@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ATTICA @ * The Latin inscriptions reproduced in &3SIA& VI (1992) are included separately under "Attica [Latin]". @ Main Collections and Supplements __ @ &3IG& I&4`3&,`1%19`2 __ &3Inscriptiones Graecae I: Inscriptiones &3@@@@@Atticae Euclidis anno anteriores.& 3rd edn. Berlin 1981 %9 @@@@@`1994. Fasc. 1, ed. David Lewis, &3Decreta et Tabulae &3@@@@@Magistratuum& (nos. 1%19`500); fasc. 2, ed. David Lewis and @@@@@Lilian Jeffery%, &3Dedicationes. Catalogi. Termini. Tituli &3@@@@@Sepulcrales. Varia. Tituli Attici Extra Atticam Reperti. &3@@@@@Addenda& (nos. 501%19`1517). @ &3IG& I&4`2& __ &3Inscriptiones Graecae I: Inscriptiones Atticae &3@@@@@Euclidis anno (403%3`2) anteriores,& 2nd edn., ed. Friedrich @@@@@Hiller von Gaertringen. Berlin 1924. __ Only those @@@@@inscriptions not re%19edited in &3IG& I&4`3&,`1%19`2. @ Raubitschek, Antony E., &3Dedications from the Athenian &3@@@@@Akropolis.& With the collaboration of Lilian H. Jeffery. @@@@@Cambridge (Mass.) 1949. [DAA]. __ See now &3IG& I&4`3&,`2 @@@@@(`1994), nos. 501, 505%19`509bis, 511%19`512 %9 589%19`947 . __ @@@@@The restorations proposed by Werner Peek in the &3@@@@@Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Martin%19Luther%19Univ. &3@@@@@Halle%19Wittenberg& 3 (1953%3`54) 377%19`390, recorded in &3SEG @@@@@`14.12 (1967), are appended to the &3DAA& texts. @ &3IG& II%3III&4`2& __ &3Inscriptiones Graecae II et III: &3@@@@@Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores,& 2nd @@@@@edn., Parts I%19III, ed. Johannes Kirchner. Berlin @@@@@`1913%19`1940. __ Divided into three parts on the CD: nos. @@@@@`1%19`1369 (Part I, 1%19`2 [`1913%19`1916] %6 Decrees and Sacred @@@@@Laws); nos. 1370%19`2788 (Part II, 1%19`2 [`1927%19`1931] %6 @@@@@Records of Magistrates and Catalogues); nos. 2789%19`5219 @@@@@(Part III, 1 [`1935] %6 Dedications and Honorary @@@@@Inscriptions); and nos. 5220%19`13247 (Part III, 2 [`1940] @@@@@%6 Funerary Inscriptions). @ &3IG& II,1%19`3 __ &3Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter &3@@@@@Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora,& ed. Ulrich Koehler. 5 @@@@@parts. Berlin 1877%19`1895. __ The remainder, not in &3IG @@@@@II%3III&4`2& (or in another work included on the CD): @@@@@only nos. 3959, 4303 and 4334 @ &3IG& III,1%19`2 __ &3Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis Romanae,& ed. W. @@@@@Dittenberger. 2 parts. Berlin 1878%19`1882. __ The @@@@@remainder not in &3IG& II%3III&4`2& (or in another work @@@@@included on the CD), combined with &3IG& II (above): only @@@@@nos. 893, (from Chaironeia?), 3624, 3853 and 3871. @ &3IG& III,2 __ &3Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis Romanae,& ed. W. @@@@@Dittenberger. Berlin 1882. Part II, "Tituli Sepulchrales @@@@@Christianorum et Judaeorum," nos. 3435%19`3547, reprinted @@@@@with other important works in Alexander N. Oikonomides @@@@@(ed.), &3Supplementum Inscriptionum Atticarum, III. @@@@@Chicago: Ares 1979. __ For these and other Early @@@@@Christian and Byzantine inscriptions of Attica, see @@@@@under "Greece [Late Ant.%3Byz.]. Attica [various @@@@@sources]" on the CD. @ &3IG& III, App. __ &3Inscriptiones Graecae III, Appendix: &3@@@@@Defixionum Tabellae,& ed. Richard Wuensch. Berlin 1897. @@@@@__ See at the end, under "Curse Tablets". @ Peek, Werner. "Attische Inschriften. Nachtra+ge und @@@@Verbesserungen zu IG I&4`2&, II&4`2&". In: &3MDAI(A)& 67 @@@@(`1942 [`1951]), pp. 1%19`217. Reprinted with other works in @@@@Alexander N. Oikonomides (ed.), &3Supplementum &3@@@@Inscriptionum Atticarum, I.& Chicago: Ares 1976. @ &3Inscriptiones Atticae. Supplementum Inscriptionum Atticarum, &3@@@@VI.& ed. M.C.J. Miller. Chicago: Ares 1992. [SIA] __ Latin @@@@inscriptions (dedications, gravestones, etc.) reproduced @@@@from &3CIL& III and other publications. @ Other Hellenistic Decrees __ @ A collection of Athenian decrees of the Hellenistic period found outside Attica, or preserved in literary sources (Diogenes Laertius 7.10%19`12; [Plutarch], &3Vit. X Or.& 850F%19`851C, 851D%19F, 851F%19`852E; and Josephus, &3Ant. Jud.& 14.149%19`155), is also included. The collection is based on a list kindly provided by Chr. Habicht (7.1988). The sources, in addition to the periodicals &3AAA, ArchEph& ("AE") and &3BCH& (for which see above), include: @ &3Fouilles de Delphes, III. E/pigraphie.& Vol. 2, &3Tre/sor des &3@@@@@Athe/niens,& ed. Gaston Colin. Paris 1909%19`1913. [FD III,2] @ &3Inscriptions de De/los.& Vol. 4 (nos. 1497%19`2219), ed. Fe/lix @@@@@Durrbach. Paris 1929. [ID] @ Helly, Bruno. &3Gonnoi II. Les inscriptions.& Amsterdam 1973. @ &3Inscriptiones Graecae, VII. Inscriptiones Megaridis, Oropiae, &3@@@@@@Boeotiae,& ed. Wilhelm Dittenberger. Berlin 1892. [IG @@@@@@VII] @ Kern, Otto. &3Die Inschriften von Magnesia am Maeander.& Berlin @@@@@`1900. [IMagnesia]. @ Fra+nkel, Max. &3Die Inschriften von Pergamon.& 2 vols. @@@@@"Altertu+mer von Pergamon," 8; Berlin 1890%19`1895. [IPerg]. @ Hiller von Gaertringen, Friedrich. &3Inschriften von Priene. @@@@@Berlin 1906. [IPriene]. @ Herzog, Rudolf. "Symbolae Calymnae et Coae" in: &3Rivista di &3@@@@@filologia e d'istruzione classica& [RFIC] 70, N.S. 20 @@@@@(`1942) 12, no. 6A %6 William R. Paton and Edward L. @@@@@Hicks, &3The Inscriptions of Cos& (Oxford 1891), no. 17. @ Wilhelm, Adolf. "Neue Beitra+ge zur griechischen @@@@@Inschriftenkunde. Attische Urkunden, IV," &3Akademie der &3@@@@@Wissenschaften in Wien, ph.%19hist. Klasse, &3@@@@@Sitzungsberichte& 214,4 (1932). Reprinted in &3@@@@@Akademieschriften zur griechischen Inschriftenkunde, @@@@@vol. 1; Leipzig 1974. @ Monographic Supplements (The Athenian Agora) __ @ &3Agora& 15 __ Benjamin D. Meritt, and John Traill, &3The Athenian &3@@@@@Councillors.& "The Athenian Agora", vol. 15. Princeton @@@@@`1974. @ &3Agora& 17 __ Donald W. Bradeen. &3Inscriptions. The Funerary &3@@@@@Monuments.& "The Athenian Agora", vol. 17. Princeton @@@@@`1974. @ &3Agora& 19 __ Gerald V. Lalonde, Merle K. Langdon and Michael @@@@@B. Walbank. &3Inscriptions. Horoi, Poletai, Leases of &3@@@@@Public Lands.& "The Athenian Agora", vol. 19. Princeton @@@@@`1991. __ Divided into three parts on the CD: H(oroi), @@@@@P(oletai) and PA; L(eases) and LA. @ &3Agora& 21 __ Mabel Lang. &3Graffiti and Dipinti,& "The Athenian @@@@@Agora," vol. 21. Princeton 1976. @ Monographic Supplements (Other), and Other Works __ @ &3Kerameikos& III __ Peek, Werner, &3Inschriften, Ostraka, &3@@@@@Fluchtafeln.& "Kerameikos", vol. 3. Berlin 1941. @ Aleshire, Sara B. &3The Athenian Asklepieion.& Amsterdam 1989. @@@@With additions from: Sara B. Aleshire, &3Asklepios at &3@@@@Athens.& Amsterdam 1991. __ Re%19edition of the inventories @@@@of the City Asklepieion. @ Peek, Werner. &3Attische Grabschriften II.& "Abhandlungen der @@@@@deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Klasse @@@@@fu+r Sprachen, Literatur und Kunst," 1956, no. 3. Berlin @@@@@`1957. [AttGrabschr II] Reprinted with other works in @@@@@Alexander N. Oikonomides (ed.), &3Supplementum &3@@@@@Inscriptionum Atticarum, I.& Chicago: Ares 1976. __ @@@@@Gravestones not in &3IG& II%3III&4`2& III,2. __ The @@@@@inscriptions from &3IG& II%3III&4`2& reviewed in &3@@@@@Att.Grabschr.& I (1954) are reported in &3SEG& 13 (1966). @ Kroll, John H. &3Athenian Bronze Allotment Plates.& Harvard @@@@@`1972. [ABAP]. @ Braun, Karin. "Brunnen B&7`1&, III. Streifen mit @@@@@Pferdewerten". In: &3MDAI(A)& 85 (1970), pp. 198%19`269. __ @@@@@Separated from the other inscriptions published in &3@@@@@MDAI(A),& so that the texts could be juxtaposed with the @@@@@like items published by Kroll (1977). @ Kroll, John H. "An Archive of the Athenian Cavalry". In: &3@@@@@Hesperia& 46 (1977) pp. 83%19`140. __ Separated from the @@@@@other inscriptions published in &3Hesperia,& so that the @@@@@texts could be juxtaposed with the like items published @@@@@by Braun (1970). @ Pouilloux, Jean. &3La Forteresse de Rhamnonte.& "Bibliothe\que @@@@@des E/coles franc%25aises d'Athe\nes et de Rome" [BEFAR] 179; @@@@@Paris 1954. "Annexe: Les Inscriptions de Rhamnonte," pp. @@@@@`106%19`167 %9 207%19`209 [FortRham]. __ The more recently @@@@@discovered inscriptions from Rhamnous are fully reported @@@@@in &3SEG. @ Clinton, Kevin. &3Sacred Officials of the Eleusinian Mysteries. @@@@@"Transactions of the American Philosophical Society," @@@@@N.S. 64,3; Philadelphia 1974. @ &3Fouilles de Delphes, III. E/pigraphie.& Vol. 2, &3Tre/sor des &3@@@@@Athe/niens,& ed. Gaston Colin. Paris 1909%19`1913. [FD III,2] @@@@@__ Part only. Inscriptions of the Attic Pythai+s and @@@@@Duodedai+s: nos. 2%19`17, 23%19`32, 34%19`45, 52%19`54 and 56%19`66. @ Serial Supplements (&3SEG&) and Periodicals __ @ &3SEG& 1%19`41 __ &3Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum.& Vols. 1%19`3 and @@@@@`10, ed. Jacob E. Hondius, Leiden 1923, 1924, 1927, and @@@@@`1949. Vols. 12%19`25, ed. Arthur G. Woodhead. Leiden @@@@@`1965%19`1971. Vols. 26%19`41, ed. Henry W. Pleket (other) and @@@@@Ronald S. Stroud (Attic and Peloponnesian). Amsterdam @@@@@`1979%19`1991. __ Inscriptions subsequently re%19edited in &3@@@@@Agora& XV are excluded. @ &3BE/& __ "Bulletin e/pigraphique," eds. Pierre Roussel %9 G. @@@@@Nicole (1917), Jeanne and Louis Robert (1938%19`1984), in: &3@@@@@Revue des e/tudes grecques& (Paris). __ Under this heading @@@@@are collected a small number of inscriptions, not in &3@@@@@SEG,& from periodicals and other publications, which, for @@@@@one reason or another, did not fit well under @@@@@"Miscellaneous Periodicals" or "Miscellaneous Books". @@@@@The sources are indicated in the supplementary data @@@@@fields that accompany the texts. @ Attic inscriptions published in periodicals, which do not appear in the Berlin Corpus, &3SEG& or in one of the supplementary collections above, have been assembled from the following publications. Some periodicals, including those with the largest number of texts, are included as separate works on the CD (&3Hesperia& and Suppls.; &3MDAI(A)&; &3BCH& and Suppls.; &3Arch.Eph.& and &3Arch.Delt.&; &3Ergon& and the &3Praktika&; &3Polemon&); the rest are combined under "Miscellaneous Periodicals". @ AAA $*)ARXAIOLOGIKA\ *)ANA/LEKTA E)C *)AQHNW=N& (Athens). &3AAnz& Jahrbuch des deutschen archa+ologischen @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Instituts. Archa+ologischer Anzeiger (Berlin). &3ABSA& Annual of the British School at Athens (London). &3AJA& American Journal of Archaeology (New @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@York; Princeton; Boston). &3AM %3 AthMitt& %6 &3MDAI(A). &3AntKunst& Antike Kunst (Basel). &3Archaeology& Archaeology (Cambridge, Mass.) &3ArchCl& Archeologia Classica (Rome). &3ArchDelt $*)ARXAIOLOGIKO\N *DELTI/ON& (Athens). [AD, Deltion] &3ArchEph $*)ARXAIOLOGIKH\ *)EFHMERI/S& (Athens). [AE] &3Athena $*)AQHNA=. *SU/GGRAMMA PERIODIKO\N TH=S E)N *)AQH/NAIS $@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@*)EPISTHMONIKH=S *(ETAIREI/AS& (Athens). &3Athenaika $*TA\ *)AQHNAI+KA/. *)/EKDOSH TOU= *SULLO/GOU TW=N *)AQHNAI/WN @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(Athens). &3Athenaion $*)AQHNAI=ON. *SU/GGRAMMA PERIODIKO\N KATA\ DIMHNI/AN $@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@E)KDIDOME/NON& (Athens). &3BCH& Bulletin de correspondance helle/nique (Paris). &3CSCA& California Studies in Classical Antiquity @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(Berkeley). &3Ergon $*)/ERGON TH=S E)N *)AQH/NAIS *)ARXAIOLOGIKH=S *(ETAIREI/AS @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(Athens). &3GRBS Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies.& (Durham, North @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Carolina) &3Hellenika $*(ELLHNIKA/. *FILOLOGIKO\N I(STORIKO\N KAI\ LAOGRAFIKO\N $@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@PERIODIKO\N SU/GGRAMMA TH=S *(ETAIREI/AS $@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@*MAKEDONIKW=N *SPOUDW=N& (Thessalonike). &3Hesperia& Hesperia (Cambridge, Mass.; Princeton). &3MDAI(A)& Mitteilungen des deutschen archa+ologischen @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Instituts. Athenische Abteilung (Berlin). &3Mnemosyne& Mnemosyne. Bibliotheca Classica Batava (Leiden). PAE $*PRAKTIKA\ TH=S E)N *)AQH/NAIS *)ARXAIOLOGIKH=S *(ETAIREI/AS @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(Athens). &3Polemon $*POLE/MWN. *)ARXAIOLOGIKO\N PERIODIKO/N& (Athens). &3RBPhil& Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (Brussels). &3RA& Revue arche/ologique (Paris). &3TAPA& Transactions of the American Philological @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Association. @ Miscellaneous Books __ @ Includes select items from the following books: @ Pritchett, William K., and Benjamin D. Meritt, &3The Chronology &3@@@@@of Hellenistic Athens.& Cambridge, Mass., 1940. @@@@@[ChrHellA]. Curtius, Ernst, and Johann A. Kaupert. &3Karten von Attica. @@@@@Berlin 1881. Dinsmoor, William B. &3Archons of Athens in the Hellenistic &3@@@@@Age.& Cambridge, Mass., 1931. [AAth] Du+tschke, Hans. &3Antike Bildwerke in Oberitalien, IV.& Leipzig @@@@@@`1880. Svoronos, Ioannes. &3Das Athener Nationalmuseum.& German edn. by @@@@@@W. Barth. Athens 1903%19`1937. Sybel, Ludwig von. &3Katalog der Sculpturen zu Athen.& Marburg @@@@@`1881. $*F*O*R*O*S. &3Tribute to Benjamin Dean Meritt,& ed. Donald Bradeen and @@@@@Malcom McGregor. Locust Valley, N.Y., 1974. [Phoros]. Bingen, Jean, "Inscriptions," pp. 149%19`162, in: &3Thorikos 1968. &3@@@@@Rapport pre/liminaire sur la cinquie\me campagne de &3@@@@@fouilles,& by Herman Mussche and others. Brussels 1971. @ Curse Tablets __ @ Collected together as one work on the CD: @ &3IG& III, App. __ &3Inscriptiones Graecae III, Appendix: &3@@@@@Defixionum tabellae,& ed. Richard Wuensch. Berlin 1897. @ Audollent, Auguste. &3Defixionum tabellae quotquot innotuerunt &3@@@@@...& Paris 1904. __ Attic tablets only, not in Wuensch @@@@@(`1897). @ Ziebarth, Erich. &3Neue Verfluchungstafeln aus Attika, Boiotien &3@@@@@und Euboia.& "Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften, @@@@@Sitzungsberichte" [Berlin], 1934, pp. 1022%19`1050. __ @@@@@Attic tablets only. [SPAW] @ Jordan, David R. "A Survey of Greek &3Defixiones& not included @@@@@in the special &3Corpora.&" In: &3GRBS& 26,2 (1985), pp. @@@@@`151%19`197. __ A few additional Attic items, labeled by @@@@@page and catalogue number in the list assembled by @@@@@Jordan. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@PELOPONNESOS @ * The Latin inscriptions published in &3Corinth& VIII,2 (1931) and VIII,3 (1966) are included separately under "Peloponnesos [Latin]". For the Early Christian and Byzantine inscriptions of the Peloponnesos, see under "Greece [Late Ant.%3Byz.]. Inventaire Peloponne\se. __ Corinth VIII,1%19`2 and XII __ Peloponnesos [various sources] __ &3BCH& 23.1899 [Mistra] __ Lead Seals [Peloponnesos]" on the CD. @ Collections __ @ &3IG& IV __ &3Inscriptiones graecae Aeginae, Pityonesi, &3@@@@@Cecryphaliae, Argolidis,& ed. Max Fraenkel. "Corpus @@@@@inscriptionum graecarum Peloponnesi et insularum @@@@@vicinarum," 1. Berlin 1902. @ &3IG& IV&4`2&,`1 __ &3Inscriptiones Graecae, IV. Inscriptiones &3@@@@@Argolidis.& 2nd edn. Fasc. 1, &3Inscriptiones Epidauri,& ed. @@@@@Friedrich Hiller von Gaertringen. Berlin 1929. @ Peek, Werner. &3Inschriften aus dem Asklepieion von Epidauros. @@@@@"Abhandlungen der Sa+chsischen Akademie der @@@@@Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. Philologisch%19historische @@@@@Klasse," 60,2. Berlin 1969. [NIEpi] @ Peek, Werner. &3Neue Inschriften aus Epidauros.& "Abhandlungen @@@@@der Sa+chsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. @@@@@Philologisch%19historische Klasse," 63,5. Berlin 1972. @@@@@[IAEpi] @ &3Corinth VIII,1. The Greek Inscriptions 1896%19`1927,& ed. @@@@@Benjamin D. Meritt. Cambridge (Mass.) 1931. @ &3Corinth VIII,2. The Latin Inscriptions 1896%19`1926,& ed. Allen @@@@@B. West. Princeton 1931. @ &3Corinth VIII,3. The Inscriptions 1926%19`1950,& ed. John H. Kent. @@@@@Princeton 1966. __ Greek and Latin Inscriptions. @ &3IG& V,1 __ &3Inscriptiones Graecae, V,1. Inscriptiones Laconiae &3@@@@@et Messeniae,& ed. Walter Kolbe. Berlin 1913. @ &3IG& V,2 __ &3Inscriptiones Graecae, V,2. Inscriptiones &3@@@@@Arcadiae,& ed. Friedrich Hiller von Gaertringen. Berlin @@@@@`1913. @ Thu+r, Gerhard, and Hans Taeuber. &3Prozessrechtliche &3@@@@@Inschriften der griechischen Poleis: Arkadien (IPArk). @@@@@"O+sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. @@@@@Philosophisch%19Historische Klasse. Sitzungsberichte," @@@@@`607. Wien 1994. @ Dittenberger, Wilhelm, and Karl Purgold. &3Die Inschriften von &3@@@@@Olympia.& "Olympia," 5. Berlin 1896. [IvO] @ &3SEG(Oly)& __ The inscriptions of Olympia reproduced in &3SEG @@@@@`1%19`41 (below) are included on the CD as a separate work. @ &3SEG& 1%19`41 __ &3Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum.& Vols. 1%19`3 and @@@@@`10, ed. J. E. Hondius, Leiden 1923, 1924, 1927, and @@@@@`1949. Vols. 12%19`25, ed. A. G. Woodhead. Leiden 1965%19`1971. @@@@@Vols. 26%19`41, ed. H. W. Pleket (other) and R. S. Stroud @@@@@(Attic and Peloponnesian). Amsterdam 1979%19`1994. Π@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@CENTRAL AND NORTHERN GREECE @ Sections: (1) Boeotia (IG VII) and Central Greece (&3IG& IX,1); (2) Delphi; (3) Thessaly (&3IG& IX,2); and (4) Macedonia. @ * For the Early Christian and Byzantine inscriptions of the Central and Northwestern Greece, see under "Greece [Late Ant.%3Byz.]. Epirus [various sources] __ Hellas [various sources]" on the CD. @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@BOEOTIA @ &3IG& VII __ &3Inscriptiones Graecae, VII. Inscriptiones &3@@@@@Megaridis, Oropiae, Boeotiae,& ed. Wilhelm Dittenberger. @@@@@Berlin 1892. @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@CENTRAL GREECE @ &3IG& IX,1 __ &3Inscriptiones Graecae IX,1. Inscriptiones &3@@@@@Phocidis, Locridis, Aetoliae, Acarnaniae, insularum &3@@@@@maris Ionii,& ed. Wilhelm Dittenberger. Berlin 1897. __ @@@@@Those inscriptions not re%19edited in &3IG& IX,1&4`2&,`1%19`3 @@@@@(below). @ &3IG& IX,1&4`2&,`1%19`3 __ &3Inscriptiones Graecae IX,1.& 2nd edn., ed. @@@@@Gu+nther Klaffenbach. Berlin 1932%19`1968. __ Three parts @@@@@completed: fasc. 1, &3Inscriptiones Aetoliae& (1932); fasc. @@@@@`2, &3Inscriptiones Acarnaniae& (1957); fasc. 3, &3@@@@@Inscriptiones Locridis occidentalis& (1968). @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@DELPHI @ Main Collections __ @ &3Fouilles de Delphes, III. E/pigraphie.& Paris 1929%19@@@@ [FD]: @ &3@@@@@FD& III:1. &3Inscriptions de l'entre/e du sanctuaire au &3@@@@@tre/sor des Athe/niens,& ed. E/mile Bourguet. Paris 1929. @ &3@@@@@FD& III:2. &3Inscriptions du tre/sor des Athe/niens,& ed. @@@@@Gaston Colin. Paris 1909%19`1913. @ &3@@@@@FD& III:3. &3Inscriptions depuis le tre/sor des Athe/niens &3@@@@@jusqu'aux bases de Ge/lon.& 2 vols. Paris 1932%19`1943. Vol. @@@@@`1, ed. Georges Daux and Antoine Salac%148 (1932); vol. 2, @@@@@Georges Daux (1943). @ &3@@@@@FD& III:4. &3Les Inscriptions de la terrasse du temple et &3@@@@@la re/gion nord du sanctuaire.& 4 vols. Paris 1930%19`1976. @@@@@Vol. 1, ed. Gaston Colin (1930); vol. 2, ed. Robert @@@@@Flacelie\re (1954); vol. 3, ed. Andre/ Plassart (1970); @@@@@vol. 4, ed. Jean Pouilloux (1976). @ &3@@@@@FD& III:5. &3Les Comptes du IVe sie\cle,& ed. E/mile Bourguet. @@@@@Paris 1932. __ Replaced by &3CID& II (1989) below. @ &3@@@@@FD& III:6. &3Les Inscriptions du the/a=tre,& ed. Natan Valmin. @@@@@Paris 1939. @ &3@@@@@FD& III, Chr.Delph. &3Chronologie delphique,& by Georges @@@@@Daux. Paris 1943. @ &3Fouilles de Delphes, II. Topographie et Architecture.& Paris @@@@@`1902%19@@@@ [FD]: @ @@@@@Jean Pouilloux. &3La Re/gion nord du sanctuaire (de &3@@@@@l'e/poque archai+que a\ la fin du sanctuaire.& Paris 1960. @@@@@[RNS] @ @@@@@Robert Demangel, in: &3Le Sanctuaire d'Athe\na Pronaia, @@@@@fasc. 1. "Fouilles de Delphes II, fasc. 3," Ch. 1, pp. @@@@@`1%19`41, &3Les Temples de tuf.& Paris 1923. [TempTuf] @ @@@@@Georges Roux. &3La Terrasse d'Attale Ier.& Paris 1987. @@@@@[TerAtt; FD 2:TA] @ @@@@@Fernand Courby. &3Le Sanctuaire d'Apollon,& fasc. 2. &3La &3@@@@@Terrasse du Temple.& Paris 1927. [TerTemp; FD 2:TT; "FD @@@@@`2:2"] @ @@@@@Jean Bousquet. &3Le Tre/sor de Cyre\ne.& Paris 1952. [TCyr] @ &3Fouilles de Delphes, IV. Monuments figure/s. Sculpture.& Paris @@@@@`1909%19@@@@ [FD]: @ &3@@@@@FD& IV:1. The/ophile Homolle. &3Art primitif. Art archai+que &3@@@@@du Pe/loponne\se et des i=les.& Paris 1909. @ &3@@@@@FD& IV:2. Charles Picard and Pierre de La @@@@@Coste%19Messelie\re. &3Art archai+que (suite). Les tre/sors &3@@@@@"ioniques".& Paris 1928. @ &3Fouilles de Delphes, V. Monuments figure/s. Petits bronzes, &3@@@@@Terres%19cuites, Antiquite/s diverses.& Paris 1908%19@@@@ @@@@@[FD]: @ &3@@@@@FD& V. Paul Perdrizet. &3Monuments figure/s. Petits bronzes, &3@@@@@Terres%19cuites, Antiquite/s diverses.& "Fouilles de @@@@@Delphes, V," [fasc. 1]. Paris 1908. @ &3@@@@@FD& V,3. Claude Rolley. &3Les Tre/pieds a\ cuve cloue/e. @@@@@"Fouilles de Delphes V,3". Paris 1977. @ &3Corpus des inscriptions de Delphes.& Paris 1977%19@@@@ [CID]: @ &3@@@@@CID& I. &3Lois sacre/es et re\glements religieux,& ed. Georges @@@@@Rougement. Paris 1977. @ &3@@@@@CID& II. &3Les Comptes du quatrie\me et du troisie\me sie\cle, @@@@@ed. Jean Bousquet. Paris 1989. @ &3@@@@@CID& III. &3Les Hymnes a\ Apollon,& ed. Annie Be/lis. Paris @@@@@`1992. @ &3Sylloge inscriptionum graecarum,& ed. %Wilhelm Dittenberger. @@@@@`3rd edn., eds. Friedrich Hiller von Gaertringen, @@@@@Johannes Kirchner, Hans Rudolf Pomtow [Delphi] and Erich @@@@@Ziebarth. 4 vols. Leipzig 1915%19`1924. [&3SIG&4`3&] __ @@@@@Inscriptions not republished in &3FD& III: nos. 5, 7, @@@@@`11%19`12, 15%19`16, 29, 31, 34%19`36A, 40a, 82, 90, 155b, 189, @@@@@`202A%19`202B, 223, 267A%19`270, 276A%19`276C, 291%19`292, 295, 306, @@@@@`366, 404, 408, 411, 415, 419, 422, 424A%19`425B, 436%19`437, @@@@@`444A%19`444E, 452, 458, 479%19`481B, 498%19`499, 515, 523, @@@@@`534%19`534B, 546A, 548%19`549, 585, 597A%19`598B, 603%19`604, @@@@@`607%19`609%3`610, 611, 613A, 616, 621%19`622, 631, 635%19`636, 668, @@@@@`672, 682, 689%19`690, 703%19`704B, 711K, 737, 740, 771, 779D, @@@@@`791C, 801A, 809, 813B%19`813C, 816, 821B%19`821E, 823A%19`823C, @@@@@`835A%19`835B, 843A, 846, 874B, 886, 891%19`892, 897, @@@@@`901(A)%19`901(B), 903C. @ &3Sammlung der griechischen Dialekt%19Inschriften, II. Epirus, &3@@@@@Akarnanien, Aetolien, ...,& by J. Baunack (Phokis) and @@@@@others, ed. Hermann Collitz. Go+ttingen 1899. [SGDI] @@@@@__ Inscriptions not republished in &3FD& III or also found @@@@@in Dittenberger, &3SIG&4`3&: nos. 1683%19`2108, 2115%19`2219, @@@@@`2221%19`2296, 2304, 2309, 2320%19`2321, 2323, 2325, 2327, @@@@@`2337B%19`2339, 2503, 2505%19`2506 2514, 2524%19`2526, 2531, 2535, @@@@@`2583, 2586%19`2590, 2593%19`2603, 2607%19`2614, 2616, 2636, @@@@@`2646A%19`2651, 2654%19`2659, 2661%19`2663, 2674%19`2675, 2677%19`2678, @@@@@`2680%19`2681, 2683, 2686%19`2688, 2691%19`2692, 2694%19`2697, @@@@@`2701%19`2704, 2717, 2719%19`2720, 2730, 2732, 2739%19`2740, 2747, @@@@@`2767, 2961, 2963%19`2964, 2971, 2980, p. 931 note 1, @@@@@`2981%19`2983, 2990%19`2992. @ &3Bulletin de correspondance helle/nique& (Paris) [BCH]. __ @@@@Inscriptions not in &3FD& III, published for the first time @@@@in &3BCH& 5 (1881) through 105 (1991), and in &3E/tudes &3@@@@delphiques, BCH& Supple/ment IV (1977). @ &3Klio. Beitra+ge zur alten Geschichte& (Berlin). __ Inscriptions @@@@not in &3FD& III, published for the first time in &3Klio& 14 @@@@(`1915) through 18 (1923). __ Hans Rudolf Pomtow, @@@@"Delphische Neufunde, I%19VI" &3Klio& 14 (1915) 265%19`320 (I); @@@@`15 (1918) 1%19`77 (II) and 303%19`338 (III); 16 (1920) 109%19`177 @@@@(IV); 17 (1921) 153%19`203 (V); and 18 (1923) 259%19`308 (VI). @ Other Publications __ @ * All the publications recorded and analyzed in &3SEG& 1%19`41 (1923%19`1994) have been incorporated in this collection of texts. The new inscriptions will be found here under their places of first publication, mainly in the &3Bulletin de &3correspondance helle/nique.& New editions and proposed textual corrections have been collected together and appended to the texts to which they pertain in the earlier publications (&3FD III, &3BCH, Klio,& and others). The specific sources are indicated in the supplementary data fields that accompany the texts. @ The remainder is collected under "Miscellaneous", which Πincludes inscriptions published in the following periodicals: @ &3AD& %3 &3ArcDel $*)ARXAIOLOGIKO\N *DELTI/ON& (Athens) &3AJA& American Journal of Archaeology (New York, @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Princeton, Boston) &3BPW& Berliner Philologische Wochenschrift (Berlin) &3CRAI& Comptes rendus des se/ances de l'Acade/mie des @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@inscriptions et belles%19lettres (Paris) &3GGA& Go+ttingische gelehrte Anzeigen (Go+ttingen) &3Hesp& Hesperia. Journal of the American School of @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Classical Studies at Athens (Princeton) &3MEFRA& %3 &3MEFR Me/langes de l'E/cole franc%25aise de Rome, Antiquite/ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(Rome) &3MonPiot& Monuments et me/moires publie/s par l'Acade/mie @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@des Inscriptions et Belles%19Lettres @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(Foundation E. Piot) (Paris) &3Philol& Philologus. Zeitschrift fu+r klassische @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Philologie (Berlin) &3RA& Revue arche/ologique (Paris) @ And books: @ &3Corpus inscriptionum graecarum, I,& ed. August Boeckh. Berlin @@@@`1828. [CIG]. @ De 1%19`13 %6 The Delphi fragments of the Edict of Diocletian &3de &3@@@@pretiis& [EdDio], published in &3BCH& 22 (1898) 403%19`409, 28 @@@@(`1904) 400%19`407, 78 (1954) 355%19`360, 82 (1958) 602%19`609, and @@@@`108 (1984) 543%19`544. __ Composite text: Siegfried Lauffer, &3@@@@Diokletians Preisedikt& (Berlin 1971). @ Franz Glaser. &3Antike Brunnenbauten $[1*K*R*H*N*A*I]1 &3in Griechenland. @@@@@"O+sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. @@@@@Philosophisch%19Historische Klasse. Denkschriften," 161. @@@@@Wien 1983. [DWien] @ Paul Roesch. &3E/tudes be/otiennes.& "Institut Fernand%19Courby __ @@@@@Lyon". Paris 1982. [EBeo] @ $*GE/RAS *)ANTWNI/OU *KERAMOPOU/LLOU.& "Hetaireia Makedonikon Spoudon @@@@@Epistemonikai Pragmateiai, Seira philologike kai @@@@@theologike," 9. Athens 1953. [GerKeram] @ &3Hommages a\ Lucien Lerat.& "Annales litte/raires de l'Universite/ @@@@@@de Besanc%25on," 294. "Centre de Recherche d'Histoire @@@@@@Ancienne," 55; Paris 1984. [HLerat] @ Lucien Lerat. &3Locriens de l'Ouest.& "Bibliothe\que des E/coles @@@@@franc%25aises d'Athe\nes et de Rome" [BEFAR] 176. Paris @@@@@`1952. [Loc%3Ouest] @ Jean Marcade/. &3Recueil des signatures de sculpteurs grecs. @@@@@Paris 1953. [Marcade I] @ For further bibliographic information, see the places in &3SEG and the &3Bulletin e/pigraphique& cited in the supplementary data fields that accompany the texts. @ Other works cited in abbreviated form (partial list): @ Pierre Amandry. &3La Colonne des Naxiens et le Portique des &3@@@@@Athe/niens.& "Fouilles de Delphes II. Topographie et @@@@@Architecture". Paris 1953. [FD 2:ColNax] Pierre Aupert. &3Le Stade.& "Fouilles de Delphes II. Topographie @@@@@et Architecture". Paris 1979. [FD 2:Stade] Franc%25ois Chamoux. &3L' Aurige.& "Fouilles de Delphes, IV. @@@@@Monuments figure/s: Sculpture," 5. Paris 1955. [FD 4:5] @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@THESSALY @ Main Collections __ @ &3IG& IX,2 __ &3Inscriptiones Graecae, IX,2. Inscriptiones &3@@@@@Thessaliae,& ed. O. Kern. Berlin 1908. @ &3SEG& 1%19`41 __ &3Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum.& Vols. 1%19`3 and @@@@@`10, ed. J.E. Hondius, Leiden 1923, 1924, 1927, and 1949. @@@@@Vols. 12%19`25, ed. A.G. Woodhead. Leiden 1965%19`1971. Vols. @@@@@`26%19`41, ed. H.W. Pleket (other) and R.S. Stroud (Attic @@@@@and Peloponnesian). Amsterdam 1979%19`1994. @ Supplements __ @ Helly, B. &3Gonnoi, II. Les Inscriptions.& Amsterdam 1973. @ Peek, W. &3Griechische Vers%19Inschriften aus Thessalien. @@@@@"Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der @@@@@Wissenschaften, Philosophisch%19Historische Klasse, Jahrg. @@@@@`1974, 3. Abh." Heidelberg 1974. __ Texts presented in &3@@@@@SEG& vol. 28 have been excluded. @ Journals and Other Books __ @ Inscriptions published in journals and other books that do not appear in the main collections, &3SEG,& or in one of the supplementary collections above, have been assembled from the following journals: @ &3AA& Jahrbuch des deutschen archa+ologischen @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Instituts. Archa+ologische Anzeiger (Berlin) &3AAA $*)ARXAIOLOGIKA\ *)ANA/LEKTA E)C *)AQHNW=N& (Athens) &3ABSA& Annual of the British School at Athens (London) &3AC& L'Antiquite/ classique (Louvain%19la%19Neuve) &3Deltion $*)ARXAILOGIKO\N *DELTI/ON& (Athens) &3ArchEph $*)ARXAIOLOGIKH\ *)EFHMERI/S& (Athens) &3AM& Mitteilungen des deutschen archa+ologischen @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Instituts, Athenische Abteilung (Berlin) &3BCH& Bulletin de correspondance helle/nique (Paris) &3BNGJ& Byzantinisch%19neugriechische Jahrbu+cher @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(Bonn__Stuttgart) &3BPhW& (Berliner) philologische Wochenschrift (Berlin) &3Chiron& Chiron. Mitteilungen der Kommission fu+r alte @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Geschichte und Epigraphik des Deutschen @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Archa+ologischen Instituts (Mu+nchen) &3Hellenika $*(ELLHNIKA/. *FILOLOGIKO\N I(STORIKO\N KAI\ LAOGRAFIKO\N $@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@PERIODIKO\N SU/GGRAMMA TH=S *(ETAIREI/AS $@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@*MAKEDONIKW=N *SPOUDW=N& (Thessalonike). &3Hermes& Hermes. Zeitschrift fu+r klassische Philologie @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(Wiesbaden) &3Hesperia& Hesperia. Journal of the American School of @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Classical Studies at Athens (Cambridge, Mass.; @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Princeton) &3JHS& Journal of Hellenic Studies (London) &3Klio& Klio. Beitra+ge zur alten Geschichte (Berlin) &3LAAA& Liverpool Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(Liverpool) &3Mnem& Mnemosyne (Leiden) &3PAAH $*PRAKTIKA\ TH=S E)N *)AQH/NAIS *)ARXAIOLOGIKH=S $@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@*(ETAIREI/AS& (Athens) &3Polemon $*POLE/MWN, E)PISTHMONIKO\N A)RXAIOLOGIKO\N PERIODIKO/N @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(Athens) &3RA& Revue arche/ologique (Paris) &3REA& Revue des e/tudes anciennes (Bordeaux) &3REG& Revue des e/tudes grecques (Paris) &3RhM& Rheinisches Museum (Frankfurt) &3RPh& Revue de philologie (Paris) &3Thessalika $*QESSALIKA/, PERIODIKH\ E)/KDOSIS DIA\ TH\N *QESSALIKH\N $@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@A)RXAIOLOGI/AN E)PISTHMONIKO\N O)/RGANON TH=S $@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@*FILARXAI/OU *(ETAIREI/AS *BO/LOU& (Volo) &3ZPE& Zeitschrift fu+r Papyrologie und Epigraphik (Bonn) @ And from the following books: @ Arvanitopoulos A. S., $*QESSALIKA\ *MNHMEI=A. *)AQANASA/KEION $@@@@@*MOUSEI=ON E)N *BO/LWI.& Athens 1909. [ThMnemeia] @ Axenidis, Th. D., $*(H *PELASGI\S *LA/RISA KAI\ H( A)RXAI/A *QESSALI/A, @@@@@vol. 2. Athens 1949. [Larisa] @ Be/quignon, Y., &3Recherches arche/ologiques a\ Phe\res de &3@@@@@Thessalie.& Paris 1937. [RArchPheres] @ Helly, B., "Inscriptions de Thessalie: e/tat du corpus," &3@@@@@Vestigia& 10 (1987), pp. 69%19`100. __ The abbreviation @@@@@"[H....]" appended to some ancient site identifications @@@@@refers to the corresponding entry in Helly's article. @ L'institut Fernand%19Courby, &3Nouveau choix d'inscriptions &3@@@@@grecques.& Paris 1971. [NChoix] @ Kramolisch, H., &3Die Strategen des thessalischen Bundes vom &3@@@@@Jahr 196 v. Chr. bis zum Ausgang der ro+mischen Republik. @@@@@"Demetrias," II. "Beitra+ge zur ur%19 und @@@@@fru+hgeschichtlichen Archa+ologie des @@@@@Mittelmeer%19Kulturraumes," 18. Bonn 1978. __ The @@@@@abbreviation "[K....]" appended to dates assigned to @@@@@texts in this collection refers to Kramolisch's work. @ &3Me/langes helle/niques offerts a\ Georges Daux.& Paris 1974. @@@@@[Me/langes] @ McDevitt, A. S., &3Inscriptions from Thessaly. An Analytical &3@@@@@Handlist and Bibliography.& Hildesheim 1970. __ @@@@@McDevitt's work has been used as an aid in assembling @@@@@Thessalian texts for this collection. The supplemental @@@@@citation "M...." appended to many of the texts collected @@@@@here indicates the corresponding &3Handlist& entry. @ Moretti, L., &3Iscrizioni storiche ellenistiche,& vol. 2. @@@@@Firenze 1976. [Moretti%3ISE] @ ΠPeek, W., &3Griechische Vers%19Inschriften I, Grab%19Epigramme. @@@@@Berlin 1955. [GVI] @ Robert, L., &3Hellenica. Recueil d'epigraphie, de numismatique, &3@@@@@et d'antiquite/s grecques,& 13 vols. Paris 1940%19`1965. @ Salviat, F., and C. Vatin, &3Inscriptions de Gre\ce Centrale. @@@@@Paris 1971. [IGC] @ Wilhelm, A., &3Beitra+ge zur griechischen Inschriftenkunde. @@@@@Wien 1909. [Beitra+ge] @ * For the Early Christian and Byzantine inscriptions of Thessaly, see also under "Greece [Late Ant.%3Byz.]. Inventaire Thessalie __ Thessaly [various sources]" on the CD. @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@MACEDONIA @ Main Collections __ @ &3IG& X 2,1 __ &3Inscriptiones Graecae, X: Inscriptiones Epiri, &3@@@@@Macedoniae, Thraciae, Scythiae. Pars II, fasc. 1: &3@@@@@Inscriptiones Thessalonicae et viciniae,& ed. C. Edson. @@@@@Berlin 1972. @ Rizakes, Th., and G. Touratsoglou, $*)EPIGRAFE/S *)/ANW *MAKEDONI/AS $@@@@@[1*)ELI/MEIA, *)EORDAI/A, *NO/TIA *LUGKHSTI/S, *)ORESTI/S]1. *TO/MOS $@@@@@*A#, *KATA/LOGOS E)PIGRAFW=N.& Athens 1985. [EAM] @ &3SEG& 1%19`41 __ &3Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum.& Vols. 1%19`3 and @@@@@`10, ed. J.E. Hondius, Leiden 1923, 1924, 1927, and 1949. @@@@@Vols. 12%19`25, ed. A.G. Woodhead. Leiden 1965%19`1971. Vols. @@@@@`26%19`41, ed. H.W. Pleket (other) and R. S. Stroud (Attic @@@@@and Peloponnesian). Amsterdam 1979%19`1994. Texts @@@@@subsequently published in &3IG& X 2,1 or $*)EPIGRAFE/S *)/ANW $@@@@@*MAKEDONI/AS& have been excluded. @ Supplements __ @ Vulic/, N. "Antic%148ki spomenici nas%148e zemlje", &3Srpska kraljevska &3@@@@@Akademija Spomenik& 71 (1931); 75 (1933); 77 (1934); 98 @@@@@(`1941%19`1948). __ Greek texts from Macedonia only. @@@@@[Spomenik] @ * For the Early Christian inscriptions of Macedonia, see also under "Macedonia, Thrace [Late Ant.%3Byz.]. Feissel, Recueil Mace/doine" (etc.) on the CD. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@THRACE AND THE BLACK SEA @ Sections: (1) Moesia and Thrace (Bulgaria); (2) Scythia Minor (Romania) and (3) the North Coast of the Black Sea (Ukraine and Russia). @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@MOESIA AND THRACE @ &3IGBulg __ Inscriptiones graecae in Bulgaria repertae,& ed. @@@@@Georgi Mihailov. 5 vols. Sofia 1958%19`1970. Vol. I, 2nd @@@@@edn., &3Inscriptiones orae Ponti Euxini& (1970); vol. II, &3@@@@@Inscriptiones inter Danubium et Haemum repertae& (1958); @@@@@vol. III%3`1, &3Inscriptiones inter Haemum et Rhodopem &3@@@@@repertae. Fasciculus prior: territorium Philippopolis @@@@@(`1961); vol. III%3`2, &3Inscriptiones inter Haemum et &3@@@@@Rhodopem repertae. Fasciculus posterior: a territorio &3@@@@@Philippopolitano usque ad oram Ponticam& (1964); vol. IV, &3@@@@@Inscriptiones in territorio Serdicensi et in vallibus &3@@@@@Strymonis Nestique repertae& (1966). @ For the Early Christian and Byzantine inscriptions of Bulgaria and Romania, see under "Macedonia, Thrace [Late Ant.%3Byz.] __ Beshevliev [Bulgaria] __ Protobulgarian __ Popescu [Romania]" on the CD. @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@SCYTHIA MINOR @ Main Collections __ @ Pippidi, D.M., &3Inscriptiones Daciae et Scythiae Minoris &3@@@@@antiquae. Series altera: Inscriptiones Scythiae Minoris &3@@@@@graecae et latinae,& vol. I: &3Inscriptiones Histriae et &3@@@@@vicinia.& Bucharest 1983. In Romanian. [IIstros] @ Stoian, I., &3Inscriptiones Daciae et Scythiae Minoris antiquae. &3@@@@@Series altera: Inscriptiones Scythiae Minoris graecae et &3@@@@@latinae,& vol. II: &3Tomis et territorium.& Bucharest 1987. In @@@@@Romanian. [ITomis] @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@NORTH COAST OF THE BLACK SEA @ * The Latin inscriptions published in Solomonik, &3Latinskie &3nadpisi& (1983) are included separately under "Black Sea [Latin]" @ Main Collections __ @ &3IosPE& I(2) __ &3Inscriptiones antiquae orae septentrionalis &3@@@@@Ponti Euxini graecae et latinae,& ed. B. Latyshev. 3 @@@@@vols. St. Petersburg 1885%19`1901. Second edn. of vol. I, &3@@@@@Inscriptiones Tyriae, Olbiae, Chersonesi Tauricae.& St. @@@@@Petersburg 1916. @ &3CIRB __ Corpus inscriptionum regni Bosporani,& ed. V. Struve. @@@@@Moscow 1965. In Russian. __ Replaces &3IosPE& II and part @@@@@of &3IosPE& IV. @ &3SEG& 1%19`41 __ &3Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum.& Vols. 1%19`3 and @@@@@`10, ed. J. E. Hondius, Leiden 1923, 1924, 1927, and @@@@@`1949. Vols. 12%19`25, ed. A. G. Woodhead. Leiden 1965%19`1971. @@@@@Vols. 26%19`41, ed. H. W. Pleket (other) and R. S. Stroud @@@@@(Attic and Peloponnesian). Amsterdam 1979%19`1994. __ Texts @@@@@from the north shore of the Black Sea only. @ Supplements __ @ Audollent, A., &3Defixionum tabellae.& Paris 1904. __ Black Sea @@@@@texts only. [Audollent] @ Knipovich, T. N. and E. I. Levi, &3Inscriptiones Olbiae @@@@@(`1917%19`1965). Leningrad (St. Petersburg) 1968. In @@@@@Russian. [IOlbia] @ Solomonik, E. I., &3Novye epigraficheskie pamjatniki Khersonesa @@@@@I%19II. Kiev 1964 and 1973. In Russian. __ Latin texts @@@@@republished in Solomonik's &3Latinskie nadpisi& have been @@@@@excluded. [NEPKh] @ Solomonik, E. I., &3Latinskie nadpisi Kheronesa Tavricheskogo. @@@@@Moscow 1983. In Russian. @ Tolstoi, I. I., &3Grecheskie graffiti drevnich gorodov &3@@@@@Severnogo Prichernomor'ia.& Moscow and Leningrad (St. @@@@@Petersburg) 1953. In Russian. [Tolstoi] @ Journals and Other Books __ @ Inscriptions published in journals and other books that do not appear in the main collections, &3SEG,& or in one of the supplementary collections above, have been assembled from the following sources: @ &3AM& Mitteilungen des deutschen archa+ologischen @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Instituts, Athenische Abteilung (Berlin) &3Eirene& Eirene. Studia graeca et latina (Prague) &3IAK& Izvestiia Arkheologicheskoi komissii @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(Leningrad [St. Petersburg]) &3KSIA& Kratkiie soobshcheniia. Akademiia Nauk SSSR. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Instituta arkheologii (Moscow and Leningrad @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@[St. Petersburg]) &3KSO& Kratkiie soobshcheniia o polevykh arkheolo-@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@gicheskikh issledovaniiakh Odesskogo @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@gosudarstvennogo arkheologicheskogo muzeia @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(Odessa) &3MASP& Materialy po arkheologii Severnogo @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Prichernomor'ia (Odessa) &3NE& Numizmatika i epigrafika (Moscow) &3Philol& Philologus. Zeitschrift fu+r das klassiche @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Altertum (Berlin) &3SA& Sovetskaia arkheologiia (Moscow) &3SGE& Soobshcheniia Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(Leningrad [St. Petersburg]) &3VDI& Vestnik drevneii istorii (Moscow) @ And the following books: @ Boltunova, A. I., ed., &3Kultura antichnogo mira.& Moscow 1966. @@@@@[KAM] @ Gaidukevich, V. F., ed., &3Antichnaia istoriia i kultura &3@@@@@Sredizemnomor'ia i Prichernomor'ia.& Leningrad (St. @@@@@Petersburg) 1968. [AIKSP] @ Gaidukevich, V. F., ed., &3Olviia. Temenos i agora.& Moscow and @@@@@Leningrad (St. Petersburg) 1964. [Olviia%3`1964] @ Kryzhitskii, S. D., ed., &3Olviia: sbornik statei.& Kiev 1975. @@@@@[Olviia%3`1975] @ Moretti, L., &3Iscrizioni storiche ellenistiche,& vol. 2. @@@@@Firenze 1976. [Moretti%3ISE] @ Peek, W., &3Griechische Vers%19Inschriften I, Grab%19Epigramme. @@@@@Berlin 1955. [GVI] @ Vinogradov, Iu. G., &3Politicheskaia istoriia Olbii%27skogo &3@@@@@polisa.& Moscow 1989. [Istoriia] @ @@@@@@@@@@AEGEAN ISLANDS, INCLUDING DELOS %9 CRETE @ Sections: (1) Delos (&3IG& XI and &3ID&), (2) Rhodes and the Rhodian Peraia (&3IG& XII,1); (3) Cos and Calymna; (4) Samos and Chios; (5) Other Aegean Islands [Lesbos, the Doric Sporades, the Cyclades, Amorgos, North Aegean Islands %9 Euboia] (&3IG XII,2%19`8); and (6) Crete (&3IC&). @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@DELOS @ Main Collections __ @ The volumes of &3IG& XI and &3ID& are combined in five parts: @ &3@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@I.De/los& 6%19`7 %6 nos. 1%19`104 &3@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@IG& XI,2 %6 nos. 105%19`289 &3@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@I.De/los& 1%19`2 %6 nos. 290%19`509 &3@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@IG& XI,4 %6 nos. 510%19`1349 &3@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@I.De/los& 3%19`5 %6 nos. 1400%19`2879 @ &3IG& XI,2 %9 4 __ &3Inscriptiones Graecae XI,2. Inscriptiones &3@@@@@Deli.& Berlin 1912%19`1914. Fasc. 2, nos. 105%19`289, ed. Fe/lix @@@@@Durrbach (1912), and fasc. 4, ed. Pierre Roussel (1914), @@@@@nos. 510%19`1349. @ &3ID __ Inscriptions de De/los.& 7 vols. Paris 1926%19`1972. Vol. 6 @@@@@[`1], Nos. 1%19`88, ed. Andre/ Plassart (1950); vol. 7 [`2], @@@@@nos. 89%19`104&4`33&, ed. Jacques Coupry (1972); vol. 1 @@@@@[`3], nos. 290%19`371, ed. Fe/lix Durrbach (1926); vol. 2 @@@@@[`4], nos. 372%19`509, ed. Fe/lix Durrbach (1929); vol. 3 @@@@@[`5], nos. 1400%19`1496, ed. Fe/lix Durrbach and Pierre @@@@@Roussel (1935); vol. 4 [`6], nos. 1497%19`2219, eds. Pierre @@@@@Roussel and Marcel Launey (1937); vol. 5 [`7], nos. @@@@@`2220%19`2879, eds. Pierre Roussel and Marcel Launey (1937). @ Supplements __ @ Couilloud, Marie%19The/re\se. &3Les Monuments fune/raires de Rhe/ne/e. @@@@@"Exploration arche/ologique de De/los," 30. Paris 1974. @ &3SEG& 1%19`41. &3Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum.& Vols. 1%19`3 and @@@@@`10, ed. Jacob E. Hondius, Leiden 1923, 1924, 1927, and @@@@@`1949. Vols. 12%19`25, ed. Arthur G. Woodhead. Leiden @@@@@`1965%19`1971. Vols. 26%19`41, ed. Henry W. Pleket (other) and @@@@@Ronald S. Stroud (Attic and Peloponnesian). Amsterdam @@@@@`1979%19`1991. @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@RHODES AND RHODIAN PERAIA @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@RHODES @ Main Collections __ @ &3IG& XII,1 __ &3Inscriptiones Graecae, XII. Inscriptiones &3@@@@@insularum maris Aegaei praeter Delum, fasc. 1. &3@@@@@Inscriptiones Rhodi, Chalces,& Car&3pathi cum Saro, Casi, @@@@@ed. F. Hiller von Gaertringen. Berlin 1895. __ Those @@@@@inscriptions not republished in &3Lindos II& or the &3ASAtene @@@@@publications below. @ Blinkenberg, Chr., &3Lindos. Fouilles de l'acropole 1902%19`1914. &3@@@@@II, Inscriptions.& 2 vol. Copenhagen 1941. @ &3SEG& 1%19`41 __ &3Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum.& Vols. 1%19`3 and @@@@@`10, ed. J. E. Hondius, Leiden 1923, 1924, 1927, and @@@@@`1949. Vols. 12%19`25, ed. A. G. Woodhead. Leiden 1965%19`1971. @@@@@Vols. 26%19`41, ed. H. W. Pleket (other) and R. S. Stroud @@@@@(Attic and Peloponnesian). Amsterdam 1979%19`1994. @ Supplements __ @ Maiuri, A., &3Nuova silloge epigrafica di Rodi e Cos.& Firenze @@@@@`1925. __ Rhodian texts only (nos. 1%19`431). [NSER] @ Jacopi, G., "Nuove Epigrafi dalle Sporadi meridionali," Clara @@@@@Rhodos 2 (1932), pp. 169%19`255. __ Texts republished in @@@@@later &3ASAtene& collections have been excluded. @ Segre, M., and G. Pugliese%19Carratelli, "Tituli Camirenses," &3@@@@@ASAtene& 27%19`29, N.S. 11%19`13, (1949%19`1951), pp. 141%19`318. @@@@@[TitCam] @ Pugliese%19Carratelli, G., "Tituli Camirensis. Supplementum," &3@@@@@ASAtene& 30%19`32, N.S. 14%19`16, (1952%19`1954), pp. 211%19`246 @@@@@[TitCam Supp] @ Pugliese%19Carratelli, G., "Supplemento epigrafico rodio," &3@@@@@ASAtene& 30%19`32, N.S. 14%19`16, (1952%19`1954), pp. 247%19`316. @@@@@[SERodio] @ Pugliese%19Carratelli, G., "Nuovo supplemento epigraphico @@@@@rodio," &3ASAtene& 33%19`34, N.S. 17%19`18, (1955%19`1956), pp. @@@@@`157%19`181. [NSERodio] @ Pugliese%19Carratelli, G., "Per la storia delle associazioni in @@@@@Rodi antica," &3ASAtene& 22, N.S. 1%19`2, (1939%19`1940 [`1942]), @@@@@pp. 147%19`172. __ Under "ASAtene" on the CD. @ Konstantinopoulos, Gr., "$*)EPIGRAFAI\ E)K *(RO/DOU& [Inscriptions @@@@@de Rhodes]," &3Archaiologikon Deltion& 18, $*A#& (&3Meletai&) @@@@@(`1963), pp. 1%19`32. __ Under "Deltion" on the CD. @ Susini, G., "Supplemento epigraphico di Caso, Scarpanto, @@@@@Saro, Calchi, Alinnia e Tilo," &3ASAtene& 41%19`42, N.S. @@@@@`25%19`26, (1963%19`1964), pp. 203%19`293. __ Under "ASAtene" on @@@@@the CD. __ Inscriptions from Telos addressed in &3SEG& vol. @@@@@`25 have been excluded. @ Peek, W., "Epigramme und andere Inschriften von Nisyros," &3@@@@@Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Martin%19Luther%19Univ. &3@@@@@Halle%19Wittenberg,& 16 (1967) 369%19`387. [WZHalle] @ Peek, W., &3Inschriften von den dorischen Inseln.& "Abhandlungen @@@@@der Sa+chsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, @@@@@Philol.%19hist. Klasse," Band 62, Heft 1. Berlin 1969. __ @@@@@Those texts treated in the addendum to &3SEG& vol. 25 have @@@@@been excluded. [AbhL] @ Kontorini, V., &3Inscriptions ine/dites relatives a\ l'histoire &3@@@@@et aux cultes de Rhodes au IIe et au Ie s. av. J.%19C. &3@@@@@Rhodiaka I.& Louvain%19La%19Neuve 1983. __ Included on the @@@@@CD under &3SEG,& vol. 33, nos. 638%19`63. @ Kontorini, V., $*)ANE/KDOTES *)EPIGRAFE\S *(RO/DOU,& vol. II. Athens @@@@@`1989. __ Included on the CD under &3SEG,& vol. 39, nos. 729, @@@@@`731%19`70, 799%19`841. @ Journals and Other Books __ @ Rhodian inscriptions published in journals and other books that do not appear in the Berlin Corpus, &3SEG,& or in one of the supplementary collections above, have been assembled from the following journals: @ &3AAA $*)ARXAIOLOGIKA\ *)ANA/LEKTA E)C *)AQHNW=N& (Athens) &3AC& L'Antiquite/ classique (Louvain%19la%19Neuve) &3AEMO+& Archa+ologisch%19epigraphische Mitteilungen aus @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O+sterreich%19Ungarn (Vienna) &3AIV& Atti dell'Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ed Arti, Classe di Scienze morali e Lettere @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(Venice) &3AJPh& American Journal of Philology (Baltimore) &3AM& Mitteilungen des deutschen archa+ologischen @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Instituts, Athenische Abteilung (Berlin) &3ArchEph $*)ARXAIOLOGIKH\ *)EFHMERI/S& (Athens) &3ARW& Archiv fu+r Religionswissenschaft (Freiburg im @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Breisgau) &3ASAtene& Annuario della Scuola archeologica di Atene e @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@delle missioni italiane in Oriente (Bergamo; @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Rome) &3BCH& Bulletin de correspondance helle/nique (Paris) &3BollArte& Bollettino d'Arte del Ministero per i beni @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@culturali e ambientali (Roma) &3BSAA& Bulletin de la Socie/te/ Arche/ologique @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@d'Alexandrie (Alexandria) &3Chiron& Chiron. Mitteilungen der Kommission fu+r alte @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Geschichte und Epigraphik des Deutschen @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Archa+ologischen Instituts (Mu+nchen) &3ClRhodos& Clara Rhodos, Studi e materiali pubblicati a @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@cura dell' Instituto Storico%19Archeologico di @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Rodi (Rhodes) &3Deltion $*)ARXAIOLOGIKO\N *DELTI/ON& (Athens) &3Dioniso& Dioniso. Rivista trimestrale di studi sul teatro @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@antico (Syracuse) &3Hermes& Hermes. Zeitschrift fu+r klassische Philologie @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(Wiesbaden) &3JO+AI& Jahreshefte des o+sterreichischen archa+ologischen @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Instituts (Vienna) &3Memorie& Memorie pubblicate a cura dell'Istituto @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@storico%19archeologico F.E.R.T. e della r. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@deputazione di storia patria per Rodi @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(Rhodes) &3PP& La Parola del Passato. Rivista di studi antichi @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(Naples) &3REG& Revue des e/tudes grecques (Paris) &3RFIC& Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(Turin) &3SBBerlAk& Sitzungsberichte der preussischen (deutschen) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Akademie der Wissenschaften (Berlin) @ And from the following books: @ Blinkenberg, Chr., &3Les Pre=tres de Poseidon Hippios; e/tude sur &3@@@@@une inscription lindienne.& "Lindiaka," 6. "Det Kgl. @@@@@Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, @@@@@Archaeologisk%19kunsthistoriske Meddelelser," II 2. @@@@@Copenhagen 1937. [Lindiaka] Blinkenberg, Chr., &3Deux documents chronologiques rhodiens. @@@@@"Lindiaka," 8. "Det Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, @@@@@Archaeologisk%19kunsthistoriske Meddelelser," II 4. @@@@@Copenhagen 1938. [Lindiaka] @ Nilsson, M. P., &3Geschichte der griechischen Religion,& I, 2nd @@@@@rev. edn., Munich 1955. [Nilsson%3GR] @ Papachristodoulou, I. C., $*OI( A)RXAI=OI R(ODIAKOI\ DH=MOI. $@@@@@*(ISTORIKH\ E)PISKO/PHSH: *(H *)IALUSI/A.& Athens 1989. @@@@@[Ialysia] @ Pfuhl E., and H. Mo+bius, &3Die ostgriechischen Grabreliefs.& 2 @@@@@vols. in 4 parts. Mainz am Rhein 1977%19`1979. @@@@@[Pfuhl%19Mo+bius] @ &3Studi di antichita\ classica offerti da colleghi e discepoli a &3@@@@@Emanuele& C&3iaceri al termine de suo insegnamento &3@@@@@universitario.& Genoa 1940. [StCiaceri] @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@RHODIAN PERAIA @ Blu+mel, W. &3Die Inschriften der Rhodischen Peraia. @@@@@"Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 38. @@@@@Bonn 1991 [IK RhPeraia] @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@COS %9 CALYMNA @ Main Collections __ @ Paton, W. R., and E. L. Hicks., &3The Inscriptions of Cos. @@@@@Oxford 1891. __ Texts republished in Herzog's &3@@@@@Heilige Gesetze& and &3ASAtene& 41%19`42 have been @@@@@excluded. [PH] @ Segre, M., &3Iscrizioni di Cos.& "Monografie della Scuola @@@@@archeologica di Atene e delle missioni italiane in @@@@@Oriente," 6. Rome 1993. [IdiCos] @ &3SEG& 1%19`41 __ &3Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum.& Vols. 1%19`3 and @@@@@`10, ed. J. E. Hondius, Leiden 1923, 1924, 1927, and @@@@@`1949. Vols. 12%19`25, ed. A. G. Woodhead. Leiden 1965%19`1971. @@@@@Vols. 26%19`41, ed. H. W. Pleket (other) and R. S. Stroud @@@@@(Attic and Peloponnesian). Amsterdam 1979%19`1994. @ Supplements __ @ Herzog, R., &3Heilige Gesetze von Kos.& Berlin 1928. [HGK] @ Herzog, R., &3Koische Forschungen und Funde.& Leipzig 1899. @@@@@[KFF] @ Maiuri, A., &3Nuova silloge epigrafica di Rodi e Cos.& Firenze @@@@@`1925. __ Coan texts only (nos. 432%19`695). [NSER] @ Pugliese%19Carratelli, G., "Il damos coo di Isthmos," &3ASAtene @@@@@`41%19`42, N.S. 25%19`26, (1963%19`1964 [`1965]), pp. 147%19`202. @@@@@__ Included under "ASAtene" on the CD. @ Journals and Other Books __ @ Coan inscriptions published in journals and other books that do not appear in Paton%19Hicks, Segre, &3SEG,& or one of the supplementary collections above, have been assembled from the following journals: @ &3AA& Jahrbuch des deutschen archa+ologischen Instituts, @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Archa+ologische Anzeiger (Berlin) &3AAA $*)ARXAIOLOGIKA\ *)ANA/LEKTA E)C *)AQHNW=N& (Athens) &3AM& Mitteilungen des deutschen archa+ologischen @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Instituts, Athenische Abteilung (Berlin) &3ASAtene& Annuario della Scuola archeologica di Atene e @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@delle missioni italiane in Oriente (Bergamo; @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Rome) &3BCH& Bulletin de correspondance helle/nique (Paris) &3BMusImp& Bulettino del museo dell' impero romana (Rome) &3BPhW& (Berliner) Philologische Wochenschrift (Berlin) &3BSAA& Bulletin de la Socie/te/ Arche/ologique d'Alexandrie @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(Alexandria) &3Deltion $*)ARXAIOLOGIKO\N *DELTI/ON& (Athens) &3HistZeit& Historische Zeitschrift (Munich and Berlin) &3JHS& Journal of Hellenic Studies (London) &3Memorie& Memorie pubblicate a cura dell'Istituto @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@storico%19archeologico F.E.R.T. e della r. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@deputazione di storia patria per Rodi (Rhodes) &3OLZ& Orientalistische Literaturzeitung (Berlin) &3PP& La Parola del Passato. Rivista di studi antichi @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(Naples) &3RFIC& Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(Turin) &3RPAA& Rendiconti della Pontificia Accademia di @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Archaeologia (Roma) &3SBBerlAk& Sitzungsberichte der preussischen (deutschen) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(Berlin) &3ZPE& Zeitschrift fu+r Papyrologie und Epigraphik @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(Bonn) @ And from the following books __ @ Boesch, P., &3Theoros: Untersuchung zur Epangelie griechischer &3@@@@@Feste.& Berlin 1908. [Theoros] @ Dittenberger, W., &3Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum,& 3rd edn., @@@@@`4 vols. Leipzig 1915%19`1924. [Syll(3)] @ Holleaux, M., &3E/tudes d'e/pigraphie et d'histoire grecques,& ed. @@@@@L. Robert. 6 vols. Paris 1938%19`1968. [Holleaux] @ Robert, L., &3Hellenica. Recueil d'e/pigraphie, de numismatique, &3@@@@@et d'antiquite/s grecques.& 13 vols. Paris 1940%19`1965. @ Engelmann, H., and R. Merkelbach, &3Die Inschriften von &3@@@@@Erythrai und Klazomenai.& "Inschriften griechischer @@@@@Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 1 and 2. Bonn 1972%19`1973. [IK @@@@@Erythrai] @ Guarino, A., and L. Labruna, eds., &3Synteleia: Vincenzo &3@@@@@Arangio%19Ruiz.& 2 vols. Naples 1964. [Synteleia] @ Klee, T., &3Zur Geschichte der gymnischen Agone an griechischen &3@@@@@Festen.& Leipzig and Berlin 1918. [gymn%3Agone] @ Maier, F. G., &3Griechische Mauerbauinschriften.& 2 vols. @@@@@Heidelberg 1959%19`1961. [Maier,GrMb] @ Marcade/, J., &3Recueil des signatures de sculpteurs grec.& 2 @@@@@vols. Paris 1953%19`1957. [Marcade/] @ &3Me/langes syriens offerts a\ monsieur Rene/ Dussaud: secretaire &3@@@@@perpetuel de l'Academie des inscriptions et belles-&3@@@@@lettres%3 par ses amis et ses e/le\ves.& 2 vols. Paris 1939. @@@@@[Mel%3syriens] @ Pfuhl E., and H. Mo+bius, &3Die ostgriechischen Grabreliefs.& 2 @@@@@vols. in 4 parts. Mainz am Rhein 1977%19`1979. @@@@@[Pfuhl%19Mo+bius] @ &3Miscellanea di studi alessandrini in memoria di Augusto &3@@@@@Rostagni.& Turin 1963. [MSAAR] @ Sherwin%19White, S. M., &3Ancient Cos: an historical study from &3@@@@@the Dorian settlement to the imperial period.& Go+ttingen @@@@@`1978. [AncCos] @ Welles, C. B., &3Royal Correspondence in the Hellenistic &3@@@@@Period.& New Haven 1932. [Welles] @ Supplements (other islands) __ @ Segre, M., "Tituli Calymnii," &3ASAtene& 22%19`23, N.S. 6%19`7 @@@@@(`1944%19`1945 [`1952]), pp. 1%19`248. [TitCal] @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@LEROS, LEPSIA %9 PATMOS @ * For Leros, Lepsia and Patmos, see the &3Repertoria& prepared by Donald F. McCabe (PHI CD %101`6, 1991) under "Ionia" on the CD. @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@SAMOS AND CHIOS @ * For Samos and Chios, see the &3Repertoria& prepared by Donald F. McCabe (PHI CD %101`6, 1991) under "Ionia" on the CD. @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@OTHER AEGEAN ISLANDS, INCL. EUBOIA @ * Corrections in &3IG& XII Suppl. (1939) have been appended in their proper places in &3IG& XII,2%19`3, 5, and 7%19`9; the new texts in &3IG& XII Suppl. have been divided into six parts, corresponding to the preceding volumes of &3IG& XII. @ &3@@@@@@@@@@@@@IG& XII,2 [Lesbos] &3@@@@@@@@@@@@@IG& XII Suppl. 1%19`149, 689%19`693 &3@@@@@@@@@@@@@IG& XII,3 %9 Suppl. [Doric Sporades] &3@@@@@@@@@@@@@IG& XII Suppl. 150%19`166, 694%19`701 &3@@@@@@@@@@@@@IG& XII,5 [Cyclades] &3@@@@@@@@@@@@@IG& XII Suppl. 167%19`329 &3@@@@@@@@@@@@@IG& XII,7 [Amorgos] &3@@@@@@@@@@@@@IG& XII Suppl. 330%19`336 &3@@@@@@@@@@@@@IG& XII,8 [N. Aegean] &3@@@@@@@@@@@@@IG& XII Suppl. 337%19`526, 702 &3@@@@@@@@@@@@@IG& XII,9 [Euboia] &3@@@@@@@@@@@@@IG& XII Suppl. 527%19`688 @ Main Collections __ @ &3IG& XII,2 __ &3Inscriptiones Graecae, XII. Inscriptiones &3@@@@@insularum maris Aegaei praeter Delum,& ed. William R. @@@@@Paton. Berlin 1899. __ Lesbos, Nesos, and Tenedos. @ &3IG& XII,3 __ &3Inscriptiones Graecae, XII. Inscriptiones &3@@@@@insularum maris Aegaei praeter Delum,& ed. Friedrich @@@@@Hiller von Gaertringen. Berlin 1898. __ Syme, @@@@@Teutloussa, Telos, Nisyros, Astypalaia, Anaphe, Thera, @@@@@Therasia, Pholegandros, Melos and Kimolos. @ &3IG& XII,3 Suppl. __ &3Inscriptiones Graecae, XII,3. &3@@@@@Supplementum,& ed. Friedrich Hiller von Gaertringen. @@@@@Berlin 1904. @ &3IG& XII,5 __ &3Inscriptiones Graecae XII,5. Inscriptiones &3@@@@@Cycladum,& ed. Friedrich Hiller von Gaertringen. 2 vols. @@@@@Berlin 1903%19`1909. __ Ios, Sikinos, Naxos, Paros, @@@@@Oliaros, Siphnos, Seriphos, Kythnos, Keos, Gyaros, @@@@@Syros, Andros and Tenos. @ &3IG& XII,7 __ &3Inscriptiones Graecae XII,7. Inscriptiones Amorgi &3@@@@@et insularum vicinarum,& ed. Jules Delamarre. Berlin @@@@@`1908. __ Amorgos. @ &3IG& XII,8 __ &3Inscriptiones Graecae XII,8. Inscriptiones &3@@@@@insularum maris Thracici,& ed. Carl Friedrich. Berlin @@@@@`1909. __ Lemnos, Imbros, Samothrace, Thasos, Skiathos @@@@@(etc.) and Skyros. @ IG XII,9 __ &3Inscriptiones Euboeae insulae,& ed. Erich @@@@@Ziebarth. Berlin 1915. @ &3IG& XII Suppl. __ &3Inscriptiones Graecae, XII. Supplementum, @@@@@ed. F. Hiller von Gaertringen. Berlin 1939. Addenda to &3@@@@@IG& XII,2%19`3, 5, and 7%19`9. @ Supplements __ @ Accame, Silvio. "Iscrizioni del Cabeirio di Lemno," &3Annuario &3@@@della Scuola Archeologica di Athene& 19%19`20, N.S. 3 @@@(`1941%19`1942), pp. 75%19`105. @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@CRETE @ Main Collection __ @ &3IC __ Inscriptiones Creticae,& ed. Margherita Guarducci. 4 @@@@@vols. Rome 1935%19`1950. Vol. 1, &3Tituli Cretae mediae &3@@@@@praeter Gortynios& (1935); vol. 2, &3Tituli Cretae &3@@@@@occidentalis& (1939); vol. 3, &3Tituli Cretae orientalis @@@@@(`1942); vol. 4, &3Tituli Gortynii& (1950). @ Supplement __ @ Bandy, Anastasios C. &3The Greek Christian Inscriptions of &3@@@@@Crete.& Athens 1970. __ For this work, see under @@@@@"Greece [Chr]. Bandy [Crete]" on the CD. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ASIA MINOR @ Sections: (1) Bithynia, (2) Mysia and the Troad, (3) Ionia, (4) Lydia, (5) Caria, (6) Lycia, (7) Pontos, (8) Galatia, (9) Phrygia (and parts of adjacent regions), (10) Pisidia, (11) Pamphylia, (12) Cilicia, and (13) Early Christian and Byzantine Inscriptions. @ Bithynia __ @ &3TAM& IV,1 __ &3Tituli Asiae Minoris, IV. Tituli Bithyniae &3@@@@@linguis Graeca et Latina conscripti, 1. Paeninsula &3@@@@@Bithynica praeter Chalcedonem. Nicomedia et ager &3@@@@@Nicomedensis cum septentrionali meridianoque litore &3@@@@@sinus Astaceni et cum lacu Sumonensi,& ed. Friedrich Karl @@@@@Do+rner, with the assistance of Maria%19Barbara von @@@@@Stritzky. Wien 1978. @ &3IK Kalchedon& __ Reinhold Merkelbach, Friedrich Karl Do+rner @@@@@and Sencer S%25ahin. &3Die Inschriften von Kalchedon. @@@@@"Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 20. @@@@@Bonn 1980. @ &3IK Kios& __ Thomas Corsten. &3Die Inschriften von Kios. @@@@@"Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien." 29. @@@@@Bonn 1985. @ &3IK Apameia %9 Pylai& __ Thomas Corsten. &3Die Inschriften von &3@@@@@Apameia (Bithynien) und Pylai.& "Inschriften griechischer @@@@@Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 32. Bonn 1987. @ &3IK Prusa ad Olympum& __ Thomas Corsten. &3Die Inschriften von &3@@@@@Prusa ad Olympum.& 2 vols. "Inschriften griechischer @@@@@Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 39%19`40. Bonn 1991%19`1993. @ &3IK Prusias ad Hypium& __ Walter Ameling. &3Die Inschriften von &3@@@@@Prusias ad Hypium.& "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus @@@@@Kleinasien," 27. Bonn 1985. @ &3IK Klaudiu Polis& __ Friedrich Becker%19Bertau. &3Die Inschriften &3@@@@@von Klaudiu Polis.& "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus @@@@@Kleinasien," 31. Bonn 1986. @ Mysia and the Troad __ @ A comprehensive new collection of the inscriptions of Mysia and the Troas, including texts and full bibliographic lemmata, was prepared for the CD at the University of Munich. The collection will also be published. @ Matthias Barth and Josef Stauber. &3Inschriften Mysia %9 Troas. @@@Leopold Wenger Institut. Universita+t Mu+nchen. @@@Version of 25.8.1993 (Ibycus). @ In Mysia, the collection includes the territory and environs of Pergamon, but not the city itself, for which see below. @ The Munich &3IMT& (1993) incorporates the material published in the following volumes of the &3IK& series: @ &3IK Lampsakos& __ Peter Frisch. &3Die Inschriften von Lampsakos. @@@@@"Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 6. @@@@@Bonn 1978. &3IK Ilion& __ Peter Frisch. &3Die Inschriften von Ilion. @@@@@"Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 3. @@@@@Bonn 1975. &3IK Assos& __ Reinhold Merkelbach. &3Die Inschriften von Assos. @@@@@"Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 4. @@@@@Bonn 1976. &3IK Parion& __ Peter Frisch. &3Die Inschriften von Parion. @@@@@"Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 25. @@@@@Bonn 1983. &3IK Kyzikos& __ Elmar Schwertheim. &3Die Inschriften von Kyzikos &3@@@@@und Umgebung, 1: Grabtexte.& "Inschriften griechischer @@@@@Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 18. Bonn 1980. &3IK Miletupolis& __ Elmar Schwertheim. &3Miletupolis. Inschriften &3@@@@@und Denkma+ler,& "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus @@@@@Kleinasien," 26. Bonn 1983. &3IK Hadrianoi%3Hadrianeia& __ Elmar Schwertheim. &3Die Inschriften &3@@@@@von Hadrianoi und Hadrianeia,& "Inschriften griechischer @@@@@Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 33. Bonn 1987. @ Mysia (Pergamon) __ @ &3I.Perg.& 1%19`2 __ Max Fra+nkel. &3Die Inschriften von Pergamon.& 2 @@@@@vols. "Altertu+mer von Pergamon," 8,1%19`2. Berlin @@@@@`1890%19`1895. Vol. 1, nos. 1%19`250, &3Bis zum Ende der &3@@@@@Ko+nigszeit&; vol. 2, nos. 251%19`1334, &3Ro+mische Zeit. @ &3I.Perg.& 3 __ Christian Habicht. &3Die Inschriften des &3@@@@@Asklepieions.& Mit einem Beitrag von Michael Wo+rrle. @@@@@"Altertu+mer von Pergamon," 8,3. Berlin 1969. @ Ionia __ @ * For the inscriptions of Ionia, see the &3Repertoria& prepared by Donald F. McCabe ("The Princeton Project on the Inscriptions of Anatolia," The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton), under "Ionia" on the CD: Chios, Didyma, Ephesos, Erythrai, Klazomenai, Kolophon, Lebedos, Lepsia, Leros, Metropolis, Miletos, Notion, Patmos, Phokaia, Priene, Samos, Smyrna, Teichioussa, Teos. These collections were first published on PHI CD %101`6 (1991). @ A supplement to McCabe's &3Ephesos& (1991) has been prepared at the University of Hamburg: @ &3Supplementum Ephesium& [SE], herausgegeben von Michael Alpers @@@@@und Helmut Halfmann (Universita+t Hamburg) in @@@@@Zusammenarbeit mit John Mansfield (Cornell University) @@@@@und Christoph Scha+fer (Universita+t Regensburg), @@@@@gefo+rdert von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft. @@@@@Hamburg 1995. @ The Princeton collections incorporate the material published in the following volumes of the &3IK& series: @ &3IK Ephesos __ Die Inschriften von Ephesos.& 8 vols. in 9 @@@@@parts, with a Supplement. "Inschriften griechischer @@@@@Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 11,1%19`17,4. Bonn 1979%19`1984. __ @@@@@Vol. Ia, nos. 1%19`47, ed. Hermann Wankel (1979); vol. II, @@@@@nos. 101%19`599, eds. Christoph Bo+rker and Reinhold @@@@@Merkelbach (1980); vol. III, nos. 600%19`1000, eds. Helmut @@@@@Engelmann, Dieter Knibbe and Reinhold Merkelbach (1980); @@@@@vol. IV, nos. 1001%19`1445, eds. Helmut Engelmann, Dieter @@@@@Knibbe and Reinhold Merkelbach (1980); vol. V, nos. @@@@@`1446%19`2000, eds. Christoph Bo+rker and Reinhold Merkelbach @@@@@(`1980); vol. VI, nos. 2001%19`2958, eds. Reinhold @@@@@Merkelbach and Johannes Nolle/ (1980); vol. VII,1, nos. @@@@@`3001%19`3500, and VII,2, nos. 3501%19`5115, eds. Recep Meric%25, @@@@@Reinhold Merkelbach, Johannes Nolle/ and Sencer S%25ahin @@@@@(`1981), with (VII,1) Reinhold Merkelbach and Johannes @@@@@Nolle/, &3Addenda et corrigenda zu den Inschriften von &3@@@@@Ephesos I%19VII,1 (IK 11,1%19`17,1)& (1981); vol. VIII,1%19`2, @@@@@Indices, eds. Helmut Engelmann and Johannes Nolle/ (1984). &3IK Erythrai %9 Klazomenai& __ Helmut Engelmann and Reinhold @@@@@Merkelbach. &3Die Inschriften von Erythrai und Klazomenai. @@@@@`2 vols. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus @@@@@Kleinasien," 1%19`2. Bonn 1972%19`1973. &3IK Smyrna& __ Georg Petzl. &3Die Inschriften von Smyrna.& 2 vols. @@@@@in 3 parts. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus @@@@@Kleinasien," 23 and 24,1%19`2. Bonn 1982, 1987 %9 1990. @ And (among others) the following publications: @ &3I.Didyma& __ Albert Rehm. &3Didyma, II. Die Inschriften.& Berlin @@@@@`1958. &3I.Priene& __ Friedrich Hiller von Gaertringen. &3Inschriften von &3@@@@@Priene.& Berlin 1906. Giacomo Manganaro, ASAA 25%19`6, 1963%19`4, pp. 293%19`349. "Le @@@@@iscrizioni delle isole Milesie", in &3Annuario della &3@@@@@Scuola Archeologica di Athene e delle Missioni Italiane &3@@@@@in Oriente& 41%19`42, N.S. 25%19`26 (1963%19`1964), pp. 293%19`349. @@@@@__ Islands of Leros, Lepsia and Patmos. @ Lydia __ @ &3TAM& V __ &3Tituli Asiae Minoris, V. Tituli Lydiae, linguis &3@@@@@Graeca et Latina conscripti,& ed. Peter Herrmann. 2 vols. @@@@@Wien 1981, 1989. Vol. 1, nos. 1%19`825, &3Regio &3@@@@@septentrionalis, ad orientem vergens&; vol. 2, nos. @@@@@`826%19`1414, &3Regio septentrionalis, ad occidentem vergens. @ &3Sardis VII,1& __ William Hepburn Buckler and David Moore @@@@@Robinson, &3Sardis, VII. Greek and Latin Inscriptions, &3@@@@@Part I.& Leiden 1932. @ &3IK Magnesia Sip.& __ Thomas Inken. &3Die Inschriften von &3@@@@@Magnesia am Sipylos,& "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte @@@@@aus Kleinasien," 8. Bonn 1978. __ Work not included. See &3@@@@@TAM& V,2.1342%19`1395. @ Caria __ @ * For the inscriptions of Caria, see the &3Repertoria& prepared by Donald F. McCabe ("The Princeton Project on the Inscriptions of Anatolia," The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton), under "Caria" on the CD. Collections for the following sites were first published on PHI CD %101`6 (1991): Bargylia, Halikarnassos, Iasos, Keramos, Lagina, Magnesia, Mylasa, Myndos, Olymos, Panamara, Stratonikeia, Theangela, Tralles; The site%19collections (completed before June 1991) added on the current PHI CD are: Alabanda, Amyzon, Aphrodisias, Apollonia Salbake, Attouda, Euromos, Herakleia Latmia, Herakleia Salbake, Hyllarima, Kaunos, Kidrama, Knidos, Labraunda, Nysa, the Rhodian Peraia, Sebastopolis, Sinuri, Tabai. @ The Princeton collections incorporate the material published in the following volumes of the &3IK& series: @ &3IK Iasos& __ Wolfgang Blu+mel. &3Die Inschriften von Iasos.& 2 @@@@@vols. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," @@@@@`28,1%19`2. Bonn 1985. __ The inscriptions of Bargylia are @@@@@collected in vol. 2. &3IK Keramos& __ Ender Varinliog%148lu. &3Die Inschriften von Keramos. @@@@@"Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 20. @@@@@Bonn 1986. &3IK Mylasa& __ Wolfgang Blu+mel. &3Die Inschriften von Mylasa.& 2 @@@@@vols. "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," @@@@@`34%19`35. Bonn 1987%19`1988. Vol. 1, &3Die Inschriften der &3@@@@@Stadt&; vol. 2, &3Die Inschriften aus der Umgebung der &3@@@@@Stadt.& __ Includes Olymos. &3IK Stratonikeia& __ C%25etin S%25ahin. &3Die Inschriften von &3@@@@@Stratonikeia.& 2 vols. in 3 parts. "Inschriften @@@@@griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 21 and 22,1%19`2. Bonn @@@@@`1981%19`1982. Vol. I, &3Panamara& (1981); vol. II,1. &3Lagina, &3@@@@@Stratonikeia und Umgebung& (1982); vol. II,2. &3Neue &3@@@@@Inschriften und Indices& (1990). &3IK Tralleis& __ Fjodor B. Poljakov. &3Die Inschriften von Tralleis &3@@@@@und Nysa. Teil I: Die Inschriften von Tralleis. @@@@@"Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 36,1. @@@@@Bonn 1989. @ And (among others) the following publications: @ Jeanne and Louis Robert. &3Fouilles d'Amyzon en Carie, I. &3@@@@@Exploration, histoire, monnaies et inscriptions.& Paris @@@@@`1983. &3MAMA& VIII __ James Maxwell Ross Cormack William Moir Calder. &3@@@@@Monuments from Lycaonia, the Pisido%19Phrygian Borderland, &3@@@@@Aphrodisias.& "Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua," 8. @@@@@Manchester 1962. __ The first part; for the second part, @@@@@see below under "Phrygia". Joyce Reynolds. &3Aphrodisias and Rome.& "Journal of Roman @@@@@Studies, Monographs," 1. London 1982. Charlotte Roueche/. &3Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity.& "Journal of @@@@@Roman Studies Monograph," 5. London 1989. &3GIBM& IV __ Gustav Hirschfeld in: &3The Collection of Greek &3@@@@@Inscriptions in the British Museum& (London 1974%19`1916). @@@@@Part IV, Sect. I, Ch. I, Knidos, and, Ch. II, @@@@@Halikarnassos (1893). Jonas Crampa. &3Labraunda. Swedish Excavations and Researches, &3@@@@@III,1%19`2. Greek Inscriptions.& 2 vols. "Skrifter utgivna @@@@@av Svenska Institutet i Athen, series in 4&4`0&, V, @@@@@III,1%19`2. Lund 1969 %9 Stockholm 1972. &3I.Magnesia& __ Otto Kern. &3Die Inschriften von Magnesia am &3@@@@@Maeander.& Berlin 1900. Peter Marshall and George Ewart Bean. &3The Rhodian Peraea and &3@@@@@Islands.& Oxford 1954. Louis Robert. &3Le sanctuaire de Sinuri pre\s de Mylasa, I. Les &3@@@@@inscriptions.& "Me/moires de l'Institut franc%25ais @@@@@d'arche/ologie d'Istanbul," 7. Paris 1945. Jeanne and Louis Robert. &3La Carie, II. Le plateau de Tabai et &3@@@@@ses environs.& Paris 1954. @ The following three publications appeared after the preparation of the Princeton collections for sites in Caria: @ &3IK Knidos& __ Wolfgang Blu+mel. &3Die Inschriften von Knidos I. @@@@@"Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus Kleinasien," 41. @@@@@Bonn 1992. __ Included on the CD under "Asia Minor, @@@@@General". Charlotte Roueche/. &3Performers and Partisans at Aphrodisias in &3@@@@@the Roman and Late Roman Period. A Study based on &3@@@@@Inscriptions from the Current Excavations at Aphrodisias &3@@@@@in Caria.& "Journal of Roman Studies Monograph," 6. @@@@@London 1993. __ Included on the CD under "Asia Minor, @@@@@General". &3IK Rhod. Peraia& __ Wolfgang Blu+mel. &3Die Inschriften der &3@@@@@Rhodischen Peraia.& "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus @@@@@Kleinasien," 38. Bonn 1991. __ Included on the CD under @@@@@"Rhodes". @ Lycia __ @ &3TAM& I __ &3Tituli Asiae Minoris, I. Tituli Lyciae lingua Lycia &3@@@@@conscripti,& ed. Ernst Kalinka. Wien 1901. __ The small @@@@@number of Greek inscriptions only. @ &3TAM& II __ &3Tituli Lyciae linguis Graeca et Latina conscripti, @@@@@ed. Ernst Kalinka. 3 fasc. Wien 1920%19`1944. Fasc. 1, @@@@@nos. 1%19`395, &3Pars Lyciae occidentalis cum Xantho oppido @@@@@(`1920); fasc. 2, nos. 396%19`717, &3Regio quae ad Xanthum &3@@@@@flumen pertinet praeter Xanthum oppidum& (1930); fasc. 3, @@@@@nos. 718%19`1230, &3Regiones montanae a valle Xanthi fluminis &3@@@@@ad oram orientalem& (1944). @ &3FdXanthos& VII __ Andre/ Balland. &3Fouilles de Xanthos: &3@@@@@Inscriptions d'e/poque impe/rial du Le/to=on.& "Fouilles de @@@@@Xanthos," 7. Paris 1981. @ Friedel Schindler. &3Inschriften von Bubon (Nordlykien). @@@@@"O+sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. @@@@@Philosophisch%19Historische Klasse. Sitzungsberichte," @@@@@`278,3. Wien 1972. @ George Ewart Bean. &3Journeys in Northern Lycia 1965%19`1967. @@@@@"O+sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. @@@@@Philosophisch%19Historische Klasse. Denkschriften," 104. @@@@@"Erga+nzungshefte zu den &3Tituli Asiae Minoris,& 4". Wien @@@@@`1971. @ Pontos __ @ &3Studia Pontica& III __ John George Clark Anderson, Franz @@@@@Cumont and Henri Gre/goire. &3Studia Pontica, III. Recueil &3@@@@@des inscriptions grecques et latines du Pont et de l' &3@@@@@Arme/nie.& Fasc. 1. Brussels 1910. @ Galatia __ @ &3RECAM& II __ Stephen Mitchell. &3Regional Epigraphic Catalogues &3@@@@@of Asia Minor, II: The Ankara District, The Inscriptions &3@@@@@of North Galatia.& With the assistance of David French @@@@@and Jean Greenhalgh. "British Archaeological Reports, @@@@@International Series," 135. Oxford 1982. __ Northern @@@@@Galatia, except Ankyra. @ &3Quellen Ankara& __ Emin Bosch. &3Quellen zur Geschichte der &3@@@@@Stadt Ankara im Altertum.& "Tu+rk Tarih Kurumu @@@@@Yayinlarindan," Ser. 7, no. 46. Ankara 1967. __ Only the @@@@@inscriptions from Ankyra are included. @ Stephen Mitchell. "R.E.C.A.M. Notes and Studies No. 1. @@@@@Inscriptions of Ancyra", in: &3Anatolian Studies& 27 @@@@@(`1977), p. 63%19`103. [&3SEG& 27.840%19`890] @ Phrygia (and parts of adjacent regions) __ @ &3MAMA& I __ William Moir Calder. &3Eastern Phrygia.& "Monumenta @@@@@Asiae Minoris Antiqua," 1. Manchester 1928. @ &3MAMA& IV __ William Hepburn Buckler, William Moir Calder and @@@@@William Keith Chambers Guthrie. &3Monuments and Documents &3@@@@@from Eastern Asia and Western Galatia.& "Monumenta Asiae @@@@@Minoris Antiqua," 4. Manchester 1933. @ &3MAMA& V __ Christopher William Machell Cox and Archibald @@@@@Cameron, &3Monuments from Dorylaeum et Nacolea.& "Monumenta @@@@@Asiae Minoris Antiqua," 5. Manchester 1937. @ &3MAMA& VI __ William Hepburn Buckler and William Moir Calder. &3@@@@@Monuments and Documents from Phrygia and Caria. @@@@@"Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua," 6. Manchester 1939. @ &3MAMA& VIII __ James Maxwell Ross Cormack, William Moir Calder. &3@@@@@Monuments from Lycaonia, the Pisido%19Phrygian Borderland, &3@@@@@Aphrodisias.& "Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua," 8. @@@@@Manchester 1962. __ Only the second part; for @@@@@Aphrodisias, see the &3Repertorium& of Donald F. McCabe, @@@@@under "Caria" on the CD. @ &3MAMA& IX __ Barbara Levick, Stephen Mitchell, J. Potter and @@@@@Marc Waelkens, eds. &3Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua, &3@@@@@Vol. IX. Monuments from the Aezanitis recorded by C.W.M. &3@@@@@Cox, A. Cameron, and J. Cullen.& "Journal of Roman @@@@@Studies Monographs," 4. London 1988. @ &3MAMA& X __ Barbara Levick, Stephen Mitchell, J. Potter and @@@@@Marc Waelkens, eds. &3Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua, &3@@@@@Vol. X. Monuments from the Upper Tembris Valley, &3@@@@@Cotiaeum, Cadi, Synaus, Ancyra, and Tiberiopolis &3@@@@@recorded by C.W.M. Cox, A. Cameron, and J. Cullen. @@@@@"Journal of Roman Studies Monographs," 7. London 1993. @ Pisidia __ @ &3TAM& III __ &3Tituli Pisidiae linguis Graeca et Latina &3@@@@@conscripti. Tituli Termessi et agri Termessensis,& ed. @@@@@Rudolf Heberdey. Wien 1941. @ &3IK Selge& __ Johannes Nolle/ and Friedel Schindler. &3Die &3@@@@@Inschriften von Selge.& "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte @@@@@aus Kleinasien," 37. Bonn 1991. @ Pamphylia __ @ &3IK Side& __ Johannes Nolle/. &3Side im Altertum. Geschichte und &3@@@@@Zeugnisse, I.& "Inschriften griechischer Sta+dte aus @@@@@Kleinasien," 43. Bonn 1993. @ Under "Inscrs. Side 1947%19`1961 (remainder)" are included the inscriptions, not re%19edited in &3IK Side I& (1993), from the following three publications: @ &3Side 1947& __ Emin Bosch, "Kitabeler," pp. 46%19`80, nos. 1%19`44, @@@@@in: Arif Mu+fid Mansel, Emin Bosch and Jale Inan, &3`1947 &3@@@@@senesi Side kazilarina o+nrapor& [&3Vorla+ufiger Bericht u+ber &3@@@@@die Ausgrabungen in Side im Jahre 1947&]. "Tu+rk Tarih @@@@@Kurumu Yayinlarindan, V. Seri," 11; Ankara 1951. &3Side 1948& __ George Ewart Bean, "Kitabeler," pp. 79%19`98, nos. @@@@@`45%19`80, in: Arif Mu+fid Mansel, George E. Bean, and Jale @@@@@Inan, &3Side agorasi ve civarindaki binalar. 1948 Yili &3@@@@@kazilarma dair repor& [&3Die Agora von Side und die &3@@@@@benachbarten Bauten. Bericht u+ber die Ausgrabungen im &3@@@@@Jahre 1948&]. "Tu+rk Tarih Kurumu Yayinlarindan, V. Seri," @@@@@no. 15; Ankara 1956. &3Side Kitabeleri& __ George Ewart Bean. &3Side Kitabeleri @@@@@[&3Inscriptions of Side&]. "Tu+rk Tarih Kurumu @@@@@Yayinlarindan, V. Seri," 20; Ankara 1965. __ The @@@@@numeration continues &3Side 1947& and &3Side 1948& (above): @@@@@nos. 81%19`194. @ Cilicia __ @ &3I.Cilicie& __ Gilbert Dagron and Denis Feissel. &3Inscriptions &3@@@@@de Cilicie.& With the collaboration of Antoine Hermary, @@@@@Jean Richard and Jean%19Pierre Sodini. "Travaux et @@@@@Me/moires du Centre de Recherche d'Histoire et @@@@@Civilisation de Byzance. Colle\ge de France. @@@@@Monographies," 4. Paris 1987 @ &3MAMA& II __ Ernst Herzfeld and Samuel Guyer. &3Meriamlik und &3@@@@@Korykos. Zwei christliche Ruinensta+tten des rauhen &3@@@@@Kilikien.& "Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua," 2. @@@@@Manchester 1930. @ &3MAMA& III __ Josef Keil and Adolf Wilhelm. &3Denkma+ler aus dem &3@@@@@rauhen Kilikien.& "Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua," 3. @@@@@Manchester 1931. @ Early Christian and Byzantine Inscriptions __ @ * For the following publications (and selections from other collections), see under "Asia Minor [Late Ant.%3Byz.]" on the CD. @ Henri Gre/goire. &3Recueil des inscriptions grecques chre/tiennes &3@@@d'Asie Mineure, I.& Paris 1922. @ Elsa Gibson. &3The "Christians for Christians" Inscriptions of &3@@@@@Phrygia.& "Harvard Theological Studies," 32. Missoula @@@@@(Montana) 1978. @ Guillaume de Jerphanion. &3Une nouvelle province de l'art &3@@@byzantin. Les e/glises rupestres de Cappadoce.& 2 vols. in 4 @@@parts. Paris 1925%19`1942. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@CYPRUS @ Alphabetic%3Syllabic Site Collections __ @ Mitford, T. B., &3The Inscriptions of Kourion.& "Memoirs of the @@@@@American Philosophical Society," 83. Philadelphia 1971. @@@@@[IKourion] @ Mitford, T. B., &3The Nymphaeum of Kafizin. The Inscribed &3@@@@@Pottery.& "Kadmos Supplement," 2. Berlin and New York @@@@@`1980. [INymphaeum] @ Pouilloux, J., P. Roesch and J. Marcillet%19Jaubert, &3Salamine &3@@@@@de Chypre, XIII. Testimonia Salaminia, 2. Corpus &3@@@@@e/pigraphique.& Paris 1987. [Salamine] @ Mitford, T. B., and I. K. Nicolaou, &3The Greek and Latin &3@@@@@Inscriptions from Salamis.& Nicosia 1974. __ Only those @@@@@texts not republished in &3Salamine de Chypre, XIII. @@@@@[ISalamis] @ Masson, O., "Les graffites chypriotes alphabe/tiques et @@@@@syllabiques" in C. Traunecker, F. Le Saout, O. Masson, &3@@@@@La chapelle d'Acho=ris a\ Karnak,& Band II. Paris 1981. @@@@@__ Cypriot graffiti found in Egypt. [IKarnak] @ Alphabetic%3Syllabic Site Collections (Amphora Stamps) __ @ Calvet, Y., &3Kition%19Bamboula I, Les timbres amphoriques.& Paris @@@@@`1982. [Kition%3stps] @ Sztetyllo, Z., &3Nea Paphos I, Les timbres ce/ramiques &3@@@@@(`1965%19`1973).& Warsaw 1976. [NeaPaphos%3stps] @ Calvet, Y., &3Salamine de Chypre III, Les timbres amphoriques &3@@@@@@(`1965%19`1970).& Paris 1972. [Sal III%3stps] @ Syllabic Collections __ @ Masson, O., &3Inscriptions chypriotes syllabiques.& Paris 1961. @@@@@Revised edition, with additions, Paris 1983. __ Excluded @@@@@are those texts republished in &3IKourion, Salamine de &3@@@@@Chypre,& and the volumes on Rantidi, Kouklia, and Karnak. @@@@@[ICS] @ Mitford, T. B., and O. Masson, &3Les inscriptions syllabiques &3@@@@@de Rantidi%19Paphos.& "Deutsches Archa+ologisches Institut, @@@@@Ausgrabungen in Alt%19Paphos auf Cypern," 2. Konstanz @@@@@`1983. [IRantidi%19Paphos] @ Mitford, T. B., and O. Masson, &3Les inscriptions syllabiques &3@@@@@de Kouklia%19Paphos.& "Deutsches Archa+ologisches Institut, @@@@@Ausgrabungen in Alt%19Paphos auf Cypern," 4. Konstanz @@@@@`1986. [IKouklia%19Paphos] @ Supplements __ @ &3SEG& 1%19`41. &3Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum.& Vols. 1%19`3 and @@@@@`10, ed. J. E. Hondius, Leiden 1923, 1924, 1927, and @@@@@`1949. Vols. 12%19`25, ed. A. G. Woodhead. Leiden 1965%19`1971. @@@@@Vols. 26%19`41, ed. H. W. Pleket (other) and R. S. Stroud @@@@@(Attic and Peloponnesian). Amsterdam 1979%19`1994. __ Texts @@@@@from Salamis republished in &3Salamine de Chypre, XIII& as @@@@@well as most Cypriot syllabic texts re%19edited in later @@@@@collections have been excluded. @ For the Early Christian and Byzantine inscriptions of Cyprus, see also under "Cyprus [Late Ant.%3Byz.]" on the CD. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@EGYPT AND NUBIA @ In assembling this collection of texts we have been greatly aided by Dr. Alain Martin and Mr. Paul Heilporn of the Centre de Papyrologie et E/pigraphie of the Universite/ Libre de Bruxelles, who freely shared with us the complete concordance and index of the publications of the inscriptions of Egypt and Nubia recorded in &3SEG, AE/, SB& and the &3Bulletin &3e/pigraphique& that they have prepared on the computer. @ Publications __ @ The publications of Egyptian inscriptions included on the CD are arranged in four groups: (1) publications of inscriptions from specific sites, in geographical order from north to south; (2) serial supplements (&3SB& and &3SEG&); (3) thematic collections; and (4) museums outside Egypt. @ (1) Sites, including the museums at Alexandria and Cairo, in geographical order: @ Kayser, Franc%25ois. &3Recueil des inscriptions grecques et &3@@@@@latines (non fune/raires) d'Alexandrie impe/riale (Ier%19IIe &3@@@@@s, apr. J.%19C.)& "Institut Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie @@@@@Orientale, Bibliothe\que d'e/tude," 108; Paris 1994. @ Breccia, Evaristo. &3Iscrizioni greche e latine.& "Service des @@@@@Antiquite/s de l'E/gypte. Catalogue ge/neral des antiquite/s @@@@@e/gyptiennes du Muse/e d'Alexandrie." Cairo 1911. __ @@@@@Catalogue of inscriptions in the Greco%19Roman Museum of @@@@@Alexandria. __ Included: Inscriptions not re%19published @@@@@in one of the other site%19&3corpora& in this collection. @ Cook, Brian F. &3Inscribed Hadra Vases in the Metropolitan &3@@@@@Museum of Art.& "New York. Metropolitan Museum of Art. @@@@@Papers," 12; New York 1966. __ See &3SEG& 18.644 and @@@@@`24.1175%19`1184 [%6 SB 10.10688]; cf. also, &3SB& 1.1630%19`1650, @@@@@`1652, 1655%19`1657, 1657, 1661%19`1662, 2126. @ Bernand, Andre/. &3Le Delta e/gyptien d'apre\s les textes &3@@@@@grecques, I: Les Confins libyques.& 3 vols. "Institut @@@@@Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie Orientale du Caire, Me/moires @@@@@publie/s par les membres," 101. Cairo 1970. @ "Terenouthis (Various Sources)". Under this heading inscriptions from five publications are collected: @ Terenouthis 1961 %6 F.A. Hopper. &3Funerary Stelae from Kom Abou &3@@@@@Billou.& Ann Arbor 1961. [&3SEG& 20.512%19`637, pp. 145%19`159] Terenouthis 1985 %6 Abd el%19Hafeez Abd el%19Al, Jean%19Claude @@@@@Grenier and Guy Wagner. &3Ste\les fune/raires de Kom Abu &3@@@@@Bellou.& Paris 1985. [&3SEG& 35.1610%19`1675, pp. 461%19`468] Terenouthis Cairo __ Thirteen funerary inscriptions from @@@@@Terenouthis published in Milne, &3Mus. Caire& (below) pp. @@@@@`52, 54, 56%19`57, and 59. Terenouthis SEG __ Additional funerary inscriptions from @@@@@Terenouthis reproduced in &3SEG& vols. 1, 8, 14, 20, 26%19`28, @@@@@`30%19`31, 37%19`38, 40%19`41. __ Various sources, including: &3BSA &3@@@@@Alex.& 38 (1949) 55%19`88 [&3SEG& 20.513 etc.]; &3BSA Alex.& 40 @@@@@(`1953) 101%19`150 [&3SEG& 14.857%19`877, pp. 199%19`202]; &3BIAO& 78 @@@@@(`1978) 231%19`258 [&3SEG& 28.1491%19`1535, pp. 410%19`413]; and &3BSA &3@@@@@Alex.& 44 (1991) 169%19`200, with &3ZPE& 101 (1994) 113%19`119 @@@@@[&3SEG& 41.1639%19`1663, pp. 548%19`551]. Terenouthis SB __ Two additional items from the &3Sammelbuch @@@@are included: &3SB& 1.619 and 4.7311. @ Milne, Joseph G. &3Greek Inscriptions.& "Service des Antiquite/s @@@@@de l'E/gypte: Catalogue ge/neral des antiquite/s @@@@@e/gyptiennes du Muse/e du Caire." Oxford 1905. __ @@@@@Catalogue of inscriptions in the Cairo Museum. __ @@@@@Included: Inscriptions not re%19published in one of the @@@@@site%19&3corpora& in this collection. @ Bernand, E/tienne. &3Recueil des inscriptions grecques du &3@@@@@Fayoum.& 3 vols. (1975%19`1981). I. &3La "Me/ris" d' &3@@@@@He/rakleide\s.& Leiden 1975; II: &3La "Me/ris" de The/mistos. @@@@@"Institut Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie Orientale, Bibliothe\que @@@@@d'e/tude," 79; Paris 1981; III: &3La "Me/ris" de Polemo=n. @@@@@"Institut Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie Orientale, Bibliothe\que @@@@@d'e/tude," 80; Paris 1981. @ Bernand, E/tienne. &3Inscriptions grecques et latines d'Ako=ris. @@@@@"Institut Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie Orientale, Bibliothe\que @@@@@d'e/tude," 103; Paris 1988. @ Pedrizet, Paul, and Gustave Lefebvre. &3Les Graffites grecs du &3@@@@@Memnonion d'Abydos.& Nancy, Paris and Strasbourg 1919. @ Bernand, Andre/. &3Les Portes du de/sert. Recueil des &3@@@@@inscriptions grecques& d'&3Antinooupolis, Tentyris, Koptos, &3@@@@@Apollonopolis Parva et Apollonopolis Magna.& Paris 1984. @ Bernand, Andre/. &3Pan du de/sert.& Leiden 1977. __ Inscriptions @@@@@from sites located along certain routes through the @@@@@Eastern desert, also including Mons Porphyrites and Mons @@@@@Claudianus. @ Bernand, Andre/. &3De Koptos a\ Kosseir.& Leiden 1972. __ @@@@@Inscriptions from sites located along the route through @@@@@the Eastern desert from Koptos to Leucos Limen on the @@@@@Red Sea, including the Paneion in the Wadi Hammamat and @@@@@the Paneion at El%19Bweib. @ Bernand, Andre/. &3Le Paneion d'el%19Kanai+s: les inscriptions &3@@@@@grecques.& Leiden 1970. __ Another site in the Eastern @@@@@desert. @ Wagner, Guy. &3Les Oasis d'E/gypte a\ l'e/poque grecque, romaine &3@@@@@et byzantine d'apre\s les documents grecs (Recherches de &3@@@@@papyrologie et d'e/pigraphie grecques).& "Institut @@@@@Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie Orientale, Bibliothe\que d'e/tude," @@@@@`100; Paris 1987. __ Included: previously unpublished @@@@@inscriptions ("Les textes ine/dits", pp. 21%19`109, cf. also @@@@@pp. 5%19`6) from sites in the Oasis Magna (Kharga and @@@@@Dakhla). [&3SEG& 26.1723%19`1724, 1764%19`1773, 1783%19`1793; &3SEG @@@@@`30.1723%19`1724, 1726, 1728; &3SEG& 38.1685%19`1688, 1697%19`1816, @@@@@`1818%19`1833] @ Evelyn%19White, Hugh G., and James H. Oliver. &3The Temple of &3@@@@@Hibis in the El Kha%26rgeh Oasis. Part II. Greek &3@@@@@Inscriptions.& "Publications of the Metropolitan Museum @@@@@of Art. Egyptian Expedition," 14; New York 1938. @ Devauchelle, Didier, and Guy Wagner. &3Les Graffites du Gebel &3@@@@@Teir: Textes de/motiques et grecques.& "Institut Franc%25ais @@@@@d'Arche/ologie Orientale, Recherches d'arche/ologie, @@@@@philologie et d'histoire," 22; Cairo 1984. [&3SB @@@@@`16.12888%19`12935; &3SEG& 26.1774%19`1782; &3SEG& 34.1562] @ Bernand, Andre/, and E/tienne Bernand. &3Les inscriptions &3@@@@@grecques et latines du Colosse de Memnon.& "Institut @@@@@Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie Orientale, Bibliothe\que d'e/tude," @@@@@`31; Paris 1960. @ Baillet, Jean. &3Inscriptions grecques et latines des tombeaux &3@@@@@des rois ou Syringes a\ The\bes.& 3 vols. "Institut @@@@@Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie Orientale du Caire, Me/moires @@@@@publie/s par les membres," 42. Cairo 1920%19`1926. @ Bataille, Andre/. &3Les inscriptions grecques du temple de &3@@@@@Hatshepsout a\ Deir El%19Bahari.& "Publications de la @@@@@socie/te/ Fouad I de papyrologie. Textes et documents," @@@@@`10. Cairo 1951. @ Edgerton, William F. &3Medinet Habu Graffiti Facsimiles. @@@@@"University of Chicago, Oriental Institute, @@@@@Publications," 36; Chicago 1937. __ See also (nos. @@@@@`342%19`405) W. Brunsch, &3Wiener Zeitschrift fu+r die Kunde &3@@@@@des Morgenlandes& 75 (1983) 19%19`34. __ See &3SEG @@@@@`33.1327%19`1356. @ Wagner, Guy. &3Les Inscriptions et graffites grecs du temple de &3@@@@@Louqsor,& in Mohammed el%19Saghir et al., &3Le Camp romain de &3@@@@@Louqsor (avec une e/tude des graffites gre/co%19romains du &3@@@@@temple d'Amon).& "Institut Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie @@@@@Orientale du Caire, Me/moires publie/s par les membres," @@@@@`83. Cairo 1986. __ See &3SEG& 36.1405%19`1454 [%6 &3SB @@@@@`18.13668%19`13718]. @ Bernand, Andre/. &3De The\bes a\ Sye\ne.& Paris 1989. @ Bernand, Andre/, and E/tienne Bernand. &3Les inscriptions &3@@@@@grecques de Philae: I%19II.& 2 vols. Paris 1969. I, nos. @@@@@`1%19`127: &3E/poque ptolemai+que,& ed. A. Bernand; II, nos. @@@@@`128%19`246: &3Haut et bas empire,& ed. E. Bernand. @ Bernand, Andre/, and Olivier Masson. "Les Inscriptions @@@@@grecques d'Abou%19Simbel", in: &3Revue des e/tudes grecques @@@@@`70 (1957) 1%19`46. __ Graffiti from Abu Simbel. __ Work not @@@@@included. __ See &3SEG& 16.863 for Bernand and Masson 1%19`20, @@@@@nos. 1%19`6 (591 B.C.), whence Russell Meiggs and David @@@@@Lewis, &3A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions to &3@@@@@the End of the Fifth Century B.C.& (Oxford 1969) 12%19`13, @@@@@no. 7 [%6 Dittenberger, &3Syll.&(`3).1; cf. also Jeffery, &3@@@@@LSAG& (1961) 329,2 344,56 and 58. 356,4a%19b, and @@@@@`358,48a%19c]. __ See SEG 16.864 for Bernand and Masson @@@@@`21%19`46, nos. 7%19`32 (Ptolemaic). @ Zucker, Friedrich. &3Von Debod bis Bab Kalabsche, III.& "Service @@@@@des Antiquite/s de l'E/gypte. Les temples immerge/s de la @@@@@Nubie". Cairo 1912. @ Gauthier, Henri. &3Le Temple de Kalabschah.& 2 vols., text and @@@@@plates. Cairo 1911%19`1914. __ The minuscule transcriptions @@@@@included here are derived mainly from &3Sammelbuch& I @@@@@(`1915). @ Ruppel, Walter. &3Der Tempel von Dakke, III&: &3Die griechischen &3@@@@@und lateinischen Inschriften von Dakke.& "Service des @@@@@Antiquite/s de l'E/gypte. Les temples immerge/s de la @@@@@Nubie". Cairo 1930. @ Kubin/ska, Jadwiga. &3Faras, IV: Inscriptions grecques &3@@@@@chre/tiennes.& Warsaw 1974. @ (2) Serial supplements: @ &3Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum& [&3SEG&]. Vols. 1%19`41. Leiden @@@@@(vols. 1%19`25) Alphen aan den Rijn (vols. 26%19`27 @@@@@[`1979%19`1980]) and Amsterdam (vols. 28%19`41 [`1982%19`1994]). @@@@@Vols. 1%19`11 (1923%19`1940), ed. Jacobus J.E. Hondius; vols. @@@@@`12%19`25 (1945%19`1971), ed. Arthur Geoffrey Woodhead; vols. @@@@@`26%19`41 (1979%19`1980, 1982%19`1994 and continuing), ed. Henry @@@@@W. Pleket (other) and Ronald S. Stroud (Attic and @@@@@Peloponnesian inscriptions). __ Jean Bingen is the @@@@@author of the sections "Aegyptus __ Nubia" in &3SEG& 18, 20 @@@@@and 24 (1962, 1964, 1969), and, as an advisory editor, @@@@@he has collaborated in the preparation of the Egyptian @@@@@section of every volume of &3SEG& from 1962 to the present. @@@@@__ Inscriptions published in &3SEG& 1%19`2 (1923%19`1924), 8 @@@@@(`1937), 12%19`18 (1945%19`1962), 20%19`24 (1964%19`1969), and 26%19`41 @@@@@(`1979%19`1994). __ If one of the other publications in this @@@@@collection is the source for the text given in &3SEG,& the @@@@@item is omitted. Likewise, inscriptions in &3SEG& that have @@@@@subsequently been re%19edited in one of the other @@@@@publications in this collection are supposed to be @@@@@omitted or removed, but some duplicates remain. @ &3Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus A+gypten& [&3SB&], eds. @@@@@Friedrich Priesigke, Friedrich Bilabel, Emil Kiessling @@@@@and Hans%19Albert Rupprecht. Vols. 1%19`18, 1915%19`1993. @@@@@Strassburg (vol. 1), Berlin and Leipzig (2%19`3), @@@@@Heidelberg (4) and Wiesbaden (5%19`18). __ Vol. 1 (1915), @@@@@nos. 1%19`6000, ed. F. Priesigke; vols. 3 (1926%19`1927), nos. @@@@@`6001%19`7269, and 4 (1931), nos. 7270%19`7514, ed. F. Bilabel; @@@@@vol. 5 (1934%19`1955), nos. 7515%19`8963, ed. F. Bilabel and @@@@@E. Kiessling; vols. 6 (1958%19`1963), nos. 8964%19`9641, 8 @@@@@(`1965%19`1967), nos. 9642%19`10208, and 10 (1969%19`1971), nos. @@@@@`10209%19`10763 ed. E. Kiessling; vols. 12 (1977), nos. @@@@@`10764%19`11263, 14 (1981%19`1983), nos. 11264%19`12219, 16 @@@@@(`1988), nos. 12220%19`13084, and 18 (1993), nos. @@@@@`13085%19`14068, ed. H.A. Rupprecht. __ The odd numbered @@@@@volumes are the indexes to the preceding volumes. __ @@@@@Included: Inscriptions not in &3SEG& or in one of the other @@@@@publications in this collection. @ (3) Thematic collections: @ Dittenberger, Wilhelm. &3Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae @@@@@[&3OGIS&]. 2 vols. Leipzig 1903%19`1905. __ Included: @@@@@Inscriptions found in Egypt, Nubia and Abyssinia. __ The @@@@@texts of the inscriptions are given according to more @@@@@recent editions. The sources are indicated in the @@@@@supplementary data%19fields that accompany each text. See @@@@@below, E. Bernand, &3Re/pertoire bibliogr. OGIS& (1982). @ Bernand, E/tienne. &3Inscriptions grecques d'E/gypte et de Nubie: &3@@@@@Re/pertoire bibliographique des OGIS.& "Annales @@@@@litte/raires de l'Universite/ de Besanc%25on," 272. "Centre @@@@@de Recherche d'Histoire Ancienne," 45; Paris 1982. __ @@@@@Bibliographic addenda to Dittenberger, &3OGIS& I%19II @@@@@(above). @ Cagnat, Rene/, et al. &3Inscriptiones graecae ad res romanas &3@@@@@pertinentes.& [&3IGRR&] 3 vols. Paris 1906%19`1911. Vol. 1, @@@@@fasc. 5, with Jules F. Toutain and Pierre Jouguet, Paris @@@@@`1908. __ Inscriptions from Egypt, nos. 1043%19`1379. __ @@@@@Inscriptions taken from Dittenberger, &3OGIS& II (1905) are @@@@@omitted. __ The texts of the inscriptions are given @@@@@according to more recent editions, where possible. The @@@@@sources are indicated in the supplementary data%19fields @@@@@that accompany each text. See below, E. Bernand, &3@@@@@Re/pertoire bibliogr. IGRR& (1983). @ Bernand, E/tienne. &3Inscriptions grecques d'E/gypte et de Nubie: &3@@@@@Re/pertoire bibliographique des IGRR.& "Annales @@@@@litte/raires de l'Universite/ de Besanc%25on," 286. "Centre @@@@@de Recherche d'Histoire Ancienne," 51; Paris 1983. __ @@@@@Bibliographic addenda to Cagnat, &3IGRR& I,5 (above). @ Bernand, E/tienne. &3Inscriptions me/triques de l'E/gypte &3@@@@@gre/co%19romaine. Recherches sur la poe/sie e/pigrammatique &3@@@@@des Grecs en E/gypte.& "Annales litte/raires de @@@@@l'Universite/ de Besanc%25on," 98. Paris 1969. @ Bernand, Andre/. &3La Prose sur pierre dans l'E/gypte &3@@@@@helle/nistique et romaine.& 2 vols. (texts and @@@@@translations; commentary). Paris 1992. @ Lefebvre, Gustave. &3Recueil des inscriptions grecques &3@@@@@chre/tiennes d'E/gypte.& "Institut Franc%25ais d'Arche/ologie @@@@@Orientale du Caire, Me/moires publie/s par les membres," @@@@@`101. Paris 1907. __ The texts are published in @@@@@"diplomatic" style, without accents or breathing%19marks. @ %Frey, Jean%19Baptiste. &3Corpus inscriptionum Iudaicarum, 2. &3@@@@@Asie%19Afrique.& "Sussidi allo studio delle antichita\ @@@@@cristiane," 3; Roma 1952. __ Inscriptions of Egypt, nos. @@@@@`1427%19`1539b. __ With corrections and addenda from D.M. @@@@@Lewis, in &3CPJud.& III (1964), and B. Lifshitz, &3Donateurs @@@@@(`1967). @ Lewis, David M. "The Jewish Inscriptions of Egypt," pp. @@@@@`138%19`196, in: Victor Avigdor Tcherikover, Alexander Fuks @@@@@and Menahem Stern, &3Corpus Papyrorum Iudaicarum III. @@@@@Cambridge (Mass.) 1964. __ Corrections and additions to @@@@@Frey, &3CIJud.& II (1952). @ Lifshitz, Baruch. &3Donateurs et fondateurs dans les synagogues &3@@@@@grecques. Re/pertoire des de/dicaces grecques relatives a\ &3@@@@@la construction et a\ la re/fection des synagogues. @@@@@"Cahiers de la &3Revue biblique,&" 7; Paris, 1967. __ @@@@@Commentary on certain inscriptions in Frey, &3CIJud.& II @@@@@(`1952). @ (4) Museums and collections outside Egypt: @ Bernand, E/tienne. &3Inscriptions grecques d'E/gypte et de Nubie &3@@@@@au Muse/e du Louvre.& Paris 1992. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ITALY AND THE OCCIDENT @ Main Collections __ @ &3IG& XIV __ &3Inscriptiones Graecae, XIV. Inscriptiones Siciliae &3@@@@@et Italiae, additis Galliae, Hispaniae, Britanniae, &3@@@@@Germaniae inscriptionibus,& ed. G. Kaibel. Berlin 1890. @@@@@__ Excluded are texts republished in the works of @@@@@Moretti, Sacco, and Miranda cited below. @ Supplements __ @ Moretti, L., &3Inscriptiones graecae urbis Romae.& 4 vols. in 5 @@@@@parts. Rome 1968%19`1990. [IGUR I%19IV] @ Bollini, M., &3Le Iscrizioni greche di Ravenna.& "Quaderni degli @@@@@'Studi Romagnoli'," 9. Faenza 1975. [IRavenna] @ Sacco, G., &3Iscrizioni greche d' Italia, Porto.& Roma 1984. @@@@@[IPorto] @ Miranda, E., &3Iscrizioni greche d' Italia, Napoli I.& Roma 1990. @@@@@[INapoli] @ De Franciscis, A., &3Stato e societa\ in Locri Epizefiri &3@@@@@(L'archivio dell' Olympieion locrese).& Napoli 1972. @@@@@[ILocri] @ Pugliese Carratelli, G., "Silloge delle epigrafi Acrensi" in @@@@@L. Bernabo\ Brea, &3Akrai.& "Societa\ di Storia Patria per la @@@@@Sicilia Orientale, Biblioteca, serie III. Monografie @@@@@Archeologiche della Sicilia," I; Catania 1956. [IAkrai] @ Manni Piraino, M. T., &3Iscrizioni greche lapidarie del Museo &3@@@@@di Palermo.& "SIKELIKA. Collana di monografie pubblicate @@@@@dal Centro Siciliano di Studi Storico%19Archeologici @@@@@'Biagio Pace', Serie Storica," 6. Palermo 1973. @@@@@[IGLPalermo] @ Almagro, M., &3Las Inscripciones ampuritanas griegas, ibe/ricas &3@@@@@y latinas.& Barcelona 1952. __ Greek texts only. @@@@@[IAmpuritanas] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@VARIA @ Sacred Laws __ @ Sokolowski, F., &3Lois sacre/es de l'Asie Mineure,& "E/cole @@@@@franc%25aise d'Athe\nes, Travaux et me/moires," 9. Paris @@@@@`1955. [LSAM] @ Sokolowski, F., &3Lois sacre/es des cite/s grecques, Supplement, @@@@@"E/cole franc%25aise d'Athe\nes, Travaux et me/moires," 11. @@@@@Paris 1962. [LSS] @ Sokolowski, F., &3Lois sacre/es des cite/s grecques,& "E/cole @@@@@franc%25aise d'Athe\nes, Travaux et me/moires," 18. Paris @@@@@`1969. [LS] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@CREDITS @ The Greek Epigraphy Project at Cornell University prepares computerized texts of published ancient Greek inscriptions for the Packard Humanities Institute (PHI) in collaboration with the Center for Epigraphical and Palaeographical Studies of The Ohio State University. This undertaking was conceived and initiated by David W. Packard, president of the Packard Humanities Institute. @ The Greek Epigraphy Project at Cornell University (Ithaca, NY) is headed by Prof. Kevin M. Clinton and directed by Nancy J. Kelly and John M. Mansfield (1985%3`6%19`1995). The work at The Ohio State University (Columbus, OH) has been carried out by Dr. Thomas Loening (1988%19`1990) and Mr. Philip C. Forsythe (1990%19`1995), under the sponsorship of Prof. Stephen V. Tracy. The collections of the inscriptions of Ionia and Caria included on the PHI CD were prepared by Dr. Donald F. McCabe and assistants at the Institute for Advanced Study, School of Historical Studies (Princeton, NJ), under the supervision of Profs. Christian Habicht and Glen W. Bowersock ("The Princeton Project on the Inscriptions of Anatolia," 1983%19`1991). @ At Cornell we have benefited greatly at different times from the gracious help of many scholars at other institutions. In particular, we wish to thank: @ Prof. William C. West, of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, generously shared with us his own computerized texts of all Attic decrees and laws of the fifth, fourth and third centuries B.C., down to 229 B.C. The original versions of the texts of &3IG& I&4`3&, 1%19`258, 1453 and &3IG& II%3III&4`2 1%19`448 included on the present CD were entered on the computer by him. We have also made use of the bibliographic lemmata prepared by Prof. West. for "Attic Decrees, 318%19`229 B.C." (1984). @ Prof. Ronald S. Stroud and Dr. Sara B. Aleshire at the University of California, Berkeley. The American editors of the &3Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum& have allowed us to consult their bibliographic card%19file of Attic inscriptions and have also provided us with the original manuscripts, on the computer, of all recent volumes of &3SEG& (vols. 32%19@@) for inclusion in the CU%3OSU textual data bank of Greek inscriptions. @ Prof. Gerhard Thu+r of the Karl%19Franzens%19Universita+t Graz, Profs. Hans Taeuber and Wolfgang Hameter, Universita+t Wien, and Dr. Bernhard Palme. We have been allowed full access to the comprehensive bibliography of Attic inscriptions prepared by Drs. Bernhard Palme and Wolfgang Hameter, under the sponsorship of Prof. Thu+r, at the Kommission fu+r antike Rechtsgeschichte of the O+sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. We also wish to thank all our friends in Vienna for their hospitality during our visits there. @ Dr. Alain Martin and Mr. Paul Heilporn of the Centre de Papyrologie et E/pigraphie at the Universite\ Libre de Bruxelles have shared with us the invaluable concordance and index of the publications of the inscriptions of Egypt ("Re/pertoire bibliographique des inscriptions grecques d'E/gypte et de Nubie") that they have prepared on the computer. @ Drs. Matthias Barth and Josef Stauber at the Leopold Wenger Institut fu+r Rechtsgeschichte, Universita+t Mu+nchen, prepared the texts and bibliographic lemmata for the collection of the &3Inschriften Mysia und Troas& (1993) included on the present CD. This project was also facilitated by Prof. Gerhard Thu+r, formerly of the Universita+t Mu+nchen, now of the Karl%19Franzens%19Universita+t Graz. @ Prof. Helmut Halfmann and Dr. Michael Alpers of the Seminar fu+r Alte Geschichte, Universita+t Hamburg, have allowed us to include on the present CD the supplement that they have prepared, &3Supplementum Ephesium& (1995), to the Princeton "Ephesos" repertory published on PHI CD %101`6 (1991). @ Prof. Wolfgang Blu+mel (Universita+t Ko+ln) and Prof. Charlotte Roueche/ (King's College, London) have generously shared with us the original computerized manuscripts of their recent epigraphical publications so that the texts of the inscriptions could more easily be included on the present CD: W. Blu+mel, &3Die Inschriften von Knidos& (1992), and Ch. Roueche/, &3Performers and Partisans at Aphrodisias in the Roman &3and Late Roman Period& (1993). @ Prof. Christian Habicht of the Institute for Advanced Studies, School of Historical Studies, Princeton, sent us a list of Hellenistic Attic decrees found outside Attica, which is the basis for the collection included on the present CD. @ Prof. Stephen V. Tracy at The Ohio State University provided us with a computerized copy of the very useful &3List of Agora &3'I' Inventory Numbers with their Place of Publication, compiled by Thomas Loening (with the collaboration of Stephen V. Tracy and Krzysztof Nawotka) (1991). @ Many students, undergraduates and graduates, and other workers have labored many hours to prepare the computerized texts included on the PHI CD. @ At Cornell University: __ OCR System Operators: Stephen Rogers, Andrew Low, Eva Hoeckner, Linda Wheatly%19Irving, Kathleen Quinn. __ Student Workers: Jasen Adams, David Atkins, Dale Braden, Maureen Cavanaugh, Alexandra Clinton, Georgia Cooper, Gregory Dobrov, Stephen Demas, Eric Dyer, Elizabeth Franzino, Jordan Greenwald, Margaret Henderson, Leah Hollister, John Huber, Molly Ierulli, Michelle Kwintner, David McKee, Robert Rust, William Sloan, Lauren Taaffe, George Venetoklis, Henry Walker, Brian Williams, Bryan Williams, Jie Yuan. @ At The Ohio State University: Darrell Albon, Bart Brown, Mike Dixon, Kai Heikkila, Paul Iversen, Dr. Poulheria Kyriakou, Pat Lyvers, Stephanie McCann, Dr. Krzysztof Nawotka, Dr. Maureen Ryan, Dr. Ioannes Tzifopoulos, Wendy Watkins (curator of the Center for Epigraphical and Palaeographical Studies), and Stephanie Winder. __ Special thanks are also due to Mary Cole, Administrative Secretary, Department of Classics. @ At the University of California, Berkeley: Leda Ciraolo, Sara Johnson, John Harding, David Silvermann, Miriam Pelikan, Karalee Strieby. @ At the University of Toronto: Ariana Traill. __ Ariana Traill also entered the original versions of the texts of &3Inscriptiones Creticae& I%19IV onto the computer.