@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@SOME LATIN INSCRIPTIONS @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@John M. Mansfield @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Ithaca, NY 5.30.1991 @ The &3Res Gestae& of Augustus [RG] __ @ Jean &7Gage/. &3Res Gestae divi Augusti ex monumentis Ancyrano et &3@@@@@Antiocheno Latinis Ancyrano et Apolloniensi Graecis. @@@@@[`1935] 2nd ed. Paris 1950. @ Citations are given according to chapter, column and line of the Ancyra inscription, in such a way that the Latin original and Greek translation will appear together under the same chapter%19number. Roman numerals designate the columns of the Latin text; Arabic numerals those of the Greek text. Square brackets enclose letters and words not preserved in the inscription at Ancyra; portions of the text preserved on one or the other of the copies at Pisidian Antioch and Apollonia are marked by underlining. The text has been collated against the editions of Theodor &7Mommsen, &3Res Gestae divi Augusti ex &3monumentis Ancyrano et Apolloniensi& (2nd ed., 1883), and of William Mitchell &7Ramsay& and Anton &7von Premerstein, &3Monumentum &3Antiochenum& (Leipzig 1927). @ Record of the Augustan &3Ludi Saeculares& [LudSaec] __ @ Johannes Baptista &7Pighi. &3De ludis saecularibus populi Romani &3@@@@@Quiritium.& 2nd ed. Amsterdam 1965. Pp. 108%19`119 [&3CIL @@@@@`6.32323]. Citations are by section and line of the @@@@@inscription. @ The &3Laudatio Turiae& [LaudTur] __ @ Erik &7Wistrand. &3The So%19Called Laudatio Turiae. Introduction, &3@@@@@Text, Translation and Commentary.& Lund 1976. [&3CIL @@@@@`6:1.1527 %7 6:4,3.37053 %7 Arthur Ernest &7Gordon, &3AJA& 54 @@@@@(`1950) 223%19`226] Citations are by column and line of the @@@@@inscription. Paragraph%19divisions are marked by the @@@@@retention within the text of the line%19number at the @@@@@beginning of each new section. @ The Acts of the Arval Brethren [ActaFrArv] __ @ Wilhelm &7Henzen. &3Acta fratrum Arvalium quae supersunt.& Berlin @@@@@`1874. @ Elio &7Pasoli. &3Acta fratrum Arvalium quae post annum MDCCCLXXIV &3@@@@@reperta sunt.& Bologna 1950. @ The texts of Henzen (1874), incorporating the addenda and corrections collected by Pasoli (1950). Citations follow the numeration of Pasoli.