@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@DUKE UNIVERSITY @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@D D B D P @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Papyrology Room, 344 Perkins Library @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Box 90199 Duke University @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Durham, NC 27708, USA @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@THE DUKE DATA BANK OF DOCUMENTARY PAPYRI @ The Duke Data Bank of Documentary Papyri is a continuing project con-ducted under contract with the Packard Humanities Institute, which provides its financial support and publishes the data bank in its series of CD ROMs, which may be ordered directly from the Institute (300 Second Street, Suite 201, Los Altos, California 94022, U.S.A.). @ Following a suggestion proposed in 1982 by Dr David W. Packard and enabled by a grant from the Packard Foundation, in January 1983 Pro-fessors W. H. Willis and J. F. Oates began a twelve%19year project at Duke University to construct a machine%19readable data bank to comprise all published Greek and Latin documentary papyri. 'Documentary papyri' is defined broadly to include all original documents (as distinguished from literary and subliterary texts) written on papyrus, parchment, ostraca, wooden or waxed tablets during a period extending from the IV century B.C. to the VIII century of our era. Though independent, the project is conducted in communication with the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae at the University of California, Irvine, as a complement to the TLG's compre-hensive data bank of Greek literature. While some equipment was pro-vided by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, its financial support has been provided by the Packard Foundation, the Packard Humanities Institute, and Duke University. @ The purpose of the Duke Data Bank is to make instantly accessible and searchable the corpus of Greek and Latin papyri. It is not intended to substitute for printed editions but solely to provide texts in machine%19readable form for searching and concordancing. No use of the Data Bank for commercial gain is permissible. @ Since the beginning of papyrology more than a century ago, scholars have increasingly recognized the need for a word and name index that ideally would grow progressively as new texts were published. For proper names the need was first met in 1922 by Friedrich Preisigke's &3Namenbuch& and for vocabulary with the posthumous publication in 1925-31 of his &3Wo+rterbuch der griechischen Papyrusurkunden&, which under-took both to define the usages of documentary vocabulary and to cite every occurrence. A supplement to the &3Namenbuch&, Daniele Foraboschi's &3Onomasticum alterum papyrologicum&, appeared in 1969, and none since. Such was the voluminous publication of papyri in the decades after 1925 that supplements to the &3Wo+rterbuch& could hardly keep pace: Emil Kiessling's valiant attempt to continue it on the same scale led to five fascicules of a volume IV (1944, 1958, 1966, 1971, reaching &3zeta& in 1993). In 1969 he published a less ambitious &3Supplement 1& without without definitions covering the years 1940%19`66, further supplemented by Sergio Daris' &3Spoglio lessicale papirologico& in 1968; and in 1991 appeared H.%19A. Rupprecht's &3Supplement 2& for 1967%19`76. @ Realizing the urgent need, Herbert Youtie constructed for use at the University of Michigan a comprehensive card index which he maintained until his death in 1980. It is to satisfy this need for a complete and ongoing index by the easier means now available that we have undertaken to construct by computer a data bank of all published Greek and Latin documentary papyri, ostraca and tablets. In this effort we are following the pioneering project of Peter J. Parsons at Oxford to computerize the documentary texts in 22 volumes of the &3Oxyrhynchus Papyri&, continued later by J. David Thomas and Traianos Gagos at Durham, who entered 16 more. Both these projects were funded by the British Academy. Thanks to their cooperation, all their files are now incorporated in the Duke Data Bank. @ Since publication of the first in 1788, some 48,500 documents have been published thus far in 483 volumes, including 50 volumes of ostraca and counting the 43 fascicules of the &3Chartae Latinae Antiquiores& as one. We enter texts published in journals only after they are reprinted in the most recent volume of the &3Sammelbuch Griechischer Ur-&&3kunden aus A+gypten&. (The term 'volume' is here used to include a volume in a series and a discretely designated collection of texts within a vol-ume containing two or more such collections.) These volumes, proceeding in reverse order from the most recent back to the earliest, we have en-tered at Duke in three phases: our Phase I comprises volumes published between the present and 1966; Phase II embraces volumes from 1966 back to 1923, when the first volume of the Preisigke &3Wo+rterbuch& was closed; and Phase III comprises the remainder back to the beginning. @ We have now completed entry of 220* volumes of Phase I published thus far, to which we are adding others as soon as we receive them; and of the 163 volumes in Phase II and 100 volumes in Phase III. @ Our data files must of course be proofread and corrected before final distribution. The proofs are read at the University of Michigan under the supervision of Professor Ludwig Koenen and his current assistant Dr Ariel Loftus. Thus far, 459* volumes have been proofread in Michi-gan and corrected at Duke. @ Having now completed Phase I insofar as volumes have appeared and all of the volumes of Phases II and III, we are ready to distribute the Duke Data Bank in its current state to scholars who desire it, at the cost of the blank tapes and postage. We can now send the data-files in the form of 9%19track 1600%19bpi magnetic tape recorded in fixed%19record fixed%19block or variable%19record variable%19block format in either ASCII or EBCDIC. The 483* volumes presently available require three 2400%19foot reels of tape; 275 of them (along with the revised Electronic Edition A of the &3Checklist of Editions of Greek& &3and Latin Papyri, Ostraca and Tablets&) were recorded on CD ROM no. 2 issued by the Packard Humanities Institute. The data bank as it stood on 5 April 1991 comprising 375 volumes, together with the further revised and enlarged Electronic Edition B of the &3Checklist&, was recorded on PHI CD ROM no. 6. The entire Duke Data Bank as it currently stands, together with Electronic Edition C of the &3Checklist&, is to be recorded on PHI CD ROM no. 7. @ Equipped with an Ibycus System, we enter our data in Greek, which Ibycus programs convert for storage, searching and dissemination to Beta Format (the standardized transliteration of Greek used by TLG) that is automatically convertible to Greek font on any Ibycus com-puter and is amenable to conversion by local programs in other kinds of computers. Search programs are of course indigenous to each make of computer and are not transferable. The conventions by which we have encoded the texts are listed in a file near the start of the first tape and at the end of the CD ROM, entitled ADVICE TO USERS. @ We wish to acknowledge here our great indebtedness to all who have contributed to producing the Data Bank, above all to David W. Pack-ard, who not only developed the system but initially suggested this project; to William A. Johnson, Stephen Waite and Wilkins Poe for their expert help in programming; to Theodore F. Brunner, our TLG counterpart; to Ludwig Koenen, Traianos Gagos and Peter van Minnen for their expert counsel and collaboration; and to the meticulous and unflagging members of our staff at Duke University, especially to Dr Louise P. Smith, the project coordinator, and Catherine Rine, the assistant coordinator. @ *These figures are corrected as of 15 June 1995. @ @ VOLUMES OF PAPYRI ENTERED IN PHASE I (published 1966%19`1994) (Asterisked volumes are not yet proofread and corrected.) @ BGU 10 P.Harr. 2 P.Oxy. 34 P.Vind.Pher. BGU 11 P.Haun. 2 P.Oxy. 36 P.Vind.Sal. BGU 12 P.Haun. 3 P.Oxy. 38 P.Vind.Tand. BGU 13 P.Heid. 4 P.Oxy. 40 P.Vind.Worp BGU 14 P.Heid. 5 P.Oxy. 41 P.Wash.Univ. 1 BGU 15 P.Heid. 6 P.Oxy. 42 P.Wash.Univ. 2 CPR 5 P.Hels. 1 P.Oxy. 43 P.Wisc. 1 CPR 6 P.Herm.Landl. P.Oxy. 44 P.Wisc. 2 CPR 7 P.Hombert P.Oxy. 45 P.Yale 1 CPR 8 P.IFAO 1 P.Oxy. 46 P.Zen.Pestm. CPR 9 P.IFAO 2 P.Oxy. 47 O.Amst. CPR 10 P.IFAO 3 P.Oxy. 48 O.Ashm.Shelt. CPR 13 P.Ital. 2 P.Oxy. 49 O.Brux. CPR 14 P.Ko+ln 1 P.Oxy. 50 O.Bu Njem CPR 15 P.Ko+ln 2 P.Oxy. 51 O.Cair. CPR 17A P.Ko+ln 3 P.Oxy. 52 O.Claud. 1 CPR 17B P.Ko+ln 4 P.Oxy. 53 O.Douch 1 CPR 18 P.Ko+ln 5 P.Oxy. 54 O.Douch 2 P.Alex.Giss. P.Ko+ln 6 P.Oxy. 55 O.Douch 3 P.Amst. 1 P.Ko+ln 7 P.Oxy. 56 O.Elkab P.Anag. P.Kron. P.Oxy. 57 O.Florida P.Ant. 3 P.Laur. 1 P.Oxy. 58 O.Leid. P.Ashm. 1 P.Laur. 2 P.Oxy. 59 O.Lund P.Athen.Xyla P.Laur. 3 P.Oxy. 60 O.Masada P.Babatha P.Laur. 4 P.Oxy.Descr. 1 O.Medin.Madi P.Batav. P.Leeds.Mus. P.Oxy.Hels. O.Mich. 4 P.Berl.Bork. P.Leid.Inst. P.Panop. O.Narm. P.Berl.Brash. P.Lond. 7 P.Petaus O.Oasis P.Berl.Leihg. 2 P.Masada P.Petr.2 1 O.Ont.Mus. 1 P.Brook. P.Matr. P.Prag. 1 O.Ont.Mus. 2 P.Brux. 1 P.Mert. 3 P.Princ.Roll 2d O.Tebt.Pad. P.Bub. 1 P.Mich. 9 P.Quseir *O.Vleem. P.Cair.Mich. P.Mich. 10 P.Rain.Cent. O.Wadi Hamm. P.Charite P.Mich. 11 P.Sakaon *O.Waqfa P.Col. 7 P.Mich. 12 P.Sel.Warga *T.Mom.Louvre P.Col. 8 P.Mich. 13 PSI Congr.XVII T.Varie P.Col.Teeter P.Mich. 14 PSI Congr.XX T.Vindol. 1 P.Coll.Youtie 1 P.Mich. 15 PSI Corr. 1 T.Vindol. 2 P.Coll.Youtie 2 P.Mich.Aphrod. P.Sorb. 2 SB 8 P.Congr.XV P.Mich.Mchl P.Soter. SB 10 P.Customs P.Mil. 1 P.Stras. 5 SB 12 P.David P.Mil. 2 P.Stras. 6 SB 14 P.Diog. P.Mil.Cong.XIV P.Stras. 7 SB 16 P.Dion. P.Mil.Cong.XVII P.Stras. 8 SB 18 *P.Dub. P.Mil.Cong.XVIII P.Stras. 9 C.Epist.Lat. P.Erasm. 1 P.Mil.Cong.XIX P.Tebt. 4 C.Etiq.Mom. P.Erasm. 2 P.Mil.Vogl. 4 P.Tebt.Tait *C.Illum.Pap. P.Freer P.Mil.Vogl. 6 P.Tebt.Wall C.Jud.Syr.Eg. P.Freib. 4 P.Mil.Vogl. 7 P.Theon. C.Pap.Gr. 1 P.Gen. 2 P.Mu+nch. 1 P.Thmouis 1 C.Pap.Gr. 2.1 P.Genova 1 P.Mu+nch. 3.1 P.Tor.Amen. *Ch.L.A. 4%19`43 P.Genova 2 P.Nag Hamm. P.Tor.Choach. Pap.Agon. P.Genova 3 P.Neph. P.Turner Pap.Biling. *P.Graux 2 P.NYU 1 P.Ups.Frid Pap.Choix P.Hamb. 3 P.Oxy. 33 P.Vat.Aphrod. Rom.Mil.Rec. @ VOLUMES OF PAPYRI ENTERED IN PHASE II (published 1924%19`1966) @ BGU 7 P.Enteux. P.Mich. 4.2 PSI 9 BGU 8 P.Erl. P.Mich. 5 PSI 7 BGU 9 P.Fam.Tebt. P.Mich. 6 PSI 9 P.Aberd. P.Fouad P.Mich. 7 PSI 10 P.Abinn. P.Freib. 3 P.Mich. 8 PSI 12 P.Achm. P.Fuad Univ. P.Michael. PSI 13 P.Adl. P.Giss.Univ. 1 P.Mil.Vogl. 1 PSI 14 P.Alex. P.Giss.Univ. 3 P.Mil.Vogl. 2 PSI Congr.XI P.Ant. 1 P.Giss.Univ. 6 P.Mil.Vogl. 3 P.Sorb. 1 P.Ant. 2 P.Got. P.Mur. 2 P.Stras. 3 P.Apoll. P.Gron. P.Ness. 3 P.Stras. 4 P.Athen. P.Hamb. 1 P.Oslo 2 P.Tebt. 3.1 P.Bacch. P.Hamb. 2 P.Oslo 3 P.Tebt. 3.2 P.Bad. 4 P.Harr. 1 P.Oxf. P.Vars. P.Bad. 6 P.Haun. 1 P.Oxy. 16 P.Vind.Bosw. P.Bal. 2 P.Heid. 2 P.Oxy. 17 P.Vind.Sijp. P.Berl.Frisk P.Heid. 3 P.Oxy. 18 P.Warr. P.Berl.Leihg. 1 P.Herm. P.Oxy. 19 P.Wu+rzb. P.Berl.Mo+ller P.Hib. 2 P.Oxy. 20 UPZ 1 P.Berl.Thun. P.Iand. 6 P.Oxy. 22 UPZ 2 P.Berl.Zill. P.Iand. 7 P.Oxy. 24 O.Ashm. P.Bon. P.Iand. 8 P.Oxy. 27 O.Bodl. 1 P.Bour. P.Iand.inv.653 P.Oxy. 31 O.Bodl. 2 P.Brem. P.Ital. 1 P.Panop.Beatty *O.Buch. P.Cair.Isid. P.Jena P.Phil. O.Camb. P.Cair.Zen. 1 P.Kroll P.Prag.Varcl 1 O.Edfou 1 P.Cair.Zen. 2 P.Leit. P.Prag.Varcl 2 O.Edfou 2 P.Cair.Zen. 3 P.Lille 1 P.Prag.Varcl NS O.Edfou 3 P.Cair.Zen. 4 P.Lond. 6 P.Princ. 1 O.Mich. 1 P.Cair.Zen. 5 P.Lund 2 P.Princ. 2 O.Mich. 2 P.Col. 1 P.Lund 3 P.Princ. 3 O.Mich. 3 P.Col. 2 P.Lund 4 P.Rein. 2 O.Minor P.Col. 3 P.Lund 6 P.Rev. ed.2 O.Oslo P.Col. 4 P.Marm. P.Ross.Georg. 2 O.Petr. P.Col. 5 P.Mert. 1 P.Ross.Georg. 3 O.Wilb. P.Col. 6 P.Mert. 2 P.Ross.Georg. 4 *T.Alb. P.Corn. P.Mich. 1 P.Ross.Georg. 5 SB 3 P.Dura P.Mich. 2 P.Ryl. 3 SB 4 P.Edfou 1 P.Mich. 3 P.Ryl. 4 SB 5 P.Edfou 2 P.Mich. 4.1 P.Sarap. SB 6 P.Edfou 3 P.Select. *Ch.L.A. 1%19`3 @ VOLUMES OF PAPYRI ENTERED IN PHASE III (published 1897%19`1923) @ *BGU 1 P.Freib. 2 P.Oxy. 6 Stud.Pal. 3 *BGU 2 P.Gen. 1 P.Oxy. 7 Stud.Pal. 4 *BGU 3 P.Giss. P.Oxy. 8 Stud.Pal. 5 BGU 4 P.Grad. P.Oxy. 9 Stud.Pal. 7 BGU 5 P.Grenf. 1 P.Oxy. 10 Stud.Pal. 8 BGU 6 P.Grenf. 2 P.Oxy. 12 Stud.Pal. 10 *CPR 1 P.Gur. P.Oxy. 14 Stud.Pal. 13 *CPR 3 P.Hal. *P.Paris Stud.Pal. 14 P.Amh. 1 P.Hib. 1 *P.Petr. 1 Stud.Pal. 17 P.Amh. 2 P.Iand. 2 *P.Rein. 2 Stud.Pal. 20 P.Bad. 2 P.Iand. 3 *P.Petr. 3 Stud.Pal. 22 P.Bas. P.Iand. 4 *P.Rein. 1 O.Berl. *P.Berl.Bibl. P.Kar.Goodsp. P.Ryl. 2 O.Deiss. P.Cair.Goodsp. *P.Leipz. PSI 1 *O.Erem. P.Cair.Masp. 1 P.Lips. PSI 3 O.Fay. P.Cair.Masp. 2 P.Lond. 1 PSI 4 O.Joach. P.Cair.Masp. 3 P.Lond. 2 PSI 5 O.Paris P.Cair.Preis. P.Lond. 3 PSI 6 *O.Sarga P.Eleph. P.Lond. 4 P.Stras. 1 O.Stras. P.Fay. P.Lond. 5 P.Stras. 2 O.Tebt. P.Flor. 1 P.Meyer P.Tebt. 1 O.Theb. P.Flor. 2 P.Oxy. 1 P.Tebt. 2 O.Wilck. P.Flor. 3 P.Oxy. 2 *P.Tor. SB 1 P.Frankf. P.Oxy. 3 Stud.Pal. 1 Chr.Mitt. P.Freib. 1 P.Oxy. 4 Stud.Pal. 2 Chr.Wilck. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ADVICE TO USERS @ @@@@@The DUKE DATA BANK OF DOCUMENTARY PAPYRI is intended solely to facilitate the rapid searching of Greek and Latin documentary texts contained in published volumes of papyri, ostraca and tab-lets. Its use is restricted to individual scholarly research as governed by the 'fair%19use' principle, and its contents may not be reproduced for commercial gain. @ @@@@@Since the texts as recorded are not verbatim representations of their printed form but are revised to accommodate possibilities and limitations of the computer and to interpolate variant scribal orthography and corrections to the published texts, users should be aware of the following encoding conventions displayed in text searches. (N.B.: The conventions are described as they appear on an Ibycus screen reading PHI CD ROM 7.) @ @@@@@`1. &3Citations&. Each match found in a word search is normally displayed on the console screen in a three%19line context (though this number may be increased or decreased by appropriate programs), accompanied by a citation of the locus (volume name and number, document number; column or fragment number and recto or verso, if applicable, and the code "rp" if the text occurs in other editions; and finally the line number). This information is controlled by the first protected 'header line' preceding each text (the ~ line). A second protected line (beginning ~~) causes the match citation to be preceded by the provenience and date of the source text, and cites an earlier edition if the entered text is a republication. The two header lines are invisible in word search but may be read by means of an edit or print program. @ @@@@@`2. The &3editorial symbols& [ ], ( ), [2 ]2, [3 ]3, [[ ]], and %103 %3 are employed in the same way as in standard editions. @ @@@@@`3. &3Uncertain letters& outside of lacunae (square brackets) are indicated by sublinear dots. Letters lost within lacunae are indi-cated, if fewer than ten, by dots; if more than ten, by "c" and the estimated number, or by "c ?" if the number is unknown. An un-specified number of illegible letters is represented as "&3vestig&". @ @@@@@`4. &3Greek cardinal numbers& are replaced by the equivalent arabic numerals. If the scribe writes numbers in words, the words are recorded as written, followed by the arabic equivalents enclosed within [3`8 ]3`8. @ @@@@@`5. &3Orthography&. If the scribe writes standard orthography (whether classical or koine), his spelling is so entered. If, however, his spelling is not standard, the word is entered first in the standard spelling, followed immediately by the scribal spelling enclosed between braces with the exponent 4, thus: $PO/LEWS& [3`4$PWLAIOS&]3`4. Similarly, [3`5 ]3`5 enclose a form al-tered by the scribe, and [3`9 ]3`9 an alternative reading found in a duplicate copy of the text. @ @@@@@@@@a. Exceptions: @@@@@@@@@@@(`1) Egyptian proper names, including month%19names, are entered as found without 'correction'. Lists of variant month-names may be found in the Mayser and Gignac grammars. @@@@@@@@@@@(`2) The common forms $GEI/NOMAI& (and its inflection) and $PRO/KITAI& are not 'corrected'; thus the user must search for both $GEI/NOMAI& and $GI/NOMAI, PRO/KEITAI& and $PRO/KITAI. @ @@@@@`6. &3Corrections&. [3`6 ]3`6 enclose a reading discarded in addenda and corrigenda to a volume or a series of volumes, and [3`7 ]3`7 a reading discarded in another source, traceable with the help of the &3Berichtigungsliste der Griechischen Papyrusurkunden& &3aus Aegypten&. @ @@@@@`7. &3Assimilation&. When a simplex form is compounded with the prefix $E)K%19, E)N%19& or $SUN%19,& scribes sometimes assimilate the prior to the following consonant, sometimes not, with a result not con-sidered standard by lexica. The user must therefore be aware of (and search) both alternatives in cases of the following collocations: a. with $E)K%19&: b. with $E)N%19&: c. with $SUN%19&: $@@@E)KB%19 %3 E)GB%19 E)NB%19 %3 E)MB%19 SUNB%19 %3 SUMB-$@@@E)KD%19 %3 E)GD%19 E)NM%19 %3 E)MM%19 SUNM%19 %3 SUMM-$@@@E)KM%19 %3 E)GM%19 E)NP%19 %3 E)MP%19 SUNP%19 %3 SUMP-$@@@E)KN%19 %3 E)GN%19 E)NF%19 %3 E)MF%19 SUNF%19 %3 SUMF-$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@E)NY%19 %3 E)MY%19 SUNY%19 %3 SUMY-$@@@E)KL%19 %3 E)GL%19 E)NL%19 %3 E)LL%19 SUNL%19 %3 SULL-$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@E)NG%19 %3 E)GG%19 SUNG%19 %3 SUGG-$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@E)NK%19 %3 E)GK%19 SUNK%19 %3 SUGK-$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@E)NC%19 %3 E)GC%19 SUNC%19 %3 SUGC-$@@@E)KQ%19 %3 E)XQ%19 E)NX%19 %3 E)GX%19 SUNX%19 %3 SUGX-$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@SUNR%19 %3 SURR-$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@SUNS1%19 %3 SUSS-$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@SUNSK%19 %3 SUSK-$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@SUNST%19 %3 SUST-A similar warning applies to $A)NA/GKH %3 A)NA/NKH& and similar cases. @ @@@@@`8. &3Capitalization&. Only proper names and adjectives are cap-italized: e.g. gods, persons, places, ethnics, imperial titles, and month%19names. In a word search, if the user types a capital letter, only the capitalized form will be found. If a lower%19case initial is typed, finds will include all capitalized and uncapitalized forms. @ @@@@@`9. &3Diacriticals&. Accents, breathings, diaereses and punctuation are usually those affixed by the editor. If the user types an accent or breathing, matches will be limited to forms exactly so marked. If no accent is prescribed, matches will include all forms whether so ac-cented or not. Diacriticals, punctuation and other devices written by the scribe are indicated by the following escape codes: @ @@@%101`6 or %101`26 paragraphos @@@%101`27 check%19mark(s) @@@%101`28 mark deleting entry @@@%101`29 broken line used by scribe serving as a leader @@@%101`70 low punctus @@@%101`71 mid punctus @@@%101`72 high punctus @@@%101`73 dipunct @@@%101`74 tripunct @@@%101`75 Latin interpunct @@@%101`80 diaeresis @@@%101`81 apostrophe @@@%101`82 acute accent @@@%101`83 grave accent @@@%101`84 circumflex accent @@@%101`85 rough breathing @@@%101`86 smooth breathing @@@%101`90 punctuational dash on papyrus @@@%101`99 unintelligible mark on papyrus @@@%101`316 document cancelled with cross%19strokes (code @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@begins each line of affected text) @@@%101`317 document cancelled with slashes (code begins @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@each line of affected text) @@@%101`318 line filled out with cross%19strokes @@@%101`319 filled circle @@@%101`321 stauros @@@%101`322 chi%19rho digraph @@@%101`323 line filler (a "V" lying on its side) @@@%101`324 filler stroke (extension of letter to margin) @@@%101`325 single x @@@%101`326 pattern of x's @@@%101`327 tachygraphic marks @@@%101`328 3 stigmas with bar through middle @@@%101`329 monogram @@@%101`330 drawing @@@%101`331 wavy line as text divider @@@%101`332 impression of stamp on papyrus @@@%101`333 text enclosed in box or circle on papyrus (at the @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@beginning of each affected line) @@@%101`334 text enclosed in parentheses or brackets @@@%101`335 capital N with a slash through @@@%101`336 redundant S%19type $[1E)/TOUS]1& sign (begun 10%3`9%3`86) @@@%101`337 clay seal attached to papyrus @ @@@@`7 horizontal rule @@@@`9 papyrus breaks off @@@@`50 writing perpendicular to main text @@@@`51 writing inverse to main text @ @@@[`30 ]`30 upper curve of parenthesis on papyrus @@@[`31 ]`31 central curvature of parenthesis on papyrus @@@[`32 ]`32 lower curve of parenthesis on papyrus @@@[`33 ]`33 parentheses used as punctuation in papyri @@@[`34 ]`34 parentheses used for deletion in papyri @ @@@[2`1 ]2`1 horizontal bar under @@@[2`6 ]2`6 encloses letters written above the line @@@[2`7 ]2`7 character printed under preceding character @@@[2`8 ]2`8 horizontal bar over @@@[2`10 ]2`10 characters enclosed by [2`10 ]2`10 are written @@@[2`11 ]2`11 under characters enclosed by [2`11 ]2`11 @ @ C H E C K L I S T O F E D I T I O N S O F G R E E K A N D @ @@L A T I N P A P Y R I, O S T R A C A A N D T A B L E T S @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Electronic Edition C @ John F. Oates, William H. Willis, Roger S. Bagnall, Klaas A. Worp @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@TABLE OF CONTENTS @ PREFACE line 0028 @@@I. PAPYRI line 0107 @@II. OSTRACA AND TABLETS line 1634 @III. CORPORA line 1821 @@IV. INSTRUMENTA line 2027 @@@V. SERIES line 2192 @@VI. PERIODICALS line 2988 @VII. INFORMATION ON PUBLISHERS line 3044 VIII. LIST OF EDITIONS OF DOCUMENTARY PAPYRI BY @@@@@@@YEAR OF PUBLICATION line 3185 @@IX. PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONGRESSES line 3370 APPENDIX. OTHER CITATIONS SOMETIMES USED FOR EDITIONS @@@@@@@@@@@OF PAPYRI line 3431 @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@PREFACE @ @@@@@The primary purpose of this &3Checklist of Editions of Greek and &3Latin Papyri& is to provide for scholars and librarians a ready bibli-ography of all monographic volumes, both current and out%19of%19print, on papyrus, parchment, ostraca or wood tablets. Texts published in periodicals as journal articles are normally excluded, since they are regularly republished in successive volumes of &3Sammelbuch Griech-&3ischer Urkunden aus A+gypten&, the volumes of which are included; but groups of texts published in journals if furnished with full indices are classed as independent monographic publications and so are inclu-ded. Many volumes containing documentary texts publish literary and subliterary texts as well, and such volumes are of course included, together with volumes of the same series that are exclusively literary. But we have made no systematic attempt to include &3all exclusively literary and subliterary volumes, since these are fully catalogued in Roger A. Pack, &3The Greek and Latin Literary Texts &3from Greco%19Roman Egypt&, ed. 2 (Ann Arbor 1965), and in the forth-coming &3Catalogue des papyrus litte/raires grecs et latins& (Pack 3) by Paul Mertens. Similarly, Jewish and Christian literary and subliterary texts may be found in J. van Haelst, &3Catalogue des &3papyrus litte/raires juifs et chre/tiens& (Paris 1976). @ @@@@@A second objective of this &3Checklist& is to establish a standard list of abbreviations of papyrological volumes, as commissioned by a committee of the XIII International Congress of Papyrology meet-ing at Marburg in 1971. Brevity and clarity, not rigid consistency, have been the chief goals in choosing abbreviations, based on the following principles in order of priority: first, the site of the collection (e.g. &3P.Mich.&, &3O.Mich.&); second, the find%19site (&3P.Oxy.&, &3T.Vindol.&); third, in the case of an archive, the name of the person or group whose papers constitute the archive (&3P.Petaus&); if none of these is feasible, fourth, the owner of the collection (&3P.Mert.&) or honorand of a volume from various sources (&3P.Coll. &3Youtie&, &3P.Turner&); or finally, the editor (&3P.Meyer&). Exceptions have been allowed only in some cases of long%19sanctioned usage (e.g. &3BGU&, &3CPR&, &3UPZ&, &3Stud.Pal.&, &3SB&). The system of citation established by the &3Checklist& has been adopted by the American Society of Papyrologists as official for their publications and by a number of other scholarly journals. @ @@@@@The third function of the &3Checklist& is to provide a canon of the volumes containing documentary texts which have been entered in the Duke Data Bank of Documentary Papyri, in order that a com-plete corpus of all published Greek and Latin documentary papyri, ostraca and tablets in machine readable form may easily be accessed, searched and concordanced by computer. Each volume already entered in the Data Bank is starred with an asterisk. To date, 483 published volumes have been entered and are available on magnetic tape at cost from the Duke Data Bank; 375 were recorded on PHI CD ROM 6 issued by the Packard Humanities Institute, and the 483 volumes now entered are recorded on PHI CD ROM 7. @ @@@@While the primary focus of the Duke Data Bank is on entering all Greek texts as rapidly as possible, we have entered Latin as encountered in bilingual texts, in volumes containing both Greek and Latin texts (e.g. &3PSI& XIII), Latin volumes in predominantly Greek series (e.g. &3P.Mich.& VII), and some discrete indexed Latin volumes (e.g. &3T.Vindol.&). As the editors of &3Chartae Latinae Anti-&3quiores& intend to capture all existing Latin papyri written prior to A.D. 800, we have entered all new and revised documentary texts published thus far in volumes 1 through 46 down to A.D. 700, so as to be consistent with the inclusive dates observed by &3P.Ital. @ @@@@The present edition of the &3Checklist& (ed. C) has been revised by W.H. Willis and prepared for electronic publication on Packard Humanities Institute CD ROM 7, corrected as of 23 May 1995. Edition B, revised on 5 April 1991, is recorded on PHI CD ROM 6. Edition A, revised as of 8 September 1988, was recorded on PHI CD ROM 2. The latest printed edition is the Fourth, revised in August 1992 and published as &3BASP& Supplement No. 7 in 1992. Preceding it in printed form were the Third Edition, closed in November 1984 (&3BASP& Supple-ment No. 4, 1985); the Second Edition, closed on 30 June 1978 (&3BASP& Supplement No. 1, 1978); and the First Edition, published as as &3BASP& XI no. 1 (1974). For an account of the origin and devel-opment of the &3Checklist&, the reader is referred to the succession of Prefaces printed in the Third Edition, pp. vii%19xiii. @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@I. PAPYRI @ @@@*All documentary texts in volumes marked by an asterisk have @@@@been entered in the Duke Data Bank of Documentary Papyri and @@@@are available for search by computer. A parenthesized aster-@@@@isk indicates that all documentary volumes of a series have @@@@been entered or that an earlier edition has been replaced by @@@@a later one which has been entered. @ @(*)Actenstu+cke %6 &3Actenstu+cke aus der ko+niglichen Bank zu Theben in den &3Museen zu Berlin, London, Paris&, ed. U. Wilcken. Berlin 1887. Nos. 1%19`12. (&3AbhBerlin& 1886, Anhang, Abh.1; rp. in U. Wilcken, Berliner Akademie-schriften zur Alten Geschichte und Papyruskunde I [Leipzig 1970] 39%19`104). Republished in &3UPZ& *II 205%19`207, 214%19`215, 217%19`221, 226%19`228. [MF 1.10] (*)BGU %6 &3Aegyptische Urkunden aus den Ko+niglichen& (later &3Staatlichen&) &3Museen zu Berlin, Griechische Urkunden&. Berlin. @*I, 1895. Nos. 1%19`361. [MF 1.1; rp. CG] @*II, 1898. Nos. 362%19`696. [MF 1.2; rp. CG] @*III, 1903. Nos. 697%19`1012. [MF 1.3; rp. CG] @*IV, 1912. Nos. 1013%19`1209. [MF 1.4; rp. CG] @*V, &3Der Gnomon des Idios Logos&. Erster Teil: &3Der Text&, ed. W. Schubart. 1919. Zweiter Teil: &3Der Kommentar&, by W. Graf von Uxkull%19Gyllenband. 1934. No. 1210. [MF 1.5; rp. CG] @*VI, &3Papyri und Ostraka der Ptolema+erzeit&, ed. W. Schubart, E. Ku+hn. 1922. Nos. 1211%19`1303 are papyri. Nos. 1304%19`1499 are ostraca. [MF 1.6; rp.CG] @*VII, &3Papyri, Ostraka und Wachstafeln aus Philadelphia im Fayu=m&, ed. P. Viereck and F. Zucker. 1926. Nos. 1563%19`1689 are papyri; nos. 1500%19`1565, 1697%19`1729 are ostraca; nos. 1690%19`1696 wooden tablets. [MF 1.7; rp. CG] @*VIII, &3Spa+tptolema+ische Papyri aus amtlichen Bu+ros des Herakleopolites&, ed. W. Schubart and D. Scha+fer. 1933. Nos. 1730%19`1890. [MF 1.8; rp. CG] @*IX, &3Steuerlisten ro+mischer Zeit aus Theadelphia&, ed. H. Kortenbeutel. 1937. Nos. 1891%19`1900. [MF 1.9; rp. CG] @*X, &3Papyrusurkunden aus ptolema+ischer Zeit&, ed. W. Mu+ller. 1970. Nos. 1901%19`2011. [o.e. AV] @*XI, &3Urkunden ro+mischer Zeit&, ed. H. Maehler. Pt. I, 1966; Pt. II, 1968. Nos. 2012%19`2131. [o.e. BAM] @*XII,&3Papyri aus Hermupolis&, ed. H. Maehler. 1974. Nos. 2132%19`2210. [o.e. BAM] @*XIII, &3Greek Papyri from Roman Egypt&, ed. W.M. Brashear. 1976. Nos. 2211-2366. [o.e. BAM] @*XIV, &3Ptolema+ische Urkunden aus Mumienkartonage&, ed. W.M. Brashear. 1981. Nos. 2367%19`2450 are papyri; nos. 2451%19`2457 ostraca. [o.e. BAM] @*XV, &3Financial and Administrative Documents from Roman Egypt&, ed. C.A. Nelson. 1983. Nos. 2458%19`2557. [o.e. BAM] @BKT %6 &3Berliner Klassikertexte&. Berlin. @@I, &3Didymos, Kommentar zu Demosthenes (Papyrus 9780) nebst Wo+rterbuch zu &3Demosthenes' Aristocratea (Papyrus 5008)&, ed. H. Diels and W. Schubart. 1904. [MF 1.11] @@II, &3Anonymer Kommentar zu Platons Theaetet (Papyrus 9782) nebst drei &3Bruchstu+cken philosophischen Inhalts (Pap. N.8; P.9766. 9569)&, ed. H. Diels and W. Schubart. 1905. [MF 1.12] @@III, &3Griechische Papyri medizinischen und naturwissenschaftlichen &3Inhalts&, ed. K. Kalbfleisch and H. Scho+ne. 1905. [MF 1.13] @@IV, &3Hierokles ethische Elementarlehre (Papyrus 9780), nebst den bei &3Stoba+us erhaltenen ethischen Exzerpten aus Hierokles&, ed. H. von Arnim. 1906. [MF 1.14] @@V, &3Griechische Dichterfragmente:& Pt. I, &3Epische und elegische &3Fragmente&; Pt. II, &3Lyrische und dramatische Fragmente&, ed. W. Schubart and U. von Wilamowitz%19Moellendorff. 1907. [MF 1.15] @@VI, &3Altchristliche Texte&, ed. C. Schmidt, W. Schubart. 1910. [MF 1.16] @@VII, &3Rhetorische Papyri&, ed. K. Kunst. 1923. [MF 1.17] @@VIII, &3Berliner Septuagintafragmente&, ed. O. Stegmu+ller. 1939. [MF 1.18] (*)CPR %6 &3Corpus Papyrorum Raineri&. Vienna. @*I, &3Griechische Texte& I, &3Rechtsurkunden&, ed. C. Wessely. 1895. Nos. 1%19`247. [MF 1.85; rp. CG] @@II, &3Koptische Texte&, ed. J. Krall. 1895. Nos. 1%19`255. [MF 2.67] Many texts are reedited in &3CPR& IV; see concordance there p. xv. @*III, &3Series Arabica& I, Pt. 1, &3Allgemeine Einfu+hrung in die arabi-&3schen Papyri&; Pt. 2, &3Protokolle&, nos. 1%19`377, nos. 1%19`107 having Greek subscriptions; Pt. 3, &3Protokolle, Tafeln&, ed. A. Grohmann. 1924. @@IV, &3Die koptischen Rechtsurkunden der Papyrussammlung der Oester-&3reichischen Nationalbibliothek&, ed. W. Till. 1958. Nos. 1%19`212. [o.e. O+NB] @*V, &3Griechische Texte& II, ed. J.R. Rea and P.J. Sijpesteijn. 1976. Nos. 1%19`25 plus P.Vindob. G 39847 (No. 26). [o.e. O+NB] @*VI,1, &3Griechische Texte& III, Part 1, ed. H. Harrauer and S.M.E. van Lith. Nos. 1%19`71; separate fascicle of plates. 1978. [o.e. O+NB] @*VI,2, &3Griechische Texte& III, Part 2, ed. H. Harrauer. Nos. 72%19`85; separate fascicle of plates. 1985. [o.e. O+NB] @*VII, &3Griechische Texte& IV, ed. H. Zilliacus, J. Fro+se/n, P. Hohti, J. Kaimio, M. Kaimio. 1979. Nos. 1%19`60; separate fascicle of plates. [o.e. O+NB] @*VIII, &3Griechische Texte& V, ed. P.J. Sijpesteijn and K.A. Worp. 1983. Nos. 1%19`85; separate fascicle of plates. [o.e. O+NB] @*IX, &3Griechische Texte& VI, ed. Joh.M. Diethart. Part 1, 1984. Nos. 1%19`79; separate fascicle of plates. [o.e. O+NB] @*X, &3Griechische Texte& VII, ed. H. Harrauer et alii. 1986. Nos. 1%19`140; nos. 32%19`34 are ostraca; separate fascicle of plates. [o.e. O+NB] @@XI, not yet published. @@XII, &3Koptische Texte&, ed. Monika R.M. Hasitzka. 1987. Nos. 1%19`38; separate fascicle of plates. [o.e. O+NB] @*XIII, &3Griechische Texte& IX, ed. H. Harrauer. 1987. Nos. 1%19`31; sep-arate fascicle of plates. [o.e. O+NB] @*XIV, &3Griechische Texte& X, &3Greek Papyri of the Byzantine Period&, ed. G. Fantoni. 1989. Nos. 1%19`55; separate fascicle of plates. [o.e. O+NB] @*XV, &3Griechische Texte& XI, &3Papiri greci di Socnopaiu Nesos e dell' &3Arsinoites&, ed. G.M. Savorelli. 1990. Nos. 1%19`53; separate fascicle of plates. [o.e. O+NB] @@XVI, &3Arabische Briefe aus dem 7.%19`10. Jahrhundert&, ed. W. Diem. Nos. 1%19`35; separate fascicle of plates. 1993. [o.e. O+NB] @*XVIIA, &3Griechische Texte& XVIIA, &3Die Archive der Aurelii Adelphios &3und Asklepiades&, ed. K.A. Worp. 1991. Nos. 1%19`39 and App. a and b; separate fascicle of plates. [o.e. O+NB] @*XVIIB, &3Griechische Texte& XVIIB, &3Papyri aus Panopolis&, ed. P.J. Sijpesteijn. 1991. Nos. 1%19`47; separate fascicle of plates. [o.e. O+NB] @*XVIII, &3Das Vertragsregister von Theogenis (P.Vindob. G 40618)&, ed. B. Kramer. 1991. Nos. 1%19`34; separate fascicle of plates. [o.e. O+NB] *P.Aberd. %6 &3Catalogue of Greek and Latin Papyri and Ostraca in the &3Possession of the University of Aberdeen&, ed. E.G. Turner. Aberdeen 1939. (Aberdeen Univ. Studies 116). Nos. 1%19`2, 7%19`72, 104%19`197 are papyri; nos. 3%19`6, 73%19`103 are ostraca. [MF 2.104] *P.Abinn. %6 &3The Abinnaeus Archive: Papers of a Roman Officer in the &3Reign of Constantius II&, ed. H.I. Bell, V. Martin, E.G. Turner, D. van Berchem. Oxford 1962. Nos. 1%19`82. [Rp. CG]@@See also &3SB& X 10755 and XIV 11380. *P.Achm. %6 &3Les Papyrus grecs d'Achmi=m a\ la Bibliothe\que Nationale de &3Paris&, ed. P. Collart. Cairo 1930. (&3BIFAO& 31 [`1930] 33%19`111). Nos. 1%19`9. [MF 1.73] *P.Adl. %6 &3The Adler Papyri&, Greek texts ed. E.N. Adler, J.G. Tait, F.M. Heichelheim. Demotic Texts ed. F.Ll. Griffith. Oxford 1939. Greek nos. 1%19`21, Demotic nos. 1%19`30. [Rp. CG] *P.Alex. %6 &3Papyrus grecs du Muse/e Gre/co%19Romain d'Alexandrie&, ed. A. S/widerek and M. Vandoni. Warsaw 1964. (Polska Akademia Nauk. Zaklad Archeologii S/ro/dziemnomorskiej, Prace 2. Travaux du Centre d'Arche/-ologie Me/diterrane/enne de l'Acade/mie Polonaise des Sciences). Nos. 1%19`40 on pp.47%19`79; otherwise a catalogue of descriptions and other material relating to the Alexandria papyri. [o.p.] *P.Alex.Giss. %6 &3Papyri variae Alexandrinae et Gissenses&, ed. J. Schwartz. Brussels 1969. (Pap.Brux. VII). Texts reprinted as &3SB& X 10617%19`10653. Nos. 1%19`61. Nos. 62%19`73 are notes to other texts. [o.e. FERE] (*)P.Amh. %6 &3The Amherst Papyri, Being an Account of the Greek Papyri &3in the Collection of the Right Hon. Lord Amherst of Hackney, F.S.A. at &3Didlington Hall, Norfolk&, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. London. @@I, &3The Ascension of Isaiah and Other Theological Fragments&. 1900. Nos. 1%19`9. [MF 1.43; rp. CG] @*II, &3Classical Fragments and Documents of the Ptolemaic, Roman and &3Byzantine Periods&. 1901. Nos. 10%19`201. [MF 1.44; rp. CG] *P.Amst. I %6 &3Die Amsterdamer Papyri& I, ed. R.P. Salomons, P.J. Sijpe-steijn, K.A. Worp. Zutphen 1980. (Stud.Amst. XIV). Nos. 1%19`100. [o.e. TPC]@@Cf. also &3P.Gron.Amst. *P.Anag. %6 &3Corpus Papyrorum Anagennesis&, ed. F. Farid. Athens 1986. Revised texts originally published by various editors in the journal &3Anagennesis& vols. 1%19`3 (1981%19`1983). (*)P.Ant. %6 &3The Antinoopolis Papyri&. London. @*I, ed. C.H. Roberts. 1950. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco%19Roman Memoirs 28). Nos. 7%19`50. (For nos. 1%19`6 see III, Corpora, &3Shorthand &3Manuals&.) [o.e. EES] @*II, ed. J.W.B. Barns and H. Zilliacus. 1960. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco%19Roman Memoirs 37). Nos. 51%19`110. [o.e. EES] @*III, ed. J.W.B. Barns and H. Zilliacus. 1967. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco%19Roman Memoirs 47). Nos. 111%19`214. [o.e. EES] *P.Apoll. %6 &3Papyrus grecs d'Apollo=nos Ano=&, ed. R. Re/mondon. Cairo 1953. Nos. 1%19`105. (Documents de fouilles de l'Institut Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie Orientale du Caire 19). [MF 1.41]@@Nos. 106 and 107 %6 &3SB& XIV 11917%19`8; nos. 108%19`110 %6 &3SB& XVI 12428%19`12431. *P.Ashm. %6 "Greek Documents and Subscriptions," ed. J.W.B. Barns, in E.A.E. Reymond, &3Catalogue of Demotic Papyri in the Ashmolean &3Museum& I. Oxford 1973. Nos. 22%19`25 are Greek subscriptions of Demotic documents. Greek texts reprinted &3SB& XIV 11404%19`11413. A further text is published at &3SB& I 4369. *P.Athen. %6 &3Papyri Societatis Archaeologicae Atheniensis&, ed. G.A. Petropoulos. Athens 1939. $[1*PRAGMATEI=AI TH=S *)AKADHMI/AS *)AQHNW=N 10]1. Nos. 1%19`70. [MF 1.64; rp. CG]. Further texts published in $*)ANE/KDOTOI FILOLOGIKOI\ KAI\ I)DIWTIKOI\ PA/PUROI,& ed. M.G. Tsoukalas. Athens 1962. $[1*BIBLIOQH/KH TH=S E)N *)AQH/NAIS *FILEKPAIDEUTIKH=S *(ETAI-$REI/AS& 17). The documents are reprinted in &3SB& VIII 9860%19`9862. *P.Athen.Xyla %6 &3P.Sta.Xyla: The Byzantine Papyri of the Greek Papy%19 &3rological Society&, ed. B.G. Mandilaras. I, nos. 1%19`21. Athens 1993. [Greek Papyrological Society] *P.Aust.Herring %6 &3P.Trophitis: New Ptolemaic Papyri Relating to &3Egyptian Alimentary and Sale Contracts. Greek Abstracts from a Kibotos &3Archive Edited and Analyzed&, by R.G. Herring. Nos. 1%19`20. Diss. University of Texas, 1989. [UMI, 1992; order no. 9005594] *P.Babatha %6 &3The Documents from the Bar Kochba Period in the Cave &3of Letters: Greek Papyri&, ed. N. Lewis. Jerusalem 1989. This volume contains the Greek texts of the archive, nos. 5, 11%19`35 and 37, with their Aramaic and Nabataean subscriptions. A separate volume will publish the Aramaic and Nabataean texts of the archive; nos. 1%19`4, 6%19`10 and 36. [Israel Exploration Society] *P.Bacch. %6 "The Archives of the Temple of Soknobraisis at Bacchias," ed. E.H. Gilliam, in &3YCS& 10 (1947) 179%19`281. Nos. 1%19`25. Texts re-printed as &3SB& VI 9319%19`9339. See also &3P.Lund& IV. [MF 2.77] (*)P.Bad. %6 &3Vero+ffentlichungen aus den badischen Papyrus%19Sammlungen&. Heidelberg. Series continues with &3P.Heid.& I %6 N.F. II. @@I, &3Demotische Papyri&, ed. W. Spiegelberg. 1923. [MF 2.49] @*II, &3Griechische Papyri&, ed. F. Bilabel. 1923. Nos. 1%19`45. [MF 2.50] @@III, &3Ein koptisches Fragment u+ber die Begru+nder des Manicha+ismus&, ed. F. Bilabel. 1924. No. 46. [MF 2.51] @*IV, &3Griechische Papyri&, ed. F. Bilabel. 1924. Nos. 47%19`59, 70%19`97 are papyri, 98%19`110 ostraca, 60%19`65 and 111 tablets, 66%19`69 pots. [MF 2.52] @@V, &3Griechische, koptische und arabische Texte zur Religion und &3religio+sen Literatur in Aegyptens Spa+tzeit&, ed. F. Bilabel and A. Grohmann. 1934. Nos. 112%19`167. [MF 2.53] @*VI, &3Griechische Papyri&, ed. G.A. Gerhard. 1938. Nos. 168%19`180. [MF 2.54]. Numbering continued in &3P.Heid.& I %6 N.F. II. *P.Bal. %6 &3Bala'izah: Coptic Texts from Deir el Bala'izah in Upper &3Egypt&, ed. P.E. Kahle, 2 vols., London 1954. The following texts are Greek in whole or part: I 2 (parchment), 29; II 123, 130, 148, 180%19`82, 203%19`04, 286%19`89, 296%19`300, 308, 315, 345%19`46, 355%19`56, 361, 374%19`375, 381, 383, 386%19`394, 408 (papyri). *P.Bas. %6 &3Papyrusurkunden der O+ffentlichen Bibliothek der Univer-&3sita+t zu Basel:& Pt. I, &3Urkunden in griechischer Sprache&, ed. E. Rabel. Nos. 1%19`26. Pt. II, &3Ein koptischer Vertrag&, ed. W. Spiegelberg. Berlin 1917. (AbhGo+ttingen N.F. 16.3). [MF 1.86] *P.Batav. %6 &3Textes grecs, de/motiques et bilingues&, ed. E. Boswinkel and P.W. Pestman. Leiden 1978. (Pap.Lugd.Bat. XIX). Nos. 1%19`2, 26%19`28, 42%19`48 Demotic; 3, 5, 25, 29%19`32, 40%19`41 bilingual (Greek and Demotic); 4, 6%19`24, 33%19`39 Greek. Nos. 1%19`24 are papyri; 25%19`28 ostraca; 29%19`39 linen; 40%19`48 mummy labels. [o.e. EJB] @P.Beatty %6 &3Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri&, ed. F.G. Kenyon. London. [I%19VIII, MF 1.84] @@I, &3General Introduction&. 1933. [o.e. HF] @@II, &3The Gospels and Acts&. 1933. Pt. 2, Plates. 1934. [text o.e. HF] @@III, &3Pauline Epistles and Revelation&. 1934. Pt. 2, &3Plates of &3Revelation&. 1936. [o.e. HF] @@Suppl. &3Pauline Epistles&. 1936. Plates, 1937. [o.e. HF] @@IV, &3Genesis&. 1934. Pt. 2, &3Genesis (Pap. IV)& Plates. 1935. Pt. 3, &3Genesis (Pap. IV)& Plates. 1936. [o.e. HF]@@Republished together with V and commentary by A. Pietersma in Am.Stud.Pap. XVI (Toronto 1977). @@V, &3Numbers and Deuteronomy&. 1935. [o.e. HF]@@See IV above. @@VI, &3Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ecclesiasticus&. 1937. [o.e. HF] @@V and VI, Plates. 1958. [o.e. HF] @@VII, &3Ezekiel, Daniel, Esther&. 1937. Pt. 2, Plates. 1938. [o.e. HF] @@VIII, &3Enoch and Melito&. Plates, 1941. Texts published in &3The Last &3Chapters of Enoch in Greek&, ed. C. Bonner with the collaboration of H.C. Youtie. London 1937. (Studies and Documents VIII). [plates o.e. HF] *P.Berl.Bibl. %6 &3Frammenti di papiri greci asservati nella Reale &3Biblioteca di Berlino&, ed. G. Parthey. 1865 (Memorie dell'Istituto di Correspondenza Archeologica 2 [`1865] 438%19`462). Cf. &3SB& II p.114. *P.Berl.Bork. %6 &3Une description topographique des immeubles a\ Panopolis&, ed. Z. Borkowski. Warsaw 1975. [o.e. AP] *P.Berl.Brash. %6 &3Select Papyri from West%19Berlin&, ed. W.M. Brashear. Diss. University of Michigan, 1973. [UMI, order no. 73%19`24,529]@@Of the 19 texts all are reedited in &3BGU& XIII or XIV or as &3SB& XIV 11855 and 11856. No. 2 is again reedited as &3P.Gen.& II 103, no. 8 as &3C.Pap.Gr. II 43. There is a concordance at &3SB& XIV 11855. *P.Berl.Frisk %6 &3Bankakten aus dem Faiju=m nebst anderen Berliner Papyri&, ed. H. Frisk. Gothenburg 1931. (Go+teborgs kungl. Vetenskaps%19 och Vitterhets%19Samha+lles Handlingar, Femte Fo+ljden, Ser. A,2,2). Nos. 1%19`6. Texts reprinted as &3SB& V 7515%19`7520. [MF 2.34; rp. CG] (*)P.Berl.Leihg. %6 &3Berliner Leihgabe griechischer Papyri&. @*I, ed. T. Kale/n and the Greek Seminar at Uppsala. Uppsala 1932. (Uppsala Universitets A%147rsskrift 1932, Filosofi, Spra%147kvetenskap och Historiska Vetenskaper 1). Nos. 1%19`25. [MF 1.61] @*II, aus dem Nachlass T. Kale/ns ed. A. Tomsin. Uppsala 1977. (Studia Graeca Upsaliensia XII). Nos. 26%19`46. [o.e. AW] *P.Berl.Mo+ller %6 &3Griechische Papyri aus dem Berliner Museum&, ed. S. Mo+ller. Gothenburg 1929. Nos. 1%19`13. Texts reprinted as &3SB& IV 7338%19`7350. [MF 2.87] *P.Berl.Sarisch. %6 &3Berliner griechische Papyri, Christliche literari%19 &3sche Texte und Urkunden aus dem 3. bis 8. Jh.n.Chr.& ed. P. Sarischouli. Wiesbaden 1995. (Serta Graeca 3). Nos. 1%19`23. [o.e. L. Reichert Verlag] (*)P.Berl.Schmidt %6 &3Die griechischen Papyrusurkunden der Ko+niglichen &3Bibliothek zu Berlin&, ed. W.A. Schmidt. Berlin 1842. (Forschungen auf dem Gebiete des Altertums 1). Nos. 1%19`2. Texts reprinted *&3SB& I 4503%19`4504. (*)P.Berl.Thun. %6 &3Sitologen%19Papyri aus dem Berliner Museum&, ed. K. Thunell. Uppsala 1924. Texts reprinted as &3SB& III 7193%19`7196 and as *&3P.Berl.Leihg.& I 1%19`4. [MF 2.106; rp.CG] *P.Berl.Zill. %6 &3Vierzehn Berliner griechische Papyri&, ed. H. Zilliacus. Helsingfors 1941. (Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Commentationes Human-arum Litterarum XI,4). Nos. 1%19`14. [MF 1.32] @P.Bodm. %6 &3Papyrus Bodmer&, publications of Bibliotheca Bodmeriana, Cologny%19Ge/ne\ve (unless otherwise stated), as follows: @@I, &3Iliade, chants 5 et 6&, ed. V. Martin. 1954. [o.p.] @@II, &3E/vangile de Jean (chaps. 1%19`14)&, ed. V. Martin. 1956. With sup-plement, chaps. 14%19`21, ed. V. Martin. 1958. New edition, ed. V. Martin and J.W.B. Barns. 1962. With photographic reproduction of complete text of chaps. 1%19`21. [new ed. o.e. BB] @@III, &3E/vangile de Jean et Gene\se I%19IV, 2 en bohai+rique&, ed. R. Kasser. Louvain 1958. (Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, vols. 177, 178 %6 Scriptores Coptici, vols. 25, 26). @@IV, &3Me/nandre: Le Dyscolos&, ed. V. Martin. 1958. [o.p.] @@V, &3Nativite/ de Marie&, ed. M. Testuz. 1958. [o.p.] @@VI, &3Livre des Proverbes& (Coptic), ed. R. Kasser. Louvain 1960. (Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, vols. 194, 195 %6 Scriptores Coptici, vols. 27, 28). @@VII%19IX, &3L'e/pi=tre de Jude, les deux e/pi=tres de Pierre, les &3Psaumes 33 et 34&, ed. M. Testuz. 1959. [o.p.] @@X%19XII: X, &3Correspondance apocryphe des Corinthiens et de l'apo=tre &3Paul&; XI, &3Onzie\me Ode de Salomon&; XII, &3Fragment d'un hymne liturgique&, ed. M. Testuz. 1959. [o.p.] @@XIII, &3Home/lie sur la Pa=que par Me/liton de Sardes&, ed. M. Testuz. 1960. [o.p.] @@XIV%19XV, &3E/vangile de Luc chap. 3%19`24, E/vangile de Jean chap. 1%19`15&, ed. V. Martin and R. Kasser. 1961. [o.e. BB] @@XVI, &3Exode I%19XV, 21 en sahidique&, ed. R. Kasser. 1961. [o.p.] @@XVII, &3Actes des Apo=tres, E/pi=tres de Jacques, Pierre, Jean et Jude&, ed. R. Kasser. 1961. [o.p.] @@XVIII, &3Deute/ronome I%19X, 7 en sahidique&, ed. R. Kasser. 1962. [o.p.] @@XIX, &3E/vangile de Matthieu XIV, 28%19XXVIII, 20; E/pi=tre aux Romains &3I,1%19II,3 en sahidique&, ed. R. Kasser. 1962. [o.e. BB] @@XX, &3Apologie de Phile/as, e/ve=que de Thmouis&, ed. V. Martin. 1964. [o.e. BB] @@XXI, &3Josue/ VI,16%19`25, VII,6%19XI,23, XXII,1%19`2, 19%19XXIII,7, 15%19XXIV,23 &3en sahidique&, ed. R. Kasser. 1963. [o.e. BB] @@XXII, &3Je/re/mie XL,3%19LII,34; Lamentations; E/pi=tre de Je/re/mie; Baruch I, &3`1%19V,5 en sahidique& (includes Mississippi Coptic Codex II), ed. R. Kasser. 1964. [o.e. BB] @@XXIII, &3Esai+e, XLVII,1%19LXVI,24 en sahidique&, ed. R. Kasser. 1965. [o.e. BB] @@XXIV, &3Psaumes XVII%19CXVIII&, ed. R. Kasser and M. Testuz. 1967. [o.e. BB] @@XXV, &3Me/nandre: La Samienne&, ed. R. Kasser with the collaboration of C. Austin. 1969. [o.e. BB] @@XXVI, &3Me/nandre: Le Bouclier&, ed. R. Kasser with the collaboration of C. Austin. 1969. [with XXV]. @@XXVII, "Il papiro di Tucidide della Bibliotheca Bodmeriana (P.Bodmer XXVII)," ed. A. Carlini, &3MusHelv& 32 (1975) 33%19`40. @@XXVIII, "Papyrus Bodmer XXVIII: A Satyr%19Play on the Confrontation of Heracles and Atlas," ed. E.G. Turner, &3MusHelv& 33 (1976) 1%19`23. @@XXIX, &3Vision de Dorothe/os&, ed. A. Hurst, O. Reverdin, J. Rudhardt, with an appendix by R. Kasser and G. Cavallo describing and dating the "Codex des Visions." 1984. [o.e. BB] @@XXXVIII, &3Erma: Il Pastore (Ia%19IIIa visione)&, ed. A. Carlini with collaboration of L. Giaccone, and with an appendix by R. Kasser, G. Cavallo and J. van Haelst, "Nouvelle description du Codex des Visions." 1991. [o.e. BB] @@XLV and XLVI, "Susanna e la prima visione di Daniele in due papiri inediti della Bibliotheca Bodmeriana: P.Bodm. XLV et P.Bodm. XLVI," ed. A. Carlini and A. Citi, &3MusHelv& 38 (1981) 81%19`120. @@XLVIII, "Papyrus Bodmer 48 (Iliade 1.45%19`58)," ed. A. Hurst, &3MusHelv& 47 (1990) 30%19`33. @@XLIX, "Papyrus Bodmer 49 (Odysse/e 9.455%19`488 et 526%19`556; 10.188-215)," ed. A. Hurst, &3MusHelv& 43 (1986) 221%19`230. @@L, "Papyrus Bodmer L. Das neutestamentliche Papyrusfragment P73 %6 Mt. 25,43%3`26,2%19`3," ed. C.P. Thiede, &3MusHelv& 47 (1990) 35%19`40. *P.Bon. %6 &3Papyri Bononienses&, ed. O. Montevecchi. Milan 1953. (Pubblicazioni dell'Universita\ Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, N.S. 42). Nos. 1%19`49; no. 50 contains a mummy ticket and a parchment. [o.e. VP] *P.Bour. %6 &3Les Papyrus Bouriant&, ed. P. Collart. Paris 1926. Nos. 1%19`63. [MF 1.87] *P.Brem. %6 &3Die Bremer Papyri&, ed. U. Wilcken. Berlin 1936. (&3AbhBerlin 1936,2). Nos. 1%19`83 Greek; no. 84 Coptic. Rp. in U. Wilcken, Berliner Akademieschriften zur alten Geschichte und Papyruskunde II, pp.193-368. Leipzig 1970. [MF 1.83] *P.Brook. %6 &3Greek and Latin Papyri, Ostraca, and Wooden Tablets in &3the Collection of the Brooklyn Museum&, ed. J.C. Shelton. Florence 1992. (Pap.Flor. XXII). Nos. 1%19`26 and 88%19`91 are papyri, 27%19`31 tablets, 32%19`87 ostraca, 92%19`115 descriptions of papyri, 116%19`184 descriptions of ostraca. Nos. 24, 100 and 101 are Latin, 20 is bilingual. [o.e. LGF] *P.Brux. %6 &3Papyri Bruxellenses Graecae& I, ed. G. Nachtergael. Brussels 1974. Nos. 1%19`21. Nos.1%19`18 are a republication of &3P.Brux.inv.& E 7616. See Pap.Lugd.Bat. V. [o.e. FERE] There are also Brussels texts at &3SB& I 4325; V 8025, 8027, 8035 a%19c, 8263%19`64; VI 8982%19`85, 9051, 9161, 9163, 9199, 9206%19`10, 9216, 9360; VIII 10163; X 10274, 10556%19`57. @@@II, &3Le poe\me e/le/giaque helle/nistique P.Brux. inv. E 8934 et P.Sorb. &3inv. 2254. E/dition, commentaire at analyse stylistique&, ed. M. Huys. 1991. No. 22. [o.e. FERE] @P.Bub. %6 &3Die verkohlten Papyri aus Bubastos&, Papyrologica Coloniensia vol. XV, 1990%19. Opladen. @*I, Rolls 1 %19 4, ed. J. Fro+se/n and D. Hagedorn. 1990. (Pap.Colon. XV, Bd. 1). [o.e. WDV] @P.Cair.Cat. %6 &3Greek Papyri, Catalogue ge/ne/ral des antiquite/s e/gyptiennes &3du Muse/e du Caire&, Nos. 10001%19`10869, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. Oxford 1903. Not a publication of papyri, but a list and short descrip-tion of papyri in the Cairo Museum. Texts are given only for nos. 10696, 10735 and 10736, all nondocumentary. [MF 2.30; rp. AMH] *P.Cair.Goodsp. %6 &3Greek Papyri from the Cairo Museum&, ed. E.J. Goodspeed. Chicago 1902. (University of Chicago, Decennial Publications, from vol. V). Includes twelve papyri from the collection of the Rev. J.R. Alexander (now in the collection of Westminster College) and three of Goodspeed's; all are numbered consecutively. Nos. 1%19`30. [MF 2.27; rp. CG]@@See also &3P.Chic.& and &3P.Kar.Goodsp.& For the Goodspeed collection of papyri see &3ZPE& 16 (1975) 27%19`32. *P.Cair.Isid. %6 &3The Archive of Aurelius Isidorus in the Egyptian Museum, &3Cairo, and the University of Michigan&, ed. A.E.R. Boak and H.C. Youtie. Ann Arbor 1960. Nos. 1%19`146. [MF 1.28] (*)P.Cair.Masp. %6 &3Papyrus grecs d'e/poque byzantine, Catalogue ge/ne/ral &3des antiquite/s e/gyptiennes du Muse/e du Caire&, ed. J. Maspero. Cairo. @*I, (Cat. Vol. 51), 1911. Nos. 67001%19`67124. [MF 1.38; rp. OZ%3CG] @*II, (Cat. Vol. 54), 1913. Nos. 67125%19`67278. An expanded and cor-rected text of no. 67140 is republished in vol. III pp.1%19`2; the subsequently discovered first part of no. 67169 is published as no. 67169bis in vol. III pp.2%19`6. [MF 1.39; rp. OZ%3CG] @*III, (Cat. Vol. 73), 1916. Nos. 67279%19`67359. [MF 1.40; rp. OZ%3CG] *P.Cair.Mich. %6 &3A Tax List from Karanis (P.Cair.Mich. 359)&. Part I, &3The &3Text&, ed. H. Riad and J.C. Shelton; Part II, &3Commentary and Indexes&, J.C. Shelton. Bonn 1976%19`1977. (Pap.Texte Abh. XVII, 18). [o.e. RH] *P.Cair.Preis. %6 &3Griechische Urkunden des Aegyptischen Museums zu Kairo&, ed. F. Preisigke. Strassburg 1911. (Schriften d. Wiss. Gesellschaft zu Strassburg 8). Nos. 1%19`48. [MF 2.68] (*)P.Cair.Zen. %6 &3Zenon Papyri, Catalogue ge/ne/ral des antiquite/s e/gyp-&3tiennes du Muse/e du Caire&, ed. C.C. Edgar. Cairo. @*I, (Cat. Vol. 79), 1925. Nos. 59001%19`59139. [MF 1.46; rp. GO] @*II, (Cat. Vol. 82), 1926. Nos. 59140%19`59297. [MF 1.47; rp. GO] @*III, (Cat. Vol. 85), 1928. Nos. 59298%19`59531. [MF 1.48; rp. GO] @*IV, (Cat. Vol. 90), 1931. Nos. 59532%19`59800. [MF 1.49; rp. GO] @*V, ed. from Edgar's notes posthumously by O. Gue/raud and P. Jouguet. 1940. Nos. 59801%19`59853. (Publ.Soc.Fouad V). [MF 1.50; rp. GO] *P.Charite %6 &3Das Aurelia Charite Archiv&, ed. K.A. Worp. Zutphen 1980. (Stud.Amst. XII). Nos. 1%19`41. [o.e. TPC] @P.Chic. %6 &3Chicago Literary Papyri&, ed. E.J. Goodspeed. Chicago 1908. Nos. 1%19`7. [MF 2.107]@@See also &3P.Kar.Goodsp. (*)P.Col. %6 &3Columbia Papyri&. @*I, &3Upon Slavery in Ptolemaic Egypt& (P.Col.inv. 480), by W.L. Westermann. New York 1929. [Rp. CG] @*II, &3Tax Lists and Transportation Receipts from Theadelphia&, ed. W.L. Westermann and C.W. Keyes. New York 1932. No. 1 recto. [Rp. CG] @*III, &3Zenon Papyri: Business Papers of the Third Century B.C. dealing &3with Palestine and Egypt&, vol. I, ed. W.L. Westermann and E.S. Hasen-oehrl. New York 1934. Nos. 2%19`59. [Rp. CG] @*IV (&3P.Col.Zen.& II), ed. W.L. Westermann, C.W. Keyes, and H. Liebesny. New York 1940. Nos. 60%19`122. [Rp. CG] @*V, &3Tax Documents from Theadelphia&, ed. J. Day and C.W. Keyes. New York 1956. No. 1 verso. [o.e. WHA; rp. CG] (*)VI, &3Apokrimata; Decisions of Septimius Severus on Legal Matters&, ed. W.L. Westermann and A.A. Schiller. New York 1954. No. 123. Not actually part of &3Columbia Papyri&, Greek Series, but later treated as Vol. VI. *Improved text ed. H.C. Youtie and A.A. Schiller in &3Cd'E& 30 (1955) 327%19`345, reprinted as &3SB& VI 9526. [Rp. CG] @*VII, &3Fourth Century Documents from Karanis&, ed. R.S. Bagnall and N. Lewis. Missoula 1979. (Am.Stud.Pap. XX). Nos. 124%19`191. [o.e. SP] @*VIII, &3Columbia Papyri VIII&, ed. R.S. Bagnall, T.T. Renner and K.A. Worp. Atlanta 1990. (Am.Stud.Pap. XXVIII). Nos. 192%19`246. [o.e. SP] *P.Col.Teeter %6 &3Ten Christian Papyri in the Columbia Collection&, ed. T.M. Teeter. Nos. 1%19`10. Diss. Columbia University, 1989. [UMI, 1992; order no. 9005914] *P.Coll.Youtie %6 &3Collectanea Papyrologica: Texts Published in Honor &3of H.C. Youtie&, ed. A.E. Hanson. Bonn 1976. (Pap.Texte Abh. XIX,XX). I, nos. 1%19`65; II, nos. 66%19`121; no. 96 wooden tablet, nos. 97%19`120 mummy labels, nos. 121%19`126 ostraca. [o.e. RH] *P.Congr.XV %6 &3Actes du XVe Congre\s International de Papyrologie (ed. J. Bingen and G. Nachtergael) II, &3Papyrus ine/dits&. Brussels 1979. (Pap.Brux. XVII). Nos. 1%19`22 Greek, no. 23 Coptic. [o.e. FERE] *P.Corn. %6 &3Greek Papyri in the Library of Cornell University&, ed. W.L. Westermann and C.J. Kraemer, Jr. New York 1926. Nos. 1%19`55. [Rp. CG] *P.Customs %6 &3Customs Duties in Graeco%19Roman Egypt&, by P.J. Sijpesteijn. Zutphen 1987. (Stud.Amst. XVII). Within a monographic study of customs, 109 new texts and 19 republished texts are catalogued in List I (pp. 102%19`143) among a chronological list of 919 customs transactions; the numbers denote not individual papyri but separate transactions attested, as many as 152 assigned to a single papyrus text (e.g. 733%19`884). The new and republished texts are edited in "Notes to List I" (pp.144%19`189) and fully indexed (pp.217%19`229). Republished are &3P.Stras.& II 123, &3SB& XII 10789, &3Stud.Pal.& XXII 63.2%19`7,9%19`12,14 and 64.3%19`4,6%19`8,10. Five additional texts (formerly &3P.Lond.& descripta) are edited in "Addenda et Corrigenda" pp.1%19`6, to be renumbered as 428a%19d and 596a. Plates of new texts in pocket. [o.e. TPC] *P.David %6 &3Antidoron Martino David oblatum, Miscellanea Papyrologica&, ed. E. Boswinkel, B.A. van Groningen, P.W. Pestman. Leiden 1968. (Pap.Lugd.Bat. XVII). Nos. 12 and 15 Demotic; 1, 3, 4, 7, 10, 14, 16 and 17 Greek papyrus documents, 5 and 18 literary; 6 two ostraca. Greek documents reprinted &3SB& X 10281%19`10287. [o.e. EJB] *P.Diog. %6 &3Les Archives de Marcus Lucretius Diogenes et textes &3apparente/s&, ed. P. Schubert. Bonn 1990. (Pap.Texte Abh. XXXIX). Nos. 1%19`68; nos. 1, 10%19`11 are Latin, the remainder Greek. [o.e. RH] *P.Dion. %6 &3Les archives prive/es de Dionysios, fils de Kephalas&, ed. E. Boswinkel and P.W. Pestman. Leiden 1982; with a separate fascicle of plates. (Pap.Lugd.Bat. XXII). Nos. 1%19`8 Demotic, nos. 9%19`41 and appendix A%19B Greek. [o.e. EJB] *P.Dubl. %6 &3Greek Papyri from Dublin&, ed. B.C. McGing. Bonn 1995. (Pap. Texte Abh. XLII). Nos. 1%19`34 and pl. 1%19`25. [o.e. RH] *P.Dura %6 &3The Excavations at Dura%19Europos conducted by Yale University &3and the French Academy of Inscriptions and Letters&, Final Report V, Part I, &3The Parchments and Papyri&, ed. C.B. Welles, R.O. Fink, and J.F Gilliam. New Haven 1959. Nos. 1%19`155 (nos. 1%19`11 are literary or subliterary. Nos. 3, 10%19`24, 28, 33, 35%19`38, 47%19`50, 109%19`112, 119, 149, 152%19`154 are parchment; no. 53 is a waxed tablet and no. 131 is leather. Greek, nos. 1%19`10, 12%19`25, 29, 31%19`53, 123, 126%19`127, 129, 132, 137, 140%19`141, 144, 146%19`150; Latin, nos. 54, 56%19`65, 67%19`122, 124%19`125, 130%19`131, 133%19`136, 138, 142%19`143, 145; Greek and Latin, nos. 26, 30, 55, 66, 128, 139; Greek and Aramaic, no. 27; Greek and Syriac, no. 28; Hebrew, no. 11; Aramaic, nos. 151, 152; Parthian, no. 153; Persian, nos. 154, 155. [MF 1.62] (*)P.Edfou %6 papyri published in &3Fouilles Franco%19Polonaises& I%19III, a series issued by the Institut Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie Orientale du Caire and the University of Warsaw. [MF 1.63] @*I, &3Tell Edfou 1937&, by B. Bruye\re, J. Manteuffel, K. Michalowski, J. Sainte Fare Garnot. Cairo 1937. Chap. V, pp.141%19`191, includes papyri I%19IV; for ostraca nos. 1%19`230 see &3O.Edfou& I. @*II, &3Tell Edfou 1938&, by K. Michalowski, J. de Linage, J. Manteuffel, J. Sainte Fare Garnot. Cairo 1938. Chap. III, pp.138%19`166, includes papyri V%19VII; for ostraca nos. 231%19`325 see &3O.Edfou& II. @*III, &3Tell Edfou 1939&, by K. Michalowski, Ch. Desroches, J. de Linage, J. Manteuffel, M. Zejmo%19Zejmis. Cairo 1950. Chap. V, pp.331%19`372, includes papyrus VIII; for ostraca nos. 326%19`483 see &3O.Edfou& III. (*)Papyrus IX ed. R. Re/mondon, "Soldats de Byzance d'apre\s un papyrus trouve/ a\ Edfou," in &3RechPap& 1 (1961) 41%19`93. *Text reprinted &3SB& VI 9613. (*)P.Edg. %6 "Selected Papyri from the Archives of Zenon," ed. C.C. Edgar, in &3Annales du Service des Antiquite/s de l'E/gypte.& Cairo. [MF 2.29] @@Nos. 1%19`10, &3Ann.& 18 (1918) 159%19`182. @@Nos. 11%19`21, &3Ann.& 18 (1918) 225%19`244. @@Nos. 22%19`36, &3Ann.& 19 (1919) 13%19`36. @@Nos. 37%19`48, &3Ann.& 19 (1920) 81%19`104. @@Nos. 49%19`54, &3Ann.& 20 (1920) 19%19`40. @@Nos. 55%19`64, &3Ann.& 20 (1920) 181%19`206. @@Nos. 65%19`66, &3Ann.& 21 (1921) 89%19`109. @@Nos. 67%19`72, &3Ann.& 22 (1922) 209%19`231. @@Nos. 73%19`76, &3Ann.& 23 (1923) 73%19`98. @@Nos. 77%19`88, &3Ann.& 23 (1923) 187%19`209. @@Nos. 89%19`111, &3Ann.& 24 (1924) 17%19`52. @@Texts reprinted as *&3SB& III 6707%19`6794, 6804%19`6820, 6989%19`6994 and in *&3P.Cair.Zen. @P.Egerton %6 &3Fragments of an Unknown Gospel and Other Early &3Christian Papyri&, ed. H.I. Bell and T.C. Skeat. London 1935. @P.Egger %6 a papyrus published by Egger in &3Bulletin de la &3Socie/te/ des antiquaires de France&, Paris 1862, pp.123ff. See &3SB& II p.58 which indicates republication in &3UPZ&; it does not, however, appear there. *P.Eleph. %6 &3Aegyptische Urkunden aus den ko+niglichen Museen in Berlin: &3Griechische Urkunden,& Sonderheft. &3Elephantine%19Papyri&, ed. O. Rubensohn. Berlin 1907. Nos. 1%19`32 and 3 fragments. [MF 2.81; rp. CG] *P.Enteux. %6 $*)ENTEU/CEIS&3: Reque=tes et plaintes addresse/es au Roi d'E/gypte &3au IIIe sie\cle avant J.%19C.&, ed. O. Gue/raud. Cairo 1931. (Publ.Soc. Fouad I). Nos. 1%19`113 and appendix of 4 texts. [MF 1.52] *P.Erasm. I %6 &3Papyri in the Collection of the Erasmus University &3(Rotterdam)&, ed. P.J. Sijpesteijn and Ph.A. Verdult. Brussels 1986. (Pap.Brux. XXI). Nos. 1%19`22. [o.e. FERE] @@II %6 &3P.Erasmianae II, Parts of the Archive of an Arsinoite Sito-&3logus from the Middle of the Second Century BC&, ed. Ph.A. Verdult. Amsterdam 1991. (Stud.Amst. XXXII). Nos. 23%19`58. [o.e. JCG]. Rev. ed. of *&3P.Erasmianae II, Delen van een arsinoitisch sitologen%19archief uit &3het midden van de tweede eeuw v. Chr.&, ed. Ph.A. Verdult. Rotterdam 1988. (Mededelingen van het Juridisch Instituut van de Erasmus Uni-versiteit Rotterdam, nr. 45). Nos. 23%19`58, and one unnumbered text &3P.Abcoude& (51a, pp.241%19`242) also reprinted as &3SB& XIV 11962. *P.Erl. %6 &3Die Papyri der Universita+tsbibliothek Erlangen&, ed. W. Schu-bart. Leipzig 1942. (Katalog der Handschriften der Universita+tsbiblio-thek Erlangen, Neubearbeitung, Band III, Teil I). Nos. 1%19`149. [o.p.] *P.Fam.Tebt. %6 &3A Family Archive from Tebtunis&, ed. B.A. van Groningen. Leiden 1950. (Pap.Lugd.Bat. VI). Nos. 1%19`55. [MF 2.60] *P.Fay. %6 &3Fayu=m Towns and their Papyri&, ed. B.P. Grenfell, A.S. Hunt and D.G. Hogarth. London 1900. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco%19Roman Mem-oirs 3). Nos. 1%19`366 papyri, ostraca (numbered separately) 1%19`50. [o.e. EES] (*)P.Flor. %6 &3Papiri greco%19egizii, Papiri Fiorentini& (Supplementi Filolo-gico Storici ai &3Monumenti Antichi&). Milan. [Rp. BdE] @*I, &3Documenti pubblici e privati dell'eta\ romana e bizantina&, ed. G. Vitelli. 1906. Nos. 1%19`105. @*II, &3Papiri letterari ed epistolari&, ed. D. Comparetti. 1908%19`1911. Nos. 106%19`278. @*III, &3Documenti e testi letterarii dell'eta\ romana e bizantina&, ed. G. Vitelli. 1915. Nos. 279%19`391. @P.Forshall %6 &3Description of the Greek Papyri in the British Museum&, by J. Forshall. London 1839. Nos. 1%19`41. Mostly reprinted in &3P.Lond.& I (see &3SB& II pp.84%19`85) and &3UPZ&. *P.Fouad %6 &3Les Papyrus Fouad I&, ed. A. Bataille, O. Gue/raud, P. Jouguet, N. Lewis, H. Marrou, J. Scherer and W.G. Waddell. Cairo 1939. (Publ.Soc. Fouad III). Nos. 1%19`89; 45 is Latin. [MF 2.91] *P.Frankf. %6 &3Griechische Papyri aus dem Besitz des Rechtswissen%19 &3schaftlichen Seminars der Universita+t Frankfurt&, ed. H. Lewald. Heidelberg 1920. (&3SBHeidelberg& 1920, Abh. 14). Nos. 1%19`7. An additional text at &3SB& XIV 12093. [MF 1.25] (*)P.Freer %6 &3Greek and Coptic Papyri in the Freer Gallery of Art&, ed. L.S.B. MacCoull. Diss. Catholic University of America, 1973. [UMI, order no. 73%19`19,867]. Nos. 1%19`6 Greek, nos. 7%19`10 Coptic. *Nos. 1%19`2 are reedited by J. Gascou and L. MacCoull in "Le cadastre d'Aphrodito=," &3Travaux et Me/moires& 10 (1987) pp.103%19`158 with 10 plates; *nos. 3%19`4 are reedited by J. Gascou as "La table budge/taire d'Antaeopolis (&3P.Freer &3`08.45 c%19d&)" in &3Re/alite/s byzantines: hommes et richesses dans l'Empire &3byzantin&, I (Paris 1989) pp.279%19`313 with 4 plates. (*)P.Freib. %6 &3Mitteilungen aus der Freiburger Papyrussammlung&. @*I, &3Literarische Stu+cke&, ed. W. Aly. &3Ptolema+ische Kleruchenurkunde&, ed. M. Gelzer. Heidelberg 1914. (&3SBHeidelberg& 1914, Abh. 2). Nos. 1%19`7. No. 7 reprinted as &3SB& I 5942. [MF 1.80; rp. CG] @*II, &3Juristische Texte der ro+mischen Zeit&, ed. J. Partsch. Heidel-berg 1916. (&3SBHeidelberg& 1916, Abh.10). Nos. 8%19`11. Texts reprinted as &3SB& III 6291%19`6294. [MF 1.81; rp. CG] @*III, &3Juristische Urkunden der Ptolema+erzeit&, ed. J. Partsch. Heidel-berg 1927. (&3AbhHeidelberg& 1927, Abh. 7). Nos. 12%19`38. [MF 1.82; rp. CG] @(*)Nos. 39%19`44 are listed in &3P.Freib.& IV as follows: 39 %6 &3SB& V 7600; 40%19`41 %6 &3SB& III 6094%19`6095; 42 %6 &3SB& IV 7351; 43 %6 &3SB& VI 9562; 44 %6 &3P.Customs& 266. @*IV, &3Griechische und demotische Papyri der Universita+tsbibliothek &3Freiburg&, ed. R.W. Daniel, M. Gronewald, H.J. Thissen. Bonn 1986. (Pap.Texte Abh. XXXVIII). Nos. 45%19`71 Greek; nos. 72%19`75 Demotic. [o.e. RH] *P.Fuad I Univ. (or P.Fuad Crawford) %6 &3Fuad I University Papyri&, ed. D.S. Crawford. Alexandria 1949. (Publ.Soc.Fuad VIII). Nos. 1%19`43. [MF 2.95]. Cf. &3P.Grad. (*)P.Gen. %6 &3Les Papyrus de Gene\ve&. @*I, ed. J. Nicole. Geneva 1896%19`1906. Nos. 1%19`81. [MF 2.47; rp. AMH 1967]. Outside this numeration, Nicole published other papyri in (*)&3Textes grecs ine/dits de la Collection papyrologique de Ge/ne\ve (Geneva 1909), nos. I%19VI; the documentary texts IV and V are reprinted as *&3SB& I 15%19`17 (15 republished with additions as *&3BGU& XIII 2216) and I 1, respectively. @*II, ed. Cl. Wehrli. Geneva 1986. Nos. 82%19`117. [o.e. Bibl.Pub.Univ.] @@III, ed. P. Schubert. Geneva 1996. Nos. 118%19`146. [o.e. Bibl.Pub.Univ.] *P.Genova I %6 &3Papiri dell'Universita\ di Genova& I, ed. M. Amelotti and L. Zingale Migliardi (&3sic&). Milan 1974. Nos. 1%19`50. (Univ. di Genova, Fondazione Nobile Agostino Poggi 10). [o.e. AG] @*II, ed. L. Migliardi Zingale. Florence 1980. (Pap.Flor. VI). Nos. 51%19`85 papyri; nos. 86%19`90 ostraca. [o.e. LG] @*III, ed. L. Migliardi Zingale. Florence 1991. (Pap.Flor. XX). Nos. 91%19`130. [o.e. LG] *P.Giss. %6 &3Griechische Papyri im Museum des oberhessischen Geschichts%19 &3vereins zu Giessen&, ed. O. Eger, E. Kornemann and P.M. Meyer. Leipzig-Berlin 1910%19`1912. Pt. I, nos. 1%19`35 (1910); Pt. II, nos. 36%19`57 (1910); Pt. III, nos. 58%19`126 (1912). [Rp. CG] P.Giss.Lit. %6 &3Die Giessener literarischen Papyri und die Caracalla-&3Erlasse&, ed. P.A. Kuhlmann. Giessen 1994. (Berichte und Arbeiten aus der Universita%26tsbibliothek und dem Universita%26tsarchiv Giessen, 46). [o.e. Universita+tsbibliothek Giessen] (*)P.Giss.Univ. %6 &3Mitteilungen aus der Papyrussammlung der Giessener &3Universita+tsbibliothek&. Giessen. @*I, &3Griechische Papyrusurkunden aus ptolema+ischer und ro+mischer &3Zeit&, ed. H. Kling. 1924. Nos. 1%19`16. (Schriften der hessischen Hochschulen, Universita+t Giessen 1924, 4). [MF 2.20; rp. CG] @@II, &3Ein Bruchstu+ck des Origenes u+ber Genesis I, 28&, ed. P. Glaue. 1928. No. 17. (&3Schriften& 1928, 1). [MF 2.21; rp. CG] @*III, &3Griechische Privatbriefe&, ed. H. Bu+ttner. 1931. Nos. 18%19`33. (&3Schriften& 1931, 3). [MF 2.22; rp. CG] @@IV, &3Literarische Stu+cke&, ed. H. Eberhart. 1935. Nos. 34%19`45. (&3Schriften& 1935, 2). [MF 2.23; rp. CG] @@V, &3Alexandrinische Geronten vor Kaiser Gaius: Ein neues Bruchstu+ck &3der sogenannten Alexandrinischen Ma+rtyrer%19Akten&, ed. A von Premerstein. 1939. No. 46. (Schriften der Ludwigs%19Universita+t zu Giessen, Jg. 1936). [MF 2.24; rp. CG] @*VI, &3Griechische Verwaltungsurkunden von Tebtynis aus dem Anfang des &3dritten Jahrhunderts n. Chr.&, ed. G. Rosenberger. 1939. Nos. 47%19`53. [MF 2.25; rp. CG] @@&3Indices zu den Papyri bibliothecae universitatis Gissensis (P.bibl. &3univ.Giss.)&, by K.A. Worp. 1975. (&3Kurzberichte& 35). [MF 2.26] *P.Got. %6 &3Papyrus grecs de la Bibliothe\que municipale de Gothembourg&, ed. H. Frisk. Gothenburg 1929. (Go+teborgs Ho+gskolas Arsskrift 35 [`1929] pt. 1) Nos. 1%19`21; nos. 22%19`114 descripta. [Rp. CG] *P.Grad. %6 &3Griechische Papyri der Sammlung Gradenwitz&, ed. G. Plaumann. Heidelberg 1914. (&3SBHeidelberg& 1914, Abh. 15). Nos. 1%19`19. Texts reprinted as &3SB& I 5680, III 6275%19`6290. Further on the collection see the introduction to &3P.Fuad I Univ.& and &3Archiv& 17 (1962) 263. [MF 2.19; rp. CG] (*) P.Graux I %6 ed. H. Henne, Cairo 1923%3`1927. Nos. 1 and 2 in &3BIFAO& 21 (1923) pp.189f; nos. 3%19`8, &3BIFAO& 27 (1927) pp.1ff; all reprinted as &3SB& 4.7461%19`68. @@*II %6 &3Papyrus Graux II&, ed. H. Cuvigny. Nos. 9%19`29. Gene\ve 1995. (Hautes E/tudes du Monde Greco%19Romain 19). Nos. 9%19`29. @*P.Grenf. I %6 &3An Alexandrian Erotic Fragment and other Greek Papyri &3chiefly Ptolemaic&, ed. B.P. Grenfell. Oxford 1896. Nos. 1%19`70. [MF 2.105; rp. CG] @*II, &3New Classical Fragments and other Greek and Latin Papyri&, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. Oxford 1897. Nos. 1%19`113. [MF 2.110; rp. CG] *P.Gron. %6 &3Papyri Groninganae; Griechische Papyri der Universita+ts%19 &3bibliothek zu Groningen nebst zwei Papyri der Universita+tsbibliothek &3zu Amsterdam&, ed. A.G. Roos. Amsterdam 1933. (Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam, Afdeeling Letter-kunde, Nieuwe Reeks, Deel 32, No. 4). Nos. 1%19`22. The two Amsterdam papyri at the end should be cited as &3P.Gron.Amst.& 1%19`2. [Rp. CG] *P.Gur. %6 &3Greek Papyri from Gurob&, ed. J.G. Smyly. Dublin 1921. (Royal Irish Academy, Cunningham Memoirs 12). Nos. 1%19`29. [MF 1.53] *P.Hal. %6 &3Dikaiomata: Auszu+ge aus alexandrinischen Gesetzen und &3Verordnungen in einem Papyrus des Philologischen Seminars der &3Universita+t Halle mit einem Anhang weiterer Papyri derselben Sammlung&, ed. by the Graeca Halensis. Berlin 1913. Nos. 1%19`22. [Rp. CG] *P.Hamb. I %6 &3Griechische Papyrusurkunden der Hamburger Staats%19 und &3Universita+tsbibliothek& I (in 3 parts), ed. P.M. Meyer. Leipzig-Berlin 1911%19`1924. Pt. I, Nos. 1%19`23 (1911); pt. II, nos. 24%19`56 (1913); pt. III, nos. 57%19`117 (1924). [MF 2.103: rp. CG] @*II, &3Griechische Papyri der Hamburger Staats%19 und Universita+ts-&3bibliothek mit einigen Stu+cken aus der Sammlung Hugo Ibscher&, ed. B. Snell and others. Hamburg 1954. (Vero+ffentlichungen aus der Hamburger Staats%19 und Universita+tsbibliothek 4). Nos. 118%19`192. [o.e. EH] @*III, &3Griechische Papyri der Staats%19 und Universita+tsbibliothek &3Hamburg&, ed. B. Kramer and D. Hagedorn. Bonn 1984. (Pap.Texte Abh. XXXI). Nos. 193%19`234. [o.e. RH] *P.Harr. I %6 &3The Rendel Harris Papyri of Woodbrooke College, &3Birmingham&, ed. J.E. Powell. Cambridge 1936. Nos. 1%19`165. [Rp. CG] @*II, ed. R.A. Coles, M. Manfredi, P.J. Sijpesteijn, A.S. Brown et al. Zutphen 1985. (Stud.Amst. XXVI). Nos. 166%19`240. [o.e. TPC] (*)P.Haun. %6 &3Papyri Graecae Haunienses&. @*I, &3Literarische Texte und ptolema+ische Urkunden&, ed. T. Larsen. Copenhagen 1942. Nos. 1%19`12. [Rp. CG]@@Documentary texts reprinted as &3SB& VI 9422%19`9245. Five additional texts were published in &3Cahiers &3de l'Institut du Moyen%19A=ge Grec et Latin& 6, Copenhagen 1971, by A. Bu+low%19Jacobsen and S. Ebbesen. [o.e. CIU]@@Reprinted as &3SB& XIV 11355%19`11358 and 11714. &3SB& XIV 11357 %6 &3P.Haun.& III 58; 11358 %6 II 19. @*II, ed. A. Bu+low%19Jacobsen. Bonn 1981. (Pap.Texte Abh. XXIX). Nos. 13%19`44. [o.e. RH] @*III, ed. T. Larsen and A. Bu+low%19Jacobsen. Bonn 1985. (Pap.Texte Abh. XXXVI). Nos. 45%19`69. [o.e. RH] @P.Haw. %6 Texts on pp.24%19`36 in &3Hawara, Biahmu and Arsinoe&, by W.M. Flinders Petrie. London 1889. (Further publication of some texts by J.G. Milne, &3Archiv& 5 [`1913] 378%19`397.) There is a concor-dance at &3SB& II, pp.126%19`27. [MF 2.73] (*)P.Heid. %6 &3Vero+ffentlichungen aus der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung&. See also Pap.Heid. in Section V, Series. @@I (%6 Pap.Heid. N.F. II), &3Literarische griechische Texte der Heidel-&3berger Papyrussammlung&, ed. E. Siegmann. Heidelberg 1956. Nos. 181%19`209 (numbering cont. from &3P.Bad.&) @*II, Nos. 210%19`224, ed. J. Seyfarth in &3Archiv& 16 (1958) 143%19`68; texts reprinted as &3SB& VI 9530%19`9544. [o.e. CWV] @*III (%6 Pap.Heid. N.F. III), &3Griechische Papyrusurkunden und Ostraka &3der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung&, ed. P. Sattler. Heidelberg 1963. Nos. 225%19`248 (papyri), 249%19`288 (ostraca). [o.e. CWV] @*IV (%6 Pap.Heid. N.F. V), &3Griechische Texte der Heidelberger Papyrus-&3Sammlung&, ed. B. Kramer and D. Hagedorn. Heidelberg 1986. Nos. 289-296 literary, 297%19`342 documentary. [o.e. CWV] @*V (%6 Pap.Heid. N.F. VI), &3Vertragliche Regelungen von Arbeiten im &3spa+ten griechischsprachigen A+gypten&, mit Editionen von Texten der Heidelberger Papyrus%19Sammlung, des Istituto Papirologico "G. Vitelli", des A+gyptischen Museums zu Kairo und des British Museum, London, ed. A. Jo+rdens. Heidelberg 1990. Nos. 343%19`361. [o.e. CWV] @*VI (%6 Pap.Heid. N.F. VII), &3Ptolema+ische Urkunden aus der Heidel-&3berger Papyrus%19Sammlung&, ed. R. Duttenho+fer. Heidelberg 1994. Nos. 362%19`386. [o.e. CWV] @*VII (%6 Pap.Heid. N.F. VIII), &3Fu+nfundzwanzig griechische Papyri &3aus den Sammlungen von Heidelberg, Wien und Kairo&, ed. A. Papa-thoma. Heidelberg 1996. [o.e. Universita+tsverlag C. Winter] *P.Hels. I %6 &3Papyri Helsingienses I, Ptolema+ische Urkunden&, ed. J. Fro+-se/n, P. Hohti, J. and M. Kaimio, H. Zilliacus. Helsinki 1986. (Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum 80). Nos. 1%19`47. @P.Hercul.: See now &3Catalogo dei Papiri Ercolanesi&, compiled under the direction of M. Gigante at Centro Internazionale per lo Studio dei Papiri Ercolanesi, Naples 1979; and &3Manuale di papirologia Ercolanese&, by M. Capasso. Lecce 1991. (Universita\ degli Studi di Lecce, Diparti-mento di Filologia Classica e Medioevale, Testi e Studi 3). *P.Herm. %6 &3Papyri from Hermopolis and Other Documents of the Byzantine &3Period&, ed. B.R. Rees. London 1964. Nos. 1%19`85. (Egypt Exploration Soci-ety, Graeco%19Roman Memoirs 42). [o.e. EES] *P.Herm.Landl. %6 &3Zwei Landlisten aus dem Hermupolites (P.Giss. 117 &3und P.Flor. 71)&, ed. P.J. Sijpesteijn and K.A. Worp. Zutphen 1978. Also 2 additional texts (&3Stud.Pal.& V 120 and &3P.Flor.& I 87 reedited) in appendices. (Stud.Amst. VII). [o.e. TPC] (*)P.Hib. %6 &3The Hibeh Papyri&. London. @*I, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. 1906. Nos. 1%19`171. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco%19Roman Memoirs 7). [o.e. EES] @*II, ed. E.G. Turner and M.%19Th. Lenger. 1955. Nos. 172%19`284. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco%19Roman Memoirs 32). [o.e. EES] @P.Holm. %6 &3Papyrus Graecus Holmiensis, Recepte fu+r Silber, Steine und &3Purpur&, ed. O. Lagercrantz. Uppsala and Leipzig 1913. (Arbeten utgifna med understo+d af Vilhelm Ekmans Universitetsfond 13). [o.e. UUB] *P.Hombert %6 &3La Collection Marcel Hombert& I, ed. G. Nachtergael. Brussels 1978. No. 27 papyrus; nos. 28%19`31 ostraca; nos. 32%19`34 wooden tablets. (Pap.Brux. XV) (*)P.Iand. %6 &3Papyri Iandanae&, cum discipulis ed. C. Kalbfleisch. Leipzig. @@I, &3Voluminum codicumque fragmenta Graeca cum amuleto christiano&, ed. E. Schaefer. 1912. Nos. 1%19`7. [MF 2.6] @*II, &3Epistulae privatae Graecae&, ed. L. Eisner. 1913. Nos. 8%19`25. [MF 2.7] @*III, &3Instrumenta Graeca publica et privata,& pt. I, ed. L. Spohr. 1913. Nos. 26%19`51. [MF 2.8] @*IV, &3Instrumenta Graeca publica et privata,& pt. II, ed. G. Spiess. 1914. Nos. 52%19`68b. Nos. 68, 68a, and 68b are Latin. [MF 2.9] @@V, &3Literarische Stu+cke und Verwandtes&, ed. J. Sprey. 1913. Nos. 69%19`90. [MF 2.19] @*VI, &3Griechische Privatbriefe&, ed. G. Rosenberger. 1934. Nos. 91%19`133. [MF 2.11] @*VII, &3Griechische Verwaltungsurkunden&, ed. D. Curschmann. 1934. Nos. 134%19`145. [MF 2.12] @*VIII, &3Griechische Wirtschaftsrechnungen und Verwandtes&, ed. J. Hummel. 1938. Nos. 146%19`155. [MF 2.13] *P.Iand.inv. 653 %6 &3A Sixth Century Account of Hay&, ed. T. Reekmans. Brussels 1962. (Pap.Brux. I). Text reprinted as &3SB& VIII 9920. [o.e. FERE] (*)P.IFAO %6 &3Papyrus grecs de l'Institut Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie Orientale&. Cairo. (Institut Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie Orientale du Caire. Bibliothe\que d'E/tude). @*I, ed. J.Schwartz. 1971. Nos. 1%19`40. (&3Bibl.& 54). [o.e. SEVPO, FF 45] @*II, ed. G. Wagner. 1971. Nos. 1%19`50. (&3Bibl.& 55). [o.e. SEVPO, FF 45] @*III, ed. J. Schwartz and G. Wagner. 1975. Nos. 1%19`54. (&3Bibl.& 56). [o.e. SEVPO] (*)P.Ital. %6 &3Die nichtliterarischen lateinischen Papyri Italiens aus &3der Zeit 445%19`700&, ed J.%19`0. Tja+der. *Pt. I, Nos. 1%19`28. Lund 1955. *Pt. II, Nos. 29%19`59. Stockholm 1982. Pt. III, plates. Lund 1954. (Acta Instituti Romani Regni Sueciae, Series in 4&4o&, XIX.1, 2, 3) *P.Jena %6 &3Jena+er Papyrus%19Urkunden&, ed. F. Zucker and F. Schneider. Jena 1926. Nos. 1%19`4. Texts reprinted as &3SB& III 7165%19`7168. [MF 2.101] *P.Kar.Goodsp. %6 &3Papyri from Karanis&, ed. E.J. Goodspeed. Chicago 1902. (Univ. of Chicago, Studies in Classical Philology III, pp.1%19`66). [MF 2.76] Texts reprinted in &3SB& Beiheft 2, 1961. 43 texts are reprinted from &3BGU&; 49 were in the possession of Goodspeed. Further publications of Goodspeed papyri are &3P.Cair.Goodsp.& 28%19`30, &3CP& 1 (1906) 167%19`73 (Nos. 3%19`12 %6 &3SB& I 4414%19`4423); &3CP& 3 (1908) 428%19`34 (&3SB& I 4425). In &3CP& 5 (1910) 320%19`22 Goodspeed published three papyri from the collection of Professor John G. Harrison. On the Goodspeed papyri in general, see &3ZPE& 16 (1975) 27%19`32. *P.Kell. I %6 &3Greek Papyri from Kellis: I&, ed. K.A. Worp. Oxford 1995. Nos. 1%19`90. (Dakhleh Oasis Project: Monograph No. 3). [o.e. Oxbow] (*)P.Ko+ln %6 &3Ko+lner Papyri&, Cologne%3Opladen. @*I, ed. B. Kramer and R. Hu+bner. 1976. Nos. 1%19`57. (Pap.Colon. VII, pt.1). [o.e. WDV] @*II, ed. B. Kramer and D. Hagedorn. 1978. Nos. 58%19`114 papyri; nos. 115%19`124 ostraca. (Pap.Colon. VII, pt. 2). [o.e. WDV] @*III, ed. B. Kramer, M. Erler, D. Hagedorn, R. Hu+bner. 1980. Nos. 125%19`166. (Pap.Colon. VII, pt. 3). [o.e. WDV] @*IV, ed. B. Kramer, C. Ro+mer and D. Hagedorn. 1982. Nos. 167%19`202. (Pap.Colon. VII, pt.4). [o.e. WDV] @*V, ed. M. Gronewald, K. Maresch and W. Scha+fer. 1985. Nos. 203%19`240. (Pap.Colon. VII, pt. 5). [o.e. WDV] @*VI, ed. M. Gronewald, B. Kramer, K. Maresch, M. Parca, C. Ro+mer. 1987. Nos. 241%19`281. (Pap.Colon. VII, pt. 6). [o.e. WDV] @*VII, ed. M. Gronewald and K. Maresch. 1991. Nos. 282%19`326. (Pap. Colon. VII, pt. 7). [o.e. WDV] (*)P.Kroll %6 &3Eine ptolema+ische Ko+nigsurkunde&, ed. L. Koenen. Wiesbaden 1957. (Klassisch%19philologische Studien 19). Text reprinted as &3SB& VI 9316. New fragment of col. i (also an unplaced fragment) added in &3Stud.Pap.& 21 (1982) pp.73%19`82, and combined col. i alone reprinted as &3SB& XVI 12540; reedited *P.Ko+ln VII 313. *P.Kron. %6 &3L'archivio di Kronion&, ed. D. Foraboschi. Milan 1971. Nos. 1%19`69. (Collana di testi e documenti per lo studio dell'Antichita\ 36). Includes many documents previously published in &3P.Mil.Vogl.& [o.e. CG] (*)P.Laur. %6 &3Dai Papiri della Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana&, Florence. @*I, ed. R. Pintaudi. 1976. Nos. 1%19`20. (Pap.Flor. I). [o.e. LG] @*II, ed. R Pintaudi. 1977. Nos. 21%19`50. (Pap.Flor. II). [o.e. LG] @*III, ed. R. Pintaudi. 1979. Nos. 51%19`125. (Pap.Flor. V). [o.e. LG] @*IV, ed. R. Pintaudi. 1983. Nos. 126%19`192. (Pap.Flor. XII). [o.e. LG] @@V, &3Papiri Laurenziani Copti&, ed. G.M. Browne. 1984. Nos. 1%19`13. (Pap.Flor. XIII). [o.e. LG] *P.Leeds Mus. %6 &3A Selective Publication and Description of the Greek &3Papyri in the Leeds City Museum&, ed. S. Strassi. Leeds 1983. (Proceed-ings of the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, Literary and Historical Section, XIX.4). Nos. 1%19`30, descripta nos. 31%19`136. @P.Leid. %6 &3Papyri Graeci Musei Antiquarii Lugduni%19Batavi&, ed. C. Leemans. Leiden. (Texts mostly reedited in *&3UPZ&; &3P.Leid.& Z reed. D. Feissel and K.A. Worp, &3OMRO& 68 [`1988] 97%19`111.) @@I, 1843. Nos. A%19U. [MF 2.15] @@II, 1885. Nos. V%19Z. [MF 2.16] *P.Leid.Inst. %6 &3Papyri, Ostraca, Parchments and Waxed Tablets in &3Leiden Papyrological Institute&, ed. F.A.J. Hoogendijk and P. van Minnen. Leiden 1991. (Pap.Lugd.Bat. XXV). Nos. 1%19`10, 13%19`14, 19%19`23, 25%19`80 are papyri; 11%19`12, 24 ostraca; 15%19`18 waxed tablets; 81%19`107 descriptions of papyri. [o.e. EJB] *P.Leipz. %6 &3Die griechischen Papyri der Leipziger Universita+tsbiblio%19 &3thek&, ed. K. Wessely. Leipzig 1885. (Verhandlungen der ko+niglichen Sa+chsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften 37, pp.237%19`75). Nos. 1%19`35. *P.Leit. %6 &3Leitourgia Papyri&, ed. N. Lewis. Philadelphia 1963. (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society N.S. 53, pt. 9). Nos. 1%19`16. Texts reprinted as &3SB& VIII 10192%19`10208. [o.e. APS] (*)P.Lille %6 &3Papyrus grecs& (Institut Papyrologique de l'Universite/ de Lille) @*I, in 4 fasc., 1907, 1908, 1923 and 1928. (Vol. I appeared all together [with Fasc. I and II reprinted] in 1929 as part of the &3 Travaux et me/moires de l'Universite/ de Lille, hors se/rie), ed. P. Jouguet, P. Collart, J. Lesquier, M. Xoual. Nos. 1%19`60. [Rp. CG] (*)II, &3Papyrus de Magdo=la&, ed. J. Lesquier. 1912. Contains the papyri from Magdola in the Fayum, later reedited by Gue/raud in *&3P.Enteux. Nos. 1%19`42. [Rp. CG] *P.Lips. %6 &3Griechische Urkunden der Papyrussammlung zu Leipzig&, ed. L. Mitteis. Leipzig 1906. Nos. 1%19`123; 67%19`80,91%19`92 are ostraca. [MF 2.102; rp. CG] (*)P.Lond. %6 &3Greek Papyri in the British Museum&. London. At present 7 vols. (&3P.Jews& continues the numerical sequence of the London papyri, but forms a separate publication regarded as vol. VI only retroactively. Up to the end of vol. III, texts must be cited by volume no., serial no., and page). There are separate atlases of plates to vols. I%19III. [Atlases, MF 2.111, 2.112, and 2.113] @*I, ed. F.G. Kenyon. 1893. Nos. 1%19`138. [MF 1.54; rp. CG] @*II, ed. F.G. Kenyon. 1898. Nos. 139%19`484. [MF 1.55; rp. CG] @*III, ed. F.G. Kenyon and H.I. Bell. 1907. Nos. 485%19`1331. [MF 1.56; rp. CG] @*IV, &3The Aphrodito Papyri&, ed. H.I. Bell, with appendix of Coptic papyri ed. W.E. Crum. 1910. Nos. 1332%19`1646; nos. 1494%19`1646 are Coptic. [MF 1.57; rp. CG] @*V, ed. H.I. Bell. 1917. Nos. 1647%19`1911. No. 1709 Coptic, no. 1792 Latin. [MF 1.59; rp.CG] @*VI, &3Jews and Christians in Egypt; The Jewish Troubles in Alexandria &3and the Athanasian Controversy&, ed. H.I. Bell. 1924. Nos. 1912%19`1929. Nos. 1920%19`1922 are Coptic. [MF 1.60; rp. CG] @*VII, &3The Zenon Archive&, ed. T.C. Skeat. 1974. Nos. 1930%19`2193. [o.e. BMP] @P.Lond.Lit. %6 &3Catalogue of the Literary Papyri in the British Museum&, ed. H.J.M. Milne. London 1927. [MF 1.58; rp. CG]@@Contains texts of many inedita, together with descriptions of texts published previously, especially those in &3Classical Texts from Papyri in the British Museum&, ed. F.G. Kenyon, London 1891. (*)P.Lund %6 &3Aus der Papyrussammlung der Universita+tsbibliothek in Lund&, published in K. Humanistiska Vetenskapssamfundet i Lund; Aarsbera+t-telse. Years and page nos. are indicated for each part. [I%19VI, MF 1.45] @@I, &3Literarische Fragmente&, ed. A. Wifstrand. 1934%19`1935, pp.53%19`65. Nos. 1%19`7. @*II, &3Griechische Privatbriefe&, ed. A. Wifstrand. 1936%19`1937, pp.161%19`72. Nos. 1%19`5. Texts reprinted as &3SB& V 8088%19`8092. @*III, &3Kultische Texte&, ed. K. Hanell. 1937%19`1938, pp.119%19`42. Nos. 1%19`10. Texts reprinted as &3SB& V 8741%19`8750 and VI 9332%19`9339. @*IV, &3Bakchiastexte und andere Papyri&, ed. E. Knudtzon. 1945%19`1946, pp.63%19`78. Nos. 1%19`14. Texts (except no. 12) reprinted as &3SB& VI 9333, 9338, 9340%19`9350. The same texts were republished by Knudtzon with introductions, translations and commentary in &3Bakchiastexte und &3andere Papyri der Lunder Papyrussammlung&, Lund (Ohlsson) 1946. @@V, &3Zwei astronomische Texte&, ed. E.J. Knudtzon and O. Neugebauer. 1946%19`1947, pp.77%19`88. @@Indices to Parts I%19IV by E.J. Knudtzon. 1946%19`1947, pp.89%19`110. @*VI, &3Vermischte Texte&, ed. E.J. Knudtzon. 1951%19`1952, pp.119%19`37. Nos. 1%19`10. Texts reprinted as &3SB& VI 9351%19`9359. @P.Marini %6 &3I papiri diplomatici raccolti ed illustrati&, ed. G. Marini. Rome 1805. Nos. 1%19`146. No. 146 is Greek, the others Latin: no. 146 republ. by R. Riedinger, Abh.Mu+nchen N.F. 85 (1979) pp.24, 26; no. 124 republ. as *&3P.Rain.Cent.& 166. Cf. *&3P.Ital.& I, pp.69%19`72. *P.Marm. %6 &3Il papiro vaticano greco 11&, ed. M. Norsa and G. Vitelli. Vatican City 1931. No. 1 is literary, no. 2 a document. (Biblioteca Vaticana, Studi e Testi 53) [o.e. VAT] *P.Masada %6 &3Masada II, The Yigael Yadin Excavations 1963%19`1965, Final &3Reports:& &3The Latin and Greek Documents&, ed. H.M. Cotton and J. Geiger. Jerusalem 1989. Nos. 721%19`738 are Latin papyri, 739%19`747 Greek papyri, 748%19`749 bilingual; the ostraca (nos. 750%19`771 Latin, 772%19`794 Greek) should be cited as &3O.Masada&, which see. (Israel Exploration Society, The Masada Reports). *P.Matr. %6 &3Dieci Papyri Matritenses&, ed. S. Daris. Nos. 1%19`10. Madrid 1990. (Cuadernos de la Fundacio/n Pastor de Estudios Cla/sicos, 36). [o.e. Ediciones Atlas, Lope de Vega 18, Apt. 840, Madrid 28014, Spain] @P.Medin.Madi, see &3O.Medin.Madi&. (*)P.Mert. %6 &3A Descriptive Catalogue of the Greek Papyri in the &3Collection of Wilfred Merton&. @*I, ed. H.I. Bell and C.H. Roberts. London 1948. Nos. 1%19`50. [o.e. HF] @*II, ed. B.R. Rees, H.I. Bell, J.W.B. Barns. Dublin 1959. Nos. 51-100. [o.e. HF] @*III, ed. J.D. Thomas. London 1967. (Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, suppl. vol. 18). Nos. 101%19`128. [o.e. ICS]. Nos. 129%19`131 ed. J.D. Thomas in &3JEA& 56 (1970) 172%19`78; texts reprinted as *&3SB& XII 10886%19`10888. Nos. 132%19`136 ed. J.D. Thomas in &3JEA& 68 (1982) 283-289; nos. 132%19`134 repr. as *&3SB& XVI 12470%19`12472, nos. 135%19`136 descripta. *P.Meyer %6 &3Griechische Texte aus Aegypten&. *I, &3Papyri des Neutesta%19 &3mentlichen Seminars der Universita+t Berlin&; *II, &3Ostraka der Sammlung &3Deissmann&, ed. P.M. Meyer. Berlin 1916. Papyri nos. 1%19`45; for ostraca nos. 1%19`92, see &3O.Deiss.& (II, Ostraca and Tablets). [Rp. CG] (*)P.Mich. %6 &3Michigan Papyri&. At present 16 vols. Each volume has a subtitle of its own. The numerical sequence of volumes as a single series was not established until vol. II. Vol. I is often referred to as &3P.Mich.Zen. @*I, &3Zenon Papyri&, ed. C.C. Edgar. Ann Arbor 1931. (Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 24). Nos. 1%19`120. [MF 1.19] @*II, &3Papyri from Tebtunis&, Part I, ed. A.E.R. Boak. Ann Arbor 1933. (Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 28). Nos. 121%19`128. (Nos. 129%19`130, &3A Papyrus Codex of the Shepherd of Hermas&, ed. C. Bonner. Ann Arbor 1934. [Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 22]). [MF 1.20] @*III, &3Miscellaneous Papyri&, ed. J.G. Winter and others. Ann Arbor 1936. (Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 40). Nos. 131%19`221. (No. 222, &3A Third Century Codex of the Epistles of Paul&, ed. H.A. Sanders, Ann Arbor 1935. [Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 38]. For nos. 167 and 168 see Vol. VII.) [MF 1.21] @*IV, pt. I, &3Tax Rolls from Karanis&, ed. H.C. Youtie. Ann Arbor. 1936. (Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 42). Nos. 223%19`225. [MF 1.22] @*IV, pt. II, &3Texts nos. 357%19`363 and Indexes&, ed. H.C. Youtie and O.M. Pearl. Ann Arbor 1939. (Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 43). [MF 1.23]@@(See also &3P.Cair.Mich.& for addenda to &3P.Mich.& IV 359). @*V, &3Papyri from Tebtunis&, Part II, ed. E.M. Husselman, A.E.R. Boak and W.F. Edgerton. Ann Arbor 1944. (Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 29). Nos. 226%19`356. [MF 1.24] @*VI, &3Papyri and Ostraca from Karanis&, ed. H.C. Youtie and O.M. Pearl. Ann Arbor 1944. (Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 47). Nos. 364%19`428; ostraca nos. 700%19`971 (for nos. 1%19`699 see &3O.Mich.&). [MF 1.26] @*VII, &3Latin Papyri&, ed. H.A. Sanders with contributions by J.E. Dunlap. Ann Arbor 1947. (Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 48). Nos. 167%19`168, 429%19`463. [MF 2.17] @*VIII, &3Papyri and Ostraca from Karanis&, Second Series, ed. H.C. Youtie, and J.G. Winter. Ann Arbor 1951. (Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 50). Nos. 464%19`521; ostraca nos. 972%19`1111 (see &3O.Mich.&). [MF 2.18] @*IX, &3Papyri from Karanis&, Third Series, ed. E.M. Husselman. Cleveland 1971. (American Philological Association Monograph 29). Nos. 522%19`576. [o.e. SP] @*X, &3Documentary Papyri from the Michigan Collection&, ed. G.M. Browne. Toronto 1970. (Am.Stud.Pap. VI). Nos. 577%19`602. [o.e. SP] @*XI, &3Papyri from the Michigan Collection&, ed. J.C. Shelton. Toronto 1971. (Am.Stud.Pap. IX). Nos. 603%19`625. [o.e. SP] @*XII, &3Michigan Papyri& XII, ed. G.M. Browne. Toronto 1975. (Am.Stud.Pap. XIV). Nos. 626%19`658. [o.e. SP] @*XIII, &3The Aphrodite Papyri in the University of Michigan Papyrus &3Collection&, ed. P.J. Sijpesteijn. Zutphen 1977. (Stud.Amst. X). Nos. 659%19`674. [o.e. TPC] @*XIV, &3Michigan Papyri& XIV, ed. V.P. McCarren. Chico 1980. (Am.Stud. Pap. XXII). Nos. 675%19`684. [o.e. SP] @*XV, &3Michigan Papyri& XV, ed. P.J. Sijpesteijn. Zutphen 1982. (Stud.Amst. XIX). Nos. 685%19`756. [o.e. TPC] @@XVI, &3Michigan Papyri XVI, A Greek Love Charm from Egypt (P.Mich. &3`757)&, ed. and comm. D.G. Martinez. Atlanta 1991. (Am.Stud.Pap. XXX). [o.e. SP] *P.Mich.Aphrod. %6 &3Settling a Dispute: Toward a Legal Anthropology of @@&3Late Antique Egypt&, by T. Gagos and P. van Minnen. (New Texts from @@Ancient Cultures I, Ann Arbor 1994). Contains a reedition of one @@document, &3P.Vat.Aphrod.& 10, to which is joined P.Mich. inv. 6922. @@[o.e. U.Mich. Press] *P.Mich.Mchl %6 &3A Critical Edition of Select Michigan Papyri&, ed. E.M. Michael. Nos. 1%19`28. Diss. University of Michigan, 1966. [UMI, order no. 67%19`1777]@@Reprinted &3SB& XII 11103%19`11130. *P.Michael. %6 &3Papyri Michaelidae, being a Catalogue of Greek and Latin &3Papyri, Tablets and Ostraca in the Library of Mr G.A. Michai+lidis of &3Cairo&, ed. D.S. Crawford. Aberdeen 1955. Nos. 1%19`60 papyri, 61%19`62 wooden tablets, 63%19`129 ostraca. [o.e. AUP] (*)P.Mil. %6 &3Papiri Milanesi,& vol. I, fasc. I, ed. A. Calderini. Milan 1928. *2nd ed. S. Daris, 1967. Second ed. is Vol. I of Pubblicazioni dell'Universita\ Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Contributi, Serie Terza, Pubblicazioni di "Aegyptus," I. Nos. 1%19`12. [o.e. VP] @*II, ed. S. Daris. Milan 1966. (Pubbl., Vol. II). Nos. 13%19`87. [o.e. VP] @*P.Mil.Congr.XIV %6 &3Papyri documentari dell'Universita\ Cattolica di &3Milano&, ed. by various editors. Milan 1974. 43 unnumbered documents. (&3Aegyptus& 54 [`1974] pp.1%19`140). Reprinted in &3SB& XIV 11264%19`11305. @*P.Mil.Congr.XVII %6 &3Papiri documentari dell'Universita\ Cattolica di &3Milano&, ed. O. Montevecchi et al. Milan 1983. 17 unnumbered docu-ments. (&3Aegyptus& 63 [`1983] pp.1%19`102). Reprinted in &3SB& XVI as nos. 12720%19`12740. @*P.Mil.Congr.XVIII %6 &3Papiri documentari dell'Universita\ Cattolica &3di Milano&, ed. by various editors. Milan 1986. 15 unnumbered docu-ments. (&3Aegyptus& 66 [`1986] pp.1%19`70). @*P.Mil.Congr.XIX %6 &3Papiri documentari dell'Universita\ Cattolica di &3Milano&, ed. by various editors. Milan 1989. 12 unnumbered documents. (&3Aegyptus& 69 [`1989] pp.5%19`60). (*)P.Mil.Vogl. @*I, &3Papiri della R. Universita\ di Milano&, ed. A. Vogliano. Milan 1937. Sometimes called &3P.Mil.R.Univ.&, &3P.PRIMI& or &3P.R.U.M.&, to distinguish this from the series of &3P.Mil.& Reprint Milan 1966 with same title as Vols. II%19IV. Nos. 1%19`28. Texts of nos. 23%19`28 reprinted in &3SB& Beiheft II, 1961. [o.e. CG] @*II, &3Papiri della Universita\ degli Studi di Milano&, ed. by many collaborators. Milan 1961. Nos. 29%19`110. [o.e. CG] @*III, Milan 1965. Nos. 111%19`203, plus 7 Demotic texts. [o.e. CG] @*IV, Milan 1967. Nos. 204%19`257, plus 3 Coptic texts. [o.e. CG] @@V, Milan 1974. A Coptic codex edited by T. Orlandi. [o.e. CG] @*VI, Milan 1977. Nos. 258%19`300. [o.e. CG] @*VII, &3La contabilita\ di un'azienda agricola nel II sec. d.C.&, ed. D. Foraboschi. Milan 1981. Nos. 301%19`308. [o.e. CG] (*)P.Monac. %6 &3Byzantinische Papyri in der Ko+niglichen Hof%19 und &3Staatsbibliothek zu Mu+nchen&, ed. A. Heisenberg and L. Wenger. Leipzig%19Berlin 1914. Nos. 1%19`18. (Vero+ffentlichungen aus der Papyrussammlung der K. Hof%19 und Staatsbibliothek zu Mu+nchen I). [MF 1.42; atlas, MF 2.80]@@Rev. and reprinted as &3P.Mu+nch.& I, below. (*)P.Mon.Epiph. %6 &3The Monastery of Epiphanius at Thebes&, Part II: Coptic Ostraca and Papyri, ed. W.E. Crum; Greek Ostraca and Papyri, ed. H.G. Evelyn White. New York 1926. (The Metropolitan Museum of Art Egyptian Expedition). The Greek documentary texts, nos. 621%19`634, were reprinted as *&3SB& IV 7477%19`87 and 7436. (*)P.Mu+nch. %6 &3Die Papyri der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek Mu+nchen&. @*I, &3Byzantinische Papyri der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek Mu+nchen&, ed. A. Heisenberg and L. Wenger, 2nd enl. ed. D. Hagedorn. Stuttgart 1986. Nos. 1%19`18. [o.e. BTS] @@II, &3Papiri letterari greci&, ed. A. Carlini. Stuttgart 1986. Nos. 19-44. [o.e. BTS] @*III pt. 1, &3Griechische Urkundenpapyri der Bayerischen Staatsbiblio-&3thek Mu+nchen&, ed. U. and D. Hagedorn, R. Hu+bner, J.C. Shelton. Stutt-gart 1986. Nos. 45%19`154. [o.e. BTS] (*)P.Mur. %6 &3Discoveries in the Judaean Desert of Jordan&. Oxford. I, 1955; IV, 1965, V, 1968, and VI, 1977, contain no Greek texts. @*II (with separate volume of plates), &3Les grottes de Murabba'a=t&, ed. P. Benoit, J.T. Milik, R. de Vaux. 1961. Nos. 89%19`157 are Greek, 158%19`159 Latin. Texts nos. 89%19`91, 94, 114%19`117 reprinted as &3SB& X 10300%19`10307. [o.e. OUP] @@III, &3Les petites grottes de Qumra=n&, ed. M. Baillet, J.T. Milik, R. de Vaux. 1962. 2 Greek texts, &3Exodus, Letter of Jeremiah&, from 7Q, and Greek fragments. [o.e. OUP] *P.Nag Hamm. %6 &3Nag Hammadi Codices. Greek and Coptic Papyri from &3the Cartonnage of the Covers&, ed. J.W.B. Barns, G.M. Browne, J.C. Shelton. Leiden 1981. (Nag Hammadi Studies XVI). Nos. 1%19`153 (Greek), C1%19`19 (Coptic). [o.e. EJB] P.Naqlun I %6 ed. T. Derda. Warsaw 1996. [o.e. Institute of Papyrology] *P.Neph. %6 &3Das Archiv des Nepheros und verwandte Texte&. Part I, &3Das Archiv des Nepheros&, ed. B. Kramer, J.C. Shelton, G.M. Browne. Nos. 1%19`14, 17%19`42 Greek, nos. 15%19`16 Coptic. Part II, &3Verwandte Texte &3aus der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung&, ed. B. Kramer. Nos. 43%19`49. Mainz 1987. (Aegypt.Trev. 4). [o.e. PvZ] (*)P.Ness. %6 &3Excavations at Nessana&. @@I, Introductory volume (pp.259%19`62 contain a summary by P. Mayerson of Nessana papyri relating to agriculture), ed. H.D. Colt. London 1962. @@II, &3Literary Papyri&, ed. L. Casson and E.L. Hettich. Princeton 1950. Nos 1%19`13. [o.e. PUP] @@*III, &3Non%19Literary Papyri&, ed. C.J. Kraemer, Jr. Princeton 1958. Nos. 14%19`195. [o.e. PUP] (*)P.NYU %6 &3Greek Papyri in the Collection of New York University&. @*I, &3Fourth Century Documents from Karanis&, ed. N. Lewis. Leiden 1967. (New York Univ., Department of Classics, Monographs on Mediterranean Antiquity I). Nos. 1%19`25. [o.e. NYU or EJB] (*)P.Oslo %6 &3Papyri Osloenses&. Oslo. @@I, &3Magical Papyri&, ed. S. Eitrem. 1925. Nos. 1%19`6. [o.p.] @*II, ed. S. Eitrem and L. Amundsen. 1931. Nos. 7%19`64. [o.p.] @*III, ed. S. Eitrem and L. Amundsen. 1936. Nos. 65%19`200. [o.e. UF] *P.Oxf. %6 &3Some Oxford Papyri&, ed. E.P. Wegener. Leiden 1942 (text), 1948 (plates). (Pap.Lugd.Bat. IIIA and IIIB). Nos. 1%19`19. [MF 2.57] (*)P.Oxy. %6 &3The Oxyrhynchus Papyri&. Published by the Egypt Exploration Society in Graeco%19Roman Memoirs. London. The number in parentheses at the end of each entry is the number in this series. Earlier vols. carry the heading of Egypt Exploration Fund, Graeco%19Roman Branch; even after the title change numbers were not assigned to the volumes until the 1950s. The system followed here is that adopted retroactively by the EES. [all vols. o.e. EES] @*I, Nos. 1%19`207, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. 1898. (1) @*II, Nos. 208%19`400, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. 1899. (2). @*III, Nos. 401%19`653, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. 1903. (5) @*IV, Nos. 654%19`839, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. 1904. (6) @@V, Nos. 840%19`844, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. 1908. (8) @*VI, Nos. 845%19`1006, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. 1908. (9) @*VII, Nos. 1007%19`1072, ed. A.S. Hunt. 1910. (10) @*VIII, Nos. 1073%19`1165, ed. A.S. Hunt. 1911. (11) @*IX, Nos. 1166%19`1223, ed. A.S. Hunt. 1912. (12) @*X, Nos. 1224%19`1350, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. 1914. (13) @@XI, Nos. 1351%19`1404, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. 1915. (14) @*XII, Nos. 1405%19`1593, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. 1916. (15) @@XIII, Nos. 1594%19`1625, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. 1919. (16) @*XIV, Nos. 1626%19`1777, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. 1920. (17) @@XV, Nos. 1778%19`1828, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. 1922. (18) @*XVI, Nos. 1829%19`2063, ed. B.P. Grenfell, A.S. Hunt, and H.I. Bell. 1924. (19) @@No.2064 was published in &3Two Theocritus Papyri&, ed. A.S. Hunt and J. Johnson. London 1930. (22) @*XVII, Nos. 2065%19`2156, ed. A.S. Hunt. 1927. (20) @*XVIII, Nos. 2157%19`2207, ed. E. Lobel, C.H. Roberts, E.P. Wegener. 1941. (26) @*XIX, Nos. 2208%19`2244, ed. E. Lobel, E.P. Wegener, C.H. Roberts, H.I. Bell. 1948. (27) @*XX, Nos. 2245%19`2287, ed. E. Lobel, E.P. Wegener, C.H. Roberts. 1952. (29) @@XXI, Nos. 2288%19`2308, ed. E. Lobel. 1951. (30) @*XXII, Nos. 2309%19`2353, ed. E. Lobel and C.H. Roberts. 1954. (31) @@XXIII, Nos. 2354%19`2382, ed. E. Lobel. 1956. (34) @*XXIV, Nos. 2383%19`2425, ed. E. Lobel, C.H. Roberts, E.G. Turner, J.W.B. Barns. 1957. (35) @@XXV, Nos. 2426%19`2437, ed. E. Lobel and E.G. Turner. 1959. (36) @@XXVI, Nos. 2438%19`2451, ed. E. Lobel. 1961. (38) @*XXVII, Nos. 2452%19`2480, ed. E.G. Turner, J.R. Rea, L. Koenen, J.M.F. Pomar. 1962. (39) @@XXVIII, Nos. 2481%19`2505, ed. E. Lobel. 1962. (40) @@XXIX, No. 2506, ed. D. Page. 1963. (41) @@XXX, Nos. 2507%19`2530, ed. E. Lobel. 1964. (44) @*XXXI, Nos 2531%19`2616, ed. J.W.B. Barns, P.J. Parsons, J.R. Rea, E.G. Turner. 1966. (45) @@XXXII, Nos. 2617%19`2653, ed. E. Lobel. 1967. (46) @*XXXIII, Nos. 2654%19`2682, ed. P.J. Parsons, J.R. Rea, E.G. Turner. 1968. (48) @*XXXIV, Nos. 2683%19`2732, ed. L. Ingrams, P. Kingston, P.J. Parsons, J.R. Rea. 1968. (49) @@XXXV, Nos. 2733%19`2744, ed. E. Lobel. 1968. (50) @*XXXVI, Nos. 2745%19`2800, ed. R.A. Coles, D. Foraboschi, A.H. Soliman el%19Mosallamy, J.R. Rea, U. Schlag, and others. 1970. (51) @@XXXVII, Nos. 2801%19`2823, ed. E. Lobel. 1971. (53) @*XXXVIII, Nos. 2824%19`2877, ed. G.M. Browne, J.D. Thomas, E.G. Turner, M.E. Weinstein and others. 1971. (54) @@XXXIX, Nos. 2878%19`2891, ed. E. Lobel. 1972. (55) @*XL, Nos. 2892%19`2942, ed. J.R. Rea. 1972. (56) @*XLI, Nos. 2943%19`2998, ed. G.M. Browne, R.A. Coles, J.R. Rea, J.C. Shelton, E.G. Turner and others. 1972. (57) @*XLII, Nos. 2999%19`3087, ed. P.J. Parsons. 1974. (58) @*XLIII, Nos. 3088%19`3150, ed. J.R. Rea and others. 1975. (60) @*XLIV, Nos. 3151%19`3208, ed. A.K. Bowman, M.W. Haslam, J.C. Shelton, J.D. Thomas. 1976. (62) @*XLV, Nos. 3209%19`3266, ed. A.K. Bowman, M.W. Haslam, S.A. Stephens, M.L. West and others. 1977. (63) @*XLVI, Nos. 3267%19`3315, ed. J.R. Rea. 1978. (65) @*XLVII, Nos. 3316%19`3367, ed. R.A. Coles and M.W. Haslam, with contributions from 8 others. 1980. (66) @*XLVIII, Nos. 3368%19`3430, ed. M. Chambers, W.E.H. Cockle, J.C. Shelton and E.G. Turner. 1981. (67) @*XLIX, Nos. 3431%19`3521, ed. A. Bu+low%19Jacobsen and J.E.G. Whitehorne. 1982. (69) @*L, Nos. 3522%19`3600, ed. A.K. Bowman and others. 1983. (70) @*LI, Nos. 3601%19`3646, ed. J.R. Rea. 1984. (71) @*LII, Nos. 3647%19`3694, ed. H.M. Cockle. 1984. (72) @*LIII, Nos. 3695%19`3721, ed. M.W. Haslam. 1986. No. 3700 verso is a document. (73) @*LIV, Nos. 3722%19`3776, ed. R.A. Coles, H. Maehler, P.J. Parsons, with contributions from others. 1987. (74) @*LV, Nos. 3777%19`3821, ed. J.R. Rea. 1988. (75) @*LVI, Nos. 3822%19`3875, ed. M.G. Sirivianou, with contributions by H.%19C. Gu+nther, P.J. Parsons, P. Schubert and others. 1989. (76) @*LVII, Nos. 3876%19`3914, ed. M.W. Haslam, H. El%19Maghrabi and J.D. Thomas. 1990. (77) @*LVIII, Nos. 3915%19`3962, ed. J.R. Rea. 1991. (78) @*LIX, Nos. 3963%19`4008, ed. E.W. Handley, H.G. Ioannidou, P.J. Parsons, J.E.G. Whitehorne. 1992. (79) @*LX, Nos. 4009%19`4092, ed. R.A. Coles, M.W. Haslam, P.J. Parsons and others. 1994. (80) @*LXI, Nos. 4093%19`4132 plus list of astronomical texts 4133%19`4300, ed. T. Gagos, M.W. Haslam and N. Lewis. 1995. (81) (*)P.Oxy.Descr. %6 "Varia Descripta Oxyrhynchita," full reeditions of Oxy-rhynchus papyri originally published summarily as descripta in &3P.Oxy. I%19XVI, edd. D. Monserrat, G. Fantoni, P. Robinson. 1994%19 : @*I, Nos. 1%19`20, reeditions of &3P.Oxy.& I 159, 164%19`65, 167, 171, 174, 176-77, 179, 181%19`82, 186, 189, 192, 201%19`02, 204%19`07. &3BASP& 31 (1994) pp.11%19`80 and plates 1%19`18. *P.Oxy.Hels. %6 &3Fifty Oxyrhynchus Papyri&, ed. H. Zilliacus, J. Fro+se\n, P. Hohti, J. Kaimio, M. Kaimio. Helsinki 1979. (Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum 63). Nos. 1%19`50. [o.e. AB] P.Palau%19Rib. %6 &3Papiri documentari greci del fondo Palau%19Ribes&, ed. S. Daris. Barcelona 1995. [o.e. Instituto de Teologia Fonamental] *P.Panop. %6 &3Urkunden aus Panopolis&, ed. L.C. Youtie, D. Hagedorn, H.C. Youtie. Bonn 1980. Nos. 1%19`31. [o.e. RH]@@Reprint of original publication in three articles in &3ZPE& 7 (1971) 1%19`40; 8 (1971) 207%19`34; and 10 (1973) 101%19`70, from which texts reprinted as &3SB XII 10968%19`10981, 10992%19`10996, 11213%19`11224. *P.Panop.Beatty %6 &3Papyri from Panopolis in the Chester Beatty Library &3Dublin&, ed. T.C. Skeat. Dublin 1964. Nos. 1%19`2. (Chester Beatty Monographs I). [o.e. HF] *P.Paris %6 &3Notices et textes des papyrus du Muse/e du Louvre et de la &3Bibliothe\que Impe/riale& (Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliothe\que Impe/riale et autres bibliothe\ques 18.2), ed. A.J. Letronne, W. Brunet de Presle and E. Egger. Paris 1865. Separate volume of plates. Papyri nos. 1%19`71, republished in &3UPZ& except nos. 9, 17, 18, 18&3ter&, 18 &3quater&, 20, 21&3bis&, 21&3ter&, 67 and 70; ostraca nos. 1%19`13, all but no. 12 republished in &3WO& II; 8 mummy labels, all republished in &3T.Mom.Louvre&. [MF 2.66 (incl. plates); rp. CG (text only)] *P.Petaus %6 &3Das Archiv des Petaus&, ed. U. Hagedorn, D. Hagedorn, L.C. Youtie and H.C. Youtie. Cologne%3Opladen 1969. Nos. 1%19`127. (Pap.Colon. IV). [o.e. WDV] @P.Petersb. %6 &3Catalogue des manuscrits grecs de la Bibliothe\que &3Impe/riale Publique&, ed. E. de Muralt. St. Petersburg 1864. Some texts now in *&3P.Ross.Georg.&; cf. &3SB& II p.61. (*)P.Petr. %6 &3The Flinders Petrie Papyri&. Dublin. (Royal Irish Academy, Cunningham Memoirs). @*I, ed. J.P. Mahaffy. 1891. (Memoirs VIII), and pt. II, plates. Nos. 1%19`30. [MF 1.29; rp. CG] @*II, ed. J.P. Mahaffy. 1893. (Memoirs IX), and plates. Nos. 1%19`50. [MF 1.30; rp. CG] @*III, ed. J.P. Mahaffy and J.G. Smyly. 1905. (Memoirs XI), and plates. Nos. 1%19`146. [MF 1.31] *P.Petr.2 I %6 &3The Petrie Papyri, Second Edition&. Vol. 1, &3The Wills&, ed. W. Clarysse. Brussels 1991. Nos. 1%19`31. (Coll.Hellen. II). *P.Phil. %6 &3Papyrus de Philadelphie&, ed. J. Scherer. Cairo 1947. Nos. 1%19`35. (Publ.Soc.Fouad VII). [MF 2.94] @P.Pisa Lit. %6 &3Papiri letterari greci&, ed. A. Carlini et al. Pisa 1978. 38 literary and subliterary fragments from Pisa and other collections; for nos. 30%19`38, see now &3P.Mu+nch.& II. *P.Prag. %6 &3Papyri Graecae Wessely Pragenses&, ed. R. Pintaudi, R. Dosta/lova/, L. Vidman. Firenze 1988%19. (Pap.Flor.)@@[o.e. LGF] See also &3P.Prag.Varcl& following, before 1988 cited as &3P.Prag. @*I, 1988. (Pap.Flor. XVI). Nos. 1%19`117. @*II, 1995. (Pap.Flor. XXVI). Nos.118%19`205. (*)P.Prag.Varcl %6 &3Papyri Wessely Pragenses&, ed. L. Varcl, in &3Listy &3Filologicke/&. (Before 1988 known as &3P.Prag.&) [MF 2.70] @*I, &3LF& 70 (1946) 273%19`86 (&3SB& VI 9052%19`9064). @*II, &3LF& 71 (1947) 177%19`85 (&3SB& VI 9072%19`9083). @*N.S. A new series of Theadelphia papyri begins in 1957: nos. 1%19`3, &3LF& (Suppl. &3Eunomia&) 80 (1957) 16%19`31 and 56%19`80 (&3SB& VI 9406%19`9408). @@@Nos. 4%19`8, &3LF& (&3Eun.&) 81 (1958) 6%19`27 (&3SB& VI 9409). @@@Nos. 9%19`10, &3LF& (&3Eun.&) 81 (1958) 69%19`77 (&3SB& VI 9409). @@@Nos. 11%19`17, &3LF& (&3Eun.&) 82 (1959) 3%19`18 (&3SB& VI 9410). @@@Nos. 18%19`21, &3LF& (&3Eun.&) 82 (1959) 81%19`86 (&3SB& VI 9411%19`9414). @@@Nos. 22%19`33, &3LF& (&3Eun.&) 83 (1960) 16%19`25 (&3SB& VI 9415). @@@Nos. 34%19`39, &3LF& (&3Eun.&) 83 (1960) 50%19`55 (&3SB& VI 9415). @@@Nos. 40%19`53, &3LF& (&3Eun.&) 84 (1961) 37%19`46 (SB VI 9415). (*)P.Princ. %6 &3Papyri in the Princeton University Collections&. @*I, ed. A.C. Johnson and H.B. van Hoesen. Baltimore 1931. (The Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies in Archaeology X). Nos. 1%19`14. [MF 2.36; rp. CG] @*II, ed. E.H. Kase, Jr. Princeton 1936. (Princ.Stud.Pap. I). Nos. 15%19`107. [MF 2.37; rp. CG] @*III, ed. A.C. Johnson and S.P. Goodrich. Princeton 1942. (Princ.Stud.Pap. IV). Nos. 108%19`191. [MF 2.38; rp. CG] (*)P.Princ.Roll %6 &3A Papyrus Roll in the Princeton Collection&, ed. E.H. Kase, Jr. Baltimore 1933. [MF 2.71]@@Text reprinted as &3SB& V 7621. *A new edition by R.S. Bagnall and K.A. Worp in &3Archiv& 30 (1984) pp.53%19`82. @P.Princ.Scheide %6 &3The John H. Scheide Biblical Papyri: Ezekiel&, ed. A.C. Johnson, H.S. Gehman and E.H. Kase, Jr. Princeton 1938. (Princ.Stud.Pap. III). [o.e. WHA] *P.Quseir %6 "Papyri and Ostraka from Quseir al%19Qadim," ed. R.S. Bagnall, in &3BASP& 23 (1986) pp.1%19`60 and plates 1%19`27.@@Nos. 1%19`23 are papyri (3 Latin), 24%19`48 ostraca (3 Latin), 49%19`74 dipinti, 75 mummy label, 76 inscription on mica. *P.Rain.Cent. %6 &3Festschrift zum 100%19ja+hrigen Bestehen der Papyrus%19 &3sammlung der O+sterreichischen Nationalbibliothek, Papyrus Erzherzog &3Rainer&. Vienna 1983. Nos. 1%19`166. Separate volume of plates. [o.e. O+NB] @P.Rain.Unterricht %6 &3Neue Texte aus dem antiken Unterricht&, ed. H. Harrauer and P.J. Sijpesteijn. Vienna 1985. (&3MPER& N.S. XV). Nos. 1%19`184, school exercises, pen trials etc.; separate volume of plates. [o.e. O+NB] *P.Rein. I %6 &3Papyrus grecs et de/motiques recueillis en E/gypte&, @@@@@@@ed. T. Reinach, W. Spiegelberg and S. de Ricci. Paris 1905. @@@@@@@Nos. 1%19`58 Greek. There are 7 Demotic texts and one Greek @@@@@@@literary ostracon. Nos. 7%19`40 reedited in *&3P.Dion.& [Rp. CG] @@*II, &3Les Papyrus The/odore Reinach&, ed. P. Collart. Cairo 1940. @@@@@@@(&3BIFAO& 39). Nos. 59%19`119 papyri; 120%19`143 ostraca. [MF 2.46] (*)P.Rev. %6 &3Revenue Laws of Ptolemy Philadelphus&, ed. B.P. Grenfell. Oxford 1896. *Reedited by J. Bingen in &3SB& Beiheft 1, 1952. [MF 1.51; Bh. MF 2.75] (*)P.Ross.Georg. %6 &3Papyri russischer und georgischer Sammlungen&. Tiflis. [Rp. AMH] @@I, &3Literarische Texte&, ed. G. Zereteli. 1925. Nos. 1%19`24. [MF 2.1] @*II, &3Ptolema+ische und fru+hro+mische Texte&, ed. O. Kru+ger. 1929. Nos. 1%19`43. [MF 2.2] @*III, &3Spa+tro+mische und byzantinische Texte&, ed. G. Zereteli and P. Jernstedt. 1930. Nos. 1%19`57. [MF 2.3] @*IV, &3Die Kome%19Aphrodito Papyri der Sammlung Licha%148ov&, ed. P. Jernstedt. 1927. Nos. 1%19`27. [MF 2.4] @*V, &3Varia&, ed. G. Zereteli and P. Jernstedt. 1935. Nos. 1%19`73. [MF 2.5] (*)P.Ryl. %6 &3Catalogue of the Greek Papyri in the John Rylands Library, &3Manchester&. Manchester. @@I, &3Literary Texts&, ed. A.S. Hunt. 1911. Nos. 1%19`61. [o.e. JRL] @*II, &3Documents of the Ptolemaic and Roman Periods&, ed. J. de M. Johnson, V. Martin and A.S. Hunt. 1915. Nos. 62%19`456. [o.e. JRL] @*III, &3Theological and Literary Texts&, ed. C.H. Roberts. 1938. Nos. 457%19`551; the rectos of nos. 484, 486 and 535 are documents. [o.e. JRL] @*IV, &3Documents of the Ptolemaic, Roman and Byzantine Periods&, ed. C.H. Roberts and E.G. Turner. 1952. Nos. 552%19`717. [o.e. JRL] *P.Sakaon %6 &3The Archive of Aurelius Sakaon: Papers of an Egyptian &3Farmer in the last Century of Theadelphia&, ed. G.M. Para/ssoglou. Bonn 1978. Nos. 1%19`98; 78%19`81,83,85,88,90%19`91 are ostraca. (Pap.Texte Abh. XXIV). [o.e. RH] *P.Sarap. %6 &3Les Archives de Sarapion et de ses fils: une exploitation &3agricole aux environs d'Hermoupolis Magna (de 90 a\ 133 p.C)&, ed. J. Schwartz. Cairo 1961. Nos. 1%19`103. (Institut Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie Orientale, &3Bibliothe/que d'E/tude& 29). [o.e. SEVPO] (*)P.Sarga %6 &3Wadi Sarga, Coptic and Greek Texts&, ed. W.E. Crum and H.I. Bell, with an introduction by R. Campbell Thompson. Copenhagen 1922. (Coptica III). The Greek texts are listed on p. xv; no. 9 is on vellum, nos. 12, 175 and 176 are on papyrus; the remainder are ostraca, for which see *&3O.Sarga&. (*)P.Schow %6 &3Charta papyracea graece scripta Musei Borgiani Velitris &3qua series incolarum Ptolemaidis Arsinoiticae in aggeribus et fossis &3operantium exhibetur&, ed. N. Schow. Rome 1788. Text republished as *&3SB& I 5124. @P.Schub. %6 &3Griechische literarische Papyri&, ed. W. Schubart. Berlin 1950. (Berichte u+ber die Verhandl. der Sa+chsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Leipzig, Phil.%19Hist. Kl. 97, No. 5). [Rp. CG] *P.Select. %6 &3Papyri Selectae&, ed. E. Boswinkel, P.W. Pestman, P.J. Sijpesteijn. Leiden 1965. Nos. 1%19`24 papyri; no. 25 mummy labels (i%19ii) and ostraca (iii%19vi). (Pap.Lugd.Bat. XIII). [o.e. EJB] *P.Sel.Warga %6 &3Select Papyri&, ed. R.G. Warga, Jr. Nos. 1%19`13. Diss. University of Illinois at Urbana%19Champaign, 1988. [UMI, 1992; order no. 8823279] (*)PSI %6 &3Papiri greci e latini& (Pubblicazioni della Societa\ Italiana per la ricerca dei papiri greci e latini in Egitto). Florence. The first eleven volumes were edited by a number of persons under the general direction of G. Vitelli and M. Norsa. A list of reeditions of documentary texts is given by P. Pruneti in Pap.Flor. XIX.2 475%19`502. @*I, 1912. Nos. 1%19`112. [MF 1.65; rp. Bd'E] @@II, 1913. Nos. 113%19`156. [MF 1.66; rp. Bd'E] @*III, 1914. Nos. 157%19`279. Nos. 254%19`279 are ostraca. [MF 1.67] @*IV, 1917. Nos. 280%19`445. [MF 1.68] @*V, 1917. Nos. 446%19`550. No. 460 is an ostracon. [MF 1.69] @*VI, 1920. Nos. 551%19`730. [MF 1.70] @*VII, 1925. Nos. 731%19`870. [MF 1.71; rp. Bd'E] @*VIII, 1927. Nos. 871%19`1000. Nos. 983%19`1000 are ostraca. [MF 1.72] @*IX, 1929. Nos. 1001%19`1096. [MF 1.74; rp. Bd'E] @*X, 1932. Nos. 1097%19`1181. [MF 1.75; rp. Bd'E] @@XI, 1935. Nos. 1182%19`1222. [MF 1.76; rp. Bd'E] @*XII, fasc. I, ed. M. Norsa; fasc. II, ed. V. Bartoletti. 1943%19`1951. Nos. 1223%19`1295. Nos. 1268%19`1271 are ostraca. [MF 2.88; o.e. FLM] @*XIII, ed. M. Norsa and V. Bartoletti. 1949%19`1953. Nos. 1296%19`1370. [MF 2.89; fasc. 2 only, o.e. FLM] @*XIV, ed. V. Bartoletti. 1957. Nos. 1371%19`1452. [o.e. FLM] @@XV, fasc. 1, ed. V. Bartoletti and M. Manfredi. 1979. Nos. 1453-1468 (literary). [o.e. FL] @*XV, Estr. %6 &3Dai Papiri della Societa\ Italiana, Estratto dal &3vol. XV dei P.S.I.&, ed. M. Manfredi. Florence 1966. This volume contains &3PSI& XV 1478%19`79, 1484, 1489, 1508, 1513%19`14, 1522, 1526, 1532, 1536%19`38, 1540, 1546, 1557, 1562, 1564%19`66, 1569. Another &3Estratto dal vol. XV&, ed. A. Biscardi, Florence 1978, has 1515. In addition: *&3PSI& XV 1528 %6 &3SB& XII 11046 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@`1531 11047 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@`1543 11049 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@`1544 11048 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@`1556 11050 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@`1561 11052 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@`1563 11051 There are also &3PSI& texts at (*)&3SB& XII 11145%19`11155. *PSI Congr.XI (formerly PSI Omaggio) %6 &3Dai papiri della Societa\ &3Italiana:& &3Omaggio all'XI Congresso Internationale di Papirologia&. Nos. 1%19`14. Florence 1965. *PSI Congr.XVII %6 &3Trenta testi greci da papiri letterari e &3documentari editi in occasione del XVII Congresso Internazionale &3di Papirologia&. Nos. 1%19`30. Florence 1983. [o.e. IP] *PSI Congr.XX %6 &3Dai papiri della Societa\ Italiana:& &3Omaggio al XX &3Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia&. Nos. 1%19`20. Florence 1992. *PSI Congr.XXI %6 &3Dai papiri della Societa\ Italiana: Omaggio al XXI &3Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia&. Nos. 1%19`19. Florence 1995. *PSI Corr. I %6 &3Correzione e Riedizioni di papiri della Societa\ &3Italiana& I, ed. M. Manfredi. Florence 1977. A reedition of &3PSI& 240, 835, 1148, 1150, 1156 and 1244. P.Sorb. %6 &3Papyrus de la Sorbonne&. @*I, ed. H. Cadell. Paris 1966. (Publications de la Faculte/ des Lettres et Sciences Humaines de Paris, Se/rie "Textes et Documents," t.X: Travaux de l'Institut de Papyrologie de Paris, fasc. IV). Nos. 1%19`63 are papyri, 64%19`68 ostraca. [o.e. PUF] @@II, &3Un Codex fiscal Hermopolite (P.Sorb. II 69)&, ed. J. Gascou. Atlanta 1994. (Am.Stud.Pap. XXXII). No. 69. [o.e. SP] *P.Soter. %6 &3Das Archiv von Soterichos&, ed. S. Omar. Cologne%3Opladen 1979. (Pap.Colon. VIII). Nos. 1%19`28. [o.e. WDV]@@Additional texts of the archive appear in &3ZPE& 86 (1991) 215%19`29. (*)P.Stras. %6 &3Griechische Papyrus der kaiserlichen Universita+ts%19 und &3Landesbibliothek zu Strassburg&, ed. F. Preisigke. Leipzig. @*I, 1912. Nos. 1%19`80. [MF 2.39, (incl. II)] @*II, 1920. Nos. 81%19`125. [See I] @*III, &3Papyrus grecs de la Bibliothe\que Nationale et Universitaire &3de Strasbourg&, ed. P. Collomp et ses e/le\ves. Paris 1948. (Publications de la Faculte/ des Lettres de l'Universite/ de Strasbourg, fasc. 97). Nos. 126%19`168. [o.e. APU] @*IV, &3Papyrus grecs de la Bibliothe\que Nationale et Universitaire de &3Strasbourg&, ed. J. Schwartz et ses e/le\ves. Strasbourg 1963. (&3Publications de la Bibliothe\que Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg I). Nos. 169%19`300 (with index to nos. 126%19`300). [o.e. BNU] @*V, ed. J. Schwartz et ses e/le\ves. 1973. (&3Publications& III). Nos. 301%19`500. [o.e. BNU] @*VI, ed. J. Schwartz et ses e/le\ves. 1971%19`1975. (&3Publications& IV). Nos. 501%19`600. Issued in fascicles 1%3`2, 3, 4 and 5. Nos. 501%19`520 were first published in the &3Bulletin de la Faculte/ des Lettres de &3Strasbourg& 48 (1969%19`1970) 265%19`86. These were then re%19issued with Nos. 521%19`540 as &3Publications& IV, 1%3`2, 1971. Index to nos. 501%19`800 in &3Publications& X. [o.e. BNU] @*VII, ed. J. Schwartz et ses e/le\ves. 1976%19`1979. Issued in fascicles 1%3`2, 3,4 and 5. (&3Publications& V). Nos. 601%19`700. Index to nos. 501%19`800 in &3Publications& X. [o.e. BNU] @*VIII, ed. J. Schwartz et ses e/le\ves. Nos. 701%19`720, &3Publications VI.1 (1980); nos. 721%19`740, &3Publications& VII.2 (1981); nos. 741%19`760, &3Publications& VII.3 (1982); nos. 761%19`780, &3Publications& VII.4 (1983); nos. 781%19`800, &3Publications& VII.5 (1985). Index to nos. 501%19`800 by Ba+rbel Kramer, &3Publications& X (1986). @*IX, ed. J. Schwartz et ses e/le\ves. Nos. 801%19`820, &3Publications& IX.1 (1985); nos. 821%19`840, &3Publications& IX.2 (1986); nos. 841%19`860, &3Pub%19 &3lications& IX.3 (1987); nos. 861%19`880, &3Publications& IX.4 (1988); nos. 881%19`900, &3Publications& IX.5 (1989). (*)P.Tebt. %6 &3The Tebtunis Papyri&. @*I, ed. B.P. Grenfell, A.S. Hunt and J.G. Smyly. London 1902. (Univ. of California Publications, Graeco%19Roman Archaeology vol. I; Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco%19Roman Memoirs 4). Nos. 1%19`264. [o.e. EES] @*II, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. London 1907. (Univ. of California Publications, Graeco%19Roman Archaeology vol. II). Reprint 1970. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco%19Roman Memoirs 52). Nos. 265%19`689 and an Appendix. The volume includes also 20 ostraca numbered separately, for which see &3O.Tebt.& [Rp. EES] @*III, pt. I, ed. A.S. Hunt and J.G. Smyly, assisted by B.P. Grenfell, E. Lobel and M. Rostovtzeff. London 1933. (Univ. of California Publications, Graeco%19Roman Archaeology vol. III; Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco%19Roman Memoirs 23). Nos. 690%19`825. [o.e. EES] @*III, pt. II, ed. A.S. Hunt, J.G. Smyly and C.C. Edgar. London 1938. (Univ. of California Publications, Graeco%19Roman Archaeology vol. IV; Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco%19Roman Memoirs 25). Nos. 826%19`1093. [o.e. EES] @*IV, ed. J.G. Keenan and J.C. Shelton. London 1976. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco%19Roman Memoirs 64). Nos. 1094%19`1150. [o.e. EES] *P.Tebt.Tait %6 &3Papyri from Tebtunis in Egyptian and Greek&, ed. W.J. Tait. London 1977. Nos. 1%19`23 Demotic; 24%19`34 Hieratic; 35%19`37 Hieroglyphic; 38%19`53 Greek. (Egypt Exploration Society, Texts from Excavations III). [o.e. EES] *P.Tebt.Wall %6 &3New& &3Texts& &3in& &3the& &3Economy& &3of& &3Tebtunis&, ed. E.W. Wall. Nos. 1%19`12. Diss. Duke University, Durham, N.C. 1983. [UMI, order no. 83%19`20613] (*)P.Thead. %6 &3Papyrus de The/adelphie&, ed. P. Jouguet. Paris 1911. Nos. 1%19`61, all reedited in *&3P.Sakaon&. [Rp. CG] *P.Theon. %6 &3The Family of the Tiberii Iulii Theones&, ed. P.J. Sijpesteijn. Amsterdam 1976. Nos. 1%19`29. (Stud.Amst. V). [o.e. AMH] *P.Thmouis %6 &3Le Papyrus Thmouis 1, colonnes 68%19`160&, ed. S. Kambitsis. Paris 1985. (Universite/ de Paris IV, Paris%19Sorbonne. Publications de la Sorbonne, Se/rie "Papyrologie" III). (*)P.Tor. %6 "Papyri graeci Regii Taurinensis Musei Aegyptii," ed. A. Peyron in Reale Accademia di Torino, Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche. Pt. I, &3Memorie& 31 (1827) pp.9%19`188, Nos. 1%19`2; Pt. II, &3Memorie& 33 (1829) pp.1%19`80, Nos. 3%19`14. All except *no. 10 republished in *&3UPZ& and *&3P.Tor.Amen.& [MF 2.85] *P.Tor.Amen. %6 &3L'Archivio di Amenothes figlio di Horos. &3Testi demotici e greci relativi ad una famiglia di imbalsamatori &3del secondo sec. a.C.&, ed. P.W. Pestman. Milan 1981. (Catalogo del Museo Egizio di Torino, ser. I, Monumenti e Testi V). Nos. [`5], 6%19`8 and 12 are Greek; nos.1%19`4, 9%19`11 and 13%19`17 are Demotic, some with Greek subscriptions. [o.e. CG] *P.Tor.Choach. %6 &3Il Processo di Hermias e altri documenti dell' &3archivio dei choachiti, Papyri greci e demotici conservati a Torino &3e in altre collezioni d'Italia&, ed. P.W. Pestman. Turin 1992. (Cata-logo del Museo Egizio di Torino, ser. I, Monumenti e Testi VI). Nos. 3%19`5, 8%19`9 and 11%19`12 are Greek; 1%19`2, 6%19`7, 10 and 13%19`14 Demotic, three with Greek subscriptions. *P.Turner %6 &3Papyri Greek and Egyptian edited by various hands in &3honour of Eric Gardner Turner on the occasion of his seventieth &3birthday&, ed. P.J. Parsons, J.R. Rea and others. London 1981. (EES, Graeco%19Roman Memoirs, 68). Nos. 1%19`55. [o.e. EES] @P.Ups.8 %6 &3Der Fluch des Christen Sabinus, Papyrus Upsaliensis 8&, ed. G. Bjo+rk. Uppsala 1938. (Arbeten utgivna med understo+d av Vilhelm Ekmans Universitetsfond 47). [o.e. UUB] *P.Ups.Frid %6 &3Ten Uppsala Papyri&, ed. B. Frid. Bonn 1981. (Pap. Texte Abh. XXVIII) Nos. 1%19`10. [o.e. RH] *P.Vars. %6 &3Papyri Varsovienses&, ed. G. Manteuffel, L. Zawadowski and C. Rozenberg. Warsaw 1935. (Universitas Varsoviensis, Acta Facultatis Litterarum I). Nos. 1%19`49 papyri; 50%19`53 ostraca. [Rp. CG 1974 with addendum by Z. Borkowski] @Second series in "Papyri e collectione Varsoviensi. Series nova," ed. G. Manteuffel in &3JJurPap& 2 (1948) 81%19`110. Nos. 1%19`8. Texts reprinted *&3SB& VI 9372%19`75. *P.Vat.Aphrod. %6 &3I papiri Vaticani di Aphrodito&, ed. R. Pintaudi. Rome 1980. Separate portfolio of plates. Nos. 1%19`26. [o.e. VAT] *P.Vind.Bosw. %6 &3Einige Wiener Papyri&, ed. E. Boswinkel. Leiden 1942. (Pap.Lugd.Bat. II). Nos. 1%19`17. [MF 2.56] *P.Vind.Pher. %6 &3Eine Steuerliste aus Pheretnuis&, ed. P.J. Sijpesteijn and K.A. Worp. Amsterdam 1993. (Stud.Amst. XXXIII). [o.e. JCG] *P.Vind.Sal. %6 &3Einige Wiener Papyri&, ed. R.P. Salomons. Amsterdam 1976. (Stud.Amst. IV). Nos. 1%19`23. [o.e. AMH] *P.Vind.Sijp. %6 &3Einige Wiener Papyri&, ed. P.J. Sijpesteijn. Leiden 1963. (Pap.Lugd.Bat. XI). Nos. 1%19`28. [MF 2.65] *P.Vind.Tand. %6 &3Fu+nfunddreissig Wiener Papyri&, ed. P.J. Sijpesteijn and K.A. Worp. Zutphen 1976. (Stud.Amst. VI). Nos. 1%19`35. [o.e. TPC] *P.Vind.Worp %6 &3Einige Wiener Papyri&, ed. K.A. Worp. Amsterdam 1972. (Stud.Amst. I). Nos. 1%19`24. [o.e. AMH] *P.Warr. %6 &3The Warren Papyri&, ed. M. David, B.A. van Groningen, J.C. van Oven. Leiden 1941. (Pap.Lugd.Bat. I) Nos. 1%19`21. [MF 2.55] (*)P.Wash.Univ. %6 &3Washington University Papyri&. @*I, ed. V.B. Schuman. Missoula 1980. (Am.Stud.Pap. XVII). Nos. 1-61. [o.e. SP] @*II, &3Papyri from the Washington University Collection, St. Louis, &3Missouri,& Part II, ed. K. Maresch and Z.M. Packman. Nos. 62%19`108. Opladen 1990. (Pap.Colon. XVIII). [o.e. WDV] (*)P.Wisc. %6 &3The Wisconsin Papyri&, ed. P.J. Sijpesteijn. @*I, Leiden 1967. Nos. 1%19`37. (Pap.Lugd.Bat. XVI). [o.e. EJB] @*II, Zutphen 1977. Nos. 38%19`87. (Stud.Amst. XI). [o.e. TPC] *P.Wu+rzb. %6 &3Mitteilungen aus der Wu+rzburger Papyrussammlung&, ed. U. Wilcken. Berlin 1934. (&3AbhBerlin& 1933, 6). Nos. 1%19`22. Rp. in U. Wilcken, &3Berliner Akademieschriften zur Alten Geschichte &3und Papyruskunde& II, pp.43%19`164. Leipzig 1970. [MF 2.28] @P.Yale %6 &3Yale Papyri in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library&. @*I, ed. J.F. Oates, A.E. Samuel and C.B. Welles. New Haven and Toronto 1967. (Am.Stud.Pap. II). Nos. 1%19`85. [o.e. SP] @@II, ed. S.A. Stephens. Chico 1984. (Am.Stud.Pap. XXIV). Nos. 86%19`136. [o.e. SP] *P.Zen.Pestm. %6 &3Greek and Demotic Texts from the Zenon Archive&, ed. under the general direction of P.W. Pestman. Leiden 1980. (Pap.Lug.Bat. XX). Nos. 1%19`13 bilingual Greek and Demotic; 14%19`76 Greek. Appendix nos. A%19F. [o.e. EJB.] (*)SB %6 &3Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Aegypten& (a collection of documentary papyri, ostraca, inscriptions, mummy tablets and related texts published in journals or unindexed catalogues. Begun by F. Prei-sigke in 1915, continued by F. Bilabel, E. Kiessling, H.%19A. Rupprecht and J. Hengstl). In progress. @*I, Strassburg and Berlin 1913%19`1915. Nos. 1%19`6000. [MF 1.33; rp. WdG] @@II, Index to I. Berlin and Leipzig 1918%19`1922. [MF 1.34; rp. WdG] @*III, Berlin and Leipzig 1926%19`1927. Nos. 6001%19`7269. [MF 1.35; rp. WdG] @*IV, Heidelberg 1931. Nos. 7270%19`7514. [MF 1.36; rp. OH] @*V, Heidelberg and Wiesbaden 1934%19`1955. Nos. 7515%19`8963. [MF 1.37; rp. OH] @*VI, Wiesbaden 1958%19`1963. Nos. 8964%19`9641. [o.e. OH] @@VII, Index to VI. Wiesbaden 1964. [o.e. OH] @*VIII, Wiesbaden 1965%19`1967. Nos. 9642%19`10208. [o.e. OH] @@IX, Index to VIII. Wiesbaden 1969. [o.e. OH] @*X, Wiesbaden 1969%19`1971. Nos. 10209%19`10763. [o.e. OH] @@XI, Index to X. Wiesbaden 1973. [o.e. OH] @*XII, Wiesbaden 1976%19`1977. Nos. 10764%19`11263. [o.e. OH] @@XIII, Index to XII. Wiesbaden 1979. [o.e. OH] @*XIV, Wiesbaden 1981%19`1983. Nos. 11264%19`12219. [o.e. OH] @@XV, Index to XIV. Wiesbaden 1994. [o.e. OH] @*XVI fasc. 1 and 2, Wiesbaden 1985. Nos. 12220%19`12719; *fasc. 3, Wies-baden 1988. Nos. 12720%19`13084. [o.e. OH] @@XVII, Index to XVI. Wiesbaden 1995. [o.e. OH] @*XVIII, Wiesbaden 1993. Nos. 13085%19`14068. [o.e. OH] @@XIX.1, Index to XVIII pt.1, Abschn.1%19`8. Wiesbaden 1994. [o.e. OH] @Beihefte, see &3P.Rev.& (Bh. 1), &3P.Kar.Goodsp.& and &3P.Mil.Vogl.& I (Bh. 2). (*)UPZ %6 &3Urkunden der Ptolema+erzeit (a+ltere Funde)&, ed. U. Wilcken (republication of texts published in the nineteenth century, up to but not including the Petrie papyri. There is a concordance at &3BL& IV, pp.118%19`123.) @*I, &3Papyri aus Untera+gypten&. Berlin%19Leipzig 1927. Nos. 1%19`150. [MF 2.14; rp. WdG] @*II, &3Papyri aus Obera+gypten&. Berlin 1935%19`1957. Nos. 151%19`229. [Rp. WdG] @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@II. OSTRACA AND TABLETS @ *O.Amst. %6 &3Ostraka in Amsterdam Collections&, ed. R.S. Bagnall, P.J. Sijpesteijn and K.A. Worp. Zutphen 1976. (Stud.Amst. IX). Nos. 1%19`108. [o.e. TPC] *O.Ashm. %6 "Ostraca in the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford," in &3O.Bodl.& I, pp.63%19`81. Nos. 1%19`106. *O.Ashm.Shelt. %6 &3Greek Ostraca in the Ashmolean Museum from Oxy%19 &3rhynchus and other sites&, ed. J.C. Shelton. Nos. 1%19`229. Firenze 1988. (Pap.Flor. XVII). [o.e. LGF] *O.Berl. %6 &3Ostraka aus Bru+ssel und Berlin&, ed. P. Viereck. Nos. 21-99. Berlin%19Leipzig 1922. (Papyrusinstitut Heidelberg, Schrift IV). For nos. 1%19`20 (Brussels ostraca), see now &3O.Brux.& below. [MF 2.72] (*)O.Bodl. %6 &3Greek Ostraca in the Bodleian Library at Oxford and &3Various Other Collections&. @*I, ed. J.G. Tait. London 1930. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco-Roman Memoirs 21). Nos. 1%19`406. This volume also contains @*&3O.Ashm.&, @*&3O.Camb.&, @*&3O.Minor&, and @*&3O.Petr.&, which should be cited according to those abbreviations. [o.e. EES] @*II, &3Ostraca of the Roman and Byzantine Periods&, ed. J.G. Tait and C. Pre/aux. London 1955. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco%19Roman Memoirs 33). Nos. 407%19`2588. [o.e. EES] @@III, &3Indexes&, compiled by J. Bingen and M. Wittek. London 1964. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco%19Roman Memoirs 43). [o.e. EES] *O.Brux. %6 &3Au Temps ou\ on lisait le grec en E/gypte&, ed. J. Bingen. Brussels 1977. Nos. 1%19`20; reedition of nos. 1%19`20 of &3O.Berl. *O.Bu Njem %6 &3Les ostraca de Bu Njem&, ed. R. Marichal. Nos. 1%19`151 Latin ostraca. Tripoli 1992. (Libya Antiqua, Suppl. VII). *O.Buch. %6 &3The Bucheum&, by R. Mond and O.H. Myers, 3 vols. London 1934. (Egypt Exploration Society, 41st Memoir). Vols. I and III contain no Greek texts. Vol. II, The Inscriptions, ch. iii pp.75%19`78, describes 26 Greek ostraca with texts of 12 ed. by A.S. Hunt, T.C. Skeat and J.G. Tait. *O.Cair. %6 &3Ostraka greci del Museo Egizio del Cairo&, edd. C. Gallazzi, R. Pintaudi, K.A. Worp. Florence 1986. (Pap.Flor. XIV). Nos. 1%19`140. @O.Cair.Cat. %6 &3Catalogue ge/ne/ral des antiquite/s e/gyptiennes du &3Muse/e du Caire,& Nos. 9501%19`9711: &3Griechische Ostraka&, by U. Wilcken, ed. C. Gallazzi. Cairo 1983. Not a publication of ostraca but a list and short description of ostraca in the Cairo Museum. For the texts, see &3O.Cair. *O.Camb. %6 "Ostraca in the Cambridge University Library," in &3O.Bodl.& I, pp.153%19`73, nos. 1%19`141. *O.Claud. %6 &3Mons Claudianus. Ostraca graeca et latina,& I, ed. J. Bingen, A. Bu+low%19Jacobsen, W.E.H. Cockle, H. Cuvigny, L. Rubinstein, W. van Rengen. Cairo 1992. Nos. 1%19`190. (Institut Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie Orientale, Documents de Fouilles XXIX). *O.Deiss. %6 &3Ostraka der Sammlung Deissmann&, in &3P.Meyer& (&3Griechische &3Texte aus A+gypten&, ed. P.M. Meyer, II, pp.105ff. Berlin 1916) Nos. 1%19`92. [Rp. CG] (*)O.Douch %6 &3Les ostraca grecs de Douch&, ed. H. Cuvigny and G. Wagner. @@*I, 1986. Nos. 1%19`57. (Publications de l'Institut Franc%25ais d'Arche/-ologie Orientale, Documents de Fouilles XXIV%3`1). @@*II, 1988. Nos. 58%19`183. (Documents de Fouilles XXIV%3`2). @@*III, 1992. Nos. 184%19`355. (Documents de Fouilles XXIV%3`3). (*)O.Edfou, published in &3Tell Edfou& vols. I%19III; for biblio-graphical information see under &3P.Edfou& (section I). @@*I, Nos. 1%19`230. Cairo 1937. @@*II, Nos. 231%19`325. Cairo 1938. @@*III, Nos. 326%19`372. Cairo 1950. *O.Elkab %6 &3Elkab III, Les Ostraca grecs&, ed. J. Bingen and W. Clarysse. Brussels 1989. Nos. X%19XXX. (Publications du Comite/ des Fouilles Belges en E/gypte, &3Elkab&). [o.e. FERE] *O.Erem. %6 "Griechische Ostraka in der Kaiserlichen Eremitage in St. Petersburg," ed. G. Zereteli in &3Archiv& V (1913), pp.170%19`180, nos. 1%19`40. *O.Fay., Nos. 1%19`50; see &3P.Fay. *O.Florida %6 &3The Florida Ostraka: Documents from the Roman Army in &3Upper Egypt&, ed. R.S. Bagnall. Durham, N.C. 1976. Nos. 1%19`31. (Greek, Roman and Byzantine Monographs 7). [o.e. GRBS] (*)O.Heid., see &3P.Heid.& N.F. III. *O.Joach. %6 &3Die Prinz%19Joachim%19Ostraka&, ed. F. Preisigke and W. Spiegelberg. Strassburg 1914. (Schriften d. Wiss. Gesellschaft in Strassburg, Heft XIX). Nos. 1%19`22 Greek: 23%19`29 Demotic. Texts reprinted as &3SB& III 6027%19`6034, 6920%19`6933. [Rp. CG] *O.Leid. %6 &3Greek Ostraka: a Catalogue of the Greek Ostraka in the &3National Museum of Antiquities at Leiden, with a Chapter on the Greek &3Ostraka in the Papyrological Institute of the University of Leiden&, ed. R.S Bagnall, P.J. Sijpesteijn, K.A. Worp. Zutphen 1980. Nos. 1%19`410. Descripta nos. 411%19`697. (Collections of the National Museum of Antiquities at Leiden IV). [o.e. TPC] @O.Lips., see &3P.Lips. *O.Lund. %6 &3Ostraca Lundensia.& &3Ostraka aus der Sammlung des Instituts &3fu+r Altertumskunde an der Universita+t zu Lund&, ed. C. Tsiparis. Lund 1979. Nos. 1%19`32. [o.e. from Klassiska Institutionen, So+lvegatan 2, 22362 Lund, Sweden] *O.Masada, see &3P.Masada&. Nos. 750%19`771 Latin ostraca, 772%19`794 Greek. *O.Medin.Madi %6 &3Ostraka e papiri greci da Medinet Madi nelle campagne &3`1968 e 1969&, ed. D. Foraboschi. Milan 1976. Nos. 1%19`33 plus two papyri (%6&3P.Medin.Madi&). (Collana di testi e documenti per lo studio dell' Antichita\ 53). [o.e. CG] (*)O.Mich. %6 &3Greek Ostraca in the University of Michigan Collection&, *Part I, Texts, ed. L. Amundsen. Ann Arbor 1935. (Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 34). Nos. 1%19`699. [MF 1.27] @*II, Nos. 700%19`971, see &3P.Mich.& VI. @*III, Nos. 972%19`1111, see &3P.Mich.& VIII. @*IV, Nos. 1112%19`1144, ed. H.C. Youtie in &3ZPE& 18 (1975) 267%19`82. Re-printed in Youtie, &3Scriptiunculae Posteriores& I (1981) no. 38 [o.e. RH], and in &3SB& XIV 11499%19`11531. *O.Minor %6 "Ostraca in Various Minor Collections," in &3O.Bodl.& I, pp.174%19`81. *O.Narm. I %6 &3Ostraka greci da Narmuthis (OGN I)&, edd. R. Pintaudi and P.J. Sijpesteijn. Pisa 1993. Nos. 1%19`131. (Quaderni di Medinet Madi 2). [o.e. Giardini, Pisa] *O.Oasis %6 &3Les Oasis d'E/gypte a\ l'e/poque grecque, romaine et byzantine &3d'apre\s les documents grecs&, by G. Wagner. Cairo 1987. Within a study of published and unpublished papyri, ostraca, inscriptions and graffiti referring to the Oases are edited here the following ostraca from sites listed on p.8: O.Ai+n Labakha (p.82), O.Bahria nos. 2%19`22 (pp.88%19`95), O.Sarm. nos. 1%19`16 (pp.96%19`101), O.Dor. nos. 1%19`5 (pp.102%19`103), and O.Bahria div. nos. 1%19`16 (pp.104%19`109). (Institut Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie Orientale du Caire, Bibliothe\que d'E/tude vol. C). (*)O.Ont.Mus. (or O.ROM) @*I, &3Death and Taxes: Ostraka in the Royal Ontario Museum& I, ed. A.E. Samuel, W.K. Hastings, A.K. Bowman, R.S. Bagnall. Toronto 1971. (Am.Stud.Pap. X). Nos. 1%19`72. [o.e. SP] @*II, &3Ostraka in the Royal Ontario Museum& II, ed. R.S. Bagnall and A.E. Samuel. Toronto 1976. (Am.Stud.Pap. XV). Nos. 73%19`289. [o.e. SP] *O.Oslo %6 &3Ostraca Osloe+nsia, Greek Ostraca in Norwegian Collections&, ed. L. Amundsen. Oslo 1933. (Avhandlinger utgitt av det Norske Videnskaps%19Akademi i Oslo, Hist.%19Fil. Kl. 1933, No. 2). Nos. 1-28. [oe. UF] (*)O.Paris, see &3P.Paris&. *O.Petr. %6 "Ostraca in Prof. W.M. Flinders Petrie's Collection at University College, London," in &3O.Bodl.& I, pp.82%19`152, Nos. 1%19`476. *O.Sarga, see &3P.Sarga&. *O.Stras. %6 &3Griechische und griechisch%19demotische Ostraka der &3Universita+ts%19 und Landesbibliothek zu Strassburg im Elsass& I, ed. P. Viereck. Berlin 1923. Nos. 1%19`812; a few are Demotic or bilingual. [MF 1.79] *O.Tebt., Nos. 1%19`20, see &3P.Tebt.& II. *O.Tebt.Pad. %6 &3Ostraka da Tebtynis della Universita\ di Padova& I, ed. C. Gallazzi. Milan 1979. Nos. 1%19`70. [o.e. CG] *O.Theb. %6 &3Theban Ostraca&, ed. A.H. Gardiner, H. Thompson, J.G. Milne. London 1913. (Univ. of Toronto Studies, Philological Series I). Texts in Hieratic, Demotic, Greek and Coptic. Nos. 1%19`146 are Greek. [o.e. UTP] *O.Vleem. %6 &3`0straka Varia. Tax Receipts and Legal Documents on Demotic, &3Greek, and Greek%19Demotic Ostraka, Chiefly of the Early Ptolemaic Period, &3from Various Collections& (Pap.Lugd.Bat. XXVI), ed. S.P. Vleeming. Leiden%3 New York%3Ko+ln 1994. Nos. 1%19`62, of which 1A, 11A, 12%19`25, 27%19`29, 31A con-tain Greek. [o.e. EJB] *O.Wadi Hamm. %6 "Nouveaux textes grecs du Ouadi Hammamat," ed. Fr. Kayser. Nos. 1%19`60, published with full indices in &3ZPE& 98 (1993) pp. 111%19`156 and plates III%19X. *O.Waqfa %6 &3Les Ostraca grecs d'Ai+n Waqfa (Oasis de Kharga)&, ed. H. Cuvigny, A. Hussein and G. Wagner. Cairo 1993. Nos. 1%19`79. (IFAO, Documents de Fouilles XXX). *O.Wilb. %6 &3Les Ostraca grecs de la collection Charles%19Edwin Wilbour au &3Muse/e de Brooklyn&, ed. C. Pre/aux. New York 1935. Nos. 1%19`78. [o.e. FERE; rp. CG] *O.Wilck. (or WO) %6 &3Griechische Ostraka aus Aegypten und Nubien&, ed. U. Wilcken. Leipzig%19Berlin 1899. 2 vols. Texts, vol. II, nos. 1%19`1624. Reprint Amsterdam 1970 with addenda compiled by P.J. Sijpesteijn. [MF 2.78%19`79; rp. CG, AMH] @ There are also ostraca in the following editions of papyri: &3BGU& VI, VII, XIV, &3CPR& X, &3P.Aberd.&, &3P.Bad.& IV, &3P.Batav.&, &3P.Coll.Youtie& II, &3P.Fay.&, &3P.Genova& II, &3P.Heid.& III, &3P.Hombert&, &3P.Ko+ln& II, &3P.Leid.Inst.&, &3P.Lips.&, &3P.Meyer&, &3P.Michael.&, &3P.Paris&, &3P.Rein.& II, &3P.Sakaon&, &3P.Select&, &3P.Sorb.& I, &3P.Tebt.& II, &3PSI& III, V, VIII, XII, and &3P. Vars. The numbers of the ostraca are given in the citation of these volumes in Part I. There are also ostraca throughout the volumes of &3SB&. @ *T.Alb. %6 &3Tablettes Albertini, Actes prive/s de l'e/poque Vandale&, ed. C. Courtois, L. Leschi, C. Perrat and C. Saumagne. Paris 1952. Texts I%19XXXIV; separate portfolio of plates. *T.Mom.Louvre %6 "Catalogue des e/tiquettes de momies du Muse/e du Louvre," ed. F. Baratte and B. Boyaval. Lille 1974%19`79. (&3CRIPEL vols. 2%19`5). Pt. 1, nos. 1%19`259 (vol. 2, 1974); pt. 2, nos. 260-688 (vol. 3, 1975); pt. 3, nos. 689%19`999 (vol. 4, 1976); pt. 4, nos. 1000%19`1209 and indices (vol. 5, 1979). *T.Varie %6 &3Tavolette lignee e cerate da varie collezioni&, ed. R. Pintaudi, P.J. Sijpesteijn et al. Florence 1989. (Pap.Flor. XVIII). Texts nos. 1%19`81 from six collections, with 94 plates. (*)T.Vindol. %6 @*I, &3Vindolanda: the Latin Writing Tablets&, ed. A.K. Bowman and @@@@@J.D. Thomas. London 1983. (Britannia Monograph Series, No. 4). @@@@@Texts nos. 1%19`48, descripta 49%19`106, waxed tablets 107%19`117. @*II, &3The Vindolanda Writing%19Tablets (Tabulae Vindolandenses II)&, ed. @@@@@A.K. Bowman and J.D. Thomas, with contributions by J.N. Adams. @@@@@London 1994. Nos. 118%19`573. (British Museum Press). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@III. CORPORA @ @@@*Volumes of corpora have been entered in the Duke Data Bank @@@@of Documentary Papyri only if they contain previously unpub-@@@@lished texts and texts which substantial reediting has sig-@@@@nificantly improved. Such volumes are marked by an asterisk. @ *Chrest.Mitt. (or M.&3Chr.&) %6 L. Mitteis and U. Wilcken, &3Grundzu+ge &3und Chrestomathie der Papyruskunde& II. Band, &3Juristischer Teil&, II. Ha+lfte, &3Chrestomathie&, by Mitteis. Nos. 1%19`382, some reedited. Leipzig%3 Berlin 1912. [MF 2.122%19`123 (with &3Gru+ndzuge&); rp. GO, all 4 vols.] *Chrest.Wilck. (or W.&3Chr.&) %6 L. Mitteis and U. Wilcken, &3Grundzu+ge &3und Chrestomathie der Papyruskunde& I. Band, &3Historischer Teil&, II. Ha+lfte, &3Chrestomathie&, by Wilcken. Nos. 1%19`500, many reedited. Leipzig%3Berlin 1912. [MF 2.120%19`121 (with &3Grundzu+ge&); rp. GO, see &3Chrest.&Mitt.] (*)Ch.L.A. %6 &3Chartae Latinae Antiquiores&, ed. A. Bruckner and R. Marichal. Basel, Dietikon%19Zu+rich 1954%19, in progress. Vols. 1%19`43 and 46 have been published to date. [o.e. UGV] @@@*I, Switzerland: Basle%19St. Gall, nos. 1%19`108. 1954. @@@*II, Switzerland: St. Gall%19Zu+rich, nos. 109%19`178. 1956. @@@*III, British Museum, London, nos. 179%19`223. 1963. @@@*IV, Great Britain, nos. 224%19`275. 1967. @@@*V, The United States of America I, nos. 276%19`308. 1975. @@@*VI, The United States of America II, nos. 309%19`321 (&3P.Dura&). 1975. @@@*VII, The United States of America III, nos. 322%19`354 (&3P.Dura&). 1975. @@@*VIII, The United States of America IV, nos. 355%19`356 (&3P.Dura&). 1976. @@@*IX, The United States of America V, nos. 357%19`395 (&3P.Dura&), 396-@@@@@@@@`406. 1977. @@@*X, Germany I, nos. 407%19`464. 1979. @@@*XI, Germany II, nos. 465%19`517. 1979. @@@*XII, Germany III, nos 518%19`548. 1978. @@@*XIII, France I, nos. 549%19`571. 1981. @@@*XIV, France II, nos. 572%19`594. 1982. @@@@XV, France III, nos. 595%19`618. 1986. @@@@XVI, France IV, nos. 619%19`638. 1986. @@@*XVII, France V, nos. 651%19`658. 1984. @@@*XVIII, France VI, nos. 659%19`669. 1985. @@@*XIX, France VII, nos. 670%19`691. 1987. @@@*XX, Italy I, nos. 701%19`712. 1982. @@@*XXI, Italy II, nos. 713%19`717. 1983. @@@*XXII, Italy III, nos. 718%19`729. 1983. @@@@XXIII, Italy IV, nos. 730%19`750. 1985. @@@@XXIV, Italy V, nos. 751%19`776. 1985. @@@*XXV, Italy VI, nos. 777%19`798. 1986. @@@@XXVI, Italy VII, nos. 799%19`813. 1987. @@@@XXVII, Italy VIII, nos. 814%19`838. 1992. @@@*XXVIII, Italy IX, nos. 839%19`865. 1988. @@@*XXIX, Italy X, nos. 862%19`889; the numbers 862%19`865 are reused from @@@@@@@@@@the preceding volume for different texts. 1993. @@@@XXX, Italy XI, nos. 894%19`914. 1988. @@@@XXXI, Italy XII, nos. 915%19`936. 1989. @@@@XXXII, Italy XIII, nos. 937%19`960. 1989. @@@@XXXIII, Italy XIV, nos. 961%19`984. 1989. @@@@XXXIV, Italy XV, nos. 985%19`1009. 1989. @@@@XXXV, Italy XVI, nos. 1010%19`1038. 1990. @@@@XXXVI, Italy XVII, nos. 1039%19`1068. 1990. @@@@XXXVII, Italy XVIII, nos. 1069%19`1095. 1990. @@@@XXXVIII, Italy XIX, nos. 1096%19`1125. 1990. @@@@XXXIX, Italy XX, nos. 1126%19`1155. 1991. @@@*XL, Italy XXI, nos. 1156%19`1185. 1991. @@@*XLI, Egypt I, nos. 1186%19`1206. 1994. @@@*XLII, Egypt II, nos. 1207%19`1239. 1994. @@@*XLIII, Austria I, nos. 1240%19`1251. 1995. @@@*XLVI, Belgium, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Norway, Holland, Republic @@@@@@@@@@of Georgia, Spain, nos. 1361%19`1402. 1995. *C.Epist.Lat. %6 &3Corpus Epistularum Latinarum, papyris tabulis ostracis &3servatarum&, I, Textus; II, Commentarius, ed. P. Cugusi. (Pap.Flor. XXIII). Florence 1992. [o.e. LGF] (*)C.E/tiq.Mom. %6 &3Corpus des e/tiquettes de momies grecques&, ed. B. Boya-val. Lille 1976. (Publications de l'Universite/ de Lille III). *Nos. 1657 and 2077 were previously inedited. *C.Illum.Pap. I %6 &3Illuminierte Papyri, Pergamente und Papiere& I, ed. U. Horak. Vienna 1992. (Pegasus Oriens I). Nos. 1, 28, 31, 34, 38, 45, 49, 54 and 59 include Greek documentary texts. [Verlag Holzhausens] *C.Jud.Syr.Eg. %6 &3The Judaean%19Syrian%19Egyptian Conflict of 103%19`101 B.C., &3a multilingual dossier concerning a "War of Sceptres"&, ed. E. van t'Dack, W. Clarysse, G. Cohen, J. Quaegebeur and J.K. Winnicki. Papyri nos. 1%19`8; inscriptions nos. 1%19`3. Brussels 1989. (Coll.Hellen. I). (*)C.Ord.Ptol. %6 &3Corpus des Ordonnances des Ptole/me/es&, ed. M.%19Th. Lenger. Brussels 1964. (Acad. Roy. de Belgique, Cl. des Lettres, &3Me/moires&, coll. in 8&4o&, vol. 57, fasc. 1). 2nd edition, corrected and updated, 1980. (&3Me/moires& LXIV, 2) [o.e. ARB]. A further supplement appears in Lenger, &3C.Ord.Ptol. Bilan des additions et corrections. Comple/ments a\ la biblio%19 &3graphie&. Brussels 1990. (Pap.Brux. XXIV). [o.e. FERE] (*)C.Pap.Gr. %6 &3Corpus Papyrorum Graecarum&, ed. O. Montevecchi and others. @*I, &3I Contratti di baliatico&, ed. M. Manca Masciadri and O. Montevecchi. Nos. 1%19`40 and four appendices. Milan 1984. (Separate volume of plates.) @*II, &3Il Controllo della Popolazione nell'Egitto Romano& Pt. 1, &3Le Denunce &3di morte&, ed. L. Casarico. Nos. 1%19`82 and two appendices. Azzate 1985. (Separate volume of plates.) @C.Pap.Hengstl %6 &3Griechische Papyri aus A+gypten als Zeugnisse des &3o+ffentlichen und privaten Lebens&, ed. J. Hengstl with G. Ha+ge and H. Ku+hnert. Munich 1978. Republication of 161 selected documents with translation and commentary. [o.e. Heimeran] @C.Pap.Jud. %6 &3Corpus Papyrorum Judaicarum&. Cambridge, Mass. @@I, ed. V.A. Tcherikover. 1957. Nos. 1%19`141. @@II, ed. V.A. Tcherikover and A. Fuks. 1960. Nos. 142%19`450. @@III, ed. V.A. Tcherikover, A. Fuks and M. Stern. 1964. Nos. 451%19`520. @C.Pap.Lat. %6 &3Corpus Papyrorum Latinarum&, ed. R. Cavenaile. Wiesbaden 1958. [o.e. OH] @C.Ptol.Sklav. %6 &3Corpus der ptolema+ischen Sklaventexte&, ed. R. Scholl. Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 1990. (Forschungen zur antiken Sklaverei, Beiheft 1). In three parts: I, nos. 1%19`114; II, nos. 115%19`260; III, Indices. [o.e. Franz Steiner Verlag] @Doc.Eser.Rom. %6 &3Documenti per la storia dell'esercito romano in &3Egitto&, ed. S. Daris. Milan 1964. (Pubblicazioni dell'Universita\ Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Contributi, Serie Terza, Scienze Storiche IX). [o.e. VP] @Feste %6 &3Feste pubbliche e private nei documenti greci&, ed. M. Vandoni. Milan 1964. (Testi e documenti per lo studio dell' Antichita\, Serie Papyrologica 8). @FIRA III %6 &3Fontes Iuris Romani Antejustiniani,& pars tertia, &3Negotia&, ed. V. Arangio%19Ruiz. 2nd ed. Florence 1943. Reprint Florence 1969 with an appendix of material prepared by Arangio%19Ruiz before his death. [o.e. GB] @Jur.Pap. %6 &3Juristische Papyri&, ed. P.M. Meyer. Berlin 1920. [MF 2.45; rp. ARES] *Pap.Agon. %6 &3Zehn agonistische Papyri&, ed. P. Frisch. Cologne%3Opladen 1986. (Pap.Colon. XIII). Reeditions of ten papyri: 1 %6 &3BGU& IV 1074, 2 %6 &3BGU& IV 1073, 3 %6 &3P.Oxy.& XXVII 2476, 4 %6 &3P.Oxy.Hels.& 25, 5 %6 &3P.Oxy.& XXXI 2610, 6 %6 &3P.Lond.& III 1178, 7 %6 &3C.P.Herm.& 121 (Stud.Pap. V), 8 %6 &3P.Oslo III 85, 9 %6 &3P.Coll.Youtie& II 69, 10 %6 &3P.Oxy.& XLIII 3116. [o.e. WDV] *Pap.Biling. %6 &3Recueil de textes de/motiques et bilingues&, ed. P.W. Pest-man with J. Quaegebeur and R.L. Vos. Leiden 1977. Part I, Transcriptions (and notes): nos. 1%19`3,7%19`10,21 Demotic; 4%19`6,13%19`20,22,23 bilingual Greek and Demotic. No. 11 is a graffito, no. 12 a Greek inscription; nos. 15%19`23 are mummy labels. Part II, Traductions (and notes). Part III, Index et Planches. [o.e. EJB] *Pap.Choix %6 &3Choix de papyrus grecs: Essai de traitement automatique&, ed. J. Bingen, A. Tomsin, A. Bodson, J. Denooz, J.C. Dupont, E. Evrard. Lie\ge 1968. 28 miscellaneous texts revised and republished. (Universite/ de Lie\ge, Laboratoire d'Analyse Statistique des Langues Anciennes). @Pap.Graec.Mag. %6 &3Papyri Graecae Magicae&, ed. K. Preisendanz. 2 vols. Leipzig%19Berlin 1928, 1931. Photostatic copies of proofs of an unpublished third volume are to be found in some libraries. A reprint including texts from the projected third volume with revisions by A. Henrichs was published in 1974. [Rp. BTS]@@See also &3The Magical Papyri in Translation& by H.D. Betz (esp. p. xliv), Chicago 1985. See also below &3Suppl.Mag. *Rom.Mil.Rec. %6 &3Roman Military Records on Papyrus&, ed. R.O. Fink. Cleveland 1971. (American Philological Association Monograph 26). [o.e. SP] @Sel.Pap. %6 &3Select Papyri& (The Loeb Classical Library). London and Cambridge, Mass. @@I, &3Private Affairs&, ed. A.S. Hunt and C.C. Edgar. 1932. Nos. 1%19`200. [o.e. HUP] @@II, &3Official Documents&, ed. A.S. Hunt and C.C. Edgar. 1934. Nos. 201%19`434. [o.e. HUP] @@III, &3Literary Papyri: Poetry&, ed. D.L. Page. 1942. Nos. 1%19`147. [o.e. HUP] @Shorthand Manuals %6 &3Greek Shorthand Manuals&, ed. H.J.M. Milne. London 1934. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco%19Roman Memoirs 24). Includes nos. 1%19`6 of &3P.Ant.& [o.e. EES] @Suppl.Mag. %6 &3Supplementum Magicum&, ed. with translations and notes by R.W. Daniel and F. Maltomini. (Papyrologica Coloniensia 16). @@I, Opladen 1990. [o.e. WDV] @ @There are also collections of letters as follows: @ @S. Witkowski, &3Epistulae privatae graecae quae in papyris aetatis &3Lagidarum servantur&, Leipzig 1911 (2nd edition). Nos. 1%19`72. @G. Ghedini, &3Lettere cristiane dai papiri greci del III e del IV &3secolo&, Milan 1923. @B. Olsson, &3Papyrusbriefe aus der fru+hesten Ro+merzeit&, Uppsala 1925. Nos. 1%19`80. @W. Do+llstadt, &3Griechische Papyrusprivatbriefe in gebildeter Sprache &3aus den ersten vier Jahrhunderten nach Christus&. Diss. Jena 1934. @G. Daum, &3Griechische Papyrusbriefe aus einem Jahrtausend antiker &3Kultur&, Paderborn 1959. Nos. 1%19`45. @J. O'Callaghan, &3Cartas cristianas griegas del siglo V&, Barcelona 1963. (Biblioteca Histo/rica de la Biblioteca Balmes, ser. II 25). Nos. 1%19`63. @M. Naldini, &3Il Cristianesimo in Egitto: Lettere private nei papiri &3dei secoli II%19IV&, Florence 1968. Nos. 1%19`97. @G. Tibiletti, &3Le Lettere privati nei papiri greci del III e IV &3secolo d.C.&, Milan (Vita e Pensiero) 1979. (Scienze filologiche e letteratura XV). Nos. 1%19`34. @J.L. White, &3Light from Ancient Letters&, Philadelphia (Fortress Press) 1986. Nos. 1%19`117. @ The following are other collections of texts with varying degrees of commentary published for scholarly or pedagogical purposes: @ @H. Hohlwein, &3L'E/gypte romaine. Recueil des termes techniques rela%19 &3tifs aux institutions politiques et administratives de l'E/gypte &3romaine, suivi d'un choix de textes papyrologiques&. Brussels 1912. (Acad. Roy. Belg., Me/m. Cl. de Lettres, Coll. in 8 ,2 ser. VIII). 95 selected documents with short notes, pp.469%19`819. @A. Laudien, &3Griechische Papyri aus Oxyrhynchus, fu+r den Schulge%19 &3brauch ausgewa+hlt&. Berlin 1912. Nos. 1%19`46. @R. Helbing, &3Auswahl aus griechischen Papyri&, ed.2. Leipzig 1924. Sammlung Go+schen 625). Nos. 1%19`23. @G. Milligan, &3Selections from the Greek Papyri&, ed.2. Cambridge 1927. Nos. 1%19`55. @W. Schubart, &3Griechische Papyri. Urkunden und Briefe vom 4. Jahrh. &3v.Chr. bis ins 8. Jahrh. n.Chr.& Bielefeld%3Leipzig 1927. 1: Text; 2: Kommentar. (Sammlung lateinischer und griechischer Schulausgaben). Nos. 1%19`70. @W. Hersey Davis, &3Greek Papyri of the First Century.& New York%3London 1933. Nos. 1%19`21. @H. Lietzmann, &3Griechische Papyri&, ed.4. Bonn 1934. (Kleine Texte fu+r Vorlesungen und U+bungen 14). Nos. 1%19`25. @E.J. Goodspeed and E.C. Colwell, &3A Greek Papyrus Reader&, ed.2. Chicago 1936. Nos. 1%19`82. @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@IV. INSTRUMENTA @ @BL %6 &3Berichtigungsliste der Griechischen Papyrusurkunden aus &3A+gypten.& I, ed. F. Preisigke, Berlin%3Leipzig 1922 [WdG]; II, ed. F. Bilabel, in 2 pts. Heidelberg 1929,1933; III, ed. M. David, B.A. van Groningen, E. Kiessling. Leiden 1958 [o.e. EJB]; IV, ibid. Leiden 1964 [o.e. EJB]; V, ed. E. Boswinkel, David, van Groningen, Kiessling. Leiden 1969 [o.e. EJB]; VI, ed. Boswinkel, P.W. Pestman, H.%19A. Rupprecht. Leiden 1976 [o.e. EJB]; VII, ed. Boswinkel, W. Clarysse, Pestman, Rupprecht. Leiden 1986 [o.e. EJB]; VIII, ed. Pestman, Rupprecht. Leiden 1992 [o.e. EJB]; IX, ibid. Leiden 1995 [o.e. EJB] @ @BL Konkordanz %6 &3Konkordanz und Supplement zu Band I%19VII&, ed. W. Clarysse, R.W. Daniel, F.A.J. Hoogendijk, P. van Minnen. Leuven 1989. [o.e. Peeters] @ @DDBDP %6 Duke Data Bank of Documentary Papyri. See Preface p. viii. Directed by W.H. Willis and J.F. Oates, data entry managed by L.P. Smith and C. Rine, proofing by L. Koenen and staff, programming by D.W. Packard, W.A. Johnson and S.V.F. Waite. Recorded by Packard Humanities Institute on PHI CD ROM 7 in Sept. 1995. Data entry of new volumes continues. [CD ROM available from Packard Humanities Institute] @ &1Lexica @ @Calderini, &3Diz.& %6 &3Dizionario dei nomi geografici e topografici &3dell'Egitto greco%19romano&, ed. A. Calderini. I pt. 1, Cairo 1935 [rp. 1972 CG]; pt. 2, Instituto "Antonio de Nebrija", Madrid 1966; II, ed. S. Daris in 4 pts. Milan 1973%19`1977; III, idem, in 4 pts. Milan 1978%19`1983; IV, idem, in 4 pts. Milan 1983%19`1986; V, idem, Milan 1987. Supplemento 1 (1935%19`1986), ed. S. Daris. Milan 1988. [o.e. CG] @ @Dornseiff%19Hansen %6 &3Ru+ckla+ufiges Wo+rterbuch der griechischen &3Eigennamen&, ed. F. Dornseiff and B. Hansen. Berlin 1957. (Sa+chs-ischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, Phil.%19hist. Kl., Berichte u+ber die Verhandlungen 102.4). [AV] @ @Kretschmer%19Locker %6 &3Ru+ckla+ufiges Wo+rterbuch der griechischen &3Sprache&, ed. P. Kretschmer and E. Locker, 2nd ed. Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, Go+ttingen 1963. (Supersedes O. Gradenwitz, &3Heidelberger &3Kontra+rindex der griechischen Papyrus%19urkunden&, Weidmann, Berlin 1931.) @ @NB %6 &3Namenbuch enthaltend alle griechischen, lateinischen, a+gyp%19 &3tischen, hebra+ischen, arabischen und sonstigen semitischen und &3nichtsemitischen Menschennamen, soweit sie in griechischen Urkunden &3(Papyri, Ostraka, Inschriften, Mumienschildern usw) A+gyptens sich &3vorfinden&, ed. F. Preisigke. Heidelberg 1922. @ @Onomasticon %6 &3Onomasticon alterum papyrologicum,& Supplemento al &3Namenbuch di F. Preisigke&, ed. D. Foraboschi in 4 pts. Milan 1967-1971. (Testi e documenti per lo studio dell'Antichita\ 16). [o.e. CG] @ @Ronchi, &3Lex.Theon.& %6 &3Lexicon theonymon rerumque sacrarum et &3divinarum ad Aegyptum pertinentium quae in papyris ostracis &3titulis Graecis Latinisque in Aegypto repertis laudantur&, ed. G. Ronchi. Fasc. I%19V, Milan 1974%19`77. (Testi e documenti per lo studio dell'Antichita\ 45). [o.e. CG] @ @Ruozzi Sala, &3Lex.Nom.Sem.& %6 &3Lexicon nominum Semiticorum quae &3in papyris Graecis in Aegypto repertis ab anno 323 a.Ch.n. &3usque ad annum 70 p.Ch.n. laudata reperiuntur&, ed. S.M. Ruozzi Sala. Milan 1974. (Testi e documenti per lo studio dell'anti-chita\ 46). [o.e. CG] @ @Spoglio %6 &3Spoglio lessicale papirologico&, ed. S. Daris, in 3 vols. Milan 1968. (Universita\ Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Istituto di Papirologia). @ @WB %6 &3Wo+rterbuch der griechischen Papyrusurkunden, mit Einschluss &3der griechischen Inschriften, Aufschriften, Ostraka, Mumienschilder &3usw aus A+gypten&, ed. F. Preisigke and E. Kiessling. I $*A%19*K,& 1925; II $*L%19*W,& 1927; III besondere Wo+rterliste, 1931; IV $*A%19*E& in 4 pts. 1944,1958,1966,1971. Berlin. @Supplement 1 (1940%19`1966), ed. E. Kiessling. Amsterdam, pts. 1 and 2 1969, pt. 3 1971. [o.e. AMH] @Supplement 2 (1967%19`1976), ed. H.%19A. Rupprecht and A. Jo+rdens. Wies-baden 1991. [o.e. OH] @ &1Grammars @ @Gignac, &3Gram.& %6 &3A Grammar of the Greek Papyri of the Roman and &3Byzantine Periods,& vol. I Phonology, vol. II Morphology, by F.T. Gignac. Milan 1976, 1981. (Testi e documenti per lo studio dell' Antichita\ 55.1%19`2). [o.e. CG] @ @Mandilaras, &3Verb& %6 &3The Verb in the Greek Non%19literary Papyri&, by B.G. Mandilaras. Athens 1973. [Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sciences] @ @Mayser, &3Gram.& %6 &3Grammatik der griechischen Papyri aus der Ptole%19 &3ma+erzeit mit Einschluss der gleichzeitigen Ostraka und der in &3A+gypten verfassten Inschriften&, by E. Mayser. Berlin%3Leipzig 1923%19`1936. [o.e. WdG] I, &3Laut und Wortlehre&, by Mayser. 1906, rp. 1923. I 1, &3Einleitung und Lautlehre&, 2nd ed. by H. Schmoll. Berlin 1970. @@@@@[o.e. WdG] I 2, &3Laut%19 und Wortlehre,& pt. II Flexionslehre, 2nd ed. by Mayser. @@@@@`1938. I 3, &3Laut%19 und Wortlehre,& pt. III Stammbildung, 2nd ed. by Mayser. @@@@@[`1936]. II 1%19`2, &3Satzlehre, Analytischer Teil&, by Mayser. 1933%19`1934. II 3, &3Satzlehre, Synthetischer Teil&, by Mayser. 1934. @ @Palmer, &3Gram.& %6 &3A Grammar of the Post%19Ptolemaic Papyri&, by L.R. Palmer. Vol. I Accidence and Word%19formation, pt. 1 The Suffixes (all published). London 1945. [OUP] @ &1Palaeography @ @Boswinkel%19Sijpesteijn, &3Tabulae& %6 &3Greek Papyri, Ostraca and &3Mummy Labels&, by E. Boswinkel and P.J. Sijpesteijn. Amsterdam 1968. (Tabulae Palaeographicae, fasc. I). [o.e. AMH] @ @Cavallo%19Maehler, &3GB& %6 &3Greek Bookhands of the Early Byzantine &3Period, A.D. 300 %19 800&, by G. Cavallo and H. Maehler. London 1987. (BICS Suppl. 47). [o.e. ICS] @ @Roberts, &3GLH& %6 &3Greek Literary Hands, 350 B.C. %19 A.D. 400&, by C.H. Roberts. Oxford 1956. [o.e. OUP] @ @Schubart, &3Pal.& %6 &3Griechische Palaeographie&, by W. Schubart. Munich 1925, rp. 1966. (Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft I.4.1). [o.e. Beck] @ @Schubart, &3PGB& %6 &3Papyrae graecae Berolinenses&, by W. Schubart. Bonn 1911. (Tabulae in Usum Scholarum, 2). @ @Seider, &3Pal.Gr.& %6 &3Pala+ographie der griechischen Papyri&, by R. Seider. Bd. I Tafeln, Urkunden; Bd. TT Tafeln, Literarische Papyri; Bd, III Text, pt. 1 Urkundenschrift. Stuttgart 1967,1970,1990. [Hiersemann] @Turner, &3GMAW& %6 &3Greek Manuscripts of the Ancient World&, by E.G. Turner: 2nd ed. rev. and enl. by P.J. Parsons. London 1987. (Institute of Classical Studies, Bulletin Supplement 46). [o.e. ICS] @ &1Handbooks @ @Grundz.Mitt. (or M.&3Gr.&) %6 L. Mitteis and U. Wilcken, &3Grundzu+ge &3und Chrestomathie der Papyruskunde& II Band, &3Juristische Teil,& I Ha+lfte, &3Grundzu+ge&, by Mitteis. Leipzig%3Berlin 1912. [MF 2.122-123 (with &3Chrestomathie&); rp. GO] @Grundz.Wilck. (or W.&3Gr.&) %6 L. Mitteis and U. Wilcken, &3Grundzu+ge &3und Chrestomathie der Papyruskunde& I Band, &3Historische Teil,& I Ha+lfte, &3Grundzu+ge&, by Wilcken. Leipzig%3Berlin 1912. [MF 2.120-121 (with &3Chrestomathie&); rp. GO] @Fikhman, &3Introd.& %6 &3Introduction a\ la papyrologie documentaire& (in Rusian), by I.F. Fikhman. Moscow 1987, Akad.Nauk SSSR. @Montevecchi, &3Pap.& %6 &3La Papirologia&, by O. Montevecchi. Turin 1973. 2nd ed. with additional bibliography, Milan 1989. @ @Pestman, &3Prim.&`2 %6 &3The New Papyrological Primer&, 2nd ed. rev., by P.W. Pestman. Leiden 1994. [o.e. EJB] @ @Rupprecht, &3Kl.Einf.& %6 &3Kleine Einfu+hrung in die Papyruskunde&, by H.%19A. Rupprecht. Darmstadt 1994. [o.e. Wiss.Buchges.] @ @Schubart, &3Einf.& %6 &3Einfu+hrung in die Papyruskunde&, by W. Schubart. Berlin 1918. @ @Turner, &3GP& %6 &3Greek Papyri, an Introduction&, by E.G. Turner. 2nd ed., rev. by P.J. Parsons. Oxford 1980. [o.e. OUP] @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@V. SERIES @ @Aegypt.Trev. %6 &3Aegyptiaca Treverensia&. Trierer Studien zum griech-isch%19ro+mischen A+gypten. Mainz 1981%19. [o.e. PvZ] @@I, &3Alexandrien. Kulturgegnungen dreier Jahrtausende im Schmelz%19 &3tiegel einer mediterranen Grossstadt&, by N. Hinske. 1981. @@II, &3Das Ro+misch%19byzantinische A+gypten&. Akten des internationalen Symposions 26.%19`30. September 1978 in Trier. 1984. @@III, &3Corpus of Mosaics from Egypt, I&, by W.A. Daszewski. 1985. @@IV, see &3P.Neph. @@V, not yet published. @@VI, &3Der Sarg der Teu+ris, eine Studie zum Totenglauben im ro+m%19 &3ischen A+gypten&, by D. Kurth. 1990. @@VII, &3Aspekte spa+ta+gyptischer Kultur, Festschrift fu+r Erich Winter&, ed. M. Minas and J. Zeidler with the collaboration of S. Schips and S. Sto+hr. 1994. @ @Am.Stud.Pap. %6 &3American Studies in Papyrology&. New Haven, Toronto, Las Palmas, Missoula, Chico, Decatur, Atlanta 1966%19. (American Society of Papyrologists). @@I, &3Essays in Honor of C. Bradford Welles&, ed. A.E. Samuel. 1966. [o.e. SP] @@II, see &3P.Yale& I. @@III, &3Inventory of Compulsory Services in Ptolemaic and Roman &3Egypt&, by N. Lewis. 1968. [o.p.] See now N. Lewis, &3The Compulsory &3Public Services of Roman Egypt&. Florence 1982. (Pap.Flor. XI). @@IV, &3The Taxes in Grain in Ptolemaic Egypt: Granary Receipts &3from Diospolis Magna, 164%19`88 B.C.&, by Z.M. Packman. 1968. [o.e. SP] @@V, &3Euripides Papyri& I, &3Texts from Oxyrhynchus&, by B.E. Donovan. 1969. [o.e. SP] @@VI, see &3P.Mich.& X. @@VII, &3Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress of &3Papyrology, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 12%19`17 August 1968&, ed. D.H. Samuel. 1970. [o.p.] @@VIII, &3The Ptolemaic and Roman Idios Logos&, by P.R. Swarney. 1970. [o.p.] @@IX, see &3P.Mich.& XI. @@X, see &3O.Ont.Mus.& I. @@XI, &3The Town Councils of Roman Egypt&, by A.K. Bowman. 1971. [o.p.] @@XII, &3The Four Greek Hymns of Isidorus and the Cult of Isis&, by V.F. Vanderlip. 1972. [o.e. SP] @@XIII, &3Greek Terms for Roman Institutions: A Lexicon and Analysis&, by H.J. Mason. 1974. [o.e. SP] @@XIV, see &3P.Mich.& XII. @@XV, see &3O.Ont.Mus.& II. @@XVI, &3Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri IV and V&, by A. Pietersma. 1977. [o.e. SP] @@XVII, see &3P.Wash.Univ.& I. @@XVIII, &3Imperial Estates in Egypt&, by G.M. Para/ssoglou. Las Palmas 1978. [o.e. AMH] @@XIX, &3Status Declarations in Roman Egypt&, by C.A. Nelson. Las Palmas 1978. [o.e. AMH] @@XX, see &3P.Col.& VII. @@XXI, &3Le Nome Hermopolite: toponymes et sites&, by Marie Drew%19Bear. Missoula 1979. [o.e. SP] @@XXII, see &3P.Mich.& XIV. @@XXIII, &3Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Congress &3of Papyrology&, ed. R.S. Bagnall, G.M. Browne, A.E. Hanson and L. Koenen. Chico 1981. [o.e. SP] @@XXIV, see &3P.Yale& II. @@XXV, &3Register of Oxyrhynchites&, 30 B.C.%19A.D. 96, by B.W. Jones and J.E.G. Whitehorne. 1983. [o.e. SP] @@XXVI, &3Saite and Persian Demotic Cattle Documents, A Study in &3Legal Forms and Principles in Ancient Egypt&, by E. Cruz%19Uribe. 1985. [o.e. SP] @@XXVII, &3Grundlagen des koptischen Satzbaus&, by H.J. Polotsky. 1987. (Half%19title misnumbered "`28", corrected on title%19page verso) [o.e. SP] @@XXVIII, see &3P.Col.& VIII. @@XXIX, &3Grundlagen des koptischen Satzbaus, zweite Ha+lfte&, by H.J. Polotsky. 1990. [o.e. SP] @@XXX, see &3P.Mich.& XVI. @@XXXI, &3Ptocheia or Odysseus in Disguise at Troy (P.Ko+ln VI 245)&, Edition and Commentary by M.G. Parca. 1991. [o.e. SP] @@XXXII, see &3P.Sorb.& II. @@XXXIII, &3On Government and Law in Roman Egypt. Collected Papers of &3Naphtali Lewis&. 1995. [o.e. SP] @ @BASP Suppl. %6 &3Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists:& Sup-plements. Published irregularly by the Society, 1973%19. [o.e. SP] @@`1, &3Checklist of Editions of Greek Papyri and Ostraca&, 2nd ed., by J.F. Oates, R.S. Bagnall, W.H. Willis. 1978. @@`2, &3Regnal Formulas in Byzantine Egypt&, by R.S. Bagnall, K.A. Worp. 1979. @@`3, &3Abbreviations in Greek Literary Papyri and Ostraca&, by K. McNamee. 1981. @@`4, &3Checklist of Editions of Greek Papyri and Ostraca&, 3rd ed., by J.F. Oates, R.S. Bagnall, W.H. Willis, K.A. Worp. 1985. @@`5, &3Currency and Inflation in Fourth Century Egypt&, by R.S. Bagnall. 1985. @@`6, &3The Production and Use of Vegetable Oils in Ptolemaic Egypt&, by D.B. Sandy. 1989. @@`7, &3Checklist of Editions of Greek and Latin Papyri, Ostraca and &3Tablets&, 4th ed., by J.F. Oates, R.S. Bagnall, W.H. Willis, K.A. Worp. 1992. @@`8. &3The Ptolemaic Basilikos Grammateus&, by J.F. Oates. 1995. @ @Coll.Hellen. %6 &3Collectanea Hellenistica&. Brussels 1989%19. (Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van Belgie+, Klassieke Studies, Hellenisme, I%19). [o.e. NVB] @@I, see &3C.Jud.Syr.Eg.& (III, Corpora) @@II, see &3P.Petr.&,ed.2, I. @ @CRIPEL %6 &3Cahiers de Recherches de l'Institut de Papyrologie et &3d'E/gyptologie de Lille&. Lille and Paris 1973%19. @@I, &3E/tudes sur l'Egypte et le Soudan anciens.& Lille and Paris (Editions Universitaires) 1973. @@II, &3idem&. 1974. @@III, &3idem&. 1975. @@IV, &3idem&. Lille (Publications de l'Universite/ de Lille III) n.d. (1976). @@V, &3idem&. n.d. (1979). @@VI, &3idem&. Lille (Presses Universitaires de Lille) 1981. @@VII, &3Socie/te/s urbaines en E/gypte et au Soudan&. Lille (Presses Univer-sitaires de Lille) 1985. @@VIII, &3idem&. 1986. @@IX, &3idem&. 1987. @@X, &3idem&. 1988. @@XI, &3idem&. Lille (Institut de Papyrologie et d'E/gyptologie, Universite/ Charles de Gaulle, Lille III) 1989. @@XII, &3idem&. 1990. @@XIII, &3Me/langes Jacques Jean Cle\re&. 1991. @@XIV, &3Socie/te/s urbaines en E/gypte et au Soudan&. 1992. @ @Estud.Pap. %6 &3Estudis de Papirologia i Filologia Bi/blica&. Barcelona 1991%19. [Seminari de Papirologia, Institut de Teologia Fonamental] @@`1, &3The Funerary Papyrus Palau Rib. inv. nr. 450&, ed. C. Sturtewagen. 1991. @@`2. &3Il lessico latino nel greco d'Egitto&, 2nd ed., by S. Daris. 1991. @@`3. &3Papiros literarios griegos del Fondo Palau%19Ribes&, ed. J. O'Calla-ghan. 1993. @ @Graeco%19Roman Memoirs, Egypt Exploration Society. London, 1898%19. @@@@`1, see &3P.Oxy.& I. @@@@`2, see &3P.Oxy.& II. @@@@`3, see &3P.Fay. @@@@`4, see &3P.Tebt.& I. @@@@`5, see &3P.Oxy.& III. @@@@`6, see &3P.Oxy.& IV. @@@@`7, see &3P.Hib.& I. @@@@`8, see &3P.Oxy.& V. @@@@`9, see &3P.Oxy.& VI. @@@`10, see &3P.Oxy.& VII. @@@`11, see &3P.Oxy.& VIII. @@@`12, see &3P.Oxy.& IX. @@@`13, see &3P.Oxy.& X. @@@`14, see &3P.Oxy.& XI. @@@`15, see &3P.Oxy.& XII. @@@`16, see &3P.Oxy.& XIII. @@@`17, see &3P.Oxy.& XIV. @@@`18, see &3P.Oxy.& XV. @@@`19, see &3P.Oxy.& XVI. @@@`20, see &3P.Oxy.& XVII. @@@`21, see &3O.Bodl.& I. @@@`22, &3Two Theocritus Papyri&, ed. A.S. Hunt and J. Johnson. 1930. @@@`23, see &3P.Tebt.& III, Part I. @@@`24, &3Greek Shorthand Manuals&, ed. H.J.M. Milne. 1934. (III, Corpora) @@@`25, see &3P.Tebt.& III, Part II. @@@`26, see &3P.Oxy.& XVIII. @@@`27, see &3P.Oxy.& XIX. @@@`28, see &3P.Ant.& I. @@@`29, see &3P.Oxy.& XX. @@@`30, see &3P.Oxy.& XXI. @@@`31, see &3P.Oxy.& XXII. @@@`32, see &3P.Hib.& II. @@@`33, see &3O.Bodl.& II. @@@`34, see &3P.Oxy.& XXIII. @@@`35, see &3P.Oxy.& XXIV. @@@`36, see &3P.Oxy.& XXV. @@@`37, see &3P.Ant.& II. @@@`38, see &3P.Oxy.& XXVI. @@@`39, see &3P.Oxy.& XXVII. @@@`40, see &3P.Oxy.& XXVIII. @@@`41, see &3P.Oxy.& XXIX. @@@`42, see &3P.Herm. @@@`43, see &3O.Bodl.& III, &3Indexes&. @@@`44, see &3P.Oxy.& XXX. @@@`45, see &3P.Oxy.& XXXI. @@@`46, see &3P.Oxy.& XXXII. @@@`47, see &3P.Ant.& III. @@@`48, see &3P.Oxy.& XXXIII. @@@`49, see &3P.Oxy.& XXXIV. @@@`50, see &3P.Oxy.& XXXV. @@@`51, see &3P.Oxy.& XXXVI. @@@`52, see &3P.Tebt.& II, reprint 1970. @@@`53, see &3P.Oxy.& XXXVII. @@@`54, see &3P.Oxy.& XXXVIII. @@@`55, see &3P.Oxy.& XXXIX. @@@`56, see &3P.Oxy.& XL. @@@`57, see &3P.Oxy.& XLI. @@@`58, see &3P.Oxy.& XLII. @@@`59, &3Location%19List of the Oxyrhynchus Papyri&, by R.A. Coles. 1974. @@@`60, see &3P.Oxy.& XLIII. @@@`61, see Sec. VII, Proceedings, no. XIV. @@@`62, see &3P.Oxy.& XLIV. @@@`63, see &3P.Oxy.& XLV. @@@`64, see &3P.Tebt.& IV. @@@`65, see &3P.Oxy.& XLVI. @@@`66, see &3P.Oxy.& XLVII. @@@`67, see &3P.Oxy.& XLVIII. @@@`68, see &3P.Turner&. @@@`69, see &3P.Oxy.& XLIX. @@@`70, see &3P.Oxy.& L. @@@`71, see &3P.Oxy.& LI. @@@`72, see &3P.Oxy.& LII. @@@`73, see &3P.Oxy.& LIII. @@@`74, see &3P.Oxy.& LIV. @@@`75, see &3P.Oxy.& LV. @@@`76, see &3P.Oxy.& LVI. @@@`77, see &3P.Oxy.& LVII. @@@`78, see &3P.Oxy.& LVIII. @@@`79, see &3P.Oxy.& LIX. @@@`80, see &3P.Oxy.& LX. @@@`81, see &3P.Oxy.& LXI. @ @MPER %6 &3Mittheilungen aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog &3Rainer&, ed. J. Karabacek. Vienna. A publication of various articles, some concerned with Greek papyri. [MF 2.40%19`44] @@I, 1887. @@II%19III, 1887. @@IV, 1888. @@V, 1892. @@VI, 1897. @MPER N.S. %6 &3Mitteilungen aus der Papyrussammlung der o+sterreich%19 &3ischen Nationalbibliothek in Wien,& Neue Serie. @@I, &3Griechische literarische Papyri& I, ed. H. Gerstinger, H. Oellacher, K. Vogel. Vienna 1932. [MF 2.82] @@II, &3Koptische Pergamente theologischen Inhalts&, ed. W. Till. Vienna 1934. [MF 2.83] @@III, &3Griechische literarische Papyri& II, ed. H. Oellacher, with an index to Pts. I and II by H. Gerstinger and P. Sanz. Vienna 1939. [MF 2.84] @@IV, &3Griechische literarische Papyri christlichen Inhaltes& I (&3Biblica, Va+terschriften und Verwandtes&), ed. P. Sanz. Vienna 1946. [o.e. RHR] @@V, &3Akten des VIII. Internationalen Kongresses fu+r Papyrologie&, Wien 1955. Vienna 1956. [o.e. RHR] @@VI, &3Aegypter und Amazonen (Pap.dem.Vindob. 6165 und 6165A)&, ed. A. Volten. Vienna 1962. [o.e. O+NB] @@VII, &3Aus der Vorgeschichte der Papyrussammlung der Oesterreichischen &3Nationalbibliothek& (Letters of T. Graf, J. von Karabacek, Erzherzog Rainer and others), ed. H. Hunger. Vienna 1962. [o.e. O+NB] @@VIII, &3Der Kampf um den Panzer des Inaros (Papyrus Krall)&, ed. E. Bresciani. Vienna 1964. [o.e. O+NB] @@IX, &3Koptische Papyri theologischen Inhalts&, ed. T. Orlandi. Vienna 1974. [o.e. O+NB] @@X, &3From the Contents of the Libraries of the Suchos Temples in the &3Fayum, Part I: A medical Book from Crocodilopolis, P.Vindob. D. 6257&, ed. E.A.E. Reymond. Vienna 1976. [o.e. O+NB] @@XI, &3From the Contents of the Libraries of the Suchos Temples in the &3Fayum, Part II: From Ancient Egyptian Hermetic Writings&, ed. E.A.E. Reymond. Vienna 1977. [o.e. O+NB] @@XII, &3Prosopographia Arsinoitica I,& &3S.VI%19VIII&, by J.M. Diethart. Vienna 1980. @@XIII, &3Medizinische Rezepte und Verwandtes&, ed. H. Harrauer and P.J. Sijpesteijn. Vienna 1981. [o.e. O+NB] @@XIV, &3Koranfragmente auf Pergament aus der Papyrussammlung der &3O+sterreichischen Nationalbibliothek&, ed. H. Loebenstein. Vienna 1982. [o.e. O+NB] @@XV, see &3P.Rain.Unterricht. @@XVI, &3Notarsunterschriften im Byzantinischen A+gypten&, by J.M. Diethart and K.A. Worp. Vienna 1986. Separate volume of plates. [o.e. O+NB] @@XVII, &3Griechische literarische Papyri christlichen Inhaltes& II, ed. K. Treu and J. Diethart. Vienna 1993. [o.e. O+NB] @@XVIII, &3Neue Texte und Dokumentation zum koptisch%19Unterricht&, by M. Hasitzka. Vienna 1990. Separate volume of plates. Nos. 1%19`332. [o.e. O+NB] @@XIX, &3Bericht u+ber das 1. Wiener Symposion fu+r Papyrusrestaurierung&, ed. H. Harrauer. Vienna 1985. [o.e. O+NB] @@XX, &3Das Amt des $A)PAITHTH/S&3 in A+gypten&, by B. Palme. Vienna 1989. [o.e. O+NB] @@XXI, &3Coptic Theological Papyri II, Edition, Commentary, Translation&, with an appendix: &3The Docetic Jesus&, by I. Gardner. Vienna 1988. Separate volume of plates. [o.e. O+NB] @@XXII, &3Coptic Manuscripts from the White Monastery: Works of &3Shenute&, by D.W. Young. Vienna 1993. [o.e. O+NB] @@XXIII, &3Koptisches Sammelbuch& I, ed. M.R,M. Hasitzka. Vienna 1993. [o.e. O+NB] @ @@XXV, &3Der Lebenskreis der Kpten: Dokumente, Textilien, Funde, &3Ausgrabungen&, (Katalog zur Austellung in Prunksaal der O+ster-reichischen Nationalbibliothek), curated by H. Buschhausen, U. Horak, H. Harrauer. Vienna 1995. [o.e. O+NB] @Pap.Brux. %6 &3Papyrologica Bruxellensia.& Brussels 1962%19. (Fondation E/gyptologique Reine E/lisabeth). @@I, see &3P.Iand.inv.653&. @@II, &3Les Titulatures impe/riales dans les papyrus, les &3ostraca et les inscriptions d'E/gypte (30 a.C.%19`284 p.C.)&, by P. Bureth. 1964. [o.e. FERE] @@III, &3La Sitome/trie dans les archives de Ze/non&, by T. Reekmans. 1966. [o.e. FERE] @@IV, &3Reports of Proceedings in Papyri&, by R.A. Coles. 1966. [o.e. FERE] @@V, &3Le Bordereau d'ensemencement dans l'E/gypte ptole/mai+que&, by P. Vidal%19Naquet. 1967. [o.e. FERE] @@VI, &3Recherches de papyrologie litte/raire& I, &3Concordances&, by P. Mertens. 1968. [o.e. FERE] @@VII, see &3P.Alex.Giss. @@VIII, &3Epimerismos&, by G. Poethke. 1969. [o.e. FERE] @@IX, &3Le Strate\ge du nome&, by N. Hohlwein. 1969. [o.e. FERE] (Rp. of articles of 1924%19`1925) @@X, &3Les Ressources et les activite/s e/conomiques des e/glises en E/gypte &3du IVe au VIIIe sie\cle&, by E. Wipszycka. 1972. [o.e. FERE] @@XI, &3Gli strateghi dell'Arsinoites in epoca romana&, by G. Bastianini. 1972. [o.e. FERE] @@XII, &3L. Domitius Domitianus&, by J. Schwartz. 1975. [o.e. FERE] @@XIII, &3Papyrus litte/raires grecs&, by J. Lenaerts. 1977. [o.e. FERE] @@XIV, &3Greeks and Egyptians&, by J.W.B. Barns. 1978. [o.e. FERE] @@XV, see &3P.Hombert&. @@XVI%19XIX, &3Actes du XVe Congre\s International de Papyrologie&, ed. J. Bingen and G. Nachtergael. [o.e. FERE] @@XVI, Pt. I, &3The Terms Recto and Verso and the Anatomy of the &3Papyrus Roll&, by E.G. Turner. 1978. @@XVII, Pt. II, &3Textes ine/dits&. 1979. (%6 &3P.Cong.XV&). @@XVIII, Pt. III, &3Proble\mes ge/ne/raux, Papyrologie litte/raire&. 1979. @@XIX, Pt. IV, &3Papyrologie documentaire&. 1980. @@XX, &3L'Arpentage par espe\ces dans l'E/gypte ptole/mai+que d'apre\s &3les papyrus grecs&, by H. Cuvigny. 1985. [o.e. FERE] @@XXI, see &3P.Erasm.& I. @@XXII, &3Les Titulatures des empereurs romains dans les documents &3en langue e/gyptienne&, by J.%19C. Grenier. 1989. [o.e. FERE] @@XXIII, &3Papyrus in Classical Antiquity, a Supplement&, by N. Lewis. 1989. A supplement to N. Lewis, &3Papyrus in Classical Antiquity (Oxford 1974). @@XXIV, &3Corpus des ordonnances des Ptole/me/es (C.Ord.Ptol.): Bilan &3des additions et corrections (1964%19`1988), comple/ments a\ la biblio-&3graphie&, by M.%19Th. Lenger. 1990. [o.e. FERE] @@XXV, &3Magica Varia&, five miscellaneous texts ed. by W.M. Brashear with contributions by A. Bu+low%19Jacobsen. 1991. [o.e. FERE] @@XXVI, &3Sigla and Select Marginalia in Greek Literary Papyri&, by K. McNamee. 1992. [o.e. FERE] @ @Pap.Castr. %6 &3Papyrologica Castroctaviana&. Barcelona 1967%19. @@I, &3El papiro en los padres grecolatinos&, ed. J. O'Callaghan. 1967. [o.e. PIB] @@II, &3Un nuovo frammento della Prima Lettera di Pietro&, ed. S. Daris. 1967. [o.e. PIB] @@III, &3Il lessico latino nel greco d'Egitto&, by S. Daris. 1971. 2nd ed. Barcelona 1991. (Estudis de Papirologia i Filologia bi/blica 2). @@IV, &3Das Markusevangelium sai+disch&, ed. H. Quecke. 1972. [o.e. PIB] @@V, &3L'Evoluzione della scrittura nei papiri greci del Vecchio Testamento&, by A. Leone. 1975. [o.e. PIB] @@VI, &3Das Lukasevangelium sai+disch&, ed. H. Quecke. 1977. [o.e. PIB] @@VII, &3Michigan Coptic Texts&, ed. G.M. Browne. 1979. [o.e. PIB] @@VIII, &3Griffith's Old Nubian Lectionary&, by G.M. Browne. 1982. @@IX, &3Gli Accenti nei papiri greci biblici&, by A. Biondi. 1983. @@X, &3Chrysostomus Nubianus: An Old Nubian Version of Ps.%19Chrysostomus, &3"In Venerabilem Crucem Sermo"&, by G.M. Browne. 1984. @@XI, &3Das Johannesevangelium sai+disch&, ed. H. Quecke. 1984. @@XII, &3Gli Animali da trasporto nell'Egitto greco, romano e bizan%19 &3tino&, by A. Leone. 1988. @ @Pap.Colon. %6 &3Papyrologica Coloniensia&, Sonderreihe of the series Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft fu+r Forschung des Landes Nordrhein%19Westfalen. Cologne and Opladen, 1964%19. @@I, &3Der Psalmenkommentar von Tura,& &3Quaternio IX&, ed. A. Kehl. 1964. [o.e. WDV] @@II, &3Demotische und koptische Texte&, ed. E. Lu+ddeckens, A.M. Kropp, A. Hermann, M. Weber. 1968. [o.e. WDV] @@III, &3The Ptolemaic Papyri of Homer&, by S. West. 1967. [o.e. WDV] @@IV, see &3P.Petaus&. @@V, &3Katalog Alexandrinischer Kaisermu+nzen der Sammlung des Instituts &3fu+r Altertumskunde der Universita+t zu Ko+ln,& Bd. 1: &3Augustus %19 Trajan &3(Nr. 1%19`740)&, by A. Geissen. 1974. [o.e. WDV] Bd.2: &3Hadrian %19 Antoninus Pius (Nr. 741%19`1994)&. 1978. [o.e. WDV] Bd.3: &3Marc Aurel %19 Gallienus (Nr. 1995%19`3014)&. 1982. [o.e. WDV] Bd.4: &3Claudius Gothicus %19 Bleimu+nzen (Nr. 3015%19`3627)&, by A. Geissen, W. Weiser. 1983. [o.e. WDV] Bd.5: &3Indices zu den Ba+nden 1 bis 4&, by W. Weiser. 1983. [o.e. WDV] @@VI, &3The Epistrategos in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt&, by J.D. Thomas. Part I: &3The Ptolemaic Epistrategos&. 1975. [o.e. WDV] Part II: &3The Roman Epistrategos&. 1982. [o.e. WDV] @@VII, see &3P.Ko+ln&, Bd. 1%19. @@VIII, see &3P.Soter. @@IX, &3Ko+lner A+gyptische Papyri& I, ed. D. Kurth, H.%19J. Thissen and M. Weber. 1980. [o.e. WDV] @@X, &3Dionysios Scytobrachion&, ed. J.S. Rusten. @@XI, &3Katalog der Bithynischen Mu+nzen der Sammlung des Instituts fu+r &3Altertumskunde der Universita+t zu Ko+ln,& Bd. 1: &3Nikaia&, by W. Weiser. 1983. [o.e. WDV] @@XII, &3Le Papyrus inv. 5853 de l'Universite/ de Cologne: un contrat &3de mariage e/crit en caracte\res he/braiques&, ed. C. Sirat, P. Cauderlier, M. Dukan and M. Friedman. 1986. [o.e. WDV] @@XIII, see &3Pap.Agon. @@XV, see &3P.Bub. @@XVI, see III, Corpora, &3Suppl.Mag. @@XVII, &3Abrasax. Ausgewa+hlte Papyri religio+sen und magischen Inhalts&, ed. R. Merkelbach and M. Totti. Part I, 1990; Part II, 1991; Part III, 1992. [o.e. WDV] @@XVIII, see &3P.Wash.Univ.& II. @@XIX, &3Two Greek Magical Papyri in the National Museum of Anti%19 &3quities in Leiden&, ed. R.W. Daniel. 1991. [o.e. WDV] @@XX, &3Magische Amulette und andere Gemmen des Instituts fu+r Alter%19 &3tumskunde der Universita+t zu Ko+ln&, ed. E. Zwierlein%19Diehl. 1992. [o.e. WDV] @@XXI, &3Nomisma und Nomismatia: Beitra+ge zur Geldgeschichte A+gyptens &3im 6. Jahrhundert n.Chr.&, by K. Maresch. 1994. [o.e. WDV] @@XXII, &3Greek Magical Amulets: The Inscribed Gold, Silver, Copper, &3and Bronze& Lamellae, Part I Published Texts of Known Provenance, ed. R. Kotansky. 1994. [o.e. WDV] @@XXIV, &3Manis fru+he Missionsreisen nach der Ko+lner Manibiographie&, by C.E. Ro+mer. 1994. [o,e, WDV] @@XXV, &3Bronze und Silber: Papyrologische Beitra+ge zur Geschichte &3der Wa+hrung im ptolema+ischen und r&o+&3mischen A+gypten bis zum 2. &3Jahrhundert&, by K. Maresch. 1996. [o.e. WDV] @ @Pap.Flor. %6 &3Papyrologica Florentina&. Florence. 1976%19. @@I, see &3P.Laur.& I. @@II, see &3P.Laur.& II. @@III, &3Euripide, Erretteo&, Introduzione, testo e commento by P. Car-rara. 1977. [o.e. LGF] @@IV, &3Demosthenis fragmenta in papyris et membranis servata (pars prima), by B. Hausmann. 1978. [Rp. Diss. Leipzig 1921; LFG] @@V, see &3P.Laur.& III. @@VI, see &3P.Genova& II. @@VII, &3Miscellanea Papyrologica&, ed. R. Pintaudi. 1980. [o.e. LGF] @@VIII, &3Demosthenis fragmenta in papyris et membranis servata&, (pars secunda and pars tertia, appendice di aggiornamento), by B. Hausmann 1981. [Rp. Diss. Leipzig 1921; LGF]. @@IX, &3I Centri abitati dell' Ossirinchite&, by P. Pruneti. 1981. [o.e. LGF] @@X, &3Sofocle, Ichneutae&, Introduzione, testo critico, interpre-tazione e commento, by E. V. Maltese. 1982. [o.e. LFG] @@XI, &3The Compulsory Public Services of Roman Egypt&, by N. Lewis. 1982. [o.e. LGF] @@XII, see &3P.Laur.& IV. @@XII Supplement, &3Papiri greci e latini a Firenze. Secoli iii &3a.C.%19viii d.C. Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana. Catalogo della &3mostra maggio%19giugno 1983&, by R. Pintaudi. [o.e. LGF] @@XIII, see &3P.Laur.& V. @@XIV, see &3O.Cair. @@XV, &3Strategi and Royal Scribes of Roman Egypt, Chronological List &3and Index&, by G. Bastianini and J.E.G. Whitehorne. 1987. [o.e. LGF] @@XVI, see &3P.Prag.& I. @@XVII, see &3O.Ashm.Shelt. @@XVIII, see &3T.Varie. @@XIX, &3Miscellanea Papyrologica in occasione del bicentenario dell' &3edizione della Charta Borgiana&, in two parts, ed. M. Capasso, G. Messeri Savorelli, R. Pintaudi. 1990. [o.e. LGF] @@XX, see &3P.Genova& III. @@XXI, &3Studia hellenistica&, scripta minora by E. Livrea, in two parts. 1991. [o.e. LGF] @@XXII, see &3P.Brook. @@XXIII, see &3C.Epist.Lat. @@XXIV, &3I papiri dell'archivio di Zenon a Firenze, Mostra documen%19 &3taria_settembre 1993&, ed. G. Messeri Savorelli and R. Pintaudi. 1993. [o.e. LGF] @@XXV, &3Trapezitica Aegyptiaca. Recueil de recherches sur la banque &3en E/gypte gre/co%19romaine&, by R. Bogaert. 1994. [o.e. LGF] @@XXVI, see &3P.Prag.& II. @@XXVII, &3Scrivere greco fuori d'Egitto&, by E. Crisci. 1996. [o.e. LGF] @ @Pap.Heid. %6 &3Vero+ffentlichungen aus der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung&. @@I, &3Die Septuaginta%19Papyri&, ed. A. Deissmann. Heidelberg 1905. [MF 2.31] @@II, &3Acta Pauli aus der Heidelberger koptischen Papyrus%19Handschrift &3Nr. 1&, ed. C. Schmidt. Leipzig 1904. [MF 2.32] @@III, &3Papyri Schott%19Reinhardt& I, ed. C.H. Becker. Heidelberg 1906. Greek texts reprinted as &3SB& I 5638%19`55. [MF 2.33] @@IV, &3Griechisch literarische Papyri& I, &3Ptolema+ische Homerfragmente&, ed. G.A. Gerhard. Heidelberg 1911. [o.e. CWV] @@N.F. I, &3Zum Drogenhandel im islamischen Aegypten& ed. A. Dietrich. Heidelberg 1954. [o.e. CWV] @@N.F. II, see &3P.Heid.& I. @@N.F. III, see &3P.Heid.& III. @@N.F. IV, &3Die demotischen Gebele=n%19Urkunden der Heidelberger Papyrus-&3sammlung&, ed. U. Kaplony%19Heckel. Heidelberg 1964. Nos. 1%19`42. [o.e. CWV] @@N.F. V, see &3P.Heid.& IV. @@N.F. VI, see &3P.Heid.& V. @@N.F. VII, see &3P.Heid.& VI. @@N.F. VIII, see &3P.Heid.& VII. @ @Pap.Lugd.Bat. %6 &3Papyrologica Lugduno%19Batava&. Leiden 1941%19. @@I, see &3P.Warr. @@II, see &3P.Vindob.Bosw. @@III, See &3P.Oxf. @@IV, &3De Herodoti reliquiis in papyris et membranis aegyptiis &3servatis&, by A.H.R.E. Paap. 1948. [MF 2.58] @@V, &3Recherches sur le recensement dans l'E/gypte romaine &3(P.Bruxelles inv. E.7616)&, ed. M. Hombert and C. Pre/aux. 1952. [MF 2.59] Now reprinted as &3P.Brux.& I 1%19`18. @@VI, see &3P.Fam.Tebt. @@VII, &3Les Noms propres du P.Bruxelles inv. E.7616. Essai &3d'interpre/tation&, by J. Vergote. 1954. [MF 2.61] @@VIII, &3Nomina Sacra in the Greek Papyri of the First Five &3Centuries A.D.&, by A.H.R.E. Paap. 1959. [MF 2.62] @@IX, &3Marriage and Matrimonial Property in Ancient Egypt&, by P.W. Pestman. 1961. [MF 2.63] @@X, &3Aeschylus' Dictyulci&, ed. M. Werre%19de Haas. 1961. [MF 2.64] @@XI, see &3P.Vindob.Sijp. @@XII, &3Penthemeros Certificates in Graeco%19Roman Egypt&, by P.J. Sijpesteijn. 1964. [o.e. EJB] @@XIII, see &3P.Select. @@XIV, &3Studia papyrologica varia&, ed. E. Boswinkel, P.W. Pestman, P.J. Sijpesteijn. 1965. [o.e. EJB] @@XV, &3Chronologie e/gyptienne d'apre\s les textes de/motiques: &3`332 av.J.%19C.%19`453 ap.J.%19C.&, by P.W. Pestman. 1967. [o.e. EJB] @@XVI, see &3P.Wisc.& I. @@XVII, see &3P.David&. @@XVIII, &3The Xenophon Papyri (Anabasis, Cyropaedia, Cynegeticus, &3De Vectigalibus)&, by A.H.R.E. Paap. 1970. [o.e. EJB] @@XIX, see &3P.Batav. @@XX, see &3P.Zen.Pestm. @@XXI, &3A Guide to the Zenon Archive&, ed. P.W. Pestman et al. 1981. 2 vols. [o.e. EJB] @@XXII, see &3P.Dion. @@XXIII, &3Textes et e/tudes de papyrologie grecque, de/motique et copte&, ed. P.W. Pestman. Leiden 1985. Besides studies, this volume publishes one ostracon in Greek (pp.7%19`8), 10 in Demotic. [o.e. EJB] @@XXIV, &3The Eponymous Priests of Ptolemaic Egypt&, by W. Clarysse and G. van der Veken, with S.P. Vleeming. 1983. [o.e. EJB] @@XXV, see &3P.Leid.Inst. @@XXVI, see &3O.Vleem. @@XXVII, &3Hundred%19gated Thebes: Acts of a Colloquium on Thebes and the &3Theban Area in the Graeco%19Roman Period&, ed. S.P. Vleeming. 1995. [o.e. EJB] @ @Pap.Texte Abh. %6 &3Papyrologische Texte und Abhandlungen&, ed. L. Koenen, R. Merkelbach, D. Hagedorn and R. Kassel. Bonn 1968%19. @@I, &3Didymos der Blinde, Kommentar zu Hiob (Tura%19Papyrus),& Teil I, ed. A. Henrichs. 1968. [o.e. RH] @@II, &3Didymos der Blinde, Kommentar zu Hiob (Tura%19Papyrus),& Teil II, ed. A. Henrichs. 1968. [o.e. RH] @@III, &3Didymos der Blinde, Kommentar zu Hiob (Tura%19Papyrus&)&3,& Teil III, ed. U. Hagedorn, D. Hagedorn, L. Koenen. 1968. [o.e. RH] @@IV, &3Didymos der Blinde, Psalmenkommentar,& Teil II, ed. M. Gronewald. 1968. [o.e. RH] @@V, &3Der Septuaginta%19Text des Buches Daniel,& etc., ed. A. Geissen. 1968. [o.e. RH] @@VI, &3Didymos der Blinde, Psalmenkommentar,& Teil IV, ed. M. Gronewald. 1969. [o.e. RH] @@VII, &3Didymos der Blinde, Psalmenkommentar,& Teil I, ed. L. Doutreleau, A. Gesche/, M. Gronewald. 1969. [o.e. RH] @@VIII, &3Didymos der Blinde, Psalmenkommentar&, Teil III, ed. M. Gronewald. 1969. [o.e. RH] @@IX, &3Didymos der Blinde, Kommentar zum Ecclesiastes (Tura%19Papyrus), Teil VI, ed. G. Binder and L. Liesenborghs. 1969. [o.e. RH] @@X, &3Der Septuaginta%19Text des Buches Daniel, Kap. 1%19`2 (Pap. 967)&, ed. W. Hamm. 1969. [o.e. RH] @@XI, &3Die Aegyptenreise des Germanicus&, by D.G. Weinga+rtner. 1969. [o.e. RH] @@XII, &3Didymos der Blinde, Psalmenkommetar,& Teil V, ed. M. Gronewald. 1970. [o.e. RH] @@XIII, &3Didymos der Blinde, Kommentar zum Eccesiastes (Tura%19Papyrus), Teil III, ed. J. Kramer. 1970. [o.e. RH] @@XIV, &3Die Phoinikika des Lollianos: Fragmente eines neuen griechischen &3Romans&, ed. A. Henrichs. 1972. [o.e. RH] @@XV, &3Der griechische Text des Buches Ezechiel (Pap. 967)&, ed. L.G. Jahn. 1972. [o.e. RH] @@XVI, &3Didymos der Blinde, Kommentar zum Ecclesiastes (Tura%19Papyrus), Teil IV, ed. J. Kramer and B. Krebber. 1972. [o.e. RH] @@XVII, see &3P.Cair.Mich.&, pt I. @@XVIII, see &3P.Cair.Mich.&, pt. II. @@XIX, see &3P.Coll.Youtie& I. @@XX, see &3P.Coll.Youtie& II. @@XXI, &3Der Septuaginta Text des Buches Daniel Kap. 3%19`4 nach d. &3Ko+lner Teil d. Papyrus 967&, ed. W. Hamm. 1977. [o.e. RH] @@XXII, &3Didymos der Blinde, Kommentar zum Ecclesiastes &3(Tura%19Papyrus),& Teil II, ed. M. Gronewald. 1977. [o.e. RH] @@XXIII, see &3P.Sakaon&. @@XXIV, &3Didymos der Blinde, Kommentar zum Ecclesiastes (Tura%19Papyrus)&, Teil V, ed. G. Binder and M. Gronewald. 1979. [o.e. RH] @@XXV, &3Didymos der Blinde, Kommentar zum Ecclesiastes (Tura%19Papyrus)&, Teil I.1, ed. G. Binder and L. Liesenborghs. 1979. [o.e. RH] @@XXVI, &3Didymos der Blinde, Kommentar zum Ecclesiastes (Tura%19Papyrus)&, Teil I.2, ed. G. Binder. 1982. [o.e. RH] @@XXVII, &3Three Rolls of the Early Septuagint: Genesis and Deuteronomy&, by Z. Aly, with preface, introduction and notes by L. Koenen. 1980. [o.e. RH] @@XXVIII, see &3P.Ups.Frid. @@XXIX, see &3P.Haun.& II. @@XXX, &3Glossaria bilingua in Papyris et Membranis reperta, ed. J. Kramer. 1983. [o.e. RH] @@XXXI, see &3P.Hamb.& III. @@XXXII, &3Die Lehre des Anchscheschonqi& (P. $*B*M 10508&), ed. H.J. Thissen. 1984 [o.e. RH] @@XXXIII, pt. 1, &3Didymos der Blinde, Kommentar zu Hiob 12, 1%19`16, 8a&, ed. U. Hagedorn, D. Hagedorn and L. Koenen. 1985. [o.e. RH] @@XXXIV, &3Kleine Texte aus dem Tura%19Fund&, ed. B. Kramer. 1985. [o.e. RH] @@XXXV, &3Der Ko+lner Mani%19Kodex: Abbildungen und diplomatischer Text&, ed. L. Koenen and C. Ro+mer. 1985. [o.e. RH] @@XXXVI, see &3P.Haun.& III. @@XXXVII, &3Studi Cercidei& (&3P.Oxy.& 1082), ed. E. Livrea. 1986. [o.e. RH] @@XXXVIII, see &3P.Freib.& IV. @@XXXIX, see &3P.Diog. @@XL, &3Management and Investment on Estates in Roman Egypt during the &3Early Empire&, by D.P. Kehoe. 1992. [o.e. RH] @@XLI, &3Das saitische Totenbuch der Iahtesnacht: P.Colon.Aeg. 10207&, ed. U. Verhoeven. 1993. [o.e. RH] @@XLII, see &3P.Dubl. @ @Princ.Stud.Pap. %6 &3Princeton University Studies in Papyrology&. Nos. I%19V, Princeton 1936%19`1944. [PUP] @@I, see &3P.Princ.& II. @@II, &3Taxation in Egypt from Augustus to Diocletian&, by S.L. Wallace. 1938. @@III, see &3P.Princ.Scheide&. @@IV, see &3P.Princ.& III. @@V, &3Currency in Roman and Byzantine Egypt&, by L.C. West and A.C. Johnson. 1944. @ @Publ.Soc.Fouad %6 &3Publications de la Socie/te/ Fouad I& (later &3E/gyptienne&) &3de Papyrologie, Textes et Documents&. Cairo 1931%19`1951. @@I, see &3P.Enteux. @@II, &3Un livre d'e/colier du IIIe sie\cle avant J.%19C.&, ed. O. Gue/raud and P. Jouguet. 1938. [MF 2.90] @@III, see &3P.Fouad&. @@IV, &3I resti dell'XI libro del $PERI\ FU/SEWS&3 di Epicuro&, ed. A. Vogliano. 1940. [MF 2.92] @@V, see &3P.Cair.Zen.& V. @@VI, &3Demotic Ostraka&, ed. G. Mattha. 1945. [MF 2.93] @@VII, see &3P.Phil. @@VIII, see &3P.Fuad Univ. @@IX, &3Entretien d'Orige\ne avec He/raclide et les e/ve=ques ses colle\gues&, ed. J. Scherer. 1949. [MF 2.96] @@X, &3Les Inscriptions grecques du temple de Hatshepsout a\ Deir &3el%19Bahari&, ed. A. Bataille. 1951. [MF 2.97] @ @Publ.Sorb.Pap. %6 Publications de la Sorbonne, Se/rie "Papyrologie", Universite/ de Paris IV, Paris%19Sorbonne. @@I, J. van Haelst, &3Catalogue des papyrus juifs et chre/tiens&. 1976. @@II, G. Husson, $*O*I*K*I*A,&3 Le vocabulaire de la maison prive/e en &3E/gypte d'apre\s les papyrus grecs&. 1983. @@III, see &3P.Thmouis& I. @ @Ric.Pap. %6 &3Ricerca Papirologica&. Messina, 1992%19. @@`1, see &3Oroscopi& (III, Corpora). @@`2, &3Alle origine delle abbreviature latine. Una prima ricognizione &3(I secolo a.C. %19 IV secolo d.C.)&, by N. Giove'Marchioli. 1992. [o.e. ES] @ @Schr.Heid. %6 &3Schriften des Papyrusinstitut Heidelberg&. Berlin and Leipzig, Walter de Gruyter, 1920%19`1922. (See also Stud.Heid. below). @@I, &3Vom go+ttlichen Fluidum nach a+gyptischer Anschauung&, by F. Prei-sigke. 1920. @@II, &3Ein bisher unbeachtetes Dokument zur Frage nach dem Wesen der $KATOXH/&3 im Serapeum von Memphis&, ed. K. Sethe. 1921. @@III, &3Das Signalment in den Papyrusurkunden&, by J. Hasebroek. 1921. @@IV, see &3O.Berl. @@V, &3Das Verha+ltnis der griechischen und a+gyptischen Texte in den zwei%19 &3sprachigen Dekreten von Rosette und Kanopus&, by W. Spiegelberg. 1922. @@VI, &3Die Gotteskraft der fru+hchristlichen Zeit&, by F. Preisigke. 1922. @ @SPP, see Stud.Pal. @ @Stud.Amst. %6 &3Studia Amstelodamensia ad epigraphicam, ius antiquum et &3papyrologicam pertinentia&. Amsterdam 1972%19`76,1989%19, Zutphen 1976%19`86. @@I, See &3P.Vindob.Worp. @@II, &3Index of Articles, Volumes 1%19`50 of Aegyptus&, by S.M.E. van Lith. 1974. [o.e. AMH] @@III, &3The Charm of Legal History&, by H. van den Brink. 1974. [o.e. AMH] @@IV, see &3P.Vindob.Sal. @@V, see &3P.Theon. @@VI, see &3P.Vindob.Tandem. @@VII, see &3P.Herm.Landl. @@VIII, &3Chronological Systems of Byzantine Egypt&, by R.S. Bagnall and K.A. Worp. 1978. [o.e. TPC] @@IX, see &3O.Amst. @@X, see &3P.Mich.& XIII. @@XI, see &3P.Wisc.& II. @@XII, see &3P.Charite&. @@XIII, &3Die Haftung der Schiffer im griechischen und ro+mischen Recht&, by A.J.M. Meyer%19Termeer. 1978. [o.e. TPC] @@XIV, see &3P.Amst.& I. @@XV, &3Studien zur allgemeinen Rechtslehre des Gaius&, by H. Wagner. 1978. [o.e. TPC] @@XVI, &3Nouvelles inscriptions de Phrygie&, by T. Drew%19Bear. 1978. [o.e. TPC] @@XVII, see &3P.Customs&. @@XVIII, &3Gaius Noster: Plaidoyer pour Gaius&, by O. Stanojevic. 1989. @@XIX, see &3P.Mich.& XV. @@XX, &3Tyriaion en Cabalide: e/pigraphie et ge/ographie historique&, by C. Naour. 1980. [o.e. TPC] @@XXI, &3The Roman Law of Succession in the Letters of Pliny the Younger& I, by J.W. Tellegen. 1982. [o.e. TPC] @@XXII, &3Testamentary Succession in the Constitutions of Diocletian&, by O.E. Tellegen%19Couperus. 1982. [o.e. TPC] @@XXIII, &3Les triptyques de Transylvanie: e/tudes juridiques&, by G. Ciulei. 1983. [o.e. TPC] @@XXIV, &3Die Restaurierung von Papyrus und anderen Schrifttra+gern &3aus A+gypten&, by M. Fackelmann. 1985. [o.e. TPC] @@XXV, &3Error iuris nocet: Rechtsirrtum als Problem der Rechtsordnung, I, &3Rechtsirrtum in der griechischen Philosophie und im ro+mischen &3Recht bis Justinian&, by L.C. Winkel. 1985. [o.e. TPC] @@XXVI, see &3P.Harr.& II. @@XXVII, &3Opera selecta:& &3E/tudes de droit romain et d'histoire du droit&, by H.R. Hoetink. 1986. [o.e. TPC] @@XXVIII, &3Nouvelle liste des gymnasiarques des me/tropoles de l'E/gypte &3Romaine&, by P.J. Sijpesteijn. 1986. [o.e. TPC] @@XXIX, &3Roman Imperial Titulature and Chronology, A.D. 235%19`284&, by M. Peachin. 1990. Amsterdam, J.C. Gieben, Publisher. @@XXX, &3Le Droit romain en Dacie&, by V. Sotropa. 1990. Amsterdam, Gieben. @@XXXI, &3Food for Rome, The Legal Structure of the Transportation and &3Processing of Supplies for the Imperial Distributions in Rome and &3Constantinople&, by B. Sirks. 1991. Amsterdam, Gieben. @@XXXIII, see &3P.Vind.Pher. @@XXXV, &3Collatio Iuris Romani, Etudes de/die/es a\ Hans Ankum a\ l'occasion &3de son 65e anniversaire,& vols. I and II, ed. R. Feenstra, A.S. Hartkamp, J.E. Spruit, P.J. Sijpesteijn, L.C. Winkel. 1995. Amsterdam, Gieben. @ @Stud.Heid. %6 &3Studien zur Epigraphik und Papyruskunde&, ed. F. Bilabel, vol. I (no more published). Leipzig, Dieterich'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1927%19`1930. Planned as a resumption of Schr.Heid. (see above) but only three Schriften were published, as follows: @@@`1, &3Die lateinishen Wo+rter und Namen in den griechischen Papyri&, by B. Meinersmann, 1927. @@@`2, &3Die Personennamen der Kopten& I (Untersuchungen), by G. Heuser. 1929. (The proposed Part II, Namenbuch, was never published.) @@@`4, &3Die semitischen Menschennamen in griechischen Inschriften und &3Papyri des vorderen Orients&, by H. Wuthnow. 1930. @ (*)Stud.Pal. (or SPP) %6 &3Studien zur Palaeographie und Papyruskunde&, ed. C. Wessely. Leipzig 1901%19`1924. An approximately annual publication, issued irregularly, and miscellaneous in character. Vols. I%19V, VII, VIII, X, XIII, XIV, XVII, XX and XXII include documentary texts. @*I, Greek texts in: "Die griechische Papyrusurkunden des Theresianums in Wien," ed. C. Wessely, Nos. 1%19`4 (pp.1%19`5, no. 4 reprinted as &3SB& III 6086); "Trois papyrus du muse/e Guimet trouve/s a\ Antinoe+," ed. S. de Ricci, nos. 1%19`3 (pp.6%19`8). 1901. [MF 2.114 (with vols. II and IV); rp. AMH] @*II, Greek texts in "Die ju+ngsten Volksza+hlungen und die a+ltesten Indictionen in A+gypten," ed. C. Wessely, nos. 1%19`3 and four others unnumbered (pp.26%19`35, no. 2 reprinted in vol. XXII 7). 1902. [MF 2.114 (with vols. I and IV); rp. AMH] @*III, &3Griechischen Papyrusurkunden kleineren Formats& (&3P.Kl.Form.& I), ed. C. Wessely. Nos. 1%19`701. 1904. [MF 2.115 (with VIII); rp. AMH] @*IV, Greek texts in: "Papyrus ptolemai+ques," ed. S. de Ricci, Nos. 1%19`3 (pp.53%19`57; no. 3 republished as &3UPZ& II 158b); "Arsinoitische Verwaltungsurkunden vom Jahre 72%3`3 nach Chr.," ed. C. Wessely, re-edition of &3P.Lond.& II 260 and 261 adding Rainer fragment, with in-dices (pp.58%19`83); "Die Papyri der o+ffentlichen Sammlungen in Graz," ed. C. Wessely, full edition of descripta &3P.Oxy.& II 368, III 603,636, 647 and &3P.Fay.& 153,229,260,264,322,341 (pp.114%19`21); Indices to vols. I, II and IV. 1905. [MF 2.114 (with vols. I and II); rp. AMH] @*V, &3Corpus Papyrorum Hermopolitanorum& I (&3C.P.Herm.&), ed. C. Wessely. Nos. 1%19`127. 1905. [MF 2.116; rp. AMH] @@VI, &3Kolotes und Menedemos: Texte und Untersuchungen zur Philosophen-&3und Literaturgeschichte&, ed. W. Cro+nert. 1906. [Rp. AMH] @*VII, &3Demotische und griechische Texte auf Mumienta+felchen in der &3Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer&, ed. N. Reich. Nos. 1%19`19; 1%19`4, 9,12%19`15,17,19 have both Greek and Demotic; the Greek is reprinted in &3SB& I (see &3SB& II p. 139 &3s.n.& Reich). 1908. [Rp. AMH] @*VIII, &3Griechische Papyrusurkunden kleineren Formats& (&3P.Kl.Form.& II), ed. C. Wessely. Nos. 702%19`1346, with indices to vols. III and VIII. 1908. [MF 2.115 (with vol. III); rp. AMH] @@IX, &3Griechische und koptische Texte theologischen Inhalts& I, ed. C. Wessely. Nos 1%19`54. 1909. [Rp. AMH] @*X, &3Griechische Texte zur Topographie Aegyptens&, ed. C. Wessely. Nos. 1%19`299. 1910. [MF 2.117; rp. AMH] @@XI, &3Griechische und koptische Texte theologischen Inhalts& II, ed. C. Wessely. Nos. 55%19`113. 1911. [Rp. AMH] @@XII, &3Griechische und koptische Texte theologischen Inhalts& III, ed. C. Wessely. Nos 114%19`192. 1912. [Rp. AMH] @*XIII, Greek texts in: "Sklaven%19Prosangelie bei der Bibliotheke Enkteseon," ed. C. Wessely, three texts (pp.1%19`3; no. 3 %6 &3P.Lond.& II 299 %6 Mitteis &3Gr.& 204); "Eine Urkunde aus dem 6. Konsulat des Kaisers Licinius," ed. Wessely (pp.6%19`7, reprinted as &3SB& I 5810); "Das Ghetto von Apollinopolis Magna," ed. Wessely, ostraca nos. 1%19`20 (pp.8%19`10; most reprinted in &3SB& I). 1913. [Rp. AMH] @*XIV, &3Die a+ltesten lateinischen und griechischen Papyri Wiens&, ed. C. Wessely. Nos. 1 and 2 are Greek, 3%19`14 Latin. 1914. [Rp. AMH] @@XV, &3Griechische und koptische Texte theologischen Inhalts& IV, ed. C. Wessely. Nos. 193%19`259. 1914. [Rp. AMH] @@XVI, &3Duodecim prophetarum minorum versionis Achmimicae Codex &3Rainerianus&. ed. C. Wessely. 1915. [Rp. AMH] @*XVII, Greek texts in: "Un document administratif du nome de Mende\s," ed. V. Martin (pp.9%19`48); reedition by Martin of &3P.Lond.& II 193 recto (pp.49%19`52); Indices to vols. XIII and XVII. 1917. [Rp. AMH] @@XVIII, &3Griechische und koptische Texte theologischen Inhalts& V, ed. C. Wessely. Nos. 260%19`290. 1917. [Rp. AMH] @@XIX, &3Studien zu den koptischen Rechtsurkunden aus Obera+gypten&, ed. A. Steinwenter. 1920. [Rp. AMH] @*XX, &3Catalogus Papyrorum Raineri. Series Graeca. Pars I. Textus &3Graeci papyrorum, qui in libro "Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer_Fu+hrer &3durch die Austellung Wien 1894" descripti sunt&, ed. C. Wessely. Nos. 1%19`308. 1921. [MF 2.118; rp. AMH]. This volume publishes the Greek text of all the papyri listed in the &3Fu+hrer&; in pp.61%19`130 Wessely describes each papyrus and illustrates some, providing a commentary for the bare Greek texts published in &3Stud.Pal.& XX. Many of the texts are republications of some first published in &3CPR&; for a con-cordance see &3BL Konkordanz& pp. 56%19`58 and 251%19`256. @@XXI, &3Griechisch%19a+gyptischer Offenbarungszauber&, ed. Th. Hopfner. 1921. Revised ed. Amsterdam 1974. [Rp. AMH] @*XXII, &3Catalogus papyrorum Raineri. Series Graeca. Pars II. Papyri &3N.24858%19`25024, aliique in Socnopaei Insula scripti&, ed. C. Wessely. Nos. 1%19`184. 1922. [MF 2.119; rp. AMH] @@XXIII, &3Griechisch%19a+gyptischer Offenbarungszauber: seine Methoden&, ed. Th. Hopfner. 1924. Republished by AMH in 1983 and 1990. @Studi e Testi d Papirologia, published by the Istituto Papirologia "G. Vitelli", Florence 1966%19. @@`1, &3Il testamento romano attraverso la prassi documentale& I. &3Le @@@@@&3forme classiche di testamento&, by M. Amelotti. 1966. @@`2, &3Ricerche sulla maiuscola biblica&, by G. Cavallo. 2 vols. 1967. @@`3, see Naldini (III, Corpora) @Tyche Suppl. %6 &3Tyche,& Supplementba+nde. Vienna 1992%19. @@I, &3A Mithraic Catechism from Egypt&, by W.M. Brashear. 1992. [o.e. AHN] @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@VI. PERIODICALS @ @@@@@Although individual and small groups of papyri occasionally @@@@@receive their first or revised edition in any of numerous @@@@@journals concerned more broadly with classical studies, a @@@@@list is given here of those journals expressly embracing @@@@@the publication of papyrological texts. @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@A. Journals Published Currently @ @Aegyptus %6 &3Aegyptus, Rivista italiana di egittologia e papirologia&. Published semiannually by the Scuola di Papirologia dell'Universita\ Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, 1920%19. [o.e. VP] @Archiv %6 &3Archiv fu+r Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete&. Published annually by BSB B.G. Teubner Verlagsgesellschaft, Leipzig, 1901%19. [o.e. ZA] @BASP %6 &3The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists&. Published quarterly by the Society, 1963%19. [o.e. SP] @BASP Suppl.: see under Section V, Series. @BullCPS %6 &3Bulletin of the Center of Papyrological Studies&, published annually by Ain Shams University, Cairo, 1985%19. @CdE/ %6 &3Chronique d'E/gypte, Bulletin pe/riodique de la Fondation E/gypto%19 &3logique Reine E/lisabeth&. Published semiannually by the Fondation, Parc du Cinquantenaire 10, 1040 Bruxelles, 1925%19. [o.e. FERE] @JJurPap %6 &3The Journal of Juristic Papyrology&. Published by the Institute of Papyrology and Ancient Law, University of Warsaw, 1946%19. @PapLup %6 &3Papyroloica Lupiensia&. Published annually by the Diparti-mento di Filologia Classica e Mediovale, Universita= degli Studi di Lecce, 1992%19. 1, &3Papiri letterari greci e latini&, ed. M. Capasso, 1992. 2, &3Papiri documentari greci&, ed. M. Capasso, 1993. @Tyche %6 &3Tyche, Beitra+ge zur Alten Geschichte Papyrologie und Epi%19 &3graphik&. Published annually for the Institut fu+r Alte Geschichte, Uni-versita+t Wien by Verlag Adolf Holzhausens, Vienna, 1986%19. @ZPE %6 &3Zeitschrift fu+r Papyrologie und Epigraphik&. Published currently in four or five issues a year by Dr Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 1967%19. Separate indices for vols. 1%19`30 (1978), 31%19`50 (1983), 51%19`75 (1989); author and title index for vols. i%19`100 (1995). [o.e. RH] @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@B. Discontinued Journals @ @Anagennesis %6 &3Anagennesis, a Papyrological Journal&. Published semi-annually by F.Farid%, Athens, 1981%19`1986 (vols. I%19IV). @E/dP %6 &3E/tudes de Papyrologie&. Published by the Socie/te/ E/gyptienne de Papyrologie, Cairo, 1932%19`1974 (vols. I%19IX). @Mizraim %6 &3Mizraim, Journal of Papyrology, Egyptology, History of &3Ancient Laws, and their Relations to the Civilizations of Bible Lands&. Published by Stechert, New York, 1933%19`1938 (vols. I%19IX). @RechPap %6 &3Recherches de Papyrologie&. Published by the Institut de Papyrologie de Paris, 1961%19`1967 (vols. I%19IV). @Studi= %6 &3Studi= della Scuola Papirologica&. Published by the Accademia Scientifico%19Letteraria in Milano, 1915%19`1926 (vols. I%19IV). [Rp. CG] @StudPap %6 &3Studia Papyrologica, Rivista espan%24ola de papirologi/a&. Pub-lished semiannually by Facultades de Filosofi/a y Teologi/a, San Cugat del Valle/s, Barcelona, 1962%19`1983 (vols. I%19XXII). @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@VII. INFORMATION ON PUBLISHERS @ @@@@@The publishers whose initials are given in the &3Checklist& are listed below in the alphabetical order of the initials used. The addresses given are valid to the best of our current information but are, of course, subject to subsequent change. @ @MF %6 Microfiche edition in "Papyrology on Microfiche," published by the American Society of Papyrologists through Scholars Press; to order, write Scholars Press Customer Services, c%3o Professional Book Distributors, P.O. Box 6996, Alpharetta, GA 30239%19`6996, U.S.A. The number after MF indicates the series and item number. @o.e. %6 Original edition or reprint by original publisher. @Rp. %6 Reprint. @ @ @AB Academic Bookstore, P.O. Box 10128, Helsinki 10, Finland @AG Dott. A. Giuffre\, Via Colonna 40, I%19`00193 Rome, Italy @AHN Verlag Adolf Holzhausens Nfg., Kandlgasse 19%19`21, 1070 Wien, Austria @AMH Adolf M. Hakkert, Calle Alfambra 26, 35010 Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain @AP Ars Polona, Krakowskie Przedmiescie 7, Warsaw, Poland; distrib. Hippocrene Books, Inc., 171 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016, U.S.A. @APS American Philosophical Society, 104 South Fifth St., P.O. Box 40098, Philadelphia, PA 19106, U.S.A. @APU Association des Publications pre\s les Universite/s de Strasbourg, Universite/s des Sciences Humaines, 22 rue Descartes, 67084 Strasbourg, France @ARB Acade/mie Royale de Belgique, Palais des Acade/mies, rue Ducale, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium @ARES Ares Publishers Inc., 7020 North Western Ave., Chicago, IL 60645, U.S.A. @AUP Aberdeen University Press, Farmers Hall, Aberdeen, AB9 2XT, Scotland, for Scottish orders; for orders from elsewhere, Pergamon Press PLC, Headington Hill Hall, Oxford OX3 0BW, England, U.K. @AV Akademie%19Verlag, GmbH, Leipziger Str. 3%19`4, Postfach 1233, O%19`1086 Berlin, Germany @AW Almqvist %9 Wiksell International, Drottninggatan 108, P.O. Box 45150, 104%19`30 Stockholm, Sweden @BAM Aegyptisches Museum, Schlossstr. 70, 1000 Berlin 19, Germany @BB Bibliotheca Bodmeriana, 19%19`21 route de Guigrad, 1223 Cologny-Gene\ve, Switzerland @Bd'E Bottega d'Erasmo, Via Gaudenzio%19Ferrari 9, 10124 Torino, Italy @BMP British Museum Press, 30 Bloomsbury St., London WC1B 3QP, England; distrib. Thames %9 Hudson Ltd, 44 Clockhouse Rd., Farnborough, Hants. GU14 7Q2, England, U.K. @BNU Bibliothe\que Nationale et Universitaire, 3 Ave. du Mare/chal Joffre, BP 1029, 67070 Strasbourg, France @Brepols N.V. Brepols, Baron Fr. du Fourstraat 8, 2300 Turnhout, Belgium @BTS B.G. Teubner GmbH, Postfach 801069, W%19`7000 Stuttgart, Germany @CG Cisalpino Istituto Editoriale Universitario, Via Rezia 4, 20135 Milano, Italy @CUI Institut for Graesk og Latinsk Middelalderfilologi, Njals-gade 94, 2300 Copenhagen, Denmark @CWV Carl Winter Universita+tsverlag, Lutherstrasse 59, Postfach 106140, W%19`6900 Heidelberg, Germany @EES Egypt Exploration Society, 3 Doughty Mews, London WC1N 2PG, England. Order from the Distribution Centre, Blackhorne Road, Letchworth, Hertfordshire SG6 1HN, England, U.K. @EH Dr. Ernst Hauswedell %9 Co., Rosenbergstrasse 113, Postfach 40155, 7000 Stuttgart 1, Germany @EJB E.J. Brill, P.O. Box 9000, 2300 PA Leiden, Netherlands; in Ger-many, Antwerpenstrasse 6%19`12, 5000 Ko+ln, Germany; in North America, 24 Hudson St., P.O. Box 467, Kinderhook, NY 12106, U.S.A. @ES Editrice Sicania, via Catania 62, 98124 Messina, Italy @FERE Fondation E/gyptologique Reine E/lisabeth, Parc du Cinquantenaire 10, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgium @FLM Casa Editrice Felice Le Monnier, via Meucci 2, 50015 Grassina (Firenze), Italy @GB Casa Editrice Giunti Barbera, via Gioberti 34, 50121 Firenze, Italy @GO Georg Olms Verlag GmbH, Hagentorwall 7, W%19`3200 Hildesheim, Germany @GRBS Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies, P.O. Box 90199 Duke University, Durham, NC 27708, U.S.A. @HF Hodges, Figgis %9 Co., The Mall, Donnybrook, Dublin 4, Ireland @HUP Harvard University Press, 79 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. @ICS Institute of Classical Studies, Publications Dept., London University, 31%19`34 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PY, England. U.K. @JCG J.C. Gieben, Nieuwe Herengracht 35, 1011 RM Amsterdam, Netherlands @JRL John Rylands University Library of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester MI3 9PD, England, U.K. @LGF Luigi Gonnelli e Figli, Via Ricasoli 14r, 50122 Firenze, Italy @NVB N.V. Brepols, Baron Fr. du Fourstraat 8, B%19`2300 Turnhout, Belgium @NYU New York University Press, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012, U.S.A. @OH Otto Harrassowitz, Taunusstrasse 5, Postfach 2929, 6200 Wies-baden, Germany @O+NB Oesterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Josefsplatz 1, 1015 Wien, Austria @OUP Oxford University Press, 200 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016, U.S.A. @Oxbow Oxbow Books, Park End Place, Oxford OX1 1HN, England @OZ Otto Zeller Verlagsbuchhandlung GmbH, Jahnstrasse 15, Postfach 1949, 4500 Osnabru+ck, Germany @PIB Editrice Pontificio Istituto Biblico, Piazza della Pilotta 35, 00187 Roma, Italy @PUF Presses Universitaires de France, 108 Blvd. Saint%19Germain, 75006 Paris, France @PUP Princeton University Press, 3175 Princeton Ave., Lawrenceville, NJ 08648, U.S.A. @PvZ Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Welschnonnengasse 13A, Postfach 4065, 6500 Mainz am Rhein, Germany @RH Dr Rudolf Habelt, Am Buchenhang 1, Postfach 150104, 5300 Bonn 1, Germany @RHR Rudolf H. Rohrer, Wassergasse 1, 2500 Baden, Austria @SEVPO S.E.V.P.O., 2 rue Pau%19Hervieu, 75015 Paris, France @SP Scholars Press, P.O. Box 15288, Atlanta, GA 30333, U.S.A.; distrib. Scholars Press Customer Services, P.O. Box 6996, Alpha-retta, GA 30239, U.S.A. @TPC Terra Publishing Company, P.O. Box 188, Zutphen, Netherlands @UF Universitetsforlaget, Kolstadgt. 1, 0608 Oslo 6, Norway; dis-trib. Postboks, 2977 Toyen, 0608 Oslo 6, Norway. In North America, Columbia University Press, 136 South Broadway, Irvington%19on%19Hudson, NY 10533, U.S.A. @UGV Urs Graf%19Verlag GmbH, Hasenbergstrasse 7, Postfach 66, 8953 Dietikon%19Zu+rich, Switzerland @UMI University Microfilms International, 300 N. Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106, U.S.A. @UTP University of Toronto Press, Suite 700, 10 St. Mary's St., Toronto, Ont. M4Y 2W8, Canada @UUB Uppsala Universitetsbibliotek, Dag Hammarskjo+lds va+g 1, Box 510, 751%19`20 Uppsala, Sweden @VAT Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Piazzale del Belvedere, 0012 Citta\ del Vaticano (Roma), Italy @V%9R Vandenhoeck %9 Ruprecht, Theaterstrasse 13, Postfach 3753, 3400 Go+ttingen, Germany @VP Vita e Pensiero, Largo A. Gemelli 1, 20123 Milano, Italy @WdG Walter de Gruyter, Genthinerstrasse 13, Postfach 110240, 1000 Berlin 30, Germany @WDV Westdeutscher Verlag GmbH, Faulbrunnenstrasse 13, Postfach 5829, 6200 Wiesbaden 1, Germany @WHA William H. Allen, Bookseller, 2031 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19103, U.S.A. @ZA Zentralantiquariat, Talstr. 29, Postfach 1080, 7010 Leipzig, Germany @ @ @@@@@@@@@@VIII. LIST OF EDITIONS OF DOCUMENTARY PAPYRI @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@BY YEAR OF PUBLICATION @ @@@@@Since this list is intended to facilitate research on documentary papyri, publications dealing exclusively with literary papyri have been omitted. If indices to a certain publication followed in a later volume of the same series, or if indices are lacking thus far, the abbreviation is put between parentheses ( ). The reference has been repeated under the year of publication of the volume which contains the indices, e.g. 1901: (&3Stud.Pal.& I); 1902: (&3Stud.Pal.& II); 1905: &3Stud.Pal.& (I%7II%7)IV. The dates of publication of fascicles of a volume are not taken into account, but those of separate parts are. @ @`1788 &3P.Schow @`1827 &3P.Tor.& Pt. I @`1829 &3P.Tor.& Pt. II @`1839 &3P.Forshall @`1842 &3P.Berl.Schmidt @`1843 &3P.Leid.& I @`1864 &3P.Petersb. @`1865 &3P.Berl.Bibl.&; &3P.Paris @`1885 &3P.Leid.& II; &3P.Leipz. @`1887 &3Actenstu+cke @`1891 &3P.Petr.& I @`1892 %19 %19 -@`1893 &3P.Lond.& I; &3P.Petr.& II @`1894 %19 %19 -@`1895 &3BGU& I; &3CPR& I @`1896 &3P.Grenf.& I; &3P.Rev.& 1st ed. @`1897 &3P.Grenf.& II @`1898 &3BGU& II; &3P.Lond.& II; &3P.Oxy.& I @`1899 &3P.Oxy.& II; &3O.Wilck. @`1900 &3P.Fay.&, &3O.Fay. @`1901 &3P.Amh.& II; (&3Stud.Pal.& I) @`1902 &3P.Cair.Goodsp.&; &3P.Kar.Goodsp.&; &3P.Tebt.& I; (&3Stud.Pal.& II) @`1903 &3BGU& III; &3P.Oxy.& III @`1904 &3P.Oxy.& IV; (&3Stud.Pal.& III) @`1905 &3P.Petr.& III; &3P.Rein.& I; &3Stud.Pal.& (I%7II%7)IV, V @`1906 (&3P.Catt.& I); &3P.Flor.& I; &3P.Gen.& I; &3P.Hib.& I; &3P.Lips.&; &3P.Schott%19 &3Reinh. @`1907 &3P.Eleph.&; &3P.Lond.& III; &3P.Tebt.& II, &3O.Tebt. @`1908 &3P.Flor.& II; &3P.Oxy.& VI; &3Stud.Pal.& VII, (III%7)VIII @`1909 %19 %19 -@`1910 (&3P.Giss.& I.1, I.2); &3P.Lond.& IV; &3P.Oxy.& VII; &3Stud.Pal.& X @`1911 &3P.Cair.Masp.& I; &3P.Cair.Preis.&; &3P.Flor.& II; (&3P.Hamb.& I.1); &3P.Oxy.& VIII; &3P.Thead. @`1912 &3BGU& IV; (&3P.Giss.& I.1%19`2%7) I.3; &3P.Lille& II; &3P.Oxy.& IX; &3PSI& I; &3P.Stras.& I; &3Chrest.&Mitt., &3Chrest.&Wilck. @`1913 &3P.Cair.Masp.& II; &3P.Hal.&; (&3P.Hamb.& I.2); (&3P.Iand.& II, &3P.Iand.& III); &3Stud.Pal.& XIII; &3O.Erem.&; &3O.Theb. @`1914 &3P.Freib.& I; (&3P.Grad.&); (&3P.Iand.& IV); &3P.Monac.&; &3P.Oxy.& X; &3PSI& III; (&3Stud.Pal.& XIV); &3O.Joach. @`1915 &3P.Flor.& III; &3P.Ryl.& II; (&3SB& I) @`1916 &3P.Cair.Masp.& III; (&3P.Freib.& II); &3P.Meyer&; &3P.Oxy.& XII; &3O.Deiss. @`1917 &3P.Bas.&; &3P.Lond.& V; &3PSI& IV; &3PSI& V; &3Stud.Pal.& XVII @`1918 %19 %19 -@`1919 &3BGU& V.1 @`1920 &3P.Frankf.&; &3P.Oxy.& XIV; &3PSI& VI; &3P.Stras.& II @`1921 &3P.Gur.&; &3Stud.Pal.& XX @`1922 &3BGU& VI; &3P.Sarga&, &3O.Sarga&; &3Stud.Pal.& XXII; &3SB& (I%7)II; &3O.Bru+ss.Berl. @`1923 &3P.Bad.& II; &3O.Stras. @`1924 &3CPR& III; &3P.Bad.& IV; &3P.Berl.Thun.&; (&3P.Giss.Univ.& I); (&3P.Hamb. I.1%19`2%7) 1.3: &3P.Lond.& VI; &3P.Oxy.& XVI @`1925 &3P.Cair.Zen.& I; &3PSI& VII @`1926 &3BGU& VII; &3P.Bour.&; &3P.Cair.Zen.& II; &3P.Corn.&; (&3P.Jena&); &3SB& III @`1927 &3P.Freib.& III; &3P.Oxy.& XVII; &3P.Ross.Georg.& IV; &3PSI& VIII; (&3UPZ& I); &3SB& III @`1928 &3P.Cair.Zen.& III; &3P.Lille& I; (&3P.Mil.& I.1) @`1929 &3P.Berl.Mo+ller&; &3P.Col.& I; &3P.Got.&; &3P.Ross.Georg.& II; &3PSI& IX @`1930 &3P.Achm.&; &3P.Ross.Georg.& III; (&3O.Bodl.& I, &3O.Ashm.&, &3O.Camb.&, &3O.Minor&, &3O.Petr.&) @`1931 &3P.Berl.Frisk&; &3P.Cair.Zen.& IV; &3P.Enteux.&; (&3P.Giss.Univ.& III); &3P.Marm.&; &3P.Mich.& I; &3P.Oslo& II; &3P.Princ.& I; &3SB& IV @`1932 &3P.Berl.Leihg.& I; &3P.Col.& II; &3PSI& X @`1933 &3BGU& VIII; &3P.Gron.&; &3P.Mich.& II; (&3P.Princ.Roll&); (&3P.Tebt.& III.1); &3O.Oslo @`1934 &3P.Col.& III; (&3P.Iand.& VI, &3P.Iand.& VII); &3P.Wu+rzb.&; &3O.Buch. @`1935 &3P.Ross.Georg.& V; &3P.Vars.&; &3O.Mich.& I; &3O.Wilb. @`1936 &3P.Brem.&; &3P.Harr.& I; &3P.Mich.& III; (&3P.Mich.& IV.1); &3P.Oslo& III; &3P.Princ.& II @`1937 &3BGU& IX; &3P.Edfou& I; &3P.Mil.Vogl.& I; (&3P.Lund& II): &3O.Edfou& I @`1938 &3P.Bad.& VI; &3P.Edfou& II; (&3P.Iand.& VIII); (&3P.Lund& III); &3P.Ryl.& III; &3P.Tebt.& (III.1%7)III.2; &3O.Edfou& II @`1939 &3P.Aberd.&; &3P.Adl.&; &3P.Athen.&; &3P.Fouad&; (&3P.Giss.Univ.& VI); &3P.Mich.& (IV.1%7)IV.2 @`1940 &3P.Cair.Zen.& V; &3P.Col.& IV; &3P.Rein.& II @`1941 &3P.Berl.Zill.&; &3P.Oxy.& XVIII; &3P.Warr. @`1942 &3P.Erl.&; &3P.Haun.& I; &3P.Oxf.&; &3P.Princ.& III; &3P.Vind.Bosw. @`1943 %19 %19 -@`1944 &3P.Mich.& V; &3P.Mich.& VI, &3O.Mich.& II @`1945 %19 %19 -@`1946 (&3P.Lund& IV); (&3P.Prag.Varcl& I) @`1947 &3P.Bacch.&; &3P.Lund& (II%7III%7IV%7)V; &3P.Mich.& VII (Latin); &3P.Phil.&; (&3P.Prag.Varcl& II) @`1948 &3P.Mert.& I; &3P.Oxy.& XIX; (&3P.Stras.& III) @`1949 &3P.Fuad Univ. @`1950 &3P.Ant.&I; &3P.Edfou& III; &3P.Fam.Tebt.&; &3O.Edfou& III @`1951 &3P.Mich.& VIII, &3O.Mich.& III; &3PSI& XII @`1952 (&3P.Lund& VI); &3P.Oxy.& XX; &3P.Ryl.& IV; &3SB& Bh. 1; &3T.Alb.& (Latin) @`1953 &3P.Apoll.&; &3P.Bon.& I; &3PSI& XIII @`1954 &3P.Bal.&; &3P.Col.& VI; &3P.Hamb.& II; &3P.Oxy.& XXII @`1955 &3P.Col.& VI 2nd ed.: &3P.Hib.& II; &3P.Ital.& I (Latin); &3P.Michael.&; &3SB& V; (&3O.Bodl.& II) @`1956 &3P.Col.& V @`1957 &3P.Kroll&; &3P.Oxy.& XXIV; (&3P.Prag.Varcl& NS 1%19`3); &3PSI& XIV; &3UPZ& (I%7)II; (&3C.Pap.Jud.& I) @`1958 &3P.Heid.& II; &3P.Ness.& III; (&3P.Prag.Varcl& NS 4%19`10) @`1959 &3P.Dura&; &3P.Mert.& II; (&3P.Prag.Varcl& NS 11%19`21) @`1960 &3P.Ant.& II; &3P.Cair.Isid.&; (&3P.Prag.Varcl& NS 22%19`39); (&3C.Pap.Jud.& II) @`1961 (&3P.Edfou& 9); &3P.Mil.Vogl.& II; &3P.Mur.& II; (&3P.Prag.Varcl& NS 40%19`53); &3P.Sarap.&; &3SB& Bh. 2 @`1962 &3P.Abinn.&; &3P.Iand.inv. 653&; &3P.Oxy.& XXVII @`1963 &3P.Heid.& III; &3P.Leit.&; &3P.Stras.& (III%7)IV; &3P.Vind.Sijp.&; (&3SB& VI) @`1964 &3P.Alex.&; &3P.Herm.&; &3P.Panop.Beatty&; &3SB& (VI%7)VII; &3O.Bodl.& (I%7II%7)III; (&3C.Ord.Ptol.&); &3C.Pap.Jud.& (I%7II%7)III @`1965 &3P.Mil.Vogl.& III; &3P.Select.&; &3PSI Congr.XI @`1966 &3P.Mich.Mchl&; &3P.Mil.& (I.1%7)II; &3P.Oxy.& XXXI; &3PSI& XV &3Estr.&; &3P.Sorb.& I @`1967 &3P.Ant.& III; &3P.Mert.& III; (&3P.Mil.& I.1 2nd ed.); &3P.Mil.Vogl.& IV; &3P.NYU& I; &3P.Wisc.& I; &3P.Yale& I; (&3SB& VIII) @`1968 &3BGU& XI; &3P.David&; &3P.Oxy.& XXXIII; &3P.Oxy.& XXXIV: &3Pap.Choix @`1969 &3P.Alex.Giss.&; &3P.Petaus&; &3SB& (VIII%7)IX @`1970 &3BGU& X; &3P.Mich.& X; &3P.Oxy.& XXXVI @`1971 (&3P.IFAO& I, &3P.IFAO& II); &3P.Kron.&; &3P.Mich.& IX; &3P.Mich.& XI; &3P.Oxy. XXXVIII; (&3P.Panop.& I%7II); (&3SB& X); &3O.Ont.Mus.& I; &3Rom.Mil.Rec. @`1972 &3P.Oxy.& XL; &3P.Oxy.& XLI; &3P.Vind.Worp @`1973 &3P.Ashm.& I; &3P.Berl.Brash.&; &3P.Freer&; &3P.Panop.& (I%7II%7)III; &3P.Stras.& V; &3SB& (X%7)XI @`1974 &3BGU& XII; &3P.Brux.& I; &3P.Genova& I; &3P.Lond.& VII; &3P.Mil.Congr.XIV&; &3P.Oxy.& XLII; (&3T.Mom.Louvre& I) @`1975 &3P.Berl.Bork.&; (&3P.Cair.Mich.& pt.I); &3P.Giss.Univ.& (I%7III%7VI)Indi-ces; (&3P.IFAO& III); &3P.Mich.& XII; &3P.Oxy.& XLIII; (&3P.Stras.& VI); &3O.Mich.& IV; (&3T.Mom.Louvre& II) @`1976 &3BGU& XIII; &3CPR& V; &3P.Coll.Youtie& I%7II; &3P.Ko+ln& I; &3P.Laur.& I; &3P.Oxy.& XLIV; &3P.Tebt.& IV; &3P.Theon.&; &3P.Vind.Sal.&; &3P.Vind.Tand.&; &3O.Amst.&; &3O.Florida&; &3O.Medin.Madi&; &3O.Ont.Mus.& II; (&3T.Mom.Louvre& III); &3C.E/tiq.Mom. @`1977 &3P.Berl.Leihg.& II; &3P.Cair.Mich.& (I%7)II; &3P.Laur.& II; &3P.Mich.& XIII; &3P.Mil.Vogl.& VI; &3P.Oxy.& XLV; &3PSI Corr.& I; &3P.Tebt.Tait&; &3P.Wisc.& II; (&3SB& XII); &3O.Brux.& 2nd ed.; &3Pap.Biling. @`1978 (&3CPR& VI,1); &3P.Batav.&; &3P.Herm.Landl.&; &3P.Hombert&; &3P.Ko+ln& II; &3P.Oxy.& XLVI; &3P.Sakaon @`1979 &3CPR& VII; &3P.Col.& VII; &3P.Congr.XV&; &3P.Laur.& III; &3P.Oxy.Hels.&; &3P.Soter.&; (&3P.Stras.& VII); &3SB& (XII%7)XIII; &3O.Lund.&; &3O.Tebt.Pad. &3T.Mom.Louvre& (I%7II%7III%7)IV @`1980 &3P.Amst.& I; &3BGU& XIV; &3P.Charite&; &3P.Genova& II; &3P.Ko+ln& III; &3P.Mich.& XIV; &3P.Oxy.& XLVII; &3P.Panop.& (repr.); (&3P.Stras.& VIII.701-720); &3P.Vat.Aphrod.&; &3P.Wash. Univ.& I; &3P.Zen.Pestm.&; &3O.Leid. @`1981 &3P.Haun.& II; &3P.Mil.Vogl.& VII; &3P.Nag Hamm.&; &3P.Oxy.& XLVIII; (&3P.Stras.& VIII.721%19`740); &3P.Tor.Amen.&; &3P.Turner&; &3P.Ups.Frid&; (&3SB& XIV.1) @`1982 &3P.Dion.&; &3P.Ital.& II (Latin); &3P.Ko+ln& IV; &3P.Mich.& XV; &3P.Oxy.& XLIX; (&3P.Stras.& VIII.741%19`760) @`1983 &3BGU& XV; &3CPR& VIII; &3P.Laur.& IV; &3P.Leeds Mus.&; &3P.Mil.Congr.XVII&; &3P.Oxy.& L; &3P.Rain.Cent.&; &3PSI Congr.XVII&; (&3P.Stras.& VIII.761%19`780); &3P.Tebt.Wall&; (&3SB& XIV.2%19`3); &3O.Cair.Cat.&; &3T.Vindol.& I (Latin) @`1984 &3CPR& IX; &3P.Hamb.& III; &3P.Oxy.& LI, LII; &3P.Princ.Roll& 2nd ed.; (&3P.Stras.& VIII.781%19`800); &3C.Pap.Gr.& I @`1985 (&3CPR& VI,1%7)VI,2; &3P.Harr.& II; &3P.Haun.& III; &3P.Ko+ln& V; &3P.Thmouis& I; (&3P.Stras.& IX.801%19`820); (&3SB& XVI.1%19`2); &3C.Pap.Gr.& II.1 @`1986 &3CPR& X; &3P.Anag.&; &3P.Erasm.& I; &3P.Freib.& IV; &3P.Gen.& II; &3P.Heid.& IV; &3P.Hels.& I; &3P.Mu+nch.& I, III.1; &3P.Mil.Congr.XVIII&; &3P.Oxy.& LIII; &3P.Quseir&; (&3P.Stras.& IX.821%19`840); &3P.Stras.& (VI%19VIII)Indices; &3O.Cair.&; &3O.Douch& I; &3Pap.Agon. @`1987 &3CPR& XIII; &3P.Customs&; &3P.Ko+ln& VI; &3P.Neph.&; &3P.Oxy.& LIV; (&3P.Stras. IX.841%19`860); &3O.Oasis @`1988 &3P.Oxy.& LV; &3P.Prag.& I; &3P.Sel.Warga&; (&3P.Stras.& IX.861%19`880); (&3SB& XVI.3); &3O.Ashm.Shelt.&; &3O.Douch& II @`1989 &3CPR& XIV; &3P.Aust.Herring&; &3P.Babatha&; &3P.Col.Teeter&; &3P.Masada&, &3O.Masada&; &3P.Mil.Congr.XIX&; &3P.Oxy.& LVI; (&3P.Stras.& IX.881%19`900); &3O.Elkab&; &3T.Varie&; &3C.Jud.Syr.Eg. @`1990 &3CPR& XV; &3P.Bub.&; &3P.Col.& VIII; &3P.Diog.&; &3P.Heid.& V; &3P.Matr.&; &3P.Oxy.& LVII; &3P.Wash.Univ.& II @`1991 &3CPR& XVIIA; &3CPR& XVIIB; &3CPR& XVIII; &3P.Erasm.& II; &3P.Genova& III; &3P.Ko+ln& VII; &3P.Leid.Inst.&; &3P.Oxy.& LVIII; &3P.Petr.&`2 I @`1992 &3P.Brook.&; &3P.Oxy.& LIX; &3PSI& &3Congr.XX&; &3P.Tor.Choach.&; &3O.Bu Djem&; &3O.Claud.&; &3O.Douch& III; &3C.Epist.Lat.&; &3C.Illum.Pap.& I @`1993 &3P.Athen.Xyla&; &3P.Vind.Pher.&; &3SB& XVIII; &3O.Narm.&; &3O.Wadi Hamm.&; &3O.Waqfa @`1994 &3P.Heid.& VI; &3P.Mich.Aphrod.&; &3P.Oxy.& LX; &3P.Oxy.Descr.& I; &3P.Sorb.& II; &3O.Vleem.&; &3T.Vindol.& II @`1995 &3Ch.L.A.& XLVI; &3P.Berl.Sarisch.&; &3P.Dubl.&; &3P.Graux& II: &3P.Kell.& I: @@@@@@@&3P.Oxy.& LXI; &3P.Prag.& II; &3PSI Congr.XXI @`1996 &3P.Heid.& VII @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@IX. PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONGRESSES @ @I "Semaine E/gyptologique et Papyrologique du 14 au 20 septembre 1930." Brussels. Published in &3Cd'E/& 6 (1931) 189%19`470. @II "XVIIIe Congre\s International des Orientalistes. Leyde, du 7 au 12 septembre 1931. Section Autonome des Papyrologues." Published in &3Cd'E/& 7 (1932) 127%19`348. @III &3Papyri und Altertumswissenschaft.& &3Vortra+ge des 3. Internationalen &3Papyrologentages in Mu+nchen vom 4. bis 7. September 1933.& (&3Mu+nchener &3Beitra+ge zur Papyrusforschung und antiken Rechtsgeschichte& 19, Munich 1934). @IV &3Atti del IV Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia, Firenze, 28 &3aprile %19 2 maggio 1935.& (&3Aegyptus,& Serie scientifica 5, Milan 1936) @V &3Actes du Ve Congre\s International de Papyrologie, Oxford, 30 &3aou=t %19 3 septembre 1937.& Published by the Fondation E/gyptologique Reine E/lisabeth. (Brussels 1938). @VI Paris, 29 August %19 4 September 1949. No proceedings published. @VII &3L'Originalite/ de l'E/gypte dans le monde gre/co%19romain, Septie\me &3Congre\s International de Papyrologie, Gene\ve, 1%19`6 septembre 1952&. &3Museum Helveticum& 10 (1953) 129%19`180. @VIII &3Akten des VIII. Internationalen Kongresses fu+r Papyrologie, Wien &3`1955&. (29 August %19 3 September). (&3MPER& N.S. V, Vienna 1956). @IX &3Proceedings of the IX International Congress of Papyrology, &3Oslo, 19%19`22 August 1958&. Published by the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities (Hertford, England 1961). @X &3Actes du Xe Congre\s International de Papyrologie, Varsovie%19Cracovie, &3`3%19`9 septembre 1961&. Published by the Comite/ des Sciences de la Culture Antique, Acade/mie Polonaise des Sciences. (Warsaw 1964). @XI &3Atti dell'XI Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia, Milano, &3`2%19`8 settembre 1965&. Published by the Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere. (Milan 1966). @XII &3Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress of Papyrology, &3Ann Arbor, 13%19`17 August 1968&. (Am.Stud.Pap. VII, Toronto 1970). @XIII &3Akten des XIII. Internationalen Papyrologenkongresses, &3Marburg%3Lahn, 2%19`6 August 1971&. (&3Mu+nchener Beitra+ge zur Papyrusforschung &3und antiken Rechtsgeschichte& 66, Munich 1974). @XIV &3Proceedings of the XIV International Congress of Papyrologists, &3Oxford, 24%19`31 July 1974&. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco%19Roman Memoirs 61, London 1975). @XV &3Actes du XVe Congre\s International de Papyrologie, Brussels, &3`29 August %19 3 September 1977&. (Pap.Brux. XVI%19XIX, Brussels 1978). @XVI &3Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Congress of Papyrology &3New York, 24%19`31 July 1980&. (Am.Stud.Pap. XXIII, Chico 1981). @XVII &3Atti del XVII Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia&. 3 vols. (Centro Internazionale per lo Studio dei Papiri Ercolanesi, Naples 1984). @XVIII &3Proceedings of the XVIII International Congress of Papyrol%19 &3ogy, Athens 25%19`31 May 1986&, ed. B. Mandilaras. 2 vols. (Greek Papyr-ological Society, Athens 1988). @XIX &3Proceedings of the XIXth International Congress of Papyrology, &3Cairo 2%19`9 September 1989&, ed. A.H.S. El%19Mosalamy. 2 vols. (Center of Papyrological Studies, Ain Shams University, Cairo 1992). @XX &3Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Papyrologists, &3Copenhagen, 23%19`29 August, 1992&, collected by A. Bu+low%19Jacobsen. (Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen 1994). @ There is an index to the papers in the Congress volumes of Congresses I through XIII prepared by K.A. Worp and published in &3Museum Philo%19 &3logicum Londinense& II (1977) 283%19`305. @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@APPENDIX @@@@@OTHER CITATIONS SOMETIMES USED FOR EDITIONS OF PAPYRI @ @The following list is not at this time meant to be exhaustive; @it contains abbreviations we are aware of and which might be @difficult to decipher or are of such age as to be no longer in @current use. Our aim is to direct users to the full biblio-@graphical information in the lists of editions. @ @&3Apokrimata&: see &3P.Col.& VI @&3CEML&: see &3T.Mom.Louvre& (II, Ostraca and Tablets) @&3Chrest.&: see &3Chrest.&Mitt.%3&3Chrest.&Wilck. (III, Corpora) @&3C.P.An.&: see &3P.Anag. @&3C.P.Herm.& %6 &3Corpus Papyrorum Hermopolitanarum&: see &3Stud.Pal.& V (V, Series) @&3Dikaiomata&: see &3P.Hal. @&3DJD&: see &3P.Mur. @&3Fu+hrer PER, PERF&: see &3Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer. Fu+hrer durch die &3Ausstellung&, Vienna 1892, 1894 (2nd edition). @Gradenwitz, &3Erbstreit&: see &3SB& I 4512 @&3G.S.M.&: see &3Shorthand Manuals& (III, Corpora) @&3Heid.Vero+ff.&: see &3P.Heid. @&3Mon.Epiph.&: For Greek texts see &3SB& IV 7477%19`7514 @&3Negotia&: see &3FIRA& III (III, Corpora) @&3O.Bru+ss.Berl.&: see &3O.Berl.& and &3O.Brux. @&3O.Cair.&: see &3O.Cair.Cat. @&3O.Cair.GPW&: see &3O.Cair. @&3OGN&: see &3O.Narm. @&3O.Leiden Insinger&: see &3O.Leid. @&3O.ROM&: see &3O.Ont.Mus. @&3O.Tait&: see &3O.Bodl. @&3O.Viereck&: see &3O.Stras. @&3O.Zereteli&: see &3O.Erem. @&3P.Amst.&: see also &3P.Gron. @&3P.Amstel.&: see &3P.Gron.Amst. @&3P.Aphrodito&: see &3Grundz.&Wilck. xxv for various editions @&3P.Arsinoe&: see &3P.Haw. @&3P.Artemisia&: text in &3SB& I 5103, &3UPZ& I 1 @&3P.Ashmol.&: see &3P.Ashm. @&3P.Athen.S.A.&: see &3P.Athen. @&3P.Ausonia&: texts now in &3P.Flor.& III 291, 357, 358 @&3P.Bakchiastexte&: see &3P.Lund& IV @&3P.Bankakten&: see &3P.Berl.Frisk @&3P.Beatty Panop.&: see &3P.Panop.Beatty @&3P.Beauge/&: texts in &3P.Cair.Masp.& II 67156, III 67279, 67305 @&3P.Bibl.Univ.Giss.&: see &3P.Giss.Univ. @&3P.Boissier&: text now &3Chrest.&Wilck. 13 @&3P.Buttmann&: text in &3UPZ& II 175b @&3P.Cair.&: see &3P.Cair.Cat. @&3P.Cair.Byz.&: see &3P.Cair.Masp. @&3P.Cair. GH&: see &3P.Cair.Cat. @&3P.Casati&: see &3UPZ& II 180a @&3P.Catt.&: see &3Chrest.&Mitt. 88 and 372 for no. I and &3SB& I 4284 for no. II. @&3P.Ceriani&: see &3UPZ& I 46 @&3P.Chester Beatty&: see &3P.Beatty @&3P.Chic.Goodsp.&: see &3P.Kar.Goodsp. @&3P.Col.123&: see &3P.Col.& VI @&3P.Col.480&: see &3P.Col.& I @&3P.Col.Zen.&: see &3P.Col.& III and IV @&3P.Colon.&: see &3P.Ko+ln @&3P.Colon.Panop.&: see &3P.Panop. @&3P.Colt&: see &3P.Ness. @&3P.Cong.Omaggio&: see &3PSI Cong.XI @&3P.Copenhagen&: text now in &3SB& I 428; see also &3P.Haun. @&3P.Denkschriften&: see the listing in &3SB& II pp.74%19`82 @&3P.Didot&: text now in &3UPZ& I 56 @&3P.Dresden&: texts now in &3UPZ& I 34, 43, 44 @&3P.Droysen&: texts now in &3UPZ& II passim @&3P.Edmondstone&: see &3BASP& 15 (1978) 235%19`6 @&3P.Eitrem&: See listing in &3SB& II, p.83 @&3P.Fuad&: see also &3P.Fouad @&3P.Fraser&: text now in &3UPZ& I 158b,c @&3P.Frisk&: see &3P.Berl.Frisk @&3P.Gentili&: texts now &3SB& I 5658, &3P.Flor.& III 368%19`370 @&3P.Germ.&: text now &3SB& I 3924 @&3P.Gnomon&: see &3BGU& V @&3P.Goodsp.&: see &3P.Cair.Goodsp.&, &3P.Chic.& and &3P.Kar.Goodsp. @&3P.Graz&: texts now in &3Stud.Pal.& IV pp.114%19`21, &3P.Turner& 50, and @@@@@@@@&3SB& XVI 12484 @&3P.Grey&: texts now in &3UPZ& II 165%19`67 @&3P.Gr.Texte&: see &3P.Meyer @&3P.Heid.& 1280: text now &3SB& I 4638 @&3P.Hernals&: see listing in &3SB& II p.93 @&3P.Hess.&: see &3P.Giss. @&3P.Ibscher&: see &3P.Hamb.& II and Montevecchi, &3La Papirologia& p.418 @&3P.Innsbruck&: text in &3UPZ& I 136 @&3P.Jand.&: see &3P.Iand. @&3P.Jernstedt&: text now &3Chrest.&Wilck. 155 @&3P.Jews&: see &3P.Lond.& VI @&3P.Jomard&: text in &3P.Paris& p.257 @&3P.Jud.Des.&: see &3P.Mur. @&3P.Karanis&: see &3P.Kar.Goodsp. @&3P.Kell.G.&: see &3P.Kell. @&3P.Kl.Form.&: see &3Stud.Pal.& III and IV (V, Series) @&3P.Ko+ln Panop.&: see &3P.Panop. @&3P.Landlisten&: see &3P.Herm.Landl. @&3P.Lewald&: see &3P.Frankf. @&3P.Libbey&: text in &3SB& I 2051 @&3P.Libelli&: see for listing &3SB& II p.140 @&3P.Lit.Lond.&: see &3P.Lond.Lit. @&3P.Louvre&: see &3UPZ& passim; cf. also &3P.Denkschriften& above. @&3P.Lugd.Bat.&: see &3P.Batav.&, &3P.David&, &3P.Leid.&, &3P.L.Bat.& and &3Pap.Lugd.Bat. (V, Series) @&3P.Magd.&: see &3P.Lille& II @&3P.Magirus&: texts now in &3SB& I 5317%19`40 @&3P.Maspero&: see &3P.Cair.Masp. @&3P.Med.&: see &3P.Mil. @&3P.Mel.Rev.&: see the listing in &3SB& II p.140 under Revillout, &3Me/langes @&3P.Mich.Browne&: see &3P.Mich.& X @&3P.Mich. Shelton&: see &3P.Mich.& XI @&3P.Mich.Sokn.Nes.&: texts now &3SB& V 7818%19`32 @&3P.Mich.Zen.&: see &3P.Mich.& I @&3P.Milit.&: see &3Rom.Mil.Rec.& (III, Corpora) @&3P.Mimaut&: text now &3Pap.Graec.Mag.& I 3 @&3P.Minutoli&: see &3UPZ& II 181 @&3P.Mitt.PER&, &3P.Mitt.Rain.&, &3P.Mitteilungen Wien&: see &3MPER& (V, Series) @&3P.Mo+ller&: see &3P.Berl.Mo+ller @&3P.Mon.&, &3P.Mun.&: see &3P.Monac.& and &3P.Mu+nchen @&3P.Neutest.&: see &3P.Mey. @&3P.New York&: see &3UPZ& I 132,134 @&3P.Panop.Borkowski&: see &3P.Berl.Bork. @&3P.Papyrus Roll&: see &3P.Princ.Roll @&3P.Passalacqua&: see &3UPZ& II 159 @&3P.Petersb.&: texts now in &3P.Ross.Georg.& (I 22; III 26; V 5, 19, 56) @&3P.Pher.&: see &3P.Vind.Pher. @&3P.Primi&: see &3P.Mil.Vogl.& I @&3P.Real.Ist.Veneto&: texts now in &3P.Flor.& III 280, 283, 286 @&3P.Rend.Harr.&: see &3P.Harr. @&3PRG&: see &3P.Ross.Georg. @&3PRUM&: see &3P.Mil.Vogl.& I @&3P.SAA&, &3P.S.A.Athens&: see &3P.Athen. @&3P.Sachini, Sakkinis, Sakkakinis&: text now in &3UPZ& II 158a @&3P.Salt.&: text now in &3UPZ& II 188 @&3P.Schmidt&: see &3P.Berl.Schmidt @&3P.Schott%19Reinh.&: see &3P.Heid.& III @&3P.Sitol.&: see &3P.Berl.Thun. @&3P.Soc.Ital.&: see &3PSI @&3P.Socnobr.&: see &3P.Bacch. @&3P.Stud.&: see &3Stud.Pal.& (V, Series) @&3PSI& &3Omaggio&: see &3PSI Congr.XI @&3PTA&: see &3Pap.Texte Abh.& (V, Series) @&3P.Taxroll&: see &3P.Princ.Roll @&3P.Testa&: see &3SB& I 4505, 5285%19`86 @&3P.Theb.Bank&: see &3Actenstu+cke @&3P.Tiberii Julii Theones&: see &3P.Theon. @&3P.Top.A+g.&: see &3Stud.Pal.& X (V, Series) @&3P.Trophitis&: see &3P.Aust.Herring @&3P.Tsoukalas&: see &3P.Athen. @&3PUG&: see &3P.Genova @&3P.Variae&: see &3P.Alex.Giss. @&3P.Vat.&: texts now in &3UPZ& passim @&3P.Vat.& II, &3P.Vat.gr. 11&: see &3P.Marm. @&3P.Weil&: text now in &3UPZ& I 56 @&3P.Wessely Prag.&: see &3P.Prag. @&3P.Yadin&: see &3P.Babatha @&3P.Zereteli&: see &3P.Ross.Georg.& passim @&3P.Zois&: text now in &3UPZ& I 114 @&3V.B.P.&: see &3P.Bad. @&3V.H.P.&: see &3P.Heid.