra). __ &1`460%19`465&: Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von &3Konstantinopel& (1943) 44 (&7Cple,& Land Walls; ca. 460%19`465?). __ &1after 461&: Gough, &3Alahan& (1985) 23,2 [&3SEG& 14,813] (&7Cilicia, Alahan; after 461). __ &1`461%3`2&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2642 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Lifta=ya); Mouterde, in &3Limes de Chalcis& (1945) 205,33 (&7Syria I,& Dreyb el%19Wawi). __ &1`461%19`463&: Dessau, &3ILS& 811 [&3CIL& 15.7108] (&7Rome?,& [Rome]). __ &1`462&: Gough, &3Alahan& (1985) 22,1 [&3SEG& 14,812] (&7Cilicia, Alahan); &3IGLSyr& 2,547 (&7Syria I,& Da=r Qi=ta). __ &1`462%3`3&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1666 and 1667 [&3CIJ& 846] (&7Syria,& Sindja=r). __ &1`463&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1488 (&7Syria II,& Midjleyya). __ &1`463?&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1777 (&7Syria II,& el%19Ekhwe=n; 460 or 463). __ &1`463%3`4&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2643%19`2644 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Lifta=ya). __ &1`464&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2617 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Kh. el%19H%1ama=m). __ &1`464?&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1788 (&7Syria II,& Qashr Sht%1te=b; 564 or 464). __ &1`464%3`5&: Welles, in &3Gerasa& (1938) 298 (&7Arabia,& Gerasa). __ &1`465%19`473&: &3IK Keramos& 65 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 281(2)] (&7Karia, Keramos); &3IK Stratonikeia& 1019 (&7Karia,& Stratonikeia); __ &1`465%3`6&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1644 (&7Syria II,& Tarou=ti=n). __ &1`466&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1316 (&7Syria II,& Apameia); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 713%19`714 (&7Arabia,& M. is%1%19S%1arra=r). __ &1`466%3`7&: &3IGLSyr& 2,441 (&7Syria I,& Qa%26t%1u=ra). __ &1`467%19`472&: Dessau, &3ILS& 812 [&3CIL& 15.7118] (&7Rome?,& [Wiczay]); and 815 [&3CIL& 2.4109] (&7Hisp. Tarracon.,& Tarraco). __ &1`468%19`477&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1952 (&7Syria II,& Nawa). __ &1`468&: &3SEG& 32,1468 (&7Syria,& Hierapolis); &3LBW& VI,2056 (&7Arabia, Um%19er%19Rumma=n). __ &1`469&: Feissel, &3IChMac& 101 (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike; 469?); and 130,a (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike; 469?); &3IGLSyr& 4,1318 (&7Syria II, Apameia); Rey%19Coquais, &3Bulletin du Muse/e de Beyrouth& 29 (1977) 198 (&7Phoenice,& Tyros). __ &1`469%3`70&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1922 (&7Syria II,& Tell ed%19D%1ehheb). __ &1`470&: Dessau, &3ILS& 8994 (&7Rome,& [location?]). __ &1`470?&: &3SEG& 29,1589 (&7Syria,& Apamea; 455 or 470). __ &1`470%3`1&: Mouterde, in &3Limes de Chalcis& (1945) 192,19 (&7Syria &7I,& Rasm er%19Rbeyt%1); &3IGLSyr& 4,1778 (&7Syria II,& el%19Ekhwe=n); __ &1before 471&: &3SEG& 36,1468%19`1469 (&7region?,& place?; before 471). __ &1`471&: &3IGLSyr& 2,486 (&7Syria I,& Serdjibleh); III (1958) 19,16 [&3SEG& 20.350] (&7Syria I,& Deir Sim%102a=n); &3IGLSyr& 5,2206 (&7Phoen. &7Liban.,& Emesa); &3IGLSyr& 5,2618 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Kh. el%19H%1ama=m); &3IG& 14.2290 (&7Transpadana,& Ticinum); &3IChUR& 2,4957 [&3CIG& 9752] with Feissel, &3RAC& 58 (1982) 377 [&3SEG& 32.1062] (&7Rome,& Bas. S. Pauli). __ &1after 471&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. &3aus Bulgarien& (1964) 206 (&7Thracia,& Philippopolis; after 471). __ &1`472&: Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du &3nord& III (1958) 38,39e [&3SEG& 20.380] (&7Syria I,& Raya=n). &3IGLSyr 5,2684 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Laodicea Liban; 472?); __ &1`473&: &3IGLSyr& 2,482 (&7Syria I,& Kfellusi=n); &3IGLSyr& 4,1490 (&7Syria II,& Serdjilla); &3LBW& VI,2087%19`2088 (&7Arabia,& %102Amra). __ &1`473%3`4&: &3IGLSyr& 2,553 (&7Syria I,& Kh. el%19Khati=b). __ &1`474&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1249 (&7Syria I,& Ba%26bu=da%26); &3IGLSyr& 5,2207 (&7Phoen. &7Liban.,& Emesa). __ &1`474%3`5&: &3IGLSyr& 2,309 (&7Syria I,& Zebed; 474%3`5?); &3IGLSyr& 4,1639 (&7Syria II,& Tarou=ti=n); &3IGLSyr& 4,1746 (&7Syria II,& Tell Fre=dj); Dessau, &3ILS& 814 [&3CIL& 3.6335] (&7Rome,& [Beograd]). __ &1`474%19`491&: Latys%148ev, &3Sbornik ... Juz%148noj Rossii& (1896) 7 (&7S. &7Russia,& Chersonesos). __ &1`475&: &3IGLSyr& 2,629 (&7Syria I,& Bettir); Kirk, in &3Excavations &3at Nessana& I (1962) 37 (&7Palaest. III,& Nessana). __ &1`475%3`6&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1651 (&7Syria II,& Umm Wila=t). __ &1`475%19`478&: Haspels, &3Highlands of Phrygia& (1971), App. III, nos. 28%19`29 (&7Phrygia Sal,& Metropolis). __ &1`475%19`500& ("end 5th c. ac"): Feissel, &3IChMac& 103 (&7Maced., Thessalonike); &3IG& 7,26 (&7Megaris,& Megara); &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 156,19%19`158,20 (&7Cyprus,& Amathous; end 5th?); &3IGLSyr& 3,1014 (&7Syria I,& Daphne; end 5th); Lassus, &3Sanctuaires chre/tiennes de &3Syrie& (1947) 170 and 195 (&7Syria I,& Bra=d) and 257n.1 [Guard. &3EG IV,437] (&7Syria I,& Antioch: Machuka); &3IGLSyr& 5,2229 (&7Phoen. &7Liban.,& Emesa; end 5th). __ &1`476&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 342 [&3JHS& 37 (1916) 99,9] (&7Lydia, Philadelphia); &3IGLSyr& 2,444%19`445 (&7Syria I,& Qa%26t%1tu=ra); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 302 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Mote). __ &1`476%3`7&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 4 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Kerak). __ &1`476%19`491&: &3AnthPlan& 16,69 (&7Cple,& Chalke Palace?); Dessau, &3ILS 8955 [&3AE& 1904.148] (&7Rome,& [France]). __ &1`477&: &3Israel Exploration Journal& 16 (1966) 209 [&3BE& 1970,626] (&7Phoenice,& Tyre: Horv.Kark.). __ &1`477%3`8&: &3MAMA& 6,238 (&7Pisidia,& Apameia); &3IGLSyr& 4,1642 (&7Syria &7II,& Tarou=ti=n); &3IGLSyr& 4,1849 (&7Syria II,& Sa%102n es Se%102n; 477%3`8?); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 236 (&7Palaest. III,& %102Ainun; 477%3`8?). __ &1`478&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1977 (&7Syria II,& Tell Sna=n). __ &1`478%19`486&: &3SEG& 8,5 (&7Palaest.,& %102Ain et%19Ta%26bgha; ca. 478%19`486). __ &1`479&: Heberdey and Wilhelm, &3DenkschrWien& 44,6 (1896) 89,168 (&7Isauria,& Olba); &3IGLSyr& 2,416%19`416 (&7Syria I,& De=r Sim%102a=n); &3IGLSyr& 5,2208 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Emesa). __ &1`479%3`80&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2659 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Djoubbaniyeh); &3IGLSyr 13,1.9121 (&7Arabia,& Bostra). __ &1`480&: &3IK Mylasa& 613 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 240, ca. 480%19`484] (&7Karia,& Mylasa); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 303 (&7Palaest. III, el%19Mote). __ &1`480%3`1&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2180 (&7Syria II,& Tai+ri=n); &3IGLSyr& 5,2650 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Kharba%102a=ra); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 5 (&7Palaest. &7III,& el%19Kerak). __ &1`480%19`527&: &3AnthPal& 1,12%3`7 (&7Cple,& H. Euphemia; ca. 480%19`527). __ &1`480%19`560&: &3SEG& 26,1797 (&7Egypt,& Kom el%19Dikka). __ &1`481%3`2&: &3IGLSyr& 2,496 (&7Syria I,& Hezreh). __ &1`482%3`3&: &3IGLSyr& 2,497 (&7Syria I,& Hezreh); &3IGLSyr& 2,514 (&7Syria &7I,& Sermada); Piccirillo, &3Chiese e Mosaici della Giordana &3Settentrionale& (1981) 24 [&3SEG& 32,1492] (&7Palaest. II,& Kh. el%19Maqati). __ &1`482%19`484&: &3Syria& 40 (1963) 315 (&7Syria II,& el%19Ba=ra). __ &1`483&: &3IGLSyr& 2,490 (&7Syria I,& Da=na%26); &3TravMe/m& 5 (1973) 245 (&7Syria II,& Apamea). __ &1`483%3`4&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1950 (&7Syria II,& Nawa). __ &1`484&: &3Byzantion& 4 (1927%19`1928) 455,5b (&7Galatia I,& Ankyra); &3SEG& 29,1590 (&7Syria,& Apamea). __ &1`485&: &3AnthPal& 7,341 (&7Attica,& Athens); &3IGLSyr& 2,548%19`549 (&7Syria I,& Da=r Qi=ta); &3TravMe/m& 5 (1973) 256 (&7Syria II,& Apamea); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 170 (&7Arabia, Medjdel; 485?). __ &1`485%3`6&: &3SEG& 7,1184 and 1193 (&7Arabia,& Mothanae). __ &1`486&: Rey%19Coquais, &3Bulletin du Muse/e de Beyrouth& 29 (1977) 166 (&7Phoenice,& Tyros). __ &1`486%3`7&: Mouterde, in &3Limes de Chalcis& (1945) 204,32 (&7Syria &7I,& Rasm el%19H%1ag%148al); &3IGLSyr& 4,1643 (&7Syria II,& Tarou=ti=n); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 237 (&7Palaest. III,& %102Ainun). __ &1`487&: &3IGLSyr& 2,332 (&7Syria I,& Rbi=t%1); &3IGLSyr& 2,404 (&7Syria I, Burdj H%1edar); &3IGLSyr& 2,483 (&7Syria I,& Kfellusi=n); &3SEG& 29,1591 (&7Syria,& Apamea); Dessau, &3ILS& 1301 [&3CIL& 5.8120] (&7Gall. &7Venetia,& Brixia). __ &1`487%3`8&: Mouterde, in &3Limes de Chalcis& (1945) 186,10%19`186,11 (&7Syria I,& Sfi=re/). __ &1`488&: &3AnalBoll& 30 (1911) 316] [Halkin V,88] (&7Isauria, Zenopolis); &3IGLSyr& 5,2246 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Emesa); &3IGLSyr 13,1.9045%3`6 and 9122 (&7Arabia,& Bostra); Dessau, &3ILS& 1302 [&3CIL 12.133] (&7Rome,& [Ge/ronde]). __ &1`488%3`9&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2070 (&7Syria II,& De=r el%19Ferdi=s); &3IGLSyr 5,2103 (&7Syria II,& %102Aqrab); &3IGLSyr& 5,2232 (&7Phoen. Liban., Emesa). __ &1`489&: &3IGLSyr& 2,435 (&7Syria I,& Fidreh); &3IGLSyr& 4,1924 (&7Syria &7II,& Tell ed%19D%1ehheb); Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques &3de la Syrie du nord& III (1958) 16,15 [&3SEG& 20.349] (&7Syria I, Refa=de); &3RAC& 37 (1961) 303 [&3BE& 1964,41] (&7Syria,& Tell Minnis); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 51 (&7Arabia,& Umm is%19Surab); &3SEG& 18,667 (&7Egypt,& Antinoupolis). __ &1`489%3`90&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2526 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Salamias). __ &1`490&: Habicht, in Gschnitzer, et al., &3Demetrias V& (1987) 295,25, 298,26 and 301,27 (&7Thess.,& Demetrias; ca. 490); &3IGLSyr 5,2209 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Emesa; 490?); &3IGLSyr& 13,1.9123 (&7Arabia, Bostra); &3SEG& 26,1672 (&7Palaest.,& Beth Safafa; 490?); &3IG& 14.628 (&7Bruttium,& Rhegium; 490?). __ &1`490%3`1&: Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie& (1987) 117 (&7Cilicia,& Gafarli); &3IGLSyr& 2,487 (&7Syria I,& Serdjibleh); &3IGLSyr 2,500a (&7Syria I,& Rahaba); &3IGLSyr& 4,1650 (&7Syria II,& Mir%102a=yeh). __ &1`491&: &3IGLSyr& 2,366 (&7Syria I,& Bra=d); &3IGLSyr& 2,566 (&7Syria I, Ba%26qirh%1a; 491?). __ &1`491%19`518&: &3AnthPal& 1,5 (&7Cple,& H. Thomas); Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. &3s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 64 (&7Scythia Minor,& Tomis), 112%19`113 (&7Scythia Minor,& Histria) and 246 (&7Scythia Minor,& Dinogetia); Bean and Mitford, &3DenkschrWien& 102 (1970) 193,214 (&7Isauria, Aphrodisias); &3IGLSyr& 1,160 (&7Euphrat.,& Cyrrhus); &3LBW& VI,2033 (&7Arabia,& Mothana); &3SEG& 16,665a (&7Caria,& Halicarnassus); &3SEG 27,1139 (&7Cyrenaica,& Apollonia); &3LBW& VI,1906a [&3CIG& 5187] (&7Cyrenaica,& Ptolemais). __ &1`492&: Feissel, &3IChMac& 64 (&7Maced.,& Beroia); &3IGLSyr& 2,382 (&7Syria I,& Ka%26lo=ta). &3IGLSyr& 5,2102 (&7Syria II,& %102Aqrab); &3IGLSyr 13.1,9417%19`9418 (&7Arabia,& Bostra); &3LBW& VI,2235 (&7Arabia,& Nela); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 304 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Mote); __ &1`492?&: &3CIL& 10,2.7169 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 421] (&7Sicily,& Syracuse; 492? 497? 507?). __ [&1`492&]: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 4 [&3TravMe/m& 9 (1985) 452, end 5th c.; &3SEG& 34,1243, ca. 492] (&7Hellespont,& Abydos; ca. 491%19`518). __ &1`492%3`3&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1987 (&7Syria II,& T %102Abd el%19%102Aziz; 492%3`3?). __ &1`493&: Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 14a (&7Pontos,& Amisos); &3IGLSyr& 2,374 (&7Syria I,& Burdj il%19Qa=s); &3IGLSyr& 5,2108 (&7Syria II,& Mariami=n); &3IGLSyr& 5,2109 (&7Syria II,& Mariami=n). __ [&1`493&]: &3AnthPal& 1,99 (&7Europe,& Anaplous; ca. 493?); __ &1`493%3`4&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 305 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Mote; 493%3`4?). __ &1`493%19`526&: Dessau, &3ILS& 825 [&3CIL& 6.1794] (&7Rome,& Forum), 826 [&3CIL& 11.10] (&7Aemilia,& Ravenna), 828 [&3CIL& 15.1665] (&7Rome, place?), 828a [&3CIL& 15.1669] (&7Rome,& place?) and 8956 (&7Latium, Pomptine Marshes). __ &1`494&: &3IGLSyr& 2,495 (&7Syria I,& Da=na%26); &3IGLSyr& 4,1469 (&7Syria II, el%19Ba=ra). __ &1`494%3`5&: &3IGLSyr& 2,328 (&7Syria I,& Burdj Azza=ui); &3IGLSyr& 5,2358 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Emesa). __ &1`495%3`6&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2359 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Emesa). __ &1`496&: &3IGLSyr& 2,372 (&7Syria I,& Bra=d); Welles, in &3Gerasa& (1938) 300 (&7Arabia,& Gerasa). __ &1`496%3`7&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1576 (&7Syria II,& H%1era=keh). __ &1`496%19`523&: Dessau, &3ILS& 830 [&3CIL& 10.7232] (&7Sicilia, Lilybaeum). __ &1`497&: &3IGLSyr& 2,524 (&7Syria I,& Burdaqli); &3IGLSyr& 5,2153 (&7Syria &7II,& Ghour); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 161 (&7Arabia,& S%1alkhad); &3SEG& 19,895 [&3BE& 1959.480] (&7Arabia,& Kerak). __ &1`497?&: &3CIL& 10,2.7169 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 421] (&7Sicily,& Syracuse; 492? 497? 507?). __ &1`497%19`523&: &3SEG& 36,621bis [&3Archaeologica Iugoslavica& 24 (1987) 101%19`111] (&7Makedonia,& Herakleia; ca. 497%19`523). __ &1`498&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 306 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Mote). __ &1`498%19`518&: &3AnthPal& 9,656 (&7Cple,& Chalke). @ @ LARGEST RANGES: __ &1`450%19`525&: &3SEG& 34,1445 (&7Syria,& Berytos?; ca. 450%19`525); Che/hab, &3Mosaiques du Liban& (1957) 127,c%19`127,d [&3BE 1961,783] (&7Phoenice,& Berytos: Awzai; ca. 450%19`525?). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@SIXTH CENTURY A.C. @ LARGER RANGES: __ &1`500%19`525%3`550& ("early 6th c. ac"): Lang, &3Graffiti and Dipinti& (1976) Ha46 (&7Attica,& Athens; early 6th); Thomsen, "Inschr. ... Jerusalem. Nachtrag," &3ZdPV& 64 (1941) 216,102A (&7Palaest. I,& Jerusalem; early 6th). __ &1`500%19`550&: &3AnthPal& 9,696%3`7 (&7Cple,& Basilike; ca. 500%19`550?); &3PAE& 1958.60,1%19`61,6 and &3PAE& 1959.34 (&7Aitolia,& Klausion; ca. 500%19`550?); &3SEG& 34,1046%19`1065 (&7Caria,& Aphrodisias; ca. 500%19`550); &3IGLSyr& 2,694 (&7Syria I,& Ri=h%1a; ca. 500%19`550?); &3IGLSyr& 2,695 (&7Syria I,& Ri=h%1a; ca. 500%19`550?). &3SEG& 31,1570 (&7Egypt,& place?; ca. 500%19`550). __ &1`525%19`575& ("mid%19`6th c. ac"): Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. &3Romania& (1976) 302 (&7Dacia,& Sucidava); Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 7 [&3PAE& 1970.46] (&7Thess., Phthiot. Thebai; mid%19`6th?); &3SEG& 30,482 (&7Boiotia,& Thebai; mid%19`6th); &3IGLSyr& 4,1905 (&7Syria II,& el%19Mishrifeh); &3SEG& 30,1666 (&7Phoenice,& Berytos); &3IGLSyr& 5,2226 and 2469 (&7Phoen. Liban., Emesa); &3IGLSyr& 13,1.9135%19`9137 (&7Arabia,& Bostra); &3IGLSyr& 21,2.60 [&3SEG& 29.1611] and 61 [&3SEG& 29.1609] (&7Arabia,& Hesban), 98%19`99 [&3SEG& 8.337%19`338] and 107%19`108 (&7Arabia,& Makhayyat), 128 [&3SEG 32.1547] and 144 (&7Arabia,& Madaba), 162 [&3SEG& 35.1582] (&7Arabia, Ma%102in), 174 [&3SEG& 35.1584] and 175 [&3SEG& 27.1006] (&7Arabia, ed%19Deir); &3CIG& 8630 (&7Arabia,& Zorava); &3LBW& VI,2503 [&3Bulletin &3d'e/tudes orientales& 1 (1931) 43,6] (&7Arabia,& Zorava; mid 6th?); Fitzgerald, &3A Sixth%19Century Monastery at Beth%19Shan &3(Scythopolis)& (1939) 6 [&3SEG& 8.42], 13,1, 14,2, 14,3, and 14,4 [&3SEG& 8.39] (&7Palaest. II,& Skythopolis); Pouilloux, et al., &3Salamine de Chypre, XIII,2& (1987) 206 [&3SEG& 20,125] (&7Cyprus, Constantia). __ &1`550%19`600&: &3BZ& 36 (1936) 397,2 (&7Cple,& Kilise Camii); &3SEG 26,789 (&7Thrace,& Byzantium; ca. 550%19`600); &3SEG& 31,686 (&7Moesia, Pa%148c. Lui Soare; ca. 550%19`600); &3AEph& 1917.66 (&7Epirus V., Nikopolis; ca. 550%19`600?); &3BCH& 60 (1936) 91 [&3ID& 2588bis] (&7Aegean Islands,& Delos; ca. 550%19`600?); &3SEG& 20,390 (&7Syria, Tyrus; ca. 550%19`600); &3IGLSyr& 21,2.54 [&3SEG& 34,1514%3`16] (&7Arabia, Quweisme; ca. 550%19`600); &3IGLSyr& 21,2.57 [&3SEG& 33,1271%3`75] (&7Arabia,& Masuh; ca. 550%19`600); &3IGLSyr& 21,2.153 (&7Arabia,& Madaba; ca. 550%19`600?); &3SEG& 33,1305 (&7Arabia,& Gerasa; ca. 550%19`600); &3SEG 18,724 (&7Nubia,& Ikhmindi; ca. 550%19`600); &3SEG& 33,1367 (&7Nubia, Serra; ca. 550%19`600?); &3SEG& 36,828%19`830 (&7Sicily,& Halykiai); &3AnalBoll& 27 (1908) 369 [Guard. &3EG& IV,519] (&7N. Italy,& Ancona; ca. 550%19`600); &3SEG& 34,1671%19`1672 (&7region?,& place?; ca. 550%19`600). __ &1`550%3`575%19`600& ("later 6th c. ac"): &3SEG& 35,1121 (&7Asia, Ephesos; later 6th?); &3SEG& 2,883 (&7Nubia,& Djebel Barkal). __ &1`550%3`575%19`600& ("late 6th c. ac"): &3DOP& 20 (1966) 263,6 [&3DOP& 30 (1976) 375] (&7Palaest. III,& Sinai: St.Cath.; late 6th). __ &1`575%19`625& ("end 6th%19beg. 7th c. ac"): &3SEG& 32,1548 [&3SEG 8.330] (&7Arabia,& Madaba). @ @ DATES AND SMALLER RANGES: __ &1before ca. 500&: Cameron, &3Porphyrios the Charioteer& (1973), Base A [&3AnthPlan& 16,335%19`339] (&7Cple,& Hippodrome; before ca. 500). __ [&1`500&]: Cameron, &3Porphyrios the Charioteer& (1973), Bases F [&3AnthPlan& 16,351%19`356; Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture byzantine &3figure/e au Muse/e arche/ologique d'Istanbul& (1990) 32,64], B [&3AnthPlan& 16,340%19`343; Firatli, &3op. cit.& 30,63], I [&3AnthPlan 16,363%19`364] and L [&3AnthPal& 15,45] (&7Cple,& Hippodrome; ca. 500); Feissel, &3IChMac& 274 (&7Macedonia II,& Stoboi; ca. 500?); &3SEG 35,854 (&7Dacia,& Galati; ca. 500); &3SEG& 15,809 (&7Phrygia,& near Selcikler; ca. 500); Russell, &3DenkschrWien& 190 (1987) 70,14 and 78,18 (&7Isauria,& Anemurium; ca. 500); &3AD& 20,B (1965) 254,1 254,2 and 255 (&7Boiotia,& Thebai; ca. 500?); Spiro, &3Critical &3Corpus of the Mosaic Pavements on the Greek Mainland& (1978) 234, 244, and 245 (&7Phokis,& Delphi; ca. 500?); &3SEG& 29,423 (&7Achaia,& Aigion; ca. 500); &3ABME& 6,2 (1948) 226,1 (&7SE. Aegean, Rhodes; ca. 500?); &3AEph& 1966.90,1%19`93,3 [&3BE& 1968.391] 94,4 [&3SEG 19.553] 95,5 96,6 [&3SEG& 19,552] 96,7 [Guard. &3EG& IV,373] and 98,8 (&7E. Aegean,& Kos: Mastichari; ca. 500?); &3Byzantion& 4 (1927%19`1928) 715 (&7E. Aegean,& Lesbos: Afendelli; ca. 500); &3Clara &3Rhodos& I (1928) 101 (&7SE. Aegean,& Karpath:Arkassa; ca. 500?); Pouilloux, et al., &3Salamine de Chypre, XIII,2& (1987) 234 (&7Cyprus,& Constantia; ca. 500); des Gagniers and Tran Tam Tinh, &3Soloi& I (1985) 99 (&7Cyprus,& Soloi; ca. 500?); &3Felix Ravenna& 66 (1954) 5 [Halkin VI,339 with Add.] (&7Cyprus,& Lythrangomoi; ca. 500); Moretti, &3IGUR& 66 (&7Italia,& Roma; ca. 500); &3RQ& 9 (1895) 299%19`308 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 165; Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 20; Guard. &3EG& IV,526] (&7Sicily,& Syracuse; ca. 500). __ &1`500&: &3IGLSyr& 2,458 (&7Syria I,& Zerzi=ta%26). __ &1after ca. 500&: Cameron, &3Porphyrios the Charioteer& (1973), Base C [&3AnthPal& 15,46%19`47 and &3AnthPlan& 16,344] (&7Cple, Hippodrome; after ca. 500). __ &1`500%19`518&: &3MAMA& 3,197 (&7Cilicia,& Korykos; ca. 500%19`518?). __ &1`500%19`524&: Dessau, &3ILS& 1297 [&3CIL& 5.3100] (&7Venetia,& Patavium; ca. 500%19`524). __ &1`500%19`525& ("beg. 6th c. ac"): Feissel, &3IChMac& 76%19`77 (&7Maced., Boskochorion); &3SEG& 33,489 (&7Maced. Illyr.,& Lychnidos); &3TravMe/m 10 (1987) 399,1 (&7Europe,& Ku+c%25u+k Ko+y); Restle, &3DenkschrWien& 138 (1979) 44 (&7Cappad. I,& Gereme; beg. 6th?); and 48 (&7Cappad. I, Buzluk; beg. 6th?); &3IGLSyr& 3,1242(3) (&7Syria I,& Seleucia Pieria); &3IGLSyr& 4,1631 (&7Syria II,& Tarou=ti=n); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 20 [&3SEG& 32,1554] (&7Arabia,& Q. el%19H%1allabat). __ &1`500%19`536&: &3RevBibl& 68 (1961) 123,16 [&3ANRW& 2,8.512] (&7Palaest. &7I,& Caesarea Marit.; ca. 500%19`536). __ &1`501&: &3SEG& 9,414 (&7Cyrenaica,& Teuchira). __ &1`501%3`2&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2172 (&7Syria II,& Tli=l); &3SEG& 32,1440 (&7Syria, Apamene); &3IGLSyr& 13,1.9124 (&7Arabia,& Bostra). __ &1`502&: &3IGLSyr& 2,353 (&7Syria I,& Aboud%1d%1ouhour); &3SEG& 32,1437 (&7Syria,& Antiochia; 502?); &3IGLSyr& 21,2.56 (&7Arabia,& Yadudeh); &3IChUR& 5,13959 [&3ILCV& 4874; &3CIJ& App. V,81*] (&7Rome,& Via Appia). __ &1`502%3`3&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1738 (&7Syria II,& Sheykh Barak). __ &1`503&: Mouterde, in &3Limes de Chalcis& (1945) 185,9 (&7Syria I, Chalkis). __ &1`503%3`4&: &3SEG& 15,164 (&7Attica,& Olympos); &3IGLSyr& 5,2081 (&7Syria &7II,& Arethusa). __ &1`504&: &3RevBibl& 1 (1892) 240,2 (&7Palaest. I,& Gaza). __ &1`504%3`5&: &3IGLSyr& 2,378 (&7Syria I,& Kefr Nabo); &3IGLSyr& 4,1617 (&7Syria II,& Tarou=ti=n). __ &1`505&: &3SEG& 31,1390 (&7Syria,& Hawwa); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES III,A (1907%19`1921) 725 (&7Arabia,& Sa=leh); &3SEG& 17,783 (&7Palaest., Beerot Yis%1haq); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 350 (&7Palaest. III, Mahaiy); Negev, &3Greek Inscr. from the Negev& (1981) 75 [&3SEG 31,1453] (&7Palaest. III,& Sobata; 505?); __ [&1`505&]: &3SEG& 32,1503 (&7Palaest.,& Gadara; ca. 505); &3SEG 36,1343(?) and 1344%19`1347 (&7Palaest.,& Gadara; ca. 505?); __ &1`506&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1937 (&7Syria II,& Sh. %102Ali Kasun); &3LBW& VI,2158 [&3CIG& 8603] (&7Arabia,& Sakkaia); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 39 (&7Palaest. &7III,& el%19Kerak). Dessau, &3ILS& 1303 [&3CIL& 13.10032,3a] (&7Rome, [Zu+rich]). __ &1`506%3`7&: &3IGLSyr& 2,270 (&7Syria I,& Rasm el%19Buz); &3SEG& 32,1449 (&7Phoenice,& Berytos). __ &1`507&: Feissel, &3IChMac& 131 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 313,7] (&7Maced., Thessalonike); &3IGLSyr& 4,1708 (&7Syria II,& el%19Anderi=n). __ &1`507%19`511&: Dessau, &3ILS& 827 [&3CIL& 10.6850%3`1] (&7Latium Adj., Tarracina; 507%19`511?). __ &1`507?&: &3CIL& 10,2.7169 [Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 421] (&7Sicily,& Syracuse; 492? 497? 507?). __ &1`507%19`518&: &3SEG& 32,1399 (&7Mesopotamia,& Ambar). __ &1`508&: &3CIG& 8624 [&3BCH& 7 (1883) 502,2] (&7Phrygia Pac.,& N. of Aizanoi); &3IGLSyr& 5,2629 and 2636 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Lifta=ya); Lifshitz, &3Donateurs et fondateurs dans les synagogues grecques (1967) 73a (&7Palaest.,& Gaza); Dessau, &3ILS& 859 [&3CIL& 8.9835] (&7Mauretania,& Altava). __ &1`508%3`9&: &3IGLSyr& 2,337 (&7Syria I,& Mektebeh); &3IGLSyr& 4,1695 (&7Syria II,& el%19Anderi=n). __ &1`509&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1851 (&7Syria II,& Sho=ran); &3IGLSyr& 5,2204 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Emesa). __ &1`509%3`10&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1630 (&7Syria II,& Tarou=ti=n); &3IGLSyr& 5,2634 and 2639%19`2640 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Lifta=ya). __ &1`510&: &3IGLSyr& 2,431 (&7Syria I,& Refa=deh); &3IGLSyr& 4,1832 (&7Syria &7II,& Rabdeh); &3IGLSyr& 5,2253 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Emesa); &3RevBibl 2(1893) 203,1 (&7Palaest. I,& Maiuma of Gaza). __ &1`510%3`1&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1619 (&7Syria II,& Tarou=ti=n); &3IGLSyr& 4,1763 (&7Syria II,& Rasm el%19%102A=bed). __ &1`510%19`520&: Soteriou, &3Basilike%26 Agiou De%26me%26triou& (1952) 233 and 235,4 [&3BSA& 68 (1973) 265(I,B)] (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike; 510%19`520?). __ &1`511&: &3Annales arche/ologiques arabes syriennes& 22 (1972) 151 [&3BE& 1974,630] (&7Syria II,& Fri=kya=); &3IG& 14.2310a (&7Transpadana, Verona); Dessau, &3ILS& 1295 [&3CIL& 14.2824] (&7Latium,& Gabii; ca. 511). __ &1`511%3`2&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1532ter (&7Syria II,& Umm Khibar); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 8 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Kerak). __ &1`512&: Feissel, &3IChMac& 90 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 314,8] (&7Maced., Thessalonike; ca. 512); &3IGLSyr& 2,264 (&7Syria I,& al%19'Gabbul); &3IGLSyr& 2,310 (&7Syria I,& Zebed); &3DOP& 27 (1973) 296 (&7Mesopotamia, Kartmin). __ &1`512%3`3&: &3IGLSyr& 13,1.9125 (&7Arabia,& Bostra). __ &1`513&: Orsi, in &3MPARA& 1 (1923) 113%19`122, no. 30 [Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 98] (&7Sicily,& Syracuse) (513, 517 ac); Dessau, &3ILS& 1304 [&3CIL& 13.10032,14] (&7Italy,& Rome [Nuremberg]) and &3SEG 36,928,I [&3ILCV& 73] (&7Italy,& Rome; 513 ac); __ &1`513%3`4&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 9 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Kerak). __ &1`514&: &3SEG& 35,1495 (&7Syria,& Nabatiyeh; 514?). &3IGLSyr& 5,2211 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Emesa); __ &1`515&: Cameron, &3Porphyrios the Charioteer& (1973), Bases E [&3AnthPal& 15,50 and &3AnthPlan& 16,347%19`350] (515 ac) and J [&3AnthPal& 15,41%19`43 and &3AnthPlan& 16,365%19`375] (&7Cple,& Hippodrome, ca. 515 ac?); &3LBW& VI,2498 [Prentice, &3PAAES III& (1908) 437a] (&7Arabia,& Zorava); &3JHS& 37 (1916) 95,8 (&7Lydia,& NW. of Philadelphia). __ &1`515%3`6&: &3IGLSyr& 2,257 (&7Syria I,& Tell %102Aran); &3IGLSyr& 2,537 (&7Syria I,& Da=r Qita; 515%19`516?); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 227 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Frang). __ &1`515%19`518&: Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 101 and &3BZ& 65 (1972) 379] (&7Pontos,& Amasia). __ &1`516&: &3SEG& 12,544 (&7Cilicia,& Anavarza); &3SEG& 32,1439 (&7Syria, Apamene); &3IGLSyr& 4,1725 (&7Syria II,& Umm et%19Ti=n); &3LBW& VI,2299 (&7Arabia,& Mdje/mir); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 10 (&7Palaest. III, el%19Kerak); &3SEG& 8,239 (&7Palaest.,& Bet Su%26ri%26k%1). __ &1`516%3`7&: &3IGLSyr& 2,424 [Guard. &3EG& IV.438] (&7Syria I,& Refa=deh). __ &1after 516&: &3SEG& 12,545a (&7Cilicia,& Anavarza; after 516). __ &1`517&: &3IGLSyr& 2,525 (&7Syria I,& Burdaqli); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 694%19`695 (&7Arabia,& %102Orma=n; 517?); Orsi, in &3MPARA& 1 (1923) 113%19`122, no. 30 [Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 98] (&7Sicily,& Syracuse) (513, 517 ac); Dessau, &3ILS& 1305 [&3CIL 13.10032,5] (&7Rome,& [Paris]). __ &1`517?&: Negev, &3Greek Inscr. from the Negev& (1981) 66 [&3SEG& 31,1444] (&7Palaest. III,& Sobata: N.Church; 517 or 607?). __ &1`517%3`8&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1578 (&7Syria II,& H%1era=keh). &3SEG& 7,1169 (&7Arabia,& %102Orma=n); Dunand, in &3Me/langes syriens offerts a\ R. &3Dussaud& II (1939) 559,290 [&3BE& 40,189] (&7Arabia,& Dj. Druze: Kaper); &3SEG& 20,417 (&7Palaest.,& Sepphoris). __ &1`518&: Thomsen, "Inschr. ... Jerusalem," &3ZdPV& 44 (1921) 94,130 [Guard. &3EG& IV,445] (&7Palaest. I,& Jerusalem; 518?); &3RevBibl& 12 (1903) 427,6 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 18,18] (&7Palaest. &7III,& Birosaba); &3CIG& 9449 (&7prov.?,& now Paris); Dessau, &3ILS& 1306 [&3CIL& 13.10032,6] (&7Rome,& [Utrecht]). __ &1`519&: Feissel, &3IChMac& 132 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 314,9] (&7Maced., Thessalonike); Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 86y (&7Europe, Panion); &3IGLSyr& 4,1729 (&7Syria II,& Umm er Reghi=m). __ &1`519%3`20&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2154 (&7Syria II,& Ghour). __ &1`520&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 731 (&7Arabia,& Dj. il%19K%1ule=b). __ &1`521&: &3AS& 19 (1969) 139,1 (&7Cilicia I,& near Korasion); &3IGLSyr 2,355 (&7Syria I,& Go+l%19Djibri=n); Dessau, &3ILS& 1307 [&3CIL& 5.8210,3] (&7Rome,& [Cremona]), and 2952 [&3CIL& 5.6464] (&7Gall. Cisalpina, Ticinum). __ &1`521%3`2&: &3IGLSyr& 2,589 (&7Syria I,& Kfa=r %102Aruq); &3IGLSyr& 5,2010 (&7Syria II,& Epiphaneia). __ &1`521%19`534&: &3CIL& 11,1.289 [Patrono, "Iscrizioni bizantine di Ravenna" (1909) 358,289] (&7Aemilia,& Ravenna). __ &1`522&: &3IGLSyr& 2,481 (&7Syria I,& Kfellusi=n; 522?); Fitzgerald, &3A &3Sixth%19Century Monastery at Beth%19Shan (Scythopolis)& (1939) 19 [&3SEG& 8,37] (&7Palaest. II,& Skythopolis); &3SEG& 28,1447 (&7Palaest. &7II,& Skythopolis) and 28,1448 (&7Palaest. II,& Skythopolis; ca. 522); Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 146 (&7Egypt,& Akoris); __ &1`522?&: &3Hsp& 36 (0000) 422 (&7Peloponnesos,& Korinthos; 522 or 567). __ &1before 522%19`525&: Kosmas Indikopleustes, &3Topogr. Christ. 2.60%19`63, I, pp. 373%19`379 ed. Wolska%19Conus [&3OGIS& 199] (&7Ethiopia, Adule; before 522%19`525). __ &1`523&: &3IGLSyr& 2,392 (&7Syria I,& Kefr Anti=n). __ &1`524&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 14 [&3Corinth& 8,3.548] (&7Peloponnesos, Korinthos); &3IGLSyr& 3,1142 (&7Syria I,& Seleucia Pieria); &3IGLSyr 4,1579 (&7Syria II,& H%1era=keh); &3IGLSyr& 4,1829 (&7Syria II,& Q. Beyt %102Ali); Che/hab, &3Mosaiques du Liban& (1957) 14.104,7%19`105,8 [&3BE 1961,783] (&7Phoenice,& Sidon: Zahrani); &3IGLSyr& 13,1.9126 (&7Arabia,& Bostra); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 351 (&7Palaest. III, Mahaiy; 524?); Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 1 (&7Egypt,& Alexandria); __ &1`524%3`5&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2155 (&7Syria II,& Ghour); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 277 (&7Palaest. III,& %102Azra). __ &1`524%19`527&: &3AnthPal& 1,10 [Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture &3byzantine figure/e au Muse/e arche/ologique d'Istanbul& (1990) 211,494] (&7Cple,& H. Polyeuktos). __ &1`524%19`552&: &3QDAPal& 10 (1942) 162 [Halkin II,69] (&7Palestina I, Jerusalem). __ &1`525&: Feissel, &3IChMac& 134 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 316,10] (&7Maced., Thessalonike; 525, 535 ac); &3CIL& 13.10032,8 [Dessau, &3ILS& 1308; &3IG& 14.2418,1] (&7Rome,& [ex%19Compie\gne]). &3IG& 14.2418,2 [&3CIL 5.8120,4] (&7Transpadana,& Mediolanum?). __ &1`525%3`6&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1473 (&7Syria II,& el%19Ba=ra); &3IGLSyr& 4,1735 (&7Syria II,& Sheykh Barak); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 11 (&7Palaest. &7III,& el%19Kerak). __ &1`525%19`527&: &3AnthPal& 1,97%3`8 (&7Cple,& Melete). __ &1`525%19`550&: &3AEph& 1916.67 [&3DOP& 6 (1951) 100], &3AEph& 1917.48 and 63, and &3DOP& 6 (1951) 90 [&3BE& 1958.285] (&7Epirus V., Nikopolis; ca. 525%19`550?). __ &1`526&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1610 (&7Syria II,& el%19Burdj); Welles, in &3Gerasa (1938) 304 (&7Arabia,& Gerasa). __ &1`526%3`7&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1570 (&7Syria II,& Fa%102lu=l). __ &1`527&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 314 [&3FIRA&(`2) 1.97] (&7Pamphylia, Isinda?); &3IG& 14.2517 [&3ILCV& 2891] (&7Gallia Narbon.,& Narbo). __ &1`527%3`8&: &3IGLSyr& 2,258 (&7Syria I,& Soudji=n). __ &1`527%19`548&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 100(3) [&3AnthPal& 1,91; &3IK &3Ephesos& 1354,3] and 100(5) [&3AnthPal& 1,95; &3IK Ephesos& 1354,4] (&7Asia,& Ephesos; ca. 527%19`548?); Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 107(2), [&3IK &3Ephesos& 4133; cf. &3SEG& 36,1033] (&7Asia,& Ephesos; ca. 527%19`548); Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie& (1987) 52 [&3SEG& 28.1294] (&7Cilicia,& Adana Museum). __ &1`527%19`565&: Antoniades, &3Ekphrasis& (1907%19`1909) II,23 and 28 (&7Cple,& Hagia Sophia); &3BZ& 4 (1895) 106 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 60,III] (&7Cple,& H. Sergios). &3AnthPal& 1,8 (&7Cple,& H. Apostoloi); &3AnthPal 9,811 (&7Cple,& place?); Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 100(4) [&3AnthPal& 1,50; &3IK Ephesos& 1354,2] (&7Asia,& Ephesos; 527%19`565?); Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 220 (&7Karia,& Miletos; ca. 527%19`565); Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 226 [&3IDidyma& 596] (&7Karia,& Didyma; ca. 527%19`565); &3ASAtene& 41%19`42 (1963%19`1964) 243,1%19`243,2 (&7S. Aegean,& Karpathos); Speiser, "Inventaire ... Thessalonique" (1973%3`1979) 4 [Feissel, &3IChMac 81] (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike; ca. 527%19`565). Fraser, &3Samothrace &3`2,1& (1960) 20 [&3BE& 1964,370] (&7N. Aegean,& Samothrake); Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus Bulgarien (1964) 153 [Ognenova%19Marinova, in &3Nesse\bre& I (1969) 109%19`122] (&7Haemimontus,& Mesembria); Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 16 [&3Corinth& 8,3.508] and 17 [&3IG& 4.205; Guard. &3EG& IV,327] (&7Peloponnesos,& Isthmos; ca. 527%19`565); &3SEG& 2,377 [&3BE& 1969.474,352] (&7Epirus N.,& Bals%148i); &3ZbRad& 18 (1978) 1 (&7Praevalitana,& Izbic%148anj); &3IGLSyr& 21,2.129 (&7Arabia,& Madaba). __ &1`528&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1402 (&7Syria II,& Ma%102ya=n). __ &1`528%3`9&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1702 (&7Syria II,& el%19Anderi=n); &3IGLSyr& 4,1768 (&7Syria II,& Khawa); &3IGLSyr& 5,2091 (&7Syria II,& Burdj el%19Qa=%102i); Dessau, &3ILS& 829 [&3CIL& 5.6418] (&7Gall. Cisalpina,& Ticinum). __ &1`528%19`588&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2553 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Heliaramia; ca. 528%19`588). __ &1`529&: &3IGLSyr& 2,578 (&7Syria I,& Kfa=r Deria=n); &3IGLSyr& 5,2144 (&7Syria II,& K. ad%19Da=siniya); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 18 (&7Arabia,& Q. el%19H%1allabat); &3SEG& 8,34 (&7Palaest. &7II,& Scythopolis; ca. 529). __ &1`529%3`30&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1882 (&7Syria II,& er%19Rukhaiyeh); &3IGLSyr 5,2238 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Emesa); Welles, in &3Gerasa& (1938) 309%19`310 (&7Arabia,& Gerasa). __ &1`530&: &3AnthPlan& 16,62%19`63 (&7Cple,& Hippodrome); &3CIG& 8639 [Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 319] (&7Cple,& H. Sergios; ca. 530); &3IGLSyr& 2,333 (&7Syria I,& Rbi=t%1); &3IGLSyr& 4,1819 (&7Syria II,& Q. Abou Samra); Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 2 (&7Egypt, Alexandria); Dessau, &3ILS& 1309 [&3CIL& 5.8120,6] (&7Rome,& [Milan]) __ &1`530%3`1&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2092 (&7Syria II,& Burdj el%19Qa=%102i); Welles, in &3Gerasa& (1938) 323%19`324 (&7Arabia,& Gerasa). __ &1`530%19`540&: Cameron, &3Porphyrios the Charioteer& (1973), Base D [&3AnthPal& 15,44 and &3AnthPlan& 16,345%19`346] (&7Cple,& Hippodrome; ca. 530%19`540). __ &1`530%19`533&: Dessau, &3ILS& 860 [&3Ephemeris& 5.826] (&7Venetia, Feltria); Dessau, &3ILS& 8960 [&3CIL& 8, Suppl. 25362] (&7Africa &7Proc.,& Tunes; ca. 530%19`533). __ &1`530%19`565&: Kirk, in &3Excavations at Nessana& I (1962) 96 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 43, 141 (no text); &3SEG& 8,310] (&7Palaest. III, Nessana). __ &1`531&: &3IGLSyr& 21,2.74 [&3SEG& 27,1019] and 75 [&3SEG& 27,1020] (&7Arabia,& Siyagha); Welles, in &3Gerasa& (1938) 306%19`307 (&7Arabia, Gerasa); Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) [&3AEph& 1929.156,5] (&7Thess.,& Thebes; ca. 531). __ &1`531%3`2&: Mouterde, in &3Limes de Chalcis& (1945) 196,26 (&7Syria &7I,& Anasartha); &3IGLSyr& 4,1632 (&7Syria II,& Tarou=ti=n); &3IGLSyr 5,2093 (&7Syria II,& Burdj el%19Qa=%102i). __ &1`531%3`546%3`561&(?): Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 343 [&3DOP& 32 (1978) 18,21] (&7Lydia,& Philadelphia; 531, 546 or 561 ac). __ &1`531%19`534&: Buckler and Robinson, &3Sardis& VII,1 (1932) 19 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 324 19, ca. 539 ac] (&7Lydia,& Sardeis; ca. 531%19`534?). __ &1`531%19`537&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 108 [&3IK Ephesos& 4135, ca. 531; ac &3CIJ& 747] (&7Asia,& Ephesos; ca. 531%19`537). __ &1`532&: Feissel, &3IChMac& 133 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 317,11] (&7Maced., Thessalonike); &3IGLSyr& 4,1985 (&7Syria II,& T %102Abd el%19%102Aziz). __ &1`532%3`3&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2178 (&7Syria II,& Shi=n). __ &1`533&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 15 [&3SEG& 29,310] (&7Peloponnesos,& Korinthos); &3SEG& 26,1627 (&7Syria,& Apameia); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 757 (&7Arabia,& Da=ma%26); Welles, in &3Gerasa& (1938) 277(?), 278 and 311%19`316 (&7Arabia,& Gerasa). Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 3 (&7Egypt,& Alexandria). __ &1`533%19`540&: &3SEG& 26,1628%19`1630 (&7Syria,& Apameia). __ &1`533%19`565&: Soteriou, &3Basilike%26 Agiou De%26me%26triou& (1952) 230,1 [Feissel, &3IChMac& 81] (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike; ca. 533%19`565). __ &1`534&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 69 [&3IK Smyrna& 560] (&7Asia,& Smyrna); &3IGLSyr& 4,1894 (&7Syria II,& Khalba=n); &3LBW& VI,2040 (&7Arabia, Sam.%19el%19Berdan); &3IChUR& 2,5064 (&7Rome,& Bas. S. Pauli). __ &1`534%3`5?&: &3SEG& 27,1015 (&7Palaest. I,& Jerusalem; 534%3`5 or 549%3`50). __ &1`535&: Feissel, &3IChMac& 134 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 316,10] (&7Maced., Thessalonike; 525, 535 ac) and 135 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 319,12] (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike); &3IGLSyr& 5,2121 (&7Syria II,& T%1ayibeh; ca. 535); &3IGLSyr& 5,2630 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Lifta=ya). Che/hab, &3Mosaiques du Liban& (1957) 105,9(?) and 105,10 [&3BE& 1961,783] (&7Phoenice,& Sidon: Zahrani); &3Me/langes K. Michalowski& (1966) [&3BE 1968,553] (&7Phoenice Lib,& Palmyra); &3IGLSyr& 21,2.101%19`102, 103 [&3SEG& 8,338a] and 104%19`105 (&7Arabia,& Makhayyat; ca. 535); Welles, in &3Gerasa& (1938) 279 (&7Arabia,& Gerasa); __ &1`535%3`6&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 107 [&3IK Ephesos& 1353] (&7Asia, Ephesos); Buckler and Robinson, &3Sardis& VII,1 (1932) 20 (&7Lydia, Sardeis); Mouterde, in &3Limes de Chalcis& (1945) 205,35 (&7Syria &7I,& Dreyb el%19Wawi); &3IGLSyr& 21,2.100 (&7Arabia,& Makhayyat). __ &1after 536&: &3RevBibl& 68 (1961) 122,15 [&3ANRW& 2,8.507] (&7Palaest. I,& Caesarea Marit.; after 536). __ &1`535%19`545&: &3IGLSyr& 13,1.9132%19`9134 (&7Arabia,& Bostra). __ &1`535%19`565&: Mitchell, &3RECAM& II (1982) 207%19`208 [cf. &3SEG 36.1178] (&7Galatia I,& NE. of Ankyra). __ &1before 536&: &3SEG& 29,1070 (&7Caria,& Aphrodisias; before 536). __ &1`536&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 36 [&3SEG& 29,302] (&7Peloponnesos,& Korinthos; ca. 536); Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 220(2) (&7Karia,& Miletos; ca. 536); Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie& (1987) 105 (&7Cilicia, Anazarbos); &3IGLSyr& 2,571 (&7Syria I,& Bashmishli); Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 4 (&7Egypt,& Alexandria). __ &1`536%3`7&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 422 (&7Palaest. III,& Guwir). __ &1`536%19`562&: &3IGLSyr& 21,2.138 [&3SEG& 31,1476] (&7Arabia,& Madaba). __ &1`537&: &3CIG& 8643 [Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 264] (&7Cple,& Hagia Sophia; 537?); &3IGLSyr& 2,545 (&7Syria I,& Da=r Qi=ta); &3IGLSyr& 4,1997 (&7Syria II,& %102Agerbat); Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g 5%19`7 (&7Egypt,& Alexandria); Bernand, &3Inscr. gr. de Philae, II (1969) 200 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 586], 201 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 590], 202 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 591], 203 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 587] and 204 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 589] (&7Nubia,& Philai; ca. 537). __ &1`537%3`8&: &3IGLSyr& 3,786 (&7Syria I,& Antiochia); &3IGLSyr& 5,2533 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Salamias); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 333 (&7Palaest. &7III,& al%19%102Amaqa). __ &1after 537&: Bernand, &3Inscr. gr. de Philae, II& (1969) 205%19`205 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 588a1%19`588a2], 207%19`214 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g 588b1%19`588b7], 215(?), 229, 230 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 585], 231%19`236, 237%19`238 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 604%19`604bis], 239%19`244 (&7Nubia,& Philai; after 537). __ &1`537%19`550&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 255 (&7Karia,& Aphrodisias). __ &1before 538&: &3AnthPlan& 16,35 (&7Karia,& Aphrodisias; before 538). __ &1`538&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 219 (&7Karia,& Miletos); Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus Bulgarien& (1964) 231 (&7Rhodope,& Eles%148nica); &3IGLSyr& 2,462 (&7Syria I,& Zerzi=ta%26); &3IGLSyr 5,2336 [&3AnthPal& 7,553]] (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Emesa); &3LBW& VI,1966 (&7Arabia,& Qreyeh); &3LBW& VI,2412b [&3CIG& 8651] (&7Arabia,& et%19Tha%102leh; 538?); &3RevBibl& 2 (1893) 204,2 (&7Palaest. I,& Maiuma of Gaza); __ &1`538%3`9&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1629%7`1641 (&7Syria II,& Tarou=ti=n). __ &1`539&: Mouterde, in &3Limes de Chalcis& (1945) 206,36 (&7Syria I, Dreyb el%19Wawi); &3IGLSyr& 2,456 (&7Syria I,& Zerzi=ta%26); &3IGLSyr& 4,1344 (&7Syria II,& Apameia); &3SEG& 18,607 (&7Syria,& Boudai+); &3SEG& 31,1389 (&7Syria,& Hawwa); &3IGLSyr& 5,2614 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Khirbet et%19ti=n). Dessau, &3ILS& 1310 [&3CIL& 2.2699] (&7Rome,& [Oviedo]). __ &1`539%3`40&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1789 (&7Syria II,& Rouweyd%1a); &3IGLSyr& 5,2066 (&7Syria II,& Ayo); &3IGLSyr& 5,2098 (&7Syria II,& Burdj el%19Qa=%102i); &3IGLSyr& 5,2534 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Salamias; 539%3`40?); &3IGLSyr 13,1.9129 (&7Arabia,& Bostra); &3SEG& 35,1571 (&7Arabia,& Gerasa); &3SEG 8,1 (&7Palaest.,& Khirbet %102Alija%26); &3JThS& 11 (1960) 291,21 [&3SEG 30.1787] (&7Cyrenaica,& Olbia); &3JThS& 11 (1960) 293,22%19`293,23 [cf. &3SEG& 30.1787] (&7Cyrenaica,& Olbia; ca. 539%3`40); Durliat, &3De/dicaces d'ouvrages de de/fense dans l'Afrique byzantine (1981) 37,15 (&7Byzacium,& Cululis Theodor), 47,19 [&3AE& 1911.118], 49,20, and 51,21 (&7Numidia,& Thamugadi). __ &1`539%19`544&: Durliat, &3De/dicaces d'ouvrages de de/fense dans &3l'Afrique byzantine& (1981) 7,1 [Merlin, &3Inscr. lat. de la &3Tunisie& (1944) 1253] (&7Africa Proc.,& Bordj Hellal); 9,2 [&3CIL 8.1259; &3RA&(`4) 2 246,87] (&7Africa Proc.,& Bordj Hellal); 11,3 [Gsell, &3Inscr. lat. de l'Alge/rie& (1922%19`1976) 276] (&7Africa &7Proc.,& Calama); 14,4 [Gsell, &3Inscr. lat. de l'Alge/rie (1922%19`1976) 277] (&7Africa Proc.,& Calama); 17,5 [Gsell, &3Inscr. &3lat. de l'Alge/rie& (1922%19`1976) 278] (&7Africa Proc.,& Calama); 18,6 [&3RA&(`4) 2 247,91; Gsell, &3Inscr. lat. de l'Alge/rie (1922%19`1976) 2114] (&7Africa Proc.,& Madaura). 21,7 (&7Africa Proc., Madaura); 22,8 [&3CIL& 8.1863 and 16507; Dessau, &3ILS& 831; (&7Africa &7Proc.,& Theveste); 25,9 [&3CIL& 8.1864] (&7Africa Proc.,& Theveste); 25,10 [&3RA&(`4) 2 247,90; Gsell, &3Inscr. lat. de l'Alge/rie (1922%19`1976) 1037] (&7Africa Proc.,& Thagura); 27,11 [&3CIL& 8.10663] (&7Byzacium,& Ai+n%19Bou%19Dries; 539%19`544?); 29,12 [&3CIL& 8.101] (&7Byzacium,& Capsa); 33,13 [Merlin, &3Inscr. lat. de la Tunisie (1944) 291] (&7Byzacium,& Capsa); 35,14 [&3CIL& 8.11423; &3RA&(`4) 2 245,85] (&7Byzacium,& Sufes); 42,16 (&7Numidia,& Bagai+); 44,17 [&3CIL 8.4799] (&7Numidia,& Gadiaufala); 46,18 (&7Numidia,& Ksar Bellezma). 53,22 (&7Numidia,& Tigisis; 539%19`544?); 55,23 [&3CIL& 8.8483] (&7Mauretania Sit,& Sitifis); 57,24 [&3CIL& 8.8805] (&7Mauretania Sit, Sitifis; 539%19`544?); 85,34 [Gsell, &3Inscr. lat. de l'Alge/rie (1922%19`1976) 1038] (&7Africa Proc.,& Thagura; 539%19`544?); 86,35 (&7Numidia,& Thabudeos; 539%19`544?); 87,36 (&7Numidia,& Thabudeos; 539%19`544?); 90,B [&3CIL& 8.700] (&7Africa Proc.,& Churisa; 539%19`544?). __ &1`540&: &3IGLSyr& 2,562 (&7Syria I,& Ba%26bisqa); &3IGLSyr& 5,2064 (&7Syria &7II,& Kfar Bouhoum); &3IGLSyr& 13,1.9128 and 9130 (&7Arabia,& Bostra); &3RevBibl& 1 (1892) 241,3 (&7Palaest. I,& Gaza); &3RevBibl& 2 (1893) 204,3%19`204,4 (&7Palaest. I,& Maiumas of Gaza); Dessau, &3ILS& 1311 (&7Rome,& [Berlin]). __ &1`540%3`1&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1957 (&7Syria II,& Nawa); &3IGLSyr& 13,1.9131 (&7Arabia,& Bostra). __ &1`540%19`550&: &3AnthPlan& 16,39%3`314 (&7Cple,& place?; ca. 540%19`550). __ &1`540%19`545&: Cameron, &3Porphyrios the Charioteer& (1973), Base H [&3AnthPlan& 16,356, 360%19`362] (&7Cple,& Hippodrome; ca. 540%19`545). __ &1`540%19`551&: &3AnthPlan& 16,38 (&7Phoenice,& Berytos; ca. 540%19`551). __ &1`541&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 70 [&3IK Smyrna& 562] (&7Asia,& Smyrna); &3IGLSyr& 4,1889 (&7Syria II,& Khalba=n); &3SEG& 26,1632 (&7Syria,& Djebel Akrum); Che/hab, &3Mosaiques du Liban& (1957) 100,1%19`2 [&3BE 1961,783] (&7Phoenice,& Sidon:Zahrani); &3SEG& 8,275 (&7Palaest. I, Gaza); Kirk, in &3Excavations at Nessana& I (1962) 80 [Alt, &3GIPT (1921) 42,132], 112 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 40,131] and 113%19`114 (&7Palaest. III,& Nessana); Negev, &3Greek Inscr. from the Negev (1981) 17 [&3SEG& 28,1393] (&7Palaest. III,& Eboda: H.Theod.); Dessau, &3ILS& 1312 (&7Rome,& [Firenze]); &3CIL& 11,1.310 [Patrono, "Iscrizioni bizantine di Ravenna" (1909) 348,310] (&7Aemilia, Ravenna). __ &1`541?&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 71 [&3IK Smyrna& 561] (&7Asia,& Smyrna; 541 or 543). __ &1`541%3`2&: &3SEG& 32,1442 (&7Syria,& Apamene); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 12 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Kerak) and 278 (&7Palaest. III,& %102Azra). __ &1`542&: &3CIG& 8636%19`8637 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979), nos. 180%19`181] (&7Pontus,& Trebizond); &3IGLSyr 1,145%19`147 (&7Euphrat.,& Cyrrhus); &3IGLSyr& 4,1873 (&7Syria II, el%19%102Anz); &3Bulletin d'e/tudes orientales& 1 (1931) 39,1 [&3LBW VI,2497] (542 ac), 40,2 [&3LBW& VI,2499], 42,4 and 43,5 (&7Arabia, Zorava; ca. 542); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 200 (&7Palaest. III, Ader); Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 8 (&7Egypt,& Alexandria). __ &1`542%3`3&: Pouilloux, et al., &3Salamine de Chypre, XIII,2& (1987) 209 (542%3`3?) and 208, 210%19`211 (&7Cyprus,& Constantia; ca. 542%3`3?); &3IGLSyr& 4,1818 (&7Syria II,& Q el%19Moukharram); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 419 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19%102Aina). __ &1`542%19`548&: Mouterde, in &3Limes de Chalcis& (1945) 209,39a (&7Euphrat.,& Hierapolis). __ &1`543&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 792(1)%19`792(2) (&7Arabia,& Djre=n; 543?); &3RevBibl& 12 (1903) 275 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 18,19] (&7Palaest. III,& Birosaba). __ &1`543?&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 71 [&3IK Smyrna& 561] (&7Asia,& Smyrna; 541 or 543). __ &1`543%3`4&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2181 (&7Syria II,& Tai+ri=n). __ &1`544&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus &3Bulgarien& (1964) 249 (&7Moesia II,& Odessos); &3IGLSyr& 2,618 (&7Syria &7I,& Dju%26wa%26ni=yeh); &3IGLSyr& 2,620 (&7Syria I,& Dju%26wa%26ni=yeh); &3IGLSyr 4,1971 (&7Syria II,& Sabba%102). __ &1`545&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2071 (&7Syria II,& De=r el%19Ferdi=s); Canova, &3Moab (1954) 307 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Mote); &3SEG& 8,293 [&3SEG& 34.1467] (&7Palaest. III,& Negev:place?). __ &1`545%3`6&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1709 (&7Syria II,& el%19Anderi=n). __ &1`545%19`555&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 297 (&7Palaest. III,& Mah%1na). __ &1`546&: &3IGLSyr& 2,565 (&7Syria I,& Ba%26qirh%1a); Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du nord& III (1958) 33,35a [&3SEG 20.373] (&7Syria II,& Deir es%148 S%148arqi); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 342 (&7Palaest. III,& Dhat%19Ras; 546?). __ &1`546%3`7&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1598 (&7Syria II,& I%102dja=z); &3IGLSyr& 4,1969 (&7Syria II,& Sabba%102). __ &1`547&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 728 (&7Arabia,& Sa=leh); &3RevBibl& 1 (1892) 242,4 (&7Palaest. I,& Gaza); &3RevBibl& 13, N.S. 1 (1904) 267,2 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 19,21; &3SEG 34,1468] (&7Palaest. III,& Birosaba); Dessau, &3ILS& 2806 [&3CIL 11,1.1693] (&7Etruria,& Florentia). __ &1`547?&: &3RevBibl& 12 (1903) 426,3 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 23,36] (&7Palaest. III,& Birosaba; 547? 562?). __ &1`547%3`8&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1809 (&7Syria II,& Ma%102an). __ &1`548&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 244 (&7Karia,& Alabanda?; ca. 548). __ &1`548%19`565&: &3DOP& 20 (1966) 262,1%19`262,5 and 263,7 (&7Palaest. III, Sinai: St.Cath.). __ &1`549&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2631 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Lifta=ya). __ &1`549%3`50&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2635 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Lifta=ya). __ &1`549%3`50?&: &3SEG& 27,1015 (&7Palaest. I,& Jerusalem; 534%3`5 or 549%3`50). __ &1after 549&: &3CIL& 11,1.295 [Patrono, "Iscrizioni bizantine di Ravenna" (1909) 349,295] (&7Aemilia,& Ravenna; after 549). __ &1`550&: &3IGLSyr& 2,348%19`349 (&7Syria I,& Qinnesri=n); &3IGLSyr& 2,493 (&7Syria I,& Da=na%26); Negev, &3Greek Inscr. from the Negev& (1981) 16 [&3SEG& 28,1394] (&7Palaest. III,& Eboda: H.Theod.). __ &1`550%3`1&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 228 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Frang). __ [&1`550&]: Cameron, &3Porphyrios the Charioteer& (1973), Base K [&3AnthPal& 15,48%19`49 and &3AnthPlan& 16,376%19`378] (&7Cple,& Hippodrome; ca. 550); &3MAMA& 4,323 (&7Phrygia Pac,& Bekilli; ca. 550?); __ &1`550%19`575&: &3SEG& 35,1547 (&7Palaest.,& Jerusalem; ca. 550%19`575). __ &1`550%19`567&: &3SEG& 35,847 (&7Moesia,& Tomis; ca. 550%19`567). __ &1`551&: &3IGLSyr& 2,541 (&7Syria I,& Da=r Qi=ta); &3IGLSyr& 4,1811 (&7Syria &7II,& Q el%19Moukharram); &3LBW& VI,2080 [&3CIG& 4603] (&7Arabia, Philippopolis); &3AnthPlan& 16,42%19`43 (&7Asia,& Smyrna; ca. 551?); &3CIL& 11,1.312 [Patrono, "Iscrizioni bizantine di Ravenna" (1909) 348,312] (&7Aemilia,& Ravenna). __ &1`552&: &3IGLSyr& 2,603 (&7Syria I,& Ko%26kana=ya); Prentice, &3PAAES III (1908) 403 (&7Arabia,& Shehba%26). __ &1`552%3`3&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2653 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Djoubbaniyeh). __ &1`552%19`565&: &3CIL& 11,1.281a [Patrono, "Iscrizioni bizantine di Ravenna" (1909) 361,281a] (&7Aemilia,& Ravenna). __ &1`553&: &3IGLSyr& 2,572 (&7Syria I,& Bashmishli); Mouterde, in &3Limes &3de Chalcis& (1945) 190,17 (&7Syria I,& er%19Rouhhweyb). __ &1`553%3`4&: &3IGLSyr& 2,276 (&7Syria I,& Mu%102allaq); &3IGLSyr& 2,316 (&7Syria I,& Rasm el%19H%1adjal; ca. 553%3`4); &3IGLSyr& 2,320 (&7Syria I, Rasm el%19H%1adjal); &3IGLSyr& 4,1707 (&7Syria II,& el%19Anderi=n); Fitzgerald, &3A Sixth%19Century Monastery at Beth%19Shan &3(Scythopolis)& (1939) 16,6 [&3SEG& 8,38] (&7Palaest. II, Skythopolis; 553%3`4?); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 13 (&7Palaest. III, el%19Kerak) and 294 (&7Palaest. III,& K. Umm el%19Hamed). __ &1`554&: &3IGLSyr& 2,635 (&7Syria I,& Bsindela=ya); &3IGLSyr& 5,2632 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Lifta=ya). __ &1`554%3`5&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1790 (&7Syria II,& Rouweyd%1a); &3SEG& 36,1337 (&7Palaest. III,& Beersheba). __ &1`555&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2507 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Tell Ameri); &3LBW& VI,2090 (&7Arabia,& %102Amra); &3LBW& VI,2091 (&7Arabia,& %102Amra; ca. 555); Kirk, in &3Excavations at Nessana& I (1962) 115 (&7Palaest. III, Nessana); &3SEG& 13,598 (&7Palaest. I,& Jerusalem). __ &1`555%3`6&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1810 (&7Syria II,& Ma%102an); &3SEG& 7,1153 (&7Arabia, Kre/ye/); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 14%19`15 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Kerak). __ &1`555%19`560&: &3AnthPal& 1,35 (&7Europe,& Sosthenion; ca. 555%19`560). __ &1`555%19`568&: &3AnthPlan& 16,41 (&7Cple,& Plakidias; ca. 555%19`568); &3AnthPal& 9,662 (&7Asia,& Smyrna; ca. 555%19`568?). __ &1`556&: &3MAMA& 4,312 (&7Phrygia Pac.,& Motella); &3IGLSyr& 5,2654 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Djoubbaniyeh); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES III,A (1907%19`1921) 260 (&7Arabia,& Umm Idj%19Djima=l). __ &1`556%3`7&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1875 (&7Syria II,& er%19Rukhaiyeh); Canova, &3Moab (1954) 16 and 17(?) (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Kerak). __ &1`557&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus &3Bulgarien& (1964) 97 (&7Moesia II,& Odessos); &3IGLSyr& 4,1609 (&7Syria &7II,& el%19Habba=t%1); &3RevBibl& 16, N.S. 4 (1907) 275 (&7Palaest. I, %102Ai+n Sa=meh). __ &1`557%3`8&: &3SEG& 30,1675 (&7Syria,& Nabha); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 279 (&7Palaest. III,& %102Azra). __ &1`558&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus &3Bulgarien& (1964) 148 (&7Moesia II,& Alada=n; ca. 558). __ &1`558%3`9&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1803 (&7Syria II,& el%19Khawa=ys). __ &1`559&: &3Beitra+ge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und &3Literatur& 42 (1917) 332 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,1] (&7Cple,& Deniz Abdal Q.); &3IGLSyr& 4,1682 [Guard. &3EG& IV,439] (&7Syria II, el%19Anderi=n); &3IGLSyr& 4,1742 (&7Syria II,& Sheykh Barak); &3IGLSyr 4,1951 (&7Syria II,& Nawa); &3SEG& 36,1303 [&3SEG& 27,993] and 1307 (&7Syria,& Resafa); &3SEG& 36,1309 (&7Syria,& Resafa; ca. 559?). __ &1`559%3`60&: &3AnthPal& 9,641 (&7Bithynia,& near Nikaia); Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie& (1987) 89 [&3SEG& 28.1287] (&7Cilicia, Mopsuestia); &3IGLSyr& 4,1961 (&7Syria II,& Temek); Canova, &3Moab (1954) 238 (&7Palaest. III,& %102Ainun). __ &1`560&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 229 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Frang); Kirk, in &3Excavations at Nessana& I (1962) 116 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 41,133] (&7Palaest. III,& Nessana). __ &1`560%19`565&: &3IGLSyr& 21,2.153,1%19`154 [Avi%19Yonah, &3The Madaba &3Mosaic Map& (1954), with &3ZdPV& 83 (1967) 1%19`33] (&7Arabia,& Madaba; ca. 560%19`565?). __ &1`560%19`610&: &3SEG& 26,1798 (&7Egypt,& Kom el%19Dikka). __ &1`560%19`614&: &3SEG& 36,1341 (&7Palaest. I,& Caesarea). __ &1`561&: &3IGLSyr& 2,362 (&7Syria I,& Bra=d); &3IGLSyr& 4,1843 (&7Syria II, Q. Ibn Warda=n); &3IGLSyr& 4,1859 (&7Syria II,& Qunbus); Canova, &3Moab (1954) 352 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy; 561?). __ &1`561?&: &3SEG& 26,1676 (&7Palaest.,& Khisfin; 561 or 618). __ [&1`561&]: Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 247 (&7Scythia Minor,& Dinogetia; ca. 561); __ &1`561%3`2&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2237 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Emesa); Canova, &3Moab (1954) 308 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Mote). __ &1`562&: Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 12 (&7Pontos,& Amisos); &3IGLSyr& 21,2.133 [&3SEG& 31.1473] and 134 [&3SEG& 31.1472bis] (&7Arabia,& Madaba); &3RevBibl& 1 (1892) 243,5 (&7Palaest. I,& Gaza). __ &1`562?&: &3RevBibl& 12 (1903) 426,3 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 23,36] (&7Palaest. III,& Birosaba; 547? 562?). __ [&1`562&]: &3IGLSyr& 21,2.97 [&3SEG& 8,336] (&7Arabia,& Makhayyat; ca. 562); and 106 (&7Arabia,& Makhayyat; ca. 562); __ &1`562%3`3&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 343 (&7Palaest. III,& Dhat%19Ras). __ &1`563&: &3IGLSyr& 2,317 (&7Syria I,& Rasm el%19H%1adjal); &3IGLSyr& 2,391 (&7Syria I,& Ba%26tu=ta%26; 563?); &3IGLSyr& 4,1726 (&7Syria II,& Tell Khazneh); &3IGLSyr& 5,2548 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& al%19Moufaggar); Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du nord& III (1958) 33,35 [&3SEG& 20.367] (&7Syria II,& Deir Debba=ne) __ &1`563%3`4&: Drew%19Bear, &3Nouvelles inscr. de Phrygie& (1978) 111,50 [&3SEG& 28,1130] (&7Phrygia Pac,& Eumeneia); Kirk, in &3Excavations at &3Nessana& I (1962) 117 (&7Palaest. III,& Nessana). __ &1`564&: &3IK Kalchedon& 121 (&7Bithynia,& Panteichion); &3IGLSyr 4,1821 (&7Syria II,& Q. Abou Samra); &3IGLSyr& 4,1842 (&7Syria II,& Q. Ibn Warda=n); &3IGLSyr& 4,1876 (&7Syria II,& er%19Rukhaiyeh); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 353 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy); &3RevBibl& 3 (1894) 252[a] (&7Phoenice,& Sidon); &3RevBibl& N.S. 1 (1904) 267,3 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 20,23] (&7Palaest. III,& Birosaba; 564, 570 ac); &3RevBibl& N.S. 2 (1905) 248,1%19`2 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 19,22] (&7Palaest. III,& Birosaba). __ &1`564?&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1788 (&7Syria II,& Qashr Sht%1te=b; 564 or 464). __ &1`564%3`5&: &3SEG& 8,294 (&7Palaest. III,& Negev:place?). __ &1`565&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1940 (&7Syria II,& Sh. %102Ali Kasun); &3LBW& VI,1878 [&3CIG& 8641] (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Abila); Welles, in &3Gerasa& (1938) 331 (&7Arabia,& Gerasa); Dessau, &3ILS& 832 [&3CIL& 6.1199] (&7Rome,& Pons Salaria). __ &1`565%3`6&: &3AnthPal& 9,779 (&7Cple,& Basilike); &3AnthPal& 9,803 (&7Cple, Zeuxippos Baths); &3AnthPal& 9,804 (&7Cple,& place?); &3IGLSyr& 5,2655 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Djoubbaniyeh). __ &1`565%19`568&: &3AnthPal& 9,810 (&7Cple,& place?). __ &1`565%19`578&: &3AnthPal& 1,2%3`3 (&7Cple,& Blachernai); &3AnthPal& 1,11 (&7Cple,& H. Anargyroi); &3AnthPal& 9,820%3`1 (&7Bithynia,& Hiereia); &3IGLSyr& 2,262 (&7Syria I,& %102Ain Sfi=reh; 565%19`578?); &3Byzantion& 29%19`30 (1960) 384 (&7Cple,& Yassviran; 565%19`578?). __ &1`566&: &3AnthPlan& 16,72 (&7Cple,& place?), &3IGLSyr& 4,1505 (&7Syria &7II,& Khirbet H%1a=ss); &3IGLSyr& 4,1743 (&7Syria II,& Abou Khabbeh); &3IGLSyr& 4,1749 (&7Syria II,& Tell Fre=dj); &3SEG& 8,315 (&7Palaest. I, Jericho). __ &1`566%3`7&: &3IGLSyr& 2,546 (&7Syria I,& Da=r Qi=ta); &3IGLSyr& 4,1767 (&7Syria II,& Tell el%19%102Amara); &3IGLSyr& 5,2156 (&7Syria II,& Ghour). __ &1`566%19`574&: &3LBW& VI,2261 (&7Arabia,& Salamanestha). __ &1`566%19`580&: &3LBW& VI,2562c [&3CIG& 4517] (&7Phoen. Liban.,& el%19Burdj; ca. 566%19`580). __ &1`567&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1717 (&7Syria II,& Djerdjanaz); Fitzgerald, &3A &3Sixth%19Century Monastery at Beth%19Shan (Scythopolis)& (1939) 15,5 [&3SEG& 8,40] (&7Palaest. II,& Skythopolis); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 309 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Mote); [&3CIL& 11,1.313 [Patrono, "Iscrizioni bizantine di Ravenna" (1909) 351] (&7Aemilia,& Ravenna). __ &1`567?&: &3Hsp& 36 (0000) 422 (&7Peloponnesos,& Korinthos; 522 or 567). __ [&1`567&]: &3AnthPal& 9,658 (&7Cple,& Praetorium; ca. 567); &3AnthPal 9,812%3`3 (&7Cple,& Praetorium; ca. 567). __ &1`567%3`8&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1785 (&7Syria II,& %102At%1sha=n). __ &1`568&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1830 (&7Syria II,& Q. Beyt %102Ali); &3IGLSyr& 5,2626 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Kinya); &3LBW& VI,2464 (&7Arabia,& Harra=n). __ &1`568%3`9&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2236 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Emesa); Canova, &3Moab (1954) 354 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy). __ &1`569&: &3Byzantion& 4 (1927%19`1928) 453,5a (&7Galatia I,& Ankyra); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 59 (&7Arabia, Khuraiyib); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 201 (&7Palaest. III,& Ader); &3SEG 7,249%19`250 (&7Syria,& el%19Qonai=tra). __ &1after 569&: Feissel, &3IChMac& 82%19`83 [&3TravMe/m& 7 (1979) 321,13%19`322,14] (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike; after 569). __ &1`570&: &3RevBibl& N.S. 1 (1904) 267,3 %6 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 20,23] (&7Palaest. III,& Birosaba; 564, 570 ac). __ &1`569%3`70&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1926 (&7Syria II,& Tell ed%19D%1ehheb); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 18%19`19 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Kerak). __ &1`569%19`582&: &3SEG& 7,188 (&7Syria,& Sergiopolis; ca. 569%19`582). __ &1`570&: &3AnthPlan& 16,64 (&7Cple,& place?; ca. 570); &3IGLSyr& 2,642 (&7Syria I,& Talti=ta); &3IGLSyr& 4,1812 (&7Syria II,& Q el%19Moukharram); Kirk, in &3Excavations at Nessana& I (1962) 78 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 41,134] (&7Palaest. III,& Nessana); Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 9 (&7Egypt, Alexandria). __ &1`571&: &3MAMA& 4,94 (&7Phrygia Sal,& Synnada); &3CIL& 11,1.315 [Patrono, "Iscrizioni bizantine di Ravenna" (1909) 352] (&7Aemilia,& Ravenna). __ [&1`571%3`2&]: &3Corinth& 12,2824 (&7Peloponnesos,& Corinth; ca. 571%3`2). __ &1`572&: &3IGLSyr& 2,478 (&7Syria I,& Burdj is%19Sab%102); &3IGLSyr& 4,1250 (&7Syria I,& %102Alla%26ru=z; 572?); &3RevBibl& 1 (1892) 243,6 (&7Palaest. I, Gaza). __ &1`572%3`3&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1883 (&7Syria II,& et%1%19T%1u=ba). __ &1`572%19`574&: Dessau, &3ILS& 833 [&3CIL& 8.1434] (&7Africa Proc., Thibursicu Bure); Durliat, &3De/dicaces d'ouvrages de de/fense &3dans l'Afrique byzantine& (1981) 59,25 [Merlin, &3Inscr. lat. de &3la Tunisie& (1944) 1434] (&7Africa Proc.,& Thibursicu Bure). __ &1`573&: &3IGLSyr& 2,357 (&7Syria I,& Ki=ma=r); &3IGLSyr& 5,2648 (&7Phoen. &7Liban.,& Lifta=ya); &3LBW& VI,2250 (&7Arabia,& Bosana); Canova, &3Moab (1954) 310 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Mote). __ &1`573%3`4&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1815 (&7Syria II,& Q el%19Moukharram). __ &1`573%19`578&: Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von &3Konstantinopel& (1943) 34 [&3ZbRad& 12 (1970) 1] (&7Cple,& Land Walls; ca. 573%19`578); Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques &3de la Syrie du nord& III (1958) 40,39g (&7Phoenice,& Tyros; 573%19`578?). __ &1`574&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 355 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy); &3CIL 11,1.316 [Patrono, "Iscrizioni bizantine di Ravenna" (1909) 353] (&7Aemilia,& Ravenna; 574?). __ &1`574%3`5&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1869 (&7Syria II,& Abu el%19Qudur); &3IGLSyr 4,1953 (&7Syria II,& Nawa); &3Sammelbuch& 4,7319 (&7Egypt,& place?). __ &1`574%19`578&: Bean and Mitford, &3DenkschrkWien& 102 (1970) 206,232 (&7Isauria,& Eirenopolis; 574%19`578?); Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace (1892) 62(6) (&7Haemimontus,& Hadrianopolis); Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 18 [&3Corinth& 8,1.195,a] (&7Peloponnesos,& Korinthos; ca. 574%19`578); Durliat, &3De/dicaces d'ouvrages de de/fense dans l'Afrique &3byzantine& (1981) 62,26 [&3CIL& 8.10498; &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 241,76; Dessau, &3ILS& 834; Merlin, &3Inscr. lat. de la Tunisie& (1944) 78] (&7Byzacium,& Sibi Gerib). __ &1`575&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1759 (&7Syria II,& U. el%19Khalakhil); &3LBW VI,2412f (&7Arabia,& Kuteibeh). __ &1`575%3`6&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus &3Bulgarien& (1964) 198 (&7Thracia,& Kolarovo); &3IGLSyr& 21,2.135 [&3SEG 31,1474], 136 [&3SEG& 31,1475,1] and 137 [&3SEG& 31,1475,2%19`3] (&7Arabia,& Madaba). __ &1`575%19`600& ("end 6th c. ac"): &3Beitra+ge zur Geschichte der &3deutschen Sprache und Literatur& 42 (1917) 334 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,1] (&7Cple,& Deniz Abdal Q.; ca. 575%19`600?); &3MAMA& 2,116 (&7Kilikia,& Korykos; end 6th?); &3IGLSyr& 5,2696 (&7Phoen. Liban., Kha=wari=n; end 6th); &3IGLSyr& 21,2.62 [&3SEG& 29.1610] (&7Arabia, Hesban; end 6th?). __ &1`576&: Renan, &3Mission de Phe/nice& (1864%19`1874), p. 613 [Lassus, &3Sanctuaires chre/tiennes de Syrie& (1947) 251] (&7Phoenice,& Qabr Hiram); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 356 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy); &3SEG 30,1688 (&7Palaest.,& Gaza). __ &1`576%3`7&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1862 (&7Syria II,& Fan es%19Shema=li); &3IGLSyr 5,2169 (&7Syria II,& Sharaqliyeh); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 270 (&7Palaest. III,& Eth%19Thaniyyeh). and 357 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy). __ &1`576%19`578&: &3SEG& 30,1690%19`1693 (&7Palaest.,& Gaza). __ &1`577&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1865 (&7Syria II,& Tell el%19Di=b); &3IGLSyr& 4,1866 (&7Syria II,& Semma=qiyet); &3IGLSyr& 4,1966 (&7Syria II,& U. it%19Tuwe=neh); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 20 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Kerak), 280 (&7Palaest. III,& %102Azra), 311 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Mote) and 344%19`345 (&7Palaest. III,& Dhat%19Ras); Negev, &3Greek Inscr. from the &3Negev& (1981) 19 [&3SEG& 28,1395] and 20 (&7Palaest. III,& Eboda: H.Theod.); Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 584 [&3Philai& II,216] (&7Nubia, Philai). __ &1`577%3`8&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1555%19`1556 (&7Syria II,& Ma%102s%1ara=n); &3IGLSyr 4,1673 (&7Syria II,& St%1abl %102Antar); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 21 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Kerak) and 330 (&7Palaest. III,& Sul). __ &1`578&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1912 (&7Syria II,& el%19Bardouneh); Prentice, &3PAAES III& (1908) 367%19`368 (&7Arabia,& il%19Haiya=t); Canova, &3Moab (1954) 22 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Kerak); and 239 (&7Palaest. III, %102Ainun); Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 10 (&7Egypt,& Alexandria); &3SEG& 30,1689 (&7Palaest.,& Gaza). __ &1`578%3`9&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1970 (&7Syria II,& Sabba%102); &3IGLSyr& 21,2.141 (&7Arabia,& Madaba); &3IGLSyr& 21,2.142%19`143 (&7Arabia,& Madaba; ca. 578%3`9); &3SEG& 7,327 (&7Syria,& Tyrus). __ &1`578%19`582&: &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 128,7 [&3TravMe/m& 5 (1973) 375] (&7Cyprus,& Kythera; ca. 578%19`582?). Durliat, &3De/dicaces d'ouvrages &3de de/fense dans l'Afrique byzantine& (1981) 64,27 (&7Africa Proc., Henchir Sguidan), 67,28 [&3CIL& 8.17671] (&7Numidia,& Mascula), 71,29 [&3CIL& 8.18540] (&7Numidia,& Ai+n Kasr) and 87,37 [&3CIL& 8.949] (&7Africa Proc.,& Tubernuc). __ &1`579&: &3IGLSyr& 2,502 (&7Syria I,& Dur%102ama=n); &3IGLSyr& 2,503 (&7Syria &7I,& Dur%102ama=n); &3RevBibl& 2 (1893) 205,6 (&7Palaest. I,& Maiumas of Gaza; 579?). __ &1`579%3`80&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1860 (&7Syria II,& Idni=n). __ &1`579%19`582&: &3AnthPlan& 16,316 (&7Asia,& Myrina; ca. 579%19`582); &3Byzantion& 12 (1937) 688 (&7Pannonia II,& Sirmium). __ &1`580&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus &3Bulgarien& (1964) 3 (&7Dacia Mediter.,& Serdica); &3AnthPlan 16,70%19`71 (&7Cple,& Senate?; 580?); &3IGLSyr& 5,2123 (&7Syria II, Djagar el%19Amiri); &3IGLSyr& 21,2.155 (&7Arabia,& Zizia); Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 11 (&7Egypt,& Alexandria); __ [&1`580&]: &3IG& 14.2345 [Guarducci, &3EG& IV,515] (&7Venetia,& Grado; ca. 580). __ &1`580%19`600&: &3SEG& 36,1304 and 1305 [&3CIG& 8829%7] (&7Syria,& Resafa; ca. 580%19`600). __ &1`581&: Negev, &3Greek Inscr. from the Negev& (1981) 18 [&3SEG 28.1396] (&7Palaest. III,& Eboda: H.Theod.); &3RevBibl& N.S. 2 (1905) 256,35 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 43,142] (&7Palaest. &7III,& S%1bai+t%1a). __ &1`581%3`2&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2242 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Emesa); &3CIL& 11,1.350 [Patrono, "Iscrizioni bizantine di Ravenna" (1909) 355] (&7Aemilia,& Ravenna). __ &1`582&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus &3Bulgarien& (1964) 227 (&7Thracia,& Hisarija); &3IGLSyr& 4,1884 (&7Syria &7II,& et%1%19T%1u=ba) and 1888 (&7Syria II,& Umm Kalak); &3IGLSyr& 5,2127 (&7Syria II,& Djagar el%19Amiri; ca. 582); &3LBW& VI,2251 (&7Arabia, Bosana); Mouterde, in &3Limes de Chalcis& (1945) 197,28 (&7Syria I, Zebed); Piccirillo, &3Chiese e Mosaici della Giordana &3Settentrionale& (1981) 88,8 [&3SEG& 30,1715%3`6] (&7Arabia,& Riha%26b); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 23 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Kerak) and 202 (&7Palaest. III,& Ader); Negev, &3Greek Inscr. from the Negev (1981) 53 [&3SEG& 31,1431] (&7Palaest. III,& Sobata:N.Church). __ &1`582%3`3&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2125%19`2126 (&7Syria II,& Djagar el%19Amiri); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 24%19`26 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Kerak) and 203 (&7Palaest. III,& Ader). __ &1`582%19`587&: &3SEG& 33,1270 [&3SEG& 26,1677] (&7Palaest.,& Gadara). __ &1`582%19`602&: Latys%148ev, &3Sbornik ... Juz%148noj Rossii& (1896) 99 (&7S. &7Russia,& Tam. Polyostrov); &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 424,40 (&7Bithynia, Samandra); &3DOP& 36 (1982) 2 (&7Sardinia,& Carales); Durliat, &3De/dicaces d'ouvrages de de/fense dans l'Afrique byzantine (1981) 77,30 [Merlin, &3Inscr. lat. de la Tunisie& (1944) 605] (&7Africa Proc.,& Ai+n Lemsa) and 89,A [&3CIL& 8.2525] (&7Africa Proc., H.%19el%19Ksour; 582%19`602?). __ &1`583&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1903 (&7Syria II,& el%19Mishrifeh); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 672 (&7Arabia,& Il%19Kefr). __ &1`583%3`4&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1678 (&7Syria II,& el%19Anderi=n); Canova, &3Moab (1954) 27 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Kerak). __ &1`584&: Welles, in &3Gerasa& (1938) 297 (&7Arabia,& Gerasa); Kirk, in &3Excavations at Nessana& I (1962) 24 (&7Palaest. III,& Nessana). __ &1`584%3`5&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1929 (&7Syria II,& Eshfi=n); Canova, &3Moab (1954) 240 (&7Palaest. III,& %102Ainun). __ &1`585&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 110 [&3IK Ephesos& 39] (&7Asia,& Ephesos; 585?); and 111 [&3IK Ephesos& 40] (&7Asia,& Ephesos); S%25ahin, &3Bithynische Studien& (1978) 32,2 [&3SEG& 28,1056] (&7Bithynia, Strobilos); &3IGLSyr& 2,533 (&7Syria I,& Khirbet Te%26zi=n); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 28 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Kerak); Kirk, in &3Excavations &3at Nessana& I (1962) 45 (&7Palaest. III,& Nessana); &3SEG& 26,1677 (&7Palaest.,& Khorsia); &3SEG& 30,1697 [&3SEG& 26,1677] (&7Palaest., Kursi). __ &1`585%3`6&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1932 (&7Syria II,& Zabbu=deh; 585%3`6?); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 331 (&7Palaest. III,& Sul; 585%3`6?). __ &1`585%19`589&: &3CIL& 11,1.11 [Dessau, &3ILS& 836; Patrono, "Iscrizioni bizantine di Ravenna" (1909) 354] (&7Aemilia,& Ravenna). __ &1`586&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 358 and 359(?) (&7Palaest. III, Mahaiy); &3CIL& 11,1.319 [Patrono, "Iscrizioni bizantine di Ravenna" (1909) 358] (&7Aemilia,& Ravenna; ca. 586). __ &1`586%3`7&: Rey%19Coquais, &3Bulletin du Muse/e de Beyrouth& 29 (1977) 205 (&7Phoenice,& Tyros). __ &1`587&: &3SEG& 9,872 (&7Africa,& Hippo Regio). __ &1`587%3`8&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 312 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Mote); &3SEG 8,339 (&7Palaest.,& Fenan). __ &1`588&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2661 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Kh. %102Ashi=la); Negev, &3Greek Inscr. from the Negev& (1981) 55 [&3SEG& 31,1433] (&7Palaest. &7III,& Sobata: N.Church); &3RevBibl& N.S. 1 (1904) 266,1 [Alt, &3GIPT (1921) 20,25; Guard. &3EG& IV,452; &3SEG& 34,1469] (&7Palaest. III, Birosaba); &3RevBibl& N.S. 17 (1920) 121,12 (&7Palaest. III,& Negev: place?). __ &1`588%3`9&: &3IGLSyr& 2,530 (&7Syria I,& Qas%1r el%19Bena=t); &3IGLSyr& 5,2099 (&7Syria II,& Burdj el%19Qa=%102i; 588%3`9?); &3SEG& 36,1327 (&7Palaest., Beersheba). __ &1`589&: &3IChUR& 1,3974 (&7Rome?,& place?); Dessau, &3ILS& 835 [&3CIL 2.3420] (&7Hisp. Tarracon.,& Carthago Nova); Kirk, in &3Excavations &3at Nessana& I (1962) 79 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 41,135] (&7Palaest. &7III,& Nessana). __ &1`589%3`90&: Negev, &3Greek Inscr. from the Negev& (1981) 45 [&3SEG 28,1397] (&7Palaest. III,& Eboda). __ &1`590&: Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie& (1987) 113 [&3SEG 28.1260] (&7Cilicia,& C%25emkale); &3IGLSyr& 4,1931 (&7Syria II, Zabbu=deh); &3RevBibl& N.S. 2 (1905) 598,6 [cf. Halkin I,104] (&7Arabia,& Tayyibe/%19Djize/); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 327 (&7Palaest. &7III,& Ga%102far); Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 12 (&7Egypt,& Alexandria); &3SEG 24,1204 (&7Egypt,& Arsinoites). __ &1`590%3`1&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 360 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy). __ &1`590%19`604&: &3CIL& 11,1.297 [Patrono, "Iscrizioni bizantine di Ravenna" (1909) 350] (&7Aemilia,& Ravenna). __ [&1`591&]: &3SEG& 35,1475 (&7Mesopotamia,& Martyropolis; ca. 591). __ &1`591%3`2&: &3MAMA& 6,386 (&7Phrygia Sal,& Amorion); &3IGLSyr& 4,1933 (&7Syria II,& Zabbu=deh). __ &1`592&: &3IGLSyr& 2,500 (&7Syria I,& Tourma=ni=n); &3IGLSyr& 5,2611%19`2612 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Khirbet et%19ti=n); Thomsen, "Inschr. ... Jerusalem," &3ZdPV& 44 (1921) 97,139 (&7Palaest. I,& Jerusalem); Kirk, in &3Excavations at Nessana& I (1962) 12a [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 42,137a] and 118 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 42,136] (&7Palaest. III, Nessana). __ &1`592%3`3&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1927 (&7Syria II,& Tell ed%19D%1ehheb). __ &1`593&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1392 (&7Syria II,& Bradiyeh); &3IGLSyr& 5,2241 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Emesa; 593?); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 361 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy). __ &1`594&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2110 (&7Syria II,& Mariami=n); Piccirillo, &3Chiese &3e Mosaici della Giordana Settentrionale& (1981) 70,2 [c: &3SEG 32,1557] (&7Arabia,& Riha%26b); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 362 (&7Palaest. &7III,& Mahaiy). __ &1`594%3`5&: &3IGLSyr& 2,288 (&7Syria I,& Anasartha; 594%3`5?); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 313 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Mote). __ &1`595&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2000 (&7Syria II,& Epiphaneia); &3IGLSyr& 5,2001 (&7Syria II,& Epiphaneia); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 314 (&7Palaest. III, el%19Mote); Negev, &3Greek Inscr. from the Negev& (1981) 48 [&3SEG 31.1426] (&7Palaest. III,& Sobata:N.Church). __ &1`595%3`6&: Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie &3du nord& III (1958) 28,28 [&3IGLSyr& 4.1473] (&7Syria II,& el%19Ba=ra; 595%3`596?); &3IGLSyr& 21,2.147 [&3SBF Liber Annuus& 10 (1959%19`1960) 169; &3BE& 1962,320] (&7Arabia,& Madaba); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 29 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Kerak); __ &1after 595%3`6&: &3SEG& 36,1306 (&7Syria,& Resafa; after 595%3`6). __ &1`596&: Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie& (1987) 118 (&7Cilicia,& Kadirli); &3IGLSyr& 5,2175 (&7Syria II,& Kh. Raf%102i=n); Piccirillo, &3Chiese e Mosaici della Giordana Settentrionale (1981) 78,6 [&3SEG& 30,1711%3`2] (&7Arabia,& Riha%26b); Canova, &3Moab (1954) 30 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Kerak), 363 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy) and 423 (&7Palaest. III,& Megreh). __ &1`596%3`7&: &3IGLSyr& 7,4053 (&7Phoenice,& Tell Sari=n); Canova, &3Moab (1954) 31 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Kerak); &3CIL& 11,1.300 [Patrono, "Iscrizioni bizantine di Ravenna" (1909) 362] (&7Aemilia, Ravenna). __ &1`597&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1868 (&7Syria II,& Semma=qiyet); &3IGLSyr& 4,1904 (&7Syria II,& el%19Mishrifeh; 597?); &3IGLSyr& 21,2.80 [&3SEG& 8,318] (&7Arabia,& Siyagha); Negev, &3Greek Inscr. from the Negev& (1981) 47 [&3SEG& 31,1425] (&7Palaest. III,& Sobata:N.Church); &3Sammelbuch 4,7318 (&7Egypt,& place?). __ &1`597%3`8&: &3Syria& 0000 (1959) 74 [&3BE& 1960,28] (&7Phoenice,& Tyros); &3IGLSyr& 4,1916 (&7Syria II,& et%1%19T%1aiyibeh); &3IGLSyr& 4,1941 (&7Syria &7II,& Sh. %102Ali Kasun); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 364 (&7Palaest. III, Mahaiy). __ &1`597%19`603&: Speiser, "Inventaire ... Thessalonique" (1973%3`1979) 5 [Feissel, &3IChMac& 91] (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike; ca. 597%19`603). __ &1`598&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1955 (&7Syria II,& Nawa); &3IGLSyr& 5,2014 (&7Syria &7II,& Epiphaneia); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 365%19`366 (&7Palaest. III, Mahaiy). __ &1`598%3`9&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1945%19`1949 (&7Syria II,& Nawa); &3IGLSyr& 21,2.163 [&3SEG& 35.1581] (&7Arabia,& Ma%102in; 598%3`9?); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 32 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Kerak). __ &1`599&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 367 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy). __ &1`599%3`600&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1981 (&7Syria II,& T %102Abd el%19%102Aziz; 599%3`600?); &3IGLSyr& 5,2072%19`2075 (&7Syria II,& De=r el%19Ferdi=s); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 241 (&7Palaest. III,& %102Ainun). @ @ LARGEST RANGES: __ &1`550%19`650&: &3IGLSyr& 2,403 (&7Syria I,& Shekh Sle%26ma=n; ca. 550%19`650); &3SEG& 34,1670, 1673 and 1676 (&7region?, place?; ca. 550%19`650). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@SEVENTH CENTURY A.C. @ SEVENTH CENTURY: __ &1`600%19`700& ("`7th c. ac"): Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 117 [&3IK Ephesos& 3134] (&7Asia,& Ephesos%3Priene) and 232, 233(2)%19`233(4) (&7Karia,& Myndos); &3MAMA& 4,225 (&7Pisidia, Apollonia); &3LBW& VI,1714 [&3CIG& 9267] (&7Phrygia Sal.,& Dokimeion; 7th?); &3SEG& 36,1270 (&7Armenia,& Mastar); &3IG& 2(2),5206,b [&3SEG 21.822] (&7Attica,& Athens); &3Corinth& 12,1934 (&7Peloponnesos, Corinth); &3IGLSyr& 5,2036 (&7Syria II,& Epiphaneia); &3IGLSyr& 5,2335 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Emesa); Welles, in &3Gerasa& (1938) 336 (&7Arabia, Gerasa; 7th?); Thomsen, "Inschr. ... Jerusalem," &3ZdPV& 44 (1921) 59,119 [&3SEG& 36.1350] (&7Palaest. I,& Jerusalem; 7th?) and &3ZdPV& 64 (1941) 223,163A (&7Palaest. I,& Jerusalem); &3Ro+mQ& 39 (1931) 322,85 [Feissel, &3IChMac& 289] (&7Palaest. I,& Khoziba; ca. 7th); &3SEG& 8,268 (&7Palaest. I,& Gaza); &3SEG& 8,288 (&7Palaest. III, Negev: place?); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 42 (&7Palaest. III, el%19Kerak) and 218 (&7Palaest. III,& ar%19Rabba); &3SEG& 33,1324 (&7Egypt,& Kellia; 7th?); &3SEG& 33,1364 (&7Egypt,& place?); &3SEG 34,1007 (&7Italy,& Otranto); &3OrChPer& 13 (1947) 516] [&3BE& 1949,13] (&7prov.?,& [London]). @ @ LARGER RANGES: __ &1`600%19`625%3`650& ("early 7th c. ac"): &3SEG 32,1475%19`1479 (&7Syria,& Porphyrion; early 7th). __ &1`600%19`650&: &3Corinth& 8,3.648 (&7Peloponnesos,& Corinth; ca. 600%19`650?). __ &1`675%19`725& ("end 7th%19beg. 8th c. ac"): &3IG& 14.629 [&3SEG 13,469] (&7Bruttium,& Regium). @ @ DATES AND SMALLER RANGES: __ [&1`600&]: S%25ahin, &3Bithynische Studien (1978) 45,16 [&3SEG& 28,1057] and 45,17 [&3SEG& 28,1058] (&7Bithynia, Strobilos; ca. 600); &3MAMA& 6,237 (&7Pisidia,& Apameia; ca. 600?); Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture byzantine figure/e au Muse/e &3arche/ologique d'Istanbul& (1990) 122,231] [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 65,26] (&7Cple,& C%25atladi Kapi; ca. 600); &3IGLSyr& 21,2.81 [&3SEG& 8.319] and 82 [&3SEG& 8.320] (&7Arabia,& Siyagha; ca. 600); &3SEG& 33,1192 (&7Cilicia,& Anemurium; ca. 600); &3SEG& 36,650 (&7Maced., Thessalonike; ca. 600); &3SEG& 36,1267 (&7Armenia,& Ereruk; ca. 600); &3Me/lBey& 38 (1962) 316 (&7Syria I,& Thaumaston Oros; ca. 600?); Durliat, &3De/dicaces d'ouvrages de de/fense dans l'Afrique &3byzantine& (1981) 80,32 [Gsell, &3Inscr. lat. de l'Alge/rie (1922%19`1976) 3764] (&7Africa Proc.,& H. Bou Sboa; ca. 600?). __ &1`600&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 368%19`369 (&7Palaest. III, Mahaiy); &3ZPE& 7 (1971) 161,20 [&3BE& 1971,700] (&7Palaest. I, Eleutheropolis); __ &1`600%3`1&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 33%19`34 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Kerak) and 370 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy; 600%3`1?). __ &1`600%19`624&: &3SEG& 28,1450a%19`1450b (&7Palaest.,& Skythopolis; ca. 600%19`624). __ &1`600%19`625& ("beg. 7th c. ac"): &3IGLSyr& 2,293 (&7Syria I, Anasartha; beg. 7th?); &3IGLSyr& 2,697%19`698 (&7Syria I,& Astumeh; beg. 7th?). __ &1`601&: &3LBW& VI,1996 (&7Arabia,& Salkhad); &3Archiv Orienta/lni/ 18,1%19`2 (1950) 144%19`164, no. 369 [&3BE& 1953,218] (&7Arabia,& Zorava); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 7 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Kerak); Kirk, in &3Excavations at Nessana& I (1962) 94 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 37,119] (&7Palaest. III,& Nessana); &3Sammelbuch& 5,7564 [&3SEG& 8,660] (&7Egypt, Antaeopolis). __ &1`601%3`2&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1972 (&7Syria II,& Sabba%102); Canova, &3Moab (1954) 35 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Kerak) and 371 (&7Palaest. III, Mahaiy); Kirk, in &3Excavations at Nessana& I (1962) 17 and 92 (&7Palaest. III,& Nessana). __ &1`602&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 225 [Robert, &3Hellenica& 11%19`12 (1960) 493f.] (&7Karia,& Miletos). &3IGLSyr& 2,401 (&7Syria I,& Shekh Sle%26ma=n); &3IGLSyr& 4,1887 (&7Syria II,& Umm Sakhridj); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 372 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy); &3CIL& 10,2.7330 [Agnello, &3Silloge (1953) 99] (&7Sicily,& Palermo). __ &1`602%3`3&: &3IGLSyr& 21,2.177 (&7Arabia,& Mekawer). __ &1`602%3`608?%19`610&: &3IK Ephesos& 1191,a%19`1191,b [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 113(2)%19`113(3)], 1192,1%19`1192,3 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 114(2), 114(4)%19`114(5)], 1192,4 and 2090 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 114(3)] (&7Asia,& Ephesos); &3IGLSyr& 2,291%19`292 (&7Syria I,& Anasartha); &3Sammelbuch& 3,6018%19`6019 [&3StItalFCl& 19 (1912) 350] (&7Egypt, Oxyrrhynchos); &3SEG& 31,1485%19`1510 (&7Egypt,& Alexandria). __ &1`603&: &3IGLSyr& 21,2.140 [&3SEG& 31.1472] (&7Arabia,& Madaba). __ &1`603%3`4&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 373 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy). __ &1`603%19`608&: &3IGLSyr& 21,2.78 [&3SEG& 8,322] and 79 [&3SEG& 8,321] (&7Arabia,& Siyagha; ca. 603%19`608). __ &1`604&: &3IGLSyr& 2,281 (&7Syria I,& Anasartha); &3IGLSyr& 5,2512 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Salamias); &3CIJ& 964 (&7Palaest.,& Askalon). __ &1`604%3`5&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1384 (&7Syria II,& Dair S%1olaib). __ &1`605&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1938%19`1939 (&7Syria II,& Sh. %102Ali Kasun); &3IGLSyr 5,2094 (&7Syria II,& Burdj el%19Qa=%102i); Piccirillo, &3Chiese e Mosaici &3della Giordana Settentrionale& (1981) 68,1 (&7Arabia,& Riha%26b); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 38 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Kerak); &3RevBibl& N.S. 3 (1906) 86 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 20,26] (&7Palaest. III,& Birosaba). Kirk, in &3Excavations at Nessana& I (1962) 13 and 72(?) [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 38,120] (&7Palaest. III,& Nessana); __ &1`605%3`6&: &3SEG& 32,1451 (&7Syria,& Berytos). __ &1`606&: &3IGLSyr& 2,298 (&7Syria I,& Anasartha); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 340 (&7Palaest. III,& Rugm Sakhari); &3SEG& 36,1330 (&7Palaest., Beersheba; 606?). __ &1`606%3`7&: &3IGLSyr& 2,271 (&7Syria I,& Mu%102allaq); &3IGLSyr& 5,2254 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Emesa); &3SEG& 7,1197 (&7Arabia,& Melah%19es%19Sarrar); &3ZDPV& 68 (1951) 228 [&3BE& 1955,246] (&7Palaest. I,& Samaria: Neapolis). __ &1`607?&: Negev, &3Greek Inscr. from the Negev& (1981) 66 [&3SEG& 31,1444] (&7Palaest. III,& Sobata: N.Church; 517 or 607?). __ &1`607%3`8&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2245 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Emesa; 607%3`8?); &3IGLSyr 21,2.145 (&7Arabia,& Madaba); &3IGLSyr& 21,2.146 (&7Arabia,& Madaba; ca. 607%3`8). __ &1`608&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 375 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy); Negev, &3Greek Inscr. from the Negev& (1981) 54 [&3SEG& 31.1432] (&7Palaest. &7III,& Sobata:N.Church); &3SEG& 30,1667a (&7Syria,& Berytos). Dessau, &3ILS& 837 [&3CIL& 6.1200] (&7Rome,& Forum). __ &1`609&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2633 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Lifta=ya); Rey%19Coquais, &3Bulletin du Muse/e de Beyrouth& 29 (1977) 200 (&7Phoenice,& Tyros). __ &1`609%3`10&: &3IGLSyr& 2,563 (&7Syria I,& Ba%26bisqa). __ &1`610&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 376 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy). __ [&1`610&]: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 311 (&7Pamphylia,& Pogla; ca. 610). __ &1`610%19`626&: Durliat, &3De/dicaces d'ouvrages de de/fense dans &3l'Afrique byzantine& (1981) 83,33 [Gsell, &3Inscr. lat. de &3l'Alge/rie& (1922%19`1976) 3597] (&7Africa Proc.,& H.%19el%19Ksour; 610%19`626?). __ &1`610%19`641&: Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture byzantine figure/e au &3Muse/e arche/ologique d'Istanbul& (1990) 120,226 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 65,25] (&7Cple,& Bayazit Quart.); Dessau, &3ILS& 838 [&3CIL& 8.10681%3`2] (&7Numidia,& near Theveste). __ &1`611&: Welles, in &3Gerasa& (1938) 335 (&7Arabia,& Gerasa). __ &1`612&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 204 (&7Palaest. III,& Ader); Negev, &3Greek Inscr. from the Negev& (1981) 57 [&3SEG& 31,1435] (&7Palaest. &7III,& Sobata:N.Church). __ &1`613&: &3RB& 12 (1903) 427,5 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 21,27] (&7Palaest. &7III,& Birosaba). __ &1`613%19`638&: &3AnthPal& 9,655 (&7Cple,& Great Palace); Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 79 [&3IK Smyrna& 851A] and 80 [&3IK Smyrna& 851] (&7Asia, Smyrna; "`629%19`641 ac"); Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 113 [&3IK Ephesos& 1195] (&7Asia,& Ephesos, "`629 ac") and 114 [&3IK Ephesos& 1196] (&7Asia, Ephesos; "`613 ac"); Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 120 (&7Asia,& Priene; "`613 ac?"). __ &1`614&: Negev, &3Greek Inscr. from the Negev& (1981) 62 [&3SEG 31,1440] (&7Palaest. III,& Sobata:N.Church). __ &1`614%3`5&: Kirk, in &3Excavations at Nessana& I (1962) 152 (&7Palaest. III,& Nessana). __ &1`615%3`6&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 377 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy). __ &1`616&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2068 (&7Syria II,& Bse=ri=n); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 378 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy); &3SEG& 8,272 (&7Palaest. I,& Gaza). __ &1`618&: Negev, &3Greek Inscr. from the Negev& (1981) 27 [&3SEG 28,1398] (&7Palaest. III,& Eboda: H.Theod.); and 61 [&3SEG& 31,1439] (&7Palaest. III,& Sobata: N.Church). __ &1`618?&: Pouilloux, et al., &3Salamine de Chypre, XIII,2& (1987) 225 [&3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 121,f] (&7Cyprus,& betw. Salamis and Kythera; 618 or 633); &3SEG& 26,1676 (&7Palaest.,& Khisfin; 561 or 618). __ &1`618%3`9&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2176 (&7Syria II,& Kh. Raf%102i=n). __ &1`619&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 379 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy). __ &1`619%3`20&: Pouilloux, et al., &3Salamine de Chypre, XIII,2 (1987) 219 [&3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 120,a] (&7Cyprus, Salamis%3Kythera). __ &1`619%19`627&: Pouilloux, et al., &3Salamine de Chypre, XIII,2 (1987) 222 [&3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 116,4] (&7Cyprus, Salamis%3Kythera). __ &1`620&: Piccirillo, &3Chiese e Mosaici della Giordana &3Settentrionale& (1981) 73,3 (&7Arabia,& Riha%26b); Canova, &3Moab (1954) 339 (&7Palaest. III,& Umm el%19Hamat) and 380%19`383 (&7Palaest. &7III,& Mahaiy). __ &1`620%3`1&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 242 (&7Palaest. III,& %102Ainun). __ &1`621&: Pouilloux, et al., &3Salamine de Chypre, XIII,2& (1987) 220 [&3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 118,5] (&7Cyprus,& Salamis%3Kythera; 621?). __ &1`622&: &3SEG& 30,1667b (&7Syria,& Berytos). __ &1`623&: &3LBW& VI,2412m [&3CIG& 8652] (&7Arabia,& Nahite). __ &1`624&: Piccirillo, &3Chiese e Mosaici della Giordana &3Settentrionale& (1981) 80,7 [&3SEG& 30.1713%3`4] (&7Arabia,& Riha%26b); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 384 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy); Kirk, in &3Excavations at Nessana& I (1962) 81 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 42,138] (&7Palaest. III,& Nessana). __ &1`624?&: Pouilloux, et al., &3Salamine de Chypre, XIII,2& (1987) 226 [&3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 120,c] (&7Cyprus,& betw. Salamis and Kythera; 624 or 640). __ &1`624%3`5&: Pouilloux, et al., &3Salamine de Chypre, XIII,2& (1987) 221 [&3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 120,b] (&7Cyprus,& Salamis%3Kythera); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 24%19`25 (&7Arabia, Sameh). __ &1`625%19`643&: Bollini, &3Iscr. gr. di Ravenna& (1975) 44,16 [&3CIG 9870] (&7Aemilia,& Ravenna; ca. 625%19`643). __ &1`627&: Pouilloux, et al., &3Salamine de Chypre, XIII,2& (1987) 223 [&3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 120,d] (&7Cyprus,& Salamis%3Kythera); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 385 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy). __ &1`627%3`8&: &3IGLSyr& 6,2882 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Ba%102albek). __ &1`628&: Pouilloux, et al., &3Salamine de Chypre, XIII,2& (1987) 224 [&3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 121,e] (&7Cyprus,& Salamis%3Kythera); Kirk, in &3Excavations at Nessana& I (1962) 12b [Alt, &3GIPT (1921) 42,137b] (&7Palaest. III,& Nessana). __ &1`629&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2139%19`2140 (&7Syria II,& Tell Bi=sseh). __ &1`630&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 386 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy); Kirk, in &3Excavations at Nessana& I (1962) 14 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 43,139] (&7Palaest. III,& Nessana); Negev, &3Greek Inscr. from the &3Negev& (1981) 60 [&3SEG& 31,1438] (&7Palaest. III,& Sobata: N.Church). __ [&1`630&]: Soteriou, &3Basilike%26 Agiou De%26me%26triou& (1952) 189 [Speiser, "Inventaire ... Thessalonique" (1973%3`1979) 6], 193,3 [Speiser, &3op. cit.,& 7], 194,4, 195,6 [&3BZ& 17 (1908) 380], 196,7, 196,8, and 198,10 (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike; ca. 630). __ &1`632&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 387 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy). __ &1`633?&: Pouilloux, et al., &3Salamine de Chypre, XIII,2& (1987) 225 [&3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 121,f] (&7Cyprus,& betw. Salamis and Kythera; 618 or 633). __ &1`634&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 40 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Kerak). __ &1`635&: Piccirillo, &3Chiese e Mosaici della Giordana &3Settentrionale& (1981) 76,5 (&7Arabia,& Riha%26b); Canova, &3Moab (1954) 388%19`389 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy). __ &1`635%3`6&: &3IGLSyr& 6,2828 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Ba%102albek). __ &1`639&: Negev, &3Greek Inscr. from the Negev& (1981) 59 [&3SEG 31,1437] (&7Palaest. III,& Sobata: N.Church) and 68 [&3SEG& 31,1446] (&7Palaest. III,& Sobata:S.Church). __ &1`640&: &3ZbRad& 8,2 (1964) 323 (&7Venetia,& Torcello). __ &1`640?&: Pouilloux, et al., &3Salamine de Chypre, XIII,2& (1987) 226 [&3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 120,c] (&7Cyprus,& betw. Salamis and Kythera; 624 or 640). __ &1`641&: &3LBW& VI,2413a (&7Arabia,& Deir%19Eyoub); Negev, &3Greek Inscr. &3from the Negev& (1981) 49 [&3SEG& 31,1426] (&7Palaest. III, Sobata:N.Church). __ &1`641%19`647&: Dessau, &3ILS& 839 [&3CIL& 8.2389] (&7Numidia,& Tigisis). __ &1`641%19`668&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 86z (&7Europe, Panion; 641%19`668?); &3CIG& 8788 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,2] (&7Cple, place?; 641%19`668?). __ &1`643&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 346 (&7Palaest. III,& Dhat%19Ras) and 390 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy); Negev, &3Greek Inscr. from the Negev (1981) 52 [&3SEG& 31,1430], 58 [&3SEG& 31,1436], and 63 [&3SEG 31,1441] (&7Palaest. III,& Sobata: N.Church); Bollini, &3Iscr. gr. &3di Ravenna& (1975) 45,17 [&3CIG& 9869] (&7Aemilia,& Ravenna; ca. 643). __ &1`643%3`4&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 391 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy). __ &1`644&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 715%19`716 (&7Arabia,& M. is%1%19S%1arra=r; 644?); Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 392 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy). __ &1after 644&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 664 (&7Egypt,& Nubia?; after 644). __ &1`646&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 27 (&7Arabia,& Sameh; 646?); Negev, &3Greek Inscr. from the Negev (1981) 50 [&3SEG& 31,1428] and 51 [&3SEG& 31,1429] (&7Palaest. III, Sobata: N.Church). __ &1`647&: Thomsen, "Inschr. ... Jerusalem," &3ZdPV& 44 (1921) 105,163 (&7Palaest. I,& Jerusalem). __ &1`653&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 316 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Mote). __ &1`654%3`5&: des Gagniers and Tran Tam Tinh, &3Soloi& I (1985) [&3SEG 35,1471] (&7Cyprus,& Soloi; ca. 654%3`5). __ &1`656&: &3LBW& VI,1997 (&7Arabia,& Salkhad). __ &1`661&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 41 (&7Palaest. III,& el%19Kerak) and 393 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy). __ &1`662&: &3SEG& 30,1687 (&7Palaest.,& Gadara). __ &1`663&: &3IGLSyr& 21,2.130 [&3SEG& 32,1545] and 131 [&3SEG& 30,1709] (&7Arabia,& Madaba); &3IGLSyr& 21,2.132 [&3SEG& 32,1546] (&7Arabia, Madaba; ca. 663); &3MEFRA,MA& 83 (1973) 149 [&3SEG& 34,1027, "`7th%19`8th c. ac"] (&7Latium Adiectum,& Terracina; 663?). __ &1`665%3`6&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2239 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Emesa; 665%3`6?). __ &1`666&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 205 (&7Palaest. III,& Ader). __ &1`668%19`685&: &3SEG& 34,734 (&7Moesia,& Durostorum). __ &1`671&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 394 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy). __ &1`672&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 395 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy). __ &1`674&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 347 (&7Palaest. III,& Dhat%19Ras). __ &1`675%19`700& ("end 7th c. ac"): &3TravMe/m& 8 (1981) 507 (&7Cappad. &7II,& Kizil C%25ukur); &3CIJ& 666 (&7Gallia,& Vienne; end 7th?) and 668 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 58] (&7Gallia,& Arles; end 7th?). __ &1`679&: Negev, &3Greek Inscr. from the Negev& (1981) 65 [&3SEG 31,1443] (&7Palaest. III,& Sobata:N.Church). __ &1`679%3`80%19`685&: &3SEG& 31,692 (&7Dacia,& Durostorum; 679%3`80%19`685?). __ &1`682%19`683&: Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von &3Konstantinopel& (1943) 36 and 36a (&7Cple,& Land Walls; 682%19`683?). __ &1`685%19`695&: Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von &3Konstantinopel& (1943) 26 and 30 (&7Cple,& Land Walls; 685%19`695?). __ &1`686&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 396 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy). __ &1`688&: &3CIJ& 670 (&7Gallia,& Narbonne). __ &1`688%19`689&: Speiser, "Inventaire ... Thessalonique" (1973%3`1979) 8 [&3IG& 10,2:1.24] (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike; ca. 688%19`689). __ &1`691&: &3CIG& 9153 (&7Phoenice,& Sidon; 691?). __ &1`692&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 636 (&7Egypt,& Colasucia). __ &1`693&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 34 (&7Athens,& Parthenon); Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 62 (&7Egypt,& Damanhour). __ &1`699&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 661 (&7Egypt,& Nubia?). @ @ LARGEST RANGES: __ &1`600%19`800& ("`7th%19`8th c. ac"): Soteriou, &3Basilike%26 Agiou De%26me%26triou& (1952) 206,4 (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike; 7th%19`8th?); Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 62b43 (&7Europe, Selymbria; 7th%19`8th?); Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. &3Inschr. aus Bulgarien& (1964) 259 (&7Haemimontus,& Mesembria; 7th%19`8th); Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 226(11)%19`226(12), 227(2) (&7Karia, Herakleia Latmou) and 261 (&7Karia,& Aphrodisias); &3AAA& 3,3 (1970) 416 and 420 [&3BE& 1971,495] (&7C.Aegean,& Naxos: Drosiane; 7th%19`8th?); &3ABME& 6,1 (1948) 11 (&7SE. Aegean,& Rhodes:Rhodes?); Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 61 (&7Crete,& Herakleion) and 104 (&7Crete, Kast. Kissamou); &3IGLSyr& 21,2,66 [&3SEG& 32.1527], 67 [&3SEG 32.1524], 68 [&3SEG& 32.1523], 69%19`70 [&3SEG& 32.1525%19`1526] (&7Arabia, Shuneh); Thomsen, "Inschr. ... Jerusalem," &3ZdPV& 44 (1921) 11,22 (&7Palaest. I,& Jerusalem); Milne, &3Cat. Cairo& (1905) 79,33036 (&7Egypt,& place?; 7th%19`8th?); &3CIL& 11,1.303 [Patrono, "Iscrizioni bizantine di Ravenna" (1909) 360,303] (&7Aemilia, Ravenna). __ &1`600%19`900& ("`7th%19`9th c. ac"): Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 215(2) (&7Nesoi, Naxos; 7th%19`9th?); &3DOP& 32 (1978) 19,23 [&3SEG& 28,1587] (&7Istanbul:& Arch. Mus., prov.?); __ &1`600%19`1000& ("`7th%19`10th c. ac"): &3SEG& 36,1323 (&7Palaest.,& %102Ain Karem; 7th%19`10th). __ &1`600%19`1100& ("`7th%19`11th c. ac"): &3Me/lBey& 13,1 (1928) 290,64n (&7Galatia I,& Ankyra; 7th%19`11th?). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@EIGHTH CENTURY A.C. @ EIGHTH CENTURY: __ &1`700%19`800& ("`8th c. ac"): Soteriou, &3Basilike%26 &3Agiou De%26me%26triou& (1952) 205,3 [Speiser, &3Thessalonique& (1984) 169] (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike; 8th?); Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace (1892) 86z6 (&7Europe,& Panion; 8th?); &3ZdPV& 64 (1941) 11,23(?), 58,116 123,211 and 133,235 (&7Palaest. I,& Jerusalem); &3SEG 34,1040 (&7Britannia,& Fahun Mura; 8th). @ DATES AND SMALLER RANGES: __ &1`700%19`725& ("beg. 8th c. ac"): &3IGLSyr& 6,2988 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Ka%26med). __ &1`702&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 68 (&7Athens,& Parthenon; 702?). __ &1`703&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 790 (&7Egypt,& Fayoum). __ &1`704&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 80 (&7Athens,& Parthenon). __ &1`707&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 656 (&7Egypt,& Nubia?). __ &1`710&: Zucker, &3Von Debod bis Bab Kalabsche, III& (1912) 164 (&7Nubia,& Taifa). __ &1`713&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 83 (&7Athens,& Parthenon). __ &1`717&: Patrono, "Iscrizioni bizantine di Ravenna" (1909) 357[a] (&7Aemilia,& Ravenna). __ &1`717%3`8&: &3IGLSyr& 21,2.53 [&3SEG& 34,1517] (&7Arabia,& Quweisme) and 52 [&3SEG& 34,1518] (&7Arabia,& Quweisme; ca. 717%3`8). __ &1`717%19`741&: Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von &3Konstantinopel& (1943) 6%19`7, 12%19`13, 16%19`18, 23c, 24, 29a, 31(?), 32, 37(?), 38%19`39 (&7Cple,& Land Walls). __ &1`719%3`20&: &3IGLSyr& 21,2.157 [&3SEG& 35,1580] 158 [&3SEG& 35,1579] 159 [&3SEG& 35,1577] and 160 [&3SEG& 35,1578] (&7Arabia,& Ma%102in). __ [&1`720%19`741&]: &3IK Nikaia& 450%19`451 (&7Bithynia,& Nikaia; ca. 720%19`741). __ &1`721%3`2&: &3CIG& 9543 [&3Me/langes d'arche/ologie et d'histoire &3publie/s par l'E/cole Franc%25aise de Rome& 57 (1940) 106] (&7Campania,& Neapolis). __ &1`723&: &3RevBibl& 3 (1894) 248 (&7Palaest. I,& Gaza; 723, 730 ac). __ &1`729%3`30&: &3Syria& 43 (1966) 108,3 (&7Syria I,& H. Symeon; 729%3`30?). __ &1`730&: &3RevBibl& 3 (1894) 248 (&7Palaest. I,& Gaza; 723, 730 ac). __ &1`732%19`741&: Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von &3Konstantinopel& (1943) 29b (&7Cple,& Land Walls). __ &1`735&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 677 (&7Arabia,& Il%19Kefr). __ &1`736%3`7&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 420 (&7Palaest. III,& Duwekhle). __ &1`741%19`775&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 62b28 [&3BCH& 36 (1912) 563,17] (&7Europe,& Selymbria; 741%19`775?). __ &1`746%3`7&: &3IGLSyr& 6,2945 (&7Phoen. Liban.,& Nabha). __ &1[`756]&: Bes%148evliev, &3Die protobulgarische Inschriften& (1963) 1,II (&7Moesia II,& Madara; ca. 756). __ &1`757&: Latys%148ev, &3Sbornik ... Juz%148noj Rossii& (1896) 93 (&7S. &7Russia,& Kertch). __ &1`766&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 668 (&7Egypt,& Nubia?). __ &1`768?&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 67 (&7Athens,& Parthenon; 768 or 813). __ &1`769%19`775&: &3BZ& 65 (1972) 384,2 (&7Europe,& Bizye). __ &1`771&: &3RevBibl& 12 (1903) 427,4 [Alt, &3GIPT& (1921) 17,16] (&7Palaest. III,& Birosaba). __ &1`772&: &3SEG& 36,928,II (&7Italy,& Rome; 772 ac). __ &1`775&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 645 (&7Egypt,& Nubia). __ &1`775%19`800& ("end 8th c. ac"): &3IG& 14.697 (&7Campania,& Amalfi; end 8th). __ &1`778%3`9&: &3BCH& 33 (1909) 120,97 (&7Cappad. I,& S. of Rhodanos). __ &1`779&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 82 (&7Athens,& Parthenon). __ &1`780%19`782&: S%25ahin, &3Bithynische Studien& (1978) 37,4 [&3SEG 28,1063] (&7Bithynia,& Yalova). __ [&1`780%19`797&]: Speiser, "Inventaire ... Thessalonique" (1973%3`1979) 9 [&3AthMitt& 22 (1897) 465] (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike; ca. 780%19`797); &3DChAE&(`4) 10 (1980%19`1981) 119 (&7Maced.,& Thessal.: H. Soph.; 780%19`797?). __ &1`780%19`802&: Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 210[a] [Mango, &3Brazen House& (1959) 122] and 210[b] [Mango, &3Brazen &3House& (1959) 121] (&7Cple,& Chalke). __ &1`784&: Patrono, "Iscrizioni bizantine di Ravenna" (1909) 357[b] (&7Aemilia,& Ravenna). __ &1`785&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 397 (&7Palaest. III,& Mahaiy; 785?). __ &1`786&: &3BZ& 8 (1899) 387 (&7Palaest. III,& er%19Rasif). __ &1`787&: &3SEG& 36,770 (&7C. Aegean,& Siphnos). __ &1`793&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 126 (&7Athens,& Parthenon). @ LARGEST RANGES: __ &1`700%19`800?& ("before 9th c. ac"): &3CIG& 8816 (&7Italia,& once Rome; before 9th c.?). __ &1`700%19`800?& ("`8th c. ac or later"): Bollini, &3Iscr. gr. di &3Ravenna& (1975) 71,35 [&3CIL& 11,1.23*] (&7Aemilia,& Ravenna; 8th c. or later). __ &1`700%19`900& ("`8th%19`9th c. ac"): &3JO+B& 34 (1984) 246 (&7Cple, [ex%19Auxerre]); &3CIG& 8807 [Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix (1961) 229,126] (&7Cple?,& once Lorch; 8th%19`9th?); Bes%148evliev, &3Die &3protobulgarische Inschriften& (1963) 81%19`82, 86 (&7Moesia II, Popina; 8th%19`9th?), 85 (&7Moesia II,& Durostorum; 8th%19`9th?) and 181 (&7Haemimontus,& Sozopolis; 8th%19`9th); Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 347(2) (&7Lydia,& Tralla); Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia Pontica 3,1 (1910) 278c (&7Pontus,& Gazioura%19Ibora); &3AthMitt& 54 (1929) 141,8 (&7E. Aegean,& Samos: Tigani); &3VizVr& 19,2 (1912) 148,2 (&7SE. &7Aegean,& Syme; 8th%19`9th?); Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 74 (&7Athens,& Parthenon; 8th%19`9th); Thomsen, "Inschr. ... Jerusalem," &3ZdPV& 44 (1921) 59,118, 98,141, 103,158%19`103,159 (&7Palaest. I,& Jerusalem; 8th%19`9th?); @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@NINTH CENTURY A.C. @ NINTH CENTURY: __ &1`800%19`900& ("`9th c. ac"): Soteriou, &3Basilike%26 &3Agiou De%26me%26triou& (1952) 210,4 (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike); Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus Bulgarien (1964) 58 (&7Moesia II,& Ilija Bla=skovo); Bes%148evliev, &3Die &3protobulgarische Inschriften& (1963) 68 (&7Moesia II,& S%148umen); &3Byzantion& 35 (1965) 1] (&7Moesia II,& Preslav); &3DOP& 32 (1978) 4,4 [&3SEG& 28.573] (&7Cple,& Yes%25ildirek); Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 340(4) [&3TAM 5,1.45] (&7N.E. Lydia,& Bagis: Karakuyu; 9th?); Restle, &3DenkschrWien& 138 (1979) 64 (&7Cappad. I,& Manda; 9th?); de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) 93 (&7Cappad. II,& H. Prokopios; 9th?), 168 (&7Cappad. II,& Sog%148angli V.; 9th?) and 169 (&7Cappad. II,& Sog%148angli; 9th?); Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 215 (&7Nesoi,& Naxos); &3CIG& 8801 (&7Euboia,& Chalkis); &3BNgJ& 8 (1929%19`1930) 149 149 (&7Athens,& Theseum; 9th?); &3Corinth& 8,1.196 (&7Peloponnesos,& Corinth; 9th?); &3Corinth& 8,3.724, 726%19`727 (&7Peloponnesos,& Corinth; 9th?); &3CIG& 8689 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979), no. 233] (&7Sicily,& Molae); &3SEG& 8,871 (&7Nubia,& Nawi). @ @ LARGER RANGES: __ &1`792%19`891&: &3IK Ephesos& 4302%3`3 (&7Asia,& Ephesos). __ &1`800%19`825%3`850& ("early 9th c. ac"): Bes%148evliev, &3Die &3protobulgarische Inschriften& (1963) 49 (&7Moesia II,& Selis%148te), 50 (&7Moesia II,& Madara) and 51%19`52 (&7Moesia II,& Preslav; early 9th?). __ &1`800%19`850&: &3Byzantion& 39 (1969) 75 (&7Phrygia Sal., Afyonkarahisar; ca. 800%19`850?). @ @ DATES AND SMALLER RANGES: __ [&1`800&]: Ramsay and Bell, &3The &3Thousand and One Churches& (1909) 551,52 (&7Lykaonia,& Binbir Kilise; ca. 800?). __ &1`800%19`825& ("beg. 9th c. ac"): de Jerphanion, &3E/glises &3rupestres de Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) II,1, p. 147 and nos. 154%19`155 (&7Cappad. II,& Cemil; beg. 9th). __ &1`803%19`814&: Bes%148evliev, &3Die protobulgarische Inschriften& (1963) 5 (&7Moesia II,& Pliska; ca. 803%19`814?). __ &1`812&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 286%19`287 (&7Lykia,& Myra); Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 643 (&7Egypt,& Dongola). __ &1`813&: Bes%148evliev, &3Die protobulgarische Inschriften& (1963) 47 (&7Thracia,& Malamirovo; early 813?); &3Byzantion& 35 (1965) 565 (&7Europe,& Herakleia). __ &1`813?&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 67 (&7Athens,& Parthenon; 768 or 813). __ &1`813%3`4&: Bes%148evliev, &3Die protobulgarische Inschriften& (1963) 2 (&7Thracia,& Malamirovo; 813%3`4?). __ &1`813%19`820&: Bes%148evliev, &3Die protobulgarische Inschriften (1963) 4 (&7Moesia II,& Pliska; ca. 813%19`820?). __ &1`813%19`820?&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 41 [&3CIG& 8620] (&7Peloponnesos,& Akrokorinth; 813%19`820 or 886%19`911). __ [&1`814&]: Bes%148evliev, &3Die protobulgarische Inschriften& (1963) 16%19`21 (&7Moesia II,& Pliska; ca. 814?), 22 (Ta=rnovo; ca. 814?), 23%19`24 (Pliska; ca. 814?), 25 (Sv. Michajlovski; ca. 814?), 26 (Pliska; ca. 814?), 27 (Ilija Bla=skovo; ca. 814?), 28%19`29 (Pliska; ca. 814?), 30 (Isbul; ca. 814?); 31 (Pliska; ca. 814?); 32%19`33 (Radko Dimitrievo; ca. 814?); 34%19`40 (Pliska; ca. 814?). __ &1`815%19`822&: Bes%148evliev, &3Die protobulgarische Inschriften& (1963) 55 (&7Moesia II,& Ta=rnovo; ca. 815%19`822?). __ &1`815%19`831&: Bes%148evliev, &3Die protobulgarische Inschriften& (1963) 1,III (&7Moesia II,& Madara), 3(?) (Durostrorum), 6 (Madara), 8%19`10 (Pliska), 45(?) (Pliska), 48(?) (&7Scythia Minor,& S%148abla), 58%19`59 (&7Moesia II,& Provadija), 60%19`62 (Pliska), 63 (Va=rbane), 64 (Pliska), 65 (Kalugerica) and 66 (Pliska); &3BZ& 65 (1972) 395] (&7Moesia II,& Pliska). __ [&1`817&]: Bes%148evliev, &3Die protobulgarische Inschriften& (1963) 41 (&7Moesia II,& Sec%148is%148te; ca. 817?). __ &1after ca. 817&: Bes%148evliev, &3Die protobulgarische Inschriften (1963) 44 (&7Moesia II,& Pliska; after ca. 817). __ &1`817%19`845&: &3IGLSyr& 1,58 (&7Euphrat.,& Sourp Hagop). __ &1`819&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 85 (&7Athens,& Parthenon). __ &1`819%3`20&: Bes%148evliev, &3Die protobulgarische Inschriften& (1963) 43 (&7Moesia II,& Sinivir). __ [&1`820&]: Bes%148evliev, &3Die protobulgarische Inschriften& (1963) 7 (&7Moesia II,& Pliska; perh. ca. 820?). __ &1`821&: Latys%148ev, &3Sbornik ... Juz%148noj Rossii& (1896) 33 (&7S. &7Russia,& Inkerman; 821?). __ &1`821%3`2&: Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von &3Konstantinopel& (1943) 64b (&7Cple,& Land Walls). __ &1`821%19`829&: Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von &3Konstantinopel& (1943) 64a (&7Cple,& Land Walls). __ &1`821%19`842&: Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von &3Konstantinopel& (1943) 61 (&7Cple,& Land Walls). __ &1before 822&: Bes%148evliev, &3Die protobulgarische Inschriften (1963) 54 (&7Moesia II,& Dineia [Vojvoda]; before 822?). __ &1`822&: Bes%148evliev, &3Die protobulgarische Inschriften& (1963) 56 (&7Moesia II,& Krumovo). __ [&1`823&]: Bes%148evliev, &3Die protobulgarische Inschriften& (1963) 42 (&7Moesia II,& Ta=rgivis%148te; perh. ca. 823). __ &1`826%3`7&: Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von &3Konstantinopel& (1943) 81 (&7Cple,& Land Walls). __ &1`829%19`842&: &3CIG& 8672%19`8674 [van Millingen, &3Byzantine &3Constantinople& (1899) 183], 8675 [&3BCH& 60 (1936) 208], 8676, 8677 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 57,36], 8678 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,33], 8679 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,35] and 8699b (&7Cple,& Sea Walls); Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von Konstantinopel& (1943) 62 (&7Cple,& Land Walls); Demangel and Mamboury, &3Quartier des &3Manganes& (1939) 11,4 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,28], 54,5 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,26], 54,6 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,25], and 78,13 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,18], (&7Cple,& Sea Walls; 829%19`842?); &3ArchAnz 1916,22,23b%19`23c [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,33c,b] (&7Cple,& Sea Walls; 829%19`842?). __ &1`830%19`842&: &3AthMitt& 54 (1929) 139,12 (&7E. Aegean,& Samos: Tigani). __ &1`831%19`836&: Bes%148evliev, &3Die protobulgarische Inschriften& (1963) 67 (&7Moesia II,& Radko Dimitrievo). __ [&1`832&]: Bes%148evliev, &3Die protobulgarische Inschriften& (1963) 13 (&7Moesia II,& S%148umen; ca. 832). __ &1`833%19`836&: Bes%148evliev, &3Die protobulgarische Inschriften (1963) 57 (&7Moesia II,& S%148umen; ca. 833%19`836). __ &1`834&: &3CIG& 8680 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 55,9] (&7Cple,& Kadirga Limani?; 834?). __ &1`837&: Bes%148evliev, &3Die protobulgarische Inschriften& (1963) 14 (&7Maced.,& Philippoi; ca. 837?); &3JO+B& 35 (1965) 145 (&7Maced., Vassilika; ca. 837?). __ &1before 838&: &3CIG& 8682 [Strubbe, "Catalogue ... Pessinus," &3Fouilles ... Pessinonte& (1984) 223,35] (&7Galatia II, Justinianopolis; before 838). __ &1`839 [2`841]2&: Antoniades, &3Ekphrasis& (1907%19`1909) I,146 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 58,I.4] (&7Cple,& Hagia Sophia; 839 ac, altered to 841 ac); __ &1`841&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 69 and 79 (&7Athens, Parthenon). __ &1`842%19`856&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 62b27 (&7Europe, Selymbria); &3BCH& 36 (1912) 567 (&7Europe,& Selymbria). __ &1`842%19`862&: &3CIG& 8692 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,27] (&7Cple,& Sea Walls); &3CIG& 8797 [van Millingen, &3Byzantine Constantinople& (1899) 185] (&7Cple,& Sea Walls). __ &1`842%19`867&: &3IK Nikaia& 461%19`468 (&7Bithynia,& Nikaia). __ &1`843%19`847&: Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 215,I [Mango, &3Brazen House& (1959) 126] (&7Cple,& Chalke; ca. 843%19`847), and 216,II [Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 95] (&7Cple,& place?; ca. 843%19`847). __ &1`848&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 164 and p. 130 (&7Athens, Parthenon). __ &1`855%3`6&: Bes%148evliev, &3Die protobulgarische Inschriften& (1963) 15 (&7Epirus Nova,& Balci). __ &1`856%3`7&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 82(2) [&3IK Smyrna& 846] (&7Asia, Smyrna). __ &1`856%19`861&: &3AnthPal& 1,106%19`107 (&7Cple,& Great Palace; ca. 856%19`861?). __ &1`857%3`8&: &3IK Nikaia& 460 (&7Bithynia,& Nikaia). __ &1`859&: &3Byzantion& 4 (1927%19`1928) 445,3 (&7Galatia I,& Ankyra); &3Byzantion& 4 (1927%19`1928) 438,1 [&3CIG& 8794], 439,2 [&3CIG& 8795], and &3Me/lBey& 13,1 (1928) 284,56%19`285,57 (&7Galatia I,& Ankyra; ca. 859). __ &1`861&: &3CIG& 8684 (&7Bruttium,& Rhegion; 861?). __ &1`862&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 86z1 (&7Europe, Panion; 862?). __ &1`862%19`867&: Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 533 [d: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 115(4); &3IK Ephesos& 1356] (&7Asia,& Ephesos [Genoa]; a%19c: 862%19`867, d: 1260%19`1288); __ &1`863&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 120 (&7Athens,& Parthenon). __ &1`867&: &3AnthPal& 1,1 [Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 280; Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 80%19`83] (&7Cple,& Hagia Sophia; 867?). __ &1`867%19`879&: &3JO+B& 34 (1984) 245 (&7Cple,& ex%19Cre/py; 867%19`879?). __ &1`867%19`886&: &3Byzantion& 32 (1962) 52,4 (&7Cple,& Manganes); &3MAMA 7,190 (&7Pisidia,& Koc%25as; 867%19`886?); Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und &3spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus Bulgarien& (1964) 157 (&7Haemimontus, Mesembria). __ &1`870&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus &3Bulgarien& (1964) 51 and 87 (&7Moesia II,& C%148erven). __ &1`870%3`1&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. &3Inschr. aus Bulgarien& (1964) 184b (&7Haemimontus,& Aetos). __ &1`870%19`879&: &3AnthPal& 1,109%3`14 (&7Cple,& Zoodochos Pege). __ &1`871&: &3EEBS& 8 (1931) 253 (&7Attica,& Athens). __ &1`872&: &3AEph& 1924.1 (&7Boiotia,& Thebai). __ &1`873%3`4&: &3AEph& 1931.127, 153, 154, 155 and 156 (&7Boiotia, Skripou). __ &1`875%19`900& ("end 9th c. ac"): de Jerphanion, &3E/glises &3rupestres de Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) 26%19`26a (&7Cappad. II, Korama). __ &1`879&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 70 (&7Athens,& Parthenon). __ &1`879%19`886&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus &3Bulgarien& (1964) 158 (&7Haemimontus,& Mesembria). __ &1`881&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 81 (&7Athens,& Parthenon). __ &1`882&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 86z3 (&7Europe, Panion). __ &1`884%3`5&: &3BCH& 19 (1895) 434 (&7Pontos,& Trebizond). __ &1`885&: Speiser, "Inventaire ... Thessalonique" (1973%3`1979) 10 [&3AthMitt& 22 (1897) 468] (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike). __ &1`886%19`911&: van Millingen, &3Byzantine Constantinople& (1899) 186 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 55,8] (&7Cple,& Sea Walls). __ &1`886%19`911?&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 41 [&3CIG& 8620] (&7Peloponnesos,& Akrokorinth; 813%19`820 or 886%19`911). __ &1`886%19`912&: Antoniades, &3Ekphrasis& (1907%19`1909) I,167 (&7Cple, Hagia Sophia; 886%19`912?); Antoniades, &3Ekphrasis& (1907%19`1909) III,51 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 58,13a; Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 58] and 52 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 58,14; Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 59] (&7Cple, Hagia Sophia; ca. 886%19`912?); Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 287 [Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 63%19`66] (&7Cple,& Hagia Sophia; ca. 886%19`912?); Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 49 [Halkin IV,307%19`308] and 51 [Halkin IV,307] (&7Cple,& Hagia Sophia; ca. 886%19`912?); Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 58 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 58,13b] (&7Cple,& Hagia Sophia; ca. 886%19`912?); __ &1`890&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 541 [Milne, &3Cat. Cairo& (1905) 75,9243] (&7Egypt,& Esneh%19Latopolis), __ &1`893%19`927&: Bes%148evliev, &3Die protobulgarische Inschriften& (1963) 88%19`90 (&7Moesia II,& Preslav). __ &1`895&: &3BZ& 4 (1895) 92 (&7NW. Aegean,& Skyros). __ &1`896&: &3CIG& 9346 [&3Syllektes& 1 (1947%19`1951 [`1952]) 62] (&7Athens, Theseum). __ &1`897&: Mitchell, &3RECAM& II (1982) 98 98 (&7Galatia II, Germokoloneia). __ &1`898&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 121 (&7Athens,& Parthenon). @ LARGEST RANGES: __ &1`800%19`900?& ("`9th c. ac or later"): &3Corinth 12,557 (&7Peloponnesos,& Corinth). __ &1`800%19`1000& ("`9th%19`10th c. ac"): Speiser, "Inventaire ... Thessalonique" (1973%3`1979) 11 [Tsigaridas and Loberdou%19Tsigarida, $*KATA/LOGOS ... MOUSEI=A *QESSALONI/KHS& (1979) 76] (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike; 9th%19`10th?); Tsigaridas and Loberdou%19Tsigarida, $*KATA/LOGOS ... MOUSEI=A *QESSALONI/KHS& (1979) 76 (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike; 9th%19`10th?); Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i &3lat. Romania& (1976) 202 (&7Scythia Minor,& Axiopolis; 9th%19`10th); Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 86a (&7Europe,& Panion; 9th%19`10th?); &3DOP& 32 (1978) 21,26 [&3SEG& 28,575] (&7Cple,& Topkapi Sarayi); &3Byzantion& 8 (1933) 175,1 and 176,3 (&7Cple,& Myrelaion; 9th%19`10th?); &3Corinth& 8,1.199%19`220, 722, 728%19`730, 733, 735 (&7Peloponnesos,& Corinth; 9th%19`10th?); Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 1 (&7Hellespont,& Skamandros) and 338 (&7Lydia,& Silandos); &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 432,54 (&7Bithynia,& Philokrene; 9th%19`10th?); &3Byzantion& 4 (1927%19`1928) 450,4 [&3CIG& 8817] (&7Galatia I,& Ankyra; 9th%19`10th?); &3MAMA& 4,135 (&7Pisidia,& Apollonia); &3MAMA& 6,338 (&7Phrygia Pac., Akmonia), 340 (&7Phrygia Pac.,& Akmonia; 9th%3`10th) and 359 (&7Phrygia Pac.,& Diokleia); de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de &3Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) II,1, p. 106 and nos. 140%19`141 (&7Cappad. &7II,& near Sinasos; 9th%19`10th?); &3IGLSyr& 3,1107 (&7Syria I,& Bityas; 9th%19`10th). __ &1`800%19`1100& ("`9th%19`11th c. ac"): &3Corinth& 12,1607 (&7Peloponnesos, Corinth). __ &1`800%19`1200& ("`9th%19`12th c. ac"): &3Corinth& 8,3.734 (&7Peloponnesos, Corinth; 9th%19`12th?). __ &1?`800%19`1204& ("Middle Byzantine"): &3ABME& 3,2 (1937) 147,23 [Halkin VI,330] (&7Phrygia Pac.,& Emircik); de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) 82%19`86 87 [Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 217], 88 (&7Cappad. II, Matiane), 114%19`117 (&7Cappad. II,& Zelve); &3IGLSyr& 3,1108 (&7Syria I, Bityas). __ &1?`800%19`1453& ("Middle%3Late Byzantine"): &3DOP& 25 (1971) 242 (&7Cple,& Walls); &3MAMA& 1,260 (&7Lykaonia,& Dedeler). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@TENTH CENTURY A.C. @ TENTH CENTURY: __ &1`900%19`1000& ("`10th c. ac"): &3CIG& 8935 (&7Maced., Thessalonike; 10th?); &3CIG& 9347 [&3Syllektes& 1 (1947%19`1951) 71] (&7Athens,& Theseum); Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 221 (&7Athens, Parthenon); &3Corinth& 12,1867%19`1868(?) and 12,1935 (&7Peloponnesos, Corinth); Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus &3Bulgarien& (1964) 55 (&7Moesia II,& Preslav), 65 (&7Moesia II, Pliska) and 134%19`135 (&7Moesia II,& Odessos); Bes%148evliev, &3Die &3protobulgarische Inschriften& (1963) 78 (&7Moesia II,& Odessos); Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 203 (&7Scythia Minor, Murfatlar) and 228 (&7Scythia Minor,& Capidava); Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture byzantine figure/e au Muse/e arche/ologique &3d'Istanbul& (1990) 180,366 [&3EEBS& 7 (1931) 329] (&7Cple,& Mangana Quart.; 10th?) and 186,389 [&3DOP& 18 (1964) 273,79], 187,392 [&3DOP& 18 (1964) 275,74A], 187,394 [&3DOP& 18 (1964) 275,83], 188,395 [&3DOP& 18 (1964) 275,80A], 189,402 [&3DOP& 18 (1964) 275,81a], 189,403 [&3DOP& 18 (1964) 275,80B], 190,404 [&3DOP& 18 (1964) 275,81b] (&7Cple,& Mon. of Lips; 10th); &3DOP& 32 (1978) 8,11 (&7Istanb.:&Arch.M., prov.?; 10th); &3Byzantion& 1 (1924) 173 (&7prov.?,& [Paris]; 10th?); Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 78 [&3IK Smyrna& 853] (&7Asia,& Smyrna); &3IK Kalchedon& 106 (&7Bithynia,& Panteichion; ca. 10th); &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 414,13 (&7Bithynia,& Fenerbahc%25e; 10th?); &3MAMA& 7,310 (&7Galatia II,& Orkistos; 10th?); de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) &3Jerph& 1 (&7Cappad. &7II,& Korama), I,2, p. 557 and nos. 103%19`120 (&7Cappad. II,& Zelve), II,1, p. 54 (&7Cappad. II,& Ortahisar), 132 (&7Cappad. II,& near Sinasos; ca. 10th c.), 177%19`180 and 204 (&7Cappad. II,& Sog%148angli); &3TravMe/m& 8 (1981) 509 (&7Cappad. II,& Zelve); &3TravMe/m& 9 (1985) 459,4 (&7Syria I,& Antioch; 10th?). @ @ LARGER RANGES: __ &1`892%19`992&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 143 (&7Nesoi,& Kos; ca. 892%19`992). __ &1`893%19`991&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 189 and 192 (&7Athens,& Parthenon). __ &1`897%19`987&: Latys%148ev, &3Sbornik ... Juz%148noj Rossii& (1896) 95 (&7S. &7Russia,& Kertch; ca. 897%19`987). __ &1`925%19`975& ("mid%19`10th c. ac"): de Jerphanion, &3E/glises &3rupestres de Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) 31%19`36 and I,2, p. 358 (&7Cappad. II,& Korama; mid%19`10th). @ @ DATES AND SMALLER RANGES: __ &1`900%19`925& ("beg. 10th c. ac"): de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) 33 (&7Cappad. II,& Korama), 121 (&7Cappad. II,& Gu+llu Dere; beg. 10th?) and 192 (&7Cappad. II,& Sog%148angli). __ &1`901%19`907?&: &3IK Kalchedon& 78 [&3DOP& 41 (1987) 461] (&7Bithynia, Rufinianai; 901%19`907 or 912%19`925 ac). __ &1`902%3`3&: &3Archaeology& 3 (1950) 140 [Halkin IV,310] (&7Cple, Sehzade%3Laleli). __ &1`902%19`927&: &3ZbRad& 11 (1968) 11 (&7Europe,& Bizye; ca. 902%19`927?). __ &1`903&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 42 [Avramea, &3Geographica byzantina& (1981) 33%19`36] (&7Peloponnesos,& Pallantion). __ &1`903%3`4&: Bes%148evliev, &3Die protobulgarische Inschriften& (1963) 46 (&7Maced.,& Nea Philadelpheia). __ &1`904&: Speiser, "Inventaire ... Thessalonique" (1973%3`1979) 12 [Tsigaridas and Loberdou%19Tsigarida, $*KATA/LOGOS ... MOUSEI=A $*QESSALONI/KHS& (1979) 68] (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike). __ &1`905%3`6&: &3BCH& 60 (1936) 211 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,20] (&7Cple,& Sea Walls). __ &1`906&: Latys%148ev, &3Sbornik ... Juz%148noj Rossii& (1896) 69 (&7S. &7Russia,& Partenit). __ &1`907&: &3DOP& 18 (1964) 267 and 300 (&7Cple,& Mon. of Lips). __ &1`909%3`10&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 304 [&3Tu+rk Tarih Kurumu, Beleten 22 (1958) 44,42] (&7Pamphylia,& Attalia). __ &1`911%3`12&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 302 [&3Tu+rk Tarih Kurumu, Beleten 22 (1958) 43,41] (&7Pamphylia,& Attalia). __ &1`912&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 8 (&7Athens,& Parthenon). __ &1`912%19`925?&: &3IK Kalchedon& 78 [&3DOP& 41 (1987) 461] (&7Bithynia,& Rufinianai; 901%19`907 or 912%19`925 ac). __ &1`913&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 75 (&7Athens,& Parthenon); Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 647 (&7Egypt,& Nubia). __ &1`913%19`920&: &3CahArch& 15 (1965) 97%19`154 (&7Cappad. II,& Gu+llu Dere). __ &1`913%19`959&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce (1925%19`1942) 133 (&7Cappad. II,& near Sinasos; 913%19`959?). __ &1`914&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 187 (&7Athens,& Parthenon); &3BCH& 19 (1895) 422,1%19`422,2 (&7Pontus Polem.,& Trebizond; 914?). __ &1`915%3`16&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 303 (&7Pamphylia,& Attalia). __ &1`915%19`950&: &3Corinth& 12,2734 (lead seal) (&7Peloponnesos, Corinth; ca. 915%19?950). __ &1`918&: &3RQ& 26 (1912) 64,3 [&3Hsp& 16 (1947) 66,7] (&7Attica, Athens); Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 188 (&7Athens,& Parthenon). __ &1`919&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 160%19`161 (&7Athens, Parthenon). __ &1`921&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 77 (&7Athens,& Parthenon). __ &1`921%19`927&: Thierry, &3Nouvelles e/glises rupestres de Cappadoce (1963) 42 [&3JO+B& 38 (1988) 401] (&7Cappad. II,& Ihlara). __ &1`921%19`931&: &3JO+B& 34 (1984) 238 (&7Cple,& ex%19Siegburg). __ &1`923&: Michalowski, &3Faras. Fouilles polonnaises 1961%19`1962 (1965) 164,3 [&3BE& 1966,498] (923 ac). __ &1`925%19`950&: &3AnthPal& 15,15%3`16 (&7Rhodes,& Lindos; ca. 925%19`950). __ &1`926&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 63 (&7Athens,& Parthenon); &3BCH& 6 (1882) 269 (&7Maced.,& Kavala). __ &1`927&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 215 (&7Athens,& Parthenon). __ &1`927%19`969&: Bes%148evliev, &3Die protobulgarische Inschriften& (1963) 91%19`92 (&7Moesia II,& Preslav). __ &1`929&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 65 (&7Athens,& Parthenon). __ &1`930%19`960&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce (1925%19`1942) 143%19`149 (&7Cappad. II,& near Sinasos; ca. 930%19`960?). __ &1`934%3`5&: &3MAMA& 4,38 (&7Phrygia Sal,& Afyon Karahisar). __ &1`938&: &3IK Ephesos& 1278, 4307, and 4308(?) (&7Asia,& Ephesos). __ &1`940&: &3CIG& 8811 [&3Byzantion& 35 (1965) 75] (&7Cple,& now Arezzo; ca. 940?). __ &1`941&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 170 (&7Athens,& Parthenon). __ &1`943&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 216 (&7Athens,& Parthenon). __ &1`944%19`959&: Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von &3Konstantinopel& (1943) 40 [&3Studies ... S. Dow& (1984) 84] (&7Cple, Land Walls). __ &1`945%19`948&: &3CIG& 8703 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,V] (&7Cple,& Hippodrome); &3CIG& 8811a [&3OrChrP& 13 (1947) 236,4] (&7Cple,& once Herakleion; ca. 945%19`948?). __ &1`949&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 190 (&7Athens,& Parthenon). __ &1`950%19`990&: &3DOP& 30 (1976) 59 [Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie &3Croix& (1961) 266,205] (&7Palaest.: Jerusalem?,& [Monte Cassino; ca. 950%19`990?). __ &1`957&: &3CIG& 8786 [Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 271] (&7Cple,& now Citeaux). __ &1`959&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 61 (&7Athens,& Parthenon); &3BCH& 9 (1885) 211 [&3Studi Medievali& 1970.403] (&7Calabria, Carpignano). __ &1`959%3`60&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 95 (&7Asia,& Nea Kolophon); &3CIG& 8693 [Halkin V,91] (&7Armenia II,& S. of Melitene; 959%3`60?). __ &1`959%19`963&: &3CIG& 8792 [Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 425] (&7Cple,& now Vatican; 959%19`963?). __ &1`963%19`969&: &3CIG& 8694 [Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 239,146] (&7Constantinople?,& now Cortona; 963%19`969?); &3BCH& 61 (1937) 103 [Lemerle, &3Philippes& (1945) 142] (&7Maced., Philippoi); &3Thrakika& 15 (1941) 106 [&3BZ& 41 (1941) 564] (&7Europe, Bergula%19Tyroloe). __ &1`963%19`976&: &3CIG& 8695 [Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 233,135] (&7Cple,& now Limbourg). __ &1`965&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 86z2 (&7Europe, Panion); de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce (1925%19`1942) 94%19`97 and 98 [&3TrMe/m& 9 (1985) 477] (&7Cappad. II,& H. Prokopios; ca. 965). __ &1`966&: &3CIG& 9348 [&3Syllektes& 1 (1947%19`1951 [`1952]) 62] (&7Athens, Theseum). __ &1`966%3`7&: Lampakes, $*OI( E(PTA\ A)STE/RES TH=S *)APOKALU/YEWS& (1909) p. 336 [Halkin V,81] (&7Asia,& Magnesia Sipyl.). __ &1`967&: &3CIG& 9349 [&3Syllektes& 1 (1947%19`1951 [`1952]) 66] (&7Athens, Theseum). __ &1`968&: &3Syria& 43 (1966) 107,2 [&3BE& 1967.633] (&7Syria I,& H. Symeon; ca. 968). __ &1`969&: &3AthMitt& 54 (1929) 139,13 (&7E. Aegean,& Samos: Tigani). __ &1`969%19`970&: &3DOP& 36 (1982) 211 (&7Syria: Antioch,& [Aachen]). __ [&1`970&]: Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 255 (&7Cple, Mausoleum; ca. 970). __ &1`971%19`976&: &3REB& 8 (1950) 161 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,XV] (&7Cple, Arslanhane; ca. 971%19`976). __ &1`972&: &3CIG& 8696 (&7Gallia,& Paris; 972?). __ &1after 972&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. &3aus Bulgarien& (1964) 254 (&7Moesia II,& Zapara; after 972). __ &1`975&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 72 (&7Athens,& Parthenon). __ &1`975%19`1000&: &3JO+B& 38 (1988) 203 (&7Lydia,& Mt. Tmolos; ca. 975%19`1000?). __ &1`976%19`1025&: Thierry, &3Nouvelles e/glises rupestres de Cappadoce (1963) 184 (&7Cappad. II,& Beliserama); Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 62a4 [&3CIG& 8702] (&7Europe,& Bergula%19Tyroloe), 86z4 (&7Europe,& Panion; 976%19`1025?), and 110 (&7Rhodope,& Traianopolis; 976%19`1025?); Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von &3Konstantinopel& (1943) 1, 1a(?), 23 (&7Cple,& Land Walls); &3JO+B& 34 (1984) 243[a] (&7Cple,& [ex%19Krefeld]; 976%19`1025?) and 243[b] (&7Cple,& [Cologne]; 976%19`1025?). __ &1`978%19`1025&: &3BCH& 36 (1912) 568,18 (&7Europe,& Selymbria). __ &1`980&: Latys%148ev, &3Sbornik ... Juz%148noj Rossii& (1896) 75 (&7S. &7Russia,& Theodosia). __ &1`981&: &3LBW& V,991 [&3CIG& 8697] (&7Phrygia Pac,& Aizanoi; 981?). __ &1`982&: Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 204 (&7Scythia Minor,& Murfatlar). __ &1`983%19`996&: &3MAMA& 1,257 (&7Pisidia,& Laodicea). __ [2&1`988%3`9&]2: &3IDidyma& 597 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 226(8), "`988%19`989?", but cf. &3BE/& 1961.651] (&7Karia,& Didyma; 12th c.). __ &1`989&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 5(2) [&3MAMA& 1,258] (&7Pisidia,& Laodicea Combusta; ca. 989). __ &1`992&: &3Byzantion& 10 (1935) 171 (&7Armenia IV,& Kamacha; 992?). __ &1`992?&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 25 (&7Hellespontus,& Kyzikos; 992 or 1092). __ &1`994%3`5&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 339 (&7Lydia,& Silandos). __ [&1`994&]: Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 23 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 58,5] (&7Cple,& Hagia Sophia; ca. 994?). __ &1`999&: &3TravMe/m& 9 (1985) 457,3 (&7Syria I,& Antioch). @ @ LARGEST RANGES: __ &1`900%19`1000?& ("`10th c. ac or later"): Thierry, &3Nouvelles e/glises rupestres de Cappadoce& (1963) 67,2%19`69,6 (&7Cappad. II,& Ihlara; 10th or later); &3Bibliotheca classica &3orientalis& 6 (1961) 321 [&3BE& 1963,58] (&7Epirus N.?,& place?; 10th or later). __ &1`900%19`1100& ("`10th%19`11th c. ac"): Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und &3spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus Bulgarien& (1964) 59%19`61, 67 (&7Moesia II, Pliska) and 145 (&7Moesia II,& Teke Karaac%148); Bes%148evliev, &3Die &3protobulgarische Inschriften& (1963) 83 (&7Moesia II,& Pliska); Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 180, 184 (&7Scythia &7Minor,& Pa%27cuiul Soare; 10th%19`11th?). and 229 (&7Scythia Minor, Capidava; 10th%3`11th); Tsigaridas and Loberdou%19Tsigarida, $*KATA/LOGOS ... MOUSEI=A *QESSALONI/KHS& (1979) 78 (&7Maced., Thessalonike; 10th%19`11th?); &3ZbRad& 12 (1970) 11 (&7Maced.,& Mikra Prespa; 10th%19`11th?); &3CIG& 9345 [&3Syllektes& 1 (1947%19`1951) 69] (&7Athens,& Theseum); &3Corinth& 8,3.731%19`731 (&7Peloponnesos,& Corinth; 10th%19`11th?); &3Corinth& 12,1769, 1915, 1951 and 2149 (&7Peloponnesos,& Corinth; 10th%19`11th); Antoniades, &3Ekphrasis (1907%19`1909) I,170 (&7Cple,& Hagia Sophia; 10th%19`11th?); &3CIG& 8815a [Hahnloser, &3Tesoro di San Marco& (1971) II,172 (&7Cple,& now Venice); Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture byzantine figure/e au &3Muse/e arche/ologique d'Istanbul& (1990) 83,142 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 66, Galata 2 (&7Cple,& Bosph.: Tophane); Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 234 (&7Karia,& Halikarnassos) and 337 [&3TAM& 5,1.438] (&7N.E. Lydia, Go+lde, Area N. of: Nisyra [Sarac%25lar]); Buckler and Robinson, &3Sardis& VII,1 (1932) 176 (&7Lydia,& Sardeis; 10th%19`11th?); &3JHS& 37 (1916) 100,11 (&7Lydia,& Philadelphia; 10th%19`11th); de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) 197%19`203 and 208 (&7Cappad. II,& Sog%148angli); &3MonPiot& 50 (1958) 110] (&7Cappad. II, Kizil C%25ukur); Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie& (1987) 61 and 95 (&7Cilicia,& Adana Museum); &3TravMe/m& 9 (1985) 460,5 (&7Syria &7I,& Antioch); &3LBW& VI,724 (&7Syria,& place?); Thomsen, "Inschr. ... Jerusalem," &3ZdPV& 44 (1921) 123,213 (&7Palaest. I,& Jerusalem). __ &1`900%19`1200& ("`10th%19`12th c. ac"): Tsigaridas and Loberdou%19Tsigarida, $*KATA/LOGOS ... MOUSEI=A *QESSALONI/KHS& (1979) 73 (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike; 10th%19`12th?); Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i &3lat. Romania& (1976) 254, 257, 260, 263 (&7Scythia Minor, Dinogetia), 444 (&7Dacia,& Adjud), and 446 (&7Dacia,& Da%27nes%25ti); &3Parnassos& 6 (1882) 84,14 (&7Attica,& Athens; 10th%19`12th?); &3Corinth 12,1869%19`1888 (&7Peloponnesos,& Corinth; 10th%19`12th); &3IstMitt& 25 (1975) 204 [&3BE& 1976,618] (&7Asia,& Miletos); &3BZ& 36 (1936) 537,4 [&3E/O& 35 (1936) 226,4] (&7Lykaonia,& Damla); @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ELEVENTH CENTURY A.C. @ ELEVENTH CENTURY: __ &1`1000%19`1100& ("`11th c. ac"): Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus Bulgarien& (1964) 183 (&7Haemimontus,& Sozopolis; 11th?); Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. &3Romania& (1976) 181%19`183 (&7Scythia Minor,& Pa%27cuiul Soare), 259 and 261 (&7Scythia Minor,& Dinogetia); &3ZbRad& 12 (1970) 9 [&3Hellenika 20%19`22 (1967) 1] (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike; 11th?). Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture byzantine figure/e au Muse/e arche/ologique &3d'Istanbul& (1990) 79,131 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 66,4730] (&7Cple,& Sokol. M. Pas%25a); &3DOP& 17 (1963) 348[b] (&7Cple,& Zereyek Camii; 11th?); &3AnthPal& 1,120%19`121 (&7Cple,& Blachernai; 11th?); &3JO+B& 34 (1984) 251 (&7Cple,& [Aachen%3Mu+nster]; 11th?); Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 12 [$*EI)S MNH/MHN *SPURI/DWNOS $*LA/MPROU& (1935) 199] (&7Thess.,& Aetolophos) and 13 [&3EEBS& 5 (1928) 373] (&7Thess.,& Stomion); &3AD& 26,B2 (1971) 307 [cf. Koder and Hild, &3TIB& I,134] (&7Thess.,& Meliboia; 11th?); &3CIG& 8718 (&7Hellas, Thebai); &3CIG& 9322%19`9323, 9327%19`2328, 9335(?), 9344 (&7Athens,& Sot. Lykodemou); Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 19 [&3Corinth& 8,1.195,b] (&7Peloponnesos, Korinthos; 11th?); &3Corinth& 8,1.276 (&7Peloponnesos,& Korinthos); &3Corinth& 12,2664 (&7Peloponnesos,& Korinthos; 11th?); Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 227(3)%19`227(4) (&7Karia,& Herakleia Latmou) and 306 (&7Pamphylia,& Attalia); &3CahArch& 19 (1969) 160 [&3BE& 1970,588] (&7Phrygia Pac,& Sebaste); Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia &3Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 145b (&7Pontos,& Gazacene); de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) 79 (&7Cappad. II, Matiane; 11th?), 126%19`127 (&7Cappad. II,& Susum Bayri; 11th?) and 131 (&7Cappad. II,& Susum Bayri); Thierry, &3Nouvelles e/glises &3rupestres de Cappadoce& (1963) 91 (&7Cappad. II,& Ihlara; 11th?); &3Journal des Savants& 1968.46 (&7Cappad. II,& Ihlara); &3RSBN& 20%19`21 (1983%19`1984) 103 (&7Calabria,& Carpignano; 11th?); &3CIG& 8725 [&3VizVrem& 11 (1904) 411] (&7Latium,& Grottaferrata). @ @ LARGER RANGES: __ &1`1000%19`1050&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres &3de Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) 27%19`28 (&7Cappad. II,& Korama; ca. 1000%19`1050); Thierry, &3Nouvelles e/glises rupestres de Cappadoce (1963) 156 (&7Cappad. II,& Beliserama; ca. 1000%19`1050); &3RendLincei&(`8) 37 (1983) 51 (&7Calabria,& Casaranello; ca. 1000%19`1050?). __ &1`1025%19`1075& ("mid%19`11th c. ac"): Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 45 [$*MNH/MH& (&3Me/langes G. Kourmoules&) (1980), p. 1] (&7Peloponnesos, Milea); de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce (1925%19`1942) 37%19`44 (&7Cappad. II,& Korama). __ &1`1050%19`1100&: Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 14 [&3AD& 16 (1960) 165; &3AD& 28 (1973) 321] (&7Thess., Hypate; ca. 1050%19`1100). __ &1`1050%3`1075%19`1100& ("later 11th c. ac"): de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) 57%19`58, 64%19`68 and 70 (&7Cappad. II,& Korama). @ @ DATES AND SMALLER RANGES: __ [&1`1000&]: &3CIG& 8802 [&3DChAE&(`4) 5 (1969) 155] (&7Ionian Isl.,& Kerkyra; ca. 1000); de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) 170%19`171 (&7Cappad. &7II,& Sog%148angli; ca. 1000); &3Harvard Ukrainian Studies& 7 (1983) 270 (&7Apulia,& Trani; ca. 1000); Seibt, in $*B*U*Z*A*N*T*I*O*S. &3Festschrift fu+r Herbert Hunger& (1984), pp. 301%19`310 (&7prov.?, [Gene\ve]; ca. 1000). __ &1`1000%19`1025& ("beg. 11th c. ac"): Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i &3lat. Romania& (1976) 252a%19`252b (&7Scythia Minor,& Dinogetia); Thierry, &3Nouvelles e/glises rupestres de Cappadoce& (1963) 74 (&7Cappad. II,& Ihlara; beg. 11th?). __ &1`1005%3`6&: &3CIG& 8699c [van Millingen, &3Byzantine Constantinople (1899) 187] (&7Cple,& Sea Walls). __ &1`1006&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 327%19`328 (&7Lydia,& Thyateira); Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 73 and 196 (&7Athens,& Parthenon). __ &1`1006?&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce (1925%19`1942) 182%19`185 (&7Cappad. II,& Sog%148angli; 1006 or 1021?). __ &1`1006%3`7&: Lemerle, &3Prole/gomenes a\ une e/dition critique ... &3Ke/kaume/nos& (1960) 29 [&3BE& 1966.437] (&7Armenia,& Egrek). __ &1`1007&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 665 (&7Egypt,& Nubia?). __ &1`1012?&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 115(2) [&3IK Ephesos& 1363] (&7Asia, Ephesos; 1012 or 1017). __ &1`1013&: &3CIG& 8700 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 55,1] (&7Cple,& Sea Walls). __ &1`1014&: &3ABME& 7,2 (1951) 141,1 [Koder, &3DenkschrWien& 112 (1973) 151] (&7Euboia,& N. of Aliberi); &3ABME& 7,2 (1951) 145,4 [&3DenkschrWien& 112 (1973) 151] (&7Euboia,& N. of Aliberi; ca. 1014?). __ &1`1017?&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 115(2) [&3IK Ephesos& 1363] (&7Asia, Ephesos; 1012 or 1017). __ &1`1019&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 115(3) [&3IK Ephesos& 3118] (&7Asia, Phygela). __ &1`1020&: &3RendLincei&(`8) 37 (1983) 47 (&7Calabria,& Carpignano) and 50 (&7Calabria,& Carpignano; ca. 1020). __ &1`1021?&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce (1925%19`1942) 182%19`185 (&7Cappad. II,& Sog%148angli; 1006 or 1021?). __ &1`1022&: &3CIG& 9321 (&7Athens,& Sot. Lykodemou). __ &1`1023%3`24&: &3CIG& 8687 [van Millingen, &3Byzantine Constantinople (1899) 186] (&7Cple,& Sea Walls). __ &1`1025&: [Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 230 (&7Cple, near Hebdomon). __ [&1`1025%19`1028&]: &3IK Nikaia& 488%19`497 (&7Bithynia,& Nikaia; ca. 1025%19`1028). __ &1`1025%19`1050&: &3ArchAnz& 1966,410 (&7Cple,& Arch.Museum; ca. 1025%19`1050?). __ &1`1027&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 43 [&3Hellenika& 15 (1957) 95] (&7Peloponnesos, Sparta). __ &1`1028&: Speiser, "Inventaire ... Thessalonique" (1973%3`1979) 13 [&3RA& 1878:2.172] and 14 [Evangelides, $*(H *PANAGI/A TW=N *XALKE/WN (1953), p. 10] (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike). __ &1`1028%19`1034&: &3CIG& 8793 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 60,X.2] (&7Cple,& M. Peribleptou); Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 293 [Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 69%19`70] (&7Cple,& Hagia Sophia); Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 27 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 59,20] (&7Cple,& Hagia Sophia; 1028%19`1034, altered 1042%19`1055); Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die &3Landmauer von Konstantinopel& (1943) 65 (&7Cple,& Land Walls; 1028%19`1034?). __ &1`1030&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 57 (&7Athens,& Parthenon). __ &1`1032%19`1033&: Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von &3Konstantinopel& (1943) 4a (&7Cple,& Land Walls). __ &1`1032%3`3&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 44 [&3PAE& 1939.114] (&7Peloponnesos,& Sparta). __ [&1`1035&]: &3REB& 22 (1964) 180[a] and 180[b] [&3BE& 1965,492] (&7Calabria,& S. Severina; ca. 1035). __ &1`1041&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 56 (&7Athens,& Parthenon). __ &1`1042%3`3&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 291 (&7Lykia,& Myra). __ &1`1042%19`1050&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. &3aus Bulgarien& (1964) 78 (&7Moesia II,& Durostorum). __ &1`1042%19`1055&: Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 27 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 59,20] (&7Cple,& Hagia Sophia; 1028%19`1034, altered 1042%19`1055); __ &1`1043&: &3TravMe/m& 9 (1985) 463,1 (&7Syria I,& Gabala). __ &1`1045&: &3CIG& 9336 (&7Athens,& Sot. Lykodemou). __ &1`1046&: &3TravMe/m& 9 (1985) 460,6 (&7Syria I,& Antioch). __ &1`1048%19`1055&: &3IK Smyrna& 847 (&7Asia,& Smyrna; 1048%19`1055?). __ &1`1049&: &3VizVr& 19,2 (1912) 147,1 (&7SE. Aegean,& Syme; 1049?); &3CIG& 8803 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979), no. 1] (&7Athens,& H.Theodoroi). __ [&1`1050&]: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce (1925%19`1942) 71%19`72 (&7Cappad. II,& Korama; ca. 1050). __ &1`1051&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce (1925%19`1942) 175 (&7Cappad. II,& Sog%148angli). __ &1`1052&: Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie& (1987) 96 (&7Cilicia,& Mopsuestia); &3CIG& 9325 (&7Athens,& Sot. Lykodemou; 1052?). __ &1`1052%19`1056&: Millet, Pargoire and Petit, &3Recueil Athos& (1904) 231 and &3OrChrP& 13 (1947) 234,2 (&7Maced.,& Athos: Iviron). __ &1`1053&: Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie& (1987) 97 (&7Cilicia,& Mopsuestia). __ &1`1054%3`5&: &3RendLincei&(`8) 37 (1983) 45 (&7Calabria,& Carpignano; 1054%3`5?). __ &1`1055&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce (1925%19`1942) 73 (&7Cappad. II,& Korama); Orlandos, &3Charagmata (1973) 217 (&7Athens,& Parthenon). __ &1`1055%3`6&: &3TAM& 5,1 561%19`562 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 336 and 336(2), 1057%3`8 ac] (&7N.E. Lydia,& Maionia [Menye]). __ &1`1056&: &3DChAE&(`4) 7 (1973%19`1974) 78 (&7C. Aegean,& Naxos: Tragaia). __ [&1`1056%19`1091&]: &3DChAE&(`4) 10 (1980%19`1981) 173 (&7E. Aegean,& Chios: Pan. Krina; ca. 1056%19`1091). __ &1`1058&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce (1925%19`1942) 74 (&7Cappad. II,& Korama); &3CIG& 9326 (&7Athens,& Sot. Lykodemou; 1058?); Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 218 (&7Athens, Parthenon). __ &1`1059&: Latys%148ev, &3Sbornik ... Juz%148noj Rossii& (1896) 8 (&7S. &7Russia,& Chersonesos); &3TravMe/m& 9 (1985) 464,2 (&7Syria I,& Gabala; 1059?). __ &1`1059%19`1067&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. &3aus Bulgarien& (1964) 159 (&7Haemimontus,& Mesembria). __ &1`1060&: Millet, Pargoire and Petit, &3Recueil Athos& (1904) 333 (&7Maced.,& Athos: Lavra); Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 59%19`60 (&7Athens,& Parthenon). __ &1`1060%3`1&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce (1925%19`1942) 186%19`196 (&7Cappad. II,& Sog%148angli). __ &1`1061&: &3CIG& 9329 and 2324(?) (&7Athens,& Sot. Lykodemou). __ &1`1062&: &3CIG& 9330 (&7Athens,& Sot. Lykodemou). __ &1`1063&: &3IGLSyr& 3,810 (&7Syria I,& Antiochia). __ &1`1063%3`4&: &3MAMA& 4,95 (&7Phrygia Sal,& Synnada). __ &1`1064&: Koumanoudes, $*)ATTIKH=S E)PIGRAFAI\ E)PITU/MBIOI& (1871) 3587 (&7Attica,& Athens); Tas%25likliogl%148u, &3Trakya'da epigrafya &3aras%25tirmalari& I (1961) pp. 46%19`49, 81%19`82 [&3BE& 1962.191] (&7Europe, Aproi). __ &1`1065&: &3MAMA& 7,593 (&7Pisidia,& Atlandy); de Jerphanion, &3E/glises &3rupestres de Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) 75 (&7Cappad. II,& Korama). __ &1`1065%3`6&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 149 (&7Nesoi,& Samos). __ &1`1067%19`1071&: &3CIG& 8710 (&7Cple,& now Paris). [Diehl, &3Manuel de &3l'art byzantin&4`2& (1925%19`1926) 661] __ &1`1067&: &3ABME& 7,2 (1951) 144,3 [Koder, &3DenkschrWien& 112 (1973) 151] (&7Euboia,& N. of Aliberi). __ &1`1067%19`1078&: &3Byzantion& 6 (1931) 802,4 (lead seal) [Bon, &3PB 200,53] (&7Peloponnesos,& Corinth; ca. 1067%19`1078). __ &1`1067%19`1071&: &3CIG& 8709 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979), no. 224] (&7Calabria,& Taranto; 1067%19`1071?). __ &1`1068%3`9&: Bees, &3BNgJ& Suppl. I (1922) 6[a] (&7Lykaonia,& Sille); Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 55 (&7Athens,& Parthenon). __ &1`1069%3`70&: &3MAMA& 4,149 (&7Pisidia,& Apollonia). __ &1`1070&: &3CIG& 9331%19`9332 (&7Athens,& Sot. Lykodemou); &3CIG& 8971 (&7Rome,& S. Paolo). __ &1`1071&: &3CIG& 9333 (&7Athens,& Sot. Lykodemou); &3CIG& 9264 (&7Phrygia &7Sal.,& Kotiaion; 1071?). __ &1`1071%19`1078&: &3CIG& 8796 (&7Cple,& now France; 1071%19`1078?). __ &1`1074&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce (1925%19`1942) 76 (&7Cappad. II,& Korama). __ &1`1075&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 46 [&3BSA& 15 (1908) 183] (&7Peloponnesos, Vambaka). __ &1`1075%19`1100& ("end 11th c. ac"): Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace (1892) 62(10) (&7Haemimontus,& Hadrianopolis; end 11th); &3MAMA 4,96 (&7Phrygia Sal,& Synnada; end 11th). __ &1`1077&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 87k (&7Europe, Tselebi%19Yolu). __ &1`1077%19`1118&: Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 281,241 (&7Cple,& place?). __ &1`1078&: &3AEph& 1956.188 (&7NW. Aegean,& Skopelos). __ &1`1078%19`1081&: &3CIG& 8715 [&3MonPiot& 6 (1906) 199] (&7Cple,& now London). __ &1`1079&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 47 [&3AEph& 1967.139] (&7Peloponnesos, Frangoulia). __ &1`1081&: &3CIG& 8716 (&7Sicilia,& Panormum). __ &1`1081%19`1118&: &3Corinth& 12,2825 (&7Peloponnesos,& Corinth; ca. 1081%19`1118). __ &1`1084&: &3CIG& 8717 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979), no. 228] (&7Bruttium,& Hieracium). __ &1`1084%3`5&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 163 (&7Nesoi,& Lesbos). __ &1`1086&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 58 (&7Athens,& Parthenon). __ &1`1090%3`1&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus &3Bulgarien& (1964) 229 (&7Thracia,& Batkun) __ &1`1092&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 86z5 (&7Europe, Panion); Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 101 (&7Athens,& Parthenon; 1092?). __ &1`1092?&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 25 (&7Hellespont,& Kyzikos; 992 or 1092). __ &1`1092%19`1111&: &3DOP& 18 (1964) 335 (&7Cyprus,& Koutsovendi; 1092%19`1111?). __ &1`1099%19`1187&: See under "Twelfth Century A.C." @ @ LARGEST RANGES: __ &1`1000%19`1100?& ("`11th c. ac or later"): de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) 128%19`130 (&7Cappad. II,& Susum Bayri; 11th or later?) and 181 (&7Cappad. II, Sog%148angli). __ &1`1000%19`1200& ("`11th%19`12th c. ac"): Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und &3spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus Bulgarien& (1964) 56 (&7Moesia II, Preslav); and 186 (&7Thracia,& Diampolis); Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i &3lat. Romania& (1976) 253, 255%19`256, 258, 262, 264%19`265 (&7Scythia &7Minor,& Dinogetia); Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 96%19`96a (&7Europe,& Hexamili) and 106 (&7Rhodope,& Didymoteichos); &3TravMe/m 10 (1987) 401,2A (&7Europe,& Tchataldja) and 402,2B (&7Europe,& N. of Silivri); Speiser, "Inventaire ... Thessalonique" (1973%3`1979) 14bis [Soteriou, &3Basilike%26 Agiou De%26me%26triou& (1952) 183 and 226,3] (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike; 11th%19`12th?); Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 15 [&3EEBS& 11 (1935) 568] (&7Thess.,& Zappeion; 11th%19`12th?); &3CIG& 9342 (&7Athens, Propylaia); &3Corinth& 8,1.316 and 321 (&7Peloponnesos,& Corinth; 11th%19`12th?); &3Corinth& 12,2108 (&7Peloponnesos,& Corinth; 11th%19`12th); Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 299,276 (&7prov.?,& [Mo/dena]; 11th%19`12th); &3IDidyma& 601 (&7Karia,& Didyma); &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 421,36 [cf. &3SEG& 36,1146] (&7Bithynia, Samandra; 11th%19`12th?); &3CIG& 8967 (&7Rome,& Vatican; 11th%19`12th?). __ &1`1000%19`1300& ("`11th%19`13th c. ac"): Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 87m%19`87q (&7Europe,& H. Georgios; 11th%19`13th?); &3CIG 8850 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 60,X.3] (&7Cple,& M. Peribleptou; 11th%19`13th?). __ &1`1000%19`1400& ("`11th%19`15th c. ac"): &3OrChrP& 13 (1947) 235,3 &3AthMitt& 33 (1908) 94,11 (&7N. Aegean,& Imbros; 11th%19`15th?). __ &1`1000%19`1500& ("`11th%19`16th c. ac"): &3OrChrP& 13 (1947) 235,3 (&7Maced.,& Athos: Lavra; 11th%19`16th?). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@TWELFTH CENTURY A.C. @ TWELFTH CENTURY: __ &1`1100%19`1200& ("`12th c. ac"): Soteriou, &3Basilike%26 Agiou De%26me%26triou& (1952) 208 [Speiser, &3Thessalonique (1984) 181] (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike; 12th?); &3DChAE&(`1) 10 (1910) 6,363 (&7Rhodope,& Demotika); Popescu, &3Inscr. gr. s%25i lat. Romania (1976) 445 (&7Dacia,& Bi=tca Doamnei); Naumann and Belting, &3Die &3Euphemia%19Kirche& (1966) 87 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,XIV (&7Cple,& H. Euphemia; 12th?); &3Byzantion& 3 (1926) 305,1 (&7Cple,& N. of Hebdomon); &3CIG& 8815b [Hahnloser, &3Tesoro di San Marco& (1971) II,26] (&7Cple,& now Venice; 12th?); Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie &3Croix& (1961) 362,405 (&7Cple,& Mon. H. Theodorou; 12th), 363,407 (&7prov.?,& [Spain: Baga\]; 12th) and 371,427 (&7prov.?,& [Vatican]; 12th?); &3IDidyma& 597 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 226(8), "`988%19`989?", but cf. &3BE/& 1961.651] (&7Karia,& Didyma); &3MAMA& 4,324 (&7Phrygia Pac., U+ch Kuyu; 12th?); Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 17 [&3EEBS& 11 (1935) 392, 403; &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979) 238] (&7Thess.,& H. Laurentios); &3BZ& 21 (1912) 167,25 (&7Thess.,& Gardikia Hetera; 12th?); &3PChAE& ser. 3, 1 (1932) 21 [&3BNgJ& 10 (1932%19`1934) 185%19`198] (&7Attica,& Athens); &3CIG& 9337 (&7Athens,& Propylaia); &3Corinth& 11,68 (pottery) (&7Peloponnesos, Corinth; 12th?); Kontoleon, in $*EI)S MNH/MHN *K.*T. *)AMA/NTOU& (1960) 473,5 [&3BE& 1962,260] (&7C. Aegean,& Naxos; 12th?); d'Olwer, in $*EI)S $MNH/MHN *SPURI/DWNOS *LA/MPROU& (1935) 391 [Halkin III,122] (&7Aigina, Paleochora; 12th ac?); Thomsen, "Inschr. ... Jerusalem," &3ZdPV 44 (1921) 17,33d, 17,34c, 21,46, 22,48, 24,53, 24,54, 27,56f, 28,58a, and 31,60 (&7Palaest. I,& Jerusalem); Vincent and Abel, &3Le sanctuaire de la Nativite/ a\ Bethle/em& (1914), 167 [&3CIG& 8942] (&7Palaest. I,& Bethlehem; 12th?); De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 378 (&7Cayfas [&7Haifa&] &7%103Ldsp.%103,& Mt. Carmel), 379 (Mt. Carmel: el%19Farag); De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 380 and 384 (&7Nazareth %103Ldsp.%103,& Nazareth: Annunciation); De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 404 (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103, Acre__Akko); &3AOL& 2.1884.459, note 7 (&7Tyre %103Ldsp.%103, Tyrus__Sou=r); Enlart, &3Monuments des Croise/s& II,373(2) and II,460, (&7Tyre %103Ldsp.%103,& Tyrus__Sou=r); Enlart, &3Monuments des &3Croise/s& I,168(1)%19`168(3) (&7prov.?,& Beirut %103now:%103). @ @ LARGER RANGES: __ &1`1099%19`1161&: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 230%3`236 [Thompsen 42,80] (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Jerusalem: Tomb of Mary), 237 [Thompsen 42,79], 238, and 239%3`240 [Thompsen 41,78]. __ &1`1099%19`1165&: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 153%3`154 [Thompsen 38,74] (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Jerusalem: S. Jacobus min.), 160 [Thompsen 52,101] (Jerusalem: S. Simeon), 208 [Thompsen 40,77] (Jerusalem: Jail of S. Peter), 215%19`216 [Thompsen 40,76(b)%19`40,76(c)] (Jerusalem: Praetorium Pilati), 217%3`219 [Thompsen 39,75] (Jerusalem: S. Maria Mt. Sion), 225 [Thompsen 61,122] (Jerusalem: Tomb of S. James). __ &1`1099%19`1172&: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 95 [Thompsen 23,51] (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Jerusalem: Canons H.S.), 155 [Thompsen 52,100] (Jerusalem: S. Jacobus min.), 156 [Thompsen 38,72] (Jerusalem: Temple Mount), 214 [Thompsen 40,76(a)] (Jerusalem: Praetorium Pilati). __ &1`1099%19`1187&: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 103%3`107 [Frolow 361,404] and 108 (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Jerusalem: St. John's), 157 [Thompsen 35,65] (Jerusalem: Temple Mount), 159 [Thompsen 49,93] (Jerusalem: Temple Mount; 1099%19`1187 ac?), 198 (Jerusalem: S. Anna), 206 [c: Thompsen 13,28 ] (Jerusalem: Suq el%19Attin), 224(2) [Thompsen 223,161A] (Jerusalem: Der et%19Tor), 226 [Thompsen 220,123F] (Jerusalem: Gethsemane), and 227 [Thompsen 42,81] 228 [Thompsen 43,81 comm.] (Jerusalem: Gethsemane Grotto), 250 [Thompsen 13,26] (Jerusalem: Eleona__Pater Noster), and 251%3`253 (Jerusalem: Bethphage); De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 283 [Bagatti 94,1] (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Bethlehem: Ch. of the Nativity), 284 [Bagatti 95,2], 284(2) [Bagatti 95,3], 285 [Bagatti 95,4], 286 [Bagatti 95,5], 287 [Bagatti 95,6], 288 [Bagatti 97,7], 289 [Bagatti 97,8], 290 [Bagatti 98,10], 291 [Bagatti 98,11], 292 [Bagatti 98,13], 293 [Bagatti 99,14], 294 [Bagatti 99,15], 295 [Bagatti 99,16], 296 [Bagatti 99,17], 297 [Bagatti 99,18], 298 [Bagatti 99,19], 299 [Bagatti 101,20], 300 [Bagatti 101,21], 301 [Bagatti 102,22], 302 [Bagatti 102,23], 303 [Bagatti 102,24], 304 [Bagatti 102,25], 306 [Bagatti 103,27], 307 [Bagatti 103,28], 308 [Bagatti 103,29], 309 [Bagatti 103,30]; De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 323 (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103, Colonia [Qalunya] %103near%103; 1099%19`1087 ac?); De Santoli, &3CICrTS 326%3`333 [&3CRAI& 1924.89%19`94] (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Fontenoid__Abou Ghosch); De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 340 (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Latrun); De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 365 (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Nablus [Neapolis]); De Santoli, &3CICrTS& App. 7 (&7St. Abraham %103Ldsp.%103,& Hebron; 1099%19`1187 ac?). __ &1`1100%19`1125%3`1150& ("early 12th c. ac"): &3Byzantion& 48 (1978) 389 (&7Lucania,& Tarentum; early 12th). __ &1`1100%19`1150&: &3Corinth& 11,121 (pottery) (&7Peloponnesos,& Corinth; ca. 1100%19`1150). __ &1`1125%19`1175& ("mid%19`12th c. ac"): Speiser, "Inventaire ... Thessalonique" (1973%3`1979) 16bis Tsigaridas and Loberdou%19Tsigarida, $*KATA/LOGOS ... MOUSEI=A *QESSALONI/KHS& (1979) 69; &3IG& 10,2:1.45] (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike; mid%19`12th?); Millet, Pargoire and Petit, &3Recueil Athos& (1904) 546 (&7Maced.,& Athos: Simopetra; mid%19`12th?); &3CIG& 8735 [Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie &3Croix& (1961) 320,319] (&7Cple,& once Grandmont); Feissel and Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 50 [&3PAE& 1978.190] (&7Peloponnesos,& Tigani; mid%19`12th?). __ &1`1150%19`1200&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 48 [$*MNH/MH& (&3Me/langes G. Kourmoules&) (1980), p. 3] (&7Peloponnesos,& Milea; ca. 1150%19`1200); De Santoli, &3CICrTS 102 [Thompsen 14,30] (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Jerusalem: St. Maria Lat. min.). __ &1`1150%19`1175&: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 381%19`383 (&7Nazareth %103Ldsp.%103, Nazareth: Annunciation; ca. 1150%19`1075 ac?); __ &1`1150%3`1175%19`1200& ("late 12th c. ac"): Stylianou, "Donors ... Cyprus," &3JO+B& 9 (1960) 98,2 [Buckler, &3Annuaire de l'Inst. &3de philol. et d'hist. orientales et slaves& 7 (1939%19`1940 [`1944]) 52,2] (&7Cyprus,& H. Neophytos) and 101,3 [Buckler, &3op. &3cit.,& 48,1] (&7Cyprus,& P. Arakou). @ @ DATES AND SMALLER RANGES: __ &1`1100&: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 67 [Thompsen 44,83] and 68 (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Jerusalem: Holy Sepulchre). __ [&1`1100&]: Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 29 [Wittmore, &3Deesis Panel (1952)] (&7Cple,& Hagia Sophia; ca. 1100?). __ &1`1100%19`1125&: &3Corinth& 11,118 (pottery) (&7Peloponnesos,& Corinth; ca. 1100%19`1125?). __ &1`1100%19`1125& ("beg. 12th c. ac"): &3Byzantion& 39 (1969) 461 [Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 283,249] (&7Cple, [Eine]); &3CIG& 8719 (&7Cple,& now France); Stylianou, "Donors ... Cyprus," &3JO+B& 9 (1960) 97,1 (&7Cyprus,& P. Asinou). __ &1`1102%3`3&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 49 [DChAE(4) 9 (1977%19`1979) 63] (&7Peloponnesos,& Dryalos). __ &1`1103&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 62 and 222 (&7Athens, Parthenon). __ &1`1103%3`4&: &3JO+B& 23 (1974) 273,1, 273,3 and 275 (&7C. Aegean, Ikaria: Akamatra). __ [&1`1105&]: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 32 [Thompsen 23,52] (&7Jerusalem &7%103Kg.%103,& Jerusalem: Holy Sepulchre; 1105 ac) and 33 (ca. 1105 ac?). __ &1`1107&: &3JO+AI& 21%19`22 (1922%19`1924) Beiblatt 194,9 [Buschhausen, &3Die Marienkirche von Apollonia in Albanien& (1976) 31] (&7Epirus &7N.,& Bals%148i). __ &1`1108&: &3CIG& 9338 (&7Athens,& Propylaia). __ [&1`1110&]: &3EEBS& 7 (1931) 390 (&7Crete,& Herakleion; ca. 1110). __ &1`1112%19`1127&: &3CIG& 8732 (&7Sicilia,& Thermae). __ &1`1113%19`1143&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 62(7) (&7Haemimontus,& Hadrianopolis). __ &1`1115&: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 78 [Thompsen 14,32] (&7Jerusalem &7%103Kg.%103,& Jerusalem: Lat. Patriarchate). __ &1`1115%19`1187&: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 391%3`392 (&7Nazareth %103Ldsp.%103, Mt. Tabor: Transfiguration). __ &1`1118&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 292 (&7Lykia,& Myra); &3CIG& 9339 (&7Athens, Propylaia); De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 69 [Thompsen 45,84] and 70 (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Jerusalem: Holy Sepulchre); De Santoli, App. 4 [&3RevBibl& 1897.216] (&7Oultrejourdain %103Ldsp.%103, Montreal__Shaubak). __ &1`1118%19`1133&: &3CIG& 8721 [&3Tesoro& II 25] (&7Cple,& now Venice). __ &1`1118%19`1143&: &3CIG& 8781 (&7Cple,& Sea Walls; 1118%19`1143?). __ &1`1120&: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& p. 84 [Thompsen 112,189] (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Jerusalem: Hospit. St. John); De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 358 (&7Ramla %103Ldsp.%103,& Lydda__Lo=d); Frolow, &3Relique de la &3Vraie Croix& (1961) 317,312 (&7Cple,& place?; ca. 1120). __ &1`1121&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 47 (&7Athens,& Parthenon); &3CIG& 8723 (&7Sicilia,& Bronte). __ &1`1122%19`1143&: Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 28 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 59,20] (&7Cple,& Hagia Sophia). __ &1`1126%3`7&: &3JO+B& 23 (1974) 273,2 (&7C. Aegean,& Ikaria:Akamatra). __ &1`1129&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce (1925%19`1942) 77 (&7Cappad. II,& Korama). __ &1`1130&: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 305 [Bagatti 102,26] (&7Jerusalem &7%103Kg.%103,& Bethlehem: Ch. of the Nativity). __ &1`1130%19`1140&: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 101 [Thompsen 13,29] (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Jerusalem: St. Maria Lat. min.). __ &1`1132&: &3CIG& 8724 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979), no. 220] (&7Latium,& Grottaferrata). __ &1`1135&: &3CIG& 8726 [&3Chariste%26rion ... Orlandon& I (1965) 10] (&7Sicilia,& Messina); &3Byzantion& 48 (1978) 386 (&7Lucania, Tarentum). __ &1`1136&: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 130%3`131 [Thompsen 38,73] (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Jerusalem: Templum Domini), 135 [Thompsen 36,67], 136%3`137 [Thompsen 36,68], 138 [Thompsen 37,70(a)], 139%3`141 [Thompsen 37,70(b%19c)], 142%3`143 [Thompsen 37,69], and 144%3`152 [Thompsen 35,66]. __ &1`1137&: &3IK Ephesos& 2312B (&7Asia,& Ephesos); &3CIG& 8727 [&3Chariste%26rion ... Orlandon& I (1965) 6] (&7Bruttium,& Rossano). __ &1`1140%19`1149&: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 1%3`2 [Thompsen 20,42] (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Jerusalem: Holy Sepulchre), 3%19`5, 6 [Thompsen 20,41], 7 [Thompsen 21,43], 8 [Thompsen 19,38], 9, 10 [Thompsen 20,39], 11 [Thompsen 20,40], 12%3`14 [Thompsen 19,37], 15 [Thompsen 19,36], 16 [Thompsen 18,35], 17 [Thompsen 21,44], 36%3`37 [Thompsen 22,49], 38%3`40 [Thompsen 23,50], 41 [Thompsen 24,53], 41(2) [Thompsen 24,54], 72 [Thompsen 21,45], 73, and 76 [Thompsen 43,82]. __ &1`1141&: &3CIG& 9535%19`9536 (&7Sicilia,& Panormon). __ &1`1142&: &3IGLSyr& 3,814 (&7Syria I,& Antiochia). __ &1`1143%3`4&: &3ABME& 8,1 (1955%19`1956) 28,1 and 31,2 (&7C. Aegean, Andros: Mesaria), and &3ABME& 8,1 (1955%19`1956) 30,2 (&7C. Aegean, Andros:Mesaria; ca. 1143%3`4), __ &1`1143%19`1180&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 62(9) (&7Haemimontus,& Hadrianopolis); &3CIG& 8790 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,II] (&7Cple,& Porphyry Column). __ &1`1147%3`8&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce (1925%19`1942) 4 (&7Cappad. II,& Korama). __ &1`1148&: &3CIG& 8730 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979), no. 57] (&7W. Lokris,& Naupaktos). __ &1`1149&: &3CIG& 8733 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979), no. 113] (&7Ionian Isl.,& Kerkyra); Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 51 [&3AthMitt& 34 (1909) 228] (&7Peloponnesos,& Areia); &3CIG& 9539 [Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 250] (&7Sicilia, Messina); De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 43 [Thompsen 25,56(a)] (&7Jerusalem &7%103Kg.%103,& Jerusalem: Calvary; ca. 1149 ac), 44%3`46 [Thompsen 25,56(b)], 47 [Thompsen 25,56(c)], 48 [Thompsen 25,56(d)], 49 (ca. 1149 ac), 50%3`51 [Thompsen 25,56(e%19f)], 52%3`56 [Thompsen 27,57], 57 (ca. 1149 ac), 58%3`60 [Thompsen 28,58], 61%3`64 [Thompsen 33,62], 65 [Thompsen 24,55], and 66 [Thompsen 33,63]; De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 60(2)%19`60(3) [Thompsen 31,60%19`31,62] (Jerusalem: Calvary; ca. 1149 ac?). __ &1`1153&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 39 (&7Athens,& Parthenon). __ &1`1153%19`1187&: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 345(2) [Enlart II,108] (&7Joppa%19Ascalon %103Cty.%103,& Ascalon), 346 (&7Joppa%19Ascalon %103Cty.%103, Ascalon?). __ [&1`1156&]: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 777 (&7Egypt,& Deir el Azam; ca. 1156?). __ &1`1157&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 564 (&7Nubia,& Syene); &3Sammelbuch 5,8763 (&7Nubia,& place?). __ &1`1160&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 40 (&7Athens,& Parthenon). __ &1`1160%19`1161&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 331 (&7Lydia,& Thyateira). __ &1`1160%19`1180&: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 75 [Thompsen 34,64] (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Jerusalem: Holy Sepulchre). __ &1`1161&: Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 16 [&3Byzantis& 2 (1911%19`1912) 467,12] (&7Thess.,& Vitouma). __ &1`1161%3`2&: Demitsas, $*MAKEDONI/A E)N LI/QOIS FQEGGOME/NOIS& (1896) 823,1108 (&7Maced.,& Prosotsani). __ &1`1162&: &3CIG& 9343 (&7Athens,& Propylaia); De Santoli, &3CICrTS 132%3`134 [Thompsen 37,71] (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Jerusalem: Templum Domini). __ &1`1162?&: &3AthMitt& 54 (1929) 140,15 (&7E. Aegean,& Samos: Chora; 1670? 1162?) __ &1`1162%19`1171&: Ramsay and Bell, &3The Thousand and One Churches (1909) 540,30 (&7Lykaonia,& Binbir Kilise). __ &1`1163%3`4&: &3CIG& 8734 [van Millingen, &3Byzantine Constantinople (1899) 187] (&7Cple,& Sea Walls). __ &1`1163%19`1169&: Vincent and Abel, &3Le sanctuaire de la Nativite/ a\ &3Bethle/em& (1914), p. 149 [&3Byzantion& 13 (1938) 421] (&7Palaest. I, Bethlehem; ca. 1163%19`1169 ac), part %6 De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 269 [Bagatti 64%19`66] (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Bethlehem: Ch. of the Nativity); De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 257 [Bagatti 130] (&7Jerusalem &7%103Kg.%103,& Bethl.: Gr. of the Nativity), 259 [Bagatti 60] (Bethlehem: Ch. of the Nativity, ca. 1163%19`1169 ac), 261%3`262 [Bagatti 62, 88], 263%3`266 [Bagatti 62%19`63], 267, 267(2) [Bagatti 63], 268 [Bagatti 81], 270%3`277 [Bagatti 87%19`88], and 278%3`282 [Bagatti 66%19`67]. __ &1`1165&: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 258 [Bagatti 123] (&7Jerusalem &7%103Kg.%103,& Bethlehem: Gr. of the Nativity; ca. 1165 ac). __ &1`1166&: &3DOP& 17 (1963) 324 (&7Cple,& Hagia Sophia). __ &1`1167&: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 18%3`24 [Thompsen 16,33] (&7Jerusalem &7%103Kg.%103,& Jerusalem: Holy Sepulchre; 1167 ac), 25%3`31 [Thompsen 17,34], 34, 35 [Thompsen 21,46]; &3CICrTS& 35(2) [Thompsen 22,48] (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Jerusalem: Holy Sepulchre; 1167 ac?); Speiser, "Inventaire ... Thessalonique" (1973%3`1979) 15 and 16 [Tafrali, &3Topographie de Thessalonique& (1913) 47] (&7Maced., Thessalonike; ca. 1167). __ &1`1167%19`1170&: Kakoures, in $*(H *KABA/LA KAI\ H( PERIOXH/ THS ... $*PRAKTIKA/& (1980), p. 253 (Macedonia, Anaktoropolis; 1167%19`1170 ac?). __ &1`1169&: &3CIG& 9341 (&7Athens,& Propylaia); Vincent and Abel, &3Le sanctuaire de la Nativite/ a\ Bethle/em (1914), pp. 157 [&3CIG& 8736] (&7Palaest. I,& Bethlehem) %6 De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 260 [Bagatti 60] (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Bethlehem: Ch. of the Nativity); &3CIG& 8731 (&7Sicilia,& Messina). __ &1`1171&: &3CIG& 9340 (&7Athens,& Propylaia); &3CIG& 8737 (&7Sicilia, Catana). __ &1`1172&: &3CIG& 8738 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979), no. 240] (&7Sicily,& Agro). __ &1`1173&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 666 (&7Nubia?,& place?). __ &1`1173%3`4&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 52 [&3Mnemosyne& N.S. 560 (1928) 318] (&7Peloponnesos,& Argos). __ &1`1175&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 48 (&7Athens,& Parthenon). __ &1`1176&: &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 432,52 (&7Bithynia,& Ag%148il Alti). __ &1`1180&: &3DOP& 23%19`24 (1969%19`1970) 372,3 (&7Cple,& Pantokrator). __ &1`1181&: &3Sammelbuch& 5,8765 (&7Nubia,& place?); De Santoli, &3CICrTS 364 (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Nablus [Neapolis]). __ &1`1185%19`1195&: &3CIG& 9101 (&7Cple,& now?; 1185%19`1195?). __ &1`1186&: Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 232 (&7Athens,& Parthenon; 1186?); &3CIG& 9544 [&3JOB& 20 (1971) 151] (&7Picenum,& Corridonia); De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 71 [Thompsen 46,85] (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103, Jerusalem: Holy Sepulchre). __ &1`1186%3`7&: Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von &3Konstantinopel& (1943) 60 (&7Cple,& Land Walls; 1186%3`7?). __ &1`1190&: &3AOL& 2 (1884) 460,3 (&7Tyre %103Ldsp.%103,& Tyrus__Sou=r). __ &1`1191&: &3CIG& 9540 (&7Sicilia,& Messina). __ &1`1192%3`3&: &3Byzantion& 32 (1962) 41,3 (&7Maced.,& Kavala). __ &1`1193&: &3Me/lBeyrouth& 38,14 (1962) 322,2 (&7Syria I,& Thaumaston Oros). __ &1`1197&: Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von &3Konstantinopel& (1943) 48a [Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 220] (&7Cple,& Land Walls). @ LARGEST RANGES: __ &1`1100%19`1300& ("`12th%19`13th c. ac"): Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus Bulgarien& (1964) 151 (&7Haemimontus,& Emine) and 172 (&7Haemimontus,& Ba%27lgarevo); &3EEBS& 8 (1931) 247 (&7Attica,& Athens); van Millingen, &3Byzantine Churches &3in Constantinople& (1912) 138 (&7Cple,& Fetiye Camii; 12th%19`13th?); Demangel and Mamboury, &3Quartier des Manganes& (1939) 154,2 [&3AJA 55 (1951) 64,20] and 129,39 [Halkin IV,311] (&7Cple,& Mangana Quart.; 12th%19`13th?); &3IK Nikaia& 587 (&7Bithynia,& Nikaia; 12th%19`13th?); &3AS& 19 (1969) 192 [&3BE& 1972,560] (&7Cilicia II, Lampron; 12th%19`13th?); &3CICrTS& 310 [Bagatti 73] (&7Jerusalem &7%103Kg.%103,& Bethlehem: Ch. of the Nativity; 12th%19`13th?); De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 407%19`411 and 420 (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Acre__Akko); &3AOL& 2 (1884) 462,6 (&7Sidon %103Ldsp.%103,& Sidon__Sai+da); Enlart, &3Monuments des Croise/s& II,433 (&7Tripoli %103Cty.%103,& Tripoli); &3IEJ& 30 (1980) 199] (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Acre: Kibbutz Shomrat); &3IEJ& 30 (1980) 199 (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Acre: Bet ha%19%102Emeq). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@THIRTEENTH CENTURY A.C. @ THIRTEENTH CENTURY: __ &1`1200%19`1300& ("`13th c. ac"): Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus Bulgarien& (1964) 221 (&7Thracia,& Belas%148tica) and 238 (&7Maced.,& Melnik); Popescu, &3Inscr. &3gr. s%25i lat. Romania& (1976) 185%19`186 (&7Scythia Minor,& Pa%27cuiul Soare); &3CIG& 8761 (&7Valacchia,& now Grenoble; 13th); &3BCH& 68%19`69 (1944%19`1945) 430 [Halkin IV,342] (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike; 13th); &3CIG& 8751 (&7Ionian Isl.,& Kerkyra; 13th); &3CIG& 9425 [&3Chariste%26rion &3... Orlandon& IV (1968) 480] (&7Epirus V.,& Ioannina; 13th); &3ABME 2,1 (1936) 47 (&7Epirus V.,& Arta: Mon. Blach.); Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) p. 379 [Pazaras, $*)ANA/GLUFES SARKOFA/GOI KAI\ E)PITA/FIES PLA/KES& (1984), 68,44] (&7Thess.,& Portaria); &3AEph& 1931.71, 82, 84,1%19`85,2 and 86,5%19`86,6 (&7Attica,& Athens); &3Corinth& 12,554 (&7Peloponnesos,& Corinth); &3DOP 32 (1978) 9,12 (&7Cple,& Topkapi Sarayi; 13th?); &3Byzantion& 3 (1926) 308,2 (&7Cple,& place?); Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix (1961) 485,662 (&7prov.?,& [Caucasus]; 13th?); &3CIG& 8706 [Grabar, &3Sculpt. byz. du Moyen Age, II& (1976) 123] (&7Cple,& now Venice); &3CIG& 8714 [Hahnloser, &3Tesoro di San Marco& (1971) II,192] (&7Cple, now Venice); Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 152 (&7Nesoi,& Lesbos; 13th?), 226(9) (&7Karia,& Herakleia Latmou), 333(3) [&3TAM& 5,1.646] and 333(4) [&3TAM& 5,1.647,b] (&7N.E. Lydia,& Daldis: Sosandra [Go+lmarmara]; 13th ac?); &3IK Nikaia& 500%19`501 (&7Bithynia,& Nikaia); de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) 80%19`81 (&7Cappad. II,& Matiane), 159%19`160(?) (&7Cappad. II,& Tamisos), 205 (&7Cappad. II,& Sog%148angli; 13th); &3CIG& 8968 (&7Rome,& Vatican; 13th?); &3CIG& 8969%19`8970 (&7region?,& place?; 13th?); De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 312%3`313 [Bagatti 106] (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Bethlehem: Ch. of the Nativity); De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 314%3`315 [Bagatti 106], 385 (&7Nazareth %103Ldsp.%103,& Nazareth: Annunciation); De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 418%19`419 (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Acre__Akko); Enlart, &3Monuments des Croise/s& II,373(1)] (&7Tyre %103Ldsp.%103,& Tyrus__Sou=r); Enlart, &3Monuments des Croise/s& Enlart II,338] (&7Sidon %103Ldsp.%103, Sidon__Sai+da); Enlart, &3Monuments des Croise/s& II,102%19`103] (&7Tripoli %103Cty.%103,& Didde: S. Marina). __ &1`1200%19`1300?& ("`13th c. ac or later"): de Jerphanion, &3E/glises &3rupestres de Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) 207 (&7Cappad. II,& Sog%148angli; 13th or later). @ @ LARGER RANGES: __ &1`1200%19`1225%3`1250& ("early 13th c. ac"): Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 339 [&3BZ& 10 (1904) 428] (&7Maced.,& Serrai). __ &1`1200%19`1250&: &3BCH& 47 (1923) 178b (&7Attica,& Mone Kynegou; ca. 1200%19`1250). __ &1`1200%19`1271&: Enlart, &3Monuments des Croise/s& Enlart I,152 (&7Tripoli %103Cty.%103,& Crac des Chevali+ers; ca. 1200%19`1271 ac?). __ &1`1250%19`1300&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce (1925%19`1942) 206 (&7Cappad. II,& Sog%148angli; ca. 1250%19`1300?); Grabar, &3Reve=tements& (1975) 44,17 (&7prov.?,& [Fermo]; ca. 1250%19`1300), and 45,18 (&7prov.?,& [Moscow]; ca. 1250%19`1300). __ &1`1250%3`1275%19`1300& ("late 13th c. ac"): Stylianou, "Donors ... Cyprus," &3JO+B& 9 (1960) 102,4 [Buckler, &3Annuaire de l'Inst. de &3philol. et d'hist. orientales et slaves& 7 (1939%19`1940 [`1944]) 55,3] (&7Cyprus,& P. Moutoulla). @ @ DATES AND SMALLER RANGES: __ [&1`1200&]: Speiser, "Inventaire ... Thessalonique" (1973%3`1979) 17 [BZ 56 (1963) 284] (&7Maced., Thessalonike; ca. 1200). __ &1`1200%19`1225& ("beg. 13th c. ac"): &3CIG& 9438 (&7Ionian Isl., Kerkyra); Enlart, &3Monuments des Croise/s& Enlart I,170(1) (&7Cyprus %103Kg.%103,& Famagusta: Hagia Sophia). __ &1`1201&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 53 [Drandakes, $*(H I(STORIKH\ *MONH\ TH=S $*KLEISOU/RAS& (1958), p. 7] (&7Peloponnesos,& Vrontamas). __ &1`1204&: &3BCH& 20 (1896) 496,1 (&7Pontos,& Trebizond); &3Chariste%26rion &3... Orlandon& IV (1968) 504[a] (&7Epirus V.,& Ioannina; ca. 1204); &3BCH& 47 (1923) 177 (&7Attica,& Athens). __ &1`1204%19`1222&: &3IK Nikaia& 480 (&7Bithynia,& Nikaia). __ &1`1204%19`1258&: &3IK Nikaia& 481 (&7Bithynia,& Nikaia). __ &1`1205&: Antoniades, &3Ekphrasis& (1907%19`1909) II,316 (&7Cple,& Hagia Sophia). __ &1after 1205&: Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 391,465 (&7prov.?,& [Troyes]; after 1205). __ &1`1206%19`1222&: &3CIG& 8744 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979), no. 150] (&7Bithynia,& Prousa; 1206%19`1222?). __ &1`1206%3`7&: &3JO+AI& 28 (1933) Beiblatt 101,78 [Perrot, &3Exploration &3arche/ologique de la Galatie et de la Bithynie& (1862%19`1874) 18,12] (&7Honorias,& Herakleia Pont.). __ &1`1207&: &3CIG& 8809 [Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 397,473] (&7Cple,& now Somme; 1207?). __ &1`1207%3`8&: &3IK Nikaia& 482 (&7Bithynia,& Nikaia). __ [&1`1210&]: &3BZ& 29 (1929) 194 [&3BZ& 56 (1972) 272] (&7Cple, [Venice]; ca. 1210?). __ &1`1211&: &3IK Nikaia& 515 (&7Bithynia,& Nikaia). __ &1`1212&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce (1925%19`1942) 122%19`125 (&7Cappad. II,& Zoropassos). __ &1`1215&: &3BNgJ& Suppl 1 (1922) 53 (&7Helenopontos,& Sinope). __ &1`1215%19`1224&: Demitsas, $*MAKEDONI/A E)N LI/QOIS FQEGGOME/NOIS (1896) 382,353 [Ivanov, &3Bulgarski Starini iz Makedonija& (1931) 35,3] (&7Maced. Illyr.,& Ochrid). __ &1`1216%19`1234&: Ivanov, &3Bulgarski Starini iz Makedonija& (1931) 35,2 [cf. Gelzer, &3Patriarchat von Achrida& (1902), 11,18] (&7Maced. Illyr.,& Ochrid; ca. 1216%19`1234). __ &1`1217&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 347 (&7Lydia,& Philadelphia). __ &1`1217%3`8&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce (1925%19`1942) 158 (&7Cappad. II,& Sobesos). __ &1`1222&: Restle, &3DenkschrWien& 138 (1979) 82 (&7Cappad. I, Sivasa; 1222?). __ &1`1222%19`1223&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 81%3`82 [&3IK Smyrna& 854] (&7Asia, Smyrna). __ &1`1223&: &3CIG& 9334 (&7Athens,& Sot. Lykodemou; 1223?). __ &1`1225&: &3CIG& 8750 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979), no. 130] (&7Epirus N.,& Dyrrhachium). __ [&1`1229&]: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 347 (&7Joppa__Ascalon %103Cty.%103, Joppa__Yafo=; ca. 1229 ac). __ &1`1229%19`1244&: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 158 [Thompsen 50,96] (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Jerusalem: Temple Mount; 1229%19`1244 ac?); De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 200 [Thompsen 49,94] (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103, Jerusalem: Bab Hutta Q.), 224 [Thompsen 53,103] (Jerusalem: Mt. Sion; 1229%19`1224 ac). __ &1`1231%19`1271&: &3ABME& 2,1 (1936) 80 [DChAE(1) 3 (1903) 89] (&7Epirus V.,& Arta: K. Panagia), and 87 (&7Epirus V.,& Arta: K. Panagia). __ &1`1233&: Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie& (1987), p. 258 (&7Cilicia,& Kozan%3Sis). __ &1`1235&: &3BCH& 47 (1923) 178[a] (&7Attica,& Mone Kynegou). __ &1`1236&: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 74 [Thompsen 47,86] (&7Jerusalem &7%103Kg.%103,& Jerusalem: Holy Sepulchre). __ &1`1238&: &3ABME& 2,1 (1936) 56 (&7Epirus V.,& Arta:P.Mpryone; ca. 1238), &3BCH& 47 (1923) 176 (&7Attica,& Mone Kynegou); &3RendLincei&(`8) 37 (1983) 55 (&7Calabria,& Cavallino). __ &1`1238%19`1263&: &3BCH& 19 (1895) 430 (&7Pontos,& Trebizond). __ &1`1238%19`1269&: &3Byzantion& 4 (1927%19`1928) 408 (&7Pontos,& Trebizond; ca. 1238%19`1269). __ &1`1240&: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 406 (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Acre__Akko). __ &1before 1241&: &3CIG& 8812 [Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix (1961) 425,528] (&7Cple,& once Venice; before 1241). __ &1`1243%19`1254&: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 311 [Bagatti 72, 113] (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Bethlehem: Ch. of the Nativity; 1243%19`1254 ac?); &3Corinth& 12,2823 (lead seal) (&7Peloponnesos,& Corinth; ca. 1243%19`1254). __ &1`1244&: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 199 [Thompsen 112,188] (&7Jerusalem &7%103Kg.%103,& Jerusalem: Mus. PP. Bianchi; 1244 ac?). __ &1`1244%3`5&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 54 [&3EEBS& 3 (1926) 193] (&7Peloponnesos, Kranidion). __ &1`1248&: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 348 (&7Joppa__Ascalon %103Cty.%103, Joppa__Yafo=). __ &1`1249%3`50&: Buschhausen, &3Die Marienkirche von Apollonia in &3Albanien& (1976) 73 (&7Epirus N.,& Apollonia%19Aulon). __ [&1`1250&]: Grabar, &3Reve=tements& (1975) 41,16 [&3AEph& 1937,2 (1940) 505] (&7prov.?,& [Freising]; ca. 1250?). __ &1`1251%19`1254&: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 414 (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103, Acre__Akko). __ &1`1255%19`1259&: &3CIG& 8748 (&7Honorias,& Herakleia Pont.). __ &1`1255%19`1269&: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 413 (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103, Acre__Akko). __ &1`1256%3`7&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce (1925%19`1942) 164 (&7Cappad. II,& Mavrucan). __ &1`1257&: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 415 (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Acre__Akko). __ &1`1258&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 83 (&7Asia,& Smyrna; 1258?). __ &1`1260%19`1288&: Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 533 [d: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 115(4); &3IK Ephesos& 1356] (&7Asia,& Ephesos [Genoa]; a%19c: 862%19`867, d: 1260%19`1288). __ &1`1261%19`1282&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 62(8) (&7Haemimontus,& Hadrianopolis; 1261%19`1282?); &3CIG& 8754 [AJA 55 (1951) 60,X.1] (&7Cple,& M. Peribleptou). __ &1`1262&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus &3Bulgarien& (1964) 218 (&7Thracia,& Asenovgrad). __ &1`1264&: Enlart, &3Monuments des Croise/s& II,124 (&7Tripoli %103Cty.%103, Giblet__Jbail [Byblus]). __ &1`1265&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 55 [&3AEph& 1980.97] (&7Peloponnesos,& Kipoula). __ &1`1266&: &3Me/lBeyrouth& 38,14 (1962) 322,1 [&3REB& 22 (1964) 286] (&7Syria I,& Thaumaston Oros); &3AOL& 2 (1884) 459%19`460 (&7Tyre &7%103Ldsp.%103,& Tyrus__Sou=r). __ &1after 1266&: &3ABME& 2,1 (1936) 43 (&7Epirus V.,& Arta: Mon. Blach.; after 1266). __ &1`1267&: &3ZbRad& 8,2 (1964) 17 (&7Maced.,& Strouga). __ &1`1271&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 87l (&7Europe,& H. Georgios); &3ZbRad& 8,2 (1964) 15 (&7Maced.,& Manastir). __ &1`1272&: Latys%148ev, &3Sbornik ... Juz%148noj Rossii& (1896) 32 (&7S. &7Russia,& Inkerman); &3BCH& 23 (1899) 129,20 [&3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979) 145] (&7Lakonia,& Mistra; ca. 1272); EEBS 12 (1936) 446 (&7Lakonia,& Mistra; ca. 1272). __ &1`1273&: Andrews, &3Castles of the Morea& (1953) 188[a] (&7Euboia, Chalkis). __ &1`1274%3`75&: Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 18 [&3BCH& 15 (1891) 565,4; &3BCH& 23 (1899) 398,3] (&7Thess.,& Halmyros; 1274%3`75?); Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 56 [Drandakis, &3Byzantinai &3Toichographiai te%26s Mesa Mane%26s& (1964) 62] (&7Peloponnesos, Boulari), and 57 [&3LakSp& 6 (1982) 44] (&7Peloponnesos, Polemitas). __ &1`1274%19`1276&: Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 19 [&3BCH& 44 (1920) 195] (&7Thess.,& Ano Volos). __ &1`1275&: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 416 (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Acre__Akko). __ &1`1275%19`1300& ("end 13th c. ac"): &3EEBS& 2 (1925) 109 (&7Thess., Episkope); &3DChAE&(`1) 8 (1908) 29,302 (&7Rhodope,& Ainos: Kastro; end 13th?). __ &1`1275%19`1345&: Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 448,574 (&7Constantinople?,& [Nevers]; 1275%19`1345?). __ &1`1277&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 87p (&7Europe,& H. Georgios). __ &1`1278&: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 412 [&3AOL& 2 (1884) 457,1] (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Acre__Akko). __ &1`1278%3`9&: Speiser, "Inventaire ... Thessalonique" (1973%3`1979) 18 [Demitsas, $*MAKEDONI/A E)N LI/QOIS FQEGGOME/NOIS& (1896) 557,667] (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike). __ &1`1280&: &3BCH& 47 (1923) 173 (&7Maced.,& Platamon). __ &1`1280%19`1290&: Naumann and Belting, &3Die Euphemia%19Kirche (1966) [&3ArchAnz& 1941,311%19`312] (&7Cple,& H. Euphemia; ca. 1280%19`1290?). __ &1after 1280&: Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 20 [&3PAE& 1910.206; &3EEBS& 2 (1925) 234] (&7Thess., Makrinitsa; after 1280). __ &1`1281%19`1282&: Buschhausen, &3Die Marienkirche von Apollonia in &3Albanien& (1976) 146 (&7Epirus N.,& Apollonia%19Aulon; ca. 1281%19`1282). __ &1`1282&: &3EEBS& 2 (1925) 245,1%19`246,3 (&7Aigina,& betw. Aigina and Aigina and Palaiochora). __ &1`1282%19`1304&: Millet, Pargoire and Petit, &3Recueil Athos& (1904) 359 (&7Maced.,& Athos: Lavra). __ &1`1282%19`1328&: Millet, Pargoire and Petit, &3Recueil Athos& (1904) 568 (&7Maced.,& Athos: Simopetra); Demitsas, $*MAKEDONI/A E)N LI/QOIS $FQEGGOME/NOIS& (1896) 380,350 [Ivanov, &3Bulgarski Starini iz &3Makedonija& (1931) 36,4] (&7Maced. Illyr.,& Achris%19Ochrid); &3IK &3Tralles& 2 [Nikephoros Gregoras, &3Hist. Byz.& 5.5, I, p. 413 Bonn] (&7Asia,& Tralles). __ &1`1282%19`1341&: Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 329 (&7Cple,& Peribleptos). __ &1`1283&: Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 21, Athens, EB, cod. 84, f. 148 [Heuzey and Daumet, &3Mission arche/ologique de Mace/doine& (1864%19`1876) 449,241] (&7Thess.,& Porta Panagia). __ &1`1283%19`1296&: Orlandos, $*(H *PARHGORH/TISSA TH=S *)/ARTHS& (1963) pp. 78, 87 and 154 (&7Epirus V.,& Arta: Paregoretissa). __ &1`1283%19`1284&: &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979) 146 (&7Lakonia,& Mistra; ca. 1283%19`1284). __ &1`1284%19`1295&: Thierry, &3Nouvelles e/glises rupestres de &3Cappadoce& (1963) 202 (&7Cappad. II,& Beliserama). __ &1`1284%3`5&: Tsigaridas and Loberdou%19Tsigarida, $*KATA/LOGOS ... $MOUSEI=A *QESSALONI/KHS& (1979) 70 (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike). __ &1`1285%3`6&: Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von &3Konstantinopel& (1943) 84 (&7Cple,& Land Walls). __ &1`1286&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 58 [&3MonPiot& 49 (1957) 129] (&7Peloponnesos, Andravida), and 59 [&3AEph& 1967.137] (&7Peloponnesos,& Krokeai). __ &1`1287&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus &3Bulgarien& (1964) 236 (&7Maced.,& Melnik). __ &1`1288&: Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus &3Bulgarien& (1964) 237 (&7Maced.,& Melnik); &3BCH& 31 (1907) 33 (&7Maced.,& Melnik). __ &1`1288%3`9&: &3BNgJ Suppl& I (1922) 6[b] (&7Lykaonia,& Sille). __ &1`1289%3`90&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 60 [&3LakSp& 6 (1982) 56] (&7Peloponnesos, Chrysapha). __ &1`1290&: De Santoli, &3CICrTS& 417 (&7Jerusalem %103Kg.%103,& Acre__Akko). __ &1`1291%3`2&: Buschhausen, &3Die Marienkirche von Apollonia in &3Albanien& (1976) 72 (&7Epirus N.,& Apollonia%19Aulon); &3BCH& 23 (1899) 121,11%19`122,12 (&7Lakonia,& Mistra). __ &1`1292&: &3CIG& 8759 [Gerola, &3Monumenti veneti dell' isola di &3Creta& IV (1932) 51] (&7Crete,& Gortyn). __ &1`1292%19`1294&: van Millingen, &3Byzantine Churches in &3Constantinople& (1912) 139 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 61,XI.5], 140 [&3DOP& 25 (1971) 222,4], Belting, Mango and Mouriki, &3Mosaics and &3Frescoes of St. Mary Pammakaristos& (1978) 21, &3ArchAnz& 1939.195 [Belting, Mango and Mouriki, &3loc. cit.&], and &3DOP& 18 (1964) 325,3 (&7Cple,& Fetiye Camii; 1292%19`1294?). __ &1`1293&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce (1925%19`1942) 165%19`167 (&7Cappad. II,& Ortako+y). __ &1`1296%3`7&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 61 [&3Athena& 3 (1891) 425] (&7Peloponnesos, Arkassades). __ &1`1297&: &3BNgJ Suppl& I (1922) 64 and &3Byzantion& 10 (1935) 507 (&7Lykaonia,& Sille). __ &1`1297%19`1330&: &3BZ& 18 (1909) 494 [&3AbhMu+nchen& 3,3 (1843) 103,5] (&7Pontos,& Trebizond; 1297%19`1330?). __ &1`1299%19`1303&: &3DChAE&(`1) 10 (1911) 6,365 [Belting, Mango and Mouriki, &3Mosaics and Frescoes of St. Mary Pammakaristos& (1978) 14] (&7Rhodope,& Demotika; ca. 1299%19`1303?). @ @ LARGEST RANGES: __ &1`1200%19`1400& ("`13th%19`14th c. ac"): Tsigaridas and Loberdou%19Tsigarida, $*KATA/LOGOS ... MOUSEI=A *QESSALONI/KHS (1979) 79 (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike; 13th%19`14th?); Bes%148evliev, &3Spa+tgriech. und spa+tlatein. Inschr. aus Bulgarien& (1964) 136 (&7Moesia II,& Odessos), 175 (&7Haemimontus,& Deultum) and 213 (&7Thracia,& Philippopolis); Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture &3byzantine figure/e au Muse/e arche/ologique d'Istanbul& (1990) 67,115 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,18] (&7Cple,& Atmeydan); &3CIG& 8642 (&7Cple, now Italy), 8728(?) [Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 483,661] (&7Cple,& now Paris) and 8784 (&7prov.?,& now Florence); &3Ro+mQ& 26 (1912) 61,1 (&7Attica,& Nea Liosia; 13th%3`14th?); Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 62 [Drandakis, &3Byzantinai Toichographiai te%26s Mesa Mane%26s& (1964) 63] (&7Peloponnesos,& Boula). __ &1`1204%19`1453& ("Late Byzantine"): Tsigaridas and Loberdou%19Tsigarida, $*KATA/LOGOS ... MOUSEI=A *QESSALONI/KHS& (1979) 72 (&7Maced.,& Thessalonike); Fraser, &3Samothrace& 2,1 (1960) 2,1.79 [cf. &3AJA& 66 (1962) 216] (&7N. Aegean,& Samothrake); Latys%148ev, &3Sbornik ... Juz%148noj Rossii& (1896) 43 (&7S. Russia, Cherkes%19Kermen); Buschhausen, &3Die Marienkirche von Apollonia &3in Albanien& (1976) 39 [&3JO+AI& 21%19`22 (1922%19`1924) Beibl. 198,11] (&7Epirus N.,& Apollonia%19Aulon; Late Byz.?). &3ArchAnz& 1916.25,28 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,11] (&7Cple,& Seraglio Pt.); &3IK Assos& 69 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 46] (&7Asia,& Assos); &3IK Ephesos& 3843 (&7Asia, Hypaipa); Haspels, &3Highlands of Phrygia& (1971), App. III, no. 59 (&7Phrygia Sal,& Ayazin); de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de &3Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) 153 (&7Cappad. II,& near Cemil); &3CIG& 8818 (&7Italy,& place? [ex%19Mus. Nanianum]). __ &1`1200%19`1500& ("`13th%19`15th c. ac"): Antoniades, &3Ekphrasis (1907%19`1909) II,340 (&7Cple,& Hagia Sophia). @ ש@ @@@DATED INSCRIPTIONS OF CHRISTIAN GAUL, GERMANY AND SPAIN @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@John M. Mansfield @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@Provisional Version 9.3.92 @ The revised and corrected version of 2.19.93 is not available on the Ibycus computer. @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@SECOND CENTURY A.C. @ SECOND CENTURY: __ &1`100%19`200& ("`2nd c. ac"): &3CIL& 12.489 [&3ICG 548A; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2020] (&7Vienn., S.&: Massilia [Marseille]; 2nd ac?). @ LARGER RANGES: __ &1`150%19`225& ("second half 2nd%19beg. 3rd c. ac"): &3ICERV& 7 [&3RIT& 491] and 8%7 [&3RIT& 236 (pag.)] (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]). __ &1`175%19`250& ("end 2nd%19first half 3rd c. ac"): &3ICERV& 4 [&3CIL 2.6115; &3RIT& 380] (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]). @ LARGEST RANGES: __ &1`100%19`300& ("`2nd%19`3rd c. ac"): &3RICG& 1.92 [Gose 401*; &3BE/& 1960,35]; &3CIJ& 672a, Add. p. 58] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@THIRD CENTURY A.C. @ THIRD CENTURY: __ &1`200%19`300& ("`3rd c. ac"): &3CIL& 13.11834 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 735] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Moguntiacum [Mainz]; 3rd ac?); &3ICERV& 5 [&3RIT& 653] and 6 [&3RIT& 961] (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]). @ LARGER RANGES: __ &1`200%19`225& ("beg. 3rd c. ac"): &3CIL& 13.5383 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 400] (&7Max. Sequan.&: Vesontio [Besanc%25on]; beg. 3rd ac?). __ &1`275%19`300& ("end 3rd c. ac"): &3CIL& 13.3492 [Dessau, &3ILS& 9210], 3493 [Dessau, &3ILS& 9219] and 3494 [Dessau, &3ILS& 9214] (&7Belg. II&: Samarobriva [Amiens] %103near:%103; end 3rd ac) @ DATES AND SMALLER RANGES: __ &1`258&: &3CIL& 13.633 [Diehl, &3ILCV 4445A] (&7Aquit. II&: Burdigala [Bordeaux]). __ &1`284&: &3CIL& 12.78 (&7Alpes Marit.&: Caturigomagus [Chorges]; 284 ac?); &3CIL& 13.9094 (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Altaripa [Altrip]). __ &1`284%19`285&: &3CIL& 12.5460 [&3It.Rom.& 3.142,33] (&7Narbon. II&: Estre/rel; 284%19`285 ac?); &3CIL& 12.5562a [&3It.Rom.& 3.209,135a] (&7Vienn., N.&: Arras%19sur%19Rho=ne; 284%19`285 ac); &3CIL& 12.5623%3`3161 [&3It.Rom.& 3.245,204] (&7Narbon. I&: Nemausus [Ni=mes]). __ &1`284%19`286&: &3ILTG& 486 (&7Belg. II&: Champlieu). __ &1`285%19`293&: &3CIL& 13.10025,169%3`5973 (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Argentorate [Strasbourg]); &3CIL& 13.10030,2 (&7Belg. II&: Longueval%19Barbonval). __ &1`286&: &3CIL& 13.8936 (&7Aquit. II&: St.%19Pierre%19les%19E/glises; 286 ac?). ש__ &1`286%19`293&: &3CIL& 12.2229 [Dessau, &3ILS& 620%3`620a] (&7Vienn., N.&: Cularo__Gratianopolis [Grenoble]); Alfo+ldy, &3RIT& 91 [&3AE/ 1929,233%7] (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]; 286%19`293 ac). __ &1`286%19`305&: &3CIL& 12.5707 (&7Alpes Marit.&: Caturigomagus [Chorges]; 286%19`305 ac?); &3Gallia& 40 (1982) 394%19`395 [&3AE/ 1986.478] (&7Vienn., S.&: Cruas %103near:%103). __ &1`286%19`324&: &3Trier__Kaiserresidenz und Bischofsitz& (1984) 246,136h (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]). __ &1`287&: &3CIL& 12.5572 [&3It.Rom.& 3.217,148] (&7Vienn., S.&: Bourg%19St.%19Ande/ol; 287 ac?); &3CIL& 13.8926 (&7Aquit. II&: Brigiosum [Brioux]; 287 ac?); &3CIL& 13.8929 (&7Aquit. II&: Rauranum [Rom]; 287 ac?). __ &1`288%19`289&: Alfo+ldy, &3RIT& 92 [&3CIL& 2.4104] (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]). __ &1`293%19`305&: &3CIL& 12.5438b, Add. p. 857 [&3It.Rom.& 3.128,013b] (&7Alpes Marit.&: Salinae [Castellane] %103near:%103); &3CIL& 12.5504(1) [&3It.Rom.& 3.181,95a] (&7Vienn., S.&: Saillans); &3CIL& 12.5504a(1) [&3It.Rom.& 3.182,96] (&7Vienn., S.&: Saillans; 293%19`305 ac?); &3CIL 12.5520 [&3It.Rom.& 1.27,3] (&7Alpes Graiae%3Poenin.&: Octodurus Varagrorum [Martigny]); &3CIL& 12.5663 [&3It.Rom.& 3.268,245] (&7Narbon. I&: Sextantio [Substantion]); Ko+nig, &3Itinera Romana 3.177,91a [&3FOR& XI, 150,81a; &3AE/& 1950.48a] (&7Vienn., S.&: Pontaix); &3CIL& 13.3672 [&3PLRE& I,219 %103cf.%103] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]); &3CIL& 13.5256 (&7Raetia I&: Tasgaetium [Eschenz]); &3CIL& 13.6727 (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Moguntiacum [Mainz]); &3CIL& 13.8886 (&7Aquit. II&: Roudoulous); &3CIL& 13.8892 (&7Novempop.&: Aq. Convenarum [Bagne\res%19de%19Bigorre] %103near:%103); &3CIL& 13.8941 (&7Aquit. I&: Avaricum [Bourges]); &3CIL& 13.8946%19`8949 (&7Aquit. II&: Cenon%19sur%19Vienne); &3CIL& 13.8995 (&7Lugdun. III&: Genest%19St.%19Isle %103Le%103); &3CIL& 13.8996 (&7Lugdun. III&: Caro); &3CIL& 13.9069 (&7Max. &7Sequan.&: Aventicum [Avenches]); &3CIL& 13.9087 (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Borbetomagus [Worms]); Alfo+ldy, &3RIT& 93 (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]; ca. 293%19`305 ac). __ &1`294&: &3CIL& 13.5249 [Dessau, &3ILS& 640] (&7Max. Sequan.&: Vitudurum [Winterthur]). __ &1`294%19`305&: &3CIL& 13.8914 (&7Aquit. II&: Ambernac). __ &1`295&: &3CIL& 13.8019 (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Bonna [Bonn]). @ LARGEST RANGES: __ &1`200%19`325& ("`3rd%19beg. 4th c. ac"): &3ILGN& 40 [&3AE/ 1976.380, &3AE/& 1986.483] (&7Narbon. II&: Puimoisson; probably not Christian: 3rd%19beg. 4th ac). __ &1`200%19`400& ("`3rd%19`4th c. ac"): &3CIL& 12.834 [&3NR& 172] (&7Vienn., S.&: Arelate [Arles]); &3CIL& 12.4058 (&7Narbon. I&: Nemausus [Ni=mes]); &3ICERV& 10 [&3RIT& 959] and 11 [&3RIT& 984] (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]); &3ICERV& 13 (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Hispalis [Sevilla]); &3ICERV& 15 (&7Carthag.& [&7Tar.&]: Baleares: Manacor). __ &1`275%19`400& ("end 3rd%19`4th c. ac"): &3CIL& 13.6238 [Dessau, &3ILS 9208] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Borbetomagus [Worms] %103near:%103; end 3rd%19`4th ac); &3CIL& 13.7298 [Kraus 1.34] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Castellum Mattiacorum [Kastel]; end 3rd%19`4th ac). __ &1`200%19`500& ("`3rd%19`5th c. ac"): Kraus, &3Rheinland 1.280 (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Bonna [Bonn]). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@FOURTH CENTURY A.C. @ FOURTH CENTURY: __ &1`300%19`400& ("`4th c. ac"): &3CIL& 12.138 [&3PLRE I,228 %103cf.%103] (&7Alpes Poen.%3Graiae&: Sedunum [Sion__Sitten]); &3CIL 12.1155 [&3ICG& 622; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1967F] (&7Narbon. II&: Apta Julia [Apt]); &3RICG& 15.111 [&3ICG& 410; &3CIL& 12.2110; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2297G] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 4th ac?); &3CIL& 13.1855 [&3ICG& 41; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1574] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]); &3CIL& 13.8274 [Dessau, &3ILS& 2784] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]); &3CIL& 13.10025,144 (&7Belg. II&: Hermes %103Mt. d'%103); &3CIL& 13.2267 [&3CIG 9888; &3IG& 14.2534] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; 4th ac?); &3CIL 13.10025,46,s&4`2& [&3Fru+hchr. Ko+ln& (1965) 78] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]); &3CIL& 13.10025,218 [&3NR& 43; Kraus 1.209; &3FZ& 74,56; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2217,adn.] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]); &3CIL& 13.10025,216 [&3FZ& 129,123; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2218A] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]); &3CIL& 13.10025,218 [&3NR 43; Kraus 1.209; &3FZ& 74,56; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2217,adn.] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]); &3CIL& 13.10025,226 [&3Fru+hchr. Ko+ln& (1965) 70,7] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]); &3CIL& 13.11917 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 4646; Boppert, p. 31] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Moguntiacum [Mainz]; 4th ac?); &3CIL& 13.11918 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 3312; Boppert, p. 63] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Moguntiacum [Mainz]; 4th ac?); Kraus, &3Rheinland& 1.41 (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Moguntiacum [Mainz]; 4th ac?); &3ICG& 4 [&3IG& 14.2525; Guarducci, &3EG& IV,487] (&7Lugdun. I&: Augustodunum [Autun]; 4th ac?); &3Fru+hchr. Zeugnisse (1965) 81,64 (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]), 123,112 [&3Fru+hchr. Ko+ln& (1965) 84,16] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Mu+ngersdorf %103Ko+ln%19%103); &3Acta Arch.& 18 (1947) 183%19`187 [&3AE/& 1951.1] (&7Germ. Inf. [&7II&]: Rhenan); &3BSNAFr& 1970.359,3 [&3AE/& 1973,326] (&7Narbon. II&: Apta Julia [Apt]); &3Gallia& 26 (1968) 375%19`376, fig. 5. [&3AE/ 1968.312 (&7Belg. I&: Scarponna [Scarponne]); Finke, "Neue Inschriften," &3BerRGK& 17 (1927) "Nachtra+ge," 202,335 [&3Fru+hchr. &3Zeugnisse& (1965) 132,127] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Eisenberg); &3FOR XII, 222,114 (&7Narbon. I&: Narbo [Narbonne]; 4th ac?); &3Ko+lner &3Jb.& 20 (1987) 105,37 (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]; 4th c. ac?); &3Trier__Kaiserresidenz und Bischofsitz& (1984) 118,35 [&3Trier.Zeitschr.& 22.1953.217], 129,44 [&3Trier.Zeitschr. 22.1969.311; &3AE/& 1969%3`70.412], 133,47a [&3Trier.Zeitschr. 35.1972.211], 242,130a%19`130b [&3Kurtrier.Jb.& 21.1981.24%19`28], 242,130d [&3Trier.Zeitschr.& 37.1974.172], 242,131a%19`131b, 242,131e [&3Kurtrier.Jb.& 21.1981.28] and 242,135 (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]); &3ICERV& 9 [&3RIT& 964] (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]; ca. 4th c. ac); &3ICERV& 16 (&7Asturic.& [&7Gal.&]: Asturica [Astorga]); &3ICERV& 21 [Hu+bner 339; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1379] (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.); &3ICERV& 139 [Hu+bner 372; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3386] (&7Gaditan.& [&7Bae.&]: Malaca [Ma/laga]); &3ICERV& 201 [&3RIT 986], 207 [&3RIT& 952], 211 [&3RIT& 998], 216 [&3RIT& 1022], 217a [&3RIT 1020], 226 [&3RIT& 1018], 231 [&3RIT& 974], 238 [&3RIT& 1039], 296 [&3RIT 1007], 297 [&3RIT& 955], 298 [&3RIT& 1004], and 299 [&3RIT& 1003] (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]); &3ICERV& 427 [Hu+bner 370; &3EG& IV,482,1] (&7Astigit.& [&7Bae.&]: Astigi [E/cija]; 4th ac?); &3ICERV 520a (&7Carthag.& [&7Tar.&]: Murcia [Caravaca]); Alfo+ldy, &3RIT& 953, 988, 997, 1019, 1054, 1072 (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]). @ LARGER RANGES: __ &1`300%19`325& ("beg. 4th c. ac"): Schillinger%19Ha+fele, "Vierter Nachtrag," &3BerRGK& 58 (1977) 548,192a [&3AE/& 1961.172] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Braunsfeld); &3AE/ 1966.266 (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Gelduba [Krefeld%19Gellup]; beg. 4th c. ac). __ &1`300%19`325%3`350& ("early 4th c. ac"): Nesselhauf and Lieb, "Dritter Nachtrag," &3BerRGK& 40 (1959) 163,107 (&7Max. Sequan.&: Castrum Rauracense [Kaiseraugst]; early 4th ac). __ &1`300%19`350& ("`1st half 4th c. ac"): &3CIL& 13.10025,35%19`10025,36 [`10025,36: &3Fru+hchr. Ko+ln& (1965) 75] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]); &3CIL& 13.10025,216 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 2218A; &3Fru+hchr. Zeugn.& (1965) 129,123; &3Fru+hchr. Ko+ln& (1965) 73,10] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]); &3CIL& 13.10025,189 [&3Trier__Kaiserresidenz und Bischofsitz& (1984) 279,143c] (&7Germ. &7Inf.& [&7II&]: Rheindorf %103Ko+ln%19%103); &3CIL& 13.10025,224 [&3NR& 87; Kraus 1.299; &3Fru+hchr. Ko+ln& (1965) 67,2] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]); &3CIL& 13.10024,237 [Kraus 1.251,2; &3Trier__Kaiserresidenz und Bischofsitz& (1984) 115,33b] (&7Belg. ש&7I&: Ruwer %103Trier%19%103 %103nr.%103); &3Trier__Kaiserresidenz und &3Bischofsitz& (1984) 213,98n (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]). __ &1`300%19`350%3`375& ("`1st half or middle of 4th c. ac"): &3CIL 13.10025,208 [&3Trier__Kaiserresidenz und Bischofsitz& (1984) 279,143b] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]). __ &1`300%19`425%3`450& ("`4th%19early 5th c. ac"): &3Trier__Kaiserresidenz &3und Bischofsitz& (1984) 227,113 (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; 4th%19early 5th c. ac). __ &1`325%19`375& ("mid%19`4th c. ac"): &3CIL& 13.7078 [&3ICG 343; Kraus 1.33] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Moguntiacum [Mainz]; mid%19`4th ac); &3CIL& 12.673 [&3ICG& 511; Diehl, &3ILCV& 295; Dessau, &3ILS& 2788] (&7Vienn., S.&: Arelate [Arles]; mid%19`4th ac?); &3FOR& XII, 208,13 [&3Ann.Midi& 73.1961.11; cf. &3AE/& 1962.345] (&7Narbon. I&: Narbo [Narbonne]; mid%19`4th ac). __ &1`330%19`380&: &3RICG& 1.39a [&3NR& 360a; &3CIL& 13.3865a; Diehl, &3ILCV 3260; Gose 39b*], 235a(1)%19`235a(2), 235b(1)%19`235b(3), 235c%19`235h 235i(1)%19`235i(2) and 235j (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 330%19`380 ac); &3Fru+hchr. Zeugnisse& (1965) 229,24 II,10%19`11 [cf. &3RICG& 1.235a%19j] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 330%19`380 ac). __ &1`330%19`400&: &3RICG& 1.9 [Gose 10*], 37 [&3ICG& 277; &3CIL& 13.3691; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1326; Gose 37*], 99 [&3ICG& 226; &3CIL& 13.3795; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3082B; Gose 406*], 113 [&3ICG& 238; &3CIL& 13.3808; Diehl, &3ILCV 3988E; Gose 416*] (ca. 330%19`400 ac?). 121 [Gose 423*], 124 [&3NR 375; &3CIL& 13.3827; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1371,adn.; Gose 426*], 130 [&3ICG 252; &3CIL& 13.3681; Diehl, &3ILCV& 470; Gose 430*], 137 [&3ICG& 264; &3CIL& 13.3844; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3112A,adn.; Gose 441*], 148 [Gose 454*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 330%19`400 ac); &3Fru+hchr. Zeugnisse& (1965) 210,21A (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 330%19`400 ac). __ &1"`330%19`400"&: &3CIL& 13.1313* [&3ICG& 678B; Kraus 1.294; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 161,93 %103cf.%103] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]; genuine or invented inscr. of 4th c. ac; early medieval text inscribed on stone in the 15th c. ac: "ca. 330%19`400 ac"). __ &1`330%19`410&: &3RICG& 1.31 [&3CIL& 13.11333a; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3583C; Gose 30*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 330%19`410 ac). __ &1`350%19`400& ("`2nd half 4th c. ac"): &3RICG& 1.15 [&3NR& 364; &3CIL 13.3814; Diehl, &3ILCV& 703,adn.; Gose 16*] 20 [&3NR& 36%3`341; &3CIL 13.3823; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1370; Gose 18*], 35 [&3ICG& 274; &3CIL 13.3860; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3589; Gose 35*], 36 [&3ICG& 276; &3CIL 13.3862; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3590A; Gose 36*], 44 [&3ICG& 278; &3CIL 13.3867; Gose 44*], 46 [&3ICG& 279; &3CIL& 13.3869; Diehl, &3ILCV 3581B; Gose 46*], 47 [Gose 47*], 49 [&3CIL& 13.11335; Diehl, &3ILCV 3581F; Gose 50*], 56 [&3CIL& 13.3704; Diehl, &3ILCV& 676; Gose 57*], 59 [Gose 62*], 60 [&3NR& 355; &3CIL& 13.3893%3`4; Diehl, &3ILCV 2831,adn.; Gose 64*], 64 [&3ICG& 298; &3CIL& 13.3897; Gose 745*], 65 [&3ICG& 296; &3CIL& 13.3896; Gose 72*], 68 [Gose 73*], 73 [Gose 66*], 78 [&3NR& 42%3`366; &3CIL& 13.3835; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3583,adn.; Gose 21], 83 [Gose 533*], 85 [&3NR& 369; &3CIL& 13.3788; Diehl, &3ILCV 1504,adn.; Gose 102*] (c.350%19`400 ac) and App. 5* [&3NR& 38; &3CIL 13.3682; Diehl, &3ILCV& 44; Dessau, &3ILS& 2813] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 350%19`400 ac?); &3CIL& 13.4139%19`4140 [&3Trier__Kaiserresidenz und Bischofsitz& (1984) 291,152a%19b] (&7Belg. I:& Herforst; 350%19`400 ac); &3AE/& 1953.274 [&3Trier__Kaiserresidenz und Bischofsitz& (1984) 286,150] (&7Belg. &7I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]); &3Fru+hchr. Zeugnisse& (1965) 219,21C%19`219,21D (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 350%19`400 ac); &3Trier__Kaiserresidenz und Bischofsitz& (1984) 297,155c (&7Belg. I&: place?); &3ICERV& 368b (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Turissa [Tossa]; ca. 350%19`400 ac). __ &1`350%19`420&: &3RICG& 1.229 [&3ICG& 310; &3CIL& 13.3910; Diehl, &3ILCV 4185,adn.; Gose 721*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 350%19`420 ac?). __ &1`350%19`430&: &3RICG& 1.12 [Gose 12*] and 28 [&3ICG& 674C%3&3NR& 417; &3CIL 13.3849%3`4245; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3110A; Gose 87*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 350%19`430 ac). __ &1`350%3`375%19`500& ("late 4th%19`5th c. ac"): &3CIL& 13.8477 [&3ICG& 352a; Kraus 1.295a; &3ILCV& 1375A; &3Fru+hchr. Ko+ln& (1965) 59,2] (&7Germ. &7Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]); Finke, "Neue Inschriften," &3BerRGK& 17 (1927) 100,301 (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]; late 4th%19`5th c. ac). __ &1`370%19`400&: &3RICG& 1.126 [Gose 427*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 370%19`400 ac). __ &1`370%19`450&: &3RICG& 1.136 [&3ICG& 263; &3CIL& 13.3843; Diehl, &3ILCV 3587], 139 [&3ICG& 302; &3CIL& 13.3826; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2748] and 215 [&3ICG& 234; &3CIL& 13.3804; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4010A; Gose 723*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 370%19`450 ac). __ &1`375%19`400& ("end 4th c. ac"): &3Revue suisse d'art et &3d'arche/ologie& 37 (1980%19`1983) 203%19`206. [&3AE/& 1985.652] (&7Alpes &7Grai.%3Poenin.&: Morasses %103Les%103; end 4th c. ac). __ &1`375%19`425& ("end 4th%19beg. 5th c. ac"): &3CIL& 13.2718 [&3ICG& 5; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1540] (&7Lugdun. I&: Augustodunum [Autun]; end 4th%19beg. 5th ac?); &3FOR& XI, 131,6bis [&3BSNAntFr& 1952%3`53.195; &3AE/ 1955.68] (&7Vienn., S.&: Roussas); &3Bulletin de la Socie/te/ de &3Borda& [Dax] 1979, pp. [`1]%19[`12] [&3AE/& 1986.489] (&7Novempop.&: Sever %103St.%19%103; end 4th%19beg. 5th c. ac?); &3ICERV& 196 [&3RIT& 958] (&7Tarrac. [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]; ca. 375%19`425 ac). __ &1`375%19`425%3`450& ("end 4th%19early 5th c. ac"): &3ICERV& 17 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 4257B] (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.; end 4th%19early 5th ac). __ &1`380%19`420&: &3RICG& 1.61 [Gose 69*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 380%19`420 ac). __ &1`390%19`420&: &3RICG& 1.236a(1)%19`236a(2) 236b, 236c(1)%19`236c(3), 236d(1)%19`236d(2), 236e(1)%19`236e(2), 236f(1)%19`236e(3), 236g%19`236j, 236k(1)%19`236k(2), 236l%19`236m, 236n(1)%19`236n(2), and (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 390%19`420 ac); &3Fru+hchr. Zeugnisse (1965) 229,55 III,15%19`17, 19, 20b%3d, 20c 21a%19`21c, 21h 22a%19`22b, 24b, 24c, 25d, 27, 30a 32%19`33 [cf. &3RICG& 1.236a%19n, 237a%19d] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 390%19`420 ac). __ &1`390%19`440&: &3RICG& 1.7 [&3CIL& 13.11332; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3586C; Gose 409*], 8 [Gose 9], 11 [&3ICG& 235; &3CIL& 13.3805; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3583; Gose 11*], 29 [Gose 85%3`444*], 45 [Gose 45*], 48 [Gose 48*], 50 [&3ICG& 282; &3CIL& 13.3872; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3586A; Gose 51*], 51 [&3NR 368; &3CIL& 13.3876; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3581C; Gose 52*], 69, 80 [Gose 19*], 86 [Gose 49*], 96 [Gose 403*], 100 [Gose 405*], and 223 [&3CIL& 13.3890; Gose 743] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 390%19`440 ac). __ &1`390%19`450&: &3RICG& 1.6 [&3ICG& 229; &3CIL& 13.3798; Diehl, &3ILCV 1371,adn.; Gose 7*], 16 [&3ICG& 245; &3CIL& 13.3817; Diehl, &3ILCV 3055] and 67 [Gose 77*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 390%19`450 ac). @ DATES AND SMALLER RANGES: __ &1[`300]&: &3Trier__Kaiserresidenz und &3Bischofsitz& (1984) 109,28b (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; ca. 300 ac) __ &1`303&: &3CIL& 13.10026,21 (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Noviomagus__Batavodurum [Nijmegen]); Walser, &3Itinera Romana 1.35,10 [&3AE/& 1962.393; &3AE/& 1985.658a,adn. %103cf.%103] (&7Alpes &7Grai.%3Poenin.&: Monthey; ca. 303 ac); &3Arche/ologie suisse 3.1980.154%19`162,a [&3AE/& 1985.658a] (&7Alpes Grai.%3Poenin.&: Versvey; ca. 303 ac). __ &1`305&: &3CIL& 13.8888 (&7Novempop.&: Crastes %103near:%103). __ &1`305%19`306&: &3CIL& 12.5504a(2) [&3It.Rom.& 3.183,96] (&7Vienn., S.&: Saillans); &3CIL& 12.5525 [&3It.Rom.& 1.38,12] (&7Alpes &7Graiae%3Poenin.&: Penneloci [Villeneuve]); &3CIL& 12.5535 [&3It.Rom. 1.53,21] (&7Max. Sequan.&: Coppet %103near:%103); &3CIL& 12.5543 [&3It.Rom. 3.195,115] (&7Vienn., N.&: Pe/age %103La%103); &3CIL& 12.5547a [&3It.Rom. 3.197,119a] (&7Vienn., N.&: E/ro=me); &3CIL& 12.5673a [&3It.Rom. 3.281,comm.] (&7Narbon. I&: Villenouvelle; 305%19`306 ac?); שKo+nig, &3Itinera Romana& 3.133,21 [&3AE/& 1957.153] (&7Narbon. II&: Antipolis [Antibes]); &3CIL& 13.3113 (&7Lugdun. III&: Condevicnum [Nantes]; 305%19`306 ac?); &3Annales de Normandie& 29 (1979) 251%19`257. [&3AE/& 1979.410] (&7Lugdun. II&: Aregenua [Vieux]; 305%19`306 ac?) __ &1`305%19`306 or 306%19`307&: &3CIL& 12.5517 [&3It.Rom.& 3.184,99] (&7Vienn., &7N.&: Annemasse); &3CIL& 12.5624 [&3It.Rom.& 3.246,205] (&7Narbon. I&: Nemausus [Ni=mes]?). __ &1`305%19`309&: &3CIL& 13.9032 (&7Belg. II&: Samarobriva [Amiens] %103near:%103). __ &1`305%19`310&: &3CIL& 13.9029 (&7Belg. II&: Durocortorum [Reims]); &3BACTH& 1941%3`42.466 [&3AE/& 1946.21] (&7Belg. II&: Durocortorum [Reims]) __ &1`305%19`311&: &3CIL& 13.8974 (&7Lugdun. IV&: Lutetia Parisi. [Paris]); &3CIL& 12.5676b [&3It.Rom.& 3.283,265a] (&7Narbon. I&: Fourquevaux; 305%19`311 ac). __ &1`306&: &3RICG& 1.39b [&3NR& 360b; &3CIL& 13.3865b; Gose 39a*] (&7Belg. &7I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 306 ac?). __ &1`306%19`307&: &3CIL& 12.5516 [&3It.Rom.& 3.185,100] (&7Vienn., N.&: Annemasse); &3CIL& 12.5527 [&3It.Rom.& 1.41,14] (&7Max. Sequan.&: Viviscus [Vevey] %103near:%103); &3CIL& 12.5556 [&3It.Rom.& 3.205,129] (&7Vienn., S.&: Arausio [Orange]); &3CIL& 12.5566 [&3It.Rom. 3.212,140] (&7Vienn., S.&: Cruas %103near:%103); &3CIL& 12.5584 [&3It.Rom. 3.219,152] (&7Vienn., S.&: Pont%19de%19Labeaume); &3CIL& 12.5670 [&3It.Rom.& 3.276,258] (&7Narbon. I&: Hippolyte %103St.%19%103); &3CIL 12.5673b [&3It.Rom.& 3.281,262] (&7Narbon. I&: Villenouvelle); &3CIL 12.5674 [&3It.Rom.& 3.282,263] (&7Narbon. I&: Villenouvelle); &3CIL 12.5881 (&7Narbon. I&: Michel%19d'Euzet %103St.%19%103); Ko+nig, &3Itinera &3Romana& 3.175,88 [&3AE/& 1963.95] (&7Vienn., S.&: Glanum [St.%19Re/my]); &3CIL& 13.9130 (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier] %103near:%103); &3ILTG& 464 (&7Novempop.&: Castelnau%19Magnoac); &3Cahiers alsaciens &3d'arche/ologie, d'art et d'histoire& 29 (1986) 35%19`38 [&3AE/ 1986.521] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Eckbolsheim); Nesselhauf and Lieb, "Dritter Nachtrag," &3BerRGK& 40 (1959) 216,266%19`216,267 (&7Germ. &7Inf.& [&7II&]: Eijgelshoven; 306%19`307 ac). __ &1`306%19`312&: &3CIL& 13.10024,29a [Dessau, &3ILS& 685 %103cf.%103] (&7Lugdun. &7II&: St.%19Omer [prov.?]; 306%19`312 ac?); &3CIL& 13.10024,29b [Dessau, &3ILS& 685 %103cf.%103] (&7Belg. II&: Samarobriva [Amiens]; 306%19`312 ac?); &3CIL& 13.10024,29c [Kraus 1.251,3; Dessau, &3ILS& 685 %103cf.%103; &3Trier__Kaiserresidenz und Bischofsitz& (1984) 115,33a] (&7Belg. &7I&: Zerf %103near:%103; 306%19`312 ac?); &3CIL& 13.10024,29d [Dessau, &3ILS 685 %103cf.%103] (&7Belg. I&: Tullum [Toul]; 306%19`312 ac?); &3CIL 13.10024,29e [Dessau, &3ILS& 685 %103cf.%103] (&7Belg. I&: Contrexe/ville; 306%19`312 ac?); &3CIL& 13.10024,29f [Dessau, &3ILS& 685 %103cf.%103] (&7Germ. &7Sup.& [&7I&]: Stromberg; 306%19`312 ac?); &3CIL& 13.10024,29g [Dessau, &3ILS& 685 %103cf.%103] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]&7?&: Nijmegen %103ex%19%103 [prov.?]; 306%19`312 ac?); Nesselhauf and Lieb, "Dritter Nachtrag," &3BerRGK 40 (1959) 156,93 [&3ILCV& 685 %103cf.%103] (&7Max. Sequan.&: Vitudurum [Oberwinterthur]; 306%19`312 ac?). __ &1`306%19`337&: &3CIL& 12.667 (&7Vienn., S.&: Arelate [Arles]); &3CIL 12.173 (&7Narbon. II&: Antipolis [Antibes]; 306%19`337 ac?); &3CIL 12.669 (&7Vienn., S.&: Arelate [Arles]; 306%19`337 ac?); &3CIL& 12.1353 (&7Vienn., S.&: Vasio [Vaison]; 306%19`337 ac?); &3CIL& 13.8951 (&7Lugdun. III&: Chaze/%19Henry; 306%19`337 ac?); &3CIL& 13.10029,31 (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]). __ &1`307%19`311&: &3CIL& 12.5425 [&3It.Rom.& 3.133,19] (&7Narbon. II&: Cagnes %103near:%103); &3CIL& 12.5440 [&3It.Rom.& 3.134,22] (&7Narbon. II&: Antipolis [Antibes]); &3CIL& 12.5442 [&3It.Rom.& 3.135,24] (&7Narbon. &7II&: Gabelle %103La%103); &3CIL& 12.5443a [&3It.Rom.& 3.136,25a] (&7Narbon. &7II&: Honorat %103now: Ile St.%19%103); &3CIL& 12.5463a [&3It.Rom.& 3.138,28a] (&7Narbon. II&: Estre/rel); &3CIL& 12.5465 [&3It.Rom.& 3.145,40] (&7Narbon. II&: Arcs %103Les%103); &3CIL& 12.5466 [&3It.Rom.& 3.146,42] (&7Narbon. II&: Vidauban); &3CIL& 12.5470 [&3It.Rom.& 3.148,46] [Dessau, &3ILS& 684] (&7Narbon. II&: Cabasse); &3CIL& 12.5490%3`5491 [&3It.Rom.& 3.226,168] (&7Narbon. I&: Trinquetaille); &3CIL& 12.5506 [&3It.Rom.& 3.183,97] (&7Vienn., S.&: Upie); &3CIL& 12.5508 [&3It.Rom. 3.183,98] (&7Vienn., N.&: Paul%19d'Izeaux %103St.%19%103); &3CIL& 12.5512 [&3It.Rom.& 3.189,106ab] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3CIL 12.5513 [&3It.Rom.& 3.187,104] (&7Vienn., N.&: Se/vrier %103near:%103); &3CIL 12.5540 [&3It.Rom.& 3.190,108] (&7Lugdun. I&: Guillotie\re); &3CIL& 12.5552 [&3It.Rom.& 3.201,125] (&7Vienn., S.&: Saulce%19sur%19Rho=ne); &3CIL& 12.5555 [&3It.Rom.& 3.204,128] (&7Vienn., &7S.&: Granges%19Gontardes %103Les%103); &3CIL& 12.5662 [&3It.Rom.& 3.267,244] (&7Narbon. I&: Montpellier %103near:%103); &3CIL& 12.5503a(1) [&3It.Rom. 3.178,92a(1)] (&7Vienn., S.&: Vercheny; 307%19`311 ac?); &3CIL 12.5675a [&3It.Rom.& 3.285,266a] (&7Narbon. I&: Aigues%19Vives; 307%19`311 ac?); &3ILGN& 646 [&3It.Rom.& 3.144,37] (&7Narbon. II&: Muy %103Le%103); Ko+nig, &3Itinera Romana& 3.186,102 (&7Vienn., N.&: Veyrier%19du%19Lac); Ko+nig, &3Itinera Romana& 3.188,105 [&3AE/& 1948,164%3`65] (&7Vienn., N.&: Passeron); &3CIL& 13.8978 (&7Lugdun. II&: Augustodurum [Bayeux]). __ &1`307%19`317&: &3Rev.Vivarais& 74 (1970) 157%19`166 [&3AE/& 1969%3`70.375a%19c] (&7Vienn., S.&: Teil %103Le%103; a: 307%19`317 ac; b: 317%19`324 ac; c: after 324 ac) __ &1`307%19`337 or later&: &3CIL& 12.94 (&7Alpes Marit.&: Brigantio [Brianc%25on]?). __ &1`308%19`313&: &3CIL& 12.5562b [&3It.Rom.& 3.209,135b] (&7Vienn., N.&: Arras%19sur%19Rho=ne; 308%19`313 ac?). __ &1`308%19`324&: &3CIL& 13.9095 (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Altaripa [Altrip]); Nesselhauf, "Neue Inschriften," &3BerRGK& 27 (1937) 121,261 (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Hagenbach %103nr.%103); Schillinger%19Ha+fele, "Vierter Nachtrag," &3BerRGK& 58 (1977) 558,216(A%19B) [&3AE/ 1967.341(b%19c)] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Eijgelshoven; A: 308%19`324 ac; B: 324%19`326 ac). __ &1`310%19`313&: &3ILTG& 490 (&7Belg. I&: Mondelange; 310%19`313 ac?). __ &1`312&: Alfo+ldy, &3RIT& 94 [&3CIL& 2.4105] (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]; 312 ac). __ &1`312%19`317&: &3CIL& 12.5503a(2) [&3It.Rom.& 3.178,92a(2)] (&7Vienn., &7S.&: Vercheny; 312%19`317 ac?); &3CIL& 12.5519 [&3It.Rom.& 1.24,1] (&7Alpes Graiae%3Poenin.&: Bourg%19St.%19Pierre; 312%19`317 ac?); &3CIL 12.5521 [&3It.Rom.& 1.26,2] (&7Alpes Graiae%3Poenin.&: Octodurus Varagrorum [Martigny]; 312%19`317 ac?); &3CIL& 12.5522 [&3It.Rom. 1.28,4] (&7Alpes Graiae%3Poenin.&: Tarnaiae Nantuatium [Maurice %103St.%19%103]; 312%19`317 ac?); &3CIL& 12.5522a [&3It.Rom.& 1.29,5] (&7Alpes &7Graiae%3Poenin.&: Tarnaiae Nantuatium [Maurice %103St.%19%103]; 312%19`317 ac?); &3CIL& 12.5522b [&3It.Rom.& 1.30,6] (&7Alpes Graiae%3Poenin.&: Tarnaiae Nantuatium [Maurice %103St.%19%103] 312%19`317 ac?); &3CIL& 12.5523 [&3It.Rom.& 1.33,9] (&7Alpes Graiae%3Poenin.&: Triphon %103St.%19%103; 312%19`317 ac?); &3CIL& 12.5526 [&3It.Rom.& 1.40,13] (&7Alpes &7Graiae%3Poenin.&: Penneloci [Villeneuve]; 312%19`317 ac?); &3CIL 12.5529 (&7Max. Sequan.&: Villette; 312%19`317 ac?); &3Arche/ologie &3suisse& 3 (1980) 154%19`162 [&3AE/& 1985.658a%19b] (&7Alpes Grai.%3Poenin.&: Versvey; a: ca. 303 ac, b: 312%19`317 ac?). __ &1`312%19`324&: &3CIL& 12.1852 (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3Gallia 41 (1983) 414. [&3AE/& 1983.701] (&7Lugd. IV&: Migennes; 312%19`324 ac?) __ &1`312%19`373&: &3CIL& 13.10027,69 [&3ICG& 351; Kraus 1.15; Diehl, &3ILCV 84] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Gerstheim %103nr.:%103). __ &1`313%19`324&: &3ILGN& 657 [&3It.Rom.& 3.274,255] (&7Narbon. I&: Roquefort%19des%19Corbie\res); Alfo+ldy, &3RIT& 98 (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]; 312%19`324 ac?) __ &1`314&: &3CIL& 13.8502 [Dessau, &3ILS& 8937] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Divitia [Deutz]; 314 ac?). __ &1`315%19`337&: &3CIL& 12.5676c [&3It.Rom.& 3.284,265b] (&7Narbon. I&: Fourquevaux). __ &1`317&: &3CIL& 12.5696,1 (&7Vienn., S.&: Arelate [Arles]; ca. 317 שac?); Schillinger%19Ha+fele, "Vierter Nachtrag," &3BerRGK& 58 (1977) 465,23 [&3AE/& 1978.515] (&7Belg. I&: Piesport%19Niederemmel; 317 ac?). __ &1`317%19`324&: &3CIL& 13.9096 (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Tabernae [Rheinzabern] %103near:%103). &3Gallia& 26 (1968) 406, fig. 48 [&3AE/ 1968.313] (&7Belg. I&: Solimariaca [Soulosse]); &3Rev.Vivarais& 74 (1970) 157%19`166 [&3AE/& 1969%3`70.375a%19c] (&7Vienn., S.&: Teil %103Le%103; a: 307%19`317 ac; b: 317%19`324 ac; c: after 324 ac); Nesselhauf, "Neue Inschriften," &3BerRGK& 27 (1937) 121,262 (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Hagenbach %103nr.%103). __ &1`317%19`326&: &3CIL& 12.5502 [&3It.Rom.& 3.180,93] (&7Vienn., S.&: Vercheny); Ko+nig, &3Itinera Romana& 3.178,91b [&3FOR& XI, 150,81c; &3AE/& 1950.48b] (&7Vienn., S.&: Pontaix); &3CIL& 13.10029,32a (&7Germ. &7Sup.& [&7I&]: Tabernae [Rheinzabern]); &3CIL& 13.10029,32b (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]). __ &1`317%19`337&: &3CIL& 12.5457 [Dessau, &3ILS& 721; &3It.Rom.& 3.141,32] (&7Narbon. II&: Forum Julii [Fre/jus]); &3CIL& 12.5572a [&3It.Rom. 3.217,149] (&7Vienn., S.&: Bourg%19St.%19Ande/ol; 317%19`337 ac?); &3CIL 13.9043 (&7Lugdun. I&: Norges %103near:%103); &3CIL& 13.10036,12 (&7Hannover [&7Germ.&]: Lengerich; ca. 317%19`337 ac); &3CRAI& 1968.154,6 [&3AE/ 1977.529] (&7Vienn., S.:& Massilia [Marseille]). __ &1`324%19`326&: Schillinger%19Ha+fele, "Vierter Nachtrag," &3BerRGK& 58 (1977) 558,216(A%19B) [&3AE/& 1967.341(b%19c)] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Hoven; A: 308%19`324 ac; B: 324%19`326 ac); Alfo+ldy, &3RIT& 95 [&3CIL& 2.4106], 96 [&3CIL& 2.4108], and 97 [&3CIL& 2.4107], (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]). __ &1`324%19`337&: &3CIL& 13.3255 [Dessau, &3ILS& 703] (&7Belg. II&: Durocortorum [Reims]); Alfo+ldy, &3RIT& 99 (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]; ca. 324%19`337 ac?). __ &1`325&: M.J. Vermaseren, &3Corpus Inscriptionum et Monumentorum &3Religionis Mithraicae& (1956%19`1960), II, no. 1315 [cf. &3Consuls 629%19`630] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Neustadt%19Gimmeldingen) __ &1"`327%19`337"&: &3CIL& 13.1023* [Kraus 1,Anh. 2.2] (&7Raetia I&: Curia [Chur], forgery: "`327%19`337 ac"). __ &1[`330]&: &3Gallia& 32 (1974) 507, fig. 10 [&3AE/& 1974.418] (&7Vienn. &7II&: Arelate [Arles%19Trinquetaille]; ca. 330 ac). __ &1`333%19`335&: &3CIL& 12.5503a(3) [&3It.Rom.& 3.178,92a(3)] (&7Vienn., &7S.&: Vercheny; 333%19`335 ac?). __ &1`333%19`337&: Ko+nig, &3Itinera Romana& 3.180,94 [&3FOR& XI, 151,84; &3AE/ 1954.108] (&7Vienn., S.&: Aurel); &3CIL& 12.5504(2) [&3It.Rom. 3.182,95b] (&7Vienn., S.&: Saillans; 333%19`337 ac?). __ &1`334&: &3CIL& 13.2351 [&3ICG& 62; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3039] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]). __ &1`335%19`337&: &3CIL& 12.5505 [Dessau, &3ILS& 718] (&7Vienn., S.&: Saillans %103near:%103); &3Gallia& 27 (1969) 218%19`221, no. 2. [&3AE/ 1969%3`70.363] (&7Vienn., S.&: Coucourde %103La%103) __ &1`337%19`340&: &3CIL& 12.668 [&3AE/& 1952.107; &3PLRE& I,121 %103cf.%103] (&7Vienn., S.&: Arelate [Arles]); &3CIL& 13.8891 (&7Novempop.&: Labarthe%19de%19Rivie\re; 337%19`340 ac?); &3CIL& 13.10025,247 [Kraus 1.298,2 (non%19chr.)] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]; ca. 337%19`340 ac). __ &1`337%19`350&: &3Trier__Kaiserresidenz und Bischofsitz& (1984) 246,136g (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]) __ &1`337%19`357&: &7H.A.& Cahn, &7A.& Kaufmann%19Heinemann, &3et al. Der &3spa+tro+mische Silberschatz von Kaiseraugst& (1984) 182,57, 188,60 and 322,65" [&3AE/& 1987.788a%19b, d] (&7Max. Sequan.&: Castrum Rauracense [Kaiseraugst]; 337%19`357 ac). __ &1[`340]&: &3CIL& 12.675 [&3ICG& 517; Diehl, &3ILCV& 178; Benoi=t, &3Sarcoph. pale/ochr.& (1954) 34,2] (&7Vienn., S.&: Arelate [Arles]; ca. 340 ac?). __ &1`340%19`345&: &7H.A.& Cahn, &7A.& Kaufmann%19Heinemann, &3et al. Der &3spa+tro+mische Silberschatz von Kaiseraugst& (1984) 324%19`329,66%19`68 and 225,63 [&3AE/& 1987.788c, e] (&7Max. Sequan.&: Castrum Rauracense [Kaiseraugst]; ca. 340%19`345 ac). __ &1`347&: &3CIL& 13.299 [&3ICG& 596%3&3NR& 297; Diehl, &3ILCV& 272] (&7Novempop.&: Valcabre\re). __ &1`350%19`353&: &3CIL& 12.5677 [Dessau, &3ILS& 746; &3It.Rom.& 3.287,267] (&7Narbon. I&: Pouvourville); &3CIL& 13.9048 (&7Belg. I&: Pompierre); &3CIL& 13.9135 (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Nettersheim %103near:%103); &3SEG 37.841(1%3`2), (3) and (4) [&7H.A.& Cahn, &7A.& Kaufmann%19Heinemann, &3et &3al. Der spa+tro+mische Silberschatz von Kaiseraugst& (1984)] (&7Max. Sequan.&: Castrum Rauracense [Kaiseraugst]). __ &1`352&: Alfo+ldy, &3RIT& 943 (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]). __ &1`353%19`354&: &3CIL& 12.5560 [&3It.Rom.& 3.207,133] (&7Vienn., N.&: Andance %103near:%103); &3ILTG& 461 [&3It.Rom.& 3.191,109] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]). __ &1`354&: &3ICERV& 1 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 3932] (&7Asturic.& [&7Gal.&]: Villaverde). __ &1`360%19`361&: &3IG& 14.2557%7 [&3Trier.Zeitschr.& 12.1937.121%19`151; &3Trier__Kaiserresidenz und Bischofsitz& (1984) 280,145] (&7Belg. &7I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; 360%19`361 ac? [dating highly speculative]). __ &1`360%19`363&: &3CIL& 12.5648 [&3It.Rom.& 3.257,225] (&7Narbon. I&: Ambrussum [Pont%19Ambroix] %103near:%103). __ &1`362&: &3ICERV& 2 [&3CIL& 2.2918] (&7Cluniens.& [&7Tar.&]: Meacaur). __ &1`364%19`367&: &3CIL& 13.9141 (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Boudobriga [Boppard]); &3ILTG& 482 (&7Lugdun. IV&: Cannes%19E/cluse). __ &1`364&: &3CIL& 12.5547b [&3It.Rom.& 3.197,119b] (&7Vienn., N.&: E/ro=me). __ &1`364%19`375&: &3CIL& 12.5697,5 [Dessau, &3ILS& 767] (&7Vienn., N.&: Genava [Geneva] %103near:%103); &3CIL& 13.10026,15 (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Koninksem; 364%19`375 ac?). __ &1`364%19`375 or later&: &3CIL& 13.5205 (&7Max. Sequan.&: Vindonissa [Windisch]; in%3after 364%19`375 ac?). __ &1`365&: &3CIL& 13.3256 [Flodoard, &3Hist.Eccl.Rem.& 1.6, &3MGH SS& XIII, p. 419; &3ICG& 335; Diehl, &3ILCV& 61; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel 185,203 %103cf.%103] (&7Belg. II&: Durocortorum [Reims]; ca. 365 ac). __ &1`366&: &3CIL& 12.5463b [&3It.Rom.& 3.139,28b] (&7Narbon. II&: Estre/rel; 366 ac?). __ &1`367%19`375&: &3CIL& 12.5443b [&3It.Rom.& 3.137,25b] (&7Narbon. II&: Honorat %103now: Ile St.%19%103); &3CIL& 13.11543 (&7Max. Sequan.&: Castrum Rauracense [Kaiseraugst]). __ &1`367%19`421&: &3CIL& 13.10029,25 (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Borbetomagus [Worms] %103near:%103; 367%19`421 ac?); &3CIL& 13.10029,36 (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; 367%19`421 ac?); &3CIL& 13.10029,41 (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; 367%19`421 ac?). __ &1`368%19`369&: &3CIL& 12.5714 (&7Alpes Graiae&: Axima [Aime%19en%19Tarentaise]; 368%19`369 ac?). __ &1`371&: &3CIL& 13.11537 (&7Max. Sequan.&: Confluentes [Koblenz, Sw.]; 371 ac?); &3CIL& 13.11538 [Dessau, &3ILS& 8949] (&7Max. Sequan.&: Schwaderloch %103near:%103). __ &1"`371"&: &3CIL& 12.299* (&7Narbon. I&: Tolosa [Toulouse]; forgery: "`371 ac"). __ &1`374&: &3CIL& 13.11065 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 3322] (&7Aquit. II&: Mediolanum [Saintes]). __ &1`375%19`390&: &3CIL& 12.942 [&3ICG& 509%3&3NR& 167A; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1117; Benoi=t, &3Sarcoph. pale/ochr.& (1954) 35,4] (&7Vienn., S.&: Arelate [Arles]; 375%19`390 ac). __ &1`377&: &3CIL& 12.138 [&3ICG& 369; Diehl, &3ILCV& 281] (&7Alpes &7Graiae%3Poenin.&: Sedunum [Sion__Sitten]). __ &1`378&: &3CIL& 13.2798 [&3ICG& 7] (&7Lugdun. I&: Augustodunum [Autun]). __ &1"`380"&: &3CIL& 12.300* (&7Narbon. I&: Tolosa [Toulouse]; forgery: "`380 ac"). __ &1`380%19`400&: &3Fru+hchr. Zeugnisse& (1965) 215,21B (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 380%19`400 ac?) __ &1`381&: &3ICERV& 18 [Hu+bner 331; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2832] (&7Emerit. [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.). __ &1`383&: &3RICG& 1.211 [Gose 718*; &3SEG& 19.651; &3Consuls,& 652 %103cf.%103] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]). __ &1`383%19`388&: &3CIL& 13.921 [&3NR& 286%3`288; Diehl, &3ILCV& 80a%19c] (&7Aquit. &7II&: Touron %103Le%103). __ &1`383%19`392&: &3CIL& 12.5503b [&3It.Rom.& 3.179,92b] (&7Vienn., S.&: Vercheny). __ &1"`384"&: &3CIL& 12.F180* (&7Vienn., N.&: Morginnum [Moirans]). forgery: "`384 ac"). __ &1`384%19`388&: &3CIL& 12.5675c [&3It.Rom.& 3.286,266b] (&7Narbon. I&: Aigues%19Vives). ש__ &1`387&: &3ICERV& 367 [Hu+bner 399; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2243] (&7Carthag. [&7Tar.&]: Oretum [Grana/tula]). __ &1`388&: &3ICERV& 19 [Hu+bner 534] (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.). __ &1`388%19`392&: &3CIL& 12.5675b [&3It.Rom.& 3.287,266c] (&7Narbon. I&: Aigues%19Vives). __ &1`390&: Kraus, &3Rheinland& 1.190,1 [&3NR,& p. 49; &3CIL& 3782d; &3FZ 71,53a and 190,9A; &3ILCV& 1612d], 190,2 [&3NR& 39; &3CIL& 3782b; &3FZ 71,53b and 190,9B; &3ILCV& 1612b], 190,3 [&3NR,& p. 51; &3CIL& 3782a; &3FZ& 190,9C; &3ILCV& 1612a], 190,4 [&3NR& 40; &3CIL& 3782c; &3FZ& 71,53c and 190,9D; &3ILCV& 1612c] and 190,comm. p. 99 [&3NR,& p. 48] (&7Belg. I: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 390 ac) __ &1`391&: &3ILTG& 145 [&3AE/& 1927.154; &3Consuls& 655%19`656 %103cf.%103] (&7Novempop.&: Rions; 391 ac?). __ &1`392%19`394&: &3CIL& 13.8262 [Kraus 1.293; Dessau, &3ILS& 790] (&7Germ. &7Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]). __ &1`393&: Gose, &3Katalog ... Trier& (1958), no. 666* (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; 393 ac?); &3ICERV& 189 [&3RIT& 944] (&7Tarrac. [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]). __ &1`393%19`394&: &3CIL& 13.9154 (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]). __ &1`394%19`402&: &3CIL& 13.5450 (&7Max. Sequan.&: Luxovium [Luxeuil]; 394%19`402 ac?). __ &1`395&: &3CIL& 13.10030,4d [&3Trier__Kaiserresidenz und Bischofsitz (1984) 109,29f] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 395 ac) __ &1`395%19`423&: &3CIL& 13.10030,3 (&7Belg. I&: Divodurum [Metz]). __ &1`395%3`425%19`455&: &3CIL& 13.10036,14 and 10036,15 [&3Trier__Kaiserresidenz und Bischofsitz& (1984) 110,30a%19b] (&7Hannover%3Oldenburg&: Huddestorf %103nr.%103 [Trier]; 395%3`425%19`455 ac). __ &1`396&: &3CIL& 13.5407 [&3ICG& 680; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1080; Duchesne, &3FE/ III,201(viiii) %103cf.%103] (&7Max. Sequan.&: Vesontio [Besanc%25on]; ca. 396 ac?). @ LARGEST RANGES: __ &1`300%19`500& ("`4th%19`5th c. ac"): &3CIL& 12.1858 [&3PLRE& II,992(1) %103cf.%103] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3RICG 15.180 (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3CIL& 13.7207 [Diehl, &3ILCV 421; Boppert, p. 40] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Moguntiacum [Mainz]); &3CIL& 13.8478 [&3ICG& 353; Kraus 1.287; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2919; &3Fru+hchr. &3Ko+ln& (1965) 61,8] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]); &3CIL& 13.10026,40%19`42 [Kraus 1.195; &3Trier__Kaiserresidenz und &3Bischofsitz& (1984) 115,40 %103cf.%103] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]); &3CIL& 13.10026,75%3`6734 (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Moguntiacum [Mainz]; 4th%19`5th ac?); &3CIL& 13.10026,76 (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]; 4th%19`5th ac?); &3CIL& 13.11921 [Boppert, p. 83] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Moguntiacum [Mainz]); &3CIL& 13.11922 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 4143; Boppert, p. 85] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Moguntiacum [Mainz]); &3Gallia& 25 (1967) 341%19`342, fig. 20 [&3AE/& 1967.300] (&7Aquit. II&: Camiac); &3Gallia& 33 (1975) 506 [&3AE/& 1976.419 and 1983.653] (&7Narbon. I&: Lave/rune); &3Epigr. Stud.& 11 (1976) 2,1 [&3AE/& 1977.554] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Nettersheim%19Zingsheim); &3Epigr. &3Stud.& 13 (1983) 200,28 [&3AE/& 1984.665] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]); &3Ko+lner Jb.& 13 (1972%19`1973) 100,23 [&3AE/ 1974.465 %6 &3AE/& 1976.510] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]); &3Ko+lner Jb.& 20 (1987) 106,38 (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]); &3ICERV& 12 [&3RIT& 993], 200 [&3RIT& 973], 213 [&3RIT 962] and 217 [&3RIT& 978] (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]); &3ICERV& 251 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 2839] (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Vich); &3ICERV& 120 (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Ita/lica); &3ICERV& 143 [Hu+bner 114] (&7Gaditan. [&7Bae.&]: Torre Guadiara); &3ICERV& 430 [&3CIJ& 1.660d,Add. p.56; &3RIT 1074], (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Pallaresos; 4th%19`5th c. ac?); Alfo+ldy, &3RIT& 957, 963, 985 (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]). @ __ &1`300%19`425& ("`4th%19beg. 5th c. ac"): &3RICG& 15.App 5* [&3CIL 13.1932; Diehl, &3ILCV& 271] (&7Vienn., N.&: Colombe %103Ste.%103?); &3ICERV 22 [Hu+bner 7; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1377] (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]&7?&: Me/rida [prov.?]); &3ICERV& 138 (&7Gaditan.& [&7Bae.&]: Gades [Ca/diz]); &3ICERV 140 (&7Gaditan.& [&7Bae.&]: Vega del Mar). __ &1`300%19`425%3`450& ("`4th%19early 5th c. ac"): &3CIL& 13.8330 [&3Fru+hchr. &3Ko+ln& (1965) 63,18] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]); &3CIL& 13.8331 [&3ICG& 359; Kraus 1.288; Diehl, &3ILCV& 505; &3AE/ 1953.272 %103cf.%103; &3Fru+hchr. Ko+ln& (1965) 60,4] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]); &3CIL& 13.8332 [Kraus 1.313,1%19`5; Diehl, &3ILCV& 534; &3Fru+hchr. Ko+ln& (1965) 60,6] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]); &3ICERV& 14 [Hu+bner 533a; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3614] (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]&7?&: Emerita Aug.?). __ &1`300%19`600& ("`4th%19`6th c. ac"): &3CIL& 13.11963 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 1589; Boppert, p. 99] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Bingium [Bingen]). __ &1`330%19`430&: &3RICG& 1.26 [&3NR& 347; &3CIL& 13.3846; Diehl, &3ILCV 3582,adn.; Gose 26*] and 84 [&3NR& 349; &3CIL& 13.3853; Diehl, &3ILCV 3583,adn.] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca.330%19`430 ac). __ &1`330%19`450&: &3RICG& 1.120 [&3ICG& 249; &3CIL& 13.3822; Diehl, &3ILCV 3583B] and 133 [&3CIL& 13.3839; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4832; Gose 438*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 330%19`450 ac). __ &1`330%19`460&: &3RICG& 1.198 [&3CIL& 13.3785; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1170,adn.; Gose 511*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 330%19`460 ac). __ &1`330%19`480&: &3RICG& 1.172 [Guard. &3EG& IV,499.4; Gose 478] (&7Belg. &7I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 330%19`480 ac?). __ &1`330%19`500&: &3RICG& 1.79 [Gose 63], 87 [&3NR& 343; &3CIL& 13.3851; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1609,adn.; Gose 28*], 118 [&3ICG& 246; &3CIL& 13.3889; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3590], 128 [Gose 435*] (ca. 330%19`500 ac?); 149 [&3ICG 280; &3CIL& 13.3870; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4161,adn.], and 171 [&3NR& 379; &3CIL 13.3908A; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2194,adn.; Gose 717*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; c.330%19`500 ac). __ &1`330%19`620&: &3RICG& 1.114 [Gose 417*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 330%19`620 ac). __ &1`330%19`700&: &3RICG& 1.110 [&3ICG& 237; &3CIL& 13.3807; Diehl, &3ILCV 3584A,adn.], 130A [&3ICG& 255%3`674B; &3CIL& 13.3832; Diehl, &3ILCV 3584C], and 224 [&3NR& 416; &3CIL& 13.3920; Gose 749*],(&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 330%19`700 ac). __ &1`330%19`720&: &3RICG& 1.164 [Gose 467*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 330%19`720 ac). __ &1`330%19`800&: &3RICG& 1.226 [&3CIL& 13.3874; Gose 740*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; 330%19`800 ac?). __ &1`350%19`450&: &3RICG& 1.163 [Gose 476*] and 185 [&3ICG& 304; &3CIL 13.3925; Diehl, &3ILCV& 762A,adn.; Gose 487*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 350%19`450 ac); &3RICG& 1.244 [&3ICG& 321; &3CIL 13.553*] (&7Belg. I&: Divodurum [Metz]; ca. 350%19`450 ac). __ &1`350%19`500&: &3RICG& 1.213 (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 350%19`500 ac). __ &1`370%19`500&: &3RICG& 1.14 [&3NR& 370; &3CIL& 13.3813; Diehl, &3ILCV 3080,adn.; Gose 15*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]) and 146 [Gose 448*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 370%19`500 ac). __ &1`375%19`425& ("end 4th%19beg. 5th c. ac"): &3ICERV& 206 [&3RIT& 960] (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]). __ &1`375%19`500& ("end 4th%19`5th c. ac"): &3CIL& 13.1575b [&3ICG& 572; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1068,adn.] (&7Aquit. I&: Anicum [Puy%19en%19Velay %103Le%103]; end 4th%19`5th ac); &3CIL& 13.11920 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 4734; Boppert, p. 51] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Moguntiacum [Mainz]; end 4th%19`5th ac). __ &1`380%19`480&: &3RICG& 1.141 [&3NR& 388; &3CIL& 13.3850; Diehl, &3ILCV 3110B; Gose 732*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 380%19`480 ac?). __ &1`380%19`500&: &3RICG& 1.53 [Gose 55*], 111 [Gose 414*], (ca. 380%19`500 ac?), and 168 [&3NR& 374; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3288A,adn.; &3IG 14.2561; Wessel 18; Gose 402*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 380%19`500 ac). __ &1`380%19`560&: &3RICG& 1.241 [&3CIL& 13.4234; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3112B,adn.; Gose 744*] (&7Belg. I&: Col. Crutisiones [Pachten]; ca. 380%19`560 ac). __ &1`390%19`500&: &3RICG& 1.150 [&3ICG& 281; &3CIL& 13.3871; Diehl, &3ILCV ש3288A] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 390%19`500 ac). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@FIFTH CENTURY A.C. @ FIFTH CENTURY: __ &1`400%19`500& ("`5th c. ac"): &3RICG& 15.44 [&3ICG& 403A; &3CIL& 12.2108; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3140] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]), 48 [&3ICG& 418; &3CIL& 12.2120; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3472] (5th ac?), 50 [&3ICG 421; &3CIL& 12.2124; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1594], 51 [&3ICG& 422A; &3CIL 12.2126; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2909,adn.], 53 [&3ICG& 439; &3CIL& 12.2146; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3469A], 60 [&3ICG& 455; &3CIL& 12.2175a], 61 [&3ICG& 458A; &3CIL& 12.2175b], 63 [&3ICG& 454; &3CIL& 12.2171], 71 [&3ICG& 409; &3CIL 12.2114; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3346] (5th ac?), 72 [&3ICG& 438; &3CIL 12.2143; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3579], 144 [&3ICG& 459; &3CIL& 12.2106; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4003B] (5th ac?), 146 [&3ICG& 398; &3CIL& 12.2111; Diehl, &3ILCV 3474], 148 [&3ICG& 399; &3CIL& 12.2128; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1350], 149 [&3ICG 460B; &3CIL& 12.2141; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2760], 178 [&3NR& 104; &3IG& 14.2490; Wessel 176], 185 [&3ICG& 422; &3CIL& 12.2127; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3113A], 186 [&3ICG& 423; &3IG& 14.2491; Wessel 126], 188 [&3ICG& 424; &3CIL 12.2130; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3175] (5th ac?), and 210 [&3NR& 121C; &3CIL 12.2135] (5th ac?); &3RICG& 15.233 [&3ICG& 470B; &3CIL& 12.2311; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2930,adn.] (&7Vienn., N.&: Cularo%19Gratianopolis [Grenoble]; 5th ac?); &3RICG& 15,App. 6* [&3ICG& 460A; &3CIL& 12.2033; &3CIJ I,App.5,94*; Nahon 272C] (&7Vienn., N.&: Colombe %103Ste.%19%103); &3CIL 13.128 [&3ICG& 595A; Diehl, &3ILCV& 391; Stroheker, &3Senatorische &3Adel& 196,265 %103cf.%103] (&7Vienn., S.&: Valentina [Valentine]; ca. 5th ac); &3CIL& 13.907 (&7Aquit. II&: Burdigala [Bordeaux]; 5th ac?); &3CIL& 13.911 (&7Aquit. II&: Loupiac; 5th ac?); &3CIL& 13.2629 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 1717] (&7Lugdun. I&: Cabillonum [Cha=lon%19sur%19Sao=ne]; 5th ac?); &3CIL& 13.3054 [&3NR& 26; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2204A,adn.] (&7Lugdun. &7IV&: Lutetia Parisi. [Paris]; 5th ac?); &3CIL& 13.3062 [&3AE/ 1981.648] (&7Lugdun. IV&: Mienne%19Marboue/; 5th ac); &3CIL& 13.7599 [&3ICG& 338; Kraus 1.47; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3111A,adn.; Boppert, p. 143] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Aq. Mattiac. [Wiesbaden]; 5th ac?); &3CIL 13.7525 [&3NR& 73; Kraus 1.59; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3543; Boppert, p. 104] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Bingium [Bingen]); &3CIL& 13.8487 [&3ICG& 356; Kraus 1.289; &3Fru+hchr. Ko+ln& (1965) 61,9] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]; 5th ac?); &3CIL& 13.11924 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 3094; Boppert, p. 90] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Moguntiacum [Mainz]; 5th ac?); &3CIL& 13.12643 [&3ICG& 350; Kraus 1.16,1; Duchesne, &3FE/ III,171 %103cf.%103] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Argentorate [Strasbourg]); &3RICG& 1.10 [&3ICG& 225; &3IG& 14.2558; Wessel 56; Gose 1] (ca.400%19`500 ac), 32a [Gose 31a*], 32b [Diehl, &3ILCV& 4461F; Gose 31b*], 38, 42 [Gose 42*], 81 [&3NR& 345; &3CIL& 13.3926; Gose 95*] (ca. 400%19`500 ac?), 82 [Gose 103*] (ca.400%19`500 ac?), 90 [&3CIL& 13.3917; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4831; Gose 79*], 102 [&3CIL& 13.3799; Gose 720*], 140 [&3NR 380; &3CIL& 13.3847; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1372; Gose 443*], 158 [Gose 468*] (ca. 400%19`500 ac?), 175 [Gose 474*] (ca. 400%19`500 ac?), 162 [&3ICG& 300; &3CIL& 13.3903; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1374,adn.], 183 [&3CIL 13.11334; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4161,adn.; Gose 451*], 194 [Gose 482*], 200 [Gose 520*], 216 [&3CIL& 13.11333; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3584A,adn.; Gose 727*], and 234 [Gose 781*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 400%19`500 ac); &3RICG& 1.240 [&3NR& 418] (&7Belg. I&: Wassebillig; ca. 400%19`500 ac); Boppert, &3Fru+hchr. Inschr. &3Mittelrheingebietes& (1971), pp. 18 and 92 [Diehl, &3ILCV 4831A,adn.] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Moguntiacum [Mainz]; 5th ac?); F. Benoi=t, &3Sarcophages pale/ochr.& 67,98 [&3AE/& 1939.53] (&7Vienn., &7S.&: Arelate [Arles]); &3Fru+hchr. Zeugnisse& (1965) 72,54 (&7Belg. &7I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; 5th ac?); &3RAC& 54,3%19`4 (1978) 276,5 [&3AE/ 1973.339, 1978.486] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]); &3ICERV& 67 [Hu+bner 157; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1302] (&7Carthag.& [&7Tar.&]: Rielves); &3ICERV& 106 [Hu+bner 294] (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Ossonoba [Olha=o]); &3ICERV& 107 [Hu+bner 364; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1726] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Hispalis %103area:%103); &3ICERV& 122 [Hu+bner 73; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2839B] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Salteras); &3ICERV& 198 [&3RIT& 980], 205 [&3RIT 971], 215 [&3RIT& 954], 233 [&3RIT& 1016], 244 [&3RIT& 1023] 294 [&3RIT 937] and 321 [&3RIT& 942] (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]); &3ICERV& 399 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 2228] (&7Caesaraug.&[&7Tar.&]: Ortigosa di Cameros). @ LARGER RANGES: __ &1`400%19`425& ("beg. 5th c. ac"): &3RICG& 15.54 [&3ICG 440; &3CIL& 12.2148] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; beg. 5th ac); &3Fru+hchr. Zeugnisse& (1965) 184,6C (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]). __ &1`400%19`440&: &3RICG& 1.4 [&3NR& 338; &3CIL& 13.3796; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3582; Gose 5*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 400%19`440 ac). __ &1`400%19`450& ("`1st half 5th c. ac"): &3RICG& 15.39 [&3ICG& 412; &3CIL 12.2115; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2172] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; ca. 400%19`450 ac); &3RICG& 1.57 [&3ICG& 289; &3CIL& 13.3906; Diehl, &3ILCV 3242; Gose 58*], 105 [&3ICG& 231; &3CIL& 13.3801; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3584] (ca. 400%19`450 ac?) and 159 [Gose 469] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 400%19`450 ac); &3AE/& 1976.450(a) (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; ca. 400%19`450 ac); &3ICERV& 23 [Hu+bner 330; Diehl, &3ILCV 2459] (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.; ca. 400%19`450 ac). __ &1`400%19`460&: &3RICG& 1.112 [&3ICG& 267; &3IG& 14.2560; Wessel 46] (ca. 400%19`460 ac) and 174 [Gose 420*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; c.400%19`460 ac?). __ &1`400%19`470&: &3RAC& 54,3%19`4 (1978) 279,6 [&3AE/& 1978.487] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; ca. 400%19`475 ac). __ &1`410%19`490&: &3RICG& 1.25 [&3ICG& 262; &3CIL& 13.3842; Diehl, &3ILCV 3584D; Gose 25*], 103 [&3ICG& 230A; &3CIL& 13.3800; Diehl, &3ILCV 3584A; Gose 408*], 145 [&3ICG& 275; &3CIL& 13.3861; Diehl, &3ILCV 1373A; Gose 736*], 151 [Gose 452*], and 176 [&3ICG& 299; &3CIL 13.3900; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3242A; Gose 472*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 410%19`490 ac). __ &1`410%19`500&: &3RICG& 1.177 [&3ICG& 283; &3CIL& 13.3692; Diehl, &3ILCV 118,adn.; Gose 453*] (ca. 410%19`500 ac?) and 212 [&3CIL& 13.3793; Diehl, &3ILCV& 426,adn.; Gose 735*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 410%19`500 ac); &3RICG& 1.255 [&3CIL& 13.11444] (&7Belg. I&: Divodurum [Metz]; ca. 410%19`500 ac). __ &1`420%19`450&: &3RICG& 1.167 [Gose 464*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 420%19`450 ac?). __ &1`420%19`500&: &3RICG& 1.94 [Gose 402A*], 101 [Gose 407*], 108 [&3ICG 236; &3CIL& 13.3806; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3067; Gose 412*] (ca. 420%19`500 ac?), 117 [&3ICG& 244; &3CIL& 13.3816; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1371; Gose 421*], 119 [Gose 422*] (ca. 420%19`500 ac?), and 192 [&3NR& 372; &3CIL 13.3675; Diehl, &3ILCV& 183; Gose 479*; Stroheker, &3Senatorische &3Adel& 200,286 %103cf.%103] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 420%19`500 ac). __ &1`425%3`450%19`500& ("around the middle or 2nd half 5th c. ac"): &3CIL& 13.7813 [Kraus 1.310; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1586; &3BJb& 186 (1986) 299%19`313] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Rigomagus [Remagen]). __ &1`430%19`500&: &3RICG& 1.106, 143 [Gose 446*], (ca.430%19`500 ac?) and 197 [Gose 617%3`643*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 430%19`500 ac). __ &1`440%19`470&: &3RICG& 1.24 [&3ICG& 285; &3CIL& 13.3838; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2280] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 440%19`470 ac). __ &1`440%19`480&: &3RICG& 1.153 [&3CIL& 13.3882; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3050; Gose 455*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 440%19`480 ac). __ &1`440%19`500&: &3RICG& 1.155 [Gose 458*] (ca. 440%19`500 ac), 173 [&3CIL 13.3877; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3242A,adn.; Gose 459*] (ca.440%19`500 ac?) and 204 [Gose 510] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 440%19`500 ac). __ &1`450%19`500& ("`2nd half 5th c. ac"): &3RICG& 15.43 [&3ICG& 401; &3CIL 12.2104; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3475], 47 [&3ICG& 416; &3CIL& 12.2119; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3176A], 55 [&3ICG& 441; &3CIL& 12.2149], 56 [&3ICG& 452; &3CIL ש12.2170; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3470,adn.], 57 [&3NR& 444; &3ILGN& 321] and 182 [&3ILGN& 317] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; ca. 450%19`500 ac); &3RICG 15.225 [&3ICG& 466; &3CIL& 12.2190; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3469] (&7Vienn., N.&: Cle/rieux; ca. 450%19`500 ac); &3RICG& 1.13a [&3ICG& 239%3&3NR& 392; &3CIL 13.3810a; Gose 13a*], 13b [&3ICG& 239A; &3CIL& 13.3810b; Diehl, &3ILCV 3583A; Gose 13b*], 30 [&3ICG& 270; &3CIL& 13.3855; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4161; Gose 734*], 33 [&3NR& 339; &3CIL& 13.3858; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3308; Gose 33*], 34 [&3ICG& 273; &3CIL& 13.3859; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1373; Gose 34*], 40 [Gose 40*], 41 [Gose 41*], 43 [&3NR& 359; &3CIL& 13.3866; Gose 43*], 55 [&3NR& 352; &3CIL& 13.3887; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2253; Gose 56*], 58 [Gose 61*], 62 [&3ICG& 295; &3CIL& 13.3899; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1374; Gose 70*], 74 [&3NR& 363; &3CIL& 13.3908; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4179B,adn.; Gose 67*], 104 [&3ICG& 230; &3CIL& 13.3696; Diehl, &3ILCV& 373] (ca. 450%19`500 ac?), 142A (ca. 450%19`500 ac?), 144 [Gose 447*], 152 [&3ICG& 284; &3CIL& 13.3883; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1370,adn.; Gose 456*], 181 [&3ICG& 269; &3CIL& 13.3854; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3584D,adn.] (ca. 450%19`500 ac?) and 160 [Gose 470*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 450%19`500 ac). __ &1`450%19`510&: &3RICG& 1.66 (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 450%19`510 ac). __ &1`450%19`520&: &3RICG& 1.3 [Gose 4*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 450%19`520 ac). __ &1`470%19`550&: &3RICG& 1.245 [&3CIL& 13.11442; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3068A] (&7Belg. I&: Divodurum [Metz]; ca. 470%19`550 ac). __ &1`475%19`500& ("end 5th c. ac"): &3CIL& 12.649 [&3ICG& 542A; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1303] (&7Narb. II&: Maximin%19la%19Ste.%19Baume %103St.%19%103 end 5th c. ac?); &3CIL& 13.966 [&3ICG& 535; &3ILCV& 3110; Benoi=t, &3Sarcoph. &3pale/ochr.& (1954) 69,101] (&7Vienn., S.&: Arelate [Arles]; end 5th c. ac) &3RICG& 15.109 [&3ICG& 685; &3CIL& 12.2103; Diehl, &3ILCV& 477] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]) and 114 [&3ILGN& 316] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; end 5th ac?); &3CIL& 13.1184 [&3ICG& 575D; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3556] (&7Aquit. II&: Gaillardon; end 5th ac?); &3CIL& 13.3052 [&3ICG& 202; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2255] (&7Lugdun. IV&: Lutetia Parisi. [Paris]; end 5th ac?). __ &1`475%19`525& ("end 5th%19beg. 6th c. ac"): &3RICG& 15.6 (&7Vienn., N.&: Valentia [Valence]); and 7 (&7Vienn., N.&: Valentia [Valence]; end 5th%19beg. 6th ac); &3RICG& 15.23 [&3NR& 141; &3CIL& 12.1788] (&7Vienn., N.&: St.%19Vallier; end 5th%19beg. 6th ac); &3RICG& 15.52 [&3ICG& 427; &3CIL& 12.2131; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3468A] 122 [&3ICG& 458U; &3CIL 12.2158; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4818], 123 [&3ICG& 445; &3CIL& 12.2162] (end 5th%19beg. 6th ac?), 125 [&3ICG& 458V; &3CIL& 12.2176d], 179 [&3ICG& 408; &3CIL& 12.2113; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3176], 192 [&3NR& 108A; &3CIL& 12.2134], 193 [&3ICG& 433; &3CIL& 12.2137], 195 [&3NR& 111; &3CIL& 12.2142; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3176A,adn.], 196 [&3ICG& 458I; &3CIL& 12.2145], 199 [&3ICG& 457B; &3CIL& 12.2161; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4819], 200 [&3NR& 116; &3CIL& 12.2166] and 203 [&3ICG& 446; &3CIL& 12.2167] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); end 5th%19beg. 6th ac); &3RICG& 15.293 [&3NR& 98; &3CIL& 12.2647] (&7Vienn., &7N.&: Genava [Geneva]; end 5th%19beg. 6th ac); &3RICG& 15.294 (&7Vienn., N.&: Genava [Geneva]; end 5th%19beg. 6th ac?). __ &1`475%19`525%3`550& ("end 5th%19early 6th c. ac"): &3RICG& 15.156 [&3AE/ 1972.351] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; end 5th%19early 6th ac). __ &1`485%19`520&: &3RICG& 15.280 [&3ICG& 392; &3CIL& 12.2408; Diehl, &3ILCV 1705] (&7Vienn., N.&: Augustum [Aoste]; ca. 485%19`520 ac?). @ DATES AND SMALLER RANGES: &1[`400]&: &3CIL& 13.3673 [&3PLRE II,404(2), 399(7) %103cf.%103] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 400 ac?). __ &1[`400%19`420]&: &3RICG& 1.71 [&3ICG& 301; &3CIL& 13.3687; Diehl, &3ILCV 552; Gose 75*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 400%19`420 ac). __ &1`400%19`425&: &3CIL& 12.674 [&3ICG& 514; Diehl, &3ILCV& 88; Benoi=t, &3Sarcoph. pale/ochr.& (1954) 44,37; &3PLRE& I,389(2) %103cf.%103; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 177,174 %103cf.%103] (&7Vienn., S.&: Arelate [Arles]; 400%19ca. 425 ac). __ &1`404&: &3ICG& 594a%19d [Paulin. Nolan., &3Ep.& 32, chs. 3, p. 277.19, 5, p. 279.9, 6, p. 281.1, and 7, p. 283.1; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 216,355 and 161,92 %103cf.%103] (&7Aquit. II&: Primuliacum; 404 ac). __ &1"`404"&: &3CIL& 13.395* [&3ICG& 675] (&7Belg. II&: Bagacum [Bavay]; prob. forgery: "`404 ac"). __ &1`405&: &3CIL& 13.912 [&3ICG& 591; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3040] (&7Aquit. II&: Ste.%19Croix%19du%19Mont); &3CIL& 13.1118 [&3NR& 277; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4387] (&7Aquit. II&: Ecolisina [Angoule=me]). __ &1`405%3`8%19`411&: &3CIL& 12.1524 [Dessau, &3ILS& 1279; &3PLRE& II,346 %103cf.%103] (&7Narbon. II&: Segustero [Sisteron]; ca. 405%19`412 ac). __ &1`409&: &3RICG& 1.93 [&3ICG& 248; &3IG& 14.2559; Wessel 45] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]). __ &1`410&: &3CIL& 13.3673 [&3PLRE& II,000 %103cf.%103] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 410 ac). __ &1`415&: &3CIL& 12.946 [&3NR& 205B; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1062,adn.] (&7Vienn., &7S.&: Arelate [Arles]; ca. 415 ac?). __ &1`417&: &3RICG& 1,App. 9** [&3ICG& 223; &3CIL& 13.3674; Dessau, &3ILS 8992] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; forgery of ca. 1047%19`1066 ac, incorporating genuine text of 417 ac) __ &1`422&: &3CIL& 13.2353 [&3ICG& 53; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2901] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]). __ &1`425%19`455&: &3CIL& 13.10036,13 [&3PLRE& II,847(9) %103cf.%103] (&7Hannover [&7Germ.&]: Huddestorf %103near:%103). __ &1[`425]&: &3NR& 216 [&3ILGN& 56; &3AE/& 45.102; Duchesne, &3FE/& I,338 %103cf.%103] (&7Vienn., S.&: Massilia [Marseille]; ca. 425 ac?). __ &1"`425%19`455"&: &3CIL& 13.208* [&3ICG& 571A] (&7Aquit. I&: Brive%19la%19Gaillarde; genuine inscr. or an invention?: "`425%19`455 ac"). __ &1`427%19`461&: &3CIL& 12.5338 [&3ICG& 619; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1852b; Duchesne, &3FE/& I,303 %103cf.%103] (&7Narbon. I&: Narbo [Narbonne]; ca. 427%19`461 ac). __ &1`428&: &3CIL& 13.10032,1 [Dessau, &3ILS& 1298] (&7Aquit. I?&: Limoges %103ex%19%103 [prov.?]). __ &1`431&: &3CIL& 13.2354 [&3ICG& 44; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1703] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]). __ &1`432%19`454&: &3RAC& 54,3%19`4 (1978) 282,9%19`282,10 (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; ca. 432%19`454 ac?). __ &1`433 or 436?&: &3ICERV& 3 [&3CIL& 2.5744] (&7Asturic.& [&7Gal.&]: place?; 436 or 433 ac?). __ &1`435&: &3CIL& 12.5494 [Dessau, &3ILS& 806; &3It.Rom.& 3.154,53] (&7Vienn., S.&: Arelate [Arles]); Gose, &3Katalog ... Trier& (1958), no. 208 (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; 435 ac?). __ &1`436 or 433?&: &3ICERV& 3 [&3CIL& 2.5744] (&7Asturic.& [&7Gal.&]: place?; 436 or 433 ac?). __ &1`438&: &3CIL& 13.11207 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 2783B] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]). __ &1`440&: &3CIL& 13.6248 (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Neuhausen %103Worms%19%103; 440 ac?). __ &1`441&: &3RICG& 15.64 [&3ICG& 415; &3IG& 14.2492] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]). __ &1`442&: &3ICERV& 24 (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Me/rida [prov.?]). __ &1`444&: &3CIL& 12.5335 [&3ICG& 618; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1858; Duchesne, &3FE/ I,303 %103cf.%103] (&7Narbon. I&: Narbo [Narbonne]). __ &1`445&: &3CIL& 12.5336 [&3ICG& 617; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1806; Duchesne, &3FE/ I,303 %103cf.%103; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 214,344 %103cf.%103] (&7Narbon. I&: Narbo [Narbonne]). __ &1`447&: &3CIL& 13.2355 [&3ICG& 35; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1551] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]). __ &1`448&: &3CIL& 13.2356 [&3ICG& 68; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4404; &3Consuls,& 676 %103cf.%103] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]). __ &1`449&: &3CIL& 12.949 [&3ICG& 515a%3`516; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1062ab] (&7Vienn., &7S.&: Arelate [Arles]); &3CIL& 13.2357 [&3ICG& 667; &3IChUR&(`1) I,lxxxii; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1422] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]); &3CIL& 13.10032,2 [Dessau, &3ILS& 1300] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]&7?&: Lie\ge__Luik %103ex%19%103 [prov.?]). __ &1before 450&: &3ICERV& 105 [Hu+bner 295; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2839A] (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Ossonoba [Olha=o]); &3ICERV& 20 (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.; before 450 ac?). __ &1`450&: &3ICERV& 190 [&3RIT& 674; &3Consuls& 677 %103cf.%103] (&7Tarrac. ש[&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]). (450 ac? rather, ca. 3rd c. ac [Alfo+ldi]). __ &1`450%19`460&: &3RICG& 1.19 [&3ICG& 242; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2025] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 450%19`460 ac). __ &1`450%19`469&: &3IChUR&(`1) II,151.25 [Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel 149,43 and 172,145 %103cf.%103; &3PLRE& II,181 and 463(21)] (&7Italy&: Rome, S. Laurentius; ca. 450%19`469 ac). __ [&1`450%19`525&]: &3CIL& 13.2601 [&3ICG& 661; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1077; Gauthier, &3E/vange/l. Moselle& (1980) 133%19`134 %103cf.%103; Heinen, &3Trierer Zeitschrift& 52 (1989) 405%19`408 %103cf.%103] (&7Lugdun. I&: St.%19Germain%19du%19Plain); &3Trierer Zeitschr.& 52 (1989) 411 (&7Lugdun. I&: Damerey; ca. 450%19`525 ac?). __ &1`451%19`453&: &3CIL& 13.904 [&3NR& 284] (&7Aquit. II&: Burdigala [Bordeaux]). __ &1`453 or 524?&: &3ILGN& 556 (&7Narbon. I&: Pignan; 453 or 524 ac). __ &1`453%19`461&: &3ICG& 652A [Sidon., &3Carm.& 19, p. 243] (&7Gallia&: place?; ca. 453%19`461 ac). __ &1`454&: &3RICG& 15.85 [&3ILGN& 302; Diehl, &3ILCV& 180; &3Consuls& 678 %103cf.%103] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3CIL& 13.2358 [&3ICG& 57; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1588] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]); &3CIL& 13.2359 [&3ICG& 55; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3327] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]). __ &1`455&: &3CIL& 12.4311 [&3ICG& 610; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1807] (&7Narbon. I&: Re/gimont); &3ILGN& 604 [&3AE/& 1928.85; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel 190,231 and 214,344 %103cf.%103] (&7Narbon. I&: Narbo [Narbonne]); &3ICERV& 191 [&3RIT& 945] (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]). __ &1`456&: &3CIL& 13.11208 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 1730,Add.II,p.513] (&7Lugdun. &7I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]). __ &1`456%19`457&: &3CIL& 12.5337 [&3ICG& 609; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1852a; Duchesne, &3FE/& I,303 %103cf.%103] (&7Narbon. I&: Minerve). __ &1`457%19`482&: &3CIL& 13.10024,307 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 48] (&7Belg. II&: Turnacum [Tournai]). __ &1`458&: &3CIL& 13.2363 [&3ICG& 72; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2728A; &3Consuls& 451 %103cf.%103] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; 458 ac?). __ &1`459&: &3ICERV& 192 [&3RIT& 946] (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]). __ &1`459%19`533&: &3ICG& 336 [Flodoard, &3Hist.Eccl.Rem.& 1.10, &3MGH SS XIII, p. 421; Duchesne, &3FE/& III,82 %103cf.%103; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 207,322 %103cf.%103] (&7Belg. II&: Durocortorum [Reims]; ca. 459%19`533 ac) __ &1`460%19`470&: &3ICG& 166%19`169 [Mai, &3Scr. Vet. Nova Coll.& V,138%19`139] (&7Lugdun. III&: Marmoutier, Maior monast.?) and 170%19`175, 177%19`180, 182 [Mai, &3Scr. Vet. Nova Coll.& V,139%19`143 (173: cf. &3CSEL& 16, Praef., p. 1%19`2 Petschenig; 178: cf. L. Pietri, in &3Me/langes d'histoire ancienne offerts a\ William Seston& [`1974], pp. 423%19`426); Duchesne, &3FE/& II,304 %103cf.%103; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 203,295 %103cf.%103], 176 [Paulinus Petricordiae, &3CSEL& 16, p. 165 Petschenig; Mai, &3Scr. Vet. Nova Coll.& V,141] and 181 [Sidon., &3Ep.& 4.18, p. 69 (Loyen: ca. 467 ac)] (&7Lugdun. &7III&: Caesarodunum [Tours]; ca. 460%19`470 ac?). __ &1`461&: &3CIL& 13.5657 [&3ICG& 1; Diehl, &3ILCV& 220] (&7Lugdun. I&: Pothie\res). __ &1`462&: &3ICERV& 101 [Hu+bner 322] (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Myrtilis [Me/rtola]; 462 ac?). __ &1after 462&: &3ICERV& 36 [Hu+bner 347] (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.); &3ICERV& 39 [Hu+bner 344] (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.); &3ICERV& 126 [Hu+bner 78; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1441D] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Sanlu/car). __ &1`465&: &3ICERV& 25%3`478 [Hu+bner 337; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1437A] (&7Emerit. [&7Lus.&]: Me/rida [prov.?]). __ &1`465%19`470&: &3ICG& 54 [Sidon., &3Ep.& 2.10, p. 34; Duchesne, &3FE/ II,163 %103cf.%103] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; ca. 465%19`470 ac?). __ &1`466&: &3CIL& 13.1548 [&3NR& 242; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1504] (&7Aquit. I&: St.%19Cirq%19la%19Popie); &3CIL& 13.2360 [&3ICG& 74; Diehl, &3ILCV 2910,adn.] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]); &3ICERV& 141 [Hu+bner 113; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1424D,adn.] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: S. Mari/a de Regla); &3ICERV& 148 [Hu+bner 98; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1450] (&7Hispal. [&7Bae.&]: Moro/n; 466 ac?). __ &1`466%19`467&: &3ICG& 652 [Sidon., &3Ep.& 4.8, p. 60] (&7Narbon. I&: Tolosa [Toulouse]). __ &1`467&: &3RICG& 15.24 [&3NR& 134; &3CIL& 12.1791; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2830] (&7Vienn., N.&: St.%19Romain%19d'Albon). __ &1`468%19`471&: &3ICERV& 68 [Hu+bner 394; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1436,adn.] (&7Carthag.& [&7Tar.&]&7?&: Toledo [prov.?]). __ &1`468%19`472&: Alfo+ldy, &3RIT& 100 [&3CIL& 2.4109; &3ILS& 815] (&7Tarrac. [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]). __ &1`469&: &3CIL& 13.2352 [&3ICG& 28; Sidon., &3Ep.& 3.12, p. 48; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 145,20 %103cf.%103] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]); &3CIL& 13.2361 [&3ICG& 87; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1750] (&7Lugdun. I&: Grigny); &3ICG& 650 [Sidon., &3Ep.& 2.8, p. 30; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 204,302 %103cf.%103] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]). __ &1`470&: &3CIL& 12.1497 [&3ICG& 496; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1927] (&7Vienn., S.&: Vasio [Vaison]); &3CIL& 13.2362 [&3ICG& 79; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2830,adn.] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]); &3ICG& 627b [&3CIL& 12.66*] (&7Narbon. &7II&: Aquae Sextiae [Aix]). __ &1"`470"&: &3CIL& 12.66* [&3ICG& 627b] (&7Narbon. II&: Aquae Sextiae [Aix]; prob. forgery: "`470 ac"). __ &1`471&: &3ICERV& 193 [&3RIT& 947] (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]). __ &1`471%3`2&: &3ICG& 404 [Sidon., &3Ep.& 4.11, p. 63] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 471%3`2 ac?). __ &1`472&: &3CIL& 12.1724 [&3ICG& 391; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2454] (&7Vienn., S.&: Aouste%19sur%19Sye). __ &1`473&: &3RICG& 15.142 [&3ICG& 415A (Greg. of Tours)] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; ca. 473 ac). __ &1`473%3`4%19`516&: &3CIL& 12.2643 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 45] (&7Vienn., N.&: Genava [Geneva]; 473%3`4?%19`516 ac). __ &1`474&: &3ICG& 631%3&3NR& 334 [&3CIL& 5.7978; Diehl, &3ILCV& 250] (&7Alpes &7Marit.&: Cemenelum [Cimiez]). __ &1after 475&: &3CIL& 12.1272 [&3ICG& 503%3&3NR& 156; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1065] (&7Vienn., S.&: Arausio [Orange]; after ca. 475 ac). __ &1`476&: &3AE/& 1965.332 (&7Narbon. II&: Antipolis [Antibes]; 476 ac). __ &1`476%19`500&: &3ICERV& 214 [&3RIT& 989] (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]; ca. 476%19`500 ac). __ &1`477&: &3ICG& 557 [Sidon., &3Ep.& 7.17, p. 123] (&7Aquit. I&: Augustonemetum [Clermont]). __ &1`478&: &3ICERV& 486 (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Myrtilis [Me/rtola]). __ &1`479&: &3NR& 33 [&3Acta SS.& Jul. VII,263%3`280] (&7Lugdun. IV&: Autessiodurum [Auxerre]; ca. 479 ac). __ &1`481&: &3RICG& 15.70 [&3ILGN& 294] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 481 ac?); &3RICG& 15.143 [&3ICG& 442; &3CIL& 12.2055] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]). __ &1`482&: &3ICERV& 38 [Hu+bner 343] (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.; 482 ac?); &3ICERV& 56 [Hu+bner 42; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1424D] (&7Emerit. [&7Lus.&]: Metellinum; 482 ac?). __ &1`483&: &3ICERV& 363 [Hu+bner 23a; Diehl, &3ILCV& 777] (&7Emerit. [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.). __ &1`483 or 490?&: &3RICG& 15.75 [&3ICG& 448; &3CIL& 12.2056; Diehl, &3ILCV 250,adn.] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 483 or 490 ac?). __ &1`484&: &3ILTG& 270 (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]); &3RAC& 54,3%19`4 (1978) 270,1 [&3AE/& 1978.485] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]). __ &1`484, 507%19`508 or 524?&: Kraus, &3Rheinland& 1.117,105 (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; 484?, 507%19`508?, 524? ac). __ &1`485&: &3CIL& 12.1498 [&3NR& 157; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2256; &3Consuls& 686 %103cf.%103] (&7Vienn., S.&: Urban); &3RICG& 15.76 [&3NR& 105; &3CIL& 12.2057; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2888,adn.] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3RICG 15.78 [&3ILGN& 297; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1678; &3Consuls& 504, 686 %103cf.%103] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3ICERV& 115 [Hu+bner 46; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1451] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Cazalla del la Sierra); &3ICERV& 161 [Hu+bner 131; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1436,adn.] (&7Cordub.& [&7Bae.&]: Corduba). __ &1`486&: &3RICG& 15.287 [&3ICG& 388A; &3CIL& 12.2485; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2765] (&7Vienn., N.&: Gre/sy%19sur%19Aix); &3ILGN& 606 [&3AE/& 1928.83; &3Consuls& 686 %103cf.%103] (&7Narbon. I&: Narbo [Narbonne]); &3CIL& 13.1656 [&3ICG& 662; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1340] (&7Lugdun. I&: Asa Paulini [Anse]); &3CIL& 13.2454 ש[&3ICG& 373; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3565A] (&7Max. Sequan.&: St.%19Maurice%19de%19Re/mens); &3ICG& 562 [&3MGH AA& VIII, p. vi; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 145,358 %103cf.%103; Duchesne, &3FE/& II,34 %103cf.%103] (&7Aquit. I&: Augustonemetum [Clermont]; ca. 486 ac). __ &1`487&: &3CIL& 12.933 [&3NR& 169; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2889A; Duch. &3FE/ I,237%19`238, note 4 %103cf.%103; &3Consuls& 686 %103cf.%103] (&7Vienn., S.&: Arelate [Arles]); &3CIL& 12.2702 [&3ICG& 481A; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1118; Duchesne, &3FE/& I,237 %103cf.%103] (&7Vienn., S.&: St.%19Thome/); &3RICG& 15.258 [&3ICG& 379; &3CIL& 13.2472; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1749] (&7Vienn., N.&: Briord). __ &1`488&: &3CIL& 12.133 [&3CIL& 13.10032,p.752; Diehl, &3ILCV& 70; Dessau, &3ILS& 1302] (&7Alpes Graiae%3Poenin.&: Sierre__Siders %103near:%103); &3RICG& 15.259 [&3ICG& 374A; &3CIL& 13.2473; Diehl, &3ILCV& 306] (&7Vienn., N.&: Briord). __ &1"`488%19`489"&: &3ICG& 184 [&3PL& 71.1152 (Ruinart, p. 1320); Duchesne, &3FE/& II,304(8) %103cf.%103; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel 203,295 %103cf.%103] (&7Lugdun. III&: Caesarodunum [Tours]; forgery, "`488%3`9" ac). __ &1`489&: &3CIL& 12.487 [&3ICG& 548; Diehl, &3ILCV& 446A,adn.] (&7Vienn., &7S.&: Massilia [Marseille]); &3ICERV& 87 [Hu+bner 312; Diehl, &3ILCV 1175] (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Myrtilis [Me/rtola]); &3ICERV& 116 [Hu+bner 47; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1446] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Cazalla del la Sierra). __ &1`490 or 483?&: &3RICG& 15.75 [&3ICG& 448; &3CIL& 12.2056; Diehl, &3ILCV 250,adn.] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 483 or 490 ac?). __ &1`491&: &3CIL& 12.1275 [&3NR& 160] (&7Vienn., S.&: Arausio [Orange]; 491 ac?); &3RICG& 15.5 [&3ICG& 474B; &3CIL& 12.2487; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1421A] (&7Vienn., N.&: Valentia [Valence]; 491 ac?); &3RICG& 15.152 [&3ICG 436; &3CIL& 12.2058; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1587] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3RICG& 15.257 [&3ICG& 388; &3CIL& 12.2384; Diehl, &3ILCV 1734] (&7Vienn., N.&: Ve/zeronce); &3RICG& 15.260 [&3ILTN& 305] (&7Vienn., &7N.&: Briord). __ &1`491 or 526?&: &3RICG& 15.77 [&3ICG& 689; &3CIL& 12.2073; Diehl, &3ILCV 3471] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 491 or 526 ac?). __ &1`492&: &3CIL& 13.2364 [&3ICG& 32; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3559] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]). __ &1`493&: &3CIL& 13.2365 [&3ICG& 69; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3560] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]); &3CIL& 13.2366 [&3ICG& 77] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]); &3ICERV& 268 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 1176] (&7Carthag.& [&7Tar.&]: Baleares: Manacor). __ &1`494&: &3CIL& 12.591 [&3ICG& 625; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1066,adn.] (&7Narbon. &7II&: Aquae Sextiae [Aix]; 494 ac?); &3ICERV& 88 [Hu+bner 309; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1451A] (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Myrtilis [Me/rtola]). __ &1`495&: &3CIL& 12.931 [&3NR& 186; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2888,adn.] (&7Vienn., &7S.&: Arelate [Arles]); &3CIL& 12.932 [&3ICG& 538; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4420] (&7Vienn., S.&: Arelate [Arles]); &3RICG& 15.153 [&3ICG& 458EE; &3CIL 12.2059; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3471,adn.] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3RICG& 15.154 [&3ICG& 432; &3CIL& 12.2060] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3ILTG& 271 [&3AE/& 1927.22] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]). __ &1`496&: &3CIL& 12.2700 [&3ICG& 482; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1216] (&7Vienn., S.&: Vivarium [Viviers]). __ &1`498&: &3CIL& 13.1655 [&3ICG& 12; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3488; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 206,314 %103cf.%103] (&7Lugdun. I&: Asa Paulini [Anse]). @ LARGEST RANGES: __ &1`400%19`525& ("`5th%19beg. 6th c. ac"): &3RICG& 15.49 [&3ICG& 419; &3CIL& 12.2121; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3473] (5th%19beg. 6th ac) and 147 [&3NR& 103; &3CIL& 12.2116; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1433] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 5th%19beg. 6th ac?); Boppert, &3Fru+hchr. Inschr. &3Mittelrheingebietes& (1971), p. 118 [&3BerRGK& 17.1927.76,229] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Bingium [Bingen]; 5th%19beg. 6th c. ac?); &3RAC 54,3%19`4 (1978) 272,2%19`274,4 (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; 5th%19beg. 6th c. ac?). __ &1`400%19`600& ("`5th%19`6th c. ac"): &3ILGN& 507 (&7Narbon. I&: Nemausus [Ni=mes]); &3RICG& 15.145 [&3ICG& 397B; &3CIL& 12.2112] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3CIL& 13.6257 [&3ICG& 346; Kraus 1.24; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3594; Boppert, p. 162], 6258 [&3ICG& 347; Kraus 1.27; Diehl, &3ILCV& 750,adn.; Boppert, p. 164], 6259 [&3ICG& 345; Kraus 1.26; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3112B; Boppert p. 161] and 6260 [&3ICG& 348; Kraus 1.28; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3594A; Boppert, p. 172] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Borbetomagus [Worms]); &3CIL& 13.7527 [&3NR& 75; Kraus 1.60; Diehl, &3ILCV& 273, Boppert, p. 120] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Bingium [Bingen]; 5th%19`6th ac?); &3CIL& 13.7558 [&3NR& 67; Kraus 1.267; Diehl, &3ILCV 1423; Boppert, p. 125] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Boudobriga [Boppard]); &3CIL& 13.7600 [&3NR& 430; Kraus 1.52; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3111; Boppert, p. 145], 7601 [&3NR& 81; Kraus 1.48; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3111A; Boppert, p. 147], 7602 [&3NR& 429; Kraus 1.51; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3111A,adn.; Boppert, p. 148], 7603 [&3NR& 431; Kraus 1.53; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3080; Boppert, p. 152] and 7604 [&3NR& 428; Kraus 1.50; Boppert, p. 150] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Aq. Mattiac. [Wiesbaden]); &3CIL& 13.8482 [&3NR& 86; Kraus 1.284; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4828; &3Fru+hchr. Zeugn.& (1965) 114,86; &3Fru+hchr. Ko+ln& (1965) 63,19], 8483 [&3ICG& 355; Kraus 1.290; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1542; &3Fru+hchr. Ko+ln& (1965) 61,10], 8484 [&3NR 438; Kraus 1.292A; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4829; &3Fru+hchr. Ko+ln& (1965) 61,11], 8485 [Kraus 1.315; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4659; &3Fru+hchr. Ko+ln (1965) 60,3] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]); &3CIL 13.8489 [Kraus 1.314; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4830; &3Fru+hchr. Ko+ln& (1965) 62,12] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]; 5th%19`6th ac?); &3CIL& 13.10032,10 [Kraus 1.5] (&7Max. Sequan.&: Castrum Rauracense [Kaiseraugst]); &3CIL& 13.11283 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 2770] (&7Lugdun. II&: Aregenua [Vieux]); &3CIL& 13.11928 [Boppert, p. 94] (&7Germ. Sup. [&7I&]: Moguntiacum [Mainz]); Boppert, &3Fru+hchr. Inschr. &3Mittelrheingebietes& (1971), pp. 43 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 2920A] (&7Germ. &7Sup.& [&7I&]: Moguntiacum [Mainz]) and 168 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 3593; &3BerRGK& 17.1927.61,188] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Goddelau); &3RICG& 1.169 [Gose 465*] (ca. 400%19`600 ac) and 187 [Gose 434*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 400%19`600 ac?); &3ILTG& 112 (&7Novempop.&: Lugdunum Convenarum [Bertrand%19de%19Comminges %103St.%19%103]); Schillinger%19Ha+fele, "Vierter Nachtrag," &3BerRGK& 58 (1977) 554,210 [&3AE/& 1978.575] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Ulpia Traiana [Xanten]); &3Trierer Zeitschr.& 54 (1991) 251 (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Mu+den); &3Ko+lner Jb.& 20 (1987) 107,39 (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]); &3ICERV& 151 [Hu+bner 95; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2399] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Marchena); &3ICERV& 158 [Hu+bner 105; Diehl, &3ILCV 222,adn.] (&7Astigit.& [&7Bae.&]: Lucena); &3ICERV& 160 [Hu+bner 97; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3989A] (&7Astigit.& [&7Bae.&]: Urso [Osuna]); &3ICERV& 180 [Hu+bner 118; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1424C] (&7Astigit.& [&7Bae.&]: Arjona); &3ICERV& 195 [&3RIT& 1013], 197 [&3RIT& 1040], 199 [&3RIT& 1009], 202 [&3RIT 986], 203 [&3RIT& 987], 204 [&3RIT& 983], 208 [&3RIT& 1008], 209 [&3RIT 1010], 210 [&3RIT& 976], 212 [&3RIT& 965], 218 [&3RIT& 988], 218 [&3RIT 988], 219a [Hu+bner 189; &3RIT& 968], 220 [&3RIT& 956], 221 [&3RIT 1012], 222 [&3RIT& 1011], 223 [&3RIT& 991], 224 [&3RIT& 1001], 225 [&3RIT 967], 226a [&3RIT& 1027], 227 [&3RIT& 990], 228 [&3RIT& 979], 229 [&3RIT 994], 230 [&3RIT& 992], 234 [&3RIT& 1017], 234a [&3RIT& 1042], 234b [&3RIT& 1041], 234c [&3RIT& 1026], 234d [&3RIT& 1025], 234e [&3RIT& 1024], 234g [&3RIT& 1028], 235 [&3RIT& 981], 237 [&3RIT& 949], 239 [&3RIT& 1000], 240 [&3RIT& 966], 241 [&3RIT& 1015], 242 [&3RIT& 1046], 243 [&3RIT& 950], 243b [&3RIT& 1036], 243c [&3RIT& 1043], 245a [&3RIT& 951], 246e [&3RIT 999], 246g [&3RIT& 1055], 247 [&3RIT& 995] and 295 [&3RIT& 969] (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]); &3ICERV& 248 [Diehl, &3ILCV 1378] (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Barcino [Barcelona]); &3ICERV& 341 (&7Bracar.& [&7Gal.&]: Orense); &3ICERV& 371 [Hu+bner 324; Diehl, &3ILCV 1447] (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Ebora [E/vora]); Alfo+ldy, &3RIT& 1005, ש1014, 1021, 1032, 1045, 1057, 1065, 1076 [&3CIJ& 1.660c, Add. p. 55] (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]). __ &1`400%19`700& ("`5th%19`7th c. ac"): &3RICG& 15.202 [&3NR& 115; &3CIL 12.2139; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1167,adn.] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3RICG& 15.288 [&3ICG& 389; &3CIL& 12.2486; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1928] (&7Vienn., &7N.&: Gre/sy%19sur%19Aix; 5th%19`7th ac?); &3RICG& 1.52 [&3NR& 340; &3CIL 13.3875; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3581C,adn.; Gose 53*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]); &3ICERV& 368 [Hu+bner 350; Diehl, &3ILCV& 881] (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.); &3ICERV& 369 (&7Cluniens.& [&7Tar.&]: Siero); &3ICERV& 372 (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Badajoz); &3ICERV& 372a (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Jerez de la Frontera); &3ICERV& 390 [Hu+bner 424; Diehl, &3ILCV& 859A; &3RIT& 975] (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]); &3ICERV& 392 [Hu+bner 206; Diehl, &3ILCV& 51] (&7Emerit. [&7Lus.&]: Caesarobriga [Talavera]); &3ICERV& 415 (&7Cordub.& [&7Bae.&]: Villaviciosa de Co/rdoba); &3ICERV& 511 (&7Cluniens.& [&7Tar.&]: Quintanilla de las Vin%24as); &3ICERV& 512 [Hu+bner 387] (&7Cluniens. [&7Tar.&]: Quintanilla de las Vin%24as; 5th%19`7th ac?); &3ICERV& 513 [Hu+bner 146] (&7Asturic.& [&7Gal.&]: Pola de Lena; 5th%19`7th ac?). __ &1`400%19`550&: &3RICG& 1.239 [&3NR& 436; &3CIL& 13.4187; Gose 731A*] (&7Belg. I&: Noviomagus [Neumagen]; ca. 400%19`550 ac?). __ &1`410%19`800&: &3RICG& 1.179 [Gose 439*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 410%19`800 ac). __ &1`420%19`580&: &3RICG& 1.142 [&3CIL& 13.3856; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3581A; Gose 445*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 420%19`580 ac?). __ &1`420%19`660&: &3RICG& 1.98 [&3CIL& 13.3794; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4695; Gose 719*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 420%19`660 ac). __ &1`430%19`600&: &3RICG& 1.182 [Gose 514*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 430%19`600 ac). __ &1`450%19`600&: &3RICG& 1.2 [&3ICG& 224; &3CIL& 13.3791; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3581; Gose 3*], 115 [&3ICG& 241; &3CIL& 13.3811; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4179B,adn.; Gose 418*], 123 [&3ICG& 250; &3CIL& 13.3825; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3590B; Gose 425*] (ca. 450%19`600 ac?), 186 [&3ICG& 232%3&3NR& 387; &3CIL& 13.3802; Gose 729*] and 230 [&3NR& 399; &3CIL& 13.3783; Diehl, &3ILCV 1117,adn.; Gose 779*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 450%19`600 ac); &3RICG& 1.251 [&3CIL& 13.4460; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3094A] and 253 [&3CIL& 13.4459] (&7Belg. I&: Divodurum [Metz]; ca. 450%19`600 ac?). __ &1`450%19`640&: &3RICG& 1.88 [Gose 136*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 450%19`640 ac). __ &1`450%19`670&: &3RICG& 1.161 [&3ICG& 253; &3CIL& 13.3831; Diehl, &3ILCV 3581B,adn.] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 450%19`670 ac). __ &1`450%19`800&: &3RICG& 1.70 [&3NR& 342; &3CIL& 13.3904; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3102; Gose 76*], 77 [Gose 137], 199 [Gose 668*], 203 [Gose 566*], and 205 [Gose 495*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 450%19`800 ac). __ &1`460%19`600&: &3RICG& 1.27 [&3NR& 344; &3CIL& 13.3845; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3588; Gose 27*], 129 [Gose 433*], and 196 [Gose 532*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 460%19`600 ac). __ &1`460%19`800&: &3RICG& 1.257 [&3NR& 420; &3CIL& 13.4465] (&7Belg. I&: Divodurum [Metz]; ca. 460%19`800 ac). __ &1`475%19`600& ("end 5th%19`6th c. ac"): &3RICG& 15.184 [&3ICG& 420; &3CIL 12.2125; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3079A] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; end 5th%19`6th ac). __ &1`475%19`700&: Alfo+ldy, &3RIT& 1075 (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]; end 5th%19`7th c. ac [after 476 ac]). __ &1`480%19`580&: &3RICG& 1.18 [&3ICG& 247; &3CIL& 13.3820; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3585; Gose 17*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 480%19`580 ac). __ &1`480%19`600&: &3RICG& 1.109 [&3CIL& 13.3786; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1244; Gose 413*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; c.480%19`600 ac?); &3RICG 1.258 [&3CIL& 13.4733; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3416] (&7Belg. I&: Sion; ca. 480%19`600 ac). __ &1`480%19`620&: &3RICG& 1.166 [Gose 463*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 480%19`620 ac); &3RICG& 1.243 [&3CIL& 13.11445] (&7Belg. I&: Divodurum [Metz]; ca. 480%19`620 ac). __ &1`480%19`800&: &3RICG& 1.190 [Gose 428] (ca. 480%19`800 ac) and 227 [&3NR 395; &3CIL& 13.3949; Gose 760*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 480%19`800 ac?). __ &1`490%19`600&: &3RICG& 1.131 [&3ICG& 256%3&3NR& p.55,2; &3CIL& 13.3833; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3586; Gose 436*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 490%19`600 ac?). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@SIXTH CENTURY A.C. @ SIXTH CENTURY: __ &1`500%19`600& ("`6th c. ac"): &3CIL& 12.338 [&3ICG& 628; Diehl, &3ILCV& 149; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 167,113 %103cf.%103] (&7Narbon. II&: Gayole %103La%103; 6th ac?); &3CIL& 12.339, p. 810 [&3ICG 629; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2892A,adn.] (&7Narbon. II&: Gayole %103La%103; 6th ac?); &3CIL& 12.482 [&3ICG& 545; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1670] (&7Vienn., S.&: Massilia [Marseille]); &3CIL& 12.592 [&3ICG& 624; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3437] (&7Narbon. II&: Aquae Sextiae [Aix]; 6th ac?); &3CIL& 12.1789 (&7Vienn., N.&: Ursolis [St.%19Vallier]; 6th ac?); &3CIL& 12.4057 [&3NR 299; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1598] (&7Narbon. I&: Nemausus [Ni=mes]; 6th ac?); &3CIL& 12.1695 [&3ICG& 478A; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1214] (&7Vienn., S.&: Dea Aug. [Die]); &3ILGN& 669 (&7Narbon. I&: Narbo [Narbonne]); &3RICG& 15.12 [&3AE/ 1969.366] (&7Vienn., N.&: Soyons; 6th ac?); &3RICG& 15.32 (&7Vienn., &7N.&: Arras%19sur%19Rho=ne); &3RICG& 15.35 [&3NR& 130; &3CIL& 12.5862; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1217] (6th ac) and 36 [&3ICG& 472; &3CIL& 12.1801] (&7Vienn., N.&: Andance; 6th ac?); &3RICG& 15.58 [&3ICG& 458D; &3CIL& 12.2107; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1810,adn.], 74 [&3ILGN& 289], 107 [&3ILGN& 298%3`331] (6th ac?), 108 [&3ILGN& 311], 113 [&3NR& 442; &3ILGN& 315], 120 [&3ILGN& 313], 124 [&3ICG& 702; &3CIL& 12.2163], 128 [&3NR& 120B; &3ILGN& 325], 129 [&3ICG& 700; &3CIL& 12.2177c], 136 [&3ILGN& 319], 138 [&3ILGN& 330], 140 [&3ILGN& 329], 151 [&3ICG& 400; &3CIL& 12.2172] (6th ac?), 177 [&3NR& 113; &3CIL 12.2074; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1690,adn.] (6th ac?), 191 [&3ILGN& 318] (6th ac?), 194 [&3NR& 109; &3CIL& 12.2138; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3280A,adn.], 198 [&3ICG& 460; &3CIL& 12.2159; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3487B], 201 [&3ICG& 453; &3CIL 12.2174b], 204, 205 [&3NR& 121B; &3CIL& 12.2178b; Diehl, &3ILCV 1677,adn.], 208, 209, and 214 (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3RICG& 15.223 [&3NR& 127; &3CIL& 12.5868; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1457,adn.] (&7Vienn., N.&: Pact; 6th ac?); &3RICG& 15.230 (&7Vienn., N.&: Cularo__Gratianopolis [Grenoble]); &3RICG& 15.238 [&3NR& 129; &3CIL 12.2308] (&7Vienn., N.&: Corenc; 6th ac?); &3RICG& 15.240 (&7Vienn., &7N.&: Vif); &3RICG& 15.251 [&3ICG& 387; &3CIL& 12.2362; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4820] (&7Vienn., N.&: St.%19Laurent%19de%19Mu=re); &3RICG& 15.281 [&3ICG& 395; &3CIL 12.2409] (&7Vienn., N.&: Augustum [Aoste]); &3CIL& 13.497 [&3NR& 293; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2902A] (&7Novempop.&: Peyrebert); &3CIL& 13.498 [&3NR& 290; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2920] and 499 [&3NR& 291; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2902] (&7Novempop.&: Elimberrum [Auch]); &3CIL& 13.1108 [&3NR& 274; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4424] (&7Aquit. II&: Mediolanum [Saintes]); &3CIL& 13.1109 [&3ICG 579] (&7Aquit. II&: Mediolanum [Saintes]; 6th ac?); &3CIL& 13.2422 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 583,adn.] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; ca. 6th ac); &3CIL& 13.5463 [&3NR& 2; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3129] (&7Lugdun. I&: Fe/nay); &3CIL& 13.8479 [&3NR& 437; Kraus 1.292; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1375B; &3Fru+hchr. &3Ko+ln& (1965) 62,14] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]); &3CIL& 13.8486 [&3ICG& 354; Kraus 285; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2178; &3Fru+hchr. &3Ko+ln& (1965) 63,20] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]; 6th ac?); &3CIL& 13.10027,207 [Kraus 1.63] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Dietersheim; 6th ac?); &3CIL& 13.11925 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 4696; Boppert, p. 88] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Moguntiacum [Mainz]; 6th ac?); &3RICG& 1.21 (ca. 500%19`600 ac?), 63 [&3ICG& 297; &3CIL& 13.3895; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3592; Gose 71*], 72 [&3ICG& 291; &3CIL& 13.3907; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4374; Gose 65*], 84A (ca. 500%19`600 ac?), 95 [&3CIL& 13.3792; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3584,adn.; Gose 404*], 132 [Gose 419*] (ca. 500%19`600 ac?), 138 [&3ICG& 265; &3CIL& 13.3690; Diehl, &3ILCV& 353; Gose ש442*] (ca. 500%19`600 ac?), 154 [&3ICG& 286; &3CIL& 13.3885; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3581D; Gose 457*], 156 [Gose 460*] (ca. 500%19`600 ac?), 157 [Gose 461] (ca. 500%19`600 ac?), 178 [Gose 483*], 184 [Gose 473*] (ca. 500%19`600 ac?); 195 [&3CIL& 13.3916; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1744; Gose 484*], 222 [&3CIL& 13.3868; Gose 739*] (ca. 500%19`600 ac?), 225 [&3ICG& 313; &3CIL& 13.3919; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4160,adn.; Gose 748*] (ca. 500%19`600 ac?) and 228 [&3CIL& 13.11336; Gose 742*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 500%19`600 ac?); &3RICG& 1.238 (&7Belg. I&: Ettelbruck?; ca. 500%19`600 ac); &3RICG& 1.246 [&3CIL& 13.11443; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3543,adn.] (ca. 500%19`600 ac?), 247 [&3CIL& 13.11440; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3580A], 248 [&3CIL& 13.11449] and 249 [&3CIL& 13.11447] (&7Belg. &7I&: Divodurum [Metz]; ca. 500%19`600 ac); &3ICG& 581A%19`581R with &3Gallia& 29.1971.171 [&3AE/& 71.268] (&7Aquit. II&: Neuvicq%19sous%19Montguyon); &3NR& 90A [&3FZ& 136,133] (&7Belg. I&: Frouard); &3Fru+hchr. Zeugnisse& (1965) 108,89 (&7Belg. I&: Rittersdorf; 6th c. ac?), 220,21E (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]); B. Florin, in &3Le Nord de la France de The/odose a\ &3Charles Martel& (Lille 1983), pp. 142, 145, no. 39, ph. p. 144 (&7Belg. II&: Concevreux); &3Gallia& 14 (1956) 256 (&7Vienn., S.&: Visan %103nr.%103; 6th c. ac?); &3Gallia& 22 (1964) 278 [&3AE/& 1965.178] (&7Vienn., S.&: Privas; 6th ac?); &3Gallia& 29 (1971) 172,1%19`25 and 172,s1%19`2, 19, 31%19`36, 41%19`43, 45, 52, with Maurin, &3Saintes (1981) 781, n. 124 [&3ICG& 581A%19`581R; &3AE/& 1971.268(1%19`13)] (&7Aquit. &7II&: Neuvicq%19sous%19Montguyon); &3Gallia& 39 (1981) 245 [&3AE/ 1981.651, 1983.704] (&7Belg. II&: Rues%19des%19Vignes %103Les%103); &3Gallia 41 (1983) 308 [&3AE/& 1983.698] (&7Lugdun. III&: Solesmes); &3ICERV& 421 [Hu+bner 289] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Carteia); &3ICERV& 322 [Hu+bner 75; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2029] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Gine/s; 6th ac?); &3ICERV& 428 [Hu+bner 186; &3CIJ& 661] (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Dertosa [Tortosa]; 6th ac?). @ LARGER RANGES: __ &1`500%19`525& ("beg. 6th c. ac"): &3CIL& 12.481 [&3ICG 543; Diehl, &3ILCV& 179; Benoi=t, &3Sarcoph. pale/ochr.& (1954) 76,116; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 169,123 %103cf.%103] (&7Vienn., S.&: Massilia [Marseille]; beg. 6th ac?); &3RICG& 15.241 [&3CIL 13.2313] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vif; beg. 6th ac?). __ &1`500%19`525%3`550& ("early 6th c. ac"): &3RICG& 15.2 [&3ILGN& 261] (&7Vienn., N.&: Valentia [Valence]; early 6th ac); &3RICG& 15.190 [&3NR& 108; &3CIL& 12.2133; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3553A,adn.] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; early 6th ac). __ &1`500%19`550& ("`1st half 6th c. ac"): &3CIL& 12.5755 [&3NR& 333; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3857; &3AE/& 1983.665] (&7Alpes Graiae%3Poenin.&: Peyruis; ca. 500%19`550 ac?); &3RICG& 15.112 [&3ILGN& 314], 115 [&3ICG& 687; &3CIL 12.2123] (ca. 500%19`550 ac?), 130 [&3ILGN& 324] (ca. 500%19`550 ac?) and 211 [&3NR& 121; &3CIL& 12.2154] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; ca. 500%19`550 ac); &3ICERV& 169 [Hu+bner 379b] (&7Cordub.& [&7Bae.&]: Almodo/var del Ri/o; ca. 500%19`550 ac). __ &1`500%19`590&: &3RICG& 1.54 [&3NR& 346; &3CIL& 13.3880; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3591; Gose 54*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 500%19`590 ac). __ &1`525%19`550& ("`2nd quarter 6th ac"): &3RICG& 15.197 [&3ICG& 447; &3CIL 12.2152] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; ca. 525%19`550 ac). __ &1`525%19`575& ("mid%19`6th c. ac"): &3RICG& 15.38 [&3NR& 123; &3CIL& 12.2140; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3280,adn.] (&7Vienn., N.&: Verenay; mid%19`6th ac); &3RICG 15.59 [&3ICG& 456; &3CIL& 12.2175c; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3280A,adn.], 62 [&3ICG 458B; &3CIL& 12.2100], 106 [&3ICG& 692; &3CIL& 12.2066; Diehl, &3ILCV 3415], 127 [&3NR& 443; &3ILGN& 310], and 189 [&3ICG& 430; &3CIL& 12.2132; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3280] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; mid%19`6th ac); &3RICG& 15.216 [&3NR& 124; &3CIL& 12.2165; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1607,adn.] (&7Vienn., N.&: Eyzin; mid%19`6th ac); &3RICG& 15.222 [&3ICG& 468; &3CIL 12.2188; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1677] (&7Vienn., N.&: Turedonnum [Tourdan]; mid%19`6th ac). __ &1`525%19`600&: &3RICG& 15.134 [&3ICG& 701; &3CIL& 12.2177d] and 135 [&3ILGN 320] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; ca. 525%19`600 ac). __ &1`525%3`550%19`575&: &3RICG& 15.132 [&3ICG& 458X; &3CIL& 12.2177b] (&7Vienn., &7N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; "middle or 3rd quarter 6th ac"). __ &1`550%19`600& ("`2nd half 6th c. ac"): &3RICG& 15.45 [&3ICG& 458E; &3CIL 12.2109; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1432,adn.], 46 [&3ICG& 414; &3CIL& 12.2118; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3470], 121 [&3ICG& 458T; &3CIL& 12.2160; Diehl, &3ILCV 3486A] (ca. 550%19`600 ac?), 126 [&3NR& 120D; &3ILGN& 322], 131 [&3ICG 458CC; &3CIL& 12.2176c], 137 [&3ICG& 458Y; &3CIL& 12.2169; Diehl, &3ILCV 1688,adn.], 166 [&3ILGN& 307], and 231 [&3ICG& 470A; &3CIL& 12.2310; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3467,adn.] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; ca. 550%19`600 ac); &3RICG& 15.232 and 235 [&3ICG& 470C; &3CIL& 12.2312; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3468,adn.] (&7Vienn., N.&: Cularo__Gratianopolis [Grenoble]; ca. 550%19`600 ac); &3RICG& 15.254bis (&7Vienn., N.&: Bourgoin; ca. 550%19`600 ac); &3RICG& 15.283 [&3ICG& 465; &3CIL& 12.2422; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1341] and 284 [&3ICG& 464; &3CIL& 12.2423; Diehl, &3ILCV 3467,adn.] (&7Vienn., N.&: Saint%19Sixte; ca. 550%19`600 ac). __ &1`550%19`620&: &3RICG& 1.107 [&3NR& 35; &3CIL& 13.3680; Diehl, &3ILCV& 437; Gose 411*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 550%19`620 ac?). __ &1`550%19`625&: &3RICG& 15.181 [&3AE/& 1972.350] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; ca. 550%19`625 ac). __ &1`575%19`625& ("end 6th%19beg. 7th c. ac"): &3RICG& 15.217 [&3ICG& 463; &3CIL& 12.2144; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2455] (&7Vienn., N.&: Eyzin; end 6th%19beg. 7th ac?). __ &1`575%19`650&: &3RICG& 15.213 [&3ICG& 458Q; &3CIL& 12.2157] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; ca. 575%19`650 ac). __ &1`590%19`670&: &3RICG& 1.1 [&3NR& 34; &3CIL& 13.3790; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4162; Gose 2*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 590%19`670 ac). __ &1`590%19`680&: &3RICG& 1.127 [&3CIL& 13.3829; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3566; Gose 429*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 590%19`680 ac?). @ DATES AND SMALLER RANGES: __ [&1`500]&: &3RICG& 15.187 [&3ICG& 458P; &3CIL 12.2129] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; ca. 500 ac?). __ &1`500 or 527?&: &3CIL& 13.1530 [&3ICG& 565; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1220] (&7Aquit. I&: Coudes; 500 or 527 ac?). __ &1`500%3`1 or 536%3`7?&: &3RICG& 15.11 [&3ICG& 477A; &3CIL& 12.2660; Diehl, &3ILCV& 148] (&7Vienn., N.&: Charmes; 536%3`537 or 500%3`501 ac?). __ &1`501&: &3CIL& 12.930 [&3ICG& 510; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2888] (&7Vienn., S.&: Arelate [Arles]); &3RICG& 15.261 [&3ICG& 374; &3CIL& 13.2474; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1616,adn.] (&7Vienn., N.&: Briord); &3RICG& 15.262 [&3ICG& 381; &3CIL& 13.2475; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2903] (&7Vienn., N.&: Briord); &3CIL 13.2367 [&3ICG& 63; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3561] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]); &3CIL& 13.2368 [&3ICG& 67; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3561A] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]); &3CIL& 13.2395 [&3ICG& 21; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1070; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 211,333 %103cf.%103] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]). __ &1`501%19`502&: &3RICG& 15.155 [&3ILGN& 295] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne], 501 or 502 ac). __ &1`502&: &3RICG& 15.65 [&3ILGN& 296] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3ICERV& 89 [Hu+bner 310; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1436] (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Myrtills [Me/rtola]). __ &1`503&: &3RICG& 15.22 [&3NR& 140; &3CIL& 12.1787; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2889] (&7Vienn., N.&: Ursolis [St.%19Vallier]); &3CIL& 13.1529 [&3ICG& 569; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2911] (&7Aquit. I&: Coudes); &3CIL& 13.2370 [&3ICG& 70; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3561B] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]); &3ICERV& 194 [&3RIT& 948] (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]). __ &1`504&: &3RICG& 15.286 [&3AE/& 1945.73; &3Consuls& 690 %103cf.%103] (&7Vienn., &7N.&: Jongieux); &3CIL& 13.2371 [&3ICG& 78; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1615,adn.] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; 504 ac?); &3AE/& 1976.450(b) (&7Lugdun. &7I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; 504 ac); &3ICERV& 149 [Hu+bner 92; Diehl, &3ILCV 1659,a] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Arahal); &3ICERV& 484b (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Badajoz). __ &1`505&: &3RICG& 15.291 [&3NR& 95; &3CIL& 12.2644; Diehl, &3ILCV ש2910,adn.] (&7Vienn., N.&: Genava [Geneva]); &3CIL& 13.11210 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 3565,adn.] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; 505 ac?). __ &1`505, 528 or 570?&: &3CIL& 12.5353 [&3ICG& 612; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3176D] (&7Narbon. I&: Salles%19d'Aude; 505, 528 or 570 ac?). __ &1`506&: &3CIL& 12.631 [&3ICG& 630; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3438] (&7Narbon. II&: Pin %103Le%103); &3CIL& 13.2372 [&3ICG& 31; Duchesne, &3HFS& I,514; &3MGH AA VI,2.185,6 &3IChUR&(`1) II,266.3; Diehl, &3ILCV& 46] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; re%19inscribed text, poss. literary invention: "`506 ac"); &3CIL& 13.10032,3a%3`5245 [Kraus 1.9; Diehl, &3ILCV& 71; Dessau, &3ILS& 1303] (&7Max. Sequan.?&: Zu+rich %103ex%19%103 [prov.?]). __ &1`507%19`508, 484 or 524?&: Kraus, &3Rheinland& 1.117,105 (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; 484?, 507%19`508?, 524? ac). __ &1`508&: &3CIL& 12.5339 [&3NR& 312; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3555] (&7Narbon. I&: Narbo [Narbonne]); &3CIL& 13.2373 [&3ICG& 66; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1553] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]); &3ICERV& 41 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 1226] (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.). __ &1`508%19`509&: &3RICG& 15.157 [&3ICG& 434; &3CIL& 12.2062; Diehl, &3ILCV 1665] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 508 or 509 ac). __ &1`510&: &3CIL& 13.2374 [&3ICG& 61; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4823] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]); &3ICERV& 50 [Hu+bner 44; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1424D,adn.] (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Caesarobriga [Talavera]); &3ICERV& 51 [Hu+bner 25; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1424D,adn.] (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Galisteo); &3ICERV 185 [Hu+bner 136; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2458] (&7Bracar.& [&7Gal.&]: Ban%24os de Bande); &3ICERV& 487%19`488 (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Myrtilis [Me/rtola]). __ &1`511&: &3ICG& 206 [Bouquet, &3RHG& II,538AB] (&7Lugdun. IV&: Lutetia Parisi. [Paris]; [`511 ac]); &3RICG& 15.5bis [&3AE/& 1976.397] (&7Vienn., &7N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3RICG& 15.66 [&3ICG& 437; &3CIL& 12.2063; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3550] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3RICG& 15.105 [&3ICG 691; &3CIL& 12.2065] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 511 ac?); &3RICG 15.247 [&3ICG& 387A; &3CIL& 12.2064%3`2363; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1673,adn.] (&7Vienn., N.&: St.%19Laurent%19de%19Mu=re). __ &1`512%19`522&: &3ICERV& 92 [Hu+bner 311; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1175B] (&7Pacensis [&7Lus.&]: Myrtilis [Me/rtola]). __ &1after 512&: &3ICERV& 103 [Hu+bner 318] (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Myrtilis [Me/rtola]). __ &1`513&: &3CIL& 13.10032,14 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 73; Dessau, &3ILS& 1304; &3SEG 36.928 %103cf.%103] (&7Italy, Rome?&: Liverpool %103now:%103); &3ICERV& 75 [Hu+bner 13; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1424D,adn.] (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Marva=o). __ &1`514&: &3CIL& 12.1692 [&3NR& 147; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1432,adn.] (&7Vienn., &7S.&: Lucus Augusti [Luc%19en%19Diois]); &3ILGN& 607 (&7Narbon. I&: Narbo [Narbonne]); &3ICERV& 26 (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.); &3ICERV& 90 [Hu+bner 306; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1473] (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Myrtilis [Me/rtola]; 514 ac?); &3ICERV& 144 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 1437] (&7Hispal. [&7Bae.&]: Zahara). __ &1`515&: &3RICG& 15.79 [&3ICG& 693; &3CIL& 12.2067; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3278] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3RICG& 15.253 (&7Vienn., N.&: Bourgoin); &3CIL& 13.10032,4 [Dessau, &3ILS& 8993] (&7Aquit. I&: Augustoritum__Lemovices [Limoges]); Augustoritum [Limoges]); &3ICERV& 58%19`59 [Hu+bner 53 and 52; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1438%19`1439] (&7Hispal. [&7Bae.&]: Valencia del Ventoso). __ &1`516&: &3RICG& 15.25 [&3NR& 135; &3CIL& 12.1792; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2779] (&7Vienn., N.&: St.%19Romain%19d'Albon); &3RICG& 15.282 [&3NR& 126; &3CIL 12.2421; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1434] (&7Vienn., N.&: Saint%19Sixte); Egli, &3Mitt. Ant. Ges. Zu+rich& 24,1 (1894) 9,4 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 1648B] (&7Alpes Grai.%3Poenin.&: Tarnaiae Nantuatium [Maurice %103St.%19%103] %103near:%103); &3ICERV& 60 [Hu+bner 56] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Zafra). __ &1`517&: &3CIL& 12.590 [&3ICG& 623%3&3NR,&p.465; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1552] (&7Narbon. II&: Aquae Sextiae [Aix]); &3CIL& 12.5347a [&3NR& 309; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3176C, 212,adn.] (&7Narbon. I&: Gle/on; 517 ac?); &3RICG& 15.80 [&3ILGN& 299] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3RICG 15.254 [&3NR& 100; &3CIL& 12.2353] (&7Vienn., N.&: Bourgoin); &3CIL 13.2375 [&3ICG& 36; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1255] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]); &3CIL& 13.10032,5a [Diehl, &3ILCV& 74; Dessau, &3ILS& 1305] (&7Aquit. I?&: Bourges %103ex%19%103 [prov.?]); &3CIL& 13.10032,5b [Diehl, &3ILCV& 74,adn.] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]&7?&: Lie\ge__Luik %103ex%19%103 [prov.?]); &3ICERV& 27 [Hu+bner 332; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1424D,adn.] (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.); &3ICERV& 497 (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Silveirona). __ &1`518&: &3RICG& 15.81 [&3ICG& 402; &3MGH AA& VI,2.185,7] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 518 ac?); &3RICG& 15.82 [&3ILGN& 301; Diehl, &3ILCV 2440] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3CIL& 13.2376 [&3ICG& 14; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3562] (&7Lugdun. I&: E/cully); &3CIL& 13.10032,6 [Dessau, &3ILS& 1306] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]&7?&: Utrecht %103ex%19%103 [prov.?]); &3ICERV& 28 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 1177] (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.); &3ICERV& 29 [Hu+bner 35; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1439A] (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.); &3ICERV& 30 [Hu+bner 341%6?30; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1439,adn.] (&7Emerit. [&7Lus.&]: Me/rida [prov.?]); &3ICERV& 91 [Hu+bner 316] (&7Pacensis [&7Lus.&]: Myrtilis [Me/rtola]); &3ICERV& 484a (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Badajoz). __ &1`518%3`523%19`538&: &3CIL& 13.2396 [&3ICG& 22; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1071] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; ca. 518%3`523%19`538 ac). __ &1`519&: &3CIL& 12.1500 [&3ICG& 489; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1166] (&7Vienn., S.&: Vasio [Vaison]). __ &1`519%19`520&: &3ICERV& 277 [Hu+bner 412; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1090; &3RIT& 938] (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]; 519 or 520 ac). __ &1`520&: &3RICG& 15.9 [&3ILGN& 260; Diehl, &3ILCV& 124,adn.] (&7Vienn., &7N.&: Baume%19Cornillame %103La%103); &3RICG& 15.83 [&3NR& 121A; &3ILGN& 293; &3Consuls& 693 %103cf.%103] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3RICG& 15.236 [&3ILGN& 339; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1166A] (&7Vienn., N.&: Cularo__Gratianopolis [Grenoble]); &3CIL& 13.2377 [&3ICG& 663; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1674] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]); Egli, &3Mitt. &3Ant. Ges. Zu+rich& 24,1 (1894) 10,5 (&7Alpes Grai.%3Poenin.&: Tarnaiae Nantuatium [Maurice %103St.%19%103] %103near:%103); &3ICERV& 108 [Hu+bner 67; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1424D,adn.] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Hispalis [Sevilla]). __ &1`521&: &3CIL& 12.4083 [&3NR& 301; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2021] (&7Narbon. I&: Bellegarde); &3RICG& 15.285 (&7Vienn., N.&: Yenne); &3CIL& 13.300 [&3NR 296; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3040,adn.] (&7Novempop.&: Valcabre\re; 521 ac?); &3ICERV& 123 [Hu+bner 72; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1439B] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Salteras). __ &1`522&: &3RICG& 15.243 [&3ICG& 469; &3CIL& 12.2309; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2904] (&7Vienn., N.&: Terrasse %103La%103); &3ICERV& 485 (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Badajoz); &3ICERV& 500 and 500a (&7Scalabit.& [&7Lus.&]&7?&: Lisbo%24a [prov.?]). __ &1`523&: &3RICG& 15.1 [&3NR& 145; &3CIL& 12.1781; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2904,adn.] (&7Vienn., N.&: Valentia [Valence]); &3RICG& 15.276 [&3ICG& 390; &3CIL 12.2404; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3281] (&7Vienn., N.&: Augustum [Aoste]); &3CIL 13.2378 [&3ICG& 43; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3563] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]); Egli, &3Mitt. Ant. Ges. Zu+rich& 24,1 (1894) 11,6 (&7Alpes &7Grai.%3Poenin.&: Tarnaiae Nantuatium [Maurice %103St.%19%103] %103near:%103). __ &1`523 or 527?&: &3RICG& 15.159 [&3ICG& 443; &3CIL& 12.2099] (&7Vienn., &7N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 527 or 523 ac?). __ &1`524&: &3RICG& 15.67 [&3ICG& 435; &3CIL& 12.2070; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1671] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3RICG& 15.84 [&3ICG& 694; &3CIL 12.2071] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3RICG& 15.158 [&3NR& 106; &3CIL& 12.2069; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2747] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]). __ &1`524 or 453?&: &3ILGN& 556 (&7Narbon. I&: Pignan; 453 or 524 ac). __ &1`524, 484 or 507%19`508?&: Kraus, &3Rheinland& 1.117,105 (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; 484?, 507%19`508?, 524? ac). __ &1`525&: &3NR& 162 [&3ILGN& 135; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2890] (&7Vienn., S.&: Arelate [Arles]); &3RICG& 15.86 [&3ICG& 695; &3CIL& 12.2072] (&7Vienn., &7N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3CIL& 13.10032,8a [&3IG& 14.2418,1; &3CIG& 8632; שDessau, &3ILS& 1308] (&7Belgica II?&: Compie\gne %103ex%19%103 [prov.?]); &3CIL 13.10032,8b (&7Lugdun. I?&: Autun %103ex%19%103 [prov.?]); &3ICERV& 93 [Hu+bner 304; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1300] (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Myrtilis [Me/rtola]). __ &1`526&: Egli, &3Mitt. Ant. Ges. Zu+rich& 24,1 (1894) 12,7 (&7Alpes &7Grai.%3Poenin.&: Tarnaiae Nantuatium [Maurice %103St.%19%103] %103near:%103). __ &1`526 or 491?&: &3RICG& 15.77 [&3ICG& 689; &3CIL& 12.2073; Diehl, &3ILCV 3471] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 491 or 526 ac?). __ &1`526%19`527&: &3CIL& 13.1531 [&3ICG& 566; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2912] (&7Aquit. I&: Coudes). __ &1`527&: &3CIL& 12.5340 [&3ICG& 613A; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2891; &3IG& 14.2517; Wessel 104] (&7Narbon. I&: Narbo [Narbonne]); &3RICG& 15.227 [&3NR 133; &3CIL& 12.2193; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1687] (&7Vienn., N.&: Parnans); &3RICG& 15.290 [&3ICG& 683; &3CIL& 12.2584; Diehl, &3ILCV& 47] (&7Vienn., &7N.&: Lugrin); &3ICERV& 128 [Hu+bner 367; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1441] (&7Hispal. [&7Bae.&]: Jerez de la Frontera). __ &1`527 or 500?&: &3CIL& 13.1530 [&3ICG& 565; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1220] (&7Aquit. I&: Coudes; 500 or 527 ac?). __ &1`527 or 523?&: &3RICG& 15.159 [&3ICG& 443; &3CIL& 12.2099] (&7Vienn., &7N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 527 or 523 ac?). __ &1`528&: &3RICG& 15.160 [&3ICG& 431; &3CIL& 12.2061; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3550A] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3ICERV& 489 (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Myrtilis [Me/rtola]). __ &1`528, 505 or 570?&: &3CIL& 12.5353 [&3ICG& 612; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3176D] (&7Narbon. I&: Salles%19d'Aude; 505, 528 or 570 ac?). __ &1`529&: &3CIL& 12.934 [&3NR& 180; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2891A] (&7Vienn., S.&: Arelate [Arles]); &3RICG& 15.244 [&3ICG& 474A; &3CIL& 12.2326; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3542] (&7Vienn., N.&: Fayet %103Le%103); &3ICERV& 490 (&7Pacensis [&7Lus.&]: Myrtilis [Me/rtola]). __ &1`529%19`534&: &3ICERV& 356 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 1813] (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Valentia). __ &1`530&: &3CIL& 12.935 [&3NR& 164; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2891A,adn.] (&7Vienn., &7S.&: Arelate [Arles]); &3CIL& 12.936 [&3NR& 182; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1808] (&7Vienn., S.&: Arelate [Arles]); &3CIL& 13.1503 [&3NR& 226; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2913] (&7Aquit. I&: Aquae Calidae [Vichy]); &3ICERV& 136%3`7 [Hu+bner 45; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1452] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Hinojales). __ &1`531&: &3CIL& 12.937 [&3NR& 184; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2891A,adn.] (&7Vienn., &7S.&: Arelate [Arles]); &3NR& 328b [&3ILGN& 23b] (&7Narbon. II&: Antipolis [Antibes]; 531 ac?); &3ICERV& 491 (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Myrtilis [Me/rtola]). __ &1`532&: &3CIL& 12.938 [&3ICG& 530; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2891A,adn.] (&7Vienn., &7S.&: Arelate [Arles]); &3ICERV& 78 [Hu+bner 17; Diehl, &3ILCV 1441,adn.] (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Alenquer); &3ICERV& 109 [Hu+bner 365; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1424D,adn.] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Hispalis [Sevilla]). __ &1`534&: &3NR& 194 [&3ILGN& 140] (&7Vienn., S.&: Arelate [Arles]; 534 ac?); &3ICERV& 125 [Hu+bner 77; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1424D,adn.] (&7Hispal. [&7Bae.&]: Sanlu/car). __ &1`535&: &3CIL& 12.943 [&3NR& 168; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1165] (&7Vienn., S.&: Arelate [Arles]; 535 ac?). __ &1`535&: &3RICG& 15.87 [&3ICG& 405; &3MGH AA& VI,2.186,8] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; ca. 535 ac?). __ &1`535, 536 or 537&: &3RICG& 15.88 [&3ICG& 458DD; &3CIL& 12.2076] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3RICG& 15.161 [&3NR& 117; &3CIL 12.2077] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; (535, 536 or 537 ac). __ &1`536&: &3CIL& 12.1501 [&3ICG& 487; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1213] (&7Vienn., S.&: Vasio [Vaison]); &3RICG& 15.89 [&3ICG& 696; &3CIL& 12.2075; Diehl, &3ILCV 2891,adn.] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3RICG& 15.90 [&3ICG 458R; &3CIL& 12.2078; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3038] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3RICG& 15.162 (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3ICERV 142 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 1551A] (&7Gaditan.& [&7Bae.&]: Tarifa). __ &1`536, 540 or 543?&: &3RICG& 15.92 [&3ICG& 458S; &3CIL& 12.2098; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3365] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 540?, 536?, 543? ac). __ &1`536%3`7 or 500%3`1?&: &3RICG& 15.11 [&3ICG& 477A; &3CIL& 12.2660; Diehl, &3ILCV& 148] (&7Vienn., N.&: Charmes; 536%3`537 or 500%3`501 ac?). __ &1`537&: &3CIL& 12.1693 [&3ICG& 477B; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2909,adn.] (&7Vienn., &7S.&: Dea Aug. [Die]); &3RICG& 15.277 [&3ICG& 393; &3CIL& 12.2405; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3282] (&7Vienn., N.&: Augustum [Aoste]); &3ICERV& 94 [Hu+bner 313; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1175A] (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Myrtilis [Me/rtola]). __ &1`538&: &3CIL& 12.1530 [&3NR& 152] (&7Vienn., S.&: Bruis). __ &1`538%19`547&: &3RICG& 15.163 [&3ICG& 458M; &3CIL& 12.2080a] and 164 (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; ca. 538%19`547 ac). __ &1`538%19`549&: &3RICG& 15.95 [&3ICG& 429; &3MGH AA& VI,2.187,9] (&7Vienn., &7N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; ca. 538%19`549 ac). __ &1`538 or 600?&: &3CIL& 13.1532 [&3ICG& 567; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2914] (&7Aquit. I&: Coudes; 538 or 600 ac). __ &1`540&: &3CIL& 13.10032,9 [Dessau, &3ILS& 1311; &3Consuls,& p.615 %103cf.%103] (&7Hannover& [&7Germ.&]: Goslar %103ex%19%103 [prov.?]); &3RICG& 15.91 [&3ICG& 688; &3CIL& 12.2081; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1672] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]). __ &1`540 or 555?&: &3ILTG& 312 (&7Lugdun. I&: Matisco [Ma=con]; 540 or 555 ac?). __ &1`540, 536 or 543?&: &3RICG& 15.92 [&3ICG& 458S; &3CIL& 12.2098; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3365] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 540?, 536?, 543? ac). __ &1after 540&: &3RICG& 15.165 [&3ICG& 458H; &3CIL& 12.2082] (&7Vienn., &7N.&: Vienna [Vienne]). __ &1`540%19`575&: &3CIL& 12.1499 [&3ICG& 492; Diehl, &3ILCV& 211; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 198,277 and &3PLRE& II, note, p. 829,bottom %103cf.%103] (&7Vienn., S.&: Vasio [Vaison]; ca. 540%19`575 ac?). __ &1`541&: &3CIL& 12.939 [&3ICG& 537] (&7Vienn., S.&: Arelate [Arles]); &3CIL& 12.5341 [&3ICG& 616; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2892] (&7Narbon. I&: Narbo [Narbonne]); &3CIL& 13.2380 [&3ICG& 51; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3563A] (&7Lugdun. &7I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]); &3ICERV& 70 [Hu+bner 327; Diehl, &3ILCV 1424,adn.] (&7Scallab.& [&7Lus.&]: Coimbra). __ &1`541%19`619&: &3CIL& 13.2379 [&3ICG& 668; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1220,adn.] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; ca. 541%19`619 ac). __ &1`542&: &3RICG& 15.93 [&3ILGN& 303] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3ICERV& 145 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 222,a] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Zahara). __ &1`542%19`546&: &3CIL& 12.5342 [&3ICG& 620B] (&7Narbon. I&: Narbo [Narbonne]; 542%19`546 ac?). __ &1`542%19`575&: &3CIL& 12.969 [&3NR& 190; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1063; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 223,384 and 158,80 %103cf.%103] (&7Vienn., S.&: Arelate [Arles]; 542%19ca.575). __ &1`542%19`579&: &3RICG& 15.212 (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; ca. 542%19`579 ac). __ &1`542%19`600&: &3RICG& 15.228 [&3ILGN& 336] (&7Vienn., N.&: Nacon; ca. 542%19`600 ac). __ &1`542%19`642&: &3RICG& 15.40 [&3ICG& 458C; &3CIL& 12.2083; Diehl, &3ILCV 2892,adn.], 94 [&3NR& 110; &3CIL& 12.6034d; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3280A], and 167 [&3ICG& 458N; &3CIL& 12.2080b] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; ca. 542%19`642 ac). __ &1`543&: &3ICERV& 150 [Hu+bner 93; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1659,b] (&7Hispal. [&7Bae.&]: Arahal); &3ICERV& 492 (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Myrtilis [Me/rtola]); &3ICERV& 291 [Hu+bner 12; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1521] (&7Pacensis [&7Lus.&]: Ebora [E/vora]; 543 ac?). __ &1`543, 536 or 540?&: &3RICG& 15.92 [&3ICG& 458S; &3CIL& 12.2098; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3365] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 540?, 536?, 543? ac). __ &1`543 or 605?&: &3CIL& 13.1482 [&3NR& 238; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4423] (&7Aquit. &7I&: Chamalie\res; 543 or 605 ac?). __ &1`544&: &3ICERV& 83 [Hu+bner 11; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1425] (&7Pacensis [&7Lus.&]: Ebora [E/vora]); &3ICERV& 95 [Hu+bner 303; Diehl, &3ILCV 1452A] (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Myrtilis [Me/rtola]; 544 ac?); &3ICERV 110 [Hu+bner 68; Diehl, &3ILCV& 186] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Hispalis [Sevilla]); &3ICERV& 132 [Hu+bner 60; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3571] (&7Hispal. [&7Bae.&]: Alcala/ del Ri/o); &3ICERV& 524 (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Myrtilis [Me/rtola]). __ &1`544%19`545&: &3RICG& 15.226 [&3NR& 142; &3CIL& 12.2191] (&7Vienn., N.&: Co=te%19St.%19Andre/ %103La%103; 544 or 545 ac). __ &1`544%19`545&: &3CIL& 13.2382 [&3ICG& 39; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3563B] (&7Lugdun. &7I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]). ש__ &1`545&: &3ICERV& 131,a [Hu+bner 84; Diehl, &3ILCV& 187] (&7Hispal. [&7Bae.&]: Lebrija). __ &1`545%19`546&: &3CIL& 13.2383 [&3NR& 15] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]); &3CIL& 13.2384 [&3ICG& 40; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3563C] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]). __ &1`546&: &3CIL& 12.968 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 2173; Duschesne, FE I,258(16) %103cf.%103] (&7Vienn., S.&: Arelate [Arles]; 546 ac?); &3RICG& 15.256 [&3ICG& 384; &3CIL& 12.2382; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3554] (&7Vienn., N.&: Arandon; 546 ac); &3ICERV& 96 [Hu+bner 305; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1175C] (&7Pacensis [&7Lus.&]: Myrtilis [Me/rtola]). __ &1`547&: &3RICG& 15.278 [&3ICG& 394; &3CIL& 12.2406; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1747] (&7Vienn., N.&: Augustum [Aoste]); &3RICG& 15.279 [&3ICG& 396; &3CIL 12.2407; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3283] (&7Vienn., N.&: Augustum [Aoste]). __ &1`547%19`548&: &3RICG& 15.220 [&3ICG& 467; &3CIL& 12.2185; Diehl, &3ILCV 3467] (&7Vienn., N.&: Turedonnum [Tourdan]; 547 or 548 ac). __ &1`547%19`593&: &3RICG& 15.248 [&3ICG& 387B; &3CIL& 12.2084%3`2364] (&7Vienn., &7N.&: St.%19Laurent%19de%19Mu=re; ca. 547%19`593 ac). __ &1`548&: &3CIL& 12.1729 [&3ICG& 486; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1519] (&7Vienn., S.&: St.%19Restitut); &3CIL& 13.5251 [Kraus 1.4; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1079] (&7Raetia I&: Curia [Chur]); &3ICERV& 279 [Hu+bner 409; Diehl, &3ILCV 1092] (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Valentia). __ &1`548 or 621?&: &3CIL& 13.1483 [&3NR& 232; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1218] (&7Aquit. &7I&: Augustonemetum [Clermont]; 548 or 621 ac?). __ &1`549&: &3AE/& 1976.451 (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; 549 ac); &3ICERV& 289 [Hu+bner 34a; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4362] (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.). __ &1`549 or 554?&: &3ILTG& 290 (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; 549 or 554 ac?) __ &1`550&: &3ICERV& 276 [Hu+bner 165%6`398; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1093] (&7Carthag. [&7Tar.&]: Cabeza del Griego). __ &1`550, 565 or 580?&: &3RICG& 15.118 [&3ILGN& 308; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3439] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 550, 565 or 580 ac?). __ [&1`550]&: &3RICG& 15.139 [&3NR& 118; &3ILGN& 332] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; ca. 550 ac?). __ &1`550%19`580&: &3RICG& 15.28 [&3NR& 137; &3CIL& 12.1794] (&7Vienn., N.&: St.%19Romain%19d'Albon; ca. 550%19`580 ac?); &3RICG& 15.116 [&3ICG& 699; &3CIL& 12.2151; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1673] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; ca. 550%19`580 ac?). __ &1`551&: &3CIL& 13.2397a [&3ICG& 23, ll. 1%19`18%3`28; Duchesne, &3FE/& I,258] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]). __ &1`551%19`552&: &3CIL& 13.2385 [&3ICG& 65%3`667A; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1287] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]). __ &1`551, 566 or 581?&: &3RICG& 15.96 [&3NR& 120A; &3ILGN& 304; Diehl, &3ILCV 3416A] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 551?, 566?, 581? ac). __ &1`551%19`619&: &3CIL& 13.2387 [&3NR& 128; &3CIL& 12.2079; Diehl, &3ILCV 1687,adn. &3RICG& 15,App. 9*] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]?; ca. 551%19`619 ac). __ &1`552&: &3CIL& 13.2386 [&3ICG& 47; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1676] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]); &3CIL& 13.2398 [&3ICG& 24%3&3NR& 6; &3IChUR&(`1) II,309.33; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1072; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel 212,337 %103cf.%103] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]); &3ICERV& 31 [Hu+bner 340; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1436,adn.] (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.); &3ICERV& 61 [Hu+bner 51; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1440] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Jerez de los Caballeros). __ &1`553&: &3CIL& 12.944 [&3ICG& 512; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1644] (&7Vienn., S.&: Arelate [Arles]); &3RICG& 15.168 [&3ILGN& 305] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]). __ &1`554&: &3RICG& 15.169 [&3ILGN& 312] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]). __ &1`554 or 549?&: &3ILTG& 290 (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; 549 or 554 ac?) __ &1`554%19`555&: &3ICERV& 278 [Hu+bner 413; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1091; &3RIT& 939] (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]; 554 or 555 ac). __ &1`555&: &3RICG& 15.97 [&3ICG& 413; &3MGH AA& VI,2.187,10] (&7Vienn., &7N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; ca. 555 ac); &3CIL& 13.1481 [&3NR& 234; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2914,adn.] (&7Aquit. I&: Clermont%19Ferrand [prov.?]; 555 ac). __ &1`555 or 540?&: &3ILTG& 312 (&7Lugdun. I&: Matisco [Ma=con]; 540 or 555 ac?). __ &1`555 or 628?&: &3CIL& 12.493a [&3NR& 217] (&7Vienn., S.&: Massilia [Marseille]; 555?, 628? ac). __ &1`557&: &3RICG& 15.170 [&3ICG& 451; &3CIL& 12.2101] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 557 ac?); &3CIL& 13.362* [&3ICG& 98] (&7Lugdun. II&: Chapelle%19St.%19E/loi %103La%103; modern forgery: "`557 ac"). __ &1`557%3`8&: &3RICG& 15.98 [&3ICG& 698; &3CIL& 12.2085; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1810] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]). __ &1`558&: &3CIL& 12.5343 [&3ICG& 620%3&3NR& 320; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1847] (&7Narbon. I&: Narbo [Narbonne]; 558 ac?); &3RICG& 15.68 [&3ICG& 411; &3CIL& 12.2086; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3550B] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3ICERV& 283 [Hu+bner 389] (&7Caesaraug.&[&7Tar.&]: Monast. de Asa/n); &3ICERV& 284 [Hu+bner 390; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1646] (&7Caesaraug.&[&7Tar.&]: Monast. de Asa/n). __ &1`559&: &3RICG& 15.99 [&3ICG& 425; &3MGH AA& VI,2.188,11] (&7Vienn., &7N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3RICG& 15.171 [&3ICG& 405A; &3CIL& 12.2087; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1215] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3ICERV& 32%3`479 [Hu+bner 26; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1441A] (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.). __ &1`559, 560 or 561?&: &3RICG& 15.100 [&3ICG& 417; &3CIL& 12.2088; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3551] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 561, 559 or 560? ac). __ &1`561&: &3CIL& 12.5720 [&3NR& 325] (&7Narbon. II&: Mou=tiers). __ &1`561, 559 or 560?&: &3RICG& 15.100 [&3ICG& 417; &3CIL& 12.2088; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3551] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 561, 559 or 560? ac). __ &1`562&: &3CIL& 13.2388 [&3NR& 13] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; 562 ac?); &3ICERV& 111 [Hu+bner 66; Diehl, &3ILCV& 188] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Hispalis [Sevilla]); &3ICERV& 117 [Hu+bner 58; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1425B] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Alcolea de S. Juan); &3ICERV& 124 [Hu+bner 71; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4485] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Salteras); &3ICERV& 182 [Hu+bner 395; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1425A] (&7Carthag.& [&7Tar.&]&7?&: Toledo [prov.?]; 562 ac?). __ &1after 562&: &3ICERV& 134 [Hu+bner 369; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1430] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Arcos de la Frontera); &3ICERV& 167 [Hu+bner 121; Diehl, &3ILCV& 213] (&7Cordub.& [&7Bae.&]: Montoro). __ &1`563&: &3RICG& 15.172 [&3ICG& 407; &3CIL& 12.2089; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4728] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]). __ &1`563 or 562&: &3RICG& 15.218 [&3ICG& 462; &3CIL& 12.2179; Diehl, &3ILCV 270] (&7Vienn., N.&: St.%19Jean%19de%19Bournay; 563 or 562 ac?). __ &1`563 or 565?&: &3RICG& 15.33 [&3NR& 131; &3CIL& 12.5861; Diehl, &3ILCV 3284] (&7Vienn., N.&: Andance; 563 or 565 ac?). __ &1`564&: &3CIL& 13.2389 [&3NR& 5; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1679] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]). __ &1`564%19`565&: &3RICG& 15.221 [&3ICG& 466A; &3CIL& 12.2187; Diehl, &3ILCV 3279] (&7Vienn., N.&: Turedonnum [Tourdan]; 564 or 565 ac?); &3RICG 15.255 [&3NR& 101; &3CIL& 12.2367; &3ILGN& 345; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1678,adn.] (&7Vienn., N.&: Trept; 564 or 565 ac?). __ &1`565 or 563?&: &3RICG& 15.33 [&3NR& 131; &3CIL& 12.5861; Diehl, &3ILCV 3284] (&7Vienn., N.&: Andance; 563 or 565 ac?). __ &1`565, 550 or 580?&: &3RICG& 15.118 [&3ILGN& 308; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3439] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 550, 565 or 580 ac?). __ &1`565%19`570&: &3ICG& 580 [Fortunat. 1.13, p. 15; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 188,219 %103cf.%103] and 581 [Fortunat. 1.12, p. 14; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 205,307 %103cf.%103] (&7Aquit. II&: Mediolanum [Saintes]; ca. 565%19`570 ac); &3ICG& 587 [Fortunat. 1.6, p. 10; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 188,219 %103cf.%103] (&7Aquit. II&: Burdigala [Bordeaux]; ca. 565%19`570 ac); &3ICG& 588 [Fortunat. 1.11, p. 13; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 188,219 %103cf.%103] 589 [Fortunat. 1.14, p. 15; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 188,219 %103cf.%103] and 590 [Fortunat. 1.10, p. 13; Stroheker, &3Senatorische &3Adel& 188,219 %103cf.%103] (&7Aquit. II&: Burdigala [Bordeaux]?; ca. 565%19`570 ac); &3ICG& 593 [Fortunat. 1.8, p. 11; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 188,219 %103cf.%103] (&7Aquit. II&: Pompeiacum__Vernemetis [Mas%19d'Agenais %103Le%19%103]; ca. 565%19`570 ac). __ &1`565%19`575&: &3Art de France& 1 (1961) 7%19`17 (&7Lugdun. IV&: Denis ש%103St.%19%103; ca. 565%19`575 ac) __ &1`565%19`590&: &3ICG& 2 [Fortunat. 4.2, p. 80; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 178,182 %103cf.%103] (&7Lugdun. I&: Dibio [Dijon]; ca. 565%19`590 ac); &3ICG& 8 [Fortunat. 5.6, p. 116; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 221,375 %103cf.%103] (&7Lugdun. I&: Augustodunum [Autun]; ca. 565%19`590 ac); &3ICG& 341 [Fortunat. 2.12, p. 41; Kraus 1.46; Duchesne, &3FE/& III,157 %103cf.%103] and 342 [Fortunat. 2.11, p. 40; Kraus 1.45; Duchesne, &3FE/& III,157 %103cf.%103] (&7Germ. &7Sup.& [&7I&]: Moguntiacum [Mainz]; ca. 565%19`590 ac); &3ICG& 426 [Fortunat. 4.27, p. 99; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 169,126 %103cf.%103] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; ca. 565%19`590 ac); &3ICG& 555 [Fortunat. 4.5, p. 82; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel 209,327%19`210,328 %103cf.%103] and 556 [Fortunat. 4.6, p. 83; Duchesne, &3FE/& II,51 %103cf.%103] (&7Aquit. I&: Augustoritum__Lemovices [Limoges]); ca. 565%19`590 ac); &3ICG& 559 [Fortunat. 4.4, p. 81; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 176,171 %103cf.%103] (&7Aquit. I&: Augustonemetum [Clermont]; ca. 565%19`590 ac); &3ICG& 582 [Fortunat. 4.8, p. 84; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 161,90 %103cf.%103] (&7Aquit. &7II&: Vesunna [Pe/rigueux]; ca. 565%19`590 ac); &3ICG& 585 [Fortunat. 4.9, p. 85; Duchesne, &3FE/& II,61(8) %103cf.%103], (&7Aquit. II&: Burdigala [Bordeaux]; ca. 565%19`590 ac); &3ICG& 595 [Fortunat. 1.4, p. 9; Duchesne, &3FE/& II,96 %103cf.%103] (&7Novempopulana&: Elimberrum [Auch]?; ca. 565%19`590 ac); &3ICG& 633 [Fortunat. 4.19, p. 91], 634 [Fortunat. 4.17, p. 90; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 147,30 %103cf.%103], 635 [Fortunat. 4.16, p. 90; Stroheker, &3Senatorische &3Adel& 149,44 %103cf.%103], 636 [Fortunat. 4.21, p. 92; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 156,63 %103cf.%103], 637 [Fortunat. 4.18, p. 91; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 156,65 %103cf.%103], 638 [Fortunat. 1.7, p. 11; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 156,65 %103cf.%103], 639 [Fortunat. 4.15, p. 89], 640 [Fortunat. 4.20, p. 92], 642 [Fortunat. 4.28, p. 100; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 170,133 %103cf.%103], 643 [Fortunat. 4.12, p. 88; Stroheker, &3Senatorische &3Adel& 183,195 %103cf.%103], 644 [Fortunat. 4.22, p. 93], 645 [Fortunat. 4.23, p. 93], 647 [Fortunat. App. 8, p. 281], 648 [Fortunat. 4.24, p. 94], 649 [Fortunat. 1.3, p. 9], 650A [Fortunat. 4.14, p. 89], 650B [Fortunat. 4.13, p. 88; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 216,353 %103cf.%103] and 653 [Fortunat. 7.24,a, p. 175] (&7Gallia&: place?; ca. 565%19`590 ac). __ &1`566&: &3ICERV& 52 [Hu+bner 22; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1428] (&7Emerit. [&7Lus.&]: Montijo); &3ICERV& 97 [Hu+bner 314; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1283] (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Myrtilis [Me/rtola]); &3ICERV& 98 [Hu+bner 307; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1426] (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Myrtilis [Me/rtola]); &3ICERV 99 [Hu+bner 308; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1427] (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Myrtilis [Me/rtola]; 566 ac?); &3ICERV& 129 [Hu+bner 81(%7)83] (&7Hispal. [&7Bae.&]: Utrera); &3ICERV& 493 (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Myrtilis [Me/rtola]); &3ICERV& 301 [Hu+bner 50%6`357; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1814,adn.] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Jerez de los Caballeros; 566 ac?). __ &1`566 or 565?&: &3RICG& 15.41 [&3ICG& 450; &3CIL& 12.2091; Diehl, &3ILCV 4728,adn.] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 566 or 565 ac?). __ &1`566, 551 or 581?&: &3RICG& 15.96 [&3NR& 120A; &3ILGN& 304; Diehl, &3ILCV 3416A] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 551?, 566?, 581? ac). __ &1`566 or 581?&: &3RICG& 15.69 [&3ICG& 406; &3CIL& 12.2090; Diehl, &3ILCV 1432] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 566?, 581? ac). __ &1`567&: &3CIL& 13.2390 [&3ICG& 664; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4733] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon], 567 ac); &3ICG& 197 [Fortunat. 4.1, p. 79; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 169,125 and 172,148 %103cf.%103] and 198 [Fortunat. 3.7, p. 56; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel 172,148 %103cf.%103] (&7Lugdun. III&: Condevicnum [Nantes]; ca. 567 ac); &3ICERV& 33 [Hu+bner 28; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1441A,adn.] (&7Emerit. [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.; 567 ac?). __ &1`568&: &3ICG& 209%3&3NR,&p.459 (&7Lugdun. IV&: St.%19Cloud; re%19inscribed text, poss. literary invention: [ca. 568 ac]); &3CIL& 12.5344 [&3ICG& 616B; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3472,adn.] (&7Narbon. I&: Narbo [Narbonne], 568 ac). __ &1`568%19`572&: &3CIL& 13.3057 [&3ICG& 211; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1078; Duchesne, &3FE/& II,426 %103cf.%103] (&7Lugdun. IV&: Autricum [Chartres]; ca. 568%19`572 ac); &3ICG& 212 [Fortunat. 4.7, p. 83; Duchesne, &3FE/& II,426 %103cf.%103] (&7Lugdun. IV&: Autricum [Chartres]; ca. 568%19`572 ac). __ &1`570&: &3ICG& 552 [Fortunat. 3.20, p. 71] Duchesne, &3FE/& II,28 %103cf.%103] (&7Aquit. I&: Avaricum [Bourges]; ca. 570 ac); &3ICG& 586 [Fortunat. 4.10, p. 86; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 188,219 %103cf.%103] (&7Aquit. II&: Burdigala [Bordeaux]; ca. 570 ac); &3ICG& 651 [Fortunat. 2.13, p. 41; Duch. &3FE/& III,63 %103cf.%103] (&7Belg. I&: Tullum [Toul]; ca. 570 ac). __ &1`570, 505 or 528?&: &3CIL& 12.5353 [&3ICG& 612; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3176D] (&7Narbon. I&: Salles%19d'Aude; 505, 528 or 570 ac?). __ &1`570%19`580&: &3ICERV& 349 [Hu+bner 379a] (&7Bracar.& [&7Gal.&]: Bracara [Braga]); &3ICERV& 353 [Hu+bner 379b] (&7Bracar.& [&7Gal.&]: Bracara [Braga]). __ &1`570%19`590&: &3ICG& 592 [Fortunat. 1.9, p. 12; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 188,219 %103cf.%103] (&7Aquit. II&: Pompeiacum__Vernemetis [Mas%19d'Agenais %103Le%19%103]; ca. 570%19`590 ac). __ &1`571 or 570&: &3RICG& 15.173 [&3ICG& 432B; &3CIL& 12.2092; Diehl, &3ILCV 1421] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 571 or 570 ac?). __ &1`572&: &3ICERV& 31a (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.). __ &1`572%19`573&: &3ICG& 3 [Fortunat. 4.3, p. 80; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 223,385 %103cf.%103] (&7Lugdun. I&: Dibio [Dijon]; ca. 572%19`573 ac). __ &1`573 or 572&: &3RICG& 15.42 [&3ICG& 449; &3CIL& 12.2093; Diehl, &3ILCV 2905] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 573 or 572 ac?). __ &1`573&: &3CIL& 13.2400 [&3ICG& 25; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1073; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 195,259 %103cf.%103] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; 573 ac); &3ICERV& 364 [Hu+bner 76; Diehl, &3ILCV& 50] (&7Hispal. [&7Bae.&]: Alcala/ de Guadaira; 573 ac). __ &1`573%19`590&: &3ICG& 165 [Fortunat. 1.5, p. 9; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel& 179,183 %103cf.%103] 185%3`192 [Fortunat. 10.6, p. 234], 193 [Fortunat. 2.14, p. 42] and 194 [Fortunat. 2.3, p. 29] (&7Lugdun. III&: Caesarodunum [Tours]; ca. 573%19`590 ac); &3ICG 195 [Fortunat. 10.5, p. 234; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel 179,183 %103cf.%103] and 196 [Fortunat. 10.10, p. 244] (&7Lugdun. III&: Artanna [Artannes%19sur%19Indre]?; ca. 573%19`590 ac). __ &1`575&: &3ICERV& 419 (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Trujillo). __ &1`576&: &3ICG& 205 [Duchesne, &3HFS& I,916; Duchesne, &3FE/& II,470 %103cf.%103] (&7Lugdun. IV&: Lutetia Parisi. [Paris]; [`576 ac]); &3ICG 219 and 220 [Duchesne, &3HFS& I,518; &3MGH AA& VI,2.192,16%19`17; &3IChUR&(`1) II,268.25%19`26] (&7Lugdun. IV&: Cenabum__Aureliani [Orleans]?); &3ICERV& 152 [Hu+bner 94; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1429] (&7Hispal. [&7Bae.&]: Mairena; 576 ac?). __ &1`577 or 579?&: &3RICG& 15.239 (&7Vienn., N.&: Vif; 577 or 579 ac?). __ &1`578&: &3ICERV& 42%3`480 [Hu+bner 33; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1554] (&7Emerit. [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.); &3ICERV& 62 [Hu+bner 48; Diehl, &3ILCV 1429,adn.] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Frejanal); &3ICERV& 153 [Hu+bner 91; Diehl, &3ILCV& 241] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Villamarti/n). __ &1`579&: &3RICG& 15.101 [&3ICG& 221%3`438A; &3CIL& 12.2094; Diehl, &3ILCV 181; &3MGH AA& VI,2.189,12] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3ICERV& 69 [Hu+bner 396; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3793] (&7Carthag.& [&7Tar.&]: Toletum [Toledo]). __ &1`577 or 579?&: &3RICG& 15.239 (&7Vienn., N.&: Vif; 577 or 579 ac?). __ &1`578%19`623&: &3RICG& 15.237 [&3ILGN& 342] (&7Vienn., N.&: Tronche %103La%103; ca. 578%19`623 ac). __ &1`580&: &3ICG& 218 [Duchesne, &3HFS& I,517; &3MGH AA& VI,2.191,15; &3IChUR&(`1) II,268.24] (&7Lugdun. IV&: Cenabum__Aureliani [Orleans]?; 580 ac); &3ICG& 333 [Fortunat. 9.4, p. 210] (&7Belg. &7II&: Aug. Suessionum [Soissons]; 580 ac); &3ICG& 200 [Fortunat. ש9.5, p. 211] (&7Lugdun. IV&: St.%19Denis; 580 ac); &3ICG& 208 [Fortunat. 2.10, p. 39] (&7Lugdun. IV&: Lutetia Parisi. [Paris]; ca. 580 ac?); &3ICERV& 275 [Hu+bner 379c] (&7Bracar.& [&7Gal.&]: Bracara [Braga]; 580 ac). __ &1`580, 550 or 565?&: &3RICG& 15.118 [&3ILGN& 308; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3439] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 550, 565 or 580 ac?). __ &1`581&: &3RICG& 15.102 [&3ILGN& 306] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]). __ &1`581 or 566?&: &3RICG& 15.69 [&3ICG& 406; &3CIL& 12.2090; Diehl, &3ILCV 1432] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 566?, 581? ac). __ &1`581, 551 or 566?&: &3RICG& 15.96 [&3NR& 120A; &3ILGN& 304; Diehl, &3ILCV 3416A] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 551?, 566?, 581? ac). __ &1`582&: &3CIL& 12.4312 [&3ICG& 611%3&3NR& 306; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2892A] (&7Narbon. I&: Truilhas); &3ILGN& 608 (&7Narbon. I&: Narbo [Narbonne]). __ &1`584&: &3ICERV& 80 [Hu+bner 3; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1175D] (&7Pacensis [&7Lus.&]: Pax Julia [Beja]). __ &1`585&: &3ICG& 216 [Duchesne, &3HFS& I,529; &3RE& II,5.1721 %103cf.%103] (&7Lugdun. IV&: Agedincum [Sens]; ca. 585 ac? [`11th ac]); &3ICG& 217 [Fortunat. 4.25, p. 94; &3RE& II,5.1721 %103cf.%103] (&7Lugdun. IV&: Agedincum [Sens]; ca. 585 ac); Kraus, &3Rheinland& 1.Anh. 2,1* (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Aquae [Aachen]; medieval forgery: "`585 ac"); &3ICERV& 57 [Hu+bner 43; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1555] (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Metellinum; 585 ac). __ &1`586&: &3CIL& 12.1045 [&3ICG& 597%3&3NR& 298; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1689] (&7Narbon. I&: Villeneuve%19le\s%19Avignon); &3ICERV& 84 [Hu+bner 14%3`329; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1452B] (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Vide). __ &1`586%19`589&: &3CIL& 13.2399 [&3ICG& 26; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel 206,313 %103cf.%103] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; ca. 586%19`589 ac). __ &1`587&: &3ICERV& 302 [Hu+bner 155; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1814] (&7Carthag. [&7Tar.&]: Toletum [Toledo]; 587 ac?); &3ICERV& 494 (&7Pacensis [&7Lus.&]: Myrtilis [Me/rtola]). __ &1`588&: &3ICERV& 85 [Hu+bner 21; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1728] (&7Pacensis [&7Lus.&]: Lamego). __ &1`589&: &3ICERV& 177 [Hu+bner 116; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1094] (&7Astigit. [&7Bae.&]: Pinos de la Puente). __ &1`589%3`90&: &3ICERV& 362 [Hu+bner 176; Diehl, &3ILCV& 792] (&7Carthag. [&7Tar.&]: Carthago Nova). __ &1`589%19`600&: Kraus, &3Rheinland& 1.10 [&3CIL& 13.13:2,1,p.37 %103cf.%103] (&7Max. Sequan.&: Vindonissa [Windisch]; ca. 589%19`600 ac?). __ &1`590&: &3CIL& 13.1028 [&3NR& 281; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1812] (&7Aquit. II&: Fleix %103Le%103; ca. 590 ac). __ &1`593&: &3CIL& 12.5345 [&3ICG& 620A] (&7Narbon. I&: Narbo [Narbonne]; 593 ac?). __ &1`594&: &3NR& 441 [&3CIL& 13:2,1,p.19; Duchesne, &3FE/& III,219 %103cf.%103] (&7Max. Sequan.&: Aventicum [Avenches]); &3ICERV& 34 [Hu+bner 32; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1429A] (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.). __ &1`595&: &3ICG& 641 with &3IChUR&(`1) II,267.22,comm. [Duchesne, &3HFS I,519; &3MGH AA& VI,2.194,21; Stroheker, &3Senatorische Adel 164,108 %103cf.%103] (&7Vienn., S.&: Arelate [Arles]; ca. 595 ac); &3ICERV& 53 [Hu+bner 525; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1227] (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Alanje; 595 ac). __ &1`596&: &3ICERV& 165 (&7Cordub.& [&7Bae.&]: Co/rdoba [prov.?]). __ &1`597&: &3RICG& 15.103 [&3ICG& 690%7`458F; &3CIL& 12.2095; Diehl, &3ILCV 3552] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 597 ac?). __ &1`598&: &3CIL& 13.2440 [&3NR& 10] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; 598 ac?); &3NR& 10 [&3CIL& 13.2440] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; 598 ac?). __ &1`599%19`600&: &3RICG& 15.34 [&3CIL& 13.1800] (&7Vienn., N.&: Andance). (599 or 600 ac?). @ LARGEST RANGES: __ &1`500%19`650&: &3RICG& 1.91 [&3NR& 353; &3CIL& 13.3941; Gose 132*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 500%19`650 ac). __ &1`500%19`660&: &3RICG& 1.165 [&3ICG& 292; &3CIL& 13.3789; Diehl, &3ILCV 1288; Gose 462*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 500%19`660 ac). __ &1`500%19`700& ("`6th%19`7th c. ac"): &3CIL& 12.5690,138 [&3IG& 14.2573,12; Wessel 112] (&7Narbon. II&: Aix [prov.?]); &3RICG& 15.10 [&3ILGN& 259] (&7Vienn., N.&: Ourches); &3RICG& 15.30 [&3NR& 143; &3CIL& 12.2652; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1434A] (&7Vienn., N.&: Tournon); &3CIL& 13.3526 [&3NR& 46] (&7Belg. &7II&: Pont%19de%19Metz; 6th%19`7th ac?); &3CIL& 13.8481 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 2918; &3Fru+hchr. Ko+ln& (1965) 62,13] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Col. Agrippina [Ko+ln]); &3CIL& 13.10011,335a%19`335e [`335a: Diehl, &3ILCV& 920] (&7Aquit. II&: Burdigala [Bordeaux]; 6th%19`7th ac?); Boppert, &3Fru+hchr. Inschr. Mittelrheingebietes& (1971), pp. 56 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 1543] (6th%19`7th ac), 68 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 3569] (6th%19`7th ac?), 72 (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Moguntiacum [Mainz]; 6th%19`7th ac) and 159 [&3BerRGK& 40.1959.167,118] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Borbetomagus [Worms]; 6th%19`7th ac?); &3IG& 14.2579,3 (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]&7?&: Loewen %103ex%19%103); &3RICG& 1.23 [&3NR& 356; &3CIL& 13.3837; Gose 24*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 500%19`700 ac); &3Fru+hchr. Zeugnisse (1965) 102,75 (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]); C.M. Kaufmann, &3Handbuch& (1917) 291 (&7Vienn., S.&: Massilia [Marseille]; 6th%19`7th ac?); &3FOR& XII, 214,44 (&7Narbon. I&: Narbo [Narbonne]); &3ICERV& 45 [Hu+bner 342] (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.); &3ICERV& 121 (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Ita/lica); &3ICERV& 292 [Hu+bner 144; Diehl, &3ILCV 3700] (&7Asturic.& [&7Gal.&]: Ovetum [Oviedo]; 6th%19`7th ac?); &3ICERV 333 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 2030] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Carmona; 6th%19`7th ac?); &3ICERV& 334 [Hu+bner 63] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Ita/lica); &3ICERV& 359 [Hu+bner 381] (&7Lucensis& [&7Gal.&]: Mondon%24edo); &3ICERV& 420 [Hu+bner 315] (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Myrtilis [Me/rtola]). __ &1`500%19`800& ("`6th%19`8th c. ac"): &3RICG& 1.75 [&3ICG& 294; &3CIL& 13.3909; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3581E; Gose 68], 89 [Gose 78*], 201 [Gose 565*], 206 [Gose 509*] and 207 [Gose 494*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 500%19`800 ac); Kraus, &3Rheinland& 1.11 (&7Max. Sequan.&: Vindonissa [Windisch]; 6th%19`8th ac?). __ &1`520%19`800&: &3RICG& 1.217 [&3ICG& 257; &3CIL& 13.3836; Diehl, &3ILCV 4301; Gose 730] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 520%19`800 ac). __ &1`530%19`800&: &3RICG& 1.250 [&3CIL& 13.11446] (&7Belg. I&: Divodurum [Metz]; ca. 530%19`800 ac). __ &1`550%19`700&: &3RICG& 15.73 [&3ICG& 428; &3CIL& 12.2153; Diehl, &3ILCV 1167] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; ca. 550%19`700 ac); &3RICG 15.219 [&3ICG& 461; &3CIL& 12.2180; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4426] (&7Vienn., N.&: St.%19Jean%19de%19Bournay; ca. 550%19`700 ac); &3RICG& 15.224 [&3CIL 13.5869; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2900,adn.] (&7Vienn., N.&: Pact; ca. 550%19`700 ac). __ &1`560%19`800&: &3RICG& 1.122 [Gose 424*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 560%19`800 ac). __ &1`575%19`700& ("end 6th%19`7th c. ac"): &3RICG& 15.14 [&3NR& 144,b; &3CIL 12.2659b] (&7Vienn., N.&: Soyons; end 6th%19`7th ac?); &3RICG& 15.133 [&3ICG& 705; &3CIL& 12.2177a] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; end 6th%19`7th ac); &3RICG& 15.242 [&3ICG& 470; &3CIL& 12.2314] (&7Vienn., N.&: Morginnum [Moirans]; end 6th%19`7th ac). __ &1`590%19`700&: &3RICG& 1.97 [Gose 410*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 590%19`700 ac). __ &1`500%3`600%19`800& ("Merovingian"): &3CIL& 12.1156 [&3AE/& 1973.328] (&7Narbon. II&: Pantale/on %103St.%19%103); &3CIL& 12.5692,22 [&3NR& 149] (&7Vienn., S.&: St.%19Montant); &3CIL& 13.1312 [&3NR& 220; Diehl, &3ILCV 3127A], 1313 [&3NR& 221; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3127] and 1314 [&3NR& 222; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3127B] (&7Aquit. I&: Avaricum [Bourges]); &3CIL& 13.1556 (&7Aquit. I&: Segodunum [Rodez]); &3CIL& 13.2627c [&3ICG& 660] (&7Lugdun. &7I&: Cabillonum [Cha=lon%19sur%19Sao=ne]); &3CIL& 13.2816 [&3ICG& 11; Diehl, &3ILCV& 914] (&7Lugdun. I&: Decetia [Decize]); &3CIL& 13.3155 [&3ICG& 90] (&7Lugdun. II&: Couville); &3CIL& 13.3159 [&3ICG& 89] (&7Lugdun. II&: Lieusaint); &3CIL& 13.3189 (&7Lugdun. III&: Boisseau); &3CIL& 13.3210 (&7Lugdun. II&: Mediolanum [E/vreux]); &3CIL& 13.3486 [&3NR& 52; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3296A] (&7Belg. II&: Hermes %103Mt. d'%103); &3CIL& 13.5656 [&3NR& 1; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1619] (&7Lugdun. I&: Vix); &3CIL& 13.10024,170 [&3NR& 20A] (&7Lugdun. III&: Craon %103area:%103); &3CIL& 13.10024,174 [&3NR& 284A; שDiehl, &3ILCV& 4947; &3CIJ& 672] (&7Aquit. II&: Burdigala [Bordeaux]); &3CIL& 13.10024,189 [&3NR& 19] (&7Lugdun. II&: Rotomagus [Rouen] %103near:%103); &3CIL& 13.10024,308 [&3ICG& 575A%3&3NR,&p.145; Diehl, &3ILCV 936a] (&7Aquit. II&: Loudun); &3CIL& 13.10024,309 [&3NR& 90; Diehl, &3ILCV& 936b] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Namur %103near:%103); &3CIL& 13.10024,310 [&3NR& 241] (&7Aquit. I&: Turenne); &3CIL& 13.10024,311 [&3ICG& 337; Diehl, &3ILCV& 936c] (&7Belg. II&: Vitry%19le%19Franc%25ois); &3CIL 13.10024,312 [&3ICG& 678A%3&3NR& 49; Diehl, &3ILCV& 936d] (&7Belg. II&: Laon [prov.?]); &3CIL& 13.10024,313 (&7Aquit. II&: Mediolanum [Saintes]?); &3CIL& 13.10024,314 (&7Belg. II&: Beaurain); &3CIL 13.10024,315 [&3NR& 283; Diehl, &3ILCV& 936e] (&7Aquit. II&: Burdigala [Bordeaux]); &3CIL& 13.10024,316 [&3ICG& 669B; Diehl, &3ILCV& 936f] (&7Lugdun. III&: Mulsanne %103near:%103); &3CIL& 13.10024,317 [&3NR& 48B; Diehl, &3ILCV& 936g] (&7Belg. II&: Travecy%3Vendeuil); &3CIL 13.10024,318 [&3NR& 285; Diehl, &3ILCV& 936h] (&7Aquit. II&: Re/ole %103La%103); &3CIL& 13.10024,319 [&3NR& 24; Diehl, &3ILCV& 936i] (&7Lugdun. IV&: Lutetia Parisi. [Paris]); &3CIL& 13.10024,321 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 936k] (&7Lugdun. IV&: Pouan%19les%19Valle/es); &3CIL& 13.10024,322 [&3ICG& 669A; Diehl, &3ILCV& 936l] (&7Lugdun. III&: Allonnes); &3CIL& 13.10024,323 [&3ICG& 672A; Diehl, &3ILCV& 936m] (&7Lugdun. III&: Caesarodunum [Tours] %103area of:%103); &3CIL& 13.10024,324 [&3NR& 50; Diehl, &3ILCV 2205A,adn.] (&7Belg. II&: Compie\gne %103near:%103); &3CIL& 13.10024,325 [&3NR& 20B; Diehl, &3ILCV& 936n] (&7Lugdun. III&: Juliomagus [Angers]); &3CIL& 13.10024,326 [&3ICG& 164; Diehl, &3ILCV& 936o] (&7Lugdun. III&: Bleza [Blois]); &3CIL& 13.10024,327 [&3NR& 55] (&7Belg. II&: Bre/ny); &3CIL& 13.10026,9 (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Andernach); &3CIL& 13.10026,74 (&7Belg. I&: Maizie\res%19le\s%19Vic); &3CIL& 13.10027,148 (&7Germ. Sup. [&7I&]: Dotzheim); &3CIL& 13.11281 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 3132] (&7Lugdun. IV&: Cenabum__Aureliani [Orle/ans]); Kraus, &3Rheinland& 1.20 (&7Germ. &7Sup.& [&7I&]: Oppenheim; Merov.?); Kraus, &3Rheinland& 1.68 (&7Belg. I&: Lorentzen); Kraus, &3Rheinland& 1.259 (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Mertloch); Kraus, &3Rheinland& 1.264 (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Kobern?); Kraus, &3Rheinland& 1.273,1 (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Weissenthurm); Kraus, &3Rheinland& 1.276 (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Antunnacum [Andernach]); &3ICG 198A (&7Lugdun. III&: Condevicnum [Nantes]); &3ICG& 215 (&7Lugdun. IV&: Autricum [Chartres]); &3ICG& 575B (&7Aquit. II&: Airvault); &3ICG 576A%19`576E (&7Aquit. II&: Civaux); &3ICG& 632 (&7Gallia&: place?); &3ICG 684 [&3CIL& 12.139*,1 %103cf.%103] (&7Alpes Graiae%3Poenin.&: Tarnaiae Nantuatium [Maurice %103St.%19%103] %103near:%103); &3NR& 22 (&7Lugdun. III&: Saunay); &3NR& 57 (&7Belg. II&: Aiguisy); &3NR,& p. 109 (&7Germ. Inf. [&7II&]: Namur %103near:%103); &3NR& 93 (&7Max. Sequan.&: Daillens); &3NR& p. 145 (&7Gallia&: place?); &3NR& 258 (&7Aquit. II&: Persac); &3NR& 260%19`269 (&7Aquit. II&: Antigny); &3NR& 314 [&3CIL& 12.286*,3 %103cf.%103] (&7Narbon. I&: Narbo [Narbonne]); &3Gallia& 21 (1963) 471 (&7Aquit. II&: Limonum [Poitiers]); &3Gallia& 23 (1965) 367 [&3AE/& 1966,251] (&7Aquit. II&: Nanteuil); &3Bonner Jb.& 143%19`144 (1938%19`1939) 268,6 [&3AE/& 1967.342] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Leutesdorf; Merov.); Finke, "Neue Inschriften," &3BerRGK& 17 (1927) 84,253 (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Rheinbrohl %103near:%103); Nesselhauf, "Neue Inschriften," &3BerRGK& 27 (1937) 93,139%19`93,141 (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Antunnacum [Andernach]); Schillinger%19Ha+fele, "Vierter Nachtrag," &3BerRGK& 58 (1977) 551,203 [&3AE/& 1967.343] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Gelduba [Krefeld%19Gellup]); Egli, &3Mitt. Ant. Ges. Zu+rich& 24,1 (1894) 7,3 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 880A] (&7Alpes Grai.%3Poenin.&: Sierre__Siders %103near:%103). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@SEVENTH CENTURY A.C. @ SEVENTH CENTURY: __ &1`600%19`700& ("`7th c. ac"): &3ILGN& 609 (&7Narbon. &7I&: Narbo [Narbonne]; 7th ac?); &3RICG& 15.18 [&3ICG& 475; &3CIL 12.2661; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2909] (&7Vienn., N.&: Crussol); &3RICG& 15.207 [&3ICG& 458O; &3CIL& 12.2155; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3553A] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 7th ac?); &3RICG& 15.229 [&3ICG& 471; &3CIL& 12.1553; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1648] (&7Vienn., N.&: Nacon; 7th ac?); &3RICG& 15.249 [&3ICG& 386; &3CIL& 12.2150; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3553] (7th ac?) and 250 [&3ICG& 385; &3CIL 12.2361; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1461] (&7Vienn., N.&: St.%19Laurent%19de%19Mu=re; 7th ac); &3RICG& 15.268 [&3ICG& 378; &3CIL& 12.13.2483; Diehl, &3ILCV 150], 269 [&3ICG& 380; &3CIL& 12.13.2484; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4827], 270 [&3ICG& 382; &3CIL& 12.13.2482; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4825], 271%3`2 [&3NR& 102%7; &3CIL& 12.13.2479%7`11219; Diehl, &3ILCV& 483%7], 273, 274 and 275 [&3AE/ 1965.339(3)] (&7Vienn., N.&: Briord); &3CIL& 13.1486 [&3NR& 243A; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1574,adn.] (&7Aquit. I&: Augustonemetum [Clermont]?); &3CIL& 13.1492 [&3NR& 235; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4733A] (&7Aquit. I&: Clermont%19Ferrand [prov.?]; 7th ac?); &3CIL& 13.1493 [Diehl, &3ILCV 4823,adn.] (&7Aquit. I&: Augustonemetum [Clermont]; 7th ac?); &3CIL 13.2630 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 1951,adn.] (&7Lugdun. I&: Cabillonum [Cha=lon%19sur%19Sao=ne]; 7th ac?); &3CIL& 13.3025 [&3ICG& 673] (&7Lugdun. &7IV&: Lagny%19le%19Sec; ca. 7th ac); &3CIL& 13.3086 (&7Lugdun. III&: Caesarodunum [Tours]; 7th ac?); &3CIL& 13.3473 [&3ICG& 332A] (&7Belg. &7II&: Osly%19Courtil; 7th ac?); &3CIL& 13.3507 [&3ICG& 322; Diehl, &3ILCV 2456] (&7Belg. II&: Samarobriva [Amiens]; 7th ac?); &3CIL& 13.3508 [&3NR& 47; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2803B,adn.] (&7Belg. II&: Sains%19en%19Amie/nois; 7th ac?); &3CIL& 13.3512 [&3ICG& 323; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3246] (&7Belg. II&: Samarobriva [Amiens]; 7th ac?); &3CIL& 13.3513 [&3ICG& 324; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2803A] (&7Belg. II&: Samarobriva [Amiens]; 7th ac?); &3CIL 13.3516 [&3ICG& 325%3`325A; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2803B] (&7Belg. II&: St.%19Acheul; 7th ac?); &3CIL& 13.7200 [&3NR& 76; Kraus 1.42; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3568A; Boppert, p. 15] (7th ac?), 7201 [&3ICG& 339; Kraus 1.37; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3595A; Boppert, p. 21] (7th ac), 7202 [&3ICG 340; Kraus 1.36; Diehl, &3ILCV& 420; Boppert, p. 26], 7203 [&3NR 77; Kraus 1.44; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3567; Boppert, p. 34] (7th ac?) and 7204 [&3NR& 78; Kraus 1.43; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3596; Boppert, p. 78] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Moguntiacum [Mainz]; 7th ac); &3CIL& 13.7260 [&3ICG& 344; Kraus 1.30; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2674; Boppert, p. 60] (&7Germ. &7Sup.& [&7I&]: Ebersheim); &3CIL& 13.7320 [&3NR& 426; Kraus 1.58; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3597; Boppert, p. 80] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Gimbach); &3CIL 13.7526 [&3NR& 74; Kraus 1.61; Diehl, &3ILCV& 221,Suppl.p.3] (&7Germ. &7Sup.& [&7I&]: Kempten; 7th ac?); &3CIL& 13.7559 [&3NR& 68; Kraus 1.270; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3177A; Boppert, p. 130] (7th ac?), 7560 [&3NR& 69; Kraus 1.271; Boppert, p. 128] (7th ac?), 7561 [&3NR& 70; Kraus 1.272; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1171A; Boppert p. 138] (7th ac?) and 7562 [&3NR& 71%3`72; Kraus 1.268,4%19`5; Boppert, p. 132] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Boudobriga [Boppard]; 7th ac?); &3CIL& 13.7660 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 53; &3Trier.Zeitschr.& 54.1991.262 %103cf.%103] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Cardena [Treis%19Karden]; 7th c. ac?); &3CIL& 13.10026,79 [&3NR& 51; Diehl, &3ILCV& 868,adn.] (&7Belg. II&: Hermes %103Mt. d'%103; 7th ac?); &3CIL& 13.11282 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 2340] (&7Lugdun. III&: Langeais; 7th ac?); &3CIL& 13.11302 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 2919A,adn.] (&7Belg. II&: Catheux; 7th ac?); &3ILTG& 310(2) (&7Lugdun. I&: Bourg%19en%19Bresse); &3RICG& 1.180 [&3ICG& 287; &3CIL& 13.3892] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 600%19`700 ac?); Boppert, &3Fru+hchr. Inschr. &3Mittelrheingebietes& (1971), p. 24 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 1171] (&7Germ. &7Sup.& [&7I&]: Moguntiacum [Mainz]); &3ICG& 673A%3NR23 [Marini, &3Pap. &3diplom.& 117] (&7Lugdun. IV&: Lutetia Parisi. [Paris]); &3ICG& 321D (&7Belg. II&: Haulchin; 7th ac?); &3ICG& 372 [&3FZ& 138,136] (&7Vienn., &7N.&: Balme %103La%103; 7th ac?); &3NR& 257 (&7Aquit. II&: Be/ruges; 7th ac?); &3NR& 259 (&7Aquit. II&: Savigne/; 7th ac?); &3ILTG& 334(2) (&7Lugdun. IV&: Lutetia Parisi. [Paris]; 7th ac?); &3RAC& 54,3%19`4 ש(1978) 285,1%19`290,3, [&3AE/& 1978.488%19`490] 295,5%19`298,7 [&3AE/ 1978.492%19`494] and 299,8%19`300,11 (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]); &3FOR& XII, 57 [&3BNarb.& 2.1893.396%19`402] (&7Narbon. I&: Narbo [Narbonne]; 7th ac?); &3FOR& XIII, 125,2%19`125,3 (Lugdun. III"b"Caesarodunum [Tours]); &3Fru+hchr. Zeugnisse& (1965) 133,129 (&7Max. Sequan.&: Attalens); &3Bonner Jb.& 140%19`141 (1936) 460 [&3AE/ 1937.19; &3Fru+hchr. Zeugnisse& (1965) 140, no. 139] (&7Germ. Sup. [&7I&]: Gondorf); &3Bonner Jb.& 154 (1954) 157 [K. Bo+hner, &3Des Grab &3eines fra+nkischen Herren aus Morken im Rheinland& (1959) 38%19`40] (&7Germ. Inf.& [&7II&]: Pier; 7th c. ac?); &3ICERV& 147 [Hu+bner 112] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: S. Mari/a de Regla); &3ICERV& 325 [Hu+bner 90; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2111] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Bornos); &3ICERV& 336 (&7Cluniens.& [&7Tar.&]: S. Pedro de la Nave); &3ICERV& 317 (&7Carthag. [&7Tar.&]: Ja/tiva; 7th ac?); &3ICERV& 556 [&3RIT& 940], (&7Tarrac. [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]). @ LARGER RANGES: __ &1`600%19`625& ("beg. 7th c. ac"): &3CIL& 13.3509 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 2803] (&7Belg. II&: Castel; beg. 7th ac?); &3ILTG& 302, 302(2)%19`302(3) (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; ca. beg. 7th ac). __ &1`600%19`650& ("`1st half 7th c. ac"): &3RICG& 15.31 [&3ICG& 473; &3CIL 12.1798; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2022] (&7Vienn., N.&: Arras%19sur%19Rho=ne; ca. 600%19`650 ac?). __ &1`625%19`675& ("mid%19`7th c. ac"): &3ICG& 321C [&3Acta SS.& Oct. I,227E] (&7Belg. II&: Ganda [Gent]; mid%19`7th ac); &3Fru+hchr. Zeugnisse (1965) 114,100a (&7Raetia Sup.& [&7II&] %103ex%19%103: Wittislingen; mid%19`7th ac). __ &1`650%19`720&: &3RICG& 1.17 [&3NR& 358; Gose 93*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 650%19`720 ac?). __ &1`675%19`700& ("end 7th c. ac"): &3ICG& 621B [&3CIL& 12.286*,1a %103cf.%103] (&7Narbon. I&: Mandourel; end 7th ac); &3CIL& 13.3511 [Diehl, &3ILCV 2352], 3512 [&3ICG& 323; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3246] and 3513 [&3ICG& 324; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2803A] (&7Belg. II&: Samarobriva [Amiens]; end 7th ac?); &3ICERV& 347 [Hu+bner 466] (&7Cluniens.& [&7Tar.&]: S. Pedro de la Nave; end 7th ac?). @ DATES AND SMALLER RANGES: __ &1`600 or 538?&: &3CIL& 13.1532 [&3ICG 567; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2914] (&7Aquit. I&: Coudes; 538 or 600 ac). __ &1`601&: &3CIL& 13.2391 [&3ICG& 17; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2483] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]); &3ICERV& 35 [Hu+bner 338; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1441C] (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.). __ &1`602&: &3CIL& 13.1534 [&3ICG& 570; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2912,adn.] (&7Aquit. &7I&: Coudes; 602 ac?). __ &1`604&: &3CIL& 12.1213 [&3ICG& 507%3`707; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1064] (&7Vienn., &7S.&: Vindausca [Venasque]). __ &1`604%19`629&: &3CIL& 13.1484 [&3ICG& 564A] (&7Aquit. I&: Augustonemetum [Clermont]; 604%19`629 ac?). __ &1`605 or 543?&: &3CIL& 13.1482 [&3NR& 238; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4423] (&7Aquit. &7I&: Chamalie\res; 543 or 605 ac?). __ &1`606&: &3CIL& 13.1512 [&3ICG& 556D; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2919A] (&7Aquit. I&: Arthona [Artonne]; 606 ac?). __ &1`606 or 605&: &3RICG& 15.245 [&3ICG& 397; &3CIL& 12.2096; Diehl, &3ILCV 4730] (&7Vienn., N.&: Luzinay). __ &1`608&: &3ICERV& 166 (&7Cordub.& [&7Bae.&]: Co/rduba [prov.?]). __ &1`608 or 607&: &3RICG& 15.252 (&7Vienn., N.&: Chavanoz). __ &1`609&: &3ICERV& 146 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 222,b] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Zahara; 609 ac?). __ &1`610&: &3CIL& 13.1511 [&3ICG& 556C; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1219] (&7Aquit. I&: Arthona [Artonne]; 610 ac?); &3ICERV& 303 [Hu+bner 115; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1815] (&7Astigit.& [&7Bae.&]: Illiberis [Granada]; ca. 610 ac?). __ &1`612&: &3CIL& 13.1485 [&3ICG& 561; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2916] (&7Aquit. I&: Augustonemetum [Clermont]). __ &1`614&: &3ICERV& 263 [Hu+bner 171%6`400; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1095] (&7Carthag. [&7Tar.&]: Oretum [Grana/tula]). __ &1`615&: &3CIL& 13.5252 [Kraus 1.2; Diehl, &3ILCV& 202] (&7Raetia I&: Curia [Chur]; ca. 615 ac?); &3ICERV& 170 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 1447B] (&7Cordub.& [&7Bae.&]: Alcaracejos ; 615 ac). __ &1`615 or 630?&: &3RICG& 15.266 [&3ICG& 376; &3CIL& 12.13.2480; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4826] (&7Vienn., N.&: Briord; 615?, 630? ac). __ &1`616&: &3ICERV& 76 [Hu+bner 19] (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Oleiros). __ &1`618&: &3ICERV& 55 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 1441B] (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Herguijuela); &3ICERV& 183 [Hu+bner 380; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2433A] (&7Bracar.& [&7Gal.&]: Bracara [Braga]). __ &1`618%19`619&: &3RAC& 54,3%19`4 (1978) 291,4 [&3AE/& 1978.491] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]). __ &1`619&: &3ICERV& 112 [Hu+bner 69; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1177A] (&7Hispal. [&7Bae.&]: Hispalis [Sevilla]). __ &1`619 or 634?&: &3RICG& 15.267 [&3ICG& 383; &3CIL& 12.13.2481; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4824] (&7Vienn., N.&: Briord; 619?, 634? ac). __ &1`621 or 548?&: &3CIL& 13.1483 [&3NR& 232; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1218] (&7Aquit. &7I&: Augustonemetum [Clermont]; 548 or 621 ac?). __ &1`622&: &3CIL& 13.2381 [&3NR& 16] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; 622 ac?); &3ICERV& 77 [Hu+bner 9; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1430,adn.] (&7Pacensis [&7Lus.&]: Alvito; 622 ac?). __ &1`624&: &3ICERV& 188 [Hu+bner 138] (&7Lucensis& [&7Gal.&]: Pontevedra). __ &1`625&: &3RICG& 15.174 (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 625 ac?). __ &1`628&: &3ICERV& 162 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 1447C] (&7Cordub.& [&7Bae.&]: Corduba). __ &1`628 or 555?&: &3CIL& 12.493a [&3NR& 217] (&7Vienn., S.&: Massilia [Marseille]; 555?, 628? ac). __ &1`629&: &3RICG& 15.263 [&3ICG& 375; &3CIL& 12.13.2476; Diehl, &3ILCV 1169] (&7Vienn., N.&: Briord). __ &1`629%19`630&: &3RICG& 15.246 [&3ICG& 397A; &3CIL& 12.2097; Diehl, &3ILCV 4732] (&7Vienn., N.&: Luzinay; 629%19`630 ac?). __ &1`629%19`638&: &3ICERV& 409 [Hu+bner 437; Diehl, &3ILCV& 915] (&7Hispal. [&7Bae.&]: Moro/n; 629%19`638 ac?). __ &1`630&: &3RICG& 15.264 [&3ICG& 377; &3CIL& 12.13.2477; Diehl, &3ILCV 1075] (&7Vienn., N.&: Briord; 630 ac?); &3ICERV& 285 [Hu+bner 142; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1645] (&7Asturic.& [&7Gal.&]: Legio [Leo/n]); &3ICERV& 304 [Hu+bner 85; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2105] (&7Gaditan.& [&7Bae.&]: Medina Sidonia). __ &1`630 or 615?&: &3RICG& 15.266 [&3ICG& 376; &3CIL& 12.13.2480; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4826] (&7Vienn., N.&: Briord; 615?, 630? ac). __ &1`630%19`655&: &3NR& 243 (&7Aquit. I&: Divona [Cahors]). __ &1`631&: &3RICG& 15.26 [&3NR& 136; &3CIL& 12.159*%3`173*] (&7Vienn., N.&: St.%19Romain%19d'Albon). __ &1`632&: &3ICERV& 86 [Hu+bner 2; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2409] (&7Pacensis [&7Lus.&]: Salacia); &3ICERV& 171 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 1447A] (&7Cordub. [&7Bae.&]: Alcaracejos). __ &1`633%19`634&: &3RICG& 15.265 [&3ICG& 373A; &3CIL& 12.13.2478; Diehl, &3ILCV 1076] (&7Vienn., N.&: Briord; 633 or 634 ac?). __ &1`634&: &3ICERV& 502%3`3 (&7Bracar.& [&7Gal.&]: Mogadouro). __ &1`619 or 634?&: &3RICG& 15.267 [&3ICG& 383; &3CIL& 12.13.2481; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4824] (&7Vienn., N.&: Briord; 619?, 634? ac). __ &1`636&: &3CIL& 13.1513 [&3NR& 230; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3303] (&7Aquit. I&: Volvic); &3ICERV& 272 [Hu+bner 362] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Hispalis [Sevilla]). __ &1`636%19`640&: &3ICERV& 389 [Hu+bner 392] (&7Spain&: Italy, Rome %103later:%103). __ &1`637&: &3ICERV& 313 [Hu+bner 363] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Dos Hermanas; 637 ac?). __ &1`640&: &3ICERV& 130 [Hu+bner 82] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Utrera; 640 ac?). __ &1`641&: &3ICERV& 273 [Hu+bner 65; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1096] (&7Hispal. [&7Bae.&]: Hispalis [Sevilla]). __ &1`641%19`652&: &3ICERV& 366 [Hu+bner 24; Diehl, &3ILCV& 52,adn.] (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.). __ &1`642&: &3RICG& 15.175 (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 642 ac?); &3ICERV& 287 [Hu+bner 123; Diehl, &3ILCV& 274] (&7Cordub.& [&7Bae.&]: Villafranca de Co/rdoba). __ &1`643&: &3ICERV& 174 [Hu+bner 120; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1227A] (&7Cordub. [&7Bae.&]: Montoro). __ &1`643 or 694?&: &3CIL& 13.905 [&3ICG& 586A; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1463] (&7Aquit. II&: Burdigala [Bordeaux]; (643 or 694 ac?). __ &1`644&: &3ICERV& 305 [Hu+bner 111; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2107] (&7Gaditan. [&7Bae.&]: Vejer de la Frontera). __ &1`648&: &3ICERV& 306 [Hu+bner 80%3`89; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2108] (&7Hispal. [&7Bae.&]: Salpensa). __ &1`649&: &3ICERV& 172 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 3414] (&7Cordub.& [&7Bae.&]: Alcaracejos); &3ICERV& 286 [Hu+bner 86; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1695] (&7Gaditan.& [&7Bae.&]: Medina Sidonia). ש__ &1`649%19`672&: &3ICERV& 376 [Hu+bner 159] (&7Carthag.& [&7Tar.&]: Guarrazar). __ &1`650&: &3ICERV& 178 [Hu+bner 117] (&7Astigit.& [&7Bae.&]: Arjona). __ &1[`650]&: &3ILTG& 293, 298%19`301 (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon], ca. 650 ac). __ &1`652&: &3ILTG& 291 [&3AE/& 1950.260] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]); &3ICERV& 307 [Hu+bner 175; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1817] (&7Carthag.& [&7Tar.&]: Acci [Guadix]). __ &1`653&: &3ILTG& 292, 294 and 295 (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]). __ &1`655&: &3ILTG& 296 (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]). __ &1`656&: &3ILTG& 297 (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]). __ &1`657&: &3ICERV& 44 [Hu+bner 29; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3880] (&7Emerit. [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.). __ &1`658&: &3ICERV& 159 [Hu+bner 335%6`96%6`533] (&7Astigit.& [&7Bae.&]: Urso [Osuna]). __ &1`660&: &3RICG& 15.104 [&3NR& 107; &3ILGN& 309; Diehl, &3ILCV& 4729] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3Cod. Parisin. lat.& 2832, &3MGH AA VI,2.183,3 (&7Lugdun. I,& Lugdunum [Lyon]: ca. 9th ac? [ca. 660 ac]); &3ICERV& 63 [Hu+bner 358] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Zafra); &3ICERV& 308 [Hu+bner 100; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1816] (&7Astigit.& [&7Bae.&]: Cabra). __ &1`660%19`664&: &3CIL& 13.2401 [&3ICG& 19; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1074] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; ca. 660%19`664 ac). __ &1`661&: &3ICERV& 314 [Hu+bner 143; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1819] (&7Asturic. [&7Gal.&]: S. Juan de Ban%24os; 661 ac?); &3ICERV& 358 [Hu+bner 333; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1845] (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.; 661 ac?). __ &1`662&: &3ICERV& 46 [Hu+bner 31; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2367] (&7Emerit. [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.); &3ICERV& 66 [Hu+bner 54] (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Jerez de los Caballeros); &3ICERV& 156 [Hu+bner 101] (&7Astigit. [&7Bae.&]: Cabra); &3ICERV& 259 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 1292] (&7Cluniens. [&7Tar.&]: Duen%24as); &3ICERV& 309 [Hu+bner 88; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2109] (&7Gaditan.& [&7Bae.&]: Alcala/ de los Gazules). __ &1`662&: &3ICERV& 157 [Hu+bner 99; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1818] (&7Astigit. [&7Bae.&]: Espejo; ca. 662 ac). __ &1`663&: &3RICG& 15.176 [&3ICG& 458KL; &3CIL& 12.2068%7`2102; Diehl, &3ILCV 3631%7`4731] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 663 ac?); &3ICERV& 179 [Hu+bner 124; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2185] (&7Cordub.& [&7Bae.&]: Hornachuelos). __ &1`665&: &3ICERV& 71 [Hu+bner 325%6`18] (&7Scallab.& [&7Lus.&]: Chellas); &3ICERV& 176 (&7Cordub.& [&7Bae.&]: Villaviciosa de Co/rdoba). __ &1`666&: &3ICERV& 73 [Hu+bner 328%6`20] (&7Scallab.& [&7Lus.&]: Celorico de Beira). __ &1`672%19`680&: &3ICERV& 361 [Hu+bner 391] (&7Carthag.& [&7Tar.&]: Toletum [Toledo]). __ &1`674&: &3ICERV& 310 [Hu+bner 110] (&7Gaditan.& [&7Bae.&]: Vejer de la Miel; 674 ac?). __ &1`679&: &3ICG& 91 (&7Lugdun. II&: Ham %103Le%103); &3ICERV& 79 [Hu+bner 299] (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Tavira). __ &1`680&: &3ICG& 199 (&7Lugdun. IV&: Jouarre; ca. 680 ac). __ &1`680%19`687&: &3ICERV& 365 [Hu+bner 373] (&7Astigit.& [&7Bae.&]: Illiberis [Granada]). __ &1`682&: &3ICERV& 163 [Hu+bner 378] (&7Cordub.& [&7Bae.&]: Corduba); &3ICERV& 311 [Hu+bner 1] (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Alcac%25ar de la Sal; 682 ac?). __ &1`683&: &3RICG& 15.21 [&3ICG& 474; &3CIL& 12.2654; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2910] (&7Vienn., N.&: Guilherand). __ &1`684&: &3ICERV& 113 (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]&7?&: Hispalis? [Sevilla]). __ &1`688&: &3ICG& 621 [&3CIL& 12.286*,4 %103cf.%103; &3CIJ& 1.670; Nahon 291] (&7Narbon. I&: Narbo [Narbonne]). __ &1`690&: Alfo+ldy, &3RIT& 941 (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Tarraco [Tarragona]; ca. 690 ac). __ &1`691&: &3RICG& 15.19 [&3ICG& 476; &3CIL& 12.203*,1] (&7Vienn., N.&: Crussol); &3ICERV& 312 [Hu+bner 172%6`401] (&7Carthag.& [&7Tar.&]: Baile/n). __ &1`694&: &3RICG& 15.17 [&3ICG& 477; &3CIL& 12.203*,2] (&7Vienn., N.&: Toulaud). __ &1`694 or 643?&: &3CIL& 13.905 [&3ICG& 586A; Diehl, &3ILCV 1463] (&7Aquit. II&: Burdigala [Bordeaux]; (643 or 694 ac?). @ LARGEST RANGES: __ &1`600%19`720&: &3RICG& 1.5 [&3ICG& 227; &3CIL& 13.3797; Gose 6*] (ca. 600%19`720 ac?) and 194A (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 600%19`720 ac). __ &1`600%19`800& ("`7th%19`8th c. ac"): &3ICG& 483 [&3CIL& 12.203*,3 %103cf.%103] (&7Vienn., S.&: Vivarium [Viviers]); &3RICG& 15.119 [&3ICG& 400A; &3CIL 12.2147; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3580] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]); &3RICG 15.141 [&3NR& 119; &3ILGN& 333] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 7th%19`8th ac?); &3RICG& 15.289 [&3CIL& 13.190a* %103cf.%103] (&7Vienn., N.&: Gruffy; 7th%19`8th ac?); &3RICG& 1.125 [&3ICG& 251; &3CIL& 13.3726], 191 [Gose 449*], 202 [Gose 567b*], 218 [&3NR& 391; &3CIL& 13.3840; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3592A], and 231 [&3NR& 394; &3CIL& 13.3939; Gose 773*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 600%19`800 ac); &3RICG& 1.242 [&3CIL& 13.11441; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3110B,adn.] (&7Belg. I&: (ca. 600%19`800 ac), 252 [&3CIL& 13.4461] (ca. 600%19`800 ac?), and 256 [&3CIL 13.11451] (&7Belg. I&: Divodurum [Metz]; ca. 600%19`800 ac?); Boppert, &3Fru+hchr. Inschr. Mittelrheingebietes& (1971), pp. 45 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 3568], 49 and 75 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 1648A] (&7Germ. Sup. [&7I&]: Moguntiacum [Mainz]); &3Trierer Zeitschr.& 54 (1991) 251 (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Cardena [Treis%19Karden]); &3Rev. Mabillon& 51 (1961) 54%19`70 [&3AE/& 1961.272] (&7Aquit. II&: Liguge/; 7th%19`8th ac?); &3FOR& XII, 224,123 [&3BNarb.& 22,2.1949%3`50.cv] (&7Narbon. I&: Fleury%19d'Aude); &3ICERV& 114 (&7Hispal.& [&7Bae.&]: Sevilla [prov.?]); &3ICERV& 187 [Hu+bner 139] (&7Bracar.& [&7Gal.&]&7?&: place?; 7th%19`8th ac?); &3ICERV& 332 [Hu+bner 190] (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Egara [Tarrasa]). __ &1`600%19`800 or later& ("`7th%19`8th c. ac or later"): &3ICG& 483 [&3CIL &3RICG& 15.110 [&3ICG& 686; &3CIL& 12.2105] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; 7th%19`8th ac or later?). __ &1`600%19`900& ("`7th%19`9th c. ac"): &3ICG& 42 [Mai, &3Scr. Vet. Nova &3Coll.& V,149,4] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; 7th%19`9th ac?). __ &1`600%19`1000& ("`7th%19`10th c. ac"): &3CIL& 13.1089* [Kraus 1.19] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Leistadt; 7th%19`10th ac?); &3ICERV& 332a (&7Tarrac. [&7Tar.&]: Barcino [Barcelona]); &3ICERV& 332b (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Masucas %103Las%103). __ &1`620%19`800&: &3RICG& 1.220 [&3ICG& 259; &3CIL& 13.3848; Diehl, &3ILCV 1682] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 620%19`800 ac?). __ &1`640%19`800&: &3RICG& 1.147 [Gose 450*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 640%19`800 ac). __ &1`650%19`800&: &3RICG& 1.134 [Gose 481A*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 650%19`800 ac); &3RICG& 1.254 [&3CIL& 13.4462] and 259 [&3NR 44; &3CIL& 13.4737] (&7Belg. I&: Deneuvre; ca. 650%19`800 ac). __ &1`670%19`800&: &3RICG& 1.193 [&3CIL& 13.3914; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3490; Gose 481*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 670%19`800 ac). __ &1`680%19`800&: &3RICG& 1.219 [&3ICG& 258; &3CIL& 13.3841; Diehl, &3ILCV 1719A] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 680%19`800 ac?). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@EIGHTH CENTURY A.C. @ EIGHTH CENTURY: __ &1`700%19`800& ("`8th c. ac"): &3ICG& 670 (&7Lugdun. &7III&: Basse%19Indre; 8th ac?); Kraus, &3Rheinland& 1.254,61 (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; 8th ac?); &3RICG& 1.29A [Gose 29*] (ca. 700%19`800 ac), 76 [&3NR& 367; &3CIL& 13.3905; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3586B; Gose 74*] (ca. 700%19`800 ac?), 135 [&3ICG& 261; &3CIL& 13.3683; Diehl, &3ILCV 444; Gose 440*] and 170 [&3ICG& 293; &3CIL& 13.3787; Diehl, &3ILCV 3453; Gose 466*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 700%19`800 ac); &3Gallia& 38 (1980) 317 [&3AE/& 1980.632] (&7Aquit. I&: Satur %103St.%19%103); &3ICERV& 49 (&7Emerit.& [&7Lus.&]: Emerita Aug.; 8th ac?); &3ICERV& 340 [Hu+bner 10; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1625] (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Ebora [E/vora]; 8th ac?). @ LARGER RANGES: __ &1`720%19`800&: &3RICG& 1.214 [&3ICG& 233%3&3NR& p.55,1; &3CIL 13.3784; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1170; Gose 722*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 720%19`800 ac). __ &1`750%19`800& ("`2nd half 8th c. ac"): &3Fru+hchr. Zeugnisse& (1965) 111,97 (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; ca. 750%19`800 ac?) @ DATES AND SMALLER RANGES: __ &1`700&: &3ICERV& 370 [Hu+bner 72*%6`397] (&7Carthag.& [&7Tar.&]: Madrid). __ &1[`700]&: &3NR& 245%3`245A, 246, 247%3`249 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 2494,adn.], ש250%19`253(?), 254%3`254A and 255 [&3DACL& 11,1.250%19`261] (&7Aquit. II&: Limonum [Poitiers]; ca. 700 ac?) __ &1`706&: &3ICERV& 100 [Hu+bner 302] (&7Pacensis& [&7Lus.&]: Myrtilis [Me/rtola]). __ &1`720&: Kraus, &3Rheinland& 1.1 (&7Raetia I&: Cazis; ca. 720 ac). __ &1`737&: &3ICERV& 315 [Hu+bner 149%6`384] (&7Asturic.& [&7Gal.&]: Cangas de Oni/s). __ &1`743&: &3ICERV& 293 [Hu+bner 158; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3483] (&7Carthag. [&7Tar.&]: Guarrazar; 743 ac?). __ &1`779&: &3ICERV& 357 [Hu+bner 393] (&7Carthag.& [&7Tar.&]: Toletum [Toledo]). @ LARGEST RANGES: __ &1`700%19`800 or later& ("`8th c. ac or later"): &3ICG& 483 [&3CIL CIL& 13.3158 [&3ICG& 88; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1115] (&7Lugdun. &7II&: Lieusaint; 8th ac or later?); &3ICG& 162 (&7Lugdun. II&: Mediolanum [E/vreux]; 8th ac or later) __ &1`700%19`900& ("`8th%19`9th c. ac"): &3CIL& 13.6256 [Kraus 1.29; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3417; Boppert, p. 155] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Borbetomagus [Worms]; 8th%19`9th ac?); Boppert, &3Fru+hchr. Inschr. &3Mittelrheingebietes& (1971), p. 134 (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Boudobriga [Boppard]; 8th%19`9th ac?). __ &1`775%19`900& ("end 8th%19`9th c. ac"): &3RICG& 1.App 3* [&3CIL& 13.3902; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2026; Gose 477*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; end 8th%19`9th ac?); &3ICERV& 274 [Hu+bner 128; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1097] (&7Astigit.& [&7Bae.&]: Lucena; end 8th%19`9th ac). __ &1`700%19`1000& ("`8th%19`10th c. ac"): &3ICG& 609,1%19`609,27, 609,28a%19`609,28b, 609,29%19`609,40, 609,40A, 609,41%19`609,53, 609,55%19`609,56, 609,58%19`609,79, 609,80a%19`609,80c and 609,81%19`609,93 [&3CIFrMe/d& 12.27 %103cf.%103] (&7Narbon. I&: Minerve; ca. 8th%19`10th ac); Kraus, &3Rheinland& 1.38 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 3496] (&7Germ. &7Sup.& [&7I&]: Castellum Mattiacorum [Kastel]; 8th%19`10th ac?); &3ICERV 508 [Hu+bner 132] (&7Cordub.& [&7Bae.&]: Corduba; 8th%19`10th?). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@NINTH CENTURY A.C. @ NINTH CENTURY: __ &1`800%19`900& ("`9th c. ac"): &3RICG& 1,App. 2* [&3CIL 13.419*] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; 9th ac?); &3ICG& 27 [Duchesne, &3HFS& I,513; &3MGH AA& VI,2.183,1; Duchesne, &3FE/& II,162 %103cf.%103] (&7Lugdun. I&: Lugdunum [Lyon]; ca. 9th ac? [ca. 400 ac]); &3Cod. Parisin. lat.& 2832, &3MGH AA& VI,2.183,2%19`184,4 (&7Lugdun. I, Lugdunum [Lyon]: ca. 9th ac?). @ LARGER RANGES: __ &1`775%19`800& ("end 8th c. ac"): &3ICERV& 282 [Hu+bner 386; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1098] (&7Asturic.& [&7Gal.&]&7?&: place?; end 8th ac). @ DATES AND SMALLER RANGES: __ &1`810%19`841&: &3Cod. Parisin. lat.& 2832, &3MGH AA& VI,2.184,5 (&7Lugdun. I,& Lugdunum [Lyon]: ca. 810%19`841 ac). __ &1`814%19`840&: &3CIL& 12.73* (&7Narbon. II&: Ventabren; 814%19`840 ac?). @ LARGEST RANGES: __ &1`800%19`1000& ("`9th%19`10th c. ac"): &3RICG& 15,App. 4* [&3ICG& 371; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1308] (&7Vienn., N.&: Genava [Geneva]; 9th%19`10th ac?); &3CIL& 13.1443 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 2902A,adn.] (&7Aquit. I&: Souterraine %103La%103; 9th%19`10th ac?); &3CIL& 13.1587 [Diehl, &3ILCV 1068] (&7Aquit. I&: Anicum [Puy%19en%19Velay %103Le%103]; 9th%19`10th ac?); &3RICG& 1.App 1* [&3CIL& 13.499*] (&7Belg. I&: Trier [prov.?]; 9th%19`10th ac?); &3ICERV& 330 [Hu+bner 140] (&7Cluniens.& [&7Tar.&]: S. Roma/n de Hornija); &3ICERV& 509 [Hu+bner 130] (&7Cordub.& [&7Bae.&]: Corduba; 9th%19`10th ac?). __ &1`875%19`1000& ("end 9th%19`10th c. ac"): &3RICG& 15,App. 1* [&3ILGN& 300] (&7Vienn., N.&: Vienna [Vienne]; end 9th%19`10th ac); &3RICG& 15,App. 3* [&3NR& 97; &3CIL& 12.2646; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3329,adn.] (&7Vienn., N.&: Genava [Geneva]; end 9th%19`10th ac). __ &1`800%19`1200& ("`9th%19`12th c. ac"): &3ICERV& 184 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 2019A] (&7Bracar.& [&7Gal.&]: S. Pedro de Arcos; 9th%19`12th ac?); &3ICERV& 329 [Hu+bner 192; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2112] (&7Tarrac.& [&7Tar.&]: Gerunda [Gerona]; 9th%19`12th?). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@TENTH CENTURY A.C. @ TENTH CENTURY: __ &1`900%19`1000& ("`10th c. ac"): &3CIL& 12.949,adn [&3ICG 515b] (&7Vienn., S.&: Arelate [Arles]; 10th ac?); &3ICG& I,p.30 (&7Narbon. I&: St.Marcel%19de%19Careiret; ca. 10th ac); Gose, &3Katalog &3... Trier& (1958), no. 437* [&3BJb& 157.1957.330 %103cf.%103] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; 10th ac?); &3ICERV& 331 [Hu+bner 382] (&7Asturic.& [&7Gal.&]: S. Miguel de Escalada; 10th ac?). @ DATES AND SMALLER RANGES: __ &1`910&: &3CIL& 13.2628 [Diehl, &3ILCV 1656; Duchesne, &3FE/& II,191] (&7Lugdun. I&: Cabillonum [Cha=lon%19sur%19Sao=ne]; c.910 ac). __ &1`985 or 1035?&: &3ICERV& 355%3`510 [Hu+bner 135; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1721] (&7Bracar.& [&7Gal.&]: Vaira=o; 1035 or 985 ac?). @ LARGEST RANGES: __ &1`900%19`1300& ("`10th%19`13th c. ac"): &3CIL& 13.1265* [Kraus 2.161] (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Waldmu+hlbach; 10th%19`13th ac?). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ELEVENTH CENTURY A.C. @ ELEVENTH CENTURY: __ &1`1000%19`1100& ("`11th c. ac"): &3ICG& I,p232 (&7Aquit. I&: Mozac, near Riom); &3ICG& 204, with Add. (&7Lugdun. IV&: Lutetia Parisi. [Paris]; 11th ac?); &3ICG& 207 (&7Lugdun. IV&: Lutetia Parisi. [Paris]; 11th ac?); &3ICG& 574 [&3CIL& 13:1,p.209 %103cf.%103] (&7Aquit. I&: Segodunum [Rodez]; 11th ac?); &3ICG& 609,54 and 609,57 [&3CIFrMe/d& 12.27,3%19`4] (&7Narbon. I&: Minerve; 11th ac?). @ DATES AND SMALLER RANGES: __ &1`1035 or 985?&: &3ICERV& 355%3`510 [Hu+bner 135; Diehl, &3ILCV& 1721] (&7Bracar.& [&7Gal.&]: Vaira=o; 1035 or 985 ac?). __ &1`1047%19`1066&: &3RICG& 1,App. 9** [&3ICG& 223; &3CIL& 13.3674; Dessau, &3ILS& 8992] (&7Belg. I&: Aug. Trever. [Trier]; forgery of ca. 1047%19`1066 ac, incorporating genuine text of 417 ac) __ &1`1175&: Kraus, &3Rheinland& 2.264(6) [&3CIL& 13.1091*] (&7Germ. Sup. [&7I&]: Borbetomagus [Worms]; ca. 1175 ac?). @ LARGEST RANGES: __ &1`1000%19`1200& ("`11th%19`12th c. ac"): &3RICG& 15,App. 2* [&3ICG& 458J; &3CIL& 12.2117; Diehl, &3ILCV& 2430A,adn.] (&7Vienn., &7N.&: Vienna [Vienne]?). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@TWELFTH CENTURY A.C. @ TWELFTH CENTURY: __ &1`1100%19`1200& ("`12th c. ac"): &3ICG& 1,p.316 n. 1 (&7Lugdun. IV&: Cenabum__Aureliani [Orle/ans]). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@FOURTEENTH CENTURY A.C. @ FOURTEENTH CENTURY: __ &1`1300%19`1400& ("`14th c. ac"): &3CIL& 13.1291* (&7Germ. Sup.& [&7I&]: Kronberg; 14th ac?). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@SIXTEENTH CENTURY A.C. @ DATES AND SMALLER RANGES: __ &1`1502&: &3CIL& 13.4708 (&7Belg. I&: Bleurville; 1502 ac?). @ @@"INSCRIPTIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN EMPIRE": GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@John M. Mansfield @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@`9.30.1992 @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Introductory Notes @ The following list represents a mechanical compilation of the places%19of%19finding of the inscriptions contained in the data bank, alphabetically arranged and divided according to region. @ This index has been provided in order to integrate the inscriptions included in the data bank from works grouped together under "Varia" (&3SEG,& periodicals and other general works), "Judaica" and "Latin", with the main geographical groupings of works, "Asia Minor", "Macedonia and Thrace", etc. Accordingly, for the inscriptions listed here from works included in those main groupings, subsidiary information to be found in the supplementary bibliography already provided for each major work__in particular, dates and cross%19references__is not repeated here. Regarding the collection of Latin inscriptions, texts from H. Dessau, &3Inscriptiones Latinae &3Selectae& (1892%19`1916) are included, but not those published in E. Diehl, &3Inscriptiones Latinae Christianae Veteres (1925%19`1928). @ Except in the case of Italy, which is treated as a single unit, within which the individual sites labeled according to the eleven Augustan &3regiones& (with the addition of Bruttium and Calabria), the division by regions and the names of the regions correspond to the administrative divisions of the Roman empire found in the &3Notitia dignitatum& or the &3Synekdemos of Hierokles. @ The index is based directly upon the material contained in the data bank, where the text of each inscription is accompanied by its place%19of%19finding, the region, and its date. In entering the texts of the inscriptions, the compiler of this data bank followed the editor of whatever volume he was using. Accordingly, the user of this index needs to be warned of several potential problems. @ A site may be listed either under its ancient or its modern name__or even under both: for example, "Chalkis" and "Qinnesri=n". Modern names, particularly in the area of Syria and Palestine, may have several different transliterated forms, depending on the native language of the editor. The same site might easily appear under five or more different names in the list. The data bank, in fact, contains inscriptions from Arabia found at "il%19Kefr", "Kapra (el%19Kefr)" and "Dj. Druze: Kaper"__which are all the same place. So are, for example, "Djemerri=n", "Djmirri=n" and "G%148amarri=n". An attempt has been made to eliminate as many of these geographical duplications in the following index, but others undoubtedly remain. @ There is also the general problem resulting from different degrees of specificity. An inscription labeled as coming from "Apamea" or the "Apamene" may have been found at some site in the vicinity of Apamea, which itself may also appear somewhere in the list of sites. An example of a similar problem: an inscription in the data bank from the monastery of the Sv. Bogorodica Zahumska is labeled "Macedonian Illyria, Ochrid: Zaum", while another inscription is labeled as having been found at "Strouga". Strouga and the Zaum Monastery are both located in the area of Ochrid__in fact, Strouga is closer to Ochrid than the Zaum Monastery is. @ Regarding the regions assigned to the places%19of%19finding of the inscriptions contained in the data bank, as already stated, these correspond to the provincial divisions of the late late%19antique period. This practice in itself will cause confusion for many users, for whom, for example, Laodicea Combusta is a city in Lycaonia, not Pisidia. In the case of the larger collections included here, care was taken provide the correct late%19antique region; however, in the case of the inscriptions included from &3SEG,& at the present time, the regions given are those under which the editors of &3SEG& place the sites represented there. Thus, "Syria" may mean Syria, Phoenice or Phoenice Libani; "Cilicia", Isauria or Cilicia; "Palaestina", Palaestina I%19III, Phoenice or Arabia; and so forth. In the index of sites, however, the correct province will be found in most cases. @ Naturally, in the process of compiling this index, many errors were detected__it was compiled for that very purpose__which will be corrected in future releases of the data bank. @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@PREFECTURE OF GALLIAE @ Galliae, Hispania and Britannia. @ GALLIA. &1Alba Helvorum& [Narbon. I]: &3IG& 14.2493%19`2494. __ &1Antipolis (Antibes)& [Narb. II] (Jud.): &3Salo Wittmayer Barron &3Jubilee Volume& (1975), I, p. 234 [&3BE/& 1976.798; Nahon, &3IHJFrMe/d 326C], here %6 &3CIJ& 671a. __ &1Arelate (Arles)& [Vienn. S.]: &3IG 14.2473, 2476; Dessau, &3ILS& 806 [&3CIL& 12.5494] (435 ac), 2788 [&3CIL& 12.673] (mid%19`4th ac?). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 668 [Lifshitz (1975) 58; Nahon, &3IHJFrMe/d& 305] (end 7th ac?), 669 [Lifshitz (1975) 58; Nahon, &3IHJFrMe/d& 306]. __ &1Argentorate (Strasbourg)& [Germ. Sup.]: &3IG& 14.2577,5. __ &1Aquae Sextiae (Aix%19en%19Provence) [Narbon. II]: &3IG& 14.2573,12. __ &1Augusta Treverorum &1(Trier%19Tre/ves)& [Belg. I]: &3IG& 14.2573,21; Gauthier, &3IChGaule 1,10, 32,b, 92%19`94, 112, 168, 172, 211, 235,a(1), 236,i; Dessau, &3ILS& 2813 [&3CIL& 13.3682] (5th ac?), 8992 (417 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 672a [Lifshitz (1975) 58] (2nd%3`3rd ac). __ &1Augustodunum (Autun)& [Lugdun. I]: &3IG& 14.2525. __ &1Avennio &1(Avignon)& [Vienn. S.]: &3IG& 14.2481. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 667. __ &1Borbetomagus (Wo+rms)& [Germ. Sup.]: Dessau, &3ILS& 9208 [&3CIL 13.6238] (near Wo+rms). __ &1Burdigala (Bordeaux)& [Aquit. II]: Dessau, &3ILS& 9215 [&3CIL& 13.11032; &3ILCV& 554]. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 672 (ca. 6th ac). __ &1Cabasse& [Narbon. II]: Dessau, &3ILS& 684 [&3CIL 12.5470] (307%19`310 ac?). __ &1Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium &1(Ko+ln)& [Germ. Inf.]: Dessau, &3ILS& 790 [&3CIL& 13.8262] (392%19`394 ac), 2784 [&3CIL& 13.8274] (4th ac); &3ILS& 8937 [&3CIL& 13.8502] (Divitia [Deutz]; 314 ac?). __ &1Ste.%19Colombe& [Vienn. N.] (Jud.): &3CIJ& App. 5,94* [Nahon, &3IHJFrMe/d& 272C] (Ste.%19Columbe, near Vienne [&3CIJ& "pre\s d'Auch"]). __ &1Confluentes (Koblentz &1[Sw.])& [Sequan.]: Dessau, &3ILS& 8949 [&3CIL& 13.11538] (GALLIA SEQ., Koblenz%3Stein; 371 ac) (Schwaderloch am Rhein, near Koblenz and Stein [not to be confused with Koblentz in Germany; 371 ac). __ &1Cularo%19Gratianopolis (Grenoble)& [Vienn. N.]: Dessau, &3ILS& 620%19`620a [&3CIL& 12.2229] (286%19`293 ac). __ &1Durocortorum (Reims)& [Belg. II]: Dessau, &3ILS& 703 [&3CIL& 13.3255] (324%19`337 ac). __ &1Elimberrum (Auch)& [Novem Populi] (Jud.): &3CIJ 671 [Lifshitz (1975) 58; Nahon, &3IHJFrMe/d& 287]. __ &1Forum Julii &1(Fre/jus)& [Narbon. II]: Dessau, &3ILS& 721 [&3CIL& 12.5457] (317%19`337 ac). __ &1Genava (Geneva)& [Vienn. N.]: Dessau, &3ILS& 767 [&3CIL 12.5697,5] (364%19`375 ac). __ &1Lugdunum (Lyon)& [Lugdun. I]: &3IG 14.2534%19`2535; &3Journal des Savants& 1975,47 %6 Guarducci, &3EG IV,494,2 (end 2nd ac?).__ Jud.: &3CIJ& App. 3,61* [&3IG& 14.2532] (area of Lugdunum: Genay, near Tre/voux; beg. 3rd ac), App. 3,62* (Lugdunum), 3,63* [Nahon, &3IHJFrMe/d& 272B] (Lugdunum). __ &1Lutetia Parisiorum (Paris)& [Lugdun. IV]: &3CIG& 8696 (972 ac?); Dessau, &3ILS& 9207 [&3CIL& 13.11272]. __ &1Massilia (Marseille) [Vienn. S.]: &3IG& 14.2462%19`2463. __ &1Narbo Martius (Narbonne) [Narbon. I]: &3IG& 14.2517. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 670 [Nahon, &3IHJFrMe/d 291] (688 ac). __ &1Samarobriva (Amiens)& [Belg. II]: Dessau, &3ILS 9209 [&3CIL& 13.3493], 9210 [&3CIL& 13.3492], and 9214 [&3CIL& 13.3494] (near Amiens) __ &1Segustero (Sisteron)& [Narbon. II]: Dessau, &3ILS& 1279 [&3CIL& 12.1524] (ca. 405%19`412 ac). __ &1Solimariaca &1(Soulosse)& [Lugdun. I] (Jud.): &3CIJ& App. 5,95*%19`5,96* [Nahon, &3IHJFrMe/d& 145B%19`145C]. __ &1Tolosa (Toulouse)& [Narbon. I]: Dessau, &3ILS& 746 [&3CIL& 12.5677] (350%19`353 ac). __ &1Vasio &1(Vaison%19la%19Romaine)& [Vienn. S.]: Dessau, &3ILS& 718 [&3CIL& 12.5505] (Vasio, area of: Saillans; 335%19`337 ac). __ &1Vienna (Vienne) [Vienn. N.]: Descombes, &3IChGaule& 15,64, 178, 180, 186. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 666 [Nahon, &3IHJFrMe/d& 286] (end 7th ac?). __ &1Vitudurum (Oberwinterthur)& [Sequan.]: Dessau, &3ILS& 640 [&3CIL 13.5249] (294 ac). __ &1place?&: &3IG& 14.2579,3 (once "Lovanium" [%6 Loewen]; now Brussels). @ GERMANY. &1Badenweiler& [ex%19Germania Sup.] (Jud.): &3CIJ& 674 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 59]. @ HISPANIA. &1Abdera& [Baetica] (Jud.): &3CIJ& 665 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 54]. __ &1Asturica Augusta& [Tarracon.]: &3SEG& 35,1070 (end 2nd%19`4th ac). __ &1Bracara Callaeciae& [Tarracon.]: Dessau, &3ILS 730 [&3CIL& 2.4844] (337%19`350 ac). __ &1Bracara%3Asturica [Tarracon.]: Dessau, &3ILS& 743 [&3CIL& 2 Suppl. 6225] (350%19`353 ac). __ &1Carthago Nova (Cartagena)& [Tarracon.]: Dessau, &3ILS& 835 [&3CIL 2.3420] (589 ac); Hu+bner, &3IHispChr& (1871) 178 %6 Guarducci, &3EG IV,485,2. __ &1Castima& [Baetica]: Dessau, &3ILS& 745 [&3CIL& 2.4692] (350%19`353 ac). __ &1E/cija& [Baetica]: &3MadMitt& 3 (1962) 122 %6 Guarducci, &3EG& IV,482,1 (4th ac). __ &1Emerita Augusta [Lusitania]: Dessau, &3ILS& 784 [&3CIL& 2.483] (388 ac); &3SEG 32,1083%19`1084 (5th ac?). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 665a [Lifshitz (1975) 57]. __ &1Hispalis& [Baetica]: &3SEG& 35,1070,n2. __ &1Ilici [Tarracon.] (Jud.): &3CIJ& 662 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 57], 663 [Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 101], 664 [Lifshitz (1975) 57]. __ &1Lorilla& [Baetica]: Dessau, &3ILS& 630 [&3CIL& 2.1439] (293 ac). __ &1Olispo& [Lusitania]: Dessau, &3ILS& 5699 [&3CIL& 2.191] (336 ac). __ &1Pallaresos& [Tarracon.] (Jud.): &3CIJ& 660d [Lifshitz (1975) 56]. __ &1Ponte de Trofa& [Lusitania]: Dessau, &3ILS& 725 [&3CIL& 2 Suppl. 6209] (337%19`350 ac). __ &1Tarraco& [Tarracon.]: Dessau, &3ILS& 815 [&3CIL& 2.4109] (467%19`472 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 660c [Lifshitz (1975) 55]. __ &1Tortosa& [Taracon.] (Jud.): &3CIJ& 661 [Lifshitz (1975) 57] (6th ac?). __ &1Valentia& [Tarrac.]: &3IG& 14.2580,1. @ BRITANNIA. &1Braintree&: &3SEG& 35,1073 (4th ac?). __ &1Deva &1Deceanglorum (Chester)&: Dessau, &3ILS& 682 (near Chester; 306 ac?). __ &1Fahun Mura&: &3SEG& 34,1040 (8th ac). __ &1Luguvallium &1(Carlisle)&: Dessau, &3ILS& 8928 [&3AE/& 1895.1] (286%19`293 ac). __ &1South Shields&: &3IG& 14.2577,6. __ &1Venta Silurum (Caerwent)&: &3SEG 36,958 (2nd%19`3rd ac). @ º@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@PREFECTURE OF ITALIAE @ Rome, Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, Africa, Raetia, Noricum and Pannonia. @ ROME. &1Antiquarium Civ.&: &3IChUR& 1,1246%19`1247, 1248a%19`1248c. __ &1Arc. Constant.&: Dessau, &3ILS& 694 [&3CIL& 6.1139] (ca. 315 ac). __ &1M. Aventinus&: Dessau, &3ILS& 796 [&3CIL& 6.1192] (402 ac), 803 [&3CIL 6.1677] (425 ac), 1225%7`1232 [&3CIL& 6.37112] (ca. 356 ac), 1258 [&3CIL& 6.1777] (384 ac). __ &1Bas. Lateran.&: Dessau, &3ILS& 1243 [&3CIL 6.1741] (ca. 359 ac), 1293 [de Rossi, &3IChUR&(`1) II,149,17] (428%19`450 ac); &3RAC& 31 (1955) 105 %6 Guarducci, &3EG& IV,549,6 (beg. 4th ac). __ &1Bas. S. Pauli in Via Ostiensi&: &3CIG& 8971 (1070 ac), 9770; &3IChUR& 2,4849, 4891, 4941, 4945, 4957, 4989, 5064, 5099, 5100b, 5101, 5149b, 5306, 5655%19`5656, 5659%19`5661, 5663%19`5664, 5666%19`5669, 5671%19`5672, 5674%19`5680, 5682%19`5683, 5685, 5687%19`5689, 5690a, 5690c%19`5690d, 5691, 5696, 5696a, 5696c%19`5696d, 5697c, 5698a%19`5698c, 5701a%19`5701d, 5706a%19`5706b, 5709a%19`5709d. __ &1Bas. S. &1Petri in Vaticano&: Dessau, &3ILS& 800 [Diehl, &3ILCV& 15] (407%3`8 ac), 1286 [&3CIL& 6.32004] (359 ac), 8989 [de Rossi, &3IChUR&(`1) II,55,10] (440%19`461 ac); &3IChUR& 2,4228; Guarducci, &3I graffiti &3... Vaticano& (1958) II,385 %6 Guarducci, &3EG& IV,552,7 (ca. 325 ac?); &3SEG& 16,613 (3rd ac); &3SEG& 17,455 (ca. 150 ac?). __ &1M. &1Caelius&: Dessau, &3ILS& 807%3`8 (here "`807") [&3CIL& 6.1198] (443%19`445 ac), 1240 [&3CIL& 6.1690] (340 ac), 1241 [&3CIL& 6.1693] (ca. 352 ac), 1242 [&3CIL& 6.1692] (ca. 352 ac), 2946 [&3CIL& 6.1699] (394 ac), 2947 [&3CIL& 6.1782] (394 ac). __ &1Camp. Mart.&: Dessau, &3ILS 8986 [&3CIL& 6.37119] (ca. 438 ac). __ &1Capitolium&: Dessau, &3ILS 1222 [&3CIL& 6.1708] (337 ac), 1257 [&3CIL& 6.1698] (377 ac). __ &1Cat. Monteverde&: &3IG& 14.1606. __ &1Circ. Maxentii&: Dessau, &3ILS 673 [&3CIL& 6.1138] (309 ac). __ &1Circ. Maxim.&: Dessau, &3ILS& 736 [&3CIL& 6.1163] (357 ac), 765 [&3CIL& 6.1180] (367%19`375 ac). __ &1Coem. &1Agnetis&: &3IChUR& 8,21527, 21530, 21532, 21535, 21548. __ &1Coem. &1Calepodii&: &3IChUR& 2,6466; &3IGUR& 3.1321. __ &1Coem. Callisti&: &3CIG 9648; Moretti, &3IChUR& 1,3980; &3IChUR& 4,9483, 10558, 10584, 10616, 10638, 10644%19`10645, 10651, 10658, 10664, 10669%19`10670, 10685, 10688, 10694, 11680, 11705%19`11706; Moretti, &3IGUR 2,1.404, 2,2.904; &3SEG& 4,127 (4th ac), 129; &3SEG& 30,1212. __ &1Coem. Castuli&: &3IChUR& 6,15927%19`15928. __ &1Coem. ad Catacumbas&: &3IChUR& 5,12889, 13052, 13055%19`13056, 13069, 13071, 13073, 13257%19`13260; Moretti, &3IGUR& 3.1180 (near Arenaria ad Catacumbas). __ &1Coem. Cis Callisti&: &3IChUR& 4,12513, 12516%19`12517; &3IChUR& 6,17373. __ &1Coem. Commodillae&: &3IChUR 2,6403%19`6404. __ &1Coem. Cyriacae&: &3CIG& 9615; Dessau, &3ILS& 2951 [&3IChUR& 7,18802] (ca. 400 ac); &3IChUR& 1,1347; &3IChUR& 7,17418, 17548, 18852%19`18853, 19312, 19764%19`19765, 19767, 19772%19`19773, 19777, 19782, 19785, 19789%19`19790, 19793%19`19795, 19797%19`19798, 19802, 19804, 19807, 19812, 19817, 19820, 19824, 19826, 19828%19`19830, 19832, 19837, 19840, 19843%19`19852, 19853a%19`19853b, 19858, 19860, 19864, 19869. __ &1Coem. Domitillae&: &3IChUR& 3,7167, 7170 (?), 7171, 7205, 7218, 7243%19`7244, 7246, 7249, 7251, 7261 (?), 7262, 8398, 8445, 8626, 8634; &3SEG& 18,426%19`431. __ &1Coem. S. &1Hermetis&: &3IG& 14.1381; &3CIG& 9707, 9713%19`9717, 9720%19`9725; &3SEG 32,1054%19`1055 (Coem. Bassillae ad S. Hermetem; 3rd ac), 1057 (early 4th ac), 1058 (ca. 300%19`350 ac) __ &1Coem. Hippolyti&: &3IChUR& 7,19932, 19933%3`5; Moretti, &3IGUR& 1.246. __ &1Coem. &1Iordanorum&: &3IChUR& 9,24315, 24367, 24378, 24387%19`24388, 24589%19`24604, 24605a%19`24605b, 24606%19`24611, 24612a%19`24612b, 24613a%19`24613c, 24614a%19`24614b, 24615, 24616a%19`24616d. __ &1Coem. &1Maius&: &3IChUR& 1,4033; &3IChUR& 8,22562, 22763, 22767, 22770, 22782, 22788%19`22790, 22792, 22805, 22811, 22827, 22833, 22839, 22865, 22871, 22873, 22875, 22882%19`22883, 22889. __ &1Coem. SS. &1Marcellini %9 Petri&: &3IChUR& 6,15965, 16811, 17227. __ &1Coem. &1Novatiani&: &3IChUR& 7,20577. __ &1Coem. Octavillae&: &3IChUR 2,4433%19`4435, 4437%19`4438, 4441, 4444, 4446, 4449. __ &1Coem. S. &1Pancratii&: &3SEG& 30,1215. __ &1Coem. Pamphili&: Diehl, &3ILCV& 3962, 3962B; &3NSc& 1920,231 [&3BullComm& 57 (1929) 307,10] %6 Guarducci, &3EG& IV,533,2 (ca. 150%19`200 ac); &3SEG& 4,116, 118%19`121. __ &1Coem. &1Praetextati&: &3IChUR& 4,12883; &3IChUR& 5,14981, 14988%19`14989, 14992, 14996, 15000 [Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 290], 15006%19`15008, 15011, 15016, 15046, 15069, 15085, 15095%19`15096, 15107a%19`15107b, 15108, 15123%19`15124, 15134, 15168a. __ &1Coem. Priscillae&: &3CIG& 9688, 9695; &3IChUR& 9,24838%19`24841, 25971%19`25980, 25981a%19`25981b, 25982%19`25983, 25984a%19`25984b, 25985%19`25993, 25994a%19`25994c, 25995%19`26000, 26001a%19`26001b, 26002%19`26012, 26013a%19`26013b, 26014a%19`26014b, 26015%19`26018, 26019a%19`26019b, 26020a%19`26020b, 26021a%19`26021b, 26022%19`26024, 26025a%19`26025b, 26026%19`26030, 26031a%19`26031b, 26032a%19`26032b, 26033%19`26038, 26039a%19`26039b, 26040%19`26045, 26046a%19`26046b, 26047%19`26048, 26049a%19`26049b, 26050%19`26056, 26057a%19`26057b, 26058%19`26062, 26063a%19`26063b, 26064%19`26068, 26069a%19`26069b, 26070%19`26071, 26072a%19`26072b, 26073%19`26088, 26089a%19`26089b, 26090%19`26103, 26104a%19`26104b, 26105%19`26109, 26110a%19`26110b, 26111%19`26119, 26120a%19`26120c, 26121%19`26137, 26138a%19`26138b, 26139a%19`26139b, 26140%19`26154, 26155a%19`26155b, 26156%19`26170, 26171a%19`26171b, 26172%19`26179, 26180a%19`26180b, 26181%19`26189, 26190a%19`26190b, 26191%19`26192, 26193a%19`26193c, 26194a%19`26194c, 26195a%19`26195c, 26196%19`26197, 26198a%19`26198b, 26199%19`26201, 26202a%19`26202c, 26203, 26204a%19`26204b, 26205a%19`26205c, 26206%19`26210, 26211a%19`26211c, 26212%19`26217, 26218a%19`26218b, 26219a%19`26219b, 26220%19`26221, 26222a%19`26222b, 26223%19`26224, 26225a%19`26225b, 26226%19`26234, 26235a%19`26235d, 26236%19`26241, 26242a%19`26242b; &3SEG& 29,1006%19`1007. __ &1Coem. Saturnini&: &3IG& 14.2197. __ &1Coem. ad V. Anapo&: &3IChUR 9,24803%19`24824, 24825a%19`24825b. __ &1Coem. ad V. Ardeatin.&: &3IChUR 4,12240. __ &1Coem. Vineae Eustachiorum&: &3IChUR& 6,15654%19`15660. __ &1Colosseum&: Dessau, &3ILS& 783 (?) [&3CIL& 6.1185] (391 ac); Moretti, &3IGUR& 1.66. __ &1D. Virgo in Minerva&: Moretti, &3IGUR& 2,2.987. __ &1M. Esquilinus&: &3CIL& 6.1197 here %6 Dessau, &3ILS& "`808" (443%19`445 ac); Dessau, &3ILS& 1245%19`1246 [&3CIL& 6.1745%19`1746] (ca. 360 ac), 1246n [&3CIL& 6.1744] (ca. 360 ac), 1261 [&3CIL& 6.2145] (ca. 384 ac); Moretti, &3IGUR& 2,1.626. __ &1Forum&: Dessau, &3ILS& 619 [&3CIL 6.1125] (293%19`296 ac), 648 [&3CIL& 6.1132] (293%19`305 ac), 698 [&3CIL 6.1141] (334 ac), 722 [&3CIL& 6.1156] (317%19`337 ac), 731 [&3CIL 6.1158] (352%19`353 ac), 782 [&3CIL& 6.1184a] (379%19`383 ac), 789 [&3CIL 6.3791b] (389%19`391 ac), 794 [&3CIL& 6.1187] (398 ac), 799 [&3CIL 6.31987] (405 ac), 825 [&3CIL& 6.1794] (493%19`526 ac), 837 [&3CIL 6.1200] (608 ac), 1277 [&3CIL& 6.1730] (ca. 398 ac), 1278 [&3CIL 6.1731] (406 ac?), 1282 [&3CIL& 6.1767] (ca. 400%19`410 ac), 8934 [&3CIL& 6.36949] (306%19`312 ac), 8935 [&3CIL& 6.33856] (307%19`312 ac), 8943 [&3CIL& 6.36951] (328 ac), 8948 [&3CIL& 6.36956] (364%19`365 ac), º8951 [&3CIL& 6.31256] (ca. 398 ac?); &3RAC& 38 (1962) 140 %6 &3BE/ 1965,485. __ &1Forum Trajani&: Dessau, &3ILS& 692 [&3CIL& 6.1140] (313%19`315 ac), 809 [&3CIL& 6.1749] (421 ac), 1221 [&3CIL& 6.1683] (335 ac), 1244 [&3CIL& 6.1721] (355%19`361 ac), 1254 [&3CIL& 6.1729] (364 ac), 1255 [&3CIL& 6.1764] (365%19`367 ac), 1256 [&3CIL& 6.1736] (376 ac), 1275 [&3CIL& 6.1727] (?E%3M 5th ac), 1284 [&3CIL& 6.1725] (425%19`450 ac), 2945 [&3CIL& 6.1186] (378%19`395 ac), 2948 [&3CIL 6.1783] (431 ac), 2949 [&3CIL& 6.1710] (ca. 400 ac), 2950 [&3CIL 6.1724] (ca. 435 ac); Moretti, &3IGUR& 1.57, 63. __ &1Hort. &1Barberin.&: &3CIL& 6.1675 here %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 1264a (before 381 ac). __ &1Is. Tiberiana&: Dessau, &3ILS& 1272 [&3CIL& 6.1759] (389 ac). __ &1Legnaia di Ripetta&: Moretti, &3IGUR& 1.67. __ &1Mus. Capitolin.&: &3IG& 14.2227; &3IChUR& 1,1327, 1346, 1348%19`1349; Dessau, &3ILS& 1249 [&3CIL& 6.1700] (325%19`350 ac), 1259 [&3CIL& 6.1779] (384 ac); &3SEG 16,603 (1st%19`2nd ac). __ &1Mus. Lateran.&: &3IChUR& 1,1853, 1855%19`1872, 1874, 1877, 1883, 1886, 1891, 1894, 1898; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3986, 4465; &3Studi Classici e Orientali& 19%19`20 (1971%19`1972) 442 %6 &3BE/& 1972,635 (ca. 250%19`300 ac?); &3SEG& 2,521. __ &1Mus. &1Nazionale&: &3IChUR& 1,2048%19`2050, 2058, 2075; &3IG& 14.2226 (Mus. Kircherian.); &3SEG& 30,1208 [&3IChUR& 1,1942] (401 ac). __ &1Mus. &1Paulianum&: &3IChUR& 2,5960, 5971, 5976, 5978. __ &1Mus. Vatican.&: &3CIG& 8808 (Byz.), 8967 (11th%19`12th ac?), 8968 (13th ac?); &3IChUR 1,2080, 2092, 2151, 2245, 2422, 2561%19`2572, 2574%19`2593; Moretti, &3IGUR& 1.169, 181, 2,1.391; &3SEG& 29,1005 (later imp.), 1008%19`1010, 1013. __ &1M. Palatinus&: Dessau, &3ILS& 776 [&3CIL& 6.1177] (374 ac); Diehl, &3ILCV& 1352C [&3Revue des e/tudes latines& 1968.162 (&3BE/ 1969,626)]; &3SEG& 31,875bis,a%19`875bis,c (5th ac). __ &1Piazza in &1Lucina&: Dessau, &3ILS& 9212. __ &1Piazza Navona&: Moretti, &3IGUR 2,1.527. __ &1Piazza Paganaica&: Moretti, &3IGUR& 1.69. __ &1M. &1Pincius&: Dessau, &3ILS& 1265 [&3CIL& 6.1751] (378 ac), 2941 [&3CIL 6.1418] (296%19`301 ac). __ &1Phrygianum&: Moretti, &3IGUR& 1.126%19`127, 128(?). __ &1Pons Salaria&: Dessau, &3ILS& 832 [&3CIL& 6.1199] (565 ac). __ &1Pons Valentian.&: Dessau, &3ILS& 766 [&3CIL& 6.31405] (ca. 373 ac), 766a%19`766b [&3CIL& 6.31407%19`31408] (ca. 373 ac), 769%19`769a [&3CIL& 6.31402%19`31403] (365%19`367 ac). __ &1Ponte S. Barth.&: Dessau, &3ILS& 771 [&3CIL& 6.1175] (369 ac), 772 [&3CIL& 6.1176] (369 ac). __ &1Porta Maior&: Moretti, &3IGUR& 3.1149. __ &1Porta Pia&: Moretti, &3IGUR 2,1.424. __ &1Porta Portuensis&: Dessau, &3ILS& 797a [&3CIL& 6.1188] (401 ac). __ &1Porta Praenestina&: Dessau, &3ILS& 797 [&3CIL& 6.1189] (401 ac). __ &1Porta S. Sebastiani&: Moretti, &3IGUR& 2,2.1061. __ &1Priscillianae&: &3IChUR& 8,23330, 23367%19`23374, 23377%19`23379, 23382, 23384, 23386a. __ &1Col. Quirinalis&: Dessau, &3ILS& 643 [&3CIL 6.31378] (302%19`303 ac), 1214 [&3CIL& 6.1704] (324%19`334 ac), 1215 [&3CIL& 6.1705] (334%3`5 ac?), 1237 [&3CIL& 6.32051] (365%19`368 ac), 5703 [&3CIL& 6.1750] (mid%19`5th ac?); Moretti, &3IGUR& 1.60, 2,2.842. __ &1S. Agatha&: Dessau, &3ILS& 1294 [de Rossi, &3IChUR&(`1) II,439,127] (459%19`472 ac). __ &1S. Agatha de Subura(?)&: &3SEG& 36,928 [I: &3ILCV 1.73] ([Liverpool]; 513, 772 ac). __ &1S. Ambrosius&: &3IChUR& 1,13. __ &1S. Anastasia&: &3IChUR& 1,33%19`35. __ &1S. Bibianus&: &3IChUR& 1,68. __ &1S. Caecilia&: &3IChUR& 1,80, 87, 103. __ &1S. Chrysogonus&: &3IG 14.1548. __ &1S. Clemens&: &3IG& 14.2174; &3IChUR& 1,259; Moretti, &3IGUR 2,1.306. __ &1S. Cosimato&: Moretti, &3IChUR& 1,1314. __ &1S. Crux in &1Hierusal.&: Dessau, &3ILS& 709 [&3CIL& 6.1134] (326%19`333 ac), 817 [de Rossi, &3IChUR&(`1) II,435,107] (424%19`434 ac); &3IChUR& 1,303. __ &1S. &1Eustachius&: &3IChUR& 1,315. __ &1S. Felicitas&: &3IChUR& 8,23742. __ &1S. &1Laurentius&: &3CIG& 8832. __ &1S. Lucina&: &3IChUR& 2,6398. __ &1S. &1Marcus&: &3CIG& 9799. __ &1S. Maria in Cosmedin&: Dessau, &3ILS& 707 [&3CIL& 6.1151] (ca. 337 ac). __ &1S. Maria in Traste/vere&: &3IG 14.2218; &3IChUR& 1,695%19`696. __ &1S. Maria in Vallicella&: &3IChUR 1,712. __ &1S. Maria Maggiore&: &3IChUR& 1,1345. __ &1S. Martinus&: &3IChUR& 1,868, 871, 874. __ &1S. Michael in Burgo&: &3IChUR& 1,895. __ &1S. Nicolaus in Calcaria&: Moretti, &3IGUR& 1.129. __ &1S. Nicolaus &1in Carcere&: &3IChUR& 1,913. __ &1S. Petrus ad Vincula&: Dessau, &3ILS 819 [de Rossi, &3IChUR&(`1) II,110,66] (439%19`440 ac?), 1274 [&3CIL 6.1715] (399 ac); Moretti, &3IGUR& 1.65, 245. __ &1S. Pontianus&: &3IChUR& 1,4034; &3IChUR& 2,4737%19`4738, 4740. __ &1S. Potentia&: Dessau, &3ILS& 1213 [&3CIL& 6.1707] (ca. 314 ac). __ &1S. Praxes&: Dessau, &3ILS 9213 [&3NSc& 1902.396]; &3IChUR& 1,940, 962. __ &1S. Pudentiana&: &3IChUR 1,983. __ &1S. Sabas&: &3IChUR& 1,1139%19`1141. __ &1S. Salvator in &1Curte&: &3IChUR& 1,1177. __ &1S. Stephanus rotundus&: &3IChUR& 1,1198. __ &1S. Stephanus in Burgo&: &3CIG& 8853 (M. Caelius: ex%19S. Erasimus). __ &1S. Valentinus&: &3IG& 14.2176a. __ &1S. Sebastianus&: Moretti, &3IGUR& 3.1232; Diehl, &3ILCV& 3995A%19`3995C, 3996B, 4466. __ &1SS. Ioannes %9 Paul.&: &3IChUR& 1,418. __ &1SS. Quattuor Coronati&: &3IChUR& 1,1097%19`1101. __ &1SS. Cosmas %9 Damianus&: &3IChUR& 1,279. __ &1Fl. Tiber&: Dessau, &3ILS& 626 [&3CIL& 6.773] (286%19`293 ac). __ &1Thr. &1Pompeii&: Dessau, &3ILS& 621 [&3CIL& 6.254] (286%19`293 ac), 622 [&3CIL 6.255] (286%19`293 ac), 793 [&3CIL& 6.1191] (395%19`402 ac). __ &1Therm. &1Diocl.&: Dessau, &3ILS& 646 [&3CIL& 6.1130] (305%19`306 ac). __ &1Therm. &1Titi&: Dessau, &3ILS& 741 [&3CIL& 6.1166] (350%19`351 ac). __ &1Therm. &1Trajani&: Moretti, &3IGUR& 1.36. __ &1Traste/vere&: Dessau, &3ILS& 726 [&3CIL& 6.36954] (340%19`350 ac). __ &1Via Appia&: &3IG& 14.1587; &3IChUR 5,13836, 13838, 13841. __ &1Via Appia%3Ardeatina&: &3IChUR& 4,12522, 12840, 12842, 12844, 12846%19`12847, 12849%19`12851, 12853%19`12854, 12858%19`12859, 12861, 12888. __ &1Via Ardeatina&: &3IChUR& 3,9281, 9286%19`9291, 9294, 9299%19`9300, 9305, 9307%19`9308, 9311%19`9312, 9314%19`9316, 9320%19`9321, 9325%19`9327, 9334; &3IChUR& 5,15421. __ &1Via &1Labicana&: Dessau, &3ILS& 666 [&3CIL& 6.2825] (305%19`306 ac), 667 [&3CIL 6.2826] (305%19`306 ac); &3IChUR& 6,17225, 17230, 17232%19`17233. __ &1Via Latina&: Dessau, &3ILS& 8988 (440%19`461 ac); &3IChUR& 6,15767, 15868%19`15870, 15874, 15881, 15883%19`15884, 15887a; &3BullComm& 75 (1953%19`1955) 83 [&3SEG& 16,603, cf. &3BE/& 1958,554 and 65,487; &3Ro+mMitt& 80 (1973) 169 with 81 (1974) 341] %6 Guarducci, &3EG IV,529,1 (Via Latina; 2nd ac); __ &1Via Ostiensis&: Moretti, &3IGUR 2,1.411. __ &1Via Salaria&: &3IChUR& 9,23847, 24008, 24019, 24062, 24266%19`24300; Moretti, &3IGUR& 2,1.717, __ &1Via Sacra&: Dessau, &3ILS 8950 [&3CIL& 6.36960] (389%19`391 ac). __ &1Via Tiburtina&: &3IG& 14.1487; Moretti, &3IGUR& 1266; &3IChUR& 7,20602, 20690. __ &1Vinea Cavalieri&: &3IGUR& 1.203. __ &1Vinea Claudii de la Valle&: &3CIG& 8983. __ &1place?&: Dessau, &3ILS& 700 [&3CIL& 6.1444] (324%19`337 ac), 702 [&3CIL& 6.31564] (312%19`324 ac), 711 [&3CIL& 6.1153], 716 [&3CIL& 6.1155] (315%19`317 ac), 781 [&3CIL& 6.1184] (379%19`383 ac), 798 [&3CIL& 6.1196] (402%19`408 ac), 801 [&3CIL& 6.1719] (420 ac), 828 [&3CIL& 15.1665] (493%19`526 ac), 828a [&3CIL& 15.1669] (493%19`526 ac), 1211 [&3CIL& 6.1673] (ca. 297 ac), 1220 [&3CIL& 6.1682] (ca. 335 ac), 1227 [&3CIL& 6.1717] (339%19`341 ac), 1229 [&3CIL& 6.1768] (346 ac), 1230 [&3CIL& 6.1772] (340%19`350 ac), 1238 [&3CIL& 6.1748] (ca. 345 ac), 1251 [&3CIL 6.31904] (after 366 ac), 1260 [&3CIL& 6.1780] (384 ac), 1262 [&3CIL 6.1679] (after 383 ac), 1267 [&3CIL& 6.1753] (ca. 395 ac), 1268 [&3CIL& 6.1752] (ca. 395 ac), 1269 [&3CIL& 6.1754] (ca. 395, 406 ac), 1270 [&3CIL& 6.1713] (ca. 360 ac), 1271 [&3CIL& 6.1714] (ca. 379 ac), 1281 [&3CIL& 6.1678] (ca. 400%19`410 ac), 1285 [&3CIL& 6.1761] (448 ac), 2782 [&3CIL& 6.32943] (3rd%19`4th ac), 2785 [&3CIL& 6.32940] (4th%19`5th ac), 2785a [&3CIL& 6.32939] (4th%19`5th ac), 2786 [&3CIL º዁6.32969] (4th%19`5th ac), 2791 [&3CIL& 6.32965] (end 3rd%3beg. 4th?), 2807 [&3CIL& 6.32968], 2944 [&3CIL& 6.537] (later 4th ac), 8952 [&3CIL 15.7152] (ca. 400 ac), 8953 [&3CIL& 15.7153] (ca. 400 ac), 8990 (?) (end 5th%3beg. 6th), 9047%3`8; __ &3CIG& 8816 (once Rome; before 9th ac?), 8863, 9792, 9808, 9815, 9837, 9844, 9850; &3IG 14.1325, 1467, 1519, 1542, 1613, 1655, 1695, 1910a (Umbria: Urbinum), 2034 (?), 2206, 2213, 2193, 2237; __ &3IG 14.2406,110%19`2406,111, 2409,1 (?), 2409,5, 2410,8; __ &3IChUR 1,2632%19`2637 (Latium: Anagnia), 2669%19`2671 (Aemilia: Bononia), 2720 (Venetia: Ferrara), 2757 (Etruria: Florentia), 2767 (Etruria: Florentia), 2789 (?), 2790%19`2791 (Latium: Tusculum), 2895 (?), 2803 (Picenum: Muccia), 2893 (Latium: Velitrae), 2894 (Campania: Neapolis), 2896 (Campania: Neapolis), 2897 (Latium: Velitrae), 2898 (Campania: Neapolis), 2934 (Etruria: Perusia), 2937 (Etruria: Perusia), 2940 (Etruria: Perusia), 2973 (Umbria: Pisaurum), 2974%19`2977 (Umbria: Pisaurum) 2978 (Umbria: Pisaurum), 2990b (Aemilia: Ravenna), 3000 (Aemilia: Ravenna), 3032a%19`3032b (Latium: Roc. d. Pap.), 3035%19`3038 (Latium: Roc. d. Pap.), 3090%19`3091 (Etruria: Tarquinia), 3122 (Umbria: Urbinum), 3139 (Latium: Velitrae), 3140 (?), 3420 (?), 3630 (Venetia: Venice), 3657 (Umbria: Tre/ia), 3974 (?), 3975%19`3976, 3977 (Latium: Velitrae), 3978 (?), 3979(1), 3979(2)%19`3979(3) (Latium: Velitrae), 3981%19`3983, 3984 (?), 3985%19`3990, 3991b, 3992%19`3994, 3995%19`4000 (?), 4001, 4002%19`4004 (?), 4005%19`4016, 4017 (?), 4019 (?), 4020 (Latium: Tusculum), 4021%19`4022, 4023 (Etruria: Volsinii), 4024 (?), 4025%19`4032, 4035, 4036%3`7, 4038%19`4043, 4044%3`5, 4046%19`4047, 4070, 4072; __ Diehl, &3ILCV& 4463; __ Moretti, &3IGUR& 1.191, 2,1.355, 2,2.771, 3.1351; __ &3Arctos& N.S. 7 (1972) 204 %6 &3BE/& 1973,93; __ &3SEG 26,1155. @ ROME (Jud.). Frey, &3Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaicarum. I. Europe (1936), with additions from Lifshitz, "Prolegomenon" (1975), &1Via Flaminia&: &3CIJ& 1%19`2; __ &1Via Salaria&: &3CIJ& 3%19`5; __ &1Via &1Nomentana&: &3CIJ& 6%19`72, with &3CIJ& App. 3,4*, 5,80*; __ &1Via &1Labicana&: &3CIJ& 73%19`78; __ &1Via Appia Pignatelli&: &3CIJ& 79%19`80, with &3CIJ& App. 3,17* [Moretti, &3IGUR& 2.426], 3,18* [&3IGUR& 3.1282], 3,19*%19`3,21*; __ &1Via Appia&: &3CIJ& 81%19`285, with &3CIJ& App. 3,5* [Moretti, &3IGUR& 2.850], 3,6* [&3IGUR& 2.876], 3,7*%19`3,15*, 3,16* [&3IGUR& 2.482], 3,22* [&3IGUR& 2.404] (3rd%19`4th ac?), 4,69*, 4,70* (1st bc), 5,81* (502 ac); __ &1Via Ardeatina&: &3CIJ& 286, with &3CIJ App. 5,82* (397 ac); __ &1Via Ostiensis&: &3CIJ& 287%19`289, with &3CIJ App. 3,23*; __ &1Cat. Monteverde&: &3CIJ& 290%19`293%19`493, with &3CIJ& App. 3,24*%19`3,42*; __ &1Via Portuensis&: &3CIJ& 494%19`499; __ &1place?&: &3CIJ 500%19`532, 537, 732%19`733, 733a, 733b [Lifshitz (1975) 41] (S. Crocifisso), 733c%19`733f, 734, with &3CIJ& App. 3,43*%19`3,47*, 3,60* [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 91] (Rome?, Naples), 4,71*%19`4,73*, 5,83*, 5,84* (400 ac), 5,85*%19`5,87*; __ &1Esquiline&: &3CIJ& App. 4,68*. __ Other Additions (Jewish inscriptions and comparanda): &3IChUR 1,2895, here %6 &3CIJ& 733h, 1,2978, here %6 &3CIJ& 733i, 1,3981, here %6 &3CIJ& 733j, 1,4042, here %6 &3CIJ& 733k (place?); Moretti, &3IGUR 1.82 (before 194 ac) and 83 (end 2nd%3`3rd ac), here %6 &3CIJ 532a%19`532b (Forum); &3IGUR& 1.169 (2nd ac), here %6 &3CIJ& 733l (place?); &3IGUR& 2.726, here %6 &3CIJ& 733m (Vinea Moroni); &3IGUR 3.1231, here %6 &3CIJ& 733n, 3.1268 (2nd%19`3rd ac), here %6 &3CIJ& 733o (place?); &3IGUR& 3.1323, here %6 &3CIJ& 733p (Via Salaria). __ Other Jewish inscriptions: &3SEG& 26,1157%19`1174, 1175a%19`1175c, 1176%19`1181, 1183%19`1202 (Villa Torlonia; 3rd%19`4th ac?); &3SEG& 32,1053 (place?; 2nd%19`3rd ac); &3SEG& 33,791 (Porto S. Paolo). @ ROME? (consular ditychs, etc.). Dessau, &3ILS& 8991 [&3CIL& 5.6836] ([Aosta]; 406 ac), 814 [&3CIL& 3.6335] ([Beograd]; 474%19`475 ac), 1311 ([Berlin]; 540 ac), 1301 [&3CIL& 5.8120] ([Brescia], 487 ac), 1308 [CIL 13.10032,8] (ex%19Compiegne; 525 ac), 1307 [&3CIL 5.8210,3] ([Cremona]; 521 ac), 1299 [&3CIL& 11,1.1299] ([Firenze] [2Etruria: Cosa]2; 434 ac), 1312 ([Firenze]; 541 ac), 8955 [&3AE/ 1904.148] ([France]; 476%19`491 ac), 1302 [&3CIL& 12.133] ([Ge/ronde; 488 ac), 8993 [&3CIL& 13.10032,4] (Limoges; 455 ac), 1300 [&3CIL 13.10032,2] ([Lie\ge]; 449 ac), 1308 adn. [&3CIL& 5.8120,4], here also %6 &3IG& 14.2418,1 [&3CIG& 8632] (Milan; 525 ac), 1309 [&3CIL 5.8120,6] ([Milan], 530 ac), 813 [&3CIL& 10.8072,4] ([Naples]; 457%19`472 ac), 1304 [&3CIL& 13.10032,14] ([Nuremberg]; 513 ac), 1310 [&3CIL& 2.2699] ([Oviedo]; 539 ac), 1298 [&3CIL& 13.10032,1] ([Paris]; 428 ac), 1305 [&3CIL& 13.10032,5] ([Paris]; 517 ac), 811 [&3CIL& 15.7108] ([Rome]; 461%19`463 ac), 1306 [&3CIL& 13.10032,6] ([Utrecht]; 518 ac), 810 [&3CIL& 5.8119] ([Venice]; 458 ac), 812 [&3CIL& 15.7118] ([Wiczay]; 467%19`472 ac), 1303 [&3CIL& 13.10032,3a] ([Zu+rich]; 506 ac), 8994 ([location?]; 470 ac). @ ITALY. &1Abellinum& [Campania]: Dessau, &3ILS& 2942 [&3CIL& 10.1125] (340 ac?). __ &1Aeculanum& [Apulia]: Dessau, &3ILS& 734 [&3CIL& 9.1117] (355%19`361 ac). __ &1Aesernaia& [Samnium]: Dessau, &3ILS& 1248 [&3CIL 9.2639] (352%19`357 ac). __ &1Albenga& [Liguria]: Dessau, &3ILS& 735 [&3CIL& 5.7781] (ca. 354 ac). __ &1Allifae& [Samnium]: Dessau, &3ILS 1247 [&3CIL& 9.2637] (352%19`357 ac). __ &1Altina& [Latium Adj.]: Dessau, &3ILS& 1217 [&3CIL& 10.5061] (ca. 312 ac). __ &1Altinum [Venetia]: &3IG& 14.2320. __ &1Amalfi& [Campania]: &3IG& 14.694a, 697. __ &1Amiternum& [Samnium]: Dessau, &3ILS& 647 [&3CIL& 9.4516] (306%19`312 ac). __ &1Ancona& [Picenum]: Dessau, &3ILS& 1290 [&3CIL& 9.5897] (after 386 ac); &3AnalBoll& 27 (1908) 369 %6 Guarducci, &3EG& IV,519,7 (ca. 550%19`600 ac). __ &1Antium& [Latium Adj.]: Dessau, &3ILS& 5702 [&3CIL 10.6656] (379%19`382 ac). __ &1Aqua Anio Vetus& [Samnium]: Dessau, &3ILS& 795 [&3CIL& 9.4051] (398%19`399 ac). __ &1Aquileia& [Venetia]: &3IG 14.2346, 2347%3`8, 2349%19`2355, 2356%3`2360, 2357%19`2366, 2368, 2375%19`2376, 2379; &3IChUR& 1,4018; Dessau, &3ILS& 624 [&3CIL& 5.803] (286%19`293 ac), 625 [&3CIL& 5.732] (286%19`293 ac), 675 (308%19`324 ac); Brusin and Zovatto, &3Monumenti palaeochristiani di Aquileia e &3di Grado& (1957), 331%19`349, nos. 3, 8 and 18 %6 &3BE/& 1961,846[a%19c] (4th ac); &3RAC& 43 (1967) 45,10 %6 &3BE/& 1969,624 (ca. 400 ac?). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 643, 643a [Lifshitz (1975) 49] (5th%19`6th ac). __ &1Aricia& [Latium]: Dessau, &3ILS& 1283 [&3CIL& 14.2165] (437 ac). __ &1Arimnium& [Umbria]: &3IG& 14.2255,a%19`2255,bcd. __ &1Atellea [Campania]: Dessau, &3ILS& 1216 [&3CIL& 10.3732] (314%19`337 ac). __ &1Aversa& [Campania]: Dessau, &3ILS& 748 [&3CIL& 10.6945] (355 ac). __ &1Baiae& [Campania]: &3IG& 14.879. __ &1Bari& [Calabria] (Jud.): &3CIJ 633. __ &1Barberini& [Etruria?]: &3CIG& 9865. __ &1Beneventum [Apulia]: Dessau, &3ILS& 1239 [&3CIL& 9.1576] (ca. 333 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& App. 5,89*. __ &1Bovianum Undec.& [Samnium]: Dessau, &3ILS& 1253 [&3CIL& 9.2566] (ca. 360 ac). __ &1Brixia& [Venetia]: &3IG& 14.2304; Dessau, &3ILS& 788 [&3CIL& 5.8030] (383%19`388 ac), 2790 [&3CIL& 5.4369] (4th%19`6th ac), 2793 [&3CIL& 5.4376]. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 638 [&3IG 14.2304], 639 [Lifshitz (1975) 49]; &3CIJ& App. 4,77* (Brescia). __ &1Cannae& [Apulia]: Dessau, &3ILS& 749 [&3CIL& 9.318] (355%19`361 ac). __ &1Canusium& [Apulia]: Dessau, &3ILS& 676 [&3CIL& 9.6026] (308%19`324 ac), 780 [&3CIL& 9.333] (379%19`394 ac); &3SEG& 35,1027 (4th%19`6th ac). __ &1Capua& [Campania]: Dessau, &3ILS& 1276 [&3CIL& 10.3860] (before 403 ac); &3SEG& 14,610 (4th ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 553. __ &1Carpignano [Calabria]: Jacopi, &3RendLinc& 37 (1983) 45, 47, 50, 59; Jacopi, &3RSBN& 20%19`21 (1983%19`1984) 103; &3BCH& 9 (1885) 211 [&3Studi Medievali 1970.403] (959 ac). __ &1Casaranello& [Calabria]: &3RendLinc& 37 (1983) 51. __ &1Cassano&: [Aemilia] &3IG& 14.2288a (Cassano, near Mo/dena) __ &1Castel Porziano& [Latium] (Jud.): &3CIJ& 533 (2nd ac). __ &1Cavallino& [Calabria]: Jacopi, &3RendLinc& 37 (1983) 53, 55. __ º&1Celeia& [Venetia] (Jud.): &3CIJ& App. 5,91*. __ &1Cerveteri [Etruria] (Jud.): &3CIJ& App. 4,74*. __ &1Civitavecchia& [Etruria] (Jud.): &3CIJ& 636 [Lifshitz (1975) 49]. __ &1Clusium& [Etruria]: &3SEG& 15,627 (4th ac). __ &1Comum& [Transpadana]: &3IG& 14.2300%19`2301. __ &1Corridonia& [Picenum]: &3CIG& 9544. __ &1Cosa& [Etruria]: Dessau, &3ILS& 1299 [&3CIL& 11,1.1299] (434 ac). __ &1Crema& [Transpadana]: &3CIG 9074. __ &1Cremona& [Venetia]: &3CIG& 8876; Dessau, &3ILS& 2795 [&3CIL 5.4100]. __ &1Cumae& [Campania]: Dessau, &3ILS& 8983 (350%19`351 ac). __ &1Cupra Marit.& [Picenum]: Dessau, &3ILS& 1288 [&3CIL& 9.5300] (385 ac). __ &1Cures& [Samnium]: Dessau, &3ILS& 650a [&3CIL& 9.4962] (305%19`306 ac). __ &1Fabrateria& [Latium Adj.]: Dessau, &3ILS& 612 [&3CIL& 10.5576] (284%19`305 ac). __ &1Falerio& [Picenum]: Dessau, &3ILS 712 [&3CIL& 9.5434] (317%19`323 ac). __ &1Fanum Fortunae& [Umbria]: &3IG 14.2413,7; Dessau, &3ILS& 706 [&3CIL& 11,2.6218] (339%19`350 ac), 9204 [&3CIL& 11,2.6222] (4th ac?). __ &1Feltria& [Venetia]: Dessau, &3ILS 860 [&3Ephemeris& 5.826] (530%19`533 ac). __ &1Ferrara& [Venetia]: &3IG 14.2318 (?); Dessau, &3ILS& 777 [&3CIL& 5.8008] (375 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 637 [&3IG& 14.2318] (?). __ &1Florentia& [Etruria]: &3CIG 8938%19`9864; &3IG& 14.2265%19`2267, 2268,a%19`2268,b, 2269; 2270,a%19`2270,e, 2271, 2412,34 (?); Dessau, &3ILS& 2806 [&3CIL 11,1.1693] (547 ac); &3SEG& 19,629 (4th%19`5th ac), 630 (405 ac), 631%19`632 (4th%19`5th ac). __ &1Fondi& [Campania] (Jud.): &3CIJ& 552. __ &1Formiae& [Latium Adj.]: Dessau, &3ILS& 1212 [&3CIL& 10.6084] (early 4th ac). __ &1Gabii& [Latium]: Dessau, &3ILS& 1295 [&3CIL& 14.2824] (ca. 511 ac). __ &1Galatina& [Calabria]: &3CIG& 8770. __ &1Genua [Liguria]: &3SEG& 33,764 (4th ac). __ &1Grado& [Venetia]: &3IG 14.2345; Dessau, &3ILS& 2808 [&3CIL& 5.1590], 2809 [&3CIL& 5.1593], 2810 [&3CIL& 5.1591]. __ &1Grottaferrata& [Latium]: &3CIG& 8724%19`8725. __ &1Hieracium& [Bruttium]: &3CIG& 8717, 8846. __ &1Hispallum [Umbria]: Dessau, &3ILS& 705 [&3CIL& 11,2.5265] (333%19`337 ac). __ &1Hipponium%19Vibo Valentia& [Bruttium]: &3SEG& 1,422. __ Jud.: &3IG 14.633 %6 &3CIJ& 635a [Lifshitz (1975) 49; &3SEG& 1,421]. __ &1Interamna (Teramo)& [Picenum]: &3IG& 14.2247. __ &1Interamna ad &1Lirim& [Latium Adj.]: Dessau, &3ILS& 5698 [&3CIL& 10.5348]. __ &1Interamna ad Narim (Terni)& [Umbria]: Dessau, &3ILS& 1233 [&3CIL 11,2.4181] (before 344 ac). __ &1Julia Concordia& [Venetia]: &3IG 14.2324%19`2336; Dessau, &3ILS& 755 [&3CIL& 5.8987] (362%19`363 ac), 2796 [&3NSc& 1890.170], 2797 [&3CIL& 5.8759], 2798 [&3CIL& 5.8740], 2799 [&3CIL& 5.8776], 2800 [&3CIL& 5.8739], 2801 [&3CIL& 5.8750], 2802 [&3CIL 5.8752], 2803 [&3CIL& 5.8773], 2804 [&3CIL& 5.8760], 2805 [&3NSc 1890.343]; &3Epigraphica& 33 (1971) 172 %6 &3BE/& 1973,542 (ca. 400 ac); &3Antichita\ Altoadriatiche& 12 (1977) 391 %6 Guarducci, &3EG IV,510,3 (6th ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 640; &3CIJ App.&`5,92*, 6,103*. __ &1Lanuvium& [Latium] (Jud.): Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 36. __ &1Luna [Etruria]: Dessau, &3ILS& 1252 [&3CIL& 11,2.6958] (after 366 ac). __ &1Lorium& [Etruria]: &3IG& 14.2259. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 636a [&3IG& 14.2259]. __ &1Mediolanum (Milan)& [Transpadana]: &3CIG& 8859 8966 (6th%19`7th ac?), 9075; &3IG& 14.2293, 2295%19`2299 2418,2 (?); Dessau, &3ILS& 1291 [&3CIL& 5.6268] (418%3`439 ac), 2789 [&3CIL& 5.6213] (4th%19`5th ac); &3Epigraphica& 10 (1948 [`1950]) 62 [Peek, &3GVI& (1955) 1907] %6 Guarducci, &3EG& IV,505,1 (ca. 350%19`425 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 644%19`646; &3CIJ& App. 5,93*. __ &1Minturnae& [Latium Adj.]: Dessau, &3ILS& 652 [&3CIL& 10.6003] (ca. 306 ac). __ &1Monza& [Transpadana]: &3IG 14.2413,18 (now Monza). __ &1Mutina& [Aemilia]: Dessau, &3ILS& 1218 [&3CIL& 11,1.831] (ca. 324%19`330 ac), 1280 [&3CIL& 11,1830] (late 4th ac), 2778 [&3CIL& 11,1.837] (late 3rd ac). __ &1Neapolis [Campania]: &3CIG& 9543; &3IG& 14.823%19`824; 826,1%19`826,54, 827%19`828; 2412,21, 2412,27, 2418,11, 2418,12 (?); Dessau, &3ILS& 804 [&3CIL 10.1485] (425%19`450 ac), 8984 [&3AE/& 1892.143] (382%19`383 ac), 8985 [&3NSc& 1893.521] (409%19`430 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 555 556 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 44] (1st ac), 557%19`560, 568 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 44], &3CIJ& App. 1,2*, 3,50*, 4,75*%19`4,76*; &3SEG& 29,968%19`969 (4th%19`5th ac). __ &1Nola& [Campania] (Jud.): &3CIJ& 554; &3CIJ& App. 5,88*; __ &1Orbetello& [Etruria]: &3IG& 14.2263. __ &1Ocriculum [Umbria]: Dessau, &3ILS& 5696 [&3CIL& 11,2.4095] (341 ac), 5697 [&3CIL 11,2.4097] (341 ac). __ &1Oria& [Calabria] (Jud.): &3CIJ& 634 [Lifshitz (1975) 49], 635. __ &1Otranto& [Calabria]: &3SEG& 34,1007 (7th ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 632. __ &1Ostia& [Latium]: &3IG& 14.1073; Dessau, &3ILS& 615 (?) [&3CIL& 14.128] (285 ac), 687 [&3CIL& 14.131] (ca. 312 ac), 1292 [&3CIL& 14.1875] (ca. 370 ac?), 5694 [&3CIL 14.137] (375%19`378 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 534 (2nd%19`4th ac), 534a [Lifshitz (1975) 44]; &3CIJ& App 3,48*. __ &1Parentium& [Histria]: Dessau, &3ILS& 678 [&3CIL& 5.330] (309 ac). __ &1Patavium& [Venetia]: Dessau, &3ILS& 614 [&3CIL& 5.2817] (284%19`305 ac), 1297 [&3CIL& 5.3100] (ca. 500%19`524 ac). __ &1Perusia& [Etruria]: Dessau, &3ILS& 1296 [&3CIL 11,1.2089] (5th%19`6th ac). __ &1Pettorano& [Samnium]: Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt& (1971), pp. 32%19`33 (Pettorano, near Sulmona; 302 ac). __ &1Pisaurum& [Umbria]: &3IG& 14.2252%19`2253. __ &1Pola& [Histria]: &3IG& 14.2384. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 641, 642; &3CIJ& App. 2,3*. __ &1Pompeii& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 563%19`567 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 44] (before 79 ac); &3CIJ& App. 3,52*%19`3,55* (before 79 ac). __ &1Pomptine Marshes& [Latium]: Dessau, &3ILS& 1264 (385 ac), 8956 (493%19`526 ac). __ &1Pontiae Is.& [Campania]: &3IG& 14.895. __ &1Portus [Latium]: &3IPorto& 53, 58, 67%19`86, 87,a%19`87,b, 88%19`90, 91,a%19`91,b, 92%19`94; Dessau, &3ILS& 805 [&3CIL& 14.140] (425%19`450 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ 535 [Sacco, &3IPorto& (1984) 91a], 535a [&3IPorto& 92], 535b [&3IPorto 93], 536 [&3IPorto& 87a], 538 [&3IPorto& 89], 539 [&3IPorto& 90] (2nd ac?), 540 [&3IPorto& 87b], 541 [&3IPorto& 77 (Chr.)], 542 [&3IPorto& 48 (Pag.]], 543 [&3IPorto& 91b], 544 [&3IPorto& 86], 545 [&3IPorto& 88], 546 [&3IPorto& 73 (Chr.)], 547 [&3IPorto& 94], 548 [&3IPorto& 84] (2nd%19`3rd ac), 549 [&3IPorto& 59 (Pag.)], 550 [&3IPorto& 101 (Fr.)], 551a [&3IPorto& 71 (Chr.)], 551b [&3IPorto& 82 (Chr.)], 551c [&3IPorto 58 (Pag.)], 551d [&3IPorto& 62 (Pag.)], 551e [&3IPorto& 63 (Pag.)]; &3CIJ& App. 3,49a*%19`3,49b* [&3IPorto& 8]; Sacco, &3IPorto& (1984) 85, here %6 &3CIJ& 548a (4th ac). __ &1Privernum& [Latium Adj.]: Dessau, &3ILS& 1250 [&3CIL& 10.6441] (357%19`370 ac). __ &1Puteoli& [Campania]: Dessau, &3ILS& 764 [&3CIL& 10.1656] (364%19`375 ac), 791 [&3CIL& 10.1693] (393 ac), 792 [&3CIL& 10.1692] (394%19`395 ac), 1224 [&3CIL& 10.1695%3`6] (334%19`337 ac), 1226 [&3CIL& 10.1697] (mid%19`4th ac), 1231 [&3CIL 10.1700] (343%19`346 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 561 (Pozzuoli); &3CIJ& App. 3,51* [Lifshitz (1975) 91]. __ &1Prato& [Etruria]: &3IG& 14.2272. __ &1Ravenna& [Aemilia]: Bollini, &3Iscr. gr. di Ravenna& (1975) 39,12%19`39,13%19`49,21, 69,32%19`70,33; 71,35; Patrono, "Iscrizioni bizantine di Ravenna" (1909) 348 [&3CIL& 11,1.310], 348 [&3CIL 11,1.312], 349 [&3CIL& 11,1.295], 350 [&3CIL& 11,1.297], 351 [&3CIL 11,1.313], 352 [&3CIL& 11,1.315], 353 [&3CIL& 11,1.316], 354 [&3CIL 11,1.11], 355 [&3CIL& 11,1.331], 355 [&3CIL& 11,1.350], 357[a]%19`357[b], 358 [&3CIL& 11,1.289], 358 [&3CIL& 11,1.319], 360 [&3CIL& 11,1.303], 361 [&3CIL& 11,1.255], 361 [&3CIL& 11,1.281a], 362 [&3CIL& 11,1.300]; Dessau, &3ILS& 699 [&3CIL& 11,1.9], 816 [de Rossi, &3IChUR&(`1) II,8,13] (424%19`455 ac), 818 [`1: CIL 11,1.276] (424%19`434 ac), 826 [&3CIL& 11,1.10] (493%19`526 ac), 836 [&3CIL& 11,1.11] (585%19`589 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& App. 3,58*. __ &1Rhegium& [Bruttium]: &3IG& 14.625, 628%19`629, 629a, 2417,24; &3CIG& 8684 (861 ac?). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 635b [Lifshitz (1975) 49]. __ &1Rocca di Corno [Samnium]: Dessau, &3ILS& 713 [&3CIL& 9.5955] (317%19`323 ac). __ &1Rossano& [Bruttium]: &3CIG& 8727. __ &1Roviano& [Samnium (Aequi)]: ºDessau, &3ILS& 656 (305%19`306 ac). __ &1Salernum& [Campania]: &3IG 14.694b, 696, 697a; Dessau, &3ILS& 708 [&3CIL& 10.517] (323%19`336 ac). __ &1San Cesario& [Calabria]: Jacopi, &3RendLinc& 37 (1983) 56. __ &1S. Severina& [Calabria]: &3Revue des e/tudes byzantines& 22 (1964) 180,a%19`180,b %6 &3BE/& 1965,492[a%19b] (ca. 1035 ac). __ &1S. Sossio [Apulia]: Dessau, &3ILS& 693 [&3CIL& 9.6060] (313%19`315 ac). __ &1Scandriglia& [Samnium]: &3IG& 14.2241 (Sabini). __ &1Segusio& [Alpes Cottiae]: Dessau, &3ILS& 5701 [&3CIL& 5.7250] (375%19`378 ac). __ &1Sinuessa& [Latium]: &3SEG& 31,876 (4th ac). __ &1Sirmio& [Venetia]: Dessau, &3ILS& 753 [&3CIL& 5.8024] (361%19`362 ac). __ &1Spoletium [Umbria]: &3CIG& 8814 (Spoleto; Byz.); Dessau, &3ILS& 739 [&3CIL 11,2.4781] (355%19`360 ac), 2777 [&3CIL& 11,2.4787] (end 3rd%3beg. 4th), __ &1Suessa& [Latium Adj.]: Dessau, &3ILS& 1223 [&3CIL& 10.4752] (328%19`334 ac). __ &1Sulmona& [Samnium] (Jud.): &3CIJ& App. 5,90*. __ &1Surrentum& [Campania]: Dessau, &3ILS& 710 [&3CIL& 10.678] (323%19`326 ac). __ &1Tarentum& [Calabria]: &3CIG& 8709 (Taranto); Dessau, &3ILS 5700 [&3NSc& 1896.256] (4th ac); &3Byzantion& 48 (1978) 386 (1135 ac), 389 (early 12th ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 620%19`631. __ &1Tarracina [Latium Adj.]: Dessau, &3ILS& 827 [&3CIL& 10.6850%3`1] (507%19`511 ac?); &3MEFRA, Moyen Age& 83 (1973) 149 [&3SEG& 34,1027] (Terracina; 7th%19`8th ac) __ &1Tarvisio& [Venetia]: &3CIG& 9072. __ &1Tegianum [Lucania] (Jud.): &3CIJ& App. 3,56*. __ &1Tibur& [Samnium]: Dessau, &3ILS& 729 [&3CIL& 14.3582] (340%19`350 ac); &3SEG& 35,1055 (ca. 365 ac). __ &1Ticinum& [Transpadana]: &3IG& 14.2290; Dessau, &3ILS& 829 [&3CIL 5.6418] (528%19`529 ac), 2952 [&3CIL& 5.6464] (521 ac). __ &1Ticinum%3Torino& [Transpadana]: Dessau, &3ILS& 742 [&3CIL& 5.8066] (350%19`353 ac). __ &1Tolentinum& [Picenum]: Dessau, &3ILS& 1289 [&3CIL 9.5566] (after 379 ac). __ &1Torcello& [Venetia]: &3ZbRad& 8,2 (1964) 323 (640 ac). __ &1Torino& [Transpadana]: Dessau, &3ILS& 737 [&3CIL& 5.8073] (351%19`354 ac). __ &1Torino Mus.&: Dessau, &3ILS& 681 [&3SupIt& I,1086,1] (Italy?; 306 ac?). __ &1Tortona& [Liguria] (Jud.): &3CIJ& App. 3,59*. __ &1Trani& [Apulia]: Guillou, &3HUS& 7 (0000) 270. __ &1Treia& [Picenum]: Dessau, &3ILS& 2780 [&3CIL& 9.5649] (4th ac). __ &1Tridentum& [Venetia]: &3SEG& 31,883 (ca. 400%19`430 ac). __ &1U/dine& [Venetia]: Dessau, &3ILS& 759 [&3SupIt& I,1061] (364%19`367 ac). __ &1Urbino& [Umbria] (Jud.): &3CIJ& App. 3,57*. __ &1Tusculum [Latium]: &3IG& 14.2409,2. __ &1Venusia (Venosa)& [Apulia]: Dessau, &3ILS& 670 [&3CIL& 9.6066] (309%19`312 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 569 [Lifshitz (1975) 44], 570%19`574, 575 [Lifshitz (1975) 44], 576 [Lifshitz (1975) 45], 577 [Lifshitz (1975) 45], 578%19`580, 581 [Lifshitz (1975) 45], 582, 583 [Lifshitz (1975) 45], 584%19`585, 586 [Lifshitz (1975) 45], 587%19`590, 591 [Lifshitz (1975) 45], 592%19`595, 596 [Lifshitz (1975) 45], 597%19`598, 599 [Lifshitz (1975) 45], 600, 601 [Lifshitz (1975) 45], 602%19`607, 608 [Lifshitz (1975) 45], 609%19`610, 611 [Lifshitz (1975) 45], 612%19`615, 616 [Lifshitz (1975) 45], 617 [Lifshitz (1975) 45], 618%19`619, 619a [Lifshitz (1975) 46], 619b [Lifshitz (1975) 47], 619c [Lifshitz (1975) 47], 619d [Lifshitz (1975) 47], 619e [Lifshitz (1975) 48]. __ &1Vercellae& [Liguria]: &3IG& 14.2279. __ &1Verona& [Venetia]: &3IG& 14.2306, 2310a, 2311; Dessau, &3ILS& 636 [&3CIL& 5.8016] (293%19`305 ac), 669 [&3CIL& 5.8015] (306%19`312 ac), 714 [&3CIL& 5.8015b] (317%19`323 ac), 757 [&3CIL& 5.8037] (363 ac), 1266 [&3CIL& 5.3344] (ca. 395 ac). __ &1Verona%3Brixia& [Venetia]: Dessau, &3ILS& 760 [&3CIL& 5.8031] (364%19`367 ac). __ &1Vicetia& [Venetia]: &3IG 14.2314; Dessau, &3ILS& 697 [&3CIL& 5.8011] (328 ac). __ &1Volsinii [Etruria]: &3IG& 14.2264,a. __ &1Vulci& [Etruria]: Dessau, &3ILS& 655 [&3CIL& 11,1.2928] (305%19`308 ac). __ &1place?&: &3IG 14.2417,18%19`2417,19, 2417,25, 2417,31b, 2569 (once Haag), 2571 (once Haag); &3CIG& 8818 (ex%19Mus. Nanianum; late Byz.), 9099 (Campania), 9102 (Etruria); Diehl, &3ILCV& 926 [&3CIL& 11.6726,513] ([Firenze]). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 647, 648 [Lifshitz (1975) 51], 649. @ SICILY. &1Acrae&: &3IG& 14.237, 242, 2413,17; &3BZ& 13 (1904) 480,C. (near Acrae); &3SEG& 14,587%19`588; &3SEG& 18,408 (5th ac). __ &1Acrillae (Jud.): &3CIJ& 653a [Lifshitz (1975) 54]. (betw. Co/miso and Chiaramonte Gulfi). __ &1Acireale& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 650e [Lifshitz (1975) 53]. __ &1Agrigentum& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 654 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 54] (Agrigentum?; 5th ac?); &3CIJ& 654a [Lifshitz (1975) 54]. __ &1Agro&: &3CIG& 8738. __ &1Bronte&: &3CIG& 8723. __ &1Butera&: &3SEG& 16,569 (5th ac). __ &1Caleacte&: &3SEG& 30,1124. __ &1Catania&: &3CIG& 8737; &3IG 14.453, 455, 461, 465, 470, 480, 489, 498, 508, 516, 523, 526, 528%19`529, 530,a%19`530,b, 532%19`534, 539, 543a, 544%19`546, 548, 550%19`551, 553%19`566; Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 46%19`62, 85, 87%19`88, 94, 96, 106; Ferrua, &3RPARA& 22 (1946%19`1947) 228,3a; &3Oikoumene (1964) 605,3 %6 Guarducci, &3EG& IV,522,1 (ca. 300%19`350 ac); &3BZ& 13 (1904) 480,A; &3BZ& 13 (1904) 480,B. (near Catania); &3SEG& 17,441 (427 ac); &3SEG& 31,830 (4th%19`5th ac); &3SEG& 36,842 (426 ac), 843 (455 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 650 [Lifshitz (1975) 51] (383 ac), 650a [Lifshitz (1975) 51], 650b [Lifshitz (1975) 51], 650c [Lifshitz (1975) 52] (4th%19`5th ac), 650d [Lifshitz (1975) 52] (4th%19`5th ac), 650f [&3IG& 14.461]. __ &1Cava d'Ispica&: Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 92. __ &1Cephaloedium&: &3SEG& 33,749,1 (6th ac), 749,2 (6th%19`7th ac). __ &1Chiaramonti Gulfi&: Agnello, &3Silloge (1953) 68. __ &1Centuripae&: &3IG& 14.582. __ &1Co/miso&: &3SEG& 18,414 (4th%19`5th ac); &3SEG& 34,944%19`945 (betw. Co/miso and Noto; early Byz.). __ &1Forum Cornelii&: &3SEG& 31,855 (6th ac). __ &1Gaulus Is.&: &3IG& 14.604. __ &1Gela&: &3SEG& 16,568 [&3SEG& 12,585] (4th%19`5th ac). __ &1Hadranum&: &3IG& 14.572 (near Hadranum). __ &1Heloros&: &3SEG& 27,646 (4th ac). __ &1Licodia&: &3IG& 14.254. __ &1Lilybaeum&: &3IG& 14.278; Dessau, &3ILS& 830 [&3CIL& 10.7232] (496%19`523 ac), 8982 [&3NSc 1905.217] (4th%19`5th ac); &3Kokalos& 9 (1963) 232 (4th ac). __ &1Lipari Isl.&: Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 86; &3SEG& 36,848 (369 ac). __ &1Megara Hyblaea&: &3IG& 14.591. __ &1Melita Is. (Malta)&: &3IG 14.603. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 655 (Rabato); &3SEG& 35,995 (4th%19`5th ac). __ &1Messina&: &3CIG& 8726, 8731, 9539%19`9540. &3IG& 14.403, 419%3`420, 2412,26. __ &1Molae&: &3CIG& 8689. __ &1Motyca (Mo/dica)&: &3IG 14.243%19`245, 247%19`253; Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 69%19`70, 93 (Trepiedi). __ &1Palazzolo Acreide&: Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 63%19`66, 95. __ &1Panormus (Palermo)&: &3CIG& 8805, 8716, 8985, 9073, 9535%19`9536; &3IG& 14.296; Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 99; Dessau, &3ILS 677 [&3CIL& 10.7284] (ca. 314 ac); &3SEG& 18,409,a (Byz.). __ &1Piazza &1Armerina&: &3SEG& 32,928 (ca. 350 ac). __ &1Philosophiana (Sophiana) (Jud.): &3CIJ& 653b [Lifshitz (1975) 54]. __ &1Ragusa&: &3SEG& 18,415 (4th%19`5th ac). __ &1Salemi&: Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 67 [&3SEG 36,828]; &3SEG& 36,828%19`830 (Halykiai; 550%19`600 ac). __ &1S. Croce&: &3IG& 14.255a. __ &1S. Fratello&: &3IG& 14.361. __ &1Syracuse&: &3CIG& 8720, 8848, 9057; &3IG& 14.14, 19, 194, 197%19`201, 201a; Strazzulla, &3Museum Epigraphicum& (1897) 1%19`461 [includes inscr. from Kaibel, &3IG& XIV (1890); Orsi, &3NSc& 1 (1893) 276%19`314 &3NSc& 3 (1895) 477%19`521, and &3Ro+mQ& 10 (1896) 1%19`59]; Agnello, &3Silloge& (1953) 1%19`45, 71%19`84, 89%19`91, 97%19`98, 100%19`105; Ferrua, &3RAC& 17,1%3`2 (1940) 47,1b, 48,2, 53,5, 57,8, 71,12b; Ferrua, &3RAC& 18,3%3`4 (1941) 157,13, 169,30, 223,109, 228,119, 235,129%19`237,132; Ferrua, &3RPARA& 22 (1946%19`1947) 228,1%19`228,2, 228,4, 230,5b, 231,9%19`232,11, 232,13, 232,15%19`236,39, 236,40a%19`236,40f, 236,41%19`237,45, 238,48%19`239,51; &3RAC& 36 (1960) 19,10 %6 &3BE/& 1962,391; &3SEG& 4,2, 4%19`5, 7, 11%19`15, 20, 23; &3SEG& 14,585 [&3SEG& 16,568] (Byz.); &3SEG 15,583 (ca. 275%19`325 ac), 584%19`585 (4th ac), 586 (ca. 300%19`350 ºac), 587 (4th%19`5th ac), 589%19`590 [cf. &3BE/& 1967.708] (4th ac); &3SEG 16,536 (4th ac); &3SEG& 18,396%19`407 (3rd%19`4th ac); &3SEG& 26,1121; &3SEG 27,662 (5th ac); &3SEG& 31,844 (3rd%19`5th ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 651 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 53], 652 [Lifshitz (1975) 53], 653 [Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 102] (Byz.). __ &1Tauromenium&: &3IG 14.442, 443,3; 444%19`445, 447. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 649a [Lifshitz (1975) 51] (4th%19`5th ac). __ &1Thermae Himeraeae&: &3CIG& 8732 ("Thermae"), &3IG& 14.348. __ &1Ustica Is.&: &3IG& 14.592. __ &1place?&: &3IG& 14.599. @ SARDINIA. &1Carales&: &3IG& 14.F33*, F35*%19F36*; &3DOP& 36 (1982) 2 (582%19`602 ac). __ &1Carales%3Turris&: Dessau, &3ILS& 720 [&3CIL& 10.8015] (335%19`337 ac). __ &1Cornus&: &3SEG& 34,1033 (7th ac). __ &1Fangariu&: &3Epigraphica& 18 (1956) 94 %6 &3BE/& 1959,523 (6th%19`7th ac?). __ &1Macomer& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 656 (5th%19`6th ac). __ &1Sassari& (Jud.): &3CIJ 660a%19`660b [Lifshitz (1975) 55]. __ &1Sulcis& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 657%19`660. __ &1Terranova&: Dessau, &3ILS& 672 (306%19`309 ac). @ AFRICA PROCONSULARIS. &1el%19Aouja& (Jud.): Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives" (1981), no. 85. __ &1Apisa Maius&: Dessau, &3ILS& 786 [&3CIL 8.782] (383%19`392 ac). __ &1Bisica Luc.&: Dessau, &3ILS& 679 [&3CIL 8.1357] (316 ac). __ &1Bordj Hellal&: Durliat, &3De/dicaces &3d'ouvrages de de/fense dans l'Afrique byzantine& (1981) 7,1, 9,2. __ &1Bulla Regia& (Jud.): Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives" (1981), no. 66. __ &1Calama&: Durliat, &3De/dAfrByz& 11,3%19`17,5; Dessau, &3ILS 1228 [&3CIL& 8.5348] (after 341 ac). __ &1Carpis (el%19Meri=ssa)&: Dessau, &3ILS& 778 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 12455] (Carpis; 371%19`373 ac). __ &1Carthago&: Monceaux, &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 70,1%19`73,12, 74,13%19`74,14 (?), 75,15%19`88,74; Dessau, &3ILS& 768 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 12527] (366%19`368 ac); Diehl, &3ILCV& 236f, 239a, 359a%19`359b, 949c%19`949d, 949h; &3SEG& 32,1093 (ca. 400%19`420 ac), 1094 (6th ac); &3SEG 9,826%19`827 (4th ac); Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 290bis [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 25364a; Wessel, &3Inscr. gr. chr. vet. Occident.& (1936) 12]; __ Jud.: Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives" (1981), nos. 16%19`21, 22%19`24 (Hebr.), 25%19`58, 59,a%19`59,b, 60%19`63, 82, 84, 94, 100%19`110, 111%19`112 (Hebr.), 122%19`124. __ &1Churisa&: Durliat, &3De/dAfrByz& 90,B. __ &1Clypea& (Jud.): Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives" (1981), no. 99. __ &1Goritana& (Jud.): Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives" (1981), no. 113. __ &1Hadrumentum&: Monceaux, &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 242,80%19`243,83; &3SEG& 9,818 (4th ac). __ Jud.: Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives" (1981), nos. 83, 89%19`90, 95%19`96, 98, 114%19`121. __ &1Henchir el Arfanin&: Dessau, &3ILS 680 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 22004] (317%19`324 ac). __ &1Hr. Bou Sboa&: Durliat, &3De/dAfrByz& 80,32. __ &1Hr. el Ksour&: Durliat, &3De/dAfrByz 83,33, 89,A. __ &1Hr. Midid&: Dessau, &3ILS& 637 [&3CIL& 8.608] (293%19`305 ac). __ &1Hr. Msa'adi=n&: Dessau, &3ILS& 763 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 14752] (366%19`367 ac). __ &1Hr. Negaschia&: Durliat, &3De/dAfrByz 88,38. __ &1Hr. Sguidan&: Durliat, &3De/dAfrByz& 64,27. __ &1Hippo &1Diarrhytus&: Monceaux, &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 245,86. __ &1Hippo Regius&: Dessau, &3ILS& 2811 [&3CIL& 8.5229]; &3RAC& 43 (1967) 163 %6 &3BE/& 1969,621 (later 3rd ac?); &3SEG& 9,872 (587 ac). __ &1Kairouan&: Monceaux, &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 244,84a%19`244,84b. __ Jud.: Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives" (1981), no. 88. __ &1Ksar Lemsa&: Durliat, &3De/dAfrByz 77,30. __ &1Leptiminus&: Monceaux, &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 242,79. __ Jud.: Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives" (1981), no. 97. __ &1Madaura&: Durliat, &3De/dAfrByz& 18,6%19`21,7. __ &1Mehedia&: Monceaux, &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 242,78. __ &1Missua&: Dessau, &3ILS& 9043 [&3CIL& 8.989] (4th%19`5th ac). __ &1Naro& (Jud.): Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives" (1981), nos. 13%19`15. __ &1Sahel& (Jud.): Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives" (1981), no. 91. __ &1Segermes& (Jud.): Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives" (1981), no. 12 [&3AE/& 1978.834]. __ &1Semta&: Dessau, &3ILS& 8942 [&3CIL 8 Suppl. 23116] (315 ac). __ &1Sicca Veneria&: Monceaux, &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 246,88; Dessau, &3ILS& 747 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 22184] (350%19`353 ac); 8936 (?) [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 22183] (308%19`309 ac). __ &1Simitthu&: Dessau, &3ILS& 719 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 22196] (335%19`337 ac). __ &1Tagaste&: &3SEG& 9,873 ("Thagasta"). __ &1Thabbora&: Dessau, &3ILS& 8941 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 23897] (314 ac). __ &1Thabraca&: Monceaux, &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 248,93; &3SEG& 9,871 [cf. &3JO+B& 36 (1986) 335] (mod. Tabarka). __ &1Thagura&: Durliat, &3De/dAfrByz& 25,10, 85,34; Dessau, &3ILS& 756 [&3CIL 8.4647] (363 ac). __ Jud.: Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives" (1981), no. 67. __ &1Theveste&: Monceaux, &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 246,89; Durliat, &3De/dAfrByz& 22,8 [Dessau, &3ILS& 831], 25,9; Dessau, &3ILS& 744 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 22284] (350%19`353 ac), 838 [&3CIL& 8.10681%3`2] (610%19`641 ac) (near Theveste); &3Bulletin d'arche/ologie alge/rienne& 3 (1968 [`1970]) 174%19`175 %6 &3BE/& 1970,665 (5th ac); &3SEG& 18,777 (6th ac). __ &1Thibursicu Bure&: Durliat, &3De/dAfrByz& 59,25 [Dessau, &3ILS 833]; Dessau, &3ILS& 750 [&3CIL& 8.1432] (361%19`363 ac). __ &1Tubernuc&: Durliat, &3De/dAfrByz& 87,37; &3TravMe/m& 9 (1985) 423 [Merlin, &3Inscr. &3lat. de la Tunisie& (1944) 814; &3AE/& 1925.72] (336 ac). __ &1Tunes&: Dessau, &3ILS& 8960 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 25362] (ca. 530%19`533 ac); __ Jud.: Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives" (1981), no. 64. __ &1Uchi &1Maiores&: Dessau, &3ILS& 690 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 15451] (ca. 312 ac). __ &1Utica& (Jud.): Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives" (1981), no. 65 [&3AE/ 1978.833]. __ &1Vaga&: Durliat, &3De/dAfrByz& 78,31. __ &1place? (Jud.): Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives" (1981), no. 92. @ BYZACIUM. &1Ai+n Bou Dries&: Durliat, &3De/dAfrByz& 27,11. __ &1Capsa&: Durliat, &3De/dAfrByz& 29,12%19`33,13. __ &1Cululis Theodoriana&: Durliat, &3De/dAfrByz& 37,15. __ &1Hr. Djounana& (Jud.): Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives" (1981), nos. 9%19`11. __ &1Sibi Gerib&: Durliat, &3De/dAfrByz& 62,26 [Dessau, &3ILS& 834]. __ &1Sufes&: Durliat, &3De/dAfrByz& 35,14; __ &1Sullecthum& (Jud.): Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives" (1981), no. 8. __ &1Thaenae& (Jud.): Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives" (1981), no. 7. __ &1Thelepte&: Dessau, &3ILS& 9206 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 23181]. __ &1Thysdrus&: Monceaux, &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 242,77. __ Jud.: Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives" (1981), nos. 86%19`87, 91. @ TRIPOLITANA. &1el%19Asa\baa&: &3SEG& 15,886 (ca. 6th ac). __ &1Gigthis&: Dessau, &3ILS& 779 [&3CIL& 8.10489] (378 ac), 787 [&3CIL& 8.27] (383%19`388 ac). __ &1Lepcis Magna&: Reynolds and Ward Perkins, &3Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania& (1952) 469a, 829%19`832, 842; &3IRTrip& 476, here %6 &3ILS& 779a (378 ac), &3IRTrip& 571, here %6 779c (378 ac); &3SEG& 15,883%19`884, 885 (4th ac?). __ Jud.: &3SEG& 33,1540 (2nd ac). __ &1Oea%19Tripoli&: Monceaux, &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 240,75 [&3IRTrip& 256a]; &3IRTrip& 256b; __ Jud.: Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives" (1981), nos. 3%19`6. __ &1Sabratha&: &3IRTrip.& 103, here %6 Dessau, &3ILS 779b (378 ac), __ &1Sirte&: &3SEG& 9,796%19`799 (4th ac), 801 [Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives" (1981) no. 1]; __ Jud.: Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives" (1981), nos. 1%19`2. @ NUMIDIA. &1Ai+n Kasr&: Durliat, &3De/dAfrByz& 71,29. __ &1Bagai+&: Durliat, &3De/dAfrByz& 42,16. __ &1Cirta%19Constantina&: Monceaux, &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 248,94%19`253,110; Dessau, &3ILS& 674 [&3CIL& 8.7004] (308%19`309 ac), 688 [&3CIL& 8.7006] (ca. 312 ac), 691 [&3CIL& 8.7010] (315 ac?), 715 [&3CIL& 8.7011] (333%19`337 ac), 758 [&3CIL& 8.7014] (364%19`367 ac), 1235 [&3CIL& 8.7012] (343 ac), 1236 [&3CIL& 8.7013] (343 ac). __ Jud.: Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives" (1981), nos. 69%19`71. __ &1Diana%3Zarai&: Dessau, &3ILS& 8933 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 22490] (ca. 305 ac). __ &1Festis& (Jud.): Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives" (1981), no. 72. __ &1Gadiaufala&: Durliat, &3De/dAfrByz& 44,17. __ &1Henchir. Fouara& (Jud.): Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives" (1981), no. 68. __ &1Kherbet Taga&: Dessau, &3ILS& 668 [&3CIL& 8.10382] (308%19`312 ac). __ &1Ksar Bellezma&: Durliat, &3De/dAfrByz& 46,18. __ &1Ksour &1el%19Ahmar&: Dessau, &3ILS& 644 [&3CIL& 8.4764] (303 ac). __ &1Lambaesis&: ºDessau, &3ILS& 689 [&3CIL& 8.2721] (ca. 312 ac). __ &1Madher&: Dessau, &3ILS& 752 [&3CIL& 8.4326] (361%19`363 ac). __ &1Mascula&: Durliat, &3De/dAfrByz& 67,28. __ &1Rusicade&: Monceaux, &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 253,111. __ &1Smendu&: Dessau, &3ILS& 717 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 22376] (317%19`326 ac). __ &1Thabudeos&: Durliat, &3De/dAfrByz& 86,35%19`87,36. __ &1Thamugadi&: Durliat, &3De/dAfrByz& 47,19%19`51,21; Dessau, &3ILS& 631 [&3CIL& 8.2347] (293%19`305 ac), 632 [&3CIL& 8.2346] (293%19`305 ac), 633 [&3CIL& 8.2343] (293%19`305 ac), 654 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 17884] (305%19`308 ac), 9211. __ &1Thibilis&: Dessau, &3ILS& 651 [&3CIL& 8.5526] (306 ac). __ &1Tigisis&: Durliat, &3De/dAfrByz& 53,22; Dessau, &3ILS& 839 [&3CIL 8.2389] (641%19`647 ac). __ &1Thuburisicu Numid.&: Dessau, &3ILS& 2943 [&3CIL& 8.4878] (326%19`333 ac). __ &1place?&: Dessau, &3ILS& 616 [&3CIL 8.10396] (285 ac?). @ MAURETANIA SITIFENSIS. &1Ain%19Roua&: Dessau, &3ILS& 696 [&3CIL& 8.8412] (318 ac?). __ &1K. Bou Addoufen&: Monceaux, &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 254,113. __ &1Saldae (Bougie)&: Dessau, &3ILS& 649 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 20683] (293%19`305 ac), 662 [&3CIL& 8.8931] (ca. 311 ac). __ &1Sitifis&: Durliat, &3De/dAfrByz& 55,23%19`57,24; Monceaux, &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 254,112; Dessau, &3ILS& 695 [&3CIL& 8.8477] (315 ac), 761 [&3CIL& 8.10352] (364%19`367 ac), 802 [&3CIL& 8.8481] (ca. 425 ac?), 2794 [&3CIL& 8.8490] (end 3rd%3beg. 4th). __ Jud.: Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives" (1981), nos. 73%19`75. __ &1Tubusuctu (Tiklat)&: Dessau, &3ILS& 645 [&3CIL& 8.8836] (305%19`308 ac). @ MAURETANIA CAESARIENSIS. &1Altava&: Dessau, &3ILS& 859 [&3CIL& 8.9835] (508 ac). __ &1Auzia&: Dessau, &3ILS& 627 [&3CIL& 8.9041] (290 ac). __ Jud.: Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives" (1981), nos. 76%19`77. __ &1Caesarea (Cherchel)&: Monceaux, &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 255,116%19`256,117; Dessau, &3ILS& 628 [&3CIL& 8.9324] (ca. 290 ac), 671 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 20989] (311%19`312 ac), 686 [&3CIL& 8.9356] (2nd%19`3rd ac). __ &1Caesarea%3Tipasa&: Monceaux, &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 254,115. __ &1Djebel &1Hadjar&: Monceaux, &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 256,118. __ &1Icosium &1(Algiers)&: Dessau, &3ILS& 2812 [&3CIL& 8.9248] (6th%19`7th ac). __ &1Rapidum (Su=r Djua=b)&: Dessau, &3ILS& 638 [&3CIL& 8 Suppl. 20836] (293%19`305 ac). __ &1Tipasa&: Monceaux, &3RA&(`4) 2 (1903) 247,92, 254,114; &3SEG& 9,879 (4th ac), 880. __ &1Rusgunia&: Dessau, &3ILS 9217 (6th%19`7th ac), 9217a%19`9217b (6th%19`7th ac). @ MAURETANIA TINGITANA. &1Sala& (Jud.): Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives" (1981), no. 78. __ &1Volubilis& (Jud.): Le Bohec, "Inscr. juives" (1981), nos. 79, 80 (Hebr.), 81. @ RAETIA. &1Augusta Vindelicum& [Raet. II]: Dessau, &3ILS& 618 [&3CIL 3.5810] (290 ac). __ &1Castra Regina (Regensburg%3Ratisbon) [Raet. II] (Jud.): &3CIJ& 673 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 59] (3rd ac). @ NORICUM. &1Celeia&: Dessau, &3ILS& 723 [&3CIL& 3.5207] (333%19`335 ac?). __ &1Fafiana&: Dessau, &3ILS& 774 [&3CIL& 3.5670a] (370 ac). __ &1Prutting&: Dessau, &3ILS& 664 [&3CIL& 3.5565] (311%19`312 ac). __ &1Schwarzenbach& (Jud.): &3CIJ& App. 5,97*. __ &1Seckau&: Dessau, &3ILS 661 [&3CIL& 3.5325] (ca. 311 ac). @ PANNONIA. &1Alisca& [Pan. II]: &3SEG& 29,1059 (early 4th ac). __ &1Aquincum (O/buda)& [Pan. II]: Dessau, &3ILS& 658 [&3CIL& 3.3522] (305%19`308), 2814 [&3CIL& 3.3576]; Dessau, &3ILS& 2787 [&3CIL& 3.3370] (near Aquincum; 4th ac?). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 675 [Lifshitz (1975) 59] ( later Alberti%19Irsa; ca. 300%19`350); &3CIJ& App. 3,64* [Lifshitz (1975) 91]. (later Alberti%19Irsa); &3SEG& 29,1039 (3rd ac); __ &1Arrabona (Gyo+r)& [Pan. I]: &3SEG& 29,1043 (end 4th ac). __ &1Brigetium (Szo+ny)& [Pan. II]: &3FIRA&(`2) 1.455,93. __ &1Carnuntum [Pan. I]: Dessau, &3ILS& 659 [&3CIL& 3.4413] (307 ac?). __ &1Ciglana &1(C%148elarevo)& [Pan. II] (Jud.): Scheiber, &3CIHungJud&(`2) (1983) 9, here %6 &3CIJ& 679a (end 4th ac). __ &1Intercisa (Dunau/jva/ros)& [Pan. II] (Jud.): &3CIJ& 677 [Lifshitz (1975) 59] (222%19`235), Scheiber, &3CIHungJud&(`2) (1983) 4%19`6, here %6 &3CIJ& 677a%19`677c (later 3rd ac). __ &1Keszthely%19Dobogo/& [loc.?]: &3SEG& 29,1054 (late 4th ac). __ &1Mursa (Osijek)& [Pan. II]: Dessau, &3ILS& 8946 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 10648b] (361%19`363 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 678a [Lifshitz (1975) 60] (end 2nd ac). __ &1Mursa%3Sopianae& [Pan. II]: Dessau, &3ILS& 8987 (4th%19`5th ac). __ &1Poetovio& [Pan. I]: &3SEG& 31,894 (end 2nd%19`3rd ac). __ &1Sa/gva/r& [loc.?]: &3SEG& 29,1056%19`1057 (4th ac). __ &1Savaria &1(Szombathely)& [Pan. I]: Dessau, &3ILS& 727 [&3CIL& 3.4180] (349 ac). __ &1Siklo/s& [Pan. II] (Jud.): &3CIJ& 678 [&3CIHungJud&(`2) 7] (beg. 3rd ac). __ &1Sirmium& [Pan. II]: Dessau, &3ILS& 623 [&3CIL& 3.3231] (286%19`293 ac), 685 [&3CIL& 3.6019,4] (306%19`311 ac?), 732 [&3CIL 3.3705] (353%19`354 ac), 9205 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 10232] (4th%19`5th ac); &3Byzantion& 12 (1937) 688 (579%19`582 ac). Noll, &3Vom Altertum zum &3Mittelalter& (1958) no. 9 %6 &3BE/& 1963,36[b] (352 ac). __ &1Solva &1(Esztergom)& [Pan. II]: Dessau, &3ILS& 762 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 10596%7] (365%19`367 ac), 775 [&3CIL& 3.3653] (371 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 676 [&3CIHungJud&(`2) 1]. __ &1Sopianae (Pe/cs)& [Pan. II]: &3SEG& 29,1060 (4th ac). __ &1Toplica& [Pan. I]: Dessau, &3ILS& 704 [&3CIL& 3.4121] (?316%19`324 ac). __ &1Tricciana& [Pan. II]: &3SEG& 35,1076 (4th ac). @ DALMATIA. &1Lissa&: &3CIG& 9436. __ &1Promona&: Dessau, &3ILS& 2776 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 9835] (end 3rd%3beg. 4th). __ &1Salona&: &3CIG& 9426 [Egger, &3Forschungen in Salona& II (1926) 175] (440 ac), 9427 [Egger, &3Forschungen in Salona& II (1926) 171] (437 ac), 9428%19`9433; &3CIG 9434 [cf. SEG 36.572] (near Salona); &3AEMO+& 9 (1885) 19,30 [Dessau, &3ILS& 9481] (near Salona; 5th%19`6th ac?); Diehl, &3ILCV& 117 [Egger, &3Forschungen in Salona& II (1926) 273] (6th ac), 3042C [Peek, &3GVI& (1955) 136] (3rd%19`4th ac); &3SEG& 31,611 (3rd%19`4th ac); &3SEG& 33,491 (400 or 405 ac); Dessau, &3ILS& 728 [&3CIL& 3.6375] (337%19`350 ac), 1287 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 9506] (375 ac), 9044 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 9517] (432 ac), 9045 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 9518] (437 ac), 9046 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 9556] (5th%19`6th ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 680a [Lifshitz (1975) 62]. __ &1Sarajevo& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 679 [&3cf.& Lifshitz (1975) 61] ("Serajevo"; now Szombathely). __ &1Senia& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 680 [Lifshitz (1975) 61]. @ ú@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@PREFECTURE OF ILLYRICUM @ Moesia Superior (I), Praevalitana, Dardania, Dacia Mediterranea, Dacia Ripensis, Macedonia, Epirus Nova, Epirus Vetus, Thessalia, Achaia and Crete. Also included here are: Aegean Islands (Illyricum: Macedonia, Thessalia and Achaia; Oriens: Thrace and Asia). @ MOESIA SUPERIOR (I). &1Viminacium&: Diehl, &3ILCV& 2385. @ PRAEVALITANA. &1Izbic%148anj&: &3ZbRad& 18 (1978) 1 (527%19`565 ac). __ &1Scodra&: &3SEG& 18,265 (near Scodra; 5th%19`7th ac). @ DARDANIA. &1C%148uc%148er&: &3BZ& 53 (1960) 113,9 (near C%148uc%148er; beg. 14th ac). __ &1Kumanovo&: &3BZ& 53 (1960) 113,10%3`11 (near Kumanovo; 1316%3`7 ac). @ DACIA MEDITERRANEA. &1Berkovitsa&: &3E/tudes balkaniques& 12,1 (1976) 142%19`144, here %6 Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) Add.,5* (408%19`423 ac). __ &1Bodrovo&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 33. __ &1Ivanjane&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 27. __ &1Goljama Rokovica&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 29. __ &1Naissus&: Dessau, &3ILS& 8939 [&3RA&(`4) 1 (1903) 26] (315%19`317 ac). __ &1Pautalia&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 34%19`40. __ &1Perivol&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 42. __ &1Samokov&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 43. __ &1Serdica (Sofia)&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 1%19`26; Dessau, &3ILS& 8945 [&3IBulg& 2] (361%19`362 ac). __ &1Sofia &1Museum&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 245%19`246 (provenience?); &3SEG 31,666 (provenience?; 3rd%19`4th ac). __ &1Sikija&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg (1964) 30. __ &1Slivnica&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 28. __ &1Smoloc%148ino&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 41. __ &1Traiana Porta&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) &3Bulg& 31%19`32. __ &1Zelenigrad& (Jud.): &3CIJ App. 4,79* [&3IGBulg& 4.2111]. @ DACIA RIPENSIS. &1Almus&: &3SEG& 31,663 (2nd ac). __ &1Dolna Kremena&: úBes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 45. __ &1Glava&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 46. __ &1Ljutbrod&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 44; &3SEG& 25,732. __ &1Oescus (Gigen)&: Dessau, &3ILS& 8929 (286%19`290 ac); Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 48 (Nikopol, near Oescus). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 681 [Lifshitz (1975) 63] (300%19`350 ac?), Mihailov, &3IGBulg& II (1968) 597(3), here %6 &3CIJ& 681* (5th%19`6th ac?). __ &1Ratiaria&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 47. __ &1Storgosia&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 49. @ MACEDONIA. &1Amphipolis&: Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 211%19`216; &3SEG 31,621 (2nd%19`3rd ac); &3SEG& 33,502 [cf. &3SEG& 36.588]. __ Jud.: &3SEG 24,603. __ &1Anaktoropolis&: Kakoures, in $*(H *KABA/LA KAI\ H( PERIOXH/ $THS ... *PRAKTIKA/& (1980), p. 253. __ &1Athos&: Millet, Pargoire and Petit, &3Recueil Athos& (1904) 461, 489, 489a (Dionysiou); 437 (H. Paulou); 231, 231a (Iviron); 333, 359 (Lavra); 158, 160 (Pantokrator); 527, 546, 568 (Simopetra); 46%19`47, 48a, 49, 70, 74%19`76, 82, 101, 105, 111, 115, 139, 148 (Vatopedi); &3OrChrP 13 (1947) 235,3 (Lavra), here %6 &3Athos,& Add.,1* __ &1Bargala [Mac. II]: Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 283%19`284; &3DOP& 25 (1971) 266 [cf. &3PLRE& I,48] (364%19`367 ac). __ &1Beroia&: Feissel, &3IChMac (1983) 56, 56bis, 57%19`75, 295; Demitsas, &3Makedonia& (1896) 87,112 (H. Christos); &3SEG& 35,732, 733%19`734 (ca. 350 ac). __ Jud.: Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 294, here %6 &3CIJ& 694a (5th ac?), 295, here %6 &3CIJ& 694b (4th%19`5th ac?). __ &1Boskochorion&: Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 76%19`77. __ &1Chalkidike&: Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 207%19`208. __ &1Dion&: Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 78%19`79; &3SEG& 34,634; &3SEG& 35,736 (4th ac). __ &1Edessa&: Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 1%19`22, 22bis, 23%19`54; &3SEG& 35,737 (305%3`6 ac), 738 (beg. 4th ac). __ &1H. &1Georgios&: &3SEG& 33,521 (mid%19`5th ac). __ &1Heraclea Lynci (Bitola)&: Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 266, 266bis, 267%19`272; &3CIG& 8761 ([Grenoble]; 13th ac); &3SEG& 33,508 (5th%19`6th ac); &3SEG& 35,743 (305%3`6 ac); &3SEG& 36,621bis [&3ArchIug& 24 (1987) 101] (ca. 497%19`523 ac). __ &1Herakleion (Platamon)&: &3BCH& 47 (1923) 173 [from Attica, Mt. Hymettos, Mone Kynegou?]. __ &1Melnik&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg (1964) 236%19`238; &3BCH& 31 (1907) 33 (1288 ac). __ &1Naousa&: Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 55, 55bis. __ &1Nea Philadelpheia&: Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg& (1963) 46. __ &1Neapolis%19Kavala&: &3BCH& 6 (1882) 269 269 (926 ac); &3Byzantion& 32 (1962) 41,3 (1192%3`3 ac); Bakalakis, in &3Prosphora eis Stilpona P. Kyriakidin& (1953) 499 %6 &3BE/& 1955,150b (ca. 1311%19`1328 ac?). __ &1Manastir& [Mac. II]: &3ZbRad& 8,2 (1964) 15 (Manastir, near Prilep; 1271 ac). __ &1Mikra &1Prespa& [Mac. II]: &3ZbRad& 12 (1970) 11 (10th%19`11th ac?). __ &1Pangeion&: Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 217%19`221. __ &1Parthenion&: Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 80. __ &1Pella&: &3SEG& 35,754,b (305%3`6 ac). __ &1Petrai&: &3SEG& 35,757,b (305%3`6 ac), 758,b (305%3`6 ac), 758,c (317%19`324 ac?), 758,d (333%19`335 ac), 759%19`760 (305%3`6 ac). __ &1Petrich%3Bac%148kovo&: Grabar, &3Reve=tements& (1975) 34,9 (1310%3`1 ac). __ &1Petrovo&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 244. __ &1Philippoi&: Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 222%19`252; Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg& (1963) 14; &3BCH& 56 (1932) 209 [Lemerle, &3Philippes& (1945) 108] (324%19`337 ac); &3BCH& 61 (1937) 103 [Lemerle, &3Philippes& (1945) 142] (963%19`969 ac); &3SEG& 19,448%19`449; &3SEG& 34,667%19`668, 669 [&3SEG 36.629], 670%19`671. __ &1Polumilos&: &3SEG& 34,652 (Polumilos, near Kozani). __ &1Prosotsani&: Demitsas, &3Makedonia& (1896) 823,1108. __ &1Sandanski%19Zapara&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 239%19`243, 252%19`254; &3SEG& 35,762. __ &1Serrai&: Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 209%19`210; &3BZ& 3 (1894) 239 [Xyngopoulos, $*)/EREUNAI EI)S TA\ BUZANTINA\ MNHMEI=A TW=N $*SERRW=N& (1965) 15] (1350 ac); &3BZ& 10 (1901) 428 %6 Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 339 (early 13th ac). __ Mone Prodromou: &3DChAE& ser. 1, 5 (1905) 80,131%19`132 %6 Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 338 (1336%3`7 ac); &3ZbRad& 16 (1975) 161 (1358%19`1364 ac). __ &1Skopje Museum&: Feissel, &3IChMac (1983) 285 (place? [Mac. II]). __ &1Stobi& [Mac. II]: Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 273%19`282; &3SEG& 36,637, 638 (ca. 325 ac), 639 (ca. 350%19`400 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 694 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 76] (3rd%19`4th ac?); &3AJA& 75 (1971) 410, here %6 &3CIJ& 694(4); &3AJA& 76 (1972) 406ff., here %6 &3CIJ& 694(3), 410, here %6 &3CIJ& 694(2) (end 3rd ac?). __ &1Thessalonike&: Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 81%19`83, 85%19`86, 86bis, 87%19`99, 99bis, 100%19`101, 102A%19`102B, 103%19`126, 126bis, 127%19`129, 130,a%19`130,b, 131%19`294; &3IG& 10,2:1.39%19`40, 279, 592, 842, 1009, 1018B; Dessau, &3ILS& 634 [&3IG& 10,2:1.40] (293%19`305 ac); Speiser, "Inventaire ... Thessalonique" (1973%3`1979) 1%19`14, 14bis, 15%19`16, 16bis, 17%19`28, 28bis, 29%19`32; Soteriou, &3Basilike%26 &3Agiou De%26me%26triou& (1952) 172, 189, 193,3%19`196,8, 198,10, 205,3%19`206,4, 208, 209,3%19`210,4, 221,1%19`226,4, 227,1%19`228,3, 230,1, 233, 234, 235,4%19`238,3; Tsigaridas and Loberdou%19Tsigarida, $*KATA/LOGOS ... MOUSEI=A *QESSALONI/KHS& (1979) 30, 51%19`57, 70, 72%19`76, 78%19`79; &3AnthPal& 9,686 [Feissel, &3IChMac 87] (4th%19`6th ac); &3CIG& 8935 (10th ac?); &3BCH& 68%19`69 (1944%19`1945) 430 [Halkin IV,342] (13th ac); &3BCH& 71%19`72 (1947%19`1948) 400 [Halkin III,130] (Byz.); &3DChAE& ser. 4, 10 (1980%19`1981) 119 (Hagia Sophia; 780%19`797 ac?); Xyngopoulos, $*(H YHFIDWTH\ $DIAKOSMH/SIS TOU= NAOU= TW=N *(AGI/WN *)APOSTO/LWN *QESSALONI/KHS (1953), p. 49 %6 Halkin VI,342 (H. Apostoloi; 1310%19`1314 ac); &3PAE& 1960,40; &3ZbRad& 12 (1970) 9 [&3Hellenika& 20%19`22 (1967) 1] (11th ac?); Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 241 (14th ac); &3SEG& 24,564,a%19`564,b; &3SEG& 26,772 (305%19`306 ac), 773 (ca. 308, 317 ac); &3SEG& 33,555 (end 4th ac); &3SEG& 36,650 (ca. 600 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 693 [Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 173 (Chr.)] (5th%19`6th ac), Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 291, here %6 &3CIJ& 693a (4th%19`5th ac?), 292%19`293, here %6 &3CIJ& 693b%19c 693d [Lifshitz (1975) 76]; &3CIJ& App. 3,66*%19`3,67*. __ &1Titov Veles& [Mac. II]: &3SEG& 16,401 (near Titov Veles; 2nd%19`3rd ac). __ &1Vassilika&: &3JO+B 35 (1985) 145, here %6 Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg& (1963) Add.,3* (ca. 837 ac?) @ EPIRUS NOVA. &1Achris%19Ochrid&: Demitsas, &3Makedonia& (1896) 350%19`353; Ivanov, &3Bulgarski Starini& (1931) 35,2, 39,9, 42,17; &3SEG& 18,270; &3ZbRad& 13 (1971) 139, 266; &3BZ& 53 (1960) 112,1%3`7 (H. Klemes; after 1303%3`4 ac); Grabar, &3Reve=tements (1975) 35,10a (ca. 1300 ac), 37,11 (14th ac), 38,13 (beg. 14th ac), 39,14 (14th ac). __ &1Apollonia%19Aulon&: Buschhausen, &3Die &3Marienkirche von Apollonia in Albanien& (1976) 39, 72, 73, 101,1%19`102,2, 146. __ &1Bals%148i&: Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg& (1963) 15; Buschhausen, &3Die Marienkirche von Apollonia in Albanien& (1976) 31; &3SEG& 2,377. __ &1Dyrrhachium&: &3CIG& 8750; Dessau, &3ILS& 629 [&3CIL 3.710] (286%19`293 ac). __ &1Elbassan&: &3CIG& 8774. __ &1Korc%25a&: &3BZ& 17 (1908) 129, 130 (near Korc%25a). __ &1Lychnidos&: Demitsas, &3Makedonia& (1896) 354; &3SEG& 33,489. __ &1Oricum%19Jericho&: Buschhausen, &3Die Marienkirche von Apollonia in Albanien& (1976) 35. __ &1Struga&: &3ZbRad& 8,2 (1964) 17 (Struga, near Ochrid; 1267 ac). __ &1Taranes%148&: &3ArchIug& 34 (1987) 83,1. __ &1Zaum&: Ivanov, &3BulgStar& 55,45 [Velmans, &3PMB& 243] (Mon. of Sv. Bogorodica Zahumska, near Ochrid; 1361 ac). __ &1place?&: &3Bibliotheca &3classica orientalis& 6 (1961) 321 %6 &3BE/& 1963,58 (Epirus Nova?, place?; 10th or later). @ EPIRUS VETUS. &1Alyzia& [Acarnania]: &3IG& 9,1.446. __ &1Arta&: &3ABME 2,1 (1936) 43, 47 (Mon. Blach.), 56 (P. Mpryone), 80, 87 (K. Panagia); Orlandos, &3Pare%26gore%26tissa& (1963) 78, 87, 154 (Paregoretissa). __ &1Bitsa&: &3Chariste%26rion ... Orlandon& IV (1968) 512. __ &1Bonitsa& [Acarnania]: &3AAA& 4 (1971) 188, 189. __ ú&1Buthrotum&: &3CIG& 8828. __ &1Ioannina&: &3CIG& 9425; &3Chariste%26rion ... &3Orlandon& IV (1968) 487, 497, 504a%19`504b, 505. __ &1Kassope&: &3SEG 24,437. __ &1Mytika& [Acarnania]: &3SEG& 30,514. __ &1Nikopolis&: &3AAA& 6 (1973) 224; &3AEph& 1916.67; &3AEph& 1917.48, 63, 66; &3AEph& 1918.40; &3DOP& 6 (1951) 90; &3PAE& 1919.219; &3PAE& 1956.153; &3SEG& 33,481. __ &1Paramythia&: &3SEG& 24,442. __ &1Photike&: &3BCH& 31 (1907) 39. __ @ IONIAN ISLANDS. &1Ithaca&: &3CIG& 9437. __ &1Kerkyra&: &3CIG& 8733, 8751, 8802, 9438; &3AD& 27,B (1972) 483 (Kassiope); &3AEph& 1942, Chr. 39, 41 (Palaiop.). @ THESSALIA. &1Aetolophos&: Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 12. __ &1Agyia&: &3IG& 9,2.1353. __ &1Ano Volos&: Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 19. __ &1Demetrias&: &3AD& 18,B (1963) 140,1, 140,3, 140,4; Habicht, in Gschnitzer, et al., &3Demetrias V& (1987) 292,23%19`303,28; &3IG 9,2.1165; &3SEG& 26,645; &3SEG& 28,512. __ &1Echinos&: &3AD& 16,B (1960) 164. __ &1Episkope&: &3EEBS& 2 (1925) 109. __ &1Gardikia Hetera&: &3BZ& 21 (1912) 167,25. __ &1H. Laurentios&: Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 17, 25. __ &1Halmyros&: Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 18; &3AthMitt& 33 (1908) 294,9; &3BZ& 18 (1909) 502,1%19`502,2; &3BZ& 21 (1912) 159,13, 161,16%19`162,17. __ &1Hypate%19Neai Patrai&: Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 14; &3BCH& 23 (1899) 415,39. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 717 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 85]. __ &1Kaisareia&: Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 2, 9%19`10; Rizakes and Touratsoglou, &3Epigr. Ano%26 Makedonias& I (1985) 84,83. __ &1Kastoria&: Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 5. __ &1Lamia&: &3AD& 26,B1 (1971) 286. __ &1Larissa&: Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 3%19`4; &3IG& 9,2,p.122, 659, 991; &3SEG& 35,603. __ Jud.: &3CIJ 697, 698 [Lifshitz (1975) 80], 699%19`700, 701 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 80], 702%19`708, 708a%19`708b [Lifshitz (1975) 80]; &3SEG 35,633 (4th ac). __ &1Makrinitsa&: Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 20. __ &1Meliboia&: &3AD& 26,B2 (1971) 307. __ &1Meteora: &3Byzantis& 1 (1909) 573,17, 574,19 (M. Hyp.), 583,43%3`4; 585,45; 599,69; 618,128. (M. Met.). __ &1Olosson%19Elasson&: Gschnitzer, in Gschnitzer, et al., &3Demetrias &3V& (1987) 339; &3SEG& 27,218. __ &1Persouphli&: &3AD& 18,B (1963) 142. __ &1Phalanna&: &3IG& 9,2,p.248; &3EEBS& 8 (1931) 415,4. __ &1Pherai [Thessalia] (Jud.): &3CIJ& 708d [Lifshitz (1975) 81]. __ &1Phthiotic Thebai&: Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 6%19`8; &3AEph& 1915.80,1%19`81,5, 82,7%19`82,8, 82,8b, 82,9; Soteriou, &3Christianikai The%26bai Thessalias& %6 &3AEph& 1929.4, 32, 36, 102,1, 107, 116, 117, 126, 150,1%19`152,7, 153,9%19`155,14, 156,16%19`156,17, 157,21%19`158,26; &3BZ& 21 (1912) 153,2%19`155,5, 157,7%19`158,12, 165,22, 166,24; &3DChAE&(`1) 10 (1911) 53; &3Ergon 1972.131; &3PAE& 1933.57,1%19`57,2; &3PAE& 1934.64,1%19`65,2; &3PAE& 1935.60, 64,1%19`64,2; &3PAE& 1936.65,3; &3PAE& 1955.137, 138; &3PAE 1956.116,1%19`117,3; &3PAE& 1960.66; &3PAE& 1961.62; &3PAE& 1969.21; &3PAE 1970.46; &3SEG& 27,255; &3SEG& 30,535%19`536; &3SEG& 31,587; &3SEG& 32,614; &3SEG& 34,583%19`585; &3SEG& 35,643. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 695 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 79], 696 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 79], 696a%19`696b [Lifshitz (1975) 79], 696c [Lifshitz (1975) 80]; &3SEG& 29,556. __ &1Porta &1Panagia&: Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 21. __ &1Portaria&: Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) "`20a", p. 379. __ &1Pyrasos&: &3IG& 9,2.1326. __ &1Selos&: Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 22. __ &1Stomion&: Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 13. __ &1Sykourion&: Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 11. __ &1Tempe&: Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 1. __ &1Theotokou&: &3BSA& 13 (1906%19`1907) 316, 318. __ &1Trikala&: Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 23%19`24; &3ABME& 8,2 (1955%19`1956) 118. __ &1Vitouma&: Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 16. __ &1Volos&: &3EEBS& 8 (1931) 130; &3EEBS& 12 (1936) 401. __ &1Volos Museum& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 708c [Lifshitz (1975) 81] (end 3rd%3beg 4th). __ &1Zappeion&: Feissel and Avramea, "Inventaire ... Thessalie" (1987) 15. @ CENTRAL GREECE. &1Aidepsos& [Euboia]: &3IG& 12,9.1234B, 1236, 1239; Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt& (1971), pp. 14%19`15 (302 ac). __ &1Aigosthena& [Megaris]: &3SEG& 16,241; &3SEG& 23,266. __ &1Akraiphia [Boiotia]: Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt& (1971), p. 39 (302 ac). __ &1Aliberi& [Euboia]: &3ABME& 7,2 (1951) 141,1, 144,3%19`145,4 (N. of Aliberi). __ &1Atalante& [E. Locris]: Lauffer, &3Diokletians &3Preisedikt& (1971), p. 20 (302 ac). __ &1Chalkis& [Euboia]: &3CIG 8801; &3IG& 12:9,907; Andrews, &3Castles of the Morea& (1953) 188a%19`188b; &3SEG& 27,570; &3IG& 12 Suppl. 673 (near Chalkis). __ &1Daphnousia& [E. Lokris]: &3Byzantion& 5 (1929) 226. __ &1Delphi [Phocis]: &3BCH& 23 (1899) 273; &3BCH& 86 (1962) 234; &3SEG 22,468%19`470; &3SEG& 27,140; Spiro, &3Critical Corpus of the Mosaic &3Pavements on the Greek Mainland& (1978) 234, 244, 245; &3Syll&(`3) 901, 903A, 903C [&3BCH& 63 (1939) 178%19`179; &3AE/& 1948.50]; Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt& (1971), pp. 20%19`22 (302 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 709 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 81] (158%3`7 bc), 710 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 81] (162 bc), 711 (119 bc). __ &1Despine& [Phocis]: &3DChAE&(`4) 3 (1962%19`1963) 176 (H. Taxiarch.). __ &1Elateia [Phocis]: &3BCH& 9 (1885) 32, 40; Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt (1971), p. 23 (302 ac). __ &1Eretria Mus.& [Euboia]: Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt& (1971), p. 38 (302 ac). __ &1Lebadea [Boiotia]: &3SEG& 23,296; Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt& (1971), pp. 28%19`29 (302 ac). __ &1Kallion& [W. Lokris]: &3AD& 26,B (1971) 282,1%19`282,4. __ &1Karditza& [Boiotia]: &3JHS& 29 (1909) 198. __ &1Karystos& [Euboia]: Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt& (1971), pp. 26%19`27 (302 ac). __ &1Klausion& [Aitolia]: &3PAE& 1958,60,1%19`61,6; &3PAE 1959,34. __ &1Lamprika(?)&: &3CIG& 8806. (Greece, "Lamprika" [location?]). __ &1Maladrino& [W. Lokris]: &3IG& 9,1.700; &3PChrAE&(`3) 4 (1936%19`1938) 50. __ &1Megara& [Megaris]: &3CIG& 9305%19`9306; &3IG& 7,24, 26, 93, 94%3`5, 96, 115%3`6, 117, 169, 170%3`1, 172%19`178; &3AthMitt& 25 (1900) 313; Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt& (1971), pp. 29%19`30 (302 ac). __ &1Naupaktos& [W. Lokris]: &3CIG& 8730; &3IG& 9,1.611. __ &1Orchomenos (Skripou)& [Boiotia]: &3IG& 7,3227; &3AEph& 1931.127, 153, 154, 155, 156. __ &1Oropos& [Oropia] (Jud.): &3CIJ& 711b [Lifshitz (1975) 82] (300%19`250 bc). __ &1Pagae& [Megaris]: &3IG& 7,196. __ &1Pissonas& [Euboia]: &3AD& 21,B (1966) 237. __ &1Plataia& [Boiotia]: &3IG& 7,1681%19`1683, 1686%3`8; &3AEph& 1917.163; Lauffer, &3Diokletians &3Preisedikt& (1971), pp. 33%19`34 (302 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 711a [Lifshitz (1975) 81]. __ &1Tamynai& [Euboia]: Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt& (1971), p. 37 (302 ac). __ &1Tanagra [Boiotia]: &3AEph& 1937.665; &3IG& 7,582%3`4, 1646. __ &1Thebes [Boiotia]: &3CIG& 8718, 8914; &3IG& 7,2451, 2503%19`2504, 2530, 2543%3`5, 2692; &3AD& 20,B (1965) 254,1%19`254,2, 255; &3AEph& 1924.1; &3BZ& 3 (1894) 16; &3SEG& 30,482; Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt& (1971), pp. 38%19`39 (302 ac). __ &1Thespiai& [Boiotia]: &3IG& 7,1847%19`1849, 1855, 2182%19`185, 2187%19`2189; &3BCH& 50 (1926) 445,85; Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt& (1971), p. 39 (302 ac). __ &1place?&: &3CIG 8840 (Greece, place?); &3BCH& 31 (1907) 321 (Hellas?, place?; 6th%19`7th ac). @ ATTICA. &1Anavyssos&: &3AD& 25,B (1970) 152. __ &1Argyroupolis&: &3SEG 24,252. __ &1Athens&: &3IG& 3,1375, 1383%19`1385, 1426%19`1428, 1449, 1467, 3435%19`3444, 3446%19`3456, 3458%19`3480, 3481a, 3482%19`3501, 3502a%19`3502b, 3503%19`3508, 3510%19`3512, 3514%19`3516, 3516a 3517%19`3526, 3528, 3529 [also %6 Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 286] 3530%19`3534, ú3536%19`3547, 3856; &3IG& 2(2).1121, 3200, 3283,c, 3818, 4222%19`4227, 5021, 5205, 5206,a%19`5206,b, 5208, 11952, 12767a; &3SEG& 3,208; &3SEG 13,224; &3SEG& 21,768, 1091; &3SEG& 29,200; &3SEG& 31,262; &3SEG& 32,317; &3SEG& 35,189; &3AD& 2 (1916) 139, 142; &3AEph& 1914.166,4%19`166,5; &3AEph 1925.97; &3AEph& 1931.71, 82, 84,1%19`85,2, 86,5%19`86,6; &3AEph 1964.34,170%19`34,172; Koumanoudes, $*)ATTIKH=S E)PIGRAFAI\ E)PITU/MBIOI (1871) 3587; Bradeen, &3The Funerary Monuments& (1974) [&3Agora& 17] 1063, 1069, 1071, 1075, 1084, 1099; Lang, &3Graffiti and Dipinti (1976) [&3Agora& 21] F322%19F324, Ha46, Hc22, He39, I43, J1%19J12; &3AnthPal& 7,341; Bayet, &3De titulis Atticae christianis &3antiquissimis& (1878) 10%19`11, 13, 56, 60, 79, 81%19`82, 84, 87, 95; &3BCH& 47 (1923) 177; &3BNgJ& 17 (1939%19`1943) 42; &3DChAE&(`1) 1 (1892) 66; &3DChAE&(`1) 2 (1894) 88, 89,1%19`89,2; &3DChAE&(`1) 3 (1903) 55; &3EEBS& 8 (1931) 247, 253; &3Harmonia& 1 (1900) 21,1, 22,3%19`23,4, 24,7%19`7,13, 27,15%19`29,19, 30,21%19`37,38; &3Hesperia& 2 (1933) 414,39; &3Hesperia& 4 (1935) 186,53; &3Hesperia& 7 (1938) 262; Creaghan and Raubitschek, "Early Christian Epitaphs from Athens," &3Hesperia 16 (1947) 37,1%19`50,34; &3Hesperia& 41 (1972) 442,94%19`444,101, 450,130; Davidson and Thompson, &3Small Objects from the Pnyx: I (1943) [&3Hesperia,& Suppl. 7] 10,16; Soteriou, &3Heurete%26rion& I (1927) 56; &3Parnassos& 6 (1882) 81,1%19`84,14, 85,16; &3PChAE&(`3) 1 (1932) 13, 21; Peek, &3Attische Grabschriften II& (1957) 44,172, 44,173; &3Ro+mQ& 26 (1921) 64,3%19`73,9, 75,11%19`76,13; &3AAA& 17 (1984) 88,1%19`89,2, 91,3%19`96,9 (Athens?); Lauffer, &3Diokletians &3Preisedikt& (1971), p. 20 (302 ac). __ &3H. Theodoroi&: &3CIG& 8803. __ &3Parthenon&: &3CIG& 8600; Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) 1%19`85, 86a%19`86b, 87%19`106, 108%19`111, 113%19`156, 157a%19`157b, 158%19`164, p. 130, 165%19`206, 207%3`8, 209%19`232; &3BCH& 101 (1977) 216 and 219, here %6 Orlandos, &3Charagmata& (1973) Add.,1* and Add.,2*. __ &3Propylaia&: &3CIG& 9337%19`9344. &3Sot. Lykodemou&: &3CIG& 9321%19`9336. __ &3Theseum&: &3BNgJ 8 (1929%19`1930) 149; &3CIG& 9345%19`9349. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 712, 713, 714 (?) [Lifshitz (1975) 82], 715 (?), 715a [Lifshitz (1975) 83] (1st ac), 715b [Lifshitz (1975) 83] (2nd%19`3rd ac), 715c [Lifshitz (1975) 83] (2nd bc), 715d [Lifshitz (1975) 84] (Roman), 715e [Lifshitz (1975) 84] (imperial), 715f [Lifshitz (1975) 84] (1st ac), 715g [Lifshitz (1975) 84] (1st ac), 715h [Lifshitz (1975) 85], __ &1Brauron&: &3SEG& 14,296; &3SEG& 15,175%19`176. __ &1Chasani&: &3AAA& 17 (1984) 97,10. __ &1Daphni&: &3IG& 2(2),5204. __ &1Eleusis&: &3IG& 2(2),5202%19`5203; Lenormont, &3Recherches &3arche/ologiques a\ E/leusis& (1862) 379,125; 383,130%19`385,131; 386,133. __ &1Hymettos&: &3IG& 3,3527. __ &1Kalybia Kouvara&: &3IG 3,3457. __ &1Koropi&: &3IG& 2(2),5207; &3AEph& 1925.192; &3AthMitt& 67 (1942) 71,125. __ &1Kouvaras&: &3SEG& 27,30. __ &1Markopoulo&: &3IG 2(2),5215. __ &1Mone Asteriou&: &3AD& 16,B (1960) 66; &3DChAE&(`1) 2 (1894) 66. __ &1Mone Kynegou&: &3AD& 16,B (1960) 68; &3BCH& 47 (1923) 173 (Macedonia, Platamon), 176, 178a%19`178b. __ &1Nea Liosia&: &3Ro+mQ 26 (1921) 61,1, 74,10. __ &1Olympos&: &3SEG& 15,140%19`141, 164. __ &1Paiania&: &3SEG& 29,250. __ &1Patissia&: &3IG& 3,1386. __ &1Peiraieus&: &3IG 3,3445. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 715i [Lifshitz (1975) 85]. __ &1Pentele &1Grotto&: &3Syllektes& 6%19`8 (1950) 76. __ &1Phlya&: &3IG& 2(2),4841%19`4842. __ &1Phyle: &3IG& 2(2),13236 (Pan). __ &1Pikermi&: &3AEph& 1956.29. __ &1Salamis&: &3IG& 3,3509; &3AEph& 1948.114, 116. __ &1Teithras&: &3SEG 21,1037. __ &1Trachones&: &3IG& 3,3513. __ &1place?&: &3AEph& 1929.233b; Bayet, &3De titulis Atticae christianis antiquissimis& (1878) 106; &3Ro+mQ& 26 (1921) 63,2; &3GRBS& 14 (1973) 173 %6 &3BE/& 1974,222. @ PELOPONNESSOS (including Aigina). &1Aetopetra& [Corinthia]: &3SEG 29,325. __ &1Aigina& [Saronic Gulf]: &3IG& 4,53%19`54, 188, 191; &3AAeg Felten, in Wurster and Felten, &3Alt%19A+gina I,2& (1975) 71,112, 74,140, 74,142; &3EEBS& 2 (1925) 245,1%19`246,3 (betw. Aigina and Palaiochora); N. d'Olwer, in $*EI)S MNH/MHN *SPURI/DWNOS *LA/MPROU (1935), p. 391 %6 Halkin III,122 (Palaiochora; 12th ac?). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 722 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 87] (4th ac?), 723 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 87] (4th ac?), 724. __ &1Aigilia& [Laconia] (Jud.): &3IG& 5,1.950a, here %6 &3CIJ& 721b(2). __ &1Aigion& [Achaia]: &3SEG& 29,423. __ &1Aigeira& [Achaia]: Lauffer, &3Diokletians &3Preisedikt& (1971), p. 15 (302 ac). __ &1Agios Gerasimos [Corinthia]: &3SEG& 28,376. __ &1Andravida& [Elis]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 58. __ &1Areia& [Argia]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 51. __ &1Argos& [Argia]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 27%19`29, 52; &3IG& 4,628, 653, 663, 1608; &3SEG& 11,325, 350; &3SEG& 16,261; &3SEG 17,157; &3SEG& 26,434%19`438; &3SEG& 30,369, 373; &3SEG& 32,375; &3BCH& 27 (1903) 261,3, 266,19; &3BCH& 28 (1904) 420,4; &3BCH& 31 (1907) 184; &3BCH& 98 (1974) 779, 781; Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt (1971), p. 19 (302 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 719; &3CIJ& App. 5,98*%19`5,100*. __ &1Arkassades& [Laconia]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 61. __ &1Asine& [Messenia]: Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt& (1971), p. 19 (302 ac). __ &1Asopos& [Laconia]: &3IG& 5,1.974. __ &1Boula [Laconian Mani]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 62. __ &1Boulari& [Laconian Mani]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 56. __ &1Charouda& [Laconian Mani]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 77. __ &1Chrysapha& [Laconia] Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 60, 76. __ &1Corinth& [Corinthia]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 3, 6%19`7, 10%19`11, 13%19`15, 18%19`21, 23, 30%19`31, 33, 34,a%19`34,b, 35%19`36, 41, 80; &3AnthPal& 7,672%3`3; &3CIG& 8620, 8824; &3IG& 4,402, 404, 406%19`409, 411, 413; Meritt, &3Corinth& 8,1 (1931) 10, 92, 111, 121%19`124, 135%19`186, 188%19`194, 195,a%19`195,b, 196, 200%19`220, 229%19`230, 236%19`237, 245, 249, 253, 256%19`258, 266, 269, 271, 275%19`276, 289, 294, 296, 303, 316, 321, 324, 331; Kent, &3Corinth& 8,3 (1966) 501, 504%19`735, 737; Morgan, &3Corinth& 11 (1942) 68, 118, 121; Davidson, &3Corinth& 12 (1952) 554, 557%19`558, 1508, 1585%19`1592, 1595%19`1597, 1599%19`1602, 1605%19`1609, 1658, 1661, 1719, 1769, 1777, 1855, 1860, 1867%19`1869, 1888, 1915, 1934%19`1936, 1947, 1951, 1953, 2058%19`2060, 2062%19`2063, 2067, 2069, 2083, 2095, 2101%19`2102, 2108, 2149, 2664, 2824%19`2825, 2848, 2861%19`2862, 2870%19`2871, 2873%19`2874, 2884; &3Hesperia& 36 (1967) 422, 424; &3Hesperia& 38 (1969) 85, 92,1%19`94,12; &3Hesperia& 41 (1972) 28,21%19`31,23, 41,30%19`42,35; &3PAE& 1961.131, 132, 133; &3PAE& 1962.53,1%19`53,2, 54,1%19`54,3; &3SEG& 26,405, 406(1)%19`406(4); &3SEG& 29,300, 302%19`303, 307, 309%19`317, 319, 324, 326%19`327, 329; &3SEG& 34,279; &3SEG& 35,256. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 718 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 85] (1st bc%19`1st ac), 718a [Lifshitz (1975) 85] (late 3rd ac), &3SEG& 29.309, here %6 &3CIJ& 718b (2nd%19`3rd ac?); &3Hesperia& 41 (1972) 28,21, here %6 &3CIJ 718c (4th%19`6th ac); &3SEG& 29,300 (Roman), 309; &3SEG& 35,260 (3rd%19`4th ac). __ &1Dimitsana& [Arcadia]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 82. __ &1Dryalos& [Laconian Mani]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 49. __ &1Elis& [Elis] &3CIG 9294; &3JO+AI& 46 46 (1961%19`1962) Beibl. 79,2%19`92,7. __ &1Epidauros [E. Argolid]: &3IG& 4,1(2),438, 692. __ &1Frangoulia& [Laconian Mani]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 47, 67. __ &1Gargalianoi& [Messenia]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 2; &3IG& 5,1.1420. __ &1Geraki& [Laconia]: Feissel and úPhilippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 83, 88, 92. __ &1Geronthrai& [Laconia]: Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt (1971), pp. 23%19`24 (302 ac). __ &1Gortynia& [Arcadia]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 87. __ &1Gytheion& [Laconia]: &3IG& 5,1.1158; Lauffer, &3Diokletians &3Preisedikt& (1971), pp. 24%19`25 (302 ac). __ &1Haliartos [Messenia]: &3IG& 5,1, p. 277. __ &1Helos& [Laconia]: &3IG& 5,1.1109. __ &1Hermione& [E. Argolid]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 39%19`40; &3BCH& 80 (1956) 271; &3Hesperia& 28 (1928) 115,11, 116,12%19`116,13; &3SEG& 11,385b%19`385c, 385g. __ &1Isthmos& [Corinthia]: &3IG& 4,205; &3SEG& 11,52a; Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 16%19`17, 84; Kent, &3Corinth& 8,3 (1966) 508; &3AJA& 64 (1960) 169. __ &1H. Paliopanagia& [Laconia]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 66. __ &1H. Tessarakonta [Laconia]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 64%19`65. __ &1Karytaina& [Arcadia]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 89%19`90. __ &1Kenchreai& [Corinthia]: Scranton, &3Kenchreai& I (1978) 26; &3SEG 27,37. __ &1Lechaion&: [Corinthia]: &3PAE& 1961.154,1%19`154,3. __ &1Kephalari& [Argia]: &3SEG& 29,372. __ &1Kiato& [Sikyonia]: &3SEG 11,263. __ &1Kipoula& [Laconian Mani]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 55. __ &1Kleitor& [Arcadia]: Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt& (1971), p. 27 (302 ac). __ &1Korone%19Coron& [Messenia]: &3CIG& 8775; Andrews, &3Castles of the Morea& (1953) 22. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 721c [Lifshitz (1975) 87] (246 ac). __ &1Kranidion& [Argia]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 54. __ &1Krokeai& [Laconia]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 59. __ &1Langada& [Messenian Mani]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 72. __ &1Lechaion& [Corinthia]: &3Corinth& 8:3.503. __ &1Lerna [Argia]: &3IG& 4,666. __ &1Longanikos& [Laconia]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 78. __ &1Maina& [Laconian Mani] (Jud.): &3CIJ& 721b [Lifshitz (1975) 86] (3rd ac). __ &1Mantineia& [Arcadia] (Jud.): &3CIJ& 720 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 86] (4th ac). __ &1Mavromati& [Messenia]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 74. __ &1Megalopolis& [Arcadia]: Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt& (1971), p. 29 (302 ac). __ &1Mega Spilaion& [Achaia]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 91. __ &1Milea& [Messenia Mani]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 45, 48. __ &1Messene [Messenia]: &3IG& 5,1.1494. __ &1Mistra& [Laconia]: Millet, "Inscr. byz. de Mistra", &3BCH& 23 (1899) 99,1%19`122,13, 123,14a%19`123,14b, 124,15a%19`124,15b, 126,16%19`133,29, 134,30a%19`134,30b, 134,31%19`149,48, 150,50%19`156,55; &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979) 146, here %6 &3BCH& 23 (1899) "`129,20a*" (ca. 1283%19`1284 ac); &3CIG& 8763, here %6 &3BCH& 23 (1899) Add.,1* (1300%3`1 ac); &3BCH& 30 (1906) 2, here %6 &3BCH& 23 (1899) Add.,2*; &3EEBS& 12 (1936) 446, here %6 &3BCH& 23 (1899) Add.,3* (ca. 1272 ac); &3ABME& 3,1 (1937) 29 (ca. 1350%19`1450 ac) and 49 (1465 ac), here %6 &3BCH& 23 (1899) Add.,4* and Add.,5*. __ &1Molaoi& [Laconia]: &3SEG& 34,304%19`305. __ &1Mone &1Artokostas& [Cynouria]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 79 [here also %6 Grabar, &3Reve=tements& (1975) 58,30], 85. __ &1Mone Blachernon& [Elis]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 75. __ &1Oitylus& [Laconia Mani]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 68%19`69; Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt& (1971), p. 31 (302 ac). __ &1Olympia& [Elis]: Dittenberger and Purgold, &3Inschriften von &3Olympia.& (1896) 481, 656%19`657, 705%19`706. __ &1Nauplia& [Argia]: &3IG 4,674, 1569; Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 9; &3Athena& 16 (1904) 234,1, 238,7 (1687 ac). __ &1Pallantion& [Arcadia]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 42. __ &1Patras& [Achaia]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 8, 86; &3CIG& 1558, 9298%19`9299; &3SEG& 13,277; &3SEG& 24,331; &3SEG 29,425, 430. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 716 (1625 ac! [JMM]). __ &1Pharai [Messenia]: Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt& (1971), p. 33 (302 ac). __ &1Philiatra& [Messenia]: &3PAE& 1960.186. (near Philiatra). __ &1Platsa& [Messenian Mani]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 70%19`71, 73. __ &1Polemitas [Laconian Mani]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 57. __ &1Priniko& [Laconia]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 5. __ &1Prote Is.& [Messenia]: &3IG& 5,1.1554; &3SEG& 11,1008%19`1009. __ &1Sikyon [Sikyonia]: &3SEG& 16,241. __ &1Sparta& [Laconia]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 12, 22, 24%19`26, 43%19`44, 63; &3IG& 5,1.450%19`451, 729, 820%19`822; &3SEG 11,464%19`466, 773, 810, 850%19`852, 886%19`887. __ &1Spetsai Isl.& [E. Argolid]: &3SEG& 11,48. __ &1Stimanga& [Sikyonia]: &3IG& 4,437. __ &1Stymphalos& [Arkadia]: &3IG& 5,2.359. __ &1Tainaron& [Laconia] (Jud.): &3CIJ& 721a [Lifshitz (1975) 86]. __ &1Tegea&: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 1, 4, 32, 37%19`38; &3AnthPlan& 16,280; &3IG& 5,2.135%19`140, 153, 156, 169, and p. 145; &3SEG& 34,327%19`328; &3BCH& 31 (1907) 378,1; Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt& (1971), p. 38 (302 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ App. 5,101* (5th%19`6th ac). __ &1Tenea& [Corinthia]: &3IG& 3,1387; &3SEG 28,390. __ &1Thalamai& [Laconia]: &3IG& 5,1.1326. __ &1Thuria [Messenia]: &3IG& 5,1.1382. __ &1Thyreatis& [Argia]: &3IG& 4,678. __ &1Tigani& [Laconian Mani]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 50. __ &1Troizen& [E. Argolid]: &3IG& 4,784%19`785, 787, 1610; Lauffer, &3Diokletians &3Preisedikt& (1971), p. 39 (302 ac). __ &1Vambaka& [Laconian Mani]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 46. __ &1Vresthena& [Laconia]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 81. __ &1Vrontamas& [Laconia]: Feissel and Philippidis%19Braat, "Inventaire ... Pe/loponne\se" (1985) 53. __ &1place?& [Laconia] (Jud.): &3CIJ& 721 [cf. Lifshitz (1975) 86]. @ AEGEAN ISLANDS. &1Amorgos& [Nesoi]: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 210(3), 211. &3Minoa&: &3IG& 12,7.296; &3SEG& 25,992 (imp.). __ &1Andros& [Central Aegean]: &3IG& 12,5.791; &3IG& 12 Suppl. 133,296; &3CIG& 8917 (14th%19`15th ac?). &3Mesaria&: &3ABME& 8,1 (1955%19`1956) 28,1 (1143%3`4 ac), 30,2 (ca. 1143%3`4 ac), 31,3 (1143%3`4 ac). __ &1Astypalaia [Nesoi]: &3IG& 12,3.180%19`182. __ &1Chios& [Nesoi]: De/le/age, &3Capitation& (1945) 183 (285%19`305 ac); &3Athena& 20 (1908) 310,19, 312,29, 313,33, 323,63, 326,74, 327,75, 327,77, 347,79. &3Chios&: &3SEG& 15,545 (Byz.). __ &3Panagia Krina&: &3DChAE&(`4) 10 (1980%19`1981) 173 (ca. 1056%19`1091). __ &1Delos& [Central Aegean]: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 212%19`214, 214(2); &3BCH& 60 (1936) 81 [&3ID& 2585], 82 [&3ID 2584] (5th or later), 91 [&3ID& 2588bis] (ca. 550%19`600 ac?), 98 [&3ID& 2585bis]; &3SEG& 23,516 (5th%19`6th ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 726 [&3ID 2329] (1st bc), 727 [&3ID& 2331] (1st bc), 728 [&3ID& 2330] (1st bc), 729 [&3ID& 2328] (1st bc), 730 [&3ID& 2332] (1st bc), 731 [&3ID 2333] (1st bc), 731a [Lifshitz (1975) 87] (beg. 3rd ac); &3SEG 32,809 (250%19`50 bc), 810 (250%19`175 bc); &3CIJ& 725a%19`725b [&3ID 2532,I%19`2532,II] (Rheneia; end 2nd%19beg. 1st). __ &1Ikaria&, Akamatra: &3JO+B& 23 (1974) 273,1 (1103%3`4 ac), 273,2 (1126%3`7 ac), 273,3 and 275 (1103%3`4 ac). __ &1Imbros& [N. Aegean]: &3IG& 12,8.75; ú&3AthMitt& 33 (1908) 90,1 (1392 ac), 91,2 [&3CIG& 9444] (1442 ac), 92,4%19`92,5 [Conze, &3Reise auf den Inseln des thrakischen Meeres (1860) 82] (ca. 1442 ac), 92,6 (ca. 1442 ac), 92,7 (1451 ac), 93,8 [Conze, &3Reise auf den Inseln des thrakischen Meeres (1860) 82] (1860) 82] (ca. 1451 ac), 93,9 [&3CIG& 9443] (1456 ac), 94,10 [Conze, &3Reise auf den Inseln des thrakischen Meeres (1860) 101] (15th ac), 94,11 (11th%19`15th ac?), 94,12%19`94,13, 95,16 [&3CIG& 8868], 95,17. __ &1Karpathos& [Nesoi]: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 140%19`141; &3ASAtene& 41%19`42, N.S. 25%19`27 (1963%19`1964) 243,1%19`243,2. &3Arkassa&: &3Clara Rhodos& I (1928) 101, 103; &3Clara &3Rhodos& VI%3VII,2 (1932%19`1933) 561, 568. &3Diaphani&: Guarducci, &3EG IV,370,3 %6 &3ASAtene& 41%19`42 (1963%19`1964) 240 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 141] (4th%19`5th ac). __ &1Keos& [Central Aegean]: &3IG& 12,5.564%19`565, 590%19`592. __ &1Kos& [Nesoi]: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 143%19`146. &3Kos&: &3IGRR 4,1083 [Herzog, &3Koische Forschungen und Funde& (1899), 55,14] (293%19`305 ac). __ &3Mastichari&: &3AEph& 1966.90,1%19`98,8 [&3BE/& 1968.391; 94,4 %6 &3SEG& 19.553; 96,6 %6 &3SEG& 19.552] (ca. 500 ac), __ &1Lemnos [Northern Aegean]: &3ASAtene& 30%19`32, N.S. 14%19`16 (1952%19`1954) 320,2. &3Hephaistia&: &3IG& 12,8.42b; &3BCH& 29 (1905) 55 [Millet, Pargoire and Petit, &3Recueil Athos& (1904) 455] (end 4th%3`5th ac). __ &1Lepsia& [Milesian Isl.]: &3ASAtene& 41%19`42, N.S. 25%19`27 (1963%19`1964) 328,29%19`329,31. __ &1Leros& [Milesian Isl.]: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 142, 142(2). __ &1Lesbos& [Nesoi]: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 150%19`156, 156(2), 157%19`165. &3Afendelli&: &3Byzantion& 4 (1927%19`1928) 715 (ca. 500 ac). &3Ampelia&: &3AD& 23,A (1968) 32. &3Eresos&: &3PrAA 1928.327,1%19`329,7; Robert, &3Hellenica& 10 (1955) 230n.1 %6 &3BE/ 1956,200. &3Hypselometopo&: &3PrAA& 1928.325,1%19`325,2; &3AD& 23,A (1968) 3 (413 ac). &3Mytilene&: &3IG& 12,2.76%19`80, 80a; &3IG& 12 Suppl. 77,16, 210,23a%19`210,23b; Hasluk, "Gatellusi," &3BSA& 15 (1908%19`1909) 262,2; &3BE/& 1962,257 [&3BCH& 84 (1960) 808]; Charitonides, &3Epigraphai Lesbou. Symple%26ro%26ma& (1978) 73,112 %6 &3BE/& 1970,422; &3SEG 27,496. &3Peribola&: &3AD& 23,A (1968) 33,3, 33,11. &3Taxiarches &3Myrintzou&: &3AD& 23,A (1968) 21. __ &1Kalymnos& [Nesoi]: &3ASAtene 22%19`23, N.S. 6%19`7 (1944%19`1945) 212,229%19`212,231. __ &1Kasos& [Nesoi]: &3IG& 12,1.1043. __ &1Melos& [Central Aegean]: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 208%19`210, 210(2). &3Klema&: &3PrAA& 1928.43,8. __ &1Naxos& [Central Aegean]: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 215, 215(2); Kontoleon, in $*EI)S $MNH/MHN *K.*T. *)AMA/NTOU& (1960) 473,2 and 473,4 (date?) and 473,5 (12th ac?) %6 &3BE/& 1962,260; &3SEG& 30,1060. &3Drosiane&: &3AAA& 3,3 (1970) 416 and 420 %6 &3BE/& 1971,495 (7th%19`8th ac?). &3Tragaia&: &3DChAE ser. 4, 7 (1973%19`1974) 78 (1056 ac). __ &1Patmos& [Milesian Isl.]: &3ASAtene& 41%19`42, N.S. 25%19`27 (1963%19`1964) 345,49%19`346,50, 346,52. __ &1Paros& [Central Aegean]: &3IG& 12,5.269, 292, 328%19`329; &3ABME& 10 (1964) 4,86 [&3BE/& 1966.89]. &3Katapoli&: &3AEph& 1975.23,36 [cf. PAE 1960.254], 24,38 [&3SEG& 26.1016], 25,41 [&3SEG& 26.1013], 25,42 [&3SEG& 26.1015] (5th%19`6th ac), 26,43 (5th%19`6th ac), 26,44%19`26,45, 27,48, 32,60 [&3SEG& 26.1012], 34,69 [&3SEG& 26.1014%7], 35,70; &3DChAE& ser. 1, 1 (1892) 102 [cf. &3AEph& 1975.25] (5th%19`6th ac), 104 [cf. &3DChAE&(`1) 2 (1894) 99]. __ &1Rhodes& [Nesoi]: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 125, 125(2), 126%19`131, 131(2), 132%19`133, 133(2), 134%19`138, 138(2), 139; &3ASAtene& 30%19`32, N.S. 14%19`16 (1952%19`1954) 301,85%19`302,88; &3ABME& 6,2 (1948) 226,1 (ca. 500 ac?), 226,2 (Byz.); Robert, &3Hellenica& 4 (1948) [&3Clara Rhodos& II (1932) 208,45] (4th ac). &3Rhodes&: &3Clara Rhodos& II (1932) 207,43%19`208,44; &3ABME& 6,1 (1948) 11 (7th%19`8th ac) (?); &3ABME& 6,2 (1948) 227,3%19`227,4 (Byz.); &3AD& 26,B,2 (1971) 553 and 554; &3PAE 1952.586 [&3BE/& 1956.198]; &3PAE& 1960,280 (?); &3SEG& 15,503. &3Aphantou&: &3ABME& 6,1 (1948) 26 and 27 (6th ac?). &3Halaermon&: &3AD 18,A (1963) 32,65. &3Kameiros&: Blinkenberg, &3Lindos& II,2 (1941) 675. &3Lindos&: &3AnthPal& 15,15%3`16 (ca. 925%19`950 ac). &3Mesanagros&: &3ABME& 6,1 (1948) 38 (6th ac?); &3SEG& 31,737 (5th%19`6th ac), 738 (6th ac), 739. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 731e [Lifshitz (1975) 89]. __ &1Samos& [Nesoi]: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 147%19`149; &3AD& 11 (1927%19`1928) 33,11; &3AthMitt& 75 (1960) 127,28 (4th ac); Robert, &3Hellenica& 4 (1948) 55 [&3AthMitt& 44 (1919) 45,36] and 59 [&3AthMitt& 66 (1941) 76,21] (361%19`363? ac), 66 [cf. &3SEG& 15.529] (4th%19`5th ac); Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt& (1971), p. 36 (302 ac). &3Chora&: &3AthMitt& 54 (1929) 140,15 (1670? 1162? ac). &3Misokampo&: &3AthMitt 54 (1929) 77 [Guard. &3EG& IV,374,6] (6th ac?), 138,3. &3Tigani&: &3AEph& 1896.249,3%19`249,4 (4th ac?), &3AthMitt& 54 (1929) 138,4, 138,5a%19`138,5b, 138,6, 138,7 (6th ac), 139,12 (830%19`842 ac), 139,13 (969 ac), 141,8 (8th%19`9th ac); &3SEG& 36,783 ([Athens]; ca. 300%19`350 ac); &3SEG& 36,784%19`785 ([Cyprus]; 4th ac). &3Vathy&: &3AthMitt 54 (1929) 137,1 (4th ac?). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 731f [Lifshitz (1975) 89] (2nd%19`3rd ac). __ &1Samothrace& [N. Aegean]: &3IG& 12,8.204b; &3Samothrace& 2,1.20, 79; &3CIG& 8772 [&3AthMitt& 34 (1909) 28] (1454%3`5 ac), 8773 [cf. &3AthMitt& 34 (1909) 27] (1431%19`1444 ac), 8777 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979), no. 118] (1433 ac). __ &1Sikinos& [Central Aegean]: &3IG& 12,5.34. __ &1Siphnos& [Central Aegean]: &3SEG& 36,770 (787 ac). __ &1Skiathos& [NW. Aegean]: &3EEBS 11 (1935) 111. __ &1Skopelos& [NW. Aegean]: &3AEph& 1956.188. __ &1Skyros& [NW. Aegean]: &3BZ& 4 (1895) 92 (895 ac). __ &1Syme& [Nesoi]: &3VizVr& 19,2 (1928) 147,1%19`151,4, 168,7%19`169,8. __ &1Syros& [Central Aegean]: &3IG& 12,5.712,22, 712,36, 712,56%19`712,99 (Grammata). __ Jud.: &3IG& 12,5.712,80, here %6 &3CIJ& 731a(2), &3IG& 12,5.712,99, here %6 &3CIJ& 731a(3) (Grammata). __ &1Telos& [Nesoi]: &3ASAtene& 41%19`42, N.S. 25%19`27 (1963%19`1964) 290,31. __ &1Tenos& [Central Aegean]: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 216%19`218. __ &1Thasos& [N. Aegean]: &3Thasos&: &3IG 12,8.546b; Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 256%19`259; Pouilloux, &3Recherches sur l'histoire et les cultes de Thasos& II (1958) 189,357%19`190,360. __ &3Aliki&: Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 261%19 262, 264; &3IG& 12,8.582; &3SEG& 34,877 (5th%19beg. 6th ac). __ &3Limenas&: Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 254, 260, 263. __ &3Potos&: Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 253. __ &3Rachoni&: Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 255. __ &3place?: Feissel, IChMac& (1983) 265. __ &1Thera& [S. Aegean]: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 166, 166(2)%19`166(4), 167%19`168, 168(2)%19`168(3), 169, 169(2), 170, 170(2), 171%19`176, 178%19`185, 185(2)%19`185(3), 186%19`205, 205(2); &3IG& 12,3.343%19`349; &3SEG& 25,931%19`932 (3rd%19`4th ac); &3SEG& 27,506 (ca. 300 ac). __ &1Therasia& [S. Aegean]: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 206%19`207. @ CRETE. &1Ano Viannos&: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 56. __ &1Arkades (Jud.): Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) App. 2, here also %6 &3CIJ& 731d [Guarducci, &3ICret& I,12,17; Lifshitz (1975) 88; &3ZPE& 73 (1988) 173,B] (Arkades: Kassianoi; 3rd%19`4th ac), Guarducci, &3ICret I,25,51, here %6 &3CIJ& 731d(2) (3rd%19`4th ac). __ &1Bobia&: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 59. __ &1Chania&: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 91%19`93. __ &1Chania Museum&: Guarducci, &3ICret& II,127,24. __ &1Chersonesos &1(Limen Chersonesou)&: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 64%19`65. __ &1Choustouliana&: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 49%19`51. __ &1Eleutherna &1(Prines Mylopotamou)&: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 81%19`86; Guarducci, &3ICret& II,174,47. __ &1Elyros (Rhodovani Selinou)& (Jud.): &3CIJ 731b [Lifshitz (1975) 87; Guarducci, &3ICret& II,179,8]. __ &1Gallia&: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 53. __ &1Gergere&: Bandy, &3GChICret (1970) 48. __ &1Gortyn%19Hagoi Deka&: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 1%19`36; Guarducci, &3ICret& IV,281%19`283, 284a%19`284b, 285, 306, 312%19`325, 336, 341, 346, 347bis; &3CIG& 8759 [Gerola, &3Monumenti veneti &3dell' isola di Creta& IV (1932) 51] (1292 ac). __ Jud.: Bandy, ú&3GChICret& (1970) App. 1, here also %6 &3CIJ& 731d(3) [Guarducci, &3ICret& IV,509; cf. Lifshitz (1975) 89; &3ZPE& 73 (1988) 173,A] (5th ac); Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 60,39 (Gortyn; 3rd%19`2nd bc), __ &1H. Thomas&: Guarducci, &3ICret& I,311,4 (H. Thomas: Paganiana\). __ &1Hagia Episkope&: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 90. __ &1Hagia Galene&: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 57. __ &1Hierapytna&: Lauffer, &3Diokletians &3Preisedikt& (1971), p. 26 (302 ac). __ &1Herakleion&: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 60%19`61; &3EEBS& 7 (1931) 390 (ca. 1110 ac). __ &1Herakleion Museum&: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 62 [Feissel, &3IChMac (1983) 288], 63. __ &1Hodegetria&: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 55. __ &1Mt. Ida&: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 76%19`80. __ &1Itanos (Eremoupolis &1Seteias)&: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 69%19`70. __ &1Kankales&: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 54. __ &1Kastelli Kissamou&: Bandy, &3GChICret (1970) 94%19`109. __ Jud.: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) App. 3, here also %6 &3CIJ& 731c [Lifshitz (1975) 88; &3ZPE& 73 (1988) 174,C] (4th%19`5th ac); __ &1Katebate&: Gerola, &3Monumenti veneti dell' &3isola di Creta& IV (1932) 580 %6 Halkin III,119 (6th ac?). __ &1Knossos&: Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt& (1971), p. 27 (302 ac). __ &1Kolykytha&: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 68. __ &1Koutoulouphari&: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 66. __ &1Lappa &1(Argyropoulos Rhethymnou)&: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 88. __ &1Lyttos&: Guarducci, &3ICret& I,226,188%19`229,189. __ Jud.: &3ICret I,208,72, here %6 &3CIJ& 731d(4) (ca. 1st ac). __ &1Malla&: Guarducci, &3ICret& I,238,9; &3SEG& 32,900 (293%19`305 ac). __ &1Metropolis&: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 37 [Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 287], 38%19`47. __ &1Meskla&: &3ABME& 8,2 (1955%19`1956) 166 (1303 ac). __ &1Mone Gonias&: &3Athena& 15 (1903) 121. __ &1Neapolis&: &3SEG& 34,922. __ &1Olous (Elounta Merampellou)&: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 67 (Poros, near Elounta); Guarducci, &3ICret& I,256,13; &3AD& 26,B,2 (1971) 532, 532,8, 532,10%19`532,12 (Elounta Isl.). __ &1Panethymos&: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 110. __ &1Panormos (Panormon &1Mylopotamou)&: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 71%19`73. __ &1Pege&: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 74. __ &1Plora&: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 58. __ &1Polyrrhenia&: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 111. __ &1Rethymnon&: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 75. __ &1Stavros&: &3SEG& 23,580. __ &1Sybrita &1(Thronos Amariou)&: Guarducci, &3ICret& II,298,28; Bandy, &3GChICret (1970) 87. __ Jud.: &3ICret& II,294,13, here %6 &3CIJ& 731d(5) __ &1Syia (Sougia Selinou)&: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 112. __ &1Veran &1Episkope&: Bandy, &3GChICret& (1970) 89. __ &1Vreli&: Bandy, &3GChICret (1970) 52. __ &1place?&: Guarducci, &3ICret& II,316,9; &3SEG& 34,924 (5th%19`6th ac), 925 (7th ac), 926 (5th%19`6th ac), 927 (6th ac), 928 (7th ac), 929 (5th%19`6th ac). @ ĺ@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@PREFECTURE OF ORIENS: THRACIA @ Thracia, Rhodope, Europe, Haemimontus, Moesia Inferior (II) and Scythia Minor. Also included here are: Trans%19Danubian Dacia, the North Coast of the Black Sea and Constantinople. @ THRACE, THRACIA. &1Asenovgrad%19Stanimaka&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 218. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 681a [Lifshitz (1975) 63]. __ &1Batkun&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 229. __ &1Belas%148tica&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg (1964) 221. __ &1Beroe%19Augusta Trajana&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 192%19`197; &3SEG& 3,553 (5th ac). __ &1Boljarci&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg (1964) 220. __ &1C%148ernokonevo&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 204. __ &1C%148irpan&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 203. __ &1Diampolis:& Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 186. __ &1Diocletianopolis (Hisarija)&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 223%19`227. __ &1Glavinica&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 230. __ &1Kalugerovo&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 228. __ &1Kiril%19Metodievo&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 199. __ &1Kolarovo&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 198. __ &1Korten&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg (1964) 200%19`201. __ &1Kric%148im&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 222. __ &1Malamirovo&: Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg& (1963) 2, 47. __ &1Novo Selo&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 219. __ &1Novoselec&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg (1964) 190%19`191; Dessau, &3ILS& 8944 [&3IBulg& 191] (340 ac). __ &1Orizovo&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 205. __ &1Philippopolis&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 206%19`217. __ &1Rupkite&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg (1964) 202. __ &1Sliven&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 187%19`189. @ THRACE, RHODOPE. &1Abdera&: &3Thrakika& 8 (1937) 15,6 %6 &3BE/& 1939,188. __ &1Ainos&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 104b, 105a; Hasluk, "Gatellusi," &3BSA& 15 (1908%19`1909) 254,1 (Z. Pege), 255,3%19`255,4 (Kastro), 256,5 (H. Blasios); &3DChAE& ser. 1, 8 (1908) 19,265 (Z. Pege; 1424 ac), 29,302 (Kastro; end 13th ac?), 29,307 (1308 ac?). __ &1Demotika&: &3DChAE& ser. 1, 10 (1911) 6,363 (12th ac), 6,365 [Belting, Mango and Mouriki, &3Mosaics &3and Frescoes of St. Mary Pammakaristos& (1978) 14] (ca. 1299%19`1303 ac?). __ &1Didymoteichos&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace (1892) 106. &1Eles%148nica&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 231. __ &1Nikopolis ad Nestum (Ga=rmen%19Zagrade)&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 233%19`234; &3SEG& 28,581 (3rd ac). __ &1Komotini&: &3AD& 26,B,2 (1971) 428,2 (5th%19`6th ac); &3SEG& 24,633. __ &1Kovac%148evica&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 232. __ &1Kremen&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 235. __ &1Maroneia&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 110b15; &3SEG 30,687, 699. __ &1Plagia&: &3SEG& 34,713 (293%19`305 ac). __ &1Traianopolis&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 107, 110; &3SEG 24,644; &3SEG& 30,785. @ THRACE, EUROPE. &1Anaplous&: &3AnthPal& 1,99 (ca. 493? ac). __ &1Aproi&: &3BE/& 1962,191 %6 Z. &3Trakya'da epigrafya aras%25tirmalari& I (1961) pp. 46%19`49, 81%19`82 %6 &3BE/& 1962,191 (1064 ac); Tas%25likliogl%148u, &3Trakya'da epigrafya aras%25tirmalari& II (1971) 79,6, 80,8 and 81,9 %6 &3BE/& 1972,282[a%19c]. __ &1Bergula%19Tyroloe&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 62a4; &3BZ& 41 (1941) 564 [&3Thrakika& 15 (1941) 106] (963%19`969 ac). __ &1Bizye&: &3BZ& 65 (1972) 384,2 (769%19`775 ac), 386n17 [&3Thrakika& 10 (1938) 259] (5th%19`6th ac?); &3ZbRad& 11 (1968) 11 (ca. 902%19`927 ac?). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 692 [Lifshitz (1975) 70]. __ &1Chora&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace (1892) 89f1, 89a (?). __ &1Medeia&: &3CahArch& 20 (1970) 55 and 56 %6 &3BE/& 1971,427[a%19b] (Byz.). __ &1H. Georgios&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 87l%19`87q. __ &1Herakleia%19Perinthos&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 72l, 74o%19`74r, 74z2%19`74z3, 74z5%19`74z6, 83i; Dessau, &3ILS& 665 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 12326] (293%19`324 ac); &3BCH& 36 (1912) 624,81%19`630,84, 632,86, 633,88, 635,91; &3Byzantion& 35 (1965) 565 (813 ac); &3ClRev& 22 (1972) 175 with &3GRBS& 20 (1979) 179 %6 &3BE/& 1972,286a; &3SEG& 16,416 (5th ac), 417 (4th%19`5th ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 692a [Lifshitz (1975) 70]. __ &1Hexamili&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 92, 95%19`96, 96a, 96c%19`96f. __ &1Kallipolis&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 100r, 100z; &3IThrace& (1892) 100z1 (Gelibolu). __ &1Ku+c%25u+k Ko+y&: &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 399,1 (beg. 6th ac). __ &1Madytos&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 111c6. __ &1Panion&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace (1892) 84%19`86, 86a, 86a1, 86b%19`86c, 86e%19`86s, 86u5, 86u7%19`86u9, 86u11, 86v%19`86z, 86z1%19`86z6; &3IThrace& 87f%19`87g (near Panion); &3SEG 26,823 (383%19`408 ac). __ &1Peristasis&: &3BCH& 24 (1900) 166,4 (292%19`305 ac). __ &1Sariko+y&: &3BCH& 36 (1912) 574,29a (4th%19`6th ac). __ &1Selymbria&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 62b26%19`62b40, 62b43; &3BCH& 36 (1912) 567 (842%19`856 ac), 568,18 (978%19`1025 ac), 574,29b (4th%19`6th ac), 633,87, 634,89%19`634,90, 636,92%19`637,95, 639,97%19`640,101; &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 402,2B (N. of Silivri; 11th%19`12th ac). __ &1Sosthenion&: &3AnthPal& 1,35 (ca. 555%19`560 ac). __ &1Tchataldja&: &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 401,2A (11th%19`12th ac). __ &1Tselebi%19Yolu&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 87k. @ ĺTHRACE, HAEMIMONTUS. &1Aetos&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 184; Dessau, &3ILS& 8954 [&3IBulg& 184a] (450%19`457 ac). __ &1Anchialos&: &3SEG 24,911 (area of Anchialos: Panicovo; 4th ac). __ &1Apollonia &1Pont.%19Sozopolis&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 176%19`183; &3SEG& 29,665. __ &1Aquae Calidae&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 171. __ &1Ba=lgarevo&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 172. __ &1Deultum&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg (1964) 174%19`175. __ &1Emine&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 151. __ &1Hadrianopolis (Edirne)&: Dumont and Homolle, &3IThrace& (1892) 62(2), 62(6)%19`62(12); &3DChAE& ser. 1, 10 (1911) 11,375; Ebersolt, &3Mission& (1921) 52,9; Tas%25likliogl%148u, &3Trakya'da epigrafya &3aras%25tirmalari& II (1971) 34,4 %6 &3BE/& 1972,293[b]; &3SEG& 26,817. __ &1Edirne Museum&: Tas%25likliogl%148u, &3Trakya'da epigrafya aras%25tirmalari II (1971) 32,2 %6 &3BE/& 1972,293[a]. __ &1Koparan&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg (1964) 170. __ &1Lozarevo&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 185. __ &1Mesembria&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 152, 153 [with additions from Ognenova%19Marinova, in &3Nesse\bre& I (1969) pp. 109%19`122], 154%19`159, 160 [Grabar, &3Reve=tements& (1975) 26,1], 161%19`168, 255%19`259; &3Byzantinobulgarica& 5 (1978) 305, here %6 Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) Add.,1*; Grabar, &3Reve=tements& (1975) 28,7 (14th ac). __ &1Rusokastro&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 173. __ &1Sveti &1Vlas&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 169. @ MOESIA INFERIOR (II). &1Adz%148emler&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 147. __ &1Alada=n&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 148. __ &1C%148erven&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 51; Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg& (1963) 87. __ &1Dineia &1(Vojvoda)&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 74; Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg (1963) 54. __ &1Dis%148budak&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 86 (anc. Gerania?). __ &1Drinovo&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 50. __ &1Durostorum&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 77%19`79; Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg& (1963) 3, 85; &3SEG& 31,692 (679%3`80%19`685 ac?); &3SEG 34,733 (5th%19`6th ac), 734 (668%19`685 ac). __ &1Goren C%148iflik&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 150. __ &1Ha=rsovo&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg (1964) 52. __ &1Iatrus&: &3Ausgrabungen und Funde& 19,2 (1974) 109, here %6 Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) Add.,6* (late 4th ac); &3SEG 31,674(1)%19 674(20) (4th%19`6th ac). __ &1Ilija Bla=skovo&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 58; Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg& (1963) 27. __ &1Isbul&: Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg& (1963) 30. __ &1Kalugerica&: Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg& (1963) 65. __ &1Keifarevo&: &3Klio& 59 (1977) 266, here %6 Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964), Add.,4*. __ &1Kipra&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg (1964) 149. __ &1Krivina&: &3Klio& 59 (1977) 265, here %6 Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) (1964), Add.,3* (near Krivina). __ &1Krumovo&: Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg& (1963) 53, 56. __ &1Madara&: Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg& (1963) 1, 6, 50. __ &1Marcianopolis&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg (1964) 82%19`83. __ &1Nicopolis ad Istrum&: &3SEG& 15,484 [&3IGBulg& II (1968) 656] (4th ac). __ &1Odessos&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 87%19`251; Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg& (1963) 78; &3Klio& 52 (1970) 25, here %6 Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) Add.,2* (6th ac); &3SEG& 32,713 (6th ac). __ &1Pliska&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 59%19`73; Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg& (1963) 4%19`5, 7%19`12, 16%19`21, 23%19`24, 26, 28%19`29, 31, 34%19`40, 44%19`45, 60%19`62, 64, 66, 70%19`77, 80, 83%19`84; &3BZ& 65 (1972) 395, here %6 Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg& (1963) Add.,2* (ca. 815%19`831 ac). __ &1Popina&: Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg& (1963) 81%19`82, 86. __ &1Preslav&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 53%19`56; Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg (1963) 51%19`52, 88%19`92; &3Byzantion& 35 (1965) 1, here %6 Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg& (1963) Add.,1* __ &1Provadija&: Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg (1963) 58%19`59. __ &1Radko Dimitrievo&: Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg& (1963) 32%19`33, 67. __ &1Sec%148is%148te&: Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg& (1963) 41. __ &1Selis%148te&: Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg& (1963) 49. __ &1Sinivir&: Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg& (1963) 43. __ &1Stan&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg (1964) 75%19`76. __ &1Stojan Michajlovski&: Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg (1963) 25. __ &1S%148umen&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 57; Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg& (1963) 13, 57, 68. __ &1Teke Karaac%148&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg (1964) 145%19`146. __ &1Ta=rgivis%148te&: Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg& (1963) 42. __ &1Ta=rnovo&: Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg& (1963) 22, 55. __ &1Transmarisca&: Dessau, &3ILS& 641 [&3CIL& 3.6151]. __ &1Va=rbane&: Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg& (1963) 63. @ TRANS%19DANUBIAN DACIA. &1Adjud&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 444. __ &1Aquae Herculis&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 420%19`422. __ &1Banat&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 429%19`430. __ &1Biertan&: Popescu, &3IGLRom (1976) 434. __ &1Bratei&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 434A, 435. __ &1Bi=tca Doamnei&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 445. __ &1Cenad&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 428A. __ &1Crasna&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 431. __ &1Curcani&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 441. __ &1Desa&: Popescu, &3IGLRom (1976) 401. __ &1Dierna&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 413%19`418. __ &1Dobreta&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 402%19`411. __ &1Da%27nes%25ti&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 446. __ &1Feldioara&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 432. __ &1Gornea&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 424%19`426. __ &1Micia&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 438. __ &1Napoca&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 436%19`437. __ &1Poian&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 433A. __ &1Pojejena&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 427. __ &1Romula%19Malva&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 400. __ &1Sla%27veni&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 399. __ &1Socetu&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 440. __ &1Sucidava&: Popescu, &3IGLRom (1976) 277%19`307, 308a%19`308b, 309%19`313, 315%19`327, 329%19`337, 339%19`342, 344%19`368, 370%19`398, 398D%19`398G; &3SEG& 27,420%19`421 (4th%19`5th ac); &3SEG 31,694(1)%19`694(25) (6th ac). __ &1Sudul Moldavei&: Popescu, &3IGLRom (1976) 443. __ &1Si=nnicolau&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 428. __ &1Trus%25es%25ti&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 447. __ &1Turnu Ma%27gurele&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 439. __ &1Ti=rgu&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 433. __ &1Vi=rvoru&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 401A. __ &1S%25vint%25a&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 423, 423A. @ SCYTHIA MINOR. &1Aegyssus&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 270. __ &1Altinum&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 187%19`191. __ &1Arubium&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 239. __ &1Axiopolis&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 192%19`202. __ &1Barcea%19Tecuci&: &3SEG& 35,854 (area of Galat%25i; ca. 500 ac). __ &1Bizone&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 84, 247. &3SEG& 30,680 (Kaliakra, near Bizone; 337%19`342 ac). __ &1Callatis&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 84%19`107. __ &1Capidava&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 220%19`229. __ &1Carcaliu&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 238. __ &1Carsium&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 230%19`232. __ &1Cius&: Popescu, &3IGLRom (1976) 233; Dessau, &3ILS& 770 [&3IGLRom& 233] (ca. 369 ac). __ &1Corbul de Sus%25&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 82. __ &1Cranea&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 85. __ &1Dervent&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 176%19`178. __ &1Dinogetia&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 240%19`241, 241A, 242%19`247, 249, 250, 251a%19`251e, 252a%19`252b, 253%19`265; &3SEG& 27,359 (4th ac), 360 (6th ac), 361 (5th%19`6th ac), 362 (6th ac), 363 (4th ac); &3SEG& 34,749 (4th ac). __ &1Dorobant%25ul&: Popescu, &3IGLRom (1976) 83. __ &1Halmyris&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 168. __ &1Histria&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 109%19`131, 132a%19`132b, 133%19`144, 146%19`154, 154A, 155, 157, 159%19`160, 164, 166; &3SEG& 30,803,m (5th%19`6th ac), 806,e (Byz.), 806,j (Byz.), 807,c (4th ac), 807,d%19`807,e (Byz.), 807,f (4th%19`5th ac), 807,h (Byz.), 807,j, 807,l%19`807,m (6th ac), 807,n (Byz.), 807,o (6th ac), 807,p, 807,q%19`807,t (Byz.). __ &1Ibida&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 234%19`235. __ &1Mihai Viteazul&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 167. __ &1Miris%25tea&: ĺPopescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 81. __ &1Murfatlar&: Popescu, &3IGLRom (1976) 203%19`204. __ &1Niculit%25el&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 267, 268a%19`268b, 269; &3SEG& 27,409 (end 4th ac). __ &1Noviodunum&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 266; &3SEG& 27,390 (5th%19`6th ac), 391 (4th ac); &3SEG& 35,848 (5th%19`6th ac). __ &1Pa%27cuiul lui Soare&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 179%19`186; &3SEG& 31,686 (ca. 550%19`600 ac). __ &1Plac%148i &1Dol&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg& (1964) 81. __ &1S%148abla&: Bes%148evliev, &3Protobulg& (1963) 48. __ &1Salsovia&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 271b, 272%19`273; Dessau, &3ILS& 8940 [&3IGLRom& 271b] (ca. 323 ac). __ &1Seimeni&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 205. __ &1Tomis&: Popescu, &3IGLRom (1976) 1%19`65, 66a%19`66d, 66e1%19`66e2, 66f%19`66g, 66h1%19`66h3, 66i1%19`66i2, 66j1%19`66j7, 66k1%19`66k3, 66l1%19`66l7, 66m1%19`66m5, 67%19`80, 80A; &3SEG& 35,847 (ca. 550%19`567 ac), 849 (6th ac), 850 (6th%19`7th ac); &3SEG& 36,691 (6th ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 681b [Lifshitz (1975) 63]. __ &1Troesmis&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 236%19`237; Dessau, &3ILS 683 638 [&3IGLRom& 237] (309%19`311 ac?), 724 [&3IGLRom& 238] (337%19`340 ac), 2781 [&3IGLRom& 236] (end 3rd%3beg. 4th). __ &1Tropaeum &1Traiani&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 169%19`173, 175; Dessau, &3ILS& 8938 [&3IGLRom& 170] (315%19`317 ac); &3SEG& 27,407 (4th ac), 408 (6th ac). __ &1Ulmetum&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 206%19`219. __ &1Vama Veche&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 108. __ &1Zaldapa&: Bes%148evliev, &3IBulg (1964) 80. __ &1place?&: Popescu, &3IGLRom& (1976) 274%19`276. @ NORTH COAST OF THE BLACK SEA. &1Akkerman&: Latys%148ev, &3Sbornik ... &3Juz%148noj Rossii& (1896) 3. __ &1Cherkes%19Kermen&: Latys%148ev, &3Sbornik (1896) 43. __ &1Chersonesos&: Latys%148ev, &3Sbornik& (1896) &3Sbornik& 6 (G. Cherson), 7%19`8, 11%19`13, 15%19`20, 24%19`26; Latys%148ev, &3IOSPE& IV, Suppl. (1901) 464; &3CIG& 8915a%19`8915d; &3SEG& 33,605%19`608 (4th ac). __ &1Derevnja Shurb&: Latys%148ev, &3Sbornik& (1896) 58. __ &1Glinisht&: Latys%148ev, &3Sbornik& (1896) 91a%19`91b. __ &1Gorgippa& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 690 [&3CIRB& 1123] (41 ac), 690a [Lifshitz (1975) 67] (67%3`8 ac), 690b [Lifshitz (1975) 68] (59 ac); &3CIJ& App. 4,78* (175%19`210 ac); &3SEG 32,790 (ca. 1%19`50 ac). __ &1Inkerman&: Latys%148ev, &3Sbornik& (1896) 32%19`33, 42. __ &1Kertch&: Latys%148ev, &3Sbornik& (1896) 86, 88%19`93, 95; Struve, &3CIRB& (1965) 743%19`744, 746, 777, Add. 937,3; &3SEG& 28,642 (5th ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 683a [Lifshitz (1975) 65] (2nd ac), 683b [Lifshitz (1975) 66] (2nd ac), 685 [&3CIRB& 735] (3rd ac), 686 [&3CIRB& 777] (4th ac?), 687 [&3CIRB& 746] (4th ac), 688 [&3CIRB 736] (3rd%19`4th ac?), 689 [&3CIRB& 724] (2nd%19`3rd ac), 689a [Lifshitz (1975) 66] (4th ac). __ &1Kuban&: Struve, &3CIRB& (1965) 1112. __ &1Mangup%3Theodoro&: Latys%148ev, &3Sbornik& (1896) 45%19`47. __ &1Olbia& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 682 [Lifshitz (1975) 64]. __ &1Panticapaeum&: Struve, &3CIRB& (1965) 64%19`66, 736. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 683 [&3CIRB& 70] (81 ac), 684 [&3CIRB& 73] (2nd ac); &3CIJ& App. 3,65* [&3CIRB& 74] (175%19`210 ac). __ &1Partenit&: Latys%148ev, &3Sbornik& (1896) 69%19`70. __ &1Phangoria&: Struve, &3CIRB& (1965) 1051. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 691 [Lifshitz (1975) 69] (16 ac), 691a [Lifshitz (1975) 69], 691b [Lifshitz (1975) 70] (1st bc). __ &1Sydak&: Latys%148ev, &3Sbornik& (1896) 73. __ &1Tamanskiye Polyostrov&: Latys%148ev, &3Sbornik& (1896) 98%19`100, 105, 107. __ &1Taman&: Latys%148ev, &3Sbornik& (1896) 101. __ &1Theodosia&: Latys%148ev, &3Sbornik& (1896) 75%19`76. __ &1place?&: Latys%148ev, &3Sbornik (1896) 113%19`114, 115a%19`115b, 116. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& App. 5,102*. @ CONSTANTINOPLE. &1Antiochos Palace&: Naumann and Belting, &3Die &3Euphemia%19Kirche& (1966) 15, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1955) 65,8 (ca. 416%19`418 ac). __ &1Archeological Museum&: &3DOP& 32 (1978) 15,20 [&3SEG 28.574] (found near Archaeological Museum; ca. 6th ac). __ &1Argyropolis (Tophane)&: &3BCH& 46 (1922) 358 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,14]; Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture byzantine& Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture byzantine figure/e au Muse/e arche/ologique &3d'Istanbul& (1990) 83,142, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 66,G2 (Suburbs, Bosphorus: Tophane; 10th%19`11th ac). __ &1Arslanhane&: &3RE/B& 8 (1950) 161 [Mango, &3Brazen House& (1959) 166%19`167], here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,XV (ca. 971%19`976 ac). __ &1Atako+y&: &3DOP& 32 (1978) 22,29 [&3SEG 28.565] (5th%19`6th ac). __ &1Atmeydan&: &3Sculpture byzantine figure/e &3au Muse/e arche/ologique d'Istanbul& (1990) 67,115, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,18 (Atmeydan [Forum of Arcadius]; 13th%19`14th ac). __ &1Augustaion&: &3CIG& 8614 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 63,VI], here also %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 822 [&3CIL& 3.736] (403 ac). __ &1Basilike&: &3AnthPal 9,696%3`7 (ca. 500%19`550? ac), 779 (565%3`6 ac). __ &1Bayazit Quarter&: De/thier, &3Nouvelles de/couvertes ... Constantinople& (1867) 14, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 65,3 (408%19`450 ac?); Firatli, et al., &3La &3Sculpture byzantine figure/e au Muse/e arche/ologique d'Istanbul (1990) 120,226, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 65,25 (610%19`641 ac). __ &1Blachernai&: &3AnthPal& 1,2%3`3 (565%19`578 ac), 120%19`121 (11th ac?). __ &1C%25atladi Kapi&: Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture byzantine figure/e &3au Muse/e arche/ologique d'Istanbul& (1990) 122,231, here %6 &3AJA 55 (1951) 65,26 (ca. 600 ac). __ &1Cerrahpas%25a Hospital&: &3DOP& 32 (1978) 8,9%19`8,10 [&3SEG& 28.567%19`568] (ca. 6th ac). __ &1Chalke&: Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 210[a] [Mango, &3Brazen &3House& (1959) 122] (780%19`802 ac), 210[b] [Mango, &3Brazen House (1959) 121] (780%19`802 ac), and 215,I [Mango, &3Brazen House (1959) 126] (ca. 843%19`847 ac); &3AnthPal& 9,656 [cf. Mango, &3Brazen &3House& (1959) 26%19`30] (498%19`518 ac). __ &1Chalke Palace?&: &3AnthPlan 16,69 (476%19`491 ac). __ &1Column in the Seraglio Gardens&: &3CIL 3.711, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,I and Dessau, &3ILS& 820 [&3CIL 3.733] (ca. 324%19`360 ac? 332 ac?). __ &1Column of Marcian&: &3CIL 3.738, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,III and Dessau, &3ILS& 824 (451 ac). __ &1Cubali Kapi&: &3BZ& 35 (1935) 431 [Firatli, et al., &3La &3Sculpture byzantine figure/e au Muse/e arche/ologique d'Istanbul (1990) 51,88] (end 4th%19`5th ac). __ &1Deniz Abdal Quarter&: &3Beitra+ge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur& 42 (1917) 332, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 63,1a (559 ac), and 334, here %6 &3AJA& 55 63,1b (ca. 575%19`600 ac?). __ &1Fatih Mosque&: &3BZ& 36 (1936) 398,3. __ &1Fetiye Camii (Pammakaristos)&: van Millingen, &3Byzantine Churches in Constantinople& (1912) 138 (12th%19`13th ac?), 139 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 61,XI.5] (1292%19`1294 ac?), 140 [&3DOP& 25 (1971) 222,4] (1292%19`1294 ac?), 141 (1328%19`1341 ac), 158 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 60,XI.1] (ca. 1310 ac), 159 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 61,XI.2] (ca. 1310 ac); Belting, Mango and Mouriki, &3Mosaics and &3Frescoes of St. Mary Pammakaristos& (1978) 21, here %6 van Millingen, &3ByzChs& "`140a" (1292%19`1294 ac?); &3ArchAnz& 1939.195, here %6 van Millingen, &3ByzChs& "`140b" (1292%19`1294 ac?); &3DOP& 17 (1963) 370 (ca. 1310 ac); &3DOP& 18 (1964) 325,1 (5th%19`6th ac), 325,2 [&3BE/& 1966.252] (5th%19`6th ac), 325,3 (1292%19`1294 ac?), 325,4 [&3DOP& 25 (1971) 236] (14th ac); &3DOP& 25 (1971) 221 (14th%19`15th ac). __ &1Forum of Constantine&: &3AnthPal& 9,785 (4th ac?). __ &1Forum Tauri&: &3AnthPlan& 16,65 (386 ac). __ &1Galata&: Robert, &3Hellenica& 2 (1946) 155; &3E/O& 35 (1936) 220,1, here %6 &3AJA& 55 64,19a (Galata: Arab Camii; 1408%19`1483 ac); Ebersolt, &3Mission (1921) 41,3 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 66,6] (Galata: Arab Camii). __ &1Golden Horn&: Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 260 [&3AJA 55 (1951) 57,3]; van Millingen, &3Byzantine Constantinople (1899) 191 [Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture byzantine figure/e au &3Muse/e arche/ologique d'Istanbul& (1990) 41,78] (ca. 1370%19`1409 ac); &3AnthPal& 9,689 (324%19`337 ac?). __ &1Great Palace&: Ebersolt, &3Mission& (1921) 31 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 65,14]; &3AJA& 55 (1951) 65,30, ĺ&3ed. pr.&; &3AnthPal& 1,106%3`7 (ca. 856%19`861? ac); &3AnthPal& 9,655 (613%19`638 ac). __ &1H. Euphemia&: Naumann and Belting, &3Die &3Euphemia%19Kirche& (1966) 87 [&3BZ& 42 (1942) 183], here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,XIV (12th ac?); Naumann and Belting, &3Die &3Euphemia%19Kirche& (1966) 113%19`171, here %6 &3ArchAnz& 1941,311 [&3Euphemia& 113] (ca. 1280%19`1290 ac?); Naumann and Belting, &3Die &3Euphemia%19Kirche& (1966) 171%19`177, here %6 &3ArchAnz& 1943.280 (ca. 1300 ac?); &3AnthPal& 1,12%3`7 (ca. 480%19`527 ac). __ &1Hagia Sophia&: &3CIG& 8643 [Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 264] (537 ac?); Antoniades, &3Ekphrasis& I (1907) 83,9%19`84,13 (6th ac), 146 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 58,I.4] (839, 841 ac), 147 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 58,I.4], 167 (886%19`912 ac?), 170 (10th%19`11th ac?), 176 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 58,I.6] (6th ac?); Antoniades, &3Ekphrasis& II (1908) 23 (527%19`565 ac), 28 (527%19`565 ac), 81, 209, 232, 237, 289, 303,392, 303,394, 316 (1205 ac), 317,422%19`317,423, 318 (1379%19`1389 ac), 320,430%19`320,431, 340 (13th%19`15th ac), 351 [&3AJA 55 (1951) 59,I.16], 352,518 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 59,I.17], 352,519 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 59,I.18], 352,520, 353,522; Antoniades, &3Ekphrasis& III (1909) 51 [Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 58] (ca. 886%19`912 ac?), 52 [Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 59] (ca. 886%19`912 ac?); Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 277 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 57,I.2] (6th ac), 280 [Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 80%19`83] here also %6 &3AnthPal& 1,1 (867 ac?); 287 [Mango, &3Materials (1962) 63%19`66] (ca. 886%19`912 ac?), 293 [Mango, &3Materials& (1962) 69%19`70] (1028%19`1034 ac), 295 (1341%19`1354 ac); Mango, &3Materials (1962) 23, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 58,5 (ca. 994 ac?), 27, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 59,20a (1028%19`1034 ac), 28, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 59,20b (1122%19`1143 ac), 29, here %6 Halkin VI,344 (ca. 1100 ac?), 43, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 59,19, 49, here %6 Halkin IV,308 (ca. 886%19`912 ac?), 51, here %6 Halkin IV,307 (ca. 886%19`912 ac?), 58, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 58,13 (ca. 886%19`912 ac?), 66 and 71, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 58,9 (1353%19`1354 ac); &3DOP& 17 (1963) 324 (1166 ac); &3AnthPlan& 16,387** [Du+bner, II, p. 608], here %6 &3AJA 55 (1951) 57,1 (?). __ &1H. Anargyroi&: &3AnthPal& 1,11 (565%19`578 ac). __ &1H. Apostoloi&: &3AnthPal& 1,8 (527%19`565 ac). __ &1H. Ioannes &1Stoudiou&: &3AnthPal& 1,4 (ca. 457%19`474 ac). __ &1H. Polyeuktos&: &3AnthPal& 1,10 [Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture byzantine figure/e &3au Muse/e arche/ologique d'Istanbul& (1990) 211,494] (524%19`527 ac). __ &1H. Sergios&: &3CIG& 8639 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 59,III; Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 319] (ca. 530 ac); &3BZ& 4 (1895) 106, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 60,III (527%19`564 ac). __ &1H. Soter in &1the Chora (Kariye Camii)&: Underwood, &3The Karije Djami& I (1967) 18 (ca. 1315%19`1321 ac); 39,1 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 61,XII.6] (ca. 1315%19`1321 ac); 40,2 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 61,XII.6] (ca. 1315%19`1321 ac); 42,3 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 61,XII.5] (ca. 1315%19`1321 ac); 45,6 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 61,XII.3] (ca. 1315%19`1321 ac); 168,186%19`168,187 (ca. 1315%19`1321 ac), 217,224%19`217,227 (ca. 1320%19`1321 ac), 276,D [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 61,XII.2] (after 1328 ac); 280,E [&3DOP& 13 (1959) 216] (ca. 1325%19`1330 ac); 288,F [&3DOP& 13 (1959) 223] (after 1330 ac); 295,H [&3DOP& 12 (1958) 276] (ca. 1325%19`1350 ac?); &3ArchAnz 1940.592 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 61,XII.1] (ca. 1315%19`1321 ac); &3SEG 29,674 [&3DOP& 33 (1979) 267] (5th%19`6th ac); &3BZ& 36 (1936) 397,1 (near Chora Monastery). __ &1H. Soter Pantokrator&: &3CIG& 8722 [&3AJA 55 (1951) 60,IX] (ca. 1355 ac); &3DOP& 23%19`24 (1969%19`1970) 372,3 (1180 ac). __ &1H. Stephanos?&: &3CIG& 8907, 9447. __ &1H. Theodoros&: &3AnthPal& 1,6 (ca. 425%19`450 ac), 1,7 (after 452 ac). __ &1H. &1Thomas&: &3AnthPal& 1,5 (491%19`518 ac). __ &1Hasko+y&: &3AthMitt& 42 (1917) 190,2, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,12. __ &1Hebdomon&: Demangel, &3Contribution a\ la topographie de l'Hebdomon& (1945) 35, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 66,H1 (ca. 422? 459? ac), 51, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 66,H2 (457%19`474 ac?); &3BCH& 46 (1922) 377, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 66,H3; &3Byzantion& 3 (1926) 305,1 (N. of Hebdomon; 12th ac); Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 230 (near Hebdomon; 1025 ac). __ &1Hippodrome&: &3CIG& 8611 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,1] (4th%19`6th ac), 8612 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,IV], here also %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 821 [&3CIL& 3.737] (390 ac), 8703 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,V] (945%19`958 ac); &3AnthPal& 9,682 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,IV] (390 ac); &3AnthPlan& 16,62%3`3 (530 ac); Cameron, &3Porphyrios the &3Charioteer& (1973), pp. 65%19`95 and 117%19`149, Base A [&3AnthPlan 16,335%19`339] (before ca. 500), Base B [&3AnthPlan& 16,340%19`343; Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture byzantine figure/e au Muse/e &3arche/ologique d'Istanbul& (1990) 30,63] (ca. 500), Base C [&3AnthPal& 15,46%19`47 and &3AnthPlan& 16,344] (after ca. 500), Base D [&3AnthPal& 15,44 and &3AnthPlan& 16,345%19`346] (ca. 530%19`540), Base E [&3AnthPal& 15,50 and &3AnthPlan& 16,347%19`350] (515 ac), Base F [&3AnthPlan& 16,351%19`356; Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture byzantine &3figure/e au Muse/e arche/ologique d'Istanbul& (1990) 32,64] (ca. 500), Base H [&3AnthPlan& 16,356, 360%19`362] (ca. 540%19`545), Base I [&3AnthPlan& 16,363%19`364] (ca. 500), Base J [&3AnthPal& 15,41%19`43 and &3AnthPlan& 16,365%19`375] (ca. 515 ac?), Base K [&3AnthPal& 15,48%19`49 and &3AnthPlan& 16,376%19`378] (ca. 550), Base L [&3AnthPal& 15,45] (ca. 500). __ &1Incili Ko+s%25ku+&: Paspates, &3Byzantinai Meletai (1877) 106, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 65,13. __ &1Kadirga Limani?&: &3CIG& 8680 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 55,9] (834 ac?), 9445. __ &1Kilise &1Camii&: &3BZ& 36 (1936) 397,2 (550%19`600 ac). __ &1Kocamustafapas%25a&: &3DOP& 32 (1978) 4,3 [&3SEG& 28.564] (5th%19`6th ac). __ &1Ku+c%25u+kekmese&: &3DOP& 32 (1978) 7,8 [&3SEG& 28.570] (ca. 6th ac), 13,17 [&3SEG 28.572] (ca. 6th ac). __ &1Kyros Quarter&: Cougny, &3Anthologia, &3III: Appendix& (1871) 1,355%19`356 [Janin, &3Ge/ographie &3eccle/siastique de l'empire byzantin, I,3& (1953), p. 201], here %6 &3Anthology& App. 1,355%3`6 (408%19`450 ac). __ &1Land Walls&: Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von Konstantinopel (1943) 1 (976%19`1025 ac), 1a (976%19`1025 ac?), 2, 3 (ca. 1435%19`1448 ac), 4a (1032%19`1033 ac), 4b, 5, 6%19`7 (717%19`741 ac), 8 (ca. 388%19`391 ac?), 9, here also %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 9216%19`9216a [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 7405] (Porta Aurea; ca. 425 ac?), 10, 11 (1443%3`4 ac), 12%19`13 (717%19`741 ac), 14 here also %6 &3AnthPal& 9,690 (ca. 447 ac), 15, 16 (717%19`741 ac), 17 (1440 ac), 18 (717%19`741 ac), 19 (1439 ac), 20 (1438 ac), 21%19`23 23b (1446 ac), 23c (717%19`741 ac), 24 (717%19`741 ac), 25 (1439 ac), 26 (6th ac), 27 (1437 ac), 28, 29a (717%19`741 ac), 29b (732%19`741 ac), 30 (685%19`695 ac?), 31 (717%19`741 ac?), 32 (717%19`741 ac), 33a, 33b, here also %6 &3AnthPal& 9,691 and Dessau, &3ILS& 823b [&3CIL& 3.734] (ca. 447 ac), 34 [&3ZbRad& 12 (1970) 1] (ca. 573%19`578 ac), 35, here also %6 Dessau, &3ILS& 823a [&3CIL 3.734] (ca. 447 ac), 36%19`36a (682%19`683 ac?), 37 (717%19`741 ac?), 37a, 38 (717%19`741 ac), 38a, 39a, 40 [Foss, in &3Studies ... Dow (1984), p. 84] (944%19`959 ac), 40a, 41, 41a, 42a%19`42b, 43, 44 (ca. 460%19`465 ac?), 45 (1432%3`3 ac), 46 (ca. 1452 ac), 47, 48a [Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 220] (1197 ac), 48b (1333%3`4 ac), 49%19`51 52a%19`52b, 53 (1425%19`1448 ac?), 54%19`55, 55b, 56%19`57, 58 (1318 ac), 58a, 59 (1441 ac), 60 (1186%3`7 ac?), 61 (821%19`842 ac), 62 (829%19`842 ac), 63, 64a (821%19`829 ac), 64b (821%3`2 ac), 65 (1028%19`1034 ac?), 66 (1448 ac), 67, 68 (1438 ac), 69 (1432%3`3 ac), 70%19`77, 77a, 78%19`80, 81 (826%3`7 ac), 82 (1424%3`5 ac?), 83 (1362%3`3 ac), 84 (1285%3`6 ac); &3CIG& 8779 [cf. Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von Konstantinopel (1943) 3] (ca. 1445 ac); &3AJA& 55 (1951) 53, &3ed. pr.& __ &1Mangana &1Quarter&: Demangel and Mamboury, &3Quartier des Manganes& (1939) ĺ዁129,39, here %6 Halkin IV,311 (12th%19`13th ac?), 154,2 here %6 &3AJA 55 (1951) 64,20 (12th%19`13th ac?), 154,4 here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 65,18 (14th%19`15th ac?); &3Byzantion& 32 (1962) 52,4 (867%19`886 ac); &3EEBS& 7 (1931) 329 [Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture byzantine &3figure/e au Muse/e arche/ologique d'Istanbul& (1990) 180,366] (10th ac?). __ &1Marmara&: &3CahArch& 10 (1959) 107, here %6 &3BE/ 1960,220. __ &1Mausoleum&: Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 255 (ca. 970 ac). __ &1Melete&: &3AnthPal& 1,97%3`8 (525%19`527 ac). __ &1Monastery of Lips (Fenari Isa Camii)&: &3DOP& 18 (1964) 267 (907 ac), 269,66 [Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture byzantine &3figure/e au Muse/e arche/ologique d'Istanbul& (1990) 194,418] (1303 ac?), 273,79 [&3SByzIst& 186,389] (10th ac), 275,74A [&3SByzIst& 187,392] (10th ac), 275,80A [&3SByzIst& 188,395] (10th ac), 275,80B [&3SByzIst& 189,403] (10th ac), 275,81a [&3SByzIst 189,402] (10th ac), 275,81b [&3SByzIst& 190,404] (10th ac), 275,83 [&3SByzIst& 187,394] (10th ac), 300 (907 ac), 303 (ca. 1300 ac?); &3DOP& 22 (1968) 183,1%19`183,6 (5th%19`6th ac), 183,7 (6th ac) and 183,9%19`184,26 (5th%19`6th ac), __ &1Mone H. Theodorou&: Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 362,405 here %6 &3Anthology& "Fr 405" (12th ac). __ &1Myrelaion (Bodrum Camii)&: &3Byzantion& 8 (1933) 175,1 (9th%19`10th ac?), 175,2 (beg. 14th ac?), 176,3 (9th%19`10th ac?) [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 60,VIII]. __ &1Odalar &1Camii&: &3E/O& 35 (1936) 224,3 224,3(1) and 224,3(2), here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 61,XIIIa%19XIIIc (6th ac). __ &1Ortako+y:& Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture byzantine figure/e au Muse/e arche/ologique &3d'Istanbul& (1990) 65,113, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,2793 (Suburbs, Bosphorus: Ortako+y: 5th%19`6th ac). __ &1Palace?&: &3CIG 8768 (1334 ac). __ &1Pera&: &3AthMitt& 33 (1908) 147,4%19`148,7, 148,8 [&3IK Klaudpl& T 27], 148,9%19`149,11. __ &1Peribleptos&: &3CIG& 8754 [&3AJA 55 (1951) 60,X.1] (1261%19`1282 ac), 8793 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 60,X.2] (1028%19`1034 ac), 8850 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 60,X.3] (11th%19`13th ac?); Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 329 (1282%19`1341 ac). __ &1Phanar&: &3E/O& 35 (1936) 223,2, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,19b (6th ac). __ &1Philadelpheion&: &3AnthPal& 9,799%3`801 (324%19`337 ac?). __ &1Plakidias&: &3AnthPlan& 16,41 (ca. 555%19`568 ac). __ &1Porphyry &1Column&: &3CIG& 8790 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 62,II] (1143%19`1180 ac); Janin, &3Constantinople byzantine&4`1& (1950), p. 83 here %6 &3Anthology& "App 1,365" __ &1Praetorium&: &3AnthPal& 9,658 and 9,812%3`3 (ca. 567 ac). __ &1S%25ahzade Imaret&: Ebersolt, &3Mission& (1921) 45,1 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,13] (351 ac). __ &1Sehzade%3Laleli&: &3Archaeolo&gy 3 (1950) 140, here %6 Halkin IV,310 (902%3`3 ac). __ &1Sea Walls&: &3CIG 8672 [van Millingen, &3Byzantine Constantinople& (1899) 183] (829%19`842 ac), 8673 [van Millingen, &3Byzantine Constantinople (1899) 183] (829%19`842 ac), 8674 [van Millingen, &3Byzantine &3Constantinople& (1899) 183] (829%19`842 ac), 8675 [&3BCH& 60 (1936) 208] (829%19`842 ac), 8676 (829%19`842 ac), 8677 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 57,36] (829%19`842 ac), 8678 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,33] (829%19`842 ac), 8679 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,35] (829%19`842 ac), 8687 [van Millingen, &3Byzantine Constantinople& (1899) 186] (1023%3`24 ac), 8692 [&3AJA 55 (1951) 56,27] (842%19`862 ac), 8699a, 8699b (829%19`842 ac), 8699c [van Millingen, &3Byzantine Constantinople& (1899) 187] (1005%3`6 ac), 8699d, 8700 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 55,1] (1013 ac), 8734 [van Millingen, &3Byzantine Constantinople& (1899) 187] (1163%3`4 ac), 8781 (1118%19`1143 ac?), 8797 [van Millingen, &3Byzantine &3Constantinople& (1899) 185] (842%19`862 ac); van Millingen, &3Byzantine Constantinople& (1899) 186 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 55,8] (886%19`911 ac), 187n.4b [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,15], 192 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 55,14] (ca. 1425%19`1448 ac), 193 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 55,6] (1447%3`8 ac), 256 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,23] (5th%19`6th ac), 263 [&3AJA 55 (1951) 55,10]; &3AJA& 55 (1951) 55,13, &3ed. pr.&; Demangel and Mamboury, &3Quartier des Manganes& (1939) 11,4, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,28 (829%19`842 ac?), 54,5, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,26 (829%19`842 ac?), 54,6, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,25 (829%19`842 ac?), 78,13, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,18 (829%19`842 ac?); &3BCH& 60 (1936) 211, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,20 (905%3`6 ac), &3ArchAnz 1916.22,23b [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,33(c)] (829%19`842 ac?), 23,23c [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 56,33(b)] (829%19`842 ac?). __ &1S%25ehremini&: &3DOP& 32 (1978) 3,1 [&3SEG& 28.569] (ca. 6th ac), 4,2 [&3SEG& 28.566] (ca. 6th ac), 5,5 [&3SEG& 28.571] (ca. 6th ac). __ &1Senate?&: &3AnthPlan 16,70%19`16,71 (580 ac?). __ &1Seraglio Point&: &3ArchAnz 1916.23,24%19`24,26, 24,27 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,11(a)], 25,28 [&3AJA 55 (1951) 64,11(b)] (Late Byz.). __ &1Silivirikapi&: &3DOP& 32 (1978) 20,24 [&3SEG& 28.563] (6th ac). __ &1Sokollu Mehmet Pas%25a&: Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture byzantine figure/e au Muse/e &3arche/ologique d'Istanbul& (1990) 79,131, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 66,4730 (11th ac). __ &1Tas%25kasap&: Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture &3byzantine figure/e au Muse/e arche/ologique d'Istanbul& (1990) 55,96, here %6 &3BE/& 1961,394 (end 4th%19`5th ac). __ &1Topkapi Sarayi&: &3DOP& 32 (1978) 9,12 (13th ac?), 21,26 [&3SEG& 28.575] (9th%19`10th ac). __ &1Valens%19Aqueduct&: &3DOP& 25 (1971) 247 [&3IK Kalchedon& p. 100] (366 ac). __ &1Walls and Gates (various)&: &3DOP& 25 (1971) 242 (Middle%3Late Byz.), including: Seraglio, Odun Kapisi [&3AJA 55.1951.57,3] Jubeale Capissi [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 57,4] Egri Capissi [Meyer%19Plath and Schneider, &3Die Landmauer von &3Konstantinopel& (1943) 82%19`83] and Daut Capissi [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 55,4]. __ &1Yassviran&: &3Byzantion& 29%19`30 (1960) 384 (Yassviran; 565%19`578 ac?). __ &1Yedikule&: &3DOP& 32 (1978) 14,18 (14th ac); Curtis, &3Broken Bits of Byzantium& (1890) I, no. 53, here %6 &3AJA 55 (1951) 65,21 (near Yedi Kule). __ &1Yes%25ildirek&: &3DOP& 32 (1978) 4,4 [&3SEG& 28.573] (9th ac). __ &1Zereyek Camii&: &3DOP& 17 (1963) 348a, 348b (11th ac?). __ &1Zeuxippos Baths&: &3AnthPal& 9,803 (565%3`6 ac). __ &1Zoodochos Pege&: &3AnthPal& 1,109%3`14 (870%19`879 ac). __ &1place?&: &3CIG& 8788 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,2] (641%19`668 ac?), 8940 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 57,I.1]; &3AnthPal& 1,9 (5th ac?), 7,613 (4th%19`6th ac); 9,804 (565%3`6 ac), 9,810 (565%19`568 ac), 9,811 (527%19`565 ac), 9,815 (5th%19`6th ac); &3AnthPlan& 16,39%3`314 (ca. 540%19`550 ac), 16,64 (ca. 570 ac), 16,72 (566 ac), 16,73 (ca. 404 ac); Ebersolt, &3Mission arche/ologique de Constantinople& (1921) 20,6%19`20,7 [&3DChAE&(`1) 10 (1911) 42,418b and 42,419b] 49,2%19`51,6, 52,8, 53,10%19`54,12 [&3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,13] (Museum of Antiquities); Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 216,II [&3Frolow& 95] [Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 218,95] (ca. 843%19`847 ac); Firatli, et al., &3La Sculpture byzantine figure/e au Muse/e &3arche/ologique d'Istanbul& (1990) 66,114, here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 64,10 (5th%19`6th ac); Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 281,241, here %6 &3Anthology& "Fr 241" (1077%19`1118 ac), 317,312, here %6 &3Anthology& "Fr 312" (ca. 1120 ac); &3Byzantion& 3 (1926) 308,2 (13th ac); &3BZ& 36 (1936) 537,5a%19`537,5b [&3E/O& 35 (1936) 229,5(1)%19`229,5(2)] (5th%19`6th ac); &3IK Kalchedon& 109,2%19`109,3. [cf. &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 425]; &3ArchAnz& 1966.410 (ca. 1025%19`1050 ac?). @ FORMERLY CONSTANTINOPLE OR ENVIRONS. &1Aachen%3Mu+nster&: &3JO+B& 34 (1984) 251 (11th ac?). __ &1Arezzo&: &3CIG& 8811 [&3Byz& 35 (1965) 75] (ca. 940 ac?). __ &1Auxerre&: &3JO+B& 34 (1984) 246 (ex%19Auxerre; 8th%19`9th ac). __ &1Citeaux&: &3CIG& 8786 [Mercati, &3Collectanea &3Byzantina& II (1970) 271 (957 ac). __ &1Cologne&: &3JO+B& 34 (1984) 243b (976%19`1025 ac?). __ &1Cortona&: &3CIG& 8694 [Frolow, &3Relique de &3la Vraie Croix& (1961) 239,146] (CPLE?; 963%19`969 ac?). __ &1Cre/py&: &3JO+B& 34 (1984) 245 (ex%19Cre/py; 867%19`879 ac?). __ &1Eine&: &3Byzantion 39 (1969) 461 [Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) ĺ∊283,249] (beg. 12th ac). __ &1Firenze%3Dresden&: &3CIG& 8784 (CPLE?; 13th%19`14th ac?). __ &1France&: &3CIG& 8719 (beg. 12th ac), 8796 (1071%19`1078 ac?), 9070. __ &1Genova&: Grabar, &3Reve=tements& (1975) 63,35 (ca. 1350 ac?). __ &1Grandmont&: &3CIG& 8735 [Frolow, &3Relique &3de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 320,319] (mid%19`12th ac). __ &1Herakleion&: &3CIG& 8811a [&3OrChrP& 13 (1947) 236,4] (once Herakleion; ca. 945%19`948 ac?). __ &1Italy&: &3CIG& 8642 (13th%19`14th ac). __ &1Krefeld&: &3JO+B& 34 (1984) 243a (ex%19Krefeld; 976%19`1025 ac?). __ &1Limbourg&: &3CIG& 8695 [Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix (1961) 233,135] (963%19`976 ac). __ &1London&: &3CIG& 8715 [&3MonPiot& 6 (1906) 199] (1078%19`1081 ac). __ &1Lorch&: &3CIG& 8807 [Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 229,126] (CPLE?; 8th%19`9th ac?). __ &1Nevers&: Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 448,574 here %6 &3Anthology& "Fr 574" (CPLE?; 1275%19`1345 ac?). __ &1Paris&: &3CIG& 8710 [Diehl, &3Manuel de l'art byzantin&4`2& (1925%19`1926) 661] (1067%19`1071 ac), 8728 [Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix (1961) 483,661] (13th%19`14th ac?). __ &1Rome&: &3CIG& 8785 (CPLE? [Rome, Biblioteca Casanatense]), 8792 [Mercati, &3Collectanea &3Byzantina& II (1970) 425] (Vatican; 959%19`963 ac?). __ &1Rossano&: &3CIG& 8787 (Byz.). __ &1Siegburg&: &3JO+B& 34 (1984) 238 (ex%19Siegburg; 921%19`931 ac). __ &1Somme&: &3CIG& 8809 [Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie &3Croix& (1961) 397,473] (1207 ac?). __ &1Torcello&: &3CIG& 8939 [&3BE/ 1977.27] (6th ac?). __ &1Troyes&: &3CIG& 8810 (Byz.). __ &1Urbino&: Mercati, &3Collectanea Byzantina& II (1970) 248 (CPLE?; 1391%19`1425 ac). __ &1Venice&: &3CIG& 8706 [Grabar, &3Sculpt. byz. du Moyen Age, &3II& (1976) 123] (13th ac), 8714 [Hahnloser, &3Tesoro di San Marco (1971) II,192] (13th ac), 8721 [Hahnloser, &3Tesoro di San Marco (1971) II,25] (1118%19`1133 ac), 8765 [Frolow, &3Relique de la &3Vraie Croix& (1961) 563,872] (1446%19`1459 ac?), 8815a [Hahnloser, &3Tesoro di San Marco& (1971) II,172] (now Venice; 10th%19`11th ac), 8815b [Hahnloser, &3Tesoro di San Marco& (1971) II, 26] (12th ac?); &3CIG& 8812 [Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 425,528] (once Venice; before 1241 ac), 8813 (once Venice; Byz.); &3BZ& 29 (1929) 194 [&3BZ& 56 (1963) 272] (ca. 1210 ac?); &3SEG 26,789 (CPLE?; ca. 550%19`600 ac). __ &1location?&: &3CIG& 9101 (1185%19`1195 ac?). __ Some reliquaries of unknown provenience: &1Baga\&: Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 363,407 here %6 &3Anthology& "Fr 407" (Spain: Baga\;12th ac). __ &1Caucasus&: Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 485,662 (13th ac?), here %6 &3Anthology& "Fr 662" (13th ac?). __ &1Mo/dena&: Frolow, &3Relique de &3la Vraie Croix& (1961) 299,276 here %6 &3Anthology& "Fr 276" (11th%19`12th ac). __ &1Moscow&: Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix (1961) 512,729 here %6 &3Anthology& "Fr 729" (before 1354 ac?). __ &1Rome&: Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 371,427 here %6 &3Anthology& "Fr 427" (Rome: Vatican, 12th ac?). __ &1Troyes&: Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 391,465 here %6 &3Anthology& "Fr 465" (after 1205 ac). @ ISTANBUL. &1Archeological Museum& (without recorded proveniences): Robert, in &3Chariste%26rion ... Orlandon& I (1965) 336,3; &3DOP& 32 (1978) 6,6 [&3SEG& 28.1573] (5th%19`6th ac), 7,7 [&3SEG 28.1574] (ca. 5th%19`6th ac), 8,11 (10th ac), 10,13 [&3SEG& 28.1583] (6th%19`7th ac), 11,14 [&3SEG& 28.1579] (ca. 6th ac), 12,15 [&3SEG 28.1582] (ca. 6th ac), 15,19 [&3SEG& 28.1575] (5th%19`6th ac), 19,23 [&3SEG& 28.1587] (7th%19`9th ac), 20,25 [&3SEG& 28.1581] (6th ac), 21,27 [&3SEG& 28.1576] (5th%19`6th ac), 21,28 [&3SEG& 28.1577] (5th%19`6th ac), 23,30 [&3SEG& 28.1578] (5th%19`6th ac), 23,31 [&3SEG& 28.1580] (ca. 6th ac), 24,32 [&3SEG& 28.1593] (6th ac), 24,33 [&3SEG 28.1584] (ca. 6th ac); &3SEG& 31,1592. __ &1once Russian &1Archeological Institute& (without recorded proveniences): &3IRAIK 9 (1904) 244,8%19`246,12 and 247,14 here %6 &3AJA& 55 (1951) 63,9a%19`63,9f. ź@ @@@@@@@@@@@@PREFECTURE OF ORIENS: ASIA MINOR @ Hellespontus, Asia, Lydia, Caria, Lycia, Pamphylia, Phrygia, Pisidia, Galatia, Lycaonia, Bithynia, Honorias, Paphlagonia, Hellenopontus, Pontus Polemoniacus, Armenia, Cappadocia, Isauria, Cilicia. Also included here are: Armenia Major, Iberia and Cyprus. @ HELLESPONTUS. &1Abydos&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 4%19`5; &3TravMe/m& 9 (1985) 452 and &3SEG& 34,1243 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 4] (ca. 492 ac). __ &1Alexandria Troas&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 2%19`3; Dessau, &3ILS& 653 [&3CIL 3.383] (305%19`308 ac). __ &1Bayramic%25&: Cook, &3The Troad& (1973) 401,17 %6 &3BE/& 1976,571 (S%148evc%148enko). __ &1Edincik&: &3LBW& V,1758. __ &1Hadrianoutherai&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 40(2). __ &1Hamamli&: &3JHS& 24 (1903) 40,67 [&3IK Kyzikos& 1.202]. __ &1Hisar Alan&: Robert, &3E/tudes &3anatoliennes& (1937) 213n.3 %6 Halkin V,76. (Hisar Alan or Asar Alan, E. of Ilica Ko+y and N. of Hadrianoutherai). __ &1Ilion&: &3IK &3Ilion& 96%19`100, 156. __ &1Kurs%25unlu&: &3DChAE& ser. 1, 2 (1894) 84,3. __ &1Kyzikos&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 7%19`16, 16(2), 17%19`33, 33(2)%19`33(3); Dessau, &3ILS& 2783 [&3CIL& 3.371] (4th ac); &3AnthPal& 1,103 (4th%19`6th ac); Tas%25likliogl%148u, &3Trakya'da epigrafya aras%25tirmalari& II (1971) 178 %6 &3BE/& 1972,366; &3SEG& 33,1051 (314 ac), 1071. __ Jud.: &3CIJ 1448. __ &1Lampsakos&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 6. __ &1Lopadion&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 34%19`38. __ &1Miletopolis&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 39%19`40. __ &1Skamandros&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 1. @ ASIA. &1Aegai&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 124. __ &1Assos&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 41%19`47, 47(2); &3IK Assos& 30%19`33; 35%19`35a, 69, 72,b; Dessau, &3ILS 785 [&3IK Assos& 31] (383%19`392 ac). __ &1Belevi&: &3IK Ephesos& 3203. __ &1Bozbu+k&: &3SEG& 18,466. __ &1Cayli&: &3IK Ephesos& 3705. __ &1Dios Hieron&: &3IK Ephesos& 3755. __ &1Elaia&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 61(2)%19`61(3). __ &1Elles&: Dessau, &3ILS& 663 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 7174] (311%19`312 ac). __ &1Ephesos&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 98, 98(2)%19`98(5), 99%19`100, 100(2)%19`100(8), 101, 101(2)%19`101(4), 102%19`105, 105(2), 106%19`107, 107(2), 108%19`113, 113(2)%19`113(3), 114, 114(2)%19`114(6), 115, 115(2)%19`115(4); &3IK Ephesos& 38%19`46, 305,1%19`305,3, 306%19`309, 309A,1%3`2%19`309A,3, 310%19`311, 311A, 312%19`313, 313A, 314%19`317, 447, 452%19`453, 457%19`458, 494%19`495, 543, 552, 557, 561, 561B,1%3`3, 561B,4%3`12, 561C, 570,3, 571, 572,1, 581, 585, 587, 621, 666D, 1190, 1191,a%19`1191,b, 1192,1%19`1192,4, 1193%19`1197, 1198,1%19`1198,3, 1251, 1278%19`1284, 1285,1%19`1285,19, 1289%19`1330, 1331,1, 1332%19`1346, 1346A, 1347%19`1353, 1354,1%19`1354,4, 1355%19`1356, 1356A, 1357%19`1364, 1365,1%19`1365,2, 1366,1%19`1366,3, 1367,1%19`1367,3, 1368%19`1376, 1534, 1674%19`1677, 1879, 1940; 1957,2, 1973A,1b, 1973A,2b, 2043%19`2046, 2090, 2223,2%19`2223,4, 2223A,4%19`2223A,6, 2227,5, 2229, 2235, 2240, 2249A, 2253B, 2263, 2271, 2277, 2284, 2306K,1b, 2312B, 2314, 2409, 2580, 2951C, 2954, 3021, 3090, 3604, 3605a, 3605b,1%19`3605b,2, 4106, 4115, 4128%19`4132, 4132a, 4133%19`4150, 4201%19`4202, 4204%19`4209, 4211, 4213%19`4214, 4216,b, 4219%19`4220, 4223%19`4224, 4226%19`4228, 4233, 4236%19`4242, 4244, 4247, 4249%19`4250, 4266%19`4267, 4270%19`4271, 4281%19`4284, 4301, 4302%3`3, 4304,a%19`4304,d, 4305,b%19`4305,c, 4306,B, 4307%19`4308, 4309,B, 4310,a%19`4310,d, 4311,a%19`4311,d, 4312,a%19`4312,c, 4313,a%19`4313,b, 4314, 4315,a%19`4315,b, 4316%19`4317, 4318,a%19`4318,k, 4319,a%19`4319,d, 4320,a%19`4320,b, 4321, 4363, 5115; &3AnthPal& 1,50 and 1,95 (527%19`565 ac?); &3AnthPal& 9,694 (Asia?, Ephesos?; 4th ac?); &3JO+AI 55 (1984) 134 (354%19`359 ac); &3SEG& 33,940 (5th ac?), 961%19`962; &3SEG& 34,1134%19`1135, 1167; &3SEG& 35,1119%19`1120 (Byz.), 1121 (later 6th ac?). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 745 [&3IK Ephesos& 677], 746 [&3IK Ephesos 1676] (end 2nd ac), 747 [&3IK Ephesos& 4135] (ca. 531 ac), &3IK &3Ephesos& 1251, here %6 &3CIJ& 747a &3IK Ephesos& 4130, here %6 &3CIJ ź747b. __ &1Ephesos%3Magnesia&: &3IK Ephesos& 3158. __ &1Ephesos%3Priene&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 116%19`117; &3IK Ephesos& 3134, 3136; Guarducci, &3EG IV,404,10 %6 &3IPriene& 216 [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 116; &3IK Ephesos 3136] (Ephesos%3Priene; 5th%19`6th ac). __ &1Erythrai&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 93(3); &3IK Erythrai& 141%19`144. __ &1Hypaipa&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 124(2); &3IK Ephesos& 3804%19`3807, 3819%19`3820, 3822%19`3823, 3842%19`3845, 3861; &3SEG& 28,904 (4th%19`6th ac); &3SEG& 30,1382%19`1387 (301 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 755 [&3IK Ephesos& 3822] (ca. 200 ac?). __ &1Kaystros Valley&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 333(5); &3IK Epheso&s 3186, 3288A, 3304%19`3305, 3319. __ &1Klazomenai&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 91%19`93, 93(2); &3IK Klazomenai& 517, 520,A%19`520,B, 521, 526, 532%19`536. __ Jud.: &3IK Klazomenai& 526, here %6 &3CIJ& 738a (late imp.). __ &1Koloe&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 124(3); &3IK Ephesos& 3708. __ &1Koryphantis&: &3LBW& V,1725 (293%19`305 ac). __ &1Larissa?&: &3IK Kyme 105. __ &1Magnesia Maeandr.&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 115(5)%19`115(6); &3IMagnesia& 122, 201%19`202, 239, 359. __ &1Magnesia Sipyl.&: &3IGChAs 124(4) (Gu+ridje); Lampakes, $*OI( E(PTA\ A)STE/RES TH=S *)APOKALU/YEWS (1909), p. 336 %6 Halkin V,81 (966%3`7 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 753 [&3IK &3Magn. Sipyl.& 27]. __ &1Mastaura&: &3LBW& V,1666c. __ &1Metropolis&: &3IK &3Ephesos& 3432, 3603, 3606. __ &1Myrina&: &3AnthPlan& 16,316 (ca. 579%19`582 ac). __ &1Nea Kolophon&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 94%19`97. __ &1Nysa&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 123(6). __ Jud.: Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 31, here %6 &3CIJ& 756b (3rd%19`4th ac). __ &1Pergamon&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 48%19`61; Dessau, &3ILS& 751 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 7088] (361%19`363 ac); &3AthMitt& 33 (1908) 420,70; &3AthMitt& 35 (1910) 482,72 %6 Halkin V,77; &3SEG& 29,1269 (Byz.); &3SEG& 34,1254, 1255b (Byz.). __ Jud.: Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 12 here %6 &3CIJ& 737a. __ &1Phokaia&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 62%19`63; &3BCH& 51 (1927) 392,14, 392,15 [Robert, &3Hellenica& 10 (1955) 261n.2]; Hasluk, "Gatellusi," &3BSA 15 (1908%19`1909) 258. __ &1Phokaia%3Kyme?&: &3IK Kyme& 45. __ Jud.: &3CIJ 738 [Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 13] (3rd ac?). __ &1Phygela&: &3IK &3Ephesos& 3118. __ &1Priene&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 118%19`123, 123(2). __ &1Smyrna&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 65%19`80, 81%3`82, 82(2)%19`82(9), 83%19`90, 90(2)%19`90(3), &3IK Smyrna& 295%19`298, 471, 559%19`572, 636, 685, 697, 812,a%19`812,b, 813, 813A, 814, 814A, 815%19`816, 818%19`821, 827%19`829, 830A%19`830B, 831, 844%19`851, 851A, 852%19`855, 886%19`887, 905; &3AnthPal 9,615 (4th%19`6th ac), 662 (ca. 555%19`568 ac?), 670 (5th%19`6th ac?), 671 (ca. 375 ac); &3AnthPlan& 16,42%19`16,42 (ca. 551 ac?), &3CIG 9279; &3BCH& 17 (1893) 638; &3SEG& 34,1196. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 739 [&3IK &3Smyrna& 2,1.844a] (4th%19`5th ac?), 740 [&3IK Smyrna& 2,1.844b] (4th%19`5th ac?), 741 [&3IK Smyrna& 1.295] (2nd%19`4th ac?), 742 [&3IK &3Smyrna& 2,1.697] (ca. 124 ac), 743; &3IK Smyrna& 1.296%19`298, here %6 &3CIJ& 741a%19`741c. __ &1Smyrna Musueum&: &3IK Smyrna& 2,2 (1990) Beil. 365,35 [&3ABME& 3,2 (1937) 136,10]; &3ABME& 3,2 (1937) 134,7 (5th%19`6th ac?). __ &1Smyrna Mkt.&: &3Syria& 37 (1960) 123 [cf. &3BE/ 1961.71]. __ &1Teos&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 64; &3LBW& V,100 [&3IGRR 4.1562] (293%19`305 ac) and 113 [&3BCH& 4 (1880) 182,45]; &3BPhW& 12 (1892) 707,6 (308%19`311 ac), 707,8 (4th%19`6th ac?); &3SEG& 2,585 (305%19`306 ac), 591 (285%19`305 ac?). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 744 (3rd ac). __ &1Tralles&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 123(3)%19`123(5); &3IK Tralles& 2, 44, 56,I%19`56,II, 152; 171,B; 238, 240%19`244, 249%19`250; Dessau, &3ILS& 733 [&3CIL& 3.445%7] (354%19`359 ac). __ Jud.: Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 30, here %6 &3CIJ& 756a; &3IK Tralles& 1.241, here %6 &3CIJ& 756a(2). @ LYDIA. &1Lyendos (Aktas%25)&: &3TAM& 5,1.20%19`21 (Aktas%25), 31 (Lyendos: Hopus%25). __ &1Apollonis&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 333(2). __ &1Bagis &1(Gu+re)&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 340(2) [&3TAM& 5,1.40]; Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 340(3)%19`340(4) [&3TAM& 5,1.44%19`45] (Bagis: Karakuyu), &3TAM& 5,1.46 (Bagis: Karakuyu). __ &1Daldis (nr. Nardi)&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 341 [&3TAM& 5,1.643] (Daldis: Hacihidar); &3TAM& 5,1.618, 639b%19`639c (Daldis: Hasankirani), 619 (Daldis: Tas%25kuyucuk), 642 (Daldis: Nardi), 644 (Daldis: Kemer). __ &1Go+cek, Area of&: &3TAM& 5,1.782 (Yayakirildik), 824 (Ko+mu+rcu+). __ &1Gu+llu+ko+y&: &3SEG& 19,719 (4th ac). __ &1Hermocapeleia&: &3SEG& 19,704 (333%19`337 ac); &3SEG& 29,1165 (308%19`310 ac), 1166 (333%19`337 ac), 1167 (364%19`375). __ &1Hierocaesarea&: Gibson, &3Christians for Christians& (1978) 37. __ __ &1Ioulia Gordos (Go+rdes)&: &3TAM& 5,1.757. __ __ &1Kastoloupedion &1(Burc%25ak Ovasi)&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 341(2) [&3TAM& 5,1.229]; &3TAM 5,1.227. __ &1Kollyda (Go+lde)&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 336(3) [&3TAM 5,1.373], &3TAM& 5,1.418 (Kollyda [Go+lde]); &3TAM& 5,1.485 (Go+lde, Area N. of: Hamidiye). __ &1Kula&: &3TAM& 5,1.312%19`316. __ &1Maionia &1(Menye)&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 335 [&3TAM& 5,1.582], 335(2)%19`335(3) [&3TAM& 5,1.563%19`564], 336%19`336(2) [&3TAM& 5,1.561%19`562]; &3TAM 5,1.565%19`566. __ &1Nisyra (Sarac%25lar)&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 337 [&3TAM 5,1.438] (Go+lde, Area N. of: Nisyra [Sarac%25lar]). __ &1Parsada&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 334. __ &1Philadelphia&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 341(3), 342%19`343, 343(2), 344%19`345, 345(2), 346, 346(2), 347; &3JHS& 37 (1916) 92,4, 92,5 (Byz.), 100,11 (10th%19`11th ac); &3JHS& 37 (1916) 95,8 (NW. of Philadelphia; 515 ac); &3IGRR& 4,1647 [$*M*E*S 5 (1884%19`1885) 67,466] (289 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 754 (3rd ac). __ &1Saittai (Sidasharabeleri)&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 330 [&3TAM& 5,1.192] (Saittai: Borlu). __ &1Sardeis&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 322%19`325; Buckler and Robinson, &3Sardis& VII,1 (1932) 17%19`20, 83%19`84, 164, 166, 167,a, 168%19`176, 184, 187%19`192, 216%19`218; &3SEG& 26,1314 (4th%19`6th ac), 1315 (4th%19`5th ac), 1316 (5th%19`6th ac), 1317%19`1320 (4th%19`6th ac); &3SEG& 29,1206(1) (4th%19`6th ac), 1206(2) (4th%19`6th ac); &3SEG& 36,1097 (4th%19`5th ac), 1098 (4th%19`6th ac), 1099 (5th%19`6th ac), 1104 [&3BE/& 1968.478]. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 750 [&3Sardis 7,1.187] (3rd%19`4th ac), 751 [&3Sardis& 7,1.17] (ca. 200 ac); Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 17%19`19 (ca. 360%19`370%3`380 ac?), 20%19`26 (ca. 350%19`400 ac?), and 27%19`27a (5th%19`6th ac?), here %6 &3CIJ 751a(1)%19`751a(3), &3CIJ& 751a(4)%19`751a(9), 751b(1), and &3CIJ 751b(2)%19`751b(3); Robert, &3Nouvelles inscr. de Sardes& (1964) 50,8 (350%19`400 ac?), 56,18%19`56,19 (350%19`400 ac?), and 57,20%19`57,22, here %6 &3CIJ& 751b(4), &3CIJ& 751b(6)%19`751b(7), and &3CIJ 751b(8)%19`751b(9), 751c(1); Hanfmann, &3BASOR& 187 (1967) 18n. here %6 &3CIJ& 751c(2) (4th%19`6th ac?), 26 here %6 &3CIJ& 751c(3) (ca. 350 ac?), 27 (two inscr.), here %6 &3CIJ& 751c(4)%19`751c(5)(4th%19`6th ac), 27 (third inscr.), here %6 &3CIJ& 751b(5) (5th%19`6th ac?), 29, here %6 &3CIJ& 751c(6) (ca. 350 ac?), 29n., here %6 &3CIJ& 751c(7), 29 and 36, here %6 &3CIJ& 751c(8) (5th%19`6th ac?), 32, here %6 &3CIJ& 751c(9), 32 (three more inscr.), here %6 &3CIJ& 751d(1)%19`751d(3) (4th%19`6th ac), and 45, here %6 &3CIJ& 751d(4) (ca. 350 ac?); 751d(5) [&3BE 1954.102,24]. Dalton, &3Catalogue of Early Christian Antiquities &3... British Museum& (1901), no. 481 [&3BE/& 1954.24, p. 102 bottom], here %6 &3CIJ& 751d(5). __ &1Satala (Adala)&: &3TAM& 5,1.617 (Satala: Topalar). __ &1Selviog%148lu&: &3SEG& 30,1397 (4th ac?). __ &1Silandos (Karasilendi)&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 338%19`340; &3TAM 5,1.47,a%19`47,b, 67,a [Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 340], 68,b, 69. __ &1Sirge&: &3IGRR& 4,1530 [&3CIG& 3449] (293%19`305 ac). __ &1Sosandra &1(Go+lmarmara)&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 333(3)%19`333(4) [&3TAM& 5,1.646, 647,b]; &3TAM& 5,1.645. __ &1Thyateira&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 327%19`332, 332(2), 333 (?); Dessau, &3ILS& 2792 [&3CIL& 3.405]; &3AthMitt& 25 (1900) 236,80 [cf. &3BE/& 1959.388] (4th ac?); &3IGRR& 4,1208 [Keil and von Premerstein, &3DenkschrWien& 54,2 (1911) 20,35] (a: ź293%19`305 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 752 (beg. 2nd ac). __ &1Mt. Tmolos&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 326; &3JO+B& 38 (1988) 203 (ca. 975%19`1000 ac?). __ &1Tralla&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 347(2)%19`347(4). __ &1Tripolis&: &3MAMA 6,59. @ CARIA. &1Alabanda&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 244(?). __ &1Aphrodisias&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 247%19`248, 248(2), 249%19`254, 254(2), 255%19`257, 257(2)%19`257(3), 258%19`264, 264(2), 265%19`267, 269%19`281, 281(2); &3MAMA 8,426%19`428, 457%19`459, 486%19`487, 531; &3AnthPal& 9,704 %7 Robert, &3Hellenica& 4 (1948) 155 (late 5th ac); &3AnthPlan& 16,35 (before 538 ac); Robert, &3Hellenica& 4 (1948) 47 (5th ac), 115 (late 5th ac), 127 (5th%19`6th ac), 128a (5th%19`6th ac), 128b (5th%19`6th ac), 133a, 133b (ca. 385 ac); S%148evc%148enko, in &3Synthronon& (1968) 29%19`41 %6 &3BE/& 1968,508 [&3DOP& 21 (1967) 286] (ca. 400 ac), and 38 n. 36 %6 &3BE/& 1969,543; &3SEG& 15,661 (5th ac); &3SEG& 29,1070 (before 536 ac), 1071 (late 5th%19`6th ac); &3SEG& 31,931 (5th ac); &3SEG& 32,1105 (end 3rd%19beg. 4th), 1106 (4th ac?), 1107 (ca. 337%19`350 ac), 1108; &3SEG& 34,1046%19`1056 (ca. 500%19`550 ac), 1058 (ca. 500%19`550 ac), 1059%19`1065 (ca. 500%19`550 ac); Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt (1971), pp. 16%19`19 (302 ac). __ Jud.: Reynolds and Tannenbaum, &3Jews and God%19fearers at Aphrodisias& (1987) 5, here %6 &3CIJ& 756d (3rd ac), 132,1 here %6 &3CIJ& 756e (Byz.), 133,2 here %6 &3CIJ& 756f (before 7th ac), 134,7 here %6 &3CIJ& 756g (before 7th ac), 134,8%19`136,9 here %6 &3CIJ& 756h%19`756i (4th%19`6th ac), 137,10 here %6 &3CIJ& 756j (5th ac?), 138,11 here %6 &3CIJ& 756k (4th ac), 138,12 here %6 &3CIJ& 756l (1st bc%3`1st ac). __ &1Bargylia&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 228%19`230, 230(2)%19`230(5), 231; &3IK Iasos& 637%19`640; Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt& (1971), p. 20 (302 ac). __ &1Beypinar&: &3SEG& 16,694 (4th ac). __ &1C%25andir&: &3SEG& 14,670. __ &1Didyma&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 224(3)%19`224(4), 226, 226(2)%19`226(8); &3IDidyma 60, 89%19`90, 99, 159%19`160, 306, 519, 521%19`522, 565, 596%19`597, 599,I%19`599,II, 601%19`615; &3IDidyma& 598, 600. (near Didyma); Robert, &3Hellenica& 11%19`12 (1960) 494; &3SEG& 30,1294%19`1296. __ &1Gelibolu&: &3SEG& 18,443 (Kallipolis?). __ &1Gerbekilise&: &3SEG& 14,694 (Byz.). __ &1Halikarnassos&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 234%19`236; Dessau, &3ILS& 635 [&3CIL& 3.449] (293%19`305 ac); &3SEG& 16,665a (491%19`518 ac); &3SEG& 30,1262; &3SEG& 31,932 (293%19`305 ac); Lauffer, &3Diokletians &3Preisedikt& (1971), p. 25 (302 ac). __ &1Herakleia Salbake&: &3MAMA 6,94%19`96; Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt& (1971), pp. 26 (302 ac). __ &1Herakleia Latmou&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 226(9)%19`226(12), 227, 227(2)%19`227(4). __ &1Hydistos&: &3IK Mylasa& 954. __ &1Hyllarima&: Halkin V,84 5,84 (&3ed. pr.&; copy of L. Robert) (Byz.). __ Jud.: Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 32, here %6 &3CIJ& 756c (3rd ac). __ &1Iasos&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 227(5)%19`227(6); &3IK Iasos& 14%19`15, 19, 284, 377, 418%19`423; &3SEG& 36,990 (6th ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 749 [&3IK &3Iasos& 1.193] (mid%19`2nd ac), &3IK Iasos& 2.284 here %6 &3CIJ& 749a, &3IK &3Iasos& 2.377 here %6 &3CIJ& 749b (3rd ac). __ &1Idymos&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 238. __ &1Kasossos&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 282(3); &3IK Mylasa 946%19`947. __ &1Keramos&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 246; &3IK Keramos& 64%19`73. __ &1Knidos&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 237; &3BSA& 47 (1952) 171,45 %6 &3BE/ 1954,228; &3AJA& 77 (1973) 418, here %6 &3BE/& 1974,549 [text quoted from Habicht, in Gschnitzer, et al., &3Demetrias V& (1987) 294]. __ &1Konel Ada&: &3SEG& 16,700,b%19`700,d [&3BSA& 50 (1955) 141,62%19`141,64] (Byz.). __ &1Kuyucak&: &3SEG& 16,687 (5th%19`6th ac). __ &1Lagina&: &3IK &3Stratonikeia& 548. __ &1Miletos&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 219%19`220, 220(2)%19`220(3), 221%19`224, 224(2), 225; &3Milet& 1,9.339, 341%19`343; &3BCH& 1 (1877) 288,65 [&3Syll&(`3) 906A] (361%19`363 ac); &3IstMitt& 15 (1965) 132,26%19`133,28; &3IstMitt& 25 (1975) 204 [&3BE/& 1976.618] (10th%19`12th ac); &3IstMitt& 27%19`28 (1977%19`1978 [`1980]) 122; &3SEG 29,1139 (4th%19`5th ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 748. __ &1Miletos%3Didyma&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 224(5). __ &1Mylasa&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 239, 239(2)%19`239(5), 240, 240(2)%19`240(3), 241, 242, 271%19`281, 611%19`613, 621%19`629; &3SEG& 31,940 (293%19`305 ac); Lauffer, &3Diokletians &3Preisedikt& (1971), pp. 30%19`31 (302 ac). __ &1Myndos&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 232%19`233, 233(2)%19`233(5). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 756 [Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 29]. __ &1Orthosia&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 245. __ &1Panamara&: &3IK Stratonikeia& 310. __ &1Stratonikeia&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 243, 243(2)%19`243(4); &3IK Stratonikei&a 851%19`852, 853(?), 1018%19`1020, 1057, 1059, 1204, 1387%19`1390; Lauffer, &3Diokletians &3Preisedikt& (1971), pp. 36%19`37 (302 ac). __ &1Tabai&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 281(3); &3MAMA& 6,163, 171. __ &1Tekir&: &3SEG& 12,458. __ &1Tymnus&: &3SEG& 14,705. __ &1Yalikavak&: &3SEG& 16,697,a%19`697,b (Byz.). @ LYCIA. &1Alacahisar&: &3AS& 13 (1963) 136. __ &1Aperlai&: &3LBW& V,1293 [&3IGRR& 3.691] (293%19`305 ac). __ &1Araxa&: &3TAM& 2.703. __ &1Arykanda&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 282, 282(2); &3TAM& 2.785, 821%19`823. __ &1Boubon%19Cibyra&: &3SEG& 26,1424. __ &1Girdev Go+lu+&: &3SEG& 17,714. __ &1Hephaisteion&: &3TAM& 2.1182. __ &1Karabel&: &3AS& 13 (1963) 132, 134 [&3BE/& 1965.377], and 135 (near Karabel). __ &1Kibyra&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 294. __ &1Komba&: &3TAM& 2.735. __ &1Limyra& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 758. __ &1Macun Asari&: Bean, &3DenkschrWien& 104 (1971) 34,60%19`35,62. __ &1Megiste&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 295%19`301. __ &1Myra&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs 286%19`292; &3AnthPal& 15,2 (450%19`457 ac); &3Tu+rk Arkeoloji Dergisi& 9 (1959) 17 %6 &3BE/& 1968,513. __ &1Oinoanda&: &3SEG& 27,933 (2nd ac?). __ &1Olympos&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 284%19`285; &3TAM& 2.1169, 1170%3`1. __ &1Phaselis&: &3TAM& 2.1199. __ &1Phoinix&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 283. __ &1Podalia&: Bean, &3DenkschrWien& 104 (1971) 29,52; 32,55%19`32,57. __ &1Pydna%19Kydna&: &3TAM& 2.257%19`258. __ &1Sidyma&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 293, 293(2); &3TAM& 2.186%3`7, 204, 219. __ &1Telmessos&: &3TAM& 2.118. __ &1Tlos&: &3TAM& 2.553. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 757 [&3TAM& 2,2.612] (end 1st ac). __ &1Tyriaion (Cabalis)&: &3SEG& 28,1228 (333%19`337 ac), 1229 (363 ac), 1230 (near Tyriaion [from Balboura]). __ &1Xanthos&: &3SEG 26,1446%19`1447 (before 7th ac). @ PAMPHYLIA. &1Adalia&: Pierce and Tyler, &3L'Art byzantin& II (1934), p. 74 %6 Halkin V,86. __ &1Andeda&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 312. __ &1Attaleia&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 302%19`308, 308(2), 309, 309(2)%19`309(5); &3BCH& 7 (1883) 260,2 (end 3rd%3`4th ac?); &3Tu+rk &3Tarih Kurumu, Beleten& 22 (1958) 43,40a %6 &3BE/& 1959,447 (Byz.); &3SEG& 16,763%19`764 (Byz.); &3SEG& 17,598 [cf. &3BE/& 1959.477] (3rd%19`4th ac?). __ &1Cibyra Minor&: Bean and Mitford, &3DenkschrWien& 102 (1970) 66,39. __ &1Cremna&: &3SEG& 6,610. __ &1Isinda&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 314%19`316 (?). __ &1Kasai&: Bean and Mitford, &3DenkschrWien 102 (1970) 51,31. __ &1Kolybrassos&: Bean and Mitford, &3DenkschrWien& 85 (1965) 20,24%19`20,25; Bean and Mitford, &3DenkschrWien& 102 (1970) 74,48 (?), 76,50 (?). __ &1Komama&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 313, 313(2). __ &1Laertes&: Bean and Mitford, &3DenkschrWien& 102 (1970) 105,91. __ &1Nauloi (Mahmutlar)&: &3SEG 34,1407. __ &1Olbasa&: &3AS& 9 (1959) 102,61 (311%19`313 ac). __ &1Perge&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 309(6). __ &1Pogla&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 310%19`311. __ &1Seleukia&: Bean and Mitford, &3DenkschrWien& 85 (1965) 5 (?). __ &1Side&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 317%19`318; Bosch, in Mansel et al., &3`1947 senesi Side kazilarina o+nrapor& (1951) 70,20, 72,24%19`73,25, 75,29%19`76,30, 77,32%19`77,33; Bean, in Mansel et el., &3Side agorasi &3ve civarindaki binalar& (1956) 80,46%19`82,49, 90,58b, 91,61a%19`92,61b, 93,62%19`93,63, 94,69, 94,69a, 95,70%19`96,71; Bean, &3Side Kitabeleri& (1965) 7,87%19`8,90, 43,144; 58,156; 59,160; 60,165; 61,169; 64,181%19`64,182; Robert, &3Hellenica& 4 (1948) 51 ź[&3CIG& 4350] (388%19`392 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 781 (4th ac?), Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 37, here %6 &3CIJ& 781a (5th ac?). __ &1Side%3Seleukia&: Bean and Mitford, &3DenkschrWien& 102 (1970) 19,2. __ &1Sidibounda& (Jud.): &3SEG& 19,852 [&3BE/& 1965.412]. __ &1Sillyon&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 321. __ &1Termessos&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 319%19`320. __ Jud.: &3TAM& 3,1.448, here %6 &3CIJ& 758a (3rd ac). @ PHRYGIA PACATIANA. &1Abiye&: Gibson, &3Christians for Christians (1978) 1 (near Abiye), 2, 17 (Abiye); &3Bulletin of the American &3Society of Papyrologists& (New York (1975) 151%19`157 %6 &3BE/ 1976,675. __ &1Acmonia&: &3MAMA& 6,277, 285, 287, 316, 321%19`323, 325, 334%19`335, 335a, 336%19`340; Gibson, &3Christians for Christians (1978) 33, 36 (?); &3SEG& 15,807 (248%3`9 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 760 [&3SEG& 15,807] (248%3`9 ac), 762, 766 [&3MAMA& 6.264] (end 1st ac?), 767 (Akmonia?; 2nd%19`3rd ac); 769, 770 (243%3`4 ac), 771c [&3MAMA 6.334]; &3CIJ& 763 [&3MAMA& 6.287], 764 (357%3`8 ac), 765 [&3MAMA& 6.277] (near Akmonia), 768 [&3MAMA& 6.316] (near Akmonia), 771 (near Akmonia); &3MAMA& 6.323, 325 (255%3`6 ac) and 335, here %6 &3CIJ 771a%19b, 771c (near Akmonia); Robert, &3Hellenica& 11%19`12 (1960) 409] (3rd ac), here %6 &3CIJ& 771e (near Akmonia). __ &1Aizanoi&: &3LBW V,991 [&3CIG& 8697] (981 ac?); &3SEG& 26,1353 (301 ac); Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt& (1971), p. 16 (302 ac). &3CIG& 8624 [&3BCH& 7 (1883) 502,2] (N. of Aizanoi; 508 ac). __ &1Ancyra&: &3LBW& V,1008 [&3CIG& 8823] (Ancyra Sanaou); &3SEG& 26,1363%19`1364 (Ancyra Sidera; after 324 ac). __ &1Appia&: &3IGRR& 4,600 [&3LBW& V,788] and 601 [&3JHS& 8 (1887) 515,4] (near Appia; 293%19`305 ac); &3SEG& 6,166 (4th ac); &3SEG& 26,1365,II (early 4th ac), 1366 (end 3rd%19beg. 4th). __ &1Attouda&: &3MAMA& 6,84%19`86. __ &1Bahtilli&: Gibson, &3Christians for &3Christians& (1978) 31. __ &1Bekilli&: &3MAMA& 4,321%19`323, 326. __ &1Carik&: Gibson, &3Christians for Christians& (1978) 35. __ &1Chonai&: &3MAMA& 6,49. __ &1Diokleia&: &3MAMA& 6,358%19`359. __ &1Dionysopolis&: &3MAMA 4,307%19`308. __ &1Emircik&: &3ABME& 3,2 (1937) 147,23 [Halkin VI,330] (mid. Byz.); &3SEG& 15,811 (246 ac). __ &1Eumeneia&: &3MAMA& 4,353%19`360; Gibson, &3Christians for Christians& (1978) 41; Drew%19Bear, &3Nouvelles inscr. de Phrygie& (1978) 75,8; 106,44%19`111,50; Sheppard, "Jews, Christians and Heretics," &3AS& 29 (1979) 173, 174, 175, 177; &3BCH& 8 (1884) 244,8, 247,13, 248,16, 251,19; &3BCH 17 (1893) 241,1; &3BCH& 17 (1893) 246,16 (SW. of Eumeneia); &3JHS& 4 (1883) 401,20 [Ramsay, &3Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia& II (1897) 529,373] (324%19`335 ac); Robert, &3Hellenica& 11%19`12 (1960) 436 (3rd ac); &3SEG& 6,194%19`195, 201, 203 (ca. 250 ac), 204 (ca. 200%19`250 ac), 206, 208 (Byz.), 217%19`218, 219 (249 ac), 221; Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt& (1971), p. 23 (302 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 761 [cf. &3AS& 29 (1979) 174] (3rd ac). __ &1Gediz?&: Gibson, &3Christians for Christians& (1978) 30. __ &1Hierapolis&: &3SEG& 30,1479 [&3JHS& 4 (1993) 424%19`427; Guard., &3EG& IV,377] (ca. 170%19`200 ac [before 216 ac]); Ramsay, &3Cities and Bishoprics of &3Phrygia& II (1897) 541,404 %6 Halkin VI,331; &3Byzantion& 8 (1933) 50,1 (5th%19`6th ac); &3JHS& 6 (1885) 346; &3RAC& 39 (1963) 136,3 %6 &3BE/ 1967,584 (3rd ac?); &3SEG& 36,1198 (352%19`354 ac?). __ Jud.: &3CIJ 775%19`780 (2nd%19`3rd ac), &3Atti dell' Accademia delle Scienze di &3Torino, Classe di Scienze morali, storiche e filologiche& 101 (1966%19`1967) 300,14 and 319,46 [&3BE/& 1971.645], here %6 &3CIJ 779a%19`779b. __ &1Karaag%148ac%25&: Gibson, &3Christians for Christians (1978) 5, 18. __ &1Karapinar&: &3MAMA& 4,320; Gibson, &3Christians for &3Christians& (1978) 43. __ &1Karyuk Bazar&: &3IGRR& 4,884 [&3JHS& 8 (1887) 226,2] (293%19`305 ac). __ &1Kavaklar&: &3MAMA& 4,327. __ &1Kizilcaso+guu+t&: Gibson, &3Christians for Christians& (1978) 32. __ &1Kolossai&: &3MAMA& 6,38. __ &1Laodicea Lyc.&: &3MAMA& 6,15; Robert, in des Gagniers, &3Laodice/e du Lycos& (1969) 338,14%19`339,15; Robert, &3Hellenica& 4 (1948) 88 (4th%19`5th ac). __ &1Motella&: &3MAMA 4,312%19`313. __ &1Sanaos&: Drew%19Bear, &3Nouvelles inscr. de Phrygie (1978) 27,15; &3LBW& V,1007 [&3CIG& 8666] (5th%19`6th ac); &3BCH& 17 (1893) 250,26 (near Sanaos). __ &1Sebaste&: &3LBW& V,734 [&3CIG 3872b], 735 [&3CIG& 3872c] (353 ac); &3BCH& 7 (1883) 456,3 (256 ac); &3Byzantion& 8 (1933) 50,1 (313%3`4 ac); &3Byzantion& 8 (1933) 58,3 (N. of Sebaste); &3CahArch& 19 (1969) 160 %6 &3BE/& 1970,588 (11th ac); &3SEG& 6,180, 186 (388 ac), 188. __ &1Selcikler&: &3SEG& 15,809 (Bayam Alan C%25iftlig%148i, near Selcikler; ca. 500 ac). __ &1Sirikli&: &3SEG& 31,1125. __ &1Temenothyrai&: &3CIG& 8837, 9265; &3LBW& V,728 [&3CIG 8909]; &3SEG& 29,1418 (3rd ac). __ &1U+ch Kuyu&: &3MAMA& 4,324%19`325; Gibson, &3Christians for Christians& (1978) 42 ("U+ckuyu"); &3SEG 31,1122%19`1123 ("U+c%25kuyu"). __ &1Us%25ak&: Ramsay, &3Cities and &3Bishoprics of Phrygia& II (1897) 558,442 %6 Halkin VI,328. __ &1Yakasimak&: &3SEG& 6,223%19`226, 230. __ &1place?&: Gibson, &3Christians &3for Christians& (1978) 34; Sheppard, "Jews, Christians and Heretics," &3AS& 29 (1979) 180 [&3SEG& 29,1426] (Denizli Depot; 3rd ac). @ PHRYGIA SALUTARIS. &1Afyonkarahisar&: &3MAMA& 4,31%19`32, 34, 36%19`41; &3Byzantion& 39 (1969) 75 (ca. 800%19`850 ac?); &3SEG& 29,1378 (mid%19`3rd ac). __ &1Akc%25a&: Gibson, &3Christians for Christians& (1978) 8 (near Akc%25a). __ &1Akoluk&: Haspels, &3Highlands of Phrygia& (1971), App. III, nos. 107, 108. __ &1Akpara Kale&: Haspels, &3Highlands of &3Phrygia& (1971), App. III, no. 22. __ &1Alaca Asma&: Haspels, &3Highlands of Phrygia& (1971), App. III, nos. 66%19`80. __ &1Alibey&: Gibson, &3Christians for Christians& (1978) 14. __ &1Altintas%25&: Gibson, &3Christians for Christians& (1978) 20; &3LBW& V,780 [&3Studies ... Eastern Roman Provinces& (1906) 217(16)] (ca. 200%19`250 ac?); &3SEG& 28,1089 (239%19`240 ac); &3AthMitt& 25 (1900) 410,20 [cf. &3BE/& 1963.260] (NW. of Altintas%25; 4th ac?). __ &1Altintas%25 town&: Gibson, &3Christians for Christians& (1978) 22. __ &1Aslanapa&: Gibson, &3Christians for Christians& (1978) 15, 24; &3SEG 26,1381 (293%19`305 ac). __ &1Asmancik Tepesi&: Haspels, &3Highlands &3of Phrygia& (1971), App. III, no. 36. __ &1Avdan%19Tesvikiye&: Haspels, &3Highlands of Phrygia& (1971), App. III, no. 97. __ &1Ayazin&: &3MAMA& 1,387 ("Ayas In"); Haspels, &3Highlands of Phrygia (1971), App. III, no. 59. __ &1Aykirikc%25i&: Gibson, &3Christians for &3Christians& (1978) 12, 27%19`29. __ &1Baks%25eyis%25&: Haspels, &3Highlands &3of Phrygia& (1971), App. III, no. 39. __ &1Bashara&: &3MAMA 1,402%19`403. __ &1Bolavadyn&: &3MAMA& 1,386. __ &1Brouzos&: &3BCH& 6 (1882) 517,3. __ &1C%25akirsaz&: Gibson, &3Christians for Christians& (1978) 25%19`26. &3SEG& 6,159 ("Tchakyrsaz"; 3rd ac). __ &1C%25epni Ko+y&: &3SEG 15,801 (ca. 250%19`275 ac). __ &1Dokimeion&: &3MAMA& 4,13; &3LBW& V,1714 [&3CIG& 9267] (7th ac?); &3IGRR& 4,612 [&3CIG& 3883b] (a: 293%19`305 ac); &3BCH& 17 (1893) 291,100; &3JdI& 86 (1971) 288 %6 &3BE/& 1973,467. __ &1Doghan Arslan&: &3IGRR& 4,607 [&3ClRev& 11 (1897) 136,6] (beg. 4th ac). __ &1Dorylaion&: &3MAMA& 5,2, 4%19`5, 55%19`56, 77, 104, 116, 144, 164%19`165, KB 4; &3MAMA& 5,320 (SW. of Dorylaion); &3AEMO+& 7 (1883) 178,28; &3BCH& 25 (1901) 332,24%19`333,25; &3BCH& 28 (1904) 198,22%19`199,25; &3Byzantion& 1 (1924) 708; &3IGRR& 4,530 [&3Go+ttingische Gelehrte Anzeiger& 159,2 (1897) 415,81]; &3SEG 26,1374 (5th%19`6th ac); &3SEG& 32,1280 (Byz.?); &3SEG& 34,1291 (285%19`305 ac), 1292 (early Byz.). __ &1Erten&: Haspels, &3Highlands &3of Phrygia& (1971), App. III, no. 50. __ &1Eukarpia&: &3JHS& 4 (1883) 429,39%19`429,40. __ &1Eymir&: Gibson, &3Christians for Christians (1978) 19. __ &1Gecek&: Gibson, &3Christians for Christians& (1978) 21. __ &1Gerdek Kaya&: Haspels, &3Highlands of Phrygia& (1971), App. III, no. 24. __ &1Gu+llu+ Dere&: Haspels, &3Highlands of Phrygia (1971), App. III, no. 118. __ &1Hamam Kaya&: Haspels, &3Highlands ź∪&3of Phrygia& (1971), App. III, no. 25. __ &1Hayranveli Sultan&: Haspels, &3Highlands of Phrygia& (1971), App. III, no. 60. __ &1Hieropolis&: &3BCH& 17 (1893) 276,75; &3IGRR& 4,695 [Ramsay, &3Cities &3and Bishoprics of Phrygia& I (1895) 698,630] (a: ca. 284 ac). __ &1Inli&: Haspels, &3Highlands of Phrygia& (1971), App. III, nos. 43%19`44. __ &1Iulia? (C%25ay)&: &3SEG& 26,1371 [II: &3SEG& 36,1193] (end 3rd%19beg. 4th). __ &1Kec%25iller&: Gibson, &3Christians for Christians (1978) 7. __ &1Kelenderes&: &3SEG& 6,234. __ &1Khosrev Pasha Khan&: &3MAMA& 1,394%19`397. __ &1Kilter&: &3JHS& 4 (1883) 405,21 (260 ac), 405,22. __ &1Kizil Saray&: Haspels, &3Highlands of Phrygia& (1971), App. III, nos. 125%19`126. __ &1Kuyucak&: Gibson, &3Christians for &3Christians& (1978) 23. __ &1Ko+hnu+s%25&: Haspels, &3Highlands of Phrygia (1971), App. III, nos. 61%19`62, 64%19`65. __ &1Kotiaion (Ku+tayha)&: &3CIG& 9264 (1071 ac?); &3LBW& V,828 [&3CIG& 9263] (4th ac?); &3ABME& 3,2 (1937) 141,19; &3SEG& 6,108, 119 (mid%19`4th ac); &3SEG& 31,1116 (beg. 4th ac); &3SEG& 35,1391 (3rd ac). __ &1Ku+tayha Museum&: &3SEG& 15,796 (place?; 4th ac); __ &1Lysias&: &3MAMA& 1,323a; &3MAMA& 4,118A%3`1, 120B, 120a. __ &1Malos&: Haspels, &3Highlands of Phrygia& (1971), App. III, nos. 53%19`55. __ &1Meros&: Haspels, &3Highlands of Phrygia (1971), App. III, no. 87. __ &1Metropolis&: Haspels, &3Highlands of &3Phrygia& (1971), App. III, nos. 28%19`29, 34%19`35. __ &1Nakoleia&: &3MAMA 5,191, 260, 308%19`314, R 13, R 29, KB 12. __ &1Otrous&: &3BCH& 6 (1882) 518,5 [Ramsay, &3Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia& I (1895) 720,656] (216 ac). __ &1Ovacik&: Haspels, &3Highlands of &3Phrygia& (1971), App. III, nos. 89%19`92 (near Ovacik). __ &1Prymnessos&: &3MAMA& 4,28, 33, 35; &3MAMA& 6,385 (?). &3BCH& 17 (1893) 290,98; &3SEG& 6,176 (3rd ac); &3CIG& 8933 (?) [cf. MAMA 6, p. 134] (4th ac?). __ &1Sandik O+zu+&: Haspels, &3Highlands of Phrygia (1971), App. III, nos. 111%19`112, 114. __ &1Sandylki&: &3CIG& 9266 [cf. Cumont, &3Me/langes d'arche/ologie et d'histoire& 15 (1895) 277,179] (3rd%19`4th ac); Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt& (1971), p. 36 (Sandikli; 302 ac). __ &1Su%26lin Kaya&: Haspels, &3Highlands of &3Phrygia& (1971), App. III, no. 81. __ &1Stectorium&: &3SEG& 6,236. __ &1Synnada&: &3MAMA& 4,58%19`60, 90%19`91, 93%19`105, 105a, 106%19`107, 110; &3BCH 17 (1893) 287,90, 288,93; &3BCH& 33 (1909) 342,102 (end 3rd ac?); Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt& (1971), p. 37 (302 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 759 [&3MAMA& 4.90] (1st%19`2nd ac). __ &1Tavs%25anli& [SAL.]: &3Annual of the Archeological Museum of Istanbul& 11%19`12 (1964) 34,18 %6 &3BE/& 1965,386. __ &1Upper Tembris Valley&: &3MAMA& 6,361, 363, 367%19`368; Gibson, &3Christians for Christians& (1978) 9%19`10; &3SEG 6,137%19`140 (Upper Tembris Valley: Ku+rd Ko+y ca. 300%19`350 ac); &3SEG 6,144 (Upper Tembris Valley: Zemme). __ &1U+c%25hu+yu+k&: Gibson, &3Christians for Christians& (1978) 11. __ &1Yeniko+y%19G%25o+c%25enoluk&: Haspels, &3Highlands of Phrygia& (1971), App. III, no. 100. __ &1Yalnizsaray&: Gibson, &3Christians for Christians& (1978) 3. __ &1Yapildak&: &3MAMA& 1,388 ("Yapuldak"); Haspels, &3Highlands of &3Phrygia& (1971), App. III, no. 42. __ &1place?&: Gibson, &3Christians for Christians& (1978) 13, 16. @ PISIDIA. &1Adaras O+ren&: &3MAMA& 7,187%19`188. __ &1Antiochia&: &3AEMO+& 8 (1884) 193,1; &3AS& 17 (1967) 103,4 (306%19`7%3`308%19`11?), 104,5 (313%19`324 ac), 104,6%19`104,7 (end 3rd%3beg. 4th), 105,8 (308%19`311 ac), 105,9 (305%19`311 ac), 119,52 [&3BE/& 1968.541], 120,53%19`120,54, 120,55 [&3BE/& 1968.541], 120,56%19`121,58; &3SEG& 6,560%19`561, 567%19`568, 580%19`582 (ca. 360 ac); &3SEG& 12,484 (3rd ac); &3SEG& 32,1302 (4th%19`5th ac?). __ &1Apamea&: &3MAMA& 4,365; &3MAMA& 6,186, 221%19`238; Gibson, &3Christians for Christians& (1978) 38%19`40; Dessau, &3ILS 8932 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 13661] (311%19`312 ac?); &3CIG& 3962 [Peek, &3GVI (1955) 1720] (2nd ac); &3LBW& V,1701 (285%19`305 ac); &3BCH& 7 (1883) 308,31, 309,32 (363%19`364 ac); &3SEG& 6,268 (3rd%19`4th ac); &3SEG 31,1101 (3rd%19`4th ac), 1112. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 773 (253%3`4 ac), 774 (3rd ac). __ &1Apollonia&: &3MAMA& 4,135, 138b, 149, 202, 219%19`225; Gibson, &3Christians for Christians& (1978) 44. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 772 [&3MAMA& 4.202] (1st%19`2nd ac). __ &1Arkit Han&: &3MAMA& 7,183. __ &1Atlandy&: &3MAMA& 1,302%19`307; &3MAMA& 7,589%19`593. __ &1Avshahr&: &3SEG 6,601. __ &1Balki&: &3MAMA& 7,175. __ &1Barla&: &3SEG& 2,745 (5th ac). __ &1Bash U+yu+k&: &3SEG& 6,370 (Bash U+yu+k, S. of Meida=n, from Atli Hissar; 4th ac). __ &1Bedel Kale&: &3MAMA& 7,88. __ &1Bozuk Kuyu&: &3MAMA 1,259. __ &1C%25avus%25ci Ko+y&: &3MAMA& 7,155, 176%19`177. __ &1C%25etme&: &3MAMA 7,189. __ &1Chaldere&: &3MAMA& 1,202%19`203. __ &1Chamurlu&: &3SEG& 6,447 (Chamurlu, near Kizil O+ren). __ &1Dag%148 Dere&: &3MAMA& 7,91, 97, 104. __ &1Demirli&: &3AS& 10 (1960) 44,91 [&3SEG& 19.823]. __ &1Dog%148an Han&: &3MAMA& 7,184. __ &1Du+yer&: &3MAMA& 1,290%19`291. __ &1Eldes%25&: &3MAMA& 7,174, 181. __ &1Erekli&: &3AS& 9 (1959) 112,86 [&3SEG& 19.819,a]. __ &1Go+zlu+&: &3MAMA& 1,323%19`327 (Goslu); &3SEG& 6,291. __ &1Hacilar&: &3MAMA& 7,80%19`81, 98. __ &1Hadrianoi%3Hadrianopolis&: &3MAMA& 7,144; &3AS& 9 (1959) 112,87 [&3SEG& 19.819,b]; &3SEG& 36,1205%19`1206 (286%19`293 ac). __ &1Ise Bey &1Yayla&: &3MAMA& 7,72. __ &1Isparta&: &3CIG& 8860 [&3REG& 2 (1889) 28]. __ &1Kadinhani&: &3SEG& 34,1344%19`1345. __ &1Kadinhani%3Pita&: &3CIG& 9268 [&3Anatolian Studies ... Ramsay& (1923) 74,3] (ca. 375 ac?). __ &1Kadyn Khan&: &3MAMA& 1,154, 161, 172, 175, 186, 189%19`198, 222, 229%19`230, 261%19`264, 267%19`269, 275%19`276, 280; &3SEG& 1,453 (4th ac). __ &1Kara Ag%148ac%25&: &3MAMA& 8,360. __ &1Karasevic%25&: &3MAMA& 7,64, 103. __ &1Kavakly Punar&: &3MAMA& 1,177, 249. __ &1Kestel&: &3MAMA& 1,164a; &3MAMA 7,8, 75, 93%19`95, 99%19`100. __ &1Kinderaz&: &3MAMA& 7,76%19`79, 82, 86%19`87, 96 (Kunderaz); &3SEG& 15,818 (ca. 400%19`450 ac); &3SEG& 34,1353%19`1354. __ &1Kinik&: &3MAMA& 1,200%19`201, 207, 212, 231, 231a. __ &1Kizil O+ren&: &3JHS& 22 (1901) 97,1 [Ramsay and Bell, &3The Thousand and One &3Churches& (1909) 531] (Byz.), 98,2 [Ramsay and Bell, &3The &3Thousand and One Churches& (1909) 531] (Byz.), 99,3. __ &1Koc%25as&: &3MAMA& 7,190. __ &1Konana&: &3BCH& 3 (1879) 343,19. __ &1Kos%25mer&: &3MAMA 7,66. __ &1Kremna&: &3Lanck& II,232,238. __ &1Laodicea Combusta&: Gre/goire, &3IGChAs& 5(2); &3MAMA& 1,19, 31, 86, 155%19`156, 159%19`160, 163, 167%19`169, 169a%19`169b, 170, 170a, 171, 173%19`174, 176, 211, 213%19`216, 216a, 218, 242%19`243, 245%19`246, 250%19`252, 254%19`257, 265, 272, 274, 278, 281, 283%19`284; &3MAMA& 7,67, 82a, 85, 87a; &3MAMA 7,85a. (N. of Laodicea); &3AthMitt& 13 (1888) 250,50, 263,94 (Byz.); &3JHS& 24 (1903) 352,95; &3SEG& 6,303, 306, 324. __ &1Lysinia&: &3AS& 9 (1959) 80,24 [&3SEG& 19.759] (313%19`324 ac). __ &1Mahmut Asar&: &3MAMA& 7,179%19`180. __ &1Malos&: &3SEG& 35,1405 (after 324 ac). __ &1Malgasa&: &3AS& 9 (1959) 84,29 [&3SEG& 19.764]. __ &1Meida=n&: &3MAMA& 1,18, 165%19`166, 199, 208%19`209, 240, 270%19`271, 273; &3JHS& 19 (1898) 290,196, 291,200%19`292,202. __ &1Meidanli&: &3MAMA& 7,65. __ &1Mesarlik&: &3MAMA& 7,173, 178, 182. __ &1Millego+z&: &3JHS& 22 (1901) 114,29. __ &1Nevine&: &3MAMA& 7,9, 68%19`71, 84, 90, 102; &3SEG& 6,357 (4th ac), 358, 360 (Nevinneh; 4th ac). __ &1Osmanjyk&: &3MAMA& 1,221, 223. __ &1Pappa&: &3SEG& 6,448; &3AS& 18 (1968) 64,3(1)%19`3(2) 64,4 [&3BE/ 1969.574]; &3BCH& 10 (1886) 503,5 (Byz.). __ &1Philomelion&: &3MAMA 7,206%19`207; &3SEG& 35,1397 (early Byz.). __ &1Sagalassos&: Lanckoronski, Niemann and Petersen, &3Sta+dte Pamphyliens und &3Pisidiens, II& (1893) 228,208, 229,213, 230,219%19`230,220, 232,235; &3IGRR& 3,336 [&3JHS& 8 (1887) 230,11] (293%19`305 ac); &3SEG 2,735 (292%19`305 ac). __ &1Saradj Punar&: &3MAMA& 1,217. __ &1Serai o+nu+&: &3MAMA& 1,158, 162, 164, 178%19`185, 187%19`188, 225%19`228, 244, 253, 258, 277, 281a; &3MAMA& 7,73%19`74, 92, 101. __ &1Shahr O+ren&: &3MAMA ź1,220. __ &1Sizma&: &3SEG& 34,1396 (early 3rd ac); &3SEG& 6,361 (W. of Sizma; 4th ac). __ &1Sog%148uk Pinar&: &3MAMA& 7,89. __ &1Tahsin&: &3MAMA 1,224; &3MAMA& 7,83. __ &1Termessos&: &3TAM& 3,1.45%19`46, 80, 82, 103, 890%19`891; &3TAM& 3,1.937 (near Termessos?). __ &1Tiberiopolis&: &3MAMA 8,335%19`339. __ &1Tymandos&: &3MAMA& 4,233, 236, 264. __ &1Tymbrianassos&: &3AS& 9 (1959) 89,34 (313%19`324 ac). __ &1Tyriaion&: &3MAMA& 7,109, 120%19`129; Heberdey and Wilhelm, &3DenkschrWien& 44,6 (1896) 162,270; &3JHS& 4 (1883) 434,43. (NW. of Tyriaion). __ &1U=ju+k%19Ko+i&: &3TAM& 3,1.942%19`944. __ &1Urus&: &3MAMA& 7,185%19`186. __ &1Uzun%19Kuju%19Kafe&: &3TAM& 3,1.936a. __ &1Yenidje&: &3JHS& 22 (1901) 106,15. __ &1Yonsular&: &3JHS& 22 (1901) 103,8, 103,10. __ &1Zengi&: &3MAMA& 1,279. __ &1place?&: &3JHS& 24 (1903) 352,96. @ GALATIA I. &1Alaca&: &3CIG& 9248. __ &1Ancyra&: Gre/goire, "Inscr. historiques byz.," &3Byzantion& 4 (1927%19`1928) 438,1%19`450,4, 453,5a%19`455,5b; de Jerphanion, "Inscr. ... Angora," &3Me/lBey& 13 (1928) 234,7%19`234,8, 260,32, 275,47, 277,53, 284,56%19`287,50, 287,60, 288,62%19`290,64, 290,64n, 290,65%19`291,67; Anderson, "Exploration in Galatia Cis Halym," &3JHS& 19 (1899) 97,80%19`98,84 (Ancyra) and 97,79 (near Ankyra); Mitchell, "Inscr. of Ancyra," &3AS& 27 (1977) 91,36%19`103,55; &3AEMO+& 9 (1885) 115,67 [Bosch, &3Quellen& (1945) 369,306], here %6 &3AS& 27 (1977) "`91,36a" (4th ac); &3CIG& 3.4045 (4th ac), here %6 &3AS& 27 (1977) "`91,36b"; Dessau, &3ILS& 754 [&3CIL& 3.247%7] (362 ac); &3CIG& 9258; &3BCH& 7 (1883) 21,10; &3Syria& 27 (1950) 221 [Halkin V,93] (4th%19`5th ac); &3Tu+rk &3Arkeoloji Dergisi TAD& 13,2 (1964 [`1967]) 119 %6 &3BE/& 1967,596; &3SEG& 6,19, 27. __ Jud.: Mitchell, &3RECAM& II (1982) 209B, here %6 &3CIJ& 797a (3rd ac?). __ &1Ancyra& (region): Mitchell, &3RECAM& II (1982) 197, 207%19`208, 209B, 211%19`212, 217 (NE. of Ankyra); &3RECAM II,171%19`174, 176, 180, 183, 186, 189, 190 (NW. of Ankyra); &3RECAM& II,221%19`222, 226, 231, 235, 237, 246, 261, 270%19`271, 273%19`274, 287, 292, 316, 323, 325, 328%19`329, 331, 333, 340, 342, 345%19`346, 352%19`354, 360, 365, 371, 381%19`385. (S. of Ankyra). __ &1Aspona&: &3JHS& 19 (1899) 106,94. __ &1Bes%25kavak&: &3MAMA& 7,491. __ &1Beyram&: &3JHS& 19 (1899) 62,10. __ &1Erkeksu C%25ifluk&: &3JHS& 19 (1899) 60,8. __ &1Gorbeous&: &3JHS& 19 (1899) 102,87. __ &1Juliopolis&: Mitchell, &3RECAM& II (1982) 80, 84, 87 [&3AS& 22 (1972) 220,3 (Koyunag%148illi)], 88%19`89, 158%19`161. __ &1Karaali&: &3JHS& 19 (1899) 104,91. __ &1Kerpis%25i&: &3MAMA& 7,417%19`422. __ &1Kokar&: &3MAMA& 7,426%19`427. __ &1Modanli&: &3MAMA& 7,405. __"&1Ocnus&" [location?]: &3CIG& 9257 (Galatia?). __ &1Pleuramis&: Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 257, 259. __ &1Sungurlu&: &3BCH& 25 (1901) 334,29 (Byz.). __ &1Tavium&: Mitchell, &3RECAM& II (1982) 418, 423%19`470, 474%19`488, 490, 492%19`497, 499. __ &1Tavium& (region): Mitchell, &3RECAM& II (1982) 500%19`519, 523%19`527 (NE. of Tavia). __ Jud.: Mitchell, &3RECAM& II (1982) 509%19`512, here %6 &3CIJ& 797b%19`797e (NE. of Tavium). __ &1Verinopolis&: Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 254%19`256. __ &1Yag%148ci C%25evrik&: &3MAMA& 7,425. @ GALATIA II. &1Amorion&: &3MAMA& 6,386, 400; &3MAMA& 7,297%19`299, 299a, 301; Gibson, &3Christians for Christians& (1978) 45. __ &1Baghlija&: &3MAMA& 1,428. __ &1Bag%148lica&: &3MAMA& 7,296a. __ &1Batik&: &3MAMA& 7,302. __ &1Bu+g%148ru+ Delik&: &3MAMA& 7,279b. __ &1Choghu&: &3MAMA& 1,437, 439. __ &1Davulga&: &3MAMA& 7,276b. __ &1Mt. Dindymos&: Strubbe, "Catalogue ... Pessinus," &3Fouilles ... Pessinonte& (1984) 243,151%19`244,156. __ &1Miskamos (Durgut)&: &3MAMA& 7,222, 235%19`242; &3SEG& 1,458. __ &1Emirli&: &3MAMA& 1,434. __ &1Eudoxias&: Mitchell, &3RECAM& II (1982) 121A, 130, 133, 135%19`137, 141%19`142. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 796 [Mitchell, &3RECAM& II (1982) 133] (near Eudoxias); Mitchell, &3RECAM& II (1982) 141, here %6 &3CIJ& 796a (near Eudoxias). __ &1Germia& [GAL. II]: &3SEG& 6,73 (Yu+reme); &3SEG& 36,1180 (5th%19`6th ac), 1181%19`1184, 1185 (5th%19`6th ac), 1186%19`1190. __ &1Germokoloneia&: Mitchell, &3RECAM& II (1982) 98%19`99, 106, 114. __ &1Go+me&: &3MAMA& 1,432. __ &1Go+zo+ren&: &3MAMA& 7,254a, 255; &3JHS& 19 (1898) 302,233. __ &1Gulushlu&: &3MAMA& 1,412. __ &1Harunlar&: &3MAMA& 7,208, 211. __ &1Holanta&: &3AS& 22 (1972) 223,6. __ &1Justinianopolis&: Strubbe, "Catalogue ... Pessinus," &3Fouilles &3... Pessinonte& (1984) 223,34%19`223,35 35,99. __ &1Kargali&: &3MAMA 7,279a. __ &1Kirk Pinar&: &3MAMA& 7,296b. __ &1Kizil Kuyu&: &3MAMA& 7,256, 256a; &3JHS& 19 (1898) 302,235%19`302,236. __ &1Kolu Kissa&: &3MAMA 1,312%19`316; &3MAMA& 7,586%19`587. __ &1Ku+rd Us%25ak&: &3MAMA& 7,264. __ &1Kurs%25unlu&: &3MAMA& 7,236a; &3JHS& 19 (1898) 294,205. __ &1Orkistos&: &3MAMA& 7,305, 309%19`310. __ &1Pessinous&: Mitchell, &3RECAM& II (1982) 125; Strubbe, "Catalogue ... Pessinus," &3Fouilles ... &3Pessinonte& (1984) 232,89, 234,98, 236,107, 238,117, 238,120, 239,122, 239,125, and 227,58 (S. of Pessinous). __ Jud.: &3CIJ 797 (imp.). __ &1Piribeyli&: &3MAMA& 7,276c, 277%19`279. __ &1Sengen&: &3MAMA& 1,375%19`383; &3MAMA& 7,571%19`585. __ &1Tu+rkmen Ko+y&: &3MAMA& 7,300. @ LYCAONIA. &1Ak Kilisse&: &3SEG& 6,545. __ &1Akviran&: &3SEG& 35,1442 (Akviran, N. of. Zivarik; ca. 350%19`400 ac). __ &1Ali Bey Ho+yu+k&: &3MAMA& 8,310. __ &1Alkaran&: &3MAMA& 8,117%19`119, 121%19`128; &3SEG& 6,480. __ &1Almassun&: &3MAMA& 8,182%19`187. __ &1Anzoulada (Ako+ren)&: &3MAMA& 8,67%19`93, 289%19`295; &3SEG& 2,752 (5th ac). __ &1Balc%25ik Hisar&: &3MAMA& 8,101; &3SEG 6,474 ("Balji Hissar") __ &1Balyklagho&: &3SEG& 6,536. __ &1Barata &1(Binbir Kilise)&: Ramsay and Bell, &3The Thousand and One &3Churches& (1909) 512,4, 514,6, 519,9%19`524,10, 525,13, 527,15%19`529,16, 529,18, 533,20%19`536,25, 538,27%19`540,30, 541,34%19`541,39, 545,42%3`3, 547,45%19`549,49, 549,50%3`1; 551,52%19`555,54, 556,56, 556,58%19`557,60. __ &1Bulduk&: &3MAMA 7,469%19`473. __ &1Bunar Bashi&: Ramsay and Bell, &3The Thousand and &3One Churches& (1909) 558,70. __ &1C%25ariklar&: &3MAMA& 8,304%19`306. __ &1C%25es%25me&: &3MAMA& 8,63%19`65. __ &1C%25es%25meli Zebir&: &3MAMA& 1,339, 357%19`371; &3MAMA& 7,562%19`570; &3JHS& 19 (1898) 283,174, 285,178; &3SEG& 6,284. __ &1Congusso&: &3JHS& 19 (1898) 281,166. (S. of Congusso). __ &1Damla&: &3BZ& 36 (1936) 537,4 [&3E/O& 35 (1936) 226,4] (10th%19`12th ac). __ &1Dedeler&: &3MAMA& 1,206, 232%19`233, 260, 282; &3SEG& 6,389. __ &1Derbe&: &3JHS& 24 (1903) 357,116; &3AS& 14 (1964) 139,1. __ &1Devejuklu Ko+y&: Robert, &3Hellenica& 1 (1940) 33 [&3AEMO+& 19 (1896) 33,14]. __ &1Dinek &1Serai&: &3MAMA& 8,131%19`133; &3SEG& 6,493, 496. __ &1Dokus Dervent Khan&: &3MAMA& 1,210, 219. __ &1Dorla&: &3MAMA& 8,158%19`164, 166%19`169; &3JHS& 24 (1903) 272,5 (early 4th ac?), 280,17, 283,24, 284,26%19`285,27. __ &1Eg%148ribayat&: &3MAMA& 8,325%19`326, 326a%19`326e. __ &1Elmasun&: &3JHS& 24 (1903) 276,10. __ &1Emir Han&: &3MAMA& 8,200. __ &1Eskiil&: &3JHS& 19 (1898) 133,162. __ &1Gene&: &3MAMA& 8,219, 221a (?), 222%19`225. __ &1Gene Ciftlik&: &3MAMA& 8,220%19`221. __ &1Gu+delisin&: &3MAMA& 8,203%19`204. __ &1Hairabad&: &3MAMA& 8,50. __ &1Hyde&: &3SEG& 36,1235. __ &1Ikonion&: &3CIG 9270; &3BCH& 7 (1883) 314,41 (5th%19`6th ac?); &3BCH& 10 (1886) 505,9 (4th ac?); &3BCH& 10 (1886) 506,12%19`507,14 (S. of Ikonion); &3SEG 6,416, 418, 419 (6th ac), 422 (4th%19`5th ac), 436 (3rd%19`4th ac), 441, 442 (4th ac); &3SEG& 34,1330, 1334, 1341, 1346. __ &1Konia&: &3MAMA& 8,302; &3LBW& V,1188; &3JHS& 22 (1901) 124,58; &3JHS& 24 (1903) 347,84, 348,88%19`349,89, 353,97, 355,106, 355,108, 356,109, 356,110 (1569 ac). __ &1Konia?&: &3JHS& 24 (1903) 354,98%19`354,99, 355,102. __ &1Konia Museum&: &3JHS& 22 (1901) 118,43. __ &1Insuyu&: &3MAMA& 7,537%19`543. __ &1Isauropolis&: &3CIG& 9237. __ &1Kadi Og%148lu&: &3MAMA 7,377. __ &1Kandil&: &3MAMA& 7,517. __ &1Kara Hu+yu+k&: &3MAMA& 8,98. __ &1Karasenir&: &3MAMA& 8,174; &3SEG& 6,465 ("Kara Sen%24ir") __ &1Katin ź&1Serai&: &3MAMA& 8,43%19`45, 51. __ &1Kavak&: &3MAMA& 8,46, 48. __ &1Kemc%25ik&: &3MAMA& 8,253, 257. __ &1Keshlik Ciftlik&: &3MAMA& 1,236, 239. __ &1Kizil &1Kuyu&: &3MAMA& 8,205. __ &1Kotu Delik Han&: &3MAMA& 8,328; &3SEG& 34,1355. __ &1Ko+tu+ Us%25ak&: &3MAMA& 7,483. __ &1Kozanli&: &3MAMA& 7,435, 445, 450%19`452; &3JHS& 19 (1898) 122,127, 123,134%19`124,135. __ &1Kuyulu &1Zebir&: &3MAMA& 7,551%19`552, 556%19`561; &3JHS& 19 (1898) 287,186 ("Kuyulusebir"). __ &1Kus%25ca&: &3MAMA& 7,484. __ &1Laranda&: &3Oriens &3Antiquus& 2 (1963) 287n.6 %6 &3BE/& 1964,484. __ &1Leontopolis&: &3AS& 22 (1972) 213 (ca. 350%19`400 ac). __ &1Losta&: &3MAMA& 8,210. __ &1Mistheia&: &3AS& 18 (1968) 71,13. __ &1Obruk&: &3MAMA& 8,270%19`287. __ &1O+rek Yaila&: &3MAMA& 1,333%19`334. __ &1Ouasada&: &3AS& 18 (1968) 88,53%19`89,54; &3CIG& 8944 (near Ouasada). __ &1Sec%25me&: &3MAMA& 8,303. __ &1Sille&: Bees, &3BNgJ& Suppl. I (1922) 6a%19`6b, 64, 77%19`78. __ &1Sinanli&: &3MAMA& 7,338, 346, 360%19`361. __ &1Sidamaria&: &3BCH& 10 (1886) 514,36. __ &1Sille&: &3Byzantion& 10 (1935) 507 (1297 ac). __ &1Su+lu+klu+&: &3MAMA& 7,362. __ &1Suwerek&: &3MAMA& 1,157, 204%19`205, 235, 237%19`238. __ &1Thebasa (Kesmez)&: &3SEG& 36,1236. __ &1Yali Bayat&: &3MAMA 8,233, 252b, 254%19`256, 258. __ &1Yaras%25li&: &3JHS& 19 (1898) 116,110. __ &1Yeni Yaila&: &3MAMA& 1,234, 241. __ &1Zazadin Han&: &3MAMA& 8,312, 318%19`324; &3JHS& 24 (1903) 361,125, 364,130, 365,132, 366,138 ("Zazeddin Khan"). __ &1Zingerli Khan&: &3JHS& 24 (1903) 368,140. __ &1Zivarik&: &3MAMA& 7,104a%19`104d. __ &1place?&: &3JHS& 24 (1903) 357,113. @ BITHYNIA. "&1Ackbiuck&" [location?]: &3CIG& 9260 (Bithynia?). __ &1Ag%148il Alti&: Feissel, "De Chalce/doine a\ Nicome/die," &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 432,52%19`432,53, __ &1Cape Akritas&: Feissel, "De Chalce/doine a\ Nicome/die," &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 429,46%19`431,51. __ &1Apameia Myrlaia&: &3LBW& V,1136. __ &1Beylerbey&: &3IK Kalchedon& 109,8; Feissel, "De Chalce/doine a\ Nicome/die," &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 410,9, 410,11 (near Beylerbey). __ &1Bostanci&: Feissel, "De Chalce/doine a\ Nicome/die," &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 419,30%19`419,31 (near Bostanci). __ &1Bosu+yu+k&: &3CIG& 8912 ("Bosynk"; Byz.); &3AEMO+& 7 (1883) 175,20 [Halkin V,97]. __ &1Caddebostani&: Feissel, "De Chalce/doine a\ Nicome/die," &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 418,28. __ &1Chogeae&: &3IK Nikaia& 803, 1004%19`1005, 1023, 1025%19`1026, 1493. __ &1Chrysopolis&: &3IK Kalchechon& 23, 76, 79, 100; Feissel, "De Chalce/doine a\ Nicome/die," &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 409,6%19`409,7. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 801 [&3IK Kalchedon& 76] (4th%19`6th ac). __ &1Dableis&: &3IK &3Nikaia& 1016%19`1021, 1028%19`1029, 1491. __ &1Dakibyza&: Feissel, "De Chalce/doine a\ Nicome/die," &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 434,56%19`434,57. __ &1Erenko+y&: Feissel, "De Chalce/doine a\ Nicome/die," &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 415,18%19`418,29. __ &1Fenerbahc%25e&: Feissel, "De Chalce/doine a\ Nicome/die," &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 414,13. __ &1Go+lyazi&: &3LBW& V,1095 [cf. &3JHS& 17 (1896) 269,4] (near Go+lyazi); &3JHS& 17 (1896) 269,4 (near Go+lyazi). __ &1Hadrianoi&: &3SEG& 28,946 [Perrot, &3Exploration &3arche/ologique de la Galatie et de la Bithynie& (1862%19`1874) 65; S%25ahin, &3Bithynische Studien& (1978) 68,21] (Orhaneli, near Hadrianoi; 4th ac). __ &1Haydarpas%25a&: Feissel, "De Chalce/doine a\ Nicome/die," &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 408,1%19`409,5. __ &1Hiereia&: &3IK &3Kalchedon& 21a%19`21c, 84%19`98; &3AnthPal& 9,820%3`1 [&3IK Kalchedon 21a%19`21b] (565%19`578 ac). __ &1Hieron& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 800 [&3IK Kalchedon 75; &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 411] (Hieron: Arnavutko+y). __ &1Kalamis&: &3IK Kalchedon& 77, 81. __ &1Kalchedon&: &3IK Kalchedon& 20, 22, 24%19`26, 80, 82%19`83, 99. __ &1Kartal&: &3IK Kalchedon& 105. __ &1Kayis%25dag%148&: Feissel, "De Chalce/doine a\ Nicome/die," &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 420,32. __ &1Kavanlik&: &3SEG& 20,35 (3rd%19`4th ac). __ &1Keremed&: &3IGRR 3,1397 [&3BCH& 24 (1900) 385,41] (288%19`289 ac). __ &1Kios&: &3IK Kios 117%19`119, 121. __ &1Kios%3Nikaia?&: &3IK Kios& 120. __ &1Ko+y Yeri&: Feissel, "De Chalce/doine a\ Nicome/die," &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 421,35. __ &1Ku+c%25u+kbakkal&: Feissel, "De Chalce/doine a\ Nicome/die," &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 420,33. __ &1Cape Leukate&: Feissel, "De Chalce/doine a\ Nicome/die," &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 433,55. __ &1Nikaia&: &3IK Nikaia& 22, 67%19`68, 70%19`71, 284, 339, 450%19`451, 460%19`468, 480%19`482, 488%19`501, 515, 516b, 517%19`518, 530%19`531, 540, 550%19`559, 570%19`575, 577%19`578, 585%19`589, 615, 1027, 1292, 1492, 1586; &3AnthPal& 9,641 (near Nikaia; 559%3`60 ac); __ Jud.: &3IK Nikaia 2,1.615 here %6 &3CIJ& 800a. __ &1Nikomedeia&: &3TAM& 4,1.28%19`31, 122, 188%19`189, 269, 319, 352%19`372, 372a, 373%19`377, 383; Dessau, &3ILS 613 [&3TAM& 4,1.28] (284%19`305 ac), 650 [&3TAM& 4,1.31] (294%19`295 ac), 2779 [&3CIL& 3.6059] (end 3rd%3beg. 4th?); &3TAM& 4,1.255 (E. of Nikomedeia). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 798 [&3TAM& 4,1.374] (mid%19`3rd ac), 799 [&3TAM& 4,1.377] (mid%19`3rd ac), &3TAM& 4,1.375, here %6 &3CIJ& 799a (mid%19`3rd ac), &3TAM& 4,1.376, here %6 &3CIJ& 799b (mid%19`3rd ac), &3TAM 4,1.319, here %6 &3CIJ& 799c (3rd ac). __ &1Panteichion&: &3IK &3Kalchedon& 106%19`108, 109,1%19`109,7, 110,1%19`110,6, 111%19`112, 114%19`118, 120%19`121. __ "&1Pazarchyk&" [location?]: &3CIG& 8869 (Bithynia?, Pazaryeri?). __ &1Philokrene&: Feissel, "De Chalce/doine a\ Nicome/die," &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 432,54. __ &1Prainetos&: &3AnthPlan 16,281 (4th%19`6th ac). __ &1Prinkipo&: Feissel, "De Chalce/doine a\ Nicome/die," &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 427,42%19`428,45. __ &1Prusa&: &3CIG 8744 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979), no. 150] (1206%19`1222 ac?), 8831 [&3AEMO+& 8 (1884) 197,15]; &3AEMO+& 8 (1884) 197,16 ("`15"); &3BCH& 33 (1909) 367,133 (Byz.), 429,431 (4th ac?), 429,432, 431,434. __ &1Pylai (C%25itflik Ko+y)&: &3SEG& 36,1157. __ &1Rufinianai&: &3IK Kalchedon& 78. __ &1Samandra&: Feissel, "De Chalce/doine a\ Nicome/die," &3TravMe/m& 10 (1987) 421,36%19`424,40. __ &1Strobilos&: S%25ahin, &3Bithynische Studien& (1978) 32,2%19`35,3, 45,16%19`47,20, 48,22. __ &1Tachtali&: &3JHS& 17 (1896) 269,3 [&3BSA& 13 (1906%19`1907) 209]. __ &1Tation&: &3IK Nikaia& 1009%19`1011. __ &1Tation%3Dableis&: &3IK Nikaia& 1012%19`1013. __ &1Tuzla&: &3SEG& 36,1147 (Bayramog%148lu, near Tuzla). __ &1Yalova&: S%25ahin, &3Bithynische &3Studien& (1978) 37,4, 46,18, 48,21. @ HONORIAS. &1Bolu, Plain of& : &3IK Klaudpl& 81, 113, 137, 173%19`180. __ Jud.: &3IK Klaudpl& 180, here %6 &3CIJ& 801a (3rd ac). __ &1Claudiopolis&: &3IK Klaudpl& 44%19`46. __ &1C%25orak&: Do+rner, &3DenkschrWien 75,1 (1952) 61,163. __ &1Elemen&: Do+rner, &3DenkschrWien& 75,1 (1952) 61,164. __ &1Gu+neygo+kc%25esu&: Do+rner, &3DenkschrWien& 75,1 (1952) 60,162. __ &1Hadrianopolis&: &3BCH& 25 (1901) 10,146 (292%19`305 ac), 23,159 (Osnan); &3SEG& 35,1360 (Boncuklar; mid%19`6th ac). __ &1Herakleia Pontike&: &3CIG& 8748 (1255%19`1259 ac); &3BCH& 25 (1901) 47,192b; &3JO+AI& 28 (1933) Beibl. 101,78 [Perrot, &3Exploration &3arche/ologique de la Galatie et de la Bithynie& (1862%19`1874) 18,12] (1206%3`7 ac), 101,79 [Perrot 17,10], 102,80 [Perrot 18,11]; &3SEG& 36,1164 (383%19`392 ac). __ &1Prusias ad Hypium&: &3IK &3Prusias& 72, 119%19`134, 136, 160. __ &1Tieion&: &3SEG& 35,1358. @ PAPHLAGONIA. &1Amastris&: &3SEG& 35,1336, 1346%19`1347. __ Jud.: Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 35, here %6 &3CIJ& 780a (3rd ac?). __ &1Pompeioupolis&: &3BCH& 13 (1889) 308,16 [Halkin V,96], 309,17, 309,18 [Halkin V,96]; &3BCH& 27 (1903) 331,43, 331,44, 332,46%19`332,47. __ &1Tas%25ko+pru+&: &3SEG& 33,1096. __ &1Zafarambolu&: &3BCH 13 (1889) 294,1 [Halkin V,96] (Byz.). @ HELENOPONTUS. &1Amasia&: Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia &3Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 99, 100a, 101 [%7 &3BZ& 65 (1972) 379], 102, 133%19`137; &3CIG& 8894 (near Amasia; Byz.). __ &1Amisos&: Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 10g, 11%19`12, 12a, 13%19`14, 14a%19`14b. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 802. __ &1Amisene&: Anderson, źCumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 16a, 17, 17a, 19, 19a%19`19d. __ &1Diacopene&: Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 173, 176. __ &1Euchaita&: Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 194, 196%19`206, 211, 215, 217%19`218, 220, 223, 226%19`234, 237a%19`237b, 241%19`242, 245, 247, 247a, 249; &3SEG& 35,1351 [&3StPont& 3,1.247] (Beke; 5th%19`6th ac?). __ &1Gazioura%19Ibora&: Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia &3Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 278c%19`278e. __ &1Gazacene&: Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 138, 145b. __ &1Harsadin&: Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 250. __ &1Laodicea&: Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia &3Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 20, 22. __ &1Mersivan&: Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 148, 150; &3AEMO+& 9 (1885) 131,101 (near Mersivan). __ &1Nefesko+y&: &3AEMO+& 9 (1885) 131,100. __ &1Neoclaudiopolis%19Andrapa&: Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 35%3`1%19`35%3`3, 35b, 37%19`38, 44%19`46, 54%19`55, 63, 68, 68a, 70b, 72, 75%19`76, 78, 88, 91. __ &1Palake&: &3Me/lBey& 3 (1909) 441,1 (305%19`306 ac), 441,2 (near Palake; 335%19`337 ac), 444,4 (E. of Palake). __ &1Q. Kadichehr&: &3Me/lBey& 3 (1909) 452,13 (293%19`305 ac). __ &1Sarin&: Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia &3Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 275, 275a. __ &1Sinope&: Bees, &3BNgJ& Suppl. I (1922) 53; Dessau, &3ILS& 660 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 6979] (308%19`311 ac); &3CIG& 9261; &3LBW& V,1812 [&3CIG& 4158]; &3BCH& 13 (1889) 305,11; &3SEG 36,1169, 1171%19`1172. __ &1Themiskyra&: Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 15. __ &1Therma &1Phazimoniton&: Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia Pontica 3,1 (1910) 26%19`27, 30. __ &1Turnouk&: Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 161. __ &1Yuwarla&: Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 157d. __ &1Zela&: Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 263. __ &1Zelitide&: Anderson, Cumont and Gre/goire, &3Studia Pontica& 3,1 (1910) 277. @ PONTUS POLEMONIACUS. &1Hammam Go+zu&: &3Me/lBey& 7 (1914 [`1921]) 19,27. __ &1Sebastopolis&: &3Me/lBey& 7 (1914 [`1921]) 11,14. __ &1Kejiut& [location?]: &3JHS& 18 (1897) 325,45 (Pontus Polem. or Armenia I?). __ &1Kerasos&: &3SEG& 36,1167 (5th%19`6th ac). __ &1Trapezous (Trebizond):& Dessau, &3ILS& 639 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 6746] (293%19`305 ac); Millet, "Les monaste\res et les e/glises de Tre/bizonde," &3BCH& 19 (1895) 422,1%19`422,2, 425, 430, 432(1)%19`432(2), 434, 435(1)%19`435(3), 436(1)%19`436(4), 437, 438, 439, 440; &3DOP& 23%19`24 (1969%19`1970) 369,1(1)%19`369,1(2), here %6 &3BCH 19 (1895) Add.,2* (1486 ac) and Add.,3* (1547 ac); Millet, "Inscr. byz. de Tre/bizonde," &3BCH& 20 (1896) 496,1%19`499,2, &3BZ& 18 (1908) 493, 494; &3CIG& 8636 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979), no. 180] (542 ac), 8637 [cf. Mentzou%19Mei+maris, &3DChAE&(`4) 9 (1977%19`1979), no. 181] (542 ac); &3Byzantion& 4 (1927%19`1928) 408 (ca. 1238%19`1269 ac). __ &1Soumela&: Frolow, &3Relique de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 529,777, here %6 &3BCH& 19 (1895) "Add.,1*" (1390 ac). @ IBERIA. &1Bitchvin&: &3Bulletin de l'Acade/mie des Sciences de &3Ge/orgie& 16 (1955) 73 %6 &3BE/& 1958,517. __ &1Michet Samtawro&: Kaoukchischvili, &3Inscr. gr. de Ge/orgie& (1951) 253 (3rd%19`4th ac). @ ARMENIA I%19II. &1Arabissos& [Arm. II]: &3Me/lBey& 3 (1909) 455,17%19`455,19, 456,21, 457,23, 457,25, 458,26. __ &1Dagalassos [Arm. I]: &3BCH& 33 (1909) 39,15 (6th%19`7th ac). __ &1Koloneia& [ARM. I] &3LBW& V,1814g [&3SEG& 36.1269]. __ &1Komana& [ARM. II]: &3AS& 18 (1968) 134,6,33b, 135,8,1%19`135,8,5 135,8,6 [&3BE/& 1969.572], 136,8,7 [cf. &3BE/& 1969.572], 136,8,8%19`136,8,9; &3AS& 19 (1969) 36,8,10%19`37,8,15. __ &1Melitene& [ARM. I]: &3LBW& V,1814c [Hild, &3DenkschrWien& 131 (1977) 145] (N. of. Melitene; 5th%19`6th ac). __ &1Nikopolis& [ARM. I]: &3BCH& 33 (1909) 34,12 [Dessau, &3ILS& 9481a] (4th ac); &3JHS& 18 (1897) 325,44 [Robert, &3Hellenica& 1 (1940) 35]. __ &1Orduzu& [ARM. II]: &3CIG& 8693 [Halkin V,91] (betw. Melitene and Malat%1ya; 959%3`60 ac?). __ &1Satala& [ARM. I]: &3JHS& 18 (1897) 322,37. __ &1Sebasteia& [ARM. I]: &3BZ& 39 (1939) 393 [Halkin V,92] (6th%19`7th ac); &3Me/lBey& 13 (1928) 89 (6th%19`7th ac). __ See also "Mesopotamia and Armenia IV" under "Syria". @ ARMENIA MAJOR. &1Ereruk&: &3SEG& 36,1266 (5th%19`6th ac), 1267 (ca. 600 ac). __ &1Etsmiadzi&: &3SEG& 36,1268. __ &1Gorneae&: &3SEG& 20,110 (308 ac?). __ &1Mastar&: &3SEG& 36,1270 (7th ac), 1271. __ &1Nige&: &3SEG 20,111 (3rd or 4th ac?). @ CAPPADOCIA I. &1Basilika Therma&: &3Me/lBey& 7 (1914 [`1921]) 3,3. __ &1Buzluk&: Restle, &3DenkschrWien& 138 (1979) 48. __ &1C%25epni&: &3Me/lBey& 7 (1914 [`1921]) 5,6. __ &1Dendil&: &3Me/lBey& 7 (1914 [`1921]) 5,7%19 5,8. __ &1Euaissa&: &3BCH& 33 (1909) 55,22 (5th ac). __ &1Gereme&: Restle, &3DenkschrWien& 138 (1979) 44. __ &1Kaisareia&: &3AnthPal& 1,92 (ca. 360%19`390 ac), 93 (4th%19`6th ac); &3BCH& 33 (1909) 60,33 [&3Me/lBey& 3 (1909) 465,46], 67,46, 69,49b (5th%19`6th ac), 75,62%19`76,63 (Byz.), 76,64 (1465 or 1445 ac); &3BCH& 33 (1909) 61,38 (NW. of Kaisareia). &3Me/lBey& 3 (1909) 470,57. __ &1Kirs%25ehir&: &3AnalBoll& 91 (1973) 364 %6 &3BE/& 1974,592 (5th%19`7th ac). __ &1Manda&: Restle, &3DenkschrWien& 138 (1979) 138.64. __ &1Rhodanos&: &3BCH& 33 (1909) 120,97 (S. of Rhodanos; 778%3`9 ac). __ &1Siricha&: &3Me/lBey& 3 (1909) 470,60; &3BCH& 33 (1909) 42,17 (near Siricha). __ &1Sivasa&: Restle, &3DenkschrWien& 138 (1979) 138.82. __ &1Taxiarches&: &3BCH& 33 (1909) 58,28 [&3Me/lBey& 3 (1909) 471,61]. @ CAPPADOCIA II. &1Archelais&: &3SEG& 27,948a%19`948b (6th ac), 948b (6th ac). __ &1Beliserama&: Thierry, &3Nouvelles e/glises rupestres de &3Cappadoce& (1963) 156, 184, 202. __ &1Cemil&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) 154%19`157 and II,1, p. 147; &3Jerph& 153 (near Cemil). __ &1Dasmendron&: &3BCH& 33 (1909) 129,106. __ &1Eregli&: &3SEG& 27,950 (5th%19`6th ac), 951 (6th ac), 952%19`954 (6th%19`7th ac). __ &1Gu+llu Dere&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises &3rupestres de Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) 121; &3CahArch& 15 (1965) 99, 100, 128 (913%19`920 ac), here %6 Thierry, &3Nouvelles e/glises &3rupestres de Cappadoce& (1963) Add.,1*. __ &1H. Prokopios&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) 93%19`98. __ &1Ihlara&: Thierry, &3Nouvelles e/glises rupestres de Cappadoce (1963) 42; 67,2%19`69,5, 69,6a%19`69,6b, 74, 91; &3JSav& 1968.46 (11th ac), here %6 Thierry, &3Nouvelles e/glises rupestres de Cappadoce (1963) Add.,5*. __ &1Ihlara&: Thierry, &3Nouvelles e/glises &3rupestres de Cappadoce& (1963) 42; 67,2%19`69,5, 69,6a%19`69,6b, 74, 91; &3JSav& 1968.46 (11th ac), here %6 Thierry, &3op.cit.,& Add.,5*. __ &1Kemerhisar&: &3SEG& 31,1324 (317%19`324 ac). __ &1Kizil C%25ukur&: &3TravMe/m& 8 (1981) 507 (end 7th ac), and &3MonPiot& 50 (1958) 110 [text quoted from &3BE/& 1959.436] (10th%19`11th ac), here %6 Thierry, &3Nouvelles e/glises rupestres de Cappadoce& (1963) Add.,2*%19Add.,3*. __ &1Limnai&: Robert, &3Hellenica& 2 (1946) 156 [Halkin V,91]. __ &1Korama&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de &3Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) 1%19`36, I,2, p. 358, 37%19`41, 41a%19`41e, 42%19`78; &3BCH& 33 (1909) 89,76 [&3Me/lBey& 3 (1909) 461,35]. __ &1Malakopea (Melegob)&: &3SEG& 27,955 [Hild, &3DenkschrWien& 131 (1977) 69] (6th ac). __ &1Matiane&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de &3Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) 79%19`82, 83%3`4, 85%19`92. __ &1Mavrucan&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) 161%19`164. __ &1Nakida&: &3BCH& 33 (1909) 127,103 (E. of Nakida). __ &1Nazianos&: &3BCH& 33 (1909) 95,80. __ &1Nevs%25ehir&: &3SEG& 29,1534 (Topakli, near Nevs%25ehir; 5th ac). __ &1Ortahisar&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) II,1,54. __ &1Ortako+y&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce ź∣(1925%19`1942) 165%19`167. __ &1Parnassos&: &3JHS& 19 (1898) 108,96 108,96 (317%19`324 ac). __ &1Pharanga&: &3BCH& 33 (1909) 127,102. __ &1Poros&: &3Me/lBey& 7 (1914 [`1921]) 5,6. &3CIG& 9240; &3BCH& 33 (1909) 142,113 [Peek, &3GVI& (1955) 1588], 143,115%19`144,116, 145,118. __ &1Sinasos&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) 132%19`138, II,1, p. 106, 140%19`141, 143%19`149 (near Sinasos). __ &1Sobesos&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce (1925%19`1942) 158; &3Me/lBey& 3 (1909) 462,36. __ &1Sog%148angli&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) 169%19`209. __ &1Sog%148angli V.&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de &3Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) 168. __ &1Susum Bayri&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) 126%19`131. __ &1Tamisos&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce (1925%19`1942) 159%19`160. __ &1Tyana&: Peek, &3GVI& (1955) 134 %6 &3BE/ 1959,437 (near Tyana); &3SEG& 27,956 (end 4th%19beg. 5th). __ &1Zelve&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce (1925%19`1942) I,2, p. 557, and 99%19`120; &3TravMe/m& 8 (1981) 509 (10th ac), here %6 Thierry, &3Nouvelles e/glises rupestres de &3Cappadoce& (1963) Add.,4*. __ &1Zoropassos&: de Jerphanion, &3E/glises rupestres de Cappadoce& (1925%19`1942) 122%19`125. @ ISAURIA. &1Adrassos&: Reynolds, in Alfo+ldi%19Rosenbaum, &3DenkschrWien& 146 (1980) 82,1%19`84,3, 85,5%19`88,12. __ &1Alahan&: &3SEG 14,812 [Gough, &3Alahan& (1985) 22,1] (462 ac) and 813 [Gough, &3Alahan& (1985) 23,2] (after 461 ac); &3SEG& 36,1224%19`1232. __ &1Anemurium&: Russell, &3DenkschrWien& 190 (1987) 39,7%19`88,24; &3Phoenix& 26 (1972) 183%19`186 and 396%19`399 (ca. 382 ac) %6 &3BE/ 1973,480; &3SEG& 33,1191 (ca. 425%19`450 ac), 1192 (ca. 600 ac). __ &1Aphrodisias&: Bean and Mitford, &3DenkschrWien& 102 (1970) 193,214%19`194,215. __ &1Bag%148s%25akada&: Bean and Mitford, &3DenkschrWien 102 (1970) 196,216. __ &1Bey o+ren&: &3MAMA& 3,51. __ &1C%25irga&: &3Byzantinoslavica& 19 (1958) 244 [&3JO+B& 11%19`12 (1962%19`1963) 160; cf. &3SEG& 36.1223] (later 5th ac?). __ &1Claudiopolis&: Bean and Mitford, &3DenkschrWien& 102 (1970) 234,n53a. __ &1Coropissus (Dag%148 &1Pazari)&: &3Tu+rk Arkeoloji Dergisi& 8,2 (1958) 6%19`7,ph.4, 6 and 11 %6 &3BE/& 1960,394[a%19c]. __ &1Diokaisareia&: &3MAMA& 3, p. 62a%19`62b, nos. 73, 75%19`76, 79%19`102; Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie (1987) 14%19`15; &3JHS& 12 (1891) 229,8. __ Jud.: Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie& (1987) 14, here %6 &3CIJ& 795a (4th%19`5th ac). __ &1Eirenopolis&: Bean and Mitford, &3DenkschrWien& 102 (1970) 205,231%19`206,232. __ &1Ermenek%3Karaman&: Bean and Mitford, &3DenkschrWien& 102 (1970) 205,231a. __ &1Eski Kale&: &3MAMA& 3,112. __ &1Fariske&: Bean and Mitford, &3DenkschrWien& 102 (1970) 215,245. __ &1Germanicopolis&: Bean and Mitford, &3DenkschrWien& 102 (1970) 199,221%19`201,223. __ &1In Bunar&: &3MAMA& 3,196. __ &1Kelenderis&: &3LBW V,1388 [&3CIG& 4322]. __ &1Lamos (Limonlu)&: &3SEG& 32,1314 (5th%19`6th ac?). __ &1Lausada&: Bean and Mitford, &3DenkschrWien& 102 (1970) 210,239. __ &1Meriamlik&: &3MAMA& 2,28; &3MAMA& 3,35%19`48; &3LBW& V,1415 [&3CIG& 9235]. __ &1Olba&: Heberdey and Wilhelm, &3DenkschrWien& 44,6 (1896) 89,168. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 795. __ &1O+ren Ko+y&: &3MAMA& 3,106a. __ &1Philadelphia?&: Bean and Mitford, &3DenkschrWien& 102 (1970) 218,248%19`219,251. __ &1Seleukia Kalykand.&: &3MAMA& 3,10%19`11, 13, 16%19`19, 21%19`27, 29%19`30, 32; Bean and Mitford, &3DenkschrWien& 102 (1970) 196,217%19`198,219; Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie (1987) 2%19`4, 4a; &3CIG& 9207, 9209, 9219%19`9220, 9222%19`9223, 9226, 9227 [Robert, &3Hellenica& 1 (1940) 30] 9228%19`9229, 9233%19`9234; &3LBW V,1389 [&3CIG& 9231], 1392, 1393 [&3CIG& 9212], 1394 [&3CIG& 9211], 1395 [&3CIG& 9206], 1396 [&3CIG& 9213], 1397, 1398 [&3CIG& 9208], 1399, 1404 [&3CIG& 9232], 1405 [&3CIG& 9214], 1406 [&3CIG& 9218], 1407 [&3CIG 9217], 1408 [&3CIG& 9230], 1411 [&3CIG& 9215], 1412 [&3CIG& 9216], 1413 [&3CIG& 9221], 1414 [&3CIG& 9224], 1417 [&3CIG& 9225], 1418 [&3CIG& 9210]; &3LBW& V,1402, 1403 [&3CIG& 9236] (near Seleukeia); &3Papers of the &3British School at Rome& 37 (1969) 98 %6 &3BE/& 1973,481. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 783%19`784. __ &1Silifke Museum&: Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de &3Cilicie& (1987) 6%19`10. __ &1Selinus& (Jud.): &3SEG& 20,87 (2nd ac). __ &1Tapureli&: &3MAMA& 3,109%19`110. __ &1Tschukur&: Dessau, &3ILS& 740 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 6733] ("Tschakur", on the Upper Kalykadnos R.; 359 ac). __ &1Yanikhan&: &3SEG& 35,1451 (Yanikhan, N. of Kanytella; late 4th ac). __ &1Yunt&: Bean and Mitford, &3DenkschrWien& 102 (1970) 126,116, 126,117a%19`126,117b. __ &1Zenopolis&: &3AnalBoll& 30 (1911) 316 %6 Halkin VI,88 (488 ac). @ CILICIA I. &1Akkale&: Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie (1987) 22 (Akkale, near Elaioussa%19Sebaste). __ &1Andana&: &3Byzantion& 4 (1927%19`1928) 465,7 [Robert, &3Hellenica& 4 (1948) 74] (end 4th ac). __ &1Adana Museum&: Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de &3Cilicie& (1987) 49%19`61. __ &1Etekli&: Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de &3Cilicie& (1987) 65. __ &1Kanytella&: Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de &3Cilicie& (1987) 21. __ &1Korasion&: &3MAMA& 3,113%19`136, 137a%19`137b, 138%19`163, 164a%19`164b, 165%19`195; &3CIG& 9201, 9203; &3AS& 19 (1969) 139,1 (near Korasion; 521 ac). __ &1Korykian Grotto&: &3MAMA& 3, p. 219. __ &1Korykos&: &3MAMA& 2,106, 116; &3MAMA& 3,197%19`199, 203%19`207, 207a, 208%19`209, 211, 212a%19`212b, 213, 214a%19`214b, 215%19`217, 218a%19`218e, 219, 220a%19`220b, 222%19`224, 226%19`240, 240a, 241a%19`241b, 242a%19`242b, 243%19`257, 259%19`262, 264, 266%19`271, 273%19`288, 289a%19`289b, 290%19`298, 299a, 299b%3`611, 301%19`306, 307a%19`307b, 308%19`315, 316a%19`316b, 317%19`322, 323a%19`323b, 324%19`347, 348b%19`348c, 349%19`352, 354%19`359, 361%19`363, 364a%19`364b, 365%19`366, 367a%19`367b, 368%19`379, 380a%19`380b, 381%19`388, 390%19`405, 406a%19`406b, 407%19`410, 411a%19`411b, 412%19`450, 451a%19`451b, 452, 453a%19`453b, 454%19`492, 493a%19`493b, 494%19`496, 497a%19`497b, 498b, 499%19`506, 508%19`515, 516a%19`516b, 517%19`527, 528a%19`528b, 529, 530a, 530b%3c, 531%19`539, 541%19`544, 544a, 545%19`548, 549a%19`549b, 550%19`560, 561a%19`561b, 562%19`568, 570, 573%19`576, 577a%19`577b, 578%19`579, 580a%19`580b, 581%19`584, 585a%19`585b, 586%19`619, 620%3`21, 622%19`633, 634a%19`634b, 635%19`656, 658%19`706, 707a, 708%19`734, 735a%19`735b, 736%19`742, 744%19`760, 763%19`767, 767a, 768%19`788; Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie& (1987) 18%19`19; &3CIG& 9181, 9198; &3LBW& V,1430. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 785, 786%19`789, 790 (4th%19`5th ac), 791%19`794. __ &1Elaioussa%19Sebaste&: &3LBW& V,1469 [&3CIG& 4432e]; &3SEG 36,1240 (5th%19`6th ac). __ &1Erdemli Museum&: Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie& (1987) 23. __ &1Kasanlu+&: &3LBW& V,1474 [&3CIL 3.223] (293%19`305 ac). __ &1Kilise Dere&: Heberdey and Wilhelm, &3DenkschrWien& 44,6 (1896) 41,97%19`41,98. __ &1Magarsas&: Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie& (1987) 73. __ &1Mersin&: Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie& (1987) 24a. __ &1Pompeioupolis&: Heberdey and Wilhelm, &3DenkschrWien& 44,6 (1896) 43,102, 44,106%19`44,109, 44,109a%19`44,109b; Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de &3Cilicie& (1987) 24%19`25. __ &1Tarsus&: Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de &3Cilicie& (1987) 35%19`40; &3CIG& 4438 [cf. &3GRBS& 20 (1979) 177] (5th%19`6th ac); &3LBW& V,1483. 1484 [&3CIG& 9161] and 1485 [&3CIG& 9162]; &3GRBS& 20 (1979) 178,3 %6 &3BE/& 1951,223 (5th%19`6th ac). __ Jud.: Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie& (1987) 36, here %6 &3CIJ 795b (6th ac). __ &1Tarsus Museum&: Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de &3Cilicie& (1987) 32%19`33. __ &1Tec%25e Dere&: Heberdey and Wilhelm, &3DenkschrWien& 44,6 (1896) 42,99%19`42,100. __ &1Yanikhan&: &3SEG 35,1451 (late 4th ac). @ CILICIA II. &1Aigai&: Heberdey and Wilhelm, &3DenkschrWien& 44,6 (1896) 16,46. __ &1Anazarbus&: Heberdey and Wilhelm, &3DenkschrWien ź44,6 (1896) 37,93; Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie (1987) 104%19`108 (Anazarbus) and 119 (SE. of Anazarbos); &3LBW V,1516 [&3CIG& 9156], and 1517 [&3CIG& 9155]; &3AS& 2 (1952) 125, 149,2 (305%19`306 ac); &3JHS& 11 (1890) 240,7; &3SEG& 12,542%19`543, 544 (516 ac), 545a (after 516 ac). __ &1C%25emkale&: Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie& (1987) 113%19`116, 116a. __ &1Civlikli&: &3SEG 36,1238 (Civlikli, NE. of Feke; 6th ac). __ &1Feke&: &3SEG 36,1242,a%19`1242,b (400%19`450 ac). __ &1Flaviopolis&: &3JHS& 11 (1890) 236,1. __ &1Gafarli&: Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie (1987) 117. __ &1Hierapolis&: Heberdey and Wilhelm, &3DenkschrWien 44,6 (1896) 25,56, 27,61%19`27,62. __ &1Iskanderun&: &3IGLSyr& 3,713. __ &1Kadirli&: Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie& (1987) 118. __ &1Karatepe&: &3SEG& 12,504, 509%19`510. __ &1Kozan%19Sis&: Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie& (1987) p. 258. __ &1Lampron&: &3AS& 19 (1969) 192 [&3BE/& 1972.560] (12th%19`13th ac?). __ &1Mopsouestia&: Heberdey and Wilhelm, &3DenkschrWien& 44,6 (1896) 13,38; Dagron and Feissel, &3Inscr. de Cilicie& (1987) 88%19`97; &3LBW& V,1504 and 1505 [&3CIG& 9158]; Budde, &3Antiken Mosaiken in Kililien, I (1969), pp. 40%19`55, and &3ZdPV& 90 (1974) 69%19`75 %6 Guarducci, &3EG IV,426,3 (400%19`450 ac?); &3JHS& 18 (1897) 309,6 (near Mopsuestia). __ &1Narli Kuyu&: Budde, &3Antiken Mosaiken in Kililien, I& (1969), p. 95, with &3idem, Antiken Mosaiken in Kililien, II& (1972), pp. 101%19`104, figs. 91%19`102 %6 &3BE/& 1974,612 (ca. 375%19`400 ac?). __ &1Rhosos&: &3IGLSyr& 3,724, 727%19`728, 730%19`732 (Rhosos), 733 (near Rhosos), 734 (SW. of Rhosos). @ ASIA MINOR. &1Bolokla+& [location?]: &3CIG& 8866. &1Unknown &1provenience&: &3SEG& 6,801a; &3SEG& 27,1238 (Phrygia? Bithynia?). @ CYPRUS. &1Amathous&: &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 156,19%19`158,20; &3SEG 32,1368 (imp.). __ &1Arsinoe&: &3JHS& 11 (1890) 75,21, here %6 &3Byzantion& 20 (150) 169,2d; &3SEG& 20,259 [&3TravMe/m& 4 (1970) 477,1] (Chrysochou). __ &1Carpasia&: &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 125,6 (5th%19`6th ac); &3Berytus& 14 (1961%19`1963) 140,10 %6 &3BE/& 1965,456; &3SEG& 23,682 (4th%19`5th ac). __ &1Dhekelia&: &3SEG& 27,965 (Dhekelia, near Larnaka; 4th ac). __ &1Drepano&: Hogarth, &3Devia Cypria& (1899) 11,6, here %6 &3Byzantion& 20 (150) 169,2c. __ &1Chytroi&: Dessau, &3ILS& 738 [&3CIL 3.214] (351%19`354 ac). __ &1Evdhimou&: &3SEG& 23,634 (end 3rd ac). __ &1Golgi&: &3SEG& 14,816. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 735 [Lifshitz, &3Donateurs (1967) 82] (6th ac?). __ &1Kition&: &3LBW& VII,2727, here %6 &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 170,6a; &3BCH& 84 (1960) 297 (6th ac). __ &1Kourion&: Mitford, &3Inscr. of Kourion& (1971) 201%19`216; &3LBW VII,2819 (near Kourion; 1591 ac). __ Jud.: Mitford, &3Inscr. of &3Kourion& (1971) 70, here %6 &3CIJ& 736c (late Hell.). __ &1Koutsovendi&: &3DOP& 18 (1964) 335 (1092%19`1111 ac?). __ &1Kytherea&: &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 128,7%19`134,9. __ &1Lapethos&: &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 136,10%19`141,12 and 168,b [&3BCH& 20 (1896) 349,4]; &3BCH& 20 (1896) 351,5, here %6 &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 169,2b; &3LBW& VII,2769, here %6 &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 170,6b; &3Report of the Department of &3Antiquities of Cyprus& 1965.130,21 %6 &3BE/& 1967,658. __ Jud.: &3CIJ 736 [Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 83] (4th%19`5th ac?); Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 84 here %6 &3CIJ& 736a (5th ac?). __ &1Limassol&: &3SEG& 28,1308 (late 4th ac). __ &1Lythrangomoi&: &3Felix Ravenna& 66 (1954) 5 %6 Add. (1973) to Halkin VI,339 (ca. 500 ac). __ &1Lythrodontas&: &3SEG& 30,1625 (3rd ac). __ &1Nea Paphos (Paphos)&: &3LBW& VII,2791, here %6 &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 169,2a; &3BCH& 88 (1964) 374 [Guard. &3EG& IV,421,4] (end 5th%3beg. 6th); &3SEG& 23,649, 653 (5th%19`6th ac); &3Berytus& 14 (1961%19`1963) 140,8 %6 &3BE/& 1965,446 (N. of Ktima); &3SEG& 28,1309 (area of Paphos: Fabrica). __ &1Ovgoros&: &3SEG& 26,1483 (5th ac). __ &1Palaia Paphos (Kouklia)&: &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 154,18; &3LBW& VII,2807d], here %6 &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 169,1f. __ &1Rizokarpasos&: &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 127 n.1. __ &1Salamis%19Constantia&: Pouilloux, et al., &3Salamine de Chypre, &3XIII,2& (1987) 130, 151%19`152, 152,39%19`152,42, 153%19`155, 156,b, 156bis, 157, 169%19`170, 200%19`218, 227%19`238, 284%19`285, 293, 295%19`296, 296bis, 392%19`397, 401, 405, 407, 414. __ Jud.: Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 85, here %6 &3CIJ& 736b (6th ac?). __ &1Salamis%3Kytherea&: Pouilloux, et al., &3Salamine de Chypre, &3XIII,2& (1987) 219%19`226 [&3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 116,4%19`118,5 and 120,a%19`121,f]. __ &1Soloi&: &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 147,15%19`151,17; &3BCH 3 (1879) 165,7, here %6 &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 166,a; des Gagniers and Tran Tam Tinh, &3Soloi& I (1985) 15, 51, 99 and 116 [&3SEG 35,1471]; &3SEG& 23,660 (6th ac?); &3SEG& 31,1364. __ &1Soloi%3Paphos&: &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 143,13%19`145,14. __ &1Trimithous&: &3AD& 22,B (1967) 549. __ &1place?&: &3Byzantion& 20 (1950) 160,21%19`162,22; &3AnthPal& 7,679%19`7,680 (6th ac); &3SEG& 28,1313 (early Byz.); &3SEG 35,1473 (6th%19`7th ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 737 (Archaic). ƺ@ @@@@@@@@@@@@PREFECTURE OF ORIENS: ORIENS @ Mesopotamia and Armenia IV, Osrhoene, Euphratensis, Syria, Phoenice, Phoenice Libani, Palaestina I%19III, Arabia. Also included here are: the Sinai (under Palaest. III), Arabia Felix and Susiana. @ MESOPOTAMIA AND ARMENIA IV. &1Amida& [Mes.]: &3CIG& 8653 (5th%19`6th ac), 8897. __ &1Dara& [Mes.] &3SEG& 32,1399 (Ambar, near Dara; 507%19`518 ac). __ &1Egrek& [Arm. IV]: Lemerle, &3Prole/gomenes a\ une &3e/dition critique et commente/e des "Conseils et Re/cits" de &3Ke/kaume/nos& (1960), p. 29 %6 &3BE/& 1966,437 (Egrek, N. of Erzurum; 1006%3`7 ac). __ &1Erzincan& [Arm. IV]: &3ArchAnz& 1943.80 %6 &3BE/ 1952,151 (6th ac). __ &1Kamacha& [Arm. IV]: &3Byzantion& 10 (1935) 171 (992 ac?). __ &1Kartmin& [Mes.]: &3DOP& 27 (1973) 296 (512 ac). __ &1Martyropolis& [Mes.]: &3SEG& 35,1475 (ca. 591 ac). __ &1Nisibis [Mes.]: &3CIG& 8820. __ &1Samachi& [Mes.]: &3SEG& 27,1001 (6th ac). For Armenia I, Armenia II and Armenia Major, see under "Asia Minor". @ OSRHOENE. &1Carrhae%3Edessa&: &3JHS& 74 (1954) 179 %6 &3BE/& 1955,234 (4th%19`5th ac). __ &1Constantina%3Thella& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 1419. __ &1Edessa& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 1415%19`1418 (1st%19`4th ac), @ EUPHRATENSIS. &1Altynt%1as%19qal%102e&: &3IGLSyr& 1,59. __ &1As%25agi C%25ardak&: &3SEG& 26,1491%19`1493. __ &1el%19Bireh&: &3IGLSyr& 1,252a. __ &1Cyrrhus&: &3IGLSyr& 1,145%19`147, 160; &3SEG& 32,1474. __ &1Doliche&: &3SEG& 28,1321 (6th%19`7th ac), 1322. __ &1Dura%19Europos& [ex%19Syria]: Welles, in Kraeling, &3Excavations at Dura%19Europos, VIII,2: The Christian &3Building& (1967) 90,1%19`90,2, 91,4%19`91,5, 92,8%19`93,10, 95,15%19`97,20; &3SEG& 7,794%19`797, 811. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 825 (194 ac), 826,a%19`826,c [Welles, in Kraeling, &3Excavations at Dura%19Europos, VIII,1: The &3Synagogue& (1956) 274,20%19`275,22] (before 244 ac), 827 [&3EDE 8,1.274,19] (before 244 ac), 828a [&3EDE& 8,1.267,1b] (244%3`5 ac), 828b [&3EDE& 8,1.263,1a] (244%3`5 ac), 829%19`832 [&3EDE 8,1.277,23%19`279,26] (244%3`5 ac), 833 (244%3`5 ac), 834%19`836 [&3EDE 8,1.269,3%19`270,4] (244%3`5 ac), 837%19`838 [&3EDE& 8,1.279,30%19`279,31] (244%3`5 ac), 839 [&3EDE& 8,1.279,29] (244%3`5 ac), 840 [&3EDE 8,1.271,7] (244%3`5 ac), 841 [&3EDE& 8,1.272,11] (244%3`5 ac); 842,a%19`842,b [&3EDE& 8,1.271,9%19`272,10] (244%3`5 ac), 842,c [&3EDE 8,1.271,8] (244%3`5 ac); 843 [&3EDE& 8,1.273,16] (after 244%3`5 ac), 844 (244%3`5), 845; Welles, in Kraeling, &3Excavations at &3Dura%19Europos, VIII,1: The Synagogue& (1956) 279,32%19`280,33, here %6 &3CIJ& 839a%19`839b (245%19`256 ac), &3EDE& 8,1.280,35, here %6 &3CIJ& 839c (245%19`256 ac); &3SEG& 2,823. __ &1Germanicia&: &3IGLSyr& 1,90. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 782 [&3IGLSyr& 1.90]. __ &1Hierapolis&: &3IGLSyr& 1,251; Mouterde, in &3Limes de Chalcis& (1945) 209,39a; &3SEG& 32,1456 (321 ac), 1457%19`1460, 1461 (418 ac), 1463, 1465, 1467, 1468 (468 ac), 1469, 1471 (401 ac); &3SEG& 35,1492, 1493 (early Byz.). __ ƺ&1Hu+lu+men&: &3SEG& 28,1323 (Tinazdere%19Hu+ku+men; 4th%19`5th ac). __ &1Ku+rdu+lu+ Kersentas%25&: &3SEG& 28,1324 (447 ac). __ &1Perre&: &3IGLSyr 1,48. __ Jud.: &3IGLSyr& 1.48, here also %6 &3CIJ& 782a. __ &1Resafa%19Sergiopolis&: Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de &3la Syrie du nord& III (1958) 33,36%19`34,38. (Res%1a=fe); &3SEG& 7,188 (ca. 569%19`582 ac); &3SEG& 27,993 (559 ac); &3SEG& 36,1303 [&3SEG 27,993] (559 ac), 1304 (ca. 580%19`600 ac), 1305 [&3CIG& 8829%7] (ca. 580%19`600 ac), 1306 (after 595%3`6 ac), 1307 (559 ac), 1308, 1309 (ca. 559 ac?), 1310 (after 6th ac), 1311 (6th ac?), 1311n(1)%19`1311n(2). __ &1Samosata&: &3SEG& 7,48. __ &1Sourp Hagop&: &3IGLSyr& 1,58. __ &1Tell el Hajj& [location?]: &3SEG& 26,1651 (4th%19`5th ac). __ &1Yukari So+g%148u+tlu+&: &3SEG& 28,1325 (413 ac). __ &1Zambour&: &3IGLSyr& 1,130. __ &1Zeugma%19Seleukeia&: Mouterde, in &3Limes de &3Chalcis& (1945) 212,47. __ Jud.: &3SEG& 26,1545 [&3IGLSyr& 1.111], 1555, 1593%19`1594. @ SYRIA I. &1el%19A=dja&: &3IGLSyr& 3,1237. __ &1%102Ain Sfi=reh&: &3IGLSyr& 2,262. __ &1Aboud%1d%1ouhour&: &3IGLSyr& 2,353. __ &1%102Alla%26ru=z&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1250. __ &1%102Ameicha=n&: &3IGLSyr& 2,651%19`652. __ &1Ammatha (el%19H%1ammam)&: Mouterde, in &3Limes de Chalcis& (1945) 207,39. __ &1Anasartha%19Theodoroupolis &1(H%1ana=s%1ir)&: &3IGLSyr& 2,281%19`282, 284%19`286, 288%19`289, 291%19`295, 297%19`301; Mouterde, in &3Limes de Chalcis& (1945) 194,20%19`196,23, 196,26%19`197,27. __ &1Antiochia&: &3IGLSyr& 3,765, 770%19`771, 774%19`787, 789, 802, 805%19`807, 810, 814%19`815, 832, 851%19`852, 862, 869%19`871, 877%19`878, 882%19`884, 984%19`986, 1045%19`1046, 1049, 1057%19`1058, 1067bis, 1073, 1073(?), 1084, 1084bis, 1104; Lassus, &3Sanctuaires chre/tiennes de Syrie& (1947) 257n.1 (Antioch: Machuka); &3TravMe/m& 9 (1985) 421,1 [&3SEG& 35.1484] (336 ac), 457,3 (999 ac), 459,4 (10th ac?), 460,5 (10th%19`11th ac), 460,6 (1046 ac); &3DOP& 36 (1982) 211 (now Aachen; 969%19`970 ac); &3SEG& 32,1437 (502 ac?); &3SEG& 35,1485%19`1486 (5th%19`6th ac). __ Jud.: &3IGLSyr 3.770, here %6 &3CIJ& 818b (6th ac?), 3.789, here %6 &3CIJ& 818c. __ &1Antiochene&: &3SEG& 32,1408 (436%3`7 ac), 1410, 1411 (356%3`7 ac), 1412 (360%3`1 ac), 1413, 1418, 1419 (458%3`9 ac), 1420 (361%3`2 ac), 1422, 1431 (329 ac). __ &1Antiochia%3Laodicea&: &3Oriens Antiquus& 4 (1965) 71 %6 &3BE/& 1966,467 (293%19`305 ac). __ &1%102Arshi=n&: &3IGLSyr 2,621. __ &1Astumeh&: &3IGLSyr& 2,696%19`698. __ &1Ba%26bisqa%26&: &3IGLSyr& 2,528, 554%19`555, 557%19`563. __ &1Ba%26bu=da%26&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1249. __ &1Ba=muqqa&: Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du nord III (1958) 26,25. __ &1Ba=nast%1ur&: &3IGLSyr& 2,385. __ &1Baresh &1el%102Amoud&: &3IGLSyr& 2,591. __ &1Ba%26qirh%1a&: &3IGLSyr& 2,565%19`568. __ &1Ba%26shaqu=h%1&: &3IGLSyr& 2,573. __ &1Bashmishli&: &3IGLSyr& 2,571%19`572. __ &1Ba%26s%1u%26fan&: &3IGLSyr& 2,410. __ &1Ba%26tu=ta%26&: &3IGLSyr& 2,391. __ &1Ba%26%102u=deh&: &3IGLSyr& 2,564. __ &1Ba=zi=her&: &3IGLSyr& 2,390; Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du nord& III (1958) 9,8d. __ &1Bena=bil&: &3IGLSyr& 2,627. __ &1al%19Berke&: &3IGLSyr& 2,624%19`625. __ &1Beroia&: &3IGLSyr& 1,177, 188; Mouterde, in &3Limes de Chalcis (1945) 215,53; &3IGLSyr& 1,211%19`221, 223, 226 (area of Beroia). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 819 ("Alep"; 5th%19`6th ac). __ &1Bettir&: &3IGLSyr& 2,629. __ &1Beyla=n&: &3IGLSyr& 3,745. __ &1Bityas&: &3IGLSyr& 3,1107%19`1108. __ &1Bra=d&: &3IGLSyr& 2,360%19`367, 369%19`372; Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du nord& III (1958) 5,4%19`5,6; Lassus, &3Sanctuaires chre/tiennes de Syrie& (1947) 170, 171, 195, 257,1%19`259,12. __ &1Bshindelinteh&: &3IGLSyr& 2,633. __ &1Bsindela=ya&: &3IGLSyr& 2,635%19`637. __ &1Burdaqli&: &3IGLSyr& 2,524%19`527. __ &1Burdj &1Azza=ui&: &3IGLSyr& 2,328. __ &1Burdj Sbinneh&: &3IGLSyr& 2,342. __ &1Burdj &1il%19Qa=s&: &3IGLSyr& 2,373%19`374. __ &1Burdj is%19Sab%102&: &3IGLSyr& 2,478. __ &1Burdj H%1edar&: &3IGLSyr& 2,404%19`406; Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages &3antiques de la Syrie du nord& III (1958) III,7,8 (Burg%148 H%1eidar). __ &1Burdj Za%102rou=r&: Mouterde, in &3Limes de Chalcis& (1945) 188,15. (Borg%148 Za%102rou=r). __ &1Chalkis (Qinnesri=n)&: &3IGLSyr& 2,348%19`349; Mouterde, in &3Limes de Chalcis& (1945) 185,8%19`185,9. __ &1Da=na%26&: &3IGLSyr& 2,490%19`491, 493%19`495. __ &1Daphne&: &3IGLSyr& 3,990%19`991, 996, 998, 1013%19`1014, 1016, 1026%19`1028, 1030, 1032, 1040, 1074, 1077. __ &1Da=r Qi=ta&: &3IGLSyr& 2,535%19`549, 551%19`552. __ &1Deir Sim%102a=n&: &3IGLSyr 2,414%19`418, 420%19`423; Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de &3la Syrie du nord& III (1958) 19,16%19`19,17. __ &1Deir S%1ali=b&: &3IGLSyr 2,322%19`324. __ &1De=r Rehshan&: &3IGLSyr& 2,489. __ &1De=r Se=ta&: &3IGLSyr 2,604%19`605. __ &1Derkush&: &3IGLSyr& 2,665. __ &1Djene=d&: &3IGLSyr& 2,279. __ &1Djibri=n&: &3IGLSyr& 1,253%19`255. __ &1Djoubb el%19%102Ali&: &3IGLSyr& 2,302. __ &1Dju%26wa%26ni=yeh&: &3IGLSyr& 2,611%19`620. __ &1Dreyb el%19Wawi&: Mouterde, in &3Limes de Chalcis& (1945) 205,33%19`207,38. __ &1Dur%102ama=n&: &3IGLSyr 2,502%19`503. __ &1Ferka=n&: Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques &3de la Syrie du nord& III (1958) 11,9. __ &1Fidreh&: &3IGLSyr 2,432%19`437. __ &1Fa%26firti=n&: &3IGLSyr& 2,389. __ &1Gabala (Djebleh)&: &3TravMe/m& 9 (1985) 463,1 (1043 ac), 464,2 (1059 ac?). __ &1al%19'Gabbul&: &3IGLSyr& 2,264%19`265. __ &1Go+l%19Djibri=n&: &3IGLSyr& 2,355. __ &1H. Symeon (Qal%102a=t Sim%102a=n)&: &3IGLSyr& 2,411%19`413; Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du nord& III (1958) 15,12%19`16,13; &3Syria& 43 (1966) 107,2 [&3BE/& 1967.633] (ca. 968 ac) and 108,3 (729%3`30 ac?). __ &1H%1aqla&: &3IGLSyr& 2,268%19`269. __ &1H%1ara=b &1S%148ams%148&: Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du &3nord& III (1958) 11,10. __ &1Hasan Beyli&: &3IGLSyr& 3,735. __ &1Hezreh&: &3IGLSyr& 2,496%19`499. __ &1K. Sh. Bereka=t&: &3IGLSyr& 2,477. __ &1Kafr Deria=n&: Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la &3Syrie du nord& III (1958) 28,27a. __ &1Kafr La=b&: Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du nord& III (1958) 8,8a%19`9,8c. __ &1Kafr Na=bo&: Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages &3antiques de la Syrie du nord& III (1958) 10,8e%19`10,8f. __ &1Ka%26lo=ta&: &3IGLSyr& 2,381%19`382. __ &1Kara Douran&: &3IGLSyr& 3,1232, 1234. __ &1Kefr Anti=n&: &3IGLSyr& 2,392. __ &1Kefr Finsheh&: &3IGLSyr 2,608%19`609. __ &1Kefr Hut&: &3IGLSyr& 2,327. __ &1Kefr Nabo&: &3IGLSyr 2,377%19`380. __ &1Kfa=r %102Aruq&: &3IGLSyr& 2,587, 589%19`590. __ &1Kfa=r &1Deria=n&: &3IGLSyr& 2,578, 580. __ &1Kfellusi=n&: &3IGLSyr& 2,481%19`483. __ &1Kfe=r&: &3IGLSyr& 2,504. __ &1Kh. Sh. Ba=her&: &3IGLSyr& 2,646. __ &1Kh. &1el%19Khati=b&: &3IGLSyr& 2,553. __ &1Kh. Te%26zi=n&: &3IGLSyr& 2,533%19`534. __ &1Ki=ma=r&: &3IGLSyr& 2,356%19`357. __ &1Ko%26kana=ya&: &3IGLSyr& 2,595%19`603. __ &1Koryphe&: &3IGLSyr& 2,475. __ &1Kse=djbeh&: &3IGLSyr& 2,509%19`510. __ &1Ktella=ta&: &3IGLSyr& 2,684%19`685. __ &1Kwa=ro&: &3IGLSyr& 2,659%19`663. __ &1Laodicea&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1267, 1270, 1279, 1282, 1284; &3SEG& 27,978, 987, 989 (early Byz.). __ &1Ma%102rra=ta&: &3IGLSyr& 2,593%19`594. __ &1Ma%102s%1arteh&: &3IGLSyr& 2,634. __ &1Me%102ez&: &3IGLSyr& 2,583, 586; &3SEG 35,1494 [&3IGLSyr& 2.586]. __ &1Mektebeh&: &3IGLSyr& 2,337%19`341. __ &1Mellou\h%1a&: &3IGLSyr& 2,263. __ &1Millis&: &3IGLSyr& 2,648%19`649. __ &1Mu%102allaq&: &3IGLSyr& 2,271%19`276; Mouterde, in &3Limes de Chalcis (1945) 190,16. __ &1Me/rimi=n&: &3IGLSyr& 2,351%19`352. __ &1Nebbul&: Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du nord III (1958) 11,10a. __ &1Qal%102at Ka%26lo=ta&: &3IGLSyr& 2,384. __ &1Qalb &1Lauzeh&: &3IGLSyr& 2,630%19`632. __ &1Qalblo=ze&: Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du nord& III (1958) 25,23. __ &1Qas%1r Ibli=su%26&: &3IGLSyr& 2,532. __ &1Qas%1r el%19Bena=t&: &3IGLSyr& 2,530%19`531. __ &1Qa%26t%1u=ra&: &3IGLSyr& 2,440%19`441. 443%19`445, 448a; Seyrig, in ƺTchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du nord& III (1958) 16,14. __ &1Qubbet es%19Shih&: &3SEG& 31,1396 (early 5th ac). __ &1Rahaba&: &3IGLSyr& 2,500a. __ &1Rasm al%19Nafal&: &3IGLSyr& 2,278. __ &1Rasm &1el%19Buz&: &3IGLSyr& 2,270. __ &1Rasm el%19H%1adjal&: &3IGLSyr& 2,316%19`320; Mouterde, in &3Limes de Chalcis& (1945) 204,32 [&3IGLSyr& 2,318%7] (Rasm el%19H%1ag%148al). __ &1Rasm er%19Rbeyt%1&: &3IGLSyr& 2,332%19`333. (Rbi=t%1); Mouterde, in &3Limes de Chalcis& (1945) 192,19. __ &1Raya=n&: Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du nord& III (1958) 37,39b%19`38,39e. __ &1Rbe=%102a&: &3IGLSyr& 2,334%19`336. __ &1Refa=deh&: &3IGLSyr 2,424%19`426, 428%19`431; Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de &3la Syrie du nord& III (1958) 16,15. __ &1Resm il%19Kubba=r&: &3IGLSyr 2,343. __ &1er%19Rouhhweyb&: Mouterde, in &3Limes de Chalcis& (1945) 190,17. __ &1Ruwe=h%1a&: &3IGLSyr& 2,673%19`675, 677%19`682. __ &1Ri=h%1a&: &3IGLSyr 2,687%19`692, 694%19`695. __ &1Seleucia Pieria&: &3IGLSyr& 3,1124, 1130, 1142, 1146, 1152%19`1153, 1191%19`1192, 1209, 1211, 1242(3), 1242(5), 1242(7), 1242(8), 1242(10)%19`1242(16); &3SEG& 35,1523 (6th ac). __ &1Serdjibleh&: &3IGLSyr& 2,484%19`487. __ &1Serdi=n&: &3IGLSyr 2,640%19`641. __ &1Sermada&: &3IGLSyr& 2,511%19`512, 514%19`516, 518. __ &1Sfi=reh&: &3IGLSyr& 2,260%19`261; Mouterde, in &3Limes de Chalcis& (1945) 186,10%19`186,11. __ &1Shekh Sle%26ma=n&: &3IGLSyr& 2,400%19`403. __ &1Shekkin&: &3IGLSyr& 3,746%19`747. __ &1Simkha=r&: &3IGLSyr& 2,394%19`396. __ &1Soudji=n&: &3IGLSyr& 2,258. __ &1Sourp Thoma&: &3IGLSyr& 3,1109. __ &1Surqanya&: &3IGLSyr& 2,386, 388. __ &1Talti=ta&: &3IGLSyr& 2,642. __ &1Tell %102Aqibri=n&: &3IGLSyr& 2,506, 508. __ &1Tell %102Aran&: &3IGLSyr& 2,257. __ &1Tell %102A=deh&: &3IGLSyr& 2,479. __ &1Thaumaston Oros (Kutchuk Djebel Semaan)&: &3IGLSyr& 3,1217%19`1223; Me/ce/rian, "Les inscriptions du Mont Admirable," &3Me/lBey& 38,14 (1962) 304a, 304b, 307, 310, 311, 316 (ca. 600 ac?), 322,1 [&3REB& 22 (1964) 286] (1266 ac), 322,2 (1193 ac), 323,3 [&3REB& 22 (1964) 286] (Byz.), 324,4 [&3REB& 22 (1964) 286] (Byz.), 324,6. __ &1Toprak&: &3IGLSyr& 3,872. __ &1et%1%19T%1ouba&: &3IGLSyr& 2,304%19`306, 308; Mouterde, in &3Limes de Chalcis (1945) 200,30. __ &1T%1ourla=h%1a&: &3IGLSyr& 2,575. __ &1T%1ouri=n&: &3IGLSyr 2,653%19`656. __ &1Tourma=ni=n&: &3IGLSyr& 2,500. __ &1Urim el%19Djo=z&: &3IGLSyr 2,668%19`672. __ &1Zebed&: &3IGLSyr& 2,309%19`315; Mouterde, in &3Limes de &3Chalcis& (1945) 197,28%19`197,29. __ &1Zerzi=ta%26&: &3IGLSyr& 2,456%19`462. @ SYRIA II. &1Abou Khabbeh&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1743. __ &1Abou Khana=teg&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1675bis. __ &1Abu el%19Qudur&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1869%19`1870. __ &1Abu%26 &1H%1ani=yeh&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1605%19`1606. __ &1%102Agerbat&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1997. __ &1%102Aiba=n&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1552. __ &1el%19%102Anz&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1873%19`1874. __ &1el%19%102Aoudja&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1934. __ &1Androna (el%19Anderi=n)&: &3IGLSyr 4,1676%19`1713. __ &1Apamea&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1316, 1318%19`1353, 1356; &3TravMe/m& 5 (1973) 245 (483 ac) and 256 (485 ac); &3Epigraphica& 33 (1971) 95,4 %6 &3BE/& 1973,489; &3SEG& 26,1627 (533 ac), 1628%19`1630 (533%19`540 ac); &3SEG& 29,1589 (455 or 470 ac), 1590 (484 ac), 1591 (487 ac), 1592%19`1595 (ca. 450%19`500 ac); &3SEG& 34,1437%19`1438 (5th%19`6th ac), 1439 (6th ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 803%19`805 [&3IGLSyr 4.1319%19`1321] (391 ac), 806%19`818 [&3IGLSyr& 4.1322%19`1334] (ca. 391 ac); &3IGLSyr& 4.1335%19`1337, here %6 &3CIJ& 817a%19`817b (ca. 391 ac). __ &1Apamene&: &3SEG& 32,1439 (516 ac), 1440 (501%3`2 ac), 1441 (6th ac), 1442 (541%3`2 ac), 1444. __ &1Arethusa&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2081, 2086%19`2087. __ &1el%19%102Arfa&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1827%19`1828. __ &1%102Aqrab&: &3IGLSyr 5,2102%19`2103. __ &1%102At%1sha=n&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1785%19`1786. __ &1Ayo&: &3IGLSyr 5,2066. __ &1Balanaia&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1299, 1305, 1306a. __ &1el%19Ba=ra&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1453%19`1481; Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de &3la Syrie du nord& III (1958) 28,28%19`29,30; &3Syria& 40 (1963) 315 (482%19`484 ac). __ &1Bari=n&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1394%19`1396, 1396bis. __ &1el%19Bardouneh&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1909%19`1912. __ &1Besta=n&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1391. __ &1Bradiyeh&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1392. __ &1Bre=sa&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1723. __ &1Bse=ri=n&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2068. __ &1B%102u=da&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1489. __ &1el%19Burdj&: &3IGLSyr 4,1610%19`1611. __ &1Burdj el%19Abyad&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1567, 1569. __ &1Burdj &1el%19Qa=%102i&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2090%19`2094, 2098%19`2099. __ &1ed%19Dabbaghin&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1846. __ &1Da=na&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1424, 1426%19`1430. __ &1Dahr &1el%19Kebi=ra&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1532bis. __ &1Dair S%1olaib&: &3IGLSyr 4,1383%19`1385. __ &1Dai+r Shomeil&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1393. __ &1Da=r es%19Sala=m&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2100. __ &1Deir Debba=ne&: Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages &3antiques de la Syrie du nord& III (1958) 33,35. __ &1De=r &1Ba%102albeh&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2189. __ &1De=r Sambil&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1431%19`1440, 1442%19`1446. __ &1De=r el%19Ferdi=s&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2070%19`2076. __ &1Deir es%148 &1S%148arqi&: Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du &3nord& III (1958) 33,35a. __ &1Dello=za&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1448%19`1452. __ &1el%19Djadfeh&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1554. __ &1Djagar el%19Amiri&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2123, 2125%19`2128. __ &1Djerdjanaz&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1715%19`1718. __ &1Do=seh&: &3IGLSyr 4,1968. __ &1el%19Ekhwe=n&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1775%19`1778. __ &1Epiphaneia &1(H%1ama)&: &3IGLSyr& 5,1999%19`2014, 2016, 2027%19`2054, 2061; &3LBW VI,2642. __ &1Eshfi=n&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1929. __ &1Fa%102lu=l&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1570, 1570bis, 1571%19`1574. __ &1Fan es%19Shema=li&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1862%19`1863. __ &1Ferwa=n&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1612. __ &1Fri=kya=&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1408%19`1420, 1422%19`1423; Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie &3du nord& III (1958) 30,31%19`30,32; &3Annales arche/ologiques arabes &3syriennes& 22 (1972) 151 %6 &3BE/& 1974,630 (511 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ 847 [&3IGLSyr& 4.1410] (Fri=kya=; 325 ac). __ &1Fa=n el%19Qibli&: &3IGLSyr 4,1864. __ &1Ghour&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2153%19`2162, 2167%19`2168. __ &1el%19Habba=t%1&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1609. __ &1H%1a=ss&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1506%19`1525; Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du nord& III (1958) 35,39. __ &1el%19Hazimeh&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1825%19`1826. __ &1H%1era=keh&: &3IGLSyr 4,1576%19`1585. __ &1el%19H%1o=meh&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1675. __ &1I%102djaiyiz&: &3IGLSyr 4,1604. __ &1I%102dja=z&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1586%19`1594, 1594bis, 1595%19`1603. __ &1Idni=n&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1860%19`1861. __ &1K. ad%19Da=siniya&: &3IGLSyr 5,2142%19`2146. __ &1Kefr %102Aki=d&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1387. __ &1Kefr Ambil&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1528%19`1529, 1531. __ &1Kefr Ru=ma&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1538%19`1539. __ &1Kefr ez%19Zi=ta&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1781. __ &1Kfar Bouhoum&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2064. __ &1Kfeirh%1a=ya=&: Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la &3Syrie du nord& III (1958) 31,34. __ &1Khalba=n&: &3IGLSyr 4,1889%19`1895, 1897, 1898%19`1900. __ &1Khan Sheykhoun&: &3IGLSyr 4,1779. __ &1Khawa&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1768%19`1774, 1774bis. &3SEG& 31,1389 (539 ac), 1390 (Hawwa; 505 ac). __ &1el%19Khawa=ys&: &3IGLSyr 4,1802%19`1803. __ &1Kh. Fa=ris&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1535. __ &1Kh. H%1a=ss&: &3IGLSyr 4,1495%19`1497, 1501%19`1505. __ &1Kh. Mu=qa&: Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du nord& III (1958) 36,39a. __ &1Kh. Qa%102na=n&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2117. __ &1Kh. el%19Qas%1r&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2120. __ &1Kh. Raf%102i=n&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2175%19`2176. __ &1Khreybe/&: Mouterde, in &3Limes &3de Chalcis& (1945) 216,54. __ &1Kneysseh&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2179A. __ &1Ko=kaba&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1447. __ &1Larissa&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1377. __ &1M. &1esh%19Shkhour&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1857. __ &1M%102ardes&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1855. __ &1Ma%102an&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1809%19`1810. __ &1Ma%102arret Beitar&: Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du nord& III (1958) 30,33. __ &1Ma%102arret Teshin&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1782%19`1783. __ &1el%19Maks%1ar&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1796. __ &1Ma%102ra=ta&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1558%19`1566. __ &1Mariami=n&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2108%19`2110. __ &1Ma%102s%1ara=n&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1555%19`1557. __ ƺ&1Ma%102shou=ri=n&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1553. __ &1Martareh&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1784. __ &1Ma%102ya=n&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1402. __ &1Megara&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1405%19`1407. __ &1Mesherfeh&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1728. __ &1Midjleyya&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1483%19`1488. __ &1Mir%102a=yeh&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1648%19`1650. __ &1el%19Mishrifeh&: &3IGLSyr 4,1901%19`1908. __ &1Mo%102arret en%19Nom.&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1545%19`1547, 1549%19`1550. __ &1Mug%148legga&: Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages &3antiques de la Syrie du nord& III (1958) 29,30a. __ &1Nawa&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1945%19`1957. __ &1%102O=djeh&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1653%19`1663. __ &1Q. Abou &1Samra&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1819%19`1822, 1824. __ &1Q. Beyt %102Ali&: &3IGLSyr 4,1829%19`1830. __ &1Q. Ibn Warda=n&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1841%19`1844. __ &1Q. &1el%19Moukharram&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1811%19`1818. __ &1Q. Umm T%1ouba&: &3IGLSyr 5,2119. __ &1Qana=qiyeh&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2170%19`2171. __ &1Qashr Sha=wi&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1839. __ &1Qashr Sht%1te=b&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1787%19`1788. __ &1Qas%1r el &1Abyad%1&: Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du &3nord& III (1958) 39,39f. __ &1Qerra=teh&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1721. __ &1Qunbus&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1858%19`1859. __ &1el%19Qsheyr&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1765%19`1766. __ &1Rabdeh&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1831%19`1838. __ &1Raphanaea&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1397. __ &1Rasm el%19Akhmar&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1847. __ &1Rasm el%19%102A=bed&: &3IGLSyr 4,1763%19`1764. __ &1Rou=fa&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1722. __ &1Rouweyd%1a&: &3IGLSyr 4,1789%19`1795. __ &1er%19Rukhaiyeh&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1875%19`1881, 1881bis(?), 1882. __ &1Sabba%102&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1969%19`1973. __ &1Sa%102n es Se%102n&: &3IGLSyr 4,1849. __ &1Saya=diyeh&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2116. __ &1Sehal&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1724. __ &1is%19Sek%1e=%102ah&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1607. __ &1Semma=qiyet&: &3IGLSyr 4,1866%19`1868. __ &1Semreh&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1856. __ &1Serdjilla&: &3IGLSyr 4,1490%19`1492, 1494. __ &1Sera=%102&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1667%19`1672. __ Jud.: &3CIJ 846 [&3IGLSyr& 4.1667] (Sera=%102, &3CIJ& "Sindja=r"; 462%3`3 ac). __ &1Sharaqliyeh&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2169. __ &1Sh. %102Ali Kasun&: &3IGLSyr 4,1935%19`1944. __ &1Sheykh Barak&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1733%19`1739, 1739bis, 1742. __ &1Shna=n&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1403%19`1404. __ &1Shourrama=n&: &3IGLSyr 4,1608. __ &1Shi=n&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2178. __ &1Sho=ran&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1851%19`1852. __ &1St%1abl %102Antar&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1673%19`1674. __ &1Tarou=ti=n&: &3IGLSyr 4,1613%19`1628, 1629%3`41, 1630%19`1647. __ &1Tai+ri=n&: &3IGLSyr 5,2180%19`2182. __ &1T%1ayibeh&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2121. __ &1et%1%19T%1aiyibeh&: &3IGLSyr 4,1913%19`1918. __ &1et%19Tekhkh&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1720. __ &1Tell %102Abd &1el%19%102Aziz&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1980%19`1991, 1993%19`1994. __ &1Tell el%19%102Amara&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1767. __ &1Tell Bi=sseh&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2138%19`2141. __ &1Tell &1Da=m&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1719. __ &1Tell ed%19D%1ehheb&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1922%19`1924, 1926%19`1927. __ &1Tell el%19Di=b&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1865. __ &1Tell Fre=dj&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1746%19`1749. __ &1Tell Khazneh&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1726%19`1727. __ &1Tell Sna=n&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1977%19`1979. __ &1Temek&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1958%19`1961, 1963%19`1964. __ &1et%1%19T%1h%1edjeh&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1652. __ &1Thelmenissos (Tell &1Minnis)&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1714; &3RAC& 37 (1961) 303 %6 &3BE/& 1964,41 (489 ac). __ &1Tisni=n&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2130%19`2131. __ &1Tizi=n&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2062. __ &1Tli=l&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2172, 2174. __ &1et%1%19T%1u=ba&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1883%19`1886. __ &1Umm el%19Djela=l&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1744%19`1745. __ &1Umm el%19Groun&: &3IGLSyr 4,1675ter. __ &1Umm Kalak&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1888. __ &1Umm el%19Khalakhil&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1750%19`1760. __ &1Umm Kharten&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1919. __ &1Umm &1Khibar&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1532ter. __ &1Umm er%19Reghi=m&: &3IGLSyr 4,1729%19`1732. __ &1Umm Sakhridj&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1887. __ &1Umm &1esh%19She=lik&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1762. __ &1Umm Sheshou=kh&: &3IGLSyr 5,2134%19`2136. __ &1Umm et%19Ti=n&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1725. __ &1Umm et%19Tuwe=neh&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1965%19`1967. __ &1Umm Wila=t&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1651. __ &1Wd. &1Marth%1u=n&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1482. __ &1Zabbu=deh&: &3IGLSyr& 4,1930%19`1933. @ GREATER SYRIA. &1Unknown provenience&: &3LBW& VI,2723%19`2724 (lead seals) ([Paris]); &3SEG& 15,852a%19`852b (perh. Phoenice: Sidon?; 6th%19`7th ac); &3SEG& 29,1601 (Jerusalem Mkt., "from Syria" 5th%19`6th ac); &3SEG& 34,1668 (Syria or Palestine?; 4th%19`6th ac); &3SEG 35,1528 (N. Syria); &3MonPiot& 51 (1960) 129 %6 &3BE/& 1961,770 ([Paris]; 6th%19`7th ac); &3Syria& 37 (1960) 117 (Egypt or Syria?; 5th%19`7th ac?). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 850%19`851. @ PHOENICE. &1Amioun&: &3SEG& 7,131. __ &1Antarados&: &3SEG& 7,76 (Tartous). __ &1Berytus&: &3LBW& VI,1847a; Dessau, &3ILS& 1234 [&3CIL& 3.167] (344 ac); &3AnthPlan& 16,38 (ca. 540%19`551 ac); &3CIG& 8873, 9064; Mouterde, in Che/hab, &3Mosaiques du Liban& (&3Bulletin du Muse/e de &3Beyrouth& 14 [`1957]) 127,c%19`127,c %6 &3BE/& 1961,783[j%19k]; (Berytos: Awzai; ca. 450%19`525 ac?); Mouterde, in Che/hab, &3Mosaiques du &3Liban& (&3Bulletin du Muse/e de Beyrouth& 14 [`1957]) 167 %6 &3BE/ 1961,783[l] (Berytos: B. Mery; 6th ac); &3SEG& 1,547%19`548; &3SEG 7,196 (5th%19`6th ac), 197 [&3Chariste%26rion ... Orlandon& I (1965) 339,5], 199%19`200, 202, 204, 209, 210,a%19`210,b; &3SEG& 30,1666 (mid%19`6th ac), 1667a (608 ac), 1667b (622 ac); &3SEG& 32,1449 (506%3`7 ac), 1450 (early Byz.), 1452 (6th ac?); &3SEG& 34,1442 (5th ac); &3SEG& 34,1445 (Berytos?; ca. 450%19`525 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ 873, 874; &3SEG& 32,1451 (605%3`6 ac). __ &1Beirut&: &3Syria& 37 (1960) 123n.1 (date?) and 124 (Phoenice%3Syria, once Beirut; 5th%19`6th ac). __ &1Byblus& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 869%19`870, 871 [&3SEG& 31,1388], 872 (188%3`9). __ &1Caesarea Philippi%19Paneas&: &3SEG& 7,329 (3rd%19`4th ac?); &3SEG& 32,1499 (285%19`305 ac); &3SEG& 8,29 (Caesarea Philippi: el%19G%148uwe%26zi; 4th%19`5th ac). __ &1Djebel Akrum&: &3SEG& 26,1631 (309 ac), 1632 (541 ac). __ &1Djermana=&: &3Me/lBey& 4 (1910) 223 %6 De/le/age, &3Capitation& (1945) 156b (Djermana=, near Dare=ya; 293%19`305 ac). __ &1Djisr%19el%19Ghadjar&: &3Me/lBey& 3 (1909) 314 %6 De/le/age, &3Capitation (1945) 156a (Caesarea Philippi%19Paneas: Djisr%19el%19Ghadjar; 293%19`305 ac). __ &1G%148ebel el%19Botom&: &3SEG& 7,325 (3rd%19`4th ac). __ &1Haifa&: &3SEG& 16,841 (Ptolemais: Haifa; 6th ac); &3SEG& 20,415 (Ptolemais%19Ake: Haifa; 6th ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 882%19`883 (Ptolemais%19Ake: Haifa). __ &1Husifa& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 884%19`885 (Ptolemais%19Ake?: "Isfiya"; 6th ac). __ &1Joueikhat&: &3IGLSyr 7,4042, 4042bis. __ &1K%1edes Naphtali& (Jud.): &3SEG& 8,2 (Tyros: K%1edes Naphtali; 117%3`8 ac). __ &1Nabatiyeh&: &3SEG& 35,1495 (514 ac?). __ &1Nahariya&: &3SEG& 35,1558 (Ptolemais%19Ake: Nahariya). __ &1Nahir el%19Kelb&: &3SEG& 7,195 (ca. 382 ac). __ &1Ornithokome& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 878. __ &1Porphyrion&: &3SEG& 32,1475%19`1479 (early 7th ac). __ &1Ptolemais%19Ake&: &3SEG& 8,20 (4th ac). __ Jud.: &3SEG& 31,1420 (Ptolemais; 2nd%19`3rd ac). __ &1Qabr Hiram&: Lassus, &3Sanctuaires &3chre/tiennes de Syrie& (1947) 251. __ &1Qalat Yahmour&: &3IGLSyr 7,4051. __ &1Ramat Yoh%1anan&: &3SEG& 32,1514 (SE. of Haifa; Byz.). __ &1Rouad&: &3IGLSyr& 7,4007. __ &1Safita&: &3IGLSyr& 7,4047. __ &1Saisainyeh&: &3IGLSyr& 7,4050. __ &1S%1arba&: &3SEG& 1,544. __ &1Sidon&: &3RevBibl& 2 (1893) 208; &3RevBibl& 3 (1894) 252[a]%19`252[b], 253; Dessau, &3ILS& 861 [&3CIL 3.6037] (5th%19`6th ac); &3CIG& 9153 (691 ac?); Mouterde, in Che/hab, &3Mosaiques du Liban& (&3Bulletin du Muse/e de Beyrouth& 14 [`1957]) 101,2 (5th ac), 103,4 (6th ac), 103,5 (ca. 400 ac?), 104,6 (389%3`90 ac), 104,7 (524 ac), 105,8 (ca. 524 ac), 105,9 (ca. 535 ac?), 105,10 (535 ac) %6 &3BE/& 1961,783[a%19i] (Sidon: Zahrani); &3SEG& 7,322. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 875%19`877; &3SEG& 32,1485 (mid%19`2nd ac). __ &1Tartous&: &3IGLSyr& 7,4025, 4026. __ &1Tell Sari=n&: &3IGLSyr& 7,4053. __ &1Tyros&: Seyrig, in Tchalenko, &3Villages antiques de la Syrie du &3nord& III (1958) 40,39g; Rey%19Coquais, &3Bulletin du Muse/e de &3Beyrouth& 29 (1977) 9%19`29, 31%19`53, 56%19`66, 68, 70%19`100, 102%19`117, 121%19`138, 141%19`148, 150%19`156, 158%19`160, 160(2), 161%19`162, 164, ƺ166%19`179, 181, 183%19`190, 192, 197%19`198, 200%19`208, 211%19`212, 216%19`218, 221%19`222; &3Syria& 36 (1959) 74 %6 &3BE/& 1960,28 (597%3`8 ac); &3Israel Exploration Journal& 16 (1966) 209 %6 &3BE/& 1970,626 (Tyros: Hv. Kark.; 477 ac); &3SEG& 7,323, 327 (578%3`9 ac); &3SEG& 20,390 (ca. 550%19`600 ac); &3SEG& 36,1313%19`1314, 1318; &3SEG& 8,1 (Tyros: Kh. %102Alja%26; 539%3`40 ac); &3SEG& 8,18 (Tyros: el%19Bas%1s%1a; 5th ac); &3SEG 8,21 (Tyros: Suh%1ma%26ta%26; 6th ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 879%19`880; Rey%19Coquais, &3Bulletin du Muse/e de Beyrouth& 29 (1977) 92,164, 94,167%19`95,168, here %6 &3CIJ& 880a%19`880c. __ &1ez%19Zi=b&: &3SEG& 8,19 (Ptolemais%19Ake: ez%19Zi%26b; 309%19`311 ac); __ &1place?& (Jud.): &3CIJ 881. @ PHOENICE LIBANI. &1Abila&: &3LBW& VI,1878. __ &1%102Ardjoun&: &3IGLSyr 5,2673, 2675. __ &1%102Arne&: &3SEG& 18,615 (%102Arne, SE. slope of Mt. Hermon; 330 ac). __ &1Ba%102albek&: &3IGLSyr& 6,2771%19`2772, 2827%19`2828, 2830%19`2836, 2858, 2878%19`2879, 2882. __ &1Bai=t Sha%26ma&: &3IGLSyr 6,2924. __ &1Bizna=ya&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2628. __ &1Boudai=&: &3IGLSyr& 6,2915; &3SEG& 18,607 (539 ac). __ &1el%19Burdj&: &3LBW& VI,2562c. __ &1Chalkis &1Liban.&: &3IGLSyr& 6,2984. __ &1D%1akoueh&: &3IGLSyr& 6,2985. __ &1Damascus&: &3LBW& VI,2551a, 2551c; &3CIG& 8920; &3SEG& 7,223 (285%19`305 ac), 233, 234 (4th ac); &3SEG& 18,605 (imp.). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 849 (4th%19`6th ac). __ &1Da=raya&: &3SEG& 7,248 (293%19`305 ac). __ &1ed%19Dmer& (Jud.): &3CIJ 848 [cf. &3BE/& 1953.215] (5th%19`6th ac). __ &1Djabbouleh&: &3IGLSyr 6,2900. __ &1Djoubbaniyeh&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2653%19`2657, 2659. __ &1Emesa &1(H%1oms%1)&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2202, 2204%19`2211, 2226%19`2227, 2229%19`2242, 2244%19`2248, 2253%19`2254, 2257, 2263, 2335%19`2336, 2349, 2358%19`2359, 2375, 2454, 2457, 2461, 2468%19`2469, 2476%19`2479, 2491, 2501, 2501bis(?); &3AnthPal& 7,553 [&3IGLSyr& 5.2336] (538 ac); &3SEG 28,1334. (Homs?); __ Jud.: Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 57, here %6 &3CIJ& 818a (5th ac). __ &1Feirouzi&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2604. __ &1el%19Ghassouleh&: &3LBW& VI,2562. __ &1Gisri=n%3Saqba&: &3SEG& 7,247 (293%19`305 ac). __ &1G%148ouseh%19l%19H%1ar.&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2692%19`2693. __ &1Heliaramia&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2553. __ &1el%19Hidja=ne&: &3LBW& VI,2559a. __ &1Ka%26med&: &3IGLSyr& 6,2988. __ &1Khan el%19Abyad%1: &3IGLSyr& 5,2704. __ &1Kharba%102a=ra&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2650%19`2651. __ &1Kha=wari=n&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2696. __ &1Kh. %102Ashi=la&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2660%19`2661. __ &1Kh. et%19Ti=n&: &3IGLSyr 5,2611%19`2615. __ &1Kh. el%19H%1ama=m&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2617%19`2618. __ &1Kinya&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2626. __ &1Laodicea Liban.&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2684. __ &1Lebara&: &3LBW& VI,2558. __ &1Lifta=ya&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2629%19`2649. __ &1Meni=n&: &3SEG 7,243 (449 ac). __ &1Meskeneh&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2608. __ &1al%19Moufaggar&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2546, 2548. __ &1Nabha&: &3IGLSyr& 6,2945; &3SEG& 30,1675 (557%3`8 ac). __ &1Nbek&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2706. __ &1Nedjha&: &3LBW& VI,2559. __ &1Nihata& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 852 [&3IGLSyr& 6.2931] (4th ac). __ &1Palmyra&: &3LBW& VI,2626, 2629a; Prentice, &3PAAES III& (1908) 354; &3Me/langes &3K. Michalowski& (1966), p. 311 %6 &3BE/& 1968,553 (535 ac); &3SEG 7,152 (293%19`305 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 820 (212 ac), 821%19`824 (3rd ac). __ &1Qa=ra&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2705. __ &1Ras el%19%102Ai=n&: &3IGLSyr& 6,2888. __ &1Sa%102adna%102il&: &3IGLSyr& 6,2963. __ &1Salamias&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2512%19`2517, 2522%19`2539, 2541, 2543%19`2544; &3LBW& VI,2633. __ &1Saya=diyeh&: &3IGLSyr 5,2620%19`2625. __ &1Semakiyat&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2676. __ &1Seri=n&: &3IGLSyr 6,2974. __ &1Soueidiyeh&: &3IGLSyr& 6,2886%19`2887. __ &1Tell Ameri&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2507%19`2508. __ &1Tell Nebi+ Mindo%26&: &3SEG& 7,127. __ &1Timni=n&: &3IGLSyr& 6,2927. __ &1Umm el%19Mais&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2627. __ &1Ya%102at&: &3IGLSyr 6,2897. __ &1Yabrou=d&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2708. __ &1Zai+dal&: &3IGLSyr& 5,2560. @ PALAESTINA I. &1Aboud&: &3RevBibl& 2 (1893) 210. __ &1%102Ain el%19G\edide&: &3SEG& 8,232 (6th%19`7th ac), 233 (5th ac). __ &1%102Ain Ka%26rim&: &3SEG& 8,229 [Halkin II,70] (6th ac); &3SEG& 36,1323 (7th%19`10th ac). __ &1%102Ai+n &1Sa=meh&: &3RevBibl& 16, N.S. 4 (1907) 1907.275. __ &1%102Ain Sinja (Jud.): &3CIJ& 1170. __ &1Antipatris&: &3SEG& 36,1324. __ &1Apollonia%19Sozousa&: &3RevBibl& 1 (1892) 247,10; &3SEG& 14,846 (Byz.); &3SEG& 20,466. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 891 (176 ac). __ &1Ascalon&: &3RevBibl& 3 (1894) 250[a]. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 962%19`963, 964 (604 ac), 965 (5th ac). __ &1Azotos Hippenus& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 961. __ &1Bad%19el%19Oued&: &3RevBibl& 3 (1894) 256. __ &1Bah%1an&: &3SEG& 32,1516%19`1521 (6th ac). __ &1Beerot Yis%1haq&: &3SEG& 17,783 (505 ac). __ &1Beit Jimal&: &3RevBibl 1893.213 (Beit%19Gimal). __ &1Be%26t H%1anu=n&: &3SEG& 8,278 (6th ac). __ &1Bethania&: &3CRAI& 1950,307 %6 &3BE/& 1952,174 (4th%19`6th ac); &3RB& 58 (1951) 200,43 %6 &3BE/& 1954,249a (4th%19`6th ac). __ &1Bethlehem&: Vincent and Abel, &3Le sanctuaire de la Nativite/ a\ Bethle/em (1914), 92, 149 [&3CIG& 8953%19`8964; &3Byzantion& 13 (1938) 421], 157 [&3CIG& 157, 167; &3AnalBoll& 76 (1958) 235 %6 &3BE/& 1959,477 (6th ac?); &3SEG& 8,234 (2nd ac), 235 [&3RevBibl& 4 (1895) 626] (4th%19`6th ac), 236 (5th ac); &3SEG& 29,1606 (4th%19`6th ac). __ &1Be%26t Su%26ri%26k%1&: &3SEG 8,239 (516 ac). __ &1Be%26t S%148a%102a%26r&: &3SEG& 8,238 (6th ac). __ &1Beth &1S%1afafa&: &3SEG& 16,850 (6th ac); &3SEG& 26,1672 (490 ac?). __ &1Bir &1el%19%102Abid&: &3SEG& 28,1367 (Byz.). __ &1Bitti%26r&: &3SEG& 8,230 (6th%19`7th ac). __ &1Caesarea Maritima&: &3RevBibl& 1 (1892) 245,7%19`245,8; &3RevBibl& 3 (1894) 250[b], 251; &3RevBibl& 68 (1961) 122,15%19`123,16; &3RevBibl& 71 (1964) 386,4%19`386,6; &3RevBibl& 72 (1965) 99,3, 101,8, 101,10%19`102,13, 103,15%19`104,18, 104,20, 105,24; &3RevBibl& 73 (1966) 257,4; &3RevBibl& 74 (1967) 54,7, 55,10, 57,2, 57,4; &3RevBibl& 78 (1971) 249,5, 251,10%19`253,16, 254,20, 256,29%19`257,32; &3Aufstieg und Niedergang der ro+mischen Welt& II,8 (1977) 501 [Le/monon, &3Pilate et le gouvernement de la Jude/e& (1981) 23%19`32] %6 &3BE/& 1970,204 (31 ac?); &3ZPE& 6 (1970) 64 %6 &3BE/& 1971,695; &3SEG 8,138 (3rd%19`4th ac); &3SEG& 18,625 (3rd%19`4th ac), 626 (ca. 385 ac); &3SEG& 19,912%19`917, 919; &3SEG& 20,465; &3SEG& 32,1498; &3SEG& 36,1339 [&3SEG 32,1626] (5th%19`6th ac), 1341 (560%19`614 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ 886%19`888, 889 (4th ac?), 890; Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 64, here %6 &3CIJ& 890a(1) (6th ac), 65, here %6 &3CIJ& 890a(2) (5th%19`6th ac), 66%19`67, here %6 &3CIJ& 890a(3)%19`890(4) (6th ac), 68, here %6 &3CIJ 890a(5); &3RevBibl& 71 (1964) 384,1%19`386,3, here %6 &3CIJ 890a(6)%19`890a(8); &3RevBibl& 72 (1965) 98,1%19`99,2, here %6 &3CIJ 890a(9)%19`890b(1), 100,5%19`101,7, here %6 &3CIJ& 890b(2)%19`890b(4), 103,14, here %6 &3CIJ& 890b(5), 105,22, here %6 &3CIJ& 890b(6), and 107,26, here %6 &3CIJ& 890b(7) (Caesarea?); &3RevBibl& 73 (1966) 256,2, here %6 &3CIJ& 890b(8); &3RevBibl& 74 (1967) 50,1%19`53,5, here %6 &3CIJ& 890b(9), 890c(1)%19`890c(4); 55,8%19`55,9, 55,11 here %6 &3CIJ 890c(5)%19`890c(7); &3RevBibl& 78 (1971) 248,3%19`249,4, here %6 &3CIJ 890c(8)%19`890c(9), 250,6%19`250,9, here %6 &3CIJ& 890d(1)%19`890d(4); &3ZPE 7 (1971) 162,21, here %6 &3CIJ& 890d(5) (5th ac); &3SEG& 14,843%19`845 (4th ac); &3SEG& 16,843%19`846 (imp.); &3SEG& 17,782 (3rd%19`6th); &3SEG 19,909%19`911; &3SEG& 26,1675; &3SEG& 28,1368 (3rd ac), 1369 (late imp.). __ &1Der Ibn %102Ubaid&: &3SEG& 8,316 (6th ac). __ &1Der &1el%19Mukellik&: &3SEG& 8,313 (5th ac). __ &1Dora&: &3Me/lBey& 37 (1960%19`1961) 161 %6 &3BE/& 1963,286. __ &1Eleutheropolis&: &3ZPE& 7 (1971) 161,20 %6 &3BE/& 1971,700 (600 ac); &3SEG& 2,847; &3SEG& 8,243 (5th%19`6th ac); &3SEG& 32,1496 (early Byz.); &3SEG& 35,1537 (mid%19`4th ac), 1538%19`1541 (Byz.), 1542 (4th ac?). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 1195. __ &1Emmau+s%19Nikopolis&: &3RevBibl& 22, N.S. 10 (1913) 100; &3SEG& 8,151 (4th%19`5th ac), 154 (3rd ac), 155 (4th%19`5th ac), 156%19`157 (5th ac), 158 (3rd ac), 162 (4th ac), 163 (6th ac), 166%19`167 (6th ac); &3SEG& 30,1686 (5th ac); &3SEG& 34,1471 (after 337 ac); &3SEG ƺሼ36,1351 (333%19`337 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 1185 (3rd ac?), 1186 (4th%19`5th ac), 1187%19`1189; &3SEG& 8,160 (4th ac); __ &1Garizim&: &3SEG 8,134 [cf. &3BE/& 1958.483] (6th%19`7th ac). __ &1Gaza&: &3RevBibl& 1 (1892) 239,1%19`243,6; &3RevBibl& 3 (1894) 248; &3SEG& 8,268 (7th ac), 270 (449%3`50 ac), 271 (5th ac), 272 (616 ac), 275 (541 ac); &3SEG 29,1607 (near Gaza; 1st%19`3rd ac?); &3SEG& 30,1688 (576 ac), 1689 (578 ac), 1690%19`1693 (576%19`578 ac); &3SEG& 31,1402 (6th%19`7th ac); &3SEG& 33,1268 (6th ac), 1269 (6th%19`8th ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 966 (Gaza?; 6th ac?), 967%19`969 (Gaza); Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 73a, here %6 &3CIJ& 969a (508 ac). __ &1Gezer& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 1176%19`1182, 1183 (2nd bc?), 1184. __ &1Gofna& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 1171%19`1172. __ &1Ha%19Bonim& (Jud.): &3SEG& 28,1429 (3rd%19`4th ad). __ &1Hebron&: &3LBW VI,1905; &3RevBibl& 77 (1970) 77,15%19`77,17; &3SEG& 8,240%19`241 (6th ac); &3SEG& 34,1476 (6th ac). __ Jud.: &3SEG& 26,1668 (3rd ac). __ &1H%1v. Beth Lavayah&: &3SEG& 32,1510 (Byz.). __ &1H%1v. Qeromit&: &3SEG 32,1511%19`1512 (Byz.). __ &1Hulda& (Jud.): Lifshitz, &3Donateurs (1967) 81 here %6 &3CIJ& 1189b (5th ac). __ &1Jericho&: &3SEG& 8,315 (566 ac). __ Jud.: &3SEG& 31,1405 (50%19`54 ac), 1406%19`1407 (10%19`74 ac), 1408. __ &1Jerusalem&: Thomsen, "Inschr. ... Jerusalem," &3ZdPV& 44 (1921) [with "Nachtrag," &3ZdPV& 64 (1941) pp. 203%19`256] 5,8%19`6,10, 209,11A; 8,12%19`10,17, 209,18, 10,19%19`12,24, 210,24A, 12,25, 13,27a, 17,33d%19`17,34c, 21,46, 22,48, 24,53%19`24,54, 27,56f, 28,58a, 31,60, 212,63A, 213,81A, 47,87%19`48,88, 50,95, 50,97%19`52,99, 53,102, 216,102A, 53,105%19`58,116, 59,118%19`61,123, 219,123A%19`220,123E, 90,124, 220,124A, 90,125, 221,125A%19`221,125B, 91,126%19`95,131, 96,133, 96,135%19`97,137, 221,137A, 97,138%19`100,145, 100,147%19`101,148, 102,151%19`103,159, 104,162%19`105,163, 223,163A, 106,164%19`109,176, 111,184, 111,186%19`111,187, 228,187A, 121,207, 123,210%19`129,219, 130,222%19`131,227, 233,227A%19`234,227D, 132,228%19`132,231, 133,233%19`133,234, 234,234A; 133,235; 137,246%19`137,247, 144,262; &3CIG& 8885, 8893; Bagatti and Milik, &3Scavi ... "Dominus Flevit" (1958) 89,21 %6 Guarducci, &3EG& IV,441,1 (end 1st%3beg. 2nd); &3Syria& 27 (1950) 195 %6 Halkin II,68 (6th%19`7th ac); &3Quarterly of &3the Department of Antiquities in Palestine& 10 (1942) 162 %6 Halkin II,69 (524%19`552 ac); &3DOP& 30 (1976) 59 [Frolow, &3Relique &3de la Vraie Croix& (1961) 266,205] (Jerusalem?, now Monte Cassino; ca. 950%19`990 ac?); &3SEG& 8,171 [&3FIRA&(`2) 1.98] (6th ac), 187 (4th ac); &3SEG& 13,597 (6th ac), 598 (555 ac); &3SEG& 17,786 (5th%19`6th ac?), 787 (4th%19`6th ac?); &3SEG& 27,1015 (534%3`5 or 549%3`50); &3SEG& 28,1436 (5th%19`6th ac?); &3SEG& 30,1696 (5th%19`6th ac); &3SEG& 35,1547 (ca. 550%19`575 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 1210%19`1292 (2nd bc%19`2nd ac), 1293 [&3SEG& 33.1278] (1st bc%19`1st ac), 1294%19`1387 (2nd bc%19`2nd ac), 1388%19`1397, 1398 (6th ac?), 1399, 1400a%19`1400b (Herodian), 1401%19`1403, 1404 (1st ac), 1405%19`1406, 1407 (1st ac), 1408%19`1411, 1412 (1st bc), 1413%19`1414; &3SEG& 16,849 (Roman); &3SEG& 17,784a%19b [b: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 42,29b] (1st bc%19`1st ad); &3SEG& 19,922 (1st bc); &3SEG& 20,481,a%19`481,b (4th ac?); &3SEG 27,1016 (Jerusalem?); &3SEG& 28,1435 (1st bc); &3SEG& 31,1409 (1st ac); &3SEG& 33,1276 (ca. 81%19`82 bc), 1277 (18%19`17 bc), 1279 [&3SEG 17,785] (1st bc%19`1st ac), 1280%19`293 (1st bc%19`1st ac); Guarducci, &3EG& IV,441,1a, here %6 1387a (end 1st%3beg. 2nd), __ &1Joppa (Jud.): &3CIJ& 892%19`915, 916 [&3SEG& 26.1670], 917%19`928, 929 [&3Epigraphica& 36 (1974) 87], 930%19`957, 958 [&3SEG& 8,144] (3rd%19`4th ac), 959%19`960; &3SEG& 26,1669; &3SEG& 31,1410a%19c (102, 107, 110 ac); __ &1K%1arjet es%19Sa%102i%26de&: &3SEG& 8,231 [&3RevBibl& 2 (1893) 209%7] (6th ac). __ &1Kh. Beit Lid& (Jud.): &3SEG& 28,1432 (Kh. Beit Lid, E. of Netanya). __ &1Kh. Juhzum&: &3SEG& 16,851 (6th ac). __ &1Kh. Habra (Jud.): &3CIJ& 1175; &3SEG& 20,469. __ &1Kh. el%19H%1ebe%26le&: &3SEG& 8,242 (6th ac). __ &1Kh. Malekat'ha&: &3RevBibl& 5 (1896) 273. __ &1Kh. Zacharia&: &3RevBibl& 1 (1892) 123 [&3RevBibl& 2 (1893) 212]. __ &1Kh. Zikrin&: &3SEG& 35,1548 (6th%19`7th ac). __ &1Khoziba&: Feissel, &3IChMac& (1983) 289. __ &1Kidron& (Jud.): &3SEG& 20,483%19`488 (1st ac), 489 [Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 55,35] (1st ac), 490 (1st ac), 491 (ca. 1st ac). __ &1Kirjath Je%102arim& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 1190 ("near Abou%19Gosch") __ &1Lydda%19Diospolis& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 1173 (end 1st bc); &3SEG& 20,468 (Roman). __ &1Machmas&: &3SEG& 8,150 (6th ac); &3SEG& 34,1503 (6th ac?). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 1191. __ &1Maiumas (Miya=mas)& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 970 (Maiumas, NE. of Caesarea). __ &1Maiumas of Gaza&: &3RevBibl& 2 (1893) 203,1%19`205,6. __ &1Magen&: &3SEG& 35,1549%19`1556 (Kibbutz Magen; 5th%19`6th ac). __ &1Masada&: &3SEG& 8,333 (5th%19`6th ac). __ &1Medjdel%19Yaba&: &3RevBibl& 2 (1893) 211. __ &1Na%102ane& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 1174 ("Ni%102ane/"; 5th%19`6th ac). __ &1Na%102aran& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 1197%19`1207 ("Noarah"; 5th%19`6th ac). __ &1Nahal Michmas&: &3SEG& 35,1557 (Nahal Michmas, NE. of Jerusalem; 6th ac). __ &1Neapolis&: &3ZdPV& 68 (1951) 228 %6 &3BE/& 1955,246 (606%3`7 ac); &3SEG& 31,1419 (3rd%19`4th ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 1167 (4th%19`5th ac), 1168%19`1169. __ &1Ophel&: &3SEG 8,216%19`217 (5th ac). __ &1Photis&: &3SEG& 36,1352 (6th ac?). __ &1Qolonieh&: &3RevBibl& 2 (1893) 206. __ &1Rama& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 1192%19`1194. __ &1Ramat%19Aviv& (Jud.): &3SEG& 27,1021 (6th%19early 7th). __ &1Salbit (Jud.): Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 80, here %6 &3CIJ& 1189a (6th ac). __ &1Samaria%19Sebaste&: &3SEG& 8,100%19`101 (5th%19`6th ac), 119 (4th%19`5th ac). __ Jud.: &3SEG& 32,1522 (Samaria: Kh. el%19Buraq) __ &1es%19S%148ella%26le&: &3SEG& 8,279 (6th ac). __ &1Silo&: &3SEG& 8,148%19`149 (5th ac). __ &1Talpioth&: &3SEG& 20,492 (40%19`50 ac). __ &1Tyrus Ammantidos &1(%102Ira=q el%19%102A=mi=r)& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 868 ("Araq el%19Emir"; 3rd ac). __ &1Wilhelma&: &3SEG& 8,147 (6th ac). __ &1place?&: &3RevBibl& 1 (1892) 249,12. @ PALAESTINA II. &1Abila&: &3SEG& 32,1491 (early Byz.). __ &1%102Ain &1et%1%19T%1a%26bgha&: &3SEG& 8,5 (ca. 478%19`486 ac), 6 (5th%19`6th ac). __ &1%102Alma (Jud.): &3CIJ& 973. __ &1Apheca&: De/le/age, &3Capitation& (1945) 154c [&3IGRR& 3.1542] (293%19`305 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 855 (3rd%19`4th ac). __ &1Araba&: &3ZPE& 6 (1970) 62 (Galilee: Araba) %6 &3BE/& 1971,690[a]. __ &1Arbela (Irbid)&: Piccirillo, &3Chiese e Mosaici della Giordana &3Settentrionale& (1981) 26. __ &1Bashan& (region): &3SEG& 28,1344%19`1345 (Harfa; 5th%19`6th ac), 1347 (Jubata el%19Hashab; 6th ac), 1354%19`1356 (Mash%1ara; 5th%19`6th ac), 1357 (Mash%1ara; 6th ac). __ &1Beth Alpha& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 1162%19`1166 (6th ac). __ &1Beth Gan&: &3SEG 8,27 (6th ac). __ &1Beth She%102arim& (Jud.): 993 [Schwabe and Lifshitz, &3Beth She%102arim, II& (1964) 8,13] (2nd ac?), 994a [Maisler, &3Beth She%102arim, I& (1940) 75,24], 994b [&3BS& I,199,23], 995 [&3BS& II,15,18], 996 [&3BS& II,15,19], 997 [&3BS& II,16,22], 998 [&3BS& II,17,23], 999 [&3BS& II,18,26], 1000 [&3BS& II,18,27], 1001 [&3BS II,31,49], 1002 [&3BS& I,201,67], 1003 [&3BS& II,31,51], 1004 [&3BS II,33,56], 1005 [&3BS& II,35,59], 1006 [&3BS& II,40,61], 1007 [&3BS II,42,66], 1008 [&3BS& II,49,78], 1009 [&3BS& II,64,88], 1010 [&3BS II,72,92], 1011 [&3BS& II,80,100], 1012 [&3BS& II,1,1], 1013 [&3BS II,2,2], 1014 [&3BS& II,3,3], 1015 [&3BS& II,3,4], 1016 [&3BS& II,4,5], 1017 [&3BS& II,4,6], 1018 [&3BS& II,4,7], 1019 [&3BS& I,197,8], 1020 [&3BS& II,4,8], 1021 [&3BS& II,5,9], 1022 [&3BS& II,5,10], 1023 [&3BS II,7,11], 1024 [&3BS& I,198,12], 1025 [&3BS& II,7,12], 1026 [&3BS II,9,14], 1027 [&3BS& I,199,17], 1028 [&3BS& I,199,18], 1029%3`30 [&3BS II,9,15], 1031 [&3BS& II,10,16], 1032 [&3BS& II,10,17], 1033b [&3BS II,15,20], 1034 [&3BS& II,16,21], 1035 [&3BS& II,18,24], 1036%3`37 [&3BS II,18,25], 1038 [&3BS& II,19,28], 1039 [&3BS& II,19,29], 1040 [&3BS II,20,30], 1041 [&3BS& II,20,31], 1042 [&3BS& I,201,40], 1043 [&3BS ƺ∝II,21,32], 1044 [&3BS& II,21,33], 1045 [&3BS& II,21,34], 1046 [&3BS II,22,35], 1047 [&3BS& II,22,36], 1048 [&3BS& II,23,37], 1049 [&3BS II,23,38], 1050 [&3BS& II,23,39], 1051 [&3BS& II,24,40], 1052 [&3BS II,25,41], 1053 [&3BS& II,25,42], 1054%3`55 [&3BS& II,26,43], 1056 [&3BS II,26,44], 1057, 1058 [&3BS& II,29,45], 1059 [&3BS& II,29,46], 1060 [&3BS& II,29,47], 1061 [&3BS& II,30,48], 1062 [&3BS& II,31,50], 1063 [&3BS& II,32,52], 1064 [&3BS& II,32,53], 1065 [&3BS& II,32,54], 1066 [&3BS& II,33,55], 1067 [&3BS& II,33,57], 1068 [&3BS& II,35,58], 1069 [&3BS& II,36,60], 1070 [&3BS& I,202,79], 1071 [&3BS& II,41,62], 1072 [&3BS& II,41,63], 1073 [&3BS& II,42,64], 1074 [&3BS& I,202,83], 1075 [&3BS& I,202,84], 1076 [&3BS& I,203,85], 1077 [&3BS& I,203,86], 1078 [&3BS& I,203,87], 1079 [&3BS& I,203,88], 1080 [&3BS& I,204,89], 1081 [&3BS& II,42,65], 1082 [&3BS& I,204,93], 1083 [&3BS& I,204,94], 1084 [&3BS& II,43,67], 1085 [&3BS& II,43,68], 1086 [&3BS& II,44,69], 1087 [&3BS& I,204,98], 1088 [&3BS& II,45,70], 1089 [&3BS& II,45,71], 1090a [&3BS& I,205,101], 1090b [&3BS& I,205,101a], 1091 [&3BS& II,46,72], 1092 [&3BS& II,46,73], 1093 [&3BS& I,205,104], 1094 [&3BS& II,47,74], 1095 [&3BS& II,49,75], 1096a [&3BS& II,49,76], 1096b [&3BS& I,205,108], 1097 [&3BS& II,49,77], 1098 [&3BS& II,50,79], 1099 [&3BS& II,51,80], 1100 [&3BS& II,57,81], 1101 [&3BS& II,58,82], 1102 [&3BS& II,58,83], [2`1103%19`1105 no text]2, 1106 [&3BS& II,62,84], 1107 [&3BS& II,62,85], 1108 [&3BS& II,63,86], 1109 [&3BS& II,63,87], 1110 [&3BS& II,65,89], 1111, 1111a [&3BS& II,65,90], 1112 [&3BS& I,207,130], 1113 [&3BS II,66,91], 1114 [&3BS& I,207,132], 1115 [&3BS& I,207,133], 1116 [&3BS II,73,93], 1117 [&3BS& II,73,94], 1118 [&3BS& II,74,95], 1119 [&3BS II,75,96], 1121 [&3BS& II,76,97], 1122 [&3BS& II,76,98], 1123 [&3BS II,78,99], 1124 [&3BS& II,80,101], 1125 [&3BS& II,81,102], 1126 [&3BS II,81,103], 1127 [&3BS& II,82,104], 1128 [&3BS& II,82,105], 1129 [&3BS II,83,106], 1130 [&3BS& II,85,107], 1131, 1132, 1133, 1134 [&3BS II,87,108], 1135 [&3BS& II,89,109], 1136, 1137 [&3BS& II,89,110], 1138 [&3BS& II,90,111], 1139 [&3BS& II,90,112], 1140 [&3BS& II,91,113], 1141 [&3BS& II,91,114], 1142, 1143 [&3BS& II,92,115], 1144%19`1146, 1147a [&3BS& II,92,116], 1147b [&3BS& II,92,117], 1148, 1149%3`50 [&3BS II,92,118], 1151%3`52 [&3BS& II,93,119], 1153 [&3BS& II,93,120], 1154 [&3BS& II,94,121], 1155 [&3BS& II,94,122], 1156, 1157 [&3BS II,94,123], 1158 [&3BS& II,95,124], 1159, 1160 [&3BS& II,95,125], 1161 [&3BS& II,95,126]; Schwabe and Lifshitz, &3Beth She%102arim, II (1964) 97,127, here %6 &3CIJ& 1161a(1) (ca. 200%19`250?), &3BS II,111,128%19`124,135, here %6 &3CIJ& 1161a(2)%19`1161a(9), &3BS II,124,136%19`129,144, here %6 &3CIJ& 1161b(1)%19`1161b(9), &3BS II,130,145%19`135,153, here %6 &3CIJ& 1161c(1)%19`1161c(9), &3BS II,135,154%19`139,162, here %6 &3CIJ& 1161d(1)%19`1161d(9), &3BS II,140,163%19`140,164, here %6 &3CIJ& 1161e(1)%19`1161e(2), &3BS II,142,165%19`145,170, here %6 &3CIJ& 1161e(4)%19`1161e(9), &3BS II,144,171%19`151,179, here %6 &3CIJ& 1161f(1)%19`1161f(9), &3BS II,151,180%19`155,182, here %6 &3CIJ& 1161g(1)%19`1161g(3), &3BS II,157,183, here %6 &3CIJ& 1161g(4), &3BS& II,167,184, here %6 &3CIJ 1161g(5), &3BS& II,171,185%19`172,187, here %6 &3CIJ& 1161g(7)%19`1161g(9), &3BS& II,172,188%19`181,196, here %6 &3CIJ& 1161h(1)%19`1161h(9), &3BS II,182,197%19`192,205, here %6 &3CIJ& 1161i(1)%19`1161i(9), &3BS II,193,206%19`196,214, here %6 &3CIJ& 1161j(1)%19`1161j(9), &3BS II,197,215%19`200,221, here %6 &3CIJ& 1161k(1)%19`1161k(7); Avigad, &3Beth &3She%102arim, III& (1971) 37, here %6 &3CIJ& 1161e(3), &3BS& III,82 here %6 &3CIJ& 1161g(6); &3BS& III,233,1%19`235,3 (3rd ac), 236,5%19`251,28 (Hebrew and Aramaic); &3SEG& 28,1362%19`1364 (3rd%19`4th ad), 1365 (2nd%19`3rd ad); __ &1Capitolias&: Piccirillo, &3Chiese e Mosaici &3della Giordana Settentrionale& (1981) 32 and 32n.13. __ &1Capharnau+m&: (Jud.): &3CIJ& 983%19`982 (ca. 400%19`450 ac?). __ &1Chorsia&: &3SEG& 26,1677 %6 &3SEG& 30,1697 [&3SEG& 33,1270] (585 ac). __ &1D%102er%19Rumsaniyeh&: &3RevBibl& 12 (1903) 278 [&3ZDPV& 11 (1888) 42%7]. __ &1el%19Husn&: Piccirillo, &3Chiese e Mosaici della Giordana &3Settentrionale& (1981) 27; &3SEG& 7,915%19`916 (el%19H%1os%1n). __ &1Gadara&: Piccirillo, &3Chiese e Mosaici della Giordana Settentrionale (1981) 31 (near Gadara); &3SEG& 30,1687 (662 ac); &3SEG& 32,1502 (ca. 455 ac), 1503 (ca. 505 ac); &3SEG& 33,1270 [&3SEG& 26,1677] (582%19`587 ac); &3SEG& 36,1343 (ca. 505 ac?), 1344%19`1345 (ca. 505 ac), 1346 [&3SEG& 32,1503] (ca. 505 ac), 1347 (ca. 505 ac). __ &1Golan& (region): &3SEG& 28,1426 (285%19`305 ac), 1427 (ca. 350%19`400 ac). __ Jud.: &3SEG& 34,1473 (Ah%1madi=ya), 1474 (Da=bi=ya), 1475 (%102Ain Nashu=t). __ &1Gischala%19Gush Halav& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 976. __ &1H%1ammat Gader&: &3SEG& 8,31 (5th ac?). ("el%19H%1ammeh; 5th ac?). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 856%19`859 (ca. 400%19`450). __ &1H%1ammat Tiberias&: &3SEG& 8,41 ("el%19H%1amma=m"; 6th ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 985 (3rd%19`4th ac), 986a (2nd ac?), 986b (3rd%19`4th ac?). __ &1Henita&: &3ZPE& 6 (1970) 63 (Galilee: Henita) %6 &3BE/& 1971,690[b]. __ &1Hippos&: &3SEG& 16,824%19`826 (6th ac); &3SEG& 32,1509. __ &1Kafr Kanna=& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 987 ("Kana"; 3rd%19`4th ac). __ &1Kefar Bar%102am& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 974%19`975 (2nd ac). __ &1Kefar Hananyah& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 980 (6th ac?). __ &1Kh. Kanef& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 854. __ &1Kh. el%19Kerak&: &3SEG& 8,26 (6th ac). __ &1Kefar Niburaia (Jud.): &3CIJ& 977 ("Nebratein"). __ &1Kh. el%19Maqati&: Piccirillo, &3Chiese e Mosaici della Giordana Settentrionale& (1981) 24. __ &1Kh. el%19Wadadneh&: Piccirillo, &3Chiese e Mosaici della Giordana &3Settentrionale& (1981) 20. __ &1Khisfin&: &3SEG& 26,1676 (561 or 618 ac). __ &1Korazim%19Chorozain& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 981 ("Ke/razeh"; 6th ac?). __ &1Meroth& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 978 ("Me/ron"). __ &1Nazareth&: &3RevBibl& 69 (1962) 419; &3SEG& 8,14 (5th%19`6th ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ 988. __ &1Pella& (Jud.): &3SEG& 19,908. __ &1Qib. Beth Hashitta&: &3SEG 20,460 (5th%19`6th ac). __ &1Qib. Lehavot Habashan&: &3SEG& 18,620%19`621 (285%19`305 ac); &3SEG& 19,901%19`902 (ca. 293%19`305 ac). __ &1Qib. Ma%102ayan &1Barukh&: &3SEG& 16,821 (3rd%19`4th ac). __ &1Qib. S%148amir&: &3SEG& 16,822%19`823 (3rd%19`4th ac); &3SEG& 19,903 (ca. 293%19`305 ac). __ &1Qisyon& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 972 ("Kaysoun"; ca. 198 ac?). __ &1er%19Rama& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 979 (3rd ac). __ &1Scythopolis&: Fitzgerald, &3A Sixth%19Century &3Monastery at Beth%19Shan (Scythopolis)& (1939) 6, 11, 13,1%19`16,7, 19; &3SEG& 8,34 (ca. 529 ac), 45 (4th%19`5th ac), 47 (5th ac), 48 (4th ac?), 49 (6th ac), 50 (5th ac), 51 (6th ac), 52 (4th ac), 54%19`56 (4th%19`5th ac); &3SEG& 20,455 (305%19`311 ac), 459; &3SEG& 26,1683; &3SEG& 28,1447 (522 ac), 1448 (ca. 522 ac), 1449. __ Jud.: Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 77a%19`77c, here %6 &3CIJ& 1166a%19`1166c (mid%19`5th ac); &3SEG& 28,1450a%19`1450b (ca. 600%19`624 ac); &3SEG& 32,1530 (Early Byz.). __ &1S%148efa%26 %102Amr&: &3SEG& 8,17 [&3RevBibl& 2 (1893) 206%7] (6th ac). __ &1Sepphoris%19Diocaesarea&: &3RevBibl& 77 (1970) 76,12; &3SEG& 20,416 (4th%19`5th ac), 417 (517%3`8 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 991 (ca. 400%19`450?), 992, 989 (before 352 ac), 990; &3SEG& 8,15 (4th%19`5th ac). __ &1Si%26ri%26n&: &3SEG& 8,7%19`8 (6th ac). __ &1Thella& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 971. __ &1Tiberias& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 984; Lifshitz, &3Donateurs& (1967) 76, here %6 &3CIJ& 984a (4th ac); &3SEG& 16,827 (Roman); &3SEG 26,1685%19`1688; &3SEG& 33,1298%19`1299, here %6 &3CIJ& 984b%19`984c (4th ac). __ &1Umm er%19Rus&: &3SEG& 8,228 (6th ac). @ PALAESTINA III. &1Ader&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 200%19`214. __ &1Ai+la%3Eilath&: &3SEG& 26,1656 (6th%19`7th ac), 1657%19`1664; &3Rivista di &3studi bizantini e neoellenici& 8 (1953) 246 %6 Halkin VI,338. __ &1el%19%102Aina&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 419. __ &1%102Ainun&: Canova, &3Moab (1954) 236%19`269. __ &1al%19%102Amaqa&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 333%19`338. __ &1el%19%102Araq&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 325%19`326. __ &1el%19%102Aris&: &3SEG& 8,302, ƺ303%19`305 (5th ac). __ &1%102Azra&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 276%19`291. __ &1Beersheba&: &3RevBibl& 12 (1903) 275 [Alt, &3GIPT& 18,19], 425,1 [Alt, &3GIPT& 23,38], 426,2 [Alt, &3GIPT& 22,30], 426,3 [Alt, &3GIPT 23,36], 427,4 [Alt, &3GIPT& 17,16], 427,5 [Alt, &3GIPT& 21,27], 427,6 [Alt, &3GIPT& 18,18], 428,7a [Alt, &3GIPT& 24,41], 428,7b [Alt, &3GIPT& 14,9; added fr., &3RevBibl& 16, N.S. 4 (1907) 610]; &3RevBibl& 13, N.S. 1 (1904) 87 [Alt, &3GIPT& 15,10], 266,1 [Alt, &3GIPT& 20,25; Guard. &3EG& IV,452; &3SEG& 34,1469], 267,2 [Alt, &3GIPT 19,21; &3SEG& 34,1468], 267,3 [Alt, &3GIPT& 20,23], 268,4 [Alt, &3GIPT 22,32; &3SEG& 34.1466], 269,5 [Alt, &3GIPT& 22,34]; &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 248,1%19`2 [Alt, &3GIPT& 19,22], 249,3 [Alt, &3GIPT& 23,39; Peek, &3GVI& 2000], 250,4 [Alt, &3GIPT& 21,29], 250,5%7`252,9 [Alt, &3GIPT& 22,31], 251,6, [Alt, &3GIPT& 25,44], 251,7 [Alt, &3GIPT& 14,8], 252,9%7`250,5 [Alt, &3GIPT& 22,31], 252,10 [Alt, &3GIPT& 15,13]; &3RevBibl& 15, N.S. 3 (1906) 86 [Alt, &3GIPT& 20,26], 87 [Alt, &3GIPT 11,4]; &3RevBibl& 16, N.S. 4 (1907) 610 [Alt, &3GIPT& 14,9, with added fr.]; &3RevBibl& 18, N.S. 6 (1909) 104,2 [Alt, &3GIPT& 14,7]; &3SEG& 8,281 (6th ac), 282 [&3ZdPV& 46 (1923) 52,1%7] (6th ac), 283 (6th ac), 289 (6th ac), 292 (6th ac), 295 (6th ac), 297 [&3RevBibl& 73 (1966) 257,3] (6th ac), 298%19`301 (6th ac); &3SEG 16,853 (6th%19`7th ac); &3SEG& 36,1326 (6th ac?), 1327 (588%3`9 ac), 1328%19`1329 (6th ac), 1330 (606 ac?), 1331%19`1335 (6th ac), 1336 (6th%19`7th ac), 1337 (554%3`5 ac), 1338 (6th ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ 1196. __ &1Chalasa (Khalas%1ah)&: &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 253,13 [Alt, &3GIPT& 27,56], 253,14 [Alt, &3GIPT& 29,60], 255,16 [Alt, &3GIPT 28,58], 255,17 [Alt, &3GIPT& 30,69], 255,20 [Alt, &3GIPT& 30,68]; &3RevBibl& 18, N.S. 6 (1909) 105,3 [Alt, &3GIPT& 29,64]. __ &1Charachmoba (el%19Kerak)&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 1%19`199, 199bis. __ &1Dhat%19Ras&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 342%19`349. __ &1Duwekhle&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 420%19`421. __ &1Eboda&: Negev, &3Greek Inscr. from the &3Negev& (1981) 14%19`46; &3Harvard Theological Review& 57 (1964) 133 %6 &3BE/& 1965,58. __ &1Fenan&: &3SEG& 8,339 (587%3`8 ac), 340%19`341 (5th%19`6th ac), 342 (455 ac), 343 (5th ac). __ &1el%19Frang&: Canova, &3Moab (1954) 227%19`235. __ &1Elusa&: Negev, &3Greek Inscr. from the Negev (1981) 92. __ &1Ga%102far&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 327%19`329. __ &1Guwir&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 422. __ &1Iram&: &3SEG& 8,346%19`349 (5th ac). __ &1Kh. Umm el%19Hame&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 294%19`296. __ &1Kh. &1el%19Qaryatai&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 292%19`293. __ &1Kefeiraz&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 322%19`324. __ &1Mahaiy&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 350%19`418. __ &1Mampsis&: Negev, &3Greek Inscr. from the Negev& (1981) 81%19`91. __ &1Mah%1na&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 297%19`300. __ &1Megreh&: Canova, &3Moab (1954) 423%19`427. __ &1el%19Mote&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 301%19`321. __ &1Negev& (region), place?: &3RevBibl& 29, N.S. 17 (1920) 121,12; &3RevBibl& 70 (1963) 255,1(?); &3SEG& 8,284%19`285 (5th%19`6th ac), 287 (5th%19`6th ac), 288 (7th ac), 290 (6th ac), 291, 293 [&3SEG 34,1467] (545 ac), 294 (564%3`5 ac), 296 (5th%19`6th ac). __ &1Nessana&: Kirk, in &3Excavations at Nessana& I (1962) 2%19`6, 7,d, 9%19`10, 12%19`14, 16%19`17, 19%19`24, 27%19`28, 30%19`50, 52%19`55, 58%19`87, 89, 92%19`101, 103%19`109, 111%19`129, 131%19`139, 146%19`152. __ &1Pharan&: &3CIG 8849. __ &1ar%19Rabba&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 216%19`218. __ &1er%19Rasif&: &3BZ& 8 (1899) 387 (786 ac). __ &1Rouh%1ai+beh&: &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 256,21 [Alt, &3GIPT& 32,81], 256,22 [Alt, &3GIPT& 32,84], 256,23 [Alt, &3GIPT& 36,111], 256,24 [Alt, &3GIPT& 36,110], 256,25 [Alt, &3GIPT& 35,104], 256,26 [Alt, &3GIPT& 35,98], 256,27 [Alt, &3GIPT& 37,115], 256,34 [Alt, &3GIPT& 35,99]. __ &1Rugm Sakhari&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 340%19`341. __ &1Samrah&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 219%19`226. __ &1Sinai& (region): &3DOP& 20 (1966) 262,1%19`262,5, 263,6%19`263,12, 264,13, %19`264,17 (St. Catherine's); &3SEG& 30,1701 (Tell Pheiran; 5th ac); &3SEG& 31,1421 (Wadi Haggag%3Jebel Musa); &3SEG& 35,1559%19`1565 (Deir Rumh%1an; early Byz.); &3ZPE& 7 (1971) 151,7 %6 &3BE/& 1971,703 (Umm%19Sideira). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 1420 (W. el%19Mukatteb); &3ZPE& 7 (1971) 151,2, here %6 &3CIJ& 1414a (Umm%19Sideira). __ &1Smakiyeh&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 215, 215bis. __ &1Sobata&: &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 256,35 [Alt, &3GIPT 43,142], 257,36 [Alt, &3GIPT& 43,143]; Negev, &3Greek Inscr. from &3the Negev& (1981) 47%19`75, 75a, 76%19`80. __ &1Sul&: Canova, &3Moab (1954) 330%19`332. __ &1eth%19Thaniyyeh&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 270%19`275. __ &1Umm el%19Hamat&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 339. __ &1Wadi el%19Hesa&: Canova, &3Moab& (1954) 428; &3SEG& 8,344 (6th%19`7th ac). __ &1Zoara&: &3SEG 8,335 (387 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 1208 (433 ac) and 1209 ("Touba", by Gho=r es Sa=fi; 389%3`90 ac). @ PALESTINE. &1Unknown provenience&: Guarducci, &3EG& IV,453,6 &3ed. pr. (now Jerusalem; 5th%19`6th ac); &3Syria& 37 (1960) 118 and 120 [cf. &3BE/& 1963,287] (once Jerusalem; 6th ac); &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 606 (Palestine? [Coll. Ustinow]); &3SEG& 8,350%19`351; &3SEG 29,1615 (6th ac), 1616 (late Roman); &3SEG& 35,1529%19`1532 (6th%19beg. 7th ac). @ ARABIA. &1Abou%19Zreiq&: &3SEG& 7,1137 (373%3`4 ac). __ &1Acrabe &1(%102Aqraba=)&: De/le/age, &3Capitation& (1945) 154e [&3OGIS& 769] (293%19`305 ac). __ &1Adraa%19Edrei+ (Dera%102a)&: &3LBW& VI,2070g. &3SEG& 7,954. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 862. __ &1Aere (es%1%19S%1aname=n)&: &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 604,22. __ &1Aerite (%102Eire)&: &3LBW& VI,2442. __ &1el%19%102Afi=ne/&: &3SEG 7,1150 (6th ac). __ &1Agraina (Djre=n%19Lubbe=n)&: &3LBW& VI,2459; Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 793(3), 793(7). __ &1%102Ain Minyah&: &3SEG& 35,1593. __ &1%102Amra&: &3LBW& VI, 2087%19`2094. __ &1%102Anz&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 186, 188, 193. __ &1Atheila (%102Ati=l)&: &3SEG& 20,396 (4th ac). __ &1Aurantis &1(H%1aura=n)& (region): &3SEG& 7,1235, 1244. __ &1%102Auwas%1&: &3LBW& VI,2045, 2049%19`2050. (Awwas); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 685, 689(?), 693. __ &1el%19%102Ayi=n&: &3LBW& VI,1970. __ &1%102Ayoun&: &3LBW& VI,1984, 1986, 1988. __ &1Ayoun Mousa [Mt. Nebo]&: &3IGLSyr& 21,2.96; __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 865 (Ain Mousa). __ &1Basi=r&: &3Me/lBey 4 (1910) 222 %6 De/le/age, &3Capitation& (1945) 154d (Bas%1i=r, near es%1%19S%1aname=n; 293%19`305 ac). __ &1Borechath Sabaeorum (Bre=keh)&: &3LBW VI,2415. __ &1Bosana (Bu%26sa=n)&: &3LBW& VI,2239, 2239a, 2240, 2243, 2245, 2247, 2249%19`2253; Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 732%19`734, 736, 739%19`740. __ &1Bosor (Busr%19el%19Hari=ri)&: &3LBW& VI,2474%19`2477. __ &1Bostra&: &3IGLSyr& 13,1.9023, 9037%19`9045%3`6, 9060%19`9062, 9091, 9111%19`9112, 9115%19`9142, 9155, 9174, 9193, 9209, 9220, 9230, 9234, 9250, 9253, 9259, 9260, 9268, 9276, 9281, 9283, 9299%19`9300, 9306, 9312, 9315, 9324, 9327, 9343, 9349, 9352%19`9353, 9358, 9364, 9366, 9377, 9381, 9394, 9396, 9399, 9403, 9407, 9411%19`9413, 9416%19`9418, 9420, 9422%19`9423, 9426%19`9428, 9431, 9436%19`9437, 9439, 9441%19`9442, 9445, 9472; &3LBW& VI,1959b, 1960 (near Bostra); &3SEG& 29,1602 (6th ac); &3SEG& 33,1302 (6th ac), 1303 (Byz.). __ &1Btheine&: &3LBW& VI,2127%19`2128, 2130, 2134. __ &1Bura=k%1&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 173%19`175. __ &1Chababa (H%1abab)&: &3LBW& VI,2514 (Habiba [Khabeb]). __ &1Charax &1(el%19Kerak)&: &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 604,18; &3SEG& 19,895 [&3BE/ 1959.480] (497 ac); &3SEG& 20,395 (4th ac). __ &1Constantia &1(Bura=q)&: &3LBW& VI,2537a ("Brak"). __ &1Da=ma%26&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 757. __ &1Da=mit il%19%102Alya%26&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 800, 800(5), 800(8). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 864 [&3PPUAES& III,A.800(8)] ("Dama"). __ &1Danaba (Danaibba)&: &3Archiv Orienta/lni/& 18,1%19`2 (1950) 144%19`164, no. 373 %6 &3BE/ ƺ1953,218[e]. __ &1ed%19Deir&: &3IGLSyr& 21,2.174%19`175. __ &1Deir%19Eyoub&: &3LBW& VI,2413a. __ &1Deir%19el%19Kadi&: &3LBW& VI,2412. __ &1Deir%19el%19Lehben&: &3LBW& VI,2393%19`2395. __ &1Deir%19el%19Meyas&: &3LBW& VI,2053b. __ &1De=r &1idj%19Dju%26wa=ni%26&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 801(5)%19`801(6). __ &1De=r in%19Nas%1ra=ni%26&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES III,A (1907%19`1921) 722%19`723. __ &1Dibi=n&: &3SEG& 7,1158%19`1159, 1164 (365%3`6 ac), 1165, 1167, 1168 (388%3`9 ac). __ &1Dibon (Dhiban)&: &3IGLSyr& 21,2.180%19`182. __ &1idj%19Dja=dj&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES III,A (1907%19`1921) 791. __ &1Djdi=yeh&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES III,A (1907%19`1921) 783(2)%19`783(4). __ &1Djebel il%19K%1ule=b&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 731. __ &1Djedil&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 799(1). __ &1Djemerri=n&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 603%19`604, 609; &3LBW VI,1959 (Djmirri=n). __ Jud.: &3SEG& 20,408 (G%148amarri=n; imp.). __ &1Djeneine&: &3LBW& VI,2187, 2190. __ &1Djize/&: &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 597,4%19`598,5. __ &1Djre=n&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 792(1)%19 792(2). __ &1Doroa (ed%19Du=r)&: &3LBW& VI,2412p. __ &1Douma&: &3LBW& VI,2201. __ &1Eeitha (el%19Hi=t)&: &3LBW& VI,2122, 2124%19`2126. __ &1Fekea&: Peek, &3GVI& (1955) 266, here %6 &3BE/& 1961,796. __ &1Gasimea (Ja=sim)&: &3AEMO+& 8 (1884) 181,3 and 181,4 [&3OGIS& 613] (Hauran: Dja=sim; 392 ac). __ &1Gerasa&: Welles, in &3Gerasa& (1938) 87%19`101, 105%19`106, 160%19`162, 227, 236, 264%19`265, 272%19`286, 288%19`359; &3SEG& 32,1539 (2nd%19`3rd ac); &3SEG& 33,1305 (ca. 550%19`600 ac); &3SEG 35,1571 (539%3`40 ac), 1574 (Byz.). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 866 (5th ac?); 867a%19`867b [Welles, in &3Gerasa& (1938) 473,285%19`473,286] (5th ac). __ &1il%19Gha=riyeh&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 197%19`198, 201; &3SEG& 7,1211 (el%19Gha=riye/; 314%3`5 ac). __ &1Ghariye%19Sharqui&: &3SEG& 20,394 (4th ac). __ &1Ghas%1m&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 618%19`620. __ &1il%19Haiya=t&: Prentice, &3PAAES III& (1908) 364d, 367%19`368. __ &1Hammam %102Afra&: &3SEG 30,1704%19`1706 (5th%19`6th ac). __ &1Haraseh&: &3IGLSyr& 21,2.8. __ &1el%19Hari=ri&: &3LBW& VI,2412q. __ &1Harise&: &3LBW& VI,2022a. __ &1H%1arra=n&: &3LBW& VI,2462, 2464%19`2467, 2469%19`2470; Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES III,A (1907%19`1921) 794(1). __ &1Heshbon (Hesba=n)&: &3IGLSyr 21,2.59%19`62. __ &1%102Ina=k&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 224. __ &1Jaber&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 28. __ Jud.: &3SEG& 17,768 (imp.). __ &1Jbeiha&: &3IGLSyr 21,2.6. __ &1Kanatha (Qanawa=t)&: &3LBW& VI,2350, 2358, 2361%19`2362. __ &1il%19Kefr&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 668%19`670, 672, 677; &3LBW& VI,2293 (Kapra [el%19Kefr]); Dunand, in &3Me/langes &3syriens offerts a\ R. Dussaud& (1939) II,599%19`576, nos. 257, 288 (415%3`6 ac), 288 (438%3`9 ac), 290 (517%3`8 ac), and 245 %6 &3BE/ 1940,189[a%19e] (Dj. Druze: Kaper). __ &1Kefr Abu Sarbut&: &3IGLSyr 21,2.113%19`116. __ &1Kefr%19el%19Wakhyan&: &3IGLSyr& 21,2.112. __ &1Kefr%19Laha=&: &3LBW& VI,2400. __ &1Ke/na=kir&: &3LBW& VI,2413o. __ &1el%19Keneiseh [Mt. Nebo]&: &3SEG& 28,1441 (el%19Keneiseh, S. of Mt. Nebo). __ &1Kfe=r&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 180. __ &1Kharaba%26&: &3RevBibl& 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 603,14; &3Me/lBey& 37 (1960%19`1961) 297 %6 &3BE/& 1963,280 (H%1aura=n: Kharaba: 326 ac). __ &1Kh. el%19%102Ara=dji&: &3LBW& VI,2194. __ &1Kh. es%19Samra'&: &3SEG 31,1464%19`1470 (6th ac). __ Jud.: &3SEG& 7,924%19`930. __ &1Khudr%19Imta=n&: &3LBW& VI,2038. __ &1Khulkhula&: &3LBW& VI,2537e. __ &1Khuraiyib&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 59. __ &1Kre=m&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 802. __ &1Kuteibeh&: &3LBW& VI,2412f. __ &1il%19K%1ut%1t%1e=n&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 205%19`208, 213. __ &1Ma%102in&: &3IGLSyr& 21,2.156%19`173. __ &1Makhayyat&: &3IGLSyr& 21,2.97%19`111. __ &1el%19Ma=liki=ye&: &3LBW& VI,2197, 2199. __ &1Mardocha (Murduk)&: &3SEG& 7,1116%19`1117, 1121. __ &1Masuh&: &3IGLSyr& 21,2.57. __ &1Maximianopolis%19Saccaea (Shaqqa)&: &3LBW VI,2139, 2145, 2158%19`2160, 2160a, 2161%19`2162, 2162a, 2163; &3SEG 7,1003, 1009, 1024, 1027; Prentice, &3PAAES III& (1908) 375, 377. (Shak%1k%1a%26). __ &1Mdje/mir&: &3LBW& VI,2299. __ &1Mdje=dil&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 787(7)%19 787(8), 787(11). __ &1Mebna=%19el%19Beit&: &3LBW& VI,2426a%19`2426b. __ &1Medeba (Madaba)&: &3IGLSyr 21,2.123%19`153; &3SEG& 8,330 [&3SEG& 32,1548] (end 6th%19beg. 7th). __ &1Medjdel&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 169%19`170. __ &1Mekawer&: &3IGLSyr& 21,2.177. __ &1Melah%1 is%1%19S%1arra=r&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 707%19`719; &3SEG& 7,1197 (606%3`7 ac), 1199 (Melah%19es%19Sarrar). __ &1Merdocha&: &3LBW& VI,2391, 2391a. __ &1il%19Meshk%1u=k%1&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 177. __ &1Mif%102aleh&: &3LBW& VI,2388%19`2389. __ &1Migdala (Medjdel)&: &3LBW VI,2031%19`2032, 2405%19`2406. __ &1Moghaire/&: &3SEG& 7,1227, 1228 (430%3`1 ac), 1229 (426%3`7 ac). __ &1Mothana&: &3LBW& VI,2033%19`2037; &3SEG& 7,1184 (485%3`6 ac), 1186, 1193 (485%3`6 ac), 1194 (306%3`7 ac). __ &1el%19Muallaqah&: &3IGLSyr& 21,2.65a%19`65c. __ &1il%19Mu%102arribeh&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 611, 614. __ &1Nahite&: &3LBW 2412k%19`2412m. __ &1Namara (Namer)&: &3LBW& VI,2175, 2185; &3Archiv &3Orienta/lni/& 18,1%19`2 (1950) 144%19`164, no. 356 %6 &3BE/& 1953,218[d]; &3SEG& 7,1035, 1040; De/le/age, &3Capitation& (1945) 154f [&3OGIS& 612] (Ha=ra, near Namara; 293%19`305 ac). __ &1Nedjra=n&: &3LBW& VI,2427, 2431. __ &1Nela (el%19Moushannef)&: &3LBW& VI,2217, 2219, 2225, 2235; &3SEG& 7,1078 (335%3`6 ac). __ &1Neve%19Naveh (Nawa=)& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 853. __ &1Obta&: &3Archiv Orienta/lni/& 18,1%19`2 (1950) 144%19`164, nos. 353 (343%3`4 ac) and 338 %6 &3BE/& 1953,218[a] and 1953,218[c]. __ &1%102Orma=n&: &3LBW& VI,2018%19`2020; Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 686, 694%19`697, 701%19`702, 705; &3SEG& 7,1169 (517%3`8 ac), 1170 (359%3`60 ac), 1171 (367%3`8 ac), 1178 (320%3`1 ac), 1181 (364%3`5 ac), 1182 (341%3`2 ac), 1183 (305%3`6 ac). __ &1Philadelphia%19Rabatamana (%102Amma=n)&: &3IGLSyr& 21,2.42%19`47. __ &1Philippopolis (Shehba%26)&: &3LBW& VI,2080; Prentice, &3PAAES III (1908) 403; &3SEG& 7,988, 993. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 863 (4th ac). __ &1Qas%1r &1el%19%102Azraq&: &3SEG& 32,1553 (end 3rd ac). __ &1Qas%1r ed%1%19D%1oubeib&: &3SEG 7,1042, 1055 (293%19`305 ac). __ &1Qas%1r el%19H%1allabat&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 18, 20 (K%1os%1e=r el%19H%1alla%26ba=t); &3SEG& 32,1554 (beg. 6th ac). __ &1el%19Qonai=tra%26&: &3SEG& 7,249%19`250 (569 ac), 251. __ &1Qreyeh&: &3LBW& VI,1965%19`1966; &3AEMO+& 8 (1884) 186,14 (Hau=ran: Kre=je); &3SEG& 7,1153 (555%3`6 ac), 1154 [&3LBW& VI,1963] (Kre/ye/; 295%3`6 ac). __ &1Quweisme&: &3IGLSyr& 21,2.52%19`54. __ &1Radeime&: &3LBW& VI,2193; &3SEG& 7,1061 (ca. 350 ac), 1062 (349%3`50 ac), 1063 (303%19`305 ac). __ &1Reimea (Ri=met il%19Luh%1f): &3LBW& VI,2419, 2425%19`2426; Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 784(3). __ &1Riha%26b&: Piccirillo, &3Chiese e Mosaici della Giordana &3Settentrionale& (1981) 68,1%19`88,8. __ &1Sa%102a=d&: &3SEG& 7,1060 (404%3`5 ac). __ &1S%1abh%1ah&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 114%19`115. __ &1is%1%19S%1a=fiyeh&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 172. __ &1Safut&: &3IGLSyr& 21,2,4%19`2,5. __ &1Sahwet &1el%19Bla=t&: &3SEG& 7,1146. __ &1Sahwet%19el%19Khudr&: &3LBW& VI,1981. __ &1Sahwet%19el%19Qamh&: &3LBW& VI,2070b. __ &1Sahwit il%19Khid%1r&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 681. __ &1Salamanestha (Sa=la=)&: &3LBW& VI,2259, 2261%19`2263; &3SEG& 7,1126 (433%3`4 ac), 1127, 1129 [&3LBW ƺVI,2261]. __ &1Sa=leh&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 724%19`728, 730. __ &1S%1alkhad&: &3LBW& 1990, 1996%19`2001, 2004, 2006%19`2007, 2009%19`2011; Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 158%19`161, 164, 166%19`168. __ &1Sammet%19el%19Berdan&: &3LBW 2039%19`2040. __ &1Sameh&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 24%19`29, 32. __ &1Savara (S%1a/wara il%19Kebi=reh)&: Prentice, &3PAAES III& (1908) 361. __ &1Schaqra&: &3LBW& VI,2504, 2510. __ &1Selaima (Sle=m)&: &3LBW& VI,2381. __ &1Sha%102a=rah&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 803(5), 803(7). __ &1Sheikh &1Miski=n&: &3SEG& 34,1508 (H%1aura=n: Sheikh Miski=n; ca. 364 ac?). __ &1Shuneh&: &3IGLSyr& 21,2.66%19`70. __ &1Siyagha [Mt. Nebo]&: &3IGLSyr 21,2.71%19`75, 76b%19`76c, 78%19`94. __ &1S%1ma=d&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 61%19`62, 64. __ &1Su=r&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 797(2)%19`797(3). __ &1Soada &1Dionysias (Souei+da)&: &3LBW& VI,2327%19`2328; De/le/age, &3Capitation (1945) 152 [&3IGRR& 3.1278] (286%19`293 ac?); &3SEG& 7,975 (5th ac). __ &1Speluncae (Deir el%19Kahaf)&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 228%19`230 (De=r il%19Kahf). __ &1Swafieh&: &3IGLSyr& 21,2.7. __ &1Tafas&: &3SEG& 7,256 (343%19`348 ac), 259, 260 (368%3`9 ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 861 (4th ac). __ &1T%1aff&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES III,A (1907%19`1921) 804, 804(1). __ &1T%1afh%1a%26&: &3LBW& VI,2171; Prentice, &3PAAES III& (1908) 391. __ &1it%1%19T%1aiyibeh&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 623. __ &1Tayyibe/%19Djize/&: &3RevBibl 14, N.S. 2 (1905) 1905.598,6. __ &1Tell %102As%1far&: &3SEG& 7,996. __ &1et%19Tha%102leh&: &3LBW& VI,2412b. __ &1Thainatha (Umm el Jima=l)&: &3LBW VI,2058 (Um%19el%19Djema=l); Dessau, &3ILS& 773 [&3LBW& VI,2058; &3CIL 3.88] (371 ac); Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 233 [&3LBW& VI,2058; &3ILS& 773], 234, 237, 245%19`280, 281%3`2, 285, 374, 386 (Umm idj%19Djima=l). __ &1Tricomias (Qas%1r el Ba=%102iq)&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 21 (K%1as%1r il%19Ba=%102ik%1). __ &1Turra&: &3LBW& VI,2070p. __ &1il%19Ube=r&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 796(2). __ &1Um%19Ruaq&: &3LBW VI,2207%19`2208. __ &1Um%19el%19Walid&: &3IGLSyr& 21,2.176. __ &1Umm &1er%19Rumma=n&: &3LBW& VI,2054, 2056%19`2057; Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES III,A (1907%19`1921) 183. (Umm ir%19Rumma=n). __ &1Umm ez%19Zeitun&: &3LBW VI,2546a [&3CIG& 4593 with Add.; cf. &3Consuls,& App. p. 631], 2548. __ &1il%19Umta%26%102i=yeh&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES& III,A (1907%19`1921) 37%19`40, 40(1), 41. __ &1Umm is%19Surab&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES III,A (1907%19`1921) 51. __ &1Wak%1m&: Littmann and Magie, &3PPUAES III,A (1907%19`1921) 788, 788(1)%19`788(2). __ &1Yadudeh&: &3IGLSyr 21,2.56. __ &1Zebi=reh&: &3LBW& VI,2513. __ &1Zia&: &3IGLSyr& 21,2.2. __ &1Zizia&: &3IGLSyr& 21,2.155. __ &1Zorava (Zor%102ah)&: &3LBW& VI,2485, 2490, 2497%19`2499, 2499a%19`2499b, 2500%19`2503; Prentice, &3PAAES III& (1908) 437; &3CIG& 8630 (mid%19`6th ac), 8856; &3Archiv Orienta/lni/& 18,1%19`2 (1950) 144%19`164, no. 369 %6 &3BE/& 1953,218[b] (601 ac); &3Syria& 37 (1960) 125 (6th ac). @ ARABIA FELIX. &1Egra& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 1421, 1422 (42 ac). __ &1el%19%102Ela (Jud.): &3CIJ& 1423 (306 ac). __ &1Nag%148ra=n&: &3SEG& 31,1479 (early Byz.). @ SUSIANA. &1Susa& (Jud.): &3SEG& 7,29. Ǻ@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@PREFECTURE OF ORIENS: AEGYPTUS @ Aegyptus, Libya Superior (Cyrenaica). Also included here are: Nubia, Ethiopia and Abyssinia. @ EGYPT. &1Abou Roach&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 764. __ &1Aboukir&: Bernand, &3Delta& I (1970) 341. __ &1Abu%26 Mi%26na&: &3SEG& 8,449 (5th%19`6th ac); &3SEG 32,567 (373%19`378 ac), 1568%19`1571 (after 450 ac); &3SEG& 34,1529 (4th%19`5th ac). __ &1Abydos&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 733. __ &1Akoris&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 116%19`165; Bernand, &3Akoris& (1988) 30%19`41. __ &1Alexandria&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 1%19`56, 691, 693%19`696, 698, 702%19`703, 709%19`710, 713, 715, 730; Bernand, &3Delta& I (1970) 335,5a%19`335,5b; Breccia, &3Cat. Alexandrie& (1911) 88%19`89, 91%19`92; Bernand, &3IMe/tr (1969) 61 (?), 124,a; &3SB& 4,7328 (?); Dessau, &3ILS& 1273 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 6587] (384%19`388 ac), 8930%3`1 [Breccia, &3Cat. Alexandrie (1911) 89] (293%19`305 ac), 8947 [Breccia, &3Cat. Alexandrie& (1911) 92] (364%19`375 ac); &3AnthPal& 9,787 (6th%19`7th ac); &3SEG& 8,355 (6th ac); &3SEG& 17,789 [&3SEG& 18,643] (297 or 302 ac); &3SEG& 18,647%19`648 (Byz.); &3SEG& 28,1454 (392%19`396 ac); &3SEG& 31,1485%19`1510 (608%19`610 ac); &3SEG& 32,1573 (5th%19`6th ac); &3SEG& 35,1600 (6th ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 1427, 1428, 1429 (2nd bc), 1430%19`1431, 1432 (37 bc), 1433 (2nd bc?), 1434, &3CIJ& 1435a%19`1435b (Alexandria?), 1436, 1437 (Roman), 1438%19`1439, 1424, 1425 (3rd bc), 1426 1446%19`1447 (Alexandria?); &3SEG& 8,433, 436. __ &1Antaeopolis&: &3SEG& 8,660 (601 ac). __ &1Antinoe&: &3SB& 5,8937. __ &1Antinooupolis&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g 167%19`229, 686, 688, 759, 778%19`781; Bernand, &3Portes du de/sert (1984) 19; Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 123; &3SEG& 18,658 (5th%19`6th ac?), 660%19`666, 667 (489 ac), 668, 670a, 670b, 671, 672(9), 672(11), 672(15)%19`672(17), 672(19)%19`672(21), 672(23)%19`672(29), 672(41). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 1534%19`1535. __ &1Apollinopolis Magna &1(Edfou)&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 550%19`559; &3SB& 5,7550; &3SEG& 8,777 (5th ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 1538a [&3CPJud& III,166]. __ &1Athribis (Benha)&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 64%19`65; &3OGIS& 722 [Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 64]; &3SEG 24,1194, here %6 &3OGIS& "`722a". __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 1443%19`1444 (181%19`145 bc?), 1445. __ &1Bardawil&: &3SEG& 28,1459%19`1464 (5th ac), 1465%19`1468. __ &1Beni Hassan&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 166. __ &1Berenike&: Bernand, &3Pan du de/sert& (1977) 75. __ &1Cairo&: &3SEG& 18,653 (335%19`341 ac). __ &1Cheikh Hassan&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 114%19`115. __ &1Cheikh Zoue\de&: Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 122; &3SEG& 24,1197%19`1199 (Sheik Zoued; 4th ac). __ &1Dakleh&: &3SEG& 26,1724. __ &1Damiette&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 61. __ &1Deir el Azam&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 777. __ &1Deirut&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 230%19`234 (area of Deirut). __ &1Douch&: &3SEG& 30,1725, 1727. __ Jud.: &3SEG& 30,1728b. __ &1Elephantine&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 727; &3SB& 5,8393. __ &1Fayoum& (region): Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 71%19`113, 770, 772, 775, 784%19`793, 794%19`795 (?) (Arsinoi+te [Fayoum]); Bernand, &3IFayoum& I (1975) 30%19`31 (Arsinoe%19Krokodilopolis), &3IFayoum& II (1981) 131 (Nazle/h), &3IFayoum& III (1981) 149 (Talei); &3SEG 24,1204 (590 ac), 1205; &3SEG& 30,1898 (4th ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ 1531 [Bernand, &3IFayoum& III (1981) 206] (ca. 200 bc?), 1532 [Bernand, &3IFayoum& III (1981) 210] (29 bc), 1532a [Bernand, &3IFayoum& I (1975) 1] (Arsinoe%19Krokodilopolis; 245%19`221 bc). __ &1Fisha Balkha&: Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 111. __ &1Gebel Barkal&: &3SB 5,8948. __ &1Gebel Silsileh&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 560. __ &1Girgeh&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 362%19`363 (area of Girgeh). __ &1Hermonthis &1(Herment)&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 796%19`802, 803 (?); Bernand, &3IMe/tr (1969) 60; &3SEG& 20,692%19`693 (6th%19`7th ac); &3SEG& 33,1323 (4th ac). __ &1Hermoupolis Parva (Damanhour)&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 62%19`63. __ &1Heroonpolis&: Breccia, &3Cat. Alexandrie& (1911) 90. [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 6633; Dessau, &3ILS& 657] (306%3`7 ac). __ &1Hieraconpolis&: &3ILS& 617 [&3CIL& 3.22] (288 ac). __ &1Kanopos (Aboukir)&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g 57%19`60; Bernand, &3Delta& I (1970) 253,30%19`256,34; &3SEG& 8,459, 461 (5th ac). __ &1Karanis&: &3SB& 5,7622, 8246; &3SEG& 20,658 (ca. 6th ac). __ &1Kellia&: &3SEG& 33,1324 (7th ac?). __ &1el Khargeh (Oasis &1Major)&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 353%19`361; Evelyn%19White and Oliver, &3Hibis& (1938) 9, 30, 34, 41; Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 173 (el%19Bagawat); Fakhry, &3The Necropolis of el Bagawa%26t in the &3Kharga Oasis& (1951), pp. 39%19`66 and 67%19`78 %6 Guarducci, &3EG IV,461,3 (5th ac); &3SEG& 26,1782, 1783%19`1791 (6th ac). __ &1Kom Ǻ&1el%19Dikka&: &3SEG& 26,1797 (480%19`560 ac), 1798 (560%19`610 ac). __ &1Koptos (Kuft)&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 738, 740, 747; Bernand, &3Portes &3du de/sert& (1984) 91, 101; &3SEG& 34,1598 [Milne, &3Cat. Cairo (1905) 45,9238] (323 ac). __ &1Latopolis (Esneh)&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 529%19`532, 533%3`4, 535%19`549; Milne, &3Cat. Cairo& (1905) 75,9243; &3SEG& 30,1731%19`1741; &3SEG& 33,1316; &3SEG& 17,790 [&3SEG 18,715] (6th ac?). __ &1Leontopolis& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 1451 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 70] (early imp.), 1452, 1453 (1st ac?), 1454 (5 ac), 1455%19`1456, 1457 (10%3`1 ac?), 1458%19`1461, 1462 (1st bc?), 1463%19`1464, 1465 (1st ac), 1466 (28 bc), 1467%19`1470, 1471 (4 bc?), 1472%19`1475, 1476 (1 ac), 1477%19`1480 (Leontopolis?), 1481%19`1487 (end 1st%3beg. 1st), 1488 (33 bc?), 1489 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 69] (Leontopolis?; early imp.), 1490 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 14] (117 bc), 1491 (end 1st%3beg. 1st), 1492 (26%3`5 bc), 1493 (23 bc), 1494%19`1497 (end 1st%3beg. 1st), 1498 (5 bc), 1499 (4 bc), 1500 (4 ac), 1501%19`1507 (end 1st%3beg. 1st), 1508 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 84] (early imp.), 1509 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr (1969) 45] (20 bc?), 1510 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 42] (5 bc?), 1511 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 15] (early imp.?), 1512 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 94] (14 bc?), 1513 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 44] (early imp.), 1514 (27 bc), 1515, 1516 (5 ac), 1517%19`1518, 1519 (5 bc), 1520 (3 bc), 1521, 1522 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 17] (early imp.?), 1523, 1524 (1 bc), 1525%19`1526, 1527 (37 ac), 1528%19`1529, 1530 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 43] (14 bc?), 1530a [&3CPJud& III,163; Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 16] (early imp.?), 1530b [&3CPJud& III,163], 1530c [&3CPJud& III,163] (26 bc), 1530d [&3CPJud III,163]; &3Bull.Inst.Cairo& 72 (1972) 149,9 [&3BE/& 1972.676] here %6 &3CIJ& 1530e, and 149,10 [&3BE/& 1972.676], here %6 &3CIJ& 1530f; 1539 [Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 95] (Leontopolis?; 8 ac); &3SEG& 28,1476 (3rd ad); &3SEG& 33,1326. __ &1Mahura al%19Qibli&: &3SEG& 30,1744. __ &1Medamud&: &3SEG& 8,704 (291 ac), 709%19`713. __ &1Memphis&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 66%19`70; &3SEG& 29,1659 (late Roman), 1660 (5th%19`6th ac), 1661%19`1662, 1664 (5th%19`6th ac). __ &1Minieh& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 1533. __ &1Mon. Phoibammon&: Re/mondon, in Ch. Bachatly, &3Le monaste\re de &3Phoibammon dans la The/bai+de, II& (1965), nos. 6, 8, 10%19`11, 13, 17, 19%19`20 %6 &3BE/& 1972,615[a%19h]; &3SEG& 24,1218%19`1224 (4th%19`5th ac). __ &1Mons Porphyrites&: Bernand, &3Pan du de/sert& (1977) 27%19`30. __ &1Nitriai& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 1442 [Bernand, &3Delta& I (1970) 960,1] (143%19`117 bc). __ &1Ombos&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 561%19`562. __ &1Oxyrhynchos&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 751; &3SB& 3,6018%19`6019; &3SEG 30,1747. __ &1Panopolis (Akhmi=m)&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 238%19`350, 687, 689, 710bis [p. 140 n. 1], 755; &3SEG& 18,696%19`697 (5th ac?); &3SEG 32,1588%19`1589 (6th%19`7th ac), 1590. __ &1Psenemphaia& (Jud.): &3CIJ 1441 [Bernand, &3Delta& I (1970) 928,2] (143%19`117 bc). __ &1Qau &1el%19Kebir&: &3SB& 5,7564. __ &1Redesiyeh& (Jud.): &3CIJ& 1537%19`1538 [Bernand, &3Le Paneion d' el%19Kanai+s& (1970) 42 and 34] (S. of Apollinopolis Magna [Edfou]: Redesiyeh; ca. ca. 2nd%19`1st bc). __ &1Sai+&: &3SEG& 26,1806. __ &1Schedia&: Bernand, &3Delta& I (1970) 420,16. __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 1440 [Bernand, &3Delta& I (1970) 414,3] (246%19`221 bc); Bernand, &3IMe/tr& (1969) 37, here %6 &3CIJ& 1440a (2nd%19`1st bc?). __ &1Sohag (Atrip)&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 237. __ &1Syene&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 563%19`583; &3SEG& 8,781 (6th ac), 782 (6th%19`7th ac); &3SEG& 28,1490. __ &1Tell Ebsan&: &3SEG& 8,470. __ &1Tema&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 235%19`236 (area of Tema). __ &1Terenouthis&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 761. __ &1Thebes (Luxor, Karnak; Gourneh, &1Medinet Habu)&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 364%19`528, 721, 737, 754, 762%19`763, 765%19`766; &3SB& 4,7488%19`7514; Dessau, &3ILS& 701 [&3CIL& 3 Suppl. 12073] (324%19`337 ac); &3SEG& 8,664%19`666, 668%19`671, 673%19`693 (Karnak; 4th%19`5th ac), 733%19`736 (5th%19`7th ac), 737 [&3SB& 4,7492] (5th%19`7th ac), 738%19`759 (5th%19`7th ac); &3SEG& 33,1327%19`1331, 1333%19`1334, 1334bis, 1335%19`1336, 1338, 1340%19`1351 (Medinet Habu); &3SEG& 36,1444, 1453; Baillet, &3Inscr. ... tombeaux des rois (1920) 141, 206, 302, 482, 522, 788, 820, 1079%19`1080, 1118, 1247%19`1248, 1253%19`1254, 1259, 1263, 1265%19`1266, 1277, 1279, 1282%19`1285, 1293, 1295, 1298, 1307, 1310, 1319, 1366, 1379%19`1381, 1403, 1405, 1408%19`1409, 1415, 1429, 1471, 1512, 1520, 1613, 1676, 1680, 1690, 1693, 1695, 1720, 1814, 1822, 1826, 1827b, 1828, 1832, 1840, 1844, 1848, 1861, 1889 (Thebes: Syringes) __ &1Tuphium&: &3SEG& 18,709%19`713, 714 (Byz.). __ &1Wd. Bir &1el%19Ai+n&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 351%19`352; Bernand, &3Pan du de/sert (1977) 1,b, 12%19`14. __ &1place?&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 669%19`685, 690, 692, 697, 699%19`701, 704%19`708, 711, 711bis, 712, 714, 716a%19`716b, 717%19`720, 722%19`726, 728%19`729, 731%19`732, 734%19`736, 739, 741%19`746, 748%19`750, 752%19`753, 756%19`758, 760, 767%19`769, 771, 773%19`774, 776, 782%19`783, 806%19`808; __ Milne, &3Cat. Cairo& (1905) 44,9278, 77,9282, 77,9257, 79,33036; 130,33026; 133,33019, 133,33020; &3SB& 4,7297%19`7303, 7315%19`7325; __ &3CIG& 9059, 9060 [&3E/O& 3,6 (1900) 361], 9061%19`9063; Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt& (1971), p. 14 (302 ac); __ &3Amtliche Berichte aus den ko+niglichen &3Kunstsammlungen& (Berlin) 34 (1912%19`1913) 211%19`219 %6 Guarducci, &3EG& IV,456,1 (4th ac); __ &3Bulletin de l'Institut Franc%25ais &3d'Arche/ologie Orientale du& 72 (1972) 139,21 %6 &3BE/& 1974,674; &3Bull.Inst.Cairo& 72 (1972) 161 (place?) %6 &3BE/& 1974,676; &3ZPE& 13 (1974) 94 %6 &3BE/& 1974,678; 678; __ Koerner, &3Festschrift zum 150 &3ja+hrigen Bestehen des Berliner a+gyptischen Museums& (1974) %6 &3BE/ 1976,756; __ &3SEG& 8,798 (5th ac); &3SEG& 18,720 (5th%19`7th ac); &3SEG 26,1810, 1811 (400%19`600 ac); &3SEG& 27,1120; &3SEG& 27,1123 (Upper Egypt); &3SEG& 30,1776; &3SEG& 31,1569 (5th%19`6th ac), 1570 (ca. 500%19`550 ac), 1571 (6th%19`7th ac); &3SEG& 33,1364 (7th ac); &3SEG 34,1625 (6th%19`7th ac); &3SEG& 24,1243 (Egypt?, place?); &3SEG 31,1562 (Egypt?, place?; 4th%19`5th ac); __ Jud.: &3CIJ& 1449%19`1450 (3rd%19`2nd bc), 1539a [&3CPJud& III,166] (Early Roman?), 1536; &3SEG 18,721. @ CYRENAICA. &1Ain Mara&: Reynolds, &3JThS& 11 (1960) 293,24. __ &1Apollonia&: Reynolds, &3JThS& 11 (1960) 288,9%19`289,17; &3SEG 27,1137%19`1138 (4th%19`5th ac), 1139 (491%19`518 ac), 1140 (6th ac?), 1174 (4th%19`5th ac), 1175 (6th ac?), 1176%19`1179, 1186 (6th ac); __ Jud.: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 1%19`5. __ &1Balagrai& (Jud.): Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 30. __ &1Berenike&: &3SEG& 9,767 (4th ac). __ Jud.: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 70%19`73. __ &1Barke&: Reynolds, &3JThS& 11 (1960) 290,18%19`290,20. __ &1Bir Tarakenet&: &3SEG& 20,705 (6th ac). __ &1Cyrene&: Reynolds, &3JThS& 11 (1960) 285,1%19`287,8, 293,25 (?); &3SEG& 18,751%19`752 (4th%19`5th ac?); &3SEG& 31,1578 (before 365 ac?), 1579 (4th%19`5th ac); &3SEG& 35,1724 (later 4th ac?). __ Jud.: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 6%19`12, 13a%19`13d, 14a%19`14b, 15%19`25, 28 [Hebr.]; Reynolds, in Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983), App. 1%19`3; &3SEG& 31,1578b (before 365 ac?) __ &1Olbia&: Reynolds, &3JThS& 11 (1960) 291,21%19`293,23. __ &1Naustathmos&: &3SEG& 30,1786. __ &1Ptolemais&: &3LBW& VI,1906a; &3SEG& 9,364 (364%19`375 ac?), 365 (395%19`408 ac?); Kraeling, &3Ptolemais& (1962) 208,11 here %6 &3BE/& 1964,589; Lauffer, &3Diokletians Preisedikt& (1971), pp. 34%19`36 (302 ac). __ Jud.: Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 31a%19`31d, 32a%19`32d, 33a%19`33d, 34, 37%19`38; Reynolds, in Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983), App. 4a%19`4c, 5%19`8. __ &1Ras el Hilal&: &3SEG& 20,711 (6th ac). __ &1Ruus el Ashlab&: &3SEG 26,1842 (5th ac?). __ &1Solluch&: &3SEG& 20,778 (5th%19`7th ac). __ &1Teucheira&: Reynolds, &3JThS& 16 (1965) 462 [&3CIG& 5292; &3SEG& 9,571; BE 1968.591a; Guard., &3EG& IV,475,3], here %6 Reynolds, &3JThS& 11 (1960) "Add.,1*"; &3SEG& 9,414 (501 ac), 558 (4th ac). __ Jud.: ǺLu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983) 41a%19`41d, 42a, 43a%19`43e, 44a%19`44k, 45a%19`45g, 46a%19`46c, 47a%19`47b, 48%19`49, 49a, 50a%19`50j, 51a%19`51f, 52a%19`52h, 53a%19`53e, 54a%19`54e, 55a%19`55g, 56a%19`56c, 57a%19`57h, 58a%19`58f, 59b%19`59d, 61a%19`61d, 62a%19`62c, 63a%19`63f, 65, 66a%19`66b, 67a%19`67f; Reynolds, in Lu+deritz, &3CjZKyr& (1983), App. 9a%19`9b, 10, 11a%19`11e, 12a%19`12m, 13a%19`13c, 14a%19`14d, 15a%19`15b, 15f%19`15g, 16a%19`16c, 16f%19`16g, 17a, 18d, 18g, 18i, 18l, 19d%19`19f, 19j%19`19n, 19p%19`19r, 20d, 20h%19`20i, 21, 22a, 22f%19`22g, 23e%19`23f, 23i%19`23l, 24b, 24d%19`24g, 25a, 25c. @ NUBIA. &1Anibeh&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 631; &3SEG& 8,864 (Anibah). __ &1el &1Arak&: &3SEG& 8,875. __ &1Colasucia&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 635%19`636. __ &1Dakke&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 629. __ &1Debeiba&: &3SEG& 8,874. __ &1Decamere\&: &3SEG& 24,1247, here %6 &3OGIS& "`200(3)". __ &1Derr&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 630. __ &1Djebel Barkal&: &3SEG& 2,883 (later 6th ac). __ &1Dodekaschoinos&: &3SEG& 34,1632 (ca. 300%19`330 ac), 1634 (4th%19`5th ac). __ &1Dongola&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 641%19`643. __ &1Ermenna&: &3SEG& 8,865%19`866 (6th%19`8th ac), 867%19`869 (6th%19`8th ac). __ &1Essaboua&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 640. __ &1Halfa&: &3SB& 4,7432. __ &1Ikhmindi&: &3SEG& 18,724 (ca. 550%19`600 ac). __ &1Khalewa&: &3SEG& 8,873. __ &1Maharraka&: &3SEG& 8,863. __ &1Meroe&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 644. &3SEG 24,1246, here %6 &3OGIS& "`200(2)"; &3SEG& 34,1641%19`1642, here %6 &3OGIS "`200(5)" and "`200(6)". __ &1Nawi&: &3SEG& 8,871 (9th ac). __ &1Nubia (region): Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 645%19`647, 648%19`668 (?), 804%19`805. __ &1Pachoras (Faras)&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 634 (Phthouris); &3SB& 4,7476 (Faras); K. Michalowski, &3Faras. Fouilles polonnaises 1961%19`1962 (1965) 164,2 (date?) and 164,3 (923 ac) %6 &3BE/& 1966,498[a%19b]; &3SEG& 8,862 (6th%19`7th ac). __ &1Philai&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 584%19`587, 588,a%19`588,b, 589%19`604, 604bis, 605; Bernand, &3Inscr. gr. de &3Philae, II& (1969) 185%19`246; &3SEG& 31,1536 (6th ac), 1541. __ &1Primis Parva&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 632%19`633. __ &1Quasr Ibri=m&: &3SEG 34,1640 (4th%19`5th ac). __ &1Sabagura&: &3CIG& 8981. __ &1Sekh Arab Hag&: &3SEG& 8,872. __ &1Semneh&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 637%19`639; &3CIG& 8950a. __ &1Serra&: &3SEG& 33,1366 (6th%19`8th ac), 1367 (ca. 550%19`600 ac?). __ &1Taifa&: Zucker, &3Von Debod bis Bab Kalabsche& (1912) 164. __ &1Talmis&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 618%19`628; &3OGIS& 201. __ &1Taphis&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 613%19`617; &3OGIS& 200; &3SB& 5,8510. __ &1Targama&: &3SEG 8,861 (6th ac). __ &1Wd. Ghazal&: Lefebvre, &3IGChE/g& 606%19`612. __ &1place?&: &3SB& 5,8763, 8765; &3CIG& 9135 (Nubia?, place?); &3Archiv fu+r &3Papyrusforschung& 18 (1966) 44%19`46 %6 &3BE/& 1967,671. @ ETHIOPIA. &1Adule&: &3OGIS& 199 [%6 Kosmas Indikopl., &3Topographia &3Christianike& 2.60%19`63, I, pp. 373%19`379 ed. Wolska%19Conus]. @ ABYSSINIA. &1Axume&: &3SEG& 26,1813, here %6 &3OGIS& "`200(4)"; &3SEG 32,1601, here %6 &3OGIS& "`200(1)". @ Ⱥ@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@UNKNOWN PROVENIENCE @ PRESENT LOCATIONS. &1Athens&: &3SEG& 36,1469 (before 471 ac). __ &1Berlin&: &3CIG& 9079%19`9082, 9094, 9103. __ &1Chicago&: &3SEG& 35,1745 (Byz.). __ &1Collection Moen&: &3SEG& 32,1617 (4th%19`5th ac). __ &1Copenhagen&: &3CIG& 9083, 9095, 9105. __ &1Fermo&: Grabar, &3Reve=tements& (1975) 44,17 (ca. 1250%19`1300 ac). __ &1Freising&: Grabar, &3Reve=tements& (1975) 41,16 [&3AEph& 1937,2.505] (ca. 1250 ac?). __ &1Gene\ve&: Siebt, in $*B*U*Z*A*N*T*I*O*S. &3Festschrift fu+r Herbert &3Hunge& (1984) 302 (ca. 1000 ac). __ &1Hadleigh, West Suffolk&: &3SEG 29,1721 (6th ac). __ &1Jerusalem&: &3SEG& 28,1586 (late imp.). __ &1Lie\ge&: Grabar, &3Reve=tements& (1975) 65,36 (late 14th ac); &3SEG 35, 1748 (Asia Minor or Syria [Lie\ge]; 4th ac). __ &1London&: &3OrChrP& 13 (1947) 516, here %6 &3BE/& 1949,13 (7th ac). __ Jud.: &3CIJ 731g [Lifshitz (1975) 90]. __ &1Malibu&: &3SEG& 30,1794 (3rd ac); &3SEG& 34, 1667 (5th ac). __ &1Milan&: &3CIG& 9069. __ &1Monza&: &3CIG 9066%19`9067. __ &1Moscow&: Grabar, &3Reve=tements& (1975) 45,18 (ca. 1250%19`1300 ac). __ &1New Haven&: &3SEG& 32,1625%3`6 (3rd%19`4th ac), 1625%3`7 (early 3rd ac), 1625%3`8 (4th%19`5th ac). __ &1Paris&: &3CIG 8865, 9092, 9448, 9449 (518 ac); &3Byzantion& 1 (1924) 173 (10th ac?); &3SEG& 9,905 (4th ac); &3SEG& 30,1796 (Syria? Cyprus? [Louvre]; 5th%19`6th ac), &3SEG& 34,1669, 1670 ([Cab. Me/d.]; ca. 550%19`650 ac), __ &1Przemys/l&: &3SEG& 15,887 (4th ac). __ &1Rome&: &3CIG 9068 (once Mon. Alexis); 9085 (Vatican); Diehl, &3ILCV& 2429 [&3CIL 15.2415] ("externae originis"). __ &1Romula&: &3SEG& 31, 1600; __ &1Verulae&: &3CIG& 9071 (once Verulae). __ &1Venice&: &3IG& 14.2319 (Greece?). __ &1Vienna&: Noll, &3Vom Altertum zum Mittelalter (1958) no. 8, here %6 &3BE/& 1963,36[a]. __ &1Virginia&: &3SEG& 30,1795 (327 ac). __ &1Washington D.C.&: &3SEG& 36,1468 (before 471 ac). __ &1location?&: &3CIG& 8984 [cf. &3BCH& 31 (1907) 325] (6th ac), 8969%19`8970 (13th ac?), 9058, 9076%19`9078, 9084, 9086%19`9091, 9093, 9096%19`9098, 9100, 9104, 9106%19`9109; &3SEG& 30,1805bis (4th ac); &3SEG 31,1594, 1596, 1598; &3SEG& 34,1661, 1671%19`1672 (ca. 550%19`600 ac), 1673 (ca. 550%19`650 ac), 1674 (7th%19`8th ac), 1675 (6th ac), 1676 (ca. 550%19`650 ac); &3JO+B& 36 (1986) 335. __ Jud.: &3SEG& 31,1593. __ &1literary preservation&: &3AnthPal& 1,104 (4th%19`6th ac); 7,343 [Peek, &3GVI& (1955) 796] (4th%19`5th ac), 7,689 (4th%19`6th ac?); 9,692 (459%19`460 ac), 9,817%3`9 (Byz.); &3AnthPlan& 16,387c; @@@@`0001ab CIL 03.12132 CIL 03.13625 @@@@`0002abcd CIL 06.01139 CIL 06.31245 add. p. 3778 @@@@`0003 CIL 03.00352,1,39ss. CIL 03.07000,139ss @@@@`0004 CIL 08.20607 @@@@`0005 CIL 11.5265,38ss @@@@`0006 CIL 08.04824 add. p. 960 CIL 08.22272 @@@@`0007ab CIL 08.22577%3`8 @@@@`0008 CIL 08.20647 @@@@`0009 CIL 08.22552 @@@@`0010 CIL 08.22555 @@@@`0011 CIL 03.10648b @@@@`0012 CIL 08.22551 @@@@`0012,adn. CIL 08.10306 add. p. 2138; 977 @@@@`0013 CIL 08.22556 CIL 08.23576 @@@@`0014 CIL 06.31982 IChUR(2) 02.04099 @@@@`0016 CIL 15.7152 @@@@`0017 CIL 03.14203&4`27 @@@@`0018 CIL 03.12328 CIL 03.14207&4`12 @@@@`0019 CIL 15.7153 @@@@`0020abcdef CIL 11.0276 @@@@`0021ab CIL 08.22644,407 @@@@`0022 CIL 13.10032,07 $[1B, G]1 @@@@`0023 CIL 03.13640 add. p. 2328&4`81 Gre/goire 314,26 @@@@`0024 CIL 03.13673 @@@@`0025A CIL 06.36967 @@@@`0025B CIL 03.15132&4`1 @@@@`0026 CIL 08.23578 @@@@`0027 CIL 08.01434 add. p. 1473; 2577 ILTun 1330 @@@@`0028 CIL 08.23572 @@@@`0028abc CIL 08.04354 CIL 08.18540 @@@@`0029 CIL 11.0011 @@@@`0030 CIL 06.01200 CIL 06.31259a add. p. 3778 @@@@`0031 CIL 03.12030,1 @@@@`0032 CIL 08.10681%3`2 CIL 08.16727 @@@@`0033 IChUR(2) 02.06019a @@@@`0034 IChUR(1) 02.048 @@@@`0034ab CIL 06.29849a @@@@`0035 CIL 10.6850%3`1 @@@@`0036 CIL 11.0010 add. p. 1227 @@@@`0037a CIL 15.1663 @@@@`0037b CIL 15.1665a @@@@`0037c CIL 15.1665,27b @@@@`0037d CIL 15.1667 @@@@`0037e CIL 15.1664 @@@@`0037f CIL 15.1669 @@@@`0037g CIL 15.1670 @@@@`0037g,adn. CIL 11.0283 @@@@`0037h CIL 15.1668 @@@@`0038a CIL 15.1671 ICI 04.109%3`10 @@@@`0038b CIL 15.1673 @@@@`0038c CIL 15.1674 @@@@`0038d CIL 15.1675 @@@@`0039 CIL 08.23574 CIL 08.23579 @@@@`0039Q4 LeB., NR 342 @@@@`0041 CIL 08.09011 @@@@`0042 CIL 08.09835 add. p. 975; 2059 @@@@`0043 CIL 08.17412 @@@@`0044 CIL 13.03682 LeB., NR 038 @@@@`0044G,adn. CIL 13.11926 @@@@`0045 CIL 12.2643 @@@@`0046 CIL 13.02372 LeB., IC 031 @@@@`0047 CIL 12.2584 LeB., IC 683 CIL 12.02584 @@@@`0048 CIL 13.10024,307 @@@@`0049ab CIL 13.10036,81 @@@@`0050 Vives 364 @@@@`0051 Vives 392 @@@@`0052 CIL 02.0497,36 Vives 411 @@@@`0052,adn. Vives 366 @@@@`0053 CIL 13.07660 @@@@`0055 IChUR(1) 02.288 @@@@`0056 IChUR(1) 02.101,023 @@@@`0057 IChUR(1) 02.104,038 @@@@`0057,adn. CIL 06.31749a IChUR(2) 05.14558 @@@@`0058 CIL 10.1709 @@@@`0059 CIL 06.01737 @@@@`0060 CIL 06.32000 IChUR(1) 02.446,199 @@@@`0061 CIL 13.03256 LeB., IC 335 @@@@`0062 CIL 15.7157 @@@@`0062,adn. CIL 15.1688 CIL 15.1700 CIL 15.1705 CIL 15.1711 @@@@`0062ab CIL 14.4120,2 @@@@`0063 IChUR(2) 02.04219 @@@@`0063A,B CIL 06.31922 CIL 06.p.389 adn. 1751%19`1756 @@@@`0064 IChUR(1) 02.115,085 @@@@`0065 CIL 06.01732 CIL 06.31914 CIL 15.7134 @@@@`0065,adn. CIL 06.01734 CIL 06.31989 CIL 15.7135 CIL 15.7136 @@@@`0067 CIL 09.05284 @@@@`0067,adn. IChUR(1) 02.055,10 @@@@`0067ab CIL 11.2637 @@@@`0068 IChUR(1) 02.149,17 IChUR(1) 02.307,5 @@@@`0069ab CIL 06.31942 @@@@`0070 CIL 13.00003 p. 752 @@@@`0070,adn. CIL 06.01796,29 CIL 06.32199 @@@@`0070ab CIL 12.0133 @@@@`0071ab CIL 13.05245 CIL 13.10032,03a @@@@`0072 CIL 14.2824 IChUR(2) 06.17283 ILS 1293 @@@@`0073abc CIL 13.10032,14 @@@@`0074 CIL 13.10032,05a @@@@`0075 CIL 11.0382 @@@@`0076 CIL 11.3298 @@@@`0076,adn. CIL 06.09898 @@@@`0077ab CIL 06.01199 add. p. 3071; 3778 @@@@`0078 CIL 03.09506 @@@@`0078ab CIL 03.09506 @@@@`0079ab CIL 03.09527 add. p.2139 @@@@`0080a LeB., NR 286 @@@@`0080abc CIL 13.00921 add. p. 7 @@@@`0080b LeB., NR 287 @@@@`0080c LeB., NR 288 @@@@`0081 CIL 09.5300 CIL 09.05300 @@@@`0083 IChUR(1) 02.182,17 @@@@`0083,adn. CIL 09.1563 @@@@`0084 LeB., IC 351 @@@@`0084ab CIL 13.10027,69 @@@@`0085 CIL 02.2210 @@@@`0085,adn. CIL 08.06700 CIL 08.19353 @@@@`0086,adn. IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1820 @@@@`0087 CIL 06.31992 IChUR(1) 01.0654 IChUR(2) 02.04886 @@@@`0088 CIL 12.0674 add. p. 817 LeB., IC 514 @@@@`0089 CIL 13.01796 LeB., IC 016 @@@@`0090 CIL 06.32004 IChUR(1) 01.0141 IChUR(2) 02.04164 @@@@`0091 CIL 14.1875 @@@@`0092 IChUR(1) 02.150,19 @@@@`0093 CIL 06.01665 @@@@`0094 IChUR(1) 02.054,07 IChUR(2) 02.04125 @@@@`0094,adn. CIL 06.01726 @@@@`0094A CIL 03.09158 CIL 15.7192 @@@@`0094A (40) CIL 06.32031 @@@@`0094A,adn. CIL 11.0300 IChUR(1) 01.0183 IChUR(2) 01.02085 @@@@`0095 CIL 06.32045a IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1640 IChUR(2) 05.13109 @@@@`0096 CIL 06.21787 @@@@`0097 CIL 10.4724 add. p. 1012 CIL 10.04724 @@@@`0098 CIL 09.5566 @@@@`0099 CIL 09.5897 @@@@`0100 CIL 15.7163 @@@@`0101 CIL 06.32010 add. p. 3414 CIL 15.7160 @@@@`0102 CIL 06.09858 @@@@`0103 IChUR(1) 02.063,08 IChUR(1) 02.093,64 @@@@`0104ab CIL 06.31934 CIL 06.37113 @@@@`0105,adn. CIL 06.37832a CIL 15.1702 @@@@`0105ab CIL 06.31983 @@@@`0106 CIL 06.31958 @@@@`0107 CIL 06.32046 IChUR(1) 01.0929 @@@@`0107,adn. CIL 06.31977 IChUR(1) 01.0670 IChUR(2) 02.04892 @@@@`0108 CIL 11.1707 @@@@`0109c CIL 08.00834 @@@@`0110 CIL 06.08566 IChUR(1) 01.0989 IChUR(2) 02.04184 @@@@`0110,adn. CIL 06.08565 add. p. 3459 CIL 08.10714 IChUR(1) 01.1005 IChUR(2) 07.17617 @@@@`0111 CIL 06.31946 CIL 15.7131 @@@@`0112 CIL 06.32003 add. p. 3814 IChUR(1) 01.0968 @@@@`0113 CIL 06.01794 CIL 06.31933 @@@@`0114 CIL 10.4500 @@@@`0115 CIL 06.31996 IChUR(1) 01.0807 @@@@`0116 CIL 05.06176 @@@@`0117 CIL 03.09534 @@@@`0118 CIL 03.01987 @@@@`0118,adn. CIL 03.12873 CIL 06.32057a CIL 08.05353 CIL 08.08653 add. p. 973 CIL 08.17491 CIL 13.03692a IChUR(1) 01.1214 @@@@`0119 CIL 06.32027 IChUR(1) 01.1014 IChUR(2) 01.00752 @@@@`0120 CIL 06.08405 IChUR(1) 01.0477 @@@@`0121 CIL 13.01530 @@@@`0122 CIL 03.09517 CIL 03.12858 CIL 03.09517, cf. 12858 @@@@`0123 CIL 11.0313 @@@@`0124 CIL 03.14203,39 @@@@`0125 CIL 08.08344 @@@@`0126 CIL 08.00450 CIL 08.11523 @@@@`0126, 388 ILTun 0428 ILTun 0432 @@@@`0126,adn. CIL 08.10516 (a. 525%3`6) @@@@`0127 CIL 06.31681 @@@@`0127,adn. CIL 06.31679 CIL 06.31680 @@@@`0128 RS 01.tab. 31,02 II 117 @@@@`0128,adn. RS 01.tab. 31,08 @@@@`0129 CIL 06.01537 add. p. 3142 @@@@`0130 CIL 06.37125 @@@@`0131 CIL 06.31985 add. p. 3814 IChUR(2) 02.04335 @@@@`0132 CIL 06.07969 add. p. 3439 IChUR(1) 01.1177 @@@@`0133 IChUR(2) 07.17536 @@@@`0134 IChUR(1) 01.0806 add. p. 583 IChUR(2) 07.17576 @@@@`0135 CIL 06.32038 add. p. 3814 IChUR(1) 01.1031 IChUR(2) 01.00175 @@@@`0135,adn. IChUR(1) 02.112,075 @@@@`0136 CIL 06.37126 @@@@`0137 CIL 06.31960 IChUR(1) 02.432 IChUR(2) 02.04195 @@@@`0138 CIL 06.32036 @@@@`0139 CIL 06.37127 @@@@`0139,adn. CIL 06.31962 CIL 06.31972 CIL 06.31973 CIL 06.32028 CIL 06.32044 CIL 06.32069 CIL 06.32070 IChUR(1) 01.0147 IChUR(1) 01.0285 IChUR(1) 01.0480 IChUR(1) 01.0822 IChUR(1) 01.1147 IChUR(1) 01.1174 IChUR(2) 02.04855 CIL 14.3416 @@@@`0139,adn. (Eustolius) IChUR(2) 02.04166 @@@@`0140 CIL 10.4502 @@@@`0141ab CIL 10.1535 @@@@`0142 CIL 10.1813 @@@@`0142,adn. CIL 10.3301 @@@@`0143 CIL 11.2700 @@@@`0144 CIL 11.1412 @@@@`0145 CIL 11.2588 @@@@`0146 CIL 05.06398 @@@@`0147 CIL 05.05414 @@@@`0147,adn. CIL 06.01351 @@@@`0148 CIL 12.2660 LeB., IC 477A CIL 12.02060 %6 RICG 15.011 @@@@`0149 CIL 12.0338 add. p. 809 LeB., IC 628 @@@@`0150 CIL 13.02483 LeB., IC 378 @@@@`0151 CIL 03.13127 CIL 03.13170 CIL 03.14239&4`8 FSalona 03.020 @@@@`0152,adn. CIL 03.09560 @@@@`0152ab CIL 03.14368&4`19 @@@@`0153 CIL 06.31749 CIL 06.32009 @@@@`0154 CIL 06.32015 @@@@`0154,adn. CIL 06.32411 @@@@`0155 CIL 06.31956 @@@@`0156 CIL 06.31967 @@@@`0157 CIL 06.31731 @@@@`0158 RS 02.tab. 55%3`56,2 @@@@`0159 RS 03.p.137 tab. 22,02 @@@@`0159,adn. RS 01.tab. 31,03 IChUR(2) 07.17520 @@@@`0160 RS 03.tab. 19,04 @@@@`0160,adn. RS 03.p.027 RS 03.p.111 tab. 19,51 @@@@`0161 IChUR(2) 03.07599 @@@@`0162 CIL 06.37122 c. imag. IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1457 CIL 06.37122 @@@@`0163 IChUR(1) 02.092,58 @@@@`0164 CIL 06.31995 IChUR(1) 01.0739 IChUR(2) 02.04922 @@@@`0165 CIL 06.31974 IChUR(1) 01.0759 IChUR(2) 02.04175 @@@@`0166 IChUR(1) 01.0841 IChUR(2) 07.17589 @@@@`0167 IChUR(1) 01.0843 add. p. 584 IChUR(2) 02.04964 IChUR(2) 02.04964, cf. AE 1969.066 IChUR(2) 02.04964 IChUR(2) 02.04964, cf. AE 1969.066 IChUR(2) 02.04964 @@@@`0167b IChUR(2) 02.04964 @@@@`0168 CIL 06.32049 IChUR(1) 01.0943 @@@@`0168A IChUR(2) 01.03250 @@@@`0168b IChUR(2) 01.03250 subscr. @@@@`0169 CIL 06.32041 @@@@`0170 CIL 10.0664 @@@@`0170d,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02192 @@@@`0171 CIL 06.31955 @@@@`0172,adn. CIL 06.31991 CIL 06.31999 CIL 06.32013 CIL 06.32076 CIL 06.32077 CIL 06.32078 IChUR(1) 01.0340 IChUR(1) 01.0877 IChUR(1) 01.0974 IChUR(1) 01.1296 CIL 15.8584 @@@@`0172ab CIL 06.37072 @@@@`0172b%6`3906 IChUR(2) 06.17271 @@@@`0172ndn. CIL 06.31999 @@@@`0173 CIL 10.1537 @@@@`0174 CIL 10.7123 @@@@`0175 CIL 11.1728 @@@@`0175q IChUR(2) 02.04102 @@@@`0178 CIL 12.0675 add. p. 817 LeB., IC 517 @@@@`0179 CIL 12.0481 add. p. 813 LeB., IC 543 @@@@`0180 ILGN 302 %6 RICG 15.085 @@@@`0181 CIL 12.2094 LeB., IC 438A @@@@`0182 CIL 13.02419 LeB., IC 050 @@@@`0183 CIL 13.03675 LeB., NR 372 Gose 479 @@@@`0184 CIL 03.09523 CIL 03.12861 CIL 03.12861%6`13122 @@@@`0185 CIL 03.09515 AE 1973.403 @@@@`0185,adn. CIL 03.08712 CIL 03.09574 @@@@`0186 Vives 110 @@@@`0187 Vives 131 @@@@`0188 Vives 111 @@@@`0189 CIL 08.20410 @@@@`0190 CIL 08.20908 @@@@`0190,adn. CIL 08.08192 CIL 08.14038 CIL 08.19914 CIL 08.23580 CIL 08.08192%3`19914 CIL 08.19914%3`8192 CIL 08.08192%3`19914 CIL 08.19914%3`8192 @@@@`0191ab CIL 06.31770 @@@@`0192 RS 01.p.311 RS 01.tab. 31,05 @@@@`0193 CIL 06.32022 @@@@`0193,adn. CIL 06.31966 CIL 06.37092 @@@@`0194 CIL 09.4785 @@@@`0195 CIL 10.4505 @@@@`0196 RS 01.tab. 31,01 @@@@`0197 CIL 06.32018 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1824 IChUR(2) 07.19974 @@@@`0198 CIL 06.31968 IChUR(2) 02.05191 @@@@`0198,adn. CIL 06.31826 CIL 06.31939 CIL 06.32079 CIL 11.2579 IChUR(1) 01.0948 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1385 IChUR(2) 02.05546 IChUR(2) 05.13484 IChUR(2) 05.13491 IChUR(2) 05.13484 IChUR(2) 05.13491 @@@@`0199 CIL 06.32037 IChUR(1) 01.0844 IChUR(2) 01.00743 @@@@`0199,adn. CIL 06.32053 CIL 06.32213 @@@@`0199A CIL 06.31978 @@@@`0199A,adn. IChUR(2) 02.04193 @@@@`0200 CIL 05.06268 @@@@`0200b CIL 05.06268 @@@@`0201 IChUR(1) 02.442,152 ss. @@@@`0202 CIL 13.05252 @@@@`0202,adn. CIL 13.05253 @@@@`0203 CIL 14.2009 CIL 15.7756 @@@@`0203,adn. CIL 06.09464 @@@@`0204 IChUR(1) 02.099,008 IChUR(1) 02.158,03 IChUR(2) 02.04234 @@@@`0205 CIL 06.30115 @@@@`0206 CIL 06.32052 IChUR(2) 05.13815 @@@@`0207 IChUR(1) 01.0679 IChUR(2) 02.04895 @@@@`0208 CIL 05.06732 @@@@`0209 I.Ital. 10,4.293 @@@@`0209,adn. CIL 03.13128 @@@@`0210 CIL 12.2703 LeB., IC 485 LeB., NR 148 @@@@`0211 CIL 12.1499 LeB., IC 492 @@@@`0212 CIL 12.5347b LeB., NR 308 @@@@`0212,adn. CIL 12.5347a LeB., NR 309 @@@@`0213 Vives 167 @@@@`0214 CIL 08.00451 CIL 08.00451 add. p. 926 CIL 08.11650 @@@@`0215 CIL 03.14207&4`25 @@@@`0216 CIL 06.08406 IChUR(1) 01.0751 IChUR(2) 02.04925 @@@@`0217 IChUR(1) 01.0928 IChUR(2) 02.05002 IChUR(2) 01.03256 @@@@`0217,adn. CIL 06.32030 CIL 06.32042 IChUR(1) 01.0766 IChUR(2) 02.04176 IChUR(2) 02.04935 @@@@`0217b IChUR(2) 02.05002 @@@@`0218 CIL 10.4630 @@@@`0219 I.Ital. 10,2.087 @@@@`0220 CIL 13.05657 add p. 74 LeB., IC 001 CIL 13.05657 @@@@`0221 LeB., NR 074 @@@@`0221, cf. 2396,adn. CIL 13.07526 @@@@`0221,adn. CIL 13.11927 @@@@`0222,adn. Vives 158 @@@@`0222a Vives 145 @@@@`0222b Vives 146 @@@@`0223 CIL 05.03897 @@@@`0224ab CIL 06.31953 @@@@`0225 CIL 11.0268 @@@@`0226 CIL 11.0310 CIL 11.00310 @@@@`0228ab CIL 08.10965,1.2. @@@@`0229 CIL 08.20267 @@@@`0230 ILTun 0078 @@@@`0230ab CIL 08.10498 add. p. 1153 @@@@`0231 IChUR(1) 02.008,14 @@@@`0232 CIL 06.32050 IChUR(1) 01.1126 @@@@`0233 CIL 08.23230 ILTun 0364 @@@@`0236a CIL 08.22656,25 @@@@`0236b CIL 08.22656,26 @@@@`0236c CIL 08.22656,26a @@@@`0236d CIL 08.22656,26b @@@@`0237,adn. CIL 11.4074 @@@@`0240 CIL 03.09504 @@@@`0241 Vives 153 @@@@`0242 CIL 06.32043 IChUR(1) 01.0978 IChUR(2) 02.05030 @@@@`0242,adn. IChUR(2) 05.14540 @@@@`0242A CIL 11.0323 @@@@`0243 CIL 06.32031 IChUR(1) 01.1003 IChUR(2) 02.05043 @@@@`0244 IChUR(1) 02.164,08 @@@@`0245 CIL 03.02659 @@@@`0245,adn. Bull.Dalm.1911.046 @@@@`0246 IChUR(2) 02.04947 @@@@`0246,adn. CIL 06.32017 @@@@`0246A CIL 06.32001 IChUR(1) 01.0904 IChUR(2) 01.01473 @@@@`0246a IChUR(2) 02.04947 @@@@`0246ab CIL 06.31947 IChUR(1) 01.0811 @@@@`0246b IChUR(2) 02.04947 @@@@`0246d CIL 08.10969,6 @@@@`0247 CIL 06.31937%3`8 IChUR(1) 01.1047 IChUR(2) 01.03255 @@@@`0247,adn. CIL 06.31969 CIL 06.32007 CIL 06.32012 CIL 06.32048 CIL 06.32080 IChUR(1) 01.0961 IChUR(1) 01.1030 IChUR(1) 01.1039 IChUR(2) 02.05395 CIL 15.1696 @@@@`0248 CIL 09.1378 CIL 09.01378 @@@@`0248,adn. CIL 10.1343 CIL 10.01343 @@@@`0250 CIL 11.0281a LeB., IC 631 LeB., NR 334 CIL 05.07978 @@@@`0250,adn. CIL 12.2056 LeB., IC 448 AE 1912.040 CIL 12.02056 AE 1912.040 CIL 12.02056 @@@@`0251 IChUR(1) 01.0868 I.Ital. 01,1.544 %103&4`2&%6`4,1%103 CIL 14.3897 I.Ital. 04,1.544 @@@@`0251,adn. CIL 06.32008 IChUR(1) 01.0998 @@@@`0252a CIL 06.32020 IChUR(1) 01.0903 IChUR(2) 02.04178 @@@@`0252b CIL 06.32019 IChUR(1) 01.1081 IChUR(2) 02.04287 @@@@`0253 CIL 11.0941 @@@@`0255 CIL 11.2835 ICI 01.006 @@@@`0256 CIL 11.4078 CIL 11.04078 ICI 04.104 CIL 11.04078 @@@@`0256,adn. CIL 11.4336 CIL 11.04336 ICI 06.025 CIL 11.04336 @@@@`0257 CIL 11.2546 @@@@`0258 CIL 11.1691 CIL 11.01691 @@@@`0258,adn. IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1409 @@@@`0259 CIL 11.2585 CIL 11.02585 @@@@`0260 CIL 10.1350 CIL 10.01350 @@@@`0260,adn. CIL 10.1346 CIL 10.1355 @@@@`0261 CIL 11.1409 @@@@`0262a ICI 02.002 @@@@`0262ab CIL 11.7587 @@@@`0262b ICI 02.003 @@@@`0263 CIL 11.2534 @@@@`0264 RS 01.tab. 31,11 @@@@`0264,adn. CIL 15.8506 @@@@`0265 IChUR(2) 07.17424 IChUR(2) 07.17562 IChUR(2) 07.17424 IChUR(2) 07.17562 IChUR(2) 07.17424 IChUR(2) 07.17562 @@@@`0265ab IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1487 @@@@`0266 IChUR(1) 01.0710 LeB., IC 657 IChUR(2) 08.20819 @@@@`0266,adn. CIL 14.1919 @@@@`0267 CIL 11.4976 ICI 06.083 @@@@`0268 IChUR(1) 02.113,077 @@@@`0270 CIL 12.2179 LeB., IC 462 @@@@`0271 CIL 12.1932 @@@@`0272 LeB., NR 297 CIL 13.00299 @@@@`0272, cf. 1168,adn. LeB., IC 596 CIL 13.00299 @@@@`0272A,adn. CIL 06.32297b @@@@`0273 CIL 13.07527 add. p. 127 LeB., NR 075 @@@@`0274 CIL 08.16907 Vives 287 @@@@`0275 CIL 08.09183 CIL 08.20821 @@@@`0275,adn. CIL 08.04439 CIL 08.18601 @@@@`0276 CIL 06.37100 @@@@`0277 CIL 06.37273 @@@@`0277,adn. CIL 06.31840' CIL 06.31855 CIL 06.31861 @@@@`0279,adn. CIL 06.31851 a CIL 06.31869 IChUR(2) 03.06664bis @@@@`0279ab CIL 06.31950 @@@@`0280 CIL 03.08752 add. p. 2261 @@@@`0280,adn. CIL 08.09736 add. p. 2037 CIL 08.20162 CIL 13.11834 @@@@`0281 CIL 12.0138 LeB., IC 369 CIL 12.00138 @@@@`0282 CIL 09.6549 @@@@`0282,adn. CIL 06.32082a %103`33720 %6%103 CIL 06.33719 CIL 06.33720 %6 32082a IChUR(1) 01.1299 @@@@`0283 CIL 06.31980 @@@@`0286 CIL 06.31868 IChUR(1) 01.0022 IChUR(2) 01.01168 @@@@`0287ab CIL 06.31998 IChUR(1) 01.1128 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1431 IChUR(2) 01.00221 @@@@`0288 CIL 06.32011 IChUR(2) 03.08142 @@@@`0289 IChUR(1) 01.0765 IChUR(2) 02.04929 @@@@`0290 CIL 06.08857b IChUR(2) 05.15410 @@@@`0290A CIL 06.31867 @@@@`0291 CIL 06.31951 @@@@`0292 CIL 06.31981 @@@@`0293 CIL 06.31984 @@@@`0294 CIL 06.31986 @@@@`0294A CIL 06.32082b IChUR(2) 06.16012 @@@@`0295 LeB., IC 511 @@@@`0295ab CIL 12.0673 add. p. 817 @@@@`0296 CIL 03.04185 @@@@`0296,adn. CIL 03.06403 @@@@`0297 AE 1901.168 @@@@`0298 IChUR(2) 03.08470 @@@@`0299 CIL 06.31994 @@@@`0300 CIL 06.31936 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1843 IChUR(2) 01.03211 @@@@`0300,adn. CIL 06.31970 RS 03.p.028 tab. 20,42 @@@@`0300A CIL 08.09874 @@@@`0301 IChUR(1) 01.0436 IChUR(2) 01.01450 @@@@`0302 IChUR(1) 01.0699 tab. IChUR(2) 02.04904 @@@@`0304 CIL 11.4333 CIL 11.04333 ICI 06.022 CIL 11.04333 @@@@`0306 CIL 13.02473 @@@@`0307 CIL 03.02657 add. p. 1032 CIL 03.13962 CIL 03.02657%7`13962, with add. p. 1032 @@@@`0308 CIL 03.06400 LeB., NR 212 @@@@`0309 CIL 08.04762 CIL 08.16872 @@@@`0310 ILTun 0675 @@@@`0310ab CIL 08.12260 @@@@`0310n IChUR(2) 01.02211 @@@@`0311,adn. CIL 06.09162 CIL 06.09826 CIL 06.09919 CIL 06.32959 CIL 08.10815 CIL 11.7385 IChUR(1) 01.1016 RS 03.p.415 @@@@`0311A,B CIL 08.08346 CIL 08.08347 @@@@`0311B,adn. ICI 01.024 @@@@`0312 IChUR(2) 02.04225 @@@@`0312,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0156 IChUR(2) 07.17442 @@@@`0313 IChUR(2) 05.13199 @@@@`0315 IChUR(2) 02.04208 @@@@`0315B IChUR(1) 02.422,035a @@@@`0316 IChUR(1) 01.0317 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1703 Ep.Dam. abiecit [Ihm 085] %103Ps.%19Dam.%103 IChUR(2) 08.20799 @@@@`0317 IChUR(1) 01.0490 @@@@`0318 IChUR(1) 01.1064 IChUR(2) 01.01476 @@@@`0318,adn. IChUR(1) 01.1027 IChUR(2) 02.05054 @@@@`0319 CIL 10.4507 @@@@`0320 CIL 10.4520 @@@@`0321 CIL 10.4523 @@@@`0323 CIL 11.4329 CIL 11.04329 ICI 06.018 CIL 11.04329 @@@@`0324 CIL 11.1142 CIL 11.01142 @@@@`0325 CIL 11.7019 CIL 11.07019 @@@@`0325,adn. CIL 11.6778 @@@@`0326a CIL 05.05737 @@@@`0326b CIL 05.05737 @@@@`0328 CIL 03.09533 @@@@`0328A CIL 03.09532 @@@@`0329 CIL 03.09621 @@@@`0332A,B CIL 08.20643 CIL 08.20644 @@@@`0333 CIL 08.00870 add. p. 1273 ILTun 0749 @@@@`0334 CIL 08.11900 @@@@`0335 CIL 08.18668 ILTun 1372 @@@@`0335,adn. CIL 03.09535 CIL 06.32054a CIL 08.26393 IChUR(1) 01.0705 add. p. 581 IChUR(1) 01.0737 IChUR(1) 01.0764 IChUR(1) 01.0800 IChUR(1) 01.0955 IChUR(1) 01.1082 IChUR(1) 01.1243 @@@@`0335,adn. (Aureliana) IChUR(2) 02.05147 @@@@`0336 IChUR(1) 01.0816 @@@@`0337 CIL 11.1724 @@@@`0339 CIL 05.07531 ICI 07.015 CIL 05.07531 @@@@`0341 CIL 09.2076 @@@@`0342 CIL 06.32966 IChUR(1) 01.0887 IChUR(2) 08.20831 @@@@`0342,adn. CIL 03.09556 add. p. 2328&4`126 @@@@`0343 CIL 05.07530 @@@@`0344 IChUR(1) 01.1013 IChUR(2) 08.22979 @@@@`0344,adn. CIL 03.09519 CIL 03.09555 CIL 03.12859 CIL 06.08406 CIL 06.31979 CIL 06.32874 CIL 06.32940 @@@@`0345 IChUR(1) 01.1069 IChUR(2) 02.05079 @@@@`0346 CIL 12.2704 @@@@`0347 CIL 06.33765 IChUR(2) 06.15925 @@@@`0348 CIL 06.09077 @@@@`0349 CIL 06.09057 @@@@`0350 CIL 06.01876 CIL 06.33718 IChUR(2) 02.04364 @@@@`0351 CIL 11.0549 CIL 11.00549 @@@@`0352 CIL 03.04219 @@@@`0353 CIL 13.03690 LeB., IC 265 Gose 442 @@@@`0354 CIL 06.08561 add. p. 3459 IChUR(2) 02.04841 @@@@`0355 CIL 06.09378 CIL 06.33806 IChUR(1) 01.0888 IChUR(2) 07.17595 @@@@`0355,adn. CIL 06.09377 CIL 09.1389 @@@@`0356 CIL 06.09379 CIL 06.09380 IChUR(1) 01.1121 IChUR(2) 01.00753 @@@@`0358 CIL 06.37788 IChUR(2) 02.06109 @@@@`0358,adn. CIL 06.37788a IChUR(2) 01.01461 @@@@`0360 CIL 06.09032 add. p. 3464 IChUR(2) 02.05193 @@@@`0361 CIL 06.33714 @@@@`0362 CIL 06.09318 @@@@`0363 CIL 09.2074 CIL 09.02074 @@@@`0364 CIL 11.7298 ICI 01.018 @@@@`0365 CIL 11.2834 add. p. 1296 CIL 11.02834 ICI 01.002 CIL 11.02834 @@@@`0366 CIL 08.01270 CIL 08.14764 ILTun 1276 @@@@`0366,adn. CIL 06.32026 @@@@`0367 CIL 11.4578 ICI 06.038 @@@@`0367,adn. CIL 11.4341 ICI 06.032 @@@@`0368 CIL 10.1354 @@@@`0369 CIL 10.8132 @@@@`0372 CIL 03.09540 @@@@`0373 CIL 13.03696 LeB., IC 230 @@@@`0374 CIL 12.2655 @@@@`0376,adn. CIL 10.1520 add. p. 971 @@@@`0377 CIL 11.0316 @@@@`0378ab IBrChr 135 [CIIC 0378] @@@@`0379 CIL 08.20589 ILTun 0879 @@@@`0380 CIL 06.09316 @@@@`0381 CIL 06.09317 @@@@`0382 CIL 06.09917 add. p. 3471 @@@@`0383 CIL 11.3356 add. p. 1336 @@@@`0384 CIL 08.25040 ILTun 1005 @@@@`0384,adn. CIL 08.23128 @@@@`0385 CIL 08.24097 @@@@`0386a%7b CIJ 1.A089* @@@@`0386ab CIL 09.2079 @@@@`0388 CIL 08.10516 CIL 08.11528 @@@@`0388, 126 ILTun 0428 ILTun 0432 @@@@`0390 CIL 08.09666 @@@@`0391 CIL 13.00128 add. p. 2 LeB., IC 595A @@@@`0392 CIL 08.08348 @@@@`0393 CIL 03.00755 add. p. 993; 1338 CIL 03.01338 %103`755 add. p. 993;%103 @@@@`0393A CIL 06.37282 @@@@`0394 CIL 08.09909 add. p. 2065 @@@@`0396 CIL 03.08754 add. p. 1510 @@@@`0397 CIL 06.32974 @@@@`0398 CIL 14.0231 CIL 14.00231 @@@@`0398A CIL 06.02995 CIL 06.32750 @@@@`0398B CIL 06.02873 add. p.3377 IChUR(2) 06.15610 @@@@`0399 ICI 05.008 @@@@`0400 CIL 13.05385 add. p. 71 @@@@`0401 CIL 03.04190 add. p. 1751 @@@@`0401A CIL 08.22855 @@@@`0402 CIL 08.09967 add. p. 976 @@@@`0403 CIL 08.21634 @@@@`0403,adn. CIL 06.33895 CIL 08.09893 add. p. 2059 CIL 15.7138 @@@@`0404 CIL 06.03604 @@@@`0405 CIL 03.06399 @@@@`0406 CIL 08.09964 add. p. 976 @@@@`0407 CIL 06.02870 add. p. 3377 @@@@`0407A CIL 06.37267 @@@@`0407B CIL 06.03440 @@@@`0408A CIL 06.03417 (add. p. 3394) @@@@`0408B CIL 06.03418 @@@@`0409 CIL 06.32942 CIL 06.32971 @@@@`0409,adn. CIL 03.08727 add. p. 1510 (nr. 851) CIL 03.08754 CIL 06.32972 IChUR(1) 01.0847 @@@@`0410 CIL 06.02704 add. p. 3370 @@@@`0411 CIL 06.33712 IChUR(1) 01.0588 IChUR(2) 02.04854 IChUR(1) 01.0588 IChUR(2) 02.04854 IChUR(1) 01.0588 IChUR(2) 02.04854 @@@@`0411,adn. CIL 06.33711 IChUR(1) 01.1068 IChUR(2) 02.05078 @@@@`0412 IChUR(1) 01.0677 add. p. 581 IChUR(1) 01.0677 %6 IChUR(2) 01.01466 @@@@`0413 CIL 06.32877 @@@@`0414 CIL 06.32691 @@@@`0414,adn. CIL 06.32980 @@@@`0415 CIL 06.32977 @@@@`0415A CIL 06.32979 @@@@`0416 CIL 06.03565 CIL 06.32975 @@@@`0417 IChUR(1) 02.118,101 @@@@`0418A IChUR(2) 02.05967 @@@@`0418A,B CIL 06.32981 @@@@`0419ab IChUR(1) 01.0361 (cf. Suppl. 1752) IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1752 (cf. 1361) IChUR(2) 08.21610 @@@@`0420 CIL 13.07202 LeB., IC 340 @@@@`0421 CIL 13.07207 @@@@`0422 CIL 03.09537 @@@@`0423 CIL 08.09870 add. p. 2059 @@@@`0423,adn. CIL 03.13529 CIL 03.14207&4`04& add. p. 2328 CIL 06.32982 CIL 06.32983 @@@@`0424 CIL 11.7586 @@@@`0425 CIL 06.32976 IChUR(2) 03.08827 @@@@`0426 CIL 06.33010 @@@@`0426,adn. CIL 13.03793 Gose 735 @@@@`0428 CIL 06.03450 @@@@`0429 CIL 09.6386 @@@@`0431,adn. CIL 12.1739 LeB., NR 151 @@@@`0433 CIL 13.03033 LeB., NR 025 @@@@`0433d IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1508 @@@@`0434 CIL 03.00866 @@@@`0435 CIL 08.16655 @@@@`0435,adn. CIL 03.03551 CIL 06.32897 %6 32985 CIL 06.32984 CIL 06.32986 @@@@`0437 CIL 13.03680 Gose 411 @@@@`0437b IChUR(1) 01.0275 @@@@`0438 CIL 06.31979 IChUR(2) 01.00484 @@@@`0438,adn. CIL 10.3300 CIL 13.01855 @@@@`0440 CIL 13.01853 @@@@`0442 CIL 08.09248 @@@@`0443 CIL 06.37280 IChUR(2) 05.14254 @@@@`0444 CIL 13.03683 LeB., IC 261 Gose 440 @@@@`0445,adn. CIL 08.09255 @@@@`0445ab CIL 06.32969 @@@@`0446A CIL 03.00410 @@@@`0446A,adn. CIL 12.0487 LeB., IC 548 CIL 12.00487 @@@@`0447 IChUR(2) 02.04284 @@@@`0447,adn. CIL 06.09898 @@@@`0448 CIL 06.08398 @@@@`0449 CIL 06.32970 CIL 11.6168 IChUR(1) 01.1178 ICI 06.124 @@@@`0450 CIL 06.37741a IChUR(2) 04.11748 @@@@`0451 CIL 06.37741 @@@@`0451a IChUR(2) 01.01213 IChUR(2) 07.17525 @@@@`0451ab CIL 06.37741 @@@@`0452 RS 03.p.556 @@@@`0453 CIL 06.03573 @@@@`0454 CIL 03.09513 @@@@`0454,adn. CIL 03.08752 CIL 03.09535 @@@@`0455 CIL 03.09518 @@@@`0456 CIL 08.08629 @@@@`0458 CIL 09.0952 @@@@`0459 CIL 06.32968 @@@@`0461 CIL 06.02651a IChUR(2) 05.13879 @@@@`0462 CIL 06.03637a (add. p. 3407) @@@@`0465 CIL 06.32978 @@@@`0466 CIL 06.32940 @@@@`0467 CIL 06.32939 IChUR(2) 02.05195 @@@@`0467,adn. CIL 06.32947b IChUR(2) 02.05197 @@@@`0469 CIL 06.32942 @@@@`0470 CIL 13.03681 LeB., IC 252 Gose 430 @@@@`0470,adn. CIL 12.0673 CIL 12.5385 @@@@`0471 CIL 06.32941 @@@@`0472,adn. CIL 03.14918 @@@@`0474 CIL 03.04186 add. p. 1751 @@@@`0475 CIL 11.1731 CIL 11.01731 @@@@`0477 CIL 12.2103 LeB., IC 685 @@@@`0477,adn. CIL 12.2060 @@@@`0478 CIL 03.14207&4`16 @@@@`0479 CIL 03.02656 @@@@`0479,adn. CIL 08.22656,24 @@@@`0482 CIL 06.37278 IChUR(2) 01.00292 @@@@`0482,adn. CIL 06.32961 CIL 06.32962 @@@@`0483 CIL 13.02479 @@@@`0484 CIL 06.37276 IChUR(2) 01.00949 @@@@`0485 CIL 06.31971 IChUR(1) 01.0866 RS 01.tab. 24 @@@@`0485a IChUR(2) 04.11165 @@@@`0486 CIL 11.1693 @@@@`0487 CIL 09.0412b @@@@`0487,adn. CIL 09.1080 @@@@`0488 CIL 10.4490 CIL 10.04490 @@@@`0488,adn. CIL 10.1346 @@@@`0488A CIL 08.10637 add. p. 1576; 2731 @@@@`0488A,adn. CIL 08.10639 add. p. 1576; 2731 CIL 05.1614 @@@@`0490 CIL 06.32953 IChUR(1) 01.0748 IChUR(2) 01.00739 @@@@`0491 IChUR(2) 02.05199 @@@@`0492 CIL 06.03651 %6 14.0229 @@@@`0495 CIL 08.17414 @@@@`0496 CIL 06.32948 IChUR(2) 02.05198 @@@@`0500 CIL 06.37775 @@@@`0502 CIL 06.32949 IChUR(2) 02.05194 @@@@`0505 CIL 13.08331 LeB., IC 359 @@@@`0510 CIL 06.32874 IChUR(2) 01.02117 @@@@`0511,adn. CIL 06.32875 IChUR(1) 01.0691 @@@@`0511A IChUR(2) 01.00738 @@@@`0511ab IChUR(1) 01.0714 @@@@`0511b IChUR(2) 01.00738 @@@@`0512 CIL 08.14600 @@@@`0513 CIL 03.02135 %103`8712 add. p. 1510;%103 CIL 03.08712 add. p. 1510; 2135 @@@@`0513,adn. CIL 03.10234 @@@@`0517 CIL 06.32973 @@@@`0518 CIL 03.03370 @@@@`0519 CIL 08.08491 add. p. 1920 @@@@`0523 CIL 06.09257 @@@@`0525 CIL 06.32965 @@@@`0526 CIL 03.06059 CIL 03.06988 @@@@`0528 CIL 06.32963 @@@@`0529 CIL 06.32967 IChUR(2) 02.06461 @@@@`0530A CIL 03.01509 %103`2043 add. p. 1030;%103 CIL 03.02043 add. p. 1030; 1509 @@@@`0531 CIL 11.6289 ICI 06.125 @@@@`0532 CIL 06.32943 @@@@`0533 CIL 06.32964 @@@@`0534ab CIL 13.08332 @@@@`0539ab CIL 06.32944 @@@@`0540 CIL 06.32950 @@@@`0541,adn. CIL 06.32951 IChUR(1) 01.0973 IChUR(2) 02.05027 @@@@`0542 CIL 06.37281 IChUR(2) 02.04316 @@@@`0543 CIL 03.09538 add. p. 2139 @@@@`0545 CIL 05.08768 @@@@`0549 CIL 08.05229 CIL 08.17401 @@@@`0552 CIL 13.03687 LeB., IC 301 Gose 075 @@@@`0554 CIL 13.11032 @@@@`0556,adn. CIL 03.09539 @@@@`0560,adn. CIL 11.0327 @@@@`0561 CIL 13.08330 LeB., IC 357 @@@@`0562 CIL 11.1708 @@@@`0563 CIL 11.1711 @@@@`0564 CIL 03.14207&4`09 @@@@`0565,adn. CIL 06.32952 IChUR(1) 01.0695 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1544 IChUR(2) 02.04900 CIL 06.32952 %6 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1544 @@@@`0566 CIL 11.2842 ICI 01.015 @@@@`0568 ICI 02.016 @@@@`0568,adn. CIL 08.21757 CIL 11.3569 @@@@`0569 CIL 10.8119 @@@@`0569A CIL 06.32945 @@@@`0570 CIL 06.03903 %103`10066 add. p. 3489;%103 CIL 06.10066 add. p. 3489; 3903 IChUR(1) 01.0703 IChUR(2) 02.04905 @@@@`0571 CIL 06.10157 @@@@`0572 IChUR(2) 02.05718 @@@@`0573 CIL 06.10199 @@@@`0574 IChUR(2) 03.08474 @@@@`0574abc CIL 06.10079 @@@@`0575 CIL 14.1877 @@@@`0576a CIL 08.22643,2 @@@@`0577 CIL 06.10159 add. p. 3492 @@@@`0578 CIL 06.10116 IChUR(1) 01.1205 IChUR(2) 02.05130 @@@@`0579 CIL 06.10149 @@@@`0579,adn. CIL 06.09230 @@@@`0580 CIL 14.1876 @@@@`0581 CIL 08.09840 @@@@`0582 CIL 09.6192 CIL 09.06192 @@@@`0583 CIL 08.25306 ILTun 1027 @@@@`0583,adn. CIL 02.3222 CIL 02.6340 CIL 13.02422 RS 03.p.105 tab. 18,32 @@@@`0585 CIL 08.25817 @@@@`0586 CIL 11.1730 @@@@`0587 CIL 06.10019 @@@@`0588 CIL 06.09238 IChUR(2) 01.03467 @@@@`0589ab CIL 06.09237 IChUR(1) 01.1130 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1452 IChUR(2) 04.10851 @@@@`0590 CIL 06.09464 IChUR(1) 01.0958 IChUR(2) 01.02121 @@@@`0591 CIL 06.09461 IChUR(1) 01.1026 IChUR(2) 02.05053 @@@@`0591,adn. CIL 11.0321 @@@@`0592 CIL 06.09473 IChUR(1) 01.1020 IChUR(2) 08.20830 @@@@`0593 CIL 06.33916 @@@@`0595 CIL 03.14903&4`1 @@@@`0595A RS 01.tab. 20,2 @@@@`0595A,adn. IChUR(2) 02.06112 @@@@`0596 CIL 06.09798 @@@@`0597 CIL 06.09297 IChUR(1) 01.0834 IChUR(2) 02.05725 @@@@`0598 CIL 06.09314 IChUR(1) 01.0612 IChUR(2) 02.04865 @@@@`0598,adn. CIL 06.09313 CIL 06.09315 IChUR(1) 01.0599 IChUR(2) 02.04852 IChUR(2) 02.05192 @@@@`0599 CIL 06.08556 IChUR(2) 02.05202 @@@@`0600 CIL 06.09967 CIL 06.33818 @@@@`0602 CIL 06.09893 IChUR(2) 02.05211 @@@@`0603 CIL 06.09232 IChUR(2) 03.08480 @@@@`0603,adn. CIL 06.09233 CIL 06.09234 IChUR(2) 03.08623 @@@@`0604 CIL 06.09942 add. p. 3471 CIL 06.09942 add. p. 3741 @@@@`0605 CIL 06.09562 IChUR(2) 02.05203 @@@@`0606 CIL 06.09563 @@@@`0606,adn. CIL 06.09564 CIL 06.09565 IChUR(2) 02.05205 @@@@`0606A CIL 10.1381 @@@@`0606B CIL 08.25811 @@@@`0607 CIL 06.09588 IChUR(2) 02.05979 %6 IChUR(2) 06.15623 @@@@`0608 CIL 06.09592 @@@@`0609 CIL 06.33900 CIL 06.37805a IChUR(2) 05.13800 @@@@`0610 CIL 06.09597 add. p. 3470 IChUR(1) 01.0375 IChUR(2) 07.17495 @@@@`0611 IChUR(1) 02.091,54 IChUR(1) 02.137,15 @@@@`0612 CIL 13.02414 IChUR(1) 02.261,4 LeB., IC 666 (p. 553) @@@@`0613 Vives 288 @@@@`0614 CIL 08.09693 add. p. 975 @@@@`0615 CIL 10.3980 add. p. 976 @@@@`0616 CIL 06.09611 add. p. 3470 IChUR(2) 05.15403 @@@@`0616,adn. CIL 06.09612 CIL 06.09613 IChUR(1) 01.0959 @@@@`0617 CIL 11.0336 CIL 11.00336 @@@@`0618 CIL 06.09724 @@@@`0619 IChUR(1) 01.1095 @@@@`0620 CIL 03.06401 CIL 06.09272 @@@@`0621 IChUR(2) 02.04247 @@@@`0622 CIL 11.0317 @@@@`0622,adn. CIL 06.09811 CIL 06.10029 IChUR(1) 01.0972 IChUR(2) 02.05026 @@@@`0623 CIL 06.09825 IChUR(1) 01.1198 @@@@`0624 CIL 06.09277 add. p. 3469 @@@@`0625 CIL 06.09278 add. p. 3469 @@@@`0626 CIL 06.09374 @@@@`0627ab CIL 06.33854 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1665 @@@@`0628 CIL 06.09766 @@@@`0629 CIL 06.09765 IChUR(1) 01.0687 IChUR(2) 01.00529 @@@@`0630 CIL 06.09500 add. p. 3470 IChUR(2) 03.09093 @@@@`0631 CIL 06.09389 @@@@`0631,adn. IBrChr 025 [CIIC 0488] @@@@`0633 CIL 06.09213 add. p. 3469 @@@@`0634 CIL 06.03895 %103`9220 add. p. 3469;%103 CIL 06.09220 add. p. 3469; 3895 IChUR(1) 01.1173 IChUR(2) 02.05075 @@@@`0635 CIL 06.09399 IChUR(2) 02.05208 @@@@`0636 CIL 06.09400 @@@@`0637 CIL 06.09259 add. p. 3469 @@@@`0638 IChUR(2) 02.06110 @@@@`0639 CIL 06.09281 @@@@`0640 CIL 06.09503 @@@@`0641 CIL 06.09236 @@@@`0642 CIL 15.7184 @@@@`0643 CIL 06.10030 @@@@`0644 CIL 06.09881 @@@@`0645 IChUR(1) 01.0014 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1387 @@@@`0645,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0360 IChUR(2) 05.13350 @@@@`0646 CIL 03.09614 @@@@`0647 CIL 06.09230 add. p. 3469 @@@@`0647,adn. ICI 03.035 CIL 09.4050 @@@@`0648 CIL 03.02354 CIL 03.14239&4`1 @@@@`0648,adn. CIL 03.14305 CIL 03.14916&4a CIL 08.10687 @@@@`0649 CIL 10.8076 ICI 05.014 @@@@`0650 CIL 06.09560 @@@@`0651 RS 03.p.534 @@@@`0653 CIL 06.09558 add. p. 3470 @@@@`0655 CIL 08.08774 CIL 08.20590 @@@@`0656 CIL 06.09555 add. p. 3470 @@@@`0657 IChUR(1) 01.0256 IChUR(2) 08.20794 @@@@`0657,adn. IChUR(2) 03.06947 @@@@`0658 CIL 06.09887 %6 CIL 10.6810 @@@@`0659 CIL 06.09896 @@@@`0659,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0396 IChUR(1) 01.0433 IChUR(1) 01.0529 CIL 14.3422 IChUR(2) 05.13384 IChUR(2) 02.04169 IChUR(2) 05.13384 IChUR(2) 08.20809 IChUR(2) 05.13384 IChUR(2) 02.04169 IChUR(2) 08.20809 IChUR(2) 05.13384 IChUR(2) 08.20809 @@@@`0659,adn. (Leo) IChUR(2) 02.04169 @@@@`0660 CIL 03.09524 add. p. 2328&4`126 @@@@`0662 CIL 13.01588 LeB., IC 573 @@@@`0662,adn. IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1416 IChUR(2) 05.13891 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1416 IChUR(2) 05.13891 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1416 @@@@`0663 CIL 06.09176 CIL 06.30248 @@@@`0664 CIL 06.09153 IChUR(1) 01.0706 IChUR(2) 01.00736 @@@@`0665 CIL 06.09907 @@@@`0665,adn. CIL 13.08488 @@@@`0666 CIL 06.09927 @@@@`0667 CIL 03.09542 @@@@`0668 CIL 06.33911 IChUR(2) 02.04675 @@@@`0669 CIL 06.09791 @@@@`0669,adn. CIL 06.09787 IChUR(1) 01.0318 @@@@`0670 CIL 03.04222 @@@@`0671,adn. CIL 06.09936 CIL 09.9229 @@@@`0672 CIL 06.31893%3`4 CIL 06.31896 CIL 06.31898%3`9 CIL 06.31901 @@@@`0672f,h,n CIJ 1.530 @@@@`0673 CIL 05.04084 @@@@`0674 I.Ital. 11,2.058 @@@@`0675 CIJ 1.A092* @@@@`0675,adn. CIL 03.14904 @@@@`0676 CIL 13.03704 Gose 057 @@@@`0676,adn. CIL 06.09656 CIL 08.20416 CIL 11.6779 IChUR(2) 02.05210 ICI 07.024 @@@@`0677 CIL 11.4067 ICI 04.035 @@@@`0677,adn. CIL 06.09657 CIL 06.09663a @@@@`0678 CIL 08.25063 ILTun 1009 @@@@`0679 CIL 06.09256 @@@@`0680 CIL 06.37794 IChUR(2) 02.06111 @@@@`0681 CIL 10.7330 @@@@`0682 CIL 06.09526 @@@@`0683 CIL 06.37819 IChUR(2) 02.06114 @@@@`0684 CIL 06.09488 add. p. 3470 IChUR(2) 05.15389 @@@@`0685 IChUR(2) 03.07751 @@@@`0685,adn. IChUR(2) 03.07149b @@@@`0685ab CIL 06.09684 @@@@`0686 CIL 06.09417 IChUR(1) 01.1012 IChUR(2) 02.05047 IChUR(1) 01.1012 @@@@`0687 IChUR(2) 03.06699 @@@@`0688 CIL 06.09231 IChUR(1) 01.1088 IChUR(2) 02.04290 @@@@`0688,adn. CIL 08.22643,1 IChUR(1) 01.1212 IChUR(2) 02.05804 @@@@`0689 CIL 08.14198 add. p. 2459 IChUR(2) 03.06524 @@@@`0690,adn. CIL 08.16805 @@@@`0693 CIL 06.09161 add. p. 3469 IChUR(1) 01.0558 CIL 06.09161 IChUR(1) 01.0588 %6 IChUR(2) 01.01463 @@@@`0694 CIL 06.09162 IChUR(1) 01.0977 IChUR(2) 02.04280 @@@@`0695 CIL 11.0294 @@@@`0696 CIL 06.09163 IChUR(1) 01.1094 @@@@`0696A CIL 06.09173 IChUR(2) 03.08495 @@@@`0697 CIL 06.09171 @@@@`0697,adn. CIL 06.09157 CIL 06.09174 CIL 06.09175 CIL 06.37777 CIL 11.0334a IChUR(1) 01.0853 IChUR(2) 02.04967 @@@@`0698 CIL 06.09150 @@@@`0699 CIL 06.33715 IChUR(1) 01.1118 IChUR(2) 02.04291 @@@@`0700A IChUR(1) 01.1089 @@@@`0700B CIL 06.08458 @@@@`0701 CIL 06.08460 IChUR(1) 01.0754 IChUR(2) 02.04928 @@@@`0702 CIL 14.1878 @@@@`0703 CIL 06.09706 @@@@`0703,adn. CIL 13.03814 LeB., NR 364 Gose 016 @@@@`0704 IChUR(1) 01.1067 IChUR(2) 02.05077 @@@@`0704,adn. IChUR(1) 01.1250 @@@@`0705 CIL 06.33721 IChUR(2) 08.23064 @@@@`0705A CIL 06.10253 @@@@`0706 CIL 06.33717 ILTun 0921 @@@@`0706,adn. CIL 08.13397 add. p. 2459 CIL 10.1387 @@@@`0707 IChUR(1) 01.0771 @@@@`0707,adn. CIL 11.0317 @@@@`0708 CIL 06.09704 IChUR(1) 01.0933 IChUR(2) 02.05004 CIL 06.09704 @@@@`0709,adn. CIL 06.08401 CIL 06.33722(?) CIL 06.33891 @@@@`0709A CIL 06.09705 @@@@`0709B CIL 06.33890 IChUR(2) 02.05737 @@@@`0710 CIL 08.08501 add. p. 1920 @@@@`0712 CIL 15.7190 @@@@`0713 CIL 06.09826 add. p. 3471 IChUR(1) 01.1055 IChUR(2) 02.04185 @@@@`0714 CIL 06.33713 @@@@`0715 CIL 06.33716 @@@@`0717 CIL 06.09529 IChUR(1) 01.1167 IChUR(2) 02.05020 @@@@`0718 CIL 11.3568 ICI 02.014 @@@@`0718,adn. CIL 06.09530 IChUR(1) 01.1242 IChUR(2) 02.05129 @@@@`0719 I.Ital. 10,2.058 @@@@`0720 RS 02.tab. 45%3`46,43 @@@@`0721 CIL 06.10008 @@@@`0721,adn. CIL 06.10012 CIL 06.10013 CIL 13.01176 @@@@`0722 CIL 06.33930 @@@@`0723 CIL 06.10015 @@@@`0723,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0869 @@@@`0724 CIL 06.32045 add. p. 3814 @@@@`0725 IChUR(1) 01.0957b @@@@`0725; 3768A IChUR(2) 02.05017 @@@@`0726 CIL 06.09446 CIL 06.33808 @@@@`0727 IChUR(1) 02.093,65 @@@@`0728 IChUR(1) 02.090,52 IChUR(1) 02.116,095 @@@@`0729 RS 03.tab. 28,32a @@@@`0730 CIL 13.02434 LeB., IC 076 @@@@`0732 CIL 06.32955 IChUR(2) 08.23434 @@@@`0732,adn. CIL 03.14368&4`10 CIL 06.32954 @@@@`0733 CIL 06.32956 IChUR(2) 05.13697 @@@@`0733,adn. CIL 06.32957 CIL 06.32958 @@@@`0734,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0741 IChUR(2) 02.04519 IChUR(1) 01.0741 IChUR(2) 02.04519 IChUR(1) 01.0741 @@@@`0735 CIL 13.11834 @@@@`0736 CIL 06.32959 IChUR(1) 01.0930 IChUR(2) 01.00897 @@@@`0737A CIL 06.10014 @@@@`0739 CIL 09.5012 CIL 09.05012 @@@@`0742 CIL 06.33929 @@@@`0742,adn. CIL 11.2949 @@@@`0743 CIL 13.03911 Gose 778 @@@@`0743a LeB., IC 308 @@@@`0744 CIL 06.03386b @@@@`0745 CIL 06.33929 IChUR(2) 03.06537 @@@@`0745A CIL 03.09516 @@@@`0746 CIL 08.20162 @@@@`0747 CIL 10.1352 @@@@`0748 CIL 06.33865 IChUR(1) 01.0101 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1462 IChUR(2) 01.00887 @@@@`0749 CIL 03.09606 CIL 03.13141 @@@@`0750 CIL 08.22834 ILTun 0092 @@@@`0750,adn. CIL 13.06258 LeB., IC 347 @@@@`0751 RS 03.p.318 @@@@`0751A RS 01.tab. 20,3 @@@@`0752 IChUR(2) 06.15796 @@@@`0753,adn. I.Ostie B.248 CIL 14.1930 CIL 14.1969 @@@@`0754 IChUR(1) 01.0403 IChUR(2) 08.23429 @@@@`0755 AE 1888.153 @@@@`0755,adn. IChUR(2) 05.14282 @@@@`0759 CIL 06.17633 @@@@`0760,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0056 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1435 IChUR(2) 03.06562 RS 02.tab. 35,10 RS 03.tab. 28,53 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1435 @@@@`0760A CIL 06.08459 @@@@`0761,adn. CIL 06.29373 @@@@`0762A Gose 487 CIL 14.1924 @@@@`0762A,adn. CIL 13.03925 LeB., IC 304 @@@@`0763 RS 01.p.192 @@@@`0764 CIL 09.5791 @@@@`0765 IChUR(2) 06.15731 @@@@`0766 IChUR(2) 06.15931 @@@@`0767A,adn. CIL 06.32512 @@@@`0768 CIL 10.8418 @@@@`0769 CIL 10.4535 @@@@`0770 CIL 05.06402 @@@@`0773 CIL 03.09626 CIL 08.02189 @@@@`0774 CIL 15.7191 @@@@`0775 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1642 IChUR(2) 02.06009 @@@@`0776 CIL 06.32033 CIL 15.7132 @@@@`0777 Vives 363 @@@@`0777,adn. CIL 06.01199 @@@@`0778 CIL 08.24031 @@@@`0778,adn. CIL 10.6850ss @@@@`0780 CIL 08.13535 @@@@`0780,adn. CIL 08.13905 @@@@`0782 CIL 08.17509 @@@@`0782,adn. CIL 08.05490 CIL 09.1563 @@@@`0783 IChUR(2) 02.04130 CIL 14.1941 @@@@`0784 CIL 03.14901 @@@@`0784,adn. CIL 03.09567 CIL 03.10092 nr. 838 s. CIL 09.0233 @@@@`0785 CIL 08.23673 ILTun 0565 @@@@`0785,adn. CIL 11.0011 @@@@`0786 CIL 15.0718 @@@@`0786,adn. CIL 11.7298 @@@@`0787 CIL 08.25362 @@@@`0788 CIL 08.25425 ILTun 1184 @@@@`0789 CIL 03.06037 @@@@`0790 CIL 03.00737 add. p. 990 @@@@`0791 CIL 08.05352 add. p. 1658 @@@@`0792 CIL 02.3420 CIL 06.00037 Vives 362 @@@@`0793 CIL 08.12035 @@@@`0794 CIL 08.00101 add. p. 925; 1172 ILTun 1253 @@@@`0794,adn. CIL 08.14547 @@@@`0795 CIL 08.02245 CIL 08.17671 @@@@`0795A CIL 03.14213&4`1 @@@@`0796 CIL 12.2705 LeB., IC 483,comm. p. 210 @@@@`0797 CIL 08.02095 add. p. 943 CIL 08.04799 add. p. 960 @@@@`0798 CIL 03.06660 add. p.2316 @@@@`0800 CIL 08.28000 ILTun 1222 @@@@`0800,adn. CIL 08.04354 CIL 08.09835 @@@@`0802 CIL 08.02079 CIL 08.16684 add. p. 942; 1591; 2742 @@@@`0802,adn. CIL 08.01434 supra 27 CIL 08.23233c @@@@`0803 CIL 08.05353 @@@@`0804 CIL 08.04677 CIL 08.16869 @@@@`0806 CIL 08.01863 CIL 08.16507 @@@@`0806,Add.p.510 IChUR(2) 05.13655 @@@@`0807,adn. CIL 08.08483 add. p. 1920 @@@@`0808 CIL 06.37200b @@@@`0808A CIL 12.0611 add. p. 816 LeB., IC 551B @@@@`0808A,adn. CIL 06.10053 CIL 06.10054 CIL 06.37834 p. 3905 @@@@`0808B IChUR(1) 01.0587 IChUR(2) 08.20815 @@@@`0809A CIL 06.10271 @@@@`0809C IChUR(2) 05.13659 IChUR(2) 05.14518 IChUR(2) 05.13659 IChUR(2) 05.14518 @@@@`0809C $A IChUR(2) 03.08235 @@@@`0809C,adn. CIL 06.10274 @@@@`0809CB IChUR(2) 03.06662 @@@@`0809Cx RS 03.tab. 25,42 @@@@`0810 CIL 09.5900 @@@@`0814 CIL 03.10016 @@@@`0819,adn. CIL 03.09565 add. p. 2140 @@@@`0820 ICI 04.087 @@@@`0821 CIL 03.09507 add. p. 2139 CIL 03.09507 @@@@`0821,adn. CIL 03.09316 CIL 03.09580 CIL 03.09927 CIL 03.12871 CIL 03.14314&4`2 @@@@`0822,adn. CIL 03.02632 add. p. 1510 @@@@`0824 CIL 11.1411 @@@@`0825 CIL 09.1010 @@@@`0829,adn. CIL 03.12841 @@@@`0830,adn. CIL 03.09667 @@@@`0831 CIL 03.08727 p.1510 CIL 03.09669 @@@@`0832 CIL 03.09655 CIL 03.09656 CIL 03.12882 @@@@`0834 I.Ostie B.263 CIL 14.1828a @@@@`0835 CIL 03.09672 @@@@`0837 CIL 09.0306 @@@@`0838 CIL 03.09567 @@@@`0839 CIL 03.10092 add. p. 2328&4`18 @@@@`0839,adn. CIL 03.13964 @@@@`0840 IChUR(1) 01.0980 IChUR(2) 01.00749 @@@@`0841 CIL 06.09919 IChUR(1) 01.1125 @@@@`0841,adn. CIL 06.30463 @@@@`0842 IChUR(2) 07.17593 @@@@`0843 IChUR(2) 01.00088 @@@@`0844 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1411 @@@@`0844,adn. CIL 03.09409 @@@@`0845 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1411 @@@@`0846 CIL 11.3571 ICI 02.007 @@@@`0848 CIL 05.04998 @@@@`0855,adn. RS 01.p.186 @@@@`0855A IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1390 IChUR(2) 03.07376 @@@@`0855A,adn. CIL 08.25196 @@@@`0856 RS 03.p.388 CIL 15.1727 @@@@`0856,adn. CIL 15.8573b @@@@`0857,adn. CIL 02.6249,7 CIL 10.8046,15 RS 03.p.173 CIL 15.8340 @@@@`0857A CIL 13.10026,061; 63; 66; 67; 68 @@@@`0857A,adn. CIL 02.4967,35 adn. p. 1007 Vives 402 Vives 410 @@@@`0857Af LeB., NR 337 @@@@`0857B,adn. CIL 09.6090,7 @@@@`0857ab RS 02.p.016; 385 tab. 31,5 @@@@`0859A Vives 390 @@@@`0860,adn. CIL 13.10024,405 @@@@`0862 CIL 10.8061,4 @@@@`0863 CIL 08.17491 @@@@`0864 CIL 02.4967,32 add. p. 1007 Vives 406 @@@@`0867 CIL 08.08805 Vives 401 @@@@`0868 CIL 08.22642,17 @@@@`0868,adn. (fibula) LeB., NR 051 @@@@`0869 CIL 08.16249 @@@@`0870 CIL 11.0302a @@@@`0873 IChUR(1) 01.0029 IChUR(1) 01.0029 %6 IChUR(2) 06.16965 IChUR(1) 01.0029 @@@@`0877,adn. RS 02.p.254 tab. 43%3`44,4 @@@@`0879 CIL 06.26939 adn. @@@@`0879,adn. CIL 08.02215 @@@@`0880 CIL 13.10026,72 @@@@`0881 Vives 368 @@@@`0882 CIL 08.22657,2 @@@@`0883 CIL 08.21553 @@@@`0884 CIL 10.4511 @@@@`0884,adn. CIL 08.20916 @@@@`0885 IChUR(1) 01.0637 IChUR(2) 07.17549 @@@@`0887 IChUR(2) 02.04355 @@@@`0887B CIL 03.09607a @@@@`0888 ILTun 0557 @@@@`0888,adn. CIL 08.23593 @@@@`0889 RS 03.tab. 19,27 @@@@`0892 IChUR(2) 05.14284 @@@@`0892,adn. IChUR(2) 05.14525 @@@@`0893 IChUR(2) 05.14358 @@@@`0895 IChUR(2) 03.08969 @@@@`0896 IChUR(2) 03.06769 @@@@`0897,adn. RS 02.tab. 36,04 CIL 14.2224a @@@@`0898 IChUR(2) 03.07790 @@@@`0898,adn. CIL 08.23012 @@@@`0898A CIL 14.1905 @@@@`0899 CIL 06.29949 IChUR(2) 03.08605 @@@@`0900 CIL 11.2547a @@@@`0901 CIL 14.4167 @@@@`0902 CIL 15.1563 @@@@`0903 CIL 15.1654a @@@@`0904 CIL 15.1678 @@@@`0905 CIL 14.4091,22 CIL 15.2311 @@@@`0906 CIL 15.1676 @@@@`0907 CIL 15.1712 @@@@`0907,adn. CIL 15.1729 CIL 15.1730 CIL 15.1731 @@@@`0910 CIL 10.8045,19 @@@@`0911 CIL 11.6689,270 @@@@`0912 CIL 11.2887 @@@@`0912a,b ICI 01.076 @@@@`0914 CIL 13.02816 LeB., IC 011 @@@@`0915 Vives 409 @@@@`0916A CIL 02.6253,2 Vives 405 @@@@`0917 CIL 15.7261 @@@@`0918,adn. CIL 15.4859 CIL 15.6120 @@@@`0919 CIL 13.10016,044 @@@@`0919,adn. CIL 08.22646,18 @@@@`0920 CIL 13.10011,335a @@@@`0921 CIL 13.10011,335c @@@@`0923,adn. CIL 08.10478,63 CIL 10.8053,298 299 CIL 13.10001,267 CIL 15.6764 @@@@`0924 CIL 13.05357 LeB., IC 363 @@@@`0925 CIL 13.10022,111 LeB., IC 338,2 @@@@`0925,adn. CIL 13.10022,299 @@@@`0926 CIL 11.6712,513 @@@@`0927 CIL 11.6726,29 @@@@`0928 CIL 13.10019,013 @@@@`0929 CIL 07.1221 @@@@`0930 CIL 08.22656,31 @@@@`0930,adn. CIL 08.22556,25ss @@@@`0931B CIL 08.22656,30 @@@@`0933 CIL 13.10026,62; 65; 70 @@@@`0933b LeB., IC 583 @@@@`0933c LeB., NR 079 @@@@`0934 CIL 13.10026,64; 73 @@@@`0934A CIL 03.06010,64 @@@@`0935abcde CIL 03.08080 A 1.2 B 3.4. C 5a @@@@`0936 CIL 13.10024,308s 311s 315ss 321ss 325ss @@@@`0936a LeB., IC 575A @@@@`0936b LeB., NR 090 @@@@`0936b [%6 CIL 13.10024,309] LeB., IC 090 not! [`90 %6 CIL 13.3155] @@@@`0936c LeB., IC 337 @@@@`0936d LeB., IC 678A LeB., NR 049 @@@@`0936e LeB., NR 283 @@@@`0936f LeB., IC 669B @@@@`0936g LeB., NR 048B @@@@`0936h LeB., NR 285 @@@@`0936i LeB., NR 024 @@@@`0936l LeB., IC 669A @@@@`0936m LeB., IC 672A @@@@`0936n LeB., IC 020B @@@@`0936o LeB., IC 164 @@@@`0937 CIL 13.10024,266 LeB., NR 054 @@@@`0938 CIL 13.10024,400 @@@@`0938,adn. CIL 13.10024,108 @@@@`0939 CIL 12.5692,21 @@@@`0942 CIL 03.10189,11.12 @@@@`0943 Vives 397 @@@@`0947,adn. CIL 08.22757 CIL 13.10035,21; 22 @@@@`0948 CIL 13.04462 @@@@`0950,adn. CIL 15.8107 CIL 15.8119 CIL 15.8143 CIL 15.8150 CIL 15.8154 CIL 15.8164 CIL 15.8179 CIL 15.8195 CIL 15.8196 CIL 15.8227 CIL 15.8267 CIL 15.8279 CIL 15.8385 CIL 15.8476 CIL 15.8479 CIL 15.8485 CIL 15.8496 CIL 15.8505 CIL 15.8532 CIL 15.8559 @@@@`0950a RS 03.p.141 @@@@`0950b CIL 15.8299 @@@@`0950c CIL 15.8390 CIL 15.8398 @@@@`0950d CIL 15.8387 @@@@`0951 IChUR(1) 02.032,77 IChUR(1) 02.105,044 Ep.Dam. 020 [Ihm 026] IChUR(2) 05.13273 @@@@`0951,adn. IChUR(2) 06.16398 @@@@`0952 IChUR(2) 02.04797 @@@@`0953,adn. RS 02.p.052 tab. 2,3 @@@@`0954 RS 02.p.055 ss. tab. 3 @@@@`0956b RS 01.tab. 06 @@@@`0957 RS 01.p.287 RS 01.tab. 04,01 Ep.Dam. 019 [Ihm 019] @@@@`0959 IChUR(1) 02.108,060 RS 02.p.025 s. tab. 2,2 Ep.Dam. 017 [Ihm 013] @@@@`0962 IChUR(1) 02.062,04 IChUR(1) 02.103,035 IChUR(1) 02.138,22 Ep.Dam. 040 [Ihm 048] @@@@`0963 IChUR(1) 02.066,24 IChUR(1) 02.102,031 RS 02.p.195 ss. tab. 3,4 Ep.Dam. 018 [Ihm 018] @@@@`0964 IChUR(1) 02.108,059 Ep.Dam. 050 [Ihm 011] @@@@`0965 CIL 11.4975 ICI 06.063 @@@@`0966 IChUR(1) 01.0139 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1479 RS 03.p.361 tab. 29,48 @@@@`0967 IChUR(1) 02.083,26 IChUR(1) 02.085,31a @@@@`0968 IChUR(1) 01.0190 @@@@`0969 IChUR(1) 02.250 IChUR(1) 02.252,1 IChUR(1) 02.271 IChUR(1) 02.275,16 IChUR(1) 02.282 RS 01.p.180; 241 s. RS 01.p.241 s. %103`180;%103 Ep.Dam. 012 [Ihm 009] @@@@`0970 IChUR(1) 02.135,07 IChUR(1) 02.151,23 Ep.Dam. 057 [Ihm 057] @@@@`0971 IChUR(1) 02.104,039 @@@@`0972 IChUR(1) 02.102,030 IChUR(1) 02.138,21 Ep.Dam. abiecit [Ihm 093] %103Ps.%19Dam.%103 @@@@`0973 IChUR(1) 02.062,01 IChUR(1) 02.101,019 RS 01.p.139 RS 01.p.142 RS 01.p.146 Ep.Dam. abiecit [Ihm 092] %103Ps.%19Dam.%103 @@@@`0973,adn. IChUR(1) 02.062,02 @@@@`0974 IChUR(1) 02.110,067 IChUR(1) 02.134,03 @@@@`0975 IChUR(1) 02.435,111 @@@@`0976 IChUR(1) 02.071,42 IChUR(1) 02.098,006 IChUR(1) 02.139,28 RS 02.p.024 @@@@`0976,adn. IChUR(1) 02.066,23a RS 01.tab. 07 RS 02.p.038 ss. RS 02.p.048 @@@@`0977 IChUR(1) 02.147,12 @@@@`0978 IChUR(1) 02.424,047 @@@@`0979 IChUR(1) 02.424,046 @@@@`0980 IChUR(1) 02.424,048 @@@@`0981 IChUR(1) 02.055,12 IChUR(1) 02.056,17a IChUR(1) 02.080,08 IChUR(1) 02.144,03 IChUR(2) 02.04103 @@@@`0982 IChUR(1) 02.126,04 IChUR(2) 02.04149 @@@@`0983 IChUR(1) 02.042 IChUR(2) 02.04106 Ep.Dam. abiecit [Ihm 097] %103Ps.%19Dam.%103 @@@@`0984 IChUR(1) 02.130,15 IChUR(2) 02.04150 @@@@`0984,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0980 IChUR(1) 01.0989 @@@@`0985 IChUR(1) 02.057,19 IChUR(2) 02.04151 @@@@`0985,adn. IChUR(2) 02.04108 CIL 15.7261 @@@@`0986 IChUR(1) 02.057,18 IChUR(1) 02.126,03 IChUR(2) 02.04152 @@@@`0987 IChUR(1) 01.1029 IChUR(1) 02.126,02 IChUR(1) 02.141,32 IChUR(2) 02.04153 IChUR(1) 01.1029 @@@@`0988 IChUR(1) 02.126,05 IChUR(2) 02.04154 @@@@`0989 IChUR(1) 02.083,23 IChUR(1) 02.117,098 @@@@`0990 IChUR(1) 02.052,01 IChUR(1) 02.078,03 IChUR(1) 02.112,073 IChUR(1) 02.209,38 IChUR(2) 02.04156 @@@@`0991 IChUR(1) 02.127,06 IChUR(1) 02.211,41 IChUR(2) 02.04157 @@@@`0992 IChUR(1) 02.126,01 IChUR(1) 02.141,31 IChUR(2) 02.04158 @@@@`0994%7add. IChUR(2) 03.08161 @@@@`0994 IChUR(2) 03.08345 @@@@`0997 IChUR(1) 02.092,62 IChUR(1) 02.106,048 Ep.Dam. 061 [Ihm 033] %103Ps.%19Dam.%103 @@@@`0998 IChUR(1) 01.1119 @@@@`1000 IChUR(2) 06.17294 @@@@`1002,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0442 IChUR(2) 02.05790 RS 02.p.387 tab. 33,1 IChUR(2) 02.05790 @@@@`1003 CIL 08.25045 CIL 11.4972 ILTun 1008 @@@@`1004 CIL 11.0303 @@@@`1005 CIL 11.0305 add. p. 1228 @@@@`1006 CIL 11.0306 @@@@`1006,adn. CIL 11.0279 @@@@`1006A CIL 11.0267 @@@@`1006A,adn. CIL 11.0300 @@@@`1007 CIL 03.13131 add. p. 2328&4`127 @@@@`1007,adn. CIL 08.22656,33 CIL 08.25046 CIL 10.1229 @@@@`1008 CIL 14.3415 IChUR(2) 01.02812 @@@@`1009,adn. CIL 14.1937 CIL 14.1939 @@@@`1010 CIL 10.0458 add. p. 964 ICI 05.052 @@@@`1011 CIL 10.1194 @@@@`1012 CIL 10.1366 @@@@`1013 CIL 10.1340 CIL 10.01340 @@@@`1014 CIL 10.1344 CIL 10.01344 @@@@`1015 CIL 10.1345 CIL 10.01345 @@@@`1016 CIL 10.1348 CIL 10.01348 @@@@`1016,adn. CIL 10.1380 @@@@`1017 CIL 10.1538 @@@@`1018 CIL 10.3298 CIL 10.03298 @@@@`1019 CIL 10.3299 CIL 10.03299 @@@@`1020 CIL 10.4503 @@@@`1021 CIL 10.4517 @@@@`1024 CIL 10.6218 CIL 10.06218 @@@@`1025 CIL 10.7753 @@@@`1026 CIL 09.6150 @@@@`1026,adn. CIL 11.0272 @@@@`1027 CIL 11.2548 CIL 11.02548 @@@@`1028 CIL 11.2587 @@@@`1029,adn. CIL 09.4320 @@@@`1029A CIL 09.2073 CIL 09.02073 @@@@`1030 CIL 11.4163 CIL 11.04163 ICI 06.013 CIL 11.04163 @@@@`1031 CIL 11.4164 ICI 06.014 @@@@`1032 CIL 11.4967 ICI 06.066 @@@@`1033 CIL 11.04972 ICI 06.050 CIL 11.04972 @@@@`1034 CIL 11.4340 ICI 06.029 @@@@`1035 CIL 03.14339 CIL 11.0302 @@@@`1036 CIL 11.0304 add. p. 1228 CIL 11.00304 @@@@`1036,adn. CIL 11.0288 CIL 11.0291 CIL 11.0294 CIL 11.0298 @@@@`1037 CIL 05.03896 @@@@`1040 CIL 05.05410 @@@@`1041 CIL 05.06404 @@@@`1043 CIL 05.06183a, cf. p. 620 n. 7 @@@@`1044 IChUR(1) 02.163,06 @@@@`1046 CIL 05.06464 @@@@`1050 IChUR(1) 02.314 @@@@`1051 IChUR(1) 02.172,32 @@@@`1055 I.Ital. 11,2.043 @@@@`1056 I.Ital. 11,1.044 @@@@`1057 I.Ital. 11,1.032 @@@@`1059 CIL 05.07528 @@@@`1060 CIL 05.01858 @@@@`1061B CIL 05.01623 @@@@`1062ab CIL 12.0949 add. p. 819 LeB., IC 515a%3`516 @@@@`1062,adn. CIL 12.0946 CIL 12.1696 LeB., IC 478B @@@@`1062,adn. (Heros) LeB., NR 205B @@@@`1063 CIL 12.0969 LeB., NR 190 @@@@`1064 CIL 12.1213 add. p. 823 LeB., IC 507 LeB., IC 707 @@@@`1065 CIL 12.1272 LeB., IC 503 LeB., NR 156 @@@@`1066 CIL 12.5787 @@@@`1066,adn. CIL 12.00591 @@@@`1068 CIL 13.01587 add. p. 21 @@@@`1068,adn. CIL 13.01028 CIL 13.01575b LeB., IC 572 @@@@`1069 CIL 13.02394 LeB., IC 020 @@@@`1070 CIL 13.02395 LeB., IC 021 @@@@`1071 CIL 13.02396 LeB., IC 022 @@@@`1072 CIL 13.02398 IChUR(1) 02.310 LeB., IC 024 LeB., NR 006 @@@@`1073 CIL 13.02400 LeB., IC 025 @@@@`1074 CIL 13.02401 LeB., IC 019 @@@@`1075 CIL 13.02477 LeB., IC 377 @@@@`1076 CIL 13.02478 LeB., IC 373 @@@@`1077 CIL 13.02601 LeB., IC 661 CIL 13.02601 @@@@`1078 CIL 13.03057 LeB., IC 211 @@@@`1078,adn. CIL 13.03095b @@@@`1079 CIL 13.05251 @@@@`1080 CIL 13.05407 LeB., IC 680 @@@@`1080,adn. CIL 13.11036 @@@@`1083 CIL 03.09575 CIL 03.12870b add. p. 2328 @@@@`1083,adn. CIL 03.02662 CIL 03.14239&4`3 @@@@`1084 CIL 03.14895 @@@@`1084,adn. CIL 03.14663&4`1 CIL 03.14898 CIL 03.14899 @@@@`1085 CIL 03.09550 (add. p. 2261) CIL 03.13153 add. p. 2328&4`126 @@@@`1086 CIL 03.09549 add. p. 2328&4`126 @@@@`1086,adn. CIL 03.13126 CIL 03.14239&4`7& add. p. 2328&4`127 CIL 03.13126%7`14299,7%7 add. p.2328,127 @@@@`1089 CIL 03.14207&4`29 @@@@`1089,adn. CIL 03.14207&4`21 @@@@`1090 IChUR(1) 02.294,3 Vives 277 @@@@`1091 ÂIChUR(1) 02.294,2 Vives 278 @@@@`1092 IChUR(1) 02.293,1 Vives 279 @@@@`1092,adn. Vives 260 @@@@`1093 Vives 276 @@@@`1094 Vives 177 @@@@`1095 Vives 263 @@@@`1096 Vives 273 @@@@`1096,adn. %6 2029 Vives 322 @@@@`1097 Vives 274 @@@@`1098 Vives 282 IChUR(1) 02.295,7 @@@@`1099 CIL 08.00879 add. p. 927; 1275 ILTun 0764 @@@@`1099,adn. CIL 08.00944 @@@@`1100 CIL 08.02009 add. p. 2731 ILAlg 1.3420 @@@@`1100,adn. CIL 08.02079 CIL 08.16684 ILAlg 1.2991 @@@@`1101 CIL 08.08634 @@@@`1101,adn. CIL 08.08373 @@@@`1102 CIL 08.09286 add. p. 1975 @@@@`1102,adn. CIL 08.09287 add. p. 1975 CIL 08.20975 @@@@`1103 CIL 08.20905 @@@@`1104 CIL 08.09703 @@@@`1105 CIL 08.09709 @@@@`1105,adn. CIL 08.11645 @@@@`1106 CIL 08.11725 ILTun 0492 @@@@`1107,adn. CIL 08.13397(%19`13402) add. p. 2459 CIL 08.02459 CIL 08.17716 CIL 08.19913 CIL 08.21418 CIL 08.22656,32 @@@@`1107A CIL 08.11893 ILTun 0531 @@@@`1107B CIL 08.11894 @@@@`1108 CIL 08.21570 @@@@`1108,adn. CIL 08.21571 CIL 08.21572 @@@@`1109 CIL 08.23035 @@@@`1110 CIL 08.23042 CIL 08.23043 @@@@`1110,adn. CIL 08.25810 @@@@`1112,adn. CIL 08.17389 CIL 08.23921 IChUR(1) 01.0534 RS 02.p.222 tab. 3,7 ILAlg 1.2757 ILAlg 1.2758 @@@@`1114 IBrChr 082 [CIIC 0360] @@@@`1115 CIL 13.03158 LeB., IC 088 @@@@`1116 CIL 12.5398 @@@@`1117 CIL 12.0942 add. p. 819 LeB., IC 509 LeB., NR 167A @@@@`1117,adn. CIL 13.03783 LeB., NR 399 Gose 779 @@@@`1118 CIL 12.2702 LeB., IC 481A CIL 12.02702 @@@@`1119 CIL 08.09711 @@@@`1119,adn. CIL 08.09412 CIL 08.21417 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1751 IChUR(2) 03.08154 ILAlg 1.2758 IChUR(2) 03.08154 @@@@`1121 CIL 11.4339 ICI 06.028 @@@@`1122 CIL 03.09547 @@@@`1123 CIL 10.1365 @@@@`1124 CIL 11.0752 @@@@`1125 CIL 13.01352 LeB., NR 222A @@@@`1126 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1458 IChUR(2) 04.11763 @@@@`1126B IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1458 @@@@`1127 IChUR(2) 03.08441 RS 01.p.208 @@@@`1128 CIL 08.01389 IChUR(2) 03.08148 AE 1912.261 IChUR(2) 03.08148 AE 1912.261 IChUR(2) 03.08148 @@@@`1128,adn. IChUR(1) 01.1080 RS 01.tab. 19,05 RS 03.p.323 @@@@`1129 IChUR(1) 01.0303 IChUR(2) 08.20798 @@@@`1130 IChUR(1) 01.0376 IChUR(2) 02.04823 @@@@`1131 IChUR(1) 01.0540 IChUR(2) 01.00729 @@@@`1132 IChUR(1) 01.0731 IChUR(2) 02.04917 @@@@`1133%7add. IChUR(1) 01.0879 IChUR(2) 06.16001a @@@@`1134 IChUR(1) 02.065,17 IChUR(1) 02.108,056 IChUR(2) 06.15839 Ep.Dam. 066 [Ihm 028] %103Ps.%19Dam.%103 @@@@`1135 IChUR(1) 02.137,19 @@@@`1137 CIL 06.09994 IChUR(1) 01.0975 IChUR(2) 02.04279 @@@@`1138 IChUR(2) 02.04312 RS 03.p.522 @@@@`1138,adn.%7add. IChUR(2) 06.16002 @@@@`1139 IChUR(2) 05.13123 @@@@`1139,adn. IChUR(1) 01.1035 IChUR(1) 01.1123 IChUR(2) 05.13289 @@@@`1139B IChUR(2) 02.04367 @@@@`1141; 3291 IChUR(2) 02.05153 @@@@`1143 IChUR(2) 02.05154 @@@@`1143,adn. IChUR(2) 02.06097 @@@@`1144,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0716 IChUR(1) 01.0744 IChUR(1) 01.0795 IChUR(1) 01.1021 IChUR(2) 02.06449, RS 02.p.387 tab. 33,1 IChUR(2) 05.13281b IChUR(2) 05.13878 IChUR(2) 05.13281b IChUR(2) 05.13878 @@@@`1145 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1593 CIL 14.1879 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1593 @@@@`1146 IChUR(1) 01.1351 CIL 14.2210 @@@@`1147,adn. CIL 10.4530 @@@@`1147A CIL 10.1347 CIL 10.01347 @@@@`1147B CIL 10.1372 @@@@`1147C CIL 10.1379 @@@@`1147D CIL 10.1385 @@@@`1147E CIL 10.1375 @@@@`1147F CIL 10.1386 @@@@`1148 CIL 10.5799 @@@@`1149 CIL 10.6635%3`6 @@@@`1150 CIL 10.8080 ICI 05.012 @@@@`1151 CIL 09.1392 @@@@`1151,adn. CIL 09.4319 CIL 09.5738%3`9 @@@@`1152 CIL 11.0326 @@@@`1152,adn. CIL 11.0309 CIL 11.00309 @@@@`1153 CIL 08.17580 ICI 07.136 @@@@`1153,adn. CIL 11.4166 ICI 06.008 @@@@`1154 ICI 04.086 @@@@`1154,adn. CIL 11.7538 @@@@`1155 CIL 05.05214 @@@@`1156 CIL 05.5219,A @@@@`1157 CIL 05.05405 @@@@`1157,adn. CIL 05.05411 @@@@`1158A CIL 05.05426 @@@@`1159a CIL 05.05455 @@@@`1161,adn. ICI 07.041 @@@@`1162 CIL 05.06468 @@@@`1162A CIL 05.05683 @@@@`1165 CIL 12.0943 LeB., NR 168 CIL 12.00943 @@@@`1165,adn. CIL 12.0974 LeB., IC 541A @@@@`1166 CIL 12.1500 LeB., IC 489 CIL 12.01500 @@@@`1166,adn. CIL 12.1505 LeB., IC 494 @@@@`1166A RICG 15.236 @@@@`1167 CIL 12.2153 LeB., IC 428 @@@@`1167,adn. CIL 12.2139 CIL 12.2486 CIL 12.4311 CIL 12.5338 LeB., IC 389 LeB., IC 610 @@@@`1168 CIL 13.02425 LeB., IC 060 @@@@`1168,adn. CIL 13.00299 CIL 13.11211 LeB., IC 596 @@@@`1169 CIL 13.02476 LeB., IC 375 @@@@`1169,adn. CIL 13.03443 add. p. 40 @@@@`1170 CIL 13.03784 LeB., IC 233 LeB., NR p.055,1 Gose 722 @@@@`1170,adn. CIL 13.03785 Gose 511 @@@@`1171A CIL 13.07561 LeB., NR 070 @@@@`1172 CIL 03.09552 @@@@`1172,adn. CIL 03.00755 CIL 03.09554 CIL 03.09687 CIL 03.12842 @@@@`1172A,adn. CIL 03.13129a @@@@`1173 CIL 03.14207&4`26 IChUR(1) 02.309 @@@@`1174 CIL 03.14623 @@@@`1175 Vives 087 @@@@`1175A Vives 094 @@@@`1175B Vives 092 @@@@`1175C Vives 096 @@@@`1175D Vives 080 @@@@`1176 Vives 068 @@@@`1177 Vives 028 @@@@`1177A Vives 112 @@@@`1178 CIL 08.02012 add. p. 2731 ILAlg 1.3421 @@@@`1178,adn. CIL 08.02014 CIL 08.16755 CIL 08.16840 @@@@`1179 CIL 08.09586 add. p. 1984 @@@@`1180 CIL 08.09731 @@@@`1181 CIL 08.14115 @@@@`1181,adn. CIL 08.13403(%19`13414) CIL 08.25047%19`51 @@@@`1182 CIL 08.20300 @@@@`1183A CIL 08.21574 @@@@`1183B CIL 08.21573 @@@@`1183C CIL 08.21742 @@@@`1184A CIL 08.23036 @@@@`1184B CIL 08.23037 @@@@`1184C CIL 08.23044 @@@@`1184D CIL 08.24074 @@@@`1185 IChUR(1) 02.067,27 @@@@`1186 CIL 08.23230c ILTun 0366 @@@@`1187 CIL 08.23563 ILTun 0548 @@@@`1188 CIL 08.23564 @@@@`1189 CIL 03.13142 add. p. 2326 ILTun 1693 @@@@`1189,adn. CIL 08.20411 @@@@`1190A IBrChr 144 [CIIC 0391] @@@@`1190B IBrChr 145 [CIIC 0392] @@@@`1191 CIL 13.01183 @@@@`1192 CIL 10.8079 ICI 05.013 @@@@`1193 CIL 11.0308 CIL 11.00308 @@@@`1195 RS 03.p.242 @@@@`1196 IChUR(1) 01.0753 add. p. 582 IChUR(2) 02.04926 @@@@`1197 CIL 11.5926 @@@@`1198 CIL 08.00058a CIL 08.11117 @@@@`1198,adn. CIL 08.25192 @@@@`1200 IChUR(1) 01.0684 IChUR(2) 02.04174 @@@@`1200,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0952 a. 511 vel 428 RS 03.p.190 Ep.Dam. 073 [Ihm 020] @@@@`1201 I.Ostie B.228 CIL 14.1944 @@@@`1202 I.Ostie B.227 CIL 14.1943 @@@@`1203 IChUR(2) 06.15710 @@@@`1204 CIL 10.0101 ICI 05.044 @@@@`1204A CIL 10.1357 @@@@`1206 CIL 10.7201 @@@@`1206,adn. CIL 10.7789 @@@@`1207 CIL 11.1705 @@@@`1208 CIL 11.2561 @@@@`1208A CIL 11.2885 add. p. 1296 ICI 01.071 @@@@`1209 CIL 11.4996 CIL 11.04996 ICI 06.094 CIL 11.04996 @@@@`1211,adn. NBullAC 1896.144 @@@@`1212 IChUR(1) 02.171,28 @@@@`1213 CIL 12.1501 LeB., IC 487 CIL 12.01501 @@@@`1214 CIL 12.1695 LeB., IC 478A @@@@`1215 CIL 12.2087 LeB., IC 405A @@@@`1216 CIL 12.2700 LeB., IC 482 @@@@`1217 CIL 12.5862 LeB., NR 130 @@@@`1218 CIL 13.01483 LeB., NR 232 @@@@`1219 CIL 13.01511 LeB., IC 556C @@@@`1220 LeB., IC 565 @@@@`1220,adn. CIL 13.02379 LeB., IC 668 @@@@`1221 CIL 13.05359 add. p. 71 LeB., IC 679 LeB., NR p.465 (no. 679) @@@@`1222 CIL 13.07653 LeB., NR 064 @@@@`1222,adn. CIL 13.01110 @@@@`1223 CIL 03.08652 @@@@`1223 (22) CIL 03.02654 @@@@`1224 CIL 03.02661 add. p. 1032 @@@@`1225 CIL 03.14893 @@@@`1225,adn. CIL 03.10235 CIL 03.14368&4`09 @@@@`1225A CIL 03.14207&4`22 @@@@`1226 Vives 041 @@@@`1227 Vives 053 @@@@`1227A Vives 174 @@@@`1228,adn. CIL 08.04353 CIL 08.18539 @@@@`1229 CIL 08.23044a @@@@`1229,adn. CIL 08.13415(%19`13419) CIL 08.14116 CIL 08.25052 ILAlg 1.2763 s. ILAlg 1.3427 ILAlg 1.3573 s. @@@@`1230 ILAlg 1.1174 @@@@`1230,adn. CIL 11.4977 @@@@`1231 IChUR(1) 02.092,57 Ep.Dam. 068 [Ihm 034] @@@@`1232 IChUR(1) 02.106,050 IChUR(1) 02.107,054 @@@@`1233 IChUR(1) 02.106,049 @@@@`1235 CIL 10.1195 @@@@`1236 IChUR(1) 02.173,33 LeB., IC 654 @@@@`1237 CIL 13.01489 LeB., IC 564 LeB., NR 233 @@@@`1237,adn. Ep.Dam. 063 [Ihm 021] @@@@`1238 CIL 05.06467 @@@@`1239 CIL 03.13845 @@@@`1239,adn. CIL 03.12885 @@@@`1240 IChUR(1) 01.0743 IChUR(2) 08.22975 @@@@`1241 IChUR(1) 01.1096 IChUR(2) 02.04186 @@@@`1241,adn. CIL 11.0285 @@@@`1242 IChUR(2) 02.04202 @@@@`1243 CIL 05.07772 @@@@`1244 CIL 13.03786 Gose 413 @@@@`1244,adn. CIL 12.5346 CIL 13.03787 LeB., IC 293 AE 1904.054 %6 RICG 15.009 @@@@`1244,adn. (Adelfius) LeB., IC 613 @@@@`1245 CIL 03.09520 CIL 03.09521 CIL 03.12860 @@@@`1245a CIL 03.12860 left CIL 03.12850 left @@@@`1245b CIL 03.12860 right @@@@`1246 CIL 08.00452 CIL 08.11655 @@@@`1246A CIL 08.00880 add. p. 927; 1275 @@@@`1247 CIL 08.17445 ILAlg 1.0092 @@@@`1247,adn. CIL 08.13420%3`21 CIL 08.25053 CIL 08.25054 @@@@`1248 CIL 08.21588 @@@@`1249 IChUR(1) 01.1185 @@@@`1250 CIL 15.7192a @@@@`1251,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0631 IChUR(1) 01.1199 IChUR(2) 01.03542 @@@@`1252 CIL 09.01385 CIL 09.1385 CIL 09.1394 CIL 09.01385 @@@@`1253 CIL 10.4528 @@@@`1254 CIL 05.05692 @@@@`1255 CIL 13.02375 LeB., IC 036 CIL 13.02375 @@@@`1256 CIL 08.13426 @@@@`1257 CIL 08.25194 @@@@`1258A IChUR(2) 06.15700 @@@@`1258B IChUR(2) 01.03130 @@@@`1259 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1504 adn. p. 45 @@@@`1259A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01039 RS 02.p.275 tab. 38,28 @@@@`1260 CIL 09.01381 CIL 09.1381 CIL 09.01381 @@@@`1261 CIL 11.2559 @@@@`1262A CIL 05.05428 @@@@`1262B CIL 05.05428 @@@@`1263B CIL 08.25193 @@@@`1264 IChUR(2) 02.05176 @@@@`1266 IChUR(1) 01.0048 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1432 IChUR(2) 03.08719 @@@@`1267 IChUR(1) 01.0097 @@@@`1268 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1504 IChUR(2) 03.08143 @@@@`1269 IChUR(1) 01.0262 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1658 IChUR(2) 02.04815 @@@@`1269,adn. IChUR(2) 03.08165 @@@@`1270 IChUR(1) 01.0347 IChUR(2) 01.03200 @@@@`1271 IChUR(1) 01.0878 IChUR(2) 04.12426 @@@@`1272 IChUR(2) 07.19994 @@@@`1274 IChUR(2) 06.16380 @@@@`1274A IChUR(1) 01.0507 add. p. 577 IChUR(1) 01.0507 @@@@`1274A,adn. CIL 10.1193 CIL 10.1359 IChUR(2) 01.00284 IChUR(2) 01.01118 RS 03.p.274 @@@@`1275 CIL 10.7252 CIL 10.7551 @@@@`1276 CIL 09.01377 CIL 09.1377 CIL 09.01377 @@@@`1277 CIL 11.1704 @@@@`1277,adn. CIL 11.0550 @@@@`1277A ILTun 0429 @@@@`1277b CIL 11.1709 @@@@`1278 CIL 05.04118 @@@@`1280 CIL 12.2701 LeB., IC 484 @@@@`1281 CIL 13.02799 LeB., IC 011 @@@@`1282 CIL 03.13148 CIL 13.07636 LeB., NR 063 @@@@`1282,adn. CIL 03.04186 CIL 03.09591 @@@@`1283 Vives 097 @@@@`1284 CIL 08.00055 add. p. 2313 ILTun 0104 @@@@`1285 CIL 08.00453 add. p. 1199 @@@@`1286 CIL 08.13423 @@@@`1286,adn. CIL 08.13422 CIL 08.13424 CIL 08.13425 CIL 08.25055 @@@@`1286A CIL 08.23045 @@@@`1287 CIL 13.02385 LeB., IC 065 LeB., IC 667A @@@@`1288 CIL 13.03789 Gose 462 LeB., IC 292 @@@@`1288,adn. CIL 10.0178,3 CIL 10.3319 IChUR(2) 01.01486(?) NSc 1897.366 ICI 07.003 NSc 1897.366 @@@@`1289,adn. CIL 03.14305 @@@@`1290 IChUR(2) 01.01987 RS 03.p.525 @@@@`1290A IChUR(2) 02.05178 @@@@`1291 ICI 07.059 @@@@`1291,adn. IChUR(2) 02.06449,24.37 @@@@`1292 Vives 259 @@@@`1293 Vives 047 @@@@`1294 CIL 08.10640 add. p. 2731 ILAlg 1.3426 @@@@`1294A CIL 08.16839 add. p. 2731 ILAlg 1.1215 @@@@`1294A,adn. ILAlg 1.0431 @@@@`1295 CIL 08.19671 ILAlg 2.1938 @@@@`1295,adn. CIL 08.25191 @@@@`1296 IChUR(1) 01.0193 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1585 IChUR(2) 07.17456 @@@@`1296A IChUR(2) 01.01350 @@@@`1296A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03777 @@@@`1297 IChUR(1) 01.0219 IChUR(2) 04.12421 @@@@`1297A CIL 10.1542 @@@@`1298 CIL 03.13147 CIL 03.13961 @@@@`1299 IChUR(1) 01.0544 IChUR(1) 01.0550 add. p. 577 IChUR(2) 02.04844 @@@@`1300 Vives 093 @@@@`1301 CIL 03.14207&4`23 @@@@`1302 Vives 067 @@@@`1303 CIL 12.0649 add. p. 817 LeB., IC 542A @@@@`1304 IChUR(1) 01.1087 IChUR(2) 02.05088 @@@@`1305 IChUR(1) 01.1004 IChUR(2) 02.05044 @@@@`1306 IChUR(2) 02.04998 RS 03.p.524 IChUR(2) 02.04998 @@@@`1307 IChUR(1) 02.091,56 @@@@`1307,adn. IChUR(1) 01.1114 IChUR(2) 02.05759 @@@@`1308 LeB., IC 371 @@@@`1308A CIL 11.00270 CIL 11.0270 CIL 11.00270 @@@@`1309 CIL 09.1393 @@@@`1310 IChUR(1) 02.069,37 IChUR(2) 02.05745 @@@@`1312 IChUR(1) 01.1098 IChUR(2) 01.01477 @@@@`1313 CIL 10.1108 @@@@`1314 CIL 11.0315 @@@@`1315 CIL 11.4970 ICI 06.067 @@@@`1316 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1554 @@@@`1318A IChUR(2) 01.00377 @@@@`1319 IChUR(2) 01.01727 @@@@`1320 IChUR(2) 05.13568 @@@@`1321 IChUR(2) 03.06649 @@@@`1321,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01606 @@@@`1322 IChUR(2) 03.09143 @@@@`1324 IChUR(2) 02.04333 @@@@`1325 IChUR(1) 02.065,16 IChUR(1) 02.107,053 IChUR(2) 06.15795 @@@@`1326 CIL 13.03691 Gose 037 LeB., IC 277 @@@@`1327 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1516 IChUR(2) 04.09559 RS 03.p.231 RS 03.p.244 ss. IChUR(2) 04.09559 @@@@`1327A IChUR(1) 01.0179 IChUR(2) 01.02695 @@@@`1328 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1646 IChUR(2) 04.09568 RS 02.tab. 58,11 RS 03.p.269 IChUR(2) 04.09568 @@@@`1328,adn. IChUR(2) 02.06283 RS 03.p.219 @@@@`1329 CIL 10.1356 @@@@`1329A CIL 13.05594 [not 05591c add. p. 73!] @@@@`1329A,adn. CIL 08.13876 @@@@`1330 IChUR(2) 02.04571 @@@@`1330A IChUR(2) 02.05155 @@@@`1331 CIL 10.7173 @@@@`1331(21) IChUR(2) 01.02913 @@@@`1333 CIL 12.1503 LeB., IC 491 @@@@`1334 CIL 11.2551 @@@@`1336 CIL 03.13529 @@@@`1338 ILAlg 1.0085 @@@@`1339 RS 03.p.297 @@@@`1339,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01389 @@@@`1340 CIL 13.01656 LeB., IC 662 CIL 13.01656 @@@@`1341 CIL 12.2422 LeB., IC 465 @@@@`1341,adn. CIL 08.04321 CIL 12.2081 LeB., IC 688 @@@@`1342 CIL 06.30463 IChUR(2) 01.03909 @@@@`1344 CIL 10.04712 CIL 10.4712 CIL 10.04712 @@@@`1344,adn. CIL 11.1731 @@@@`1345 CIL 09.1563 add. p. 762 @@@@`1346 CIL 08.11106 57? @@@@`1346,adn. CIL 08.13977 @@@@`1347 IChUR(1) 01.0882 IChUR(2) 02.04985 @@@@`1348 CIL 08.05488 ILAlg 1.0433 @@@@`1349 ILAlg 1.0441 Vives 059 @@@@`1349,adn. CIL 08.23230 (nr. 233) @@@@`1349A ŇILTun 0124 @@@@`1350 CIL 12.2128 LeB., IC 399 @@@@`1351 IChUR(1) 01.0533 IChUR(2) 05.15357 @@@@`1352 IChUR(1) 01.0585 IChUR(2) 05.13388 @@@@`1352B IChUR(2) 06.16412 @@@@`1353A CIL 09.3708 IChUR(2) 01.01787 @@@@`1353B IChUR(2) 01.01711 @@@@`1353C IChUR(2) 01.01798 @@@@`1354,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0669 IChUR(1) 01.0886 IChUR(1) 01.1339 IChUR(2) 01.00139 IChUR(2) 01.01153 IChUR(2) 01.02479 RS 03.p.111 tab. 19,35 @@@@`1354,adn. (prima verba) IChUR(2) 02.06268 @@@@`1355 CIL 14.1897 @@@@`1356 CIL 10.01338 CIL 10.1338 CIL 10.01338 @@@@`1357 CIL 10.07113 CIL 10.7113 add. p. 992 CIL 10.07113 @@@@`1358 ILSard 01.0299 @@@@`1359 CIL 11.01019 CIL 11.1019 CIL 11.01019 @@@@`1359A IChUR(2) 01.02736 @@@@`1366 IChUR(2) 02.04998 @@@@`1369 CIL 12.0490 LeB., IC 550 @@@@`1370 CIL 13.03823 Gose 018 Gose 456 LeB., IC 284 LeB., NR 036 LeB., NR 341 @@@@`1370,adn. CIL 13.03883 @@@@`1371 CIL 13.03816 Gose 421 LeB., IC 229 LeB., IC 244 LeB., NR 375 @@@@`1371,adn. CIL 13.03798 CIL 13.03827 Gose 007 Gose 426 @@@@`1372 CIL 13.03847 Gose 443 LeB., NR 380 @@@@`1373 CIL 13.03859 Gose 034 LeB., IC 273 @@@@`1373A CIL 13.03861 Gose 738 LeB., IC 275 @@@@`1374 CIL 13.03899 Gose 070 LeB., IC 295 @@@@`1374,adn. CIL 13.03903 LeB., IC 300 @@@@`1375A CIL 13.08477 LeB., IC 352 @@@@`1375B CIL 13.08479%3`80 LeB., NR 437 @@@@`1376 CIL 03.04217 @@@@`1377 Vives 022 @@@@`1378 Vives 248 @@@@`1379 CIL 08.05492 add. p. 1659 Vives 021 @@@@`1380 CIL 08.00056 @@@@`1381 CIL 08.00463 CIL 08.00707 @@@@`1381A ILTun 0526 @@@@`1381A,adn. CIL 08.01390 add. p. 938; 1449 CIL 08.02017 p. 939 CIL 08.16518 CIL 08.27695 ILAlg 1.3458 @@@@`1381B CIL 08.00671 CIL 08.11794 @@@@`1381C CIL 08.00672 @@@@`1382 CIL 08.11895 ILTun 0532 ILTun 0554 @@@@`1382,adn. CIL 08.23583 CIL 08.23584 @@@@`1383 CIL 08.23586 @@@@`1383,adn. CIL 08.23567 @@@@`1383a CIL 08.23571 @@@@`1384 CIL 08.23230a @@@@`1385 CIL 08.02013 CIL 08.16516 add. p. 2731 ILAlg 1.3424 @@@@`1386 CIL 08.10641 CIL 08.16663 add. p. 2732 ILAlg 1.3457 @@@@`1386A CIL 08.27923 ILAlg 1.3462 @@@@`1387 CIL 08.05262 ILAlg 1.0083 @@@@`1387A CIL 08.05263 add. p. 1650 ILAlg 1.0084 @@@@`1388 CIL 08.05264 add. p. 1650 @@@@`1388,adn. ILAlg 1.1083 @@@@`1388A ILAlg 1.1086 @@@@`1389 CIL 08.11084 add. p. 2311 ILTun 0089 @@@@`1390 CIL 08.23392 @@@@`1390,adn. CIL 08.00618 add. p. 2369 @@@@`1391 CIL 08.09591 add. p. 1984 @@@@`1391,adn. CIL 08.10715 ILAlg 1.2992 @@@@`1391A CIL 08.20918 @@@@`1392 CIL 08.25812 CIL 08.25818 @@@@`1394 CIL 08.23061 @@@@`1394A CIL 08.23059 @@@@`1394B CIL 08.23060 ILTun 0256 @@@@`1395 CIL 08.23038r @@@@`1395A CIL 08.23038 ILTun 0210 @@@@`1396 CIL 08.27759 ILTun 1573 @@@@`1397 CIL 08.27696 @@@@`1397A CIL 08.27694 ILTun 1608 @@@@`1398 CIL 08.23049k @@@@`1398A CIL 08.23053p CIL 08.23053t ILTun 0239 @@@@`1398A,adn. CIL 08.23049f CIL 08.23053m CIL 08.23053s @@@@`1398BC CIL 08.23053gk ILTun 0848 @@@@`1398BC,adn. CIL 08.00983 @@@@`1399 CIL 08.23049i @@@@`1400 CIL 08.17717 @@@@`1400,adn. CIL 08.27814 @@@@`1402 CIL 08.23344 @@@@`1402,adn. CIL 08.01104 CIL 08.10543 %6 12482 CIL 08.12410 CIL 08.12482 %6 10543 CIL 08.13516 CIL 08.13558 CIL 08.13614 CIL 08.13615ss CIL 08.13623 CIL 08.13652 CIL 08.13797 CIL 08.13800 CIL 08.13872ss CIL 08.14124 CIL 08.14192 CIL 08.14213 add. p. 2459 CIL 08.14222 CIL 08.14232 CIL 08.14326 CIL 08.25093 CIL 08.25117 CIL 08.25118 CIL 08.25134 CIL 08.25135 CIL 08.25149 CIL 08.25168 CIL 08.25218s CIL 08.25226 CIL 08.25228 CIL 08.25256 CIL 08.25262 CIL 08.25286 CIL 08.25293 CIL 08.25307 CIL 08.25321b CIL 08.25335 CIL 08.25340 CIL 08.25345 CIL 08.25410 @@@@`1402A CIL 08.01246 add. p. 1398 @@@@`1403 CIL 08.08635 add. p. 972 @@@@`1403A CIL 08.08651 add. p. 972 @@@@`1404 CIL 08.20909 @@@@`1404,adn. CIL 10.7116 @@@@`1404A CIL 08.25813 @@@@`1404Aadn. CIL 08.25369 @@@@`1405 ILAlg 1.2789 @@@@`1405,adn. CIL 08.25892a ILAlg 1.2788bis ILAlg 1.2790 ILAlg 1.2791 ILAlg 1.2795 ILAlg 1.2797 ILAlg 1.2800 ILAlg 1.2801 ILAlg 1.2804 @@@@`1405A ILAlg 1.2803 @@@@`1405B ILAlg 1.2793 @@@@`1406 CIL 08.25357a ILTun 1044 @@@@`1406A CIL 08.14004 @@@@`1406B CIL 08.25302 @@@@`1406C CIL 08.25152 @@@@`1407 CIL 08.25325 @@@@`1407A,adn. CIL 08.01083 add. p. 929 CIL 08.10540 CIL 08.13468 CIL 08.14017 CIL 08.14122 CIL 08.14147 CIL 08.25073 CIL 08.25214 CIL 08.25240 CIL 08.25250 CIL 08.25290 @@@@`1407Aa CIL 08.14145 add. p. 2459 @@@@`1407Ab CIL 08.14181 @@@@`1407B CIL 08.01087 @@@@`1407B,adn. CIL 08.25064 @@@@`1408 CIL 08.25331 @@@@`1408A CIL 08.13440 @@@@`1408A,adn. CIL 08.01169a add. p. 929 CIL 08.13499 CIL 08.13770 CIL 08.14219 CIL 08.25119 CIL 08.25195 CIL 08.25203 CIL 08.25209 CIL 08.25213 CIL 08.25220 CIL 08.25254 CIL 08.25255 CIL 08.25258 CIL 08.25293a CIL 08.25300a CIL 08.25328a @@@@`1409 CIL 08.14235 @@@@`1410 CIL 08.25313 @@@@`1410,adn. CIL 08.13500 CIL 08.25061 CIL 08.25260 @@@@`1411 CIL 08.13876 CIL 08.14236 add. p. 2459 @@@@`1411,adn. CIL 08.13742 CIL 08.13865 CIL 08.25202 CIL 08.25269 CIL 08.25330 @@@@`1411adn. CIL 08.14108 @@@@`1412 CIL 08.25323 @@@@`1413 CIL 08.25346 @@@@`1414 CIL 08.25159 @@@@`1414,adn. CIL 08.13751 CIL 08.13972 CIL 08.13990 @@@@`1415,adn. CIL 08.01169 CIL 08.25079 CIL 08.25100 @@@@`1416 CIL 08.13545 ILTun 0927 @@@@`1417 CIL 08.13784 ILTun 0933 @@@@`1418 CIL 08.13518 @@@@`1418A CIL 08.25347 @@@@`1419 CIL 14.2424 @@@@`1421 CIL 12.2092 LeB., IC 432B @@@@`1421,adn. CIL 08.13394 @@@@`1421A CIL 12.2487 LeB., IC 474B @@@@`1422 CIL 13.02357 LeB., IC 667 CIL 13.02357 @@@@`1423 CIL 13.07558 LeB., NR 067 @@@@`1424,adn. Vives 070 @@@@`1424AB Vives 064 @@@@`1424C Vives 180 @@@@`1424D Vives 056 @@@@`1424D,adn. Vives 027 Vives 050 Vives 051 Vives 075 Vives 108 Vives 109 Vives 125 Vives 141 @@@@`1425 Vives 083 @@@@`1425A Vives 182 @@@@`1425B Vives 117 @@@@`1426 Vives 098 @@@@`1427 Vives 099 @@@@`1428 Vives 052 @@@@`1429 Vives 152 @@@@`1429,adn. Vives 062 @@@@`1429A Vives 034 @@@@`1429A,adn. Vives 040 @@@@`1430 Vives 134 @@@@`1430,adn. Vives 077 @@@@`1431 CIL 05.05419 @@@@`1431,adn. IChUR(1) 01.1259 @@@@`1432 CIL 12.2090 LeB., IC 406 @@@@`1432,adn. CIL 12.01692 CIL 12.1692 CIL 12.2109 LeB., IC 458E CIL 12.01692 @@@@`1433 CIL 12.2116 LeB., NR 103 @@@@`1434 CIL 12.02421 CIL 12.2421 LeB., NR 126 CIL 12.02421 @@@@`1434,adn. LeB., NR 147 @@@@`1434A CIL 12.2652 LeB., NR 143 @@@@`1435 CIL 13.01367 LeB., NR 225 @@@@`1436 Vives 089 @@@@`1436,adn. Vives 031 Vives 068 Vives 161 @@@@`1437 Vives 144 @@@@`1437A Vives 025 %6 478 Vives 478 %6 025 @@@@`1438 Vives 058 @@@@`1439,adn. Vives 030 @@@@`1439A Vives 029 @@@@`1439B Vives 123 @@@@`1440 Vives 061 @@@@`1440,adn. CIL 05.5219,B @@@@`1441 Vives 128 @@@@`1441,adn. Vives 078 @@@@`1441A Vives 032 %6 479 Vives 479 %6 032 @@@@`1441A,adn. Vives 033 @@@@`1441B Vives 055 @@@@`1441C Vives 035 @@@@`1441D Vives 126 @@@@`1443 CIL 10.01519 CIL 10.1519 CIL 10.01519 @@@@`1445A,adn. CIL 05.05423 CIL 05.08910 CIL 10.5329 CIL 05.05423 CIL 05.08910 @@@@`1446 Vives 116 @@@@`1447 CIL 02.5189 Vives 371 @@@@`1447A Vives 171 @@@@`1447B Vives 170 @@@@`1447C Vives 162 @@@@`1449 CIL 03.03996 add. p. 1742; 02328&4`114 @@@@`1450 Vives 148 @@@@`1451 Vives 115 @@@@`1451A Vives 088 @@@@`1452 Vives 136%3`7 @@@@`1452A Vives 095 @@@@`1452B Vives 084 @@@@`1453 ILAlg 1.2772 @@@@`1454 CIL 15.7177 @@@@`1454B,adn. IChUR(1) 01.1268 IChUR(2) 01.01486bis IChUR(2) 01.02884 IChUR(2) 01.03798 IChUR(2) 01.04065 RS 03.tab. 48,05 @@@@`1455 CIL 10.7747 @@@@`1455A CIL 11.1699 @@@@`1456 CIL 08.05488 add. p. 1659 ILAlg 1.0432 ILTun 0228 @@@@`1456,adn. CIL 08.23049g @@@@`1457 ILAlg 1.2761 @@@@`1457,adn. CIL 12.5868 ILAlg 1.2765 @@@@`1457,adn. (Ispes) LeB., NR 127 @@@@`1458 CIL 14.1963 I.Ostie B.242 @@@@`1459 CIL 11.0332 @@@@`1460 IChUR(2) 01.01778 @@@@`1461 CIL 12.2361 LeB., IC 385 @@@@`1461,adn. CIL 03.09559 @@@@`1462 ILTun 1692 @@@@`1462A IChUR(2) 01.03824 @@@@`1463 CIL 13.00905 add. p. 6 LeB., IC 586A @@@@`1464 IChUR(1) 01.0288 IChUR(2) 01.03194 @@@@`1464,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0661 IChUR(2) 02.04890 RS 03.p.011,4 tab. 20,09 IChUR(2) 02.04890 @@@@`1464B RS 02.tab. 57,25 @@@@`1465A IChUR(2) 06.15629 @@@@`1465A,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0911 IChUR(2) 02.05184 @@@@`1466 CIL 10.1109 @@@@`1466,adn. CIL 10.1394 @@@@`1466A CIL 11.1725 @@@@`1467 CIL 12.5402 LeB., NR 303 @@@@`1467A CIL 12.0480 LeB., IC 544 @@@@`1467B CIL 12.0244 LeB., IC 622A @@@@`1468 IChUR(1) 01.0497 IChUR(2) 04.11133 RS 01.tab. 25,02 IChUR(2) 04.11133 @@@@`1469 IChUR(2) 01.03252 IChUR(2) 06.17284 @@@@`1470 I.Maroc 2.016 @@@@`1471 CIL 08.21816 @@@@`1472 IChUR(1) 02.444,185 IChUR(2) 01.00544 @@@@`1473 Vives 090 @@@@`1474A IChUR(2) 01.02274 @@@@`1474B IChUR(2) 01.01386 @@@@`1474B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03704 @@@@`1474C CIL 11.6473 LeB., IC 656 ICI 06.132 @@@@`1474C,adn. CIL 11.2875 ICI 01.061 @@@@`1475 CIL 13.00500 LeB., NR 289 @@@@`1475A CIL 08.23017 @@@@`1475A,adn. CIL 08.09593 CIL 08.20959 @@@@`1476 CIL 08.08639 add. p. 1920 @@@@`1476A($A&) CIL 08.08648,1%19`3 CIL 08.20414 @@@@`1476A($B&) CIL 08.08648,4%19`6 CIL 08.20415 @@@@`1476A,adn. CIL 08.08638 add. p. 1920 CIL 08.08642 @@@@`1477 IChUR(1) 01.0099 IChUR(2) 08.20773 @@@@`1477,adn. CIL 14.0785 @@@@`1477A IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1561 IChUR(2) 07.17448 @@@@`1478 IChUR(1) 01.0214 IChUR(2) 01.02087 @@@@`1478A IChUR(1) 01.0226 IChUR(1) 01.0234 IChUR(2) 01.02088 @@@@`1479 IChUR(1) 01.0284 IChUR(2) 01.03142 @@@@`1479A IChUR(1) 01.0311 IChUR(2) 01.03197 @@@@`1480 IChUR(1) 01.0356 add. p. 576 IChUR(2) 01.03202 @@@@`1481 IChUR(1) 01.0377 IChUR(2) 01.02771 @@@@`1482 CIL 06.26669 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1855 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1885 @@@@`1483 IChUR(1) 01.0439 IChUR(2) 01.04073 @@@@`1484 IChUR(2) 01.03552 @@@@`1484,adn. RS 02.tab. 57,15 @@@@`1484A IChUR(2) 01.00647 @@@@`1484C IChUR(2) 01.02995 @@@@`1485A IChUR(2) 02.04582 @@@@`1485B IChUR(2) 05.14490 @@@@`1485C,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01728 RS 03.p.275 @@@@`1485D IChUR(2) 01.01286 @@@@`1486 RS 03.p.297 @@@@`1487 IChUR(2) 01.01799 @@@@`1488A IChUR(2) 03.08997 @@@@`1488B IChUR(2) 01.02833 @@@@`1489 IChUR(2) 01.01614 @@@@`1489B IChUR(2) 02.06100 @@@@`1490 CIL 10.04487 CIL 10.4487 CIL 10.04487 @@@@`1491 CIL 10.04492 CIL 10.4492 CIL 10.04492 @@@@`1492 CIL 09.2081 @@@@`1493 CIL 09.3136 ICI 03.004 @@@@`1494 CIL 11.00802 CIL 11.0802 Ep.Dam. abiecit [Ihm 083] %103Ps.%19Dam.%103 CIL 11.00802 @@@@`1495 CIL 11.2560 @@@@`1496 CIL 11.2563 @@@@`1497 CIL 11.2848 ICI 01.023 @@@@`1498 CIL 11.4075 ICI 04.036 @@@@`1500 CIL 05.06257 @@@@`1501 CIL 05.06224 @@@@`1503 CIL 12.5403 LeB., IC 599 @@@@`1504 CIL 13.01548 add. p. 20 CIL 13.01548 LeB., NR 242 LeB., NR 369 CIL 13.01548 @@@@`1504,adn. CIL 13.03788 Gose 102 @@@@`1505 CIL 03.09503 add. p. 2139 CIL 03.09503 add. bis @@@@`1508 IChUR(1) 01.0446 IChUR(2) 01.02812 @@@@`1508A IChUR(2) 01.01533 @@@@`1509 CIL 08.23048 ILTun 0225 @@@@`1509,adn. CIL 06.03221 CIL 06.26660 CIL 06.32784 IChUR(2) 01.02759 @@@@`1509A IChUR(2) 01.03495 @@@@`1510 IChUR(1) 01.0805 @@@@`1510(2) IChUR(2) 01.00927 @@@@`1511A Vives 154 @@@@`1511B Vives 155 @@@@`1512 CIL 12.5750 LeB., NR 331 @@@@`1512,adn. CIL 08.16651 ILAlg 1.3461 @@@@`1513 IChUR(1) 02.424,044 @@@@`1514 Ep.Dam. abiecit [Ihm 074] %103Ps.%19Dam.%103 IChUR(1) 02.080,13 IChUR(1) 02.328,10 IChUR(2) 02.04785 @@@@`1515 IChUR(1) 01.0270 IChUR(2) 04.12532 @@@@`1515A IChUR(2) 01.00396 @@@@`1516 CIL 13.02402 IChUR(1) 02.261,3 LeB., IC 665 (p. 551) @@@@`1516,adn. CIL 12.0959 LeB., NR 189 @@@@`1517 IChUR(1) 02.098,003 IChUR(2) 02.04129 @@@@`1518 IChUR(2) 01.01483 @@@@`1519 CIL 12.1729 LeB., IC 486 @@@@`1520 IChUR(1) 02. p.xi IChUR(2) 01.01371 @@@@`1521 Vives 291 @@@@`1522 CIL 08.20911 @@@@`1523 CIL 03.09586 @@@@`1524 IChUR(2) 06.15634 @@@@`1525 CIL 10.04488 CIL 10.4488 CIL 10.04488 @@@@`1526 IChUR(1) 01.0572 IChUR(2) 07.17540 @@@@`1527 IChUR(2) 01.02784 @@@@`1528 CIL 08.09592 add. p. 1984; 974 @@@@`1529,adn. CIL 11.1716 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1517 IChUR(2) 05.14808 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1517 IChUR(2) 05.14808 @@@@`1529A IChUR(2) 01.01724 @@@@`1533 CIL 08.21549 @@@@`1534 CIL 08.09733 IChUR(2) 03.09254 @@@@`1535 IChUR(2) 06.17005 @@@@`1536 IChUR(2) 01.01764 @@@@`1537,adn. IChUR(2) 02.06131 @@@@`1539 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1430 IChUR(2) 03.07379 @@@@`1540 CIL 13.02718 add. p. 30 LeB., IC 005 @@@@`1541 IChUR(1) 01.0810 IChUR(2) 06.15895 @@@@`1541A IChUR(2) 01.03946 IChUR(2) 06.17107 @@@@`1542 CIL 13.02432 CIL 13.08483 LeB., IC 355 @@@@`1542,adn. CIL 12.2156 LeB., NR 112 @@@@`1545 IChUR(1) 01.0039 add, p. 574 IChUR(2) 08.21597 @@@@`1545,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00152 @@@@`1546 CIL 10.8377b @@@@`1546,adn. CIL 14.1882 @@@@`1547 CIL 11.2836 add. p. 1296 ICI 01.008 @@@@`1548 IChUR(1) 01.0272 IChUR(2) 01.03189 @@@@`1549 CIL 10.7112 @@@@`1550 CIL 10.4518 @@@@`1551 CIL 13.02355 LeB., IC 035 CIL 13.02355 @@@@`1551A Vives 142 @@@@`1552 CIL 12.00590 with Add. p. 815 CIL 12.0590 add. p. 815 LeB., IC 623 LeB., NR p.465 (no. 623) CIL 12.00590 with Add. p. 815 @@@@`1553 CIL 13.02373 CIL 13.02373, cf. 2393 LeB., IC 066 CIL 13.02373, cf. 2393 @@@@`1554 Vives 042 %6 486 Vives 486 %6 42 @@@@`1554,adn. CIL 12.2085a LeB., IC 697 @@@@`1555 Vives 057 @@@@`1555,adn. CIL 08.23010 @@@@`1556 CIL 11.04332 CIL 11.4332 ICI 06.020 CIL 11.04332 ICI 06.020 @@@@`1557 CIL 11.7565 @@@@`1557,adn. CIL 08.21551 @@@@`1558 RS 03.p.243 @@@@`1559 IChUR(1) 01.0634 add. p. 580 IChUR(2) 02.04880 @@@@`1560 IChUR(1) 02.099,011 IChUR(1) 02.158,02 IChUR(2) 02.04233 @@@@`1561 RS 02.p.185 ss. tab. 37%3`38,19 @@@@`1563 CIL 15.7138 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1505 IChUR(2) 04.09558 RS 03.p.230 RS 03.p.244 s. @@@@`1563,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0937 IChUR(2) 01.00943c @@@@`1564A IChUR(2) 01.03748 @@@@`1565 IChUR(2) 05.12981 @@@@`1565B CIL 11.4342 ICI 06.031 @@@@`1566 IChUR(2) 05.12932 @@@@`1567 IChUR(2) 05.12961 @@@@`1567,adn. IChUR(2) 05.12942 @@@@`1568 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1638 @@@@`1569a%19b IChUR(2) 06.15942 @@@@`1569c%19d IChUR(2) 06.15943 @@@@`1569e%19f IChUR(2) 06.15945 @@@@`1569g%19h IChUR(2) 06.15944 @@@@`1570 CIL 08.20277 @@@@`1571 CIL 08.20780 @@@@`1572 CIL 11.0943 add. p. 1249 @@@@`1573 CIL 08.20334 @@@@`1574 LeB., IC 041 @@@@`1574, cf. 438,adn. 2177,adn. CIL 13.01855 @@@@`1574,adn. CIL 13.01486 LeB., NR 243A @@@@`1575 I.Ital. 10,1.350 @@@@`1578 CIL 11.2538 add. p. 1281 @@@@`1579 ILAlg 1.2757 @@@@`1579A CIL 08.05176 add. p. 961; 1634 ILAlg 1.0927 @@@@`1579A,adn. CIL 03.09611 CIL 03.12874a IChUR(2) 01.00301 @@@@`1580 CIL 08.09710 @@@@`1580,adn. CIL 03.08259 @@@@`1581,adn. CIL 08.05494 IChUR(2) 01.01582 @@@@`1582,adn. CIL 08.13396 CIL 08.27982 ILAlg 1.0429 ILAlg 1.3761 @@@@`1583 CIL 08.09585 CIL 08.20958 @@@@`1584 CIL 11.0320 @@@@`1584,adn. CIL 03.08752 add. p. 2261 @@@@`1584A IChUR(2) 06.16999 @@@@`1584A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00119 @@@@`1584B RS 02.tab. 41,17 @@@@`1584B,adn. RS 03.p.113 tab. 19,43 @@@@`1585 CIL 06.37231 @@@@`1585A,3108 IChUR(2) 05.13383 @@@@`1585A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02749 @@@@`1586 CIL 13.07813 @@@@`1587 CIL 12.02058 CIL 12.2058 LeB., IC 436 CIL 12.02058 @@@@`1588 CIL 13.02358 LeB., IC 057 CIL 13.02358 @@@@`1588,adn. CIL 13.02429 LeB., NR 007 @@@@`1589 CIL 13.11963 @@@@`1590 IChUR(2) 01.00468 @@@@`1590A ILAlg 1.2762 @@@@`1591 CIL 10.8247 @@@@`1591,adn. CIL 03.09508 @@@@`1591A IChUR(2) 01.01575 @@@@`1593 ILAlg 1.2766 @@@@`1593AB ILTun 0382 @@@@`1594 CIL 12.2124 LeB., IC 421 @@@@`1595A ILAlg 1.2768 @@@@`1596 CIL 06.18080b IChUR(2) 03.08808 @@@@`1596,adn. RS 03.p.061 i. @@@@`1597 IChUR(2) 03.06555 RS 01.p.109 @@@@`1598 CIL 12.4057 add. p. 842 LeB., NR 299 @@@@`1598A CIL 08.08771 @@@@`1599 IChUR(1) 01.0412 IChUR(2) 01.00727 @@@@`1600 IChUR(2) 01.04063 @@@@`1601,adn. CIL 08.14081 @@@@`1601A ILAlg 1.2759 @@@@`1601B ILAlg 1.2760 @@@@`1601B,adn. CIL 06.31996 @@@@`1602 IChUR(1) 01.1133 IChUR(1) 01.1393 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1393 %103ad%103 @@@@`1602B CIL 11.0159&4%7& 44 IChUR(2) 01.03363 %6 4060 IChUR(2) 01.04060 %6 3363 @@@@`1603 IChUR(1) 01.0211 IChUR(2) 02.04165 @@@@`1604 Ep.Dam. 034 [Ihm 035] @@@@`1604,adn. CIL 08.23130 IChUR(1) 01.0856 @@@@`1605 IChUR(1) 01.0523 IChUR(2) 01.03221 IChUR(2) 02.04242 @@@@`1605A,adn. CIL 11.6782 @@@@`1606 CIL 11.4964 ICI 06.081 @@@@`1607 RS 03.p.177 tab. 25,32 @@@@`1607,adn. CIL 12.2165 @@@@`1607A IChUR(2) 01.01845,03 @@@@`1607A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03973 @@@@`1608 IBrChr 134 @@@@`1609 CIL 06.25075 @@@@`1609,adn. CIL 08.09941 CIL 13.02437 CIL 13.03851 CIL 13.03913 Gose 028 IChUR(1) 01.1011 IChUR(2) 02.05046 ILAlg 1.3418bis LeB., NR 343 IChUR(2) 02.05046 @@@@`1610 CIL 08.07582 CIL 08.25042 @@@@`1611A IChUR(2) 01.01714 @@@@`1611B, 4232C IChUR(2) 02.04245 @@@@`1611B,adn. IChUR(2) 05.12889 @@@@`1611C IChUR(2) 02.04589 @@@@`1612 CIL 13.03782 @@@@`1612b LeB., NR 039 @@@@`1612c LeB., NR 040 @@@@`1613 ILAlg 1.2771 @@@@`1613A ILTun 0148 @@@@`1613A,adn. CIL 08.22908 CIL 11.2855 CIL 13.07690 ICI 01.020 @@@@`1614 IChUR(1) 01.0563 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1614 IChUR(2) 04.11102 @@@@`1615 IChUR(1) 01.0883 IChUR(2) 04.11166 RS 01.tab. 25 IChUR(2) 04.11166 @@@@`1615,adn. CIL 13.02371 IChUR(1) 01.0267 IChUR(2) 07.17472 CIL 13.02371 IChUR(2) 07.17472 @@@@`1615,adn. (Lugdun.) LeB., IC 078 @@@@`1616 CIL 13.02474 LeB., IC 374 @@@@`1616a CIL 13.02474 @@@@`1617 IChUR(2) 06.17116 @@@@`1617,adn. CIL 03.12511 CIL 08.27930 CIL 10.0668 CIL 10.7177 CIL 11.6785 CIL 12.2122 IChUR(2) 01.00419 IChUR(2) 01.03741 IChUR(2) 03.08275 ILAlg 1.3590 LeB., IC 419A @@@@`1618 CIL 08.12130 @@@@`1619 CIL 13.05656 LeB., NR 001 @@@@`1619A CIL 08.10874 ILAlg 2.1939 @@@@`1620 IChUR(2) 03.08579 @@@@`1621 CIL 08.01767 add. p. 1523 ILTun 1494 @@@@`1621,adn. CIL 08.14117 CIL 08.27337 @@@@`1622a CIL 08.05346 CIL 08.17579 @@@@`1622ab ILAlg 1.0278 @@@@`1622b CIL 08.05359 CIL 08.17529 @@@@`1623 CIL 08.01106 ILTun 0885 @@@@`1624 CIL 10.3314 @@@@`1625 Vives 340 @@@@`1628 CIL 08.07923 @@@@`1629 IChUR(1) 02.046 @@@@`1631 CIL 06.37833 @@@@`1631a IChUR(2) 06.15844 @@@@`1632 IChUR(2) 06.15810 @@@@`1633 CIL 13.05338 @@@@`1634 CIL 13.10036,48 @@@@`1634,adn. CIL 15.6956 @@@@`1634B IChUR(1) 02.443,159 @@@@`1634C IChUR(1) 02.443,157 @@@@`1634D IChUR(1) 02.443,156 @@@@`1634E IChUR(1) 02.443,160 @@@@`1634F IChUR(1) 02.443,163 @@@@`1636 CIL 08.02272 add. p. 950; 1677 c. imag. @@@@`1637 IChUR(1) 02.438,127 @@@@`1637A IChUR(1) 02.443,162 @@@@`1638 IChUR(2) 06.15823 @@@@`1639 IChUR(2) 03.08604 @@@@`1640 CIL 08.08650 add. p. 973 @@@@`1641 CIL 08.09519 add. p. 1894 ILTun 0268 @@@@`1642 CIL 08.23127 @@@@`1642A IChUR(2) 01.01150 @@@@`1643 CIL 10.01539 CIL 10.1539 CIL 10.01539 @@@@`1644 CIL 12.0944 LeB., IC 512 @@@@`1645 Vives 285 @@@@`1646 IChUR(1) 02.294,4 Vives 284 @@@@`1647 Vives 280 @@@@`1648 CIL 12.1553 LeB., IC 471 @@@@`1648B Egli 09,04 @@@@`1649 CIL 08.22897 ILTun 0133 @@@@`1650 IChUR(2) 08.20836 @@@@`1651 CIL 10.4514 @@@@`1652 CIL 12.5352 add. p. 856 LeB., IC 615 @@@@`1653 CIL 03.09551 add. p. 2139 CIL 03.09551 add. p. 2328 @@@@`1654 CIL 10.1376 @@@@`1655 CIL 13.01178 LeB., IC 576F @@@@`1656 CIL 13.02628 @@@@`1657 CIL 13.02431 LeB., IC 073 @@@@`1658 CIL 13.05593 [not 05591b add. p. 73!] @@@@`1659,adn. CIL 08.23921 @@@@`1659a Vives 149 @@@@`1659b Vives 150 @@@@`1661 CIL 08.23038 ILTun 0209 @@@@`1662 CIL 15.4858 @@@@`1663 CIL 11.6804 @@@@`1663,adn. RS 03.p.272 @@@@`1664 CIL 05.07412 IChUR(2) 01.03900 ICI 07.020 CIL 05.07412 ICI 07.020 @@@@`1665 CIL 12.02062 CIL 12.2062 LeB., IC 434 CIL 12.02062 @@@@`1666A,adn. CIL 08.25251 @@@@`1667 CIL 10.07329 CIL 10.7329 CIL 10.07329 @@@@`1667,adn. CIL 11.01290 CIL 11.1290 add. p. 1252 IChUR(2) 01.00778 CIL 11.01290 @@@@`1668 CIL 05.06266 @@@@`1669 CIL 05.06816 I.Ital. 11,2.044 CIL 05.06816 @@@@`1670 CIL 12.0482 LeB., IC 545 @@@@`1670A IChUR(2) 01.03024 @@@@`1671 CIL 12.02070 CIL 12.2070 LeB., IC 435 CIL 12.02070 @@@@`1672 CIL 12.02081 CIL 12.2081 LeB., IC 688 CIL 12.02081 @@@@`1673 CIL 12.2151 @@@@`1673,adn. CIL 12.02064 CIL 12.2064 LeB., IC 387A CIL 12.02064 @@@@`1674 CIL 13.02377 LeB., IC 663 @@@@`1676 CIL 13.02386 LeB., IC 047 @@@@`1677 CIL 12.2188 LeB., IC 468 @@@@`1677,adn. CIL 12.2178b LeB., NR 121B @@@@`1678 CIL 12.2367 ILGN 297 RICG 15.078 @@@@`1679 CIL 13.02389 LeB., NR 005 @@@@`1680 CIL 13.02406 LeB., IC 029A @@@@`1681 CIL 13.03514 LeB., IC 676 @@@@`1682 CIL 13.03848 LeB., IC 259 @@@@`1682A IChUR(2) 01.02033 @@@@`1683 CIL 08.10689 CIL 08.16742 ILAlg 1.2966 @@@@`1684 CIL 08.20301 @@@@`1684,adn. CIL 08.27336 @@@@`1685 CIL 08.00078 add. p. 1153 CIL 10.7777 CIL 10.7778 @@@@`1686 CIL 03.03996a @@@@`1686A CIL 08.27914 ILAlg 1.3428 @@@@`1687 CIL 12.02193 CIL 12.2079 CIL 12.2193 CIL 12.02193 LeB., NR 133 @@@@`1687,adn. CIL 13.02387 RICG 15.App.09* @@@@`1688 CIL 13.02420 LeB., IC 052 @@@@`1688,adn. CIL 12.2169 @@@@`1689 CIL 12.1045 add. p. 821 LeB., IC 597 LeB., NR 298 @@@@`1690 CIL 13.02405 IChUR(1) 01.1208 @@@@`1690,adn. CIL 12.02074 %6 RICG 15.177 IChUR(2) 02.05146 @@@@`1690i LeB., IC 018 @@@@`1691 CIL 12.0975 @@@@`1692 IChUR(1) 01.1018 IChUR(2) 01.02124 @@@@`1693 CIL 05.07415 ICI 07.012A CIL 05.07415 ICI 07.012A @@@@`1694 CIL 12.5350 LeB., NR 311 @@@@`1695 Vives 286 @@@@`1696 Ep.Dam. 011 [Ihm 010] IChUR(1) 02.104,012 @@@@`1697 ILTun 1133 @@@@`1698A CIL 05.06741 @@@@`1699 CIL 13.01491 LeB., IC 560 @@@@`1701 CIL 05.01822 @@@@`1702 CIL 08.27915 ILAlg 1.3430 @@@@`1703 CIL 13.02354 LeB., IC 044 @@@@`1703, cf. 3369,adn. CIL 13.02354 @@@@`1704 CIL 13.03053 LeB., IC 203 @@@@`1704,adn. CIL 08.25059 @@@@`1705 CIL 12.2408 LeB., IC 392 @@@@`1705,adn. CIL 08.21570 CIL 12.0963 LeB., NR 188 @@@@`1706 IChUR(1) 01.0745 IChUR(2) 01.00942 @@@@`1707 IChUR(1) 01.0524b IChUR(2) 01.01462 @@@@`1708 IChUR(2) 07.17583 @@@@`1708,adn. CIL 06.32029 IChUR(1) 01.0813 IChUR(1) 01.0836 IChUR(2) 01.01470 IChUR(2) 02.04959 IChUR(2) 07.17584 IChUR(2) 02.04959 IChUR(2) 07.17584 @@@@`1709 CIL 10.1342 @@@@`1709,adn. CIL 10.1362 @@@@`1709a CIL 10.01342 @@@@`1710 CIL 10.1351 @@@@`1710,adn. CIL 10.01389 CIL 10.1339 CIL 10.1389 CIL 10.01389 @@@@`1711 CIL 08.01768 @@@@`1712 CIL 08.13533 ILTun 1043 @@@@`1712,adn. CIL 08.13428 CIL 08.13429 CIL 08.13430 CIL 08.13431 CIL 08.25056%19`58 CIL 08.25355 @@@@`1713 IChUR(2) 07.17560 ILTun 0480 ILTun 0994 IChUR(2) 07.17560 @@@@`1713,adn. CIL 08.00483 CIL 08.24941a @@@@`1715 CIL 10.07167 CIL 10.7167 CIL 10.07167 @@@@`1716 CIL 05.5219,B @@@@`1717 CIL 13.02629 @@@@`1718 IChUR(2) 08.23447 @@@@`1718,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00245 IChUR(2) 01.02514 @@@@`1719 IChUR(2) 01.03148 @@@@`1719A CIL 13.03841 LeB., IC 258 @@@@`1720 CIL 08.21738 @@@@`1721 Vives 355 %6 512 @@@@`1721,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0728 IChUR(2) 02.04915 @@@@`1722 IChUR(2) 07.17545 @@@@`1723 IChUR(2) 01.01702 @@@@`1723,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02038 IChUR(2) 03.06611 @@@@`1725 Vives 054 @@@@`1726 Vives 107 @@@@`1727 RS 01.tab. 31,13 @@@@`1728 Vives 085 @@@@`1728,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03319 @@@@`1730 CIL 13.11208 @@@@`1731 IChUR(1) 01.0388 IChUR(2) 02.04270 @@@@`1732 IChUR(1) 02.173,35 @@@@`1733C CIL 05.05420 @@@@`1734 CIL 12.02884 CIL 12.2384 LeB., IC 388 CIL 12.02884 @@@@`1735 IChUR(2) 01.01705 IChUR(2) 06.15912 @@@@`1735,adn. CIL 06.15846 adn. IChUR(1) 01.0123 add. p. 575 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1484 IChUR(2) 01.02147 IChUR(2) 02.04802 IChUR(2) 06.17164 IChUR(2) 02.04802 @@@@`1736,adn. IChUR(2) 02.04293 @@@@`1737 CIL 09.5517 @@@@`1738 CIL 10.5902 IChUR(2) 01.03958 @@@@`1738,adn. CIL 10.7787 @@@@`1740 IChUR(1) 02.164,10 @@@@`1742 CIL 08.13427 @@@@`1744 CIL 13.03916 Gose 484 @@@@`1746 CIL 10.3309 @@@@`1746,adn. RS 02.p.276 tab. 48,51 @@@@`1747 CIL 12.2406 LeB., IC 394 @@@@`1748 CIL 11.1410 @@@@`1748,adn. IChUR(1) 01.1171 IChUR(2) 02.05035 IChUR(1) 01.1171 @@@@`1749 CIL 13.02472 LeB., IC 379 CIL 13.02472 @@@@`1750 CIL 13.02361 LeB., IC 087 CIL 13.02361 @@@@`1751 CIL 10.04613 CIL 10.4613 CIL 10.04613 @@@@`1751,adn. CIL 11.7564 @@@@`1752 IChUR(1) 02.345 IChUR(2) 02.04092 @@@@`1753 CIL 06.p.Xn.10 IChUR(1) 02.021,10 IChUR(1) 02.047 IChUR(2) 02.04094 @@@@`1753,adn. IChUR(2) 02.04113 @@@@`1754 IChUR(1) 02.080,09 IChUR(1) 02.100,014 IChUR(2) 01.03904 @@@@`1755 IChUR(1) 02.148,13 IChUR(2) 02.04104 @@@@`1756 IChUR(1) 02.053,05 IChUR(2) 02.04105 @@@@`1757 IChUR(1) 02.054,06 IChUR(1) 02.057,18c IChUR(1) 02.144,01 IChUR(2) 02.04116 @@@@`1758 IChUR(1) 02.055,10 @@@@`1758(129),adn. RS 03.p.548 @@@@`1758,adn. IChUR(1) 02.432,076%19`86 @@@@`1759 IChUR(1) 02.148,15 IChUR(2) 02.04122 @@@@`1760 Ep.Dam. 003 [Ihm 004] IChUR(1) 02.056,14 IChUR(1) 02.411,005 IChUR(2) 02.04098 @@@@`1760,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02043 @@@@`1761a IChUR(2) 02.04780 @@@@`1761a,b IChUR(1) 02.081,17 @@@@`1761ab IChUR(1) 02.098,005 @@@@`1761b IChUR(2) 02.04784 @@@@`1761bc IChUR(1) 02.068,32.33 @@@@`1761c IChUR(2) 02.04786 @@@@`1761d IChUR(1) 02.068,33,adn. @@@@`1762 IChUR(1) 01.0831 add. p. 583 IChUR(2) 02.04958 @@@@`1763 CIL 06.33895 IChUR(2) 02.04779 @@@@`1764 IChUR(1) 02.248,17 @@@@`1765 IChUR(2) 06.15764 ILS 8988 @@@@`1766 IChUR(1) 02.248,14 @@@@`1766A IChUR(1) 02.139,27 IChUR(1) 02.208,35 @@@@`1766B IChUR(1) 02.065,18 @@@@`1767 IChUR(1) 02.065,19 IChUR(1) 02.248,15 @@@@`1768 Ep.Dam. 071 [Ihm 084] %103Ps.%19Dam.] IChUR(1) 02.044 @@@@`1769 IChUR(1) 02.063,06 IChUR(1) 02.089,43 IChUR(1) 02.104,037 IChUR(1) 02.137,18 @@@@`1769A IChUR(1) 02.104,036 @@@@`1770 IChUR(1) 02.106,046 IChUR(1) 02.157,09 @@@@`1771 IChUR(1) 02.063,09 IChUR(1) 02.106,047 IChUR(2) 01.00807 @@@@`1772A BullAC 1867.051 @@@@`1774 Ep.Dam. 047&4`2& [Ihm 096] %103Ps.%19Dam.%103 IChUR(1) 02.108,058 @@@@`1775 IChUR(1) 02.435,107 @@@@`1776 IChUR(1) 02.322,03 IChUR(1) 02.440,145 IChUR(2) 05.13122 @@@@`1777 Ep.Dam. 064 [Ihm 076a] IChUR(2) 05.13276 @@@@`1778 IChUR(1) 02.024,27 IChUR(1) 02.111,071 @@@@`1779 IChUR(1) 02.063,10 IChUR(1) 02.110,066 @@@@`1780 Gruter p.1059,3 @@@@`1781 IChUR(1) 02.134,01 IChUR(1) 02.157,10 IChUR(1) 02.286,11 IChUR(1) 02.290,2 IChUR(1) 02.352,1 @@@@`1781,adn. IChUR(1) 02.410,002 @@@@`1782 Ep.Dam. p.188 [Ihm 104] %103Ps.%19Dam.%103 IChUR(1) 02.024,25 IChUR(1) 02.150,18 @@@@`1783 IChUR(1) 02.151,22 @@@@`1784 IChUR(1) 02.071,41 IChUR(1) 02.134,04 IChUR(1) 02.152,28 @@@@`1785 IChUR(1) 02.436,111 @@@@`1786 IChUR(1) 02.024,28 IChUR(1) 02.148,16 IChUR(1) 02.156,05 IChUR(2) 02.04292 @@@@`1786B IChUR(1) 02.111,070.70a IChUR(2) 01.03898 IChUR(2) 01.03899 @@@@`1786B,adn. CIL 15.7192 Ep.Dam. abiecit [Ihm 106] %103Ps.%19Dam.%103 IChUR(2) 01.02350 IChUR(2) 01.03259%3`60 IChUR(2) 01.03265 RS 02.p.013 @@@@`1786D,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00145 @@@@`1787 IChUR(2) 02.04753 @@@@`1788A CIL 14.1937 I.Ostie B.234 @@@@`1789 CIL 10.3310%3`11 @@@@`1790 CIL 10.1229 @@@@`1791 CIL 10.7533 @@@@`1792 IChUR(1) 02.008,13 LeB., IC 260d %6 RICG 01.A08** @@@@`1793 CIL 11.0280 @@@@`1794 CIL 11.0287 @@@@`1795 CIL 11.0288 @@@@`1796 CIL 11.0289 @@@@`1797 CIL 11.0298 @@@@`1798 CIL 11.0265 @@@@`1799,adn. CIL 11.5926 @@@@`1804 I.Ital. 11,2.047 IChUR(1) 02.173,36 @@@@`1806 CIL 12.05336 CIL 12.5336 LeB., IC 617 CIL 12.05336 @@@@`1807 CIL 12.04311 CIL 12.4311 CIL 12.04311 @@@@`1807, cf. 1167,adn. 2021,adn. LeB., IC 610 @@@@`1808 CIL 12.00936 CIL 12.0936 LeB., NR 182 CIL 12.00936 @@@@`1809 CIL 12.0972 LeB., IC 539 @@@@`1810 CIL 12.2085 LeB., IC 698 @@@@`1810,adn. CIL 12.2107 LeB., IC 458D @@@@`1811 CIL 12.5349 add. p. 856; 863 LeB., NR 307 @@@@`1812 CIL 13.01028 LeB., NR 281 @@@@`1812,adn. CIL 13.01659 CIL 13.03955 @@@@`1812,adn. (Treveris) LeB., IC 316 @@@@`1813 Vives 356 @@@@`1813A Vives 335 @@@@`1814 Vives 302 @@@@`1814,adn. Vives 301 @@@@`1815 Vives 303 @@@@`1815,adn. Vives 354 @@@@`1816 Vives 308 @@@@`1817 Vives 307 @@@@`1818 Vives 157 @@@@`1819 Vives 314 @@@@`1820 Vives 316 @@@@`1821 CIL 08.09708 @@@@`1822 CIL 08.09255 @@@@`1824 CIL 08.20914 @@@@`1825 CIL 08.20903 @@@@`1825,adn. CIL 08.20910 CIL 08.20912 @@@@`1826 CIL 08.19913 ILAlg 2.0373 @@@@`1826,adn. CIL 08.21572 @@@@`1826A CIL 08.02311 add. p. 951 @@@@`1827 CIL 08.10706 @@@@`1828 ILAlg 1.0159 @@@@`1829 CIL 08.09271 @@@@`1830 CIL 06.01712 add. p. 3172 CIL 08.01670 CIL 08.02220 CIL 08.17614 add. p. 948; 1670 @@@@`1830,adn. CIL 08.04792 %6 18713 CIL 08.08175 add. p. 967 CIL 08.17714 CIL 08.18713 %6 4792 IChUR(2) 01.00343 @@@@`1831 CIL 08.17746 @@@@`1832 CIL 08.02389 CIL 08.17822 @@@@`1833 CIL 08.17758 @@@@`1834 CIL 08.11414 ILTun 0361 @@@@`1835 CIL 08.08429 add. p. 970; 1919 @@@@`1836 CIL 03.14207&4`21 @@@@`1837 CIL 08.02119 add. p. 944; 979 ILAlg 1.3531 @@@@`1838 IChUR(1) 02.068,31 IChUR(1) 02.148,14 IChUR(2) 02.04100 @@@@`1838A IChUR(1) 02.028,53 IChUR(1) 02.081,14 IChUR(1) 02.098,004 IChUR(1) 02.155,01 IChUR(2) 02.04796 @@@@`1839 IChUR(1) 02.147,11 @@@@`1840 CIL 11.0255 add. p. 1228 @@@@`1840A CIL 11.0272 @@@@`1841 IChUR(1) 02.161,02 @@@@`1844 CIL 08.27332 @@@@`1844A CIL 08.00839 ILTun 0743 @@@@`1845 Vives 358 @@@@`1846 CIL 08.13395 @@@@`1847 CIL 12.5343 LeB., NR 320 @@@@`1849 Vives 360 @@@@`1850 IChUR(2) 01.00019 @@@@`1850A Ep.Dam. 061 [Ihm 058] IChUR(2) 02.04146 @@@@`1851 CIL 11.4966 ICI 06.072 @@@@`1851,adn. CIL 11.4967 @@@@`1851A ICI 06.001 @@@@`1852,adn. IBrChr 008 [CIIC 1044] @@@@`1852a CIL 12.5337 LeB., IC 609,1%19`93 @@@@`1852b LeB., IC 619 CIL 12.5338 @@@@`1853 ILAlg 1.0428 @@@@`1853A CIL 08.28039 ILAlg 1.3623 @@@@`1854 I.Ital. 10,2.092 @@@@`1855 IChUR(1) 02.021,11 IChUR(2) 02.04118 @@@@`1855A CIL 11.0266 @@@@`1856 CIL 08.17801 @@@@`1856,adn. CIL 08.13393 @@@@`1856A CIL 03.11206 @@@@`1857 IChUR(1) 02.153,35 IChUR(2) 02.04778 @@@@`1857A IChUR(2) 01.03901 @@@@`1857C IChUR(2) 02.04778 @@@@`1858 CIL 12.5335 LeB., IC 618 @@@@`1859 IChUR(2) 03.08133 @@@@`1859A CIL 08.27937 ILAlg 1.3807 @@@@`1859B CIL 08.17453 ILAlg 1.0106 @@@@`1860 IChUR(1) 02.152,29 @@@@`1861 IChUR(1) 02.152,32 @@@@`1862 CIL 11.0273 @@@@`1864 I.Ital. 10,4.294 @@@@`1866,adn. CIL 08.08629 @@@@`1867 CIL 11.0551 @@@@`1873 CIL 03.14368&4`09 @@@@`1874 CIL 03.14368&4`15 @@@@`1874,adn. CIL 03.14368&4`16 @@@@`1875 CIJ 1.A091* CIL 03.14368&4`17 @@@@`1876 CIL 03.14368&4`18 @@@@`1876,adn. CIL 03.14368&4`20 @@@@`1876B,adn. Ep.Dam. 058 [Ihm 055] @@@@`1878 I.Ital. 10,2.065 @@@@`1881D CIL 08.14106 @@@@`1887 CIL 05.1594 @@@@`1895,adn. CIL 08.20727 @@@@`1896 CIL 08.23323 ILTun 0496 @@@@`1896,adn. CIL 12.1058 @@@@`1897,adn. CIL 08.08348 @@@@`1897abc ILAlg 1.0430 @@@@`1898 IChUR(1) 02.028,55 @@@@`1899 CIL 15.7257 @@@@`1899,adn. CIL 15.7258 @@@@`1900 Vives 348 @@@@`1901 CIL 08.20299 IChUR(2) 01.01485 @@@@`1901A CIL 06.29769 @@@@`1902 CIL 08.10714 ILAlg 1.2991 @@@@`1902D CIL 14.2385 @@@@`1902D,adn. CIL 14.2384 @@@@`1903 CIL 08.13473 @@@@`1904 CIL 15.7193 @@@@`1906 IChUR(2) 01.01529 @@@@`1906A IChUR(1) 02.102,027 @@@@`1906B CIL 06.00843 add. p. 3007 IChUR(2) 01.03267 @@@@`1907 CIL 11.0285 @@@@`1908 IChUR(2) 01.01955 @@@@`1909 IChUR(2) 01.01478 @@@@`1911 CIL 08.08631 add. p. 1920 @@@@`1912 CIL 08.18488 @@@@`1912,adn. CIL 08.18621 @@@@`1915 CIL 08.21551 @@@@`1916 CIL 08.11270 add. p. 2350 @@@@`1917 CIL 08.16743 add p. 2747 ILAlg 1.2958 @@@@`1917,adn. CIL 09.1398 @@@@`1919 LeB., NR 294 @@@@`1919, cf. 2025,adn. CIL 13.00563 @@@@`1919B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03264 @@@@`1922 CIL 03.04098 c. imag. @@@@`1924 IChUR(2) 03.07279 @@@@`1924,adn. CIL 08.23921 @@@@`1925 IChUR(2) 01.01479 @@@@`1926 CIL 12.0486 add. p. 813 LeB., IC 551A @@@@`1927 CIL 12.01497 CIL 12.1497 LeB., IC 496 CIL 12.01497 @@@@`1928, cf. 1167,adn. LeB., IC 389 CIL 12.2486 @@@@`1929 IChUR(2) 06.15679 Eph.Ep. 09.411,691 @@@@`1931 CIL 08.05665 @@@@`1932 CIL 13.10026,055 @@@@`1934 CIL 03.09635 CIL 03.12879 @@@@`1934,adn. CIL 11.2589 @@@@`1935 IChUR(2) 02.04532c @@@@`1935A IChUR(2) 02.04532a @@@@`1936 CIL 10.8059,496 @@@@`1937 CIL 11.0300 @@@@`1938 CIL 11.2088 @@@@`1940 CIL 03.10146 @@@@`1941 CIL 03.14207&4`21 @@@@`1943 CIL 08.21511 @@@@`1945 CIL 08.00992 @@@@`1945,adn. CIL 08.04770 CIL 08.18704 CIL 08.23233 CIL 08.27825 @@@@`1946 CIL 08.20915 @@@@`1947 CIL 08.21554 @@@@`1948,adn. CIL 08.09722 add. p. 2034 CIL 09.5045 @@@@`1948ab CIL 14.3421 @@@@`1948abc IChUR(1) 01.0773 @@@@`1950 CIL 08.04671 ILAlg 1.1081 @@@@`1951 IChUR(2) 02.04776 @@@@`1951,adn. CIL 11.7022 CIL 13.02630 @@@@`1952 CIL 10.4504 @@@@`1953 CIL 03.09589 @@@@`1954,adn. CIL 08.27691 @@@@`1955 IChUR(1) 02.134,02 @@@@`1956 IChUR(1) 02.152,27 @@@@`1957 CIL 10.4540 Ep.Dam. 039 [Ihm 091] %103Ps.%19Dam.%103 IChUR(1) 02.062,02 IChUR(1) 02.138,23 @@@@`1958 CIL 11.0293 @@@@`1959 CIL 11.0281 @@@@`1960 CIL 11.0291 @@@@`1961 CIL 11.0256 @@@@`1962 CIL 11.0261 @@@@`1963 CIL 11.0282 @@@@`1964 Vives 373 @@@@`1964,adn. IChUR(2) 01.04057 @@@@`1965 CIL 11.0278 @@@@`1965,adn. CIL 10.1521 CIL 11.4965 ICI 06.082 @@@@`1966 CIL 11.0254 @@@@`1967B,adn. CIL 08.09695 @@@@`1967F CIL 12.1155 add. p. 823 LeB., IC 622 @@@@`1970 IChUR(2) 01.01513 cum imagine @@@@`1970A CIL 14.2386 @@@@`1970C CIL 11.3056 add. p. 1321 @@@@`1970E,adn. IChUR(2) 05.14117 @@@@`1970M CIL 13.10025,225 LeB., NR 082%19`85 @@@@`1970N CIL 13.10026,042 LeB., NR 386 @@@@`1971B IChUR(2) 06.15941 @@@@`1972,adn. RS 01.tab. 06 @@@@`1973B RS 02.p.119 tab. 7 @@@@`1975 CIL 10.1400d @@@@`1975B Vives 374 @@@@`1976 CIL 08.27690 ILTun 1605 @@@@`1976,adn. CIL 08.09590 add. p. 1984 @@@@`1976B ILAlg 1.3708 @@@@`1977,adn. CIL 08.20904 @@@@`1978 CIL 08.10701 CIL 08.17617 @@@@`1979 CIL 08.02519 CIL 08.05669 add. p. 964 @@@@`1979,adn. CIL 08.09719 add. p. 2034 @@@@`1980 Ep.Dam. abiecit [Ihm 078] %103Ps.%19Dam.%103 IChUR(1) 02.067,26 @@@@`1980,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00768 @@@@`1981 Ep.Dam. 008 [Ihm 008] IChUR(1) 02.031,74 IChUR(1) 02.101,020 IChUR(2) 03.08132 @@@@`1982 Ep.Dam. 007 [Ihm 007] IChUR(1) 02.032,76 IChUR(1) 02.102,032 IChUR(2) 02.06016 @@@@`1983 IChUR(2) 02.06017 @@@@`1983,adn. IChUR(1) 02.030,73 IChUR(2) 02.06020 @@@@`1985 Ep.Dam. 047 [Ihm 049] IChUR(1) 02.030,72 IChUR(1) 02.104,041 @@@@`1985,adn. IChUR(1) 02.030,73 adn. @@@@`1986,adn. Ep.Dam. 016 [Ihm 012 tab.4] RS 02.p.023 ss. tab. 2,1 @@@@`1987 Ep.Dam. 025 [Ihm 023] IChUR(1) 02.066,22 IChUR(2) 05.13872 @@@@`1988 IChUR(2) 05.13876 @@@@`1988,adn. IChUR(2) 05.14809 @@@@`1990 Ep.Dam. 024 [Ihm 022] IChUR(2) 05.13871 @@@@`1990,adn. Ep.Dam. abiecit [Ihm 090 c.imag.] %103Ps.%19Dam.%103 @@@@`1991 Ep.Dam. 041 [Ihm 089] %103Ps.%19Dam.%103 IChUR(1) 02.100,018 IChUR(1) 02.137,20 @@@@`1991A Ep.Dam. 046 [Ihm 045] IChUR(1) 02.103,034 @@@@`1991B IChUR(2) 01.03263 @@@@`1991C Ep.Dam. 052 [Ihm 059a] IChUR(2) 01.01273 @@@@`1991D IChUR(2) 01.00767 @@@@`1992 Ep.Dam. 033 [Ihm 032] IChUR(1) 02.082,22 IChUR(1) 02.117,100 @@@@`1993 Ep.Dam. 021 [Ihm 027 c. imag. no. 5] IChUR(1) 02.105,045 IChUR(2) 05.13274 @@@@`1994A IChUR(2) 01.01815 @@@@`1995,adn. IChUR(1) 02.417,011 IChUR(2) 03.08456 @@@@`1997 IChUR(2) 01.01486 RS 01.p.120 @@@@`1997,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01487 RS 01.p.120 @@@@`1997A IChUR(2) 01.03266 @@@@`1998 RS 02.p.183 @@@@`1998A IChUR(2) 05.13190 @@@@`1998B IChUR(2) 05.13189 @@@@`1999 RS 02.p.211 tab. 33,5 @@@@`1999A IChUR(2) 01.01274 @@@@`1999B IChUR(2) 01.03262 @@@@`2000 RS 03.p.647 s. tab. 47 @@@@`2001 IChUR(2) 01.03261 IChUR(2) 06.15761 @@@@`2002 RS 03.p.436 @@@@`2002,adn. IChUR(2) 03.08597 @@@@`2003 RS 01.tab. 04,04 @@@@`2004 IChUR(2) 01.02816 @@@@`2004,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02041 IChUR(2) 03.08926 @@@@`2005 IChUR(1) 02.025,34 @@@@`2006 IChUR(1) 01.0562 IChUR(2) 02.04846 @@@@`2007 IChUR(1) 01.0243 IChUR(2) 01.01937 @@@@`2008 CIL 14.1942 I.Ostie B.249 IChUR(2) 02.05986 @@@@`2009 CIL 14.1938 I.Ostie B.235 @@@@`2010 CIL 09.4320 ICI 03.037 @@@@`2011 CIL 11.2547 @@@@`2012 CIL 11.4076 ICI 04.005 @@@@`2013 CIL 11.3356 @@@@`2014 CIL 11.7020 @@@@`2014,adn. CIL 11.0316 @@@@`2019A Vives 184 @@@@`2020 CIL 12.0489 add. p. 813 LeB., IC 548A @@@@`2021 CIL 12.04083 CIL 12.4083 add. p. 842 LeB., NR 301 CIL 12.04083 @@@@`2021,adn. CIL 11.4966 CIL 12.4311 LeB., IC 610 @@@@`2022 CIL 12.1798 LeB., IC 473 @@@@`2024 CIL 13.02412 LeB., IC 037 @@@@`2024A CIL 13.02436 @@@@`2025,adn. CIL 13.00563 @@@@`2026 CIL 13.03902 @@@@`2027 CIL 03.13134 CIL 03.14663&4`1 @@@@`2028 CIL 03.09548 add. p. 2139 CIL 03.09548 add. p. 2261 @@@@`2028,adn. CIL 03.05972 CIL 03.08874 CIL 03.09546 CIL 03.11961 CIL 03.12839 add. p. 2261 CIL 03.12839 add. p. 2328&4`127 CIL 03.14897 CIL 03.14902 @@@@`2029 %6 1096,adn. Vives 322 @@@@`2030 Vives 333 @@@@`2031 CIL 08.17386 ILTun 1681 @@@@`2032 ILTun 1689 @@@@`2033 ILTun 1703 @@@@`2034 ILTun 1688 @@@@`2035 CIL 08.20906 @@@@`2037 CIL 08.27957 ILAlg 1.3669 @@@@`2038 CIL 08.20913 @@@@`2039 CIL 08.25036 @@@@`2040 CIL 08.25037 ILTun 1003 @@@@`2040,adn. CIL 08.25272 @@@@`2040adn. CIL 08.25273 @@@@`2041 CIL 08.25038 @@@@`2041,adn. CIL 08.25038a @@@@`2042 CIL 08.01392 ILTun 1297 @@@@`2043 CIL 08.27958 @@@@`2044 CIL 08.09692 add. p. 975 @@@@`2045A,B CIL 08.25078 @@@@`2046 CIL 08.10932 CIL 08.20480 IChUR(2) 01.03842 @@@@`2047 CIL 08.09717 CIL 08.21519 @@@@`2048 CIL 08.01138 add. p. 1384 @@@@`2048,adn. CIL 08.05666 @@@@`2049 CIL 08.18002 @@@@`2050 CIL 08.16660 ILAlg 1.2976 ILAlg 1.3418 @@@@`2053 CIL 08.09865 add. p. 2059 @@@@`2054 CIL 08.09866 add. p. 975 @@@@`2058 CIL 08.10515 CIL 08.23279 ILTun 1493 @@@@`2058,adn. CIL 08.25039 CIL 08.27334 CIL 08.27929 ILAlg 1.3589 @@@@`2059 CIL 08.23325 @@@@`2060,adn. CIL 08.08431 CIL 08.14100 @@@@`2061,adn. CIL 08.08631 @@@@`2062 CIL 08.18656 @@@@`2063 CIL 08.09714 add. p. 2034 @@@@`2064 CIL 08.21496 @@@@`2065 CIL 08.10693 @@@@`2065,adn. CIL 08.17715 @@@@`2066 CIL 08.09716 add. p. 2034 @@@@`2068 CIL 08.20600 @@@@`2070 ILAlg 1.0427 @@@@`2071 CIL 08.21517 @@@@`2071,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0689 @@@@`2073 CIL 08.19102 @@@@`2073,adn. CIL 08.17382 @@@@`2074 CIL 08.17663 @@@@`2075 CIL 08.17608 ILAlg 1.3701 @@@@`2075,adn. CIL 08.14040 CIL 08.14237 @@@@`2077 CIL 08.19414 @@@@`2078 CIL 08.10665 CIL 08.17607 ILAlg 1.3700 @@@@`2079 CIL 08.27991 ILAlg 1.3781 @@@@`2084 ILAlg 1.3688 @@@@`2085,adn. CIL 08.23324 @@@@`2087,adn. CIL 08.23562 @@@@`2088 CIL 08.20572 @@@@`2089 CIL 08.23921 ILTun 0648 @@@@`2090 CIL 08.20619 @@@@`2092 CIL 08.16396 ILTun 1631 @@@@`2093 CIL 08.02334 add. p. 951 @@@@`2094 CIL 08.05664 @@@@`2095 CIL 08.10686 CIL 08.16741 ILAlg 1.2965 @@@@`2096 CIL 08.23041 ILTun 0217 @@@@`2096,adn. CIL 08.23040 CIL 08.23040b @@@@`2097 CIL 08.27545 @@@@`2097,adn. CIL 08.25332 @@@@`2098 ILTun 1690 @@@@`2099 CIL 08.07924 ILAlg 2.1937 @@@@`2100 CIL 08.06700 CIL 08.19353 add. p. 965 @@@@`2101,adn. CIL 10.1395 CIL 10.7533 CIL 10.7781 @@@@`2102 ILAlg 1.0532 @@@@`2103,adn. CIL 08.05352 @@@@`2104 AE 1967.640 CIL 08.08630 add. p. 975; 1920 AE 1967.640 @@@@`2104,adn. CIL 08.16255 CIL 08.23040 @@@@`2104C CIL 06.17257 @@@@`2106 Vives 324 @@@@`2107 Vives 305 @@@@`2108 Vives 306 @@@@`2109 Vives 309 @@@@`2110 Vives 328 @@@@`2111 Vives 325 @@@@`2112 Vives 329 @@@@`2112,adn. Vives 323 @@@@`2113 CIL 08.19643 @@@@`2114 CIL 08.08628 @@@@`2114A IChUR(2) 01.00093 @@@@`2115 CIL 06.09811 IChUR(1) 01.0495 IChUR(2) 02.04835 @@@@`2116 CIL 03.09545 CIL 03.12864 @@@@`2118 ILAlg 1.3872 @@@@`2119 IChUR(2) 02.04493 @@@@`2120 CIL 12.0941 LeB., NR 167 @@@@`2121 CIL 06.29317b @@@@`2123 IChUR(2) 02.06095 @@@@`2124 IChUR(2) 02.06094 @@@@`2124,adn. IChUR(2) 02.04533afg @@@@`2126 IChUR(2) 03.09269 RS 03.p.542 s. @@@@`2127 IChUR(2) 02.04213 @@@@`2127,adn. IChUR(1) 01.1077 IChUR(1) 01.1201 IChUR(1) 01.1239 IChUR(2) 02.05083 IChUR(2) 02.05119 IChUR(2) 02.05126 @@@@`2128 IChUR(2) 07.17535 @@@@`2131 RS 01.tab. 28,02 @@@@`2132 RS 03.p.263 @@@@`2132,adn. IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1828 IChUR(2) 03.08158 RS 03.p.224 tab. 31,18 IChUR(2) 03.08158 @@@@`2133 RS 03.p.421 @@@@`2134,adn. IChUR(2) 06.16174 @@@@`2136 RS 03.p.214 @@@@`2137 IChUR(1) 01.0653 IChUR(2) 02.06077 @@@@`2138A IChUR(2) 01.02966 @@@@`2138B IChUR(2) 01.00947 IChUR(2) 01.00947 IChUR(2) 06.17192 @@@@`2139 CIL 06.32014 IChUR(1) 01.1044 IChUR(2) 06.15785 @@@@`2141 CIL 06.33881 @@@@`2142 IChUR(2) 02.06018 @@@@`2142A IChUR(2) 01.00964 @@@@`2144 IChUR(1) 01.0534 IChUR(2) 01.03223 IChUR(2) 02.04499 @@@@`2144,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00112 IChUR(2) 02.04746 @@@@`2146 IChUR(2) 03.08164 @@@@`2147 IChUR(2) 03.08338 @@@@`2148 IChUR(1) 01.0319 IChUR(2) 01.03127 @@@@`2148,adn. CIL 14.1936 @@@@`2149 IChUR(2) 01.01743 RS 03.p.547 @@@@`2151 IChUR(2) 01.03868 RS 03.p.545 RS 03.tab. 24,41 @@@@`2152 RS 03.p.424 @@@@`2153,adn. RS 03.p.424 @@@@`2155 IChUR(2) 02.06178 @@@@`2155,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00319 @@@@`2156 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1814 IChUR(2) 08.23425 @@@@`2157 RS 03.p.168 tab. 25,04 @@@@`2160 CIL 10.6460 @@@@`2160,adn. CIL 10.7112 @@@@`2161 CIL 10.1526 @@@@`2162 CIL 10.1541 @@@@`2163 CIL 10.6419 @@@@`2165 IChUR(1) 02.162,05 @@@@`2166 IChUR(1) 02.163,07 @@@@`2167 IChUR(1) 02.171,30 @@@@`2169 CIL 11.04968 CIL 11.4968 ICI 06.065 CIL 11.04968 ICI 06.065 @@@@`2170 CIL 11.01540 CIL 11.1540 CIL 11.01540 @@@@`2171 CIL 11.1700 @@@@`2172 CIL 12.2115 LeB., IC 412 @@@@`2173 CIL 12.0968 @@@@`2174 CIL 12.0961 LeB., IC 528 LeB., NR 185 @@@@`2177 CIL 13.07689 LeB., NR 423 @@@@`2177,adn. CIL 13.01855 CIL 13.02417 CIL 13.03787 CIL 13.11214 LeB., IC 293 @@@@`2178 CIL 13.08486 LeB., IC 354 @@@@`2178,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00861 @@@@`2179 CIL 03.05972 CIL 03.11961 add. p. 2201 @@@@`2180 CIL 03.09546 CIL 03.14188 @@@@`2181 CIL 03.10233 @@@@`2182 CIL 03.10232 @@@@`2184 CIL 03.07315 CIL 03.14203&4`34 @@@@`2185 Vives 179 @@@@`2186 CIL 08.09715 add. p. 2034 @@@@`2186,adn. CIL 08.23582 @@@@`2187 CIL 08.11134 @@@@`2189 IChUR(2) 01.01723 @@@@`2189,adn. RS 02.p.016; 385 tab. 32,11 RS 02.p.299 tab. 49,28 @@@@`2190 CIL 08.17460 ILAlg 1.0113 @@@@`2191 CIL 13.03559 CIL 13.10025,220 LeB., NR 044A @@@@`2192 IChUR(2) 03.06673 @@@@`2192A IChUR(2) 01.02957 @@@@`2193,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00327 IChUR(2) 02.06187 @@@@`2193A RS 02.p.251 tab. 41,1 @@@@`2193B IChUR(2) 01.03547 @@@@`2193B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02011 @@@@`2194,adn. CIL 03.06019,10 CIL 03.10189,10 CIL 07.1305 CIL 08.01307 CIL 08.10485,4 CIL 08.22653,12 CIL 08.25267 CIL 09.4661%3`2 CIL 09.6090,2 CIL 11.6712,503a CIL 11.6715 CIL 11.7386 CIL 12.5692,11 CIL 13.01117 CIL 13.03908a CIL 13.10022,292 CIL 13.10024,157 CIL 13.10024,172; 288 CIL 13.10025,219 LeB., IG 029 %6 CIL 13.10024,172 LeB., NR 276 %6 CIL 13.01117 LeB., NR 421 %6 CIL 13.10024,288 IChUR(2) 01.00389 LeB., IC 155 LeB., NR 379 RS 01.p.282 RS 02.tab. 41,25 ICI 03.043 @@@@`2194,adn. (cit.) Gose 717 @@@@`2195 IChUR(2) 03.08268 @@@@`2195,adn. CIL 09.4660 CIL 10.0015 IChUR(2) 01.01409 IChUR(2) 01.01668 IChUR(2) 01.01982 ICI 03.042 @@@@`2195,adn.[part] ICI 05.003 @@@@`2197 ILAlg 1.2780 @@@@`2198 IChUR(2) 03.07658 @@@@`2199 CIL 06.02610 CIL 06.32654 @@@@`2200,adn. CIL 08.04473 CIL 08.10711 CIL 08.17753 CIL 08.22653,08 CIL 08.22653,11 CIL 11.6712,503b CIL 14.1957 CIL 14.1967 I.Ostie B.232 @@@@`2201 CIL 03.04220 @@@@`2201,adn. CIL 03.04190 @@@@`2202 IChUR(2) 01.01797 @@@@`2203 IChUR(2) 01.03530 @@@@`2204 CIL 08.22657,3 @@@@`2204,adn. CIL 08.08645b add. p. 973 @@@@`2204A CIL 09.6090,6 @@@@`2204A,adn. CIL 11.6712,503c CIL 13.03054 @@@@`2204A,adn. (Parisiis) LeB., NR 026 @@@@`2205 CIL 12.5692,09 LeB., NR 187 @@@@`2205,adn. (Leodenus) LeB., NR 050 @@@@`2205A LeB., IC 367%19`368 (fig. 252) @@@@`2205A,adn. CIL 08.08769 CIL 13.10024,324 @@@@`2206 LeB., NR 273 @@@@`2206, cf. 721,adn. CIL 13.01176 @@@@`2207,adn. CIL 13.01161 LeB., IC 576 @@@@`2208 CIL 03.04218 @@@@`2208,adn. CIL 02.4967 CIL 14.1958 I.Ostie B.233 @@@@`2209 CIL 14.1956 I.Ostie B.231 @@@@`2209,adn. CIL 14.1966 I.Ostie B.250 @@@@`2212A,adn. CIL 08.00449 add. p. 926; 1199 ILAlg 1.3698 @@@@`2213 IChUR(2) 01.02968 @@@@`2213A IChUR(2) 03.08578 @@@@`2213A,adn. RS 02.tab. 49,11 @@@@`2214 Vives 393 @@@@`2215 CIL 09.3512 ICI 03.022 @@@@`2217 CIL 13.10025,217 LeB., NR 048 @@@@`2217,adn. CIL 13.10025,218 LeB., NR 043 @@@@`2218 CIL 08.10550 add. p. 1285 @@@@`2218,adn. CIL 08.25040 @@@@`2218A CIL 13.10025,216 @@@@`2218A,adn. CIL 03.14921 @@@@`2219 IChUR(2) 03.08965 @@@@`2219A IChUR(2) 01.03895 @@@@`2220,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03457 IChUR(2) 02.06279 @@@@`2220A,adn. CIL 08.18488 @@@@`2221,adn. CIL 02.4967,40a CIL 09.6090,4 CIL 13.10026,054 Vives 414 CIL 13.10022,290 @@@@`2223 IChUR(2) 01.02938 @@@@`2224,adn. CIL 13.10024,093 CIL 13.10024,320 @@@@`2226 RS 03.p.092 @@@@`2227 Vives 252 @@@@`2228 Vives 399 @@@@`2231 RS 01.tab. 23,09 @@@@`2231,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0010 IChUR(2) 01.03970 IChUR(2) 03.07875 @@@@`2232 RS 03.p.132 @@@@`2234 CIL 08.05265 @@@@`2234,adn. CIL 02.4967,40b CIL 08.05265 CIL 08.14119 CIL 08.16254 CIL 08.17609 CIL 08.17739 CIL 10.6762 CIL 10.8042,139 CIL 10.8059,499 ILAlg 1.0114 ILAlg 1.3702 @@@@`2235 RS 03.tab. 27,42 @@@@`2235,adn. CIL 03.13585,3 @@@@`2236 CIL 08.00253 CIL 08.11416 @@@@`2237 CIL 11.6715,16 @@@@`2237,adn. CIL 08.21533 @@@@`2238 CIL 08.02219 add. p. 948 @@@@`2239 CIL 08.08427 add. p. 970 @@@@`2239,adn. CIL 07.1221 @@@@`2241 CIL 08.08730 CIL 08.20490 @@@@`2242 ILAlg 1.3874 @@@@`2242,adn. CIL 08.27921 ILAlg 1.3460 @@@@`2243 CIL 02.03222%6`6340 CIL 02.3222 CIL 02.6340 CIL 02.03222%6`6340 @@@@`2244 CIL 08.10928 CIL 08.20471 @@@@`2244A ILAlg 1.0858 @@@@`2247 CIL 12.1506 LeB., IC 495 @@@@`2248 IChUR(2) 01.00580 @@@@`2249,adn. CIL 12.1502 CIL 12.1507 CIL 12.1509 LeB., IC 490 LeB., IC 497 LeB., IC 499 RS 01.tab. 30,9 @@@@`2250,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00900 @@@@`2252 CIL 12.0964 LeB., IC 533 @@@@`2253 CIL 13.03887 Gose 056 LeB., NR 352 @@@@`2254 CIL 13.03520 @@@@`2254a LeB., IC 329 @@@@`2254b LeB., IC 329A @@@@`2255 CIL 13.03052 LeB., IC 202 @@@@`2256 CIL 12.01498 CIL 12.1498 add. p. 825 LeB., NR 157 CIL 12.01498 @@@@`2257 CIL 12.0971 LeB., IC 541 @@@@`2258 CIL 11.02872 CIL 11.2872 CIL 11.02872 @@@@`2258,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03320 IChUR(2) 01.03943 @@@@`2259 IChUR(2) 03.08925 @@@@`2261 CIL 11.2841 ICI 01.010 @@@@`2261,adn. CIL 11.2890 CIL 11.2893 CIL 11.2894 ICI 01.056 ICI 01.072 ICI 01.073 ICI 01.056 ICI 01.072 ICI 01.073 @@@@`2262 CIL 11.2860 add. p. 1296 @@@@`2262A %6 2484 CIL 09.5346 IChUR(2) 01.03312 @@@@`2263 CIL 11.2950 @@@@`2264 IChUR(2) 05.14366 @@@@`2264,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01749 IChUR(2) 01.02152 RS 02.tab. 45,71 @@@@`2265 IChUR(2) 01.03611 @@@@`2265A IChUR(2) 01.02701 @@@@`2265A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02646 @@@@`2265B IChUR(2) 03.09303 @@@@`2266 IChUR(2) 01.02604 @@@@`2266A IChUR(2) 01.03736 @@@@`2266B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02837 @@@@`2266C IChUR(2) 01.03775 @@@@`2266D IChUR(2) 01.01760 @@@@`2266D,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00624 IChUR(2) 01.00934 IChUR(2) 01.02029 IChUR(2) 01.02310 IChUR(2) 01.02445 IChUR(2) 01.02958 IChUR(2) 01.03020 IChUR(2) 01.03322 IChUR(2) 01.03483 IChUR(2) 01.03809 @@@@`2267A IChUR(2) 01.01777 @@@@`2268A IChUR(2) 01.01585 @@@@`2269 IChUR(2) 06.15837 @@@@`2269,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01730 IChUR(2) 01.02437 IChUR(2) 02.04384 IChUR(2) 06.17163 @@@@`2270 RS 02.p.016 tab. 32,8 @@@@`2271 IChUR(2) 06.16414 @@@@`2271,adn. IChUR(2) 03.09263 RS 01.p.338 22,24 RS 02.tab. 38,33 @@@@`2272,adn. IChUR(2) 03.06540 RS 02.tab. 45,24 @@@@`2272A IChUR(2) 03.07782 @@@@`2273 CIL 14.2566 @@@@`2273b IChUR(2) 06.15734 @@@@`2274 IChUR(2) 01.01842 @@@@`2275 CIL 10.1518 add. p. 971 @@@@`2275,adn. CIL 10.01518 @@@@`2276B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01385 @@@@`2277 IChUR(2) 01.03045 @@@@`2278 IChUR(2) 03.08792 @@@@`2278A IChUR(2) 01.03538 @@@@`2278A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00787 IChUR(2) 01.00803 @@@@`2279,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03386 @@@@`2280 CIL 13.03838 LeB., IC 285 @@@@`2281,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0484 IChUR(2) 01.03290 IChUR(2) 01.03621 IChUR(2) 03.08730 @@@@`2283,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01935 IChUR(2) 03.08876 @@@@`2284,adn. CIL 08.23049d @@@@`2285 CIL 08.02185 ILAlg 1.2957 ICI 01.055 @@@@`2285A IChUR(2) 01.01661 @@@@`2285A,adn. IChUR(2) 03.08294 ICI 07.089 @@@@`2286 IChUR(2) 01.01782 @@@@`2287,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03367 RS 02.p.252 tab. 39,14 RS 03.p.285 @@@@`2287A IChUR(2) 01.02641 @@@@`2288 IChUR(2) 03.07819 @@@@`2288A IChUR(2) 06.16623 @@@@`2288B IChUR(2) 06.15911 @@@@`2288B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00827 RS 03.p.126 tab. 29,49 @@@@`2289 IChUR(2) 02.06211 @@@@`2289,adn. RS 02.p.167 tab. 38,15 @@@@`2291,adn. CIL 08.09712 @@@@`2291,adn. (Labrosa) IChUR(2) 02.06237 @@@@`2292,adn. CIL 08.08767 @@@@`2293 CIL 08.10947 CIL 08.21498 @@@@`2294 CIL 03.14314&4`3a @@@@`2294A IChUR(2) 01.03654 @@@@`2295 RS 02.p.276 279s.tab. 48,52 @@@@`2296 ICI 01.025 @@@@`2296A IChUR(2) 01.02420 IChUR(2) 01.02610 @@@@`2296B IChUR(2) 01.01206 IChUR(2) 01.02828 @@@@`2296B; 3018A IChUR(2) 01.02618 @@@@`2296C IChUR(2) 01.03795 @@@@`2297 IChUR(2) 01.01380 @@@@`2297,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03287 IChUR(2) 06.16382 @@@@`2297A IChUR(2) 01.01624 @@@@`2297B RS 03.p.049 tab. 01. 02 @@@@`2297B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03737 RS 03.p.060 s. RS 03.tab. 25,45 @@@@`2297C IChUR(2) 01.02873 @@@@`2297D IChUR(2) 06.16969 @@@@`2297E IChUR(2) 01.01194 @@@@`2297E,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00652 IChUR(2) 01.03353 IChUR(2) 01.03475 IChUR(2) 01.03569 RS 03.p.387 tab. 33,1 @@@@`2297F IChUR(2) 03.08469 @@@@`2297F,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01634 IChUR(2) 01.02360 IChUR(2) 01.02739 IChUR(2) 01.03070 IChUR(2) 01.03094 IChUR(2) 01.03110 IChUR(2) 01.04034 IChUR(2) 03.08531 @@@@`2297G CIL 12.2110 LeB., IC 410 @@@@`2297Ha CIL 08.23016 @@@@`2297Hb CIL 08.24002 @@@@`2297L IChUR(2) 01.02935 @@@@`2298,adn. CIL 13.10024,107 @@@@`2299 CIL 10.1088&4%7&`425 IChUR(2) 01.02907 @@@@`2300A IChUR(2) 01.02159 @@@@`2301 CIL 10.4529 IChUR(2) 03.07165 @@@@`2301A IChUR(2) 01.03113 @@@@`2301B IChUR(2) 03.09017 @@@@`2303 IChUR(2) 06.16465 @@@@`2303,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03022 @@@@`2305 IChUR(1) 01.0017 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1391 IChUR(2) 05.13886 @@@@`2306 IChUR(2) 05.15402 @@@@`2308 IChUR(2) 03.09232 @@@@`2308A IChUR(2) 01.03633 IChUR(2) 05.13975 @@@@`2310 IChUR(2) 02.06152 @@@@`2310,adn. IChUR(1) 01.1101 IChUR(2) 01.00356 @@@@`2311 CIL 08.08191 add. p. 967 ILAlg 2.0385 ILTun 0108 @@@@`2312(313) CIL 11.2590 @@@@`2312,adn. CIL 12.0489 add. p. 813 IChUR(1) 01.0775 add. p. 582 IChUR(2) 02.04933 @@@@`2313 CIL 06.13224 add. p. 3512 @@@@`2315 RS 03.tab. 28,22 @@@@`2316 IChUR(2) 02.04261 @@@@`2316,adn. IChUR(2) 03.06981 @@@@`2317 CIL 06.22028 IChUR(2) 01.04062 @@@@`2318 IChUR(2) 05.13877 ILTun 1040 IChUR(2) 05.13877 @@@@`2318,adn. CIL 08.14043 CIL 08.25349b RS 02.tab. 40,21 @@@@`2319,adn. IChUR(2) 05.14029 @@@@`2320 IChUR(2) 01.00311 @@@@`2321 IChUR(2) 03.07798 @@@@`2322A CIL 10.1088&4%7&`422 IChUR(2) 01.02899 @@@@`2322A,adn. IChUR(2) 03.07925 @@@@`2323 IChUR(2) 05.12980 @@@@`2323,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03135 IChUR(2) 05.12914 IChUR(2) 05.13015 IChUR(2) 05.13077 IChUR(2) 05.12914 IChUR(2) 05.13015 IChUR(2) 05.13077 @@@@`2324,adn. IChUR(2) 05.12973 @@@@`2324a%19b RS 02.p.016ss. 381 ss. tab. 30 @@@@`2325 IChUR(2) 03.08034 @@@@`2326 RS 02.p.386 tab. 34,9 @@@@`2327 IChUR(2) 06.15939 @@@@`2327,adn. CIL 08.09708 IChUR(2) 06.16073 @@@@`2328 IChUR(2) 03.07249 @@@@`2330 CIL 08.27333 RS 02.tab. 42,20 @@@@`2331 CIL 08.20573 @@@@`2332 IChUR(2) 05.12937 @@@@`2333 IChUR(2) 05.12989 @@@@`2333,adn. IChUR(2) 05.12933 IChUR(2) 05.12991 IChUR(2) 05.13041a IChUR(2) 05.12933 IChUR(2) 05.12991 IChUR(2) 05.13041a @@@@`2334 IChUR(2) 06.15963 @@@@`2336 RS 02.p.277 tab. 48,53 @@@@`2338 IChUR(2) 03.08452 @@@@`2340 CIL 13.11282 @@@@`2341 CIL 03.02668 @@@@`2342 RS 02.p.018; 381 tab. 29,2 @@@@`2343 IChUR(2) 03.07573 IChUR(2) 06.15639 @@@@`2345 CIL 06.10012 IChUR(2) 01.00337 IChUR(2) 01.03479 LeB., NR 317 @@@@`2345A IChUR(2) 01.03810 @@@@`2345A,adn. CIL 08.05926 CIL 08.25359 IChUR(2) 03.07065 IChUR(2) 03.07569 @@@@`2347,adn. RS 02.p.385 s. tab. 32,11 @@@@`2348 IChUR(2) 01.01283 @@@@`2349 CIL 10.4525 @@@@`2349,adn. CIL 10.4545 CIL 10.4547 IChUR(2) 05.13028 @@@@`2350,adn.tit.b IChUR(2) 03.08168 @@@@`2350a,adn.%7Add. IChUR(2) 03.08168a @@@@`2351,adn. CIL 12.5338 CIL 14.3420 @@@@`2352 CIL 13.03511 @@@@`2352A CIL 13.03515 LeB., IC 677 @@@@`2352A,adn. CIL 08.05926 CIL 13.03158 @@@@`2353 CIL 10.3312 @@@@`2354 CIL 12.5356 LeB., NR 317 @@@@`2355 CIL 11.0324 @@@@`2357 CIL 13.02435 LeB., IC 074 @@@@`2357,adn. CIL 03.10099 @@@@`2358 IChUR(2) 06.15954, ll. 2, 6%19`10 @@@@`2360 CIL 08.17501a CIL 13.10026,71 ILAlg 1.0352a @@@@`2360A CIL 08.05394a @@@@`2360B IChUR(2) 01.01217 @@@@`2361 CIL 13.00906 LeB., IC 583A @@@@`2362 CIL 08.16743 CIL 08.22634,3 @@@@`2363 CIL 08.04787 CIL 08.18683 @@@@`2363,adn. CIL 08.23057 @@@@`2364 IChUR(2) 02.04533b @@@@`2365 IChUR(2) 03.08439 @@@@`2366 CIL 10.4530 @@@@`2366A,adn. CIL 08.10933 CIL 08.20481 CIL 12.5419 @@@@`2367 Vives 046 @@@@`2368a CIL 03.09632 @@@@`2369,adn. CIL 08.10969,1 @@@@`2370 AE 1906.067 @@@@`2371 RS 03.p.217 @@@@`2372 IChUR(2) 05.13224 @@@@`2373(318) CIL 08.11643 @@@@`2375 CIL 06.09657 CIL 08.11064 IChUR(2) 01.02765 @@@@`2375,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01548 @@@@`2376 IChUR(2) 01.01677 @@@@`2376,adn. CIL 10.7774 @@@@`2377 IChUR(2) 01.02703 @@@@`2377,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02850 @@@@`2378 IChUR(2) 06.15913 @@@@`2379,adn. Bosio, RS p.560a [ed.1650,p.506] @@@@`2381 CIL 11.0277 @@@@`2381,adn. IChUR(2) 03.09259 @@@@`2382 CIL 10.4629 @@@@`2384,adn. CIL 13.10001,013 @@@@`2386 CIL 08.23046 ILTun 0223 @@@@`2388C ILAlg 1.1971 @@@@`2388D CIL 08.08188 @@@@`2390 IChUR(1) 01.0151 @@@@`2391D IChUR(2) 07.17605 @@@@`2392 IChUR(1) 02. p.xxx @@@@`2392,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00769,6 @@@@`2394A CIL 08.16701 ILAlg 1.2912 @@@@`2394B CIL 08.22634 @@@@`2395,adn. CIL 03.03551 IChUR(1) 01.0523 @@@@`2395A CIL 03.02674 @@@@`2395A,adn. CIL 10.1276&4%7 CIL 14.3898 @@@@`2396 CIL 08.08627 @@@@`2396,adn. CIL 13.07526 @@@@`2397 IChUR(1) 01.1241 IChUR(2) 02.05125 @@@@`2398 IChUR(2) 02.04272 @@@@`2399 Vives 151 @@@@`2400 CIL 13.03448 LeB., IC 336C @@@@`2401 CIL 08.08621 add. p. 972 @@@@`2402 CIL 08.08622 @@@@`2403 CIL 08.10905 @@@@`2403A IChUR(2) 06.15940 @@@@`2404 CIL 11.0257 @@@@`2405 IChUR(1) 02.424,045 @@@@`2406 CIL 08.20482 @@@@`2407 CIL 08.08623%3`4 add. p. 972 @@@@`2408 CIL 12.0483 LeB., IC 546 @@@@`2409 Vives 086 @@@@`2409,adn. CIL 11.0257 @@@@`2410,adn. IChUR(1) 02.424,044f @@@@`2411(300) CIL 03.02673 @@@@`2412 CIL 08.11269 add. p. 2350 ILTun 0304 @@@@`2413 CIL 08.18742 @@@@`2414 RS 01.tab. 07 @@@@`2414,adn. CIL 03.06701 CIL 11.0276g @@@@`2415 CIL 08.25043 ILTun 1006 @@@@`2416 CIL 08.10656 add. p. 2742 ILAlg 1.3780 @@@@`2417 CIL 08.04488 @@@@`2417,adn. CIL 10.0761 @@@@`2418 CIL 08.08625 @@@@`2418A CIL 13.10035,02 @@@@`2419 CIL 03.14922 @@@@`2419,adn. CIL 15.1728 @@@@`2420 CIL 12.5692,14 @@@@`2421 CIL 03.14920 CIL 08.10863 CIL 08.18552 @@@@`2424 CIL 09.5901 @@@@`2425 IChUR(1) 02.169,24 @@@@`2425,adn. CIL 10.1398 @@@@`2426 CIL 03.10190 @@@@`2426A CIL 08.13543 add. p. 2459 @@@@`2427,adn. CIL 08.02213 @@@@`2427A CIL 08.20483 @@@@`2427B CIL 08.22634 @@@@`2427C CIL 08.25458 @@@@`2428 CIL 08.25809 @@@@`2428,adn. CIL 08.24326 @@@@`2429 CIL 15.2415 @@@@`2430A CIL 08.25041 @@@@`2430A,adn. CIL 12.2117 ILAlg 1.2957 @@@@`2431 CIL 03.09577 @@@@`2431,adn. CIL 03.10195,4 @@@@`2431A,adn. CIL 08.02448 @@@@`2432,adn. CIL 11.0276f IChUR(2) 01.03087,8 @@@@`2433 RS 02.p.300 tab. 50,8 @@@@`2433A Vives 183 @@@@`2433A,adn. CIL 03.09630 CIL 08.05492 CIL 08.10840 add. p. 1650 ILAlg 1.0086 @@@@`2434 CIL 08.27692 ILTun 1607 @@@@`2436 CIL 03.09625 CIL 03.09628 CIL 03.12877 @@@@`2436,adn. CIL 08.11893 @@@@`2437 CIL 08.08825 @@@@`2437,adn. IChUR(1) 02.055,12,1 IChUR(1) 02.098,003 @@@@`2439 CIL 08.08620 add. p. 1920 @@@@`2440 ILGN 301 @@@@`2440,adn. CIL 11.0322 CIL 11.0325 CIL 11.0329 CIL 11.6779 CIL 12.2408 IChUR(1) 01.0745 IChUR(1) 02.057,19,3 s. @@@@`2441,adn. CIL 08.02272 IChUR(2) 03.07666 @@@@`2442 CIL 08.20412 @@@@`2443 CIL 08.10787 CIL 08.16659 add. p. 2732 CIL 08.18705 ILAlg 1.3431 @@@@`2443,adn. CIL 08.02079 CIL 08.09703 CIL 08.10706 CIL 08.16684 CIL 08.18488 @@@@`2444 CIL 09.0412a @@@@`2444,adn. CIL 11.6811 @@@@`2445 CIL 03.00597 @@@@`2446 CIL 08.15639 @@@@`2446,adn. CIL 08.08654 CIL 08.12035 CIL 08.20356 CIL 08.23128 @@@@`2447 CIL 15.1726 ICI 04.108 @@@@`2447,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01636 @@@@`2447A,adn. CIL 08.09715 @@@@`2447B ILAlg 1.1082 @@@@`2448 CIL 13.10024,106 LeB., NR 080 @@@@`2449 CIL 12.5697,02 LeB., IC 412A @@@@`2449,adn. CIL 08.27332 @@@@`2450A CIL 11.2899 add. p. 1296 @@@@`2451 IChUR(1) 01.0127 add. p. 575 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1486 IChUR(2) 03.00420 @@@@`2451,adn. CIL 11.0280 @@@@`2452 IChUR(2) 01.01791 @@@@`2452B IChUR(2) 01.01718 @@@@`2453 CIL 10.8140 add. p. 1006 @@@@`2453,adn. CIL 08.09270 @@@@`2454 CIL 12.01724 CIL 12.1724 add. p. 827 LeB., IC 391 CIL 12.01724 @@@@`2455 CIL 12.2144 LeB., IC 463 @@@@`2455,adn. CIL 12.2693 LeB., IC 481 %6 CIL 12.2693 CIL 13.03857 @@@@`2455,adn. (Marcell.) LeB., IC 272 @@@@`2455,adn. Gose 032 @@@@`2456 CIL 13.03507 LeB., IC 322 @@@@`2457 CIL 13.02418 LeB., IC 049 @@@@`2458 Vives 185 @@@@`2459 Vives 023 @@@@`2460 CIL 08.20920 @@@@`2461 CIL 08.15641 ILTun 0640 @@@@`2462,adn. CIL 11.0276b,2 @@@@`2463 CIL 08.00462 CIL 08.11644 ILTun 0447 @@@@`2464 CIL 08.10642 add. p. 1576 @@@@`2465 CIL 08.16720 @@@@`2465,adn. CIL 08.00706 CIL 08.10549 CIL 08.17746 c CIL 08.24067 CIL 08.25825 @@@@`2466 IChUR(2) 01.01656 @@@@`2467 CIL 08.10694 @@@@`2467,adn. CIL 08.18669 @@@@`2469 CIL 08.02308 add. p. 950 @@@@`2470 CIL 08.02046 add. p. 941 CIL 08.02223 CIL 08.02738 CIL 08.05187 CIL 08.17265 CIL 08.17718 CIL 08.17768 CIL 08.22653,10 ILAlg 1.0960 ILAlg 1.3580 @@@@`2470,adn. CIL 08.17732 add. p. 1112 @@@@`2470A ILAlg 1.2982 @@@@`2471 CIL 08.02292 @@@@`2472 CIL 10.1396%19`1400 @@@@`2474 CIL 12.0958 LeB., IC 526 @@@@`2474,adn. CIL 06.23090 CIL 11.0276abe CIL 11.0277 @@@@`2475 CIL 08.02309 CIL 08.17759 @@@@`2476 CIL 08.24513 ILTun 0872 @@@@`2476,adn. CIL 03.09628 @@@@`2477A ILTun 1694 @@@@`2479,adn. CIL 08.16758 @@@@`2480 CIL 02.4976,36 Vives 398 @@@@`2480,adn. IChUR(1) 02.065,19 @@@@`2482,adn. CIL 12.2081 IChUR(1) 01.1133 LeB., IC 688 @@@@`2483 CIL 13.02391 LeB., IC 017 @@@@`2483,adn. CIL 08.07924 @@@@`2484 %6 2262A CIL 09.5346 @@@@`2485 CIL 08.01214 add. p. 1391 @@@@`2486 CIL 08.07922 add. p. 966 @@@@`2486,adn. CIL 12.5750 @@@@`2487 CIL 08.25044 @@@@`2488 CIL 08.11133 ILTun 0146 @@@@`2489 CIL 10.0015 ICI 05.003 @@@@`2489,adn. CIL 08.27693 @@@@`2490 CIL 08.02218b @@@@`2491 CIL 08.27965 @@@@`2492 CIL 08.17610 @@@@`2492,adn. CIL 08.02220,3 IChUR(1) 02.127,06.1 s. IChUR(2) 01.00769,3 @@@@`2493 IChUR(2) 03.07621 @@@@`2493,adn. CIL 14.1942 IChUR(2) 01.00649 @@@@`2494 CIL 03.09570 @@@@`2494,adn. LeB., NR 247%19`248 @@@@`2495 CIL 08.02218a @@@@`2495,adn. CIL 08.27938 ILAlg 1.3808 @@@@`2496 I.Ital. 10,2.066 @@@@`2497 CIL 11.2568 @@@@`2497,adn. CIL 08.07924 CIL 08.11133 IChUR(1) 02.052,01,10 IChUR(1) 02.424,044,7 @@@@`2497A,adn. IChUR(1) 02.126,04.4 @@@@`2498 CIL 08.10713 CIL 08.17612 ILAlg 1.2990 @@@@`2498,adn. CIL 08.17386 CIL 11.0276b Ep.Dam. 039 [Ihm 047,4] IChUR(1) 02.067,27,5 @@@@`2499 CIL 08.00928 CIL 08.01247 add. p. 972; 1398 CIL 08.09285 @@@@`2500 CIL 08.02051 ILAlg 1.3588 @@@@`2500,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03549 @@@@`2500A CIL 08.27957 ILAlg 1.3633 @@@@`2500B IChUR(2) 01.01678 @@@@`2501 RS 02.tab. 45,28 @@@@`2502 RS 02.tab. 55,05 @@@@`2502,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02574 IChUR(2) 06.16472 RS 02.tab. 41,06 @@@@`2503,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03496 @@@@`2504 RS 02.tab. 44,06 @@@@`2504,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00452 IChUR(2) 05.13976 RS 01.tab. 21,4 RS 02.tab. 58,30 @@@@`2505 RS 01.tab. 27,5 @@@@`2505,adn. IChUR(2) 06.16510 RS 03.p.059 @@@@`2506 RS 02.tab. 45,27 @@@@`2506,adn. CIL 06.20592b RS 01.tab. 23,01 IChUR(2) 06.15631 %6 CIL 06.20592 @@@@`2507 RS 02.p.323 @@@@`2507,adn. CIL 10.0667 @@@@`2507A,adn. IChUR(2) 03.07800 @@@@`2508,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01542 IChUR(2) 01.03869 @@@@`2508a IChUR(2) 06.16293 @@@@`2508b IChUR(2) 06.16032 @@@@`2508c IChUR(2) 06.16209 @@@@`2508d IChUR(2) 06.16299 @@@@`2509 IChUR(2) 01.03292 @@@@`2509A,adn. CIL 10.1088&4%7&`441 CIL 10.1096&4%7 CIL 11.0063&4%7& 2 IChUR(2) 01.00138 IChUR(2) 01.00466 IChUR(2) 01.00547 IChUR(2) 01.00561 IChUR(2) 01.00569 IChUR(2) 01.00815 IChUR(2) 01.00901 IChUR(2) 01.01124 IChUR(2) 01.01378 IChUR(2) 01.01589 IChUR(2) 01.01623 IChUR(2) 01.01679 IChUR(2) 01.01686 IChUR(2) 01.02237 IChUR(2) 01.02288 IChUR(2) 01.02318 IChUR(2) 01.02336 IChUR(2) 01.02400 IChUR(2) 01.02688 IChUR(2) 01.02737 IChUR(2) 01.02845 IChUR(2) 01.03004 IChUR(2) 01.03152 IChUR(2) 01.03276 IChUR(2) 01.03371 IChUR(2) 01.03502 IChUR(2) 01.03511 IChUR(2) 01.03517 IChUR(2) 01.03526 IChUR(2) 01.03612 IChUR(2) 01.03691 IChUR(2) 01.03715 IChUR(2) 01.03717 ͈IChUR(2) 01.03823 IChUR(2) 01.03840 IChUR(2) 01.03892 @@@@`2510 CIL 10.0660 @@@@`2511,adn. CIL 08.25284 @@@@`2512 CIL 08.23914 @@@@`2512,adn. CIL 08.01090 @@@@`2513a CIL 08.25312a @@@@`2513b CIL 08.25230 @@@@`2513c CIL 08.25242 @@@@`2513d CIL 08.25243 @@@@`2513e CIL 08.25247 @@@@`2513f CIL 08.25248 @@@@`2513g CIL 08.25263 @@@@`2513h CIL 08.25264 @@@@`2513i CIL 08.25275 @@@@`2513k CIL 08.25279 @@@@`2513l CIL 08.25282 @@@@`2513m CIL 08.25300 @@@@`2514 ILTun 0230 @@@@`2514,adn. CIL 08.01094 CIL 08.11647 CIL 08.12476 CIL 08.14175 CIL 08.14216 CIL 08.21434 CIL 08.23019 CIL 08.23051a CIL 08.23772 CIL 08.24331 CIL 08.24506 CIL 08.25338 CIL 08.25407 CIL 08.25826a CIL 08.26394 CIL 08.26396 ILAlg 1.3437 ILAlg 1.3454 @@@@`2516 IChUR(2) 01.00293 @@@@`2517 IChUR(2) 01.03019 @@@@`2517,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00614 IChUR(2) 01.03734 IChUR(2) 01.03881 @@@@`2517A IChUR(2) 01.03463 @@@@`2519,adn. CIL 08.25257 @@@@`2520 CIL 08.05918 IChUR(2) 01.02214 IChUR(2) 01.02215 @@@@`2520,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03668 IChUR(2) 01.03711 @@@@`2520A,adn. CIL 08.21425 @@@@`2521 IChUR(2) 01.03609 @@@@`2521,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00636 IChUR(2) 01.01122 IChUR(2) 01.02366 IChUR(2) 01.02407 IChUR(2) 01.02619 IChUR(2) 01.03692 IChUR(2) 06.16459 @@@@`2522 CIL 08.13821 @@@@`2523 RS 03.tab. 28,23 @@@@`2524 IChUR(2) 01.01726 @@@@`2524,adn. CIL 10.1088&4%7&`452 CIL 11.0259&4%7& 124 IChUR(2) 01.02910 IChUR(2) 01.03151 @@@@`2526 IChUR(2) 01.01111 @@@@`2526,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00954 IChUR(2) 03.07884 @@@@`2527 IChUR(2) 01.00325 %6 2.6453 IChUR(2) 02.06453 %6 1.0325 IChUR(2) 01.02241 @@@@`2528 CIL 08.25314 ILTun 1015 ILTun 1030 @@@@`2528,adn. CIL 08.25221 @@@@`2529 CIL 08.25236 @@@@`2530 RS 02.tab. 39,38 @@@@`2530,adn. CIL 08.01085 IChUR(2) 01.02137 IChUR(2) 01.03421 @@@@`2531 IChUR(2) 01.04028 @@@@`2532 ILAlg 1.3453 @@@@`2533 IChUR(2) 06.15697 @@@@`2533,adn. CIL 08.25280 @@@@`2534 IChUR(2) 01.02021 @@@@`2535 IChUR(2) 01.02994 @@@@`2536 CIL 06.12232 CIL 08.24511 @@@@`2537 CIL 08.25239 @@@@`2537,adn. CIL 08.24070 @@@@`2538 CIL 08.23052 @@@@`2538,adn. CIL 08.13550 @@@@`2539 IChUR(2) 01.03707 @@@@`2539,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01635 Vives 256 @@@@`2540 CIL 08.16739 add. p. 2746 ILAlg 1.3620 @@@@`2541,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02345 @@@@`2542 IChUR(2) 01.02379 @@@@`2543 CIL 08.25224 @@@@`2543,adn. CIL 08.01391 add. p. 938 CIL 08.14889 @@@@`2544 IChUR(2) 03.08198 @@@@`2544A IChUR(2) 01.03853%3`4 @@@@`2546 IChUR(2) 03.07646 @@@@`2546A CIL 08.13806 @@@@`2546A,adn. CIL 08.17388 CIL 08.17390 CIL 08.25409 @@@@`2547,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00645 IChUR(2) 01.02821 @@@@`2547A CIL 08.19885 CIL 08.25289 @@@@`2548A IChUR(2) 01.03119 @@@@`2548A,adn. IChUR(2) 02.04599 @@@@`2549,adn. CIL 08.14228A b @@@@`2550 IChUR(2) 01.03723 @@@@`2550A IChUR(2) 01.03646 @@@@`2550A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03439 IChUR(2) 06.16565 @@@@`2551 CIL 08.24001 ILTun 0754 @@@@`2552 IChUR(2) 01.00696 @@@@`2552A IChUR(2) 01.01381 @@@@`2552B IChUR(2) 01.03352 @@@@`2552B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02138 IChUR(2) 01.03388 IChUR(2) 02.04661 @@@@`2552C IChUR(2) 01.04070 @@@@`2552D IChUR(2) 01.01577 @@@@`2553,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00283 IChUR(2) 01.02014 IChUR(2) 01.02240 IChUR(2) 01.02304 IChUR(2) 01.02307 IChUR(2) 01.02457 IChUR(2) 01.02602 IChUR(2) 01.02866 IChUR(2) 01.03355 IChUR(2) 01.03846 @@@@`2553A CIL 10.5901 IChUR(2) 01.03833 @@@@`2553A,adn. CIL 08.25341 @@@@`2553B IChUR(2) 01.02242 @@@@`2553C IChUR(2) 01.01553 @@@@`2554 CIL 13.11213 @@@@`2556A IChUR(2) 01.02230 @@@@`2556A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02234 @@@@`2557 IChUR(2) 03.08477 @@@@`2557,adn. CIL 12.1271 add. p. 824 IChUR(2) 01.02328 LeB., NR 158 @@@@`2559 RS 03.p.050 @@@@`2559,adn. RS 03.p.060 s. @@@@`2560 IChUR(2) 01.03862 @@@@`2560,adn. CIL 10.1373 CIL 11.4059 ICI 04.054 IChUR(2) 01.03510 @@@@`2561 IChUR(1) 01.0040 IChUR(2) 01.3158 IChUR(2) 06.17247 @@@@`2562 IChUR(1) 01.0043 IChUR(2) 08.21598 @@@@`2563 IChUR(1) 01.0070 IChUR(2) 07.17428 @@@@`2564 IChUR(1) 01.0312 IChUR(2) 07.20603 @@@@`2565 IChUR(2) 06.16478 @@@@`2565,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03471 @@@@`2566 CIL 08.25483a @@@@`2568 IChUR(1) 01.0035 add. p. 574 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1417 IChUR(2) 03.07377 @@@@`2569 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1500 IChUR(2) 02.06023 @@@@`2570 IChUR(1) 01.0463 IChUR(2) 01.01941 @@@@`2571 IChUR(1) 01.0071 @@@@`2571 %6 2819 IChUR(2) 03.08720 @@@@`2575 IChUR(2) 06.15908 @@@@`2575,adn. RS 03.p.214 @@@@`2576 IChUR(1) 01.0509 IChUR(1) 01.0749 add. p. 582 IChUR(2) 01.01943 @@@@`2576,adn. CIL 11.1512 I.Ital. 07,2.079 @@@@`2576A IChUR(2) 07.17571 @@@@`2576A,adn. IChUR(1) 01.1097 IChUR(2) 01.00055 IChUR(2) 02.05729 @@@@`2576B IChUR(2) 01.01152 @@@@`2576B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02209 IChUR(2) 01.02337 IChUR(2) 01.03405 IChUR(2) 01.03893 @@@@`2576C IChUR(2) 01.03535 @@@@`2576C,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00562 @@@@`2577 IChUR(2) 01.03630 @@@@`2578 IChUR(2) 03.08244 @@@@`2578,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03366 @@@@`2579 IChUR(2) 02.05977 @@@@`2579A IChUR(2) 03.09031 @@@@`2579A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02164 IChUR(2) 03.08580 @@@@`2579B IChUR(2) 01.02352 @@@@`2579B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03418 @@@@`2580 IChUR(2) 03.06783 @@@@`2581 IChUR(2) 01.01285 @@@@`2582 IChUR(2) 01.01581 @@@@`2582,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02985 @@@@`2583,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00305 IChUR(2) 01.02872 IChUR(2) 01.03109 @@@@`2583A IChUR(2) 01.02465 @@@@`2583A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03871 @@@@`2585 CIL 08.25265 @@@@`2585,adn. IChUR(2) 03.08461 IChUR(2) 03.08465 @@@@`2585A IChUR(2) 06.16337 @@@@`2585B CIL 14.1952 I.Ostie B.225 @@@@`2586 IChUR(2) 01.02413 @@@@`2586,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03590 @@@@`2586B IChUR(2) 01.02333 @@@@`2586C IChUR(2) 01.02951 @@@@`2587 IChUR(2) 01.00542 @@@@`2587,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02184 IChUR(2) 01.02202 IChUR(2) 01.02414 @@@@`2588,adn. CIL 10.1088&4%7&`421 IChUR(2) 01.02142 IChUR(2) 01.02681 IChUR(2) 06.15789 @@@@`2588A IChUR(2) 01.03503 @@@@`2589 IChUR(2) 06.15830 @@@@`2589,adn. IChUR(2) 06.16016 @@@@`2590,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03750 @@@@`2591 IChUR(2) 01.01762 @@@@`2591,adn. CIL 10.3313 CIL 14.1898%3`9 IChUR(2) 01.01323 IChUR(2) 01.01780 IChUR(2) 01.02143 IChUR(2) 01.02174 IChUR(2) 01.02248 IChUR(2) 01.02471 IChUR(2) 01.02847 IChUR(2) 01.02869 IChUR(2) 01.02877 IChUR(2) 01.03490 IChUR(2) 01.03515 IChUR(2) 01.03531 IChUR(2) 01.03879 @@@@`2592 IChUR(2) 01.03409 @@@@`2592,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01578 @@@@`2593 IChUR(2) 02.04248 @@@@`2594 IChUR(2) 02.06258a @@@@`2594,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01515 IChUR(2) 01.02700 IChUR(2) 01.03858 IChUR(2) 02.06254 IChUR(2) 03.06614 @@@@`2595 IChUR(2) 01.02870 @@@@`2595A CIL 10.1088&4%7&`429 IChUR(2) 01.02902 @@@@`2595B IChUR(2) 01.01744 @@@@`2595B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00201 IChUR(2) 01.02992 @@@@`2597 IChUR(2) 01.02024 IChUR(2) 06.15907 @@@@`2597,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03583 @@@@`2598 RS 03.tab. 23,41 @@@@`2598,adn. CIL 06.31058b CIL 10.0947&4%7&,`7 CIL 14.2257 IChUR(2) 01.01362 IChUR(2) 01.02145 IChUR(2) 01.02981 IChUR(2) 01.03128 IChUR(2) 06.15901 IChUR(2) 05.15378 %6 CIL 6.03734%6`31058 @@@@`2599 IChUR(2) 01.03676 @@@@`2599A IChUR(2) 01.03390 @@@@`2600 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1465 IChUR(2) 08.20774 @@@@`2600A IChUR(1) 01.0130 IChUR(2) 08.20777 @@@@`2601 IChUR(1) 01.0399 IChUR(2) 04.12540 @@@@`2601A IChUR(1) 01.0604 IChUR(2) 01.02111 @@@@`2601A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03144 @@@@`2601B RS 02.tab. 56,29 @@@@`2601B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02316 RS 03.tab. 29,54 @@@@`2601D,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02802 @@@@`2602 IChUR(1) 01.0092 IChUR(2) 01.03126 @@@@`2602,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0154 IChUR(2) 07.17441 @@@@`2603 IChUR(1) 01.0158 @@@@`2603,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0157 IChUR(1) 01.0205 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1591 IChUR(2) 01.00725 IChUR(2) 01.01425 IChUR(2) 01.02082 @@@@`2603A IChUR(1) 01.0216 IChUR(2) 02.04501 @@@@`2604 IChUR(1) 01.0236 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1632 IChUR(2) 01.01254 @@@@`2604A IChUR(1) 01.0239 IChUR(2) 07.17466 @@@@`2605 IChUR(1) 01.0290 IChUR(2) 07.19960 @@@@`2606 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1865 IChUR(2) 02.06053 @@@@`2606,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0486 IChUR(2) 01.01455 IChUR(2) 08.21612 @@@@`2607 IChUR(1) 01.0537 IChUR(2) 01.02813 @@@@`2607,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0575 IChUR(2) 01.02814 IChUR(2) 04.12545%19`12546 @@@@`2608 IChUR(2) 01.01262 @@@@`2609 IChUR(1) 01.0204 IChUR(2) 02.04805 IChUR(2) 02.04807 @@@@`2609A IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1629 IChUR(2) 07.19957 @@@@`2609A,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0338 IChUR(1) 01.0453 IChUR(1) 01.0543 IChUR(1) 01.0598 IChUR(2) 01.01456 IChUR(2) 01.02109 IChUR(2) 01.03201 IChUR(2) 01.03478 IChUR(2) 02.04172 IChUR(2) 08.23437 @@@@`2610 IChUR(2) 03.07440 @@@@`2610,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01717 IChUR(2) 01.02000 IChUR(2) 01.02401 IChUR(2) 01.02734 IChUR(2) 01.02781 IChUR(2) 01.02849 IChUR(2) 01.03591 @@@@`2610A IChUR(2) 01.00968 @@@@`2610B IChUR(2) 01.01690 @@@@`2611 IChUR(1) 01.0182 IChUR(2) 07.17444 @@@@`2611,adn. IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1840 IChUR(2) 01.00986 @@@@`2611A CIL 06.31851li IChUR(2) 02.04360 @@@@`2611A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01376 IChUR(2) 01.01663 @@@@`2611B IChUR(2) 03.08928 @@@@`2611B,adn. CIL 10.1088&4%7&`428 IChUR(2) 01.02901 IChUR(2) 01.03318 @@@@`2611C IChUR(2) 01.02312 @@@@`2611C,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01689 @@@@`2612,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01106 @@@@`2614 IChUR(2) 02.04260 @@@@`2614,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02714 @@@@`2614A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00578 IChUR(2) 01.03272 @@@@`2614B IChUR(2) 01.00613 @@@@`2614B,adn. RS 03.p.137 tab. 21,26 @@@@`2614C RS 02.tab. 57,06 @@@@`2616 IChUR(2) 01.02986 @@@@`2616,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00056 @@@@`2616A CIL 08.16158 IChUR(2) 01.03693 @@@@`2616A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01627 @@@@`2617,adn. IChUR(2) 03.06664 @@@@`2617A IChUR(2) 01.00021 @@@@`2618 IChUR(2) 01.01521 @@@@`2619A IChUR(2) 01.01309 @@@@`2620 IChUR(2) 01.03752 @@@@`2623,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03096 @@@@`2624 IChUR(2) 01.01676 IChUR(2) 03.09006 @@@@`2625,adn. RS 03.p.040 @@@@`2625A IChUR(2) 01.00375 @@@@`2625A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02738 IChUR(2) 01.03867 @@@@`2626 IChUR(1) 01.0114 IChUR(2) 08.21601 @@@@`2627 IChUR(1) 01.0091 IChUR(2) 01.01421 RS 03.p.111 tab. 19,42 @@@@`2628 IChUR(1) 01.0110 IChUR(2) 01.01422 @@@@`2628,adn. IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1584 IChUR(2) 03.06502 @@@@`2629 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1560 @@@@`2630,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01231 IChUR(2) 01.01672 RS 03.p.133 tab. 20,02 @@@@`2631 IChUR(2) 05.15364 @@@@`2631,adn. IChUR(2) 02.06428 @@@@`2631A IChUR(1) 01.0176 IChUR(2) 07.19953 @@@@`2631B IChUR(1) 01.0359 IChUR(2) 05.13934 @@@@`2631C IChUR(1) 01.0586 @@@@`2632 IChUR(2) 01.02374 @@@@`2632A RS 03.p.272 @@@@`2633 IChUR(1) 01.0414 IChUR(2) 01.01448 @@@@`2634 IChUR(1) 01.0846 IChUR(2) 05.15358 @@@@`2634,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0592 IChUR(2) 01.02136 IChUR(2) 07.20605 @@@@`2635 IChUR(1) 01.0609 IChUR(2) 01.00730 @@@@`2637 IChUR(2) 02.06333 @@@@`2637,adn. CIL 11.0158&4%7& 6 IChUR(2) 01.01790 IChUR(2) 01.03719 @@@@`2640 IChUR(2) 01.00338 IChUR(2) 01.02439 @@@@`2640,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00591 IChUR(2) 01.03407 IChUR(2) 06.17060 @@@@`2641 CIL 10.7182 @@@@`2643 CIL 08.13469 ILTun 0922 @@@@`2644 CIL 08.12196 ILTun 0596 @@@@`2645 CIL 08.23049 @@@@`2645,adn. CIL 08.23049c @@@@`2647 CIL 08.11896 @@@@`2647,adn. CIL 08.11902 CIL 08.11903 @@@@`2648,adn. ILAlg 1.2967 @@@@`2648A CIL 08.23049a @@@@`2648A,adn. CIL 08.11271 CIL 08.11898 CIL 08.23047 CIL 08.23047a CIL 08.23049b CIL 08.23049h CIL 08.23053a CIL 08.23053l CIL 08.25198 CIL 08.25208 CIL 08.25298 CIL 08.25320 CIL 08.25329 @@@@`2649 CIL 08.02569 @@@@`2650 IChUR(1) 01.0833 IChUR(2) 01.01471 @@@@`2650A CIL 08.01100 add. p. 1285 CIL 10.7500 @@@@`2651 ILTun 0840 @@@@`2652 CIL 08.13787 @@@@`2652,adn. CIL 08.25288 @@@@`2652A ILTun 0737 @@@@`2655 IChUR(2) 01.01327 @@@@`2655A CIL 08.26395 @@@@`2656 RS 03.tab. 28,50 @@@@`2657 CIL 08.27813a ILTun 1650 @@@@`2662 RS 02.tab. 45,46 @@@@`2665 CIL 08.23053c @@@@`2666 ILAlg 1.2796 @@@@`2667 CIL 08.27992 ILAlg 1.3782 @@@@`2669 CIL 08.25814 @@@@`2670 CIL 08.14125 add. p. 2459 @@@@`2672 CIL 08.01086 CIL 08.25339 @@@@`2672,adn. CIL 08.25245 @@@@`2674 CIL 13.07260 LeB., IC 344 @@@@`2675 CIL 08.00067 add. p. 1160 @@@@`2675,adn. CIL 08.00150 ILAlg 1.3450 @@@@`2676 CIL 08.00748 @@@@`2676,adn. CIL 08.00749 @@@@`2677 CIL 08.01769 add. p. 1523 @@@@`2678 ILTun 0597 @@@@`2678,adn. CIL 08.12198 @@@@`2679 CIL 08.12200 RS 01.tab. 17,02 @@@@`2680 CIL 08.16351 @@@@`2682 CIL 08.23570 @@@@`2682,adn. CIL 08.23053 CIL 08.23053r CIL 08.24075 @@@@`2683 CIL 08.11127 ILTun 0240 @@@@`2683,adn. CIL 08.23053u @@@@`2684 CIL 08.23053n @@@@`2684,adn. CIL 08.11447 CIL 08.23038c CIL 08.23038d @@@@`2685A CIL 08.22833 @@@@`2686 CIL 08.23909 IChUR(2) 01.02716 @@@@`2686A IChUR(2) 02.06136 @@@@`2687,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01520 %6 2713 IChUR(2) 01.01531 IChUR(2) 01.02163 IChUR(2) 01.02250 IChUR(2) 01.02713 %6 1520 @@@@`2687A,adn. RS 03.p.280 @@@@`2688 CIL 08.11081 @@@@`2688,adn. CIL 08.15243 @@@@`2689A CIL 08.22837 @@@@`2689A,adn. CIL 08.11082 @@@@`2689B ILAlg 1.2787 @@@@`2690 IChUR(1) 01.0230 IChUR(2) 01.01434 @@@@`2690,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0137 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1495 IChUR(2) 03.03141 IChUR(2) 03.08141 IChUR(2) 04.12420 @@@@`2691 RS 03.tab. 28,51 @@@@`2691A IChUR(2) 01.02221 @@@@`2691A,adn. IChUR(2) 02.04469 @@@@`2691B IChUR(2) 01.01010 @@@@`2692 IChUR(2) 06.16446 @@@@`2692A IChUR(2) 01.02283 @@@@`2692A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01532 IChUR(2) 01.02200 IChUR(2) 01.02429 IChUR(2) 01.02642 IChUR(2) 01.02987 IChUR(2) 01.03095 IChUR(2) 01.03400 IChUR(2) 01.03464 IChUR(2) 01.03638 IChUR(2) 01.03760 IChUR(2) 01.03767 IChUR(2) 01.03796 @@@@`2693 IChUR(1) 02.443,168 IChUR(2) 01.00196 @@@@`2693,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01662 IChUR(2) 01.02039 IChUR(2) 01.02155 IChUR(2) 02.04482 IChUR(2) 05.14393 RS 01.p.337 23,14 RS 02.tab. 55,10 @@@@`2693A CIL 14.3423 @@@@`2693B IChUR(2) 01.03545 @@@@`2694,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00296 IChUR(2) 01.02013 IChUR(2) 01.03465 IChUR(2) 02.06304 @@@@`2695 IChUR(2) 01.03776 IChUR(2) 02.04223 @@@@`2695,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02176 IChUR(2) 01.02468 IChUR(2) 01.02933 IChUR(2) 01.03069 IChUR(2) 01.03354 IChUR(2) 01.03603 IChUR(2) 01.03814 RS 03.tab. 20,08 @@@@`2696 IChUR(2) 01.01776 @@@@`2696,adn. RS 03.tab. 23,06 @@@@`2697 RS 03.tab. 30,22 @@@@`2697A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02072 @@@@`2697B IChUR(2) 01.02216 @@@@`2697B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03550 @@@@`2697C IChUR(2) 01.03650 @@@@`2697C,adn. IChUR(2) 06.16141 RS 03.tab. 23,05 @@@@`2697D IChUR(2) 01.02372 @@@@`2698 IChUR(2) 01.02952 IChUR(2) 01.03629 @@@@`2698,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00592 IChUR(2) 01.01523 IChUR(2) 01.01765 IChUR(2) 01.02264 IChUR(2) 01.02390 IChUR(2) 01.03302 IChUR(2) 01.03387 IChUR(2) 05.14054 @@@@`2698A CIL 06.00647b IChUR(2) 01.03875 @@@@`2699 IChUR(2) 01.03422 @@@@`2700,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01587 IChUR(2) 01.01590 IChUR(2) 01.02206 IChUR(2) 01.03628 @@@@`2701,adn. IChUR(1) 01.1197 IChUR(2) 01.02616 @@@@`2702,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02232 @@@@`2704 RS 03.tab. 18%3`19,56 @@@@`2704,adn. CIL 06.35687 adn. IChUR(2) 01.02955 @@@@`2705 IChUR(2) 01.03443 @@@@`2706 IChUR(2) 02.04259 @@@@`2706,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02819 @@@@`2706A IChUR(2) 01.03361 @@@@`2706B IChUR(2) 01.02983 @@@@`2708,adn. CIL 10.0947&4%7&,`9 CIL 14.1964 IChUR(2) 01.00950 IChUR(2) 01.01384 IChUR(2) 01.01735 IChUR(2) 01.02208 IChUR(2) 01.02260 IChUR(2) 01.02727 IChUR(2) 01.03026 IChUR(2) 01.03136 @@@@`2708B IChUR(2) 03.08562 @@@@`2709 IChUR(2) 01.00606 @@@@`2709,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00070 IChUR(2) 01.01557 IChUR(2) 01.01644 IChUR(2) 01.03445 RS 03.tab. 18,31 @@@@`2709A IChUR(2) 01.03859 @@@@`2710 CIL 06.17959b IChUR(2) 03.08533 @@@@`2710A IChUR(2) 01.01530 @@@@`2710A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00842 IChUR(2) 01.01305 @@@@`2711 IChUR(2) 02.04755 RS 03.tab. 47,01 @@@@`2711A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01680 IChUR(2) 01.02829 IChUR(2) 01.03514 @@@@`2711B IChUR(2) 01.02758 @@@@`2711B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03430 IChUR(2) 06.15897 RS 03.p.151 tab. 22,35 @@@@`2711C IChUR(2) 01.01756 @@@@`2712 IChUR(2) 01.02461 @@@@`2712,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03870 @@@@`2712A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03743 @@@@`2713A IChUR(2) 01.03463 @@@@`2713A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02173 IChUR(2) 01.02409 IChUR(2) 01.02735 RS 03.tab. 22,27 @@@@`2713B IChUR(2) 01.03678 @@@@`2713B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02382 IChUR(2) 01.02950 @@@@`2713C CIL 03.03197 IChUR(2) 01.03055 @@@@`2715 RS 02.p.288 tab. 56,23 @@@@`2715,adn. CIL 08.14230 CIL 08.24509 @@@@`2716 IChUR(2) 01.00416 @@@@`2716A IChUR(2) 01.03640 @@@@`2717 RS 03.tab. 26,10 @@@@`2717,adn. CIL 08.16257 CIL 08.27697 @@@@`2717A IChUR(2) 01.00898 @@@@`2718,adn. RS 02.p.300 tab. 50,5 @@@@`2719 IChUR(2) 01.03015 @@@@`2720 CIL 08.25411 ILTun 1175 @@@@`2720,adn. CIL 06.31968,4 CIL 08.13583 CIL 08.14250 @@@@`2721 IChUR(2) 02.06456 @@@@`2722A ILTun 1706 @@@@`2722B IChUR(2) 01.03728 @@@@`2722B,adn. IChUR(2) 03.09053 @@@@`2723 IChUR(2) 05.14383 @@@@`2724,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03025 IChUR(2) 01.03426 IChUR(2) 01.03781 IChUR(2) 05.12908 @@@@`2726,adn. IChUR(2) 03.08785 @@@@`2727 RS 03.p.284 @@@@`2727,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02662 IChUR(2) 01.03873 IChUR(2) 02.06360 @@@@`2727A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00049 IChUR(2) 01.03605 @@@@`2728 CIL 13.03522 add. p. 41 LeB., IC 678 @@@@`2728A CIL 13.02363 LeB., IC 072 @@@@`2730 CIL 08.23020,03 @@@@`2731 CIL 14.1901 @@@@`2731A IChUR(2) 01.00623 @@@@`2732 IChUR(1) 01.0207 IChUR(2) 01.00963 @@@@`2732,adn. RS 03.p.168 tab. 24,03 @@@@`2733,adn. IChUR(1) 01.1305 @@@@`2734,adn. CIL 10.7499 @@@@`2735 CIL 05.06195 @@@@`2735,adn. CIL 05.06282 @@@@`2736 ICI 07.135 @@@@`2736a NSc 1891.281 @@@@`2737 CIL 05.05685 @@@@`2737A CIL 05.06210 @@@@`2738 I.Ital. 11,2.042 @@@@`2738A CIL 05.06237 @@@@`2739 CIL 05.06228 @@@@`2739,adn. CIL 05.05741%3`6253a CIL 05.06229 CIL 05.06253a%3`5741 @@@@`2740 CIL 05.06589 @@@@`2740,adn. CIL 05.05430 CIL 05.06212 CIL 05.06264 CIL 05.06269 CIL 05.07137 @@@@`2741 CIL 05.05211 @@@@`2742 I.Ital. 11,2.045 @@@@`2747 CIL 12.02069 CIL 12.2069 LeB., NR 106 @@@@`2748 CIL 13.03826 LeB., IC 302 @@@@`2751 ILTun 0198 ILTun 0199 @@@@`2752 IChUR(2) 01.03886 @@@@`2753 CIL 14.1909 @@@@`2754 CIL 11.0942 @@@@`2755 CIL 08.21337a @@@@`2756 IChUR(2) 03.08571 @@@@`2757 IChUR(1) 01.0521 IChUR(2) 05.13952 @@@@`2757,adn. CIL 06.09150,10s IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1381 IChUR(2) 02.06021 @@@@`2758 IChUR(2) 02.04394 IChUR(2) 02.06338 @@@@`2760 CIL 12.2141 LeB., IC 460B @@@@`2760,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02946 @@@@`2760A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00641 @@@@`2761 RS 01.tab. 19,10 @@@@`2762 IChUR(2) 01.00473 @@@@`2762,adn. IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1396 IChUR(2) 03.06624 @@@@`2763 IChUR(1) 01.0033 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1410 IChUR(2) 08.23058 @@@@`2763,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01605 RS 03.p.290 @@@@`2764,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03935 @@@@`2764A IChUR(2) 01.00974 @@@@`2765 CIL 12.02485 CIL 12.2485 LeB., IC 388A @@@@`2766 IChUR(1) 01.0901 IChUR(2) 02.04990 @@@@`2767 RS 03.p.010,1 @@@@`2768 CIL 13.07748 @@@@`2769 CIL 03.02663 @@@@`2770 CIL 13.11283 @@@@`2770,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0512 @@@@`2771 IChUR(2) 01.01491 @@@@`2772 IChUR(1) 01.0282 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1673 IChUR(2) 01.03191 @@@@`2773 CIL 08.16740 add. p. 945 ILAlg 1.2968 @@@@`2773,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0512 IChUR(2) 09.23763 @@@@`2773A IChUR(2) 01.02900 @@@@`2774 ILAlg 1.2794 @@@@`2775 ILTun 0064 @@@@`2776 IChUR(2) 01.01296 @@@@`2776,adn. CIL 11.3242 @@@@`2777 IChUR(1) 01.0443 IChUR(2) 07.17511 @@@@`2777,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0657 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1805 IChUR(2) 01.03208 IChUR(2) 02.04888 @@@@`2777A CIL 09.5274 @@@@`2777adn. IChUR(2) 02.05934 @@@@`2778 CIL 05.04117 @@@@`2779 CIL 12.01792 CIL 12.1792 LeB., NR 135 @@@@`2779,adn. CIL 12.2193 LeB., NR 133 @@@@`2780 IChUR(1) 01.1076 @@@@`2781A IChUR(2) 01.03963,5 @@@@`2782 IChUR(1) 01.0339 IChUR(2) 01.02099 @@@@`2783 CIL 06.15316 IChUR(2) 01.02001 @@@@`2783A IChUR(2) 01.03394 @@@@`2783B CIL 13.11207 @@@@`2784,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00847 @@@@`2786 IChUR(1) 01.0020 IChUR(2) 07.17416 @@@@`2787 IChUR(2) 05.14529 @@@@`2788 RS 03.p.176 tab. 25,27 @@@@`2788,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02346 @@@@`2788A IChUR(2) 01.03584 @@@@`2788B CIL 08.09732 @@@@`2788B,adn. CIL 08.27929 @@@@`2789 IChUR(2) 01.00790 @@@@`2789,adn. CIL 12.1214 IChUR(2) 01.02528 IChUR(2) 01.03487 IChUR(2) 03.08476 LeB., IC 505 @@@@`2789,adn. (Gemellina) IChUR(2) 02.04340 @@@@`2790 CIJ 1.658%3`659 @@@@`2790A IChUR(2) 02.04628 IChUR(2) 06.15616 @@@@`2791 CIL 08.21479 @@@@`2792 IChUR(1) 01.0530 IChUR(2) 06.17252 @@@@`2792A IChUR(2) 01.00303 @@@@`2792B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00509 IChUR(2) 01.01571 IChUR(2) 03.09223 @@@@`2792D IChUR(2) 01.01315 @@@@`2793 RS 03.p.357 @@@@`2794 Vives 048 @@@@`2795 IChUR(1) 01.1127 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1401 IChUR(1) 02.283 IChUR(2) 04.09547 RS 03.tab. 20,13 @@@@`2795A IChUR(1) 01.0041 IChUR(2) 01.02721 @@@@`2795A,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0047 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1428 @@@@`2795B IChUR(1) 01.0105 IChUR(2) 04.12524 @@@@`2795B,adn. CIL 13.p.40* nr. 381 IChUR(1) 01.0213 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1602 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1616 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1618 IChUR(2) 01.03179 IChUR(2) 08.23412 RS 03.p.674; 677,1 @@@@`2795B,adn. (Paula) IChUR(2) 02.04748 @@@@`2795C %6 4146D IChUR(2) 02.06045 @@@@`2795C,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0371 add. p. 576 IChUR(1) 01.0625 IChUR(1) 01.1053 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1788 IChUR(2) 02.04820 IChUR(2) 02.05070 IChUR(2) 05.13932 @@@@`2796 IChUR(2) 01.03379 @@@@`2796,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00977 IChUR(2) 01.02415 IChUR(2) 03.09020 @@@@`2796A IChUR(2) 02.04388 RS 02.tab. 56,27 @@@@`2797 IChUR(2) 02.06300 @@@@`2797,adn. RS 02.p.286 @@@@`2797B IChUR(2) 01.02303 @@@@`2797B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02855 IChUR(2) 01.03326 IChUR(2) 03.09025 @@@@`2797C IChUR(2) 03.08754 @@@@`2797D IChUR(2) 01.02431 @@@@`2797E IChUR(2) 01.02644 @@@@`2797G IChUR(2) 01.01979 @@@@`2797H IChUR(2) 02.04403 @@@@`2798 IChUR(2) 01.01276 @@@@`2798A IChUR(2) 02.06221 @@@@`2798A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01597 RS 03.p.134 tab. 20,22 @@@@`2798B CIL 11.0259&4%7& 126 IChUR(2) 01.03153 @@@@`2799A IChUR(2) 01.01275 @@@@`2799A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01708 IChUR(2) 01.03897 @@@@`2799B IChUR(2) 01.02363 @@@@`2801 CIL 14.1946 I.Ostie B.244 IChUR(1) 01.0589 @@@@`2801,adn. CIL 14.3427 @@@@`2801A CIL 10.4526 @@@@`2802 CIL 03.08879 add. p. 1510 @@@@`2802,adn. CIL 03.02623 add. p. 1510 @@@@`2803 CIL 13.03509 @@@@`2803A CIL 13.03513 LeB., IC 324 @@@@`2803B CIL 13.03516 add. p. 41 @@@@`2803B,adn. CIL 13.03508 LeB., NR 047 @@@@`2803Ba LeB., IC 325 @@@@`2803Bb LeB., IC 325A @@@@`2803C CIL 13.11304 @@@@`2804 IChUR(1) 01.0692 IChUR(2) 01.03230 @@@@`2804,adn. IChUR(2) 03.08509 @@@@`2804B IChUR(2) 03.09241 @@@@`2804C IChUR(2) 01.01220a @@@@`2805 IChUR(2) 01.02078 @@@@`2806 IChUR(2) 03.09140 @@@@`2806 (suppl.) IChUR(2) 02.04679 @@@@`2806A IChUR(2) 01.02443 @@@@`2806B IChUR(2) 01.02026 @@@@`2806C,adn. IChUR(2) 02.06444 @@@@`2807 IChUR(1) 01.0006 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1379 @@@@`2807,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0012 IChUR(2) 04.11093 IChUR(2) 05.13885 @@@@`2807A IChUR(1) 01.0021 IChUR(2) 02.06029 IChUR(2) 07.17417 @@@@`2807A,adn. CIL 06.07969 CIL 06.07970 IChUR(1) 01.0140 IChUR(1) 01.0142 IChUR(1) 01.0181 IChUR(1) 01.0195 IChUR(1) 01.0200 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1598 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1668 IChUR(2) 01.01189 IChUR(2) 01.01424 IChUR(2) 01.02282 IChUR(2) 02.04805 IChUR(2) 02.04807 IChUR(2) 07.17455 IChUR(2) 08.23418 @@@@`2808 RS 02.tab. 56,04 @@@@`2808,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00603 IChUR(2) 01.02144 IChUR(2) 01.03397 @@@@`2809 IChUR(2) 02.04545 @@@@`2809,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03434 @@@@`2809A IChUR(2) 01.01981 @@@@`2810 IChUR(2) 01.02300 @@@@`2810,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03523 @@@@`2810A IChUR(2) 01.03593 @@@@`2810A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03277 @@@@`2810B IChUR(2) 01.02331 @@@@`2810C,adn. RS 03.p.161 @@@@`2810D IChUR(2) 01.00633 @@@@`2810E,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03524 @@@@`2811 IChUR(2) 01.03283 @@@@`2811B IChUR(2) 01.00650 @@@@`2811B,adn. RS 01.tab. 20,4 @@@@`2812 CIL 10.7776 @@@@`2812,adn. CIL 10.0661 @@@@`2814 CIL 08.02798 CIL 13.02798 @@@@`2815 CIL 08.21474 @@@@`2815,adn. CIL 08.21594 @@@@`2815A CIL 08.21584 @@@@`2815A,adn. CIL 08.21591 @@@@`2815B CIL 08.21585 @@@@`2815C CIL 08.09746 add. p. 2043 @@@@`2816 CIL 11.0026&4%7& 74 IChUR(1) 01.0062 IChUR(2) 01.01420 @@@@`2816,adn. CIL 08.01393a RS 03.tab. 23,45 @@@@`2816A IChUR(2) 01.00951 @@@@`2816A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03880 @@@@`2816B IChUR(2) 01.02217 @@@@`2816C IChUR(2) 01.02394 ILTun 1677 @@@@`2816C,adn. CIL 08.27546 @@@@`2817 IChUR(1) 01.0078 IChUR(2) 08.21600 @@@@`2817,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0594 IChUR(2) 07.17544 @@@@`2817A IChUR(2) 01.03375 @@@@`2817B IChUR(2) 01.03288 @@@@`2817C IChUR(2) 06.17119 @@@@`2818A ILAlg 1.2782 @@@@`2818A,adn. CIL 08.11651 @@@@`2819 IChUR(1) 01.0071 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1720 @@@@`2819 %6 2571 IChUR(2) 03.08720 @@@@`2819A IChUR(1) 01.0345 IChUR(2) 07.19963 @@@@`2820 IChUR(2) 01.02844 @@@@`2820A IChUR(2) 01.02451 @@@@`2820A,adn. RS 02.p.186 tab. 37,26 @@@@`2820C IChUR(2) 03.08956 @@@@`2820C,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02235 IChUR(2) 01.03410 @@@@`2820D IChUR(2) 03.08847 @@@@`2820Dadn. IChUR(2) 01.02169 @@@@`2821 CIL 14.2452 @@@@`2822 CIL 08.04794 CIL 08.18714 @@@@`2823 RS 03.p.405 @@@@`2823,adn. IChUR(2) 02.06219 @@@@`2824 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1581 IChUR(2) 02.06026 @@@@`2824,adn. IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1600 @@@@`2824A IChUR(1) 01.0556 IChUR(2) 05.13956 @@@@`2824A,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0652 @@@@`2825,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00518 IChUR(2) 01.02317 @@@@`2826 IChUR(2) 01.02278 @@@@`2826,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03794 @@@@`2827 CIL 11.07784 ICI 04.085 @@@@`2827A CIL 11.06942a, p.1253 CIL 11.6982a @@@@`2828 CIL 05.06272 @@@@`2829 Armellini 208 ICI 07.005 @@@@`2829A ICI 07.014 @@@@`2829A,adn. ICI 07.017 ICI 07.021 NSc 1892.364 NSc 1897.364 NSc 1897.364,18 NSc 1897.364 NSc 1897.364,18 @@@@`2829B CIL 05.07414 ICI 07.010 @@@@`2829B,adn. ICI 07.045 ICI 07.049 @@@@`2830 CIL 12.01791 CIL 12.1791 LeB., NR 134 @@@@`2830,adn. CIL 12.02362 CIL 13.02362 LeB., IC 079 @@@@`2831 CIL 12.0491 LeB., IC 551 @@@@`2831,adn. CIL 12.0488 CIL 13.03893%3`4 Gose 064 LeB., IC 549 LeB., NR 355 @@@@`2832 Vives 018 @@@@`2833 CIL 08.21543 @@@@`2834 CIL 08.11126 add. p. 2318 @@@@`2835 CIL 08.02010 CIL 08.02011 add. p. 2731 ILAlg 1.3422 ILAlg 1.3423 @@@@`2835A CIL 08.23053d ILTun 0232 @@@@`2835A,adn. CIL 08.00984 p. 928 CIL 08.11131 add. p. 2318 CIL 08.23050 CIL 08.23053f CIL 08.23053h CIL 08.23053v CIL 08.23230b @@@@`2836 RS 03.p.011,2 @@@@`2836,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03016 @@@@`2836A IChUR(2) 01.02148 @@@@`2836A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02454 IChUR(2) 05.14161 @@@@`2836B IChUR(2) 02.05500 @@@@`2836B,adn. CIL 10.1088&4%7&`434 IChUR(2) 01.02903 @@@@`2836C IChUR(2) 01.00402 @@@@`2837 CIL 10.00037 CIL 10.0037 ICI 05.005 @@@@`2837A CIL 10.7843 @@@@`2838,adn. CIL 03.06446 CIL 03.10238 @@@@`2839 Vives 251 @@@@`2839A Vives 105 @@@@`2839B Vives 122 @@@@`2840 CIL 08.23038e @@@@`2841 IChUR(2) 01.02912 @@@@`2841A CIL 10.7768 @@@@`2842 IChUR(2) 02.06357 @@@@`2842A IChUR(2) 01.02659 @@@@`2842C,adn. CIL 13.08482 @@@@`2843 CIL 08.20921 @@@@`2843,adn. CIL 08.20917 CIL 08.25132 @@@@`2844 IChUR(2) 01.01628 @@@@`2845 CIL 13.01158 @@@@`2845A CIL 13.01029 LeB., NR 279 @@@@`2845B CIL 13.01030 @@@@`2846 RS 02.tab. 48,44 @@@@`2846,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0355,5 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1446 IChUR(2) 04.09556 RS 03.p.270 RS 03.p.280 RS 03.p.300 @@@@`2846A IChUR(2) 02.04249 @@@@`2847 CIL 10.8077 ICI 05.020 @@@@`2847A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03631 @@@@`2848 CIL 13.03519 LeB., IC 328 @@@@`2849 CIL 08.21639 @@@@`2850 CIL 08.09713 add. p. 2034 @@@@`2850,adn. CIL 08.21431 @@@@`2850A IChUR(2) 01.02139 @@@@`2851 IChUR(1) 01.0306 IChUR(2) 02.06034 @@@@`2851A IChUR(2) 01.01185 @@@@`2851B IChUR(2) 01.00099 IChUR(2) 02.04304 @@@@`2851D IChUR(2) 01.03482 @@@@`2851D,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00604 IChUR(2) 01.02854 @@@@`2851E IChUR(2) 01.02665 @@@@`2852 CIL 05.06196 @@@@`2852A IChUR(2) 01.04088 @@@@`2853 CIL 08.09862 @@@@`2853,adn. CIL 08.09885 @@@@`2854 CIL 08.21734 @@@@`2854A CIL 08.09855 @@@@`2854B CIL 08.09856 @@@@`2854B,adn. CIL 08.21733 @@@@`2855A CIL 08.09890 add. p. 2059 @@@@`2856 CIL 08.09861 @@@@`2856,adn. CIL 08.09850 CIL 08.09889 CIL 08.21735 CIL 08.21753 CIL 08.21768 CIL 08.21769 @@@@`2857 CIL 08.21765 @@@@`2857,adn. CIL 08.09894 CIL 08.21660 @@@@`2858 CIL 08.09847 CIL 08.21728 @@@@`2858,adn. CIL 08.09860 @@@@`2859 CIL 08.21767 @@@@`2860 CIL 08.09878 @@@@`2860A CIL 08.09872 add. p. 2059 @@@@`2860B CIL 08.09875 @@@@`2860B,adn. CIL 08.09848 @@@@`2860C CIL 08.21736 @@@@`2860D CIL 08.21752 CIL 08.21754 @@@@`2860D,adn. CIL 08.09849 @@@@`2861 CIL 08.21766 @@@@`2861,adn. CIL 08.09887 CIL 08.21740 CIL 08.21744 CIL 08.21755 @@@@`2862 CIL 08.21770 @@@@`2862,adn. CIL 08.09877 @@@@`2862A CIL 08.21726 @@@@`2862B CIL 08.09871 CIL 08.21747 @@@@`2862B,adn. CIL 08.09859 add. p. 2059 @@@@`2862C CIL 08.21745 @@@@`2862C,adn. CIL 08.09898 CIL 08.21774 @@@@`2862D CIL 08.21729 @@@@`2862D,adn. CIL 08.09852 add. p. 2059 @@@@`2862E CIL 08.09876 @@@@`2862E,adn. CIL 08.21762 @@@@`2863 CIL 08.21595 @@@@`2864 CIL 08.09842 CIL 08.21719 @@@@`2865 CIL 08.09882 add. p. 2059 @@@@`2865,adn. CIL 08.09841 CIL 08.21746 @@@@`2865A CIL 08.09980 @@@@`2865A,adn. CIL 08.09972 @@@@`2866 CIL 08.09804 add. p. 2054 @@@@`2866A CIL 08.21681 @@@@`2866A,adn. CIL 08.09810 add. p. 2054 @@@@`2867 CIL 08.21682 @@@@`2867,adn. CIL 08.09808 CIL 08.21686 IChUR(2) 01.01969 @@@@`2868 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1707 IChUR(2) 02.06038 @@@@`2869 CIL 03.00417 @@@@`2870 CIL 05.05206 @@@@`2871 IChUR(1) 02.088,36 IChUR(1) 02.116,094 @@@@`2872 RS 02.tab. 57,18 @@@@`2873E IChUR(2) 01.02399 @@@@`2874 IChUR(1) 01.0107 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1469 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1605 IChUR(2) 09.23758 @@@@`2874A IChUR(2) 01.01936 IChUR(2) 08.23061 @@@@`2874B IChUR(2) 01.03671 @@@@`2874B,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0211 IChUR(2) 01.01332 IChUR(2) 01.02558 IChUR(2) 01.03560 IChUR(2) 01.03955 @@@@`2875 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1697 IChUR(2) 07.17479 @@@@`2876 IChUR(2) 01.02027 @@@@`2877 CIL 08.25349a ILTun 0433 @@@@`2877,adn. CIL 08.00459 CIL 08.11526 @@@@`2878 CIG 04.9842 CIL 06.09280 IChUR(1) 01.0192 IChUR(2) 01.00940 @@@@`2879 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1722 IChUR(2) 02.04750 RS 03.p.667 tab. 47,05 @@@@`2880,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02970 IChUR(2) 02.06083 @@@@`2880A IChUR(2) 01.01687 IChUR(2) 01.02252 @@@@`2880a NSc 1888.504,166 @@@@`2881 IChUR(2) 01.01639 IChUR(2) 06.15811 @@@@`2882 CIL 10.1540 @@@@`2883 IChUR(1) 01.0144 IChUR(2) 02.05858 %6 2.05932 IChUR(2) 02.05932 %6 2.05858 IChUR(2) 05.13105 @@@@`2883,adn. AE 1908.219 @@@@`2883A IChUR(2) 01.02341 @@@@`2884 CIL 08.11727 ILTun 0493 @@@@`2886 IChUR(2) 01.03333 @@@@`2886A,adn. IChUR(2) 02.06072 @@@@`2887,adn. CIL 11.1291 add. p. 1252 @@@@`2888 CIL 12.00930 CIL 12.0930 LeB., IC 510 @@@@`2888,adn. CIL 12.00931 CIL 12.02057 CIL 12.0931 CIL 12.2057 LeB., NR 105 LeB., NR 186 @@@@`2889 CIL 12.01787 CIL 12.1787 LeB., NR 140 @@@@`2889A CIL 12.00933 CIL 12.0933 LeB., NR 169 @@@@`2890 ILGN 135 LeB., NR 162 @@@@`2891 CIL 12.05340 CIL 12.5340 LeB., IC 613A @@@@`2891,adn. LeB., IC 530 @@@@`2891A CIL 12.00934 CIL 12.00938 CIL 12.0934 LeB., NR 180 @@@@`2891A,adn. CIL 12.00935 CIL 12.00937 CIL 12.02075 CIL 12.0935 CIL 12.0937 CIL 12.0938 LeB., IC 481 LeB., NR 164 @@@@`2891A,adn. (Secolasia) LeB., NR 184 @@@@`2892 CIL 12.5341 LeB., IC 616 @@@@`2892,adn. CIL 12.2083 LeB., IC 458C @@@@`2892A CIL 12.4312 LeB., IC 611 LeB., NR 306 @@@@`2892A,adn. CIL 12.0339 add. p. 810 CIL 12.0940 CIL 12.0945 CIL 12.5797 LeB., IC 513 LeB., IC 629 @@@@`2892A,adn. (Antonianus) LeB., NR 163 @@@@`2893 CIL 12.0948. LeB., NR 171 @@@@`2893,adn. CIL 12.0950 LeB., NR 176 @@@@`2894 CIL 12.0951 LeB., IC 523 @@@@`2894,adn. CIL 12.0952 add. p. 820 LeB., NR 177 @@@@`2895 CIL 12.0953 LeB., NR 175 @@@@`2895,adn. CIL 12.0954 LeB., IC 524 @@@@`2896 LeB., NR 178 @@@@`2896,adn. CIL 12.0957 CIL 12.0967 CIL 12.0970 LeB., IC 532 LeB., NR 192 @@@@`2896,adn. (Laurentius) LeB., NR 173 @@@@`2896,adn. (Procu1a) LeB., NR 183 @@@@`2897 CIL 12.1504 LeB., IC 493 @@@@`2898 CIL 12.4084 LeB., NR 300 @@@@`2898,adn. CIL 12.5351 LeB., IC 614 @@@@`2898A CIL 12.5354 LeB., IC 616A @@@@`2898A,adn. CIL 12.5355 CIL 12.5823 LeB., NR 313 @@@@`2898A,adn. (Pelagia) LeB., NR 181 @@@@`2899 CIL 12.5822 LeB., NR 174 @@@@`2900 CIL 12.5819 LeB., NR 166 @@@@`2900,adn. CIL 12.5869 @@@@`2901 CIL 13.02353 LeB., IC 053 RS 03.p.681 tab. 48,01 @@@@`2902 CIL 13.00499 LeB., NR 291 @@@@`2902A CIL 13.00497 LeB., NR 293 @@@@`2902A,adn. CIL 13.01443 @@@@`2903 CIL 13.02475 LeB., IC 381 @@@@`2904 CIL 12.02009 CIL 12.2309 LeB., IC 469 @@@@`2904,adn. CIL 12.01781 CIL 12.1781 add. p. 827 LeB., NR 145 @@@@`2905 CIL 12.2093 LeB., IC 449 @@@@`2907,b IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1704 @@@@`2907,a IChUR(2) 02.04749 @@@@`2908 CIL 05.07742 @@@@`2909 CIL 12.2661 LeB., IC 475 @@@@`2909,adn. CIL 12.01693 CIL 12.1693 CIL 12.2126 LeB., IC 422A LeB., IC 477B @@@@`2910 CIL 12.2654 LeB., IC 474 @@@@`2910,adn. CIL 12.02644 CIL 12.2644 CIL 13.01509 CIL 13.02360 @@@@`2910,adn. (Aclisianus) LeB., IC 074 @@@@`2910,adn. (Adelfina) LeB., NR 095 @@@@`2910,adn. (Balsimius) LeB., IC 556A @@@@`2911 CIL 13.01529 LeB., IC 569 @@@@`2911,adn. CIL 08.22883 @@@@`2912 LeB., IC 566 @@@@`2912,adn. CIL 13.01534 LeB., IC 570 @@@@`2913 CIL 13.01503 LeB., NR 226 @@@@`2914 CIL 13.01532 LeB., IC 567 @@@@`2914,adn. CIL 13.01481 LeB., NR 234 CIL 13.05769 @@@@`2915 CIL 13.01533 LeB., IC 571 @@@@`2916 CIL 13.01485 LeB., IC 561 @@@@`2916,adn. CIL 13.01490 CIL 13.01510 CIL 13.02438 CIL 13.11209 @@@@`2916,adn. (Cerva) LeB., IC 564B @@@@`2916,adn. (Concordia) LeB., IC 556B @@@@`2917 CIL 13.07645 LeB., NR 066 @@@@`2918 CIL 13.08481 @@@@`2919 CIL 13.08478 LeB., IC 353 @@@@`2919A CIL 13.01512 LeB., IC 556D @@@@`2919A,adn. CIL 13.11302 @@@@`2920 CIL 13.00498 LeB., NR 290 @@@@`2921 IChUR(1) 01.0666 IChUR(2) 02.06081 @@@@`2922 CIL 08.20922 @@@@`2922,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00429 @@@@`2924 IChUR(2) 01.00905 @@@@`2924A I.Ital. 10,1.564 @@@@`2925 IChUR(1) 01.0210 IChUR(2) 07.17459 @@@@`2925A IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1787 IChUR(2) 02.06044 @@@@`2926 IChUR(1) 01.0391 IChUR(2) 01.01446 @@@@`2926,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0401 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1534 IChUR(2) 02.06025 IChUR(2) 04.12539 @@@@`2927 CIL 06.27955 IChUR(1) 01.0445 IChUR(2) 07.19978 @@@@`2927A %6 4415 IChUR(2) 02.06064 @@@@`2927A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00988 @@@@`2927F,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03305 @@@@`2928 IChUR(2) 01.00178 @@@@`2928,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0669 IChUR(1) 01.0682 IChUR(2) 01.00989 @@@@`2930 IChUR(2) 02.06316 @@@@`2930,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00109 IChUR(2) 01.00816 IChUR(2) 01.03028 @@@@`2930A IChUR(2) 01.02663 @@@@`2931 IChUR(2) 01.02908 IChUR(2) 01.03553 @@@@`2931A IChUR(2) 01.01612 @@@@`2931A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02462 @@@@`2932 CIL 10.04485 CIL 10.4485 @@@@`2932,adn. CIL 10.04489 CIL 10.4489 @@@@`2932A CIL 10.04493 CIL 10.4493 add. p. 976 @@@@`2932A,adn. CIL 10.4542 @@@@`2933 CIL 10.4531 @@@@`2933,adn. CIL 10.3168 IChUR(2) 01.02887 @@@@`2933A CIL 10.4521 @@@@`2933A,adn. CIL 10.1524 CIL 10.3306%3`7 CIL 10.4534 @@@@`2933B CIL 10.07168 CIL 10.7168 @@@@`2933B,adn. CIL 10.7333 @@@@`2935 IChUR(2) 01.02715 @@@@`2935A CIL 10.05646 CIL 10.5646 @@@@`2936 IChUR(1) 01.0750 IChUR(1) 01.0750a @@@@`2936A NSc 1895.485,163 @@@@`2936A,adn. CIL 10.7172 @@@@`2937 CIL 08.10517 add. p. 1198 @@@@`2938 IChUR(1) 01.0015 IChUR(2) 07.19946 @@@@`2938,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0054 IChUR(2) 01.02722 @@@@`2939 IChUR(1) 01.0085 @@@@`2940 IChUR(1) 01.0102 IChUR(2) 01.00081 IChUR(2) 01.02596 @@@@`2941 IChUR(1) 01.0113 @@@@`2941,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0133 IChUR(1) 01.0136 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1490 IChUR(2) 01.01423 IChUR(2) 07.17437 @@@@`2941A IChUR(1) 01.0143 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1498 IChUR(2) 01.01427 IChUR(2) 06.16967 @@@@`2941A,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0163a IChUR(1) 01.0175 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1514a IChUR(2) 01.01427a IChUR(2) 01.02084 @@@@`2942 IChUR(1) 01.0186 IChUR(2) 01.01429 @@@@`2943 IChUR(1) 01.0191 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1575 IChUR(2) 01.00896 @@@@`2943,adn. IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1579 IChUR(2) 02.06079 @@@@[`3504,adn.%6]`2943,adn.%7Add. IChUR(2) 01.02113 %6 02.06079 IChUR(2) 02.06079 %6 01.02113 @@@@`2943B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02682 @@@@`2944 IChUR(1) 01.0218 IChUR(2) 04.12530 @@@@`2944,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0212 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1601 IChUR(2) 07.17460 @@@@`2945 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1603 @@@@`2945A IChUR(1) 01.0276 IChUR(2) 01.01436 IChUR(2) 07.17462 @@@@`2945A,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0287 IChUR(1) 01.0357 IChUR(2) 01.03001a IChUR(2) 01.03001 IChUR(2) 04.11771 IChUR(2) 07.17474 @@@@`2945B IChUR(1) 01.0379 IChUR(2) 04.12538 IChUR(2) 07.17462 @@@@`2945C,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00793 @@@@`2946 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1760 RS 01.tab. 23,03 @@@@`2946,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0384 IChUR(1) 01.0413 IChUR(1) 01.0424 IChUR(1) 01.0429 IChUR(1) 01.0434 IChUR(1) 01.0460 IChUR(1) 01.0509 IChUR(1) 01.0606 IChUR(1) 01.0639 IChUR(1) 01.0639 %6 IChUR(2) 06.17253 IChUR(1) 01.0845 IChUR(2) 01.00742 IChUR(2) 01.01445 IChUR(2) 01.01943 IChUR(2) 01.03213 IChUR(2) 03.08434 IChUR(2) 04.09583 IChUR(2) 05.13119 IChUR(2) 06.17253 IChUR(2) 06.17253 %6 IChUR(1) 01.0639 IChUR(2) 07.17508 @@@@`2946A IChUR(1) 01.0647 IChUR(2) 07.17554 @@@@`2946A,adn. IChUR(2) 02.04897 @@@@`2947A IChUR(2) 03.08598 @@@@`2947A,adn. CIL 06.27602b IChUR(2) 01.01682 @@@@`2948 IChUR(2) 01.01151 @@@@`2948A IChUR(2) 01.02860 @@@@`2949 RS 02.tab. 57%3`58,19 @@@@`2949A IChUR(2) 01.03764 @@@@`2949A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02380 IChUR(2) 01.02597 IChUR(2) 01.03285 IChUR(2) 01.03461 IChUR(2) 01.03620 IChUR(2) 01.03887 @@@@`2950 IChUR(2) 06.16096 @@@@`2950,adn. CIL 06.28166b IChUR(2) 02.04495 IChUR(2) 03.06963 IChUR(2) 05.14142 @@@@`2950A IChUR(2) 06.16433 @@@@`2950B IChUR(2) 02.06334 @@@@`2951 IChUR(2) 01.02030 add. p. 490 @@@@`2951A IChUR(2) 05.14328 @@@@`2951B IChUR(2) 01.02867 @@@@`2951B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02403 @@@@`2951C IChUR(2) 01.02730 @@@@`2952 IChUR(2) 01.02705 @@@@`2952,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01369 @@@@`2952A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01106 RS 03.p.149 @@@@`2952B IChUR(2) 06.15902 @@@@`2952C IChUR(2) 01.02205 @@@@`2952C,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0896 IChUR(1) 01.0920 a. 498%3`9 IChUR(1) 01.1038 a. 530%19`533 IChUR(1) 02.444,169 IChUR(2) 01.00031 IChUR(2) 01.00091 IChUR(2) 01.00189 IChUR(2) 01.01200 IChUR(2) 01.01720 IChUR(2) 01.02129 IChUR(2) 01.02269 IChUR(2) 01.02284 IChUR(2) 01.02334 IChUR(2) 01.02545 IChUR(2) 01.02787 IChUR(2) 01.03099 IChUR(2) 01.03253 IChUR(2) 01.03433 IChUR(2) 01.03703 IChUR(2) 01.03800 IChUR(2) 02.06369 @@@@`2952C,adn. (Rufinus) IChUR(2) 02.04264 @@@@`2952D IChUR(2) 03.08981 @@@@`2952E IChUR(2) 01.00306 @@@@`2952F RS 02.tab. 57,02 @@@@`2952F,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03011 @@@@`2952G IChUR(2) 01.00004 @@@@`2952H IChUR(2) 01.02359 @@@@`2952R,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02851 @@@@`2953 IChUR(2) 01.03981 @@@@`2953A IChUR(2) 03.06705 @@@@`2953B IChUR(2) 01.00339 @@@@`2953B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02862 @@@@`2953C IChUR(2) 01.00957 @@@@`2953D IChUR(2) 01.03674 @@@@`2953E IChUR(2) 01.03645 @@@@`2953E,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02326 @@@@`2953F IChUR(2) 01.00965 @@@@`2954 IChUR(2) 01.00619 @@@@`2955 IChUR(2) 01.00626 @@@@`2955,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03341 @@@@`2955A CIL 10.0947&4%7&,`8 IChUR(2) 01.03132 @@@@`2955B IChUR(2) 01.03768 @@@@`2955F RS 03.tab. 20,49 @@@@`2955G RS 03.tab. 23,12 @@@@`2956 CIL 14.03418 CIL 14.3418 IChUR(1) 01.0476 @@@@`2956,adn. CIL 14.2787 CIL 14.3417 CIL 14.3427a CIL 14.3428a IChUR(1) 01.0407 IChUR(1) 01.0408 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1841 @@@@`2956,adn.%103cf.%103 IChUR(1) 01.0407%7`408 %6 CIL 14.03417 @@@@`2957 CIL 09.1391a @@@@`2957A CIL 09.03601 CIL 09.3601 @@@@`2958 CIL 10.04493a CIL 10.4493a @@@@`2958A CIL 10.0328 @@@@`2960 CIL 11.07788 ICI 04.084 @@@@`2960A CIL 11.4054 ICI 04.053 @@@@`2960A,adn. CIL 11.4053 CIL 11.4060 ICI 04.051 @@@@`2961 CIL 11.4344 ICI 06.030 @@@@`2962 CIL 11.2574 CIL 11.3355 @@@@`2962,adn. CIL 11.03515 CIL 11.1408 CIL 11.2569 CIL 11.2575 @@@@`2963,adn. CIL 05.06283 @@@@`2964 CIL 03.09509b add. p. 2139 CIL 03.09509 @@@@`2964,adn. CIL 03.09583 @@@@`2965 CIL 08.11654 add. p. 2359 @@@@`2966 CIL 08.08708a @@@@`2966A CIL 08.20313 @@@@`2967 IChUR(1) 01.0148 @@@@`2967,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0089 IChUR(1) 01.0111 add. p. 575 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1451 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1481 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1507 IChUR(2) 01.01252 IChUR(2) 03.06500 IChUR(2) 03.08139 @@@@`2968 IChUR(1) 01.0178 @@@@`2968,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0223 IChUR(2) 01.01432 @@@@`2969 IChUR(1) 01.0264 IChUR(2) 04.11107 @@@@`2969A IChUR(1) 01.0283 IChUR(2) 07.17473 @@@@`2969A,adn. IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1733 IChUR(2) 02.06041 @@@@`2970 IChUR(1) 01.0378 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1803 IChUR(2) 07.17497 @@@@`2971 IChUR(1) 01.0392 add. p. 577 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1823 IChUR(2) 02.06050 @@@@`2971A IChUR(1) 01.0410 IChUR(2) 01.00737 @@@@`2971A,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0593 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1859 IChUR(2) 01.00086 IChUR(2) 01.00737a IChUR(2) 01.01449 IChUR(2) 01.03236 @@@@`2971B IChUR(1) 01.0893 IChUR(2) 08.20832 @@@@`2971B,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0932 @@@@`2972 IChUR(2) 03.08641 @@@@`2972,adn. RS 02.p.162 s. tab. 35,8 @@@@`2973A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01757 @@@@`2973B IChUR(2) 01.03536 @@@@`2973B,adn. CIL 10.1088&4%7&`457 IChUR(2) 01.00521 IChUR(2) 01.02377 IChUR(2) 01.03841 @@@@`2973C IChUR(2) 03.08908 @@@@`2973D IChUR(2) 01.00830 @@@@`2973E,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03435 @@@@`2973G CIL 08.07334 @@@@`2973H CIL 08.00454 CIL 08.11525 @@@@`2974 IChUR(1) 01.0499 IChUR(2) 02.04506 @@@@`2974,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0510 IChUR(1) 01.0538 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1809 IChUR(2) 05.15356 IChUR(2) 07.17533 IChUR(2) 08.20806 @@@@`2974A IChUR(1) 01.0590 IChUR(2) 04.09378 RS 01.tab. 01,25 @@@@`2974A,adn. IChUR(2) 02.06084 @@@@`2974B IChUR(1) 01.0799 IChUR(2) 08.20824 @@@@`2974B,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0796 IChUR(2) 01.00354 IChUR(2) 07.17578 @@@@`2975 IChUR(2) 01.00280 @@@@`2975,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02769 @@@@`2975C IChUR(2) 02.06284 @@@@`2976 IChUR(2) 07.17438 @@@@`2976,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0118 IChUR(2) 05.13901 @@@@`2976A IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1580 IChUR(2) 02.06027 @@@@`2976B IChUR(1) 01.0229 @@@@`2976B,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0231 IChUR(1) 01.0268 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1675 %6 IChUR(2) 06.15773 IChUR(2) 01.01433 IChUR(2) 07.17465 IChUR(2) 08.20795 @@@@`2977 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1813 IChUR(2) 02.06048 IChUR(2) 03.09067 @@@@`2977A NSc 1888.703,282 @@@@`2977A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00231 @@@@`2977B IChUR(2) 03.09247 @@@@`2978 IChUR(1) 01.0067 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1802 IChUR(2) 04.12523 @@@@`2978A IChUR(1) 01.0124 IChUR(2) 01.02769 @@@@`2978B IChUR(1) 01.0153 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1513 IChUR(2) 03.08421 @@@@`2978C IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1748 IChUR(2) 02.06043 @@@@`2978D IChUR(2) 07.19970 @@@@`2979,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03428 IChUR(2) 01.03508 IChUR(2) 01.03572 @@@@`2980 RS 03.p.008,2 @@@@`2980,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01993 IChUR(2) 01.02605 @@@@`2981 IChUR(2) 02.05837 @@@@`2982 IChUR(2) 01.03815 @@@@`2982,adn. CIL 10.1088&4%7&`450 IChUR(2) 01.02909 @@@@`2983A IChUR(2) 02.05393 @@@@`2983A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01155 IChUR(2) 01.02369 IChUR(2) 01.03687 IChUR(2) 01.03706 @@@@`2984 IChUR(2) 01.02752 @@@@`2984A IChUR(2) 01.03108 @@@@`2984A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03413 RS 03.tab. 31,10 @@@@`2986 IChUR(2) 01.02012 @@@@`2988 IChUR(2) 01.02984 @@@@`2988,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01493 IChUR(2) 01.03592 IChUR(2) 01.03852 IChUR(2) 03.08829 @@@@`2989 IChUR(2) 01.02455 @@@@`2989,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03275 @@@@`2989A,adn. CIL 08.25237 @@@@`2990 RS 03.p.173 tab. 25,21 @@@@`2990,adn. RS 03.tab. 22,09 @@@@`2990A IChUR(2) 02.06359 @@@@`2990B IChUR(2) 01.03754 @@@@`2990B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01670 @@@@`2990C RS 03.p.179 tab. 24,30 @@@@`2990D IChUR(2) 01.01525 @@@@`2990E IChUR(2) 01.00434 IChUR(2) 01.01667 @@@@`2991A IChUR(2) 01.01157 IChUR(2) 01.03481 @@@@`2991A,adn. RS 03.p.166 @@@@`2992 IChUR(2) 05.15361 @@@@`2992,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00137 @@@@`2993 IChUR(2) 01.02733 @@@@`2993A IChUR(2) 01.02017 @@@@`2994 CIL 11.1703 @@@@`2994A CIL 11.1697 CIL 11.1701 @@@@`2995 CIL 11.4025 ICI 04.003 @@@@`2995A CIL 11.4049 ICI 04.048 @@@@`2995A,adn. CIL 11.4052 CIL 11.4055 ICI 04.039 ICI 04.043 @@@@`2997,adn. RS 03.p.173 tab. 25,22 @@@@`2997B IChUR(2) 06.17002 @@@@`2997B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03784 @@@@`2997C IChUR(2) 01.02964 @@@@`2997D IChUR(2) 01.03807 @@@@`2997F RS 03.p.091 ss. @@@@`2997F,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00003 IChUR(2) 01.01588 IChUR(2) 01.01604 IChUR(2) 01.02231 IChUR(2) 01.02608 IChUR(2) 01.02612 IChUR(2) 01.03131 IChUR(2) 01.03836 @@@@`2997G IChUR(2) 01.01999 @@@@`2997H CIL 08.13781 ILTun 0932 @@@@`2997I IChUR(2) 01.02969 @@@@`2998 IChUR(2) 01.00073 @@@@`2998A IChUR(2) 01.02676 @@@@`2998C IChUR(2) 01.03856 @@@@`2998C,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03632 @@@@`2998D IChUR(2) 01.02740 @@@@`2998E IChUR(2) 01.02780 @@@@`2998E,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02440 @@@@`2998F IChUR(2) 01.02295 @@@@`2998G IChUR(2) 01.03450 @@@@`2999 IChUR(1) 01.0061 IChUR(2) 08.20768 @@@@`2999A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00030 IChUR(2) 01.03883 IChUR(2) 03.08514 @@@@`2999B IChUR(2) 01.00001 @@@@`2999D CIL 06.09663b @@@@`2999D cf. 3387 (rev.) IChUR(2) 03.08773 @@@@`2999E RS 02.tab. 45,63 @@@@`2999F IChUR(2) 01.03844 @@@@`2999h IChUR(2) 01.00644 @@@@`3000 IChUR(2) 01.01193 @@@@`3000A IChUR(2) 02.05058 @@@@`3001 IChUR(1) 01.0095 IChUR(2) 07.17433 @@@@`3001,adn. IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1423 @@@@`3002 IChUR(1) 01.0128 IChUR(2) 02.00061 IChUR(2) 05.13906 @@@@`3002A IChUR(1) 01.0126 IChUR(2) 05.13905 @@@@`3002B IChUR(1) 01.0237 IChUR(2) 02.04810 @@@@`3003 IChUR(1) 01.0342 IChUR(2) 06.15776 @@@@`3003A IChUR(1) 01.0423 IChUR(2) 04.09377 RS 01.tab. 26,01 @@@@`3003B IChUR(1) 01.0494 IChUR(2) 07.17523 @@@@`3003B,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0541 IChUR(2) 01.01464 @@@@`3003C IChUR(1) 01.0717 IChUR(2) 07.17568 @@@@`3004 RS 02.p.295 tab. 50,4 @@@@`3004,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03799 @@@@`3004A IChUR(2) 03.08549 @@@@`3004A,adn. RS 01.p.330 tab. 28,14 @@@@`3005,adn. RS 02.p.167 tab. 36,14,15 @@@@`3006 RS 03.p.276 @@@@`3006A RS 02.tab. 39,09 @@@@`3006A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00401 IChUR(2) 01.02128 IChUR(2) 01.02956 RS 02.p.295 tab. 49,2 @@@@`3006B IChUR(2) 03.08919 @@@@`3006C IChUR(2) 03.08865 @@@@`3007 RS 02.tab. 49,01 @@@@`3007B RS 02.tab. 45,68 @@@@`3007B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00107 @@@@`3008C IChUR(2) 05.14493 @@@@`3009 IChUR(2) 01.00465 @@@@`3009A IChUR(2) 01.02355 @@@@`3009B IChUR(2) 01.02296 @@@@`3009C IChUR(2) 01.02996 @@@@`3009D IChUR(2) 01.03458 @@@@`3009D,adn. RS 03.tab. 18,12 @@@@`3009E IChUR(2) 01.01379 @@@@`3009H IChUR(1) 02.442,151 IChUR(2) 01.01203 RS 03.tab. 20,16 @@@@`3010 RS 02.p.167 tab. 37,17 @@@@`3010,adn. IChUR(2) 06.15921 @@@@`3011 IChUR(2) 01.01704 @@@@`3011,adn. IChUR(2) 05.14511 @@@@`3012 IChUR(2) 02.06126 @@@@`3012A IChUR(2) 03.08891 @@@@`3012B IChUR(2) 06.16977 @@@@`3012B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00975 IChUR(2) 01.03639 @@@@`3012C IChUR(2) 01.03683 @@@@`3012C,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01547 @@@@`3013 IChUR(2) 03.08745 @@@@`3013,adn. RS 03.tab. 18,08 @@@@`3013A CIL 06.13225 add. IChUR(2) 05.14329 @@@@`3013B IChUR(2) 01.01685 IChUR(2) 01.03488 @@@@`3013C IChUR(2) 01.00404 @@@@`3013D IChUR(2) 01.03766 @@@@`3013D,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00040 @@@@`3013F IChUR(2) 01.00576 @@@@`3013H IChUR(2) 05.14069 @@@@`3013H,adn. RS 02.tab. 58,04 @@@@`3013I IChUR(2) 03.08882 @@@@`3014 IChUR(2) 01.03559 @@@@`3015 RS 03.p.009,7 @@@@`3015A IChUR(2) 01.00483 @@@@`3015B RS 02.tab. 57,01 @@@@`3015C IChUR(2) 02.04630 @@@@`3016 IChUR(2) 02.06011 @@@@`3016A IChUR(2) 01.03864 @@@@`3016B IChUR(2) 01.00794 @@@@`3016C RS 03.p.184 @@@@`3016C,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01600 @@@@`3016D,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01502 @@@@`3016E RS 03.p.283 @@@@`3017A IChUR(2) 06.15905 @@@@`3017B RS 02.tab. 47%3`48,41 @@@@`3017C IChUR(2) 01.03658 @@@@`3018 IChUR(1) 01.0750b @@@@`3018A; 2296B IChUR(2) 01.02618 @@@@`3018B IChUR(2) 01.01793 @@@@`3018B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01827 @@@@`3019 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1436 IChUR(2) 06.15985b @@@@`3020 IChUR(2) 01.00959 @@@@`3021 IChUR(2) 01.02947 @@@@`3021A IChUR(2) 01.01375 @@@@`3021A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01297 IChUR(2) 01.02859 @@@@`3022 IChUR(2) 01.03635 @@@@`3023B RS 03.tab. 22,20 @@@@`3023B,adn. RS 02.tab. 56,28 @@@@`3024 RS 03.p.273 @@@@`3025 CIL 09.1068 @@@@`3025A CIL 09.1067 @@@@`3026 CIL 09.1397 @@@@`3026,adn. CIL 09.1395 CIL 09.2082a @@@@`3027 CIL 09.01367 CIL 09.1367 @@@@`3027A CIL 09.01368 CIL 09.1368 @@@@`3028 CIL 09.01370 CIL 09.1370 @@@@`3028A CIL 09.01373 CIL 09.1373 @@@@`3028B CIL 09.01376 CIL 09.1376 @@@@`3029 CIL 10.08139 CIL 10.8139 add. p. 1006 @@@@`3029A CIL 10.00786 @@@@`3030 CIL 10.01349 CIL 10.1349 @@@@`3032 CIL 11.02573 CIL 11.2573 @@@@`3033 CIL 11.2537 @@@@`3033A CIL 11.2545 @@@@`3033B IChUR(2) 01.00856 @@@@`3034 CIL 11.2562 CIL 11.2578 CIL 11.2580 @@@@`3034A CIL 11.2888 CIL 11.2891 ICI 01.074 @@@@`3035 CIL 11.4034 ICI 04.014 IChUR(1) 01.0086 @@@@`3035A CIL 11.04039 ICI 04.020 IChUR(1) 01.0166 @@@@`3035B CIL 11.04038 CIL 11.4038 CIL 11.4039 ICI 04.021 IChUR(1) 01.0165 @@@@`3035C CIL 11.4040 ICI 04.022 IChUR(1) 01.0291 @@@@`3035D CIL 11.04041 CIL 11.4041 ICI 04.023 IChUR(1) 01.0327 @@@@`3035[a?] CIL 11.04034 @@@@`3035[b?] CIL 11.04035 @@@@`3036 CIL 11.04043 CIL 11.4043 ICI 04.024 IChUR(1) 01.0430 @@@@`3036A CIL 11.04042 CIL 11.4042 ICI 04.025 IChUR(1) 01.0428 @@@@`3036B CIL 11.04044 CIL 11.4044 ICI 04.026 IChUR(1) 01.0519 @@@@`3036B,adn. CIL 10.7771ss CIL 11.04045 CIL 11.4045 ICI 04.027 IChUR(1) 01.0520 @@@@`3036C CIL 11.4056 ICI 04.037 @@@@`3036D CIL 11.4064 ICI 04.052 @@@@`3036E CIL 11.4069 ICI 04.044 @@@@`3036F CIL 11.4071 ICI 04.042 @@@@`3036G CIL 11.6474 ICI 06.133 @@@@`3038 CIL 12.02078 CIL 12.2078. LeB., IC 458R @@@@`3039 CIL 13.02351 LeB., IC 062 @@@@`3039,adn. CIL 08.27333 @@@@`3039A CIL 10.0786 @@@@`3040 CIL 13.00912 add. p. 7 CIL 13.00912%7add.p.7 LeB., IC 591 @@@@`3040,adn. CIL 13.00300 LeB., NR 296 @@@@`3040A CIL 13.01323 LeB., NR 223 @@@@`3041 CIL 13.07671 LeB., IC 360 @@@@`3041A CIL 13.07637 LeB., NR 062 @@@@`3042 CIL 03.09563 CIL 03.12867 @@@@`3042A CIL 03.12850 add. p. 2328&4`127& %6 9333 FSalona 02.177 @@@@`3042A,adn. AE 1906.136 @@@@`3042B CIL 03.02664 @@@@`3042C CIL 03.09579 @@@@`3042D CIL 03.09595 CIL 03.09654 ∐CIL 03.12881 @@@@`3043 CIL 03.02326 %103`9620 add. p. 2325;%103 CIL 03.09616 CIL 03.09620 add. p. 2325; 2326 CIL 03.14239 @@@@`3043,adn. CIL 11.0333 @@@@`3044 CIL 03.14915 @@@@`3045 CIL 08.08652 add. p. 973 CIL 08.20355 @@@@`3045,adn. CIL 08.08700 add. p. 1933 @@@@`3046,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01108 @@@@`3046A CIL 14.1911 @@@@`3048 IChUR(2) 06.15593 @@@@`3048A IChUR(2) 01.00635 @@@@`3049 RS 03.p.453 @@@@`3050 CIL 13.03882 Gose 455 @@@@`3051A IChUR(2) 02.06451 @@@@`3052A,B CIL 08.21539 CIL 08.21540 @@@@`3053 IChUR(2) 01.02948 @@@@`3054 IChUR(2) 02.06225 @@@@`3054A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03147 @@@@`3055 CIL 13.03817 LeB., IC 245 @@@@`3055,adn. CIL 11.06160 CIL 11.6160 @@@@`3056 CIL 08.28044 ILAlg 1.2959 @@@@`3056,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00246 @@@@`3057 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1424 @@@@`3057,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02107 @@@@`3057A IChUR(1) 01.0323 IChUR(2) 03.08728 @@@@`3057A,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0435 IChUR(2) 01.02107 @@@@`3058 IChUR(1) 01.0461 @@@@`3058,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0835 IChUR(2) 01.00530 @@@@`3058A IChUR(2) 01.01946 @@@@`3059 IChUR(2) 03.08587 @@@@`3059,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02266a @@@@`3059A IChUR(2) 02.06190 @@@@`3060 IChUR(2) 01.00428 @@@@`3060A IChUR(1) 01.1037 @@@@`3060C,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00430 IChUR(2) 01.01317 IChUR(2) 01.03177 @@@@`3061 CIL 10.7752 CIL 10.7766 @@@@`3062 CIL 10.0774a @@@@`3062A CIL 10.7762 @@@@`3062B CIL 10.7766 @@@@`3062C CIL 10.7775 @@@@`3062D CIL 10.7763 @@@@`3063A CIL 10.7755 @@@@`3063B CIL 10.7786 @@@@`3063B,adn. CIL 10.7749 CIL 10.7758s CIL 10.7785 CIL 10.7788 CIL 10.7796s CIL 10.7806%3`7 @@@@`3064 CIL 11.2576 @@@@`3065 CIL 11.7064 @@@@`3065,adn. CIL 11.1696 @@@@`3066 CIL 12.5401 LeB., IC 598 @@@@`3066A CIL 12.5404 LeB., IC 600 @@@@`3067 CIL 13.03806 Gose 412 LeB., IC 236 LeB., NR 035 @@@@`3067,adn. CIL 13.01185 LeB., IC 575F @@@@`3068 CIL 13.05449 LeB., IC 681 @@@@`3068A CIL 13.11442 @@@@`3069 CIL 08.08649 @@@@`3070 CIL 08.08636 add. p. 1920 @@@@`3071 IBrChr 017 [CIIC 0470] @@@@`3072 IBrChr 035 [CIIC 0334] @@@@`3073 IBrChr 058 [CIIC 0404] @@@@`3073,adn. IBrChr 050 [CIIC 0344] IBrChr 101 [CIIC 0451] @@@@`3074 IBrChr 114 [CIIC 0353] @@@@`3074,adn. IBrChr 020 [CIIC 0487] @@@@`3075 IBrChr 048 [CIIC 0342] @@@@`3076 IBrChr 092 [CIIC 0370] @@@@`3077 IBrChr 034 [CIIC 0327] @@@@`3078 IBrChr 150 [CIIC 0320] @@@@`3079 IChUR(1) 01.0991 IChUR(2) 01.02123 @@@@`3079A CIL 12.2125 LeB., IC 420 @@@@`3080 CIL 13.07603 LeB., NR 370 LeB., NR 431 @@@@`3080,adn. CIL 13.03813 Gose 015 @@@@`3080A CIL 03.09584 @@@@`3081 CIL 08.27767f @@@@`3081,adn. IChUR(2) 03.08208 @@@@`3082 CIL 14.3425 @@@@`3082A CIL 12.5769 LeB., NR 211 @@@@`3082B CIL 13.03795 Gose 406 LeB., IC 226 @@@@`3083 IChUR(2) 03.08515 @@@@`3083,adn. CIL 10.1390 CIL 11.3280 add. p. 1331 @@@@`3083A CIL 03.00628 @@@@`3084 IChUR(2) 06.15999 NBullAc 1898.176,12 @@@@`3085A CIL 08.08189 add. p. 1879 ILAlg 2.0374 @@@@`3085A,adn. CIL 08.11899 @@@@`3086 CIL 08.16657 ILAlg 1.3438 @@@@`3087 CIL 14.1896 @@@@`3087,adn. CIL 14.4224 IChUR(2) 01.03696 @@@@`3088 CIL 08.27767d @@@@`3088,adn. CIL 08.27767e @@@@`3089 CIL 08.27767b @@@@`3090 IChUR(2) 01.03485 @@@@`3091 IChUR(1) 01.0305 IChUR(2) 09.23761 @@@@`3091A IChUR(1) 01.0452 IChUR(2) 04.12423 @@@@`3092 IChUR(1) 01.0635 IChUR(2) 02.04881 @@@@`3092A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01324 IChUR(2) 01.01342 @@@@`3093 CIL 14.1953 @@@@`3094A CIL 13.04460 @@@@`3095 CIL 12.2016 @@@@`3095A IChUR(2) 01.03744 @@@@`3095B CIL 08.21476 @@@@`3095B,adn. CIL 08.21433 @@@@`3095C IChUR(2) 01.03012 @@@@`3095D CIL 08.05482 CIL 08.17507 ILAlg 1.0438 @@@@`3096 IChUR(2) 03.08590A @@@@`3096A IChUR(2) 01.02188 @@@@`3096B ILAlg 1.0434 @@@@`3096C IChUR(2) 01.03546 @@@@`3098 IChUR(2) 01.03382 @@@@`3098A IChUR(2) 01.02249 @@@@`3098B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01110 @@@@`3099 IChUR(1) 01.0122 IChUR(2) 02.04268 @@@@`3099,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0173 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1543 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1577 IChUR(2) 02.06028 IChUR(2) 04.11096 @@@@`3099A IChUR(1) 01.0427 IChUR(2) 01.02105 @@@@`3099B IChUR(1) 01.0451 IChUR(2) 01.02772 @@@@`3099C RS 03.p.133 tab. 20,01 @@@@`3099D IChUR(2) 01.02772 @@@@`3100A IChUR(2) 03.08767 @@@@`3100B IChUR(2) 02.06179 @@@@`3100C IChUR(2) 06.17120 @@@@`3100C,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00421 IChUR(2) 01.01095 IChUR(2) 01.02515 @@@@`3100D IChUR(2) 01.00621 @@@@`3100E IChUR(2) 01.03334 @@@@`3100G IChUR(2) 01.02428 @@@@`3100H IChUR(2) 01.00111 @@@@`3101 RS 03.p.169 tab. 25,12 @@@@`3101A IChUR(2) 03.08951 @@@@`3101B IChUR(2) 02.04609 @@@@`3101C IChUR(2) 01.00336 @@@@`3101D RS 03.tab. 23,34 @@@@`3101E CIL 10.1088&4%7&`440 IChUR(2) 01.02687 @@@@`3101F IChUR(2) 01.02826 @@@@`3101F,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02227 @@@@`3101G CIL 10.7550 @@@@`3101H CIL 10.7866 @@@@`3102 CIL 13.03904 Gose 076 @@@@`3103 IChUR(2) 01.02393 @@@@`3103A IChUR(2) 01.02343 @@@@`3103B CIL 10.7757 @@@@`3103C CIL 10.7770 @@@@`3103C,adn. CIL 10.7744 IChUR(2) 01.02991 @@@@`3103D IChUR(2) 01.00929 @@@@`3104 CIL 08.11123 add. p. 2318 CIL 08.11649 ILTun 0135 @@@@`3105 RS 03.tab. 23,44 @@@@`3105A IChUR(2) 01.03882 @@@@`3105B IChUR(2) 01.03808 @@@@`3105C IChUR(2) 01.02308 @@@@`3105F,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01091 @@@@`3105G IChUR(1) 01.0051 IChUR(2) 08.23059 @@@@`3105H IChUR(2) 01.02266 @@@@`3105I IChUR(2) 01.02674 @@@@`3106A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02486 @@@@`3106B RS 03.p.126 tab. 29,57 @@@@`3106C IChUR(2) 01.02453 @@@@`3106D CIL 08.21424 @@@@`3106E CIL 08.05493 ILAlg 1.0436 @@@@`3107 CIL 06.13213 IChUR(2) 01.00239 @@@@`3107A IChUR(2) 01.00233 @@@@`3108,1585A IChUR(2) 05.13383 @@@@`3108A CIL 08.21427 @@@@`3108A,adn. CIL 08.21423 @@@@`3109 IChUR(1) 01.0945 IChUR(2) 07.17609 @@@@`3109B IChUR(1) 01.0945 @@@@`3110 CIL 12.0966 LeB., IC 535 @@@@`3110A CIL 13.03849 LeB., IC 674C @@@@`3110B CIL 13.03850 Gose 732 LeB., NR 388 @@@@`3110B,adn. CIL 13.11441 @@@@`3110F CIL 08.23013 @@@@`3111 CIL 13.07600 LeB., NR 430 @@@@`3111A CIL 13.07601 LeB., NR 081 @@@@`3111A,adn. CIL 13.07599 CIL 13.07602 @@@@`3111A,adn. (Eppo) LeB., IC 338 @@@@`3111A,adn. (Qalaqit) LeB., NR 429 @@@@`3112 IChUR(1) 01.0738 IChUR(2) 02.04276 @@@@`3112A CIL 13.03844 IChUR(1) 01.0884 IChUR(2) 01.00514 LeB., IC 264 @@@@`3112A,adn, Gose 441 @@@@`3112B CIL 13.06259 LeB., IC 345 @@@@`3112B,adn. CIL 13.04234 Gose 744 @@@@`3113A CIL 12.2127 LeB., IC 422 @@@@`3114 NSc 1893.422 %6 CE 689 @@@@`3115 IChUR(1) 01.0528 IChUR(2) 02.04840 @@@@`3115A IChUR(1) 01.0696 IChUR(2) 01.00733 @@@@`3115B IChUR(1) 01.1162 IChUR(2) 02.04953 @@@@`3115C IChUR(1) 01.0927 IChUR(2) 02.04180 @@@@`3115D IChUR(1) 01.1099 IChUR(2) 01.00719 @@@@`3116 IChUR(2) 01.00380 @@@@`3116A IChUR(2) 01.00588 @@@@`3116A,adn. CIL 06.00784 CIL 14.2425 @@@@`3117 CIL 09.05011 CIL 09.5011 @@@@`3118 CIL 10.1527 @@@@`3118A CIL 10.01341 CIL 10.1341 @@@@`3118A,adn. CIL 10.8377a @@@@`3119 CIL 10.0100 ICI 05.045 @@@@`3119A CIL 10.6421 add. p. 985 @@@@`3119B CIL 10.7331 @@@@`3120 CIL 10.7116 @@@@`3121 CIL 11.1694 @@@@`3121,adn. CIL 11.1692 CIL 11.1726 CIL 11.7065 @@@@`3122 CIL 11.04335 CIL 11.4335 ICI 06.024 @@@@`3122,adn. CIL 11.5162 @@@@`3123 CIL 11.7589 @@@@`3126 CIL 12.5399 LeB., NR 295 @@@@`3126A CIL 12.5408 LeB., IC 603 @@@@`3127 CIL 13.01313 LeB., NR 221 @@@@`3127A CIL 13.01312 LeB., NR 220 @@@@`3127B CIL 13.01314 LeB., NR 222 @@@@`3128 CIL 13.02413 LeB., IC 038 @@@@`3128A CIL 13.05309 add. p. 69 LeB., IC 362 @@@@`3128A,adn. CIL 13.02404 @@@@`3129 CIL 13.05463 LeB., NR 002 @@@@`3130 CIL 13.03099 add. p. 37 LeB., NR 244 @@@@`3131 CIL 03.14207&4`24 @@@@`3132 CIL 13.11281 @@@@`3132A CIL 13.03472 LeB., NR 053 @@@@`3134 CIL 08.00452 CIL 08.11655 ILTun 0449 ILTun 0450 @@@@`3134,adn. CIL 08.11652 @@@@`3134A CIL 08.23038b @@@@`3134B CIL 08.23049e @@@@`3134B,adn. CIL 08.23053p @@@@`3135, 2826 IChUR(2) 01.02278 @@@@`3135A IChUR(2) 01.03323 @@@@`3135B CIL 08.11118 @@@@`3136 IChUR(2) 05.13157 @@@@`3137 CIL 11.2583 IChUR(1) 01.0161 IChUR(2) 01.03167 @@@@`3137A CIL 10.7769 @@@@`3137B CIL 10.7782 @@@@`3137C CIL 10.7767 @@@@`3137D CIL 11.02553 @@@@`3138 CIL 08.00457 add. p. 1198 CIL 08.00460 CIL 08.11527 @@@@`3138,adn. CIL 08.00455 CIL 08.11648 @@@@`3138A CIL 08.05491 ILAlg 1.0440 @@@@`3138A,adn. ILTun 0233 @@@@`3138Aadn. CIL 08.23053e @@@@`3139 CIL 08.11128 add. p. 2318 @@@@`3139A CIL 08.23249 @@@@`3140 CIL 12.2108 LeB., IC 403A @@@@`3141 IChUR(1) 01.0135 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1491 IChUR(2) 08.20779 @@@@`3141A ILAlg 1.0435 @@@@`3142 IChUR(1) 01.0506 LeB., IC 289 @@@@`3142A IChUR(1) 01.0504 IChUR(1) 01.0506 IChUR(2) 01.00718 @@@@`3142A,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0949 @@@@`3143 CIL 10.1368 @@@@`3144A ICI 07.048 @@@@`3145 CIL 12.0479 LeB., NR 212 @@@@`3145A CIL 12.5768 LeB., NR 210 @@@@`3146 CIL 08.02013 add. p. 939; 1576; 2731 ILAlg 1.3448 @@@@`3147 CIL 08.16661 add. p. 2732 ILAlg 1.3441 @@@@`3148 CIL 08.02016 add. p. 939 CIL 08.16517 ILAlg 1.3455 @@@@`3149 CIL 08.16662 add. p. 2732 ILAlg 1.3452 @@@@`3150 CIL 08.10638 CIL 08.16519 ILAlg 1.3447 @@@@`3151 CIL 08.10636 add. p. 1576 CIL 08.16658 add. p. 2732 ILAlg 1.3444 @@@@`3151A CIL 08.16656 ILAlg 1.3440 @@@@`3151B CIL 08.16665 add. p. 2732 ILAlg 1.3439 @@@@`3152 ILAlg 1.3446 @@@@`3153 CIL 08.27918 ILAlg 1.3449 @@@@`3154 IChUR(1) 01.0577 IChUR(2) 01.01261 IChUR(2) 08.23442 @@@@`3154,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0685 (a. 435) IChUR(1) 01.0920 @@@@`3154A IChUR(1) 01.0915 IChUR(2) 07.17601 @@@@`3155 IChUR(1) 01.0981 IChUR(2) 01.03251 @@@@`3156 IChUR(1) 01.0982 IChUR(2) 02.05031 @@@@`3156,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0990 IChUR(2) 01.01474 IChUR(2) 01.01951 @@@@`3157 IChUR(2) 06.15896 @@@@`3158 IChUR(1) 01.1023 IChUR(2) 02.05050 @@@@`3159 IChUR(1) 01.1092 IChUR(2) 01.01267 @@@@`3159A IChUR(2) 02.05091 @@@@`3160 IChUR(2) 06.15633 @@@@`3160,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00118 IChUR(2) 01.00520 IChUR(2) 01.01370 @@@@`3161 CIL 14.3431 @@@@`3162 CIL 09.2075 @@@@`3162,adn. CIL 09.2077 @@@@`3162A CIL 09.03568 ICI 03.023 @@@@`3163 CIL 10.4501 @@@@`3163A CIL 10.1361 @@@@`3163A,adn. CIL 10.1384 @@@@`3163B CIL 10.1364 @@@@`3164 CIL 10.1383 @@@@`3164A CIL 10.7335 @@@@`3165 CIL 11.04334 CIL 11.4334 ICI 06.023 @@@@`3166 CIL 11.05021 ICI 06.097 @@@@`3166A CIL 11.01511 I.Ital. 07,1.078 I.Ital. 07,2.078 @@@@`3167 CIL 11.0318 @@@@`3167,adn. CIL 11.1290a add. p. 1253 @@@@`3168 CIL 05.04843 @@@@`3169A CIL 05.05192 @@@@`3170b CIL 05.05425 @@@@`3171 CIL 05.06238 @@@@`3171A CIL 05.06247 @@@@`3174,adn. ICI 07.054 @@@@`3175 CIL 12.2130 LeB., IC 424 @@@@`3176 CIL 12.2113 LeB., IC 408 @@@@`3176A CIL 12.2119 LeB., IC 416 @@@@`3176A,adn. CIL 12.2142 LeB., NR 111 @@@@`3176B CIL 12.4313 LeB., IC 609A @@@@`3176C CIL 12.5347a @@@@`3176C, cf. 212,adn. LeB., NR 309 @@@@`3176D CIL 12.5353. LeB., IC 612 @@@@`3177 CIL 13.03485 add. p. 41 LeB., NR 422 @@@@`3177A CIL 13.07559 LeB., NR 068 @@@@`3178A CIL 10.1529 @@@@`3179 NSc 1888.450 @@@@`3179,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0465 IChUR(2) 01.01452 @@@@`3179A IChUR(2) 01.00737b @@@@`3180 IChUR(2) 01.03587 @@@@`3181 NSc 1907.703,1 @@@@`3181A IChUR(1) 01.0578 IChUR(2) 01.03225 @@@@`3182 IChUR(2) 01.03112 @@@@`3183 IChUR(2) 01.00044 @@@@`3184 CIL 06.22704 IChUR(1) 01.1117 @@@@`3185 CIL 09.01073 CIL 09.1073 @@@@`3185A CIL 09.01372 CIL 09.1372 @@@@`3185B CIL 09.01380 CIL 09.1380 @@@@`3185C CIL 09.01382 CIL 09.1382 @@@@`3185D CIL 09.01383 CIL 09.1383 @@@@`3186 CIL 09.01384 CIL 09.1384 @@@@`3186A CIL 09.01386 CIL 09.1386 @@@@`3186B CIL 09.1388 @@@@`3187 CIL 09.2159 @@@@`3188 CIL 10.04495 CIL 10.4495 @@@@`3188A SPASR 02.1908.287,7 @@@@`3189 CIL 10.04497 CIL 10.4497 @@@@`3189A CIL 10.4499 @@@@`3189B CIL 10.4509 @@@@`3190 CIL 10.4519 @@@@`3191A CIL 10.4533 @@@@`3191A,adn. CIL 10.4546 @@@@`3192 CIL 10.4614 @@@@`3192,adn. CIL 10.1543 CIL 10.3302 CIL 10.3308 CIL 10.3316 @@@@`3192A CIL 10.5328 @@@@`3194 CIL 11.04033 CIL 11.4033 ICI 04.013 IChUR(1) 01.0081 @@@@`3195 CIL 05.06730 @@@@`3196 IChUR(2) 01.03427 @@@@`3196A IChUR(2) 01.02648 @@@@`3197 IChUR(2) 01.02846 @@@@`3197,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01132 IChUR(2) 01.01976 @@@@`3197B CIL 11.4063 ICI 04.059 @@@@`3199 IChUR(2) 01.02763 @@@@`3201 CIL 14.1908 @@@@`3201A CIL 14.1920 @@@@`3201A,adn. CIL 14.4810 @@@@`3202 CIL 14.1907 @@@@`3202,adn. CIL 14.1912 CIL 14.1916 @@@@`3203 CIL 14.1886 @@@@`3203A CIL 14.1960 @@@@`3203A,adn. CIL 14.1910 @@@@`3204 CIL 10.0603 @@@@`3204,adn. CIL 08.23012 @@@@`3205 CIL 14.1914 @@@@`3205A CIL 14.1891 @@@@`3205A,adn. CIL 08.21555 @@@@`3206 IChUR(1) 01.0910 IChUR(2) 02.04521 @@@@`3207 IChUR(2) 03.09221 @@@@`3208A IChUR(2) 01.02007 @@@@`3209 IChUR(2) 01.00102 @@@@`3209,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03337 IChUR(2) 01.03599 @@@@`3209B IChUR(2) 03.09033 @@@@`3209C IChUR(2) 02.04580 @@@@`3209D IChUR(2) 01.00546 @@@@`3209E IChUR(2) 01.02858 @@@@`3210 IChUR(2) 01.03269 @@@@`3210A IChUR(2) 01.03727 @@@@`3210B IChUR(2) 02.04320 @@@@`3210C IChUR(2) 02.04618 @@@@`3211 IChUR(2) 01.00804 @@@@`3211A IChUR(2) 03.08945 @@@@`3211B IChUR(2) 01.03785 @@@@`3211C IChUR(2) 01.00773 @@@@`3211D IChUR(2) 01.00069 @@@@`3212F IChUR(2) 01.03561 @@@@`3213,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01504 @@@@`3213A IChUR(2) 01.03772 @@@@`3213A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02134 RS 03.tab. 18,14 @@@@`3213B IChUR(2) 01.01994 @@@@`3213C CIL 14.1887 IChUR(2) 01.02726 @@@@`3214A IChUR(2) 01.03813 @@@@`3215 IChUR(2) 01.02291 @@@@`3215,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00625 @@@@`3216 CIL 10.1088&4%7&`449 IChUR(2) 01.02683 @@@@`3218 CIL 14.1923 @@@@`3219 CIL 14.1904 @@@@`3219A CIL 14.1903 @@@@`3220 CIL 14.1954 I.Ostie B.229 @@@@`3221 CIL 14.1955 I.Ostie B.230 @@@@`3222 CIL 14.1902 @@@@`3223 CIL 14.1888 @@@@`3224 CIL 11.3756 @@@@`3225 CIL 11.3757 @@@@`3226 CIL 11.04028 CIL 11.4028 ICI 04.007 IChUR(1) 01.0055 @@@@`3227 CIL 11.04030 CIL 11.4030 ICI 04.010 IChUR(1) 01.0075 IChUR(1) 01.0076 @@@@`3227A CIL 11.04031 CIL 11.4031 ICI 04.011 @@@@`3228 CIL 12.0960 LeB., IC 527 @@@@`3229 CIL 08.11077 add. p. 2311 @@@@`3230 CIL 08.11080 add. p. 2311 @@@@`3230,adn. CIL 08.11085 add. p. 2311 CIL 08.22835 CIL 08.22836 CIL 08.22838 @@@@`3230A ILTun 0096 @@@@`3231 CIL 08.22840 @@@@`3232 CIL 08.00572 CIL 08.11726 @@@@`3232,adn. CIL 08.11129 @@@@`3233 CIL 08.11119 @@@@`3233A CIL 08.11125 @@@@`3233B CIL 08.11120 @@@@`3233C CIL 08.11121 add. p. 2318 @@@@`3234 CIL 08.10542 CIL 08.11122 @@@@`3234A CIL 08.23014 ILTun 0201 @@@@`3234A,adn. CIL 08.23012 @@@@`3234B RS 03.tab. 18,55 @@@@`3234C IChUR(2) 02.04308 @@@@`3234D IChUR(2) 01.03652 @@@@`3234E IChUR(2) 01.00202 @@@@`3235A IChUR(2) 01.00470 @@@@`3235B IChUR(2) 06.16253 @@@@`3235C IChUR(2) 01.03395 @@@@`3235a IChUR(2) 03.07859 (cf. 7488) @@@@`3235b IChUR(2) 03.07488 (cf. 7859) @@@@`3236 IChUR(2) 02.06450 RS 01.p.186 @@@@`3236A IChUR(1) 02.443,154 IChUR(2) 01.00017 @@@@`3236B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03731 @@@@`3236C IChUR(2) 01.02395 @@@@`3237 CIL 11.0296&4%7&,`1 IChUR(2) 01.01692 IChUR(2) 01.04059 IChUR(2) 05.15363 @@@@`3237A CIL 14.1926 @@@@`3239 IChUR(1) 01.0117 IChUR(2) 05.13299 @@@@`3239,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03219 @@@@`3241 CIL 12.0965 LeB., IC 534 @@@@`3242 CIL 13.03906 Gose 058 IChUR(2) 01.03159 @@@@`3242A CIL 13.03900 Gose 472 LeB., IC 299 @@@@`3242A,adn. CIL 13.03877 Gose 459 @@@@`3242B CIL 03.14207&4`27 @@@@`3243 ILTun 0318 @@@@`3244 IChUR(1) 01.0667 IChUR(2) 01.03231 IChUR(2) 08.23446 @@@@`3246 CIL 13.03512 LeB., IC 323 @@@@`3247 CIL 08.20302 @@@@`3248 IChUR(2) 03.08750 @@@@`3249 IChUR(2) 01.02623 @@@@`3249A CIL 10.1378 @@@@`3250 RS 03.p.322 tab. 31,47 @@@@`3250,adn. CIL 14.1962 @@@@`3250A IChUR(2) 01.00032 @@@@`3250A,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0119 IChUR(2) 01.01781 IChUR(2) 02.05289 IChUR(2) 05.13902 @@@@`3251 IChUR(2) 01.02753 @@@@`3252 IChUR(1) 01.0042 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1426 IChUR(2) 01.03159 @@@@`3252A IChUR(1) 01.0112 IChUR(2) 02.04241 @@@@`3252B IChUR(1) 01.0188 IChUR(2) 03.08723 @@@@`3252C IChUR(2) 01.03686 @@@@`3252D IChUR(2) 01.00559 @@@@`3253 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1576 IChUR(2) 04.09563 @@@@`3253A IChUR(1) 01.0224 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1609 IChUR(2) 02.06031 @@@@`3253B IChUR(2) 01.03702 @@@@`3253C IChUR(2) 01.03571 @@@@`3253D RS 03.tab. 22,28 @@@@`3254 RS 03.p.169 tab. 25,08 @@@@`3254A IChUR(2) 01.01167 @@@@`3255 IChUR(2) 03.08933 @@@@`3256A IChUR(2) 01.01300 @@@@`3256B IChUR(2) 01.01291 @@@@`3256C IChUR(2) 01.03821 @@@@`3256D IChUR(2) 01.03370 @@@@`3256E IChUR(2) 01.01065 @@@@`3256F,adn. RS 02.tab. 49,24 @@@@`3257 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1415 IChUR(2) 07.17425 @@@@`3257B IChUR(2) 01.03791%3`2 @@@@`3257D IChUR(2) 01.03436 @@@@`3257E IChUR(2) 01.03780 @@@@`3257F RS 03.p.091 ss. @@@@`3257G,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00560 @@@@`3257d IChUR(2) 01.02302 @@@@`3258 IChUR(2) 01.01629 IChUR(2) 01.03403 @@@@`3258,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01207 IChUR(2) 01.01552 IChUR(2) 01.02018 IChUR(2) 01.02224 IChUR(2) 01.02675 IChUR(2) 01.02743 IChUR(2) 01.02932 IChUR(2) 01.03291 IChUR(2) 01.03447 IChUR(2) 01.03470 IChUR(2) 01.03663 @@@@`3258A RS 03.p.091 ss. @@@@`3259 CIL 11.4062 ICI 04.032 @@@@`3260 CIL 13.03865a Gose 039 LeB., NR 360 @@@@`3261 CIL 13.01182 LeB., NR 256 @@@@`3262 CIL 08.00791 add. p. 1260 @@@@`3262A CIL 08.14128 @@@@`3262A,adn. CIL 08.10509 @@@@`3263 CIL 08.11099 @@@@`3263A CIL 08.14226 @@@@`3263B CIL 08.17387 @@@@`3263C CIL 08.25453 @@@@`3263D CIL 08.16739 @@@@`3263D,adn. CIL 08.14329 @@@@`3264 CIL 08.23053o @@@@`3265 CIL 08.09793 @@@@`3266 CIL 08.21645 @@@@`3266,adn. CIL 08.21643 @@@@`3267 CIL 08.21637 @@@@`3268 CIL 08.21694 @@@@`3269 CIL 08.09751 CIL 08.09752 @@@@`3270 CIL 08.21635 @@@@`3271 CIL 08.21688 @@@@`3272 CIL 08.21642 @@@@`3272A CIL 08.21632 @@@@`3272B CIL 08.21675 @@@@`3272C CIL 08.09815 @@@@`3273 CIL 08.09794 @@@@`3274 CIL 08.21680 @@@@`3275 CIL 08.21676 @@@@`3276 CIL 08.21689 @@@@`3276A CIL 08.21698 @@@@`3276A,adn. CIL 08.09823 @@@@`3277 CIL 08.21701 @@@@`3278 CIL 12.02067 CIL 12.2067 LeB., IC 693 @@@@`3279 CIL 12.2187 LeB., IC 466A @@@@`3280 CIL 12.2132 LeB., IC 430 @@@@`3280A CIL 12.6034d LeB., NR 110 @@@@`3280A,adn. CIL 12.2138 CIL 12.2140 CIL 12.2175c @@@@`3280A,adn. (Rogatus) LeB., NR 109 @@@@`3281 CIL 12.02404 CIL 12.2404 LeB., IC 390 @@@@`3282 CIL 12.02405 CIL 12.2405 LeB., IC 393 @@@@`3283 CIL 12.2407 LeB., IC 396 @@@@`3284 CIL 12.5861 LeB., NR 131 @@@@`3285 CIL 02.4967,33 CIL 02.4967,34 @@@@`3285A IChUR(2) 01.03677 @@@@`3285B IChUR(2) 01.02435 @@@@`3285C Vives 181 @@@@`3285D Vives 412 @@@@`3285E RS 03.p.133 tab. 21,04 @@@@`3287 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1789 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1790 IChUR(2) 08.21611 %6 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1790 @@@@`3287A IChUR(2) 03.06506 @@@@`3288 IChUR(2) 01.03589 @@@@`3288A CIL 13.03871 LeB., IC 281 @@@@`3288A,adn. Gose 402 LeB., NR 374 @@@@`3288B ILAlg 1.2799 @@@@`3289 CIL 12.5400 LeB., NR 302 @@@@`3290 CIL 12.5405 LeB., IC 601 @@@@`3290A CIL 12.5407 LeB., IC 602 @@@@`3291; 1141 IChUR(2) 02.05153 @@@@`3292 CIL 13.02428 LeB., IC 064 @@@@`3293 IChUR(2) 03.08910 @@@@`3294 CIL 11.03238 @@@@`3294(155) CIL 11.3228 @@@@`3296 CIL 13.02408 LeB., IC 030 @@@@`3296A CIL 13.03486 LeB., NR 052 @@@@`3297 CIL 08.27917 ILAlg 1.3443 @@@@`3298 CIL 03.04221 CIL 03.10934 @@@@`3299 IChUR(2) 01.03101 @@@@`3300 CIL 08.11083 @@@@`3301 CIL 13.03617 @@@@`3302 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1476 IChUR(2) 07.19951 @@@@`3302,adn. CIL 03.07553 CIL 06.11693 CIL 08.10892 CIL 08.16410 CIL 09.5860 @@@@`3303 CIL 13.01513 LeB., NR 230 @@@@`3303,adn. CIL 08.02557 @@@@`3303A CIL 08.10893 add. p. 1893 @@@@`3305 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1641 IChUR(2) 01.03184 @@@@`3305,adn. CIL 03.14406,10s @@@@`3306 IChUR(1) 01.0374 IChUR(2) 07.17494 @@@@`3306A IChUR(2) 02.06125 @@@@`3306B IChUR(2) 03.07063 @@@@`3307 CIL 06.35868 @@@@`3308 CIL 13.03858 Gose 033 LeB., NR 339 @@@@`3309A CIL 08.20776 @@@@`3310 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1590 @@@@`3310A,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0655 IChUR(2) 01.04887 @@@@`3311 AE 1903.377 @@@@`3312 CIL 13.11918 @@@@`3314 CIL 03.07553 CIL 03.07584 CIL 03.13742 CIL 14.1882 @@@@`3314,adn. CIL 13.02027,10ss @@@@`3315 IChUR(1) 01.0010 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1383 IChUR(2) 03.08716 @@@@`3315A IChUR(1) 01.1192 IChUR(2) 01.03134 @@@@`3315A,adn. CIL 14.1882 @@@@`3316A IChUR(2) 01.01884 @@@@`3317 IChUR(2) 05.14119 @@@@`3317,adn. IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1380 @@@@`3317C IChUR(2) 03.09117 @@@@`3317C,adn. CIL 03.08754 CIL 06.32974 RS 01.tab. 31,11 @@@@`3318B IChUR(2) 01.03721 IChUR(2) 02.06078 @@@@`3318B,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0016 IChUR(2) 02.06078 IChUR(2) 04.09546 RS 02.tab. 35,06 @@@@`3319 CIL 08.09289 CIL 08.20856 @@@@`3320 CIL 08.15640 CIL 08.23920 ILTun 0641 ILTun 0938 @@@@`3320,adn. CIL 08.14068 @@@@`3321 CIL 08.09718 add. p. 2034 CIL 08.24029 ILTun 0201 @@@@`3321,adn. CIL 08.16840 ILAlg 1.1214 @@@@`3321A CIL 08.04633 CIL 08.23919 @@@@`3322 CIL 13.11065 @@@@`3323 CIL 08.11111 @@@@`3323,adn. CIL 08.11113 CIL 08.23020,10 @@@@`3324 CIL 08.08766 add. p. 1937 @@@@`3325 CIL 08.16806 ILAlg 1.1175 @@@@`3326 IChUR(2) 06.16997 @@@@`3327 CIL 08.11134 CIL 13.02359 LeB., IC 055 @@@@`3328 CIL 08.26218 ILTun 1362 @@@@`3329 IChUR(2) 01.01673 @@@@`3329,adn. CIL 12.2647 LeB., NR 097 @@@@`3330 CIJ 1.527 @@@@`3330,adn. CIL 11.2819 CIL 13.02426 @@@@`3331 CIL 14.1889 @@@@`3332 CIL 06.08498 add. p. 3459 ILS 1738 IChUR(1) 01.0005 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1378 @@@@`3332,adn. RS 03.p.190 @@@@`3333 IChUR(1) 01.0678 IChUR(2) 02.04173 @@@@`3334 IChUR(2) 03.07574 @@@@`3335 IChUR(2) 06.16650 @@@@`3335,adn. IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1796 @@@@`3336 CIL 03.09638 @@@@`3337,adn. IChUR(1) 01.1246 @@@@`3337A CIL 06.31976 @@@@`3339 CIL 08.20303 @@@@`3341 IChUR(2) 02.06130 @@@@`3342 IChUR(2) 01.03940 @@@@`3342A CIL 10.01192 CIL 10.1192 @@@@`3343 IChUR(2) 01.01550 @@@@`3344 IChUR(2) 01.00068 @@@@`3346 CIL 12.2114 LeB., IC 409 @@@@`3347 CIL 13.02433 NSc 1894.143 %6 CE 858 @@@@`3347A LeB., IC 080 @@@@`3348 CIL 13.11214 @@@@`3349,adn. CIL 10.1531 @@@@`3350 CIL 10.3305. @@@@`3351 IChUR(2) 06.15829 @@@@`3352 CIL 10.01191 CIL 10.1191 @@@@`3352A %6 4831A CIL 13.02826 @@@@`3353 CIL 13.02423 LeB., IC 058 @@@@`3354 IChUR(2) 03.09155 @@@@`3355 IChUR(1) 01.0031 IChUR(2) 05.13098 @@@@`3356 RS 02.tab. 45,18 @@@@`3356A CIL 10.1088&4%7&`453 IChUR(2) 01.02692 @@@@`3356B IChUR(2) 01.00851 @@@@`3356B,adn. RS 01.tab. 23,05 RS 01.tab. 28,04 @@@@`3357 IChUR(2) 01.00334 @@@@`3357,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00663 RS 02.p.251 tab. 44,5 @@@@`3358 IChUR(2) 06.15900 @@@@`3359 IChUR(1) 01.0159 IChUR(2) 01.01426 @@@@`3360 CIL 05.06742 subscr. IChUR(1) 02.172,31 @@@@`3362 IChUR(2) 06.17086 @@@@`3363 CIL 03.09623 add. p. 2141 @@@@`3364 CIL 03.09631 CIL 03.14665&4b& add. p. 2326 @@@@`3365 CIL 12.2098 LeB., IC 458S @@@@`3366 IChUR(2) 03.07212 @@@@`3366A IChUR(2) 01.01675 @@@@`3367 RS 03.tab. 23,04 @@@@`3367A RS 02.tab. 49,25 @@@@`3367B IChUR(2) 02.06134 @@@@`3368adn. IChUR(2) 01.00682 @@@@`3369 RS 02.tab. 49,15 @@@@`3369,adn. CIL 13.02354 @@@@`3369A IChUR(2) 01.00548 @@@@`3370 IChUR(2) 01.03673 @@@@`3370A IChUR(2) 01.01501 @@@@`3370A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01289 RS 01.tab. 20,6 @@@@`3370C IChUR(2) 01.00607 @@@@`3370C,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01191 IChUR(2) 01.01900 @@@@`3370D IChUR(2) 06.15954, ll. 3%19`5 @@@@`3370E CIL 11.4079 ICI 04.106 @@@@`3371 RS 02.tab. 39,30 @@@@`3372A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02045,2 @@@@`3373A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01626 @@@@`3373B RS 02.p.300 tab. 49,18 @@@@`3373B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03786 @@@@`3373C IChUR(2) 03.06983 @@@@`3373D IChUR(2) 01.01796 @@@@`3374B RS 02.p.015 tab. 31%3`32,7 @@@@`3375 CIL 10.04494 CIL 10.4494 @@@@`3375A IChUR(2) 01.01867 @@@@`3375B IChUR(2) 01.03146 @@@@`3375C LeB., NR 061 @@@@`3377B IChUR(2) 01.03314 @@@@`3377B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00495 @@@@`3377C,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00270 @@@@`3377D IChUR(2) 01.03575 @@@@`3378 CIL 06.22962 IChUR(2) 01.00194 @@@@`3378A IChUR(2) 01.00538 @@@@`3378B IChUR(2) 02.04590 @@@@`3381 CIL 03.14306&4`6& add. p. 2328&4`127 @@@@`3382 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1460 IChUR(2) 03.06498 @@@@`3383A IChUR(2) 01.01204 @@@@`3383A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01365 @@@@`3384A IChUR(2) 01.00827 @@@@`3384B IChUR(2) 01.03023 @@@@`3386 Vives 139 @@@@`3387 CIL 06.09663a @@@@`3389 RS 02.p.288 tab. 55,1 @@@@`3390A IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1706 IChUR(2) 01.03198 IChUR(2) 08.20717 @@@@`3391 IChUR(1) 01.0011 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1384 @@@@`3391A IChUR(2) 05.14336 @@@@`3392 RS 02.p.303 tab. 44,32 @@@@`3393 CIL 06.10013 @@@@`3394 IChUR(2) 06.16090 @@@@`3394A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02831 @@@@`3394C IChUR(2) 06.17165 @@@@`3395A CIL 14.4054 CIL 14.4055 @@@@`3396 CIL 09.2082b @@@@`3397 CIL 10.6608 @@@@`3397,adn. CIL 10.0591 CIL 11.2880 @@@@`3398 IChUR(2) 01.02036 @@@@`3398,adn. CIL 13.01898 CIL 13.01916 @@@@`3399 CIL 10.7551 @@@@`3399B IChUR(2) 06.17161 @@@@`3400 CIL 10.7914 @@@@`3402 CIL 06.20462 @@@@`3403 IChUR(2) 06.15598 @@@@`3405B IChUR(2) 06.17135 @@@@`3405C IChUR(2) 01.03368 @@@@`3408A IChUR(2) 06.17070 @@@@`3408C IChUR(2) 05.14124 @@@@`3408D RS 02.tab. 44,54 @@@@`3408D,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01072 @@@@`3408E IChUR(2) 03.07863 @@@@`3408E,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03448 @@@@`3409 CIL 08.14328 @@@@`3412 IChUR(2) 02.04640 @@@@`3414 Vives 172 @@@@`3415 CIL 12.02066 CIL 12.2066 LeB., IC 692 @@@@`3415A IChUR(2) 02.04252 @@@@`3415A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01016 IChUR(2) 01.01823 @@@@`3415B CIL 14.3527 @@@@`3416 CIL 13.04733 @@@@`3416A LeB., NR 120A @@@@`3417 CIL 13.06256 @@@@`3417,adn. CIL 13.03057 @@@@`3418 CIL 03.09610 @@@@`3419 IChUR(1) 01.0737 IChUR(2) 02.04921 @@@@`3419A IChUR(2) 01.01175 @@@@`3420 IChUR(1) 02.107,055 IChUR(2) 06.15842 @@@@`3420,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00396 @@@@`3421 CIL 14.2224b @@@@`3422 IChUR(1) 01.0626 @@@@`3423 IChUR(1) 01.1180 @@@@`3424 IChUR(1) 01.0425 IChUR(2) 03.08729 @@@@`3424A IChUR(2) 01.04056 @@@@`3425 CIL 06.30565,14 @@@@`3425,adn. CIL 11.4566 @@@@`3426 CIL 08.20907 @@@@`3427 I.Ital. 09,1.165 @@@@`3428 IChUR(1) 02.112,074 @@@@`3428,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0566 add. p. 578 @@@@`3429 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1836 IChUR(2) 02.04827 @@@@`3431 IChUR(1) 02.118,103 @@@@`3432 IChUR(1) 01.0479 add. p. 577 IChUR(2) 01.01453 @@@@`3432A CIL 08.27916 ILAlg 1.3429 @@@@`3433 CIL 11.2839 add. p. 1296 ICI 01.013 @@@@`3434 Ep.Dam. abiecit [Ihm 107] %103Ps.%19Dam.%103 IChUR(1) 01.1179 IChUR(1) 02.100,016 IChUR(2) 01.01001 @@@@`3436 CIL 08.20288 @@@@`3437 CIL 12.0592 LeB., IC 624 @@@@`3438 CIL 12.00631 CIL 12.0631 add. p. 816 LeB., IC 630 @@@@`3440 IChUR(1) 02.164,09 @@@@`3440,adn. CIL 11.4983 @@@@`3441 IChUR(1) 02.173,34 @@@@`3441A IChUR(2) 01.03806 @@@@`3443 CIL 02.suppl. p. 834 CIL 11.3963 @@@@`3443A IChUR(2) 01.01146 @@@@`3443B IChUR(2) 06.16653d @@@@`3443C ILAlg 1.2774bis @@@@`3444 IChUR(2) 01.00941 @@@@`3445 CIL 10.7972 @@@@`3445A CIL 10.8142 @@@@`3446 Ep.Dam. 051 [Ihm 053] IChUR(1) 01.0329 IChUR(2) 01.01440 @@@@`3447 IChUR(2) 03.08234 @@@@`3448 CIL 11.04978 with add. p. 1376 CIL 11.4978 ICI 06.061 @@@@`3450 CIL 13.07642 @@@@`3451 CIL 08.13603 @@@@`3451,adn. CIL 08.09271 @@@@`3452 IChUR(2) 01.02498 @@@@`3453 Gose 466 @@@@`3453, cf. 1244,adn. 2177,adn. CIL 13.03787 LeB., IC 293 @@@@`3454 CIL 05.08958 @@@@`3455 CIL 09.2078 @@@@`3456 IChUR(1) 02.068,30 IChUR(1) 02.082,19 IChUR(2) 02.05459 @@@@`3457 ILTun 0276 %103cf.%103 @@@@`3459 IChUR(2) 01.01496 @@@@`3460 CIL 10.4525 @@@@`3460B CIL 10.1377 @@@@`3461,adn. CIL 11.2585 @@@@`3461A CIL 10.1380 @@@@`3462 IChUR(2) 03.08179 @@@@`3463 IChUR(1) 02.273,03 @@@@`3463,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0237c @@@@`3464 CIL 08.09594 add. p. 974 @@@@`3465 CIL 03.14214&4`18 @@@@`3466,adn. CIL 03.14214&4`18 @@@@`3467 CIL 12.2423 LeB., IC 467 @@@@`3467,adn. CIL 12.2310 LeB., IC 470A @@@@`3468 IChUR(2) 01.01359 @@@@`3468A CIL 12.2131 LeB., IC 427 @@@@`3469 CIL 12.2185 CIL 12.2190 LeB., IC 466 @@@@`3469A CIL 12.2146 LeB., IC 439 @@@@`3470 CIL 12.2118 LeB., IC 414 @@@@`3470,adn. CIL 12.2170 LeB., IC 452 @@@@`3471 CIL 12.02073 CIL 12.2073 LeB., IC 689 @@@@`3471,adn. CIL 12.2059 %6 RICG 15.153 @@@@`3472 CIL 12.2120 LeB., IC 418 @@@@`3472,adn. CIL 08.10689 CIL 08.16742 CIL 12.5344 LeB., IC 616B @@@@`3473 CIL 12.2121 LeB., IC 419 @@@@`3474 CIL 12.2111 LeB., IC 398 @@@@`3475 CIL 12.2104 LeB., IC 401 @@@@`3475A IChUR(2) 01.00367 @@@@`3476 CIL 03.03551 @@@@`3477 ILTun 0380 @@@@`3478 CIL 10.1230 @@@@`3479 CIL 10.8412 @@@@`3480 IChUR(1) 02.055,11 IChUR(1) 02.260,1 IChUR(2) 02.04123 @@@@`3481 IChUR(2) 01.03847 @@@@`3481,adn. CIL 13.02442 IChUR(2) 02.04419 @@@@`3482 CIL 10.1370 @@@@`3483 Vives 293 @@@@`3484 IChUR(1) 02.079,06 IChUR(1) 02.130,14 IChUR(1) 02.426 IChUR(2) 02.04209 @@@@`3485 CIL 12.1694 LeB., IC 478 @@@@`3486 IChUR(2) 01.00160 @@@@`3486A CIL 12.2160 LeB., IC 458T @@@@`3487 CIL 13.03098 @@@@`3487A IChUR(2) 01.00769 @@@@`3487B LeB., IC 460 @@@@`3488 CIL 13.01655 LeB., IC 012 @@@@`3488A,adn. CIL 08.04763 @@@@`3489 LeB., IC 048 @@@@`3489, cf. 2177,adn. CIL 13.02417 @@@@`3490 CIL 13.03914 Gose 481 @@@@`3491 CIL 08.02018 add. p. 939 ILAlg 1.3436 @@@@`3491A IChUR(2) 03.06602 @@@@`3491C IChUR(2) 02.04303 @@@@`3491D IChUR(2) 01.00289 @@@@`3491E IChUR(2) 01.03038 @@@@`3492 CIL 11.4166 CIL 11.5882 @@@@`3492B IChUR(1) 01.0036 IChUR(2) 01.00513 @@@@`3492C CIL 11.4166 ICI 06.008 @@@@`3492C,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00275 @@@@`3492D IChUR(2) 01.01337 @@@@`3493 CIL 08.21461 @@@@`3494 IChUR(1) 01.0455 IChUR(2) 08.20811 @@@@`3497 CIL 06.35516 @@@@`3498 IChUR(1) 01.0322 IChUR(2) 07.17481 @@@@`3499 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1715 IChUR(2) 02.04818 @@@@`3500 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1786 @@@@`3501 IChUR(1) 01.0383 IChUR(2) 01.02102 @@@@`3502 IChUR(1) 01.0402 IChUR(2) 01.01457 IChUR(2) 02.04271 @@@@`3502,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0545 IChUR(2) 01.01457 @@@@`3503 IChUR(2) 02.06062 @@@@`3503,adn. CIL 06.32077 CIL 14.3419 IChUR(1) 01.0146 IChUR(1) 01.0877 @@@@`3503A IChUR(1) 01.0524a IChUR(2) 01.01462a IChUR(2) 01.01462 @@@@`3504 IChUR(1) 01.0576 IChUR(2) 07.17539 @@@@`3504,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0641 IChUR(1) 01.0648 IChUR(1) 01.0660 IChUR(1) 01.0664 IChUR(2) 02.04513 IChUR(2) 02.04889 IChUR(2) 07.17552 @@@@[`2943,adn.%6]`3504,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02113 %6 02.06079 @@@@`3504,adn. (Proba) IChUR(2) 02.04889 @@@@`3505 IChUR(1) 01.0665 add. p. 580 @@@@`3505,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03232 @@@@`3505A IChUR(2) 01.00990 @@@@`3506 IChUR(2) 02.04516 @@@@`3506,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0715 IChUR(1) 01.0755 IChUR(1) 01.0761 IChUR(2) 01.00422 IChUR(2) 02.04908 IChUR(2) 02.04908%7`5724 IChUR(2) 02.05724%7`4908 IChUR(2) 02.05794 IChUR(2) 02.05998 @@@@`3507 IChUR(1) 01.0804 IChUR(2) 06.15783 @@@@`3508 NSc 1888.451,58 @@@@`3508,adn. IChUR(1) 01.1036 IChUR(1) 01.1045 IChUR(1) 01.1108 IChUR(2) 02.05057 IChUR(2) 02.05062 IChUR(2) 02.05803 @@@@`3509 IChUR(1) 01.1181 IChUR(2) 01.00755 @@@@`3510 IChUR(1) 01.0798b IChUR(2) 01.02723b @@@@`3510,adn. IChUR(2) 06.16182 @@@@`3510A,adn. RS 02.tab. 58,34 @@@@`3510B IChUR(2) 01.00508 @@@@`3511 IChUR(2) 05.14596 @@@@`3511,adn. IChUR(2) 06.16486 RS 02.tab. 58,20 @@@@`3511A,adn. IChUR(2) 06.16271 @@@@`3511B IChUR(2) 01.02852 @@@@`3511C IChUR(2) 02.05316 @@@@`3512 IChUR(2) 01.03716 @@@@`3512B IChUR(2) 01.00048 @@@@`3512B,adn. CIL 06.13551 IChUR(2) 01.00398 IChUR(2) 01.00828 IChUR(2) 01.01308 IChUR(2) 01.02130 IChUR(2) 01.03079 IChUR(2) 01.03357 IChUR(2) 03.08294 @@@@`3512D,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02456 @@@@`3513 IChUR(2) 01.00519 @@@@`3513,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02211 @@@@`3513A IChUR(2) 06.16148 @@@@`3513B CIL 14.0290* IChUR(2) 01.02797 @@@@`3513C IChUR(2) 01.03274 @@@@`3513D IChUR(2) 01.02213 @@@@`3513E IChUR(2) 01.01154 @@@@`3514 IChUR(2) 02.04766 RS 03.tab. 49,07 @@@@`3514A,adn. IChUR(2) 02.06210 @@@@`3514B IChUR(2) 01.02354 @@@@`3514C IChUR(2) 01.02351 @@@@`3514D IChUR(2) 01.03849 @@@@`3514E IChUR(2) 01.01186 @@@@`3514E,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02271 @@@@`3514F IChUR(2) 01.00227 @@@@`3515C IChUR(2) 02.06287 @@@@`3515E IChUR(2) 02.04702 @@@@`3516 IChUR(2) 01.02446 @@@@`3516A IChUR(2) 01.00920 @@@@`3516A,adn. CIL 13.02369 IChUR(2) 01.01055 @@@@`3516B IChUR(2) 03.08889 @@@@`3516D IChUR(2) 01.01572 @@@@`3516E RS 03.p.175 @@@@`3516F IChUR(2) 02.06010 @@@@`3516G RS 02.tab. 55,06 @@@@`3516H IChUR(2) 01.02244 @@@@`3516I CIL 06.34710b IChUR(2) 01.01279 @@@@`3517 IChUR(2) 01.00637 @@@@`3517A IChUR(2) 01.00955 @@@@`3519 IChUR(2) 01.04078 @@@@`3519B IChUR(2) 01.00130 @@@@`3519B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00902 @@@@`3519C IChUR(2) 02.05446 @@@@`3519E RS 03.tab. 49,04 @@@@`3519F IChUR(2) 02.04771 RS 03.tab. 49,02 @@@@`3519G IChUR(2) 01.01052 @@@@`3519H IChUR(2) 01.00120 @@@@`3519H,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01032b IChUR(2) 01.02281 IChUR(2) 01.02421 @@@@`3520A RS 02.tab. 42,19 @@@@`3521 RS 03.tab. 49,08 @@@@`3521A RS 03.tab. 49,11 @@@@`3521B RS 03.p.682 @@@@`3521B,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0524 @@@@`3521C IChUR(2) 01.02696 @@@@`3521D IChUR(2) 01.01503 @@@@`3523 IChUR(2) 01.00043 @@@@`3523A IChUR(2) 01.00042 @@@@`3523B IChUR(2) 01.00795 @@@@`3523C IChUR(2) 01.01013 @@@@`3523D IChUR(2) 01.02218 @@@@`3523E IChUR(2) 01.00199 @@@@`3523F IChUR(2) 01.00970 @@@@`3523G IChUR(1) 01.1183 IChUR(2) 01.03349 @@@@`3523H IChUR(2) 01.02146 @@@@`3524 RS 03.tab. 48,06 @@@@`3525 CIL 06.34046 IChUR(2) 03.08445 @@@@`3526 CIL 11.2994a @@@@`3526,adn. CIL 10.7176 @@@@`3526B IChUR(2) 01.03120%3`1 @@@@`3527C ICI 07.040 @@@@`3527C,adn. CIL 05.07408a ICI 07.001 @@@@`3528 CIL 12.2198b IChUR(2) 01.03829 @@@@`3529 CIL 13.02421 LeB., IC 056 @@@@`3530 CIL 03.14340&4`04 @@@@`3530,adn. CIL 03.06989 @@@@`3531 CIL 08.25324 @@@@`3531A CIL 08.13572 ILTun 0929 @@@@`3532 IChUR(1) 01.0601 IChUR(2) 02.04858 @@@@`3533 CIL 14.1892 @@@@`3534 IChUR(2) 03.08440 @@@@`3535 IChUR(2) 03.09008 @@@@`3536 IChUR(2) 01.00534 @@@@`3536A IChUR(2) 01.00020 @@@@`3536C IChUR(2) 01.02423 @@@@`3536D IChUR(2) 01.03522 @@@@`3537 IChUR(1) 02.089,44 IChUR(1) 02.115,088 IChUR(1) 02.121,04 @@@@`3538 CIL 06.05167 IChUR(2) 05.15406 @@@@`3539 Vives 254 @@@@`3539,adn. Vives 255 @@@@`3540 CIL 12.0956 LeB., IC 525 @@@@`3541 CIL 12.2197 @@@@`3542 CIL 12.2326 LeB., IC 474A @@@@`3542A CIL 13.02392 LeB., IC 669 @@@@`3543 CIL 13.07525 LeB., NR 073 @@@@`3543,adn. CIL 13.11443 @@@@`3544 CIL 13.11919 @@@@`3544A CIL 03.09607 @@@@`3544B ILAlg 1.2810 @@@@`3544C CIL 08.14033 ILTun 0936 @@@@`3545 CIL 08.27920 ILAlg 1.3463 @@@@`3546 IChUR(1) 01.0171 IChUR(2) 01.02770 @@@@`3546A IChUR(1) 01.0608 IChUR(2) 02.04863 @@@@`3547 IChUR(2) 01.01183 @@@@`3547,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00864 @@@@`3548 IChUR(1) 02.094,66 @@@@`3549 CIL 10.4506 @@@@`3549,adn. CIL 10.1535 @@@@`3550 CIL 12.02063 CIL 12.2063 LeB., IC 437 @@@@`3550,adn. CIL 12.0947 LeB., IC 518 @@@@`3550A CIL 12.02061 CIL 12.2061 LeB., IC 431 @@@@`3550B CIL 12.2086 LeB., IC 411 @@@@`3551 CIL 12.2088 LeB., IC 417 @@@@`3552 CIL 12.2095 LeB., IC 690 @@@@`3553 CIL 12.2150 add. p. 329 LeB., IC 386 @@@@`3553A CIL 12.2155 LeB., IC 458O @@@@`3553A,adn. CIL 12.2133 LeB., NR 108 @@@@`3554 CIL 12.2382 LeB., IC 384 @@@@`3555 CIL 12.05339 CIL 12.5339 LeB., NR 312 @@@@`3555,adn. CIL 12.1022 add. p. 820 LeB., NR 161 @@@@`3555A CIL 12.5879 @@@@`3556 CIL 13.01184 LeB., IC 575D @@@@`3557 CIL 06.05174 CIL 13.01504 LeB., NR 227 @@@@`3557,adn. CIL 06.09611 IChUR(1) 01.0493 @@@@`3557A CIL 13.01505 @@@@`3558 CIL 13.01535 LeB., IC 568 @@@@`3559 CIL 13.02364 LeB., IC 032 @@@@`3560 CIL 13.02365 LeB., IC 069 @@@@`3561 CIL 13.02367 LeB., IC 063 @@@@`3561A CIL 13.02368 LeB., IC 067 @@@@`3561A,adn. CIL 13.02369 LeB., IC 082 @@@@`3561B CIL 13.02370 LeB., IC 070 @@@@`3562 CIL 13.02376 LeB., IC 014 @@@@`3563 CIL 13.02378 LeB., IC 043 @@@@`3563A CIL 13.02380 LeB., IC 051 @@@@`3563B CIL 13.02382 LeB., IC 039 @@@@`3563C CIL 13.02384 LeB., IC 040 @@@@`3563D CIL 13.02411 LeB., IC 034 @@@@`3563E CIL 13.02415 LeB., IC 045 @@@@`3564 CIL 13.02424 LeB., IC 059 @@@@`3565 CIL 13.02430 LeB., IC 071 @@@@`3565,adn. CIL 13.11210 @@@@`3565A CIL 13.02454 LeB., IC 373 @@@@`3565B CIL 13.03021 LeB., NR 029 @@@@`3566 CIL 13.03829 Gose 429 LeB., IC 659 @@@@`3566,adn. CIL 13.05592 [not 05591a add. p. 73!] @@@@`3567 CIL 13.07203 LeB., NR 077 @@@@`3568A CIL 13.07200 LeB., NR 076 @@@@`3571 Vives 132 @@@@`3572 ILAlg 1.2764 @@@@`3572A ILAlg 1.2763 @@@@`3572B ILAlg 1.2798 @@@@`3572C CIL 08.21817 @@@@`3573 IBrChr 125 [CIIC 0421] @@@@`3573A IBrChr 211 [CIIC 0510] @@@@`3573B IBrChr 007 [CIIC 0479] @@@@`3574 IChUR(1) 01.0289 IChUR(2) 07.19959 @@@@`3574B IChUR(2) 01.03321 @@@@`3574B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00300 @@@@`3574D,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01583 @@@@`3574E IChUR(2) 01.02386 @@@@`3575 CIL 11.1695 @@@@`3578 CIL 12.1510 LeB., IC 501 @@@@`3579 CIL 12.2143 LeB., IC 438 @@@@`3580 CIL 12.2147 LeB., IC 400A @@@@`3580,adn. CIL 12.1725 LeB., IC 479 LeB., IC 480 @@@@`3580A CIL 13.11440 @@@@`3581 CIL 13.03791 Gose 003 LeB., IC 224 @@@@`3581A CIL 13.03856 Gose 445 @@@@`3581B CIL 13.03869 Gose 045 LeB., IC 279 @@@@`3581B,adn. CIL 13.03831 LeB., IC 253 @@@@`3581C CIL 13.03876 Gose 052 @@@@`3581C,adn. CIL 13.03875 Gose 053 @@@@`3581D CIL 13.03885 Gose 457 LeB., IC 286 @@@@`3581E CIL 13.03909 Gose 068 LeB., IC 294 @@@@`3581F Gose 050 @@@@`3581c LeB., NR 368 @@@@`3582 CIL 13.03796 Gose 005 LeB., NR 338 LeB., NR 347 @@@@`3582,adn. CIL 13.03846 Gose 026 @@@@`3583 CIL 13.03805 Gose 011 LeB., IC 235 @@@@`3583,adn. CIL 13.03835 CIL 13.03853 Gose 021 @@@@`3583,adn. (Lepidus) LeB., NR 349 @@@@`3583A CIL 13.03810b Gose 013 LeB., IC 239 @@@@`3583B CIL 13.03822 LeB., IC 249 @@@@`3583C CIL 13.11333a Gose 030 @@@@`3584 CIL 13.03801 LeB., IC 231 @@@@`3584,adn. CIL 13.03792 Gose 404 @@@@`3584A CIL 13.03800 Gose 408 LeB., IC 230A @@@@`3584A,adn. CIL 13.03807 CIL 13.11333 @@@@`3584A,adn. (Bonosus) LeB., IC 237 @@@@`3584B CIL 13.03815 LeB., IC 243 @@@@`3584C CIL 13.03832 LeB., IC 255 LeB., IC 674B @@@@`3584D CIL 13.03842 Gose 025 LeB., IC 262 @@@@`3584D,adn. CIL 13.03854 LeB., IC 269 @@@@`3585 CIL 13.03820 Gose 017 LeB., IC 047 @@@@`3586 CIL 13.03833 Gose 436 LeB., IC 256 LeB., NR p.055,2 @@@@`3586A CIL 13.03872 Gose 051 LeB., IC 282 @@@@`3586B CIL 13.03905 Gose 074 LeB., NR 367 @@@@`3586C CIL 13.11332 Gose 409 @@@@`3587 CIL 13.03843 LeB., IC 263 @@@@`3588 CIL 13.03845 Gose 027 LeB., NR 344 @@@@`3589 CIL 13.03860 Gose 035 LeB., IC 274 @@@@`3590 CIL 13.03889 LeB., IC 246 @@@@`3590A CIL 13.03862 Gose 036 LeB., IC 276 @@@@`3590B CIL 13.03825 LeB., IC 250 @@@@`3591 CIL 13.03880 Gose 054 LeB., NR 346 @@@@`3591F CIL 13.11335 @@@@`3592 CIL 13.03895 Gose 071 LeB., IC 297 @@@@`3592A CIL 13.03840 @@@@`3594 CIL 13.06257 LeB., IC 346 @@@@`3594A CIL 13.06260 LeB., IC 348 @@@@`3595 CIL 13.07209 @@@@`3595A CIL 13.07201 LeB., IC 339 @@@@`3596 CIL 13.07204 LeB., NR 078 @@@@`3597 CIL 13.07320 LeB., NR 426 @@@@`3598 IChUR(1) 01.0269 IChUR(2) 03.08423 @@@@`3599 CIL 06.35767 @@@@`3601 CIL 09.01363 CIL 09.1363 @@@@`3601A CIL 09.2082e @@@@`3602 CIL 10.8364 @@@@`3605,adn. ICI 07.032 @@@@`3609 CIL 03.08862 @@@@`3609A CIL 03.04921 add. p. 1813 @@@@`3610 CIL 03.09578 @@@@`3611 CIL 03.10237 @@@@`3611,adn. CIL 03.10236 @@@@`3612 CIL 03.14354&4`18 @@@@`3613 CIL 03.01891 @@@@`3614 CIL 02.5393 Vives 014 @@@@`3615 CIL 08.20305 @@@@`3616 CIL 08.21772 @@@@`3617 CIL 08.10919 CIL 08.20475 @@@@`3618 CIL 08.20306 @@@@`3618,adn. CIL 08.20309 @@@@`3618A CIL 08.08637 CIL 08.20353 @@@@`3618B CIL 08.09718 add. p. 2034 @@@@`3619 CIL 08.08641 add. p. 972 @@@@`3619,adn. CIL 08.21737 @@@@`3620 CIL 08.21544 @@@@`3620,adn. CIL 08.21743 @@@@`3621 CIL 08.04358 add. p. 1773 @@@@`3622 CIL 08.19101 @@@@`3622,adn. CIL 08.08640 CIL 08.20354 @@@@`3623 CIL 08.09589 add. p. 1984 @@@@`3624 CIL 08.21764 @@@@`3624,adn. CIL 08.09873 @@@@`3625 CIL 08.09789 add. p. 2046 @@@@`3626 CIL 08.20308 @@@@`3627A CIL 08.21420 @@@@`3627B CIL 08.21421 @@@@`3627D CIL 08.27952 ILAlg 1.3644 @@@@`3627E CIL 08.21422 @@@@`3628 CIL 08.21428 @@@@`3629 CIL 08.28045 ILAlg 1.2961 @@@@`3630 CIL 03.08559 CIL 06.10944 IChUR(2) 01.02911 @@@@`3631 CIL 12.2068%7`2108 %6 RICG 15.176 @@@@`3631A CIL 08.08296 @@@@`3632A CIL 05.08606 @@@@`3633 CIL 03.02233 CIL 03.02328 %103`13891 add. p. 2323;%103 CIL 03.08563 CIL 03.13891 add. p. 2323; 2328 @@@@`3634 CIL 03.03245 CIL 03.10215 add. p. 1040 @@@@`3634A CIL 03.09062 CIL 03.14307 @@@@`3635 CIL 03.09612 @@@@`3635,adn. CIL 03.09609 @@@@`3636 CIL 03.14906 @@@@`3637 CIL 03.08851 CIL 03.09412 CIL 03.12838 @@@@`3638 CIL 03.09603 @@@@`3638A CIL 03.09561 @@@@`3638A,adn. CIL 03.06402 CIL 03.14310 CIL 03.14903&4`1 @@@@`3639 CIL 03.02603 CIL 03.06405 CIL 03.08650 add. p. 2325 CIL 13.02351 @@@@`3640A CIL 03.09512 CIL 03.13136 @@@@`3641 CIL 09.03073 CIL 09.3073 @@@@`3641a ICI 03.002 @@@@`3642 IBrChr 044 [CIIC 0985] @@@@`3643 IBrChr 136 [CIIC 0393] @@@@`3644 CIL 08.18823 @@@@`3644,adn. CIL 12.5791 @@@@`3645 CIL 10.8174 @@@@`3645A IChUR(2) 01.02335 @@@@`3645B IChUR(2) 01.03145 @@@@`3645Cab IChUR(2) 01.00629 @@@@`3645D ILAlg 1.2775 @@@@`3645E CIL 08.15244 @@@@`3646 IChUR(2) 01.01965 RS 03.p.419 @@@@`3647 IChUR(2) 03.08266 RS 03.p.419 @@@@`3647,adn. RS 03.p.258 RS 03.p.263 @@@@`3648 IChUR(2) 01.01418 @@@@`3648,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0045 IChUR(2) 02.05983 IChUR(2) 05.13163 @@@@`3649 CIL 13.01315 @@@@`3650 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1474 IChUR(2) 01.00479 @@@@`3651 RS 03.p.456 @@@@`3652 IChUR(1) 01.0573 add. p. 579 IChUR(2) 01.03224 @@@@`3653 IChUR(2) 01.01123 @@@@`3653,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0573 RS 03.p.170 tab. 25,14 @@@@`3654 IChUR(2) 01.01510 @@@@`3655 IChUR(2) 01.01526 @@@@`3656 IChUR(2) 01.02447 @@@@`3656A IChUR(2) 01.03118 ȅ@@@@`3656A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01119 RS 03.p.452 @@@@`3656C IChUR(2) 01.01036a @@@@`3656D IChUR(2) 01.00126 @@@@`3656D,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00316 @@@@`3658 CIL 11.04629 CIL 11.4629 ICI 06.039 @@@@`3658,adn. CIL 11.1902 add. p. 1274 @@@@`3659A CIL 03.15181 @@@@`3659A,adn. CIL 03.14910 @@@@`3660 CIL 08.08186 add. p. 1879 @@@@`3660,adn. CIL 08.05749 CIL 08.19146 @@@@`3661 CIL 08.10927 CIL 08.20473 @@@@`3662 CIL 08.09940 CIL 08.21788 @@@@`3662A CIL 08.09934 add. p. 2065 @@@@`3663 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1488 IChUR(2) 03.06499 @@@@`3663A IChUR(2) 01.01963 @@@@`3663B CIL 06.03651 CIL 14.0229 @@@@`3663B,adn. CIL 14.1970 @@@@`3665 CIL 08.08430 @@@@`3666 CIL 08.09869 @@@@`3667 CIL 08.09928 add. p. 2065 @@@@`3667,adn. CIL 08.09916 @@@@`3667A CIL 08.21782 @@@@`3668 CIL 08.09944 @@@@`3669 CIL 08.09926 @@@@`3670 CIL 08.09930 @@@@`3670A CIL 08.09921 @@@@`3670B CIL 08.21795 @@@@`3671 CIL 08.09923 add. p. 2065 @@@@`3671A CIL 08.09939 @@@@`3671B CIL 08.09951 CIL 08.21778 @@@@`3672 CIL 08.09950 CIL 08.21791 @@@@`3673 CIL 08.09953 add. p. 2065 @@@@`3674 CIL 08.21790 @@@@`3674,adn. CIL 08.09870 CIL 08.09915 @@@@`3675 CIL 08.09948 @@@@`3675,adn. CIL 08.09927 CIL 08.09952 add. p. 2065 @@@@`3675A CIL 08.09922 add. p. 2065; 975 @@@@`3675A,adn. CIL 08.09935 CIL 08.21787 @@@@`3676 CIL 08.21792 @@@@`3677 CIL 08.09911 @@@@`3677,adn. CIL 08.21785 @@@@`3678 CIL 08.21793 @@@@`3679 CIL 08.09949 add. p. 2065 @@@@`3679,adn. CIL 08.09956 CIL 08.21794 @@@@`3680 CIL 08.10712 add. p. 980 CIL 08.17613 @@@@`3681 CIL 08.09910 add. p. 975 @@@@`3682 CIL 08.09968 @@@@`3682,adn. CIL 08.09964 @@@@`3683 CIL 08.21800 @@@@`3683,adn. CIL 08.21807 @@@@`3684 CIL 08.09981 @@@@`3685 CIL 08.21803 @@@@`3686 CIL 08.21806 @@@@`3686A CIL 08.09979 @@@@`3687 CIL 08.09975 @@@@`3688 CIL 08.09977 @@@@`3688A CIL 08.09971 add. p. 976 @@@@`3688A,adn. CIL 08.09666 @@@@`3689 CIL 08.09982 @@@@`3690 CIL 08.21801 @@@@`3691 CIL 08.21799 @@@@`3691A CIL 08.09984 @@@@`3691B CIL 08.21802 @@@@`3691C CIL 08.09969 @@@@`3691C,adn. CIL 08.09973 CIL 08.09974 @@@@`3691D CIL 08.21784 @@@@`3692 CIL 11.2850 ICI 01.029 @@@@`3693 CIL 08.04793 CIL 08.18711 @@@@`3695 CIL 03.02669 add. p. 2261 @@@@`3696 IChUR(1) 01.0493 IChUR(2) 01.02110 @@@@`3697 RS 03.p.455 @@@@`3698 CIL 03.02490 @@@@`3700 Vives 292 @@@@`3701 CIL 12.1194 @@@@`3702A CIL 14.1881 IChUR(1) 01.1166 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1864 @@@@`3704A IChUR(2) 06.15898 @@@@`3708 CIL 08.10929 CIL 08.20476 @@@@`3708A CIL 08.08354 CIL 08.19211 @@@@`3710 CIL 08.08292 add. p. 967 @@@@`3711 CIL 08.08706 @@@@`3711A CIL 08.08291 @@@@`3712 CIL 08.16664 ILAlg 1.3456 @@@@`3712,adn. CIL 08.20590 @@@@`3712A CIL 08.08633 @@@@`3712A,adn. CIL 08.08770 CIL 08.16756 ILAlg 1.2981 @@@@`3713 ILAlg 1.2960 c. imagine @@@@`3714 CIL 08.20315 @@@@`3715 CIL 08.10930 CIL 08.20478 @@@@`3715A CIL 08.20474 CIL 10.0949&4%7&,`09 @@@@`3716 CIL 08.20472 @@@@`3718 CIL 08.20304 @@@@`3718A CIL 08.21646 @@@@`3719 CIL 08.21633 @@@@`3720 CIL 08.21809 @@@@`3721 CIL 08.28047 ILAlg 1.2972 @@@@`3721,adn. CIL 08.16755 @@@@`3722 CIL 08.08399 CIL 08.20307 @@@@`3722,adn. CIL 08.20312 @@@@`3723 CIL 08.20477 @@@@`3723,adn. CIL 08.02189 CIL 08.10815 CIL 08.11726 CIL 08.16740 CIL 08.20303 CIL 08.20411 @@@@`3724 CIL 08.21475 @@@@`3725 CIL 08.21478 @@@@`3727 IChUR(1) 01.0642 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1480 RS 02.p.109 RS 03.p.361 RS 03.p.544 @@@@`3727,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0442 @@@@`3727A IChUR(1) 01.0404 @@@@`3727A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02980 @@@@`3727B IChUR(1) 01.0554 IChUR(2) 07.20604 @@@@`3727C IChUR(2) 07.17553 @@@@`3727C,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0819 IChUR(1) 01.0824 IChUR(1) 01.0862 IChUR(1) 01.0873 @@@@`3727D IChUR(1) 01.0894 IChUR(2) 08.20833 @@@@`3727E IChUR(1) 01.0900 IChUR(2) 08.20820 @@@@`3727F IChUR(1) 01.0916 IChUR(2) 02.04179 @@@@`3727F,adn. IChUR(1) 01.1086 IChUR(1) 01.1109 IChUR(1) 01.1199 IChUR(2) 02.05121 @@@@`3727G IChUR(1) 01.1100b @@@@`3727H IChUR(1) 01.1295 IChUR(2) 01.00757 @@@@`3727H,adn. IChUR(1) 01.1297 IChUR(1) 01.1356 IChUR(1) 01.1371 IChUR(2) 01.00759 IChUR(2) 02.06079 @@@@`3728 RS 03.p.452 @@@@`3728A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03468 @@@@`3728C IChUR(2) 01.02177 @@@@`3731 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1514b IChUR(2) 01.01427b @@@@`3731A IChUR(2) 01.04075 @@@@`3732A IChUR(1) 02.444,172 IChUR(2) 01.00136 @@@@`3732A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00092 IChUR(2) 02.06116 @@@@`3733 IChUR(2) 02.04407 @@@@`3734 IChUR(2) 01.01156 @@@@`3734,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00378 @@@@`3734A IChUR(2) 01.01696 @@@@`3734A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00442 IChUR(2) 01.02505 @@@@`3735 CIL 10.07115 CIL 10.7115 @@@@`3735,adn. CIL 08.25816 @@@@`3736 RS 03.p.177 tab. 25,31 @@@@`3737 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1792 @@@@`3737,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0700 IChUR(1) 01.1146 IChUR(2) 01.00734 @@@@`3738 IChUR(2) 03.08572 @@@@`3738A IChUR(2) 01.03419 @@@@`3738B IChUR(2) 01.02261 @@@@`3739 IChUR(2) 01.01555 @@@@`3739B IChUR(2) 01.01789 @@@@`3739C,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03910 @@@@`3739F IChUR(2) 02.06163 @@@@`3739G,adn. RS 01.tab. 28,01 @@@@`3740 IChUR(2) 01.01584 @@@@`3740A IChUR(2) 01.02442b @@@@`3740B IChUR(2) 01.03610 @@@@`3740C RS 03.p.405 @@@@`3741 IChUR(2) 01.01543 @@@@`3742,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00269 @@@@`3743 IChUR(2) 02.06247 @@@@`3744A IChUR(2) 01.01492 @@@@`3745 CIL 06.34729b @@@@`3745A IChUR(2) 02.04665 @@@@`3745B IChUR(2) 03.08447 @@@@`3745C IChUR(2) 01.01534 @@@@`3745D IChUR(2) 02.06362 @@@@`3747 IChUR(1) 01.0448 IChUR(2) 02.04830 @@@@`3750 CIL 03.14309 @@@@`3751 CIL 03.13137 @@@@`3752 CIL 03.09588 add. p. 2140 @@@@`3753 IChUR(1) 01.0553 IChUR(2) 01.03218 @@@@`3753A IChUR(2) 01.00867 @@@@`3754 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1429 @@@@`3754A IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1670 IChUR(2) 04.11772 @@@@`3754B IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1676 IChUR(2) 02.06033 @@@@`3754C IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1858 RS 03.p.157 tab. 24,44 @@@@`3754D IChUR(1) 01.0488 IChUR(2) 07.17521 @@@@`3754E IChUR(2) 01.01402 @@@@`3754F IChUR(1) 01.0662 IChUR(2) 02.04514 @@@@`3755 CIL 10.7115 @@@@`3755A CIL 06.09655 @@@@`3756 IChUR(2) 02.06078 @@@@`3756,adn. RS 01.tab. 28,03 @@@@`3757 IChUR(2) 05.13150 @@@@`3757A IChUR(2) 01.01642 @@@@`3758 IChUR(2) 01.01647 @@@@`3759 IChUR(2) 01.01609 IChUR(2) 05.13198 @@@@`3759A IChUR(2) 01.01611 @@@@`3760 IChUR(2) 01.01334 @@@@`3760B IChUR(1) 01.1200 @@@@`3761 IChUR(2) 02.06102 @@@@`3762 RS 03.p.545 @@@@`3762,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0653 @@@@`3764 CIL 06.09936 IChUR(1) 01.1057 IChUR(2) 02.04283 @@@@`3765 IChUR(2) 01.01014 @@@@`3766 IChUR(2) 02.04674 @@@@`3766,adn. CIL 06.32970 @@@@`3766A IChUR(2) 07.19991 @@@@`3766A,adn. CIL 06.09162 @@@@`3767 IChUR(2) 02.06096 @@@@`3768 IChUR(2) 02.06088 @@@@`3768,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00153 IChUR(2) 06.16053 @@@@`3768A IChUR(1) 01.0957a @@@@`3768A; 725 IChUR(2) 02.05017 @@@@`3769 IChUR(2) 01.00831 @@@@`3769A IChUR(1) 01.0516 add. p. 577 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1736 IChUR(2) 04.09580 @@@@`3769B IChUR(2) 02.05167 @@@@`3769B,adn. RS 03.p.523 @@@@`3769C IChUR(2) 01.00229 @@@@`3770 CIL 06.09235 IChUR(2) 01.00420 @@@@`3770,adn. CIL 06.09236 IChUR(1) 01.1114 IChUR(1) 01.1341 IChUR(2) 01.00117 RS 03.p.550 @@@@`3771 IChUR(1) 01.0522 IChUR(2) 07.17526 @@@@`3773 IChUR(2) 03.07760 @@@@`3773,adn. IChUR(2) 02.06105 @@@@`3774 IChUR(2) 02.06108 @@@@`3775 IChUR(2) 03.08202 @@@@`3776 CIL 14.1934 @@@@`3777 IChUR(2) 01.01159 @@@@`3777A IChUR(2) 01.02314 @@@@`3778 CIL 06.08401 IChUR(1) 01.1122 IChUR(2) 02.04187 @@@@`3779 IChUR(1) 01.1082 IChUR(2) 01.00928 @@@@`3781 IChUR(1) 01.0454 IChUR(2) 02.06058 @@@@`3782 IChUR(2) 01.03240 IChUR(2) 07.20606 @@@@`3783 IChUR(1) 01.0923 IChUR(2) 02.05001 @@@@`3784,adn. CIL 06.32970 CIL 11.0316 RS 03.p.550 @@@@`3785 IChUR(2) 01.02223 @@@@`3786 IChUR(2) 01.01043 @@@@`3786A IChUR(2) 01.01335 @@@@`3787 IChUR(1) 01.0971 IChUR(2) 02.05025 @@@@`3787,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01063 @@@@`3788 IChUR(2) 01.02664 RS 03.p.549 @@@@`3789 IChUR(1) 01.0009 IChUR(2) 01.03156 @@@@`3789,adn. IChUR(2) 02.06305 @@@@`3789A CIL 14.4166 @@@@`3789B IChUR(2) 01.01747 IChUR(2) 07.19982 @@@@`3789B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00025 @@@@`3789C,b CIL 06.09927 @@@@`3789D IChUR(1) 01.0199 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1583 @@@@`3789D%3`4612,adn. IChUR(2) 07.17454 @@@@`3789c IChUR(2) 03.09273 @@@@`3791 CIL 03.09601 @@@@`3791A CIL 03.14305 @@@@`3791A,adn. CIL 03.14239&4`1 CIL 03.14916&4a @@@@`3791B CIL 03.14929 @@@@`3791C AE 1922.042 @@@@`3792 CIL 03.02604 @@@@`3792,adn. CIL 03.00410 @@@@`3792B CIL 03.09414 add. p. 2328&4`125 @@@@`3793 Vives 069 @@@@`3795 CIL 08.24510 @@@@`3797 IChUR(1) 01.0079 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1448 @@@@`3797A IChUR(1) 01.0096 IChUR(2) 01.00318 @@@@`3797A,adn. IChUR(1) 01.1132 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1470 @@@@`3797B IChUR(1) 01.0206 IChUR(2) 02.05931 @@@@`3797C IChUR(1) 01.0325 IChUR(2) 07.17482 @@@@`3797C,adn. CIL 06.09526 IChUR(1) 01.0355 @@@@`3797D IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1839 IChUR(2) 04.11777 @@@@`3798A IChUR(2) 01.00123 @@@@`3799B IChUR(2) 01.02243 @@@@`3799C IChUR(2) 03.08553 @@@@`3800 IChUR(2) 01.00063 RS 03.p.415 @@@@`3800A IChUR(1) 01.0431 IChUR(2) 02.04829 @@@@`3801 IChUR(2) 01.03598 @@@@`3801A IChUR(2) 02.05220 @@@@`3801B IChUR(2) 01.01845,12 IChUR(2) 05.14820 @@@@`3802 CIL 06.08984b IChUR(2) 01.02762a @@@@`3802,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01846,10 @@@@`3803 IChUR(2) 01.03811 @@@@`3803,adn. RS 03.p.547 @@@@`3803A IChUR(2) 01.01544 @@@@`3804 CIL 06.32897 %6 32985 @@@@`3804A RS 03.p.276 @@@@`3804B IChUR(2) 01.02178 @@@@`3804D IChUR(2) 01.01594 IChUR(2) 05.14219 @@@@`3805 RS 03.p.109 tab. 19,52 @@@@`3806 CIL 11.2995 @@@@`3807 IChUR(1) 01.0532 IChUR(2) 01.03222 @@@@`3807A IChUR(2) 02.06183 @@@@`3807B IChUR(2) 02.06128 @@@@`3807B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00122 @@@@`3807E IChUR(2) 01.00121 @@@@`3808 IChUR(2) 02.06030 @@@@`3808B IChUR(2) 01.02020 @@@@`3808D,adn. IChUR(2) 02.06322b @@@@`3809 IChUR(2) 01.02193 @@@@`3809A IChUR(2) 01.00855 @@@@`3810A IChUR(2) 03.08851 @@@@`3810B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01382 IChUR(2) 01.01394,4 @@@@`3811 IChUR(2) 01.01412 IChUR(2) 02.06104 @@@@`3811A IChUR(1) 01.0517 IChUR(2) 04.12425 @@@@`3811B IChUR(2) 01.02607 @@@@`3811D IChUR(2) 01.01753 @@@@`3811F IChUR(2) 01.01766 @@@@`3812 IChUR(2) 02.04344 @@@@`3812B IChUR(2) 02.06106%7`6107 %6 2.06477 IChUR(2) 02.06107 @@@@`3813 IChUR(2) 01.01282 @@@@`3813A IChUR(1) 01.0228 IChUR(2) 02.05933 @@@@`3814 CIL 06.31965 add. p. IChUR(2) 01.01190 @@@@`3815 RS 03.p.417 @@@@`3815A IChUR(2) 01.02348 @@@@`3815A,adn. IChUR(2) 02.06116 @@@@`3816 IChUR(2) 02.05224 @@@@`3816A IChUR(2) 03.09152 @@@@`3817 IChUR(2) 03.08485 @@@@`3817,adn. IChUR(2) 02.06310 RS 03.p.424 @@@@`3818 IChUR(2) 01.03346 @@@@`3818,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03941 @@@@`3818A IChUR(2) 01.03402 @@@@`3819 CIL 06.09157 IChUR(1) 01.1085 IChUR(2) 02.05087 @@@@`3819A CIL 06.09809 add. p. 3470 @@@@`3820 IChUR(1) 01.0390 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1784 IChUR(2) 08.20805 @@@@`3821 IChUR(1) 01.0395 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1832 IChUR(2) 03.08428 @@@@`3822 IChUR(1) 01.0419 IChUR(2) 02.06460 @@@@`3824 CIL 06.10412 @@@@`3825A IChUR(2) 03.08820 @@@@`3826 CIL 06.10411 IChUR(2) 01.00946 @@@@`3827 CIL 11.6222 ICI 06.126 @@@@`3827A IChUR(2) 01.00165,7 @@@@`3828 RS 01.tab. 27,8 @@@@`3828A IChUR(2) 01.01413 @@@@`3830A CIL 06.13272 IChUR(2) 01.00556 @@@@`3830B IChUR(2) 01.00472 @@@@`3830C IChUR(2) 01.03789 @@@@`3831 IChUR(1) 01.0093 IChUR(1) 01.0094 IChUR(2) 01.03163%3`4 IChUR(2) 01.03164 @@@@`3833 IChUR(2) 01.03617 @@@@`3834 CIL 03.02704 CIL 03.09706 @@@@`3834,adn. CIL 03.14924 @@@@`3835 CIL 03.09585 @@@@`3835B Bull.Dalm.30.1907.021 %6 Egger 109 @@@@`3835C CIL 03.09508 @@@@`3835D CIL 03.09094 CIL 03.09572 CIL 03.09663 CIL 03.09689 CIL 03.12842 @@@@`3836 CIL 03.09597 add. p. 2140 @@@@`3836A CIL 03.12872 @@@@`3837 CIL 03.09535 CIL 03.09569 @@@@`3837A,adn. CIL 03.12870 @@@@`3837B CIL 03.02666 add. p. 2139 @@@@`3837B,adn. CIL 03.09509 CIL 03.09661 CIL 03.13892 @@@@`3838 CIL 03.09568 @@@@`3838,adn. CIL 03.09695 CIL 03.12869 @@@@`3839 CIL 03.09674 @@@@`3839A CIL 03.02635 CIL 03.09673 @@@@`3840 CIL 03.10135 add. p. 2173 @@@@`3840B CIL 03.02115 add. p. 1030 CIL 03.08592 @@@@`3841 IChUR(2) 02.04301 @@@@`3842,adn. CIL 03.09526 CIL 03.09541 CIL 03.12863 @@@@`3843 IChUR(2) 01.01338 @@@@`3843A IChUR(2) 01.00678 @@@@`3845A IChUR(2) 01.01996 @@@@`3846 I.Ital. 10,1.560 @@@@`3847 Vives 262 @@@@`3848 CIL 11.6779 @@@@`3849(256) CIL 11.0325 add. p. 1228 @@@@`3850 CIL 11.0322 @@@@`3851 CIL 10.4539 @@@@`3853 CIL 11.0327 CIL 11.0329 @@@@`3857 CIL 12.5755 LeB., NR 333 @@@@`3858 CIL 13.01661 LeB., IC 013 @@@@`3858A IChUR(1) 01.1359 @@@@`3858A,adn. CIL 10.1276&4%7 @@@@`3860 CIL 14.3898 I.Ital. 01,1.545 %103&4`2&%6`4,1%103 @@@@`3861 CIL 10.0761 @@@@`3862 CIL 09.2437 @@@@`3866A CIL 06.31997 IChUR(1) 01.1090 IChUR(2) 02.05090 @@@@`3867 CIL 10.00178 CIL 10.0178 @@@@`3867A CIL 10.0179 @@@@`3868,adn. CIL 10.0760 @@@@`3869 CIL 10.1193 @@@@`3870 CIL 03.13124 @@@@`3870B CIL 06.24425%3`6 @@@@`3872 CIL 06.08987 @@@@`3873 IChUR(1) 01.0752 IChUR(2) 01.01468 @@@@`3874 CIL 11.0330 @@@@`3875 CIL 11.0337 @@@@`3876 CIL 06.09229 IChUR(2) 01.00185 @@@@`3877 CIL 06.34635a @@@@`3880 Vives 044 @@@@`3881 CIL 14.1900 CIL 14.1913 @@@@`3882 CIL 14.1885 @@@@`3883 CIL 14.1893 @@@@`3883,adn. CIL 14.1915 @@@@`3884 CIL 06.10939 add. p. 3507 IChUR(2) 01.04006 @@@@`3885 IChUR(2) 01.01002 @@@@`3886 CIL 06.26849 IChUR(2) 01.03817 @@@@`3887 CIL 06.11511 @@@@`3887A CIL 06.12607%3`8 @@@@`3888 IChUR(1) 01.0024 add. p. 573 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1398 IChUR(2) 07.19947 @@@@`3888A IChUR(1) 01.0150 add. p. 575 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1502 IChUR(2) 07.17440 @@@@`3889 CIL 06.10270 @@@@`3889A IChUR(2) 01.03335 @@@@`3889B IChUR(2) 01.01366 @@@@`3889C CIL 09.0193&4%7 IChUR(2) 01.03839 @@@@`3889D IChUR(2) 01.03525 @@@@`3890 CIL 06.38075a @@@@`3890A CIL 06.14420 add. p. 3515 IChUR(2) 01.04077 @@@@`3890D IChUR(2) 01.03565 @@@@`3890E CIL 06.13197 IChUR(2) 01.01773 IChUR(2) 01.03729 IChUR(2) 05.15276 @@@@`3890E,adn. CIL 06.25061 @@@@`3891 IChUR(2) 06.15792 @@@@`3891A IChUR(2) 01.03331 @@@@`3891D CIL 06.29324 @@@@`3891E IChUR(2) 01.03623 @@@@`3892 IChUR(2) 01.03350 RS 03.p.100 tab. 19,03 @@@@`3892A CIL 06.13545 add. p. 3513 @@@@`3893 RS 01.tab. 19,06 @@@@`3893,adn. RS 03.tab. 21,43 @@@@`3893A CIL 06.11379 @@@@`3894 IChUR(2) 01.01755%7add. %6 IChUR(2) 06.17413 IChUR(2) 04.012887 %6 IChUR(2) 06.17413 IChUR(2) 06.17413 IChUR(2) 01.01772 @@@@`3894B CIL 06.12326 IChUR(2) 01.03313 @@@@`3895,adn. RS 03.tab. 29,43 @@@@`3896 IChUR(2) 01.02936 @@@@`3897 IChUR(2) 03.06986 @@@@`3898 CIL 06.13524 IChUR(2) 01.02172 @@@@`3898A RS 03.tab. 19,57 @@@@`3898B IChUR(2) 01.02339 @@@@`3898C CIL 06.14081 @@@@`3898D CIL 06.19688 CIL 06.20928 IChUR(2) 01.01674 @@@@`3899 IChUR(2) 01.02924 @@@@`3899A IChUR(2) 01.01377 @@@@`3900C(?) IChUR(2) 01.02357 @@@@`3901 IChUR(2) 01.02746 @@@@`3901A IChUR(2) 01.00651 @@@@`3901B CIL 06.27036 add. p. 3534 IChUR(2) 01.00722 @@@@`3902 RS 01.p.336 23,02 @@@@`3902A IChUR(2) 06.16332 @@@@`3902B IChUR(2) 01.02962 @@@@`3902C IChUR(2) 01.03762 @@@@`3902D IChUR(2) 01.03689 @@@@`3903 CIL 06.29369 @@@@`3903A IChUR(2) 06.15621 @@@@`3903B IChUR(2) 01.01538 @@@@`3904 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1503 IChUR(2) 04.11758 LeB., NR 342 @@@@`3904B IChUR(2) 01.02378 @@@@`3904C IChUR(2) 01.01518 @@@@`3905a%19k RS 02.tab. 34,11 @@@@`3906,adn. CIL 06.37072b @@@@`3906A CIL 06.31952 IChUR(2) 01.03339 @@@@`3907 CIL 06.12171 CIL 06.33011b @@@@`3907A IChUR(2) 01.00515 @@@@`3907B IChUR(2) 01.01966 @@@@`3908 IChUR(2) 01.03651 @@@@`3908A CIJ 1.A085* IChUR(2) 01.02410 @@@@`3908B IChUR(2) 01.03446 @@@@`3910 CIL 14.0566 @@@@`3911 CIL 09.01009 CIL 09.1009 @@@@`3911A CIL 09.1390 @@@@`3911B CIL 09.4851a @@@@`3912 CIL 09.5919 @@@@`3912A CIL 09.2488 @@@@`3913 CIL 10.5957 @@@@`3914 CIL 11.0253a @@@@`3915 CIL 11.2533 @@@@`3916 CIL 11.2535 @@@@`3917 CIL 11.2543 @@@@`3917B IChUR(2) 01.00368 @@@@`3918 CIL 11.2536 @@@@`3919 CIL 11.2538a @@@@`3920 CIL 11.2538b @@@@`3920,adn. CIL 11.2538c add. p. 1281 @@@@`3921 CIL 11.2539 @@@@`3922 CIL 11.2540 @@@@`3923 CIL 11.2541 @@@@`3924 CIL 11.2544 @@@@`3925 CIL 11.2555 @@@@`3926 CIL 11.4024 @@@@`3926A CIL 11.3567 ICI 02.004 IChUR(1) 01.1093 @@@@`3930 CIL 13.05308 add. p. 69 LeB., IC 361 @@@@`3930,adn. CIL 12.2311 LeB., IC 470B @@@@`3931 CIL 03.09917 add. p. 2328&4`161 @@@@`3931,adn. CIL 03.08236 @@@@`3931A CIL 03.02136 %103`8918 add. p. 1510;%103 CIL 03.08918 add. p. 1510; 2136 @@@@`3932 Vives 001 @@@@`3933 CIL 08.11088 @@@@`3934 CIL 08.21592 @@@@`3935 CIL 08.21589 @@@@`3935A CIL 08.21582 @@@@`3935B CIL 08.21590 @@@@`3936 CIL 08.21797 @@@@`3937 ILAlg 1.2802 @@@@`3937A ILAlg 1.2786 @@@@`3937B ILAlg 1.2783 @@@@`3937C ILAlg 1.2788 @@@@`3938 CIL 08.24986 @@@@`3939 CIL 08.00181 @@@@`3939,adn. CIL 08.04362 CIL 08.18646 @@@@`3940 CIL 08.09735 @@@@`3941 CIL 08.00673 add. p. 2372 @@@@`3942 CIL 08.11897 @@@@`3943 CIL 08.23566 @@@@`3946 CIL 08.23585 ILTun 0555 @@@@`3947 CIL 08.23587 @@@@`3948 CIL 08.23565 @@@@`3949 CIL 08.23590 @@@@`3950 CIL 08.12197 ILTun 0581 @@@@`3950,adn. CIL 08.23695 @@@@`3951 CIL 08.16312 @@@@`3952 CIL 08.21638 @@@@`3952A CIL 08.21634a @@@@`3953 CIL 08.21750 @@@@`3953A CIL 08.21759 @@@@`3953B CIL 08.21761 @@@@`3953B,adn. CIL 08.14643 CIL 08.14680 CIL 08.24508 CIL 08.25669 @@@@`3954 CIL 08.28041 ILAlg 1.2945 LeB., NR 214 @@@@`3955 CIL 08.21596 @@@@`3956 CIL 08.21727 @@@@`3957 CIL 08.21748 @@@@`3957A CIL 08.21760 @@@@`3957B CIL 08.21751 @@@@`3958 RS 02.tab. 49%3`50,27 @@@@`3959 IChUR(2) 03.06592 @@@@`3959,adn. CIL 06.14046 add. p. 3514 CIL 06.34705 IChUR(2) 01.01114 IChUR(2) 01.02601 @@@@`3959A,adn. CIL 06.12712 CIL 06.19341 CIL 10.1088&4%7&`442 IChUR(2) 01.00557 IChUR(2) 01.00776 IChUR(2) 01.00791 IChUR(2) 01.02154 IChUR(2) 01.02459 IChUR(2) 01.02728 IChUR(2) 01.02906 @@@@`3959a IChUR(2) 03.06533 IChUR(2) 03.06553 @@@@`3960 CIL 06.01058,488 @@@@`3960,adn. CIL 06.12027 add. p. 3510 CIL 14.3422 IChUR(2) 01.01109 IChUR(2) 01.03344 RS 02.tab. 40,27 @@@@`3960A IChUR(2) 01.00320 @@@@`3960A,adn. ICI 04.038 IChUR(2) 01.03014 IChUR(2) 03.06581 IChUR(2) 06.15918 @@@@`3961,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01865 @@@@`3961b IChUR(2) 05.15016 @@@@`3961c IChUR(2) 05.15123 @@@@`3961d IChUR(2) 05.15107 @@@@`3961e IChUR(2) 05.15008 @@@@`3962A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00502 IChUR(2) 01.02075 @@@@`3963 IChUR(2) 01.02830 @@@@`3963,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01701 IChUR(2) 01.01769 IChUR(2) 01.03749 @@@@`3963B IChUR(2) 06.16104 @@@@`3963B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01517 @@@@`3964 IChUR(2) 01.03106 @@@@`3964,adn. RS 01.tab. 20,1 @@@@`3965A RS 02.p.016 tab. 30 @@@@`3965B IChUR(2) 03.07281 @@@@`3965C,a IChUR(2) 06.16308b @@@@`3965C,b IChUR(2) 06.16383 @@@@`3965C,c IChUR(2) 06.16109 @@@@`3965C,d IChUR(2) 06.16556a @@@@`3965C,e IChUR(2) 06.16345a @@@@`3965C,f IChUR(2) 06.16334b @@@@`3965C,g IChUR(2) 06.16559a @@@@`3965C,h IChUR(2) 06.16060a @@@@`3965C,i IChUR(2) 06.16461b @@@@`3965Ea CIL 08.25098 @@@@`3965Eb CIL 08.25120 @@@@`3965Ec CIL 08.25285 @@@@`3965Ed CIL 08.25348 @@@@`3965Fa CIL 08.23020,07 @@@@`3965Fb CIL 08.23020,09 @@@@`3965Fc CIL 08.23020,17 @@@@`3965Fd CIL 08.23020,19 @@@@`3965Fe CIL 08.23020,33 @@@@`3965Ff CIL 08.23020,45 @@@@`3965l RS 02.tab. 34,10 @@@@`3966 IChUR(2) 05.14246 @@@@`3966,adn. CIL 06.22401a CIL 06.22401b CIL 06.25241 IChUR(2) 01.00282 IChUR(2) 01.00297 IChUR(2) 01.00585 IChUR(2) 01.02219 IChUR(2) 01.03347 IChUR(2) 01.03544 IChUR(2) 01.03884 IChUR(2) 03.09090 @@@@`3966A IChUR(2) 01.01574 @@@@`3966A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00314 IChUR(2) 01.00451 IChUR(2) 01.02254 IChUR(2) 01.02919 @@@@`3967 IChUR(2) 01.02960 @@@@`3967,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00294 IChUR(2) 01.00543 IChUR(2) 01.00545 IChUR(2) 01.00627 IChUR(2) 01.02353 IChUR(2) 01.02417 IChUR(2) 01.02697 IChUR(2) 01.02745 IChUR(2) 01.03306 @@@@`3968,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02320 IChUR(2) 01.03416 IChUR(2) 01.03763 @@@@`3968A CIL 10.1530 @@@@`3969 IChUR(2) 01.00103 @@@@`3969A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02871 IChUR(2) 01.03429 IChUR(2) 01.03834 IChUR(2) 05.14724 RS 02.tab. 43,35 @@@@`3970A CIL 10.5898 @@@@`3970B,adn.[a] IChUR(2) 06.16029 ["b.m."] @@@@`3970B,adn.[b] IChUR(2) 06.16328b @@@@`3970D IChUR(2) 01.02358 @@@@`3970E IChUR(2) 01.02832 @@@@`3971 IChUR(2) 06.15915 @@@@`3973A RS 02.p.167 tab. 37,10 @@@@`3974 IChUR(2) 05.14380 @@@@`3974,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01988 IChUR(2) 01.02954 @@@@`3974A IChUR(2) 01.02067 @@@@`3974A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01033 IChUR(2) 06.16512%7`16519d @@@@`3974C,adn. CIL 06.19602 IChUR(2) 01.02276 @@@@`3974D CIL 06.28806a IChUR(2) 01.02875 @@@@`3974D,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00632 @@@@`3975 IChUR(2) 01.00382 @@@@`3975,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02959 RS 02.tab. 40,07 @@@@`3975A IChUR(2) 01.00134 @@@@`3976 IChUR(1) 01.0134 @@@@`3976A IChUR(2) 01.03270 @@@@`3977 IChUR(2) 01.03472 @@@@`3977,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02931 IChUR(2) 05.14503 @@@@`3977A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00313 IChUR(2) 01.03378 @@@@`3977B IChUR(2) 06.16139 @@@@`3978 CIL 08.25342 @@@@`3978A CIL 06.13671 add. p. 3543 @@@@`3978B IChUR(2) 03.06578 @@@@`3978B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01302 @@@@`3978C IChUR(2) 01.00182 @@@@`3978C,adn. CIL 06.25059 IChUR(2) 01.03097 IChUR(2) 01.03730 RS 02.tab. 40,39 @@@@`3978E IChUR(2) 01.03712 @@@@`3978F RS 03.p.250 tab. 37 @@@@`3978G IChUR(2) 01.03855 @@@@`3978K IChUR(2) 01.01880 @@@@`3978M CIL 06.16730 @@@@`3978N IChUR(2) 05.12893 @@@@`3979,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01737 @@@@`3979A IChUR(2) 01.02470 @@@@`3979B CIL 06.13351 @@@@`3979C CIL 06.37959 @@@@`3979D IChUR(2) 01.03325 @@@@`3979F,adn. CIL 06.28855 @@@@`3979H IChUR(2) 01.03474 @@@@`3979I CIL 06.25569 @@@@`3979K IChUR(2) 01.00615 @@@@`3980 CIL 10.0662 CIL 10.8305 @@@@`3981A IBrChr 087 [CIIC 0373] @@@@`3981C IBrChr 013 [CIIC 0476] @@@@`3981a IChUR(2) 05.15096 @@@@`3982 IChUR(2) 01.03647 @@@@`3982,adn. IChUR(2) 02.04769 @@@@`3982A IChUR(2) 01.02732 @@@@`3982A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01556 IChUR(2) 01.01759 IChUR(2) 01.03512 IChUR(2) 01.03648 IChUR(2) 01.03746 IChUR(2) 01.03866 @@@@`3982B RS 03.tab. 28,27 @@@@`3982B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00805 IChUR(2) 01.02298 @@@@`3982C IChUR(2) 02.04298 @@@@`3982C,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02009 IChUR(2) 01.02190 IChUR(2) 01.02412 IChUR(2) 01.02731 IChUR(2) 01.02930 IChUR(2) 01.03362 IChUR(2) 01.03516 IChUR(2) 01.03667 IChUR(2) 01.03820 @@@@`3983 IChUR(2) 01.01729 @@@@`3983,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02179 @@@@`3983A IChUR(2) 01.03888 @@@@`3984 CIL 12.0492 LeB., NR 214 @@@@`3985 CIL 08.08709 CIL 08.20489 @@@@`3985,adn. CIL 08.23053i @@@@`3986 IChUR(2) 05.14977 @@@@`3986,adn. RS 02.tab. 40,35 RS 02.tab. 42,44 RS 02.tab. 43,66.57 RS 02.tab. 58,21 @@@@`3987 IChUR(2) 01.02126 @@@@`3987D IChUR(2) 01.04090 @@@@`3988 RS 01.tab. 18,04 @@@@`3988,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00552 @@@@`3988A RS 02.tab. 41,14 @@@@`3988A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02203 IChUR(2) 01.02349 IChUR(2) 01.02362 IChUR(2) 01.03466 RS 02.tab. 42,35 @@@@`3988B CIL 10.0665 @@@@`3988C IChUR(2) 01.00631 @@@@`3988C,adn. IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1557 IChUR(2) 01.00453 IChUR(2) 01.03659 RS 03.p.146 RS 03.tab. 26,09 @@@@`3988D CIL 10.1088&4%7&`447 @@@@`3988D(?) IChUR(2) 01.02690 @@@@`3988E CIL 13.03808 Gose 416 LeB., IC 238 @@@@`3989 IChUR(2) 01.03664 @@@@`3989A ILTun 1017 Vives 160 @@@@`3989A,adn. CIL 08.23020,08 @@@@`3989C,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00841 IChUR(2) 01.03666 IChUR(2) 05.14698 RS 02.tab. 40,11 @@@@`3990 IChUR(2) 01.00840 @@@@`3990A IChUR(2) 01.01284 @@@@`3992 IChUR(2) 03.07262 @@@@`3993 IChUR(2) 01.00407 @@@@`3994B CIL 06.16857 IChUR(2) 01.02069 @@@@`3994C IChUR(2) 01.03637 @@@@`3994D IChUR(2) 02.04544 @@@@`3995 RS 02.p.273 tab. 48,33 @@@@`3995D IChUR(2) 01.02312 @@@@`3995E CIL 08.25167 @@@@`3996 IChUR(1) 01.0019 add. p. 573 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1392 IChUR(2) 06.16964 @@@@`3996A IChUR(1) 01.0109 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1471 IChUR(2) 07.19950 @@@@`3996B IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1535 IChUR(2) 05.13103 @@@@`3996C IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1532 IChUR(2) 04.11770 @@@@`3996C,adn. IChUR(2) 02.04485 @@@@`3997 IChUR(2) 01.01514 @@@@`3997,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02165 @@@@`3997A RS 02.tab. 56,08 @@@@`3997A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01049 @@@@`3997B CIL 03.07349 add. p. 2316&4`41 RS 03.tab. 30,01 @@@@`3997C IChUR(1) 02.442,150 IChUR(2) 01.01202 @@@@`3998 CIL 08.23020,01 ILTun 0184 @@@@`3999 IChUR(2) 01.02068 IChUR(2) 01.02294 IChUR(2) 01.03454 IChUR(2) 01.04025 RS 02.tab. 46,73 @@@@`3999,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00002 @@@@`3999A IChUR(2) 01.02961 @@@@`3999D CIL 12.1508 LeB., IC 498 @@@@`4000 IChUR(2) 01.03345 @@@@`4000,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02162 @@@@`4000A IChUR(2) 01.00567 RS 02.tab. 37,31 @@@@`4000A,adn. CIL 06.02983b CIL 06.07845 CIL 06.29342 IChUR(2) 01.03874 @@@@`4001 IChUR(2) 02.06013 @@@@`4002 IChUR(2) 01.02127 @@@@`4002A,adn. CIL 06.16079 add. p. 3518 IChUR(1) 02.391 IChUR(2) 01.00183 IChUR(2) 01.02923 IChUR(2) 01.04076 IChUR(2) 03.08854 @@@@`4002B IChUR(2) 01.00023 @@@@`4002C RS 03.p.357 @@@@`4002C,adn. CIL 06.24988 IChUR(2) 01.00197 IChUR(2) 01.02342 IChUR(2) 01.03606 IChUR(2) 01.03700 @@@@`4002D CIL 06.26296 IChUR(2) 01.00628 @@@@`4002D,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00976 IChUR(2) 01.03797 @@@@`4002E IChUR(2) 01.02915 @@@@`4002E,adn. CIL 06.27224 IChUR(2) 01.01319 @@@@`4002F IChUR(2) 01.03838 @@@@`4002G IChUR(2) 01.03851 @@@@`4002G,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02450 @@@@`4002H IChUR(2) 01.00304 @@@@`4002H,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02625 IChUR(2) 02.06372 @@@@`4003 CIL 10.1525 ILTun 0430 ILTun 0448 %103cf.%103 @@@@`4003,adn. CIL 11.0452 @@@@`4003B CIL 12.2106 LeB., IC 459 @@@@`4003B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01697 @@@@`4003C CIL 08.22841 @@@@`4003C,adn. CIL 08.23053q @@@@`4003D CIL 08.00456 CIL 08.01202 add. p. 931 @@@@`4003D,adn. CIL 08.11646 CIL 08.16738 add. p. 2746 CIL 08.22891 CIL 08.23277 CIL 08.24106b ILAlg 1.3619 @@@@`4003E,adn. ILAlg 1.3445 @@@@`4003F CIL 08.25145 @@@@`4004 CIL 11.0158&4%7& a IChUR(2) 01.03271 @@@@`4004,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03006 @@@@`4004A IChUR(2) 01.02204 @@@@`4004B CIL 06.38364 IChUR(2) 06.15609 IChUR(2) 06.15808 @@@@`4004C IChUR(2) 01.02775 @@@@`4004D,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01703 IChUR(2) 01.02389 @@@@`4004E IChUR(2) 06.15818 @@@@`4004E,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02460 IChUR(2) 05.15311 @@@@`4005 IChUR(2) 01.01508 @@@@`4005A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02189 @@@@`4005B IChUR(2) 01.03384 @@@@`4005B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01659 @@@@`4005C,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02472 @@@@`4005D IChUR(2) 01.02233 @@@@`4005E RS 02.tab. 55,30 @@@@`4005E,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02280 IChUR(2) 01.02297 IChUR(2) 01.02777 IChUR(2) 01.02927 IChUR(2) 01.03537 @@@@`4006 IChUR(1) 01.0400b IChUR(2) 01.01447b @@@@`4006A IChUR(2) 01.02661 @@@@`4006A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00956 IChUR(2) 01.01691 IChUR(2) 01.02330 IChUR(2) 01.03653 @@@@`4006B IChUR(2) 01.02856 @@@@`4006B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00608 @@@@`4006C IChUR(2) 02.06289 @@@@`4006C suppl. IChUR(2) 03.07789 @@@@`4006C,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00135 RS 01.tab. 23,04 @@@@`4007 CIL 06.28591 IChUR(2) 01.03358 @@@@`4007,adn. CIL 10.0163* IChUR(2) 01.02181 %6 IChUR(2) 06.17168 IChUR(2) 01.02698 IChUR(2) 01.03889 IChUR(2) 06.17168 %6 IChUR(2) 01.02181 @@@@`4007A CIL 13.03518 LeB., IC 327 @@@@`4008 CIL 10.1528 @@@@`4010 CIL 13.03510 LeB., IC 337A @@@@`4010A CIL 13.03804 Gose 723 LeB., IC 234 @@@@`4010B CIL 08.20133 @@@@`4011 CIL 06.25340 IChUR(2) 01.01374 IChUR(2) 01.03092 @@@@`4011A IChUR(2) 01.03669 @@@@`4011B IChUR(2) 01.03520 @@@@`4011B,adn. CIL 11.0259&4%7& 129 IChUR(2) 01.02305 IChUR(2) 01.03155 @@@@`4011C,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03098 @@@@`4011D IChUR(2) 01.02747 @@@@`4011D,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01034 IChUR(2) 01.02929 IChUR(2) 01.03684 @@@@`4011E RS 01.p.308 @@@@`4011E,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03769 @@@@`4011G CIL 06.27543 @@@@`4011G,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02452 IChUR(2) 01.03837 @@@@`4012 IChUR(2) 01.03643 @@@@`4012A CIL 10.1369 @@@@`4012B CIL 08.11079 @@@@`4012B,adn. CIL 08.21426 @@@@`4013A IChUR(2) 01.01192 @@@@`4013A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03890 @@@@`4014 IChUR(2) 01.02679 @@@@`4015 IChUR(2) 01.03732 @@@@`4015,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02424 IChUR(2) 01.03574 @@@@`4016 IChUR(2) 01.01731 @@@@`4017 IChUR(2) 01.02293 @@@@`4018 IChUR(2) 01.02225 IChUR(2) 05.14106 @@@@`4018C IChUR(2) 01.00074 @@@@`4019 IChUR(2) 01.00809 @@@@`4019,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03753 @@@@`4019A IChUR(2) 01.01745 @@@@`4019A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03850 @@@@`4021 IChUR(2) 01.03557 @@@@`4022 IChUR(2) 01.02853 @@@@`4022A CIL 10.4522 @@@@`4022B IChUR(2) 02.04498 @@@@`4023 RS 03.p.379 RS 03.p.390 @@@@`4024 IChUR(2) 01.01653 @@@@`4026 IChUR(2) 01.03278 @@@@`4026,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02691 @@@@`4026A CIL 09.0933 @@@@`4026B CIL 12.2136 @@@@`4027 CIL 08.23239 @@@@`4027A CIL 08.23238 ILTun 0394 @@@@`4027B CIL 08.27582 @@@@`4027C CIL 08.20604 @@@@`4028 IChUR(2) 01.02361 @@@@`4028A IChUR(2) 01.00589 @@@@`4028B IChUR(2) 01.02834 @@@@`4028B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00238 @@@@`4028C CIL 06.24183 @@@@`4028D,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01057 IChUR(2) 01.02161 IChUR(2) 01.03486 @@@@`4029 CIL 06.11723 IChUR(2) 01.03894 @@@@`4029A IChUR(2) 01.01235 @@@@`4029B IChUR(2) 01.02724 @@@@`4029B,adn. CIL 06.21743 IChUR(2) 01.03618 IChUR(2) 06.16508 @@@@`4029C IChUR(2) 01.03304 @@@@`4030 IChUR(2) 01.02774 @@@@`4030A IChUR(2) 01.03831 @@@@`4030B IChUR(2) 01.01509 @@@@`4030B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01290 @@@@`4030C IChUR(2) 01.02776 @@@@`4032,adn. CIL 11.1729 @@@@`4033 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1712 IChUR(2) 05.13111 @@@@`4033,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0547 IChUR(2) 07.17518 @@@@`4035 IChUR(2) 01.01681 @@@@`4036 IChUR(2) 01.00582 IChUR(2) 06.15620 @@@@`4038 CIL 08.20278 @@@@`4038,adn. CIL 08.09868 CIL 08.20281 @@@@`4039 CIL 11.0588&4%7&`14 IChUR(2) 01.03657 @@@@`4039A CIL 10.0949&4%7&,`13 IChUR(2) 01.03139 @@@@`4039B RS 03.p.391 @@@@`4039C CIL 06.25914 add. p. 3532 IChUR(2) 02.04224 @@@@`4040 IChUR(2) 01.00555 IChUR(2) 01.02273 @@@@`4040B IChUR(2) 01.02201 @@@@`4040C IChUR(2) 03.07652 @@@@`4040D IChUR(2) 01.01051 @@@@`4040E CIL 06.36401 IChUR(2) 01.03825 @@@@`4040F IChUR(2) 01.00643 @@@@`4041 IChUR(2) 01.02268 @@@@`4041A IChUR(2) 01.01516 @@@@`4041B IChUR(2) 01.00295 @@@@`4041C IChUR(2) 01.03310 @@@@`4041C,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02396 @@@@`4041D CIL 06.18481 IChUR(2) 01.03501 @@@@`4042A RS 02.tab. 43,01 @@@@`4042D IChUR(2) 01.02878 @@@@`4043 RS 01.tab. 26,36 @@@@`4043,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02469 @@@@`4043B IChUR(2) 01.00310 @@@@`4043C IChUR(2) 01.02160 @@@@`4044 IChUR(2) 01.01877 @@@@`4045 RS 01.tab. 29,4 @@@@`4045A CIL 06.10999 add. p. 3507 @@@@`4046 IChUR(2) 01.01490 @@@@`4046,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02157 @@@@`4047 IChUR(2) 01.00563 @@@@`4049 IChUR(2) 01.02325 @@@@`4049,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02367 @@@@`4049A IChUR(2) 01.00550 @@@@`4050A IChUR(2) 01.03608 @@@@`4050A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00365 IChUR(2) 01.00839 IChUR(2) 05.14712 @@@@`4050B RS 01.tab. 17,09 @@@@`4051 IChUR(2) 01.02552 @@@@`4051A IChUR(2) 01.02879 @@@@`4051A,adn. IChUR(2) 03.06612 RS 02.tab. 43,03 @@@@`4052 CIL 06.17205 add. p. 3520 IChUR(2) 01.02387 @@@@`4052A IChUR(2) 05.14066 @@@@`4052D,adn. RS 02.tab. 45,03 @@@@`4055 IChUR(2) 01.01971 @@@@`4055A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00558 RS 01.tab. 23,13 @@@@`4055C IChUR(2) 01.03365 @@@@`4056 IChUR(2) 01.02598 @@@@`4056A IChUR(2) 01.01707 @@@@`4057A IChUR(2) 01.02458 @@@@`4058,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00609 IChUR(2) 01.00634 @@@@`4059 IChUR(2) 01.02963 @@@@`4060 IChUR(2) 01.03393 @@@@`4061 IChUR(2) 01.03735 @@@@`4062 RS 02.tab. 36,07 @@@@`4063 IChUR(2) 05.15274 @@@@`4064B,adn. CIL 06.38364 @@@@`4067 CIL 06.13287 @@@@`4069A IChUR(2) 01.00832 @@@@`4069B IChUR(2) 03.06674 @@@@`4070 IChUR(2) 01.00469 @@@@`4071B IChUR(2) 01.00590 @@@@`4072 IChUR(2) 01.02817 @@@@`4073 RS 02.tab. 50,03 @@@@`4073A IChUR(2) 03.08752 @@@@`4076,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00572 @@@@`4077 IChUR(2) 01.03324 @@@@`4077A IChUR(2) 01.00570 @@@@`4078,adn. RS 03.p.107 tab. 19,34 @@@@`4078A CIL 06.27574 IChUR(2) 01.00370 @@@@`4079 CIL 06.22841a @@@@`4079,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02449 @@@@`4080 CIL 06.22029 IChUR(2) 05.13582 @@@@`4081 CIL 06.13485 @@@@`4083 IChUR(2) 06.15814 IChUR(2) 06.15852 @@@@`4083AB,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03477 @@@@`4084 IChUR(2) 05.14432 @@@@`4085 IChUR(2) 05.14679 @@@@`4086 IChUR(2) 01.00600 @@@@`4086,adn. CIL 06.21319 @@@@`4087 IChUR(2) 01.01768 @@@@`4087,adn. CIL 06.26782 @@@@`4088 IChUR(2) 01.02158 @@@@`4089A IChUR(2) 01.02620 @@@@`4090A CIL 14.2537 IChUR(2) 06.15689 @@@@`4091B IChUR(2) 05.14491 @@@@`4092 IChUR(2) 06.16029 @@@@`4094 IChUR(2) 06.15701 @@@@`4096 CIL 06.16890 @@@@`4097B IChUR(2) 01.03790 @@@@`4097B,adn. IChUR(2) 03.08532 @@@@`4100 IChUR(2) 01.03372 @@@@`4100A IChUR(2) 01.00366 @@@@`4103 IChUR(2) 01.00018 @@@@`4104B IChUR(2) 01.02744 @@@@`4104C IChUR(2) 01.02658 @@@@`4104D RS 01.p.262 RS 02.p.172 @@@@`4105A CIL 10.5899 IChUR(2) 01.03414 IChUR(2) 06.15801 @@@@`4106 IChUR(2) 01.03505 @@@@`4106A RS 03.tab. 29,09 @@@@`4109 CIL 14.1906 @@@@`4109,adn. CIL 09.5010 @@@@`4109A CIL 10.8134 @@@@`4109B CIL 11.2542 @@@@`4109C CIL 11.3279 add. p. 1331 @@@@`4110 CIL 03.02351 CIL 03.09240 CIL 03.09269 CIL 12.1273 add. p. 824 LeB., IC 504 @@@@`4110,adn. CIL 12.1215 IChUR(2) 01.03863 @@@@`4110,adn. [?] LeB., IC 506 @@@@`4110B,adn. CIL 03.09596 @@@@`4110C CIL 03.14239 CIL 11.0223 @@@@`4110D CIL 08.00063 add. p. 924 @@@@`4110E CIL 08.08646 %6 20413 CIL 08.20413 %6 08646 @@@@`4110G CIL 08.21477 @@@@`4111 IChUR(2) 01.02649 @@@@`4111A IChUR(2) 01.02370 @@@@`4111A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01056 @@@@`4111B IChUR(2) 02.04759 RS 03.tab. 48,09 @@@@`4111C IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1852 IChUR(2) 01.01211 @@@@`4111D IChUR(2) 01.03626 IChUR(2) 06.15702 @@@@`4112 IChUR(2) 06.17068 @@@@`4112,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02920 @@@@`4112A IChUR(2) 01.03311 @@@@`4112A,adn. IChUR(2) 06.16062 @@@@`4112B CIL 06.36415 @@@@`4113A CIL 06.27012 IChUR(2) 01.00833 @@@@`4113B CIL 06.34113 @@@@`4113B,adn. CIL 06.18091 @@@@`4113C IChUR(2) 01.02402 @@@@`4113C,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02250 @@@@`4114 IChUR(2) 01.00554 @@@@`4114A IChUR(2) 01.02546 @@@@`4114B IChUR(2) 01.02392 @@@@`4114C IChUR(2) 01.02327 @@@@`4115 CIL 06.09605 @@@@`4116A IChUR(2) 03.06676 @@@@`4116C CIL 06.14075 CIL 06.36263 IChUR(2) 01.03759 @@@@`4116E IChUR(2) 01.03408 @@@@`4116F IChUR(2) 01.01199 @@@@`4116G IChUR(2) 01.02186 @@@@`4116H IChUR(2) 01.02175 @@@@`4117 IChUR(2) 01.02599 @@@@`4117A RS 01.tab. 21,1 @@@@`4117B IChUR(2) 01.01570 @@@@`4117C IChUR(2) 01.00605 @@@@`4117E IChUR(2) 06.17138 @@@@`4118 IChUR(2) 01.01601 @@@@`4118A CIL 06.04315 IChUR(2) 01.02197 @@@@`4118B IChUR(2) 01.02720 @@@@`4118C CIL 06.29592 IChUR(2) 01.01321 @@@@`4118D IChUR(2) 01.03052 @@@@`4119 CIL 06.25720 IChUR(2) 06.17130 @@@@`4119A CIL 06.28914 IChUR(2) 01.02876 @@@@`4120,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02918 @@@@`4120A IChUR(2) 01.02286 @@@@`4120B IChUR(2) 01.02156 @@@@`4120C IChUR(2) 02.04536 @@@@`4121A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03788 @@@@`4121B CIL 06.10983 add. p. 3506 IChUR(2) 01.03046 @@@@`4121C IChUR(2) 01.02368 @@@@`4121E IChUR(2) 06.16996 @@@@`4121E,adn. IChUR(2) 05.15306 @@@@`4121H IChUR(2) 01.00115 @@@@`4121I IChUR(2) 01.01651 @@@@`4122 IChUR(2) 01.01545 @@@@`4123 IChUR(2) 01.02371 @@@@`4123C CIL 06.15557 add. p. 3518 IChUR(2) 01.01171 @@@@`4124 IChUR(2) 01.02699 IChUR(2) 01.03398 @@@@`4124A CIL 06.18182 IChUR(2) 01.00071 @@@@`4124B IChUR(2) 03.08893 @@@@`4126 CIL 06.20365 IChUR(2) 01.02904 @@@@`4126,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00369 @@@@`4127 IChUR(2) 02.04212 @@@@`4127A CIL 06.23104 IChUR(2) 01.02702 @@@@`4127A,adn. CIL 06.38771 @@@@`4127C IChUR(2) 01.03771 @@@@`4127C,adn. CIL 06.02010,2,34 @@@@`4127D CIL 06.25395 @@@@`4127D,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03117 @@@@`4127E IChUR(2) 01.00405 @@@@`4128 IChUR(2) 02.06223 @@@@`4128A IChUR(2) 01.00574 @@@@`4128B IChUR(2) 01.02997 @@@@`4128C IChUR(2) 01.03115 @@@@`4128D IChUR(2) 03.06968 @@@@`4129 IChUR(2) 01.01301 @@@@`4129A IChUR(2) 01.03105 @@@@`4130 IChUR(2) 06.15627 @@@@`4130B IChUR(2) 01.02309 @@@@`4130B,adn. IChUR(2) 03.06529 @@@@`4131,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01767 @@@@`4132 IChUR(2) 01.02645 @@@@`4133 IChUR(2) 01.01700 @@@@`4133B IChUR(2) 01.03107 @@@@`4133C IChUR(2) 06.15704 @@@@`4133D IChUR(2) 01.01638 @@@@`4133E IChUR(2) 01.02990 @@@@`4133F CIL 06.18478 add. p. 3522 IChUR(2) 01.00715 @@@@`4133G IChUR(2) 01.01633 @@@@`4134 CIL 06.22320 IChUR(2) 01.00593 @@@@`4134B IChUR(2) 01.01794 @@@@`4134B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00326 @@@@`4134D IChUR(2) 01.02614 @@@@`4134E IChUR(2) 01.03685 @@@@`4135 IChUR(2) 01.01722 @@@@`4135A IChUR(2) 06.15850 @@@@`4135B IChUR(2) 01.01664 @@@@`4135C CIL 11.0558&4%7&`13 IChUR(2) 01.03755 @@@@`4135D IChUR(2) 01.02385 @@@@`4135E IChUR(2) 01.03509 @@@@`4135F RS 03.p.114 @@@@`4135H RS 03.tab. 26,40 @@@@`4136 IChUR(2) 01.03832 @@@@`4136A IChUR(2) 01.02425 @@@@`4136B,adn. CIL 06.28912 IChUR(2) 01.03150 @@@@`4136D IChUR(2) 02.04406 @@@@`4137 CIL 14.1890 @@@@`4137,adn. CIL 14.1208 @@@@`4138 CIL 09.2155 @@@@`4139 CIL 09.6194 @@@@`4141 CIL 10.0670 @@@@`4141A CIL 10.8135 @@@@`4141B CIL 11.7583 @@@@`4141C CIL 11.0173 @@@@`4142 CIL 11.2552 @@@@`4143 CIL 13.11922 @@@@`4143A CIL 03.14370&4`8 @@@@`4143C CIL 03.06393 add. p. 1510 @@@@`4143D CIL 08.08643 @@@@`4144 IChUR(2) 01.01658 @@@@`4144A IChUR(2) 01.03577 @@@@`4144B IChUR(1) 01.0330 IChUR(2) 01.02944 IChUR(2) 04.12526 @@@@`4144B,adn. CIL 06.07429 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1510 @@@@`4144C CIL 09.01365 CIL 09.1365 @@@@`4145 IChUR(1) 01.0053 IChUR(2) 01.03160 @@@@`4145,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0985 IChUR(2) 01.00054 @@@@`4145B IChUR(2) 01.03714 @@@@`4145C RS 03.tab. 22,10 @@@@`4145C,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00057 IChUR(2) 01.00274 IChUR(2) 01.02678 @@@@`4145D IChUR(2) 03.08570 @@@@`4145E CIL 10.0671 @@@@`4145F CIL 10.5330 @@@@`4145d CIL 11.2558 add. p. 1281 @@@@`4146 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1653 IChUR(2) 04.12244 @@@@`4146,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0215 %6 IChUR(2) 06.15769 IChUR(2) 06.15769 %6 IChUR(1) 01.0215 @@@@`4146A IChUR(1) 01.0278 IChUR(2) 04.09570 @@@@`4146B IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1694 IChUR(2) 01.03195 @@@@`4146C IChUR(1) 01.0316 IChUR(2) 02.05791 @@@@`4146D IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1791 @@@@`4146D %6 2795C IChUR(2) 02.06045 @@@@`4146E ICHUR(2) 01.02108 IChUR(1) 01.0426 IChUR(2) 05.15354 @@@@`4146E,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0444 IChUR(2) 01.02108 @@@@`4146F IChUR(1) 01.0474 IChUR(2) 07.17513 IChUR(2) 07.17558 @@@@`4146F,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0539 IChUR(1) 01.0546 IChUR(1) 01.0646 IChUR(1) 01.0663 IChUR(1) 01.0693 IChUR(2) 01.00528 IChUR(2) 01.00995 IChUR(2) 02.04884 IChUR(2) 02.04901 IChUR(2) 07.17522 IChUR(2) 07.17534 @@@@`4147 IChUR(2) 01.02275 @@@@`4147A IChUR(2) 01.02263 @@@@`4148 IChUR(1) 01.0357b IChUR(2) 01.03001b @@@@`4148,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03389 IChUR(2) 02.05383 @@@@`4148A IChUR(2) 01.01632 @@@@`4148A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00969 IChUR(2) 01.01836,1 @@@@`4148B RS 01.tab. 26,04 @@@@`4148B,adn. CIL 06.10900b IChUR(2) 01.00051 IChUR(2) 02.05831 RS 02.p.273; 290 tab. 48,32 @@@@`4148C IChUR(2) 01.01684 @@@@`4148C,adn. IChUR(2) 05.15300 @@@@`4148D IChUR(2) 01.02289 @@@@`4149 IChUR(2) 01.00376 @@@@`4150,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00010 IChUR(2) 01.01539 IChUR(2) 01.02406 IChUR(2) 01.02706 IChUR(2) 01.03688 @@@@`4150A IChUR(2) 01.01178 @@@@`4150A,adn. CIL 06.20549 CIL 06.2918* @@@@`4150B IChUR(2) 01.02647 @@@@`4150C IChUR(1) 01.0452b @@@@`4151A RS 03.tab. 24,11 @@@@`4151D IChUR(2) 01.02857 @@@@`4152,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02755 @@@@`4152B CIL 06.24724a IChUR(2) 01.01507 @@@@`4153A IChUR(2) 01.02238 @@@@`4154 IChUR(2) 01.02426 @@@@`4154A IChUR(2) 01.01565 IChUR(2) 05.14136 @@@@`4155A IChUR(2) 01.00026 @@@@`4155B CIL 06.27768b IChUR(2) 02.05949 @@@@`4155C IChUR(2) 01.01299 @@@@`4155C,adn. RS 02.tab. 57%3`58,33 @@@@`4156 CIL 10.0666 @@@@`4156C CIL 08.20587 @@@@`4157 IChUR(2) 01.02881 @@@@`4157A IChUR(2) 01.02322 @@@@`4157A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02319 @@@@`4158 IChUR(1) 01.0028 IChUR(2) 03.08717 @@@@`4158A CIL 10.7843 @@@@`4158A,adn. CIL 11.2557 @@@@`4159 IChUR(1) 01.0344 IChUR(2) 08.23421 @@@@`4160 LeB., IC 313 RS 01.tab. 19,09 @@@@`4160,adn. CIL 13.03919 Gose 748 @@@@`4161 CIL 13.03855 Gose 734 LeB., IC 270 @@@@`4161,adn. CIL 13.03870 CIL 13.11334 Gose 451 @@@@`4161,adn. (Paula) LeB., IC 280 @@@@`4162 CIL 13.03790 Gose 002 LeB., NR 034 @@@@`4164 IChUR(1) 01.0464 add. p. 577 IChUR(2) 02.04834 @@@@`4164A IChUR(2) 01.02022 @@@@`4164A,adn. CIL 06.35834 IChUR(2) 01.02010 @@@@`4165 CIL 03.09636 @@@@`4165A AE 1925.083 @@@@`4166 CIL 08.09825 @@@@`4166A IChUR(2) 01.00024 @@@@`4167 IChUR(2) 01.02989 @@@@`4168 CIL 10.0099 ICI 05.018 @@@@`4169 CIL 10.0102 ICI 05.033 @@@@`4169A ICI 05.021 @@@@`4169B CIL 10.8082 ICI 05.031 @@@@`4170 CIL 10.8078 ICI 05.016 @@@@`4170,adn. CIL 10.8083 ICI 05.034 @@@@`4171 CIL 10.8081 ICI 05.027 @@@@`4173,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03133 @@@@`4173A IChUR(2) 01.02411 @@@@`4174 IChUR(2) 06.17061 @@@@`4174,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00271 IChUR(2) 01.02266b IChUR(2) 06.16685 @@@@`4175 RS 03.p.450 @@@@`4177 IChUR(1) 01.0535 IChUR(2) 02.04843 @@@@`4178 CIL 11.4073 ICI 04.034 @@@@`4179B,adn. CIL 13.03811 CIL 13.03908 Gose 067 Gose 418 @@@@`4179B,adn. (Conol...) LeB., IC 241 @@@@`4180 CIL 08.21552 @@@@`4180,adn. CIL 08.21800 CIL 08.21803 CIL 08.21807 @@@@`4181 CIL 14.3896 I.Ital. 01,1.543 %103&4`2&%6`4,1%103 IChUR(1) 01.0491 IChUR(2) 01.03215 @@@@`4183 CIL 10.4510 @@@@`4184 CIL 11.03054%7Add.p.1321 CIL 11.3054 add. p. 1321 @@@@`4185 LeB., IC 310 @@@@`4185,adn. CIL 13.03910 Gose 721 @@@@`4188,adn. IChUR(1) 01.1141 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1568 IChUR(2) 02.04817 @@@@`4189 CIL 09.01369 CIL 09.1369 @@@@`4190 IChUR(2) 06.17144 @@@@`4190,adn. IChUR(2) 03.08488 @@@@`4191 IChUR(1) 01.0326 IChUR(2) 05.15353 @@@@`4192 CIL 08.21804 @@@@`4192A CIL 08.21805 @@@@`4192B CIL 08.09970 @@@@`4193 ICI 07.057 @@@@`4193,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0459 IChUR(2) 04.11128 @@@@`4194 RS 03.p.453 @@@@`4194,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00041 @@@@`4195 IChUR(2) 01.03452 @@@@`4195A IChUR(2) 01.03562 @@@@`4195B IChUR(2) 06.15849 @@@@`4196 CIL 06.10816 IChUR(2) 01.03282 @@@@`4196,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01961 @@@@`4196A IChUR(2) 01.03286 @@@@`4211 IChUR(2) 01.01736 @@@@`4211A IChUR(2) 01.03566 @@@@`4212 IChUR(2) 03.08608 @@@@`4213 CIL 11.4027 ICI 04.004 @@@@`4213,adn. CIL 06.01537 @@@@`4213A IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1597 IChUR(2) 04.11101 @@@@`4214 CIL 05.01620 @@@@`4215 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1812 IChUR(2) 02.06049 @@@@`4216 CIL 09.05347 CIL 09.5347 @@@@`4216A IChUR(2) 01.03507 @@@@`4217 IChUR(1) 01.0121 IChUR(2) 09.23759 @@@@`4217A IChUR(1) 01.0196 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1586 IChUR(2) 01.02086 @@@@`4218 IChUR(1) 01.0222 IChUR(2) 07.17464 @@@@`4218,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0299 @@@@`4219 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1647 IChUR(2) 04.11769 @@@@`4219,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0255 IChUR(1) 01.0368 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1777 IChUR(2) 01.01258 @@@@`4219A IChUR(1) 01.0372 IChUR(2) 01.03206 IChUR(2) 08.20718 @@@@`4219B IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1838 IChUR(2) 07.17502 @@@@`4219C IChUR(1) 01.0487 IChUR(2) 07.17517 @@@@`4220 IChUR(2) 03.08923 @@@@`4220A IChUR(2) 01.02277 @@@@`4220B IChUR(2) 01.02863 @@@@`4220C IChUR(2) 01.01795 @@@@`4221 IChUR(2) 01.01985 @@@@`4222 IChUR(2) 01.02272 @@@@`4222,adn. CIL 14.3426a IChUR(2) 01.01071 IChUR(2) 01.01792 @@@@`4223 CIL 06.35691 adn. IChUR(2) 01.01320 @@@@`4223C IChUR(1) 02.443,161 IChUR(2) 01.04084 @@@@`4224A IChUR(2) 01.01625 @@@@`4224C,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00250 @@@@`4224D CIL 09.5518 @@@@`4225 IChUR(1) 01.0052 IChUR(2) 01.00045 @@@@`4226 IChUR(1) 01.0251 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1643 IChUR(2) 02.06032 @@@@`4227 RS 02.p.287 @@@@`4228 IChUR(2) 01.01054 @@@@`4229 IChUR(2) 01.01318 IChUR(2) 01.02827 @@@@`4230 IChUR(2) 06.15790 RS 03.p.289 @@@@`4230A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00960 IChUR(2) 01.01303 @@@@`4231,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0420 @@@@`4231A IChUR(2) 01.02391 @@@@`4231B IChUR(2) 01.00046 @@@@`4231C CIL 10.0673 @@@@`4231C,adn. CIL 11.2567 @@@@`4232B IChUR(2) 01.02259 @@@@`4232C, 1611B IChUR(2) 02.04245 @@@@`4233 IChUR(2) 01.02226 @@@@`4233,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01806 @@@@`4233A IChUR(2) 01.00379 @@@@`4233A,adn. CIL 14.0175* @@@@`4233B IChUR(2) 02.06002 @@@@`4234 IChUR(2) 01.02340 @@@@`4238 IChUR(2) 01.01617 @@@@`4239 RS 03.p.381 tab. 28%3`29,32 @@@@`4239A IChUR(2) 01.01713 @@@@`4240 IChUR(2) 01.01411 @@@@`4240A IChUR(2) 01.03296 @@@@`4241 CIL 11.2948 @@@@`4243A IChUR(2) 01.00953 @@@@`4243B IChUR(2) 01.02397 @@@@`4243C IChUR(2) 01.03328 @@@@`4245 IChUR(2) 06.15649 @@@@`4245A IChUR(2) 01.02549 @@@@`4245A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01135 @@@@`4245C IChUR(2) 01.03377 @@@@`4246 IChUR(2) 03.09056 @@@@`4246A IChUR(2) 01.03451 @@@@`4247 IChUR(2) 01.03532 @@@@`4247,adn. CIL 14.0173*5 @@@@`4248 IChUR(1) 01.0346 IChUR(2) 01.00331 @@@@`4248,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0280 add. p. 576 IChUR(1) 01.0280 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1655 IChUR(2) 02.04816 @@@@`4248A IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1677 IChUR(2) 04.11774 @@@@`4248B IChUR(2) 01.03697 @@@@`4249 IChUR(2) 01.00464 @@@@`4249A IChUR(2) 01.03816 @@@@`4249A,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0363 IChUR(2) 01.02101 @@@@`4249B IChUR(2) 01.03491 @@@@`4250A IChUR(2) 01.01991 @@@@`4250B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01783 @@@@`4251 IChUR(2) 01.02222 @@@@`4251,adn. IChUR(1) 01.1100a @@@@`4253 IChUR(2) 05.13504 @@@@`4253,adn. CIJ 1.A073* @@@@`4253A IChUR(2) 01.02149 @@@@`4253B IChUR(2) 01.01959 @@@@`4254 CIL 10.04496 CIL 10.4496 @@@@`4255 IChUR(2) 02.04380 @@@@`4256 IChUR(2) 01.03694 @@@@`4256A IChUR(2) 01.02332 @@@@`4257 IChUR(2) 01.03877 @@@@`4257,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03802 @@@@`4257A I.Ital. 10,1.563 @@@@`4257B Vives 017 @@@@`4258 IChUR(1) 01.0221 IChUR(1) 01.0354 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1608 IChUR(2) 01.03181 @@@@`4258A IChUR(1) 01.0248 IChUR(2) 03.08725 @@@@`4258B IChUR(2) 07.17489 @@@@`4259 IChUR(2) 01.03627 @@@@`4260 IChUR(2) 01.03573 @@@@`4260,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00979 IChUR(2) 01.02497 IChUR(2) 01.03003 IChUR(2) 01.03412 @@@@`4261 CIL 10.5897 IChUR(2) 01.03284 @@@@`4262 IChUR(1) 01.0584 IChUR(2) 02.04850 @@@@`4263 CIL 06.01586 IChUR(2) 01.02419 @@@@`4263,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00646 @@@@`4263A IChUR(2) 01.02246 @@@@`4263C IChUR(2) 01.00579 @@@@`4263C,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02364 @@@@`4263D IChUR(2) 01.00101 @@@@`4264 IChUR(1) 02.443,155 IChUR(2) 01.00028 @@@@`4264B IChUR(2) 01.02228 @@@@`4264B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00788 @@@@`4264C IChUR(2) 01.03280 @@@@`4264D CIL 06.11513 IChUR(2) 01.03297 @@@@`4264H,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01173 @@@@`4264d,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01602 @@@@`4265 IChUR(2) 01.02839 @@@@`4265,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01367 IChUR(2) 05.13530 @@@@`4265A IChUR(2) 01.01771 @@@@`4265D IChUR(2) 01.01506 @@@@`4265F CIL 06.17203 @@@@`4265F,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02754 @@@@`4266 CIL 06.19646 IChUR(2) 01.03440 @@@@`4266A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00351 @@@@`4266B CIL 14.1064 @@@@`4266E IChUR(2) 01.03770 @@@@`4266F IChUR(2) 01.01989 @@@@`4267,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00381 @@@@`4268 IChUR(2) 01.03460 @@@@`4268A IChUR(2) 01.01610 @@@@`4268B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02384 @@@@`4268D IChUR(2) 01.02982 @@@@`4268F CIL 10.4537 @@@@`4270 RS 03.tab. 20,15 @@@@`4270A IChUR(2) 01.03425 @@@@`4270B IChUR(2) 01.01739 IChUR(2) 05.14607 @@@@`4270C IChUR(2) 01.03442 @@@@`4272 IChUR(2) 01.03114 @@@@`4272A CIL 06.28416 IChUR(2) 01.03607 @@@@`4272A,adn. IChUR(1) 02.443,158 IChUR(2) 01.04081 @@@@`4272B IChUR(2) 02.05827 @@@@`4273 CIL 06.26591 @@@@`4273A IChUR(2) 02.04682 @@@@`4274 IChUR(2) 01.00335 @@@@`4274A IChUR(2) 01.00536 @@@@`4274B IChUR(2) 01.03481 @@@@`4275A IChUR(2) 02.04374 @@@@`4275D IChUR(2) 01.03812 @@@@`4275c IChUR(2) 06.17076 @@@@`4276 IChUR(2) 01.00553 @@@@`4276A IChUR(2) 01.00106 @@@@`4276B IChUR(2) 01.01985 @@@@`4277 IChUR(2) 01.00075 @@@@`4277A IChUR(2) 01.00915 @@@@`4277B CIL 06.00982b IChUR(2) 01.02511b @@@@`4277C IChUR(2) 01.02404 @@@@`4278 IChUR(1) 01.0313 @@@@`4278A CIL 06.23194 @@@@`4278A,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00403 @@@@`4278B CIL 10.4536 @@@@`4278C IChUR(2) 01.03957 @@@@`4279 IChUR(2) 01.02748 @@@@`4279A RS 03.p.130 @@@@`4279B IChUR(2) 01.03751 @@@@`4280 CIL 05.06217 @@@@`4285 IChUR(2) 02.04592 @@@@`4286 IChUR(2) 01.03619 @@@@`4287 IChUR(2) 01.01009 @@@@`4288 CIL 03.09564 CIL 03.09646 CIL 03.12868 @@@@`4289 IChUR(1) 01.0261 IChUR(2) 01.03188 @@@@`4290 IChUR(2) 01.01615 @@@@`4291 IChUR(2) 05.13654 @@@@`4293 IChUR(2) 01.02301 @@@@`4294 IChUR(2) 01.01306 @@@@`4294,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00601 IChUR(2) 01.03087,2 @@@@`4295 CIL 10.6604 @@@@`4296 CIL 10.3304 IChUR(2) 01.02279 @@@@`4300 CIL 11.3570 ICI 02.011 IChUR(2) 07.17582 @@@@`4300,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0812 IChUR(2) 01.01528 @@@@`4301 CIL 13.03836 Gose 730 LeB., IC 257 @@@@`4302 CIL 10.7196 @@@@`4302,adn. CIL 09.5142 @@@@`4304 IChUR(2) 03.08329 @@@@`4305 RS 01.tab. 29,1 @@@@`4305,adn. RS 03.tab. 20,21 @@@@`4306 IChUR(2) 02.04758 RS 03.tab. 48,10 @@@@`4306A IChUR(2) 01.02742 @@@@`4307 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1659 IChUR(2) 05.13338 @@@@`4307,adn. CIL 06.31950 CIL 10.7173 @@@@`4307A IChUR(2) 05.15273 @@@@`4308 IChUR(2) 03.09041 @@@@`4309 IChUR(2) 05.14245 @@@@`4311 IChUR(1) 01.0194 IChUR(2) 01.03175 @@@@`4312 IChUR(2) 03.08535 @@@@`4312A IChUR(2) 06.15625 @@@@`4314 IChUR(2) 01.02198 @@@@`4314A IChUR(2) 01.03581 @@@@`4315 IChUR(2) 05.14067 @@@@`4316 IChUR(2) 01.01699 @@@@`4317 IChUR(2) 01.00775 @@@@`4318 CIL 03.14910 @@@@`4318,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0034 IChUR(2) 03.00416 @@@@`4318A CIL 03.14292 @@@@`4319 CIL 09.2082 @@@@`4320 CIL 12.5411 LeB., IC 611A @@@@`4321,adn. IChUR(2) 02.04503 @@@@`4323,adn. CIL 03.14524 CIL 10.8418 @@@@`4323A CIL 03.02237 @@@@`4325A CIL 03.02615 CIL 03.02712 CIL 03.14774 @@@@`4325A,adn. RS 03.p.534 @@@@`4325B IChUR(2) 05.13279 @@@@`4325C IChUR(2) 06.16310 @@@@`4326 IChUR(1) 01.0098 IChUR(2) 02.05711 @@@@`4327 IChUR(2) 01.01280 @@@@`4328 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1774 RS 03.p.220 tab. 30,15 @@@@`4328A IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1466 IChUR(2) 05.13296 @@@@`4328B IChUR(2) 01.00476 @@@@`4329 CIL 10.4524 @@@@`4329A CIL 10.4538 IChUR(1) 01.0405 @@@@`4329A,adn. IChUR(2) 07.17434 @@@@`4330 CIL 06.32946 IChUR(2) 01.02324 RS 03.p.112 @@@@`4330A IChUR(2) 06.16225 @@@@`4331 IChUR(1) 01.0125 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1485 @@@@`4331B RS 02.tab. 56,40 @@@@`4332 CIL 10.7971 @@@@`4332,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0309 IChUR(2) 01.02095 IChUR(2) 02.04724 @@@@`4333 RS 03.p.169 tab. 24,06 @@@@`4333A IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1645 @@@@`4333A,adn. CIL 08.14034 CIL 11.2837 add. p. 1296 ICI 01.011 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1699 IChUR(2) 01.01505 IChUR(2) 03.06504 @@@@`4335 CIL 08.13463 @@@@`4336 CIL 10.0663 @@@@`4337A IChUR(2) 03.08615 @@@@`4337B IChUR(1) 01.0472 IChUR(2) 01.02811 IChUR(2) 01.02811B @@@@`4337C IChUR(1) 01.1202 IChUR(2) 02.05127 @@@@`4338A IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1508 IChUR(2) 06.15989 @@@@`4338B IChUR(2) 01.02751 @@@@`4338C IChUR(2) 01.04066 @@@@`4338D IChUR(2) 02.05431 @@@@`4338E IChUR(2) 01.02398 @@@@`4338F IChUR(1) 01.0162,170 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1512 IChUR(2) 01.02806 @@@@`4339 IChUR(1) 01.0400a IChUR(2) 01.01447 @@@@`4339A IChUR(1) 01.1172 IChUR(2) 02.05066 @@@@`4339B IChUR(2) 01.00853 @@@@`4339B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01164 @@@@`4341A CIL 06.32082 @@@@`4342 IChUR(1) 01.0174 add. p. 575 IChUR(1) 01.0174 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1525 @@@@`4342,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00165,5 @@@@`4343 CIL 14.1945 I.Ostie B.240 IChUR(1) 01.0187 @@@@`4343A IChUR(2) 01.03309 @@@@`4343B IChUR(1) 01.0336 IChUR(2) 07.17485 @@@@`4343C IChUR(2) 01.00150 IChUR(2) 07.17486 @@@@`4343C,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0337 IChUR(2) 01.03199 IChUR(2) 07.17486 @@@@`4344 IChUR(2) 03.08180 @@@@`4344A IChUR(2) 01.03971 @@@@`4345 CIL 10.7995 @@@@`4346 CIL 11.6146 ICI 06.123 IChUR(2) 01.02783 @@@@`4346A IChUR(2) 01.00526 @@@@`4347 IChUR(2) 01.03934 @@@@`4348 IChUR(2) 01.00780 @@@@`4349 IChUR(2) 05.14040 @@@@`4351 IChUR(1) 01.0225 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1610 IChUR(2) 01.02809 @@@@`4352 IChUR(2) 01.03733 @@@@`4352,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02725 @@@@`4353,adn. IChUR(2) 03.08483 @@@@`4354 IChUR(1) 01.0281 IChUR(2) 01.01437 @@@@`4355 IChUR(2) 01.01637 @@@@`4356 IChUR(1) 01.0304 IChUR(2) 07.17476 @@@@`4357,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01394,1 IChUR(2) 01.01406 @@@@`4358 CIL 10.7988 @@@@`4358,adn. CIL 03.09693 CIL 03.09694 CIL 03.12886 @@@@`4360A CIL 08.21644 @@@@`4361 CIL 08.25008 ILTun 1002 @@@@`4362 Vives 289 @@@@`4363 CIL 10.1112 @@@@`4364 RS 01.tab. 28,15 @@@@`4365A IChUR(2) 01.03298 @@@@`4366 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1386 @@@@`4366A IChUR(1) 01.0032 IChUR(2) 03.08718 @@@@`4366B IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1404 IChUR(2) 01.01249 @@@@`4367 IChUR(1) 01.0049 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1433 IChUR(2) 01.02943 @@@@`4367,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0088 IChUR(2) 02.04798 @@@@`4368 IChUR(1) 01.0362 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1755 IChUR(2) 01.02979 @@@@`4369 IChUR(1) 01.0253 IChUR(2) 01.02093 @@@@`4369A NBullAC 1922.125 @@@@`4370 NSc 1889.107,335 @@@@`4370,adn. CIL 03.02658 add. p. 2135 CIL 03.02658 CIL 05.06627 IChUR(1) 01.0774 IChUR(1) 01.0825 IChUR(2) 01.00741 IChUR(2) 02.04932 @@@@`4370A IChUR(1) 01.0827 IChUR(2) 01.02118 @@@@`4371 RS 03.p.334 @@@@`4371,adn. CIL 14.1894 @@@@`4372 RS 03.p.149 tab. 23,40 @@@@`4374 CIL 13.03907 Gose 065 LeB., IC 291 @@@@`4374A CIL 13.00909 add. p. 7 @@@@`4375 IChUR(2) 01.00079 @@@@`4375A CIL 10.1088&4%7&`435 IChUR(2) 01.02686 @@@@`4375D IChUR(2) 03.09060 @@@@`4375F IChUR(2) 01.02864 @@@@`4375G IChUR(2) 01.03698 @@@@`4376 CIL 10.7836 @@@@`4376A CIL 06.26478a IChUR(2) 01.03804 @@@@`4376B IChUR(2) 01.03872 @@@@`4377 IChUR(1) 01.0172 IChUR(2) 06.15587 @@@@`4378 IChUR(2) 04.12533 @@@@`4379 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1754 IChUR(2) 02.06042 @@@@`4380 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1825 IChUR(2) 06.17249 @@@@`4381 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1842 IChUR(2) 02.06052 @@@@`4382 CIJ 1.516 IChUR(1) 01.0597 @@@@`4383 IChUR(1) 01.0638 @@@@`4384 IChUR(2) 01.01947 @@@@`4384,adn.; 4874,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0926 @@@@`4385 CIL 08.21550 @@@@`4386 IChUR(2) 01.00237 @@@@`4387 CIL 13.01118 LeB., NR 277 @@@@`4387,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0711 %6 IChUR(2) 06.15781 IChUR(2) 06.15781 %6 IChUR(1) 01.0711 @@@@`4388 IChUR(1) 01.0798a IChUR(2) 01.02723a IChUR(2) 01.02723 @@@@`4388,adn. IChUR(1) 01.1308 IChUR(1) 01.1371 @@@@`4390 RS 03.tab. 28,29 @@@@`4390,adn. CIL 11.2900 @@@@`4391 IChUR(2) 01.00486 @@@@`4391A IChUR(1) 01.1108b IChUR(2) 02.04968 IChUR(2) 02.05803 @@@@`4391A,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0855 @@@@`4392 IChUR(1) 01.0235 IChUR(2) 03.08724 @@@@`4392A IChUR(1) 01.1340 IChUR(2) 01.00098 @@@@`4393 IChUR(1) 01.0068 IChUR(2) 01.00264 @@@@`4393A IChUR(1) 01.0208 IChUR(2) 01.02808 @@@@`4393A,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0770 @@@@`4394 IChUR(1) 01.0475 IChUR(2) 05.13944 @@@@`4394A NBullAC 1914.133,13 @@@@`4394B CIL 05.06278 IChUR(1) 01.0645 @@@@`4394B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03228 @@@@`4394C IChUR(2) 01.02028 @@@@`4395 CIL 09.2080 @@@@`4395,adn. CIL 09.01362 CIL 09.1362 @@@@`4396 IChUR(2) 01.01643 @@@@`4397 CIL 11.7539 @@@@`4398ab CIL 05.06243 @@@@`4399 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1438 @@@@`4399A IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1592 IChUR(2) 03.08147 @@@@`4400 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1660 IChUR(2) 07.17471 @@@@`4400A IChUR(2) 04.11779 @@@@`4400B IChUR(1) 01.0473 IChUR(2) 01.00309 @@@@`4401 IChUR(1) 01.0730 IChUR(2) 08.22973 @@@@`4401,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0851 IChUR(1) 01.1240 IChUR(2) 01.00224 IChUR(2) 02.05118 @@@@`4402 IChUR(2) 02.05218 @@@@`4402A IChUR(2) 01.02922 @@@@`4403 EphEp 08.0517 @@@@`4404 CIL 13.02356 @@@@`4405 IChUR(1) 01.0596 IChUR(2) 02.04171 @@@@`4406 RS 03.p.337 @@@@`4406A IChUR(2) 01.03682 @@@@`4407 IChUR(2) 01.02313 @@@@`4409 IChUR(1) 01.0164 IChUR(2) 05.13314 @@@@`4410 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1515 @@@@`4411 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1523 IChUR(2) 04.11760 @@@@`4411,adn. IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1524 IChUR(2) 05.13914 @@@@`4412 IChUR(1) 01.0767 IChUR(2) 01.01469 @@@@`4413 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1503 adn. @@@@`4414 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1847 IChUR(2) 04.11123 @@@@`4414A IChUR(1) 01.0440 IChUR(2) 04.12541 @@@@`4414A,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0508 add. p. 577 IChUR(2) 01.03125 @@@@`4415 %6 2927A IChUR(2) 02.06064 @@@@`4415A IChUR(1) 01.0965 IChUR(2) 02.05022 @@@@`4416 CIL 10.4515 @@@@`4416,adn. IChUR(1) 01.1288 IChUR(2) 02.06090 @@@@`4418 CIL 10.4513 @@@@`4419 IChUR(1) 01.0979 IChUR(2) 02.04281 @@@@`4420 CIL 12.00932 CIL 12.0932 LeB., IC 538 @@@@`4422 CIL 10.06420 CIL 10.6420 add. p. 1015 @@@@`4423 CIL 13.01482 LeB., NR 238 @@@@`4423,adn. CIL 13.02897 CIL 13.07814 @@@@`4423,adn. (Reudolfus) LeB., NR 089 @@@@`4424 CIL 13.01108 LeB., NR 274 @@@@`4425 CIL 13.01508 add. p. 19 LeB., NR 224 @@@@`4426 CIL 12.2180 LeB., IC 461 @@@@`4427 IChUR(1) 01.0557 add. p. 578 IChUR(2) 02.04847 @@@@`4427,adn. IChUR(1) 01.1287 @@@@`4427A IChUR(2) 01.03246 @@@@`4427A,adn. CIL 08.27335 IChUR(1) 01.1336 IChUR(2) 01.02421a @@@@`4427B IChUR(2) 01.02477 @@@@`4427C IChUR(1) 01.1338 IChUR(2) 01.01145 @@@@`4428 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1406 IChUR(2) 04.09549 RS 03.tab. 30,17 @@@@`4428A IChUR(2) 01.01011 @@@@`4428B IChUR(1) 01.0104 IChUR(2) 01.01716 @@@@`4428B,adn. IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1464 IChUR(2) 05.13102 @@@@`4429,adn. CIL 11.4343 @@@@`4429B CIL 08.22842 @@@@`4430 CIL 10.4828 @@@@`4431 IChUR(2) 01.02718 @@@@`4431A IChUR(2) 01.03519 @@@@`4431B IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1613 IChUR(2) 07.17463 @@@@`4432 IChUR(2) 01.00684 @@@@`4432A IChUR(2) 02.06203 @@@@`4432B CIL 06.29791 @@@@`4432C IChUR(2) 03.06610 @@@@`4433A IChUR(2) 05.13594 @@@@`4434 CIL 08.14123 @@@@`4435 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1494 @@@@`4436 IChUR(2) 01.02212 @@@@`4437 CIL 03.09543 @@@@`4440 CIL 05.06281 @@@@`4441 LeB., IC 658 @@@@`4442 CIL 13.02403 LeB., NR 018 @@@@`4443 LeB., IC 655 @@@@`4444 CIL 13.01515 LeB., NR 231 @@@@`4444A IChUR(2) 01.02773 @@@@`4445 CIL 13.01657 @@@@`4445A CIL 13.00633 @@@@`4446 CIL 13.01547 add. p. 20 LeB., IC 575 @@@@`4447 IChUR(2) 01.01748 @@@@`4448 IChUR(2) 01.02660 @@@@`4451 IChUR(2) 03.08596 @@@@`4451,adn. CIL 06.32054 @@@@`4451B CIL 11.0061 add. p. 1227 @@@@`4452 ILAlg 1.2758bis @@@@`4453A CIL 08.02305 @@@@`4454 IChUR(2) 06.17166 @@@@`4455 CIL 03.09576 @@@@`4456 IChUR(2) 01.03327 @@@@`4456A CIL 08.08190 ILAlg 2.0376 @@@@`4456B IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1604 IChUR(2) 08.23410 @@@@`4457 IChUR(2) 01.03455 @@@@`4458 IChUR(1) 01.0240 IChUR(2) 01.02092 @@@@`4459 NSc 1888.635,223 @@@@`4459A CIL 11.01692 CIL 11.1692 @@@@`4460 IChUR(1) 01.0355 IChUR(2) 01.01441 @@@@`4460B CIL 03.06989 @@@@`4461 IChUR(1) 01.0084 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1454 IChUR(2) 01.00330 IChUR(2) 03.08721 @@@@`4461A IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1621 IChUR(2) 04.11104 @@@@`4461B IChUR(1) 01.0636 IChUR(2) 01.00731 @@@@`4461C IChUR(2) 01.02151 @@@@`4461E,adn. I.Ital. 10,4.298 @@@@`4461F Gose 031 @@@@`4462 IChUR(2) 01.01170 @@@@`4462,adn. CIL 13.03697 Gose 486 IChUR(2) 01.03835 @@@@`4462A CIL 11.0814 @@@@`4462B IChUR(2) 05.13226 @@@@`4463 IChUR(2) 05.15420 @@@@`4463,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03614 @@@@`4465 IChUR(2) 05.15105 @@@@`4466 IChUR(2) 05.12896 @@@@`4466,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02940 IChUR(2) 05.14508 @@@@`4468 CIL 06.15450 IChUR(2) 01.01855 @@@@`4469 IChUR(2) 01.00279 @@@@`4470 IChUR(2) 01.03444 @@@@`4471 IChUR(2) 01.01970 @@@@`4473 IChUR(2) 01.01314 @@@@`4475 CIL 06.26555 @@@@`4478 IChUR(2) 01.03534 @@@@`4479 IChUR(2) 01.00127 @@@@`4480 IChUR(2) 01.02171 @@@@`4484 CIL 03.09587 @@@@`4485 Vives 124 @@@@`4486 CIL 10.1088&4%7&`439 IChUR(2) 01.02905 @@@@`4488 CIL 06.22581 IChUR(2) 01.03672 @@@@`4490 IChUR(2) 03.08791 @@@@`4491 IChUR(2) 01.02945 @@@@`4493 IChUR(2) 06.15854 @@@@`4494 IChUR(2) 01.03476 @@@@`4495 IChUR(2) 01.03527 @@@@`4497 IChUR(2) 05.14464 @@@@`4498 IChUR(2) 01.01567 @@@@`4503 IChUR(2) 05.14384 @@@@`4506 IChUR(2) 05.13615 @@@@`4507 IChUR(2) 01.01788 @@@@`4508 IChUR(2) 06.16233 @@@@`4509 IChUR(2) 01.02236 @@@@`4509A IChUR(2) 01.00823 @@@@`4510 CIL 06.24972 IChUR(2) 01.02756 @@@@`4510,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03078 @@@@`4510A IChUR(2) 01.03528 @@@@`4511 IChUR(2) 06.15923 @@@@`4513 CIL 06.25707 IChUR(2) 01.03773 @@@@`4514 IChUR(2) 01.03002 @@@@`4515 IChUR(2) 03.08458 @@@@`4518 IChUR(2) 01.00899 @@@@`4519 IChUR(2) 01.03541 @@@@`4520 IChUR(2) 01.03071 @@@@`4521 IChUR(2) 01.03725 @@@@`4522 IChUR(2) 01.03406 @@@@`4523 IChUR(2) 01.03564 @@@@`4524 IChUR(2) 01.02031 @@@@`4529,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00350 @@@@`4530 IChUR(2) 01.02180 @@@@`4531 IChUR(2) 01.02287 @@@@`4532 IChUR(2) 03.08318 @@@@`4534 IChUR(2) 06.16389 @@@@`4535 IChUR(2) 01.02603 @@@@`4537 IChUR(2) 01.03348 @@@@`4538 IChUR(2) 01.02182 @@@@`4539 IChUR(1) 01.0478 IChUR(2) 04.12543 @@@@`4540 CIL 08.08647 add. p. 1920 @@@@`4542 CIL 10.7990 @@@@`4544 IChUR(2) 01.03330 @@@@`4544,adn. CIL 11.02599 CIL 11.2599 @@@@`4546 CIL 08.08644 @@@@`4546,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02019 @@@@`4548 CIL 08.00458 @@@@`4549 IChUR(2) 01.00497 @@@@`4550 CIL 14.1959 I.Ostie B.237 @@@@`4551 CIL 05.07408 ICI 07.019 @@@@`4552 CIL 07.1021 @@@@`4552,adn. CIL 08.09226 @@@@`4553 CIL 11.2549 @@@@`4554 RS 02.tab. 57,09 @@@@`4556 IChUR(1) 01.0411 IChUR(2) 03.08429 @@@@`4558 IChUR(2) 02.06239 @@@@`4559 IChUR(2) 01.03343 @@@@`4559,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0967 IChUR(2) 02.05024 @@@@`4560 CIL 11.0552 @@@@`4561 CIL 06.18988 IChUR(2) 01.00113 @@@@`4562 IChUR(2) 01.02719 @@@@`4563 IChUR(2) 02.04206 @@@@`4565 CIL 10.7760 @@@@`4566 IChUR(2) 01.02717 @@@@`4566,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03087,4 @@@@`4567 IChUR(2) 01.03636 @@@@`4568,adn. CIL 08.14051 @@@@`4569 IChUR(2) 01.00587 @@@@`4570 IChUR(2) 01.00686 IChUR(2) 01.02519 @@@@`4571 IChUR(2) 01.03437 @@@@`4571,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0324 IChUR(2) 04.12534 @@@@`4572 RS 03.p.372 @@@@`4573 IChUR(2) 01.01364 @@@@`4574 RS 03.p.227 tab. 30%3`31,23 @@@@`4575 IChUR(2) 03.09066 @@@@`4576 IChUR(2) 01.03740 @@@@`4577 RS 03.p.322 @@@@`4578 IChUR(1) 01.0018 IChUR(2) 08.21595 @@@@`4578,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01814 @@@@`4579 IChUR(2) 01.03665 @@@@`4580 IChUR(2) 01.03018 @@@@`4581 IChUR(2) 01.02132 @@@@`4582 CIL 12.2198ab IChUR(2) 01.03568 @@@@`4583 IChUR(2) 01.03100 @@@@`4583,adn. IChUR(2) 01.03473 @@@@`4584 CIL 10.4516 @@@@`4584,adn. IChUR(1) 01.1120 IChUR(2) 01.00308 @@@@`4585 IChUR(2) 01.01652 @@@@`4587 CIL 11.1513 I.Ital. 07,2.080 @@@@`4588 IChUR(2) 01.03556 @@@@`4589 CIL 08.27919 ILAlg 1.3451 @@@@`4590 IChUR(2) 01.03675 @@@@`4592 IChUR(2) 01.00268 @@@@`4593 IChUR(2) 01.00573 @@@@`4595 ILAlg 1.2793 @@@@`4596 IChUR(2) 01.01712 @@@@`4597 IChUR(1) 01.0580 IChUR(2) 08.20814 @@@@`4598 IChUR(2) 01.00009 @@@@`4599 AE 1925.084 @@@@`4600,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01826 @@@@`4601 IChUR(2) 01.02779 @@@@`4602 RS 03.tab. 24,34 @@@@`4603 IChUR(2) 03.08794 @@@@`4605 IChUR(2) 01.00151 @@@@`4605A IChUR(2) 01.02170 @@@@`4605B,adn. IChUR(2) 01.02196 @@@@`4606 IChUR(1) 01.0185 IChUR(2) 02.04269 @@@@`4608 IChUR(2) 01.02865 @@@@`4609 IChUR(2) 01.01250 @@@@`4610 IChUR(2) 02.05387 @@@@`4611 RS 03.tab. 28,45 @@@@`4612,adn. IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1583 IChUR(2) 01.01325 @@@@`4613 IChUR(2) 01.03518 @@@@`4615 IChUR(2) 01.03655 @@@@`4616 IChUR(2) 01.02880 @@@@`4618 IChUR(2) 02.04300 @@@@`4620 CIL 06.32078 IChUR(1) 01.0340 IChUR(2) 02.04148 IChUR(2) 02.04167 @@@@`4622 IChUR(1) 01.0513 IChUR(2) 02.04839 @@@@`4622,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0145 IChUR(1) 01.0380 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1489 IChUR(2) 08.20778 @@@@`4623 IChUR(1) 01.0370 IChUR(2) 02.05996 @@@@`4626 CIL 06.26990 IChUR(2) 01.03822 @@@@`4627 CIL 09.1069 @@@@`4628 CIL 10.3315 @@@@`4629 IChUR(1) 01.0050 IChUR(2) 07.17426 @@@@`4630 CIL 11.4026 ICI 04.002 @@@@`4631 IChUR(2) 01.03660 @@@@`4634 IChUR(2) 01.00312 @@@@`4634A NSc 1922.251 @@@@`4634A,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0072 IChUR(2) 01.01112 IChUR(2) 08.21599 @@@@`4636 IChUR(2) 01.02131 @@@@`4639 IChUR(2) 05.14102 @@@@`4639,adn. IChUR(2) 03.07961b @@@@`4641 IChUR(2) 05.14590 @@@@`4641,adn. RS 03.p.011,4 tab. 20,09 @@@@`4642 CIL 08.14199 add. p. 2459 @@@@`4642,adn. IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1846 IChUR(2) 03.08159 @@@@`4643 IChUR(1) 01.0385 IChUR(2) 07.17498 @@@@`4644 RS 01.p.309 @@@@`4644,adn. RS 01.tab. 31,12 RS 02.p.366 ss. @@@@`4645,adn. IChUR(1) 01.1065 IChUR(2) 01.00997 @@@@`4646 CIL 13.11917 @@@@`4647 IChUR(1) 01.0059 IChUR(2) 01.01419 @@@@`4648 CIL 06.21627,adn. @@@@`4648,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01182 @@@@`4650 IChUR(2) 05.15360 @@@@`4651 IChUR(2) 01.03670 @@@@`4652 RS 02.tab. 57,10 @@@@`4653 IChUR(1) 01.0169 IChUR(2) 01.00966 @@@@`4654 IChUR(1) 01.0438 IChUR(2) 08.22969 @@@@`4654,adn. CIL 14.01948 CIL 14.1948 I.Ostie B.273 IChUR(1) 01.1110 @@@@`4655,adn. CIL 11.7588 ICI 02.009 @@@@`4656 CIL 10.7783 @@@@`4658 CIL 11.2554 @@@@`4659 CIL 13.08485 add. p. 139 @@@@`4660 CIL 14.05238 @@@@`4661 IChUR(2) 02.04251 @@@@`4662 IChUR(2) 01.02615 @@@@`4663 IChUR(2) 01.03484 @@@@`4664 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1848 IChUR(2) 07.17506 @@@@`4665 IChUR(2) 01.01166 @@@@`4666 IChUR(2) 01.02323 @@@@`4667 IChUR(1) 01.0037 IChUR(2) 01.01417 @@@@`4669 CIL 08.01125 IChUR(2) 01.02949 @@@@`4669,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0496 IChUR(2) 02.04836 @@@@`4670 IChUR(2) 01.00083 @@@@`4671 IChUR(1) 01.0447 IChUR(2) 01.00717 IChUR(2) 01.007I7 @@@@`4672,adn. IChUR(1) 01.1307 @@@@`4673 RS 03.tab. 19,05 @@@@`4673,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00936 RS 03.p.135 tab. 20,23 @@@@`4674 IChUR(2) 05.15286 @@@@`4675 CIL 06.31760b @@@@`4676 CIL 09.0413 add. p. 659 @@@@`4677 CIL 09.0411 CIL 11.00411 cf. comm. p. 761 @@@@`4678 CIL 09.00410 CIL 09.0410 add. p. 659 @@@@`4679 CIL 10.1523 add. p. 971 @@@@`4681 CIL 11.04337 CIL 11.4337 ICI 06.026 @@@@`4681A RS 03.p.009,4 @@@@`4682 IChUR(2) 01.02442 @@@@`4683 IChUR(2) 01.03602 @@@@`4684 IChUR(2) 01.02838 @@@@`4685 IChUR(2) 01.01566 @@@@`4686 IChUR(2) 01.02418 @@@@`4687 IChUR(2) 01.03845 @@@@`4688 IChUR(2) 01.03417 @@@@`4689 IChUR(1) 01.0177 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1526 IChUR(2) 09.23760 @@@@`4691 IChUR(2) 01.03017 @@@@`4692 CIL 10.7756 @@@@`4693 CIL 11.0803 @@@@`4695 CIL 13.03794 Gose 719 @@@@`4696 CIL 02.6253,1 CIL 13.11925 @@@@`4697 IChUR(2) 03.06514 Marr., RS 1.257 @@@@`4697C IChUR(2) 01.01489 @@@@`4698 IChUR(2) 05.13301 @@@@`4699 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1582 IChUR(2) 06.15768 @@@@`4700 IChUR(1) 01.0315 IChUR(2) 01.01439 @@@@`4701 IChUR(2) 01.01253 @@@@`4701A IChUR(1) 01.0397 IChUR(2) 08.23427 @@@@`4702 IChUR(1) 01.0416 IChUR(2) 03.08430 @@@@`4703 IChUR(1) 01.0525 IChUR(2) 01.01460 @@@@`4704 IChUR(1) 01.0560 IChUR(2) 07.17537 @@@@`4705 IChUR(1) 01.1366 IChUR(2) 01.02441 @@@@`4705A IChUR(2) 01.03956,1 @@@@`4706 IChUR(2) 01.01561 @@@@`4708 IChUR(2) 02.04568 @@@@`4709 CIL 06.29580 @@@@`4710 IChUR(2) 02.06291 @@@@`4711A IChUR(2) 01.02478 @@@@`4712 CIL 06.24044 IChUR(2) 01.02861 @@@@`4714 IChUR(2) 01.01842 @@@@`4714A IChUR(2) 01.00364 @@@@`4714B IChUR(2) 01.02778 @@@@`4714D IChUR(2) 01.00286 @@@@`4715 IChUR(2) 01.00397 @@@@`4716 IChUR(2) 01.03585 @@@@`4716A IChUR(2) 01.03595 @@@@`4716B IChUR(2) 01.02494 @@@@`4717 IChUR(2) 01.02476 @@@@`4718 IChUR(2) 01.00860 @@@@`4719 IChUR(2) 01.00666 @@@@`4719A IChUR(2) 01.00255 @@@@`4719B IChUR(2) 02.04253 @@@@`4719E IChUR(2) 01.00655 @@@@`4720 CIL 10.04486 CIL 10.4486 @@@@`4721 CIL 10.4543 @@@@`4723 CIL 11.1800 @@@@`4724 CIL 11.02994 @@@@`4727 CIL 05.06286 @@@@`4728 CIL 12.2089 LeB., IC 407 @@@@`4728,adn. CIL 12.2091 LeB., IC 450 @@@@`4729 LeB., NR 107 @@@@`4730 CIL 12.2096 LeB., IC 397 @@@@`4731 CIL 12.2102 LeB., IC 458L @@@@`4732 CIL 12.2097 LeB., IC 397A @@@@`4733 CIL 13.02390 LeB., IC 664 @@@@`4733A CIL 13.01492 LeB., NR 235 @@@@`4734 CIL 13.11920 @@@@`4735,adn. CIL 03.09566 @@@@`4736 ILAlg 1.2769 @@@@`4737 ILTun 0191 @@@@`4738 CIL 08.11096 add. p. 2311 ILTun 1130 @@@@`4739 CIL 08.23592 ILTun 0556 %103cf.%103 @@@@`4741 ILTun 1115 @@@@`4742 IChUR(1) 01.0082 IChUR(2) 07.17431 @@@@`4743 IChUR(1) 01.0160 IChUR(2) 07.17443 @@@@`4743,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01046 @@@@`4744 IChUR(1) 01.0518 IChUR(2) 01.00713 @@@@`4745 IChUR(1) 01.0644 IChUR(2) 02.04885 @@@@`4746 IChUR(2) 01.02491 @@@@`4747 IChUR(1) 02.122,12 IChUR(2) 01.03905 @@@@`4748 IChUR(1) 02.103,033 IChUR(1) 02.122,14 @@@@`4749 IChUR(1) 02.087,31f IChUR(1) 02.116,091 @@@@`4750 IChUR(1) 02.118,102 @@@@`4751 IChUR(1) 02.081,15 IChUR(2) 02.05333 @@@@`4752 IChUR(1) 02.447,200 IChUR(2) 02.04415 @@@@`4753 IChUR(1) 02.122,13 @@@@`4754 IChUR(2) 03.09035 @@@@`4755A IChUR(2) 01.02506 @@@@`4755C IChUR(2) 07.18472 @@@@`4756 IChUR(2) 02.06015 @@@@`4757 CIL 06.30108 IChUR(2) 01.00866 @@@@`4758 IChUR(2) 01.01984 IChUR(2) 03.08860 @@@@`4759 IChUR(2) 01.00357 @@@@`4760 CIL 06.30150 add. p. 3736 IChUR(2) 01.01004:. @@@@`4762 IChUR(2) 01.02509 @@@@`4763 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1730 IChUR(2) 01.00451 IChUR(2) 01.00481 @@@@`4764 IChUR(2) 01.01953 @@@@`4765 IChUR(2) 01.02045,1 @@@@`4767 IChUR(2) 01.01845,02 @@@@`4768 IChUR(2) 01.03214 @@@@`4770 IChUR(2) 05.13627 @@@@`4771 IChUR(2) 01.01075 @@@@`4773 IChUR(2) 01.00207 @@@@`4774 CIL 06.36710 @@@@`4775 IChUR(2) 01.04071 @@@@`4776 IChUR(2) 01.01003 @@@@`4777 IChUR(2) 01.03956,2 @@@@`4778 IChUR(2) 01.03913 @@@@`4779 IChUR(2) 01.00094 @@@@`4780 IChUR(2) 01.02502 @@@@`4781 IChUR(2) 01.02501 @@@@`4782 IChUR(2) 01.03929,3 @@@@`4783 IChUR(2) 01.00938 @@@@`4784 IChUR(2) 01.00673 @@@@`4785 IChUR(2) 01.00488 @@@@`4785,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00487 @@@@`4786 IChUR(2) 01.00285 @@@@`4787 IChUR(2) 01.00052 @@@@`4789 IChUR(2) 02.04416 @@@@`4789,adn. IChUR(2) 01.01846,21 @@@@`4790 IChUR(2) 01.02533 @@@@`4792 IChUR(2) 01.00535 @@@@`4792,adn. IChUR(2) 01.00164,7 @@@@`4793 IChUR(2) 01.01843,2 @@@@`4794 IChUR(2) 03.08374 @@@@`4795 IChUR(2) 01.00206 @@@@`4795,adn. IChUR(1) 01.1269 @@@@`4796 IChUR(2) 02.06427 @@@@`4796,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0198 IChUR(2) 08.20790 @@@@`4797 IChUR(2) 01.02481 @@@@`4800 IChUR(2) 01.00333 @@@@`4801 CIL 08.02005 add. p. 939; 1576 IChUR(2) 01.01061 @@@@`4803 CIL 06.30160 IChUR(2) 01.03949 IChUR(2) 05.15414 @@@@`4804 IChUR(2) 05.13813 @@@@`4804,adn. CIL 06.36552 IChUR(1) 01.0369 IChUR(1) 01.suppl.1781 IChUR(2) 01.00654 IChUR(2) 01.02504 IChUR(2) 01.03923,7 IChUR(2) 01.04064 IChUR(2) 05.13369 @@@@`4805,adn. CIL 14.1821 @@@@`4806 CIL 14.1935 @@@@`4807 CIL 09.5284 @@@@`4808 CIL 10.0672 @@@@`4809 CIL 10.2936a @@@@`4810 CIL 10.6054b @@@@`4810A CIL 10.8413 @@@@`4811 CIL 11.0312add. p. 1228 @@@@`4812 CIL 11.4631 add. p. 1371 ICI 06.041 @@@@`4813 CIL 11.04969, cf. p. 1375 add. CIL 11.4969 add. p. 1375 ICI 06.073 @@@@`4813,adn. CIL 11.0498 CIL 11.4979 CIL 11.4980 CIL 11.4982 @@@@`4815 CIL 05.06221 @@@@`4817 CIL 12.0973 LeB., IC 540 @@@@`4818 CIL 12.2158 LeB., IC 458U @@@@`4818B IChUR(2) 01.04089 @@@@`4819 CIL 12.2161 LeB., IC 457B @@@@`4820 CIL 12.2362 LeB., IC 387 @@@@`4821 CIL 13.02314 @@@@`4822 CIL 13.11212 @@@@`4823 CIL 13.02374 LeB., IC 061 @@@@`4823,adn. CIL 13.01493 add. p. 19 CIL 13.01660 @@@@`4823,adn. (Ansae) LeB., IC 662B @@@@`4824 CIL 11.2994 CIL 13.02481 LeB., IC 383 @@@@`4825 CIL 13.02482 LeB., IC 382 @@@@`4826 CIL 13.02480 LeB., IC 376 @@@@`4827 CIL 13.02484 LeB., IC 380 @@@@`4827A CIL 13.05855 @@@@`4828 LeB., NR 086 @@@@`4828, 2842C,adn. CIL 13.08482 @@@@`4829 CIL 13.08484 LeB., NR 438 @@@@`4830 CIL 13.08489 @@@@`4831 CIL 13.03917 add. p. 43 Gose 079 @@@@`4831A %6 3352A CIL 13.02826 @@@@`4832 CIL 06.31839 CIL 13.03839 Gose 438 @@@@`4833 CIL 03.09613 add. p. 2141 @@@@`4833,adn. CIL 03.14908 @@@@`4833A CIL 03.09602 CIL 03.12874 add. p. 2261 @@@@`4833B CIL 03.12854 @@@@`4833B,adn. CIL 03.09639 CIL 03.13161 @@@@`4834 Vives 290 @@@@`4836 ILAlg 1.2774 @@@@`4836,adn. CIL 08.04763 @@@@`4837 ILTun 1174 @@@@`4838 CIL 08.00684 ILTun 0563 @@@@`4839 CIL 08.20808 @@@@`4840 ILAlg 1.2770 @@@@`4842 ILAlg 1.2781 @@@@`4844 ILAlg 1.3993 @@@@`4844A CIL 08.25222 ILTun 1016 @@@@`4845 ILAlg 1.2779 @@@@`4846 CIL 08.01654 ILTun 1588 @@@@`4847 CIL 08.25358 ILTun 1045 @@@@`4848 CIL 08.09313 CIL 08.09313%3`20923 CIL 08.20923 CIL 08.20923%3`9313 @@@@`4849 CIL 08.07855 @@@@`4849A ILAlg 1.2273 @@@@`4850 CIJ 1.556 CIL 08.14031 ILTun 0935 @@@@`4850A CIL 08.18914 @@@@`4851 CIJ 1.A103* @@@@`4852 CIJ 1.005 @@@@`4852A CIJ 1.A025* @@@@`4853 CIJ 1.A071* @@@@`4854 CIJ 1.532 CIL 06.08604 @@@@`4855 CIJ 1.643 @@@@`4856 CIJ 1.210 @@@@`4857 CIJ 1.640 @@@@`4858 CIJ 1.A035* @@@@`4859 CIJ 1.A036* @@@@`4859,adn. CIJ 1.A037* CIL 06.39799 @@@@`4859A CIJ 1.A009* @@@@`4860 CIJ 1.479 @@@@`4861 CIJ 1.A031* CIL 06.36264 @@@@`4861A CIJ 1.473 @@@@`4861B CIL 08.14098 @@@@`4861C CIL 08.14099a d @@@@`4861D CIL 08.14101a @@@@`4861E CIL 08.14103 @@@@`4861F CIL 08.14105 @@@@`4862 CIJ 1.235 @@@@`4863 CIJ 1.219 @@@@`4864 CIJ 1.236 @@@@`4864A CIJ 1.070 @@@@`4865 CIJ 1.263 @@@@`4865A CIJ 1.475 @@@@`4866 CIJ 1.A024* @@@@`4866A CIJ 1.231 @@@@`4866A,adn. CIJ 1.489 @@@@`4867 CIJ 1.234 @@@@`4868 CIJ 1.233 @@@@`4869 CIJ 1.213 @@@@`4869,adn. CIJ 1.243 CIJ 1.461 CIJ 1.A033* @@@@`4870 CIJ 1.257 @@@@`4870A CIJ 1.252 @@@@`4871 CIJ 1.237 @@@@`4871,adn. CIJ 1.A030* @@@@`4872 CIJ 1.241 @@@@`4873A CIJ 1.230 @@@@`4874 CIJ 1.A081* IChUR(2) 05.13959 @@@@`4874,adn. IChUR(1) 01.0926 @@@@`4875 CIJ 1.A027* CIL 06.39739 @@@@`4876 CIJ 1.A029* @@@@`4876,adn. CIL 06.38203 @@@@`4877 CIJ 1.A034* @@@@`4878 CIJ 1.A026* @@@@`4879 CIJ 1.220 @@@@`4880 CIL 10.1971 @@@@`4881 CIJ 1.477 @@@@`4881A CIL 08.14099b c @@@@`4881B CIL 08.14101b @@@@`4881C CIL 08.14102 @@@@`4881D ILTun 0942 @@@@`4882 CIJ 1.459 CIJ 1.485 @@@@`4883 CIL 09.6228 @@@@`4883,adn. CIL 09.6401 @@@@`4883a CIJ 1.615 @@@@`4883a,adn. CIJ 1.631 @@@@`4884 CIJ 1.613 CIL 09.6221 @@@@`4885 CIJ 1.561 CIL 10.1893 add. p. 972 @@@@`4886 CIJ 1.265 @@@@`4887 CIJ 1.553 CIL 10.3905 @@@@`4888 CIJ 1.470 CIL 06.33919a @@@@`4889 CIJ 1.216 @@@@`4890 CIJ 1.269 @@@@`4890A CIJ 1.A050* @@@@`4892 CIL 08.08499 @@@@`4893 CIJ 1.611 CIL 09.0648 CIL 09.6220 @@@@`4894 CIJ 1.599 CIL 09.6229 @@@@`4895 CIJ 1.590 CIL 09.6230 @@@@`4895A CIJ 1.645 @@@@`4896 CIL 03.10599 @@@@`4896A CIJ 1.676 @@@@`4897 CIJ 1.523 CIL 06.29756 @@@@`4898 CIJ 1.639 @@@@`4899 CIJ 1.581 CIL 09.6226 @@@@`4900 CIJ 1.499 CIJ 1.606 CIL 09.6231 @@@@`4901 CIJ 1.465 @@@@`4902 CIJ 1.457 @@@@`4902A CIJ 1.483 @@@@`4903 CIJ 1.284 CIL 06.29757 @@@@`4904 CIJ 1.568 CIL 10.3303 @@@@`4905 CIJ 1.610 CIL 09.6227 @@@@`4906 CIJ 1.607 CIL 09.6219 @@@@`4907 CIJ 1.614 CIL 09.6224 @@@@`4908 CIJ 1.266 @@@@`4908A CIJ 1.480 CIL 06.29762 @@@@`4909 CIJ 1.456 @@@@`4910 CIJ 1.221 @@@@`4911 CIJ 1.225 @@@@`4912 CIJ 1.102 @@@@`4913 CIJ 1.239 @@@@`4914 CIJ 1.256 @@@@`4915 CIJ 1.462 @@@@`4916 CIJ 1.222 @@@@`4917 CIJ 1.068 @@@@`4918 CIJ 1.678 CIL 03.03688 @@@@`4919 CIJ 1.680 CIL 03.10055 add. p. 2328&4`175 @@@@`4920 CIJ 1.665 CIL 02.1982 @@@@`4921 CIL 08.08423 @@@@`4921A CIL 08.07150 add. p. 1848 @@@@`4922 CIL 08.07155 @@@@`4923 CIJ 1.228 @@@@`4924 CIJ 1.524 CIL 06.29760 @@@@`4925 CIJ 1.529 CIL 06.29763 @@@@`4926 CIJ 1.285 CIL 06.29759 @@@@`4927 CIJ 1.642 I.Ital. 10,1.558 @@@@`4928 CIJ 1.229 @@@@`4929 CIJ 1.207 @@@@`4930 CIJ 1.206 @@@@`4931 CIJ 1.215 @@@@`4932 CIJ 1.072 @@@@`4933 CIJ 1.476 @@@@`4934 CIJ 1.481 @@@@`4935 CIJ 1.567 @@@@`4936 CIJ 2.1449 CIL 03.06583 @@@@`4937 CIJ 1.533 @@@@`4938 CIJ 1.287 @@@@`4939 CIJ 1.612 CIL 09.0647 @@@@`4940 CIL 08.12457 add. p. 2450 ILTun 0862 @@@@`4941 CIJ 1.482 IChUR(1) 01.0038 add. p. 574 IChUR(2) 01.02804 @@@@`4942 CIJ 1.A084* IChUR(1) 01.0489 add. p. 577 IChUR(2) 06.15780 @@@@`4942,adn. CIL 15.3552 @@@@`4943 CIJ 1.246 @@@@`4944 CIJ 1.472 CIL 06.29761 @@@@`4945 CIJ 1.478 LeB., IC 661A @@@@`4946 CIJ 1.557 CIL 10.8059,484 @@@@`4947 CIJ 1.672 CIL 13.10024,174 ILTun 0948 LeB., NR 284A @@@@`4947A CIL 08.14191 @@@@`4948 CIJ 1.467 @@@@`4949 CIJ 1.463 @@@@`4950 CIJ 1.466 @@@@`4951 CIJ 1.458 @@@@`4952 CIJ 1.460 @@@@`4953 CIJ 1.260 @@@@`4954 CIJ 1.268 @@@@`4955 CIJ 1.644 @@@@`4956 CIJ 1.646 @@@@`4957 CIJ 1.A093* @@@@`4957,adn. CIJ 1.552 CIL 10.6299 @@@@`4958 CIJ 1.675 CIL 03.10611a @@@@`4959 ILAlg 1.1080 @@@@`4961 CIJ 1.162 @@@@`4962 CIL 08.01091 add. p. 929; 1285 @@@@`4963 CIJ 1.254 @@@@`4964 CIJ 1.217 @@@@`4965 CIJ 1.242 @@@@`4966 CIJ 1.209 @@@@`4967 CIJ 1.208 @@@@`4968 CIJ 1.554 CIJ 1.A088* CIL 10.1367 add. p. 1008 @@@@`4969 CIJ 1.570 CIL 09.6218 @@@@`4970 CIJ 1.609 CIL 09.6215 @@@@`4971 CIJ 1.248 @@@@`4972 CIJ 1.264 @@@@`4973 CIJ 1.232 CIJ 1.240 @@@@`4974 CIJ 1.069 @@@@`4975 CIJ 1.262 @@@@`4976 CIJ 1.464 @@@@`4977 CIJ 1.224 @@@@`4978 CIJ 1.212 @@@@`4979 CIJ 1.250 @@@@`4980 CIJ 1.518 @@@@`4981 CIJ 1.247 CIJ 1.517 @@@@`4983 CIJ 1.A090* CIL 09.6468 @@@@`4984 CIJ 1.629 CIL 09.6400 @@@@`4985 CIJ 1.630 CIL 09.6402 @@@@`4986 CIJ 1.A032* @@@@`4987 CIJ 1.0528 CIJ 1.528 @@@@`4988 CIJ 1.A082* IChUR(1) 01.0450 IChUR(2) 02.06056 @@@@`4989 CIJ 1.497 @@@@`4991 CIJ 1.A087* CIL 06.28361 @@@@`4991A CIJ 1.A068* CIL 06.34288 @@@@`4991A,adn. CIJ 1.A069* @@@@`4992 CIJ 1.267 @@@@`4993 CIJ 1.636 @@@@`4993A CIJ 1.002 @@@@`4994 CIJ 1.474 @@@@`4995 CIJ 1.468 @@@@`4996 CIL 10.8061,6 @@@@`4997 CIJ 1.A056* CIL 10.0329 @@@@`4998 CIJ 1.608 CIL 09.6223 @@@@`4999 CIJ 1.616 CIL 09.6222 @@@@`5000 CIJ 1.A095* CIL 13.04701 LeB., IC 321B @@@@`5000,adn. CIJ 1.A096*