@@@@{1Chios}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@ABSA 1940%19`1945: Hunt, ABSA 41, 1940%19`1945, pp. 29%19`52. @@ABSA 1960: Forrest, ABSA 55, 1960, pp. 172%19`189. @@ABSA 1963: Forrest, ABSA 58, 1963, pp. 53%19`67. @@ABSA 1964: Forrest, ABSA 59, 1964, pp. 32%19`38. @@ABSA 1966: Forrest, ABSA 61, 1966, pp. 197%19`206. @@AD 1927%19`1928: Evanghelidis, AD 11, 1927%19`1928, Par. pp. 23%19`30. @@APF 1958: Dunst, APF 16, 1958, pp. 169%19`189. @@Athena 1908: Zolotas, Athena 20, 1908, pp. 119%19`381, 509%19`528. @@Athena 1909: Zolotas, Athena 21, 1909, pp. 345%19`353. @@Athena 1916: Zolotas, Athena 28, 1916, pp. 157%19`166. @@BCH 1879: Haussoullier, BCH 3, 1879, pp. 45%19`58, 230%19`255, 316%19`327. @@BCH 1913: Plassart %9 Picard, BCH 37, 1913, pp. 193%19`235. @@BCH 1933: Robert, BCH 57, 1933, pp. 505%19`543 (%6OM I 473%19`511). @@BCH 1935: Robert, BCH 59, 1935, pp. 452%19`470 (%6OM I 512%19`529). @@Chiake Epith. 1974: Stephanou, Chiake Epitheoresis 35, 1974, @@@@pp. 75%19`92. @@Chios: Boardman %9 Vaphopoulou%19Richardson (edd.), Chios 1986. @@Graf, Kulte: F. Graf, Nordionische Kulte 1985. @@Guarducci, Fratria: Guarducci, Acad. Lincei, Memorie Sci. Mor. @@@@`6, 6, 1, 1937. @@MDAI(A) 1888: Studniczka, MDAI(A) 13, 1888, pp. 160%19`201. @@Mouseion 1876: Krispis %9 Fontrier, Mouseion II 1, 1875%19`6, pp. @@@@`33%19`40. @@Mouseion 1878: Krispis, Mouseion II 2, 1876%19`1878, p. 11. @@Paspatis: Paspatis, Chiakon Glossarion 1888. @@REG 1929: Robert, REG 42, 1929, pp. 32%19`38 (%6OM I 214%19`226). @@RPh 1937: Vanseveren, RPh 11, 1937, pp. 321%19`347. @@Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I: Stephanou, Chiaka Meletemata I 1958. @@Zolotas, Hist. Chiou: Zolotas, Historia Chiou 1921%19`1926. @ The bulk of the inscriptions listed were found on Chios. Where more is known about the site of discovery than that it was on Chios, place of discovery is listed. Following sites are given, of which those which have not been located are followed by a question mark: @@Aitolaria @@Ano Katarraktis @@Chios (city of Chios, Museum of Chios) @@Daphnonas @@Delphinion @@Dotia @@Elata @@Emporio (Emporeios, Emporios) @@Euphemiana (?) @@Haghiasmata @@Hagia Dechteine(?) @@Hagios Ioannes @@Hagios Isidoros (?) @@Hagios Panteleemon(?) @@Harmolia @@Kalamoti (Kalamote) @@Kalimasia @@Kambos (Kampos) @@Karaba @@Karabai(?) @@Kardamyla (Cardamyla) @@Karyes @@Katarraktis (Katarrhaktes, Katarrhakton) @@Kato Aigialos @@Kato Phana (Katophana, Kotophana, Phana, Phanai) @@Kato Katarraktis (Kato%19Katarraktis) @@Keramos @@Kini (Koine) @@Komi @@Kophinas @@Kourounia @@Lankada @@Latomi (Latomion) @@Letsena (Letsaina) @@Lithi (Lethe) @@Livadia (Libadia, Livadhia) @@Loutra @@Marmaro (Marmaron) @@Mavro Kampo (Mavro Campo) @@Mesa Rhamnes @@Mesta @@Mirmiki (Myrmiki) @@Monopetra @@Moutsena @@N. Kokkinaki(?) @@Naos @@Neneta @@Neochori (Neochorion) @@Olympi @@Parparia @@Petrana @@Phlamounion @@Phrankika(?) @@Plakes @@Pyrgi @@Sideroundas (Siderountas) @@Siphi (Syphi) @@Sklavia (Sclavia) @@Tambakika @@Taxiarchai @@Taxiarchiki(?) @@Tholopotami @@Turloti (Turlote) @@Varvasi @@Ververaton (Berberato, Berberaton) @@Vestacharato (Bestacharato) @@Viki (Biki, Vikion) @@Volissos (Bolissos, Volisso) @@Vrontados (Brontados). @ Inscriptions found on the following island dependent upon Chios are also listed and identified: @@Psyra (Psara). @ All Christian inscriptions for which a date before AD 600 could not be excluded are listed. Some inscriptions which may well be considerably later than this limit are therefore included. @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`31) @ @@@@Section: 1a. Sacred Laws and Decrees (1%19`7) @ @@`1. Fragment of sacred law (?), stoichedon; V&4`2&; found at Kato Phana: *Kourouniotis, AD 1, 1915, p. 76; ABSA 1963, p. 53, no. 1; SEG 22, 497; **Sokolowski, LSCG 117 (ll. 0a%19`4). @ @@`2. Sacred decree of &3boule& regulating conduct in sacred grove, stoichedon; V&7e&%3IV&7b&; found at Naos near Kardamyla: CIG 2214c; Haussoullier, REG 3, 1890, pp. 211%19`212; Prott, LS 111; *Athena 1908, pp. 184%19`189 (for ll. 1%19`25); *Athena 1909, pp. 345%19`346, no. A (for ll. 25%19`30); **ABSA 1963, p. 56, note 11 (l. 1); **Sokolowski, LSCG 116 (ll. 2%19`4, 7%19`8, 10, 13%19`16, 19%19`30). @ @@`2.3. Sacred [&3gn&]&3ome& of [&3prytaneis&] concerning priestess of [Eleithie], stoichedon; V&7e&%3IV&7b&; found in city of Chios: *Koumanoudis %9 Mattheou, Horos 3, 1985, 105%19`111, no. A (PH); SEG 35, 923.A. @ @@`2.6. Sacred gnome of boule concerning priestess of E%1l%1eithie, stoichedon; V&7e&%3IV&7b&; found in city of Chios: *Koumanoudies %9 Mattheou, Horos 3, 1985, 105%19`111, no. B (PH); SEG 35, 923.B. @ @@`3. Sacred law concerning cult of (Zeus) Pelinaios, stoichedon; V&7e&; found at Mesa Rhamnes: *Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I pp. 26%19`32 (PH); SEG 17, 377; **Sokolowski, LSCG Supp. 129 (ll. 2, 5%19`12, 14%19`16); **SEG 22, 496 (l. 11); **Graf, Kulte, Chios 4 (ll. 6, 9, 11, 13, 15.) @ @@`4. Fragment of sacred law mentioning [&3m&]&3oirai dyo& and &3artos, stoichedon; IV; found in city of Chios: *Mouseion 1876, p. 33, no. 138; MDAI(A) 1888, pp. 165%19`166, no. 3; Sokolowski, LSCG Supp. 76; **SEG 22, 501 (ll. 2%19`16); **SEG 35, 924 (l. 8). @ @@`5. Fragment of sacred law mentioning [&3mo&]&3irai dyo,& stoichedon; IV; now in Museum of Chios: *Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I p. 33; **BE 1960:313 (ll. 1, 3, 4, 6); **SEG 22, 499 (ll. 6%19`8). @ @@`6. Sacred law concerning sacrifices; IV&4`2&; found in city of Chios: Haussoullier, REG 3, 1890, p. 210, no. 2; Prott, LS 114; Athena 1908, p. 223, no. 25; BCH 1913, p. 196, note 3; Sokolowski, LSCG 120; *Graf, Kulte, Chios 7; SEG 35, 922.c. @ @@`7. Sacred law concerning priest of Herakles, &3genos,& and sacrifices; IV&4`1&; found in Pyrgi or Olympi on Chios: Paspatis p. 404, no. 9; *MDAI(A) 1888, p. 166, no. 4; Prott, LS 113; Syll&4`3 1013; ABSA 1963, p. 57, no. 6 (PH); SEG 22, 500; Sokolowski, LSCG 119; **Graf, Kulte, Chios 5 (ll. 6, 13); SEG 35, 922.b. @ See also: Chios 78%19`81, 83. @ @@@@Section: 1b. Decrees of Foreign and Local Groups (8%19`11) @ @@`8. &3Gnome& of &3Kaukaseis,& ending with penalty for moving horos; 450%3`425 BC; found at Marmaro on Chios: Haussoullier, REG 3, 1890, p. 212; *Athena 1908, pp. 189%19`190 (* for ll. 1%19`15); *ABSA 1960, pp. 187%19`188, no. 3 (PH,part) (* for ll. 0a%19`0c); SEG 19, 575. @ @@`9. Decree of phratry (?) Totteidai, with list of names; IV%3III; found near Daphnonas on Chios: Athena 1908, pp. 205%19`210, no. 8; BCH 1913, p. 215 (PH, part); *ABSA 1960, pp. 181%19`187; **SEG 19, 580 (part A, l. 33). @ @@`10. Honorary decree [of Amphiktyons] for (no name) from Chios; III; found in city of Chios: *RPh 1937, pp. 333%19`334, no. 8 (PH); Daux, RPh 12, 1938, pp. 155%19`156; **FDelphes III 3, 229a (pp. 199%19`200) (ll. 1%19`7). @ @@`10.5. Honorary decree of Koinon [of Ionians] for Hippodamos [Hippod]amou of Miletos; c. 289 BC; found in city of Chios: *Forrest, Horos 3, 1985, 95%19`96, no. 1 (PH). @ @@`11. Decree of [Psy]ra (?) concerning Nero proposed by polemarch [M]enekl[es]; 1; found at Volissos on Chios: *ABSA 1966, p. 203, no. 7; **BE 1969:432 (ll. 1%19`13). @ See also: IG I&4`3& 10, ll. 10%19`11 (decree of Athens concerning relations with Phaselis, according to which court actions are to take place before &3polemarchos,& as with Chians; found in Attica); IG I&4`3& 56 (%6 SEG 25, 30) (%6 SEG 33, 4) (honorary decree of [&3bole and &3demos&] of Athens for (no name), possibly of [Ch]i%1os; found in Attica); IG I&4`3& 70 (honorary decree of Athens for Ach[ ... ] gives him access like people of Chios (?); found in Attica); IG I&4`3& 113, l. 47 (honorary decree for Euagoras of Salamis mentions Chios; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 23 (honorary decree of &3bo&[&3le& and &3demos&] of [A]thens for [ ... ... ]odoro of Chios; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 40 (%6 SEG 1, 15a) (decree of Athens accepting alliance with Ch[ios] and Mytilene and in honor of Antimachos of Ch[ios] and (no name) of [My]tilene; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 98, ll. 7%19`9 (decree of alliance between Kephallenia and Athens obligates Kephallenia to come to Athens's aid, just like [Chios and Thebes (?)]; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 234 (decree concerning Chios and &3polemo&[&3s&]; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 240 (%6 SEG 31, 77) (%6 Michel 103) (%6 Tod 181) (%6 Syll&4`3& 262) (proxeny decree of Athens for [ ... ]io[s] Andromeno[us of Chios (?)]; found in Attica); IG II&4`2 252 (honorary decree of &3demos& of Athens for two individuals (no name) of Chios; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 339a (honorary decree of Athens for A[ ... ] of Chios; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 679 %7 584 (%6 SEG 3, 92) (honorary decree of Athens for Xenokrates of Chios, who restored runaway slaves to their masters; found in Attica); Syll&4`3& 147, ll. 24, 79 (%6 Tod 123) (%6 IG II&4`2& 43) (Chios included in Second Athenian Confederacy and alliance said to be under same terms as alliances with Chios and Thebes; found in Attica); IG XI 4, 541 (honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& of Delos for Herostratos Theopropou of Chios and family, making him &3proxenos, etc.; found on Delos); IG XI 4, 547 (honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& of Delos for Philistos Philiskou of Chios and family; making him &3proxenos,& etc.; found on Delos); IG XI 4, 572 (honorary decree of &3demos& of Delos for Amphiklos Kallistratou of Chios, making him &3proxenos,& etc.; found on Delos); IG XI 4, 597 (honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& of Delos for Kleandros Themistiou of Chios, making him &3proxenos,& etc.; found on Delos); IG XI 4, 598 (honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& of Delos for Peisistratos Argeiou of [Ch]ios, making him &3proxenos,& etc.; found on Delos); IG XI 4, 599 (honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& of Delos for Polianthos Aristeus of Chios; found on Delos); IG XI 4, 628 (honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& of De[los] for Aristeu[s] and Au[ ... ] of Chios; found on Delos); IG XI 4, 691 (honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& of Delos for Eutychos Philotou; found on Delos); IG XI 4, 767 (honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& of Delos for Dexio[s] Phil[onos] of [Ch]ios; found on Delos); IG XI 4, 793 (honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& of Delos for [ ... ... ]akontos of Chios; found on Delos); IG XI 4, 819 (honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& of Delos for Ktesippos Ktesippou of Chios and family, making him &3proxenos,& etc.; found on Delos); IG XI 4, 820 (honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& of Delos for Ktesippou K[tesi]ppou of Chios, &3proxenos&; found on Delos); IG XI 4, 1022 (decree of Delos assigning place for posting honorary decree of Chios for [Teleso]n Autokleous of Delos; found on Delos); FDelphes III 1, 351 l. 3 ([Pleist]ainos of Chios listed among &3hieromnemones& at beginning of decree of Amphiktiones concerning festival for [Dionysios Kadmeios]; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 2, 86, l. 12 (Herodotos of Chios listed among &3hieromnemones& at beginning of honorary decree of Amphiktiones for Eudamos Apolloniou of Athens; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 2, 134.b l. 8 (Pleistias of Chios listed among &3hieromnamones& at beginning of honorary decree of Amphiktiones for &3p&[&3olis& and] &3chora& of Teos; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 3, 167 l. 2 ([ ... ]on [of Chios] listed among &3hieromnemones& at beginning of honorary decree of &3hieromnemones& for Lykon Astyanak[tos of Alexandreia Tro.]; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 3, 217 (honorary decree (of Delphi) for &3hieromnemon& Amphiklos Kal[listratou of Chios, &3poietas&] of &3epe&; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 3, 218.A%19B (honorary decree of &3hieromnemones& of Amphiktyons for Timokrates T[imokratou]s (?) of Chios, &3hieromnemon,& and providing for posting on Chios; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 3, 219&3bis& (honorary decree of [Amphi]ktyons for Alkimachos [ ... ]inou (?) of Chios, listed among &3hieromnemones&; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 3, 220 (honorary decree of Amphiktyons for Leochides Anaxiadou of Chios, &3hieromnamon&; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 3, 221 (honorary decree of Amphiktyons for [Polyarchi]des Hermarchou of Chios, [&3hieromnamon&], with provision for posting on Chios; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 3, 223.B (honorary decree of Amphiktiones for Hermokles Phainomeno of Chios, with provisions for posting on Chios and for announcing honors at Dionysia on Chios; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 3, 224 (honorary decree of &3polis& [of Delphi] for &3hieromnamon& Hermokles Phainomenou of Chios and family and &3polis& of Chios, with provisions for announcing honors at Dionysia on Chios and for posting on Chios; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 3, 225 (honorary decree of Amphiktyons for Megakles Asklepiadou of Chios, with provisions for announcing honors at Dionysia and for placing &3eikon& on Chios; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 3, 226 (honorary decree of Amphiktiones for &3hieromnamon& [ ... ]chos Heragorou of Chios, with provisions for announcing honors at [Dionys]ia on Chios and for posting [on Chios]; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 3, 227 (honorary decree of Amphiktiones for (no name) of Chios, with provision for posting on Chios; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 3, 229 (honorary decree of Amphiktiones for &3hieromnamon& (no name) of Chios and [&3poli&]&3s& of Chios; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 3, pp. 172%19`173 and Daux, BCH 83, 1959, pp. 472%19`5, no. 7 (decrees of Amphiktyons list Chians among &3hieromnemones&; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 4, 252 (Metrophanes of Chios listed among &3hieromnamones& at beginning of honorary decree of &3koinon& of Amphiktiones for &3polis& of Antiocheia of Chrysaoreis (%6 Alabanda); found at Delphi); FDelphes III 4, 362 l. 12 (Althaios of Chios listed among &3hieromnemones& at beginning of honorary decree of Amphiktyones for Philistos Moschionos of Kos; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 4, 363 l. 6 (Theophane[s] of Chios listed among &3hieromnemones& at beginning of decree; found at Delphi); Derow %9 Forrest, ABSA 77, 1982, pp. 91%19`92 (honorary decrees of Amphiktyons and Delphi for &3hieromnemon Hermokles Phainomenou of Chios; found at Delphi); Erythrai 34 (%6 IEry 503) (%6 Syll&4`3& 284) (%6 SEG 29, 757&3bis&) (decrees of &3boule& and &3demos& [of Erythrai?] concerning statue of tyrannicide; found on Chios, prob. from Erythrai); Halikarnassos 91 (%6 Moretti 56) (%6 RA 24, 1872, 109) (%6 Syll&4`3& 1064) (%6 SEG 14, 728) (%6 SEG 34, 1066) (honorary decree for athlete mentions victory at &3Theophania& in Chios; found at Halikarnassos); Magnesia Mai. 11, l. 0b (%6 IMagnesia 91.a) (%6 Syll&4`3& 598.B) ((no name) [of Chios] listed among &3hieromnamones& at beginning of honorary decree of Amphiktyones for [Sosikles Dio]kleos of Magnesia (Mai.), &3hieromnamon&; found at Magnesia Mai.); Magnesia Mai. 32, l. 76 (%6 IErythrai 507) (%6 IMagnesia 53) (Chios among cities accepting invitation to Leukophryena subscribed to decree of Klazomenai accepting invitation; found at Magnesia Mai.); Miletos 29 (%6 Milet I 3, 120) (%6 IErythrai 75) (decree of Ionian League mentioning absence of Chians; found at Miletos); SEG 23, 549 (honorary decree of Olous on Crete for Polemon Symmachou of Chios; found at Olous); IG XII 5, 110 (honorary decree of Paros for Aretos Astynomou of Chios; found on Paros); IG XII 5, 111 (honorary decree of Paros for three individuals from Chios; found on Paros); IG XII 5, 112, l. 1 (decree (?) of Paros mentions Chian &3proxenoi&; found on Paros); Priene 44 (%6 IPriene 49) (%6 RA 24, 1926, 178) (%6 SEG 4, 477) (answer of Priene to decision of foreign judges from Chios, with reference to decrees of Chios; found at Priene); Priene 53, l. 69 (%6 IPriene 54) (%6 IIasos 74) (decree of Iasos for Priene is to be placed near stele containing honors from Chios; found at Priene); Priene 12 (%6 IPriene 55) (%6 BCH 31, 1907, 383) (decree of &3koinon& of Ionians, except for Chios; found at Priene); Priene 51, l. 54 (%6 IPriene 109) (%6 SEG 4, 492) (%6 Robert, E/t. anat. 37) (honorary decree of Priene for Herodes Herodou mentions Chios in connection with Panionion; found at Priene). @ @@@@Section: 1c. Other Honorary Decrees (12%19`22) @ @@`12. Honorary decree of &3demos& of Chios for foreign judges from Naxos and Andros; c. 320 BC; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: ABSA 1940%19`1945, pp. 45%19`46; *RPh 1949, pp. 9%19`13, no. 2; SEG 12, 390; **Dunst, SDAW 1960 I pp. 38%19`39 (ll. 13%19`14, 18); SEG 18, 334; Heisserer, Alexander pp. 111%19`117 (PH); SEG 30, 1070. @ @@`13. Honorary decree of &3demos& for Apollophanes Apollodorou for &3eunoia& towards &3basileis& and &3demos& and for accomplishing mission assigned by King Ptolemaios (II?); III&4`1&; found at Palaiokastro in city of Chios: *Stephanou, &3Eis Mnemen K. Amantou& pp. 140%19`143 (PH); **BE 1961:466 (ll. 2%19`7, 11, 13); SEG 19, 569. @ @@`14. Honorary decree [of Chios] for (no name), who had close dealings with Romans; c. 189%3`188 BC; found in city of Chios: SEG 16, 486; Sarikakis, Chiaka Chonika 7, 1975, pp. 14%19`27 (PH); Moretti, RFIC 108, 1980, pp. 33%19`54; Derow %9 Forrest, ABSA 77, 1982, pp. 79%19`92 (PH); SEG 30, 1073; *Graf, Kulte, Chios 78; Garbrah, ZPE 65, 1986, 207%19`210; SEG 36, 777. @ @@`15. Honorary decree of &3demos& for Lucius Nassius; I; found in Kophinas north of city of Chios: Athena 1909, pp. 347%19`350, no. B; Wilhelm, WS 59, 1941, pp. 89%19`109; *Keil, JO+AI 35, 1943 Beibl. pp. 121%19`126. @ @@`16. Fragment of honorary decree (?) mentioning [&3ph&]&3ilokaisar&; imperial; found in city of Chios: *MDAI(A) 1888, pp. 174%19`175, no. 16. @ @@`17. Honorary decree for [Claudia Metrodora], who donated money for baths, mentioning Nero, dated under stephanephorate of Antiochos (IV of Kommagene); 1&7m&; 1st part found in Bounaki in city of Chios, 2nd part now in Museum of Chios: Athena 1908, p. 236, no. 49; AD 1927%19`1928 Par. p. 25, no. 6 (PH, part); *Robert, E/t. e/p. pp. 128%19`130, 132, 133, 134, 135, no. 4A%19B (PH,part); SEG 36, 774. @ @@`18. Honorary decree of &3demos& for Claudia Metrodora, mentioning baths and &3theoi Sebastoi&; 1&7m&; 1st part now in Museum of Chios, 2nd %9 3rd parts found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 240, no. 56 (parts 2 and 3); *AD 1927%19`1928 Par. p. 25, no. 5 (PH) (part 1); **Robert, E/t. e/p. pp. 130%19`133, no. 4 C%19D%19E (PH) (section a, ll. 1%19`4, 6%19`7, 11, 17%19`18, 21, section b, l. 4); SEG 36, 774. @ @@`19. Decree mentioning [Claudia Metrodora], her donation, and her baths; 1&7m&; found at Chios: *Robert, E/t. e/p. pp. 133%19`134, no. 4F. @ @@`20. Decree concerning celebration of birthday of an Augustus and mentioning [Ant]iocho[s?] (IV of Kommagene); 1&7m&; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, pp. 211%19`212, no. 9, side a; **BCH 1933, pp. 533%19`535 (section a, ll. 3%19`4, 11%19`20, 25%19`26); Robert, E/t. e/p. p. 142, note 9. @ @@`21. Decree (?) praising [Ant]iocho[s] (IV of Kommagene) and mentioning Caligula; AD 37%3`41; found in city of Chios: *Athena 1908, pp. 211%19`212, no. 9, side b; **IGRR IV 945, side b (l. 1); **Robert, E/t. e/p. p. 142, note 9 (ll. 18, 20, 24); **SEG 28, 1315 (ll. 1, 3). @ @@`22. Decree in honor of dead man (no name); 1&4`2&%3`2&4`1&; found at Plakes, 1 mile so. of Volissos: *ABSA 1966, pp. 201%19`202, no. 4; **BE 1969:432 (ll. 1%19`3, 5%19`6). @ See also: Chios 10%19`11, 30%19`31; Moretti, Isc. Stor. II 78 (%6 FDelphes III 3, 214) (honorary decree of Chios for Aitolians, upon receipt of right to vote in Amphiktyonic Council; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 3, 215 (%6 Syll&4`2& 206) (%6 SEG 26, 1018) (%6 SEG 27, 537) (%6 Pomtow, Klio 14, 1915, 272, no. 1) (honorary decree of demos of Chios for Aitolians, accepting invitation to participate in &3Soteria&; found at Delphi); Priene 3 (%6 IPriene 48) (beginning of honorary decree of Chios for Priene; found at Priene); Dunst, Klio 37, 1959, pp. 63%19`8 (honorary decree of &3demos of Chios for [Nikomedes Aristandrou] of Kos; found on Kos). @ @@@@Section: 1d. Other Laws and Decrees (23%19`31) @ @@`23. Law concerning legal procedures, involving &3demarchoi, &3basileis,& and &3boule demosie&; 600%3`550 BC; found at Tholopotami on Chios, poss. from Erythrai: Wilamowitz, ADAW 1909, pp. 64%19`71, no. 25 (PH); Nachmanson, Eranos 13, 1913, pp. 91%19`99; SEG 13, 452; *Jeffery, ABSA 51, 1956, pp. 157%19`167 (PH); SEG 16, 485; SEG 17, 376; Jeffery, Local Scripts, pl. 65, no. 41; Oikonomides, Acts 5. Congress, pp. 19%19`22; **ML 8 (ll. 1, 5); SEG 35, 921; SEG 36, 775. @ @@`24. Fragment of decree (?), almost stoichedon; &3bonne e/poque&; now in Museum of Chios: Athena 1908, p. 265, no. 149; *BCH 1913, pp. 231%19`232, no. 35. @ @@`25. Decree (?) concerning commerce in wool, stoichedon; IV&7m&; now in Museum of Chios, provenance unknown, possibly from Erythrai: Athena 1908, p. 221, no. 21; Wilhelm, JO+AI 12, 1909, pp. 142%19`145; *Keil, JO+AI 14, 1911 Beibl. pp. 51%19`53 (PH); **IErythrai 15 (ll. 6%19`11, 14, 16%19`17, 22). @ @@`26. End of decree relieving authors of legal liability; III; found in Chios (?): *RPh 1937, pp. 332%19`333, no. 7 (PH). @ @@`27. Decree concerning &3epidosis,& followed by list of contributors; III; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: Athena 1916, pp. 158%19`161, no. 1; Kourouniotis, AD 2, 1916, pp. 213%19`215 (PH); *BCH 1933, pp. 505%19`517, no. 1 (PH); Wilhelm, APF 11, 1935, p. 214. @ @@`28. Decree of &3demos& on arbitration ending war between Lampsakos and Parion; III&7e&%3II&7b&; found on Chios: *RPh 1937, pp. 337%19`344, no. 10 (PH). @ @@`29. Preamble to decree (?) listing magistrates, including [ ... ]ius Pompeius Menede[mos?], Lucius Fabrinius E[ ... ], &3grammateus Dekmos, and &3stephanephoros&; I; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1916, p. 166, no. 14. @ @@`30. Decree concerning lending out of money for celebration of &3Sebasta& in honor of an Augustus (probably Germanicus or Caligula); probably AD 37; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Fustel de Coulanges %9 Homolle, BCH 16, 1892, pp. 321%19`324, no. 1; BCH 1933, pp. 529%19`532 (%6OM I 530%19`532). @ @@`31. Decree [of &3demos&] of Chios concerning celebration of &3Kaisareia&; AD 37 (?); found at harbor of Mesta on Chios: Athena 1908, p. 222, no. 22; *BCH 1933, pp. 518%19`529 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ See also: Chios 28; Staatsvertra+ge 248 (%6 Tod 118) (%6 IG II&4`2& 34 %7 35) (treaty of alliance between Chios and Athens; found in Attica); Staatsvertra+ge 256 (%6 Tod 121) (%6 IG II&4`2& 41) (treaty of alliance between Athens and Byzantion to be on same terms as that between Athens and Chios; found in Attica). @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (32%19`36) @ @@`32. Letter of King Alexander to Chios restoring liberty and democracy to it and regulating affairs in it; 334%3`332 BC; found at Phlamounion near Ververato on Chios: *Zolotas, Athena 5, 1893, pp. 7%19`33; Haussoullier, RPh 17, 1893, pp. 188%19`190; Hicks %9 Hill 158; Athena 1908, pp. 125%19`159; Syll&4`3& 283; Lenschau, Klio 33, 1940, pp. 201%19`214; Tod 192; Heisserer, Historia 22, 1973, pp. 191%19`204; SEG 26, 1019; **Heisserer, Alexander, pp. 79%19`95 (PH); (ll. 1, 3, 6, 17%19`18); SEG 30, 1071. @ @@`33. Second letter of Alexander to Chios, stoichedon; 332 BC; found in Turloti on Chios: CIG 2214b (part); BCH 1879, pp. 320%19`322, no. 7 (part); MDAI(A) 1888, p. 165, no. 2 (part); Athena 1908, pp. 159%19`163; Lenschau, Klio 33, 1940, pp. 201%19`214; Wilhelm, Gr. Ko+nigsbriefe, pp. 1%19`16; SEG 22, 506; Forrest, Klio 51, 1969, pp. 201%19`206 (PH); *Heisserer, Alexander, pp. 96%19`111 (PH); SEG 30, 1072. @ @@`34. Letter of proconsul of Asia to Chios on rights and legal status of Chios; c. AD 4%3`5 (?); found in Palaiokastro in city of Chios: *CIG 2222; Syll&4`3& 785; Abbott %9 Johnson, pp. 340%19`341, no. 40; Malcovati, Imp. Augusti Fragmenta, p. 43, no. 69; SEG 22, 1507; **Sherk 70 (ll. 1, 5, 8%19`17, 19%19`20). @ @@`35. Heading of letter of Domitian to &3archontes, boule,& and &3d&[&3emos&] of Chios; AD 93; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, pp. 236%19`237, no. 50. @ @@`36. Heading of letter of Domitian to &3gerousia& of Chios; probably AD 93; now in Museum of Chios, provenance unknown: *Athena 1908, p. 234, no. 45. @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ See also: Aphrodisias 77, chap. 34, ll. 17%19`17a, 100 (%6 Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 231) (Diocletian's Edict on Prices sets price for white &3masticha& of Chios and for &3terebinthina& of Chios; found at Aphrodisias). @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (37%19`41) @ @@`37. Two lists of contributions, headed by donations of Attalos; c. 200 BC; found in city of Chios: *Athena 1908, pp. 163%19`184, no. 3; **BCH 1913, pp. 211%19`212, no. 26 (col. A, ll. 2, 27; col. B, ll. 11, 34, 38%19`9, 41, 43%19`44); **Kondoleon, PAAH 1953, p. 273, note 1 (l. 41); **Maier 51 (PH) (col. A, ll. 1, 6, 14, 25, 37); **SEG 19, 577 (col. A, ll. 1, 6, 14, 25, 37); **Robert, Gnomon 42, 1970 (col. A, ll. 20, 42); SEG 36, 776. @ @@`38. Preamble and beginning of list of contributors for strengthening walls; c. 200 BC; now in Museum of Chios: *RPh 1937, pp. 323%19`325, no. 5 (PH); **BE 1941:110 (ll. 1%19`3); Maier 53 (PH); **SEG 19, 579 (ll. 6%19`7, 10). @ @@`39. List of contributors; III; 1st part now in Museum of Chios, 2nd part found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, pp. 212%19`213, no. 11; pp. 200%19`204, no. 7 (for part a); *BCH 1913, pp. 212%19`214, no. 27 (* for part b, ** for part a); **ABSA 1960, p. 186, note 59 (part b, col. II, l. 7); SEG 19, 588. @ @@`40. List of contributors (including &3paroikoi&) for strengthening walls; III; now in Museum of Chios: *RPh 1937, pp. 321%19`323, no. 4 (PH); **BE 1941:110 (col. 1, l. 9; col. 2, ll. 9, 13, 27, 31); Maier 52 (PH); **SEG 19, 578 (ll. 1, 3%19`4, 7; col. 1, ll. 10, 14, 16, 21, 26, 28%19`36, 40, 42%19`44, 46%19`48; col. 2, ll. 10, 12, 20, 28, 30%19`33, 38%19`39, 41%19`48). @ @@`41. List of contributors; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *AD 1927%19`1928 Par. p. 29, no. 14 (PH). @ See also: Chios 27, 82; IG I&4`3& 71, 259, 264, 265 (frequent mention of Chios in Athenian Tribute Lists; found in Attica); IG I&4`3 343%19`346, 349%19`357 (accounts of &3tamiai& of Athene Polias include Chian beds; found in Attica); IG I&4`3& 383, l. 27 (accounts of &3tamiai& of other gods include Chian &3drachmai&; found in Attica); IG I&4`3& 422, col. I, l. 20 (accounts of &3poletai& include Chian &3amphoreis&; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 1604, l. 79 (list of trierarchs mentions ship [A]phrodisia formerly possessed by Antimachos of Chios; found in Attica); IG XI 2, 287 face A l. 113 (accounts record purchase of &3zeuge& of &3keramides& from Chios; found on Delos); ID 1, 351 l. 1 %7 ID 2, 442 face B l. 165 %7 443 face B frag. b l. 81 %7 ID 3, 1403 face A frag. b col. I l. 90 %7 1429 face B col. I l. 65 %7 1432 face A frag. b col. II l. 39 %7 1441 face A col. II l. 78 (donations by Asklepiades of Chios mentioned in inventories of donations; found on Delos); ID 3, 1442 face A l. 64 (donations by Asklepiodoros of Chios mentioned in inventories of donations; found on Delos); ID 3, 1417 face B col. II l. 21 (donations by Atenios of Chios mentioned in inventories of donations; found on Delos); ID 1, 298 face A l. 19 %7 310 l. 7 (donations by Athenes of Chios mentioned in inventories of donations; found on Delos); ID 2, 425 l. 15 %7 426 l. 4 %7 439 frag. a l. 66 %7 442 face B l. 75 (donations by Eutychos Philota of Chios mentioned in inventories of donations; found on Delos); IG XI 2, 154 face A l. 49 (inventory of donations includes &3keramia& of &3pisse& from Herodoros of Chios; found on Delos); ID 3, 1416 face A col. I ll. 18, 25 %7 1417 face B col. II ll. 16%19`17, 26 %7 1442 face A l. 9 %7 1452 face A ll. 18, 23%19`24 (donations by Ktesippos of Chios mentioned in inventories of donations; found on Delos); ID 3, 1442 face B ll. 61%19`62 (inventory of donations includes &3zoidarion& from Parnasos on behalf of Paseas of Chios; found on Delos); ID 3, 1441 face A col. I l. 33 %7 1450 face A l. 30 (donations by Perigenes of Chios mentioned in inventories of donations; found on Delos); ID 2, 426 l. 7 %7 442 face B l. 79 %7 465 frag. f l. 25 %7 ID 3, 1429 face A col. II l. 10 %7 1432 face A frag. b col. I l. 38 %7 1450 face A l. 88 %7 1460 ll. 10%19`11 (donations by Theon Stratonos of Chios mentioned in inventories of donations; found on Delos); ID 3, 1417 face B col. II l. 160 (inventory includes &3synoikia& rented by Timokleides of Chios until his death; found on Delos); ID 3, 1448 l. 15 (inventory of donations mentions (no name) of Chios; found on Delos); Didyma 66 (%6 IDidyma 464) (inventory of donations mentions &3phiale& from [Chi]os; found at Didyma); Didyma 78 (%6 IDidyma 477) (%6 RPh 23, 1899, 27, 27) (inventory of donations mentions &3phiale& from Chios; found at Didyma); Erythrai 60 (%6 IErythrai 201) (%6 Syll&4`3& 1014) (%6 Sokolowski, LSAM 25) (%6 Mous. 1, 1873, 103, 108) (%6 SEG 18, 478) (%6 SDAW 1960, 1, 5, 1) (list of priesthoods sold includes those of &3Apollon Kaukaseus, Artemis Kaukasis,& and Apollo &3en Koilois&; found at Erythrai); ML 67, l. 9 (%6 IG V,1.1 face A) (list of gifts to Sparta for war includes gifts given by friends in Chios; found at Sparta). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (42%19`49) @ @@`42. Inscription recording &3kataskeue& under &3genarches Menophilos[s] [Her]akleitou; old; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 225, no. 29. @ @@`43. Dedication of &3thyroma& and second &3stege& to Herakles and Athena by Theon Nikonos; I; found between Mesta and Olympi on Chios, from temple at Katophana on Chios: *BCH 1879, p. 324, no. 10; Paspatis pp. 409%19`410, no. 23; Michel 1145; Graf, Kulte, Chios 54. @ @@`44. Dedication to Meter of &3strote& and &3kathedrai& by Kallisthenes Asklepiadou; I; found at Kalamoti on Chios: *BCH 1879, p. 324, no. 11; Paspatis, p. 403, no. 5; ABSA 1963, p. 59, no. 9; SEG 22, 512; Graf, Kulte, Chios 60. @ @@`45. Dedication of &3neos& to Dionysos Aktaios and Apollon Xenios by Iollas Iollou; 1; found on Chios: *CIG 2214e; Graf, Kulte, Chios 53. @ @@`46. Dedication to Athena Alalkomene of &3thyretrikon pegma& of sacred precinct; no date; found in city of Chios (?): Riemann, BCH 1, 1877, pp. 82%19`83, no. 8; *Forrest, &3Chios& 133%19`134; Graf, Kulte, Chios 27; SEG 36, 778. @ @@`47. Inscription identifying [ ... ]onideion; no date; found in city of Chios: Paspatis p. 416, no. 38; *MDAI(A) 1888, p. 177, no. 24. @ @@`48. Inscription identifying [Apoll?]onidion (identical with number 47?); no date; provenance unknown: *Paspatis p. 418, no. 47. @ @@`49. Inscription recording restoration of temple by Menousa Phesinou, priestess of Leto; I%3`1; found at Turloti on Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 224, no. 27; Graf, Kulte, Chios 40. @ See also: Chios 17%19`19, 38, 40, 156, 159, 207, 211%19`212, 492.5; FDelphes III 3, 212 (dedicatory%3building inscription on altar to Apollo by Chios; found at Delphi); IG XII 2, 14, l. 9 (inscription giving specifications for building stipulates Chian roofing; found at Mytilene). @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (50%19`77) @ @@@@Section: 8a. Lists of Magistrates and &3Proxenoi& (50%19`55) @ @@`50. List of &3proxenoi& of Chios from Phok[aia], Halikarnassos, Amphipolis, Boiotia, Malis, Lampsakos, Kyzikos, Gargara, Sinope, Astypalaia, Plataia, Mytilene, Byzantion, [T?]enos, and Pantikapaion; IV; found on Chios: *RPh 1937, pp. 325%19`332, no. 6A. @ @@`51. List of &3proxenoi& or mercenaries (?) including individuals from Rhodes, Karystos, Euboia, Peparethos, Keos, Herakleia (Trach.), Ainianes, Macedonia, Thessaly, Aitolia (?), and Arkadia (?); III%3II; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, pp. 214%19`216, no. 13; **Wilamowitz, ADAW 1909, p. 21, note 1 (col. A, l. 64; col. B, ll. 7, 9%19`10, 12, 14, 14, 16%19`17, 21, 34, 36, 45, 48); **RPh 1937, pp. 329%19`330 (col. B, ll. 2%19`5). @ @@`52. List of &3proxenoi& of Chios from Byzantion, Samothrace, Halikarnassos, Teos, Erythrai, Kaunos, and Elaia; III&4`1&; found on Chios?: *RPh 1937, pp. 325%19`332, no. 6B. @ @@`53. List of &3proxenoi& of Chios from Klazomenai, Alabanda, Lebedos, Sardis, Teos, Halikarnassos, Bargylia, Elaia, Nysa, Kibyra, Thyateira, Orthosia, Antandros, Gargara, Synnada, and Laodikeia; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: Athena 1908, pp. 213%19`214, no. 12; *RPh 1937, pp. 327%19`328 (PH). @ @@`53.5. List of gymnasiarch(s) and probably also lampadarch(s) and eutaxiarch(s); II&7m&; now in Museum of Chios: *Forrest, Horos 3, 1985, 97%19`98, no. 3 (PH). @ @@`54. List of magistrates, including &3stephanephoros& and &3polemarchoi&; I; allegedly found in Erythrai, but from Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 212, no. 10. @ @@`55. List of (eponymous?) magistrates; c. 150 BC to AD c. 60; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: Athena 1908, pp. 217%19`218, no. 15, pp. 230%19`231, no. 41, p. 265, no. 151, p. 267, no. 160, p. 276, no. 187; BCH 1913, pp. 230%19`231, no.'s 2%19`4; AD 1927%19`1928, Par. p. 29, no. 13; *SEG 17, 381; Fraser, Festschrift Do+rner, pp. 363%19`371, no. 5 (PH, partial). @ See also: Chios 59%19`60, 82; IG XII 3, 251, l. 20 (list of &3proxenoi of Anaphe includes individual at Chios; found on Anaphe); Charneux, BCH 90, 1966, p. 157, col. II, l. 4 (list of &3thearodokoi& includes Ischem[achos] on Chios; found in Argos); ID 4, 1924 (ephebe%19list includes Pindaros Pindarou of Chios; found on Delos); ID 5, 2595 col. I, ll. 35%19`36 (list of officials for Hermaia includes among &3gymnasiarchoi& Menandros Menandrou of Chios; found on Delos); ID 5, 2598 col. II l. 26 (list of ephebes and &3pareutaktoi& includes among &3pareutaktoi& Nikolaos of Chios; found on Delos); ID 2612 col. I l. 7 (list of contributors to [&3episkeue& (?) of &3It&]&3alike p&[&3lastas&] includes [ ... ... ]sikleous of Chios; found on Delos); Syll&4`3& 585, ll. 48, 175, 202 (list of &3proxenoi& of Delphi includes individuals from Chios; found at Delphi); Daux, BCH 104, 1980, pp. 122%19`123 (list of &3theorodokoi includes Aristos Tim[od]emou from Chios; found at Delphi); IG XII Supp. 127, l. 61 (list of &3proxenoi& of Eresos includes individual from Chios; found at Eresos); IG XII 8, 162, l. 24 (list of &3theoroi& includes individuals from Chios; found on Samothrake). @@@@Section: 8b. Lists of Victors (55.5%19`60) @ @@`55.5. Fragment, probably of list of victors; II%3I; now in Museum of Chios: *Forrest, Horos 3, 1985, 99, no. 4 (PH). @ @@`56. List of victors in athletic competitions, including individuals from Philadelphia, Elaia, Myrina, and Pergamon; II; found in city of Chios: *RPh 1949, pp. 14%19`15, no. 3 (PH). @ @@`57. List of victors in athletic and musical &3agones&; c. I&4`1&; found in city of Chios (?): *CIG 2214; **SGDI 5660 (ll. 1%19`2, 10%19`11, 13%19`16, 20%19`26, 30); **Graf, Kulte, Chios 77 (ll. 7%19`8). @ @@`58. Fragment listing athletic victors and mentioning several times Basileus Mithradates Eupator; 100%3`88 BC; now in Museum of Chios: *AD 1927, p. 28, no. 12 (PH); **Segre, Il Mondo Classico 2, 1932, pp. 129%19`132 (ll. 2%19`6, 8%19`17); **BCH 1935, pp. 459%19`465 (ll. 9, 11, 13, 15). @ @@`58.2. List of victors, including [ ... Art]e%1midorou; 1%3`2; now in Museum of Chios: *Forrest, Horos 3, 1985, 99%19`101, no. 6.a (PH). @ @@`58.5. List of victors in &3lampas& of &3neoi,& including Z%1enokritos Herakleitou; 1%3`2; now in Museum of Chios: *Forrest, Horos 3, 1985, 100%19`102, no. 6.b (PH). @ @@`58.7. Inscription recording victories of Anthos Anthou, [ ... Di]onysiou, and Sophron Sophronos in &3enoplios dromos&; 1&7e&; now in Museum of Chios: Graf, Kulte p. 98%19`99 (part); *Forrest, Horos 3, 1985, 102%19`103, no. 6.c (PH); BE 1987:195. @ @@`59. Inscription recording victories of (no name) and Diote[ ... ] in contests of &3enoplios dromos&; 1; now in Museum of Chios: *AD 1927%19`1928, Par. p. 29, no. 15 (PH); **APF 1958, p. 181 (part a, ll. 1%19`3; part b, ll. 1%19`4); SEG 17, 393ii; Graf, Kulte, Chios 76. @ @@`60. Inscription recording victories of [ ... ]n Philagrou and of (no name) in contests of &3enoplios dromos&; 1; now in Museum of Chios: *BCH 1933, pp. 534; **APF 1958, p. 181 (part a, ll. 1%19`3; part b, ll. 1%19`3); SEG 17, 393i. @ See also: Chios 184, 209, 267; ID 5, 2597 l. 14 (list of victors includes for &3lampas& of &3paides& Pindaros Pindarou of Chios; found on Delos); Syll&4`3& 509, l. 5 (%6 FDelphes III 4, 125) (list of victors at &3Soteria& includes among &3hieromnemones& Didymarchos of Chios; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 4, 126, l. 5 (list of victors at &3Soteria& includes among &3hieromnemones& Nik%1[ ... ] of Chios; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 4, 127, l. 5 (list of victors at &3Soteria& includes among &3hieromnemones& Argeios of [Chi]os (?); found at Delphi); FDelphes III 4, 128, l. 5 (list of victors at &3Soteria& includes among &3hieromnemones& Phesinos [of Chios]; found at Delphi); Syll&4`3& 424, l. 45 (list of victors at &3Soteria& includes Diophantos of Chios; found at Delphi); IG VII 418, l. 13 (list of victors includes musical competition includes [&3kitharistes&] Agelochos A[sklep]io[do]tou of Chios; found at Oropos). @ @@@@Section: 8c. Other Lists of Individuals (61%19`69) @ @@`61. Fragment of list of slaves enrolled in military &3dekades, stoichedon; V; now in Museum of Chios: *AD 1927%19`1928 Par. p. 25, no. 3 (PH); **Robert, E/t. e/p. pp. 121%19`122 (part a, ll. 5%19`12; part b, ll. 2, 7%19`8, 10%19`13). @ @@`62. List of slaves enrolled in military &3dekades& and freed by Chios, stoichedon: V&4`2&%3IV&4`1&; found at Latomi on Chios: *Athena 1908, pp. 218%19`219, no. 16; **BCH 1913, pp. 221%19`224, no. 30 (PH) (part A, ll. 7, 11, 13, 15, 16; part B, col. 2, ll. 2, 12); BCH 1935, pp. 452%19`459, no. 4 (PH, partial); Salac%27, Listy Filologicke/ 63, 1936, pp. 486%19`490; **Robert, E/t. e/p. pp, 118%19`126 (PH, partial) (part B, col. 1, l. 10); **ABSA 1960, pp. 188%19`189, no. 4 (part A, ll. 1%19`6); SEG 19, 576. @ @@`63. List of names, beginning with Metiklos Meido; c. IV; found in city of Chios: Paspatis, p. 416, no. 39; *MDAI(A) 1888, pp. 167%19`168, no. 6. @ @@`64. Fragment of list of women; 1%3`2; found in Volissos: *ABSA 1966, p. 197, no. 1; **BE 1969: 432 (ll. 4%19`5). @ @@`65. List of women dated by &3stephanephoroi&; 1; found at Volissos: *ABSA 1966, pp. 197%19`198, no. 2 (PH); **BE 1969: 432 (l. 2). @ @@`66. List of names of &3ch&[&3oregesantes&?]; 2 or later; found at Plakes, 1 mi. south of Volissos: *ABSA 1966, pp. 202%19`203, no. 5 (PH). @ @@`67. List of names, starting with [Ph]anagores A[ ... ], stoichedon; no date; found in Kardamyla: CIG 2214d; *Mouseion 1878, p. 11, no. 202; **BCH 1879, pp. 319%19`320, no. 6 (l. 10); **SGDI 5658 (ll. 7, 12). @ @@`68. List of names, starting with [ ... ]os Charonos, stoichedon; no date; found near Mesta: *BCH 1879, pp. 317%19`318, no. 5; Paspatis, pp. 414%19`415, no. 32; **SGDI 5657 (ll. 3, 11, 17). @ @@`69. List of names, including Metikos; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 276, no. 188. @ @@@@Section: 8d. Phratry (or Tribal) Lists (70%19`74) @ @@`70. Inscription listing phratry(?) [ ... ]metidai and subdivisions, stoichedon; c. 350 BC; found at Petrana: *Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I pp. 11%19`12 (PH); BE 1960:311; SEG 17, 380; **ABSA 1960, pp. 178%19`179, no. 5 (PH) (ll. 1%19`4, 6%19`7, 9%19`10); SEG 30, 1070. @ @@`71. Inscription listing phratry(?) Chalazoi (first part?) and subdivisions; c. 315 BC; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: Athena 1908, p. 229, no. 39; BCH 1913, pp. 228%19`229, no. 32; Guarducci, Fratria, p. 98, no. 22; *ABSA 1960, p. 173, no. 2 (PH); SEG 19, 585. @ @@`72. Inscription listing phratry(?) Chalazoi and subdivisions; c. 315 BC; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, pp. 229%19`230, no. ȃ40; Guarducci, Fratria, p. 98, no. 23; Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I p. 14; **ABSA 1960, p. 173, no. 3 (ll. 3, 9); SEG 19, 584. @ @@`73. Inscription listing phratry(?) T[otteidai] (second part?) and subdivisions; c. 315 BC; found in Kambos: *BE 1956:208; Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I pp. 14%19`19 (PH); SEG 15, 537; **ABSA 1960, pp. 173%19`174, no. 4 (PH) (l. 1); SEG 19, 586; SEG 30, 1070. @ @@`74. Inscription listing phratry(?) Tottei[dai] and subdivisions; c. 315 BC; found at Dotia 2 hours south of Pyrgi: *BCH 1879, p. 323, no. 9; Guarducci, Fratria, pp. 97%19`98, no. 21; **ABSA 1960, p. 172, no. 1 (PH) (ll. 1%19`2); SEG 19, 583; SEG 30, 1070. @ See also: Chios 8%19`9, 75. @ ˏ@@@@Section: 8e. Other Documents (75%19`77) @ @@`75. Leases permitted by phratry(?) Klytidai, with boundaries of leased properties, stoichedon: c. IV&7m&; found at Mavro Kampo near Kardamyla: *BCH 1879, pp. 242%19`255 (for side A and side B, ll. 17%19`28); *BCH 1913, pp. 203%19`211 (for side B, ll. 1%19`16, 29%19`62); Latte %9 Kunkel, ZRG 53, 1933, pp. 508%19`513; Wilhelm, JO+AI 28, 1933, pp. 197%19`221; SEG 17, 385; SEG 19, 587; **SEG 22, 508 (side A, ll. 1%19`2, 6%19`8, 12%19`13, 16%19`22, 26, 28, 31%19`32, 40%19`42, 45%19`46, 48%19`62; side B, ll. 1a, 2%19`5, 7%19`8, 10%19`17, 30%19`39, 44%19`51, 54%19`55, 57%19`62); Fantasia, ASNP 7, 1977, pp. 27%19`55. @ @@`76. Document establishing boundaries and concerning purchase of land, stoichedon; c. 475%3`450 BC(?); found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Mouseion 1876, pp. 37%19`40, no 153; **BCH 1879, pp. 230%19`241 (part a, l. 12; part c, l. 1; part d, ll. 5, 8, 12, 15%19`17, 19, 22); IGA 381; **MDAI(A) 13, 1888, pp. 164%19`165 (part c, l. 6); **Athena 1908, pp. 279%19`280 (part c, ll. 2%19`3; part d, ll. 1a%19`2a, 1%19`2). @ @@`77. Cadastral inscription; 4; found on Chios: *De/le/age, Capitation pp. 181%19`186 (PH). @ See also: Chios 513; FDelphes III 3, 216 (document recording grant of &3proxenia,& etc. [by Delphi] to [ ... ]llias Antiphontos of Chios; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 3, 219 (document recording grant of [&3prox&]&3enia& etc. [by Delphi] to Timokrates T[imokratou]s (?) of Chios; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 3, 222 (document recording grant of &3proxenia,& etc. [by Delphi] to &3hieromnemon& Polyarchides Hermarchou of Chios and family; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 3, 228 (document recording grant of [&3proxenia,&] etc. [by Delphi] to [ ... ] Apollonidou of Chios and family; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 4, 18 (document recording grant of &3proxenia,& etc. [by Delphi] to [ ... ]on [M]etonos of Chios and family; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 4, 101 (document recording grant of &3proxenia,& etc. by Delphi to M(arcus) O[ ... ]us Dioteimos of Cheios and family; found at Delphi); Pouilloux, Et. Delph. pp. 103%19`121, l. 3 (lease of public works for Pythia lists Chian among &3hieromnemones&; found at Delphi); ILS 1996 (military diploma in Latin for C(aius) Iulius Saturninus of Chios and others; found in Egypt); Ephesos 600.II l. 8 (%6 IEphesos 13) (%6 JRS 65, 1975, 64) (Chios among cities of &3dioikesis& of Pergamon in list of &3conventus& of Asia; found at Ephesos); Miletos 97 (%6 Milet I 2, 9) (%6 Syll&4`3& 134) (%6 Tod 113) (decision of foreign judges, including judges from Chios; found at Miletos); Miletos 125 (%6 Milet I 3, 53) (record of grant of citizenship of Miletos to Nikostrate of Chios et al.; found at Miletos); ICrete II Polyrrhenia no. 4 (inscription recording Niketos [Phy]lakou and Phylakos Niketou of Chios as &3proxenoi& and &3euergetai& of Polyrrhenia; found at Polyrrhenia on Crete); Priene 162, main part l. 121 %7 part 5 frag.k2, l.7 (%6 IPriene 37) (%6 Syll&4`3& 599) (decision of foreign judges from Rhodes in territorial dispute between Priene and Samos refers to evidence of historian Theopompos of Chios; found at Priene); IG XII 1, 127 (records of athletic society mentions Chiote members; found on Rhodes). @ Ώ@@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (78%19`160) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Miscellaneous (78%19`83) @ @@`78. Diagraphe of priesthood, concerning meat and sacrifices, stoichedon; V%3IV&4`1&; now in Museum of Chios: Athena 1908, p. 223, no. 24; *BCH 1913, pp. 194%19`202, no. 20 (PH); **Sokolowski, LSCG Supp. 77 (ll. 1%19`3); **SEG 22, 498 (ll. 1, 12); **Graf, Kulte, Chios 6 (l. 1, 10, 13). @ @@`79. Religious calendar, stoichedon; V%3IV; found at Parparia: Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I pp. 57%19`58 (PH); SEG 17, 379; Sokolowski, LSCG Supp. 131; SEG 22, 504; *Graf, Kulte, Chios 1 (PH); BE 1987:195; SEG 35, 922.a. @ @@`80. Inscription recording religious regulation of phratry(?) Klytidai, stoichedon; IV&4`2&; found at Latomi (or Kato Aigialos?); Sourias, MDAI(A) 3, 1878, pp. 203%19`207; *BCH 1879, pp. 45%19`58; Prott, LS 112; **Athena 1908, pp. 278%19`279 (ll. 2, 14, 19%19`20); Syll&4`3& 987; Guarducci, Fratria, pp. 95%19`96, no. 18; APF 1958, pp. 178, 180; **ABSA 1960, pp. 179%19`180 (l. 1); SEG 19, 582; **Sokolowski, LSCG 118 (l. 39); SEG 27, 536; SEG 30, 1070; **Graf, Kulte, Chios 3 (ll. 28, 34). @ @@`81. Inscription recording sale of priesthood to Daphnaios; II; found in Livadia: Athena 1908, p. 220, no. 19; *BCH 1913, pp. 224%19`228, no 31 (PH); Sokolowski, LSCG Supp. 78; SEG 22, 503. @ @@`82. Chronological list of religious officials and contributors to temple; I; found at Volissos: Athena 1908, pp. 216%19`217, no. 14; *ABSA 1966, pp. 198%19`200, no. 3 (PH); Graf, Kulte, Chios 8. @ @@`83. Unpublished regulation for sale of priesthood; no date; found on Chios: BCH 1935, p. 434. @ See also: Chios 1%19`7, 47%19`49, 222, 225%19`233, 249, 255, 301, 305, 498%19`500, 505, 516, 523, 565; IG IV&4`2& 1, 123, ll. 117%19`123 (cure%19inscription relates cure of Herakleitos of Chios, who stopped at Asklepieion on way from Peiraeus to Leukas; found at Epidauros); FDelphes III 3, 213 (inscription recording grant of &3promanteie& to Chios by Delphi; found at Delphi); Macridy JO+AI 1912 p. 47 no. 5 and pp. 51%19`52 no. 18, Macridy%19Bey %9 Picard BCH 1915 pp. 48%19`49, Robert OM IV pp. 133, 153, 154, 161, 184, and 222, and S%25ahin, EA 9, 1987, 64%19`66, no.'s 10%19`15 (%6 SEG 37, 971%19`974, 977%19`978) (inscriptions listing individuals from Chios visiting Klaros; found at Klaros); IG XII 8, 209, l. 5 (list of &3mystai& includes individual from Chios; found on Samothrake). @ @@@@Section: 9c. Dedications (84%19`160) @ ԏ@@@@Section: 9c1. Dedications to Royal and Imperial Persons (84%19`90) @ @@`84. Dedication [on behalf of (or to?)] King Ptolemaios (II?) and Queen Arsinoe; 278%3`270 BC; found on Chios (in city?): *Fustel de Coulanges, BCH 16, 1892, p. 324, no. 2. @ @@`85. Dedication to &3Theoi Sebastoi&; imperial; found in ruins of temple on Chios: *CIG 2217b. @ @@`86. Dedication to &3Theoi Sebastoi,& perhaps identical to number 85; 2; found at Phrankika on Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 221, no. 20; Graf, Kulte, Chios 22.c. @ @@`87. Dedication to &3Theoi& [&3Se&]&3bastoi&; 2; from Latomi: Athena 1908, p. 224, no. 26; *Graf, Kulte, Chios 22.a. @ @@`88. Dedication to &3Theoi Sebastoi&; 2; found near Neochori on Chios: *Athena 1908, pp. 226%19`227, no. 33; Graf, Kulte, Chios 22.d. @ @@`89. Altar of &3Theoi Sebastoi&; 2; found at Sklavia: *Daux, BCH 91, 1967, p. 743 (PH); Graf, Kulte, Chios 22.e. @ @@`90. Dedication to &3Sebastoi&; 2; now in Museum of Chios, provenance unknown: *Athena 1908, p. 222, no. 23; Graf, Kulte, Chios 22.b. @ @@@@Section: 9c2. Dedications to Gods (91%19`160) @ @@`91. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription to Aphrodite St%1[rateia] by group of magistrates (?); c. 335 BC; found in Phrourion of city of Chios, poss. wandered from Erythrai: Paspatis, p. 421, no. 57; Athena 1916, p. 161, no. 5; *Graf, Kulte, Erythrai 3 (PH). @ @@`92. Dedication to Aphrodeite &3epekoos,& Paphia by Leon; no date; found in city of Chios: *Athena 1908, pp. 227%19`228, no. 36; **Graf, Kulte, Chios 45 (l. 4). @ @@`93. Dedication to Aphrode[ite] Neotera by [D]oris; 2; found at ݂Kato Katarraktis: *ABSA 1940%19`1945, p. 37; **SEG 15, 546 (ll. 1%19`2); Graf, Kulte, Chios 46. @ ݪ@@`93.5. Dedication to [A]phrodeite [N]eotera by Doris; 2; found in city of Chios: *Graf, Kulte, Chios 47; BE 1987:195. @ @@`94. Dedication to Apollo by Pantakles on pedestal of louterion (?); 550%3`500 BC; found at Mone Moundon on Chios: Kondoleon, Hellenika 4, 1931, pp. 425%19`428 (PH); *Graf, Kulte, Chios 28. @ @@`95. Dedication to Apollo (?) by [ ... ] [Theop]ompou (?), with two uses of word &3philokaisar&; imperial; now in Museum of Chios: *MDAI(A) 1888, pp. 174%19`175, no. 16. @ @@`96. Dedication to Apol[lo] by Libys; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *SEG 16, 493. @ @@`97. Fragment with &3Apoll&[ ... ] and &3charin&; no date; found in city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 264, no. 146. @ @@`98. &3Eucharisterion& dedicated (?) to Apollo (?); 1; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: Athena 1908, p. 264, no. 147; *Graf, Kulte, Chios 29; SEG 35, 922.f. @ ⪵@@`98.5. Dedication of &3krepidoma& to &3theoi& and Apollo by Quintus [ ... ]tianus and others; imperial; found on Psyra: *Mpardani, Horos 3, 1985, 119%19`120 (PH). @ @@`99. Dedication to [Apollo?]n on piece of pottery; archaic?; found at Kato Phana: *Kourouniotis, AD 2, 1916, p. 199, fig. 16 (PH); Graf, Kulte, Chios 31.a. @ @@`100. Dedication by Dem[ ... ] [to Apollo] on Naukratite A; VI; found at Kato Phana: *ABSA 1934%19`1935, p. 161, no. 1 (PH). @ @@`101. Dedication [to Apollo] on Naukratite A; VI; found at Kato Phana: *ABSA 1934%19`1935, p. 161, no. 2 (PH). @ @@`102. Dedication to A[pollo] on Naukratite A; VI&4`1&; found at Kato Phana: *ABSA 1934%19`1935, p. 161, no. 3 (PH); Graf, Kulte, Chios 31.c. @ @@`103. Dedication to Apollo on sherd of Naukratite A; VI&4`1&; found at Kato Phana: *ABSA 1934%19`1935, p. 161, no. 4 (PH); Graf, Kulte, Chios 31.b. @ @@`104. Dedication [to Apollo] on Naukratite A; VI; found at Kato Phana: *ABSA 1934%19`1935, p. 161, no. 5 (PH). @ @@`105. Dedication by [ ... ] &3paid&[&3es&?] [to Apollo] on Naukratite A; VI; found at Kato Phana: *ABSA 1934%19`1935, p. 161, no. 7 (PH). @ @@`106. Dedication to (Apollo) Hekat[ebolos] (or Hekat[e]) on Naukratite A; VI&4`1&; found at Kato Phana: *ABSA 1934%19`1935, p. 161, no. 6 (PH); Graf, Kulte, Chios 31.d; SEG 35, 922.g. @ @@`107. Dedication to [Apollo] Phanaio[s] on coarse ware; VI?; found at Kato Phana: *ABSA 1934%19`1935, pp. 161%19`162, fig. 13 (PH); Graf, Kulte, Chios 32.a. @ @@`108. Dedication to [Apollo Phan]aio[s] on coarse ware; VI?; found at Kato Phana: *ABSA 1934%19`1935, pp. 161%19`162, fig. 13 (PH); Graf, Kulte, Chios 32.c. @ @@`109. Dedication to [Apollo Pha]n[aios] (?) on coarse ware; VI?; found at Kato Phana: *ABSA 1934%19`1935, pp. 161%19`162, fig. 13 (PH). @ @@`110. Dedication to [Apollo] Ph[anaios] on coarse ware; VI?; found at Kato Phana: *ABSA 1934%19`1935, pp. 161%19`162, fig. 13 (PH); Graf, Kulte, Chios 32.d. @ @@`110.5. Fragment of dedication to [Apollo Pha]nai[os] on pottery fragment; VI?; found at Kato Phana: Kourouniotis, AD 2, 1916, 206 (PH); *Graf, Kulte, Chios 32.b. @ @@`111. Dedication to Artemis by Phainomenos Angeleus; no date; found on Chios, prob. at Emporio: *CIG 2227; ABSA 1963, p. 60, no. 12; SEG 22, 516; Graf, Kulte, Chios 35. @ @@`112. Dedication to Artemis on piece of pottery; VI&4`1&; found at Kato Phana: Kourouniotis, AD 2, 1916, p. 199, fig. 16 (PH); *Graf, Kulte, Chios 34. @ @@`113. Dedication to Artemis Epheseie by Athena[i]s Metronos; no date; found in Palaiokastro of city of Chios: *CIG 2228; Graf, Kulte, Chios 37. @ @@`113.5. Dedication to Artemis Ephesie by Athenagoras Athenagorou and Teken (?) Hermodamou; no date; found in city of Chios: Ziebarth, Ber. d. Wilhelm%19Gymn. zu Hamburg 1902%19`1903, 11, no. 23 (non vidi); *Graf, Kulte, Chios 38. @ @@`113.7. Dedication to Artemis Epheseie by Ag[ ... ]os Aratou; III%3II; found in Palaiokastro of city of Chios: *Graf, Kulte, Chios 39 (PH); BE 1987:195. @ @@`114. Unpublished dedication to Artemis of Ephesos; no date; now on Chios: ABSA 1963, p. 61. @ @@`115. Dedication to [Asklepios and Hygie]ia; II; found on Chios: *Wilamowitz, ADAW 1909, pp. 7%19`8 (PH); Graf, Kulte, Chios 43. @ @@`116. Dedication to Basileus and Kouretes by priestess Gorgion Melanta, on base; II%3I; found at Volissos, possibly from Priene: *Mitsos, Hesperia 16, 1947, pp. 87%19`88, no. 13 (PH); Graf, Kulte, *Chios 1; SEG 35, 922.l. @ @@`117. Dedication to Demeter by Nane; V%3IV; found at Taxiarchiki on Chios: BE 1956:209; SEG 15, 533; *Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I pp. 68%19`69 (PH); BE 1960:316; SEG 16, 491; SEG 17, 387; Graf, Kulte, Chios 50; SEG 35, 922.h. @ @@`118. Dedication by Demetra (?) to Artemis (?); no date; found in city of Chios: Paspatis, pp. 412%19`413, no. 27; *Graf, Kulte, Chios 36. @ @@`119. Dedication to Demeter Thesmophoros and Herakles Al[ ... ]; imperial?; found near harbor of city of Chios, poss. wandered from Erythrai: *Fustel de Coulanges, BCH 16, 1892, pp. 324%19`325, no. 3; SEG 17, 386b; Graf, Kulte, Erythrai 2. @ @@`120. Dedication of small altar to Dionysos Aktaion by Iollas (?); 1; found at Kardamyla: *Kourouniotis, AD 2, 1916, p. 213, fig. 38 (PH); Graf, Kulte, Chios 52. @ @@`121. Dedication to Herakles Soter by Ech[e]leon (?) Demetriou; no date; found at Latomi: *Athena 1908, p. 272, no. 175, pp. 511%19`512; ABSA 1963, pp. 57%19`58, no. 8; SEG 22, 514 (l. 2); Graf, Kulte, Chios 58. @ @@`122. Dedication to [Hera]kles and Athena by [Arte]mesia A[n]d[rona]ktos (?), with artist's signature (?) by Heridan[os]; no date; found near Mesta: *Athena 1908, p. 227, no. 34a; Graf, Kulte, Chios 55.A. @ @@`123. Dedication to [He]rakles and [D]ionysos by Angeles; Roman; found near Elata: Paspatis, p. 403, no. 7; *Athena 1908, p. 228, no. 37; **SEG 16, 492 (ll. 1%19`2); Graf, Kulte, Chios 56. @ @@`124. Dedication to [He]rakl[es] and Dionysos by [E]uk[r]ito[s]; no date; found near Kalamoti: *Athena 1908, p. 227, no. 35; ABSA 1963, p. 57, no. 7; **SEG 22, 513 (l. 1). @ @@`125. Dedication to Hermeas by [Phi]lodemos, stoichedon; V%3IV; found north of Viki: *Mitsos, Hesperia, 16, 1947, p. 88, no. 14; Graf, Kulte, Chios 48. @ @@`126. Dedicatory graffito to Hermes (?) on roof%19tile; I; found in Kophinas north of city of Chios: *Anderson, ABSA 49, 1954, p. 171, no. 370 (PH); SEG 14, 564; Graf, Kulte, Chios 83. @ @@`127. Dedication to Hermes; IV (?); found in Phrourion of Chios: Paspatis, p. 415, no. 34; *BCH 1913, p. 202, no. 22; Graf, Kulte, Chios 14. @ @@`128. Dedication to Hermes Sam[ ... ] by Lenaiskos Ne[ ... ]; IV; found at Lithi: *ABSA 1966, p. 205, no. 10; Graf, Kulte, Chios 49. @ @@`129. Dedication to [Her]mes and Herakles by Alkaios and Nikeratos; II; found at Turloti: *ABSA 1966, p. 206, no. 11 (PH); Graf, Kulte, Chios 71. @ @@`130. Dedication to Hermes and Her[akles] by Athenion Symmachou, on base; I%3`1; found in city of Chios: *Mouseion 1876, p. 33, no. 137; **MDAI(A) 1888, pp. 173%19`174, no. 14 (ll. 2, 4); **Athena 1909, p. 350 (ll. 3%19`4); BCH 1935, p. 464; Graf, Kulte, Chios 72. @ @@`131. Dedication to Hermes and Herakles by gymnasiarch [A]ulus Tullius A[ ... ]; Roman; found in city of Chios: *Athena 1908, pp. 271%19`272, no. 174; **APF 1958, p. 182 (ll. 1%19`3). @ @@`132. Unpublished dedication to Hermes and Herakles by 3 gymnasiarchs, including a Roman; Roman; now on Chios: APF 1958, p. 182. @ @@`133. Dedication to Hygieia by Noumenios Apolloniou; II; found in city of Chios: BE 1954:204; SEG 15, 534; *Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I pp. 61%19`62 (PH); BE 1960:315; SEG 17, 390; Graf, Kulte, Chios 44. @ @@`134. Dedication to Isis, Serapis, Anoubis, Harpokrates, and &3theoi synnaoi kai synbomoi& by Thraseas Diogenous; imperial; found in city of Chios: *CIG 2230; Vidman, Sylloge 257; Graf, Kulte, Chios 65. @ @@`135. Dedication to &3thea Kore epekoos aneiketos Ourania& by Trophimas; 1%3`2; found in city of Chios, poss. wandered from Lydia or Phrygia: Mouseion 1876, p. 35, no. 144; MDAI(A) 37, 1912, 15, no. 65 (non vidi); *Kourouniotis, AD 1, 1915, pp. 92%19`93; Graf, Kulte, *Chios 2; SEG 35, 922.k. @ @@`136. Dedication (?) to Leto by Agathob[ ... ] on column; no date; found at Kato Phana: *MDAI(A) 1888, p. 176, no. 21c; **ABSA 1964, p. 33, no. 23c2 (ll. 2%19`3); SEG 22, 528hii; Graf, Kulte, Chios 42. @ @@`136.5. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription to Leto by [A]rist[o]demos Aristanaktos for victor [Pha]nios Onesandrou, on base; III; found in city of Chios: *Graf, Kulte, Chios 41 (PH); BE 1987:195. @ @@`137. Dedication to Meter Kybeleie by Euenor Heragoreo, partly stoichedon; IV&4`2&; found at Kini: *BCH 1933, pp. 483%19`484, no. 4 (PH); ABSA 1963, pp. 59%19`60, no. 11; SEG 22, 511; IErythrai 211; Graf, Kulte, Chios 59; SEG 35, 922.j. @ @@`138. Dedication to &3Meter Theon& by Agathokles Athenodorou; Hellenistic (?); found at Vrontados: *Athena 1908, pp. 225%19`226, no. 31; Graf, Kulte, Chios 62. @ @@`139. Dedication to Meter and Ar[temis] (?) by [A]thenes for Abathe[ia?]; no date; found at Emporio: *Paspatis, pp. 420%19`421, no. 54; Athena 1908, p. 256, no. 118; ABSA 1963, p. 59, no. 10; **SEG 22, 515 (l. 1); Graf, Kulte, Chios 61. @ @@`140. Dedication (?) to Moira and Zas Moiregetes; IV; found in city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 225, no. 30; **Sokolowski, LSCG Supp. 79; SEG 22, 502; Graf, Kulte, Chios 2. @ @@`141. Dedication to Pan (?); Roman; found at Emporio: *ABSA 1940%19`1945, p. 37; **ABSA 1964, p. 34, no. 26 (ll. 1%19`3); SEG 22, 529b. @ @@`142. &3Charisterion& dedicated to Serapis by Philinna Charinou; II%3I; now in Museum of Chios: *AD 1927%19`1928, Par. p. 27, no. 10 (PH); Vidman, Sylloge 256; Graf, Kulte, Chios 64. @ @@`143. Dedication to Zas, mentioning Eumenides, stoichedon; IV?; found at Katarraktis: *Athena 1908, p. 277, no. 189; **SGDI IV p. 878 (ll. 1%19`2, 4); Graf, Kulte, Chios 82. @ @@`144. Dedication to Zeus Milichi[os]; imperial; found in city of Chios: *Paspatis, pp. 421%19`422, no. 58; Graf, Kulte, Chios 19. @ @@`145. Dedication to Zeus Patroios by [ ... ] Andrisk[ou]; III; found in Kardamyla: Athena 1908, p. 242, no. 63; *APF 1958, p. 178; **SEG 17, 388 (l. 2); Graf, Kulte, Chios 24. @ @@`146. Dedication to Zeus Sebastos; I&7e&%3`1; found in city of Chios: *AD 1927%19`1928, Par. p. 29, no. 16 (PH); Graf, Kulte, Chios 23. @ @@`147. Dedication to Zeus Olympios and Herakles; I%3`1; found near Mesta: Paspatis, p. 410, no. 24; *Fustel de Coulanges, BCH 16, 1892, p. 325, no. 4; Graf, Kulte, Chios 18. @ @@`148. Dedicatory%3honorary inscription to all the gods by Demetria Agathonos for father Agathon Agathokleus; no date; found on Chios: *CIG 2225; Graf, Kulte, Chios 67. @ @@`149. Dedication to all the gods by Theodo[tos] The?]odotou; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 226, no. 32; Graf, Kulte, Chios 66. @ @@`149.5. Thanksgiving offering to &3Theoi Megaloi& by Deios Deiou of Erythrai; imperial; found on Psyra: *Mpardani, Horos 3, 1985, 122%19`123 (PH). @ @@`150. Dedication by Herodoto[s] to Dien[ysos]; V&7m&; found at Emporio: *ABSA 1963, p. 56, no. 4 (PH); Boardman, Emporio p. 63 (PH); Graf, Kulte, Chios 51; SEG 35, 922.i. @ @@`151. &3Eucha&[&3risterion&] dedicated by Cestianus Aglaos; Roman; found at Emporio: *ABSA 1964, pp. 35%19`36, no. 28c2; SEG 22, 531cii. @ @@`152. Dedication of column by Lykaithos; VI&7b&; found near Tholopotami: *Kondoleon, PAAH 1952, pp. 528%19`529; SEG 15, 547. @ @@`153. Dedication by Faianius Sabinus; AD 148; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 239, no. 55; Haussoullier, RPh 33, 1909, p. 17; **Pflaum, ZPE 7, 1971, pp. 61%19`63. @ @@`154. Dedication of &3dekate& by Philes &3ton Aristonos, &3exeleutheros&; prob. 533%3`500 BC; found at Emporio: *ABSA 1963, p. 54, no. 3; SEG 22, 509; Boardman, Emporio 63 (PH). @ @@`155. Dedication by [ ... ]olbos Theoterpou; III; found in city of Chios: *Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I p. 52 (PH); **SEG 17, 389 (ll. 1%19`2). @ @@`156. Dedication of &3baseis& by (no name) Ant[i]medou; no date; found on Chios: *CIG 2231. @ @@`157. Fragment of dedicatory inscription (?) by [ ... ] Eukratou; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *AD 1927%19`1928, Par. p. 29, no. 17. @ @@`158. Inscription on altar, possibly fragment of dedication; no date; found at Turloti: *Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I pp. 75%19`76 (PH); SEG 17, 391. @ @@`159. Inscription mentioning &3bathra&; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Paspatis, p. 403, no. 4. @ @@`160. Fragment on piece of coarse ware; archaic?; found at Kato Phana: *ABSA 1934%19`1935, pp. 161%19`162, fig. 13 (PH). @ See also: Chios 43%19`46, 187%19`188, 200, 266, 392, 422, 492.5, 512.03, 512.09, 512.30, 512.33, 512.36, 512.39, and 512.60; Cook %9 Woodhead, ABSA 47, 1952, pp. 159%19`170, Williams, AA 98, 1983, 155%19`186 (dedications on Chian pottery and by Chians; found at Aphaia on Aigina); IG II&4`2& 2802 (dedicatory%3honorary inscription by &3demos& of Chios for Phesinos Skythinou to Athena Polias and all the gods; found in Attica); IG XI 4, 1195 (dedication to &3theoi& of (statue of) Nikokleia Aristodemou by Theon Stratonos of Chios; found on Delos); IG XI 4, 1249 (dedication to Horos by Ktesippos Ktesippou of Chios, &3melanephoro&[&3s&]; found on Delos); IG XI 4, 1250 (dedication to Isis by [K]tesippos [K]tesippou of Chios, &3melanephoros&; found on Delos); BCH 20, 1896, pp. 632%19`3 (%6 FDelphes III 4, 253) (dedicatory%3honorary inscription by &3demos& of Chios to Apollo Pythios for Phesinos Skythinou of Chios; found at Delphi); Edgar ABSA 1898%19`1899 p. 55 no's 51 %9 60, CVA Cambridge 2 pp. 32%19`36 p. 17, CVA Oxford 2 pp. 81%19`84 p. 5, Cook %9 Woodhead ABSA 1952 pp. 159%19`170, Boardman, Chios 257 (dedications on Chian pottery and by Chians; found at Naukratis); Habicht, Olympia 7. Bericht 1961, pp. 218%19`223 (dedication by athlete Leon Myonidou, victorious at contests including &3Theophaneia& of Chios; found at Olympia). @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (161%19`224) @ @@@@Section: 10a. For Royal and Imperial Persons (161%19`169) @ @@`161. Honorary inscription by &3boule& and &3demos& for Julius Caesar, patron of city; 48 BC; found at Sklavia: *CIG 2215; SEG 14, 560. @ @@`162. Honorary inscription by &3demos& for Julius Caesar, benefactor of city; 48 BC; found on Chios (in city?): CIG 2214g; MDAI(A) 1888, pp. 168%19`169, no. 8; *Athena 1908, p. 238, no. 51; **Raubitschek, JRS 44, 1954, p. 67, no. N (PH) (ll. 4%19`5, 7%19`8); SEG 14, 561. @ @@`163. Honorary inscription by &3demos& for Drusus &3Caesar Augusti &3filius&; AD 14%3`23; found at Moutsena: *Paspatis, p. 408, no. 20; @ @@`164. Honorary inscription by &3gerousia& for Trajan; AD 98%3`117; found in Palaiokastro of city of Chios: *CIG 2216. @ @@`165. Honorary inscription for Trajan; AD 98%3`117; found in city of Chios: *CIG 2216b; **MDAI(A) 1888, p. 169, no. 9. @ @@`166. Honorary inscription by &3demos& for Hadrian, new Dionysos, &3Olympios Panellenios&; AD 128%3`138; now in Museum of Chios: BE 1956:215; *SEG 15, 530; Graf, Kulte, Chios 85. @ @@`167. Honorary inscription by &3demos& for Marcus Aurelius; AD 140%3`161; now in Museum of Chios: BE 1956:214; *SEG 15, 531. @ @@`168. Honorary inscription by &3demos& for L. Verus; AD 162; found in city of Chios: *CIG 2217. @ @@`169. Honorary inscription by &3demos& for Crispina Augusta; AD 176%3`182; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: Mouseion 1876, p. 36, no. 146; Riemann, BCH 1, 1877, p. 82, no. 5; *Forrest, &3Chios 134 (PH). @ See also: Chios 11, 20%19`21, 30%19`31, 218%19`219. @ @@@@Section: 10b. For Others: Name Preserved (170%19`200) @ @@`170. Honorary inscription for Publ[i]us Aelius [P(ubli)] f(ilius) Ser[g]ia Ly[sim]achos; AD 98%3`200; found in city of Chios: *CIG 2226. @ @@`171. Honorary inscription by &3demos& of Chios for L(ucius) Aemilius Decius Andromachos, &3procurator Augusti&; imperial; found near city of Chios: *CIG 2218. @ @@`172. Honorary inscription for &3xenophylakes& Aphrodisios Sarapionos &3et al.& by &3porthmeuontes& to Erythrai; I; found in city of Chios: *MDAI(A) 1888, pp. 169%19`170, no. 10b, ll. 6%19`15; REG 1929, pp. 35%19`36, no. B; SEG 17, 382; IErythrai 74. @ @@`173. Honorary inscription for &3xenophylakes& Apollonides &3et al. by &3naukleros& and &3erg&[&3astai&] in harbor; I; found in city of Chios: Paspatis, p. 415, no. 35; *MDAI(A) 1888, pp. 169%19`170, no. 10a; REG 1929, pp. 36%19`37; **SEG 17, 382A (ll. 1, 4, 7). @ @@`174. Honorary inscription for Artem[on] by &3gerousia&; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 238, no. 52. @ @@`175. Honorary (or funerary?) inscription for gymnasiarch Athenion, somehow concerned with Theophanika Rhomaia; Roman; now in Museum of Chios: *Paspatis, p. 418, no. 46. @ @@`176. Honorary inscription for Au[2r]2(elius) Hekataios Hermippou, who had been &3strategos& and held other offfices, by fellow magistrates, according to decree of &3demos&; AD 212%3`300; found on Chios: *CIG 2221b. @ @@`177. Honorary inscription for Aur(elius) Nikandros by &3boule& and &3demos&; AD 212%3`300; now in Museum of Chios: *AD 1927%19`1928, Par. p. 27, no. 8b (PH). @ @@`178. Honorary inscription for athlete Demetrios Diogenou, victorious at Kos, Argos, and Delphi; Roman; found at Livadia: Athena 1908, p. 228, no. 38; Athena 1916, p. 162, no. 8 (part); *Robert, E/t. e/p. pp. 126%19`128. @ @@`179. Honorary inscription by &3presbyteroi& for their &3archon [D]iodoros Lysimachou, with summary of their honorary decree; no date; found in city of Chios: *CIG 2220. @ @@`180. Honorary inscription for D[i]o[genes] Theomnidos; 1&7m&; now in Museum of Chios: Athena 1908, p. 270, no. 170; *APF 1958, p. 183, no. 13; **SEG 17, 383 (ll. 1%19`3). @ @@`181. Honorary inscription for Dionysios Agathokles; II; found in city of Chios: *Stephanou, Eis Mnemen K. Amantou, p. 145 (PH); BE 1961:468; SEG 19, 571. @ @@`181.5. Honorary inscription by &3demos& for [Dion]ysodoros [Dion]ysodorou; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: Paspatis p. 409, no. 22; *Athena 1908, p. 235, no. 47. @ @@`182. Honorary inscription for Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus, patron, by &3demos&; 16%3c. 1 BC; now in Museum of Chios: *AD 1927%19`1928, Par. p. 25, no. 4 (PH). @ @@`183. Honorary inscription for Habrosyne Zenidos by &3demos&; no date; found in Palaiokastro of city of Chios: *CIG 2223. @ @@`184. Honorary inscription for athlete Hermogenes N[ ... ] by &3demos&; II; now in Museum of Chios: *Stephanou, Eis Mnemen K. Amantou, pp. 144%19`145 (PH); **SEG 19, 570 (ll. 1%19`2, 4). @ @@`185. Honorary inscription for Capitolius Artemas by &3boule& and &3demos&; imperial; found in city of Chios, poss. wandered from Erythrai: Paspatis, p. 420, no. 53; *Graf, Kulte, Erythrai 4. @ @@`186. Honorary inscription for Claudi[a] Hedea; 1; found at Vrontados: BE 1956:213; *SEG 15, 532; Graf, Kulte, Chios 79. @ @@`187. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for &3synar&[&3chon&] [L]ucius Cocceius Gor[dianos] and colleague by &3polemarchoi& and &3exetastai&; 1&7m&; now in Museum of Chios: AD 1927%19`1928, Par. pp. 25%19`27, no. 7 (PH); *BCH 1933, pp. 534%19`535; **Robert, E/t. e/p. pp. 133%19`134 (PH) (l. 4). @ @@`187.5. Honorary inscription for (?) [Lu]cius Licinius [ ... ]; I; now in Museum of Chios: *Forrest, Horos 3, 1985, 97, no. 2 (PH). @ @@`188. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Mega[r]istos Kallipho[n]tos to &3theoi megaloi& by daughter [ ... ]la Megaristou; no date; found on Chios: *CIG 2221d; Graf, Kulte, Chios 63. @ @@`189. Honorary inscription for [M]egiste Asklepiadou by daughter Megiste Dionysiou; no date; found in city of Chios: *CIG 2224. @ @@`190. Honorary inscription for &3polemarchos& M[ik]ion (?) by those living on Psyra; no date; found on Psyra: *CIG 2245. @ @@`191. Honorary inscription for [Luciu]s Nassius by (name lost) and &3cheirotechnai&; I; found in city of Chios: *Athena 1909, pp. 350%19`352, no. 3, ll. 7%19`12; **APF 16, 1958, p. 187, note 2 (l. 3). @ @@`192. Honorary inscription for &3nauarchos& Neileus Neileos, his &3synarchontes,& and Pamphilos Pamphilou by [&3naukleroi&] and &3ergastai in harbor; c. I&7m&; found in Plaka on Lemnos, wandered from Chios: *IG XII 8, 16; **REG 1929, pp. 32%19`38 (l. 3); **APF 1958, p. 185 (l. 5). @ @@`193. Honorary inscription for Neileus and his &3synarchontes& by [ ... ] and &3cheirotechnai;& I; found in Aitolaria: *Athena 1909, pp. 350%19`352, no. 3, ll. 1%19`5; **REG 1929, p. 36, no. C (ll. 1%19`2, 3%19`5); **BCH 1933, p. 538, note 0 (l. 3); APF 1958, p. 185, note 2. @ @@`194. Unpublished honorary (or funerary?) inscription for Nikias, former &3nauarchos&; no date; now in Museum of Chios: BE 1958:381. @ @@`195. Honorary inscription for [Mar]cus Vinicius, proconsul and [patron], by &3demos&; I%3`1; now in Museum of Chios: *AD 1927%19`1928, Par. p. 27, no. 9 (PH); Pleket, Greek Inscriptions in Leyden, p. 61; **SEG 22, 505 (l. 2). @ @@`196. Honorary inscription for Lucius Ulpius [ ... ] &3f&(&3ilius&) Sergia Glykon by &3gerousia&; imperial; now in Museum of Chios: *AD 1927%19`1928, Par. p. 27, no. 8a (PH). @ @@`197. Honorary inscription for Pamphilos, former gymnasiarch, and &3synarchontes&; 2; found in city of Chios: *MDAI(A) 1888, p. 175, no. 17; APF 1958, pp. 187%19`9, no. 20; **SEG 17, 384 (ll. 1%19`6). @ Ū@@`197.5. Honorary inscription for &3agoranomos& Pheseinos and &3synarchontes& by &3grammateis&; 2; found at Hagios Isidoros: *Mendoni, Horos 1, 1983, 19%19`24 (PH). @ @@`198. Honorary inscription for &3synagogos& Philotas Metronos by colleagues; II; found on Chios: *CIG 2221c; **APF 1958, pp. 172%19`173, no. 8, p. 177 (l. 1); Horsley, New Documents 4, p. 217, no. 45. @ @@`199. Honorary inscription for &3xenophylakes& (no name), [Sosi]patr[os] The[ ... ], and N[eileus] by &3porthmeis&; I?; found in city of Chios: MDAI(A) 1888, p. 170, no. 10b, ll. 1%19`5; REG 1929, pp. 35%19`38, no.'s A, F; Robert, BCH 57, 1953, pp. 538%19`539; APF 1958, p. 187, no. 19; *SEG 17, 382B, ll. 1%19`11. @ Ǫ@@`199.5. Honorary inscription for Potamon Menedemou by demos; II; found in city of Chios: *Mendoni, Horos 3, 1985, 116 (PH). @ @@`200. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Thrasymbrotas Agathinou by &3maia& Thrasymbrota Agathinou to gods; no date; found in city of Chios, wandered from Dorian%19speaking city: Paspatis, p. 416, no. 36; *MDAI(A) 1888, pp. 175%19`176, no. 20. @ See also: Chios 12%19`13, 15, 17%19`19, 267%19`269; IG II&4`2& 3778 (honorary inscription for Phanes Deiniou of Chios; found in Attica); IG XI 4, 1197 (honorary%3dedicatory inscription for father Dexios Philonos of Chios by sons Philon and Biottos, to &3theoi&; found on Delos); ID 4, 1864.r (honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Dionysios Dionysiou of Athens, &3hiereus& of Apollo, by Kynthiades Dionysiou of Chios, to &3theoi&; found on Delos); Erythrai 116 (%6 IErythrai 58) (%6 JO/AI 13, 1910, 51, 16) (honorary inscription for Semylos Theodosios of Chios by &3demos& (of Erythrai); found at Erythrai); Halikarnassos 91 (%6 Syll&4`3& 1064) (%6 Moretti 56) (%6 RA 24, 1872, 109) (honorary inscription for [Dr]akontomenes Hierokleous mentions victories at Theophania of Chios and elsewhere; found at Halikarnassos); Mitford, RDAC 1980, pp. 212%19`213 (honorary inscription for [Aristo]s Timodemou of Chios; found at Karpasia on Cyprus). @ ɏ@@@@Section: 10c. For Others: Name Fragmentary (201%19`202) @ @@`201. Honorary inscription (?) for [ ... ]&3mos ho Chion& [ ... ]; no date; found in Livadia: *Athena 1908, p. 239, no. 54. @ @@`202. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]ythos Dionysiou; I; found in Palaiokastro of city of Chios: *Stephanou, Eis Mnemen K. Amantou, p. 145 (PH); SEG 19, 572. @@@@Section: 10d. For Others: Name Lost (203%19`217) @ @@`203. Honorary inscription for &3polemarchos& [ ... ]os S[em]ou (?) by &3hoi epi tou ek&[ ... ]; no date; found in city of Chios: MDAI(A) 1888, p. 171, no. 12; *Athena 1908, p. 235, no. 48. @ @@`204. Excised. @ @@`205. Honorary inscription for Roman citizen belonging to tribe Quirina; Roman; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 240, no. 57. @ @@`206. Honorary%3funerary inscription (?) by &3demos& [of Chios] and &3demos& of Erythrai; no date; found in city of Chios: *CIG 2219. @ @@`207. Honorary inscription for (no name) concerning supplying of water; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: Paspatis, p. 411, no. 26; *MDAI(A) 1888, pp. 171%19`173, no. 13. @ @@`208. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) by &3demos&; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *MDAI(A) 1888, p. 175, no. 18. @ @@`209. Fragment mentioning Phersephassia celebrated at Kyzikos and Kaisareia at Apollonia; imperial; found in city of Chios: *MDAI(A) 1888, p. 177, no. 22. @ @@`210. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) mentioning embassy; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 219, no. 17. @ @@`211. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) mentioning 10 &3bathra that individual provided to &3demos,& possibly identical with number 159; late; found near ruin N. Kokkinaki (?) on Chios: Athena 1908, p. 220, no. 18; *Garbrah, ZPE 70, 1987, 155, no. 2. @ @@`212. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) for individual who supplied water to city; no date; found near Ververaton: *Athena 1908, p. 275, no. 185. @ @@`213. Honorary inscription for contributor of &3choregiai& and victor at Dionys[ia]; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 520, no. 1. @ @@`214. Honorary inscription for (no name), [gymnasiarch?]; 2; found at Latomi: *BE 1958:380; **SEG 16, 488 (l. 2). @ @@`215. End of honorary inscription: [ ... ]&3ochesantas kata th&[ ... ]; I%3`1; found on Chios: BE 1958:381; *SEG 16, 487. @ @@`216. Honorary (or dedicatory?) inscription by [&3k&]&3arpologoi& (?); I%3`1; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Stephanou, Eis Mnemen K. Amantou, p. 143 (PH); BE 1961:467; **SEG 19, 573 (ll. 1%19`5). @ @@`217. Honorary inscription for (no name) mentioning [Tibe]rius Cl[audius]: AD 14%3`20; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Stephanou, Eis Mnemen K. Amantou, p. 144 (PH); BE 1961:468; **SEG 19, 574 (ll. 0a, 0b, 1%19`5). @ See also: Chios 10, 14, 16, 22, 270, 534, 553; Erythrai 132.5 (%6 EA 9, 1987, 145, 16) (honorary inscription for (no name) by [&3demos&] of Chios and other cities; found at Erythrai). @ ڏ@@@@Section: 10e. Foundation Inscriptions (218%19`223) @ @@`218. Fragment of foundation inscription of [Antiochos IV Epi]phanes, &3philokaisar&; 1&7m&; found near city of Chios: *Mouseion 1876, p. 35, no. 143; MDAI(A) 1888, p. 174, no. 15; Athena 1916, p. 165, no. 13; **Robert, E/t. e/p. pp. 140%19`142 (ll. 1, 4); **BE 1958:382 (ll. 1%19`3, 5%19`6). @ @@`219. Fragment of foundation inscription of Basileus [Antiochos IV Epiphanes &3philokaisar&], duplicate of number 218; 1&7m&; found in Livadia: **BE 1958:382 (ll. 1%19`4); *SEG 16, 490. @ @@`220. Foundation inscription of Apollonios Apolloniou, &3stephanephoros& in year after King Rhoemetalkes, with donation of grain; AD 39%3`50; found in city of Chios: *Mouseion, 1876, p. 36, no. 149. @ @@`221. Foundation inscription of &3agonothetes& (no name), who made gift to city; imperial; found on Chios (in city?): *RPh 1937, pp. 334%19`335, no. 9 (PH); Graf, Kulte, Chios 9. @ @@`222. Fragment of foundation inscription of (no name) &3philopatris, stephanephoros& for cult of Augusti, Hermes, and Herakles; imperial; now in Museum of Chios: *Robert, E/t. e/p. p. 140; Graf, Kulte, Chios 74. @ @@`223. Fragment of foundation inscription; no date; found on Chios: *CIG 2214f. @ @@@@Section: 10f. Nike Inscription (224) @ @@`224. Inscription referring to victory of Apoll[ ... ] and &3philia& of various individuals; no date; found in city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 269, no. 166. @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (225%19`257) @ @@@@Section: 11a. Religious Horoi (225%19`233) @ @@`225. Stone marking location of precinct of &3Acheloios Presbonon, stoichedon; V&4`2&%3IV&4`1&; found at Kalamoti: *Wilamowitz, ADAW 1909, pp. 16%19`17, no. 3 (PH); ABSA 1963, pp. 56%19`57, no. 5; Graf, Kulte, Chios 10. @ @@`226. Horos of Apollo Agretas; III; found in Dotia south of Pyrgi: *BCH 1879, p. 322, no. 8; Zolotas, Hist. Chiou I pp. 350%19`351; ABSA 1963, pp. 60%19`61; SEG 22, 519; Graf, Kulte, Chios 15. @ @@`227. Horos of Assk[2l]2epiastai; III; found in Palaiokastro of city of Chios: Paspatis, p. 413, no. 29; *MDAI(A) 1888, p. 178, no. 25; Athena 1908, p. 262, no. 138; Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I p. 61 (PH); SEG 17, 399; Graf, Kulte, Chios 16; Garbrah, ZPE 70, 1987, 152%19`155, no. 1; SEG 35, 922.d. @ @@`228. Horos of Demeter Boiotae; IV&7b&; found in Sideroundas: *Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I pp. 7%19`9 (PH); BE 1960:310; SEG 17, 396; Graf, Kulte, Chios 13. @ @@`229. Inscription marking sacred precinct of Herakles Xoios (?); imperial; found at Kourounia: Athena 1908, p. 263, no. 144, p. 513; Haussoullier, RPh 33, 1909, pp. 16%19`17; APF 1958, p. 179; SEG 17, 404; *Graf, Kulte, Chios 20 (PH); SEG 35, 922.e. @ @@`230. Horos of &3hieropoioi&; IV%3III; found in city of Chios: *Stephanou, Eis Mnemen K. Amantou, p. 145 (PH); BE 1961:468; SEG 19, 592. @ @@`231. Horoi of [Nym]phai (?); no date; found in city of Chios: Mouseion 1876, p. 34, no. 140; Paspatis, p. 418, no. 44; *MDAI(A) 1888, p. 178, no. 26; Graf, Kulte, Chios 21. @ @@`232. Horos of all the gods and goddesses; I; found in Kalamoti: *BCH 1879, p. 325, no. 12; Paspatis, p. 422, no. 60; **ABSA 1963, pp. 61%19`63, no. 14 (PH) (l. 1); SEG 22, 518; Graf, Kulte, Chios 17. @ @@`233. Inscription declaring area sacred and prohibiting entry, stoichedon; V&7e&%3IV&7b&; found in Ververato: *Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I p. 9 (PH), pp. 46%19`47 (PH); BE 1960:317; SEG 17, 394; Sokolowski, LSCG 121; Graf, Kulte, Chios 11. @ See also: Chios 249, 301. @ @@@@Section: 11b. Funerary Horoi (234%19`245) @ @@`234. Funerary horos for [A]pellikon; IV; found in Letsena: Athena 1908, p. 242, no. 62; *APF 1958, p. 186, no. 17. @ @@`235. Funerary horos for Eklon; I(?); found on Chios (in city?): *Athena 1908, pp. 262%19`263, no. 141. @ @@`236. Funerary horos for Hikesios; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 260, no. 134. @ @@`237. Funerary (?) horos for Kerkion; no date; found near Letsena: *Paspatis, p. 421, no. 55. @ @@`238. Funerary horos for Linos Larios; no date; found in Livadia: *Athena 1908, pp. 261%19`2, no. 137. @ @@`239. Funerary horos for Myrmex (?); no date; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 261, no. 136. @ @@`240. Funerary(?) horos for Philon; II or earlier; found in Livadia: *Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I p. 51 (PH); **SEG 17, 403 (l. 1). @ @@`241. Funerary(?) horos of Theudes; III%3II; found in city of Chios: *Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I pp. 50%19`51 (PH); **SEG 17, 400 (ll. 1%19`2); **BE 1960: 317 (l. 2). @ @@`242. Funerary horos for Zenon; IV&4`1&; found in Kophinas north of city of Chios: *Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I pp. 45%19`46 (PH); SEG 17, 397. @ @@`243. Funerary horos for Zenon Antiphilou; no date; found in city of Chios: *BCH 1879, pp. 326%19`327, no. 18. @ @@`244. Funerary horos for Eu[ ... ]tides; II; found in Livadia: *Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I pp. 44%19`45 (PH); **SEG 17, 401 (ll. 2%19`3). @ @@`245. Funerary (?) horos for (no name); no date; found in Livadia: *Athena 1908, p. 263, no. 143. @ @@@@Section: 11c. Other Horoi and Boundary Inscriptions (246%19`257) @ @@`246. Inscription giving width of road; V; found in Latomi: *SEG 16, 494. @ @@`247. Fragment delimiting territory from third stele to stele of inscription, stoichedon; IV&4`1&; now in Museum of Chios: *AD 1927%19`1928, Par. pp. 23%19`24, no. 2 (PH); Kondoleon, RPh 23, 1949, p. 16, no. 5; **ABSA 1960, p. 189, no. 5 (ll. 1%19`3); SEG 19, 591. @ @@`248. Horoi of &3hoi apo Symmacho Philonos& (?); III; found at Livadia: *Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I p. 46 (PH); SEG 17, 398. @ @@`249. Inscription for territory of [Her]mea[s Hodi]os (?); no date; found in Kophinas north of city of Chios: *Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I p. 50. @ @@`250. Horos of [&3p&]&3olis&; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 260, no. 135. @ @@`251. &3Horos,& followed by fragmentary line; no date; found at Hagios Ioannes: *Athena 1908, p. 263, no. 142. @ @@`252. &3Ho&(&3ros&) &3Ch&( ... ); V; found at Parparia: *Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I p. 48. @ @@`253. &3Horos,& on rock; V; found at Petrana: Zolotas, Hist. Chiou I p. 571; *Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I p. 43 (PH); SEG 17, 395. @ @@`254. &3Horos&; no date; found at Vrontados: *Athena 1908, p. 262, no. 139. @ @@`255. &3Horoi&; no date; found near Hagios Panteleemon: Athena 1908, p. 262, no. 140; *Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I pp. 43%19`44 (PH). @ @@`256. &3Horos&; no date; found in Viki: *Athena 1908, p. 263, no. 145. @ @@`257. &3Hor&[ ... ]; no date; found at Parparia: *Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I p. 48; SEG 17, 402. @ See also: Chios 8, 552. @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (258%19`264) @ @@`258. Inscription on molding of seat: &3ta bathra&; 2; found in Turloti: *Stephanou, Eis Mnemen K. Amantou, p. 144 (PH); BE 1961:468; **SEG 19, 590a (l. 1). @ @@`259. Topos inscription (?) for &3choregos& on seat; 2; found in Turloti: *Stephanou, Eis Mnemen K. Amantou, p. 144; SEG 19, 590c. @ @@`260. Topos inscription (?) for &3choregos& on seat; 2; found in Turloti: Paspatis, p. 407, no. 18; *MDAI(A) 1888, p. 177, no. 23b; Zolotas, Hist. Chiou II p. 14; Stephanou, Eis Mnemen K. Amantou, p. 144; **SEG 19, 590e (l. 1). @ @@`261. Topos inscription for [&3stephan&]&3ephoro&[&3s&?] on molding of seat; 2; found in Turloti: *Stephanou, Eis Mnemen K. Amantou, p. 144 (PH); BE 1961:468; SEG 19, 590b. @ @@`262. Topos inscription for [&3s&]&3tephaneph&[&3oros&?] on molding of seat; 2; found in Turloti: *Stephanou, Eis Mnemen K. Amantou, p. 144 (PH); BE 1961:468; SEG 19, 590d. @ @@`263. Inscription identifying seat of &3stephanephoros& (?); 2; found in Turloti: Paspatis, p. 421, no. 56; *MDAI(A) 1888, p. 177, no. 23a; Zolotas, Hist. Chiou II p. 14; SEG 19, 590g. @ @@`264. Fragment on part of seat: [ ... ]&3yn&[ ... ]; 2; found in Turloti: *SEG 19, 590f. @ See also: Priene 1020 (%6 IPriene 313.380) (topos%19inscription for descendant of Chian; found at Priene). @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (265%19`292) @ @@@@Section: 15a. Religious Epigrams (265%19`266) @ @@`265. Fragment in elegiacs (?) mentioning temple and (Aphrodite?) &3Paphie&; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 264, no. 148. @ @@`266. Dedicatory (?) inscription in elegiacs by [Ion] (?) Xouthou of Chios; III&7e&%3II&7b&; found in Palaiokastro of city of Chios: BE 1958:379, no. VII; *Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I pp. 20%19`25, no. 7 (PH), pp. 95%19`97; SEG 16, 497; **Trypanis, Hermes 88, 1960, pp. 69%19`74 (PH) (l. 2); SEG 17, 392. @ See also: Hansen, Carmina 424 (dedication in elegiacs to Phoibos by Mikkiades [of Chios]; found on Paros). @ @@@@Section: 15b. Honorary Epigrams (267%19`270) @ @@`267. Honorary inscriptions in elegiacs and prose for athlete [M(arcus) A]urelius [Heras], victorious at Olympia, etc.; c. AD 170; now in Museum of Chios: Peek, AE 1931, pp. 109%19`112, no. 7; BCH 1933, pp. 539%19`543 (PH,part); SEG 14, 562; SEG 16, 489; Peek, Wiss. Z. Halle%19Wittenberg 9, 2, Apr. 1960, pp. 191%19`204; *SEG 19, 589 (* for a 9%19`24 and b 15); *Panayotou, ZPE 67, 1987, 183%19`188 (* for a 1%19`8 and b 1%19`13) (PH). @ @@`268. Honorary decree by &3presbyteroi& for their &3archon& Megakles Theogeitonos, with honorary poem in elegiacs; I; found in Palaiokastro of city of Chios: CIG 2221; Kaibel 860; *Peek, ZPE 23, 1976, pp. 87%19`90; SEG 26, 1021. @ @@`269. Honorary inscription in verse for Philiskos; III&7e&%3II&7b&; found in Palaiokastro of city of Chios: BE 1958:379, no. II; *Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I pp. 20%19`25, no. 2 (PH), pp. 95%19`97; SEG 16, 497; **Trypanis, Hermes 88, 1960, pp. 69%19`74 (PH); SEG 17, 392. @ @@`270. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for poet (no name) who came to city [of Chios] after Homer and sang of Hermes; 1?; now in Museum of Chios: *Peek, AE 1931, pp. 112%19`113, no. 8; Graf, Kulte, Chios 80. @ See also: IPergamon 203 (honorary epigram for Homer mentions Chios as possible birthplace; found at Pergamon). @ @@@@Section: 15c. Funerary Epigrams (271%19`290) @ @@`271. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for [Ag]athoklea; 1; found in city of Chios: MDAI(A) 1888, p. 181, no. 39; *Peek, AE 1931, p. 108, no. 5; **GVI I 106 (ll. 1%19`4); Wilhelm, Griechische Epigramme 35%19`37, no. 46; SEG 30, 1075. @ @@`272. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Apollonios; III%3II; now in Museum of Chios: *Peek, AE 1931, pp. 107%19`108, no. 4; Wilhelm, WS 56, 1938, p. 83; GVI I 114. @ @@`273. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for tyrannicides [Aristo]geiton and [Harmodios]; III&7e&%3II&7b&; found in Palaiokastro of city of Chios: BE 1958:379 no. IV; *Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I pp. 20%19`25, no. 4 (PH), pp. 95%19`97; SEG 16, 497; **Trypanis, Hermes 88, 1960, pp. 69%19`74 (PH) (ll. 1%19`2); SEG 17, 392; SEG 26, 1020. @ @@`274. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Aspasia by Diogenis; II?; found in city of Chios: *BCH 1879, p. 326, no. 17; GVI I 179. @ @@`275. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Aspasie, stoichedon; c. 400 BC; found in Kourounia: *BCH 1879, pp. 316%19`317, no. 4; IGA 382; Geffcken 95; GVI I 97; **Hansen, Carmina 167 (l. 9). @ @@`276. Funerary inscription in elegiacs and Doric dialect for doctor Diokles Aristotelous; III&7e&%3II&7e&; found in Palaiokastro of city of Chios: BE 1958:379, no. III; *Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I pp. 20%19`25, no. 3 (PH), pp. 95%19`97; SEG 16, 497; **Trypanis, Hermes 88, 1960, pp. 69%19`74 (PH) (ll. 2, 4); SEG 17, 392. @ @@`277. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Dionysios; II%3I; found in suburb Varvasi of city of Chios: *CIG 2237; Kaibel 231; Geffcken 210; GVI I 945. @ @@`278. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Eirene by Felix; 1%3`2 (?); found in city of Chios (?): *Athena 1908, p. 249, no. 89; **GVI I 682 (ll. 2, 4, 5). @ @@`279. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Eisidote; 1%3`2; found on Chios: *Preuner, JDAI 35, 1920, pp. 81%19`82; GVI I 620. @ @@`280. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Euktete; I; found at Tambakika north of city of Chios: *RPh 1949, p. 15, no. 4; GVI I 807; **SEG 14, 563 (l. 14). @ @@`281. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Menippos by wife (no name); I?; found in city of Chios: CIG 2239c; Kaibel 302; *Mouseion 1876, p. 34, no. 239; Kaibel, RhM 34, 1879, pp. 184%19`185, no. 302; **GVI I 1919 (ll. 1%19`3, 5%19`12). @ @@`282. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Odysseus; III&7e&%3II&7e&; found in Palaiokastro of city of Chios: BE 1958:379 no. VI; *Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I pp. 20%19`25, no. 6 (PH), pp. 95%19`97; SEG 16, 497; **Trypanis, Hermes 88, 1960, pp. 69%19`74 (PH) (ll. 1%19`3); SEG 17, 392. @ @@`283. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Protarchos; I; found on Chios: CIG 2240; *Kaibel 233; Geffcken 211; GVI I 1420; Wilhelm, Griechische Epigramme 62, no. 18; SEG 30, 1074. @ @@`284. Funerary inscription in hexameter for Simaithon Hermaineto; IV; found in Mesta: Athena 1908, p. 257, no. 121; *GVI I 450; Hansen, Carmina Vol. 2 no. 688. @ @@`285. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Thallousa (?); 2?; found outside city of Chios: CIG 2239; *Kaibel 301; **GVI I 1131 (ll. 4%19`6). @ @@`286. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for [ ... ]n, son of Nikias; II; now in Museum of Chios: *J. Robert, REG 80, 1967, pp. 282%19`291 (PH); **Merkelbach, ZPE 5, 1970, p. 284 (ll. 1%19`3, 7%19`8). @ @@`287. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for (no name), son of Oinopion; no date; found in city of Chios: *Chiake Epith. 1974, p. 90, no. 19 (PH); **BE 1974:423 (ll. 1%19`3). @ @@`288. Funerary inscription in meter (?) for &3kore Athe&[ ... ]; no date; found on Chios: *CIG 2233. @ @@`289. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for (no name), father of two children; 1?; found in city of Chios: MDAI(A) 1888, pp. 180%19`181, no. 38; *Peek, AE 1931, p. 108, no. 6; GVI I 1011; Graf, Kulte, Chios 81. @ @@`290. Fragment of funerary inscription for (no name) in verse on stele with figure of Karyatids; IV; found in city of Chios: *Kondoleon, BCH 71%19`72, 1947%19`1948, p. 278 (PH); SEG 12, 388; **Hansen, Carmina 168 (l. 6). @ See also: Chios 567; IG II&4`2& 10510 (funerary epigram for Symmachos Simonos of Chios; found in Attica); GVI I 1917 (funerary epigram for Mentor Poseidoniou of Chios; found at Kyme in Aiolis). @ @@@@Section: 15d. Artist's Signature Epigrams (_) @ See also: Hansen, Carmina 425 %7 vol. 2 pp. 303%19`304 (%6 ID 6, 9) (%6 Jeffery, Local Scripts 305, no. 30) (artist's signature (?) in hexameters by Mikkiades and Archermos of Chios; found on Delos); Lindos no. 177 (artist's signature in elegiacs by Lysias of Chios; found at Lindos). @ @@@@Section: 15e. Varia (291) @ @@`291. Inscription in iambics listing large islands Euboia, etc.; III&7e&%3II&7e&; found in Palaiokastro of city of Chios: BE 1958:379 no. V; *Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I pp. 20%19`25, no. 5 (PH), pp. 95%19`97; SEG 16, 497; **Trypanis, Hermes 88, 1960, pp. 69%19`74 (PH) (ll. 1%19`2); SEG 17, 392. @ See also: Chios 568. @ @@@@Section: 15f. Dubia (292) @ @@`292. Epigram of unclear nature concerning Diskos; III&7e&%3II&7b&; found in Palaiokastro of city of Chios: BE 1958:379 no. I; *Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I pp. 20%19`25, no. 1 (PH), pp. 95%19`97; SEG 16, 497; **Trypanis, Hermes 88, 1960, pp. 69%19`74 (PH) (ll. 1, 3); SEG 17, 392. @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (293%19`477.5) @ @@@@Section: 16a. Funerary Inscriptions for Foreigners (293%19`301) @ @@`293. Funerary inscription for Autolykos Archikleous of Athens; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 244, no. 69. @ @@`294. Funerary inscription for Eurysthid[es] and Demetrios, from Boudeion (?); prob. IV&4`1&; found in Pyrgi(?): *Athena 1908, p. 257, no. 123; AD 1927%19`1928, Par. p. 29, no. 18 (PH); **ABSA 1963, p. 65, no. 16 (ll. 1%19`2); SEG 22, 522. @ @@`295. Funerary inscription for Iustus of Ephesos and &3Tibereites&; imperial; found at Emporio: *ABSA 1964, p. 36, no. 28c3 (PH); SEG 22, 531ciii. @ @@`296. Funerary inscription for Dionysio[doros Ph]istionos of Kyzikos; no date; found in city of Chios: *Mouseion, 1876, p. 37, no. 150. @ @@`297. Funerary inscription for Paramonos Piskados of Pergamon; 1; now on Chios: *Chiake Epith. 1974, p. 88 (PH). @ @@`298. Funerary inscription for L(ucius) Munatidius Eudaimon of Ptol[e]ma[i]s; Roman; found on Chios: *CIG 2243. @ @@`299. Funerary inscription for [L]uc(ius) Ser[v]iliu[s Ar]rista[eus?] of [P]to[l]emais in [L]i[b]ya; Roman; found on Chios: *CIG 2244. @ @@`300. Funerary inscription for Artemisie Theodotou of Samos; c. III; found in city of Chios: *Paspatis, p. 406, no. 13; MDAI(A) 1888, p. 180, no. 34. @ @@`301. Funerary inscription for Eunikos from Syracuse, killed by lightning, with declaration that spot is sacred to Zeus Phanter Kataibates, largely stoichedon; IV&7e&(?); from Mesa Rhamnes: Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I p. 33%19`34; *APF 1958, pp. 186%19`187, no. 18; SEG 17, 406; Graf, Kulte, Chios 12. @ See also: Chios 471; Tralles 179 (%6 ITralles 191) (%6 Athena 1908, p. 259, no. 131) (%6 MDAI(A) 25, 1900, 125, 9) (%6 RPh 18, 1944, 50) (funerary inscription for Quintus Caecilius Demetrios et al.; found at Tralles, not on Chios, later wandered to Smyrna.) @ @@@@Section: 16b. Funerary Inscriptions for Others: Full Name @@@@Preserved (302%19`451) @ @@`302. Funerary inscription (?) for Akeseus; no date; found in Karabaia (?): *Athena 1909, p. 353, no. 5. @ @@`303. Funerary inscription for Alkimachos A [ ... ]; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *MDAI(A) 1888, pp. 179%19`180, no. 33. @ @@`304. Funerary inscription for Amphimnestos Apollonidou; V%3IV; found in city of Chios: Paspatis, p. 403, no. 6; *MDAI(A) 1888, p. 179, no. 31. @ @@`305. Funerary inscription (?) for [Andro]nikos, with pictures of ship and Dioskouroi; Hellenistic; now in Museum of Chios: *SEG 16, 498. @ @@`306. Funerary inscription for Angeles Ai[ ... ]; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 251, no. 97. @ @@`307. Funerary inscription (?) for Appelikon Apollodorou; Hellenistic?; found at Moutsena: *Paspatis, pp. 408%19`409, no. 21. @ @@`308. Funerary inscription for Angelippos Apollonidou; I; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Paspatis, p. 415, no. 33; APF 1958, p. 171. @ @@`309. Funerary inscription for Apatourios Leonos; no date; found in city of Chios: *Chiake Epith. 1974, pp. 82%19`83, no. 3 (PH). @ @@`310. Funerary inscription for [A]pellas on stele with figure of trireme; III&4`1&; III&4`1&; found near Letsena: Kondoleon, BCH 73, 1949, pp. 384%19`385, no. 2 (PH); *APF 1958, p. 169, no. 1; SEG 17, 411a. @ @@`311. Funerary inscription for Apollonides; no date; found in city of Chios: *Paspatis, p. 406, no. 14. @ @@`312. Funerary inscription mentioning (or for?) [Ap]ollonid[es]; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena, 1908, p. 253, no. 107. @ @@`313. Funerary inscription for [Apollo]nnide[s]; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 269, no. 165. @ @@`314. Funerary inscription for Archigene[s] Archytou; no date; found in city of Chios(?): *Athena 1908, p. 255, no. 113. @ @@`315. Funerary inscription for Argasias; no date; found in Lankada: *Athena 1908, p. 257, no. 122. @ @@`316. Funerary inscription for [A]risteides [The]opompou; no date; found in city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 248, no. 84. @ @@`317. Funerary inscription for Aristeus; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 254, no. 110. @ @@`318. Funerary inscription for Aristokrate Hekatonymou; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 258, no. 125. @ @@`319. Funerary inscription for Aristol[a]os Aristol[a]ou; no date; found on Chios: *CIG 2234b. @ @@`320. Funerary inscriprion for Artemes Hikesiou; II; now in Museum of Chios: *AD 1927%19`1928, Par. p. 29, no. 20 (PH). @ @@`321. Funerary inscription (?) for inscriber's son Artemidoros (?) mentioning 2 or 3 Aurelii; AD 212%3`300; found at Vestacharato, 1%3`2 km. north of Daphnonas: Athena 1916, pp. 163%19`164; *ABSA 1966, p. 204, no. 8 (PH); BE 1969:432. @ @@`322. Funerary inscription for [Arte]meisia Apolloniou; no date; found at Karaba near Katarraktis: *Mouseion 1876, p. 37, no. 152; Paspatis, pp. 418%19`419, no. 48. @ @@`323. Funerary inscription for Artemisia Laosthene; I; now in Museum of Chios: Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1074 (PH) and II p. 570; *SEG 27, 540.b. @ @@`324. Funerary inscription for Artemisia Zenophanou; no date; found in Palaiokastro of city of Chios: *CIG 2235. @ @@`325. Funerary inscription for Artemon; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 258, no. 126. @ @@`326. Funerary inscription for Artemon Nikostratou; late; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 254, no. 111. @ @@`327. Funerary inscription for Astykles Lykomedous; IV&7e&; found in Mirmiki sw. of city of Chios: *APF 1958, pp. 170%19`171, no. 4; SEG 17, 407. @ @@`328. Funerary inscription for Aschros; V; found in city of Chios: *Paspatis, p. 407, no. 17; MDAI(A) 1888, p. 178, no. 28. @ Ȫ@@`328.5. Funerary inscription for [As]pasia Myiskou; III&4`2&; now in Museum of Chios: *Forrest, Horos 3, 1985, 99, no. 5 (PH). @ @@`329. Funerary inscription for Athenagoras; V; found in city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 244, no. 67. @ @@`330. Funerary inscription for Athena[i]s; no date; found on Chios: *CIG 2232. @ @@`331. Funerary inscription for Atheno Agathokleus; no date; found in city of Chios: *MDAI(A) 1888, p. 180, no. 35. @ @@`332. Funerary inscription for Babes; IV%3III; now in Museum of Chios: *APF 1958, p. 171, no. 5; **SEG 17, 408 (l. 1). @ @@`333. Funerary inscription for Bertis; no date; found in Palaiokastro of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 273, no. 180; **BE 1956:208 (l. 1). @ @@`334. Funerary inscription on stele for Berto; IV&4`1&; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1916, p. 161, no. 3; BE 1956:208; APF 1958, p. 170, no. 3; **SEG 15, 542 (l. 1). @ @@`335. Funerary inscription for Bias by wife Theodora; II; found in city of Chios (?): *Athena 1908, p. 242, no. 61. @ @@`336. Funerary inscription for Bion; &3kala&; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1916, p. 161, no. 4. @ @@`337. Funerary inscription for Boiethos Nikokleus; no date; found in city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 241, no. 59. @ @@`338. Funerary inscription for Charinos; no date; now in Museum of Chios, provenance unknown: *Paspatis, p. 417, no. 41. @ @@`339. Funerary inscription for Chonitos (?); no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1916, p. 161, no. 6. @ @@`340. Funerary inscription for Demetria; IV&7e&%3III&7b&; found in city of Chios: BE 1956:212; SEG 15, 541; *Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I p. 64 (PH); **BE 1960:316 (l. 1); SEG 17, 410. @ @@`341. Funerary inscription for Dem[etrios? A]ttalou by wife; Roman?; found in city of Chios: *SEG 15, 544. @ ժ@@`341.5. Funerary inscription for Demetrios Histiaio of Miletos, stoichedon; IV; found in city of Chios: *Mendoni, Horos 3, 1985, 113%19`114, no. 1 (PH). @ @@`342. Funerary inscription for Demokrateia Miltiadou; Hellenistic; found in Palaiokastro of city of Chios: *Chiake Epith. 1974, p. 85, no. 8 (PH). @ @@`343. Funerary inscription for Demonax; IV%3III; now in Museum of Chios: *BCH 1879, p. 327, no. 19; Athena 1908, p. 259, no. 129. @ ת@@`343.5. Funerary inscription for Derimenes Zenodotou (possibly identical with Chios 344); no date; found at Euphemiana: *Mouseion 1878, p. 11, no. 200. @ @@`344. Funerary inscription for Derimenes Zenodotou; IV; found in city of Chios: *Chiake Epith. 1974, p. 88 (PH). @ @@`345. Funerary inscription for Dexitheos and wife Phrygie; no date; found in city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 243, no. 65. @ @@`346. Funerary inscription for Dinnys Hermesileo; III; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: BE 1954:204; SEG 15, 538; *Mendoni, Horos 3, 1985, 115, no. 2. @ @@`347. Funerary inscription for Diogenes Nikandrou; no date; now in city of Chios, found at unknown place on Chios: *Paspatis, p. 406, no. 15; MDAI(A) 1888, p. 194, no. 15. @ @@`348. Funerary inscription for Diodoros by wife Doris; I; now in Museum of Chios: Athena 20, 1908, p. 259, no. 130; *Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 877 (PH); SEG 27, 539. @ @@`349. Funerary inscription for Dionysios Philostephanou; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1916, p. 161, no. 2. @ @@`350. Funerary inscription for Irene; no date; found on Chios (in city?): *Athena 1908, p. 245, no. 71. @ @@`351. Funerary inscription for Epagathos; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 258, no. 127. @ @@`352. Funerary inscription for Epaphrodeitos by brother Epagathos, inscribed after original inscription for &3threpte& on stele; 2%3`3; found in city of Chios: *Mouseion 1876, p. 34, no. 139; MDAI(A) 1888, p. 194, no. 14; SEG 22, 527b. @ @@`353. Funerary inscription for Epiphanea by husband Menon and son Theon; late; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 247, no. 91, pp. 351%19`352, fig. 6.1 (PH). @ @@`354. Funerary inscription for Epis, wife of Hermophon; no date; found in city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 250, no. 91. @ @@`355. Funerary inscription for Eurynomos; Roman; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Chiake Epith. 1974, pp. 85%19`86, no. 10 (PH). @ @@`356. Funerary inscription for Eutychos by Eutychos; Roman; found in city of Chios: **Chiake Epith. 1974, pp. 89%19`90, no. 18 (PH) (l. 2); *BE 1974:422. @ @@`357. Funerary inscription for He[ge]sidemos; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *BCH 1913, p. 202, no. 24. @ @@`358. Funerary inscription for Hekataia Hekataiou; I; now in Museum of Chios: *Dunst, SDAW 1960 I p. 36, note 6; SEG 18, 335. @ @@`359. Funerary inscription for Hekataia Metronos; I; now in Museum of Chios: Dunst, SDAW 1960 I p. 36, note 6; *SEG 18, 336. @ @@`360. Funerary inscription for Hekataie Mneseos; V; found at Lithi: *BCH 1879, p. 325, no. 15. @ @@`361. Funerary inscription for Hephaistion by children Stratonike and Asklepias; no date; found in Letsena: *Athena 1908, p. 251, no. 94. @ @@`362. Funerary inscription for Heraklas; 1; found on Psyra: *Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1128 (PH); SEG 29, 759. @ @@`363. Funerary inscription for Herakletos Poulyonos; V%3IV; found in city of Chios: *BCH 1879, p. 327, no. 21. @ @@`364. Funerary inscription for Herakleotes Arkesileo; no date; found in city of Chios (?): *Athena 1908, p. 248, no. 85. @ @@`365. Funerary inscription for [He]raklitas He[r]odo[tou]; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *BCH 1913, p. 202, no. 23. @ @@`365.5. Funerary (?) inscription for (?) He%1rmet%1ianos; imperial; found on Psyra: *Mpardani, Horos 3, 1985, 123%19`124 (PH). @ @@`366. Funerary inscription for Hermias; V%3IV; found between Tholopotami and Sklavia: *BCH 1879, p. 325, no. 13. @ @@`367. Funerary inscription for Herodot[os] Metioch[o]u; V%3IV; found in city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 244, no. 70. @ @@`368. Funerary inscription for Herogen[es]; no date; found in city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 249, no. 88. @ @@`369. Funerary inscription for Heropythos, listing his ancestors; c. 475 BC?; found near Neneta: *Paspatis, pp. 401%19`402, no. 1; **Wade%19Gery, Poet of the Iliad 8%19`9 (PH) (ll. 4, 14); Jeffery, Local Scripts, p. 338, no. 47 and pl. 65; Masson, Kypr. Spoud. 28, 1964, pp. 5%19`7 (PH); Chaniotis, EA 10, 1987, 43, no. 1. @ @@`370. Funerary inscription for Hipponax Alkimachou; no date; found in city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 244, no. 68. @ @@`371. Funerary inscription for Hygieia (?); no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 253, no. 105. @ @@`372. Funerary inscription for Iason Diotrephou; IV; found at Kalimasia: BE 1956:210; *SEG 15, 539. @ @@`373. Funerary inscription for Isi[do]ra by Zosimos; III; found in city of Chios: *Chiake Epith. 1974, p. 83, no. 4 (PH). @ @@`374. &3Heroon& of Is[idoros] (?); no date; found near Neochori: *Paspatis, p. 413, no. 28; Athena 1908, p. 257, no. 120; Graf, Kulte, Chios 70. @ @@`375. Funerary inscription for Kallikrita, wife of Philiskos; II or later; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 253, no. 104. @ @@`376. Funerary inscription for Kallistratos Attalou; I&4`2&; found in Kophinas north of city of Chios: BE 1956:211; *SEG 15, 543; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1625 (PH); SEG 29, 758. @ @@`377. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek by Claudia Aug(usti) liberta Tertulla for self and husband Ti(berius) Claudius Asklepiades; imperial; found on Chios (in city?): CIG 2241b; *CIL III 456. @ @@`378. Funerary inscription for Claudius Phes[2i]2nos; imperial; found in Palaiokastro of city of Chios: *CIG 2242. @ @@`379. Funerary inscription for Koneigos; late; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 246, no. 76. @ @@`380. Funerary inscription for Kra[ti]ppos Demokrito; IV; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: Mouseion 1876, p. 34, no. 142; *MDAI(A) 1888, p. 178, no. 27; Athena 1916, p. 166, no. 15; Chiake Epith. 1974, p. 86, no. 11. @ @@`381. Funerary inscription for Lampre by husband Pontikos; 1; found in city of Chios: *Chiake Epith. 1974, pp. 86%19`87, no. 12 (PH). @ @@`382. Fragment of funerary inscription for [La]mpro[n?]; III; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *MDAI(A) 1888, pp. 195%19`199, no. 16. @ @@`383. Funerary inscription for Lamprous; III&4`1&; found at Vestacharato 1%3`2 km. north of Daphnonas: *ABSA 1966, pp. 204%19`205, no. 9; **BE 1969:432, p. 492 (l. 1). @ @@`384. Funerary inscription for Lampyres Zenodorou; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 252, no. 101. @ @@`385. Funerary inscription for Laosthenes by Artemisia; I; found in city of Chios: *Chiake Epith. 1974, p. 83, no. 4 (PH). @ @@`386. Funerary inscription for Leomedes; old; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, pp. 243%19`244, no. 66. @ @@`387. Funerary inscriptions for Quintus Lollius Glaukos and his daughter Lollia Galla; no date; found at Varvasi: *Riemann, BCH 1, 1877, p. 83, no. 9. @ @@`388. Funerary inscription for Lyde [A]pollonidou; no date; found in city of Chios: *Paspatis, p. 422, no. 59. @ @@`389. Funerary inscription for Lykomedes Astykleos; III&7b&; found near Mirmiki: *BCH 1879, p. 326, no. 16; Paspatis, p. 422, no. 61. @ @@`389.5. Funerary inscription for Maria Erotin; imperial; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 246, no. 78, ll. 3%19`4; APF l958, p. 172, no. 7, ll. 3%19`4. @ @@`390. Funerary inscription for Mato wife of Athenaios; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 252, no. 98. @ @@`391. Funerary inscription for Megiste Asklepiadou by daughter Megiste Dionysiou; no date; found on Chios (in city?): *Paspatis, pp. 405%19`406, no. 11. @ @@`392. Funerary (or dedicatory?) inscription for (?) Megon &3heron (?) by Apollonides Apollonidou; 1%3`2; found at Kini: BCH 1879, p. 327, no. 22; *Graf, Kulte, Chios 68. @ @@`393. Funerary inscription for Meidon Hedylou; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 252, no. 99. @ @@`394. Funerary inscription for Melesippo[s] Herakleitou; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 259, no. 132. @ @@`395. Funerary inscription for Menexippos; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 258, no. 128. @ @@`396. Funerary inscription for Menokritos Menogenou; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, pp. 246%19`247, no. 79, l. 3. @ @@`397. Funerary inscription for Menon; late; found in city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 246, no. 77. @ @@`398. Funerary inscription for Merie &3et al.&; IV; found in Turloti: BE 1956:216; *SEG 15, 540. @ @@`399. Funerary inscription for Metri[che] by parents Krito[n?] and Ath[enais?]; no date; found in Turloti: *Athena 1908, p. 224, no. 27. @ @@`399.5. Funerary inscription for Metriche Kriton%1[os]; IV%3III; found in or near city of Chios: *Forrest, &3Chios& 137%19`138 (PH); SEG 37, 779. @ @@`400. Funerary inscription for [Metri]che (?) by son or daughter; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 247, no. 82. @ @@`401. Funerary inscription for Metriche Angeleus; II; found in city of Chios: *Chiake Epith. 1974, pp. 83%19`84, no. 5 (PH). @ @@`402. Funerary inscription for Metriche Metrodorou by son Metrodoros Hegeus; no date; found in city of Chios: Athena 1908, pp. 241%19`242, no. 60; *APF 1958, pp. 169%19`170, no. 2. @ @@`403. Funerary inscription for Metrodoros Anaxiadeo; IV; found near Kardamyla: *Athena 1908, p. 255, no. 116. @ @@`404. Funerary inscription for Metrodoros Orintou; III; found in city of Chios: Mouseion 1876, p. 35, no. 145; *MDAI(A) 1888, p. 179, no. 29. @ @@`405. Funerary inscription for Metrodoros Theogeitonos; III; found in city of Chios: Paspatis, p. 402, no. 3; *MDAI(A) 1888, pp. 199%19`201, no. 17. @ @@`406. Funerary inscription for Nikandros Ka[2r]2neadou; no date; found in city of Chios: Athena 1908, p. 249, no. 87; *Garbrah, ZPE 70, 1987, 156, no. 3. @ @@`407. Funerary inscription for Nikokrates Noumeniou; no date; found in city of Chios: *Mouseion 1876, p. 36, no. 147. @ @@`408. Funerary inscription for Nymphodoros Kephisostratou; Hellenistic; found in Kophinas north of city of Chios: *Chiake Epith. 1974, p. 85, no. 9 (PH). @ @@`409. Funerary inscription for Oikles; no date; found in city of Chios (?): *Athena 1908, p. 251, no. 96. @ @@`410. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]ulus Ofellius Dionysios by [ ... ]ania Melitine; Roman; found in city of Chios (?): *Athena 1908, pp. 248%19`249, no. 86. @ @@`411. Funerary inscription for Pannephaistion by Stratonike and Asklepias; no date; now in Livadia: *Paspatis, p. 406, no. 12. @ @@`412. Funerary inscription for Parmenis Philiskou; no date; found in Letsena: *Paspatis, p. 407, no. 16. @ @@`413. Funerary inscription for Parmenon Poly[euktou]; IV%3III; found in city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 248, no. 83. @ @@`414. Funerary inscription for Pataikion Hekateus; no date; found in city of Chios: Mouseion 1876, p. 36, no. 148; Paspatis, p. 416, no. 37; *MDAI(A) 1888, p. 179, no. 32. @ @@`415. Funerary inscription for [P]atrokleios Theu[dorou?]; no date; found at Kato Aigialos: *Athena 1908, p. 251, no. 93. @ @@`416. Funerary inscription for Pausanias by wife Horaia and sons; II; found in city of Chios: *Chiake Epith. 1974, p. 82, no. 2 (PH). @ @@`417. Funerary inscription for Phainomenos Aristeos; IV%3III; found in Ionia, possibly on Chios: *Woodward, ABSA 28, 1926%19`1927, pp. 117%19`118, no. 2. @ @@`418. Funerary inscription for Phanas; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 252, no. 102. @ @@`419. Funerary inscription for Phaniskos Parmeniskou; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Paspatis, p. 419, no. 49. @ @@`420. Funerary inscription for Phanos; no date; found in Vrontados: *Athena 1908, p. 255, no. 115. @ @@`421. Funerary inscription for Phesinos by Anthe (?); no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 243, no. 64. @ @@`422. Funerary (or dedicatory?) inscription for Phesinos &3heros by Athenodoros, on base; I%3`1; found at Siphi: Paspatis, p. 408, no. 19; Athena 1908, p. 239, no. 53; *Graf, Kulte, Chios 69. @ @@`423. Funerary inscription for Phesinos Neileo by wife Agathokleia; II; found in Museum of Chios: BCH 1913, p. 202, no. 21; *APF 1958, pp. 184%19`186. @ @@`424. Funerary inscription for Phila [P]ythagorou; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 254, no. 109. @ @@`425. Funerary inscription for Phileos (?); IV&4`1&; found near Volissos: *BCH 1879, p. 325, no. 14; ABSA 1966, p. 203, no. 6. @ @@`426. Funerary inscription for Philion Kritonos; V; found at Marmaro, from Loutra near Marmaro: *Mouseion 1878, p. 11, no. 201; Athena 1908, p. 190. @ @@`427. Funerary inscription for Philippos, Thraseas, and Hedylie; no date; found in Livadia: *Athena 1908, p. 255, no. 114. @ @@`428. Funerary inscription for Philista; III; found in city of Chios: *Chiake Epith. 1974, p. 87, no. 13 (PH). @ @@`429. Funerary inscription for Philista by parents Deinomacho[s] and Hekata[ie]; no date; found in Turloti: *Athena 1908, p. 250, no. 92. @ @@`430. Funerary inscription for Pithane Herodotou; no date; found on Chios (in city?): *Paspatis, p. 404, no. 8. @ @@`431. Funerary inscription for Polyolbos; IV; found at Vrontados: Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I p. 52 (PH); *SEG 17, 405. @ @@`432. Funerary inscription for Porphyrion Anthylliou; late; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 258, no. 124. @ @@`433. Funerary inscription for Protos and (no name) by mother Epiktesis; II%3I; found on Chios, now in city: Paspatis, p. 419, no. 50; *MDAI(A) 1888, p. 193, no. 13 (PH). @ @@`434. Funerary inscription of Pyreo; V%3IV; found at Mirmiki: *BCH 1879, p. 327, no. 20. @ @@`435. Funerary inscription for Pythokreon; V%3IV&4`1&; found at Dotia: *Zolotas, Hist. Chiou I p. 429; ABSA 1963, p. 63, no. 5; SEG 22, 521. @ @@`436. Funerary inscription for Strophes; III; found in Kophinas north of city of Chios: *Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I pp. 49%19`50 (PH). @ @@`437. Funerary inscription for &3symponos& Tabiathe by Philippos; II; found at Sklavia: CIG 2239d; Athena 1909, p. 353, no. 6; *APF 1958, p. 172, no. 6; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1063 (PH); **SEG 27, 538 (l. 2). @ @@`438. Funerary inscription for Teimesipolis; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 245, no. 75, p. 352, fig. 6,2 (PH). @ @@`439. Funerary inscription for Tertia Maria; imperial; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 246, no. 78, ll. 1%19`2; **APF 1958, p. 172, no. 7, ll. 1%19`2 (l. 1). @ @@`440. Funerary inscription for [Theod]osios Arist[ode]mou; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 253, no. 103. @ @@`441. Funerary inscription for Theodotos Phuisou; III&4`2&; found in Varvasi: CIG 2239b; *MDAI(A) 1888, p. 179, no. 30. @ @@`442. Funerary inscription for [Theopr]opos Deinost[rat ... ]; III&4`2&%3II&4`1&; found at Komi: *ABSA 1963, p. 66, no. 18 (PH); SEG 22, 524. @ @@`443. Funerary inscription for Threptos; 2%3`3; found in Pyrgi: *AD 1927%19`1928, Par. p. 29, no. 21 (PH); *ABSA 1963, p. 67, no. 20; SEG 22, 526. @ @@`444. Funerary inscription (?) recording occupation of territory by T[i]maithon [Cha]rmaineto; no date; found in Mesta: *Athena 1908, p. 257, no. 121; **SGDI IV &7n&`56 (ll. 1%19`3). @ @@`445. Funerary inscription for Timochis; IV&4`2&%3III&4`1&; found near Harmolia: *Athena 1908, p. 256, no. 117; ABSA 1963, p. 66, no. 17; SEG 22, 523. @ @@`446. Funerary inscription for Tritallios; IV&4`2&%3III&4`1&; found in city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 245, no. 73. @ @@`447. Funerary inscription for Z%1enis Apelleus; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: Athena 1908, p. 252, no. 100; *BCH 1913, p. 233, no. 38. @ @@`448. Funerary inscription for Zenodotos Aristoloch[ou]; no date; found in Palaiokastro of city of Chios: *CIG 2238. @ @@`449. Funerary inscription for Zenophanes Lysamorou; I; found in city of Chios: *Chiake Epith. 1974, p. 89, no. 17 (PH). @ @@`450. Funerary inscription for Zo[sime] Kallikleus by husband Diuony[si]os [A]rtemidorou; no date; found in Vrontados: *Athena 1908, p. 250, no. 90, p. 513. @ @@`451. Funerary inscription for Zosimos Isi[dorou?] and [ ... ]ra; I; now in Museum of Chios: *Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1074 (PH) and II p. 570; SEG 27, 540.a. @ See also: Chios 175, 194, 234%19`243, 271%19`285, 470, 472%19`474, 485%19`490, 515; IG II&4`2& 10506%19`10508 and Karouzou, BCH 1948 p. 389 (funerary inscriptions for individuals from Chios; found in Attica); SEG 15, 856 (2 funerary inscriptions for Nikostratos Demetriou of Chios; found at Hadra in Egypt); CIJ II no. 954 (funerary inscription for Symmachos of Chios; found at Jaffa in Palestine); IG XII 3, 1562 (funerary inscription for Thrasyleon of Chios; found on Thera). @ ď@@@@Section: 16c. Funerary Inscriptions for Others: Name @@@@Fragmentary (452%19`459) @ @@`452. Funerary inscription (?) mentioning (for?) [ ... ]eneis Oikleos; V%3IV; found in city of Chios: *Mouseion 1876, p. 37, no. 151; **SGDI 5682 (l. 2). @ @@`453. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]eon Dorou, with figures of naked man and ship; I; found at Emporio: *ABSA 1963, pp. 66%19`67, no. 19 (PH); SEG 22, 525. @ @@`454. Funerary inscription (?) for [ ... ]ios &3neoteros&; imperial; found at Emporio: ABSA 1940%19`1945, p. 37; BE 1949:133; SEG 12, 389a; *ABSA 1964, pp. 34%19`35, no. 28a1 (PH). @ @@`455. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]ophanes; no date; found in city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 520, no. 3. @ @@`456. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]rie &3chreste&; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *Paspatis, p. 419, no. 51. @ @@`457. Funerary inscription for Tek[ ... ... ]tratou; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 254, no. 108. @ @@`458. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]thousa Perige[nous]; late; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 247, no. 80. @ @@`459. Funerary inscription for [.]ur[.]omn[.] &3threpte,& on stele; I?; found in city of Chios: *ABSA 1963, p. 66, note 95; SEG 22, 527a. @ See also: Chios 244, 286, 475; IG II&4`2& 10509 (funerary (?) inscription for T[..]don Proxeno of Chios; found in Attica). @ ̏@@@@Section: 16d. Funerary Inscriptions for Others: Name Lost (460%19`469) @ @@`460. Funerary inscription for [ ... ] Dionysiou; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 245, no. 74. @ @@`461. Funerary inscription for (no name) daughter of Theobios; no date; found in city of Chios: *Paspatis, p. 418, no. 45; **MDAI(A) 1888, p. 180, no. 36 (l. 2). @ @@`462. Funerary inscription for (no name), wife of [ ... ]oleos; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *MDAI(A) 1888, p. 180, no. 37. @ @@`463. Funerary inscription for wife of [ ... ]on; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 253, no. 106. @ @@`464. Funerary inscription for (no name), wife of [ ... ]S[ ... ]XANOS; no date; found in city of Chios: *Paspatis, pp. 419%19`420, no. 52. @ @@`465. Funerary inscription (?) mentioning Angel[ ... ] by wife (?); no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1916, p. 162, no. 7. @ @@`466. Fragment of funerary inscription (?); no date; found on Chios: *CIG 2234. @ @@`467. Funerary inscription for (no name) &3chrestos&; no date; found in Volissos: *Athena 1908, p. 256, no. 119. @ @@`468. Unpublished funerary inscription on rectangular block; II or later; now on Chios: ABSA 1963, p. 64, note 81. @ @@`469. Unpublished funerary inscription for non%19foreigner on stele; III; now on Chios: ABSA 1963, p. 65. @ See also: Chios 206, 245, 287%19`290, 476%19`477, 491%19`492, 552%19`553. @ ֏@@@@Section: 16e. Memorial Inscriptions (470%19`477.5) @ @@`470. Memorial inscription for [A]drastos by [X]enokrates on drum of column; 1%3`2; found at Kato Phana: *Kourouniotis, AD 1, 1915, p. 84, fig. 25 (PH); **ABSA 1964, p. 32, no. 21 (ll. 1%19`3); SEG 22, 528a. @ ֪@@`470.5. Memorial inscription for Alexanos (?); imperial; found on Psyra: *Mpardani, Horos 3, 1985, 123 (PH). @ @@`471. Memorial inscription (?) for [Ar]temas of Ephesos; Roman; found at Emporio: *ABSA 1964, p. 35, no 28b (PH); **SEG 22, 531b (l. 1). @ @@`472. Memorial inscription for Dem[etrios?] by Leuk[on?] on column; no date; found at Kato Phana: *MDAI(A) 1888, p. 176, no. 21b; ABSA 1964, p. 33, no. 23b; SEG 22, 528g. @ @@`473. Memorial inscription for Diodoros by Me[lan]thos (?) on column; Roman; found at Kato Phana: *MDAI(A) 1888, p. 176, no. 21a; **ABSA 1964, p. 33, no. 23a; SEG 22, 528f. @ @@`474. Memorial inscription for Eutyches &3archiatros& by Marcianus of Ephesos; imperial; found at Emporio: *ABSA 1940%19`1945, p. 38; SEG 12, 389b; ABSA 1964, p. 35, no. 28a2. @ ڪ@@`474.5. Memorial inscription for &3patris& by Sulpicius Pollio &3komoidos& of Zmyrna; imperial; found on Psyra: *Mpardani, Horos 3, 1985, 120%19`121 (PH). @ @@`475. Memorial inscription for N[ ... ] on column; Roman; found at Emporio: *ABSA 1964, p. 33, no. 25; SEG 22, 529a. @ ۪@@`475.5. Memorial inscription by (?) Dionysi%1[ ... ]; imperial; found on Psyra: *Mpardani, Horos 3, 1985, 122 (PH). @ @@`476. Memorial inscription found on drum of column; no date; found at Kato Phana: Kourouniotis, AD 1, 1915, p. 84, fig. 26 (PH); *SEG 22, 528b. @ @@`477. Three memorial inscriptions on column%19drum fragments, by Herm[ ... ] and others; Roman; found at Kato Phanai: Kourouniotis, AD 2, 1916, p. 212, fig. 36 (PH); *ABSA 1964, p. 33, no. 22; SEG 22, 528c%19e. @ ݪ@@`477.5. Memorial inscription(s) on &3krepidoma&; imperial; found on Psyra: *Mpardani, Horos 3, 1985, 122 (PH). @ ݪSee also: Chios 566.5. @ ޏ@@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (478%19`483) @ @@`478. Artist's signature by Demainetos of Athens; IV; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, pp. 224%19`225, no. 28. @ @@`479. Artist's signature by [Deme]trios; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 266, no. 153. @ @@`480. Artists' signature by Dorion Len[ai]ou and Amoaitos (?); no date; found near Mesta: Athena 1908, p. 227, no. 34b; *Graf, Kulte, Chios 55.B. @ @@`481. Artist's signature by Nikesermos on chalice; 630%3`600 BC; found at Emporio: *Hood %9 Boardman, JHS 75, 1955, Arch. Supp. p. 22 (PH); **Jeffery, Local Scripts p. 65e (PH) (ll. 1%19`2); Boardman, Emporio p. 121, no. 251 and p. 244, no. 614 (PH); Lemos, Chios 234 (PH). @ @@`482. Artists' signature by Theomnestos Theotimou and Dionysios Astiou; no date; found on Chios: *CIG 2241a. @ @@`483. Unpublished artist's signature; archaic; found on Chios: Rehm, Gnomon 2, 1926, p. 124. @ See also: Chios 512.09, 512.12; IG I&4`2& 487 (%6 DAA 3) (artist's signature by Archermos of Chios; found in Attica); Kreeb, Horos 4, l986, 29 (artist's signature by [ ... ]s of Chios; found in Attica); DAA 9 (artist's signature by (no name) of Chios; found in Attica); Knidos 70 (%6 OGIS 79) (%6 Loewy 160) (%6 GIBM 819) (%6 Newton, Discoveries II 770 no. 57) (artist's signature by [Ze]nodotos (?) and Menippos of Chios following honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Servius [Sul]picius Hekataios &3iatros& to &3theoi&; found at Knidos); IPergamon 46 (artist's signature by (no name) of Chios; found at Pergamon); Lindos p. 298, no. 84 (artist's signature by Ari[s]ton of Chios; found on Rhodes); Lindos no. 176 (artist's signature by Lysias of Chios; found on Rhodes). @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ See also: Chios 99%19`110, 112, 126, 160, 224, 484%19`485, 493%19`497, 512.03%19`512.84, 548; Yailenko, VDI 1980, 2, p. 87, no. 10 (dedicatory graffito by (no name) of Chios; found at Leuke on Black Sea); Samothrace 2 ii no.'s 4, 22, 323 (graffiti on Chian pottery; found on Samothrake); Smyrna 823%19`826, 834%19`836 (%6 Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 40, no.'s 5%19`11) (graffiti on Chian pottery and local pottery imitating Chian; found at Smyrna). @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (484%19`492.5) @ @@@@Section: 21a. Nike Inscriptions (484%19`485) @ @@`484. Nike inscription for Zmaragdos &3et al.&; Christian; found at Letsena: Paspatis, pp. 413%19`414, no. 30; *Athena 1908, p. 324, no. 65. @ @@`485. Nike(%3funerary?) inscription for Zosime; Christian; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 254, no. 112. @ @@@@Section: 21b. Funerary Inscriptions (486%19`492) @ @@`486. Christian funerary inscription for &3adelphoi philoi&; Christian; found at Taxiarchai near Volissos: *Athena 1908, p. 327, no. 77. @ @@`487. Christian funerary inscription for priest A[n][2d]2roni[2k]2os (?); Christian; found at Langada: *Athena 1908, p. 327, no. 75. @ @@`488. Christian sarchophagus inscription for Epiphanios, God's &3doulos&; Christian; found in Turloti: BE 1956:216; *SEG 15, 545. @ @@`489. Christian funerary inscription for Kostantenos, slave of God and the blessed Mother of God; Christian; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, pp. 246%19`247, no. 79, ll. 1%19`2. @ @@`490. Christian funerary inscription for Polychronis, with cross; Christian; found at Emporio: *Athena 1908, pp. 326%19`327, no. 74. @ @@`491. Christian funerary inscription referring to cross's bringing the Jews to nought; Christian; found in city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 323, no. 63, p. 519. @ @@`492. Christian funerary inscription mentioning Alkimachos and Kapiton; Christian; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, pp. 323%19`324, no. 64. @ 쪵@@@@Section: 21c. Christian Building Inscriptions (492.5) @ @@`492.5. Dedicatory inscription for part of church by Arkadeios Phokaaious; AD 408%3`450; found in city of Chios: *Pennas, Chios 325 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (493%19`512.84) @ @@@@Section: 22a. Inscriptions on Tiles (493%19`497) @ @@`493. Genitive of name Apollonides on tile; no date; now in Museum of Chios: Paspatis, p. 417, no. 43; *MDAI(A) 1888, p. 182, no. 44; Athena 1908, p. 245, no. 72. @ @@`494. Name Kiron on piece of tile; no date; now in Museum of Chios, provenance unknown: *Paspatis, p. 405, no. 10; MDAI(A) 1888, p. 182, no. 42. @ @@`495. Name Kiron on piece of tile (different tile from number 494); no date; found in Karyes: *Athena 1908, p. 520, no. 2. @ @@`496. Name Tharsynon written backwards on tile; archaic?; now in Museum of Chios, provenance unknown: *Paspatis, p. 417, no. 42; MDAI(A) 1888, p. 182, no. 43. @ @@`497. Inscription on roof%19tile: &3APELINON&; I; found in Kophinas north of city of Chios: *Anderson, ABSA 49, 1954, p. 171, no. 371 (PH); SEG 14, 564b. @ See also: Chios 126. @ @@@@Section: 22b. Mythological Inscriptions (498%19`500) @ @@`498. Summary of part of Catalogue of Ships; III%3II; found in Vrontados: BE 1954:203; *SEG 15, 535. @ @@`499. List of men who came to [Chios] with Oinopion and of his wives; II%3I; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Kondoleon, RPh 23, 1949, pp. 5%19`9, no. 1 (PH). @ @@`500. List of Argonauts; II%3I (?); found in city of Chios: *Haussoullier, REG 3, 1890, pp. 207%19`210, no. 1. @ See also: IG XII 5, 444 XXVII (Marmor Parium mentions founding of Chios; found on Paros). @ @@@@Section: 22c. Inscriptions on Weights and Measures (501%19`504) @ @@`501. Inscription on &3sekoma& of 1 hekteus; c. III%3II; found in city of Chios: Athena 1908, p. 271, no. 172; *ABSA 1956, pp. 63%19`67 (PH); BE 1958:353; SEG 16, 495; SEG 22, 520. @ @@`502. Inscription on &3sekoma& of 20 kotylai; no date; found in Kambos: BE 1958:383; *ABSA 1956, p. 65; SEG 16, 496; SEG 22, 520. @ @@`503. Inscription on lead weight: &3tri&[&3temorion&]; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *BE 1958:383. @ @@`504. Inscription on lead weight: 1%3`2 mna; no date; found on Chios: *BE 1958:383. @ @@@@Section: 22d. Other Inscriptions (505%19`512.84) @ @@`505. 3 related magical inscriptions concerning fire; no date; found at Monopetra near Karyes: *Paspatis, pp. 410%19`411, no. 25 (* for sections 1 and 2); Athena 1908, pp. 284%19`288; *Kourouniotis, AD 1, 1915, pp. 91%19`92 (PH) (* for section 3); **SGDI IV &7n&`57 (sections 1, l. 4; section 2, col. 1, l. 1). @ @@`506. Inscription on arched ring: &3ETOU&; no date; found at southern point of Chios: *Christ, SBAW 1866, p. 264; ABSA 1964, p. 34, no. 27a; SEG 22, 530a. @ @@`507. Inscription on arched ring: &3PSATH&; no date; found at southern point of Chios: *Christ, SBAW 1866, p. 264; ABSA 1964, p. 34, no. 27b; SEG 22, 530b. @ @@`508. Analemma with names of signs of Zodiac; c. II; found at Haghiasmata on coast north of Keramos: *ABSA 1940%19`1945, pp. 41%19`42. @ @@`509. Monogram on stamped Chian amphora handle: &3PAR&; II; found at Delphinion: *Boardman, ABSA 51, 1956, p. 53, no. 13; SEG 16, 502a. @ @@`510. Inscription on Rhodian stamped amphora handle; III&7m&; found at Delphinion: *Boardman, ABSA 1956, p. 53, no. 14; SEG 16, 582b. @ @@`511. Unpublished inscription with variations on name Cassius written by someone practising Latin; Roman; found at Emporio: ABSA 1940%19`1945, p. 37; ABSA 1964, p. 37, no. 31. @ @@`512. Unpublished door%19inscription giving place%19name &3Alethes &3Limen&; no date; found at Lithi: Kondoleon, PAAH 1953, p. 273 (PH); SEG 16, 501. @ @@`512.03. Dedication to Here on fragment of amphora%19neck; 690%3`660 BC; found at Emporio: Boardman, Emporio p. 244, no. 613 (PH); *Graf, Kulte, Chios 25. @ @@`512.09. Fragment, perhaps of artist's signature by Nikesermos (?) and dedication to Artemis and Ret[ia], on chalice fragment, boustrophedon; 630%3`600 BC; found at Emporio: *Boardman, Emporio p. 121, no. 270 and p. 244, no. 615 (PH); Graf, Kulte, Chios 33. @ @@`512.12. Artist's signature by [Nikeser]mos, boustrophedon, on chalice fragment; 630%3`600 BC; found at Emporio: *Boardman, Emporio p. 244, no. 616 (PH). @ @@`512.15. Fragment on chalice fragment; 630%3`600 BC; found at Emporio: *Boardman, Emporio p. 244, no. 617 (PH). @ @@`512.18. Fragment on chalice fragment; 630%3`600 BC; found at Emporio: *Boardman, Emporio p. 244, no. 618 (PH). @ @@`512.21. Fragment on oinochoe fragment; 630%3`600 BC; found at Emporio: *Boardman, Emporio p. 244, no. 619. @ @@`512.24. Fragment on cup fragment, retrograde; 630%3`600 BC; found at Emporio: *Boardman, Emporio p. 244, no. 620 (PH). @ @@`512.27. Inscription indicating ownership by Kydros (?) on chalice fragment; VI&4`1&; found at Emporio: *Boardman, Emporio p. 159, no. 734 and p. 244, no. 621 (PH). @ @@`512.30. Dedication to Athena on chalice fragment; VI&4`1&; found at Emporio: *Boardman, Emporio p. 245, no. 622 (PH); Graf, Kulte, Chios 26. @ @@`512.33. Fragment of dedication on kantharos (or chalice) fragment; VI&4`1&; found at Emporio: *Boardman, Emporio p. 245, no. 623 (PH). @ @@`512.36. Fragment of dedication on kantharos (or chalice) fragment; VI&4`1&; found at Emporio: *Boardman, Emporio p. 245, no. 624 (PH). @ @@`512.39. Fragment of dedication on kantharos (or chalice) fragment; VI&4`1&; found at Emporio: *Boardman, Emporio p. 245, no. 625 (PH). @ @@`512.42. Fragment on kantharos (or chalice) fragment; VI&4`1&; found at Emporio: *Boardman, Emporio p. 245, no. 626 (PH). @ @@`512.45. Painted fragment on kantharos (or chalice) fragment; VI&4`1&; found at Emporio: *Boardman, Emporio p. 245, no. 627 (PH). @ @@`512.48. Painted fragment on kantharos (or chalice) fragment; VI&4`1&; found at Emporio: *Boardman, Emporio p. 245, no. 628 (PH). @ @@`512.51. Fragment on phiale fragment; VI&4`1&; found at Emporio: *Boardman, Emporio p. 165, no. 810 and p. 245, no. 629 (PH). @ @@`512.54. Painted fragment on fragment of amphora neck; VI&4`1&; found at Emporio: *Boardman, Emporio p. 245, no. 630. @ @@`512.57. Painted fragment on fragment of open vase; 550%3`325 BC; found at Emporio: *Boardman, Emporio p. 245, no. 631 (PH). @ @@`512.60. Dedication to Apollo on kantharos (or chalice) fragment; VI&4`1&; found at Emporio: *Boardman, Emporio p. 245, no. 632 (PH); Graf, Kulte, Chios 30. @ @@`512.63. Fragment on kantharos fragment; VI&4`2&; found at Emporio: *Boardman, Emporio p. 245, no. 633 (PH). @ @@`512.66. Fragment on kantharos fragment; VI; found at Emporio: *Boardman, Emporio p. 245, no. 634 (PH). @ @@`512.69. Fragment on Rhodian oinochoe fragment; VI; found at Emporio: *Boardman, Emporio p. 245, no. 635 (PH). @ @@`512.72. Fragment on chalice fragment; VI&4`2&; found at Emporio: *Boardman, Emporio p. 245, no. 636. @ @@`512.75. Fragment on kantharos fragment; VI&4`1&; found at Emporio: *Boardman, Emporio p. 245, no. 637. @ @@`512.78. Fragment on Attic cup fragment; VI&4`2&; found at Emporio: *Boardman, Emporio p. 245, no. 638 (PH). @ @@`512.81. Dating by [Sosi]phron [Eu]phros[ynou] on Knidian stamped amphora handle; II&4`2&; found at Emporio: *Boardman, Emporio p. 245, no. 639. @ @@`512.84. Inscription referring to Themiso on stamped amphora handle, retrograde; II%3I; found at Emporio: *Boardman, Emporio p. 245, no. 640. @ See also: Chios 99%19`110.5, 112, 160, 481; ID 5, 2633 l. 13 (list of names (possibly list of ephebes) includes [ ... ... i]ppou of Chios; found on Delos); Iasos 413 (%6 ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 623, 89) ((Chian?) amphora%19stamp of Aristokrates; found at Iasos). @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (513%19`566.5) @ @@`513. Document mentioning King Eu[menes?]; no date; found in city of Chios: *MDAI(A) 1888, p. 168, no. 7. @ @@`514. Fragment; no date; found in city of Chios: *Mouseion 1876, p. 34, no. 141. @ @@`515. Fragment mentioning &3heros& [Phes]einos; no date; found at Hagia Dechteine (?): *Paspatis, p. 414, no. 31 (* for ll. 2%19`6); *MDAI(A) 1888, pp. 181%19`182, no. 41 (* for ll. 1, 7; ** for l. 4); **Athena 1908, pp. 510%19`511 (l. 3). @ @@`516. Fragment mentioning goddess; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 265, no. 150. @ @@`517. Fragment; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 266, no. 152. @ @@`518. Fragment; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 266, no. 154. @ @@`519. Fragment, stoichedon; no date; now in Museum of Chios: Athena 1908, p. 266, no. 155; *BCH 1913, p. 232, no. 36. @ @@`520. Fragment, probably in Latin; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 267, no. 156. @ @@`521. Fragment; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 267, no. 157. @ @@`522. Fragment; no date; found on Chios (in city?): *Athena 1908, p. 267, no. 158. @ @@`523. Fragment mentioning [Oin]opioneion, shrine of Oinopinion; V; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 267, no. 159, p. 512. @ @@`524. Fragment mentioning [A]pollonio[s] and &3myriades&; no date; found in city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 268, no. 161. @ @@`525. Fragment; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 268, no. 162. @ @@`526. Fragment; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 268, no. 163. @ @@`527. Fragment; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 268, no. 164. @ @@`528. Fragment; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 269, no. 167. @ @@`529. Fragment; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 270, no. 168. @ @@`530. Fragment; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 270, no. 169. @ @@`531. Fragment; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 271, no. 171. @ @@`532. Fragment; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 271, no. 173. @ @@`533. Fragment referring to month; no date; found in Latomi: *Athena 1908, p. 272, no. 176, p. 512. @ @@`534. Fragment of honorary inscription (?); no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 273, no. 177. @ @@`535. Fragment; no date (?); found on Chios (in city?): *Athena 1908, p. 273, no. 178. @ @@`536. Fragment; no date; found on Chios (in city?): *Athena 1908, p. 273, no. 179. @ @@`537. Fragment; no date; found in city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 274, no. 181. @ @@`538. Fragment mentioning Theodoros; no date; found in city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 274, no. 183. @ @@`539. Fragment; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 275, no. 186. @ @@`540. Fragment; no date; found on Chios (in city?): *Athena 1908, p. 277, no. 190. @ @@`541. Fragment; no date; found in Karyes: *Athena 1908, p. 277, no. 191. @ @@`542. Fragment; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 277, no. 192. @ @@`543. Fragment; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 277, no. 193. @ @@`544. Fragment; no date; found on Chios (in city?): *Athena 1908, p. 278, no. 194. @ @@`545. Fragment mentioning &3presbys&; no date; found in Letsena: *Athena 1908, p. 278, no. 195. @ @@`546. Fragment; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1908, p. 278, no. 196. @ @@`547. Fragment mentioning &3eusebeis& and &3stateres&; no date; found in Phrourion of city of Chios: *Athena 1916, pp. 162%19`3, no. 10. @ @@`548. Fragment on piece of pottery: &3KLE& written backwards; archaic; found at Kato Phana: *Kourouniotis, AD 2, 1916, p. 199, fig. 16 (PH). @ @@`549. Fragment mentioning &3demos,& [&3dr&]&3achmai&; no date; now in Museum of Chios: *AD 1927%19`1928, Par. p. 27, no. 11 (PH). @ @@`550. Fragment, stoichedon; IV (?); now in Museum of Chios: *AD 1927%19`1928, Par. p. 29, no. 19 (PH); Stephanou, Chiaka Mel. I p. 48; **SEG 17, 412 (ll. 1%19`2). @ @@`551. Fragment; no date; found at Ano Katarraktis; *ABSA 1940%19`1945, p. 36. @ @@`552. Fragment (of horos or funerary inscription?); V; found in Turloti: *Kondoleon, PAAH 1953, pp. 271%19`272 (PH); SEG 16, 500. @ @@`553. End of inscription mentioning man who had steered ship for 32 years; I%3`1; found on Chios: BE 1958:381; *SEG 16, 499; Graf, Kulte, Chios 84. @ @@`554. Fragment; no date; found in Kophinas north of city of Chios: *SEG 17, 413. @ @@`555. Fragment (of memorial inscription?) on column; Roman; found at Kato Phana: *ABSA 1964, p. 33, no. 23c1; SEG 22, 528hi. @ @@`556. Fragment [ ... ]&3yrnis&; Roman; found at Emporio: *ABSA 1964, p. 35, no. 28c1; SEG 22, 531ci. @ @@`557. Fragment; no date; found at Emporio: *ABSA 1964, p. 36, no. 29a1. @ @@`558. Fragment; no date; found at Emporio: *ABSA 1964, p. 36, no. 29a2; SEG 22, 532a. @ @@`559. Fragment; Roman; found at Emporio: *ABSA 1964, p. 36, no. 29b; SEG 22, 532b. @ @@`560. Fragment; Roman; found at Emporio: *ABSA 1964, p. 36, no. 29c; SEG 22, 532c. @ @@`561. Fragment; Roman; found at Emporio: *ABSA 1964, p. 36, no. 29d; SEG 22, 532d. @ @@`562. Fragment; no date; found at Emporio: *ABSA 1964, p. 36, no. 30 (PH). @ @@`563. Fragment; no date; found in city of Chios: *ABSA 1966, p. 206, no. 12. @ @@`564. Two unedited inscriptions with name Hekataia; no date; found in Lithi: *Dunst, SDAW 1960 I p. 36, note 6. @ @@`565. Unpublished inscription mentioning Leto; no date; found in city of Chios: *ABSA 1963, p. 61, note 42. @ @@`566. Unpublished fragment; no date; found in city of Chios: *ABSA 1964, p. 37, no. 32. @ @@`566.5. Fragment mentioning Diogenes [ ... ]deus, possibly memorial inscription for wife; imperial; found on Psyra: *Mpardani, Horos 3, 1985, 120%19`121 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (567%19`568) @ @@`567. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Bitto and Phainis, both from Kos; no date; found on Chios: CIG 2236; Kaibel 232; *Geffcken 212; GVI I 474. @ @@`568. Epigram in elegiacs on base of stolen statue of Hermes concerning the theft; no date; found on Chios: CIG 2229; *Kaibel 1108; Graf, Kulte, *Chios 3. @@@@{1Didyma}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@Did. I: Wiegand, Didyma, vol. 1, Die Baubeschreibung, Berlin @@@@`1941. @@Fontenrose: Fontenrose, Didyma, Berkeley 1988. @@GGA 1959: Habicht, GGA 213, 1959, 145%19`166. @@Gnomon 1959: Robert, Gnomon 31, 1959, 657%19`74. @@Gu+nther, Orakel: Gu+nther, Das Orakel von Didyma, Tu+bingen 1971. @@Haussoullier, Me/m. De/l. Perse: Haussoullier, Offrande a\ @@@@Apollon Didyme/en, in Morgan, Recherches Arche/ologiques, 2e. @@@@Se/rie, vol. 7: Me/moires de la De/le/gation en Perse, Paris @@@@`1905. @@IDidyma: Wiegand, Didyma, vol. 2, Die Inschriften, Berlin 1958. @@Newton, Discoveries: Newton, History of Discoveries in @@@@Halicarnassus, Cnidus, and Branchidae, London 1862%19`3. @@Rehm, Chronologie II: Rehm, Milesische Chronologie von Sulla @@@@bis Tiberius, SBAW 1939, 8. Abhandlung. @@Tuchelt, Didyma: Tuchelt, Vorarbeiten zu einer Topographie von @@@@Didyma, MDAI(I) Beiheft 9, 1973. @@`6. Mil%19Ber.: Wiegand, ADAW 1908, Anhang pp. 1%19`46. @@`7. Mil%19Ber.: Wiegand, ADAW 1911, Anhang pp. 1%19`71. @@`8. Mil%19Ber.: Wiegand, ADAW 1924, no. 1. @ Sites of discovery considered as Didyma and not named: @@Didima (%6 Hieronda, Jeronda, Yoran). @ Sites of discovery named: @@Akbu+k (%6 Akbuki, Akbukj) @@Derinkuyu (%6 Derenkuja) @@Elaiotribia (%6 Ta Lutriwia) (near Karakuyu C%25iftlig%27i) @@Hoca Kuyu (%6 Hodscha Kuju, Kodschakui) @@Karakuyu (%6 Kara%19koyun, Karakuja) @@Ta Kokkina (near Kovala Burnu) @@Kovala Liman (%6 Panormos) @@Ta Marmara (near Mercimek) @@Mercimek (%6 Merdsimeky, Mirdjimet) @@Hill Prophitis Ilias (between Kovala Burnu and Didima) @@Sar#1221kemer (near Myous) @@Sithonia. @@Tekag%27ac%25 Burnu (%6 Cape Monodendri). @ See also the rubrics for the following sites dependent upon or identical with Miletos, as references to Didyma on inscriptions of these sites are not catalogued here: @@Lepsia @@Leros @@Miletos @@Myous @@Patmos @@Teichioussa. @ The Karakuyu on the coast in the territory of Didyma is to be distinguished from the inland Karakuyu in the territory of Mylasa which is equated with the ancient Chalketor. @ Where the date for the following inscriptions is followed by an asterisk, the date given is the conventional one. Because a recently discovered inscription, AA 92, 1977, p. 95, compels dating Miletos 39 earlier than is usual, all these dates should be 4, 6, or 8 years earlier, as Miletos 60 and 106, despite Rehm, permit. @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`18) @ @@`1. Fragment of sacred law; VI&4`2&: *Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 30, 1980, pp. 167%19`170, no. 4 (PH); SEG 30, 1283. @ @@`2. Text of sacred law(?); archaic after 550 BC; found at Karakuyu: *IDidyma 18. @ @@`3. Provision of decree calling for putting text on &3stele&; c. 300 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 24, 1900, p. 251; 6. Mil%19Ber. 44; *IDidyma 481. @ @@`4. Fragment of decree; III: *IDidyma 485; **SEG 30, 1284 (ll. 1%19`2). @ @@`5. Decree concerning prices of meat; III&4`1&: Robert, Sanctuaire de Sinuri, p. 49; Sokolowski, LSAM no. 54; *IDidyma 482. @ @@`6. Honorary decree for Aigyptos of Iasos; III&4`1&: *IDidyma 483. @ @@`7. Honorary decree for Antiochos, son of king Seleukos (I); 300%3`299 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 24, 1900, p. 245, no. II; Holleaux, REG 14, 1901, 92%19`96 (%6Etudes III 111%19`115); Haussoullier, Milet 34%19`48; OGIS 213; SEG 4, 470; IDidyma 479; *Gu+nther, Orakel 29%19`35. @ @@`8. Honorary decree for Apame, wife of King Seleukos (I); 299%3`8 BC: 6. Mil%19Ber. 42%19`44; 7. Mil%19Ber. 68%19`69; IDidyma 480 (PH); *Gu+nther, Orakel 23%19`28; SEG 26, 1234; **Mu+ller, Milesische Volksbeschlu+sse 21, note 8 (l. 27); **SEG 34, 1075 (l. 26). @ @@`9. Honorary decree of Stratos (in Acarnania) for foreign judges (from Miletos); III&4`2&%3II&4`1&: IG IX, 1&4`2&, 417; *IDidyma 487 (PH); **Gnomon 1959, 669 (ll. 1%19`2); SEG 19, 410. @ @@`10. Fragment of decree; III&4`2&: *IDidyma 484. @ @@`11. Honorary decree of &3koinon& of &3temenizontes& of Aphrodite and Apollo Didymeus for Athenagoras Paioniou; 188%3`7*** BC: *IDidyma 486; Tuchelt, Didyma 39 (PH); **Herrmann, MDAI(I) 30, 1980, 223%19`224 (ll. 4, 10); SEG 30, 1285. @ @@`12. Honorary decree for Eirenias Eireniou by &3demos& of Miletos; 167%3`140 BC: *IDidyma 142; **Gnomon 1959, 663 (ll. 17, 19). @ @@`13. Decree establishing annual distribution of food on birthday of Eumenes (II); c. 159%3`8 BC: 7. Mil%19Ber. 27%19`30; *IDidyma 488 (PH). @ @@`14. Decree concerning &3tragoidoi&; late Hellenistic: *IDidyma 234AI. @ @@`15. End of honorary decree; I: *IDidyma 489; **Gnomon 1959, 669 (ll. 1%19`2). @ @@`16. Beginning of honorary decree; 59 BC: *IDidyma 490. @ @@`17. Decree(?) establishing annual &3boegoi& for sacrifices to Zeus Soter, with decree of &3synedroi& instructing Epinikos to list &3boegoi& and list of &3boegoi& from 16%3`5 BC to 13%3`2 BC(?); 16%3`12 BC(?): LW 222; Gardner, JHS 6, 1885, 351%19`2, no. 102; Haussoullier, Me/l. H. Weil 149%19`154; Fontenrose, U. Cal. Pub. Class. Philol. 12, 1942, 165%19`174; Fontenrose, U. Cal. Pub. Class. Arch. 1, 1944, 291%19`304; Schehl, AJA 58, 1954, 13%19`26; SEG 13, 497; *IDidyma 199. @ @@`18. Fragment of honorary decree for Commodus; AD 181%3`192: LW 1570&3bis&; *IDidyma 491. @ See also: Didyma 478; Iasos 4 (%6 IIasos 4) (%6 OGIS 237) (%6 GIBM 442) (%6 Michel 467) (fragment of decree of Iasos in honor of Antiochos III, mentioning oracle, probably of Didyma; found at Iasos); TCalymnii 69 (decree of Kalymnos mentioning oracle of Apollo Didymeus; found on Kalymnos); Syll&4`3& 590 (decree of Miletos concerning &3Didymeia& and envoys to Kos, with fragment of answer by Kos; found on Kos); Teos 22 (%6 LW 78) (%6 ICret I Malla no. 2) (decree of Palla (Malla?) &3asylia& of Teos mentioning consultation of oracles in Delphi and Didyma; found at Teos). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (19%19`24) @ @@`19. Letter of King Seleukos (I) to Miletos giving donations to temple of Apollo at Didyma, with inventory of donations; 288%3`7 BC: CIG 2852; Haussoullier, Milet 194%19`7; OGIS 214; Welles 5; IDidyma 424; Vidman, Sylloge 289; Pouilloux, Choix, pp. 143%19`5, no. 37; Gu+nther, Orakel 43%19`50; *Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 27%19`8, 1977%19`8, 261%19`6 (PH); SEG 27, 730; Petzl, EA 13, 1989, 131%19`133, no. 5. @ @@`20. Letter of Antiochos II to general Metrophanes; 253 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 25, 1901, 8%19`17; Haussoullier, Milet 76%19`112; OGIS 225, ll. 1%19`33 ; 6. Mil%19Ber. 35%19`7, ll. 17%19`30; Welles 18; SEG 16, 710; *IDidyma 492B (PH); SEG 19, 676; SEG 37, 878. (See also Didyma 21, 128). @ @@`21. Letter of general Metrophanes of Antiochos II to &3oikonomos Nikomachos of king; 253 BC: 6. Mil%19Ber. 35%19`7, ll. 1%19`16; Welles 19; SEG 16, 710; *IDidyma 492A (PH); SEG 19, 676. (See also Didyma 20, 128). @ @@`22. Letter of King Seleukos (II) to &3boule& and &3demos& of Miletos thanking them for honors given; c. 246 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 25, 1901, 126%19`8; Haussoullier, Milet 114%19`6; OGIS 227; Welles 22; IDidyma 493 (PH); *Gu+nther, Orakel 66%19`95. @ @@`23. Honorary inscription by Miletos for Hadrian on base, with letter of Hadrian to &3archontes, boule,& and &3demos& of Miletos; AD 137%3`8: *IDidyma 494 (PH). @ @@`24. Fragment of letter of emperor or official; late: *IDidyma 495. @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ See also: Didyma 674. @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (25%19`79) @ @@`25. Inventory of donations with &3symmachikou drachmai& and mentioning Theanor; IV&4`2&: *IDidyma 434; Tuchelt, Didyma 78 (PH). @ @@`26. Inventory of donations with &3symmachikou drachmai& and mentioning Androteles; IV&4`2&: *IDidyma 435. @ @@`27. Inventory of donations with &3symmachikou drachmai& and mentioning Epameinon; IV&4`2&: *IDidyma 436; Tuchelt, Didyma 78 (PH). @ @@`28. Inventory of donations with &3symmachikou drachmai& and mentioning Demaretos; IV&4`2&: *IDidyma 437. @ @@`29. Inventory of donations mentioning &3Magnetes&(?); Hellenistic: *IDidyma 455. @ @@`30. Inventory of donations mentioning Hippomachos; Hellenistic: *IDidyma 456. @ @@`31. Inventory of donations mentioning Plathainis; III%3II: *IDidyma 448. @ @@`32. Inventory of donations mentioning Lysimachos(?); III%3II: *IDidyma 449. @ @@`33. Inventory of donations mentioning Demetrios; III%3II: *IDidyma 452. @ @@`34. Inventory of donations with &3Alexandreiai&; c. III: *IDidyma 441. @ @@`35. Inventory of donations with &3Alexandreiai&; III: *IDidyma 438. @ @@`36. Inventory of donations mentioning Kyzikos and Iasos; III: *IDidyma 444. @ @@`37. Preamble to inventory of donations; 287%3`6 BC: CIG 2853; Haussoullier, Milet 198; SEG 4, 468; *IDidyma 425. @ @@`38. Inventory of donations; 277%3`6 BC: *IDidyma 426 (PH). @ @@`39. Inventory of donations; 276%3`5 BC: *IDidyma 427 (PH). @ @@`40. Inventory of donations; 275%3`4 BC: *IDidyma 428 (PH); Pouilloux, Choix, pp. 140%19`2, no. 36. @ @@`41. Preamble to inventory of donations; 274%3`3 BC: *IDidyma 429 (PH). @ @@`42. Excised. @ @@`43. Inventory of donations; 273%3`2 BC: *IDidyma 430 (PH). @ @@`44. Inventory of donations; 272%3`1 BC: *IDidyma 431 (PH). @ @@`45. Inventory of donations; 271%3`0 BC: *IDidyma 432 (PH). @ @@`46. Inventory of donations; 270%3`69 BC: *IDidyma 433 (PH). @ @@`47. Inventory of donations mentioning Aristagoras; 259%3`233*** BC: Haussoullier, Milet pp. 204%19`5, no. 3, ll. 1%19`15; *IDidyma 442. @ @@`48. Inventory of donations mentioning Gryttos; 258%3`233* BC: Haussoullier, Milet 204%19`5, no. 3, ll. 16%19`22; *IDidyma 443. @ @@`49. Inventory of donations mentioning Diothemis; III&4`2&: *IDidyma 440. @ @@`50. Inventory of donations mentioning Artemis; 250%3`226 BC: *IDidyma 439. @ @@`51. Inventory of donations mentioning Babaithis: c. III&7e&: 7. Mil%19Ber. 63, no. IIIb; *IDidyma 451 (PH). @ @@`52. Inventory of donations mentioning &3Naukratitai&; III&7e&%3II&7b&: *IDidyma 457. @ @@`53. Inventory of donations mentioning Philomelos; III&7e&%3II&7b&: Haussoullier, Milet 207%19`8, no. 7, ll. 1%19`4; Wilhelm, NBeitr I 48%19`9; *IDidyma 458; Holleaux, Etudes VI, pl. III (PH). @ @@`54. Inventory of donations; III&7e&%3II&7b&: Haussoullier, Milet pp. 207%19`8, no. 7, ll. 5%19`7; Haussoullier, RPh 44, 1920, 57; *IDidyma 459. @ @@`55. Inventory of donations; 226%3`5*** BC: Haussoullier, Milet pp. 205%19`6, no. 4, ll. 1%19`15; *IDidyma 445. @ @@`56. Inventory of donations mentioning &3stephanephoros Aischylinos; 225%3`4*** BC: Haussoullier, Milet, pp. 205%19`6, no. 4, ll. 16%19`23; 6. Mil%19Ber. pp. 37%19`8, ll. 1%19`11; 7. Mil%19Ber. p. 62, no. I, ll. 1%19`11; *IDidyma 446;. **Gnomon 1959, 669 (l. 9). @ @@`57. Inventory of donations mentioning &3stephanephoros& Antenor; 224%3`3*** BC: 6. Mil%19Ber. pp. 37%19`8, ll. 12%19`20; 7. Mil%19Ber. pp. 62%19`3, no. I, ll. 12%19`19 %7 no. II; *IDidyma 447. @ @@`58. Inventory of donations mentioning Melesippos; 219%3`8*** BC: 7. Mil%19Ber. p. 63, no. IIIa; *IDidyma 450. @ @@`59. Inventory of donations mentioning &3stephanephoros Alexandros; 211%3`0*** BC: *IDidyma 453. @ @@`60. Inventory of donations; c. 200 BC?: *IDidyma 454. @ @@`61. Inventory of donations mentioning &3Kyzikenoi&; late Hellenistic: *IDidyma 478. @ @@`62. Inventory of donations mentioning &3stephanephoros theos after Autokles; 188%3`7*** BC: *IDidyma 460. @ @@`63. Inventory of donations mentioning &3stephanephoros& [ ... ]&3es &3Apolloniou&; c. 183%3`2*** BC: Gardner, JHS 6, 1885, 351, no. 100; Haussoullier, Milet 208, no. 8; Haussoulllier, RPh 44, 1920, pp. 47%19`8; *IDidyma 461. @ @@`64. Inventory of donations mentioning &3stephanephoros& Epigonos; c. 182%3`1*** BC: CIG 2854; Haussoullier, Milet 201; SEG 4, 469; *IDidyma 462. @ @@`65. Inventory of donations mentioning &3stephanephoros& 3rd &3theos after Menodoros; c. 178%3`7*** BC: CIG 2855; Haussoullier, Milet 201%19`3; Haussoullier, RPh 44, 1920, pp. 40%19`1; SEG 4, 469; SEG 17, 497; *IDidyma 463; SEG 37, 877. @ @@`66. Inventory of donations mentioning &3stephanephoros& 4th &3theos after Menodoros; c. 177%3`6*** BC: Haussoullier, RPh 22, 1898, p. 114; Haussoullier, Milet pp. 167%19`71, no. 2b and pp. 206%19`7, no. 5; Haussoullier, RPh 44, 1920, p. 50; *IDidyma 464 (PH); SEG 29, 1091. @ @@`67. Inventory of donations mentioning &3stephanephoros& Pasikles Philidou; c. 176%3`5*** BC: CIG 2856; Haussoullier, Milet 203; Haussoullier, RPh 44, 1920, 41; SEG 4, 469; *IDidyma 465. @ @@`68. Inventory of donations mentioning &3stephanephoros& Eukrates; c. 171%3`0*** BC: CIG 2859; Haussoullier, Milet p. 204, no. 2; Haussoullier, RPh 44, 1920, pp. 44%19`5; *IDidyma 466. @ @@`69. Inventory of donations; c. 168%3`7*** BC: Haussoullier, RPh 22, 1898, 126%19`7; Haussoullier, Milet 198%19`9; *IDidyma 467. @ @@`70. Inventory of donations mentioning &3stephanephoros theos after Minnion; c. 166%3`5*** BC: Haussoullier, RPh 22, 1898, 127%19`8; Haussoullier, Milet 199%19`200; *IDidyma 468. @ @@`71. Inventory of donations mentioning &3stephanephoros Lyses [ ... ]&3ou&; c. 165%3`4*** BC: Haussoullier, RPh 22, 1898, 128; Haussoullier, Milet 200%19`1; *IDidyma 469; **Ebert, Philologus 120, 1976, 126 (ll. 1%19`2). @ @@`72. Inventory of donations mentioning &3stephanephoros& Panphilos Autokleious; c. 162%3`1*** BC: CIG 2857; Haussoullier, Milet 203; SEG 4, 469; *IDidyma 470. @ @@`73. Inventory of donations mentioning &3stephanephoros Menekrates; c. 161%3`0 BC: CIG 2858; Haussoullier, Milet 203; SEG 4, 469; *IDidyma 471. @ @@`74. Inventory of donations mentioning &3stephanephoros& Labotos Paioniou; II&7m&: *IDidyma 472. @ @@`75. Inventory of donations mentioning Prousias; II&7m&: *IDidyma 473. @ @@`76. Inventory of donations mentioning Phanias; II&4`2&%3I&7b&: Haussoullier, Milet p. 209, no. 9; *IDidyma 474. @ @@`77. Inventory of donations mentioning Menippos; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&: *IDidyma 476. @ @@`78. Inventory of donations mentioning &3stephanephoros& Aristanor Aristanoros; c. 100 BC: Haussoullier, Milet pp. 209%19`211, no. 10; *IDidyma 475. @ @@`79. Inventory of donations mentioning Agyrrhios; 51%3`31 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, p. 27, no. 27; Haussoullier, Milet 207, no. 6; *IDidyma 477. @ See also: Didyma 19. @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ Џ@@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (80%19`127) @ @@`80. Masons' marks on steps and walls of temple; III%3II: Barth, RhM 7, 1850, 259, no. 42; Woodward, ABSA 28, 1926%3`7, 125%19`6, no. 11; Dain, Louvre, no. 58; Did. I Tf. 6%19`7, 9%19`13, 14, 17, 19%19`21, 37, 90%19`91, 229 (PH); *IDidyma 49. @ @@`81. List of stones used in &3metastylia, parastades,& etc.; III: *IDidyma 23. @ @@`82. Building inscription concerning well; III: *IDidyma 51. @ @@`83. Fragment (of building inscription?) dated by &3hydrophoros Philoumene Demetriou; III&4`1&: *IDidyma 307BII. @ @@`84. List of stones used with names of contributors Kteson, etc.: 219%3`8 BC: 7. Mil%19Ber. 56%19`8, no. IIIa; Haussoullier, RPh 43, 1919, 189%19`198, no. IA; *IDidyma 25A. @ @@`85. Lists of stones used with names of contributors &3hoi peri Ղ&3Apolloniden& etc.; 219%3`8 BC: 7. Mil%19Ber. 56%19`9, no. IIIb; Haussoullier, RPh 43, 1919, 189%19`198, no. IB; *IDidyma 25B. @ @@`86. Summary of &3erga& in building temple, with list of stones used, summary of costs, and names of contributors Straton, etc.; 218%3`7 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 43, 1919, 198%19`204, no II and 204%19`7, no. V; *IDidyma 26AB (PH, partial). @ @@`87. Summary of &3erga& in building temple, with list of stones used, summary of costs, and names of contributors &3hoi peri &3Apolloniden,& etc.; 217%3`6 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 29, 1905, 238%19`245, no. IAB; Haussoullier, RPh 43, 1919, 184%19`9, no. III; *IDidyma 27AB (PH). @ @@`88. Building document; c. III&7m&%3II&7m&: *IDidyma 24. @ @@`89. List of stones used in &3toichoi, krepidoma,& etc.; c. III&7m&: 7. Mil%19Ber. 55, no. 1; *IDidyma 20 (PH). @ @@`90. Building document; c. 250%3`150 BC: *IDidyma 21. @ @@`91. Building document; c. 250%3`150 BC: *IDidyma 22. @ @@`92. Fragment of building document; III&4`2&: Haussoullier, RPh 49, 1925, 5%19`8, no. IV&3bis,& ll. 0%19`2; SEG 4, 445; *IDidyma 28. @ @@`93. Summary of &3erga& in building temple, with counts of stones used, summary of costs, and no names of contributors; III&4`2&: Haussoullier, RPh 49, 1925, 5%19`8, no. IV&3bis,& ll. 3%19`26; SEG 4, 445; *IDidyma 29. @ @@`94. Dowel%19pin with inscription &3Popliou&; II or later: *IDidyma 64a. @ @@`95. Fragment of a building(?) inscription; late Hellenistic%3early imperial: *Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 30, 1980, pp. 165%19`6, no. 2 (PH); SEG 30, 1289. @ @@`96. Building inscription mentioning &3prophetes& (?) Menestratos; II: *IDidyma 52a. @ @@`97. Building inscription mentioning &3panegyriarches&; prob. II: LW 232, l. 4; *IDidyma 53. @ @@`98. Counts of stones used in &3parastas,& etc., with summary of costs and no names of contributors; II&4`1&: *IDidyma 30. @ @@`99. Summary of &3erga& without contributors and with counts of stones; II&4`1&: Haussoullier, RPh 29, 1905, 246; 7. Mil%19Ber. 55, no. II; *IDidyma 36. @ @@`100. Summary of &3erga,& with counts of stones; II&4`1&: Haussoullier, RPh 50, 1926, 139%19`42, no. 45; SEG 4, 451; *IDidyma 37. @ @@`101. Building document for &3speirites,& with detailed account of expenses; II&4`1&: *IDidyma 38 (PH). @ @@`102. Building document for &3goniaioi,& etc., with detailed account of expenses; II&4`1&: 6. Mil%19Ber. 39%19`42; 7. Mil%19Ber. 59%19`62, no. IV; Haussoullier, RPh 43, 1919, 211%19`225, no. I App.; Haussoullier, RPh 50, 1926, 124%19`5; SEG 4, 453; *IDidyma 39 (PH, partial); Tuchelt, Didyma 52%19`5 (PH). @ @@`103. Building document for Sacred Way, etc., with detailed account of expenses; II&4`1&: Haussoullier, Cinquant. Ec. Hautes%19Et. 85%19`101; SEG 2, 568%19`9; Haussoullier, RPh 50, 1926, p. 67, no. 39 (PH); SEG 5, 447; *IDidyma 40 %7 41 (PH of 41). @ @@`104. Building document, with detailed account of expenses; II&4`1&: Haussoullier, RPh 50, 1926, pp. 69%19`70, no. 67; SEG 5, 448; *IDidyma 42. @ @@`105. Building document, with detailed account of expenses; II&4`1&: Haussoullier %9 Paton, RPh 50, 1926, 70%19`1, no. 77; *IDidyma 43. @ @@`106. Building document, with detailed account of expenses; II&4`1&: Haussoullier, RPh 50, 1926, 82%19`3, no. 94; SEG 4, 450; *IDidyma 44. @ @@`107. Summary of &3erga& without stones, contributors, costs; c. 185***%3`150 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 22, 1898, 41%19`2, no. 22; Haussoullier, Milet 158%19`162, no. 1; Haussoullier, RPh 44, 1920, 249, no. VI; *IDidyma 31. @ @@`108. Summary of &3erga& without contributors, costs, but with counts of stones; c. 184***%3`150 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 22, 1898, 45%19`6, no. 23; Haussoullier, Milet 162%19`6, no. 2; Haussoullier, RPh 44, 1920, 251%19`2, no. X; *IDidyma 32. @ @@`109. Summary of &3erga& in building temple, with counts of stones; 183***%3`150 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 22, 1898, 113%19`4, no. 22b; Haussoullier, Milet 166%19`7, no. 1b; Haussoullier, RPh 44, 1920, 249, no. VII; *IDidyma 33. @ @@`110. Summary of &3erga& in building temple, without contributors, costs, but with counts of stones; 182***%3`150 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, 2%19`3, no. 24A; Haussoullier, Milet 171%19`9, no. 3a; Haussoullier, RPh 44, 1920, 250, no. VIII; *IDidyma 34. @ @@`111. Summary of &3erga& without contributors, costs, but with counts of stones; 181***%3`150 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, 3, no. 24B; Haussoullier, Milet 172%19`9, no. 3b; Haussoullier, RPh 44, 1920, 250%19`1, no IX; *IDidyma 35. @ 蝹@@`111.5. Summary of &3erga&; c. 175%3`160 BC: *Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 35, 1985, 181%19`184, no. 1 (PH). @ @@`112. &3Apologismos& of &3erga& on temple of Apollo Didymeus; c. 165%3`4*** BC: *Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 19%19`20, 1969%19`70, 237%19`47 (PH); **Ebert, Philologus 120, 1976, 126%19`7 (l. 1); SEG 26, 1235. @ @@`113. Building document summarizing expenses under supervisor Phaidon Sopolios; 130%3`100 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 50, 1926, 144%19`5; SEG 4, 452; *IDidyma 47. @ @@`114. Building document summarizing expenses under supervisor Philodemos Ph[ilodemou]; 107%3`0 BC: Haussoullier, Milet 252, no. B; Haussoullier, RPh 50, 1926, 143; SEG 4, 454; *IDidyma 45. @ @@`115. Building document summarizing expenses under supervisor Badro[mios]; 107%3`0 BC: 6. Mil%19Ber. 42; Haussoullier, RPh 50, 1926, 144; SEG 4, 455; *IDidyma 46. @ @@`116. Fragments of roof%19tiles with stamp &3Apollonios&; imperial: *IDidyma 62. @ @@`117. Building inscription mentioning Antigonos; early imperial: *IDidyma 52. @ @@`118. Inscription on clay fragment: EKREAE; early imperial: *IDidyma 64 (PH). @ @@`119. Dedication of aqueduct to (name lost) by Iason Iasonos [and wife Mnemosyne]; c. AD 100: *IDidyma 140 (PH). @ @@`120. Inscription dated by &3prophetes& Dionysodoros; 1&7e&%3`2&7b&: Did. I Tf. 155 (PH); *IDidyma 61. @ @@`121. Inscription in Latin commemorating building of Sacred Way under Trajan; AD 101%3`2: Gardner, JHS 6, 1885, 344, no. 104; Haussoullier, Milet 284%19`6, no. C; *IDidyma 55; Tuchelt, MDAI(I) 23%19`4, 1973%19`4, 168 (PH); Tuchelt, Didyma 26 (PH). @ @@`122. Inscription in Greek commemorating building of Sacred Way under Trajan; AD 101%3`2: CIG 2870, ll. 1%19`7 (part); Haussoullier, Milet 284%19`6, no.'s A, B, D; CIL III Supp. 7150; *IDidyma 56; Tuchelt, MDAI(I) 23%19`4, 1973%19`4, 168 (PH); Tuchelt, Didyma 26%19`7 (PH). @ @@`123. Dedication on architrave to Apollo Didymeus, Artemis Pythie, Leto, Zeus, Hadrian, and &3Demos& of Miletos; AD 117%3`138: Haussoullier, Milet 260, note 3; 7. Mil%19Ber. 54, note 1; Did. I Tf. 234 (PH); *IDidyma 58; Tuchelt, Didyma 78 (PH). @ @@`124. Building inscription commemorating building of &3hieron& by &3prophetes&; 2&4`2&: *IDidyma 54; Tuchelt, Didyma 82 (PH). @ @@`125. End of dedicatory inscription on architrave mentioning &3hypatikos& Iunius Quintianus; AD 242%3`6; found on way from Didyma to Tekag%27ac%25 Burnu: CIG 2870, ll. 8%19`10; LW 232; *IDidyma 59; Tuchelt, Didyma 81%19`2 (PH). @ @@`126. Masons' marks on column of temple; no date: Did. I Tf, 148 (PH); *IDidyma 48. @ @@`127. Fragment of tile with stamp &3hieros epi Te&[&3llou&]; no date: *IDidyma 63. @ See also: Didyma 675; Iasos 157&4`9&(%6 IIasos 259) (%6 JHS 16, 1896, 225, 19) (%6 RPh 20, 1896, 96, 2) (dedication to Artemis Astias of &3kion& by Metrophantos Apollonidou; found at Karakuyu, wandered from Iasos). @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (128%19`131) @ @@`128. Report of official recording sale of royal land of Antiochos II to Laodike; 253 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 25, 1901, 8%19`17; Haussoullier, Milet 76%19`112; OGIS 225, ll. 33%19`50; Welles 20; SEG 16, 710; *IDidyma 492C (PH); SEG 19, 676. (See also Didyma 20%19`21). @ @@`129. List of &3prophetai& (?); c. I: *IDidyma 104 aI, bII,III, prob. also aIII, bI, c. @ @@`130. Excised, reclassified as Iasos 188. @ @@`131. List of &3tamiai& (?); no date: *Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 30, 1980, pp. 164%19`5, no. 1 (PH); SEG 30, 1288. @ See also: Amyzon 51 (%6 Robert, Amyzon no. 33) (%6 Paton, JHS 16, 1896, 225, 18) (%6 Paton, JHS 16, 1896, 233, no. 35B) (%6 former Didyma 700.5) (fragment of list of citizens, including Iason N[iko]machou; found at Amyzon, not at Karakuyu). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (132%19`212) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Miscellaneous (132) @ @@`132. Inscription on altar (?); archaic after 550 BC: *IDidyma 19. @ See also: Didyma 1%19`2, 17, 539%19`542, 546%19`7, 551, 558, 650%19`1. @ @@@@Section: 9b. Dedications (133%19`212) @ @@@@Section: 9b1. Dedications to Royal and Imperial Personages (133%19`136) @ @@`133. Dedication to Apollo Didymeus and &3hoi Sebastoi& by Timotheos Antiochou; early imperial: *IDidyma 109. @ @@`134. Dedication to Apollo Didymeus and &3hoi Sebastoi& by Timotheos Antiochou; early imperial: *IDidyma 110; Tuchelt, Didyma 87 (PH). @ @@`135. Dedication to Apollo Didymeus and &3hoi Sebastoi& by &3stephanephoros& Tib(erius) Claudius Quirina Nikophon, &3aleiptes& of Caesar; AD 32%3`100: *IDidyma 108. @ @@`136. Dedication to Artemis Pythie and Hadrian Olympios; AD 128%3`138: *IDidyma 119. @ See also: Didyma 123. @ @@@@Section: 9b2. Dedications to Gods (137%19`212) @ @@`137. Dedication of statues to Apollo by sons of Python, Thales, &3et al.&; before 550 BC; found on Sacred Way between Miletos and Didyma: Newton, Transactions Royal Soc. Lit. 6, 1859, 487; Newton, Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 1859, 660, no. 1; Newton, Discoveries II 777%19`781, no. 66; IGA 483; Syll&4`3& 3a; GIBM 930; *IDidyma 1. @ @@`138. Dedication of tenth (?) to Apollo; before 550 BC: *IDidyma 3. @ @@`139. Dedication of &3agalma& to Apollo by Chares, &3archos& of Teichiose; before 550 BC: Newton, Transac. Royal Soc. Lit. 6, 1859, 487; Newton, Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 1859, 661%19`2, no. 3; Newton, Discoveries II 784%19`7, no. 72; IGA 488; Syll&4`3& 3d; GIBM 933; *IDidyma 6. @ @@`140. Dedication of &3agalmata& and tenth to Apollo by Aristolochos and Thrason, with artist's signature by [Pa?]sikles, boustrophedon; before 550 BC: Haussoullier, Me/m. De/l. Perse 155%19`165 (PH); Keil, RPh 29, 1905, 334%19`6; Syll&4`3& 3g; Pedrizet, REG 34, 1921, 64%19`8; Picard, REG 42, 1929, 132%19`6; *IDidyma 7 (PH); Bravo, ASNP 10, 3, 1980, 833%19`835; **SEG 30, 1290 (ll. 2, 5). @ @@`141. Dedication to Apollo; before 550 BC: *IDidyma 8 (PH). @ @@`142. Dedication to Apollo by Hermesianax; before 550 BC: CIG 39; IGA 486; Woodward, ABSA 28, 1926%3`7, p. 119, no. 6; *IDidyma 9. @ @@`143. Dedication to Apollo by Histiaios; archaic after 550 BC: Newton, Discoveries II 787, no. 72a; IGA 490; Ussing, Danske Vidensk. Selskabs. Skrifter, Hist. og Philos. Afd. 2, 1854, p. 36, no. 4; Haussoullier, Me/m. De/l. Perse 163; Syll&4`3& 3f; Tod 9; *IDidyma 14. @ @@`144. Dedication to Apollo by Hekataios; archaic after 550 BC: *IDidyma 15 (PH). @ @@`145. Dedicatory%3honorary inscription to Apollo Didymeus by &3demos& of Miletos for Hegemon Hermonaktos, &3prophetes&; early Hellenistic: *IDidyma 88. @ @@`146. Dedication (to Apollo Didymeus) by (no name), victorious at &3Didymeia, Asklepieia, Leukophryneia& of Magnesia, and &3Soteria of Delphi; early Hellenistic: *IDidyma 97b. @ @@`147. Dedicatory%3honorary inscription to Apollo Didymeus by Antiphanes Moschionos for father Moschion Poseidippou; III&7e&: Haussoullier, RPh 44, 1920, 57; *IDidyma 86. @ @@`148. Dedication (to Apollo Didymeus) by Euktimenos Melanos, victor at &3Didymeia,& with artist's signature by Dionysikles Attinou; c. 200 BC: *IDidyma 95a. @ @@`149. Dedicatory%3honorary inscription by (no name) and Poseidippos to Apollo Didymeus for father Leontiskos; II: *IDidyma 91. @ @@`150. Dedication (to Apollo Didymeus) by Xenothemis Kleostratou, victorious in &3Didymeia, Olympia, Nemeia, Isthmia,& and other games; II: Ussing, Danske Vidensk. Selskabs. Skrifter, Hist. og Philos. Afd. 2, 1854, p. 36, no. 5; GIBM 929; Moretti 49; *IDidyma 97a. @ @@`151. Dedication on fragments of sundial to Apollo Didymeus by (no name), having served as &3tamias& and &3paredros&; II&4`1&: *IDidyma 85. @ @@`152. Dedicatory%3honorary inscription to Apollo Didymeus for Antigonos Hekataiou by wife Babaithis Theotimidou; II&4`1&: *IDidyma 87 (PH). @ @@`153. Dedication to [Apollo Didymeus] by Antio[chos], &3paidonomos&; early Roman: *IDidyma 94. @ @@`154. Dedication (to Apollo Didymeus) by Apolloni[os Apolloniou Stratonikos], &3prophetes&; I&4`2&: *IDidyma 95. @ @@`155. Dedication (to Apollo Didymeus) by Q(uintus) Hordeonius T(iti) f(ilius) Fabia Rhouphos (%6Rufus); imperial: *IDidyma 98. @ @@`156. Dedication to Apollo Didymeus by T(itus) Flavius Neikys &3Augusti legatus&; prob. 1: *IDidyma 80; **Gnomon 31, 1959, 662 (l. 2). @ @@`157. Dedication to Apollo Didymeus by Ti(berius) Roscius Klaudianos (%6Claudianus) Epigonos on behalf of Ti(berius) Claudius Rhoskianos (%6Roscianus) Demetrios; 1: *IDidyma 79. @ @@`158. Dedication (?) (to Apollo Didymeus?) by [Tiberius] Clau[dius Sophanes Kandidos (%6Candidus)]; 1&4`2&: *IDidyma 97. @ @@`159. Dedication to [Apollo Didymeus] by Titus [Claudius] Hadr[ianos] (%6Hadrianus) Andr[eides], &3prophetes&; 2 or later: *IDidyma 93. @ @@`160. Dedication to Apollo Didymeus by M(arcus) Iunius Prosdektos and M(arcus) Iunius Attinas; 2: *IDidyma 78. @ @@`161. Dedication (?) to [Apol]lo Did[ymeus] and &3hiera boule establishing foundation; 2: *IDidyma 111. @ @@`161.5. Dedication to A[pollo] Didymeus by Lupu[s (?), &3archiereus& of] Augusti and [&3stepha&]&3nephoros&; prob. 2&4`1&: *Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 35, 1985, 188%19`189, no. 4 (PH); BE 1987:193. @ @@`162. Dedication (?) (to Apollo Didymeus?) by Phanias; 2&4`1&: *IDidyma 100. @ @@`163. Dedication to [Apollo Didymeus] by [ ... ]nos Menandros, who held, among other offices, that of &3agonothetes& of &3megala &3Didymei&a; 2&4`2&%3`3&4`1&: CIG 2881; *IDidyma 84. @ @@`164. Dedication to Apollo Didymeus; late: CIG 2865; *IDidyma 72. @ @@`165. Dedication to Apollo Didymeus; late: *IDidyma 73. @ @@`166. Dedication to Apollo Didymeus; late: *IDidyma 74. @ @@`167. Dedication to Apollo Didymeus on base of statue of (Aphrodite) &3he patrios theos& by Pytheas Lysimachou of Aphrodisias; late: *IDidyma 92. @ @@`168. Dedication (to Apollo Didymeus) by Eusebios Antoninou, &3prophetes&; late: *IDidyma 96. @ @@`168.5. Dedication to Apollo Didymeus of &3bomos& by (no name) &3pragmateutes& for &3soteria& of L(ucius) Valerius Pupus Iulian[us] et al., in accordance with dream; 3: *Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 35, 1985, 189%19`191, no. 5 (PH). @ @@`169. Dedication to Apollo Didymeus by statue%19maker Tryphon, son of T(itus) Aelius Phlabianos Phaustos (%6Faustus); AD 202: *IDidyma 81 (PH); Hellenica 11%19`12, 483 (PH). @ @@`170. Dedication to Apollo Didymeus of statues of Zeus, Leto, and other gods by Diocletian and Maximian; AD 286%3`293: Wilhelm, JO+AI 35, 1943, 164%19`9; *IDidyma 89 (PH). @ @@`171. Dedication to Apollo Didymeus of statues of Zeus, Leto, and other gods by Diocletian and Maximian; AD 286%3`293: Wilhelm, JO+AI 35, 1943, 164%19`9; *IDidyma 90. @ @@`172. Dedication (to Apollo Didymeus) by cowherd; no date; found on Sacred Way: *IDidyma 102 (PH). @ @@`172.5. Dedication to Apollo Didymeus on altar; no date; now in Istanbul among inscriptions from Iasos, but probably from Didyma: *Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 186%19`187, no. 31; Haussoullier, RPh 20, 1896, 98. @ @@`173. Dedication to Apollo Didymeus Soter on altar; II: *IDidyma 75; Tuchelt, Didyma 45 (PH). @ @@`174. Dedication to Apollo Ephopsios; III%3II: *IDidyma 76. @ @@`175. Dedication [of &3agalma&?] and &3kion& to [Apoll]o Pidanaseus; no date: CIG 2862; *IDidyma 77. @ @@`176. Dedication to Artemis and Apollo; archaic after 550 BC: *IDidyma 17 (PH). @ @@`177. Dedication to Apollo Didymeus and Artemis Pythie by Autokrates Theodorou, victor; III%3II&4`1&: *IDidyma 104aII. @ @@`178. Dedication to Apollo Didymeus and Artemis Pythie by &3prophetes& Sopolis Antigonou; I&4`2&: Haussoullier, Milet 252%19`3, no. C; *IDidyma 105. @ @@`179. Dedication to Apollo Didymeus and Artemis Pythie by Sopolis Antigonou; I&4`2&: Haussoullier, Milet 251%19`2, no. A; *IDidyma 106; Hellenica 11%19`12, 483 (PH). @ @@`180. Dedicatory%3honorary inscription on base to Apollo Didymeus and Artemis Pythie by &3technitai& from Asia working at temple of Didyma for Meniskos Melanos, ambassador to Augustus concerning &3asylia& of Apollo Didymeus; early imperial: Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, 148%19`9, no. 29; Haussoullier, Milet 264%19`6; OGIS 472; *IDidyma 107. @ @@`181. Dedication to Apollo Didymeus and Artemis P[ythie] by &3boule& and [&3demos&]; late: *IDidyma 103; Tuchelt, Didyma 88 (PH). @ @@`182. Dedicatory%3honorary inscription on base to Ar[temis] by [&3demos&] of Miletos for [A]pame [wife of] King [Seleukos] (I); IV&7e&%3III&7b&: Haussoullier, Milet 60%19`1; OGIS 745; Milet I 3, p. 262; *IDidyma 113; Tuchelt, Didyma 32 (PH). @ @@`183. Dedicatory%3honorary inscription on base for Queen Phila by &3demos& of Miletos to Artemis; c. 285%3`279 BC: 7. Mil%19Ber. 69; *IDidyma 114 (PH). @ @@`184. Dedication to Artemis; no date: *IDidyma 112. @ @@`185. Dedication on altar to Artemis Lykeie; III: *IDidyma 120. @ @@`186. Dedicatory%3honorary inscription for Queen Philotera, daughter of King Ptolemy (soter) by &3demos& of Miletos to Artemis Pythie; 279%3`0 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 24, 1900, 323; Haussoullier, Milet 66%19`9; OGIS 35; *IDidyma 115; Tuchelt, Didyma 32 (PH). @ @@`187. Dedication to Artemis Pythie from Menokrite; late Hellenistic: *IDidyma 117. @ @@`188. Dedication to [Art]em[is Pythie?] by [Ti(berius) Clau]dius Sophan[es Kandidos (%6Candidus)]; 1&4`2&: *IDidyma 116; Tuchelt, Didyma 33 (PH). @ @@`189. Dedication on altar to Asklepios Soter; late Hellenistic: *IDidyma 121; Tuchelt, Didyma 45%19`6 (PH). @ @@`190. Dedication to Aphrodite; Hellenistic: *IDidyma 122. @ @@`191. Dedication to [A]phrodite Urania; III: *IDidyma 123. @ @@`192. Prayer on base by Paryo wife of Ath[en]aios to (Aphrodite) Chrysanthe on behalf of Hestiaia; IV: 7. Mil%19Ber. 64%19`5; *IDidyma 125 (PH). @ @@`193. Dedication to Aphrodite Katallakteria by [Th]eodotos Alexandrou, &3prophetes&; II&4`2&: 7. Mil%19Ber. 19; *IDidyma 124 (PH); Tuchelt, Didyma 39 (PH). @ @@`194. Dedication to Hekate; archaic after 550 BC; found on road between Tekag%27ac%25 Burnu and Sithonia (?): *IDidyma 16 (PH). @ @@`195. Dedication on altar to Kouretes; III: *IDidyma 131 (PH); Tuchelt, Didyma 45 (PH). @ @@`196. Dedication to Mastauros, eponymous hero (?) of village Mastaura; imperial: IDidyma 561; *Robert, Gnomon 31, 1959, 671. @ @@`197. [&3Me&(?)]&3trono&[&3s&] on archaic sitting figure; before 550 BC: *IDidyma 10 (PH). @ @@`198. Dedication to Poseidon Seisichthon; late: *IDidyma 133. @ @@`199. Dedication to Serapis, Isis, and Anubis by Theodoros Nikiou; II&4`1&: *IDidyma 134; Vidman, Sylloge 289a. @ @@`200. Dedication to Telesphorion by Menodoros Alk[o]nos; late imperial: *IDidyma 135 (PH); Tuchelt, Didyma 88 (PH). @ @@`201. Prayer to Telesphorion by Aurelius Diogenes; AD 212 or later: *IDidyma 136; Tuchelt, Didyma 88 (PH). @ @@`202. Dedication of statue of daughter to &3theoi& by Philon Diodorou the Achaean, with artist's signature by [ ... ]des Al[ ... ]; no date: CIG 2871; *IDidyma 138. @ @@`203. Thank%19offering to &3theos epekoos& by [Au]r[elios] Hierokles; AD 212 or later: *IDidyma 137. @ @@`204. Prayer on altar by [Eu]menes to [Zeus]; c. II: *IDidyma 126. @ @@`205. Dedication on altar to Zeus Hypsistos; late: *IDidyma 128. @ @@`206. Dedication to Zeus Hypsistos by Hermias, according to oracle; late: *IDidyma 129; Tuchelt, Didyma 46 (PH); Fontenrose no. 26. @ @@`207. Dedication to (Zeus) Kataibates by Phanias, &3prophetes&: *IDidyma 127. @ @@`208. Dedication to [Zeus Tel]esiourgos by [ ... ]o of Miletos; early imperial: *IDidyma 130. @ @@`209. Dedication by sons of Anaximandros, with artist's signature by Terpsikles, repeated; before 550 BC; found on Sacred Way: Newton, Transactions Royal Soc. Lit., 6, 1859, 487; Newton, Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 1859, 660%19`1, no. 2; Newton, Discoveries II 781%19`2, no.'s 67%19`8; IGA 484; GIBM 931; Syll&4`3& 3b; *IDidyma 2 (PH). @ @@`210. Dedication by Timandros Metorou; before 550 BC: 7. Mil%19Ber. 40; *IDidyma 4 (PH). @ @@`211. Dedication of statues by [&3La&]&3tmioi&; archaic after 550 BC; found on Sacred Way: CIG 2861; IGA 487; Haussoullier, Me/m. De/l. Perse 163%19`4; Jeffery, ABS 50, 1955, 84, no. 4; SEG 16, 711; *IDidyma 12 %7 13. @ @@`212. Dedication to (name lost) (or to &3theoi pantes&?) by L(ucius) Iunius Rhouphos (%6Rufus), &3grammateus&; perhaps I: *IDidyma 139. @ See also: Didyma 119, 125, 549%19`550, 552%19`3, 570; ICos 60 (dedication to Apollo of Delos at prompting of oracle of (Apollo) Didymeus; found on Kos); TCamir. 78 (dedication of shield, by son of man sent as &3hieropoios& to &3Didymeion,& mentioning &3prophetes& and &3theopropoi&; found at Kamiros on Rhodes). @ Տ@@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (213%19`537) @ @@@@Section: 10a. Miscellaneous (213%19`233) @ @@`213. Honorary inscription for Caius Antius Aulus Iulius Auli filius Voltinia Quadratus, consul, etc., by &3boule& and &3demos& of Tyre; AD 102: Cumont, CRAI 1929, 88%19`9; *IDidyma 151. @ @@`214. Honorary inscription for Appius Sabeinos (%6Sabinus), &3eparchos& of Egypt, by M(arcus) Aur(elius) Ophelliou Diadoumenos, &3agonothetes& of &3Megala Didymeia Kommodeia&; c. AD 250: 7. Mil;%19Ber. 70; *IDidyma 156. @ @@`215. Honorary inscription for Aristion, Hermok[rates], and Hieron by &3boule& and &3demos&; late: *IDidyma 158. @ @@`216. Honorary inscription for Athenaios, son of Attalos (I), by &3demos& of Miletos; 159%3c.154 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, p. 26, no. 26; Haussoullier, Milet 222; OGIS 321; *IDidyma 144. @ @@`217. Honorary inscription for Autophon Heroidou by &3demos& of Miletos; 160%3`150 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 44, 1920, 38%19`9; SEG 15, 739; *IDidyma 141. @ @@`218. Honorary inscription for [M(arcus) Valerius] Messala Potitos by Miletos; 21%3`19 BC (?): 7. Mil%19Ber. 69%19`70; *IDidyma 147; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkma+ler 140 (PH). @ @@`219. Honorary inscription for P(ublius) Vedius Pollio, &3euergetes,& by &3demos& of Miletos; 31%3`15 BC: Haussoullier, Milet 261; *IDidyma 146. @ @@`220. Honorary inscription for Vergilius Basileides, &3prophetes, by &3boule& and &3demos&; 2&7e&: *IDidyma 155. @ @@`221. Honorary inscription for &3euergetes& Cn(aeus) Vergilius Kapiton (%6Capito), &3epitropos& of Claudius; c. AD 47: *IDidyma 149. @ @@`222. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Ulpius Phlabianos (%6Flavianus) Phileas, &3prophetes,& etc., by &3boule& and &3demos&; 2&4`1&: Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, 313%19`4, no. 31; *IDidyma 152; **Robert, Gladiateurs no. 193 (ll. 9, 11). @ ު@@`222.5. Honorary inscription for Ulp[ius], [&3ste&]&3phanephoros&; prob. 2&4`2&: *Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 35, 1985, 184%19`185, no. 2 (PH); BE 1987:193. @ @@`223. Honorary inscription for Platon Aristonos (i.e., Plato) by his &3diadochos& Phanias; 2&4`1&: *IDidyma 150; Hellenica 11%19`12, 483 (PH). @ @@`224. Honorary inscription by [&3demos& of Mileto]s for [ ... ]os, [&3p&]&3atron& and [&3eue&]&3rgetes&; II or later: *IDidyma 145. @ @@`225. Honorary inscription for &3ergepistates& Pa[ ... ]mos, &3paraph&[&3ylax&]; early imperial?: *IDidyma 417 (PH); **Hellenica 11%19`12, 481%19`2 (l. 9). @ @@`226. Honorary inscription (?) mentioning [Pa]sikles; early Hellenistic: *IDidyma 421. @ @@`227. Honorary inscription for &3hypochrestes& (?) mentioning L(ucius) Cl(audius) Teri[ ... ]; imperial: *IDidyma 422. @ @@`228. Honorary inscription for &3paraphylax& (no name); early imperial: *IDidyma 419. @ @@`229. Honorary inscription (?) mentioning &3hydrophoros& Cl(audia) Meniske; early imperial: *IDidyma 420. @ @@`230. Honorary inscription (?) for (no name) mentioning &3Megala &3Panhellenia& of Hadrian; AD 131%3c.170: *IDidyma 153. @ @@`231. Honorary inscription for (no name) by &3agonothetai& L(ucius) Domitius Damas, L(ucius) Domitius Phaustos (%6Faustus), and Domitia Phausteina (%6Faustina); 2&4`2&: *IDidyma 154. @ @@`232. Honorary inscription mentioning Hermipp[os]; late imperial: *IDidyma 423. @ @@`233. Honorary inscription for &3agonothetes,& etc. [ ... ]nos Menan[dros] of &3demos& Lerioi; 2&4`2&: *IDidyma 415 (PH). @ See also: Didyma 6, 9, 11%19`2, 15%19`6, 147, 149, 152, 180, 559%19`561, 564, 652%19`8, 684%19`691. @ @@@@Section: 10b. Honorary Inscriptions for Royal and Imperial @@@@Persons (234%19`236) @ @@`234. Honorary inscription for King Attalos (II) by &3demos& of Miletos; 159%3c.154 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, pp. 25%19`6, no. 25; Haussoullier, Milet 221%19`2; OGIS 320; *IDidyma 143. @ @@`235. Honorary inscription for Caligula by 13 &3neopoioi& from Iulia (in Phrygia), Miletos, Pergamon, Antiocheia (&3epi &3Maiandrou&?), Kyzikos, Apameia, Laodikeia &3epi Lykou,& Kaisareia (%6Tralles), Adramytteion, Philomelion, Halikarnassos, Smyrna, and Sardis; AD 37%3`41: 7. Mil%19Ber. 65%19`6; Oikonomos, AD 7, 1921%3`2, 299%19`301; Hellenica 7, 206%19`238; *IDidyma 148; Gnomon 1959, 663 (ll. 7, 16). @ @@`236. Honorary inscription for Caesar Constantius (I); AD 293%3`305; found in Didyma, from Miletos?: LW 233; *IDidyma 160. @ See also: Didyma 7%19`8, 18, 23, 182%19`3. @ @@@@Section: 10c. Honorary Inscriptions for Victors (237%19`278) @ @@`237. Honorary inscription for athlete Agathopous Eutychous by &3boule& and &3demos&; 2: *IDidyma 161. @ @@`238. Honorary inscription for athlete, &3choregos,& and &3amphithales& Marcus [Ae]lius Aurelios (%6Aurelius) Domnos (%6Domnus), victor in &3Megala Didymeia& by &3boule& and &3demos&; 3?: Gardner, JHS 6, 1885, 350, no. 98; Robert, HSCP Suppl. 1, 1940, 511 (%6OM 1, 635), no. 13; *IDidyma 162. @ @@`239. Honorary inscription for P(ublius) Aelius Granianos (%6Granianus) Ambeibios Maker, &3prokitharistes& of Apollo Delphinios and victor at &3Megala Didymeia&; c. AD 230: *IDidyma 182; **Hellenica 11%19`12, 446%19`9 (l. 20). @ @@`240. Honorary inscription for athlete Aur(elius) Alypos, twice &3amphithales& at &3Megala Didymeia Kommodeia& and victor at &3Megala &3Didymeia,& by &3boule& and &3demos&; AD 212 or later: *IDidyma 163. @ @@`241. Honorary inscription for athlete Aur(elius) Antiochos, victor at &3Megala Didymeia,& by &3boule& and &3demos& of Miletos, &3metropolis& of Ionia, &3neokoros& of Augusti; AD 212 or later: *IDidyma 164 (PH). @ @@`242. Honorary inscription by &3boule& and &3demos& for athlete Aur(elius) Diokles of Miletos, Ephesos, and Magnesia; AD 212%3`250: *Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 27%19`8, 1977%19`8, 297%19`300 (PH); SEG 27, 731. @ @@`243. Honorary inscription for athlete Aur(elius) Dionysios Euodianos, victor at &3Megala Didymeia,& by &3boule& and &3demos&; AD 212 or later: *IDidyma 165. @ @@`244. Honorary inscription for athlete Aur(elius) Elpidanos, victor at &3Megala Didymeia,& by &3boule& and &3demos&; AD 212 or later: *IDidyma 166; **Gnomon 1959, 663%19`4 (l. 12). @ @@`245. Honorary inscription for athlete Aurelius Epigonos by &3boule& and &3demos&; AD 212%3`250: *IDidyma 174. @ @@`246. Honorary inscription for athlete Aur(elius) Epigonos, victor at &3Megala Didymeia,& by &3boule& and &3demos&; AD 213%3`250: *IDidyma 175. @ @@`247. Honorary inscription for athlete Aur(elius) Epineikos, victor in &3lampas& at Didyma, by &3boule& and &3demos&; AD 212%3`300: *IDidyma 186. @ @@`248. Honorary inscription for Aurelius Hierokles, victor as &3Timotheastes& and &3Hegesiastes& at &3Megala Didymeia,& by &3boule& and &3demos&; AD 213%3c.250: *IDidyma 181. @ @@`249. Honorary inscription for Aur(elius) Kointios (%6Quintius) Lollios (%6Lollius) Kratinos, victor at &3Megala Didymeia,& by &3boule and &3demos&; AD 212%3`300: *IDidyma 168. @ @@`250. Honorary inscription for athlete Aur(elius) Philadelphos, victor at &3Didymeia& and &3Paneia& in home city, by &3boule& and &3demos&; AD 212%3c.230: **IDidyma 179 (l. 4); *Hellenica 11%19`12, 441%19`6. @ @@`251. Honorary inscription for athlete Aurelius Posidonios, victor at &3Megala Didymeia,& by &3boule& and &3demos&; AD 212 or later; also found on Samos?: CIG 2888 %7 p. 1121; LW 224; Kirchhoff, Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 1862, 74%19`5, no. 4; *IDidyma 180. @ @@`252. Honorary inscription for athlete Aur(elius) Pr[ ... ] (?), victor at &3Didymeia&; 3&7m&: *IDidyma 176. @ @@`253. Honorary inscription for athlete Aurelius Seskenios (%6Sescennius) Minnion, victor in &3lampas& at Didyma, by &3boule& and &3demos&; AD 212%3`300: *IDidyma 187 (PH). @ @@`254. Honorary inscription for athlete Aur(elius) Synegdemos, victor at &3Megala Didymeia,& by &3boule& and &3demos&; AD 212%3c.230: *IDidyma 169; Robert, CRAI 1968, 573%19`5 (PH). @ @@`255. Honorary inscription for athlete Aur(elius) Zopyrianos, victor at &3Megala Didymeia,& by &3boule& and &3demos&; AD 212%3`250: *IDidyma 167. @ @@`256. Honorary inscription for [Bassus], victor as &3tragoidos& at &3Didymeia& at temple and at &3Nea Sebasta,& as &3kitharoidos& at &3Megala &3Didymeia& in Miletos, and as &3komoidos& at &3Artemisia& in Ephesos, by &3agonothetai& Domitius Damas, Domitius Phaustos (%6Faustus), and Domitius Phausteina (%6Faustina); 2&7e&: *IDidyma 183; **Gnomon 1959, 664 (l. 2). @ @@`257. Honorary inscription for athlete Eros Erotos, victor at &3Megala Didymeia,& by &3boule& and &3demos&; late imperial: *IDidyma 172. @ @@`258. Honorary inscription for Ti(berius?) Iulius Aurelios (%6Aurelius) Pythes of Miletos, victor at &3Megala Didymeia&; 2: *IDidyma 192. @ @@`259. Honorary inscription for athletes Titus Iulius Balerios (%6Valerius) Dionysios and Titus Iulius Balerios (%6Valerius) Poplios (%6Publius), by &3boule& and &3demos&; 2: *IDidyma 177. @ @@`260. Honorary inscription for athlete Ti(berius) Cl(audius) Quirina Herakleides by &3boule& and &3demos&; c. 2: *IDidyma 170. @ @@`261. Honorary inscription for Leukios Leukiou, victor at &3Megala &3Didymeia,& competitor at &3Olympia,& by &3boule& and &3demos&; 2&4`1&: Newton, Discoveries II 774, no. 59; GIBM 928; Robert, RPh 4, 1930, 28%19`9; *IDidyma 194; Cook, Greek Inscriptions 28 (PH); **SEG 37, 879 (l. 11). @ @@`262. Honorary inscription for athlete Myrsinos Strategikos, victor in &3lampas& at Didyma, by &3boule& and &3demos&; AD 202: *IDidyma 188. @ @@`263. Honorary inscription for athlete Onesimos Euphemou, victor in &3lampas& at Didyma, by &3boule& and &3demos&; AD 202: 6. Mil%19Ber. 45, no. 2; *IDidyma 189. @ @@`264. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Umbricius Demetrios, victor at &3Megala Didymeia,& by &3boule& and &3demos&; 3?: *IDidyma 178. @ @@`265. Honorary inscription for L(ucius) Petellius Epaphrodeitou, victor at &3Megala Didymeia,& by &3agonothetai& Domitius Damas, Domitius Phaustos (%6Faustus), and Domitia Phausteina (%6Faustina); 2&4`2&: *IDidyma 173. @ @@`266. Honorary inscription for athlete Fl(avius) [ ... ], &3choregos&; c. 2: Robert, HSCP Suppl. 1, 1940, 512%19`3 (%6OM 1, 636%19`7); *IDidyma 171a. @ @@`267. Honorary inscription for victor Ma(rcus) Fla[vius] Aurelian[os] (%6Aurelianus) Hermodor[os], by &3boule& and &3demos&; 2&4`2&%3`3&4`1&: *IDidyma 196. @ @@`268. Honorary inscription for athlete Polydeukes Polydeukous, victor in &3lampas& at Didyma, by &3boule& and &3demos&; 2: Haussoullier, RPh 28, 1904, 202; 6. Mil%19Ber. 45, no. 1; *IDidyma 190. @ @@`269. Honorary inscription for athlete Teu[kros] Blastos, victor at &3Megala Didymeia,& by &3boule& and &3demos&; 2&4`1&: *IDidyma 171. @ @@`270. Honorary inscription for athlete Ti[ ... ]ios Artemon Seberos (%6Severus), victor in &3lampas,& by &3boule& and &3demos&; c. AD 200: *IDidyma 185. @ @@`271. Honorary inscription for athlete (no name) [&3Ant&]&3erotos, victor in &3lampas& at Didyma; c. 2: *IDidyma 191. @ @@`272. Honorary inscription for Hygi[nos?], &3amphithaleus& at &3Megala Didymeia Kommodeia,& by &3boule& and &3demos&; late imperial: *IDidyma 195. @ @@`273. Honorary inscription for (no name), son of Cl(audius?) Dion[ysios?], [victor]; 2&4`1&: *IDidyma 193. @ @@`274. Honorary inscription for (no name) &3Demetriou,& victor at [&3Megala Did&]&3ym&[&3eia&]; 5%3`4 BC: *IDidyma 197. @ @@`275. Honorary inscription for victor (no name) by &3demos&(?); 2: *IDidyma 198. @ @@`276. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]ianos Arte[midoro]s, victor at [Pani]onion, by &3agonothetai&; imperial: CIG 2883b (pp. 1119%19`20); *IDidyma 200. @ @@`277. Honorary inscription for athlete (no name) [ ... &3kratous&], victor at &3Olympia, Pythia, Nemeia, Eleutheria& in Plataia, &3Aktia &3ta Megala Kaisarea, Sebasta Rhomaia& given by &3koinon tes Asias, &3Isthmia, Eleusinia ta Megala, Heraia& in Argos, and &3Halieia& in Rhodes; I&7e&: Hellenica 7, 117%19`125; Moretti 59; *IDidyma 201. (See also Miletos 406). @ @@`278. Honorary inscription for victorious &3tragoidos& (name lost) by &3agonothetai& Domitius Damas, Domitius Pha[ustos] (%6Faustus), and Domitia [Phausteina] (%6Faustina); 2&7e&: *IDidyma 184. @ @@@@Section: 10d. Honorary Inscriptions for &3Prophetai& (279%19`419) @ @@`279. &3Prophetes& inscription for Philidas Herakleonos, Epicurean philosopher; Hellenistic%3Roman; found at Karakuyu: LW 239; *IDidyma 285. @ @@`280. &3Prophetes& inscription for (no name) [&3Ou&]&3liadou&; late Hellenistic: *IDidyma 292. @ @@`281. &3Prophetes& inscription mentioning [&3lam&]&3padephoroi&; late Hellenistic: *IDidyma 294. @ @@`282. Fragment of &3prophetes& inscription (?); II&4`2&%3I&4`1&: *IDidyma 224. @ @@`283. &3Prophetes& inscriptions for three successive &3prophetai, last being [Athenaios Herakleitou]; cut in three successive years, 168%3`7 to 166%3`5 (?) BC: *IDidyma 226. @ @@`284. &3Prophetes& inscription for Dionysios Phontidou; I%3`1: GIBM 923b ll. 1%19`5; *IDidyma 236BI. @ @@`285. &3Prophetes& inscription for Dionysios Antiochou, of &3phyle Akamantis and &3demos& Tichiesseis; I%3`1?; found in Karakuyu: LW 238; Haussoullier, RPh 21, 1897, 38, no. 6; *IDidyma 257. @ @@`286. &3Prophetes& inscription for Straton Diogenous of &3demos Lerioi; I%3`1?; found in Karakuyu: LW 240; Haussoullier, RPh 20, 1896, 99; Haussoullier, RPh 21, 1897, 42, no. 14; *IDidyma 283. @ @@`287. &3Prophetes& inscription for M(arcus) [Anto]nius L(uci) f(ilius) Velina Rhouphos (%6Rufus); c. I; found south of Didyma on Gulf of Karakuyu: Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 221%19`4, no. 17B; *IDidyma 214B. @ @@`288. &3Prophetes& insciption for (no name) [&3H&]&3ekataiou,& of &3demos Argaseis; I?: *IDidyma 230II. @ @@`289. &3Prophetes& inscription for (no name), &3prophetes& and &3agonothetes,& of &3demos& (no name); I?: *IDidyma 230III. @ @@`290. &3Prophetes& inscription for [A]ndronikos [A]ndronikou, of &3demos& Lerioi; I&4`1&?: Haussoullier, RPh 21, 1897, 39%19`40, no. 9B, ll. 1%19`6; Haussoullier, RPh 45, 1921, 47%19`8, ll. 1%19`6; *IDidyma 215BI. @ @@`291. &3Prophetes& inscription for [Th]eokrines [Th]eokrinou; I&4`1&: *IDidyma 221II. @ @@`292. &3Prophetes& inscription for Menekles Antipatrou of &3demos Kata[pol]eitioi; I&4`1&: *IDidyma 221III. @ @@`293. &3Prophetes& inscription for Euandrides Alexionos, of &3demos Plateoi, and &3hydrophoros& Bereneike Euandridou; 100%3`89 BC: *IDidyma 227aI. @ @@`294. &3Prophetes& inscription for Menekles Artema, of &3phyle& Oineis and &3demos& Katapolitioi, with mother from &3demos& Plateoi and &3phyle Pandionis; c. 100%3`89 BC; prob. found at or near Karakuyu: LW 242; Haussoullier, RPh 21, 1897, 39, no. 8, ll. 2%19`10; *IDidyma 228II. @ @@`295. &3Prophetes& inscription for (no name) [ ... &3o&]&3us tou &3Minnionos,& of &3demos& Argaseis; 95%3`2 BC; found south of Didyma on Gulf of Karakuyu: Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 221%19`3, no. 17Ab; *IDidyma 214AII. @ @@`296. &3Prophetes& inscription for Hippon [Hip]ponos of &3demos Katapoleitioi; 84%3`3 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 21, 1897, 40, no. 10; *IDidyma 266. @ @@`297. &3Prophetes& inscription for two &3prophetai& (no name); 83%3`41 BC: *IDidyma 203. @ @@`298. &3Prophetes& inscription for [Polos Polou?] and [Antigonos Eukratous]; 71%3`0 BC: 8. Mil%19Ber. 17%19`8, no. 2; SEG 4, 457; Rehm, Chronologie II 36; *IDidyma 204; Tuchelt, Didyma 75 (PH). @ @@`299. &3Prophetes& inscription for Antigonos Menodorou and ancestors; 70 BC: *IDidyma 216 (PH). @ @@`300. &3Prophetes& inscription for Me[ ... ]; 69 BC: *IDidyma 222. @ @@`301. &3Prophetes& inscription for [Philodem?]os Pamphilou; 66%3c.40 BC: *IDidyma 220. @ @@`302. &3Prophetes& inscription for Eukrates Eukratous, of &3demos Argaseis; 63 BC: Rehm, Chronologie II 29%19`30; *IDidyma 227aII. @ @@`303. &3Prophetes& inscription for Eukrates Eukatous, of &3demos Argaseis; 63 BC: Rehm, Chronologie II 30; *IDidyma 230I. @ @@`304. &3Prophetes& inscription for Menekles Hierokleous, of &3demos Plateoi; 61 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 21, 1897, pp. 39%19`40, no. 9B, ll. 7%19`13; Haussoullier, RPh 45, 1921, pp. 47%19`8, ll. 7%19`13; Rehm, Chronologie II 32%19`3; *IDidyma 215BII. @ @@`305. &3Prophetes& inscription for [Aristokritos], of &3demos Teichiesseis and &3patria& (no name); 60 BC; found at Karakuyu: Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 224, no. 17a; Rehm, Chronologie II 33%19`4, no. VIa; *IDidyma 231I. @ @@`306. &3Prophetes& inscription for [Apollonios P]o[l]itou, of &3demos (no name) and &3patria& Eus[ ... ]; 59%3`2 BC; found at Karakuyu: Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 224, no. 17b; *IDidyma 231II. @ @@`307. &3Prophetes& inscription for [Parthen]o[p]aios(?) Thargel[iou], of &3demos& [Ler]ioi(?); 51BC; found at Karakuyu: Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 224, no. 17c; Milet I 3, 239%19`40; Rehm, Chronologie II 33%19`4, no. VIb; *IDidyma 231III. @ @@`308. &3Prophetes& inscription for [Amphi]themis Eukratous and (no name); c. 50 BC: Rehm, Chronologie II 37; *IDidyma 232AI. @ @@`309. &3Prophetes& inscription for (no name); I&4`2&%3`1: 8. Mil%19Ber. 17, no. 1, ll. 1%19`3; SEG 4, 456; *IDidyma 202I. @ @@`310. &3Prophetes& inscription for [ ... ]&3s Di&[ ... ](?); I&4`2&%3`1&4`1&: *IDidyma 235AII. @ @@`311. Fragment of &3prophetes& inscription for (no name) [ ... ]&3dou&; I&4`2&(?): 8. Mil%19Ber. 19, no. 8; SEG 4, 463; *IDidyma 213a. @ @@`312. &3Prophetes& inscription for [Philost]ratos Phi[los]tratou; c. 50%3`20 BC: *IDidyma 221I. @ @@`313. &3Prophetes& inscription for &3prophetes& and &3agonothetes& Melas [Menekratous]; 43%3`2 BC: 8. Mil%19Ber. 19, no. 8; SEG 4, 463; *IDidyma 213b. @ @@`314. &3Prophetes& inscription for pairs Melas Menekratous and Phanias Melanos, and Melas and (no name); 43 and 42 BC(?): Rehm, Chronologie II 37%19`8; *IDidyma 233. @ @@`315. &3Prophetes& inscription for (no name); 40%3`39 BC: 8. Mil%19Ber. 17, no. 1, l. 4; SEG 4, 456; *IDidyma 202II. @ @@`316. &3Prophetes& inscription for (no name); c. 40 BC: 8 Mil%19Ber. 17, no. 1, l. 5; *IDidyma 202III. @ @@`317. &3Prophetes& inscription for Eudemos L[eo]n[tos?], adoptive son of M(arcus) Antonius Apollonios; c. 41%3`0 BC: *IDidyma 259. @ @@`318. &3Prophetes& inscription for [Lysimachos?] Sopolidos, envoy to Egypt and Rome; 38%3c.24 BC; found between Didyma and Karakuyu: Newton, Discoveries II 775, no. 60; Haussoullier, Milet 253%19`4, no. D; OGIS 193; GIBM 921a; Preuner, Hermes 55, 1920, 178%19`180; *IDidyma 218II (PH). @ @@`319. &3Prophetes& inscription for [ ... ]&3s Philidou&; 37%3c.10BC; found between Didyma and Karakuyu: Newton, Discoveries II 775, no. 60; Haussoullier, Milet 253%19`4, no. D; OGIS 193; GIBM 921a; *IDidyma 218III (PH); **Gnomon 1959, 65 (l. 3). @ @@`320. &3Prophetes& inscription for (no name) &3Artemonos&; 36%3c.9 BC; found between Didyma and Karakuyu: Newton, Discoveries II 775, no. 60; Haussoullier, Milet 253%19`4, no. D; OGIS 193; GIBM 921a; Preuner, Hermes 55, 1920, 181%19`2; *IDidyma 218IV. @ @@`321. &3Prophetes& inscription for Sopolis Antigonou; 35%3c.8 BC; found between Didyma and Karakuyu: Newton, Discoveries II 775, no. 60; Haussoullier, Milet 253%19`4, no. D; OGIS 193; GIBM 921a; *IDidyma 218V. @ @@`322. &3Prophetes& inscriptions for ten &3prophetai& from c. four ‚families on columns of House of &3Prophetai&; cut in 5(?) installments between 34%3`3 BC and c. AD 10 (?): 8. Mil%19Ber. 18, no.'s 3%19`7; SEG 4, 459%19`462; *IDidyma 205. @ @@`323. &3Prophetes& inscription for (no name), fifth &3laticlavius from all Asia; I&7e&%3`1&7b&: Woodward, ABSA 28, 1926%3`7, 119%19`24, no. 9; *IDidyma 296. @ @@`324. &3Prophetes& inscription for Apollonios Apolloniou of &3demos Argaseis; c. 30 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 21, 1897, 44, no. 19; IDidyma 250; *Hellenica 11%19`12, 453%19`4 (PH). @ @@`325. &3Prophetes& inscription for Phanias; c. 25 BC%3`1&7e&: GIBM 923b ll. 6%19`7; *IDidyma 236BII. @ @@`326. &3Prophetes& inscription for [ ... ]&3s Granianou&; imperial: *IDidyma 247. @ @@`327. &3Prophetes& inscription for [Askle]piades Dionysiou, of &3demos& Lerioi, &3agonothetes& of &3Didymeia& and &3Kaisareia&; imperial: Haussoullier, RPh 21, 1897, 42%19`3, no. 17; *IDidyma 253. @ @@`328. &3Prophetes& inscription for [Epikrates Hekataiou]; early imperial: GIBM 923a; Fontenrose, U. Cal. Pub. Class. Philol. 12, 1942, 167%19`8; *IDidyma 236A. @ @@`329. &3Prophetes& inscription (?) for descendant of Menekles, &3archiereus& of Augusti, and of Posidonios; early imperial (?): GIBM 923c ll. 15%19`24; *IDidyma 236CIV; **Peek, ZPE 7, 1971, 200%19`202, no. 5 (ll. 1%19`10). @ @@`330. &3Prophetes& inscription for Lucius [Vi]tellius Luci f(ilius) Palatina Bas[so]s, &3archiereus& of Augusti and &3agonothetes& of &3Nea &3Sebasta&; early imperial(?): *IDidyma 255. @ @@`331. &3Prophetes& inscription for Diodotos Agathiou, of &3phyle Theseis and &3demos& Plateoi; early imperial: 7. Mil%19Ber. 66%19`7; *IDidyma 256. @ @@`332. &3Prophetes& inscription for Ep[ikra]tes Hekataiou; early imperial: *IDidyma 258. @ @@`333. &3Prophetes& inscription for Thaliarchos Thaliarchou; early imperial: *IDidyma 261; **GGA 1959, 162 (ll.10%19`12); Hellenica 11%19`12, 454%19`6 (PH). @ @@`334. &3Prophetes& inscription for Iason [Ia]sonos, envoy to an Augustus and father of Iulius Kapiton (%6Capito), gymnasiarch; 1&4`2&: *IDidyma 264; **Gnomon 1959, 665 (ll. 8, 16); **Hellenica 11%19`12, p. 454, note 2 and p. 464, note 4 (ll. 6, 14). @ @@`335. &3Prophetes& inscription for [ ... ]&3on&[ ... ]&3chi&[ ... ], &3autoetes pan&[&3egyrikos&]; early imperial: *IDidyma 289. @ @@`336. &3Prophetes& inscription for (no name) mentioning Epigonos; early imperial: *IDidyma 290. @ @@`337. &3Prophetes& inscription for (no name) Theokrinous; early imperial: *IDidyma 291. @ @@`338. &3Prophetes& inscription for (no name) mentioning &3tamias Dieuches; early imperial: *IDidyma 295I. @ @@`339. &3Prophetes& inscription for [Amphithemis Eukratous]; 25%3`4 BC; found between Didyma and Karakuyu: Newton, Discoveries II 775%19`7, no. 60; Haussoullier, Milet 253%19`4, no. D; Haussoullier, RPh 26, 1902, 135; OGIS 193; GIBM 921a; Preuner, Hermes 55, 1920, 180%19`4; *IDidyma 218I (PH). @ @@`340. &3Prophetes& inscription for Aristeas Lysimachou, [&3p&]&3anegyrikos&; 19%3`8 BC: *IDidyma 227bII. @ @@`341. &3Prophetes& inscription for M(arcus) Antonius Polites Tryblichos; 17%3`6 BC: *IDidyma 234BII; Hellenica 11%19`12, 487%19`9. @ @@`342. &3Prophetes& inscription for Theon Theonos; c. 5 BC; found south of Didyma on Gulf of Karakuyu: Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 221%19`3, no. 17Ac; *IDidyma 214AIIIb. @ @@`343. &3Prophetes& inscription for [&3a&]&3uteniautoi&; 1 or later?; found south of Didyma on Gulf of Karakuyu: Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 221%19`3, no. 17Ad; *IDidyma 214AV. @ @@`344. &3Prophetes& inscription for Lucius Iunius Publi filius Poudes (%6Pudens), chosen by two &3demoi&; c. 1: Hausooullier, RPh 21, 1897, 39%19`40, no. 9A; *IDidyma 215A. @ @@`345. &3Prophetes& inscription for L(ucius) Iunius Publi filius Poudes (%6Pudens); c. 1: *IDidyma 235AIII. @ @@`346. &3Prophetes& inscription for L(ucius) Iunius [Publi filius Poudes (%6Pudens)]; c. 1: *IDidyma 265. @ @@`347. &3Prophetes& inscription for (no name), envoy to Augusti; c. 1: *IDidyma 299; **GGA 1959, 164 (l. 6). @ @@`348. &3Prophetes& inscription for (no name), envoy to Augusti; c. 1: *IDidyma 300; **GGA 1959, 164 (l. 10). @ @@`349. &3Prophetes& inscription for Posidonios Diodotou; 1; prob. found at Didyma: GIBM 923c ll. 4%19`9; *IDidyma 236CII. @ @@`350. &3Prophetes& inscription for Posidonios Diodotou, &3archiereus of Ionia; 1: *IDidyma 281; **Pie/rart, Akte 6. Kongr. Mu+nch. 1972, 553%19`4 (l. 11). @ @@`351. &3Prophetes& inscription for Lucius [Vitell]ius Krisphos (%6Crispus) and &3hydrophoros& Popillia Dynamis; 1; found at Karakuyu?: GIBM 922 ll. 1%19`15; *IDidyma 237I; Fontenrose p. 99, note 8. @ @@`352. &3Prophetes& inscription for Minnion Aristeou of &3demos Plataioi; c. AD 7%3`8; found at Karakuyu: Haussoullier, RPh 21, 1897, 38, no. 7, ll. 1%19`4; *IDidyma 229I; **Hellenica 11%19`12, 449%19`453 (PH) (l. 4). @ @@`353. &3Prophetes& inscription for Artemon Eireniou of &3demos Katapolitioi, and &3hydrophoros& daughter Theodoris; AD 10%3`11: Haussoullier, RPh 21, 1897, pp. 40%19`1, no. 11; *IDidyma 235AI. @ @@`354. &3Prophetes& inscription for [Amphi]themis Eukratous Ph[i]lokaisar; c. AD 20: GIBM 923c ll. 1%19`3; *IDidyma 236CI. @ @@`355. &3Prophetes& inscription for Artemon Stratonos; c. AD 20; found at Karakuyu: LW 241; *IDidyma 251. @ @@`356. &3Prophetes& inscription for Theon Theonos, of &3demos& Lerioi; c. AD 25: Haussoullier, RPh 21, 1897, 42, no. 16; *IDidyma 262. @ @@`357. &3Prophetes& inscription for Theon Theonos, &3prophetes& for second time; AD c. 26%3c.50: Haussoullier, Me/l. Weil 148%19`9; *IDidyma 263; Tuchelt, Didyma, Tafel 9, 3 (PH). @ @@`358. &3Prophetes& inscription for [Ti(berius)] Claudius Damas; 1&7m&; found near Karakuyu?: GIBM 922 ll. 16%19`26; *IDidyma 237II. @ @@`359. &3Prophetes& inscription for brothers Sophanes and Chionis and their sons Nikomedes, Aristeas, Sophanes, and Philostratos; c. AD 40: *IDidyma 284. @ @@`360. &3Prophetes& inscription for [C(aius) Iulius? An]tiochos; AD c.50%3`84; no provenance known, prob. from Didyma: Gardner, JHS 6, 1885, 353, no. 105; *IDidyma 248; ** Gnomon 1959, 665 (l. 8). @ @@`361. &3Prophetes& inscription for Lucius Maliu[s] Satorneinos (%6Saturninus), &3autoetes&; 1&4`2&%3`2&4`1&(?): 8. Mil%19Ber. 19, no. 10, ll. 4%19`6; SEG 4, 465; *IDidyma 223B. @ @@`362. &3Prophetes& inscription for Minnion Aristeou, of [&3demos Ar]gaseis; 1&4`2&%3`2&4`1&: *IDidyma 232AII. @ @@`363. &3Prophetes& inscription for [Aristeas Antigo]nou, of &3demos Lerioi; 1&4`2&%3`2&4`1&: *IDidyma 232AIII. @ @@`364. &3Prophetes& inscription for Hermokles Epikratous; 1&4`2&%3`2&4`1&: *IDidyma 238I. @ @@`365. &3Prophetes& inscription for Claudius Damas, &3prophetes& for second time at age 81; 1&4`2&: CIG 2869; *IDidyma 268. @ @@`366. &3Prophetes& inscription for &3eques& [Cl]audi[us] Chionis, son of Claudius Philostratos; 1&4`2&: Delamarre, RPh 19, 1895, 131%19`5; Cagnat, TA 27, 1895, 143, no. 97; OGIS 494; ILS III 8860; Haussoullier, RPh 44, 1920, 67%19`8; *IDidyma 272. @ @@`367. &3Prophetes& inscription for Metrodoro[s] Metrodoro[u]; c. AD 100: *IDidyma 274. @ @@`368. &3Prophetes& inscription for Metro[doros Metrodorou?] of [&3demos& Tei]chiesseis; c. AD 100: *IDidyma 275; **Gnomon 1959, 666 (ll. 2%19`3). @ @@`369. &3Prophetes& inscription for M(arcus) Antonius Antiochos; 2%3`3&7b&; found in Karakuyu: LW 244; *IDidyma 249. @ @@`370. &3Prophetes& inscription for Ti(berius) Claudius Markianos (%6Marcianus) Smaragdos Soterichos; 2; prob. found at Didyma: GIBM 923c ll. 10%19`14; *IDidyma 236CIII. @ @@`371. &3Prophetes& inscription for [Publi]us Aelius Ai[lianos] (%6Aelianus); 2: *IDidyma 242. @ @@`372. &3Prophetes& inscription for [Ti(berius) Claudius Mar]kianos (%6Marcianus) Smarag[dos], envoy to Augusti; 2; found northeast of spring Hoca Kuyu: Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, 318, no. 34; *IDidyma 269; **Hellenica 11%19`12, 480 (l. 9). @ @@`373. &3Prophetes& inscription for Ti(berius) Claudius Ma[rki]anos (%6Marcianus) Smaragdos, envoy to Augusti; 2: *IDidyma 270; **Hellenica 11%19`12 480 (l. 9). @ @@`374. &3Prophetes& inscription for [Ti(berius) Claudius Markianos (%6Marcianus) Smaragdos]; 2: Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, p. 319, no. 35; *IDidyma 271. @ @@`375. &3Prophetes& inscription for Titus Vergilius Phl[2a]2ouios (%6Flavius) Dionysios; 2: *IDidyma 276. @ @@`376. &3Prophetes& inscription for Eperastos; 2&4`1&: 8. Mil%19Ber. no. 11; SEG 4, 466; Did I Tf. 231 (PH); *IDidyma 206. @ @@`377. &3Prophetes& insciption for [M(arcus) Fla]vianus Phileas, &3prophetes& at age 23; 2&4`1&: CIG 2880 %7 p. 1119; Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, 314%19`5, no. 31&3bis&; Robert, Gladiateurs no. 192; *IDidyma 279 (PH, part). @ @@`378. &3Prophetes& inscription for (no name), &3agonothetes& of [&3Megala Di&]&3dymeia& and &3Prokleia&; AD 116%3`7: *IDidyma 293. @ @@`379. &3Prophetes& inscription for P(ublius) Aelius Grani[anos] (%6Granianus); AD 117%3`138: *IDidyma 245II. @ @@`380. &3Prophetes& inscription for P[ublius A]elius Grani[anos] (%6Granianus); 2&4`1&: *IDidyma 246. @ @@`381. &3Prophetes& inscription for (no name) dated by stephanephorate of Hadrian; AD 117%3`138: *IDidyma 306a. @ @@`382. &3Prophetes& inscription for L(ucius) Aphidianos (%6Apidianus) Kallikr[ates] of &3demos& Plataioi mentioning visit of Hadrian; AD 130%3`8: *IDidyma 254 (PH). @ @@`383. &3Prophetes& inscription (?) for (no name) mentioning &3hydrophoros& Ailiane Artemous; 2&7m&%3`3 (?): *IDidyma 245I. @ @@`384. &3Prophetes& inscription for Q(uintus) Pomp[onius Pollion (%6Pollio)] mentioning work on &3makellon,& Sacred Way, etc.; 2&7m&: *IDidyma 280; Nutton, RBPh 47, 1969, 37%19`48; Fontenrose no. B4. @ @@`385. &3Prophetes& inscription for (no name), &3archiereus& of Ionia twice, envoy to Augusti; 2&4`2&%3`3: *IDidyma 301. @ @@`386. &3Prophetes& inscription for T(itus) Flavius Andreas; c. 2&4`2&: GIBM 923b ll. 8%19`13; *IDidyma 236BIII. @ @@`387. &3Prophetes& inscription for &3panegyrikos& Titus Flavius Andreou filius Quirina Andreas; c. 2&4`2&: *IDidyma 238II. @ @@`388. &3Prophetes& inscription for Titus Flavius Photidou filius Quirina Andreas; c. 2&4`2&: Haussoullier, RPh 20, 1896, 99%19`100, no. 4; *IDidyma 286. @ @@`389. &3Prophetes& inscription for T(itus) Fla(vius) Fla(vii) Andreou filius Quirina Dionyso[d]oros, of &3demos& Lerioi; c. 2&4`2&: *IDidyma 287. @ @@`390. &3Prophetes& inscription for [U]lpius Athenagoras, &3agonothetes& of &3Megala Didymeia& and &3Kapitoneia,& with fragment of oracle; AD 177%3c.300: *IDidyma 278; **GGA 1959, 158 (l. 7); Fontenrose no. A1. @ @@`391. &3Prophetes& inscription for &3prophetes& and &3kotarches [Agri]ppinos Agri[ppinou]; c. AD 200: *IDidyma 240. @ @@`392. &3Prophetes& inscription for [ ... ]&3os Diogenes neoteros&; late; found south of Didyma on Bay of Karakuyu: Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 221%19`3, no 17Aa; Haussoullier, RPh 21, 1897, pp. 43%19`4, no. 18, l. 1; *IDidyma 214AI. @ @@`393. &3Prophetes& inscription for F(lavius) Him[erios], &3prophetes, and &3hydrophoros& daughter F(lavia) Kle[opatra?]; late imperial: *IDidyma 227c. @ @@`394. &3Prophetes& inscription for [Ti]tus Claudius [Hadrian]os Andreides, father of &3prophetes& Clau[dius Ha]drianos; late imperial: *IDidyma 267. @ @@`395. &3Prophetes& inscription for (no name) [&3Ath&]&3enaiou&; late imperial: *IDidyma 288; **Hellenica 11%19`12, 480 (l. 6). @ @@`396. &3Prophetes& inscription for [P(ublius) Aelius Granianos (%6Granianus) II Ambeibios Maker]; late imperial: IDidyma 302 %7 303; *Hellenica 11%19`12, 460%19`3; Tuchelt, Didyma 61%19`2 (PH, partial). @ @@`397. &3Prophetes& inscription for (no name), &3agonothetes& of &3Megala &3Didymeia Kommodeia& and [&3Pythia&] &3Panionia&; late imperial: *IDidyma 305; **Hellenica 11%19`12, 469%19`70 (l. 6). @ @@`398. Fragment of &3prophetes& inscription; 3?: 8. Mil%19Ber. 19, no. 12; SEG 4, 467; *IDidyma 209. @ @@`399. Fragment of &3prophetes& inscription (?); 3(?): 8. Mil%19Ber. 19, no. 12; SEG 4, 467; *IDidyma 211. @ @@`400. Fragment of &3prophetes& inscription (?); 3(?): 8. Mil%19Ber. 19, no. 12; SEG 4, 467; *IDidyma 212. @ @@`401. &3Prophetes& inscription for Publius Eurhythymos (?); 3: *IDidyma 239AI. @ @@`402. &3Prophetes& inscription for Ision Menedemou; 3: *IDidyma 239AII. @ @@`403. &3Prophetes& inscription for [An]teros(?) So[pha]nes Asiatikou; 3: *IDidyma 239B. @ @@`404. &3Prophetes& inscription for [ ... ] Au[reli]us(?) Archegos(?), &3agonothetes& of &3Megala Didymeia Kommodeia& and &3Megala &3Pythia Panionia&; 3: CIG 2882; *IDidyma 252. @ @@`405. &3Prophetes& inscription for [Aelianus P]oplas; AD 212%3c.230: *IDidyma 241. @ @@`406. &3Prophetes& inscription for father and son Phanias and Maker; cut c. AD 230 and c. AD 260: 8. Mil%19Ber. 19, no. 12; SEG 4, 467; *IDidyma 208. @ @@`407. &3Prophetes& inscription for Phanias and [Maker?]; c. AD 230 and c. AD 260 (?): 8. Mil%19Ber. 19, no. 12; SEG 4, 467; *IDidyma 210. @ @@`408. &3Prophetes& inscription for three members of family, Phanias, Maker, and Dionysios; cut in 3 installments, c. AD 230, c. AD 260, and c. AD 290: 8. Mil%19Ber. 19, no. 9; SEG 4, 464; *IDidyma 207. @ @@`409. &3Prophetes& inscription for [P(ublius) Aelius] Granianos (%6Granianus) Am[beibios Maker]; c. AD 260: *IDidyma 243. @ @@`410. &3Prophetes& inscription for [P(ublius) Aelius] Gran(ianos) (%6Granianus) Ambibios Maker; c. AD 260: *IDidyma 244. @ @@`411. &3Prophetes& inscription for (no name) mentioning &3litourgiai and &3synoikismos&; very late: *IDidyma 304; **Gnomon 1959, 666 (l. 4). @ @@`412. &3Prophetes& inscription referring to (persecution of?) Christians and &3basileis&; c. AD 305(?): CIG 2883d (p. 1120); Gre/goire, Recueil 224&3ter&; *IDidyma 306; Fontenrose no. 33. @ @@`413. Fragments of &3prophetes& inscriptions; no dates; found south of Didyma on Gulf of Karakuyu: Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 221%19`4, no. 17Ac,d,e; *IDidyma 214AIIIa,IV,C. @ @@`414. &3Prophetes& inscription for (no name) &3Eume&[&3nous&]; no date; found south of Didyma on Gulf of Karakuyu: Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 221%19`3, no. 17Ad; *IDidyma 214AVI. @ @@`415. Fragment (of &3prophetes& inscription?) referring to &3hydrophoros&; no date: *IDidyma 225. @ @@`416. Fragments of &3prophetes& inscriptions; no date: *IDidyma 227aIII,bI,III. @ @@`417. &3Prophetes& inscription (?) for (no name) of &3demos Teichiesseis; no date; prob. found at or near Karakuyu: LW 242; Haussoullier, RPh 21, 1897, 39, no. 8, l. 1; *IDidyma 228I. @ @@`418. &3Prophetes& inscription for (no name); no date: *IDidyma 232B. @ @@`419. &3Prophetes& inscription for (no name) listing feasts donated; no date: CIG 2883c (p. 1120); LW 227; Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, 317; *IDidyma 297. @ See also: Didyma 129, 145, 551, 554%19`5, 558, 562, 571, 579. @@@@Section: 10e. Honorary Inscriptions for &3Hydrophoroi& (420%19`500) @ @@`420. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for (no name), related to [Eu]andrides (?); II%3I?: *IDidyma 366. @ @@`421. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Nea[ira]; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&: *IDidyma 307A1 (PH). @ @@`422. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for [ ... ]ike; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&: *IDidyma 307AII (PH). @ @@`423. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Eukle[i]a Drakontos of &3demos Argaseis (&3hydrophoros& of Artemis) and Elige[2o]2s Drakontos (&3hydrophoros& of Dionysos); c. I: *IDidyma 320. @ @@`424. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for (no name) mentioning &3Rhomaia&; c. I: *IDidyma 377. @ @@`425. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Ar[ ... ] Dionysiou; I: *IDidyma 308II; Tuchelt, Didyma 71 (PH). @ @@`426. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Pythoneike Iasonos; I: *IDidyma 308III; Tuchelt, Didyma 71 (PH). @ @@`427. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Batio, daughter of Cor[nelius Athe]naios; I: *IDidyma 319. @ @@`428. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for (no name), in year when &3panegyris& and &3agon& were restored; 63 BC: Rehm, Chronologie II 32; *IDidyma 367 (PH). @ @@`429. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for (no name); 49 BC: *IDidyma 307BI (PH). @ @@`430. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Lenis P[2o]2ntidou of &3demos Lerioii, which recovered &3archai& and &3nomoi&; 38%3`7 BC: Danske Vidensk. Selskabs. Skrifter, Hist. og Philos. Afd. 2, 1854, p. 37, no. 6; Preuner, Hermes 55, 1920, 174%19`184; *IDidyma 342. @ @@`431. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for (no name), daughter of mother Glauka; 36%3`5 BC: *IDidyma 308I; Tuchelt, Didyma 71 (PH). @ @@`432. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for [Aphro]deisia Dio[ ... ]; imperial: *IDidyma 317; **Hellenica 11%19`12, 466 (l. 3). @ @@`432.5. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Hie[ro ... ] Hegesi[2th]2[eou]; imperial: *IDidyma 328. @ @@`433. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Cl(audia) Mes[ ... ]; imperial: *IDidyma 338. @ @@`434. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Pou[ ... ]; imperial: *IDidyma 351. @ @@`435. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for (no name) mentioning L(ucius) Ant(onius) Apolloni[ou]; imperial: LW 231; *IDidyma 362. @ @@`436. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for (no name) [ ... kl]eous; imperial: *IDidyma 380. @ @@`437. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for (no name) mentioning &3spyris&; imperial: *IDidyma 386. @ @@`438. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for (no name) listing donations; imperial: *IDidyma 387; Hellenica 11%19`12, 480%19`1. @ @@`439. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for (no name) with &3pappos Euandr[ides]; early imperial: *IDidyma 322. @ @@`440. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for [ ... ]&3tia A&[ ... ]&3ippou& (?); early imperial: *IDidyma 325. @ @@`441. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Iulia Gaiou, daughter of mother with Latin rights; early imperial: *IDidyma 331; **GGA 1959, 165 (l. 8); Hellenica 11%19`12, 467%19`9 (PH); Triantaphyllopoulos, &3Acts 4th Congress,& 398%19`402; AnnEpig 1976, 649; **Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 35, 1985, 188, note 35 (l. 10). @ @@`442. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for (no name) mentioning building activity; early imperial: CIG 2885d (p. 1121); LW 228; *IDidyma 381. @ @@`443. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for (no name) giving offices of male relative(s); early imperial: *IDidyma 383. @ @@`444. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for (no name), daughter of mother Mikia; 17%3`6 BC: *IDidyma 378 (PH). @ @@`445. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Nannion Iasonos; 7%3`6 BC: Milet I 3 pp. 409%19`10; *IDidyma 346 (PH); Thomas, MDAI(I) 33, 1983, 125%19`126; BE 1987:70. @ @@`446. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Minnis [Hege?]monos, called Berenike; 2%3`1 BC: 7. Mil%19Ber. 67%19`8; Wilamowitz, GGA 1914, 107%19`8 (%6Kl. Schr. V 1, 464%19`5); Haussoullier, RPh 44, 1920, 59%19`60, no. 4; *IDidyma 345. @ @@`447. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Herophila Dorimachou; 1: *IDidyma 324. @ @@`448. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Claudia [ ... ], daughter of Claudius Menophilos; 1: *IDidyma 339; **Herrmann, MDAI(A) 75, 1960, p. 156, note 308 (l. 5). @ @@`449. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for (no name) [ ... ]&3tidou, daughter of mother [C]laudia Kleonymis; 1: *IDidyma 350; Tuchelt, Didyma 87 (PH). @ @@`450. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Platainis Melanos Tryphosa, appointed by oracle of god; 1: *Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 30, 1980, pp. 170%19`5, no. 5 (PH); SEG 30, 1286; Fontenrose no. 17. @ @@`451. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for [Kl]eo Metage[itniou]; c. 1&4`1&: *IDidyma 341. @ @@`452. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for (no name), daughter of Minnion; c. AD 10: *IDidyma 374. @ @@`453. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Cl(audia) Laodameia; AD 41%3c.100: *IDidyma 334; Migeotte, L'emprunt public no. 98a. @ @@`454. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Flavia Noniane Bougeneia Thedote; 1&4`2&%3`2&4`1&: *IDidyma 353. (See also Didyma 455, with identical text). @ @@`455. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Flavia [Noniane Bouge]neia Theodote; 1&4`2&%3`2&4`1&: *IDidyma 354. (See also Didyma 454, with identical text). @ @@`456. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Fl(avia) Noniane Bougeneia Theodote; 1&4`2&%3`2&4`1&: *IDidyma 355. @ @@`457. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for [ ... &3i&]&3s Bakchiou&; 1&4`2&%3`2&4`1&: CIG 2886; LW 226; *IDidyma 360; **Hellenica 11%19`12, 470%19`4 (l. 7) (PH). @ @@`458. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Theogonis Iasonos; 1&7e&%3`2: *IDidyma 326. (See also Didyma 459, with identical text). @ @@`459. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Theogonis Iasonos; 1&7e&%3`2: CIG 2885b (pp. 1120%19`1121); LW 225; *IDidyma 327; **Hellenica 11%19`12, 464, note 4 (l. 12) (See also Didyma 458, with identical text). @ @@`460. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Malia Rhoufeina (%6Rufina); c. AD 100: CIG 2885; LW 223; *IDidyma 343. @ @@`461. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Vergilia Paulina; c. 2: *IDidyma 348. @ @@`462. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for [Cornelia] Ionike;. c. 2: *IDidyma 361; **Gnomon 1959, 667 (l. 3). @ @@`463. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for (no name), granddaughter of Aurelianus; c. 2: *IDidyma 364. @ @@`464. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Fl(avia) Antonia P[e]lagia Strategiane; 2: *IDidyma 311. @ @@`465. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for [ ... ]ne Herais; 2: *IDidyma 323. @ @@`466. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for [Ul]pia Ladik[e]; 2: *IDidyma 349. @ @@`467. &3Hydrophoros& inscription (?) for (no name) mentioning Theophilos; 2: *IDidyma 369. @ @@`468. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for (no name), cousin of Seius; 2: *IDidyma 376. @ @@`469. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for [C]la[udia Menestho]; c. 2&4`1&: *IDidyma 336. @ @@`470. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for [Claudia Menestho]; c. 2&4`1&: *IDidyma 337. @ @@`471. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Chryso Automenous; c. 2&4`1&: Haussoullier, RPh 25, 1901, 6%19`7; Haussoullier, Milet 72%19`4; OGIS 226; *IDidyma 358; Gu+nther, Orakel 54%19`5. @ @@`472. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Artemo Antipatrou; 2&4`1&: *IDidyma 314. @ @@`473. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for (no name) mentioning feasts donated; 2&4`1&: *IDidyma 382. @ @@`474. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for [Babai]this; AD 101%3`2 ?; found in Didyma: *IDidyma 318. @ @@`475. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for [I]ulia [ ... ]ia, daughter of Iu[l]ius Kall[i ... ]; AD 117 or later: Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, 315%19`7, no. 32; *IDidyma 329. @ @@`476. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for [ ... ]erata, daughter of Gnaeus Vergilius; AD 117%3`220: *IDidyma 359. @ @@`477. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for (no name), daughter of Zois Ailiane (%6Aeliana); AD 117%3`138: *IDidyma 368. @ @@`478. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Apollonia [Ap]ollonidou, with honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& of Miletos; AD 125%3`150: *IDidyma 312; **Hellenica 11%19`12, 463%19`4 (ll. 16%19`7). @ @@`479. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Flavia [ ... ], daughter of [Flavi]us Pankra[tes] referring to visit of Hadrian; AD 129: *IDidyma 356. @ @@`480. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for (no name), daughter of [ ... ]e[s] and [Kl]eopatra; AD 138 or later: *IDidyma 373. @ @@`481. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Sympherousa, daughter of Apellas; c. 2&4`2&: *IDidyma 352 (PH). @ @@`482. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Hege[si ... ] mentioning King Mithridates; 2&4`2&: *IDidyma 321. @ @@`483. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Claudia Menes[tho]; 2&4`2&: *IDidyma 335. @ @@`484. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for [Va]leria; 2&4`2&: *IDidyma 347. @ @@`485. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Ae(lia) Au(relia); late imperial: *IDidyma 316. @ @@`486. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for (no name), &3archiereia& in Sardis and related to Thelymitres; late imperial: *IDidyma 370; Hellenica 11%19`12, 476%19`9; **Herrmann, Chiron 1, 1971, 296%19`7 (ll. 1%19`7, 9%19`10). @ @@`487. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for (no name) related to Thelymitres; late imperial: *IDidyma 371. @ @@`488. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for (no name) listing donations; late: *IDidyma 384. @ @@`489. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for (no name), daughter of Iulia Hostilia Rheso; 3: *IDidyma 372. @ @@`490. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for (no name), daughter of Cl(audius) Nikomedes; c. AD 230: *IDidyma 375. @ @@`491. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Ael(ia) Ailia[ne] (%6Aeliana); 3&4`2& or later: *IDidyma 310 (PH). @ @@`492. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Aur(elia) Dionyso[d]ora Matrona; 3&4`2& or later: *IDidyma 315; **Hellenica 11%19`12, 465%19`7 (ll. 2, 5%19`6). @ @@`493. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Iul(ia) Sel(lia) [Stati]lia Pythodoris Matron[a]; 3&4`2& or later: *IDidyma 332; **Hellenica 11%19`12, 469%19`70 (ll. 2, 4, 10); SEG 19, 666; **Holtheide, ZPE 38, 1980, 134, no. 28 (ll. 3%19`4); SEG 30, 1287. @ @@`494. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Statil(ia) Iulia by &3boule& and &3demos& (of Miletos); 3&4`2& or later: CIG 2885c (p. 1121); *IDidyma 333. @ @@`495. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for (no name), granddaughter of Aurelia Preima (%6Prima); 3&4`2&; found in theater of Miletos, perhaps from Didyma: Dain, Louvre, no. 56; *IDidyma 363A; **Hellenica 11%19`12, 474%19`6 (ll. 2, 5, 8, 11%19`3) (PH). @ @@`496. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Flavia; very late: *IDidyma 357. @ @@`497. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for (no name), daughter of Hermokles, and Hadriane Artemo; no date: *IDidyma 309 %7 313. @ @@`498. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for (no name); no date: *IDidyma 365. @ @@`499. &3Hydrophoros& inscription (?) mentioning Flavi[ ... ] and others; no date: *IDidyma 379. @ @@`500. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for (no name); no date: *IDidyma 385I. @ See also: Didyma 293, 351, 353, 383, 393, 556%19`7, 563. @ @@@@Section: 10f. Honorary Inscriptions for &3Tamiai& (501%19`537) @ @@`501. &3Tamias& inscription for Marcus [ ... ] by &3boule& and [&3demos&]; Roman: *IDidyma 404. @ @@`502. &3Tamias& inscription for Menekr[ates]; c. I: *IDidyma 409. @ @@`503. &3Tamias& inscription for Eu[andrid]es(?) Akeson[idou]; c. I: *IDidyma 416. @ @@`504. &3Tamias& inscription for (no name) by &3prophetes [Mene?]krates Menekratous and others; c. 100 BC: *IDidyma 392; SEG 19, 667. @ @@`505. &3Tamias& inscription for (no name?) by &3katoikountes,& etc.; I: *IDidyma 401; SEG 19, 673. @ @@`506. &3Tamias& inscription for (no name) mentioning Themison; I: *IDidyma 411. @ @@`507. &3Tamias& inscription for (no name); I&4`1&: *IDidyma 389I (PH). @ @@`508. &3Tamias& inscription for (no name); 83%3`41 BC: *IDidyma 389II (PH). @ @@`509. &3Tamias& inscription for (no name) by &3prophetes& Aristeas and others; 83%3`2 BC(?): *IDidyma 393 (PH); **Dow, TAPA 91, 1960, 400%19`1 (ll. 1%19`11); SEG 19, 668. @ @@`510. &3Tamias& inscription for [Mousaios Diognetou]; 54 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 45, 1921, 52%19`3, ll. 1%19`6; Rehm, Chronologie II 28; *IDidyma 390AI. @ @@`511. &3Tamias& inscription for [Mou]saios Diognetou by &3prophetes and others; 54 BC: 7. Mil%19Ber. 50%19`1; Haussoullier, RPh 45, 1921, 51%19`2: Rehm, Chronologie II, 28%19`9; *IDidyma 394; Tuchelt, Didyma 29%19`30 (PH, partial). @ @@`512. &3Tamias& inscription for [ ... ]&3s Artemidorou&; 53 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 45, 1921, 52%19`3, ll. 9%19`14; Rehm, Chronologie II 27; *IDidyma 390AII; @ @@`513. &3Tamias& inscription for (no name); I&4`2&: *IDidyma 390BI. @ @@`514. &3Tamias& inscription for [ ... ]&3aios Neandrou&; 47 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 26, 1902, 132%19`5, no. A, ll. 1%19`17; Rehm, Chronologie II, no. VIIa; *IDidyma 391AI; Tuchelt, Didyma 77%19`8 (PH). @ @@`515. &3Tamias& inscription for Philodemos Hestiaiou; 44 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, 149%19`150, no. 30; Haussoullier, RPh 26, 1902, 132%19`5, no. A, ll. 18%19`30; Haussoullier, Milet 274%19`9; OGIS 473; Rehm, Chronologie II, 35, no. VIIb; *IDidyma 391AII. @ @@`516. &3Tamias& inscription for Eukle[s Eua]ndrou; 41%3`0 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 26, 1902, 132%19`5, no. A, ll. 31%19`5; *IDidyma 391AIII. @ @@`517. &3Tamias& inscription for Eukles E[u]a[n]drou by &3prophetes, etc.; 41%3`0 BC: CIG 2879 %7 CIG II add. p. 1119; Haussoullier, RPh 26, 1902, 132; *IDidyma 395. @ @@`518. &3Tamias& inscription for Eudikos Philippou by &3prophetes& and others; 41%3`0 BC: *IDidyma 396; SEG 19, 669. @ @@`519. &3Tamias& inscription for (no name) by &3prophetes,& ctc., mentioning [Epikrat]es Apolloniou; 40%3`39 or 20%3`19 BC: *IDidyma 399; Dow, TAPA 91, 1960, 401; SEG 19, 671. @ @@`520. &3Tamias& inscription for Philon Philonos by &3prophetes,& etc.; 34%3`3 BC: *IDidyma 397. @ @@`521. &3Tamias& inscription for Dionysios Di[ ... ] by &3prophetes, etc.; 34%3`3 BC: *IDidyma 398; SEG 19, 670; Tuchelt, Didyma 30 (PH, partial). @ @@`522. &3Tamias& inscription for Agathokles Agathokleous; 26%3`5 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 26, 1902, 132%19`5, no. B, ll. 18%19`27; *IDidyma 391BII. @ @@`523. &3Tamias& inscription for Antigonos Apolloniou and his son Antigonos Antigonou; early imperial: *IDidyma 406 (PH). @ @@`524. &3Tamias& inscription for [ ... ]&3s Apolloniou&; 25 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 26, 1902, 132%19`5, no. B, ll. 28%19`37; *IDidyma 391BIII. @ @@`525. &3Tamias& inscription for Diogenes Menandrou; 24 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 26, 1902, 132%19`5, no. B, ll. 1%19`17; *IDidyma 391BI; Tuchelt, Didyma 77%19`8 (PH). @ @@`526. &3Tamias& inscription for [Marcus Antonius?] Polites [Tryblichos?]; 19%3`8 BC: *IDidyma 390BII. @ @@`527. &3Tamias& inscription for Epigonos Nestoros; c. 15 BC: *IDidyma 408. @ @@`528. &3Tamias& inscription for (no name), in stephanephorate of Gaius Caesar; AD 1%3`2: *IDidyma 412. @ @@`529. &3Tamias& inscription for Timodemo[s] Demetriou; AD 17%3`8: *IDidyma 410. @ @@`530. &3Tamias& inscription for Philiskos Apolloniou by &3boule& and &3demos&; 2: LW 229, 1568; Barth, RhM 7, 1850, 259, no. 43; IPriene 235; *IDidyma 402; GGA 1959, 165; SEG 19, 674. @ @@`531. &3Tamias& inscription for [ ... ]s Pamphilos Diony[siou]; 2: Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, 319%19`320, no. 36; *IDidyma 403. @ @@`532. &3Tamias& inscription for [Egnatios? Diony]sios Egn[atiou]; AD 101%3`2 (?): *IDidyma 407. @ @@`533. &3Tamias& inscription (?) mentioning [&3proph&]&3etis& [Kleo]patra; c. 2&7m&: *IDidyma 273. @ @@`534. &3Tamias& inscription for Pu(blius) Aelius Ailianos (%6Aelianus) [He]rmaphilos by &3boule& and &3demos&; 2&4`2&: *IDidyma 405. @ @@`535. &3Tamias& inscription for (no name) in stephanephorate of &3theos& after Chareas; late imperial: *IDidyma 413. @ @@`536. &3Tamias& inscription for (no name) by &3prophetes,& etc., including &3hypochrestes&; no date; provenance from Didyma doubtful: *IDidyma 400; SEG 19, 672. @ @@`537. &3Tamias& inscription (?) for (no name) mentioning [M]enekra[tes]; no date; found in Karakuyu: *IDidyma 414. @ See also: Didyma 131. @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (538%19`547) @ @@`538. Horos &3A&; Hellenistic: *IDidyma 65; Tuchelt, Didyma 24 (PH). @ @@`539. Horos of &3temenos& of Argaseis; III; found in Mercimek east of Didima: Haussoullier, RPh 21, 1897, 45, no. 20; *IDidyma 66. @ @@`540. Horos of &3temenos& of Argaseis; III; found in Mercimek east of Didima: *IDidyma 67. @ @@`541. Horos of &3temenos& of Argaseis; III; found in Mercimek east of Didima: *IDidyma 68. @ @@`542. Horos of &3temenos& of Argaseis; III; found in Mercimek east of Didima: Haussoullier, RPh 21, 1897, 45, no. 21; *IDidyma 69; Hellenica 11%19`12, 483 (PH). @ @@`543. Fragment of horos of &3temenos& of &3prosetairoi& of Aristodemos; early Hellenistic: *IDidyma 101; **Tuchelt, MDAI(I) 23%19`4, 1973%19`4, 168 (ll. 1%19`4); Tuchelt, Didyma 28%19`9 (PH). @ @@`544. Milestone in Greek and Latin for 11th mile of Sacred Way; AD 101%3`2; found on Sacred Way: 7. Mil%19Ber. 36; Milet II 2, 8, Abhang 7 (PH); Didyma I Tf 237 (PH); *IDidyma 57; Tuchelt, Didyma 26 (PH). @ @@`545. Fourth milestone from &3polis& (Miletos?), mentioning Julian; AD 361%3`363: LW 234; Haussoullier, Milet 287%19`8; *IDidyma 60. @ @@`546. Horos of &3temenos& of Apollo Pedanasseus; no date; found in Mercimek on road from Didyma to Akbu+k: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 19, no. 6; Haussoullier, RPh 20, 1896, 95, no. 1; Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 115, no. 15; SEG 18, 472; *IDidyma 70; Herrmann, MDAI(I) 30, 1980, 238, note 46; **SEG 30, 1293 (l. 3). @ @@`547. Horos of sacred &3temenos&; no date: *IDidyma 71; Tuchelt, Didyma 24%19`5 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (548) @ @@`548. Topos graffiti and inscriptions on steps of stadium; Hellenistic%3Roman: Didyma I Tf. 229 (PH); *IDidyma 50; **Gnomon 1959, 661 (section 3St, inscr. 18, l. 1). @ See also: Didyma 663%19`5. @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (549%19`587) @ @@@@Section: 15a. Religious, including Dedicatory (549%19`554) @ @@`549. Dedication to Apollo Didymeus by [ ... ]&3on Meniskou, victorious in &3Didymeia& and &3Hyakinthotrophia,& with epigram (in elegiacs?) on three victories in &3Didymeia&; late Hellenistic: Haussoullier, Milet 280, note 4; **Hellenica 7, 114%19`6 (l. 3) (PH); *IDidyma 77a. @ @@`550. Dedicatory inscription (in elegiacs) on statue%19base to Artemis Pytheie by Diodoros Olympou, priest of Artemis; II: *IDidyma 118; **Peek, ZPE 7, 1971, 194%19`6, no. 3 (ll. 2%19`5). @ @@`551. &3Prophetes& inscription for T(itus) Flavius Andreas, with prayer to Apollo in iambics; c. 2&4`2&; found between Didyma and Karakuyu: GIBM 921b; *IDidyma 219. @ @@`552. Dedicatory epigram in elegiacs to (Apollo) Didymeus by inhabitants of Rhodes; 2&7e&%3`4: *IDidyma 83 (PH). @ @@`553. Dedication in hexameters and iambs by Bassos, priest of Phoibos, to Phoibos (Apollo), on altar; late: Woodward, ABSA 28, 1926%3`7, 124%19`5, no. 10; *IDidyma 82. @ @@`554. Inscription in elegiacs in honor of &3prophetes& (?); late Hellenistic: *IDidyma 234BI. @ See also: Kaibel 1025 (hymn to Apollo mentions Didyma; found on Tenos.) @ @@@@Section: 15b. Honorary Epigrams (554.5%19`564) @ @@`554.5. Honorary inscription, partly in elegiacs, by boule and demos for Euphrosynos Pasikleous, &3neokoros& of Artemis Pythie; 3&7b&: *Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 35, 1985, 185%19`188, no. 3 (PH); BE 1987:193. @ @@`555. &3Prophetes& inscription for Herakleon Nik[i]adou called Isas, with honorary inscription in elegiacs; no date; found in Karakuyu: LW 243; Kaibel 859; *IDidyma 260; **Peek, ZPE 7, 1971, 202%19`4, no. 6 (ll. 4%19`11); Fontenrose no. B3. @ @@`556. &3Hydrophoros& inscription for Klea Pausaniou, with epigram in elegiacs for her; 59 BC: Haussoullier, RPh 45, 1921, 45%19`7; Rehm, Chronologie II 33; *IDidyma 340; **Peek, ZPE 11, 173, 25%19`8 (ll. 12%19`18). @ @@`557. &3Hydrophoros& inscription in elegiacs for Metrodora; 3&4`2&?; found in theater of Miletos, prob. from Didyma: Dain, Louvre, no. 56; IDidyma 363B %7 344; Hellenica 11%19`12, 476 (PH); *Peek, ZPE 7, 1971, 205%19`7, no. 7. @ @@`558. &3Prophetes& inscription in elegiacs for Ulpius Menandros, with prayer to Apollo for son Asklapon; 2&4`1&: 8. Mil%19Ber. 19, no. 10, ll. 1%19`3; SEG 4, 465; *IDidyma 223A. @ @@`559. Fragment in elegiacs of honorary inscription for high magistrate(?); late imperial(?): *IDidyma 593; Peek, ZPE 7, 1971, 220%19`1, no. 15 (PH). @ @@`560. Honorary (?) inscription in hexameters for athlete (?); imperial: *IDidyma 586. @ @@`561. Honorary inscription in elegiacs (?) for athlete, with artist's signature by Lamp[itos Apolloniou]; imperial: *IDidyma 591; **Gnomon 1959, 672 (ll. 2, 5). @ @@`562. End of &3prophetes& inscription in hexameters for (no name); late imperial: *IDidyma 298. @ @@`563. &3Hydrophoros& inscription in hexameters; late imperial: *IDidyma 587. @ @@`564. Honorary inscriptions in iambs and elegiacs for proconsul of Asia for decorating spring of Didyma, which had been useful in Gothic War; AD 287%3`293: 8. Mil%19Ber. 22; *IDidyma 159. @ @@@@Section: 15c. Funerary Epigrams (565%19`568) @ @@`565. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Bitto Lichantos; c. 200 BC: Haussoullier, Milet 218; *IDidyma 537; **Peek, ZPE 7, 1971, 211%19`3, no. 10 (ll. 1%19`8, 9%19`10, 13). @ @@`566. Funerary inscription in iambs for Choro Diognetou; II%3I: 6. Mil%19Ber. 46; Peek, GVI I 1264; *IDidyma 567 (PH). @ @@`567. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for [Gorgo], wife of Antigo[nos]; c. 100 BC: *IDidyma 532c; **Peek, MDAI(A) 80, 1965, 160%19`9 (ll. 1%19`10). @ @@`568. Two funerary epigrams, one in iambs mentioning Samos and one in elegiacs mentioning Crete; II: **Peek, GVI I 1890 (ll. 1%19`4 of section a, ll. 1%19`5 of section b); *IDidyma 538 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 15d. Oracles in Verse (569%19`581) @ @@`569. Line%19ends of hexameters of oracle; c. III: *IDidyma 585; Fontenrose no. B7. @ @@`570. Oracle on altar in hexameters ordering propitiation of Poseidon, with dedication to &3Asphalios Soter Posidaon megistos& by Andronikos Potamonos; II&4`2&: *IDidyma 132 (PH); Robert, CRAI 1968, 576%19`7; Fontenrose no. 14. @ @@`571. &3Prophetes& inscription for Philodemos Pamphilou of &3demos Tichiesseis, &3patria& Neileidai, and &3phretra& Pelagonidai, with oracular inscription for him in elegiacs; 66 BC; found at Karakuyu: Haussoullier, RPh 20, 1896, 100%19`101, no. 5; Haussoullier, RPh 21, 1897, 38, no. 7, ll. 5%19`10; Rehm, Chronologie II 31%19`2; *IDidyma 229II; Hellenica 11%19`12, 449%19`453 (PH); Fontenrose no. B2. @ @@`572. Oracle (?) in hexameters mentioning spring of water; imperial: *IDidyma 497; **Peek, ZPE 7, 1971, 209%19`211, no. 9 (ll. 2%19`6, 8%19`10, 12%19`4, 16); Fontenrose no. B6. @ @@`573. Question concerning cult of Hera, and god's answer in hexameters; c. AD 190%3`200; found at Sar#1221kemer near Myous, presumably from Didyma: IMagnesia 228; *IDidyma 501; Robert, CRAI 1968, 577%19`8; Fontenrose no. 24. @ @@`574. Question and god's answer in hexameters mentioning Artemis; c. AD 200 (?): *IDidyma 505; Fontenrose no. A6. @ @@`575. Question and god's answer in hexameters concerning cult; late imperial: *IDidyma 499; Fontenrose no. 28. @ @@`576. Question of &3philodionysoi,& with god's answer in hexameters; 2?: *IDidyma 502; Fontenrose no. A4. @ @@`577. Fragment of oracle (?) in hexameters; 3 (?): *Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 21, 1971, 105%19`6; Fontenrose no. A8. @ @@`577.5. Question of &3tamias& Hermias on altar of Tyche, with god's answer in hexameter; 3: *Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 21, 1971, 97%19`108, no. I; Tuchelt, Didyma 32 (PH); Fontenrose no. 27. @ @@`578. Question (mentioning Aur(elius) Herais) and god's answer in hexameters; AD 212%3`250: *IDidyma 500; **Gnomon 1959, 670 (l. 10); Fontenrose no. A3. @ @@`579. &3Prophetes& inscription for [T(itus) Fl(avius) O]ulpianos (%6 Ulpianus), with oracle in hexameters delivered to him: AD c.220%3`300: *IDidyma 277; Fontenrose no. 29. @ @@`580. Oracle (?) in hexameters on sacrifices and hymns; 3&7e&: Harder, Navicula Chiloniensis 88%19`97 (PH); *IDidyma 217 (PH); Hommel &3Acts 4th Congress,& 140%19`156; Hommel, Festschr. F. Smend 7%19`18 (PH); **Peek, ZPE 7, 1971, 196%19`200, no. 4 (ll. 1%19`13); Fontenrose no. B1. @ @@`581. Question of priest concerning cult of Soteira Kore and god's answers in hexameters; 3&7e&%3`4&7b&: 7. Mil%19Ber. 63%19`4; *IDidyma 504; SEG 28, 852; Tuchelt, Didyma 46%19`9 (PH); Fontenrose no. 30%19`31. @ See also: LSAM 6 (fragment in hexameters, possibly of an oracle [of Didyma?]; found at Kios). @ Ə@@@@Section: 15e. Dubia (582%19`587) @ @@`582. Fragments of hexameters; c. I: *IDidyma 595. @ @@`583. Line%19beginnings of hexameters(?) mentioning &3nymphai&; imperial: *IDidyma 589. @ @@`584. (Funerary or honorary) distichon in elegiacs; 2&4`1&: *IDidyma 594. @ @@`585. Epigram in hexameters (?) mentioning Zeus Kronides; late: *IDidyma 588. @ @@`586. Fragments of hexameters (?) mentioning Phoibos; late: *IDidyma 590. @ @@`587. Epigram in hexameters (?) mentioning Let[oides]; no date: *IDidyma 592. @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (588%19`645) @ @@@@Section: 16a. Full Name Preserved (588%19`631) @ @@`588. Funerary inscription for (no name) [ ... ]&3ou Anteros& and brother [Ae]lius Rhouphos (%6Rufus); late: *IDidyma 568; **Gnomon 1959, 671 (ll. 1%19`2). @ @@`589. Funerary inscription for brothers Alexas and Stephanos by mother; late imperial: *IDidyma 524. @ @@`590. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for Ambeivius, Eucleratus, and S(extus) Roscianus Demetrios; Roman: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 19, no. 5; CIL III Suppl. 13672; **Robert, RPh 65, 1939, 174 (l. 5); *IDidyma 525. @ @@`591. Fragment of funerary inscription for Ambeibios A[ ... ], ςwith penalty for unauthorized burial; 3 or later: *Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 30, 1980, 166%19`7, no. 3 (PH); SEG 30, 1292. @ @@`592. Funerary inscriptions for (no name) son of Anaxileos, (no name) son of [ ... ]olochos, Anaxileos, Demokrite, and Philinos; Hellenistic: *IDidyma 526. @ @@`593. Funerary inscription for [Ant]ero[s] &3philokynegos,& by Ammas; imperial?: Robert, Gladiateurs 195; *IDidyma 539. @ @@`594. Funerary inscription for Antiochos Antiochou; late Hellenistic?: *IDidyma 569. @ @@`595. Funerary inscription for Apollas; late; found in Elaiotribia, on way from Didima to Akbu+k: *IDidyma 540. @ @@`596. Funerary inscription for Apollonia Antipatrou; c. 200 BC: *IDidyma 541. @ @@`597. Funerary inscription for Apollonios Demyla; late Hellenistic: *IDidyma 542. @ @@`598. Funerary insciption for Apollonios and (or son of?) Eutaktos; 2&4`1&: *IDidyma 543. @ @@`599. Funerary inscription for [Ar]eistoneike and Menekrates; no date; found at Akbu+k: *Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 19, no. 8. @ @@`600. Funerary inscription for Artemas; no date: *IDidyma 544. @ @@`601. Funerary inscription for Asklapon Platonos; late Hellenistic: *IDidyma 545. @ @@`602. Funerary inscription for [A]ureleia [ ... ] and [ ... ]a; imperial; found at Mercimek: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 115, no. 17; SEG 18, 471. @ @@`603. Funerary inscriptions for [Aur(elius) Dokimos Aga]thopous and family by self, with provision against unauthorized burial, and for Aur(elius) Dokimos Dokimou and family; imperial: *IDidyma 529. @ @@`604. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Epa[phrodeitos], with penalty for unauthorized burials, and with honors given by &3synarchia& and &3archiprytaneia&; 3 or later: LW 235; *IDidyma 570. @ @@`605. Funerary inscription for Aurelius Rhouphos (%6Rufus) and other(s?); 3 or later: *IDidyma 546. @ ݪ@@`605.5. Funerary inscription for Demetrios; prob. 2; found at Elaiotribia between Didima and Akbu+k: *Nolle/, EA 8, 1986, 38. @ @@`606. Funerary inscription for Demetrios Menophilo[u] and Diotima Metrobiou; late Hellenistic: *IDidyma 527. @ @@`607. Funerary inscriptions for Demetrios Mi[ ... ] and Atheneis; late Hellenistic: *IDidyma 528. @ @@`608. Funerary inscription for Dionysios; late: *IDidyma 547. @ @@`609. Funerary inscription for Eirenias; 2: *IDidyma 548. @ @@`610. Funerary inscription for Elpis; no date; found at Akbu+k: *Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 19, no. 7. @ @@`611. Funerary inscriptions for Enat[io]n Platios, Thessalia Diogneto[u], and Hedeia Iasonos; late Hellenistic%3imperial: *IDidyma 530. @ @@`612. Funerary inscription for Epigonos; late; found between Didima and Kokkina near hill Prophitis Ilias: *IDidyma 550. @ @@`613. Funerary inscription for Euphrosynos Pasikleous; imperial: *IDidyma 553. @ @@`614. Funerary inscription for Eupraxia by husband Menandreianos; no date; found on plateau between Miletos and Didyma: *IDidyma 552. @ @@`615. Funerary inscription for [He]katokles [Hek]atokleous; late imperial: *IDidyma 549. @ @@`616. Funerary inscription for [Her]ais [S]tephanou; Hellenistic: *IDidyma 555. @ @@`617. Funerary inscription for Hermas by wife Nike; late: *IDidyma 551; **Gnomon 1959, 671 (l. 1). @ @@`618. Funerary inscription for Hierokles Hierokleous and mother Ada; early imperial: *IDidyma 531. @ @@`619. Funerary inscriptions for Hippomachos Eukratou and mem%3bers of his family; II%3I: *IDidyma 532ab. @ @@`620. Funeary inscription for Isias Herakleidou; Hellenistic?: *IDidyma 557. @ @@`621. Funerary inscription for Isidoros and Kleomachos; imperial?: LW 236; *IDidyma 534. @ @@`622. Funerary inscription for Claudius Tiberius Sophanes Kanditos (%6Candidus) and family with penalty for unauthorized burials; late: *IDidyma 576. @ @@`623. Funerary inscription for Kleopatre Diagoreo; V%3IV&4`1&: Haussoullier, Me/m. De/l. Perse 162%19`3; *IDidyma 560 (PH); Tuchelt, Didyma 89 (PH). @ @@`624. Funerary inscription for Melistiche Kladou and others; Hellenistic; found at Kovala Liman: *IDidyma 535. @ @@`625. Funerary inscription for [Mena]ndro[s] (?); late: *IDidyma 536. @ @@`626. Funerary inscription for Minnas Menetos; late Hellenistic: *IDidyma 562. @ @@`627. Funerary inscription for Pithon; imperial?; found between Mercimek and coast: *IDidyma 563. @ @@`628. Funerary inscription for [Por]phyre [ ... o]us; late imperial: *IDidyma 564. @ @@`629. Funerary inscription for Sosos Sosou; Hellenistic: *IDidyma 566. @ @@`630. Funerary inscription for Theoteimos; late Hellenistic: *IDidyma 556. @ @@`631. Funerary inscription for Zenon Pythonos; no date; provenance from Didyma doubtful: *IDidyma 554. @ See also: Didyma 565%19`8, 676%19`7. @ @@@@Section: 16b. Name Fragmentary (632%19`639) @ @@`632. Funerary inscription for Ath[ ... Eu]tychis and others, with penalty for unauthorized burials; very early imperial: *IDidyma 578. @ @@`633. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]eos; no date; found at Akbu+k: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 115, no. 16; SEG 18, 470. @ @@`634. Funerary inscription for [ ... ip]p[o]s [ ... ]agyrou; Hellenistic?: *IDidyma 533A. @ @@`635. Funerary inscription for (no name), child of [K]erdon; c. 100 BC; provenance from Didyma doubtful: *IDidyma 558. @ @@`636. Funerary inscription for Kle[ ... ... ]asiou(?); c. 100 BC: *IDidyma 559. @ @@`637. Funerary inscription for (?) [ ... ]sis Menand[rou] and Gaius No[ ... ]; 2&4`1&: *IDidyma 574. @ @@`638. Funerary inscription for (?) Tryph[ ... ] and others; early imperial: *IDidyma 577. @ @@`639. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]o and Apol[ ... ]era: early imperial: *IDidyma 533B. @ @@@@Section: 16c. Name Lost (640%19`645) @ @@`640. Funerary inscription for (no name?) by wife Hierophontis; Roman: *IDidyma 571. @ @@`641. Funerary inscription for family by(?) [ ... ]os Preimi[ ... ]; imperial?: *IDidyma 575; **Gnomon 1959, 671 (ll. 6%19`7). @ @@`642. Funerary inscription for (no name) by [ ... ]ros [Q]uirin[a] Alexandros and Dionysi[os], with penalty for unauthorized burials; imperial; provenance from Didyma doubtful: *IDidyma 573. @ @@`643. Funerary inscription for (no name) &3lyristes& and &3poietes&; imperial: *IDidyma 579. @ @@`643.5. End of funerary inscription, with penalty for unauthorized burial to be paid to [Apo]llo D[idymeus]; imperial: *Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 35, 1985, 193, no. 8 (PH). @ @@`644. Funerary inscription for (no name?) by (?) [ ... ]&3s &3Eunikou&; early imperial: *IDidyma 572. @ @@`644.2. Funerary inscription for (no name), dated by [&3stephanephoros& (no name)]; I&7e&%3`2: *Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 35, 1985, 192%19`193, no. 7 (PH); BE 1987:193. @ @@`644.5. Funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty; 1%3`2&4`1&: *Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 35, 1985, 191%19`192, no. 6 (PH). @ @@`645. Funerary inscription for (no name) mentioning magistracies; late imperial: *IDidyma 157. @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (646) @ @@`646. Artist's signature by E[u]demos; before 550 BC; found on Sacred Way: Newton, Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 1859, 662, no. 4; Newton, Discoveries II 783, no. 71; IGA 485; Syll&4`3& 3e; GIBM 932; *IDidyma 5 (PH). @ See also: Didyma 140, 148, 202, 209, 561. @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (647%19`649) @ @@`647. Oracle (in prose) concerning piracy, boustrophedon; VI&4`1&: LW 22; IGA 489; *IDidyma 11 (PH); SEG 30, 1291; Fontenrose no. 2. @ @@`648. Question and god's answer; c. AD 200(?): *IDidyma 498; 9Fontenrose no. A2. @ @@`649. Question concerning Bacchant; imperial: *IDidyma 503. @ See also: Didyma 206, 390, 412, 450, 569%19`581; Ephesos 2102 (%6 IEphesos 1252) (%6 AAWW 82, 1945, 47) (oracle of Didyma; found at Ephesos); Lechat, BCH 13, 1889, 518%19`9 (introduction to text of oracle (?) of Apollo in Didyma; found at Kyzikos); APergamon VIII 3, no. 2 (inquiry of Pergamon on how to bury two citizens; found in Pergamon). @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (650%19`673) @ @@@@Section: 20a. Religious Graffiti (650%19`652) @ @@`650. Nike graffito for &3theoi epekooi&; early imperial: *IDidyma 512; Gnomon 1959, 670. @ @@`651. Prayer (?) to (Herakles) Alexikakos; no date: *IDidyma 507. @ @@`652. &3Charis theou& on floor of pronaos; no date: *IDidyma 519. @ See also: Didyma 678%19`683. @ @@@@Section: 20b. Honorary Graffiti (653%19`662) @ @@`653. Nike (?) graffito mentioning several names, including Apollas; HellenisticRoman: *IDidyma 518. @ @@`654. Nike graffito for Artemisias; no date: *IDidyma 510. @ @@`655. Nike graffito for Hermias, Agathokles, and Sileas; no date: *IDidyma 513. @ @@`656. Nike graffiti for Euangelos and others; no date: *IDidyma 509. @ @@`657. Nike graffito for Glaukos; no date; found on Sacred Way: Newton, Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 1859, 662, no. 5; Newton, Discoveries II 787%19`8, no. 73; GIBM 934; *IDidyma 511. @ @@`658. Nike graffito for Flavia; imperial: *IDidyma 515b; Gnomon 1959, 670. @ @@`659. Nike graffito for Platainis; imperial: *IDidyma 515a; Gnomon 1959, 670. @ @@`660. Nike graffito for Pothos; no date: *IDidyma 514. @ @@`661. Nike graffiti for &3hydrophoros& Tatias and &3tamias& Iulius; c. I&4`2&: *IDidyma 516. @ @@`662. Honorary graffito (?) for &3prophetike& by Gais; no date: Hellenica 10, 60; *IDidyma 235B; **Gnomon 1959, 665 (l. 1). @ @@@@Section: 20c. Topos Graffiti (663%19`665) @ @@`663. (Topos) graffito of &3artokopoi&; no date: Gre/goire, Recueil 226&3bis&; *IDidyma 522. @ @@`664. Topos graffito for Hierokometai; Hellenistic%3Roman: *IDidyma 50a. @ @@`665. Topos graffito of Philadelphos; imperial?: *IDidyma 521. @ @@@@Section: 20d. Varia and Dubia (666%19`673) @ @@`666. Alphabetic exercises; late Hellenistic: *IDidyma 506b. @ @@`667. Signature of Epiktetos; imperial: *IDidyma 520. @ @@`668. (Nike) or (topos) graffito for Elpidios Basos (%6Bassus); Roman: *IDidyma 508. @ @@`669. Alphabetic exercises; late: *IDidyma 506a. @ @@`670. Graffito [ ... ]&3ponos&; no date: *IDidyma 295II. @ @@`671. Graffito of congratulations (?) mentioning Stephanos and others; no date: *IDidyma 385II. @ @@`672. Graffito on back of statue; no date; found on Sacred Way: Woodward, ABSA 28, 1926%3`7, 126, no. 12; *IDidyma 517. @ @@`673. Graffito [ ... ]&3mnesthe&[ ... ]; no date: CIG 2872; *IDidyma 523. @ See also: Meier%19Bru+gger, Labraunda II 4 p. 10, no. 21 (%6 MDAI(I) 13%19`14, 1963%19`1964, Taf. 25) (graffito in Carian; found at Didyma). @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (674%19`695) @ @@@@Section: 21a. Edict (674) @ @@`674. Superscript of constitution of Justinian with Christian symbols; AD 527%3`565: 7. Mil%19Ber. 46; Gre/goire, Recueil 226; *IDidyma 596; Amelotti %9 Luzzatto, Costituzioni giustinianee p. 90, no. 2; Amelotti %9 Luzzatto, Costituzione giustinianee&4`2& p. 101, no. 2. @ @@@@Section: 21b. Building (675) @ @@`675. Christian inscription recording building of chapel under Olpianos, with cross; Byzantine; found in Derinkuyu, northeast of Didima: *IDidyma 598. @ @@@@Section: 21c. Funerary (676%19`677) @ @@`676. Funerary inscription for &3diakonos& Kyriakos; Byzantine: *IDidyma 602. @ @@`677. Funerary inscription for [Sy]ntyche, daughter of Ius[ti]nus, with Christian symbol; imperial: *IDidyma 565. @ @@@@Section: 21c. Graffiti (678%19`683) @ @@`678. Prayer(?) concerning the believers; 6%3`7: Gre/goire, Recueil 226&4`7&; *IDidyma 599I. @ @@`679. Topos graffito(?) of &3amachia,& with prayer and crosses; 6%3`7: Gre/goire, Recueil 224&4`6&; *IDidyma 599II @ @@`680. Prayer to Lord by Thomas for help; Byzantine: Gre/goire, Recueil 224&4`4&; *IDidyma 605. @ @@`681. Prayer to Lord for help; Byzantine: *IDidyma 606. @ @@`682. Graffito &3Chr&(&3istos&?) &3basilikos a&(?); Byzantine: *IDidyma 607. @ @@`683. Graffito mentioning &3hagnotatoi&; Byzantine: *IDidyma 614. @ @@@@Section: 21d. Nike Inscriptions and Acclamations (684%19`691) @ @@`684. Nike inscription for &3tyche& of &3prasinoi&; 5&4`2&%3`7: Gre/goire, Recueil 226&3ter&; *IDidyma 609; Cameron, Porphyrius 74. @ @@`685. Nike inscription for the &3tyche& of the &3anagnostai,& with crosses; 6%3`7: Gre/goire, Recueil 226&3quater&; *IDidyma 612. @ @@`686. Nike inscription for the &3tyche& of the city and the mosaic%19workers; 6%3`7: Gre/goire, Recueil 226&4`5&; *IDidyma 613; Hellenica 11%19`12, 493 (PH). @ @@`687. Acclamation for Makarios and &3benetoi,& with crosses; Byzantine: *IDidyma 603; **Hellenica 11%19`12, 490%19`2 (l. 3). @ @@`688. Acclamation for Georgios and &3benetoi&; Byzantine: *IDidyma 604; **Hellenica 11%19`12, 490%19`2 (ll. 2%19`3). @ @@`689. Nike inscription for &3tyche& of &3prasinoi&; 5&4`2&%3`7: *IDidyma 610; Cameron, Porphyrius 74. @ @@`690. Inscription for &3prasinoi&; Byzantine: *IDidyma 611. @ @@`691. Nike inscription for &3tyche& of &3agamoi,& with cross; Byzantine: *Hellenica 11%19`12, 494%19`5; Cameron, Porphyrius the Charioteer 77. @ @@@@Section: 21e. Varia and Dubia (691.5%19`695) @ @@`691.5. Three prayers (with cross) on column of &3apodyterion&; 5: *Naumann, MDAI(I) 30, 1980, 178%19`9; SEG 30, 1294%19`1296. @ @@`692. Prayer by Sisinnius, with cross; late: Woodward, ABSA 28, 1926%3`7, 119, no. 7; *IDidyma 99; **Hellenica 11%19`12, p. 493 (l. 3). @ @@`693. Two fragments, one mentioning the &3ekkles&[&3ia&], from door%19jamb of Byzantine building; Byzantine; found 3 km. south of Ta Marmara: *IDidyma 600. @ @@`694. Inscription with cross referring to man possessed by demon; Byzantine: *IDidyma 608. @ @@`695. Two Christian symbols; Byzantine: *IDidyma 615. @ See also: Didyma 412. @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (695.5%19`695.7) @ @@`695.5. Numbers on drums of column of temple; no date: *Haselberger, MDAI(I) 33, 1983, 115%19`123 (PH); BE 1987:53. @ @@`695.7. Inscription of [Apol]lonios (?) on tile; no date: Wintermeyer, MDAI(I) 30, 1980, 141, no. 124 (PH); *SEG 30, 1297. @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (696%19`701) @ @@`696. Fragment mentioning Philiskos; late Hellenistic: *IDidyma 234AII. @ @@`697. List of names in nominative of Themison and others; c. II: *IDidyma 581. @ @@`698. Dedication by or building document concerning persons establishing &3thesauros& of Apollo; II&4`1&: *IDidyma 418; **Gnomon 1959, 668 (ll. 5%19`6). @ @@`699. List of men's names in nominative; c. I: *IDidyma 583. @ @@`700. List in nominative of names of [Eud]emis Euanth[ous] and other women; I%3`1: *IDidyma 582. @ @@`700.5. Reclassified as Amyzon 51. @ @@`701. Fragment with word &3spyl&[&3ia&?]; imperial: *IDidyma 584. @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @@@@{1Ephesos}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@FiE: Forschungen in Ephesos, O+sterreichisches Archa+ologisches @@@@Institut, 1906%19`1981. @@Fu+hrer Selc%25uk: Knibbe %9 Bammer %9 Fleischer: Fu+hrer durch das @@@@archa+ologische Museum in Selc%25uk%19Ephesos, 1973. @@IEph: Merkelbach &3et al.,& Die Inschriften von Ephesos, Bonn @@@@`1979%19`1981. @@JO+AI 50: Mitsopoulou%19Leon, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 495%19`524. @@JO+AI 52: Engelmann %9 Knibbe, JO+AI 52, 1980, 19%19`61. @@JO+AI 53: Knibbe %9 #1222plikc%25iog%27lu, JO+AI 53, 1981%19`1982, 87%19`150. @@JO+AI 55: Knibbe %9 #1222plikc%25iog%27lu, JO+AI 55, 1984, 107%19`149. @@Knibbe %9 #1222plikc%25iog%27lu, Ephesos: Knibbe %9 #1222plikc%25iog%27lu, @@@@Ephesos im Spiegel seiner Inschriften, Vienna 1984. @ The bulk of the inscriptions listed were found at or near Ephesos. Inscriptions said to have been found at the following sites are listed as having been found at Ephesos: @@Astyagou Pagos (Astyageshu+gel) @@Berebet Dag%27#1221 @@Bu+lbu+l Dag%27#1221 (Bu+lbu+l Dagh) @@Panayir Dag%27#1221 (Panaghir%19Dagh, Panayir Dagh) @@Selc%25uk (Ajasoluk, Ayasoluk). @ Inscriptions found at the following sites near Ephesos are listed as having been found at those sites: @@Arvalia (Arralia) @@Belevi @@Gallesion (Alamandagh, Eski Alaman) @@Go+kc%25ealan (Bergaz, Burgaz) @@Kirazl#1221 (Akc%25aova, Aktsche%19ova) @@Kirkince (Kirkindsche) @@Kulebu+k%3Pamuc%25ak @@Kuyumc%25u (Kuyumen, Kurundschi) @@Phygela (Kus%25adas#1221, Marathesion, Sas Dermen, Scalanova). @ Inscriptions found at or near Metropolis and in the Kaystros Valley above Belevi are not listed here but in the lists for Metropolis and the Kaystros Valley. Inscriptions found at C%25aml#1221k (Azizie) are in the list for Magnesia on the Maeander). @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`171) @ @@@@Section: 1a. Laws (1%19`6) @ @@`1. Sacred law with rules for augury, stoichedon; VI; found at Ephesos: CIG 2953; IGA 499; GIBM 678; Roehl, Imagines&4`2& p. 49, no. 11; Michel 727; SGDI 5600; Syll&4`3& 1167; Schwyzer, DGEEP 708; Sokolowski, LSAM 30.A; *IEph 1678.A; Cook, Greek Inscriptions 40, no. 33 (PH). @ @@`2. Sacred law concerning sacrifices at conclusion of treaty, stoichedon; VI; found at Ephesos: Wood App. 8 np. 19; Heberdey, JO+AI 2, 1899 Beibl. 48%19`49; SGDI 5598; Schwyzer, DGEEP 708 add. p. 462; FiE IV 3 no. 25a; Sokolowski, LSAM 30.B; *IEph 1678.B; SEG 32, 1134. @ @@`3. Fragment of sacred law concerning surety, stoichedon; c. V; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 25b (PH); *IEph 1678.C. @ @@`4. Law concerning debts after war; c. 297%3`296 BC; found at Ephesos: Wood, Discoveries, App. 8, no. 1 (part); Dareste, Nouv. rev. hist. de droit franc%25. 1, 1877, 161%19`178 (part); GIBM 1477 (part); Dareste %9 Haussoullier %9 Reinach 5 (part); FiE II no. 17; Syll&4`3& 364; Asheri, SCO 18, 1969, pp. 42%19`47, no.'s 21%19`22 and pp. 108%19`114; *IEph 4 (PH, part) and Add. p. 1. @ @@`4.5. Roman law concerning port%19tax of Asia, with prescript and additions; 75 BC, with later additions, inscribed AD 62; found at Ephesos: Vetters, AAWW 114, 1977, 211; Vetters, AAWW 116, 1979, 133; Engelmann %9 Knibbe, EA 8, 1986, 19%19`32; SEG 36, 1027; *Engelmann %9 Knibbe, EA 14, 1989, 10%19`31. @ @@`5. Summary of old sacred law concerning sacrifices; inscribed prob. 3; found at Ephesos: Miltner %9 Maresch, AAWW 96, 1959, 39%19`40 (PH); Miltner, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 49%19`50 (PH); Sokolowski, LSCG Suppl. p. 121; Fu+hrer Selc%25uk 100%19`103 (PH); SEG 28, 866; **IEph 10 (PH) (l. 7); *FiE IX 1 no. D1 (PH). @ @@`6. Law concerning sacrifices; no date; found on road to Phygela, prob. from Ephesos: *IEph 1263. @ See also: Priene 11, l. 22 (%6 Hommel, Panionion 45) (%6 BCH 4, 1970, 109) (sacred law concerning sacrifices at Panionion mentions king of Ephesos; found at Panionion near Priene). @ @@@@Section: 1b. Decrees Not of Ephesos (7%19`14) @ @@`7. Honorary decree of Demetriastai for sons of Drusus the Younger; AD 19%3`23; found at Ephesos: Sotiriu, AD 7, 1921, 200, no. 1; AnnEpig 1926, 14; Keil, JO+AI 24, 1928 Beibl. 61%19`67; SEG 4, 515; AnnEpig 1929, 124; FiE IV 3 no. 37; *IEph 4337. @ @@`8. Beginning of honorary decree of Hellenes of Asia, probably for a Roman; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 205. @ @@`9. Beginning of decree of Hellenes of Asia; no date; found at Ephesos: Syll&4`3& 760 note 2; *IEph 206. @ @@`10. Fragment of honorary decree of &3boule& and [&3demos&] (of Kolophon?) for demos of Eph[esos]; Hellenistic; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 112, no. 4167; SEG 34, 1082. @ @@`11. Honorary decree giving citizenship (of Phygela) to (no name) and assigning him to &3genos& Eurides; c. 310 BC; probably from Phygela, now in Vienna: Keil, JO+AI 23, 1926 Beibl. 73%19`90 (PH); SEG 4, 513; *IEph 3111. @ @@`12. Fragment of decree of presb[yteroi] (?); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1393A. @ @@`13. Roman decree concerning cult of Divus Iulius; 41 BC?; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 24; Millar, JRS 63, 1973, 55, no. 6; Ehrenberg %9 Jones&4`2& 377; *IEph 4324. @ @@`14. Beginning of decree of [synodos of athletes]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1084. @ See also: IG XII 5, 723, l. 9 (Ephesos included in list of cities subscribed to decree (?); found on Andros); Aphrodisias 5%19`6 (%6 IEph 11 %7 Add. p. 1) (%6 MAMA 8, no. 417) (%6 LW 1620) (two copies of honorary decree of athletic &3synodos& for athlete Kallikrates Dioge[nous] to be sent to be posted in Aphrodisias as in Ephesos, &3metropolis& of Asia; found at Aphrodisias); Aphrodisias 2, l. 5 (%6 Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome Doc. 5) (%6 BCH 1972, 443) (honorary decree of Koinon of Hellenes in Asia for Dionysios Iasonos and Hierokles Iasonos of Aphrodisias and Tralles mentions meeting of Koinon at Ephesos; found at Aphrodisias); IG I&4`3& 127 (%6 IG I&4`2& 1) (%6 Tod 97) (honorary decree of Athens for loyal Samians praises Ephesos; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 505 (honorary decree of &3boule and &3demos& of Athens for Euphiletos Aristeidou of Ilion and Polyz[el]os Apollophanous of Ephesos; found in Attica); IG II&4`2 853 (honorary decree of &3boule& of Athens for (no name) of [Eph]esos, giving him [&3politeia&]; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 854 (end of honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& of Athens for Timoni[des,] poss. of Mar[athesion]; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 922 (honorary decree of &3boule& [of Athens] for [Hike]sios Metrodorou of Ephes[os,] giving him &3p&[&3oliteia&]; found in Attica); Hesperia 13, 1944, 249 (honorary decree of &3boule& [of Athens] for [&3demos&] of Ephesos and &3theo&[&3r&]&3oi& from Ephesos; found in Attica); SEG 25, 108 (%6 Hesperia 6, 1937, 448) (honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos of Athens for &3demos& of Ephesos and &3presbeutai& from Ephesos Dionysikles Dionysikleous, Nikophon Charidemou, and Pantainos Teisidemou; found in Attica); ID 6, 73 (decree of &3bole& and &3demos (of Delos) accepting decree of &3polis& of Ephesos and providing for posting at Artemision of Ephesos; found on Delos); IG XI 4, 653 (decree of [&3demos&] of Delos for [ ... ]cho[s] and Aristonikos of Ephe[s]os, making them &3proxenoi& etc.; found on Delos); Erythrai 7, ll. 7%19`8 (%6 IErythrai 16) (%6 LW 1537) (decree of Ionians and Aiolians refers to dating by month in Ephesos; found at Erythrai); Klazomenai 1, l. 46 (%6 IErythrai 504) (%6 OGIS 222) (%6 BCH 9, 1885, 387) (decree of Ionian League in honor of Antiochos I and Antiochos II lists representative of Ephesos; found at Klazomenai); Magnesia 13, l. 75 (%6 IMagnesia 61) (%6 OGIS 233) (decree of Antiocheia P[ersidos] accepting invitation to Leukophryena provides for giving &3theoroi& from Magnesia Mai. the same honors as those for festival of Artemis of Ephesos; found at Magnesia Mai.); Magnesia 32, l. 80 (%6 IErythrai 507) (%6 IMagnesia 53) (Ephesos among cities listed as accepting invitation to &3agon in Magnesia Mai. after decree of Klazomenai accepting invitation; found at Magnesia Mai.); IG VII 15 (honorary decree of Megara for Hikesios Metrod[orou] of Ephesos; found at Megara); Miletos 17 (%6 Smyrna 4) (%6 ISmyrna 577) (%6 Syll&4`3& 368) (%6 Michel 485) (%6 Milet I 2 no. 10) (Arsinoeia (%6 Ephesos) and Miletos the two cities chosen to see to setting up &3eikones& of honorand Hippostratos of Miletos of honorary decree; found at Miletos and Smyrna); Miletos 31 (%6 IEphesos 3110) (%6 Milet I 3 no. 137) (Staatsvertr. III 453) (honorary decree of Miletos giving &3isopoliteia& to Phygela; found at Miletos); Mylasa 78 (%6 IMylasa 415) (%6 LW 446) (fragment of honorary decree (of Mylasa?) for (no name), who had gone as envoy (?) to Ephesos; found at Mylasa); IEph 22 and Add. p. 2 (honorary decree of Dionysiac artists in Ephesos for T(itus) Aelius Alkibiades of Nysa; found at Nysa); IG VII 340 (honorary decree of &3demos& for Herodotos Aristolochou and Tlepolemos Aristolochou, both of Ephesos, making them and families &3proxenoi,& etc.; found at Oropos); IG VII 4265 (honorary decree of &3de&[&3mos& of Or]op[os] for Phil[on Ph]ilonos of Ephesos and family, making him &3proxenos, etc.; found at Oropos); IG VII 4267 (honorary decree of &3demos& of Oropos for Philokles Theodotou of Ephesos and family, making him &3proxenos,& etc.; found at Oropos); Priene 33 (%6 IPriene 113) (honorary decree of Priene for Zosimos includes provision for feeding visitors, including citizens of Ephesos; found at Priene); Priene 50 (%6 IPriene 117) (honorary decree of Priene for Herakleitos Theodorou mentions embassy to Ephesos; found at Priene); Priene 56 (%6 IPriene 111) (honorary decree for Krates mentions his absence at Ephesos; found at Priene); Priene 63 (%6 IPriene 3) (%6 Syll&4`3& 282II) (honorary decree of Priene for Megabyzos Megabyzou of Ephesos grants him &3ges enktesis& except near boundary with Ephesos; found at Priene); Priene 66 (%6 IPriene 108) (honorary decree of Priene for Moschion Kydimou mentions embassy of Ephesos; found at Priene); Priene 106 (%6 IPriene 121) (honorary decree [of Priene] for (no name), mentioning embassies to Ephesos and other cities; found at Priene); Priene 108, l. 6 (%6 IPriene 124) (honorary decree [of Priene] for (no name) mentions embassy, probably to [Ephesos]; found at Priene); Samos 21, l. 10 (%6 MDAI(A) 44, 1919, 25, 13) (%6 Pouilloux 3) (honorary decree of Samos for individual who went to Ephesos to argue case before Antiochos II; found on Samos); Samos 41 (%6 Stamatiades, Samiaka&4`2& 144) (%6 Curtius, Inschr. 10) (honorary decree of Samos for Koies and Leontiskos of Ephesos; found on Samos). @ @@@@Section: 1c. Honorary Decrees of Ephesos (15%19`126) @ @@`15. Honorary decree of Ephesos for Tiberius (?); AD 14%3`54 (?); found at Ephesos: *IEph 1398. @ @@`16. Honorary decree for Marcus Aurelius or Commodus; AD 161%3`192; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1380; IKeramos T8. @ @@`17. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Ephesos for Euphronios Hegemonos of Akarnania; c. 302 BC; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 2 no. 19; GIBM 449; Michel 488; SGDI 5589; Syll&4`3& 353; SEG 4, 560; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 1; Hellenica 3, 79%19`85; *IEph 1449; SEG 30, 1299; FiE IX 1 no. H2. @ @@`18. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Ephesos) for Hieron Leontiskou of Alabanda; IV%3III (?); found at Ephesos; FiE II no. 4; *IEph 2004. @ @@`19. Honorary decree of [b]oule and demos of E[phesos] for Euthydamos Eumedous Arkas; IV&7e&; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 2 no. 17; GIBM 459; Michel 489; *IEph 1459. @ @@`20. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Ephesos for Phanostratos Eukleonos Arkas; Hellenistic; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 19, no. 3; *IEph 1412. @ @@`21. Honorary decree of boul[e] and demos of Ephesos for Anaxikrates Diogenous of Athens; IV&7e&; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1913, 238, no. IIIe; *IEph 1443. @ @@`22. Honorary decree (of Ephesos) for Antiphon Antimachou of Athens; V%3IV (?); found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1913, 233, no. If; Schwyzer, DGEEP 708a(3); *IEph 1421. @ @@`23. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Ephesos) for Arkesilas Theuxenou of Athens, giving him citizenship; IV&7e&; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 130%19`132, no. 137II. @ @@`24. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Ephesos) for Kephisodoros Hippeos of Athens, giving him citizenship; c. 306 BC; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 130%19`132, no. 137III; SEG 37, 881. @ @@`25. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Ephesos for Kittos and Bacchios Bacchio of Athens; c. 350%3`321 BC; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1913, 232, no. Ie; Wilhelm, NBeitra+ge 39%19`44 (%6 Akad. Schr. I 330%19`335); Preuner, JDAI 35, 1920, 69%19`71; Schwyzer, DGEEP 708a(2); *IEph 1420. @ @@`26. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Ephesos) for Xenophon Diodoro[2u]2 of Athens, giving him citizenship; IV&7e&; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 130%19`132, no. 137IV. @ @@`27. Honorary decree of b[oul]e and demos [of Ephesos] for [ ... o]n Ismenodorou the Boeotian [aulete]s; 302%3`281 BC; found at Ephesos: GIBM 470; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 2; *IEph 1470; SEG 30, 1299. @ @@`28. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Ephesos for Zoilos A[ ... ] of Elaia; IV%3III; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 2, no. 10; GIBM 458; *IEph 1458. @ @@`29. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Ephe[so]s for Antiphon Antimenontos of Histiaia; III; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 2; GIBM 460; Syll&4`2& 470; Michel 494; *IEph 1460. @ @@`30. Honorary decree of boule and demo[s] of Ephesos for Philon and 3 other men of Keramos living on Rhodes; no date; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 8, no. 16; GIBM 447; *IEph 1447. @ @@`31. Honorary decree of [bou]le and demos (of Ephesos) for [ ... ]os Kleonos of Kyrene; IV; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 50%19`53, no. 20 (PH); SEG 26, 1236; *IEph 1389. @ @@`32. Honorary decree of boule and demos [of Ephesos] for Athenis Apollodorou of Kyzikos; 294%3`285 BC; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1913, 237, no. IIIc; Maier I 72; *IEph 1441. @ @@`33. Honorary decree of demos of Ephesos for Apol[l ... ] Kononos of Magnesia; IV%3III (?); found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 2, no. 3; GIBM 468; *IEph 1468. @ @@`34. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Ephesos for Thras[ ... P]oseidoniou of Magnesia; no date; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 2, no. 12; GIBM 450; *IEph 1450. @ @@`35. Honorary decree of boule and d[emos] (of Ephesos) for ALexandros Amynta Makedon; IV?; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1913, 232, no. Id; Schwyzer, DGEEP 708a(1); *IEph 1419. @ @@`36. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Ephesos for Archestratos Nikonos Makedon; 302%3`301 BC; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 2, no. 25; Hicks 150; GIBM 452; Michel 491; OGIS 9; IErythrai 505; Hauben, Het vlootbevelhebberschap 14%19`18, no. 5; *IEph 1452. @ @@`37. Honorary decree [of boule and demos of Ephesos] for [Ar]rhidaios (Makedon); IV&4`2&?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 2, no. 9; GIBM 451; *IEph 1451. @ @@`38. Honorary decree of boule and demos [of Ephesos] for Kalladas (Makedon); 322%3`313 BC; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1913, 235, no. IIo; *IEph 1436; SEG 37, 880. @ @@`39. Honorary decree [of boule and demos of Ephesos] for Kleitos and Alketas (Makedones); 322 BC; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1913, 235, no. IIn; SEG 27, 732; *IEph 1435. @ @@`40. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Ephesos) for [K]le[o]boulos Philonos Makedon and others; III; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1405; **BE 1981:469 (l. 6). @ @@`41. Honorary decree of [boule and demos] of Ephesos for Neoptolemos Billeas Makedon; IV&4`2&?; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1913, 235, no. IIi; *IEph 1431. @ @@`42. Honorary decree of bo[ule and demos of Ephesos] for Nikarchos Gerontos Makedon; IV&4`2&?; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1913, 235, no. II k; *IEph 1432. @ @@`43. Honorary decree of boule and demos [of Ephesos] for Theuchrstos Philoxeno Makedon; IV&4`2&?; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1913, 235, no. IIl; *IEph 1433. @ @@`44. Honorary decree of boul[e and demos of Ephesos] for Alk[ ... ] Mak[edon?]; IV&4`2&?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1444. @ @@`45. Honorary decree [of boule and demos] of E[phesos] for [ ... ]kos Proteou Makedon; IV%3III?; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 9; *IEph 2009. @ @@`46. Honorary decree of Ephesos for (no name) [ ... an]dro Makedon; IV&4`2&?; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1913, 234, no. Ie; *IEph 1427. @ @@`47. Honorary decree [of Ephesos] for (no name) [Ma]kedon from Amphipolis; IV&4`2&?; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1913, 234, no. IIg; *IEph 1429. @ @@`48. Honorary decree of [boule] and demos [of Ephesos] for Echekratides Xenneas of Methone; IV&4`2&?; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1913, 235, no. IIm; *IEph 1434. @ @@`49. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Ephesos) for Ararousios and Phanodikos of Miletos; Hellenistic; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 19, no. 2; *IEph 1411. @ @@`50. Honorary decree of boule and [demos] (of Ephesos) for Aristodemos Partheniou of Miletos, giving him citizenship; IV&7e&; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 130%19`132, no. 137V; **BE 1983:335 (p. 142) (l. 17). @ @@`51. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Ephesos) for Kallikrates Zopyrou of Miletos; no date; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 46, 1961, 19%19`20; *IEph 1409. @ @@`52. Honorary decree [of Ephesos] for Amphiktyon Iasonos of My[tilene]; IV%3III; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 2, no. 22; GIBM 462; *IEph 1462. @ @@`53. Honorary decree [of Ephesos] for (no name) and (no name) Leontos of Naukratis; V%3IV; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1923, 233, no. IIb; *IEph 1424. @ @@`54. Honorary decree [of Ephesos] for (no name) of Naukratis in prytany of Histiaios; V%3IV; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1913, 234, no. IIc; *IEph 1425. @ @@`55. Honorary decree of boule and demos [of Ephesos] for Leukippos Hermogenous of Olynthos; IV&4`2&%3III?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 2, no. 2; GIBM 454; *IEph 1454. @ @@`56. Honorary decree of boule and [demos of Ephesos] for Artemi[doros] Apollodorou of Perinthos and two brothers; 294%3`281 BC; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 2, no. 5; GIBM 464; *IEph 1464. @ @@`57. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Ephesos) for Melesippos Bacchiou of Plataiai (Boiotia); IV%3III?; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 3; *IEph 2003. @ @@`58. Honorary decree of [boule and demos (of Ephesos)] for citizens of Priene living at Charax, giving them opportunity to buy citizenship (?), and for general Ainetos; 300%3`297 BC; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 2, 1899, 47%19`48; IPriene 494; FiE II no. 1; Syll&4`3& 363; Holleaux, REG 29, 1916, 29%19`45; *IEph 2001; SEG 32, 1127; Migeotte, L'emprunt public no. 89; SEG 37, 882. @ @@`59. Honorary decree of boule and demos [of Ephesos] for Agathokles [Ha]genonos of Rhodes; III&7b&; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 2, no. 1; GIBM 455; Michel 493; Syll&4`3& 354; *IEph 1455. @ @@`60. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Ephesos for Nikagoras Aristarchou of Rhodes; 300 BC; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 2, no. 7; Bechtel, Inschr. ion. DIal. 147; GIBM 453; Michel 492; 0GIS 10; FiE II p. 104 (part); *IEph 1453, ll. 1%19`20. @ @@`61. Honorary decree of Ephesos for (no name) of Samos in prytany of Histiaios; V%3IV?; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1913, 234, no. IId; *IEph 1426. @ @@`62. Honorary decree [of boule and demos] (of Ephesos) for (no name) of [Sardi]s; IV%3III?; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 10; Robert, RPh 41, 1967, 33; *IEph 2010; **Engelmann, EA 8, 1986, 35 (l. 1); SEG 36, 1025. @ @@`63. Honorary decree of boule and demos [of Ephesos] for Nikanor Aristoteleos of Stageira; 318 BC; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, Fs. Gomperz 412%19`414; FiE II no. 11; *IEph 2011. @ @@`64. Honorary decree of boule and demos [of Ephesos] for [Aristo]phanes Aristeidous of Teos; IV%3III?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 2, no. 23; GIBM 465; *IEph 1465. @ @@`65. Honorary decree of [boule and demos] of E[phesos] for Hagnon Kaballa of Teos; 322%3`312 BC; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1913, 235, no. IIp; *IEph 1437; SEG 37, 880. @ @@`66. Honorary decree of [boul]e and demos (of Ephesos) for Melanthios Hermiou of Theangela, in command of guard in Phygela; no date; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 46, 1961, 19%19`20; Robert, RPh 93, 1967, 36%19`40; *IEph 1408. @ @@`67. Honorary decree of boule [and demos] of Ephesos for Homoloichos Ptoionos of Thebes; no date; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1913, 237, no. IIId; *IEph 1442. @ @@`68. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Ephesos) for Lysikon Eumelou of Thebes; IV%3III; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 2, no. 11; GIBM 457; *IEph 1457. @ @@`69. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Ephesos for Athenodoros Semonos of (no name); Hellenistic?; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960, 78, no. 51, ll. 4%19`6; Robert, RPh 93, 1967, 14%19`32; *IEph 1415. @ @@`70. Honorary decree [of boule and demos] (of Ephesos) for Diodor[os] of (no name); III%3II?; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 16; *IEph 2016. @ @@`71. Honorary decree [of boule and demos] of Ephesos for [ ... ]ton Athenagorou, Dionysios Charmou, and Apollonios Euthenou of (no name); III; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 2, no. 24; GIBM 461; Michel 495; *IEph 1461. @ @@`72. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Ephesos for Kallikrates of (no name); 306%3c.294 BC; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1913, 233, no. Ig; *IEph 1422, ll. 1%19`6 @ @@`73. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Ephesos) for Mnesitheos Apo[ ... ] of (no name) and (no name), giving them citizenship; III; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 5; Robert, RPh 93, 1967, 28%19`30; *IEph 2005; SEG 32, 1127. @ @@`74. Honorary decre [of boule and de]mos [of Ephesos] for Nikeratos [ ... ] of (no name); IV%3III?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 2, no. 13; GIBM 474; *IEph 1474. @ @@`75. Honorary decree of [bou]le abd de[mos] (of Ephesos) for [ ... ]leides Euprepou, Paionios Myos, and others, giving them citizenship; no date; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 130%19`132, no. 137I. @ @@`76. Honorary (?) decree [of Ephesos] giving citizenship to (no name) of (no name), Pyrrh[os ... ] of (no name), and [ ... Ar]temonos of (no name); IV%3III?; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 6; *IEph 2006. @ @@`77. Honorary decree of boule and demos [of Ephesos] for [ ... ]s Promethionos of (no name); IV%3III?; found at Ephesos: GIBM 473; *IEph 1473. @ @@`78. Honorary (?) decree [of boule and demos of Ephesos] giving citizenship to (?) [ ... ]xenides of (no name); IV%3III?; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 13; *IEph 2013. @ @@`79. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Ephesos) for [ ... ]xis of (no name); IV%3III?; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 7; *IEph 2007. @ @@`80. End of honorary decree for (no name) of (no name), stoichedon; V%3IV&4`1&; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 30, 1937, 196, no. 2; *IEph 1417. @ @@`81. Honorary decree for (no name) of (no name); V%3IV?; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1913, 232, no. Ia; *IEph 1418 Ia. @ @@`82. Honorary decree (of Ephesos) for (no name) of (no name); V%3IV; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1913, 232, no. Ib; *IEph 1418 Ib. @ @@`83. Honorary decree (of Ephesos) for (no name) of (no name); V%3IV; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1913, 232, no. Ic; *IEph 1418 Ic. @ @@`84. Honorary decree of boule and de[mos of Ephesos] for (no name) of (no name); IV%3III?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 2, no. 21; GIBM 456; *IEph 1456. @ @@`85. Honorary decree of boule and de[m]os [of Ephesos] for (no name) of (no name); IV%3III; found at Ephesos: GIBM 463; *IEph 1463. @ @@`86. Honorary decree [of boule and demos of Ephesos] for (no name) of (no name); IV%3III?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 2, no. 14; GIBM 466; *IEph 1466. @ @@`87. Honorary decree [of boule and demos of Ephesos] for (no name) of (no name); IV%3III?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 2, no. 15; GIBM 467; *IEph 1467. @ @@`88. Honorary decree of demos [of Ephesos] for (no name) of (no name); IV%3III?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 2, no. 4; GIBM 469; *IEph 1469. @ @@`89. Honorary decree of Ephesos for (no name) of (no name), assigned to &3chiliastys& Bo[reus]; IV%3III?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 2, no. 26; GIBM 471; *IEph 1471. @ @@`90. Honorary decree of demos [of Ephesos] for (no name) of (no name); IV%3III?; found at Ephesos: GIBM 472; *IEph 1472. @ @@`91. Fragment of honorary decree [of Ephesos] for (no name) of (no name), assigned to &3phyle& Bembinaioi; IV%3III?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 2, no. 16; GIBM 475; *IEph 1475. @ @@`92. Honorary decree [of Ephesos] for (no name) of (no name), assigned to &3chiliastys& Cheloneos; IV%3III?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 2, no. 20; GIBM 476; *IEph 1476. @ @@`93. Honorary decree [of demos] of Ephesos for (no name) of (no name), assigned to &3chiliastys& Geleos; IV%3III?; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 2; *IEph 2002. @ @@`94. Honorary (?) decree of [b]oule and demos (of Ephesos) for (no name) of (no name), giving him citizenship; IV%3III?; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 8; *IEph 2008. @ @@`95. Honorary (?) decree [of boule and demos of Ephesos] for (no name) of (no name), giving him citizenship and assigning him to [&3chiliastys&] Boreus; IV%3III?; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 12; *IEph 2012. @ @@`96. Honorary decree [of boule and demos] (of Ephesos) for pro[xenos] (no name) of (no name); IV%3III?; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 14; *IEph 2014. @ @@`97. Honorary decree of [boule] and demos of Ephesos for (no name) of (no name), assigned to [&3phyle&] Epheseus; IV%3III?; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 15; *IEph 2015. @ @@`98. End of honorary decree [of Ephesos] for (no name) of (no name); IV?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1453, l. 0. @ @@`99. Honorary decree [of Ephesos] for (no name) of (no name); IV&4`2&?; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1913, 234, no. IIf; *IEph 1428. @ @@`100. Honorary decree [of Ephesos] for (no name) of (no name), assigned to [&3chiliastys&] Leagoreos; IV&4`2&?; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1913, 235, no. IIh; *IEph 1430. @ @@`101. Honorary decree of boule and demo[s of Ephesos] for (no name) of (no name); IV&7e&%3II?; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1913, 236, no. IIq; *IEph 1438. @ @@`102. Fragment of honorary decree (of Ephesos) for (no name), giving him citizenship; 306%3c. 200 BC; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 148, no. 4415; SEG 34, 1080. @ @@`103. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Ephesos) for (no name) of (no name); Hellenistic; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 19%19`20, no. 4; *IEph 1413. @ @@`104. Honorary decree (of Ephesos) for (no name) of (no name); Hellenistic?; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960, 78, no. 5, ll. 1%19`3; Robert, RPh 93, 1967, 14%19`32; *IEph 1414. @ @@`105. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name), assigning him to [&3chilias&]&3tys& Heg[etoreios]; Hellenistic; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 113%19`114, no. 4179; **SEG 34, 1081 (ll. 3%19`4). @ @@`106. Honorary decree of [E%19h]eso[s] for (no name) of (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1913, 236, no. IIIa; *IEph 1439. @ @@`107. Honorary decree [of Ephesos] for (no name) of (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 6; *IEph 1445. @ @@`108. Honorary decree [of boule] and demos of Ephesos for Apollo[nides], officer of King Demetrios (Poliorketes); 306%3`301 BC; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 2, no. 8; GIBM 448; Michel 490; Syll&4`3& 352; FiE II p. 104 (part); *IEph 1448. @ @@`109. Fragment of (honorary) decree for (?) [G]aius Aufidius and others; imperial?; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971, 53, note 134; *IEph 1395. @ @@`110. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Ephesos) for gymnasiarch Diodoros Mentoros; II; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 85%19`88, no. 13; Robert, RPh 93, 1967, 7%19`14; *IEph 6 (PH). @ @@`111. Honorary decree of [b]oule and demos (of Ephesos) for prytanis Dio[ny]siodoros Dionys[i]ou, with list of Kouretes; Ad 105%3`120; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1024; FiE IX 1 no. B24 (PH). @ @@`112. Fragment of honorary decree for (?) Lysimachos; IV&7e&%3I; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1407. @ @@`113. Decree of synedroi of gerousia accepting benefaction of Nikomedes for celebration for Artemis and Commodus and honoring Nikomedes; AD 180%3`192; found at Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 198%19`201 no. 11 and 206%19`207 no. 15 (part); GIBM 483 B%19C; FiE II no. 20B (PH, part); Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 12; *IEph 26. @ @@`114. Honorary decree for [Vedius Antoninus] (?); imperial; found at Ephesos?: *IEph 1381A ll. 1%19`12. @ @@`115. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Ephesos honoring Gaius Vibius Salutaris for his benefaction paying for statues of Artemis, Trajan, Clotina, Senate, equites, and demos of Rome, polis of Ephesos, demos of Ephesos, boule of Ephesos, gerousia of Ephesos, &3ephebeia& of Ephesos, and so on, and accepting benefaction; AD 104; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 6, no. 1, col.'s 1,2; Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 201%19`203, no. 12 (part); GIBM 481, 481*; FiE II no. 27A; Laum 74, 1%19`7 (part); Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 3, 1%19`134; SEG 15, 698; *IEph 27A (PH) and Add. p. 2. @ @@`116. Honorary decree of demos (of Ephesos) for Skythes Archidamou; IV&7e&%3I; found at Ephesos: LW 136b; Roehl, Beitra+ge 12%19`13; Wilhelm, Arch.%19epig. Mitt. aus O+ster. 20, 1897, 61%19`62; *IEph 1390. @ @@`117. Honorary decree [of boule] and demos of Ephesos for [S]ostratos Ste[phanou], commanding on Samos; 306%3`294 BC; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1913, 236, no. IIIb; *IEph 1440. @ @@`118. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Ephesos) for Timonax Dardanou, victorious at Isthmia; c. 300 BC; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960, 78, no. 5, ll. 7%19`22; Robert, RPh 93, 1967, 14%19`32; Engelmann, ZPE 19, 1975, 134; Daux, ZPE 28, 1978, 41%19`47; SEG 28, 854; *IEph 1416. @ @@`119. Honorary (?) decree (for (no name) ); V%3IV; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1913, 233, no. Ih; *IEph 1422 l. 7. @ @@`120. Honorary decree [of Ephesos] for (no name), dated by prytanis Histiaios; V%3IV?; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1923, 233, no. IIa; *IEph 1423. @ @@`121. Fragment of honorary decree (of Ephesos) for (no name); Hellenistic; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 19, no. 1; *IEph 1410. @ @@`122. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name) concerning building of harbor; imperial; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960, 89%19`90, no. 15; *IEph 1391. @ @@`123. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name) concerning [&3ne&]&3okoria& (of Ephesos); 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: *IEph 781. @ @@`124. End of honorary decree moved by Artemidoros A[rte]midorou; no date; found at Ephesos: CIG 3010; du Rieu, E/t. Leemans 248, no. X; *IEph 1140. @ @@`125. Fragment of honorary decree of bou[le and demos] (of Ephesos) for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1409A. @ @@`126. Fragment of honorary decree (?) mentioning Athenaios; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph IV p. 247 (to 1442). @ See also: Aphrodisias 11 (%6 IEphesos 12) (%6 ZPE 14, 1974, 91) (%6 HSCP 85, 1981, 107) (%6 Robert, Anat. Studies Buckler 230) (honorary decree of Ephesos for athlete Aur(elius) Achilleus of Aphrodeisias; found at Aphrodisias); IEph 5, ll. 14%19`20 and Add. p. 1 (honorary decree of boule and demos (of Ephesos) for Asypalaia mentions Phyg[e]la; found on Astypalaia). @ @@@@Section: 1d. Other Decrees (127%19`171) @ @@`127. Fragments of decree (?) mentioning Diokle[s]; V%3IV?; found at Ephesos: GIBM 681; *IEph 1681. @ @@`128. Fragment of decree (against tyrants?); IV%3III; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1377. @ @@`129. Fragment of decree mentioning &3koinon& of Chry[saoreis]; IV&7e&%3I; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 20, no. 5; *IEph 1388. @ @@`130. Fragment of decree of Arsinoeia (%6Ephesos) mentioning western [a]gora; 299%3`281 BC; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 35, 1943 Beibl. 101%19`102, no. 1; *IEph 1381. @ @@`131. Fragment of decree mentioning sum of ten denarii; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1382A. @ @@`132. Fragments referring to Romans; Roman; found at Ephesos: GIBM 479; *IEph 1479. @ @@`133. Fragment of decree of boule and [de]mos mentioning Fu[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 484; *IEph 1484. @ @@`134. Decree of demos (of Ephesos) instructing &3strategoi, &3grammateus& of boule, and &3prohedroi& to propose decree concerning incentives in war against Mithradates; 86%3`85 BC; found at Ephesos: LW 136a ll. 1%19`19; Hicks 205; Dareste %9 Hausoullier %9 Reinach 4; Reinach, Mithradates Eupator, Anhang no. 13; Michel 496, ll. 1%19`19; Syll&4`3& 742I; Asheri, SCO 18, 1969, 71%19`73, App. III 114%19`117 (PH); Bogaert, Epigraphica 3, no. 44, ll. 1%19`20; *IEph 8, ll. 0%19`19 (PH). @ @@`135. Decree of demos (of Ephesos) deferring and annulling legal actions and providing incentives in war against Mithradates; 86%3`85 BC; found at Ephesos: LW 136a ll. 20%19`62; Hicks 205, 21%19`63; Dareste %9 Haussoullier %9 Reinach 4; Reinach, Mithradates Eupator, Anhang no. 13; Michel 496, 20%19`62; Syll&4`3& 742II; Asheri, SCO 18, 1969, 71%19`73, App. III 114%19`117 (PH); Bogaert, Epigraphica 3, 44, ll. 21%19`63; *IEph 8, ll. 20%19`62 (PH) and Add. p. 1. @ @@`135.5. Fragment of decree moved by [A]sklepiades A[sk]lepiadou; c. 86%3`85 BC; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1400. @ @@`136. Decree establishing a guard in the Temple of Artemis; 40%3`39 BC; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975, 2%19`6, no. 1 (PH); AnnEpig 1975, 797; SEG 26, 1241; *IEph 1387. @ @@`137. Fragment of decree; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1380A. @ @@`138. Fragment of decree, with word [&3anhyper&]&3bletoi&; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1383A. @ @@`139. Decree of [bou]le (of Ephesos) concerning building associated with Temple of Artemis; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 1980, 21, no. 8A; *IEph 1384A. @ @@`140. End of decree naming functionaries, including [G(aius) I]ulius Adras[tus]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1392. @ @@`141. Decree concerning celebration of birthday of dead Augustus; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1393. @ @@`142. Decree of demos (of Ephesos) mentioning Marcus Papinnius Blastos; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1396. @ @@`143. Beginning of decree, dated by (no name) [Dem]etriou; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1397. @ @@`144. Decree under archiereus Tiberi[us Claudius ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1404. @ @@`145. Decree (of Ephesos) concerning distribution of water (?); imperial; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 6, no. 23; GIBM 528; FiE II no. 18; *IEph 2018. @ @@`146. Fragment of decree mentioning Cl(audius) Lucius [ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 138, no. 4352; SEG 34, 1096. @ @@`147. Fragment concerning financial affairs of gerousia, including decree of gerousia; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 145, no. 4374; SEG 34, 1098. @ @@`148. Decree limiting fees of &3iatroi&; prob. 1; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 30, 1937, 199%19`201, no. 5; *IEph 1386. @ @@`149. Decree of [boule and d]emos (of Ephesos) concerning celebration of holidays; 1&7m&; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 30, 1937, 197%19`200, no. 4; *IEph 1383. @ @@`150. Decree of boule and demos (of Ephesos) concerning restoration of old buildings to conform with grandeur of new Temple of Domitian; AD c. 88%3`96; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 33%19`35, no. 3 (PH); AnnEpig 1975, 788; SEG 26, 1245; *IEph 449; Knibbe %9 Merkelbach, ZPE 33, 1979, 124; SEG 29, 1104. @ @@`151. Fragment of decree (or decrees) concerning Pu(blius) Vediu[s Antoninus] (?); 2&7b&; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 21, no. 8.a%19b; *IEph 1384.a%19c. @ @@`152. Fragment of decree (?) with word [&3diata&]&3gmati&; 2&7b&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1984. @ @@`153. Decree of [boule] (of Ephesos) concerning participation of &3chrysophorountes& and others in procession carrying statues donated by Gaius Vibus Salutaris; AD 104; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 6, no. 1, col. 6, ll. 41%19`57; GIBM 481, 481*; FiE II no. 27E; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 3, ll. 414%19`430; *IEph 27E (PH). @ @@`154. Decree of boule (of Ephesos) concerning places of honor for and clothing of &3chrysophorountes& in theater; AD 104; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 6, no. 1, col. 6, ll. 58%19`73; GIBM 481, 481*; FiE II no. 27F; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 3, ll. 431%19`446; *IEph 27F. @ @@`155. Decree of boule (of Ephesos) concerning building of wall associated with Hephaisteion; AD 104; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 21, no. 8.B; *IEphesos 1384B. @ @@`156. Decree of [boule] and demos (of Ephesos) dated by prytanis G(aius) Licinnius M[aximus Iulianus]; AD 105; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 21, no. 8.D; *IEph 1385. @ @@`157. Beginning of decree dated by prytanis T(itus) Fl(avius) Aristoboulos; AD 116%3`117; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 22, no. 8.C; *IEph 1384C. @ @@`158. Certification of decree by grammateis Ma[r]cus Caesel[lius Marcianus] and colleague; AD 117%3`138; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 20A; *IEph 2020A. @ @@`159. Decree of boule [and demos] concerning &3iatroi&; AD 117%3`132; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1, no. 1, ll. 19%19`36; *IEph 4101A. @ @@`160. Fragment of decree of Ephesos with word &3ergasterio&[&3n&]; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1402. @ @@`161. Beginning of decree of [demos] of [Ephesos]; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1913. @ @@`162. Decree of boule and demos of Ephesos concerning celebration of birthday of Antoninus Pius; AD 138; found at Ephesos: Mommsen, JO+AI 3, 1900, 1%19`3 (PH, part) (%6Ges. Schr. 5, 532%19`539); Cagnat %9 Besnier, RA 37, 1900, 351%19`352; OGIS 493I; FiE II no. 19I; Hu+ttl 351%19`352; SEG 15, 695; *IEph 21I. @ @@`163. Decree of [bo]ule and demos of Ephesos making month of Artemision holy; AD 162%3`164; found at Ephesos: CIG 2954 (part); LW 137 and 140; GIBM 482B; Syll&4`3& 867b; Sokolowski, LSAM 31; SEG 15, 696; *IEph 24B (PH). @ @@`164. Fragment of decree (?) concerning Hestia Bou[laia], Demeter, [Demeter Kore, Sopolis,] Neike, Ap[ollo Klarios, Pyr &3aphtharton,&] Caracalla, Geta, and cult of Kouretes; AD 211%3`212; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1, no. D3 (PH); *IEph 1077. @ @@`165. Fragment of decree mentioning [&3pr&]&3esbeis&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1378. @ @@`166. Fragment of decree dated by month [Metagei]tnion; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1379. @ @@`167. Final clause of decree providing for oath in Temple of Ar[t]emis not to disturb [&3politeia&]; no date; found at Ephesos: Franz, Ann. Inst. corr. arch. 14, 1842, 150, no. 42; LW 1564&3bis&; Ziebarth, JO+AI 13, 1910, 108%19`9, no. I; *IEph 1382. @ @@`168. Fragment of decree moved by (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1401. @ @@`169. Fragments of decrees; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1406. @ @@`170. Fragment, perhaps of decree; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 478; *IEph 1478. @ @@`171. Fragment of decree (?) of [demos] of Ephes[os]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1987A. @ See also: Ephesos 227, 231. @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ See also: IEph 7II (treaty between Ephesos and Sardis; found at Pergamon); IEph Ia p. 47 (fragment of treaty, possibly of that between [Ephesos] and Sardis; found at Sardis). @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (172%19`221) @ @@@@Section: 3a. Royal Letters (172%19`210) @ @@`172. Letter of [King An]tiochos (?) (III?) to [boule and demos] of Ephesos concerning Kyme; c. 192%3`191 BC; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 485; OGIS 242; Welles 17 (PH); IKyme 3 (PH); *IEph 1485. @ @@`173. Letter of Attalos II to boule and demos of Ephesos in praise of Aristod[ ... ] of Ephesos, teacher of his nephew; c. 145 BC; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 47, 1964 Beibl. 1%19`5, no. 1 (PH); BE 1968:464; SEG 26, 1239; *IEph 202 and Add. p. 6; **Rigsby, Phoenix 33, 1979, 45%19`46 (l. 1); SEG 29, 1096. @ @@`174. Beginning of letter of Attalos (III); 138%3`133 BC; found at Ephesos: *IEph 200. @ @@`175. Letter in Latin of emperor (no name), with subscription in Greek recording dispatch from Neapolis; imperial; found at Phygela: *IEph 218. @ @@`176. Fragments of royal letter concerning immunity from liturgies and forced quartering; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 219. @ @@`177. Fragment in Latin, probably of letter of emperor (no name), mentioning [&3libe&]&3ralitas&; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 224. @ @@`178. End of letter of emperor (no name) mentioning &3ephodion&; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 225 and Add. p. 7. @ @@`179. Fragment of letter of emperor (?) concerning &3hypatos& and &3psephisma&; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 227. @ @@`180. Beginning of letter of emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 228. @ @@`181. Fragment of letter of emperor (?); imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 229. @ @@`182. Fragments of letter of emperor (?); imperial; found at Ephesos, perhaps part of same letter as Ephesos 185: *IEph 231. @ @@`183. Fragment of letter (?) of emperor (no name) (?) concerning athletes; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1089.A. @ @@`184. Fragments of letter of emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: GIBM 480 and 774 (part); *IEph 1480. @ @@`185. Letter of Domitian granting &3neokoria& (?); c. AD 85; found at Ephesos: Eichler %9 Knibbe, AAWW 102, 1965, 104%19`105, no. 4; AnnEpig 1967, 473; *IEph 230 and Add. p. 7. @ @@`186. Letter from emperor (no name) concerning grain shipments from Egypt; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 47, 1964 Beibl. 6%19`10 (PH); AnnEpig 1968, 478; BE 1968:465; Wo+rrle, Chiron 1, 1971, 325%19`340 (PH); *IEph 211. @ @@`187. 1st copy of letter of emperor concerning duties of &3logistes&; 2; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 188: FiE II no. 24; *IEph 15; **Oliver, AJP 100, 1979, 556 (l. 8); SEG 29, 1107. @ @@`188. 2nd copy of letter of emperor concerning duties of &3logistes&; 2; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 187: Keil, JO+AI 27, 1932 Beibl. 18%19`25; AnnEpig 1932, 50; *IEph 16; **Oliver, AJP 100, 1979, 556 (l. 11); SEG 29, 1107. @ @@`189. Fragment of letter (?) of Hadrian to bo[ule] concerning Library of Celsus; AD 117%3`138; found at Ephesos: FiE V 1, no. 14; *IEph 5114. @ @@`190. Letter of Hadrian to gerousia of Ephesos concerning disputed money; AD 120; found at Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 178%19`181, no. 1; Waddington, Fastes 191; Wood, App. 6, no. 17; GIBM 486; Lafoscade, De epistulis p. 12, no. 20; Syll&4`3& 833; Abbott %9 Johnson 78; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 7; Smallwood, Doc.'s Nerva 452; *IEph 1486. @ @@`191. Letter of Hadrian to &3a&[&3r&]&3chontes& and [b]oule of Eph[eso]s concerning L(ucius) E[r]astos; AD 128%3`129; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 5, no. 1; GIBM 487; Lafoscade, De epistulis no. 26; Syll&4`3& 838; Abbott %9 Johnson 85; Smallwood, Doc.'s Nerva 72a; *IEph 1487. @ @@`192. Letter of Hadrian to &3archo&[&3ntes&] and boule of Ephesos concerning [Phil]okyrios; AD 128%3`129; found at Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 181%19`182, no. 2 (part); GIBM 488; *IEph 1488. @ @@`193. Letter of Antoninus Pius or Marcus Aurelius to Ephesos concerning &3neopoioi&; AD 138%3`180; found at Ephesos: *IEph 221. @ @@`194. Beginning of letter of Antoninus Pius; AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: *IEph 282C. @ @@`195. Letter of Antoninus Pius to [&3archontes&] and boule of Ephe[sos] concerning titles of Ephesos, Pergamon, and Smyrna; AD 140%3`144; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 196 and 197: Waddington, Me/moire sur la chronol. 253 (part); Wood, App. 5, no. 2 (part); GIBM 489 (part); Lafoscade, De epistulis 51 (part); Syll&4`3& 849; Abbott %9 Johnson 100; *IEph 1489. @ @@`196. Letter of Antoninus Pius to [&3archontes&] and boule [of Ephesos] concerning titles of [Ephesos, Pergamon, and Smyrna]; AD 140%3`144; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 195 and 197: *IEph 1489A. @ @@`197. Letter [of Antoninus Pius to &3archontes& and boule of Ephesos] concerning titles of [Ephesos, Pergamon, and S]myrna; AD 140%3`144; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 195 and 196: GIBM 490 (part); *IEph 1490. @ @@`198. Letter of Antoninus Pius to [&3ar&]&3chontes& and boule of [Ephes]os concerning building activities of (Publius) V[ediu]s Antoninus (III); AD 145%3`146; found at Ephesos: Waddington, Me/moire sur la chronol. 210; Wood, App. 5, no. 3; GIBM 491; Lafoscade, De epistulis 54; Syll&4`3& 850; Abbott %9 Johnson 101; Hu+ttl 351; *IEph 1491. @ @@`199. Letter of Antoninus Pius to [Hellenes] of A[sia] concerning [Publius Vedius A]ntonin[us] (III); Ad 149%3`150; found at Ephesos: GIBM 493; *IEph 1493. @ @@`200. Letter of Antoninus Pius to &3archontes,& b[oule], and de[mo]s of [Ephesos] in answer to communication of Ephesos to him about (Publius) Ve[d]ius Ant[o]n[inu]s (III); AD 150; found at Ephesos: Waddington, Me/moire sur la chronol. 210; Wood, App. 5, no. 4; GIBM 492; Lafoscade, De epistulis 55; Hu+ttl 354; *IEph 1492. @ @@`201. Beginning of letter of Marcus Aurelius; AD 161%3`180; found at Ephesos: *IEph 220. @ @@`202. Letter of L(ucius) Verus to [boule and de]mos of [Ephesos]; AD 167%3`169; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 53, 145%19`146, no. 159 (part); *JO+AI 55, 132%19`133, no. 4303; SEG 34, 1089; BE 1987:194. @ @@`203. Beginning of letter of Septimius Severus or Caracalla to [&3a&]&3rchontes,& [boule, and demos of Ephesos]; AD 193%3`217; found at Ephesos: *IEph 222. @ @@`204. Letter of Septimius Severus renewing privileges of &3technitai& of temple; AD 193%3`211; found at Ephesos: *IEph 295. @ @@`205. Letter of Caracalla to [&3archo&]&3ntes,& boule, and demos of Ephesos praising Ephesos for friendly decree; AD 200%3`205; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 26; *IEph 2026; SEG 31, 955; BE 1982:315. @ @@`206. Letter (or subscript) in Latin of emperors (Septimius Severus and Caracalla) reconfirming Senatus Consultum exempting senators from having to house guests; AD 204; found at Ephesos, texts of same letter found at Antioch in Pisidia, Ephesos (Ephesos 207), Hieropolis in Phrygian Pentapolis, Satala, and unknown places near Ancyra (?) and in Troad and on Paros: Reinach, Rev. e/p. 1, 1913, 175; Drew%19Bear %9 Eck %9 Herrmann, Chiron 7, 1977, 355%19`383; Knibbe %9 Merkelbach, ZPE 31, 1978, 229%19`230, no. 4; Robert, BCH 102, 1978, 432%19`437; *IEph 207; Jones, Chiron 14, 1984, 93%19`99; Williams, ZPE 66, 194%19`198, no. 6. @ @@`207. Letter (or subscript) in Latin of emperors (Septimius Severus and Caracalla) reconfirming Senatus Consultum exempting senators from having to house guests; AD 204; found at Ephesos, texts of same letter found at Antioch in Pisidia, Ephesos (Ephesos 206), Hieropolis in Phrygian Pentapolis, Satala, and unknown places near Ancyra (?) and in Troad and on Paros: Reinach, Rev. e/p. 1, 1913, 175; Drew%19Bear %9 Eck %9 Herrmann, Chiron 7, 1977, 355%19`383; Knibbe %9 Merkelbach, ZPE 31, 1978, 229%19`230, no. 4; Robert, BCH 102, 1978, 432%19`437; *IEph 208; Jones, Chiron 14, 1984, 93%19`99; Williams, ZPE 66, 194%19`198, no. 6. @ @@`208. End of letter (of Caracalla) concerning privileges of Ephesos and festival of Artemeisia; AD 213%3`214; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 80%19`82, no. 7, ll. 1%19`8; AnnEpig 1966, 430, ll. 1%19`8; **Robert, RPh 41, 1967, 63 (l. 1); *IEph 212, ll. 1%19`8. @ @@`209. Letter of Caracalla to [Asia] granting Ephesos third &3neokoria& but denying request for temple of himself; AD 213%3`214; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 80%19`82, no. 7, ll. 15%19`22; AnnEpig 1966, 430, ll. 15%19`22; **Robert, RPh 41, 1967, 49 (l. 18); *IEph 212, ll. 15%19`22 and Add. p. 6. @ @@`210. Letter of Iulia Domna to Ephesos supporting application for Ephesos to receive new title; AD 213%3`214; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 80%19`82, no. 7, ll. 9%19`14; AnnEpig 1966, 430, ll. 9%19`14; Robert, RPh 41, 1967, 44%19`64; Lifshitz, ZPE 6, 1970, 57%19`60; *IEph 212, ll. 9%19`14 and Add. p. 6; **Engelmann, ZPE 51, 1983, 125%19`126 (l. 14). @ See also: Ephesos 2899%19`2908, 3711; Amyzon 43 (%6 Robert, Amyzon no. 9) (%6 GIBM 1035) (%6 Welles no. 38) (%6 IEphesos 223) (letter of [Basileus Antiochos (III) to Amyzon]; found at Amyzon, not at Ephesos); Aphrodisias 40 (%6 Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome Doc. 12) (letter of Octavian to Ephesos; found at Aphrodisias); Didyma 20 l. 47 (%6 IDidyma 492B) (%6 OGIS 225) (%6 Welles 18) (letter of Antiochos II to general Metrophanes provides for posting in temple of Artemis at Ephesos and in other temples at Ilion, Didyma, and Sardis and on Samothrace; found at Didyma); Iasos 94, l. 2 (%6 IIasos 6) (%6 Welles 49) (%6 Hermes 65, 1930, 455) (letter of [King Eumenes] (II) [to Iasos] mentions sending as &3theoroi Megon of Ephesos and another; found at Iasos); Welles 48D, ll. 26%19`27 (letter of King Eumenes (II) to Temnos ordains posting in Ephesos; found at Pergamon); Sherk 58, l. 78 (letter of Octavian to Rhosos concerning &3nauarchos& Seleukos mentions Ephesos; found at Rhosos). ӏ@@@@Section: 3b. Other Letters (211%19`221) @ @@`211. Letter of Lucius Pompeius Apollonios of Ephesos to proconsul Lucius Mestrius Florus concerning festival in Ephesos for Demeter Karpophoros and Thesmophoros and the Divi Augusti; AD 83%3`84; found at Ephesos: Riemann, BCH 1, 1877, 289, no. 72; Syll&4`3 820; McCrum %9 Woodhead, Doc.'s 193; *IEph 213. @ @@`212. Letter of Caius [Vibius Salutaris] offering benefaction to [boule and demos] of Ephesos in form of legal document; AD 104; ԃfound at Ephesos: Wood, App. 6, no. 1, col. 3, 4, 5; GIBM 481, 481*, 728, 749; FiE II no. 27B; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 3, ll. 134%19`332; SEG 15, 698; *IEph 27B (PH) and Add. p. 2. @ @@`213. Letter of proconsul [Gaius Aquillius Proculus] to &3archontes,& [boule,] and [demos] of Ephesos approving benefaction of Gaius Vibius Salutaris; AD 104; found at Ephesos: GIBM 481, 481*; FiE II no. 27C; Laum 74, 8; Abbott %9 Johnson 71; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 3, ll. 334%19`368; *IEph 27C (PH). @ @@`214. Letter of [legatus pro] praetore [Publius] Afranius Flavianus approving benefaction of Gaius Vibius Salutaris; AD 104; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 6, no. 1, col. 6, ll. 1%19`40; GIBM 481, 481*; FiE II no. 27D; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 3, ll. 370%19`413; *IEph 27D (PH). @ @@`215. Letter of proconsul Venuleius Apronianus to &3archontes, boule, and demos of Ephesos accepting decree for celebrating birthday of Antoninus Pius; AD 138; found at Ephesos: Mommsen, JO+AI 3, 1900, 1%19`3 (%6 Ges. Schr. 5, 532%19`539); Cagnat %9 Besnier, RA 37, 1900, 351%19`352; Lafoscade, De epistulis 94; OGIS 493II; FiE II no. 19II; Abbott %9 Johnson 98; SEG 27, 740; *IEph 21II (PH, part). @ @@`216. Letter of proconsul (no name) (?) mentioning Asiarch (Publius) Aelius Martiali[s]; prob. AD 161%3`180; found at Ephesos: *IEph 214. @ @@`217. Letter of Cl(audia) Antonia Tatiane to brother Aemilius Aristeides granting burial rights to him and family; AD 204; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 25, 1929 Beibl. 47%19`50 (PH); Wenger, ZRG 49, 1929, 328%19`344; SEG 4, 544; AnnEpig 1930, 81; FIRA III 24C; Pflaum, Carrie\res II no. 250, 2; *IEph 2121. @ @@`218. Beginning of letter to [King Pt]olemy (IV) and Arsinoe; 221%3`204 BC; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 53, 92, no. 11; *IEph 199. @ @@`219. Letter of governor asking Ephesos to make list of its privileges; 3&7e&%3`4&7b&; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 82%19`83, no. 8; Scho+nbauer, Iura 16, 1965, 109%19`115; AnnEpig 1966, 436; *IEph 217. @ @@`220. Fragment of letter using word [&3mega&]&3lophrosyne&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1830. @ @@`221. Fragment of letter (?) to Ephesos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1883. @ See also: Ephesos 2909%19`2917; Aphrodisias 69, l. 23 (%6 CIG 2741) (%6 OGIS 509) (%6 Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, Doc. 57) (letter of Marcus Ulpius Apuleius Eurykles to Aphrodisias concerning &3agon speaks of its being conducted at same time as [Barb]illea of Ephesos; found at Aphrodisias); Didyma 21 (%6 IDidyma 492A) (%6 Welles 19) (%6 6. Mil.%19Ber. 35) (letter of general to Antiochos II calls for posting &3perihorismos& in Ephesos and Didyma; found at Didyma); Miletos 64, ll. 12, 44 (%6 Priene 137) (%6 IPriene 106) (%6 Sherk 52) (%6 Milet I 2, no. 3) (letter of Roman praetor to Miletos, Koinon of Hellenes, and other cities, including Ephesos; found at Miletos and Priene); IEph 7Ia (letter of [proconsul Quinuts Mucius Scaevola] to [Sardis] concerning treaty between [Sardis] and [Ephesos]; found at Pergamon); IEph 7Ib (letter of proconsul Quintus Mucius Scaevola concerning treaty between Ephesos and Sardis; found at Pergamon); Priene 137, ll. 12, 44 (%6 Miletos 64) (%6 IPriene 106) (%6 Sherk 52) (%6 Milet I 2, no. 3) (letter of Roman praetor to Miletos, Koinon of Hellenes, and other cities, including Ephesos; found at Priene and Miletos); Tralles 11, ll. 5 and 10 (%6 Sherk 57) (%6 APF 33, 1987, 37) (letter of Mark Antony to Koinon of Hellenes in Asia mentions meeting at Ephesos with Charopeinos of Ephesos and another envoy; fragment found at Tralles, whole text on papyrus from Egypt). @ ޏ@@@@Section: 4. Edicts (222%19`238) @ @@`222. Beginning of Senatus Consultum mentioning Marcus Aemilius (Scaurus?); II%3I; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1976 Beibl. 5%19`9, no. 2 (PH); AnnEpig 1975, 796; SEG 26, 1242; *IEph 204. @ @@`223. Senatus Consulta exempting &3paideutai, sophistai,& and [&3i&]&3atroi& from taxes; 42%3c. 32 BC; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no.1, ll. 1%19`18 (part) (PH, part); Knibbe, ZPE 44, 1981, 1%19`10 (PH, part); IEph 4101; *JO+AI 53, 136%19`140, no. 147; SEG 31, 952; Bringmann, EA 2, 1982, 47%19`76. @ @@`224. Edict of proconsul (no name) in honor of [Vedius A]ntoninus (?); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1381A ll. 12%19`18. @ @@`225. Fragment of imperial edict with penalties for disobedience; AD 565%3`610; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 6A; *IEph 4306.A; Amelotti %9 Luzzatto, Costituzioni giustinianee p. 103, no. 10; Amelotti %9 Luzzatto, Costituzioni giustinianee&4`2& p. 122, no. 11; BE 1987:398 (p. 349). @ @@`226. Edict of proconsul Marcus Herennius Picens concerning walls between agora and harbor; c. AD 11; found at Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 194%19`196, no. 10; Waddington, Fastes 84; GIBM 521; Syll&4`3& 784; Abbott %9 Johnson 39; Sherk 71; *IEph 1521. @ @@`227. 1st copy (in Greek) of edict of proconsul Pa[ullus Fabius Pe]rsicus for Ephesos and province of Asia concerning Temple of Artemis and other religious matters, with decree of Hellenes of Asia; c. AD 44; found at Ephesos, with same text as Ephesos 228, 229, and 230: *FiE II no. 21 (* for ll. 69%19`77); Do+rner, Der Erlass &3passim&; Smallwood, Doc.'s Gaius 380; Ce/beillac, Quaestores no. 14; *IEph 17 and Add. p. 1 (* for ll. 1%19`68); Migeotte, L'emprunt public no. 90. @ @@`228. 2nd copy (in Greek) of edict of proconsul [Paullus Fabius Persicus] for Ephesos and province of Asia concerning Temple of Artemis and other religious matters; c. AD 44; found at Ephesos, with same text as Ephesos 227, 229, and 230: Keil, JO+AI 23, 1926 Beibl. 280%19`286 (part) (PH, part); SEG 4, 516; Do+rner, Der Erlass, &3passim&; Smallwood, Doc.'s Gaius 380; Ce/beillac, Quaestores no. 14; *IEph 18 and Add. p. 1. @ @@`229. 3rd copy (in Latin) of edict of proconsul [Paullus Fabius Persicus] for Ephesos and province of Asia concerning Temple of Artemis and other religious matters; c. AD 44; found at Ephesos, with same text as Ephesos 227, 228, and 230: Wood, App. 6, no. 's 16 and 21, App. 8, no. 13; CIL III 2 6066, 6067, 6068, 6069, 6091, 7124a, 7124b, 7125, 14195 FiE II no. 22A; Do+rner, Der Erlass, &3passim&; *IEph 19A (PH, part) and Add. p. 2. @ @@`230. 4th copy (in Latin) of edict of proconsul [Paullus Fa]bius Persicus for Ephesos and province of Asia concerning Temple of Artemis and other religious matters; c. AD 44; found at Ephesos, with same text as Ephesos 227, 228, and 229: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 217, no. 32 (part); CIL III 6073, 7129; FiE II no. 22B; Do+rner, Der Erlass, &3passim&; *IEph 19B (PH, part). @ @@`231. Edict of proconsul (no name) to Ephesos concerning bakers' strike, with decree of boule (of Ephesos); 2; found at Magnesia Mai., probably wandered from Ephesos: Foucart, BCH 7, 1883, 504%19`506, no. 10; Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`1885, 71%19`72, no. 476; Waltzing, E/t. hist. III 144; IMagnesia 114; Buckler, Anat. Studies Ramsay 30%19`33; Abbott %9 Johnson 124; SEG 4, 512; Pleket, Epigraphica 1, 19; Merkelbach, ZPE 30, 1978, 164%19`165; SEG 28, 863; *IEph 215. @ @@`232. Edict of proconsul Aulus Vicir[ius Martialis] protecting water supply; prob. AD 113%3`114; now at Selc%25uk, prob. from Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 232.5: SEG 27, 738; JO+AI 52, 22%19`23, no. 9; *IEph 3217 a and b, ll. 1%19`17; SEG 31, 953; AnnEpig 1982, 866. @ 誵@@`232.5. Edict of proconsul Aulus Vicir[ius Martialis] protecting water supply; prob. AD 113%3`114; found near Belevi?, text identical with Ephesos 232: *IEph 3217.b, ll. 1%19`17; SEG 31, 953. @ @@`233. Edict of proconsul Sextus Subrius Dexter Cornelius Priscus in Greek and Latin, concerning water supply; prob. AD 114%3`120; found near Belevi?: *IEph 3217.b, ll. 18%19`47 and Add. p. 31; SEG 31, 953. @ @@`234. Edict of proconsul L(ucius) Antonius Albus prohibiting certain business practises that hinder keeping harbor of Ephesos free; c. AD 146%3`147; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 44, 1959, 142%19`147 (PH); SEG 19, 684; Pleket, Epigraphica 1, 17; Fu+hrer Selc%25uk 98%19`100; Merkelbach, ZPE 25, 1977, 208%19`209; SEG 27, 742; SEG 30, 1311; *IEph 23 (PH) and Add. p. 2. @ @@`235. Edict of proconsul [G(aius) Po]pillius Carus Pedo confirming practise of predecessors making the days of the Artemisia holy; AD 162%3`164; found at Ephesos: LW 138 (part); Waddington, Fastes no. 147; GIBM 482A (part); Syll&4`3& 867a; Abbott %9 Johnson 105; SEG 15, 696; Guarducci, Epig. Grec. II 87%19`89; *IEph 24A (PH). @ @@`236. Rescript of Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus to &3logistes of gerousia concerning statues of emperors, improper payments, and payment deadlines; AD 162%3`163; found at Ephesos: GIBM 497 (part); Heberdey, JO+AI 1, 1898 Beibl. 78%19`79 (part); Cagnat, RA 32, 1898, 466 (part); OGIS 508 (part); FiE II no. 23; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 11; Knibbe %9 Oberleitner, Funde aus Ephesos, 118%19`120, no. 172 (PH); *IEph 25 (PH) and Add. p. 2. @ @@`237. Edict of proconsul (no name) on rights of sophists, mentioning [ ... ]llas Ol[lou]; 3; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 40, 1953, 21%19`23, no. 1 (PH); SEG 13, 499; *IEph 216. @ @@`238. Prescript to edict of Septimius Severus and Caracalla; AD 202%3`208; found at Ephesos: GIBM 495; FiE II no. 25; *IEph 2025. @ See also: Ephesos 206%19`207,578, 2918%19`2930; Aphrodisias 72, ll. 41, 57 (%6 Sherk 28B) (%6 MAMA 8, no. 405) (%6 OGIS 455) (%6 Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, Doc. 8) (%6 CIG 2737.b) (%6 LW 1627) (Senatus Consultum ordains that temple of Aphrodite in Plarasa%19Aphrodisias will have same &3asylia& as temple of [Artemis Ephe]sia in Ephesos; found at Aphrodisias); Aphrodisias 77, chap. 35, sect. 0 ll. 8, 20, 22%19`24, 39, sect. 1 l. 13, sect. 2 l. 9 (%6 Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 231) (Diocletian's Edict on Prices sets limit on prices for trips from Alexandria to Efesus, from &3Oriens& to Efesus, from Nicomedia to Efesus, and from Asia to Rome, Africa, and Dalmatia; found at Aphrodisias). @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (239%19`243) @ @@`239. Accounts of temple money, partly boustrophedon, on silver plate; c. 550 BC; found at Ephesos: Hogarth, Excavations at Ephesos, 120%19`144 (PH); Kretschmer, Glotta 4, 1913, 315%19`316; Hoffmann, SGDI IV 4, no. 49; Schwyzer, DGEEP 707; Solmsen %9 Fraenkel, IGIDS&4`4& 56; Jeffery, Local Scripts 414%19`415, no. 53; Manganaro, Epig. 36, 1974, 57%19`77 (PH); *IEph 1 (PH); SEG 34, 1079. @ @@`240. List of contributors, including Gaius Ofellius Dionysios; Roman; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 129%19`130, no. 136. @ @@`241. List of contributors, beginning with Apoll[onios Ap]ollonio[u]; c. 31 BC; found at Ephesos: GIBM 687 (part); FiE IV 1, no. 4 (part) (PH, part); Knibbe %9 Merkelbach, ZPE 34, 1979, 238%19`239 (part); SEG 29, 1097; *IEph 1687 and Add. p. 27. @ @@`242. List of donations of prytaneis for gerousia and Kouretes; AD 180%3`192; found at Ephesos: Miltner, AAWW 96, 1959, 41%19`42 (part); *FiE IX 1 no. B54 (PH) IEph 47 and Add. p. 4. @ @@`243. Fragment of list of contributors, including [ ... ] Kallinikos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 971A. @ See also: Ephesos 147, 372, 547%19`549; IG I&4`3& 71, 259%19`290 (Athenian Tribute Lists, with frequent mention of Ephesos, Pygela, Isindioi, and Marathesion; found in Attica); IG I&4`3& 370, l. 79 (accounts of &3tamiai& of Athena mention payment to &3strategos& at Eph[esos]; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 1485 ll. 8%19`9, 1486 ll. 5%19`6 (references in accounts of &3tamiai& of Athena to &3stephanos dedicated by Ephesos; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 2332 col. I l. 45 (list of contributors includes Metras of Ephesos; found in Attica); Miletos 73, l. 7 (%6 Milet I 3, no. 151) (list of contributors includes Timotheos of Ephesos; found at Miletos); Priene 39, l. 1 (%6 IPriene 83) (list of contributors includes Mnesiphilos Artemidorou of Ephesos; found at Priene, possibly wandered); Priene 144 (%6 IPriene 150) (list of contributors includes Mnesiphilos Artemidorou of Ephesos; found at Priene, possibly wandered); ML 67, ll. 22%19`23 (%6 IG V 1, 1) (%6 Syll&4`3& 84) (%6 CIG 1511) (accounts of Spartan war fund mention contribution by Ephesos; found near Sparta). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ See also: Ephesos 167. @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (244%19`439) @ @@@@Section: 7a. Dedicatory Building Inscriptions (244%19`329) @ @@`244. Dedication to Arsi[noe?] on architrave; III?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 343. @ @@`245. Dedication to emperor (no name) on architrave; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 322.3. @ @@`246. Dedication to emperor (no name) [Pi]us Felix Invi[ctus] on architrave; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 323.2. @ @@`247. Dedication to [ ... ]nus Caes[ar] on architrave; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 329.3. @ @@`248. Dedication to emperor (no name) on architrave; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 336.1. @ @@`249. Dedication to emperor (no name) on architrave; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 336.3. @ @@`250. Dedication to emperor (no name) on architrave (?); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 337.2. emperor (no name), and pol_is @ @@`251. Dedication to Artemis Ephesia and emperor (no name) concerning project of waters of Marnas, on architrave of Nymphaeum; imperial; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Heberdey, JO+AI 15, 1912 Beibl. 176; *IEph 414. @ @@`252. Dedication to [Artem]is Eph[esia], emperor (no name), and pol[is of Ephesos]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 487. @ @@`253. Dedication to emperor (no name) on architrave; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 590.1. @ @@`254. Dedication to Augusta (no name) in building inscription; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 590.5. @ @@`255. Dedication to Artemis Ephesia and [emperor (no name)] on architrave%19frieze beam; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1912.1. @ @@`256. Dedication to Artemis and [Augusti?] of &3erg&[&3asteria&] in gymnasium by Lucius Mundicius, gymnasiarch; I&7e&%3`1; found at Ephesos: Eichler %9 Knibbe, AAWW 101, 1964, 41; BE 1966:367; *IEph 443 and Add. p. 11. @ @@`257. Dedication to Augustus by polis on architrave%19frieze fragment; 27 BC%3AD 14; found at Ephesos: *IEph 496. @ @@`258. Dedication in Latin and Greek to Augustus, Livia, Agrippa, and Iulia by Mazaios and Mithridates of south side of south gate of Agora; 3 BC; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 7, 1904, 49%19`51; AnnEpig 1904, 98; ILS 8897; AnnEpig 1924, 68; Ehrenberg %9 Jones 71; FiE III no. 6 (PH); *IEph 3006. @ @@`259. Dedication in Latin to [Augustus] and [Lucius Caesar] consul designate, on architrave; AD 2?; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972 Beibl. 10, no. 3 (PH); AnnEpig 1975, 798; *IEph 408. @ @@`260. Inscription in Latin and Greek dedicating basili[ca] to [Art]emi[s Ephesia], Augustus, Tiberius, and demos of Ephesos by [Gaius Sext]il[ius Pollio] and family; AD 4%3`14; found at Ephesos: CIG 3021e (part); LW 164 (part); CIL III 13,676 (part); Eichler, AAWW 104, 1967, 17%19`18 (PH, part); AnnEpig 1967, 485 (part); Alzinger, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 87%19`88 (part) and 264%19`279; Alzinger, Augusteische Architektur 26%19`29; SEG 26, 1269; IEph 404 (with fragment in following text); JO+AI 55, 109 (for parts 3%19`4); *Knibbe %9 Bu+yu+kkolanc#1221, JO+AI 59, 1989. @ @@`261. Dedication in Latin and Greek of bridge to Artemis Ephesia, Augustus, Tiberius, and demos of Ephesos, by Gaius Sextilius Pollio; AD 4%3`14; found at Ephesos: CIG 2958; CIL III 424, 7117, 13674a, 14194; ILS 111; FiE III no. 92; Keil, JO+AI 35, 1943 Beibl. 104%19`105; *IEph 3092. @ @@`262. Dedication to Claudius by Apelles, tribunus militum of Legio VI Ferrata of parts of palaestrum; AD 41%3`54; found at Ephesos: *IEph 463 and Add. p. 13. @ @@`263. Dedication to Claudius by Toman negotiatores in Asia; AD 44; found at Ephesos: *IEph 409. @ @@`264. Dedication on architrave fragments to [Artemis Ephesia], emperor (no name), and [demos of Ephesos], by [Publius Quintilius Valens Varius] with family, of toilet in Baths of Varius; 1&4`2&%3`2&4`1&; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 43, 1956 Beibl. 20%19`22 (PH, part); SEG 16, 719; Jobst, JO+AI 51, 1976%19`1977, 61%19`84 (PH, part); *IEph 455 and Add. p. 12. @ @@`265. Dedication to Nero by demos of Ephesos, on frieze of Socle Construction of Monument of Pollio; AD 54%3`68; found at Ephesos: Banner, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 385 and 393%19`394 (PH); SEG 26, 1270; *IEph 410 and Add. pp. 8%19`9. @ @@`266. Dedication to [Artemi]s Ephesi[a] and Nero by [G(aius) Ster]tinius Orpex and family of wall and other parts of stadium; AD 54%3`68; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 15, 1912 Beibl. 181%19`182; *IEph 411. @ @@`267. Building inscription by fishermen and fishsellers, dedicating &3telonion& to Nero, Agrippina, Octavia, demos of Rome, and demos of Ephesos, with list of contributors; AD 54%3`59; found at Ephesos: **Keil, JO+AI 26, 1930 Beibl. 48%19`57 (part b, l. 61); AnnEpig 1930, 85; *IEph 20 (PH). @ @@`268. Dedication in Latin and Greek to Artemis Ephesia, Divus Claudius, Nero, Agrippina, and demos [of Ephesos] by (no name) and wife Claudia Metrodora on architrave of wall of Agora; AD 54%3`59; found at Ephesos: CIG 2959, 2960, 3974b (part); LW 1564&3ter (part); du Rieu, E/t. Leemans 247 no. I (part); Heberdey, JO+AI 10, 1907, 68; Keil, FiE III no. 3; *IEph 3003. @ @@`269. Building inscription recording restoration of wall of Augusteum for health of Titus and permanency of Roman hegemony; AD 79%3`81; found at Ephesos: Fontrier, MDAI(A) 10, 1885, 401; Foucart, BCH 10, 1886, 95; ILS 8797; FiE I no. 12; Syll&4`3& 818; McCrum, Doc.'s 496; *IEph 412. @ @@`270. Dedication to Domitian by p[olis of Ephesos] on architrave; AD 81%3`96; found at Ephesos: *IEph 422B. @ @@`271. Dedication to [Art]em[i]s Ephe[sia and Domitian]; AD 84%3`96; found at Ephesos: *IEph 418. @ @@`272. Dedication to [Art]emis Ephesia, Domitian, and polis of Ephesos by Ischyrion Pammenous of Alexan[d]ria of anabasis, stoa, and exedra; c. AD 85%3`96; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 7, 1904, 47l AnnEpig 1904, 97; FiE III no. 5 (PH); *IEph 3005. @ @@`273. Dedication to [A]rt[em]is Ephesia and Domitian, by polis of [E]phesos, of strosis of Embolos; c. AD 85%3`96; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 8 (PH); McCrum, Doc.'s 142; *IEph 3008. @ @@`274. Dedication to [Art]emi[s Ephesia and Domitia]n by polis of [Ephes]os of skene with kosmos, on architrave; AD 85; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 34; Keil, NZ 52, 1919, 116, note 5; Ho+rmann, JDAI 38%3`9, 1923%19`1924, 304%19`310; SEG 4, 563; Gallina, Teatri Classici IV 213 no. 13; *IEph 2034. @ @@`275. Dedication to Domitian by demos of Ephesos concerning bringing waters of Marnas and Klaseas to Ephesos; AD 92%3`3; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 276 Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959 Beibl. 343; AnnEpig 1967, 471; *IEph 415 and Add. p. 9. @ @@`276. Dedication to Domitian by demos of [Ephesos] concerning bringing waters of Manrans and Klaseas to Ephesos; AD 92%3`93; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 275: Engelmann, ZPE 24, 1977, 203, no. 3; SEG 27, 750; *IEph 416. @ @@`277. Dedication to Ar[t]emis Ephes[ia] and Dom[it]ian by [demos of Ephesos] of [analemma] and [north pte]ryx of theater; AD 92; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 35; Gallina, Teatri Classici IV 215, no. 14; *IEph 2035. @ @@`278. Dedication to Artemis Ephesia and Domitian (of Nymphaeum); AD 93; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 279: Miltner, AAWW 96, 1959, 37; Miltner, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 31%19`32; AnnEpig 1966, 424a; *IEph 413.1. @ @@`279. Dedication to [Arte]mi[s Ephesia] and Domi[tian] (of Nymphaeum); AD 93; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 278: Eichler %9 Knibbe, AAWW 102, 1965, 103, no. 1; AnnEpig 1967, 466; *IEph 413.2. @ @@`280. Dedication to Artem[is Ephesia], Trajan, and [de]mos of Ephesos, by T(itus) Flavius [ ... ] and wife, of building; AD 98%3`102 (?); found at Ephesos: *IEph 470. @ @@`281. Dedication to [Artemi]s Ephe[sia] and emperor (no name) by Cl(audius Aristio[n] and others, on architrave; 2; found at Ephesos: *IEph 425A. @ @@`282. Dedication to emperor (no name) by Publius Quintiliu[s] Valens Varius of &3balan&[&3eion&] on architrave%19frieze beams; 2&4`1&?; found at Ephesos: Knibbe %9 Merkelbach, ZPE 31, 1978, 99; *IEph 500; SEG 28, 862. @ @@`283. Dedication to Arte[mis Ephesia], Trajan, and [demos of Ephesos], by Marcus Iulius [ ... ]erianus on Baths of Varius, on architrave; AD 102%3`117; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 27%19`31, no. 1 (PH); AnnEpig 1975, 786; SEG 26, 1271; *IEph 421. @ @@`284. Dedication to [Artemis Ephesia, Trajan,] and d[e]mos of Ephesos, by Tib(erius) [Claudius Aristion], on architrave of street%19fountain; AD 102%3`117; found at Ephesos: Knibbe %9 Merkelbach, ZPE 31, 1978, 80; *IEph 424A and Add. p. 10; SEG 28, 869. @ @@`285. Dedication to [A]rtemis Eph[e]sia, Trajan, and &3patris& by Claudius Aristion and wife, of Nymphaeum of Trajan; AD 102%3`114; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959 Beibl. 329%19`332; AnnEpig 1967, 467; *IEph 424. @ @@`286. Dedication to Artem[is Ephesia, Tr]ajan, and [demos] of Eph[esos], by Titus Flavius Montanus, on architrave of theater; AD 102%3`112; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 37; Gallina, Teatri Classici IV 216, no. 15e; *IEph 2037. @ @@`287. Dedication to Trajan under [proconsul L(ucius) Nonius Ca]lpur[nius] As[pre]nas, probably of portico; c. AD 107%3`108; found at Ephesos: *IEph 423. @ @@`288. Dedication to Artemis Ephesia and Trajan by polis of Ephesos, of propylon, on architrave; AD 114%3`116; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959 Beibl. 346%19`348; AnnEpig 1967, 468; Strocka, Proc. X Int. Cong. Class Arch. Ankara 893%19`899 (PH, part); *IEph 422 and Add. pp. 9%19`10. @ @@`289. Dedication to Trajan on archivolt; AD 114%3`116; found at Ephesos: *IEph 499. @ @@`289.3. Dedication to [Hadria]n (?), on architrave of gate; AD 116%3`117 (?); found at Ephesos: *FiE XI%3`1 69%19`70, no. 1. @ @@`289.6. Fragment of dedication (?) of (?) &3plateia,& on architrave; AD 116%3`117 (?); found at Ephesos: *FiE XI%3`1 70%19`73, no. 2 (PH). @ @@`290. Dedication to [Artemis Ephesia,] Hadrian, and [dem]os of Ephesos by Publius Quintilius [Valens Varius] and family, of Temple of Hadrian, on architrave; AD 119; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959 Beibl. 265%19`266 (PH); AnnEpig 1967, 469; Bowie, ZPE 8, 1971, 137%19`141; Engelmann, ZPE 9, 1972, 91%19`96; Wo+rrle, AA 1973, 470%19`477 (PH); Bowie, Proc. X Int. Cong. Class. Arch. Ankara 867%19`874; SEG 29, 1111; *IEph 429 and Add. p. 10. @ @@`291. Dedication to Ar[t]em[is] Ephesia, Hadrian, Zeus Olympios, and demos of Ephesos by Gaius Claudius Verulanus Marcellus and wife of mosaics of stoa; AD 130%3`131; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 7, 1904 Beibl. 42%19`43; AnnEpig 1904, 96; *IEph 430. @ @@`292. Dedication to Ar[temis Ephesia], emperor (no name), and [p]oli[s] of [Ephesos], on architrave of Bouleuterion; 2&7m&; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 15, 1912 Beibl. 172%19`173; *IEph 460.1 (with single%19letter fragment). @ @@`293. Dedication to [Artemis Ephesia], emperor (no name), and [polis of Ephesos] by [Pu(blius) Vedius Antoninus] and wife Fl(avia) Papiane, on frieze fragments of Bouleuterion; 2&7m&; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 15, 1912 Beibl. 172%19`173; *IEph 460.2. @ @@`294. Dedication to [Artemis Eph]esia and Antoninus Pius on frieze; AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: *IEph 469. @ @@`295. Dedication to Artemis Ephesia, Antoninus Pius, and [&3argy&]&3rokopoi& by M(arcus) U[ ... ]; AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: *IEph 586. @ @@`296. Building inscription with dedication to [Artemis Ephesia] and emperor Antoninus Pius (?); AD 138%3`161 (?); found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 121, no. 4236; SEG 34, 1123. @ @@`297. Dedication to [Ar]te[mis Ephe]sia, Antoninus Pius, his family, and the p[o]li[s] of Ephesos, by Pu[b]lius [Vedius] An[to]n[inus] (III) and wife, of gymnasium; AD 146%3`149; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 25, 1929 Beibl. 25%19`28; AnnEpig 1930, 80; SEG 4, 533; Hu+ttl 359; *IEph 438. @ @@`298. Dedication to Artemis Ephesi[a], Antoninus Pius, his family, and [polis of Ephe]s[os] by Asiarch (no name) and wife, on epistyle of gymnasium of Vedius; c. AD 150; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 24, 1928 Beibl. 27; SEG 4, 534; Hu+ttl 359; AnnEpig 1929, 121; *IEph 431 and Add. p. 11. @ @@`299. Dedication to [emperor (no name)] and polis [of Ephesos] by Ti(tus) Fl(avius) Lucius Hierax, on ledge of Hydreion; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: Knibbe %9 Merkelbach, ZPE 31, 1978, 98; *IEph 436; SEG 28, 872. @ @@`300. Dedication to Augusti Septimius Severus, Caracalla, and Geta, Iulia Domna Augusta, their whole family, and [polis of Ephesos] by Ti(tus) Fl(avius) Menandros, of Hydreion, on architrave; AD 209%3`212; found at Ephesos: Miltner, AAWW 96, 1959, 35 (part); Miltner, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 25 (part); Knibbe %9 Merkelbach, ZPE 31, 1978, 96%19`97; *IEph 435 and Add. p. 11; SEG 28, 871. @ @@`301. Dedication to [Artemis Ephesia], Caracalla, Ge[ta], Iul[ia Domna, and the demos of Ephesos], on architrave of East Portico of Agora; AD 211%3`212; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 1; Merkelbach, ZPE 25, 1977, 280; SEG 27, 752; *IEph 3001.1 (with following fragments). @ @@`302. Dedication to [Artemis Ephesia], Caracalla, Iu[lia Domna, and demos of Ephesos] under [grammat]eus [L(ucius) Aufidius Euphe]mos, Asiarch, on architrave of East Portico of Agora; AD 213%3`217; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 1; *IEph 3001.2 (with fragments). @ @@`303. Dedication (?) to Diocletian or Galerius, on architrave; AD 284%3`311; found at Ephesos: *IEph 309A.1%19`2. @ @@`304. Dedication to Artemis and demos (of Ephesos) by Timon Artem[i]dorou &3neoteros,& agoranomos, of stroma and p[a]rastas; c. 66 BC; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 7, 1904, 48; FiE III no. 4 (PH); *IEph 3004. @ @@`305. Dedication to Artemis of &3stelai hierai& of &3hodoi& and &3rheithra& restored by Augustus; 6%3`5 BC; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 1, no. 2; GIBM 523; IEph 440.1; *IEph 1523; Engelmann, EA 8, 1986, 33; SEG 36, 1015. @ @@`306. Dedication to Artemis of &3stelai hierai& of &3hodoi& and &3rheithra& restored by Augustus; 6%3`5 BC; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 1, no. 3; GIBM 524; IEph 440.2; *IEph 1524; Engelmann, EA 8, 1986, 33; SEG 36, 1015. @ @@`307. Dedication (of aqueduct?) to Artemis by Nero; AD 54%3`68; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 121, no. 4237; SEG 34, 1122. @ @@`308. Dedication to [Artemi]s Ephesi[a] by [ ... ]ficius Ma[ ... ], on ashlar; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1912.3. @ @@`309. Dedication to [Artemis] Ephesia, with steps supervised by Pose[id ... ]; 1&7e&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1812. @ @@`310. Dedication to [Artemis Ephesia] and [polis] of Ephe[sos] by [He]lvidia Pau[l]a. priestess of Artemis; AD 89%3`90; found at Ephesos: *IEph 492. @ @@`311. Dedication to Art[emis Eph]es[ia] on profiled fragments; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1914.4. @ @@`312. Dedication of epistyle for Baccheion by Philippos, twice Mazai(o)s, on architrave; no date; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 45%19`48, no. 12 (PH); SEG 26, 1275; *IEph 434. @ @@`313. Dedication to [de]mos of Ephe[sos] on architrave fragments; 27 BC%3AD 14; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 32; *IEph 2032. @ @@`314. Fragment of dedication to [demos of Ephesos] on archivolt; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: *IEph 473.3. @ @@`315. Dedication to demos of &3psalis& by Hieron Hieronos; c. AD 1; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 33; Gallina, Teatri Classici IV 212, no. 12; *IEph 2033. @ @@`316. Dedication to [Ephesos] on architrave fragments mentioning [E]clectus and Quintianus; 3?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 467 (with five fragments). @ @@`317. Dedication to [&3pa&]&3tris& by &3philose&[&3bastos ...& ], recording construction of s[toa] (?); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 482. @ @@`318. Name Phoibos in genitive on Ionic capital; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 484. @ @@`319. Building inscription on door frame, with dedication to [polis of Ephesos], by (?) Kalline [ ... ]; AD c. 88%3`132; found at Ephesos: *IEph 480. @ @@`320. Dedication of frieze of upper story of Hellenistic stage on ashlars; Hellenistic; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 31; *IEph 2031 (with fragment). @ @@`321. Fragments of architrave; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 335. @ @@`322. Dedication to (no name) of &3mageireia& and associated constructions by (no name); imperial; found near Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 37%19`38, no. 44; *IEph 448. @ @@`323. Fragment of dedication on architrave, with erased reference to prytanis; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 479. @ @@`324. Dedication of &3klision& and surroundings to Taureastai Kreonteioi by Menophilos Menophilou; c. I&4`2&; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 75; *IEph 2075. @ @@`325. Dedication of &3leiponta& by polis of [Eph]esos on architrave of theater; AD 120; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 38; *IEph 2038. @ @@`326. Dedication by Celsus with (no names) of &3parastades& and other constructions; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 475 (with fragment). @ @@`327. Dedication by [Nik]omachos on keystone; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 483. @ @@`328. Fragment of dedication by priestess [of Artemis] (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 492A. @ @@`329. Fragment of dedication by [d]em[os of Eph]es[os] on ashlar fragments of theater; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 36; *IEph 2036. @ See also: Ephesos 735%19`736, 916.5, 2937%19`2939, 3363.5; ID 5, 2273 (&3charisterion%19&dedication of &3kion& to Hagne The[os] by [Her]akleides and Alexandra of E[phe]sos; found on Delos). @ ʏ@@@@Section: 7b. Honorary Building Inscriptions (330%19`340) @ @@`330. Honorary inscription (?) for emperor (no name) by (?) Ti(berius) C(laudius) Nysios on ledge; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 471. @ @@`331. Honorary inscription for Drusus (Minor) by demos (of Ephesos) on architrave fragment; AD 7%3`14; found at Ephesos: Texier, Descr. de l'As. Min. II 285, no. 14; Wood, App. 4, no. 11; FiE II 106; IEph 254; *IEph 258; SEG 36, 1012. @ @@`332. Honorary inscription for [th]eos Nerva on statue%19base at Nymphaeum of Trajan; AD 96%3`98; found at Ephesos: Miltner, AAWW 95, 1958, 84; Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959 Beibl. 332 and 344 (PH); AnnEpig 1967, 474; *IEph 420. @ @@`333. Building inscription by consul Ti(berius) Iulius Aquila for library in honor of Ti(berius) Iul[ius Celsus Polemaeanus], on architrave; 2&4`1&; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 8, 1905 Beibl. 67; Cummont, Bull. acad. Belg. 1905, 199, note 1 no. a; Heberdey, AAWW 42, 1905, 84; AnnEpig 1906, 29; FiE V 1 no. 1; Corbier, Aerarium 373, no. 3; *IEph 5101. @ @@`334. Honorary inscription for [Ti(berius) Cl(audius) Ar]istio[n] for benefactions, built in Baths of Varius, on base; 2&4`1&; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 37%19`38, no. 10 (PH); *IEph 425 and Add. p. 10. @ @@`335. Honorary inscription for [Ti(berius) Cl]audius Piso Diophantos by boule and demos of [Ephesos], recording building of two temples; AD 116%3`138; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 44, 1959 Beibl. 266, note 40; AnnEpig 1967, 484; *IEph 428. @ @@`336. Honorary (?) inscription in Latin for C(aius) Memmius grandson of Sulla, on frieze of Monument of Memmius; 84 BC%3AD 14; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 336: Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959, 356; FiE VII 28, 32%19`33, 58 (PH); Alzinger, Augusteische Architektur 17; *IEph 403.1. @ @@`337. Honorary (?) inscription in Latin for C(aius) Me[mmius] grandson of Sulla, on frieze of Monument of Memmius; 84 BC%3Ad 14; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 335: Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959, 356; FiE VII 28, 32%19`33, 58 (PH); Alzinger, Augusteische Architektur 17; *IEph 403.2. @ @@`338. Honorary inscription in Latin and Greek for C(aius) Sextilius Pollio by son C(aius) Ofellius Proculus, on Monument of Pollio; 1&4`1&; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 43, 1956 Beibl. 48; Miltner, AAWW 96, 1959, 37; Miltner, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 31%19`32; AnnEpig 1966, 448 (part); Alzinger, Augusteische Architektur 25, note 70; Bammer, JO+AI 51, 1976%19`1977 Beibl. 85 (part b); SEG 27, 734; *IEph 405. @ @@`339. Honorary inscription in Latin for [C(aius) Sexti]lius Pollio by son [C(aius) Ofilliu]s Proculus, probably from Monument of Pollio; 1&4`1&; found at Ephesos?: *IEph 406 and Add. p. 8. @ @@`340. Inscription for restorer of building; c. 4?; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 46; *IEph 2046. @ See also: Ephesos 1153, 1274, 1322, 1370, 1518, 2068, 2073, 3070%19`3072, 3082%19`3085. @ Տ@@@@Section: 7c. Other Building Inscriptions (341%19`439) @ @@`341. Architrave fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1806.3. @ @@`342. Fragment of inscription recording building under supervision of M(arcus) Serv[ilius], grammat[eus]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 465A. @ @@`343. Fragment of architrave recording restoration, in Latin; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 497. @ @@`344. Fragment referring to Lucius Statiu[s], on ledge; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 529. @ @@`345. Fragment of building (?) inscription in Latin, mentioning M(arcus) Pal[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 8; CIL III 6088a; *IEph 1798. @ @@`346. Architrave fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: CIG 3021.d; *IEph 1806.1. @ @@`347. Fragment of architrave inscription; no date; found at Ephesos: CIG 3021.a; *IEph 1806.2. @ @@`348. Building inscription in Latin for wine cellar by P(ublius) Veturius Rodo, on architrave; II%3`3; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 74; *IEph 2074. @ @@`349. Inscription in Latin and Greek recording paving of road using funds of Artemis; prob. 23%3`22 BC; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 42%19`49; AnnEpig 1966, 425; Fu+hrer Selc%25uk 108%19`109 (PH); Alzinger, Augusteische Architektur 24, note 68; *IEph 459. @ @@`350. Inscription on column of fountain%19house at theater identifying water as from Marnas; imperial; found at Ephesos: FiE I 66; *IEph 417. @ @@`351. Fragment of building inscription of [ ... ] near propylon, on architrave; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 422A (note fragment in comments). @ @@`352. Inscription on architrave recording building by Aphrodeisios Kleandrou; imperial; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 48, 1966 Beibl. 13%19`14 no. 5 (PH); *IEph 442. @ @@`353. Building inscription for &3edaphos& and other constructions under supervision of Lucius Herenni[us], from Prytaneion; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 462 and Add. pp. 12%19`13. @ @@`354. Building inscription on architrave fragments recording building by polis under grammateus Claudius M[ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 464. @ @@`355. Building inscription for [&3epist&]&3ylia& and other constructions, on fragments of archivolt; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 473.1%19`2 and Add. p. 13. @ @@`356. Fragment, probably of building inscription mentioning &3dis&[&3styla&] and Claud[i ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 474. @ @@`357. Fragments of architrave dated by [pryt]ani[s] [T]ibe[rius ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 477. @ @@`358. Fragment of architrave referring to &3hiera& [&3synkletos& (?) of Ephesos]; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 478. @ @@`359. Fragment of building inscription recording supervision of gymnas[ia] by [Aeli]a Seve[ra Bassa]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 488. @ @@`360. Fragment mentioning [I]oulio[ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 490. @ @@`361. Fragment mentioning restoration of &3bo&[&3mos&], dated by gramm[ateus]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 532. @ @@`362. Inscription recording restoration of statue by Marcus Ulpius Aristion; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 519. @ @@`363. Fragments referring to repairs at Prytaneion under supervision of Ti(tus) Ph(lavius?); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 528. @ @@`364. Inscription on archivolt of arched gate dated by proconsul Fl(avius) Const[antinus]; 5; found at Ephesos: Bammer, JO+AI 51, 1976%19`1977 Beibl. 94%19`126 (PH, part); SEG 27, 747; *IEph 587. @ @@`365. Building inscription under [gymnasiarch] Hekatonymos; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 588. @ @@`366. Fragments of building inscription mentioning [D]omi[ti ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 589. @ @@`367. Building inscription mentioning emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 590.2. @ @@`368. Building inscription mentioning Caesar (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 590.3. @ @@`369. Building inscription mentioning Publi[us Quintilius Valens Varius?], on fragment of architrave%19frieze; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 590.6. @ @@`369.5. Inscription stating that water is from new Marnas, aqueduct built by Claudius Diogenes; imperial; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 8, no. 11; FiE I 66 (PH); GIBM 530; *IEph 1530. @ @@`370. Architrave%19frieze fragment referring to (no name), Asiarch twice; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1900.11. @ @@`371. Inscription recording repair of &3pteromata& of &3petasos& and &3antiskenos& of theater by polis in term as grammateus of Iul(ius) Philometor; imperial; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 41; Gallina, Teatri Classici IV 220 no. 18; *IEph 2041. @ @@`372. Building inscription for &3stroma& of library, with list of contributors (?); 2; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 114%19`115, no. 4180; SEG 34, 1092. @ @@`373. Building inscription in Latin for Aqua Iulia by Augustus; 27 BC%3AD 14; found at Ephesos: FiE I p. 68; *IEph 401. @ @@`374. Inscription in Latin and Greek recording restoration of walls of Temple of Artemis and Augusteum by Augustus; 6%3`5 BC; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 375: Earinos, Mous. I 1873%19`1875, 116, no. 14; Wood, App. 1, no. 1; *CIL III 6979, 7118; GIBM 522; ILS 97; Conze, Beschr. Skulpt. Berlin 1177; IEph 1522. @ @@`375. Inscription in Latin and Greek recording restoration of walls of Temple of Artemis and Augusteum by Augustus; 6%3`5 BC; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 374: Earinos, Mous. I 1873%19`1875, 116, no. 14; *CIL III 6070, 7118; Conze, Beschr. Skulpt. Berlin 1177; IEph V p. 52 (to 1522). @ @@`376. Building inscription in Latin and Greek for Aqua Throessitica by Augustus and Tiberius; AD 4%3`14; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 35, 1943 Beibl. 102%19`103, no. 2 (PH); *IEph 402. @ @@`377. Fragment of cultic inscription mentioning [&3arch&]&3istolos, on architrave; 1%3`2; found at Ephesos: Keil, AAWW 91, 1954, 225, no. 6; SEG 15, 711; Vidman, Syll. 299; Salditt%19Trappmann, Tempel 26%19`27, note 5; Ho+lbl, Zeugnisse 49%19`52, no. 5; *IEph 1244. @ @@`378. Inscription recording completion of theater of [Titu]s F[lavius M]ontan[us]; 1&4`2&%3`2; found at Ephesos: *IEph 498 and Add. p. 21. @ @@`379. Inscription recording building by (Tiberius Claudius) Aristion, on frieze; 1&7e&%3`2; found at Ephesos: FiE I 203 note 1; *IEph 427 and Add. p. 10. @ @@`380. Inscription recording building under [prytani]s Titus Flavius Aeneas [B]asileides Iulianus on lintel from Prytaneion area; 1&7e&%3`2; found at Ephesos: *IEph 450. @ @@`381. Inscription recording restoration by [M(arcus) Ti]gellius Lupus; 1&7e&; found at Ephesos: CIG 2975; Knibbe %9 Merkelbach, ZPE 33, 1979, 124; SEG 29, 1106; *IEph 446. @ @@`382. Inscription for aqueduct by [Tib(erius) Claudius A]ristion, [archiereus of A]sia; AD c. 85%3`132; found at Ephesos: FiE Iv 1 no. 5 (PH); *IEph 4105. @ @@`383. Building inscription in Latin and Greek for roads by Domitian; AD 86; found at Ephesos: Schmidt, MDAI(A) 6, 1881, 141, 18 (part); CIL III 7122 (part); *IEph 263B. @ @@`384. Inscription recording supply of water of Domitian by demos of Ephesos under proconsul Calvisius Ruso, on Nymphaeum; AD 92%3`93; found at Ephesos: Miltner, AAWW 96, 1959, 37; Miltner, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 35 (PH); AnnEpig 1961, 35; AnnEpig 1966, 424b; *IEph 419. @ @@`385. Inscription recording activities [relating to supply of water] under proconsul [Calvisi]us Ruso; AD 92%3`93; found at Ephesos: *IEph 419A; **Engelmann, EA 8, 1986, 33 (l. 1); SEG 36, 1014. @ @@`386. Building inscription dated by [proconsul Pu(blius) Calvisius R]uso; AD 92%3`93; found at Ephesos: *IEph 461. @ @@`387. Building inscription on archivolt dated by [gram]mateus [Tib(erius) Claudius Polydeuke]s Marcellus; 2; found at Ephesos: *IEph 472. @ @@`388. Inscription recording repair of &3petasos& and other parts of theater by (Ephesos) in term as grammateus of Publius Vedius Antoninus (II); 2; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 6, no. 3; OGIS 510; FiE II no. 39; Bowie, Proc. X. Int. Cong. Class. Arch. Ankara 867%19`874; Gallina, Teatri Classici IV 217%19`218 no. 16; *IEph 2039. @ @@`389. Inscription for restoration of [Pantheion?]; c. 2; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 27; *IEph 4327. @ @@`390. Inscription recording building by polis (of Ephesos) of &3systroma& and Library of Celsus; 2&7e&%3`3; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 7, 1904, 52; FiE III no. 9; *IEph 3009. @ @@`391. Fragment of architrave inscription of Palaestra of East Gymnasium; c. AD 200; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 27, 1932 Beibl. 31 note 3 (PH); *IEph 439. @ @@`392. Fragment of architrave of s[toa?]; 3 or later; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 26; *IEph 4326. @ @@`393. Inscription recording donation to &3askomisthoi& of two &3diastyla& by Marc(us) Fulivus Publicianus Neikephoros; c. AD 200; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 24, 1928 Beibl. 32, no. B; AnnEpig 1929, 123; SEG 4, 540; *IEph 444. @ @@`394. Inscription recording donation of two &3diastyla& by M(arcus) Publicianus Neikephoros to &3synergasia& of wine; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 76; *IEph 2076; SEG 36, 1026. @ @@`395. Inscription recording donation of [ ... ] by M(arcus) Publicianus Neikephoros; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 77; *IEph 2077. @ @@`396. Inscription recording donation of &3diastylon& by M(arcus) Ful(vius) Publicianus Neikephoros, to &3synergasia& of &3balaneoi &3prebatoi&; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 78; *IEph 2078. @ @@`397. Inscription recording donation (of &3diastylon&) by Mar(cus) Fu(lvius) Pub(licianus) Neikephoros, to &3synergasia& of &3pyrenades&; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 79; *IEph 2079. @ @@`398. Inscription recording donation of four &3diastyla& by [M(arcus) Ful(vius) Publicianus Neikephoros] to &3synergasia& of &3plethos taurinadon&; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 80; *IEph 2080. @ @@`399. End of inscription recording donation of four &3diastyla, mentioning Elpidios Boethos; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 81; *IEph 2081. @ @@`400. Inscription recording donation of two &3diastyla& by (Marcus) Fulvius Publicianus Neikephoros; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE II 82; *IEph 2082, ll. 6%19`12. @ @@`401. Inscription recording donation of two &3diastyla& by M(arcus) Publicianus Nikephoros, to &3synergasia& of wine; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 56, 71, no. 1; BE 1987:38. @ @@`402. Inscription recording donation of three &3diastyla& by Marc(us) Fulvius Publicianus Neikephoros, to &3eisiki&[ ... ]; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 56, 71, no. 2; *BE 1987:38. @ @@`403. Inscription recording donation to &3kamnabarioi& of two &3diastyla& by Marcus Fulvius Publicianus Neikephoros; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 24, 1928 Beibl. 32, no. A; AnnEpig 1929, 122; SEG 4, 539; *IEph 445. @ @@`404. Inscription on architrave and frieze of epistyle of Agora dated by (?) [grammat]eus of demos; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 2 (PH, part); *IEph 3002. @ @@`405. Building inscription recording building of [&3propylon&] by [polis of Ephesos] from bequest of [Mar]cus Fulvi[us Publicianus Ne]ikephoros, Asiarch; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 86; *IEph 3086. @ @@`406. Building inscription recording restoration of &3pron&[&3a&]&3os& of Nemese[ion] of theater by polis; late; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 1, 1898 Beibl. 78; FiE II no. 42; *IEph 2042. @ @@`407. Fragment of building inscription, date by [grammateus?] T(itus) Varius and [prytan]is M(arcus) Statilius Stratoneikos, on architrave; 3?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 476. @ @@`408. Inscription recording repair of &3peta&[&3s&]&3os& of theater by polis of Ephesos under proconsul (Quintus) Tineius Sacerdos; AD 200%3`210; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 409: Curtius, Hermes 7, 1873, 29%19`31, no. 1; Wood, App. 6, no. 6; GIBM 531 (part); FiE II no. 40; Gallina, Teatri Classici IV 219 no. 17; *IEph 2040. @ @@`409. Inscription recording repair of &3peta&[&3s&]&3os& of theater by polis of Ephesos under proconsul (Quintus) Tineius Sacerdos; AD 200%3`210; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 408: Curtius, Hermes 7, 1873, 29%19`31, no. 1; Wood, App. 6, no. 6; GIBM 531 (part); FiE II no. 40; Gallina, Teatri Classici IV 219 no. 17; *IEph 2040. @ @@`410. Acclamation for proconsul Ambr[osi(o)s], who restored building; c. 4; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 45; Hellenica 4, 62; Malcus, OAth 7, 1967, 134, no. 5; *IEph 2045. @ @@`411. Inscription concerning construction of arched entry to Prytaneion; no date; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959 Beibl. 295%19`296; Eichler %9 Knibbe, AAWW 102, 1965, 106; *IEph 437. @ @@`412. Inscription recording building of [&3kiones&], etc.; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 465. @ @@`413. Fragments of building inscription by Aneiketo[s]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 468. @ @@`414. Group of architrave fragments found in "Lucasgrab"; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 481.1%19`3. @ @@`415. Group of architrave fragments found in "Lucasgrab"; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 481.4%19`6. @ @@`416. Fragment of monumental building inscription, with word [&3kate&]&3skeuas&[&3sen&] (?); no date; found at Kuru Tepe, probably wandered from Ephesos: *IEph 485. @ @@`417. Fragment of building inscription referring to adjoining &3oike&[&3ma&], on ledge; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 486. @ @@`418. Fragment of building inscription dated by [pry]tan[is] (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 489.1. @ @@`419. Fragment of building inscription; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 489.2. @ @@`420. Inscription recording building of &3oi&[&3kos&] by [ ... ]opolis; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 491. @ @@`421. Fragment mentioning &3hydrag&[&3ogion&]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 493. @ @@`422. Architrave fragment mentioning Tryphon; no date; found at Ephesos: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, p. 178, no. 363; *IEph 531. @ @@`423. Inscription by demos on pilaster column; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 533. @ @@`424. Building inscription on archivolt dated by prytanis or grammateus; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 499A. @ @@`425. Fragments of building inscription; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 527. @ @@`426. Building inscription dated by (prytanis) Pollion; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 530 and Add. p. 16. @ @@`427. Building inscription mentioning woman; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 590.4. @ @@`428. Fragment of architrave (?); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 590.7. @ @@`429. Architrave fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 590.8. @ @@`430. Building inscription mentioning columns; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 590.9. @ @@`431. Fragments of architrave: [ ... &3ag&]&3onothetes&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1088A. @ @@`432. End of building inscription, recording supervision by grammat[eus of de]mos [Pyth]agora[s]; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 529; *IEph 1529. @ @@`433. Architrave fragment with name [Apo]llonios; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1856. @ @@`434. Fragment of building inscription referring to [E]phe[sos]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1908.1. @ @@`435. Fragment of building (?) inscription on architrave; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1939A. @ @@`436. Architrave fragment mentioning Andro[klos?]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1943. @ @@`437. Architrave fragment referring to 25 columns; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1988A. @ @@`438. Fragments of architrave mentioning Heliades and other mythological figures (?); no date; found at Belevi: Jordanides, MDAI(A) 23, 1898, 165; Fontrier, REA 4, 1902, 260, no. 3; Keil, JO+AI 28, 1933 Beibl. 34%19`38; Keil, AAWW 86, 1949, 51%19`60; FiE VI 47%19`51 (PH); *IEph 3202. @ @@`439. Fragment of architrave inscription, perhaps of funerary monument, mentioning 12 priestesses (?); no date; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 119, no. 4209; SEG 34, 1117. @ See also: Ephesos 139, 150, 155, 189, 226%19`230, 572, 601, 2808, 2931%19`2936, 2940%19`2945, 3086, 3114, 3430, 3563%19`3566, 3606, 3706; Halikarnassos 42 (%6 ILS 8858) (%6 OGIS 525) (building inscription for &3telonion& and &3stoa& by two &3pragmateutai& of M(arcus) Aur(elius) Mindius Matidianus Pollio, Asiarch of temples in Ephesos; found at Halikarnassos); Smyrna 65 (%6 ISmyrna 724) (%6 CIG 3155) (list of those who built &3temenos& of Artemis Ephesia; found at Smyrna). @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (440%19`604) @ @@@@Section: 8a. Lists of Kouretes (440%19`502) @ @@`440. Fragment of list of Kouretes; imperial; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. E2; *IEph 1054A. @ @@`441. List of Koure[tes] (?) on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1055B; JO+AI 53, 108, no. 65. @ @@`442. Beginning of list of Kouretes (?), dated by [pryta]nis Tib[ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 123, no. 118. @ @@`443. List of Kouretes under prytanis Iulia Helias; 27 BC%3AD 97; found at Ephesos: *FiE IX 1 no. B47 (PH); IEph 1047. @ @@`444. Beginning of list of Kouretes under prytanis Lucius Staidiou; 1%3`2; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B46 (PH); *IEph 1002A. @ @@`445. List of Kouretes under prytanis Curtia Postuma; 1&4`1&?; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B4 (PH); *IEph 1004. @ @@`446. List of Kouretes [under prytanis (no name)], including [Metr]as &3spondaules&; 1&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B3 (PH); *IEph 1003. @ @@`447. List of Kouretes under [pr]ytanis Neikomachos [Theo]klytou; AD 14%3`37; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B1 (PH); *IEph 1001. @ @@`448. List of Kouretes under prytanis Artemidoros Apolloniou; AD 14%3`37; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B2 (PH); *IEph 1002. @ @@`449. List of Kouretes under p[rytanis] Gaius Minucius N[ ... o]u; AD 41%3`68; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 46, 1961%19`1963 Beibl. 27%19`28; FiE IX 1 no. B5 (PH); *IEph 1005. @ @@`450. List of Kouretes under prytanis Charidemos Charidemou; AD 41%3`68; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 8, 1905, 77; FiE IX 1 no. B6 (PH); *IEph 1006. @ @@`451. List of Kouretes, including [Dan]ao[s?] Perigenous; AD 41%3`68; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B7 (PH); *IEph 1007. @ @@`452. List of Kouretes under Gaius [ ... ]us Dionysodoros; 1&4`2&?; found at Ephesos: *FiE IX 1 no. B9 (PH) (* for l. 14); *IEph 1009 (* for ll. 1%19`13). @ @@`453. List of Kouretes under prytanis Tiberius Claudius Nysios; AD 51%3`92; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959 Beibl. 370%19`372 (PH); FiE IX 1 no. B10 (PH); *IEph 1010. @ @@`454. List of Kouretes under prytanis Tiberius Claudius Hermias; AD 54%3`59; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959 Beibl. 305%19`306, Abb. 146 (PH); FiE IX 1 no. B8 (PH); *IEph 1008. @ @@`455. List of [Kouretes], beginning with [T(itus) Flavius] Basileides; 1&7e&%3`2; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B51 (PH); *IEph 1051. @ @@`456. List of Kouretes, including [Publius (?)] Aelius Trophimos; c. 1&7e&?; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B11 (PH); *IEph 1011. @ @@`457. List of Kouretes under prytanis Claudia Trophime; AD 92%3`93; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B12 (PH); *IEph 1012. @ @@`458. List of Kouretes under prytanis Gaius Flavius Iustus; AD 93%3`96; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 43, 1956, 31%19`32, no. I; SEG 16, 723a; FiE IX 1 no. B13 (PH); *IEph 1013. @ @@`459. List of Kouretes under pr[ytanis (no name)], including Ti(berius) Cla[u]d[i]us Menophilos; AD 94%3`97; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B14 (PH); *IEph 1014. @ @@`460. List of Kouretes, including [Ar]temon Artemonos; AD 95%3`98; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959 Beibl. 305%19`306, Abb. 146 (PH); FiE IX 1 no. B15 (PH); *IEph 1015. @ @@`461. List of Kouretes under pryt[a]nis Publius Vedius Antoninus; AD 96%3`99; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B16 (PH); *IEph 1016. @ @@`462. List of Kouretes under prytanis Vedia Marcia; AD 97%3`100; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B17 (PH); *IEph 1017. @ @@`463. List of Kouretes under prytanis Artemidoros Kleandrou; AD 98%3`101; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 43, 1956, 31%19`34, no. II; SEG 16, 123b; FiE IX 1 no. B18 (PH); *IEph 1018. @ @@`464. List of Kouretes, including Quintus Pacuvius Prosdektos; AD 99%3`102; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B19 (PH); *IEph 1019. @ @@`465. Fragments of list of Kouretes (?), on statue%19base; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. E3 (PH); *IEph 1076. @ Ѫ@@`465.5. List of Kouretes under prytanis T(itus) Pu(blius) Vedius Marcellus; c. 2; found at Ephesos: *Knibbe, JO+AI 54, 1983, 125%19`126. @ @@`466. List of Kouretes under prytanis T(itus) Flavius Saturninus Vestricianus; 2&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B28 (PH); *IEph 1028; **Pleket, EA 1, 1983, 104%19`106 (l. 14); SEG 33, 935. @ @@`467. List of Kouretes [under prytan]is [Tiberius Claudius ... ]; 2&4`1&?; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B50 and Nachtrage no. N1 (PH); *IEph 1050. @ @@`468. List of Kouretes under prytanis Pu(blius) Carsidiu[s P]amphilio[n]; AD c. 100%3`139; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B48 (PH); *IEph 1048. @ @@`469. List of Kouretes under prytanis Ti(berius) Claudius Romulus; AD 100%3`103; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B20 (PH); *IEph 1020. @ @@`470. List of Kouretes under Tib(erius) Claudius Antipatros Iulianus; AD 104; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B2 (PH); *IEph 1021. @ @@`471. List of Kouretes under prytanis Gaius Licinnius Maximus Iulianus; AD 105%3`120; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B22 (PH); *IEph 1022. @ @@`472. List of Kouretes under prytanis T(itus) Flavius Phretor Skymnos; AD 105%3`120; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B23; *IEph 1023. @ @@`473. List of Kouretes, including Pu(blius) Cornelius Aristo[n]; AD 105%3`120; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959 Beibl. 369; FiE IX 1 no. B25 (PH); *IEph 1025. @ @@`474. End of list of Kouretes, beginning with Epik[rates &3hierokeryx&]; AD 105%3`120; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B27 (PH); *IEph 1027. @ @@`475. List of Kouretes under prytanis Qu(intus) Cerrinius Cimber; AD 112%3`139; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B29 (PH); *IEph 1029. @ @@`476. List of Kouretes under prytan[is Ti(berius) Claudius] Tuen[dianus &3ne&]&3oteros&; AD 117%3`138; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B49 (PH); *IEph 1049. @ @@`477. List of Kouretes [under prytanis] Iulia Peisonis; AD 120%3`150; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959 Beibl. 299%19`302 (PH); FiE IX 1 no. B30 (PH); *IEph 1030. @ @@`478. List of Kouretes beginning with Tib(erius) Ar[relius?] Iulianu[s]; AD 120%3`150; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B31 (PH); *IEph 1031. @ @@`479. List of Kouretes under prytanis Altalis [ ... ]ou; c. AD 120%3`130; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 46, 1961, 23 (part); FiE IX 1 no. B26 (PH); *IEph 1026. @ @@`480. List of Kouretes under prytanis G(aius) Terentius Flavianus; AD c. 130%3`140; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B32 (PH); *IEph 1032. @ @@`481. List of Kouretes under [prytan]i[s] P(ublius) Cara[i]dius Epiphanes; c. AD 130%3`140; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B33 (PH); *IEph 1033. @ @@`482. List of Kouretes under prytanis L(ucius) Cerrinius Paetus; c. AD 130%3`140; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B34 (PH); *IEph 1034. @ @@`483. List of Kouretes under prytanis G(aius) Servilius Menandros; 2&7m&; found at Ephesos: CIG 2983 (part); FiE IX 1 no. B36 (PH); *IEph 1036. @ @@`484. List of Kouretes under prytanis G(aius) Iulius Princeps; 2&7m&; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959 Beibl. 305%19`306, Abb. 146 (PH); FiE IX 1 no. B37 and B52 (PH)%7 *IEph 1037. @ @@`485. List of Kouretes beginning with [ ... ]us Maximus &3bou&(&3leutes&); 2&7m&; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B38 (PH); *IEph 1038. @ @@`486. List of Kouretes under prytanis Asiaticus Tiberius; c. AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B42 (PH); *IEph 1042. @ @@`487. List of Kouretes [under prytanis L(ucius) Octavius Metrodoros?]; c. AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959 Beibl. 370, col. b (PH); FiE IX 1 no. B43 (PH); *IEph 1043. @ @@`488. List of Kouretes under prytanis (no name), beginning with G(aius) Fl(avius) Theophilos Proerosianos; c. AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959 Beibl. 365%19`368; Robert, AE 1967, 129%19`136; FiE IX 1 no. B44 (PH); *IEph 1044. @ @@`489. List of Kouretes under prytan[is] Ti(berius) Claudius [ ... ]ninus; c. AD 140; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B35 (PH); *IEph 1035. @ @@`490. List of Kouretes under pryta[nis Tib(erius) Claudius Iu]lianus To[ ... ]; 2&4`2&; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B53 (PH); *IEph 1053. @ @@`491. End of list of Kouretes beginning with [ ... Moudi]kis [&3hierophantes&]; AD 150%3`192; found at Ephesos: **FiE IX 1 no. B37a (l. 2); *IEph 1037A. @ @@`492. List of Kouretes beginning with [ ... ]s Venustus and the gerousia; AD 150%3`192; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B39 (PH); *IEph 1039. @ @@`493. List of Kouretes under prytanis Pu(blius) Aelius Pontius Attalianus; AD 150%3`192; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B40 (PH); *IEph 1040. @ @@`494. List of Kouretes under [prytanis Fabius] Faust[inianus]; AD 150%3`192; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B41 (PH); *IEph 1041. @ @@`495. List of Kouretes, beginning with Ful(vius) Mes[su]leius Aratos; AD 161%3`180; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B45 (PH); *IEph 1045. @ @@`496. List of Kouretes, beginning with [ ... ]cianus; AD c. 167%3`191?; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. B42a (PH); *IEph 1042A. @ @@`497. Fragments of list of Kouretes under prytanis emperor (no name); 3&7b&; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 Nachtrag no. N2 (PH); *IEph 1057. @ @@`498. List of Kouretes under prytanis Gaius Iul(ius) Epagathos; 3&7b&; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. C2 (PH); *IEph 1061. @ @@`499. Fragment of list of Kouretes, beginning with [ ... ]os Demo[kr]atous; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. E1 (PH); *IEph 1046. @ @@`500. Beginning of list of Kouretes under pr[ytanis (no name)]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1055. @ @@`501. Fragment of list of [Kour]etes (?); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1056. @ @@`502. Fragment of list of Kouretes (?), including [Ap]ollonid[ ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 123%19`124, no. 119. @ See also: Ephesos 242, 595, 1140, 1391. @ @@@@Section: 8b. Lists of Neopoioi (503%19`528) @ @@`503. List of neopoioi of &3phylai,& beginning with [ ... ] Mandrylou Sperchyleos; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 945. @ @@`504. Fragment of list of neopoioi, including M(arcus) Tuccius Silva[nus]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 946A; JO+AI 53, 97%19`98, no. 28. @ @@`505. List of neopoioi, including [ ... ... ]ianos &3bouleutes&; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 949. @ @@`506. Fragment of list of neopoioi, recording transfer of Ma(rcus) Antonius Pau[ ... ] from one &3phyle& to another; Roman; found at Ephesos: LW 136c; *IEph 953. @ @@`507. Fragment of list of neopoioi under Pupia[nus]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2927. @ @@`508. List of n[eopoioi] under pry[tanis Flavia] Voconia An[ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 4, no. 6; GIBM 579b; *IEph 1579.b. @ @@`509. List of neopoioi, beginning with [ ... A]lkmeon[io]s, &3naukleros&; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 946. @ @@`510. List of neopoioi, mentioning &3phyle& Sebaste; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 949A. @ @@`511. Beginning of list of neopoioi, dated by prytanis Tiberius [Cl]audius Diodoros Romu[lu]s; imperial; found at Ephesos: CIG 2982; LW 152; *IEph 950. @ @@`512. Fragment of list of neopoioi, including Ti[b(erius)] Iuliu[s ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 968. @ @@`513. List of neopoioi, beginning with [ ... C]laudius Theophilos; imperial; found at Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 205%19`206, no. 14; GIBM 573; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 16; *IEph 1573. @ @@`514. List of neopoioi, including Iulius Stachys; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2926. @ @@`515. List of neopoioi, including Verrius Sca[ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2948D; JO+AI 53, 120, no. 108. @ @@`516. Fragment of list of neopoioi, mentioning &3ch&(&3iliastys&) Klaudie[us]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 139, no. 4358; SEG 34, 1118. @ @@`517. List of neopoioi, beginning with [Pr]ytanis Protogenou; c. 4%3`3 BC; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 4, no. 13; GIBM 574; *IEph 1574 and Add. p. 26. @ @@`518. List of neopoioi, beginning with [Theo]philos Theophilou; c. 2&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 21 (PH); Knibbe, JO+AI 46, 1961, 21%19`22; *IEph 4331. @ @@`519. Fragment of list of neopoioi, mentioning Neikon Eisidoros, who changed his &3phyle&; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 93%19`94 no. 20b; Knibbe, JO+AI 46, 1961, 26; AnnEpig 1966, 442.b; *IEph 956A. @ @@`520. List of neopoioi of year, including [ ... ] Charidemou; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 590b; *IEph 1590B and Add. p. 26. @ @@`521. List of neopoioi, including Hierokles Tryphonos E[u]rypompeos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 941A. @ @@`522. Fragment of list of neopoioi (?), beginning with [K]nosos Knos[ou]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 942A. @ @@`523. Fragment of list (?) of neopoioi, mentioning [ ... ]ou Sperchyleios; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 943A. @ @@`524. List of neopoioi, beginning with [ ... A]pollodor[ou Kast]laios; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 945A. @ @@`525. List of neopoioi, including (no name) in &3phy&(&3le&) of [B]embeinaioi; no date; found at Ephesos: CIG 2956; *IEph 954. @ @@`526. Beginning of list of neopoioi; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 566 *IEph 1566. @ @@`527. Fragment of list of neopoioi (?); no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 568; *IEph 1568. @ @@`528. Fragment of list of neopoioi referring to [&3ch&(&3iliastys&) G]laukeo[s]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2950D; JO+AI 53, 117, no. 97. @ See also: Ephesos 595, 605%19`636, 739, 978, 1095, 1112, 1126, 1145, 1166, 1185, 1444, 3525, 3568, 3582, 3584, 3609%19`3610, 3627. @ @@@@Section: 8c. Lists of Victors (529%19`545) @ @@`529. List of victors in musical competition, beginning with [&3au&]&3letes& [Tit(us A]ur(elius) Beryl[lus] of [Aizanoi] and Ephesos; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1149. @ @@`530. Beginning of list of victors (?) under [&3agonothetes Tib(erius)] Iulius Rheg[einos, Asiarch]; 2&7m&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1106A(C). @ @@`531. List of victors at [Megala A]sklepeia; AD 135; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, ZPE 44, 1981, 2%19`3; *IEph 4101B; SEG 31, 954; JO+AI 53, 136, no. 146. @ @@`532. List of victors in competition of &3iatroi,& beginning with Pu(blius) Aelius Glykon; AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 8, 1905, 129%19`130, no.'s b%19c; *IEph 1161. @ @@`533. List of victors in competition of &3iatroi,& beginning with Pu(blius) Ve(dius) Rufinus; AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 8, 1905, 128%19`129, no. a; *IEph 1162 and Add. p. 24. @ @@`534. Fragment of list of victors in competition of &3iatroi, beginning with [Pu(blius)] Aelius Men[andros] &3ne&(&3oteros&); AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 8, 1905, 130, no. d; *IEph 1163. @ @@`535. Fragment of list of victors in competition of &3iatroi, beginning with sons of Aelius Menandros &3archiatros&; AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 8, 1905, 131, no. e; AnnEpig 1905, 150; *IEph 1164. @ @@`536. Fragment of list of victors in competition of &3iatroi, beginning with [Pu(blius) Aelius Me]nandros &3archiatros&; AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 8, 1905, 131, no. f; Merkelbach, ZPE 29, 1978, 148; SEG 28, 860; *IEph 1165. @ @@`537. Fragment of list of victors in competition of &3iatroi, beginning with Pu(blius) Aeli[us ... ]; AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 8, 1905, 133, no. i; Merkelbach, ZPE 29, 1978, 148; SEG 28, 860; *IEph 1165A. @ @@`538. Fragment of list of victors in competition of &3iatroi, including Pu(blius) Ael[ius] Damarion; AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 8, 1905, 132, no. g; *IEph 1166. @ @@`539. Fragment of list of victors in competition of &3iatroi, beginning with [Menandros &3archi&]&3atros&; AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 8, 1905, 132, no. h; *IEph 1167. @ @@`540. Beginning of list of victors in competition of &3iatroi under priest of [Asklepios] Caecilianus [ ... ]; AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1168. @ @@`541. Fragment of list of victors in competition of [&3iatroi&] (?), mentioning [Pu(blius) Aelius Secu]ndus; AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1169. @ @@`542. Beginning of list of victors (?) under [archon?] Commodus; AD 185%3`192; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1106A(B); BE 1981:462. @ @@`543. Beginning of list of victors (?) under [prytani]s M(arcus) Aur(elius) Metrodoros; 3&7b&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1106A(A). @ @@`544. List of victors in athletic contests, beginning with Mousaios Solonos, on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1082; BE 1981:462. @ @@`545. Beginning of list of victors at Megala Artemeisia, on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1103A. @ See also: Ephesos 684, 757; IG II&4`2& 2313, col. II l. 36 (list of victors at Panathenaia includes for &3pale& (no name) Nikonos of Ephesos; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 2315 l. 19 (list of victors at Panathenaia includes for &3pygme& Ap[o]ll[o]doro[s] (?) Theodorou of [Ephe]sos (?); found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 2319 l. 60 (list of victors at Lenaia includes comedy [&3Ephe&]&3siai&; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 2323 l. 151 (%6 SEG 25, 194) (list of victors at Dionysia includes comedy &3Ephesioi&; found in Attica); IG VII 4147, ll. 6%19`7 (list of victors at Ptoia includes &3salpistes& Theogenes Theogenous of Ephesos; found near Akraiphiai in Boeotia); Biers %9 Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, l. 121 (list of victors includes [ ... R]ufus of Ephesos; found at Corinth); IG IX 2, 528 (list of victors includes &3auletes& [ ... ]n Pythionos of Ephesos; found at Larisa in Thessaly); Magnesia 146, ll. 4%19`5 (%6 IMagnesia 88.b) (%6 Syll&4`3 1079) (%6 Syll&4`2& 699) (%6 MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 97, no. A2) (list of victors in Rhomaia includes tragic poet Glaukon Glaukonos of Ephesos; found at Magnesia Mai.); Magnesia 147, l. 4 (%6 IMagnesia 88.c) (%6 Syll&4`3& 1079) (%6 Syll&4`2& 699) (%6 MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 97, no. B1) (list of victors includes tragic poet Ptolemaios Diodorou of Ephesos; found at Magnesia Mai.); Magnesia 148, l. 4 (%6 IMagnesia 88.d) (%6 Syll&4`3& 1079) (%6 Syll&4`2& 699) (%6 MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 97, no. B2) (list of victors in Rhomaia includes comic poet Agathenor Aristonaktos of Ephesos; found at Magnesia Mai.); Samos 167, part 2 l. 27 %9 part 4 l. 18 (%6 Michel 899) (%6 Kirchhoff, Monatsber. Berl. Akad. 1859, 739, 1) (list of victors in athletic competitions of gymnasium lists two victories by Perigenes Perigenou of Ephesos; found on Samos); Samos 170 (%6 JHS 7, 1886, 149) (%6 Michel 901) (list of victors at Heraia includes Apollonios Alkippou of Ephesos; found on Samos); IG VII 1776 (list of victors at Megala Kaisarea Sebastea Mousei[a] includes &3salpiktes& Pu(blius) Aelius Serapion of Ephesos; found at Thespiai). @ @@@@Section: 8d. Other Lists of Names (546%19`593) @ @@`546. List of agonothetes of Dionysia; 51%3`17 BC; found at Ephesos: FiE II 30 and Anhang II pp. 199%19`202; *IEph 9. @ @@`547. List (?) of contributors, including G(aius) Iul(ius) Kyknos; AD 212%3`300?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 970. @ @@`548. List of contributors in consulship of Cattius Sabinus and Cornelius Anullinus; AD 216; found at Ephesos: *IEph 971, col. 1. @ @@`549. List of contributors in consulship of Bruttius Praesens and Messius Extricatus; AD 217; found at Ephesos: *IEph 971, col. 2. @ @@`550. List of ephebes, beginning with son of Iulius Lucullus; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1151. @ @@`551. List of ephebes, beginning with [ ... ]on Theodotou; prob. I; found at Ephesos: *IEph 904A. @ @@`552. List of names, probably of ephebes, including Menekrates Peuko[laou]; prob. I; found at Ephesos: *IEph 905A. @ @@`553. Fragments of list of names (of ephebes (?) or molpoi (?) ) including Alexa[ndros]; I; found at Ephesos: *IEph 898. @ @@`554. List of names of ephebes or molpoi, including [Me]tras [P]ossidos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 899. @ @@`555. List of grammateis of gerousia, beginning with Mar(cus) Aur(elius) Parnassos; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 972. @ @@`556. List of gymnasiarchai, including Pompei[us] Titianus Amoenus Quartinus; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1150. @ @@`557. List of &3hiereis& (of cult of Goddess Rome?), beginning with Apollonios Passalas; I&7e&; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 15%19`20, no. 6 (PH); AnnEpig 1975, 799; SEG 26, 1243; *IEph 902; SEG 30, 1306; **Engelmann, EA 8, 1986, 34 (l. 9); SEG 36, 1020. @ @@`558. List of &3hiereis,& dated by &3hiereus& of Dionysos [Propat]or, [Zeus Panhel]lenios, and Hephaistos; AD 180%3`192; found at Ephesos: GIBM 600; Quandt, De Baccho 161, 265%19`266; Vidman, Syll. 300; FiE IX 12 no. D5 (PH); *IEph 1600. @ @@`559. List of &3leu&[&3kophorountes&], beginning with Tib(erius) Cl(audius) Quadratus; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 907. @ @@`560. List of names of magistrates, including Sma[rag]dos; Roman; found at Ephesos: GIBM 603.a%19e; *IEph 1603.1%19`5. @ @@`561. List of magistrates, including [&3bo&]&3u&[&3leu&]&3tes [Sperch]yl[eo]s; imperial; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 32; *IEph 4332. @ @@`562. List of names (of molpoi or gerousiastai), beginning with [Arist]okles Aristokleious, on base; prob. III%3II; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 8, no. 8; FiE IV 1 no. 3 (PH, part); *IEph 4103. @ @@`563. List of names (of molpoi or ephebes?), beginning with Di[o]nysodoros Diogenous; II; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 42, 1955 Beibl. 40%19`42; SEG 15, 697; *IEph 903. @ @@`564. List of molpoi, beginning with Diogenes Artemono[s]; imperial; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 46, 1961 Beibl. 24; *IEph 906 and Add. p. 22. @ @@`565. Fragment of list of [molpoi], including Kleitos Pythonos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1897A. @ @@`566. List of mystai of Dionysos pro poleos, beginning with M(arcus) Anton[i]us Drosos; AD 117%3`138; found at Ephesos: GIBM 601.a%19z; SEG 28, 857; *IEph 1601.a%19z. @ @@`567. List of mystai of Dionysos; 2; found at Ephesos: GIBM 602.a%19q; SEG 27, 735; *IEph 1602.a%19q. @ @@`568. Fragment of list of Dionysiac mystai; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1268. @ @@`569. List of nearchoi under gymnasiarch Artemis; 1%3`2; found at Ephesos: Keil, AAWW 88, 1951, 336, no. 4 (part); SEG 17, 513; *IEph 1143. @ @@`570. List of names (of officers?), including Plouta[rchos]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1831. @ @@`571. List of prytaneis in dative case, beginning with [T]erentia Flaviane, on base; c. 2&7e&; found at Ephesos: Keil, AAWW 82, 1945, 10%19`18, no. B; *IEph 1135A. @ @@`572. Death sentence passed against men of Sardis who abused &3theoroi& from Ephesos, with list of the condemned, stoichedon; IV&4`2&; found at Ephesos: Eichler, AAWW 99, 1962, 50%19`52; Knibbe, JO+AI 46, 1961, 175%19`182; Fu+hrer Selc%25uk 95%19`97; Wankel, ZPE 24, 1977, 219%19`221; SEG 27, 733; *IEph 2 (PH) and Add. p. 1; **Engelmann, EA 8, 1986, 33 (l. 15); BE 1988:400; **SEG 36, 1011 (ll. 31%19`32). @ @@`573. List of names, including Mestor Thrasyboulou; IV&7e&%3I; found at Ephesos: *IEph 976. @ @@`574. Fragment of list of names, including [ ... Py]thagorou; IV&7e&%3I; found at Ephesos: *IEph 906A. @ @@`575. List of names, including Xeno[n]; IV&7e&%3III; found at Ephesos: *IEph 977. @ @@`576. List of names, including [Pu(blius) Car]sidius Rogatus; Roman; found at Ephesos: GIBM 716 (part); *IEph 908. @ @@`577. Fragment of list of names, including [Ny]mphidios Klem[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 972A. @ @@`578. List of consilium of Roman magistrate rendering decision at end of document containing Senatus Consultum concerning territory of Pergamon; II%3I; found at Ephesos, text identical with inscriptions found at Adramyttion and Smyrna; Sherk 12; IEph …975 and Add. p. 23; *Petzl, EA 6, 1985, 70%19`71 (PH); Smyrna 29 (%6 ISmyrna 589); SEG 33, 986. @ @@`579. List of names, beginning with Artemidoros Aristoboulou; prob. II; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 48, 1966%19`1967 Beibl. 19%19`22, no. 9 (PH); BE 1971:573; *IEph 905. @ @@`580. List of names, including [Al]exandros; I; found at Ephesos: GIBM 686; *IEph 1686. @ @@`581. List of names (of members of athletic society?), including Adamantios; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2948A; JO+AI 53, 118%19`119, no. 103. @ @@`582. List of names, including [ ... ] Aelius Heroph[ilos]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 909. @ @@`583. Fragment of list of names, beginning with Moscho[s Me]trodo[rou]; prob. 1; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 685; *IEph 1685. @ @@`584. List of names, beginning with [Mar]cus [Ul]pius Alypos; c. AD 120; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 46%19`48, no. 14 (PH); SEG 26, 1248; *IEph 904. @ @@`585. List of names, including [Al]exas; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 979A. @ @@`586. Fragment of list of names, including [Apo]llonia; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 978. @ @@`587. List of names, including [L]ykoitio[s]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 908A. @ @@`588. Fragment of list of names, including [Me]nophantos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 898A. @ @@`589. Fragment of list of names in alphabetical order, including Mousaio[s]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 979. @ @@`590. Fragment of list of names, including [N]ymphas Tyrranionos; no date; found at Ephesos?: *IEph 974A. @ @@`591. List of names, beginning with Theophilos Soterionos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 903A. @ @@`592. Fragment of list of names, including [Zoi]los Dio[ ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 907A. @ @@`593. Fragment of list of names, beginning with [ ... A]polla Phygelos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 909A. @ See also: Ephesos 918%19`919; Charneux, BCH 90, 19666, p. 157, col. II, l. 8%19`9 (list of &3thearodokoi& includes Herakl[ ... ] in Ephesos and Anax[ ... ] in Pygela; found at Argos); IG II&4`2& 1956, ll. 104%19`105 (list of mercenaries includes Kn[2o]2sos of Ephesos; found in Attica); ID 5, 2595 col. I ll. 43%19`44 (list of officials at &3Hermeia& includes among &3agonothetai& Diodoros Diognetou of Ephesos; found on Delos); Robert, BCH 70, 1946, 512, l. 10 (list of &3theorodokoi& mentions Sim[ias] Simiou at Ephesos; found at Delphi); ICrete 4 Gortyn 206.B ll. 1%19`2 (list of &3proxenoi& of Gortyn includes [Zo]pyros Thrasymachou of Ephesos and &3ekgonoi&; found at Gortyn on Crete); ICrete 4 Gortyn 208.C l. 2 (list of &3proxenoi& of Gortyn includes Ariston Philinou of Ephesos and &3genos&; found at Gortyn on Crete); Lindos II 276.III, l. 6 (list of names includes Eumenes of Ephes[os]; found on Rhodes); Lindos II 277, l. 1 (list of names includes Xenon of Ephesos; found on Rhodes); IG XII 8, 164, ll. 10%19`12 (list of &3proxenoi& includes Theophis Nikostratou and Themistagoras Euelthontos from Ephesos; found on Samothrace); IG XII 8, 170, ll. 85%19`88 (list of &3theoroi includes Theodotos Badromiou and two other individuals from Ephesos; found on Samothrace); IG XII 8, 186, ll. 24%19`26 (list of &3hieropoioi& includes Dionysios and Eusyes of Ephesos; found on Samothrace); Samothrace II 1 no. 23b (list of &3theoroi& includes Herakleitos [ ... ] and two other individuals from Ephesos; found on Samothrace); Lagina 13, l. 18 (%6 IStratonikeia 508) (%6 OGIS 441) (Ephesos listed among cities accepting &3asylia& of temple of Hekate at Lagina; found at Lagina near Stratonikeia); IG IX 1&4`2 17, l. 114 (list of persons granted citizenship includes He[r]mo[l]aos Danaou of Ephesos; found at Thermus). @ ҏ@@@@Section: 8e. Other Inscriptions (594%19`604) @ @@`594. Decision [of Ephesos] in boundary dispute between Aigai and a neighboring city (no name); c. III; found at Ephesos: GIBM 526; OGIS 40 (part); *IEph 1526. @ @@`595. Neopoioi and Kouretes hire out right to sell incense; III; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 2 (PH); FiE IX 1 no. A1 (PH); *IEph 4102. @ @@`596. List of charges of &3antigraphion&; I&7e&; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, AAWW 41, 1904, 57%19`59; Heberdey, JO+AI 7, 1904 Beibl. 43%19`45; Weiss, JO+AI 18, 1915 Beibl. 285%19`306; *IEph 14 (PH) and Add. p. 1. @ @@`597. Fragments of official document mentioning [K]allea[s?]; imperial; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 715; *IEph 1715. @ @@`598. Inscription recording resurvey of territory of Artemis; prob. 27 BC%3AD 14; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 30, 1937 Beibl. 195%19`196, no. 3; *IEph 3513.a; **Engelmann, EA 8, 1986, 35 (l. 7); SEG 36, 1026&3bis. @ @@`599. Inscription recording resurvey of territory of Artemis; prob. 27 BC%3AD 14; found at Ephesos: *IEph 3513.b. @ @@`600. List of ethnics of province of Asia, organized by dioceses; prob. AD 70%3`89; found at Ephesos: Habicht, JRS 65, 1975, 64%19`91 (PH); BE 1976:595; *IEph 13 (PH) and Add. p. 1; SEG 37, 884. @ @@`601. Document establishing foundation for library in honor of [Tib(erius) Iulius Celsus] Polemaeanus by Tib(erius) Iulius Aquila [Polem]aeanus; 2&4`1&; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, AAWW 42, 1905, 83%19`84; Heberdey, JO+AI 8, 1905 Beibl. 67; AnnEpig 1906, 28; Laum 77 (part); FiE V 1 no. 13; Corbier, Aerarium 373 no. 4 (part); Vetters, AAWW 114, 1977, Taf. IX (PH); *IEph 5113. @ @@`602. Additional benefaction of Gaius Vibius Salutaris donating statues; AD 104; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 6, no. 1, col. 6, ll. 74%19`96; GIBM 481, 481*; FiE II no. 27G; Laum 9; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 3, ll. 447%19`568; *IEph 27G (PH) and IEph 27 frag. 2. @ @@`603. Record of &3epheb&[&3o&]&3i& singing during visit of Hadrian to polis; AD 129; found at Ephesos: Keil, AAWW 88, 1951, 335, no. 3; SEG 17, 504; Smallwood, Doc.'s Nerva 72b; *IEph 1145. @ @@`604. Document recording testamentary dispute in Dorian city (?) dated by &3stephanephoros& R[ ... ]; no date; found at Phygela: *IEph 3131. @ See also: FDelphes III 1, 54 (document recording grant of &3proxenia,& etc. to Alkidamas [ ... ]iou of Ephesos and family; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 1, 121 (document recording grant of &3promanteia& etc. and renewing &3proxenia& for Dynatos Themistou and brother Argeios, both of Ephesos, and families; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 1, 122 (document recording grant of &3proxenia,& etc. to Sostratos Kephalonos and brothers Theopompos and Themistos, all of Ephesos, and families; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 1, 420 (document recording grant of [&3pr&]&3oxenia,& etc. to Monounio[s] Sophokleo[us] of E[2ph]2esos by Delphi; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 4, 117 (document recording grant of &3politeia,& etc. to [Clau]dius Secundus of Ephe[sos] by [D]e[l]phi; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 4, 416 face right (document recording grant of &3proxenia,& etc. to [A]thenagoras [D]iphilou of Ephesos by Delphi; found at Delphi); IEph 3805, col. I l. 4 (catastral list of Hypaipa mentions Eph(esos); found at Hypaipa in Kaystros Valley); IEph 3856 (inscription recording purchase of &3komarchia& (of Hypaipa) by Aur(elius) Marcus of Ephesos; found at Hypaipa in Kaystros Valley); IEph 3247 (inscription recording gift of Aur(elius) Lareisaios of Ephesos for office of &3logisteia (of Apateirenon Katoikia); found at Tire in Kaystros Valley); Magnesia 162, ll. d 4, d 8, d 12, e 13, e 15, f 9, h 2 (%6 IMagnesia 122) (cadastral inscription includes declarations of Ioulia Eph(esia) and other individuals from Ephesos; found at Magnesia Mai.); Miletos 97 (%6 Milet I 2 9) (%6 Syll&4`3& 134) (%6 Tod 113) (%6 Piccirilli 36) (foreign judges deciding boundary dispute between Miletos and Myous include judges from Ephesos; found at Miletos); Miletos 112 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 70) (record of grant of citizenship of Miletos to [ ... o]n Glaukou of Ephesos and others; found at Miletos); Miletos 122 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 86) (record of grant of citizenship of Miletos to [ ... ] Metrodorou of Eph[esos] and others; found at Miletos); Miletos 130 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 67) (record of grant of citizenship of Miletos to [ ... And]rognetou of Ephesos and others; found at Miletos); Miletos 134.2, col. II, l. 6 (%6 Chiron 18, 1988, 399, 7) (record of grant of citizenship of Miletos to individuals from Ephes%1[os] and elsewhere; found at Miletos); Miletos 135.5, ll. 5, 7 (%6 Chiron 18, 1988, 396, no. 5) (record of grant of citizenship of Miletos to individuals from Ephesos and elsewhere; found at Miletos); Miletos 139 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 41) (record of grant of citizenship of Miletos to Demokles and Platon of Ephesos and others; found at Miletos); Miletos 148 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 46) (record of grant of citizenship of Miletos to Platthis of Ephesos and others; found at Miletos); Miletos 152 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 75) (record of grant of citizenship of Miletos to Dion of Ephesos and others; found at Miletos); Miletos 157 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 80) (record of grant of citizenship of Miletos to Syraina of Ephesos and others; found at Miletos); Miletos 164 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 57) (record of grant of citizenship of Miletos to Atheno of Ephesos and others; found at Miletos); Miletos 176 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 95) (record of grant of citizenship of Miletos to two &3proxenoi& of Miletos in Ephesos; found at Miletos); APergamon VIII 1 no. 245C, l. 48 (decision of Pergamon in dispute between Mytilene and Pitane refers to letter of Antiochos, posted in Ephesos; found at Pergamon); Priene 162 (%6 IPriene 37 %7 38) (%6 Syll&4`3& 599) (decision of Rhodian judges in territorial dispute between Priene and Samos refers to Marathesion, Phygela, and hearing of case at temple of Artemis in Ephesos; found at Priene); IG XII 1, 127 (record of athletic society mention two individuals from Ephesos; found on Rhodes); CIG 6829 (%6 Merkelbach, ZPE 58, 1985, 136%19`138), ll. 20%19`22 (Aur(elius) Ancharenos of Ephesos listed as archon of &3hiera &3synodos& of Dionysiac Artists in document concerning adornment of statue of Dionysos; now at Florence, prob. from Rome); ILS 1988 (military diploma in Latin for P(ublius) Gralti(us) Provincial(is) &3Ipesius&; found at Stabiae). @ ݏ@@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (605%19`946) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Thanksgivings by Neopoioi (605%19`636) @ @@`605. Thanksgiving [to Artemis] by [neo]poios Ateimetos; imperial?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 4, no. 4; GIBM 579a2; *IEph 1579.a ll. 10%19`15. @ @@`606. Thanksgiving to [Artemis Sotei]ra by [n]eopo[ios M(arcus) Au]r(elius) Horte[nsius]; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2928 (%6 944) and Add. p. 22. @ @@`607. Thanksgiving to Artemis by neopoios Aur(elius) [N]eikonianos Eu[k]arpos; 3?; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 120, no. 4211; **SEG 34, 1125 (l. 8); BE 1987:194. @ @@`608. Thanksgiving to Artemis by neop[oios] Ar[ ... ] Eukles; imperial?; found at Ephesos: GIBM 590a4; *IEph 1590A.4. @ @@`609. Thanksgiving to Artemis by n[eopoios] Heliodoros [Ph]ilippou; imperial?; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 50, no. 93; *IEph 961 ll. 7%19`12. @ @@`610. Thanksgiving to Artemis by neopoios Hermogenes Sosthenou; no date; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 49, no. 89; *IEph 960, col. 1. @ @@`611. Thanksgiving to Artemis by neopoios Iuventius Iuventii; Roman; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 49, no. 90; *IEph 960, col. 2. @ @@`612. Thanksgiving by [K]leandros Teimotheou (neopoios?); imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 50, no. 93a; *IEph 941. @ @@`613. Thanksgiving to Artemis by [n]eopoios Metrodoros Dama; no date; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 4, no. 3; GIBM 588b; *IEph 1588.b. @ @@`614. Thanksgiving to Art[emis] by neopoios Qu(intus) Cas[ ... ] Metrodoros; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 967. @ @@`615. Thanksgiving by [neopoios] Ulpius [ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 969. @ @@`616. Thanksgiving to Artemis by neopoios T(itus) Fl(avius) Alexandros Aelianus; imperial; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 4, no. 8; *IEph 962. @ @@`617. Thanksgiving to Artemis by neopoios T(itus) Fl(avius) Asklepiodoros; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Ephesos: Soterios, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 113, ll. 7%19`22 (PH); AnnEpig 1926, 15; SEG 4, 535; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 18, ll. 8%19`23; *IEph 957, ll. 8%19`23. @ @@`618. Thanksgiving to Art[emis] by neo[poi]os [T(itus) Fl(avius)? L]uciu[s]; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 36, 1946 Beibl. 13.4; Hellenica 5, 59%19`63, no. B; *IEph 958. @ @@`619. Thanksgiving to Artemis by neopoios Sextus Pompeius Eutyches; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 50, no. 92; *IEph 961, ll. 1%19`6. @ @@`620. Thanksgiving to Artemis by neopoios G(aius) Scaptius Frontinus; 2&4`2&?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 4, no. 2; GIBM 578c; *IEph 1578B. @ @@`621. Thanksgiving to Artemis by [neopoios St]ephanos Synetou; imperial; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 4, no. 4; GIBM 579a1; *IEph 1579.a, ll. 1%19`9. @ @@`622. Thanksgiving to [Ar]temis by [neopoios] M(arcus) Tulliu[s ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 580; *IEph 1580. @ @@`623. Thanksgiving to Ar[temis] by neopoios Apolloni[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos?: *IEph 963. @ @@`624. Thanksgiving to [Artemis] by neop[oios] Pu(blius) Co[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 582; *IEph 1582.b. @ @@`625. Thanksgiving to Ar[temis] by neopoios [ ... ]s; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 940. @ @@`626. Thanksgiving [to Artemis] by neopoios (no name), husband of Pomp(eia) Aphrodeis[i]as; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 49, no 91; *IEph 959 and Add. p. 23. @ @@`627. Thanksgiving [to Artemis] by [neopoios] (no name) and family, including children [I]unia and Melite; imperial; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 589a; *IEph 1589.a. @ @@`628. Thanksgiving by [neopoios] (no name) and family, including son N[ ... ] Demostrat[os]; imperial; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 589b; *IEph 1589.b. @ @@`629. Thanksgiving to [Artemis] by [n]eopoios (no name) and family, including son T(itus) Fl(avius) Valens; imperial; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 4, no. 12; GIBM 590a2; *IEph 1590A.2. @ @@`630. Thanksgiving by neopoios (no name), brother of Diogenes; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: Soterios, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 113, ll. 1%19`6 (PH); AnnEpig 1926, 15; SEG 4, 535; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 18, ll. 1%19`7; *IEph 957, ll. 1%19`7. @ @@`631. Thanksgiving to Ar[temis] by [neo]poi[os] (no name); 2?; found at Ephesos: GIBM 586a; *IEph 1586a. @ @@`632. End of thanksgiving by neopoios (no name) (?), dated by prytanis Cl(audia) Severa; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 46, 1960 Beibl. 94, no. 20.a; AnnEpig 1966, 442.a; *IEph 956. @ @@`633. Thanksgiving by (?) neopoios (no name) and family, including son [Cha]rixenos; AD 161%3`180; found at Ephesos: *IEph 940A(b). @ @@`634. Thanksgiving to Artemis by [neopoios] (no name), dated by &3archiskeptouchos& Au(relius) Poseidon[ios] Eutychionos; 3?; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 581; *IEph 1581. @ @@`635. Thanksgiving to [Art]emis by [neopoios] (no name); no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 582a; *IEph 1582.a. @ @@`636. Thanksgiving by [neopoios] (no name) and fellow magistrates; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 588a; *IEph 1588.a. @ See also: Ephesos 193. @ @@@@Section: 9b. Other Thanksgivings (637%19`660) @ @@`637. Thanksgiving by agoranomos [ ... P]ompe[ius ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: GIBM 584; *IEph 1584. @ @@`638. Thanksgiving by agoranomos [ ... ]rios A[ ... ] (?); imperial; found at Ephesos: GIBM 583; *IEph 1583. @ @@`639. Thanksgiving (?) by [bou]larchos (no name) &3neo&(&3teros&); 2?; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 586b; *IEph 1586.b. @ @@`640. Thanksgiving to the goddess and &3kyria& Sotei[ra] and the Tyche of the Gerousia, by [M(arcus)] Aur(elius) Agathopous, grammateus and gymnasiarch; 2&7e&%3`3; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 6, no. 4; GIBM 587b; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 20, ll. 6%19`15; *IEph 1587.b. @ @@`641. Thanksgiving to Hestia Boulaia, Pyr aphtharton, Demeter, Kore, Apollo Klarios, the god Kinnaios, and all the gods, by &3hestiouchos& Ael(ius) Elpidephoros and others; 3&7b&; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959 Beibl. 291, note 66; FiE IX 1 no. F12 (PH); *IEph 1072. @ @@`642. Thanksgiving to Hestia Boulaia, Pyr aphtharton, and all the gods, by &3hestiouchos& Aur(elius) Euporistos and &3kalathephoros Aur(elia) Teimothea; 3&7b&; found at Ephesos: Keil, Anat. Studies Buckler 121, no. 5; FiE IX 1 no. F10 (PH); *IEph 1070. @ @@`643. Thanksgiving to Hestaia Boulaia and all the gods, by &3hestiouchos& Eutyches Euphrosynou, in prytany of empress; 3&7b&; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. F13 (PH); *IEph 1078. @ @@`644. Thanksgiving to Hestia Boulaia, [D]em[e]ter, Kore, and all the gods, by [&3hestiouchos&] Liboniano[s]; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. N5 (PH); *IEph 1070A. @ @@`645. Thanksgiving to [Hes]tia Boulaia, [Pyr aphthar]ton, Demeter, [K]ore, [Apollo Klarios], and god [ ... ], by [&3k&]&3alathephoros& One[si]m[e]; 3&7b&; found at Ephesos: Keil, Anat. Studies Buckler 121%19`122, no. 6; FiE IX 1 no. F11 (PH); *IEph 1071. @ @@`646. Thanksgiving by magistrate (no name) mentioning &3thysiai&; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 585; *IEph 1585. @ @@`647. Thanksgiving to [Artemis] by cult official (no name) and family, including daughter [ ... ] Demokrateie; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 598; *IEph 1598. @ @@`648. Thanksgiving by priest (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 947. @ @@`649. Thanksgiving to Hestia and all the gods by prytanis Aurelia Iuliane; 3&7b&; found at Ephesos: Keil, Anat. Studies Buckler 121, no. 4; FiE IX 1 no. F7; *IEph 1066. @ @@`650. Thanksgiving to [Hestia Boulaia] &3epekoos,& [all the gods], and the Tyche of the pol[is], for success of prytanis M(arcus) Aur(elius) Ag[a]thopous; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Ephesos: GIBM 596a; FiE IX 1 no. F9; *IEph 1069. @ @@`651. Thanksgiving to [Hestia B]oulaia, Py[r aphtharton], Demeter, Kore, and all the gods, by prytanis [Aur]unce[ius ... ]drou; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: GIBM 597 (part9; *FiE IX 1 Nachtrag no. N4 (PH, part); IEph 1058 and 1597. @ @@`652. Thanksgiving to Hestia Boulai[2a]2, Demeter, Kore, Pyr aphtharton, Apollo Klarios, Sopolis, and all the gods, by prytanis Favonia Flaccilla; 3&7b&; found at Ephesos: Keil, Anat. Studies Buckler 120%19`121, no. 3; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 19; FiE IX 1 no. C1 (PH); *IEph 1060. @ @@`653. Thanksgiving to Hestia Boulaia and all the gods, by prytanis Tib(erius) Cl(audius) Artemidoros; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 43, 1956 Beibl. 28; Miltner, AAWW 93, 1956, 48; AnnEpig 1957, 15; SEG 16, 720; FiE IX 1 no. F6 (PH); *IEph 1065. @ @@`654. Thanksgiving to [Hestia Boulaia, P]yr aphtharton, De[meter, Kore, and all the gods], by prytanis [ ... Aris]tonos; 3&7b&; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. F8; *IEph 1067. @ @@`655. Thanksgiving to [Hestia Boulaia and all the gods], by prytanis (no name), mother of Corn[elia] and others; 3&7b&; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 Nachtrag no. 3 (PH, part); *IEph 1059. @ @@`656. Thanksgiving to Hestia Boulaia and &3hoi themelioi& by Lampyris; c. AD 170?; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 47, 1964%19`1965 Beibl. 41%19`44, no. 19 (PH); *IEph 1073. @ @@`657. Thanksgiving to Art[emis] by [ ... ... ]iou; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 943. @ @@`658. Thanksgiving dated by [&3hier&]&3okeryx& [ ... Sa]turninus; Roman; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 6, no. 4; GIBM 587a; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 20, ll. 1%19`5; *IEph 1587.a. @ @@`659. Thanksgiving by (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 778; *IEph 1778. @ @@`660. End of thanksgiving; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2942; JO+AI 53, 116, no. 92. @ See also: Ephesos 842, 929, 2056. @ @@@@Section: 9c. Lists (661%19`664) @ @@`661. List of members of religious society, including [Ne]briskos Heraikou; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 973. @ @@`662. List of members of religious society, beginning with Iul(ia) Theodora; 3; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 141%19`142, no. 4367; **SEG 34, 1095 (ll. 1, 3). @ @@`663. List of names of members of religious society, including [Q]uintus Aur(elius) Te[lephos]; 3&7b&; found at Ephesos: **FiE IX 1 no. N10 (PH) (ll. 13, 21); *IEph 974 and Add. p. 23. @ @@`664. Fragment of list of names (of religious society?); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 973A. @ @@@@Section: 9d. Prayers (664.5%19`667) @ @@`664.5. Jewish prayer to Adonaios, with text in Hebrew on other side, on amulet; no date; found at Smyrna, said to have come from Ephesos: *Keil, JO+AI 32, 1940, 79%19`84 (PH). @ @@`665. Prayer to Artemis to save Asiaticus; Roman; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 46, no. 80; *IEph 1204. @ @@`666. Prayer to Hestia Boulaia and Artemis Ephesia for prytanis Ploutarchos and family; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: CIG 2986; LW 171a; Keil, Anat. Studies Buckler 120, no. 2; FiE IX 1 no. F5; *IEph 1068. @ @@`667. Prayer to [(no name) and] Hestia Boulaia to save Philemon Trophim(es) and others; no date; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 126, no. 4272; SEG 34, 1126. @ See also: Ephesos 2053%19`2055, 2059%19`2060, 2953%19`2975, 3003%19`3024, 3026%19`3029, 3031%19`3044, 3046%19`3053, 3056%19`3060; IG V 1, 1544 (prayer for &3euploia& for I[u]nius Herm[2o]2d[2or]2[ou] from Ephesos; found on Prote in Messenia); IG V 1, 1545 (prayer for &3euploia& for [A]pe[2l]2[l][2a]2s Leontiou of Eph[2e]2so[2s]2; found on Prote in Messenia). @ @@@@Section: 9e. Other Religious Inscriptions (668%19`683) @ @@`668. Cliff inscription of priestess Lais; VI%3II; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1214. @ @@`669. Beginning of religious text, dated by [pryta]nis, priest of Diony[sos] Phleos, and priest of Eleusinian gods; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1270. @ @@`670. Inscription concerning mysteries of goddess; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2913; JO+AI 53, 101, no. 42. @ @@`671. Record of bringing decorations to Artemis by listed &3paides and &3parthenoi,& dated by prytanis F(lavius) Perigenes, with dedication of Tyche; 2; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 142%19`143, no. 4369; SEG 34, 1124. @ @@`672. Record of resurveying of precinct of Artemis; prob. 27 BC%3AD 14; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 8, no. 2 (part); GIBM 525 (part); *IEph 1525. @ @@`673. Inscription dated by &3hiereus& of Demetriastai pro poleos and of mystar of Dionysos Phleus, named Titus Aurelius Ploutarchos; 2&4`2&; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 8, no. 3; GIBM 595; Quandt, De Baccho 161; Merkelbach, ZPE 36, 1979, 152; *IEph 1595. @ @@`674. Inscription identifying statue of Dionysos Oreios Bacchios pro poleos in house of Gaius Flavius Furius Aptus; 2&7e&; found at Ephesos: Vetters, AAWW 117, 1980, 259; Vetters, AAWW 118, 1981, 144; *IEph 1267; SEG 30, 1316; JO+AI 53, 112, no. 79. @ @@`675. Inscription proclaiming name of &3ho theos& to be great; prob. 3; found at Arvalia: Keil, JO+AI 11, 1908 Beibl. 154%19`156, no. 1 (PH); Keil, AAWW 91, 1954, 220; *IEph 3100. @ @@`676. Fragment concerning cult of Prytaneion; 3&7b&; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960, 79%19`80, no. 6, col. 1; FiE IX 1 no. F14 col. a (PH); *IEph 1201. @ @@`677. Speech of prytanis promising to following &3patrioi nomoi concerning ritual observances; 3&7b&; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960, 80, no. 6, col. 2; FiE IX 1 no. F14 col. b (PH); *IEph 1201A. @ @@`678. Reference to Alexandrians below relief of Sarapis; 4; found at Ephesos: Keil, AAWW 91, 1954, 226, no. 7 (PH); Fu+hrer Selc%25uk 45%19`46; Fleischer, Artemis von Ephesos 23 (PH); *IEph 1264. @ @@`679. Wish for many years of life for &3archisynagogoi& and &3presb&(&3yteroi&); imperial?; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 50, no. 94; *IEph 1251; Horsley, New Documents 4, p. 215, no. 23. @ @@`680. Garbled inscription on altar; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1259. @ @@`681. Fragment mentioning Ar[temis] and &3hier&[ ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 721; *IEph 1721. @ @@`682. Jewish (?) fragment referring to &3thysiasterion&; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 30; Foss, Ephesos 45 and note 46; *IEph 4130. @ @@`683. Fragment concerning appearances of goddess Arte[mis]; no date; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 139%19`140, no. 4363; SEG 34, 1170. @ See also: Ephesos 1%19`5, 13, 141, 162%19`164, 211, 215, 227%19`230, 235, 377, 1988%19`1991, 2057%19`2058, 2976%19`2984, 3045, 3595, 3615, 3709; IG XIV 964 (fragment mentions goddess [Artem]is Ephe[sia]; found at Rome). @@@@Section: 9f. Dedications_Royal (684%19`799) @ @@`684. Dedication to [Hermes], Herakles, and King Eumenes (II), followed by list of victors in boys' competitions; 188%3`160 BC; found at Ephesos: Keil, AAWW 88, 1951, 332, no. 1; SEG 17, 510; Pleket, Epigraphica 2, no. 33; *IEph 1101. @ @@`685. Dedication to King Eu[menes] (II) and Queen (Stratoneike) by Isidoros and others; 188%3`183 BC; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 134%19`135, no. 142. @ @@`686. Dedication to Aphrodite and emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos?: *IEph 320. @ @@`687. Fragment of dedication (?) for health of emperor (no name) [Ger]manicus; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 321 and Add. p. 8. @ @@`688. Dedication to emperor [ ... Germa]nicus; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 324.1. @ @@`689. Dedication in Latin to Diana of Ephesos, emperor T[ ... ], and &3civit&[&3as& of Ephesos], by Secu(ndus?); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 325. @ @@`690. Dedication to emperor [ ... F]elix; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 326. @ @@`691. Dedication (?) to emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 327.4. @ @@`692. Dedication to emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 327.5. @ @@`693. Dedication to emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 328.3. @ @@`694. Dedication to emperor [ ... Au]gustus Pius by (?) [ ... ]nianus; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 330. @ @@`695. Dedication to emperor (no name) and [demos] of [E]phes[os]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 331.1. @ @@`696. Dedication to emperor [ ... Caes]ar Augu[stus]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 331.2. @ @@`697. Dedication to emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 331.4. @ @@`698. Fragment of dedication (?) to emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 333.2. @ @@`699. Dedication to emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 336.2. @ @@`700. Dedication to emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 336.4. @ @@`701. Dedication to emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 337.3. @ @@`702. Dedication (?) to emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 337.4. @ @@`703. Dedication to emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 337.5. @ @@`704. Dedication to Artemis, Caesar, and &3presbyteroi,& by Popillius Bassus; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 47, no. 83; *IEph 711. @ @@`705. Dedication (?) for health of emperor (no name) by [&3synodos&?] of athletes (?); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1088. @ @@`706. Dedication to Ar[te]mis Ephesi[a], Augusti, and demos of Ephesos, by priestess Tryphosa Herakleidou, of starting%19marker, statues, and altars; imperial; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 18, 1915 Beibl. 284; *IEph 1139. @ @@`707. Dedication in Latin to Diana Ephes[ia], Minerva, and emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos?: CIG 2959; CIL III 425; *IEph 1209 and Add. p. 24. @ @@`708. Dedication to (?) [I]ulia A[ugusta] by [ ... ]s, son of Q(uintus); imperial; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 508; *IEph 1508. @ @@`709. Fragments of dedication to emperor, perhaps Alexander Severus; imperial; found at Ephesos: GIBM 509; *IEph 1509. @ @@`710. Dedication to (?) emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: GIBM 510; *IEph 1510. @ @@`711. Dedication to [Artemis Ephesi]a and [Augusti] by (no name), son of [Mar]cus; imperial; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 512; *IEph 1512. @ @@`712. Dedication to Artemis Ephesia and [emperor (no name)?], on base; imperial; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 513; *IEph 1513. @ @@`713. Dedication (?) to emperor (no name) by [ ... A]siatic[ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1884. @ @@`714. Dedication to emperor (no name) and [demos] of Ephes[os]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1914.1. @ @@`715. Dedication to [Artemis Ephe]sia and emperor (no name), on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1914.2. @ @@`716. Dedication in Latin to Artem[is Ephesia] and emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1914.3. @ @@`717. Fragment of dedication to emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 107, no. 4101; SEG 34, 1101. @ @@`718. Dedication to emperor Ne[rva?] of statues; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 109%19`110, no. 4155; SEG 34, 1087. @ @@`719. Dedication to emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 133, no. 4310; SEG 34, 1102. @ @@`720. Dedication to Augustus, Gaius Caesar, Lucius Caesar, and Agrippa (Postumus); 12 BC%3AD 2; found at Ephesos: Eichler, WS 79, 1966, 592%19`598 (PH, part); AnnEpig 1967, 470; Alzinger, Augusteische Architektur 20 (PH); Oberleitner, Funde aus Ephesos 151%19`152, no. 152 (PH); *IEph 253. @ @@`721. Dedication to emperor [Domitian?]; 1%3`2; found at Ephesos: *IEph 263. @ @@`722. Dedication of statue for health of Tiberius and permanence of Roman hegemony, with artist's signature by Agatharchos Peion[i]ou of Samos; AD 14%3`37; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 723: *IEph 510. @ @@`723. Dedication of statue for health of Tiberius and permanence of Roman hegemony, with artist's signature by Agatharchos Peion[iou of Sam]os; AD 14%3`37; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 722: *IEph 510A. @ @@`724. Dedication of statue for health of Tiberius and permanence of Roman hegemony, with artist's signature by Boethos Apollodorou of Carthage; AD 14%3`37; found at Ephesos: Praschniker, AAWW 82, 1945, 18%19`30; Keil, JO+AI 39, 1952, 42; Marcade/ II 34; *IEph 511. @ @@`725. Dedication of statue for health of Tiberius and permanence of Roman hegemony, with artist's signature by (no name); AD 14%3`37; found at Ephesos: *IEph 511A. @ @@`726. Dedication of statue for health of Tiberius and permanence of Roman hegemony, with artist's signature by Seilanion (of Athens); AD 14%3`37; found at Ephesos: *IEph 512. @ @@`727. Dedication of statue for health of Tiberius [and permanence of Roman hegemony], with artist's signature by M[ ... ]d[.]lichos [ ... ]giou; AD 14%3`37; found at Ephesos: *IEph 513. @ @@`728. Dedication of statue for health of Tiberius and permanence of Roman hegemony, with artist's signature by [ ... ] Thrasonos of Ephesos; AD 14%3`37; found at Ephesos: *IEph 514. @ @@`729. Dedication of statue for health of Tiberius and permanence of Roman hegemony, with artist's signature by (no name); AD 14%3`37; found at Ephesos: *IEph 514A. @ @@`730. Dedication to Claudius by &3kleronomoi& of will of Tiberius Claudius Damonikos; AD 41%3`54; found at Ephesos: CIG 2961; LW 143; Riemann, BCH 1, 1877, 293%19`294, no. 86; *IEph 259B. @ @@`731. Dedication to Nero; AD 59%3`60; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 23, 1926 Beibl. 299; AnnEpig 1928, 98; SEG 4, 530; *IEph 260; SEG 32, 1136. @ @@`732. Dedication of statue for health of Titus and permanence of Roman hegemony; AD 79%3`81; found at Ephesos: *IEph 514B. @ @@`733. Dedicatory inscription in Latin and Greek to Titus, by Eutaktos, procurator of Asia and Lycia; AD 80; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 26, 1930 Beibl. 58%19`60 (PH); AnnEpig 1930, 86; McCrum, Doc.'s 199; *IEph 262. @ @@`734. Fragment of dedication to Domitian; AD 81%3`96; found at Ephesos: *IEph 263A.1. @ @@`735. Fragment of dedication to Domitian, on architrave fragment; AD 81%3`96; found at Ephesos: *IEph 263A.2.1. @ @@`736. Fragment of dedication to Domitian, on architrave fragment; AD 81%3`96; found at Ephesos: *IEph 263A.2.2. @ @@`737. Dedication to Domitian; AD 81%3`96; found at Ephesos: *IEph 263A.3. @ @@`738. Dedication to Domitian and [de]mos of Ephesos, by [Ti(berius) Cla]u[d]i[u]s Nysios, of statue%19group; AD 81%3`96; found at Ephesos: SEG 13, 512; *IEph 518. @ @@`739. Dedication to [Arte]mis and Domitian by neopoioi; AD 84%3`96; found at Ephesos: GIBM 511; FiE II no. 47; *IEph 2047. @ @@`740. Dedication to Domitian (to Vespasian, after erasure) by de[mos] of Teos; AD 88%3`91; found at Ephesos: Eichler %9 Knibbe, AAWW 102, 1965, 103%19`104, no. 2; AnnEpig 1967, 472; *IEph 239. @ @@`741. Dedication to Domitian by demos of Keretapa (Caria%3Phrygia); AD 88%3`89; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 40 and 83%19`84, no. 9; AnnEpig 1966, 426; *IEph 234. @ @@`742. Dedication to Domitian (to Vespasian, after erasure) by demos of Synaos on base; AD 88%3`89; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 48; Keil, NZ 52, 1919, 117, no. 1; McCrum, Doc.'s 139; Merkelbach, ZPE 34, 1979, 62%19`64; SEG 29, 1098; *IEph 2048. @ @@`743. Dedication to Domitian (to Vespasian, after erasure) by demos of Aizanoi; AD 89%3`90; found near Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 744: Keil, NZ 52, 1919, 118, no. 5; *IEph 232 and Add. p. 7. @ @@`744. Dedication to Domitian (to Vespasian, after erasure) by demos of Aizanoi; AD 89%3`90; found near Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 743: *IEph 232A. @ @@`745. Dedication to Domitian (to Vespasian, after correction) by demos of Aphrodeisi[as]; AD 89%3`90; found at Ephesos: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 180, no. 367; Waddington, BCH 6, 1882, 286%19`287; Keil, NZ 52, 1919, 117%19`118, no. 4; Ramsay, Social Basis of Roman Power 211%19`214, no. 225; McCrum, Doc.'s 495; *IEph 233; Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome Doc. 42. @ @@`746. Dedication to Domitian (to Vespasian, after erasure) by demos of Klazomenai; AD 89%3`90; found at Ephesos: Fu+hrer Selc%25uk 115%19`116; *IEph 235. @ @@`747. Dedication to Domitian (to Vespasian, after erasure) by demos of Silandos; AD 89%3`90; found near Ephesos: Keil, NZ 52, 1919, 118, no. 6; *IEph 238. @ @@`748. Dedication [to Domitian] (to Vespasian, after erasure) by demos of Kyme; AD 89%3`90; found at Ephesos: *IEph 240. @ @@`749. Dedication to Domitian (to Vespasian, after erasure) by demos of (no name); AD 89%3`90; found near Ephesos: Keil, NZ 52, 1919, 118, no. 8; *IEph 242. @ @@`750. Dedication to Domitian (to Vespasian, after erasure) by demos of Kaisareis Makedones Hyrkanioi; AD 89%3`90; found at Ephesos: Hort, JPh 7, 1877, 145%19`147, no. 2; Waddington, BCH 6, 1882, 286; GIBM 498; Keil, NZ 52, 1919, 118, no. 7; *IEph 1498. @ @@`751. Dedication to Domitian (to Vespasian, after erasure) by demos of Stratonikeia; AD 90%3`91; found near Ephesos: Keil, NZ 52, 1919, 117, no. 3; *IEph 237. @ @@`752. Dedication to Domitian (to Vespasian, after erasure) by demos of Tmolos; AD 90%3`91; found near Ephesos: Keil, NZ 52, 1919, 117, no. 2; *IEph 241. @ @@`753. Dedication to [Artemis Ephesia], emperor (no name), and demos of Ephesos, by Claudia Trophime, priestess and prytanis, of statue; AD 92%3`93; found at Ephesos: Benndorf, JO+AI 1, 1898 Beibl. 76; AnnEpig 1898, 66; Cagnat, RA 32, 1898, 466, no. 66; *IEph 508 and Add. p. 14. @ @@`754. Dedication to Nerva or Trajan mentioning &3agono&[&3thetes&?] and [O]lym[pia?]; AD 96%3`117; found at Ephesos: *IEph 264A. @ @@`755. Dedication to [Artemis Eph]es[ia?] and Nerva or Trajan; AD 96%3`117; found at Ephesos: *IEph 264B and Add. p. 7. @ @@`756. Dedication to [Artem]is [Ephesia], Nerva, and demos of Ephesos, by athlete Tib(erius) Cl(audius) Artemidoros of Tralles, Alexandria, and Ephesos, on base; AD 96%3`98; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 32, no. 34; *IEph 1124. @ @@`757. Dedication to Trajan preceding list of victors of Balbillea, on base; AD 97%3`102; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 6, no. 12; *IEph 1122. @ @@`757.5. Dedication in Latin to [D]ia[na Ephesia?] for health of Trajan; AD 98%3`114; found at Ephesos?: CIL III 7120; *IEph 1208. @ @@`758. Dedication to emperor (no name); 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 4, no. 10; GIBM 514; *IEph 1514. @ @@`759. Fragment of honorary%3dedicatory inscription to emperor Anton[inus] and mentioning Betranos; 2%3`3&4`1&; found at Arvalia: *Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 207, no. 16. @ @@`760. Dedication to &3theoi& Seb[&3astoi&] and mystai, by A[ ... ] Serapiono[s, grammateus] of boule, and family, of altar; GIBM 506; *IEph 1506. @ @@`761. Dedication in Latin and Greek to A[r]tem[is E]phesi[a], Trajan, and dem[os] of Ephesos, by Aulus A[ ... ]cius Crispinus, of statues of Daidalos and Ikaros; AD 102%3`114; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 1, 1898 Beibl. 76; *IEph 517. @ @@`762. Dedication in Latin and Greek to Artemis Ephesia, Trajan, and demos of Ephesos, by Sextius Atilius Amerantius, of statue%19group with Theseus; AD 103%3`104; found at Ephesos: Betz, Klio 52, 1970, 28%19`29, no. BIII (PH); AnnEpig 1969%19`1970, 596; *IEph 509. @ @@`763. Dedication in Latin and Greek to Artemis Ephesia, Trajan, and demos of Ephesos, by T(itus) Flavius Epagathos, &3lib&(&3ertus&) of emperor, of &3symplegma,& on statue%19base; AD 104%3`105; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 2, 1899 Beibl. 49%19`50, no. I; CIL III 14195&4`2&; Cagnat, RA 35, 1899, 182, no. 65; ILS 4046; OGIS 481; Betz, Klio 52, 1970, 28, no. BII; *IEph 858 and Add. p. 22. @ @@`764. Dedication to Artemis Ephesia, house of Augusti, and boule and demos of Ephesos, by C(aius) [Vibius] Sa[lutaris], on statue%19base; prob. AD 107%3`110; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 765, 766, and 767: *IEph 36A. @ @@`765. Dedication to Artemis [E]phesia, house of Augusti, and boule and demos of Ephesos, by C(aius) Vibius Salutaris, on statue%19base; prob. AD 107%3`110; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 764, 766, and 767: *IEph 36B (PH). @ @@`766. Dedication to [Artemis Ephesia], house [of Augusti], and [bo]ule and [demos] of Ephesos, by C(aius) Vibius Salutaris, on statue%19base; prob. AD 107%3`110; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 764, 765, and 767: *IEph 36C. @ @@`767. Dedication to Artemis Ephesia, house of Augusti, and boule and demos of Ephesos, by C(aius) Vibius Salutaris, on statue%19base; prob. AD 107%3`110; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 764, 765, and 766: *IEph 36D. @ @@`768. Dedication to Trajan; AD 107%3`108; found at Ephesos: *IEph 265A. @ @@`769. Dedication in Latin and Greek to Artemis Ephesia, Trajan, and demos of Ephesos, by Tib(erius) Claudius Hermes, &3libertus,& of &3symplegma& of Athamas, on statue%19base; AD 108%3`109; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 2, 1899, 50, no. II; CIL III 14195&4`3&; Cagnat, RA 35, 1899, 182, no. 66; OGIS 481; AnnEpig 1899, 66; Betz, Klio 52, 1970, 29, no. BIV; *IEph 857 and Add. p. 22. @ @@`770. Dedication to [&3theoi&] &3Olympioi& and emperor Hadrian or Antoninus Pius; AD 117%3`161; found at Ephesos: *IEph 280B. @ @@`771. Dedication to Hadrian or Antoninus Pius; AD 117%3`161; found at Ephesos: *IEph 280C. @ @@`772. Fragment of dedication (?) to Hadrian; AD 117%3`138; found at Ephesos?: *IEph 271B. @ @@`773. Dedication to Hadrian; AD 117%3`138; found at Ephesos: *IEph 271E. @ @@`774. Dedication to Athena Erga[ne] and Hadrian; AD 117%3`138; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1260. @ @@`775. Dedication to Hadrian Olympios; AD 128%3`138; found at Ephesos: Izvestiya Russk. arkh. Inst. v Konstantinople 1, 1896, p. 26 (non vidi); *IEph 272. @ @@`776. Dedication to [Art]emis [E]phesia and Hadrian Olympios; AD 128%3`138; found at Ephesos: CIG 2963a%19b; *IEph 273. @ @@`777. Dedication to Hadrian by boule and demos of Ephesos; c. AD 128%3`129; found at Ephesos: *IEph 441 and Add. p. 11. @ @@`778. Dedication to Hadrian Zeus Olympios; AD 129; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 32, no. 31; *IEph 267; AnnEpig 1982, 881. @ @@`779. Dedication to Had[rian] Ze[us Oly]mpios; AD 129; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 32, no. 32; *IEph 268; AnnEpig 1982, 882. @ @@`780. Dedication to Hadrian Zeus Olympios; AD 129; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 31%19`32, no. 30; *IEph 269; AnnEpig 1982, 880. @ @@`781. Dedication to Hadrian Zeus Olympios; AD 129; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 31, no. 29; *IEph 270; AnnEpig 1982, 879. @ @@`782. Dedication to Hadrian Zeus Olympios; AD 129; found at Ephesos: Engelmann %9 Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1976 Beibl. 78%19`79, no. 7; AnnEpig 1975, 804; SEG 26, 1273; *IEph 271. @ @@`783. Dedication to Hadrian Zeus Olympios; AD 129; found at Ephesos: *IEph 271A. @ @@`784. Dedication to [Hadrian O]lympios; AD 129?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 271H. @ @@`785. Dedication (?) to emperor [ ... A]ntoninus [Eu]sebes; AD 138%3`222; found at Ephesos?: *IEph 284B. @ @@`786. Dedication to emperor [ ... Antoni]nus Aug[ustus]; AD 138%3`222; found at Ephesos: *IEph 327.3. @ @@`787. Dedication to Antoninus Pius or Marcus Aurelius; AD 138%3`180; found at Ephesos: *IEph 284. @ @@`788. Dedication to Antoninus Pius or Marcus Aurelius by [polis of Ephesos]; AD 138%3`180; found at Ephesos: *IEph 284A. @ @@`788.5. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription of statue of Isis to [Artemis Ephesia], Antoninus Pius, polis of Ephesos, and those involved in fish business, by Cominia Iunia, on base; AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 186%19`189, no. 5; Wood, App. 8, no. 12; GIBM 503; OGIS 496; Vidman, Syll. 301; Hu+ttl 352; Ho+lbl, Zeugnisse p. 52, no. 6; *IEph 1503. @ @@`789. Dedication to emperor [ ... Augustus Pi]us and family by [Vedius? An]toninu[s]; 2&4`2&?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 324.2. @ @@`790. Dedication to Marcus Aurelius and [Verus] or [Commodus]; AD 161%3`180; found at Ephesos: *IEph 285. @ @@`791. Dedication in Latin to [Septimius Severus], Caracalla, [Geta], and [Iulia Domn]a, by [Aemilius Ar]istides, of group of statues; AD 208%3`209; found at Ephesos: CIL III 6071 and 14195 FiE II no. 51; *IEph 2051. @ @@`792. Dedication to Septimius Severus, Caracalla, Geta, Iulia Domna, and polis of Ephesos, by Tib(erius) [Cl(audius)] Meliton, of statue of Neike; AD 209%3`211; found at Ephesos: *IEph 523 and Add. p. 15. @ @@`793. Dedication to Caracalla; AD 212%3`217; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 48, no. 16 (PH); AnnEpig 1972, 580; *IEph 299. @ @@`794. Dedication to Caracalla and Iulia (Domna) [A]ugusta on sundial; AD 212%3`217; found at Ephesos?: Miltner, JO+AI 42, 1955 Beibl. 56%19`58 (PH); SEG 15, 703; Fu+hrer Selc%25uk 109%19`110; *IEph 432. @ @@`795. Dedication in Latin to Bona Fortuna of Elagabalus; AD 218%3`222; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 83%19`84, no. 17 and Abb. 41; AnnEpig 1972, 595; *IEph 723, ll. 1%19`3 and Add. p. 20; Eck, ZPE 42, 1981, 248%19`249. @ @@`796. Dedication for well%19being of [Maximinus (Thrax)] and his son Maximinus; AD 235%3`238; found at Ephesos: Knibbe %9 Eichler, AAWW 102, 1965, 105, no. 5; Robert, FRPh 41, 1967, 70; AnnEpig 1967, 476; *IEph 301. @ @@`797. Dedication to Dioc[letian]; AD 284%3`305; found at Ephesos: *IEph 309A.3. @ @@`798. Dedication to emperor [ ... F]lavius; AD 293%3`375; found at Ephesos: *IEph 334.5. @ @@`799. Dedicatory (?) inscription in Latin to [Maximin] Daia; AD 305%3`313; found at Ephesos: *IEph 311A. @ See also: Ephesos 244%19`303, 912, 989, 1000, 1022, 1413, 1425, 2937%19`2939, 2946, 2991; ILS 156 (Ephesos listed among cities restored by Tiberius; found at Puteoli). @ @@@@Section: 9g. Other Dedications (800%19`946) @ @@`800. Dedication to Agathe Tyche by Eutychos Papiou, &3psephothetes&; no date; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 39, no. 47; *IEph 1237. @ @@`801. Dedication to Agathos Daimon on altar; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1255.3. @ @@`802. Dedication to &3thea epekoos& [ ... ] Aphrodeit[e], by Sergius Sulp[icius] Campanus, of altar; Roman; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 147, no. 164. @ @@`803. Altar of Apollo; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1203. @ @@`804. Dedication to Artemis of altar, by Apollonios Politikos &3neoteros&; I&7e&%3`2; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 120%19`121, no. 4228; SEG 34, 1121. @ @@`805. Dedication to Artemis by Menodotos Lucii; Roman; found at Ephesos?: Leeman, Grieksche Opschriften, Verk. Akad. Afd. Letterk. 19, 1890, 6, no. 2; Fontrier, REG 14, 1901, 297; Hellenica 11, 255; Fleischer, Artemis von Ephesos Taf. 40 (PH); Meuli, Ges. Schr. II Taf. 52 (PH); *IEph 1205. @ @@`806. Dedication of &3oudos& to Art[emis] by [ ... ]gi[ ... ] of Sardis; IV&4`2&; found at Ephesos: Ro+hl, Beitra+ge 1%19`2; Wood, App. 3, no. 7; GIBM 519a; SGDI 5601.a; Smith, Cat. Brit. Mus. II 181, no. 1221; *IEph 1519.a. @ @@`807. Dedication to [Ar]tem[is]; V%3IV?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 17; GIBM 519b.4; *IEph 1519.b.4. @ @@`808. Dedication to [Art]em[is]; V%3IV?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 17; GIBM 519b.6; *IEph 1519.b.6. @ @@`809. Fragment of dedication to [Art]em[is]; V%3IV?; found at Ephesos: GIBM 519b.11; *IEph 1519.b.11. @ @@`810. Dedication to [Art]em[is]; V%3IV; found at Ephesos: GIBM 519c.2; *IEph 1519.c.2. @ @@`811. Fragment of dedication to Art[emis]; V%3IV?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 17; GIBM 519f.1; *IEph 1519.f.1. @ @@`812. Fragment of dedication to [Arte]mis; V%3IV?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 17; GIBM 519i; *IEph 1519.i. @ @@`813. Altar of Artemis; no date; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 46, no. 77; *IEph 1206. @ @@`814. Altar of Artemis; no date; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 46, no. 78; *IEph 1207. @ @@`815. Dedication to Artemis on altar; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1255.1. @ @@`816. Dedication to [Arte]mis on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1912.4. @ @@`817. Dedication to [Art]emis; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1918.1.a. @ @@`818. Dedication to [Artemi]s (?); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1918.2. @ @@`819. Dedication to Artemis Epekoos by Capetoleinus Diodorou of Ephesos, of statue of Neike; AD 114%3`115; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 820 and 821: Riemann, BCH 1, 1877, 293, no. 84; LW 166c; *IEph 504 and Add. p. 14; Bo+rker, ZPE 41, 1981, 181%19`188; SEG 31, 961. @ @@`820. Dedication to [Artemis Epekoos] by [Capetoleinus] Diodorou of Ephesos, of statue of Neike; AD 114%3`115; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 819 and 821: JO+AI 52, 38, no. 16a; *IEph 505.1; **SEG 31, 961 (l. 5). @ @@`821. Dedication to [Artemis E]pekoos by [Capetolei]nus Diodorou of Ephesos, of statue of Neike; AD 114%3`115; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 819 and 820: JO+AI 52, 38, no. 16b; *IEph 505.2 and Add. p. 14; **SEG 31, 961 (l. 5). @ @@`822. Dedication to Artemis Ephesia by Cominia Iunia, of statue and altar, on base; 2&7m&; found at Ephesos: Fleischer, JO+AI 52, 1978%19`1980, 63%19`66 (PH); *IEph 1266; BE 1983:338. @ @@`823. Dedication (in Latin and Greek) to Artemis Ephesia and &3phyle& Sebaste, by C(aius) Vibius Salutaris, on statue%19base; AD 104; found at Ephesos: CIL III 14195&4`5&; AnnEpig 1899, 65; ILS 7194a (part); FiE II no. 28c; *IEph 28. @ @@`824. Dedication (in Latin and Greek) to Artemis Ephesia and &3phyle& Teioi, by C(aius) Vibius Salutaris, on statue%19base; AD 104; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, AAWW 35, 1898, 110%19`111; Heberdey, JO+AI 2, 1899 Beibl. 43%19`44; Cagnat, RA 35, 1899, 181, no. 64; AnnEpig 1899,64; CIL III 14195 ILS 7194; OGIS 480; FiE II no. 28e; Oberleitner, Funde aus Ephesos 58%19`59, no. 301 (PH); *IEph 29 (PH). @ @@`825. Dedication (in Latin and Greek) to Artemis Ephesia and &3phyle& Karenaioi, by C(aius) Vibius Salutaris, on statue%19base; AD 104; found at Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1879, 218%19`221, no. 35 (part); CIL III 6065, 12252, 14195 Wood, App. 6, no. 2 (part); GIBM 594 and 684 (part); ILS 7194b (part); FiE II no. 28d; *IEph 30 and Add. p. 2. @ @@`826. Dedication (in Latin and Greek) to Artemis Ephesia and &3phyle& Bembinaioi, by C(aius) Vibius Salutaris, on statue%19base; AD 104; found at Ephesos: CIL III 14195 FiE II no. 28f; *IEph 31. @ @@`827. Dedication (in Latin) to Artemis Ephesia and &3phyle& [ ... ]oi, by [C(aius) Vibius Salutaris], on statue%19base; AD 104; found at Ephesos: CIL III 14195 FiE II no. 28h (p. 149); *IEph 32.A. @ @@`827.5. Dedication (in Latin) to Artemis [Ephesia] [by [C(aius) Vibius Salutaris], on statue%19base; AD 104; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 28i; *IEph 32.B. @ @@`828. Dedication (in Latin and Greek) to Artemis Ephesia and boys of Ephesos, &3paidonomoi,& and &3paideutai,& by C(aius) Vibius Salutaris, on statue%19base; AD 104; found at Ephesos: CIL III 14195 ILS 7195 (part); FiE II no. 28g; Smallwood, Doc.'s Nerva 493.b (part); *IEph 33 (PH). @ @@`829. Dedication (in Latin and Greek) to Artemis Ephesia and ephebes of Ephesos, by C(aius) Vibius Salutaris, on statue%19base; AD 104; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 28b; *IEph 34. @ @@`830. Dedication (in Latin and Greek) to Artemis Ephesia and gerousia of Ephesos, by C(aius) Vibius Salutaris, on statue%19base; AD 104; found at Ephesos: CIL III 14195&7n&`4; ILS 7193; FiE II no. 28b; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 4; Smallwood, Doc.'s Nerva 493a (part); *IEph 35. @ @@`831. Dedication to [Artemis Ephe]sia by Phor[ ... ], victor in torch%19race (?); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1157. @ @@`832. Dedication to [Ar]temis [Ephesia]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1912.2. @ @@`833. Inscription identifying sanctuary of Asklepios; IV&7e&%3III; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 23, 1926 Beibl. 264; SEG 4, 528; *IEph 105. @ @@`834. Dedication to Asklepios [and Hygieia] by [Tro]phimos; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: GIBM 591; *IEph 1591. @ @@`835. Dedication to Demeter Karpophoros and &3patris& by Pu(blius) Rutilius Bassus, on base; AD 120; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 5, 1902 Beibl. 66; *IEph 1210. @ @@`836. Dedication to [Demeter Thes]mophoros and [Kore] by &3hierourgoi&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1236. @ @@`837. Excised. @ @@`838. Dedication to [de]m[os] of Ephe[so]s; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2955. @ @@`839. Dedication of &3thyrsoi& to Dionysos by &3hierophantes Mundicius; Roman; found at Ephesos: Eichler %9 Knibbe, AAWW 102, 1965, 105, no. 7; *IEph 1211. @ @@`840. Inscription identifying sanctuary of Dionysos &3oreigyadon and Enedra; IV%3III; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1976 Beibl. 21%19`26, no. 8 (PH); SEG 26, 1237; *IEph 106. @ @@`841. Dedication to &3theos& [ ... Ha]rpo[kra]tes and Isis, below relief; no date; found at Ephesos: Fu+hrer Selc%25uk 147%19`148; *IEph 1245. @ @@`842. Dedication in Latin by Eperastus, slave, to Hercules, on altar, in thanksgiving; imperial; found at Ephesos: CIL III 14195 *IEph 860. @ @@`843. Base of statue of Herakl[es] Eidaios; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 29; Robert, RPh 93, 1967, 64; *IEph 4329. @ @@`844. Dedication to Hermes by Hekatokles Apollod[ ... ], gymnasiarch, on statue%19base; II; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 47, no. 82; *IEph 1102. @ @@`845. Dedication to Heron &3epekoos& by Thallos; no date; found at Phygela: *IEph 3132. @ @@`846. Fragment with dedication to Hestia Boulaia and [&3patris&]; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 Nachtrag no. N9 (PH); *IEph 1079. @ @@`847. Dedication to Hygeia; no date; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 48, no. 85; *IEph 1212. @ @@`848. Dedication to Isis and Sarapis of &3phiale& and &3spondeion& by M(arcus) Pompeius Latinus; 2; found at Ephesos: CIG 2955; FiE I 70%19`72; Keil, AAWW 91, 1954, 223, no. 5; SEG 15, 709; Vidman, Syll. 302; Ho+lbl, Zeugnisse 47%19`49, no. 4; Salditt%19Trappmann, Tempel 27, no. 3; *IEph 1213. @ @@`849. Dedication to Met(er) by Axios; II%3I; found at Ephesos?: Keil, JO+AI 18, 1915, 70 no. H and Abb. 42 (PH); *IEph 1227. @ @@`850. Dedication to Meter by Batyle; V%3II; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1222. @ @@`851. Dedication to Me[ter] by (?) [ ... ]che; IV&7e&%3I; found at Ephesos?: Keil, JO+AI 18, 1915 69%19`70, no. F (PH); *IEph 1226. @ @@`852. Dedication to Meter; VI%3II; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1215. @ @@`853. Dedication to Meter; VI%3II; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1216. @ @@`854. Dedication to Meter; VI%3II; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1221. @ @@`855. Dedication to Meter; IV&7e&%3III; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 18, 1915, 67; *IEph 109. @ @@`856. Dedication to [Meter] &3hagn&[&3e&], by Hegesas D[ ... ]; VI%3II; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1224. @ @@`857. Dedication to Meter Oreie by Minne; IV&7e&%3II; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 23, 1926 Beibl. 259; SEG 4, 527; *IEph 108. @ @@`858. Dedication to Meter Oreie by Pelias Agdisios; IV; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 23, 1926 Beibl. 259 (PH); SEG 4, 526; *IEph 107. @ @@`859. Dedication to Met[er] Oreie by (?) [ ... ]ees; VI%3II; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1220. @ @@`860. Dedication to Meter Orie Phrygie Patroi[e] by Hermon; VI%3II; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1218. @ @@`861. Dedication to (Meter) Patroie by Apollodoros; VI%3II; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1223. @ @@`862. Dedication to Met[er Phrygie?] by Artemisia; II; found at Ephesos: Conze, MDAI(A) 13, 1888, 203; IMagnesia 217a; Keil, JO+AI 18, 1915, 67 (PH); *IEph 1225. @ @@`863. Dedication to Meter Phrygie by Botilla of relief of Rhea; IV&7e&%3I; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 576; SGDI 5602; Keil, JO+AI 18, 1915 68%19`69, no. E (PH); Smith, Cat. Brit. Mus. III 235, no. 2169; *IEph 1576. @ @@`864. Dedication to Meter Phrygie &3patroi&[&3e&]; VI%3II; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1217. @ @@`865. Dedication to Meter Plathane (?); VI%3II; found at Ephesos: *IEph IV p. 132 (to 1215). @ @@`866. Dedication of statue of Pan by (no name); VI%3I; found at Ephesos: *IEph 520. @ @@`867. Dedication to &3patris& by Tib(erius) Ael(ius) Dionysios and father, of statue of Neike; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 522 and Add. p. 14. @ @@`868. Dedication to &3patris& of statue by [M(arcus)] Antonius Drosos and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: FiE I 203; *IEph 1129. @ @@`869. Dedication to &3patris& by Aur(elia) Metrodora and son, of statue of Neike; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 525. @ @@`870. Dedication of &3agalma& to &3patris& by Marcus Aurelius Antonius Ateimetos and family; c. 2; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 78, no. 4; AnnEpig 1966, 447; *IEph 502. @ @@`871. Dedication to &3patris& by G(aius) Axios Ateios Alexandros, of statue of Neike; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 524 and Add. p. 15. @ @@`872. Dedication to &3patris& by G(aius) Iuli(u)s Iulianus and G(aius) Claudius Korin[thi]os, of statue; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 526. @ @@`873. Dedication to &3patris& by Pu(blius) Curtius Alexandros and family, of two statues of Neike; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 521 and Add. p. 14. @ @@`874. Dedication to &3patris& by [V]aleria Scapti[a] and family, on statue%19base; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1153. @ @@`875. Dedication to &3patris& by M[ ... ], of statue; no date; found at Ephesos, probably same inscription as Ephesos 876: *IEph 525A.1 and Add. p. 15. @ @@`876. Dedication to &3patris& by M[ ... ], of statue; no date; found at Ephesos, probably same inscription as Ephesos 875: *IEph 525A.3 and Add. p. 15. @ @@`878. Dedication to &3patris& by (no name), of statue; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 525A.2. @ @@`879. Dedication to [Plouto]n, Kore, and De[meter] Karpophoros by [Aichm]okles Eubiotou, on altar; 2; found at Ephesos: Eichler %9 Knibbe, AAWW 102, 1965, 102%19`103; Fu+hrer Selc%25uk 91%19`92; *IEph 1228; Anabolu, E. U+. Ed. Fak. Yay., Ark.%19San. Tar. Derg. 3, 1984, 268 (PH) (non vidi); SEG 36, 1034. @ @@`880. Dedication to Posidon by [ ... ]ouias; no date; found at Ephesos?: Kontoleon, REG 13, 1900, 496, no. 5; *IEph 1229. @ @@`881. Dedication to Rhea by Hegesas; IV&7e&%3I; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1269. @ @@`882. Dedication to a god [Sarapis?], mentioning priest Glaukias Menekratous; c. 244%3`204 BC; found at Ephesos: Keil, AAWW 91, 1954, 222, no. 3 (PH); SEG 15, 707; Vidman, Syll. 297; *IEph 1246. @ @@`883. Dedication to Sarapis; I; found at Ephesos: Keil, AAWW 91, 1954, 222%19`223, no. 4; SEG 15, 708; Vidman, Syll. 298; Salditt%19Trappmann, Tempel p. 27, no. 2; Ho+lbl, Zeugnisse p. 47, no. 3; *IEph 1232. @ @@`884. Dedication to Sarap[is], Isis, Anubis, and &3theoi synnaoi, by Kephalon; III&4`1&; found at Ephesos?: Keil, AAWW 91, 1954, 221, no. 2; SEG 15, 706; Vidman, Syll. 296; Salditt%19Trappmann, Tempel p. 27, no. 1; Ho+lbl, Zeugnisse p. 43, no. 1; *IEph 1231. @ @@`885. Altar of Sopolis, by demos (of Ephesos); AD 120; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. F2 (PH); *IEph 1233. @ @@`886. Dedication to Soteira on altar; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1255.4. @ @@`887. Dedication to &3theoi epekooi enth&[&3e&]&3melioi,& on altar; no date; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 108%19`109, no. 4149; SEG 34, 1127. @ @@`888. Dedication to &3theos hypsistos,& by Alexandros Attalou, on altar; no date; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 77 (to no. 3); *IEph 1234. @ @@`889. Dedication to &3theos hypsis&[&3tos&], by Tib(erius) Claudiu[s] Eutychian[os], on altar; imperial; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960, 77, no. 3; *IEph 1235. @ @@`890. Base of statue of Tyche Stateira, put up by polis Colonia Caesarea Antiochia, for Ephesos; 2&4`2&; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975, 67%19`68, no. 1 (PH); AnnEpig 1975, 801; SEG 26, 1274; Engelmannn, ZPE 26, 1977, 155%19`156, no. 2; SEG 27, 741; *IEph 1238. @ @@`891. Dedication to Zeus [ ... ] by Flavonius Melp[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 147, no. 163. @ @@`892. Dedication to Zeus, Ares, Enyalios, and Andreia, of altar, by Areistai; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 147, no. 162. @ @@`893. Dedication to Zeus Keraunios by Demetrios Myndiou; no date; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 48, no. 86; *IEph 1239. @ @@`894. Dedication to Zeus Meilichios by Demagora[s] Hesstiaiou; III; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 25, 1929, 45%19`46, Abb. 25 (PH); SEG 4, 529; Vetters, Fs. Do+rner 977 and Taf. 227, Abb. 6 (PH); *IEph 1241. @ @@`895. Dedication to [Zeus Olympios], for men's [pankration?], by &3agono&[&3thetes&] Tib(erius) Cl(audius) N[ysios]; 3&7b&; found at Ephesos: FiE I 214; *IEph 1120. @ @@`896. Dedication of altar to [Zeus] Olympios, by &3agonothe&[&3te&]&3s Tib(erius) Cl(audius) Nysios, for boys' pan[kr]ation; 3&7b&; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960, 97%19`98, no. 29; Robert, RPh 93, 1967, 43%19`44; La+mmer, Olympien 33; *IEph 1115. @ @@`897. Dedication of altar for (Zeus) Pantokrator Polieus &3p&[&3re&]&3sbeus,& by Euelpios; IV%3III; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1262. @ @@`898. Inscription identifying sanctuary of Zeus [P]atroios; early; found at Ephesos: *IEph 103. @ @@`899. Inscription identifying sanctuary of Zeus Patroios; V; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 23, 1926 Beibl. 257 (PH); SEG 4, 524; *IEph 104. @ @@`900. Stele%19inscription identifying sanctuary of Zeus Patro[ios] and [A]pollo Patroios; prob. V; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 75, no. 1; *IEph 101. @ @@`901. Inscription identifying sanctuary of Zeus Patroios and Apollo; c. 300 BC; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 23, 1926 Beibl. 259; SEG 4, 525; Forbes, Philol. 100, 1956. 238; *IEph 102. @ @@`902. Dedication to Zeus Sabazios on altar; no date; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 48, no. 87; *IEph 1242; JO+AI 53, 102, no. 47. @ @@`903. Altar of Zeus Soter; no date; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 48, no. 88; *IEph 1243. @ @@`904. Dedication by [ ... ]ios to [ ... ]e, dated by &3naokoros (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1271. @ @@`905. Dedication in Latin to all gods and goddesses, of altar; Roman; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 127, no. 131. @ @@`906. Dedication (?) by [A]gesila[o]s, on column%19base; IV&7b&?; found at Ephesos: Pryce, Cat. Sculpt. Brit. Mus. I 1, 39, no. B17; *IEph 133 and Add. p. 6; Bo+rker, ZPE 37, 1980, 69%19`75; SEG 30, 1300. @ @@`907. Dedication &3hyper euches& by Anastasios and wife Fau[s]tin[a]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 132, no. 139. @ @@`908. Dedication by [A]ristoa[nax]; IV&4`2&; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 17; GIBM 519.b.1; SGDI 5601; *IEph 1519.b.1. @ @@`909. Dedication of &3agalma& by Marcus Aurelius [Th]allos, dated by &3alytarches&; AD 161%3`192; found at Ephesos: *IEph 502A and Add. p. 13. @ @@`909.5. Dedication by Demas; VI%3II; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1219. @ @@`910. Dedication of light for Oreibasios by L(ucius) Domitius Agrippa, on statue%19base; 1&7e&; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 23, 1926 Beibl. 264; AnnEpig 1928, 95; SEG 4, 554; *IEph 662. @ @@`911. Dedication in Latin and Greek by Earinos, freedman of Augustus and &3tabular&[&3ius&] of Asia; 2; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 8, no. 17; CIL III 6081 and 7121; GIBM 564; OGIS 523; *IEph 1564. @ @@`912. Dedication in Latin and Greek by freedman Helikon, in honor of escape of Augusti Septimius Severus and Caracalla, Caesar Geta, and Iulia (Domna) Augusta from assassination attempt; AD 205; found at Ephesos?: CIG 2971; CIL III 427; ILS 430; G. Murphy, Reign of Septimius Severus 39; *IEph 296. @ @@`913. Dedication of Eros, lamp, Neike, and Trophimos, by Heliodoros and Neis, on altar; 3; found at Ephesos: *Keil, JO+AI 17, 1914, 146 (PH); *IEph 1202. @ @@`914. Dedication by Iulia Danae, on base; 2&7m&; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 7 (PH); *IEph 4107. @ @@`915. Dedication by [C]apetoleinus Diodorou of Ephesos, of statues of Aktaion, Seilenos, Pan, and two puppies; AD 114%3`115; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 38, no. 45; *IEph 506. @ @@`916. Dedication by [Pu(blius) C]arsidius Crispinus; 2; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 43, 1956, 39%19`40 (PH); SEG 16, 722; *IEph 1248. @ @@`916.5. Dedication by (no name) and Cla(udius) [&3pr&]&3orates recording building (?); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 466. @ @@`917. Dedication by King Kroisos on columns of Temple of Artemis; c. 560%3`546 BC; found at Ephesos: IGA 493; Hicks 4; GIBM 518; Ro+hl, Imagines&4`2& p. 49, no. 7; Michel 1210; Hicks %9 Hill 5; Hogarth, Excavations at Ephesos 293%19`294; Syll&4`3& 6; Tod I&4`2& 6; Guarducci, Epig. Grec. I 264%19`265, no. 6; *IEph 1518; Cook, Greek Inscriptions 17 (PH). @ @@`918. Dedication by molpoi, followed by list of molpoi, beginning with Epigonos Demeou; c. II; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 5, 1902 Beibl. 65%19`66; *IEph 901. @ @@`919. Dedication by molpoi, with list of molpoi, beginning with Maladas Maladou; II&4`1&%3I&4`1&; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 36%19`37, no. 43; *IEph 900. @ @@`920. Inscription recording restoration by Lucius Veratius Hymnus of statue promised by father (Lucius Veratius) Felix; 1&7e&%3`2; found at Ephesos: Eichler %9 Knibbe, AAWW 106, 1969, 135%19`136; AnnEpig 1969%19`1970, 598b; *IEph 507.2. @ @@`921. Dedication of statue by Lucius Veratius Felix; AD 92%3`93; found at Ephesos: Eichler, AAWW 106, 1969, 135%19`136; SEG 13, 513; AnnEpig 1969%19`1970, 598a; *IEph 507.1.1 @ @@`922. Dedication of table by (?) Urgulania Phoibe; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 595. @ @@`923. Dedication of altar by Tatiano[s], according to prayer; Roman; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 48, no. 84; *IEph 1249. @ @@`924. Fragment of dedication by (?) Ant[ ... ]; V%3IV?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 17; GIBM 519b.5; *IEph 1519.b.5. @ @@`925. Fragment of dedication by (?) [ ... ]eus; V%3IV; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 17; GIBM 519c.1; *IEph 1519.c.1. @ @@`925.5. Dedication (?) of [ ... ]onia on base; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 592; *IEph 1592. @ @@`926. Dedication by [ ... ]ros; V%3IV?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 17; GIBM 519.b.3; *IEph 1519.b.3. @ @@`927. Dedication (?) by (?) [ ... ]tes Askle[p ... ] of [Ephe]sos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1786. @ @@`928. Fragment of dedication by [ ... ... ]drou; V%3IV?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 17; GIBM 519b.7; *IEph 1519.b.7. @ @@`929. Thanksgiving offering by men of Aphrodeisias, on base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1258. @ @@`930. Dedication by [&3ag&]&3ono&[&3thetes&] (no name), supervised by M(arcus) Ulp[ius Domesti]cus; 2; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1155. @ @@`931. Dedication by (no name); V%3IV?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 17; GIBM 519.b.2; *IEph 1519.b.2. @ @@`932. Fragment of dedication; V%3IV?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 17; GIBM 519b.8; *IEph 1519.b.8. @ @@`933. Fragment of dedication; V%3IV?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 17; GIBM 519b.9; *IEph 1519.b.9. @ @@`934. Fragment of dedication; V%3IV?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 17; GIBM 519b.10; *IEph 1519.b.10. @ @@`935. Fragment of dedication; V%3IV?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 17; GIBM 519c.3; *IEph 1519.c.3. @ @@`936. Fragment of dedication; V%3IV?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 17; GIBM 519c.4; *IEph 1519.c.4. @ @@`936.5. Fragment of dedication; V%3IV?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 17; GIBM 519d.1; *IEph 1519.d.1. @ @@`937. Fragment of dedication; V%3IV?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 17; GIBM 519d.2; *IEph 1519.d.2. @ @@`938. Fragment of dedication; V%3IV?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 17; GIBM 519d.3; *IEph 1519.d.3. @ @@`939. Fragment of dedication; V%3IV?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 17; GIBM 519d.4; *IEph 1519.d.4. @ @@`940. Fragment of dedication; V%3IV?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 17; GIBM 519e; *IEph 1519.e. @ @@`941. Fragment of dedication; V%3IV?; found at Ephesos: GIBM 519f(2); *IEph 1519.f.2. @ @@`942. Fragment of dedication; V%3IV?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 17; GIBM 519g; *IEph 1519.g. @ @@`943. Fragment of dedication; V%3IV?; found at Ephesos: GIBM 519h; *IEph 1519.h. @ @@`944. Fragment of dedication; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 590a1; *IEph 1590A.1. @ @@`945. Fragment of dedication (?); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1892. @ @@`946. Dedication &3hyper euches&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2951C. @ See also: Ephesos 304%19`329, 1520, 2061%19`2062, 2867%19`2868, 2947%19`2952, 3087, 3363.5, 3527; IG I&4`2& 774, ll. 4%19`5 (dedication (to no name) from silver in [Eph]esos; found in Attica); Chios 113 (dedication to Artemis Epheseie by Athena[i]s Metronos; found on Chios); Chios 113.5 (dedication to Artemis Ephesie by Athenagoras Athenagorou and Teken (?) Hermodamou; found on Chios); Chios 113.7 (dedication to Artemis Epheseie by Ag[ ... ]os Aratou; found on Chios); Chios 114 (unpublished dedication to Artemis of Ephesos; found on Chios); ML 95e%19f (dedication to Apollo by Spartans, with subscriptions by &3nauarchoi,& including K[imm]erios Pelsasgo of Ephesos; found at Delphi); IG IV,1(2) 501 (dedication to Artemis Ephesia by Poplios Epaphroditou; found at Epidauros); IEph 3272 (dedication to Artemis Ephesia and &3katoikia& of Larisa of two &3elaphoi&; found near Larisa in Kaystros Valley); Keramos 28, l. 5 (%6 IKeramos 32) (%6 ZPE 44, 1981, 62, 2) (%6 SEG 31, 938) (dedication to &3thios epekoos& by Kalliphanes Leontos &3archiatros& in accordance with vow sworn at Ephesos; found at Keramos); IG XII 7, 252 (dedication to Hermes Epikarpios by Protemios Proteimou of Ephesos; found on Minoa); IG XII 7, 262 (dedication by (no name) [Mo?]usikou of Ephesos and Amorgos; found on Minoa); IG XII 3, 96, l. 12 (dedication to Zeus Milichios by [Damokr]ates of Ephesos and others; found on Nisyros); IOlympia 232 (dedication to Zeus Olympios by victor Diogenes Dionysiou of Ephesos; found at Olympia); IG XII 5, 218 (dedication to Artemis Ephesi[a] by Hikesios and Dor[kas]; found on Paros); IG XII 1, 775 (dedication to Athana Li[ndia] by Kyros of Ephes[os] and others; found at Lindos on Rhodes); Panamara 216, l. 6 (%6 IStratonikeia 283) (%6 BCH 12, 1888, 269, 54) (dedication to various gods and goddesses, including Artemis Ephesia, by &3hiereis& Kleoboulos Iason and Strateia Artema; found at Panamara near Stratonikeia); Panamara 243, l. 5 (%6 IStratonikeia 309) (%6 BCH 15, 1891, 202, 144) (dedication to Zeus Panemerios by &3hiereis& Cl(audius) Ul(pius) Ael(ius) Asklepiades and Ul(pia) Ael(ia) Plautilla, daughter of Pla[utillus,] &3archiereus& of temples in Ephesos; found at Panamara near Stratonikeia); Panamara 244, l. 7 (%6 IStratonikeia 310) (%6 Syll&4`3& 900) (%6 BCH 12, 1888, 101) (dedication (?) by (?) [Ma]r(cus) Sem(pronius) Aurunc(ius) Theodotos and Semp(ronia) Aurunc(ia) [Ar]riane, &3hiereis& and Asiarchs of the temples in Ephesos; found at Panamara near Stratonikeia). @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (947%19`1987) @ @@@@Section: 10a. Royal Honorary Inscriptions (947%19`1077) @ @@`947. Honorary inscription for King Antiochos (I, of Kommagene) (by demos of Ephesos); 64%3`38 BC; found at Ephesos: LW 136d; Mommsen, MDAI(A) 1, 1876, 27; OGIS 405; Fraser, Fs. Do+rner 359%19`360 (PH); SEG 28, 1315; *IEph 203 and Add. p. 6. @ @@`948. Honorary inscription for Gaius Iulius Caesar by &3poleis, [&3demoi&], and &3ethne& (of Hellenes) in Asia; 48 BC; found at Ephesos: CIG 2957; LW 142; Syll&4`3& 760; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkm. 141; *IEph 251. @ @@`949. Honorary inscription for Faustin[a]; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 290A. @ @@`950. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) in Latin for emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: CIL III 14195 *IEph 318.1. @ @@`951. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) in Latin for emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: CIL III 14195 *IEph 318.2. @ @@`952. Honorary inscription for emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 322.1 and Add. p. 8. @ @@`953. Honorary inscription for emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 322.2. @ @@`954. Honorary inscription in Latin for emperor (no name) [P]ius Felix [Inv]ictus; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 323.1. @ @@`955. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) for emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 323.4. @ @@`956. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) for emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 323.5. @ @@`957. Honorary inscription for emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 324.3. @ @@`958. Honorary inscription for emperor [ ... ] German[icus]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 327.1. @ @@`959. Honorary inscription (?) for emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 327.2. @ @@`960. Honorary inscription for emperor [ ... A]ugus[tus] A[diabenicus?]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 328.1. @ @@`960.5. Honorary inscription for emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 329.2. @ @@`961. Honorary inscription in Latin for emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 331.3. @ @@`962. Honorary inscription (?) for [ ... ]ia Augu[sta]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 332. @ @@`963. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) for emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 334.1. @ @@`964. Honorary inscription for emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 334.2. @ @@`965. Honorary inscription for emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: CIG 2964.a; LW 145; *IEph 334.3. @ @@`966. Honorary inscription for emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 334.4. @ @@`967. Honorary inscription for emperor (no name); imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 337.1. @ @@`968. Honorary inscription for emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: GIBM 515; *IEph 1515. @ @@`969. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) for emperor (no name) (?); imperial?; found at Ephesos: GIBM 516; *IEph 1516. @ @@`970. Honorary inscription in Latin for emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 341 and Add. p. 8. @ @@`971. Honorary inscription for Augustus by [&3thiasos&?] of &3neoi&; 27 BC%3AD 14; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968 Beibl. 57%19`60, no. 1 (PH); AnnEpig 1972, 584; *IEph 252. @ @@`972. Honorary inscription in Latin and Greek in dative for Drusus (Iulius) Caesar, Nero (Iulius) Caesar, and Agrippina wife of Germanicus; 13 BC%3AD 23; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 47, 1964 Beibl. 13%19`16, no.'s 5%19`6 (PH); AnnEpig 1968, 476; *IEph 256. @ @@`973. Honorary inscription in Latin for L(ucius) Caesar on base; c. 7 BC%3AD 2; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 7; *IEph 3007. @ @@`974. Honorary (?) inscription in Latin and Greek in genitive for Germanicus Caesar; AD 4%3`19; found at Ephesos: CIL III 426; *IEph 255. @ @@`975. Honorary inscription for German[icus] Caesar by demos; AD 4%3`19; found at Ephesos: *IEph 255A. @ @@`976. Honorary inscription for [Dr]usus Caesar, son of Tiberius, by [Theoph]ilos Glykon; AD 4%3`14; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 135, no. 144; AnnEpig 1983, 919; Knibbe %9 #1222plikc%25iog%27lu, Ephesos Abb. 3 (PH). @ @@`977. Excised. @ @@`978. Honorary inscription for [Germa]nicus Drusus (Minor) and Tiberius by former neopoioi; AD 7%3`14; found at Ephesos: Wood, ҃App. 4, no. 11; FiE II 106; *IEph 257. @ @@`979. Honorary inscription in Latin for C(aius) C[aesar] (i.e., Caligula?), &3pontif&[&3ex maximus&]; AD 37%3`41?; found at Ephesos: LW 177; CIL III 428; *IEph 259. @ @@`980. Honorary inscription for (no name), wife (?) of Claudius, by boule and demos (of Ephesos); AD 41%3`54; found at Ephesos: CIG 2961b; LW 144; *IEph 261. @ @@`981. Honorary inscription in Latin for Claudius by &3conventus& of Roman &3negotiatores& in Asia, on base; AD 43%3`44; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 19; AnnEpig 1924, 69; *IEph 3019. @ @@`982. Honorary inscription in Latin for Claudius; AD 48; found at Ephesos: *IEph 259A. @ @@`983. Honorary inscription (?) for Nero; AD 54%3`68; found at Ephesos: *IEph 260A; Knibbe %9 #1222plikc%25iog%27lu, Ephesos Abb. 8 (PH). @ @@`984. Honorary inscription for [Domi]tia (Longina) Augusta by [demos] of E[phesos]; AD 81%3`96; found at Ephesos: *IEph 263C and Add. p. 7. @ @@`985. Honorary inscription for emperor (no name) by [ ... ] of [polis] of Eph[esos]; c. AD 88%3`267; found at Ephesos: *IEph 323.3. @ @@`986. Honorary inscription for emperor (no name) by [dem]os of Ephesos; AD c. 88%3`129; found at Ephesos: *IEph 319. @ @@`987. Honorary inscription for emperor [ ... ]cus by [Ephesos]; AD c. 88%3`117; found at Ephesos: *IEph 340. @ @@`988. Honorary inscription for Nerva by [p]olis of Ephesos; AD 96%3`98; found at Ephesos: Stein, JO+AI 2, 1899 Beibl. 71%19`74; AnnEpig 1899, 71; *IEph 264. @ @@`989. Honorary (?) (or dedicatory) inscription for Trajan or Hadrian; AD 98%3`138; found at Ephesos: *IEph 265B.2. @ @@`990. Fragment of honorary inscription for [Trajan?] in Latin; AD 98%3`117?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 265B.1. @ @@`991. Honorary inscription for Trajan; AD 98%3`114; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959, 328%19`329; AnnEpig 1967, 475; *IEph 265. @ @@`992. Honorary inscription for emperor M(arcus) [Aur]elius (?) &3eue&[&3rgetes&], by (no name); 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: *IEph 286A. @ @@`993. Honorary inscription for emperor [Aug]ustus Ger[manicus maxi]mus Arme[niacus Parthicus] neos Hel[i]os (Caracalla?), by [pol]is of [Ephesos]; 2%3`3?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 291; **#1222plikc%25iog%27lu, EA 9, 1987, 111%19`113 (ll. 2, 4, 8%19`10). @ @@`994. Honorary inscription for Trajan by boule and demos of Ephesos; AD 115%3`116; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 13; GIBM 500; *IEph 1500. @ @@`995. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for Hadrian; AD 117%3`138; found at Ephesos: *IEph 271C. @ @@`996. Honorary inscription for Hadrian; AD 117%3`138; found at Ephesos: *IEph 271G. @ @@`997. Honorary inscription for Hadrian; AD 117%3`138; found at Ephesos: *IEph 271I. @ @@`998. Honorary inscription for Hadrian, by boule and demos of Ephesos; AD 117%3`119; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 25, 1929, 15%19`16 (PH); SEG 4, 532; AnnEpig 1930, 77; FiE IV 3, no. 33 (PH); *IEph 4333. @ @@`999. Honorary inscription for Hadrian; AD 119%3`138; found at Ephesos: *IEph 271D. @ @@`1000. Honorary inscription for Hadrian by mystai of Dionysos, on altar; AD 119%3`129; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1976 Beibl. 75%19`77, no. 6 (PH); AnnEpig 1975, 800; SEG 26, 1272; *IEph 275. @ @@`1001. Honorary inscription for Hadrian by &3chrysophoroi& of Artemis pro poleos; AD 123%3`124; found at Ephesos: CIG 2963c; Heberdey, JO+AI 7, 1904, 212; FiE I 278, no. 1; Engelmann, ZPE 24, 1977, 202%19`203, no. 2; SEG 27, 739; *IEph 276; **Engelmann, EA 8, 1986, 33 (l. 14); SEG 36, 1013. @ @@`1002. Honorary inscription for [&3thea& Sabina Augusta] by boule and demos of Ephesos; AD 124%3`125; found at Ephesos: CIG 2966; LW 147; *IEph 280. @ @@`1003. Honorary inscription for Hadrian by boule and demos of Ephesos; AD 124; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 84%19`85, no. 10; AnnEpig 1966, 427; *IEph 266. @ @@`1004. Honorary inscription for [Hadrian] Panhelle[nios] by Antoniu[s ... ]; AD 128%3`138; found at Ephesos: *IEph 271F. @ @@`1005. Honorary inscription for Hadrian Olympios by L(ucius) Stratonikos; AD 128%3`138; found at Ephesos: Riemann, BCH 1, 1877, 290, no. 74; *IEph 277. @ @@`1006. Honorary inscription for Sabina Augusta by Marcus Claudius Sabinus (%6 Publius Vedius Antoninus II), on base; AD 128%3`138; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 8 (PH); AnnEpig 1935, 165; Bowie, Proc. X Int. Cong. Class. Arch. Ankara 867%19`874; *IEph 4108. @ @@`1007. Honorary inscription for Hadrian Olympios by boule and demos of Ephesos, for gifts to Artemis and good deeds for city; AD 129; found at Ephesos: Riemann, BCH 1, 1877, 291, no. 78; Syll&4`3& 839; Abbott %9 Johnson 86; Smallwood, Doc.'s Nerva 494; *IEph 274. @ @@`1008. Honorary inscription for Hadrian by [Tib(erius) Cla]udius Demostratos Caelianus; prob. AD 129; found at Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 182%19`184, no. 3; GIBM 501; Hellenica 3, 88; *IEph 1501. @ @@`1009. Honorary inscription for Hadrian Olympios, on base; AD 129; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 135, no. 143; AnnEpig 1983, 918. @ @@`1010. Honorary inscription for Sabina &3thea Sebaste,& by boule and demos of Ephesos; AD 132%3`133; found at Ephesos: Riemann, BCH 1, 1877, 291, no. 80; *IEph 278. @ @@`1011. Honorary inscription for [&3thea& Sabina Augusta] by boule and demos of Ephesos; AD 134%3`135; found at Ephesos: CIG 2965; LW 146; Hu+ttl 308; *IEph 279. @ @@`1012. Honorary inscription for [L(ucius) Ceioniu]s [Com]modus, later Lucius Verus, (adoptive) [grandson] of Hadrian; AD 136%3`138; found at Ephesos: *IEph 280A. @ @@`1013. Honorary inscription for [Sabina Augusta], wife of Hadrian; AD 136%3`137; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 34; *IEph 4334. @ @@`1014. Honorary inscription for [Au]rel[ius Anton]inus; AD 138%3`222; found at Ephesos: *IEph 328.2. @ @@`1015. Honorary inscription for [&3thea& Fau]stina [Augusta], wife or daughter of Antoninus Pius; AD 138%3`175; found at Ephesos: *IEph 284C. @ @@`1016. Honorary inscription for Antoninus Pius by boule and demos of Ephesos; AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: Riemann, BCH 1, 1877, 290, no. 76; *IEph 281. @ @@`1017. Honorary inscription in Latin for Antoninus Pius by proc(urator) [ ... Had]rianus; AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: *IEph 282A and Add. p. 8. @ @@`1018. Honorary inscription for Antoninus Pius by [ ... ] of Ephesos; AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: *IEph 282B. @ @@`1019. Honorary inscription for &3ktistes& Antoninus Pius by boule and demos of Ephesos; AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: *IEph 282D. @ @@`1020. Honorary inscription in Latin for (Vibia) Matidia; AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 3; CIL III 6070a; ILS 327; Hu+ttl 219; *IEph 283. @ @@`1021. Honorary inscription for Antoninus Pius; AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: *IEph 284D1. @ @@`1022. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Antoninus Pius, &3soter and &3ktistes& of Ephesos, by Quintus [ ... ]tius Gaiu[s]; AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: GIBM 504; Hu+ttl 355; *IEph 1504. @ @@`1023. Honorary inscription for Lucius Verus, son of emperor, by Vedius Antoninus; AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 189%19`190, no. 6; Wood, App. 5, no. 6; GIBM 505; Smith, Cat. Brit. Mus. II 189, no. 1256; *IEph 1505. @ @@`1024. Group of honorary inscriptions for Antoninus Pius and three members of his family, by [boule] and demos of [Ephesos]; AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 49; Hu+ttl 354; *IEph 2049; **Knibbe, JO+AI 54, 1983, 127 (l. 9). @ @@`1025. Set of six honorary inscriptions for Antoninus Pius by boule and demos of Ephesos, naming &3phylai& of Ephesos, on statue%19bases; AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 184%19`186, no. 4; Wood, App. 6, no. 7; *GIBM 502, 533, 697, 709 (part) (* for part 4); *FiE II no. 50 (* for part 3); Hu+ttl 354; *IEph 2050 (* for parts 1, 2, 5, 6). @ @@`1026. Honorary inscription in Latin for Antoninus Pius by Ti(berius) Iulius Candidus Caecilius Simplex, legatus of diocese of Ephesos; AD 139; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 58%19`60, no. 6 (PH); AnnEpig 1966, 428; *IEph 282. @ @@`1027. Honorary inscription for emperor (no name) by poli[s] of [Ephe]sos on motion of [Ga]ius Terentius [Flavi]anus; c. AD 140; found at Ephesos: *IEph 338. @ @@`1028. Honorary inscription for [Aure]lia [Faust]ina; AD 146%3`161; found at Ephesos: *IEph 284D.2. @ @@`1029. Honorary inscription for Faus[tina], granddaughter of [Antoninus Pius], by Vediu[s Antoninus]; AD 146%3`161; found at Ephesos: *IEph 285A. @ @@`1030. Honorary inscription for [Vibia Aurelia S]abina, by boule [and demos] of Ephesos; AD 167%3`180?; found at Ephesos: CIG 2964.b%19c; *IEph 289. @ @@`1030.5. Honorary inscription for (no name), member of family of [M(arcus) Aurel]ius; AD 167%3`180?; found at Ephesos: Texier, Descr. de l'As. Min. II 283, no. 8; *IEph II pp. 92%19`93 (to no. 289). @ @@`1031. Honorary inscription for Commodus, with lines added making him brother of [Severus]; AD 177%3`180; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 16; FiE I 215%19`220; Merkelbach, ZPE 33, 1979, 189, no. a; SEG 29, 1108; AnnEpig 1979, 598; *IEph 287.1. @ @@`1032. Honorary inscription for Fadilla, daughter of M(arcus) Aurelius; AD 177%3`180; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 16; FiE I 215%19`220; Merkelbach, ZPE 33, 1979, 190; SEG 29, 1108; *IEph 287.2. @ @@`1033. Honorary inscription for Lucilla, daughter of M(arcus) Aurelius; AD 177%3`180; found at Ephesos: FiE I 215%19`220; SEG 29, 1108; *IEph 287.3. @ @@`1034. Honorary inscription for Faustina &3thea,& [wife of Marcus Aurelius]; AD 177%3`180; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 16; FiE I 215%19`220; *IEph 287.4. @ @@`1035. Honorary inscription for [M(arcus) Aurelius]; AD 177%3`180; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 16; FiE I 215%19`220; *IEph 287.5. @ @@`1036. Honorary inscription for Faustina, daughter of M(arcus) Aurelius; AD 177%3`180; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 16; FiE 215%19`220; *IEph 287.6. @ @@`1037. Honorary inscription for [Cor]ni[ficia], daughter of [M(arcus)] Aurel[ius]; AD 177%3`180; found at Ephesos: FiE I 215%19`220 and fig. 179; SEG 29, 1110; *IEph 287.7. @ @@`1038. Honorary inscription for [Vibia Aurelia Sabina], daughter [of Marcus Aurelius]; AD 177%3`180; found at Ephesos: FiE I 215%19`220; SEG 29, 1110; *IEph 287.8. @ @@`1039. Inscription associated with statue%19 group of family of Marcus Aurelius, indicating that it was honored by boule and [demos] of Ephesos; AD 177%3`180; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 16; FiE I 215%19`220; *IEph 287.9. @ @@`1040. Honorary inscription for [Commod]us, with line added making him brother of (Septimius) Severus; AD 177%3`180; found at Ephesos: CIG 2973; LW 154.1; Merkelbach, ZPE 33, 1979, 189%19`190, no. b; SEG 29, 1109; AnnEpig 1979, 599; *IEph 288.1. @ @@`1041. Honorary inscription for Fadilla, daughter of M(arcus) Aurelius; AD 177%3`180; found at Ephesos: CIG 2970a; LW 154.2; SEG 29, 1109; *IEph 288.2. @ @@`1042. Honorary inscription for Lucilla, daughter of M(arcus) Aurelius; AD 177%3`180; found at Ephesos: CIG 2970b; LW 154.3 and 149; SEG 29, 1109; *IEph 288.3. @ @@`1043. Honorary inscription for Hadrianus, son of M(arcus) Aurelius; AD 177%3`180; found at Ephesos: CIG 2968b, 3709; LW 153; SEG 29, 1109; *IEph 288.4. @ @@`1044. Inscription associated with statue%19group of family of Marcus Aurelius indicating that it was honored by [boule and demos of Ephesos]; AD 177%3`180; found at Ephesos: CIG 2968c%19d; LW 148, 149, 153; SEG 29, 1109; *IEph 288.5. @ @@`1045. Honorary inscription for Commodus or Caracalla; AD 180%3`217; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1976 Beibl. 40, no. 9 (PH); AnnEpig 1975, 794; SEG 26, 1256; *IEph 292. @ @@`1046. Honorary inscription for Fadilla, daughter of M(arcus) Aurelius &3theos&; AD 180%3`192?; found at Ephesos: CIG 2969b; *IEph 290.1. @ @@`1047. Honorary inscription for [Faus]ti[na], daughter of M(arcus) Aure[lius &3theos&]; AD 180%3`192?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 290.2. @ @@`1048. Honorary inscription for Commodus &3neos Dionysos,& by mystai of Dionysos; AD 180%3`192; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 23, 1926 Beibl. 265; SEG 4, 522; AnnEpig 1928, 96; *IEph 293. @ @@`1049. Base of honorary inscription for (no name), relative of Marcus Aurelius, on base; AD 180%3`192?; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 129, no. 4295, col. 1; SEG 34, 1090, col. 1. @ @@`1050. Base of honorary inscription for (no name), relative of Marcus Aurelius, on base; AD 180%3`192?; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 129, no. 4295, col. 2; SEG 34, 1090, col. 2. @ @@`1051. Base of set of honorary inscriptions for members of family of Marcus Aurelius, by boule and demo[s] of Ephesos; AD 180%3`192?; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 129, no. 4295, ll. 4%19`5; SEG 34, 1090, ll. 4%19`5. @ @@`1052. Honorary inscription in Latin for [Iuli]a (Domna) Aug(usta) by M(arcus) Romanius Iuventius; AD 198%3`212; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 35; *IEph 4335. @ @@`1053. Honorary inscription for Septimius Severus [&3neos&] &3Helios&; AD 193%3`211; found at Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 7, 1873, 34%19`35, no. 5; Wood, App. 8, no. 15; *IEph 294 and Add. p. 8. @ @@`1054. Honorary inscription for Septimius Severus, Caracalla, Geta, and Iulia Domna, by L(ucius) Aufidius Euphemos, on base; AD 198%3`210; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 87; *IEph 3087. @ @@`1055. Honorary inscription for [Septimius Severus], [Iul]ia (Domna), Caracalla, and Geta, by [boule and demos] of Eph[esos]; AD 198%3`210; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 9 (PH); *IEph 4109. @ @@`1056. Honorary inscription in Latin for [Caracalla] and [Iuli]a Dom[na]; AD 212%3`217?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 297A. @ @@`1057. Honorary inscription for Caracalla by M(arcus) Ant(onius) Moschianus Ulpianus; AD 212%3`213; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 57, no. 4 (PH); AnnEpig 1966, 429; *IEph 297 and Add. p. 8. @ @@`1058. Honorary inscription for Caracalla by [Ti(berius) C]l(audius) Kleo[boulos], on base; AD 213%3`217; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1976 Beibl. 36%19`37 (PH); AnnEpig 1975, 790; SEG 26, 1257; *IEph 298; Vidman, Stud Clas 23, 1986, 143%19`147 (non vidi); **SEG 36, 1030. @ @@`1059. Honorary inscription for Caracalla by T(iberius) Cl(audius) Bithynos, on base; AD 213%3`217; found at Ephesos: Vidman, Syll. 303; Ho+lbl, Zeugnisse p. 53, no. 7; *IEph 1230. @ @@`1060. Fragments of base of group of statues (?) by [Ephesos]; AD 214%3c. 260; found at Ephesos: *IEph 300A. @ @@`1061. Honorary inscription for Caracalla and Iulia (Domna) Augusta, by boule and demos of Ephesos; AD 214%3`217; found at Ephesos: CIG 2972; LW 147b; Riemann, BCH 1, 1877, 291%19`292, no. 79; Keil, NZ 48, 1915, 125%19`128; *IEph 300. @ @@`1061.5. Honorary inscription for Caracalla, Neos [Helios], by boul[e] of Eph[esos]; AD 214%3`217; found at Ephesos: *#1222plikc%25iog%27lu, EA 9, 1987, 111%19`113 (PH); SEG 37, 886. @ @@`1062. Honorary inscription for Marcus Cl[odius] Pupienus M[ax]imu[s], proconsul, by Claudius Themistokle[s], on statue%19base; c. AD 230; found at Ephesos: von Domaszewski, Fs. Gomperz, 233%19`236; FiE I 210 no. 1; ILS 8839; OGIS 518; *IEph 655. @ @@`1063. Honorary inscription for [M(arcus)] Clodius Pupienus Maximus, proconsul, on statue%19base; c. AD 230; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 139, no. 7 (PH); AnnEpig 1975, 791; SEG 26, 1255; *IEph 656. @ @@`1064. Honorary inscription for Gordian (III); AD 238%3`244; found at Ephesos: LW 147c; *IEph 303. @ @@`1065. Honorary inscription for Gordian (III) &3neos Helios,& by polis of Ephesos; AD 238%3`244; found at Ephesos: FiE I 210%19`211 no. 2 (part); Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968 Beibl. 83, no. 16 (PH, part); AnnEpig 1972, 599 (part); Eck, ZPE 14, 1974, 163%19`164 (part); *IEph 304. @ @@`1066. Honorary inscription for Gordian (III) &3neos Helios& and [wife Furia Sabinia Tranquillina]; AD 241%3`244; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 32, no. 33; AnnEpig 1982, 883; *IEph 302. @ @@`1067. Honorary inscription for [Fu]ria Sabinia [Tranqui]llina Augusta, wife of Gordian (III), by polis of Ephesos; AD 241%3`244; found at Ephesos: *IEph 304A; JO+AI 53, 88%19`89, no. 1; AnnEpig 1983, 911. @ @@`1068. Honorary inscription for Gordian III by polis of Ephesos; AD 244; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 25, 1929 Beibl. 17%19`18 (PH); SEG 4, 523; AnnEpig 1930, 78; FiE IV 3 no. 36 (PH); *IEph 4336. @ @@`1069. Honorary inscription in Latin for emperor Tacitus on base, by Iul(ius) Proculus proc(urator); AD 276; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 20 (PH); AnnEpig 1924, 70; *IEph 3020; Knibbe %9 #1222plikc%25iog%27lu, Ephesos Abb. 2 (PH). @ @@`1070. Honorary inscription in Latin for Diocletian by L(ucius) Art(orius) Pius Maximus, proc(onsul) of Asia; AD 284%3`305; found at Ephesos: CIL III 14195 Malcus, OAth 7, 1967, 93%19`94; *IEph 307. @ @@`1071. Honorary inscription in Latin for Diocletian by Iul(ius) Antoninus r(ationalis); AD 284%3`305; found at Ephesos: Miltner, AAWW 96, 1959, 36; Miltner, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 25%19`26; AnnEpig 1966, 432; *IEph 308 and Add. p. 8. @ @@`1072. Honorary inscription in Latin for (no name), one of tetrarchs; AD 284%3`305?; found at Ephesos: Miltner, AAWW 96, 1959, 36; Miltner, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 25; AnnEpig 1966, 437; *IEph 309. @ @@`1073. Honorary inscription in Latin for Gal(erius) Caesar by Gem(inius) Tertullus proc(urator) of Asia; AD 293%3`305; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 61%19`62, no. 8 (PH); AnnEpig 1966, 433; *IEph 310. @ @@`1074. Honorary inscription in Latin for Diocletian by Iunius Tiberianus, proconsul of Asia; AD 293%3`303; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959 Beibl. 266%19`268; AnnEpig 1967, 477; Malcus, OAth 7, 1967, 94, no. I; *IEph 305.1. @ @@`1075. Honorary inscription in Latin for Constantius (I) Caesar, by Iunius Tiberianus, proconsul of Asia: AD 293%3`303; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959 Beibl. 266%19`268 (PH); AnnEpig 1967, 477; Malcus, OAth 7, 1967, 99, no. II; *IEph 305.2. @ @@`1076. Honorary inscription in Latin for Maximin Daia Caesar, by Iun(ius) Tiberianus, proconsul of Asia; AD 293%3`303; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959 Beibl. 266%19`268 (PH); AnnEpig 1967, 477; Malcus, OAth 7, 1967, 94, no. III; *IEph 305.3. @ @@`1076.5. Honorary inscription in Latin for Julian by procons(ul) of Asia Ael(ius) Cl(audius) Dulcitius; AD 361%3`363; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 1077: Keil, FiE III no. 21; Malcus, OAth 7, 1967, 107; *IEph 313A. @ @@`1077. Honorary inscription in Latin for Julian by Ael(ius) Cl(audius) Dul[citius], proconsul, on base; AD 361%3`363; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 1076.5: FiE III no. 21; AnnEpig 1924, 71; *IEph 3021. @ See also: Ephesos 7, 15%19`16, 330%19`332, 2063, 2985%19`2992, 3061; IG II&4`2& 3297 (%6 SEG 33, 179) (honorary inscription for Hadrian Olym[pios Panhellenios], by polis of [Epheso]s; found in Attica). @ @@@@Section: 10b. Other Honorary Inscriptions_Full Name @@@@Preserved (1078%19`1531) @ @@`1078. Honorary inscription in Latin for L(ucius) Agrius Publeianus by Italian &3negotiatores& of Ephesos; I; found at Ephesos: CIL III 14195 FiE II no. 58; *IEph 2058. @ @@`1079. Honorary inscription for Aelia A[cilia], wife of Iu[li]us Damianus, by bou[l]e and demos of Ephesos, on statue%19base; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 35, no. 8 and Abb. 11 (PH); *IEph 689. @ @@`1080. Honorary inscription for priestess, possibly named Ael(ia) Her[ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 999. @ @@`1081. Honorary inscription for Tit(us) Ael(ius) Aur(elius) Beryllus of Aizanoi and Ephesos, &3auletes,& on base; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 3, 1900 Beibl. 88; *IEph 1137. @ @@`1082. Honorary inscription for [A]elius Aurelius F[ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: CIG 2991; LW 159; *IEph 611B. @ @@`1083. Honorary inscription by &3patris& (of Ephesos) for T(itus) Aelius Marcianus Priscus, &3agonothetes& and &3pa&[&3negyriarchos&] of Art[emisia]; AD 162%3`164; found at Ephesos: CIG 2954 (part); LW 139 (part); GIBM 482C; Syll&4`3& 867c; SEG 15, 696; *IEph 24C (PH); **Petzl, EA 9, 1987, 98%19`99 (ll. 2, 4, 5, 6); SEG 37, 885. @ @@`1084. Honorary inscription for athlete [Pu(blius) Ae]lius Sera[pion] of Alexandria; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: CIG 2999; LW 173 (part); La+mmer, Olympien 15%19`19; *IEph 1121; SEG 37, 888. @ @@`1085. Honorary inscription for athlete [Pu(blius) Aelius Se]rapion of Alexandria, by [T]ib(erius) Cl(audius) Nysios, on base; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 13 (PH); Robert, RPh 93, 1967, 42%19`43; *IEph 4113; SEG 37, 888. @ @@`1086. Honorary inscription for Pu(blius) Ael(ius) Symmachos, by wife Ael(ia) Aristoneike and family; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 24, no. 12; AnnEpig 1982, 868; *IEph 612. @ @@`1087. Honorary inscription for Manius Acilius Glabrio, legatus of Asia, by L(ucius) Vivius Severus &3didaskalos,& on statue%19base; AD 152%3`180; found at Ephesos: *IEph 611; JO+AI 53, 90, no. 5; AnnEpig 1983, 912. @ @@`1088. Honorary inscription for (Manius) Acilius Glabrio, proconsul of Africa, by friend Aemilius Latinianus, &3senatorius&; 2&4`2&; found at Ephesos: CIG 2979; *IEph 611A and Add. p. 18. @ @@`1089. Honorary inscription for (?) [Aq]uilonius [ ... ] Gillo; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 617A. @ @@`1089.5. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]eilios Al[exandros], magistrate, by [boule] and de[mos] (of Ephesos); Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 830. @ @@`1090. Honorary inscription for Alexandros Dieous by &3patris&; AD 180%3`192; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 24, no. 13; *IEph 613. @ @@`1091. Honorary inscription for [Alexandros Dieous], by boule and demos of Ephesos; AD 180%3`192; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. D7 (PH); *IEph 613A. @ @@`1092. Honorary inscription for athlete [A]lexandros Menodorou of Ephesos by [b]oule and demo[s] (of Ephesos) on base; 1&7e&%3`3; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 35, no. 39; *IEph 1123. @ @@`1093. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Ammion Perigenous, wife of Herakleides Didymos, by demos of Ephesos; AD 88%3`132; found at Ephesos: CIG 3004 (part); Riemann, BCH 1, 1877, 290, no. 77; *IEph 683B. @ @@`1094. Honorary inscription for Androklos founder of city on statue restored by &3paraphylakes,& including Aur(elius) Neikostratos and Eupalis Eupaliou; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 97, no. 81; *IEph 501. @ @@`1095. Honorary inscription for [Annius Annuli]nus Percennianus by neopoios [Z]otikos Ar[temidorou?]; 3?; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 30; *IEph 4330. @ @@`1096. Honorary inscription for L(ucius) Anni[us ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 25, no. 14; *IEph 613B. @ @@`1097. Honorary inscription for proconsul [G(aius) Antius Aulus Iulius Quadratus], by polis of Laodikeia (in Syria); AD 102%3`110; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 28, no. 21a; AnnEpig 1982, 873; *IEph 614. @ @@`1098. Honorary inscription [for G(aius) Antius Aulus Iulius Quadratus, legatus pro praetore of Asia, by boule and demos (of Ephesos)]; 2&7b&; found at Ephesos: GIBM 538; *IEph 1538. @ @@`1099. Honorary inscription for [G(aius)] An[tius Aulus Iuli]us Quadra[tus], set up by Titus Flavius Pythion, Asiarch, and family, on base; AD 109%3`110; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 33 (PH); *IEph 3033. @ @@`1100. Honorary inscription for Antonia Iuliane, priestess of Artemis, by boule and dem[os] (of Ephesos); AD 180%3`192; found at Ephesos: CIG 3001; LW 165; *IEph 982; **Engelmann, EA 8, 1986, 34 (ll. 8, 13%19`14); SEG 36, 1021. @ @@`1101. Honorary inscription for Antoninus; imperial; found at Ephesos: CIG 2967b, 2974a; du Rieu, E/t. Leemans p. 247, no. II; Hu+ttl 308; *IEph 1886. @ @@`1102. Honorary inscription for patron Antoninus by Diomedes; 2?; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 131%19`132, no. 4298; SEG 34, 1091. @ @@`1103. Honorary inscription for Lucius Antonius [quaestor] pro praetore; 49 BC; found at Ephesos: Merkelbach, ZPE 31, 1978, 36; SEG 28, 856; *IEph 614A. @ @@`1104. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Marcus Antonius Albus by boule and demos (of Ephesos); 1&7m&; found at Ephesos: Gottwald, Mitt. d. Ver. klass. Philol. in Wien 10, 1933, 121, no. B (PH); *IEph 614C. @ @@`1105. Honorary inscription for [Antonius] Hierokles Marcellinus, on base; 2&4`2&; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 129, no. 135; AnnEpig 1983, 917. @ @@`1106. Honorary inscription for Marcus Antonius Pythod[o]ros by demos (of Ephesos); I&4`2&%3`1&7b&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 615. @ @@`1107. Honorary inscription for [G]aius Afr[anius]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 612A. @ @@`1108. Honorary inscription for &3philosophos& Appius Alexandros, procurator of Macrinus and Diadumenianus, by M(arcus) Aur(elius) Daphnos; AD 217%3`218; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 26, no. 16; Ann 1982, 869; *IEph 616. @ @@`1109. Honorary inscription for [M(arcus) Ulpius] Aristokrates of Keramos, &3archiereus& of Asia, by [gerousia of Ephesos]; c. AD 140; found at Ephesos: CIG 2987b; Hu+ttl 308%19`309; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 9; *IEph 618 (* for ll. 1%19`22); *IKeramos T6 (* for l. 0). @ @@`1110. Honorary inscription for [G(aius) Arrius Antoninus], proconsul, by Timaios Attalou grammateus, on base; c. AD 188%3`189; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 48, 1966%19`1967 Beibl. 8%19`12, no. 4 (PH); AnnEpig 1971, 456; *IEph 619.A. @ @@`1111. Honorary inscription in Latin and Greek for M(arcus) Arruntius Claudian[u]s by friend C(aius) Vibius Salutaris, on statue%19base; AD 104%3`109; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 5%19`15, no. 1 and Abb. 4 (PH); AnnEpig 1972, 572; Dorut%25iu%19Boila%27, StudClas 17, 1977, 89%19`100; SEG 27, 737; Pflaum, BSAF 1978%19`1979, 223%19`225, no. 1; *IEph 620 and Add. p. 18. @ @@`1112. Honorary inscription for (?) Artemon of Ephe(sos), (neopoios?); c. AD 125; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 39%19`40, no. 51; *IEph 955. @ @@`1113. Honorary inscription for L(ucius) Artorius Pius Maximus, proconsul, by boule and demos of Ephesos; AD 286%3`305; found at Ephesos: Miltner, AAWW 95, 1958, 85%19`86; Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959 Beibl. 349%19`352; AnnEpig 1960, 51; SEG 18, 473; AnnEpig 1967, 481; *IEph 621. @ @@`1114. Honorary inscription for G(aius) Asinnius Protimus Quadratus, consular, by boule [of Ephesos], on base; AD 211%3`217; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 40 (PH); *IEph 3040. @ @@`1115. Honorary inscription for (gladiator) Asteropaios Drakon; Roman; probably from Ephesos: Meier, Arch. Ztg. 1882, 149%19`150, no. 2; Conze, Beschr. Skulpt. Berlin 964; Robert, Gladiateurs 209 and pl. 15 (PH); *IEph 1174.1. @ @@`1116. Honorary inscription for Pu(blius) Atilius Clarus, procurator of Augusti, by Pu(blius) Aelius Martialis, on base; AD 161%3`211; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 60, no. 2 and Abb. 26 (PH); AnnEpig 1972, 585; *IEph 621A. @ @@`1117. Honorary inscription for athlete Attalos on base; Roman; found at Ephesos: IEph 1898 (part) JO+AI 55, 146, no. 4407 (part); SEG 34, 1106. *Engelmann, EA 8, 1986, 34; SEG 36, 1023. @ @@`1118. Fragment of base mentioning statue of Attalos (?); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1820. @ @@`1119. Honorary inscription for [Att]alos Priscus, &3archiatros&; c. AD 160; found at Ephesos: CIG 2987; LW 161; *IEph 622. @ @@`1120. Honorary inscription for Attidius Tuscus, legatus pro praetore, by Stertinius Maximus Eutyches, eques Romanus; imperial; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 14; GIBM 540; ILS 8833; Wilhelm, WS 46, 1928, 227%19`228; *IEph 1540. @ @@`1121. Honorary inscription for Pu(blius) Attius Clementinus Rufinus, on statue%19base; 2&7e&%3`3?; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 48, no. 17 and Abb. 20 (PH); Eck, ZPE 37, 1980, 46; *IEph 623. @ @@`1122. Honorary inscription for [P]u[b]lius Att[ius Clementinus] Rufinu[s], on statue%19base; 2&7e&%3`3?; found at Ephesos: Eck, ZPE 37, 1980, 47; *IEph 623A. @ @@`1123. Honorary inscription for Aur(elia) Metrodora, by &3synhedrion& of &3chrysophoroi,& on statue%19base; 2&7e&%3`3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 27, no. 19; *IEph 991. @ @@`1124. Honorary inscription for [ ... Aurelia ... , priestess of Arte]mis, with topos inscription for Emboleitai; 3&7b&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 59 (PH); *IEph 3059. @ @@`1125. Honorary inscription for Aur(elius) Artemidoros III Thraso on base; 3; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 54%19`55, no. 2 (PH); *IEph 624 and Add. p. 18. @ @@`1126. Honorary inscription for neopoioi M(arcus) Aur(elius) Artemido[ros] and M(arcus) Aur(elius) [Attalos]; 2&7e&%3`3; found at Ephesos: GIBM 575; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 21; *IEph 1575. @ @@`1127. Honorary inscription for athlete M(arcus) Aur(elius) [A]sklepiades, of Ephesos, Elis, and Athens, by Mariu[s] Septimius Mario; c. AD 225; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 49, no. 15(1) (PH); SEG 26, 1258; *IEph 1112. @ @@`1128. Honorary inscription for Aur(elius) Athenaios, archiereus of Asia and rhetor, funded by Pu(blius) Cor(nelius) Italus &3neoteros,& on base; 2&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 57 (PH); *IEph 3057. @ @@`1129. Honorary inscription for [. A]ur(elius) Athenaios of Tya[na] and Ephesos, rhetor, on base; 2&7m&; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 14 (PH); *IEph 4114. @ @@`1130. Honorary inscription for athlete Au[r(elius) B]asileus of Ephesos by M[ariu]s Septimius Mario, grammateus of demos, and son; AD 235%3`238; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 50, no. 15(4) (PH); SEG 26, 1261; BE 1977:419; *IEph 1107. @ @@`1131. Honorary inscription for athlete [M]arcus Aur(elius) Chresi[mos] of Tralles and Ephesos, by Mariu[s Se]ptimius Mar[io]; c. AD 225; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 50 no. 15(3) (PH); SEG 26, 1260; *IEph 1113. @ @@`1132. Honorary inscription for [Au]r(elius) Daphnos; 3; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 44; Merkelbach, ZPE 24, 1977, 185%19`186; SEG 27, 745.B; *IEph 4344. @ @@`1133. Honorary inscription for [Marcus Aurelius Daphnos], Asiarch, by &3philovedioi philoploi&; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 70 (PH); Robert, Gladiateurs 200 (part); Gallina, Teatri Classici IV 225, no. 22; *IEph 3070. @ @@`1134. Honorary inscription for [M(arcus) Aur(elius)] Demostratos Damas, archiereus; AD 161%3`180; found at Ephesos: Merkelbach, ZPE 24, 1977, 34, no. 38; SEG 27, 746; JO+AI 52, 34, no. 38; *IEph 1125. @ @@`1135. Honorary inscription for athlete [M(arcus) Aur(elius) Demostratos Dam]as; AD 161%3`180; found at Ephesos: GIBM 612; Merkelbach, ZPE 24, 1977, 256; *IEph 1612. @ @@`1136. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Aur(elius) Herculanus, by boule and demos (of Ephesos); c. AD 215%3`217, with lines added AD 218%3`222; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 60%19`62, no. 3 (PH); *IEph 625. @ @@`1137. Honorary inscription for Aurelius Hermophilos, procurator Augusti, by Aurelius Philoneikos, centurion; imperial; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 1; *IEph 628. @ @@`1138. Honorary inscription for Aur(elius) Quartus, &3procurator &3vicesimae hereditatium,& by polis of Ephesos, on base; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 52 (PH); *IEph 3052. @ @@`1139. Honorary inscription for Marcus Aurelius Cotta Maximus Messalinus, proconsul, by Alexandros Memnonos; c. AD 25%3`26; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 22 (PH); *IEph 3022. @ @@`1140. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Aur(elius) Menemachos, by &3synhedrion& of Kouretes; 2&7e&; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 no. D2 (PH); *IEph 1075. @ @@`1141. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Aureliu(us) Mindius Mattidianus Pollio, by boule and demos of Ephesos; AD 180%3`192; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 23, 1926 Beibl. 269%19`270; SEG 4, 520; AnnEpig 1928, 97; Pflaum, Essai sur le cursus publicus 268%19`273; Robert, Gladiateurs 198; Gallina, Teatri Classici IV 223, no. 21; *IEph 627. @ @@`1142. Honorary inscription for [M(arcus) Aur(elius) Mindius Matidianus Pollio, archiere]us of Asia, on base; AD 180%3`192; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 56; *IEph 3056. @ @@`1143. Honorary inscription for [M(arcus) Aur(elius) Neratios ... Ammianos], supervised by sister and brothers; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: Gardner, JHS 6, 1885, 349, no. 95; *IEph 627A. @ @@`1144. Honorary inscription for Aur(elius) Orpheus &3dis& of Ephesos, on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 627B. @ @@`1145. Honorary inscription for neopoios Aur(elius) Varanus by b(oule) and d(emos) of Ephesos; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 26, 1930 Beibl. 57%19`58 (PH); *IEph 951. @ @@`1146. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Aurelius Philoseb(astos), victor at Megala Artemeisia, on statue%19base; 3&7b&; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 30, 1937 Beibl. 203%19`204, no. 9; SEG 15, 701; AnnEpig 1938, 84;7 *IEph 1104. @ @@`1147. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Aur(elius) Secundinus, quaestor, by Cl(audius) Athenaios, on base; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 39 (PH); *IEph 3039. @ @@`1148. Honorary inscription for athlete [M(arcus)] Aur(elius) Septimius, of Philadelphia; 2&7e&%3`3; found at Ephesos: CIG 3000; LW 160; *IEph 1134. @ @@`1149. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Aur(elius) Septimius Marinus, &3iatraleiptes& of Augusti, by M(arcus) Aur(elius) [ ... ], friend, on statue%19base; 2&7e&%3`3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 95, no. 23; AnnEpig 1966, 446; *IEph 629. @ @@`1150. Honorary inscription for athlete M(arcus) Aur(elius) Zosimo[s] of Athens, by Tib(erius) Cl(audius) Ny[sios], on statue%19base; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 62%19`64, no. 9 (PH); *IEph 1114. @ @@`1151. Honorary inscription for athlete [Marcus] Aur(elius) Zotikos of Caesarea Tralles and Ephesos, by Marius Se[ptimi]us Mario; c. AD 225; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 49, no. 15(2) (PH); SEG 26, 1259; *IEph 1111. @ @@`1151.5. Honorary inscription [M]arcus Aur[elius ... ], of [Alexand]ria, Eph[esos], and Smyrna, on base; 2&7e&%3`3; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1154. @ @@`1152. Honorary inscription for [A]ureli[us ... ] by &3p&[&3a&]&3tris& on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1919.5. @ @@`1153. Honorary inscription for [Aur(elius) ... archiereus], active in building, by sons Aur(elius) Menandros and Aur(elius) Apollonides, on arch of stadium; 3?; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 29%19`30, no. 24; *IEph 626 and Add. p. 18. @ @@`1154. Honorary inscription for Aur(elius) [ ... ] of [Thyatei]ra, victorious at [Megala Maria]na, by Mar[ius Septimi]us Mario; 3&7b&; found at Ephesos: FiE II 182; La+mmer, Olympien 49%19`50; *IEph 1110. @ @@`1155. Honorary inscription for [Marcus Aurelius ... ], grammateus of demos, put up by Aur(elius) Antoninus Iulianus, on base; prob. 3; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 58 (PH); *IEph 3058. @ @@`1156. Honorary inscription for [M(arcus) Aurelius ... ], grammateus of demos, put up by Aur(elius) euphemos and Aur(elius) Eugenios, on base; 3&7m&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 71 (PH); Robert, Gladiateurs 199; Gallina, Teatri Classici IV 227%19`228, no. 23; *IEph 3071. @ @@`1157. Honorary inscription for Aurunc(eius) Ved(ius) [ ... ], on statue%19base; 3?; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 52%19`54, no. 1 (PH); *IEph 724. @ @@`1158. Honorary inscription for [A]utronia, by Simotera Glaukonos and other women; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 993 and Add. p. 23. @ @@`1159. Excised. @ @@`1160. Honorary inscription for (?) [ ... ]ius Bassus; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 630. @ @@`1161. Honorary inscription for [ ... ] Damas (?); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 842. @ @@`1162. Honorary inscription for [ ... ] Damasianus by [De]metrios [Mo]schos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 660D. @ @@`1163. Honorary inscription for athlete [Demaratos?], victorious four times at Olympia at Pisa; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 34, no. 36; *IEph 1133. @ @@`1164. Honorary inscription (?) for (or by?) Deme[trios] &3hiereus,& on base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1261. @ @@`1165. Honorary inscription for Demetrios Apollon[io]u, official of [Eume]nes (II) in Ephesos, vicinity, plain of Kaystros, and Kilbianoi (in Lydia); c. 150 BC; found at Ephesos: BE 1972:388; Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1976 Beibl. 12%19`14 no. 4 (PH); SEG 26, 1238; *IEph 201 and Add. p. 6. @ @@`1166. Honorary inscription for neopoioi Demetrios Menophilou Tryphonas and others, by boule [and demos] of Ephesos; 1?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 4, no.'s 1 and 5; GIBM 578.a%19b; *IEph 1578A and Add. p. 26; Rogers, Belleten 50, 1986, 877%19`882 (non vidi); SEG 36, 1028. @ @@`1167. Honorary inscription for Derkylides, leader of Persian forces; I; found at Ephesos: *IEph 610; BE 1981:444. @ @@`1168. Honorary inscription for Desidiene Cincia, wife of Appius Alexandros, procurator of Augusti, by Iul(i)a Atticilla, priestess of Artemis; AD 217%3`218; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 26, no. 17; AnnEpig 1982, 870; *IEph 617. @ @@`1169. Honorary inscription in Latin for L(ucius) Didius Marinus, proc(urator), by &3cornicularii, benificiarii,& and &3exacti, on statue%19base; AD 215%3`217; found at Ephesos: FiE III p. 138 (to no. 3051); *IEph 660E. @ @@`1170. Honorary inscription for (Lucius) Didius Marinus, procurator, by Fl(avius) Damianus, on base; AD 212%3`217; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 51 (PH); *IEph 3051. @ @@`1171. Honorary inscription for L(ucius) Ca[ ... ] Dion[ysios?]; 2&7e&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 631A. @ @@`1172. Honorary inscription for athlete [ ... ] Dionysios of Ma[gnesia] Sip., Alexandria, and Athens; no date; found at Ephesos: IMagnesia Sip. p. 168; JO+AI 52, 34, no. 37; *IEph 1119. @ @@`1173. Honorary inscription for athlete Dionysios Dion[ysi]anou of Amastris, by Tib(erius) Cl(audius) Nysios, on statue%19base; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 96, no. 27; *IEph 1117. @ @@`1174. Honorary inscription for Dionysios Neikephorou, prytanis, by boule and demos of Ephesos, on statue%19base; c. AD 140%3`150; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 47, 1964 Beibl. 28%19`33, no. 15 (PH); BE 1968:462; *IEph 661. @ @@`1175. Honorary inscription for [G]naius Domitius Ahenobarbus, imperator; 42%3`32 BC; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 53%19`56, no. 21 (PH); AnnEpig 1972, 583; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkm. 143; *IEph 663 and Add. p. 19. @ @@`1176. Honorary inscription for [G]naius Domitius [C]orbulo, quaestor, by demos and bou[le] (of Ephesos); I&7e&; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, WS 24, 1902, 283%19`284; Cagnat %9 Besnier, RA 2, 1903, 469, no. 371; OGIS 768; FiE II no. 59; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkm. 144; *IEph 2059. @ @@`1177. Honorary inscription for [Gn(aius)] Dot[tius Pl]anc[ianus], [a]rchier[eus]; 2&4`2&%3`3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2957A. @ @@`1178. Honorary inscription in Latin for L(ucius) Egnat(ius) Victor Lollianus proc(n)s(ul), by Aur(elius) Augendus, &3strator, on statue%19base; c. AD 244%3`247; found at Ephesos: Miltner, AAWW 94, 1957, 18, no. 2; Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959 Beibl. 257, no. 2; AnnEpig 1959, 12; *IEph 664 and Add. p. 19. @ @@`1179. Honorary inscription for L(ucius) Egnatius Victor Loll[i]anus, [proconsul]; c. AD 244%3`247; found at Ephesos: *IEph 664A. @ @@`1180. Honorary inscription for L(ucius) Egnatius Vic[tor] Lollianus, proconsul, by M(arcus) Aur(elius) Faustus and M(arcus) Aur(elius) Halophoro[s], on base; 3&7m&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 88 (PH); *IEph 3088. @ @@`1181. Honorary inscription in Latin for L(ucius) Egnat(ius) Victo[r] Lollianu[s] proconsul, on base; 3&7m&; found at Ephesos: CIL III 14195 FiE III no. 89; *IEph 3089. @ @@`1182. Honorary inscription for [L(ucius) Egnatius Victor Lollianus, proconsul], by [boule and demos] of Ephesos and by [M(arcus) Aur(elius) Faustus and M(arcus) Aur(elius) Halophoros]; 3&7m&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 91; *IEph 3091. @ @@`1183. Honorary inscription for Ennius Rufus, archier[eus] of Asia, by [boul]e and demos of Ephesos, on statue%19base; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: *IEph 664B. @ @@`1184. Honorary inscription for [ ... ] Epaphras, &3hiereus& of &3Theos& Augustus; AD 14%3c. 30; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, AAWW 102, 1965, 104, no. 3; AnnEpig 1967, 483; Robert, RPh 41, 1967, 70; *IEph 803. @ @@`1185. Honorary inscription for (?) [ ... ]os Eutychianus and neopoios Epagathos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 942. @ @@`1186. Honorary inscription in Latin for (proconsul) [Galeo] Tett[ienus Se]verus [M(arcus) Eppulei]us Proc[ulus Ti(berius) Caepio] His[po];7 AD 118%3`119; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2953. @ @@`1187. Honorary inscription for [ ... u]s [G]allus by Italian &3emporoi& in E[phesos]; 1?; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 47, 1964%19`1965 Beibl. 22%19`23, no. 11 (PH); AnnEpig 1968, 485; *IEph 800. @ @@`1188. Honorary inscription for P(ublius) Gavius Balbus, procurator, on base; AD 123%3`148; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 48 (PH); AnnEpig 1924, 82; *IEph 3048. @ @@`1189. Honorary inscription in Latin and Greek for M(arcus) Gavius Bassus by P(ublius) Iunius Aemilianus &3strator& and other soldiers, on statue%19base; 2&4`1&; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 15, no. 2a (PH); AnnEpig 1972, 573; *IEph 680. @ @@`1190. Honorary inscription for (M(arcus) Gavius) [Corne]lius [Ce]thegus, legatus of [As]ia, by decree of [b]oule and demos (of Ephesos), on base; 2&4`2&; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, Fs. Hirschfeld 444%19`446; OGIS 512; FiE II no. 68; AnnEpig 1903, 207; *IEph 2068. @ @@`1191. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Gavius Crispus Num[isi]us Iunior, proconsul, by boule and demos (of Ephesos), on statue%19base; c. AD 200; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1976 Beibl. 40, no. 10 (part); AnnEpig 1975, 795; SEG 26, 1253; **Eck, ZPE 37, 1980, 31%19`40 (PH) (ll. 3, 8%19`10, 14%19`15); SEG 30, 1312; *IEph 682. @ @@`1192. Honorary inscription for [ ... ] M%1arus (?) Geril[la]nus by dem[os]; Roman; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 47, 1964%19`1965 Beibl. 20%19`21, no. 9 (PH); AnnEpig 1968, 490; *IEph 682A; Solin, Arctos 17, 1983, 105, note 17 (non vidi); **SEG 36, 1029 (l. 2). @ @@`1193. Fragment of honorary inscription for (?) [Neme]rios Gerellan[os], victor at [Megala] Artemeisia; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1104B; JO+AI 53, 91, no. 9. @ @@`1194. Honorary inscription for (?) N[umerius?] Ge[rillanus?], on base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1845. @ @@`1195. Honorary inscription for Numerius Gerilla[nus] Flamma, by demos (of Ephesos); I%3`1; found at Ephesos: GIBM 546; *IEph 1546. @ @@`1196. Honorary inscription for athlete [ ... ] Graus, victor at Olympia in Pisa and elsewhere; no date; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 6, no. 24; GIBM 609; *IEph 1609. @ @@`1197. Honorary inscription for Quintus Haterius by Artemo Artemidorou, on base; 1&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 31 (PH); *IEph 3031. @ @@`1198. Honorary inscription in Latin for M(arcus) Helvius Geminus; 1&4`2&; found near Ephesos: Wood, App. 7, no. 3; CIL III 6074; ILS 975; *IEph 683. @ @@`1199. Honorary inscription for Herakleides Phaneo, on statue%19base; IV&7e&%3II; found at Ephesos: *IEph 113. @ @@`1200. Honorary inscription for He[r]aklei[de]s Didymos and wife [Ammion]; 1&7e&%3`2&7b&; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 40, 1953, 24; SEG 13, 500; *IEph 683A. @@`1201. Honorary inscription for Hesychos Hesychou, by boule and demos (of Ephesos), on base; c. 1&7e&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 65; *IEph 3065. @ @@`1202. Honorary inscription for (gladiator) Hippolytos; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1174.4. @ @@`1203. Honorary inscription for priestess Hordeonia [Paulina]; c. 2&7m&; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 40, 1953, 12; SEG 13, 54; *IEph 981. @ @@`1204. Honorary inscription for [Hordeon]ia Pulchra, priestess; 2?; found at Ephesos, and perhaps also at Tire: CIG 3003 and p. 1125; LW 166a; Homolle, BCH 18, 1894, 540; MDAI(A) 20, 1895, 239%19`240; Keil, JO+AI 40, 1953, 9; SEG 13, 504; *IEph 984. @ @@`1205. Honorary inscription for Iomede Klytiou, on base; III; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 57 (PH); *IEph 2057. @ @@`1206. Honorary inscription for [Iulia Atticilla] and [Aurelius Daphnos], Asiarch, by [Aur(elius) Artemidoro]s; 3&7b&; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 43; Merkelbach, ZPE 24, 1977, 185%19`186; SEG 27, 745.A; *IEph 4343. @ @@`1207. Honorary inscription for &3lampadarchissa& Iul(ia) Aur(elia) Alexandra, by boule and demo[s] (of Ephesos); imperial; found at Ephesos: Eichler, AAWW 100, 1963, 47; *IEph 1138. @ @@`1208. Honorary inscription for [I]ulia Panteime Potentilla, priestess of Artemis; AD 177%3`192; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 29, no. 22; *IEph 983; AnnEpig 1982, 874. @ @@`1209. Honorary inscription for [Iulia P]olla, set up by Titus Flavius Pythion, Asiarch, and family, on base; AD 109%3`110; found at Ephesos: Cumont, BAB 1905, 204; Cagnat %9 Besnier, RA 6, 1905, 476, no. 122; ILS 8819a; FiE III no. 34; *IEph 3034. @ @@`1210. Fragment of honorary inscription on statue%19base, probably for Iulia [ ... ], [priestess of Artemis]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 990A. @ @@`1211. Fragment of honorary inscription for [ ... ] Iulianus, on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 871. @ @@`1212. Honorary inscription for [Gaius I]ulius by [&3p&]&3atris,& on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 684. @ @@`1213. Fragment of honorary inscription (?), mentioning G(aius) Iuliu[s], on base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1839. @ @@`1214. Honorary inscription for (?) [ ... ] Iul[ius], &3libertus [of emperor]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 863. @ @@`1215. Honorary inscription for Gaius Iulius Agrippa, quaestor pro praetore of Asia, by [boule] and demos (of Ephesos); 1&4`2&%3`2&4`1&; found at Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 190%19`191, no. 7; Wood, App. 6, no. 5; GIBM 537; ILS 8823; OGIS 429; *IEph 1537. @ @@`1216. Honorary inscription for Marcus Iulius Aq[ui]la, archiereus of Asia, by boule and demos of Ephesos, on statue%19base; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 63%19`64, no. 4 (PH); *IEph 686. @ @@`1217. Honorary inscription for [T]i(berius) Iulius Aquila by Tiberius Claudius Iulianus, on base; c. AD 143%3`144; found at Ephesos: AnnEpig 1905, 121; Groag, Ro+m. Reichsbeamten 106%19`107; FiE V 1 no. 7; *IEph 5107. @ @@`1218. Honorary inscription in Latin for Ti(berius) Iulius Alexandros Capito, procurator of Asia, by P(ublius) Terentius Olympu[s] and family, on statue%19base; 2&7b&; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 98%19`100, no. 31; AnnEpig 1966, 445; *IEph 684A. @ @@`1219. Honorary inscription in Latin for Tib(erius) Iulius Ale[xan]dros C[apito], procurator of Asia, by M(arcus) Ulpius Repenti[nus]; 2&7b&; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 6; CIL III 7130; Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960, 99%19`100; AnnEpig 1966, p. 134 (to no. 445); *IEph 684B. @ @@`1220. Honorary inscription for Aulus Iulius Amyntas by boule and demos (of Ephesos), on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 28, no. 21; *IEph 685. @ @@`1221. Honorary inscription for [Tib(erius) Iulius Apolaustos, &3hypokrites&] of Ephesos, Delphi, Magnesia Mai., Tralles, Miletos, Caesarea, Mytilene, Magnesia Sip., Hierocaesarea, Nei[ko]polis, Thebes, [P]lataiai, Chaironea, and Messenia; AD 180%3`192; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 70 and 71; Robert, Hermes 55, 1930, 106%19`114 (%6 OMS 654%19`662); *IEph 2070 and 2071. @ @@`1222. Honorary inscription for G(aius) Iulius Atticus, priest of Artemis Soteira of family of Augusti; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1265; JO+AI 53, 105, no. 53; AnnEpig 1983, 915. @ @@`1223. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) I[u]l(ius) Aur(elius) Dionysios, twice Asiarch, by T(itus) Fl(avius) Munatius; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: CIG 2990; LW 158a; *IEph 687. @ @@`1224. Honorary inscription for proconsul Ti(berius) Iulius Celsus Polemaeanus by Ti(berius) Iulius Aquila Polemaeanus, on base of equestrian statue; AD 106%3`107; found at Ephesos: Cumont, BAB 1905, 198; Cagnat %9 Besnier, RA 6, 1905, 474%19`475, no. 120; AnnEpig 1905, 120; Ritterling, JO+AI 10, 1907, 299%19`300, no. I; FiE V 1 no. 2 (PH); Corbier, Aerarium 372, no. 1; *IEph 5102. @ @@`1225. Honorary inscription in Latin for proconsul Ti(berius) Iulius Celsus Polemaeanus, by Ti(berius) Iulius Aquila Polemaeanus, on base of equestrian statue; AD 106%3`107; found at ɄEphesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 7, 1904 Beibl. 56; AnnEpig 1904, 99; Cumont, BAB 1905, 198; ILS 8971; FiE V 1 no. 3 (PH); McCrum, Doc.'s 316; Corbier, Aerarium 372%19`373, no. 2; *IEph 5103. @ @@`1226. Honorary inscription for Ti(berius) Iuli[us] Celsus Polemaeanus, by daughter Iulia Quintilia Isaurica, on base; 2; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 1227: Cumont, BAB 1905, 199 note 1, no. b; FiE V 1 no. 4; Corbier, Aerarium 373, no. 5; *IEph 5104. @ @@`1227. Honorary inscription for Ti(berius) Iulius Celsus Polemaeanus, by daughter Iul[i]a Quintilia [I]saurica, on base; 2; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 1226: FiE V 1 no. 5; Corbier, Aerarium 373, no. 6; *IEph 5105. @ @@`1228. Honorary inscription for Ti(berius) Iulius Celsus Polemaeanus, by Ti(berius) Cl[a]udius Iul[ia]nus, on base; c. AD 143; found at Ephesos: Cumont, BAB 1905, 199, note 1, no. d; Cagnat %9 Besnier, RA 6, 1905, 474%19`476, no. 121; Groag, Ro+m. Reichsbeamten 106%19`107; FiE V 1 no. 6; Corbier, Aerarium 373%19`374, no. 7; *IEph 5106. @ @@`1229. Honorary inscription for Sophia of (Tiberius Iulius) Celsus, on base; 2&7m&; found at Ephesos: Wilberg, JO+AI 11, 1908, 125; FiE V 1 no. 8 (PH); Corbier, Aerarium 374, no. 10; Oberleitner, Funde aus Ephesos 114%19`115, no. 159 (PH); *IEph 5108. @ @@`1230. Honorary inscription for Arete of (Tiberius Iulius) Celsus, on base; 2&7m&; found at Ephesos: Wilberg, JO+AI 11, 1908, 125; FiE V 1 no. 9; Corbier, Aerarium 374, no. 11; Oberleitner, Funde aus Ephesos 115, no. 160 (PH); *IEph 5109. @ @@`1231. Honorary inscription for Episteme of (Tiberius Iulius) Celsus, on base; 2&7m&; found at Ephesos: Wilberg, JO+AI 11, 1908, 125; FiE V 1 no. 11 (PH); Corbier, Aerarium 374, no. 12; Oberleitner, Funde aus Ephesos 115, no. 162 (PH); *IEph 5111. @ @@`1232. Honorary inscription for Gaius Iulius Kleon, archiereus of Asia, by Alexandros Menandrou of Eumeneia and Ephesos, on statue%19base; AD 54%3`59; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 47, 1964%19`1965 Beibl. 18%19`20, no. 8 (PH); AnnEpig 1968, 487; Engelmann, ZPE 20, 1976, 86; SEG 26, 1244; *IEph 688. @ @@`1233. Honorary inscription for G(aius) Iulius Lupus T(itus) Vibius Varus Laevillus, quaestor pro praetore, by boule and demos of Ephesos; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 191%19`193, no. 8; Wood, app. 6, no. 15; GIBM 541; *IEph 1541. @ @@`1234. Honorary inscription for Gaius Iulius Neikephoros, &3libertus& of Augustus, having become prytanis for life; 27 BC%3AD 14; found at Ephesos: *IEph 859 and 1965A and Add. p. 22 and p. 27. @ @@`1235. Honorary inscription for Gaius Iulius [Nikephoros], &3libertus& of Caesar, for donating money for sacrifice to [Rome, Augustus,] and Artemis; 27 BC%3AD 14; found at Ephesos: Jobst, MDAI(I) 30, 1980, 257%19`258; SEG 30, 1307; *IEph 859A. @ @@`1236. Honorary inscription for G(aius) Iulius Philippus, procurator, set up by M(arcus) Fulvius Publicianus Neikephoros, on base; AD c. 180%3`212; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 49 (PH); *IEph 3049. @ @@`1237. Honorary inscription for C(aius) Iulius Philippus, legatus, by &3hieron misthoterion,& on base; 3; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 50 (PH); *IEph 3050; Knibbe %9 #1222plikc%25iog%27lu, Ephesos Abb. 1 (PH). @ @@`1238. Honorary inscription for Iul(ius) Piso, &3agonothetes& of Megala Artemisia, by &3dikasterion,& on statue%19base; 2&4`2&; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 33, no. 35; *IEph 1103 and Add. p. 24. @ @@`1239. Honorary inscription for Gaius Iulius Pontianus, by boule and demos (of Ephesos), on statue%19base; AD 117%3`161; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 40, 1953, 10%19`12 (PH); SEG 12, 503; *IEph 690. @ @@`1240. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Tiberius Iulius Reginus, twice Asiarch, by boule and demos of Ephesos, on statue%19base; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 55, no. 3; *IEph 692. @ @@`1241. Honorary inscription for [Ti(berius) I]ulius [Reg]inus, [Asia]rch (?), on statue%19base; AD 132%3`214?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 692A. @ @@`1242. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Iulius Sura, tribunus legionis, by Cassius Eubiotos, eques Romanus, on statue%19base; AD 209%3`211; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 48%19`49, no. 18 (PH); AnnEpig 1972, 581 (part); *IEph 691 and 693 and Add. p. 19; Eck, ZPE 42, 1981, 246%19`248; SEG 31, 956; AnnEpig 1982, 863 and 876. @ @@`1243. Honorary inscription for G(aius) Iulius Thrason Alexandros, quaestor, by boule and demos of Ephesos, on base; c. AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 35 (PH); AnnEpig 1924, 75; *IEph 3035. @ @@`1244. Honorary inscription for &3komodos& [I]ul(ius) Tryphonianus, of Tralles and Ephesos; 3&7m&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1147. @ @@`1245. Fragment of honorary inscription for Iu[lius ... ], by bou[le] and demo[s] (of Ephesos); 1; found at Ephesos: GIBM 559; *IEph 1559. @ @@`1246. Honorary inscription in Latin and Greek for [Iunius Maximus], quaestor pro pra[etore] of Asia, on statue%19base; AD 167; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 24%19`29, no. 5 (PH); AnnEpig 1972, 576; Alfo+ldy %9 Halfmann, ZPE 35, 1979, 195%19`212; AnnEpig 1979, 601; *IEph 811. @ @@`1247. Honorary inscription in Latin and Greek for A(ulus) Iunius Pastor L(ucius) Caesennius Sospes, legatus pro praetore of Asia; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 215%19`216, no. 30; Wood, App. 6, no. 13; CIL III 6076 and 12253; GIBM 543; ILS 1095; *IEph 1543. @ @@`1248. Honorary inscription for Caecilius Arellianus, &3procurator &3rationis privatae& of Cilicia, by Harpokration, on base; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 54 (PH); AnnEpig 1924, 83; *IEph 3054. @ @@`1249. Honorary inscription for Caelia, wife of Qu[intus Mucius] Scaevola, by boule and demos (of Ephesos), on statue%19base; I&7e&%3`1; found at Ephesos: *IEph 630A. @ @@`1250. Honorary inscription for [Calpurnia Quadratilla], wife of proconsul G(aius) Arrius Antoninus, by Timaios Altalou grammateus, on base; c. AD 188%3`189; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 48, 1966%19`1967 Beibl. 8%19`12, no. 4; AnnEpig 1971, 458; *IEph 619.B. @ @@`1251. Honorary inscription for [L]ucius Calpurni[us], patron of polis (of Ephesos); 84%3c. 60 BC; found at Ephesos: *IEph 630B. @ @@`1252. Honorary inscription for Calpurnius Verus, &3procurator &3ducenarius,& by M(arcus) Fulv(ius) Pub[li]cianus Neikephoros, &3advocatus fisci&; AD 222%3`235; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 49; Fu+hrer Selc%25uk 113%19`114; AnnEpig 1966, 444; *IEph 632. @ @@`1253. Honorary inscription in Latin for M(arcus) Calpurnius Rufus, legatus of Asia; 1; found near Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 216%19`217, no. 31; Wood, App. 7, no. 4; CIL III 6072; Smith, Cat. Brit. Mus. II 197, no. 1284; *IEph 631. @ @@`1254. Honorary inscription for Pu(blius) Carsidius Pamphilion, by boule and demos (of Ephesos); c. AD 100; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959, 362%19`366; *IEph 633. @ @@`1255. Honorary inscription for [G]ai[us] Cassius Artemido[r]os by demos; I&4`2&; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 128%19`129, no. 4292; SEG 34, 1085. @ @@`1256. Honorary inscription for L(ucius) Castricius Kalliparthenos by &3patris&; imperial; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 89%19`91, no. 16; *IEph 634. @ @@`1257. Honorary inscription for [L(ucius)] Castricius [T]ryphon by &3patris&; imperial; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 60%19`61, no. 7 (PH); *IEph 634A. @ @@`1258. Honorary inscription in Latin for P(ublius) Celer, procurator; c. 1&7m&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 43; AnnEpig 1924, 79a; *IEph 3043. @ @@`1259. Honorary inscription in Latin for [ ... ]ia Qu[ ... ] and husband [P(ublius) C]eler, pro[c(urator)], on base; c. 1&7m&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 44; AnnEpig 1924, 79b; *IEph 3044. @ @@`1260. Honorary inscription for L(ucius) Ce[rrinius Pae]tus; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 635. @ @@`1261. Honorary inscription for (gladiator?) Keteon Threikos; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1176. @ @@`1262. Fragment of base naming [ ... ] Cimb[er?]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1881. @ @@`1263. Honorary inscription for Claudia Ammion, wife of Publius Gavius Capito, &3archiereus& of Asia, by boule and demos (of Ephesos); imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 27, no. 20; AnnEpig 1982, 872; *IEph 681. @ @@`1264. Honorary inscription for Cl(audia) Basilo, [&3th&]&3eoros& of [Ol]ympia, by &3patris,& on statue%19base; 2&7m&; found at Ephesos: Eichler %9 Knibbe, AAWW 102, 1965, 105, no. 6; AnnEpig 1967, 482; Robert, RPh 93, 1967, 71%19`72; Robert, CRAI 1974, 176%19`181; Mu+ller, Chiron 10, 1980, 457%19`484; *IEph 891 and Add. p. 22. @ @@`1265. Honorary inscription for [C]l(audia) Caninia Severa; 3; found at Ephesos: *IEph 635C. @ @@`1266. Honorary inscription for [Claudia Caninia] Severa, priestess of Artemis, by [boule and demos] (of Ephesos), on statue%19base; 3; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 64%19`67, no. 6 (PH); AnnEpig 1972, 587; Robert, CRAI 1974, 176%19`181; *IEph 892. @ @@`1267. Honorary inscription for [C]l(audia) Krateia [Veriane], prytanis and priestess of Artemis, on statue%19base; AD 180%3`192; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 91%19`92, no. 17; AnnEpig 1966, 441; *IEph 980. @ @@`1268. Honorary inscription for Tiberia [Cl(audia)] Frontoniana, on statue%19base; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: Groag, JO+AI 10, 1907, 285; *IEph 635B. @ @@`1269. Honorary inscription for Claudia Procla, priestess (of Artemis); AD 114%3`116; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 146, no. 160. @ @@`1270. Honorary inscription for Claudia [ ... ], priestess of Artemis, by boule [and demos] (of Ephesos); imperial; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 4, no. 7; *IEph 992.B. @ @@`1271. Honorary inscription for [Claudia ... ], by Fl(avius) Zotikos; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870. 193%19`194, no. 9; Wood, App. 8, no. 5; GIBM 562; *IEph 1562 and Add. p. 25; *Holtheide, ZPE 45, 1982, 97%19`99 (* for ll. 0%19`1, ** for ll. 1%19`4); SEG 32, 1132. @ @@`1272. Honorary inscription for Ti(berius) Claudius Aeliu[s] Crispus, by boule and demos of Ephesos, on statue%19base; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 38%19`40, no. 111 (PH); *IEph 637. @ @@`1273. Honorary inscription for Cl(audius) Acilius Iulius by &3synhedrion& of &3argyrokopoi,& on statue%19base; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 85, no. 19 (PH); AnnEpig 1972, 597 (part); JO+AI 52, 23%19`24, no. 11; Eck, ZPE 37, 1980, 64%19`68; SEG 30, 1313; AnnEpig 1982, 867; *IEph 636. @ @@`1274. Honorary inscription for [Ti(berius) Cl]audius [Ari]stion, active in building, on base; 1&7e&%3`2&4`1&; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 35%19`36 no. 9 (PH); *IEph 638. @ @@`1275. Honorary inscription for Tib(erius) Cl(audius) Artemidoros, proconsul, by aunt Claudia Caninia; 2?; found at Ephesos: Riemann, BCH 1, 1877, 293, no. 82; Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 91%19`92, no. 18; AnnEpig 1966, 438%19`439; *IEph 639. @ @@`1276. Honorary inscription for [Tib(erius)] Cl(audius) Atticus Herodes, on statue%19base; 2; found at Ephesos: CIG 2978; Keil, JO+AI 40, 1953, 12%19`13, no. 4; *IEph 640. @ @@`1277. Honorary inscription for [Tib(erius) Claudi]us Balbillus, procurator, by [boule and demos] (of Ephesos); 1; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 41; Smallwood, Doc.'s Gaius 261.b; *IEph 3041. @ @@`1278. Honorary inscription in Latin for [Ti(berius) Claud]ius [Ba]lbillus, on base; c. AD 55; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 42; AnnEpig 1924, 78; Cichorius, RhM 76, 1927, 104; Smallwood, Doc.'s Gaius 261.a; *IEph 3042; **Rigsby, BASP 22, 1985, 279%19`289 (ll. 4, 5, 6). @ @@`1279. Honorary inscription for Claudius Bassus, member of gerousia; imperial; found at Ephesos (?), not Tralles: GIBM 599; Kontoleon, BCH 10, 1886, 517, no. 8; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 10; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 8; *IEph 1599; ITralles I p. 216, no. 2*. @ @@`1280. Honorary inscription for Tib(erius) Claudius Chareinos; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 133, no. 4346; SEG 34, 1106. @ @@`1281. Honorary inscription for Lucius Claudius Charidemos Philometor, by boule and demos of Ephesos, on statue%19base; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 40%19`43, no. 12 (PH); *IEph 642. @ @@`1282. Honorary inscription for [Tib(erius) Claudius Dy]nato[s], [ar]chiere[us of Asia]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 643B. @ @@`1283. Honorary inscription for &3kitharodos& [Tiberius] Claudius Epigonos, of [Aphr]odisias, Ephesos, [A]thens, Smyrna, and Pergamon; c. AD 166; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 36, no. 41; *IEph 1106. @ @@`1284. Honorary inscription for Ti(berius) Cl[audius] Ita[licus] and Claudia Tertulla, by bou[le] and demos of Ephesos; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 643C. @ @@`1285. Honorary inscription for Tib(erius) Cl(audius) Kalliklianos, by [boule] and demos (of Ephesos); imperial; found at Ephesos: CIG 2989 (part); LW 156 and 157; *IEph 641. @ @@`1286. Honorary inscription for Appius Claudiu[s] Cassianu[s] of Salami[s], by bo[ule] and d[emos] of [E]phesos, on base; 2&7b&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 60 (PH); *IEph 3060. @ @@`1287. Honorary inscription in Latin and Greek for Ti(berius) Claudius Classicus, freedman of emperor, &3proc&(&3urator&) &3a &3voluptatibus& of Trajan, by boule and demos (of Ephesos), on statue%19base; AD 102%3`114; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 19%19`21, no. 3 (PH); AnnEpig 1972, 574; *IEph 852; Weaver, Antichthon 14, 1980, 143%19`156; Boulvert, ZPE 43, 1981, 35; SEG 30, 1308. @ @@`1288. Honorary inscription for Tiberius Claud[ius] Clemens, &3libertus& of emperor and procurator of Domitian, by boule [and demos] (of Ephesos), on base; AD 84%3`96; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 47, 1964%19`1965 Beibl. 25%19`28, no. 14 (PH); AnnEpig 1968, 489; *IEph 853. @ @@`1289. Honorary inscription for Tiberius Claudius Marcianus, by boule and demos of Ephesos, on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 67%19`69, no. 7 (PH); *IEph 644. @ @@`1290. Honorary inscription for Sex(tus) Claudius Menandros, &3hierokeryx,& by Claudius Trophim[os] &3tropheus&; 3&7b&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 61 (PH); *IEph 3061. @ @@`1291. Honorary inscription for Tiberius [Claudius] Men[andros], [archiereus] of [A]sia, by boule and [demos] of [Ephesos]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 644A ll. 1%19`7 and Add. p. 18. @ @@`1292. Honorary inscription for [Ti]b(erius) Cl(audius) Moschas, &3hymnodos,& by &3synhedrion& of &3hymnodoi& of &3theologoi& and &3thesmodoi, on statue%19base; c. 3&7m&; found at Ephesos: Keil, AAWW 92, 1955, 165%19`166; SEG 17, 509; AnnEpig 1956, 11; *IEph 645. @ @@`1292.5. Honorary inscription for Cl(audius) Valerius Lysimachos, procurator, on statue%19base; 3?; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 84, no. 17; AnnEpig 1972, 595; *IEph 723, ll. 4%19`6 and Add. p. 20; Eck, ZPE 42, 1981, 248%19`249. @ @@`1293. Honorary inscription in Latin and Greek for Tib(erius) Claudius Vibianus Tertullus, &3ab epistulis Graecis,& by Spectatus; AD 177%3`180; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 5; CIL III 6574, 7126; ILS 1344; *IEph 651. @ @@`1294. Honorary inscription for Tiberius Claudius Fidus; c. 1&7e&%3`2&7b&; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 39; *IEph 4339. @ @@`1295. Honorary inscription for [&3bi&]&3ologos& [Ti]b(erius) Cl(audius) Philolo[gos The]seus, of Marathon, Ephesos, Magnesia Mai., and many other cities, on base; imperial; found at Ephesos: Keil, AAWW 82, 1945, 10%19`18, no. A; *IEph 1135. @ @@`1296. Honorary inscription for [T(itus) Cl(audius)] F[lavian]us Dionysios, rhetor, sophist, and procurator, by [boule] and demos (of Ephesos); AD 117%3`138; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 47 (PH); Keil, JO+AI 40, 1953, 6%19`7; SEG 13, 502; IEph 3047; *Jones, GRBS 21, 1980, 373%19`374; SEG 30, 1309. @ @@`1297. Fragment of honorary inscription for (?) [L(ucius) Cl]audius Frug[ianus]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1129.A.3. @ @@`1298. Honorary inscription for [Mar]cus Claudius [Pu(blius) V]edius Antoninus Phaidros Sabinianus (II), on base; 2; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 10 (PH); AnnEpig 1935, 166; Bowie, Proc. X Int. Cong. Class. Arch. Ankara 870; *IEph 4110. @ @@`1299. Honorary inscription for [M(arcus) Cl(audius) P(ublius) Vedius Papianus Antoninus], by sister Vedia Papiana, on statue%19base; 2&4`2&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 732A. @ @@`1300. Honorary inscription for Tiberius Claudius Priscus, &3praefectus alae sagittatiorum,& by b[oule] and demos (of Ephesos), on base; 1&7e&%3`2&7b&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 32 (PH); *IEph 3032. @ @@`1301. Honorary inscription in Latin and Greek for Ti(berius) Claudius Secundus; Roman; found at Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 215, no. 29; Wood, App. 8, no. 7; CIL III 6078, 12254; GIBM 544; ILS 1925; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 14; *IEph 1544. @ @@`1302. Honorary inscription for Tib(erius) Claudius Secundus, &3viator tribunicius,& on base; c. AD 100; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 4, no. 9; GIBM 545; Engelmann, ZPE 24, 1977, 203%19`204, no. 4; SEG 27, 736; *IEph 1545. @ @@`1303. Honorary inscription in Latin for [Ti(berius) C]laudius Secundus, &3viator tribunicius,& by &3negotiatores& in &3statarium&; c. AD 100; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 73%19`75, no. 5 (PH); AnnEpig 1975, 803; *IEph 646. @ @@`1304. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [Tib(erius)] Cl(audius) Severus, first consul from Ephesos, by daughter [Cl]audia Caninia Severa, on statue%19base; 2&7e&%3`3; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 92%19`93, no. 19; AnnEpig 1966, 440; *IEph 648. @ @@`1305. Honorary inscription in Greek and Latin for Tib(erius) Cl(audius) Serenu[us, procurator], by Severus &3exactor,& on statue%19base; AD 211%3`212; found at Ephesos: *IEph 647. @ @@`1306. Honorary inscription for Tib(erius) Cl(audius) Statianus, by polis of Ephesos, on statue%19base; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 85, no. 20 (PH); *IEph 649. @ @@`1307. Honorary inscription for Ti(berius) Cl(audius) Teimokrates; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 649A. @ @@`1308. Honorary inscription for Ti(berius) Claudius Tuendianus &3neoteros,& by boule and demos (of Ephesos), on statue%19base; 1%3`2; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 59%19`63, no. 3 (PH); BE 1977:420; SEG 26, 1247; *IEph 650. @ @@`1309. Honorary inscription for Ti(berius) Cl[audius Tuendianus?], on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 650A. @ @@`1310. Honorary inscription in Latin for [T(iberius)] Claudius Xenophon, procurator, by Salvianus; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 4; CIL III 6575, 7127; ILS 1421; *IEph 652. @ @@`1311. Honorary inscription for [Ti(berius) Claudi]us Xenoph[on], by [boule] and demos (of Ephesos), on statue%19base; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 652A (%6 2945) and Add. p. 30. @ @@`1312. Honorary inscription for Tib(erius) Cl(audius) Zenon, twice Asiarch, on statue%19base; c. AD 117%3`138; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1976 Beibl. 37%19`38, no. 6 (PH); SEG 26, 1252; *IEph 653. @ @@`1313. Honorary inscription for Tib(erius) Cl[audius ... ], on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 653A. @ @@`1314. Fragment of honorary inscription for Tib(erius) C[l(audius) ... ], on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 780. @ @@`1315. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]ius Claudiu[s ... ], procurator, by [bo]ule and dem[os of Ephesos]; imperial; found at Ephesos: GIBM 536; *IEph 1536. @ @@`1316. Fragment of honorary inscription for (?) [ ... ] Cl[audius ... ], on fragment of statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph III p. 172 (to no. 845). @ @@`1317. Honorary inscription (?) for [Clau]dius (?) [ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 714; *IEph 1714. @ @@`1318. Honorary inscription in Latin for T(itus) Clodius Aurelius [Sat]urninus, consul and &3comes& of Severus Alexander, on statue%19base; AD 232%3`235; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 85%19`88, no. 21 (PH); AnnEpig 1972, 598 (part); Eck, ZPE 14, 1974, 164%19`166 (part); Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 40, no. 8; AnnEpig 1975, 792 (part); Eck, ZPE 37, 1980, 48%19`51; *IEph 657 (including 1979A) and Add. pp. 18%19`19 and p. 27. @ @@`1319. Honorary inscription in Latin for C(aius) Clodius Nummus, q(uaestor) of Asia, by son [L(ucius) Ste]rtinius Quintilianus [Cur]iatius Maternus [Clo]dius Nummus Acilius [ ... ] Strabo; 2&4`1&?; found at Ephesos: CIL III 429; Schmidt, MDAI(A) 6, 1880, 140, no. 17 (part); *IEph 654. @ @@`1320. Honorary inscription in Latin for [M(arcus) Cocceius N]erva, consul [designate], by [&3Italici negotiatores&] at Ephesos; 37 BC; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 47, 1964%19`1965 Beibl. 9%19`12 (PH); AnnEpig 1968, 480; *IEph 658. @ @@`1321. Honorary inscription for Quintilia Var[il]la, priestess of Artemis, on base; AD 132%3`200; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968 Beibl. 43%19`44, no. 13 (PH); Bowie, Proc. X Int. Cong. Class Arch. Ankara 873, note 23; **Knibbe %9 Merkelbach, ZPE 31, 1978, 99 (ll. 8%19`10); SEG 28, 861; *IEph 986. @ @@`1322. Honorary inscription for Publius [Qu]intilius Valens Varius, mentioning building activity; AD 117%3`138; found at Ephesos: *IEph 712B. @ @@`1323. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Cornelius Aur(elius) Zenon by polis; 3&4`2&?; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 27, no. 18; AnnEpig 1982, 871; *IEph 659. @ @@`1324. Honorary inscription for [C]ornelius Gamos by [&3syn&]&3hedrion& of neopoioi; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 121%19`122, no. 4238; SEG 34, 1103. @ @@`1325. Honorary inscription for (Gnaius Cornelius) [Len]tulus Au]gur [pro]co(n)s(ul), by [&3publica&]&3ni& of B[ithy]nia and [Asi]a; 2%3`1 BC; found at Ephesos: *IEph 659A. @ @@`1326. Honorary inscription for L(ucius) Cossonius Eggius Marullus by T(itus) Aelius Aurelius Neon, on statue%19base; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 64, no. 5 (PH); AnnEpig 1972, 586; *IEph 660. @ @@`1327. Fragment naming L(ucius) Cusiniu[s], on statue%19base; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 660B. @ @@`1328. Honorary inscription for L(ucius) Cusinius Messalinus, by boule and demos (of Ephesos), on statue%19base; 1&7e&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 660C. @ @@`1329. Honorary inscription for [Publi?]us Curtiu[s Propinqu]us; I; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 11 (PH); *IEph 4111. @ @@`1330. Honorary inscription (?) in Latin for A(ulus) A[ ... ]cius [Crispinus?]; 2&4`1&?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 517A and Add. p. 14. @ @@`1331. Honorary inscription in Latin for [A(ulus) A ... cius] Cris[pinus], promag(ister), on base; c. 2&7b&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 45 (PH); AnnEpig 1924, 80; de Laet, Portorium 275; *IEph 3045; Knibbe %9 #1222plikc%25iog%27lu, Ephesos Abb. 4 (PH). @ @@`1332. Honorary inscription (?) for &3deipn&[&3ophoroi&] Kykno[s] and (?) Servili[us]; 3?; found at Ephesos: GIBM 577b; *IEph 1577.b. @ @@`1333. Honorary inscription for (?) Gaius Laberius Amoenus; AD 162%3`164; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1055A. @ @@`1334. Honorary inscription for G(aius?) Lab(erius) Amoen[us], prytanis; AD 142%3`144; found at Ephesos: GIBM 557; *IEph 1557. @ @@`1335. Honorary inscription for Gaius Laecanius Bassus (Caecina Paetus), former proconsul, on statue%19base; AD 80%3`81; found at Ephesos: Eichler, AAWW 98, 1961, 71%19`72; Fu+hrer Selc%25uk 55%19`56 (PH); AnnEpig 1977, 794; *IEph 695. @ @@`1336. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Laevia Paulla by demos and boule (of Ephesos); 1&7m&; found at Ephesos: Gottwald, Mitt. d. Ver. klass. Philol. in Wien 10, 1933, 121, no. A (PH); *IEph 614B. @ @@`1337. Honorary inscription for Larcia Theognis Iuliane, prytanis and priestess of Artemis, by boule and demos of Ephesos; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 93%19`94, no. 21; *IEph 985. @ @@`1338. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) for G(aius) Lar[kios] [&3a&]&3rchi&[ ... ], on base; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2911; JO+AI 53, 100, no. 38. @ @@`1339. Honorary inscription for athlete A(ulus) Licinius Bouleianos of Corinth, by Tib(erius) Cl(audius) Nysios, on statue%19base; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 97, no. 88; Robert, RPh 93, 1967, 40; La+mmer, Olympien 31%19`32; *IEph 1116. @ @@`1340. Honorary inscription for [Lucius] Licinnius Lu[cullus], proquaestor; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2941. @ @@`1341. Honorary inscription for G(aius) Licinius Maximus Iulianus by boule and [demos] (of Ephesos), on base; 1&7e&%3`2&7b&; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 66; *IEph 3066. @ @@`1342. Honorary inscription for T(itus) Licin[ius] Ruf[inus], by [boule and demos (of Ephesos)]; Roman; found at Ephesos: GIBM 542; *IEph 1542. @ @@`1343. Honorary inscription for (?) [Li]cinius [ ... ], grammateus, and mentioning Pu(blius) Aelius M[ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 695A. @ @@`1344. Honorary inscription for prytanis Lollia; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 6, no. 22; GIBM 596b; FiE IX 1 no. D6 (PH); *IEph 1074. @ @@`1345. Honorary inscription in Latin for L(ucius) Lu[cilius] Pansa [Priscilianus], procurator; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Ephesos; *IEph 696A.I and Add. p. 19; Engelmann, EA 8, 1986, 34 (ll. 0%19`1); SEG 36, 1017. @ @@`1346. Honorary inscription in Latin for [Lu]ci[us Lucilius Pa]nsa Pr[iscilianus], procurator, by [ ... ]ntes; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 696A.II. @ @@`1347. Honorary inscription for L(ucius) Luciliu[s Priscili]anus, senator, on statue%19base; AD 212%3`217; found at Ephesos: FiE III p. 139 (to no. 53); Pflaum, Le marbre de Thorigny 46; *IEph 697. @ @@`1348. Honorary inscription for L(ucius) Luciliu[s] Priscillianus, procurator, by Gaius Laberius Paulus, on base; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 53 (PH); *IEph 3053. @ @@`1349. Honorary inscription in Latin for L(ucius) Lucilius Pansa Priscillianus, procurator, by &3milites& of &3c&(&3o&)&3hor&(&3s&) &3I Raet&(&3orum&), on base; 2?; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 141, no. 4366. @ @@`1350. Honorary inscription for [M(arcus)] Lucceius Torquatus, legatus pro praetore in Asia, by boule and demos of Ephesos; 2&4`2&; found at Ephesos: CIG 2977; LW 147a; FiE IV 3 p. 288; *IEph 696. @ @@`1351. Honorary inscription for Luc(ius) Marius [Ma]ximus Pe[r]petuus Aurelianus, proconsul, by [boule] and d[e]mos of [Ephesos], on base; AD 213%3`217; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 30; *IEph 3030. @ @@`1352. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]a Marcell[ina?], [p]rytani[s] and th[eoros] of [Olympia], by [boule and d]emos of [Ephesos], on statue%19base; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: FiE I 212, no. 4; Merkelbach, ZPE 24, 1977, 178; SEG 27, 743; *IEph 893. @ @@`1353. Honorary inscription for (?) Maron on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 741.I. @ @@`1354. Honorary inscription for (?) Melos on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 741.II. @ @@`1355. Honorary inscription for [ ... ] Menodor(os), by [&3cives &3Romani&] living in Asia; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 697A. @ @@`1356. Honorary inscription for Menodoros of Ephesos, victor at Megala Ar[temeisei]a, by [ ... ] Quintilius [ ... ]inus, on statue%19base; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1104A. @ @@`1357. Honorary inscription for [. M]essius Rust[icus Aemilius] Papus A[rrius ... ]lianus Iu[lius ... ], by [boul]e and [demos] of [Ephes]os, on statue%19base; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: Eck, ZPE 37, 1980, 41%19`45; SEG 30, 1310; *IEph 697B. @ @@`1358. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) for Metrod[ora], on base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2915; JO+AI 53, 102, no. 45. @ @@`1359. Honorary inscription for Mindia Menandra, priestess of Artemis, by boule and demos (of Ephesos); Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 992.A. @ @@`1360. Honorary inscription for G(aius) Mindius Hegoumenos, on base; AD 132%3c. 270; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 125, no. 4267; **SEG 34, 1093 (l. 11). @ @@`1361. Excised (moved to 2486.5). @ @@`1362. Honorary inscription for Fl(avius) Mon[tanus] Maximil[lianus], proconsul, by Rupillius Alexa[ndros], Asiarch, on statue%19base; 3?; found at Ephesos: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 1790, no. 366; *IEph 698 and Add. p. 22. @ @@`1363. Honorary inscription for athlete [Moscho]s Taureou by [boule and d]emos (of Ephesos); c. 50 BC; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 14%19`15, no. 5; SEG 26, 1240; *IEph 1126. @ @@`1364. Honorary inscription for [Mo]usai[os] by [b]oule and [de]mos (of Ephesos), on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 698A. @ @@`1365. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for Mousonios, victorious among &3kithar&[&3odoi&], on base; no date; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 126, no. 125. @ @@`1366. Honorary inscription for L(ucius) Nessenius Apollinarios, on statue%19base; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 43%19`45, no. 11 (PH); AnnEpig 1975, 793; SEG 26, 1263; *IEph 699. @ @@`1367. Honorary inscription for [N]onios Idrios [ ... ] Melitios, restorer of &3synhedr&[&3ion&] of &3latreutai&; 3%3`4; found at Ephesos?: Keil, AAWW 91, 1954, 218, no. 1b (PH); SEG 15, 710b; Vidman, Syll. 304; Ho+lbl, Zeugnisse p. 53, no. 8; *IEph 1247.B. @ @@`1368. Honorary inscription in Latin for L(ucius) No[nius Calpurnius] To[rquatus Asprenas], proconsul, by (Caius) Vibius Salutaris, on base; AD 107%3`108; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 27; AnnEpig 1924, 73; *IEph 3027. @ @@`1369. Honorary inscription for [M(arcus) Nonius] Macri[nus], proconsul, put up by [T(itus) Fl(avius) D]amianos, on base; AD 170%3`171; found at Ephesos: Egger, JO+AI 9, 1906, 61%19`76; AnnEpig 1907, 180; ILS 8830; FiE III no. 29; Pflaum, Sodales Anton. 38, no. 1; *IEph 3029. @ @@`1370. Honorary inscription in Latin and Greek for Ofillia Bassa by son C(aius) Ofillius Proculus, perhaps from Monument of Pollio; AD 4%3`14; found at Ephesos: Alzinger, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 267%19`269 (PH); Alzinger, Augusteische Architektur 28; SEG 26, 1268; *IEph 407.b. @ @@`1371. Honorary inscription for Ofellia Phaidreina by &3patris& on base; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 78 (PH); *IEph 3078. @ @@`1372. Honorary%3funerary (?) inscription for [ ... ] Ofellius, son of [ ... Ofel]lius, Asiarch, by boule and [demos] of (Ephesos); imperial; found at Ephesos: CIG 2994a; *IEph 700. @ @@`1373. Honorary inscription for T(itus) Oppius Afer Pollius Tertullu[s], curator of Ephesos, by boule and demos of Ephesos, on base; c. AD 160; found at Ephesos: Miltner, AD 9, 1924%19`1925, 118%19`119; SEG 4, 519; FiE IV 3 no. 41; *IEph 4341. @ @@`1374. Honorary inscription for Valeria Lepida, mother of (Publius) Vedius Antoninus (IV) by &3patris,& on base; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 66; *IEph 2066. @ @@`1375. Honorary inscription for Valeria Lepida, by &3patris,& on base; 2%3`3&7b&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 76 (PH); *IEph 3076. @ @@`1376. Honorary inscription in Latin for [Valerius Eudaimon?], &3ab epist&(&3ulis&) &3Graec&(&3is&) of Hadrian, by Hermes; c. AD 130%3`138; found at Ephesos: LW 176; CIL III 431, 7116, 13674; ILS 1449; Smallwood, Doc.'s Nerva 283; *IEph 666. @ @@`1377. Honorary inscription in Latin for Valerius Festus by &3argyrochooi& of Ephesos, on base; c. AD 250%3`260; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 130%19`131, no. 4297; SEG 34, 1094. @ @@`1378. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [Valerius Taurus Catullus Messalinus Asiaticus], son of (Lollius Paulinus) [Va]lerius Asia[ticus], proconsul; prob. AD 108%3`109; found at Ephesos,text identical with Ephesos 1379; *IEph 695B.a. @ @@`1379. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [Valerius Taurus C]atu[llus Messalinus Asiaticus], son of (Lollius Paulinus) [Va]leriu[s Asiaticus, proconsul]; prob. AD 108%3`109; found at Ephesos,text identical with Ephesos 1378; *IEph 695B.b. @ @@`1380. Honorary inscription for [Vedia ... , priestess] of Ar[t]emis, by father Vedius Serv(ilius) Gaius, on base; c. 3&7m&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 72 (PH); *IEph 3072; SEG 32, 1131. @ @@`1381. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (?) [ ... ] Ved[ius, archiereus of Asia]; AD 132%3c. 260; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1900.3. @ @@`1382. Honorary inscription for Pu(blius) Vedius Antoninus, restored by &3patris,& on statue%19base; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: Gelzer, RhM 27, 1872, 466, no.. 6; Curtius, Hermes 7, 1873, 32, no. 3; OGIS 510, note 9; Groag, JO+AI 10, 1907, 293; FiE III p. 159 (to no. 76); *IEph 725. @ @@`1383. Honorary inscription for Publius Vedius Antoninus, tribunus militum in Legio I Italica, by [boule and demos] of Ephesos, on statue%19base; AD 132%3c. 160; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 71%19`72, no. 3 (PH); AnnEpig 1975, 802; SEG 26, 1251; *IEph 726. @ @@`1384. Honorary inscription for [Pu(blius) Vedius] Anto[ninus], tribunus militum of L[egio I Italica]; AD 132%3c. 160; found at Ephesos: *IEph 726A. @ @@`1385. Honorary inscription for [Pu(blius)] Vedius Antoninus; 2&4`2&; found at Ephesos: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 179, no. 365; Groag, JO+AI 10, 1907, 292; *IEph 732. @ @@`1386. Honorary inscription for Pu(blius) Vedius Antoninus (I) by boule and dem[os] of Ephesos, on statue%19base; AD 166%3c. 180; found at Ephesos: Miltner, AAWW 94, 1957, 18%19`20, no. 3; Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959 Beibl. 257%19`263, no. 3 (PH); AnnEpig 1959, 13; *IEph 728; SEG 36, 1019. @ @@`1387. Honorary inscription for Pu(blius) Vedius Antoninus (II or III), &3ktistes& of polis of Ephesos, by &3synergasia& of &3lanarioi, on statue%19base; 2&4`2&; found at Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 7, 1873, 31, no. 2; Wood, App. 8, no. 4; Waltzing, Corporations III p. 47, no. 140; OGIS 510, note 9; *IEph 727. @ @@`1388. Honorary inscription for [Pu(blius) Vedius Ant]oninus (II or III), for statue set up by [Marcus] Ulpius Damas; 2; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 64; *IEph 264. @ @@`1389. Honorary inscription for P(ublius) Vedius Antoninus (II or III), Asiarch, by &3paideutai& at Mouseion; 2; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 8, 1905, 135; AnnEpig 1905, 151; FiE II no. 65; *IEph 2065. @ @@`1390. Honorary inscription for Pu(blius) Vedius Antoninus (II or III) by &3naourgoi tektones,& on base; 2; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 75 (PH); *IEph 3075. @ @@`1391. Honorary inscription by boule and demos of Ephesos for T(itus) Pu(blius) Vedius Marcellus, prytanis, with list of Kouretes, on base; 2; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 54, 125%19`127. @ @@`1392. Honorary inscription for Pu(blius) Vedius Papianus Antoninus (II), by boule and demos of Ephesos, on statue%19base; AD 132%3c. 200; found at Ephesos: Miltner, AAWW 94, 1957, 20%19`21, no. 4; Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959 Beibl. 263%19`264, no. 4; AnnEpig 1959, 14; *IEph 730. @ @@`1393. Honorary inscription for Pu(blius) Vedius Papianus Antoninus, restored by &3patris&; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 8, no. 9; OGIS 510, note 9; *IEph 731. @ @@`1394. Honorary inscription for Pu(blius) Vedius Papianus Antoninus (II or III), by boule and demos of [Ephes]os, on base; 2; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 79; *IEph 3079. @ @@`1395. Honorary inscription for Pu(blius) Vedius Papianus Antoninus by &3patris& Ephesos, on base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 125, no. 123. @ @@`1396. Honorary inscription in Latin and Greek for [.] Velleius L(ucius) Sertorius [Ped]anius Fuscus Sa[linat]or Sallus[t]ius Bla[esus] Iulius Agricol[a] [ ... ]us Caesonius, pon[t]ifex, by [F]lavius Bassus, lictor, on statue%19base; c. AD 125%3`136; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 31%19`34, no. 7 (PH); AnnEpig 1972, 578; Champlin, ZPE 21, 1976, 79%19`89; AnnEpig 1977, 797; *IEph 734. @ @@`1396.5. Honorary inscription for L(ucius) Verrius Terentianus Flavianus, &3eisagogos& of Megala Ephesea, by &3patris,& on base; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1152. @ @@`1397. Honorary inscription for Vetu[rius] Pac[c]ianus, legatus pro praetore of diocese of Ephesos, by friend Fl(avius) Damianus, on statue%19base; AD 162%3`166; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 22%19`24, no. 4 (PH); AnnEpig 1972, 575; *IEph 735. @ @@`1398. Honorary inscription for [L(ucius)] Vibius Lent[ulus], procurator, by Tiberius Iu[lius ... ], on statue%19base; AD 98%3`106; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 157%19`158, no. 1 (PH); SEG 26, 1246; *IEph 736. @ @@`1399. Honorary inscription for L(ucius) Vibius Lentulus, procurator, by boule and demos (of Ephesos); AD 102%3`112; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 61I; AnnEpig 1913, 143a; Pflaum, Legio VII Gemina 359%19`360, no. 5.1; *IEph 2061.I. @@`1400. Honorary inscription for L(ucius) Vibius Lentulus, procurator, by Claudius Strymon and others, on base; AD 103%3`114; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 46 (PH); AnnEpig 1924, 81; Pflaum, Legio VII Gemina 359%19`360, no. 5.2; Smallwood, Doc.'s Nerva 286; *IEph 3046. @ @@`1401. Honorary inscription for Luc[iu]s Vibius Varus, praetor and legatus Augusti, by [boule and dem]os (of Ephesos), on statue%19base; 1&4`1&; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 47, 1964%19`1965 Beibl. 16%19`18, no. 7 (PH); AnnEpig 1968, 486; *IEph 738. @ @@`1402. Honorary inscription for Gaius Vibius Rufinus, proconsul, by Dionysios Menandrou, prytanis, on base; 1&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 23 (PH); *IEph 3023. @ @@`1403. Honorary inscription (in Latin and Greek) for C(aius) Vibius [Salutaris]; AD 104; found at Ephesos: CIL III 7119, 14195 *IEph 37. @ @@`1404. Honorary inscription for Vibius Seneca, naval officer, by [&3synhedrion& of gerousia], on statue%19base; AD 244%3`246; found at Ephesos: Keil, AAWW 92, 1955, 163%19`165, no. 1; AnnEpig 1956, 10; SEG 17, 506; AnnEpig 1968, 488; *IEph 737. @ @@`1405. Honorary inscription for Marcus Vinicius, proconsul, by demos (of Ephesos), on base; AD 38%3`39; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 24 (PH); *IEph 3024. @ @@`1406. Honorary inscription for [Vipsan]ia Olympia[s], priestess of Artemis, by [boule] and de[m]os (of Ephesos); 27 BC%3AD c. 88; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 87%19`89, no. 14(I); *IEph 987 and Add. p. 23. @ @@`1407. Honorary inscription for Vi[psania] Pol[la], priestess of [Ar]temis, by boul[e and demos] (of Ephesos); 27 BC%3AD c. 88; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 88%19`90, no. 14(II); *IEph 988 and Add. p. 23. @ @@`1408. Honorary inscription for Vipsanius Caecilianus Axios, procurator, by M(arcus) Fulvius Publicianus Neikephoros, Asiarch, on base; prob. AD 218%3`222; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 69, no. 8; 84, no. 18 (PH); AnnEpig 1972, 588 and 596; Eck, ZPE 14, 1974, 166%19`167; *IEph 739. @ @@`1409. Honorary inscription for [ ... ] Vitellius; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 739A. @ @@`1410. Honorary inscription for Ulpia Euodia Moudiane, priestess of Artemis; imperial; found at Ephesos: CIG 3002; LW 166; *IEph 989. @ @@`1411. Honorary inscription for (?) Ulpia Iunilla, priestess; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 989A. @ @@`1412. Honorary inscription for Ulp(ius) Apollonios Plautus, grammateus of demos and Asiarch, by boule of Ephesos, on statue%19base; AD 211%3`212; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 25, no. 15; *IEph 740. @ @@`1413. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for [ ... Flavius] Chresimos, &3libertus& of [emperor] and procurator, to Domitian or Nerva or Trajan; AD c. 92%3c. 105; found at Ephesos: Preuner, MDAI(A) 49, 1924, 144, no. 30.1; SEG 4, 531; *IEph 856; **Herrmann, Tyche 3, 1988, 121%19`122, no. c (ll. 2, 3, 5). @ @@`1414. Honorary inscription for [Marcus] Ulpius Damas [Catullinus], archiere[us of A]sia, on base; imperial; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 67; *IEph 2067. @ @@`1415. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Ulpius Glyptos, &3libertus& of emperor and &3ab epistulis,& by T(itus) Flavius Soter and children, on statue%19base; 1&4`2&%3`2; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 69%19`71, no. 9 (PH); AnnEpig 1972, 589; *IEph 854 and Add. pp. 21%19`22. @ @@`1416. Honorary inscription for [ ... U]lpius [ ... ]; 2&7e&%3`3; found at Ephesos: *IEph 740A. @ @@`1417. Honorary inscription for Paccius (?) Severianus on statue%19base; Roman; found at Phygela: Pace, ASAA 6%19`7, 1924, 441, no. 146; *IEph 3120. @ @@`1418. Fragment of honorary inscription for [Pau]llus Iulian[us], on statue%19base; AD 132%3`260; found at Ephesos: *IEph 878. @ @@`1419. Honorary inscription for Lu[c]iu[s] [Ped]anius Se[c]un[dus] Pompeius Festus [M]unatianus, quaestor, by [boul]e and dem[os] (of Ephesos), on statue%19base; AD 69%3`79; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 47, 1964 Beibl. 23%19`24, no. 12 (PH); AnnEpig 1968, 482; *IEph 701. @ @@`1420. Honorary inscription for Titus Peducaeus Canax, prytanis, by [b]oule and demos (of Ephesos), on statue%19base; AD 98%3`117; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 18, 1915 Beibl. 281%19`282; AnnEpig 1920, 74; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 5; *IEph 702. @ @@`1421. Honorary inscription for Lucius Peducaeus Fronto, procurator, by Charmides Charmidou and Charmides Pereitou of Trapezopolis, on statue%19base; AD 41%3`54; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 48, 1967%19`1967 Beibl. 5%19`7, no. 2 (PH); AnnEpig 1971, 459; *IEph 703. @ @@`1422. Honorary inscription in Latin for L(ucius) Peduca[eus Fronto, procurator], on statue%19base; AD 41%3`54; found at Ephesos: AnnEpig 1971 to no. 459; *IEph 703A. @ @@`1423. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Peducaeus Plautius Quintillus, son%19in%19law of Marcus Aurelius, by Pu(blius) Cl(audius) Tyrannos, on statue%19base; AD 165%3`180; found at Ephesos: Keil, Klio 31, 1938, 296%19`298; AnnEpig 1939, 127; Pflaum, Sodales Anton. 81, no. 20.3; *IEph 704. @ @@`1423.5. Honorary inscription in Latin for (?) (Iulius) Pela[go, &3libertus&] of emperor and procurator, on statue%19base; 1&7m&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 862. @ @@`1424. Honorary (?) inscription for L(ucius) Fabiu[s], on base; Roman; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 105, no. 54. @ @@`1425. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Lucius Fabius Cilo, consul, on base, to emperors [Septimus Severus] and [ ... ]; AD 204; found between Ephesos and Belevi: Jordanides, MDAI(A) 23, 1898, 166; IGRR IV 1674; *IEph 3204. @ @@`1426. Honorary inscription for [Fa]bius [F]austin[ianus], prytanis, by [boule and dem]os of [Ephesos], on statue%19base; c. AD 161%3`180; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 18, 1915 Beibl. 282%19`283; Merkelbach, ZPE 28, 1978, 82; SEG 28, 858; *IEph 666A. @ @@`1427. Honorary inscription for (?) Fabius Fausti[nianus &3ne&(&3oteros&)]; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 666B. @ @@`1428. Honorary inscription for Favonius Stratoneikos by Asia, on statue%19base; 3?; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 48, 1966%19`1967 Beibl. 7%19`8, no. 3 (PH); *IEph 667. @ @@`1429. Honorary inscription for Fab(ius) Tatianus, proconsul, by boule and d[e]mos of [Ephesos]; 3?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 666C. @ @@`1430. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription in Latin for [ ... ]x Felix; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1938A. @ @@`1431. Honorary inscription for Ennoia of Philippos, on base; 4&4`2&; found at Ephesos: Wilberg, JO+AI 7, 1904 Beibl. 53; FiE V 1 no. 10; Corbier, Aerarium 374, no. 12; *IEph 5110. @ @@`1432. Fragment of honorary inscription for [ ... Philo]metor; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 867. @ @@`1433. Honorary inscription for [F]lavia Chrysanthe, by boule and [demos] of [Eph]esos; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 123, no. 4261; SEG 34, 1104. @ @@`1434. Honorary inscription for Flavia Papiana, wife of Pu(blius) Vedius Antoninus (III), by Pu(blius) Vedius Galates Achilleus, on statue%19base; 2&7m&; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 94%19`95, no. 22; AnnEpig 1966, 443; *IEph 729. @ @@`1435. Honorary inscription for Fl(avia) Papiane, by &3patris,& on base; 2; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 77 (PH); *IEph 3077. @ @@`1436. Honorary inscription for [Flavia] Pasineike by Trophimos &3pragmateutes,& on base; 3; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 83 (PH); *IEph 3083. @ @@`1437. Honorary inscription for Fl(avia) Phaidreina by Aur(elius) Artemas, on base; AD 238%3`244; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 81 (PH); *IEph 3081. @ @@`1438. Honorary inscription in Latin for Flavius Apollinarius, &3naupegos& of Syrian fleet; imperial; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 49%19`50, no. 19; AnnEpig 1972, 582; Weber, ZPE 13, 1974, 18; AnnEpig 1974, 521; *IEph 668. @ @@`1439. Honorary inscriptionn for T(itus) Fl(avius) Apollonios; AD 218%3`223; seen at Smyrna, prob. wandered from Ephesos: Weber %9 Fontrier, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, 120%19`121; IGRR IV 1441; Robert, E/t. anat. 136%19`137; *IEph 668A. @ @@`1440. Honorary inscription for T(itus) Flavius Aristion Iulianus, by b[oule] and d[emos] (f Ephesos), on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 72%19`73, no. 11 (PH); AnnEpig 1972, 590; *IEph 669. @ @@`1441. Honorary inscription for T(itus) Flavius Damianus, on statue%19base; AD 166; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 15, 1912 Beibl. 164%19`165; AnnEpig 1913, 170; *IEph 672. @ @@`1442. Honorary inscription for (Titus) [Fl(vius) D]amianus, by [boule] and demos of [Ephesos], on statue%19base; 2&7e&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 672A. @ @@`1443. Fragment of honorary inscription for (Titus) Flavius Damianus; AD 166?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 672B. @ @@`1444. Honorary inscription for T(itus) Fl(avius) Damianus, put up by G(aius) Licinius Arteimetos Aurelianus, neopoios, on base; 2&4`2&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 80 (PH); *IEph 3080. @ @@`1445. Honorary inscription for T(itus) Fl(avius) Hypsikles, by son T(itus) Fl(avius) Cl(audius) Gorgos, on statue%19base; 3?; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 40, 1953, 17; SEG 13, 515; *IEph 673. @ @@`1446. Honorary inscription for Titus Flavius Iulianus (the younger) by Tiberius Cl(audius) Paulinus, on statue%19base; AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 42a; *IEph 674. @ @@`1447. Honorary inscription for T(itus) Fl(avius) Iulianus (the younger), grammateus; AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 42b; *IEph 674A. @ @@`1448. Honorary inscription for [T(itus) F]la(vius) Iu[lian]us, prytanis, by [demos] of [Eph]esos, on base; AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 42; *IEph 4342. @ @@`1449. Honorary inscription in Latin for [Flavius] Iuncus, by &3decuriones tabellarii& and &3equites,& on base; 2&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 12 (PH); AnnEpig 1935, 167; Smallwood, Doc.'s Nerva 246; *IEph 4112. @ @@`1450. Honorary inscription for T(itus) Fl(avius) Kleitosthenes Iulianus, Asiarch, by &3patris,& on statue%19base; AD 161%3`180; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 74%19`76, no. 12 (PH); *IEph 671. @ @@`1451. Honorary inscription for T(itus) Fl(avius) Leukios Hierax, on base; 3&7b&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 62 (PH); *IEph 3062. @ @@`1452. Honorary inscription for T(itus) Fl(avius) Lollianus Aristoboulos, by G(aius) Fl(avius) Dionysios Proresianus; c. AD 180%3`192; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 63%19`65, no. 4 (PH); SEG 26, 1250; BE 1977:421; *IEph 675. @ @@`1453. Honorary inscription for [T(itus) Fl(avius)] Lo[llianus Arist]oboulos; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 864. @ @@`1454. Honorary inscription for T(itus) Fl(avius) M[etro]doros, citizen of Magnesia Mai. and Ephesos, on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 40, no. 53; *IEph 676. @ @@`1455. Honorary inscription for T(itus) Flav[ius Montanus], archier[eus of Asia], by boule [and demos] (of Ephesos); AD 103%3`116; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 1456: FiE II no. 61II; AnnEpig 1913, 143b; Hellenica 3, 124%19`125, no. 312; Pflaum, Legio VII Gemina 359%19`360, no. 5.3; *IEph 2061.II and Add. pp. 21%19`22. @ @@`1456. Honorary inscription for Titus F[lavius Montanus, archiereus] of Asia, by [boule and demos] (of Ephesos); AD 103%3`116; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 1455: FiE II no. 62a%19d; *IEph 2062 and Add. pp. 21%19`22. @ @@`1457. Honorary inscription for Titus Flavius Montanus, archiereus of Asia, by boule and demos (of Ephesos), on base; AD 103%3`116; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 63; *IEph 2063 and Add. pp. 21%19`22. @ @@`1458. Honorary inscription for [T(itus) Fl(avius) Ved(ius) Antoninus], proconsul of Africa, by Trophimos &3pragmateutes,& on base; 3; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 82 (PH); *IEph 3082. @ @@`1459. Honorary inscription for T(itus) Fl(avius) Vedius Antoninus, by Trophimos, on base; 3; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 85 (PH); *IEph 3085. @ @@`1460. Honorary inscription for T(itus) Flavius Vedius Apellas, &3quaestor candidatus,& by G(aius) Iulius Polychronios, on statue%19base; 2&7e&%3`3; found at Ephesos: FiE I p. 211, no. 3; ILS 9468; Groag, JO+AI 10, 1907, 291; *IEph 678. @ @@`1461. Honorary inscription for T(itus) Fl(avius) Vedius Apellas, &3quaestor candidatus,& by Trophimos, on base; 3; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 84 (PH); *IEph 3084. @ @@`1462. Honorary%3funerary inscription for T(itus) Fl(avius) Papianus, on statue%19base, in building built by grandfather Pu[blius] Vedius Antoninus; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Ephesos: Groag, JO+AI 10, 1907, 294; *IEph 676A. @ @@`1463. Honorary inscription in Latin for [T(itus)] Fl(avius) [P]ergamos, &3libertus& of emperor and proc(urator) of Asia, on statue%19base, by [&3adiutores&] and &3tabel&(&3larii&); 1&7e&%3`2&7b&; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 30%19`31, no. 27; AnnEpig 1982, 877; *IEph 855. @ @@`1464. Honorary inscription in Latin for [T(itus) Flavius Pergamos, &3libertus& of emperor and procurator of Asia; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 855A. @ @@`1465. Honorary inscription for T(itus) Fl(avius) Phaidros, &3quaestor candidatus,& on statue%19base; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959 Beibl. 279%19`280, note 59; *IEph 677. @ @@`1466. Honorary inscription for Gaius [Fla]v[iu]s Furius [Aptus], by [bo]ule and [demos] of [E]phes[os], on statue%19base; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: *IEph 834 and Add. pp. 20%19`21. @ @@`1467. Honorary inscription for T(itus) Fl(avius) Pythion, by grandson Gaius Fl(avius) Furius; 2&4`1&?; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 64 (PH); *IEph 3064. @ @@`1468. Honorary inscription for &3komodos& T(itus) Fl(avius) Sarpedon of Akmonia and Ephesos, by boule and demos of Ephesos; 2&4`2&; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 15; GIBM 606; Pleket, Epigraphica 2, no. 42; *IEph 1606. @ @@`1469. Honorary inscription for Fl(avius) Titianus, praefectus Aegypti, on statue%19base; AD 126%3`167; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 6, no. 10; *IEph 677A. @ @@`1470. Honorary inscription for athlete Flav(ius Dem[ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1093; BE 1981:462. @ @@`1471. Honorary inscription for T(itus) Fl[avius ... ], by boule and [demos] of Eph[esos]; imperial; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 47, 1964%19`1965 Beibl. 25, no. 13 (PH); *IEph 670. @ @@`1472. Fragment of honorary inscription for [Ph]legethianos (?), on base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2951 and Add. p. 30; JO+AI 53, 112, no. 78. @ @@`1473. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]us Fontei[us], father%19in%19law of quaestor Marcus Appu[l]eius, [by demos?], on base; 47%3`43 BC; found at Ephesos: GIBM547a; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkm. 142.b; *IEph 1547.1. @ @@`1474. Honorary inscription for athlete Photion [K]a[rpi]o[nos] of Laodikeia and Ephesos; AD 168%3`180; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 6, no. 8; GIBM 605; Robert, RPh 4, 1930, 38%19`41 (%6 OMS 1138%19`1141); Moretti, Iscr. agon. greche 73; *IEph 1605. @ @@`1475. Honorary inscription for [M(arcus) F]ulv(ius) Publicianus [Neik]ephoros, Asiarch, on statue%19base; AD 218%3`235; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 47, 1964 Beibl. 33%19`35, no. 16 (PH); BE 1968:463; AnnEpig 1968, 481; *IEph 679. @ @@`1476. Honorary inscription for [M(arcus) Fulvius P]ublici[anus Nikephoros]; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 679A. @ @@`1477. Honorary inscription for (?) (no name) by &3protokoures [M(arcus) Fulvi]us Public[ianus Neikephoros]; c. AD 222%3`235; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 Nachtrag no. N7; *IEph 1080. @ @@`1478. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Fulvius Publicianus Neikephoros, Asiarch, by &3himatiopolai&; AD 222%3`235; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 63 (PH); *IEph 3063; Knibbe %9 #1222plikc%25iog%27lu, Ephesos Abb. 5 (PH). @ @@`1479. Fragment of honorary inscription for [ ... ]s Fuscus [ ... ], on statue%19base; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 870. @ @@`1480. Honorary inscription for Pi[naria?] Paula Aratiane, priestess of Artemis and &3theoros& of Olympia, by [boule and demos] (of Ephesos), on statue%19base; 2&7e&; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 45%19`46, no. 14 (PH); AnnEpig 1972, 579; *IEph 894 and Add. p. 22. @ @@`1481. Honorary inscription for Plautia, [daughter] of proconsul [Plautius] Silvanu[s], by boul[e and demos] (of Ephesos); AD c. 6%3`56; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 47, 1964%19`1965 Beibl. 21%19`22, no. 10 (PH); AnnEpig 1968, 484; *IEph 707. @ @@`1482. Honorary inscription in Latin for [M(arcus) Pl]aut[us Silvanus proco](n)s(ul); c. AD 6; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 47, 1964%19`1965 Beibl. 12%19`14, no. 4 (PH); AnnEpig 1968, 483; *IEph 706. @ @@`1483. Honorary inscription for [ ... ] Pollio, tribunus of Legio I Italica, on statue%19base; 2&7e&%3`3; found at Ephesos: *IEph 707B. @ @@`1484. Honorary inscription for (gladiator) Polydoxos; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1174.5. @ @@`1485. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Pom(peius) Demeas Caecilianus, by [boule] and demos of Ephesos, on statue%19base; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: CIG 2988; Engelmann, ZPE 24, 1977, 201%19`202, no. 1; SEG 27, 744; *IEph 708. @ @@`1486. Honorary inscription for Gnaius Pompeius Hermippos, archiereus of Asia, by boule and demos of Ephesos; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 69; *IEph 2069 and Add. p. 28; SEG 37, 887. @ @@`1487. Honorary inscription for [Cn(aius) Pompeius Hermippos Aelianus], by &3patris&; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: Riemann, BCH 1, 1877, 293, no. 85; Merkelbach, ZPE 28, 1978, 108; SEG 28, 865; *IEph 709. @ @@`1488. Honorary inscription for Gn(aius) Pomp(eius) Hermipp[os] Aelianus, proconsul of [Pamphy]lia and [L]ykia, by polis of Selge, on base; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 36 (PH); AnnEpig 1924, 76; Merkelbach, 28, 1978, 108; *IEph 3036. @ @@`1489. Honorary inscription for Cn(aius) Pompeius Quartinus, under supervision of L(ucius) Gerellanus Rufus Salvianus, his friend; Roman; found at Ephesos: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 177, no. 361; *IEph 710 and Add. p. 19; **Engelmann, EA 8, 1986, 34 (l. 17); SEG 36, 1018. @ @@`1490. Honorary inscription for [Pompeius ... ], on statue%19base, put up by sister Pompe[ia] Titinniana and kinsmen; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 710A; SEG 37, 887. @ @@`1491. Honorary inscription for Gn(aius) Pompeius [ ... ], on statue%19base; 3; found at Ephesos: *IEph 710B and Add. p. 19. @ @@`1492. Honorary inscription for [Gnaius Pompeius ... ], on base; 3; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 38 (PH); *IEph 3038. @ @@`1493. Honorary inscription for Pomponi[a] Triaria, wife of (Gaius) [E]rucius Clarus, consul, by boule and d[e]mos of Ephesos; AD 170; found at Ephesos: CIG 2992 (part); Waddington, Fastes 233; *IEph 665. @ @@`1494. Honorary inscription for Pon[tia] Apel[li]ane by &3paideutai& at Mouseion; 2&4`2&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 68 (PH); *IEph 3068. @ @@`1495. Honorary inscription for [ ... ] Pontikos, speaker, by judgement of Ephesos and other Ionians; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 69 (PH); *IEph 3069; Knibbe %9 #1222plikc%25iog%27lu, Ephesos Abb. 5 (PH). @ @@`1496. Honorary inscription in Latin for M(arcus) Pontius [ ... ], on statue%19base; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 710D. @ @@`1497. Honorary inscription for [G(aius) Pop]illius Carus [Ped]o, proconsul, on base; AD 163%3`164; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 28 (PH); AnnEpig 1924, 74; Hu+ttl 367; *IEph 3028. @ @@`1498. Honorary inscription for [Qu]intus Publicius, proquaestor pro praetor of Asia, on base; c. 74%3`70 BC; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 140%19`141, no. 148; AnnEpig 1983, 920. @ @@`1499. Honorary%3funerary inscription in Latin for D(ecimus) Publicius Fructus, lictor; 1&7e&%3`2&7b&; found at Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 217, no. 33; CIL III 6083; ILS 1913; Smith, Cat. Brit. Mus. II 197, no. 1283; *IEph 712. @ @@`1500. Honorary inscription for (gladiator) Prestor; Roman; found at Ephesos: Robert, Gladiateurs 212 (PH); *IEph 1174.3. @ @@`1501. Honorary inscription for Pyron Hekatokleous, on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 39, no. 49; *IEph 712A. @ @@`1502. Honorary inscription (?) identifying bust of Pythodori(o)s; c. AD 80%3`100; found at Ephesos: CIG 3016; IG XIV 1205; *IEph 565 and Add. pp. 16%19`17; #1222nan, Ro+m. und fru+hbyz. Portra+tsplastik 172%19`173, no. 129 (PH); SEG 32, 1130. @ @@`1503. Honorary inscription for &3poietes& Rhodopianos by &3boula&[&3r&]&3chos& Paulus; Roman; found at Ephesos: CIG 2997; *IEph 1136. @ @@`1504. Honorary inscription for Quintus Roscius Murena Coelius Pompeius Falco, proconsul of Asia, by boule and demos of Flavia Neapolis Samaria, on statue%19base; AD 123%3`124; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 29, no. 6 (PH); AnnEpig 1972, 577; *IEph 713 and Add. p. 19. @ @@`1505. Honorary inscription in Latin for [Q(uintus) Roscius] Murena [ ... ] Pompeius Falco, on statue%19base (?); prob. AD 123%3`124; found at Ephesos: *IEph 713A. @ @@`1506. Honorary inscription in Latin for C(aius) Rutilius Gallicus, consul designate, by M(arcus) Aemilius Pius, legatus, on statue%19base; AD 70%3`71; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 17, 1914, 194%19`199 (PH); ILS 9499; AnnEpig 1920, 55; McCrum %9 Woodhead, Doc.'s 305; Smallwood, Doc.'s Gaius 244; *IEph 715. @ @@`1507. Honorary inscription for Lucius Saevinus Proculus, legatus pro praetore of Asia, by boule and demos of Ephesos, on base; 2&7e&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 37 (PH); AnnEpig 1924, 77; Eck, ZPE 8, 1971, 71%19`79; *IEph 3037. @ @@`1508. Honorary inscription by [boule and d]emos (of Ephesos) for [Gaius Sallus]tius Crispus Passie[nus], proconsul, on base; AD 42%3`43?; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 48, 1966%19`1967 Beibl. 3%19`5, no. 1 (PH); AnnEpig 1971, 460; *IEph 716. @ @@`1509. Honorary inscription in Latin for [C(aius) Sallustius Crispus Passienus] Equi[ ... ], proconsul, by &3ne&[&3g&]&3otiatores& of &3statarium,& on base; AD 42%3`43; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 25; AnnEpig 1924, 72b; Ce/beillac, Quaestores no. X.b; *IEph 3025. @ @@`1510. Honorary inscription in Latin for C(aius) Sal[lustius Cris]pus Passi[enus Equi ... ], proconsul, on base; AD 43; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 26; AnnEpig 1924, 72a; Ce/beillac, Quaestores no. X.a; *IEph 3026. @ @@`1511. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]li[us] Secundinus of Tralles, Platonic philosopher, by Coelius Marcellinus; AD 133%3`200; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 40 (PH); *IEph 4340. @ @@`1512. Honorary inscription for athlete Secundus; Roman; found at Ephesos: Riemann, BCH 1, 1877, 290, no. 75; Hellenica 5, 62; La+mmers, Olympien 32; *IEph 1127. @ @@`1513. Honorary inscription for Sempronia Secunda Papiane, &3theoros& of Olympia, by [boule and demos] (of Ephesos), on statue%19base; 2&7e&%3`3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 46%19`47, no. 15 (PH); *IEph 895; Mu+ller, Chiron 10, 1980, 458. @ @@`1514. Honorary inscription in Latin and Greek for Sex(tius) Sentius Proculus, quaestor pro praetore of Asia, by C(aius) Praecilius Apollonides, on statue%19base; AD 138%3c. 167; found at Ephesos: Miltner, AAWW 94, 1957, 17%19`18, no. 1; Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959 Beibl. 256, no. 1 (PH); AnnEpig 1959, 11; *IEph 718. @ @@`1515. Honorary inscription for L(ucius) [Se]ptim(ius) [Aur(elius) Achi]lleides, on statue%19base; 3; found at Ephesos: *IEph 743; JO+AI 53, 97, no. 26. @ @@`1516. Honorary inscription for poet (Lucius Septimius) Nestor, by boule and demos (of Ephesos), on base; 2&4`2&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 67a (PH); *IEph 3067.a. @ @@`1517. Honorary inscription by [boule] and demos for [ ... ] Septimius Ma[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1935. @ @@`1518. Honorary inscription in Latin and Greek for C(aius) Sextilius Pollio, by son C(aius) Ofillius Proculus, perhaps from Monument of Pollio; AD 4%3`14; found at Ephesos: Alzinger, Augusteische Architektur 28; Alzinger, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 267%19`269 (PH); SEG 26, 1267; *IEph 407.a. @ @@`1519. Honorary inscription for [Gaius Sexti]llius [Pollio] by boul[e and demos] (of Ephesos); 1&4`1&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 717A. @ @@`1520. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Scribonia Philotera to &3theoi& by demos of Melos; Roman; found at Phygela, perhaps wandered: *IEph 3124. @ @@`1521. Honorary inscription for [ ... ] Scri[bonianus], grandson of [Ti(berius) Iulius] Cels[us ... ]; 2&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE V 1 no. 12; Corbier, Aerarium 374, no. 8; *IEph 5112. @ @@`1521.5. Honorary inscription for athlete L(ucius) Sulpi[ci]us Xanthipp[os] of Klazomenai and Ephesos; Roman; found at Ephesos: GIBM 616; *IEph 1616. @ @@`1522. Honorary inscription for T(itus) Statilius Kriton, &3archiatros& and procurator, by those sacrificing to Asklepios and the Augusti, on statue%19base; AD 102%3`114; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 23, 1926 Beibl. 263; AnnEpig 1928, 94; SEG 4, 521; Smallwood, Doc.'s Nerva 175; *IEph 719. @ @@`1523. Honorary inscription for (gladiator) Steph[anos]; Roman; found at Ephesos: Robert, Gladiateurs 211; *IEph 1174.2. @ @@`1524. Honorary inscription for Stertinius Or[pex], by boul[e and demos] (of Ephesos); Roman; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 29, no. 23; *IEph 720. @ @@`1525. Honorary inscription for (?) priestess Stlaccia Sabina; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 999A col. 2. @ @@`1526. Honorary inscription for [Terentia Ailiane], by [boule and demos] (of Ephesos), on statue%19base; AD 161%3`191; found at Ephesos: *IEph 720A and Add. p. 20. @ @@`1527. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [Ter]entia Tertull[a], wife of [ ... R]utilius; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 715A. @ @@`1528. Honorary inscription for Teimai[os] Att[al]ou, archiereus of Asia, and family, by [bo]ule and demos of Ephesos, on statue%19base; c. AD 188%3`189; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 29%19`33, no. 2 (PH); AnnEpig 1975, 787; SEG 26, 1249; *IEph 721. @ @@`1529. Honorary inscription for Publius Titius Secundus, archiereus of Asia, by polis (of Ephesos) and Asia, on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 71%19`72, no. 10 (PH); *IEph 722. @ @@`1529.5. Honorary inscription by demos for Tryphosa Menekratous; no date; provenance unknown, possibly from Ephesos: *CIG 3252; Keil, Philologus 16, 1860, 21, note 10. @ @@`1530. Excised. @ @@`1531. Honorary inscription for Zopyros Balag[rou], by demos; prob. I; found at Ephesos: *IEph 740B. @ See also: Ephesos 17%19`43, 48%19`52, 55%19`57, 59%19`60, 63%19`76, 108%19`118, 224, 333%19`339, 601, 2064%19`2071, 2101, 2127, 2138, 2478, 2486.5, 2651, 2874, 2993%19`2995, 2997, 3062%19`3077, 3569; Amyzon 66 (%6 Robert, Amyzon no. 34) (%6 GIBM 1037) (%6 IEphesos 629A) (honorary inscription for Balagros Hekaton[ ... ]; found at Amyzon, not at Ephesos); Mitchell, AS 27, 1977, 75, no. 8 (%6 SEG 27, 843), ll. 23%19`24 (honorary inscription for Q(uintus) Iul(ius) Dionysios, athlete victorious at &3koina A%1s%1&[&3ias&] in Ephesos, and elsewhere; found at Ankyra); Aphrodisias 286, ll. 9%19`10, 17%19`18 (%6 CIG 2810) (honorary inscription for [ ... ] Kallimorphos, &3auletes, victorious at Barbillea and Hadriana Olympia of Ephesos and elsewhere; found at Aphrodisias); Aphrodisias 228, ll. 16, 18%19`19 (%6 CIG 2810b) (%6 LW 1620b) (honorary inscription for Aelius Aurelius [ ... ], athlete victorious at Balbillea of Ephesos and elsewhere; found at Aphrodisias); Aphrodisias 225, ll. 3%19`4 (%6 CIG 2823) (honorary inscription for Aelia Laibilla, &3kosmeteira& of Artemis Ephesia; found at Aphrodisias); ILS 5081 (honorary inscription in Latin for Cn(aius) Dottius Plancianus, Asiarch of temples of Ephes(os); found at Antiocheia Pis.); IG II&4`2& 3163 ll. 18%19`19 (%6 CIG 247) (%6 SEG 33, 177) (honorary inscription for athlete Marcus Tullius [ ... ] of Apameia etc., victorious at Ephesos and elsewhere; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 3169%3`70 ll. 24%19`25 (honorary inscription for &3keryx& [Va]lerius Eklektos of Sinope etc., victorious at Olympia, Barbillea, and Hadrianeia of Ephesos and elsewhere; found in Attica); Chios 178 (%6 Robert, E/t. e/pig. 126) (%6 Athena 20, 1908, 228, 38) (honorary inscription for Demetrios Diogenou, athlete victorious at Epheseia; found on Chios); Chios 267 (%6 WZHalle 9, 2, 1960, 191) (%6 SEG 19, 589) (%6 ZPE 67, 1967, 183) (honorary inscription for athlete [M(arcus) A]urelius [Heras] mentions victory at Ephesos; found on Chios); FDelphes III 1, 200 (honorary inscription of Delphi for P(ublius) Fla(vius) Claudianus of Ephesos, granting [&3politeia&] and membership in &3boule&; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 1, 209 (honorary inscription of Delphi for [Q]uintilius Karpophoros of Ephesos and Elis, granting &3politeia& and membership in &3boule&; FDelphes III 1, 219 (honorary inscription of Delphi for Annianus Annianou of Ephesos, making him &3mesochoros& and granting membership in &3boule&; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 1, 329 (honorary (?) inscription for (?) Zenon (?), &3zographos &3Ephe&[&3sios&]; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 1, 547, l. 19 (honorary inscription for P(ublius) Aeli[us Ae]lianus, &3pythaules, victorious at Ephesos and elsewhere, by &3polis& (no name) on Cyprus; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 1, 551 (honorary inscription for &3hypokrites& Tib(erius) Iulius Apolaustos, honored with &3andrias& and &3politeia& at Ephesos and elsewhere; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 1, 554 (honorary inscription for &3salpiktes P(ublius) Ael(ius) Aur(elius) Serapion of Ephesos; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 1, 557 (honorary inscription for athlete [ ... Aurelius Dam]as, victorious at Barbillea at Ephesos and elsewhere; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 4, 216, l. 4 (honorary inscription for athlete Herogeiton [ ... ], victorious at Epheseia and elsewhere; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 4, 265 (honorary inscription for &3sophistes& Soteros by Ephesos; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 4, 476 (honorary inscription for M(arcus) Aur[e]lius O[ ... ]lon, citizen of Ephesos and other cities, victorious at Epheseia and Artemeisia at Ephesos and elsewhere; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 6, 143 (honorary inscription for T(itus) Aelius Aureli[2a]2nus Theodotos, citizen of Ephesos and several other cities, by Neikomedeia; found at Delphi); Didyma 242 (%6 MDAI(I) 27, 1977, 297) (%6 SEG 27, 731) (honorary inscription for athlete Aur(elius) Diokles from Miletos, possessing citizenship of Ephesos and Magnesia Mai.; found at Didyma); Didyma 249 (%6 IDidyma 168) (honorary inscription for athlete Aur(elius) Quintius Lollius Kratinos, set up by two men, including Domitianus, Asiarch of temples in Ephesos; found at Didyma); Didyma 256 (%6 IDidyma 183) (honorary inscription for comic poet [Bassus], victorious at Artemisia in Ephesos; found at Didyma); Didyma 492 (%6 IDidyma 315) (%6 Robert, Hellenica 11, 465) (honorary inscription for Aur(elia) Dionyso[d]ora Matrona, Asiarch of temples in Ephesos; found at Didyma); Iasos 245, ll. 2%19`3 (%6 IIasos 108) (%6 Moretti 66.a) (%6 CR 3, 1889, 333) (honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Titus Flavius Metrobios mentions victories at Olympia and Koina Asias at Ephesos, and elsewhere; found at Iasos); Iasos 244, ll. 6%19`10 (%6 IIasos 110) (%6 REG 6, 1893, 182, 25) (honorary inscription for &3kitharodos Phanias Dama, victorious at Koinon Asias and Megala Artemeisia of Ephesos and elsewhere; found at Iasos); IG V 1, 669 (honorary inscription for athlete M(arcus) Ulpius Domesticus, citizen of Ephesos and other cities; found in Laconia); Magnesia 237, l. 10 (%6 IMagnesia 237) (%6 BCH 18, 1894, 12, 11) (honorary inscription for Iouliane [Eus?]tra[tou], priestess of De[meter] in [E]phesos; found at Magnesia Mai.); IG XII 3, 1117, ll. 10%19`14 (honorary inscription for poet Serapod[oros?], honored with statues at [Ephesos] and elsewhere; found on Melos); IG XIV 739 (honorary inscription for athlete M(arcus) Aur(elius) Hermagoras Magnes, victorious at Olympia, Hadrianeia, and Barbillea of Ephesos, and elsewhere; found at Naples); IG XIV 746, ll. 11%19`12, 16 (honorary inscription for athlete T(itus) Flavius Artemidoros, victorious at Balbillea of Ephesos, and elsewhere; found at Naples); IG XIV 747 (honorary inscription for athlete T(itus) Flavius Archibios, victorious at Balbilleia of Ephesos, and elsewhere; found at Naples); IOlympia 237, ll. 5, 6, 8 (honorary inscription for P(ublius) Aelius Artemas, victorious at Barbillea, Olympia, and Hadrianeia of Ephesos and elsewhere; found at Olympia); IOlympia 168 (honorary inscription for Athenaios Harpaleou of Ephesos; found at Olympia); IOlympia 227 (honorary%3dedicatory inscription to [Zeus] Olympios for [Ni]kanor So[kle]ous of Ephesos by brother Diodoros; found at Olympia); Phokaia 14 (%6 CIG 3415) (%6 IGRR IV 1325) (%6 Graf, Nordion. Kulte, Phokaia 6) (honorary inscription for Flavia Ammion, &3archiereus& of temple in Ephesos by &3phyle& of Teuthadeis; found at Phokaia); Phokaia 18 (%6 OGIS 489) (%6 IGRR IV 1323) (%6 ILS 8864) (%6 Graf, Nordion. Kulte, Phokaia 5) (honorary inscription for Titus Flavius Varus Calvisianus Hermokrates, archiereus of temple in Ephesos; found near Phokaia); Priene 248 (%6 IPriene 231) (honorary inscription for [Megabyzos] Megabyzou, neokoros of temple of Artemis at Ephesos; found at Priene); Rhodian Peraia 87 (%6 SGDI 4274) (%6 ASAA 4%19`5, 1921%19`1922, 481, 36) (%6 Hamilton, Researches II p. 76 %9 no. 301) (%6 van Gelder, Geschichte 442 no. 12) (honorary inscription for Alexandros Kephallan et al., including Tryphera of Ephes[os]; found near Hyla in Rhodian Peraia); IG XIV 1102 (honorary inscription for athlete M(arcus) Aurelius Demetrios, victorious at Hadriania, Olympia, and Barbillea at Ephesos, and elsewhere; found at Rome); IG XIV 1105 (honorary inscription for athlete M(arcus) Aurelius Demostratos Damas, citizen of Ephesos and many other cities; found at Rome); IG XIV 1108a l. 1 (honorary inscription for athlete N[eikei]tes Herakleio[s], with mention of [victory at?] Ephesia (?); found at Rome); IG XIV 1115 (honorary inscription for (no name), victorious at Epheseia at Ephesos, and elsewhere; found at Rome); IG XIV 1159 (honorary inscription identifying Herakleitos Blysonos of Ephesos; found at Rome); IEph 1149.1 (honorary inscription identifying Dion of Ephesos, &3philosophos&; found at Rome); ISardis 79.A, ll. 3, 13 (honorary inscription for athlete [Marcus Aurelius Demostratos Damas], citizen of [Ephesos] and elsewhere and victorious at Ephesos and elsewhere; found at Sardis); Robert, Doc. As. Min. 101%19`105, ll. 8%19`9 (honorary inscription by [b]oule and demo[s] (of Seleukeia Kalykad.) for Pu(blius) Aelius Heliodoros, athlete victorious at Barbilleia and &3Epheseia ta megala& at Ephesos, and elsewhere; found at Seleukeia Kalykad.); SEG 13, 540 (%6 Moretti no. 69) (%6 Bean, Belleten 17, 1953, 175%19`176, no. 12) honorary inscription for M(arcus) Iu[2s]2tius Marcianus Rufus, athlete victorious at Koina Asias at Ephesos, and elsewhere; found at Sinope); Smyrna 145, ll. 3, 13%19`14, 23 (%6 ISmyrna 659) (%6 CIG 3208) (%6 IGRR IV 1432) (honorary inscription for &3kitharoidos& G(aius) Antonius Septimius Publius, of Pergamon, Smyrna, Athens, and Ephesos, victorious at Ephesos and elsewhere; from Smyrna); Smyrna 149, ll. 2, 14%19`15 (%6 ISmyrna 661) (%6 Robert, Hellenica 7, 105) (honorary inscription for athlete [M]ar(cus) Aur(elius) Antonius Lucius of Ephesos and elsewhere, victorious at Ephesos and elsewhere; found at Smyrna); Smyrna 144, ll. 4, 9 (%6 ISmyrna 662) (%6 Ritti, Hierapolis I 95) (honorary inscription for athlete Agathopous Dionysiou of Hierokaisareia, Ephesos, and elsewhere, victorious at Ephesos and elsewhere; found at Smyrna); ILS 1140 (honorary inscription in Latin for Tib(erius) Cl(audius) Candidus, one of whose offices was as &3logistes& of Ephesos; found at Tarraco); IG XII 3, 525, l. 10 (honorary inscription for T(itus) Flavius Kleitosthenes Iulianus, Asiarch of temples in Ephesos; found on Thera); IG XII 3, 526 (honorary inscription for [T(itus) Fl(avius)] Kleitosthenes Iulianus, prytanis and eirenarchos of Ephesos; found on Thera); Hellenica 9, 76%19`77 (honorary inscription for Athenades Pythodorou, athlete victorious at Rhomaia in [E]phesos; found at Thyatira); Tralles 85 (%6 ITralles 138) (%6 BCH 28, 1904, 83, 6) (honorary inscription for victorious athlete Ti(berius) Iulius Valens of Ephesos; found at Tralles); Tralles 86 (%6 IEphesos 615A) (%6 ITralles 87) (%6 BCH 5, 1881, 348, 12) (%6 Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 38) (honorary inscription by &3demoi& of Asia for Kallinoe, chosen priestess of Artemis by demos of Ephesos; found at Tralles); Tralles 98 (%6 ITralles 114) (%6 Robert, E/t. anat. 422) (honorary inscription for M(arcus) Valerius Septim[i]us Prepon of E[ph]esos and other cities; found at Tralles); Tralles 104, ll. 15, 17%19`18, 21 (%6 ITralles 135) (BCH 28, 1904, 84, 7) (honorary inscription for &3salpiktes& T(itus) Fl(avius) Philagros, victorious at Epheseia, Hadrianeia Komodeia, and Olympia at Ephesos, and elsewhere; found at Tralles); IG XIV 1110 (honorary inscription for Mar(cus) Ulp(ius) Firmus Domesticus, son of athlete Mar(cus) Ul(pius) Domesticus of Ephesos; found at Tusculum). @@@@Section: 10c. Other Honorary Inscriptions_Name Fragmentary (1532%19`1568) @ @@`1532. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) for (?) Pu(blius) Ae[ ... ] Qu[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 611C. @ @@`1533. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for At[ ... ], on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1920.5. @ @@`1534. Honorary inscription for (?) Pu(blius) Chari[ ... ]; 3&7m&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1147A(2). @ @@`1535. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]dora; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1000. @ @@`1536. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]egios Metr[ ... ] by &3synhed&[&3rion&] of neopoioi; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 966. @ @@`1537. Honorary inscription in Latin for [ ... ]eia, wife of Scaurianus, procurator, by Iulius Heraclius, on base; 3&4`2&; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 140%19`141, no. 4365. @ @@`1538. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]erius [ ... ]s, son of Gaius, by [demos], on base; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2430. @ @@`1539. Honorary inscription for (?) Gl[ ... ], by bou[le and demos]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1928.4. @ @@`1540. Honorary inscription for [ ... ... ]iane (?), by [boule and demos] (of Ephesos), on statue%19base; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 784. @ @@`1541. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for [ ... ]ius, son of Titus, Roman magistrate, on base; Roman; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 98, no. 30; AnnEpig 1983, 914. @ @@`1542. Honorary inscription for Tit(us) Clar[ ... ], by boul[e and demos]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2943. @ @@`1543. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Com[ ... ], by boule [gerousia], and demos (of Ephesos); Roman; found at Ephesos?: *IEph 657A. @ @@`1544. Honorary inscription for (?) [ ... l]okalos, on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1971. @ @@`1545. Honorary inscription for (?) neopoios [ ... ]los Hermiou; no date; found at Ephesos: CIG 2985; LW 155; *IEph 952. @ @@`1546. Fragment of honorary inscription for [ ... ]us Caes[ ... ], by [boule and] demos (of Ephesos), on base; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2952B; JO+AI 53, 116, no. 94. @ @@`1547. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]linus, victor at [Megala Ephesea], on statue%19base; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1096. @ @@`1548. Fragment of honorary inscription for Gaius O[ ... ], by bou[le and demos] (of Ephesos); Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 812 and Add. p. 20; JO+AI 53, 91, no. 8. @ @@`1549. Honorary inscription for (or by?) [Mar]cus [ ... ]orius, on statue%19base; *IEph 1959. @ @@`1550. Honorary inscription for Tiberius [ ... ]us, on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 865. @ @@`1551. Fragment of honorary inscription for (?) [V]ateri[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1852. @ @@`1552. Honorary inscription for P[ ... ] of Alexandria, eclectic philosopher, by boule and demos (of Ephesos); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 789. @ @@`1553. Fragment of honorary inscription for [ ... ]s Pa[ ... ], by [&3pat&]&3ris,& on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 887. @ @@`1554. Honorary inscription for Gaius [ ... ] Fla[ ... ], by bo[ule and demos] (of Ephesos), on statue%19base; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 848. @ @@`1555. Honorary%3funerary (?) inscription for Polem[ ... ] and wife (?) [ ... ], daughter of Apollas; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 707A. @ @@`1556. Honorary inscription for Lucius Pom[p ... ] &3presby&[&3teros&], by boule and [demos] (of Ephesos); Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 707C. @ @@`1557. Honorary inscription for Lucius Pom[p ... ] by demos; 1&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 38; *IEph 4338. @ @@`1558. Fragment of honorary inscription for [ ... ]rius son of Gaius; prob. 1; found at Ephesos: *IEph 744. @ @@`1559. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]yphos, by [bo]ule and de[mos] (of Ephesos); Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 713B and Add. p. 19. @ @@`1560. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) for [L]ucius neopoios; Roman; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 567; *IEph 1567. @ @@`1561. Honorary inscription for athlete Mar[cus ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 610; *IEph 1610. @ @@`1562. Honorary inscription for Pub[lius ... ], gr[ammateus], by [polis] of Ephes[os], on statue%19base; AD c. 85%3`96; found at Ephesos: Knibbe %9 Merkelbach, ZPE 33, 1979, 124%19`125; SEG 29, 1105; *IEph 793. @ @@`1563. Honorary inscription for (no name), son (?) of [Adi]atorix, by [&3koinon&] of [G]alatai; 1&7e&; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 558; OGIS 534; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 15; *IEph 1558. @ @@`1564. Honorary inscription (?) for neopoios (no name) Apolloniou; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2934. @ @@`1565. Fragment of honorary inscription (or decree?) for (no name), son of [Ky]dimos; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 794. @ @@`1566. Fragment of honorary inscription for (?) [neopoios] [ ... P]erigenous; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 965. @ @@`1567. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for (no name), son of Flavius Aristob[oulos] by (no name); c. AD 116; found at Ephesos: *IEph 670A. @ @@`1568. Honorary inscription for priest (?) [ ... ], son of Publiu[us]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 999A col. 1. @ See also: Ephesos 44%19`45, 77%19`79, 3543, 3565; ICrete 4 Gortyn 375.B (honorary inscription for athlete [ ... ... ]os of Antiocheia lists victories at Ephesos and elsewhere; found at Gortyn on Crete); IEph 3815 (honorary inscription for (no name) Myronos of Ephe[sos] and Hypaipa; found at Hypaipa in Kaystros Valley); Smyrna 178 (%6 ISmyrna 660) (%6 Robert, E/t. anat. 432) (%6 IFDAI 17, 1950, 62) (honorary inscription for athlete [ ... ]s Alexandrou of Hierokaisareia, Smyrna, Ephesos, Kyzikos, and Pergamon; found at Smyrna). @ @@@@Section: 10d. Other Honorary Inscriptions_Name Lost (1569%19`1886) @ @@`1569. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name) by mother, priestess of Hera; V%3III; found at Ephesos: *IEph 883. @ @@`1570. Honorary inscription (?) mentioning Arte[m ... ], serving Isi[s], on base; Hellenistic%3Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2912; JO+AI 53, 101, no. 40. @ @@`1571. Fragment of honorary inscription by Asia and [poleis] for (no name); Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 783. @ @@`1572. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name), active in building activity; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 795. @ @@`1573. Fragment of honorary inscription for (?) [Ap]pianus, on statue%19base; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 797. @ @@`1574. Honorary inscription in Latin (and Greek?) for (no name), &3accensus&; Roman; found at Ephesos: CIG 2968a (part); LW 178%19`179; CIL III 432, 7134; Schmidt, MDAI(A) 6, 1881, 141, no. 19; van der Horst, E/t. Leemans 248, no. IX; *IEph 807 (with fragment). @ @@`1575. Honorary inscription in Latin for (?) Caetu[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: CIL III 14195 *IEph 819. @ @@`1576. Fragment of honorary inscription mentioning [V]aleri[us?]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 877. @ @@`1577. End of honorary inscription for (no name) by friend [ ... ]isen[i]us; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 879. @ @@`1578. Fragment of honorary inscription in Latin for (no name) by [&3ne&]&3gotiatores&; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 884. @ @@`1579. Fragment of base (?) mentioning [ ... ]tull[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph III p. 195. @ @@`1580. Honorary inscription for [&3pa&]&3troniss&[&3a&] (no name) by [&3pa&]&3tris&; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 998. @ @@`1581. Fragment of honorary inscription for athlete (no name), competitor at Nemeia; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1100. @ @@`1582. Fragment in Latin on base; Roman; found at Ephesos: CIL III 14195 *IEph 1808.1. @ @@`1583. Fragment in Latin on base; Roman; found at Ephesos: CIL III 14195 *IEph 1808.2. @ @@`1584. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription naming [ ... ]itilla; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1865. @ @@`1585. End of honorary inscription for (no name), recording that [ ... ]uidius I[ ... ] moved putting up statue, on base; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1901.3. @ @@`1586. Honorary inscription in Latin for (no name) by boule and demos, on statue%19base; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1922.1. @ @@`1587. Honorary inscription in Latin for (no name) by [boule and] demos, on statue%19base; Roman; found at Ephesos: CIL III 14195 FiE II p. 174 (left top); *IEph 1922.2. @ @@`1588. Honorary inscription in Latin for (no name) by [boule and demos] of Eph[esos], on statue%19base; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1922.3. @ @@`1589. Fragment of base mentioning legion; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1940A. @ @@`1590. Honorary inscription in Latin and Greek for (no name), on statue%19base; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1971A. @ @@`1591. Honorary inscription for [&3le&]&3itour&]&3gos& (no name), on statue%19base; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1974A. @ @@`1592. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) mentioning [ ... ]us Petro[nius], on base; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2910; JO+AI 53, 96, no. 35. @ @@`1593. Fragment in Latin of honorary (?) inscription for (no name); Roman; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 106, no. 58. @ @@`1594. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name) mentioning Athens, on base, possibly metrical; Roman; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 111, no. 4160; SEG 34, 1111. @ @@`1595. Honorary inscription for (no name), with statue set up by Marcianus Priscianus; Roman; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 148, no. 4414; SEG 34, 1113. @ @@`1596. Honorary inscription for (no name), wife of quaestor Marcus Appuleius [by demos?], on base; 47%3`43 BC; found at Ephesos: GIBM 547b; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkm. 142a; *IEph 1547.2. @ @@`1597. Fragment of statue%19base mentioning Asia; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 333.3. @ @@`1598. Fragment of statue%19base mentioning Rutili[us]; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 333.4. @ @@`1599. Honorary inscription for (no name), moved by [Tib(erius) Clau]dius Proro]sios Phreto]r (?); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 644A ll. 8%19`15 and Add. p. 18. @ @@`1600. Honorary inscription for relative of Flav[ius]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 667A. @ @@`1601. Fragment of honorary inscription in Latin for (no name), officer of &3classis Pannonica,& on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 782. @ @@`1602. Fragment of honorary inscription mentioning T(iberius) Iul(ius), on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 785. @ @@`1603. Fragment of honorary inscription for procurator (no name), on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 786. @ @@`1604. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name), legatus of Asia; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 787. @ @@`1605. Fragment of honorary inscription for [arch]iereu[s?], mentioning Terentul[la]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 788. @ @@`1606. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name), dated by &3arch&[&3ontes&] M(arcus) Aur(elius) Ero[t ... ] and [M(arcus) Aur(elius)] Eutychio[n]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 790. @ @@`1607. Fragment of honorary inscription mentioning [S]abeinos, on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 796. @ @@`1608. Fragments, probably of honorary inscription, for (no name), overseen by [ ... ]inos Gaius; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 798. @ @@`1609. Honorary inscription for (no name) by [Hi]eronymos, &3dispensat&[&3or&] &3Augustorum,& on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 31, no. 28; *IEph 809; AnnEpig 1982, 878. @ @@`1610. Honorary inscription for (no name), Asiarch, descendant of Cl(audius) Kallikrates, on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 76%19`78, no. 13 (PH); AnnEpig 1972, 591; *IEph 810. @ @@`1611. End of honorary inscription for (no name), under supervision of G(aius) Aufidius Mindius Polychronios, Asiarch, on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 7%19`8, no. 5 (PH); *IEph 815. @ @@`1612. Honorary inscription for (no name), dated by boularch Lucius Cornelius Philoserapis, &3eques&; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 30, no. 25; *IEph 816; AnnEpig 1982, 875. @ @@`1613. Honorary inscription for (no name), procurator, by Apollonia Rhyndak., on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: CIG 2981; LW 151; *IEph 821. @ @@`1614. Honorary inscription for (no name), &3procurator vicesimae &3hereditatium&; imperial; found at Ephesos: CIG 2980; Pflaum, Carrie\res I 523, no. 193.3; *IEph 822. @ @@`1615. Honorary inscription for (no name), [stra]tegos, on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 824. @ @@`1616. Honorary inscription for (no name), &3sophistes&; imperial; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 40, 1953, 23, no. 3; SEG 13, 509; La+mmers, Olympien 27, note 119; *IEph 826. @ @@`1617. Fragment of honorary inscription in Latin for (no name), pro(urator) (?); imperial; found at Ephesos?: Ephemeris epigraphica 5, no. 162; CIL III 7133; *IEph 827. @ @@`1618. Honorary inscription for relative of Aelius by [boule and demos of Ephesos]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 831. @ @@`1619. Honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) [&3he&]&3ros, &3eirenophylax,& by [boule and demos (of Ephesos)]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 835. @ @@`1620. End of honorary inscription for (no name), put up by Pu(blius) [Gerellanus Fl]avianus, [grammat]eus of [demos]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 841. @ @@`1621. Honorary inscription in Latin for (no name), [&3praef&(&3ectus&) &3coh&(&3ortis&)] &3I Ituraeorum,& by &3v&[&3erna arcarius&] of Asia, on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 844. @ @@`1622. Honorary inscription for (no name), benefactor, by [I]ulius Hy[ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 846. @ @@`1623. Honorary inscription in Latin for pro[curator?], by Paulus, &3verna& of Au[gustus]; imperial; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 10; Ephemeris epigraphica 4, no. 68; CIL III 7132; *IEph 861 and Add. p. 22. @ @@`1624. Fragment of honorary inscription for [&3libertus&?] of emperor and procurator (no name), on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 868. @ @@`1625. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name), by G(aius) Phi[ ... ], friend; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 885. @ @@`1626. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name), &3comes,& by &3tribunus militum& Titus [ ... ]s; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 888. @ @@`1627. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name), [ar]chiereus of Asia, on statue%19base (?); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 889. @ @@`1628. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name), [priestess] of Artem[is]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 996. @ @@`1629. Honorary inscription (?) for (no name), priestess of Artemis, daughter of Flavia Maioros; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 997. @ @@`1630. End of honorary inscription for (no name), put up by [ ... ] Zethos, on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1081A. @ @@`1631. Honorary inscription for athlete (no name), mentioning epistates Donnos Paph[ios]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1090. @ @@`1632. Honorary inscription for athlete (no name) (possibly Marcus Aurelius Asklepiades) involved in 63 contests; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1091; BE 1981:462. @ @@`1633. Base set up under &3alytarches& G(aius) Fl(avius) [Fu]ri[us] Aptus; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1099.1. @ @@`1634. Stone set up under [&3alytarches& G(aius) Fl(avius) Furius] Aptus; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1099.2. @ @@`1635. Fragments of statue%19base dated by gymnasiarch L(ucius) Claudius Frugianus; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1129A.1. @ @@`1636. Fragments of statue%19base dated by gymnas[iarch] L(ucius) Claudius Frugianus; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1129A.2. @ @@`1637. Fragment of honorary inscription for athlete (no name), participant in &3koinon Asia&[&3s&]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1146. @ @@`1638. Fragment of honorary inscription by (?) [&3agon&]&3othetes [D]amas; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1160. @ @@`1639. Beginning of honorary inscription (?) for (no name), by &3sakephoroi mys&[&3tai&], on base; imperial; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975, 72%19`73, no. 4 (PH); SEG 26, 1265; *IEph 1250. @ @@`1640. Honorary inscription for (no name), Roman consular; imperial; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 535; *IEph 1535 and Add. p. 25. @ @@`1641. Honorary inscription for brother and sister (no name), who gave money for musical and athletic competitions; imperial; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 18 (part); GIBM 618; *IEph 1618. @ @@`1642. Honorary inscription for [pr]yta[nis] (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: GIBM 722; SEG 15, 702; *IEph 1722. @ @@`1643. Honorary inscription by [&3synhedrion&] on base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1790. @ @@`1644. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription in Latin for [&3pra&]&3ef&(&3ectus&) &3cl&[&3ass&(&3is&)] (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: CIL III 14195 *IEph 1796.1. @ @@`1645. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (?) official of Asia; imperial; found at Ephesos: CIL III 14195 *IEph 1796.3. @ @@`1646. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) mentioning month [Kai]sareon, on base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1815. @ @@`1647. Fragment of honorary inscription by (?) [Va]lerius Achi[lleus]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1837. @ @@`1648. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) for governor of [Cy]clades (?); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1847. @ @@`1649. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name), Asia[rch] and grammat[eus of demos], on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1900.10. @ @@`1650. Beginning of honorary inscription for (no name) by [boule and demos of Ephesos]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1901.4. @ @@`1651. Beginning of honorary inscription for (no name) by [Ephesos], on base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1902.3. @ @@`1652. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (no name) by [Ephesos]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1904.1. @ @@`1653. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (no name) by [boule and demos] of [Ephesos]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1904.4. @ @@`1654. Beginning of honorary inscription for (no name) by boule of Ephesos, on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1905.1. @ @@`1655. Beginning of honorary inscription for (no name) by [boule and demos] of [Ephesos], on base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1906.3. @ @@`1656. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (no name) [by Ephesos] according to [&3dog&]&3mat&[&3a& of &3hiera synkletos&]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1909.2. @ @@`1657. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name) by [boule and demos] of [Ephesos], on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1909.4. @ @@`1658. Beginning of honorary inscription for (no name) by boule and demos of Ephesos, on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1917.2. @ @@`1659. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) for (no name), on statue%19base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1920.2. @ @@`1660. Honorary (?) inscription for (no name) by [metropolis of Ephesos]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1923.4. @ @@`1661. Honorary (?) inscription for (no name) by [boule and demos] of [Ephesos]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1924.1. @ @@`1662. Honorary (?) inscription for (no name) by [boule and demos] of [Ephesos]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1924.2. @ @@`1663. Honorary (?) inscription for (no name) by [boule and demos] of Ephesos; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1924.4. @ @@`1664. Honorary (?) inscription for (no name) by [boule and demos] of Ephesos; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1926.4. @ @@`1665. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (no name), with word [&3metr&]&3opolis&; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1928.3. @ @@`1666. Honorary (?) inscription for (no name) by [boule] of Ephes[os]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1929.1. @ @@`1667. Honorary (?) inscription for (no name) by me[tropolis of Ephesos]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1929.2. @ @@`1668. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription in Latin for praefectus (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1936A. @ @@`1669. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for procurator (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1968A. @ @@`1670. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription by &3misthoterion&; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1973. @ @@`1671. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription in Latin for &3eques &3Romanus&; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1995. @ @@`1672. Fragment of honorary inscription for (?) &3kosme&[&3teira&] (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2902; JO+AI 53, 96%19`97, no. 25; **BE 1981:478 (l. 3). @ @@`1673. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) for (no name) by [boule and demos of Ephesos], on base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2909; JO+AI 53, 111, no. 74. @ @@`1674. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2929. @ @@`1675. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) for (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2950B. @ @@`1676. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name), [neop]oios; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2950F; JO+AI 53, 117, no. 98. @ @@`1677. Fragment of honorary inscription (?), referring to arch[ier ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2951E; JO+AI 53, 111, no. 75. @ @@`1678. Honorary inscription in Latin for (no name), procurator of Asia, by &3equites& and &3principales,& on base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 123, no. 4241. @ @@`1679. Honorary inscription for (no name) by M(arcus) Aur(elius) Aru[ntius Sen]eca and others; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 134%19`135, no. 4349; SEG 34, 1108. @ @@`1680. Honorary inscription for (no name), mentioning Publius &3philose&[&3bastos&]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 137%19`138, no. 4351; SEG 34, 1109. @ @@`1681. End of honorary inscription for (no name) by metropolis of Ephesos; 27 BC%3AD c. 88; found at Ephesos: *IEph 799. @ @@`1682. Fragment of honorary inscription mentioning Pos[eid ... ], by [Ephesos]; 1; found at Ephesos: GIBM 560; *IEph 1560. @ @@`1683. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) mentioning [ ... o]s Clau[dios ... ]; 1; found at Ephesos: GIBM 561; *IEph 1561. @ @@`1684. Honorary inscription for (no name), &3legatus pro praetore of Claudius, by relatives Ti(berius) Claudius P%1[ ... ] and [ ... ] Iulianu[s]; AD 41%3`54; found at Ephesos: *IEph 829. @ @@`1685. Honorary inscription for (no name) [&3neokoros&?] of Temple of [Vespa]sian; 1&7e&%3`4; found at Ephesos: FiE III p. 125 (to no. 38); Keil, NZ 52, 1919, 118, no. 10; *IEph 710C. @ @@`1686. Honorary inscription for &3familia& of &3monomachoi& of Asiarch Ti(berius) Cl(audius) Tatianus Iulianus; 1&7e&%3`2&7b&; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 620; Robert, Gladiateurs 204; *IEph 1620. @ @@`1687. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name), [&3ne&]&3okor&[&3os&], on base; AD c. 85%3`132; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 110%19`111, no. 4159; SEG 34, 1110. @ @@`1688. Beginning of honorary inscription for (no name) by [boule and demos] of [Ephesos], on base; AD c. 88%3c. 260; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1908.2. @ @@`1689. Honorary (?) inscription for (no name) by boule and demos of [Ephesos]; AD c. 88%3c. 260; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1924.3. @ @@`1690. Beginning of honorary inscription for (no name) by boule and demos of [Eph]esos, on base; AD c. 88%3`132; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1907.2. @ @@`1691. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (no name) by [Ephesos] (?), on base; AD c. 88%3`132?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1916. @ @@`1692. Honorary inscription for (no name) by [bo]ule and [d]emos of [Ephesos]; AD c. 88%3`132; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1927.3. @ @@`1693. Honorary inscription for (no name), grammateus of demos and father of Menandra, on statue%19base; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: *IEph 792. @ @@`1694. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) for (no name), mentioning [Hadria]neia and Olympia; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1083. @ @@`1695. Honorary inscription for (no name), archiereus and &3agonothetes& at [M]egala [Had]riane[a]; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1085A. @ @@`1696. Honorary inscription for athlete (no name), victorious at Panhellenia of Athens twice and elsewhere, on statue%19base; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: La+mmer, Olympien 65 (part); Fu+hrer Selc%25uk 110; *IEph 1131. @ @@`1697. Honorary inscription for athlete (no name); 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: GIBM 613; Hellenica 7, 110%19`111; *IEph 1613. @ @@`1698. Honorary inscription for athlete (no name), honored with statue at Pisa; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 6, no. 20; GIBM 615; *IEph 1615. @ @@`1699. Honorary%3funerary inscription for athlete (no name), victor in pentathlon, set up at expense of M(arcus) Cl(audius) Menan[dros]; 2&4`2&; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 72; Moretti, Iscr. agon. gr. 75; SEG 28, 859; *IEph 2072 and Add. p. 28. @ @@`1700. Fragment of honorary inscription for athlete (no name), victorious at Hadrianeia and Kyzikos; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 113, no. 4170; SEG 34, 1120; BE 1987:194. @ @@`1701. Honorary inscription for athlete (no name) of Ephesos and Elis, on base; 2; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 30, 1937, 202, no. 8 and Nachtrag 213%19`214; SEG 14, 750; AnnEpig 1938, 86; *IEph 1132. @ @@`1702. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name), father of &3hierokeryx& (no name); 2; found at Ephesos: GIBM 549; *IEph 1549. @ @@`1703. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name), [&3agonothetes&] of Megala [Ephesea] and &3agora&[&3nomos&; 2; found at Ephesos: GIBM 552; *IEph 1552. @ @@`1704. Fragments of honorary inscription (?) for (no name); 2; found at Ephesos: GIBM 711; *IEph 1711. @ @@`1705. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for (no name) by [boule]; 2&4`1&; found at Ephesos: GIBM 565; *IEph 1565. @ @@`1706. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name) by father of Claudius Frontinus and Claudius Claudianus; c. AD 100; found at Ephesos: *IEph 806. @ @@`1707. Honorary inscription for athlete (?) (no name), dated by proconsul (no name); c. AD 100; found at Ephesos: FiE I 186; *IEph 1128. @ @@`1708. Honorary inscription for (no name), strategos; prob. AD 117%3`138; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 556; *IEph 1556. @ @@`1709. Honorary inscription for (no name), [a]rchiereia of Asia; AD c. 130%3c. 260; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 75%19`77, no. 2; *IEph 814. @ @@`1710. Honorary inscription for (no name), priestess of Artemis and [a]rchiereia of [A]sia; AD 132%3c. 260; found at Ephesos: *IEph 994. @ @@`1711. Honorary inscription for wife (no name) [arch]ie[reia] of Asia, by husband Vetulenius Sabinianus; AD 132%3c. 260; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 2; GIBM 553; *IEph 1553. @ @@`1712. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name), [ar]chiereus of [Asia]; AD 132%3c. 260; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 554; *IEph 1554. @ @@`1713. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name) by [boule] and demos of Ephesos; AD 132%3c. 260; found at Ephesos: CIG 2993; *IEph 1810. @ @@`1714. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name), [ar]chiere[us of Asia], on base; AD 132%3c. 260; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1900.5. @ @@`1715. Beginning of honorary inscription (?) for (no name), with titulature of [Epheso]s; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: GIBM 532; *IEph 1532. @ @@`1716. Beginning of honorary inscription (?) for (no name), with titulature of Ephesos; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: GIBM 551; *IEph 1551. @ @@`1717. Honorary inscription for (no name) by boule and [demos] of [Eph]esos; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: GIBBM 555; *IEph 1555. @ @@`1718. Beginning of honorary inscription, with titulature of [Ephesos]; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: GIBM 563; *IEph 1563. @ @@`1719. Beginning of honorary inscription for (no name) by boule and demos of Ephesos, on base; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1901.1. @ @@`1720. Beginning of honorary inscription for (no name) by [boule and demos] of Eph[esos], on statue%19base; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1901.2. @ @@`1721. Beginning of honorary inscription for (no name) by boule of Ephesos, on base; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1906.1. @ @@`1722. Beginning of honorary inscription for (no name) by p[olis] of [Ephesos], on base; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1906.2. @ @@`1723. Beginning of honorary (?) inscription for (no name) by [boule and demos] of Ephesos; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: Soterios, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 202, no. 4; SEG 4, 537; *IEph 1907.1. @ @@`1724. Beginning of honorary inscription for (no name) by [boule and demos] of [Ephesos], on statue%19base; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1908.3. @ @@`1725. Beginning of honorary inscription for (no name) by [boule and demos] of poli[s] of [Ephesos], on statue%19base; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1909.1. @ @@`1726. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (no name) by [boule and demos] of [E]phes[os]; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1909.3. @ @@`1727. Beginning of honorary inscription for (no name) by [polis] of Epheso[s]; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1910.1. @ @@`1728. Honorary inscription for (no name) by boule and demos of Ephesos, on statue%19base; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1915.1. @ @@`1729. Honorary inscription for (no name) by b[oule] and [de]mos of Eph[esos], on base (?); AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1915.,2. @ @@`1730. Beginning of honorary inscription for (no name) by [boule and demos] of [Ephesos], on statue%19base; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1918.3. @ @@`1731. Honorary inscription for (no name) by [boule and demos] of [Eph]esos, on statue%19base; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1921.1. @ @@`1732. Honorary inscription for (no name) by [boule and demos] of [Ephe]sos, on statue%19base; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1921.2. @ @@`1733. Honorary inscription for (no name) by [boule and demos] of [Ephesos], on statue%19base; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1921.3. @ @@`1734. Honorary (?) inscription for (no name) by [boule and demos] of [Ephesos]; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1923.1. @ @@`1735. Honorary (?) inscription for (no name) by [boule and demos] of [Ephe]sos; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1926.1. @ @@`1736. Honorary (?) inscription for (no name) by [boule and demos] of [Ephesos]; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1926.2. @ @@`1737. Honorary inscription for (no name) by boul[e and demos of Ephesos]; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2908; JO+AI 53, 115, no. 90. @ @@`1738. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (no name) by [boule and demos] (of Ephesos); AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2909A; JO+AI 53, 115, no. 88. @ @@`1739. Beginning of honorary (?) inscription by Ephesos; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 90. no. 6. @ @@`1740. Honorary inscription for (no name) by [boule and demos of Ephesos; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 148%19`149, no. 4417; SEG 34, 1114. @ @@`1741. End of honorary inscription for athlete (no name), dated by &3agonothetes& Tiberius Iulius Rhegeinos, archiereus; 2&7m&; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 6, no. 9; *IEph 1105. @ @@`1742. End of honorary inscription for athlete (no name), dated by [&3agon&]&3othetes& [Tib(erius) I]ulius [Rhege]inos, on statue%19base; 2&7m&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1105B. @ @@`1743. Honorary inscription for (no name), priestess, by son Marcus Aur(elius) Apuleius Agathokles and family; 2&4`2&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 897. @ @@`1744. Honorary inscription for athlete (?) Marcus Aurelius Rufinus of Alexandria, Ephesos, and Rhodes; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 6, no. 11; GIBM 617; *IEph 1617. @ @@`1745. Honorary inscription for (no name), [&3hym&]&3nodes& of temple of &3theo&[&3s& Hadrian]; 2&4`2&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 742; JO+AI 53, 91%19`92, no. 10. @ @@`1746. Honorary inscription for athlete (no name), under &3aleiptes& G(aius) Cosinius; 2&4`2&; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 6, no. 14; GIBM 611; *IEph 1611. @ @@`1747. End of honorary inscription for athlete (no name), dated by &3agono&[&3thetes& (Tiberius) Iul(ius) Rh]egein[os], Asiarch; c. AD 154; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 35, no. 40; *IEph 1105A. @ @@`1748. Honorary inscription in Latin for (no name), pro(urator); AD 161%3c. 260; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 8, no. 18; CIL III 6075 and p. 1285; ILS 1366; *IEph 820. @ @@`1749. Honorary inscription in Latin for (no name), [procurator] of two [Germ]ania[e] and other provinces; AD 161%3`180; found at Ephesos: CIL III 14195 Pflaum, Carrie\res I 415%19`416, no. 169; von Domaszewski %9 Dobson, Rangordnung&4`2& 215; *IEph 818. @ @@`1750. Honorary inscription in Latin for (no name), involved in cult of Marcus Aurelius, Lucius V[erus], and &3domus divina&; AD 161%3`180?; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 108, no. 4110. @ @@`1751. Honorary inscription for (no name), sister of [L(ucius) Cossonius Eggi]us [M]arul[lus], proconsul of Africa, supervised by [F]urius Hesp[er]os, on statue%19base; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 35%19`36, no. 14 (PH); AnnEpig 1975, 789; SEG 26, 1254; *IEph 896. @ @@`1752. Honorary inscription for athlete (no name), victor in mens' wrestling at Olympia, by Tib(erius) Cl(audius) Nysios, on base; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 58%19`59, no. 2; SEG 26, 1266; *IEph 1118. @ @@`1753. Honorary inscription for athlete (no name) under [&3agonothetes& Ti(berius) Cl(audius) N]ysio[s]; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1121A. @ @@`1754. Honorary inscription for (no name), Asiarch, supervised by Aur(elius) Apolaustos, on base; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 55 (PH); Robert, Gladiateurs 201; *IEph 3055. @ @@`1755. Honorary inscription for (no name), grammateus of demos, on base; c. 2&7e&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 73; *IEph 3073. @ @@`1756. Honorary inscription for &3hymnodos& (no name), victor at competitions, including Epheseia; c. AD 170; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 6, no. 18; GIBM 604; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 10; *IEph 1604. @ @@`1757. Honorary inscription for athlete (no name), [citizen] of [ ... ], Smyrna, [Sardi]s, Thyateira, [ ... ], Tyre, Se[leukeia], and other cities; c. AD 170; found at Ephesos: GIBM 608b; *IEph 1608.b. @ @@`1758. Honorary inscription for athlete (no name), victorious at Ephesos, Nea Polis, Smyrna, Miletos, Tralles, and Sardis, on base; c. AD 174; found at Ephesos: La+mmer, Olympien 64, no. 10; *IEph 1130. @ @@`1759. Honorary%3funerary (?) inscription for wife (no name) by L(ucius) Rupillius Alexandros, Asiarch, on statue%19base; 3; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 47, 1964%19`1965 Beibl. 35%19`38, no. 17 (PH); AnnEpig 1968, 479; *IEph 714 and Add. p. 20. @ @@`1760. Honorary inscription for (no name), relative of Fl(avius) Me[nandros] and others, on statue%19base; c. 3; found at Ephesos: *IEph 801. @ @@`1761. Honorary inscription for (no name), [archiereus of Asia], by Favonius Flaccillus; 3?; found at Ephesos: CIG 2995; Ramsay, Social Basis of Roman Power no. 247A; *IEph 823. @ @@`1762. Honorary inscription for L(ucius) Iu[lius?], &3soph&[&3istes?&], on statue%19base, by &3m&[&3athetai&]; 3?; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 40, 1953, 23, no. 2; SEG 13, 507; *IEph 825. @ @@`1763. Honorary inscription for (no name), connected with Tiberius Claudius Proresius grammateus; 3?; found at Ephesos: CIG 2996; LW 166b; *IEph 828. @ @@`1764. Honorary inscription in Latin for (no name), &3procur&(&3ator&) &3rat&[&3ionis p&]&3rivatae& of [Asia]; 3?; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 40, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 78%19`80, no. 14; AnnEpig 1972, 592; *IEph 837 and Add. p. 21. @ @@`1765. Honorary inscription for (no name), supervised by L(ucius) Septim(ius) Aur(elius) [Achillei]des, on statue%19base; 3?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 845. @ @@`1766. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) for victor at [M]ari[ana Isthmia] under &3ep&[&3istates& Aur(elius)] Neikias; 3; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1159. @ @@`1767. End of honorary inscription for (no name), supervised by [L(ucius) Aufi]dius Euphemos, A[siarch], on statue%19base; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 872. @ @@`1768. End of honorary inscription (?) by (?) [Kouretes?] under prytanis M(arcus) Fulvius Pu[blicianus] Neikephoros; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1087A. @ @@`1769. Honorary inscription for athlete (no name) by &3ago&[&3nothetes&] Ma[rius Septimius Marion]; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1147B. @ @@`1770. Honorary inscription for athlete (no name), victorious at Megala [Py]thia Marianeia, set up by [Ma]rius Sept(imius) Marion; 3&4`1&?; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 73; La+mmer, Olympien 45%19`48; *IEph 2073. @ @@`1771. Fragment of honorary inscription mentioning Asiarch; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 45; *IEph 4345. @ @@`1772. Honorary inscription for [prytani]s (no name); 3&7b&; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 Nachtrag no. N6; *IEph 1080A. @ @@`1773. Honorary inscription for [&3proto&]&3koures& (no name), on statue%19base; 3&7b&; found at Ephesos: FiE IX 1 Nachtrag no. N8; *IEph 1080B. @ @@`1774. Honorary inscription for athlete (no name) dated by [&3ag&]onothetes [Marius Septimius Marion]; 3&7b&; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 36, no. 42; *IEph 1108; SEG 37, 890. @ @@`1775. Beginning of honorary (?) inscription for (no name) by [boule and demos] of [Ephesos]; AD 211%3c. 260; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1904.2. @ @@`1776. Beginning of honorary (?) inscription for (no name) by [boule and demos] of [Ephesos], on base; AD 214%3c. 258; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1904.3. @ @@`1777. Beginning of honorary inscription for (no name) by [Ephesos], on statue%19base; AD 214%3c. 258; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1910.2. @ @@`1778. Honorary inscription for (no name), who served as envoy for Ephesos to emperors and several cities, on statue%19base; AD 217%3`218; found at Ephesos: Keil, SBAW 1956, Heft 3; AnnEpig 1971, 455; SEG 17, 505; *IEph 802. @ @@`1779. Honorary inscription for (no name), procurator of Macrinus and Diadumenianus, on statue%19base; AD 217%3`218; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 95, no. 24; AnnEpig 1966, 431; *IEph 813. @ @@`1780. Honorary inscription for (no name), consular, [legatus] of &3dioi&[&3kesis&] of Ephesos, on statue%19base; AD 218%3`235; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 49, 1968%19`1971 Beibl. 80%19`83, 15 (PH); AnnEpig 1972, 593; *IEph 805. @ @@`1781. Honorary inscription for athlete (no name), victor in [wrestling] at [Me]gala Mariana; AD c. 225; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 54, note 71; SEG 26, 1262; *IEph 1109. @ @@`1782. Honorary inscription in Latin for (no name), consul and &3comes& of Severus Alexander, on statue%19base; AD 231%3`235; found near Ephesos: Gschnitzer, JO+AI 42, 1955 Beibl. 59%19`72; AnnEpig 1957, 161; Pflaum, L'Afrique romaine 202%19`206; Alfo+ldy, Fasti Hispanienses 106%19`110; *IEph 817 and Add. p. 20. @ @@`1783. Honorary inscription for (no name) in sixth Pythiad after &3ananeosis,& on base; 3&7m&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1147A(1). @ @@`1784. Honorary inscription for (no name) by &3theologos& and &3boularchos& (no name), on base; c. 3&7m&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 74 (PH); *IEph 3074. @ @@`1785. Fragment of statue%19base naming Herm[ ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 683C. @ @@`1786. Honorary inscription for (no name) by boul[e and demos] (of Ephesos), on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 777. @ @@`1787. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 778. @ @@`1788. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 779. @ @@`1789. End of honorary inscription, supervised by Menophilos, &3argyrotamias&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 791. @ @@`1790. Honorary inscription for (no name) by &3patris,& on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 832. @ @@`1791. Honorary inscription for (no name), involved in building; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 833. @ @@`1792. Honorary inscription for &3hiereus& of &3ephe&[&3boi&]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 836. @ @@`1793. Honorary inscription for (no name), [str]ategos and [&3pa&]&3raphylax& of &3chora&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 838. @ @@`1794. Honorary inscription for (no name), &3leitou&[&3rgos&] of poli[s] of [Ephes]os; no date; found at Ephesos: Jordanidis, Harmonia Nov. 15, 1901 (non vidi); *IEph 839. @ @@`1795. End of honorary inscription for (no name), benefactor of demo[s], on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 849. @ @@`1796. Honorary inscription for (no name), put up by wife Mattidi[a], on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 850. @ @@`1797. Fragment of honorary inscription for benefactor (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 866. @ @@`1798. Honorary inscription for benefactress (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 869. @ @@`1799. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name), on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 873. @ @@`1800. Fragment of honorary inscription for benefactor (no name), by [grammat]eus of demos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 874. @ @@`1801. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name), grammateus in same year as father; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 875. @ @@`1802. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name), mentioning [Dem]etrio[s?]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 876. @ @@`1803. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name), for &3megalopsychia&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 880. @ @@`1804. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name), mentioning [ne]opoioi; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 881. @ @@`1805. End of honorary inscription for (no name), for &3eusebeia, on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 886. @ @@`1806. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name), by those in [&3agora&?]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 890; JO+AI 53, 92, no. 12. @ @@`1807. Honorary inscription for (no name), [priestess] of Arte[mis], on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 96, no. 26; *IEph 990. @ @@`1808. Fragment of honorary inscription for athlete (no name), mentioning Asklepieia (probably of Pergamon); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1081. @ @@`1809. End of honorary inscription for athlete (?) (no name), on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1083A. @ @@`1810. Honorary inscription for athlete (no name), victor in [Olympia], on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1084A; JO+AI 53, 89, no. 3. @ @@`1811. Fragment of honorary inscription for (?) athlete (no name), &3paradoxos&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1085. @ @@`1812. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name), mentioning &3agonothetes& Pa[ ... ] Kallineikes [D]amas, on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1086. @ @@`1813. Honorary inscription for (no name) by [&3syno&]&3dos& of athletes, on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1087. @@`1814. Fragment of honorary inscription for athlete (no name), victorious in boys' &3pankr&[&3ation&], on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1092. @ @@`1815. Fragments of honorary inscription for &3agonoth&[&3etes&] (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1094. @ @@`1816. Honorary inscription for athlete (no name) of Hypaipa and Philadelphia; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1095. @ @@`1817. Fragment of honorary inscription for (?) (no name), involved in [Bal]billea; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1097. @ @@`1818. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) for (no name), mentioning [O]lym[pia]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1105C; SEG 32, 1125. @ @@`1819. Fragment of honorary inscription for (?) [&3agono&]&3thetis (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: Robert, HSCP Suppl. 1, 1940, 511, no. 12 (%6 OMS I 635, no. 12); *IEph 1141. @ @@`1820. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) mentioning &3ago&[&3nothet ...& ] and &3amphi&[&3thal ...& ]; no date; found at Ephesos: Robert, HSCP Suppl. 1, 1940, 511, no. 11 (%6 OMS I 635, no. 11); *IEph 1142. @ @@`1821. Fragment of honorary inscription for &3kitharodos& (no name), on base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1148. @ @@`1822. Honorary inscription for (no name), citizen of [L]aodikei[a and many other cities]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1156. @ @@`1823. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) for (no name), victor at Nemea; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1158. @ @@`1824. Honorary inscription for (no name) under prytani[s] (no name) and &3archis&[&3keptouchos&] Apo[ll ... ], on base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1256. @ @@`1825. Honorary inscription by de[mos] for (no name) (?) of Thebes; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1399. @ @@`1826. Fragment of honorary inscription: &3antio&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph V p. 61 (to no. 1538). @ @@`1827. Honorary inscription for (no name) by bo[ule] (of Ephesos), on base; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 550; *IEph 1550. @ @@`1828. Honorary inscription (?) for &3hierok&[&3eryx&]; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 571; *IEph 1571. @ @@`1829. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) for athlete (no name); no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 607; *IEph 1607. @ @@`1830. Honorary inscription (?) for athlete (no name), victorious at [O]lympia, by sister; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 614; *IEph 1614. @ @@`1831. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) for athlete (?) (no name); no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 619; *IEph 1619. @ @@`1832. Honorary inscription for rhet[or] (no name) (?) by [d]emos; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 713; *IEph 1713. @ @@`1833. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name) [according to] decree [of boule], on base; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 747; *IEph 1747. @ @@`1834. Honorary (?) inscription for (no name) of Ephesos, [ ... ]&3stes,& on base; no date; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 40, 1953, 23%19`24; SEG 13, 510; *IEph 1789. @ @@`1835. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription mentioning Cherson[esos]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1866. @ @@`1836. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) for [gymnas:iarch (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1882. @ @@`1837. Excised. @ @@`1838. Beginning of honorary inscription for (no name) by boule and demos [of Ephesos], on base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1901.2. @ @@`1839. Beginning of honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) by demos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1903.1. @ @@`1840. Beginning of honorary (?) inscription by [boule and d]emos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1903.2. @ @@`1841. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (no name) by demos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1903.3 @ @@`1842. Beginning of honorary inscription for (no name) by [boul]e, on base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1903.4. @ @@`1843. Beginning of honorary inscription for (no name), on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1905.2. @ @@`1844. Beginning of honorary (?) inscription; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1905.3. @ @@`1845. Beginning of honorary (?) inscription for (no name), on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1905.4. @ @@`1846. Beginning of honorary inscription for (no name) by boule and demos, on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1911.1. @ @@`1847. Beginning of honorary inscription for (no name), by bou[le], on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1911.2. @ @@`1848. Honorary inscription for (no name) by boule and demos, on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1911.3. @ @@`1849. Honorary inscription for (no name) by bo[ule] and [demos], on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1911.4. @ @@`1850. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name), on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1917.1. @ @@`1851. Honorary inscription for (no name) by [boul]e and d[em]os, on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1917.3. @ @@`1852. Honorary inscription for (no name) by [boule] and demo[s], on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1917.4. @ @@`1853. Fragment of honorary inscription for [ ... ]s Pot[ ... ], by &3patris,& on base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1919.1. @ @@`1854. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name), by &3patris&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1919.2. @ @@`1855. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) for (no name), by &3patris,& on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1919.4. @ @@`1856. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name), on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1920.1. @ @@`1857. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (no name), on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1920.4. @ @@`1858. Honorary inscription for (no name), by boule and demos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1923.2. @ @@`1859. Honorary (?) inscription for (no name) by [boule] and demos of [Epheso]s; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1923.3. @ @@`1860. Honorary inscription for (no name) by boule and dem[os of Ephesos]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1925.1. @ @@`1861. Honorary inscription for (no name) by b[oule] and de[mos of Ephesos]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1925.2. @ @@`1862. Honorary (?) inscription for (no name) by [b]oule and demo[s of Ephesos]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1925.3. @ @@`1863. Honorary (?) inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1925.4. @ @@`1864. Honorary (?) inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1926.3. @ @@`1865. Honorary (?) inscription for (no name) by [boule and demos] of Epheso[s]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1927.1. @ @@`1866. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1927.5. @ @@`1867. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1928.1. @ @@`1868. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription by (?) [ ... ]ios; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1928.2. @ @@`1869. Honorary (?) inscription for (no name) by [boule and demos] of Epheso[s]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1929.3. @ @@`1870. Honorary (?) inscription for (no name) by [boule] and demos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1929.4. @ @@`1871. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (no name) mentioning one or more [str]atego[i], on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1932. @ @@`1872. Honorary (?) inscription for female relative referring to polis of Ephesos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1966. @ @@`1873. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription by [&3synhedrion&], on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1968. @ @@`1874. Fragment of honorary inscription for woman (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2925; JO+AI 53, 107, no. 64. @ @@`1875. Honorary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2940. @ @@`1876. Beginning of honorary inscription for (no name) by [boule and] demos (of Ephesos), on base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2949F; JO+AI 53, 115, no. 89. @ @@`1877. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) for (no name), referring to [&3dog&]&3ma,& on base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2951D. @ @@`1878. Honorary inscription for (no name), active in building, on base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2951F; JO+AI 53, 111, no. 76. @ @@`1879. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2952; JO+AI 53, 112, no. 77. @ @@`1880. Honorary inscription for (no name), by boule and demos (of Ephesos), on base; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 67b (PH); *IEph 3067.b. @ @@`1881. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Phygela: Pace, ASAA 6%19`7, 1924, 442, no. 148; *IEph 3122. @ @@`1882. Honorary inscription for (no name) by demos of Myra, on base; no date; found at Ephesos: Bu+yu+kkolanc#1221 %9 #1222c%25ten %9 Nolle/, ZPE 40, 1980, 257%19`258 (PH); SEG 30, 1315; *IEph 3902. @ @@`1883. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (no name), on base; no date; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 100, no. 39. @ @@`1884. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 129, no. 4293; SEG 34, 1112. @ @@`1885. Fragment of honorary inscription mentioning [Ar]temidor[os], on base; no date; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 139, no. 4359; SEG 34, 1097. @ @@`1886. Honorary inscription for prytanis (no name) by &3synergasia of [ ... ]i[ ... ]rodoi [ ... ]naioi, on base; no date; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 143%19`144, no. 4371; SEG 34, 1107. @ See also: Ephesos 8, 11, 46%19`47, 53%19`54, 58, 61%19`62, 80%19`107, 119%19`126, 340, 759, 788.5, 909, 2072%19`2076, 3528, 3539, 3561, 3788, 3805; Hellenica 9, 73%19`76 (honorary inscription for (no name), athlete victorious at Rhomaia in Ephesos, and elsewhere; now in Ankara, from Ionia); IG II&4`2& 3162 ll. 18%19`21 (honorary inscription for (no name), victorious at Olympia and Barbilleia in Ephesos, and elsewhere; found in Attica); FDelphes III 1, 549c, ll. 6%19`7 (honorary inscription for (no name), victorious at Balb[illea at Ephesos] and elsewhere; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 1, 549d, ll. 2%19`3 (honorary inscription for (no name), victorious at Barbillea at E[phesos] and elsewhere; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 1, 550, part 1 ll. 19, 26 and part 2, ll. 19%19`20 (honorary inscription for (no name), victorious at Hadrianeia, Barbillea, and Epheseia at Ephesos and elsewhere; found at Delphi); IEph 3211 (fragment of honorary inscription (?) for (no name), &3epimeletes hydaton,& possibly mentioning Artemis of Ephesos; found at Tire in Kaystros Valley); IEph 3212 (fragment of honorary inscription for (no name) by boule and demos, probably of Ephesos; found at Tire in Kaystros Valley); Keramos 47, ll. 8%19`9 (%6 IKeramos 15) (honorary inscription for athlete [Polites?] mentions victory in koinon [Asias] at [E]phesos; found at Keramos); Corinth 8, 3 no. 370 (honorary inscription for (no name), victorious at Ephesos and elsewhere; found at Korinth); Magnesia 278.a4 and 278.b6 (%6 IMagnesia 192) (%6 Hermes 65, 1930, 117) (honorary inscription for athlete (no name), honored with statue by Ephesos and many other cities; found at Magnesia Mai.); IG XIV 1113 (honorary inscription for (no name), victorious at Hadrianeia and Barbillei[a] at Ephesos, and elsewhere; found at Rome); Smyrna 186, ll. 1%19`2 (%6 ISmyrna 664) (%6 CIG 3209) (%6 IGRR IV 1442) (honorary inscription for athlete (no name), victorious in &3pankration& at Ephesos and elsewhere; found at Smyrna); Tralles 121, ll. 10%19`11 (%6 ITralles 118) (%6 BCH 28, 1904, 89, 11) (honorary inscription for athlete (no name), victorious at Olympia of [E]phesos, and elsewhere; found at Tralles); Tralles 125, ll. 1, 8%19`9, 19 (%6 ITralles 117) (%6 Moretti 78) (%6 BCH 28, 1904, 87, 10) (honorary inscription for athlete (no name) of [Tralle]s and Ephesos, victorious at Hadrianeia of Ephesos, and elsewhere; found at Tralles); Frisch, ZPE 15, 1974, 162, l. 1 (honorary inscription for athlete (no name), victorious at Epheseia at Ephesos and elsewhere; found somewhere in Troad). @ ߏ@@@@Section: 10e. Honorary Inscriptions for Groups of Gladiators (1887%19`1892) @ @@`1887. Honorary inscription for &3familia& of &3monomach&[&3oi&]; Roman; found near Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 26, 1930 Beibl. 48; Robert, Gladiateurs 208; *IEph 1172. @ @@`1888. Honorary inscription for &3familia& of &3monomach&[&3oi&] A[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: Robert, Gladiateurs 207; *IEph 1173. @ @@`1889. Honorary inscription for &3familia& of &3monomachoi& of Ti(berius) Cl(audius) Tatianus Iulianus, Asiarch; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1182. @ @@`1890. Honorary inscription (?) for &3familia& of &3monomachoi& of Tib(erius) Claudiu[s] Pankratide[s] Atticus, Asiarch, on base; AD 133%3`200; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 46; *IEph 4346. @ @@`1891. Honorary inscription for &3monomachoi& of Lucius Aufidius Euphemos, Asiarch; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Ephesos: FiE III pp. 220%19`221; Robert, Gladiateurs 206; *IEph 1171. @ @@`1892. Honorary inscription for &3familia& of &3monomachoi& of Asiarch Tib(erius) Iulius Reginus; c. AD 170; found at Ephesos: GIBM 621; Robert, Gladiateurs 205; *IEphesos 1621. @ @@@@Section: 10f. Other Honorary Inscriptions_For Cities and @@@@Institutions (1893%19`1900) @ @@`1893. Inscription for statue of demo[s] of Ephesos by [boule] of Ephesos; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 52; *IEph 2052. @ @@`1894. Honorary inscription for demos of Ephesos by demos of Flavia Philadelphia; AD 89%3`90; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 20%19`21, no. 6; *IEph 236 and Add. p. 7. @ @@`1895. Honorary inscription for [demos of Ephesos] by polis of Thyateira; c. AD 213%3`214; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 21, no. 7; *IEph 243; AnnEpig 1982, 865. @ @@`1896. Honorary inscription for demos of Kos by [p]olis of [Ephesos]; prob. AD 211; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 55; *IEph 2055. @ @@`1897. Inscription for statue of Carthage by L(ucius) Rasinnius Hermippos; prob. AD 211; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 53; Cagnat, Rev. e/p. 1, 1913, 4%19`10; AnnEpig 1913, 141; ILS 9469; SEG 28, 864; *IEph 2053. @ @@`1898. Honorary inscription for polis of Knidos by polis of Ephesos; prob. AD 211; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 54; Oliver, Hesperia 23, 1954, 166; AnnEpig 1913, 142; *IEph 2054. @ @@`1899. Honorary inscription for polis of Neikaia Kilbianon by polis of Ephesos; prob. AD 211; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 56; *IEph 2056. @ @@`1900. Honorary inscription for [Se]nate by polis of [E]ph[e]sos, on statue%19base; AD 99%3`100; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 12; GIBM 499; ILS 8822; *IEph 1499. @ See also: Ephesos 10; IEph 1394 (%6 ILS 34) (honorary inscription in Latin of people of Ephesos for [people of Rome]; found at Rome). @ @@@@Section: 10g. Agoranomos Inscriptions (1901%19`1987) @ @@`1901. Agoranomos inscription for Pu(blius) Aelius Li[ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 923A. @ @@`1902. Agoranomos inscription for M(arcus) Ant(onius) Aristeides Euandros; 2&7e&%3`3; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 48, 1966 Beibl. 17%19`20, no. 8 (PH); BE 1971:572; AnnEpig 1971, 457; *IEph 921. @ @@`1903. Agoranomos inscription for Apellas Claudianus; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 42, no. 61; *IEph 922. @ @@`1904. Agoranomos inscription for G(aius) Auru[nc]ul(eius) Chaireas; imperial; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 16 (PH, part); *IEph 3016. @ @@`1905. Agoranomos inscription for Athenoites Ik[ ... ]iou; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 917. @ @@`1906. Agoranomos inscription for Attalos [D]emokrates; no date; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 3, 1900 Beibl. 87; FiE III p. 103; *IEph 923, col. 2. @ @@`1907. Agoranomos inscription for Attalos Menophilos; no date; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 3, 1900 Beibl. 87; FiE III p. 103; *IEph 923, col. 1. @ @@`1908. Agoranomos inscription for [A]ur(elius) Arte[m]as [M]oschionos; AD 238%3`244; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 18 (PH, part); *IEph 3018. @ @@`1909. Agoranomos inscription for M(arcus) Aur(elius) Eutyches; 2&4`2&%3e; found at Ephesos: Keil, FiE III no. 12; *IEph 3012. @ @@`1910. Agoranomos inscription for M(arcus) Aur(elius) Hephaistion; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 11; *IEph 3011. @ @@`1911. Agoranomos inscription for [M(arcus) A]ur(elius) Italicu[s] (or his son); 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Ephesos: *IEph 920. @ @@`1912. Agoranomos inscription for [M(arcus) Au]relius Ital[icus &3ne&(&3oteros&)]; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Ephesos: *IEph 920A. @ @@`1913. Agoranomos inscription for Aur(elius) Metrodoros recording his gift of &3str&[&3o&]&3sis& of &3platia& in Koresos; 3?; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 13 (PH); *IEph 3013. @ @@`1914. Agoranomos inscription for L(ucius) Boionius Pansa Flavianus; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 42, no. 62; *IEph 924, ll. 1%19`4. @ @@`1915. Agoranomos inscription for [Chr]ysermos; II?%3`1; found at Ephesos: *IEph 924AII. @ @@`1916. Agoranomos inscription for [Dam]ianus Capi[t]onianus; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 43, no. 66; *IEph 929, col. 1. @ @@`1917. Agoranomos inscription for [Dio]nysios; imperial; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 70, no. 2 (PH); SEG 26, 1264.A; *IEph 937.A. @ @@`1918. Agoranomos inscription for [ ... Euty]chianos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 927A. @ @@`1919. Agoranomos inscription for [He]rakle[ides ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 928A. @ @@`1920. Agoranomos inscription for Aulus Iulius Amyntas; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 44, no. 69; *IEph 930, col. 2. @ @@`1921. Agoranomos inscription for Aulus Iulius Amyntianus; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 44, no. 68; *IEph 930, col. 1. @ @@`1922. Agoranomos inscription for A[ulus?] Iulius Diogenes [Metro]dorianus; imperial; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 69%19`71 (PH); *IEph 937A ll. 1%19`6. @ @@`1923. Agoranomos inscription for L(ucius) Iulius Menandros; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 44, no. 70; *IEph 931. @ @@`1924. Agoranomos inscription for M(arcus) Iunius Alexand[ros] Krokalo[s]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 913. @ @@`1925. Agoranomos inscription for Ius[tus ... ]ianus; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 932. @ @@`1926. Agoranomos inscription for Pu(blius) Carsidi[us]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 924A.IV. @ @@`1927. Agoranomos inscription for L(ucius) Cerrinius Paetus; 2&4`1&; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 45, no. 74; IEph Ia Taf. 17 (PH); *IEph 925. @ @@`1928. Agoranomos inscription for Ti(berius) Claud[ius Antipatros] Iulia[nus] and son; 1&7e&%3`2&7b&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 916A. @ @@`1929. Agoranomos inscription for Cl(audius) Dy[natos]; 3&7m&; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 42%19`43, no. 63; *IEph 926. @ @@`1930. Agoranomos inscription for Tib(erius) Cl(audius) Eutychianos; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 43, no. 64; *IEph 927. @ @@`1931. Agoranomos inscription for [Ti(berius) Cl(audius)] Glau[co] Mandrylianos; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 926A. @ @@`1932. Agoranomos inscription for Ti(berius) Cl(audius) [ ... ] Capitanus; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 925A.II. @ @@`1933. Agoranomos inscription for [Tib(erius) Clau]dius Cla[udianus?]; c. 2; found at Ephesos: *IEph 924A.V. @ @@`1934. Agoranomos inscription for Pu(blius) Cl(audius) Varus Iu[ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 911. @ @@`1935. Agoranomos inscription for L(ucius) Cornelius Philoserapis, &3eques,& on architrave; imperial; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 15 (PH, part); *IEph 3015. @ @@`1936. Agoranomos inscription for [L(ucius)] Corneli[us Front]onianus; 3; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 43, no. 65; *IEph 928. @ @@`1937. Agoranomos inscription for L(ucius) Manlius Hermeias; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 44%19`45, no. 71; *IEph 933. @ @@`1938. Agoranomos inscription for Pu(blius) Marcius Artemidoros; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 44, no. 67; *IEph 929, col. 2. @ @@`1939. Agoranomos inscription for [ ... ]l(ius) Maz[aios]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 933A. @ @@`1940. Agoranomos inscription for Menogenes Artemidorou; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 45, no. 72; *IEph 924, ll. 5%19`7. @ @@`1941. Agoranomos inscription for Aulus Minucius Philippikos; Roman; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 45, no. 73; IEph Ia Taf. 17 (PH); *IEph 934. @ @@`1942. Agoranomos inscription for [Mo]destus [ ... ]nos; imperial; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 69%19`71, no. 2 (PH); SEG 26, 1264.B; *IEph 937.B. @ @@`1943. Fragment of agoranomos inscription (?) for [Va]lerius Achi[lleus]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph III p. 218 (to no. 917A). @ @@`1944. Agoranomos inscription for [Vale]rius Achi[lleus &3ne&(&3oteros&)]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 917A. @ @@`1945. Agoranomos inscription for Ulp(ius) Lol[l]ianus One[si]mos; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 17 (PH, part); Eck, ZPE 37, 1980, 45%19`48; SEG 30, 1303; *IEph 3017. @ @@`1946. Agoranomos inscription for Philippo[s]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 919. @ @@`1947. Agoranomos inscription for [ ... ] Flavianus; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 929A. @ @@`1948. Agoranomos inscription for Titus Flavius Basileides; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 936.C. @ @@`1949. Agoranomos inscription for [ ... ] Pythokri[tos]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 918. @ @@`1950. Agoranomos inscription for Rufinus; imperial; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975 Beibl. 69%19`71, no. 2 (PH); *IEph 937.C. @ @@`1951. Agoranomos inscription for Gaius Sa[lvius] Bassus; imperial?; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 45, no. 75; *IEph 935, col. 1. @ @@`1952. Agoranomos inscription for Gaius Salvius Bassus &3ne&(&3oteros&); imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 46, no. 76; *IEph 935, col. 2. @ @@`1953. Agoranomos inscription for Pu(blius) Statienus Petronianus; imperial; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 10; *IEph 3010. @ @@`1954. Agoranomos inscription for Straton; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 936.B. @ @@`1955. Agoranomos inscription for [Ta]tianus Seve[ria]nus; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 916. @ @@`1956. Agoranomos inscription for [ ... Gl]auc[o ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 925A.III. @ @@`1957. Agoranomos inscription for son of (?) [ ... ]ios Me[ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 918A. @ @@`1958. Agoranomos inscription for Tib(erius) Cl[ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 922A. @ @@`1959. Agoranomos inscription for [ ... ] Loll[i ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 931A. @ @@`1960. Agoranomos inscription for [ ... ]on; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 934A. @ @@`1961. Agoranomos inscription for [ ... ]onios; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 936.A. @ @@`1962. Agoranomos inscription for [ ... ]pos Ta[ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 915. @ @@`1963. Fragment of agoranomos inscription for [ ... ] Priscill[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 919A. @ @@`1964. Agoranomos inscription for [ ... ] Salv[i ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975, 69%19`71 (PH); *IEph 937A ll. 7%19`9. @ @@`1965. Agoranomos inscription (?) for Stra[ ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 936.D. @ @@`1966. Agoranomos inscription for (no name), son of Epagathos, dated by [proconsul] Quintus Tine[ius Sacerdo]s; 3&7b&; found at Ephesos: Waddington, Fastes p. 249; *IEph 939. @ @@`1967. Agoranomos inscription for (no name); II?%3`2; found at Ephesos: *IEph 924A.III. @ @@`1968. Agoranomos inscription for (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 912. @ @@`1969. Agoranomos inscription for (no name), on architrave; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 930A. @ @@`1970. Agoranomos inscription for (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 935A. @ @@`1971. Agoranomos inscription for (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 939A. @ @@`1972. Agoranomos inscription for (no name), also strategos, &3ephebarchos,& etc., on architrave; imperial; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 14 (PH, part); Alzinger, Augusteische Architektur Abb. 4 (PH); *IEph 3014. @ @@`1973. Agoranomos inscription for (no name); c. AD 100; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 23, 1926 Beibl. 282; SEG 4, 518; *IEph 938. @ @@`1974. [Agoranomos] inscription for (no name); c. 220 BC?; found at Ephesos: Keil, AAWW 91, 1954, 218, no. 1a; SEG 15, 710a; *IEph 1247.A. @ @@`1975. Honorary inscription for (no name), [a]gorano[mos]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 847. @ @@`1976. Agoranomos inscription for (no name), with prices of bread; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 910. @ @@`1977. Fragment of agoranomos inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 914. @ @@`1978. Fragments of agoranomos inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 921A. @ @@`1979. Agoranomos inscription (?) for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 924A.I. @ @@`1980. Agoranomos inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 925A.I. @ @@`1981. Fragment, perhaps of agoranomos inscription; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph III p. 229 (to no. 931A). @ @@`1982. Agoranomos inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 932A. @ @@`1983. End of agoranomos inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 936A. @ @@`1984. End of agoranomos inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 938A. @ @@`1985. Fragment of agoranomos inscription mentioning Menandros Hagnou; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 940A.a. @ @@`1986. [Ago]ranomos inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 572 a and c; *IEph 1572. @ @@`1987. Fragment of honorary inscription for [agor]anom[os] (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 708; *IEph 1708. @ See also: Ephesos 637%19`638. @ ď@@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (1988%19`2000) @ @@`1988. Inscription marking sacred precinct of A[rtemis]; c. II; found at Ephesos: GIBM 520; FiE I p. 280, no. 26; Syll&4`3& 989; Sokolowski, LSAM 85; *IEph 1520. @ @@`1989. Horos of precinct of A[rtemis] set up under proconsul [Gaius] Vetul[enus (%6 Vettul[enus) Ci]vica Ceria[lis]; AD 81%3`96; found at Kuyumc%25u: Knibbe %9 Meric%25 %9 Merkelbach, ZPE 33, 1979, 145, no. 14; SEG 29, 1101; *IEph 3510. @ @@`1990. Horos of precinct of [Ar]temis put up according to order of Trajan; AD 102%3`114; found at Kuyumc%25u: CIG 3022; Knibbe %9 Meric%25 %9 Merkelbach, ZPE 33, 1979, 144, no. 13; SEG 29, 1099; *IEph 3512. @ @@`1991. Sacred horos of Artemis; no date; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 46, no. 79; *IEph 566.1. @ @@`1992. Excised. @ @@`1993. Excised. @ @@`1994. Horos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 566.2. @ @@`1995. Inscription marking common wall; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2923; JO+AI 53, 110, no. 70. @ @@`1996. Horos inscription (?) for Diagyrenoi; no date; found near Belevi?: Jordanidis, Harmonia, Nov. 15, 1901 (non vidi); *IEph 3218. @ @@`1997. Fifth horos; no date; found on Gallesion, between Ephesos and Notion: *IEph 3514. @ @@`1998. Hor(os); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 3515. @ Ϊ@@`1998.5. Horoi of hieropoioi; no date; found in lower Kaystros Valley: *JO+AI 55, 118%19`119, no. 4202; SEG 34, 1119. @ @@`1999. Excised. @ @@`2000. Milestone for ninth mile from Ephe[sos], dated by emperors D[2i]2ocle[tian], [Maxi]mian, Constan[tius] (I), and [Galerius]; AD 293%3`305; found at Belevi: Keil, JO+AI 30, 1937 Beibl. 205, no. 11; *IEph 3604. @ See also: Ephesos 2998; IEph 3601 (milestone on road, 90 stadia from Ephesos and 310 stadia from Sardis; found at Boniton Katoikia in Kaystros Valley); IEph 3706 (238th ho(ros) of Ephesos; found at Emirli in Kaystros Valley); IEph 3605 (milestone for 11th mile from [Ephesos]; found at Kozbunar in Kaystros Valley); Magnesia 298 (%6 IEphesos 3164) (%6 IMagnesia 257) (%6 CIL III 12270) (milestone for [ ... ] miles from Ephesos; found at Magnesia Mai.); Magnesia 297 (%6 IEphesos 3160) (%6 ITralles I p. 221, no. 12*) (%6 Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 151) (%6 IMagnesia 256) (milestone for 20th mile from Ephesos; found at Germencik, near Magnesia Mai.); Metropolis 36 (%6 IEphesos 3603) (%6 IGRR IV 1596) (milestone for first (?) mile from Ephesos; found near Metropolis); Tralles 141 (%6 IEphesos 3161) (%6 ITralles 170) (%6 CIL III 479 %7 14201&4`11&) (%6 CIG 2920) (milestone in Latin and Greek for 29th mile (from Ephesos); found near Tralles); Tralles 142 (%6 IEphesos 3163) (%6 ITralles 172) (%6 CIL III 7206) (milestone for 31st mile (from Ephesos); found near Tralles); Tralles 143 (%6 IEphesos 3162) (%6 LW 1652e) (%6 CIL III 6094) (%6 ITralles 171.A) (milestone for 30th mile from Ephesos; found near Tralles). @ я@@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (2001%19`2051) @ @@@@Section: 12a. Topos Inscriptions for Named Individuals (2001%19`2019) @ @@`2001. Topos inscription for Agathon; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 89; *IEph 2089. @ @@`2002. Topos inscription for Akakeios &3bourichas&; late imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 41, no. 57; *IEph 551; Masson, Fs. Neumann 171%19`173; SEG 32, 1141. @ @@`2003. Topos inscription for Alexandros on column; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 597. @ @@`2004. Topos inscription (?) for Apollonides; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 538. @ @@`2005. Topos inscription in Latin and Greek for Quintus Arellius Antiochos; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 544. @ @@`2006. Topos inscription for Diogenes &3charkomatas,& on column%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: Schmidt, MDAI(A) 6, 1880, 142, no. 22; Schwyzer, DGEEP App. II no. 5(2), p. 388; *IEph 554. @ @@`2007. Topos inscription for Eutychianos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 578. @ @@`2008. Topos inscription (?) for Iason; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 540. @ @@`2009. Topos inscription for Cl(audia) Tullia on column; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 40, no. 52; *IEph 548. @ @@`2010. Inscription for place of (?) Metrodoros; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 535.2. @ @@`2011. Topos inscription for Metrodoros; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 88; *IEph 2088. @ @@`2012. Topos inscription for Nikostratos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 537.1. @ @@`2013. Topos inscription (?) of Paulus &3plakountas& on column; no date; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 41, no. 59; *IEph 451. @ @@`2014. Topos inscription for Flavius Restitutus; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 41, no. 60; *IEph 550. @ @@`2015. Topos (?) inscription for Prosdektos Murena; no date; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 142, no. 4368; SEG 34, 1166. @ @@`2016. Topos inscription for Scaptia; Roman; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 146, no. 161. @ @@`2017. Topos inscription for Timonax Onasou and &3oikonomoi& of &3hierai prosodoi&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 541; Engelmann, EA 8, 1986, 34; **SEG 36, 1016 (col. 2, l. 2). @ @@`2018. Inscription for place of (?) Zosimos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 535.1. @ @@`2019. Topos inscription for [ ... ]nos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 537.2. @ See also: Ephesos 2875%19`2877, 3000, 3004.5; Miletos 424 (%6 Milet I 7 no. 208) (topos inscription of Miletos identifying topos of Attalos of Ephesos; found at Miletos). @ @@@@Section: 12b. Other Topos Inscriptions (2020%19`2051) @ @@`2020. Topos inscription (?) for [&3ar&]&3chitekton& and P[ ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 536. @ @@`2021. Topos inscription for &3argyrokopoi,& on column; no date; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 40, no. 56a; *IEph 547.1. @ @@`2022. Topos inscription for &3argyrokopoi,& on column; no date; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 40, no. 56b; *IEph 547.2. @ @@`2023. Topos inscription for [&3boul&]&3archos& stra(tegos) (no name); imperial?; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 86b; *IEph 2086.b, back side. @ @@`2024. Topos inscription for boule; imperial; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 86a; Robert, RPh 41, 1967, 73; *IEph 2086.a. @ @@`2025. Topos inscription for &3eikonophoroi& and &3chrysophoroi&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 546 and Add. p. 16. @ @@`2026. Topos inscription for &3epheboi&; AD 104; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 83b; *IEph 2083.b. @ @@`2027. Topos inscription for &3eriopoloi& and &3astiopoloi,& on column of Gymnasium of Vedius; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 24, 1928 Beibl. 31; SEG 4, 541c; *IEph 454.c and Add. p. 12. @ @@`2028. Topos inscription for gerou[sia]; imperial; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 86b; *IEph 2086.b, front side. @ @@`2029. Topos inscription [g]e[rousia]; AD 104; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 83a; *IEph 2083.a. @ @@`2030. Topos inscription for &3kannabarioi,& on column of Gymnasium of Vedius; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 24, 1928 Beibl. 31; SEG 4, 541b; *IEph 454.b. @ @@`2031. Topos inscription for people of Keramos; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 55, 126%19`127, no.'s 4279%19`4282; *IKeramos T7; SEG 34, 1168.a%19d. @ @@`2032. Topos inscription for &3lentiyphantai,& on column of Gymnasium of Vedius; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 24, 1928 Beibl. 31; SEG 4, 541e; *IEph 454.e. @ @@`2033. Topos inscription for &3naukl&[&3eroi&] of Ephesos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 542. @ @@`2034. Topos inscription for &3phyle& Bembeinaioi; 3; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 84; *IEph 2084. @ @@`2035. Topos inscription for &3phyle& Benbeinaioi; 3; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 85; *IEph 2085. @ @@`2036. Topos inscription for &3phyle& Hadriane; AD 117%3`138; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 83g; *IEph 2083.g. @ @@`2037. Topos inscription for [&3ph&]&3yle& Ka[re]na[ioi]; AD 104; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 83d; *IEph 2083.d. @ @@`2038. Marble block showing place (?) of &3phyle& Karenaioi; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 534 and Add. p. 16. @ @@`2039. Topos inscription for (&3phyle&) Sebaste and 3 &3synhedria&; AD 104; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 83c; CIL 14195 Poerner, De Curetibus 295(32); FiE IX 1 no. D4; *IEph 2083.c. @ @@`2040. Topos inscription for [&3phyle&] Teioi; AD 104; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 83e; *IEph 2083.e. @ @@`2041. Topos inscription for &3phyratai,& on column%19base; 4&7b&?; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 1, 1898 Beibl. 75; *IEph 553. @ @@`2042. Topos inscription for &3plateia Branchiane,& on column of Gymnasium of Vedius; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 24, 1928 Beibl. 31; SEG 4, 541d; *IEph 454.d. @ @@`2043. Topos inscription for Siklianoi, with acclamations; 3 or later; found at Ephesos: CIG 3011 (part) FiE III no. 93A (PH); SEG 28, 870; *IEph 3093.1. @ @@`2044. Topos inscription for Siklianoi; 3%3`6(?); found at Ephesos: CIG 2962; FiE III no. 93B; SEG 28, 870; *IEph 3093.2. @ @@`2045. Topos inscription for &3synergasia& of &3kanitai,& on column of Gymnasium of Vedius; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 24, 1928 Beibl. 31; SEG 4, 541f; *IEph 454.f. @ @@`2046. Topos inscription for &3tektones&; no date; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 41, no. 58; *IEph 549. @ @@`2047. Topos inscription for &3trapezeitai,& on column of Gymnasium of Vedius; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 24, 1928 Beibl. 31; SEG 4, 541a; *IEph 454.a. @ @@`2048. Word &3katechetai& ("occupied"?); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 598. @ @@`2049. Fragment of topos inscription (?); imperial?; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 86c; *IEph 2086.c. @ @@`2050. Fragment of topos inscription (?); no date; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 87a; *IEph 2087.a. @ @@`2051. Fragment of topos inscription (?); no date; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 87b; *IEph 2087.b. @ See also: Ephesos 1124, 2878, 3001%19`3002; Didyma 548 (%6 IDidyma 77a) (%6 Robert, Hellenica 7, 114) (topos inscriptions for &3Ephesioi& in stadium of Didyma; found at Didyma). @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (2052) @ @@`2052. Lease on public land formerly belonging to son of Kleitophon, with boundaries; c. 290 BC; found at Ephesos: Benndorf, Fs. Kiepert 250%19`257; Benndorf, JO+AI 2, 1899 Beibl. 15%19`36; Michel 1353; SGDI III 2 no. 5597; FiE I pp. 17%19`18; Syll&4`3 936 note and 1182; Schwyzer, DGEEP 709; Maier I 71; *IEph 3 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (2053%19`2115) @ @@@@Section: 15a. Religious Epigrams (2053%19`2060) @ @@`2053. Inscription in elegiacs addressing Aphrodite, on base; 2&4`2&; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 132%19`133, no. 140.1; Vetters, AAWW 118, 1981, 144%19`145 (PH); Vetters, Ro+m. hist. Mitt. 23, 1981, 209%19`212; BE 1982:302; SEG 31, 962. @ @@`2054. Prayer in elegiacs to Aphrodite to protect Gaius (Flavius Furius Aptus) and Perikles, on base; 2&4`2&; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 133, no. 140.2; Vetters, AAWW 118, 1981, 145; Vetters, Ro+m. hist. Mitt. 23, 1981, 209%19`212; BE 1982:302; SEG 31, 963. @ @@`2055. Hymn to Asklepios in hexameters; no date; found at Ephesos?: *IEph 1253 and Add. p. 24. @ @@`2056. Thanksgiving to [A]sklepios in elegiacs; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1254. @ @@`2057. Ends of elegiac verses, probably concerning Herakles; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 607. @ @@`2058. Two inscriptions in elegiacs in praise of Hestia, by prytanis Claudia Trophime; AD 92%3`93; found at Ephesos: Miltner %9 Gschnitzer, JO+AI 43, 1956 Beibl. 27%19`30; SEG 16, 721; FiE IX 1 no. F1; Engelmann, ZPE 36, 1979, 90; Merkelbach, ZPE 37, 1980, 90%19`91; SEG 29, 1112; *IEph 1062; SEG 37, 891. @ @@`2059. Prayer to Hestia in hexameters and elegiacs, by prytanis Tullia; c. AD 170; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 47, 1964 Beibl. 37%19`41, no. 18 (PH); Merkelbach, ZPE 9, 1972, 76; FiE IX 1 no. F4 (PH); *IEph 1063. @ @@`2060. Prayer to Hestia for prytanis Tullia, in iambics; c. AD 170; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 3, 1900 Beibl. 88; Keil, Anat. Studies Buckler 119, no. 1; FiE IX 1 no. F3 (PH); *IEph 1064. @ See also: Ephesos 3078%19`3081, 3085; Kaibel 798 (prayer to Apollo of Klaros and Artemis of Ephesos; found at Augustodunum). @ @@@@Section: 15b. Dedicatory Epigrams (2061%19`2062) @ @@`2061. Dedication to Artemis by philosopher Eubios Aichmokleos in elegiacs; c. 28 BC%3AD 14; found at Ephesos: Keil, Serta Kazaroviana I 213%19`217 (PH); FiE IV 3 no. 28; BE 1951:198; *IEph 4328; Peek, JO+AI 57, 1986%19`1987, 109; SEG 37, 911. @ @@`2062. Dedication of altar to Zeus Ktesios by Cornelianus in iambics; 1; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+$*A*I& 35, 1943, 106%19`108, no. 3 (PH); Robert, RPh 85, 1959, 222, note 7; *IEph 1240. @ @@@@Section: 15c. Honorary Epigrams (2063%19`2076) @ @@`2063. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for Antoninus (Pius?), with artist's signature by Dorotheos; 2?; found at Ephesos: CIG 2967; Kaibel 898; Hu+ttl 308; *IEph 286 and Add. p. 8; Wilhelm, GE 83, no. 106; **SEG 30, 1318 (l. 2). @ @@`2064. Honorary graffito for Eulalios in hexameters; 2&4`2&; found at Ephesos: Jobst, WS 85, 1972, 240%19`245; Merkelbach, ZPE 10, 1973, 70; BE 1973:380; Marcovich, GRBS 14, 1973, 61%19`63; Lesky, WS 86, 1973, 240%19`243; Weiss, Chiron 3, 1973, 453%19`455; Kurzeniewski, Gymnasium 81, 1974, 513%19`519; *IEph 555. @ @@`2065. Honorary inscription, partly in elegiacs, for (Gnaius Claudius) Severus by Hadrianos (of Tyre); AD 150%3`175; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 3, no. 7 and Postscript;4 Wood, App. 8, no.'s 43%19`44; GIBM 539; Kaibel 888a; Keil, JO+AI 40, 1953, 13%19`15; SEG 13, 505; *IEph 1539. @ @@`2066. Honorary inscription for Ofellius Laetus, Platonic &3philos&[&3ophos&], partly in elegiacs, on base; 1&4`2&; found at Ephesos: Nolle/, ZPE 41, 1981, 197%19`206 (PH); BE 1981:481; SEG 31, 951; *IEph 3901; Bowersock, GRBS 23, 1982, 275%19`279. @ @@`2067. Honorary inscription for Seleukos, archon, by boule, in iambics, on statue%19base; I&7b&?; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 23, no. 10; *IEph 717; BE 1981:406. @ @@`2068. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for architect Scaurianus, who rebuilt walls of Ephesos; 3; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 30, 1937 Beibl. 204%19`205, no. 10 (PH); Hellenica 4, 73%19`74; *IEph 452. @ @@`2069. Honorary inscription in elegiacs, for &3sophist&[&3es&] Soteros; 3?; found at Ephesos: CIG 2998 (part); LW 158 (part); Wood, App. 3, no. 11 (part); Kaibel 877a (part); GIBM 548 (part); Keil, JO+AI 40, 1953, 15%19`16; SEG 13, 506; *IEph 1548. @ @@`2070. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for Tertull[ia]n[us]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 132, no. 4301; SEG 34, 1116. @ @@`2071. Inscription in hexameters concerning gladiator [X]ynos Enyalios; Roman; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 127, no. 130. @ @@`2072. Fragment of honorary inscription for proconsul in elegiacs (or hexameters); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 600A; **Peek, JO+AI 57, 1986%19`1987, 103 (ll. 1%19`2); SEG 37, 893. @ @@`2073. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for (no name) from Italy, active in building; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 127%19`128, no. 4291; SEG 34, 1115. @ @@`2074. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription concerning poet, on statue%19base, in elegiacs; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 605; **Peek, JO+AI 57, 1986%19`1987, 104 (ll. 1%19`2); SEG 37, 896. @ @@`2075. Fragment of honorary inscription in elegiacs for female prytanis (no name), on statue%19base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 609. @ @@`2076. Honorary (?) inscription in elegiacs (?) for athlete (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1086A. @ See also: Ephesos 1594, 3061%19`3077; IG II&4`2& 3138 (honorary inscription in elegiacs for (no name) of Athens, victorious with &3hippos& at Epheseia and elsewhere; found in Attica); IOlympia 225 (honorary%3dedicatory inscription, partly in elegiacs, for athlete P(ublius) Cornelius Ariston of Ephesos, to Zeus Olympios; found at Olympia); @@@@Section: 15d. Funerary Epigrams (2077%19`2099.5) @ @@`2077. Funerary inscription in hexameters for Agathopous and Melpomene; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2110. @ @@`2078. Funerary inscription in imperfect hexameters for Antos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2106; Peek, JO+AI 57, 1986%19`1987, 108; SEG 37, 907. @ @@`2079. Funerary inscription in hexameters (?) for [ ... Ap]ollonides; IV&7e&%3I; found at Ephesos: GIBM 624; *IEph 1624; Peek, JO+AI 57, 1986%19`1987, 105; SEG 37, 899. @ @@`2080. Funerary inscription, partly in elegiacs, for Publius Aufidius, by Publius Castricius Agathinus and others; 1; found at Ephesos: LW 168 and 170; Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 207%19`209, no. 17; Kaibel 296; Ro+hl, Beitra+ge 23; GIBM 629; Peek, GVI I 531; *IEph 1629. @ @@`2081. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for [Diphi]los and Alexandros; II&4`2&; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 7, no. 19; Kaibel 228b; GIBM 625a; Peek, GVI I 677; Smith, Cat. Brit. Mus. I no. 745 (non vidi); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 869 (PH); *IEph 1625A; SEG 37, 900. @ @@`2082. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Eucharistos Amerimnou; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 51, no. 96; *IEph 2102. @ @@`2083. Funerary inscription, partly in elegiacs, for student L(ucius) Calpurnius Calpurnianus of Prusias by father T(itus) Calpurnius Quintianus Africanus, with penalty for disturbing grave; 1; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 7, no. 18; Gelzer, RhM 27, 1872, 466%19`467, no. 7; Kaibel 229 and Add. p. 520; GIBM 627; Riese, Das rhein. Germanien no. 1975; Peek GVI I 1081; Robert, ATAM 79; *IEph 1627 and Add. p. 26. @ @@`2084. Funerary inscription in Greek and Latin, partly in elegiacs, for son and father, both named Marcellinus, by Philoumene, with penalty for violating grave; 3&7b&; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 7, no. 1; Kaibel 297a; CIL III 6082; ILS 8245; Peek, GVI I 654; *IEph 2103. @ @@`2085. Funerary inscription, partly in elegiacs, for Ana[ ... ] and Marcia; 1; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 8, no. 10; Kaibel 228a (part); GIBM 628; Peek GVI I 1645; Peek, Griechische Grabgedichte 361; *IEph 1628. @ @@`2086. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for [O]uliades; II; found at Ephesos: LW 171; Kaibel 297; Peek GVI I 428; Waltzing, Corporations III 47%19`48, no. 141; *IEph 2105; **Peek, JO+AI 57, 1986%19`1987, 108 (ll. 3%19`5); SEG 37, 906. @ @@`2087. Fragments of funerary inscription in elegiacs for [Flavi]us Da[mianus] and [Vedia Phaidr]ina; 2; found at Ephesos: LW 1567&3ter& (part); Falkener, Ephesus 118 (part); Koenigs %9 Radt, MSAI(I) 29, 1979, 317%19`354 (PH); *IEph 2100 and Add. p. 28. @ @@`2088. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for (gladiator) Rhodios from Egypt; Roman; found at Ephesos: Robert, Gladiateurs 214 (PH); Peek, GVI I 1080; *IEph 1177. @ @@`2089. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Stratoneike; late imperial; found at Ephesos: Knibbe %9 Merkelbach, ZPE 21, 1976, 191%19`192 (PH); SEG 26, 1280; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 808 (PH); SEG 28, 874; *IEph 2104; **Peek, JO+AI 57, 1986%19`1987, 108 (ll. 2, 4, 8, 10, 12); SEG 37, 905. @ @@`2090. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for (no name); I?; found at Phygela: CIG 3026; Kaibel 225; Peek, GVI I 1760; *IEph 3112. @ @@`2091. Funerary inscription for (no name) in pentameters; prob. 1; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 630; *IEph 1630; Wilhelm, GE 84, no. 107; SEG 30, 1319; **Peek, JO+AI 57, 1986%19`1987, 106 (l. 1); SEG 37, 902. @ @@`2092. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for (no name); 1&7b&; found at Ephesos: GIBM 626; Peek, GVI I 49; *IEph 1626; **Peek, JO+AI 57, 1986%19`1987, 105%19`106 (l. 1); SEG 37, 901. @ @@`2093. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for gladiator (no name); late imperial; found at Ephesos: Fu+hrer Selc%25uk, 145%19`146; BE 1977:431; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1214 (PH); Merkelbach, ZPE 29, 1978, 210; Peek, ZPE 32, 1978, 6; SEG 28, 875; *IEph 1178. @ @@`2094. Fragment of funerary inscription in in elegiacs (or hexameters) for (gladiator) (no name), on base; Roman; found at Ephesos: Robert, Gladiateurs 217; Peek, GVI I 1340; *IEph 1179. @ @@`2095. Fragments of inscription in elegiacs or hexameters, probably funerary epigram for woman; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 608. @ @@`2096. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for (no name), three%19year%19old girl; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2101A; **Peek, JO+AI 57, 1986%19`1987, 106%19`107 (ll. 6, 8, 9); SEG 37, 904. @ @@`2097. Fragment of funerary inscription in verse for (no name), newly married; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2107. @ @@`2098. Fragment of funerary inscription in verse for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2108. @ @@`2099. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for (no name), wife of Glykon; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2109; JO+AI 53, 94, no. 17; **Peek, JO+AI 57, 1986%19`1987, 108%19`110 (part 1, ll. 2%19`4, 10%19`12); SEG 37, 908. @ @@`2099.5. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for student (no name); 1; probably found at Ephesos, not Perinthos: CIG 3019; Kaibel 228; Peek, GVI I 970; *IEph 2101 and Addenda; **Peek, JO+AI 57, 1986%19`1987, 106 (l. 6); SEG 37, 903. @ See also: IG II&4`2& 8523 (funerary inscription in elegiacs for Pythokles Herakleido of Ephesos; found in Attica); IG XIV 466 (funerary inscription for (no name) Achilleos, in verse; found at Catina); IG XIV 2104 (funerary inscription, partly in elegiacs, for L(ucius) Fonteius Asklepiades, of Ephesos by descent, and son Verus; found at Rome). @ @@@@Section: 15e. Artists' Signatures in Verse (2100%19`2101) @ @@`2100. Artist's signature by [Alka]menes (of Athens?), in iambics; 2&4`2&; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 25, 1929 Beibl. 31; SEG 4, 538; Praschniker, JO+AI 29, 1935, 24 (PH); Bousquet, BCH 80, 1956, 568, note 1; Willers, JDAI 82, 1967, 40%19`44; Bousquet, RPh 51, 1977, 22%19`24; SEG 27, 755; *IEph 515 and Add. p. 14. @ @@`2101. Inscription identifying statue of Euthenos Eupeitheos, with artist's signature by Daidalos Patrokleos, in iambic pentameter; IV&4`1&; found at Ephesos: CIG 2984; Loewy 88; Hauser, JO+AI 5, 1902, 215, note 3; SGDI 5603; Marcade/ I 24; Arnold, JDAI, Erg. 25, 1969, 11; *IEph 111. @ @@@@Section: 15f. Oracles in Verse (2102) @ @@`2102. Question to oracle of Didyma, with answer of oracle in hexameters; 2; found at Ephesos: Keil, AAWW 82, 1945, 47%19`53; *IEph 1252. @ @@@@Section: 15g. Graffiti in Verse (2103%19`2105) @ @@`2103. Graffito in hexameter concerning universality and eternity of power of Rome; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 599. @ @@`2104. Toilet graffito in hexameters; c. 4&7b&; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 1, 1898 Beibl. 75, no. I; Weissha+upl, JO+AI 5, 1902 Beibl. 33%19`34, no. I; *IEph 456.1. @ @@`2105. Toilet graffito in iambics; c. 4&7b&; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 1, 1898 Beibl. 75, no. II; Weissha+upl, JO+AI 5, 1902 Beibl. 33%19`34, no. II; *IEph 456.2. @ @@@@Section: 15h. Epigrams_Dubia (2106%19`2115) @ @@`2106. Verse fragment mentioning [Askl]epiodo[ros?]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 600; **Peek, JO+AI 57, 1986%19`1987, 103 (ll. 1%19`3); SEG 37, 892. @ @@`2107. Fragment of inscription in hexameters mentioning son of [Leon]tiskos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 601; **Peek, JO+AI 57, 1986%19`1987, 103%19`104 (ll. 1, 4); SEG 37, 894. @ @@`2108. Fragment of inscription in hexameters or elegiacs; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 601A. @ @@`2109. Fragment of hexameter mentioning Ionians; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 602. @ @@`2110. Fragment of inscription in elegiacs or hexameters; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 602A. @ @@`2111. Fragment of hexameter; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 603. @ @@`2112. Ends of hexameters concerning doctor; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 604; Peek, JO+AI 57, 1986%19`1987, 104; SEG 37, 895. @ @@`2113. Fragment of inscription in elegiacs; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 606; Peek, JO+AI 57, 1986%19`1987, 104%19`105; SEG 37, 897. @ @@`2114. Fragment of verse with word &3epichth&[&3oni ...& ]; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 751; *IEph 1751. @ @@`2115. Fragment of hexameter (?); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1969A.2. @ @@@@Section: 15i. Other Epigrams (_) @ See also: Ephesos 3082%19`3086. @ ê@@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (2115.5%19`2866.5) @ @@@@Section: 16a. Funerary Inscriptions_Full Name Given (2115.5%19`2663) @ @@`2115.5. Funerary inscription for Achillas Loukia and others; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2200. @ @@`2116. Funerary inscription in Latin for Adis, slave of Ianua[rius]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 124, no. 4263. @ @@`2117. Funerary inscription for Adm[etos?] Dia[gorou?]; IV&7e&%3I; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 623; *IEph 1623. @ @@`2118. Funerary inscription for Agathanas[sa]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2204B. @ @@`2119. Funerary inscription for Agathangelos and others; no date; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 122, no. 4240; SEG 34, 1136. @ @@`2120. Funerary inscription for Agathopous [ ... ]ou; no date; found at Ephesos: LW 162; *IEph 2205. @ @@`2121. Funerary inscription for Agripp[ina]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2205A. @ @@`2122. Funerary inscription for Aelianus and Sophia; imperial; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 30 (PH); *IEph 4230. @ @@`2123. Funerary inscription in Latin for Aelius Arte(mi)doros by brother P(ublius) Ae(lius) Onesimos; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2200B.I. @ @@`2124. Funerary inscription in Latin for P(ublius) Ael(ius) Euprepes, [&3tabularius&?] of [Asia], by son Ael(ius) Euprepes; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2201. @ @@`2125. Funerary inscription for Ae[lius] Herodes [ ... ]nos; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2202B. @ @@`2126. Funerary inscription for Aelius [Hygei]nos and [ ... ] Hedistos Chryse[r]os, and family; AD 117%3`161; found at Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 211%19`212, no. 20; Falkener, Ephesus 118; *IEph 2203 and Add. p. 28. @ @@`2127. Funerary%3honorary inscription for Publius Aelius Flavianus Apollodoros of Aspendos, student, by boule; imperial; found at Ephesos: CIG 3009; *IEph 2202 and Add. p. 28. @ @@`2128. Funerary inscription for P(ublius) Ael(ius) Fronto and Aelius Hermias, with penalty for violating grave; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2202A. @ @@`2129. Funerary inscription for Ael(ius) Z[osimos] and family; 2?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2203A. @ @@`2130. Funerary inscription for Aemilia Vera Iuventina and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1972%19`1975, 79%19`80, no. 8 (PH); SEG 26, 1279; *IEph 2204. @ @@`2131. Funerary inscription for [Quintus Aemili]us [Arist]eides, ӂprocurator; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2204A. @ @@`2132. Funerary inscription in Latin for Acilia Lampyra by husband Apollonius; AD 138%3c. 300; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 7, no. 20; CIL III 6077; ILS III 1505; Waltzing, Corporations III 47, no. 139; Pflaum, Essai sur le cursus publicus 319; *IEph 2200A. @ @@`2133. Funerary inscription for Al[ex]andra; no date; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 23, 1926 Beibl. 293; SEG 4, 545; FiE IV 2 no. 3; *IEph 4203. @ @@`2134. Funerary inscription for [Alexan]dra Alexa[ndrou], with penalty for unauthorized burial; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2205B. @ @@`2135. Funerary inscription for Alexan[dros]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2206A. @ @@`2136. Funerary inscription for [Alex]andros and family; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2569. @ @@`2137. Funerary inscription for [Ale]xandros [Klau]diane and children; imperial; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 85; *IEph 4285. @ @@`2138. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [ ... ]tis Menogenous and Alexandros Ale[x]androu, by demos; no date; found at Ephesos: Keil, Philologus 16, 1860, 21 (part); Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`18880, 178, no. 352; *IEph 2206. @ @@`2139. Funerary inscription for Marcus Alfius Alexandros; Roman; found at Ephesos: CIG 3008; *IEph 2207. @ @@`2140. Funerary inscription for Marcus Alfius Primus and family; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2207A. @ @@`2141. Funerary inscription for Marcus Alfiu[s] Telesphoros and family; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2207B. @ @@`2142. Funerary inscription for Alypia; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2207C. @ @@`2143. Funerary inscription for Alypos Telesphorou; no date; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 53, no. 104; *IEph 2208. @ @@`2144. Funerary inscription for (no name), Ammias, and others, with penalty for violating grave; imperial; found at Ephesos: IEph 2549 (part); *JO+AI 53, 113, no. 84. @ @@`2145. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for Ampliatus Successi; imperial; found at Ephesos: CIL III 436; *IEph 2210. @ @@`2146. Funerary inscription for Anassa Apolloniou; no date; found at Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 214, no. 25; GIBM 622; Smith, Cat. Brit. Mus. II no. 1274; *IEph 1622. @ @@`2147. Funerary inscription for Anaxikrates Demonos of Athens; VI%3I; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2210A. @ @@`2148. Funerary inscription for Andro[n Apol]loniou and others; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 118, no. 4201; **SEG 34, 1137 (l. 9). @ @@`2149. Funerary inscription for Anemnatos of Savatra by father Iulianus Ko[ ... ], with penalty for violating grave; imperial; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 30, 1937 Beibl. 201%19`202, no. 6; *IEph 2211. @ @@`2150. Funerary inscription for Aneiketos and others; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 138, no. 4355; SEG 34, 1150. @ @@`2151. Funerary inscription for Annios Gaio[s?] and Paula Longi; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2211A. @ @@`2152. Funerary inscription for Anthos Anthou and others, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2211B. @ @@`2153. Funerary inscription for [An]tiochos E[paphr]odeitos and others; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2502. @ @@`2154. Funerary inscription for Antonia; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2211D. @ @@`2155. Funerary inscription for Antonia Saturnina; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 53, no. 105; *IEph 2211C. @ @@`2156. Funerary inscription for [An]tonia Tyche; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2211E. @ @@`2157. Funerary inscription for Marcus Antoninus Marcianus and family; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2546; JO+AI 53, 108%19`109, no. 66. @ @@`2158. Funerary inscription for A(n)toninus Praylis; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 26, 1930 Beibl. 15%19`16, no. IV; *IEph 2223A.4. @ @@`2159. Funerary inscription for An[2t]2(onius) (?) Hermad[io]u by Elpis; Roman; found at Phygela: CIG 3023; *IEph 3116. @ @@`2160. Funerary inscription for M(arcus) Antonius Hermeias &3argyrokopos& and wife, with penalty for unauthorized burial; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2212. @ @@`2161. Funerary inscription for M(arcus) Antonius Philistion; Roman; found at Phygela: *IEph 3130A. @ @@`2162. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for (?) [An]tonius Eleu[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 143, no. 153. @ @@`2163. Funerary inscription for [An]tonius Hip[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: CIL III 13679; *IEph 2212A. @ @@`2164. Funerary inscription for Aphphe Astea; I; found at Ephesos?: Van Buren, AJA 56, 1952, 135; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 930 (PH); *IEph 2212E. @ @@`2165. Funerary inscription for no date; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 54, no. 106; *IEph 2212B. @ @@`2166. Funerary inscription for Aphrodisios, wife Flavia, and children; imperial; found at Ephesos: GIBM 625b; Kubin/ska, Mon. fun. 115 and 144; *IEph 1625B. @ @@`2167. Funerary inscription for [A]pollodoros [X]enineo and children, irregularly stoichedon; early; found at Phygela: *IEph 123. @ @@`2168. Funerary inscription for [A]pollonios and family, with penalty for violating grave; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2212C. @ @@`2169. Funerary inscription for [Apol]lonios and family, with penalty for [ ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2212D. @ @@`2170. Funerary inscription for Apollon[ios?] &3nomi&[&3kos&]; no date; found at Phygela: Pace, ASAA 6%19`7, 1924, 442, no. 149; *IEph 3123. @ @@`2171. Funerary inscription for Apollonios Diodotou and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 48, 1966, Beibl. 15%19`18, no. 7 (PH); *IEph 2302, col. 2. @ @@`2172. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]umia Apphion and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 128%19`129, no. 134. @ @@`2173. Funerary inscription for Appius Arellius Diadochos; Roman; found at Ephesos, later at Tralles: Kubitschek %9 Reichel, AAWW 30, 1893, 94, no. 9; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 84; Waltzing, Corporations III 63%19`64, no. 175; *IEph 2213; ITralles I p. 217, no. 3*. @ @@`2174. Funerary inscription for Sextus Apuleius Flavianus and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 54, no. 107; *IEph 2214.1. @ @@`2175. Funerary inscription for Ariste Aristou; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2299C col. 1. @ @@`2176. Funerary inscription for (no name) and Arrhia Myrta; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2553. @ @@`2177. Funerary inscription for Artemas Artema and family; c. AD 200; found at Ephesos: GIBM 637; Kubin/ska, Mon. fun. 77; *IEph 1637. @ @@`2178. Funerary inscription for Artemidore and Metrad[ore]; imperial; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 87; *IEph 4287. @ @@`2179. Funerary inscription for Artemidoros and family; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2214A. @ @@`2180. Funerary inscription for Artemi[doros?] and others; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2423. @ @@`2181. Funerary inscription for Artemo Phano, stoichedon; VI%3III?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2552B. @ @@`2182. Funerary inscription for &3theochos& Artemo, stoichedon; VII%3VI; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1976 Beibl. 20%19`21, no. 7 (PH); Vetters, AAWW 108, 1971, 92%19`93; SEG 26, 1276; *IEph 110. @ @@`2183. Funerary inscription for [Ar]temon [Ar]temonos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2215. @ @@`2184. Funerary inscription for [Art]emon Artemonos of Knidos; prob. I; found at Ephesos: GIBM 658; Smith, Cat. Brit. Mus. II 1273; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1529 (PH); *IEph 1658. @ @@`2185. Funerary inscription for (gladiator) Asbolas by Kyrilla; 3; found at Ephesos: Robert, Gladiateurs 215 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1203 (PH); *IEph 1181. @ @@`2186. Funerary inscription for Asia and Ktetos of Berytos; late Greek; found at Ephesos or Rhenea (?): Conze, Beschr. Skulpt. Berlin 792; *IEph 2215A. @ @@`2187. Funerary inscription for Athenais Philerotos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2215B. @ @@`2188. Funerary inscription in Latin by Atinnius November for self and wife; Roman; found at Ephesos?: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 209%19`210, no. 18; Wood, App. 7, no. 5; CIL III 6087; GIBM 636, ll. 1%19`4; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 13, ll. 1%19`4; *IEph 1636, ll. 1%19`5. @ @@`2189. Funerary inscription for Attalos Attalou and Elpis Menodorou; no date; found at Go+kc%25ealan: Keil, JO+AI 11, 1908 Beibl. 166, no. 10; *IEph 3135. @ @@`2190. Funerary inscription for (no name) [ ... ]skou, Aufidia Tryphoses, and others; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2216A. @ @@`2191. Funerary inscription for L(ucius) Aufidius Ateimetos; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2216B. @ @@`2192. Funerary inscription for Aufidius Co[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: Contoleon, REG 13, 1900, 496, no. 3; *IEph 2216. @ @@`2193. Funerary inscription for (no name) and wife Aurel[ia]; imperial; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 18; *IEph 4218. @ @@`2194. Funerary inscription for (no name) and Aur(elia) Aratiane, with penalty for violating grave; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2216C. @ @@`2195. Funerary inscription for (?) Aur(elia) Attali[s] and others; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 149, no. 4422; SEG 34, 1157. @ @@`2196. Funerary inscription for [Aureli]a Chione and others; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2217. @ @@`2197. Funerary inscription for Aur(elia) Gais; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2217B. @ @@`2198. Funerary inscription for (no name), wife Aur(elia) Iu[lia], and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2455. @ @@`2199. Funerary inscription for (no name), member of gerousia, wife Aur(elia) Kyrilla, and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2446.2. @ @@`2200. Funerary inscription for Aur(elia) Metrodora and children; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2217C. @ @@`2201. Funerary inscription for Aurelia Myrtoa; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2537. @ @@`2202. Funerary inscription for [A]urelia Neike and family, establishing foundation; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2115. @ @@`2203. Funerary inscription for (no name), [Aur]e[l]ia Fel[icia], and children; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2217A. @ @@`2204. Funerary inscription for (no name), wife Aur(elia) Try[phaina], and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2540. @ @@`2205. Funerary inscription for A[u]r(elia) [ ... ]oneie, Aur(elis) Eutyches, and family; 3?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2222A. @ @@`2206. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Agathon and wife Maria; 3?; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 54, no. 107; *IEph 2214.2. @ @@`2207. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Alexandros Apollonios of Ephesos and family, with prohibition of unauthorized burial; 3; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 124, no. 121. @ @@`2208. Funerary inscription for Marc(us) Aur(elius) Anthousianos, and family; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 54, no. 108; *IEph 2218D. @ @@`2209. Provisions for financing at end of funerary inscription for family of Aur(elius) Antoninus &3neoteros&; 3?; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 26, 1930 Beibl. 13%19`14, no. I (PH); *IEph 2227.2. @ @@`2210. Funerary inscription for [Au]relius Basu[s] of Ephesos; 3?; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 86; *IEph 4286.4. @ @@`2211. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Chryseros and family; 3?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 7, no. 17; Kubin/ska, Mon. fun. 136; *IEph 2219. @ @@`2212. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Dameianos Bollotos and family; 3?; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 26, 1930 Beibl. 15%19`18 no. III; *IEph 2223A.3. @ @@`2213. Funerary inscription for Aurelius Dikaios and brothers; 3; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2200B.III. @ @@`2214. Funerary inscription for [Marcus Aurelius] Epiphanes and family; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2220A. @ @@`2215. Funerary inscription for M(arcus) Aurelius Eucharis and child; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Ephesos: LW 169; *IEph 2221. @ @@`2216. Funerary inscription for [Aurel]ius (?) Euodo[s]; 3?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2221A. @ @@`2217. Fragment of funerary (?) inscription for (?) [Aurelius? E]utyches and [Aurelia] Bassa; 3; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 24; *IEph 4124. @ @@`2218. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Eutyches Euodos and family, with penalty for violating grave; 3; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 7, no. 14; Jordanidis, REA 4, 1902, 258, no. 1; Kubin/ska, Mon. fun. 65 and 121; *IEph 2222. @ @@`2219. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Glykon and family, with penalty for violation of grave; 3?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2222D. @ @@`2220. Funerary inscription for Aurelius Herakles and family; 3?; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 26, 1930 Beibl. 15%19`16, no. I; *IEph 2223.1. @ @@`2221. Funerary inscription for Aurelius Herodes and family; 3?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 7, no. 9; *IEph 2224. @ @@`2222. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Hesychios &3plakountas and family; 3?; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 54%19`55, no. 109; *IEph 2225; **BE 1981:432 (l. 1). @ @@`2223. Funerary inscription for Au[r(elius) C]as[tr]icius Zotiko[s] and family; 3?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2218E. @ @@`2224. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Claudianus and wife; 3; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 48, 1966 Beibl. 13%19`16 (PH); BE 1971:571; *IEph 2220. @ @@`2225. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Neikon &3artokopos& and family, with penalty for violating grave; 3?; found at Ephesos: Robert, Gladiateurs 202; *IEph 2226. @ @@`2226. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Olympeios, &3bouleutes of Ephesos; 3?; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 26, 1930 Beibl. 13%19`14, no. II (PH); *IEph 2227.1. @ @@`2227. Funerary inscription for M(arcus) Aur(elius) Vedius Hyginus of Ephesos and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2543 (%6 2218C) and Add. p. 28. @ @@`2228. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Vigeli[us] and family; 3?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2559. @ @@`2229. Funerary inscription for L(ucius) Aur(elius) Vic[tor] and family; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2229A. @ @@`2230. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Felix, &3optio,& and family; 3?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2222B. @ @@`2231. Funerary inscription for Aurelius Eutyches Philetos of Aphrodeisias and Ephesos and family, @ with penalty for violation of grave; 3?; found at Ephesos: IEph 2227A (part); *Petzl, EA 13, 1989, 127%19`128, no. 1 (PH). @ @@`2232. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Philon and family; 3%3`4; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 61; *IEph 4361. @ @@`2233. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Florus, &3libertus& of Augusti, and family; AD 161%3`180; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 7, Title Page; *IEph 2222C. @ @@`2234. Funerary inscription for (?) [ ... ] Aur(elius) Ptolemaeus, establishing foundation; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 116, no. 4194; SEG 34, 1164. @ @@`2235. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Popaeus and family, with penalty for violation of grave; 3; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1976 Beibl. 65%19`66, no. 5; SEG 26, 1278; *IEph 2228. @ @@`2236. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Rufus Piso and family; 3?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2228A. @ @@`2237. Funerary inscription for M(arcus) Aur(elius) Sambathios; 2&7e&%3`3; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 107, no. 4100; SEG 34, 1146. @ @@`2238. Funerary inscription for [Aurelius Sec]undus, &3libertus& of Augusti; 3?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2527; JO+AI 53, 118, no. 101. @ @@`2239. Funerary inscription for Aurelius Spoudasios and family; 3?; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 55, no. 110; *IEph 2228B. @ @@`2240. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Stratoneikos and family; FiE IV 2 no. 86V (PH); *IEph 4286.5. @ @@`2241. Funerary inscription for Aurelius Tatianus and family; 3?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2550B; JO+AI 53, 121, no. 110. @ @@`2242. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Zosimos and wife Dionysia; 3?; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 7, no. 21. Keil, JO+AI 26, 1930 Beibl. 13%19`14, no. IV (PH); *IEph 2227.4. @ @@`2243. Funerary inscription for T(itus) Aur(elius) E[ ... ] and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 115, no. 4183; SEG 34, 1148. @ @@`2244. Funerary inscription by (no name) for self, Aur(elius?) Pan[ ... ], and family; 3&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3, no. 57; *IEph 4357. @ @@`2245. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius?) [ ... ]pios of Ephesos and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2, no. 29; Ń*IEph 4229; **Feissel, BCH 105, 1981, 489; SEG 31, 965. @ @@`2246. Funerary inscription for Aurelius T[ ... ] and family; 3?; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 136, no. 145. @ @@`2247. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Tha[ ... ], wife Maria, and freedmen; 3?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2229. @ @@`2248. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Zo[ ... os] Saon, wife Aur(elia) Smyrna, and children; 3?; found at Ephesos: GIBM 634; *IEph 1634. @ @@`2249. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) [ ... ] and Aur(elia) Pistis, with penalty for violating grave; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2217D. @ @@`2250. Funerary inscription for Au[relius ... ] and children; imperial; found at Ephesos: LW 167a; *IEph 2218. @ @@`2251. Funerary inscription for M(arcus) Au[r(elius) ... ] and wife Aur(elia) Iouliane; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2218A. @ @@`2252. Funerary inscription for M(arcus) Aur(elius) [ ... ] and wife [Aur(elia)] Tryphosa; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2218B. @ @@`2253. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) [ ... ] and family; 3?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2469. @ @@`2254. Funerary inscription for M(arcus) Aur(elius) [ ... ], Geminia Trophime, and family, with penalty; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2547B; JO+AI 53, 110%19`111, no. 73. @ @@`2255. Funerary inscription for [M(arcus) Aurelius ... ], wife [Au]relia Erpis, and children; 3; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 59; *IEph 4359. @ @@`2256. Funerary inscription for Bacchides; no date; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 52, no. 98; *IEph 2230. @ @@`2257. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for Balbi[nus] Euty[chou] and Fidu[s ... ]; 1; found at Ephesos: CIL III 7138; GIBM 644; *IEph 1644. @ @@`2258. Funerary inscription for Basileas; 1&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 51; *IEph 4351. @ @@`2259. Funerary inscription for Basilikos Artemidoros; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2230C.2. @ @@`2260. Funerary inscription for Bassa and [ ... ]me Chelidon; I&7e&%3`3; found at Ephesos: LW 250; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 2032; SEG 29, 1116; *IEph 2231; Merkelbach, EA 13, 1989, 87%19`88 (PH). @ @@`2261. Funerary inscription for Bassus; Roman; found at Ephesos: Noll, Wien no. 62; *IEph 2231A. @ @@`2262. Funerary inscription for [Chr]esime and husband (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2233A. @ @@`2263. Funerary inscription for Chr[e]stos and children; no date; found at Sirince, from Ephesos?: *IEph 2529. @ @@`2264. Funerary inscription for Chrysanthes and wife Mel[i]tine; no date; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 61, no. 134; *IEph 2234. @ @@`2265. Funerary inscription for [Chrys]eros and others; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2431. @ @@`2266. Funerary inscription for Tei[ ... ... ]os, wife Chrysion, and family; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2235. @ @@`2267. Funerary inscription for Chry(sion) by husband [ ... ]as; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2235A. @ @@`2268. Funerary inscription for (gladiator) [Chryso]malos [ ... ] by wife; Roman; found at Ephesos: Robert, Gladiateurs 216; *IEph 1181A. @ @@`2269. Funerary inscription for Demetrios Metra; no date; found at Ephesos: LW 162a; *IEph 2247. @ @@`2270. Funerary inscription for Demokratides Demokratidou and others; II&7m&; found at Ephesos: Bu+yu+kkolanc#1221 %9 #1222c%25ten %9 Nolle/, ZPE 40, 1980, 256, no. 2; SEG 30, 1321; IEph 3903; *Atalay, JO+AI 53, 1981%19`1982 Beibl. 13%19`28 (PH). @ @@`2271. Funerary inscription for [Dem]ophilos [Demo]stheneos; early; found at Ephesos: *IEph 134; JO+AI 53, 31, no. 31. @ @@`2272. Funerary inscription for Dionysiph[a]nes A[the]nagoreo; prob. V; found at Kirazl#1221: Keil, JO+AI 11, 1908 Beibl. 165, no. 8; *IEph 3133. @ @@`2273. Funerary inscription for Diodoros, wife Epigone, and family; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2247A. @ @@`2274. Funerary inscription for Diogenes by wife; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2200B.II. @ @@`2275. Funerary inscription for Dionysios; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2248. @ @@`2276. Funerary inscription for Dionysi[os] and family; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2542. @ @@`2277. Funerary inscription for [Dio]nysios Chrysionos; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 149, no. 4424; SEG 34, 1156. @ @@`2278. Funerary inscription (?) for Diony[sios? Me]trodo[rou?]; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 720; *IEph 1720. @ @@`2279. Funerary inscription in Latin for L(ucius) Dius and M[ ... ] Myrine Secun[d ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2248A. @ @@`2280. Funerary inscription in Latin for infant Dioskoros by Venidius Rufus; Roman; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 56, no. 114; *IEph 2249. @ @@`2281. Funerary inscription for L(ucius) Domitius Peitheros by Felix and others; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2531. @ @@`2282. Funerary inscription for Donata Theosebion of Ephesos and children; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2249A. @ @@`2283. Funerary inscription for Doryphoros; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2249B. @ @@`2284. Funerary inscription for (no name), [Ei]rene, and others; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2249C. @ @@`2285. Funerary inscription for Eision and others; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2206B. @ @@`2286. Funerary inscription for Epagathos and family; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2544A. @ @@`2287. Funerary inscription for Epagathos Andronikou and others; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2249D. @ @@`2288. Funerary inscription for Ephebikos by wife Eutychia; no date; found near Arvalia: JO+AI 52, 56, no. 115; *IEph 2250. @ @@`2289. Funerary inscription for Epikr[ates]; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2250A. @ @@`2290. Funerary inscription for Epiktesis by father Epiktetos; imperial; found at Phygela: CIG 3024; du Rieu, E/t. Leemans 248, no. XII; *IEph 3113. @ @@`2291. Funerary inscription for Eppia Quarta by husabnd (no name), with penalty; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2252. @ @@`2292. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for Eppia Marci; I&4`2&; found near Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 214, no. 27; GIBM 639; CIL III 6088; Smith, Cat. Brit. Mus. II no.. 1279; *IEph 1639. @ @@`2293. Funerary inscription for M(arcus) Eppi[us] and family; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2251. @ @@`2294. Funerary inscription for M(arcus) Eppius [ ... ] and family; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2541. @ @@`2295. Funerary inscription for Eros by Tatias; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 643; *IEph 1643. @ @@`2296. Funerary inscription for Euboulos by wife [An]mias]; no date; found at Phygela: Curtius, Hermes 7, 1873, 35, no. 6; *IEph 3117. @ @@`2297. Funerary inscription for Eudoxos Menogenou; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2253. @ @@`2298. Funerary inscription for (no name) and wife Eugamia of Ephesos, with penalty for violating grave; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2253A. @ @@`2299. Funerary inscription for Eumaios, wife Aur(elia), Eutropios, and children; 3?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2254. @ @@`2300. Funerary inscription for Euphemos; imperial; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 31; *IEph 4231. @ @@`2301. Funerary inscription for Euphrosynos; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 17.3 (PH); *IEph 4217.3. @ @@`2302. Funerary inscription for Euporo[s] Diokleo[us] and [&3k&]&3leron&[&3omoi&]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2254A. @ @@`2303. Funerary inscription for [Eup]repes; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2571. @ @@`2304. Funerary inscription for Eusebios, wife [Au]r(elia) Papiane, and family; 3?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2254B. @ @@`2305. Funerary inscription for Eut[ychio]n [ ... ]ra[t]o[u]; imperial; found at Ephesos: GIBM 661; *IEph 1661. @ @@`2306. Funerary inscription in Latin for Eutychos, &3disp&(&3ensator&) of Caesar; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2255A. @ @@`2307. Funerary inscription for Eutychos by father Asklepio[2do]2tos of Nei[ko]medieia, &3naukleros&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2255E. @ @@`2308. Funerary inscription for Eutych[os? Ap]ella and wife; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2255D. @ @@`2309. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]sos Euxeinos and family; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2538. @ @@`2310. Funerary inscription for Euty[chos? ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2255B. @ @@`2311. Funerary inscription for Euty[chos? ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2255C. @ @@`2312. Funerary inscription for Exakestas Damotelou; II&4`2&; found at Ephesos?: Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 731 (PH); Atalay, Proc. X Int. Cong. Class. Arch. Ankara 612%19`614, no. 2 (PH); *IEph 2255F. @ @@`2313. Funerary inscription for Ga(ia) Y[ ... ], on base; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2445. @ @@`2314. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]sine and freedwoman Galatia, with penalty for violating grave; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2519; JO+AI 53, 100, no. 37. @ @@`2315. Funerary inscription for Gerenlanos (%6 Gerillanus) Herakles and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2263A. @ @@`2316. Funerary inscription for Titus Gerillanus Marcellus; 1%3`2; found at Ephesos: Noll, Wien no. 55; Lessing %9 Oberleitner, Ephesos 232 (PH) (non vidi); *IEph 2264. @ @@`2317. Funerary inscription for Titus Gerellanus Paulinus and family; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2536. @ @@`2318. Funerary inscription for Gleg[orios] (%6 Gregorius); imperial?; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 13; *IEph 4213. @ @@`2318.5. Funerary inscription for (no name) and family, including brother Hagnos; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 142, no. 151. @ @@`2319. Funerary inscription for Halpale Pythodoro, stoichedon; V&4`1&; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 30, 1937 Beibl. 194%19`196, no. 1 (PH); Guarducci, Epig. Grec. III 168, no. B (PH); *IEph 114. @ @@`2320. Funerary inscription for Quintus Haterius Asiaticus and family by son Proklos, with penalty for violating graves; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2265. @ @@`2321. Funerary inscription for Hedonikos Peinariou; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2265A. @ @@`2322. Funerary inscription for Hegesias Theodotou; no date; found at Phygela: LW 185; *IEph 3119. @ @@`2323. Funerary inscription for Herais Herakleidou; 2&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 56B; *IEph 4356 col. 2. @ @@`2324. Funerary inscription for [Her]aklas; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2567. @ @@`2325. Funerary inscription for Herakleides Menoitou of Thera; IV&4`2&%3I; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2533. @ @@`2326. Funerary inscription for Herakleides by father Faustus; Roman; found at Ephesos: CIG 3013; *IEph 2268. @ @@`2327. Funerary inscription for Hermas and Ask[2l]2epas; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2268A. @ @@`2328. Funerary inscription for Hermeros Hermerotos and family, with penalty for violating grave; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2523; JO+AI 53, 103, no. 49. @ @@`2329. Funerary inscription for Hermes; 2; found at Ephesos: *Mendel, Cat. des Sculp. I 13. @ @@`2330. Funerary inscription for Hermias Hermiou; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2266A. @ @@`2331. Funerary inscription for Hermippos Dokimou by mother Phila Dokimou; imperial; found at Ephesos: Contoleon, REG 13, 1900, 496, no. 4; Pleket, ILeyden p. 38, no. 32 (PH); SEG 18, 477; *IEph 2267. @ @@`2332. Funerary inscription for Hermolaos Diomedou; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2268B. @ @@`2333. Funerary inscription for Hero Paramonou; prob. 3&7b&; found at Ephesos or on Rhodes: Noll, Wien no. 52; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 760 (PH); Enchoria, Sonderb. 8, 1978, Taf. X 35 (PH); *IEph 2269 and Add. p. 29. @ @@`2334. Funerary inscription for Herodes and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 145, no. 157. @ @@`2335. Funerary inscription for Herodotos Skyllionos; prob. II; found at Ephesos: Michaelis, Ancient Marbles 424, no. 6; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 866 (PH); *IEph 2269A. @ @@`2336. Funerary inscription for Hieroites Apollodorou; Hellenistic; found at Phygela: *IEph 3128. @ @@`2337. Funerary inscription for Hierokles &3syristes& by Ebenos; imperial; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 672; Syll&4`3& 1257; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1191 (PH); *IEph 1672. @ @@`2338. Funerary inscription for wife (no name) and Hieron by Moschas and by Hieron for children (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: Dain, ILouvre 55; *IEph 3912. @ @@`2339. Funerary inscription for Hipolytos (?) and wife (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph VI p. 246 (to 2327A). @ @@`2340. Inscription of Hermes on grave by Hostios Artemo for self and family; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2122. @ @@`2341. Funerary inscription for Iomede Diphilou; prob. II&4`1&; found at Kirkince: Noll, Wien no. 48; Webster, Hellenistic Poetry 159 and 202; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 371 (PH); *IEph 2272. @ @@`2342. Funerary inscription for (no name) and family, including wife [Iu?]cund[a]; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2561. @ @@`2343. Funerary inscription for Publia Iulia Beryla and family; imperial; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 648; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 17; *IEph 1648. @ @@`2344. Funerary inscription by Iuli[a] Do(m)[n]u[la] for self and family, with penalty for violating grave; 3?; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 17 (PH); *IEph 4117. @ @@`2345. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for Iulia Gratia and Quintus Iulius Modestus; imperial; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 18 (PH); *IEph 4118. @ @@`2346. Funerary inscription in Latin for Iulia Hermione by husband Marcius Vitalis, centurion; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2550; JO+AI 53, 119, no. 104; AnnEpig 1983, 916. @ @@`2347. Funerary inscription for Iulia Luciphera and others; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 130, no. 4296; SEG 34, 1142. @ @@`2348. Funerary inscription for Iulia Trophime and child; Roman; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 53, no. 103c; *IEph 2256.3. @ @@`2349. Funerary inscription (?) for Iulia [ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1849. @ @@`2350. Funerary inscription for (no name) and Iulia [ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2277B. @ @@`2351. Funerary inscription for Iulia [ ... ] and daughter [ ... ]lia Arescho[usa]; imperial; found at Ephesos: Mous. II 1, 1875%19`1876, 54, no. 11; *IEph 2277C. @ @@`2352. Funerary inscription for Quadra[t ... I]ulianus (?) and others; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2440, ll. 1%19`7. @ @@`2353. Funerary inscription in Latin by C(aius) Iulius for self and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: CIL III 13680; *IEph 2292. @ @@`2354. Funerary inscription for G(aius) Iulius Antoninus and Iulia Elpis; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2272C. @ @@`2355. Funerary inscription for Iulius Aratos; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2274D. @ @@`2356. Funerary inscription for Lucius Iulius Asklas; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 56, no. 116; *IEph 2273. @ @@`2357. Funerary inscription in Latin for C(aius) Iulius Chryseros; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2273A. @ @@`2358. Funerary inscription in Latin for C(aius) Iulius Hilarus, &3trierarchus& of &3classis Syriaca,& and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: CIL III 434; LW 1567; ILS 2913; *IEph 2274. @ @@`2359. Funerary inscription for Iulius Quintus, procurator, and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2274C. @ @@`2360. Funerary inscription in Latin for C(aius) Iulius Cynthios and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2273B. @ @@`2361. Funerary inscription for Gaius Iulius Maecenas; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2274A. @ @@`2362. Funerary inscription for Iulius Lernos; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2534. @ @@`2363. Funerary inscription for Tib(erius) Iul(ius) Nereus and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2274B; JO+AI 53, 89, no. 2. @ @@`2364. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for [ ... ]lius Iulius Orpheus; 28 BC%3AD 14; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 631; *IEph 1631. @ @@`2365. Funerary inscription for Iulius Verus Veteranus and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: Bu+yu+kkolanc#1221 %9 #1222c%25ten %9 Nolle/, ZPE 40, 1980, 256, no. 1; SEG 30, 1320; *IEph 3904. @ @@`2366. Funerary inscription for Iulius Rufus and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2274E; JO+AI 53, 93, no. 15. @ @@`2367. Funerary inscription for G(aius) Iulius Saturninus and others; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 57, no. 117; *IEph 2275. @ @@`2368. Funerary inscription for (no name), heir Gaius Iulius Theogenes, and others; prob. early II; found at Ephesos: Noll, Wien no. 53; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 974; *IEph 2276. @ @@`2369. Funerary inscription in Latin for [C(aius) Iulius Thraso Alexandros]; prob. 2&7m&; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 25, 1929 Beibl. 19; AnnEpig 1930, 79; FiE IV 3 no. 55b and Nachtrag 295; *IEph 4355. @ @@`2370. Funerary inscription for L(ucius) Iulius Zosylos and others; imperial; found at Ephesos: GIBM 1032A; *IEph 2277A. @ @@`2371. Funerary inscription for &3archiatros& Iu[lius? ... ], Iulia, and family by Jews of Ephesos; 2; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 677; Frey, CIJ II 745; *IEph 1677. @ @@`2372. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for C(aius) Iulius [ ... ], C(aius) Iuliu[s Epaphro]ditos, and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2272B. @ @@`2373. Fragment of funerary inscription for (no name) and Iunia Ma[ ... ], with penalty; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 26; *IEph 4126. @ @@`2374. Funerary inscription for Iustus and Moschein; Roman; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 15; *IEph 4215. @ @@`2375. Funerary inscription in Latin for Ikaros, &3vicarius&; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 58, no. 123; *IEph 2270; AnnEpig 1982, 884. @ @@`2376. Funerary inscription for Ischy[rion] and family; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2272A. @ @@`2377. Funerary inscription in Latin for Isidoros; 1; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 52; *IEph 4352. @ @@`2378. Funerary inscription for Italus Symmachi; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2552A. @ @@`2379. Funerary inscription (?) for Kabiris Demagoreo and Euktite Mnesianaktos, stoichedon; V%3IV; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 52, no. 99; *IEph 112. @ ˪@@`2379.5. Funerary inscription for [C]aeciliane [Tr]ophime; imperial?; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 23, 1926 Beibl. 286; SEG 4, 547; FiE IV 2 no. 10; *IEph 4210. @@`2380. Funerary inscription for Caecilius Hierax and family; Roman; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 55, no. 111; *IEph 2232. @ @@`2381. Funerary inscription for Caeciliu[s ... ]dos and family; imperial; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 666; *IEph 1666. @ @@`2382. Funerary inscription for Kalandaria by husband Doros; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2277D and Add. p. 29; BE 1981:474. @ @@`2383. Funerary inscription for Kallinoe and others; imperial; found at Ephesos: Gurlitt, Arch%19ep. Mitt. aus O+st. 1, 1877, 111, no. 1; *IEph 2419. @ @@`2384. Funerary inscription for (no name), wife [K]alliste, and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2425. @ @@`2385. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek by Hellenia Meroe for self, husband P(ublius) Castricius Valens, and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2266 and Add. p. 28. @ @@`2386. Funerary inscription for L(ucius) Cavius Vescennianus; Roman; found at Ephesos: CIL III 430; *IEph 2233. @ @@`2387. Funerary inscription for Kaystrios Klytiou; III&4`1&; found at Ephesos: Noll, Wien no. 49; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 500 (PH); *IEph 2278. @ @@`2388. Funerary inscription for Claudia by husband Roman[us]; imperial; found near Arvalia: *IEph 2235B. @ @@`2389. Funerary inscription for [Ti]beria Clau[dia A]mmoniades, [&3matro&]&3na stolata&; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 635A. @ @@`2390. Funerary inscription for Cl(audia) Athenais and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 117, no. 4195; SEG 34, 1143. @ @@`2391. Funerary inscription for Claudia Aurelia Tation, with prohibition; imperial; found near Phygela: *IEph 3130. @ @@`2392. Funerary inscription for Claudia Magna by daughter, with penalty for disturbing grave; imperial; found at Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 209%19`210, no. 18, ll. 6%19`17; Wood, App. 7, no. 5, ll. 3%19`7; CIL III 6087, ll. 6%19`17; GIBM 636, ll. 5%19`16; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 13, ll. 5%19`16; *IEph 1636, ll. 6%19`17. @ @@`2393. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for Ti(berius) Claudius Menandros, archiereus of Asia; imperial; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 54; *IEph 4354. @ @@`2394. Funerary inscription for Cl(audius) Augusti[anus] and family; imperial; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 654; *IEph 1654. @ @@`2395. Funerary inscription for Cl(audia) Nereis by sons Cl(audius) Philemon and others; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2546B; JO+AI 53, 109, no. 68. @ @@`2396. Funerary inscription for Claudia Paullina; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2235C. @ @@`2397. Funerary inscription for M(arcus) Claudius Alexandros; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2236A. @ @@`2398. Funerary inscription for Claudius Anthos and Paulus Hermias; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2236B. @ @@`2399. Funerary inscription for Clau(dius) Antistius Antiochos, &3gerousiastes& of Ephesos, and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2236C. @ @@`2400. Funerary inscription by Ti(berius) Cla(udius) Eutychos for self and family; imperial; found near Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 210, no. 19; Wood, App. 7, no. 13; GIBM 635; *IEph 1635. @ @@`2401. Funerary inscription for Tiberius Claudius Paulinus; imperial; found at Phygela: *IEph 3127. @ @@`2402. Funerary inscription for T(itus) Claudius Flavius Dionysios, rhetor, on sarcophagus; AD 117%3`138; found at Ephesos: Eichler, AAWW 106, 1969, 136; AnnEpig 1969%19`1970, 597; BE 1971:574; Atalay, JO+AI 52, 1978%19`1980 Beibl. 56%19`58 (PH); SEG 30, 1309; *IEph 426. @ @@`2403. Funerary inscription for Claudius Ne[2i]2kostratos and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: Texier, Descr. de l'As. Min. II 273, no. 2; *IEph 2508. @ @@`2404. Funerary inscription for [C]laudius Polychronios and son by wife Claudia [ ... ]dos; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2236E. @ @@`2405. Funerary inscription for P(ublius) Claudius Saturninus; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2237. @ @@`2406. Funerary inscription for Ti(berius) Cl(audius) Symphoros; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2237A. @ @@`2407. Funerary inscription for [ ... ] and Cl(audius) Trophimos; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2237B. @ @@`2408. Funerary inscription for Tib(erius) Cl(audius) Trophimos, wife Marmarion, and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 55, no. 112; *IEph 2237C. @ @@`2409. Funerary inscription for M(arcus) Cl(audius) Xe[n ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2237D. @ @@`2410. Funerary inscription by Tiberius Claudius [ ... ], freedman, for self and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: CIG 3014; *IEph 2236. @ @@`2411. Funerary inscription for Tib(erius) [C]l[au]d[ius ... ] and son [Tib(erius) Clau]dius Dionys[ios]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2236D. @ @@`2412. Funerary inscription for Ti(berius) Cleandros and others; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 148, no. 166. @ @@`2413. Funerary inscription for Quarta [ ... ], daughter or wife of Lucius [ ... ], possibly of Athens; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2306C. @ @@`2414. Funerary inscription in Latin for [C(aius)] Coelius [ ... ]; Roman; found near Ephesos: CIL III 6079, 7128; *IEph 2238. @ @@`2415. Funerary inscription for Quinctia Markou; I; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 49; *IEph 4349. @ @@`2416. Funerary inscription for Marcus Quintius Eutyches and others; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2306D. @ @@`2417. Funerary inscription for husband Quintus and father Loukis by Agapomene; Roman; found at Arvalia: *IEph 2306E. @ @@`2418. Funerary inscription for A(ulus) Quirinalis Euagrios and others; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2306F. @ @@`2419. Funerary inscription for Marcus Cocceius Al[e]xandros &3epi &3tes oikias,& by wife Moschein; imperial; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 671; *IEph 1671. @ @@`2420. Funerary inscription for Corbulo and others, with penalty; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2427. @ @@`2421. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for P(ublius) Cordius Pharnaces; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2240A. @ @@`2422. Funerary inscription for Korkaulos &3hieros& and Nais &3hiera&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2279. @ @@`2423. Funerary inscription mentioning Cornelia Kalliope; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2428. @ @@`2424. Funerary inscription for Cornelia Saturnina and Licinnius Prodromos; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2241. @ @@`2425. Funerary inscription for Gnaius Cornelius Epaphrodeitos of Corinth, &3aleiptes,& by Gnaius Cornelius Glaukos of Corinth; Roman; found at Ephesos: Riemann, BCH 1, 1877, 289, no. 71; *IEph 2243. @ @@`2426. Funerary inscription for Pu(blius) Cor(nelius) Hermagoras Dor( ... ?) and family; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2244A. @ @@`2427. Funerary inscription for [Lu]cius Cornelius M[arion] and Eutychia Marionos; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2244B. @ @@`2428. Funerary inscription in Latin for Sertorius Cornelius Merula and family; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2308A and Add. p. 29. @ @@`2429. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for P(ublius) Cornelius Nikephoros &3nomenclator&; Roman; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 7, no. 12; GIBM 665; CIL III 6080; Smith, Cat. Brit. Mus. II 1278; *IEph 1665. @ @@`2430. Funerary inscription in Latin for Cornelius Florin(us), &3frumentarius,& of &3Legio X Gemina,& by Elpinius Festianus; Roman; found at Ephesos: CIL III 433; ILS 2368; *IEph 2244. @ @@`2431. Funerary inscription for Publius Cornelius Thallus; 2&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 56A; *IEph 4356 col. 1. @ @@`2432. Funerary inscription for Publius Corn[elius ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: Eichler, AAWW 102, 1965, 97; *IEph 2242. @ @@`2433. Funerary inscription for L(ucius) Cornelius [ ... ] and others; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2440, ll. 14%19`18. @ @@`2434. Funerary inscription in Greek and Latin for (?) Corymbus; Roman; found at Ephesos: CIL III 13678; *IEph 2244C. @ @@`2435. Funerary inscription for [Qu]intu[s ... K]osmion and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 143, no. 152. @ @@`2436. Funerary inscription for Cumfuleius Bassus and Eutychis; Roman; found at Ephesos: GIBM 633; *IEph 1633. @ @@`2437. Funerary inscription in Greek and Latin for Quintus Cupencus Timarchos; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2244D. @ @@`2438. Funerary inscription for Pu(blius) Curtius Charixenos and others; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2246. @ @@`2439. Funerary inscription for [Pub]lius Curtius F[aus?]tus, &3actor vicesimae libertatis,& and family; 1; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 26, 1930 Beibl. 64; AnnEpig 1930, 87; *IEph 2245. @ @@`2440. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek establishing foundation, signed by L(ucius) Cusinius Syneros; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2551B; JO+AI 53, 123, no. 117. @ @@`2441. Funerary inscription for L(ucius) Cusinius [ ... ], freedman, and others; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2246A. @ @@`2442. Funerary inscription for Kyll[a] Meli[ ... ] of Samos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2279A. @ @@`2443. Funerary inscription for Kynnis Danaou, stoichedon; JO+AI 52, 52, no. 100; *IEph 131. @ @@`2444. Funerary inscription for (no name) and family, including children [Qu]intus and Kyrille; imperial; found at Ephesos: GIBM 646; *IEph 1646. @ @@`2445. Funerary inscription for Laelius Rufinus and family; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2280. @ @@`2446. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for [Laevius S]ecundus and family; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2280A. @ @@`2447. Excised. @ @@`2448. Funerary inscription for (no name) wife Leukoion, and family; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2556. @ @@`2449. Funerary inscription for [Li]cinianus &3ta&[&3be&]&3llarius&; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2281A. @ @@`2450. Funerary inscription for Lolia (%6 Lollia) Amia; Roman; found at Ephesos: Contoleon, REG 13, 1900, 495, no. 2; *IEph 2281B (%6 2209) and Add. p. 28. @ @@`2451. Funerary inscription for Quintus Lollius and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 144%19`145, no. 156. @ @@`2452. Funerary inscription for Qu(intus) Lollius Saturninus, family, and others; Roman; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 60; Sotiriu, AD 7, 1921, 201, no. 2; SEG 4, 548; *IEph 4360. @ @@`2453. Funerary inscription for Lollius K[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 126, no. 126. @ @@`2454. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for Longina; Roman; found at Ephesos: CIG 2974d; LW 175; *IEph 1793. @ @@`2455. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for Luce[ius?]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2467. @ @@`2456. Funerary inscription for Lucianus [ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2532. @ @@`2457. Funerary inscription for Lucilia Euterpe and others; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 127%19`128, no. 132. @ @@`2458. Funerary (?) inscription for Marcus Lucilius and others; Roman; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 149, no. 168. @ @@`2459. Funerary inscription for Lucretia Prima; Roman; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 57, no. 119; *IEph 2282. @ @@`2460. Funerary inscription for Lupercus &3scriba&; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2283. @ @@`2461. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]tetos and [Ma]gna; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2466A. @ @@`2462. Funerary inscription for (no name), wife Marci[a ... ], and others; imperial?; found at Ephesos: LW 163; *IEph 2413. @ @@`2463. Funerary inscription for Marcus and Boubalos; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2283A. @ @@`2464. Funerary inscription for Melanthios; V%3IV; found at Ephesos: FiE I p. 24, note 1; Noll, Griech. %9 lat. Inschr. d. Wiener Antikensamml. 41; *IEph 117. @ @@`2465. Funerary inscription for [Me?]ltine and another, with prohibition; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2492. @ @@`2466. Funerary inscription for Meltine Demetriou and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 146%19`147, no. 4408; SEG 34, 1162. @ @@`2467. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]la Memmia and Oikonomia; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2284B. @ @@`2468. Funerary inscription in Latin for L(ucius) Memmius of Tarracina; Roman; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 7, no. 11; CIL III 6086; *IEph 2285. @ @@`2469. Funerary inscription for [Mena]ndros Menandrou and Menan[dros Menandrou]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2285B. @ @@`2470. Funerary inscription for Menekrates and family; imperial?; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 12; *IEph 4212. @ @@`2471. Funerary inscription for Menandros and Artemidoros; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2285A. @ @@`2472. Funerary inscription for Menios Pa[ ... ] and others; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2555. @ @@`2473. Funerary inscription for Menodote Metrodorou and others; no date; found at Ephesos: Bu+yu+kkolanc#1221 %9 #1222c%25ten %9 Nolle/, ZPE 40, 1980, 256%19`257, no. 3; SEG 30, 1322; *IEph 3905. @ @@`2474. Funerary inscription for Menodotos Menophantou; no date; found at Phygela: *IEph 3125. @ @@`2475. Funerary inscription for Menophila Artemidorou; II&4`2&; found at Ephesos: Heydemann, Pariser Antiken 27, no. 51; Collignon, Statues fun. 289%19`290 (PH); Dain, ILouvre 54; Bieber, Sculpt. Hellenistic Age 132 (PH); Petzl %9 Linfert, RA 8, 1974, 36%19`37 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 417 (PH); *IEph 2285C. @ @@`2476. Funerary inscription for (no name) and family, including child Menophilos; no date; found at Ephesos: CIG 3015; *IEph 2286. @ @@`2477. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]ngia Methe; no date; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 133, no. 4318; SEG 34, 1139. @ @@`2478. Funerary%3honorary inscription for Metras Tryphon by demos; I&4`2&; found near Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 213, no. 24; GIBM 640; Smith, Cat. Brit. Mus. II no. 1277; *IEph 1640. @ @@`2479. Funerary inscription for Metris Lysinou &3heroine&; JO+AI 52, 52, no. 101; *IEph 2287. @ @@`2480. Funerary inscription for Metrodora of Paros and others; Hellenistic; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 15, 1912 Beibl. 180 (part); JO+AI 52, 52, no. 102; *IEph 2287A and Add. p. 29. @ @@`2481. Funerary inscription for Metrodo[ros]; Hellenistic; found at Ephesos: Noll, Wien no. 50; *IEph 2288. @ @@`2482. Funerary inscription for Metrodoros Aiantos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2516; JO+AI 53, 104, no. 51; **BE 1981:475 (l. 1). @ @@`2483. Funerary inscription for Metrodoros Metrodorou; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2288A. @ @@`2484. Funerary inscription for Metrodoros Metrodorou; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2288B. @ @@`2485. Funerary inscription for Metrodoros Metrodorou and Metrodoros Metrodorou; Roman; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 58, no. 124; *IEph 2289. @ @@`2486. Funerary inscription for Minnias Epameionon[os] of Boiotia; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2551A; JO+AI 53, 122, no. 114; **BE 1981:476 (l. 1). @ @@`2486.5. Honorary%3funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for Mithradates, &3l&(&3ibertus&) of (Marcus Vipsanius) Agrippa; I&4`2&%3`1&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE III p. 99 (to no. 6); *IEph 851. @ @@`2487. Funerary inscription for (?) Mneion (and others?); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2526. @ @@`2488. Funerary inscription for Gaius Modius Blastus and Scaptia Eutychia; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2289A. @ @@`2489. Funerary inscription for boxer Moiragenes Moiragenou; 1; found at Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 213, no. 23; GIBM 641; *IEph 1641. @ @@`2490. Funerary inscription for Moschion by parents G(aius) Papirius Kerdon and Photis; Roman; found at Kuyumc%25u: JO+AI 52, 58, no. 125; *IEph 2299A. @ @@`2491. Funerary inscription for Moschos and Aithra, with authorization for burial of Cognitus Ateimetos and family; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2290. @ @@`2492. Funerary inscription for Mucius Charetides and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 60, no. 132; *IEph 2291. @ @@`2493. Funerary inscription for &3hiereus& Mar(cus) Mussius by Ioudaioi; AD 200%3`400?; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 676; Frey, CIJ II 746; Hellenica 11%19`12, 381%19`384; *IEph 1676. @ @@`2494. Funerary inscription for Neikandros Epigonos and family, with penalty for violating grave; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2535. @ @@`2495. Funerary inscription for Qu(intus) Nerius Rufus and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: CIG 3017; *IEph 2293. @ @@`2496. Funerary inscription for Nei[kepho]ros Elpidephorou and wife Erotion; Roman; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 59, no. 126; *IEph 2294. @ @@`2497. Funerary inscription for [Ni]kephoros and others; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 17.2; *IEph 4217.2. @ @@`2498. Funerary inscription for Nikomachos Ta[u]reou; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2528. @ @@`2499. Funerary inscription in Latin for P(ublius) Num[erius ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2461. @ @@`2500. Funerary inscription for Gaius Octavius Magnus, &3presbyteros&; Roman; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 59, no. 127; *IEph 2295. @ @@`2501. Funerary inscription for Olympias by husband Q(uintus) &3teloniarius&; Roman; found at Ephesos: CIL III 13677; de Laet, Portorium 278, note 2, no. g; *IEph 2296. @ @@`2502. Funerary inscription for (no name) and wife Oly[mpias]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2296A.1. @ @@`2503. Excised. @ @@`2504. Funerary inscription for (no name), [wife?] Nou[ ... O]nesime, and children; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2297. @ @@`2505. Funerary (?) inscription for [O]nesim[os]; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 662; *IEph 1662. @ @@`2506. Funerary inscription for M(arcus) Vale(rius) Abaskantos and family; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2545; JO+AI 53, 105, no. 55. @ @@`2507. Funerary inscription in Latin for Lucius Valerius Fatalis &3frumentarius& by &3alumnus& Aurelius Epinicus, with penalty for violating grave; 3?; found at Ephesos: CIL III 6084; ILS 8244; *IEph 2318. @ @@`2508. Funerary inscription in Latin for T(itus) Valerius Secundus, &3miles& and &3stationarius& of Ephesos; imperial?; found at Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 218, no. 34 (part); Wood, App. 7, no. 2; CIL III 6085, 7135, 7136 (part); Smith, Cat. Brit. Mus. II 1276 (part); ILS 2051%19`2052; *IEph 2319. @ @@`2509. Funerary inscription for (no name), C(aius) Val[erius ... ], and family, on base; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2520; JO+AI 53, 101, no. 41. @ @@`2510. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]tatos Kyros, Vedia Dorkas, and family, with penalty; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2246B. @ @@`2511. Funerary inscription for P(ublius) Vedius Abaskantos &3neoteros& and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: CIG 3006; *IEph 2320. @ @@`2512. Funerary inscription in Latin for P(ublius) Ved[ius Abas]kantos &3iunior&; imperial; found at Ephesos: CIL III 437; *IEph 2321. @ @@`2513. Funerary inscription for Pu(blius) Ve[dius] Earinos; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2539. @ @@`2514. Funerary inscription for Vedius Hermes and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2322. @ @@`2515. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for P(ublius) Vedius Nikephoros and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: CIL III 440, 7140 (part); LW 181, 183 (part); Schmidt, MDAI(A) 6, 1881, 141, no. 20 (part); CIL III 438, 7139, 13674b; *IEph 2324. @ @@`2516. Funerary inscription in Latin for [P(ublius) Ved]ius Paedero[s] and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: LW 180, 184; CIL III 441, 442, 14193; *IEph 2325. @ @@`2517. Fragment of funerary inscription in Latin for (?) Vedius Ne[ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: CIL III 439; *IEph 2323. @ @@`2518. Funerary inscription for Qu(intus) Voconius Diogenes and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2326. @ @@`2519. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]ius Ulpia[nus] and others; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 145, no. 158. @ @@`2520. Funerary inscription in Latin for M(arcus) Palicanus Marcellinus; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2230B; JO+AI 53, 93, no. 14; AnnEpig 1983, 913. @ @@`2521. Funerary inscription for Pamphilos Assklepiadou; no date; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 59, no. 128; *IEph 2298. @ @@`2522. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek by Pannychos for self and family; Roman; found near Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 214, no. 26; GIBM 632; CIL III 6889; Smith, Cat. Brit. Mus. II 1275; *IEph 1632. @ @@`2523. Funerary inscription for Panteima and others; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 16; *IEph 4216, ll. 1%19`3. @ @@`2524. Funerary inscription for Papias Epikratou; no date; found at Ephesos?: Pleket, ILeyden p. 37, no. 28 (PH); SEG 18, 540; Hellenica 11%19`12, 235%19`237; *IEph 2299; ISmyrna 465. @ @@`2525. Funerary inscription by [Paul]eina for self and family; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2299B.1. @ @@`2526. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]lia Pauleina, with penalty; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2299B.2. @ @@`2527. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]os and wife Paulina; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2446.1. @ @@`2528. Funerary inscription for P[2e]2reitas T[ ... ], wife Tatia A[ ... ], and others; no date; found at Ephesos: Sotiriu, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 200, no. 3; SEG 4, 549; *IEph 2300. @ @@`2529. Funerary inscription for G(aius) P[e]tronius Longus of Balundos by Petronius Eurhythmos; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2300A. @ @@`2530. Funerary inscription for Numerius Fabius Agathoneikos; Roman; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 53, no. 103a; *IEph 2256.1. @ @@`2531. Funerary inscription for (?) Fabius Dio[ ... ] and family; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2422. @ @@`2532. Funerary inscription for Pu(blius) Fabi[us ... ] and Pu(blius) Fabius Arn[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2256A. @ @@`2533. Funerary inscription for Fabricia; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2256B. @ @@`2534. Fragment of funerary inscription (?) mentioning Faenius Faustus; 2&4`2&; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 111, no. 4163; SEG 34, 1133. @ @@`2535. Funerary inscription for L[ucius Faenius ... ]mos and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 126%19`127, no. 128. @ @@`2536. Funerary inscription for Felicula and family; imperial?; found at Kulebu+k%3Pamuc%25ak: *IEph 2547; JO+AI 53, 110, no. 71. @ @@`2537. Funerary inscription for Philanthropo[s] and others; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 651; *IEph 1651. @ @@`2538. Funerary inscription for Confoleius Philar[gyros] and family; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2298A. @ @@`2539. Funerary inscription for Phileinos Neikiou and Nikias Nikiou; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2300B. @ @@`2540. Funerary inscription by Philetairos Menophilou for self and Eutychias; no date; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 58, no. 122; *IEph 2255. @ @@`2541. Funerary inscription for Philinna Tele[phou]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2510; JO+AI 53, 94, no. 18. @ @@`2542. Funerary inscription for Phi[lippos?], wife Aur(elia) Iu[liana?], and family; 3?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2421. @ @@`2543. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]onia [ ... ], Marcus [ ... Philo]gelos, and others; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2429A. @ @@`2544. Funerary inscription for [Ph]iloxenos Chairemonos and others; II&4`2&%3I; found at Ephesos: Fu+hrer Selc%25uk 159; BE 1977:426; *IEph 2301. @ @@`2545. Funerary inscription in Latin for [Fi]rmilla and (no name); Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2257. @ @@`2546. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]os Ap[ ... ], wife Flaccilla, and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: GIBM 650; *IEph 1650. @ @@`2547. Funerary inscription for Flavia Ada; imperial; found at Ephesos: CIG 3007; *IEph 2260A. @ @@`2548. Funerary inscription for Flavia Au[ ... ] and Menekr[ates], member of [gerou]sia; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2524; JO+AI 53, 103%19`104, no. 50. @ @@`2549. Funerary inscription for Flavianus, with penalty for violating grave; imperial; found near Belevi?: CIG 3029; Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1878, 31, no. 233; IGRR IV 1667, 1668; *IEph 3215. @ @@`2550. Funerary inscription for T(itus) Fl(avius) Alkibiades and family, with penalty for violating grave; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 126, no. 4277; SEG 34, 1144. @ @@`2551. Funerary inscription for Flavius Apollonios; imperial; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 21; *IEph 4221. @ @@`2552. Funerary inscription for Quintus Flavius and Aru[nceius] (?); Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2257A. @ @@`2553. Funerary inscription for Flavius Esenikos and wife Flavia Melis; 1%3`2; found at Ephesos: Noll, Wien no. 54; *IEph 2259. @ @@`2554. Funerary inscription for Fl(avius) Kyriakos and Olbiane; 3; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 58; *IEph 4358. @ @@`2555. Funerary inscription for Fl(avius) Munatius Valerianus; 3&4`2&%3`4; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 50III; *IEph 4350.III. @ @@`2556. Funerary inscription in Latin by T(itus) Flavius Vibianus Auctus for self and family; prob. 1&4`2&; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 16 (PH); *IEph 4116. @ @@`2557. Funerary inscription by Fl(avius) Restitutus (for self?); Roman; found at Ephesos: Earinos, Mous. I 1873%19`1875, 136, no. 49; JO+AI 52, 57, no. 120; *IEph 2260. @ @@`2558. Funerary inscription by T(itus) Flavius Sabinianus Paulus for self; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2260B. @ @@`2559. Funerary inscription for T(itus) Fl(avius) Sophron Zosimos and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: LW 167, 1566; Barth, RhM 7, 1850, 259, no. 44 (part); Kubin/ska, Mon. fun. 66%19`67, 116; *IEph 2261. @ @@`2560. Funerary inscription for Fl(avius) Tation and son, with penalty for disturbing grave; imperial; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 653; *IEph 1653. @ @@`2561. Funerary inscription for Fl(avius) Zosimos; imperial; found at Phygela: *IEph 3129. @ @@`2562. Funerary inscription for Ti(tus) Fl(avius) Zotiko[s] and others; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 112, no. 4168; SEG 34, 1145. @ @@`2563. Funerary inscription for Phoib[os], wife Epite[rpousa], and family; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2301A. @ @@`2564. Funerary inscription in Latin for M(arcus) Fulviu[s] Chres[tus?]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2262A. @ @@`2565. Funerary inscription for [F]ulvius Kallistos; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2262. @ @@`2566. Funerary inscription for Fuficia Fausta, daughter of Gaius Fuficius Damas; Roman; found at C%25aml#1221k, earlier near Ephesos: LW 162c; Mous. V 1, 1884%19`1885, 71, no. 475; *IEph 3201. @ @@`2567. Funerary inscription for Phygelis Rufi; Roman; found at Phygela: CIG 3027; du Rieu, E/t. Leemans 248 no. XIII; *IEph 3114. @ @@`2568. Funerary inscription by Quintus Pinarius, &3tribunus& of &3Legio VI Macedonica,& for self and wife Pinaria Doxa; prob. 43%3`29 BC; found at Ephesos: von Domaszewski, JO+AI 2, 1899 Beibl. 81%19`86 (PH); ILS 8862; *IEph 705A. @ @@`2569. Funerary inscription for [P]loutarchos; imperial; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 48, 1966 Beibl. 15%19`16, no. 7 (PH); *IEph 2302, col. 1. @ @@`2570. Funerary inscription for [P]olla Cornelia and family; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2426. @ @@`2571. Funerary inscription for (?) Polybios Philargyrou; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2302B. @ @@`2572. Funerary inscription for Polyktetes; imperial; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 22; *IEph 4222. @ @@`2573. Funerary inscription for Polythr[os [2S]2ka]mandri[o] of Arkesine (on Amorgos), stoichedon; early; found at Ephesos: *IEph 118. @ @@`2574. Funerary inscription for Pompeia Diogeneia and family; Roman; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 7, no. 16; *IEph 2305. @ @@`2575. Funerary inscription for Pompeia Meneklis and husband Tychasios; imperial; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 34 (PH); *IEph 4234. @ @@`2576. Funerary inscription for [Pom]peia Sep[timia]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2305A.2. @ @@`2577. Funerary inscription for A(ulus) P(ompeius) Agrip[pa] and family; Roman; found near Ephesos: LW 1566b; *IEph 2303. @ @@`2578. Funerary inscription for M(arcus) Pom(peius) Boron, &3iatros,& and wife Ulpia Neike, with penalty for violating grave; Roman; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 7, no. 7; Kubin/ska, Mon. fun. 77; *IEph 2304. @ @@`2579. Funerary inscription in Latin for L(ucius) Pompeius Marcellinus by mother Flavia Marcellina and sister Pompeia Catullina; 2; found at Ephesos: LW 184a; CIL III 435, 7131; Michaelis, Ancient Marbles 590; Hofmann, Ro+m. Milita+rgrabsteine 40 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1394 (PH); *IEph 2305B. @ @@`2580. Funerary inscription for Pomponia Faustina and Menandros; 3%3`5; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 8, no. 14; GIBM 655.b; Syll&4`3 1228; Kubin/ska, Mon. fun. 132; *IEph 1655.b. @ @@`2581. Funerary inscription by L(ucius) Pomponius Agathoneikos for self; Roman; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 53, no. 103b; *IEph 2256.2. @ @@`2582. Funerary inscription in Greek and Latin for [ ... ]us Pontius Metrophanes and others; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 144, no. 155. @ @@`2583. Funerary inscription for Popill[e]us; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2305C. @ @@`2584. Funerary inscription for Gaius Popilius Eudaimon Ailianos and wife Statilia Eutychia; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2305D. @ @@`2585. Fragment of funerary (?) inscription mentioning [ ... i]us Proculus, [grammateus] of demos; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2551C; JO+AI 53, 107, no. 63; BE 1981:477 (l. 3). @ @@`2586. Funerary inscription for [Pu]bliu[s ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2501. @ @@`2587. Funerary inscription in Latin for Poppidia Nomas and family; Roman; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 122, no. 4239; Knibbe %9 #1222plikc%25iog%27lu, Ephesos Abb. 9 (PH). @ @@`2588. Funerary inscription for Poseas Artemonos and others; Roman; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 124, no. 4265; SEG 34, 1140. @ @@`2589. Funerary inscription for Preuchos K[ ... ]; archaic; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 150, no. 170. @ @@`2590. Funerary inscription for Primus and [ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2306. @ @@`2591. Funerary inscription for Pto[lem]aios Alexandrou; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2306A. @ @@`2592. Funerary inscription for Pythagoras Thaleo of Samos; VII%3VI; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JO+AI 50, 1976 Beibl. 46, no. 13 (PH); SEG 26, 1277; *IEph 115. @ @@`2593. Funerary inscription for Titus Rhausios Poseidonios and others; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 3908. @ @@`2594. Funerary inscription for (?) [R]ufus; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2306G. @ @@`2595. Funerary inscription for Rufus Stephanion; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2306I. @ @@`2596. Funerary inscription for [ ... ] Rufus; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2306H. @ @@`2597. Funerary inscription for Rut[ilia Pe]duc[illa?] and family; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2551; JO+AI 53, 122, no. 113. @ @@`2598. Funerary inscription for Publius Rutilius Stasimos; Roman; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 59, no. 129; *IEph 2307. @ @@`2599. Funerary inscription for (no name), wife Sab(eina?) Eutyche (?), and family; Roman; found at Ephesos: Texier, Descr. de l'As. Min. II 273, no. 1; *IEph 2507. @ @@`2600. Funerary inscription for Sabidios and others; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2307A. @ @@`2601. Funerary inscription for Salbios and family; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2307B. @ @@`2602. Funerary inscription for Septicia Cognita and family; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2307C; JO+AI 53, 93, no. 17. @ @@`2603. Funerary inscription for Gaius Sertorius Modestus; Roman; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 50, no. 130; *IEph 2308. @ @@`2604. Funerary inscription for [Se]xtilius Bassus and others; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2308B. @ @@`2605. Funerary inscription in Latin for P(ublius) Sextilius Phileros; Roman; found at Ephesos: Pace, ASAA 6%19`7, 1926, 443, no. 152; JO+AI 52, 60, no. 131; *IEph 2309. @ @@`2606. Funerary inscription in Latin for (?) Sextius and heirs, dated by consuls Laelianus and Pastor; AD 163; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1880 and Add. p. 27. @ @@`2607. Funerary inscription for Simonides Simonidou and family; imperial?; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 60, no. 132; *IEph 2310. @ @@`2608. Funerary inscription by Claudia for mother Scaptia Paulla, self, and family; 1; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 19 (PH); *IEph 4119. @ @@`2609. Funerary inscription in Latin by Claudia for mother Scaptia Paulla, self, and family; 1; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 20 (PH); *IEph 4120. @ @@`2610. Funerary inscription in Latin for M(arcus) Scaptius Pius; 1; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 21 (PH); *IEph 4121. @ @@`2611. Funerary inscription for [M(anius) Sc]aptius Pius; 1; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 22 (PH); *IEph 4122. @ @@`2612. Funerary inscription for Gaius Scaptius Sabinus and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 148%19`149, no. 167. @ @@`2613. Funerary inscription for Solon Melanthiou; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2310A. @ @@`2614. Funerary inscription for Gaius Sornatius Apaphras; Roman; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 147, no. 4412; SEG 34, 1149. @ @@`2615. Funerary inscription for L(ucius) Spedios [D]iony[sio]s Neike[phoros?]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2483. @ @@`2616. Funerary inscription for [Ste]phanos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2310B. @ @@`2617. Funerary inscription for Gaius Stertinius Achillas and others; Roman; found at Ephesos: Bu+yu+kkolanc#1221 %9 #1222c%25ten %9 Nolle/, ZPE 40, 1980, 257, no. 4 (PH); SEG 30, 1317; *IEph 3906. @ @@`2618. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for C(aius) Stertinius Orpex and family, establishing foundation; imperial; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 23 (PH); AnnEpig 1935, 169; *IEph 4123. @ @@`2619. Funerary inscription [for Stertinius Orpex] establishing foundation; 2; found at Ephesos: LW 141; Hort, JPh 7, 1877, 140%19`144, no. 1; Laum 76 (part); Oliver, Sacre Gerousia 6; FiE IV 1 no. 97; *IEph 2113. @ @@`2620. Funerary inscription for Strato[n] Stratonos; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 126, no. 127. @ @@`2621. Funerary inscription for Straton Zenonos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2310C. @ @@`2622. Funerary inscription for Straton[eikos] and others; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2512; JO+AI 53, 95, no. 21. @ @@`2623. Funerary inscription for Symphorion and family; 1; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 53; *IEph 4353. @ @@`2624. Funerary inscription for Symphoros, &3threptos,& by Bassus of Pergamon; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2310D. @ @@`2625. Funerary inscription for Symphoros, establishing foundation; no date; found at Ephesos: CIG 3005; LW 1565 (part); Hamilton, Researches II 455, no. 259; *IEph 2114. @ @@`2626. Funerary inscription for S[y]mphoros Hermiou and family; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2544B. @ @@`2627. Funerary inscription for Systylia Ammias and family, with penalty for selling grave; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2311. @ @@`2628. Funerary inscription for Tatias [Ap]ellados and family, by Titus Flavius Kosmos; imperial; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 656; *IEph 1656. @ Ī@@`2628.5. Funerary inscription for (no name) and Gaia Terentia; Roman; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 145%19`146, no. 4375; SEG 34, 1141. @ @@`2629. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek by P(ublius) Terentius Olympos for self and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 7, no. 10; GIBM 638; CIL III 6090; *IEph 1638. @ @@`2630. Funerary inscription for Tertullianus by &3philos [&3g&]&3rammati&[&3k&]&3os&; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2312. @ @@`2631. Funerary inscription in Latin for Thamyros; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2312A. @ @@`2632. Funerary inscription for (no name) and family, including child Theodo[ros]; 2%3`5?; found at Ephesos: GIBM 642; *IEph 1642. @ @@`2633. Funerary inscription for Theodotos Theodotou and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 143%19`144, no. 154. @ @@`2634. Funerary inscription for Theogenes Theogenou; prob. 2; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 30, 1937 Beibl. 202, no. 7 (PH); *IEph 2313. @ @@`2635. Funerary inscription for Theopompos Theopompou and family; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2515; JO+AI 53, 104, no. 51. @ @@`2636. Funerary (?) inscription for Theopr[opos?], stoichedon; c. VI&7e&; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 47; *IEph 4347. @ @@`2637. Funerary inscription for Theoxenos Theoxenou and mother; II&7e&; found at Ephesos: Atalay, AA 88, 1973, 241%19`243 (PH); Atalay, Proc. X Int. Cong. Class. Arch. Ankara 611%19`612 (PH); *IEph 2313A. @ @@`2638. Funerary inscription for Thersinoe; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 25; *IEph 4225. @ @@`2639. Funerary inscription for Threptos, wife [ ... ]nia Chrysiou, and children; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2313B. @ @@`2640. Deleted. @ @@`2641. Funerary inscription for Timodam[os] Megonos Aitolo[s]; Hellenistic; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2511; JO+AI 53, 95, no. 19; BE 1981:475. @ @@`2642. Funerary inscription for Timokrates [Timokrat]ous (?); Hellenistic; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 117, no. 4200; SEG 34, 1130. @ @@`2643. Funerary inscription for Timokritos Timonaktos and father from Salamis; V; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 98, no. 30; *IEph 116. @ @@`2644. Funerary inscription for Titia; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2313C. @ @@`2645. Funerary inscription for Titianus and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2313D. @ @@`2646. Funerary inscription by Trophime Kleoboulou for self and husband Paulus, with prohibition of unauthorized burial; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2299C col. 2. @ @@`2647. Funerary inscription for Tryphaina Eupsychou, husband Trophimos, and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2313E. @ @@`2648. Funerary inscription for Tryphosa; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2578. @ @@`2649. Funerary inscription for Tyche Gaiou; Roman; found at Phygela: CIG 3025; du Rieu, E/t. Leemans 248, no. XI; *IEph 3115. @ @@`2650. Funerary inscription for [T]yche and family; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2316.3. @ @@`2651. Funerary%3honorary inscription for Tyndaris Theseos, by boule, demos, and Tryphon Rhesim[a]chou; no date; found at Bornova, from Ephesos?: IEph 2317; *Robert, Amyzon 173%19`174 (PH). @ @@`2652. Funerary inscription for Xanthias, with artist's signature (?) by Menek[ra]tes; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2327. @ @@`2653. Funerary inscription for Zenon Ariston Celsus of Placentia, wife Tryphosa Elpidos, and children; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2327A. @ @@`2654. Funerary inscription for Zenon [Dion]ydos, stoichedon; early; now at Ephesos: *IEph 119. @ @@`2655. Funerary inscription for (no name), wife Zeno[nis], and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2429 and Add. p. 29. @ @@`2656. Funerary inscription for Zetema Philotimou; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2328. @ @@`2657. Funerary inscription in Latin for Zosimos by parents Zosimos and Chrysis; Roman; found at Ephesos?: *IEph 2329. @ @@`2658. Funerary inscription for (?) Zosimos and others; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2329A. @ @@`2659. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]etorios Zosimos, wife Aur[elia] Phylais, and children; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2329B. @ @@`2660. Funerary inscription for Zosimos Abaskantou &3heros&; 2; found at Ephesos: Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1315 (PH); SEG 29, 1114; *IEph 2329C. @ @@`2661. Funerary inscription for Zosim[os M]yrtios and others; prob. IV; found near Ephesos: *IEph 3909. @ @@`2662. Funerary inscription for Zotikos, &3libertus& of Augusti, and family, with penalty for violating grave; AD 161%3`180; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 26, 1930 Beibl. 15%19`16, no. I; *IEph 2223A.1%19`2. @ @@`2663. Funerary inscription for Zygostratos; no date; found at Ephesos: CIG 3012; *IEph 2330. @ See also: Ephesos 1043, 1104, 1198, 1240, 1304, 1336, 1361, 1372, 1378%19`1379, 1462, 1499, 1527, 1530, 2079%19`2089, 3088%19`3125; IG Bulg. 416 (funerary inscription for Heroxenos Zopyro of Phygela; found at Apollonia Pont.); IG II&4`2& 8504a%19`8522, 8524; (funerary inscriptions for named individuals from Ephesos; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 8588 (funerary inscription for Aphrodisia Herakleidou of Herakleia, wife of Sokrates of Ephesos; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 12020 (%6 MDAI(A) 67, 1942, 187) (funerary inscription for [M]aia [Ly]saniou, wife of [Pyr]gion of [Ephe]sos; found in Attica); SEG 26, 320 (%6 Hesperia 6, 1937, 448) (funerary (?) inscription for Kanthara of Ephesos, wife of Menandros; found in Attica); Bradeen, Ath. Agora Fun. Monuments 453 (funerary inscription for Metrodoros Menekratou of Ephesos; found in Attica); SEG 34, 212 (poss. %6 IG II&4`2& 8522) (funerary inscription for Onesimos of Ephesos; found in Attica); Chios 295 (%6 ABSA 59, 1964, 36, 28c3) (%6 SEG 22, 531ciii) (funerary inscription (?) for Iustus of Ephesos and Tiberias (?); found on Chios); Chios 471 (%6 ABSA 59, 1964, 35, 28b) (%6 SEG 22, 531b) (memorial inscription (?) for [Ar]temas of Ephesos (?); found on Chios); Chios 474 (%6 ABSA 59, 1964, 35, 28a2) (%6 SEG 12, 389b) (memorial inscription for Eutyches by Marcianus of Ephesos; found on Chios); FDelphes III 1, 53 (funerary inscription for (?) K[imm]erios Pelasgio[2u]2 of Ephesos; found at Delphi); Erythrai 220 (funerary inscription for Lucius Marius Caiata, with honorary inscriptions by various associations and cities, including Ephesos; found at Erythrai); Robert, La Carie II no. 181 (%6 IG XII 1, 987) (funerary inscription for Xenokratea of Ephesos and Kalikles of Kidrama; found on Karpathos); IEph 3225 (funerary inscription for Faustinianus and wife, with copy kept at &3archeion of Ephesos; found at Boniton Katoikia in Kaystros Valley); IEph 3230 (funerary inscription for [Poly?]thalos, with copy kept at [&3ar&]&3cheia& of Ephesos; found at Boniton Katoikia in Kaystros Valley); IEph 3232 (funerary inscription for Ael(ia) Aur(elia) Theagenis, priestess of [Arte]mis of Ephesos; found near Boniton Katoikia in Kaystros Valley); IEph 3850 (funerary inscription by G(aius) Octavius Eutyches of Ephesos for self and family; found near Hypaipa in Kaystros Valley); IEph 3216 (funerary inscription for Pompeius Euprosdektos, establishing foundation and referring to &3prometrai& in Ephesos and statue of Poseidon (in Ephesos); found near Tire in Kaystros Valley); IEph 3332 (funerary inscription by wife (no name) for Protarchos, self, and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial to be paid to [Art]emis of Ephe[sos]; found at Tire in Kaystros Valley?); Corinth 8, 3 no. 303 (funerary inscription by P(ublius) Eg[natius] Apoll[onios] of Ephesos for self, wife Mosch[ine,] and family; found at Korinth); IG V 1, 1255 (funerary inscription for Glykonis of Ephesos; found in Laconia); Segre, ASAA 15%19`16, 1932%19`1933, 311, no. 15 (funerary inscription for Philon Demokratous of Phygela; found at Hephaistia on Lemnos); Metropolis 51 (%6 IEphesos 3454) (%6 Keil %9 v. Premerstein, 3. Reise 174) (funerary inscription for [Aur(elius)] Apollonides of Ephesos and family; found near Metropolis); IEph 2232A (funerary inscription in Latin for L(ucius) Calpurnius Rufus, who died at Ephesos; found at Misenum); Myndos 19 (%6 ABSA 50, 1955, 139, 58) (%6 SEG 16, 698) (funerary inscription for Epigon[e] and others provides for penalty for unauthorized burial to be paid to [Artemi]s of Ephesos; found near Myndos); IG XII 3, 144 (funerary inscription for Hermione of Ephesos; found on Nisyros); IG XIV 929 (funerary inscription for Tit(us) Flavius Trophimas of Ephesos; found at Ostia); IG XIV 847 (funerary inscription for Qu(intus) C(alpurnius) Bryon by former master Qu(intus) Calpurn(ius) Rufus of Ephes(os); found at Puteoli); Maiuri, Nuova silloge p. 90, no. 171 (funerary inscription of Aphrodisia of Ephesos; found on Rhodes); Maiuri, Nuova silloge, p. 95, no. 198 (funerary inscription for Satyrion of Tarentum and wife Aphrodisia of Ephesos; found on Rhodes); Maiuri, Nuova silloge, p. 89, no. 169 (funerary inscription for Apolo[3i]3nios of Ephesos; found on Rhodes); IG XII 1, 385 (funerary inscription for Aristoboulos of Termessos and wife Isigone of Ephesos; found on Rhodes); IG XII 1, 941 (funerary inscription for [A]t[t]alos of Eph[e]sos; found on Rhodes); IG XII 1, 1452 (funerary inscription for [Chr]ysostratos of Ephesos; found on Rhodes); IG XII 1, 940 (funerary inscription for Demainetos [Dem]e[a? of Eph?]esos; found on Rhodes); IG XII 1, 539b (funerary inscription for Demetrios of Antiocheia and mother Kossupha of Ephesos; found on Rhodes); IG XII 1, 1064 (funerary inscription for Eros Zosimou of Ephesos by family; found on Rhodes); IG XII 1, 540 (funerary inscription for Euphrosyna of Ephesos and Isigone of Phaselis; found on Rhodes); Maiuri, Nuova silloge, p. 89, no. 168 (funerary inscription of Olympos and Damo of Ephesos; found on Rhodes); Maiuri, Nuova silloge, p. 89, no. 170 (funerary inscription of Theudoros of Ephesos; found on Rhodes); IG XII 1, 863 (funerary inscription for Theudotos Attalou Kattabios by friends Dametrios and Epaphroditos of Ephesos; found on Rhodes); IG XII 1, 410%19`417, 419%19`423 (funerary inscriptions for named individuals of Ephesos; found on Rhodes); SEG 27, 476 (funerary inscription for Eisidoros and Kataploos of Ephesos and others who died at sea; found on Rhodes); Rhodian Peraia 163 (%6 Hula %9 Szanto 33) (funerary inscription of Damainetos of Ephesos, on child's sarcophagus; found at Phoinix in Rhodian Peraia); Rhodian Peraia 231 (%6 AE 1913, 3, 86) (%6 JHS 10, 1889, 49, 4) (honorary%3funerary inscription of Th[e]ssalia of Eph[e]sos and husband; found at Kasara in Rhodian Peraia); IG XIV 1755 (funerary inscription for son Cl(audius) Synergos by Cl(audius) Zosimos of Ephesos, doctor; found at Rome); Smyrna 542.5 (%6 CIG 7011) (%6 ISmyrna 897) (funerary inscription by Ti(berius) Clau(dius) Phoibos for self and family; now at Verona, from Smyrna or Ephesos); Smyrna 658 (%6 ISmyrna 28) (%6 Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 250) (%6 SEG 27, 767) (honorary%3funerary inscription for Paramonos Menekleous by demos; now in Smyrna, from Smyrna or Ephesos); Smyrna 565 (%6 ISmyrna 448) (%6 CIG 3345) (funerary inscription for Lucius Sotereichou of Ephesos; found at Smyrna); IG XII 3, 1276 (funerary inscription for Menias of Ephesos; found on Syme). @@@@Section: 16b. Funerary Inscriptions_Name Fragmentary (2664%19`2724) @ @@`2664. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]a Phila[rgyrou?]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2566. @ @@`2665. Funerary inscription for A[ ... ]leia [ ... ]ne and family; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2406. @ @@`2666. Funerary inscription for [ ... a]ndros; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2448. @ @@`2667. Funerary inscription for (?) Antio[ch ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2457. @ @@`2668. Fragment of funerary inscription for Athe[ ... ]; VI%3IV; found at Ephesos: GIBM 657; *IEph 1657. @ @@`2669. Funerary inscription for Publius Cha[ ... ] and family; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2484. @ @@`2670. Funerary inscription for Elpid[ ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2521; JO+AI 53, 102, no. 43. @ @@`2671. Funerary inscription for (?) [ ... ]este[ ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2548. @ @@`2672. Funerary inscription for [ ... g]onos Po[ ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2504. @ @@`2673. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]gonos Po[ ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2573. @ @@`2674. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]gyrtus, allowed to be buried in grave of M(arcus) Coelius Bacchylos; imperial; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 56, no. 113; *IEph 2239. @ @@`2675. Funerary inscription for (?) M[ ... ]dos and others; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2547A; JO+AI 53, 110, no. 72. @ @@`2676. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for [ ... i]ssa, virgin, by father, [&3tab&]&3ularius&; imperial; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 100, no. 32; *IEph 2480. @ @@`2677. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]isskos Zenonos; prob. III; found at Ephesos: Eichler, AAWW 103, 1966, 14 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 807 (PH); Fleischer, JO+AI 50, 1976 Beibl. 446%19`448 (PH); *IEph 2408. @ @@`2678. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]istos and Au[ ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2500. @ @@`2679. Funerary inscription for (no name), wife Iul[ ... ], and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2485. @ @@`2680. Funerary inscription for (?) Iuli[ ... ], on base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2545E; JO+AI 53, 118, no. 100. @ @@`2681. Funerary inscription for Isig[ ... ] and wife [ ... ]mnis; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 138, no. 4353; SEG 34, 1138. @ @@`2682. Funerary inscription by K[ ... ] for self and family; imperial; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 664; *IEph 1664. @ @@`2683. Funerary inscription for (?) La[ ... ] &3ne&[&3oteros&] and others; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2577; JO+AI 53, 90%19`91, no. 7. @ @@`2684. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]lios [ ... ] &3neoteros&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2489. @ @@`2685. Funerary inscription for (?) [ ... ]lis and family; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2487. @ @@`2686. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]medes [A]k[in]dynou and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 86I (PH); *IEph 4286.1. @ @@`2687. Funerary (?) inscription for Menophil[ ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 668; *IEph 1668. @ @@`2688. Funerary inscription for (?) [ ... ]mios G[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2491. @ @@`2689. Funerary inscription for (?) [ ... ]modia; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1864. @ @@`2690. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]mos (?) and family; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2442. @ @@`2691. Funerary inscription in Latin for [ ... ]na and Safin[i ... ] (?); imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2452. @ @@`2692. Funerary inscription for (?) [ ... n]eikos; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 660; *IEph 1660. @ @@`2693. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]oneikes [Theop]enptou; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2450. @ @@`2694. Funerary inscription for (?) [ ... ]onianos; Roman; found at Ephesos: CIG 2974.c; *IEph 2470. @ @@`2695. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]oros, son of Epi[ ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2504. @ @@`2696. Funerary inscription for (no name) and husband [ ... ]os; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2486. @ @@`2697. Funerary (?) inscription for (?) [ ... ]os Neik[ ... ]; no date; found at Phygela: *Mendel, Cat. des Sculp. II 475. @ @@`2698. Funerary inscription granting burial rights to Var[ ... ] and others (?); Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2481. @ @@`2699. Funerary inscription in Latin for (?) Ve[ ... ] and [ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2316.2. @ @@`2700. Funerary inscription for Marcus [ ... ], Ulpi[ ... ], and family; imperial; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 663; *IEph 1663. @ @@`2701. Funerary inscription for P[ ... ... ]e, wife or daughter of Meliton; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2284A. @ @@`2702. Funerary inscription for (no name) and Phan[ ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2545D; JO+AI 53, 117, no. 99. @ @@`2703. Funerary inscription for Flav( ... ) Sta[ ... ] and others, with penalty for violating grave; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 112, no. 4165; SEG 34, 1147. @ @@`2704. Funerary inscription in Latin for [ ... p]horos, freedman, and others; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2436. @ @@`2705. Funerary inscription for Po[ ... ], [son of] Quin[tus]; I%3`1; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2472. @ @@`2706. Funerary inscription for (?) Pol[y]chron[i ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2302A. @ @@`2707. Funerary inscription for (?) [Posei]donio[ ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2454. @ @@`2708. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]ros and family; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2509. @ @@`2709. Funerary inscription for (no name) and family, including Rut[ili ... ]; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2468. @ @@`2710. Funerary inscription for [S]tlacciu[ ... ] and others; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2517; JO+AI 53, 99, no. 33. @ @@`2711. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]torinus and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 137, no. 4350; SEG 34, 1151. @ @@`2712. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]uan[ ... ] (?), wife, and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2474. @ @@`2713. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]xila (?), mentioning [ ... ]os Sext[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2482. @ @@`2714. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]ylos (?); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2506. @ @@`2715. Funerary (?) inscription for Zenod[ ... ] and others; III; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 48; *IEph 4348. @ @@`2716. Fragment of grant of burial rights to (no name) Asklepiadou and (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2123. @ @@`2717. Funerary inscription for [ ... De]metriou and [ ... Thr]asymedou; IV&4`2&%3I; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2447. @ @@`2718. Funerary inscription for (no name), daughter of Eutychos, and family, with penalty for violating grave; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2522; JO+AI 53, 103, no. 48. @ @@`2719. Funerary inscription for [ ... ] Eutychous and children; imperial; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 659; *IEph 1659. @ @@`2720. Funerary inscription (?) for son of Nekephoros (?); late antique; found at Belevi: Keil, JO+AI 29, 1935 Beibl. 113, note 10; Vetters, AAWW 109, 1972, 86 (PH); *IEph 3203. @ @@`2721. Funerary inscription for (no name), son of Publius; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2415. @ @@`2722. Funerary inscription for (no name) [ ... a]gorou, called [ ... ]malion; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2306B. @ @@`2723. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]eriou (?); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2490. @ @@`2724. Funerary inscription for [ ... ... ]iou, who lived 18 years; I; found at Ephesos: Fu+hrer Selc%25uk 154%19`155; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1358 (PH); *IEph 2410. @ See also: SEG 15, 152 (funerary inscription for woman Ph[ ... ] Dionysiou of Ephesos; found in Attica); Bradeen, Ath. Agora Fun. Monuments 454 (%6 SEG 17, 111) (funerary inscription for [ ... ]sias of Ephesos; found in Attica). @ @@@@Section: 16c. Funerary Inscription_Name Lost (2725%19`2866.5) @ @@`2725. Funerary inscription mentioning Trophimos; prob. III&4`1&; found at Ephesos: GIBM 647; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 845 (PH); Smith, Cat. Brit. Mus. II 1272; *IEph 1647. @ @@`2725.5. Funerary inscription in Latin for (no name); Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1982A. @ @@`2726. Funerary inscription for (?) husband (no name) by wife Asinnia, establishing foundation; Roman; found at Ephesos: Falkener, Ephesus 113; Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 212%19`213, no. 22; Ro+hl, Beitra+ge 23 (part); *IEph 2111. @ @@`2727. Funerary inscription by Flavius for &3threptos& (no name); Roman; found at Ephesos: Contole/on, REG 13, 1900, 495, no. 1; *IEph 2258. @ @@`2727.5. Funerary inscription for (no name); imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2306K.2a. @ @@`2728. Funerary inscription for &3miles& (no name) by C(aius) Lurius; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2416. @ @@`2729. Funerary inscription in Latin for &3liberti& (no name); Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2458. @ @@`2730. Fragment of funerary inscription in Latin; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2459. @ @@`2731. Funerary inscription for (no name), mentioning Sancte (?); Roman?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2473. @ @@`2732. Funerary inscription by (?) Leukas An[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2525; JO+AI 53, 98, no. 32. @ @@`2733. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek (?) for [&3desp&]&3oine& (no name); Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2562. @ @@`2734. Funerary inscription in Latin for Sabina by husband; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2564. @ @@`2735. Funerary inscription in Latin for (no name); Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2565. @ @@`2736. Funerary inscription in Latin for (no name) and others; Roman; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 88; *IEph 4288. @ @@`2737. Funerary inscription for (no name); prob. II&4`1&; found at Ephesos: Fu+hrer Selc%25uk 153%19`154; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 875 (PH); SEG 27, 753; *IEph 2411. @ @@`2738. Funerary inscription for (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 645; Kubin/ska, Mon. fun. 121; *IEph 1645. @ @@`2739. Funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty for disturbing grave; imperial; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 649; Wood, App. 7, no. 8; Syll&4`3& 1242; *IEph 1649. @ @@`2740. Funerary inscription for (no name) and family; imperial; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 652; *IEph 1652. @ @@`2741. Funerary (?) inscription for (?) [&3boul&]&3eute&[&3s&] (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: GIBM 669; *IEph 1669. @ @@`2742. Funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty for disturbing grave; imperial; found at Ephesos: GIBM 673; *IEph 1673. @ @@`2743. Fragment of funerary (?) inscription for (no name), &3lib&(&3ertus&) of [Au]g(ustus); imperial; found at Ephesos: CIL III 14195 *IEph 1796(2). @ @@`2744. Fragment of funerary (?) inscription for (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: CIL III 14195 *IEph 1796(4). @ @@`2745. Fragment of funerary inscription establishing foundation and mentioning Aut[ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2117. @ @@`2746. Grant of burial rights by Iul(ius) Dionysios to &3apeleutheroi& (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2126. @ @@`2747. Fragment of funerary inscription for (no name), &3gerousiastes&; imperial; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 26, 1930 Beibl. 13%19`14, no. III (PH); *IEph 2227.3. @ @@`2748. Funerary inscription mentioning a Flav(ius); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2230C.1. @ @@`2749. Funerary inscription for (no name), [&3d&]&3oulos& of &3kyri&[&3oi&]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2328A. @ @@`2750. Funerary inscription mentioning [C]laudi[ ... ], for individual who lived 11 years; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2401. @ @@`2751. Funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty; imperial?; found at Ephesos: CIG 3020.b; *IEph 2403.2. @ @@`2752. Fragment of funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty; imperial?; found at Ephesos: CIG 3020.c; *IEph 2403.3. @ @@`2753. Funerary inscription for [&3dek&]&3adarchos& (no name), wife [L]ucilla, and children; imperial; found at Ephesos: CIG 3018; *IEph 2404. @ @@`2754. Funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty and granting burial rights to daughter Phil[ipp]iane; imperial; found at Ephesos: Falkener, Ephesus 112; Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 212, no. 21; *IEph 2405. @ @@`2755. Funerary inscription for (no name), mentioning &3scholi&[&3on&]; imperial?; found at Ephesos: Preuner, MDAI(A) 49, 1924, 145, no. 30.2; SEG 4, 543; *IEph 2407. @ @@`2756. Fragment of funerary inscription (?) mentioning [He]distos and others; imperial; found at Ephesos: LW 172; *IEph 2412. @ @@`2757. End of funerary inscription for (no name) giving burial rights to slaves and freedmen; imperial; found at Ephesos: Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 180, no. 368; Kubin/ska, Mon. fun. 28; *IEph 2414. @ @@`2758. End of funerary inscription with penalty for violating grave; imperial; found at Ephesos: LW 1566a; Wood, App. 7, no. 6; Kubin/ska, Mon. fun. 69; *IEph 2417. @ @@`2759. Funerary inscription for (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: Noll, Wien no. 51; *IEph 2418. @ @@`2760. Funerary inscription for (no name), with prohibition of unauthorized burial; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2424. @ @@`2761. Funerary inscription for (no name) and family, put up under [proconsul R]ufinus; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2433 and Add. p. 29. @ @@`2762. Funerary inscription for (no name) and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2435. @ @@`2763. Funerary inscription for (no name) and family, mentioning Maxim[us]; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2439. @ @@`2764. Funerary inscription for (no name) and others, mentioning [&3synhedrion&] of &3argyrokopoi&; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2441. @ @@`2765. Funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2443. @ @@`2766. Funerary inscription in Latin for (no name), freedman or slave of emperor; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2451. @ @@`2767. Funerary inscription in Latin for (no name), with penalty for violating grave; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2453A. @ @@`2768. Funerary inscription for (no name) and family; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2456. @ @@`2769. Funerary inscription for (no name) and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2460. @ @@`2770. End of funerary inscription for (no name) and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2462. @ @@`2771. Funerary inscription for (no name) and family, mentioning [Clau]dius Nei[ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2463. @ @@`2772. Funerary inscription for (no name) and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2465. @ @@`2773. Funerary inscription by (no name), with prohibition of unauthorized burial; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2466. @ @@`2774. Funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty for violating grave; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2471. @ @@`2775. Funerary inscription for (no name) and wife, mentioning Cl(audius) Eutycho[s], with prohibition of unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2476. @ @@`2776. Funerary inscription (?) for (no name), gramma[teus of demos], with prohibition of unauthorized burial; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2479. @ @@`2777. Funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty for selling grave; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2494. @ @@`2778. Funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2495. @ @@`2779. Funerary inscription for (no name) and family, including [&3threm&]&3matia&; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2497. @ @@`2780. Funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty for violating grave; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2498. @ @@`2781. Funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2513; JO+AI 53, 95%19`96, no. 22. @ @@`2782. Funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty for violating grave; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2514; JO+AI 53, 95, no. 20. @ @@`2783. Funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2518; JO+AI 53, 99%19`100. no. 36. @ @@`2784. Funerary inscription for (no name); imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2548B; JO+AI 53, 113, no. 81. @ @@`2785. Funerary inscription for (no name), with establishment of foundation; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2549A; JO+AI 53, 114, no. 85. @ @@`2786. Funerary inscription for (no name) by [ge]rousia and [ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2549B; JO+AI 53, 114, no. 87. @ @@`2787. Funerary inscription for (no name) and family; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2549C; JO+AI 53, 115, no. 91. @ @@`2788. Funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2550A; JO+AI 53, 120%19`121, no. 109. @ @@`2789. Funerary inscription for (no name), with prohibition of unauthorized burial; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2552; JO+AI 53, 107, no. 62. @ @@`2790. Funerary inscription for (no name) and family; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2552C; JO+AI 53, 113, no. 83. @ @@`2791. Funerary inscription for (no name); imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2554. @ @@`2792. Funerary inscription for (no name), mentioning &3kler&[&3onom ... ]; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2558.2. @ @@`2793. Funerary inscription, with penalty; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2563. @ @@`2794. Funerary inscription for (no name) and family; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2568. @ @@`2795. Funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2576. @ @@`2796. Funerary inscription for &3orchistopalrioi prasinoi&; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2949.2; JO+AI 53, 120, no. 107.2; BE 1981:479. @ @@`2797. Fragment of funerary inscription for (no name) and children; imperial?; found at Phygela: Pace, ASAA 6%19`7, 1924, 442, no. 147; *IEph 3121. @ @@`2798. Funerary inscription for (no name), members of family, with penalty; imperial?; found at Phygela: *IEph 3126. @ @@`2799. Funerary inscription for (no name) and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 24; *IEph 4224. @ @@`2800. Funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty; imperial; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 32; *IEph 4232. @ @@`2801. Funerary inscription for family, related to Ga[i]us; imperial; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 86II (PH); *IEph 4286.2. @ @@`2802. Funerary inscription for (no name) and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 86III (PH); *IEph 4286.3. @ @@`2803. Funerary inscription for (no name) and others; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 148, no. 165. @ @@`2804. Funerary inscription for (no name) and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 108, no. 4102; SEG 34, 1153. @ @@`2805. Fragment of funerary inscription for (no name); imperial?; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 115%19`116, no. 4193; SEG 34, 1160. @ @@`2806. Funerary inscription by (no name) for self and others; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 117, no. 4199; SEG 34, 1154. @ @@`2807. Fragment of funerary inscription for (no name) and family; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 119, no. 4206; SEG 34, 1161. @ @@`2808. Prohibition of unauthorized burial, on architrave; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 126, no. 4278; SEG 34, 1155. @ @@`2809. Funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty for violating grave; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 139, no. 4356; SEG 34, 1152. @ @@`2810. Funerary inscription for (no name) of tribe [Qu]irina; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 140, no. 4364; SEG 34, 1159. @ @@`2811. Fragment of funerary inscription (?), with testament (?) mentioning Marcus Claudi[us ... ] Peison; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 147, no. 4413; SEG 34, 1165. @ @@`2812. Fragment of funerary inscription for (no name), with prohibition of unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 149, no. 4418; SEG 34, 1158. @ @@`2813. Funerary inscription for (no name); 1?; found at Ephesos: GIBM 655a; Kubin/ska, Mon. fun. 132; *IEph 1655.a. @ @@`2814. Funerary inscription for (no name); prob. 1; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 25; *IEph 4125. @ @@`2815. Funerary inscription for (no name); 1&4`1&; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 50I (PH); *IEph 4350.I. @ @@`2816. Funerary inscription for (no name) and family; 2%3`3; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 50II (PH) *IEph 4350.II. @ @@`2817. Funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty for unauthorized burial; prob. 3%3`4; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 27; *IEph 4127. @ @@`2818. Funerary inscription for (gladiator) (no name); late imperial; found at Ephesos?: Hellenica 8, 67%19`68, no. 336 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1205 (PH); *IEph 1180. @ @@`2819. Fragment of funerary inscription (?); no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 667; *IEph 1667. @ @@`2820. Funerary inscription in Latin for (no name), establishing foundation and mentioning Hygeinos; no date; found at Ephesos?: Contoleon, REG 13, 1900, 496, no. 1; *IEph 2112. @ @@`2821. Fragment of funerary inscription for (no name), establishing foundation and dating ceremony on sixth day of eighth month; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2118; JO+AI 53, 105, no. 56. @ @@`2822. Funerary inscription establishing foundation by Neikon Elpidephoros; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2119. @ @@`2823. Fragment of grant of burial rights to (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2124. @ @@`2824. Marks (?) on sarcophagus; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2223.5. @ @@`2825. Funerary inscription for (no name), cared for by wife of Bachios; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2230A. @ @@`2826. Fragment of funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2230C.3. @ @@`2827. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph VI p. 144 (to no. 2237). @ @@`2828. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2296A.2. @ @@`2829. Funerary inscription (?) for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2305A.1. @ @@`2830. Funerary inscription for children (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2306K.2b. @ @@`2831. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2316.1. @ @@`2832. Funerary inscription for (no name) by [&3syno&]&3dos& of &3kerame&[&3is&]; no date; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 51, no. 97; *IEph 2402. @ @@`2833. Fragment of funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: CIG 3020.a; *IEph 2403.1. @ @@`2834. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2420. @ @@`2835. Funerary inscription for (no name) and others; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2432. @ @@`2836. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2434. @ @@`2837. Funerary inscription for (no name), by boule and gerousia; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2437. @ @@`2838. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2438. @ @@`2839. Fragment of funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2440, ll. 8%19`13. @ @@`2840. Funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty, on base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2444. @ @@`2841. Funerary inscription for [&3ade&]&3lphoi& (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2449. @ @@`2842. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2453. @ @@`2843. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2464. @ @@`2844. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2469A. @ @@`2845. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2475. @ @@`2846. Funerary inscription for (no name) by son Metrodoros; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2477. @ @@`2847. Funerary inscription for (no name), mentioning Zosi[mos]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2478. @ @@`2848. Funerary inscription for wife (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2488. @ @@`2849. Funerary inscription for wife (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2493. @ @@`2850. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2496. @ @@`2851. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2499. @ @@`2852. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2505. @ @@`2853. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2530 (including 2546A) and Add. p. 29; JO+AI 53, 109, no. 67 (part). @ @@`2854. Traces of unpublished erased funerary (?) inscription; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph VI p. 319 (to 2544A). @ @@`2855. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2545A. @ @@`2856. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2545B; JO+AI 53, 106, no. 57. @ @@`2857. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2545C; JO+AI 53, 106, no. 59. @ @@`2858. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2548A; JO+AI 53, 112, no. 80. @ @@`2859. Funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2558.1. @ @@`2860. Funerary inscription for daughter (no name), 19 years old; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2560. @ @@`2861. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2570. @ @@`2862. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2572. @ @@`2863. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2574. @ @@`2864. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2575. @ @@`2865. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2579. @ @@`2865.5. Fragment, probably of funerary inscription, mentioning [ ... ]tianus Menes[ ... ]; no date; found at Go+kc%25ealan: Fontrier %9 Jordanidis, REA 4, 1902, 261, no. 6; *IEph 3485. @ @@`2866. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 17.1 (PH); *IEph 4217.1. @ @@`2866.5. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *Petzl, EA 9, 1987, 99; SEG 37, 914. @ See also: Ephesos 439, 2090%19`2099, 3126%19`3129, 3779; Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 10, 1886, 312, no. 4, l. 17 (honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) by demos of [Mara]thes[ion] (?) and other cities; found at Alabanda); Attouda 25 (%6 Buresch, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 102%19`103, col. B) (honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) by &3demoi& of Ephesos and other cities; found at Antiocheia Mai.); IG II&4`2& 8525 (funerary inscription for (no name) of [E]phesos, perhaps partly in verse; found in Attica); IEph 3213 (funerary inscription for (no name), establishing foundation and mentioning (Ephesian) month Taureon; found at Tire in Kaystros Valley); IG XII 1, 418 (funerary inscription, possibly for woman (no name) of Ephesos; found on Rhodes). @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (2867%19`2870) @ @@`2867. Artist's signature by An[t]o[n]inanus and dedication to &3thea&; Roman; found at Arvalia: Keil, JO+AI 11, 1908 Beibl. 156%19`157, no. 2; *IEph 3101. @ @@`2868. Artist's signature by Athenaios Dionysiou of Paros on statue of Attis; no date; found at Ephesos, same inscription found at Gortyn: *IEph 516A. @ @@`2869. Artist's signature by Glaukias; no date; found at Belevi: *IEph 3206.b. @ @@`2870. Artist's signature by [ ... ]os of Eph[esos]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 516. @ See also: Ephesos 722%19`729, 2063, 2100%19`2101, 2652; IG XIV 1226 (artist's signature by Agasias Dositheou of Ephesos; found at Antium); IG II&4`2& 3300 ll. 10%19`11 (honorary inscription for Hadrian by &3polis& of Miletos, with artist's signature by &3andriantopoios Aulus Pantuleius of Ephesos and Miletos; found in Attica); ID 4, 1657 (artist's signature by Agasias Menophilou of Ephesos, at end of honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Aropos Leontos by Athenians, Romans, and other Hellenes living on Delos and &3emporoi and &3naukleroi&; found on Delos); ILS 8961b (%6 ID 4, 1696) (artist's signature by Agasias Menophilou of Ephesos, at end of honorary inscription in Latin by &3Italicei& and &3Graecei& doing business on Delos; found on Delos); ID 4, 1699 (artist's signature by Agasias Menophilou of Ephesos, at end of honorary inscription for [Gaius Marius] by &3Italicei& at Alexandrea; found on Delos); ID 4, 1710 (artist's signature by Agasias Menophilou of Ephesos, at end of honorary inscription for Gaius Billienus by &3ergazomenoi& on Delos; found on Delos); ID 4, 1725 (artist's signature by Agasias Menophilou of Ephesos, at end of honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Maraios Gerillanos of Rome by &3emporoi& and &3ergazomenoi& at &3tetragonon&; found on Delos); ID 4, 1849 (artist's signature by Agasias Menophilou of Ephesos, at end of honorary inscription for [Quintus Pompeiu]s Rufus; found on Delos); ID 4, 1967 (artist's signature by Agasias Menophilou of Ephesos, at end of honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Satyros by father Titus [Herakleios]; found on Delos); ID 4, 2001 (artist's signature by Agasias Menophilou of Ephesos, at end of honorary%3dedicatory inscription for [L]ucius [O]rbius by &3philoi&; found on Delos); ID 5, 2489 (artist's signature by Agasias Menophilou of Ephesos; found on Delos); ID 5, 2491 (artist's signature by [Aga]sias Meno[philou of Ephe]sos; found on Delos); ID 5, 2492 (artist's signature by [Aga]sias Men[ophilou of Ephesos]; found on Delos); ID 5, 2493 (artist's signature by [Agasia]s Menophil[o]u of Ephesos; found on Delos); ID 5, 2494 (artist's signature by Agasias Menophilou of Ephesos; found on Delos); ID 5, 2502 (artist's signature by [M]enophilos Agasiou of Ephesos; found on Delos); ID 5, 2503 (artist's signature by Menophilos [Agasiou of Ephesos]; found on Delos); IG XII 2, 114 (artist's signature by Agasias Dositheou of Ephesos; found at Halos); IG XII 1, 122 (artist's signature by Aristos of Ephesos; found on Rhodes); IG XIV 1244 (artist's signature by Hera[klei]des Aga[ ... ]ou of Ephesos and another; found at Rome?); Samos 652 (%6 AD 27, 1972, 603, B2) (%6 SEG 27, 546) (artist's signature by Apollonides of Ephesos; found on Samos); ILS 8889 (artist's signature by Agasias Menophilou of Ephesos, on building%3dedicatory inscription on altar; found on Tenos). @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ See also: Ephesos 2102, 3054. @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (2871%19`2873) @ @@`2871. Curses against anyone urinating here; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 568. @ @@`2872. Curse to Artemis against anyone urinating here; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 569. @ @@`2873. Curse against anyone urinating in spot, naming Hekate; no date; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 40, no. 54; *IEph 567. @ See also: Ziebarth, Verfluchungstafeln 8 (curse on Nikon of [Eph]esos; found in Attica); IG IV 496 (curse (?) inscription referring to &3Ephesia menysis&; found at Mycenae). @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (2874%19`2898) @ @@@@Section: 20a. Honorary Graffiti (2874) @ @@`2874. Graffito in honor of (gladiator) Alektor; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1170. @ See also: Ephesos 2064. @ @@@@Section: 20b. Topos Graffiti (2875%19`2878) @ @@`2875. Graffito for Eukarpos on column; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 577.8. @ @@`2876. Graffito for Rufus Flavius; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 576. @ @@`2877. Graffito for Zotikos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 574. @ @@`2878. Graffito for [&3b&]&3yrsorektai&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 596. @ See also: Ephesos 3024.5. @ @@@@Section: 20c. Graffiti_Varia (2879%19`2898) @ @@`2879. Graffito mentioning &3psylodephos&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 539. @ @@`2880. Graffito identifying painting as of fish%19type &3kephalos&; 5&7b&; found at Ephesos: FiE VIII 1, 86 (PH); SEG 29, 1127; *IEph 561C. @ @@`2881. Graffito naming Trophimos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 564. @ @@`2882. Graffito for &3lagynion& of Argeas; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 575. @ @@`2883. Graffito addressing Valerianus on column; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 577.1. @ @@`2884. Graffito addressing Chrysogonos on column; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 577.2. @ @@`2885. Graffito concerning child on column; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 577.3. @ @@`2886. Graffito criticizing &3semnoi& on column; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 577.4. @ @@`2887. Fragmentary graffito on column; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 577.5. @ @@`2888. Graffito addressing [Va]lerianus &3kalos&; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 577.6. @ @@`2889. Graffito indicating that Zosimos remembered Lucullus, on column; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 577.7. @ @@`2890. Names from a gymnasium, including Glykon; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1183. @ @@`2891. Inscription for &3phile&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1975. @ @@`2892. Sketch of theatrical scene, with inscriptions identifying Thetis and others; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2091. @ @@`2893. Sketch of man with inscription [ ... ]os; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2092, p. 67. @ @@`2894. Sketches of actors with identifying inscriptions; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2092, p. 68. @ @@`2895. Sketch of Peleus with inscription identifying him; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2093. @ @@`2896. Sketch of &3perdix& with identifying inscription; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2094. @ @@`2897. Graffito naming son of Glaukos; no date; found at Belevi: Alzinger, JO+AI 48, 1966, 70; *IEph 3207A. @ @@`2898. Unpublished graffiti concerning lovers of Philopis and Clodia; Roman; found at Ephesos: Vetters, AAWW 118, 1981, 151; Robert, CRAI 1982, 130%19`132; SEG 32, 1142. @ See also: Ephesos 2103%19`2105, 3003%19`3060. @ ӏ@@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (2899%19`3173) @ @@@@Section: 21a. Christian Letters_Royal (2899%19`2908) @ @@`2899. Fragment of letter of emperor (no name) to [Ephesos]; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1325. @ @@`2900. Fragment of letter in Latin of emperor (no name); Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1328. @ @@`2901. Fragment of letter of emperor (no name) (?); Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1329. @ @@`2902. Letter in Latin of Constantius II to Marinus, in praise of Philippos, ordaining construction of gilded statue of him; prob. AD 344%3`354; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959 Beibl. 285%19`290 (PH); Swift %9 Oliver, AJP 83, 1962, 247%19`264; AnnEpig 1967, 478; Fu+hrer Selc%25uk 104%19`108 (PH); *IEph 41 (PH). @ @@`2903. Letter of emperor (?) concerning (Saint) John of Ephesos and Polycarp of Smyrna; AD 527%3`565; found at Ephesos: Keil, Strena Buliciana 367%19`372; Gre/goire, Byzantion 1, 1924, 12%19`15; SEG 4, 517; *IEph 45; Amelotti %9 Luzzatto, Costituzioni giustinianee&4`2& pp. 125%19`127, no. 15. @ @@`2904. Letter of Justinian to &3archiepisk&[&3opos& of Ephesos Hyp]atios concerning Church of John; AD 530%3`539; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 33A (PH); *IEph 4133.A; Amelotti %9 Luzzatto, Costituzioni giustinianee pp. 94%19`95, no. 5; Amelotti %9 Luzzatto, Costituzioni giustinianee&4`2& pp. 108%19`109, no. 5; **BE 1987:398 (ll. 4%19`5, 9%19`10); SEG 36, 1033. @ @@`2905. Fragment of letter of Justinian to [&3a&]&3rchiepisko&[&3pos&] of Ephes[os, Hypatios]; AD 530%3`539; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 33B (PH); *IEph 4133.B; Amelotti %9 Luzzatto, Costituzioni giustinianee pp. 94%19`95, no. 6; Amelotti %9 Luzzatto, Costituzioni giustinianee&4`2& pp. 108%19`109, no. 6; BE 1987:398. @ @@`2906. Letter of Justinian (?) in honor of Church of [John] at [E]phesos; AD 535%3`610 (?); found at Ephesos: Gre/goire, Rec. 107; Bakhuizen van den Brink 119%19`126, no. 13; Chrysos, DOP 32, 1978, 74%19`75; SEG 28, 868; *IEph 1353 and Add. p. 24; **Amelotti %9 Luzzatto, Costituzioni giustinianee p. 93, no. 4 (ll. 6%19`7, 9%19`10); Amelotti %9 Luzzatto, Costituzioni giustinianee&4`2& pp. 105%19`107, no. 4; **BE 1987:398 (l. 11); SEG 36, 1032. @ @@`2907. Fragment of letter of emperor (no name); early Byz.; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1330. @ @@`2908. Fragment in Latin and Greek, probably of letter of emperor (no name); early Byz.; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1341. @ @@@@Section: 21b. Christian Letters_Non%19Royal (2909%19`2917) @ @@`2909. Fragment of letter concerning Asia; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1326. @ @@`2910. Fragment of letter (?) referring to successes (?) and with religious subject; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1332. @ @@`2911. Letter of Fl(avius) Taurus Seleukos Kyros Fl(avius) Maximus and Fl(avius) Valentin(us) Georg(ios) Hippasias to proconsul of Asia Fl(avius) Heliodoros; AD 439%3`442; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959 Beibl. 283%19`284; SEG 27, 748; AnnEpig 1977, 796; *IEph 44 (PH) and Add. p. 3. @ @@`2912. Apocryphal letter of Abgar to Jesus; 5%3`6; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, AAWW 37, 1900, 38; Heberdey, JO+AI 3, 1900 Beibl. 90%19`95; von Dobschu+tz, Zs. f. wiss. Theol. 43, 1900, 423%19`426; Gre/goire, Rec. 109, ll. 1%19`6; *IEph 46, ll. 1%19`6 (PH) and Add. p. 4. @ @@`2913. Apocryphal letter of Jesus to Abgar; 5%3`6; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, AAWW 37, 1900, 39; Heberdey, JO+AI 3, 1900 Beibl. 90%19`95; von Dobschu+tz, Zs. f. wiss. Theol. 43, 1900, 423%19`426; Gre/goire, Rec. 109, ll. 7%19`11; *IEph 46, ll. 7%19`11. @ @@`2914. Letter of proconsul Fl(avius) A[o]dius A[r]cadius Flege[t]ius to Smyrna, forgiving Smyrna because of protestations of Ephesos; 5&7m&; found at Ephesos: Gre/goire, Rec. 100 Gre/goire, Anat. Studies Ramsay 154%19`158; AnnEpig 1924, 139; *IEph 1352. @ @@`2915. Fragment of letter (?) by [F]l(avius?) Basilius to [&3comes (no name)]; 6?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1327. @ @@`2916. Pastoral letter of [&3archiepiskopos& Hypatios] (?) concerning emperor and Church of St. John; AD 530%3`539; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 34; *IEph 4134. @ @@`2917. Pastoral letter of [&3archiepiskopos&] Hypatios to Christians of Ephesos concerning burial of dead; AD 530%3`539; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, AAWW 42, 1905, 95%19`96; Heberdey, JO+AI 8, 1905, 78%19`80; Gre/goire, Rec. 108; Bakhuizen van den Brink 129%19`147, no. 18 (PH); FiE IV 1 no. 35 (PH); Guarducci, Epig. Grec. IV 401%19`404, no. 9; Lessing %9 Oberleitner, Ephesos Abb. 162 (non vidi); *IEph 4135; SEG 32, 1133. @ @@@@Section: 21c. Christian Edicts (2918%19`2930) @ @@`2918. Edict of governor (?) concerning soldiers and mentioning &3commonitoriu&[&3m&]; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1333. @ @@`2919. Edict of Ioannes, &3comes domesticorum& and proconsul, concerning villainy of violating laws; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1336. @ @@`2920. Edict of &3praefectus praetorio& (?) (no name) concerning &3comes& (no name); Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1340. @ @@`2921. Two fragments in Latin of imperial edict; 6?; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 37 (PH, part); *IEph 4137; Amelotti %9 Luzzatto, Costituzioni giustinianee p. 104, no. 13; Amelotti %9 Luzzatto, Costituzioni giustinianee&4`2& p. 124, no. 14. @ @@`2922. Imperial edict in Greek and Latin addressed to church official [Cons]tantin[us]; 6?; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 68 (PH); *IEph 4306.B; Amelotti %9 Luzzatto, Costituzioni giustinianee p. 103, no. 11; Amelotti %9 Luzzatto, Costituzioni giustinianee&4`2& pp. 125%19`127, no. 15. @ @@`2923. Edict of &3comes& Fl(avius) Paulus Andre[as] Longinus Consta[nt ... ] Eudoxius forbidding bearing arms; c. 4%3`7; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 26, 1930, 60%19`61 (PH); *IEph 1355. @ @@`2924. Rescript in Latin of Valentinian, Valens, and Gratian addressed to Eutropius; prob. AD 370%3`371; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, AAWW 42, 1905, 88%19`90; Heberdey, JO+AI 8, 1905 Beibl. 71%19`74, no. I; Schulten, JO+AI 9, 1906, 40%19`61; Bruns, Fontes 97.a; Abbott %9 Johnson 157; FIRA I 108; *IEph 42 (PH) and Add. p. 3. @ @@`2925. Rescript in Latin and Greek of Valentinian, Valens, and Gratian, addressed to Festus; AD 375%3`378; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, AAWW 42, 1905, 90%19`93 (PH, part); Heberdey, JO+AI 8, 1905 Beibl. 74%19`76 (PH, part); AnnEpig 1906, 30 (part); Schulten, JO+AI 9, 1906, 61%19`70; Bruns, Fontes 97.b; Gre/goire, Rec. 100; Abbott %9 Johnson 158; *IEph 43 (PH) and Add. p. 3. @ @@`2926. Edict of emperor (no name) concerning finances in Asia, addressed to praetorian prefect; 5?; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 29, 1935 Beibl. 148%19`151 (PH); *IEph 38 (PH). @ @@`2926.5. Fragment of imperial edict in Latin against people creating unrest; c. 6; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 36 (PH); *IEph 4136; Amelotti %9 Luzzatto, Costituzioni giustinianee p. 104, no. 12; Amelotti %9 Luzzatto, Costituzioni giustinianee&4`2& p. 123, no. 13. @ @@`2927. Instructions of emperor for governors; 6; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 10, 1907 Beibl. 68%19`69, no. A; Diehl, CRAI 1908, 207%19`213; Gre/goire, Rec. 110; *IEph 39 (PH). @ @@`2928. Edict of governor expelling unruly priests from Ephesos (?); AD 527%3`565 (?); found at Ephesos: *IEph 1324 and Add. p. 24; BE 1987:398. @ @@`2928.5. Instructions in Greek of emperor Mauricius for governor, with dating in Latin; AD 585; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 10, 1907 Beibl. 69%19`70 (PH); AnnEpig 1908, 81 (part); Gre/goire, Rec. 111; *IEph 40 (PH). @ @@`2929. Beginning of edict of proconsul Fl(avius) Ma[r]ia[n](us) Mich(ael) Gabr(iel) Ioann(es) Theodor(os) Iulian(us) Theodor(os) Marin(os) Athanasios; 6&7m& or later; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1323; **Feissel %9 Kaygusuz, Travaux et Me/moires 9, 1985, 402 (l. 1); BE 1987:464. @ @@`2930. Edict of governor; early Byz.; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1337. @ See also: Ephesos 225. @ @@@@Section: 21d. Christian Building Inscriptions (2930.5%19`2945) @ @@`2930.5. Fragment of Byzantine building inscription, on archivolt of Gate of Hadrian; 3&4`2&%3`7&4`1&; found at Ephesos: *FiE XI%3`1 73%19`74, no. 3 (PH). @ @@`2931. Fragments of building inscription with cross; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 494. @ @@`2932. Inscription specifying that holy water font is work of Kosmas, priest of Theotokos; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1291. @ @@`2933. Inscription claiming that Church of Mary was founded by Mary; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1322. @ @@`2934. Architrave fragment mentioning [ ... ]kios and Marcianus Am[ ... ]; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1350. @ @@`2935. Inscription identifying church as being of Saint John; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 17; *IEph 4317. @ @@`2936. Christian building inscription for &3stros&[&3is&] of &3plateia&; Christian; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 125, no. 124. @ @@`2937. Dedication in Latin to Constans by L(ucius) Cael(ius) Montius, proconsul of Asia, of atrium of Baths of Constantius, on base; AD 337%3`350; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 1, 1898, 75; AnnEpig 1898, 121; CIL III 14195 FiE I 181, note 1; ILS 5704; Hellenica 4, 112; *IEph 1314. @ @@`2938. [Dedication to Constantius by proconsul L(ucius) Caelius Montius] of atri[um of Baths] of Consta[ntius]; AD 337%3`350; found at Ephesos: CIL III 14195 *IEph 1315. @ @@`2939. Dedication to Constans by proconsul L(ucius) Caelius Montius of restored part of Nympheion, on base; AD 337%3`350; found at Ephesos: Eichler %9 Knibbe, AAWW 100, 1963, 47; AnnEpig 1968, 477; Malcus, OAth 7, 1967, 103; *IEph 1316. @ @@`2940. Inscription stating that emperors Constantius and Constans commanded restoration (of Nympheion) by proconsul (Lucius) Caelius Montius, on architrave; AD 337%3`350; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Heberdey, JO+AI 15, 1912, 175%19`176; AnnEpig 1913, 171; *IEph 1317. @ @@`2941. Inscription on lintel for &3basilion&; 5%3`6; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 23, 1926 Beibl. 263; SEG 4, 553; *IEph 457. @ @@`2942. Building inscription for parts of Church of St. John dated by archbishop Ioannes, on lintel; 6&4`2&; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, AAWW 42, 1905, 95; Knibbe %9 Merkelbach, ZPE 31, 1978, 114; SEG 28, 867; *IEph 495; Bu+yu+kkolanc#1221, MDAI(I) 32, 1982, 251%19`252 (PH); SEG 32, 1137. @ @@`2943. Building inscription on architrave mentioning &3alytarches and containing Christian symbol; 5&7b&; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959 Beibl. 283%19`326 note 10, 339 fig. 172 (PH); *IEph 497. @ @@`2944. Christian building inscription for &3perithyron& built under &3archiepisko&(&3pos&) Ioannes; c. 5&7m&; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 8, 1905, 78; Gre/goire, Recueil 105; Bakhuizen van den Brink 106%19`118, no. 9; *IEph 4128. @ @@`2945. Building inscription for &3kastellin& with Christian symbol; 6%3`8; found at Ephesos: FiE I 166; Gre/goire, Rec. 105&3bis&; *IEph 458. @ See also: Ephesos 410. @ @@@@Section: 21e. Christian Dedications (2946%19`2952) @ @@`2946. Dedication (?) to (Aelia) Eudocia (wife of Theodosius II); AD 421%3`450; found at Ephesos: *IEph 317. @ @@`2947. Decdication of seal to &3hagios theos&; 5%3`6?; found at Ephesos: Noll, Vom Altertum&4`2& p. 44, no. 67; Galavaris, Bread and Liturgy 38%19`39; *IEph 1281. @ @@`2948. Dedication &3hyp&[&3er&] &3eu&[&3ches&] on lamp; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1293. @ @@`2949. Inscription encircling cross: [&3hyp&]&3er eu&[&3ches&]; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1375. @ @@`2950. Christian dedication; Christian; found at Ephesos: Bakhuizen van den Brink 118, no. 10; SEG 2, 573; FiE IV 1 no. 39; *IEph 4139. @ @@`2951. Christian dedication; Christian; found at Ephesos: Bakhuizen van den Brink 118, no. 11; SEG 2, 574; FiE IV 1 no. 40; *IEph 4140. @ @@`2952. Christian dedication by (?) Oly[ ... ]; Christian; found at Ephesos: Bakhuizen van den Brink 118%19`119, no. 12; SEG 2, 575; FiE IV 1 no. 41; *IEph 4141. @ See also: Ephesos 798. @ @@@@Section: 21f. Christian Prayers (2953%19`2975) @ @@`2953. Prayer to Ch(rist); 6; found at Phygela: Wiegand, Priene II 491; IPriene 216; Keil, JO+AI 11, 1908 Beibl. 157, no. 3; Gre/goire, Rec. 116; Guarducci, Epig. Grec. IV 404, no. 10; *IEph 3136. @ @@`2954. Prayer to God for help, on ring of Araxia; 4; found at Ephesos: Noll, Vom Altertum&4`2& p. 45 (PH); *IEph 1283. @ @@`2955. Prayer to God to favor Sergios Triatios; Christian; found at Ephesos: Noll, Vom Altertum&4`2& p. 44, no. 66; *IEph 1362. @ @@`2956. Prayer to Jesus [and John] the &3theologos&; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1279. @ @@`2957. Prayer to Lord to help Andreas; Christian; found at Ephesos: *Jobst, JO+AI 54, 1983 Beibl. 227%19`230 (PH). @ @@`2958. Prayer to Lord to help &3domes&(&3ticus&) Chrysaphios; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 13a (PH); *IEph 4313a. @ @@`2959. Prayer to Lord to help Georgios; Christian; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 25, 1929, 14 (PH); SEG 4, 555; FiE IV 3 no. 10a; *IEph 4310.a. @ @@`2960. Prayer to Lord to help Georgios; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 11c; *IEph 4311.c. @ @@`2961. Prayer to Lord to help Ioanes &3xylinas&; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 12a (PH); *IEph 4312.a. @ @@`2962. Prayer to Lord to save Leo(n), &3p&(&3resby&)&3t&(&3eros&); Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3, no. 16; *IEph 4316. @ @@`2963. Prayer to [Lord] to help slave Ago[ ... ] and family; Christian; found at Ephesos: CIG 8906; FiE I 45; Gre/goire, Rec. 101; Bakhuizen van den Brink 148%19`157, no. 19; Cabrol %9 Leclercq, Dict. d'arch. chre/t. V 140, no. 2; *IEph 1361. @ @@`2964. Prayer to Lord to help us; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1367.1. @ @@`2965. Prayer to [Lord] to help &3diako&(&3nos&); Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 4.a; *IEph 4304.a. @ @@`2966. Prayer to Lord to help; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1367.2. @ @@`2967. Fragmentary prayer (?) to Lord; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE VIII 1, 39%19`40 (PH); *IEph 1367.3. @ @@`2968. Fragmentary prayer to Lord; Christian; found at Ephesos: *FiE VIII 1, p. 40 (PH); SEG 29, 1117. @ @@`2969. Prayer to Michael for help; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1347; SEG 37, 915. @ @@`2970. Prayer to [Mi]chael and acclamations on cross; Christian; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, Fs. Eichler 96%19`102 (PH); Engelmann, ZPE 10, 1973, 86; BE 1973:381; *IEph 1357. @ @@`2971. Prayer to Mother of God to help city; 5%3`6?; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 1980, 51, no. 95; *IEph 1358. @ @@`2972. Prayer that Pron[oi]a protect father; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1292. @ @@`2973. Prayer to &3theologos& to help Sisineos and mother; Christian; found at Ephesos: Sotiriu, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 111%19`112 (PH); SEG 4, 551; FiE IV 3 no. 14; *IEph 4314. @ @@`2974. Prayer to &3theologos& to help Stephanos; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 15a (PH); *IEph 4315a. @ @@`2975. Prayer to have mercy on slave Georgios; Christian; found at Ephesos: Sotiriu, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 199%19`200; SEG 4, 550; *IEph 1360. @ See also: IEph 1191 (seventh%19century prayers for Phokas and Benetoi; found at Ephesos); IG XII 5, 712, 67 (prayer to Chr(ist) to help slave Eulimenios of Ephesos and others; found on Syros). @ @@@@Section: 21g. Other Christian Religious Inscriptions (2976%19`2984) @ @@`2976. Cross of the Christians; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1289. @ @@`2977. Fragment of theological content (?), with word &3cheirop&[&3oietos&]; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1334. @ @@`2978. Fragment of Trishagion; 5; found at Ephesos: Gre/goire, Rec. 114&4`6&; Bakhuizen van den Brink 157%19`161, no. 20; *IEph 1359. @ @@`2979. Fragment of Trishagion; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1369. @ @@`2980. Quotations from New Testament; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1365.1. @ @@`2981. Quotation from New Testament (?); Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1365.2. @ @@`2982. Fragments of Christian text referring to Church of John; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1373. @ @@`2983. Inscription on fountain concerning baptism; c. 4; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 6 (PH); *IEph 4106. @ @@`2984. Religious inscription on epistyle of Church of St. John; Christian; found at Ephesos: Sotiriu, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 158%19`159 (PH); SEG 4, 552; FiE IV 3 no. 1 (PH); *IEph 4301. @@@@Section: 21h. Christian Honorary Inscriptions_Royal (2985%19`2992) @ @@`2985. Honorary inscription in Latin for Constantine; AD 311%3`337; found at Ephesos: CIL III 14195 *IEph 313. @ @@`2986. Honorary inscription in Latin for Augusti Constantine and Licinius and Caesars Crispus, Licinius (II), and Constantine (II); AD 311%3`313; found at Ephesos: CIL III 13675; *IEph 311. @ @@`2987. Honorary inscription in Latin for [Constantine] and Caesar Crispus (Constantius (II) after erasure) by Petron[ius Annianus] and Iu[lius Iulianus], &3prae&[&3f&(&3ecti&)] &3praet&(&3orio&); AD 316%3`326; found at Ephesos?: Keil, JO+AI 37, 1937 Beibl. 205%19`208, no. 12; AnnEpig 1938, 85; *IEph 312. @ @@`2988. Honorary inscription in Latin for Constantius (II) by [proconsul] Fl(avius) Magnus; AD 354%3`359; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 134, no. 4347. @ @@`2989. Honorary inscription for Ael(ia) Flaccilla Augusta (wife of Theodosius I), by boule and demos of Ephesos; AD 379%3`386; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 85%19`86, no. 11; AnnEpig 1966, 434; Malcus, OAth 7, 1967, 116%19`117, no. 11; *IEph 314 and Add. p. 8. @ @@`2990. Honorary inscription for [Ael(ia) Flacci]ll[a] Augu[sta] by [bo]ule and demos of Ephesos; AD 379%3`386; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960 Beibl. 86, no. 12; AnnEpig 1966, 434; Malcus, OAth 7, 1967, 115%19`116, no. 12; *IEph 315. @ @@`2991. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription in Latin for Theodosius, father of Theodosius (I), by proc(onsul) of Asia Numm(ius) Aelianus; AD 383%3`387; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959, 267%19`273 (PH); AnnEpig 1967, 479; Malcus, OAth 7, 1967, 119%19`120; *IEph 306. @ @@`2992. Honorary inscription for Honorius; AD 393%3`423; found at Ephesos: *IEph 316 and Add. p. 8. @ See also: Ephesos 1076.5, 1077. @ @@@@Section: 21i. Christian Honorary Inscriptions_Non%19Royal (2993%19`2997) @ @@`2993. Honorary inscription for proconsul Ael(ius) Claud(ius) Dulcitius by &3koinon& of Asia, on base; c. AD 360%3`364; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959, 276%19`278; *IEph 1312. @ @@`2994. Honorary inscription for &3iatros& Alexandros Alexandrou by boule and demos (of Ephesos), on statue%19base; 4%3`5; found at Ephesos: Miltner, AAWW 95, 1958, 86%19`87; Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959, 252; SEG 18, 475; *IEph 1320. @ @@`2995. Inscription naming Iacobos &3protopapas&; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1290. @ @@`2996. Excised (reclassified as Ephesos 3068.5). @ @@`2997. Honorary inscription in Latin and Greek for high official and [&3ago&]&3nothete&[&3s&] (no name) by (no name), on base; Christian; found at Ephesos: CIL III 14195 *IEph 1318. @ See also: Ephesos 3061%19`3077. @ @@@@Section: 21j. Christian Horoi (2998) @ @@`2998. Inscription identifying Forum of Theodosius; 4&4`2&%3`5; found at Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 214%19`215, no. 28; GIBM 534; Gre/goire, Rec. 101&4`4&; Bakhuizen van den Brink 93%19`100, no. 7; *IEph 1534. @ @@@@Section: 21k. Christian Topos Inscriptions (2999%19`3002) @ @@`2999. Excised. @ @@`3000. Christian topos (or funerary?) inscription for Prosodos gramateus; Christian; found at Ephesos: CIG 3015b; Gre/goire, Rec. 101&3ter&; Bakhuizen van den Brink 200%19`208, no. 29; *IEph 552. @ @@`3001. Christian topos (?) inscription for &3probatioi&; Christian; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 113, no. 4178; SEG 34, 1167. @ @@`3002. Topos inscription for &3psalanagnostai, diakonoi,& and &3presbyteroi&; Christian; found at Ephesos: Foss, Ephesus 82, note 70; SEG 30, 1323; *IEph 543 and Add. p. 16. @ See also: Ephesos 2041. @ @@@@Section: 21l. Christian Graffiti (3003%19`3060) @ @@`3003. Prayer to &3theologos& to help Osontolos (?); Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 15b; *IEph 4315.b. @ @@`3004. Prayer to God to guard those present; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1284. @ @@`3005. Prayer to Paul to help; Christian; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 43, 1956, 57; SEG 16, 724.4; *IEph 1285.1. @ @@`3006. Prayer to Chr(ist) to help; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1285.2. @ @@`3007. Prayer to St. Paul to help his spiritual slave; Christian; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 43, 1956, 57; SEG 16, 724.3; *IEph 1285.3. @ @@`3008. Prayer for help; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1285.4. @ @@`3009. Prayer to Chr(ist) to help slave Gargonilos; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1285.5. @ @@`3010. Prayer to Jesus to help slaves Ru[f ... ] and others; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1285.6. @ @@`3011. Prayer to Lord to help slave Kon[stant ... ]; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1285.7. @ @@`3012. Prayer to Lord to help [slave] [ ... ]ankania[ ... ]; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1285.8. @ @@`3013. [Prayer to help ... ], Anastasios, and Tominos; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1285.9. @ @@`3014. Prayer to God to help spiritual slave of his son; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1285.10. @ @@`3015. Prayer to Jesus to have pity on his spiritual slave Paulus and others; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1285.11. @ @@`3016. Prayer to Lord to help his slave Aphrodisios and others; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1285.12. @ @@`3017. Prayer to Christ to help his slave Eusebios and family; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1285.13. @ @@`3018. Prayer to God to help his slave Leontios and others; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1285.14. @ @@`3019. Prayer to Lord to help his slave Timotheos; Christian; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 43, 1956, 56; SEG 16, 624.1; *IEph 1285.15. @ @@`3020. Prayer to Christ to help Maternos and Leontia; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1285.16. @ @@`3021. Prayer to Paul to help his slave Nik[ ... ]; Christian; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 43, 1956, 56. SEG 16, 724.2; *IEph 1285.17. @ @@`3022. Prayer to Lord Christ to help his slave De[m]et[ri]os the &3anagn&[&3ostes&]; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1285.18. @ @@`3023. Prayer to Mary and Michael; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1285.19. @ @@`3024. Prayer to Lord to help slave Andreas; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1374.1. @ Ъ@@`3024.5. Topos inscription for Andreas &3meleparchos&; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1374.2; Jobst, JO+AI 54, 1983 Beibl. 227%19`230. @ @@`3025. Christian graffito referring to saying of J(esus) Lord (?); Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1376. @ @@`3026. Christian graffito praying to &3archistrategos& of angels to help Ioannes; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 45; *IEph 4145. @ @@`3027. Christian graffito%3prayer; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 46; *IEph 4146. @ @@`3028. Christian graffito asking that Ep[i]phanes be remembered; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 47; *IEph 4147. @ @@`3029. Christian graffito praying to Lord to help Ioannes; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 48; *IEph 4148. @ @@`3030. Christian graffito referring to Aurilia Soteria; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 49; *IEph 4149. @ @@`3031. Christian graffito praying to [Lord] to help [ ... ]bios &3monachos&; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 50; *IEph 4150. @ @@`3032. Prayer to Io(annes) to help Lazaros; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 4.b; *IEph 4304.b. @ @@`3033. Prayer to Io(annes) &3theo&[&3logos&]; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 4.c; *IEph 4304.c. @ @@`3034. Prayer to I[o(annes)]; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 4.d; *IEph 4304.d. @ @@`3035. Graffito of prayer to (?) Ioannes; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 5c; *IEph 4305. @ @@`3036. Prayer to Lord to help Papalion; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 10b; *IEph 4310.b. @ @@`3037. Prayer to Jesus Christ and Saint John; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 10c; *IEph 4310.c. @ @@`3038. Prayer to Lord to help Io(annes); Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 10d; *IEph 4310.d. @ @@`3039. Prayer to Lord to help; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 11b; *IEph 4311.b. @ @@`3040. Prayer to Lord to help (no name); Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 11d; *IEph 4311.d. @ @@`3041. Prayer to Lord to help &3monachos& Theodoulos; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 12b; *IEph 4312.b. @ @@`3042. Prayer to Lord to help &3monachos& Petros from Skaphe; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 12c; *IEph 4312.c. @ @@`3043. Prayer to Lord to help Nikolas Chrest[ou?]; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 13b; *IEph 4313.b. @ @@`3044. Prayer to Lord and &3theologos& to help Georgeos; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 18a; *IEph 4318.a. @ @@`3045. Religious and biblical phrases; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 18b; *IEph 4318.b. @ @@`3046. Prayer to Lord to help (no name); Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 18c; *IEph 4318.c. @ @@`3047. Prayer to Lord to help; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 18d; *IEph 4318.d. @ @@`3048. Prayer to &3theologos& and Lord to help Ioa(nnes); Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 18e; *IEph 4318.e. @ @@`3049. Prayer to Lord to help Ioanes; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 18f; *IEph 4318.f. @ @@`3050. Prayer to Lord to help (no name); Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 18g; *IEph 4318.g. @ @@`3051. Prayer to Lord and Saint John &3theologos& to help Nikolaos and Martha; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 18h; *IEph 4318.h. @ @@`3052. Prayer to Lord to help A[ ... ]; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 18i; *IEph 4318.i. @ @@`3053. Prayer to Lord and Christ to help (no name); FiE IV 3 no. 18k; *IEph 4318.k. @ @@`3054. Christian (?) oracle mentioning Dionysios; Christian?; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 19a; *IEph 4319.a. @ @@`3055. Christian (?) graffito; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 19b; *IEph 4319.b. @ @@`3056. Prayer to Lord to help A[ ... ]; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 19c; *IEph 4319.c. @ @@`3057. Prayer to Lord to help Bmthela (?); Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 19d; *IEph 4319.d. @ @@`3058. Prayer to Lord to help Constantinus &3diakonos& and family; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 20a; *IEph 4320.a. @ @@`3059. Prayer to Lord to remember Ioannes; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 20b; *IEph 4320.b. @ @@`3060. Prayer to have pity on (no name); Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 21; *IEph 4321. @ @@@@Section: 21m. Christian Honorary Epigrams (3061%19`3077) @ @@`3061. Inscription in elegiacs declaring that John crowned Justinian and Theodora at behest of Christ; AD 527%3`548; found at Ephesos: Anth. Pal. I 91; Gre/goire, Rec. 100&4`3&; Bakhuizen van den Brink 127, no. 15; *IEph 1354.3. @ @@`3062. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for [Aid]esios by polis, on altar; 4; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 40, 1953, 24%19`25; SEG 13, 508; *IEph 1319. @ @@`3063. Honorary inscription for Andreas, proconsul of Asia in iambics, on statue%19base; c. AD 400; found at Ephesos: Keil, Fs. Schulze 97%19`102; Keil, AAWW 79, 1942, 193; Hellenica 4, 21; Malcus, OAth 7, 1967, 135; *IEph 1301; Jobst, JO+AI 54, 1983 Beibl. 230%19`232 (PH). @ @@`3064. Fragment of honorary inscription in verse for [D]amocharis, on base; 6?; found at Ephesos: LW 174; Cameron, JHS 86, 1966, 11; Merkelbach, ZPE 24, 1977, 255; SEG 27, 749; *IEph 1303. @ @@`3065. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for proconsul Democharis by Ionian bankers, on statue%19base; 6; found at Ephesos: Miltner, AAWW 95, 1958, 84%19`85; Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959, 347%19`349; AnnEpig 1960, 50; SEG 18, 474; Hellenica 4, 101%19`102; Cameron, JHS 86, 1966, 11; Malcus, OAth 7, 1967, 132%19`133; Hartigan, Poets and Cities 93; *IEph 1302. @ @@`3066. Honorary inscription in hexameters for Eutropios, on statue%19base; 4&7e&%3`5&7e&; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 10, 1907, 73; Gre/goire, Rec. 99; Bakhuizen van den Brink 85, no. 4; Eichler, AAWW 76, 1939, 5%19`13; Hellenica 4, 21, note 3; *IEph 1304; Foss, Okeanos 196%19`219 (non vidi); SEG 36, 1031. @ @@`3067. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for proconsul Messalinus by boule of Ephesos, on statue%19base; 4&7e&?; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959, 276%19`277; Malcus, OAth 7, 1967, 130%19`131, no. 1; *IEph 1307; Peek, JO+AI 57, 1986, 105; SEG 37, 898. @ @@`3068. Honorary inscription in hexameters for Nonnos, proconsul of Asia, on statue%19base; c. AD 400; found at Ephesos: Keil, AAWW 79, 1942, 194; Hellenica 4, 44 and 97%19`98; Malcus, OAth 7, 1967, 135, no. 7; *IEph 1308. @ @@`3068.5. Honorary inscription for proconsul (Flavius Anthemius) Isiodoros, on statue%19base; 5&7b&; found at Ephesos: Keil, AAWW 79, 1942, 195; Hellenica 4, 41; Malcus, OAth 7, 1967, 127; *IEph 1305. @ @@`3069. Honorary inscription in hexameter for proconsul (Flavius Anthemius) Isidoros; 5&7b&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1305A. @ @@`3070. Honorary inscription in hexameters for Frontinus, for building; prob. AD 527%3`565; found at Ephesos: FiE I 135%19`138, 141%19`142 (PH); Gre/goire, Rec. 101&3bis&; Bakhuizen van den Brink 86, no. 5; *IEph 1306. @ @@`3071. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for Probus, builder of granary, on base; Christian; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959, 279%19`280, no. 2; *IEph 1309. @ @@`3072. Christian honorary inscription in iambics for Scholastikia for providing money; prob. 4&7e&; found at Ephesos: Miltner, AAWW 93, 1956, 45; Miltner, JO+AI 43, 1956 Beibl. 22%19`24; AnnEpig 1957, 13; SEG 16, 718; *IEph 453 and Add. p. 12. @ @@`3073. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for proconsul Stephanos by polis (of Ephesos), on statue%19base; 4%3`6&7`1&; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 44, 1959, 279%19`280, no. 3; BE 1961:536; Malcus, OAth 7, 1967, 131%19`132, no. 2; Foss, Ephesus 68 (PH); SEG 30, 1314; *IEph 1310; Foss, Okeanos 196%19`219 (PH) (non vidi); BE 1987:463 (non vidi); SEG 36, 1031. @ @@`3074. Honorary inscription in verse (?) for Stephanos, proconsul; 5; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 142, no. 150; AnnEpig 1983, 921. @ @@`3075. Honorary inscription in hexameters for proconsul Theodoros, by those living on Embolos, on statue%19base; prob. 3; found at Ephesos: FiE III p. 100; Keil, JO+AI 29, 1935, 88; *IEph 1300. @ @@`3076. Inscription in elegiacs associated with statue of proconsul Theodoros, addressing archangel; 6; found at Ephesos: Anth. Pal. I 36; Gre/goire, Rec. 100&4`2&; Bakhuizen van den Brink 126, no. 14; *IEph 1354.1. @ @@`3077. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for Theodosius (probably the elder); 4; found at Ephesos: Keil %9 Maresch, JO+AI 45, 1960, 95%19`96, no. 25; AnnEpig 1966, 435; *IEph 1311. @ @@@@Section: 21n. Other Christian Epigrams (3078%19`3087) @ @@`3078. Christian fragment in hexameter (?); Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1294. @ @@`3079. Fragment of a Christian verse; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1370. @ @@`3080. Inscription in elegiacs declaring that Christ brought Lazarus back from dead; 6; found at Ephesos: Anth. Pal. I 50; Gre/goire, Rec. 100&4`4&; Bakhuizen van den Brink 128, no. 17; *IEph 1354.2. @ @@`3081. Verse in Latin concerning drinking, with Christian formula; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 15 (PH); *IEph 4115. @ @@`3082. Inscription in elegiacs recording how library of Celsus was changed to Nymphaeum by Stephanos; 4%3`5; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, AAWW 42, 1905, 85; Heberdey, JO+AI 8, 1905 Beibl. 69; Gre/goire, Rec. 106; Bakhuizen van den Brink 84%19`85, no. 3; FiE V 1 no. 15; Malcus, OAth 7, 1967, 131%19`132, no. 2; *IEph 5115. @ @@`3083. Inscription in elegiacs recording restoration of theater by (proconsul) Messalinus; 4; found at Ephesos: CIG 2976; LW 150; Kaibel 1050; Heberdey, JO+AI 1, 1898 Beibl. 77, no. I; FiE II no. 43; Gre/goire, Rec. 100&4`2&; Bakhuizen van den Brink 182%19`183, no. 2; Hellenica 4, 87; Gallina, Teatri Classici IV 221, no. 19; *IEph 2043. @ @@`3084. Inscription in hexameters for proconsul Messalinus, restorer of theater; 4; found at Ephesos: Kaibel 1050a; Kaibel, RhM 34, 1879, 212, no. 1050a; Heberdey, JO+AI 11, 1898 Beibl. 77, no. II; FiE II no. 44; Haussoullier, RPh 27, 1903, 49%19`51; Gre/goire, Rec. 100 Bakhuizen van den Brink 82, mo. 1; Hellenica 4, 87, 92%19`93, 117; Gallina, Teatri Classici IV 222, no. 20; *IEph 2044. @ @@`3085. Inscription in elegiacs commemorating Demeas's destruction of statue of Artemis and replacement with symbol of Christ; 4&4`2&; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, AAWW 42, 1905, 86; Heberdey, JO+AI 8, 1905, 69; FiE I 103%19`104; Gre/goire, Rec. 104; Bakhuizen van den Brink 101%19`106, no. 8; Cabrol%19Leclercq, Dic. d'arch. chre7t. V 140, no. 4; Schultze, Altchristliche Landschaften II 2, 99%19`100; Guarducci, Epig. grec. IV 400%19`401, no. 8; Foss, Ephesus 32, note 5; *IEph 1351. @ @@`3086. Fragment, possibly in hexameters, of building inscription, on architrave; early Byz.; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1940. @ @@`3087. Dedicatory inscription in hexameter by Justinian; AD 527%3`565; found at Ephesos: Anth. Pal. I 95; Gre/goire, Rec. 100&4`5&; Bakhuizen van den Brink 128, no. 16; **Amelotti %9 Luzzatto, Costituzioni giustinianee p. 112, no. 23; *IEph 1354.4; BE 1987:398 (p. 350). @ @@@@Section: 21o. Christian Funerary Inscriptions (3088%19`3129) @ @@`3088. Christian funerary inscription for (no name) and Akropo[lis]; Christian; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 674; Gre/goire, Rec. 102; Bakhuizen van den Brink 161%19`165, no. 21; *IEph 1674. @ @@`3089. Christian funerary inscription for Anatol[i]os, &3diakonos and &3iatros&; 5%3`6; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 6 (PH); *IEph 4206. @ @@`3090. Christian funerary inscription in Latin for Androkles (?); Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 16, ll. 4%19`6; *IEph 4216, ll. 4%19`6. @ @@`3091. Christian funerary inscription for Anthousa; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 2 (PH); *IEph 4202. @ @@`3092. Christian funerary inscription for [Aureli]a Pla[uteine]; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 4; *IEph 4204. @ @@`3093. Christian funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Tychikos and family; Christian; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 26, 1930 Beibl. 15%19`16, no. 2; *IEph 2223.2. @ @@`3094. Christian funerary inscription for Marcus Bouthas and &3kleronomoi&; 4%3`5; found at Ephesos: Miltner, JO+AI 42, 1955 Beibl. 50%19`54; SEG 15, 712; Fu+hrer Sel%25uk 169%19`171; *IEph 2284. @ @@`3095. Christian funerary inscription for [D]iogen[es] and [D]iony[i(os)]; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 26 (PH); *IEph 4226. @ @@`3096. Christian funerary inscription for Eranatos; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 23; *IEph 4223. @ @@`3097. Christian funerary inscription for Erpidianos &3oikodomos and wife Sophronia; 4; found at Ephesos: Wood, App. 7, no. 21; Keil, JO+AI 26, 1930 Beibl. 13%19`16, no. 5; Gre/goire, Rec. 98; Bakhuizen van den Brink 170%19`182, no. 23; *IEph 2227.5. @ @@`3098. Christian funerary inscription for Eugenios &3presbyteros&; Christian; found at Ephesos: Mous. IV 1884, 43; Gre/goire, Rec. 98&3bis&; Schultze, Altchristliche Landschaften II 100; Bakhuizen van den Brink 182%19`190, no. 24; *IEph 2253B. @ @@`3099. Christian funerary inscription for Eutyches and others; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 19; *IEph 4219. @ @@`3100. Christian funerary inscription for Gaianos &3pragmateutes and family; Christian?; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 57, no. 121; *IEph 2263. @ @@`3101. Christian funerary inscription for Georgea; 7?; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 44 (PH); *IEph 4144. @ @@`3102. Christian funerary inscription for [Gla]ukon (?); Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 27; *IEph 4227. @ @@`3103. Christian funerary inscription for Ioannes &3ped&(&3es&?) and Tryphon; Christian; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 26, 1930 Beibl. 15%19`16, no. 5; *IEph 2223A.5. @ @@`3104. Christian funerary inscription for Io[ann]es and Stratoneike; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 1 (PH); *IEph 4201. @ @@`3105. Christian funerary inscription for Ioannes &3trapezites& and &3argyroprates&; 5; found at Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 7, 1873, 35, no. 7; Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878, 178, no. 364; Preuner, MDAI(A) 49, 1924, 145, no. 30.3; Bakhuizen van den Brink 196%19`200, no. 28; Bogaert, Epigraphica III no. 20; *IEph 2271. @ @@`3106. Christian funerary inscription for Tiberius Iulius Zosimos Eutyches; Christian; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 57, no. 118; *IEph 2277. @ @@`3107. Christian funerary inscription for proconsul Constantinus; 4%3`5; found at Ephesos: CIG 9275.a; Gre/goire, Rec. 98&3ter&; Bakhuizen van den Brink 190%19`192, no. 25.1; Malcus, OAth 7, 1967, 136; *IEph 2240. @ @@`3108. Christian funerary inscription for Kyriake and Erpis; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 11; *IEph 4211. @ @@`3109. Christian funerary inscription for Marcianus [&3d&]&3iakonos&; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 14; *IEph 4214. @ @@`3110. Christian funerary inscription for Melesios &3diakonos& and children; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 8 (PH); *IEph 4208. @ @@`3111. Christian funerary inscription for Neikotychos and wife Aphrodisia, with penalty for unauthorized burial; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 28; *IEph 4228. @ @@`3112. Christian funerary inscription for Niki; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 43; *IEph 4143. @ @@`3113. Christian funerary inscription for Nonnos; Christian; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 146, no. 4376; SEG 34, 1134. @ @@`3114. Christian funerary (or building?) inscription by Fl(avius) Abrades and L[eon] of Ephesos &3argyrophylax&; Christian; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 24, 1929 Beibl. 17; SEG 4, 542; FiE IV 2 no. 33; *IEph 4233. @ @@`3115. Christian funerary inscription for Praulis; Byzantine; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 147, no. 4411; SEG 34, 1135. @ @@`3116. Christian funerary inscription for Ripsilius &3hyp&[&3od&]&3iakonos&; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 7; *IEph 4207. @ @@`3117. Christian funerary inscription for [Sa]mbathios and wife; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2306K.1b. @ @@`3118. Christian funerary inscription for Simplicius and family; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 9 (PH); *IEph 4209. @ @@`3119. Christian funerary inscription for Stratoneike and Dionysios (?); Christian; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 23, 1926 Beibl. 294; SEG 4, 546; FiE IV 2 no. 5; *IEph 4205. @ @@`3120. Christian funerary inscription for Tagos and others; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 2 no. 20; *IEph 4220. @ @@`3121. Christian funerary inscription for Theodoros; c. 6%3`7; found at Ephesos: Bakhuizen van den Brink 195%19`196, no. 27; SEG 2, 577; FiE IV 1 no. 42; *IEph 4142. @ @@`3122. Christian (?) funerary inscription for Timotheos Sikelos and family; Christian (?); found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 26, 1930 Beibl. 15%19`16, no. 4; *IEph 2223.4. @ @@`3123. Christian funerary inscription for Timotheos gereos and family; Christian; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 26, 1930 Beibl. 15%19`16, no. 6; *IEph 2223A.6. @ @@`3124. Christian (?) funerary inscription for Tryphon &3benef&(&3iciarius&); Christian (?); found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 26, 1930, 15%19`16, no. 3; *IEph 2223.3. @ @@`3125. Funerary inscription for Tryphon &3diakonos&; c. 5%3`6; found at Ephesos: Keil, JO+AI 30, 1937 Beibl. 208, no. 13; *IEph 2314. @ @@`3126. Christian funerary inscription, with end of Nicene Creed; Christian; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 675; Gre/goire, Rec. 103; Bakhuizen van den Brink 165%19`169, no. 22; *IEph 1675. @ @@`3127. Funerary inscription for (no name); Christian?; found at Ephesos: CIG 9275.b; Gre/goire, Rec. 98&3ter&; Bakhuizen van den Brink 190%19`192, no. 25.2; *IEph VI p. 148 (to 2240). @ @@`3128. Christian funerary inscription for (no name); Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2306K.1a. @ @@`3129. Christian funerary inscription for &3dekano&[&3s&] (no name); Christian; found at Ephesos: Bakhuizen van den Brink 192%19`195, no. 26; SEG 2, 576; *IEph 2409. @ @@@@Section: 21p. Christian Varia_Acclamations (3130%19`3137) @ @@`3130. Acclamation for &3tyche& of [ ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1190. @ @@`3131. Acclamation for &3tyche& of &3prasinoi&; late; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1198.1. @ @@`3132. Acclamation for &3tyche& of &3prasionoi&; late; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1198.2. @ @@`3133. Acclamation for &3tyche& of &3pra&[&3sinoi&]; late; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1198.3. @ @@`3134. Acclamation for proconsul Asklepi(o)s in mosaic; 5&4`1&; found at Ephesos: Vetters, AAWW 109, 1972, Taf. 3 (PH); SEG 26, 1281; FiE VIII 2, 33 and 51%19`52 (PH); BE 1977:425; AnnEpig 1977, 795; *IEph 1313. @ @@`3135. Acclamation for &3com&(&3es&) Vibianus; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1321. @ @@`3136. Acclamation wishing that (no name) live in God; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1349. @ @@`3137. Acclamation for Christian emperors; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 38 (PH); *IEph 4138. @ See also: IEph 1192 (%6 SEG 30, 1324), 1193, 1194, 1195, 1196 (seventh%19century acclamations; found at Ephesos). @ @@@@Section: 21q. Christian Varia_Nike Inscriptions (3138%19`3140) @ @@`3138. Nike inscription for [cross?]; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1366.1. @ @@`3139. Nike inscription for Je(su)s Ch(rist); Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1366.2. @ @@`3140. Nike inscription for Je(su)s Chr(ist); Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1366.3. @ @@@@Section: 21r. Christian Varia_Monograms, Stamps, and Seals (3141%19`3144) @ @@`3141. Monograms of Theodora and Justinian on capitals of columns of Church of John; AD 527%3`565; found at Ephesos: FiE III 3, Taf. 28, 1, 3, 4; 29, 2; 30, 1 %9 2; 31, 1 %9 2 (PH); Alzinger, Stadt d. siebent. Weltwunders, 168%19`169 (PH); Lessing %9 Oberleitner, Ephesos 159 (non vidi); *IEph 4363. @ @@`3142. Seal with name Michael; Christian; found at Ephesos: Noll, Vom Altertum&4`2& p. 44, no. 68; *IEph 1282. @ @@`3143. Tile%19stamp for Stratonikos; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 570.3. @ @@`3144. Monogram; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1331.2. @ See also: Ephesos 3350%19`3352. @ ɏ@@@@Section: 21s. Other Christian Varia (3145%19`3152) @ @@`3145. Inscription recording lighting of Arkadiane, with crosses, on base; prob. 5; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JO+AI 5, 1902 Beibl. 54; FiE I 55; Gre/goire, Rec. 98&4`5&; Bakhuizen van den Brink 89%19`92, no. 6; *IEph 557. @ @@`3146. Fragment mentioning &3cancelli&; late; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1197. @ @@`3147. Inscriptions identifying Jesus Christ, St. Christopher, and St. Phote[i]na, on fresco; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1295A. @ @@`3148. Inscription identifying Niko[l]aos, on fresco; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1295B. @ @@`3149. Lintel inscription naming Mardochios; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1299. @ @@`3150. [Alpha] and Omega beneath cross; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1368. @ @@`3151. Inscription on holy water font; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2954. @ @@`3152. Fragment of mosaic inscription; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 31; *IEph 4131. @ @@@@Section: 21t. Christian Dubia (3153%19`3173) @ @@`3153. Fragment with word &3eire&[&3ne&]; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1280. @ @@`3154. Fragment referring to Maximu[s] and &3apocr&[&3isiarius&]; early Byz.; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1296. @ @@`3155. Fragment referring to Sisinnio[s]; early Byz.; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1298. @ @@`3156. Fragment referring to [&3kak&]&3ourgoi&; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1335. @ @@`3157. Fragment referring to &3psephos&; early Byz.; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1338. @ @@`3158. Fragment referring to [Th]eodor(os) and Ioannes proconsul of Asia; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1339. @ @@`3159. Fragment referring to &3mania& opposed to laws; early Byz.; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1342.A. @ @@`3160. Fragment concerning proconsul; early Byz.; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1342.B. @ @@`3161. Fragment concerning defender of [Smy]rna and [Ephesos]; early Byz.; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1343. @ @@`3162. Fragment referring to polis; early Byz.; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1344. @ @@`3163. Fragment mentioning [&3praef&(&3ectus&) &3praet&]&3orio& Arcadius; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1345. @ @@`3164. Fragment containing sentences of exile for 5 years for Theodo[r]os and (no name); Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1346. @ @@`3165. Fragment mentioning Saprik[i ... ]; Christian; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1346A. @ @@`3166. Fragment referring to whole polis; early Byz.; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1348. @ @@`3167. Fragment with word [&3m&]&3etapherousa&; early Byz.; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1371. @ @@`3168. Fragment with root &3kair&[ ... ]; early Byz.; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1372.b. @ @@`3169. Fragment with word [&3pr&]&3otethe&; early Byz.; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1372.c. @ @@`3170. Fragment with word [&3me&]&3techomen&[ ... ]; early Byz.; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1372.a. @ @@`3171. Christian fragment on lintel; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 29; *IEph 4129. @ @@`3172. Christian fragment referring to Theo[do]ros; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 1 no. 32 (PH); *IEph 4132. @ @@`3173. Fragment referring to &3presb&[&3yteros&]; Christian; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 5b; *IEph 4305.b. @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (3174%19`3383) @ @@@@Section: 22a. Inscriptions on Vessels (3174%19`3316) @ @@`3174. Name (?) Adoron (?) on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.3. @ @@`3175. Name Agathopous on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.2. @ @@`3176. Inscription for Aine[as] on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 169, no. 15; *IEph 573.15. @ @@`3177. Name Aineas on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.4. @ @@`3178. Inscription in Latin for L(ucius) Albus Danaas (?) on vessel; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 572.6. @ @@`3179. Name Alexandros on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.5. @ @@`3180. Name Alexandros on amphora; no date; found at Ephesos: Vetters, JO+AI 51, 1976%19`1977 Beibl. 26; *IEph 2900.66. @ @@`3181. Inscription in Latin for C(aius) Amurius on vessel; Roman; found at Ephesos: FiE I 168, no. 1; *IEph 573.1. @ @@`3182. Inscription for Anenkletos on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 170, no. 16; *IEph 573.16. @ @@`3183. Name Manius Avil(l)ius in Latin on pottery; I&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 512; *IEph 2900.56. @ @@`3184. Name Q(uintus) Arv(us) in Latin on pottery; I&7e&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 512; *IEph 2900.50. @ @@`3185. Name Asklepiades on lamp; no date; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 516; *IEph 2900.64. @ @@`3186. Inscription in Latin for Cn(aius) Ateius on vessel; Romna; found at Ephesos: FiE I 168, no. 2; *IEph 573.2. @ @@`3187. Name Cn(aius) Ateius in Latin on pottery; I&7e&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 512; *IEph 2900.48. @ @@`3188. Name Cn(aius) Ateius (?) on pottery; I&7e&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 512; *IEph 2900.49. @ @@`3189. Inscription in Latin for C(aius) [A]ur(elius?) on vessel; Roman; found at Ephesos: FiE 168 no. 3; *IEph 573.3. @ @@`3190. Name Charesios on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.40. @ @@`3191. Name Chrestios in Latin on pottery; I&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 512; *IEph 2900.55. @ @@`3192. Inscription for Deios on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 170, no. 17; *IEph 573.17. @ @@`3193. Name Deios on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.7. @ @@`3194. Inscription for Didym[o]s on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 170, no. 18; *IEph 573.18. @ @@`3195. Name Didymos on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.8. @ @@`3196. Nickname (?) Didymoi on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.9. @ @@`3197. Inscription for Diodor[os] on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 572.2. @ @@`3198. Name Diodoros on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.10. @ @@`3199. Name Dion on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.11. @ @@`3200. Name Diophanes on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.12. @ @@`3201. Inscription for Dominos on vessel; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 572.1. @ @@`3202. Name Epaphras on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.16. @ @@`3203. Inscription for Epigonos on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 170, no. 22; *IEph 573.22. @ @@`3204. Inscription for Gaios on vessel; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 572.13. @ @@`3205. Name Glykon in Latin on pottery; I&7e&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 512; *IEph 2900.51. @ @@`3206. Name Hegesias on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.21. @ @@`3207. Excised. @ @@`3208. Name Hephaistion on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.23. @ @@`3209. Inscription for Hermas on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 170, no. 23; *IEph 573.23. @ @@`3210. Name Hermas on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.17. @ @@`3211. Inscription for Hermes on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 170 no. 24; *IEph 573.24. @ @@`3212. Inscription for Hermes on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 170 no. 25; *IEph 573.25. @ @@`3213. Inscription for Hermes on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 170 no. 26; *IEph 573.26. @ @@`3214. Inscription for Hermes on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 170 no. 27; *IEph 573.27. @ @@`3215. Name Hermes on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.18. @ @@`3216. Name Hermes on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.19. @ @@`3217. Name Hermes on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.20. @ @@`3218. Inscription for Hermogenes on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 572.16. @ @@`3219. Inscription for Hierokles on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 572.7. @ @@`3220. Stamp on handle of Rhodian amphora, naming Hieroteles; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 563.3. @ @@`3221. Inscription on handle of Rhodian amphora dated by Iasikrates; no date; found at Ephesos, text identical with inscription found at Pergamon: APergamon VIII 2, 1036; *IEph 563.4. @ @@`3222. Inscription for Iatrokles on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 171 no. 28; *IEph 573.28. @ @@`3223. Name Iatrokles on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.24. @ @@`3224. Name Iatrokles on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.25. @ @@`3225. Name Iatrokles in Latin on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.26. @ @@`3226. Inscription for Isidoros on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 572.8. @ @@`3227. Name Isidoros on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.14. @ @@`3228. Name Isidoros on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.15. @ @@`3229. Name Caca(los) in Latin on pottery; I&7e&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 512; *IEph 2900.46. @ @@`3230. Name (?) Cerdo in Latin on pottery; I&7e&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 512; *IEph 2900.47. @ @@`3231. Inscription in Latin for Clitus Saufe(i)on on vessel; Roman; found at Ephesos: FiE I 168, no. 4; *IEph 573.4. @ @@`3232. Inscription for Koiranos on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 171, no. 32; *IEph 573.32. @ @@`3233. Name Koiranos on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.28. @ @@`3234. Name P(ublius) Cornelius in Latin on pottery; I&7e&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 512; *IEph 2900.52. @ @@`3235. Name C(aius) Curtius in Latin on pottery; I&7e&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 512; *IEph 2900.53. @ @@`3236. Inscription for Leonas on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 171, no. 33; *IEph 573.33. @ @@`3237. Inscription for Leonas on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 171, no. 34; *IEph 573.34 @ @@`3238. Name Leukos in Latin on pottery; I&7e&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 512; *IEph 2900.54. @ @@`3239. Name Manes on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.29. @ @@`3240. Inscription for Matreas on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 172, no. 35; *IEph 573.35. @ @@`3241. Inscription for Matreas on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 172, no. 36; *IEph 573.36. @ @@`3242. Name Nik[2i]2as on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.30. @ @@`3243. Stamp for Nikon on amphora%19handle; no date; found at Ephesos: Bu+yu+kkolanc#1221 %9 #1222c%25ten %9 Nolle/, ZPE 40, 1980, 257, no. 5; SEG 30, 1325; *IEph 3907. @ @@`3243.5. Inscription for Octavius on vessel; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 572.15. @ @@`3244. Inscription for Onesimos on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 572.12. @ @@`3245. Name Onesimos on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.32. @ @@`3246. Inscription for Oreos on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 572.9. @ @@`3247. Inscription for Oreos on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 172, no. 37; *IEph 573.37. @ @@`3248. Name Oreos on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.33. @ @@`3249. Name Oreos on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: Vetters, JO+AI 51, 1976%19`1977 Beil. 25; *IEph 2900.65. @ @@`3250. Name Vibienus in Latin on pottery; I&7e&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 512; *IEph 2900.62. @ @@`3251. Inscription in Latin for Umbr(icius) on vessel; Roman; found at Ephesos: FiE I 169, no. 11; *IEph 573.11. @ @@`3252. Inscription for Papias on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 172, no. 38; *IEph 573.38. @ @@`3253. Inscription for Posidonios on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 173, no. 44; *IEph 573.44. @ @@`3254. Name Posidonios on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.35. @ @@`3255. Inscription for Rufus on vessel; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 572.14. @ @@`3256. Name Rufus on pottery; II%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.36. @ @@`3257. Symbol for Rufrenus (?) in Latin on pottery; I&7e&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 512; *IEph 2900.57. @ @@`3258. Inscription for Sarapis on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 173, no. 45; *IEph 573.45. @ @@`3259. Inscription in Latin for Saturninus on vessel; Roman; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 516; *IEph 572.5. @ @@`3260. Stamp on amphora%19handle of Thasos for Satyros; no date; found at Ephesos: Eichler, AAWW 104, 1967, 24; *IEph 563.2. @ @@`3261. Inscription in Latin for C(aius) Sen(tius) on vessel; Roman; found at Ephesos: FiE I 168, no. 5; *IEph 573.5. @ @@`3262. Inscription in Latin for C(aius) Sen(tius) on vessel; Roman; found at Ephesos: FiE I 168, no. 6; *IEph 573.6. @ @@`3263. Inscription in Latin for C(aius) Sen(tius) on vessel; Roman; found at Ephesos: FiE I 168, no. 7; *IEph 573.7. @ @@`3264. Inscription in Latin for C(aius) Sen(tius) on vessel; Roman; found at Ephesos: FiE I 169, no. 8; *IEph 573.8. @ @@`3265. Name C(aius) Sen(tius) in Latin on pottery; II%3I; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.42. @ @@`3266. Symbol for C(aius) Sen(tius) (?) in Latin for pottery; I&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 512; *IEph 2900.58. @ @@`3267. Name Suavis in Latin on pottery; I&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 512; *IEph 2900.61. @ @@`3268. Name Straton on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.37. @ @@`3269. Name C(aius) Telius in Latin on pottery; I&7e&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 512; *IEph 2900.59. @ @@`3270. Amphora stamp dated by official Tersagoras on handle of Rhodian amphora; no date; found at Ephesos, text identical with stamp found at Pergamon: APergamon VIII 2, 1192; Hiller von Gaetringen, RE Suppl. V 840, no. 271; *IEph 563.1. @ @@`3271. Inscription in Latin for [T]etricus; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 572.10. @ @@`3272. Name A(ulus) Titius in Latin on pottery; I&7e&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 512; *IEph 2900.60. @ @@`3273. Inscription in Latin for C(aius) Titius Herm(as) on vessel; Roman; found at Ephesos: FiE I 169, no. 10; *IEph 573.10. @ @@`3274. Letters ACA (in Latin?) on pottery; I&7e&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 512; *IEph 2900.43. @ @@`3275. Letters ACA (in Latin?) on pottery; I&7e&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 512; *IEph 2900.44. @ @@`3276. Inscription for Kald[ ... ] on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 171, no. 29; *IEph 573.29. @ @@`3277. Name [.]oltos on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.31. @ @@`3278. Inscription in Latin for Fructi[ ... ] on vessel; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 572.4. @ @@`3279. Name C(aius) Ser( ... ) in Latin on pottery; I&7e&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 512; *IEph 2900.63. @ @@`3280. Vase%19inscription mentioning Skyri[ ... ]; early; found at Ephesos: Hogarth, Excavations at Ephesus, 318, no. 2; *IEph 132.2. @ @@`3281. Place%19name Arretium (?) in Latin on pottery; II%3I; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.6. @ @@`3282. Place%19name Arretium (?) in Latin on pottery; I&7e&%3I; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 512; *IEph 2900.45. @ @@`3283. Word &3chai&(&3re&) on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.38. @ @@`3284. Word &3chai&(&3re&) on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.39. @ @@`3285. Inscription with word &3charis& on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 572.3 and Add. p. 17. @ @@`3286. Inscription with word &3charis& on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 173, no. 46; *IEph 573.46 and Add. p. 17. @ @@`3287. Inscription with word &3charis& on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 173, no. 47; *IEph 573.47 and Add. p. 17. @ @@`3288. Inscription with word &3charis& on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 173, no. 48; *IEph 573.48 and Add. p. 17. @ @@`3289. Inscription with word &3charis& on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 173, no. 49; *IEph 573.49 and Add. p. 17. @ @@`3290. Inscription with word &3charis& on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 173, no. 50; *IEph 573.50 and Add. p. 17. @ @@`3291. Inscription with word &3charis& on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 173, no. 51; *IEph 573.51 and Add. p. 17. @ @@`3292. Word &3charis& on pottery; IV&7e&%3`1; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2900.1. @ @@`3293. Word &3charis& on pottery; IV&7e&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.41. @ @@`3294. Inscription with word &3doron& on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 170, no. 19; *IEph 573.19 and Add. p. 17. @ @@`3295. Inscription with word &3doron& on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 170, no. 20; *IEph 573.20 and Add. p. 17. @ @@`3296. Inscription with word &3doron& on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 170, no. 21; *IEph 573.21 and Add. p. 17. @ @@`3297. Word &3doron& on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.13. @ @@`3298. Word &3hedone& on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.22. @ @@`3299. Inscription with word &3kerdos& on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 171 no. 30; *IEph 573.30 and Add. p. 17. @ @@`3300. Inscription with word &3kerdos& on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 171 no. 31; *IEph 573.31 and Add. p. 17. @ @@`3301. Inscription with word &3kerdos& on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 175 no. 65; *IEph 573.65 and Add. p. 17. @ @@`3302. Word (or name?) &3kerdos& on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.27. @ @@`3303. Inscription with word &3poros& on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 572.11 and Add. p. 17. @ @@`3304. Inscription with word &3pothos& on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 172, no. 39; *IEph 573.39 and Add. p. 17. @ @@`3305. Inscription with word &3pothos& on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 172, no. 40; *IEph 573.40 and Add. p. 17. @ @@`3306. Inscription with word &3pothos& on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 172, no. 41; *IEph 573.41 and Add. p. 17. @ @@`3307. Inscription with word &3pothos& on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 172, no. 42; *IEph 573.42 and Add. p. 17. @ @@`3308. Inscription with word &3pothos& on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE I 172, no. 43; *IEph 573.43 and Add. p. 17. @ @@`3309. Word (or name?) &3pothos& on pottery; IV&4`2&%3`1; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 50, 510; *IEph 2900.34. @ @@`3310. Vase%19inscription identifying its owner; early; found at Ephesos: Hogarth, Excavations at Ephesos, p. 318, no. 1; Reinach, REG 22, 1909, 311; *IEph 132.1. @ @@`3311. Fragment in Latin on vessel; Roman; found at Ephesos: *FiE I 169, no. 12. @ @@`3312. Fragment in Latin on vessel; Roman; found at Ephesos: *FiE I 169, no. 13. @ @@`3313. Fragment in Latin on vessel; Roman; found at Ephesos: *FiE I 169, no. 14. @ @@`3314. Stamp on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: *FiE I 173, no. 52. @ @@`3315. Stamp on vessel; no date; found at Ephesos: *FiE I 173, no. 53. @ @@`3316. Unpublished stamp on pottery; Hellenistic; found at Ephesos: *Vetters, AAWW 120, 1983, Taf. X (PH). @ See also: IG XIV 2405.5 (inscription on lamp naming &3Artemis &3Ephesion&; found at Naples, possibly spurious); IG XIV 2405.6 (inscription on lamp naming &3Artemis Ephesion&; found at Rome, possibly spurious); IG XIV 2409.4 (inscription on bell naming &3Artemis Ephesion&; found at Rome?, possibly spurious). @@@@Section: 22b. Inscriptions on Tiles (3317%19`3326) @ @@`3317. Tile%19stamp for Apollas; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 570.6. @ @@`3318. Tile%19stamp for Hatreianeos; 2?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 570.5. @ @@`3319. Tile%19stamp for Hermias; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 570.4. @ @@`3320. Tile%19stamp with monogram of Hermodikos (?); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2899. @ @@`3321. Tile%19stamp for Tryphis (?); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 570.1.c. @ @@`3322. Tile%19stamp for Tryphon; no date; found at Ephesos: Eichler, AAWW 105, 1968, 83; *IEph 570.1.a. @ @@`3323. Tile%19stamp for Tryphon; no date; found at Ephesos: Eichler, AAWW 105, 1968, 83; *IEph 570.1.b. @ @@`3324. Tile%19stamp for Xenon; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 570.7. @ @@`3325. Tile%19stamp for (illegible); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 570.2. @ @@`3326. Roof%19tile mark; no date; found at Ephesos: Smith, Cat. Brit. Mus. II 1236; *IEph 1980A. @ See also: Ephesos 3143. @ @@@@Section: 22c. Acclamations (3327%19`3329) @ @@`3327. Acclamation for &3argyrochooi&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 585. @ @@`3328. Acclamation for [polis] of Ephe[sos]; imperial?; found at Ephesos: FiE III no. 90; *IEph 3090; BE 1982:304. @ @@`3329. Acclamation for handsome &3thriarioi,& on column%19base; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 553A. @ See also: Ephesos 2970, 3130%19`3137. @ @@@@Section: 22d. Gladiatorial Inscriptions (3330%19`3331) @ @@`3330. Nike inscription for (gladiator) [ ... ]ros (?); Roman; found at Ephesos: Fu+hrer Selc%25uk 144; *IEph 1175. @ @@`3331. Ordinal numbers adjoined to reliefs of gladiatorial combat; imperial; found at Ephesos: Wood, p. 222; GIBM 670; Smith, Cat. Brit. Mus. II 1286; Robert, Gladiateurs 219 (PH); *IEph 1670 and Add. p. 26. @ See also: Ephesos 1115, 1202, 1261, 1484, 1500, 1523, 2071, 2088, 2093%19`2094, 2185, 2268, 2818, 2874. @ @@@@Section: 22e. Lists of Names (3332%19`3345) @ @@`3332. List of names, beginning with Pyrilampes [Polyd]amanto[s?]; IV; found at Ephesos: *IEph 126 and Add. pp. 5%19`6. @ @@`3333. List of names, beginning with [E]nkairios Agelao; Hellenistic; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 110, no. 4157; SEG 34, 1083. @ @@`3334. Fragment of list of names, including Meliton Meli[tonos]; late Hellenistic; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 109, no. 4153; SEG 34, 1084. @ @@`3335. Fragment of list of names (?) in Latin, including Rufus; Roman; found at Ephesos: CIL III 7141; *IEph 1800. @ @@`3335.5. Fragment of list of names, including Heliodoro[s]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2920. @ @@`3336. List of names, including Gaius Hirtius [ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2936. @ @@`3336.5. List of names, including Felix Alexa[ndra], possibly funerary; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2949.1; JO+AI 53, 120, no. 107.1. @ @@`3337. List of names, beginning with Diony[sios]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 115, no. 4185; **SEG 34, 1099 (l. 6). @ @@`3337.5. Group of names, beginning with Aur(elius) Arte[m ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1935A. @ @@`3338. List of names, beginning with Iollas; late imperial; found near Belevi: Alzinger, JO+AI 48, 1966, 61%19`72, no. 5; Eichler, AAWW 104, 1967, 28, note 35; *IEph 3207. @ @@`3339. Fragment of list of names, including M(arcus) Aur(elius) Sal[ ... ]; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2933. @ @@`3339.5. List of Aurelii; 3; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1972. @ @@`3340. List of names, including Eumelos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1933. @ @@`3340.5. Group of names beginning with Lais; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1936. @ @@`3341. Fragment of list of names, including Neike[phoros]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1947A. @ @@`3341.5. Group of names, including [Dion]ysios; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1950A. @ @@`3342. Fragment of list of names, including [M]enodotos L[ ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2931. @ @@`3343. Fragment of list of names, including [Art]emidoro[s]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2932. @ @@`3343.5. Names, including Straton; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2938. @ @@`3344. List of names, including [O]nesim[os]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2948C; JO+AI 53, 109, no. 69. @ @@`3345. Fragment of list of names, including [ ... ] Menekratous; no date; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 109, no. 4148; SEG 34, 1100. @ See also: Ephesos 546%19`593, 661%19`664, 2890, 3207; Tubbs, JHS 12, 1891, 187%19`188, no. 34, l. 3 (list of names includes [ ... The]agenous of Ephesos; found at Salamis on Cyprus). @ @@@@Section: 22f. Other Inscriptions Naming Individuals (3346%19`3362) @ @@`3346. Caption identifying &3ktista& (Androklos) in relief of boar; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 557A. @ @@`3347. &3Philoi& inscription for [D]amas Heras, Artemidoros, and Metrodoros; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 545. @ @@`3348. Inscription identifying statue of Dikaiosyne; no date; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 39, no. 48; *IEph 503 and Add. p. 13. @ @@`3349. Inscription indicating that someone remembered friend Dion; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 579. @ @@`3350. Monogram of name Ioannes; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 581.I. @ @@`3351. Monogram of name Ioannes; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 581.II. @ @@`3352. Monogram of name Ioannes; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 581.III. @ @@`3353. Inscription in Latin on ivory &3tessera& certifying inspection by Calyx slave of Autronius; 4 BC; found at Ephesos: Eichler, AAWW 102, 1965, 94; AnnEpig 1967, 486; *IEph 562. @ @@`3354. Inscription &3Mentheos& (?) on weight; no date; found at Ephesos: Hogarth, Excavations at Ephesus 320; *IEph 558.2 @ @@`3355. Neikolais &3neoteros& bids farewell to &3synepheboi&; Roman?; found at Ephesos: Keil, AAWW 88, 1951, 334, no. 2; SEG 17, 514; Klaffenbach, Klio 48, 1967, 54%19`55, no. 4; *IEph 1144. @ @@`3356. Inscription identifying wall as belonging to Olympitos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1946. @ @@`3357. Inscription identifying boar on mosaic by Pak[kios? He]spero[s]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 501A. @ @@`3358. Inscription addressing Pelagios accompanying Eros; AD 180%3`200; found at Ephesos: Vetters, AAWW 107, 1970, 118 (PH); FiE VIII 1, 139 (PH); SEG 29, 1125; *IEph 561A. @ @@`3359. Inscription accompanying picture of Tyche; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 580. @ @@`3360. Inscriptions identifying pictures of Muses; 1%3`5; found at Ephesos: FiE VIII 1, 75, 103, 127%19`128, 140 (PH); SEG 29, 1119, 1122, 1124, 1126; *IEph 561B. @ @@`3361. Caption identifying dramatic figures by titles of plays in wall%19paintings; 2; found at Ephesos: Eichler, AAWW 105, 1968, 88%19`89 (PH); Jobst, WS 85, 1972, 235%19`240 (PH, part); Lessing %9 Oberleitner, Ephesos Abb. 78 (non vidi); FiE VIII 1, 48, 53%19`56 (PH); SEG 29, 1118; Herold, AAWW 119, 1980, Taf. 25%19`26 (PH); *IEph 559. @ @@`3362. Captions identifying philosophers in wall%19paintings; AD 200%3`220; found at Ephesos: Eichler, AAWW 101, 1964, 44 (PH, part); Vetters, AAWW 109, 1972, 100; FiE VIII 1, 94 and 115 (PH); SEG 29, 1121 and 1123; *IEph 560. @ See also: Ephesos 2881, 2884, 2888%19`2889, 2891, 2893%19`2895, 2897%19`2898, 3141%19`3142, 3144, 3147%19`3149; Winter, ZA+S 97, 1971, 146%19`155 (inscriptions in Egyptian on Egyptian statue of priest, naming priest Ih%1at and Pharaoh Psammetichos II; found at Ephesos); BE 1984:373 (unpublished inscription in Egyptian on clepsydra with some of name Nebty of Ptolemy II; found at Ephesos); IEph 3318 (two inscriptions recording sale by Diophantos of Ephesos; found at Tire in Kaystros Valley); IG XII 5, 444 XXVII (Marmor Parium mentions founding of Ephesos; found on Paros); IG XIV 1299II30 (list of dates mentions [Hera]kleitos of Ephesos; found at Rome?). @ @@@@Section: 22g. Other Inscriptions (3363%19`3383) @ @@`3363. Alphabet; IV&4`2&%3I; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 785; *IEph 1785. @ @@`3363.5. Inscriptions identifying &3Nymphai& et al. on votive monument by Meges et al.; III%3II; found at Ephesos: *Atalay, RA 1985, 195%19`204 (PH); BE 1987:90. @ @@`3364. Excised. @ @@`3365. Inscription on scale%19beam with word or name &3karpos&; late; found at Ephesos: Benndorf, JO+AI 1, 1898 Beibl. 63; *IEph 571. @ @@`3366. Inscription on half%19pound weight; 3; found at Ephesos: Eichler, AAWW 103, 1966, 14, note 9; BE 1967:513. *IEph 558.1. @ @@`3367. Inscription on half%19pound lead weight; 3; provenance unknown, from Ephesos: Empereur, BCH 105, 1981, 544%19`546, no. 11 (PH); *SEG 31, 967. @ @@`3368. Inscription accompanying caricature in toilet; 5&7b&; found at Ephesos: Vetters, AAWW 110, 1973, 191 (PH); FiE VIII 1, 88%19`89 (PH); Mielsch, Gymnasium 87, 1980, 222; SEG 29, 1120; *IEph 561.1 and Add. p. 16. @ @@`3369. Set of numbers accompanying caricature in toilet; 5&7b&; found at Ephesos: FiE VIII 1, 88%19`89 (PH); Mielsch, Gymnasium 87, 1980, 222; SEG 29, 1120; *IEph 561.2 and Add. p. 16. @ @@`3370. Markings for equinoxes and solstices on sundial; no date; found at Ephesos: Noll, Wien no. 64; *IEph 433. @ @@`3371. Game%19board inscription; no date; found at Ephesos: Merkelbach, ZPE 28, 1978, 48%19`50; SEG 28, 877; *IEph 556. @ @@`3372. Game%19board without writing; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 556A. @ @@`3373. Inscription on mina%19weight; no date; found at Ephesos: Reinach, RA 11, 1888, 385, no. 163; *IEph 558.3. @ @@`3374. Prohibition against urinating into &3kamara& in dream; no date; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 3375: *IEph 568A.1. @ @@`3375. Prohibition against urinating into &3kamara& in dream; no date; found at Ephesos, text identical with Ephesos 3374: *IEph 568A.2. @ @@`3376. Good wishes on birthday; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 583. @ @@`3377. Alphabet; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 584. @ @@`3378. Word &3poma&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 596A. @ @@`3379. Measurement: 23 &3litra&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1964. @ @@`3380. Directional marks on parts of buildings; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1991A. @ @@`3381. Masons' marks; no date; found at Ephesos: *FiE IV 3 no. 22; IEph 4322. @ @@`3382. Measure on mold for weight; no date; found at Ephesos: Meric, ZPE 41, 1981, 214%19`215, no. 3 (PH); *IEph 4364; SEG 31, 966. @ @@`3383. Cliff inscription; no date; found at Ephesos: *Vetters, AAWW 116, 1979, 130 (PH). @ See also: Ephesos 794, 2879%19`2880, 2885%19`2887, 2892, 2896, 3138%19`3140, 3145%19`3146, 3150%19`3152; Friedrich, Kleinasiatische Sprachdenkma+ler no. 48 (inscription in Lydian on marble fragment of column%19drum; found at Ephesos); Ho+lbl, JO+AI 55, 1984 Beibl. 4%19`67 (inscription in Egyptian hieroglyphics on water clock; found at Ephesos); Dressler, JO+AI 48, 1966%19`1967, 73%19`76 (%6 Meier%19Bru+gger, Labraunda II 4 p. 11, no. 24) (three Karoid inscriptions found in quarry; found at Belevi); IEph 3910 (lead seal of Ephesos; found at Constant%25a). @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (3384%19`3808) @ @@`3384. Fragment mentioning [&3bas&]&3ileis,& irregularly stoichedon; early; found at Ephesos: *IEph 120. @ @@`3385. Fragment, stoichedon; early; found at Ephesos: *IEph 121 and Add. p. 5. @ @@`3386. Fragment mentioning [Dion]ysios, stoichedon; early; found at Ephesos: *IEph 122. @ @@`3387. Fragment, stoichedon; early; found at Ephesos: *IEph 124. @ @@`3388. Fragment mentioning Nereus; early; found at Ephesos: *IEph 127. @ @@`3389. Fragment mentioning Sopolis, stoichedon; early; found at Ephesos: *IEph 128. @ @@`3390. Fragment, stoichedon; early; found at Ephesos: *IEph 129. @ @@`3391. Fragment, stoichedon; early; found at Ephesos: *IEph 130. @ @@`3392. Fragment mentioning Machat[as]; VI%3I; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1895A; **Fraser %9 Matthews, Lexicon of Greek Pers. Names I p. 300 (l. 5). @ @@`3393. Fragment concerning persons' names, stoichedon; VI%3IV; found at Ephesos: GIBM 679; *IEph 1679. @ @@`3394. Fragmentary inscription on sima fragment of archaic dipteros; VI&7m&; found at Ephesos: *Bammer, AS 32, 1982, 72 (PH); SEG 32, 1140. @ @@`3395. Fragment [&3eu&]&3cholen patroien&; V; found at Ephesos: *IEph 125. @ @@`3396. Fragment; IV&4`2&%3I; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 680; *IEph 1680. @ @@`3397. Fragments of inscription mentioning Leonidas; IV&4`2&%3I; found at Ephesos: GIBM 683; *IEph 1683. @ @@`3398. Fragment mentioning (no name) of Rhodes; prob. IV&4`2&%3I; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1818. @ @@`3399. Inscription in Latin mentioning Ped[ucaeus?]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 703B. @ @@`3400. Fragment mentioning son of Titia Me[tro]dora; Roman; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 593; *IEph 1593. @ @@`3401. Fragment mentioning Pont[i ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 717; *IEph 1717. @ @@`3402. Fragment mentioning name [Aur]unceiu[s]; Roman; found at Ephesos: GIBM 725; *IEph 1725. @ @@`3403. Fragment mentioning Aufidius; Roman; found at Ephesos: GIBM 754; *IEph 1754. @ @@`3404. Fragment mentioning [Cap]itolinus; Roman; found at Ephesos: GIBM 760; *IEph 1760. @ @@`3405. Fragment mentioning Kap[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: GIBM 762; *IEph 1762. @ @@`3406. Fragment in Latin mentioning [ ... ]ia Iucunda; Roman; found at Ephesos: CIL III 7137; Wood, App. 3, no. 9; *IEph 1797. @ @@`3407. Fragment in Latin mentioning P(ublii) f(ilius); Roman; found at Ephesos: CIL III 7142; *IEph 1801. @ @@`3408. Fragment in Latin; Roman; found at Ephesos: CIL III 7143; *IEph 1802. @ @@`3409. Fragment in Latin; Roman; found at Ephesos: CIL III 7144; *IEph 1803. @ @@`3410. Fragment in Latin; Roman; found at Ephesos: CIL III 7145; *IEph 1804.a. @ @@`3411. Fragment in Latin; Roman; found at Ephesos: CIL III 7145; *IEph 1804.b. @ @@`3412. Fragment in Latin; Roman; found at Ephesos: CIL III 7145; *IEph 1804.c. @ @@`3413. Fragment in Latin; Roman; found at Ephesos: CIL III 6091; *IEph 1805. @ @@`3414. Fragment giving measure of area in Latin, on base; Roman; found at Ephesos: CIL III 14195 *IEph 1807.1. @ @@`3415. Fragment with Roman numeral; Roman; found at Ephesos: CIL III 14195 *IEph 1807.2. @ @@`3416. Fragment in Latin; Roman; found at Ephesos: CIL III 14195 *IEph 1808.3. @ @@`3417. Fragment in Latin mentioning [&3cent&]&3uria&; Roman; found at Ephesos: CIL III 14195 *IEph 1809. @ @@`3418. Fragment in Latin using word &3provincia&; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1816. @ @@`3419. Fragment of list of names (?), including Pedu[caeus]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1817. @ @@`3420. Fragment mentioning son of Auspicius; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1821. @ @@`3421. Fragment mentioning [V]aleria[n]u[s]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1825. @ @@`3422. Fragment in Latin mentioning &3frumen&[&3tarius&]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1826. @ @@`3423. Fragment mentioning Celsus; Roman; found near Ephesos: *IEph 1833. @ @@`3424. Fragment mentioning Titinn[i ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1841. @ @@`3425. Fragments of inscription mentioning Labe[rius?]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1843. @ @@`3426. Fragment mentioning Capito; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1851. @ @@`3427. Fragment mentioning Dion; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1853. @ @@`3428. Fragment mentioning [Qu]intian[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1854. @ @@`3429. Fragment mentioning [Ar]sinoe and [As]iaticus; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1855. @ @@`3430. Fragment of archivolt naming Piso[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1861. @ @@`3431. Fragment mentioning [A]ntoniu[s]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1885. @ @@`3432. Fragment in Latin, with word [&3di&]&3centium&; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1894. @ @@`3433. Fragment in Latin; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1896 and Add. p. 27. @ @@`3434. Fragment on base mentioning Aquila; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1933A. @ @@`3435. Fragment in Latin; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1934. @ @@`3436. Fragment mentioning [Cor]nelius; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1937. @ @@`3437. Fragment with group of names, including L(ucius) Font[eius ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1947. @ @@`3438. Fragment in Latin referring to [&3dispensator&] &3vik&[&3arius&]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1948A. @ @@`3439. Fragment in Latin referring to one or more [&3t&]&3ribun&[&3i&]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1950. @ @@`3440. Fragment in Latin; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1951A.2. @ @@`3441. Fragment in Latin with word &3monum&[&3entum&]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1952. @ @@`3442. Fragment referring to [C]orne[li ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1954. @ @@`3443. Fragment mentioning Urbana Ma[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1955. @ @@`3444. Fragment in Latin referring to [&3l&]&3eg&[&3atus&?]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1955A. @ @@`3445. Fragment referring to consular (no name); Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1956A.1. @ @@`3446. Fragment referring to propraetor (no name); Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1956A.2. @ @@`3447. Fragment [ ... ]&3oulliou&; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1958A. @ @@`3448. Fragment &3Quin&[&3t ...& ] on statue%19base; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1959A. @ @@`3449. Fragment in Latin and Greek referring to Longinus; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1961. @ @@`3450. Fragment in Latin mentioning [T]itus; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1962A. @ @@`3451. Fragment referring to Proc[lus?]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1963. @ @@`3452. Fragment referring to [P]etro[ni ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1963A. @ @@`3453. Fragment referring to Ma[rcus] Cl[audius]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1964A. @ @@`3454. Fragment referring to Teren[ti ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1965. @ @@`3455. Fragment in Latin referring to Quint[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1969. @ @@`3456. Fragment in Latin and Greek; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1970A. @ @@`3457. Fragment in Latin; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1972A. @ @@`3458. Fragment mentioning Syntropho[s]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1974. @ @@`3459. Fragment referring to [&3syn&]&3kletos&; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1975A. @ @@`3460. Fragment referring to Cel[sus?]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1976A. @ @@`3461. Fragment referring to Secundus; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1977. @ @@`3462. Fragment mentioning Marullu[s]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1980. @ @@`3463. Fragment mentioning Aemilianu[s]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1983A. @ @@`3464. Fragment in Latin; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1988. @ @@`3465. Fragment referring to Publius Cu[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1989. @ @@`3466. Fragment with word &3kommentar&[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1989A. @ @@`3467. Fragment referring to [ ... ]os Mar[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1991. @ @@`3468. Fragment referring to &3disp&(&3ensator&) &3vik&(&3arius&); Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1993. @ @@`3469. Fragment mentioning Veria; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1994. @ @@`3470. Fragment referring to Aefic[i ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1997. @ @@`3471. Fragment dated by proconsul (no name); Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2000.1. @ @@`3472. Fragment referring to proconsul (no name); Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2000.2. @ @@`3473. Fragment referring to proconsul (no name); Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2000.3. @ @@`3474. Fragment dated by proconsul (no name); Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2000.4. @ @@`3475. Fragment referring to proconsul; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2000.5. @ @@`3476. Fragment referring to proconsul (no name); Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2000.6. @ @@`3477. Fragment, perhaps referring to proconsul; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2000.7. @ @@`3478. Fragment mentioning [A]pphion; Roman?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2901; JO+AI 53, 96, no. 24. @ @@`3479. Fragment in Latin mentioning Me.ululus Chrestus; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2921. @ @@`3480. Fragment mentioning Marcus M[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2922. @ @@`3481. Fragment mentioning Florus; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2924; JO+AI 53, 119, no. 106. @ @@`3482. Fragment referring to [Sa]turnin[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2949C; JO+AI 53, 122, no. 115. @ @@`3483. Fragment referring to Pu(blius) E[ ... ]; Roman; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2951B; JO+AI 53, 116, no. 95. @ @@`3484. Fragment in Latin mentioning [ ... ] Victor; Roman; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 132, no. 138. @ @@`3485. Fragment in Latin; Roman; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 134, no. 141. @ @@`3486. Fragment mentioning [&3v&]&3icarius& of Decimus [ ... ], &3praefectus&; Roman; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 125, no. 4266; SEG 34, 1163. @ @@`3487. Fragment mentioning [ ... ]us Fulvius Herodotos; prob. I; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1832. @ @@`3488. Ashlar fragment referring to [Co]ssonius (?); I; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1951. @ @@`3489. Fragment in Latin having to do with [A]ug(ustus) (?); imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 329.1. @ @@`3490. Fragment, perhaps of inscription mentioning emperor Nerva; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 333.1. @ @@`3491. Fragment [&3id&]&3iotikon& (?); imperial?; found at Ephesos?: *IEph 336.5.a. @ @@`3492. Fragment &3gra&[&3mmat ...& ]; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 336.5.b. @ @@`3493. Fragment &3kai Ko&[ ... ]; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 336.5.c. @ @@`3494. Fragment mentioning emperor [ ... C]laudi[us ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 339. @ @@`3495. Inscription mentioning Aug(ustus) Ge[r]mani[cus]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 342. @ @@`3496. Fragment from "Byzantine Baths" mentioning Ve[di ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 592. @ @@`3497. Fragments in Latin mentioning Augusti; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 594. @ @@`3498. Inscription dated by [pryt]anis Tiberius Claudius [D]emostratos Titianos; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 643; JO+AI 53, 89%19`90, no. 4. @ @@`3499. Fragment naming [Claudi]us Demo[stratos?]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 643A. @ @@`3500. Fragment of decree, speech, or letter concerning dignity of Ephesos; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1403. @ @@`3501. Fragment in Latin mentioning [Ner]va; imperial; found at Ephesos: GIBM 494.9 and p. 294; *IEph 1494.9. @ @@`3502. Fragment mentioning Aure[li ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 507; *IEph 1507. @ @@`3503. Inscription dated by Iulius [ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: GIBM 590a3; *IEph 1590A.3. @ @@`3504. Fragment mentioning &3akroba&[&3tes& of Arte]mis; imperial; found at Ephesos: GIBM 608a; *IEph 1608.a. @ @@`3505. Fragment mentioning [I]ulius; imperial; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 712; *IEph 1712. @ @@`3506. Fragments of inscription with name [I]ulius; imperial; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 726; *IEph 1726. @ @@`3507. Fragments of inscription mentioning [Ger]manic[ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: GIBM 727; *IEph 1727. @ @@`3508. Fragment of inscription with titulature of emperor (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 731; *IEph 1731. @ @@`3509. Fragment beginning [&3o&]&3litous&; imperial; found at Ephesos: GIBM 742; *IEph 1742. @ @@`3510. Fragment mentioning restoration by Ma(rcus) Ul[p ... , grammateus] of demos; imperial; found at Ephesos: GIBM 750; *IEph 1750. @ @@`3511. Fragment mentioning Tib(erius) C[l(audius) ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: GIBM 759; *IEph 1759. @ @@`3512. Fragment mentioning Aur(elius); imperial; found at Ephesos: GIBM 765; *IEph 1765. @ @@`3513. Fragment mentioning Cl[audius?]; imperial; found at Ephesos: GIBM 766; *IEph 1766. @ @@`3514. Fragment mentioning [Ask]lepio[ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: GIBM 776; *IEph 1776. @ @@`3515. Fragment mentioning [&3mar&]&3tyres& and [&3Kai&]&3sares&; imperial; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 777; *IEph 1777. @ @@`3516. Fragment in Latin mentioning Seve[r ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1788. @ @@`3517. Fragment in Latin and Greek mentioning [Cae]cili(us) Numa proc(urator); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1799 and Add. p. 27. @ @@`3518. Fragment mentioning [g]ymna[siarch]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1811. @ @@`3519. Fragments of inscription mentioning emperor (no name) and [&3m&]&3egalops&[&3ychia&]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1824. @ @@`3520. Fragment mentioning Pu(blius) Aelius; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1827. @ @@`3521. Fragment mentioning Gaius; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1828. @ @@`3522. Fragment mentioning [Ti]b(erius) Cl(audius) N[ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1838. @ @@`3523. Fragment with name [Au]relius Ka[ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1857.1. @ @@`3524. Fragment with name Aureliu[s]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1857.2. @ @@`3525. Fragment referring to neopo[ios]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1859. @ @@`3526. Fragment mentioning Claud( ... ); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1868. @ @@`3527. Fragment, possibly of dedication to [Arte]mis; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1869. @ @@`3528. Fragment with word [&3Olym&]&3peios,& on statue%19base; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1874. @ @@`3529. Fragment mentioning Tib(erius) Cl[audius ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1876. @ @@`3530. Fragment mentioning [ ... ]s Aeliu[s]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1878. @ @@`3531. Fragment in Latin and Greek mentioning [&3hier&]&3a &3syn&[&3kletos&]; imperial; found at Ephesos: CIG II 13681; *IEph 1888. @ @@`3532. Fragment mentioning [Asia]rch (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: CIG 2994b; *IEph 1890. @ @@`3533. Fragment mentioning Gerel[lanus]; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1890A. @ @@`3534. Fragment mentioning [gramm]ateus of de[mos]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1891A. @ @@`3535. Fragment mentioning Iulius M[ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1893. @ @@`3536. Fragent mentioning Ti(berius) Cl(audius) [ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1895. @ @@`3537. Fragment referring to Aulus Ge[rillanus ... ] Meno[ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1899. @ @@`3538. Fragment referring to [M]etrodoro[s] as (?) Asiarch; ҂imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1900.2. @ @@`3539. Inscription referring to (no name), Asiarch, and (no name), &3ag&[&3onothetes&] three times, on base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1900.4. @ @@`3540. Fragment referring to [ ... ]onios as (?) [arch]iereus of Asia; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1900.6. @ @@`3541. Fragment referring to Plou[ ... ] and (?) Asiar[ch]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1900.8. @ @@`3542. Fragment referring to [ar]chie[r ... ] (no name); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1900.9. @ @@`3543. Fragment of base in Latin mentioning Aur(eli ... ); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph V p. 257 (to no. 1936A). @ @@`3544. Fragment mentioning [Fl]avius; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1938. @ @@`3545. Fragment mentioning Asia and Flavius; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1941. @ @@`3546. Fragment mentioning two Aur(elii?); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1941A. @ @@`3547. Fragment in Latin mentioning Secu[nd ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1945.a. @ @@`3548. Ashlar fragment dated by prytany of T(itus) F[lavius ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1948. @ @@`3549. Ashlar fragment in Latin referring to Aur(eli ... ) An[tonin ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1949A. @ @@`3550. Fragment in Latin referring to &3arc&[&3arius&]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1951A.1. @@`3551. Fragment referring to [ ... ] Aelius (?) T[ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1953. @ @@`3552. Fragment referring to [Au]r(eli ... ?) Neike[phor ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1967. @ @@`3553. Fragment referring to Ti(berius) Cl[audius] Ruf[ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1976. @ @@`3554. Fragment using word [&3philor&]&3omaios&; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1981. @ @@`3555. Fragment mentioning Annius; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1985A. @ @@`3556. Fragment referring to [Cla]udius [ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1990A. @ @@`3557. Fragment referring to [T]iber[ius]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1999. @ @@`3558. Fragment of inscription granting burial rights (?) and naming Quin[t ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2120. @ @@`3559. Fragment mentioning [Phi]loved[ii?]; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2905; JO+AI 53, 119, no. 105. @ @@`3560. Fragment mentioning &3hiera chremata&; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2906; JO+AI 53, 97, no. 27. @ @@`3561. Fragment, on base; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2914. @ @@`3562. Fragment naming [Tiberi]us Claudius Atta[lus Melior Kle ... ], archiereus; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2944. @ @@`3563. Fragment referring to emperor (no name), on architrave; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2948; JO+AI 53, 121, no. 111. @ @@`3564. Fragment referring to Aurelius; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2948B; JO+AI 53, 118, no. 102. @ @@`3565. Fragment referring to Ga[ius] Ael[i ... ], on base (?); imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2949A; JO+AI 53, 121, no. 112. @ @@`3566. Fragment referring to [ ... ] Clau[dius ... ], in monumental script, on architrave; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2949D; JO+AI 53, 122, no. 116. @ @@`3567. Fragment referring to Aur(elius) Arte[m ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2950A; JO+AI 53, 107, no. 61. @ @@`3568. Fragment (possibly of list of neopoioi) referring to [&3ch&(&3iliastys&) Ti]berieus; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2950C; JO+AI 53, 117, no. 96. @ @@`3569. Fragment in Latin referring to C(aius) Iuli[ ... ], on base; imperial; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2951A; JO+AI 53, 113, no. 82. @ @@`3570. Fragment referring to Mysi[a]; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2952A; JO+AI 53, 116, no. 93. @ @@`3571. Fragment mentioning [ ... Li]cinnius and Pu(blius) Aelius Me[ ... ]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 92, no. 13. @ @@`3572. Fragment referring to [Se]ptim[ius]; imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 99, no. 34. @ @@`3573. Fragment referring to [Clau]dius Aurelia[nus], envoy (?); imperial; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 124%19`125, no. 122. @ @@`3574. Fragment (of letter or decree?), with word [&3m&]&3empsimoirema&; imperial?; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 127, no. 129. @ @@`3575. Inscription dated by proconsul [P(ublius) Petr]onius; AD 29%3`35; found at Ephesos: *IEph 705. @ @@`3576. Fragment concerning emperor, probably Caligula; prob. AD 37%3`41; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1978A. @ @@`3577. Fragment dated by proconsul [Publius Cornelius] Scipio; AD 41%3`42; found at Ephesos: *IEph 659B. @ @@`3578. Fragment with titulature of Nero; AD 54%3`68; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1834. @ @@`3578.5. Largely erased inscription on column, mentioning Fla(vi_); 1&7e&%3`2; found at Ephesos: FiE II 82; *IEph 2082, ll. 1%19`6. @ @@`3579. Fragment referring to [demos] of Ephes[os]; AD c. 88%3c. 260; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1927.4. @ @@`3580. Fragment of inscription dated by office of Ti(berius) Cl(audius) Aris[tion]; 1&7e&%3`2&4`1&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 638A. @ @@`3581. Document (connected with &3synodos& of athletes?) naming archiereus [Marcus] Ulpius [Domesticus]; 2; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1089.B. @ @@`3582. Fragment mentioning neop[oios] (no name) in prytany of [ ... ]os Eutychion Faust[us]; 2; found at Ephesos: GIBM 570; *IEph 1570. @ @@`3583. Fragment; 2; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 719; *IEph 1719. @ @@`3584. Fragment mentioning [neop]oios; 2; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 723; *IEph 1723. @ @@`3585. Fragment mentioning Tit[us Flavius ... ]; 2; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 724; *IEph 1724. @ @@`3586. Fragment of philosophical diatribe (?); 2?; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 149%19`150, no. 169. @ @@`3587. Fragment in Latin; 2&7b&?; found at Ephesos: FiE II no. 62e; *IEph VI p. 48 (to no. 2062). @ @@`3588. Fragments of documents concerning benefaction of Gaius Vibius Salutaris; AD 104; found at Ephesos: GIBM 481, 481*; FiE II no. 27, frag.'s 1%19`8; *IEph 27, frag.'s 1, 3%19`9. @ @@`3589. Inscription dated by proconsul [M(arcus) S]capu[la]; prob. AD 114%3`115; found at Ephesos: *IEph 716A. @ @@`3590. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for [ar]chiere[us of Asia]; AD 132%3c. 260; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1900.1. @ @@`3591. Fragment referring to [archiereus of Asia]; AD 132%3c. 260; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1900.7. @ @@`3592. Fragment (concerning &3synodos& of athletes?) mentioning emperor (no name); AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1089.C. @ @@`3593. Fragment giving titles of [Ephesos]; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: GIBM 517; *IEph 1517. @ @@`3594. Fragment containing titulature of [E]phesos; AD 132%3`214; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1902.1. @ @@`3595. Fragment mentioning all gods (?), Artemis, and Antoninus Pius; AD 138%3`161; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 142, no. 149. @ @@`3596. Fragment mentioning M(arcus) Aur(elius) Magn[us]; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2907; JO+AI 53, 98, no. 29. @ @@`3597. Inscription dated by prytanis Ved[ia] Phaedrina; 2&4`2&; found at Ephesos: JO+AI 52, 39, no. 50; *IEph 733. @ @@`3598. Fragment naming Commodus and &3synodos&; AD 176%3`192; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1098. @ @@`3599. Inscription dated by [gra]mmateus of &3syn&[&3hed&]&3rion& of &3mistho&[&3t&]&3erion& M(arcus) Aur(elius) Dio[n]ysikles Corbulo and Aur(elius) Dionysios Dionysiou; 3?; found at Ephesos: Curtius, Hermes 4, 1870, 203%19`205, no. 13; Wood, App. 6, no. 19; GIBM 577a; SEG 27, 751; *IEph 1577.a. @ @@`3600. Fragment mentioning [Eut]ychos; prob. late antique%3early Byz.; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1879. @ @@`3601. Fragment; 4%3`5; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1957.2. @ @@`3602. Fragment; 4%3`5; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1973A.1b. @ @@`3603. Fragment; 4%3`5; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1973A.2b. @ @@`3604. Fragment of inscription in Latin mentioning Fab(ius) Titianus; 4&4`1&; found at Ephesos: *IEph 666D. @ @@`3605. Fragment [&3t&]&3ych&[&3e&]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph II p. 17. @ @@`3606. Fragment concerning building; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 582 and Add. p. 17. @ @@`3607. Fragment from "Byzantine Baths"; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 591. @ @@`3608. Fragment of archivolt; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 593. @ @@`3609. Fragment mentioning neopoi[os Dion]ysios; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 948. @ @@`3610. Fragment mentioning [neopoios] (no name); no date; found at Ephesos?: *IEph 964. @ @@`3611. Fragment naming Olym[pia]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1082A. @ @@`3612. Fragment (concerning &3synodos& of athletes?); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1089.D. @ @@`3613. Fragment naming [&3aly&]&3tarches& (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1099A.1. @ @@`3614. Fragment naming [&3aly&]&3tarches& (no name); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1099A.2. @ @@`3615. Fragment naming [priest of Dionysos] Phleos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1257. @ @@`3616. Fragment, stoichedon; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 446; *IEph 1446. @ @@`3617. Fragment mentioning [&3antag&]&3onistai&; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 481, p. 125, no. 3; *IEph 1481. @ @@`3618. Fragments of inscription; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 494, 1%19`8; *IEph 1494, 1%19`8. @ @@`3619. Fragment referring to rebellion (?); no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 496; *IEph 1496. @ @@`3620. Fragment mentioning [B]embene (?); no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 527; *IEph 1527. @ @@`3621. Fragment referring to neopoios (no name); no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 569; *IEph 1569. @ @@`3622. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 682; *IEph 1682. @ @@`3623. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 688; *IEph 1688. @ @@`3624. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 689; *IEph 1689. @ @@`3625. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 690; *IEph 1690. @ @@`3626. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 691; *IEph 1691. @ @@`3627. Fragment mentioning [neo]poios; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 692; *IEph 1692. @ @@`3628. Excised (included in Ephesos 3627). @ @@`3629. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 693; *IEph 1693. @ @@`3630. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 694; *IEph 1694. @ @@`3631. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 695; *IEph 1695. @ @@`3632. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 696; *IEph 1696. @ @@`3633. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 698 (%6 572b); *IEph 1698. @ @@`3634. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 699; *IEph 1699. @ @@`3635. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 700; *IEph 1700. @ @@`3636. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 701; *IEph 1701. @ @@`3637. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 702; *IEph 1702. @ @@`3638. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 703; *IEph 1703. @ @@`3639. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 704; *IEph 1704; Knibbe %9 #1222plikc%25iog%27lu, Ephesos Abb. 6 (PH). @ @@`3640. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 705; *IEph 1705. @ @@`3641. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 706; *IEph 1706. @ @@`3642. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 707; *IEph 1707. @ @@`3643. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 710; *IEph 1710. @ @@`3644. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 718; *IEph 1718. @ @@`3645. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 729; *IEph 1729. @ @@`3646. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 730; *IEph 1730. @ @@`3647. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 732; *IEph 1732. @ @@`3648. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 733; *IEph 1733. @ @@`3649. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 734; *IEph 1734. @ @@`3650. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 735; *IEph 1735. @ @@`3651. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 736; *IEph 1736. @ @@`3652. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 737; *IEph 1737. @ @@`3653. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 738; *IEph 1738. @ @@`3654. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 739; *IEph 1739. @ @@`3655. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 740; *IEph 1740. @ @@`3656. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 741; *IEph 1741. @ @@`3657. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 743; *IEph 1743. @ @@`3658. Fragment with word &3hypes&[&3cheto&]; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 744; *IEph 1744. @ @@`3659. Fragment with word [&3po&]&3lin&; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 745; *IEph 1745. @ @@`3660. Fragment with word [&3kat&]&3askeu&[&3asas&]; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 746; *IEph 1746. @ @@`3661. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 748; *IEph 1748. @ @@`3662. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 752; *IEph 1752. @ @@`3663. Fragment with word &3desp&[&3ot ...& ]; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 753; *IEph 1753. @ Ϫ@@`3663.5. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 755; *IEph 1755. @ @@`3664. Fragment mentioning [He]dylos; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 756; *IEph 1756. @ @@`3665. Fragment mentioning Eusebis; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 757; *IEph 1757. @ @@`3666. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 758; *IEph 1758. @ @@`3667. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 761; *IEph 1761. @ @@`3668. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 763; *IEph 1763. @ @@`3669. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 764; *IEph 1764. @ @@`3670. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 767; *IEph 1767. @ @@`3671. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 768; *IEph 1768. @ @@`3672. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 769; *IEph 1769. @ @@`3673. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 770; *IEph 1770. @ @@`3674. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 771; *IEph 1771. @ @@`3675. Fragment mentioning Pithane; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 772; *IEph 1772. @ @@`3676. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: GIBM 773; *IEph 1773. @ @@`3677. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 775; *IEph 1775. @ @@`3678. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 779; *IEph 1779. @ @@`3679. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 780; *IEph 1780. @ @@`3680. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 781; *IEph 1781. @ @@`3681. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 782; *IEph 1782. @ @@`3682. Fragment mentioning [p]oli[s]; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 783; *IEph 1783. @ @@`3683. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos?: GIBM 784; *IEph 1784. @ @@`3684. Fragment mentioning [Te]lesphoros; no date; found at Ephesos?: *IEph 1787. @ @@`3685. Fragment with word &3treis&; no date; found at Ephesos: CIG 3021b; Schmidt, MDAI()A 6, 1880, 142, no. 21a; du Rieu, E/t. Leemans 248, no. 5; *IEph 1791.1. @ @@`3686. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: Schmidt, MDAI(A) 6, 1880, 142, no. 21b; *IEph 1791.2. @ @@`3687. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: CIG 3021.a; *IEph 1792.a. @ @@`3688. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: CIG 3021.c; *IEph 1792.b. @ @@`3689. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: CIG 2968e; *IEph 1794. @ @@`3690. Fragment mentioning boule; no date; found at Ephesos: CIG 2956b; *IEph 1795. @ @@`3691. Fragment mentioning &3kalemeriai& and &3lakkoi&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1813. @ @@`3692. Fragment mentioning Phar[nakes]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1814. @ @@`3693. Fragment referring to promise; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1822. @ @@`3694. Fragment mentioning Menodo[r ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1823. @ @@`3695. Fragment with word &3patri&[&3s&]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1829. @ @@`3696. Fragment with word [&3Eu&]&3sebes&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1835. @ @@`3697. Fragment [A]chille[ ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1836. @ @@`3698. Fragment mentioning [&3hier&]&3on makel&[&3lon&]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1840. @ @@`3699. Fragment mentioning Amphion Sopatrou; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1842. @ @@`3700. Fragment concerning &3apartei&[&3a&]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1844. @ @@`3701. Fragment mentioning Ro[me]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1846. @ @@`3702. Fragment dated by [prytan]is Hier[on?]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1848. @ @@`3703. Fragment mentioning Herode[s]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1850. @ @@`3704. Fragment with word [&3gra&]&3mmata&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1858. @ @@`3705. Fragment concerning &3hymnodo&[&3s&]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1860. @ @@`3706. Fragment referring to restoration; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1862. @ @@`3707. Fragment mentioning daughter of Papias; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1867. @ @@`3708. Fragment with word &3hymnodi&[&3a&]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1870. @ @@`3709. Fragment concerning priestess; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1872.a. @ @@`3710. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1872.b. @ @@`3711. Fragment (of royal letter?) concerning [&3p&]&3resbeuta&[&3i&]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1873 and Add. p. 27. @ @@`3712. Fragment concerning Kle[ ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1875. @ @@`3713. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1877. @ @@`3714. Fragment mentioning [M]enodor[ ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1887. @ @@`3715. Fragment mentioning Asklepiades; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1889. @ @@`3716. Fragment mentioning Bala[gros]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1889A. @ @@`3717. Fragment mentioning [&3a&]&3delphos&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1891. @ @@`3718. Fragment mentioning [Kl]eoboulo[s]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1892A. @ @@`3719. Fragment mentioning Papias; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1893A. @ @@`3720. Excised. @ @@`3721. Fragment mentioning Tati(on); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1896A. @ @@`3722. Fragment mentioning [ ... ]onios Menod[otou]; no date; found at Ephesos: IEph 1894A; *IEph 1897. @ @@`3723. Fragment mentioning Heras G[ ... ] and others: no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1899A. @ @@`3724. Fragment with word [&3p&]&3oli&[&3s&]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1917.5.a. @ @@`3725. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1917.5.b. @ @@`3726. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1918.1.b. @ @@`3727. Fragment mentioning &3patris&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1919.3. @ @@`3728. Fragment &3agathe Tyche&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1920.3. @ @@`3729. Fragment referring to d[emos]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1927.2. @ @@`3730. Fragment mentioning [Phi]lippiades Herk[lan ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1930. @ @@`3731. Fragment mentioning [Arte]mon; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1930A. @ @@`3732. Fragment mentioning Euhodiano[s]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1931. @ @@`3733. Fragment mentioning Drak[o ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1931A. @ @@`3734. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1932A. @ @@`3735. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1934A. @ @@`3736. Fragment mentioning Teleph[o ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1937A. @ @@`3737. Fragment mentioning horse; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1939. @ @@`3738. Fragment mentioning 200 drachmas and Metrod[ ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1942. @ @@`3739. Fragment mentioning Egypt; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1942A. @ @@`3740. Ashlar, referring to offices on two sides; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1943A. @ @@`3741. Ashlar fragment referring to Theophilo[s]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1944. @ @@`3742. Fragment referring to [Dion]ysios (?) N[ ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1944A. @ @@`3743. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1945.b. @ @@`3744. Fragment mentioning Epaphr[ ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1945A. @ @@`3745. Fragment of base referring to [g]ramm[ateus]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1946A. @ @@`3746. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1949. @ @@`3747. Ashlar fragment referring to [M]etroph[anes]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1952A. @ @@`3748. Fragment referring to gram[mateus?]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1953A. @ @@`3749. Fragment mentioning Hermi[ppos]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1954A. @ @@`3750. Fragment mentioning Nym[ ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1956. @ @@`3751. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1957.1. @ @@`3752. Fragment: [ ... ]phidios; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1957A. @ @@`3753. Fragment mentioning [&3phi&]&3losophos&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1958. @ @@`3754. Fragment mentioning Metrodoro[s]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1960. @ @@`3755. Fragment referring to promise; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1960A. @ @@`3756. Fragment referring to [prytanis]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1961A. @ @@`3757. Fragment mentioning 13 noses; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1962. @ @@`3758. Fragment with form of verb [&3ak&]&3olouth&[&3eo&]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1966A. @ @@`3759. Fragment referring to brother; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1967A. @ @@`3760. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1969A.1. @ @@`3761. Fragment mentioning Pythio[n]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1970. @ @@`3762. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1973A.1a. @ @@`3763. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1973A.2a. @ @@`3764. Inscription mentioning Alexandros; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1977A. @ @@`3765. Fragment mentioning Aphrodi[sios?]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1978. @ @@`3766. Fragment in Greek, with accents; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1979. @ @@`3767. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1981A. @ @@`3768. Fragment referring to [Ch]arixenos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1982. @ @@`3769. Fragment mentioning Ioannes; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1983. @ @@`3770. Fragment mentioning &3stolarch&[&3oi&]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1984A. @ @@`3771. Fragment of list of names mentioning [Me]nestrato[s]; no date; found at Ephesos: IEph 1985; *Engelmann, EA 8, 1986, 35; SEG 36, 1024. @ @@`3772. Fragment in Latin referring to Philero[s]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1986. @ @@`3773. Fragment in Latin; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1986A. @ @@`3774. Fragment mentioning Charinos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1987. @ @@`3775. Fragment referring to Arsino[e] or Arsino[eia]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1990. @ @@`3776. Fragment referring to Menogenes; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1992. @ @@`3777. Fragment referring to Phila; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1996. @ @@`3778. Fragment referring to [Mene]stheus; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 1998. @ @@`3779. Fragment, possibly of funerary inscription for (no name) establishing foundation; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2116. @ @@`3780. Fragment of grant of burial rights to (no name) (?); no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2125. @ @@`3781. Fragment of inscription; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph VI p. 140 (to no. 2234). @ @@`3782. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2898. @ @@`3783. Fragment mentioning Glyptos and K[ ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2903; JO+AI 53, 96, no. 23. @ @@`3784. Fragment mentioning [ ... ]leides; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2904. @ @@`3785. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2916; JO+AI 53, 102, no. 46. @ @@`3786. Fragment mentioning &3hiereus&; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2917; JO+AI 53, 102, no. 44. @ @@`3787. Fragment on column, mentioning Apol[l ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2918. @ @@`3788. Fragment mentioning [ ... ]ylia, on base; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2919. @ @@`3789. Fragment mentioning [Askl]epiades; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2930. @ @@`3790. Fragment mentioning [ ... ]nios Epaphrodei[tos]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2935. @ @@`3791. Fragment mentioning Gamikos; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2937. @ @@`3792. Fragment mentioning Melitine; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2939. @ @@`3793. Fragment referring to &3nothos,& stoichedon; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2946 and Add. p. 30. @ @@`3794. Fragment, stoichedon; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2947. @ @@`3795. Fragment referring to [ ... ]ia (?) Eus[ ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2949B. @ @@`3796. Fragment referring to [Ag]athopous; no date; found at ԂEphesos: *IEph 2949E; JO+AI 53, 114, no. 86. @ @@`3797. Fragment referring to [Ar]temido[ros]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2950; JO+AI 53, 106, no. 60. @ @@`3798. Fragment referring to [ ... ]s Argeio[s]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2950E. @ @@`3799. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2956. @ @@`3800. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 2957. @ @@`3801. Fragment naming Mousaios; no date; found at Belevi: *IEph 3206.a. @ @@`3802. Inscription concerning &3apometre&[&3sis&]; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 3516; JO+AI 53, 104, no. 52. @ @@`3803. Fragment mentioning [Apo]llonia; no date; found at Ephesos: *IEph 3911. @ @@`3804. Fragment; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 5a; *IEph 4305.a. @ @@`3805. Fragment on base; no date; found at Ephesos: FiE IV 3 no. 9A (PH); *IEph 4309.A. @ @@`3806. Fragment referring to [&3hie&]&3reus&; no date; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 124, no. 120. @ @@`3807. Fragment referring to &3chi&(&3liastys&) Andro[ ... ]; no date; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 53, 128, no. 133. @ @@`3808. Fragment mentioning Attike and others; no date; found at Ephesos: *JO+AI 55, 119%19`120, no. 4210; SEG 34, 1169. @ See also: Ephesos 3153%19`3173; Smyrna 956, l. 5 (%6 ISmyrna 863) (%6 CIG 3139) (fragment, probably of document, referring to Arsinoeia (?); found at Smyrna). @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) &7@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Supplementum Ephesium& (&3SE&) @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Texte u. Lemmata @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@herausgegeben von @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@Michael Alpers und Helmut Halfmann @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(Universita+t Hamburg) @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@in Zusammenarbeit mit @ @@@@@@@@@@@@John Mansfield (Cornell University) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@und @@@@@@@@@Christoph Scha+fer (Universita+t Regensburg) @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@gefo+rdert von der @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Hamburg 1995 @ &1`1a.0004.5.& Knibbe, JO+AI 58, 1988 (Hauptbl.), 131%3`2(?); SEG 39, 1180; AnnEpig 1989, 681; Eck, EA 15, 1990, 139%19`145; Merkelbach, ZPE 81, 1990, 97%19`100(?); Nicolet, CRAI 1990, 675%19`689; Heil, EA 17, 1991, 9%19`11, 14, 17; Nicolet, BCH 115, 1991, 465%19`480; Wankel, ZPE 85, 1991, 40; Salomies, ZPE 86, 1991, 184%19`186; Solin, ZPE 86, 1991, 183; BE 1991, 480; Heil, EA 17, 1991, 10 (Datierung); **Heil EA 17, 1991, 14 (Z. 8); **Heil EA 17, 1991, 14, Anm. 44 (Z. 20); **Nicolet, BCH 115, 1991, 469 (Z. 73); Nicolet, BCH 115, 1991, 471 (Z. 74); Engelmann%3Knibbe, EA 14, 1989, 112%3`3 (Z. 101); Salomies, ZPE 86, 1991, 185%3`6 (Z. 103). [2McCabe 0004.5: Text a+ndern und Lemma erga+nzen!]2 @ &1`1b.0014.1.& Ehrendekret (fragm.) fu+r Damoteles Hippostratou von einer (rhodischen?) Kaufmannsgilde (koinon ton Aphrodisiaston); auf einer Stele; 2. Jhdt. v.Chr.?; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 125%3`6, Nr. 17. @ &1`1c.0058.& **Stern, Chiron 17, 1987, 296; BE 1988, 388. [2zu McCabe 0058, Zz. 9%3`10!]2 @ &1`1c.0065.& *IEph 1437; SEG 37, 880. [2om. McCabe 0065!]2 @ &1`1c.0071.& **BE 1988, 388; SEG 37, 882 (Z. 1); **JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 187%3`8, zu Nr. 19 (Z. 3) [2zu McCabe 0071, Zz. 1 u. 3!]2 @ &1`1c.0073.& **JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 187%3`8, zu Nr. 19. [2zu McCabe 0073, Zz. 9%19`13!]2 @ &1`1c.0108.& **Piejko, C %9 M 42, 1991, 115 (Zz. 2%19`3); **Piejko, APF 37, 1991, 37, Anm. 89 (Zz. 4, 7%19`8); SEG 41, 969. [2McCabe 0108: Text a+ndern und Lemma erga+nzen!]2 @ &1`1c.0113.& **SEG 38, 1179. [2zu McCabe 0113, Zz. 17%3`18!]2 @ &1`1c.0126.1.& Ehrendekret (fragm.) (von Ephesos) fu+r unbek., Numenios Euarchidou und Hermippos Eumenous; Verleihung des [Bu+rgerrechts]; Zuweisung an die phyle "E[2u]2onymos", chiliastys: "Pelasgeios", die phyle "E[uonymos?]", chiliastys:"unbek." und die phyle "Euonymos", chiliastys: "unbek."; fru+hhellenistisch(?); gef. in Ephesos; Habicht, ZPE 77, 1989, 88; BE 1990, 274; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 183%3`4, Nr. 16. @ &1`1c.0126.2.& Ehrendekret des demos (von Ephesos) fu+r Menokritos Peristratou aus Magnesia; Verleihung des Bu+rgerrechts; Zuweisung an die [phyle "Teios"], [chiliasty]s:"Hegetoreios"; fru+hhellenistisch(?); gef. in Ephesos; Habicht, ZPE 77, 1989, 88; BE 1990, 274; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 183%3`4, Nr. 17. @ &1`1c.0126.3.& Ehrendekret von boule und demos (von Ephesos) fu+r mehrere unbek. Personen; [Verleihung des Bu+rgerrechts]; fru+hhellenistisch(?); gef. in Ephesos; Habicht, ZPE 77, 1989, 88; BE 1990, 274; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 185%3`6, Nr. 18. @ &1`1c.0126.4.& Ehrendekret(?) (fragm.) von [boule] und demos (von Ephesos) fu+r fu+nf unbek. Personen; Verkauf des Bu+rgerechts; fru+hhellenistisch(?); gef. in Ephesos; Habicht, ZPE 77, 1989, 88; BE 1990, 274; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 185%3`6, Nr. 19. @ &1`1c.0126.5.& Ehrendekret von boule und demos (von Ephesos) fu+r Hegias [Parme]niskou aus Olynthos; Verleihung des Bu+rgerrechts; Zuweisung an die phyle "Teios", chiliastys:"Larandeos"; fru+hhellenistisch(?); gef. in Ephesos; Habicht, ZPE 77, 1989, 88; BE 1990, 274; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 187%3`8, Nr. 20. @ &1`1c.0126.6.& Ehrendekret (fragm.) (von Ephesos) fu+r [?%19i]ppos Herakleidou aus Klazomenai; [Verleihung des Bu+rgerrechts]; Zugeho+rigkeit von Z. 2 zur Inschrift ist unsicher; fru+hhellenistisch(?); gef. in Ephesos; Habicht, ZPE 77, 1989, 88; BE 1990, 274; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 187%3`8, Nr. 21. @ &1`1c.0126.7.& Ehrendekret (fragm.) (von Ephesos) fu+r unbek.; [Verleihung des Bu+rgerrechts]; Zuweisung an die [phyle "Teios"], [chiliastys]: "Kasthlaios"; fru+hhellenistisch(?); gef. in Ephesos; Habicht, ZPE 77, 1989, 88; BE 1990, 274; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 189%3`90, Nr. 22. @ &1`1c.0126.8.& Ehrendekret von boule und demos (von Ephesos) fu+r den Getreideha+ndler Sokrates Artemidorou aus Margylion(?); Verleihung des Bu+rgerrechts; Zuweisung an die phyle "Epheseus", chiliastys: "Aigikoreus"; 326%19`323 v.Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; Habicht, ZPE 77, 1989, 89, Anm. 5; BE 1990, 274; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 189%3`90, Nr. 23. @ &1`1c.0126.9.& Ehrendekret von [boule] und [demos] (von Ephesos) fu+r Demokrates Aigyptio(u) aus Rhodos; Verleihung des Bu+rgerrechts; Zuweisung an die phyle "Teios", chiliastys:"Sperchyleos"; 326%19`323 v.Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; Habicht, ZPE 77, 1989, 88%19`91; BE 1990, 274; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 189%3`90, Nr. 24. @ &1`1c.0126.10.& Ehrendekret von [bou]le und demos (von Ephesos) fu+r Agasippos Eudamou aus Larisa; [Verleihung des Bu+rgerrechts]; fru+hhellenistisch(?); gef. in Ephesos; Habicht, ZPE 77, 1989, 88; BE 1990, 274; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 191%3`2, Nr. 25. @ &1`1c.0126.11.& Ehrendekret (fragm.) von [boule] und [dem]os (von Ephesos) fu+r unbek.; Verleihung des Bu+rgerrechts; Zuweisung an die [phyle] "Epheseus", chiliastys:"unbek."; Zugeho+rigkeit von Zz. 1%19`2 zur Inschrift unsicher; fru+hhellenistisch(?); gef.in Ephesos; Habicht, ZPE 77, 1989, 88; BE 1990, 274; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 191%3`2, Nr. 26. @ &1`1c.0126.12.& Ehrendekret von [boule] und demos (von Ephesos) fu+r unbek.; Verleihung des Bu+rgerechts; Zuweisung an die phyle "Eu[ony]mos", chiliastys: "[Simone]ios"; 3.%3`2. Jhdt. v.Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; Habicht, ZPE 77, 1989, 88; BE 1990, 274; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 191%3`2, Nr. 27. @ &1`1c.0126.13.& Ehrendekret von boule und demos (von Ephesos) fu+r unbek. Stratonos; Verleihung des [Bu+rgerrechts]; Zuweisung an die [phyle] "Teios", chiliastys: "Kasthlaios"; fru+hhellenistisch(?); gef. in Ephesos; Habicht, ZPE 77, 1989, 88; BE 1990, 274; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 191%19`194, Nr. 28. @ &1`1c.0126.14.& Ehrendekret von boule und [demos] (von Ephesos) fu+r Teisikra[tes]; Verleihung des Bu+rgerrechts; fru+hhellenistisch(?); gef. in Ephesos; Habicht, ZPE 77, 1989, 88; BE 1990, 274; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 193%3`4, Nr. 29. @ &1`1c.0126.15.& Ehrendekret von [boule] und [demos] (von Ephesos) fu+r Sostratide[s]; Verleihung des Bu+rgerrechts; Zuweisung an die [ph]yl[e] "Karenaios", ch[iliastys]: "unbek."; hellenistisch(?); gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 193%3`4, Nr. 30. @ &1`1c.0126.16.& Ehrendekret (fragm.) von boule und [demos] (von Ephesos) fu+r Phaudias Aris[%19?]; Verleihung des [Bu+rgerrechts]; hellenistisch(?); gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 193%19`196, Nr. 31. @ &1`1c.0126.17.& Ehrendekret (fragm.) des [demos] von [E]phesos fu+r unbek.; Zuweisung an die [phyle "Teios"], [chiliastys: "Hege]tore[ios]; hellenistisch(?); gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 195%3`6, Nr. 32. @ &1`1c.0126.18.& Ehrendekrete (fragm.) (von Ephesos) fu+r unbek. und unbek.; [Verleihung des Bu+rgerrechts]; hellenistisch(?); gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 195%3`6, Nr. 33. @ &1`1c.0126.19.& Ehrendekret (fragm.) von [boule] und [d]emos (von Ephesos) fu+r Pitho[n%19?]; Verleihung des [Bu+rgerrechts]; hellenistisch(?); gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 195%3`6, Nr. 34. @ &1`1c.0126.20.& Ehrendekrete (fragm.) (von Ephesos) fu+r unbek. und unbek.; [Verleihung des Bu+rgerechts]; hellenistisch(?); gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 197%3`8, Nr. 35. @ &1`1c.0126.21.& Ehrendekret (fragm.) von [boule] und demos (von Ephesos) fu+r unbek.; [Verleihung des Bu+rgerrechts]; mo+glicherweise als Z. 1 zugeho+rig zu Bu+ju+kkolanc#1221 -Engelmann, ZPE 86, 1991, 139, Nr. 4 (%6 Suppl. Ephes. 1c.0126.22); hellenistisch; gef. in Pamucak; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 197%3`8, Nr. 36. @ &1`1c.0126.22.& Ehrendekret (fragm.) fu+r S[%19] vom demos (von Ephesos) [Verleihung des Bu+rgerrechts]; mo+glicherweise als Zz. 1%19`4 zugeho+rig zu JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 198, Nr. 36 (%6 Suppl. Ephes. 1c.126.21); auf demselben Architrav wie Bu+ju+kkolanc#1221 -Engelmann, ZPE 86, 1991, 139, Nr. 5 (%6 Suppl. Ephes. 1c.0126.23); hellenistisch; gef. in Ephesos; *Bu+ju+kkolanc#1221 -Engelmann, ZPE 86, 1991, 139, Nr. 4; SEG 41, 960; BE 1992, 409. @ &1`1c.0126.23.& Ehrendekret (fragm.) fu+r Pankrates Hekatomnou(!) und Ant[%19] von boule und demos (von Ephesos); auf demselben Architrav wie Bu+ju+kkolanc#1221 %19 Engelmann, ZPE 86, 1991, 139, Nr. 4 (%6 Suppl. Ephes. 1c.126.22); hellenistisch; gef. in Ephesos; *Bu+ju+kkolanc#1221 %19 Engelmann, ZPE 86, 1991, 139, Nr. 5; SEG 41, 961; BE 1992, 409. @ &1`1c.126.24.& Ehrendekret (fragm.) fu+r Lampa[s] Leontiskou aus Seleukeia von boule und demos (von Ephesos); auf einem Architrav; hellenistisch; gef. in Ephesos; *Bu+ju+kkolanc#1221 -Engelmann, ZPE 86, 1991, 140, Nr. 6; SEG 41, 962; BE 1992, 409. @ &1`1d.0142%7`0144.& *Engelmann, ZPE 67, 1987, 151%3`2; SEG 37, 883; vgl. JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 207%3`08, zu Nr. 37h (Suppl. Ephes. 5.1). [2McCabe 0142 oder 0144 entfa+llt!]2 @ &1`1d.0143.& Salomies, Arctos 23, 1989, 174. [2einfu+gen in McCabe%19Lemma 0143!]2 @ &1`1d.0171.1.& Dekret oder Brief (dann: Kategorie 3b!) (2 Fragm.) von unbek. fu+r unbek.; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 231%3`2, Nr. 62 a%7b. @ &1`1d.0171.2.& Dekret(?) (fragm.), in der eine namentlich unbek. Gottheit erwa+hnt wird; archaisch?; gef. in Ephesos; *Bu+ju+kkolanc#1221 %19 Engelmann, ZPE 86, 1991, 137, Nr. 1 (Facs.); SEG 41, 957; BE 1992, 409. @ &1`1d.0171.3.& Dekret (fragm.) u+ber die Regelung bestimmmter monatlicher Verpflichtungen; stoichedon; archaisch; gef. in Ephesos; *Bu+ju+kkolanc#1221 %19 Engelmann, ZPE 86, 1991, 138, Nr. 2 (Facs.); SEG 41, 958; BE 1992, 409. @ &1`3a.0172.& **Piejko, APF 37, 49 (Zz. 4%19`6); Piejko, APF 37, 1991, 49: Datierung; SEG 41, 970; [2McCabe 0172: Text a+ndern und Lemma erga+nzen!]2 @ &1`3a.0176.& Neue Zuordnung: Kategorie 3b, nicht 3a; vgl. Suppl. Ephes. 3b.0221.4! @ &1`3a.0183.& West, Ancient History Bulletin 4. 4, 1990, 84%19`89; SEG 40, 1003; vgl. Suppl. Ephes. 3b.3581%7`3592%7`3612 und 23.3581%7`3592%7`3612! [2McCabe 0183: Lemma erga+nzen!]2 @ Ҫ&1`3a.0210.1.& Brief (fragm.) [Caesars?] oder [Octavians?] an die [Gerusie] (von Ephesos); betr. ihre Privilegien; 48%3`47%19`27 v.Chr. (nach dem Schriftbild: Kopie aus dem 2. Jhdt. n.Chr.); gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 113, Nr. 1. @ &1`3a.0210.2.& Brief [Octavians] an [bo]ule und demos von [Ephesos]; betr. eine Gesandtschaft der Ephesier bezu+gl. eines [ps]ephism[a] der ephesischen Gerusie sowie die Besta+tigung von Privilegien (der Gerusie?); 29 v.Chr. (nach dem Schriftbild: Kopie aus dem 2. Jhdt. n.Chr.); gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 114, Nr. 2. @ &1`3a.0210.3.& Brief des [Tiberius] an die Gerusi[e] von Ephesos; betr. den Erhalt eines [psephism]a der Gerusie sowie die Besta+tigung der der Gerusie von [Caesar] und [Augustus] gewa+hrten Privilegien; 12%3`13 n.Chr. (nach dem Schriftbild: Kopie aus dem 2. Jhdt. n.Chr.); gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 114, Nr. 3. @ &1`3a.0210.4.& Brief (fragm.) des [Germanicus] an die Gerusie von [Ephesos]; betr. den Erhalt eines psephisma der ephesischen Gerusie sowie seine Besta+tigung und Fo+rderung ihrer [nomoi] und ethe; 18 n.Chr.? (nach dem Schriftbild: Kopie aus dem 2. Jhdt. n.Chr.); gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 115, Nr. 4. @ @ &1`3a.0210.5.& Brief des [Germanicus?] oder des [Gaius Caesar?] an die [Gerus]ie von [Ephesos]; betr. die Besta+tigung der ihr von (Caesar) und (Augustus) gewa+hrten Privilegien; 18 n.Chr.(?) oder 1 v. %19 4 n.Chr.(?) (nach dem Schriftbild: Kopie aus dem 2. Jhdt. n.Chr.); gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 115, Nr. 5. @ &1`3a.0210.6.& Brief (fragm.) von (unbek. Mitglied des Kaiserhauses?) an die (Gerusie von Ephesos?); betr. ihre Privilegien; fru+he Kaiserzeit (nach dem Schriftbild: Kopie aus dem 2. Jhdt. n.Chr.); gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 116, Nr. 7. @ &1`3b.0218.& Beginn eines Briefes an [Ko+nig Pt]olemaios (II. Philadelphos?) und Ko+nigin Arsi[noe] (II.?); ca.278%19`246 v.Chr.; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 235%3`6, Nr. B 1; **JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 150, zu Nr. 84 (Z. 3). [2zu McCabe 0218!]2 @ ݪ&1`3b.0221.1.& Briefnachtrag des Marcus Agrippa an die Gerusie (von Ephesos); betr. ihre Privilegien; (17%19) 14 v.Chr.? (nach dem Schriftbild: Kopie aus dem 2. Jhdt. n.Chr.); gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 115, Nr. 6. @ &1`3b.0221.2.& U+berschrift u+ber mehrere Briefe der proconsules Asiae an die (Gerusie von Ephesos); betr. ihre Privilegien; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 116, Nr. 7a. @ &1`3b.0221.3.& Brief des proconsul (Asiae) [Publius Petr]onius an die Gerusie von Ephesos; betr. die Besta+tigung der ihr von den Augusti gewa+hrten Privilegien; 29%3`30 n.Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 116%3`7, Nr. 8. @ &1`3b.0221.4.& Brief des proconsul (Asiae) [Publius Pet]ronius an die Gerusie von Ephesos; betr. die Besta+tigung der ihr von (Tiberius) gewa+hrten Privilegien; 30%3`31 n.Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 117%3`8, Nr. 9; vgl. Suppl. Ephes. 3a.0176! @ &1`3b.0221.5.& Brief des proconsul (Asiae) [Publius Pet]ronius an die Gerusie von Ephesos; betr. die Besta+tigung der ihr von den Augusti gewa+hrten Privilegien; 31%3`2 n.Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 118%3`9, Nr. 10. @ &1`3b.0221.6.& Brief (fragm.) von unbek. an die Gerusie von [Ephes]os, der einen [P]rotogenes Ouliadou und einen Aratos Aratou erwa+hnt; zugeho+rig zu JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 113, Nr. 1 (%6 Suppl. Ephes. 3a.1.)?; 2. H. 1. Jhdt. v.Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1992 (Hauptbl.), 119, Nr. 11a. @ &1`3b.0221.7.& Brief von unbek., in dem ein Ale[xandros] erwa+hnt wird; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 119, Nr. 11b. @ &1`3b.3581%7`3592%7`1612.& Brief(e) (fragm.) von [Marcus] Ulpius [Domestikos] an einen unbek. Kaiser; kaiserzeitlich; gef. in Ephesos; *McCabe 3581%7`3592%7`1612 (%6 IEph 1089 B%19D); West, Ancient History Bulletin 4. 4, 1990, 84%19`89; SEG 40, 1003; vgl. Suppl. Ephes. 3a.0183 und 23.3581%7`3592%7`3612! [2McCabe 3581%7`3592%7`1612: Kategorie a+ndern; ein zusammenfassendes neues Lemma!]2 @ &1`5.0241.& Acht neue Fragmente (a%19h) zur Spenderliste IEph 1687 mit Add. p. 27 (%6 McCabe 0241); Fragment a: Buchstaben am Ende der Zz. 6, 14 u. 15 aus IEph 1687 (1); Fragment b: Zonopoles %3 zonopoles: Supernomen oder Berufsbezeichnung; neue Datierung aufgrund des Fragmentes h: Tiberius; Fragmente a,b,d,e,f,g,h: gef. in Ephesos; Fragment c: gef. in Pamucak; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 197%19`210, Nr. 37 a%19h; vgl. Engelmann, ZPE 67, 1987, 151%3`2 (Suppl. Ephes. 1d.2). %19%19 Dazu ein weiteres Fragment zur Spenderliste (?) IEph 1687 mit Add. p. 27 (%6 McCabe 0241), das einen [An]dromachos Apo[ll%19?], einen Apelles Apellou sowie einen [%19?]onios Kalleou erwa+hnt; Tiberius; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 136, Nr. 37 (Inv. 4959). @ &1`7a.0247.& SEG 39, 1184: Die Zeile enthielt entweder 60%19`65 Buchstaben sofern sie sich auf die Mitte des Architravs beschra+nkte, oder 110%19`120 Buchstaben, wenn sie sich u+ber den gesamten Architrav erstreckte. [2einfu+gen in McCabe%19Lemma 0247!]2 @ &1`7a.0260.& Bauinschrift (lateinisch%19griechische Bilingue) mit Weihung einer basili[ca] an [Art]emi[s Ephesia], [Augustus], [Tiberius] und den demos von Eph[esos] von [Gaius Sext]il[ius] Po[llio] und seiner Familie; 11 n.Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 148%3`9, Nr. 80. [2Text von McCabe 0260 ersetzen; neue Inschriftenfragmente; neue Datierung!]2 @ &1`7a.0267.& **SEG 39, 1211. [2McCabe 0267, A, col. a, Zz. 44, 46 ersetzen(?)]2 @ ɪ&1`7a.0329.1.& Bauinschrift (anla+sslich von Arbeiten am Fluss Manthites) mit Weihung an Artemis und Hadrian; auf einer Stele; 120 n.Chr.; gef. an der Hauptstrasse Selc%25uk%19Izmir, Abzweigung nach Zeytinko+y (%6 in%3(bei) Ephesos?); *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 122%3`3, Nr. 12. @ &1`7c.0349.& *Alfo+ldy, ZPE 87, 1991, 158 (Ph.); SEG 41, 971. [2McCabe 0349: Text ersetzen und Lemma erga+nzen!]2 @ &1`7c.0351.& SEG 39, 1185. [2einfu+gen in McCabe%19Lemma 0351!]2 @ &1`7c.0390.& Bauinschrift, die den Bau eines systro[ma] vor dem Auditorium und der Celsusbibliothek durch die Stadt (Ephesos) erwa+hnt; um 230 n.Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; Engelmann, JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 106 u. 109; *IEph 3009. [2beschreibenden Text im McCabe%19Lemma 0390 a+ndern; Datierung neu; Engelmann bibliographisch erga+nzen!]2 @ &1`7c.0401.& [2Korrektur des [2$A&]2 bei McCabe 0401, Zz. 5%3`6!]2 @ &1`7c.0439.1.& Bauinschrift (fragm.); auf einem Drei%19Faszienarchitrav; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 231%3`2, Nr. 63. @ &1`7c.0439.2.& Bauinschrift von [Herakleides] Passalas (anla+sslich von Arbeiten an der Triodos); fru+he Kaiserzeit (Augustus?); gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 123%3`4, Nr. 13. @ &1`7c.0439.3.& Bauinschrift (fragm.) von unbek. anla+sslich von Arbeiten an der Marnasquelle, die einen Sotos(?) (oder: Sotes?) Phi[%19?] erwa+hnt; kaiserzeitlich(?); gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 145, Nr. 71. @ &1`8a.0460.& Salomies, Arctos 18, 1984, 94%3`5. [2einfu+gen in McCabe%19Lemma 0460, zu col. I, Z. 6!]2 @ &1`8b.0528.1.& Neopoiosliste (fragm.) unbek. Neopoioi unter unbek. pryt[anis]; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 233%3`4, Nr. 66. @ &1`8b.0528.2.& Jahresliste der (Neopoioi) (fragm.), beginnend mit Glykon [%19]iou aus der phy(le) "Karenaios", chi(liastys): "Klaudieus"; um 160 n.Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 134%3`5, Nr. 33. @ &1`8c.0533.& **Salomies, Arctos 23, 1989, 174. [2McCabe 0533, Z. 1 ersetzen(?)]2 @ &1`8c.0540%7`0531.& Anfang einer Siegerliste der Megal[a A]sklepeia unter dem [Prokonsul] (Tutilius) [Lu]percus Pontianus; 153%3`4 n.Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; SEG 40, 1008; *Engelmann, ZPE 84, 1990, 89%19`92, bes.90 (vgl. IEph 1168%7`4104b); **Salomies, Arctos 23, 1989, 170%19`176, bes. 173 (Z. 2). [2McCabe 0540 (Text und Lemma) ersetzen und McCabe 0531 (Text und Lemma) entfernen!]2 @ &1`8d.0555.& **SEG 38, 1182. [2McCabe 0555, Z. 25 ersetzen!]2 @ &1`8d.0572.& Wankel, EA 9, 1987, 79%19`80; Charneux, BCH 115, 1991, 298 Anm. 6: mo+glicherweise andere Kategorie; SEG 41, 968. [2McCabe%19Lemma 0572 erga+nzen!]2 @ Ѫ&1`8d.0593.1.& Listen (A%3B; fragm.), deren eine (A) u.a. die Namen eines Poseido[n], eines Philadelphos, eines Cl(audius) Agathonian[os] und eines Cl(audius) Marcus und deren andere (B) u.a. den Namen der Prytanin Anto(nia) Caesia entha+lt; auf einer beidseitig beschrifteten Platte; kaiserzeitlich; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 135%3`6, Nr. 36. @ &1`8d.0593.2.& Namensliste (fragm.) einer So+ldnertruppe mit u+berwiegend thrakischen Namen, beginnend mit Apollodoros D[%19] und endend mit Hermo[%19]; hellenistisch; gef. in Ephesos; *Bu+ju+kkolanc#1221 %19 Engelmann, ZPE 86, 1991, 140, Nr. 7; SEG 41, 963; BE 1992, 409. @ &1`8e.0599.& **JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 225%3`6, zu Nr. 59b. [2McCabe 0599 (Text), Zz. 7%3`8 ersetzen und Lemma erga+nzen!]2 @ &1`8e.0600.& Gschnitzer, Symposion. Vortra+ge zur griech. und hellenist. Rechtsgeschichte (ed. Thu+r) 1985, 389%19`403. [2einfu+gen in McCabe%19Lemma 0600!]2 @ &1`8e.0601.& Salomies, Arctos 23, 1989, 174. [2einfu+gen in McCabe%19Lemma 0601!]2 @ ܪ&1`8e.0604.1.& Inschrift (fragm.) u+ber die Neuvermessung des Gebietes im Besitz des Artemisions; vgl. dazu McCabe 0305, 0306, 0598, 0599, 0672 und 3802 sowie Suppl. Ephes. 8e.0604.2; Augustus?; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 223%3`4, Nr. 59a. @ &1`8e.0604.2.& Inschrift (fragm.) u+ber die [Neuvermessung] (des Gebietes im Besitz des Artemisions); vgl. Suppl. Ephes. 8e.0604.1; Augustus?; gef. in Pamucak; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 223%19`226, Nr. 59b. @ &1`8e.0604.3.& Abschluss der Dankesadresse eines unbek. (nicht aus Ephesos stammenden) Rhetors, dessen bei einer Festveranstaltung gehaltene Rede aufgrund eines Beschlusses der Stadt schriftlich ediert werden sollte; spa+tantik; gef. in Ephesos; BE 1991, 721; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 227%3`8, Nr. 61. @ &1`8e.3802.& Inschriftenfragment u+ber die (Neu%19?) Vermessung (des Gebietes im Besitz des Artemisions?); vgl. Suppl. Ephes. 8e.0604.1; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 225%3`6, zu Nr. 59b. [2McCabe 3802 (Text, Lemma und Kategorie) a+ndern bzw. erga+nzen!]2 @ &1`9a.0636.1.& Danksagung des Neopoios Menophilianos an Artemis; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 209%3`10, Nr. 40. @ &1`9a.0636.2.& [Danksagung] (fragm.) des [N]eopoios unbek. [A]siatikou an Artemis; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 233%3`4, Nr. 68. @ &1`9a.0636.3.& Danksagung eines unbek. Neopoios aus der phy(le) "Teios", chi(liastys): "Kas[tlaios]" an [Artemis]; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 132%3`3, Nr. 27. @ &1`9b.0660.1.& Danksagung der Eukleia an (Zeus Milichios? Asklepios?), auf dem Fragment einer Stelenbekro+nung; hellenistisch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 209%3`10, Nr. 39. @ &1`9b.0660.2.& Dankinschrift %19%19 mit Weihung an die Gottheiten Asklepios und Hygeia %19%19 von Zosimos, dem Verwalter (pragmateutes %6 actor) der Fl(avia) Modesta, fu+r die Heilung eines Kopf%19 und Augenleidens; auf einem Altar; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *Bu+ju+kkolanc#1221 %19 Engelmann, ZPE 86, 1991, 143, Nr. 10 (Ph.); SEG 41, 966; BE 1992, 409. @ &1`9d.0667.& Gebet an Hestia Boulaia von den Kultdienern Philemon, Trophima, Eleutheros, Euangelos und Firmus; ro+misch; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 237%3`8, Nr. B 6. [2McCabe 0667 ersetzen!]2 @ &1`9e.0672.& **JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 223%3`4, zu Nr. 59a. [2McCabe 0672, Zz. 3, 5, 6, 7 ersetzen!]2 @ &1`9e.0683.1.& Inschrift, die die Priesterin "pro poleos" Moschion Nikolaou erwa+hnt; fru+he Kaiserzeit?; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 133, Nr. 29. @ &1`9e.0683.2.& Inschrift (fragm.), die einen Opferherold (hierokeryx) namens [Scr]ibonius sowie einen [Me]nagoras erwa+hnt; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 144%3`5, Nr. 69. @ &1`9e.3595.& Inschrift, die die ephesische Artemis als soteira des Antoninus Pius bezeichnet; 138%19`161 n.Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; *Engelmann, ZPE 97, 1993, 288 (Revision von JO+AI 53, 1981%3`82 (Hauptbl.), 142, Nr. 149 %6 McCabe 3595). [2McCabe 3595 (Text und Lemma) ersetzen; Kategorie wechseln (nicht 23, sondern 9e!)]2 @ &1`9f.0685.& Weihinschrift fu+r Ko+nig Pt[olemaios] (II. Philadelphos?) und Ko+nigin [Arsin]oe (II.?) von Isidoros, den Heg[emones] und den Strate[gen]; ca.278%19`246 v.Chr.; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 237%3`8, Nr. B 4. [2McCabe 0685 ersetzen!]2 @ &1`9f.0799.1.& Weihinschrift fu+r Hadrian als Zeus Olympios; auf einem Pilastersockel; Fru+hjahr 129 n.Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 163%3`4, Nr. 2. @ &1`9f.0799.2.& Weihinschrift fu+r die Gesundheit des Kaisers Titus und die Dauer der ro+mischen Herrschaft, mit der Signatur des Ku+nstlers Poseidonios; auf einer Basis; Titus; gef. in Pamucak; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 211%3`12, Nr. 41; **Engelmann, ZPE 97, 1993, 285 (Zz. 4%3`5). @ &1`9f.0799.3.& Weihinschrift (lateinisch%19griechische Bilingue) (Denkmal aus [Basis] und Statuen) fu+r [divus] Claudius und [4Nero]4 vom [procurator Asiae?] aus der Tribus Arniensis; auf einer Sockelverkleidungsplatte; Nero; gef. in Pamucak; *SEG 39, 1178; JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 225%19`228, Nr. 60. @ &1`9f.0799.4.& Weihinschrift fu+r [4Artemis]4 Ephesia und [4Domitian]4 von unbek.; 83%3`84%19`96 n.Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 125, Nr. 15. @ &1`9g.0946.1.& Weihinschrift fu+r Apollon Patroios; auf einer Ara; stoichedon; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 209%3`10, Nr. 38. @ &1`9g.0946.2.& Weihinschrift (fragm.) fu+r Apollon von unbek.; auf einer Ara; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 211%3`12, Nr. 42. @ &1`9g.0946.3.& Weihinschrift fu+r Apollon Prostaterios; auf einer Basis; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 132, Nr. 26. @ &1`9g.0946.4.& Weihinschrift fu+r Sarapis und Isis von Philistion Artemidorou; auf einer Stele; noch hellenistisch?; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 133, Nr. 28. @ &1`9g.0946.5.& Weihinschrift (fragm.) fu+r [Artemis Ephesi][4a]4; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 148, Nr. 78. @ &1`9g.0946.6.& Weihinschrift fu+r einen theos epekoos hypsistos von Aurelia Art[e]misia aus Ephesos; auf einer Votivplatte; undatiert; gef. in unbek.; *Merkelbach, EA 20, 1992, 55 (Ph). [Nr. 29g.0946.6. aus Suppl. Ephes. tilgen, wenn nicht aus Ephesos!] @ &1`9g.0946.7.& Weihinschrift fu+r eine namentlich unbek. Gottheit von Karpos; auf einem Altar; wohl kaiserzeitlich; gef. in Ephesos; *Bu+ju+kkolanc#1221 %19 Engelmann, ZPE 86, 1991, 144, Nr. 11 (Ph.); SEG 41, 967; BE 1992, 409. @ &1`9g.0946.8.& Weihinschrift fu+r Aphrodite von Ploution; auf einem Altar; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *Ic%25ten %19 Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 285, Nr. 3. @ &1`10a.1061.5.& JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl), 165%3`6 Nr. 3: Datierung zwischen Okt. 213 n.Chr. und 214%3`217 n.Chr.). [2einfu+gen in McCabe%19Lemma 1061. 5!]2 @ &1`10a.1077.1.& Ehreninschrift fu+r [D]omitia Augusta von den Neoi unter dem Prokonsulat von P(ublius) Calvisius [Ruso]; auf einem Architrav; 92%3`3 n.Chr.; gef. an der alten Strasse Ephesos%19Notion, kurz vor Zeytinko+y (%6 in%3(bei) Ephesos?); *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 124%3`5, Nr. 14. @ &1`10a.1077.2.& Lateinische Ehreninschrift (fragm.) fu+r einen unbek. [C]aesar von unbek.; kaiserzeitlich; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 125, Nr. 16. @ &1`10b.1083.& SEG 37, 885 (zu Z. 2). [2einfu+gen in McCabe%19Lemma 1083!]2 @ &1`10b.1084.& **Moretti, Epigraphica 49, 1987, 73. [2McCabe 1084, Z. 1 ersetzen!]2 @ &1`10b.1085.& **Moretti, Epigraphica 49, 1987, 73. [2McCabe 1085, Zz. 0%19`1 ersetzen!]2 @ &1`10b.1095.& #1222plikc%25iog%27lu,in: FS Vetters (1985), 136%19`137 (zu Z. 12); SEG 35, 1108. [2einfu+gen in McCabe%19Lemma 1095!]2 @ &1`10b.1108.& **#1222plikc%25iog%27lu, in: FS Vetters ( 1985 ), 135%19`137; SEG 35, 1107. [2McCabe 1108, Z. 4: Text und Lemma a+ndern!]2 @ &1`10b.1126.& **SEG 38, 1182. [2McCabe 1126, Zz. 10%19`11 ersetzen!]2 @ &1`10b.1235.& Ehreninschrift, gesetzt fu+r Gaius Iulius, einen libertus Caesaris, weil er Geld fu+r das der [Roma] und der Artemis dargebrachte Opfer gestiftet hatte; ca. 50%19`27 v.Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; SEG 40, 1009; *Engelmann, ZPE 84, 1990, 92%19`94, bes. 93 (vgl. IEph 859a). [2McCabe 1235 (Text und Lemma) ersetzen!]2 @ &1`10b.1271.& Ehreninschrift fu+r [Claudia Dracontis] von Fl(avius) Zotikos; [2u.s.w. nach McCabe%19Lemma 1271; Lemma a+ndern!]2 @ &1`10b.1320.& Ehreninschrift (lateinisch) fu+r den Konsul M(arcus) Cocceius [N]erva vom conventus c(ivium) [R(omanorum)] der ro+mischen Kaufleute in Ephesos; 36 v.Chr.; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.),235%3`6, Nr. B 2. [2McCabe 1320 ersetzen!]2 @ &1`10b.1340.& Ameling, ZPE 77, 1989, Anm. 11 (zu Z. 2.): sotera? [2einfu+gen in McCabe%19Lemma 1340!]2 @ ۱&1`10b.1355.& Neue Zuordnung: Kategorie 16a, nicht 10b; vgl. Suppl. Ephes. 16a.1355! @ &1`10b.1362.& Datierung: 248%3`9 n.Chr.; Peachin, ZPE 84, 1990, 109%19`111. [2McCabe%19Lemma 1362 a+ndern (Datierung) und erga+nzen!]2 @ &1`10b.1413.& *IEph 856; **Herrmann, Tyche 3, 1988, 121%3`2 u. 125 mit weiteren Erwa+gungen zu Z. 2. [2McCabe 1413 (Text), Zz. 2%3`3; 4%19`7 und Lemma dementsprechend a+ndern!]2 @ &1`10b.1433.& Datierung: Marcus Aurelius?; SEG 40, 1105; **Martin, AC 59, 1990, 459. [2McCabe 1433, Zz. 3%19`4 u. 8 a+ndern; Lemma a+ndern (Datierung) und erga+nzen!]2 @ &1`10b.1531.1.& Ehreninschrift fu+r Sextus Nonius Mandrylianus von boule und demos (von Ephesos); auf einer Statuenbasis; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 171%3`2, Nr. 5. @ &1`10b.1531.2.& Ehreninschrift fu+r G(aius) Iulius Lupus von boule und demos (von Ephesos); auf einer Statuenbasis; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 171%19`174, Nr. 6. @ &1`10b.1531.3.& Ehreninschrift fu+r M(arcus) Claudius Proculus von [boule] und [demos] (von Ephesos); auf einer Denkmalbasis; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 173%3`4, Nr. 7. @ &1`10b.1531.4.& Ehreninschrift fu+r Hikes[ios] Midonos von seiner Schwester Athenais; spa+thellenistisch (1. Jhdt. v.Chr.?); gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 177%3`8, Nr. 10. @ &1`10b.1531.5.& Ehreninschrift fu+r Antonius Apollinarius von unbek.; auf einer Statuenbasis; kaiserzeitlich; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 179%3`80, Nr. 11; **SEG 39, 1197 (Z. 7). @ &1`10b.1531.6.& Ehreninschrift (fragm.) fu+r T.Fl[avius] Paetu[s] von unbek.; auf einer Denkmalbasis; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 181%3`2, Nr. 15. @ &1`10b.1531.7.& Ehreninschrift(?) fu+r Marcus Messalla Corvinus von(?) Artemision und polis (von Ephesos); Augustus; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 126%3`7, Nr. 18. @ &1`10b.1531.8.& Ehreninschrift fu+r M(arcus) Aur(elius) Papio aufgrund eines ps(ephisma) der b(oule) (von Ephesos); auf einer Basis; Anf. 3. Jhdt. n.Chr.?; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 129, Nr. 22. @ &1`10b.1531.9.& Ehreninschrift(?) (fragm.) fu+r Tatianus, Sohn des Lucius, den Sieger im Pankration bei den Artemisia; auf einer Basis; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 134, Nr. 31. @ &1`10b.1531.10.& Ehreninschrift(?) fu+r [M]etrodoros Lysimacheus Demetriou von den Thiasiten; hellenistisch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 136, Nr. 39. @ &1`10b.1531.11.& Lateinische Ehreninschrift (fragm.) fu+r T(itus) Petronius Priscus, a libellis und proc(urator) Asiae et Syriae, von unbek.; auf einer Basis; Hadrian; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.),127, Nr. 19. @ &1`10b.1531.12.& Ehreninschrift(?) (fragm.) fu+r Andrio[n] [Hek]atonymo[u]; vielleicht auf einer Basis; stoichedon; undatiert; gef in Ephesos; *Bu+ju+kkolanc#1221 %19 Engelmann, ZPE 86, 1991, 138, Nr. 3; SEG 41, 959; BE 1992, 409. @ &1`10b.1531.13.& Ehreninschrift fu+r den Pra+fekten Quintus Caecilius Atticus von den Benutzern eines (ephesischen) Gymnasiums; Augustus; gef. in Ephesos; *Bu+ju+kkolanc#1221 %19 Engelmann, ZPE 86, 1991, 142, Nr. 8 (Ph.); SEG 41, 964; BE 1992, 409. @ &1`10b.1531.14.& Ehreninschrift (fragm.) fu+r [G(aius)] [Cl(audius)] Titianus [De]mostratos, den Prokonsul von [Kr]eta und [K]yrene, von [boule] und [demos] (von Ephesos); Erwa+hnung des Priesters [An]tonius Vareius [%19]lus; ca. 161 n.Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; *Bu+ju+kkolanc#1221 %19 Engelmann, ZPE 86, 1991, 142%19`143, Nr. 9; SEG 41, 965; BE 1992, 409. @ &1`10c.1552.& **Runia, ZPE 72, 1988, 242. [2McCabe 1552, Z. 2: Text und Lemma erga+nzen!]2 @ &1`10c.1568.1.& Lateinische Ehreninschrift (fragm.) fu+r [2M(arcus) Aem[ilius] L[epidus]?]2 von Viriasius Naso; auf einer Basis; Caligula; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 167%19`170, Nr. 4 (Facs.). @ &1`10c.1568.2.& Ehreninschrift (fragm.) fu+r unbek. [Pr]oklou, Artemispriesterin von T. Aelius Priscus (Augusti libertus); auf einer Denkmalbasis; Antoninus Pius?; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 175%3`6, Nr. 8. @ &1`10c.1568.3.& Ehreninschrift (fragm.) fu+r Gavius Men[%19?] von [boule] und [demos] (von Ephesos); auf einer Sa+ule; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 175%19`178, Nr. 9. @ &1`10d.1678.& AnnEpig 1988, 1018. [2einfu+gen in McCabe%19Lemma 1678!]2 @ &1`10d.1759.& **Arjava, Tyche 6, 1991, 29, Anm. 75 (Z. 2); SEG 41, 977. [2McCabe 1759: Text a+ndern und Lemma erga+nzen!]2 @ ꫱&1`10d.1770%7`1769a.& *Engelmann, ZPE 67, 1987, 153. [2McCabe 1769a%7`1770 (Texte) ersetzen; zugeho+rige Lemmata zusammenfu+gen und erga+nzen!]2 @ &1`10d.1774.& **Engelmann, ZPE 67, 1987, 153. [2McCabe 1774, Zz. 0, 1a%19`1b sowie das zugeho+rige Lemma erga+nzen!]2 @ &1`10d.1780.& **Christol%19Drew%19Bear, JS 1991, 209, Anm. 46 (Z. 1) u. Anm. 47 (Z. 7%19`8); SEG 41, 976. [2McCabe 1780: Text a+ndern und Lemma erga+nzen!]2 @ ު&1`10d.1886.1.& Ehreninschrift (fragm.) fu+r unbek. von T.Peducaeus Canax; Nero; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 163%3`4, Nr. 1. @ &1`10d.1886.2.& Ehreninschrift (fragm.) fu+r unbek. von [Ma]rius S[e]ptim[iu]s [Ma]rio; auf einer Sa+ule; Anfang 3. Jhdt. n.Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 179%3`80, Nr. 12. @ &1`10d.1886.3.& Ehreninschrift (fragm.) fu+r unbek. und seine Familie von unbek.; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 179%19`182, Nr. 13. @ &1`10d.1886.4.& Ehreninschrift (fragm.) fu+r unbek.(Prytanin?) von unbek.; auf einer Sa+ule; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 181%3`2, Nr. 14. @ &1`10d.1886.5.& Ehreninschrift(?) (fragm.) fu+r unbek. procurator Augusti (von Epi[rus]; Kap[pa]dokien, Pon[tus] und Lykaoni[en]; Regn[um Nor(icum)]; [Asia?]) von unbek.; auf einer Basis; Marcus Aurelius; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 127%3`8, Nr. 20. @ &1`10d.1886.6.& Ehreninschrift(?) (fragm.) fu+r eine unbek. Artemispriesterin von unbek.; hohe Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 129, Nr. 21. @ &1`10d.1886.7.& Ehreninschrift (fragm.) fu+r unbek. [Me]trodoro[u] von [bou]le und dem[os] (von Ephesos); undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 130, Nr. 24. @ &1`10d.1886.8.& Ehreninschrift(?) (fragm.) fu+r einen unbek. Sieger(?) bei den Artemisia; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 134, Nr. 32. @ &1`10d.1886.9.& Ehreninschrift(?) (fragm.) fu+r unbek., in der ein [Tro]phimos und die Go+ttin [Ar]temis erwa+hnt werden; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 130, Nr. 23. @ 䪱&1`10e.1892.1.& Ehreninschrift fu+r die Gladiatorentruppe der "monomachoi" des Asiarchen Claudius Kleoboulou; Ende 2. Jhdt. n.Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; *Ic%25ten %19 Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 285, Nr. 2. @ Ъ&1`11.2000.1.& Inschrift, die die Grenze eines Heiligtums anzeigt; noch hellenistisch?; gef. in Ephesos(?); *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 133%3`4, Nr. 30. @ &1`15c.2066.& Runia, ZPE 72, 1988, 243. [2einfu+gen in McCabe%19Lemma 2066!]2 @ &1`15d.2099.& Marcovich, ZPE 56, 1984, 237%3`8. [2einfu+gen in McCabe%19Lemma 2099!]2 @ &1`15f.2102.1.& Antwort (in Hexametern) des apollinischen Orakels von (Klaros? %3 Didyma?) auf die Frage einer (lydischen Polis: Koloe?); 166 n.Chr.?; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 130%19`132, Nr. 25; SEG 41, 981. @ &1`15h.2106.& **Peek, JO+AI 57, 1987%3`88 (Hauptbl.), 103, Nr. 1 [2McCabe 2106, Z. 1: Text a+ndern und Lemma erga+nzen!]2 @ &1`16a.1355.& Lateinische Grabinschrift fu+r [Iu]lius Menodor[us], den Sohn des Alexis, praef(ectus) fabr(um) und tr(ibunus) mil(itum), von seiner Ehefrau Cornelia Namnis; Ende Republik%3Beg. Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 137, Nr. 40. [2McCabe%19Lemma 1355 a+ndern: neue Zuordnung (Kategorie 16a, nicht 10b)!]2 @ &1`16a.2181.& Grabinschrift fu+r Artemo, die Tochter(?) des Phanobio(s), von unbek.; stoichedon; 6.%19`3. Jhdt. v.Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 149, Nr. 83. [2McCabe 2181 (Text und Lemma) ersetzen!]2 @ &1`16a.2227.& Grabinschrift fu+r M(arcus) Aurelius Hermes von Ephesos, seine Ehefrau Aelia Flavia sowie ihre Kinder und Freigelassenen von unbek.; auf einer tabula ansata; kaiserzeitlich; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 149, Nr. 82. [2McCabe 2227 (Text und Lemma) ersetzen!]2 @ &1`16a.2270.& **SEG 38, 1185. [2McCabe 2270, col.II, Zz. 2%3`3: Text ersetzen und Lemma erga+nzen!]2 @ 䫲&1`16a.2276%7`2342.& Grabinschrift fu+r Dionysios, seine Ehefrau Ammia, ihren Sohn Philar[2gy]2ros, dessen Ehefrau Secunda sowie deren Nachkommen von unbek.; auf der unteren Randleiste der Platte ist der Name der Troph[i]me (%19a?) Dionosiou nachgetragen; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 149, Nr. 81. [2%6 McCabe 2276%7`2342; McCabe 2276 (Text und Lemma) ersetzen; McCabe 2342 (Text und Lemma) entfa+llt!]2 @ &1`16a.2435%7`2453.& Grabinschrift fu+r [Q]uintus Lollius Kosmion und seine Tochter Lollia Gemella von unbek.; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 237%3`8, Nr. B 5. [2McCabe 2435%7`2453 (Texte und Lemmata): einmal streichen, einmal ersetzen!]2 @ &1`16a.2568.& Lateinisch%19griechische Grabinschrift fu+r Q(uintus) Pinarius, den Sohn des Lucius, aus der Tribus Aem(ilia), Milita+rtribun der legio VI Macedonica, sowie fu+r seine Ehefrau Pinaria Doxa; gesetzt von dem Erstgenannten; auf einer Grabplatte; wahrscheinlich noch Ende der Republik; gef. in Ephesos; *Ic%25ten %19 Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 289, Nr. 14 (Ph.); zu: IEph 705 A [2McCabe 2568: Text erga+nzen und Lemma ersetzen!]2 @ &1`16a.2587.& AnnEpig 1988, 1017 zu Zz. 2, 4, 6: v(ivae), v(ivi), v(ivi). [2McCabe%19Lemma 2587 erga+nzen!]2 @ &1`16a.2593.& Grabinschrift fu+r Titus Rhausios Poseidonios, Titus Rhausios Rufus und Titus Rhausios Burrus, den Sohn des Titus Rhausios Glykon, von unbek.; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 150, zu Nr. 84. [2McCabe 2593 (Text), Zz. 5%3`6 ersetzen; Lemma erga+nzen!]2 @ &1`16a.2661.& Grabinschrift fu+r Zosimos Phyrtios, Sosis Herakleo[t]ou und Aristarches Herakleotou von unbek.; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 237%3`8, Nr. B 3. [2McCabe 2661: Text und Lemma ersetzen!]2 @ 窱&1`16a.2663.1.& Grabinschrift fu+r Hippokrate Maiandrio(u) von unbek.; stoichedon; 1. H. 5. Jhdt. v.Chr.?; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 213%3`4, Nr. 43. @ &1`16a.2663.2.& Grabinschrift fu+r Basilike aus Athen von unbek.; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 213%3`4, Nr. 44. @ &1`16a.2663.3.& Grabinschrift fu+r Iulia Galitta von unbek.; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 213%3`4, Nr. 45. @ &1`16a.2663.4.& Lateinische Grabinschrift fu+r Flavia Elpis von ihrem Ehemann, dem exactor Trophimus; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 213%3`4, Nr. 46. @ &1`16a.2663.5.& Lateinische Grabinschrift von Lucret[ia] fu+r ihre Familie und T.Porcius Frugi; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 215%3`6, Nr. 47. @ &1`16a.2663.6.& Grabinschrift von P(ublius) Olius Scip[i]o fu+r 窶seinen Sohn Publi[us] (Olius Scipio) und seine Tochter Ophelia; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 215%3`6, Nr. 48. @ &1`16a.2663.7.& Grabinschrift fu+r die Bru+der Attalos und Varus sowie den Sohn des Attalos, Zenon von unbek.; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 215%3`6, Nr. 49. @ &1`16a.2663.8.& Grabinschrift fu+r Ateia Fau(s)ta, ihre Tochter Rufina und ihre Nachkommen Zenonis und Damas von unbek.; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 217%3`8, Nr. 50. @ &1`16a.2663.9.& Grabinschrift fu+r [Clau]dius Mithridates und (seine Ehefrau?) Flavia Modesta (sowie ihrer Kinder?) von unbek.; ro+misch; gef.in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 217%3`8, Nr. 51. @ 窱&1`16a.2663.10.& Grabinschrift (fragm.) fu+r (mehrere unbek. Personen) und ihren Vater, den kaiserlichen Freigelassenen Publius Aelius Hermes von unbek.; 2. Jhdt. n.Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 217%3`8, Nr. 52. @ &1`16a.2663.11.& Grabinschrift (fragm.) fu+r Aur(elius) Sam[bathios] Iudas und zwei weitere [ephesische Juden] von unbek.; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 219%3`20, Nr. 54. @ &1`16a.2663.12.& Grabinschrift fu+r Aulus Hordeanus Euporus, seine Ehefrau Athenais und ihre Kinder von unbek.; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 219%3`20, Nr. 55. @ &1`16a.2663.13.& Grabinschrift (fragm.) fu+r Aur(elius) Pionius und [weitere unbek. Personen] von unbek.; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 221%3`2, Nr. 56. @ &1`16a.2663.14.& Grabinschrift (fragm.) fu+r den Studenten Pasikrates [und weitere (unbek.) Personen] von Xanthos, dem pragmateutes der boule von Ephesos; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 235%3`6, Nr. 69. @ &1`16a.2663.15.& Grabinschrift(?) fu+r [Art?]emo, die Tochter des Sosias, von unbek.; 7. %19 Beg. 5. Jhdt. v.Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 136, Nr. 38. @ &1`16a.2663.16.& Grabinschrift fu+r Eutyched[es] und seine Ehefrau Epagathon(?) sowie weitere unbek. Personen von unbek.; auf einer tabula ansata; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 137, Nr. 41. @ &1`16a.2663.17.& Grabinschrift fu+r Germana und ihr Kind von ihrem Ehemann Eutyches; auf einer Stele; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 137, Nr. 42. @ &1`16a.2663.18.& Grabinschrift fu+r [?%19]leinos Attal[ou] und Attalos A[le]xandrou von(?) der Zunft der Hanf(be)arbeiter; auf einer tabula ansata; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 138, Nr. 43. @ &1`16a.2663.19.& Grabinschrift fu+r Marcus Cassius Florus von unbek.; der in Zz. 4%3`5 erwa+hnte Hera(s) ist ein spa+terer Zusatz; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 138%3`9, Nr. 45. @ 窲&1`16a.2663.20.& Grabinschrift fu+r [Lucilia Eu]terpe, ihren Ehemann Athiktos, den Enkel des Atta[los], sowie ihren Sohn Attalos von unbek.; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 139, Nr. 46. @ &1`16a.2663.21.& Grabinschrift fu+r L(ucius) Aufidius Demostratus von unbek.; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 139, Nr. 47. @ &1`16a.2663.22.& Grabinschrift fu+r Vergili[us] Eutyches und seine Nachkommen von unbek.; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 139, Nr. 48. @ &1`16a.2663.23.& Grabinschrift fu+r Phaneios von seinem Vater Phaneios; auf einer Basis; Flachrelief des thrakischen Reiters unter der Inschrift; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos(?); *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 139%3`40, Nr. 49. @ &1`16a.2663.24.& Zwei Fragmente einer lateinischen Grabinschrift(?) fu+r M(arcus) Antoniu[s] Bas[sus], M(arcus) Anto[nius] Strat[o](?) und zwei weitere M(arci) Antonii von unbek.; 1. Jhdt. n.Chr.?; gef. in Ephesos(?); *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 140, Nr. 50. @ &1`16a.2663.25.& Grabinschrift fu+r unbek. von Atilia Saturnila; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 140, Nr. 51. @ &1`16a.2663.26.& Grabinschrift fu+r Achil(l)eus(?) Eu[%19?] und (seine) Freigelassenen von (unbek.); Zz. 3 (Mitte) %19 8 sind ein spa+terer Nachtrag: Grabinschrift fu+r Kl[%19?] Ual[%19?] oder Thal[%19?], (seine?) Tochter sowie (seine?) Freigelassenen von unbek.; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 140%3`41, Nr. 52. @ &1`16a.2663.27.& Grabinschrift (fragm.) fu+r die Nachkommen einer unbek. Person sowie fu+r den bouleutes T(itus) Fl(avius) Proculus und seine Kinder von unbek.; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 141, Nr. 53. @ &1`16a.2663.28.& Grabinschrift (fragm.) fu+r (u.a.) Valerius [%19] von unbek.; erwa+hnt wird zudem eine Ammia O[%19?] im Dativ; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 141, Nr. 55. @ &1`16a.2663.29.& Grabinschrift (fragm.) fu+r [4M(arcus) Aur(elius)]4, [M(arcus) Aur(elius) [4Pausania]4[s], Aur(elius) Boethus sowie einen weiteren Au[r(elius)] von unbek.; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 141%3`2, Nr. 56. @ 窳&1`16a.2663.30.& Grabinschrift (fragm.) fu+r Iulia Ma[%19?], Cosin(n)iu[s %19?], Lucius [Cosin(n)ius] Ruf[us], [Lu]cius Cosinnius und (ihre?) Kinder von unbek.; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 142%3`3, Nr. 59. @ &1`16a.2663.31.& Lateinische Grabinschrift fu+r Gn(aeus) Domitius Dexter, Domitia Tertia, Gn(aeus) Dom(i)tius Felix und Domitia [?] von unbek.; auf einer Stele; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 143, Nr. 61. @ &1`16a.2663.32.& Grabinschrift (fragm.) fu+r Iuniu[s] und Iu[%19?] von unbek.; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 144, Nr. 65. @ &1`16a.2663.33.& Grabinschrift fu+r Pollys Thrasykrito(u) aus Alyzea in Akarnanien von unbek.; auf einer (aus Westgriechenland stammenden) Stele; stoichedon; archaisch; gef. bei Kus%25adas#1221; *Ic%25ten %19 Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 287, Nr. 7. @ &1`16a.2663.34.& Grabinschrift %19%19mit Ehrung durch den demos (von Ephesos)%19%19 fu+r Antiochos Antiochou; auf einer Ostothek; Buchstaben wohl des 1. Jhdts. v.Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; *Ic%25ten %19 Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 287, Nr. 8. @ &1`16a.2663.35.& Grabinschrift fu+r Lykiskos Theotimou aus Megara von unbek.; auf einer Stele; hellenistisch; gef. in Ephesos; *Ic%25ten %19 Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 287, Nr. 9. @ &1`16a.2663.36.& Grabinschrift fu+r Moschion Eust[r]atou von unbek.; auf einer Stele; hellenistisch; gef. in Ephesos; *Ic%25ten -Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 288, Nr. 10. @ &1`16a.2663.37.& Grabinschrift fu+r Eikadios Tysklanos (%6 Tusculanus?) von unbek.; auf einer Ostothek; Buchstaben wohl vom Ende des 1. Jhdts. v.Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; *Ic%25ten -Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 288, Nr. 11. @ &1`16a.2663.38.& Grabinschrift fu+r Tib(erius) Cl(audius) Zosimos, seine Ehefrau Charmosyne und ihre namentlich unbek. Kinder von unbek.; auf dem Tu+rsturz am Eingang einer Grabanlage (vgl. Suppl. Ephes. 16a.2663.39); Buchstaben wohl des 2. Jhdts. n.Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; *Ic%25ten %19 Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 288, Nr. 12. @ &1`16a.2663.39.& Grabinschrift fu+r Valeria Charmosyne von unbek.; auf einer Ostothek (vgl. Suppl. Ephes. 16a.2663.38); Buchstaben wohl des 2. Jhdts. n.Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; *Ic%25ten -Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 288, Nr. 13. @ 窴&1`16a.2663.40.& Grabinschrift fu+r Ti(berius) Cl(audius) Bakchylos, seine Ehefrau Cl(audia) Alexandra, ihre Kinder Apphia, Alexandros, Bakchylos und Hermione sowie fu+r ihre namentlich unbek. Freigelassenen von unbek.; die Zz. 9%3`10 wurden spa+ter nachgetragen; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *Ic%25ten %19 Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 289, Nr. 15. @ &1`16a.2663.41.& Grabinschrift fu+r Tib(erius) Cl(audius) Hermes, seine Ehefrau Epiteuxis und ihre namentlich unbek. Kinder von unbek.; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *Ic%25ten %19 Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 290, Nr. 16 (Ph.). @ &1`16a.2663.42.& Grabinschrift fu+r Lucius Marius Euodos und seine Erben von unbek.; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *Ic%25ten -Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 290, Nr. 17 (Ph.). @ &1`16a.2663.43.& Grabinschrift fu+r Klemys Attalou und ihrer Tochter 窴Eutychia von unbek.; auf einer Ostothek; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *Ic%25ten %19 Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 290, Nr. 18. @ &1`16a.2663.44.& Grabinschrift fu+r Artemo Metrodo[rou], Myrallis Demetrio[u], Phrynichos Hagesonos und Hageson Hagesonos (Vorderseite); Straton, der "pragmatikos" (actor %6 Verwalter) der Gerusie (von Ephesos), oblag die Pflege des Grabes (Ru+ckseite; spa+ter hinzugefu+gt); auf einer auf einem Altar stehenden Sa+ule; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *Ic%25ten -Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 291, Nr. 19%7`20 (Ph.). @ &1`16a.2663.45.& Grabinschrift fu+r Agileia Chreste, Gaius Agile[i]os Pamphylos und Gaius Agileios Euboulos von unbek.; Buchstaben wohl des 1. Jhdts. n.Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; *Ic%25ten -Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 291, Nr. 21 (Ph.). @ &1`16a.2663.46.& Grabinschrift fu+r M(arcus) Val(erius) Ep[%19], seine Ehefrau Aureli[a] Philometoros und ihre namentlich unbek. Kinder von unbek.; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *Ic%25ten %19 Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 292, Nr. 22 (Ph.). @ &1`16a.2663.47.& Grabinschrift fu+r Aur(elius) Tatianos, Servi[lia] Krateia und ihre namentlich unbek. Kinder von unbek.; Z. 5 stammt von fru+herer Beschriftung; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *Ic%25ten %19 Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 292, Nr. 23. @ &1`16a.2663.48.& Grabinschrift fu+r Herakleon Perigenou, seine Ehefrau Apollonis, ihren Sohn Heras, ihren Enkel Heras sowie fu+r ihren Sohn Perigenes von unbek.; Zz. 1%19`2 und 5%19`7 wurden spa+ter nachgetragen; auf einer Stele; undatiert; gef. in Acarlar; *Ic%25ten %19 Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 293, Nr. 24. @ &1`16a.2663.49.& Grabinschrift fu+r Antonia von ihrem Vater Marcus Antonius Hermes; Buchstaben etwa vom Anfang des 2. Jhdts. n.Chr.; gef. in Selc%25uk; *Ic%25ten %19 Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 293, Nr. 25. @ 窵&1`16a.2663.50.& Grabinschrift fu+r Apion Marcus, (seine Ehefrau?) Ateleia (%6 Atilia?) Arete sowie fu+r (ihre So+hne?) L(ucius) Ateleios (%6 Atilius?) Iatrikos und L(ucius) Ateleios (%6 Atilius?) Didymos von unbek.; auf einer Ostothek; Buchstaben wohl des 2. Jhdts. n.Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; *Ic%25ten -Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 293, Nr. 26. @ &1`16a.2663.51.& Grabinschrift fu+r M(arcus) Aurelius Apollonides von unbek.; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *Ic%25ten %19 Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 293, Nr. 27 (Ph.). @ &1`16a.2663.52.& Grabinschrift fu+r Glykon und Bedis (%6 Bedios %6 Vedius?) von unbek.; auf einer Ostothek; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *Ic%25ten %19 Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 294, Nr. 28. @ &1`16a.2663.53.& Grabinschrift (fragm.) fu+r Tiberius Iu[lius] [Ni]kephoros, seine Ehefrau Lucill[a], ihre namentlich unbek. Kinder sowie eine weitere unbek. Person von unbek.; auf einer Stele; kaiserzeitlich; gef. in Ephesos; *Ic%25ten %19 Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 295, Nr. 32. @ &1`16a.2734.& Lateinische Grabinschrift fu+r Pol(l)a, die Tochter des Granius, von(?) ihrem Ehemann Sabinus; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 149%3`50, Nr. 84. [2McCabe 2734 (Text und Lemma) ersetzen und Kategorie (16a, nicht 16c) a+ndern!]2 @ &1`16b.2724.1.& Grabinschrift (fragm.) fu+r [?%19]ius Proculus, seine Ehefrau und ihren Sohn [Abas]cantus sowie einen weiteren [?%19]ius Proculus von unbek.; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 217%19`220, Nr. 53. @ &1`16b.2724.2.& Grabinschrift (fragm.) fu+r Aurelius [?%19]us und seine Familie von unbek.; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 221%3`2, Nr. 57. @ &1`16b.2724.3.& Grabinschrift (fragm.) fu+r mehrere Personen von unbek.; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 221%3`2, Nr. 58. @ &1`16b.2724.4.& Grabinschrift (fragm.) fu+r [Tr]ophimos (oder: [unbek. Tr]ophimou?) und Di[%19? Tr]ophimos (oder: [Tr]ophimou?) von unbek.; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 144, Nr. 64. @ &1`16b.2724.5.& Grabinschrift (fragm.) fu+r Tib(erius) [%19]os von unbek.; auf einer tabula ansata; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *Ic%25ten %19 Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 294, Nr. 29. @ &1`16b.2724.6.& Grabinschrift (fragm.) fu+r [%19] Pontius [%19] von unbek.; auf einer Ostothek; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *Ic%25ten %19 Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 294, Nr. 30. @ &1`16b.2724.7.& Grabinschrift (fragm.) fu+r(?) [%19] Zenonis von(?) ihrer namentlich unbek. Mutter; auf einem Sarkophag; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *Ic%25ten %19 Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 295, Nr. 31 (Ph.). @ &1`16b.2724.8.& Grabinschrift (fragm.) fu+r(?) [%19] Zenobios, seine Ehefrau [F]lavia Trophi[me] und eine [%19]ane von(?) M(arcus) Caelius; ro+misch; gef. in Selc%25uk; *Ic%25ten %19 Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 295, Nr. 33. @ &1`16c.2734.& Neue Zuordnung: Kategorie 16a, nicht 16c; vgl. Suppl. Ephes. 16a.2734! @ &1`16c.2866.1.& Grabinschrift (fragm.) fu+r unbek. von unbek.; Regelungen fu+r die Grabnutzung; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 1(Hauptbl.), 138, Nr. 44. @ &1`16c.2866.2.& Grabinschrift (fragm.) fu+r unbek. von unbek.; auf einer Sa+ule; es werden Strafzahlungen an das t[amieion] bzw. an den f[iscus] (provinciae Asiae?%3Caesaris?) bei missbra+uchlicher Grabnutzung angedroht; ro+misch (Kaiserzeit?); gef. in Ephesos(?); *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 141, Nr. 54. @ &1`16c.2866.3.& Grabinschrift (fragm.) fu+r unbek. von unbek.; auf einem Sarkophag; undatiert; gef. am antiken Hafenkanal, nahe der Strasse Selc%25uk %19 Kus%25adasi bei der Eski Caliko+pru+; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 142, Nr. 57. @ &1`16c.2866.4.& Grabinschrift (fragm.) fu+r ein unbek. Kind von seinem unbek. Vater, einem Gladiator (secutor); ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 143, Nr. 60. @ &1`16c.2866.5.& Grabinschrift (fragm.) fu+r unbek. von unbek.; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 143, Nr. 62. @ &1`16c.2866.6.& Grabinschrift (fragm.) fu+r unbek. von unbek.; Regelungen fu+r die Grabnutzung; ro+misch(?); gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 143, Nr. 63. @ &1`16c.2866.7.& Grabinschrift (fragm.) fu+r unbek. von unbek.; es werden Strafzahlungen an den fiscus Caesaris (hierotaton tameion) (bei missbra+uchlicher Grabnutzung) angedroht; (hohe) Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 144, Nr. 66. @ &1`21c.2923.& **Feissel, T %9 M Byz 11, 1991, 460, Anm. 113 (Z. 3); Feissel, T %9 M Byz 11, 1991, 460 (Datierung: Beginn 6. Jhdt. n.Chr.); SEG 41, 979. [2McCabe 2923: Text a+ndern und Lemma erga+nzen!]2 @ &1`7c.2945.1.& Byzantinische Bauinschrift (fragm.), auf dem Schlussstein eines Bogens; spa+tes 3. %19 7. Jh. n. Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; *SEG 39, 1186. @ &1`21d.2945.2.& Christliche Bauinschrift mit Gebet; auf einem Architrav; byzantinisch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 148, Nr. 79. @ &1`21e.2952.1.& Christliche(?) Weihinschrift (fragm.) von Asteria; auf einem Kandelaber; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *Ic%25ten -Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 286, Nr. 5; BE 1992, 610. @ &1`21f.2975.1.& Gebet; auf einem bleiernen Siegel; 700%19`725 n.Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; *SEG 39, 1237. @ &1`21l.3060.1.& Christliches Graffito (fragm.) von einer namentlich unbek. Person, wohl Teil eines Gebetes; auf einem Ziegel; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *Ic%25ten %19 Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 286, Nr. 6. @ &1`21m.3075.& Merkelbach, EA 16, 1990, 44, zu Z. 8: Der Dichter hat zweifellos "kallimon" geschrieben. [2McCabe%19Lemma 3075 erga+nzen!]2 @ &1`21m.3077.1.& Ehreninschrift in Hexametern fu+r (den proconsul Asiae) (Flavius) Anthemius Isidorus von (der wiederhergestellten Statue eines) Piso; auf einer Basis; 1. H. 5. Jhdt. n.Chr.; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 146%3`7, Nr. 74. @ &1`21o.3116.& Engelmann, ZPE 67, 1987, 154: Das Fragment IEph 2125 %6 McCabe 3780 ist identisch mit IEph 4207, Zz. 6%19`10 %6 McCabe 3116, Zz. 6%19`10; vgl. Suppl. Ephes. 23.3780! @ &1`21t.3161.& BE 1991, 723. [2McCabe%19Lemma 3161 erga+nzen; Texta+nderungen?]2 @ &1`21t.3163.& **Feissel, T %9 M Byz 11, 1991, 456 (Zz. 1%19`4); Feissel, T %9 M Byz 11, 1991, 455 (mo+glicherweise Kategorie 3b!) ۃu. 456 (Datierung: Ende 5.%19Beginn 6. Jhdt. n.Chr.); SEG 41, 978. [2McCabe 3163: Text a+ndern und Lemma erga+nzen!]2 @ &1`22a.& Inschrift, die das Wort "adoron" entha+lt; auf einem Gefa+ss; gef. in Ephesos; fru+he Kaiserzeit; *McCabe 3174 (%6 IEph 2900. 3) [2McCabe 3174: Text a+ndern (Kleinschreibung!) und Lemma ersetzen!]2 @ &1`22a.3316.1.& Inschrift (fragm.), die zwei Personen namens Eutych[%19?] und Eut[ych%19?] erwa+hnt; auf einem Tonkrater; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos(?); *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 147, Nr. 76. @ &1`22a.3316.2.& Inschrift, die einen Achilleus erwa+hnt; auf einem Glasgefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *Czurda%19Ruth, KJ 22, 1989, 138%3`9, Nr. 87; SEG 40, 1011a. @ &1`22a.3316.3.& Inschrift, die eine Al[3l]3ypia erwa+hnt; auf einem Glasgefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *Czurda%19Ruth, KJ 22, 1989, 138%3`9, Nr. 89; SEG 40, 1011b. @ &1`22a.3316.4.& Inschrift, die einen Berinos erwa+hnt; auf einem Glasgefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *Czurda%19Ruth, KJ 22, 1989, 138%3`9, Nr. 90; SEG 40, 1011c. @ &1`22a.3316.5.& Namensstempel, der einen Agathopous erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; spa+thellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 111 H 50 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.6.& Namensstempel, der einen A[i]nea[s] erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 110 H 46 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.7.& Namensstempel, der einen Aineas erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 111 H 57 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.8.& Namensstempel, der einen Aineas erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; vermutlich spa+thellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 119 H 179 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.9.& Namensstempel, der einen Alexandros erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 117 H 144 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.10.& Lateinischer Namensstempel, der einen Manius Avill(ius) erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 129 I 34 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.11.& Namensstempel, der einen Charesios erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit(?); gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 115 H 120. @ &1`22a.3316.12.& Lateinischer Namensstempel, der auf der Innenseite (a) einen Chrestio(n) und einen L(ucius) Titius und auf der Unterseite (b) ein Graffito ("BEM") erwa+hnt; auf zwei Fragmenten (ein Gefa+ss?); fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 129 I 33 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.13.& Namensstempel, der einen Deios erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 119 H 175a (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.14.& Namensstempel, der auf der Innenseite (a) einen Didymos und auf der Unterseite (b) ein Graffito ("Phi") erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 118 H 172 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.15.& Namensstempel, der "Di[dy]moi" erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 112 H 74 (Facs.). @ &1`22a.3316.16.& Namensstempel, der "Didymoi" erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; vermutlich hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 116 H 137 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.17.& Namensstempel, der einen Diodoros erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 114 H 97 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.18.& Namensstempel, der einen Dion erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 121 H 211 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.19.& Namensstempel, der einen Diophanes erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; vermutlich fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 121 H 217 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.20.& Namensstempel, der einen Epaphras erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 110 H 43 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.21.& Namensstempel, der einen Epaphras erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 113 H 78 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.22.& Namensstempel, der einen Glyco(n) und einen G(aius) Annius erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 129 I 24 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.23.& Namensstempel, der einen Hegesias erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 115 H 116 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.24.& Namensstempel, der einen Hegesias erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 116 H 126 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.25.& Namensstempel, der einen Hepha[i]sti[o]n erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 111 H 61. @ &1`22a.3316.26.& Namensstempel, der einen Hermas erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 113 H 78C (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.27.& Namensstempel, der einen [Her]mas erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 113 H 79 (Facs.). @ &1`22a.3316.28.& Namensstempel, der einen Hermas erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 116 H 138 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.29.& Namensstempel, der auf der Innenseite (a) einen Hermes und auf der Unterseite (b) ein Graffito ("KOS") erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 113 H 78B (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.30.& Namensstempel, der einen Hermes erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 121 H 215 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.31.& Namensstempel, der einen Hermes erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 115 H 109 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.32.& Namensstempel, der einen Hermes erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 118 H 156 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.33.& Namensstempel, der einen Iatrokles erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 112 H 72. @ &1`22a.3316.34.& Namensstempel, der einen Iatrokles erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 111 H 48 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.35.& Namensstempel, der einen Iatrokles erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 112 H 63. @ &1`22a.3316.36.& Namensstempel, der einen Iatrokles erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 112 H 75 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.37.& Namensstempel, der einen Iatrokles erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 119 H 176 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.38.& Lateinisch%19griechischer Namensstempel, der einen Iatrocli(s) erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 115 H 113 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.39.& Lateinisch%19griechischer Namensstempel, der einen Iatrocli(s) erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 116 H 127 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.40.& Namensstempel, der einen I[si]do][r]os erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 113 H 81 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.41.& Namensstempel, der einen Isidoros erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 113 H 83 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.42.& Namensstempel, der einen Isidoro[s] erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 114 H 105 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.43.& Namensstempel, der einen Isidoros erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 118 H 166 (Facs.). @ &1`22a.3316.44.& Namensstempel, der einen [Is]idoros erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 118 H 167 (Facs.). @ &1`22a.3316.45.& Namensstempel, der einen Isidoros erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; spa+thellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 119 H 178 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.46.& Namensstempel, der einen Eisidoros erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; vermutlich fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 112 H 66. @ &1`22a.3316.47.& Namensstempel, der einen Eisidoros erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit(?); gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 113 H 80 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.48.& Namensstempel, der auf der Innenseite (a) einen Eisi[d]oros und auf der Unterseite (b) ein Graffito ("o" oder "e") erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 116 H 131 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.49.& Lateinischer Namensstempel (fragm.), der einen [C]aca[%19] und [G(aius)] Titius Ne(pos) erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 129 I 37 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.50.& Lateinischer Namensstempel, der einen Cerdo erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 129 I 19 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.51.& Namensstempel, der einen Koiranos erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 110 H 37 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.52.& Namensstempel, der einen Koiranos erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 112 H 62 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.53.& Namensstempel, der einen Koiranos erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 113 H 82 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.54.& Namensstempel, der einen Koiranos erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 114 H 103 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.55.& Namensstempel, der einen Koiranos erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 115 H 121 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.56.& Lateinischer Namensstempel, der einen P(ublius) Corn(elius) und einen Ilodius(?) erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 129 I 26 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.57.& Lateinischer Namensstempel, der einen G(aius) Curtius erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 129 I 20 (Ph.) @ &1`22a.3316.58.& Lateinischer Namensstempel, der einen Leucus erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 128 I 10 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.59.& Namensstempel, der einen Manes erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 119 H 182 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.60.& Namensstempel, der einen Onesimos erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 115 H 115 (Facs.). @ &1`22a.3316.61.& Namensstempel, der einen [On]e[si]mos erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 118 H 159. @ &1`22a.3316.62.& Namensstempel, der einen Onesimos erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 119 H 181 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.63.& Namensstempel, der einen Onesimos erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 121 H 212 (Facs.). @ &1`22a.3316.64.& Namensstempel, der einen Oreos erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 109 H 32 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.65.& Namensstempel, der einen Oreos erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 110 H 33 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.66.& Namensstempel, der einen Oreos erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 115 H 122 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.67.& Namensstempel, der einen Oreos erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 115 H 124 (Facs.). @ &1`22a.3316.68.& Namensstempel, der einen Oreos erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; vermutlich hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 121 H 216 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.69.& Lateinischer Namensstempel, der einen Vibienus erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 130 I 39 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.70.& Namensstempel, der einen Posidonios erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 114 H 106 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.71.& Namensstempel, der einen Posidonios erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 118 H 162. @ &1`22a.3316.72.& Namensstempel, der einen Rufus erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; vermutlich fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 113 H 86 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.73.& Lateinischer Namensstempel, der auf der Innenseite (a) einen G(aius) Se(ntius) und auf der Unterseite (b) ein Graffito ("A") erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 120 H 198 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.74.& Lateinischer Namensstempel, der das Wort "suavi(s)" und einen L(ucius) Titius erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 129 I 32 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.75.& Namensstempel, der einen Straton erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 113 H 84 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.76.& Lateinischer Namensstempel, der einen G(aius) Telius erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 129 I 31 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.77.& Lateinischer Namensstempel, der einen A(ulus) Titius erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 128 I 13. @ &1`22a.3316.78.& Lateinischer Namensstempel, der einen A(ulus) Titius erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 130 I 38 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.79.& Lateinischer Namensstempel, der die Buchstabenfolge "ACA" entha+lt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 129 I 21 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.80.& Lateinischer Namensstempel, der die Buchstabenfolge "ACAE" entha+lt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 129 I 25 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.81.& Lateinischer Namensstempel, der einen Q(uintus) Ser(torius) erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 129 I 36 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.82.& Lateinischer Ortsstempel, der Arre[tium] erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 111 H 52 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.83.& Lateinischer Ortsstempel, der Arretium erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 117 H 154 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.84.& Lateinischer Ortsstempel, der Arretium erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 129 I 22 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.85.& Lateinischer Ortsstempel, der Arretium erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 129 I 23 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.86.& Grussstempel [2"chai(re)"]2; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 117 H 146. @ &1`22a.3316.87.& Grussstempel ("charis"); auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 110 H 47 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.88.& Grussstempel ("charis"); auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 115 H 112. @ &1`22a.3316.89.& Grussstempel ("charis"); auf einem Gefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 116 H 135. @ &1`22a.3316.90.& Grussstempel ("charis"); auf einem Gefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 121 H 214 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.91.& Grussstempel ("charis"); auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 93 G 30 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.92.& Geschenkstempel ("doron"); auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 110 H 44 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.93.& Geschenkstempel ("doron"); auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 111 H 49 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.94.& Geschenkstempel ("doron"); auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 111 H 51 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.95.& Geschenkstempel ("doron"); auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 111 H 58 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.96.& Geschenkstempel ("doron"); auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 111 H 59 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.97.& Geschenkstempel ("d[o]ro[n]"); auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 111 H 60 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.98.& Geschenkstempel ("doron"); auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 112 H 64 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.99.& Geschenkstempel ("doron"); auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 112 H 65 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.100.& Geschenkstempel ("doron"); auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 112 H 68 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.101.& Geschenkstempel ("doron"); auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 112 H 73 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.102.& Geschenkstempel ("doron"); auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 114 H 102 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.103.& Geschenkstempel ("d[oron]"); auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 114 H 107. @ &1`22a.3316.104.& Geschenkstempel ("doron"); auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 114 H 108 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.105.& Geschenkstempel ("doron"); auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 115 H 110. @ &1`22a.3316.106.& Geschenkstempel ("doron"); auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 115 H 111 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.107.& Geschenkstempel ("doron"); auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 115 H 118. @ &1`22a.3316.108.& Geschenkstempel ("doron"); auf einem Gefa+ss; vermutlich hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 115 H 119 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.109.& Geschenkstempel ("doron"); auf einem Gefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 116 H 134. @ &1`22a.3316.110.& Geschenkstempel ("doron"); auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 117%19`118 H 155 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.111.& Geschenkstempel ("doron"); auf einem Gefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 118 H 161 (Facs.). @ &1`22a.3316.112.& Geschenkstempel ("doron"); auf einem Gefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 118 H 168. @ &1`22a.3316.113.& Geschenkstempel ("doron"); auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 spa+tro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 118 H 170 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.114.& Geschenkstempel: auf der Innenseite (a) ("doron") und auf der Unterseite (b) ein Graffito ("DIO"); auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 118 H 171 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.115.& Geschenkstempel ("doron"); auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 spa+tro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 119 H 175. @ &1`22a.3316.116.& Geschenkstempel ("doron"); auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 119 H 177 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.117.& Geschenkstempel: auf der Innenseite (a) ("doron") und auf der Unterseite (b) ein Graffito ("E"); auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 119 H 180 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.118.& Geschenkstempel ("doron"); auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 120 H 199 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.119.& Geschenkstempel ("doron"); auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 121 H 210 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.120.& Geschenkstempel ("doron"); auf einem Gefa+ss; spa+thellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 121 H 213 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.121.& Grussstempel ("hedone"); auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 112 H 69. @ &1`22a.3316.122.& Inschrift, die auf der Innenseite (a) das Wort "kerdos" und auf der Unterseite (b) ein Graffito ("A") entha+lt; auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 112 H 71 (Facs. des Graffitos). @ &1`22a.3316.123.& Inschrift, die das Wort "kerdos" entha+lt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 112 H 76 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.124.& Inschrift, die das Wort "kerdos" entha+lt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit (?); gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 122 H 218. @ &1`22a.3316.125.& Inschrift, die das Wort "pothos" entha+lt; auf einem Gefa+ss; vermutlich hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 114 H 104 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.126.& Inschrift, die das Wort "pothos" entha+lt; auf einem Gefa+ss; vermutlich hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 116 H 128 (Facs.). @ &1`22a.3316.127.& Inschrift, die auf der Innenseite (a) das Wort "pothos" und auf der Unterseite (b) ein Graffito ("AL" oder "AM") entha+lt; auf einem Gefa+ss; vermutlich hellenistisch -fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 118 H 158 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.128.& Inschrift, die das Wort "pothos" entha+lt; auf einem Gefa+ss; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 118 H 163 (Facs.). @ &1`22a.3316.129.& Lateinischer Monogrammstempel, der einen G(aius) A(nnius) und einen Pr(imus) erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 128 I 12 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.130.& Monogrammstempel (mehrfach?), der einen Ap(ollonios) erwa+hnt; auf "Gefa+ssen"(?) (u.a. Lampenmatrize); spa+thellenistisch; gef. in Ephesos; *Mitsopoulos%19Leon, in: FS Kenner (%6 Sonderschr. O+sterr. Arch. Inst., Bd. 18), 1985, 247%19`51; SEG 37, 916. @ &1`22a.3316.131.& Monogrammstempel (mehrfach?), der vielleicht einen Ar(is)t(%19) (?) erwa+hnt; die Auflo+sung der Ligatur ist unsicher; auf Gefa+ssen(?); spa+thellenistisch.; gef. in Ephesos(?); *Mitsopoulos%19Leon, in: FS Kenner (%6 Sonderschr. O+sterr. Arch. Inst., Bd. 18), 1985, 247%19`51; SEG 37, 916. @ &1`22a.3316.132.& Lateinischer Namensstempel (zweifach?), der einen Gamus (vgl. auch: FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 126 I 40!) erwa+hnt; auf Gefa+ssen(?); fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 130, I 40 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.133.& Namensstempel, der einen [2A]2gatho[2p]2ous (oder: "Glosodos": vgl. FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 96 u. 104!) erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 spa+tro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 118%3`9 H 173 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.134.& Lateinischer Monogrammstempel, der einen M(arcus) Cr(%19) erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 128 I 14 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.135.& Namensstempel, der einen Herm[es] (oder Herm[as]?) erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 112%3`3 H 77 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.136.& Namensstempel, der einen Iatreas erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 110 H 42 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.137.& Lateinische Inschrift, die den Namen L(ucius) Mer(%19)(?) erwa+hnt; auf einer Platte; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 139 L 4 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.138.& Namensstempel, der einen Nikias aus Lykien erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 152 O 27 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.139.& Lateinischer Monogrammstempel, der den Namen V(alerius?) M(arcus?) erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 129 I 27 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.140.& Inschrift (Graffito), die den Namen Syris(%19) (?) erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 116 H 141 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.141.& Namensstempel, der einen Theodoros erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 113 H 78A (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.142.& Geschenkstempel (a) [2lateinisch: "dono"?]2 und Monogrammstempel (b) [2Graffito "R(%19)"?]2; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 117 H 153 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.143.& Grussstempel ("tyche"); auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE 2%3`2.1, 1991, 118 H 160. @ &1`22a.3316.144.& Unleserlicher Stempel (a) und Monogramminschrift (b) [2Graffito "A(%19)"]2; auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 119 H 185 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.145.& Monogramminschrift, die einen An(%19) oder A(%19) N(%19) erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 116 H 140 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.146.& Namensstempel, der den Namen [%19]anei erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE 2%3`2.1, 1991, 115 H 125 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.147.& To+pfersignatur (Graffito) in Gestalt eines Kreuzes oder eines "Chi"; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 117 H 143 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.148.& Monogrammstempel, der den Namen De(%19) erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 112 H 70 (Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.149.& Namensstempel, der den Namen [%19]mou erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 110 H 45 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.150.& Namensstempel(?), der den Namen [%19]r[%19] erwa+hnt; auf einem Gefa+ss; fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 111 H 56 (Facs., Ph.). @ &1`22a.3316.151.& Monogrammstempel(?) (Graffito mit den vier Buchstaben "IDST" in den Quadranten eines Kreuzes); auf einem Gefa+ss; hellenistisch %19 fru+he Kaiserzeit; gef. in Ephesos; *FiE IX 2%3`2.1, 1991, 93 G 29 (Ph.). @ &1`22c.3329.1.& Akklamation fu+r die Ephesier als "protoi Asias"; ro+misch(?); gef. in Ephesos(?); *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 147, Nr. 77. @ &1`22e.3332.& **JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 191%3`2, zu Nr. 25 (Z. 1). [2McCabe 3332: Text Z. 1 a+ndern und Lemma erga+nzen!]2 @ &1`22e.3345.1.& Namensliste (fragm.), die u.a. die Namen eines Zoti[kos] und eines Daphno[s] entha+lt; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, (Hauptbl.), 135, Nr. 34. @ &1`22e.3345.2.& Namensliste (fragm.), die u.a. die Namen eines Nynphas, eines Hermias und eines Gall[os] entha+lt; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 135, Nr. 35. @ &1`22f.3362.1.& Inschrift, die einen Thallos erwa+hnt; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 144, Nr. 67. @ &1`22f.3362.2.& Lateinische Inschrift (fragm.), die einen T(itus) Iulius erwa+hnt; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 144, Nr. 68. @ &1`22f.3362.3.& Lateinische Inschrift (fragm.), die einen unbek. [Cae]sar, einen [Ger]manicus sowie einen divus A[ugustus?] erwa+hnt; auf einer Basis (Beschriftung auf zwei Seiten: A%3B); kaiserzeitlich; gef. westl. der Bru+cke, auf der die neue Strasse nach Kus%25adasi den antiken Hafenkanal u+berquert; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 145, Nr. 70. @ &1`22f.3362.4.& Inschrift (fragm.), die einen Menippos [Z]oilou und eine Artemo erwa+hnt; spa+thellenistisch?; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 146, Nr. 72. @ &1`22f.3362.5.& Inschrift (fragm.), die einen Aurel[%19?] (und einen?) Scau[r%19?] erwa+hnt; ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 146, Nr. 73. @ &1`22f.3362.6.& Inschrift, die vielleicht den Namen Sanbathios %6 Sambathios (Herrmann, SEG 39, 1235) entha+lt; auf einer Bronzewaage; kaiserzeitlich; gef. in Ephesos; *Karwiese, Denkschr. d. O+sterr. Akad. d. Wiss 200, 1989, 32%3`3 (Ph.) @ &1`22f.3362.7.& Inschrift, in der [2auf der Vordeseite]2 eine Masseinheit (litra) und [2auf der Ru+ckseite]2 Aem(elius) Semp(ronius) Fronto, der Friedensrichter (eirenarches) von Kolophon, zusammen mit seinem Beamtenkollegium erwa+hnt werden; auf einem Gewicht (aus Kolophon); undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *Ic%25ten %19 Engelmann, ZPE 91, 1992, 286, Nr. 4. @ &1`23.3581%7`3592%7`3612.& Neue Zuordnung: Kategorie 3b, nicht 23; vgl. Suppl. Ephes. 3a. 0183 und 3b. 3581%7`3592%7`3612! @ &1`23.3780.& Engelmann, ZPE 67, 1987, 154: Das Fragment IEph 2125 %6 McCabe 3780 ist identisch mit IEph 4207, Zz. 6%19`10 %6 McCabe 3116, Zz. 6%19`10; vgl. Suppl. Ephes. 21o.3116! [2McCabe 3780 (Text und Lemma) entfa+llt!]2 @ &1`23.3802.& Neue Zuordnung: Kategorie 8e, nicht 23; vgl. Suppl. Ephes. 8e.0604.1! @ ઱&1`23.3808.1.& Lateinisch%19griechisches Inschriftenfragment, das einen unbek. G(ai) f(ilii) aus der Tribus Qui(rina) sowie einen unbek. Valetiou erwa+hnt; vielleicht auf einem Sarkophag (dann: Kategorie 16c!) ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 231%3`2, Nr. 64. @ &1`23.3808.2.& Inschriftenfragment, das den verstorbenen Ko+nig [Eumen]es (II. von Pergamon) sowie einen [Lysa]ndros Lysandrou, einen Arridaios, einen [Dem]agoras Hestiaiou und einen Peristr[atos?] erwa+hnt; 2. Jhdt. v.Chr.(?); gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 231%19`234, Nr. 65. @ &1`23.3808.3.& Inschriftenfragment, das einen unbek. Axiou, eine Artemispriesterin sowie einen [Tuendi?]anus Mag[nus (vgl. das Stemma zu IEph 650)] erwa+hnt; 2. Jhdt. n.Chr.?; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 59, 1989 (Beibl.), 233%3`4, Nr. 67. @ &1`23.3808.4.& Inschriftenfragment; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 119, Nr. 11c. @ &1`23.3808.5.& Inschriftenfragment; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 120, Nr. 11d. @ &1`23.3808.6.& Inschriftenfragment; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 120, Nr. 11e. @ &1`23.3808.7.& Lateinisches Inschriftenfragment (metrisch?); ro+misch; gef. in Ephesos; *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 142, Nr. 58. @ &1`23.3808.8.& Inschriftenfragment (Regelung finanzieller Angelegenheiten; vielleicht Kategorie 1d, 3b oder 4); auf einer Basis; undatiert; gef. in Ephesos(?); *JO+AI 62, 1993 (Hauptbl.), 147, Nr. 75. @@@@{1Erythrai}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@ADAW 1909: Wilamowitz %9 Jacobsthal, ADAW 1909, 2. @@BCH 1880: Pottier %9 Hauvette%19Besnault, BCH 4, 1880, 153%19`164. @@IEry: Engelmann %9 Merkelbach, &3Die Inschriften von Erythrai &3@@@@und Klazomenai,& 1972%19`3. @@JO+AI 1910: Keil, JO+AI 13, 1910 Beibl. 1%19`74. @@JO+AI 1912: Keil, JO+AI 15, 1912 Beibl. 49%19`76. @ The bulk of the inscriptions listed were found at Erythrai and in its vicinity. Some were found on Chios. For places of discovery on Chios, see the list for Chios. Some were collected elsewhere, and Erythraean provenance is only conjectural. Places of discovery in the vicinity of Erythrai are listed below. Those which have not been located are followed by a question mark. @@Alac%25at#1221 (Alac%25ata, Alatschata) @@Alan (?) @@Aridsa (Aridja, Aridza, Aritza) @@Assarc%25#1221k @@Bal#1221kl#1221ova (Balyklava, Balyklawa) @@Boja Bagh @@Bujeta @@Burnucuk (Burnutschuk) (N of Karareis C%25iftlig%27i) @@Cami Bog%27az (Cami Bog%27az#1221, Djami%19Boghaz) (on way to Urla) @@C%25iftlik (C%25iftlikko+y, Kato Panajia, Tziftilikio) @@Erythrai (Ild#1221r#1221, Ild#1221r#1221 Ko+yu+, Litri, Lythri, @@@@Lytri, Ritri, Rythri) @@Garaza Sary (Garaza Ssary) @@Gerenc%25e (Geredje, Geredz%27e, Gerence) @@Goni Adas#1221 (Goni) @@Han%19C%25es%25me (Kan%19Tsesme) (in C%25es%25me?) @@Kad#1221novac#1221k (Kadi Ovac%25ik, Kadi Ovadjik, Kadi Owadz%27ik) @@Karareis C%25iftlig%27i (Meli) @@Korykos @@Ku+c%25u+kbahc%25e (Ku+cu+k Bahc%25e, Ku+tschu+k Baghtsche) @@Monastery of Saint John (NE of Erythrai) @@Mordog%27an (Moldovan, Moldowan, Mordowan) @@Reisdere @@Saip (Sahib) @@Sarpanc#1221k (Sarpync%25ik, Ssarpyndz%27ik) @@Tepecik Bag%27 (Tepecik Bagh) (near Sarpanc#1221k) @@Tsiguralan (E%3NE of Erythrai) @@Uzunkuyu (Usun Kuju, Uzunko+yu, Uzunko+yu+) @@Yeni Liman (Jeni Liman, Jeni Limani) @@Zeitinler (Seitu+nler, Zeitu+nler). @ All Christian inscriptions for which a date before AD 600 could not be excluded are listed. Some inscriptions which may well be considerably later than this limit are therefore included. @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`35) @ @@@@Section: 1a. Sacred Laws and Decrees (1%19`3) @ @@`1. Law concerning cult of Asklepios and Apollo, with hymns to Apollo and Asklepios in verse, stoichedon; 380%3`360 BC (but ll. 74%19`6 c. 281 BC); found at Erythrai (copies of hymn to Asklepios also found at Athens and at Ptolemais in Egypt): ADAW l909, pp. 37%19`48, no. 11; SEG 4, 626; Sokolowski, LSAM 24; SEG 15, 719; *IEry 205 (PH). @ @@`2. Fragment of sacred law concerning sacrifice, stoichedon; prob. IV&7m&; found at Aridsa, from Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 32%19`4, no. 4 (PH); Sokolowski, LSAM 21; SEG 15, 720; *IEry 203. @ @@`3. Fragment of sacred law concerning sacrifice, stoichedon: IV&7m&; found at Erythrai: LW 1538; Sokolowski, LSAM 22; SEG 15, 721; *IEry 204. @ @@@@Section: 1b. Laws and Decrees of Other States (4%19`10) @ @@`4. Honorary decree [of Antiocheia Maiandr.] for (no name), foreign judge from Erythrai; II; found at Erythrai: LeBas, RA 13, 1856, 7%19`9, no. 4; LW 41; Robert, CRAI 1926, 169%19`171; SEG 4, 621; *IEry 116. @ @@`5. Honorary decree of &3demos& of Antiocheia (Maiandr.) for foreign judges Theuphanes &3et al.& from Erythrai; c. 200 BC; found at Erythrai: ADAW 1909, pp. 56%19`9, no. 13; *IEry 117 (PH). @ @@`6. Decree of Athens concerning Erythrai, stoichedon; c. 390%3`386 BC; found at Erythrai: *S%25ahin, Belleten 40, 1976, 566%19`571 (PH); SEG 26, 1282; Hornblower, Mausolus M14. @ @@`7. Fragment of decrees of &3boule& [and &3demos&] of [Klazom]enai (?) and of Ionians and Aiolians concerning Klazomenai (?); IV&7e&; found at Erythrai: LW 1537; *IEry 16. @ @@`8. Honorary decree of &3bolla& and &3damos& of Mytilene for foreign judges Hekataios Demetrio and Diodotos Kleonymeio of Erythrai and others; II&7b&; found at Erythrai: Kenner, SB Akad. Wien 71, 1872, 335%19`356; Mouseion 1, 1873%19`5, p. 143, no. 72; IG XII Suppl. 137; *IEry 122. @ @@`9. Honorary decree of Tenedos for foreign judge Diodotos [Kleo]nymou of Erythrai; II&7b&; found at Erythrai: Christ, SB Akad. Mu+nchen 1866, 252%19`263, no. B; *IEry 121. @ @@`10. Honorary decree (of unknown city) for foreign judges Diodotos Kleonymou &3et al.& of Erythrai; II&7b&; found at Erythrai: Christ, SB Akad. Mu+nchen 1866, 250%19`263, no. A; IG XII Suppl. 147; *IEry 120; **BE 1973:375, p. 143 (ll. 10, 12). @ See also: IG I&4`3& 14, 15, IEry 7 (%6 IG II&4`2& 108,) IG II&4`2& 708 (decrees of Athens concerning Erythrai; found in Attica); FDelphes III 1, 461 (honorary decree of &3polis& of [Delphi] for Xen[ok]letos Xenarmou of Er[ythrai]; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 1, 514 (honorary%3dedicatory inscription by &3polis& of Er[2yth]2[rai] for (no name) &3Aitolos,& to Apol[lo]; found at Delphi); IEry 36 (honorary decree of Delphi for Timokrates Timeou of Erythrai; found at Delphi); Kolophon 1 (%6 AJP 56, 1935, 379, IV) (%6 RPh 10, 1936, 166) (honorary decree of Kolophon for two &3Erythraioi&; found at Kolophon); Magnesia Mai. 32, l. 77 (%6 IMagnesia 53) (%6 IEry 507) (Erythrai listed among cities accepting invitation to &3agon& at Magnesia Mai. at end of decree of Klazomenai accepting invitation; found at Magnesia Mai.); IG VII 5%19`6 (honorary decrees of Megara for Kleon Kleonos of Erythrai; found at Megara); Miletos 29, l. 7 (%6 IErythrai 75) (%6 Milet I 3, 120) (decree of Ionian League mentions Erythrai and other cities; found at Miletos); Priene 56, col. 16, ll. 126%19`7, col. 17, l. 146 (%6 IPriene 111) (%6 BCH 31, 1907, 387) (%6 WS 29, 1907, 21) (honorary decree of Priene for Krates mentions Erythrai; found at Priene); Priene 106, 30 (%6 IPriene 121) (honorary decree [of Priene] for (no name) mentions embassies to Erythrai and other cities; found at Priene); Samos 37 (%6 MDAI(A) 87, 1972, 196, 2) (honorary decree of Samos for Hermonax Phi[listou], probably of Erythrai; found on Samos). @ @@@@Section: 1c. Other Honorary Decrees (11%19`30.8) @ @@`11. Honorary decree (of Erythrai) for King Antiochos (I or II); c. 270%3`260 BC; found at Erythrai: Engelmann, ZPE 4, 1969, 151%19`6 (PH); *IEry 30 (PH); SEG 37, 923. @ @@`11.5. Honorary decree [of demos] and b[ou]le (of Erythrai) for [Ar]istod[emos] and others, making them proxenoi, stoichedon; no date; found at Erythrai: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 134, no. 2 (PH); SEG 37, 922. @ @@`12. Honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& (of Erythrai) for Hekatas Gnotou; c. 274 BC; found in city of Chios, from Erythrai: Studniczka, MDAI(A) 3, 1888, 166%19`7, no. 5 (part); LW 1542; Ga+bler, Erythra+ 96%19`8; *IEry 27 (PH). @ @@`12.5. Honorary decree of boule (of Erythrai) for Idrieus Hekatomneo of Mylasa, stoichedon; prob. 351%3`344 BC; found at Erythrai: *Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, ZPE 44, 1981, 45%19`47, no. 1 (PH); SEG 31, 969; IMylasa II T82. @ @@`13. Honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& [of Erythrai] for Kallikrates Leagorou; II; first part in Smyrna, second part found in Erythrai: Eupartides, Mouseion 1, 1873%19`5, p. 125, no. 42 (second part); Sakkelariou, Mouseion 3, 1876%19`8, p. 62, no. 147 (first part); Zolotas, Athena 20, 1908, 232%19`3, no. 42 (second part); *IEry 114 (PH). @ @@`14. Honorary decree of &3boule& and [&3demos&] of Erythrai for Konon, stoichedon; 394 BC; found 30 min. s. of Erythrai: LeBas RA 13, 1856, 3%19`4, no. 2; LW 39; Syll&4`3& 126; Tod 106; *IEry 6 (PH). @ @@`15. Honorary decree of &3boule& of Erythrai for Maussollos [He]kat[omno] of Mylasa and wife Artemisie, stoichedon; 357%3`5 BC; found at Erythrai: LW 40 (for part); ADAW 1909, 27%19`9, no. 6; Syll&4`3& 168; Tod 155; *IEry 8 (PH); IMylasa II T81. @ @@`16. Fragment of honorary decree (?) for [P]etraios Io[ ... ]; Hellenistic; found at Erythrai: *IEry 46 (PH). @ @@`17. Honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& of Erythrai for Phanes Mnesitheou, stoichedon; prob. 334%3`332 BC; found at Erythrai: Fontrier, Mouseion 2, 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 58, no. 139; Syll&4`3& 285; Maier 60 (PH); SEG 19, 696; *IEry 21 (PH); Migeotte, L'emprunt public no. 84. @ @@`18. Honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& (of Erythrai) for Polykritos Iatrokleous; c. 275%3`265 BC; found in metropolitan church of city of Chios, prob. from Erythrai: Zolotas, Athena 20, 1908, 195%19`200, no. 6; Robert, BCH 57, 1933, plate 29 (PH); *IEry 28 (PH); Migeotte, L'emprunt public no. 85; BE 1987:221 (p. 309). @ @@`19. Two related (?) decrees, the latter of which honors Polykritos Iatrokleious or his son; 278%3`0 BC; found at Erythrai: *S%25ahin, Belleten 46, 1982, 487%19`508 (PH). @ @@`20. Honorary decree (of Erythrai) for &3epistatai& Pythodotos Pythoge[nous] &3et al.&; Hellenistic; found at Erythrai: LW 1539; *IEry 115. @ @@`21. Honorary decree of &3demos& [of Erythrai] for [Simos Apolloniou] and other &3strategoi& who helped to defend city [vs. Galatians]; c. 277%3`5 BC; found at Erythrai: Fontrier, Mouseion 3, 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 122%19`4, no. 156; Fontrier %9 Foucart, BCH 3, 1879, 388%19`392; Syll&4`3& 410; *IEry 24 (PH). @ @@`22. Decree of &3boule& and [&3demos&] [of Erythrai] in honor of [Telesi]dromos Theudorou &3Chalkideus,& stoichedon; IV&7e&%3III&7b&; found at Alan, from Gerenc%25e: ADAW 1909, 35%19`6, no. 9; *IEry 34 (PH). @ @@`23. Honorary decree of &3demos& (of Erythrai) for &3strategoi& Athen[ ... ] &3et al.&; c. 270%3`260 BC; found at Erythrai: LW 1536; Syll&4`3 442; *IEry 29. @ @@`24. Fragment of honorary decree, stoichedon; IV%3III; found at Erythrai: *IEry 13 (PH). @ @@`25. Fragment of honorary decree, stoichedon; IV; collected at Smyrna: Mouseion 3, 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 60, no. 142; *IEry 12 (PH). @ @@`26. Fragment of honorary decree, stoichedon; IV; found at Erythrai: *IEry 14 (PH). @ @@`27. Fragment of honorary decree, stoichedon; IV&4`2&; found at Erythrai: ADAW 1909, 36, no. 10; *IEry 11 (PH). @ @@`28. Fragment of (honorary?) decree; no date; found at Erythrai: LW 1555; *IEry 50. @ @@`29. End of honorary decree (of Erythrai?) for (no name); Hellenistic; found at Yeni Limani: Mouseion 1, 1873%19`5, 98, no. 97; *IEry 76. @ @@`30. Fragment of decree for (no name) foreign judges; no date; found at Erythrai: LW 1544; *IEry 124; **BE 1973:375, p. 143 (l. 7). @ @@`30.5. End of honorary decree of demos (of Erythrai) for judge (no name); no date; found at Erythrai: *S%25ahin, EA 9, 1987, 53, no. 3; SEG 37, 927. @ @@`30.7. End of honorary decree of demos (of Erythrai) for (no name); no date; found at Erythrai: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 139, no. 5 (PH); SEG 37, 934. @ @@`30.8. Fragment of honorary decree for &3strategoi& (no name); no date; found at Erythrai: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 140, no. 6; SEG 37, 935. @ See also: Erythrai 4%19`5, 8%19`10, 37; IEry 35 (honorary decree of Erythrai for Neoptolemos Physkou the Aitolian; found at Delphi); IEry 431 (honorary decree of [&3boule&] and &3demos& [of Erythrai?] for [ ... d]oros Glaukou; found near Hypata in Thessaly); IEry 112 (%6 SEG 28, 879) (honorary decree [of Erythrai] for (no name), foreign judges from Kos; found on Kos); Labraunda 4 (%6 ILabraunda 48) (%6 BE 1973:411) (honorary decree of Erythra[i (?)] for [Dionysios (?)] T%1i%1m%1o%1naktos of Myl[asa]; found at Labraunda); Priene 5 (%6 IPriene 50) (%6 IEry 111) (honorary decree of Erythrai for foreign judge Kleandros Kallistratou of Priene; found at Priene); IEry 119 (honorary decree [of Erythrai] for (no name) of Rhodes; found on Rhodes); IEry 113 (honorary decree [of Erythrai] for (no name), foreign judge from Tenos; found on Tenos). @ @@@@Section: 1d. Other Laws and Decrees (31%19`35) @ @@`31. Law limiting right to serve again as magistrate of [&3chiliastys&] Peproioi, stoichedon; V%3IV&4`1&; collected at Paris: Haussoullier, RPh 54, 1928, 191%19`9 (PH); *IEry 17; SEG 30, 1326. @ @@`32. Law of Apellias forbidding second term as &3grammateus& or other official, followed by decree, stoichedon; V%3IV&7b&; found at Erythrai: ADAW 1909, 29%19`32; Haussoullier, Traite/ 79, note 3; *IEry 1. @ @@`32.5. Decree of boule and demos of Erythrai for building temple of Aphrodite Pand[e]mos, stoichedon; V%3IV&7b&; found at Erythrai: *Merkelbach, EA 8, 1986, 15%19`18; SEG 36, 1039. @ @@`33. Decree concerning supervision of magistrates and of democracy, after revolution, stoichedon; V&4`1&; found at Erythrai: Zolotas, Athena 20, 1908, 190%19`4, no. 5; Wilhelm, JO+AI 12, 1909, 126%19`141; Keil, JO+AI 14, 1911, Beibl. 49%19`52, no. 1 (PH); Jeffery, Local Scripts 344, no. 52; *IEry 2 (PH). @ @@`34. Decrees of &3boule& and &3demos& [of Erythrai?] concerning statue of tyrannicide; IV%3II, reinscribed c. 275%3`200 BC; found on Chios, prob. from Erythrai: Kirchhoff, Monatsb. Berl. Akad. 1863, 265%19`8; Hicks 126; Hicks %9 Hill 159; Syll&4`3& 284; *IEry 503; Heisserer, Hesperia 48, 1979, 281%19`293; SEG 29, 1129. @ @@`35. Decree of Aparchaios calling back exiles and establishing amnesty, with amendment of Hermon G[ ... ]utios, with provision for posting two &3stelai,& stoichedon; IV&4`2&; 2 copies: one in museum of Chios, 2nd found at Ku+c%25u+kbahc%25e: JO+AI 1910, 24%19`8, no. 2 (PH); Evangheldis, AD 11, 1927%19`8 Par. 23, no. 1 (PH); Wilhelm, Hellenica 4, 1931, 15%19`9; *IEry 10 (PH). @ See also: Chios 25 (%6 Athena 20, 1908, 221, 21) (%6 IEry 15) (decree(?) concerning commerce in wool; now in Museum of Chios, provenance unknown, possibly from Erythrai). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (36) @ @@`36. Treaty between Erythrai and Hermias, stoichedon; 350 and 344%3`1 BC; found at Erythrai: LW 1536a; Syll&4`3& 229; GIBM 1017 (PH); Tod 165; Staatsvertra+ge 322; *IEry 9 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (37) @ @@`37. Letter of King Antiochos (I or II) to Erythrai, with beginning of honorary decree of [&3boule& and &3de&]&3mos& (of Erythrai) for him; c. 270%3`260 BC; found at Erythrai: Curtius, Monatsb. d. Berl. Akad. 1875, 554%19`8; OGIS 223; Welles 15; Habicht, Gottmenschentum 95%19`9; *IEry 31; SEG 37, 924. @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (38%19`40) @ @@`38. List of contributors (?); IV; found in Ionia, poss. from Erythrai: GIBM 1018; *IEry 155. @ @@`39. Accounts for building of walls [in Erythrai], partly stoichedon; IV&7e&; found at Ziphias on Chios, prob. from Erythrai: ADAW 1909, 18%19`26, no. 5A (PH); *IEry 22A. @ @@`40. Accounts for building of walls [of Erythrai]; IV&7e&; now in Smyrna: Mouseion 1, 1873%19`5, 76%19`8, no. 41; *IEry 22B; **BE 1973:375, p. 141 (l. 72). @ See also: IG I&4`3& 71, 263%19`290 (Athenian Tribute Lists mention Erythrai and dependent sites Sidoussa, Pteleon, Polichna, and Elaioussa; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 1437 col. I l. 12 (accounts of &3tamiai& of Athena mention &3stephanos& dedicated by Erythrai; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 1492 face B ll. 106, 116 (accounts of &3tamiai& of Athena and other gods mention payments to Heraklei[ ... ]s of Erythrai and others; found in Attica); Syll&4`3& 239C 31%19`2 (%6 FDelphes III 5, 3 part 3) (list of contributors includes Hermodoros of Erythrai; found at Delphi); Didyma 78 (%6 IDidyma 475) (%6 Haussoullier, Milet 209, 10) (inventory of donations mentions &3phiale& from Erythrai; found at Didyma). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (41) @ @@`41. Fragment of oath; no date; found at Erythrai: LW 1550; *IEry 51. @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (42%19`44) @ @@`42. Inscription naming &3epistatai& of walls for given year; IV&7e&; found at Erythrai: Fontrier, Mouseion 2, 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 63, no. 148; Maier 61; SEG 19, 697; *IEry 23 (PH). @ @@`43. Dedication to [Dio]nysos Propator, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius as Caesar by (no name), priest of Dionysos, of sacred house; AD 139%3`161; found at Erythrai: BCH 1880, 157, no. 4; *IEry 132. @ @@`44. Dedication to Demeter Thesmophoros, [ ... ], emperors [Mar]cus Au[relius] and Lucius [Verus], and city by Marcu[s Clau]dius P[ ... ] of spring, etc.; AD 162; found at Erythrai: Reinach, REG 4, 1891, 280; Homolle, BCH 15, 1891, 682%19`3; Buresch, MDAI(A) 17, 1892, 17%19`9, no.'s 4%19`8; *IEry 225. @ See also: Erythrai 32.5, 39%19`40, 76, 140%19`1; Smyrna 54 (%6 CIG 3148) (%6 IGRR IV 1431) (%6 ISmyrna 697 %7 II 2 p. 376) (list of those who promised to build and adorn various buildings, etc., including &3keiones Kymbeleitai&; found at Smyrna, perhaps from vicinity of Erythrai). @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (45%19`57.3) @ @@@@Section: 8a. Lists of Names (45%19`53) @ @@`45. List of names in nominative; V%3IV; found at Erythrai: *IEry 152. @ @@`46. List of names, stoichedon; V; found at Erythrai: *IEry 158. @ @@`47. List of names, stoichedon; prob. IV; found at Erythrai: *IEry 157 (PH). @ @@`48. List of names; IV; found at Garaza Sary: JO+AI 1912 Beibl. 72, no. 8; *IEry 162. @ @@`49. List of names; IV&4`1&; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1912 Beibl.68%19`9, no. 2; *IEry 161. @ @@`50. List of names; c. 270%3`260 BC; found at Erythrai: Christ, SB Akad. Mu+nchen 1866, 246%19`7; *IEry 160 (PH). @ @@`51. Fragment of list of names; II%3I; found at Erythrai: *IEry 163. @ @@`52. List of winners of prizes for student and ephebes; c. 100 BC; found at Cami Bog%27az on way to Urla: ADAW 1909, 59%19`60, no. 14; SEG 18, 481; *IEry 81 (PH). @ @@`53. Excised. @ See also: Charneux, BCH 90, 1966, 157, col II, l. 3 (list of &3thearodokoi& includes Th[ ... ] at Erythrai; found at Argos); IG II&4`2& 1956, ll. 73%19`73a (list of mercenaries includes (no name) of [Er]ythrai; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 2312 l. 5 (list of victors includes (no name) of [Eryth]rai (?); found in Attica); IG II&4`2 2313 col. II l. 38 (list of victors at Panathenaia includes [Epithers]e[s] Metrodorou of Erythrai; found in Attica); IG II&4`2 2314 col. I l. 29 (list of victors at Panathenaia includes Nikon Philiskou of Erythrai; found in Attica); Chios 52 col. 2, ll. 17%19`20 (%6 RPh 11, 1937, 325, 6B) (list of &3proxenoi& includes Kallias Kalliou of Erythrai; found on Chios); Plassart, BCH 45, 1921, 7, ID(a), l. 3 (list of &3theorodokoi& mentions L%1a[ ... ] at Erythrai; found at Delphi); IG XII 9, 1187, l. 35 (list of proxenoi [of Histiaia,] including [Ia]son Demokleous of Erythrai; found at Oreus); Samothrace II 1, p. 25 (list of theoroi, including individuals from Erythrai; now in Istanbul, prob. from Samothrake). @ @@@@Section: 8b. Documents concerning sales (54%19`57.3) @ @@`54. Document concerning sales of property; V%3IV&4`1&; found at Erythrai: *IEry 153 (PH); **Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 138 (ll. 10, 11%19`12, 18, 23, 36); SEG 37, 918. @ @@`54.5. Document concerning sales of property, stoichedon; V%3IV&4`1&; found at Erythrai: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 136%19`137, no. 3; SEG 37, 917. @ @@`55. List of sales; V%3IV; found at Erythrai: LW 1546; LW 1547; *IEry 154. @ @@`56. List of sales, stoichedon; prob. IV; found at Erythrai: *IEry 156 (PH). @ @@`57. List of sales, stoichedon; V%3IV; found at Erythrai: *IEry 159. @ @@`57.2. List of sales of property, stoichedon; no date; found at Erythrai: *S%25ahin, EA 9, 1987, 52%19`53, no. 2; SEG 37, 919. @ @@`57.3. Document concerning lease; no date; found at Erythrai: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 141, no. 8 (PH); SEG 37, 925. @ @@@@Section: 8c. Other Public Documents (_) @ See also: FDelphes III 2, 213, l. 23 (document recording sale of &3somata andreia& to [Apollo Pythios] lists among &3martyroi& Sotion Zopyrou of Erythrai; found at Delphi); IG IX 2, 6b (document recording grant of &3proxenia& of [Aini]s to Sostratos [S]ostratou of Lari[sa] lists among [&3eng&]&3yoi& Politas Lamiou of Erythrai; found at Hypata); IG IX 2, 6c (document recording grant of &3proxenia& of [Aini]s to Pausanias [ ... ]dikou of Larissa et al. lists among &3engyoi& Politas Lamiou of Erythrai; found at Hypata); IG IX 2, 6e (document recording grant of &3proxenia& of Ainis to Pe[tra]ios Polys[2t]2ro[tou] of Krannon et al. lists among &3engyoi Politas Lamiou of Erythrai; found at Hypata); IG IX 2, 6f (document recording grant of &3proxenia& of Ainis to Xenagos Aristolaou et al. lists among &3engyoi& Politas Lamiou of Erythrai; found at Hypata); IG IX 2, 7 face a (decision of &3dikastai concerning dispute between Erythrai and Hypaipa; found at Hypata); IG IX 2, 205 l. 34 (decision of &3dikastai& mentions as &3grammateus& [Ly]kos of Erythrai; found at Meliteia in Thessaly); Miletos 97 (%6 IPriene 458) (%6 Milet I 2, 9) (%6 Syll&4`3& 134) (%6 Tod 113) (decision of foreign judges concerning boundary dispute between Miletos and Myous, with judges including individuals from Erythrai; found at Miletos); IG IX 2, 205, l. 35 (decision of foreign judges concerning dispute between Melitea and Perea has, among witnesses, the &3grammateus& [Ly]kos of Erythrai (probably one of the Erythrai's in mainland Greece); found at Melitea in Thessaly). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (57.5%19`85) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Miscellaneous Religious Inscriptions (57.5%19`62) @ @@`57.5. Document concerning sale of priesthoods, stoichedon; prob. IV; found at Erythrai: *S%25ahin, EA 9, 1987, 52, no. 1; SEG 37, 921. @ @@`58. Calendar of sacrifices; IV&4`1&; found at Zeitinler or Uzunkuyu: Judeich, MDAI(A) 16, 1891, 287, no. 6; JO+AI 1912 Beibl. 72%19`4, no. 10; Sokolowski, LSAM 27; SEG 15, 726; *IEry 208. @ @@`59. Inscription concerning sale of priesthood of Kyrbantes, stoichedon: IV&4`2&; found at Erythrai: ADAW 1909, 32%19`5, no. 8; JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 28%19`32, no. 3 (PH); Sokolowski, LSAM 23; SEG 15, 722; *IEry 206 (PH); SEG 29, 1128. @ @@`60. Document concerning sale of priesthoods; 300%3`260 BC; found at Erythrai: Fontrier %9 Earinos, Mouseion 1, 1873%19`5, 103%19`9, no. 108; Rayet, RA 33, 1877, 107%19`128; Syll&4`3& 1014; Robert, BCH 57, 1933, 467%19`480 (PH); Sokolowski, LSAM 25; SEG 15, 723; SEG 16, 725; Forrest, BCH 83, 1959, 513%19`522 (PH); Dunst, SDAW 1960, 1, 5%19`20, no. 1; SEG 18, 478; *IEry 201 (PH). @ @@`61. Chronological accounts of animals used in sacrifices; 189%3`150 BC; part found in Erythrai, part collected in Smyrna: ADAW 1909, 48%19`56, no. 12; JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 34%19`41, no. 5 (PH); Plassart %9 Picard, BCH 37, 1913, 246 (part); Keil, BCH 37, 1913, 449 (part); Sokolowski, LSAM 26; SEG 15, 724%3`5; SEG 17, 516; *IEry 207 (PH) (* for old part); *Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, ZPE 38, 1980, 149%19`153 (PH) (* for new part); SEG 30, 1327; Graf, Kulte, Erythrai 1 (PH). @ @@`62. Inscription identifying statues of nymph Nais and Sibyl of Erythrai; AD 162; found at Erythrai: Reinach, REG 4, 1891, 280; Buresch, MDAI(A) 17, 1892, 17, no.'s 1%19`2; *IEry 226. @ See also: Erythrai 1%19`3, 133%19`7, 142, 262. @ @@@@Section: 9b. Dedications (63%19`85) @ @@@@Section: 9b1. Dedications to Royal Personages (63%19`64) @ @@`63. Dedication by &3demos& (of Erythrai) to Augustus Caesar, [&3theos ep&]&3ouranios&; 1; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 47, no. 11 (PH); *IEry 131. @ @@`64. Dedication to &3Kaisaros Hygieia&; 1 or later; found at Erythrai: *Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, ZPE 38, 1980, p. 156, no. 4 (PH); SEG 30, 1330. @ See also: Erythrai 43%19`4. @ @@@@Section: 9b2. Dedications to Gods (65%19`85) @ @@`65. Dedication to Agathe Tyche; Hellenistic; found at Erythrai: BCH 1880, 158%19`9, no. 7; *IEry 216. @ @@`66. Dedication to Anaeitis by Elpidios Apollonides; 3; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1912 Beibl. 68, no. 1; *IEry 219. @ @@`67. Dedication to Aphrodite by Einagoras Chrysip[2p]2ou &3et al.&; prob. III&7m&; found at Alac%25at#1221: Homeros 2, 1879, p. 39; *IEry 215. @ @@`68. Dedication to Aphrodite Pontia by (no name) [Pha]nopolidos; I; found at Erythrai: *IEry 213a (PH). @ Ī@@`68.5. Dedication to [Aphrodite St]rategis and [Demos] by &3strategoi& Apollonios Meno[ ... t]ou and others; no date; found at Eyrthrai: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 140%19`141, no. 7 (PH); SEG 37, 937. @ @@`69. Dedication to Apollo Delphinios by Phanodikos Phileteo; V; found at Erythrai: ADAW 1909, 15%19`6, no. 1; *IEry 209. @ Ū@@`69.5. Dedication to Athena, on pottery sherd; VI&7b&; found at Erythrai: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 133, no. 1 (PH); SEG 37, 936. @ @@`70. Dedication to Daimon Philanthropos, new Asklepios; 2; found at Bujeta: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 41%19`2, no. 6; *IEry 223; Pleket, Gnomon 47, 1975, 566. @ @@`71. Dedication to Demeter by Phil[e]nis; imperial; found at Erythrai: BCH 1880, 156%19`7, no. 3; *IEry 220. @ @@`72. Dedication to Demeter by (no name) with sons Emploos and Sialios; imperial; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 45, no. 8 (PH); *IEry 221. @ @@`73. Dedication to Demos by &3strategoi& [Ar]istok[ra]tes Athenodorou &3et al.&; III; found at Erythrai: Mouseion 2, 2%19`3, 1878, 54, no. 126; *IEry 33 (PH). @ @@`74. Dedication by &3agoranomos& Xenokrates Demodikou of statue of Hermes and scales to Demos; late Hellenistic; found at Erythrai: Barth, RhM 7, 1850, 261, no. 50; LW 1541; Judeich, MDAI(A) 16, ʄ1891, 285, no. 1; *IEry 104; **BE 1973:375, p. 142 (l. 4). @ @@`75. Dedication of statue of Agathe Tyche to Demos by (no name); c. I; found at Erythrai: Weber, MDAI(A) 26, 1901, 117, no. 2; *IEry 217. @ @@`76. Dedication to Demos by &3agoranomos& (no name) [ ... ]ratou on architrave; I; found at Erythrai: *IEry 103 (PH). @ ̪@@`76.5. Dedication to Dionysos and Demos by Symmachos Zenodotou, of altar; Hellenistic; found at Erythrai: *Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, ZPE 44, 1981, 47%19`48, no. 2 (PH); SEG 31, 971; Graf, Kulte, Erythrai 5. @ @@`77. Dedication to Dioskoroi and Demos by &3strategoi& Timodemos Hekat[aiou] &3et al.&; III&7b&; 2 copies, both found at Erythrai: Gurlitt, Arch.%19epig. Mitteil. aus O+sterr. 1, 1877, 112, no. 2; JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 42%19`4, no. 7 (PH); *IEry 32. @ @@`78. Dedication to Herakles by &3strategoi& Agathokles Theodotou &3et &3al.&; Hellenistic; found at Erythrai: Wolters, MDAI(A) 21, 1896, 262; *IEry 214. @ Ϊ@@`78.5. Dedication to Hermes and Herakles by victor in torch%19race; I%3`1; found at Erythrai: *Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, ZPE 38, 1980, 153%19`4, no. 2 (PH); SEG 30, 1329; **Graf, Kulte, Erythrai 6 (l. 7). @ @@`79. Dedication to Heros by Apollodoros Delphinados; Hellenistic; found at Erythrai: *IEry 349; BE 1974:479. @ @@`80. Dedication to Meter Phrygia by Hedeia; II%3I; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 45%19`6, no. 9 (PH); *IEry 218. @ @@`81. Dedication to Muse (?); Hellenistic; found at Erythrai: LW 46, 1553; *IEry 213. @ @@`82. Dedication to [Zeus] Soter and De[mos] of eagles by &3agoranomos& [Her]odotos Apoll[ ... ]; II%3I; found at Erythrai: *IEry 102 (PH). @ @@`83. Dedication to all the gods; III&7b&; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 46, no. 10 (PH); *IEry 212. @ @@`84. Dedication by &3agoranomos& Aristarchos Demetriou; II; found on island Goni Adas#1221, from Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 47%19`8, no. 12; *IEry 101 (PH). @ @@`85. Dedication of altar by Iulius Ephebikos for &3speira& of Brachyleitai; 3; found at Boja Bagh: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 48%19`9, no. 13 (PH); *IEry 222. @ See also: Erythrai 140%19`1, 143, 270; Raubitschek %9 Jeffery, Ded. Ath. Ag. 301 (inscription of (dedication of) &3apoi&[&3kia&] to Er[etria] or Er[ythrai]; found in Attica); Chios 91 (%6 Athena 28, 1916, 161, 5) (%6 Graf, Kulte, Erythrai 3) (dedication to Aphrodite St%1[ ... ] by group of magistrates (?); found in Phrourion of city of Chios, poss. wandered from Erythrai); Chios 119 (%6 Graf, Kulte, Erythrai 2) (%6 BCH 16, 1892, 324, 3) (dedication to Demeter Thesmophoros and Herakles Al[ ... ]; found near harbor of city of Chios, poss. wandered from Erythrai); Chios 149.5 (%6 Horos 3, 1985, 122) (thanksgiving dedication to &3Theoi Megaloi& by Deios Deiou of Erythrai; found on Psyra near Chios); IDelos 5, 2599 ll. 11a%19`12 (dedication to Apollo, He[rmes, and Herakles (?)] by [ ... ]los Protogenou of Er[ythr]ai and others; found on Delos); Mylasa 219, 220 (%6 IMylasa 365, 368) (%6 IEry 125) ((dedications to Zeus Osogo) by delegations from Erythrai, including Lucius Gavia Labeo; found at Mylasa). @ ֏@@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (86%19`132.5) @ @@@@Section: 10a. Honorary Inscriptions for Royal Personages (86%19`91.5) @ @@`86. Honorary inscription by [&3polis& (or &3gerousia&)] for emperor (no name) (name erased); 1?; found at Erythrai: IEry 136 (PH); *Peek, ZPE 23, 1976, 85%19`6; SEG 26, 1283; SEG 30, 1328. @ @@`87. Honorary inscription by [&3boule& or &3demos&] of Erythrai for [Marcus Aurelius (or Lucius Verus)]; AD 161%3`180; found at Erythrai: Mouseion 2, 1876%19`8, 59, no. 140; *IEry 134. @ @@`88. Honorary inscription by &3demos& (of Erythrai) for Marcus Aurelius; prob. c. AD 161; found at Alac%25at#1221: Mouseion 1, 1873%19`5, 142, no. 70; *IEry 133. @ @@`89. Honorary inscription by &3demos& (of Erythrai) for Septimius Severus; AD 193%3`211; found at Erythrai: LW 54; *IEry 135; SEG 30, 1328. @ @@`90. Honorary inscription for Caracalla by &3polis& of Erythrai; AD 198%3`211; found at Erythrai: *Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, ZPE 38, 1980, 155, no. 3 (PH); SEG 30, 1331. @ ڪ@@`90.5. Honorary inscription for Severus Alexander by [&3p&]&3olis& of [Erythrai]; AD 222%3`235; found at Erythrai: *Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, ZPE 44, 1981, 49%19`50, no. 3 (PH); SEG 31, 970. @ ڪ@@`90.7. Honorary inscription for Galerius as Caesar; AD 293%3`305; found at Erythrai: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 142, no. 9; SEG 37, 926. @ @@`91. Honorary inscriptions for Honorius and Theodosius (II); AD 408%3`423; found at Erythrai: Weber, MDAI(A) 26, 1901, 118, no. 9; *IEry 141. @ ۪@@`91.5. Honorary inscription for Agathon Agathonos, stoichedon; no date; found at Erythrai: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 144, no. 13 (PH); SEG 37, 931. @ ۪See also: Erythrai 11, 37. @ @@@@Section: 10b. Other Honorary Inscriptions (92%19`132.5) @ ܏@@@@Section: 10b1. Name Complete (92%19`123) @ @@`92. Honorary inscription for Agathon Menekratou by son Menekrates; prob. I; found at Erythrai: Judeich, MDAI()A 16, 1891, 286, no. 3; *IEry 341; BE 1974:479. @ @@`93. Honorary inscription for (?) Andron; no date; found at Erythrai: *IEry 73. @ @@`94. Honorary inscription by &3synodos& of Dionysiac artists for Antonia Tyrannis Iouliane; AD 124; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 52, no. 17 (PH); *IEry 60. @ ު@@`94.5. Honorary inscription for Apollo[doros] by father [He]rakleotes Apol[lodo.ou]; no date; found at Erythrai: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 143, no. 11; SEG 37, 930. @ @@`95. Honorary inscription for Aristonoos Aristeu by &3demos& (of Erythrai); III; found at Erythrai: *IEry 26. @ @@`96. Honorary inscription for [M(arcus)] Aur(elius) Chrysippos by &3boule& (of Erythrai); 3; found at Erythrai: Weber, MDAI(A) 26, 1901, 117, no. 4; *IEry 65. @ વ@@`96.5. Honorary inscription for Diodotos Kleonymou; II&7b&; found at Erythrai: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 143, no. 10 (PH); SEG 37, 929. @ ષ@@`96.7. Honorary inscription for [Dion]ysios Anaxipolidos, with artist's signature by Lenaios, on base; no date; found at Erythrai: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 144, no. 12 (PH); SEG 37, 928. @ @@`97. Honorary inscription for Dionysios Antaiou by &3demos&; no date; found at Erythrai: CIG 3134; *IEry 45. @ @@`98. Honorary inscription for Cnaius Domi[tius ... ] by &3demos (of Erythrai); Roman; found at Erythrai: Weber, MDAI(A) 26, 1901, 117, no. 3; *IEry 67. @ @@`99. Honorary inscription by &3demos& (of Erythrai) for Euthymia Hira; Hellenistic; found at Erythrai: Fontrier, Mouseion 2, 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 28, no. 228; Kontoleon, REG 14, 1901, 297; *IEry 85. @ @@`100. Honorary inscription for Euthymia Hir[a] by [T]imodemos; Hellenistic%3imperial; found at Erythrai: LW 45, 1548; *IEry 86. @ @@`101. Honorary inscription for Hekatonymos Platonos by &3chiliastys& of Chalkideis; prob. II; found in city of Chios, said to be from Erythrai: Vischer, RhM 22, 1867, 326%19`8; Paspatis, Chiakon Glossarion 402, no. 2; Studniczka, MDI(A) 13, 1888, 175, no. 19; Dunst, SDAW 1960, 1, 23%19`4; SEG 18, 479; *IEry 41. @ @@`102. Honorary inscription by &3demos& (of Erythrai) for Hermagoras; possibly Hellenistic; found at Erythrai: Hamilton, Researches no. 224; *IEry 72. @ @@`103. Honorary inscription for Hermokrates by &3polis& of Erythrai; prob. I; found at Erythrai: Preuner, MDAI(A) 49, 1924, 148, no. 33; SEG 4, 625; *IEry 43. @ @@`104. Honorary inscription by &3demos& for M(arcus) Cosconius Rhomaios; c. 132 BC; found at Erythrai: Zolotas, Athena 20, 1908, 241, no. 57a; Mouseion 3, 1878%19`1880, 148, no. 310; BCH 1880, 155%19`6, no. 2; Dunst, ADAW 1960, 1, 28%19`9, no. 4; SEG 18, 480; *IEry 48 (PH); Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkma+ler Roms 145. @ @@`105. Honorary inscription by &3demos& (of Erythrai) for athlete Lenaios Prytan[eos]; imperial; found at Erythrai: LW 1540; *IEry 89a. @ @@`106. Fragment of honorary inscription for athlete Lenaios Pr[ytaneos]; imperial; found at Erythrai: *IEry 89b. @ ꪵ@@`106.5. Honorary (?) inscription for Metras Dam[alou]; no date; ꪵfound at Erythrai: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 144, no. 14 (PH); SEG 37, 939. @ @@`107. Honorary inscription for &3gymnasiarchos& Metron Athe[ ... ]; no date; found at Erythrai: ADAW 1909, 60, no. 16; *IEry 83 (PH). @ @@`108. Honorary inscriptions by mother Aigyptia Hekatonymou and husband Hekatonymos for daughter Philothea; no date; found at Erythrai: Kalinka, JO+AI 1, 1898, 37; Weber, MDAI(A) 26, 1901, 118, no. 8; Robert, RPh 38, 1944, 51; *IEry 399; BE 1974:479; SEG 26, 1287. @ @@`109. Honorary inscription for Publius Modiarius Taurus by &3demos (of Erythrai); I?; found at Erythrai: LW 1545; *IEry 62. @ @@`110. Honorary inscription by &3gerousia& for &3agoranomos Pher[e]kl[e]ides; imperial; found at Erythrai: LW 53; *IEry 105. @ @@`111. Honorary inscription by &3demos& for Philon Hekatodorou; Hellenistic; found at Erythrai: Zolotas, Athena 20, 1908, 241, no. 57b; Weber, MDAI(A) 26, 1901, 117, no. 1; Fontrier, REA 5, 1903, 232, no. 3; *IEry 44. @ @@`112. Honorary inscription for T(itus) Fl(avius) Aur(elius) Alexandros by &3polis& of Erythrai; 3; found at Erythrai: Barth, RhM 7, 1850, 261, no. 51 (part); LW 57; *IEry 64 (PH); *Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, ZPE 38, 1980, 155 (* for l. 0, ** for l. 1). @ @@`113. Honorary inscription for L(ucius) Fl(avius) Capitolinus by &3boule& (of Erythrai); c. AD 240; found at Erythrai: Mouseion 3, 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 147, no. 308; BCH 1880, 153%19`5, no. 1; Syll&4`3& 879; *IEry 63. @ @@`114. Honorary inscription for Phyrson Iatrokleious by &3demos& (of Erythrai); c. 270 BC; found at Erythrai: *IEry 25. @ @@`115. Honorary inscription by Pythermos Timophanou for mother Herodike Posideou; II; found at Erythrai: *IEry 42 (PH). @ @@`116. Honorary inscription for Semylos Polyaratou of Chios by &3demos& (of Erythrai); I; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 51%19`2, no. 16; *IEry 58. @ @@`117. Honorary inscription by &3demos& for athlete Praxippos Kallikratou, with artist's signature by Demokrates Lenotidos; III%3II; found at Erythrai: Fontrier, REA 5, 1903, 232, no. 2; *IEry 87. @ @@`118. Honorary inscription for &3gymnasiarchos& Symmachos Zen[ ... ]; no date; found at Erythrai: ADAW 1909, 60, no. 15; *IEry 82 (PH). @ @@`119. Honorary inscription for Theudoros Artemonos by &3demos, with artist's signature by Apollodoros Zenonos of Phokaia; III; found at Erythrai: LW 47; Loewy 218; Smith, Brit. Mus. Cat. of Sculpture 3, 70, no. 1684; GIBM 1019; *IEry 53. @ @@`120. Honorary inscription for [Theoph]anes [Phan]eu and Echedemos Deinomenou; II&7b&; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 BEibl. 50%19`1, no. 14; *IEry 118 (PH). @ @@`121. Honorary inscription for Zeno[n] Zenon[os]; II&7b&; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 51, no. 15; *IEry 40 (PH). @ @@`122. Honorary inscription by Apollonophanes Antiphisou for wife Zopyra Heropy[thou]; prob. II; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 69, no. 52; *IEry 381; BE 1974:479. @ @@`123. Honorary inscription by &3boule& and &3demos& for Zosim[e], priestess of Demeter; no date; found at Aridsa: BCH 1880, 160, no. 11; *IEry 69. @ See also: Erythrai 5, 8%19`10, 12%19`22, 144, 179, 200, 220%19`1; Chios 172 (%6 MDAI(A) 13, 1888, 169, 10b) (%6 IEry 74) (honorary inscription for &3xenophylakes& by &3porthmeuontes& to Erythrai; found on Chios); Chios 185 (%6 Graf, Kulte, Erythrai 4) (%6 Paspatis, Chiak. Gloss. 420, 53) (honorary inscription for Capitolius by &3boule& and &3demos&; found in city of Chios, poss. wandered from Erythrai); Ephesos 1527 (%6 IEphesos 715A) (honorary%3funerary inscription for [Ter]entia Tertull[a], with Erythrai involved in setting up inscription (?); found at Ephesos); IEry 88 (%6 IOlympia 186) (honorary inscription by &3demos& of Erythrai for athlete Epitherses Metrodorou, with artist's signature by Pythokritos Timocharios of Rhodes; found at Olympia); Smyrna 623 (%6 ISmyrna 2) (%6 CIG 3214) (honorary(%3funerary?) inscription for Nikandros Apolloniou by &3demoi& of Mytilene, Temnos, Erythrai, and three places (no name); found at Smyrna). @ @@@@Section: 10b2. Name Fragmentary (124%19`126) @ @@`124. Honorary inscription for [ ... ago]ras Metrodorou by mother Herodote; III; found at Erythrai: *IEry 54. @ @@`125. Honorary inscription for &3gymnasiarchos .&la[ ... ]as Ari[ ... ]; no date; found at Erythrai: *IEry 84. @ @@`125.5. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]on.aridos; no date; found at Erythrai: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 145, no. 15 (PH); SEG 37, 932. @ @@`126. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]ousa Dio[ ... ]; Hellenistic; found at Erythrai: *IEry 418 (PH); **BE 1974:479 (l. 2). @ See also: Erythrai 23. @ @@@@Section: 10b3. Name Lost (127%19`132.5) @ @@`127. Honorary inscription of &3demos& and &3boule& (of Erythrai) for (no name), wife of M(arcus) De[ ... ] [ ... ]lianus; 1%3`2; found at Erythrai: BCH 1880, 159, no. 9; JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 53%19`5, no. 18; *IEry 59. @ @@`128. Honorary inscription for (no name), daughter of [Apo]llophanes, by husband; Hellenistic%3imperial; found at Erythrai: BCH 1880, 158, no. 6; *IEry 411. @ @@`129. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name); Hellenistic; found at Erythrai: *IEry 52 (PH). @ @@`130. End of honorary inscription for (no name), overseen by Ti(berius) [Cl(audius)] Demas; imperial; found at Erythrai: Mouseion 1, 1873%19`5, 97, no. 95; *IEry 68; **BE 1973:375, p. 142 (l. 3). @ @@`131. Honorary inscription for (no name), high magistrate; no date; found at Erythrai: LW 52; BCH 1880, 159, no. 8; *IEry 70. @ @@`132. Honorary inscription for (no name), sister; imperial; found at Erythrai: LW 56, 1554; *IEry 71. @ @@`132.5. Honorary inscription for (no name) by &3demoi& of [T]emnos, Phokaia, and Chios; no date; found at Erythrai (perhaps part of same inscription as Erythrai 252): *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 145, no. 16 (PH); SEG 37, 933. @ See also: Erythrai 4, 24%19`30, 30.5, 145, 261; Chios 206 (%6 CIG 2219) (honorary%3funerary inscription (?) for (no name) by &3demos [of Chios] and &3demos& of Erythrai; found on Chios); IG XI 4, 1132 front cr 6 (honorary inscription for (no name) by &3demoi& of Erythrai and other cities; found on Delos). @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (133%19`139) @ @@`133. Stone marking location of precinct of &3Apollon Nephelideon&; IV; found at Erythrai: ADAW 1909, 16, no. 2; *IEry 233. @ @@`134. Horos of &3hieron Daphnaion& (?); III; found NE of Kad#1221novac#1221k on mountain: ADAW 1909, 17%19`8, no. 4; *IEry 234. @ @@`135. Horos (?) of Di[osk]oroi; no date; found at Erythrai: *IEry 236 (PH). @ @@`136. Stone marking precinct of Zeus Olympios; IV&4`1&; found at Zeytinler: Winter, MDAI(A) 16, 1891, 286, no. 5; *IEry 231. @ @@`137. Stone marking precinct of Zeus Olympios; IV; found at Erythrai: *IEry 232 (PH). @ @@`138. Horos; V; found between Alac%25at#1221 and the Korykos: JO+AI 1912 Beibl. 71, no. 7; *IEry 235. @ @@`139. Horos (?); no date; found at Erythrai: *IEry 237. @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (140%19`160) @ @@@@Section: 15a. Building Epigrams (140%19`141) @ @@`140. Dedication in elegiacs to Athena Poliouchos by Leothereses Zoilo on architrave; V%3IV&7b&; found at Erythrai: LW 38; Kaibel 769; Loewy 59; *IEry 210. @ @@`141. Dedication, partly in verse, of restored grotto of Sibyl to Naiads by Eutychianos; late; found at Erythrai: LW 58; Kaibel 1075; Reinach, REG 4, 1891, 279%19`280; Buresch, MDAI(A) 12, 1892, 33%19`5; *IEry 228 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 15b. Religious Epigrams (142%19`143) @ @@`142. Inscription in elegiacs concerning the Sibyl of Apollo in Erythrai; AD 162; found at Erythrai: Buresch, MDAI(A) 17, 1892, 19%19`32, no. 9; *IEry 224. @ @@`143. Dedication of statue in elegiacs to Dionysos by Simo Pankratideo; IV%3III&7b&; found at Erythrai: *IEry 210a (PH). @ See also: Erythrai 270. @ @@@@Section: 15c. Honorary Epigrams (144%19`145) @ @@`144. Honorary inscription in elegiacs by &3boule& and &3demos& of Erythrai for Karpos Zosimou; imperial; found at Erythrai: LW 55; Kaibel 904; *IEry 106. @ @@`145. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for (no name), &3boularchos,& etc.; imperial; found at Erythrai: *IEry 66 (PH); **Peek, ZPE 23, 1976, 82 (l. 1). @ @@@@Section: 15d. Funerary Epigrams (146%19`160) @ @@`146. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Alypetos; Hellenistic; found at Aridsa: BCH 1880, 162, no. 14; *IEry 309; *Peek, ZPE 23, 1976, 84%19`5 (* for l. 6, ** for ll. 1%19`2, 4%19`5); SEG 26, 1286. @ @@`147. Fragment of funerary inscription in verse for Athenai[os] (or relative of Athenai[os]); Hellenistic; found at Erythrai: *IEry 313; Peek, ZPE 23, 1976, 85; SEG 26, 1286. @ @@`148. Funerary inscription in hexameters for Damas Earinoio; imperial; found at Erythrai: *IEry 311 (PH). @ @@`149. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Diokles Lysaneiou; imperial; found at Aridsa: CIG 3135; Kaibel 299; BCH 1880, 161%19`2, no. 13; Peek, GVI 1397a, p. 685; *IEry 310. @ @@`150. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Eunomos Eunomou; I&4`2&?; found at Erythrai: LW 1556a; Mouseion 1, 1873%19`5, 64, no. 5; Hirschfeld, Monatsb. Berl. Akad. 1875, 9, no. 1; Kaibel 230; Peek, GVI 1746; *IEry 305 (PH). @ @@`151. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Eutychia; Hellenistic; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 57, no. 19; Peek, GVI 306; *IEry 303. @ @@`152. Funerary inscription in iambics for Hekatea Euktetou; 1%3`2; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1912 Beibl. 71, no. 6; *IEry 315; Peek, ZPE 23, 1976, 85; SEG 30, 1332. @ @@`153. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Isodemos Isodemou; imperial; found at Aridsa: *IEry 312 (PH); ** Peek, ZPE 23, 1976, 85 (ll. 5%19`12); SEG 26, 1286. @ @@`154. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Nikas; prob. III; found at Karareis C%25iftlig%27i: Guiffray, Mouseion 2, 1876%19`8, 60, no. 143; Kaibel, RhM 34, 1879, 183%19`4, no. 229$A;& Roehl, IGA 495; Zolotas, Athena 20, 1908, 283; *IEry 302. @ @@`155. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Photinos Lakonos; 50 BC%3AD 100; found at Erythrai: ADAW 1909, 61, no. 18; Weissbrodt, Verzeichnis Vorlesungen Akad. Braunsberg, Sommersemester 1913, p. 8, no. 9; Peek, GVI 948; *IEry 306 (PH). @ @@`156. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Zosimos Nikomachou; II%3I; found at Aridsa: Fontrier, MDAI(A) 12, 1887; Peek, GVI 1129; *IEry 304. @ @@`156.5. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for (no name) by mother Phanokrite; 6&7e& (?); now in zmir: Mouseion 1876%19`8, p. 60, no. 143; Kaibel, RhM 34, 1879, pp. 183%19`4, no. 229a; Roehl, IGA 495; Zolotas, Athena 20, 1908, 283; Peek, GVI 151; *IEry 301. @ @@`157. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for (no name), who died at Klaros; 1; found at Aridsa: Zolotas, Athena 20, 1908, 260, no. 133; Fontrier, Mouseion 5, 1886, no. 582; GVI 1012; *IEry 307; **Peek, ZPE 23, 1976, 82%19`3 (PH) (ll. 2, 6); SEG 26, 1284. @ @@`158. Fragment of funerary inscription in elegiacs for (no name) by &3pragmateuomenoi&; Roman; found at Aridsa: BCH 1880, 161, no. 12; *IEry 91; **BE 1973:375, p. 142 (l. 1). @ @@`159. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for (no name), 18%19year old woman; 1; found at Erythrai: Mouseion 2, 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 64, no. 151; Peek, MDAI(A) 56, 1931, 123, no. 6; Peek, GVI 1269; *IEry 308; **Peek, ZPE 23, 1976, 83%19`4 (l. 3); SEG 26, 1285. @ @@`160. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for (no name); no date; found at C%25iftlik, now at Smyrna: CIG 3136; Kaibel 300; *IEry 314; Petzl, EA 13, 1989, 128, no. 2 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (160.5%19`258) @ @@@@Section: 16a. Full Name Preserved (160.5%19`238) @ @@`160.5. Funerary inscription for Anaptes; no date; found near Gerenc%25e: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 146, no. 18 (PH); SEG 37, 940. @ @@`161. Funerary inscription for [Ana]xikrates Anaxikratou; Hellenistic%3Roman; found at Erythrai: LW 51: *IEry 342. @ @@`162. Funerary inscription for Andrikos; 1; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 62%19`3, no. 36; *IEry 343. @ @@`163. Funerary inscription for Andrikos Monimou and others; no date; found at Erythrai: Weber, MDAI(A) 26, 1901, 118, no. 6; Fontrier, REA 5, 1903, 233, no. 5; *IEry 344. @ @@`164. Funerary inscription for Antaios Melantou; II; found at Erythrai: ADAW 1909, 13; *IEry 345. @ @@`165. Funerary inscription for Antigonas Eniou; II%3I; found at Mordog%27an: JO+AI 13, 1910 Beibl. 62, no. 35; *IEry 346. @ @@`166. Funerary inscription for Antipatros Antipatrou of Rhodes; II%3I; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 60, no. 26; *IEry 347. @ @@`167. Funerary inscription in Latin for P(ublius) Avianus; prob. I; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 58, no. 21 (PH); *IEry 412. @ @@`168. Funerary inscription for Apelimouses and Patrei[ ... ] (?); imperial; found at Erythrai: Stark, Nach d. griech. Orient&4`2 387; Mouseion 1, 1875, 70, no. 18; *IEry 408. @ @@`169. Funerary inscription for Aphrodisie; IV&4`1&; found at Monastery of St. John NE of Erythrai: ADAW 1909, 11, no. 5; *IEry 323. @ @@`170. Funerary inscription for Apollodora Monimou; no date; found at Erythrai: *IEry 420. @ @@`171. Funerary inscription for Apollodotos Parmenontos, with decree of Koinon of Ionians; II&4`1&; now in Reisdere, from Erythrai: Fontrier, REA 5, 1903, 231%19`2, no. 1; IPriene 536; *IEry 348. @ @@`172. Funerary inscription for Apollonie Dionysiou; III&4`1&; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 60, no. 27 (PH); *IEry 353. @ @@`173. Funerary inscription for Apollonia Menekratou; Hellenistic%3imperial; found at Erythrai: *IEry 351. @ @@`174. Funerary inscription for Apollonides Diophanou; prob. I; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 63, no. 38; *IEry 352. @ @@`175. Funerary inscription for Aratos Ana[ ... ]; prob. III; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 60, no. 28; *IEry 355. @ @@`176. Funerary inscription for Arignotos Phanaiou; II%3I; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 64, no. 39; *IEry 356. @ @@`177. Funerary inscription for Arista Bionos; no date; found at Erythrai: Mouseion 2, 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 57, no. 138; *IEry 357. @ @@`178. Funerary inscription for Aristodoros Zenodotou; I; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 64, no. 40; *IEry 358. @ @@`179. Funerary%3honorary inscription for Artemidoros Menophantou by &3demos&; no date; found at Erythrai: Stark, Nach d. griech. Orient&4`2& 385; Mouseion 1, 1875, 70, no. 20; LW 1535c; *IEry 360. @ @@`180. Funerary inscription for Artemisia Dionysiou; imperial; found at Erythrai: *IEry 361 (PH). @ @@`181. Funerary inscription for Athenais; IV; found at Burnucuk near Karareis C%25iftlig%27i: ADAW 1909, 11, no. 8; *IEry 322. @ @@`182. Funerary inscription for Autokratides Aste[ ... ]; Hellenistic; found at Aridsa: BCH 1880, 164, no. 20; *IEry 362. @ @@`183. Funerary inscription for Botrys; prob. 1; found at Bal#1221kl#1221ova: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 65, no. 42; *IEry 363. @ @@`184. Funerary inscription for Charis Mothonos; prob. early imperial; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 68%19`9, no. 51; *IEry 400. @ @@`185. Funerary inscription for Demetria Monimou; Hellenistic; found at Erythrai: Weber, MDAI(A) 26, 1901, 118, no. 7; ADAW 1909, 14; *IEry 364. @ @@`186. Funerary inscription for Demetrie; IV; found at Tsiguralan E%3NE of Erythrai: ADAW 1909, 11, no. 7; *IEry 324 (PH). @ @@`187. Funerary inscription for Demetrios Eupolemou; III; found at Erythrai: ADAW 1909, 10, no. 4; Dunst, SDAW 1960, 1, 31%19`2, no. 3; SEG 18, 482; *IEry 365. @ @@`187.5. Funerary inscription for &3trophos& Dexias, stoichedon; no date; found at Erythrai: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 147, no. 20 (PH); SEG 37, 942. @ @@`188. Funerary inscription for Dianoia Dama, daughter of &3murmillo&; Roman; found at Birgi: *Malay, ZPE 49, 1982, 195%19`6, no. 5 (PH). @ @@`189. Funerary inscription for Diodoros Dionysiou; II; found at Erythrai: Dunst, SDAW 1960, 1, 32, no. 4; SEG 18, 483; *IEry 366. @ @@`190. Funerary inscription for Dionysios Dionysiou; prob. I; found at Aridsa: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 61, no. 29; *IEry 367. @ @@`190.5. Funerary inscription for Dionysios Herpyllo; prob. V; found near Cami Bog%27az: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 147, no. 21 (PH); SEG 37, 943. @ @@`191. Funerary inscription for Dionysios Polemokratou; prob. I; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1912 Beibl. 70%19`1, no. 5; *IEry 368. @ @@`192. Funerary inscription for Doxa; I; found at Erythrai: ADAW 1909, 14; Dunst, SDAW 1960, 1, 32; SEG 18, 485; *IEry 369. @ @@`192.5. Funerary inscription for Irene Eupolemou; no date; found at Erythrai: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 148, no. 23; SEG 37, 945. @ @@`193. Funerary inscription for Elpis Spintheros; prob. II; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 65, no. 43; *IEry 371. @ @@`194. Funerary%3honorary inscription for Epigonos Hermodorou by &3demos&; no date; found at Aridsa: Mouseion 3, 1%19`2, 1876%19`8, 149, no. 313; BCH 1880, 162%19`3, no. 15; *IEry 372. @ @@`195. Funerary inscription for Epikratides; IV; found at Tepecik Bag%27 near Sarpanc#1221k: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 61, no. 30; *IEry 325. @ @@`196. Funerary inscription for Epikratis; IV; found at Reisdere: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 58, no. 22; *IEry 326. @ @@`197. Funerary inscription for Epiphanes Thrasymedontos; no date; found at Erythrai: LW 49; *IEry 374. @ @@`198. Funerary inscription for Epitherses Menekratous and Demeas Demeou; late Hellenistic; prob. found at Erythrai, now in Dresden: Pfuhl, JDAI 20, 1905, 134%19`5, no. 4 (PH); *IEry 373. @ @@`199. Funerary inscription for Eslon; IV&4`1&; found at Erythrai: ADAW 1909, 10, no. 2 (PH); *IEry 327. @ @@`200. Excised. @ @@`201. Funerary inscription for Eutychides Theodorou; c. 2; found at Erythrai: ADAW 1909, 62, no. 20; Weissbrodt, Verzeichnis Vorlesungen Akad. Braunsberg, Sommersemester 1913, 19, no. 17; Dunst, APF 16, 1958, 169; *IEry 378. @ @@`202. Funerary inscription for [Eu]tychos [Ask]lepiodorou; no date; found at Erythrai: LW 1556; *IEry 377. @ @@`203. Funerary inscription for Hegesistratos; prob. IV&4`1&; found at Burnucuk N. of Karareis C%25iftlig%27i: Weber, MDAI(A) 26, 1901, 118, no. 5; ADAW 1909, 11; *IEry 328. @ @@`204. Funerary inscription for Hekataia Artemidorou; Hellenistic; found at Erythrai: ADAW 1909, 14; *IEry 370. @ @@`205. Funerary inscription for Hekataie Deonydos; V; found at Erythrai: Mouseion 3, 1%19`2, 1880, 148, no. 309; Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 338, no. 1; Roehl, IGA 494; Jeffery, Local Scripts 344, no. 51; *IEry 321 (PH). @ ͪ@@`205.3. Funerary inscription for Hekataie; IV?; found at Erythrai: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 147, no. 22; SEG 37, 944. @ ͪ@@`205.5. Funerary inscription for (?) [He]rakleie by (?) Botrys; no date; found at Erythrai: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 146, no. 19 (PH); SEG 37, 941. @ @@`206. Funerary inscription for Herakleides Epikratou; II%3I; found at Erythrai: Dunst, SDAW 1960, 1, 31, no. 2; SEG 18, 484; *IEry 384. @ @@`207. Funerary inscription for Heraklides Herodotou; Hellenistic; found at Erythrai: ADAW 1909, 61, no. 19; *IEry 385. @ @@`208. Funerary inscription for Hermogenes and Eutychides; prob. 3; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 67%19`8, no. 50; *IEry 375. @ @@`209. Funerary inscription for Hermokrates Hermoklou; Hellenistic%3imperial; found at Aridsa: Mouseion 3, 1%19`2, 1876%19`8, 149, no. 314; BCH 1880, 163, no. 18; *IEry 376. @ @@`210. Funerary inscription for Hiras Nikanoros; Hellenistic; found at Erythrai: Pfuhl, JDAI 20, 1905, 131%19`3 (PH); *IEry 386. @ @@`211. Funerary inscription for Italia Euagorou; I; found at Erythrai: Mouseion 3, 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 148, no. 311; *IEry 387. @ Ӫ@@`211.5. Funerary inscription for Ithynous; prob. IV; found at Erythrai: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 148, no. 24; SEG 37, 947. @ @@`212. Funerary inscription for Iton; IV; found N. of Erythrai on way to Mordog%27an: ADAW 1909, 10, no. 3; *IEry 329 (PH). @ @@`213. Funerary inscription for Tiberius Claudius Secundus; imperial; found at Erythrai: Mouseion 1, 1873%19`5, 97, no. 96; *IEry 415. @ @@`214. Funerary inscription for [Lu]cius Cossutius Volumnianus and Rabiria Tibulla; prob. 1; found at Erythrai: LW 48; JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 59%19`60, no. 25; *IEry 413. @ @@`215. Funerary inscription for Lampadion Lampadionos and Hymnis by children; no date; found at Aridsa: BCH 1880, 163, no. 16; *IEry 390. @ @@`216. Funerary inscription for Lam[pros] Lamp[rou]; I; found at Karareis C%25iftlig%27i: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 62, no. 34; *IEry 389. @ @@`217. Funerary inscription for Leukathid[es] Leukathidou; I; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 66, no. 45; *IEry 391. @ @@`218. Funerary inscription for Livius Domesticus &3archigrammateus by wife; prob. 3; found at Saip: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 69, no. 53; *IEry 416. @ @@`219. Funerary inscription for Quintus Lollius Mucius; early imperial; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 66, no. 46; *IEry 414 (PH). @ @@`220. Honorary%3funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for Lucius Marius Caiata by &3demos& etc. (of Erythrai), Smyrna, Kolophon, Ephesos, Magnesia Sip., Kyme, Klazomenai, Teos, Lebedos, and Myreina; II%3I; found at Erythrai: Fontrier, Mouseion 2, 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 27, no. 227; Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 100%19`1, no. 40; Roussel, REG 29, 1916, 171%19`2; CIL III 7112; *IEry 430. @ ܪ@@`220.5. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [ ... ]os Menekrato[u] and Metrophile Kleanthou by &3demos& and &3gerousia&; no date; found at Erythrai: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 146, no. 17 (PH); SEG 37, 938. @ ܪ@@`220.7. Funerary inscription for Meile[sia] Hedylou; no date; found near Cami Bog%27az: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 148, no. 26 (PH); SEG 37, 948. @ @@`221. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Moschion Moschionos; no date; found at Erythrai: Stark, Nach d. griech. Orient&4`2& 385; Mouseiom 1 , 1875, 73, no. 29; *IEry 427. @ @@`222. Funerary inscription for Nikandros Nikandrou; I; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 61, no. 32; *IEry 392. @ @@`223. Funerary inscription for Neikias Neikiou; imperial; found at Erythrai: Fontrier, REA 5, 1903, 233, no. 4; *IEry 419. @ @@`224. Funerary inscription for Paionis; IV; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 58%19`9, no. 23; *IEry 330. @ @@`225. Funerary inscription for Pantelos Apollonophanou; prob. I; found at Mordog%27an: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 62, no. 33; *IEry 395. @ ᪵@@`225.5. Funerary inscription for Philon Dionysiou; no date; found at Erythrai: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 149, no. 27; SEG 37, 949. @ @@`226. Funerary inscription for L(ucius) Flavius Priscianus; Roman; found at Erythrai: Judeich, MDAI(A) 16, 1891, 286, no. 4; *IEry 417. @ ⪵@@`226.5. Funerary inscription for Polyarche Pythonaktos; prob. IV; found at Erythrai: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 150, no. 30 (PH); SEG 37, 952. @ @@`227. Funerary inscription for &3trophos& Potheine; IV; now at Burnucuk N. of Karareis C%25iftlig%27i: LW 37; BCH 1880, 158, 5; ADAW 1909, 11; *IEry 331 (PH). @ @@`228. Funerary inscription for Polymnesto[s]; prob. IV; from Erythrai, now in city of Chios: Zolotas, Athena 20, 1908, 25, no. 95; *IEry 332. @ @@`229. Funerary inscription for Pythas; IV; found at Aridsa: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 59, no. 24; *IEry 333. @ @@`230. Funerary inscription for Rufus; Roman; found at Erythrai: Stark, Nach d. griech. Orient&4`2& 387; Mouseion 1, 1875, 72, no. 26; *IEry 396. @ @@`231. Funerary inscription for Seires Hieronos; prob. I; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 67, no. 49; *IEry 397. @ 窵@@`231.5. Funerary inscription for Skylmation Onesa; no date; found at Erythrai: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 150, no. 31 (PH); SEG 37, 953. @ @@`232. Funerary inscription for Tation Bryonos and Bryon Artemidorou; no date; found at Erythrai: Zolotas, Athena 20, 1908, 520, no. 4; *IEry 398 (PH). @ @@`233. Funerary inscription for Xenarchis Philonos; no date; found at Reisdere: Mouseion 2, 2%19`3, 1878, 17, no. 220; *IEry 393. @ @@`234. Funerary inscription for Xenokrateia Pantaristou; I; found at Erythrai: Mouseion 3, 1%19`2, 1876%19`8, 149, no. 315; BCH 1880, 163, no. 17; *IEry 394. @ @@`235. Funerary inscription for Zoeilos Delphiniou; imperial; found at Erythrai: Mouseion 3, 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 125, no. 158; *IEry 379. @ 몵@@`235.5. Funerary inscription for Zoilos Demonaktos; no date; found at Erythrai: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 148, no. 25; SEG 37, 947. @ @@`236. Funerary inscription for Zois Menodotou; II; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 65, no. 44; *IEry 380. @ @@`237. Funerary inscription for Zosime Heraidos; no date; now in Munich: Christ, SB Akad. Mu+nchen 1866, 245; *IEry 382. @ @@`238. Funerary inscription for Zosime Philonikou; imperial; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 67, no. 48; *IEry 383. @ See also: Erythrai 146%19`156; IG II&4`2& 8500%19`8502 (funerary inscriptions for named &3Erythraioi&; found in Attica); IG XII 9, 1134 (funerary inscription for Iphikrates Posippou of Erythrai; found at Chalkis); Phokaia 20 (%6 BCH 4, 1880, 382, 13) (funerary inscription for Apollodoros Hermonos of Erythrai; found at Phokaia). @ @@@@Section: 16b. Name Fragmentary (239%19`245) @ @@`239. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]ankaios Philippou; late Hellenistic; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 66%19`7, no. 47; *IEry 401. @ @@`240. Funerary inscription for Artem[ ... ] [Z]op[y]rou; 1; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 65, no. 41; *IEry 359. @ @@`241. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]atonax; IV; found at Reisdere, from Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 61, no. 31; *IEry 334. @ @@`242. Funerary inscription for Diod[ ... ] (and others?); no date; found at Aridsa: BCH 1880, 164, no. 19; *IEry 410. @ @@`242.1. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]e Apo[ ... ]; no date; found at Erythrai: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 151, no. 33 (PH); SEG 37, 955. @ @@`242.3. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]e Epikr[atou(?)]; Hellenistic; found at Erythrai: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 150, no. 32 (PH); SEG 37, 954. @ @@`242.5. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]ea Loukiou; Roman; found at Erythrai: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 149, no. 29 (PH); SEG 37, 951. @ @@`242.7. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]lis Philokratou; no date; found at Erythrai: *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 149, no. 28 (PH); SEG 37, 950. @ @@`243. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]nax; IV&4`1&; found at Monastery of St. John NE. of Erythrai: ADAW 1909, 11, no. 6; *IEry 335. @ @@`244. Funerary%3honorary inscription for [ ... ]ophantos Dema by &3demos&; I; found at Erythrai: *IEry 404. @ @@`245. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]s Antiph[ ... ]; no date; found at Erythrai: *IEry 406 (PH). @ See also: Erythrai 244. @ @@@@Section: 16c. Name Lost (246%19`258) @ @@`246. Funerary inscription for (no name), daughter of Athenodo[ros]; I%3`1; found at Erythrai: Dunst, SDAW 1960, 1, 31, no. 1; SEG 18, 486; *IEry 402 (PH). @ @@`247. Funerary inscription for members of family of Demetrios; prob. I; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1912 Beibl. 70, no. 4; *IEry 403. @ @@`248. Funerary inscription for (no name), daughter of [Epik]tetos; I; found at Erythrai: *IEry 409. @ @@`249. Honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) [K]rateou by &3demos& and &3Rhomaioi&; Roman; found at Erythrai: LW 50; *IEry 405. @ @@`250. Funerary inscription for (no name) [A]pollo[niou]; no date; found at Erythrai: *IEry 420a. @ @@`251. Funerary inscription for (no name) by parents; no date; found at Mordog%27an: Mouseion 5, 1885, 31, no. 258; *IEry 407. @ @@`252. Honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) by &3demoi& of [Ko]lo[pho]n and Mytilene; I; found at Erythrai (perhaps part of same inscription as Erythrai 132.5): JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 71, no. 55; *IEry 421. @ @@`253. Honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) by &3demos, &3gerousia,& and &3Rhomaioi& (of Erythrai), Phokaia, Smyrna, and Teos; prob. I; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 71%19`2, no. 56; *IEry 422. @ @@`254. Honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) by &3demos& (of Erythrai); Hellenistic; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 73, no. 57; *IEry 423. @ @@`255. Honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) by &3demos&; Hellenistic; found at Kad#1221novac#1221k: JO+AI 1912 Beibl. 74%19`5, no. 14; *IEry 424. @ @@`256. Honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) by &3gerousia&; prob. I; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1912 Beibl. 69%19`70, no. 3; *IEry 425. @ @@`257. Fragment of honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name); Hellenistic; found at Erythrai: *IEry 426. @ @@`258. Honorary(%3funerary?) inscription for athlete (?) (no name) by &3demos& of Erythrai, &3demos& of Elis, and others; I; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 70%19`1, no. 54; *IEry 429. @ See also: Erythrai 157%19`160, 249, 252%19`8, 263. @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (259%19`261) @ @@`259. Artist's signature by Demetrios Demetriou of Magnesia; II; found at Erythrai: ADAW 1909, 60%19`1, no. 17; *IEry 57. @ @@`260. Artist's signature by [E]pikrates Zopyrou; III; found at Erythrai: *IEry 55. @ @@`261. Honorary inscription for (no name) with artist's signature by Poseinos Demetr[iou] of Mytilene; II; found at Erythrai: Mouseion 1, 1873%19`5, 128, no. 43; Papadopoulos%19Kerameus, MDAI(A) 6, 1881, 267, no. 4; Loewy 219; *IEry 56 (PH). @ See also: Erythrai 96.7, 117, 119. @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (262%19`263) @ @@`262. Prayer for help to the Lord; Byzantine; found at Erythrai: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 74, no. 58; *IEry 144. @ @@`262.5. Dedication by &3diakonos& and doctor Ioannes; Byzantine; found at Saip: JO+AI 1910 Beibl. 74, no. 59; *IEry 142. @ @@`263. Fragment of Christian (funerary?) inscription; Byzantine; found at Bal#1221kl#1221ova: JO+AI 1912 Beibl. 74, no. 13; Gre/goire, Recueil 93ter; *IEry 143. @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (264%19`267.5) @ @@`264. List of public roads of Erythrai, stoichedon; c. 340 BC; found at Erythrai: Fontrier, Mouseion 5, 1, 1884%19`5, 19, no. 235; Fontrier, BCH 8, 1884, 346%19`351; *IEry 151 (PH) (for part 1); *Engelmann, EA 9, 1987, 138, no. 4 (for part 2); SEG 37, 920. @ @@`265. Name Eros on statue%19base; no date; found at Erythrai: ADAW 1909, 8; *IEry 172. @ @@`266. Marks on statue%19base; no date; found at Erythrai: *ADAW 1909, 8. @ @@`267. Tile stamp; no date; found at Erythrai: *IEry 198.1. @ @@`267.5. Tile stamp; no date; found at Erythrai: *IEry 198.2. @ See also: Eryrthrai 69.5; IG XII 5 no. 444 XXVII (Marmor Parium mentions founding of Erythrai; found on Paros). @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (268%19`288) @ @@`268. Fragment; IV%3III; found at Ku+c%25u+kbahc%25e: *IEry 192. @ @@`269. Dated fragment; IV; found at Erythrai: LW 42; *IEry 181. @ @@`270. Fragment (of dedicatory epigram?); III; found at Erythrai: *IEry 191. @ @@`271. Name Dionnys; Hellenistic; found at Erythrai: *IEry 173. @ @@`272. Two names Metiche and Herodotos; Hellenistic; found at Erythrai: Mouseion 3, 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 148, no. 312; *IEry 174. @ @@`273. Fragment; imperial; found at Aridsa: *IEry 193. @ @@`274. Fragment mentioning Augustus; imperial; found at Erythrai: *IEry 195. @ @@`275. Fragment mentioning Augustus; imperial; found at Assarc%25ik: *IEry 196. @ @@`276. Word &3phyle&; 1; found at Bujeta: JO+AI 1912 Beibl. 72, no. 91; *IEry 171. @ @@`277. Fragment mentioning &3neoi& and Menedemos; no date; found at Erythrai: LW 1543; *IEry 90. @ @@`278. Fragment; no date; found at Erythrai: LW 43; *IEry 182. @ @@`279. Fragment; no date; found at Erythrai: LW 44; *IEry 183. @ @@`280. Fragment, stoichedon; no date; found at Erythrai: *IEry 184. @ @@`281. Fragment; no date; found at Erythrai: LW 1549; *IEry 185. @ @@`282. Fragment; no date; found at Erythrai: LW 1551; *IEry 186. @ @@`283. Fragment; no date; found at Erythrai: LW 1552; *IEry 187. @ @@`284. Fragment; no date; found at Erythrai: BCH 1880, 160, no. 10; *IEry 188. @ @@`285. Fragment; no date; found at Erythrai: Judeich, MDAI(A) 16, 1891, 285%19`6, no. 2; *IEry 189. @ @@`286. Two fragments, probably of same inscription; no date; found at Erythrai: *IEry 190. @ @@`287. Fragment; no date; found at Erythrai: *IEry 194. @ @@`288. Fragment; no date; found on road between Bal#1221kl#1221ova and Erythrai: *IEry 197. @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @@@@{1Klazomenai}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@IEry: Engelmann %9 Merkelbach, &3Die Inschriften von Erythrai und &3@@@@Klazomenai,& 1972%19`3. @ Places of discovery in the vicinity of Klazomenai are listed below. @@Drymoussa (Ko+sten Ada, Makronisi, Uzunada) @@Gu+lbahc%25e (Ghiul%19Baktse\s, Gulbagtche, Gu+lbaghdsche, @@@@Gu+lbaghtsche) @@Klazomenai @@U+c%25kuyular (Tria Pigadia, U+cku+yu+lar) @@Urla (Vryoulla, Vurla). @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`1.5) @ @@@@Section: 1a. Decrees of Other States (1%19`1.5) @ @@`1. Decree of Ionian League establishing festival in honor of King Antiochos (I) and son Antiochos (II); 268%3`262 BC; found at Klazomenai: Foucart, BCH 9, 1885, 387%19`394; OGIS 222; *IEry 504. @ @@`1.5. Honorary decree of Kolophonians living in Old Kolophon for (no name), foreign judges from [Kla]zomenai; II&4`1&; found at Klazomenai or Kolophon: CIG 3184; Wilhelm, AAWW 38, 1901, 6%19`7, no. 4 (%6 Beitr. 172%19`174, no. 4) (PH); *IEry 506. @ See also: IG I&4`3& 119 (decree of Athens concerning treaty with Klazomenians settled in Daphnous; found in Attica); IG I&4`3& 227 %7 IG II&4`2& 65 (%6 Syll&4`3& 118) (%6 SEG 32, 10) (honorary decree of Athens for Herakleides of Klazomenai; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 8 (honorary decree of Athens for Herakleides [of Klazomenai,] making him [&3proxeno&]&3s,& etc.; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 28 (honorary decree of Athens for Klazomenai; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 801 (honorary decree of Athens for Apollonios of Klazomenai; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 1286, l. 26 (%6 FortRham 11) (honorary decree of &3stratiotai& serving under [T]im[o]krates mentions in appended list of names (no name) of [Kl]azo[menai (?)]; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 1312 (%6 FortRham 21) (honorary decree of Athens for Dionysios Artem[i]dorou of Klazomenai; found in Attica); IEry 502 (honorary decree of Athens for Klazomenai; found in Attica); IG XI 4, 783 (honorary decree [of Delos] for Dionysios Simiou of Klazomenai; found on Delos); IG XI 4, 1052 (honorary decree of Syros for Eumedes Philodemou of Klazomenai; found on Delos); Ephesos 36, l. 2 (%6 IEphesos 1452) (%6 IEry 505) (honorary decree of Ephesos for Archestratos Nikonos the Macedonian, general in Klazomenai of King Demetrios (Poliorcetes); found at Ephesos); IG XII 9, 208 (honorary decree of Eretria for Apellas Mnesimachou of Klazomenai; found at Eretria); Miletos 29, l. 6 (%6 Milet I 3, 120) (%6 IEry 75) (decree of Ionian League mentions Klazomenai and other cities; found at Miletos). @ @@@@Section: 1b. Decrees of Klazomenai (_) @ See also: Erythrai 7 (%6 IEry 16) (%6 LW 1537) (fragments of decrees of Klazomenai (?) and of Ionians and Aiolians concerning Klazomenai (?); found at Erythrai); Magnesia 32 (%6 IEry 507) (%6 IMagnesia 53) (decree of Klazomenai accepting invitation to &3agon at Magnesia Mai.; found at Magnesia Mai.). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ See also: Klazomenai 4. @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (_) @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ See also: Sherk 22 (Senatus Consultum in Latin and Greek honoring Asklepiades of Klazomenai and others; found at Rome). @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (_) @ See also: IG I&4`3& 71, 100, 259%19`290 (Athenian Tribute Lists mention Klazomenai; found in Attica); IG I&4`3& 427 col. II fr. a l. 80 (%6 ML 79) (list of confiscated property of Hermokopidai mentions (no name) of Klazo[menai]; found in Attica); IG XI 2, 117 ll. 17%19`18 (inventory of dedications includes one by (?) Herakleide[s and Metrodoros] of Klazomenai; found on Delos); IG XI 2, 203 l. 47 (accounts include contribution by Antigenes of Klazomenai; found on Delos); IDelos 2, 428, l. 10 (accounts of hieropoioi include item dedicated by Metrodoros of Klazo[menai]; found on Delos); IG XI 2, 442 face B l. 102 (inventory of dedications includes one by Metrodoros of Klazomenai; found on Delos); IG XI 2, 443 face B frag. b l. 24 (inventory of dedications includes one by Metrodoros of Klazomenai; found on Delos); Didyma 78 (%6 IDidyma 475) (inventory of dedications includes one by Klazomenai; found at Didyma); IG VII 2425, l. 7 (inventory of dedications includes one by (no name) of [Kl]azomenai (?); found at Thebes). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ See also: Klazomenai 4. @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Klazomenai 24%19`26. @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (2%19`4) @ @@`2. Document concerning lease; III; found at Urla: Plassart %9 Picard, BCH 37, 1913, 183%19`192, no. 17 (PH); Pleket, Epigraphica I no. 46; *IEry 510; **Robert, BE 1974: 479, p. 275 (l. 8). @ @@`3. Decision of foreign judges from Knidos concerning dispute between Temnos and Klazomenai; II&4`1&; probably found at or near Klazomenai, now in Berlin: *Herrmann, MDAI(I) 29, 1979, 249%19`271, no. II, side A (PH); SEG 29, 1130&3bis.&A; BE 1987:287; Piejko, MDAI(I) 36, 1986, 95%19`97 (non vidi); SEG 36, 1040.A. @ @@`4. Legal document concerning relations between Temnos and Klazomenai, with jurors' oath; II&4`1&; probably found at or near Klazomenai, now in Berlin: *Herrmann, MDAI(I) 29, 1979, 249%19`271, no. II, side B (PH); SEG 29, 1130&3bis.&B; BE 1987:287; Piejko, MDAI(I) 36, 1986, 95%19`97 (non vidi); SEG 36, 1040.B. @ See also: Charneux, BCH 90, 1966, 157, col. II, ll. 1%19`2 (list of &3thearodokoi& includes Amphimedo[n] of Klazomenai; found at Argos); IG II&4`2& 1028, col. 3, l. 160 (list of ephebes includes [ ... ]s Isidorou of Klazom[enai]; found in Attica); Chios 53 (%6 Athena 20, 1908, 213, 12) (%6 RPh 11, 1937, 327) (list of Chian &3proxenoi includes [Eu]kles (?) Parmidos from Klazomenai; found on Chios); Biers %9 Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, p. 82, l. 109 (list of victors includes [ ... ]s of Klazomenai; found at Corinth); Plassart, BCH 45, 1921, 7, ID(a), l. 4 (list of &3theorodokoi mentions (no name) at Klazomenai; found at Delphi); Miletos 97 (%6 Milet I 2, 9) (%6 Syll&4`3& 134) (%6 Tod 113) (%6 Piccirilli I 36) (decision of foreign judges, including judges from Klazomenai, concerning boundary dispute between Miletos and Myous; found at Miletos); IG XII 8, 161 (list of theoroi, including individuals from Klazomenai; found on Samothrake); IG XII 8, 168 (list of proxenoi and theoroi, including individuals from Klazomenai; found on Samothrake); ISamothrake no. 22, ll. 38%19`41 (list of theoroi, including individuals from Klazomenai; found on Samothrake); Samothrace II 1, p. 25, l. 7 (list of theoroi, possibly including one or more individuals from Klazomenai; now in Istanbul, prob. from Samothrake); @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (5%19`10) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (5%19`10) @ @@@@Section: 9a1. Dedications to Royal Personages (5%19`6) @ @@`5. Dedication to two emperors; imperial; found at Urla: CIG 3130; LW 36; *IEry 514. @ @@`6. Dedication to Hadrian Olympios, new Helios; AD 129%3`138; found at Klazomenai: Perrot, RA 32, 1876, 44; *IEry 513. @ See also: Klazomenai 15; Ephesos 746 (%6 IEphesos 235) (dedication to Domitian by demos of Klazomenai; found at Ephesos). @ @@@@Section: 9a2. Dedications to Gods (7%19`10) @ @@`7. Dedication [to Herakles] by [L]ucius Plotius Statius; II%3I; found at Klazomenai: Robert, Coll. Froehner no. 50 (PH); *IEry 518. @ @@`8. Dedication to Hermes by Athenagore on pottery sherd; 540%3`525 BC; found at Klazomenai: Zahn, MDAI(A) 23, 1898, 62%19`4; Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 139, no. 12; SEG 12, 479; Jeffery, Local Scripts 340, 345 no. 63, 415 no. 63; *IEry 509. @ @@`9. Dedication of &3bomos& to Zeus Soter by freedman Cinnamus; Roman; found on Drymoussa: Mouseion 1, 1875, 75, no. 39; Wieseler, Go+tt. Nachr. 1874, 15%19`6; Hellenica 11, 243%19`4; *IEry 519. @ @@`10. Dedication of statue of [Zeus%1 Trop]aiophoros under supervision of Tiberius [Claudius] Theodoros; imperial; found at Klazomenai: *Woodward, ABSA 28, 1926%19`7, 117, no. 1. @ See also: Klazomenai 24%19`6; Teos 97.5 (%6 CIG 3168) (%6 Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1521) (dedication to Teiades by Herodotos Antialkidou and fellow &3prytaneis&; from Teos or Klazomenai). @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (11%19`14) @ @@@@Section: 10a. Honorary Inscriptions for Royal Personages (11) @ @@`11. Honorary inscription for Claudius; AD 41%3`54; found at Klazomenai: Keil, JO+AI 14, 1911 Beibl. 55, no. 6 (PH); *IEry 512. @ See also: Klazomenai 1. @ @@@@Section: 10b1. Honorary Inscriptions for Others_Full Name @@@@Preserved (12%19`14) @ @@`12. Honorary inscription for Klearistos Apollonid[ou] by &3demos&; no date; found at Urla: Mouseion 1, 1873%19`5, 127, no. 40; *IEry 508. @ @@`13. Honorary inscription for Fl(avius) Neikephoros by &3gerousia&; 2; found at Klazomenai: Keil, JO+AI 14, 1911 Beibl. 56, no. 7 (PH); *IEry 516. @ @@`14. Honorary inscription for proconsul Cael(ius) Montius by [&3polis&] of Klaz[o]m[e]nai; AD 337%3`354; found at Klazomenai: CIG 3131; Hellenica 4, 110%19`4; *IEry 517. @ See also: IG XI 4, 1193 (honorary inscription by [Eu]medes for father [Phil]odemos Pythermou of Klazomenai; found on Delos); IEry 503a (honorary%3dedicatory inscription to Apollo by &3demos& of Klazomenai for athlete Pythodoros Pythodorou of Klazomenai; found at Delphi); Ephesos 1521.5 (%6 IEphesos 1616) (%6 GIBM 616) (honorary inscription for athlete L(ucius) Sulpi[ci]us Xanthippos of Klazomenai and Ephesos; found at Ephesos). @ @@@@Section: 10b2. Honorary Inscriptions for Others_Name @@@@Fragmentary (_) @ See also: IG VII 3102 (honorary inscription for victorious athlete Kle[ ... ] of Klazomenai by [&3demos& of Klazom]enai; found at Lebadea). @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (15%19`16) @ @@`15. Milestone dedicated to Augusti Diocletian and Maximina and Caesars Constantius I and Galerius; AD 292%3`305; found at Urla: Chapot, RPh 28, 1904, 70%19`2, no. 1A; *IEry 520A. @ @@`16. Milestone of Arcadius, Honorius, and Theodosius (II); AD 402%3`8; found at Urla: Chapot, RPh 28, 1904, 70%19`2, no. 1B; *IEry 520B. @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (_) @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (17%19`23) @ @@@@Section: 16a. Full Name Preserved (17%19`22) @ @@`17. Funerary inscription for Artemidoros; no date; found at Urla: CIG 3133; *IEry 523. @ @@`17.3. Funerary inscription for Heorte and Pri[ma] by fathers Theotimos and Epiktetos; late imperial; found at Klazomenai: Chapot, RPh 28, 1904, 74%19`6, no. 4; *IEry 525. @ @@`17.6. Funerary inscription for [He]sychie wife of [ ... ]leon; V; found at Klazomenai: Puchstein, AA 4, 1889, 86, no. 4; Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 338%19`340, no. 20; Conze, Beischr. ant. Skulp. 456, no. 1176b; *IEry 522. @ @@`18. Funerary inscription for Kerinthos; prob. 1; found at Gu+lbahc%25e: Keil, JO+AI 15, 1912 Beibl. 74, no. 11; *IEry 531. @ @@`19. Funerary inscription for Martha Asklepiadou; late imperial; found at Urla: Mouseion 2, 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 57, no. 136; *IEry 526. @ @@`20. Funerary inscription for Nikeso Stratonos of Seleukeia; no date; found on Drymoussa: Leemans, Lettersk. Verhandl. d. koninckl. Akad. 17, 1886, 20%19`1, no. 12; Polak, Mnemosyne 15, 1887, 253, no. 12; Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 12, 1887, 251, no. 14; *IEry 528. @ @@`21. Funerary inscription for Pheragathes Kordianou and Trophime Pheragathou; no date; found on Drymoussa: Conze, Beschr. ant. Skulp. 301, no. 789; *IEry 529. @ @@`22. Funerary inscription by Ploutias Herodou of Smyrna for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burials; imperial; found on Drymoussa: Mouseion 1, 1873%19`5, 110, no. 1; *IEry 527. @ See also: IG II&4`2& 9038 (funerary inscription for Demetrios Phanopidou of Klazomenai; found in Attica); SEG 14, 206 (funerary inscription for Pithanon Mousaio[u] of Klazomenai; found in Attica); Erythrai 220 (%6 IEry 430) (%6 CIL III 7112) (%6 REG 29, 1916, 171) (honorary%3funerary inscription for Lucius Marius Caiata, with honorary inscriptions by various associations and cities, including Klazomenai; found at Erythrai). @ @@@@Section: 16b. Name Fragmentary (23) @ @@`23. Funerary inscription by [ ... ]s Glykon for self and family; no date; found at U+c%25kuyular; Chapot, RPh 28, 1904, 74, no. 3; *IEry 524. @ See also: IG II&4`2& 9037 (funerary inscription for [ ... ]smoboulos Apollodorou of Klazomenai; found in Attica). ml @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ See also: Klazomenai 27. @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (24%19`28) @ @@`24. Inscription recording payment for mosaic floor of church by Pat[ ... ] and Hesychia; 5%3`6; found at Gu+lbahc%25e: Weber, BZ 10, 1901, 568%19`573; Seymour de Ricci, RA 41, 1902, 150, no. a; Gre/goire, Recueil 91; Michel, Fs. Ficker 194; *IEry 532. @ @@`25. Inscription recording dedication of mosaic of church by Rufinus; 5%3`6; found at Gulbahc%25e: Weber, BZ 10, 1901, 572 and fig. 2; Seymour de Ricci, RA 41, 1902, 150, no. c; Gre/goire, Recueil 93; *IEry 533. @ @@`26. Inscription recording dedication of mosaic of church by Sym%1[eon] and wife Se[ ... ]; 5%3`6; found at Gu+lbahc%25e: Weber, BZ 10, 1901, 569 and fig. 1; Seymour de Ricci, RA 41, 1902, 150, no. b; Gre/goire, Recueil 92; *IEry 534. @ @@`27. Artist's signature by Timotheos on lintel of church in iambics (?); 5%3`6; found at Gu+lbahc%25e: Keil, JO+AI 15, 1912 Beibl. 74, no. 12; Gre/goire, Recueil 93&3bis&; Michel, Fs. Ficker 190, 196; *IEry 535. @ @@`28. Fragment of church inscription (?); 5%3`6 (?); found at Gu+lbahc%25e: Michel, Fs. Ficker 190 and Tafel XII 8; *IEry 536. @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (29) @ @@`29. List of names; no date; found at Klazomenai: Judeich %9 Winter, MDAI(A) 16, 1891, 288, no. 8; *IEry 511. @ See also: IG XII 5 no. 444 XXVII (Marmor Parium mentions founding of Klazomenai; found on Paros). @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (30) @ @@`30. Fragment on pottery sherd; no date; found at Gu+lbahc%25e: *Seymour de Ricci, RA 41, 1902, 150. @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @@@@{1Kolophon}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@AJP 1935: Meritt, AJP 56, 1935, pp. 358%19`397. @@BCH 1913: Plassart %9 Picard, BCH 37, 1913, pp. 236%19`240. @@BCH 1923: Demangel %9 Laumonier, BCH 47, 1923, pp. 373%19`383. @@Mouseion 3: Fontrier, Mouseion 3, 1878%19`1880, pp. 215%19`221. @ Sites of discovery named: @@Bulgurca (Malkatzik, Maltadjik) @@C%25akaltepe (Tchakaltepe) @@C%25ile (C%25ille, Tsille, Zille) @@Deg%27irmendere (Deirmendere) @@Kesserli @@Kolophon @@Palamutaras#1221 (Palamuda) @@Trac%25a (Tratscha). @ See also the rubrics for the following sites dependent upon Kolophon, as references to and documents of Kolophon on inscriptions of these sites are not catalogued here: @@Dios Hieron (listed in Lebedos list) @@Klaros @@Notion. @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`9.5) @ @@`1. Decree of &3demos& of Kolophon in honor of two men from Erythrai; IV&4`2&; found at Deg%27irmendere: *AJP 1935, pp. 379%19`380, no. IV; ** Robert, RPh 10, 1936, p. 166 (l. 6). @ @@`2. Fragment of decree(?) concerning building of walls(?), stoichedon; IV&4`2&; found at Deg%27irmendere: *AJP 1935, p. 380, no. V. @ @@`3. Decree concerning financing of building, stoichedon; IV&4`2&; found at Deg%27irmendere: *AJP 1935, pp. 382%19`3, no. VIII. @ @@`4. Decree concerning financing of building of walls; 306%3`302 BC; found at Deg%27irmendere: *AJP 1935, pp. 372%19`7, no. II; **Wilhelm, Anat. Studies Buckler, pp. 356%19`7 (ll. 2, 35, 74, 85, 87%19`8); **Maier 70 (ll. 26, 31, 77, 85); SEG 19, 699; **Migeotte, L'emprunt public no. 87 (l. 36). @ @@`5. Honorary decree of &3demos& of Kolophon for metic Pyrrhias Metrodorou of Sinope; IV&7e&; found at Deg%27irmendere: *AJP 1935, pp. 377%19`9, no. III. @ @@`6. Decree of &3demos& of Kolophon for building walls, with list of contributors, stoichedon; 311%3`306 BC; found at Deg%27irmendere: *AJP 1935, pp. 359%19`372, no. I; Wilhelm, Anat. Studies Buckler, pp. 350%19`6; **Maier 69 (l. 149); SEG 19, 698. @ @@`7. Decree of Kolophon in honor of city and three foreign judges; III?; found at Bulgurca: *Plassart %9 Picard, BCH 37, 1913, pp. 236%19`8, no. 40; **Wilhelm, NBeitr. 6, 76 (part c, ll. 10%19`12). @ @@`8. Honorary decree of Kolophon for [ ... ] [Dem]etriou of Temnos; III?; found at Deg%27irmendere: *AJP 1935, pp. 381%19`2, no. VII; **Robert, RPh 10, 1936, pp. 166%19`8 (ll. 11%19`2); **Wilhelm, Anat. Studies Buckler, pp. 366%19`8 (ll. 1%19`2, 4%19`8, 10%19`1, 14). @ @@`8.5. Fragment of honorary decree mentioning Geleontes and tribe of Seleukos; 281%3`250 BC; found at Deg%27irmendere: *AJP 1935, pp. 380%19`1, no. VI. @ @@`9. Fragment of decree concerning its own publication, stoichedon; no date; found at Deg%27irmendere: *AJP 1935, p. 383, no. IX; **Wilhelm, Anat. Studies Buckler, pp. 365%19`6 (ll. 3%19`7). @ @@`9.5. Unpublished decree of Kolophon mentioning &3strategoi&; no date; found at Kolophon?: Robert, La Carie II p. 104, note 3. @ See also: IG I&4`3& 37 (%6 SEG 21, 22) (%6 SEG 25, 13) (%6 SEG 34, 12) (decree of Athens concerning Kolophon and mentioning Lebedos(?) and Dios Hieron; found in Attica); IG I&4`3& 43 (honorary decree of Athens for Kolophon; found in Attica); IG I&4`3& 65 (honorary decree of Athens for Apollonophanes of Kolophon; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 456 and 470 (honorary decrees of Athens for Kolophon; found in Attica); IG XI 4, 699 ll. 8%19`9 (honorary decree of Delos for Ar[isto]teles Sodemou of Kolophon and family; found on Delos); FDelphes III 4, 133 col. I l. 16 (Ap[ol]lonios Asklep[iad]ou of Kol[o]phon listed among soldiers receiving citizenship by decree of Lilaia; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 4, 134 l. 30 (%6 FDelphes II Terrasse du Temple p. 224) ([ ... ... ]ou of Kolophon listed among soldiers receiving citizenship by decree of Lilaia; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 4, 135 col. II ll. 8, 13 (Poseidonios Mnesitheou and Demetrios [ ... a]gorou of Kolophon listed among soldiers receiving citizenship by decree of Lilaia; found at Delphi); Ephesos 10 (%6 SEG 34, 1082) (%6 Knibbe %9 #1222plikc%25iog%27lu, JO+AI 55, 1984, p. 112, no. 4167) (fragment of honorary decree (of [K]olophon?) for Ephesos; found at Ephesos); Iasos 68 (%6 IIasos 80) (%6 ASAA 31, 1969, 364, 8) (honorary decree of b[o]ule and demos of Kolophon for foreign judges from Iasos; found at Iasos); Iasos 69 (%6 IIasos 81) (%6 ASAA 23, 1961, 573, 2) (%6 REA 65, 1963, 304) (honorary decree [of Kolophon] for foreign judges from Iasos; found at Iasos); Magnesia Mai. 32, ll. 75%19`79 (%6 IErythrai 507) (%6 IMagnesia 53) (among states accepting invitation by Magnesia to &3agon& are Old Kolophon and Kolophon on the Sea; found at Magnesia Mai.); IG XII Supp II no. 658 %7 509 (honorary decree of Kolophon for foreign judge from Methymna; found near Methymna on Lesbos); Frisch, ZPE 13, 1974, pp. 112%19`6 (honorary decree of Kolophon for foreign judge from Lampsakos; found at Pegai); Priene 14 (%6 IPriene 57) (%6 SEG 4, 479) (honorary decree of Kolophon for envoys from Priene; found at Priene); Priene 15, ll. 1%19`7 (%6 IPriene 58) (honorary decree of [Kolophon] for Priene and foreign judges from Priene; found at Priene); Priene 55, ll. 8%19`22 (%6 IPriene 58) (honorary decree of Prie[n]e for Kolophon; found at Priene); Priene 106, l. 31 (%6 IPriene 121) (honorary decree [of Priene] for (no name), who served as envoy to Kolophon and other cities; found at Priene); Erythrai 1.5 (%6 IErythrai 506) (%6 CIG 3184) (honorary decree of Kolophonians living in Old Kolophon for foreign judges from Klazomenai; found at Klazomenai or Kolophon). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ See also: IG I&4`3& 42 ll. 9, 13 (document containing treaty and oath mentions Kol[ophon] twice; found in Attica). @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (_) @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ See also: Sherk 9 l. 56 (%6 IG IX 2, 89) (&3Senatus Consultum& in dispute between Narthakion and Melitaia mentions decision of foreign judges, including judges from Kolophon; found at Narthakion in Malis). @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (_) @ See also: Kolophon 6; IG I&4`3& 71, 259%19`290 (frequent mention of Kolophon, Notion, and Dios Hieron in Athenian Tribute Lists; found in Attica); IG XI 2, 224 face b l. 5 (inventory of dedications includes one by [Bakchios of Kolopho]n; found on Delos); IG XI 2, 245 frag. a l. 9 (inventory of dedications includes one by [Bakchios of Kolo]phon; found on Delos); IDelos 1, 298 face A l. 97 (inventory of dedications includes one by Bakchios of Koloph[on]; found on Delos); IDelos 1, 320 face B l. 42 (inventory of dedications includes one by Bakchios of Kolophon; found on Delos); IDelos 2, 385 face A frag. a l. 40 (inventory of dedications includes one by [Bakchios of K]olo[phon]; found on Delos); IDelos 2, 399 face B l. 16 (inventory of dedications includes one by Bachchios [of Kolophon]; found on Delos); IDelos 2, 421 l. 45 (inventory of dedications includes one by Bakchios of Kolo[phon]; found on Delos); IDelos 2, 439 frag. a l. 15 (inventory of dedications includes one by [Bakchios of Kolophon]; found on Delos); IDelos 2, 442 face B l. 16 (inventory of dedications includes one by Bakchios of Kolophon; found on Delos); IDelos 2, 455 face B frag. a l. 17 (inventory of dedications includes one by [Bakchios of Kolopho]n; found on Delos); IDelos 2, 461 face B frag. a l. 23 (inventory of dedications includes one by [Bak]chios of Kolophon; found on Delos); Magnesia 162.h, l. 5 (%6 IMagnesia 122) (cadastral inscription refers to declaration by [ ... ]ianos of Koloph(on); found at Magnesia Mai.). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Kolophon 2, 3, 4, 6. @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (_) @ See also: IG II&4`2& 1956, ll. 117%19`119 (list of mercenaries includes Sopatros and Kriton of Kolophon; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 2313 col. II ll. 28, 46 (list of victors at Panathenaia includes [ ... ]s Hegesianaktos and Metrodoros Klarieos of Kolophon; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 2314 col. I l. 5 (list of victors at Panathenaia includes Moiras Ar[k]esilaou of Koloph[on]; found in Attica); FDelphes III 2, 75 (document recording grant to Kleandros Apollophanou of Kolophon and family of &3proxenia,& etc. by Delphi; found at Delphi); Robert, BCH 70, 1946, p. 512, ll. 15%19`7 (list of &3theorodokoi& includes individuals from Kolophon and Dios Hieron; found at Delphi); Miletos 135, 144, 152 (%6 Milet I 3 no.'s 40, 45, 75) (records of grant of citizenship of Miletos to individuals from Kolophon; found at Miletos); Miletos 184 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 107) (record of appointment as &3proxenos& of Miletos of Polemaios of Kolophon; found at Miletos); IG VII 414 l. 18 (list of victors in athletic contest includes Thrasyanor of Kolophon; found at Oropos); IPergamon 231. 3 (list of &3theoroi includes Asklepiades Pamphilou of Kolophon; found at Pergamon); Priene 162, l. 59 (%6 IPriene 37) (%6 CIG 2905) (%6 Syll&4`3& 599) (decision of foreign judges from Rhodes in dispute between Priene and Samos mentions Kolophon; found at Priene); Samos 178, l. 5 (%6 Robert, Et. e/p. p. 114) (list of soldiers includes Alkimachos of Kolophon; found on Samos); IG XII 8 no.'s 163,164,166 and Samothrace II 1 no. 22 (lists of &3theoroi,& including individuals from Kolophon; found on Samothrake); Tralles 28, l. 21 (%6 LW 599.a) (%6 ITralles 33.A) (%6 CIG 2919b) (%6 Robert, Coll. Froehner 94) (list of names, probably of mercenaries, includes (no name) of Kolophon; found at Tralles). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (10) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (10) @ @@`10. Dedication to Asklepios by [Py]thago[re]s Xenophantou, stoichedon; IV&4`2&; found at Deg%27irmendere: *AJP 1935, p. 384, no. XI. @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (11%19`13) @ @@@@Section: 10a. For Royal and Imperial Personages (11) @ @@`11. Honorary inscription for emperor [L. Aureliu]s Verus by &3demos& of Kolophon; AD 161%3`9; found at C%25ile: *Mouseion 3, p. 216, no. 375. @ @@@@Section: 10b. For Others (12%19`13) @ @@`12. Unpublished honorific inscription of &3boule, gerousia,& and &3demos& of Kolophon for Ulpia Metrodora Elpis; 2%3`3; found at C%25ile: Robert, Et. anat. p. 100, note 3. @ @@`13. Honorary inscription by [&3dem&]&3os& and [&3ger&]&3ousia& for [ ... ]eia Eleutherias; no date; found at C%25ile: *Mouseion 3, p. 215, no. 374. @ See also: Kolophon 1, 5, 7, 8; Syll&4`3& 448 (honorary inscription by Delphi for poet Kleandros Apollophanou of Kolophon; found at Delphi); Syll&4`3& 452 (honorary inscription by Delphi for poet Nikandros Anaxagorou of Kolophon; found at Delphi); Syll&4`3& 1066. 12 (honorary inscription for athlete mentions victory at &3Klaria in Kolophon; found on Kos). @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (_) @ See also: ICos 152 (boundary stone mentions Dionysios Euphrosynos of Kolophon as owner; found on Kos). @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (_) @ @@@@Section: 15a. Honorary (_) @ See also: IPergamon 203. 5,10,17 (honorary epigram for Homer mentions Kolophon as possible birthplace; found at Pergamon). @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (14%19`29) @ @@@@Section: 16a. Full Name Preserved (14%19`26) @ @@`14. Funerary inscription for Apollodoros Zenodotou; no date: found at Trac%25a: *BCH 1913, pp. 239%19`240, no. 45. @ @@`15. Funerary inscription for [Apol]lonia [Apol]loniou: no date; found at Bulgurca: *BCH 1913, p. 238, no. 41. @ @@`16. Funerary inscription for Dionysophanes. state slave of Kolophon; IV; found at Byzantion, from Kolophon: *CIG 2036; Dethier %9 Mordtmann, Epigraphik von Byzantion %9 Const., p. 50, no. VI; Merkelbach, ZPE 17, 1975, p. 257. @ @@`17. Funerary inscription(?) for Eustolios(?); no date; found at Bulgurca: *BCH 1913, p. 239, no. 44. @ @@`18. Funerary inscription for [Clau]dia Akk[a] and another person; no date; found at Deg%27irmendere: *Schuchhardt, MDAI(A) 11, 1886, p. 408. @ @@`19. Funerary inscription by Metrodora for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Bulgurca, later in Deg%27irmendere: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, pp. 97%19`8, no. 31; *AJP 1935, p. 384, no. XII. @ @@`20. Funerary inscription for Metrodoros Hermolaou for wife; no date; found at Bulgurca: *BCH 1913, p. 239, no. 43. @ @@`21. Funerary inscription for Nikopolis Hermippou; no date; found at Bulgurca: *BCH 1913, pp. 238%19`9, no. 42. @ @@`22. Funerary inscription for Spendon; no date; found at Kesserli: *BCH 1923, p. 383, no. 17; SEG 4, 593. @ @@`23. Funerary inscription for (no name) and wife Stratoneike; no date; found at Kolophon: *LW 136. @ @@`24. Funerary inscription by Stratoneikos &3verna& for self and family; no date; found on C%25akaltepe: *BCH 1923, pp. 381%19`2, no. 15; **SEG 4, 594 (ll. 16%19`8). @ @@`25. Funerary inscription for [T]r[o]phimos Attalou; Hellenistic or later; found at Kesserli: *BCH 1923, p. 383, no. 16; SEG 4, 592. @ @@`26. Funerary inscription by Artemon for wife Zmyrne; no date; found at Palamutaras#1221: *CIG 3032. @ See also: IG II&4`2& 9047%19`9048 (funerary inscriptions for individuals from Kolophon; found in Attica); Erythrai 220 (%6 IErythrai 430) (%6 CIL III 7112) (%6 REG 29, 1916, 171) (funerary inscription for Lucius Marius Caiata, with honorary inscription by various associations and cities, including Kolophon; found at Erythrai); IOSPE IV 401 (funerary inscription for Pytharetos Ioleo of Kolophon; now in Kerch); IG XII 2 no. 309 (funerary inscription for Ariston Apollodotou of Kolophon; found at Mytilene); Samos 548 (%6 MDAI(A) 9, 1884, 261, 4e) (funerary inscription for Herakleitos Hegemonos of Kolophon; found on Samos); Teos 257 (%6 BCH 4, 1880, 171, 27) (funerary inscription for Apollonides of Kolophon; found at Teos). @ @@@@Section: 16b. Name Lost (27%19`29) @ @@`27. Penalty for unauthorized burial at end of funerary inscription; imperial; found near C%25ile: *CIG 3031. @ @@`28. Unpublished epitaph(s?); no date; found at C%25akaltepe: Robert, OM IV p. 184. @ @@`29. Unpublished epitaph(s?); no date; found at Palamutaras#1221: Robert, OM IV p. 184. @ See also: Erythrai 252 (%6 IErythrai 421) (%6 JO+AI 13, 1910 Beibl. 71, 55) (honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) by &3demos& of [Ko]lo[pho]n and &3demos& of Mytilene; found at Erythrai). @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ See also: IG XIV 2404. 6 (artist's signature by Dionysios of Kolophon; found at Cupra in Italy). @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (30) @ @@`30. Inscription on vessel; no date; found at Bulgurca: *Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, p. 317. @ See also: Syll&4`3& 1e (signatures in Nubia of mercenaries from Greek towns, including Kolophon; found at Abu Simbel); IG XII 5 no. 444 XXVII (&3Marmor Parium& mentions founding of Kolophon; found on Paros). @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (31%19`32) @ @@`31. Deleted. @ @@`32. Fragment; no date; found at Deg%27irmendere: *AJP 1935, p. 384, no. X. @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @@@@{1Lebedos}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@None. @ Inscriptions found at the following sites are listed as having been found at Lebedos (Ptolemais): @@Gumultur (Kimitouria) @@K#1221s#1221k @@Moustapha @@U+rkmez (Eurtemez) @@Xingi. @ References to the following ancient sites are also listed: @@Dios Hieron @@Myonnesos. @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1) @ @@`1. Honorary decree of boule and d[emos] (of Lebedos) for [Apollonios] Demetriou, foreign judge from Samos; III&7b&%3II&7b&; found at Lebedos, identical with inscription found on Samos: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 174, no. 354; *Robert, BCH 52, 1928, 165%19`168; **Hellenica 11%19`12, 210%19`211 (ll. 2%19`4, 7, 11%19`14); Samos 14. @ See also: IG I&4`3& 37 (decree of Athens concerning Kolophon and mentioning Lebedos (?) and Dios Hieron; found in Attica); Klazomenai 1, l. 47 (%6 IErythrai 504) (%6 OGIS 222) (%6 BCH 5, 1885, 387) (decree of Ionian League in honor of Antiochos I and Antiochos II lists representative of Lebedos; found at Klazomenai); Magnesia 32, ll. 79%19`81 (%6 IMagnesia 53) (%6 IErythrai 507) (Ptolemais, formerly Lebedos, among cities listed as accepting invitation to &3agon& at Magnesia Mai. after decree of Klazomenai accepting invitation; found at Magnesia Mai.); Priene 6 l. 42 (%6 IPriene 105) (%6 OGIS 458II) (decree of Hellenes in Asia concerning calendar dates by &3grammateus& Pap[ion of Dios Hieron]; found at Priene); Priene 10, ll. 2%19`3 (%6 IPriene 139) (%6 CIG 2909) (decree of boule of Ionians allowing Lebedos to set up stele at Panionion; found near Priene); Priene 113, ll. 10%19`11 (%6 IPriene 139) (%6 CIG 2909) (decree [of Priene] (?) in answer to Lebedos; found near Priene). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (_) @ See also: Teos 59 (%6 LW 86) (%6 Syll&4`3& 344) (%6 Welles 3%19`4) (two letters to Teos from Antigonos I ordaining &3synoikismos& of Teos and Lebedos; found at Teos). @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (_) @ See also: IG I&4`3& 71, 259%19`290 (Athenian Tribute Lists with frequent mention of Lebedos and Dios Hieron; found in Attica). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Charneux, BCH 90, 1966, 157, col. II (list of &3thearodokoi& includes Epik[ ... ] in Lebedos; found at Argos); Chios 53, l. 3 (%6 Athena 20, 1908, 213, 12) (%6 RPh 11, 1937, 327) (list of Chian &3proxenoi& includes [Me]nestheus Amidou of Lebedos; found on Chios); Robert, BCH 70, 1946, 512, ll. 11 and 17 (list of &3theorodokoi& mentions [D]ionysodoros Memnonos in Ptolemais and [Kal]limachos Prao[ch]os, probably in [Dios Hi]eron; found at Delphi); Miletos 97 (%6 Milet I 2, 9) (%6 Syll&4`3& 134) (%6 Tod 113) (foreign judges deciding boundary dispute between Miletos and Myous include judges from Lebedos; found at Miletos); Lindos II 275, l. 36 (list of names, including (no name) of [Le]bedos; found on Rhodes); Teos 83, l. 5 (%6 CIG 3089) (%6 Brinck 212, 103) (list of victors in musical competition include (no name) [ ... ]atrodorou of Lebedos; found at Teos). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (_) @ See also: Lebedos 3. @ @@@@Section: 9b. Other Religious Inscriptions (_) @ See also: IG V 1, 1538 (prayer for &3euploia& for Theodotos of Lebedos; found on island Prote in Messenia). @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (2) @ @@`2. Honorary inscription (?) for (no name) by &3hoi neoi&; Roman; found at Lebedos: *Weber, MDAI(A) 29, 1904, 231, no. 1. @ See also: Lebedos 1. @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (3) @ @@`3. Milestone dedicated to Caesars Constantius (I) and Galerius; AD 292%3`305; found at Lebedos: *Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 173, no. 353; IGRR IV 1583. @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (4) @ @@`4. Topos inscription for (?) Nikias Nikiou and others; Roman; found at Lebedos: Bean, Belleten Tu+rk Tarih Kurumu 29, 1965, 395, no. 6; *Stroud, CSCA 3, 1970, 215%19`218, no. A (PH). @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (_) @ See also: Teos 140.5 (%6 Peek, GVI I 1762) (%6 IGRR IV 1579) (%6 Wilhelm, GE 96) (funerary inscription, partly in elegiacs, with honorary inscription by &3demos& of Lebedos and by other towns; found at Teos). @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (5%19`10) @ @@`5. Funerary inscription by Marcus Antonius Rufus for self and daughter; imperial?; found at Lebedos: Weber, MDAI(A) 29, 1904, 231, no. 2; Demangel %9 Laumonier, BCH 46, 1922, 353%19`354, no. 71 (PH); *Bean, Belleten Tu+rk Tarih Kurumu 29, 1965, 597, no. 8 (PH). @ @@`6. Funerary inscription for Lykaretos Patronos; no date; found at Lebedos: *Demangel %9 Laumonier, BCH 46, 1922, 354, no. 73. @ @@`7. Funerary inscription for Marcia; Roman; found at Lebedos: Fontrier, Mous. I, 1873%19`1875, 116, no. 13; *Demangel %9 Laumonier, BCH 46, 1922, 354%19`355, no. 75; SEG 2, 651; **Robert, REG 45, 1932, 202, note 3 (l. 2). @ @@`8. Funerary inscription for Metrodora Apolloniou; no date; found at Lebedos: *Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 173, no. 352. @ @@`9. Funerary inscription for Moschion Apolloniou; no date; found at Lebedos: *Demangel %9 Laumonier, BCH 46, 1922, 354, no. 74. @ @@`10. Funerary inscription for [F]lavius Phar[na]kou; Roman; found near Lebedos: *Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 174, no. 355. @ See also: Erythrai 220 (%6 IErythrai 430) (%6 CIL III 7112) (funerary inscription for Lucius Marius Caiata, with honorary inscriptions by various associations and cities, including Lebedos; found at Erythrai). @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (11%19`14) @ @@`11. Nike inscription for Androneikos Agathonos and others, dated by &3elaiothetes& Menichos; no date; found at Lebedos: *Bean, Belleten Tu+rk Tarih Kurumu 29, 1965, 595%19`596, no. 7, side a (PH). @ @@`12. Philia inscription for Eikadios, Antiochos, and others; no date; found at Lebedos: *Bean, Belleten Tu+rk Tarih Kurumu 29, 1965, 595%19`596, no. 7, side b. @ @@`13. Philia inscription for [ ... ]ybios and [ ... ]as, retrograde; no date; found at Lebedos: *Stroud, CSCA 3, 1970, 215%19`218, no. B (PH). @ @@`14. Inscription on bronze vessel identifying it as belonging to Olympichos Philophronos, retrograde; V&4`1&; found at Lebedos: *Condoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 97, no. 30; Reinach, REG 2, 1889, 177%19`178. @ See also: IG XII 5, 444 XXVII (Marmor Parium mentions founding of [Lebed]os; found on Paros). @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (_) @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @@@@{1Lepsia}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@IIsolMil: Manganaro, ASAA 25%19`6, 1963%19`4, pp. 293%19`349. @ See also the rubrics for Miletos and the following sites dependent upon Miletos, as references to Miletos on inscriptions of these sites are not catalogued here: @@Didyma @@Leros @@Myous (in Miletos list) @@Patmos @@Teichioussa. @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`3) @ @@`1. Fragment of honorary decree; c. II: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, p. 137, no. 2; SEG 18, 386; IIsolMil 20. @ @@`2. Honorary decree of citizens living on Lepsia for Phanias Theomnestou; II: Chabiaras, AE 1915, p. 133, no. 12; *IIsolMil 19 (PH). @ @@`3. Honorary decree of &3demos& of Milesians living on Lepsia for Timotheos Aretou; c. 169 BC; found on Patmos, from Lepsia: *IIsolMil 18 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (_) @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (_) @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (4%19`5) @ @@`4. Dedication to Artemis Soteira on altar; III%3II: *IIsolMil 24 (PH). @ @@`5. Dedication to Zeus Genethlios on altar; I: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, p. 137, no. 5; SEG 18, 389; IIsolMil 23 (PH). @ See also: Lepsia 6%19`10, 15%19`6. @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (6%19`10) @ @@`6. Honorary inscription for (or dedication by?) [&3phrourarchos&] Archias Dioskou[ ... ] on altar; I: *Sakkelion, AE 1890, col. 221; **IIsolMil 22A (PH) (l. 1). @ @@`7. Honorary inscription for (or dedication by?) [&3phrourarchos&] Artemidoros Artemidorou on altar; prob. 70%3`69 BC: *Sakkelion, AE 1890, col. 221; **IIsolMil 22B (PH) (ll. 2, 6). @ @@`8. Honorary inscription for (or dedication by?) &3phrourarchos Dionysios Eireniou on altar; 41%3`0 BC: *Sakkelion, AE 1862, coll. 265%19`6, no. 238; Bent, JHS 7, 1886, 144; SEG 18, 388; **IIsolMil 21B (PH) (ll. 2, 7%19`8). @ @@`9. Honorary inscription for (or dedication by?) [&3phrourarchos&] Epigonos Antiphanou on altar; I: *Sakkelion, AE 1862, coll. 265%19`6, no. 238; SEG 18, 388; **IIsolMil 21A (PH) (ll. 1%19`2). @ @@`10. Honorary inscription for (or dedication by?) [&3phrourarchos&] (no name) on altar; I: SEG 18, 388; *IIsolMil 21C (PH). @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (_) @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (11) @ @@@@Section: 15a. Funerary (11) @ @@`11. Funerary inscription in iambs and Doric dialect for priestess Aischre; II: *IIsolMil 25 (PH); **Peek, ZPE 7, 1971, 224%19`5, no. 17 (ll. 1%19`3, 5%19`8). @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (12%19`14) @ @@`12. Memorial (not funerary) inscription (?) for Demonikos; no date: *Sakkelion, AE 1862, col. 265, no. 239; IIsolMil 26. @ @@`13. Funerary inscription for Eubios Melesandrou; 1: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, p. 138, no. 6; SEG 18, 390; **IIsolMil 27 (PH) (ll. 1%19`2). @ @@`14. Funerary inscription (?) mentioning [Pa?]ionios and [Z]oilos; 1?: *IIsolMil 28 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (15%19`16) @ @@`15. Christian dedication for &3hiereus&; 4: *IIsolMil 30 (PH). @ @@`16. Christian dedication; 4: Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, p. 137, no. 3; SEG 18, 391; *IIsolMil 29 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (_) @ See also: Lepsia 12. @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (_) @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @@@@{1Leros}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@IIsolMil: Manganaro, ASAA 25%19`6, 1963%19`4, pp. 293%19`349. @ See also the rubrics for Miletos and the following sites dependent upon Miletos, as references to Miletos on inscriptions of these sites are not catalogued here: @@Didyma @@Lepsia @@Myous (in Miletos list) @@Patmos @@Teichioussa. @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`6) @ @@`1. Honorary decree of Leros for Hekataios Heroideo; IV&4`2&: Ross, Inscr. Gr. Ined. 68%19`70, no. 188; Oikonomopoulos, Leriaka 149%19`153; *IIsolMil 1 (PH). @ @@`2. Honorary decree of Leros for Apollonios E[ ... ]; III%3II: *IIsolMil 3 (PH). @ @@`3. Honorary decree for [An]dro[xen]os D[ ... ]; II?: *IIsolMil 6. @ @@`4. Honorary decree of Leros for Aristonikos; II: Sakkelion, AE I 1862 B', coll. 260%19`1, no. 229; *IIsolMil 4 (PH). @ @@`5. Honorary decree of Leros for (no name); II: *IIsolMil 5 (PH). @ @@`6. Honorary decree of Leros for Aristomachos Dromonos; 107 BC: Oikonomopoulos, Leriaka 153%19`6; *Paton, CR 8, 1894, 376%19`7; Fontrier, BCH 19, 1895, 550%19`2; Buerchner, MDAI(A) 21, 1896, 33%19`6, no. 1; **IIsolMil 2 (PH) (ll. 5, 13, 27, 30%19`2, 34). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (_) @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (_) @ See also: IG I&4`3& 71, 259%19`290 (Athenian tribute lists, with frequent mention of Milesians on Leros; found in Attica). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (7) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (7) @ @@`7. Excised. @ See also: Halikarnassos 64 (%6 CIG 2661b) (%6 Benson, Ancient Leros no. 9) (dedication (?) to Parthenos (%6 Artemis) by priestess Nossis Theokleous; found at Halikarnassos, not from Leros). @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Leros 1%19`6; Didyma 233, 286, 290, 307, 327, 356, 363, 386, 389, 430, 440, 446 (%6 IDidyma 415, 286, 215BI, 231III, 253, 262, 232AIII, 236BIII, 287, 342, 325, 324) (honorary inscriptions for members of &3demos& Lerioi; found at Didyma). @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (_) @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (_) @ See also: NIEpidauros 91 (honorary inscription in elegiacs for Epiko[sm]etos by L[e]rio[i]; found at Epidauros). @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (8%19`16) @ @@`8. Funerary inscription for Aspasie Polydamantos; III: *Chabiaras, AE 1922, p. 48, no. 38; SEG 3, 750; **IIsolMil 8 (PH) (l. 2). @ @@`9. Funerary inscription for Andrides; 1: *IIsolMil 13 (PH). @ @@`10. Funerary inscription for Menekrates Asklepiadou; 1: *Oliverio, ASAA 1, 1914, 368 (PH); **IIsolMil 12 (PH) (l. 5). @ @@`11. Funerary inscription for Sabaithis Antipatrou; II%3I: *IIsolMil 9 (PH). @ @@`11.5. Funerary inscription for Tharsagoras and family; imperial; found on Leros: *Wiegand, MDAI(A) 36, 1911, 294, no. 3. @ @@`12. Funerary inscription for Tryphaina Leukiou; 2: *Chabiaras, AE 1922, p. 48, no. 40; IIsolMil 10 (PH). @ @@`13. Funerary inscription for Zosimos; II%3I: *Chabiaras, AE 1922, p. 48, no. 39; SEG 3, 751; IIsolMil 11 (PH). @ @@`14. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]ndroride, of &3demos& [ ... ]; III: *IIsolMil 7 (PH). @ @@`15. Funerary inscription by (no name), &3kosmopolis& and &3phrourarchos& of Milesians, for self, wife Milesia Dem[ ... ], and family, with penalty for unauthorized burials; I&7e&: CIG 2263 (part); Oikonomopoulos, Leriaka 117%19`8 (part); IIsolMil 14 %7 15; *BE 1965:301, p. 145. @ @@`16. Excised. @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (_) @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (_) @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @@@@{1Metropolis}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@IEph: Merkelbach &3et al.,& Die Inschriften von Ephesos, Bonn @@@@`1979%19`1981. @@Meric%25: Meric%25, Metropolis in Ionien 1982. @@`3. Reise: Keil %9 von Premerstein, 3. Reise 1913. @ Inscriptions here listed were found at or near Metropolis. Inscriptions said to have been found at the following sites are listed as having been found at Metropolis: @@O+zbey (Hamidie, Hamidiye) @@Yeniko+y (Jenikeuy, Jenikjo+i, Yeni%19Keui+). @ Inscriptions found at the following sites near Metropolis are listed as having been found at those sites: @@Ahmetli @@Arslanlar (Alsanar, Aslanlar) @@Ayranc#1221lar (Terrenda, Trianda) @@Chondria (Khondria, Mas%25at, Maschat, Mashat, S%25ehitler) @@Hasko+y (Has Kjo+i) @@Karaag%27ac%25 @@Kus%25c%25uburun (Kurs%25anburun, Kurs%25c%25uburnu, Kurs%25uk Burnu) @@Pamukyaz#1221 (Arapc%25#1221, Araptschi Kjo+i, Pamukyazi) @@Subas%25#1221 (Subaschy, Tschai Baschy) @@Tepeko+y (Te/pe/%19keui+) @@Torbal#1221 (Turbali, Turbalis, Turbaly) @@Yaz#1221bas%25#1221 (Bajandyr, Fortuna). @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`4) @ @@`1. Sacred law of cult of Meter Gal[lesi]a; IV; found at Torbal#1221: 3. Reise 154; Sokolowski, LSAM 29; *IEph 3401. @ @@`2. Fragment of honorary decree (?) for (no name); prob. 1; found at Pamukyaz#1221: 3. Reise 156; *IEph 3425. @ @@`3. Decree concerning cult of Ares; no date; found at Metropolis: Meric%25 IN2 (PH); *IEph 3418A; SEG 32, 1167. @ @@`4. Honorary decree for (no name), active in building and providing grain; no date; found at Torbal#1221: CIG 3033 (part); Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 95, no. 292 (part); Wilhelm, Arch.%19epig. Mitt. aus O+st. 20, 1897, 75%19`76 (part); Merkelbach, ZPE 26, 1977, 152%19`153; SEG 27, 758; *IEph 3419. @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (_) @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (_) @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (5%19`10) @ @@`5. Dedication to [&3theoi pat&]&3rioi& and emperor (no name), on architrave; 1%3`2; found at Metropolis: 3. Reise 158; Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 97, no. 296 (part); *IEph 3427. @ @@`6. Dedication to Tiberius Hermes of two &3stoai& by demos, on architrave; AD 14%3`37; found at Metropolis: Meric%25 IN3 (PH); *IEph 3420; SEG 32, 1163. @ @@`7. Inscription in Latin and Greek recording rebuilding of roads by Domitian; AD 89%3`92; found at Chondria: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 98, no. 299; IGRR IV 1598; *IEph 3607. @ @@`8. Fragment of building inscription, on architrave; prob. 2; found near Torbal#1221: 3. Reise 161; *IEph 3426. @ @@`9. Building inscription for baths, dated by [prytanis Fabius F]austinianus; AD 180%3`192; found at Tepeko+y: Jordanidis, REA 7, 1905, 410; 3. Reise 171; *IEph 3424. @ @@`10. Dedication of &3kion& by Hippoites Apolloniou and Apollonios Attalou; no date; found at Metropolis: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 89, no. 283; *IEph 3421. @ See also: Metropolis 4. @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (11%19`17) @ @@`11. List of priests of Ares, with priestesses, and &3diakonoi, beginning with Tyrannos Apollo[nio]u; I%3`1; found at Metropolis: 3. Reise 155; *IEph 3417. @ @@`12. List of priests of Megas Zeus Krezimos and other gods, beginning with Tertullianus Apolloniou; imperial; found at Torbal#1221: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 92%19`93, no. 289; *IEph 3414. @ @@`13. List of priestesses of Hera and &3diakonoi,& beginning with Cl(audia) Neike; imperial; found at Kus%25c%25uburun: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 100, no. 304; *IEph 3416. @ @@`14. List of priests of Megas [Zeus] Krezimos and other gods, beginning with Att[alos] Attalou; 2%3`3?; found at Metropolis: Meric%25 IN8 (PH); *IEph 3415; SEG 32, 1164. @ @@`15. Fragment of list of priests and &3diakonoi,& including E[paga]thos; no date; found at Metropolis: *IEph 3416A; SEG 32, 1165. @ @@`16. Fragment of list of priests, including priest [of Ares]; no date; found at Metropolis: *IEph 3417A; SEG 32, 1166. @ @@`17. List of priests of twelve gods, with priestesses and &3diakonoi,& beginning with Nereus Nereos; no date; found at Metropolis: CIG 3037; Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 90, no. 284; *IEph 3418. @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (18%19`27) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (18%19`27) @ @@`18. Altar (?) of Queen Apollonis, &3thea eusebes,& dedicated by Chondrianoi; 220%3`197 BC; found near Metropolis: Jordanidis %9 Fontrier, REA 4, 1902, 260%19`261, no. 5; *IEph 3408. @ @@`19. Altar (?) of King Attalos (II) Philadelphos; 159%3`138 BC; found at Tepeko+y: Jordanidis %9 Fontrier, REA 4, 1902, 260, no. 5; Meric%25 IN1 (PH); *IEph 3407; SEG 32, 1162. @ @@`20. Dedication to Hadrian Zeus Olympios; AD 117%3`138; found at or near Metropolis: CIG 3036; Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 89, no. 281; IGRR IV 1594; *IEph 3410. @ @@`21. Dedication to Hera Sabina Augusta; AD 128%3`136; found between Torbal#1221 and Ayranc#1221lar: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 100, no. 303; IGRR IV 1595; *IEph 3411. @ @@`22. Dedication to [Apollo] Pengaseites by Chondrianoi, on base; 2%3`3; found at Tepeko+y: Jordanidis, REA 7, 1905, 410; 3. Reise 172; *IEph 3406. @ @@`23. Dedication to Nymphs by Skapis Tryph[on?], on altar; imperial; found at Torbal#1221: 3. Reise 159; *IEph 3404. @ @@`24. Dedication to Providentia Augusta by demos; imperial; found at Metropolis: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`1885, 75, no. 481; Contole/on, REG 14, 1901, 298, no. 3; IGRR IV 1593; *IEph 3413. @ @@`25. Dedication to &3Theoi Dioskoroi& by Apollonios Attalou, on statue%19base; no date; found at Metropolis: Mous. V 1, 1884%19`1885, 74, no. 480; Contole/on, REG 14, 1901, 297, no. 2; *IEph 3403. @ @@`26. Altar of Zeus Soter; I; found at Torbal#1221: 3. Reise 157; *IEph 3402. @ @@`27. Dedication of altar by Stratoneike Tatianou, priestess of Hera; imperial; found at Metropolis: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 90, no. 285; *IEph 3405. @ See also: Metropolis 5, 6, 10. @ @@@@Section: 9b. Other Religious Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Metropolis 1, 3, 11%19`17. @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (28%19`34) @ @@`28. Honorary inscription in Latin and Greek for Augustus, set up by [Gnai]us Domitius [Corbulo]; 27 BC%3AD 14; found at Chondria: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 99, no. 302; CIL III 7113; IGRR IV 1597; *IEph 3409. @ @@`29. Honorary inscription for Hadrian; AD 117%3`138; found at Subas%25#1221: 3. Reise 179; *IEph 3433. @ @@`30. Honorary inscription for Caracalla by polis of Metropolis, on base; AD 198%3`211; found at Metropolis: 3. Reise 162; *IEph 3412. @ @@`31. Honorary inscription for [Sext]us Appuleiu[s] by [demos of Metropolis]; 23%3`15 BC; found at Metropolis: *IEph 3435; SEG 32, 1157. @ @@`32. Honorary inscription for Lucius [Egnatius Victor] Lollianu[s], proconsul, by boule and [demos] of Metropol[is]; AD 244%3`247; found at Tepeko+y: *IEph 3436; SEG 32, 1158. @ @@`33. Honorary inscription for Herais Glaukonos by demos; no date; found at Metropolis: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`1885, 74, no. 479; Kontoleon, REG 14, 1901, 297, no. 1; *IEph 3431. @ @@`34. Honorary inscription for (no name), son of [ ... ]uios; I%3`1; found at Metropolis: Meric%25 IN4 (PH); *IEph 3423; SEG 32, 1159. @ See also: Metropolis 2, 42, 77, 78, 80, 81, 88, 98, 99; Moretti 61, l. 6 (honorary inscription for [ ... ]to[s ... ]odorou, victorious at Kaisarea of Metropolis and elsewhere; found on Kos). @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (35%19`37) @ @@`35. Ho(ros) of royal Pra[ ... ]; late%3Byzantine; found at Subas%25#1221: 3. Reise 181; *IEph 3432. @ @@`36. Milestone for first (?) mile from Ephesos, dated by emperors Diocletian, Maximian, Constantius (I), and Galer(ius); AD 293%3`305; found at Torbal#1221: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 94, no. 290; IGRR IV 1596; *IEph 3603. @ @@`37. Milestone dated by emperors Gratian and Valenti[2ni]2an; prob. AD 383; found between Metropolis and Ahmetli: Meric%25 IN7 (PH); *IEph 3606. @ See also: Metropolis 7. @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (38%19`39) @ @@`38. Funerary inscription for Apollas in elegiacs; II%3I; found at Torbal#1221: 3. Reise 163 (PH); Peek, GVI I 1119; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1528 (PH); *IEph 3445. @ @@`39. Funerary inscription for athlete Polemarchos, in elegiacs; no date; found at Metropolis: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 88, no. 279; Kaibel Suppl. p. 5, no. 302a; Peek, GVI I 680; *IEph 3446; Peek, JO+AI 57, 1986%19`1987, 109; SEG 37, 909. @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (40%19`101) @ @@`40. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for Marcus Aelius; Roman; found between Metropolis and Chondria: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 96, no. 295; CIL III 7115; IGRR IV 1599; *IEph 3447. @ @@`41. Funerary inscription by Publius Aelius Trophimos and Quintus Baebius Martialis for selves and families, with penalty for unauthorized burial; Roman; found at Chondria: Fontrier, REA 4, 1902, 261%19`262, no. 8; IGRR IV 1602; *IEph 3448. @ @@`42. Funerary%3honorary inscription for Ale[xandro]s Athani[kontos] by [Chondri]anoi; no date; found at Metropolis: *IEph 3448A; SEG 32, 1176. @ @@`43. Funerary inscription for Annas Mnasikratou; I?; found at Metropolis: Meric%25 ST13; *IEph 3448B; SEG 32, 1173. @ @@`44. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for Marcus Antonius Nikephoros; Roman; found near Yaz#1221bas%25#1221: CIG 3043b; LW 18; Langlois, RA 12(1), 1855, 147, no. 6; CIL III 418; IGRR IV 1591; *IEph 3449. @ @@`45. Funerary inscription in Latin by Antyllus for self; 1%3`2; found at Hasko+y: 3. Reise 180; *IEph 3482. @ @@`46. Funerary inscription for Apollonios and wife (no name); imperial?; found at Metropolis: *IEph 3450A; SEG 32, 1180. @ @@`47. Funerary inscription for Apollonios Polykleitou; no date; found at Yaz#1221bas%25#1221: Harmonia, Mar. 2, 1895 (non vidi); MDAI(A) 20, 1895, 238; *IEph 3450. @ @@`48. Funerary inscription for Artemo Zenodotou; c. II; found at Torbal#1221: Meric%25 ST3 (PH); *IEph 3451. @ @@`49. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) [Alexand]ros (?) Aquilius and family; Roman; found between Torbal#1221 and Pamukyaz#1221: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 96, no. 294; *IEph 3452. @ @@`50. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Ant[onius] and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; 3?; found at Chondria: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 97, no. 297; Ko+rte, Insc. Buresch. 10, no. 9; IGRR IV 1603; Kubin/ska, Mon. fun. 110; *IEph 3453. @ @@`51. Funerary inscription for [Aur(elius)] Apollonides of Ephesos and family; 3%3`4; found at Chondria: 3. Reise 174; *IEph 3454. @ @@`52. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Diophantos and family; 3?; found at Metropolis: *IEph 3454A; SEG 32, 1178. @ @@`53. Funerary inscription for Au[r](elius) Eugenios and family; 3%3`4; found at Metropolis: 3. Reise 164; *IEph 3455. @ @@`54. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Glykon and family; 3?; found at Metropolis: CIG 3040; *IEph 3457. @ @@`55. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Gorgos and family; 3?; found at Metropolis: *IEph 3456; SEG 32, 1177. @ @@`56. Funerary inscription for Aurelius Neiketes and family, with penalty for violating grave; 3?; found at Ayranc#1221lar: CIG 3359; LW 21; IGRR IV 1592; *IEph 3491. @ @@`57. Funerary inscription by Aur(elius) Onesiphoros for self, Aur(elius) Glykon, and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; 3?; found at Arslanlar: Jordanidis %9 Fontrier, REA 4, 1902, 262, no. 14; IGRR IV 1601; Merkelbach, ZPE 32, 1978, 232; SEG 28, 882; *IEph 3457A. @ @@`58. Funerary inscription (?) by Aur(elius) Tertullianus for self and others; 3?; found at Metropolis: CIG 3042; *IEph 3442. @ @@`59. Funerary inscription for [Marcus?] Aur(elius) Tryphon and family; 3?; found at Metropolis: *IEph 3457B; SEG 32, 1179. @ @@`60. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) [ ... ]; 3?; found at Metropolis: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 89, no. 280; *IEph 3481. @ @@`61. Funerary inscription for [Ch]a[r]ikles Demosthenous and family, with penalty for violating grave; 2; found at Chondria: 3. Reise 176; *IEph 3460. @ @@`62. Funerary inscription by Luci(u)s for wife Chrysanthe; no date; found at Torbal#1221: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 95, no. 291; *IEph 3461. @ @@`63. Funerary inscription for [D]emokrates Bion[os]; no date; found at Metropolis: *IEph 3490; SEG 32, 1186. @ @@`64. Funerary inscription for Diomedes Hieronymou; no date; found at Metropolis: *IEph 3458; SEG 32, 1181. @ @@`65. Funerary inscription by Doryphoros and Attalos for selves; 3; found at Tepeko+y: 3. Reise 173; *IEph 3458A. @ @@`66. Funerary inscription for Dositheos Mousaiou; no date; found at Metropolis: *IEph 3463; SEG 32, 1183. @ @@`67. Funerary inscription for Eutychis; no date; found at Karaag%27ac%25: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 101, no. 307; *IEph 3464. @ @@`68. Funerary inscription by [L(ucius) Heren]nius and G(aius) Her[enni]us for selves and family, with prohibition of unauthorized burial; Roman; found at Torbal#1221: CIG 3041; *IEph 3465. @ @@`69. Funerary inscription for Hermias Dositheou; I%3`1&7b&; found at Yeniko+y: Meric%25 ST7 (PH); *IEph 3465A; SEG 32, 1168. @ @@`70. Funerary inscription by (?) Herogon Iulianus; imperial; found at Chondria: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 98, no. 301; *IEph 3480. @ @@`71. Funerary%3honorary inscription for Iason Matreou; late Hellenistic?; found at Metropolis, poss. from Smyrna: Meric%25 ST6 (PH); *IEph 3465B; SEG 32, 1174. @ @@`72. Funerary inscription by Tiberius Claudius [ ... ] for self and family; imperial; found between Torbal#1221 and Pamukyaz#1221: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 96, no. 293; *IEph 3462. @ @@`73. Funerary inscription for Konon Theusippou; no date; found at Metropolis: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 91, no. 287; *IEph 3479. @ @@`74. Funerary inscription for Lykinna Metrodorou; no date; found at Torbal#1221: *IEph 3492; SEG 32, 1187. @ @@`75. Funerary%3honorary inscription for Magnus Dionysiou, by demos; Roman; found at Torbal#1221: CIG 3035; *IEph 3466. @ @@`76. Funerary inscription for (?) Mel[i]tinian[e?], with penalty; imperial; found at Chondria: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 97, no. 298; *IEph 3477. @ @@`77. Funerary%3honorary inscription for Menekrates Antiochou by &3hetairoi& and &3thiaseitai&; III%3II; found at Metropolis: Meric%25 ST10; *IEph 3466A; SEG 32, 1170. @ @@`78. Funerary%3honorary inscription for Menophilos Kleostratou by &3hetairoi&; III%3II; found at Metropolis: Meric%25 ST9; *IEph 3466B; SEG 32, 1169. @ @@`79. Funerary inscription for Minucia Bassa and family; 2%3`3; found at Chondria: 3. Reise 175; *IEph 3467. @ @@`80. Funerary%3honorary inscription for Mousaios Hegelochou by &3synepheboi&; III%3II; found at Metropolis: Meric%25 ST12; *IEph 3467A; SEG 32, 1172. @ @@`81. Funerary%3honorary inscription for Neonas Anaxidos by &3synepheboi& and demos; no date; found at Metropolis: CIG 3034; Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 91, no. 286; *IEph 3468. @ @@`82. Funerary inscription for Onesimos and family, with penalty; imperial; found at Metropolis: *IEph 3458B; SEG 32, 1182. @ @@`83. Funerary inscription for Venusta [ ... ]anou and family, with penalty for violating grave; 3; found at Metropolis: 3. Reise 165; *IEph 3474. @ @@`84. Funerary inscription for Paramonos [P]aramonou; 2; found at Metropolis: 3. Reise 168; *IEph 3469. @ @@`85. Funerary inscription for Phila by father Apollonis Herostratou; no date; found at Yaz#1221bas%25#1221: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 101, no. 305; *IEph 3470. @ @@`86. Funerary inscription for Ploutichos and others, with penalty for violating grave; imperial; found at Chondria: Jordanidis %9 Fontrier, REA 4, 1902, 261, no. 7; *IEph 3484. @ @@`87. Funerary inscription for Polyainos and family; imperial?; found at Metropolis: CIG 3039; *IEph 3471. @ @@`88. Funerary%3honorary inscription for Pompeius Onesimos and family; imperial?; found at Torbal#1221: *IEph 3472; SEG 32, 1175. @ @@`89. Funerary (?) list of names: Perigenes Da[2i]2dalou and three sons; no date; found at Metropolis: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 89, no. 282; *IEph 3430. @ @@`90. Funerary inscription in Latin for [Pet]ronia Atheno; I&7e&%3`1; found at Torbal#1221: 3. Reise 169; *IEph 3459. @ @@`91. Fragment of funerary inscription for (?) Prophoros As[kl]epiadou of Me[tro]polis; no date; found at Arslanlar: Jordanidis %9 Fontrier, REA 4, 1902, 262, no. 9; *IEph 3487. @ @@`92. Funerary inscription for Sarapion Stratonos of Smyrna; III%3II; found at Metropolis: Meric%25 ST11; *IEph 3472A; SEG 32, 1171. @ @@`93. Funerary inscription for Teimagenes, &3trophimos& of Eukrates; 3; found at Metropolis: 3. Reise 170; *IEph 3473. @ @@`94. Funerary inscription for Teimokrate[s] Teimokratous and family, with penalty for violating grave; imperial?; found at Metropolis: *IEph 3473A and Add. p. 31; SEG 32, 1184. @ @@`95. Fragment of funerary inscription (?) mentioning Verus; imperial?; found at Metropolis: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 87, no. 278; *IEph 3486. @ @@`96. Funerary inscription for Zosime Abaskantou; prob. 2; found at Tepeko+y: 3. Reise 166; *IEph 3475. @ @@`97. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]las Neikandrou and others; 3; found at Metropolis: 3. Reise 167; *IEph 3483. @ @@`98. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [ ... ... ]esiou by &3hetairoi&; no date; found at Metropolis: *IEph 3488; SEG 32, 1185. @ @@`99. Honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) by demos; II%3I; found at Metropolis: Meric%25 ST8 (PH); *IEph 3489; SEG 32, 1168. @ @@`100. Funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty for violating grave; imperial?; found at Metropolis: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 87, no. 277; *IEph 3478. @ @@`101. Funerary inscription in Latin for wife (no name) by Sp(urius) C[ ... ]; 1; found at Arslanlar: 3. Reise 178; *IEph 3476. @ See also: Metropolis 38, 39; IEph 3242 (funerary inscription for Moschion Artemonos of Metropolis; found at Boniton Katoikia in Kaystros Valley). @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (102%19`107) @ @@`102. List of names, beginning with Androsthenes [ ... ]nou; Hellenistic; found at Metropolis: *IEph 3428; SEG 32, 1155. @ @@`103. List of names, beginning with [ ... ]on Askla[ ... ]; Hellenistic; found at Metropolis: *IEph 3429A; SEG 32, 1156; **Masson, MDAI(I) 35, 1985, 176 (l. 7). @ @@`104. List of names, beginning with (no name) [A]pollonidou; II; found at Metropolis: 3. Reise 160; *IEph 3429. @ @@`105. Mold for weights; imperial; found at Metropolis: Meric%25,ZPE 41, 1981, 211%19`213 (PH); *IEph 3437A; SEG 31, 975. @ @@`106. Inscriptions on one%19pound lead weight; 3&7m&?; found at Metropolis: Meric%25, ZPE 41, 1981, 213%19`214 (PH); *IEph 3493; SEG 31, 976; Dejijver, ZPE 50, 1983, 270%19`274 (PH); AnnEpig 1983, 922. @ @@`107. Two grain measures; no date; found at Metropolis: *IEph 3437; SEG 32, 1188. @ See also: Metropolis 11%19`17; IEph 3494 (place%19name Metropolis on lead weight; found in Dobroca). @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (108%19`115) @ @@`108. Fragment mentioning gymnasiarch Pu(blius) Do[mitius?]; Roman; found at Metropolis: Meric%25 IN5 (PH); *IEph 3422; SEG 32, 1160. @ @@`109. Fragment in Latin; Roman; found between Yaz#1221bas%25#1221 and Ayranc#1221lar: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 101, no. 306; CIL III 7114; *IEph 3439. @ @@`110. Fragment mentioning &3pro&[&3pylon&]; imperial; found at Metropolis: Meric%25 IN6 (PH); *IEph 3444; SEG 32, 1161. @ @@`111. Fragment mentioning Celsus; 1%3`2; found at Arslanlar: 3. Reise 177; *IEph 3440. @ @@`112. Fragment; no date; found at Metropolis: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 91, no. 288; *IEph 3434. @ @@`113. Fragment; no date; found at Chondria: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 98, no. 300; *IEph 3438. @ @@`114. Fragment; no date; found at Metropolis: CIG 3043; *IEph 3441. @ @@`115. Fragment mentioning Hegest[2r]2atos Dionos; no date; found at Metropolis: CIG 3038; *IEph 3443. @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @@@@{1Miletos}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@BCH 1894: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, pp. 18%19`32. @@MDAI(A) 1880: Papadopoulos Kerameus, MDAI(A) 5, 1880, pp. @@@@`335%19`341. @@MDAI(A) 1893: Kern, MDAI(A) 18, 1893, pp. 267%19`271. @@MDAI(I) 1965: Peka/ry, MDAI(I) 15, 1968, pp. 118%19`134. @@MDAI(I) 1980: Herrmann, MDAI(I) 30, 1980, pp. 93%19`98 and @@@@`224%19`236. @@RA 1874: Rayet, RA 28, 1874, pp. 103%19`114. @@ZPE 1971: Peek, ZPE 7, 1971, pp. 193%19`226. @@`1. Mil%19Ber.: Kekule/, SDAW 1900, pp. 104%19`114. @@`2. Mil%19Ber.: Wiegand, SDAW 1901, pp. 903%19`913. @@`3. Mil%19Ber.: Wiegand, SDAW 1904, pp. 72%19`91. @@`4. Mil%19Ber.: Wiegand, SDAW 1905, pp. 533%19`548. @@`5. Mil%19Ber.: Wiegand, SDAW 1906, pp. 249%19`265. @@`6. Mil%19Ber.: Wiegand, ADAW 1908, Anhang pp. 1%19`46. @@`7. Mil%19Ber.: Wiegand, ADAW 1911, Anhang pp. 1%19`71. @ Sites of discovery considered as Miletos and not named: @@Balat @@Eski Balat. @ Sites of discovery named: @@Akko+y @@Bu+yu+k C%25akmakl#1221k @@Deg%27irmentepe @@Humeitepe @@Kaiwe Asar Adas#1221 @@Kalabaktepe @@Kazartepe @@Lade @@Myous (one inscription from Sar#1221kemer listed with Didyma) @@Sacred Way @@Sak#1221zburnu @@Yeniko+y. @ See also the rubrics for the following sites dependent upon Miletos, as references to Miletos on inscriptions of these sites are not catalogued here: @@Didyma @@Kaz#1221kl#1221 @@Lepsia @@Leros @@Patmos @@Teichioussa. @ Where the date for the following inscriptions is followed by a triple asterisk ***, the date given is the conventional one. Because a recently discovered inscription, AA 92, 1977, p. 95, compels dating Miletos 39 earlier than is usual, all these dates should be 4, 6, or 8 years earlier, as Miletos 60 and 106, despite Rehm, permit. @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`56.5) @ @@@@Section: 1a. Sacred Laws and Decrees (1%19`15) @ @@`1. Instructions given by a god concerning cult of Herakles, perhaps oracle(?), boustrophedon; 550%3`475(?) BC: *Milet I 3, 132 (PH); SEG 2, 570; Sokolowski, LSAM no. 42; SEG 15, 674; Jeffery, p. 414, no. 39. @ @@`2. Fragment of sacred law; 500%3`475 BC: *2. Mil%19Ber. 909%19`910 (for first fragment); *Jeffery, ABSA 50, 1955, p. 83, no. 1 (for second fragment); Sokolowski, LSAM no. 43; SEG 15, 675; SEG 16, 715; Sokolowski, Supp. no. 122; SEG 20, 8. @ @@`3. Sacred law concerning sanctuary of Poseidon Helikonios, stoichedon; V&4`2&: *Herrmann, Klio 52, 1970, pp. 165%19`173 (PH). @ @@`4. Law concerning sacrifices, stoichedon; c. 400 BC; found at Akko+y: *6. Mil%19Ber. 20%19`22 (PH); Otto, Hermes 44, 1909, pp. 594%19`599; Syll&4`3& 1002; **Sokolowski, LSAM no. 44 (ll. 1, 8, 13%19`4, 16); SEG 15, 676. @ @@`5. Decree concerning privileges of priestess of Artemis; 380%3`379 BC: *2. Mil%19Ber. 911; Sokolowski, LSAM no. 45; SEG 15, 677. @ @@`6. Decree of &3boule& and &3demos& forbidding placement of dedicatory inscriptions in temple of Apollo; III: 4. Mil%19Ber. 542%19`543; *Milet 1 3, 32 (PH); Sokolowski, Supp. no. 123; SEG 20, 7; SEG 29, 1136. @ @@`7. Law concerning distribution of parts of victims of sacrifices; c. 300 BC: *RA 1874, pp. 105%19`107; Syll&4`3& 1037; SEG 4, 445; **Sokolowski, LSAM no. 46 (ll. 1, 3, 4, 7%19`8); SEG 15, 678. @ @@`8. Law concerning cult of Dionysos; 276%3`5 BC: *6. Mil%19Ber. 22%19`23; **Sokolowski, LSAM no. 48 (ll. 14%19`5, 23); SEG 15, 679; SEG 16, 712; SEG 17, 499. @ @@`9. Fragment of decree (or oracle?) concerning festivals of Artemis Boulephoros Skiris; III&4`2&: RA 1874, pp. 104%19`105; Syll&4`2 660; *Milet I 2 p. 117 (PH, partial); Haussoullier, RPh 44, 1920, pp. 289%19`292; **Sokolowski, LSAM no. 47 (ll. 14%19`5); SEG 15, 680; Fontenrose no. 8. @ @@`10. Decision of Molpoi concerning cults of Apollo Delphinios and others; cut in II: Wilamowitz, SDAW 1904, pp. 619%19`640 (PH); *Milet 1 3, 133 (PH, partial); Syll&4`3& 57; Vollgraff, Mnemosyne 46, 1918, pp. 415%19`427; SEG 4, 427; Sokolowski, LSAM no. 50; SEG 15, 682; Go+decken, ZPE 66, 1986, 217%19`218 (non vidi); Robertson, Phoenix 41, 1987, 359%19`378 (non vidi); SEG 36, 1050. @ @@`11. Decree (of Miletos or Myous) concerning foundation involving priesthood of Eumenes II; 165%3`158 BC: *Herrmann, MDAI(I) 15, 1965, pp. 96%19`117, no. 2b (PH); Kleine, MDAI(I) Beih. 31, 1986, 129%19`140; SEG 36, 1048. @ @@`12. Law concerning cult of Roman Demos and Rome; c. 130 BC: 7. Mil%19Ber. 16%19`18; *Milet I 7, 203 (PH, partial); SEG 4, 425, 434; Sokolowski LSAM no. 49; SEG 15, 681; SEG 16, 713; Mellor, Thea Rhome 135; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkma+ler 186. @ @@`13. Law concerning ritual purity before entry into temple of Artemis Kithone; I&7e&: *Milet I 7, 202 (PH); SEG 4, 425; Zingerle, ARW 27, 1929, pp. 278%19`281; **Fraser, BSAA 40, 1953, 45%19`6 (ll. 6%19`7); SEG 14, 741; Sokolowski, LSAM no. 51; SEG 15, 683. @ @@`14. Law of strategoi concerning cult of Asklepios; AD 14%3`50: 5. Mil%19Ber. 259; AA 1906, p. 191; *Milet I 7, 204; SEG 4, 425; Sokolowski, LSAM no. 52; SEG 15, 684; SEG 16, 714. @ @@`15. Decree of demos on cults of Apollo Didymeus, Apollo Delphinios, and the Augusti; 1&7e&: *Milet I 3, 134 (PH); Sokolowski, LSAM no. 53; SEG 15, 685. @ @@@@Section: 1b. Decrees of Other States (16%19`29) @ @@`16. Decree of Koresioi (Koresia on Keos?) for M[ ... ] of Miletos (?); III&7b&; now in Smyrna, probably from Miletos: *Hellenica 11%19`12, pp. 132%19`145 (PH). @ @@`17. Honorary decree of Ionians for Hippostratos of Miletos, with decrees of demos and boule of Miletos on setting up statue of Hippostratos; 289%3`8 BC; copy with some variations found at Smyrna: Fredrich, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, pp. 100%19`106 (PH); *Milet I 2, 10; Syll&4`3& 368; ISmyrna 577. @ @@`18. Decree of Knosos renewing &3philia& with Miletos and including in terms Tylisos, Rhaukos, Chersonesos, Milatos, Eltynia, Herakleion, Priansos, Apollonia, Petra, Itanos, Praisos, Istron, Olous, Dreros, Lato, Eleutherna, Axos, Kydonia, and Phalasarna; 259%3`233*** BC: *Milet I 3, 140A (PH, partial); ICret I Cnosos no. 6; Staatsvertra+ge III 482I; SEG 29, 1135. @ @@`19. Decree of Myous honoring Apollodoros (of Miletos); III&4`2&%3II&4`1&: *Herrmann, MDAI(I) 15, 1965, pp. 90%19`96, no. 2a (PH); Kleine, MDAI(I) Beih. 31, 1986, 129%19`140; SEG 36, 1047. @ @@`20. Decree of boule and demos of Seleukeia (%6Tralles) praising Miletos and granting it isopolity; 212***%3`211*** BC: *Milet I 3, 143B; **Wilhelm, MDAI(A) 39, 1914, 188 (l. 50); **Robert, RPh 1, 1927, 112%19`3 (l. 68); SEG 4, 430; Staatsvertra+ge III 537II (see 37); ITralles 20; SEG 37, 982. @ @@`21. Decree of another city (name lost) establishing isopolity with Miletos; c. 210 BC?: *Milet I 3, 144B; **NBeitr 6, 62 (ll. 13%19`14, 15); Staatsvertra+ge III 538 (see 33). @ @@`22. Decree of Mylasa establishing isopolity with Miletos; 209%3`8*** BC: Milet I 3, 146B; *Staatsvertra+ge III 539II; IMylasa II T51.B; (see 38). @ @@`23. Honorary decree by Aiolian city (name lost) for foreign judges (?) from Miletos; II?: *Milet I 3, 152a; **Robert, BCH 48, 1924, 339 (ll. 0%19`2); SEG 4, 432; **IG XII Supp. 140 (ll. 2, 20, 22). @ @@`23.5. Honorary decree of demos (of Smyrna) for (no name) [Hip]pothontos and Theod%1[oros? ... ], foreign judges from Miletos; c. II; found at Miletos: *ISmyrna 583 (PH). @ @@`24. Honorary decree by &3synedroi& and demos of Eretria for foreign judges from Miletos; II&4`1&: *Milet I 3, 154; **NBeitr 6, 62 (ll. 28%19`9); **Robert, BCH 50, 1926, 484, note 2 (ll. 0%19`1); SEG 4, 433. @ @@`25. Honorary decree of Methymna for foreign judges from Miletos judging dispute between Methymna and Eresos; II&4`1&: *Milet I 3, 152A%19B; SEG 4, 428; **IG XII Supp. 139A%19B (ll. &3B&`23, 34) (see 26). @ @@`26. Honorary decree of Eresos for foreign judges from Miletos judging dispute between Eresos and Methymna; II&4`1&: *Milet I 3, 152C; **Robert, REG 38, 1925, 29%19`43 (ll. 70, 79); SEG 4, 428; **IG XII Supp. 139C (l. 81) (see 25). @ @@`27. Honorary decree of Apollonia &3ad Rhyndacum& for Miletos; II&7m&: *Milet I 3, 155 (PH); **Wilhelm, MDAI(A) 39, 1914, 187 (ll. 22%19`3); **Holleaux, Etudes II 116, note 1 (ll. 25%19`7). @ @@`28. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Byzantion for foreign judge from Miletos; II&7m&: *Milet I 3, 153; **Wilhelm, MDAI(A) 39, 1914, 187 (l. 1). @ @@`29. Decree [of Koinon of Ionians] mentioning Miletos, Smyrna, Chios, [Klazome]nai, and Erythrai; I or later: *Milet I 3, 120; IErythrai 75. @ See also: IG XII 8, 395%19`410 (decrees of Milesians inhabiting Aigiale on Amorgos; found at Aigiale on Amorgos); IG XII 7, 226 (honorary decree of Samians in Minoa for Nikophon Ainiou of Miletos; found in Minoa on Amorgos); Aphrodisias 10, ll. 44%19`45 (%6 MAMA 8, 421) (%6 CIG 2811b) (%6 LW 1620a) (honorary decree of Aphrodisias for athlete T(itus) (?) Aelius Aurelius Menandros, bouleutes of Miletos and elsewhere; found at Aphrodisias); ICret II Aptera no. 16 (fragment of decree or letter of Aptera recognizing sanctity of territory of Miletos; found at Aptera); IG II&4`2& 407 %7 SEG 32, 94 (?) (honorary decree of Athens for (no name) of Miletos; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 409 (decree of Athens mentioning grain, Sinope, and Miletos (?); found in Attica), 459 (honorary decree for &3Arist&[ ... ], possibly &3Aristodemos &3Partheniou Milesios&; found in Attica), p. 661, no.'s 169 %7 472 (honorary decree for &3Antenor Xenarou&[&3s Mi&]&3lesios&; found in Attica), 982 (honorary decree for &3Menestheus Apolloniou Milesios&; found in Attica), 992 (honorary decree for theoroi from Miletos; found in Attica), 1009 (ephebic list appended to decrees includes 3 &3Milesioi&; found in Attica), 1011 (ephebic list appended to decrees includes 2 &3Milesioi&; found in Attica), 1028 (ephebic list appended to ephebic decree includes 7 &3Milesioi;& found in Attica), 1043 (honorary decree for ephebes, with list including several &3Milesioi& and other foreigners; found in Attica), 1335 (decree of Sabaziastai, with list of Sabaziastai including 3 &3Milesioi&; found in Attica); Meritt, Hesperia 29, 1960 (honorary decree of Athens for [ ... ]&3s Zenothemidos Milesios&; found in Attica); IG I&4`3& 20 (decree of Athens containing regulations for Miletos; found in Attica); Chios 10.5 (%6 Horos 3, 1985, 95%19`96, 1) (honorary decree of Koinon [of Ionians] for Hippodamos [Hippod]amou of Miletos; found on Chios); IG XI 4, 525 (honorary decree of Delos for &3Arkesilas Medontos Milesios&; found on Delos), 526 (honorary decree for Milesian (?) Pythagoras (?); found on Delos), 617 (honorary decree of Delos naming &3Metras Diodorou Milesios &3proxenos& and &3euergetes&; found on Delos), 625 (honorary decree of Delos naming &3Aischylinos Theokrinou Milesios proxenos& and &3euergetes&; found on Delos); FDelphes III 2, 88 (honorary decree of Delphi for &3Philinos Philainetou Milesios&; found at Delphi); Empereur, BCH 105, 1981, 421%19`3, no. 4 (honorary decree of Delphi for &3Philis Adrastou Milesios&; found at Delphi); Empereur, BCH 105, 1981, 421%19`3, no. 5 (honorary decree of Delphi for &3Hermias &3Hermophantou Milesios&; found at Delphi); Ephesos 51 (%6 IEphesos 1409) citizenship decree of Ephesos for &3Kallikrates Zopyrou &3Milesios&; found at Ephesos); Ephesos 49 (%6 IEphesos 1411) (decree of Ephesos granting proxeny to Ararousios and Phanodikos &3Milesioi;& found at Ephesos); Ephesos 50 (%6 JO+AI 53, 1982, 230, 137V) (citizenship decree of Ephesos for Aristodemos Partheniou of Miletos; found at Ephesos); Iasos 7 (%6 IIasos 36) (honorary decree of Iasos for &3Antenor Euandridou Milesios&; found at Iasos); Iasos 9 (%6 IIasos 39) (honorary decree [of Iasos] for &3Antipatros &3Le&[&3ont&]&3os Milesios&; found at Iasos); ICalymnii 7 (&3gnoma prostatan of Kalymnos in honor of &3Hekatonymos Prytanios Milesios&; found on Kalymnos), 79B, l. 35 (decree for foreign judges from Knidos mentions &3Hekatonymos Prytanios Milesios& as having spoken on behalf of Kalymnos; found on Kalymnos); IG IX 2, 508 (honorary decree of Thessaly for foreign judges &3Pellenaios k&[ ... ]&3ou& and &3Kaunios Aristokratous Milesioi&; found at Larisa); IG VII 3055 (decree of Lebadea mentions &3Aision& [ ... &3o&]&3u Milesios& as one of persons offering money to Trophonios; found at Lebadea); Deiters, RhM 59, 1904, 568, ll. 31%19`42 (%6 IMagnesia 65.a) (honorary decree of Gortyn for foreign judges from Magnesia (Mai.) who tried to settle dispute makes repeated mention of Miletos; found at Magnesia Mai.); Magnesia 29, ll. 31%19`42 (%6 ICret IV Gortys 176) (%6 RhM 59, 1904, 569) (%6 IMagnesia 65.b) (honorary decree of Knosos for foreign judges from Magnesia (Mai.) who tried to settle dispute mentions Cretans at Miletos; found at Magnesia Mai.); Magnesia 32, l. 83 (%6 IErythrai 507) (%6 IMagnesia 53) (decree of Klazomenai accepting invitation to participate in &3agon,& with [Miletos] added as supplement to list of accepting cities; found at Magnesia Mai.); Magnesia 104, l. 11 (%6 IMagnesia 93.a) (%6 Syll&4`3& 679) (%6 IPriene 531.I) (decree (of Magnesia Mai.) concerning dispute between Magnesia Mai. and Priene mentions fact that foreign judges from Mylasa heard testimony at temple of Apollo in Myous; found at Magnesia Mai.); IG XII 7, 226 (honorary decree of Minoa (on Amorgos) for &3Nikophon Ainiou Milesios&; found at Minoa on Amorgos); IOSPE 40 (honorary decree of Olbia, with Miletos mentioned as one of towns that crowned honorand; found in Olbia), 41 (honorary decree (?) of Olbia, with Miletos mentioned as one of towns that crowned honorand; found in Olbia); IOlympia 39 (honorary decree of Elis is to be brought to Tenedos by &3theoroi& sent to Miletos to &3thysia& and &3agon& of &3Didymeia&; found at Olympia); IG VII 396 (honorary decree of Oropos for &3Chares& [ ... ]&3ou Milesios&: found at Oropos); Priene 75 (%6 IPriene 7) (honorary decree of Priene for Theodoros [Ari]stogenous? of Miletos; found at Priene); Priene 64 (%6 IPriene 26) (honorary decree of Priene for Menares, who had distinguished himself in war against Miletos; found at Priene); Priene 56, col. 16, l. 143, col. 17, l. 149 (%6 IPriene 111) (honorary decree of Priene for Krates, who was successful diplomat in dispute with Miletos; found at Priene); Priene 33, l. 42 (%6 IPriene 113) (honorary decree includes provision for meal to which foreigners present, including those of Miletos, are invited; found at Priene); Priene 105 (%6 IPriene 120) (honorary decree of Priene concerning dispute with Miletos; found at Priene); Priene 106 (%6 IPriene 121) (honorary decree of Priene for (no name), who negotiated with Miletos and other states; found at Priene); Priene 216 (%6 IPriene 362) (%6 Sokolowski, LSAM 39) (regulations for sacrifices performed by citizens (of Miletos) and inhabitants of Thebai at Mykale; found at Priene); Samos 63 (%6 MDAI(A) 44, 1919, 21, 9) (%6 SEG 1, 363) (decree of Samos honoring foreign judges from Myndos also mentions judges from Miletos; found on Samos); Samos 82 (%6 AA 93, 1978, 254) (%6 SEG 28, 714) (proxeny decree for (no name) [ ... ]&3tou Milesios&; found at Heraion on Samos); Samos 60 (%6 MDAI(A) 87, 1972, 199, 4) (%6 Migeotte, L'emprunt no. 66) (honorary decree of Samos for Sosistratos Phanodikou of Miletos; found in Kolonna on Samos); IG VII 519 (decree of Tanagra names citizen of Alexandria and &3Nikanor Damarcho Milasios proxenoi& and &3euergetai&; found at Tanagra), 524 (decree of Tanagra names &3Histieos Aristonos Milesios proxenos& and &3euergetes&; found at Tanagra); IG XII 5, 823 (honorary decree of Tenos for &3Apollonios &3Hierokleous Milesios iatros&; found on Tenos); Syll&4`3& 620 (honorary decrees of Tenos and Nesiotai for &3Apollonios Hierokleous &3Milesios&; found on Tenos); Teos 39, l. 14 (%6 MDAI(A) 16, 1891, 291, 17) (%6 JS 1976, 175) (decree of Teos according privileges to another city provides for &3ateleia& with regard to clothes made of Milesian wool; found at Ulam#1221s%25 near Teos). @ @@@@Section: 1c. Other Treaty%19Decrees (30%19`39) @ @@`30. Decree of demos accepting &3philia& with Sardis and establishing &3eisaphixis& between the two cities; before 334 BC?, or possibly soon after: *Milet I 3, 135; Syll&4`3& 273; Staatsvertra+ge III 407; SEG 37, 982. @ @@`31. Decree establishing isopolity between Miletos and Phygela; 335%3`317 BC?: *Milet I 3, 142; Staatsvertra+ge III 453; IEphesos 3110; SEG 37, 982. @ @@`32. Decree of demos ratifying treaty of &3philia& with Kyzikos; 334%3`323 BC: *Milet I 3, 137 (PH); Staatsvertra+ge III 409; SEG 37, 982. @ @@`33. Decree of demos establishing isopolity with another city (name lost); III?: *Milet I 3, 144A (see 21). @ @@`34. Decree of demos making provisions for perpetuating &3philia and &3symmachia& with King Ptolemy (II); c. 262%3`260 BC: *Milet I 3, 139C; **Wilhelm, MDAI(A) 39, 1914, 186%19`7 (l. 44); SEG 4, 428 (see 52, 62). @ @@`35. Decree of Aitolians ratifying treaty with Miletos; 240%3`239 BC: *Klaffenbach, SDAW 1937, pp. 155%19`159; Staatsvertra+ge III 564. @ @@`36. Decree of demos regulating relations with Kios; c. 228*** BC?: *Milet I 3, 141 (PH); **NBeitr 6, 62 (l. 29); SEG 1, 436; SEG 4, 429; SEG 37, 982, 985. @ @@`37. Decree praising Seleukeia (%6Tralles) and granting it isopolity; 212***%3`211*** BC: *Milet I 3, 143A (PH); Staatsvertra+ge III 537I; SEG 37, 982. @ @@`38. Decree of boule and demos establishing isopolity with Mylasa; 209%3`8*** BC: *Milet I 3, 146A (PH); Staatsvertra+ge III 539I; IMylasa II T51.A. @ @@`39. Decree of demos accepting offer from Herakleia (Lat.) of isopolity, containing oracle; 180***%3`161 BC: *Milet I 3, 150; **Syll&4`3& 633 (l. 65); SEG 34, 1173; SEG 37, 984. @ See also: Syll&4`3& 683 (decision of &3ekklesia kyria& of Miletos, deciding dispute over land in favor of Messenia and against Sparta; found at Olympia). @ @@@@Section: 1d. Other Honorary Decrees (40%19`49) @ @@`40. Decree of demos honoring Knidos for loan of money; 282 BC: *Milet I 3, 138; Migeotte, L'emprunt public no. 96. @ @@`41. Decree of demos providing for payments to those giving money to city with list of donors; 205%3`4*** BC: *Milet I 3, 147 (PH); SEG 1, 436; **Migeotte, L'emprunt public no. 97 (l. 17). @ @@`42. Honorary decree for Eudemos Thallionos, who established and regulated administration of school; 200%3`199*** BC: *Milet I 3, 145; Ziebarth, Schulwesen; **Syll&4`3& 577 (ll. 29, 37); SEG 14, 742; Garci/a Teijeiro, Fs. Sainz Rodriguez III 271%19`278 (non vidi); SEG 36, 1045. @ @@`43. Decree honoring and giving citizenship to Kryton of Aptera; c. 200 BC: *Milet I 3, 39; **NBeitr 6, 57%19`9 (ll. 2%19`9). @ @@`43.5. Unpublished honorary decree of Miletos for (no name) of Miletos mentioning Cre[te]; c. 200 BC; found at Miletos: Inv. 1087; *Gu+nther, Chiron 18, 1988, 396, note 56. @ @@`44. Decree of demos honoring Eumenes II, 170%3`165 BC: 7. Mil%19Ber. 26%19`27; *Milet I 9, 307; SEG 4, 444. @ @@`45. Decree of demos honoring Eirenias; c. 165 BC; found in Yeniko+y: *Herrmann, MDAI(I) 15, 1965, pp. 71%19`117, no. 1 (PH); Kleine, MDAI(I) Beih. 31, 1986, 129%19`140; SEG 36, 1046. @ @@`46. Honorary decree(s?) for C(aius) Iulius Eukrates; I&7e&: *Milet I 2, 7a%19i; Migeotte, L'emprunt public no. 98. @ @@`47. Honorary decree (of &3gerousia&?) for gymnasiarchs (no name) Dion[ysiou], Eirenias Artemonos, and Apollonios Kallikleous; c. 100 BC: *Milet I 9, 368; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`48. Decree (?) of Miletos honoring teacher Alexandros, requested by colony Kyzikos; 2&4`2&?: *Milet I 7, 259; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`49. Honorary decree of [dem]os of Miletos for Thys[sos of My]lasa, on fragment of marble stele; c. 330%3`320 BC; found at Miletos, later at Smyrna: Robert, Noms indige\nes 456, note 6; Robert, REG 94, 1981, 343; SEG 31, 1643; *Gu+nther, Chiron 18, 1988, 384%19`387, no. 1 (PH); IMylasa II T86. @ See also: Miletos 63; IG II&4`2& 1129 (fragment of honorary decree of Miletos for Asandros; found in Attica); Pippidi, Inscript%25iile din Scythia Minor, vol. 1, no. 62 (honorary decree of Miletos for Istros; found at Istros); Grandjean, Thasiaca pp. 391%19`4, no. 2 (decree of Miletos in honor of foreign judges from Thasos; found on Thasos). @ @@@@Section: 1e. Other Decrees (50%19`56.5) @ @@`50. End of decree (?) ordaining expulsion of three men and their descendants; 470%3`440 BC: 5. Mil%19Ber. 252%19`255; SEG 1, 434; AA 1906, pp. 16%19`17; Glotz CRAI 1906, pp. 511%19`529; *Milet I 6, 187 (PH); Syll&4`3& 58; Tod 35; SEG 14, 740; ML 43; **Pie/rart, AC 38, 1969, pp. 365%19`388 (l. 7). @ @@`51. Fragment of decree concerning acceptance of new citizens; III: *Milet I 3, 32a; SEG 29, 1136. @ @@`51.5. Unpublished fragment of decree mentioning tribe [Aka]mantis; IV: Ehrhardt, Milet und seine Kolonien 382, note 9. @ @@`52. Decree of boule and demos ordaining that King Ptolemy (II)'s letter be read to the &3ekklesia&; 262%3`0 BC: *Milet I 3, 139B; SEG 4, 428 (see 34, 62). @ @@`53. Decree concerning relationship with and letters concerning Antiochos (III?); III&4`2&: *Milet I 7, 270; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`54. Decree of demos accepting judgment of &3synedroi& concerning sharing citizenship with Cretans and according new citizens land in vicinity of Myous, with oath of new citizens and oracles in hexameters; 228%3`7*** BC: *Milet I 3, 33a%19g; **Weiss, JO+AI 1914, Beiblatt, pp. 269%19`272 (section e, l. 14); **Oguse, BCH 55, 1931, pp. 164%19`7 (section c, ll. 6%19`12); SEG 29, 1136, 1137; Wilhelm, GE 20, no. 20; **SEG 30, 1348 (section g, l. 11); Fontenrose no. 5%19`6. @ @@`55. Decree of demos concerning giving citizenship to Cretans; 223%3`2*** BC: *Milet 1 3, 37; SEG 29, 1136. @ @@`56. Probouleuma concerning acceptance of new citizens; 223%3`2*** BC: *Milet I 3, 36a%19c %7 36aa; SEG 29, 1136. @ @@`56.5. End of decree giving citizenship [of Miletos,] accompanied by list of names (of new citizens), on marble block; III; found at Miletos: *Gu+nther, Chiron 18, 1988, 388%19`390, no. 2 (w. last line of fac.) @ See also: Syll&4`3& 590 (decree of boule and demos of Miletos concerning &3Didymeia& and embassy to Kos, and fragment of answer by Kos; found on Kos). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (57%19`61) @ @@`57. Treaty with Olbia affirming rights to entry, participation in cults, &3ateleia,& and citizenship of Milesians in Olbia and Olbians in Miletos; c. 350%3c. 315 BC: *Milet I 3, 136; Syll&4`3& 286; Tod 195; Staatsvertra+ge III 408; Chaniotis, ZPE 64, 1986, 160 (non vidi); SEG 36, 1044; SEG 37, 982. @ @@`58. Treaty with Gortys forbidding enslavement of Gortynians by Milesians and vice versa and including in terms Lyktos, Arkades, Ariaioi, and Hyrtaioi (?); 259%3`233*** BC: *Milet I 3, 140B; ICret IV Gortys no. 161; **Staatsvertra+ge III 482II (l. 51); Herrmann ZPE 17, 1975, 127%19`139; SEG 29,1135. @ @@`59. Treaty with Phaistos forbidding enslavement and including under terms Polyrrhenia; 259%3`233*** BC: *Milet I 3, 140C; ICret I Phaistos no. 1; Staatsvertra+ge III 482III; SEG 29, 1135. @ @@`60. Peace treaty with Magnesia (Mai.); 196%3c. 175 BC; found at Miletos: Mezger, Inscriptio Milesiaca; *Milet I 3, 148; **Syll&4`3 588 (ll. 5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 17, 73); **Robert, Anatolia 4, 1959, 15%19`24 (l. 34); SEG 19, 677; SEG 34, 1172; **Wo+rrle, Chiron 18, 1988, 432 (l. 90); Errington, Chiron 19, 1989, 279%19`288; SEG 37, 983. @ @@`61. Treaty between Miletos and Pidasa on sympolity; 183***%3`164 BC: *Milet I 3, 149; Maier 74; SEG 19, 678; SEG 37, 984, 987. @ See also: Miletos 18, 20%19`22, 30%19`39; Priene 130 (%6 IPriene 28) (%6 GIBM 414) (treaty between Miletos and Priene; found at Priene). @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (62%19`70) @ @@`62. Letter of King Ptolemy (II) to Miletos praising Miletos for &3philia& and &3symmachia&; c. 262%3`260 BC: *Milet I 3, 139A; SEG 4, 428; Welles 14 (see 34, 52). @ @@`63. Letter of Eumenes II to Ionian League accepting decree honoring him; winter 167%3`6 BC: OGIS 763; *Milet I 9, 306; SEG 1, 437; SEG 4, 425, 443%19`444; **Welles 52 (ll. 1, 57%19`8); **Wilhelm, Ko+nigsbriefe 43%19`6 (ll. 13%19`5, 22); Piejko, RFIC 114, 1986, 431, note 2 (non vidi); SEG 36, 1049. @ @@`64. Letter of Roman praetor to Miletos, &3koinon& of Hellenes, and other cities conveying edict; 56%3`50 BC; also found at Priene: IPriene 106; *Milet I 2, 3; Abbott%19Johnson, Mun. Admin. 22; Sherk 52. @ @@`65. Letter of proconsul Caecina Paetus to &3archontes& of Miletos on cult of &3theoi sebastoi Kabiroi&; 1&4`1&: 6. Mil%19Ber. 26%19`27; *Milet I 9, 360; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`66. Fragment of letter (?) in Latin of Roman official; early imperial: *Milet I 9, 337; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`67. Letter of Claudius to Dionysiac artists; AD 48: *Milet I 3, 156 (PH). @ @@`68. Letter in Greek of Marcus Aurelius and Commodus to &3archontes, boule,& and &3demos& of Miletos, and speech in Latin of Marcus Aurelius to Senate, both concerning &3agon& at Miletos; Oct%3Dec AD 177; found on Sacred Way: *Herrmann, MDAI(I) 25, 1975, pp. 149%19`166 (PH); AnnEpig 1977, 801. @ @@`69. Prescript of letter (?) of Marcus Aurelius and Commodus; AD 177: *Milet I 7, 273; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`70. Letter of Macrinus to Miletos mentioning &3agalma& of Apollo Didymeus; AD 217: *Milet I 7, 274 (PH); SEG 4, 425. @ See also: Priene 134 (%6 IPriene 27) (%6 Welles 46) (%6 GIBM 412) (letter of Attalid king (?) containing settlement of dispute between Miletos and Priene; found at Priene); Welles 1, ll. 11, 47 (letter of Antigonos I mentioning Aristodemos (of Miletos) as general; found near Skepsis): Panamara 27 (%6 IStratonikeia 37) (%6 BCH 51, 1927, 78, 24) (fragment of letter of priest of Zeus Panamaros to Miletos; found at Panamara near Stratonikeia). @ Ǐ@@@@Section: 4. Edicts (71) @ @@`71. Unpublished fragment of edict of Marcus Aurelius; AD 161%3`180: 4. Mil%19Ber. 535 (Perhaps %6 Miletos 70). @ See also: Miletos 64, 623; IG VII 23 (fragment of Diocletian's edict on prices gives prices for two grades of Milesian purple; found at Megara); Sherk 22 (&3senatus consultum& in Latin and Greek honoring Meniskos of Miletos and others; found in Rome). @ ȏ@@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (72%19`75) @ @@`72. Unpublished temple%19inventory mentioning linen cloth; II: Habicht, APergamon VIII 3, p. 110. @ @@`73. List of contributors; 200%3`175 BC: *Milet I 3, 151. @ @@`74. List of contributors in different hands; II&7e&%3I&7b&: *Milet I 7, 271; **SEG 4, 436 (l. 3). @ @@`75. List of contributors; 27 BC%3AD 68: *Milet I 2, 4 (PH) and p. 122, Nachtrag. @ See also: IG I&4`3& 71, 259%19`290 (Athenian tribute lists with frequent mention of Miletos, of Milesians in Teichioussa and on Leros, and Myous); IG I&4`3& 343%19`346, 349%19`357 (accounts of &3tamiai& of Athene Polias include Milesian beds; found in Attica); IG I&4`3& 422, col. III, l. 295 (accounts of &3poletai& include Milesian beds; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 1485A ll. 25%19`27 (accounts of &3tamiai& of Athene and other gods mention golden crown sent by Miletos to Athens; found in Attica); FDelphes III 5, 1 (list of contributors includes &3Eutheros Milesios&; found at Delphi); Kolophon 6 (%6 AJP 56, 1935, 359, I) (%6 Maier, Mauerbauinschr. 69) (list of contributors for walls of Kolophon includes &3Kronios Menonos Milesios&; found at Kolophon); Priene 144, l. 5 (%6 IPriene 150) (list of contributors includes Agathokles Patro[ ... ] of Miletos; found at Priene, possibly wandered). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ See also: Miletos 208. @ ̏@@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (76%19`96) @ @@`76. Dedication by Antiochos son of king Seleukos to Apollo on architrave; 300 BC: *Milet I 7, 193a; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`77. Fragment on architrave; after 300 BC: *Milet I 7, 193b. @ @@`78. Dedication by demos of Miletos to queen Laodike on architrave; 259%3`253 BC: 7. Mil%19Ber. 13; *Milet I 7, 194 (PH); SEG 4, 425. @ @@`79. Dedication of Propylon of Bouleuterion to Apollo Didymeus, Hestia Boulaia, and Demos by Timarchos and Herakleides for king Antiochos Epiphanes; 175%3`166 BC: *Milet I 2, 2 (PH). @ @@`80. Dedication of Meeting House of Bouleuterion to Apollo Didymeus, Hestia Boulaia, and Demos by Timarchos and Herakleides for king Antiochos Epiphanes; 175%3`166 BC: AA 1906, p. 19; *Milet I 2, 1. @ @@`81. Inscription (on grave?) recording supervision of &3Silanos &3Sphairou&; I: *Herrmann, MDAI(I) 1980, pp. 229%19`230; SEG 30, 1346. @ @@`82. Excised. @ @@`83. Fragment on architrave; imperial: *Milet I 7, 199; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`84. Fragment on architrave concerning &3prosodoi&; imperial: *Milet I 7, 197; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`85. Fragment of architrave referring to a Caesar; imperial: *Milet I 7, 198; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`86. Dedication of theater to Nero, [Apoll]o Didymeus, and Demos, probably by (Gnaius) Ve[rgilius Capito]; AD 54%3`68: Milet I 2, 5 (PH); *Herrmann %9 McCabe, MDAI(I) Beiheft 31, 175%19`189 (PH). @ @@`87. Dedication by Tib(erius) Claudius Sophanes; 1: 5. Mil%19Ber. 256; 6. Mil%19Ber. 14 (PH); *Milet I 9, 330; SEG 4, 425; Kleiner, Das ro+mische Milet, pl. 11 (PH). @ @@`88. Dedication to [Claudius] by [Cn(aeus) Vergilius Capito] of his bath; c. AD 50: 5. Mil%19Ber. 256; 6. Mil%19Ber. 12; *Milet I 9, 328; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`89. Dedication by (?) [Cn(aeus)] Vergil?[ius Capito]; AD 50: *Milet I 9, 329; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`90. Fragments of architrave; 2?: 4. Mil%19Ber. 535; *Milet I 7, 196; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`91. Fragments in Latin on architrave concerning earthquake; 2?: 4. Mil%19Ber. 535; *Milet I 7, 195; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`92. Inscription in Latin on &3stele& recording building of road to Didyma by Trajan; AD 100%3`102; same text also found in Greek and at Didyma: 1. Mil%19Ber. 106%19`7; Haussoullier, Milet 154%19`6; CIL III 14195&4`43&; *Milet II 3, 402 (PH). (See CIG 2870, LW 232, Didyma 121 and 122, and Miletos 93). @ @@`93. Prescript in Greek and Latin of inscription of Trajan (for building of Sacred Way?); AD 100%3`102: CIL III 14403; *Milet I 7, 272a%19b; SEG 4, 425. (See Miletos 92). @ @@`94. Dedication by Iulius Aurelius Menekles of pronaos (of Serapeion) to Sarapis; 3: 7. Mil%19Ber. 22; *Milet I 7, 200 (PH); SEG 4, 425; Vidman, Sylloge 287. @ @@`95. Inscription recording decoration of temple on upper architrave; AD 241%3`244: *Milet I 5, 2. @ @@`96. Fragments of architrave mentioning an Augustus; late: *Milet I 9, 349; SEG 4, 425. @ See also: Miletos 440, 447%19`449, 451, 456, 479%19`480, 626%19`629. @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (97%19`203) @ @@@@Section: 8a. Miscellaneous (97%19`102.6) @ @@`97. Decision of foreign judges (from Erythrai, Chios, Klazomenai, Lebedos, Ephesos, and elsewhere) on boundary dispute between Miletos and Myous, confirmed by satrap Strouses, stoichedon; 391%3`387 BC: IPriene 458; 1. Mil%19Ber. 111%19`115 (PH); 2. Mil%19Ber. 904%19`905; *Milet I 2, 9; Syll&4`3& 134; **Tod 113 (l. 10%19`11 of section a); Piccirilli, Arbitrati I 36 (PH). @ @@`98. List of participants in musical festival, including [ ... ] &3Poseidoniou Makedon&; Hellenistic: CIG 2868; *Brinck, Inscr. graec. choreg. 215%19`216, no. 106; **letter of Peter Herrmann (col. 1, l. 4). @ @@`99. List of women's names in nominative; III: *6. Mil%19Ber. 23%19`24. @ @@`100. List of participants in musical festival, including &3Hegelochos Protagorou&; 259%3`240 BC: RA 1874, pp. 108%19`109; *Brinck, Inscr. graec. choreg. 215, no. 105; **Milet I 3, p. 299, note 2 and p. 360, note 1 (col. 1, l. 3). @ @@`101. Fragment of document concerning division of land; 228%3`7*** BC: *Milet I 3, 35; SEG 29, 1136. @ @@`102. Unpublished &3agoranomoi& inscription; no date: 4. Mil%19Ber. 535. @ 檳@@`102.3. Unpublished list (of officials (?)) under named &3stephanephoroi&; III&4`2&; prob. found at Miletos, not at Herakleia Lat.: *Robert, BCH 102, 1978, 489, note 55, no. A; Robert, A Travers l'Asie Mineure 353. @ 檶@@`102.6. Unpublished list (of officials (?)) under named &3stephanephoroi&; III&4`2&; prob. found at Miletos, not at Herakleia Lat.: *Robert, BCH 102, 1978, 489, note 55, no. B; Robert, A Travers l'Asie Mineure 353. @ 檶See also: Charneux, BCH 77, 1953, pp. 402%19`3, no. 6, l. 7 (list of &3technitai& including &3Dionysodoros Erymnou Milesios,& found at Argos); Charneux, BCH 90, 1966, p. 157, col. II, l. 12 (list of &3thearodokoi& includes Antipatr[ ... ] in Miletos; found at Argos); IG II&4`2& 1956, ll. 128%19`130, 174%19`175 (list of mercenaries includes Euagoros and two other men of Miletos; found in Attica); IG II&4`2 1961, 1996, 2023, 2026, 2086, 2098, and 2099 and Mitsos, AE 1972, pp. 55%19`57, no. 1 (ephebic lists mentioning &3Milesioi&; found in Attica); Syll&4`3& 424, ll. 42, 44 (list of competitors at &3Soteria& in Delphi includes &3Ouliades Kallikratou Milesios& and &3Aristippos &3Kallikratou Milesios&; found at Delphi); SGDI 2564, ll. 45%19`47 (list of competitors at &3Soteria& in Delphi includes &3Ouliades &3Kallikratou Milesios& and &3Aristippos Kallikratou Milesios&; found at Delphi); Pomtow, Klio 17, 1935, p. 194, no. 186 (record of grant of &3ateleia& and &3enktesis& by Delphi to [&3Eua&?]&3res Eukratou &3Milesios&; found at Delphi); Robert, BCH 70, 1946, p. 512, l. 6 (list of &3theorodokoi& includes &3Mos&[ ... ... ]&3iotas& of Miletos; found at Delphi); Bousquet, BCH 83, 1959, p. 170 (list of &3hieromnemones& includes [ ... &3Xe?&]&3nnia Milesios&; found at Delphi); Ephesos 600, ll. 28%19`37 (%6 IEphesos 13) (%6 JRS 65, 1975, 64) (diocese of Miletos in list of &3conventus& of Asia includes Miletos, Magnesia Mai., [Priene], Amyzon, Herakleia [&3apo &3S&]&3albakes& (&3sic&), and Samos; found at Ephesos); Moretti, ISE 43 %7 Peek, Inschriften aus d. Asklep. v. Epidauros 26, no. 30 (decisions of foreign judges from Miletos and Rhodes concerning dispute between Hermione and Epidauros; found at Epidauros and Hermione); Iasos 412 (%6 CIG 2889) (%6 IIasos 414) (list of victors in gladiatorial games; found at Iasos, not Miletos); Biers %9 Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, p. 82, l. 117 (list of victors includes [ ... ]os of Miletos; found at Corinth); Klee, Gymnische Agone IIA, ll. 14, 22, 91%19`3 (list of victors at &3Asklapieia& on Kos includes &3Antigenes Philionos Milesios, Megaklos Bakchiou &3Milesios, Megaklos Megaklou Milesios,& and &3K&[ &3...& ]&3medou Milesios&; found on Kos); Rey%19Coquais, Syria 55, 1978, pp. 313%19`325 (list of mercenaries including one Milesian; found at Laodikeia); IG IX 2, 534 (list of victors in competition includes runner [ ... ]&3ou&[&3s&?] &3Milesios&; found at Larisa); Syll&4`3& 314A 1. 20 (list of victors in &3Lykaia& includes &3Antenor Xenareos Milesios&; found at Lykaion in Arcadia); Magnesia 145 (%6 IMagnesia 88.a) (%6 Michel 914) (%6 Syll&4`3 1079) (list of victors in dramatic competition includes &3hypokrites Agathokles Agathokleious Milesios&; found at Magnesia Mai.), Magnesia 148 (%6 IMagnesia 88.d) (%6 Syll&4`3& 1079) (%6 MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 97, B2) (list of victors in dramatic competition mentions drama &3Milesia&; found at Magnesia Mai.); IG VII 416, ll. 27%19`28 (list of victors in competition includes tragedian &3Hermokrates Alexandrou Milesios&; found at Oropos); Priene 162, ll. 50%19`51, 54, 57, 122 (%6 IPriene 37) (%6 Syll&4`3& 599) (decision of foreign judges from Rhodes in favor of Priene in territorial dispute between Priene and Samos rejects evidence of historian Maiandrios of Miletos; found at Priene); Samos 170 (%6 JHS 7, 1886, 149) (%6 Michel 901) (%6 ZPE 1, 1967, 225) (list of victors in competition includes Demetrios Nikaiou of Miletos; found at Pythagoreion on Samos); Samos 173 (%6 Stamatiades&4`1& no. 48) (%6 MDAI(A) 49, 1924, 37) (list of names includes &3Artemon Pytholeo &3Milesios&; found on Samos); Lagina 13, l. 16 (%6 IStratonikeia 508) (%6 OGIS 441) ([Mile]tos among cities listed as recognizing &3asylia of temple of Hekate; found at Lagina near Stratonikeia); IG VII 1767%19`1768 (lists of victors in competitions include [ ... ] &3Milesioi&; found at Thespiai); SEG 3, 334 (list of victors in artistic contests, including &3comoedos Cl(audius) Apollonios &3Milesios&; found at Thespiai); Tralles 28, l. 15 (%6 LW 599.b) (%6 ITralles 33.B) (list of names, probably of mercenaries, includes Artemon Machatou of Mile[tos]; found at Tralles). @@@@Section: 8b. Lists of &3Stephanephoroi& (103%19`110) @ @@`103. List of eponymous &3stephanephoroi& from 525%3`4 to 314%3`3 BC; cut in successive years from 335%3`4 BC: *Milet I 3, 122 (PH); Syll&4`3& 272. @ @@`104. List of eponymous &3stephanephoroi& from 313%3`2 to 260%3`259 BC; cut annually: *Milet I 3, 123 (PH); Syll&4`3& 322 (part). @ @@`105. Unpublished list of &3stephanephoroi& including Nikolaos of 233%3`2*** BC; cut annually?: Milet I 3, p.265. @ @@`106. List of eponymous &3stephanephoroi& from 232%3`1*** to 184%3`3*** BC; cut I&7b&: *Milet I 3, 124; SEG 37, 984. @ @@`107. List of eponymous &3stephanephoroi& from 89%3`8 to 54%3`3 BC; cut annually: *Milet I 3, 125 (PH). @ @@`108. List of eponymous &3stephanephoroi& from 53%3`2 to 18%3`7 BC; cut annually: *Milet I 3, 126 (PH). @ @@`109. List of eponymous &3stephanephoroi& from 17%3`6 BC to AD 20%3`1; cut annually: *Milet I 3, 127 (PH). @ @@`110. List of eponymous &3stephanephoroi& from AD 21%3`2 to 31%3`2; cut annually: *Milet I 3, 128 (PH). @ See also: Graindor, Muse/e Belge 15, 1911, p. 256, ll. 60%19`62 (list of eponymous magistates of Tenos mentioning under entry for Okimbos that &3ateleia& and citizenship in Miletos were given to Tenians; found on Tenos). @ @@@@Section: 8c. Grants of Citizenship (111%19`170) @ @@`111. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Herakleia, Seleukeia, Lysimacheia, and Pidasa; III%3II: LW 1568&3bis&; Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, pp. 80%19`87; *Milet I 3, 64. @ @@`112. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Ephesos, Sardis, Priene, Perge, and Mesambria; III%3II: *Milet I 3, 70. @ @@`113. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Miletopolis, Kyzikos, Herakleia, Alinda, and Pidasa and to others; III%3II: *Milet I 3, 71. @ @@`114. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Sardis, Pidasa, Mylasa, Herakleia, and Thera and to others; III%3II: *Milet I 3, 72. @ @@`115. Record of grant of citizenship to Menek[les] and others; III%3II: *Milet I 3, 73. @ @@`116. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Apollonia Mai. and Tralles and to others; III%3II: *Milet I 3, 74; SEG 4, 426. @ @@`117. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Pidasa, Sidon, Herakleia, Antiocheia, Stratonikeia, Syracuse, Oroanna, and Seleukeia; III%3II: *Milet I 3, 79. @ @@`118. Record of grant of citizenship to individual from Herakleia and to others; III%3II: *Milet I 3, 81. @ @@`119. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Priene, Halikarnassos, and Maroneia and to others; III%3II; *Milet I 3, 82. @ @@`120. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Halikarnassos and Magnesia (Mai.) and to others; III%3II; *Milet I 3, 84. @ @@`121. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Herakleia and Seleukeia &3apo Maiandrou&; III%3II: *Milet I 3, 85. @ @@`122. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Herakleia, [Magnesia] &3apo Sip.,& Ephesos, Pid[asa], and Smyrna; III%3II: *Milet I 3, 86. @ @@`123. Record of grant of citizenship to individual from Seleukeia and to others; III%3II: *Milet I 3, 87. @ @@`124. Record of grant of citizenship to [ ... ]tou of Herakleia; III%3II: *Milet I 3, 88. @ @@`125. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Seleukeia, Chios, Antiocheia, and Herakleia; III%3II: *Milet I 3, 89. @ @@`126. Record of grant of citizenship(?) to individuals from [Poly]rrhenia and Eleutherna and to others; III?: *Milet I 3, 53. @ @@`127. Record of grant of citizenship to Parmenion and [ ... ]ikrates of Kassandreia and to others; III: *Milet I 3, 63. @ @@`128. Record of grant of citizenship to Agathokles and others; III?: *Milet I 3, 65. @ @@`129. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from [Apoll]onia [&3ap. Mai.&], [Kary?]stos, Mylasa, Samos, Euromos, Alinda, Kaly[mnos], Herakleia, Halikarnassos, Priene, Sardis, and Smyrna; III: *Milet I 3, 66. @ @@`130. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Magnesia [Mai.], Ephesos, Miletopolis, and Sidon, Macedonians, and others; III: *Milet I 3, 67. @ @@`131. Record of grant of citizenship to Dio[tre?]phides Paioniou, Simos the Ouli[ ... ], and others; III: *Milet I 3, 68. @ @@`132. Record of grant of citizenship to Melanthos and others; III: *Milet I 3, 69. @ @@`132.5. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Kios and elsewhere, on marble block; III; found at Miletos: *Gu+nther, Chiron 18, 1988, 399, no. 6 (PH). @ @@`133. Record of grant of citizenship to many individuals; III&4`1&?: *Milet I 3, 61. @ @@`134. Record of grant of citizenship to many individuals; III&4`1&?: *Milet I 3, 62. @ @@`134.2. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from [ ... &3ap&]&3o Maindrou,& Sidon, Magnesia (Mai.), Halikarnassos, Antiocheia (Mai.), Eresos, Ephesos, and Hera[kleia (Lat.)], on marble block; III&4`2&%3II&4`1&; found at Miletos: *Gu+nther, Chiron 18, 1988, 399%19`401, no. 7 (PH). @ @@`134.5. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Seleuk[eia], Herakleia (Lat.), and elswhere, on architrave block of white marble; III&4`2&%3II&4`1&; found at Miletos: *Gu+nther, Chiron 18, 1988, 401%19`402, no. 8 (PH). @ @@`134.7. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from (no name), on architrave of white marble; III&4`2&%3II&4`1&; found at Miletos: *Gu+nther, Chiron 18, 1988, 402%19`403, no. 9 (PH). @ @@`135. Record of grant of citizenship to Aninkas of Kolophon; 273%3`2 BC: *Milet I 3, 40. @ @@`135.5. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Abd[2e]2ra, Boiotia, Ephesos, Tra[lles], Siphnos, and Par[os], on marble block; 260%3`200 BC; found at Miletos: *Gu+nther, Chiron 18, 1988, 396%19`398, no. 5 (PH). @ @@`136. List of new (Cretan) citizens; 228%3`7*** BC: *Milet I 3, 34a%19i (PH); SEG 1, 435; SEG 29, 1136. @ @@`137. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Seleukeia and Bargylia; 228%3`7*** BC: *Milet I 3, 50. @ @@`138. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Olynthos and Seleukeia and to &3Makedones&; 228%3`7*** BC (?): *Milet I 3, 43a. @ @@`139. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Soloi, Iasos, Ephesos, Samos, Pidasa, Rhodes, Olynthos, Herakleia, Magnesia (Mai.), Antiocheia, and Myndos; 226%3`5*** BC: *Milet I 3, 41. @ @@`140. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Parion and Mylasa; 224%3`3*** BC: *Milet I 3, 180A (PH). @ @@`141. Record of grant of citizenship to individual from Sidon, already &3proxenos&; 224%3`3*** BC: *Milet I 3, 180B (PH). @ @@`142. List of new citizens (from Crete), including individuals from Arkades, Axos, Dreros, Eleutherna, Gortys, Hierapytna, Hyrtakos, Knosos, Lappa, Lyktos, Phaistos, Priansos, Rhaukos, and Rhithymna; 223%3`2*** BC: *Milet I 3, 38a%19nn (PH); SEG 13, 498; SEG 29, 1136. @ @@`143. Record of grant of citizenship to Polemokrates of Achaia: 221%3`0*** BC: *Milet I 3, 42. @ @@`144. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Thebai, Bargylia, Halikarnassos, Smyrna, Antiocheia, Mylasa, Herakleia, Magnesia (Mai.), Kolophon, Andros, and Karystos; 216%3`5*** BC: *Milet I 3, 45. @ @@`145. Record of grant of citizenship to Cheirikrates of Olynthos; 216%3`5*** BC: *Milet I 3, 181 (PH). @ @@`146. Record of grant of citizenship to Apollonios; 213%3`2*** BC (?): *Milet I 3, 43b. @ @@`147. Record of grant of citizenship to man from Knosos and to others; 212%3`1*** BC: *Milet I 3, 44. @ @@`148. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Magnesia (Mai.), Ephesos, Xanthos in Lycia, and Herakleia; 206%3`5*** BC: *Milet I 3, 46. @ @@`149. Record of grant of citizenship to &3nothos& Zopyros and to Hermonax of Bargylia; 201%3`0*** BC: *Milet I 3, 51. @ @@`150. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Adramytteion, Magnesia (Mai.), and Seleukeia and to others; c. 200 BC: *Milet I 3, 65a. @ @@`151. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Mylasa, Pidasa, and Samos and to others; c. 200 BC: *Milet I 3, 74a. @ @@`152. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Theodosia, Pidasa, Halikarnassos, Sardis, Kolophon, and Ephesos; c. 200 BC: *Milet I 3, 75. @ @@`153. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Bargylia, Herakleia, Amisos, Seleukeia, Euromos, Pidasa, and Korinthos and others; c. 200 BC: *Milet I 3, 76%19`78. @ @@`154. Fragment of record of grant of citizenship to [ ... ]&3es &3Theotim&[&3ou&] and others; c. 200 BC: *Milet I 3, 92. @ @@`155. Fragment of grant of citizenship to [Akr]isios and others; c. 200 BC: *Milet I 3, 93. @ @@`156. Record of grant of citizenship to (names lost); II: *Milet I 3, 83. @ @@`156.5. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Antiocheia (Mai.) and [ ... &3apo Maiandr&]&3ou& (?), on marble block; II; found at Bafa Go+lu+ (terr. of Herakleia Lat.?), pres. from Miletos: *Gu+nther, Chiron 18, 1988, 403%19`405, no. 11. @ @@`156.7. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from (no name), on marble block; II&4`1&; found at Miletos: *Gu+nther, Chiron 18, 1988, 403, no. 10 (PH). @ @@`157. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Seleukeia, Samos, and Ephesos; II&7b&: *Milet I 3, 80. @ @@`158. Record of grant of citizenship to Dionysios of Seleukeia; 198%3`7*** BC: *Milet I 3, 52. @ @@`158.5. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Sardis, Kaunos, Herakleia (Lat.), and Adramyteion, on marble block; 196%3`195*** BC; found at Miletos: *Gu+nther, Chiron 18, 1988, 390%19`393, no. 3 (PH). @ @@`159. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Ainos and Herakleia; 194%3`3*** BC: RA 1874, pp. 107%19`108, no. 3; *Milet I 3, 54; Syll&4`2& 469. @ @@`159.5. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Lysimacheia, Malla, Rhaukos, and [B]iennos (%6 Biannos), on marble block; 191%3`190*** BC; found at Miletos: *Gu+nther, Chiron 18, 1988, 393%19`396, no. 4 (PH). @ @@`160. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Adramytteion and Seleukeia; 188%3`7*** BC: *Milet I 3, 49; SEG 37, 985. @ @@`161. Record of grant of citizenship to individual from Myrina and family; 183***%3`150 BC: *Milet I 3, 58. @ @@`162. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Kolophon; 182***%3`150 BC: *Milet I 3, 55. @ @@`163. Record of grant of citizenship to Artemisia of Apollonia (&3apo Mai.&); 181***%3`150 BC: *Milet I 3, 56. @ @@`164. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Kyrene and Ephesos; II&7e&: *Milet I 3, 57. @ @@`165. Record of grant of citizenship to [ ... ]&3nias Aristonikou and other (&3nothoi&?); II&7e&: *Milet I 3, 183. @ @@`166. Record of grant of citizenship to individuals from Seleukeia and Bargylia and to others; I: *Milet I 3, 90. @ @@`167. Record of grant of citizenship to Epichares of Lysimacheia; 100%3`89 BC: *Milet I 3, 47. @ @@`168. Record of grant of citizenship to Kalliklea of Mesambria; 100%3`89 BC: *Milet I 3, 48. @ @@`169. Record of grant of citizenship to Habrotera of Euromos; 57%3`6 BC: *Milet I 3, 59. @ @@`170. Record of grant of citizenship to Hermaios of Rhodes; 50%3`49 BC: *Milet I 3, 60. @ See also: Miletos 43, 51, 54%19`57. @ @@@@Section: 8d. Grants of Proxenies (171%19`200) @ @@`171. Record of appointment as &3proxenos& of (no name) [ ... ]&3m&?&3eniou&; III%3I: *Milet I 3, 119. @ @@`172. Record of appointment as &3proxenos& of [Py]thodoros; III%3II: *Milet I 3, 108. @ @@`173. Record of appointment as &3proxenos& of Sostratos of Nikomedeia; III%3II: *Milet I 3, 110. @ @@`174. List of &3proxenoi&; 300%3`267 BC: *Milet I 3, 97. @ @@`175. List of &3proxenoi&; 267%3`6 BC: *Milet I 3, 98. @ @@`176. List of &3proxenoi& from Ephesos; 266%3`5 BC: *Milet I 3, 95. @ @@`177. List of &3proxenoi&; 265%3`4 BC: *Milet I 3, 96. @ @@`178. List of &3proxenoi,& including (no name) [ ... ]&3ous& of Assos; III&4`2&: *Milet I 3, 94. @ @@`179. Record of appointment as &3proxenos& of &3Metrodoros Makedon&; 228%3`7*** BC: *Milet I 3, 99. @ @@`180. Record of appointment as &3proxenoi& of Ep[ ... ] and Timon; 216%3`5*** BC: *Milet I 3, 100. @ @@`181. Fragment of appointment of &3proxenos&; II%3I: *Milet I 3, 109. @ @@`181.5. Record of appointment as &3proxenos& of Asklepiades Chairedemou of Elaia; II%3I?; found at Skureika on Samos, wandered from Miletos: *Dunst, Acts 5th Cong. pp. 101%19`102, no. 3. @ @@`182. Record of appointment as &3proxenos& of [ ... ]ntios Eudem[ou]; II?: *Milet I 3, 111. @ @@`183. Fragment of record of appointment of &3proxenos&; II: *Milet I 3, 114. @ @@`183.3. Record of appointment as &3proxenos& of [Ech]phantidas Echphant[ou] of [K]os, on marble block; c. 189%3`185 BC; found at Miletos: *Gu+nther, Chiron 18, 1988, 405%19`407, no. 12 (PH). @ @@`183.6. Record of appointment as &3proxenos& of Diphilos and Diome[d]es of Hypaipa, on block; c. 189%3`185 BC; found at Miletos: *Gu+nther, Chiron 18, 1988, 407%19`409, no. 13 (PH). @ @@`184. Record of appointment as &3proxenos& of Polemaios of Kolophon; 183***%3`100 BC: *Milet I 3, 107 (PH). @ @@`185. Record of appointment as &3proxenos& of Matres of Myndos; 183***%3 89 BC: *Milet I 3, 102. @ @@`186. Record of appointment as &3proxenos& of and grant of citizenship to Chrysaor of Stratonikeia; 182***%3`89 BC: *Milet I 3, 101. @ @@`187. Record of appointment as &3proxenos& of Pausanias of Alabanda; 180***%3`149 BC: *Milet I 3, 104. @ @@`188. Record of appointment as &3proxenos& of &3Se&[ ... ... ]&3driou& of Mylasa; c. 155%3`4 BC: *Milet I 3, 105. @ @@`188.5. Record of appointment as &3proxenos& of Herakleides Demokratou of (no name); II&4`2&?; found at Skureika on Samos, wandered from Miletos: *Dunst, Acts 5th Cong. pp. 101%19`102, no. 1. @ @@`188.7. Record of appointment as &3proxenoi& of (no name) of Herak[leia (Lat.)?] et al., on marble fragment; II&4`2&; found at Miletos: *Gu+nther, Chiron 18, 1988, 410, no. 14 (PH). @ @@`189. Record of appointment as &3proxenos& of Menodotos of Syracuse; c. 135 BC: *Milet I 3, 103. @ @@`190. Record of appointment as proxenos of [2A]2ratidas the physician of Kos (?); c. 135 BC: *Milet I 3, 184. @ @@`191. Record of appointment as proxenos of (name lost) Phi[ladelpheus?] c. 135 BC: *Milet I 3, 185. @ @@`192. Record of appointment as &3proxenos& of Menedemos [Athe?]naios; II&7e&%3I: *Milet I 3, 118. @ @@`193. Record of appointment as &3proxenos& of Nikanor of Kos; 107%3`100 BC: *Milet I 3, 119b. @ @@`193.5. Record of appointment as &3proxenos& of Menipos Simiou and (no name) of Mylasa; 107%3`100 BC; found at Skureika on Samos, wandered from Miletos: *Dunst, Acts 5th Cong. pp. 101%19`102, no. 2. @ @@`194. Record of appointment as &3proxenoi& of [ ... ]nes and [Mo]schion of Knidos; c. 100 BC: *Milet I 3, 106. @ @@`195. Record of appointment as &3proxenos& of [Men]estheus of Apollonia; c. 100 BC: *Milet I 3, 117. @ @@`196. Record of appointment as &3proxenos& of Satyros Daphnaiou; I: *Milet I 3, 112. @ @@`197. Record of appointment as &3proxenos& of Hagemachos of Orthosia; I: *Milet I 3, 113. @ @@`198. Record of appointment as &3proxenos& of (no name) [&3Anti&]&3patrou&; I?: *Milet I 3, 119a. @ ƪ@@`198.5. Record of appointment as &3proxenos& of [Apollon]ides Apollo[nidou] of (no name), on marble fragment; I; found at Miletos: *Gu+nther, Chiron 18, 1988, 410%19`411, no. 15 (PH). @ @@`199. Record of appointment as &3proxenoi& of Aristoteles and Menelaos of Nikomedeia; 85%3`4 BC: *Milet I 3, 115. @ @@`200. Record of appointment as &3proxenos& of Sarapion of Alabanda; 57%3`6 BC: *Milet I 3, 116. @ See also: FDelphes III 4, 177 (grant of &3proxenia& and other honors by Delphi to &3Theodoros Theogenous Milesios&; found at Delphi); IG XII Supp. 127 (list of &3proxenoi& of Eresos includes Laophanes and Kydrokleios of Miletos; found at Eresos on Lesbos); IG IX 2, 90 (list of &3proxenoi& (?) includes &3Aischinas Taur&[&3iskou&] as &3proxenos (?) of Miletos and another city; found at Narthakion); Samos 146%19`148 (proxeny grants of Miletos to individuals from Mylasa, Elaia, and elsewhere; found on Samos, wandered from Miletos); IG XII 3, 333 (list of &3proxenoi kai euergetai& includes &3Prytanis &3Simou& and &3Si&[&3mo&]&3s& [ ... ] from Miletos; found on Thera); Syll&4`3 720 (list of &3proxenoi& of Thera includes Boethos Eumechanou and Prytanis Simou of Miletos; found on Thera). @ ɏ@@@@Section: 8e. Grants of Citizenship or Proxeny (201%19`203) @ @@`201. Record of grant (of citizenship or proxeny) to individuals from Tenos; IV%3III&7b&: *Milet I 3, 179 (PH). @ @@`202. Record of grant (of citizenship or proxeny); 107%3`100 BC: *Milet I 3, 182 (PH). @ @@`203. Fragment (of record of grant of citizenship or proxeny?); no date: *Milet I 3, 91. @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (204%19`317) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Miscellaneous (204%19`208) @ @@`204. Calendar of sacrifices to Dionysos, Hera, Zeus, Leukos, and Apollo; c. 525%3`500 BC: *Milet I 3, pp. 162%19`4, no. 31a%19b and pp. 401%19`4, no. 31c (PH); Kretschmer, Glotta 8, 1919, p. 250; Kern, Inscr. Grae. pl. 8 (PH); Rehm, Handb. d. Arch. I pl. 28, 1 (PH); **Sokolowski, LSAM no. 41 (l. 11 of section a); SEG 15, 673; Jeffery, p. 343, no. 33 (PH). @ @@`205. Religious calendar ; AD 195%3c.220: *Ehrhardt, MDAI(I) 34, 1984, 371%19`404 (PH); SEG 34, 1176%19`1188; BE 1987:191. @ @@`206. Name Ourania on column carrying sphere of heavens in Serapeion; 3?: *Milet I 7, 201; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`207. Fragment recording sacrifices; no date: Haussoullier, RPh 21, 1897, p. 41, no. 13; Dain, Louvre, no. 57; *Robert, RPh 65, 1939, pp. 201%19`2, no. 3 (%6OM II pp. 1354%19`5). @ @@`208. Oath to Apollo Didymeus and emperor to uphold constitution taken by magistrates entering office; 27 BC%3AD 14; found at Miletos: *Herrmann, Festschr. Betz 308%19`314 (PH), 535. @ See also: Miletos 1%19`15, 65, 70, 390, 481, 484; IG V 1, 1539 and 1553 (prayers for &3euploia& for individuals from Miletos; found on island Prote in Messenia). @ я@@@@Section: 9b. Inscriptions Concerning Temenitai (209%19`214) @ @@`209. List of &3temenizontes& serving Apollo, Zeus, and Aphrodite; II%3I: *MDAI(I) 1980, pp. 224%19`6, no. a (PH); SEG 30, 1339. @ @@`210. List (?) of &3temenitai&; II%3I?: *MDAI(I) 1980, pp. 235%19`6, no. f; SEG 30, 1344. @ @@`211. List of &3temenitai&; 79%3`8, 43%3`2, or 41%3`0 BC: *MDAI(I) 1980, pp. 226%19`9, no. b (PH); SEG 30, 1340. @ @@`212. Records of &3teme&[&3nitai&?], recording transactions for two years; 55%3`4? and 49%3`8 BC: *MDAI(I) 1980, pp. 234%19`5, no. e (PH); SEG 30, 1343. @ @@`213. Prescript to inscription concerning [&3tem&]&3enitai& of Apollo Didymeus and Demeter [Karpo]phoros; 47%3`6 BC: *MDAI(I) 1980, pp. 230%19`3, no. c (PH); SEG 30, 1341. @ @@`214. Prescript of list of &3temeni&[&3tai&]; 22%3`1 BC: Milet I 9, 308; SEG 4, 425; *MDAI(I) 1980, pp. 233%19`4, no. d (PH); SEG 30, 1342. @ @@@@Section: 9c. Dedications (215%19`317) @ @@@@Section: 9c1. Dedications to Royal and Imperial Personages (215%19`243) @ @@`215. Dedication of altar (?) to [Ar]sinoe [Phil]adelphos; 276%3`270 BC: *Milet I 7, 289; SEG 4, 425; Robert, ASPap 1, 1966, p. 206. @ @@`216. Dedication of altar (?) to Arsinoe Philadelphos; 276%3`270 BC: *Milet I 7, 288; SEG 4, 425; Robert, ASPap 1, 1966, p. 206. @ ت@@`216.5. Altar of Augustus &3theos huios theou&; 27 BC%3AD 14: *Milet I 9, 335; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`217. Dedication to Augustus, Apollo Didymeus, and the Demos; 27 BC%3 AD 14: *Haussoullier, Milet, p. 260. @ @@`218. Dedication to Germanicus Caesar; AD 19: *Haussoullier, Milet, p. 263. @ @@`219. Unpublished dedication to Julia Drusilla as &3nea Aphrodite&; AD 37%3`8: 1. Mil%19Ber. 111. @ @@`220. Dedication to Domitian and Demos of Miletos by &3prophetes C(aius) Iulius Antiochos and &3stephanephoros& C(aius) Iulius Antiochos &3neoteros&; AD 81%3`84: *Milet I 6, 189; SEG 1, 426. @ @@`221. Dedication by Herakleides to Apollo Didymeus and Trajan Germanicus Dacicus; AD 103%3`114: *Milet I 9, 310; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`222. Dedication of altar to Hadrian; AD 128%3`138: *Milet I 7, 297; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`223. Dedication to Hadrian; AD 128%3`138: *Milet I 2, 21. @ @@`224. Dedication to Hadrian; AD 129%3`138?: *Milet I 2, 23. @ @@`225. Dedication to Hadrian by Miletos; AD 10 Dec 135%3 9 Dec 136: *Milet I 2, 20. @ @@`226. Dedication to Hadrian Olympios; AD 128%3`138: *CIG 2877. @ @@`227. Dedication of altar to Hadrian Olympios; AD 128%3`138: *Milet I 7, 292; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`228. Dedication of altar to Hadrian Olympios; AD 128%3`138: *Milet I 7, 293; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`229. Dedication of altar to Hadrian Olympios; AD 128%3`138: *Milet I 7, 294; SEG 4, 425 @ @@`230. Dedication of altar to Hadrian Olympios; AD 128%3`138: *Milet I 7, 295; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`231. Dedication of altar to Hadrian Olympios; AD 128%3`138: *Milet I 7, 296; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`232. Dedication of altar to Hadrian Sebastos Olympios; AD 128%3 138: *MDAI(I) 1965, pp. 120%19`121, no. 3 (PH). @ @@`233. Dedication of altar to Hadrian Sebastos Olympios; AD 128%3 138: *MDAI(I) 1965, p. 121, no. 4 (PH). @ @@`234. Dedication to Hadrian Zeus; AD 128%3`138: *LW 211. @ @@`235. Dedication to Hadrian Zeus Olympios; AD 128%3`138: *BCH 1894, p. 18, no. 1. @ @@`236. Dedication to Hadrian Zeus Olympios; AD 128%3`138: MDAI(A) 1880, p. 335, no. 3; *BCH 1894, p. 18, no. 2. @ @@`237. Dedication of altar to Hadrian Zeus Olympios; AD 128%3`138: *Milet I 7, 290; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`238. Dedication of altar to Hadrian Zeus Olympios; AD 128%3`138: *Milet I 7, 291; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`239. Dedication to Apollo Didymeus and Hadrian Olympios; AD 128%3`138: *CIG 2863. @ @@`240. Dedication to Apollo Didymeus and Hadrian Zeus Olympios; AD 128%3`138: *Milet I 7, 301; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`241. Dedication to Artemis Pythie and Hadrian Olympios; AD 128%3`138: *CIG 2866. @ @@`242. Dedication to Artemis Pythie and Hadrian Zeus Olympios; AD 128%3`138: *Milet I 7, 302; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`242.5. Unpublished altar for Artemis Pythie and Hadrian; AD 128%3`138: Ehrhardt, Milet und seine Kolonien 443, note 576. @ @@`243. Unpublished dedications in Greek and Latin mentioning Augusti and Caesars between 305 and 363; 4: 1. Mil%19Ber. 111. @ See also: Miletos 76, 86, 88; Coll. Froehner 73 (dedication to Ptolemy II and family by officer &3Satyrion Sokleous Milesios&; found at Leontopolis in Egypt). @ @@@@Section: 9c2. Dedications to Gods (243.5%19`317) @ @@`243.5. Dedication to Apollo by Hermonax and child, boustrophedon; VI&7m&; found at Myous: Blu+mel, ADAW 1962, 3, 63, no. 66 (PH); BE 1964:444; *SEG 34, 1189. @ @@`244. Dedication on statue%19base by &3Ptolemaios Lagou Makedon, Philon, and Hegesippos to Apollo; IV&4`2&: 4. Mil%19Ber. 536; AA 1906, p. 24; *Milet I 7, 244; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`245. Dedication to Apollo by Kritoboulos Agasikratous; III&4`1&: *Milet I 3, 160 (PH). @ @@`246. Dedication to Apollo by [ ... D]ionysiou, with artist's signature by [Dionysokles] Atti[nou]: 219%3`8 BC: *Milet I 3, 163; Rehm, SBAW 1923, 8, Abhang, pp. 21%19`3. @ @@`247. Dedication to [Apollo De]lphinios and &3theoi entemenioi& by (name lost); c. 300 BC: *Milet I 3, 159. @ @@`248. Dedication by boule and demos to Apollo Didymeus; imperial: *Milet I 9, 346; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`249. Dedication by boule and demos to Apollo Didymeus; late: *Milet I 9, 347; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`250. Dedication to Apollo Didymeus, Asklepios Soter, and Hygeia; no date: *CIG 2864. @ @@`251. Dedication of altar by Biares Biarou to Apollo Didymeus, Artemis Pyth[eie], and Demos; I&4`1&: 7. Mil%19Ber. 7; *Milet II 3, 400 (PH). @ @@`252. Dedication of altar to Apollo Didymeus, Hestia Boulaia, and the Demos by Theudas Zopyrou; I: *Milet I 7, 299; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`253. Dedication by individual victorious at &3Didymeia& and elsewhere to Apollo Didymeus, Poseidon Isthmios, and the other gods, with artist's signature by Lampitos Apolloniou; II: *Milet I 9, 366; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`254. Dedication on altar to Apollo Didymeus Soter; Hellenistic: *Milet I 7, 279; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`255. Dedication on altar to Apollo Didymeus Soter; I: *Milet I 7, 280; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`256. Dedication on altar to Apollo Didymeus Soter; late Hellenistic: *Milet I 7, 281; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`257. Two unpublished altars of Apollo Didymeus Soter; no date: IDidyma p. 111. @ @@`258. Dedication on altar to Apollo Lykeos by Aristagoras Thrasyboulou; I: *Milet I 7, 282; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`259. Dedication on &3kouros& by Pythomandros to Apollo Thermitheus (%6Termintheus); 540%3`530 BC: *Bayburtluog%27lu, Belleten 35, 1971, pp. 207%19`212 (PH). @ @@`260. Dedication to Aphrodite by Metro; II&7b&: *Milet I 7, 303; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`261. Unpublished dedication to Aphrodite Urania; no date: 6. Mil%19Ber. 27. @ @@`262. Unpublished inscription Arte[ ... ] on archaic sitting figure of woman; archaic: 2. Mil%19Ber. 911. @ @@`263. Dedication of altar to Artemis; no date: *Milet I 3, 131. @ @@`264. Dedication of altar by Sex(tus) (Caelius?) and wife Iulia (to Artemis Boulaia?); 2&4`1&: *Hommel, Chiron 6, 1976, pp. 319%19`327 (PH); SEG 26, 1294. @ @@`265. Unpublished altar of Artemis Lochie; Roman: 2. Mil%19Ber. 911; Ehrhardt, Milet und seine Kolonien 444, note 584. @ @@`266. Unpublished altar of Artemis Pythie; Roman: 2. Mil%19Ber. 911. @ @@`267. Dedication (?) to Athena; archaic: *3. Mil%19Ber. 85; Ehrhardt, Milet und seine Kolonien 458, note 741. @ @@`268. Dedication to Athena by [Gla?]okos Leagreo; archaic: 4. Mil%19Ber. 546; *Milet I 8, p. 53. @ @@`269. Dedication of statue%19base by &3Melanthios Kleonos hiereus& to Athena Soteira and all the gods; I: *Milet II 3, no. 401, ll. 1%19`3 (PH). @ @@`270. Dedication to Athena Soteira and all the gods by Melanthios Kleonos, with artist's signature by Apollodoros Menestratou; Hellenistic: *4. Mil%19Ber. 547. @ @@`271. Unpublished dedication to Athena Soteira; no date: 6. Mil%19Ber. 27. @ @@`272. Unpublished dedication to Basileus Anax; no date: 6. Mil%19Ber. 27. @ @@`273. Dedication on altar by Charidemos to &3Basileus epekoos&; late imperial: *Milet I 7, 285; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`274. Dedication to Demeter Argasis by Diadoumenos Zethou; imperial; now in Smyrna, probably from Miletos: *Robert, Gnomon 31, 1959, 673; Hellenica 11%19`12, 483%19`4 (PH). @ @@`275. Dedication to Dionysos; archaic: *6. Mil%19Ber. 22. @ @@`276. Unpublished dedication by Philinos, victor at Thespian musical festival, to Dionysos and the Muses; Hellenistic: 3. Mil%19Ber. 85. @ @@`277. Dedication on altar to &3Elpides agathai&; late: *Milet I 7, 286; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`278. Unpublished altar of &3Dios Elpides&; no date: 6. Mil%19Ber. 27. @ @@`279. Unpublished dedication to Arphokrates (%6Harpokrates); no date: 6. Mil%19Ber. 27. @ @@`280. Dedication of altar to Hekate by &3prytaneuontes&; c. 500%3`494 BC: *Milet I 3, 129 (PH); Rehm, Handbuch I pl. 27.1 (PH); Jeffery, p. 414, no. 34 (PH); **F#1221ratl#1221, Ste\les 179 (l. 4). @ @@`281. Dedication on altar (?) to Helios Sarapis; late imperial: *Milet I 7, 283; SEG 4, 425; Vidman, Sylloge 288. @ @@`282. Unpublished dedication to Hera; no date: 6. Mil%19Ber. 27. @ @@`283. Dedication to Herakles Soter; no date: *Milet I 9, 372; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`284. Dedication on altar to Hermes by Epagathos; late: *Milet I 7, 284; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`285. Dedication to Hermes; late: *Milet I 7, 304; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`286. Unpublished dedication to Hermes; no date: 6. Mil%19Ber. 27. @ @@`287. Dedication to Hermes Herakles by [ ... ]&3edes Philonos &3paidotribes&; late: *Milet I 7, 305; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`288. Dedication on altar to Hermes, Hygeia, and Tyche Agathe; imperial: *Milet I 7, 300; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`289. Dedication (?) to Meter; c. 500 BC; now in Smyrna, perhaps from Miletos: *Jeffery, ABSA 50, 1955, p. 84, no. 3 (PH). @ @@`290. Unpublished dedication to Nymphs on bottom part of female statue; VI&7e&?: IDidyma p. 1. @ @@`291. Dedication to Phosphoros by Pausanias Metrodorou; 100%3`78 BC: *Milet I 3, 172; Maier 73; SEG 19, 679. @ @@`292. Altar of Poseidon according to oracle of the &3theos &3Didymeus Helios Apollon&; 3%3`4: *Milet I 6, 191; SEG 1, 427; Robert, CRAI 1968, p. 583, note 5; Fontenrose no. 32. @ @@`293. Unpublished dedication to Poseidon Asphalios; no date: 6. Mil%19Ber. 27. @ @@`293.25. Dedication(?) to Potnia; BC 267%3`200; found on Humeitepe: Mu+ller%19Wiener, MDAI(I) 30, 1980, 34%19`5 (PH); *SEG 30, 1338. @ @@`293.5. Unpublished altar of Tyche and Aphrodite; imperial: Ehrhardt, Milet und seine Kolonien 463, note 788. @ @@`294. Dedication of altar to Zeus, Apollo, Poseidon, and &3theoi &3enthemelioi&; 2: *Milet I 7, 298; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`294.5. Unpublished dedication to Zeus Apa[tourios?]; no date: Ehrhardt, Milet und seine Kolonien 463, note 786. @ @@`295. Dedication in Nabataean and Greek to Zeus Dusares by Syllaios, brother of Nabataean king Obodas; I&4`2&: 5. Mil%19Ber. 260%19`261; Clermont%19Ganneau, Journ. Asiat. 1906, 559%19`560; Clermont%19Ganneau, Rec. d'arch. or. VII 305%19`329; *Milet I 3, 165 (PH). @ @@`296. Dedication to Zeus Hypsistos; no date: *MDAI(A) 1893, p. 267, no. 1. @ @@`297. Unpublished altar of Zeus Kataibates; no date: 6. Mil%19Ber. 27. @ @@`298. Dedication on altar to Zeus Keraunios; no date: *Milet I 7, 278; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`299. Two unpublished altars of Zeus Labraundos; no date: 6. Mil%19Ber. 27. @ @@`300. Unpublished altar of Zeus Labraundos; no date: 6. Mil%19Ber. 27. @ @@`301. Dedication on altar to Zeus Labraundos; late Hellenistic: *Milet I 7, 275; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`302. Dedication on altar to Zeus Labraundos; late Hellenistic: *Milet I 7, 276; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`303. Dedication on altar to Zeus Labraundos by Leon Hierokleous; Hellenistic%3Roman?: *Milet I 7, 277; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`304. Unpublished altar of Zeus Larasios; no date: 6. Mil%19Ber. 27. @ @@`305. Reclassified as Euromos 15. @ @@`306. Unpublished dedication to Zeus Megistos Helios; no date: 4. Mil%19Ber. 535. @ @@`307. Dedication to Zeus Olympios Peisaios; no date: *CIG 2867. @ @@`307.5. Unpublished altar of Zeus Soter, Leto, Apollo, and Artemis; imperial: Ehrhardt, Milet und seine Kolonien 129. @ @@`308. Dedication to Zeus Soter; no date: *Papadopoulos Kerameus, MDAI(A) 5, 1880, p. 335, no. 2. @ @@`309. Dedication of altar to Zeus Soter; no date: *Milet I 3, 130. @ @@`310. Unpublished altar of Zeus Termintheus; no date: 6. Mil%19Ber. 27. @ @@`311. Dedicatory (?) inscription by (?) Anaximandros on statue; 575%3`550 BC?: *Milet I 2, 8; Syll&4`3& 3c; Darsow JDAI 69, 1954, pp. 101%19`117; SEG 14, 746. @ @@`312. Restoration of dedication by [Man(ius) (Iuventius) L]aterensis L(ucii) f(ilius) praetor according to &3senatus &3consultum&; I: *Milet I 2, 14; ICalymnii p. 160; **BE 1939, 343 (ll. 1%19`2). @ @@`313. Dedication on altar by [ ... ] Theotimidou and S[ ... ] Nikomedous; II: *Milet I 7, 287; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`314. Dedication by Axos, Gortys, and Eleutherna; c. 200 BC: *Milet I 2, 11. @ @@`315. Fragments of dedicatory inscriptions mentioning &3archiereus&; 27 BC%3AD 14: *Milet I 2, 6d and e. @ @@`316. Unpublished inscription on column of dedication mentioning Diocletian, Maximian, Constantius, and Galerius as Augusti and Severus and Maximin as Caesars; AD 1 May 305%3`25 Jul 306; found at Sak#1221zburnu: IDidyma p. 116, note 1. @ @@`317. Dedication of altar by landowners of Ennetoi; no date; found in Akko+y: *LW 219. @ See also: Miletos 76, 79%19`80, 82, 86%19`87, 89, 94, 441%19`445; IDe/los 2103 (dedication to &3Isis Dikaiosyne& by &3Apatourios Diodorou &3Milesios&; found on Delos), 2224 (dedication by citizen of Antiocheia and &3Ar&[&3temidoro&]&3s Isidorou Mi&[&3lesios?&], &3tharapeutai&; found on Delos); ML 95e%19f (dedication to Apollo by Spartans with subscriptions by nauarchs, including &3Aiantides Partheniou &3Milesios&; found at Delphi); Syll&4`3& 225 (dedication to Apollo Pythios by Milesians and to Hekatomnos by Idrieus and Ada; found at Delphi); Euromos 15 (%6 6. Mil%19Ber. 27) (%6 Harper, Fs. Do+rner 385) (%6 former Miletos 305) (unpublished altar of Zeus Lepsynos; found at Miletos, but from Euromos); ICalymnii 104 (dedication to Apollo by &3Satyrinos Antipatrou Milesios&; found on Kalymnos); Naukratis I p. 63, no. 9 (fragment mentioning &3temenos& and Miletos; found at Naukratis); IG XII 1, 775 (dedication by &3Nikon &3Milesios& and others; found at Lindos on Rhodes); IG XII 7, 113 (dedication by Chian for self and wife &3Dionysia Milesia&; found at Neomara on Rhodes); Samos 224 (%6 Curtius, Inschr. no. 2) (%6 MDAI(A) 87, 1972, 131, XVII) (dedication by son of Molpagoras, &3stephanephoros& of Miletos; found on Samos); IG XII 8, 229 (dedication by [ ... &3a&]&3ndrou Milesia&; found on Samothrace); IG XII Supp. 400d (dedication by &3Ariston Milesios,& player of &3aulos&; found on Thasos). @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (318%19`417) @ @@@@Section: 10a. For Royal and Imperial Personages (318%19`347) @ @@`318. Dedicatory%3honorary inscription by demos of Miletos to Apollo for king Seleukos (I); 306%3`280 BC: 3. Mil%19Ber. 75; OGIS 744; *Milet I 3, 158 (PH). @ @@`319. Excised. @ @@`320. Honorary inscription by demos of Miletos for Marcella Minor; 27%3`16 BC: *Milet I 7, 254; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`321. Honorary inscription in Latin for M(arcus) Ulpius Traianus (father of Trajan) on base; AD 98%3`117: *Milet I 5, p. 54. @ @@`322. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Ulpius Traianus, father of Trajan, on architrave: AD 98%3`117: *Milet I 5, p. 53, no. 1; **Bowersock, JRS 63, 1973, 134%19`5 (l. 1). @ @@`323. Honorary inscription in Latin for Trajan on base; AD 98%3`117: *Milet I 5, p. 54. @ @@`324. Honorary inscription by boule and demos of Miletos for Trajan; AD 103%3`117: *Milet I 2, 17 (PH). @ @@`325. Honorary inscription for Trajan by boule and demos of Miletos; AD 103%3`4: *Milet I 7, 226; SEG 4, 425, 435. @ @@`326. Honorary inscription for Trajan by boule and demos; AD 103%3`117: *Milet I 7, 227; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`327. Honorary inscription for Trajan by boule and demos of Miletos; AD 103%3`117: *Milet I 7, 228; SEG 4, 425, 435. @ @@`328. Honorary inscription for Trajan Aristos by boule and demos; AD 114%3`117; found on Lade: *Milet I 7, 229; SEG 4, 425, 435. @ @@`329. Honorary inscription for Trajan according to decrees of L. Dasoummios; AD 98%3`117: CIG 2876; *LW 210. @ @@`330. Honorary inscription for Hadrian; AD 117%3`138: *Milet I 2, 22. @ @@`331. Honorary inscription for Hadrian by boule and demos; AD 117%3`128: *Milet I 7, 232; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`332. Honorary inscription by boule and demos for Hadrian; AD 1 Jan%3 9 Dec 119: *MDAI(I) 1965, pp. 119%19`120, no. 2 (PH). @ @@`333. Honorary inscription for Hadrian by Miletos; AD 10 Dec 123%3`9 Dec 124: *Milet I 7, 230; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`334. Honorary inscription for Hadrian by Miletos; AD 10 Dec 125%3`9 Dec 126: *Milet I 7, 231; SEG 4, 425; SEG 30, 1347. @ @@`335. Honorary inscription for Antoninus Pius; AD 137%3`161: *Milet I 7, 233; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`336. Honorary inscription for Marcus Aurelius, son of emperor Antoninus Pius, by Miletos; AD 138%3`161: *Milet I 7, 235; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`337. Honorary inscription for Antoninus Pius by Miletos; AD 142%3`161: *Milet I 7, 234; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`338. Honorary inscription for Marcus Aurelius; AD 161%3`180: *Milet I 7, 238; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`339. Honorary inscription for Marcus Aurelius; AD 169%3`180: *Milet I 7, 236; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`340. Honorary inscription for Marcus Aurelius; AD 173: *Milet I 7, 237; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`341. Honorary inscription for Commodus; AD 180%3 192: *Milet I 7, 239; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`342. Honorary inscription for Septimius Severus or Commodus by [polis] of [Mil]etos; AD 176%3`211: *Milet I 7, 240; SEG 4, 425. @ ֪@@`342.5. Honorary inscription for Septimius Severus by boule and demos of Miletos; AD 195: CIG 2878; *LW 212; **Milet I 7, 240. @ @@`343. Unpublished statue%19base for Theos Komodos (%6Commodus); AD 197 or later: Herrmann, MDAI(I) 25, 1975, p. 162. @ @@`344. Honorary inscription for emperor Julian by Miletos; AD 361%3`363: *Cyriacus Anconianus &3apud& BCH 1, 1877, p. 288, no. 65; Haussoullier, Milet p. 288; Syll&4`3& 906A. @ @@`345. Honorary inscription for (no name) [&3pater p&]&3atridos& on base of statue of emperor; imperial: *Milet I 7, 241; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`346. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name) on base of statue of emperor; imperial: *Milet I 7, 242; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`347. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name) on base of statue of emperor; imperial: *Milet I 7, 243; SEG 4, 425. @ See also: Miletos 44, 63; IG II&4`2& 3300 (honorary inscription for Hadrian by metropolis of Ionia Miletos: statue made by A(ulus) Pantuleius C(aii) f(ilius) &3Ephesios kai Melesios& (&3sic&); found in Attica). @ ܏@@@@Section: 10b. For Others: Name Preserved (348%19`399) @ @@`348. Honorary inscription for L(ucius) Aelius and sister Ulpia; 2: *Milet I 7, 258; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`349. Honorary inscription for P(ublius) Aelius P(ublii) [f(ilius)(?)] Asiatikos; 2: *Milet I 9, 348; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`350. Honorary inscription by boule and demos of Miletos for Antipatros Apella Ioulianos (%6Iulianus); AD 177%3`192; found on Kaiwe Asar Adas#1221: *MDAI(I) 1965, pp. 121%19`122, no. 5. @ @@`351. Honorary inscription by demos of Miletos for Apollonios Epikratou, with artist's signature by Demetrios Glaukou; II&4`2&: *Milet I 9, 332 (PH); SEG 4, 425; Thomas, MDAI(I) 33, 1983, 124; SEG 34, 1174; BE 1987:70. @ @@`352. Honorary inscription by demos for Aristokles Dionysiou; III%3II?: *Milet I 3, 166. @ @@`353. Honorary inscription for [A]rtemas and another individual; early imperial: *Milet I 9, 334; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`354. Honorary inscription by Philodemos Hegemonos for mother Artemisia; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&: *Milet I 3, 168. @ @@`355. Honorary inscription by Arch[epolis Philodemou] for mother Artemisia; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&: *Milet I 3, 171. @ 㪵@@`355.5. Honorary inscription for (no name) Ateimeto[s, &3archiereus&] of Augusti, who provided gladiatorial games, by boule and [demos]; prob. 2&4`2&: *Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 35, 1985, 124%19`130, no. 1 (PH); BE 1987:192. @ @@`356. Honorary inscription by boule and demos for Athenagoras Chairemonos; AD c. 100: *Milet I 9, 361; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`357. Honorary inscription by Miletos for &3epitropos& of emperor, Aur(elius) Euphrates; 2?: *RA 1874, pp. 110%19`111. @ @@`358. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Aurelius Thelymitres, athlete; 2%3`3: *RA 1874, pp. 112%19`113; Hellenica 11%19`12, pp. 476%19`479 (PH). @ @@`359. Honorary inscription for P(ublius) Aurelius Ulpius and Hypochrestes; 2%3`3: *CIG 2883. @ @@`360. Dedicatory%3honorary inscription by Batias for son Damasias to Hermes and Herakles; c. 150 BC: *Milet I 7, 247. @ @@`361. Honorary inscription for [Demetrios(?) A]rtemonos by wife on behalf of Koinon of Ionians; c. 100 BC: *Milet I 7, 251; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`362. Honorary inscription by demos of Miletos for L(ucius) Domitius Cn(aei) f(ilius) Ahenobarbus consul, patron of city; 16 BC%3`1&7b&: 2. Mil%19Ber. 906; *Milet I 2, 12b; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkma+ler 190. @ @@`363. Honorary inscription by Miletos for L(ucius) Egnatius Victor Lollianus proconsul; AD c. 240%3`250: 2. Mil%19Ber. 908; *Milet I 7, 268; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`364. Honorary inscription by demos of Miletos for Epikrates Pylonos; II%3I: *Milet I 9, 331; SEG 4, 425; Thomas, MDAI(I) 33, 1983, 124, note 1. @ @@`365. Honorary inscription by sons for mother Grania Attikilla (%6Atticilla), &3stephanephoros&; 3: *Milet I 3, 176. @ @@`366. Honorary inscription in Latin for C(aius) Grattius C(aii) f(ilius) Gal(eria); 1: 4. Mil%19Ber. 538; *Milet I 6, 190. @ @@`367. Honorary inscription by demos of Miletos for Hegemon Philodemou; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&: *Milet I 3, 167. @ @@`368. Honorary inscription for Iason Demetriou; I&7e&%3`1&7b&: MDAI(A) 1893, pp. 267%19`8, no. 2; *Milet I 9, 309; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`369. Honorary inscription by demos of Miletos for Iulius; 2: *Milet I 7, 262; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`370. Honorary inscription by demos for C(aius) Iulius; 27 BC%3AD 14: *Milet I 2, 6a. @ @@`371. Honorary inscription for C(aius) Iulius son of [C(aius) Iulius]; I&7e&%3`1&7b&: *Milet I 7, 256; Thomas, MDAI(I) 33, 1983, 125, note 2. @ @@`372. Honorary inscription for Ti(berius) Iulius Damianos, &3archiereus& of Asia; imperial: *CIG 2887. @ @@`373. Honorary inscription by demos for [C(aius) Iu]lius Epikrates; I&4`2&%3`1&4`1&: *Milet I 2, 15. @ @@`374. Honorary inscription for C(aius) Iulius Epikrates and Demos; 27 BC%3AD 14: *Milet I 2, 6b and c. @ @@`375. Unpublished honorary inscription for C(aius) Iulius Epikrates; I&4`2&%3`1&4`1&: Herrmann, Festschr. Betz 313. @ @@`375.5. Honorary inscription by Sex(tus) Caelius Hermokles and Sex(tus) Caelius Antipatros for mother Iulia Artemo; imperial: Cyriacus Anconianus &3apud& BCH 1, 1877, p. 288, no. 64; *IDidyma 330. @ @@`376. Honorary inscription by boule of Miletos for consular Iunius Quintianus &3oikistes kai logistes&; AD 242%3`244: 6. Mil%19Ber. 19; *Milet I 9, 344; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`377. Honorary inscription by Miletos for &3doukenarios epitropos of emperor, Castrius Cinna; 2?: *RA 1874, pp. 109%19`110. @ @@`378. Excised. @ @@`379. Honorary inscription by demos of Miletos for P(ublius) Cornelius Scipio; 8%3`7 BC (?): 6. Mil%19Ber. 20; *Milet I 9, 333 (PH); SEG 4, 425; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkma+ler 191. @ @@`380. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription by Taro Hegemonos for husband and by Hegemon for father Krasios to all the gods; c. 100 BC: CIG 2871b (p. 1119); MDAI(A) 1880, pp. 335%19`336, no. 4; *Milet I 7, 249; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`381. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription by Lampitos Polygnotou for Lampitos Iollou to Hermes; II%3I: *Milet I 9, 367; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`382. Honorary inscription for Leontiskos Leontiskou by Apelles and others, with artist's signature by Demetrios Melanthou; Hellenistic: *MDAI(I) 1965, pp. 118%19`119, no. 1. @ @@`383. Honorary inscription by demos of Miletos for [C(aius) Marci]us Censorinus, proconsul; 28 BC%3AD 100: *Milet I 7, 255; SEG 4, 425; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkma+ler 192. @ @@`384. Honorary inscription by demos of Miletos for [Menes]theus Men[estheos An?]opolites; II&7e&%3I&7b&: *Milet I 7, 248; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`385. Honorary inscription by Koinon of Ionians for Menippos Tauriskou; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&?: *Milet I 3, 170. @ @@`386. Honorary inscription by demos for &3ktistes& Neileus; late imperial: 6. Mil%19Ber. 9; *Milet I 7, 269; SEG 4, 425; Kleiner, Alt%19Milet, fig. 27 (PH). @ @@`387. Honorary inscription for Non(nius) Andreas by &3prosetairoi&; Oct AD 177%3c.300: *Milet I 3, 121. @ @@`388. Honorary inscription by Miletos for Olympichos; 1?: *Milet I 7, 257; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`389. Honorary inscription by &3statio& of &3kepouroi& for Ulpius Karpos, &3hiereus& of &3hagiotatos theos hypsistos&; 2%3`3: *3. Mil%19Ber. 87; OGIS 755. @ @@`390. Honorary inscription by &3stolos& of &3solenokentai& for Ulpius Karpos, &3prophetes& of &3hagiotatos theos hypsistos&; 2%3`3: *3. Mil%19Ber. 87; OGIS 756. @ @@`391. Honorary inscription by demos of Miletos for [Philodem]os Hegemonos; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&: *Milet I 3, 169. @ @@`392. Honorary inscription by boule and demos for T(itus) F(lavius) Asklep[i ... ], victorious at several athletic contests; c. AD 100: *Milet I 9, 371; SEG 4, 425, 438; **Robert, BCH 52, 1928, 419%19`420 (l. 2). @ @@`393. Honorary inscription by Epikrates for father Platon Euainetou; III?: *Milet I 3, 157. @ @@`394. Honorary inscription by demos of Miletos for Pompey, &3autokrator& for third time; 63%3`62 BC: 5. Mil%19Ber. 257; AA 1906, 21; *Milet I 7, 253; SEG 4, 425; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkma+ler 188. @ @@`395. Honorary inscription by demos of Miletos for M(arcus) Pupius Piso Frugi; 63 BC: *Milet I 3, 173; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkma+ler 189. @ @@`396. Honorary inscription for &3paidonomoi& (no name) and Themison Demosthenous; 2: *Milet I 9, 336; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`397. Honorary inscription by Agathias for wife Theophila Apolloniou; I&7e&: *Milet I 9, 359; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`398. Unpublished honorary inscription for L(ucius) Torquatus L(ucii) f(ilius) (%6 Lucius Manlius Lucii filius Torquatus), &3legatus& and propraetor; 67%3`6 BC: 6. Mil%19Ber. 20; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkma+ler 187; Thomasson, ZPE 68, 1987, 275%19`276; SEG 37, 988. @ @@`399. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription by Apatourios for son Zeniphanes, victorious as &3choregos,& to &3theoi&: I?: *Milet I 3, 174. @ See also: Miletos 17, 19, 23%19`28, 40%19`43, 45%19`49, 446%19`456; ILS 8820 (honorary inscription for Sossia Polla, with statue set up as promised in &3koin&[&3o&]&3boulion& of Asia in Miletos; found at Apamea Cibotus); OGIS 447 (honorary inscription by Milesian fellow soldiers on ship Parthenos for C(aius) Valerius Triarius; found on Delos); IOlympia 219 (honorary inscription for [ ... &3k&]&3ratous &3Milesios,& athlete; found at Olympia); IG XII 5. 445, ll. 10%19`11 (monument of Archilochos explains passage by referring to loss of Milesian ship; found on Paros); Maiuri, N. Sill. Rodi 18, ll. 32%19`33 (honorary inscription for Polykles recording that Polykles was given, among other honors, proxeny, citizenship, etc. by Miletos; found on Rhodes); ISardis 79.A, ll. 3%19`4 (honorary inscription for athlete [Marcus Aurelius Demostratos Damas] citizen of Miletos and elsewhere; found at Sardis); Smyrna 149 (%6 ISmyrna 661) (%6 Hellenica 7, 105) (honorary inscription for athlete M(arcus) Aur(elius) Antonius Lucius of Miletos and elsewhere; found at Smyrna); Tralles 102 (%6 ITralles 110) (%6 LW 1652b), ll. 11%19`12 (honorary inscription for Fla(vius) Alexandros Oxeidas of Neikomedeia, member of &3gerousia& of Miletos; found at Tralles). Inscriptions mentioning &3Didymeia& at Miletos: Moretti 90 (%6 IG II&4`2& 3169%3`70) (found in Attica), Ephesos 1758 (%6 IEphesos 1130) (found at Ephesos), Ephesos 1701 (%6 IEphesos 1132) (found at Ephesos), Ephesos 1474 (%6 IEphesos 1605) (found at Ephesos), Ephesos 1746 (%6 IEphesos 1611) (found at Ephesos), IOlympia 39 (found at Olympia), Samos 326 (%6 IDidyma 180) (%6 CIG 2888) (%6 LW 224) (found on Samos), Moretti 84 (found at Sardis), Smyrna 145 (%6 ISmyrna 659) (from Smyrna), Hellenica 9, p. 74, no. 4 (provenance unknown, from Ionia). Inscription mentioning &3koina &3Asias& at Miletos: Iasos 245 (%6 IIasos 108) (found at Iasos). Inscriptions mentioning &3Kommodeia& at Miletos: Robert, RPh 4, 1930, p. 40, note 3 (found at Delphi), TAM II 587 (found at Tlos). Inscription mentioning &3Pythia& at Miletos: Moretti 88 (found at Megara). Inscription mentioning [&3Ro&]&3maia& at Miletos: Samos 411 (%6 MDAI(A) 44, 1919, 32, 18a) (found at Samos). Inscription mentioning &3Didymeia Kommodeia& at Miletos: Moretti Moretti 87 (%6 FDelphes III 1, 555) (found at Delphi), FDelphes III 4, 476 (found at Delphi). Inscription mentioning &3Sebasta &3Didymeia& at Miletos: Iasos 244 (%6 IIasos 110) (found at Iasos). @ @@@@Section: 10c. For Others: Name Fragmentary (400%19`406) @ @@`400. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]lianos (?); 2: *Milet I 7, 264; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`401. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription to Herakles on statue%19base with names [M]etrodor[ou] and [ ... ]nides Menandrou for &3paidonomoi& (?) ; late: *Milet I 9, 373. @ @@`402. Honorary inscription by demos of Miletos for (no name) [ ... ]&3niou&; c. 100 BC: *Milet I 7, 252; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`403. Honorary inscription by Aurelia [Ail]iane Theodote for son (no name) &3Noniou&; 2: *Milet I 7, 263; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`404. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription on statue%19base of [&3Ar&]&3isteidou& (?) to Hermes; late Hellenistic: *Milet I 9, 362; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`405. Honorary inscription by Menippos Tauriskou for wife (no name) and by Tauriskos for mother (no name) [&3A&]&3ischrionos&; c. 100 BC: *Milet I 7, 250; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`406. Honorary inscription for (no name) [ ... &3kratous&], victorious at several athletic festivals; I&7e&: *Milet I 9, 369; SEG 4, 425, 437; Robert, REA 31, 1929, pp. 13%19`20 (%6OM II 758%19`765); Hellenica 7, pp. 117%19`125; **Moretti 59 (ll. 16%19`20 of section a and 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 of section b); SEG 14, 745; **IDidyma p. 153 (l. 1, 8 of section a; ll. 1, 2, 3 of section b) (see also Didyma 277). @ See also: Miletos 16; Ephesos 1221, ll. 2%19`3, 11%19`12 (%6 IEphesos 2070 %7 2071) (%6 FiE II 70 %7 71) (honorary inscription for [hypokrites Tib(erius) Iulius Apolaustos], bouleutes of Miletos and other cities, and honored with statue at Miletos and elsewhere; found at Ephesos). @ @@@@Section: 10d. For Others: Name Lost (407%19`417) @ @@`407. Honorary inscription by Apollodoros and Claudius Bassus; imperial: *LW 213. @ @@`408. Honorary inscription for (no name), gymnasiarch; 1&4`2&: *Milet I 9, 370; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`409. Honorary inscription for (no name), involved in building of market gate; 2: *Milet I 7, 261 (PH); SEG 4, 425. @ @@`410. Honorary inscription for &3hydrophoros& of Artemis (no name); 2: *Milet I 2, 24; IDidyma 388. @ @@`411. Honorary inscription by Miletos for (no name); AD 161%3`180: *Milet I 7, 260; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`412. Honorary inscription for (no name) providing public funds for honor; 2&7e&%3`3: *Milet I 2, 26. @ @@`413. Honorary inscription for (no name) by mother Aurelia Ammias; 3&4`1&: *Milet I 7, 267; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`414. Honorary inscription for (no name), involved with high officials; 3&7b&: *Milet I 7, 266; SEG 4, 425; **Stein, Praef. pp. 142143 (ll. 3%19`6). @ @@`415. Honorary inscription for (no name), &3archiereia& of Augusti and &3agonothetis& of &3Kommodeia&; AD 177%3`300: *Milet I 7, 265; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`416. Honorary%3funerary (?) inscription in wreath for (no name) by &3neoi&; no date: *CIG 2873. @ @@`417. Honorary inscription for (no name) by Miletos (repeated 5 times); no date: *CIG 2874. @ See also: Miletos 43.5; Keramos 47, l. 4 (%6 IKeramos 15) (honorary inscription for athlete [Polites?] lists victory at [Mil]etos; found at Keramos). @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (418%19`420) @ @@`418. Inscription designating temple of Apollo (?); VI%3V&7b&: Milet I 3, 186; *SEG IV 436. @ @@`419. Unpublished &3horos%19&stone for first division of tribe Argadeis; V&7b&: 3. Mil%19Ber. 85; *BE 1964, 444; Ehrhardt, Milet und seine Kolonien 103%19`5. @ @@`420. &3Horos%19&stone for second division of tribe Oplethes; c. 400 BC: *Dunst, Forsch. %9 Fortschr. 35, 1961, pp. 272%19`273; Herrmann, Klio 52, 1970, 164; SEG 20, 6; Ehrhardt, Milet und seine Kolonien 103%19`5. @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (421%19`439) @ @@`421. Inscription identifying &3topos& of &3koureus& Achilleus; 3: *Milet I 7, 209; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`422. Inscription identifying &3topos& of Alexandros Rufus (or son of Rufus?); late imperial: *Milet I 7, 218; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`423. Inscription identifying &3topos& of Attalos; no date: *Milet I 9, 350; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`424. Inscription identifying &3topos& of Attalos of Ephesos; AD 4: *Milet I 7, 208 (PH); SEG 4, 425. @ @@`425. Inscription identifying &3topos& of Deiphilos; imperial: *Milet I 7, 215; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`426. Inscription identifying &3topos& of Diophantos; imperial: *Milet I 7, 211a; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`427. Inscription identifying &3topos& of Diophantos; imperial: *Milet I 7, 211b; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`428. Inscription identifying &3topos& of Eudik[os]; no date: *Milet I 7, 217; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`429. Inscription identifying &3topos& of Hekataios Exelaou; no date: *Milet I 7, 219b; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`430. Inscription identifying &3topos& of Hermias &3archiprytanis&; no date: *Milet I 7, 213a; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`431. Inscription identifying &3topos& of Ti(berius) Iulius Antiochianos and Iulia Artemo[ ... ]as; Hellenistic%3 Roman: *MDAI(A) 1880, p. 335, no. 1. @ @@`432. Inscription identifying &3topos& of [Le]on Menekleous; no date: *Milet I 7, 219a; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`433. Inscription identifying &3topos& of Lollianos Diogenou &3neaniskarches&; III&4`2&%3II: *Milet I 7, 212; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`434. Inscription identifying &3topos& of Onesimos &3kynegos&; no date: *Milet I 9, 351; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`435. Inscription identifying &3topos& of Philinos Epigonou; no date: *Milet I 7, 213b; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`436. Inscription identifying &3topos& of Eioudeoi (%6Ioudaioi) and%3or Theosebioi; imperial: *Deissmann, Licht vom Osten&4`4&, pp. 391%19`392, no. 8 (PH); SEG 4, 441; Robert, Sardes I, pp. 41%19`47; Frey, CIJ 2, 748; Bellen, JbAC 8%19`9, 1965%19`6, pp. 171%19`176; Kleiner, Das ro+mische Milet, pl. 19 (PH); Hommel, MDAI(I) 25, 1975, pp. 167%19`195 (PH). @ @@`437. Inscription identifying &3topos& of Eutherapioi; no date: *Milet I 7, 214; SEG 4, 425; Robert, Et. anat. pp. 65%19`66. @ @@`438. Inscription identifying &3hieroplatie& of &3philoploi&; imperial: *Milet II 3, 403; Robert, Gladiateurs, pp. 25%19`27 and no. 197a. @ @@`439. Inscription identifying selling point (?) for &3tragakanthe&; imperial: *Milet I 7, 210; SEG 4, 425; Robert, A travers, pp. 342%19`350; SEG 30, 1357. @ See also: Miletos 542%19`550, 588%19`594; Priene 401 %7 692 (%6 IPriene 313, no.'s 113 and 435) (&3topos%19&inscriptions of Milesians; found at Priene). @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (440%19`484) @ @@@@Section: 15a. Building (?) (440) @ @@`440. Inscription in elegiacs on lion in harbor of Miletos; 1&7e&: *Milet I 6, 188; **SEG 1, 425 (ll. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). @ @@@@Section: 15b. Dedicatory (441%19`445) @ @@`441. Dedicatory inscription in hexameters by Theokydres (?) to [&3an&]&3assa&; c. 500 BC; now in Smyrna, from Miletos: *Jeffery, ABSA 50, 1955, pp. 83%19`84 (PH); Hansen, ZPE 21, 1976, pp. 37%19`38; **Peek, ZPE 31, 1978, pp. 262%19`264 (ll. 1, 2, 3); BE 1979, 416; SEG 26, 1293; SEG 29, 1140. @ @@`442. Dedication (part of one line of hexameter surviving) on base of female statue referring to &3meter Miletoio& and the Tyche of the city; 4 or later: *ZPE 1971, pp. 193%19`194, no. 2. @ @@`443. Dedicatory (?) inscription in hexameters by Menestheus Iphikratous (to Muses and Dionysos?); III: 6. Mil%19Ber. 24; *Milet I 7, 245; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`444. Dedication in elegiacs to Nemesis by Aginous and Demosthenes; III&4`1&: *Milet I 9, 364; SEG 4, 425; **ZPE 1971, pp. 193%19`226 (ll. 2, 3, 4) (PH). @ @@`445. Dedication in elegiacs to [Nemesis]; II&7e&%3I&7b&: *Milet I 9, 365 (PH); SEG 4, 425. @ @@@@Section: 15c. Honorary (446%19`456) @ @@`446. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for Bitianos (%6Vitianus) by demos of Miletos; 5&4`2&: *Philipp, MDAI(I) 29, 1979, pp. 199%19`203 (PH); SEG 29, 1139; **Philipp, MDAI(I) 31, 1981, pp. 187%19`9 (l. 3); SEG 31, 979; AnnEpig 1981, 761. @ @@`447. Honorary inscription in hexameters for Hesychios, who restored Baths of Faustina; 4 or later: 6. Mil%19Ber. 19; AA 1906, pp. 34%19`35; *Milet I 9, 341 (PH); SEG 4, 425; Hellenica 4, p. 134. @ @@`448. Honorary inscription in hexameters for [Hesychios], who restored Baths of Faustina; 4 or later: 6. Mil%19Ber. 18; *Milet I 9, 342; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`449. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for Hesychios, who restored Baths of Faustina (crosses on inscription); 4 or later: MDAI(A) 1880, pp. 336%19`337; 5. Mil%19Ber. 265; *Milet I 9, 343 (PH); SEG 4, 425. @ @@`450. Epigram by demos honoring Lichas Hermophantou with honorary inscription and recording honors by Crete, Athens, and Rhodes; II&7b&: 2. Mil%19Ber. 905%19`906; AA 1901, pp. 194%19`6; Haussoullier, Milet pp. 140%19`142; *Milet I 2, 12a (PH). @ @@`451. Honorary inscriptions in elegiacs and hexameters for Asiarch Makarios, mentioning wife Eucharie, architect Tatianos, and Faustina; 3&4`2&: 5. Mil%19Ber. 264%19`266; AA 1906, pp. 32%19`34; *Milet I 9, 339 (PH); SEG 4, 425; Kleiner, Das ro+mische Milet, pl. 10 (PH); SEG 15, 686. @ @@`452. Honorary inscription in choliambs for Maker Phaniou by wife Agatho; 3: *Milet I 3, 175 (PH). @ @@`453. Honorary inscription in elegiacs by Koinon of Ionians for Moirios Aristonos; II&7m&: *Peek, AE 1931, pp. 116%19`117, no. 13. @ @@`454. Epigram honoring wrestling champion Nikomachos Babonos, victor in contests; II: *Milet I 3, 164; Wilamowitz, GGA 1914, p. 108; **Moretti 52 (ll. 4, 6); SEG 14, 744; Wilhelm, GE 31%19`32, no. 38; SEG 30, 1345. @ @@`455. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for &3prophetes Poseidonios; classical or Hellenistic; found near Miletos, possibly from Didyma: CIG 2884; Kaibel 858; Ellis, Hermes 14, 1879, 260; Dain, REA 42, 1940, 89%19`90; *IDidyma 282; Hellenica 11%19`12, 456%19`9 (PH); **Merkelbach, ZPE 6, 1970, 288 (ll. 1, 7); Fontenrose no. B5. @ @@`456. Honorary inscription in hexameters for Tatianos, architect who restored Baths of Faustina; 3&4`2&: *Milet I 9, 340 (PH); SEG 4, 425; **SEG 15, 686 (l. 8). @ @@@@Section: 15d. Funerary (457%19`478) @ @@`457. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Alkmeionis; III&4`2&%3II: *4. Mil%19Ber. 547; AA 1906, p. 9; Haussoullier, REG 32, 1919, pp. 256%19`267; Peek, MDAI(A) 56, 1931, p. 131, no. 17; Peek, GVI I 1344; SEG 17, 503; Henrichs, ZPE 4, 1969, pp. 223%19`241; **Merkelbach, ZPE 9, 1972, pp. 77%19`83 (l. 6); Peek, Griechische Grabgedichte 178. @ @@`458. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Aristeas Aristeou; II%3I: *4. Mil%19Ber. 533%19`534; AA 1906, p. 38; Geffcken 225; ZPE 1971, 225%19`6, no. 20; Robert, Fondation Hardt 14, 206. @ ʪ@@`458.5. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Batio Artemonos; 167%3`100 BC: *Herrmann, Chiron, 17 1987, 178%19`182, col. 1 (PH); SEG 37, 990, col. 1. @ @@`459. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Demetria; II&4`1&; found in Yeniko+y: *Herrmann, Hermes 86, 1958, pp. 118%19`121, no. 2; SEG 17, 502; **ZPE 1971, pp. 221%19`222, no. 16 (ll. 1, 18). @ @@`460. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Gorgias; 1%3`2: CIG 2892; *Kaibel 223; Peek, GVI I 1485; Wilhelm, GE 63%19`64, no. 83; **SEG 30, 1350 (l. 1). @ @@`461. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for [He]lene (?); 3: *Milet I 2, 29. @ @@`462. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Herma[ios]; 2: *Haussoullier, RPh 33, 1909, pp. 6%19`8; Ziebarth, JO+AI 13, 1910, pp. 112%19`114; Peek, GVI I 1829; **ZPE 1971, pp. 218%19`220, no. 14 (ll. 1, 2, 4). @ @@`463. Funerary inscription in iambs and elegiacs for Hestiaios Menandrou; III: *RA 1874, pp. 113%19`114, ll. 5%19`12; Kaibel 222b; Haussoullier, RPh 44, 1920, pp. 56%19`72, no. 1, ll. 4%19`7; Peek, GVI I 2018; **Hellenica 11%19`12, pp. 484%19`486 (PH) (l. 12). @ @@`464. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Iatrokles; late Hellenistic: *Peek, GVI I 427. @ @@`465. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Kleonikos by brother Eukleidas; III: *ZPE 1971, pp. 213%19`214, no. 11 (PH). @ @@`466. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Ko[m]allis; IV; found in Yeniko+y: *Herrmann, Hermes 86, 1958, pp. 117%19 118, no. 1; SEG 17, 501. @ @@`467. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for two members of family of Menestheus; II&7m&: *4. Mil%19Ber. 534%19`535; AA 1906, pp. 38%19`39; Geffcken 226; Peek, GVI I 1286; Herrmann, Chiron 17, 1987, 175%19`177; SEG 37, 991.B. @ @@`468. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Miletos; 1: *Peek, GVI I 432. @ @@`469. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Philainis by husband Neos; II&7b&; found in Akko+y: *MDAI(A) 1893, p. 269, no. 4; **Peek, GVI I 307 (ll. 1, 3, 4). @ @@`470. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Poulydamas; III: *Peek, GVI I 1536; ZPE 1971, pp. 216%19`218, no. 13. @ @@`471. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Thaleia Philonos; II&7e&: *Peek, GVI I 756. @ @@`472. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Zopyros Eiphikratous; IV&4`2&%3III&4`1&: 7. Mil%19Ber. 9; *Milet II 3, 398 (PH); Peek, GVI I 1174. @ @@`473. Fragment of funerary inscription in elegiacs for woman (no name); Hellenistic; found in Akko+y: *MDAI(A) 1893, p. 270, no. 5. @ @@`474. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Milesian dead in Lelantine (?) War; II&7b&: *Peek, GVI I 33; **Peek, Wiener Studien 79, 1966, pp. 218%19`230 (ll. 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11). @ @@`475. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for (no name), Cretan dancer; 2 or later: *Peek, GVI I 825; **ZPE 1971, pp. 215%19`216, no. 12 (ll. 1%19`2). @ @@`476. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for (no name); I: *Peek, GVI I 2081. @ @@`477. Funerary inscription in iambs for (no name); late Hellenistic: *ZPE 1971, p. 225, no. 18. @ @@`478. Funerary inscription in iambs for (no name), [&3s&]&3ymporos&; 1: *ZPE 1971, p. 225, no. 19. @ See also: Breccia, Mus. Alex. no. 315 (funerary inscription in elegiacs for Nikolaos Sosou of Miletos; found at Alexandria in Egypt); IG II&4`2& 9713 (funerary epigram for &3Ision Prothymou &3Milesios&; found in Attica). @ ߏ@@@@Section: 15e. Oracles (479%19`484) @ @@`479. Oracle in hexameters concerning building of theater; c. AD 120: *3. Mil%19Ber. 83%19`84; SEG 4, 439; Buckler, Anat. Studies Ramsay, pp. 34%19`36; **Robert, CRAI 1968, 581 (l. 4); Fontenrose no. 19. @ @@`480. Fragment of oracle in hexameters mentioning baths and gymnasium; c. AD 100: *Milet I 9, 345; SEG 4, 425; Fontenrose no. 18. @ @@`481. Two oracles in hexameters given to priestess of Demeter; 2; found on hill Bu+yu+k C%25akmakl#1221k near Miletos: *IDidyma 496; Hellenica 11%19`12, pp. 543%19`546; **ZPE 1971, pp. 207%19`209, no. 8 (ll. 2, 3, 4, 10, 13, 14 of section b); Fontenrose no. 22%19`3. @ @@`482. Oracle of (Apollo) Didymeus in hexameters concerning cults of Phoibos, Sarapis, and Nemesis; 2&4`1&: 5. Mil%19Ber. 257%19`258; AA 1906, p. 24; *Milet I 7, 205a; SEG 4, 425; Robert, Et. e/p. phil. 106%19`108; Vidman, Sylloge 286a; Fontenrose no. 20. @ @@`483. Oracle in hexameter of (Apollo) Didymeus; 2&4`1&?: 5. Mil%19Ber. 257%19`258; AA 1906, p. 24; *Milet I 7, 205b; SEG 4, 425; Vidman, Sylloge 286b; Fontenrose no. 21. @ @@`484. Honorary inscription for priestess Satorneila (%6Saturnina) by sons M(arcus) Aurelius Hermeias and M(arcus) Aur(elius) Minnion, with oracle in elegiacs; 2&7e&%3`3: *Herrmann, Chiron 1, 1971, pp. 291%19`298 (PH); Merkelbach, ZPE 8, 1971, pp. 93%19`95; Drew%19Bear and Lebek, GRBS 14, 1973, pp. 65%19`73; Fontenrose no. 25. @ See also: Miletos 54; Didyma 573 (%6 IMagnesia 228) (%6 IDidyma 501) (question concerning cult of Hera, with god's answer in hexameters; found at Sar#1221kemer near Myous, presumably from Didyma). @ @@@@Section: 15f. Other Epigrams (_) @ See also: Smyrna 285 (%6 ISmyrna 859) (%6 CIG 3346.B) (metrical fragment refers to Myous; probably found at or near Smyrna). @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (485%19`535) @ @@@@Section: 16a. Full Name Preserved (485%19`522) @ @@`485. Funerary inscription for Abaskantos &3provocator&; Roman: *RA 1874, p. 111; Robert, Gladiateurs, p. 194, no. 194. @ @@`486. Funerary inscription for Aulus Aemilius Lailios (%6 Laelius); Roman; found in Akko+y: *MDAI(A) 1893, pp. 270%19`271, no. 7; BCH 1894, p. 18, no. 3. @ @@`487. Funerary inscription for Alexandros Demetriou and children; imperial: *LW 217a. @ @@`488. Funerary inscription for Amarantos; no date: *LW 217b. @ @@`489. Funerary inscription for Antenor Euandridou and others; c. 200 BC: *RA 1874, pp. 113%19`114, ll. 1%19`4; Haussoullier, RPh 44, 1920, pp. 56%19`72, no. 1, ll. 1%19`3; Hellenica 11%19`12, pp. 484%19`486 (PH). @ 骵@@`489.5. Funerary%3genealogical inscription for Antigonos Menophilou, &3nauarchos& of King Alexander (Balas?) of Syria, and family: II&7e&%3I: *Herrmann, Chiron 17, 1987, 183%19`190 (PH); Chaniotis, EA 10, 1987, 41%19`44; SEG 37, 992. @ @@`490. Funerary inscription for Antipatra and Thrasyboulos; no date: *CIG 2890. @ ꪵ@@`490.5. Funerary inscription for Apollonios Apolloniou and others; II: *Herrmann, Chiron 17, 1987, 177 (PH); SEG 37, 991.A. @ @@`491. Funerary inscription for Arista and Zosime; no date: CIG 2891; *LW 215. @ @@`492. Funerary inscription for Aristolochos Aristolochou; III&4`2&%3II: *Milet II 3, 399b (PH). @ 쪳@@`492.3. Funerary inscription for Batio Pylonos and others; 167%3`100 BC: *Herrmann, Chiron 17, 1987, 178%19`182, col. 2 (PH); SEG 37, 990, col. 2. @ 쪵@@`492.5. Funerary inscription for (?) Charis, with extract of document establishing foundation; 2&7e&: *Ehrhardt, MDAI(I) 34, 1984, 392%19`5; SEG 34, 1175. @ @@`493. Funerary inscription for Charmo and others; 2%3`3: *MDAI(I) 1965, pp. 127%19`128, no. 14 (PH). @ @@`494. Funerary inscription for Chionis Hestiaiou and Dias Theokrinou; Hellenistic: *Haussoullier, RPh 44, 1920, pp. 50%19`72, no. 2. @ @@`494.5. Funerary (?) inscription for [ ... Flavius (?)] Chresimos, &3Augusti libertus,& on gray marble block; AD c. 98%3`130; found at Miletos: *Herrmann, Tyche 3, 1988, 119, no. a (PH). @ @@`495. Funerary inscription for Demetrios Kissou; I: *Pfuhl%19Mo+bius 665 (PH); SEG 27, 761. @ 蝹@@`495.5. Funerary inscription for (gladiator) Drosinos by wife Milesia, on grave%19altar; 2&4`2&%3`3&4`1&: *Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 35, 1985, 130%19`131, no. 2 (PH). @ @@`496. Funerary inscription by (name lost) for self, wife Elpis, and children; 3?: *MDAI(I) 1965, pp. 125%19`126, no. 8 (PH). @ @@`496.5. Funerary inscription for (gladiator) [E]ridanos, on base; Roman: *Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 35, 1985, 132%19`133 (PH). @ @@`497. Funerary inscription for Erotis Leontos; IV&4`1&: *Milet II 3, 399c (PH). @ @@`498. Funerary inscription for Euandrides Alexionos by daughter Hedeia and son Antenor; Hellenistic: *Haussoullier, RPh 44, 1920, pp. 50%19`72, no. 3. @ @@`499. Funerary inscription for Exaitis Aristolochou; IV&4`1&: *Milet II 3, 399d (PH). @ @@`500. Funerary inscription for P(ublius) Granius Asiatikos; no date: *4. Mil%19Ber. 535. @ @@`501. Funerary inscription for Graphikos; c. 2; found on north slope of Kalabaktepe: *MDAI(I) 1965, p. 127, no. 12 (PH). @ @@`502. Funerary inscription for Habrotera Ouliadou, Ouliades Moschionos, and Moschion Dionysiou; c. 100 BC: *Pfuhl%19Mo+bius 1475 (PH); SEG 29, 1142. @ @@`503. Funerary inscription (?) of Isias and Dion[ ... ]; no date: *MDAI(I) 1965, p. 130, no. 19 (PH). @ @@`503.5. Funerary inscription for (gladiator) Kapnos, on base; Roman: *Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 35, 1985, 133%19`134, no. 6 (PH). @ @@`504. Funerary inscription for Claudianus L.o[ ... ] and Aurelius Eutyches; AD 212%3`250: *MDAI(I) 1980, pp. 94%19`95, no. 2 (PH); SEG 30, 1354. @ @@`505. Funerary inscription for [Kl]eition Philo[nos]; Hellenistic; found in Akko+y: *MDAI(A) 1893, p. 270, no. 6. @ @@`506. Funerary inscription for Leokestor Eukleidou; no date: *LW 1569. @ @@`507. Funerary inscription for Menedemos &3agelarchos&; no date: *MDAI(I) 1965, p. 128, no. 15 (PH). @ @@`508. Funerary inscription for Meniske; no date: *LW 216. @ @@`509. Funerary inscription by Menodoros Nikeratou for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; AD 117%3`138; found on Kazartepe: *MDAI(I) 1965, pp. 124%19`125, no. 6 (PH). @ @@`510. Funerary inscription for Menyllos Stratonikou, Herakon Menyllou, and Olympia Demetriou; no date; found on north slope of Kalabaktepe: *MDAI(I) 1965, pp. 126%19`127, no. 11 (PH). @ @@`511. Funerary inscription for T(itus) No(nius) Karpophoros for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; AD 210%3`230: *MDAI(I) 1980, pp. 92%19`94, no. 1 (PH); SEG 30, 1352. @ @@`512. Funerary inscription for M(arcus) Valerius Demetrios for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found in Akko+y: *LW 220; Herrmann, MDAI(I) 30, 1980, 98, no. 6; SEG 30, 1355. @ @@`512.5. Funerary inscription for (gladiator) Pegasos, on base; 3: *Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 35, 1985, 131%19`132, no. 3. @ @@`513. Funerary inscription for Felix Primionis, &3oikonomos& of &3quadragesima portoriorum Asiae,& by Tyrannis; imperial: *CIL III 447, 7149; ILS 1862. @ @@`514. Funerary inscription for Philistis Leontis; II&4`1&: *Pfuhl%19Mo+bius 393 (PH); SEG 27, 760. @ @@`515. Funerary inscription for Philothea Aristonos; II%3`1: *Henninger %9 Kossatz, MDAI(I) 29, 1979, p. 177; SEG 29, 1141. @ @@`516. Funerary inscription for Flavia Hygia and heirs and relatives, with penalty for unauthorized burial; AD 175%3`192: *MDAI(I) 1980, pp. 95%19`97, no. 3 (PH); SEG 30, 1349; AnnEpig 1981, 762. @ @@`517. Funerary inscription for Plathainis Echekratou; III&4`2&%3II: *Milet II 3, 399a (PH). @ @@`517.5. Funerary inscription for (gladiator) [S]t[e]pha[nos,] on base; Roman: *Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 35, 1985, 132, no. 4 (PH). @ @@`518. Funerary inscription for Stratonike; no date; found in Akko+y: *MDAI(A) 1893, p. 271, no. 8. @ @@`519. Funerary inscription for family, including P(ublius) Tranius (Granius?) Philippikos; imperial: CIG 2891b (p. 1121); *LW 214; Hellenica 13, pp. 217%19`218. @ @@`520. Funerary inscription for Zenon and Agathia; c. 2; found on southeast slope of Deg%27irmentepe: *MDAI(I) 1965, p. 127, no. 13 (PH). @ @@`521. Funerary inscription for Zosimos; no date: *CIG 2893. @ @@`522. Funerary inscription by Claudia for Zosime with prohibition of unauthorized burial; no date; found on north slope of Deg%27irmentepe: *MDAI(I) 1965, p. 125, no. 7 (PH). @ See also: Miletos 457%19`460, 462%19`471, 473; Breccia, Mus. Alex. no. 236 (funerary inscription for Demetrios Ame[ ... ]s of Miletos; found in Alexandria in Egypt), no. 285 (funerary inscription for Androsthenes and Hipposthenes, brothers, of Miletos; found in Alexandria in Egypt); IG II&4`2& 7026 c. add., 7759, 9358%19`9965, 9505a, 9672a, 9738a, 9813a, 9880a, 9904a, Oikonomides %9 Koumanoudes Polemon 5 1952%19`3 pp. 24, 26, 69, Mitsos Geras Keramopoullou no. 11, Oikonomides Neon Athenaion I 1955 p. 190 no.'s 13, 15, 17%19`19, Kourobasiles Kathemerine Jun. 2, 1956, Kotzias Polemon 6 1956%19`7 p. 43 no.'s 12, 16, Charitonides AE 1958 p. 124 no. 9, Peek Attische Grabinschriften no.'s 74%19`88, Mastrokostas AE 1961 Chron. pp. 9%19`10 no. 6, Pollitt Hesperia 30 1961 pp. 297%19`298, Oikonomides Ta Athenaika 21 1962 p. 35 no. 17, Buchholz AA 1963 pp. 483%19`484 no. 10, Peppas%19Delmouzou MDAI(A) 78 1963 pp. 154%19`155, Kallipolitis AD 19 1964 B p. 72, Manganaro Arch. Class. 16 1964 p. 294 no. 3, Stavropoullos AD 20 1965 B p. 108, Vanderpool Hesperia 35 1966 p. 282 no. 9, BE 1967 206, Andreiomenou AD 23 1968 A pp. 136%19`139 no.'s 16, 23, 25, Vanderpool AD 23 1968 A p. 295, Alexandris AD 23, 1968 Chron. pp. 42, 48, Mu+nzen und Medaillen Basel Auktion 34 1969 no. 195, Alexandris AD 24 1969 Chron. p. 31, Koumanoudes AD 25 1970 p. 76 no.'s 30%19`33, Alexandris AD 27 1972 B pp. 32, 64, Grandjean %9 Rougemont BCH 96 1972 no. 9, Peppas%19Delmouzou AD 28 1973 B p. 13 no. 3, Bradeen Ath. Agora Fun. Monuments 549%19`631, SEG 29 232, Alexandris AD 29 1973%19`4 B pp. 117, 120, 124, Petrakos AE 1979 pp. 42%19`3 no. 1%19`2, p. 74, no. 36, Mpardane, Horos 3 1985 p. 77 no. 2, Mpardane Horos 4 1986 p. 41 no. 4 (funerary inscriptions for &3Milesioi& and &3Milesiai&; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 9973 (funerary inscription for Leophronis Herostratou of Myous in Ionia and wife; found in Attica); IG XII 7, 969 (funerary inscription for &3Sosikleia Milesia&; found on Chalke); IG XII 9, 1144 (funerary inscription for man and for &3Kallityche Eutychonos Milesia&; found at Chalkis); Chios 341.5 (%6 Horos 3, 1985, 113, 1) (funerary inscription for &3Demetrios Histiaio Milesios&; found on Chios); IG XII 9, 786 (funerary inscription for &3Agathokles Apeloniou &3Milesios&; found at Eretria); Dunant, Eretria, vol. 6, 1978, no. 179 (funerary inscription for &3Apelles Milesios&; found at Eretria); Iasos 290, l. 4 (%6 IIasos 393) (%6 CIG 2686) (%6 Athena 20, 1908, 274, 182) (funerary inscription for family, including Leon Artemeisiou Iason, by descent from Iasos, but living in Miletos; part found on Chios, wandered from Iasos, part found at Iasos); IG XII 8, 135%19`139 (funerary inscriptions for &3Milesioi& and &3Milesiai&; found on Imbros); IG IV 851 (funerary inscription for &3Helenos Eutychou Milesios&; found at Kalauria); ICos 257 (funerary inscription for &3Ktesias Philonikou Milesios&; found on Kos); ICos 427 (funerary inscription for &3Rhodokleia Protea Milesia&; found on Kos); Daux, BCH 101, 1977, p. 345 (funerary inscriptions for &3Dionysios Milesios,& Ias, and Lytaidas; found on Leukas); Magnesia 380 (%6 IMagnesia 306) (%6 Froehner, ILouvre no. 254) (funerary inscription for brothers Marcus Turpilius Florus Diogenes and Quintus Turpilius Florus Aristeas, both of Miletos and Magnesia (Mai.); found at Magnesia Mai.); IG XII 7, 337 (funerary inscription for &3Karpos Ktesiou Milesios kai Amorgeios Meinoetes&; found on Minoa); Jouguet, BCH 20, 1896, 249%19`250 (funerary inscription for &3Metrodoros Apollonidou& of Miletos; found at Naukratis); IG XII 9, 1199 (funerary inscription for &3Apollophanes &3Telophanou Milesios&; found at Oreus); IG VII 1699 (funerary inscription for &3Erotion kai Ephaphrodito Metrodorou Milesiai&; found near Plataia); IG XII 1, 875 (funerary inscription for Andrikos of Soli and his wife &3Glykinna Milesia&; found at Lindos on Rhodes); Maiuri, Nuova silloge, p. 91, no. 180 (funerary inscription of Olympias of Miletos; found on Rhodes); Maiuri, Nuova silloge, p. 91, no. 179 (funerary inscription of Sophilos of Miletos; found on Rhodes); Mingazzini, Bull.Comm.Arch. 53, 1925, pp. 210ff., no. 30 (funerary inscription for &3Hyginos &3Asklepiadou Meilesios&; found in Rome); Samos 521 (%6 BCH 7, 1883, 80, 3) (funerary inscription for &3Danaie Mormythideo Milesie&; found at Pythagoreion on Samos); Smyrna 521 (%6 ISmyrna 453) (%6 CIG 3340) (%6 Chiron 11, 1981, 305, 18) (funerary inscription for &3Isidoros Nikolaou Milesios&; found at Smyrna); IG VII 1567 (funerary inscription for &3Aristokrates Athenionos Milesios&; found at Tanagra); IG VII 2632 (funerary inscription for &3Eleusinios &3Milesios and Biophile Milesia&; found at Thebes); AE 1934%19`1935, Chron. p. 9, no. 113 (funerary inscription for &3Kiki Sasa Milesia&; found at Thebes). @ @@@@Section: 16b. Name Fragmentary (523%19`524) @ @@`523. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]na, daughter of Alexandros; no date: *Milet I 2, 30. @ @@`524. Funerary inscription for Se[ ... ], son of Phoibos; 3: *Milet I 2, 28. @ See also: Miletos 461; Breccia, Mus. Alex. no. 286 (funerary inscription for [ ... ]on of Miletos; found at Alexandria in Egypt). @ @@@@Section: 16c. Name Lost (525%19`533.5) @ @@`525. Unpublished boustrophedon funerary inscription; VI: 1. Mil%19Ber. 111. @ @@`526. Funerary inscription of (no name), slave of Nero, in charge of purple; AD 50%3`68: *Herrmann, MDAI(I) 25, 1975, pp. 141%19`147 (PH); AnnEpig 1977, 800. @ @@`527. Funerary inscription recording registry (for no name?); 2%3`3&7b&: *MDAI(I) 1980, p. 98, no. 4; SEG 30, 1353. @ @@`528. Funerary inscription recording registry (for no name?); 2: *MDAI(I) 1980, p. 98, no. 5; SEG 30, 1351. @ @@`529. Funerary inscription for (names lost) with fine for unauthorized burial; c. 3: *MDAI(I) 1965, pp. 128%19`129, no. 16 (PH). @ @@`530. Funerary inscription for (no name?) mentioning &3Aur(eliou?) &3ekchoresis&; late Roman: *MDAI(A) 1893, p. 269, no. 3; BCH 1894, pp. 18%19`19, no. 4. @ @@`531. Reclassified as Teichioussa 24. @ @@`532. Funerary inscription by (?) Eut[ ... ]; no date: *MDAI(I) 1965, p. 126, no. 10 (PH). @ @@`533. Funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty for unauthorized burial; no date: *MDAI(I) 1965, p. 126, no. 9 (PH). @ @@`533.5. Unpublished funerary inscription apparently mentioning Menestheus; no date: Inv. 1296; Herrmann, Chiron 17, 1987, 182, note 32. @ See also: Miletos 472, 474%19`478; Alabanda 94, l. 4 (%6 BCH 10, 1886, 312, 4) (%6 BCH 32, 1908, 203) (honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) by &3demoi& of Miletos and other cities; found near Alabanda); Teichioussa 24 (%6 former Miletos 531) (%6 CIG 2894) (possibly funerary inscription mentioning &3Milesios&; found between Miletos and Iasos). @ @@@@Section: 16d. For Foreigners (534%19`535) @ @@`534. Unpublished funerary inscription for man from Halikarnassos; V%3IV: 1. Mil%19Ber. 111. @ @@`535. Funerary inscription for &3Miltiades Miltiadeos Kitteus&; no date: *LW 1570. @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (536%19`540) @ @@`536. Artist's signature by Apollonides Menestratou on statue%19base; c. 200 BC: *Milet II 3, 401, ll. 4%19`5 (PH). @ @@`537. Signature by Dionysikles Attinou; III&4`2&: 6. Mil%19Ber. 24 (PH); *Milet I 7, 246; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`538. Signature by [Dionysikles] Attinou; III&4`2&%3II&4`1&: *Milet I 3, 162. @ @@`539. Graffito artist's signature by Eukarpos; 2%3`3: *MDAI(I) 1965, p. 130, no. 20 (PH). @ @@`540. Unpublished artist's signature by Silanion; IV&4`2&%3III: *3. Mil%19Ber. 85 (PH); AA 1904, p. 5. (PH). @ See also: Miletos 246, 253, 270, 351, 382; Oliverio, QAL 4, 1961, p. 31, no. 12 (signature by [ ... ]&3ates Milesios&; found in Kyrene); IG XII 1, 819a (list of contributors concludes with artist's signature by &3Archidamos Milesios&; found at Lindos on Rhodes). @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (541) @ @@`541. Fragmentary oracle, boustrophedon; VI&4`1&?: *Milet I 3, 178; Fontenrose no. 1. @ See also: Miletos 1, 9, 39, 54, 292, 479%19`484. @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (542%19`621) @ @@@@Section: 20a. Topos Graffiti (542%19`550) @ @@`542. Graffito indicating &3topos& of Gaius; no date: *Milet I 6, 192c; SEG 1, 430. @ @@`543. Graffito indicating &3topos& of Gaius; no date: *Milet I 6, 192d; SEG 1, 431. @ @@`544. Graffito indicating &3topos& of Epiktetos; imperial: *Milet I 7, 216; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`545. Graffito indicating &3topos& of Myrtilos; no date: *Milet I 6, 192e; SEG 1, 432. @ @@`546. Graffito indicating &3topos& of Rufus; no date: *Milet I 6, 192f; SEG 1, 433. @ @@`547. Unpublished graffito indicating &3topos& of Blue &3aurarii,& on theater bench; imperial?: Cameron, Circus Factions, p. 248. @ @@`548. Unpublished graffito indicating &3topos& of &3aurarii,& on theater bench; imperial?: Cameron, Circus Factions, p. 248. @ @@`549. Unpublished graffito indicating &3topos& of victorious &3aurarii,& on theater bench; imperial?: Cameron, Circus Factions, p. 248. @ @@`550. Unpublished graffito indicating &3topos& of &3aurarii &3Philaugusti,& on theater bench; imperial?: Cameron, Circus Factions, p. 248. @ @@@@Section: 20b. Nike Graffiti (551%19`587) @ @@`551. Nike graffito for Agathias; no date: *Milet II 3, 405. @ @@`552. Nike graffito for [A]elius and others; II&7m& or later: *Milet I 9, 315; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`553. Nike graffito for Alexandros; IV&7e& or later?: *Milet I 9, 395; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`554. Nike graffito for Andreas; no date: *Milet I 7, 224; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`555. Nike graffito for Apatourios (?) Menekratou; no date: *Milet I 9, 363; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`556. Nike graffito for Aratos; no date: *Milet I 9, 358; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`557. Nike graffito for Ariaios; no date: *Milet I 3, 177. @ @@`558. Nike graffito for &3philoi,& Aristagoras, etc.; no date: *Milet I 9, 385; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`559. Nike graffito for Artemisios and others; no date: *Milet I 9, 391; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`560. Nike graffito for Artemon; 2: *MDAI(I) 1965, p. 132, no. 24. @ @@`561. Nike graffito for Artemon and others; 2: *MDAI(I) 1965, pp. 131%19`132, no. 23 (PH). @ @@`562. Nike graffito for Attalos and others; II&7m& or later: *Milet I 9, 313; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`563. Nike graffito for Attalos and others; II&7m&: *Milet I 9, 312; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`564. Nike graffito for Basilides, Apatourios, etc.; no date: *MDAI(I) 1965, pp. 130%19`131, no. 21 (PH). @ @@`565. Nike graffito (?) for Chrysogonos and others; II&7m& or later: *Milet I 9, 319; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`566. Nike graffito for Deiphilos; imperial: *Milet I 7, 223; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`567. Nike graffito for [D]emetrios and others; early imperial?; found at Akko+y: *Milet I 9, 392; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`568. Nike graffito for Derinos; no date: *Milet I 9, 357; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`569. Nike graffito for Eisas, with picture of gladiator; no date: *Milet I 9, 393; SEG 4, 425; Robert, Et. e/pig. p. 191; **Robert, Gladiateurs, p. 196, no. 196 (l. 2). @ @@`570. Nike graffito for Eisigenes; no date: *Milet I 9, 396; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`571. Nike graffito for Epaphras; Roman: *Milet I 9, 356; SEG 4, 425; Robert, A travers p. 343, note 7; SEG 30, 1356. @ @@`572. Nike graffito for Epigon[os]; no date; *Milet I 9, 397; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`573. Nike graffito for Epikrates and others; no date: *Milet I 9, 389; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`574. Nike graffito for Gaius; II or later: *Milet I 9, 394; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`575. Nike graffito for Glykon; no date: *Milet I 9, 388; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`576. Nike graffito for Iatreos, etc.; no date: *Milet I 9, 386; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`577. Nike (?) graffito for Quintus; 2: *MDAI(I) 1965, p. 132, no. 25. @ @@`578. Nike graffito for Leukias; no date: *Milet I 9, 390; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`579. Fragment LIXENA OU; no date: *MDAI(I) 1965, p. 131, no. 22. @ @@`580. Nike graffito for Mousaio[s] and others; II&7m& or later: *Milet I 9, 316; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`581. Nike graffito for Onesimos; no date: *Milet I 6, 192a; SEG 1, 428. @ @@`582. Nike graffito for Skeipion (%6Scipio); no date: *Milet I 6, 192b; SEG 1, 429. @ @@`583. Nike graffito for [Sophro?]niskos, Primus, Ophelion, and others; II&7m& or later: *Milet I 9, 311; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`584. Nike graffito for Stasippos &3kynagos& and others; II&7m& or later: *Milet I 9, 314; SEG 4, 425; Robert, Gladiateurs, p. 195, no. 196a; Hellenica 3, 143%19`144. @ @@`585. Nike graffito for Synt[r]ophos; late imperial: *Milet I 7, 222; SEG 4, 425; Robert, A travers, p. 343, note 7; SEG 30, 1356. @ @@`586. Nike graffito for Tychon, etc.; II or later: *Milet I 9, 387; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`587. Nike graffito for Zeuxis (?) and Gaius; no date: *Milet I 9, 355; SEG 4, 425. @ ̏@@@@Section: 20c. Topos or Nike Graffiti (588%19`594) @ @@`588. Graffito for [Ae]lianus, etc.; no date: *Milet I 9, 376; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`589. Graffito for [A]pollonios; late imperial: *Milet I 7, 220; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`590. Graffito for Euanthes Menekleou; no date: *Milet I 7, 221c; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`591. Graffito for Hestiaios; no date: *Milet I 9, 375; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`592. Graffito for Moschion the &3nautikos&; no date: *Milet I 9, 380; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`593. Graffito for [Ru]fus; 1 or later: *Milet I 9, 338; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`594. Graffito for Rufus; no date: *Milet I 9, 382; SEG 4, 425. @ @@@@Section: 20d. Nike (?) Graffiti for Pairs of Men (595%19`604) @ @@`595. Graffito for Apellas, Laoda[ ... ]; Roman: *Milet I 2, 27. @ @@`596. Graffito for Chryseros and Demetrios; no date: *Milet I 9, 381; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`597. Graffito for Heras and Antiphanes; II&7m& or later: *Milet I 9, 320; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`598. Graffito for Heras and [ ... ]; no date: *Milet I 9, 384; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`599. Graffito for Iulianus and Eutyches; no date: *Milet I 9, 383; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`600. Graffito for Kaunias and [ ... ]; no date: *Milet I 9, 323; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`601. Graffito for Kleoeenes (?) and Laikleosdnes (?); no date: *Milet I 9, 322; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`602. Graffito for Marcus and Pi[ ... ]; II&7m& or later: *Milet I 9, 316a. @ @@`603. Graffito for Philomousos and Daippos (?); no date: *Milet I 9, 318; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`604. Graffiti for pairs on statue%19base; II%3I?: *Milet I 3, 161. @ @@@@Section: 20e. Other Graffiti (605%19`621) @ @@`605. Graffiti referring to Apatourios and others; no date: *Milet I 9, 326; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`606. Fragment of graffito: [D]amas, Rufus, and other names (?); no date: *Milet I 9, 353; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`607. Graffito Diokle[ ... ]; no date: *Milet II 3, 404. @ @@`608. Graffito referring to Epikouros; no date: *Milet I 9, 324; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`609. Graffito referring to Leontas, Epikrates; no date: *Milet I 9, 327; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`610. Graffito mentioning Prosdokimos; no date: *Milet I 9, 354; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`611. Graffito referring to Sosikrates, Anthesterios, Antilochos, and Menippos; no date: *Milet I 9, 325; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`612. Fragmentary names; no date: *Milet I 9, 377; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`613. Graffito mentioning &3ergasterion& (?); no date: *Milet I 7, 225; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`614. Homeric formula on block; no date: *Milet I 7, 225a; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`615. Curse against &3chezontes&; no date: 4. Mil%19Ber. 536; *Milet II 3, 406. @ @@`616. Graffito referring to Hippolytos; no date: *Milet I 9, 374; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`617. Fragment; no date: *Milet I 9, 352; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`618. Fragment; no date: *Milet I 9, 321; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`619. Fragment; no date: *Milet I 9, 317; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`620. Fragment; no date: *Milet I 9, 379; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`621. Fragment; no date: *Milet I 9, 378; SEG 4, 425. @ See also: Miletos 539; Naukratis I pp. 60%19`62, no.'s 2, 99, 110, 218%19`219, 233%19`234, 237, and 341 (dedications to Apollo Milesios, one by known Milesian Phanes son of Glaukos; found at Naukratis), p. 61, no. 164 (dedication to [Apollo] Didy[meus]; found at Naukratis). @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (622%19`638.5) @ @@`622. Unpublished inscription concerning Virgin Mary; 4: 1. Mil%19Ber. 111. @ @@`623. Edict of Justinian in Greek with titles of emperor in Latin; AD 535%3`565; found in Akko+y: *Gelzer, ByzZ 3, 1894, pp. 21%19`24; **CIL III 13673 (ll. 5, 7); Gre/goire, Recueil 220; Amelotti %9 Luzzatto, Costituzioni giustinianee pp. 91%19`92, no. 3; Amelotti %9 Luzzatto, Costituzioni giustinianee&4`2& pp. 102%19`104, no. 3. @ @@`624. Fragment of edict in Greek of Justinian concerning right of asylum with personal names and titles in Latin; c. AD 536; found in Akko+y: *Gre/goire, Recueil 220&3bis&; Amelotti %9 Luzzatto, Costituzioni giustinianee p. 108, no. 15; **Feissel %9 Kaygusuz, Travaux et Me/moires 9, 1985, 403 (l. 27); Amelotti %9 Luzzatto, Costituzionie giustinianee&4`2& p. 131, no. 17; BE 1987:398,467. @ @@`625. Inscription identifying spot as shrine of holy &3theotokos and ever%19virgin Mary; 5&7e&%3`6: *2. Mil%19Ber. 911%19`912; Gre/goire, Recueil 224. @ @@`626. Record of building (?) under archbishop Ioannes; 6: *Gre/goire, Recueil 224&3bis. @ @@`627. Inscription commemorating building of gate with Christian phrases and preceded by Christian prayer; AD May%3Oct 538: 5. Mil%19Ber. 257; AA 1906, pp. 23%19`24; *Milet I 7, 206; SEG 4, 425; Gre/goire, Recueil 219; Roueche, GRBS 20, 1979, 177, no. 1. @ @@`628. Inscription on mosaic floor of church: built under &3presbyteros& and &3oikonomos& Nounechios, with prayer to archangel; 6&7e&%3`7&7b&; found in early Byz. church on Sacred Way: *3. Mil%19Ber. 89; Gre/goire, Recueil 224&4`5&. @ @@`629. Building inscription for church of archangel Michael; cut AD 602%3`606; found in Church of St. Michael in Miletos: *7. Mil%19Ber. 35 (for section a); *Gre/goire, Recueil 225 (* for section b; ** for l. 6 of section a). @ @@`630. Inscription on door%19jamb of &3ekklesia& of &3orthodoxoi,& with cross; Christian: *Gre/goire, Recueil 220&3ter. @ @@`631. Christian inscription: series of vowels introducing prayers to angels to guard Miletos; 5%3`6: *CIG 2895; LW 218; **Deissmann, Licht vom Osten&4`4&, pp. 393%19`399 (l. 2) (PH); Gre/goire, Recueil 222; SEG 4, 440. @ @@`632. Fragment with series of vowels and part of prayer like those of Miletos 625; no date: *Deissmann, Licht vom Osten&4`4&, 393, note 2; Gre/goire, Recueil 222. @ @@`633. Prayer to archangel to save house; Byz.: *MDAI(I) 1965, p. 132, no. 27. @ @@`634. Fragment referring to holy martyr Onesippos; no date: *CIG 8847; Gre/goire, Recueil 223. @ @@`635. Christian fragment of architrave referring to Pisoninos; Byz.: *MDAI(I) 1965, p. 132, no. 26 (PH). @ @@`636. Christian (?) fragment of architrave (in hexameters?); Byz.: *MDAI(I) 1965, p. 133, no. 28 (PH). @ @@`637. Christian fragment; Byz.: *MDAI(I) 1965, p. 133, no. 29. @ @@`638. Prayer consisting of initial letters in square; Byz.: *MDAI(I) 1965, pp. 133%19`134, no. 30 (PH). @ @@`638.5. Christian fragment; Christian: *Feld, MDAI(I) 27%19`28, 1977%19`1978, 122 (PH). @ See also: Miletos 446, 447, 448, 449; IG XII 5, 712. 93 (Christian inscription asking Lord to save boat along with sailors from Miletos; found on Syros). @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (639%19`644.9) @ @@`639. Calendar for c. 130 BC; II&4`2&: *Diels %9 Rehm, SDAW 1904, pp. 92%19`111 and 752%19`759. @ @@`640. Calendar for 109 BC; 110%3`109 BC: *Diels %9 Rehm, SDAW 1904, pp. 92%19`111 and 752%19`759. @ @@`641. Masons' marks on blocks of storage hall; late Hellenistic?: *Milet I 7, 207; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`642. Unpublished sundial with markings for winter and summer solstices and for equinox; Hellenistic: 3. Mil%19Ber. 74. @ @@`643. Lead weight with name of &3prophetes& and &3stephanephoros;& no date; now in Louvre, presumably from Miletos: *Michon, RN 1913, pp. 324%19`332. @ @@`644. List of names in nominative with patronymics; II&4`2&: *Milet I 2, 13. @ @@`644.1. Inscription of Athenaios on lamp; 125%3`75 BC: *Kleine, MDAI(I) 29, 1979, 157, no. 95 (PH); SEG 29, 1143. @ @@`644.2. Inscription ER on stamped amphora handle; no date: *Kleine, MDAI(I) 29, 1979, 158, no. 103 (PH); SEG 29, 1144. @ @@`644.3. Inscription BI on weight; no date: *KLeine, MDAI(I) 29, 1979, 158, no. 104 (PH); SEG 29, 1145. @ @@`644.5. Letters &3gamma& (?) &3chi& on triglyph fragment; late Hellenistic: *Mu+ller%19Wiener, MDAI(I) 33, 1983, 73; BE 1987:52. @ @@`644.6. Inscription commemorating release of (gladiator) Epiptas; 3: *Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 35, 1985, 135, no. 8 (PH). @ @@`644.7. Inscription commemorating release of (gladiator) Philemon; Roman: *Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 35, 1985, 134%19`135, no. 7 (PH). @ @@`644.8. Inscriptions on gladiatorial relief identifying (gladiators) Hapleros and Genesis; Roman; now at Smyrna, but from Miletos, not Smyrna: Hellenica 5, 82%19`91, no. 319 (PH); *Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 35, 1985, 136%19`138, no. 10. @ @@`644.9. Inscription commemorating &3philotimiai& of &3familia& of &3monomach&[&3oi&]; 3: *Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 35, 1985, 135%19`136, no. 9 (PH). @ See also: IG XII 5 no. 444 XXVII (Marmor Parium mentions founding of Miletos and Myous; found on Paros); IG XII 5, 712. 25%19`26 (inscriptions wishing for &3euploia& for &3Milesioi&; found on Syros), 712. 33 (inscription in which those on the Milesian (?) boat thank Asklepios and wish for &3euploia&; found on Syros). @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (645%19`661) @ @@`645. Fragment; 27 BC%3AD 14: *Milet I 2, 6f. @ @@`646. Fragment; 2: *Milet I 2, 19. @ @@`647. Fragment mentioning [Apollo Did]ymeus; 2: *Milet I 2, 18. @ @@`648. Fragment; no date: *Milet I 2, 16. @ @@`649. Fragment mentioning [I]ulia; no date: *Milet I 2, 25. @ @@`650. Fragment [ ... ]os; no date: *Milet I 7, 221a; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`651. Fragment [ ... ]thiou; no date: *Milet I 7, 221b; SEG 4, 425. @ @@`652. Fragment: under supervision of Dies son of Glaukos; no date: *RA 1874, p. 109. @ @@`653. On base_ Hestias Sebastes; no date: *MDAI(I) 1965, p. 129, no. 17 (PH). @ @@`654. Fragment of marble; no date: *MDAI(I) 1965, p. 129, no. 18. @ @@`655. Fragment; no date: *Robert, RPh 65, 1939, p. 202, no. 2 (%6OM II 1355). @ @@`656. Unpublished inscription mentioning Derinos; no date: Milet I 9, 176. @ @@`657. Unpublished inscription mentioning Mestor Apat[ouriou]; no date: Ehrhardt, Milet und seine Kolonien 300, note 185. @ @@`658. Unpublished fragment mentioning tribe [Ere]chtheis; no date: Ehrhardt, Milet und seine Kolonien 382, note 9. @ @@`659. Unpublished inscription mentioning &3archiprytania&; no date: Ehrhardt, Milet und seine Kolonien 498, note 1106. @ @@`660. Unpublished inscription mentioning &3anataktai&; no date: Ehrhardt, Milet und seine Kolonien 527, note 1379. @ @@`661. Unpublished inscription mentioning &3hypochrestes&; imperial: Inv. no. 1342; Gu+nther, MDAI(I) 35, 1985, 186%19`187, note 29. @ See also: Panamara 33 (%6 IStratonikeia 21c) (%6 BCH 51, 1927, 68, 7) (%6 SEG 4, 262) (Miletos mentioned in list of cities; found at Bag%27yaka (%6 Panamara) near Stratonikeia). @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @@@@{1Notion}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@BCH 1913: Plassart %9 Picard, BCH 37, 1913, pp. 236%19`240. @@BCH 1923: Demangel %9 Laumonier, BCH 47, 1923, pp. 373%19`383. @@JO+AI 1905: Macridy, JO+AI 8, 1905, pp. 155%19`173. @@JO+AI 1912: Keil, JO+AI 15, 1912, pp. 57%19`67. @@MDAI(A) 1886: Schuchhardt, MDAI(A) 11, 1886, pp. 426%19`9. @@Mouseion 3: Fontrier, Mouseion 3, 1878%19`1880, pp. 215%19`221. @ Sites of discovery named: @@Ahmetbeyli (Christianko+y, Giaourko+y) @@Giapi%19ger @@Notion. @ See also the rubrics for the following sites dependent upon Kolophon, as references to and documents of Notion on inscriptions of these sites are not catalogued here: @@Dios Hieron (in Lebedos list) @@Klaros @@Kolophon. @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`5) @ @@`1. Honorary decree of Kolophon for envoys from Tralles; Hellenistic; found in Ahmetbeyli, from Notion: *JO+AI 1912, pp. 59%19`60, no. A. @ @@`2. Honorary decree of &3koinon& of Asklepiastai; Hellenistic; found in Notion: BCH 1923, pp. 374%19`6, no. 2(PH); Robert, REA 28, 1926, p. 5; SEG 4, 566; *Robert, RPh 8, 1934, pp. 272%19`4. @ @@`3. Unpublished end of decree of Temnos for foreign judges from Kolophon and beginning of answer of Kolophon; Hellenistic; found in Notion: Robert, OM IV p. 141. @ @@`4. Honorary decree for Euelth[on Ph]ainou by &3neoi& and &3epheboi&; III&7e&%3II&7b&; found in Notion: *BCH 1913, pp. 241%19`3, no. 48 and p. 449; **Robert, Et. anat. 150%19`3 (ll. 2%19`5). @ @@`5. Fragment of proxeny decree(?); no date; found in Notion: *BCH 1923, pp. 377%19`8, no. 6; SEG 4, 572. @ See also: IG I&4`3& 127 (honorary decree of Athens for loyal Samians praises Ephesos and Notion; found in Attica). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (_) @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (6) @ @@`6. Inscription recording donation of priestess Zosime; 2; found in Notion: *BCH 1923, pp. 373%19`4, no. 1(PH); Vallois, BCH 48, 1924, p. 521; **SEG 4, 568 (l. 4). @ See also: IG I&4`3& 71, 259%19`290 (frequent mention of Notion in Athenian Tribute Lists; found in Attica). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (7) @ @@`7. Fragment of architrave inscription, stoichedon; no date; found in Ahmetbeyli: *JO+AI 1905, p. 161. @ See also: Notion 73. @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Charneux, BCH 90, 1966, p. 157, col. II, l. 7 (list of &3thearodokoi& includes Epikra[ ... ] in Notion; found in Argos). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (8%19`13) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (8%19`13) @ @@`8. Dedication by &3demos& of (statue of) Trajan; AD 102%3`116; found in Ahmetbeyli: *JO+AI 1912, p. 60, no. C. @ @@`9. Dedication to Aphrodite by [ ... ]os Athenopolios; no date; found in Notion: *BCH 1923, p. 376, no. 3; SEG 4, 569. @ @@`10. Dedication of throne by &3prytanis& Lais Euphranoros to Dionysos; no date; found in Ahmetbeyli, from Notion: JO+AI 1905, p. 160(PH); *JO+AI 1912, p. 58, no. B(PH). @ @@`11. Dedication by Nympho[n] Chromonos to Dionysos; no date; found in Notion: *Chamonard %9 Legrand, BCH 18, 1894, p. 216, no. 1. @ @@`12. Dedication to (Hermes) Kyllenios and other gods by [ ... ] Kleonymou; no date; found in Notion: *LW p. 366, no. 1564. @ @@`13. Dedication(?) by Metrodoros; no date; found in Notion: *Chamonard %9 Legrand, BCH 18, 1894, p. 216, no. 2. @ @@@@Section: 9b. Other Religious Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Notion 74, 75. @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (14%19`18) @ @@`14. Honorary inscription by [&3polis&] for &3strategos& Zotikos Apolloniou; no date; found in Giapi%19ger: *Mouseion 3, p. 216, no. 376. @ @@`15. Honorary inscription by &3demos& for victorious athlete [ ... ]des M[e]trodorou; no date; found in Notion: *BCH 1913, pp. 240%19`1, no. 47. @ @@`16. Honorary inscription for individual victorious at Mouseia of Thespiai and elsewhere; no date; found in Notion: *BCH 1923, pp. 376%19`7, no. 4(PH); **SEG 4, 570 (l. 1). @ @@`17. Honorary inscription by &3presby&[&3tatoi&] for priest; no date; found in Notion: *BCH 1923, p. 377, no. 5; **SEG 4, 571 (l. 1). @ @@`18. Fragment of honorary inscription; no date; found in Ahmetbeyli: *JO+AI 1912, p. 60, no. E. @ See also: Notion 1%19`5, 63, 76%19`8. @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (_) @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (19%19`20) @ @@@@Section: 15a. Funerary (19%19`20) @ @@`19. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Gorgos, priest of Klaros; II&4`1&; found in Ahmetbeyli: *MDAI(A) 1886, pp. 427%19`8, no. 8; Kontoleon, BCH 10, 1886, p. 514; Haussoullier, RPh 22, 1898, p. 272, note 1; Pasquali, SIFC 20, 1913, pp. 85%19`8; Mutschmann RhM 72, 1917, pp. 150%19`3; Jacoby, FGH I A 17; Fogazza, PP 26, 1971, pp. 128%19`9; Cazzaniga, PP 29, 1974, pp. 145%19`152. @ @@`20. Funerary inscription in hexameters for nephew of Alexandros; no date; found in Notion: *BCH 1923, pp. 378%19`380, no. 8(PH); SEG 4, 573; **Peek, Philologus 87, 1932, pp. 238%19`240 (ll. 8, 18); **Robert, RPh 8, 1934, pp. 49%19`52 (ll. 8, 10, 14, 16, 20%19`1); **Wilhelm, SO Supp. 13, 1950, pp. 31%19`2 (ll. 8%19`10). @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (21%19`71) @ @@@@Section: 16a. Full Name Preserved (21%19`62) @ @@`21. Funerary inscription for Apollonia Hermogenou and Apollas Menekratou; c. II; found in Ahmetbeyli: *MDAI(A) 1886, p. 426, no. 3. @ @@`22. Funerary inscription for Apollonios Kallistratou; no date; found in Ahmetbeyli: *Mouseion 3, p. 221, no. 394. @ @@`23. Funerary inscription for Apollonios Phyrsonos; no date; found near Ahmetbeyli: *Mouseion 3, p. 221, no. 395. @ @@`24. Funerary inscription for Aristonike Aristeo and Philistes Metrodorou; no date; found in Ahmetbeyli: *Mouseion 3, p. 218, no. 386. @ @@`25. Funerary inscription for Artemidoros Herakleidou; no date; found in Ahmetbeyli: *Mouseion 3, p. 218, no. 385. @ @@`26. Funerary inscription for Artemisia Hegesandrou; c. II&7b&; found in Ahmetbeyli: *MDAI(A) 1886, pp. 425%19`6, no. 2. @ @@`27. Funerary inscription for Athenagoras Hephaistionos; c. II&7b&; found in Ahmetbeyli: *MDAI(A) 1886, p. 426, no. 4. @ @@`28. Funerary inscription for Athenais Sittados; no date; found near Notion: *JO+AI 1912, p. 66, no. VI. @ @@`29. Funerary inscription for Attalos Parmenontos; Hellenistic or late; found near Notion: *JO+AI 1912, p. 65, no. III. @ @@`30. Funerary inscription for Bitinna Amemptou; no date; found near Notion: *JO+AI 1912, p. 65, no. I. @ @@`31. Funerary inscription for Bitto Glaukou; no date; found in Ahmetbeyli: *BCH 1923, p. 381, no. 14; **Kern, PhW 44, 1924, p. 928 (l. 1); SEG 4, 579. @ @@`32. Funerary inscription for Chares Phaennou; no date; found in Ahmetbeyli: *Mouseion 3, p. 221, no. 392. @ @@`33. Funerary inscription for Dam[aret]a; no date; found in Ahmetbeyli: *Mouseion 3, p. 217, no. 382. @ @@`34. Funerary inscription for Demetrios Zeneo and his mother; no date; found near Notion: *JO+AI 1912, p. 66, no. XI @ @@`35. Funerary inscription for Dionysios Konnionos and wife; no date; found near Notion: *JO+AI 1912, p. 66, no. XII. @ @@`36. Funerary inscription for Eisias Apolloniou; no date; found in Ahmetbeyli: *Mouseion 3, p. 216, no. 378. @ @@`37. Funerary inscription for Eumedes Bionos &3et al.&; IV; found near Notion: *JO+AI 1912, p. 66, no. VII. @ @@`38. Funerary inscription for [G]emelos; no date; found near Notion: *JO+AI 1912, pp. 65%19`6, no. V. @ @@`39. Funerary inscription for Hekatomandros Zenodotou; no date; found in Ahmetbeyli: *Mouseion 3, p. 219, no. 387. @ @@`40. Funerary inscription by Hermeias and Iulius for father Hermas and &3threpte& Syntyche; no date; found near Notion: *BCH 1923, p. 381, no. 12; SEG 4, 577. @ @@`41. Funerary inscription for Hermion[e] Apoll[ ... ]; no date; found in Ahmetbeyli: *Mouseion 3, p. 217, no. 380. @ @@`42. Funerary inscription for Hermothestos Hestiaiou; c. II&7b&; found in Ahmetbeyli: *MDAI(A) 1886, p. 425, no. 1. @ @@`43. Funerary inscription for Herophile Pythionos; no date; found near Notion: *JO+AI 1912, p. 66, no. IX. @ @@`43.5. Funerary inscription for Herophilos M[ ... ] and Lysias; no date; found in Ahmetbeyli: *JO+AI 1905, p. 173, no. XIII. @ @@`44. Funerary inscription for Herpyllis; no date; found in Ahmetbeyli: *Mouseion 3, p. 218, no. 383. @ @@`45. Funerary inscription for Keraias Noumeniou; no date; found in Ahmetbeyli: *JO+AI 1905, p. 173, no. XI. @ @@`46. Funerary inscription for Manoelos; no date; found in Ahmetbeyli: *Mouseion 3, p. 219, no. 389. @ @@`47. Funerary inscription for Metrodora Metrodo[rou]; no date; found in Ahmetbeyli: *Mouseion 3, p. 217, no. 379. @ @@`48. Funerary inscription for Moschos Artemonos &3et al.&; no date; found near Notion: *JO+AI 1912, p. 66, no. XIII. @ @@`49. Funerary inscription for [Ne]optolemos [Her]mokratous and others; no date; found near Notion: *JO+AI 1912, p. 67, no. XIV. @ @@`50. Funerary inscription for Nikodemos Metrodorou; no date; found in Ahmetbeyli: *Mouseion 3, p. 219, no. 390. @ @@`51. Funerary inscription for Parrhesia; no date; found in Ahmetbeyli: *Mouseion 3, p. 218, no. 384. @ @@`52. Funerary inscription for Pau[s]anias Kallidamantos; c. II&7b&; found in Ahmetbeyli: *MDAI(A) 1886, p. 426, no. 5. @ @@`53. Funerary inscription for Philinna Pytheou; c. II&7b&; found in Ahmetbeyli: *MDAI(A) 1886, p. 427, no. 7. @ @@`54. Funerary inscription by Zosime for husband Panychos; no date; found near Notion: *BCH 1923, p. 381, no. 11; SEG 4, 576. @ @@`55. Funerary inscription for [Ph]ilinos [E]uelthou; no date; found in Ahmetbeyli: *JO+AI 1905, p. 173, no. XII. @ @@`56. Funerary inscription for Pontia O[ ... ] and others; no date; found near Notion: *JO+AI 1912, p. 65, no. IV. @ @@`57. Funerary inscription for Publia Rutilia and Polla Philandros; II or later; found near Notion: *BCH 1923, p. 381, no. 10; **SEG 4, 575 (l. 1). @ @@`58. Funerary inscription for Simos Dionos; no date; found near Notion: *BCH 1923, p. 381, no. 13; SEG 4, 578. @ @@`59. Funerary inscription for Straton Stratonos; no date; found in Giapi%19ger: *Mouseion 3, p. 216, no. 377. @ @@`60. Funerary inscription for Stratoneike by son Asklepiades; no date; found in Ahmetbeyli: *JO+AI 1905, p. 173, no. IX. @ @@`61. Funerary inscription for Zenonis and Ilias; no date; found in Ahmetbeyli: *Mouseion 3, p. 221, no. 393; Haussoullier, RPh 22, 1898, pp. 271%19`2. @ @@`62. Funerary inscription for Zobios Dionysiou; no date; found near Notion: *JO+AI 1912, p. 65, no. II. @ See also: Notion 19, 77, 78. @ @@@@Section: 16b. Name Fragmentary (63%19`66) @ @@`63. Funerary or honorary inscription for Mal[ ... ]; no date; found near Notion: *BCH 1923, pp. 380%19`1, no. 9(PH); **SEG 4, 574 (l. 3). @ @@`64. Funerary inscription for Menog[ ... ]; no date; found in Ahmetbeyli: *JO+AI 1905, p. 173, no. X. @ @@`65. Funerary inscription for Par[ ... ]is Epikourou and others; no date; found near Notion: *JO+AI 1912, p. 66, no. VIII. @ @@`66. Funerary inscription for Sido[ ... ] Eiren[ ... ]; no date; found in Ahmetbeyli: *Mouseion 3, p. 217, no. 381. @ @@@@Section: 16c. Name Lost (67%19`71) @ @@`67. Funerary inscription for (no name), wife of Hermaphilos; no date; found in Ahmetbeyli: *Mouseion 3, p. 219, no. 388. @ @@`68. Funerary inscription by Tryphaina and Diadoumenos for his wife; no date; found near Notion: *JO+AI 1912, p. 66, no. X. @ @@`69. Unpublished epitaph; Hellenistic; found west of Notion: Robert, OM IV p. 174. @ @@`70. Funerary inscription for (no name) with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found in Ahmetbeyli: *MDAI(A) 1886, pp. 426%19`7, no. 6. @ @@`71. Unpublished herm mentioning fine to be paid to owner of estate; no date; found north of Ahmetbeyli: Robert, OM IV p. 174. @ See also: Notion 20. @ ȏ@@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (72) @ @@`72. Artist's signature by [ ... ]s; no date; found in Ahmetbeyli: *JO+AI 1912, p. 60, no. D. @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (73%19`75) @ @@@@Section: 21a. Building Inscriptions (73) @ @@`73. Building inscription for ambo, &3stoai,& etc.; 6; found in Ahmetbeyli: JO+AI 1905, p. 158(PH); *JO+AI 1912, p. 37; Gre/goire, Recueil 94. @ @@@@Section: 21b. Religious Inscriptions (74%19`75) @ @@`74. Prayer to Lord to help Ioannes; Christian; found in Ahmetbeyli: *JO+AI 1912, p. 40, no. A; Gre/goire, Recueil 96. @ @@`75. Prayer; Christian; found in Ahmetbeyli: *JO+AI 1912, p. 41, no. B; Gre/goire, Recueil 97. @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (76) @ @@`76. Inscription mentioning Metrodoros on stone with actor's face; no date; found in theater of Notion: *JO+AI 1912, p. 58, no. A(PH). @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (77%19`79) @ @@`77. Inscription in Latin and Greek naming Boukia, daughter or wife of Ga(ius) Iu(lius) Dion[ysios](?); imperial; found in Ahmetbeyli: *JO+AI 1905, p. 173, no. VIII. @ @@`78. Fragment mentioning [&3agonoth&]&3etes&; no date; found in Ahmetbeyli: *JO+AI 1912, p. 60, no. F. @ @@`79. Fragment; no date; found near Notion: *BCH 1923, p. 378, no. 7. @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @@@@{1Patmos}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ (Local bibliography: @ IIsolMil: Manganaro, ASAA 25%19`6, 1963%19`4, pp. 293%19`349. @ Malandrakis: Manlandrakis, I Patmos, Athens 1889.) (See also the rubrics for Miletos and the following sites dependent upon Miletos, as references to Miletos on inscriptions of these sites are not catalogued here: @ Didyma @ Lepsia @ Leros @ Myous (in Miletos list) @ Teichioussa.) @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`1.5) @ @@`1. Honorary decree of &3lampadistai& on Patmos and those sharing in &3aleimma& for Hegemandros Menekratou; 184%3`100 BC: Ross, Inscr. gr. ined. 70%19`1, no. 189; *Gue/rin, Patmos 48%19`50; Sakkelion, AE 1862, coll. 258%19`60, no. 228; Malandrakis, p. 42, no. 2; Syll&4`3 1068; Holleaux, E/tudes I, pl. V (PH); **IIsolMil 32 (PH) (ll. 1, 3%19`10, 12%19`3, 15%19`21, 23%19`4); **BE 1966:321 (l. 13). @ @@`1.5. Honorary decree for Aristonikos by &3demos,& with provision for posting in temple of Parthenos; no date: *Malandrakis, p. 43, no. 3. @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (_) @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (_) @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (2) @ @@`2. Inscription specifying boundaries; III%3II: Chabiaras, AE 1915, p. 132, no. 8; *IIsolMil 33 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (3) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (3) @ @@`3. Dedication to [A]rtemis Patm[ia] by Zo[ ... ] on altar; no date: *Sakkelion, AE 1862, coll. 261%19`2, no. 230; Malandrakis, p. 43, no. 4; Syll&4`3& 1152; **IIsolMil 35 (l. 2). @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Patmos 1, 1.5. @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (_) @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (4) @ @@@@Section: 15a. Honorary Epigrams (4) @ @@`4. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for &3hydrophoros& Bera, originally from Argos; 2%3`3: Ross, Inscr. gr. ined. 72%19`3, no. 190; Welcker, RhM 2, 1843, 334%19`9; Franz, RhM 3, 1845, 91%19`2; Welcker, RhM 3, 1845, 269%19`72; *Gue/rin, Patmos 58%19`9; Sakkelion, Pandora 19, 1869, 48, no. 22; Kaibel 872; Malandrakis, p. 42, no. 1; Preuner, Hermes 55, 1920, 184%19`7; **IIsolMil 34 (PH) (ll. 2%19`16). @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (5%19`18) @ @@`5. Funerary inscription for Alexandra Metrodorou; no date: *Sakkelion, AE 1862, coll. 264%19`5, no. 237$G&; Malandrakis, p. 44, no. 11$G;& Malandrakis, p. 44, no. 11$B&; **IIsolMil 47C (l. 1). @ @@`6. Funerary inscription for Ammia Demetria[ ... ]; 1: *IIsolMil 36 (PH). @ @@`7. Funerary inscription for [A]phrodeisia[ ... ] and others; 2: *IIsolMil 43 (PH). @ @@`8. Funerary inscription for Apollonios Pythokleous by son Herakleides Apolloniou; no date: *Sakkelion, AE 1862, coll. 264%19`5, no. 237$B&; IIsolMil 47B. @ @@`9. Funerary inscription for Aristeas Zosimou; 2%3`3: CIG 2262; *Clarke, Travels, Part 2, Section 2, p. 372; IIsolMil 37 (PH); Budde %9 Nicholls, Catalogue, pp. 83%19`4, no. 135, pl. 44 (PH). @ @@`10. Funerary inscription for Ari[st]i[o]n Herakleidou; no date: *Sakkelion, AE 1862, coll. 264%19`6, no. 237$A&; Malandrakis, p. 44, no. 11$A&; **IIsolMil 47A (l. 1). @ @@`11. Funerary inscription for Aurelios I[ ... ] and family; AD 212%3`300: *Sakkelion, AE 1862, col. 264, no. 236; Malandrakis, p. 44, no. 10; **IIsolMil 42 (PH) (l. 1); **BE 1966:321 (l. 2). @ @@`12. Funerary inscription for Chryseros Menelaou; no date: *Sakkelion, AE 1862, coll. 263%19`4, no. 235; Malandrakis, p. 44, no. 9; **IIsolMil 46 (PH) (l. 1). @ @@`13. Funerary inscription for Diodora; no date: *CIG 2261; IIsolMil 44. @ @@`14. Funerary inscription for Epaphrodeitos Epaphroditou Neisyrios; no date: Gue/rin, Patmos, 86; Sakkelion, AE 1862, col. 263, no. 233; Malandrakis, p. 44, no. 7; *IIsolMil 45. @ @@`15. Funerary inscription for Epaphroditos; 2: *Sakkelion, AE 1862, col. 263, no. 234; Malandrakis, p. 44, no. 8; **IIsolMil 40 (PH) (l. 3). @ @@`16. Funerary inscription for (no name) by &3threpsant&[&3es&?] Hegemandro[s] and Alype[tos]; I: *Gue/rin, Patmos 85; Sakkelion, AE 1862, coll. 262%19`3, no. 232; Malandrakis, p. 44, no. 6; **IIsolMil 38 (PH) (ll. 1%19`6). @ @@`17. Funerary inscription for Moschion by father Moschion; 2%3`3: *IIsolMil 41 (PH). @ @@`18. Funerary inscription for (no name) [Z]osimou; 2: *IIsolMil 39 (PH). @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (_) @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (_) @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @@@@{1Phokaia}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@None. @ Inscriptions found at the following sites are listed: @@Boione (Yenice, Yenidsche Fokia, Yenifoc%25a) @@Leukai (Leucae, U+c%25 Tepeler) @@Phokaia (Eskifoc%25a, Foc%25a, Karadscha Fokia, Panaghia Burnu, @@@@Panaghia Vournou, Phocaea.) @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`2) @ @@`1. Honorary decree (of Phokaia) for Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus; AD 161%3`162; found at Phokaia: *Salac%148, BCH 51, 1927, 390%19`392, no. 13. @ @@`2. Honorary decree [of Tralles] for foreign judge (no name) of Phokaia; 182%3`159 BC; found at Phokaia: Papadopoulos Kerameus, Hell. philol. syll. en Konstant. 15, 1884, 58%19`60, no. 5; *Robert, RPh 8, 1934, 279%19`291; ITralles 23. @ See also: IG XI 4, 652 (honorary decree of Delos for Pytharatos and Philermos of Phokaia, &3proxenoi&; found on Delos); FD II Terrasse du Temple 1 p. 224, l. 21 ([ ... ]atos Dionysiou of Phokaia among soldiers listed as receiving citizenship by decree of Lilaia; found at Delphi); SEG 4, 720, ll. 1%19`18 (honorary decree of boule and demos of Phokaia for Kalchedon, recognizing &3asylia&; found at Kalchedon); Klaffenbach, ADAW 1958, 2, no. 4, ll. 1%19`17 (honorary decree [of boule and demos] of Phokaia for Kalchedon; found at Kalchedon); Magnesia 32, l. 78 (%6 IMagnesia 53) (%6 IErythrai 507) (Phokaia among cities listed as accepting invitation to &3agon& in Magnesia Mai. after decree of Klazomenai accepting invitation; found at Magnesia Mai.); Priene 19 (%6 IPriene 64) (honorary decree of Phokaia for Priene; found at Priene); Priene 20 (%6 IPriene 65) (%6 SEG 4, 482) (honorary decree of Pho[kaia] for Apollodoros Poseidoniou of Priene; found at Priene); Priene 84 (%6 IPriene 8) (%6 SEG 4, 471) (honorary decree of Priene for foreign judges from Phokaia and elsewhere; found at Priene). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ See also: Tod II 112 (monetary pact between Mytilene and Phokaia; found at Mytilene on Lesbos). @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (_) @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (_) @ See also: IG I&4`3& 71, 259%19`290 (Athenian Tribute Lists frequently mention Phokaia; found in Attica); IG I&4`3& 383, l. 105 (mention of Phokaian coins in accounts of &3tamiai& of other gods; found in Attica); Iasos 152, ll. 12%19`14 (%6 IIasos 177) (%6 LW 266) (list of donations by &3choregoi& mentions Neon Pythagorou of Phokaia; found at Iasos). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (3) @ @@`3. Building inscription for &3oikos& of Jews by Tation Stratonos, with honorary inscription for her by &3synagoge&; imperial; found at Boione, poss. from Kyme: Reinach, BCH 10, 1886, 327%19`335; *IGRR IV 1327; CIJ II 738; IKyme 45; Graf, Kulte, Phokaia 10; Horsley, New Documents 1, pp. 111%19`112. @ See also: Phokaia 23. @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Chios 50 (%6 RPh 11, 1937, 325, 6A) (list of &3proxenoi includes individuals from Phok[aia?]; found on Chios); Robert, BCH 70, 1946, 512 (list of &3theorodokoi& may mention Phokaia and Leukai; found at Delphi); Magnesia 157 (%6 IMagnesia 7.b) (%6 Syll&4`3 941) (grant of &3ateleia& and other privileges to Phokaia by Magnesia (Mai.); found at Magnesia Mai.). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (4%19`9) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (4%19`9) @ @@`4. Dedication to Hadrian Zeus Olympios, on base (or altar?); AD 123%3`130; found at Phokaia: *Salac%148, BCH 51, 1927, 388%19`389, no. 10; Graf, Kulte, Phokaia 7; BE 1987:195. @ @@`4.5. Dedication to Hadrian Olympios, on marble pedestal; AD 124%3`130; found at Phokaia: *Pottier %9 Hauvette%19Besnault, BCH 4, 1880, 382, no. 11; IGRR IV 1319; Graf, Kulte, Phokaia 8; BE 1987:195. @ @@`5. Dedication to Hadrian Olympios; AD 124%3`130; found at Boione: Kontoleon, Anekdotoi Mikrasianai Epigraphai no. 20; *Contoleon, REG 14, 1901, 296, no. 1; IGRR IV 1320; Graf, Kulte, Phokaia 9; BE 1987:195. @ @@`6. Unpublished dedication to Marcus Aurelius by demos of Phokaia; AD 161%3`180; found at Phokaia: Sartiaux, CRAI 1914, 16, no. 5. @ @@`7. Unpublished illegible dedication to emperor; imperial; found at Phokaia: Sartiaux, CRAI 1914, 16, no. 6. @ @@`8. Dedication to Asklepios So[ter], perhaps on architrave; no date; found near Phokaia: *Salac%148, BCH 51, 1927, 389%19`390, no. 12; Graf, Kulte, Phokaia 2. @ @@`8.5. Dedication to Athena by Phokaia; no date; found at Phokaia: Riemann, BCH 1, 1877, 84, no. 17; SGDI 5621; *Graf, Kulte, Phokaia 1. @ @@`9. Dedication to Meter And[ ... ]a by Arignotos and Polles; no date; found near Phokaia: *Salac%148, BCH 51, 1927, 389, no. 11; Graf, Kulte, Phokaia 3. @ See also: Phokaia 3, 24. @ @@@@Section: 9b. Other Religious Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Macridy, JO+AI 15, 1912, pp. 48%19`49, no.'s 7%19`10 and p. 52, no. 21 (list of individuals visiting Klaros from Phokaia; found at Klaros); Keil, Forschungen in Ephesos IV 3, no. 62b (list of individuals visiting Klaros from Phokaia; found at Klaros); Robert, StudClas 16, 1974, 75 (list of individuals visiting Klaros from Phokaia; found at Klaros); S%25ahin, EA 9, 1987, 69, no. 22 (%6 SEG 37, 969) (list of individuals visiting Klaros from Phokaia; found at Klaros); Robert, Gnomon 31, 1959, 663 (unpublished lists of individuals visiting Klaros from Phokaia; found at Klaros); Robert, Laodice/e 304, note 2 (unpublished list of individuals visiting Klaros from Phokaia; found at Klaros); Robert, OM IV 140(3), 154(16), 161, 173 (unpublished lists of individuals visiting Klaros from Phokaia; found at Klaros). @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (10%19`18) @ @@`10. Honorary inscription for [J]ulius Caesar [by demos of Phokaia]; 48 BC; found at Phokaia: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`1875, 101, no. 102; *Hellenica 10, 257%19`261 (PH); SEG 15, 748; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkm. 234. @ @@`11. Honorary (?) inscription for Hadrian; AD 117%3`138; found at Phokaia: *Salac%148, BCH 51, 1927, 388, no. 9. @ @@`12. Honorary inscription for Septimius Severus, by demos; AD 193%3`211; found at Phokaia: *CIG 3412; IGRR IV 1321. @ @@`13. Honorary inscription by d[emos] for Demetrios Gallos, priest of Massalia, stoichedon; 1%3`2; found at Phokaia: CIG 3413; IGRR IV 1322; Clerc, Massalia II 262 (PH); *Graf, Kulte, Phokaia 4. @ @@`14. Honorary inscription by phyle of Teuthadeis for Flavia Ammion, &3archiereia& of Asia of temple in Ephesos and priestess of Massalia; 1&7e&%3`2&7b&; found at Phokaia: *CIG 3415; OGIS 489, note 2; IGRR IV 1325; Graf, Kulte, Phokaia 6. @ @@`15. Honorary inscription for P(ublius) Fla(vius) Hermokrates of Boione, philosopher, by wife Vibia; imperial; found at Boione: *CIG 3414 and Add. p. 1126; Fontrier, Mous. II 1, 1875%19`1876, p.. 11, no. 203; IGRR IV 1326; **Engelmann, ZPE 42, 1981, 207%19`208 (l. 3). @ @@`16. Honorary inscription for Fl(avius) Hermokrates, philosopher; imperial; found at Phokaia: *CIG 3414b; IGRR IV 1324. @ @@`17. Honorary inscription for Fl(avius) Hermokrates by gymnasiarch Vibius Rufus; imperial; found at Phokaia: Ziebarth, Wissensch. Beil. z. Jahresber. d. Wilh.%19Gymn. Hamburg 1903, p. 10, no. 21 (non vidi); *Engelmann, ZPE 42, 1981, p. 208, note. @ @@`18. Honorary inscription for Titus Flavius Varus Calvisianus Hermokrates, priest of Massalia, by boule and demos; 1%3`2; found near Phokaia: *Reinach, BCH 17, 1893, 34%19`39; OGIS 489; IGRR IV 1323; ILS 8864; Hellenica 10, 261%19`265; Graf, Kulte, Phokaia 5. @ See also: Phokaia 1, 2, 3; IG II&4`2& 3797 (honorary (?) inscription for [Flavius Herm]okrates, philosopher; found in Attica); Erythrai 132.5 (%6 EA 9, 1987, 145, 16) (honorary inscription for (no name) by &3demos& of Phokaia and other cities; found at Erythrai); APergamon VIII 3, no. 34 (honorary inscription for L(ucius) Flavius Hermokrates, philsopher; found at Pergamon). @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (_) @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (18.3%19`18.6) @ @@`18.3. Funerary inscription in iambics for Pyrrhoniast [Me]neklees; 1?; found at Boione: *Baltazzi, BCH 12, 1888, 368%19`369, no. 17; Peek, GVI I 603. @ @@`18.6. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Timokrates; 1; found at Boione: Fontrier, Mous. V 1884%19`1885, 8%19`9, no. 214; Hicks, CR 2, 1888, 118; Peek, MDAI(A) 56, 1931, 126; *Peek, GVI I 1013. @ See also: Ephesos 2069 (%6 IEphesos 1548) (%6 CIG 2998) (%6 LW 158) (%6 Kaibel 877a) (%6 GIBM 548) (%6 SEG 13, 506) (honorary inscription, partly in elegiacs, for &3sophistes& Soteros, put up at expense of students, including Priscus Kilbianos Cl(audius) Salvius of Phokaia; found at Ephesos). @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (19%19`22) @ @@`19. Funerary inscription for Apelles Metrodorou and Metrodoros Apelleous; no date; found at Phokaia: *Pottier %9 Hauvette%19Besnault, BCH 4, 1880, 382, no. 12. @ @@`20. Funerary inscription for Apollodoros Hermonos of Erythrai; no date; found at Phokaia: *Pottier %9 Hauvette%19Besnault, BCH 4, 1880, 382, no. 13. @ @@`21. Funerary inscription for Aris Laridos; no date; found at Boione: *Contoleon, REG 14, 1901, 296, no. 2. @ @@`22. Funerary inscription (in Aeolic) for Dionysios Zeu[2xi]2geneos; no date; found at Boione: *Contoleon, REG 14, 1901, 296, no. 3. @ See also: IG II&4`2& 10491%19`10492 (funerary inscription for named individuals from Phokaia; found in Attica); Erythrai 253 (%6 IErythrai 422) (%6 JO+AI 13, 1910 Beibl. 71, 56) (honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) by various cities, including [Ph]okaia; found at Erythrai); Smyrna 561, l. 7 (%6 ISmyrna 191) (%6 ZPE 9, 1972, 64) (funerary inscription for Marcus Livius Ty[r]annion and others mentions &3st&[&3ro&]&3sis Phokai+ke&; found at Smyrna). @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ See also: Erythrai 119 (%6 IErythrai 53) (%6 GIBM 1019) (%6 LW 47) (%6 Loewy 219) (honorary inscription with artist's signature by Apollodoros Lenonos of Phokaia; found at Erythrai). @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (23%19`25) @ @@`23. Christian building inscription; Christian; found near Phokaia: Sartiaux, De la nouvelle a\ l'ancienne Phoce/e pl. 7 (PH); *Salac%148, BCH 51, 1927, 392, no. 15; **Hellenica 10, 261, note 2 (l. 1). @ @@`24. Christian dedication, by (no name) and Phokas, for &3soteri&[&3a&]; Christian; found near Phokaia: *Salac%148, BCH 51, 1927, 392, no. 14. @ @@`25. Christian inscriptions on ampule; early Christian; found at Phokaia: *Sartiaux, CRAI 1921, p. 120, no. 1; SEG 34, 1196. @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (_) @ See also: IG XII 5, 444 XXVII (Marmor Parium mentions founding of [Phok]a[ia]; found on Paros). @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (_) @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @@@@{1Priene}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@IPriene: F. Hiller von Gaertringen, Inschriften von Priene, @@@@Berlin 1906. @@Priene: T. Wiegand %9 H. Schrader: Priene, Ergebnisse der @@@@Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen, Berlin 1904. @ The bulk of the inscriptions listed were found at Priene. Others were found nearby. In any case, the place of discovery is listed. Following sites are given, of which those which have not been located are followed by a question mark: @@Davutlar (Daudko+i) @@Dermen (Kelembesio) (?) @@Gu+llu+bahc%25e (Gu+llu+bahc%25e, Kelebec%25, Kelebesch, Kelibesch) @@Mykale (Samson Dag%27#1221) @@Naulochon (Akbog%27az, Naulochos) @@Panionion (C%25anl#1221, Giaur%19Tschangli, Melie) @@Priene (Turuclar, Turuncular, Turuntsch) @@So+ke (Sokia) @@Thebes (on) Myk(ale) (Domatia, Thebai). @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`129) @ @@@@Section: 1a. Decrees of States and Organizations Other Than @@@@Priene (1%19`31) @ @@`1. Honorary decree of Athens for Priene; II; found at Priene: *IPriene 45; **Wilhelm, WS 29, 1907, 10 (ll. 10%19`11); **Robert, RA 24, 1926, 177%19`8 (ll. 8%19`9); SEG 4, 475. @ @@`2. Decree of &3prytaneis& of Bargylia for Priene and foreign judges from Priene; c. 200 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 47 and p. 310; IIasos 607. @ @@`3. Beginning of honorary decree of boule and [de]mos of Chios for Priene; II; found at Priene: *IPriene 48. @ @@`4. Honorary decree of [Eresos] for foreign judge Zenodotos Artemonos of Priene; II; found at Priene: GIBM 422; IPriene 60 and p. 310; *IG XII Suppl. 141. @ @@`5. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Erythrai for foreign judge from Priene and his &3grammateus&; no date; found at Priene: GIBM 418; *IPriene 50 and p. 310; IErythrai 111. @ @@`6. Decree of Hellenes in Asia adopting suggestion of Paulus Fabius Maximus, proconsul (of Asia), to move beginning of year to Augustus's birthday and honoring Paulus Fabius Maximus; c. 9 BC; found at Priene, other copies at Apameia and Eumeneia: Mommsen %9 Wilamowitz, MDAI(A) 24, 1899, 275%19`293; OGIS 458II; IPriene 105, ll. 30%19`77 and p. 310; Deissmann, Licht vom Osten&4`4&, 313%19`7 (PH, partial); Buckler, CR 41, 1927, 119%19`121; SEG 4, 490; Jones, CR 5, 1955, 244%19`5; SEG 15, 815; Laffi, SCO 16, 1967, 22%19`3, no. 6; *Sherk 65D, ll. 30%19`77. @ @@`7. Decree of Hellenes in Asia changing beginning of terms of office of magistrates to conform to altered calendar; c. 9 BC; found at Priene, other copies at Apameia and Eumeneia: Mommsen %9 Wilamowitz, MDAI(A) 24, 1899, 275%19`293; OGIS 458III; IPriene 105, ll. 78%19`84; Laffi, SCO 16, 1967, 23, no. 7; *Sherk 65D, ll. 78%19`84. @ @@`8. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Iasos for Priene, foreign judge Herokrates Andriou of Priene, and his &3grammateus&; II; found at Priene: GIBM 420, ll. 1%19`37; *IPriene 53I; IIasos 73, ll. 1%19`37. @ @@`9. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Iasos for Priene, foreign judge Kallikrates Apolloniou of Priene, and his &3grammateus&; II; found at Priene: *IPriene 54, ll. 1%19`34, and p. 310; IIasos 74, ll. 1%19`34. @ @@`10. Decree of boule of Ionians concerning Lebedos and priesthood of Zeus Bouleios and Hera; c. 365%3`335 BC; found at Panionion: CIG 2909, ll. 1%19`9; *IPriene 139, ll. 1%19`9. @ @@`11. Sacred law [of Ionians] concerning sacrifices to Zeus Boula[ios and other gods] at Panionion; 350%3`323 BC; found at Panionion: *Hommel, Panionion und Melie, 45%19`63 (PH); **Sokolowski, BCH 94, 1970, 109%19`112 (ll. 1%19`9, 11%19`19, 21%19`25). @ @@`12. Honorary decree of Koinon of Ionians for Dionysios Ameniou of Priene, priest of King Nikomedes (II) Epiphanes; 128%3`7 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 55 and p. 310; **Holleaux, BCH 31, 1907, 383%19`4 (ll. 28%19`30). @ @@`13. Fragment of honorary decree of [Koinon] of Ionians for (no name); I; found at Priene: *IPriene 56 and p. 310. @ @@`14. Honorary decree of [Ko]lophon for (no name), envoys from Priene; III; found at Priene: *IPriene 57 and p. 310; **Holleaux, BCH 31, 1907, 384 (l. 16); **Wilhelm, NB VI 6%19`7, 77 (ll. 8%19`10, 20%19`1); SEG 4, 479; **Robert, REA 65, 1963, 307 (l. 21). @ @@`15. Honorary decree of [Kolophon] for [P]riene and foreign judges from Priene; III; found at Priene: *IPriene 58, ll. 1%19`7 and p. 310. @ @@`16. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Laodikeia for Priene and foreign judges Meniskos Metrodorou and others; c. 200 BC; found at Priene: GIBM 421; *IPriene 59; **Holleaux, BCH 31, 1907, 384 (l. 15). @ @@`17. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Magnesia Mai. for Priene and foreign judges Diagoras Protarchou and others of Priene; III(?); found at Priene: *IPriene 61, ll. 1%19`31 and p. 310; **Holleaux, BCH 31, 1907, 384 (ll. 13%19`4, 24, 25, 26). @ @@`18. Honorary decree of demos of Parion for Priene and foreign judge Poseidonios Herodou of Priene; c. 200 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 63, ll. 1%19`34 and p. 310; **Wilhelm, WS 29, 1907, 7%19`8 (l. 25); **Robert, RA 24, 1926, 179%19`180 (ll. 13%19`7, 19); **Robert, BCH 52, 1928, 163, note 3 (ll. 29%19`30); SEG 4, 481; IParion 1. @ @@`19. Honorary decree of Phokaia for Priene; c. 190 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 64. @ @@`20. Decree of boule and demos of Pho[kaia] for Apollodoros Poseidoniou of Priene; c. 190 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 65; **Robert, RA 24, 1926, 180%19`181 (ll. 9%19`10, 17); SEG 4, 482. @ @@`21. Decree of boule and demos (of Samos) for Strato Phrasikleous (?) the younger; IV&7e&(?); found at Priene, poss. wandered from Samos: *IPriene 67; **Robert, RPh 3, 1929, 125%19`126 (l. 4). @ @@`22. Honorary decree of [Samothrake] for [poet Herodes Poseidoniou] of Priene; c. 100 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 68; **Holleaux, BCH 31, 1907, 384%19`5 (ll. 6%19`9); **Robert, RA 24, 1926, 174 (ll. 11, 14); SEG 4, 483. @ @@`23. Honorary decree of &3phrouroi& in Teloneia for &3phrourarchos Helikon Leomedontos; III&4`2& (?); found at Priene: *IPriene 19 and p. 308; **Wilhelm, WS 29, 1907, 5 (l. 29). @ @@`24. Decree of boule and demos of Hy[ ... ]pa (?) for Meniskos A[tta]l[ou] and other judges from Priene; c. 200 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 52; **Robert, RA 24, 1926, 178 (ll. 4%19`5); SEG 4, 478. @ @@`25. Honorary decree of (unknown city) for (no name) [of Priene]; III; found at Priene: GIBM 417; *IPriene 77. @ @@`26. Fragment of honorary decree of (unknown city?) for envoys (from Priene?); III; found at Priene: *IPriene 79. @ @@`27. Honorary decree of (unknown city) for King Antiochos (II?) and foreign judge (?) from Priene; 259%3`246 BC (?); found at Priene: GIBM 423; *IPriene 24 and p. 308; **Wilhelm, WS 29, 1907, 8 (l. 4); **Robert, BCH 50, 1926, 474, note 3 (l. 11); SEG 4, 472. @ @@`28. Honorary decree of (unknown city) for Priene and foreign judges Alexis and Lysias from Priene; II; found at Priene: *IPriene 71; **Wilhelm, WS 29, 1907, 11 (l. 21); **Robert, RA 24, 1926, 181 (ll. 7%19`8); SEG 4, 486; **Robert, RPh 48, 1974, 193%19`4, note 74 (l. 20). @ @@`29. Honorary (?) decree in Doric of (unknown city); II; found at Priene: *IPriene 75; **Robert, RA 24, 1926, 182%19`3 (ll. 2%19`9); SEG 4, 487. @ @@`30. Fragment of decree of (unknown city); II&4`1&; found at Priene: *IPriene 72. @ @@`31. Honorary decree of boule and demos of (unknown city) for Priene and foreign judges from Priene; II&4`2&; found at Priene: *IPriene 73 and p. 310; **Wilhelm, WS 29, 1907, 11 (l. 8). @ See also: Aphrodisias 2 (%6 Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome Doc. 5) (%6 BCH 96, 1972, 443) (honorary decree of Koinon of Hellenes in Asia for Dionysios Iasonos and Hierokles Iasonos of Aphrodisias and Tralles; found at Aphrodisias); IG II&4`2& 564 (decree of Athens for Priene; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 565 (honorary decree of Athens for Priene; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 566 (honorary decree of Athens for Makareus Lykopadou and Th[ ... ], envoys from Priene; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 567 (honorary decree of Athens for envoys from Priene; found in Attica); FD II Terrasse du Temple p. 224, l. 18 (Apollonio[s] Antipatrou of Priene among soldiers listed as receiving citizenship by decree of Lilaia; found at Delphi); Priene 58 (%6 IPriene 494) (%6 IEphesos 2001) (%6 Syll&4`3& 363) (honorary decree of Ephesos for citizens of Priene at Charax; found at Ephesos); Erythrai 171 (%6 IErythrai 348) (%6 IPriene 536) (%6 REA 5, 1903, 231, 1) (honorary decree of Koinon of Ionians for Apollodotos Parmenontos of Erythrai; found at Erythrai); Klazomenai 1 (%6 IErythrai 504) (%6 OGIS 222) (%6 BCH 9, 1885, 387) (decree of Ionian League; found at Klazomenai); IPriene 533 (honorary decree of Korkyra for &3proxenoi& Lykiskos and Echesthenes Demosthenous of Priene; found on Korkyra); IKos 12 b l. 11 (list following decree includes [ ... ... ]mou of Priene; found on Kos); Magnesia 104 (%6 IMagnesia 93.a) (%6 Syll&4`3& 679.I) (%6 IPriene 531.I) (decree [of Magnesia (Mai.)] concerning settlement by foreign judges from Mylasa of boundary dispute between Magnesia (Mai.) and Priene; found at Magnesia Mai.); Magnesia 32, l. 81 (%6 IMagnesia 53) (%6 IErythrai 507) (Priene among cities listed as accepting invitation to &3agon& in Magnesia Mai. after decree of Klazomenai accepting invitation; found at Magnesia Mai.); Miletos 17 (%6 Smyrna 4) (%6 ISmyrna 577) (%6 Syll&4`3& 368) (%6 Michel 485) (honorary decree of Koinon of Ionians for Hippostratos Hippodemo of Miletos mentions setting up statue with inscription for Hippostratos in Panionion; found at Miletos and Smyrna); Miletos 29 (%6 Milet I 3, 120) (%6 IErythrai 75) (decree [of Koinon of Ionians] mentioning [Mile]tos, Smyrna, Chios, [Klazome]nai, and Erythrai; found at Miletos); IPriene 534 (fragment of decree (?) or other document concerning Mag[nesia] (Mai.) and [Pr]iene; found on Rhodes); Samos 80 (%6 MDAI(A) 72, 1957, 213, 52) (honorary decree of Samos for (no name) Dionysiou of Priene; found on Samos); Samos 83 (%6 MDAI(A) 72, 1957, 182, 18) (honorary decree of Samos for (no name) of Priene; found on Samos). @ @@@@Section: 1b. Other Honorary Decrees (32%19`112) @ @@@@Section: 1b1. Full Name Preserved (32%19`80) @ @@`32. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Priene) for Aulus Aemilius Zosimos; 84%3`01 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 112 and p. 311 (PH, partial). @ @@`33. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Priene) for Aulus Aemilius Zosimos; 84%3`01 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 113 and p. 311 (PH, partial); **Wilhelm, NB VI 53 (l. 32); **Robert, E/t. anat. 388%19`9, note 2 (l. 56); **Robert, Hermes 65, 1930, 114%19`117 (ll. 61, 63%19`67). @ @@`34. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Priene) for Aulus Aemilius Zosimos; 84%3`01 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 114 and p. 311 (PH, partial). @ @@`35. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Priene for Alexandreia Tro. and foreign judges from Priene sent to Alexandreia Tro.; II; found at Priene: GIBM 419 %7 431; *IPriene 44. @ @@`36. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Priene for Antigonos (I) Philippou while still private individual; 334 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 2; Syll&4`3& 278. @ @@`37. 1st honorary decree [of boule and demos] (of Priene) for Apellis Nikophontos, &3grammateus&; 332%3`328 (?) BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 4, ll. 1%19`48 and p. 308; Holleaux, BCH 31, 1907, 382; **Wilhelm, WS 29, 1907, 2 (ll. 21%19`22, 42); **Graindor, Mus. belge 11, 1907, 126 (l. 26). @ @@`38. 2nd honorary decree of boule and demos (of Priene) for Apellis Nikophontos, now &3phrourarchos& of heights in Teloneia; 327%3`4(?) BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 4, ll. 49%19`59. @ @@`39. Honorary decree of [boule] and demos (of Priene) for Aristippos; II; found at Priene: IPriene 83; *Wilhelm, WS 29, 1907, 13%19`7. @ @@`40. Honorary decree for Aristodikos; III; found at Priene: *IPriene 74. @ @@`41. Honorary decree of boule (of Priene) for Athenopolis Kydimou; c. 130 BC (?); found at Priene: *IPriene 107 (PH, partial). @ @@`42. Decree of boule and demos of Priene giving honors to Athens and ordaining election of &3theoroi& to go to Panathenaia in Athens; 331%3`328 BC (?); found at Priene: *IPriene 5 (PH). @ @@`43. Honorary decree of [boule and dem]os (of Priene) for &3phrourarchos& Bias; III; found at Priene: *IPriene 23; **Graindor, Mus. belge 11, 1907, 126 (ll. 3, 16%19`7). @ @@`44. Part of decree of Priene in answer to honorary decree of Chios for foreign judges from Priene; c. 200 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 49; **Robert, RA 24, 1926, 178 (l. 9); SEG 4, 477. @ @@`45. Honorary decree of [boule and demos] (of Priene) for Diokles Ameiniou; c. 200 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 82 and p. 310; **Wilhelm, WS 29, 1907, 11%19`13 (ll. 15%19`25). @ @@`46. 1st honorary decree of Priene for Euandros Sabyllou of Larisa in Thessaly; 300%3`290 (?) BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 12, ll. 1%19`13; Wilhelm, WS 29, 1907, 3%19`5; **Robert, RPh 18, 1944, 9%19`10 (l. 5). @ @@`47. 2nd honorary decree of boule and demos of Priene for Euandros Sabyllou of Larisa in Thessaly; 296%3`286 (?) BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 12, ll. 14%19`31; **Holleaux, BCH 31, 1907, 382%19`3 (ll. 18%19`9, 22%19`3); Wilhelm, WS 29, 1907, 3%19`5. @ @@`48. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Priene) for Hegesias Alexandrou, mentioning fleet from Rhodes; c. 190 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 66. @ @@`49. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Priene) for &3s&[&3itophyla&]&3kes& Hegesias Thrasyboulou et al.; c. 200 BC; found at Priene: GIBM 413; *IPriene 81. @ @@`50. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Priene) for Herakleitos Theodorou; I; found at Priene: Kumanudes, AE 1886, 218%19`224, no. A (part); Kumanudes, AD 1887, 195%19`6 (part); *IPriene 117 and p. 311; **Holleaux, BCH 31, 1907, 388 (ll. 66, 76%19`8); **Wilhelm, WS 29, 1907, 21%19`2 (ll. 78%19`9); **Wilhelm, NB VI 53 (ll. 61%19`2). @ @@`51. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Priene) for Herodes Herodou; c. 120 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 109 and p. 311 (PH, partial); **Holleaux, BCH 31, 1907, 386%19`7 (ll. 49, 51%19`53, 172%19`174, 269, 278); **Wilhelm, WS 29, 1907, 20%19`1 (ll. 56, 58%19`9); **Robert, RPh, 1, 1927, 108, note 3 (ll. 131%19`2, 223%19`4); SEG 4, 492; **Robert, E/t. anat. 37%19`9 (l. 191). @ @@`52. Honorary decree of demos of Priene for Iasos, with answer to honorary decree of Iasos for foreign judge Herokrates Andriou of Priene; II; found at Priene: GIBM 420, ll. 38%19`75; *IPriene 53II; **Holleaux, BCH 31, 1907, 383 (l. 39); IIasos 73, ll. 38%19`75. @ @@`53. Honorary decree of demos of Priene for Iasos in answer to honorary decree of Iasos for foreign judge Kallikrates Apolloniou; II; found at Priene: *IPriene 54, ll. 35%19`70 and p. 310; **Holleaux, BCH 31, 1907, 383 (ll. 36%19`9, 63%19`4); IIasos 74, ll. 35%19`70. @ @@`54. Honorary decree of [boule] and demos (of Priene) for Isod[oros]; no date; found at Gu+llu+bahc%25e: Judeich, MDAI(A) 16, 1891, 289, no. 10; Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 17, no. 8; *IPriene 133; **Wilhelm, WS 29, 1907, 22%19`4 (ll. 1%19`8). @ @@`55. Honorary (?) decree of Prie[n]e for [K]olophon; III; found at Priene: *IPriene 58, ll. 8%19`22; **Robert, RA 24, 1926, 178 (l. 12); SEG 4, 480. @ @@`56. Honorary decree of [boule and demos] (of Priene) for Krates; I&7b&; found at Priene: *IPriene 111; **Holleaux, BCH 31, 1907, 387 (ll. 116, 119, 132, 141, 142%19`3); **Wilhelm, WS 29, 1907, 21 (l. 308); **Wilhelm, NB 52%19`3 (ll. 176); **Robert, RA 24, 1926, 181 (l. 120); SEG 4, 493; **Hellenica 9, 75%19`6 (l. 188%19`189); **Migeotte, L'emprunt public no. 95 (ll. 200%19`201); BE 1987:221 (p. 308). @ @@`57. 1st honorary decree [of Priene] for Larichos; c. 285%3`280 BC; found at Priene: GIBM 415, ll. 1%19`18; OGIS 215I; *IPriene 18, ll. 1%19`19; Gauthier, JS 1980, 35%19`50; SEG 30, 1360. @ @@`58. 2nd honorary decree of demos [of Priene] for Larichos; c. 280 BC; found at Priene: GIBM 415, ll. 19%19`26; OGIS 215II; *IPriene 18, ll. 20%19`7 (PH, part); Gauthier, JS 1980, 35%19`50; SEG 30, 1360. @ @@`59. 3rd honorary decree of boule and demos (of Priene) for Larichos; c. 275%3`270 BC; found at Priene: GIBM 415, ll. 27%19`35; OGIS 215III; *IPriene 18, ll. 28%19`36; Gauthier, JS 1980, 35%19`50; SEG 30, 1360. @ @@`60. Honorary decree ordaining divine honors for King Lysimachos; c. 286 BC; found at Priene: GIBM 401; Papadopoulos Kerameus, MDAI(A) 5, 1880, 339%19`340, no. 11A (part); OGIS 11; *IPriene 14 (PH, part); Schede, Ruinen von Priene 35 (PH, part); **Robert, E/t. anat. 183%19`4 (ll. 15%19`7, 23). @ @@`61. Honorary (?) decree of [Priene] for Magnesia (Mai.); III (?); found at Priene: *IPriene 61, ll. 32%19`8 and p. 310. @ @@`62. Decree of demos of Priene giving honor to Maroneia and concerning legal relationship between the two cities; IV; found at Priene: *IPriene 10 and p. 308. @ @@`63. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Priene for Megabyxos Megabyxou of Ephesos; c. 334 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 3; Syll&4`3& 282II; **Wackernagel, Hermes 58, 1923, 462%19`4 (ll. 4, 5, 17). @ @@`64. Honorary decree of boul[e] and demos of Priene for Menares Gelonos for his behavior in war against Miletos; III; found at Priene: *IPriene 26. @ @@`65. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Priene) for Menedemos Sosibiou; I&7b&; found at Priene: *IPriene 110. @ @@`66. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Priene) for Moschion Kydimou; 129%3`100 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 108 and p. 310; **Holleaux, BCH 31, 1907. 385%19`386 (ll. 28, 30, 39%19`40, 54, 56, 61, 171, 222, 372); **Wilhelm, WS 29, 1907, 19%19`20 (ll. 59, 216, 377); **Graindor, Mus. belge 11, 1907, 127 (l. 45); **Wilhelm, NB VI 51%19`2 (ll. 104%19`5); **Robert, RPh 53, 1927, 100, note 1 (l. 74); SEG 4, 491; **Koerner, Philologus 108, 1964, 140%19`2 (l. 258); Migeotte, L'emprunt public no. 94. @ @@`67. 1st honorary decree for [Nymphon Protarchou] before his term as &3phrourarchos&; c. 270 BC; found at Priene: GIBM 416, ll. 1%19`8; *IPriene 20. @ @@`68. 2nd honorary decree of boule and demos (of Priene) for [Nympho]n Protarchou, &3phrourarchos&; c. 266 BC; found at Gu+llu+bahc%25e: GIBM 416, ll. 9%19`10 (part); *IPriene 21. @ @@`69. 3rd honorary decree of boule and [demos] (of Priene) for Nymphon Protarchou, former &3phrourarchos&; c. 262 BC; found at Gu+llu+bahc%25e: Hicks, JHS 4, 1883, 237%19`242; *IPriene 22; **Holleaux, BCH 31, 1907, 383 (ll. 20%19`21). @ @@`70. Honorary (?) decree of [Priene] for Parion; c. 200 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 63, ll. 35%19`7. @ @@`71. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Priene for Philaios Philistidou of Athens; 330%3c. 200 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 6. @ @@`72. Honorary decree of [boule and demos of Priene] for Samothrake; c. 100 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 69 and p. 310; **Holleaux, BCH 31, 1907, 385 (ll. 21%19`2); **Wilhelm, WS 29, 1907, 10 (l. 5); Graindor, Mus. belge 11, 1907, 127; **Robert, RA 24, 1926, 174%19`6 (ll. 13%19`21); SEG 4, 484; **Robert, Gnomon 35, 1963, 59%19`60 (ll. 5%19`8, 11%19`12). @ @@`73. Honorary decree of [Prie]ne for Samothrake; c. 100 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 70; **Robert, RA 24, 1926, 176 (ll. 3%19`9, 19%19`22); SEG 4, 485. @ @@`74. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Priene for Sotas Lykou for leading resistance to Galatai; 278%3c. 260 BC; found at Priene: OGIS 765; *IPriene 17; **Graindor, Mus. belge 11, 1907, 126 (l. 5). @ @@`75. Honorary decree of Priene for Theodoros [Ari?]stogenous of Miletos; 330%3`2. 200 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 7; **Habicht, MDAI(A) 72, 1957, 267, note 164 (ll. 9%19`10); **Hellenica 11%19`12, 212, note 1 (ll. 8%19`9); **Gauthier, JS 1980, 45, note 27 (ll. 12%19`3); SEG 30, 1359. @ @@`76. Honorary decree (of Priene) for Theon; I&7b&; found at Priene: *IPriene 119. @ @@`77. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Priene) for Thrasyboulos Demetriou; c. 100 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 99 and p. 310; **Robert, RPh 53, 1927, 100, note 1 (l. 7); SEG 4, 489. @ @@`78. Honorary inscription for [Thras]yboulos D[emet]riou [by demos (?)]; c. 100 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 100. @ @@`79. Honorary decree of boule and d[e]mos (of Priene) for Thrasy[b]oulos De[metri]ou; c. 100 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 103 and p. 310. @ @@`80. Honorary decree of demos of Priene for Thrasyboulos Thrasyboulou; I (?); found at Priene: *IPriene 104 and p. 310; **Wilhelm, WS 29, 1907, 17 (ll. 7%19`8). @ See also: Priene 1%19`6, 8%19`9, 12, 15%19`24, 27%19`8. @ я@@@@Section: 1b2. Name Fragmentary (81%19`83) @ @@`81. Honorary decree (?) for [ ... ]peitos Thrasyboulou; c. 100 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 102 and p. 310. @ @@`82. Fragment of honorary decree of boule and demos [of Priene] for (no name) [A]sklepiadous; no date; found at Gu+llu+bahc%25e: Winter, MDAI(A) 16, 1891, 288%19`9; Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 17, no. 8; *IPriene 132; **Wilhelm, WS 29, 1907, 18%19`9 (ll. 2%19`5); **Wilhelm, NB VI 54 (ll. 9%19`10). @ @@`83. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name) [Heg]estou; prob. III; found at Priene (?): *IPriene 35 and p. 308. @ @@@@Section: 1b3. Name Lost (84%19`112) @ @@`84. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Priene for foreign judges from Phokaia (name lost), and Astypalaia; 328%3c. 200 BC; fund at Priene: *IPriene 8 and p. 308; **Holleaux, BCH 31, 1907, 382 (ll. 6, 13%19`5); **Graindor, Mus. belge 11, 1907, 126 (ll. 11%19`2); **Robert, RA 24, 1926, 177 (ll. 9%19`10, 28); SEG 4, 471. @ @@`85. Fragment of honorary decree of de[mos of Priene] for (no name); III%3II; found at Priene: *IPriene 78. @ @@`86. Fragment of honorary decree [of Priene] for (no name), foreigner; III; found at Priene: *IPriene 9 and 31. @ @@`87. Fragment of honorary decree; III; found at Priene: *IPriene 32. @ @@`88. Fragment of honorary decree mentioning privileges in Panionion; III; found at Priene: *IPriene 34. @ @@`89. Fragment of honorary decree; III; found at Priene: *IPriene 33. @ @@`90. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name); c. 200 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 36; **Robert, RPh 53, 1927, 128, note 7 (ll. 3%19`4); SEG 4, 473; Migeotte, L'emprunt public no. 93. @ @@`91. Honorary decree for judges; c. 200 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 76. @ @@`92. Honorary decree of Priene for (no name), &3stephanephoros&; c. 100 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 46 and p. 310; **Wilhelm, NB VI 49%19`50 (ll. 9%19`12); **Robert, RPh 53, 1927, 100, note 1 (l. 7); SEG 4, 476. @ @@`93. Honorary decree for (no name), men; II%3I; found at Priene: *IPriene 96 and p. 310; **Robert, RPh 53, 1927, 127, note 2 (ll. 11%19`2, 17); SEG 4, 488. @ @@`94. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name); II; found at Priene: *IPriene 80. @ @@`95. Fragment of honorary decree for &3theoros& (no name); prob. II; found at Priene: *IPriene 89; **Bravo, ASNP 10, 3, 1980, 930 (ll. 8, 12); SEG 30, 1361. @ @@`96. Honorary decree for (no name), men; c. II; found at Priene: *IPriene 97. @ @@`97. Fragment of honorary decree (?) for (no name); II; found at Priene: *IPriene 98. @ @@`98. Honorary decree for (no name); prob. II; found at Priene: *IPriene 136 and p. 311. @ @@`99. Honorary decree of [boule] and de[mos] for (no name), foreign judges; II&4`2&; found at Priene: *IPriene 134; **Robert, RA 24, 1926, 183 (l. 15); SEG 4, 494. @ @@`100. End of honorary (?) decree, including names of envoys chosen; II&4`2&; found at Priene: *IPriene 138; **Wilhelm, NB VI 78 (ll. 3%19`6). @ @@`101. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name); c. II&7e&; found at Priene: *IPriene 95. @ @@`102. Honorary decree of [dem]os for (no name); I; found at Priene: *IPriene 115 and 131 and p. 311. @ @@`103. Dedication to [Dionysos?], [Pos]eidon [He]likonios, and Hestia [Bou]laia at end of honorary decree; I; found at Priene: *IPriene 116 (PH). @ @@`104. Honorary decree of boule and de[mos] (of Priene) for (no name); I; found at Priene: *IPriene 118; **BE 1977:236 (l. 9); SEG 27, 762. @ @@`105. Honorary decree for (no name) mentioning dispute with Miletos; I&7b&; found at Priene: *IPriene 120. @ @@`106. Honorary decree for (no name) mentioning embassies to Roman official, several Anatolian cities, and Seleukos son of King Antiochos (VIII); I&7b&; found at Priene: *IPriene 121 and p. 311. @ @@`107. Fragment of honorary decree (?) for (no name); no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 122. @ @@`108. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name) mentioning embassies to Rhodes and [Ephesos] and dispute with Magnesia (Mai.); no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 124 and p. 311. @ @@`109. Fragment of honorary decree (?) for (no name); no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 125. @ @@`110. Fragment of honorary decree (?) for (no name); no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 130. @ @@`111. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name); no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 135. @ @@`112. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name); no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 137. @ See also: Priene 13%19`4, 25%19`6, 29%19`31; Magnesia 97 (%6 IMagnesia 1) (proxeny decree [of Priene?]; found at Magnesia Mai.). @ @@@@Section: 1c. Other Laws and Decrees (113%19`129) @ @@`113. Beginning of decree [of Priene?] in answer to request of Lebedos; c. 365%3`335 BC; found at Panionion: CIG 2909, ll. 10%19`11; *IPriene 139, ll. 10%19`11 and p. 311. @ @@`114. Fragment of decree of boule and [demos] mentioning month Me[t]ageitnion; III%3II; found at Priene: *IPriene 30. @ @@`115. Fragment of decree mentioning King Attalos (I?); III?; found at Priene: *IPriene 29. @ @@`116. Sacred law concerning priest of Zeus [ ... ] and Poseidon; III?; found at Thebes Myk.: *IPriene 364 and p. 312; **Graindor, Mus. belge 11, 1907, 127%19`8 (l. 2); **Sokolowski, LSAM 40 (ll. 5, 9, 10); SEG 15, 692. @ @@`117. Decree of demos of Priene establishing Soteria festival in honor of regaining freedom from tyrant; c. 297 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 11 and p. 308; **Robert, RPh 18, 1944, 5%19`9 (ll. 3%19`6, 7%19`12, 21%19`22, 25%19`6). @ @@`118. Sacred law concerning cult of Sarapis, Isis, and Apis; c. 200 BC; found at Priene: Priene 165 (part); *IPriene 195 and p. 311; Sokolowski, LSAM 36; SEG 15, 688; Vidman, Sylloge 291. @ @@`119. Criminal law concerning punishment for murder; II; found at Priene: GIBM 435; *IPriene 84 and p. 310. @ @@`120. Fragment of decree; II; found at Priene: *IPriene 85. @ @@`121. Fragment of decree; II; found at Priene: *IPriene 87. @ @@`122. Fragment of decree of (?) Priene; II; found at Priene: *IPriene 88. @ @@`123. Fragment of decree (?); II; found at Priene: *IPriene 90. @ @@`124. Fragment of decree concerning [ ... ... ]ersinou; II; found at Priene: *IPriene 91 and p. 310. @ @@`125. Fragment of decree (?); II; found at Priene: GIBM 426b; *IPriene 92 and 201e and p. 310. @ @@`126. Fragment of decree; c. II&4`2&; found at Priene: *IPriene 86. @ @@`127. Decree concerning religious ceremony and mentioning Dioskourides Demeou; Roman; found at Priene: CIG 2906; *IPriene 123. @ @@`128. Fragment of decree (?); no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 127. @ @@`129. Fragment of decree (?) mentioning embassy to Rhodes; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 129. @ See also: Priene 136, 216. @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (130%19`131) @ @@`130. Treaty between Miletos and Priene, concerning boundaries, law cases, etc.; 200%3c. 170 BC; found at Priene: GIBM 414; *IPriene 28 and p. 308. @ @@`131. Treaty between Herakleia Latm. and Amyzon; II&4`2&; found at Priene; *IPriene 51; **Robert, Amyzon 277 (PH) (ll. 5, 7, 13, 18). @ See also: Miletos 60, l. 58 (%6 Mezger, Inscriptio Milesiaca) (%6 Milet I 3, 148) (%6 Syll&4`3& 588) (peace treaty between Miletos and Magnesia (Mai.) includes Priene, which had fought alongside Magnesia (Mai.); found at Miletos). @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (132%19`138) @ @@`132. Letter of Alexander the Great regulating affairs in Priene and Naulochon; 334%3`320 BC; found at Priene: LW 188; Papadopoulos Kerameus, MDAI(A) 5, 1880, 339B (part); GIBM 400; Hicks, Manual 123; OGIS 1; IPriene 1 (PH); Hampl, Staatsvertra+ge 98%19`9; Tod 185; van Berchem, MH 27, 1970, 198%19`205; *Heisserer, Alexander 145%19`168 (PH); **Rosen, Gnomon 54, 1982 (l. 7); SEG 30, 1358; SEG 37, 993. @ @@`133. Letter of King Lysimachos to boule and demos of Priene in answer to decree of Priene; c. 286 BC; found at Priene: GIBM 402; OGIS 12; IPriene 15; *Welles 6 (PH,part). @ @@`134. Letter of Attalid king (?) containing decision of Smyrna in dispute between Miletos and Priene; II; found at Priene: GIBM 412; IPriene 27; *Welles 46. @ @@`135. Letter of [Orophernes] to Priene, praising its friendly behavior; II (?); found at Priene: GIBM 425; IPriene 25 and p. 308; SEG 1, 438; *Welles 63 (PH). @ @@`136. Letter of Roman magistrate (or decree of Priene?) concerning Ariarathes (V); c. 156 BC; found at Priene: GIBM 424a; OGIS 351a; IPriene 39a; *Sherk 6A. @ @@`137. Letter of Roman praetor to Miletos, Koinon of Hellenes, and other cities, conveying edict; 56%3`50 BC; found at Priene, other copy found at Miletos: *IPriene 106 and p. 310; Sherk 52; Miletos 64. @ @@`138. Letter of Paulus Fabius Maximus, proconsul of Asia, concerning moving beginning of year to Augustus's birthday; c. 9 BC (?); found at Priene, other copies found at Apameia and Maionia: Mommsen %9 Wilamowitz, MDAI(A) 24, 1899, 275%19`293; OGIS 458I; IPriene 105, ll. 1%19`30; Keil %9 Premerstein, Denkschr. Akad. Wien 54, 1911, 2, pp. 80%19`2, no. 166; Deissmann, Licht vom Osten&4`4 313%19`7 (PH); SEG 15, 815; Laffi, SCO 16, 1967, 20%19`1, no. 4; *Sherk 65A. @ See also: Aphrodisias 60 (%6 Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome Doc. 21) (%6 SEG 32, 1097) (letter of Gordian III to Aphrodisias exempting it from &3bouleuma& of Asia; found at Aphrodisias); Magnesia 121 %7 123 (%6 Sherk 7) (%6 IMagnesia 93.b) (%6 IPriene 531.II) (%6 Syll&4`3& 679.II) (letter of Roman praetor containing Senatus Consultum empowering him to choose third state to adjudicate dispute between Magnesia (Mai.) and Priene; found at Magnesia Mai.); Miletos 63 (%6 OGIS 763) (%6 Milet I 9, 306) (%6 Welles 52) (letter of Eumenes II to [Koinon of Ionians] accepting decree honoring him; found at Miletos); Teos 59, l. 2 (%6 LW 86) (%6 Syll&4`3& 344) (%6 Welles 3%19`4) (letter of Antigonos I to Teos mentions sending someone to Panionion; found at Teos). @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (139%19`142) @ @@`139. Edict of king (Lysimachos?) concerning Priene, Magnesia (Mai.), Pedieis, and villages; III; found at Priene: GIBM 410; IPriene 16 and p. 308; *Welles 8. @ @@`140. Senatus Consultum concerning relationship between Treaty of Apamea and territorial dispute between Samos and Priene; 188%3`135 BC; found at Priene: CIG 2905.7; LW 199; GIBM 404; IPriene 40 and p. 309; *Sherk 10A. @ @@`141. Senatus Consultum concerning Priene and Aria[rathes] (V); c. 156 BC; found at Priene: GIBM 424b; OGIS 351b; IPriene 39b; *Sherk 6B. @ @@`142. Senatus Consultum reversing judgement of Manlius concerning territorial dispute between Priene and Samos and reaffirming judgement of Rhodes in favor of Priene; 135 BC; found at Priene: CIG 2905.6; LW 195%19`8; GIBM 405; IPriene 41 and p. 309 (PH, partial); Syll&4`3& 688; *Sherk 10B. @ See also: Priene 132, 134, 137, 162%19`5. @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (143%19`144) @ @@`143. List of contributors and contributions (?); III&7b&; found at Priene: *IPriene 140. @ @@`144. List of contributors and contributions, including citizens of Ephesos and Miletos; no date; found at Priene, poss. wandered: *IPriene 150. @ See also: Priene 209; IG I&4`3& 259%19`290 (frequent mention of Priene in Athenian Tribute Lists; found in Attica). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (145%19`151) @ @@`145. Dedication of temple to Athena Polias by King Alexander; 334%3`323 BC; found at Priene: CIG 2904; LW 187; GIBM 399; *IPriene 156 (PH); Syll&4`3& 277; Tod 184; Heisserer, Alexander 143%19`5 (PH); SEG 30, 1362; Carter, Sculpture of Sanctuary 26; Cook, Greek Inscriptions 22 (PH). @ @@`146. Dedication on architrave of north portico by [King Orophernes son of] King Ari[arathes] (IV); c. 150 BC; found at Priene: Priene 215; *IPriene 204 and p. 311. @ @@`147. Dedication of aqueduct by &3stephanephoros& [Phil]e Apolloniou; I%3`2 (?); found at Priene: *IPriene 208. @ @@`148. Fragment of architrave inscription; I%3`1; found at Priene: *IPriene 158a. @ @@`149. Dedication on architrave to Athena [P]olias and Augustus by demos; 27 BC%3AD 14; found at Priene: Judeich, MDAI(A) 16, 1891, 290, no. 13; GIBM 429; IPriene 157; *Koenigs, MDAI(I) 33, 1983, 176, Beilage 1; BE 1987:54. @ @@`150. Dedication on architrave to Athen[a Polias] and Augustus by [dem]os; 27 BC%3AD 14; found at Priene: LW 209; *IPriene 158b. @ @@`151. Dedication of [&3tribasmos&] to [Athena Polias and Augustus] by [Marcus Antonius Rusticus]; 27 BC%3AD 14; found at Priene: *IPriene 159. @ See also: Priene 1136, 1148%19`1150. @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (151.5%19`165) @ @@@@Section: 8a. Lists of Names (151.5%19`160) @ @@`151.5. (Funerary?) list of names in nominative, beginning with [De]m[e]a[s] [E]n[kai]rio[u], largely stoichedon; IV; found at Priene: *Malay, ZPE 48, 1982, 256%19`257, no. 3 (PH). @ @@`152. List of &3stephanephoroi&; I%3`1; found at Priene: *IPriene 142 and p. 311. @ @@`153. List of names in nominative, beginning [Sph]odras; I%3`1; found at Priene: *IPriene 144 and p. 311. @ @@`154. List of names in nominative, beginning [Chare?]s Apolloniou; I%3`1; found at Priene: *IPriene 145. @ @@`155. List of ephebes; I%3`1; found at Priene: *IPriene 149. @ @@`156. List of names in nominative, beginning [A]rtemidoro[s]; c. I; found at Priene: GIBM 433; *IPriene 143. @ @@`157. List of [&3stephanephoroi&?]; 1 (?); found at Priene: *IPriene 141. @ @@`158. List of names in nominative (including women), beginning [ ... ] Theodosiou; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 126. @ @@`159. List of ephebes (?); no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 146. @ @@`160. List of ephebes dated by Damon; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 147. @ See also: Priene 1261, 1264, 1266; Charneux, BCH 90, 1966, 157, col. II, l. 10 (list of &3thearodokoi& includes Prytan[is] in Naulochos; found at Argos); IG II&4`2& 1956, ll. 158%19`159 (list of soldiers and mercenaries includes Timagenes of Priene; found in Attica); Robert, BCH 70, 1946, 512, l. 3 (list of &3theorodokoi mentions Apoll[ ... ... ]eneos in Pr[ie]ne; found at Delphi); Miletos 112, 119, 129 (%6 Milet I 3 no.'s 70, 82, 66) (records of grant of citizenship of Miletos to individuals including some from Priene; found at Miletos); IG XII 8, 161, 163, 165, 170 (lists of &3theoroi,& including individuals from Priene; found on Samothrake). @ @@@@Section: 8b. Other Public Documents (161%19`165) @ @@`161. Fragments of two (?) documents; II (?); found at Priene: GIBM 411; *IPriene 43. @ @@`162. Decision of Rhodian judges concerning territorial dispute between Priene and Samos; II&7b&; found at Priene: CIG 2905.1%19`5; LW 189, 190%3`1, 192, 193, 194, 205; Papadopoulos Kerameus, MDAI(A) 5, 1880, 339, no. 10A (part); GIBM 403 %7 408; *IPriene 37 %7 38; Syll&4`3& 599; SEG 4, 474; Migeotte, L'emprunt public no. 92; **Shipley, History of Samos 29 note 31 and 34 note 50 (ll. 46%19`47, 57); SEG 37, 876. @ @@`163. Judgement of (unknown city) reconfirming judgement of Rhodes in territorial dispute between Priene and Samos; 133%3`131 BC; found at Priene: LW 197, 198, 200, 201, 202, 206, 207; GIBM 406, 407, 408 a%19d; *IPriene 42 and p. 310. @ @@`164. Decision of (no name) Aristomenous concerning boundaries of Thebes [Myk.]; c. IV&4`1&; found at Thebes Myk.: *IPriene 361 and p. 312. @ @@`165. End of determination of boundary of Thebes [Myk.]; c. IV&4`1&; found at Thebes Myk.: *IPriene 363. @ See also: Ephesos 600.I, l. 33 (%6 IEphesos 13) (%6 JRS 65, 1975, 64) ([Priene] listed as belonging to &3diokesis& of Miletos in list of &3conventus& of Asia; found at Ephesos): Magnesia 121 (%6 Syll&4`3 679IIc) (decision of foreign judges from Mylasa concerning territorial dispute between Magnesia (Mai.) and Priene; found at Magnesia Mai.). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (166%19`216) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (166%19`208) @ @@@@Section: 9a1. Dedications to Royal Personages (166%19`170) @ @@`166. Dedication to emperor (?); imperial; found at Priene: *IPriene 224. @ @@`167. Dedication to Lucius Caesar; 17 BC%3AD 2; found at Priene: *IPriene 226. @ @@`168. Dedication to emperor (Domitian ?); 1%3`2 (?); found at Priene: *IPriene 168II. @ @@`169. Dedication to Tiberius by Koinon of Ionians; AD 14%3`37; found at Priene: *IPriene 227. @ @@`170. Dedication to [Th]e[a Drus]illa; c. AD 38; found at Priene: *IPriene 228. @ See also: Priene 149%19`151. @ @@@@Section: 9a2. Other Dedications (171%19`208) @ @@`171. Dedication to Agathe Tyche; imperial; found at Priene: *IPriene 213. @ @@`172. Inscription identifying altar as of Aphrodite Epekoos; imperial; found at Priene: *IPriene 169. @ @@`173. Dedication to Athena Polias; I (?); found at Priene: *IPriene 164. @ @@`174. Dedication to Athena Polias; I (?); found at Priene: *IPriene 168I. @ @@`175. Fragment of dedication to [Athe]na Po[lias]; prob. 27 BC%3AD 14; found at Priene: GIBM 429; *IPriene 161. @ @@`176. Dedication (?) of money to Athe[na Polias]; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 163. @ @@`177. Dedication to Athena Polias; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 166. @ @@`178. Dedication to Athena Polias; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 165. @ @@`179. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for priest Apollodoros Poseidoniou by son Basileides and daughter Kallinike to Basileus and Kouretes; II; found at Priene: *IPriene 186. @ @@`180. Prayer%19offering [to Demeter] for son Epameinon by parents Phrattis Pythorimou and priestess Tyrinno Epameinonos; II; found at Priene: *IPriene 170. @ @@`181. Dedication to Dionysos by &3agonothetes& Nysios Diphilou; III&4`1&; found at Priene: Priene 242, Abb. 239; *IPriene 176; von Gerkan, Theater von Priene 71%19`2; Schede, Ruinen von Priene 75. @ @@`182. Dedication to Dionysos by priest Athenopolis Kydimou; II; found at Priene: *IPriene 177; von Gerkan, Theater von Priene 81. @ @@`183. Dedication to [Dionysos] by &3agonoth&[&3etes&] Pythotimo[s]; II&7b&; found at Priene: IPriene 175 (PH); *von Gerkan, Theater von Priene 71%19`2. @ @@`184. Dedication to Dionysos by &3agonothetes& Apollonios Apolloniou; II&7e&; found at Priene: *IPriene 178; von Gerkan, Theater von Priene 81. @ @@`185. Dedication to Hermes by &3agoranomos& Pausanias Demetriou, stoichedon; IV; found at Priene: *IPriene 179. @ @@`186. Dedication to Hermes by [gymn]a[siar]ch (no name); c. 300 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 181. @ @@`187. Dedication to Hermes by &3agoranomos& [ ... ... ]liou; III; found at Priene: *IPriene 182. @ @@`188. Dedication to Hermes by &3agoranomos& Apol[l ... ... a]ndrou; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 180 (PH). @ @@`189. Dedication to Hermes and Aphrodite by &3agoranomos& Lykomedes Polystratou, boule, and demos; IV; found at Priene: *IPriene 183. @ @@`190. Dedication to Heros; imperial; found at Priene: *IPriene 192. @ @@`191. Dedication to Isis, Sarapis, and Anoubis; III; found at Priene: *IPriene 193; Vidman, Sylloge 290. @ @@`192. Dedication to Pan; III; found at Priene: *IPriene 197. @ @@`193. Dedication to &3pantes theoi& by Leontiskos Metrophantou; prob. II; found at Priene: *IPriene 198. @ @@`194. Dedication to [Poseidon ?] Phytalmios by Polyi[ ... ]; no date; found at Thebes Myk.: *IPriene 366. @ @@`195. Dedication to Poseidon Helikonios; III; found at Priene: *IPriene 199. @ @@`196. Dedication to Poseidon Heliko[nios] by Hegelochos Athenaiou; II; found at Priene: *IPriene 200. @ @@`197. Dedication to Sarapis, Isis, Anoubis, Harpokrates, and Herakles Aniketos by &3neokoros& [ ... ] Xa[nthippou]; 100 BC%3AD 200 (?); found at Priene: *IPriene 194; Vidman, Sylloge 292. @ @@`198. Dedication to Zeus Aithrios; I%3`2; found at Priene: *IPriene 184. @ @@`199. &3Euche& to Zeus Aithrios by Themistokles Menandrou; I%3`2; found at Priene: *IPriene 185. @ @@`200. Dedication to [Zeus Olymp]ios by &3stephanephoros& (no name); IV%3III; found at Priene: *IPriene 188. @ @@`201. Dedication to Zeus O[lympios] by &3ste&[&3phanephoros&] Chry[s ... ] Herom[ ... ]; IV&4`2& (?); found at Priene: *IPriene 189. @ @@`202. Dedication to Zeus Olympios and Demos by &3stephanephoros Kleandros Kallistratou; II; found at Priene: *IPriene 187; von Gerkan, Theater von Priene 73. @ @@`203. Dedication to [Zeus O]lympios; prob. II; found at Priene: *IPriene 190; Robert, Amer. Stud. Pap. 1, 189. @ @@`204. Dedication to Olympios Zeus; late; found at Priene: *IPriene 191; Robert, Amer. Stud. Pap. 1, l89. @ @@`205. Dedication by (?) phrourarch Ameinias Themistokleo[2u]2s; IV; found at Thebes Myk.: *IPriene 365. @ ͪ@@`205.5. Dedication by Pedon Amphinneo, mercenary (?) of Psammetichos, boustrophedon; VII&4`2&; found near Priene: *C%25. S%25ahin, EA 10, 1987, 1%19`2, no. 1 (PH); Masson %9 Yoyotte, EA 11, 1988, 171%19`179 (PH); SEG 37, 994. @ @@`206. Dedication on behalf of [ ... ]mo[s So]ter[i]onos by mother Pothainis; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 211. @ @@`207. Dedication by woman Apol[l ... ]; imperial; found at Priene: *IPriene 210. @ @@`208. Dedication by (no name); imperial; found at Priene: *IPriene 209. @ See also: Priene 103, 145%19`7, 1139, 1142; Chios 116 (%6 Hesperia 16, 1947, 87, 13) (%6 Graf, Kulte *Chios 1) (%6 SEG 35, 922.l) (dedication to Basileus and Kouretes by priestess Gorgion Melanta; found at Volissos on Chios, possibly from Priene); Samos 200 (%6 CIG 2247) (%6 GIBM 230) (%6 IGA 385) (dedication to Apollo Prie[2n]2eus; found on Samos); Teos 76 (%6 Robert, Hellenica 3, 86) (%6 BCH 46, 1922, 330, 10) (dedication of temple by Hadrian Panionios; found at Teos). @ я@@@@Section: 9b. Other Religious Inscriptions (209%19`216) @ @@`209. List of donations given for festival of religious society; II%3I; found at So+ke: Malay, RA 1981, 77%19`8 (PH); *SEG 31, 983; Malay, Epigrafi 59%19`60, no. 1. @ @@`210. Terms for sale of priesthood of Dionysos Phleos; II; found at Priene: *IPriene 174; Syll&4`3& 1003; Sokolowski, LSAM 37; SEG 15, 689. @ @@`211. Document recording sale of priesthood of [Pos]eidon Heli[konios]; II (?); found at Priene: GIBM 417 c%19d, 427 a%19b; *IPriene 202 and p. 311; **Sokolowski, LSAM 38B (ll. 13%19`17); SEG 15, 690. @ @@`212. Record of receipt of priesthood by Anaxidemos Apolloniou; II; found at Priene: Kekule/ von Stradonitz, SDAW 1899, 280; Priene 174%19`5, Ab.. 168 (PH); *IPriene 205; Sokolowski, LSAM 35; SEG 15, 687. @ @@`213. Document recording sale of priesthood of [Po]seidon [Helikonios]; c. 200 BC; found at Priene: GIBM 426a (part); *IPriene 201 a%19d; **Sokolowski, LSAM 38A (ll. 13%19`16); SEG 15, 690; **Tod, Gnomon 28, 1956, 458 (l. 15). @ @@`214. Document recording sale of priesthood of [Poseidon Helikonios]; prob. II&7b&; found at Priene: *IPriene 203. @ @@`215. Inscription referring to sacrifices to Kore and other gods; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 171. @ ת@@`215.5. Prayer to Isis; no date; found at Priene: Wiegand, Priene p. 165; *Vidman, Sylloge 293. @ @@`216. Rules for sacrifices to Mykale, Nymphs, Hermes, and Maiandros; c. IV&4`1&; found at Thebes Myk.: *IPriene 362 and p. 312; **Sokolowski, LSAM 39 (ll. 2%19`4); SEG 15, 691; **Tod, Gnomon 28, 1956, 458 (l. B1). @ See also: Priene 10%19`1, 116%19`8, 127, 1094, 1151%19`4, 1156. @ ُ@@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (217%19`289) @ @@@@Section: 10a. Honorary Inscriptions for Royal Personages (217%19`221) @ @@`217. Honorary inscription for an Augustus; prob. 27 BC%3AD 100; found at Priene: *IPriene 223. @ @@`218. Honorary inscription for Julia, daughter of Augustus, by demos; 27%3`02 BC; found at Priene: GIBM 428; *IPriene 225. @ @@`219. Unpublished statue%19base for Drusus; I&7e&%3`1&4`1&; found at Priene: Carter, Sculpture of Sanctuary 256. @ @@`220. Honorary inscription for Domitian by demos of Priene; AD 81%3`96; found at Priene: *IPriene 229. @ @@`221. Honorary inscription for Julia [Domna] Augusta &3m&[&3eter &3ka&]&3stron& by Priene; AD 196%3`212; found at Priene: *IPriene 230. @ See also: Priene 27, 36, 60. @ @@@@Section: 10b. Other Honorary Inscriptions (222%19`289) @ ޏ@@@@Section: 10b1. Full Name Preserved (222%19`289) @ @@`222. Honorary inscription for [M]a[n]ius Aemilius Lep[i]dus, proquaestor; 84%3`78 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 244; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkma+ler Roms 236. @ @@`223. Honorary inscription for Titus Anniu[s] by demos; II; found at Priene: *IPriene 245. @ @@`224. Honorary inscription for [Ape]lles Philoxenou by [&3ph&]&3yle Leon[t]is; c. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 248. @ @@`225. Honorary inscription for Apollodoros Diodotou; III; found at Priene: *IPriene 283. @ @@`226. Honorary inscription for Apollodoros Poseidoniou by demos; c. 200 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 236. @ @@`227. Honorary inscription for Apollodoros Poseidoniou by demos; II&7b&; found at Priene: Priene 248, no. 1; *IPriene 237; von Gerkan, Theater von Priene 80; SEG 4, 495. @ @@`228. Honorary inscription for Apollonides by &3phyle& Pand[ionis]; III; found at Priene: GIBM 439; *IPriene 249. @ @@`229. Honorary inscription for [Aris]tonike; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 285. @ @@`230. Honorary inscription for [Athenopolis] Pythotimou; II; found at Priene: *IPriene 268IIa. @ @@`231. Honorary inscription for Marcus Aurelius Tatianus, &3agoranomos,& etc., by Priene; 3; found at Priene: Priene 232%19`3; *IPriene 246. @ @@`232. Honorary inscription for [D]emetrios Athenaiou by [Dem]etrio[s] Athena[gorou]; no date; found at Priene: GIBM 430c; *IPriene 259. @ @@`233. Honorary inscription for Demetrios Epon[ ... ] by Theodotos Iseo[u]; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 270 and p. 311. @ @@`234. Honorary inscription for [D]emetrios Metrokleious by [Dem]etrios Athen[a]gorou and others; prob. III; found at Priene: *IPriene 260 and p. 311. @ @@`235. Honorary inscription for Diokles Pythotimou by grandchildren Epameinon and others; II; found at Priene: *IPriene 268Ib. @ @@`236. Honorary inscription for Dionysios Menodorou, victorious athlete, by demos; prob. I; found at Priene: Priene 207; *IPriene 232. @ @@`237. Honorary inscription for Diophanes Ameiniou and Herostratis Diophanou by Zenodotos Zenodotou and (no name); III&7e&; found at Priene: Priene 211%19`2; *IPriene 275. @ @@`238. Honorary inscription for Epinikos [E]pini[kou] by Herakleo[tes]; c. 200 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 269. @ @@`239. Honorary inscription for Euphraios Parmenionos; II; found at Priene: *IPriene 238. @ @@`240. Honorary inscription for Hekataios Philother[ou]; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 261. @ @@`241. Honorary inscription for Helikon Ly[komedou] by son Lykom[edes]; c. 100 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 101, col. 3. @ @@`242. Honorary inscription for Herakleitos by friends Eukrat[ ... ] and others; I%3`2; found at Priene: *IPriene 280. @ @@`243. Honorary inscription for Herakleitos Herakleitou; II&7e&%3I; found at Priene: *IPriene 264. @ @@`244. Honorary inscription for Herostratis Helikontos by son Demetrios; c. 100 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 101, col. 2. @ @@`245. Honorary inscription recording grant by Priene of honors to Kallistratos Nikonos; III; found at Priene: *IPriene 13. @ @@`246. Honorary inscription for Krates by Ph[e ... ]; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 279. @ @@`247. Honorary inscription for Kydimos Athenop[ol]ios, priest of Di[o]ny[s]os [Ph]leios, by [ ... i?]nna; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 162B. @ @@`248. Honorary inscription for [Megabyxos] Megabyxou, &3neokoros of temple of Artemis in Ephesos; c. 334 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 231 (PH); **Wackernagel, Hermes 58, 1923, 462%19`4 (l. 2). @ @@`249. Honorary inscription for Melanippos by father Nikokles Nikagorou; c. 200 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 265. @ @@`250. Honorary inscription for Meniskos; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 284. @ @@`251. Honorary inscription for Ni[k]eso Hipposthenous, priestess of Demeter and Kore; III&4`1&; found at Priene: *IPriene 173. @ @@`252. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription to Athena Polias for Niko by father [M]enedemos Eumenou[s]; c. 331 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 160. @ @@`253. Honorary inscription for Nikon Dionysiou; III%3II; found at Priene: *IPriene 278. @ @@`254. Honorary inscription for Phi[l]ios Thrasyboulou, athlete, victorious at Dodona; no date; found at Priene: CIG 2908; *IPriene 234. @ @@`255. Honorary inscription for [P]o[lite]s Larichou by demos of Priene; III%3II; found at Priene: *IPriene 241. @ @@`256. Honorary inscription for [Gn]aeus Pomp[ei]us, &3legatus& of Augustus; 27 BC%3AD 14; found at Priene: Judeich, MDAI(A) 16, 1891, 290, no. 11; Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 16, no. 6; *IPriene 247; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkma+ler Roms 237. @ @@`257. Honorary inscription for Poseidonios Dionysiou by demos; no date; found at Priene: GIBM 430a, ll. 1%19`2; *IPriene 242. @ @@`258. Honorary inscription for Sosistratos Pro[t]agorou by natural father Achilleides Eupol[e]mou; II; found at Priene: Priene 207, note; *IPriene 266. @ @@`259. Honorary inscription for [S]otades Sotadou by Lysimachos Artemidorou and [A]ischylos Apolloniou; II; found at Priene: Priene 133; *IPriene 272 and p. 311. @ @@`260. Honorary inscription for [The]odotos Is[e]ou [by demos (?)]; no date; found at Priene: GIBM 430d; *IPriene 239 and p. 311. @ @@`261. Honorary inscription for Thrasyboulos Philiou by wife Megiste Apollodorou and demos; c. II&7e&; found at Priene: Priene 248, no. 2; *IPriene 255; von Gerkan, Theater von Priene 80. @ @@`262. Honorary inscription for phrourar[ch] Thra[sy]boulos [Thrasy]boulou by [&3phrouroi&] in Telo[neia]; III%3II; found at Priene: *IPriene 252. @ @@`263. Honorary inscription for [Thr]as[yboulos Thr]asybo[ulou] by [Char]ops; II&4`2&; found at Priene: *IPriene 253. @ @@`264. Honorary inscription for (?) Thrasy[boulos] Thrasybo[ulou]; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 254 @ @@`265. Honorary inscription for Zoillis Athenopolios, priestess of [Athena Polias], by [ ... i?]nna; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 162C. @ @@`266. Honorary inscription for [Z]opyrine Mene[kratous]; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 281. @ See also: Priene 1%19`6, 8%19`9, 12, 15%19`24, 28, 32%19`59, 61%19`80, 179, 1095%19`6; FDelphes III 2, 135, part 8 (honorary inscription for H[egesandros He]ges[andro]u of Athens by Koinon of Ionians; found at Delphi); Miletos 361 (%6 Milet I 7, 251) (%6 SEG 4, 425) (honorary inscription for [Demetrios (?) A]rtemonos (of Miletos) by wife on behalf of Koinon of Ionians; found at Miletos); Miletos 385 (%6 Milet I 3, 170) (honorary inscription by Koinon of Ionians for Menippos Tauriskou (of Miletos); found at Miletos); IG XIV 1145 (name of Bias of Priene on herm; found at Tibur). @ @@@@Section: 10b2. Name Fragmentary (267%19`282) @ @@`267. Honorary inscription for Anax[ ... ]; founno date; found at Priene: *IPriene 282. @ @@`268. Fragment of honorary inscription for [ ... ]genes; V%3IV; found at Thebes Myk.: *IPriene 367. @ @@`269. Honorary inscription for Kall[ ... ] A[ ... ]; no date; found at Priene: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 16, no. 5; *IPriene 271. @ @@`270. Honorary inscription for [ ... l]pis [Ly]kinou by (no name) [A]pollodorou; II; found at Priene: *IPriene 273. @ @@`271. Honorary inscription for [M]elan[ ... ] by mother (no name); c. 200 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 277. @ @@`272. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]otera Pythotimou, priestess of Athena [Po]lias; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 162A. @ @@`273. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]tes N[ ... ] by &3geronte&[&3s&]; c. II; found at Priene: *IPriene 250. @ @@`274. Honorary inscription for (no name) by natural father [Achil]leides Eupo[lemou] and others; I; found at Priene: *IPriene 267. @ @@`275. Honorary inscription for [ ... Ari]stippou, gymnasiarch or phrourarch; II; found at Priene: *IPriene 251. @ @@`276. Honorary inscription for (no name) [Dem]etrio[u]; prob. III; found at Priene: *IPriene 274. @ @@`277. Honorary inscription for [ ... D]iognetou by [d]emos; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 243. @ @@`278. Honorary inscription for [ ... Leon]tiskou [by demos]; no date; found at Priene: GIBM 430a, ll. 3%19`7; *IPriene 240. @ @@`279. Honorary inscription for (no name) [P]oll[i]dos by father [Pollis Ap]olloniou and husband [ ... ] Timokratou; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 262. @ @@`280. Honorary inscription for (?) [ ... ... ]aridou; c. 100 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 101, col. 1. @ @@`281. Honorary inscription for [ ... ... i]ppou by [Koinon] of Ionians; II; found at Priene: *IPriene 256. @ @@`282. Honorary inscription for [ ... ... ]oniou, athlete victorious at Oropos and elsewhere; I; found at Priene: *IPriene 233. @ See also: Priene 81%19`3. @ @@@@Section: 10b3. Name Lost (283%19`289) @ @@`283. Honorary inscription for (no name), priestess of Demeter and Kore; IV%3III; found at Priene: *IPriene 172 and p. 311. @ @@`284. Honorary inscription (?) dated by priest of Rome and Augustus; imperial; found at Priene: *IPriene 222. @ @@`285. Honorary inscription for (no name) and [demos of Priene (?)] by demos of Kaunos; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 257. @ @@`286. Honorary inscription for (no name) by city of Priene; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 258. @ @@`287. Honorary inscription (?) mentioning Lykinos (?); II; found at Priene: *IPriene 276. @ @@`288. Honorary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Priene: GIBM 430b; *IPriene 263. @ @@`289. Honorary inscription for (no name), woman; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 286. @ See also: Priene 13%19`4, 25%19`6, 29%19`31, 84%19`112; Hellenica 9, ll. 73%19`6 (honorary inscription for (no name), athlete victorious at Athenaia at Priene and elsewhere; now in Ankara, from Ionia); IG V 2, 537 (honorary inscription for (no name) by Pri[ene], [Antioch]eia on [Maindros], and [P]aror[eatai]; now in Megalopolis). @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (290%19`300) @ @@`290. Hor(os); IV&4`1& (?); found near Panionion: *Hommel, Panionion und Melie 132%19`3 (PH). @ @@`291. Horo[s] of Athena; prob. imperial; found at Priene: *IPriene 167. @ @@`292. Horos of Athena; 1%3`3; found at Priene: *IPriene 168III. @ @@`293. Horos 1; no date; found east of Thebes Myk.: Priene 29; *IPriene 151. @ @@`294. Hor[os]; no date; found near Thebes Myk.: *IPriene 152. @ @@`295. Horos 14; no date; found on north side of Mykale west of Panionion: *IPriene 153; Peek, Hermes 79, 1944, 220%19`1.; @ @@`296. Horos 9; no date; on way from Priene to So+ke: *IPriene 154. @ @@`297. Horos 84; Roman; 3 km. east of Priene: Priene 31; *IPriene 155. @ @@`298. Horos of temple; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 206. @ @@`299. Horos; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 212. @ @@`300. Unpublished horos; no date; found at Priene: IPriene p. 144. @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (301%19`1093) @ @@@@Section: 12a. Full Name Preserved (301%19`1020) @ @@`301. Topos inscription for Aiolos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.16. @ @@`302. Topos inscription for Aischrion; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.18. @ @@`303. Topos inscription for Aischrion Aischrionos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.17. @ @@`304. Topos inscription for Akesion; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.19. @ @@`305. Topos inscription for Akesion [ ... ]onos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.21. @ @@`306. Topos inscription for Akesion [ ... ]remonos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.20. @ @@`307. Topos inscription for Alexandros; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.22. @ @@`308. Topos inscription for (no name) and Alexandros; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.33. @ @@`309. Topos inscription for Alexandros Alex[an]drou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.24. @ @@`310. Topos inscription for Alexandros Alexandrou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.25. @ @@`311. Topos inscription for Alexandros Andronikou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.26. @ @@`312. Topos inscription for Alexandros Philologou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.32. @ @@`313. Topos inscription for Alexandros Posidoniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.31. @ @@`314. Topos inscription for Alexandros Theophilou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.28. @ @@`315. Topos inscription for Alexandros Theuda; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.29. @ @@`316. Topos inscription for Alexandros Thrasyboulo[u]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.30. @ @@`317. Topos inscription for Alexandros Zopa; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.27. @ @@`318. Topos inscription for [A]lexandros and Hereas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.23. @ @@`319. Topos inscription for [A]lexion; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.34. @ @@`320. Topos inscription for Alexion Alexionos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.35. @ @@`321. Topos inscription for [Ale]xion Alexionos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.36. @ @@`322. Topos inscription for Alexion Alexionos; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 326.4. @ @@`323. Topos inscription for [A]meini[a]s son of (no name); no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 326.6. @ @@`324. Topos inscription for Amphiteles; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.38. @ @@`325. Topos inscription for Anaxagoras Artema; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.39. @ @@`326. Topos inscription for Anaxagoras Artema; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.40. @ @@`327. Topos inscription for Anaxagoras Demetriou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.41. @ @@`328. Topos inscription for Anaxagoras Hermogenou and Philode[mos]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.42. @ @@`329. Topos inscription for A[na]xagoras Posidoniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.43. @ @@`330. Topos inscription for Anaxas Posidoniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.44. @ @@`331. Topos inscription for Anaxenor Pythokleous; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.45. @ @@`332. Topos inscription for [A]naxikr[ates ... ]dorou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 382, p. 312. @ @@`333. Topos inscription for Anaxilaos A[p]o[ll]oni[ou] (?); prob. i; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.48. @ @@`334. Topos inscription for Anaxilaos Dionysikleous; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.46. @ @@`335. Topos inscription for Anaxilaos Dioskouridou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.47. @ @@`336. Topos inscription for Anaxilas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.49. @ @@`337. Topos inscription for Anaxilas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.50. @ @@`338. Topos inscription for Anaxilas Anaxilo[u]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.51. @ @@`339. Topos inscription for [An]axilas [Dem]etrio[u]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.52. @ @@`340. Topos inscription for Anaxilas Kotylon; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.54. @ @@`341. Topos inscription for Anaxilas Paramonou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.55. @ @@`342. Topos inscription for Anaxilas Sosibiou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.56. @ @@`343. Topos inscription for Anaxilas Theogenou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.53. @ @@`344. Topos inscription for Anaxilas O[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.57. @ @@`345. Topos inscription for Andreas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.59. @ @@`346. Topos inscription for Andromenes; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.60. @ @@`347. Topos inscription for And[r]omenes and Dioskourides; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.61. @ @@`348. Topos inscription for Andron; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.64. @ @@`349. Topos inscription for Andron; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.68. @ @@`350. Topos inscription for [An]dron Andronos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.65. @ @@`351. Topos inscription for Andron Andronos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.66. @ @@`352. Topos inscription for Andron Dieskouridou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.67. @ @@`353. Topos inscription for Andron De[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.69. @ @@`354. Topos inscription for Andronikos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.62. @ @@`355. Topos inscription for Andronikos Apolloniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.62a. @ @@`356. Topos inscription for Andronikos Amerimnou and Alexandros Amerimnou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.63. @ @@`357. Topos inscription for Antandros; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.71. @ @@`358. Topos inscription for Antigenes Killionos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.72. @ @@`359. Topos inscription for Antilochos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.73. @ @@`360. Topos inscription for Antiochos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.74. @ @@`361. Topos inscription for Antiochos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.75. @ 骵@@`361.5. Topos inscription for Antiochos Antiochou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.76. @ @@`362. Topos inscription for [Antiochos] Antiochou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.77. @ @@`363. Topos inscription for [Ant]iochos Moscha; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.78. @ @@`364. Topos inscription for [A]ntipatros; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.78a. @ @@`365. Topos inscription for Marcu[s] Anton[ius] Venus[tus]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.714. @ @@`366. Topos inscription for Apatourios; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.79.1. @ @@`367. Topos inscription for Apatourios; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.79.2. @ @@`368. Topos inscription for Apa[tourios]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.80. @ @@`369. Topos inscription for Apatourios Apatouriou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.81. @ @@`370. Topos inscription for Apatourios Menandrou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.82. @ @@`371. Topos inscription for Apatourios Monimado[s]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.83. @ @@`372. Topos inscription for Apatourios Symmachou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.84. @ @@`373. Topos inscription for Apel[las] Nikom[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.86. @ @@`374. Topos inscription for Apelleas Aristogenou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.87. @ @@`375. Topos inscription for Apollas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.88. @ @@`376. Topos inscription for Apollas and Monimas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.91. @ @@`377. Topos inscription for Apollas Diophantou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.89. @ @@`378. Topos inscription for Apollas Galeou; prob. I; found at Priene: IPriene 313.93; *Eitrem, CR 33, 1919, 88%19`9, no. 1. @ @@`379. Topos inscription for Apollas Papar[ou]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.90. @ @@`380. Topos inscription for Apollas and Philiskos Philiskou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.92. @ @@`381. Topos inscription for Apolleas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.93a. @ @@`382. Topos inscription for Apollodoros; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.95. @ @@`383. Topos inscription for [A]pollod[o]ros Apollodorou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.96. @ @@`384. Topos inscription for Apollodotos Hermiou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.94. @ @@`385. Topos inscription for Apollonides; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.98. @ @@`386. Topos inscription for Apollonid[es]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.102. @ @@`387. Topos inscription for Apollonides Dionysiou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.99. @ @@`388. Topos inscription for Apoll[oni]des Pyrrhou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.100. @ @@`389. Topos inscription for Apollonides Syagrou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.101. @ @@`390. Topos inscription for Apollonios; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.103. @ @@`391. Topos inscription for Apollonios; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.104. @ @@`392. Topos inscription for Apollonios; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.107. @ @@`393. Topos inscription for Apollnios; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.105. @ @@`394. Topos inscription for Apolonios; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.106. @ @@`395. Topos inscription for Apolonios Apolloniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.108. @ @@`396. Topos inscription for Apollonios Apolloniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.109. @ @@`397. Topos inscription for [Apo]llonios Apolloniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.110. @ @@`398. Topos inscription for Apollonios Apolloniou Pasikleous; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.111.1. @ @@`399. Topos inscription for Apollonios Apo[2lloni]2ou [Pa]sikl[eous]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.111.2. @ @@`400. Topos inscription for Apollonios Apolloniou Pos[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.112. @ @@`401. Topos inscription for Apollonios Apolloniou of Miletos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.113. @ @@`402. Topos inscription for Apollonios Archilochou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.114.1. @ @@`403. Topos inscription for Apo[llonios] Ar[chilochou]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.114.2. @ @@`404. Topos inscription for [A]pollo[n]ios Herak[l]eitou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.115. @ @@`405. Topos inscription for Apollonios Kratonos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.116. @ @@`406. Topos inscription for Apollonios Menophilou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.117. @ @@`407. Topos inscription for Apollonios Nikolaou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.118. @ @@`408. Topos inscription for [Ap]ollonios [Nikom]edo[u]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.119.1. @ @@`409. Topos inscription for Apollonios [Nikomed]ou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.119.2. @ @@`410. Topos inscription for Apollonios Pasikleous; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.119a. @ @@`411. Topos inscription for Apollonios Plouta; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.120. @ @@`412. Topos inscription for Apollonios Psellion (?); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.121. @ @@`413. Topos inscription for Apollonios [ ... ]y[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.123. @ @@`414. Topos inscription for Apollonios [ ... o]u; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.124. @ @@`415. Topos inscription for Apollonios son of (no name); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.125. @ @@`416. Topos inscription for Apollonios of Samos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.126. @ @@`417. Topos inscription for Apollophanes; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.97. @ @@`418. Topos inscription for [A]rcheas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.171. @ @@`419. Topos inscription for Archelaos and Metras; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 324. @ @@`420. Topos inscription for Archelaos Damarionos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.172. @ @@`421. Topos inscription for Archilochos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.173. @ @@`422. Topos inscription for Archippos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.174. @ @@`423. Topos inscription for Archo[2g]2onos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.175. @ @@`424. Topos inscription for A[ri]a[r]athes, Asklepiades, and Alexandros; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.132. @ @@`425. Topos inscription for Aristagoras; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.133. @ @@`426. Topos inscription for Aristagor(as) Apellou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.134. @ @@`427. Topos inscription for Aristeas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.135. @ @@`428. Topos inscription for (?) Aristeas; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 335.1. @ @@`429. Topos inscription for Aristeides; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.136. @ @@`430. Topos inscription for Aristides; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.138. @ @@`431. Topos inscription for Aristeides Nikomedou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.137. @ @@`432. Topos inscription for Aristippos Aristomenou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.139. @ @@`433. Topos inscription for Aristoboulos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.140. @ @@`434. Topos inscription for Aristochos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.144. @ @@`435. Topos inscription for Ariston; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.145. @ @@`436. Topos inscription for Aristoneikos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.142. @ @@`437. Topos inscription for Aristophanes Simou and others; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.143. @ @@`438. Topos inscription for Lucius Arruntius; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.712. @ @@`439. Topos inscription for Artemas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.147. @ @@`440. Topos inscription for Artemas Antilochou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.148. @ @@`441. Topos inscription for Artemas Artema; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.149. @ @@`442. Topos inscription for Artemas Artema; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.150. @ @@`443. Topos inscription for Artemas Brogimaarou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.163; Masson, EC 19, 1982, 133. @ @@`444. Topos inscription for Artemas Choiska; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.157. @ @@`445. Topos inscription for Artemas Dionysiou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.152. @ @@`446. Topos inscription for [A]rtemas [Dio]ph[a]ntou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.153. @ @@`447. Topos inscription for Artemas Eiasados; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.154. @ @@`448. Topos inscription for Artemas Epainetou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.159. @ @@`449. Topos inscription for Artemas Glaukou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.151. @ @@`450. Topos inscription for Artemas Hierokleous; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.155. @ @@`451. Topos inscription for Artemas Metrodorou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.160. @ @@`452. Topos inscription for Ar[t]emas Soterichou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.156. @ @@`453. Topos inscription for Artemas of Thyatira; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.158. @ @@`454. Topos inscription for [Art]emidoros; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.161. @ @@`455. Topos inscription for Artemidoros Artemidorou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.162. @ @@`456. Topos inscription for Artemidoros Bakchyla; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.164. @ @@`457. Topos inscription for Artemidoros son of (no name); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.165. @ @@`458. Topos inscription for Artemisios Apollo; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.166. @ @@`459. Topos inscription for Artemon; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.167.1. @ @@`460. Topos inscription for Artemon Phassas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.167.2. @ @@`461. Topos inscription for Asklepiades; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.176. @ @@`462. Topos inscription for Asklep[iades] and others; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.180. @ @@`463. Topos inscription for Asklepiades and Charidemos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.181. @ @@`464. Topos inscription for Askl[epia]des [As]klepiad[ou]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.177. @ @@`465. Topos inscription for Asklepiades Epenetou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.178. @ @@`466. Topos inscription for Asklepiades Metra; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.179. @ @@`467. Topos inscription for Asklepiodoros; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.182. @ @@`468. Topos inscription for [Athe]nago[ras]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.2. @ @@`469. Topos inscription for Athenagoras [Alex]a[n]d[rou]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.3. @ @@`470. Topos inscription for Athenagoras Menekratous and Kleotimos Hegesandrou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.4. @ @@`471. Topos inscription for Athenaios; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.5. @ @@`472. Topos inscription for Ath[e]naios (?); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.6. @ @@`473. Topos inscription for Atheneos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.11. @ @@`474. Topos inscription for Athenaios Apo[l]las and [Ar]tem[idoros]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.10. @ @@`475. Topos inscription for Athenai[os] Apolloniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.8. @ @@`476. Topos inscription for [ ... ]rnos [E]pigo[nou] and Athenaios Athenaiou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.7. @ @@`477. Topos inscription for [Athen]a[ios] Metrodorou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.9. @ @@`478. Topos inscription for Athe(no)bios Theophilou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.12. @ @@`479. Topos inscription for Athen[o]dor[os]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.13. @ @@`480. Topos inscription for Athenophilos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.14. @ @@`481. Topos inscription for Athenophilos Leontiskou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.15. @ @@`482. Topos inscription for Attalos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.183. @ @@`483. Topos inscription for Attalos Apolloniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.184. @ @@`484. Topos inscription for Attalos Demaratou and Apatourios Symmachou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.185. @ @@`485. Topos inscription for Autokrates; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.186. @ @@`486. Topos inscription for Autokrates Autokratous; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.187.2. @ @@`487. Topos inscription for Autokrates Autokratous Gypas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.188. @ @@`488. Topos inscription for Basileid[es]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.189. @ @@`489. Topos inscription for Basileides; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 316b ll. 5%19`6. @ @@`490. Topos inscription for Basileides Basileidou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.191. @ @@`491. Topos inscription for Basileides Dioskouridou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.192. @ @@`492. Topos inscription for Basileides Herakontos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.193. @ @@`493. Topos inscription for Basileides Menestratou and Dionytas Menestratou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.190. @ @@`494. Topos inscription for Basileides [2Ph]2ilornidos (?); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.194. @ @@`495. Topos inscription for Basseas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.196. @ @@`496. Topos inscription for Basseas Bas[i]l[eidou] and Antiochos Bas[i]l[eidou]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.197. @ @@`497. Topos inscription for Basseas Herakontos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.198. @ @@`498. Topos inscription for Basseas [Nik]ephorou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.199. @ @@`499. Topos inscription for Bassilos Nikomedou and Nikomas Nikomedou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.200. @ @@`500. Topos inscription for Bassus Lysiou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.702. @ @@`501. Topos inscription for Bassus son of Faustus; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.703. @ @@`502. Topos inscription for Bionas Bionidou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.201. @ @@`503. Topos inscription for Blax; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.717. @ @@`504. Topos inscription for Chaireas Aristogenou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.669. @ @@`505. Topos inscription for Chaireas Asklepiodorou and Aristogenes son of (no name); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.670. @ @@`506. Topos inscription for Chares Apolloniou and Apollonios Apolloniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.671. @ @@`507. Topos inscription for Charidemos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.673. @ @@`508. Topos inscription for Chari[dem]os Charid[emou]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.674. @ @@`509. Topos inscription for Charixenos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.675. @ @@`510. Topos inscription for Chrysogonos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.676. @ @@`511. Topos inscription for Damarion; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.207. @ @@`512. Topos inscription for Damari(o)n; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.208. @ @@`513. Topos inscription for Damarion Achelesios; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.215. @ @@`514. Topos inscription for Damarion Apelle[a]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.209. @ @@`515. Topos inscription for Damarion Damarionos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.210. @ @@`516. Topos inscription for Damarion Demetriou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.211. @ @@`517. Topos inscription for Damar[ion] D[io]nyta; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.212. @ @@`518. Topos inscription for [Dama]rion Metrodorou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.213. @ @@`519. Topos inscription for Damarion Posidoniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.214. @ @@`520. Topos inscription for Damas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.203. @ @@`521. Topos inscription for Damas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.204. @ @@`522. Topos inscription for Damas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.206. @ @@`523. Topos inscription for Damas Aischrionos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.205. @ @@`524. Topos inscription for Damon Neikomedou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.217. @ @@`525. Topos inscription for Damoxenos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.216. @ @@`526. Topos inscription for Deikandros; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.218. @ @@`527. Topos inscription for Demaratos Demaratou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313,219. @ @@`528. Topos inscription for Demaratos and others; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.220a. @ @@`529. Topos inscription for [D]emas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.221. @ @@`530. Topos inscription for [D]emas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.222. @ @@`531. Topos inscription for Demetria; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 329.1. @ @@`532. Topos inscription for Demetrios; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.223. @ @@`533. Topos inscription for Demetr(i)os; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.224. @ @@`534. Topos inscription for Demet[r]ios; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.225. @ @@`535. Topos inscription for Demetris; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.237. @ @@`536. Topos inscription for Deme[trios] and Hiero[kles]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.235. @ @@`537. Topos inscription for Demetrios and Hierokles Dionos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.234. @ @@`538. Topos inscription for Demetrios and Lykos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.236. @ @@`539. Topos inscription for Demetrios Alexandrou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.226. @ @@`540. Topos inscription for Demetrios Demetriou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.227. @ @@`541. Topos inscription for Dem[etri]os D[emetriou (?)]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.228. @ @@`542. Topos inscription for Demetrios Demetriou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.229. @ @@`543. Topos inscription for Demetrios Demetriou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.230. @ @@`544. Topos inscription for Demetrios Hermiou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.231. @ @@`545. Topos inscription for Demetrios Zota; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.232. @ @@`546. Topos inscription for Demetrios son of (no name); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.233. @ @@`547. Topos inscription for Demokles; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.238. @ @@`548. Topos inscription for Demokrates; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.238a. @ @@`549. Topos inscription for Demos Herakl[eitou]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.239. @ @@`550. Topos inscription for Demosthenes Paioniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.240. @ @@`551. Topos inscription for Demylas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.242. @ @@`552. Topos inscription for Demylas &3heros&; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.243. @ @@`553. Topos inscription for Dem[yl]as; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.244. @ @@`554. Topos inscription for Diermos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.245. @ @@`555. Topos inscription for Diodoros; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.252. @ @@`556. Topos inscription for Diodoros Diodorou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.253. @ @@`557. Topos inscription for Diodoros Neikiou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.254. @ @@`558. Topos inscription for Diodotos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.249. @ @@`559. Topos inscription for Diodotos Archelaou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.250. @ @@`560. Topos inscription for Di[odo]tos Basilidou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.251. @ @@`561. Topos inscription for Diogenes; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.246. @ @@`562. Topos inscription for Diogenes; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.248. @ @@`563. Topos inscription for Diogenes Stratonikou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.247. @ @@`564. Topos inscription for Diokles; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.255. @ @@`565. Topos inscription for Diokles Her[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.256. @ @@`566. Topos inscription for Dio[m]en[es]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.257. @ @@`567. Topos inscription for Dion; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.293. @ @@`568. Topos inscription for Dionikos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.258. @ @@`569. Topos inscription for Dionysik[l]es Dionysikleous; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.259. @ @@`570. Topos inscription for Dionsyikles Sosa; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.260. @ @@`571. Topos inscription for Diony[si]kles T[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.261. @ @@`572. Topos inscription for Dionysios; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.261a. @ @@`573. Topos inscription for Dionysios; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.262. @ @@`574. Topos inscription for Dionys[2i]2os; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 339. @ @@`575. Topos inscription for Dionysios Aristochou and Nikomachos Zopyrionos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.264. @ @@`576. Topos inscription for Dionysios Athenaiou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.263. @ @@`577. Topos inscription for Dionysios Dionysiou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.265. @ @@`578. Topos inscription for Dionysios Epainetou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.266. @ @@`579. Topos inscription for Diony[s]ios Hermiou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.267. @ @@`580. Topos inscription for Dionysios Kynegou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.268. @ @@`581. Topos inscription for [Dionysi]os (?) Kyne[g]ou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 334. @ @@`582. Topos inscription for Dionysios Melanthou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.269. @ @@`583. Topos inscription for [Dion]ysios [M]enophilou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.270. @ @@`584. Topos inscription for Dionysios Mnasi[ph]aneus; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.271. @ @@`585. Topos inscription for Dionysios Moscha and Antiochos Moscha; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.272. @ @@`586. Topos inscription for Dionysios [Pa]usaniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.273. @ @@`587. Topos inscription for Dion[y]sio[s] S[o]s[i]mnes[t]ou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.274. @ @@`588. Topos inscription for D[i]onysios Teimokra[t]ous; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.275. @ @@`589. Topos inscription for Dionysodoro[s]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.277. @ @@`590. Topos inscription for Dion[yso]doros Dionysi[ou]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.276. @ @@`591. Topos inscription for Dion[ytas ... o]u (?) and others; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.278. @ @@`592. Topos inscription for Diopha[n]es; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.286. @ @@`593. Topos inscription for D[2i?]2ophanes; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.287. @ @@`594. Topos inscription for Diophantos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.288. @ @@`595. Topos inscription for Diophantos Diophantou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.289. @ @@`596. Topos inscription for Diophantos Posidoniou and Zotas Kyphonos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.290. @ @@`597. Topos inscription for (?) Dios on seat in theater; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 336. @ @@`598. Topos inscription for Dios Apatouriou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.281. @ @@`599. Topos inscription for [D]ioskourides; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.282. @ @@`600. Topos inscription for Dios[kourides (?)]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.285. @ @@`601. Topos inscription for Dioskourid(es) Apolloniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.283. @ @@`602. Topos inscription for Dioskourides Dioskouridou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.284. @ @@`603. Topos inscription for Dryas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.294. @ @@`604. Topos inscription for Eikadios; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.295. @ @@`605. Topos inscription for Eiphitos Hermogenou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.300. @ @@`606. Topos inscription for Eiren[aios]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.296. @ @@`607. Topos inscription for Eirenaios Eirenaiou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.296a. @ @@`608. Topos inscription for Eirenas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.297. @ @@`609. Topos inscription for Eisades; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.298. @ @@`610. Topos inscription for Eisas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.299. @ @@`611. Topos inscription for [E]isa[s] (?); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.438. @ @@`612. Topos inscription for Eleusas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.304. @ @@`613. Topos inscription for [Ele]usinios; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.304a. @ @@`614. Topos inscription for Enmenide[s]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.305. @ @@`615. Topos inscription for Epa[g]athos and others; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.305a. @ @@`616. Topos inscription for Epagathos Maiandriou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.306. @ @@`617. Topos inscription for Epaphras Demyla; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.307. @ @@`618. Topos inscription for Epaphroditas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.308. @ @@`619. Topos inscription for Epaphroditas Aristeou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.309. @ @@`620. Topos inscription for Epaphrod[i]tos Aristogenou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.310. @ @@`621. Topos inscription for Epaphrodeitos Attalou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.311. @ @@`622. Topos inscription for Epaphroditos Attalou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.312. @ @@`623. Topos inscription for Epe[r]atos Kroniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.313. @ @@`624. Topos inscription for Epigonos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.314. @ @@`625. Topos inscription for Epigonos the &3aleipheus&; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.716. @ @@`626. Topos inscription for the &3psammaioi& Epigonos and Basileides; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 326.2. @ @@`627. Topos inscription for Epigonos and Pylon; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.318. @ @@`628. Topos inscription for Epigonos Ebaphrados; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.315. @ @@`629. Topos inscription for Epigonos Epigonou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.316. @ @@`630. Topos inscription for Epigonos son of (no name); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.317. @ @@`631. Topos inscription for Epikouros Pausaniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.319. @ @@`632. Topos inscription for Epikrates; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.320. @ @@`633. Topos inscription for Epinikos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.321. @ @@`634. Topos inscription for Eraton Dionysiou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.322. @ @@`635. Topos inscription for Er[2g]2inos (?); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.323. @ @@`636. Topos inscription for Euainetos Apollodorou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.336. @ @@`637. Topos inscription for Eu[ka]rp[os] Ei[o]dorou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.338. @ @@`638. Topos inscription for Eukarp[os] son of (no name); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.339. @ @@`639. Topos inscription for Eukle[s] [De]mo[tionos]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.340. @ @@`640. Topos inscription for Euktos [ ... ]tiou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.341. @ @@`641. Topos inscription for Eupas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.343. @ @@`642. Topos inscription for Euporos and Parmenion; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.344. @ @@`643. Topos inscription for Eupole[m]o[s] son of (no name); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.345. @ @@`644. Topos inscription for Eurymedes [Eu]kleida; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.346.1. @ @@`645. Topos inscription for Eu[ryme]de[s] Eukleida; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.346.2. @ @@`646. Topos inscription for Euphranor; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.347. @ @@`647. Topos inscription for Euthenid[es]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.337. @ @@`648. Topos inscription for Glykon; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.202. @ @@`649. Topos inscription for Gnaeus Men[2o]2philou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.696. @ @@`650. Topos inscription for Harpalos Apolloniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.146. @ @@`651. Topos inscription for Hegas Kelbeiou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.384. @ @@`652. Topos inscription for Hegesia[s]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.385. @ @@`653. Topos inscription for Hegesias Syagrou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.386. @ @@`654. Topos inscription for He[ge]sippos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.387. @ @@`655. Topos inscription for Hegi[a]s (?); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.388. @ @@`656. Topos inscription for Hekataios; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.301. @ @@`657. Topos inscription for [He]kataios; no date; found 10 min. east of Priene: *IPriene 332.2. @ @@`658. Topos graffito for Hekataios Apatouriou; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 148I. @ @@`659. Topos inscription for Hekataios Artemidorou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.302. @@`660. Topos inscription for Heliodoros A[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.389. @ @@`661. Topos inscription for Heliod[or]o[s] Demetriou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.390. @ @@`662. Topos inscription for Herakleides; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.394. @ @@`663. Topos inscription for Herakleides son of (no name); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.395. @ @@`664. Topos inscription for Herakleitos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.396. @ @@`665. Topos inscription for Heraklitos Apolloniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.397. @ @@`666. Topos inscription for Herakleotes Pollidos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.398. @ @@`667. Topos inscription for [ ... ]as, Heras, and [S]oteri[chos]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.393a. @ @@`668. Topos inscription for Heras Apolloniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.391. @ @@`669. Topos inscription for Heras Kylla; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.392. @ @@`670. Topos inscription for Heras Xenodamou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.393. @ @@`671. Topos inscription for [He]rmias; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.324. @ @@`672. Topos inscription for Hermias; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.325. @ @@`673. Topos inscription for Hermias Andronikou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.326. @ @@`674. Topos inscription for Hermias Demetriou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.327. @ @@`675. Topos inscription for Hermias Rhesimachou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.328. @ @@`676. Topos inscription for Hermogenes; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.330. @ @@`677. Topos inscription for He[2rmo]2genes (?); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.331. @ @@`678. Topos inscription for Hermogenes Apolloniou; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 326.1. @ @@`679. Topos inscription for Hermogenes Hermogenou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.332. @ @@`680. Topos inscription for Hermogenes Herakleidou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.333. @ @@`681. Topos inscription for Hermophan[2t]2os; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.334. @ @@`682. Topos inscription for Herodas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.403. @ @@`683. Topos inscription for Her[o]das Antiochou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.404. @ @@`684. Topos inscription for Herodas D[e]metr[i]ou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.405. @ @@`685. Topos inscription for Herodas Mandronos and Aribas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.406; Robert, Noms indige\nes 441, note 1. @ @@`686. Topos inscription for Herodas Pythonikou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.407. @ @@`687. Topos inscription for Herodotos and others; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.401. @ @@`688. Topos inscription for Herodotos Herodotou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313. 399. @ @@`689. Topos inscription for Ana[ ... ] Kaligenou and Herodotos Herodotou; no date; found 10 min. east of Priene: *IPriene 332.1. @ @@`690. Topos inscription for Herodotos Stratonos and Artemon Phassas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.400. @ @@`691. Topos inscription for Herostratos Charidemou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.402. @ @@`692. Topos inscription for Hierokles Apolloniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.435 and p. 312. @ @@`693. Topos inscription for Hierokles Artemidorou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.436. @ @@`694. Topos inscription for Hierokles Hierokleous; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.437. @ @@`695. Topos inscription for Hikesios; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.437a. @ @@`696. Topos inscription for Iason Iasonos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.433. @ @@`697. Topos inscription for Iason Irenaiou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.434. @ @@`698. Topos inscription for Isidoros; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.440. @ @@`699. Topos inscription for Haikos Anaxagorou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.441. @ @@`700. Topos inscription for Kalligenes; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.442. @ @@`701. Topos inscription for Kalligenes Diodotou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.443. @ @@`702. Topos inscription for Kallikles Basseoudos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.444. @ @@`703. Topos inscription for Capito and Dionysios Menokritou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.704. @ @@`704. Topos inscription for Katiphas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.719. @ @@`705. Topos inscription for (?) Kerdon; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 343. @ @@`706. Topos inscription for Killion; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.446. @ @@`707. Topos inscription for Killion Zena; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.447. @ @@`708. Topos inscription for Killos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.448. @ @@`709. Topos inscription for [K]issos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.449. @ @@`710. Topos inscription for [2Kl]2eitos Philargyriou; prob. I; found at Priene; *IPriene 313.653. @ @@`711. Topos inscription for Kokalos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.451. @ @@`712. Topos inscription for Kokas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.457. @ @@`713. Topos inscription for Koniortos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.721. @ @@`714. Topos inscription for Curtius son of Gaius; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.699. @ @@`715. Topos inscription for Krateros; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.452. @ @@`716. Topos inscription for Kratippo[s]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.453. @ @@`717. Topos inscription for [K]ra[2t]2on (?); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.454. @ @@`718. Topos inscription for Kraton Iasonos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.455. @ @@`719. Topos inscription for Kritos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.456. @ @@`720. Topos inscription for Lampitos Zotichou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.459. @ @@`721. Topos inscription for Lampon Herokratou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.460. @ @@`722. Topos inscription for Lenaios Apol[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.463. @ @@`723. Topos inscription for [Le]ont[iskos?]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.461. @ @@`724. Topos inscription for Leontiskos Hegesandrou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.462. @ @@`725. Topos inscription for Lucius son of Varius; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.698. @ @@`726. Topos inscription for Lykis[2kos?]2; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.464. @ @@`727. Topos inscription for [Lys]anias [P]ollidos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.464a. @ @@`728. Topos inscription for Lysias and Menelaos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.465. @ @@`729. Topos inscription for Lysimachos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.466. @ @@`730. Topos inscription for Lysimachos and [A]naxa[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.467. @ @@`731. Topos inscription for Lysim[achos] Lysimachou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.468. @ @@`732. Topos inscription for Maiandrios; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.469. @ @@`733. Topos inscription for [Maian]drios (?); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.470. @ @@`734. Topos inscription for Manl[i]us Apolloniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.701.1. @ @@`735. Topos inscription for Quintus Marius son of Quintus; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.713. @ @@`736. Topos inscription for Mar[2c]2us (?); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.694. @ @@`737. Topos inscription for Marcus son of (no name); Roman; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.695. @ @@`738. Topos inscription for Mario[n] Mario[nos]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.471. @ @@`739. Topos inscription for Megisteas Hestiaiou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.472. @ @@`740. Topos inscription for Melanippos Apolloniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.475. @ @@`741. Topos inscription for Melanthos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.473. @ @@`742. Topos inscription for Mel[2anth]2os(?); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.474. @ @@`743. Topos inscription for Meliton; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.476. @ @@`744. Topos inscription for Meliton Dionikou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.477. @ @@`745. Topos inscription for Meliton Menandrou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.478. @ @@`746. Topos inscription for Menandros; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.479. @ @@`747. Topos inscription for Menandros Basileidou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.480. @ @@`748. Topos inscription for Menandros Demetriou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.481. @ @@`749. Topos inscription for [Men]andros [Demet]riou; no date; found at Priene (?): *IPriene 328. @ @@`750. Topos inscription for Menandros Menand[r]ou and Eisigonos Menand[r]ou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.485. @ @@`751. Topos inscription for Menandros Parasiou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.483. @ @@`752. Topos inscription for Menandros Perdeika; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.484. @ @@`753. Topos inscription for Menandros Zotionos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.482. @ @@`754. Topos inscription for Menas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.504; Robert, Noms indige\nes 441, note 1. @ @@`755. Topos inscription for Meneboulos Aristagorou and Philipas Aristagorou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.486. @ @@`756. Topos inscription for Menekrates; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.487. @ @@`757. Topos inscription for Menekrates; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.488. @ @@`758. Topos inscription for Menekrates Ainou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.489. @ @@`759. Topos inscription for Menekrates son of (no name); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.490. @ @@`760. Topos inscription for Menestratos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.491. @ @@`761. Topos inscription for M[e]nippos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.492. @ @@`762. Topos inscription for Menippos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 316b ll. 3%19`4. @ @@`763. Topos inscription for Menippos Alexandrou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.494. @ @@`764. Topos inscription for Menippos Apato[u]riou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.495. @ @@`765. Topos inscription for Menippos Athenaiou and Dionysios; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.493. @ @@`766. Topos inscription for Menippos Lysimachou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.496. @ @@`767. Topos inscription for Meniskos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.497. @ @@`768. Topos inscription for Meniskos and Krateros; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.499. @ @@`769. Topos inscription for (?) Meniskos Anaxagorou; I%3`2; found at Priene: *IPriene 341. @ @@`770. Topos inscription for Meniskos Strepselios; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.723. @ @@`771. Topos inscription for Menne[as] Euporou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.500. @ @@`772. Topos inscription for Meniskos Theumoriou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.498. @ @@`773. Topos inscription for Menneas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.502. @ @@`774. Topos inscription for Menneas Menneou and Meniskos Menneou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.501. @ @@`775. Topos inscription for Menodoros; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.170.2 and 313.505.2. @ @@`776. Deleted. @ @@`777. Topos inscription for Meno[d]oros son of (no name); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.505a. @ @@`778. Topos inscription for Mentor Menneou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.503. @ @@`779. Topos inscription for Menokritos Hekataiou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.508. @ @@`780. Topos inscription for Menophanes; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.509. @ @@`781. Topos inscription for Menophilos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.510. @ @@`782. Topos inscription for Menophilos and Serapion; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.513. @ @@`783. Topos inscription for Menophilos Menophilou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.511. @ @@`784. Topos inscription for Menophilos Polemonos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.512. @ @@`785. Topos inscription for Metras; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.514. @ @@`786. Topos inscription for Metras; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.515. @ @@`787. Topos inscription for Metras and Heras; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.516. @ @@`788. Topos inscription for Metras Kynolaponos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.517. @ @@`789. Topos inscription for Metras Lipa; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.518. @ @@`790. Topos inscription for Metras Siala; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.519. @ @@`791. Topos inscription for Metrodoros; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.520. @ @@`792. Topos inscription for Metrodoros Phileou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.522. @ @@`793. Topos inscription for Metrodoros Theotimidou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.521. @ @@`794. Topos inscription for Metrophanes; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.524. @ @@`795. Topos inscription for Metrophon Artemidorou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.525. @ @@`796. Topos inscription for Mnasikles; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.526. @ @@`797. Topos inscription for [M?]olossos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.527. @ @@`798. Topos inscription for Monimas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.528. @ @@`799. Topos inscription for Monimas and others; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.533. @ @@`800. Topos inscription for Monimas and others; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.533a. @ @@`801. Topos inscription for Monimas [Ana]xilaou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.529. @ @@`802. Topos inscription for Monimas Da[2m]2as (?); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.532. @ @@`803. Topos inscription for Monimas Pylonos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.531. @ @@`804. Topos inscription for Monimas Askl[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.530. @ @@`805. Topos inscription for Monimos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.534. @ @@`806. Topos inscription for Monimos and others; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.535. @ @@`807. Topos inscription for Monimos Euphranoros; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.536. @ @@`808. Topos inscription for Monimos Monimou: prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.537. @ @@`809. Topos inscription for Monimos Ol[kat]iou (?); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.538. @ @@`810. Topos inscription for Moschas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.539. @ @@`811. Topos inscription for Moschas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.543. @ @@`812. Topos inscription for Moschas and others; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.540. @ @@`813. Topos inscription for [M]oschas Mousaio[u]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.541. @ @@`814. Topos inscription for Moschas Neumonos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.542. @ @@`815. Topos inscription for Moschion; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.544. @ @@`816. Topos inscription for Moschi[2o]2n Ch[o]llas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.546. @ @@`817. Topos inscription for Moschio[n] Kratonos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.547. @ @@`818. Topos inscription for Moschion Pytha; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.548. @ @@`819. Topos inscription for Moschion Zotionos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.545. @ @@`820. Topos inscription for Moschos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.548a. @ @@`821. Topos inscription for Mucius; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.700. @ @@`822. Topos inscription for Mousaios Apolloniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.548b. @ @@`823. Topos inscription for Myrgon; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.549. @ @@`824. Topos inscription for Naukrates; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.550. @ @@`825. Topos inscription for Neon Mikkalou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.554. @ @@`826. Topos inscription for Nestor Nestoros; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.553. @ @@`827. Topos inscription for Nik[a]ndros and others; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.555. @ @@`828. Topos inscription for [2Ni]2kanor (?); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.445. @ @@`829. Topos inscription for Nikanor; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.557. @ @@`830. Topos inscription for Ni[k]anor Apolloniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.558. @ @@`831. Topos inscription for Nikepho[ros]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.560a. @ @@`832. Topos inscription for Nikeratos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.559. @ @@`833. Topos inscription for Nikeratos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.560. @ @@`834. Topos inscription for Nikias; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.561. @ @@`835. Topos inscription for Nikip[pos]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.562. @ @@`836. Topos inscription for [Ni]kob[oulos]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.563. @ @@`837. Topos inscription for Nikolaos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.564. @ @@`838. Topos inscription for Neikolaos [Neik]olaou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.551. @ @@`839. Topos inscription for Pub(lius) Nikomachos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.708. @ @@`840. Topos inscription for Nikomas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.565. @ @@`841. Topos inscription for Nikomas Nikoma; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.566. @ @@`842. Topos inscription for Nikomedes; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.567. @ @@`843. Topos inscription for Nikomedes [Pa]parou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.568. @ @@`844. Topos inscription for Nikostratos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.569. @ @@`845. Topos inscription for Noumenios; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.571. @ @@`846. Topos inscription for [Olym]piodoros; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.574. @ @@`847. Topos inscription for Olympos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.575. @ @@`848. Topos inscription for [Ol]ym[p]o[s]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.576. @ @@`849. Topos inscription for Onesikrates Protou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.577. @ @@`850. Topos inscription for Publius Ofellius; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.711. @ @@`851. Topos inscription for Pamphilos &3hieros& S( ... ); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.578. @ @@`852. Topos inscription for Paparos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.580. @ @@`853. Topos inscription for Paparos and Kallimachos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.582a. @ @@`854. Topos inscription for [P]aparos Anaxilaou and others; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.581. @ @@`855. Topos inscription for Paparos Papar[ou]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.582. @ @@`856. Topos inscription for Parasios; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 316b ll. 1%19`2. @ @@`857. Topos inscription for Parasios Menandrou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.583. @ @@`858. Topos inscription for Parmenion; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.579. @ @@`859. Topos inscription for Publius Patulcius Bass[us]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.715. @ @@`860. Topos inscription for Pausanias Pausaniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.584. @ @@`861. Topos inscription for Pausas Menophilou; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 148II. @ @@`862. Topos inscription for Perigenes; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.586. @ @@`863. Topos inscription for Perigenes Melitonos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.587. @ @@`864. Topos inscription for Phassas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.650. @ @@`865. Topos inscription for [Ph]emis (?) Anaxilou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.679. @ @@`866. Topos inscription for Phidias; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.651. @ @@`867. Topos inscription for Philagath[os]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.652. @ @@`868. Topos inscription for Phileas Metrodorou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.654. @ 䪵@@`868.5. Topos inscription for [Phi]leinos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.655. @ @@`869. Topos inscription for Phileinos Demetr[i]ou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.656. @ @@`870. Topos inscription for Phileros; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.657. @ @@`871. Topos inscription for Philemon; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.658. @ @@`872. Topos inscription for Philippos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.659. @ @@`873. Topos inscription for Philippos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.660. @ @@`874. Topos inscription for Philippos Philippou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.661. @ @@`875. Topos inscription for Philokaisar; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.706. @ @@`876. Topos inscription for Philokalos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.663. @ @@`877. Topos inscription for [Phi]lokrates; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.664. @ @@`878. Topos inscription for Philomousos Kallistra[tou]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.665. @ @@`879. Topos inscription for Philostratos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.666. @ @@`880. Topos inscription for Philotas Pythokleous; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.667. @ @@`881. Topos inscription for Philotheros Psarionos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.662. @ @@`882. Topos inscription for [P]ius (?) Apollonios and Euhemeros; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.705. @ @@`883. Topos inscription for Ploutas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.588. @ @@`884. Topos inscription for Ploutas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.589. @ @@`885. Topos inscription for [P]loutio[n]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.590. @ @@`886. Topos inscription for Pollis Lys[ani]ou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.591. @ @@`887. Topos inscription for [P]olyplakios; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 333. @ @@`888. Topos inscription for Publius; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.693. @ @@`889. Topos inscription for Pub[liu]s [ ... ]os; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.701.2. @ @@`890. Topos inscription for Posidippos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.592. @ @@`891. Topos inscription for Poseidonios; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.593. @ @@`892. Topos inscription for [Po?]sidonios; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.594. @ @@`893. Topos inscription for Posidonios Dionysiou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.595. @ @@`894. Topos inscription for Pos[idonios] Moscha; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.596. @ @@`895. Topos inscription for Posidonios Praxiou and Anaxilaos Galeou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.597. @ @@`896. Topos inscription for Praylos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.598. @ @@`897. Topos inscription for [P]rotio[n] Sosimnestou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.335. @ @@`898. [Topos inscription for or for son of] Psellyon (?); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.122. @ @@`899. Topos inscription for Pythas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.599. @ @@`900. Topos inscription for Python; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.600. @ @@`901. Topos inscription for (?) Python; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 335.2. @ @@`902. Topos inscription for Satyros; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.601. @ @@`903. Topos inscription for Satyros Metrodorou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.602. @ @@`904. Topos inscription for Seleukos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.603. @ @@`905. Topos inscription for Serapion; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.605. @ @@`906. Topos inscription for Serapion Serapionos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.606. @ @@`907. Topos inscription for [Se]rapio[n ... ]idou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.607. @ @@`908. Topos inscription for Serap[io]s; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.604. @ @@`909. Topos inscription for Simalion; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.608. @ @@`910. Topos inscription for Simalion Kallippo[u] and Apatourios; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.609. @ @@`911. Topos inscription for Simon Simonos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.611. @ @@`912. Topos inscription for Simos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.610. @ @@`913. Topos inscription for Skymnos Simonos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.612. @ @@`914. Topos inscription for Sokrates; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.620. @ @@`915. Topos inscription for (no name) Sokratous; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.620a. @ @@`916. Topos inscription for Gaius Sopa[tros Di]onysiou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.707. @ @@`917. Topos inscription for Sopatros Metrodorou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.621. @ @@`918. Topos inscription for Sosand[ros], Posidon[i]os, and Da[mas]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.625. @ @@`919. Topos inscription for Sosas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.624. @ @@`920. Topos inscription for Sosas Mandronos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.622. @ @@`921. Topos inscription for Sosas Sparou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.623. @ @@`922. Topos inscription for Sosibios Anaxilaou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.627. @ @@`923. Topos inscription for Sosibios Apolloniou and Lysanias Pollidos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.628. @ @@`924. Topos inscription for Sosigenes; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.629. @ @@`925. Topos inscription for Sosigenes Apollonidou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.630. @ @@`926. Topos inscription for Sosigenes Apollonidou, Posidonios Diodorou, and Kistos Pausimachou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.631. @ @@`927. Topos inscription for Sosikles Dionysiou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.632.1. @ @@`928. Topos inscription for So[sikles] Dio[nysi]ou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.632.2. @ @@`929. Topos inscription for Sosikra[tes]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.633. @ @@`930. Topos inscription for Sosikrates Moscha; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.634. @ @@`931. Topos inscription for Sosimnestos Sosimnestou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.635. @ @@`932. Topos inscription for So[s]ispatr[os] Phileou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.636. @ @@`933. Topos inscription for Sotades Sot[a]dou; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 331. @ @@`934. Topos inscription for Sotas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.639. @ @@`935. Topos inscription for [S]otas Katorychou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.720. @ @@`936. Topos inscription for [S]otas Sosige[nou] and [M]oschas Sosige[nou]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.637. @ @@`937. Topos inscription for Soterichos son of (no name); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.638. @ @@`938. Topos inscription for Sotion; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.640. @ @@`939. Topos inscription for Sotion Demetriou and Aristo[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.641. @ @@`939.5. Topos inscription for Sotion Moschionos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.641a. @ @@`940. Topos inscription for Sphenorch[i]s Basileidou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.724. @ @@`941. Topos inscription for Sphodragoras; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 148III. @ @@`942. Topos inscription for Straton; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.616. @ @@`943. Topos inscription for Straton Apatouriou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.617. @ @@`944. Topos inscription for Straton Hekataiou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.618. @ @@`945. Topos inscription for [Stra]tonikos Akrisiou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.614. @ @@`946. Topos inscription for Stratoneikos Hermiou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.615. @ @@`947. Topos inscription for Teimagenes; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.642. @ @@`948. Topos inscription for Luc[ius] Tere[ntius] (?); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.710. @ @@`949. Topos inscription for Aulus Tettasidius; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.709. @ @@`950. Topos inscription for Themistokles; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 326.5. @ @@`951. Topos inscription for Themistokles Meniskou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.408. @ @@`952. Topos inscription for Theodoros; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.413. @ @@`953. Topos inscription for Theodoro[s]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.414. @ @@`954. Topos inscription for Theodoro[2s]2 Basileidou and Eisig[o]no[s] Basileidou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.415. @ @@`955. Topos inscription for Theogenes; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.409. @ @@`956. Topos inscription for Theogenes; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.410. @ @@`957. Topos inscription for Theodotos Diomedous; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.411. @ @@`958. Topos inscription for Theodotos Kroniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.412. @ @@`959. Topos inscription for Theokritos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.417. @ @@`959.5. Topos inscription for Theokritos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.418. @ @@`960. Topos inscription for Theokrito[s]; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 337. @ @@`961. Topos inscription for The[on]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.428. @ @@`962. Topos inscription for (?) Theon; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 338. @ @@`963. Topos inscription for Theon Antiocha; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.429. @ @@`964. Topos inscription for Theophilos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.423. @ @@`965. Topos inscription for Theophilos [A]ntenoros; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.424. @ @@`966. Topos inscription for Theophilos Theophilou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.425. @ @@`967. Topos inscription for Theo[p]ompo[s]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.420. @ @@`968. Topos inscription for Theotimos Agelaou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.422. @ @@`969. Topos inscription for Theotropos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.421. @ @@`970. Topos inscription for Theoxenos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.419. @ @@`971. Topos inscription for Theudas Apolloniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.426. @ @@`972. Topos inscription for Theudas Lysimachou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.427. @ @@`973. Topos inscription for Thrason; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.431. @ @@`974. Topos inscription for Titus son of Gaius; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.697. @ @@`975. Topos inscription for Trophimos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.643. @ @@`976. Topos inscription for Tryphon; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.644. @ @@`977. Topos inscription for Tryphon; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.645. @ @@`978. Topos inscription for Tryphon Dionysiou and S[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.646. @ @@`979. Topos inscription for Tryphon Lysaniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.647. @ @@`980. Topos inscription for [Try?]phon [Ni]kandro[u]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.556. @ @@`981. Topos inscription for Tryphon Nikanoros; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.648. @ @@`982. Topos inscription (?) for Tychikos on step; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 322. @ @@`983. Topos inscription for Xenophon; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.573. @ @@`984. Topos inscription for Zeuxis and Menophanes; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.348. @ @@`985. Topos inscription for Zeuxis Antiochou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.350. @ @@`986. Topos inscription for Zeuxis Basileidou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.349. @ @@`987. Topos inscription for Zeu[xis] Zeuxou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.351. @ @@`988. Topos inscription for Zenas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.352. @ @@`989. Topos inscription for Zobios; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.353. @ @@`990. Topos inscription for Zobios Zobiou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.354. @ @@`991. Topos inscription for Zobios Moschionos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.355. @ @@`992. Topos inscription for [Z]oilos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.356. @ @@`993. Topos inscription for Zoilos Zoilou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.357. @ @@`994. Topos inscription for Zopas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.358. @ @@`995. Topos inscription for Zopyrion; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.359. @ @@`996. Topos inscription for Zopy[rio]n Hermogenou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.360. @ @@`997. Topos inscription for Zopyros; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.361. @ @@`998. Topos inscription for Zopyros Agatharchidou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.362. @ @@`999. Topos inscription for Zopyros Apollo[2niou]2; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.363. @ @@`1000. Topos inscription for Zo[pyros] A[pol]l[o]nio[u]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.363a. @ @@`1001. Topos inscription for Zopyros Zopyrou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.364. @ @@`1002. Topos inscription for Zosas and Philostratos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.365. @ @@`1003. Topos inscription for Zotas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.366. @ @@`1004. Topos inscription for Zotas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.367. @ @@`1005. Topos inscription for Zotas Ampelionos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.367a. @ @@`1006. Topos inscription for Zotas Diophantou; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 326.3. @ @@`1007. Topos inscription for Zotas Pythodor[ou]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.371. @ @@`1008. Topos inscription for Zo[ta]s [Sosige]nous and others; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.372. @ @@`1009. Topos inscription for Zotas Zotichou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.369. @ @@`1010. Topos inscription for Zotas Di[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.368. @ @@`1011. Topos inscription for Zotas Kalli( ... ); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.370. @ @@`1012. Topos inscription for Zotas son of (no name); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.373. @ @@`1013. Topos inscription for Zotion; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.374. @ @@`1014. Topos inscription for Zotion Apollodorou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.375. @ @@`1015. Topos inscription for Zotion Apolloniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.376. @ @@`1016. Topos inscription for Zotion Dioskouridou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.377. @ @@`1017. Topos inscription for Zotion Eirenaiou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.378. @ @@`1018. Topos inscription for Zoteion Epikratou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.379. @ @@`1019. Topos inscription for Zotion Krouneou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.381. @ @@`1020. Topos inscription for Zotion Zotionos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.380. @ See also: Priene 1170. @@@@Section: 12b. Name Fragmentary (1021%19`1091) @ @@`1021. Topos inscription for [A]gathi[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.1. @ @@`1022. Topos inscription for Ale[ ... ] Ale[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.37. @ @@`1023. Topos inscription for Anaxil[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.58. @ @@`1024. Topos inscription for Andr[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.70. @ @@`1025. Topos inscription for (?) Androteim[ ... ]; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 340. @ @@`1026. Topos inscription for [Ap.l]las; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.85. @ @@`1027. Topos inscription for Apo[ ... ] son of (no name); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.131. @ @@`1028. Topos inscription for Apoll( ... ); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.129. @ @@`1029. Topos inscription for A[p]oll[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.130. @ @@`1030. Topos inscription (?) for Apoll[ ... ]; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 329.2. @ @@`1031. Topos inscription for Aristokle[ ... ] Diod[o]r[o]u; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.141. @ @@`1032. Topos inscription for Art[e ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.170.1 and 313.505.1. @ @@`1033. Topos inscription for Artem[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.169. @ @@`1034. Topos inscription for [ ... ]as [Eut]ychou; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 327. @ @@`1035. Topos inscription for [ ... ]as [ ... ]aniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.692. @ @@`1036. Topos inscription for Auto[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.187.1. @ @@`1037. Topos inscription for [ ... ]bou[los]; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 325. @ @@`1038. Topos inscription for [ ... ]chos [ ... b]oulidou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.689. @ @@`1039. Topos inscription for Dem[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.241. @ @@`1040. Topos inscription for Dio[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.291. @ @@`1041. Topos inscription for Diony[ ... ] Hierokleou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.279. @ @@`1042. Topos inscription for Diop[ ... ] son of (no name); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.280. @ @@`1043. Topos inscription for Diphil[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.292. @ @@`1044. Topos inscription for Ekle[ ... ]des (?); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.303. @ @@`1045. Topos inscription for [ ... ]eogenes; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.678. @ @@`1046. Topos inscription (?) for Ephr[ ... ]; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 326.7. @ @@`1047. Topos inscription for [E]um[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.342. @ @@`1048. Topos inscription for [ ... ]ios et al.; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.680. @ @@`1049. Topos inscription for [ ... ]ios Chare[tos]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.672. @ @@`1050. Topos inscription for Isig[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.439. @ @@`1051. Topos inscription for Kleot[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.450. @ @@`1052. Topos inscription for (?) Kom[ ... ]; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 344. @ @@`1053. Topos inscription for Krat[ ... ]; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 345. @ @@`1054. Topos inscription for [ ... ]li[o]n [Kl]eosthe[2n]2ous; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.681.1. @ @@`1054.5. Topos inscription for [ ... ]lion [ ... ]ou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.681.2. @ @@`1055. Topos inscription for Menod[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.506. @ @@`1056. Topos inscription for Menod[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.507. @ @@`1057. Topos inscription for Miki[ ... ] Neph[ ... ] (?); no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 330.1. @ @@`1058. Topos inscription for [ ... ]n et al.; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.677. @ @@`1059. Topos inscription for [ ... ]n Artemonos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.168. @ @@`1060. Topos inscription for N[ ... ] Demet[riou]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.572. @ @@`1061. Topos inscription for Niko[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.570. @ @@`1062. Topos inscription for [.]Nkrates [ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.690. @ @@`1063. Topos inscription for [ ... ]nodamos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.682. @ @@`1064. Topos inscription for [ ... ]ochos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.685. @ @@`1065. Topos inscription for [ ... ]odo[ ... Ap]ollon[iou]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.127. @ @@`1066. Topos inscription for [ ... ]os [A]polloniou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.128. @ @@`1067. Topos inscription for [ ... ]os Demaratou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.220. @ @@`1068. Topos inscription for [ ... ]osidon; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.683. @ @@`1069. Topos inscription for [ ... ]ostratos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.684. @ @@`1070. Topos inscription for Pau[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.585. @ @@`1071. Topos inscription for [ ... ]rippo[s]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.686. @ @@`1072. Topos inscription for (or for son of?) [ ... ]risas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.687. @ @@`1073. Topos inscription for Steph[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.613. @ @@`1074. Topos inscription for [ ... s]thenes [ ... ]lphou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.688. @ @@`1075. Topos inscription for The[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.430. @ @@`1076. Topos inscription for Theod[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.416. @ @@`1077. Topos inscription for Thra[ ... ] and Heg[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.432. @ @@`1078. Topos inscription for [ ... ]y[ ... ] Phy[l]onos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.668. @ @@`1079. Topos inscription for Zo[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.383. @ @@`1080. Topos inscription for Zo[ ... ] Theodorou et al.; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.382.2. @ @@`1081. Topos inscription for Zo[ ... ] son of (no name); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.382.1. @ @@`1082. Topos inscription for (no name) Basileidou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.195. @ @@`1083. Topos inscription for (no name) son of [He]rmas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.329. @ @@`1084. Topos inscription for (no name) Lakonos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.458. @ @@`1085. Topos inscription for (no name) son of M[e]trodor[os]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.523. @ @@`1086. Topos inscription for (no name) son of Passalas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.722. @ @@`1087. Topos inscription for (no name) Sos[2i]2[bi]ou (?); prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.626. @ @@`1088. Topos inscription for (no name) Syrou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.619. @ @@`1089. Topos inscription for (no name) Tryph[onos]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.649. @ @@`1090. Topos inscription for (no name) son of Neo[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.552. @ @@`1091. Topos inscription for (no name) [ ... ]ou; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.691. @ @@@@Section: 12c. Name Lost (1092%19`1093) @ @@`1092. Topos inscription for the twins; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.718. @ @@`1093. Top[os] inscription for (no name); no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 330.2. @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (1094%19`1101) @ @@@@Section: 15a. Religious Epigrams (1094) @ @@`1094. Inscription in hexameters identifying likeness as of hero Naulochos by Philios of Salamis on Cyprus; c. 350 BC; found at Priene: CIG 2907 %7 p. 1122; LW 186; Kaibel 774; Priene 44%19`5 Tafel VI; *IPriene 196; Schede, Ruinen von Priene 12. @ @@@@Section: 15b. Honorary Epigrams (1095%19`1096) @ @@`1095. Honorary inscription in pythambics for Athenopolis Pythotimou, athlete victorious at Epid[aur]os; II; found at Priene: IPriene 268IIb; Peek, Studies Robinson II 327%19`9; SEG 13, 516; *Ebert, Wiss. Z. Halle 16, 1967, 415%19`7. @ @@`1096. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for Athenopolis Pythotimou, athlete victorious at Epidauros; II; found at Priene: IPriene 268IIc; Peek, Studies Robinson II 327%19`9; SEG 13, 516; Ebert, Wiss. Z. Halle 16, 1967, 415%19`7; *Peek, ZPE 10, 1973, 95%19`7. @ See also: Miletos 453 (%6 AE 1931, 116, 13) (honorary inscription, partly in hexameters, by Koinon of Ionians for Moirios Aristo[nos] (of Miletos); found at Miletos); Tralles 148 (%6 ITralles 115) (%6 IPriene 532), l. 4 (honorary (?) inscription in elegiacs for athlete (?) (no name), victorious at Priene; found at Tralles). @ ɏ@@@@Section: 15c. Funerary Epigrams (1097%19`1100) @ @@`1097. Funerary inscription for Aischylinos Aiantideo and others, with epigram in elegiacs following; IV&7e&; found at Gu+llu+bahc%25e: Judeich, MDAI(A) 16, 1891, 291, no. 15; IPriene 288; *Lambrino, BCH 52, 1928, 399%19`406 (PH). @ @@`1098. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Hegeso; prob. I; found at Priene: IPriene 287; Peek, GVI I 560; *Peek, GVAK 13%19`4, no. 5; Wilhelm, GE 41%19`2, no. 54; SEG 30, 1364. @ @@`1099. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Hermogeneia Antigeneida of Hermoupolis; III; found at Thebes Myk.: *IPriene 376. @ @@`1100. Funerary inscription in hexameters and elegiacs for Meletos of Messenia; III; found between Priene and Gu+llu+bachc%25e: IPriene 380, p. 312; Peek, GVI I 799; *Peek, GVAK 14, no. 6; SEG 30, 1363. @ @@@@Section: 15d. Varia in Verse (1101) @ @@`1101. Paraphrase of Homeric verse in hexameter as exercise by apprentice stonecutter; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 314 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (1102%19`1138) @ @@@@Section: 16a. Full Name Preserved (1102%19`1130) @ @@`1102. Funerary inscription for Amphipolis; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 381, p. 312. @ @@`1103. Funerary inscription for Aies (?) Deineo, boustrophedon; VI; found near Thebes Myk.: *IPriene 369. @ @@`1104. Funerary inscription for Alkimachos Eoenorideo; V; found at Thebes Myk.: *IPriene 370. @ @@`1105. Funerary inscription for [A]naximandros Ath[enai]ou; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 289. @ @@`1106. Funerary inscription for [A]ntipatros Boiethou of [O]roanna and [ ... ]ea Antipatrou; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 290. @ @@`1107. Funerary inscription for Aphrodisios Paramonou; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 293II. @ @@`1108. Funerary inscription for Ariston Solonos; no date; found at Priene, prob. wandered: *IPriene 291. @ @@`1109. Funerary inscription for Asklepiades Istrou; III; found at Priene: *IPriene 292. @ @@`1110. Funerary inscription for Billas Aischylo; V; found at Thebes Myk.: *IPriene 371. @ @@`1111. Funerary inscription for [Dein]agoras [Kle]obio; V; found at Priene: *IPriene 372 and p. 312. @ @@`1112. Funerary inscription for Diadoumenos; late; found at Gu+llu+bahc%25e: *IPriene 305. @ @@`1113. Funerary inscription for [E]pigona Antigono[u]; no date; found near Thebes Myk.: *IPriene 373. @ @@`1114. Funerary inscription for Euk[ar]pides Oiniadou; II; found at Priene: *IPriene 295I. @ @@`1115. Funerary inscription for Hekataios Basileidou; no date; ۂfound at Priene: *IPriene 294. @ @@`1116. Funerary inscription for [Her]od[otos] Dion[ysiou] and Dionysio[s] Herodotou; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 297. @ @@`1117. Funerary inscription for Kallistratos Kratonos and Basilion Apolloniou; no date; found at Gu+llu+bahc%25e: Judeich, MDAI(A) 16, 1891, 290, no. 14, ll. 4%19`5; Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, no. 2, ll. 4%19`5; *IPriene 296, ll. 4%19`5. @ @@`1118. Funerary inscription for Kleitides Nymphonos; no date; found at Gu+llu+bahc%25e: Judeich, MDAI(A) 16, 1891, 291, no. 16; Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 15, no. 4; *IPriene 298. @ @@`1119. Funerary inscription for Konios (?) and others; no date; found at Dermen: Kumanudes, AE 3, 1887, 198; *IPriene 309. @ @@`1120. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]itis Kratinou and [Kr]atinos Theotimido[u]; prob. II; found at Priene: *IPriene 302. @ @@`1121. Funerary inscription for Menedemos; no date; found at Gu+llu+bahc%25e: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 14, no. 1; *IPriene 306 and p. 311. @ @@`1122. Funerary inscription for Metrodora Apollodorou; III; found at Priene: *IPriene 299. @ @@`1123. Funerary inscription for Gaius Ofellius Suburana; Roman; found at Priene: *IPriene 308. @ @@`1124. Funerary inscription for Pausanias; IV&7e& (?); found at Priene: *IPriene 307. @ @@`1125. Funerary inscription for Perigenes Aischri[o]no[s] [&3H&]&3erakleotes&; no date; found near Naulochon: *IPriene 300. @ @@`1126. Funerary inscription for Philinos Philemonos; II; found at Priene: *IPriene 295II. @ @@`1127. Funerary inscription for Philtes Hekat[aiou], stoichedon; V; found near Thebes Myk.:_ *IPriene 368. @ @@`1128. Funerary inscription for Simon Pausaniou; II; found at Priene: *IPriene 301. @ @@`1129. Funerary inscription for Zopyros Alexandrou; no date; found at Davutlar: *IPriene 312; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1370. @ @@`1130. Funerary inscription for Zopyros Apolloniou and wife Melitine Sokratou; no date; found at Gu+llu+bahc%25e: Judeich, MDAI(A) 16, 1891, 290%19`1, no. 14, ll. 1%19`3; Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 15, no. 2, ll. 1%19`3; *IPriene 296, ll. 1%19`3. @ See also: Priene 151.5, 1097%19`1100; IG II&4`2& 10110 (funerary inscription for Philistides Diodorou of Pr[ie]ne; found in Attica); IG XII 1, 970 (funerary inscription for Aristodika Damostratou of Priene; found on Chalke). @ @@@@Section: 16b. Name Fragmentary (1131%19`1135) @ @@`1131. Funerary inscription (?) for [ ... ]modemos Diophanous et al.; no date; found at Priene: LW 208; *IPriene 304. @ @@`1132. Funerary inscrition for [ ... ]ousa and (no name), both of Samos; no date; found at Panionion: *IPriene 311. @ @@`1133. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]phan[e]s Diophanou; no date; found at Thebes Myk.: *IPriene 375. @ @@`1134. Funerary inscription for woman (no name) [ ... ]menous; no date; found at Thebes Myk.: *IPriene 374. @ @@`1135. Funerary inscription for (no name), wife of [Ap]ol[l]odor[os]; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 303. @ @@@@Section: 16c. Name Lost (1136%19`1138) @ @@`1136. Record of repair (?) of grave by Polla Plotia; Roman; found at Priene: *IPriene 310. @ @@`1137. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 293I. @ @@`1138. Unpublished funerary inscription; no date; found at Panionion: *IPriene p. 159. @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (1139%19`1142) @ @@`1139. Dedication of plan of [temple] by architect Hermogenes Harpalou; c. 180 BC; found at Priene: *IPriene 207; Syll&4`3& 1156. @ @@`1140. Artist's signature by Klaudios Eros; no date; found at Thebes Myk.: *IPriene 377. @ @@`1141. Artist's signature by Polyneikes of Aphrodeisias; no date; found at Priene: Priene 18; *IPriene 214 (PH). @ @@`1142. Dedication with artist's signature (?) by sons (?) of Philon Simou; VI&4`1&; found at Panionion: *Hommel, Panionion und Melie 127%19`132 (PH). @ See also: Priene 1271; IG XIV 1295 (artist's signature by Archelaos Apolloniou of Priene; found at Bovillae). @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (1143%19`1147) @ @@`1143. Amphora%19fragment with letter $*A&; c. 600 BC; found at Panionion: *Hommel, Panionion und Melie 158, no. 1 (PH). @ @@`1144. Amphora%19fragment with letter $*H&; c. 600 BC; found at Panionion: *Hommel, Panionion und Melie 158, no. 2 (PH). @ @@`1145. Obscene remarks on tile; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 317. @ @@`1146. Graffito on vessel; no date; found at Priene: Priene 437, no. 159; *IPriene 355.15. @ @@`1147. Graffito on vessel; no date; found at Priene: Priene 431, no. 125; *IPriene 355.16. @ See also: Priene 301%19`1093, 1155%19`6. @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (1148%19`1163) @ @@@@Section: 21a. Christian Building Inscriptions (1148%19`1150) @ @@`1148. Inscription recording rebuilding of church (?); late; found at Priene: *IPriene 215; **Gre/goire 118 (l. 1). @ @@`1149. Inscription recording decoration of basilica by &3eparchos Julianus; c. 6; found at Priene: Priene 482%19`3, Abb. 590 (PH); *IPriene 218; **Gre/goire 119 (l. 2). @ @@`1150. Wish for God's grace in house, with prayer to Christ for help Byz.; found at Priene: *IPriene 217; Gre/goire, Rev. de l'instr. publ. en Belg. 51, 1908, 215%19`6; **Gre/goire 123. @ @@@@Section: 21b. Christian Religious Inscriptions (1151%19`1154) @ @@`1151. Deleted. @ @@`1152. Prayer to Christ to help his slave Hor[ ... ]; Christian; found at or near Priene, now in Berlin: *IPriene p. 145. @ @@`1153. Sign for Christ between Alpha and Omega; Christian; found at Priene: *IPriene 347.2. @ @@`1154. Christian inscription with prayer; Christian; found at Priene: *IPriene 349. @ @@@@Section: 21c. Christian Graffiti (1155%19`1156) @ @@`1155. Christian inscription for Ambrosis; Christian; found at Priene: Priene 88, 474; IPriene 347.1; *Gre/goire 121. @ @@`1156. Christian graffito containing monogram symbol for Christ between Alpha and Omega and reference to &3nike&; Christian; found at Priene: Priene 165; *IPriene 348. @ @@@@Section: 21d. Christian Varia (1157%19`1160) @ @@`1157. Christian &3nike& inscription for Gorgos Hierokles; Christian; found at Priene: *IPriene 350. @ @@`1158. Christian &3nike& inscription; Christian; found at Priene: *IPriene 351. @ @@`1159. &3Nike& inscription; Christian; found at Priene: *IPriene 352. @ @@`1160. &3Nike& inscription for &3prasinoi&; Christian; found at Priene: Priene 483; *IPriene 353; Gre/goire 120. @ @@@@Section: 21e. Christian Dubia (1161%19`1163) @ @@`1161. Christian (?) fragment naming &3archiereus&; Byzantine; found at Priene: *IPriene 219. @ @@`1162. Christian (?) incription [&3e&]&3tycho&[&3s&]; 3; found at Priene: *IPriene 220. @ @@`1163. Christian inscription &3eutychos&; Byzantine; found at Priene: *IPriene 221; Gre/goire 122. @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (1164%19`1266.8) @ @@@@Section: 22a. &3Soteria& and &3Philia& Inscriptions (1164%19`1175) @ @@`1164. Inscription recording [&3so&]&3teria& of [ ... ]on and [Ant]iochos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.725.1. @ @@`1165. [&3Phi&]&3lia& inscription of [ ... ]phantos and [An]tiochos; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.725.2. @ @@`1166. &3Philia& inscription for B[ ... ] Bas[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.726. @ @@`1167. Inscription recording &3soteria& of &3philoi& Lampitos and Justus; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.727.1. @ @@`1168. Inscription recording &3soteria& of Apollonios and Dionysios; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.727.2. @ @@`1169. Inscription recording [&3s&]&3oteri&[&3a&] of [ ... ]pas and Heras; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.728. @ @@`1170. Topos inscription for &3philoi& Apollonios and others; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.729. @ @@`1171. Inscription recording &3soteria& of Quintus Marinus and Pius; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.730I. @ @@`1172. &3Philia& inscription for Damarion and Pius; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.730II. @ @@`1173. Inscription recording &3soteria& of Ploutas and Diodoros; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.730III. @ @@`1174. Inscription recording &3soteria& of Athenaios and Monimas; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.731. @ @@`1175. Fragment of [&3philia&] or [&3soteria&] (?) inscription for Polyk[ ... ] Epigonos et al.; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 313.732. @ @@@@Section: 22b. Tile%19stamps (1176%19`1213) @ @@`1176. Tile%19stamp for Aischylinos; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.1. @ @@`1177. Tile%19stamp for Apollodoros; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.2. @ @@`1178. Tile%19stamp for [A]pollodo(ros); no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.3.1. @ @@`1179. Tile%19stamp for Apollodo(ros); no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.3.2. @ @@`1180. Tile%19stamp for Apo[llo]nios; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.4. @ @@`1181. Tile%19stamp for Apoll[o]nios; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.5. @ @@`1182. Tile%19stamp for Aristeas; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.6. @ @@`1183. Tile%19stamp for Artemidoros; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.7. @ @@`1184. Tile%19stamp for Charixenos; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.29. @ @@`1185. Tile%19stamp for D[r]omon; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.9. @ @@`1186. Tile%19stamp for Dromon and Polis; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.10. @ @@`1187. Tile%19stamp for Eunous; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.17. @ @@`1188. Tile%19stamp for Eunous; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.18. @ @@`1189. Tile%19stamp for Eunous; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.19. @ @@`1190. Tile%19stamp for Eutych[o]s; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.20. @ @@`1191. Tile%19stamp for Herakleitos; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.21. @ @@`1192. Tile%19stamp for Hermaios; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.11. @ @@`1193. Tile%19stamp for Hermaios; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.12. @ @@`1194. Tile%19stamp for Hermaios; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.13. @ @@`1195. Tile%19stamp foir Hermaio[s]; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.14. @ @@`1196. Tile%19stamp for Herma[ios]; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.15. @ @@`1197. Tile%19stamp for Hermios; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.16. @ @@`1198. Tile%19stamp for Lysandr(os); no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.23. @ @@`1199. Tile%19stamp for Make(dones?); no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.24. @ @@`1200. Tile%19stamp for Nikandros; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.25. @ @@`1201. Tile%19stamp for Polis; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.26. @ @@`1202. Tile%19stamp for Polis; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.27. @ @@`1203. Tile%19stamp for [Po]sido(nios) [ ... ]philou; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.30. @ @@`1204. Tile%19stamp for Simos; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.28. @ @@`1205. Tile%19stamp for [2Asty]2m[ ... ]; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.8. @ @@`1206. Tile%19stamp for [ ... ]krates; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.22. @ @@`1207. Tile%19stamp for Ni( ... ); no date; found at Thebes Myk.: *IPriene 379. @ @@`1208. Tile%19stamp for Zot[ ... ]; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.31. @ @@`1209. Tile%19stamp with partly illegible inscription; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.32. @ @@`1210. Tile%19stamp with questionable contents; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.33. @ @@`1211. Deleted. @ @@`1212. Tile%19stamp with unintelligible inscription; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.34. @ @@`1213. Tile%19stamp with questionable contents, mentioning Priene; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 354.35. @ See also: Priene 1145; Magnesia 430 (%6 IMagnesia 353) (inscription for (?) [A]ristonous of (?) Priene on tile; found at Magnesia Mai.) @ @@@@Section: 22c. Vessel%19Stamps (1214%19`1227) @ @@`1214. Vessel%19stamp for Epigonos; no date; found at Priene, identical with stamp found on Melos: Priene 436, no. 147; *IPriene 355.2. @ @@`1215. Vessel%19stamp for Hermes; no date; found at Priene: Priene 435%19`6, no. 141; *IPriene 355.3. @ @@`1216. Vessel%19stamp for Koiranos; no date; found at Priene: Priene 431, 120 and 435, 140; *IPriene 355.4. @ @@`1217. Vessel%19stamp in Latin for P(ublius) Lusiu(s); Roman; found at Priene: Priene 431, no. 128; *IPriene 355.12. @ @@`1218. Vessel%19stamp for Oreos; no date; foud at Priene, identical with stamp found in Attica: Priene 436, no.'s 142 and 145; *IPriene 355.5. @ @@`1219. Vessel%19stamp for Pa[se]as (?); no date; found at Priene: Priene 436, no. 143; *IPriene 355.6. @ @@`1220. Vessel%19stamp in Latin for [Pe]ren[nius]; Roman; found at Priene: Priene 438, no. 163; *IPriene 355.13. @ @@`1221. Vessel%19stamp for Posidonios; no date; found at Priene: Priene 437, no. 152; *IPriene 355.7. @ @@`1222. Vessel%19stamp for Praylos; no date; found at Priene: Priene 436, no. 150; *IPriene 355.8. @ @@`1223. Vessel%19stamp in Latin for G(aius) Sen(tius); Roman; found at Priene: Priene 437, no. 153; *IPriene 355.14. @ @@`1224. Vessel%19stamp for [ ... ]ton; no date; found at Priene: Priene 431, no. 122; *IPriene 355.9. @ @@`1225. Vessel%19stamp for twins; no date; found at Priene: Priene 436, no. 149; *IPriene 355.1. @ @@`1226. Vessel%19stamp with word &3do&[&3ron&]; no date; found at Priene: Priene 436, no. 146; *IPriene 355.10 and p. 312. @ @@`1227. Vessel%19stamp with word &3charis&; no date; found at Priene: Priene 436, no. 148; *IPriene 355.11 and p. 312. @ See also: Priene 1146%19`7. @ ̏@@@@Section: 22c. Medicine%19Vessel Stamps (1228%19`1234) @ @@`1228. Medicine%19vessel stamp for Aristeas; no date; found at Priene: Priene 429 no. d; *IPriene 356.6. @ @@`1229. Medicine%19vessel stamp for Charidem[os] and Strat[on]; II%3I; found at Priene: Priene 425%19`6, no. 96 (PH); *IPriene 356.4. @ @@`1230. Medicine%19vessel stamp for Isodoros; II%3I; found at Priene: Priene 424%19`6, no.'s 91, 92, 94 (PH); *IPriene 356.3. @ @@`1231. Medicine%19vessel stamp for Krates; II%3I; found at Priene: Priene 424%19`5, no. 88, Abb. 542, 2 (PH); *IPriene 356.1. @ @@`1232. Medicine%19vessel stamp for Proteas; II%3I; found at Priene: Priene 424%19`6, no.'s 58%19`9, 90, 95 (PH); *IPriene 356.2. @ @@`1233. Medicine%19vessel stamp for Straton; no date; found at Priene: Priene 429 no. e; *IPriene 356.7. @ @@`1234. Medicine%19vessel stamp for Timokle(s); no date; found at Priene: Priene 429, no. c (PH); *IPriene 356.5. @ @@@@Section: 22d. Terracotta Inscriptions (1235%19`1238) @ @@`1235. Terracotta inscription for Gerasimos; no date; found at Priene: Priene pp. 361 and 365, Abb. 457 (PH); *IPriene 357.1. @ @@`1236. Terracotta inscription for Menekrates; no date; found at Priene: Priene 364%19`5, Abb. 456 (PH); *IPriene 357.3. @ @@`1237. Terracotta inscription for Theodotos; no date; found at Priene: Priene 365, Abb. 455 (PH); *IPriene 357.2. @ @@`1238. Terracotta inscription for &3hippokomoi& and &3magiroi&; no date; found at Priene: Priene 365, Abb. 459 (PH); *IPriene 357.4 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 22e. Amphora%19Handle Inscriptions (1239%19`1249) @ @@`1239. Rhodian amphora handle for Ainesidamo(s); III; found at Priene, identical with handle found on Rhodes: IG XII 1, 1223; *IPriene 358.3. @ @@`1240. Rhodian amphora handle for Antimachos; no date; found at Priene, identical with handles found on Rhodes and at Pergamon: IG XII 1, 1236; IPergamon 863; *IPriene 358.2. @ @@`1241. Amphora handle in Latin for P(ublius) Libusc(i)d(ius); 1 (?); found at Priene, from near Canusium: IG XII 1, 4; *IPriene 358.11. @ @@`1242. Amphora handle for Minnion; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 358.4. @ @@`1243. Amphora handle for Paros; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 358.9. @ @@`1244. Amphora handle for Polykles; III; found at Priene: *IPriene 358.5. @ @@`1245. Amphora handle for Polykles; III (?); found at Priene: *IPriene 358.6. @ @@`1246. Amphora handle in Latin (or Etruscan?) for Title; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 358.10. @ @@`1247. Amphora handle for Andro[ ... ]; III%3II; found at Priene, identical with handle found on Rhodes: IG XII 1, 1234, 4; *IPriene 358.8. @ @@`1248. Rhodian amphora%19handle dated by Aristanax; no date; found at Priene, identical with handle found on Rhodes: IG XII 1, 1090, 3.4; *IPriene 358.1. @ @@`1249. Amphora handle; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 358.7. @ See also: Priene 1143%19`4. @ @@@@Section: 22f. Lamp Stamps (1250%19`1252) @ @@`1250. Lamp stamp for Asklepiades; no date; found at Priene: Priene 452%19`3, no. 184 (PH); *IPriene 359.1. @ @@`1251. Lamp stamp naming [Cyclop]s (?); no date; found at Priene: Priene 453%19`4, no. 188 (PH); *IPriene 359.2. @ @@`1252. Lamp stamp for [Epi]kte[tos] (?); no date; found at Priene: Priene 451, no. 176 (PH); *IPriene 359.3. @ @@@@Section: 22g. Inscriptions on Weights (1253%19`1259) @ @@`1253. Inscription on lead weight for &3agoranomos& Tyrannos; no date; found at Priene: Priene 391%19`2, Abb. 516%19`7 (PH); *IPriene 360.1. @ @@`1254. Inscription on lead weight for &3agoranomos& Sassos; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 360.2. @ @@`1255. Inscription on 2%19mna lead weight of Priene; no date; found at Priene: Pernice, AA 1904, 45, no. III 2; *IPriene 360.3. @ @@`1256. Inscription on 2%19mna lead weight of Priene; no date; found at Priene: Pernice, AA 1904, 45, no. III 3; *IPriene 360.4. @ @@`1257. Inscription on 1%19mna lead weight of Priene; no date; found at Priene: Pernice, AA 1904, 45, no. III 4; *IPriene 360.5. @ @@`1258. Inscription on bronze weight of Priene; no date; found at Priene: Priene 392%19`3 (PH); *IPriene 360.6. @ @@`1259. Inscription on stone weight; no date; found at Priene: Priene 391%19`2, Abb. 518%19`9; *IPriene 360.7. @ @@@@Section: 22h. Other Varia (1260%19`1266.8) @ @@`1260. Inscription recording refusal to keep anything as surety; II; found at Priene: *IPriene 315. @ @@`1261. Semihistorical list of &3ephoroi& in genitive; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 316a. @ @@`1262. Inscription comparing Chloe to moon; prob. I; found at Priene: *IPriene 319. @ @@`1263. Inscription naming Eros and Hermes; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 320. @ @@`1264. List of names of Moschio[n] and others in nominative; no date; found at Priene: Judeich, MDAI(A) 16, 1891, 290, 12; *IPriene 323. @ @@`1265. Masons' marks; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 346. @ @@`1266. Beginning of list of names; no date; found near Thebes Myk.: *IPriene 378. @ @@`1266.2. Inscription &3A& on many columns; no date; found at Priene: *Koenigs, MDAI(I) 33, 1983, 144%19`148; BE 1987:54. @ @@`1266.5. Inscription &3B& on many columns; no date; found at Priene: *Koenigs, MDAI(I) 33, 1983, 144%19`148; BE 1987:54. @ @@`1266.8. Inscription &3hedra& on column; no date; found at Priene: *Koenigs, MDAI(I) 33, 1983, 147 (PH); BE 1987:54. @ See also: Priene 1101, 1157%19`1160; IG XII 5, no. 444, sect. XXVII (Marmor Parium mentions founding of [Prien]e and [Pan]ioi[a]; found on Paros). @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (1267%19`1273) @ @@`1267. Fragment of document or dedication by Ma[gnesia (?)]; prob. II; found at Priene: *IPriene 62. @ @@`1268. Fragment mentioning agreement; II; found at Priene: *IPriene 93. @ @@`1269. Fragment mentioning Antiochos (which unknown); II; found at Priene: *IPriene 94. @ @@`1270. Fragment; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 128. @ @@`1271. Fragment, possibly of curse; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 318. @ @@`1272. Fragment; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 321. @ @@`1273. Fragment; no date; found at Priene: *IPriene 342. @ See also: Priene 1161%19`3. @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @@@@{1Samos}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@Curtius, Inschriften: C. Curtius, Inschriften und Studien zur @@@@Geschichte von Samos, Lu+beck 1877. @@Curtius, Urkunden: C. Curtius, Urkunden zur Geschichte von @@@@Samos, Lu+beck 1873. @@Dunst, 1972: Dunst, MDAI(A) 87, 1972, 99%19`163. @@Gue/rin, Patmos et Samos: V. Gue/rin, Description de l'ile de @@@@Patmos et de l'ile de Samos, Paris 1856. @@Kretikidis, Arch.: E. Kretikidis, Archaiologia. Archaioi Naoi @@@@tes Samou, Syros 1867. @@Kretikidis, Perib.: E. Kretikidis, Peribasis Samiou tinos eis @@@@tas Monas kai Metochia tes Samou kata to 1854, Smyrna 1866. @@Kretikidis, Phil.: E. Kretikidis, Filologia. Diasemoi Andres @@@@kai Gynaikes tes Samou, Syros 1868. @@Kretikidis, Syll.: E. Kretikidis, Syllekta. Basileis e @@@@Tyrannoi tes Samou, Syros 1871. @@Kretikidis, Top.: E. Kretikidis, Topografia (?; full title @@@@unavailable), Syros (?) 1869. @@MDAI(A) 1912: Schede, MDAI(A) 37, 1912, 199%19`218. @@MDAI(A) 1919: Schede, MDAI(A) 44, 1919, 1%19`46. @@MDAI(A) 1924: Preuner, MDAI(A) 49, 1924, 26%19`49. @@MDAI(A) 1953: Buschor, MDAI(A) 68, 1953, 11%19`24. @@MDAI(A) 1957: Habicht, MDAI(A) 72, 1957, 152%19`274. @@MDAI(A) 1960: Herrmann, MDAI(A) 75, 1960, 68%19`183. @@MDAI(A) 1972: Habicht, MDAI(A) 87, 1972, 191%19`228. @@Schede 1920: Schede, Ber. aus d. preuss. Kunstsamml. 41, 1920, @@@@`119%19`130. @@Stamatiades&4`1&: E. Stamatiades, Samiaka etoi Istoria tes Nesou @@@@Samou, Athens 1862, vol. 1, Appendix. @@Stamatiades&4`2&: E. Stamatiades, Samiaka etoi Istoria tes Nesou @@@@Samou, Athens 1881, vol. 1. @ The bulk of the inscriptions listed were found on Samos. Where more is known about the site of discovery than that it was on Samos, place of discovery is listed. Following sites are given, of which those which have not been located are followed by a question mark: @@Agiades (Hagiades) (betw. Mytilini and Pythagoreion) @@Ano Vathy @@Brogana (near Chora) @@Chora (Cora) @@Dontia (Odontia) (near Pythagoreion) @@Glyphada (Glyphas) (near Pythagoreion) @@Hagia Zone @@Hagia Triada (near Hagiades) @@Heraion (Heraeum) @@Karlovasi @@Kolonna (Colona, Colonne, Colonna) (near Heraion) @@Koumeika @@Megale Panagia (near Chora) @@Misokampos (Kalyvi, Kalyvia, Mesokampos) (near Myli) @@Myli @@Mytilini (Metelinous, Mitylenai, Mitylenaioi, Mytilene, @@@@Mytilinii) @@Neochori (near Skureika) @@Pagondas @@Palaiokastri (below Vourliotai) @@Palea Ekklisia (near Myli) @@Phurni (near Karlovasi) @@Potokaki @@Pythagoreion (ancient city of Samos, Astypalaia, Phrourion tou @@@@Logothetou, Pythagorion, Tegani, Teganion, Tigani) @@Rhemma Pyrgu (betw. Skureika and Neochori) @@Skureika @@Speliane (outside Pythagoreion) @@Traganai (near Chora) @@Vathy (Archeiophylakeion, Samos, Vathi) @@Vourliotai (Vourliotes). @ Inscriptions found on the following island dependent upon Samos are also listed and identified: @@Samiopoula. @ Inscriptions found at the following Samian territory on the mainland are also listed and identified: @@Anaia (Ania, Kad#1221kalesi, Muslim C%25angl#1221, Muslim @@@@Tschanly, Sog%27ucak). @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`126) @ @@@@Section: 1a. Sacred Laws (1%19`8) @ @@`1. Sacred law concerning festival in Helikonion; III; found on Samos: Clerc, BCH 7, 1883, pp. 517%19`8; *Koehler, MDAI(A) 10, 1885, pp. 32%19`7; Prott, LS II 1, no. 115; Syll&4`3& 1043; **Robert, BCH 59, 1935, pp. 478%19`480 (PH) (ll. 1%19`4, 8); **Sokolowski, LSCG 122 (ll. 6%19`7). @ @@`2. Decree of [&3boule&] and &3demos& [of Samos] concerning cult of Syrian goddess; III&4`2&; found at Pythagoreion: *MDAI(A) 1972, pp. 225%19`8, no. 10 (PH). @ @@`3. Decree concerning ceremonies in honor of Isis; II; found at Pythagoreion: Rayet, RA 24, 1872, pp. 38%19`9, no. 4; Foucart, RA 32, 1876, p. 56; Epet. 1876, 162; *Girard, BCH 5, 1881, pp. 483%19`4, no. 5; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 228; Prott, LS II 1, no. 116; Syll&4`2 666; **Sokolowski, LSCG 123 (ll. 6, 12%19`14); Vidman, Sylloge 252. @ @@`4. Fragment of decree concerning celebration of festival in honor of Augustus, oath to be sworn to him, and sending of embassy to him (see Samos 5,6); 6%3`5 BC; found in Heraion: Stamatiades&4`1& no. 68 (part); Girard, BCH 5, 1881, p. 487, no. 11 (part); *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 70%19`82, no. 1 (PH). @ @@`5. Fragment of decree concerning goddess Roma and Augustus, probably part of decree concerning festival of Augustus (see Samos 4,6); prob. 6%3`5 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 82%19`3, no. 2 (PH). @ @@`6. Fragment of decree concerning Augustus and grandson, probably part of decree concerning festival of Augustus (see Samos 4,5); prob. 6%3`5 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 84, no. 3 (PH). @ @@`7. Decree concerning Imbrasos and sacred enclosure; 1&4`2&; found in Heraion: **MDAI(A) 1953, pp. 4%19`5 (PH) (ll. 3, 5, 6, 11, 13); *Sokolowski, LS Supp. 81. @ @@`8. Sacred law concerning cult of Hermes, Artemis, and Apollo; no date; collected at Pythagoreion: *Peek, MDAI(A) 66, 1941, pp. 196%19`8, no. 4; Sokolowski, LS Supp. 80; **Dunst, Chiron 2, 1972, pp. 194%19`6 (ll. 1%19`4, 10%19`13). @ @@@@Section: 1b. Decrees of Athenian Cleruchy on Samos (9%19`11) @ @@`9. Honorary decree of &3demos& on Samos (i.e., the cleruchs on Samos) for [Diotimos Nikostra]tou Elaiousios; 365%3`322 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, pp. 3%19`4, no. 4; SEG 1, 349. @ @@`10. Decree of tribe Pandionis concerning collection of funds; 365%3`322 BC; found at Potokaki: *Klaffenbach, MDAI(A) 51, 1926, pp. 36%19`8, no. 5. @ @@`11. Honorary decree of soldiers of Athens for &3demos& and &3boule of Athens, stoichedon; c. 350%3`322 BC; found at Pythagoreion: *Klaffenbach, MDAI(A) 51, 1926, pp. 34%19`6, no. 4. @ See also: Samos 453%19`464, 542, 618; IG II&4`2& 416 (honorary decree mentions good deeds for &3demos& on Samos; found in Attica); IG II&4`2 1437, l. 20, 1440, l. 24, 1443, col. II, ll. 89%19`90 (accounts of &3tamiai& of Athena mention dedication of crown by &3demos& on Samos; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 3207, ll. 20%19`2 (honorary%3funerary inscription for Lykourgos includes honors by &3demos& on Samos; found in Attica); Syll&4`3& 276a%19b (dedications of &3aristeia& to Apollo by Athenian &3demos& on Samos; found at Delphi); Bousquet, BCH 83, 1959, pp. 152%19`5, no.'s A, B, C (dedications to Apollo by &3demos& of Athenians on Samos; found at Delphi). @ @@@@Section: 1c. Decrees of Other Cities (12%19`14.5) @ @@`12. Decree of Antiocheia Maiandria, with decree of Samos in reply; c. 165 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 242%19`252, no. 65 (PH). @ @@`13. Honorary decree [of Bargylia] for Samos and three foreign judges Timon, Douris, and Asklepiades from Samos; II; prob. found in Heraion: *Curtius, Inschriften pp. 34%19`6, no. 13; Stamatiades&4`2 pp. 311%19`2; **MDAI(A) 1924, pp. 38%19`9 (ll. 1, 6, 8, 16%19`19); Robert, BCH 50, 1926, p. 473, note 2; Hellenica 11%19`12, p. 204, note 1 (PH); IIasos 609. @ @@`13.5. Decree of &3damos& of Er[esos] acknowledging honors bestowed by Samos, including &3stephanos&; c. 285 BC; found in Heraion: *Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 66%19`70, no. J302 (PH). @ @@`14. Honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& of Lebedos for Apollonios Demetriou, foreign judge from Samos; III&7e&%3II&7b&; found in Heraion, identical text found at Lebedos: *Hellenica 11%19`12, pp. 204%19`213 (PH); Lebedos 1. @ @@`14.5. Decree of [&3d&]&3emos& of Paros concerning [S]amos and &3philia, on marble stele; c. 305%3 c. 270 BC; found in Heraion: *Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 69, no. J282, ll. 3%19`13 (PH). @ See also: Syll&4`3& 390, l. 4 (decree of Nesiotai concerning Ptolemaia, reached while &3synedroi& were in council on Samos; found on Nicuria, wandered from Amorgos); IG XII 7, 226, 231, 237, 239, 240, 245 (honorary decrees of &3Samioi& living in Minoa (on Amorgos); found at Minoa on Amorgos); IG I&4`2& 23 (honorary decree of Athens for man who brought troops to [Samos?] and Lesbos; found in Attica); IG I&4`3& 48 (decree with treaty between Athens and Samos; found in Attica); IG I&4`3& 68 (decree appointing tribute%19collector referring to special payments by Samos; found in Attica); IG I&4`3& 96 (decree of Athens concerning Samos; found in Attica); IG I&4`3& 127 (honorary decree of Athens for Samians loyal to Athens; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 50 (beginning of decree concerning Samos; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 64 (fragment of honorary decree for Samian; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 416 (honorary decree for Koan mentions good deeds for &3demos& on Samos; found in Attica); IG XI 4, 577 (honorary decree of Delos for Antiphanes Soteridou of Samos; found on Delos); IG XI 4, 787 (honorary decree of Delos for Sosis Sosidos of Samos; found on Delos); Ephesos 117 (%6 IEphesos 1440) (%6 JO+AI 16, 1913, 236, IIIb) (honorary decree of Ephesos for [S]ostratos Ste[phanou], commanding on Samos; found at Ephesos); Iasos 65, l. 40 (%6 IIasos 152) (%6 LW 281) (%6 Michel 1014) (honorary decree of Dionysiac artists for Iasos names &3kitharistes& Apollonios of Samos as one of attendants of artists' envoys; found at Iasos); Rehm, PW s.v. Oine p. 2190 (unpublished decree of &3Samioi& living in Oine on Ikaros; found in Oine on Ikaros); TKalymna 48 (honorary decree for (no name) [ ... ]theou &3Sa&[&3mios&?]; found on Kalymna); IG XII 1, 1032 (honorary decree of &3Brykountioi& for Menokritos Metrodorou of Samos; found on Karpathos); Lebedos 1 (%6 BCH 52, 1928, 165, 26) (%6 Hellenica 11, 210) (honorary decree [of Lebedos] for [Apollonios] Demetriou, foreign judge from Samos; found at Lebedos); Magnesia 93 (%6 IMagnesia 6) (honorary decree of Magnesia Mai. for Polemarchos Athenagorou of Samos; found at Magnesia Mai.); Magnesia 49, l. 80 (%6 IMagnesia 50) (%6 Syll&4`3& 562) (Samians in Minoia (on Ikaros) listed in subscript among cities voting the same after decree of boule and demos of Paros accepting invitation of Magnesia Mai. to Leukophryena; found at Magnesia Mai.); Magnesia 32, l. 82 (%6 IMagnesia 53) (%6 IErythrai 507) (decree of Klazomenai mentioning &3Samioi& among those accepting invitation to &3agon& at Magnesia (Mai.); found at Magnesia Mai.); Miletos 25, l. 22 (%6 Milet I 3, 152A%19B) (%6 SEG 4, 428) (honorary decree of Methymna for foreign judges from Miletos mentions sending of foreign judges from Samos; found at Miletos); ICret I Olus 4A ll. 37%19`8 (record of decree granting proxeny to Kallikrates Boiskou and 2 brothers of Samos; found at Olous); IG VII 285 (honorary decree of Oropos for Hierokles Apollonidou of Samos; found at Oropos); ICret I Priansus 2 (honorary decree of Cretans for Epikles of Samos and for Samos; found at Priansos); Priene 42, l. 18 (%6 IPriene 5) (decree of Priene for Athens says &3strategos& in Samos is well%19disposed towards Priene; found at Priene); Priene 33, l. 45 (%6 IPriene 113) (honorary decree of Priene provides for feeding visiting citizens of cities including Samos; found at Priene); Priene 106, l. 25 (%6 IPriene 121) (honorary decree [of Priene] for individual who was envoy to Samos, among other places; found at Priene); IG XII 3, Suppl. 1290 (honorary decree of Thera for Baton Enkairiou of Samos; found on Thera). @ @@@@Section: 1d. Other Honorary Decrees (15%19`118) @ @@`15. Honorary decree of Samos for Antileon Leontinou of Chalkis; c. 322%3`1 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 156%19`164, no. 1 (PH); Pouilloux, Choix no. 8. @ @@`16. Honorary decree of [&3boule&] and &3demos& for Apollodoros, Straton, and Theokles of Keramos; III; found in Heraion: *SEG 1, 359. @ @@`17. Honorary decree of Samos for Aristolaos Ameiniou the Macedonian, &3strategos& of Caria; c. 270%3`259 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 218%19`223, no. 57 (PH). @ @@`18. Part of honorary decree for Aristomenes, who provided &3agoranomion&; c. 200 BC; found at Pythagoreion: **Epet. 1876, 158%19`9 (l. 0); *Girard, BCH 5, 1881, pp. 478%19`480, no. 2; Stamatiades&4`2& pp. 202%19`3; To+lle, Festschr. Jantzen, pp. 169%19`171; **Dunst, Chiron 3, 1973, pp. 120%19`2 (ll. 12, 13). @ @@`18.5. Honorary decree of Samos for [Aristoni]kos Perilao[u] of (no name); III&4`2&?; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, p. 233, no. 63; **IJsewijn, De Sacerdotibus 24, 68%19`9 (l. 2). @ @@`19. Honorary decree of &3demos& of Samos for Arte[midoro]s and Palamedes of Nagidos (in Cilicia), stoichedon: 321%3`301 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1972, pp. 204%19`7, no. 5 (PH); Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 61, no. J360. @ @@`20. Honorary decree for Batichos Sonikou of Kos by &3boule& and &3demos& of Samos; 321%3`306 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, pp. 5%19`6, no. 5F; SEG 1, 350; Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 64, no. Samos 244 (PH). @ @@`21. Honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& [of Samos] for Boulagoras Alexeo; 243%3`242 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, pp. 25%19`9, no. 13; **SEG 1, 366 (ll. 6, 16%19`17); **MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 220, 231 (l. 59); Pouilloux, Choix 3; SEG 27, 544; Migeotte, L'emprunt public no. 67; Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 62, no. Samos 174 %7 p. 99. @ @@`22. Honorary decree for Demarchos Taronos the Lycian by &3boule and &3demos& of Samos; c. 305 BC; found at Pagondas: Stamatiades&4`1 no. 70; Kretikidis, Arch. pp. 33%19`4, no. E; *Curtius, Inschriften pp. 27%19`31, no. 8; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 144; Hicks 148; Michel 367; Syll&4`3& 333. @ @@`23. Honorary decree of Samos for Demos [ ... ] (?) and (no name); IV&7e&%3III; found at Chora: *Kretikidis, Top. p. 34, no. 4; Stamatiades&4`2& pp. 273%19`4; **MDAI(A) 1957, p. 269, note 169 (ll. 12%19`3). @ @@`24. Honorary decree [of &3boule& and &3demos& of Samos] for Diagoras Epandrou and others of (no name); 289%3`197 BC; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 212%19`3, no. 50; Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 62, no. 206. @ @@`25. Honorary decree of [&3boule& and &3demos&] of Samos for doctor [Di]odoros Dioskouridou; 201%3`197 BC; found in Heraion: Klaffenbach, MDAI(A) 51, 1926, pp. 28%19`33, no. 2; Robert, BCH 78, 1954, pp. 68%19`73 (PH); *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 233%19`241, no. 64 (PH); Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 98, note 8. @ @@`26. Honorary decree for Diokles Anaxagorou of Gela by &3boule& and &3demos& of Samos; 321%3`300 BC; found near Heraion: Decharme, Bull. dell' inst. di corr. arch. 1866, pp. 207%19`8; Vischer, RhM 22, 1867, pp. 313%19`4; Kretikidis, Arch. pp, 30%19`1, no. B; *Curtius, Inschriften pp. 31%19`2, no. 9; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 143. @ @@`27. Honorary decree [of Samos] for historian [Dio]nysios; 321%3`300 BC; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 198%19`9, no. 31 (PH), p. 268. @ @@`28. Honorary decree of &3demos& [of Samos] for Dionysios Apollodorou and Apollodoros Dion[ysiou] of Lampsakos; 280%3`200 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, pp. 24%19`5, no. 12; SEG 1, 365; **MDAI(A) 1957, p. 205, note 53, p. 268 (ll. 2, 3); Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 62, no. Samos 202. @ @@`29. Honorary decree of &3boule& and [&3demos&] of Samos for Dionysios [ ... ]ous the Macedonian from Amphipolis; 321%3`300 BC; found between Chora and Kolonna; Fabricius, MDAI(A) 9, 1884, pp. 194%19`5, no. 1a; *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 171%19`2, no. 4 (PH, part); Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 61, no. J169. @ @@`30. Honorary decree of &3boule& and &3de&[&3mos&] of Samos for [D]rakon Stratonos of Kos; 306%3`301 BC; found in Heraion: MDAI(A) 1919, pp. 6%19`7, no. 5H; SEG 1, 354; *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 186%19`8, no. 21(PH, part), 268; Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 61, no. Samos 172. @ @@`31. Honorary decree of [&3demos&] (of Samos) for Epikrates Demetriou of Herakleia, a Peripatetic; c. 200 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, pp. 29%19`30, no. 14; **SEG 1, 368 (ll. 31%19`32); **MDAI(A) 1924, pp. 38%19`9 (ll. 28%19`29); Klaffenbach, MDAI(A) 51, 1926, p. 30; **MDAI(A) 1957, p. 242, note 116, p. 236, note 97 (l. 11). @ @@`32. Excised. @ @@`33. Honorary decree for Epinodas of Herakleia; 321%3`300 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 190%19`2, no. 23 (PH); **Barron, CR 76, 1962, 189%19`192 (l. 3); Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 62, no. Samos 170. @ @@`33.5. Honorary decree [of Magnesia (Mai.)] for Euphemos Pausaniou; II&7b&; found at Anaia: Kern, Beitra+ge z. Gesch. d. gr. Philos. %9 Rel. 102%19`117; *IMagnesia 94; Robert, RPh 52, 1978, 248%19`251; **Holleaux, REA 5, 1903, 221 (l. 2). @ @@`34. Honorary decree of &3boule& and &3de&[&3mos&] (of Samos) for Eurya[los?] of (no name); c. 300 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, p. 186, no. 20, p. 257 (PH), p. 268; Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 73, no. J221. @ @@`35. Honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& of Samos for Gorgos and Minneon Theodotou of Iasos; 321%3`300 BC; found at Vathy: Kretikidis, Arch. pp. 32%19`3, no. A; *Curtius, Urkunden pp. 3%19`12; Curtius, Inschriften pp. 22%19`7, no. 7; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 142; Syll&4`3 312; **Heisserer, Alexander pp. 182%19`192 (ll. 1, 8, 10%19`12, 34); SEG 30, 1076; IIasos T50. @ @@`36. Honorary decree of &3demos& (of Samos) for Gyges Menestheos of Torone; prob. c. 320 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, pp. 15%19`6, no. 6; SEG 1, 361; Schede 1920, p. 120; Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 64, no. Samos 143 (PH). @ @@`37. Beginning of honorary decree of &3boule& and [&3demos&] of [Sa]mos for Hermonax Phi[listou of Erythrai] (?); 321%3`301 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1972, pp. 196%19`7, no. 2 (PH). @ @@`38. Honorary decree of [&3boule&] and [&3d&]&3emos& of Samos for Hipparchos Heniochou of [Ky]rene; 306%3`1 BC; found in Heraion: SEG 1, 358; *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 188%19`190, no. 22 (PH), p. 268. @ @@`39. Honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& of Samos for Hipponikos; Hellenistic; found at Chora (?): Curtius, Inschriften p. 33, no. 11 (part); *Fabricius, MDAI(A) 9, 1884, pp. 195%19`6, no. 1b. @ @@`40. Honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& (of Samos) for Horismos Damasistratou of Elaia; 306%3`301 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, pp. 7%19`8, no. 5I; SEG 1, 356; Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 61, no. Samos 172. @ @@`41. Honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& of Samos for Koies and Leontiskos Minniou of Ephesos; 306%3`1 BC; found in Heraion: **Kretikidis, Arch. pp. 31%19`2, no. $*G& (ll. 3%19`4); *Curtius, Inschriften p. 32, no. 10; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 144. @ @@`42. Honorary decree [of Samos] for Menedemos Dionysikleious; 321%3`300 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, p. 199, no. 32, p. 268. @ @@`43. Honorary decree [of &3boule& and &3demos&] of Samos for Meniskos E[ ... ] of Syracuse; 306%3`1 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 197%19`8, no. 30, p. 268; Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 61, no. Samos J279. @ @@`44. Honorary decree of [&3boule&] and &3demos& of Samos for Metrodoros [ ... ].inginou of Sidon, on marble stele; c. 305%3c. 270 BC; found on Samos: CIG 2256; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 11; Kretikidis, Top. 33, no. 3; Curtius, Inschriften no. 12; MDAI(A) 1957, p. 201, note 52; Robert, REG 94, 1981, pp. 341%19`2; *Forrest, Horos 5, 1987, 91%19`93 (PH); Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 66, no. Ashmolean 2.31. @ @@`45. Honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& of Samos for Mikon [ ... ]nos of Magnesia (Mai.); c. 306%3`301 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 12, no. 5N; SEG 1, 353; Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 66, no. Samos 243 (PH). @ @@`46. Honorary decree of Samos for [N]aosinikos Philoxenou of Sestos; 324%3c. 310 BC; found on Samos: MDAI(A) 1919, p. 13, note 1; *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 164%19`9, no. 2 (PH); **Badian, ZPE 23, 1976, pp. 289%19`294 (ll. 9%19`11); SEG 26, 1022. @ @@`47. Honorary decree [of Samos] for Nausis[tratos] of (no name); 280%3`197 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, p. 231, no. 60. @ @@`48. Honorary decree [of Samos] for Nikias Demetriou of Herakleia; IV&7e&%3III&7b&; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1972, pp. 197%19`8, no. 3 (PH); Horn, Samos XII 102c (PH). @ @@`49. Honorary decree of &3demos& [of Samos] for [Nik]omachos Hierokleious of Athens, writer of comedy; c. 260 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 224%19`6, no. 58 (PH), p. 268; Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 63, no. J137. @ @@`50. Honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& of Samos for Nikomenes Menestheos of Rhodes; c. 306%3`301 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 196%19`7, no. 29 (PH), p. 268; Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 66, no. Samos 272. @ @@`50.5. End of honorary (?) decree [of Samos (?) for &3demos& of Paros (?),] on marble stele; c. 305%3c. 270 BC; found in Heraion: *Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 69, no. J282, ll. 1%19`2 (PH). @ @@`51. Honorary(?) decree [of Samos] for Patron (?); IV&7e&; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 181%19`2, no. 17 (PH). @ @@`52. Honorary decree of [&3bo&]&3ule& and &3demos& of Samos for Pelops Alexandrou the Macedonian; c. 270%3`260 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 24, no. 11; **SEG 1, 364 (ll. 14%19`15); Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 62, no. Samos 242. @ @@`53. Honorary decree of [&3boul&]&3e& and &3demos& [of Samos] for Philippos of (no name); c. 310%3`301 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 207%19`8, no. 6 (PH). @ @@`54. Honorary decree of &3boule& and [&3demos&] of Samos for Phormion of (no name); 321%3`306 BC; found at Myli: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 172%19`3, no. 5 (PH); Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 61, no. J25. @ @@`55. Honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& of Samos for actor Polos Sosigenous of Aigina; 306%3`0 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, pp. 16%19`20, no. 7 (PH, partial); SEG 1, 362; Schede 1920, pp. 121%19`3. @ @@`56. Honorary decree of &3demos& [of Samos] for King Ptolemy (III), with end of letter; 243%3`242 BC; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 226%19`230, no. 59 (PH), p. 268; Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 75, no. J48 %7 J277. @ @@`57. Honorary decree of Samos for Ptolem[aios] (?); c. 300 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 180%19`1, no. 16 (PH); **Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 73, no. Samos 112 (l. 0). @ @@`58. Honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& of Samos for Pythokles and Hellanikos Pythodorou of Argos; 306%3`301 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, pp. 8%19`9, no. 5K; SEG 1, 355; Robert, BCH 59, 1935, pp. 481%19`2; **Dunst, Philologus 110, 1966, p. 308 (ll. 36%19`7); Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 62, no. Samos 162. @ @@`59. Honorary decree of &3boul&[&3e&] and [&3demos&] of Samos for Sophilos Eu[ ... ] of (no name); 283%3c. 275 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1972, pp. 208%19`9, no. 7 (PH); Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 74, no. J329. @ @@`60. Honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& for Sosistratos Phanodikou of Miletos, stoichedon; 321%3`301 BC; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1972, pp. 199%19`204, no. 4 (PH); Migeotte, L'emprunt public no. 66. @ @@`61. Honorary decree for Sosistratos Sosistratou; II%3I?; found at Pythagoreion: Stamatiades&4`1& no. 60; Vischer, RhM 22, 1867, pp. 315%19`325, no. II; Wilhelm, WS 29, 1907, pp. 9%19`10; **MDAI 1924, 40%19`42, no. 7 (l. 6); *Hellenica 11%19`12, pp. 207%19`9. @ @@`62. Honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& for Straton Stratonos, sent on mission by King Ptolemy (II?); c. 260 BC; found at Koumeika, prob. from Heraion: *Girard, BCH 5, 1881, pp. 477%19`8, no. 1; **Holleaux, REG 10, 1897, pp. 24%19`6, no. 1 (%6Et. III 39%19`42) (ll. 5%19`6); OGIS 41; Dunst, ZPE 4, 1969, pp. 197%19`9. @ @@`63. Honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& of Samos for foreign judges Theokles and Hierophantos from Myndos, sent at urging of Philokles King of Sidon, and mentioning foreign judges from Miletos and Halikarnassos; c. 280 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, pp. 21%19`3, no. 9; **SEG 1, 363 (l. 43); Austin, Hellenistic World no. 135. @ @@`64. Honorary decree [of Samos] for Theodoros of (no name); c. 280%3c. 270 BC; found in Heraion, prob. part of same inscription as Samos 74 and Samos 112.2: *MDAI(A) 1957, p. 201, no. 35; Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 65, no. Samos 195. @ @@`65. Honorary decree of &3demos& of Samos for Theotimides Theophilou the Macedonian; 326%3`306 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, pp. 11%19`12, no. 5M; SEG 1, 351; Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 62, no. Samos 213. @ @@`66. Honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& of Samos for Timophanes Archepolios of Phaselis; c. 306%3`301 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, pp. 9%19`10, no. 5L; **SEG 1, 352 (l. 16); Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 64%19`65, no. Samos 161 (PH, part). @ @@`67. Honorary decree for Zosime Dionysiou; AD 23%3`100; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, pp. 41%19`2, no. 31c; **SEG 1, 397 (ll. 7%19`12); **MDAI(A) 1960, p. 171, note 336 (l. 1). @ @@`68. Honorary decree for [ ... ]istratos of (no name); 321%3`300 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 176%19`7, no. 10. @ @@`69. Excised. @ @@`70. Honorary decree of [&3boule&] and &3demos& of Samos for [ ... ]ltos Strepsippou of (no name); IV&7e&; collected at Vathy: *MDAI(A) 1957, p. 177, no. 71. @ @@`71. Honorary decree for [ ... ]os Kalleou the Arcadian; c. 306%3`301 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 12, no. 5O; **SEG 1, 360 (l. 7); Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 66, no. Samos 246 (PH). @ @@`72. Honorary decree of &3boule& and &3de&[&3mos&] for [ ... ]os of Kardia; 314%3`306 BC; found in Heraion: Buschor, Miscell. Acad. Berol. II 2, 1950, pp. 26%19`30 (PH); *Horn, Samos XII 102 (PH). @ @@`73. Honorary decree of [&3boule&] and &3demos& [of Samos] for [ ... ]otos [ ... ]tippou and [ ... ]sios Demetriou of (name lost); 280%3`197 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 211%19`2, no. 49. @ @@`74. Honorary decree [of Samos] for [ ... ]ros Eutychidou; c. 280%3c. 270 BC; found in Heraion, prob. part of same inscription as Samos 64 and Samos 112.2: *MDAI(A) 1957, p. 213, no. 51; Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 65, no. J213 (PH). @ @@`75. Honorary decree of [&3boule&] and &3demos& [of Samos] for (no name) and [ ... ]s Dionysi[ou] of (no name); 321%3`301 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, p. 195, no. 27. @ @@`76. Fragment of honorary decree of &3boule& and [&3demos&] for [ ... ]s Melainio[nos] (of Iasos?); c. 300 BC; found at Kolonna: Girard, BCH 5, 1881, p. 485, no. 6; *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 193%19`5, no. 26; **BE 1960:318 (l. 3); **Dunst, ZPE 18, 1975, 175 n. 17 (ll. 9%19`10); **Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 73, no. Vathy 10 (PH) (ll. 1%19`2, 8). @ @@`77. Honorary decree of [&3bou&]&3le& and [&3demos&] of Sa[mos] for [ ... ]s Phileou of Lam[psakos]; 306%3c. 280 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 204%19`5, no. 41, p. 268. @ @@`78. Honorary decree [of Samos] for Th[ ... ] of (no name); 306%3`281 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, p. 200, no. 34, p. 268. @ @@`79. Honorary decree of [&3boule&] and &3demos& of Samos for (no name) Agathokleous of (no name); c. 306%3`301 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, p. 193, no. 25; Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 66, no. J285 %7 J318 (PH). @ @@`80. Honorary decree of [&3boule&] and [&3demos&] of Samos for (no name) Dionysiou of Priene; 280%3c. 270 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 213%19`6, no. 52, ll. 1%19`22; Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 63, no. Samos 95 (PH). @ @@`81. Honorary decree of &3demos& [of Samos] for (no name) Megistou the Arc[adian?]; III&7e&%3II&7b&; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 231%19`2, no. 61. @ Ѫ@@`81.5. Fragment of honorary decree (?) for (no name) [ ... d]orou of Byzantion; c. 305%3c. 270 BC; found in Heraion: *Kyrieleis, AA 100, 1985, 446%19`7, no. 2 (PH); Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 66. @ @@`82. Honorary decree of &3bou&[&3le& and &3demos&] of Samos for (no name) [ ... ]tou of Miletos; early Hellenistic; found in Heraion: *Kyrieleis, AA 93, 1978, pp. 254%19`5 (PH); SEG 28, 714. @ @@`83. Honorary decree of Samos for (no name) of Priene; 321%3`281 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 182%19`3, no. 18 (PH). @ @@`84. Beginning of honorary decree [of &3boule& and &3demos& of Samos] for (no name) of (no name); c. 305%3c. 270 BC; found in Heraion: *Kyrieleis, AA 95, 1980, pp. 349%19`350 (PH); SEG 30, 1078; **Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 66%19`72 (l. 1). @ @@`85. End of honorary decree for (no name) of (no name); c. 305%3c. 270 BC; found in Heraion: *Kyrieleis, AA 95, 1980, pp. 349%19`350 (PH); SEG 30, 1077; Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 66%19`72 (PH). @ @@`86. Honorary decree of Samos for (no name) of (no name), who distinguished himself during attack on Samos involving Athenians; 321%3`281 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 183%19`6, no. 19 (PH); Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 61, no. J222. @ @@`87. Honorary decree of Sa[mos] appointing (no name) of (no name) &3proxenos&; 321%3`281 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 199%19`200, no. 33. @ @@`88. Honorary decree [of Samos] for (no name); c. 305%3`281 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 201%19`2, no. 36; Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 65, no. J191 (PH). @ @@`89. Honorary decree of [Samos] for (no name) of (no name); c. 305%3`281 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, p. 203, no. 38; Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 66, no. Samos 248 (PH). @ @@`90. Honorary decree [of Samos] for (no name); 321%3`281 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 203%19`4, no. 40, p. 268. @ @@`91. Honorary decree of Samos for (no name), individuals from (no name); 321%3`281 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 205%19`6, no. 42 (PH). @ @@`92. Honorary decree [of Samos] for (no name) of (no name); 321%3`281 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, p. 207, no. 44. @ @@`93. Honorary decree [of Samos] for (no name) of (no name); c. 320%3c. 315 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 173%19`4, no. 6; Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 63, no. Samos 247 (PH). @ @@`94. Honorary decree [of Samos] for (no name) of (no name); c. 300 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 175%19`6, no. 9 (PH); Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 73, no. J198. @ @@`95. Honorary decree of Samos for (no name) of (no name); 321%3`306 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, p. 178, no. 12. @ @@`96. Honorary decree [of Samos] for (no name) of (no name); c.300 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 179%19`180, no. 15 (PH); Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 72%19`73, no. J214 (PH). @ @@`97. Fragment of honorary decree; 321%3`301 BC?; found in Heraion: *Curtius, Inschriften p. 33, no. 11. @ @@`98. Honorary decree for pair of men, (no name) of (no name); 321%3`301 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, p. 192, no. 24. @ @@`99. Honorary decree of [&3boule& and &3demos& of Samos] for (no name) of (no name); 321%3`301 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, p. 196, no. 28. @ @@`100. Honorary decree [of Samos] for (no name) of (no name); 321%3`300 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, p. 174, no. 7. @ @@`101. Honorary decree [of Samos] for (no name) of (no name); 321%3`300 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 174%19`5, no. 8 (PH). @ @@`102. Honorary decree [of Samos] for two or more men associated with D[emetrios]; 314%3`306 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 178%19`9, no. 13 (PH). @ @@`103. Fragment of honorary decree [of Samos] for (no name) of (no name); c. 310%3`305 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, p. 179, no. 14 (PH). @ @@`104. Honorary decree of Samos for (no name) of (no name); 306%3`280 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1972, pp. 209%19`210, no. 8 (PH); Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 63. @ @@`105. Honorary decree of Samos for (no name) of (no name); c. 305%3c. 280 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, p. 202, no. 37, p. 268 (PH); Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 66, no. J300. @ @@`106. Honorary decree [of Samos] for (no name); c. 305%3c. 280 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, p. 203, no. 39; Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 65, no. Samos 104 %7 J216 (PH). @ @@`107. Honorary decree [of Samos] for (no name); 306%3c. 280 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 206%19`7, no. 43, p. 268. @ @@`108. Honorary decree [of Samos] for (no name) of (no name); 306%3c. 280 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 207%19`8, no. 45. @ @@`109. Honorary decree [of Samos] for (no name) of (no name); 306%3c. 280 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, p. 208, no. 46, p. 268. @ @@`110. Honorary decree of Samos for (no name) of (no name); 306%3c. 280 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 208%19`9, no. 47, p. 268. @ @@`111. Honorary decree [of Samos] for (no name) of (no name); 306%3c. 280 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, p. 209, no. 48; Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 63, no. J229. @ @@`112. Part of honorary decree for (no name) mentioning Alexander and Kings Antigonos and Demetrios; 306%3`1 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 6, no. 5G; **SEG 1, 357 (ll. 5%19`6). @ @@`112.2. End of honorary decree for (no name) of (no name); c. 280%3c. 270 (?) BC; found in Heraion, prob. part of same inscription as Samos 64 and Samos 74: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 213%19`216, no. 52, ll. 23%19`31 (* for ll. 23%19`29); *Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 63, no. Samos 226 (PH) (* for ll. 30%19`31). @ @@`112.5. Honorary decree for (no name) mentioning King Demetrio[s (Poliorketes)]; c. 300%3`280 BC; found in Heraion: *Kyrieleis, AA 100, 1985, 445%19`6, no. 1 (PH); Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 66. @ @@`113. Honorary decree [of Samos] for (no name) of (no name); 280%3`197 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, p. 216, no. 53. @ @@`114. Honorary decree [of Samos] for (no name) of (no name); 280%3`197 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, p. 216, no. 54. @ @@`115. Honorary decree of Samos for (no name) of (no name); 280%3c. 270 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, p. 217, no. 55; Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 66, no. J267 (PH). @ @@`116. Honorary decree [of Samos] for (no name) of (no name); 280%3`197 BC; found near Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 217%19`8, no. 56 (PH). @ @@`117. Honorary decree [of Samos] for (no name) of (no name): 280%3`200 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1957, pp. 232%19`3, no. 62. @ @@`118. Fragment of honorary decree (?) for (no name); 1%3`2; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 96, no. 7 (PH). @ See also: Samos 9, 11, 13%19`4; IG II&4`2& 793 (honorary decree [of Samos?] for Antigonos Gonatas; found in Attica); Laurenzi, Clara Rhodos 10, 1941, pp. 27%19`30, no. 1 (honorary decree of Samos for foreign judges from Kos; found on Kos); Habicht, MDAI(A) 72, 1957, pp. 169%19`171, no. 3 (honorary decree of &3demos& of Samos for Nikomedes Aris[tandrou of Kos]; found on Kos); SEG 27, 510 (honorary decree [of Samos] for doctor Philistos Nikarchou of Kos; found on Kos); IMagnesia 103 (honorary decree of demos of Samos for Telestratos Diogenous of Magnesia Mai., and decree of boule and demos of Magnesia (Mai.) in reply; found at Magnesia Mai.); Priene 21 (%6 IPriene 67) (honorary decree (of Samos) for Strato Phrasikleous of Nora; found near Priene, poss. wandered from Samos); Maiuri NS 1 (honorary decree [of Samos] for Akamas Damonikou of Rhodes; found on Rhodes); IG XII Suppl. 361 (honorary decree [of Samos?] for Thersi[ ... ... ]phonos, foreign judge from Thasos; found on Thasos). @ @@@@Section: 1e. Decrees of Subordinate Bodies on Samos (119%19`120) @ @@`119. Honorary decree of &3aleiphomenoi& in old men's palaestra for Histiodoros Heroidou; II; found at Dontia, near Pythagoreion: Girard, BCH 5, 1881, pp. 480%19`1, no. 3; *Robert, BCH 59, 1935, pp. 476%19`7, no. 2 (PH). @ @@`120. Honorary decree of &3chiliasteres Epidaurioi& meeting at Helikonion for Xenomenes Philombrotou; II; collected at Vathy: *Robert, BCH 59, 1935, pp. 477%19`486 (PH); **Dunst, Philologus 110, 1966, pp. 307%19`311 (ll. 2, 3,); **BE 1968:399 (l. 8). @ @@@@Section: 1f. Other Decrees (121%19`126) @ @@`121. Unpublished fragment of Hellenistic decree; Hellenistic; found at Pythagoreion: *To+lle%19Kastenbein, Samos XIV p. 175 (PH). @ @@`121.5. Beginning of decree; c. 305%3c. 270 BC; found in Heraion: *Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 67, no. 1 (PH). @ @@`122. Law of Samos concerning purchase of grain for distribution, with list of contributors; c. 260 BC; found at Pythagoreion: *Wiegand %9 Wilamowitz%19Moellendorf, SDAW 1904, pp. 917%19`931 (PH, part); Syll&4`3& 976; Pouilloux, Choix 34; **Thu+r %9 Koch, Anz. Akad. Wien 118, 1981, pp. 61%19`88 (section a, ll. 10, 26, 40, 41, 46, 48, 57%19`58, 81); **Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 97%19`100 (sect. c ll. 17%19`18, 21). @ @@`123. Decree of &3demos& [of Samos] concerning &3kapeloi& in Heraion; c. 235 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1972, pp. 210%19`225, no. 9 (PH); Dunst, ZPE 18, 1975, pp. 171%19`7; SEG 27, 545; **Thu+r %9 Taeuber, Anz. Akad. Wien 115, 1978, pp. 205%19`225 (ll. 1%19`33, 35%19`38); **Franke, ZPE 54, 1984, pp. 119%19`122 (ll. 26%19`7); Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 75, no. J35 %7 J284 (PH). @ @@`124. Decree concerning restoration of temple, with list of contributors; c. 320%3c. 200 BC; found near Heraion: Kretikidis, Arch. pp. 29%19`30, no. A; *Preuner, MDAI(A) 46, 1921, pp. 14%19`9; **SEG 1, 367 (ll. a5, a8, a9, c15, d3, d12); **MDAI(A) 1924, pp. 36%19`7 (ll. a10, a11); Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 98%19`99. @ @@`125. Decree concerning &3architekton&; II; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1953, pp. 11%19`2; **MDAI(A) 1957, p. 223, note 78 (ll. 1,4). @ @@`126. Fragment of decree (or royal letter?) mentioning Protarchos; II&4`1&; found at Pythagoreion: *To+lle%19Kastenbein, Samos XIV p. 176 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ See also: Stamatiades&4`1& no. 25 (fragment of oath from treaty between Athens and Samos; found in Attica); Miletos 60, ll. 10%19`11 (%6 Mezger, Inscriptio Milesiaca) (%6 Milet I 3, 148) (%6 Syll&4`3& 588) (peace treaty between Miletos and Magnesia Mai. involves mediating envoys from Samos; found at Miletos). @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (127%19`129) @ @@`127. Letter of King Lysimachos to &3boule& and &3demos& of Samos concerning dispute between Samos and Priene over territory; 283%3`282 BC; found on Samos: CIG 2254; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 10; *Hicks 152; OGIS 13; IPriene 500; **Welles 7 (ll. 1, 4, 5, 7%19`32); **Piccirilli, Arbitrati no. 4 (ll. 20a, 22%19`23); Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 74 (PH). @ @@`128. Letter of Claudius to Samos; AD 41; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 94%19`6 (PH). @ @@`129. Unpublished beginning of letter (?) of Claudius; AD 42%3`54; found at Pythagoreion: MDAI(A) 1960, p. 95. @ See also: Samos 56; Miletos 62 (%6 Milet I 3, 139A) (%6 Welles 14) (letter of Ptolemy II to Miletos mentioning Kallikrates (of Samos); found at Miletos); Priene 133 (%6 Welles 6) (%6 IPriene 15) (%6 GIBM 402) (%6 OGIS 12) (letter of King Lysimachos to Priene concerning territorial dispute between Samos and Priene; found at Priene). @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (130%19`132.5) @ @@`130. Beginning of edict of Augustus on &3bathron&; 19 BC; found at Pythagoreion: *Perdrizet, AE 1896, pp. 247%19`8, no. 1. @ @@`131. Bilingual inscription in Latin and Greek containing edict of Augustus; 19 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 84%19`90, no. 4 (PH). @ @@`132. Senatus Consultum confirming &3asylia& of Heraion of Samos and Asklepieion of Kos; AD 23; found at Palea Ekklisia near Myli: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 90%19`3, no. 5 (PH). @ @@`132.5. Fragment in Latin of edict of Diocletian on prices; c. AD 301; found on Samos, fragments of this part of edict found in Latin at Aphrodisias and Halikarnassos and in Greek at Megara, Delphi, and Elatea: CIL III Suppl. 1 p. 1924 NN; Mommsen, Hermes 25, 1890, 20; Lauffer, Diokletians Preisedikt p. 182; *Giacchero, Edictum Diocletiani I 202%19`207, no. 27 (PH). @ See also: Aphrodisias 37 (%6 Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome Doc. 13) (%6 SEG 32, 833) (subscript of Octavian denying &3eleutheria& to Samos; found at Aphrodisias); Sherk 9, l. 56 (Senatus Consultum concerning dispute between Narthakion and Melitaia mentions decision of foreign judges, including judges from Samos; found at Narthakion in Malis); Priene 140, 142 (%6 Sherk 10) (%6 CIG 2905, 6%19`7) (%6 IPriene 40, 41) (two Senatus Consulta concerning territorial dispute between Samos and Priene; found at Priene). @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (133) @ @@`133. Inventory of temple of Hera; 346%3`5 BC; found at Mytilini: *Curtius, Inschriften, p. 10, no. 6; **Michel 832 (l. 19); **Ohly, MDAI(A) 68, 1953, pp. 46%19`9 (ll. 1, 2%19`3, 10, 11, 16%19`18, 21, 23%19`32, 34%19`54, 56%19`58, 60%19`79). @ See also: Samos 122, 124; IG I&4`3& 363 (accounts of Samian War; found in Attica); IG I&4`3& 369, l. 42 (accounts of &3logistai& of loans to Athenian state mentions loan from Samos; found in Attica); IG I&4`3& 370, ll. 18%19`9 (accounts of &3tamiai& of Athena mention payment from Samos; found in Attica); IG I&4`3& 371, l. 16 (accounts of Sicilian Expedition mention contribution from Samos; found in Attica); IG I&4`3& 375, ll. 20, 35 (accounts of &3tamiai& of Athena mention payment from Samos and Athenian generals at Samos; found in Attica); IG I&4`3& 383, l. 33 (accounts of &3tamiai& of other gods refer to Samian &3hemiekta&; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 1437, l. 20, 1440, l. 24, 1443, col. II, ll. 89%19`90 (accounts of &3tamiai& of Athena mention dedication of crown by &3demos& on Samos; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 1608 (accounts of &3epimeletai& of &3neoria& when cleruchs were sent out [to Samos]; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 1628, ll. 17, 367, 1629, l. 887 (accounts of &3epimeletai& of &3neoria mention general at Samos and Samian living in Piraeus; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 1672, ll. 64, 93 (accounts of &3epistatai& and &3tamiai& of Eleusis mention donations by Archias of Samos; found in Attica); Audiat, BCH 54, 1930, pp. 97%19`8, l. 154 (inventory of gymnasium of Delos, including &3lampas& dedicated by Metrodoros of Samos; found on Delos); Syll&4`3& 239CIII, ll. 33%19`9 (list of contributors includes 3 Samians; found at Delphi); Knidos 20, col. 2 ll. 14%19`15 (%6 GIBM 795) (%6 Michel 1005) (%6 SGDI 3510) (%6 Newton, Discoveries II no. 41) (list of donors for &3thiasos includes Androsthenes of Samos; found at Knidos). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (134%19`145) @ @@`134. Building inscription (for bridge?) recording supervision of Telesandros and Demagores, with artist's signature by Eurykles and Charmophilos &3tektones&; VI; found next to Rhemma Pyrgu between Skureika and Neochori: *Dunst 1972, pp. 124%19`7, no. 13 (PH). @ @@`135. Dedication of &3neopoie&[&3ion&] by listed [&3n&]&3eopoiai, stoichedon, introduced by elegiac couplet; c. 320 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1972, pp. 192%19`6, no. 1 (PH). @ @@`136. Architrave inscription containing dedication to [Hera?], Augustus, and [&3demos& of Samos]; 28 BC%3AD 14; found at Pythagoreion: Perdrizet, AE 1896, pp. 250%19`1, no.'s 5%19`6; *MDAI(A) 1924, pp. 44%19`5. @ @@`137. Dedicatory graffito to Here &3Samion archetis& by proconsul OAKIAIOS (?); 1; found in Heraion: Stamatiades&4`1& no. 79; Kretikidis, Arch. p. 34; Kretikidis, Syll. p. 135, note $A&; *MDAI(A) 1960, 136%19`7. @ @@`138. Building inscription in Latin recording restoration by Claudius after earthquake; AD 47; now in museum of Pythagoreion, provenance unknown: *MDAI(A) 1912, pp. 217%19`8, no. 19; ILGR 11; Freis, ZPE 58, 1985, 191. @ @@`138.5. Building inscription (?) recording [restoration] (?) by Claudius of [temple] [?] of Dio[nysos] after earthquake; AD 47; found at Pythagoreion: *Freis, ZPE 58, 1985, 189%19`193 (PH). @ @@`139. Dedication on architrave to Hadrian; AD 117%3`138; found at Pythagoreion: *Ross, Inscr. ined. II p. 78, no. 194; Kretikidis, Top. pp. 37%19`8, no. 1; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 163. @ @@`140. Unpublished building inscription of baths by Aur(elius) Apolaustos B[ ... ]; 2&4`2&; found at Pythagoreion: Martini, AA 88, 1973, pp. 417%19`9 (PH, part); *Martini, Samos XVI 254 (PH). @ @@`141. Dedication to [Cae]sar [Geta] by city of Samos on building inscription of baths; AD 198%3`209; found at Pythagoreion: *Martini, Samos XVI 255 (PH). @ @@`142. Architrave inscription recording restoration by Fl(avius) Leontios; late; found at Pythagoreion: *Perdrizet, AE 1896, p. 249, no. 3. @ @@`143. Architrave inscription recording restoration by Fl(avius) Leontios; late; found at Pythagoreion: *Perdrizet, AE 1896, pp. 249%19`250, no. 4. @ @@`144. Unpublished building inscription of baths by P(ublius) Lol[lius?]; 3; found at Pythagoreion: Martini, AA 88, 1973, pp. 417%19`9 (PH, part); *Martini, Samos XVI 254 (PH). @ @@`145. Fragment of building inscription on architrave; no date; found at Pythagoreion: *To+lle%19Kastenbein, Samos XIV p. 176. @ See also: Samos 124, 130, 233%19`4, 271, 290, 473, 481, 660%19`1, 677; IOlympia 652 (inscription identifying building as of Samians; found at Olympia). @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (146%19`182) @ @@@@Section: 8a. Grants of Proxeny (146%19`148) @ @@`146. Reclassified as Miletos 188.5. @ @@`147. Reclassified as Miletos 193.5. @ @@`148. Reclassified as Miletos 181.5. @ See also: SGDI 2594 (record of grant of proxeny, etc. by Delphi to Demetrios and 2 brothers of Samos; found at Delphi); FD III 4, no. 139 (record of grant of proxeny, etc. by Delphi to Boutas Melission[os] of Samos; found at Delphi); Miletos 181.5, 188.5, 193.5 (%6 Dunst, Acts 5th Cong. 101%19`102) (record of appointment as &3proxenos& (of Miletos); found at Skureika, wandered from Miletos). @ @@@@Section: 8b. &3Neopoies& Inscriptions (149%19`165) @ @@`149. List of names (of &3neopoiai&?) in genitive; Hellenistic; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1953, p. 16. @ @@`150. List of names (of &3neopoiai&?) in genitive; Hellenistic; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1953, p. 16 (PH). @ @@`151. List of names (of &3neopoiai&?) in genitive; Hellenistic; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1953, p. 16 (PH). @ @@`152. List of &3neopoiai&; II&4`2&?; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1953, p. 15. @ @@`153. List of &3neopoiai&; II&4`2&; found in Heraion: *SEG 1, 379; **MDAI(A) 1953, pp. 14%19`5 (PH) (l. 5). @ @@`154. Lists of &3neopoiai,& dated by 3 eras; 28 BC%3AD 13; found in Heraion: *Ross, Inscr. ined. pp. 74%19`7, no. 191; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 45; Kretikidis, Arch. pp. 25%19`7, no. 3; Oikonomos, AD 7, 1921%19`2, pp. 284%19`5, no. 3; **MDAI(A) 1953, pp. 16%19`9 (PH) (part 2 ll. 12, 14, 15, part 5 ll. 1, 5, part 7 l. 1, part 8, l. 10, part 10 l. 6). @ @@`155. Fragments of 3 lists of &3neopoiai&; 27 BC%3AD 14; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 170, no. 80 (PH). @ @@`156. &3Neopoies& inscription for Marcus Vipsan[ius] and others; 1; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1953, pp. 20%19`1 (PH); **Kyrieleis, AA 93, 1978, p. 256 (l. 5). @ @@`157. &3Neopoies& inscription for Gaius Tyscenius Straton; AD 6%3`7; found at Pythagoreion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 83. @ @@`158. &3Neopoies& inscription for Philon Chrysermou; AD 13; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1953, p. 20 (PH). @ @@`159. &3Neopoies& inscription for (no name); AD 25%3`6; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1953, p. 20 (PH). @ @@`160. &3Neopoies& inscription for Apollas Aristidou; AD 62%3`3; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1953, p. 20 (PH). @ @@`161. &3Neopoies& inscription for Onesimos Onesiphorou; AD 84%3`5; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 39, no. 31A; SEG 1, 395; Oikonomos, AD 7, 1921%19`2, p. 286, no. 5; MDAI(A) 1953, p. 21 (PH). @ @@`162. &3Neopoies& inscription for [Gaius Iu]lius Epi[kr]a[tes]; 2; found in Heraion: Klaffenbach, MDAI(A) 51, 1926, pp. 33%19`4, no. 3a; *MDAI(A) 1953, p. 21 (PH); **MDAI(A) 1960, p. 156, pp. 171%19`2 (l. 1). @ @@`163. 2 &3neopoies& inscriptions for Ktesas Kte[s ... ] and Epaphrod[itos] Marmaro[u]; AD 108; found in Heraion: MDAI(A) 1953, p. 22 (PH); *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 171%19`2, no. 81 (PH). @ @@`164. &3Neopoies& inscription for Ul(pius) Chei[lon] Pelopides; AD 173%3`4; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1953, p. 22 (PH); Klaffenbach, MDAI(A) 51, 1926, pp. 33%19`4, no. 3b. @ @@`165. &3Neopoies& inscription for (no name); AD 183%3`193; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1953, p. 22 (PH). @ See also: Samos 229, 233%19`5, 691. @ @@@@Section: 8c. Lists of Victors (166%19`176) @ @@`166. List of names in nominative (of victors?); III&7m&?; now in Oxford, prob. from Samos: *CIG 3091; Brinck no. 100; **MDAI(A) 1957, p. 188, note 46 (ll. 1%19`2). @ @@`167. List of victors in athletic competitions of gymnasium; II; found on Samos: *Kirchhoff, Monatsber. der Berl. Akad. 1859, p. 739, no. 1; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 44; Kretikidis, Top. pp. 41%19`5, no. 8; **Michel 899 (l. 0h%19i). @ @@`168. List of victors in athletic competitions of gymnasium; II; found on Samos: *Kirchhoff, Monatsber.der Berl. Akad. 1862, p. 72, no. 1; Kretikidis, Syll. p. 51, note $G;& Syll&4`3& 1061. @ @@`169. List of victors in athletic competition of &3neoi,& including individual from Laodikeia, with dedication to Ptolemy, Hermes, and Herakles; II; found at Pythagoreion: *Girard, BCH 5, 1881, pp. 481%19`3, no. 4; **Holleaux, REA 1899, p. 9, no. 6 (l. 4); **Preuner, MDAI(A) 28, 1903, pp. 357%19`8, no. 2 (ll. 1%19`3, 11); **Robert, Et. anat. p. 402, note 3 (ll. 1, 8, 9, 11); Michaud, BCH 95, 1971, p. 1036. @ @@`170. List of victors at Heraia, including individuals from Tralles, Rhodes, Miletos, Athens, Mallus, Ephesos, Magnesia Mai., and Apameia Mai.; II; found at Pythagoreion: *Gardner, JHS 7, 1886, pp. 148%19`153; Michel 901; Capps, TAPA 31, 1900, p. 136; **MDAI(A) 1924, p. 40 (l. 10); **Dunst, ZPE 1, 1967, pp. 225%19`239 (ll. 1, 4, 6%19`9, 13). @ @@`171. List of victors in athletic competition of gymnasium; II; found at Pythagoreion: *Preuner, MDAI(A) 28, 1903, pp. 353%19`7, no. 1; **MDAI(A) 1924, p. 42, no. 8 (ll. a6, b5). @ @@`172. List of victors in dramatic competitions; 1%3`2&7b&; found at Pythagoreion: *Kirchhoff, Monatsber. der Berl. Akad. 1859, pp. 754%19`6, no. 3; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 44.4; **Brinck no.'s 101%19`2 (ll. 1, 9, 16). @ @@`173. List of victors; no date; found at Pythagoreion: *Kirchhoff, Monatsber. der Berl. Akad. 1862, p. 79, no. 12; **Stamatiades&4`1& no. 48 (l. 9a); **MDAI(A) 1924, p. 37 (ll. 1, 3, 6, 9a, 10, 12); Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 98, note 10. @ @@`174. Fragment recording victory with &3synoris&; no date; found at Kolonna: *Girard, BCH 5, 1881, pp. 488%19`9, no. 13. @ @@`175. Fragment of list of victorious athletes, including individual from Magnesia Mai.; no date; found near Pythagoreion: *Wrede, MDAI(A) 54, 1929, pp. 93%19`4, no. 3. @ @@`176. Unpublished list of victors; no date; found at Pythagoreion: To+lle%19Kastenbein, Samos XIV p. 175. @ See also: IG II&4`2& 2313, l. 44 (list of victors at Panathenaia, including Antigonos Artemidorou of Samos; found in Attica); Michel 895, l. 49 (list of victors includes Kallippos Dionysiou of Samos; found at Delphi); SEG 27, 1114, l. 24b (list of victors includes Lykomedes Ktesikleous of Samos; found at unknown site in Egypt); SEG 11, 61, l. 31 (list of victors includes [Po]seidippos P[os]eidipp[ou] of Samos; found at Corinth). @ @@@@Section: 8d. Other Lists of Names (177%19`182) @ @@`177. List of names (of leaders who fought at Eurymedon?); 470%3`460 BC; found in Heraion: *Buschor, Philologus 86, 1931, pp. 425%19`6 (PH); Wade%19Gery, JHS 53, 1933, pp. 97%19`8 (PH); Kolbe, Hermes 72, 1937, p. 253; **Peek, Klio 32, 1939, p. 291, note 1 (part 1, l. 2). @ @@`178. List of names of soldiers (or sailors (?),) including men from Kolophon, Knosos, Rhethymna, Hestiaia, and Pharbaithos; c. 283%3c. 270 BC; collected at Vathy: *Robert, Et. ep. pp. 113%19`8; Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 74%19`75, no. Vathy 20. @ @@`179. List of names of citizens in nominative; c. 285 BC; found near Pythagoreion: *Theophaneides, AD 9, 1924%19`5, pp. 95%19`102, no. 1 (PH); **Robert, RPh 3, 1929, p. 125 (sec. 6, col. 1, l. 4); Robert, RPh 4, 1930, p. 25, note 1; Robert, BCH 59, 1935, pp. 482%19`3, 487%19`8; **Dunst, Philologus 110, 1966, pp. 308%19`310 (sec. 6, col. 1, ll. 2, 4); **Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 71, no. Samos 296 %7 p. 97 %7 p. 99 (sec. 2, col. 1 l. 5, col. 4 ll. 1%19`2, 4, col. 5 l. 1; sec. 4, col. 1 l. 4, col. 3 ll. 2%19`3, col. 6 l. 2; sec. 5, col. 2 l. 3a; sec. 6, col. 1 ll. 3%19`4, col. 3 l. 2; sec. 7, col. 2 ll. 1, 4; sec. 8, subsec. a, col. 1 l. 1, col. 2 ll. 3%19`4, subsec. b, col. 1 l. 3, col. 2 l. 1; sec. 9, subsec. a, col. 2, ll. 2%19`3). @ @@`180. Unpublished list of names; c. 200 BC; found on Samos: Hellenica 11%19`2, p. 209. @ @@`181. List of names in nominative; Roman; found at Dontia: Epet. 1876, 164%19`5; Epet. 1878, 152; *Girard, BCH 5, 1881, p. 487, no. 10; Epet. 1886, 149; Stamatiades&4`2& pp. 221%19`2. @ @@`182. List of names in nominative; no date; found outside Pythagoreion: Epet. 1888, 136; *Kondoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, p. 102, no. 43. @ See also: Samos 671; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 30 (list of dead in Samian War; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 1952 %7 Hereward, AJA 60, 1956, pp. 172%19`4 (list of cleruchs sent out, poss. to Samos; found in Attica); FD III 1, 497, l. 13 (list of names of places, including Samos; found at Delphi); Robert, BCH 70, 1946, 512, l. 9 (list of &3theorodokoi& mentions Eukl[es] Theokritou on Samos; found at Delphi); Ephesos 600, l. 36 (%6 IEphesos 13) (%6 JRS 65, 1975, 64) (list of cities of &3conventus& of Asia includes Samos among cities of &3dioikesis& of Miletos; found at Ephesos); ICos 50 (list (of proxenoi?) includes Haliodoros Asklapiada of Samos; found on Kos); Miletos 129, 139, 151, 157 (%6 Milet I 3 no.'s 66, 41, 74a, 80) (records of grant of citizenship to individuals including Samians; found at Miletos); IG XII 9, 1187, l. 17 (list of &3proxenoi& [of Histiaia] includes Asklepiades Herodotou of Samos; found at Oreus); Lindos II 276.III l. 8 (list of names includes Theudoros of Sam[os]; found on Rhodes); IG XII 8, 165, 171; ISamothrace no. 22, l. 20 (lists of &3theoroi& including Samians; found on Samothrace); IG XII 8, 170d (list of &3proxenoi& includes Samians; found on Samothrace). @@@@Section: 8e. Other Public Documents (_) @ See also: Priene 162 (%6 IPriene 37 %7 38) (%6 CIG 2905, 1%19`5) (%6 Syll&4`3& 599) (%6 SEG 4, 474) (%6 Migeotte, L'emprunt public no. 92) (judgement of Rhodes concerning territorial dispute between Priene and Samos, setting boundary in favor of Priene and referring to evidence of several historians, some from Samos; found at Priene); Priene 163, l. 1 (%6 IPriene 42) (%6 GIBM 406%19`408) (judgement by unknown city confirming Rhodian judgement in dispute between Samos and Priene; found at Priene); Priene 165, l. 29 (%6 IPriene 363) (document drawing boundary mentions temple of Samian Athena; found at Thebes on Mykale). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (183%19`267) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Other Religious Inscriptions (183) @ @@`183. Religious inscription in praise of Imbrasos, Parthenie, and Parthenios; II&4`2&; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1953, p. 4 (PH). @ See also: Samos 1%19`8, 132, 321, 349, 358, 373, 416, 453, 465, 469%19`475, 477, 662%19`4, 703, 707, 725. @ @@@@Section: 9b. Dedications (184%19`267) @ @@@@Section: 9b1. Dedications to Royal Persons (184%19`196) @ @@`184. Dedication to Ptolemy (IV?), Hermes, and Herakles by &3paidotribes& Timotheos Demainetou; III?; found in Heraion: *Michaud, BCH 95, 1971, p. 1036 (PH). @ @@`185. Dedication to Arsinoe wife of Ptolemy II; 271%3`246 BC; found on Samos: *Evanghelidis, AD 11, 1927%19`8, Par. pp. 31%19`2, no. 4 (PH). @ @@`186. Dedication to Augustus; 27 BC%3AD 14; found at Palea Ekklisia: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 103%19`4, no. 10. @ @@`187. Dedication to goddess Roma and Augustus by &3demos&; 27 BC%3AD 14; found at Pythagoreion: *Stamatiades&4`1& no. 75; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 163. @ @@`188. Dedication to goddess Roma [and Augustus] by &3demos&; 27 BC%3AD 14; found at Pythagoreion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 83, note 42. @ @@`189. Dedication to Tiberius (and Hera) by &3demos&; AD 23%3`7; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 38, no. 27C; SEG 1, 390; MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 115%19`6 (PH). @ @@`190. Dedication to Vespasian and Titus; AD 79%3`81; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 121%19`2, no. 21 (PH). @ @@`191. Dedication to Hera Samia, &3demos& of Samos, and Trajan by Q(uintus) Nerius Karpos &3cornicularius& and family of statues of Asklepios and Hygieia; AD 98%3`117; found at Chora: *Fabricius, MDAI(A) 9, 1884, p. 256, no. 2d; Epet. 1886, 146. @ @@`192. Dedication to Hadrian Zeus Olympios; AD 128%3`138; found at Pythagoreion: *Ross, Inscr. ined. II p. 78, no. 195; Stamatiades&4`1 no. 61; Kretikidis, Arch. p. 40, no. 1; Kretikidis, Syll. p. 139, note A; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 163. @ @@`192.5. Dedication to Hadrian Zeus Olympios; AD 128%3`138; found at Pythagoreion: *SEG 1, 402. @ @@`193. Dedication to Hadrian Zeus Olympios; AD 128%3`138; now in Pythagoreion: *Wrede, MDAI(A) 54, 1929, pp. 91%19`2, no. 2d (PH). @ @@`194. Dedication to Hadrian Zeus Olympios; AD 128%3`138; found on Samos: *Kirchhoff, Monatsber. der Berl. Akad. 1862, p. 74, no. 3. @ @@`195. Dedication to Hadrian Zeus Olympios; AD 128%3`138; found on Samos: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 124, no. 24. @ @@`196. Dedication to Hadrian Zeus Olympios; AD 128%3`138; found on Samos: *To+lle, Antike Stadt Samos p. 113 (PH). @ See also: Samos 136, 169, 347; Stamatiades, Ikariaka p. 21 (dedication to Antoninus Pius by &3Samioi& living in Ikaria; found on Ikaria). @ ŏ@@@@Section: 9b2. Dedications to Gods (197%19`250) @ @@`197. Dedication to Aphrodite by Zmaragdin; no date; found near Chora: *Kondoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, p. 103, no. 46; Epet. 1889, 129; Wiegand, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, p. 174. @ @@`198. Dedication to Apollo by Horos Phaonos of Kanopos, with inscription in demotic; Hellenistic or later; found at Vathy: *Stamatiades&4`1& no. 41; Kretikidis, Arch. p. 45, no. 3; MDAI(A) 1924, pp. 42%19`3, no. 9; Evanghelidis, AD 11, 1927%19`8, Par. 31, no. 2 (PH); **Robert, Et. ep. 117 (PH) (ll. 7, 8); Vidman, Sylloge 255. @ @@`199. Dedication to Apollo by Leukios; c. 560 BC; found at Glyphada: *Wiegand, MDAI(A) 18, 1893, p. 224; Wiegand, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, pp. 149%19`150, no. 1; Buschor, Altsamische Standbilder pp. 17%19`8; Jeffery, Local Scripts p. 329, no. 5; To+lle, Antike Stadt Samos pp. 86%19`7 (PH); Richter, Kouroi pp. 86%19`7, no. 77 (PH); Freyer%19Schauenburg, Samos XI no. 35 (PH). @ @@`200. Dedication to Apollo Prieneus by Hephaistion on bronze rabbit; c. 580 BC; found on Samos: *CIG 2247; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 3; GIBM 230; Roehl IGA 385. @ @@`201. Dedication to Apoll[o] Pythios by Agathodoros of &3hippikoi &3stephanoi&; no date; found in city of Samos: *CIG 2248a; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 4; Kretikidis, Top. 267, no. 40, 4%19`5. @ @@`202. Dedication to Artemi[s] by [ ... ]lon [ ... ]eideos on sherd; archaic; found at Glyphada: *Tsakos, AAA 13, 1980, pp. 310%19`1, no. 2 (PH). @ @@`203. Dedication to [Arte]mis on sherd; archaic; found at Glyphada: *Tsakos, AAA 13, 1980, p. 310, no. 1 (PH). @ @@`204. Dedication to [Ar]te[mis] on sherd; archaic; found at Glyphada: *Tsakos, AAA 13, 1980, p. 311, no. 3 (PH). @ @@`205. Dedication to Art[emis] on sherd; archaic; found at Glyphada: *Tsakos, AAA 13, 1980, p. 311, no. 4 (PH). @ @@`206. Dedication to Asklepios and Hygieia by Hermonikos; no date; found at Chora: *Epet. 1889, 129. @ @@`207. Caption identifying hero Deloptes on relief dedicated to him; no date; collected at Vathy: *Wiegand, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, pp. 172%19`3, no. 48; Horn, Samos XII 105 (PH). @ @@`208. Dedication to &3Demos& by Aristomenes Aristippou &3agoranomos, with artist's signature by Boithos Menodorou of Ariaratheia; II; found at Pythagoreion: *Paton, CR 13, 1899, p. 79; MDAI(A) 1924, pp. 39%19`40; **Dunst, Chiron 3, 1973, pp. 119%19`129 (PH) (part 2, l. 1). @ @@`209. Dedication to Dallios Dionysos by Anthestios; V&4`2&; found at Pythagoreion: Epet. 1876, 163; Stamatiades&4`2& pp. 251%19`2; *Perdrizet, AE 1896, pp. 251%19`2; Wrede, MDAI(A) 54, 1929, p. 91, no. 2b (PH). @ @@`210. Dedication to Here by &3neopoies& Abaskantos Moschionos; 2&7e&; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1953, p. 23 (PH); **MDAI(A) 1960, p. 169, no. c, p. 170, note 334 (l. 2). @ @@`211. Dedication to Here by Aiakes Brychonos on statue, stoichedon; c. 540%3c. 500 BC; found in Heraion: *Curtius, MDAI(A) 31, 1906, pp. 151%19`165 (PH); Syll&4`3& 10; Kern, Inscr. Gr. 7 (PH); Buschor, Altsamische Standbilder pp. 40%19`2 (PH); Tod 7; White, JHS 74, 1954, 38; SEG 12, 342; SEG 14, 556; Jeffery, Local Scripts p. 330, no. 13; Barron, CQ 14, 1964, pp. 214, 218%19`9; ML 16; Dunst 1972, pp. 116%19`121, no. 7 (PH); **Freyer%19Schauenburg, Samos XI no. 67 (PH) (l. 2); Bravo, ASNP 10, 1980, pp. 728%19`733; SEG 30, 1080. @ @@`212. Dedication to Here by Athenion Matrios; no date; found in Heraion: *Girard, BCH 4, 1880, p. 393; Epet. 1880, 140; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 217. @ @@`213. Fragment of dedication (?) [to Here] by &3neopoies& Aulos Granios; Roman; found in Heraion: Epet. 1878, 151; *Homolle, BCH 2, 1878, p. 181, no. 2; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 221. @ @@`214. Dedication to Here by Bastakaras of Samos; no date; found in Heraion: *Kretikidis, Arch. p. 17, no. 11. @ @@`215. Dedication [to Here] by Brychon Timoleo on &3lebes&; 660%3`560 BC; found in Heraion: Homann%19Wedeking, AA 84, 1969, pp. 554%19`5; *Dunst 1972, pp. 137%19`8, no. XX 3 (PH). @ @@`216. Dedication to Here by Cheramyes on statue of Hera, boustrophedon; 570%3`560 BC; found near Heraion: *Girard, BCH 4, 1880, pp. 483%19`493; Roehl IGA 384; Jeffery, Local Scripts p. 328, no. 4; **Freyer%19Schauenburg, Samos XI no. 6 (PH) (l. 1). @ ت@@`216.5. Dedication to Hera by Cheramyes of statue; 570%3`560 BC; found near Heraion: *Catling, JHS Arch. Rpt. 31, 1984%19`5, p. 57 (PH). @ @@`217. Dedication to Here by Demetrios Zenodotou; Hellenistic; found at Chora: *Fabricius, MDAI(A) 9, 1884, p. 256, no. 2c; Epet. 1886, 146. @ @@`218. Dedication to Here of tithe by [ ... ]niskos X[eno]dikou and Demis [P]ythokleos of Perinthos; c. 580%3c. 525 BC; found near Chora: *Klaffenbach, MDAI 6, 1953, pp. 15%19`20 (PH); SEG 12, 391; Guarducci, Studi Calderini e Paribeni 1, 1956, pp. 23%19`7 (PH); SEG 15, 526; Graham, JHS 84, 1964, pp. 73%19`5 (PH); To+lle, Antike Stadt Samos p. 89 (PH). @ @@`219. Dedication to Here by Diagores on drinking%19horn; c. 575 BC; found in Heraion: Homann%19Wedeking, AA 84, 1969, pp. 553%19`4, ll. 1%19`4; *Dunst 1972, pp. 144%19`5, no. XX 8. @ @@`220. Dedication to &3kyria& Here by Epagathos Heres; 2&4`2&%3`3; found in Heraion: *SEG 1, 406, l. 1; MDAI(A) 1960, p. 168, no. b (PH). @ @@`221. Dedication on bronze lion to Hera by Eumnastos of Sparta in Spartan alphabet, written right to left; VI&7m&; found in Heraion: *Dunst 1972, pp. 140%19`4, no. XX 7 (PH). @ @@`222. Dedication to Here by Eutychides; I&7m&; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 23, no. 10, ll. 3%19`4; SEG 1, 370, ll. 3%19`4; Marcade/ II 55 verso, note 1, ll. 3%19`4; Hauben, Callicrates of Samos, p. 48m no. 4, ll. 3%19`4. @ @@`223. Dedication to Hera by Hephaistion on small tripos kettle; archaic; found on Samos: *Dunst 1972, p. 138, no. XX 4 (PH). @ @@`224. Dedication [to Hera] by Heragores P[ytha]goreo, stoichedon; VI; found at Kolonna: Curtius, Inschriften no. 2; Curtius, RhM 29, 1874, pp. 160, 163%19`5, no. 2; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 216; Ro+hl, IGA 386; *Knigge, MDAI(A) 84, 1969, pp. 82%19`3 (PH); **Dunst 1972, p. 131, no. XVII (l. 1). @ @@`225. Dedication to Hera by Commodus; AD 180%3`192; found at Kolonna: *Kretikidis, Syll. 140&7a&; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 163; **MDAI(A) 1960, p. 169, no. d (l. 6). @ @@`226. Dedication to Here by Lykophron Aischro; V&7n&; found east of Myli: *Klaffenbach, MDAI(A) 51, 1926, p. 40, no. 10. @ ⪵@@`226.5. Dedication to Here by Smikos on bronze kouros; no date; found at Heraion: *Catling, JHS Arch. Rpt. 31, 1984%19`5, p. 56. @ @@`227. Dedication (to Here) by Tittybas on tripod%19base; archaic; found in Heraion: *Dunst 1972, pp. 127%19`8, no. XIV (PH). @ @@`228. Dedication of herald's staff (to Here) by (no name) [Ari]starcho; VI; found in Heraion: *Dunst 1972, pp. 138%19`9, no. XX 5. @ @@`229. Dedication to Here by listed [&3cheiristes&] and [&3neopoiai&]; Hellenistic; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1953, pp. 15%19`6 (PH). @ @@`230. Dedication to Here by &3gynaikonomoi&; IV; found at Kolonna: *Clerc, BCH 7, 1883, p. 79; **Michel 1149 (l. 3). @ @@`231. Unpublished dedication by &3gynaikonomoi&; AD 25%3`6; found at Pythagoreion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 102, p. 171, note 336, p. 156, note 308. @ @@`232. Dedication of small bucket to Here by priest of Neleus, written right to left; 575%3`550 BC; found in Heraion: Dunst 1972, pp. 135%19`7, no. XX 2 (PH); *Lazzarini, RFIC 106, 1978, pp. 179%19`191; SEG 28, 716. @ @@`233. Dedication to Here by listed &3neopoiesantes,& with artist's signature by Themistokles Xenokratou; pre%19Roman; found at Kolonna: Kretikidis, Arch. p. 51, no. 2; Rayet, Bull. ecol. fran. 11, 1871, p. 228, no. 2; Epet. 1880, 141; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 282; Oikonomos, AD 7, 1921%19`2, p. 284, no. 1; *MDAI(A) 1953, pp. 12%19`3 (PH). @ @@`234. [Dedication to Here] by listed [&3neo&]&3poiai,& with artist's signature by [ ... ]os Parmeniskou; pre%19Roman; found at Chora: *Fabricius, MDAI(A) 9, 1884, pp. 255%19`6, no. 2b; Epet. 1886, 146; Oikonomos, AD 7, 1921%19`2, p. 284, no. 2; **MDAI(A) 1953, p. 13 (l. 7). @ @@`235. Dedication by listed &3neopoiai& Straton and others; Roman; found in Heraion: *Vischer, RhM 22, 1867, pp. 324%19`5, no. 3; Szanto, Ausgewa+hlte Abhandlungen V, p. 264; Oikonomos, AD 7, 1921%19`2, pp. 285%19`6, no. 4; **IGRR IV 992, 1707 (ll. 11, 12). @ @@`236. Dedication to Here by [ ... ]&3chesantes&; Roman; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 168%19`9, no. 78 (PH). @ @@`237. Dedication of group of six statues to Here by (no name) [ ... ]&3ilarches&; 560%3`550 BC; found in Heraion: Buschor, Altsamische Standbilder p. 28 (PH); Jeffery, Local Scripts p. 329, note 3; Himmelmann%19Wildschu+tx, MarbWP 1963, 14%19`5; Dunst 1972, pp. 132%19`4, no. XIX; *Freyer%19Schauenburg, Samos XI no. 63 (PH). @ @@`238. Dedication to Here; no date; found at Phrourion tou Logothetou: *Stamatiades&4`1& no. 49. @ @@`239. Dedication to Here Archegetis; c. 3; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 169, no. 79 (PH). @ @@`240. Dedication to Here and Poseidon by Amphidemos on bronze tablet with artist's signature by Technios (?); archaic; found in Heraion: *Dunst 1972, pp. 106%19`113, no. III (PH). @ @@`240.5. Dedication to Hermes by Demokles Athenagoreo; Hellenistic; found near Anaia: Keil, JO+AI 11, 1908, Beibl. 161%19`2 no. 4; *IEphesos 3137. @ @@`241. Dedication to Hermes &3eisagogos& and Aphrodite &3synarchis& by &3eisagogeis&; II; found near Pythagoreion: *MDAI(A) 1912, pp. 216%19`7, no. 17; Laum, MDAI(A) 38, 1913, pp. 51%19`9; **MDAI(A) 1972, p. 195, note 17 (l. 16). @ @@`242. Dedication (?) to &3hiere& (Isis?) by Athenion Metro[phanous] and others; 1; collected at Pythagoreion: *horn, Samos XII 179a (PH). @ @@`243. Dedication in Latin to Iuppiter Optimus Maximus byAttius Ephicius, &3praeses& of Insulae; 3&7e&%3`4; found at Pythagoreion: *CIL III 14199&4`1&. @ @@`244. Dedication to [Leuka]spis (or of shield?) by (no name) and Panthys, with reference to attack on Himera by Sicanians; VI&4`1&; found in Heraion: Dunst, BCH 88, 1964, pp. 483%19`4 (PH); *Dunst 1972, pp. 100%19`6, no. II (PH); **Manni, Festschr. Neutsch pp. 297%19`8 (part 1, ll. 4%19`6); SEG 30, 1079. @ @@`245. Dedication to Nymphs by (no name) Mandrios, boustrophedon; 575%3`550 BC; found in Heraion: Blu+mel, AA 79, 1964, pp. 87%19`91 (PH); Dunst 1972, pp. 162%19`3; *Freyer%19Schauenburg, Samos XI no. 4 (PH). @ @@`246. Dedication to Serapis, Isis, Anubis, and Alphokrates by Auxos Demokleious of Samos and Tenos and wife; 1%3`2; found at Ano Vathy: *Bamboudakis, AE 1931, pp. 173%19`4 (PH); Vidman, Sylloge 254. @ @@`247. Dedication to Serapis and Isis by Hestieia Theochrestou; Hellenistic; found at Pythagoreion: *Rayet, RA 24, 1872, pp. 37%19`8, no. 3; Epet. 1876, 162; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 228; Vidman, Sylloge 253. @ @@`248. Altar of Tetartaios; late Hellenistic or Roman; found at Chora: *Dunst, ZPE 3, 1968, pp. 152%19`153. @ @@`249. Dedication to Zeus Milichios by Kleas Megaklou; no date; found at Pythagoreion: *MDAI(A) 1924, p. 42, no. 9. @ @@`250. Dedication to Zeus and Here; no date; collected at Pythagoreion: *Evanghelidis, AD 11, 1927%19`8, p. 31, no. 3 (PH). @ See also: Samos 135, 137, 139, 141, 268, 270%19`1, 273%19`8, 299, 313%19`6, 319%19`320, 322, 328%19`330, 336%19`7, 339%19`342; 348; 350%19`1, 368, 378, 380, 383, 386, 388%19`391, 393%19`4, 397%19`8, 400%19`2, 405%19`412, 441, 466%19`8, 479; Bousquet, BCH 83, 1959, pp. 152%19`5, no.'s A, B, C Breccia, Mus. Alex. no. 5 (dedication to Isis and Anubis on behalf of King Ptolemy (II) and Queen Arsinoe (II) by Kallikrates Boiskou of Samos; found at Abukir in Egypt); Breccia, Mus. Alex. no. 105 (dedication to all gods and goddesses of altars by Pythogeiton Neilonos of Samos; found at Alexandria in Egypt (?) ); Syll&4`3& 20 (dedication to Apollo by Samians; found at Delphi); Syll&4`3& 276a%19b (dedications of &3aristeia& to Apollo by Athenian &3demos on Samos; found at Delphi); Bousquet, BCH 83, 1959, pp. 152%19`5, no.'s A, B, C (dedications to Apollo by &3demos& of Athenians on Samos; found at Delphi); Ehrhardt, ZPE 60, 1985, p. 141, note 22, p. 143, note 34 (dedications possibly by Samians; found at Graviscae in Etruria); Clara Rhodos 2, p. 187, no. 15 (dedication to Aphrodite by Samios (poss. ethnic); found on Rhodes). @ @@@@Section: 9b3. Dedications: Dedicand Unknown (251%19`267) @ @@`251. Dedication by Ane[ritos] on cup sherd; c. 700 BC; found in Heraion?: *Dunst 1972, p. 145, no. XXI 1 (PH). @ @@`252. Dedication by Argeios of bronze wheel; c. 580%3`570 BC; found near Rhoikos%19Altar (at Pythagoreion?): *Dunst 1972, pp. 139%19`140, no. XX 6 (PH). @ @@`253. Dedication (to god?) by [Chera]myes(?) on colossal statue of young man; c. 550%3`540 BC; found in Heraion: Buschor, Festchr. Schweitzer pp. 98%19`100 (PH); Jeffery, Local Scripts p. 329, no. 7; *Buschor, Altsamische Standbilder pp. 67, 83; Barron, JHS 83, 1963, p. 210; Schmidt, MDAI(A) 86, 1971, pp. 39%19`40 (PH); Dunst 1972, p. 132, no. XVIII; Freyer%19Schauenburg, Samos XI no. 49B (PH). @ @@`254. Dedication by Mar[syes] on pottery sherd; c. 700 BC; found in Heraion: *Dunst 1972, pp. 146%19`7, no. 4 (PH). @ @@`255. Excised. @ @@`256. Dedication by priestess Hero[ ... ]; no date; found near Myli: *Epet. 1889, 127. @ @@`257. Dedication by [ ... ]pos $#3&omilo on sherd of vessel; VI&7m&; found in Heraion: *Dunst 1972, p. 147, no. XXI 9. @ @@`258. Dedication by [ ... ]thon on pottery sherd; before 560 BC; found in Heraion: *Dunst 1972, p. 147, no. XXI 7 (PH). @ @@`259. Dedication by (no name) [ ... ]&3meneu&[&3s&] on pottery sherd; 625%3`600 BC; found on Samos?: *Dunst 1972, p. 147, no. XXI 6 (PH). @ @@`260. Dedication on behalf of Ptolemy (II), wife Arsinoe, and [Kallikra]tes Boiskou by (no name); c. 280%3`279 BC; found at Chora (?): *Fabricius, MDAI(A) 9, 1884, pp. 196%19`7, no. 2a; OGIS 29 and vol. II p. 539; **Hauben, Callicrates of Samos pp. 37%19`40, no. 2 (ll. 1%19`5). @ @@`261. Fragment of dedication; archaic; found in Heraion: *Homann%19Wedeking, AA 80, 1965, p. 439; Dunst 1972, pp. 113%19`4, no. V (PH). @ @@`262. Dedication by (no name) of small shield; archaic; collected at Vathy: *Dunst 1972, p. 135, no. XX, 1 (PH). @ @@`263. Fragment of dedication by (no name); c. 650 BC; found in Heraion: *Freyer%19Schauenburg, Samos XI no. 2 (PH). @ @@`264. Fragment of dedication on sherd of pottery; VII&4`2&%3VI&7b&; found on Samos: *Walter%19Karydi, Samos VI 1, p. 16, no. 259 (PH). @ @@`265. Fragment of dedication on statue of woman; 630%3`625 BC; found in Heraion: *Buschor, Altsamische Standbilder p. 79 (PH); SEG 19, 567. @ @@`266. Dedication by (no name) on pottery sherd; VI; found on Samos?: *Dunst 1972, p. 147, no. XXI 8 (PH). @ @@`267. Unpublished erased dedication; Hellenistic; found in Heraion: MDAI(A) 1919, p. 36. @ See also: Samos 135, 522; IG II&4`2& 2809 (dedication [to (name lost)] by &3boule& and &3demos& of Samos; found in Attica). @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (267.5%19`452) @ @@@@Section: 10a. Honorary Inscriptions for Royal Persons (267.5%19`311) @ @@`267.5. Honorary inscription for King Lysim[achos] by &3dem&[&3os,&] on marble statue base; 301%3`281 BC; found in Heraion: *Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 66%19`70, no. J327 (PH). @ @@`268. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Queen Berenike, daughter of King Ptolemy (II) to Here by &3demos& of Samos; c. 278%3c. 270 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, pp. 20%19`1, no. 8; SEG 1, 369; Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 65%19`67, no. Samos 139 (PH). @ @@`269. Honorary inscription for Ptolemy (IV) Philopator; III&7e&; found near Heraion: *Gue/rin, Patmos et Samos p. 226; Stamatiades&4`1 p. 242 and no. 37; Kretikidis, Arch. p. 24, no. 3; Stamatiades&4`2 p. 147. @ @@`270. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for King Ariobarzanes (II of Cappadocia) by &3demos& of Samos, to Here; 62%3`52 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 98%19`100, no. 8 (PH). @ @@`271. Honorary%3dedicatory%3building(?) inscription for Julius Caesar to Here; 48 BC; found in Heraion: Stamatiades&4`1& no. 40; *Kretikidis, Arch. p. 24, no. 2; Kretikidis, Syll. p. 128; Rayet, Bull. ec. fran. 11, 1871, p. 228; no. 3; Epet. 1880, 140; MDAI(A) 1924, p. 44; Raubitschek, JRS 44, 1954, p. 67, no. M (PH); SEG 14, 557; **MDAI(A) 1960, p. 100 (ll. 2, 3, 5). @ @@`272. Honorary inscription for Julius Caesar by &3demos&; Jan%3Apr 46 BC; found on Samos: *Raubitschek, JRS 44, 1954, p. 69, no. Q (PH); SEG 14, 558; MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 100%19`1. @ @@`273. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Calpurnia, wife of Julius Caesar, to Here by &3demos&; Jan%3Apr 46 BC; found on Samos: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 34, no. 20; SEG 1, 382; Schede 1920, pp. 128%19`9; **Raubitschek, JRS 44, 1954, p. 69, no. R (PH) (ll. 0, 0a, 1); SEG 14, 559; MDAI(A) 1960, p. 101. @ @@`274. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for (Livia) [D]rusilla, wife of Augustus, by &3demos& to Here; 31%3`27 BC; found at Pythagoreion: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 105%19`6, no. 12. @ @@`275. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for (Livia) Drusilla, wife of Augustus, by &3demos& to Here; 27 BC%3 AD 14; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 104%19`5, no. 11 (PH). @ @@`276. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Julia, daughter of Augustus and wife of Marcus Agrippa, to Here by &3demos&; c. 21%3`12 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 35, no. 23; SEG 1, 384; MDAI(A) 1960, p. 106 (PH). @ @@`277. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for [Agrippina] (?) daughter [of Agrippa by &3demos& to Here (?)]; 12%3`2 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 110%19`1, no. 14 (PH). @ @@`278. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for [Germanicus] by &3demos to Here; 9 BC%3AD 4; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 113%19`5, no. 16b (PH). @ @@`279. Honorary inscription for [Gaius and Lucius] Caesar by [&3demos&] (?); 5 BC%3AD 2; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 106%19`110, no. 13 (PH). @ @@`280. Honorary inscription for Augustus Olympios; AD 1%3`14; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 101%19`3, no. 9 (PH). @ @@`281. Unpublished honorary inscription for Augustus; AD 2%3`7; found at Pythagoreion: MDAI(A) 1960, p. 101, note 101. @ @@`282. Honorary inscription for Tiberius; AD 2; found at Pythagoreion: Stamatiades&4`1& no. 42; *Rayet, RA 24, 1872, p. 36, no. 1; Kretikidis, Arch. p. 40, no. 2; Kretikidis, Syll. p. 139; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 163. @ @@`283. Honorary inscription for a Caesar; AD 4%3c. 20; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 117, no. 18 (PH). @ @@`284. Honorary inscription for Drusus Iulius Caesar, son of Tiberius; AD 4%3`14; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 36, no. 25; SEG 1, 387; MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 116%19`7 (PH). @ @@`285. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for [Agrippa Iuli]us [Caesar] (Postumus) (?) by &3demos& to Here; AD 4%3`7; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 112, no. 15. @ @@`286. Honorary inscription (?) for Agrippa Iulius Caesar (Postumus); AD 4%3`7; found at Pythagoreion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 35, no. 22; SEG 1, 384; **MDAI(A) 1960, p. 112, note 142 (ll. 1, 2). @ @@`287. Honorary inscription by &3demos& for Agrippina wife of Germanicus Caesar; AD 5%3`29; found outside Pythagoreion: Epet. 1888, 136; *Kondoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, p. 102, no. 42; Perdrizet, AE 1896, pp. 248%19`9. @ @@`288. Honorary inscription for Tiberius; AD 14%3`37; found in Heraion: *Michaud, BCH 95, 1971, p. 1036. @ @@`289. Honorary inscription (or altar?) for Augustus Zeus Polieus and Tiberius Zeus Polieus; AD 14%3`37; found below Speliane: *Stamatiades&4`1& no. 63; Epet. 1876, 164; **MDAI(A) 1924, 43 (ll. 1%19`2, 5%19`7). @ @@`290. Honorary inscription on architrave for Germanicus Caesar by &3demos&; AD 18; found at Pythagoreion: *Perdrizet, AE 1896, pp. 248%19`9, no. 2; @ @@`291. Fragment of honorary inscription for relative of Caligula (or Claudius?); AD 37%3`54; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 118%19`9, no. 19. @ @@`292. Honorary inscription for Hera, Caligula, and his family; AD 37%3`41; found in Heraion: Epet. 1878, 151; *Homolle, BCH 2, 1878, pp. 180%19`1, no. I, ll. 6%19`9; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 221; Perdrizet, AE 1896, p. 249. @ @@`293. Honorary inscription for Drusilla, &3nea Charis&; AD 38%3`41; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 38, no. 29; SEG 1, 392; Schede 1920, p. 130; MDAI(A) 1960, p. 118 (PH). @ @@`294. Honorary inscription for Alfidia, mother of &3thea& Iulia Augusta; AD 41%3c. 100; found near Pythagoreion: Rayet, Bull. ec. fran. 11, 1871, p. 231, no. 19; Epet. 1876. 160; Stamatiades&4`2& pp. 163%19`4; *Fabricius, MDAI(A) 9, 1884, p. 257. @ @@`295. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Livius Drusus, father of &3thea& Iulia Augusta, by &3demos&; AD 41%3c. 100; found at Pythagoreion: *Fabricius, MDAI(A) 9, 1884, pp. 256%19`7, no. 3. @ @@`296. Fragment of honorary inscription for relative of Claudius (or Nero?); AD 41%3`68; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 119%19`120, no. 20. @ @@`297. Unpublished honorary inscription for Claudius; AD 41%3`54; found at Pythagoreion: To+lle%19Kastenbein, Samos XIV p. 175. @ @@`298. Honorary inscription for Claudius &3neos ktistes& by &3demos&; AD 47%3`54; found on Samos: *MDAI(A) 1912, p. 218, no. 20. @ @@`299. Honorary inscription for Octavia, wife of Nero; AD 54%3`162; found in Heraion: *Gue/rin, Patmos et Samos p. 215; Stamatiades&4`1 no. 43; Kretikidis, Arch. p. 25, no. 1; Kretikidis, Syll. p. 136; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 159; **MDAI(A) 1960, p. 121 (l. 3). @ @@`300. Honorary inscription for Nerva; AD 96%3`8; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 123, no. 22 (PH). @ @@`301. Honorary inscription for unknown emperor (name erased); 2%3`3; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 127, no. 27 (PH). @ @@`302. Unpublished honorary inscription for Hadrian; AD 117%3`138; found at Pythagoreion: To+lle%19Kastenbein, Samos XIV p. 175. @ @@`303. Honorary inscription for Antoninus Pius; AD 138%3`161; found at Pythagoreion: *Fabricius, MDAI(A) 9, 1884, p. 258. @ @@`304. Honorary inscription for Antoninus Pius; AD 154%3`160; found at Chora: *Fabricius, MDAI(A) 9, 1884, pp. 257%19`8, no. 3b; Epet. 1886. 147; **MDAI(A) 1960, p. 125, note 198 (ll. 2, 3). @ @@`305. Honorary inscription for Marcus Aurelius; AD 161%3`180; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 124, no. 25 (PH). @ @@`306. Honorary inscription for L(ucius) Verus; AD 161%3`3; found at Pythagoreion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 125, no. 26. @ @@`307. Dedication to an [Augustus] (or [Augusti]) and Caesars; 3%3`4; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 127%19`8, no. 28 (PH). @ @@`308. Honorary inscription for Iulia Domna Augusta by &3polis&; AD 210%3`1; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 44, no. 35; SEG 1, 403; MDAI(A) 1960, p. 126 (PH). @ @@`309. Honorary inscription for Caracalla by &3polis&; AD 210%3`1; found near Heraion: *Ross, Inscr. gr. ined. II p. 77, no. 192; Kretikidis, Arch. p. 38, no. 1; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 223; **MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 126%19`7 (PH) (ll. 2, 5, 7%19`13). @ @@`310. Honorary inscription [for Septimius Severus] by [&3polis&]; AD 210%3`1; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, pp. 44%19`5, no. 36B; SEG 1, 404a; **MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 126%19`7 (ll. 0, 1). @ @@`310.5. Honorary inscription for Elagabalus by Anaia, on base; AD 218%3`222; found at Anaia: *IEphesos 3144. @ @@`311. Unpublished honorary inscription for emperor; imperial; found at Pythagoreion: To+lle%19Kastenbein, Samos XIV p. 175. @ See also: Samos 56; Breccia, Mus. Alex. no. 12 (dedication of statue of Ptolemy II by Simon Ka[llikratou of Samos], priest of Ar[sinoe &3thea nea&]; found at Alexandria in Egypt); Marcade/ II 87 (honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Antiochos Philopator by Sosistratos Sosistratou of Samos to Apollo, Artemis, and Leto; found on Delos); IOlympia 306%19`7 (dedications of statues of P[tolemy] (II) and Arsinoe (II) by Kallikrates of Samos; found at Olympia). @ @@@@Section: 10b. Honorary Inscriptions for Private Individuals (312%19`442) @ @@@@Section: 10b1. Name Preserved (312%19`398) @ @@`312. Honorary inscription for Agathinos by &3demos&; no date; found at Pythagoreion: *Stamatiades&4`2&, p. 240. @ @@`313. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Aglaottas by father [Simos] Herodotou to Here; no date; found on Samos: Stamatiades&4`1 no. 65; *Kirchhoff, Monatsber. d. Berl. Akad. 1862, p. 76, no. 5a; **MDAI(A) 1924, p. 42, no. 8a (ll. 1, 2). @ @@`314. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Aeficia Calvina, daughter of &3eparchos& [M]arcus (Aeficius) Cal[vinus] by [&3demos&] to Here; I&4`2&; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 139%19`141, no. 34 (PH). @ @@`315. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for An[tonios Mo]usa &3iatros& by &3demos& of Samos to Here; c. 21%3`19 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 141%19`2, no. 35 (PH). @ @@`316. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for athlete Apollodoros Mnaseou, victorious at Olympia, by &3demos& of Samos, to Here; c. I&4`2&; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 32, no. 18c; SEG 1, 380c; MDAI(A) 1960, p. 161, no. k (PH). @ @@`317. Honorary inscription for Apoll[o]nio[s] Mentoros by brother; no date; found at Pythagoreion: CIG 2248b; Stamatiades&4`1 no. 4; *Kretikidis, Arch. p. 44, no. 1; Kretikidis, Top. p. 267, no. 40, 4%19`5. @ @@`318. Honorary inscription for Sextus Appuleius, patron of city; 29 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 36, no. 24; SEG 1, 386. @ @@`319. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Aristarchos Zobiou, former &3neopoies,& to Here by son Zobios Aristarchou; c. III; found in Heraion: *SEG 1, 371; MDAI(A) 1953, pp. 13%19`4 (PH). @ @@`320. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for athlete [A]ristomenes Chai[ ... ], victorious at Pythia, by &3demos& [of Samos], to Here; 1; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 32, no. 18b; SEG 1, 380b. @ @@`321. Honorary inscription for &3presbyteros& Ar[ion(?)] by [&3hiereis&], &3presbyteroi,& and [whole people?] of Jews; c. 3; found at Vathy: Schneider, MDAI(A) 54, 1929, p. 137, no. 2; Hellenica 4, p. 71, note 3; *Dunst, Klio 52, 1970, pp. 73%19`8 (PH). @ @@`322. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Gaius Asinius Pollio by &3demos& to Here; AD 23; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, pp. 37%19`8, no. 27B; SEG 1, 389; MDAI(A) 1960, p. 150, no. h, pp. 115%19`6 (PH). @ @@`323. Honorary inscription for Asios; VI; found in Heraion: *Dunst 1972, pp. 121%19`2, no. VIII (PH). @ @@`324. Honorary inscription for Aurelia Chariton, priestess of Hera; 2%3`3; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 159%19`160, no. 56 (PH). @ @@`325. Unpublished honorary inscription(?) naming M(arcus) Aurelius Philippos as &3archiprytanis, stephanephoros,& and chief &3strategos&; 2%3`3; found at Pythagoreion: MDAI(A) 1960, p. 125, note 198, p. 159. @ @@`326. Honorary inscription for Aurelius Posidonios, victor at Megala Didymeia, by &3boule& and &3demos&; AD 212%3`300; found at Mitylenai on Samos, poss. identical with inscription with same text found at Didyma (Didyma 251): CIG 2888; LW 224; Kirchhoff, Monatsber. d. Berl. Akad. 1862, pp. 74%19`5, no. 4; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 69; *Kretikidis, Arch. p. 44, no. 2; **IDidyma 180 (ll. 7%19`9, 13, 16%19`18). @ @@`327. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Aur(elius) Tatianos by M(arcus) Aur(elius) Zosimos; AD 212%3`300; found at Pythagoreion: Stamatiades&4`1& no. 58; Kretikidis, Arch. pp. 40%19`1, no. 3; Kirchhoff, Monatsber. d. Berl. Akad. 1862, pp. 77%19`8; *Rayet, RA 24, 1872, pp. 36%19`7, no. 2. @ @@`328. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for athlete Diogenes Diogenous, victorious at Isthmia, by &3demos& to Here; c. I; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, pp. 32%19`3, no. 18d; SEG 1, 380d. @ @@`329. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription to Here for Dionysios ɂMetrodorou, trierarch, by his fellow%19soldiers on ship sent to aid Iasos, with list of fellow%19soldiers; II&7e&%3I?; found at Myli: *Rayet, Bull. ec. fran. 11, 1871, p. 230, no. 7; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 275; **Robert, REG 46, 1933, p. 442, note 1 (l. 7); IIasos T56. @ @@`330. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Cnaius Domitius, appointed patron by Senate, to Here, by &3demos& of Samos, with artist's signature by Philotechnos Heroidou; 169%3`129 BC; found in Heraion or at Kolonna: *Kirchhoff, Monatsber. d. Berl. Akad. 1859, pp. 753%19`4, no. 2; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 39; Kretikidis, Arch. p. 24, no. 1; Kretikidis, Syll. 124; Rayet, Bull. ec. fran. 11, 1871, pp. 226%19`7, no. 1; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 314; Robert, REG 46, 1933, pp. 433%19`6; Marcade/ II 88 (PH); SEG 18, 332. @ @@`331. Honorary inscription for Cnaius D[omitius] (Ahenobarbus?) by [&3demos&] of Samos; I&4`2&; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 138, no. 32 (PH). @ @@`332. Honorary inscription by &3demos& for Dorotheos, panegyriarch; 28 BC%3AD 13; found at Pagondas: *Stamatiades&4`1& no. 55. @ ̪@@`332.5. Honorary (?) inscription for (?) Epikouros [I]enonos, on statue base; c. 285 BC; found in Heraion: *Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 68%19`69, no. Samos 267 (PH). @ @@`333. Honorary (?) inscription for Epi[krates?] Epikratous; imperial; found at Pythagoreion: *Girard, BCH 5, 1881, pp. 485%19`6, no. 7; **MDAI(A) 1924, pp. 45%19`6 (ll. 1%19`3, 8%19`9). @ @@`334. Honorary inscription for Euphrosyne Pollionos by &3boule& and &3demos&; 2?; found in front of Roman temple on Samos: *SEG 1, 398. @ @@`335. Honorary inscription for Hegemoneus Leonidou; AD 37%3`41; found in Heraion: Epet. 1878, 151; *Homolle, BCH 2, 1878, p. 180, no. 1, ll. 1%19`5; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 221; **IGRR IV 981, 1705 (l. 4). @ @@`336. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for athlete Herakleitos Diodorou, victorious at Isthmia and Kaisarea at Corinth, to Here, by &3demos&; 1; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 33, no. 18e; SEG 1, 380e; MDAI(A) 1960, p. 161, no. m (PH). @ @@`337. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription to Here for Herakleitos Diodorou by &3demos&; 1; found in Heraion: *Woodward, ABSA 28, 1926%19`7, p. 118, no. 3. @ @@`338. Honorary inscription for Hyperbassas Eteo[neos]; III; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 113, no. 16a. @ @@`339. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Iulia daughter of Gaius Iulius Epikrates, by &3boule& and &3demos,& to Here; AD 14%3`37; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 156, no. 52 (PH). @ @@`340. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for G(aius) Iulius Amyntas Isokrates, Epicurean philosopher, to Here by &3boule& and &3demos&; I&7e&%3`1&7b&; found at Kolonna: *Girard, BCH 5, 1881, pp. 486%19`7, no. 9. @ @@`341. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription by [&3demos& of Samos] for [&3nauarchos& Kal]likrates Boiskou to [Dioskouroi] Soteres; c. 280%3c. 260 BC; found between Glyphada and Dontia: *Dunst in Hauben, Callicrates of Samos, pp. 83%19`4 (PH); **BE 1971:508 (ll. 2, 3); Michaud, BCH 95, 1971, p. 1030. @ @@`342. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for [Kal]likrates Boiskou to &3theoi soteres&; c. 280%3c. 260 BC; found at Pythagoreion: Michaud, BCH 95, 1971, p. 1030 (PH); *Martini, AD 27, 1972, B2, pp. 603%19`4; SEG 27, 542. @ @@`343. Honorary inscription for Kallikrates Boiskou &3euergetes& by &3demos& of Samos; c. 280%3c. 260 BC; found at Pythagoreion: *Tsakos, AD 28, 1973, B2, p. 528; SEG 27, 541. @ @@`344. Honorary inscription for Calvia by &3boule& and [&3demos&]; 2?; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 145%19`6, no. 40 (PH). @ @@`345. Honorary inscription for [Quin]tus (?) Corn[elius?] by &3demos&; 1&7e&%3`2; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 145, no. 39 (PH). @ @@`346. Inscription recording gift of [&3a&]&3risteion& to Leokritos Iphia[dou of Samos], commanding in Egyptian war, by King Inaros Psammetich[o]; 460%3`454 BC; found in Heraion: *Dunst 1972, pp. 153%19`5, no. XXIV (PH); Masson, EA 11, 1988, 173. @ @@`347. Honorary inscription for Leucinius Aelius of Samos to &3thea Roma and Augustus by [&3demos&]; 28 BC%3AD 14; found at Pythagoreion: *Stamatiades&4`1& no. 59; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 164; IGRR IV 977. @ @@`348. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Leukios Saphin[iou] and relative by Menekrates to He[re]; 1; found in Heraion: *Kyrieleis, AA 93, 1970, pp. 255%19`6 (PH); SEG 28, 715. @ @@`349. Honorary inscription by &3demos& for Lollia Q(uinti) &3filia, priestess of Archegetis Hera and &3thea& Iulia Augusta; AD 41%3c. 100; found at Pythagoreion: Stamatiades&4`1& no. 57; *Vischer, RhM 22, 1867, pp. 314%19`5, no. 1. @ @@`350. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Magilia, wife of &3eparchos& Marcus Aeficius Calvinus to Here by &3demos&; I&4`2&; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 36, no. 26; SEG 1, 388; MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 139%19`140 (PH). @ @@`351. Honorary inscription for Mandrokles; no date; found near Chora: *Epet. 1889, 127. @ @@`352. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Melanthos Eukleo[us] by &3demos& to Here; I; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 154%19`5, no. 47. @ @@`353. Honorary inscription for [&3epa&]&3rchos& of Egypt (Gaius Minicius Italus?) mentioning Trajan; 2&4`1&; found in Heraion and Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 143%19`5, no. 38 (PH). @ @@`354. Honorary inscription by &3boule& and &3demos& (of Samos) for &3stephanephoros& Myrtale Hermippou Agroti[o]n; c. AD 1; found at Pythagoreion: *SEG 1, 393; **Evanghelidis, AD 11, 1927%19`8, Par. pp. 29%19`31, no. 1 (PH) (ll. 2%19`3). @ @@`355. Honorary inscription for athlete Aulus Ofellius Atticus, victorious at Olympia, by father; 3; found near Heraion: *Gue/rin, Patmos et Samos pp. 228%19`9; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 38; Kretikidis, Perib. pp. 31%19`2; Kretikidis, Arch. pp. 17%19`8, no. 12; Robert, BCH 59, 1935, p. 485, note 4. @ @@`356. Inscription identifying statue as Ornithe; 560%3`550 BC; found in Heraion: *Buschor, Altsamische Standfiguren p. 85 (PH); Freyer%19Schauenburg, Samos XI no. 62 (PH). @ @@`357. Honorary inscription (?) for Gaius Vibius Postum[us], three times proconsul, &3heros&; AD 15%3`9; found at Vathy: *Diehl %9 Holleaux, BCH 8, 1884, pp. 467%19`9, no. 2; **Wiegand, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, pp. 206%19`7, no. 121 (ll. 1%19`3); OGIS 469; Horn, Samos XII 180 (PH). @ @@`358. Honorary inscription for [V]ipsanius Aiol[ion], &3exegetes of Eleusinian mysteries; 2; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 152%19`4, no. 45 (PH); Herrmann, ZPE 10, 1973, pp. 79%19`85. @ @@`359. Honorary inscription for [Vipsanius] Aiolion; 2; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 154, no. 46 (PH). @ @@`360. Honorary inscription for Lucius Vitellius by Tiberius Claudius Matreas and others; 28 BC%3AD 14; found on Samos: *Stamatiades&4`1& no. 74; **MDAI(A) 1924, pp. 46%19`7 (ll. 1, 5%19`9); **IGRR IV 994 (l. 3). @ @@`361. Honorary inscription for Pammenes by [&3demo&]&3s&; prob. I; found near Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 155, no. 50. @ @@`362. Honorary inscription for Patrok[los Patronos (?)] by &3dem&[&3os& of Samos], on statue base; c. 275 BC; found in Heraion: MDAI(A) 1957, p. 211; *Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 66%19`68, no. J253 (PH). @ @@`363. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Paullina wife of Marcus Titius to Here by &3demos&; c. 34%3`2 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 35, no. 21; SEG 1, 383. @ @@`364. Honorary inscription for Pompey by &3demos& of Samos; c. 67%3`3 BC; found on Samos: *MDAI(A) 1912, p. 217, no. 18; Syll&4`3&, 749B; Milet I 3, p. 394; **Wilhelm, Anz. Wien 1924, pp. 113%19`5 (l. 4). @ @@`365. Honorary inscription for [Pomp]onia, wife of proconsul Quin[tus Tullius Cicero]; 61%3`58 BC; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 128%19`130 (PH). @ @@`366. Honorary inscription for [Pomponia, wife of Quintus Tullius Cicero] by [&3demos&]; 61%3`43 BC; found in Heraion: *Do+rner, MDAI(A) 68, 1953, p. 63, no. 2 (PH). @ @@`367. Honorary inscription for Poseidonios Apolloniou Tembrionades (&3gens&) by &3strateusamenoi&; c. 100 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, pp. 31%19`2, no. 17; SEG 1, 378. @ @@`368. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for [Quintus Fabius] Pos[tumius] (?) by [&3d&]&3emo&[&3s&] to [He]re; 1&7e&%3`2&4`1&; found in Heraion?: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 135%19`6, no. 31 (PH). @ @@`369. Inscription identifying statue as Phileia; 560%3`550 BC; found in Heraion: *Schede, ADAW 1929, 3, p. 19 (PH); Buschor, Altsamische Standbilder pp. 26%19`8 (PH); Freyer%19Schauenburg, Samos XI no. 58 (PH). @ @@`370. Inscription identifying statue as Philippe; 560%3`550 BC; found in Heraion: *Schede, ADAW 1929, 3, p. 21 (PH); Buschor, Altsamische Standbilder pp. 26%19`8; Freyer%19Schauenburg, Samos XI no. 61 (PH). @ @@`371. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for son Philiskos and nephew Aristonikos to Here by Hekataios Philiskou, with artist's signature by Dioskourides Nikanoros; II&7e&; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 30, no. 15; SEG 1, 372. @ @@`372. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Philopoimen Andronikou by Attalos (II) to Here; 159%3`138 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 30, no. 16; SEG 1, 374; Schede 1920, pp. 127%19`8; To+lle, Antike Stadt Samos, p. 26 (PH). @ @@`373. Honorary inscription for Flavia Scriboniana, priestess of Hera, by brother Scribonianus; 2&4`2&; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 42, no. 32; SEG 1, 399; MDAI(A) 1960, p. 160, no. f (PH). @ @@`374. Honorary inscription for Flavius Hegemoneus by &3boule& and &3demos&; 1&4`2&%3`3; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 43, no. 34; SDEG 1, 401. @ @@`375. Honorary inscription for Fl(avius) Va[lerius] Diogenianos; 3%3`4; found in Kolonna and Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 147%19`8, no. 42. @ @@`376. Excised. @ @@`377. Honorary inscription for [P]laut[ius] (?) by [&3d&]&3emos&; I&4`2&%3`1&7b&; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 142, no. 36. @ @@`378. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription to Here for Quintus [ ... ] Pollio; imperial; found at Kolonna: *Rayet, Bull. ec. fran. 11, 1871, p. 229, no. 4; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 164; **MDAI(A) 1924, pp. 47%19`8, no. 11 (ll. 1, 2, 4%19`8). @ @@`379. Honorary inscription by &3demos& [of Samos] for M(arcus) (Pupius) Piso [Frugi] &3presbeutes&; c. 63 BC; found at Kolonna: *Rayet, Bull. ec. fran. 11, 1871, p. 229, no. 5; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 164; Milet I 3, p. 394. @ @@`380. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Gaius Poppaeus Sabinus to Here by &3demos&; AD 10%3`2; found in Heraion: Decharme, Bull. dell' inst. di corr. arch. 1866, pp. 208%19`9; *Rayet, Bull. ec. fran. 11, 1871, p. 229, no. 6; Waddington, Fastes no. 68; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 164. @ @@`381. Honorary inscription for Saphinios Ach[ ... ] by [&3ne&]&3opoi&[&3ai&]; AD 41%3`54; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 157%19`8, no. 54 (PH). @ @@`382. Honorary inscription for Scribonia Bassa, daughter of Publius Scribonius Capito; 1%3`2; found in Heraion: Kretikidis, Perib. 30; Kretikidis, Top. 45%19`6; *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 39, no. 30; SEG 1, 394. @ @@`383. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for &3proxenos& Scribonia Philotera by &3demos& of Melos, to gods; no date; found at Pythagoreion: *Ross, Inscr. gr. ined. II pp. 77%19`8, no. 193; Kretikidis, Perib. 29%19`30; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 201. @ @@`384. Honorary inscription for [Scr]ibo[nius] B[assus?]; 1%3`2; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 146%19`7, no. 41 (PH). @ @@`385. Honorary inscription for [P(ublius)] Servilius (Vatia) I[sauricus], father of proconsul; 46%3`4 BC; found in Heraion: *Michaud, BCH 95, 1971, p. 1036; BE 1972:338. @ @@`386. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Sopatros Sopatrou by son Inias (?) Stratonidou to Here; II; found in Heraion: *SEG 1, 373; MDAI(A) 1924, p. 43. @ @@`387. Honorary inscription for Sosistratos So[sistratou of Samos] by &3demos& of Gyaria; no date; found at Pythagoreion: *Rayet, Bull. ec. fran. 11, 1871, pp. 230%19`1, no. 8; **MDAI(A) 1924, p. 41 (ll. 1%19`5). @ @@`388. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Publius Suillius Rufus proconsul to Here by &3demos&; c. AD 52%3`3; found in Heraion: *Stamatiades&4`1& no. 36; Kretikidis, Arch. p. 25, no. 2; Kretikidis, Syll. p. 135, note $A&; Waddington, Fastes, no. 83; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 164; **MDAI(A) 1960, p. 135 (l. 2). @ @@`389. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Gaius Sulpicius [Galba] proconsul to Here by &3demos&; AD c. 25%3`54; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 38, no. 28; SEG 1, 391; Oliver, AJA 46, 1942, pp. 380%19`8, no. 2; **MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 134%19`5 (PH) (l. 2) @ @@`389.5. Honorary inscription for father &3demiourgos& Spartos Artemidorou by Artemo; II; found in Heraion: *Kyrieleis, AA 100, 1985, 447%19`8, no. 4 (PH). @ @@`390. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Statilia, wife of proconsul Lucius Calpurnius Piso by &3demos& to Here; I&7e&%3`1&7b&; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 130%19`3, no. 30 (PH). @ @@`391. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Gaius Statilius Maximus consul by &3demos& to Here; AD 23; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, pp. 37%19`8, no. 27A; SEG 1, 389; MDAI(A) 1960, p. 150, no. h, pp. 115%19`6 (PH). @ @@`392. Honorary inscription for (no name) and Stratonike Harpalou; no date; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 156, no. 51. @ @@`393. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Thales Euelthon[tos] by &3de&[&3mos&] of Samos to Here; I; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 155, no. 49 (PH). @ @@`393.5. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription by demos of Samos for Thraseas Diodotou to Here; II; found in Heraion: *Kyrieleis, AA 100, 1985, 447, no. 3. @ @@`394. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Tinnis Dionysodorou &3nauarchos& [to Here] by Kallikrates Boiskou; 280%3c. 260 BC; found in Heraion: MDAI(A) 1919, p. 23, no. 10, ll. 1%19`2; SEG 1, 370, ll. 1%19`2; *Marcade/ II p. 55 verso, note 1, ll. 1%19`2; **Hauben, Callicrates of Samos, p. 48, no. 4, ll. 1%19`2 (l. 1). @ @@`395. Honorary inscription for Cicero by &3demos&; c. 61%3`43 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, pp. 33%19`4, no. 19; SEG 1, 381; Schede 1920, p. 128; **Do+rner, MDAI(A) 68, 1953, p. 63, no. 3 (PH) (l. 1); To+lle, Antike Stadt Samos p. 28 (PH). @ @@`396. Honorary inscription for [Quin]tus Tulli[us] Cicero by [&3demos&]; c. 61%3`43 BC; found in Heraion: *Do+rner, MDAI(A) 68, 1953, p. 63, no. 1 (PH). @ @@`397. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Xenophon Aristou, historian, to Here, by &3demos&; 2; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 43, no. 33; SEG 1, 400; MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 160%19`1, no. h (PH). @ @@`398. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Xopyrion Polykritou by &3demos& to Here; I; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 155, no. 48 (PH). @ See also: Samos 13%19`55, 57%19`67, 119%19`120, 146%19`8, 156%19`8, 160%19`4, 476%19`481, 511.5, 724; IG XII 7, 269 (honorary inscription by &3demos of Samians living in Minoa for Agathinos; found at Minoa on Amorgos); Herrmann, ZPE 10, 1973, pp. 79%19`85 (2 honorary inscriptions for members of family of L(ucius) Vipsanius Aiolion, who held office on Samos and in Athens; found in Attica); Marcade/ II 87 (honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Krateros of Antioch, &3tropheus& of Antiochos Philopator, by Sosistratos Sosistratou of Samos, to Apollo, Artemis, and Leto, with artist's signature by Philotechnos Herodou of Samos; found on Delos); Syll&4`3& 420 (honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Kallikrates Boiskou of Samos by Nesiotai [to Apollo]; found on Delos); Syll&4`3& 648a (honorary inscription for Satyros Eumenou of Samos by &3demos& of Delos; found on Delos); Syll&4`3& 648b (honorary inscription for Satyros Eumenou of Samos recording victory in musical competition; found on Delos); Didyma 448 (%6 IDidyma 339) (%6 MDAI(A) 75, 1960, 156, 308) (&3hydrophoros& inscription for daughter of &3stephanephoros& in Samos; found at Didyma); Didyma 478 (%6 IDidyma 312) (%6 Robert, Hellenica 11, 463) (&3hydrophoros& inscription for daughter of &3hydrophoros& of Samian Artemis; found at Didyma); SEG 30, 1628 (honorary inscription for Amyntor of Samos; found at Paphos on Cyprus); Maiuri, NS 19 (honorary%3dedicatory inscription for father and grandfather, both Rhodians, by Herakleitos Apollodotou of Samos; found on Rhodes); SEG 11, 491 (&3cursus honorum& of Eudokimos Demokratous includes being &3dikastagogos& from Samos; found at Sparta). @@@@Section: 10b2. Name Fragmentary (399%19`412) @ @@`399. Honorary inscription for Atti[ ... ] (?) by &3dem&[&3os&]; I&4`2&?; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 162, no. 58 (PH). @ @@`400. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Deme[ ... ], former &3neopoies,& by son Sota[s] to Here; c. II; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1953, p. 14 (PH). @ @@`401. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for daughter Ka[ ... ] by father Simos Hero[dotou] to Here; no date; found on Samos: Stamatiades&4`1& no. 65; *Kirchhoff, Monatsber. d. Berl. Akad. 1866, p. 76, no. 5b; **MDAI(A) 1924, p. 42, no. 8b (l. 1). @ @@`402. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for [ ... ]ra, daughter of [Posei]donios, [by &3demos& to Here]; II&4`2&; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 151%19`2, no. 44 (PH). @ @@`403. Honorary inscription for Gaius Se[ ... ] by &3de&[&3mos&]; AD 14%3`37; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 142, no. 37. @ @@`404. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]ysimachos; no date; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 161, no. 57 (PH). @ @@`405. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for [ ... ]e Archepo[lidos] to Here; 1; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 158%19`9, no. 55 (PH). @ @@`406. Excised. @ @@`406.5. Inscription on statue%19base for(?) [ ... ]odamas Androneiktideo; no date; found near Chora: *Epet. 1889, 127. @ @@`407. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name) son of [Askle]piades; I&7m&?; found near Glyphada: *Kondoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, p. 102, no. 44; **MDAI(A) 1960, p. 152, note 296 (ll. 1%19`2). @ @@`408. Unpublished inscription for daughter of [M(arcus) Aurel]ius Pytho[ ... ]; 3%3`4; found at Pythagoreion: MDAI(A) 1960, p. 148. @ @@`409. Honorary inscription for son of Quintus; Roman; found in Heraion: *Homolle, BCH 2, 1878, p. 181, no. 3; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 221; **IGRR IV 989 (ll. 6, 7). @ @@`410. Honorary inscription (?) for &3pais& of Pseromandros by (no name) [Z]oiilo; c. 500 BC; found in Heraion: *Dunst 1972, pp. 129%19`130, no. XVI (PH). @ @@`411. Honorary dedication for athlete (no name) [ ... ]iou, victorious at Heraia and at Romaia in Miletos, to Here; I or later; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 32, no. 18a; SEG 1, 380a; **MDAI(A) 1960, p. 161, no. i (PH) (l. 4); BE 1960:76. @ @@`411.5. Honorary inscription for (no name), daughter of [ ... ]menes by [de]m[os]?; 1; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, 157, no. 3. @ @@`412. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for (no name) daughter of Phil[opoimen?] by &3demos& of Samos, to Here; II&7e&%3I&7b&(?); found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 151, no. 43 (PH). @ See also: Samos 9, 68%19`82, 482, 594. @ @@@@Section: 10b3. Name Lost (413%19`442) @ @@`413. Honorary inscription for athlete (no name), victorious at Lysandreia; 401 BC%3IV&4`1&; found in Heraion: *Homann%19Wedeking, AA 80, 1965, p. 440 (PH); Habicht, Gottmenschentum&4`2& 243%19`4. @ @@`414. Honorary inscription for (no name), with artist's signature (?) by Eutychides; 120%3`90 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 24; SEG 370a. @ @@`415. End of honorary inscription (?) for son of friend by (Gaius) Sallustius Scaptia Atticus; Roman; found on Samos: *Kirchhoff, Monatsber. d. Berl. Akad. 1862, p. 78, no. 8. @ @@`416. Fragments concerning (no name), priestess of Hera; Roman; found at Kolonna: *Girard, BCH 5, 1881, pp. 488%19`9, no. 12. @ @@`417. Fragment of honorary inscription by [&3d&]&3em&[&3os&]; Roman; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 166, no. 69. @ @@`418. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name); Roman; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 166, no. 70. @ @@`419. Fragment of honorary inscription (?); Roman; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 166, no. 71. @ @@`420. Fragment of honorary inscription (?); Roman; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 167, no. 72. @ @@`421. Fragment of honorary inscription (?); Roman; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 167, no. 73. @ @@`422. Fragment of honorary inscription (?); Roman; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 167, no. 74. @ @@`423. Fragment of honorary inscription (?); Roman; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 167, no. 75. @ @@`424. Fragment of honorary inscription (?); Roman; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 167, no. 76. @ @@`425. Honorary inscription for (no name), [patr]on of city; I&4`2&; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 139, no. 33. @ @@`426. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for (no name) to Here; c. I&4`2&; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 162, no. 59. @ @@`427. Fragment of honorary inscription by &3demos&; I&7e&%3`1&7b&; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 166, no. 68. @ @@`428. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for (no name) to Here; c. I&7e&; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 162, no. 60 (PH). @ @@`429. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) by &3philoseba&[&3stos &3boule& or &3gerousia&]; imperial; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 165, no. 66. @ @@`430. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for (no name) to Here; 1; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 163, no. 61. @ @@`431. Fragment of honorary inscription for woman (no name); 1; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 163, no. 62. @ @@`432. Honorary inscription for (no name) by &3boule, de&[&3mos&], and &3systema&; 1; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 164, no. 64 (PH). @ @@`433. Honorary inscription for woman (no name) mentioning [Dru]silla (?); c. 1&7m&; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 163, no. 63. @ @@`434. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for (no name) by &3systema (?) to Here; 1&7m&; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 164, no. 65. @ @@`435. Fragment of honorary inscription by &3philosebastos& [&3boule or &3gerousia&]; 1&7e&%3`2&7b&; found in Heraion: SEG 1, 406, l. 2; *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 168, no. b (PH). @ @@`436. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for (no name) to Here; c. 2; found at Kolonna: *Stamatiades&4`1& no. 49; **MDAI(A) 1960, p. 168, no. e (ll. 1%19`4). @ @@`437. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) by [&3d&]&3emos&; 2&4`2&%3`3; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 167, no. 77. @ @@`438. Fragment of honorary inscription, mentioning &3strategoi around Scri[bonianu]s; 2&4`2&; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 165, no. 67 (PH). @ @@`439. Honorary inscription for (no name), &3tamias,& by &3strategoi and Tiberius Claudius Dynatos, Asiarch and &3archiprytanis&; AD 161%3`212; found near Pythagoreion: *Theophaneides, AD 9, 1924%19`5, pp. 102%19`4, no. 2 (PH); BE 1928, p. 377; Klaffenbach, Studies D. M. Robinson II pp. 293%19`4; **BE 1954:206 (l. 4). @ @@`440. Honorary inscription (?) dated by era made by &3strategoi holding office with Leonides; AD 175%3`6; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 40, no. 31B, p. 45; SEG 1, 396; MDAI(A) 1960, p. 168, no. a (PH). @ @@`441. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for (no name), daughter of (no name), to Here; no date; found in Heraion: *Stamatiades&4`1& no. 81; Kretikidis, Arch. p. 34; **MDAI(A) 1960, p. 168, no. f (ll. 1%19`7). @ @@`442. Four unpublished inscriptions on statue%19base; no date; found at Pythagoreion: Tsakos, AD 28, 1973, B2, p. 528. @ See also: Samos 83%19`118, 159, 165, 483, 651.5, 693, 707; IG II&4`2 3559 (honorary inscription for (no name), priestess of Eleusis, with mention of (holding a religious office in?) Samos; found in Attica); Hellenica 9, 73%19`6 (honorary inscription for (no name), athlete victorious at Heraia on Samos and elsewhere; now in Ankara, from Ionia); Maiuri, NS 37 (Simos of Samos listed among dedicators of victor's statue for (no name); found on Rhodes). @ @@@@Section: 10c. Other Honorary Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Samos 11. @ @@@@Section: 10d. Nike Inscriptions (443%19`452) @ @@`443. Nike inscription for Andronikos Theomnestou; no date; found at Pythagoreion: *CIG 2252; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 8; Kretikidis, Top. p. 267, no. 40, 4%19`5. @ @@`444. Nike inscription for Apollonides; no date; found at Pythagoreion: *CIG 2248e; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 4; Kretikidis, Top. p. 267, no. 40, 4%19`5. @ @@`445. Nike inscription (?) for Aulos and others; no date; found at Pythagoreion: *CIG 2253a; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 9; Kretikidis, Top. p. 267, no. 40, 4%19`5. @ @@`446. Nike inscription for Bassos Menophilo[u]; no date; found at Pythagoreion: *CIG 2249b; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 5; Kretikidis, Top. p. 267, no. 40, 4%19`5. @ @@`447. Nike inscription (?) for Epaphras and others; no date; found at Pythagoreion: *CIG 2248c; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 4; Kretikidis, Top. p. 267, no. 40, 4%19`5. @ @@`448. Nike inscription for Ly[2k]2os An[th ... ?]; no date; found at Pythagoreion: *CIG 2251; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 7; Kretikidis, Top. p. 267, no. 40, 4%19`5. @ @@`449. Nike inscription (?) for Metrophanes and others; no date; found at Pythagoreion: *CIG 2248d; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 4; Kretikidis, Top. p. 267, no. 40, 4%19`5. @ @@`450. Nike inscription (?) for Palai[m]o[n]; no date; found at Pythagoreion: *CIG 2249a; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 5; Kretikidis, Top. p. 267, no. 40, 4%19`5. @ @@`451. Nike inscription for Pythokles Heliod[o]rou; no date; found at Pythagoreion: *CIG 2250; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 6; Kretikidis, Top. p. 267, no. 40, 4%19`5. @ @@`452. Nike inscription (?) for Theophanes; no date; found at Pythagoreion: *CIG 2253b; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 9; Kretikidis, Top. p. 267, no. 40, 4%19`5. @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (453%19`465) @ @@`453. Horos of Apollo Nymphegetes and Nymphs; V%3IV; found near Chora: *Haussoullier, BCH 4, 1880, p. 335; Epet. 1880, 141; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 224; Dunst 1972, p. 162; Tsakos, AD 32, 1977, p. 75, no. 8. @ @@`454. Horos of [Apoll]o [Nymphege]tes; V%3IV; collected at Vathy, possibly from Brogana: *Dunst 1972, p. 162; Tsakos, AD 32, 1977, p. 76. @ @@`455. Horos of &3temenos& of Eponymoi &3Athenethen,& stoichedon; V; found at Chora, from Heraion: Rayet, Bull. ec. fran. 11, 1871, p. 231, no. 10; *Foucart, Me/m. sur les col. ath. p. 385; Kirchhoff, ADAW 1876, 2, p. 67; Curtius, Inschriften p. 9, no. 5; Epet. 1888, 137; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 226; Barron, JHS 84, 1964, p. 38, no. 9. @ @@`456. Horos of &3temenos& of [A]thena &3Athenon medeousa,& partly stoichedon; V; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 2, no. 1; Barron, JHS 84, 1964, p. 36, no. 2; Tsakos, AD 32, 1977, p. 73, no. 2. @ @@`457. Horos of &3temenos& of Athenaia &3Athenon medeousa&; V; found at Chora: *Barron, JHS 84, 1964, p. 35, no. 1 (PH); Tsakos, AD 32, 1977, p. 73, no. 1. @ @@`458. Horos of [&3te&]&3menos& of Ion &3Athenethen&; V; found at Pythagoreion: *Barron, JHS 84, 1964, p. 37, no. 5 (PH); Tsakos, AD 32, 1977, p. 75, no. 7. @ @@`459. Horos of &3temenos& of Eponymoi &3Athenethen&; V; found near Heraion: *Barron, JHS 84, 1964, no. 7 (PH); Tsakos, AD 32, 1977, p. 74, no. 4. @ @@`460. Horos of &3temenos& of Eponymoi &3Athenethen,& largely stoichedon: V; found near Heraion: *Barron, JHS 84, 1964, p. 38, no. 8 (PH); Tsakos, AD 32, 1977, p. 74, no. 5. @ @@`461. Horos of &3temenos& of Athenaia &3Athenon medeosa&; V&7m&; found at Brogana near Megale Panagia; *Tsakos, AD 32, 1977, pp. 72%19`3, no. II (PH). @ @@`462. Horos of &3temenos& of Artemis; V&7e&%3IV&7b&; found at Hagia Triada: *Tsakos, AD 32, 1977, pp. 70%19`2, no. I (PH). @ @@`463. Horos of &3temenos& of Athena &3Athenon medeosa,& stoichedon; IV(?); found near Heraion: CIG 2246; Gue/rin, Patmos et Samos p. 229; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 2; Kretikidis, Arch. p. 50, no. 1; *Curtius, Inschriften p. 9, no. 4; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 226; Barron, JHS 84, 1964, pp. 36%19`7, no. 4; Tsakos, AD 32, 1977, pp. 73%19`4, no. 3. @ @@`464. Horos of &3temenos& of Athena &3Athenon medeosa,& stoichedon; IV(?); found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, pp. 2%19`3, no. 2; SEG 1, 376; Schede 1920, p. 119; Tsakos, AD 32, 1977, pp. 73%19`4, no. 3. @ @@`465. Horos; no date; found at Sopila on island Samiopoula: *Girard, BCH 5, 1881, p. 489, no. 14. @ See also: Samos 725. @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Samos 655%19`7. @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ ҏ@@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (466%19`488) @ @@@@Section: 15a. Building Epigrams (_) @ See also: Samos 135. @ @@@@Section: 15b. Religious Epigrams (466%19`475) @ ҏ@@@@Section: 15b1. Dedicatory Epigrams (466%19`468) @ @@`466. Excised. @ @@`467. Dedication in hexameter to goddess by Cheramyes on statue of goddess; c. 560 BC; found in Heraion: Buschor, Altsamische Standbilder V pp. 83%19`4 (PH); Blu+mel, ADAW 1963, 3, 42%19`43, no. 34 (PH); SEG 19, 568; *Dunst, MDAI(A) 87, 1972, pp. 131%19`2, no. XVIII; Freyer%19Schauenburg, Samos XI no. 7. @ @@`468. Dedication in hexameter on colossal statue of young man; c. 550%3`540 BC; found in Heraion: Buschor, Altsamische Standbilder I p. 12; Buschor, Festschr. Schweitzer pp. 98%19`100; Jeffery, Local Scripts p. 329, no. 7; Schmidt, MDAI(A) 86, 1971, pp. 39%19`40 (PH); *Dunst, MDAI(A) 87, 1972, p. 132, no. XVIII; Freyer%19Schauenburg, Samos XI no. 49A (PH). @ See also: Samos 135. @ Տ@@@@Section: 15b2. Other Religious Epigrams (469%19`475) @ @@`469. Fragment of verse concerning god (?) on goblet%19sherd; VII; found in Heraion: *Technau, MDAI(A) 54, 1929, p. 63, no. 1; **Dunst, MDAI(A) 87, 1972, p. 146, no. XXI 3 (l. 1). @ @@`470. Fragment of inscription in elegiacs addressed to (Zeus?) Eleutheros; IV; prob. from Samos: *Dunst, MDAI(A) 82, 1967, pp. 72%19`6 (PH); **Peek, ZPE 10, 1973, pp. 91%19`3 (l. 3). @ @@`471. Prayer in complex verse to Apollo; 2%3`3; found at Chora: *Dunst, Chiron 2, 1972, pp. 198%19`200, no. B (PH). @ @@`472. Prayer for hunter Pythas in complex verse to Artemis; 2%3`3; found at Chora: Stamatiades&4`1& no. 50; Kretikidis, Arch. p. 38, no. 3; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 223; *Dunst, Chiron 2, 1972, pp. 198%19`200, no. A (PH). @ @@`473. Prayer in hexameters to Here for governor Aidesios; AD 361%3`363; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 45, no. 36A; SEG 1, 405A; Peek, MDAI(A) 66, 1941, p. 78, note 1 (PH); Hellenica 4, 55%19`9, A; SEG 15, 527; **Wilhelm, Griechische Epigramme, p. 30, no. 36 (ll. 1, 2, 4); SEG 30, 1081. @ @@`474. Prayer in elegiacs to Here by Gregorios, governor; AD 361%3`363; found in Heraion: *Peek, MDAI(A) 66, 1941, pp. 76%19`8, no. 21 (PH); Hellenica 4, pp. 59%19`60; SEG 15, 528; Merkelbach, ZPE 12, 1973, p. 216; **Wilhelm, Griechische Epigramme pp. 29%19`30, no. 35 (ll. 2%19`8); SEG 30, 1082. @ @@`475. Prayer in hexameters to Here by governor of Islands Ploutarchos; AD 361%3`3; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 45, no. 36B; SEG 1, 405B; **Peek, MDAI(A) 66, 1941, p. 78, note 1 (PH) (l. 0); **Hellenica 4, pp. 55%19`9, B (ll. 0, 6); SEG 15, 527; **Peek, Wiss. Ztschrft. Halle 4, 1954%19`5, 218 (l. 6). @ @@@@Section: 15c. Honorary Epigrams (476%19`483) @ @@`476. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for Hegesagores Zoiilo, who led Samians in sea%19battle in Egypt; 459%3`4 BC; found in Heraion: *Peek, Klio 32, 1939, pp. 289%19`306 (PH); Jeffery, Local Scripts p. 331, no. 21 (PH); ML 34; **Dunst, MDAI(A) 87, 1972, pp. 152%19`3, no. XXIII (l. 5). @ @@`477. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for [He]stiaios by &3hierourgoi&; no date; collected at Pythagoreion: *Peek, AE 1931, p. 116, no. 12. @ @@`478. Honorary (amatory) inscription in elegiacs for Krates, who is addressed by Eros; late Hellenistic; collected at Pythagoreion: *Peek, AE 1931, pp. 115%19`6, no. 11. @ @@`479. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for Leon Aristonos, historian of Samos, with honorary%3dedicatory inscription for him by &3demos& of Samos to Here; c. 150 BC; found in Heraion: *Peek, Klio 33, 1940, pp. 164%19`170. @ @@`480. Two honorary inscriptions in elegiacs for Maiandrios, leader of Samians at Eurymedon; c. 305%3c. 270 BC; found in Heraion: *Klaffenbach, MDAI(A) 51, 1926, pp. 26%19`8, no. 1; Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 51, 1926, pp. 155%19`6; Buschor, Philologus 86, 1930, pp. 424%19`6 (PH); Wade%19Gery, JHS 53, 1933, pp. 97%19`101 (PH); Peek, Harvard Studies Ferguson 1940, pp. 116%19`120; **Dunst 1972, pp. 149%19`152, no. XXII (ll. 1%19`2); Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 66, no. Samos 363. @ @@`481. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for [Volu]mnius, Roman governor, for building aqueduct; AD 360%3`500; found at Chora: CIG 2257; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 12; *Kaibel 1073; Kretikidis, Top. pp. 29%19`30, no. 1; **Hellenica 4, pp. 66%19`74 (l. 14); **SEG 15, 529 (l. 6); **Peek, Wiss. Ztschrft. Halle 4, 1954%19`5, 219 (l. 13). @ @@`482. Honorary (?) inscription in hexameters (?) for (?) (no name) Stratonos; no date; found at Kolonna: *Girard, BCH 5, 1881, p. 486, no. 8. @ @@`483. Honorary (or funerary or dedicatory?) inscription in elegiacs for (no name), who did something to tyrant; III; found in Heraion: *Peek, MDAI(A) 66, 1941, pp. 75%19`6, no. 20 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 15d. Funerary Epigrams (484%19`486) @ @@`484. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Philon Eperatou; c. 100 BC; found at Pythagoreion: *Wilamowitz, ADAW 1909, pp. 62%19`3, no. 21; Greifenhagen, AA 48, 1933, pp. 440%19`2, no. 10 (PH); **Horn, Samos XII no. 166d (PH) (l. 14); Peek, GVI 1154. @ @@`485. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Tyrinna; no date; found on Samos: *CIG 2258; Stamatiades&4`1& p. 358 and no. 13; Kretikidis, Phil. p. 100; Kaibel 224; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 312; Peek, GVI 1121. @ @@`486. Metrical (?) fragment with word &3kataphthimen&[ ... ]; no date; found at Chora: *Kretikidis, Top. p. 71. @ See also: Knigge, MDAI(A) 84, 1969, p. 81 (funerary inscription in elegiacs for Leanax Heragoreo of Samos; found in Attica); Didyma 568.b (%6 IDidyma 538) (%6 Peek, GVI I 1890) (funerary epigram mentioning Samos; found at Didyma); ILindos 621 (funerary inscription in elegiacs for Leon of Samos; found at Lindos on Rhodes); IG XIV 1703 (funerary inscription in elegiacs for Laudike of Samos; found at Rome). @ @@@@Section: 15e. Varia (487) @ @@`487. Inscription in elegiacs recording giving to Pistos of fragment of vase; VII&7e&; found in Heraion?: Technau, MDAI(A) 54, 1929, p. 64, no. 2; Eilmann, MDAI(A) 58, 1933, pp. 108%19`110; Friedla+nder %9 Hoffleit, Epigrammata no. 94; Jeffery, Local Scripts, p. 328, no. 1; *Dunst 1972, pp. 145%19`6, no. XXI 2 (PH); Walter%19Karydi, Samos VI 1 p. 9 and no. 179 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 15f. Dubia (488) @ @@`488. Fragment of inscription in elegiacs concerning hunting, perhaps about Artemis; II%3I; found in Heraion: *Dunst, Chiron 2, 1972, pp. 196%19`8 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (489%19`651) @ @@@@Section: 16a. Name Preserved (489%19`633) @ @@`489. Funerary inscription for Alexandros Herodotou; no date; found in Heraion: *Kretikidis, Top. 66; **MDAI(A) 1924, pp. 28%19`9, no. 4 (l. 2). @ @@`490. Funerary inscription for Alkyo Glauko; V; found near Pythagoreion: Epet. 1887, 140; Kondoleon, MDAI(A) 12, 1887, p. 259, no. 34; *Friedla+nder, Herakles, p. 82, note 1. @ @@`491. Funerary inscription for Anaxagoure Hyblesiou; no date; found at Glyphada: *Stamatiades&4`1& no. 73; Jacobsthal, MDAI(A) 31, 1906, p. 418. @ @@`492. Funerary inscription for Anaxila Sosipatrou; II&4`2&%3I; collected at Pythagoreion: *MDAI(A) 1912, p. 208, no. 7, fig. 7 (PH); Horn, Samos XII 131a (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1119 (PH9. @ @@`493. Funerary inscription for Anchiale Simio; V; found on Samos: *Kirchhoff, Monatsber. d. Berl. Akad. 1862, 78. @ @@`494. Funerary inscription for Andromachos Apolloniou and others; I&4`1&; found on Samos: Horn, Samos XII no. 158 (PH); *Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1517 (PH). @ @@`495. Funerary inscription for Agathemeros Euphranoros; no date; found at Mytilini: Stamatiades&4`1& no. 52; *Kretikidis, Top. p. 78, no. 4; **Wiegand, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, p. 211, no. 124 (l. 1). @ @@`496. Funerary inscription for Aineas Demostratou; no date; found near Dontia: *Epet. 1886, 149. @ @@`497. Funerary inscription for Publius Aciliu[s] Cheilon and son Publius Ac[i]lius Venustu[s]; Roman; found at Pythagoreion: *MDAI(A) 1924, p. 48, no. 11.2. @ @@`498. Funerary inscription for Alexandra Eikadiou; I&4`2&%3`1?; collected at Pythagoreion: *Wiegand, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, pp. 193%19`4, no. 91 (PH); Horn, Samos XII 111 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 442 (PH). @ @@`499. Funerary inscription for Antiochis Diodorou, &3heroine&; II&4`2&; collected at Vathy: *Wiegand, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, p. 197, no. 96 (PH); Horn, Samos XII 132 (PH). @ @@`500. Funerary inscription for Apleros Hermogenous of Smyrna; no date; found at Pythagoreion, prob. wandered there: Stamatiades&4`1 no. 56; *Wiegand, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, pp. 200%19`1, no. 103 (PH); **Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 2178 (PH) (l. 4). @ @@`501. Funerary inscription for Apollodoros Herakleideo the Egyptian; no date; found near Chora, poss. wandered: *Gue/rin, Patmos et Samos p. 212; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 53; Kretikidis, Top. p. 38, no. 2; Robert, Et. ep. p. 116, note 8. @ @@`502. Funerary inscription for Apollodoros Kleonaio, stoichedon; V; found in Misokampos: *BCH 79, 1955, p. 289. @ @@`503. Funerary inscription for Apollonios Phyrsonos; no date; found in Heraion?: Epet. 1879, 149; *Stamatiades&4`2& p. 208. @ @@`504. Funerary inscription for Archia Belonos of Naxos; no date; fouund at Chora: *Kretikidis, Top. pp. 72%19`3, no. 4. @ @@`504.5. Funerary inscription for Areskon and family; no date; found at Anaia: Keil, JO+AI 11, 1908 Beibl. 162, no. 5A; Kubins/ka, Monuments 77; *IEphesos 3138A. @ @@`505. Funerary inscription for Arine; no date; found at Potokaki: *Epet. 1889, 128. @ @@`505.5. Funerary inscription for Aristaios Lykeo; IV&4`1&; found at Anaia: *IEphesos 3141; **Malay, Travaux et Recherches en Turquie 2, 1984, 131%19`2 (PH) (l. 1); SEG 34, 1128. @ @@`506. Unpublished funerary inscription for Aristarchos Herakleidou; no date; found on Samos: Dunst 1972, pp. 134%19`5. @ @@`507. Funerary inscription for Aristion and others; II&4`2&%3I; found near Pythagoreion: *Girard, BCH 5, 1881, p. 490, no. 20; Wiegand, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, p. 192, no. 89; Horn, Samos XII 131 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 702 (PH). @ @@`508. Funerary inscription for Aristomenes Theodotou and others; I%3`1; found at Pythagoreion: Girard, BCH 5, 1881, p. 491, no. 21; MDAI(A) 1912, p. 210, no. 11; *Horn, Samos XII 170 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 2003 (PH). @ @@`509. Funerary inscription for Aristos Aristonos; I&7e&%3`1; collected at Pythagoreion: *MDAI(A) 1912, p. 209, no. 8; **Horn, Samos XII 127 (PH) (l. 1). @ @@`510. Funerary inscription for(?) Artemidora; c. I; collected at Pythagoreion: *MDAI(A) 1912, p. 209, no. 10. @ @@`511. Funerary inscription for Artemisia Our[iou] and others; 1%3`2; found at Pythagoreion: *Wiegand, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, pp. 191%19`2, no. 88 (PH); Horn, Samos XII 129 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 826 (PH). @ @@`511.5. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [Ar]temon [Apoll]oniou by bo[ule] and demos of Anaia; no date; found at Anaia: Keil, JO+AI 11, 1908 Beibl. 163%19`4, no. 6; *IEphesos 3139. @ @@`512. Unpublished funerary inscription for [A]thenais Rhotios; V; found on Samos: Jacobsthal, MDAI(A) 31, 1906, p. 416, note 1. @ @@`513. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]tos and Aur[elias] Eutychia; imperial; found at Pythagoreion: *Stamatiades&4`2& pp. 206%19`7. @ @@`514. Funerary inscription for Bitinne Battarados; V; found on Samos: *Masson, REG 83, 1970, pp. 357%19`9 (PH). @ @@`515. Funerary inscription for Boubas Mokaporidos and Gigligekos Dindirtoridos; Hellenistic; found at Mytilini: *CIG 3795; Dunst, Chiron 1, 1971, pp. 112%19`3; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1769. @ @@`516. Funerary inscription for Bromios and others; no date; found at Pythagoreion: *Stamatiades&4`1& no. 77; MDAI(A) 1924, p. 29, no. 7; **Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1970 (ll. 1, 2). @ @@`517. Funerary inscription for Charepos [ ... ]tos; no date; found at Hagia Zone: *Kretikidis, Perib. 24. @ @@`518. Funerary inscription for Chelone Leodamantos; no date; found near Pythagoreion: Epet. 1887, 140; *Kondoleon, MDAI(A) 12, 1887, p. 259, no. 35. @ @@`519. Funerary inscription for Chrysis Dionysiou; no date; found on Samos: *Homolle, BCH 15, 1891, p. 673. @ @@`520. Funerary inscription for gladiator Chrysos; 2%3`3; collected at Pythagoreion: *Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1215 (PH); SEG 29, 761. @ @@`521. Funerary inscription for Danaie Morthmythideo of Miletos; V; found at Pythagoreion: *Clerc, BCH 7, 1883, p. 80, no. 3. @ @@`522. Funerary inscription for (or dedicatory inscription by?) Demandros Protocharios on stele, boustrophedon; VI&7b&; found at Myli: Curtius, RhM 29, 1874, pp. 160, 165%19`6, no. 2; Curtius, Inschriften no. 1; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 71, note 2; Roehl, IGA 383; *Buschor, MDAI(A) 58, 1933, p. 24, no. 1; Jeffery, Local Scripts p. 328, no.2. @ @@`523. Funerary inscription for Diagores; 530%3`510 BC; found at Vathy: *Boehlau, Nekropolen p. 154; Buschor, MDAI(A) 58, 1933, pp. 31%19`2, no. 1 (PH); To+lle, Antike Stadt Samos pp. 92%19`3 (PH); Freyer%19Schauenburg, Samos XI no. 90 (PH). @ @@`524. Funerary inscription for Diodoros Hermodamantos and others; II&4`2&%3I; collected at Vathy: *Wiegand, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, pp. 196%19`7, no. 95; Horn, Samos XII 121 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 136 (PH). @ @@`525. Funerary inscription for Dionysia Meniskes; 28 BC%3AD 14; collected at Vathy: *Horn, Samos XII 117 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 902 (PH). @ @@`526. Funerary inscription for Doris Demetriou; no date; found near Pythagoreion: *Epet. 1886, 148. @ @@`527. Funerary inscription for Ekphantides Euthykritou &3Anagyrasios,& on stele; 365%3`322 BC; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1919, p. 3, no. 3; SEG 1, 377. @ @@`528. Funerary inscription for Emprepon Anaxenoros; V; found at Chora: *Fabricius, MDAI(A) 9, 1884, p. 261, no. 4b; Epet. 1886, 147. @ @@`529. Funerary inscription for Enkolpios, son of Ti(berius) Claud[i]us Herophilos; 1%3`2; found in Heraion: *Michaud, BCH 95, 1971, p. 1036 (PH). @ @@`530. Funerary inscription for Epandros Diogenou; no date; found in Heraion?: Epet. 1876, 163; *Stamatiades&4`2& p. 207. @ @@`531. Funerary inscription for Epaphroditos Aristou; no date; found in Heraion?: Epet. 1876, 163; *Stamatiades&4`2& p. 207. @ @@`532. Funerary inscription for Epigenes the Locrian; no date; found at Traganai outside Chora: Epet. 1888, 136; *Kondoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, pp. 101%19`2, no. 41. @ @@`533. Funerary inscription for Epikrates Epikratous the younger; no date; found at Glyphada: *Stamatiades&4`1& no. 71. @ @@`534. Funerary inscription for Erasmios &3threptos& by Quintus Lutatius Menandros; Roman; collected at Pythagoreion: *Evanghelidis, AD 11, 1927%19`8, p. 33, no. 11. @ @@`535. Funerary inscription for Eumanes Nanna; I; found at Pythagoreion: Kretikidis, Arch. p. 45; *Wiegand, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, p. 190, no. 87; Horn, Samos XII 171 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1903 (PH). @ @@`536. Funerary inscription for Gamike Zosimou; AD 165; found at Phurni near Karlovasi: *Fabricius, MDAI(A) 9, 1884, pp. 262%19`3, no. 4g; Wiegand, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, p. 201, no. 104 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 2132 (PH). @ @@`537. Unpublished funerary inscription for Gerellane Diogenis; no date; found at Mytilini: *Fabricius, MDAI(A) 9, 1884, p. 263. @ @@`538. Funerary inscription for wife Gerellane Monime and motehr Gerellane Apate by (no name) Apolloniou; no date; found near Chora: *CIG 2259b; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 14; Kretikidis, Perib. 35. @ @@`539. Funerary inscription by Gerellanos Pankaristos Attas for self and family, with fine for unauthorized burials; AD 163; found near Chora: *Fabricius, MDAI(A) 9, 1884, p. 263, no. 4h; Epet. 1886, 147%19`8. @ @@`540. Funerary inscription for [G]ordiamos, boustrophedon: 550%3`540 BC; found at Pythagoreion: *Buschor, MDAI(A) 58, 1933, p. 26, no. 1; **Jeffery, Local Scripts pp. 329%19`330, no. 8 (ll. 1, 2). @ @@`541. Funerary inscription for Hedylion Antiphontos; no date; found in Heraion: *Kretikidis, Top. 66; MDAI(A) 1924, p. 28, no. 2. @ @@`542. Funerary inscription for Hedylos Diog[ ... ] &3Halaeus&; V; found at Mytilini: *Fabricius, MDAI(A) 9, 1884, pp. 260%19`1, no. 4a; Epet. 1886, 147. @ @@`543. Funerary inscription for Hegesagores Hyblesio, stoichedon; V; found at Dontia: *Jacobsthal, MDAI(A) 31, 1906, pp. 415%19`420 (PH). @ @@`544. Funerary inscription for Hegesipos; no date; found at Chora: *Kretikidis, Top. p. 72, no. 3. @ @@`545. Funerary inscription for Helike Diokleious; III; collected at Pythagoreion: *Evanghelidis, AD 11, 1927%19`8, p. 33, no. 9 (PH). @ @@`546. Funerary inscription for Heraklea Altou; no date; found at Mytilini: *Wiegand, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, p. 211, no. 124. @ @@`547. Funerary inscription for Herakleides Bakkhiou &3heros&; late; found at Pythagoreion: *Gue/rin, Patmos et Samos p. 205; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 5; Kretikidis, Top. 39, no. 3; MDAI(A) 1924, p. 29, no. 5; **Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1829 (l. 2). @ @@`548. Funerary inscription for Herakleitos Hegemonos of Kolophon; V; found at Chora: *Fabricius, MDAI(A) 9, 1884, p. 261, no. 4e; Epet. 1886, 147; Epet. 1889, 128. @ @@`549. Funerary inscription for Hermas by son Ep[aphro]deitos; no date; found near Chora: *CIG 2259a; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 14; Kretikidis, Perib. 35. @ @@`550. Funerary inscription for [Her]mione Laandrou of Smy[rna]; II&7e&; collected at Pythagoreion: *Horn, Samos XII 113 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 901 (PH). @ @@`551. Unpublished funerary inscription for Hermokles Dorypeitheos; V; found on Samos: Jacobsthal, MDAI(A) 31, 1906, p. 416, note 1; Peek, Klio, 32, 1939, p. 290. @ @@`552. Funerary inscription for Herodotos Nikonos; no date; found near Chora: *Epet. 1889, 128. @ @@`553. Funerary inscription for Homonoia; no date; found at Vathy: Kretikidis, Perib. 23; *Kretikidis, Top. 48. @ @@`553.5. Funerary inscription for Homonoia; no date; found at Vathy: *MDAI(A) 1924, 30%19`31, no. 5. @ @@`554. Funerary inscription for Hyblesie Tharsagoreo; 480%3`450 BC; found near Heraion: *Peek, Klio 32, 1939, p. 291. @ @@`555. Funerary inscription for Isigenea Hermokratou; I&4`1&; found at Pythagoreion: *Horn, Samos XII 166 (PH); **Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1880 (l. 1). @ @@`556. Funerary inscription in Latin for G(aius) Iulius Martialis and others; Roman; found near Mytilini: *Gue/rin, Patmos et Samos p. 245; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 46; Kretikidis, Perib. 30; CIL III 457. @ @@`557. Funerary inscription for Kalliste of Kanopos; no date; found at Vathy: Stamatiades&4`1& no. 41; Kretikidis, Arch. p. 45, no. 3; **MDAI(A) 1924, pp. 42%19`3, no. 9 (l. 5); *Evanghelidis, AD 11, 1927%19`8, Par. 31, no. 2 (PH); Robert, Et. ep. 117 (PH). @ @@`558. Funerary inscription for Kerses Zenodoto; V; found near Pythagoreion: *Kondoleon, MDAI(A) 12, 1887, p. 259, no. 33; Epet. 1887, 140; Dunst, Chiron 1, 1971, pp. 111%19`4. @ @@`559. Funerary inscription for Claudia Appharion Lolliane, daughter of Ti(berius) Claudius Matreas; 1; prob. from Samos: *CIG 3277; **MDAI(A) 1924, p. 47 (l. 3). @ @@`560. Funerary inscription for Kleidike Phokylo; V; found at Dontia: *Girard, BCH 5, 1881, pp. 489%19`490, no. 16. @ @@`561. Funerary inscription for Kleopatra Demetriou and others; Hellenistic; found near Pythagoreion: *Wrede, MDAI(A) 54, 1929, p. 92, no. 2e. @ @@`562. Funerary inscription for Konche; 520%3`500 BC; found at Vathy: *Boehlau, Nekropolen 154. @ @@`563. Funerary inscription for Kreousa Kritonos and Hermagoras Kritonos; I%3`1; found at Vathy: *Horn, Samos XII no. 154 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1586 (PH). @ @@`564. Funerary inscription for Kydias; no date; collected at Vathy: *Wiegand, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, pp. 175%19`6, no. 55 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1992 (PH). @ @@`565. Funerary inscription for Lais Phoinikos; I%3imperial; found at Pythagoreion: *Wiegand, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, pp. 178%19`180, no. 59 (PH); Horn, Samos XII no. 146 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1581 (PH). @ @@`566. Funerary inscription for Lammo Zenonos; V; found at Mytilini: *Fabricius, MDAI(A) 9, 1884, p. 261, no. 4c; Epet. 1886, 147. @@`567. Funerary inscription for Laodike Sokratous Erotion; no date; found in Heraion?: Epet. 1876, 163%19`4; *Stamatiades&4`2& p. 207. @ @@`568. Funerary inscription in Latin for Lappulius; Roman; found near Pagondas: *Kretikidis, Top. 53. @ @@`568.5. Funerary inscription for Lenais Charepou; no date; found at Hagia Zone: *Kretikidis, Perib. 24. @ @@`569. Funerary inscription for [Le]odamas [Ma]ndronaktideo; V; found between Pythagoreion, Chora, and Heraion: Evanghelidis, AE 1924, p. 83; *Bakalakis, AD 18, 1963 I p. 164 (PH); **BE 1966:338 (l. 1); **BE 1967:448 (l. 2). @ @@`570. Funerary inscription for Lozyros Xanthou and others; no date; found in Heraion?: Epet. 1878, 152; *Stamatiades&4`2& p. 208. @ @@`571. Funerary inscription for Maiandrios Apollothemios of Kyzikos; V; found at Dontia: *Girard, BCH 5, 1881, p. 489, no. 15. @ @@`572. Funerary inscription for Manasas; no date; found outside Pythagoreion: Epet. 1888, 136; *Kondoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, p. 102, no. 45. @ @@`573. Unpublished funerary inscription for Mannos Pana[ ... ]; no date; found at Pythagoreion: *To+lle%19Kastenbein, Samos XIV p. 175 (PH). @ @@`574. Funerary inscription for Markia Posilla; Roman; found at Glyphada: *Stamatiades&4`1& no. 72. @ @@`575. Funerary inscription for Mas Alesandrou; 2; found at Pagondas: Epet. 1876, 164; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 207; MDAI(A) 1924, p. 48, no. 11.3; **MDAI(A) 1960, p. 141, note 253 (ll. 1, 2); *Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 2317 (PH); SEG 29, 760. @ @@`575.5. Funerary inscription for Medios Pe[i]sistrato; IV&4`1&; found near Anaia: *IEphesos 3143; **Malay, Travaux et Recherches en Turquie, 2, 1984, 131 (PH) (l. 2); SEG 34, 1129. @ @@`576. Funerary inscription for Melantis Mnemonos; no date; found in Misokampos: *Stamatiades&4`1& no. 47. @ @@`577. Funerary inscription for &3bestiarius& Melpis; Roman; found in Heraion: *Wiegand, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, pp. 202%19`3, no. 107 (PH); Robert, Gladiateurs no. 223. @ @@`578. Funerary inscription for Menekrates Menekratous; I; found on Samos: *Horn, Samos XII no. 158 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1517 (PH). @ @@`579. Funerary inscription for Menekrates Potamonos; Roman; found at Pythagoreion: *Gardner, JHS 7, 1886, p. 153; Epet. 1887, 140. @ @@`580. Funerary inscription for Menoitios and Nauarchia; III; collected at Vathy: *Horn, Samos XII no. 137 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1826 (PH). @ @@`581. Funerary inscription for Menophilos Aristou; II&4`2&; found at Pythagoreion: Epet. 1876, 163; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 207; *Wiegand, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, p. 195, no. 93 (PH); Horn, Samos XII 120 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 266 (PH). @ @@`582. Funerary inscription for Metriche Apollodorou by daughter Artemidora Herakle[i]dou; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mytilini: *MDAI(A) 1912, p. 209; Horn, Samos XII 144 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1593 (PH). @ @@`583. Funerary inscription for Metro Diodorou; c. I&7e&; collected at Vathy: *Wiegand, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, p. 196, no. 94 (PH); Horn, Samos XII 116 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 968 (PH). @ @@`584. Funerary inscription for Metro Maiandriou; V%3IV; found at Mytilini: Kretikidis, Top. 77, no. 2; *Fabricius, MDAI(A) 9, 1884, p. 261, no. 4d; Epet. 1886, 147; Jacobsthal, MDAI(A) 31, 1906, p. 416, note 1. @ @@`585. Funerary inscription for Nais and others; 1; found at Pythagoreion: *Horn, Samos XII 131c (PH). @ @@`586. Funerary inscription for Neikolaos and others; c. II&7e&; collected at Vathy: *Wiegand, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, pp. 197%19`8, no. 97 (PH); Horn, Samos XII 133 (PH); **Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 716 (PH) (ll. 3%19`4). @ @@`587. Unpublished funerary inscription for Nelon Herophilo; V; found on Samos: *Raubitschek, JO+AI 31, 1938, Beibl. p. 63 (PH). @ @@`588. Funerary inscription for Nikaia Simonos; II%3I; found in Beirut, wandered from Samos: *AE 1854, p. 1131, no. 2179; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 32; Horn, Samos XII no. 141 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1639 (PH). @ @@`589. Funerary inscription for Nike Aischrionos; Roman; found at Pythagoreion: Stamatiades&4`1& no. 54; Kirchhoff, Monatsb. d. Berl. Akad. 1862, p. 78, no. 10; Kretikidis, Perib. 36; *Gardner, JHS 6, 1885, p. 350, no. 97a; **MDAI(A) 1924, p. 48, no. 11.3 (l. 5). @ @@`590. Funerary inscription for Nikesios; II; collected at Oxford, prob. from Samos: *Horn, Samos 157b (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1514 (PH). @ @@`591. Funerary inscriptions for Nikeso, Asklepiades, and others; no date; found at Chora: *Kondoleon, MDAI(A) 12, 1887, pp. 258%19`9, no. 32; Epet. 1887, 140. @ @@`592. Funerary inscription for Olbiogenes Apolloniou; II&4`2&%3I; found at Mytilenaioi: *Horn, Samos XII 164 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1883 (PH). @ @@`593. Funerary inscription for Valerianus by brothers Asklepiades &3Aknoneus& (?) and others; Roman; collected at Pythagoreion: *Evanghelidis, AD 11, 1927%19`8, p. 33, no. 13. @ @@`594. Honorary%3funerary inscription (?) for Valerius Taurus Asiaticus, son of proconsul, by G(aius) Sallustius; prob. AD 108%3`9; found in Heraion: *Stamatiades&4`1& no. 62; Kirchhoff, Monatsb. d. Berl. Akad. 1862, p. 76, no. 6; Waddington, Fastes p. 195, no. 127; Stamatiades&4`2& pp. 164%19`5; **IGRR IV 960 (ll. 2, 3); **MDAI(A) 1924, pp. 43%19`4 (ll. 0, 0a, 1, 2, 15). @ @@`595. Unpublished inscription for Panous Amorgio; V; collected at Pythagoreion: *Evanghelidis, AE 1924, p. 84. @ @@`596. Funerary inscription for Pasignotos Heragoreo; V; found near Glyphada: *Evanghelidis, AD 11, 1927%19`8, Par. p. 32, no. 6 (PH). @ @@`597. Funerary inscription for Perikles and others; no date; found on Samos: **Stamatiades&4`1& no. 64 (l. 5); *Kirchhoff, Monatsb. d. Berl. Akad. 1862, p. 78, no. 11. @ @@`598. Funerary inscription for Philaine Herogetonos, stoichedon; V; found on Samos: *Evanghelidis, AD 11, 1927%19`8, Par. p. 32, no. 5 (PH). @ ֪@@`598.5. Funerary inscription for Philetairos and family; no date; found at Anaia: Keil, JO+AI 11, 1908 Beibl. 162 no. 5B; *IEphesos 3138B. @ @@`599. Funerary inscription for [ ... ] Gaii Quirina Flavianus, equestrian officer; imperial; from near Pythagoreion (or from Vathy?): Epet. 1880, 140%19`1. *Fabricius, MDAI(A) 9, 1884, p. 262, no. 4; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 222; ILS 8865; **IGRR IV 964 (l. 5). @ @@`600. Funerary inscription in Latin for &3magistri& Ser(vius) Fulvius Herodotos and Ser(vius) Fulvius Patroklos; Roman; found below Speliane: Stamatiades&4`1& no. 67; *CIL III 458. @ @@`601. Funerary inscription for Phoxies Apollonideo; V&7e&; collected at Pythagoreion: *Evanghelidis, AD 11, 1927%19`8, Par. 32, no. 7 (PH). @ @@`602. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]mos and Piste; II%3I; found at Potokaki: *Klaffenbach, MDAI(A) 51, 1926, p. 38, no. 6. @ @@`603. Funerary inscription for Publius Plotius Auli f(ilius) Rufus; Roman; found in Heraion: Stamatiades&4`1& no. 35; *Kretikidis, Arch. p. 28, no. 6; Wiegand, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, p. 146, no. 6. @ @@`604. Funerary inscription for Polemaios Nikanoros; III; found near Glyphada: *Evanghelidis, AD 11, 1927%19`8, p. 33, no. 10 (PH). @ @@`605. Funerary inscription for Polla Avill[ia] Rhom[aia]; II&7e&%3I&4`1&; collected at Vathy: MDAI(A) 1912, p. 209, no. 9; *Horn, Samos XII 134a (PH). @ @@`606. Funerary inscription for Pollichos Kallinou; IV; collected at Pythagoreion: *Evanghelidis, AD 11, 1927%19`8, pp. 32%19`3, no. 8 (PH). @ @@`607. Funerary inscription for Polydamas Nikionos; no date; found in Heraion: *Michaud, BCH 95, 1971, p. 1030 (PH). @ @@`608. Funerary inscription for [P]ompis Demokrineos; 600%3`525 BC; found near Mytilini: *Curtius, RhM 29, 1874, pp. 160%19`3, no. 1; Curtius, Inschriften no. 3; Stamatiades&4`2& p. 217; Roehl, IGA 387. @ @@`609. Funerary inscription for Poseidippos Neomados; IV; found at Kalyvi in Misokampos: *Theophaneides, AD 9, 1924%19`5, p. 104, no. 3 (PH). @ @@`610. Funerary inscription for Prepon; no date; found at Pythagoreion: *Wiegand, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, p. 190, no. 87; Horn, Samos XII 171 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1903 (PH). @ @@`611. Funerary inscription for Prokleios Amyros; no date; found at Chora: *Epet. 1889, 128. @ @@`612. Funerary inscription for Protodikos Egesikleos, on stele; 600%3`525 BC; found at Pythagoreion: *Curtius, MDAI(A) 31, 1906, pp. 184%19`5 (PH). @ @@`613. Funerary inscription for Phoumathas Noumeniou and Aisopos Demetriou of Sidon; I%3imperial; found near Chora: *Wiegand, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, p. 194, no. 92; Horn, Samos XII 133; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1069 (PH). @ @@`614. Funerary inscription for Publius Sa[b]binnios Publi filius [V]elina, with curse for violation; Roman; found on road between Mytilini and Vathy: *CIG 2260; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 15; Kretikidis, Top. 78, no. 5; **MDAI(A) 1924, p. 44 (ll 1%19`6). @ @@`615. Funerary inscription for Silanos the Arcadian; no date; found at Mytilini: *Kretikidis, Top. p. 77, no. 3. @ @@`616. Funerary inscription for Simakon Sothou and Nikon Menodorou; late Hellenistic; found at Glyphada: *Stamatiades&4`2& p. 206; Wiegand, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, p. 181, no. 61; Horn, Samos XII 145 (PH); **Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1575 (PH) (l. 1). @ @@`617. Funerary inscription for Skythainis and [D]aiphron Demetriou; imperial; collected at Vathy: *Wiegand, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, p. 199, no. 99; Horn, Samos XII 118 (PH); **Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 809 (PH) (l. 1). @ @@`618. Funerary inscription for Sokrates &3Lamptreus&; V%3IV; found near Pythagoreion: *Girard, BCH 5, 1881, pp. 489%19`490, no. 18. @ @@`619. Funerary inscription for Sopatros Stratonidou; 2; found at Glyphada: Stamatiades&4`2& p. 206; *Wiegand, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, p. 193, no. 90 (PH); Horn, Samos XII 126; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 116 (PH). @ @@`620. Funerary inscription in Latin for Sossia Polla by husband Pompeius Falco, proconsul of Asia; c. 129 AD; found at Pythagoreion: *Diehle %9 Holleaux, BCH 8, 1884, pp. 465%19`7, no. 1; To+lle%19Kastenbein, Samos XIV p. 175 (PH). @ 쪵@@`620.5. Funerary inscription for Sostra[tos] Telekle[ous] of Athens; IV?; found at Anaia: Keil, JO+AI 11, 1908 Beibl. 164 no. 7; *IEphesos 3140. @ @@`621. Funerary inscription for Sostratos Epameinonos; V; found near Chora: *Girard, BCH 5, 1881, pp. 489%19`490, no. 17. @ @@`622. Funerary inscription for [T]echnandro[.]; V&4`1&; found at Vathy: *Buschor, MDAI(A) 58, 1933, p. 25, no. 7; Jeffery, Local Scripts, pp. 329%19`330, no. 18. @ @@`623. Funerary inscription for Themine wife of Diagores; V; collected at Pythagoreion: Epet. 1889, 128; *Evanghelidis, AE 1924, pp. 83%19`4; Wrede, MDAI(A) 54, 1929, p. 91, no. 2c (PH). @ @@`624. Funerary inscription for Themisto[ ... ] Matro[ ... ]; no date; found near Pythagoreion: *Epet. 1886, 148. @ @@`625. Funerary inscription for [Theod]oros Am[br]osios; no date; found on Samos: Kretikidis, Perib. 36; *Gardner, JHS 6, 1885, p. 350. @ @@`626. Funerary inscription for Theoxenos Dioskourido[u] and Metro Apollados; no date; found near Agiades: *Evanghelidis, AD 11, 1927%19`8, p. 33, no. 12 (PH). @ @@`627. Funerary inscription for Timonax; VI; found on Samos: Boehlau, Nekropolen 154; *Evanghelidis, AE 1924, 84. @ @@`628. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]os Tonneios P[ ... ] and [Are]skousa; II%3I; found at Potokaki: *Klaffenbach, MDAI(A) 51, 1926, p. 39, no. 7. @ @@`629. Funerary inscription for Xerxes Dionysio; V&7m&; found near Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1912, pp. 215%19`6, no. 16; Schede 1920, p. 119. @ @@`630. Funerary inscription for Zoilos Demetriou and Demetrios Andromachou; c. 100 BC; found at Glyphada: Stamatiades&4`2& p. 206; *Wiegand, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, pp. 184%19`5; Horn, Samos XII no. 160 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1913 (PH). @ @@`631. Unpublished funerary inscription for [Z]oiilotos Pseromandro; V; found in Heraion: Peek, Klio 32, 1939, p. 293. @ @@`632. Funerary inscription for Zosimos; no date; found on Samos: *AE 1854, p. 1131, no. 2178; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 31. @ @@`633. Funerary inscription for Zosippos; no date; found at Chora: Stamatiades&4`1& no. 76; *Kretikidis, Top. 73, no. 5. @ See also: Samos 484%19`5, 665%19`6; Mylonas, BCH 2, 1878, pp. 365%19`6, no. 3 (funerary inscription for Tito of Samos; found in Attica); IG I&4`2& 1005 (funerary inscription for Antistasis of [S]amos; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 3207, ll. 20%19`2 (honorary%3funerary inscription for Lykourgos includes honors by &3demos& on Samos; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 6417 (funerary inscription for Heragoras Herodotou of Samos and others; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 10223, 10226%19`10233 (funerary inscription for named Samians; found in Attica); Willemsen, MDAI(A) 78, 1963, pp. 123%19`5, no. 5 (funerary inscription for Aischros Zoiilo of Samos; found in Attica); Bradeen, Ath. Agora Fun. Monuments 657 (funerary inscription for Silanion [ ... ]o of Samos; found in Attica); Chios 300 (%6 Paspatis, Chiakon Glossarion 406, no. 13) (%6 MDAI(A) 13, 1888, 180, 34) (funerary inscription for Artemisie Theodotou of Samos; found on Chios); CIG 2322.b34 (funerary inscription for Poseidonios Herodotou of Samos; found on Delos); Ephesos 2592 (%6 IEphesos 115) (%6 JO+AI 50, 1976 Beibl. 46, 13) (funerary inscription for Pythagoras Thaleo of Samos; found at Ephesos); Ephesos 2442 (%6 IEph 2279A) (funerary inscription for Kyll[a] Meli[ ... ] of Samos; found at Ephesos); Knidos 201 (%6 MDAI(A) 36, 1911, 101, 10) (funerary inscription for Syngen[ei]a of Halikarnassos and [So]sitheos of Samos; found at Datc%25a, site of Old Knidos); Maiuri, NS 549a (funerary inscription for Xenodike of Samos; found on Kos); IG IX 2, 870 (funerary inscription for A[th]enokritos of Samos or relative; collected at Larisa in Thessaly); Magnesia 334 (%6 IMagnesia 259) (funerary inscription for Atheno Prytanios of Samos; found near Magnesia Mai.); IG XII 5, 87 (funerary inscription for [A]sklepiodoros A[ ... ] of Samos; found on Naxos); IG XII 5, 438 (funerary inscription for Delothemis child of Kosmos of Samos; found on Paros); IG XII 1, 384 (funerary inscription for Demylos of Samos and wife Athanokleia of Phaselis; found on Rhodes); IG XII 1, 570 (funerary inscription (?) for [P]eri[g]en[e]s of Sa[mos] (?); found on Rhodes); Maiuri, NS 231 (funerary inscription for Euameria of Samos; found on Rhodes); Maiuri, NS 417 (funerary inscription for Onasima of Samos; found on Rhodes); IG XII 3, 15 (funerary inscription for Ear of Samos; found on Syme). @ @@@@Section: 16b. Name Fragmentary (634%19`648) @ @@`634. Funerary inscription for Acho[ ... ]; no date; found near Potokaki: *Epet. 1889, 127. @ @@`635. Excised. @ @@`636. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]agores Hera[g]oreo; V; found at Kalyvi near Myli: *Girard, BCH 5, 1881, pp. 489%19`490, no. 19; **Dunst 1972, p. 131, no. XVII (l. 1). @ @@`637. Funerary inscription for an[ ... ]hygeino[ ... ] (?); no date; found near Dontia: *Epet. 1886, 149. @ @@`638. Funerary inscription for Apoll[ ... ]; no date; found near Potokaki: *Epet. 1889, 127. @ @@`639. Funerary inscription for Aris[ ... ]tyrios, boustrophedon; 540%3`520 BC; collected at Vathy: *Boehlau, Nekropolen 154. @ @@`640. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]chros [ ... ]ou; III&7e&; collected at Pythagoreion: *Horn, Samos XII 107 (PH); **Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 390 (PH) (l. 3). @ @@`641. Funerary inscription for Char[ ... ]eno Metrodorou; no date; found at Potokaki: *Epet. 1889, 128. @ @@`642. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]idore [Hek]ataio of Iasos; V; from Misokampos: *Wrede, MDAI(A) 54, 1929, pp. 90%19`1, no. 1 (PH). @ @@`643. Funerary inscription for Poly[ ... ]; no date; collected at Pythagoreion: *MDAI(A) 1912, p. 209, no. 9. @ @@`644. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]themis; c. 530 BC; found at Pythagoreion: *Buschor, MDAI(A) 58, 1933, p. 30; Freyer%19Schauenburg, Samos XI no. 89 (PH). @ @@`645. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]y[ ... ]; VI; found at Pythagoreion: *Buschor, MDAI(A) 58, 1933, p. 25, no. 6. @ @@`646. Funerary inscription for daughter of Alexandros; no date; found near Pythagoreion: *Epet. 1886, 148. @ @@`647. Funerary inscription for son of Poseidippos; V; found on road between Pythagoreion and Chora: *Klaffenbach, MDAI(A) 51, 1926, pp. 39%19`40, no. 9. @ @@`648. Funerary inscription for E[ ... ]an[ ... ] Bion[os] (?); V; found on road between Pythagoreion and Chora: *Klaffenbach, MDAI(A) 51, 1926, p. 39, no. 8. @ See also: IG II&4`3& 10224%3`5 (funerary inscription for [ ... ]iske[ ... ] Aristo[ ... ] of Samos; found in Attica); Jeffery, CR 28, 1978, p. 122 (funerary inscription for Bro[ ... ] [ ... ]naktos, prob. of Samos; found in Attica); Priene 1132 (%6 IPriene 311) (funerary inscription for [ ... ]ousa and (no name), &3Samiai&; found at Priene). @ @@@@Section: 16c. Name Lost (649%19`651) @ @@`649. Funerary inscription for (no name); I; found at Pythagoreion: To+lle, Antike Stadt Samos 106, fig. 60 (PH); *Horn, Samos XII no. 144b; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1561 (PH). @ @@`650. Unpublished fragment of frame of relief; no date; found at Pythagoreion: To+lle%19Kastenbein, Samos XIV p. 175. @ @@`651. Unpublished fragment of funerary relief; no date; found at Pythagoreion: To+lle%19Kastenbein, Samos XIV p. 175. @ See also: Samos 486, 658; Dain, Louvre 147 (funerary inscription for (no name), [&3S&]&3ami&[&3a&] (?); found at Alexandria in Egypt); IG III 3, 203 (fragment of funerary (?) inscription of woman; found in Attica). @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (651.5%19`654) @ @@`651.5. Artist's signature by Alexandros Athenio[nos] after fragment of honorary inscription for athlete (no name); imperial; found in Heraion: *Kyrieleis, AA 100, 1985, 448%19`9, no. 5 (PH). @ @@`652. Artist's signature by Apollonides of Ephesos; II&4`2&; found at Pythagoreion: *Martini, AD 27, 1972, B2, p. 603; SEG 27, 546; Martini, Samos XVI 95 (PH). @ @@`653. Artist's signature by Geneleos on statue of Phileia, among group of six statues; 560%3`550 BC; found in Heraion: *Schede, ADAW 1929, 3, pp. 19%19`20 (PH); Buschor, Altsamische Standbilder p. 26 (PH); Freyer%19Schauenburg, Samos XI no. 58. @ @@`654. Artist's signature by Horti[os]; archaic; found on Samos: *Dunst 1972, p. 113, no. IV (PH). @ See also: Samos 134, 208, 233%19`4, 240, 330, 371, 414; Marcade/ II 87 (honorary inscriptions for Krateros of Antioch and Antiochos Philopator, with dedications to Apollo, Artemis, and Leto, and artist's signature by Philotechnos Herodou of Samos; found on Delos); FD III 1, 50 (honorary inscription in elegiacs for Lysander, followed by artist's signature of poet Ion of Samos; found at Delphi); Ephesos 72 and 73 (%6 IEphesos 510 and 510A) (statues dedicated to health of Tiberius and permanence of Roman rule, with artist's signatures by Agatharchos Peioniou of Samos; found at Ephesos); Loewy no. 24 (artist's signature by [Py]thagor[as of Samos], on dedication to Zeus (?); found at Olympia); Moretti l3 (artist's signature by Pythagoras of Samos on honorary inscription in elegiacs for athlete; found at Olympia); IG XIV 703 (artist's signature by Dioskourides of Samos; found at Pompeii); IG XII 1, 822 (dedication with artist's signature by (no name) [&3S&]&3amos& (or &3Amios&); found at Lindos on Rhodes); Clara Rhodos 6%19`7, p. 427, no. 46 (honorary%3dedicatory inscription with artist's signature by Kleonymos of Samos; found at Kamiros on Rhodes); ILindos 100%19`1 (dedications with artist's signatures by Pheidon Pheidokratous of Samos; found at Lindos on Rhodes); ILindos 107 (dedication with artist's signature by Kle[onymos of Samos]; found at Lindos on Rhodes); Tralles 119 (%6 ITralles 116) (%6 Kondoleon, BCH 10, 1886, 326%19`327) (honorary inscription for victorious athlete with artist's signature by Philotechnos Herodou of Samos; found at Tralles). @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (655%19`659) @ @@@@Section: 20a. Topos Graffiti (655%19`657) @ @@`655. Topos graffito for Alexandros; no date; found in Heraion: *Klaffenbach, MDAI(A) 51, 1926, p. 28, note 2. @ @@`656. Topos graffito for Artemon; no date; found in Heraion: *Klaffenbach, MDAI(A) 51, 1926, p. 28, note 2. @ @@`657. Topos (?) graffito naming Karpos; no date; found in Heraion: *Schleif, MDAI(A) 58, 1933, p. 240. @ See also: Priene 416 (%6 IPriene 313.126) (topos inscription for Apollonios of Samos; found at Priene). @ @@@@Section: 20b. Varia (658%19`659) @ @@`658. Instruction on wall of grave; no date; found at Pythagoreion: *Boehlau, Nekropolen p. 36. @ @@`659. Vocative on dish in Attic alphabet; archaic; found in Heraion: *Technau, MDAI(A) 54, 1929, pp. 36%19`7; **Dunst, MDAI(A) 87, 1972, 149, no. XXI 12 (l. 1); Walter%19Karydi, Samos VI 1, p. 128, no. 361 (PH). @ See also: Samos 137. @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (660%19`670) @ @@@@Section: 21a. Christian Building Inscriptions (660%19`661) @ @@`660. Inscription recording building under Stephanos; AD 527%3`565; found at Dontia: *Bu+rchner, Hellen. philol. syll. Istanbul 28, 1899%19`1902, pp. 214%19`9, no. 8; Gre/goire, Recueil 147. @ @@`661. Christian inscription recording building (or dedication?) under [Hyak]yntos (?); Christian; collected at Pythagoreion: *Schneider, MDAI(A) 54, 1929, p. 138, no. 6. @ @@@@Section: 21b. Christian Religious Inscriptions (662%19`664) @ @@`662. Prayer to Lord to help &3anagnostes& Theodotos; Byzantine; found at Pythagoreion: *Gardner, JHS 7, 1886, p. 153; Epet. 1886, 150%19`1; **Gre/goire, Recueil 148 (l. 3). @ @@`663. Fragment of prayer; 4; collected at Vathy: *Schneider, MDAI(A) 54, 1929, p. 137. @ @@`664. Alpha, omega, and cross; Christian; found in Heraion: *Schneider, MDAI(A) 54, 1929, p. 139, no. 10. @ @@@@Section: 21c. Christian Funerary Inscriptions (665%19`666) @ @@`665. Funerary inscription for Arche[demos?], with cross; Christian; found in Misokampos: *Schneider, MDAI(A) 54, 1929, p. 138, no. 3. @ @@`666. Christian funerary (?) inscription for Photios Kolokynthios and Sissinios; Byzantine; collected at Pythagoreion: *Evanghelidis, AD 11, 1927%19`8, p. 33, no. 11. @ @@@@Section: 21d. Dubia (667%19`670) @ @@`667. Fragment; Christian; collected at Pythagoreion: *Schneider, MDAI(A) 54, 1929, p. 138, no. 4. @ @@`668. Fragment; Christian; found at Pythagoreion: *Schneider, MDAI(A) 54, 1929, p. 138, no. 5a. @ @@`669. Fragment; Christian; found at Pythagoreion: *Schneider, MDAI(A) 54, 1929, p. 138, no. 5b. @ @@`670. Unpublished &3egeneto& inscription; Christian; found on Samos: Schneider, MDAI(A) 54, 1929, p. 139, no. 11. @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (671%19`681.7) @ @@`671. List of mercenaries from Megara and [Hime]ra(?), in genitive; archaic; found at Pythagoreion: *Dunst 1972, pp. 114%19`5, no. VI (PH). @ @@`672. Cup with alphabet; c. 660 BC; found in Heraion: *Walter %9 Vierneisel, MDAI(A) 74, 1959, pp. 23%19`7 (PH); **Walter, AD 18, 1963, Chron. 290 (l. 1). @ @@`673. Name Charileos (of owner?) and toast inscribed on drinking%19horn; VI?; found in Heraion: Homann%19Wedeking, AA 84, 1969, pp. 553%19`4, l. 5; *Dunst 1972, pp. 144%19`5, no.XX 8. @ @@`674. Letters AB as inventory%19marker on drinking%19 horn; VI?; found in Heraion: *Dunst 1972, p. 145, no. XX 8. @ @@`675. Ostrakon with name Krinomenes Abderito; V; found in Heraion: *Dunst 1972, p. 148, no. XXI 10 (PH). @ @@`676. Inscription on tile naming Hellanikos; after 321 BC; found at Pythagoreion, prob. manufactured on Rhodes: *Kienast, Samos XV 89%19`91; SEG 28, 717. @ @@`677. Fragment of roof%19tile with word &3gymnasiou&; III&7m&; found at Pythagoreion: *Martini, Samos XVI 101. @ @@`678. Sundial%19inscription, with solstices and equinoxes marked; I; found on road between Pythagoreion and Chora: *Theophaneides, AD 12, 1929, pp. 236%19`7 (PH); To+lle, Festschr. Jantzen pp. 167%19`9; Dunst, Chiron 3, 1973, pp. 120%19`9 (PH). @ @@`679. List of Egyptian months; no date; found in Heraion: Stamatiades&4`2& p. 222; *Robert, Et. ep., 118. @ @@`680. Fragment of toast(?) addressed to Perikles; no date; found in Mesokampos: *Epet. 1888, 137. @ @@`681. Inscription recording &3philia& of Epaminon Pythogeitonos and two others; no date; found at Mytilini: *Clerc, BCH 7, 1883, p. 80, no. 4. @ @@`681.2. Unpublished Rhodian amphora%19stamps; no date; found on Samos; Chaviaras, Hesperia 40, 1971, 52. @ @@`681.5. Unpublished Knidian amphora%19stamps; no date; found on Samos: Chaviaras, Hesperia 40, 1971, 52. @ @@`681.7. Unpublished Thasian amphora%19stamps; no date; found on Samos: Chaviaras, Hesperia 40, 1971, 52. @ See also: Samos 487, 658%19`9; Ro+llig, MDAI(A) 103, 1988, 62%19`75 (archaic dedicatory inscription by (or mentioning?) Haza'el (of Damascus), on horse%19decoration; found on Samos); Kroll %9 Mitchell, Hesperia 49, 1980, pp. 91%19`2 (stamped clay token for Nikoteles, general in charge of Samos; found in Attica); Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 630, no. 129 (stamp of Koiranos on fragment of Samian vessel; found at Iasos); Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, no.'s I 946%19`950, 990, 1006, 1015 (stamps on Samian ware; found at Iasos); IG XII 5, 444 XXVII (Marmor Parium lists Samos among cities founded by Neleus; found on Paros). @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (682%19`723.5) @ @@`682. Unpublished fragment on pottery sherd; archaic; found in Heraion: *Technau, MDAI(A) 54, 1929, p. 64, no. 3. @ @@`683. Fragment on two pottery sherds; archaic; found in Heraion: *Technau, MDAI(A) 54, 1929, p. 64, no. 4. @ @@`684. Fragment on pottery%19sherd; archaic; found in Heraion: *Dunst 1972, p. 147, no. 5 (PH). @ @@`685. Fragment on sherd, in non%19Ionic dialect; VII&7m&; found on Samos: *Diehl, AA 79, 1964, pp. 537%19`542, no. 31 (PH); **Dunst 1972, pp. 148%19`9, no. XXI 11 (ll. 1%19`2). @ @@`686. Fragment on sherd; archaic; found at Glyphada: *Tsakos, AAA 13, 1980, p. 310 (PH). @ @@`687. Barely legible inscription on stone with pictures of ships; 533%3`500 BC; found in Heraion: *Freyer%19Schauenburg, Samos XI no. 105 (PH). @ @@`688. Fragment mentioning Romans; Roman; found on Samos: *CIG 2255; Stamatiades&4`1& no. 10; Kretikidis, Top. 40, no. 6. @ @@`689. Fragment in Latin; Roman; found at Pythagoreion: *Stamatiades&4`1& no. 78. @ @@`690. Fragment mentioning Drusus; Roman; found in Mesokampos: *Epet. 1888, 137. @ @@`691. Fragment mentioning one or more &3neop&[&3oiai&]; Roman; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 172, no. 82 (PH). @ @@`692. Fragment; Roman; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 173, no. 84 (PH). @ @@`693. Fragment, possibly of honorary inscription; Roman; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 174, no. 86. @ @@`694. Fragment; Roman; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 174, no. 87. @ @@`695. Fragment; Roman; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 174, no. 88. @ @@`695.5. Fragment; Roman; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 174, no. 89. @ @@`696. Fragment; Roman; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 175, no. 91. @ @@`697. Fragment; Roman; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 175, no. 92. @ @@`698. Fragment; Roman; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 175, no. 93. @ @@`699. Fragment; Roman; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 175, no. 94. @ @@`700. Fragment; oman; found near Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 176, no. 96. @ @@`701. Fragment; Roman; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 176, no. 97. @ @@`702. Fragment; Roman; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 178, no. 98. @ @@`702.5. Fragment in Latin and Greek referring to [Apollo]phanes; Roman; found near Anaia: *IEphesos 3142. @ @@`703. Fragment concerning emperor, Zeus Polieus, on stele; imperial; found at Pythagoreion: Stamatiades&4`1& no. 63; *Kretikidis, Arch. pp. 49%19`50; **Rayet, RA 24, 1872, p. 39, no. 5 (ll. 6%19`9); Stamatiades&4`2& p. 225. @ @@`704. Fragment mentioning Publius; I&7e&%3`1; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 172%19`3, no. 83 (PH). @ @@`705. Fragment concerning oath and Caesar; Augustan?; found on Samos: *Kirchhoff, Monatsb. d. Berl. Akad. 1862, p. 73, no. 2. @ @@`706. Fragment; 1; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 173, no. 85 (PH). @ @@`707. Fragment (of honorary inscription?) mentioning Tiberius; AD 14%3`37; found at Kolonna: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 116, no. 17. @ @@`708. Fragment referring to Vespasian and apotheosis; AD 79 or later; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, pp. 174%19`5, no. 90. @ @@`709. Fragment; 2 or later; found at Palea Ekklisia near Myli: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 175, no. 95. @ @@`710. Fragment mentioning Hadrian; AD 117%3`138; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 123, no. 23 (PH). @ ƪ@@`710.5. Fragment; AD 183%3`193; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1953, p. 22. @ @@`711. Fragment; no date; found in Heraion: *Stamatiades&4`1& no. 80. @ @@`712. Inscription on statue; no date; found in Heraion: *Kretikidis, Arch. p. 27, no. 1. @ @@`713. Fragment mentioning Artem[ ... ]; no date; found at Chora: *Kretikidis, Arch. p. 38, no. 2. @ @@`714. Fragment mentioning Verginus; no date; found at Palaiokastri below Bourliotai: *Kretikidis, Top. 58. @ @@`715. Fragment mentioning will and tyrant; no date; found at Chora: *Kretikidis, Top. p. 72, no. 2. @ @@`716. Fragment mentioning &3demos& of Samos, dated by priest Lysandros; no date; found near Dontia: *Kretikidis, Arch. p. 53. @ @@`717. Fragment; no date; found in Heraion?: *Stamatiades&4`2& p. 222. @ ͪ@@`717.5. Fragment &3inokide&; no date; found at Vathy: *Epet. 1880, 141. @ ͪ@@`717.7. Fragment mentioning Histiodoros; no date; found near Glyphada: *Epet. 1886, 148; Epet. 1886, 149%19`150. @ @@`718. Fragment mentioning [A]sklepiades; no date; found near Potokaki: *Epet. 1889, 127. @ Ϊ@@`718.5. Fragment mentioning Mandropoios; no date; found near Potokaki: *Epet. 1889, 127. @ @@`719. Fragment mentioning citizen of Samos and Paros (?); no date; found at Chora: *Epet. 1889, 128. @ @@`720. Fragment; no date; found at Potokaki: *Epet. 1889, 128. @ @@`721. Fragment beginning &3stephano&[ ... ]; no date; found at Potokaki: *Epet. 1889, 128. @ @@`722. Fragment mentioning &3eunoia, Samioi&; no date; found at Chora: *Epet. 1889, 129. @ @@`723. Fragment about panegyriarch; no date; found in Heraion: *MDAI(A) 1960, p. 169. @ Ӫ@@`723.5. Fragment; no date; found at Pythagoreion: *MDAI(A) 1924, 31, no. 7. @ ӪSee also: Samos 488, 667%19`670; IG XII 7, 63, l. 14 (document concerning loan mentions Brion &3Sa&[&3mios&?]; found on Arcesine). @ ԏ@@@@Section: 24. Spuria (724%19`725) @ @@`724. Spurious honorary inscription for victor Aristomenes, &3lampadarches& in Heraia; spurious; found in Heraion: *Stamatiades&4`2 p. 265; MDAI(A) 1924, pp. 39%19`40. @ @@`725. Spurious horos of &3temenos& of Ion from Athens; spurious; found at Chora: Filippucci, BCH 8, 1884, p. 160; *Barron, JHS 84, 1964, pp. 37%19`8, no. 6 (PH); Tsakos, AD 32, 1977, p. 75, no. 6. @ See also: Stamatiades&4`2& pp. 247%19`248 (probably spurious dedication to emperor by Lerians and (?) Samian &3apoikoi& of Ikaria; found on Ikaria). @@@@{1Smyrna}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@ISmyrna: Petzl, Die Inschriften von Smyrna, Bonn 1982%19`1987. @@Janssen, Grafrel.: L.J.F. Janssen, Grieksche en Romeinsche @@@@grafreliefs uit het Museum van Oudheden te Leyden, Leiden @@@@`1851. @@Jannsen, Inscr.: L.J.F. Janssen, Musei Lugduno%19Batavi @@@@inscriptiones Graecae et Latinae, Leiden 1842 @@Leemans 1886: C. Leemans, Grieksche opschriften uit Kleinasie, @@@@Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, @@@@Afd. Letterkunde 17, Amsterdam 1886. @@Leemans 1890: C. Leemans, Grieksche opschriften uit Kleinasie, @@@@Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, @@@@Afd. Letterkunde 19, Amsterdam 1890. @ Inscriptions here listed were found at or near Smyrna. Inscriptions said to have been found at the following sites are listed as having been found at Smyrna: @@Agora @@Bahribaba @@Basmane @@C%25orakkap#1221 @@Deg%27irmen Tepe @@Es%25refpas%25a @@Kadifekale (Krommydokastro, Pagus) @@Karakap#1221 @@Mortakia @@Tepecik @@Theater @@Tira Kap#1221s#1221. @ Inscriptions found at the following sites near Smryna are listed as having been found at those sites: @@Balc%25ova @@Baradiz (Paradiso, Paradeisos) @@Bel Kahve (Bel Kawe) @@Bornova (Burnabad, Burnowa) @@Buca (Budscha) @@Cumaovas#1221 (Cumaovasi) @@Go+rece @@Hac#1221lar (Hacilar, Hadjilar, Hadschylar) @@Halka P#1221nar (Diana%19Bad, Halka Bounar) @@Is%25#1221klar (Is%25iklar, Yschyklar) @@Karatas%25 (Kara Tas%25, Karatasch) @@Kars%25#1221yaka (Karschyjaka, Kordelio) @@Kavakl#1221dere (Kavaklidere, Kawaklydere) @@Kokluca (Kokludscha) @@Mersinli @@Old Smyrna (Bayrakl#1221) @@P#1221narbas%25#1221 (Bounar Bachi, Bunarbaschy) @@Sarinc%25 @@Sevdiko+y (Sewdiko+y) @@St%19Anna Tal @@Vezir Aqueduct @@Yamanlar Dag%27#1221 (Jamanlar Dag). @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`13) @ @@@@Section: 1a. Honorary Decrees (1%19`7) @ @@`1. Honorary decree of [Hellenes] of Asia for (?) proconsul Marcus Aefulanus; AD 54%3`68; found at Smyrna: CIG 3187; Waddington, Fastes p. 133, no. 88; IGRR IV 1410; Ameling, Herodes Atticus II no. 217; *ISmyrna 591. @ @@`2. Honorary decree of Koinon of [Ionians] for Dionysos Dionyta [of Smyrna]; III&7m&?; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 42%19`43, no. 260; *ISmyrna 575, ll. 15%19`19. @ @@`3. Fragment of honorary decree by city (no name) for Herodes Zeuxi[dos] and another foreign judge (from Smyrna); Hellenistic; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, REG 14, 1901, 298, no. 6; Robert, BCH 52, 1928, 169, note 1 (%6 OM I 98, note 1); *ISmyrna 586. @ @@`4. Honorary decree of Koinon of Ionians for Hippostratos Hipp[ode]mos of Miletos, general of King [Lysi]machos; c. 292%3`288 BC; found at Smyrna, another copy with some variations found at Miletos: Kumanudes, Palingenesia, Apr. 15, 1872 (non vidi); Lu+ders, Bull. Inst. 1872, 250; Michel 485; Syll&4`3& 368; *ISmyrna 577 (PH); Miletos 17. @ @@`5. Honorary decree of [bo]ule and demos (of Stratonikeia?) for (no name) [Apo]llados, foreign judge from Smyrna; II%3I?; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 8, no. 213; Robert, BCH 52, 1928, 169%19`170 and 426, note 1 (%6 OM I 98%19`99 and 108, note 1); IStratonikeia 1040; *ISmyrna 585 (PH). @ @@`6. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name); II; found at Smyrna: Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 64%19`65, no. 27 (PH); *ISmyrna 588. @ @@`7. Reclassified as Tralles 5.5. @ See also: ISmyrna 581.I (honorary decree of demos (of Smyrna) for Agathokles Kleustratou and two other foreign judges from Astypalaia; found at Astypalaia); ISmyrna 581.II (honorary decree of de[mos] (of Smyrna) for (no name) of Astypalaia, &3grammateus& of foreign judges; found at Astypalaia); IG II&4`2& 28, l. 19 (honorary decree of Athens for Klazomenai mentions Smyrna; found in Attica); Syll&4`3& 740 (honorary decree of Delphi for Hermodoros Hermokrateous and son Hermokrates, both of Smyrna; found at Delphi); Kaunos 1 (%6 ISmyrna 579.I) (honorary decree of [bou]le and demos of Z%1myrna for Antigenes Apolloniou and three other foreign judges from Kaunos; found at Kaunos); Kaunos 2 (%6 ISmyrna 579.II) (honorary decree of boule and demos (of Zmyrna) for Athenodoros Menekratous, &3grammateus& of foreign judges from Kaunos; found at Kaunos); Kaunos 3 (%6 ISmyrna 580) (honorary decree of bou[le] and de[m]os (of Smyrna) for [ ... ... ]os and Z[e]non K[ ... ], foreign judges from Kaunos; found at Kaunos); Robert, OM IV p. 222 (unpublished decree of Kolophon in honor of &3chresmologos& from Smyrna; found at Klaros); ISmyrna 578 (honorary decree (of Smyrna) for Xenokritos Xenokritou and Hagesikrates [ ... ], foreign judges from Knidos; found on Knidos); Syll&4`3 532 (honorary decree of Lamia for Aristodama of Zmyrna, poetess; found at Lamia); Miletos 23.5 (%6ISmyrna 583) (honorary decree of demos (of Smyrna) for [ ... Hip]pothontos and Theod%1[oros ... ], foreign judges from Miletos; found at Miletos); Syll&4`3 1073.II (honorary decree of Elis for athlete Tiberius Claudius Rufus (of Smyrna); found at Olympia); IG VII 392 (honorary decree of Oropos for Straton Stratonos of Smyrna; found at Oropos); Priene 20, ll. 14%19`15 (%6 IPriene 65) (honorary decree of Pho[kaia] for Apollodoros Poseidoniou of Priene mentions his serving as envoy to Smyrna; found at Priene); ISmyrna 584 (honorary decree of demos (of Temnos) for Zmyrna in answer to honorary decree of Zmyrna for Apollas Lysiou and two other men from Temnos; found on Temnos); ISmyrna 582 (honorary decree of demos of Zmyrna for Demetrios Archia and three other foreign judges from Thasos; found on Thasos); Tralles 5.5 (%6 LW 607) (%6 ISmyrna 592) (%6 ITralles 523) (fragment of honorary decree (?) for deceased woman (no name); found at Tralles, later at Smyrna). @ @@@@Section: 1b. Other Decrees and Laws (8%19`13) @ @@`8. Fragment of decree mentioning &3paidion&; III%3II; found at Smyrna: ILeyden 63 (PH); SEG 18, 490; *ISmyrna 587 (PH). @ @@`9. Decree of demos (of Smyrna) concerning &3sympoliteia& with Magnesia (Sip.) and relations with King Seleukos (II); 245%3`243? BC; probably from Smyrna: CIG 3137, ll. 1%19`33; Hicks 176.I; Syll&4`1 171, ll. 1%19`33; Michel 19, ll. 1%19`33; OGIS 229.I; Schmitt, Staatsvertra+ge III 492.I (PH); IMag. Sip. 1.I (PH); *ISmyrna 573.I %7 II 2 p. 376. @ @@`10. Decree of demos (of Smyrna) including Palaimagnesia in &3sympoliteia& between (Smyrna) and Magnesia (Sip.); 245%3`243? BC; probably from Smyrna: CIG 3137, ll. 89%19`108; Hicks 176.III; Syll&4`1 171, ll. 89%19`108; Michel 19.III; OGIS 229.III; Schmitt, Staatsvertra+ge III 492.III; IMag. Sip. 1.III (PH); *ISmyrna 573.III %7 II 2 p. 376. @ @@`11. Sacred law concerning holy fish; c. I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 102, no. 104; Reinach, Traite/ 153%19`155; Michel 728; Syll&4`3& 997; Lambrechts %9 Noyen, La nouvelle Clio 6, 1954, 274; Sokolowski, LSAM 17; SEG 15, 728; Guarducci, Epig. gr. IV 23%19`25; Pfohl, Gr. Inschr.&4`2& 132; *ISmyrna 735 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 377. @ @@`12. Decree of boule and demos against ferry%19boat cartel; 1%3`2?; found at Smyrna: LW 4; GIBM IV 1021 (PH); Syll&4`3& 1262; Abbott %9 Johnson 70; IGRR IV 1427; *ISmyrna 712. @ @@`13. Decree containing terms of foundation, probably for athletic &3syste&[&3ma&]; 1?; found at Smyrna: CIG 3203; Laum II no. 87; IGRR IV 1429; *ISmyrna 709. @ See also: Smyrna 98, 223, 977, 981; ISmyrna 574 (decree of bo[ule] and d%1e%1[mos] (of Smyrna) concerning participation in Soteria of Aetolia; found at Delphi); Kaunos 6 (%6 Hellenica 7, 171%19`188, ll. 60%19`95) (decree of Kaunos accepting decree of Zmyrna; found at Kaunos); Kaunos 7 (%6 Hellenica 7, 171%19`188, ll. 96%19`103) (decree of Kaunos concerning posting decree of Zmyrna on stele; found at Kaunos); Magnesia 32, l. 82 (%6 IMagnesia 53) (%6 IErythrai 507) ([Sm]yrna among cities listed as accepting invitation to &3agon& at Magnesia Mai. after decree of Klazomenai accepting invitation; found at Magnesia Mai.); Miletos 20 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 143B) (%6 ITralles 20) (%6 Staatsvertr. III 539II) (decree of Ionian League mentioning Smyrna; found at Miletos); Priene 6, l. 40 (%6 OGIS 458II) (%6 IPriene 105) (%6 Sherk 65D) (decree of Hellenes in Asia on birthday of Augustus mentions previous decree passed by them in Smyrna; found at Priene, copies found at Apameia and Maionia). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (14) @ @@`14. Treaty of &3sympoliteia& between Smyrna and Magnesia (Sip.), with oaths; 245%3`243? BC; probably from Smyrna: CIG 3137, ll. 34%19`88; Hicks 176.II; Syll&4`1& 171, ll. 34%19`88; Michel 19, ll. 34%19`88; OGIS 229.II; Schmitt, Staatsvertra+ge III 492.II; IMag. Sip. 1.II (PH); *ISmyrna 573.II %7 II 2 p. 376. @ See also: Smyrna 9, 10; ISmyrna 593 (letter of Trajan to Smyrna exempting Aphrodeisias from liturgies of Asia; found at Aphrodisias); Ephesos 196%19`198 (%6 IEphesos 1489A, 1490, 1491) (letter(s) of Antoninus Pius to Ephesos concerning titles of Pergamon, Ephesos, and Smyrna; found at Ephesos); Priene 134 (%6 GIBM 412) (%6 IPriene 27) (%6 Welles 46) (letter of Attalid king (?) containing decision of Smyrna settling dispute between Miletos and Priene; found at Priene). @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (15%19`28) @ @@@@Section: 3a. Royal Letters (15%19`26) @ @@`15. Fragment of letter of Queen (no name) to [d]emos of [Smyrna?]; c. II; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: *ISmyrna 615. @ @@`16. Letter [of Julius Caesar] to [&3archontes,& boule, and demos of Pergamon]; 48%3`44 BC; found at Smyrna: Passerini, Athenaeum 15, 1937, 272%19`277; Segre, Athenaeum 16, 1938, 119%19`127; Robert, Anat. Studies Buckler 227%19`230 (%6 OM I 611%19`614); Sherk 54, ll. 1%19`5; *ISmyrna 590, ll. 1%19`5. @ @@`17. Fragment of letter of emperor (no name); probably early imperial; provenance unknown, once at Smyrna: Kontoleon, REG 14, 1901, 299, no. 8; *ISmyrna 606. @ @@`18. Beginning of letter of Hadrian (?); AD 117%3`138?; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 25, no. 244; IGRR IV 1396; *ISmyrna 605. @ @@`19. Letter of emperor (no name) to [Dionysiac] &3technitai mentioning Ti(berius) Cl(audius) Eutychos; c. 2&7m&; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 71, no. 22; *ISmyrna 599 (PH). @ @@`20. Letter of Antoninus Pius to &3synodos& of &3mystai& in Smyrna (i.e., of &3technitai& of Dionysos Breiseus); AD 157%3`158; found at Smyrna: CIG 3176.B; Lafoscade, De epist. 29, no. 62; Syll&4`3& 851; IGRR IV 1399, ll. 19%19`26; Krier, Chiron 10, 1980, 449%19`456; *ISmyrna 600, ll. 19%19`26. @ @@`21. Letter of Caesar Marcus Aurelius to &3synodos& (of &3technitai&) of Dionysos Breiseus; AD 158; found at Smyrna: CIG 3176.A; Lafoscade, De epist. 29, no. 62; Syll&4`3& 851; IGRR IV 1399, ll. 1%19`18; Krier, Chiron 10, 1980, 449%19`456; Petzl, Chiron 13, 1983, 33%19`36; SEG 30, 1365; *ISmyrna 600, ll. 1%19`18; SEG 34, 1191. @ @@`22. Letter of Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus to &3sy&[&3nodos&] of [&3technitai& and &3mystai&] of Dionysos [Breiseus]; AD 161%3`166; found at Smyrna: CIG 3177; IGRR IV 1400; *ISmyrna 601. @ @@`23. Letter of Septimius Severus and Caracalla to Smyrna granting privileges to sophist Claudius Rufinus; AD 198%3`209; found at Smyrna: CIG 3178; Lafoscade, De epist. 33, no. 72; Syyll.&4`3& 876; Abbott %9 Johnson 127; IGRR IV 1402; *ISmyrna 602 %7 II 2 p. 376. @ @@`24. Fragment of letter of emperor and governor; prob. 3; found at Smyrna: Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 66, no. 33 (PH); *ISmyrna 607. @ @@`25. Letter of emperor (no name) (?) to [Smyrna]; prob. AD 214%3c. 300; probably from Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 13, no. 224; IGRR IV 1428; *ISmyrna 603. @ @@`26. Letter in Latin and Greek of Valerian, Gallienus, and Caesar Valerianus to Iulius Apellas; AD 254%3`260; found at Smyrna: CIG 3182; CIL III 412; IGRR IV 1404; SEG 27, 763; *ISmyrna 604. @ See also: Aphrodisias 51 (%6 Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome Doc. 14) (%6 ISmyrna 593) (subscript of Trajan to Smyrna exempting citizens of free cities, especially Aphrodisias, from liturgy at Smyrna; found at Aphrodisias). @ @@@@Section: 3b. Other Letters (27%19`28) @ @@`27. Letter of Roman magistrate (no name) concerning sacred precinct; AD 121%3`122; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 137, no. 177 (part); ILeyden 59 (part) (PH); Petzl, ZPE 9, 1972, 61%19`64, no. 1; Petzl, ZPE 13, 1974, 120%19`121, no. 2; *ISmyrna 736 (PH). @ @@`28. Fragment of letter (?) concerning &3tyche& of emperor; AD 161%3`222; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 31, no. 259; IGRR IV 1401; *ISmyrna 762 (PH). @ See also: Smyrna 93; Aphrodisias 69, l. 3(%6 CIG 2741) (%6 OGIS 509) (%6 Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, Doc. 57) (letter of Marcus Ulpius Apuleius Eurykles, &3archiereus& of &3naoi& in Smyrna for second time, to Aphrodis[ia]s, concerning &3agon&; found at Aphrodisias); Miletos 64 (%6 Priene 137) (%6 IPriene 106) (%6 Sherk 52) (%6 Milet I 2 3) (Smyrna among addressees of letter of Roman praetor; found at Miletos and Priene). @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (29%19`31) @ @@`29. Senatus Consultum and &3krima& of magistrate concerning disputed land of Pergamon, with list of magistrate's &3consilium&; 129%3`101 BC; found at Smyrna, identical text in inscriptions found at Adramyttion and Ephesos: Miltner %9 Sela=hattin, Tu+rk Tarih, Arkeologya ve Etnog. Dergisi 2, 1934, 240%19`242 (PH); Sherk, GRBS 7, 1966, 361%19`369 (PH); Sherk 12; *ISmyrna 589 (PH); Ephesos 578; SEG 33, 986. @ @@`30. Edict (of Julius Caesar?) concerning territory of [P]ergamon and Elaia; 48%3`44 BC; found at Smyrna: Passerini, Athenaeum 15, 1937, 272%19`277; Robert, Anat. Studies Buckler 227%19`230 (%6 OM I 611%19`614); Sherk 54, ll. 16%19`20 (part); *ISmyrna 590, ll. 6%19`36 (PH, part). @ @@`31. Rescript in Latin and Greek of Antoninus Pius to Sextilius Acutianus permitting copying of decision of Hadrian; AD 139; found at Smyrna: CIG 3175; CIL III 411; ILS 338; Bruns&4`7& 257, no. 84; IGRR IV 1397; Girard, Textes de droit rom. VIII 15; Riccobono, FIRA I&4`2& 435%19`436, no. 82; *ISmyrna 597 %7 II 2 pp. 375, 376. @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (32%19`39) @ @@`32. List of persons and property; III&7m&?; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 42%19`43, no. 260, ll. 1%19`14; *ISmyrna 575, ll. 1%19`14. @ @@`33. List of contributors, including Kratip[pos]; c. III&7m&; found at Smyrna: CIG 3140; Janssen, Inscr. 16%19`20 (non vidi); SGDI III 5616; ILeyden pl. 13 (PH); *ISmyrna 687 (PH). @ @@`34. List of contributors, including [Char]es Metrophanou; II%3I; probably from Smyrna: CIG 3141; Ritti, Iscr. e rilievi greci 26%19`29, no. 5 (PH); *ISmyrna 688 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 376; BE 1987:355. @ @@`35. List of contributors, including [K]leonikos Apolloniou and metics; c. II%3I; probably from Smyrna: CIG 3142; *ISmyrna 689. @ @@`36. List of contributors, including Metrodoros Hermagorou; c. II%3I; probably from Smyrna: CIG 3143; *ISmyrna 690. @ @@`37. List of contributors, including [A]rtemidoros Artemonos; c. II%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 2, 1885%19`6, 92, no. 263; *ISmyrna 691. @ @@`38. Fragment of list of contributors (?), including Antiphanes; c. II%3I?; found at Smyrna: Bailie, Fasc. inscr. graec. II p. 118, no. 146; LW 3; *ISmyrna 693. @ @@`39. List of contributors, including Hermodoros Phanikontos; no date; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 24, no. 223; *ISmyrna 692. @ See also: Didyma 78 (%6 IDidyma 475) (inventory of donations includes &3phiale& from Smyrna; found at Didyma). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ See also: Smyrna 14. @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (39.5%19`66) @ @@`39.5. Archaic building inscription (or artist's signature?) by [ ... ]thos, Kalomandros, and Teleutagores, on stele, boustrophedon; VI&4`2&; found near Go+rece: *Meric%25 %9 Nolle/, Chiron 18, 1988, 225%19`232 (PH); ISmyrna 902. @ @@`40. Building inscription by Rufinus; Roman; found between Bornova and Hac#1221lar: CIG 3171; *ISmyrna 684.a. @ @@`41. Building inscription by Rufinus; Roman; found between Halka P#1221nar and Bornova: Bailie, Fasc. inscr. graec. II p. 118, no. 145; LW 12; *ISmyrna 684.b. @ @@`42. Inscription recording repair of statue of Athena by &3synergasia& of &3argyrokopoi& and &3chrysochoi&; Roman; found at Smyrna: CIG 3154; Waltzing, Et. hist. III 53, no. 148; Syll&4`3& 1263; *ISmyrna 721. @ @@`43. Fragments of architrave; imperial; found at Smyrna: Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 55%19`56, no. 4 (PH); *ISmyrna 631. @ @@`43.3. Fragment of building inscription, on architrave fragment of white marble; imperial; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, p. 366, no. XXXVI. @ @@`43.6. Fragment of building inscription mentioning [ ... ]na Sebast%1[ ... ], on slab of white, gray%19speckled marble; imperial; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, pp. 366%19`367, no. XXXVII. @ @@`44. Dedication to Augustus on architrave; 28 BC%3AD 14; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 49, no. 274; Fontrier, REA 2, 1900, 250; IGRR IV 1390; *ISmyrna 617A. @ @@`45. Building%3dedicatory inscription by Neikomedes Neikomedou for &3thorakea,& etc. of &3stoai&; 1%3`2 ?; found at Smyrna: CIG 3169; *ISmyrna 683 (PH). @ @@`46. Building inscription for aqueduct of Ulpius Traianus; AD 79%3`80; found at Smyrna: CIG 3146; Weber, JDAI 14, 1899, 174; OGIS 477; IGRR IV 1411; *ISmyrna 680. @ @@`47. Fragment of building inscription; c. 2; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 686A (PH). @ @@`48. Building inscription for &3stibas& of Ga[nym?]edeitai by Marcus Sertorius Aristolykos; 2?; found at Smyrna: Ramsay, AJA 1, 1885, 138%19`140, no. 1; Fontrier, REA 9, 1907, 116, no. 15; *ISmyrna 722. @ @@`49. Dedication to Nemeseis, probably on building inscription; c. 2; found at Smyrna: Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 57, no. 8; *ISmyrna 740 (PH). @ @@`50. Building inscription for &3bathra,& etc. by Marcus V[ ... ]us Herakleides; 2&4`1&?; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 81, no. 263; *ISmyrna 682.a (PH, part). @ @@`51. Building inscription for [ ... ] by [Mar]cus Claudius [ ... ]s Iuventi[ ... ]; 2&4`1&?; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 15, no. 229; *ISmyrna 682.b (PH). @ @@`52. Inscription recording repair of aqueduct of (Ulpius) Traianus; AD 110%3`111; found at Smyrna: CIG 3147; Weber, JDAI 14, 1899, 174; OGIS 478; IGRR IV 1412; *ISmyrna 681.a (PH). @ @@`53. Inscription recording repair of aqueduct of (Ulpius) Traianus; AD 110%3`111; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 139, no. 181; Hasluck, ABSA 20, 1913%19`4, 92, note 4; *ISmyrna 681.b (PH). @ @@`54. List of those who promised to build and adorn various buildings, etc.; AD 124%3`138; found at Smyrna, perhaps from vicinity of Erythrai: CIG 3148; IGRR IV 1431; *ISmyrna 697 (PH) %7 II 2 pp. 375, 376; SEG 32, 1203. @ @@`55. Building inscription for &3hieron& by Alexandr[os]; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Smyrna: Robert, RPh 13, 1939, 193%19`197, no. 10 (PH); *ISmyrna 737. @ @@`56. Dedication to &3theai Nemeseis,& all the gods and goddesses, and emperor (no name), on architrave; AD 179%3c. 200; found at Smyrna: Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 55, no. 2 (PH, part); *ISmyrna 628 (PH). @ @@`57. Building inscription for mosaics by Ti(berius) Iu(lius) Septimius Iulianus of Smyrna; AD 193%3`235; found at Bornova: Rohde, Tu+rk Tarih, Arkeologya ve Etnog. Dergisi 4, 1940, 67%19`71 (PH); AnnEpig 1951, 255; SEG 15, 727; *ISmyrna 733 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 375. @ @@`58. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for [ ... ] and [Iulia Domna] by polis of [Smyrn]a, on architrave; AD 195%3`217; found at Smyrna: Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 58, no. 10; *ISmyrna 629 (PH, part). @ @@`59. Building%3dedicatory inscription for Nemeseion by Papinius the &3philosophos&; AD 211%3`212; found at Smyrna: CIG 3163; IGRR IV 1403; Vidman, Sylloge 306; *ISmyrna 725. @ @@`60. Dedication on archivolt mentioning emperor Gordian; AD 238%3`244?; found at Smyrna: Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 55, no. 3 (PH); *ISmyrna 630. @ @@`61. Building inscription, partly in Hebrew, for &3strosis& of synagogue by Erenopoios; 4%3`5?; found at Smyrna: CIG 9897; CIJ II 739; Goodenough, Jewish Symbols II p. 80; Lifshitz, Donateurs 22%19`23, no. 14; *ISmyrna 844.a. @ @@`62. Building inscription for part of synagogue by Dosas; 4%3`5?; found at Smyrna: CIG 9898; CIJ II 740; Lifshitz, Donateurs 23, no. 15; *ISmyrna 844.b. @ @@`63. Building inscription for &3kentes&[&3is&] and &3zographesis&; 4?; found at Halka P#1221nar: CIG 3149; LW 1524; Fontrier, BCH 16, 1892, 389, note 3; Gre/goire, Rev. instr. publ. en Belg. 1908, 209 (non vidi); Gre/goire, Rec. 90; IGRR IV 1417; *ISmyrna 685. @ @@`64. Fragment of building inscription [by polis of Smyrna]; no date; found at Smyrna: LW 11; *ISmyrna 686. @ @@`65. List of those who built &3temenos& of Artemis Ephesia; no date; found at Smyrna: CIG 3155; *ISmyrna 724. @ @@`66. Building (?) inscription for &3megaron& by &3mystai&; no date; found at Smyrna: CIG 3210; Robert, RPh 48, 1974, 202%19`203; *ISmyrna 734. @ See also: Smyrna 82, 97, 200%19`202, 870.5%19`873, 888. @ Ï@@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (67%19`97) @ @@@@Section: 8a. Lists of Persons (67%19`87) @ @@`67. List of names, including D%1e%1meas (?); Hellenistic?; found at Smyrna: CIG 9279; *ISmyrna 695. @ @@`68. List of names, beginning with Kratinos Metrobiou; c. II%3I; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 694 (PH). @ @@`69. List of city magistrates, dated by &3stephanephoros Apollodoros; II%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 37, no. 247; Papadopoulos%19Kerameus, BCH 2, 1878, 30%19`31, no.'s 11%19`12; Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`80, 138, no. 179 (178); *ISmyrna 779. @ @@`70. List of names, including Qu(intus) Valerius Trophimas; Roman; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 96, no. 27; *ISmyrna 699. @ @@`71. List of city magistrates (?), dated by &3stephanepho&[&3ros&] Marcus (?); Roman; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 776. @ @@`72. List of city magistrates (?), dated by &3stephanephoros Korre; Roman; found at Smyrna: CIG 3150; *ISmyrna 777. @ @@`73. List of names, including [M]etrodoros Hermiou; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&?; found at Smyrna: Contole/on, REG 13, 1900, 496%19`497, no. 2; Fontrier, REA 4, 1902, 195, no. 4; *ISmyrna 698. @ @@`74. List of city magistrates (?), including [Cl]audius Timokleous; imperial; probably from Smyrna: CIG 3153; IGRR IV 1439; *ISmyrna 774. @ @@`75. List of names, including [ ... ]ntios Polybios; 1%3`2 ?; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 26, no. 245; *ISmyrna 701. @ @@`76. List of names, including Lu(cius) Vin[icius]; 1%3`2?; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 90, no. 74; *ISmyrna 702 (PH). @ @@`77. List of names, including [A]chilleus Zosim%1[ou]; 1%3`2; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 14, no. 227; *ISmyrna 703. @ @@`78. List of names connected with &3mystai&; 1%3`2?; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: *ISmyrna 706. @ @@`79. List of names, including [D]amas; 1%3`2?; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 81, no. 50; *ISmyrna 708. @ @@`80. List of names of Roman citizens; 1?; found at Smyrna: ILeyden 60 (PH); SEG 18, 499; *ISmyrna 700 %7 II 2 p.377. @ @@`81. List of names, including [ ... ]ades Iatrothem[idos]; prob. 1; found at Smyrna: Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 65, no. 28 (PH); *ISmyrna 707. @ @@`82. Beginning of list of those who contributed to building harbor; AD 26%3`123; found at Smyrna: CIG 3144; LW 2; IGRR IV 1418; *ISmyrna 696 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 375. @ @@`83. List of city magistrates (?), dated by [proconsul?] Te[ttienus Sev]erus; c. AD 118; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 775. @ @@`84. List of city magistrates, including Pu(blius) Aeliu[s ... ]; AD 121%3`138; found at Smyrna: CIG 3152; *ISmyrna 773 (PH). @ @@`85. List of names, including Menandr[os], in alphabetical order; 2&4`2&; provenance unknown, perhaps from Smyrna: Dow, AJA 67, 1963, 257%19`266 (PH); BE 1964:45; Guarducci, Epig. gr. I 376 (PH); *ISmyrna 704. @ @@`86. List of names, including Hermogenes Epheb[ou?]; 2&4`2&; found at Smyrna: ILeyden 61 (PH); SEG 18, 500; Dow, AJA 67, 1963, 257%19`268 (PH); BE 1964:45; *ISmyrna 705. @ @@`87. List of city magistrates, including [Aur(elia)] Melite; 2&7e&?; probably from Smyrna: CIG 3151; IGRR IV 1435; *ISmyrna 772. @ See also: Smyrna 29, 32%19`39, 54, 65, 973; Daux, REG 62, 1949, p. 18, l. 75 (list of &3theorodokoi& may mention Smyrna; found at Delphi); Miletos 122, 129, 144 (%6 Milet I 3 no.'s 86, 66, 45) (records of grant of citizenship to individuals, including individuals from Smyrna; found at Miletos); IG VII 417, l. 34 (list of victors includes Straton Dionysiou of Zmy[rna]; found at Oropos); IG VII 420, ll. 38, 50, 58 (list of victors includes individuals from Zmyrna; found at Oropos); IG VII 1765, l. 13 (list of victors includes Hermogenes Apoll[o]niou of Zmyrna; found at Parapungia in Boeotia, between Thespiai and Plataea); IG X 2, 38B (list of victors includes several individuals from Smyrna; found near Thessalonike). @ ؏@@@@Section: 8b. Other Inscriptions (88%19`97) @ @@`88. Fragment, probably of public regulation concerning official seating in the &3syne&[&3drion&]; Roman; found at Smyrna: ILeyden 64 (PH); SEG 18, 492; *ISmyrna 717. @ @@`89. Fragment of document concerning boundaries; imperial; found قat Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 51, no. 119; *ISmyrna 716 (PH). @ @@`90. Fragment of regulation (?) concerning &3opsario&[&3polai&] and other sellers; c. 1; found at Smyrna: Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 66, no. 34; *ISmyrna 719 (PH). @ @@`91. Document of religious foundation by Apollonios Sparos; 1?; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 1, 1875%19`6, 47%19`48, no. 166; Syll&4`3& 996; E. Lane, Corpus mon. I 19%19`20, no. 28 (PH); *ISmyrna 753 %7 II 2 pp. 375, 378. @ @@`92. Document dated by proconsul Aemilius and several religious officials; 2?; found at Smyrna: CIG 3211; IGRR IV 1415; *ISmyrna 727. @ @@`93. Document concerning neokorate of Smyrna, with appended letter; AD 124; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 91, no. 75; Keil, JO+AI 11, 1908, 108%19`110 (PH); IGRR IV 1398; SEG 28, 884; *ISmyrna 594 (PH). @ @@`94. Military diploma in Latin for L(ucius) Domitius Valens of Selinus in Cilicia and family; AD 145; found near Smyrna: Kellner, Chiron 7, 1977, 315%19`317 (PH); AnnEpig 1977, 798; *ISmyrna 608. @ @@`95. Petition of Dionysiac &3technitai& to Antoninus Pius, with summaries of law and letters of Hadrian and others, with imperial subscript in Latin; AD 150; found at Smyrna: Szanto, Arch.%19epig. Mitt. aus O+st. 9, 1885, 132%19`134 (part); IGRR IV 1430 (part); ILeyden 58 (part) (PH, part); SEG 18, 491; Petzl, ZPE 14, 1974, 77%19`87 (PH); Williams, ZPE 22, 1976, 235%19`240; SEG 26, 1295; *ISmyrna 598 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 376. @ @@`96. Fragment of document establishing foundation for biannual festival; late imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 82, no. 53 (part); Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 52, no. 121; Laum II no. 88; Robert, REA 38, 1936, 26%19`28 (%6 OM II 789%19`791); *ISmyrna 711 (PH). @ @@`97. Record of grant of four &3bathra& to &3phortegoi Asklepiastai& by decree of boule; AD c. 225; found at Smyrna: Roehl, Sched. epigr. 2%19`3, no. 3; Ramsay, AJA 1, 1885, 140%19`142, no. II; IGRR IV 1414; SEG 15, 731; *ISmyrna 713 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (98%19`137) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Other Religious Inscriptions (98%19`100) @ @@`98. Inscription referring to decree of &3mystai& of Kore; probably imperial; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 95, no. 25; *ISmyrna 726 (PH). @ @@`99. Acts of Dionysiac synod, with entries preceded by dedications to emperors; AD 80%3`83; found at Smyrna: CIG 3173; IGRR IV 1393 and 1748; *ISmyrna 731 %7 II 2 p. 377. @ @@`100. List of &3patromystai,& including M(arcus) Aurelius Perperes; 1&7e&%3`2; found at Smyrna: CIG 3195; IGRR IV 1434; *ISmyrna 732. @ See also: Smyrna 11, 61, 62, 65, 66, 78, 91%19`93, 95%19`97, 141, 143, 147, 151, 158%19`160, 162, 167, 171, 195, 223, 224, 258, 816, 871%19`873; Syll&4`3& 470 (inscription giving &3promanteia& at Delphi to Zmyrna; found at Delphi); Ephesos 664.5 (%6 JO+AI 32, 1940, 79%19`84) (Jewish prayer to Adonaios, with text in Hebrew on other side, on amulet; found at Smyrna, said to have come from Ephesos); Robert, Studii Clasice 16, 1974, 75%19`77 (two lists of visitors to Klaros mention as &3prytanis& Koskonia Myrton, possibly from Smyrna; found at Klaros); IG V 1, 1541 and 1550 (prayers for &3euploia& for individuals from Smyrna; found on island Prote in Messenia). @ @@@@Section: 9b. Dedications (101%19`137) @ @@@@Section: 9b1. Royal Dedications (101%19`109) @ @@`101. Dedication (?) to [Ne]ro Caesar; AD 50%3`54; once in Smyrna: *ISmyrna 620. @ @@`102. Dedication in Latin and Greek to [Nero] and [Agrippina] (?) by [Tiberius Claudi]us [Balbillus]; AD 54%3`59 (?); found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 140, no. 184; CIL III Supp. 7107; IGRR IV 1392; Ehrenberg %9 Jones 144; Merkelbach, ZPE 31, 1978, 186%19`187; SEG 28, 885; *ISmyrna 619 (PH). @ @@`103. Dedication to emperor (no name); 2; probably from Smyrna: Szanto, Arch.%19epig. Mitt. aus O+st. 9, 1885, 134; Quandt, De Baccho 148; IGRR IV 1406; *ISmyrna 730 (PH). @ 窵@@`103.5. Dedication to Hadrian, on altar of whitish marble; AD 117%3`138; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, pp. 364%19`365, no. XXXII. @ @@`104. Dedication to Hadrian Olympios on altar; AD 129%3`138; found at Smyrna: CIG 3174; IGRR IV 1394; *ISmyrna 623. @ @@`105. Dedication to Hadrian Olympios on altar; AD 129%3`138; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 4, no. 203; IGRR IV 1395; *ISmyrna 624. @ @@`106. Dedication to Hadrian Olympios on altar; AD 129%3`138; found near Smyrna: Hendriks, ZPE 40, 1980, 205%19`206, no. 2, col. 1; SEG 30, 1375; *ISmyrna 625. @ @@`107. Dedication to river Hermos and Antoninus Pius; AD 138%3`161; found at Kars%25#1221yaka: Fontrier, REA 8, 1906, 285%19`286; AnnEpig 1907, 27; IGRR IV 1388; *ISmyrna 767. @ @@`108. Fragment of dedication to Marcus Aurelius (?); AD 161%3`180 ?; once near Smyrna: Hendriks, ZPE 40, 1980, 205%19`206, no. 2, col. 2; SEG 30, 1375; *ISmyrna 627. @ @@`109. Dedication (?) of altar of &3theos& Hadrian by (no name), son of G(aius) Cl(audius) Pompeius and fellow &3hymnodoi&; c. AD 200; found at Smyrna: CIG 3170; IGRR IV 1436; SEG 26, 1299; *ISmyrna 595 (PH). @ See also: Smyrna 44, 56, 58, 60, 99, 138, 197, 206, 208%19`213, 215%19`217, 874%19`885. @ @@@@Section: 9b2. Other Dedications (110%19`137) @ @@`110. Dedication of Agathe Tyche by Diodoros neoteros; 1?; probably from Smyrna: ILeyden 7 (PH); Hellenica 11%19`12, 228%19`230; SEG 18, 496; *ISmyrna 761. @ @@`110.5. Inscription of Agathe Tyche and Agathos Daimon, on round altar of white marble; c. I?; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, p. 363, no. XXVIII. @ @@`111. Dedication to Anoubis on behalf of Queen Stratonike by Herakleitos Archigenous and &3synanoubiastai&; III&4`1&; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 84, no. 59; Foucart, Assoc. rel. 234%19`236, no. 58; Michel 1223; SEG 19, 700; Vidman, Sylloge 305; *ISmyrna 765 (PH, part). @ @@`112. Dedication to [Apo]llo by [priestess] of [Aphrodite Strato]nikis; c. I; found at Smyrna: Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 57, no. 5 (PH); *ISmyrna 751. @ @@`113. Dedication to Apollo Kisaloudenos by Apollonios Archedemou of Maionia; I?; probably from Smyrna, perhaps from Saittai or vicinity: Gage/, Me/l. d'arch. 43, 1926, 123%19`124 (PH); SEG 6, 800; *ISmyrna 754 %7 II 2 p. 378. @ @@`114. Dedication to Apollo Kisalaudenos by Chresimos; c. 2; found at Smyrna, perhaps from Saittai or vicinity: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 96, no. 28; Leemans 1890, 8%19`9, no. 5; *ISmyrna 755 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 378. @ @@`115. Dedication (to Ares and Demos?) by Apollonios Aineou, &3agalmatopoi&[&3o&]&3s;& no date; found at Smyrna: CIG 3166; Loewy 547; *ISmyrna 808. @ @@`116. Altar (?) of Artemis Sebaste; imperial; found at P#1221narbas%25#1221: Fontrier, REA 4, 1902, 195, no. 6; IGRR IV 1488; *ISmyrna 749. @ @@`117. Dedication to Asklep[ios] (?); imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 80, no. 46; *ISmyrna 757A. @ @@`118. Dedication to Asklepios Paion, by Diognetos Apolloniou; no date; found at Smyrna: CIG 3158; *ISmyrna 756. @ @@`119. Dedication to Athena, by Oinotimos Protarcho; c. 600 BC; found at Smyrna: S%25ahin %9 Akurgal, Alt%19Smyrna I 129%19`130 (PH); *ISmyrna 739 %7 II 2 p. 377; SEG 33, 987; Gallavotti, BollClass 3.8, 1987, 9%19`15 (non vidi); SEG 37, 996. @ @@`120. Dedication to Dionysos Breseus by Oinomaos Neiketrotos; probably imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3160; *ISmyrna 758. @ @@`121. Dedication to Dionysos Breseus of statues of Nemesis, by Meliton, possibly in verse; probably imperial; found at Smyrna; CIG 3161; *ISmyrna 759. @ @@`121.5. Dedication to Herakles by Bakchios Zenodoto[u,] on base or altar of white marble; c. II; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, p. 364, no. XXX. @ @@`122. Dedication to Herakles Epekoos of statue of Herakles by Hermeia[s Sa]rapionos; c. 2; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 592, no. 77; *ISmyrna 768. @ @@`123. Dedication of statue of Herakles Hoplophylax by T(itus) Flavius Pulchrianus, on base; 1%3`2; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 85, no. 274; *ISmyrna 770 (PH). @ @@`124. Dedication to Herakles Hoplophylax by [ ... ] Gessius Flaccus, with list of city magistrates; AD 125%3`138; probably from Smyrna: CIG 3162; *ISmyrna 771 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 378. @ @@`125. Dedication to Herakles Kallinikos, by [S]eius, on base; 1%3`2; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 2, 1885%19`6, 93, no. 267; *ISmyrna 769 (PH, part). @ @@`126. Dedication to Koure by Kyprogeneia; imperial; possibly from Smyrna: Robert, Coll. Froehner 102%19`103, no. 55 (PH); *ISmyrna 746. @ @@`127. Dedication to Koure by Tatias; probably imperial; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: Baur, Philologus Supp. 8, 1901, 494; Robert, Coll. Froehner 103; *ISmyrna 747. @ @@`128. Dedication to Koure by [Ei]rene Olympi[ch]ou; probably imperial; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: *ISmyrna 748. @ @@`128.5. Dedication to Meter by Axios, on stele of white marble; early imperial; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, p. 361, no. XXIV. @ @@`129. Dedication to Meter Theon by Tyche Hygienou; prob. c. AD 170; probably from Smyrna, perhaps from vicinity of Saittai: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 94, no. 21; Leemans 1890, 6%19`7, no. 3; *ISmyrna 744 (PH) %7 II 2 pp. 377%19`378. @ @@`130. Dedication to Nemeseis by Valerius Longinus; 2%3`3?; found at Smyrna: Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 56%19`57, no. 7 (PH); *ISmyrna 741. @ @@`131. Dedication to Nemesis by Hermas; no date; found at Smyrna: CIG 3164; *ISmyrna 742. @ @@`131.5. Dedication to all &3theoi& by Deios, on cliff; probably late Hellenistic; found at Bel Kahve: *ISmyrna 903 (PH). @ @@`132. Dedication to Theos Hypsistos by Sergi(u)s; Roman; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 39%19`40, no. 254; *ISmyrna 764. @ @@`133. Dedication of Tyche of Thessaloneike by Petronius Parnassos, on base; late imperial; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: von Prott, MDAI(A) 27, 1902, 269, no. 1; *ISmyrna 760. @ @@`133.5. Dedication to Zeus by Heroides Artemidor[2o]2u, on base of eagle of white marble; I?; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, p. 368, no. XL. @ @@`134. Dedication to [Zeus Sote]r (?) and Athen%1[a] by Apollas and others; prob. II; found at Smyrna: Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 56, no. 6 (PH); *ISmyrna 738. @ @@`135. Dedication by Rufus under &3strategos& Glykon; Roman; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: Kontoleon, REG 12, 1899, 385, no. 9; *ISmyrna 752. @ @@`136. Dedication by Zosas Apollas; late imperial?; found at Smyrna?: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 83, no. 271; *ISmyrna 745 (PH). @ @@`137. Dedication by [ ... ]artes Aristei[ ... ], inscribed boustrophedon on bronze plating; VII&4`2&?; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 47, no. 1 (PH). @ See also: Smyrna 45, 49, 59, 165, 225%19`228, 471, 848, 988; IParion 4 (dedicatory inscription to (?) &3the&[&3a&] Phosphoros by Aphpheia of Smyrna; from Parion); IEphesos 3331 (dedication to Nemeseis by Asklepiakos of altar; now at Tire, possibly from territory of Smyrna). @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (138%19`192) @ @@@@Section: 10a. Royal Honorary Inscriptions (138%19`142) @ @@`138. Honorary inscription for (or dedication to?) Divus Julius (Caesar) by &3civit&(&3as&) of Zmyrna, in Latin; 44%3`41 BC?; provenance unknown, later in Italy, perhaps from Smyrna: CIL X 512; ILS 74; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkm. p. 241; Bracco, Inscriptiones Italiae I no. 169 (non vidi); *ISmyrna 617. @ @@`139. Honorary inscription for Tiberius Caesar by demos (of Smyrna); AD 4%3`14; found at Smyrna: CIG 3172; IGRR IV 1391; *ISmyrna 618. @ @@`140. Honorary inscription for Zenon, son of King Polemon (I) and Queen Pythodoris, of Pontus and Bosporan Kingdom; AD 18; found at Smyrna: Bergmann, Bull. Inst. 1871, 79; Gelzer, RhM 27, 1872, 463%19`464, no. 1; Mommsen, Ephem. ep. I 270 (%6 Ges. Schr. VIII 1,, 264); Fontrier. Mous. I 1873%19`5, 75, no. 40; OGIS 377; IGRR IV 1407; *ISmyrna 614 (PH). @ @@`141. Honorary inscription for Hadrian by &3mystai& of Breiseus Dionysos; AD 129%3`132; found at Smyrna: Be/quignon, BCH 57, 1933, 307%19`308 (PH); AnnEpig 1934, 47; Miltner %9 Sela=hattin, Tu+rk Tarih, Arkeologya ve Etnog. Dergisi 2, 1934, 236%19`237 (PH); Wuileumier, RA 6, 1935, 99; Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 57, no. 9 (PH); *ISmyrna 622. @ @@`142. Honorary inscription for Antoninus Pius (?) on base (?); AD 138%3`161 (?); once in Smyrna: CIG 3183; IGRR IV 1405; *ISmyrna 626. @ See also: Smyrna 214; Didyma 235 (%6 IDidyma 148) (%6 Hellenica 7, 206%19`238) (honorary inscription for Caligula by 13 &3neopoioi, including Olympianos of Zmyrna; found at Didyma). @@@@Section: 10b. Other Honorary Inscriptions (143%19`192) @ @@@@Section: 10b1. Name Preserved (143%19`173) @ @@`143. Honorary inscription for &3theologoi& [ ... ]ane and Agapomene, on base; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3200; *ISmyrna 654. @ @@`144. Honorary inscription for athlete Agathopous Dionysiou of Hierokaisareia, Smyrna, Ephesos, and Tralles, victorious at Smyrna and elsewhere, on base; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Smyrna: Miltner %9 Sela=hattin, Tu+rk Tarih, Arkeologya ve Etnog. Dergisi 2, 1934, 237, no. 2 (part) (PH); Robert, Et. anat. 143%19`146 (PH); Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 60%19`61, no. 17 (PH); *ISmyrna 662 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 376; Ritti, Hierapolis I 95 (PH). @ @@`144.5. Honorary inscription for Publius Aelius Aristeides Theodoros by &3polis& of Alexandreia et al., on slab of white marble; 2&4`2&?; presumably from Smyrna, not Alexandria or elsewhere in Egypt, later at Padua, now at Verona: CIG 4679; OGIS 709; IGRR IV 1070; Ritti, Iscriz. %9 rilievi gr. del Mus. Maff. di Verona no. 13 (PH) (non vidi); Bingen, Stemmata (Fs. Labarbe) 173%19`185 (non vidi); *ISmyrna 901. @ @@`145. Honorary inscription for G(aius) Ant(onius) Septimius Publius, &3kitharoidos,& citizen of Pergamon, Smyrna, Athens, and Ephesos, victorious at Smyrna and elsewhere, on base; AD 193%3`200; found at Smyrna: CIG 3208; IGRR IV 1432; *ISmyrna 659 (PH). @ @@`146. Honorary inscription for proconsul Marcus Atilius Bradua by demos of Smyrna; AD 84%3`200; found at Smyrna: CIG 3189; Syll&4`3 862; IGRR IV 1413; Avotins, Phoenix 27, 1973, 71%19`73; *ISmyrna 634. @ @@`147. Honorary inscription for &3archiereia& Aur(elia) Fausta by Pomponia Claudia Fausta Luperciana, on base; c. AD 214%3c. 300?; found at Smyrna: CIG 3202; IGRR IV 1420; *ISmyrna 640 (PH). @ @@`148. Honorary inscription for athlete M(arcus) Au%1r%1e%1l%1i%1u%1s%1 A%1g%1a%1[thop]o%1us of Ai%1g%1e%1i%1n[a], on base; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&?; found at Smyrna: Miltner %9 Sela=hattin, Tu+rk Tarih, Arkeologya ve Etnog. Dergisi 2, 1934, 237%19`238, no. 3 (PH); Robert, Et. anat. 138%19`141 (PH); Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 61%19`62, no. 18 (PH); *ISmyrna 663. @ @@`149. Honorary inscription for athlete [M]ar(cus) Aur(elius) Antonius Lucius of Smyrna, Athens, Ephesos, Pergamon, Kyzikos, Sardis, Miletos, Sparta, and several other cities, victorious at Smyrna and elsewhere; AD c. 160%3`300?; found at Smyrna: Hellenica 7, 105%19`113 (PH); Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 62%19`63, no. 20 (PH); *ISmyrna 661 (PH). @ @@`150. Honorary inscription for athlete Aur(elius) Apollinarios of Thyateira, Smyrna, Philadelphia, Byzantion, and other cities, on base; 3&4`2&; found at Smyrna: CIG 3206; IGRR IV 1419; *ISmyrna 667 (PH, part) %7 II 2 p. 376. @ @@`151. Honorary inscription for Asiarch Marcus Aurelius Iulianus by &3hiera synodos& of &3technitai& and &3mystai& of Breiseus Dionysos; 1&4`2&%3`2&7b&; found at Smyrna: CIG 3190; IGRR IV 1433; SEG 17, 517; *ISmyrna 639. @ @@`152. Honorary inscription for master M(arcus) Aur(elius) Soterichos by Elpidianos &3hieros&; imperial; probably from Smyrna: Henzen, Bull. Inst. 1860, 218%19`219, no. 2; LW 1522a; *ISmyrna 645. @ @@`153. Honorary inscription for Demetrios Gerys, &3strategos,& and family, by fellow%19soldiers; 133%3`129 BC (?); found at Bel Kahve: Seylaz %9 Keil, JO+AI 28, 1933 Beibl. 121%19`124 (PH); *ISmyrna 609 (PH). @ @@`154. Honorary inscription for Dionysios Dionysiou by demos (of Smyrna); no date; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 36, no. 244; *ISmyrna 616. @ @@`154.5. Honorary inscription for Dionysikles Posideou by [&3eph&]&3eboi, neoi,& and &3metechontes& of &3gymnasion,& on block of blue%19gray marble; c. I%3`1?; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, p. 354, no. VI (PH). @ @@`155. Honorary inscription for proconsul L(ucius) Egnatius Victor Lollianus by Asiarch L(ucius) Pescennius Gessius, on base; AD 245%3`248; found at Smyrna: Walter, JO+AI 21%19`22, 1921 Beibl. 252%19`254, no. 10 (PH); AnnEpig 1923, 41; SEG 2, 652; Cadoux 296 (PH); *ISmyrna 635 (PH). @ @@`156. Honorary inscription for athlete L(ucius) Herennius Septim(ius) Heliodoros of Antinoupolis and Smyrna, by Smyrna, on base; AD c. 214%3`300?; found at Smyrna: CIG 3204; IGRR IV 1421; *ISmyrna 665 (PH). @ @@`157. Honorary (?) inscription for Hypostyon; no date; provenance unknown, not from Smyrna: *LW 247 (p. 360); ISmyrna II p. x, note 17. @ @@`158. Honorary inscription for G(aius) Iul(ius) Cheirisopho[s] by &3hiera synodos& of Breisei[s]; 1; probably from Smyrna: *ISmyrna 652. @ @@`159. Honorary inscription for Asiarch Iulius Menekles Diophantos by polis of Smyrna, on base; 3&4`1&; found at Smyrna: Hellenica 5, 81%19`82, no. 318 (PH); Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 60, no. 16; 64, no.'s 23%19`25 (PH); *ISmyrna 637 (PH). @ @@`160. Honorary inscription for Claudia Antonia Sabina Prokliane and Claudia Antonia Iouliane by boule, demos, and &3synodos& of &3mystai& of the goddess, on base; 1%3`2; found at Smyrna: CIG 3199; Petzl, ZPE 13, 1974, 124%19`126; *ISmyrna 653 (PH). @ @@`161. Honorary inscription for Claudia Paulina by boule and demos (of Smyrna); AD 117%3c. 300; found at Smyrna: CIG 3201; *ISmyrna 644. @ @@`162. Honorary inscription for Cl(audius) Aristophanes Aurelianus, &3neokoros& of Augusti; AD 193%3`235; found at Smyrna: Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 60, note 15 (PH); *ISmyrna 596 (PH). @ @@`163. Honorary inscription for [G(aius)?] Claudius Bion by [Roman] and Greek &3pragmat&[&3euomenoi& of Asia?]; AD 98%3`117; found at Smyrna: Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 59, no. 13 (PH); *ISmyrna 642. @ @@`164. Honorary inscription for Claudius Pylades, &3paradoxos&; Roman; found at Smyrna: CIG 3207; *ISmyrna 658. @ @@`165. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Pu(blius) Cor(nelius) Epiktetos Akaki(o)s by father [Pu(blius)] Cor(nelius) Zosimos, to &3theoi& Nemeseis; c. 2&7m&; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 95, no. 24 (part); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 237 (PH, part); SEG 27, 773; *ISmyrna 649. @ @@`166. Honorary inscription for proconsul Publius (Cornelius) Lentulus Scipio by demos (of Smyrna); AD 41%3`42; found at Smyrna: CIG 3186; IGRR IV 1409; *ISmyrna 632. @ @@`166.5. Fragment of honorary inscription for L(ucius) Be[ ... Ko]smion (?), on fragment of white marble; AD 214%3c. 300; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna; *ISmyrna 900. @ @@`167. Honorary inscription for Metrodoros Matreas by &3synodos& of &3mystai& of &3megale thea&; no date; perhaps from Smyrna: CIG 3194; Lu+ders, Dionysische Ku+nstler 163, no. 36; Reinach, RA 31, 1897, 341%19`342; *ISmyrna 655. @ @@`168. Honorary inscription for proconsul [ ... V]inicius by [ ... i]us Capito and [ ... iu]s Magnus; c. 30 BC%3c. AD 40; found at Smyrna: Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 58%19`59, no. 12 (PH); ILeyden p. 62; *ISmyrna 633. @ @@`169. Honorary inscription for T(itus) Fl(avius) Onesimos Paternianos and father Fl(avius) Paternianos, on base; 1&4`2&%3`2&4`1&; found at Smyrna: CIG 3193; *ISmyrna 641 (PH). @ @@`170. Honorary inscription for Fla[ ... ], son of T(itus) Fl(avius) (?), by Smyrna; AD 214%3c. 300; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, REG 12, 1899, 388, no. 22; IGRR IV 1425 (part); *ISmyrna 646. @ @@`171. Honorary inscription for Asiarch Pomponius Cornelius Lollianus Hedianus (by Smyrna), on base; c. AD 214%3c. 300?; found at Smyrna: CIG 3191; OGIS 514; IGRR IV 1424; *ISmyrna 638 (PH). @ @@`172. Honorary inscription for athlete L(ucius) Septim(ius) Aur(elius) Stephanos of Thyateira, by polis of Smyrna; AD c. 214%3`300?; found at Smyrna: CIG 3205; *ISmyrna 666. @ @@`173. Honorary inscription for Theon, Platonic philosopher, by son Theon; AD 120%3`140; found at Smyrna: CIG 3198; IGRR IV 1449; Richter, Portraits of Greeks III p. 285 (PH); Hanfmann, From Croesus to Constantine fig. 148 (PH); Inan %9 Alfo+ldi%19Rosenbaum no. 115; *ISmyrna 648; SEG 32, 1204. @ See also: Smyrna 1%19`4, 227, 229, 231, 238, 239, 241, 252, 288, 293, 314, 318, 320, 321, 327, 329%19`333, 342, 343, 345, 346, 350, 351, 353, 356%19`359, 364%19`369, 373, 378%19`380, 396, 400, 401, 411, 413, 418, 419, 422, 425, 427, 430%19`432, 435, 436, 442, 446, 457, 467, 472%19`474, 480%19`483, 485%19`489, 496, 498, 500, 505, 518, 520, 524, 529, 543, 553, 557, 564, 566, 573, 575, 578, 581, 584, 586%19`589, 591%19`594, 597, 599, 604, 605, 610, 612, 613, 619, 620, 622%19`626, 634%19`637, 639, 658, 666, 667, 670, 673, 688%19`692, 697%19`701, 708, 713, 717%19`720, 725, 727%19`729, 732, 736, 740, 744, 746, 758, 762, 986%19`988; Aphrodisias 228, ll. 19%19`21 (%6 CIG 2810b) (%6 LW 1620b) (honorary inscription for Aelius Aurelius [ ... ], athlete victorious at Koinon of Asia at Smy[r]na and elsewhere; found at Aphrodisias); Ephesos 1092 (%6 IEphesos 1123) (%6 JO+AI 52, 35, no. 39) (honorary inscription for athlete [A]lexandros Menodorou, victorious at Smyrna and elsewhere; found at Ephesos); Ephesos 1151.5 (%6 IEphesos 1919.5) (honorary inscription for [M]arcus Aur[elius ... ] of [Alexan]dria, Eph[esos], and Smyrna; found at Ephesos); Ephesos 1283 (%6 IEphesos 1106) (%6 JO+AI 52, 36, no. 41) (honorary inscription for &3kitharodos& [Tiberius] Claudius Epigonos, citizen of Smyrna, Ephesos, and other cities; found at Ephesos); Ephesos 1380 (%6 IEphesos 3072) (%6 Forsch. in Eph. III 72) (honorary inscription for [Vedia ... ], great%19niece of Cl(audius) Salvius, Asiarch in Smyrna; found at Ephesos); Ephesos 1439 (%6 IEphesos 668A) (%6 IGRR IV 1441) (honorary inscription for T(itus) Fl(avius) Apollonios; seen at Smyrna, probably wandered from Ephesos); Iasos 245, ll. 3%19`4 (%6 IIasos 108) (Moretti 66.a) (honorary inscription for Titus Flavius Metrobios mentions victories at Koina Asias at Smyrna; found at Iasos); Magnesia 243 (%6 IMagnesia 165) (%6 Kondoleon, Anek. Mik. Ep. 5) (honorary inscription (of Magnesia Mai.) for Tiberius Claudius Myrismos of Smyrna and Magnesia (Mai.), tragic actor; found at Magnesia Mai.); Magnesia 220, ll. 11%19`12 (%6 IMagnesia 180) (%6 Moretti 71.a) (honorary inscription for Pu(blius) Aelius Aristomachos, athlete victorious at Koinon Asias at Smyrna and elsewhere; found at Magnesia Mai.); Miletos 392 (%6 Milet I 9 no. 371) (honorary inscription for athlete T(itus) F(lavius) Asklep[i ... ], victorious at contests at Smyrna and elsewhere; found near Miletos); IG XIV 739 (honorary inscription for athlete M(arcus) Aur(elius) Hermagoras Magnes, victorious at Koinon Asias and Olympia at Smyrna, and elsewhere; found at Naples); IG XIV 746, l. 8 (honorary inscription for athlete T(itus) Flavius Artemidoros, victorious at Koinon Asias at Zmyrna, and elsewhere; found at Naples); IG XIV 747 (honorary inscription for athlete T(itus) Flavius Archibios, victorious at Koinon Asias at Smyrna, and elsewhere; found at Naples); IOlympia 237, ll. 4, 8 (honorary inscription for P(ublius) Aelius Artemas, victorious at Hadrianeia of Zmyrna and elsewhere; found at Olympia); IOlympia 243.b, l. 1 (honorary inscription for [Valerius Eklektos], bouleutes of Smyrna and elsewhere; found at Olympia); ISmyrna 657 (honorary inscription for &3pankratiastes& Tiberius Claudius Rufus by demos of Zmyrna; found at Olympia); IG XIV 1102 (honorary inscription for athlete M(arcus) Aurelius Demetrios, victorious at Koina Asias, Olympia, and Hadriania Olympia at Smyrna, and elsewhere; found at Rome); IG XIV 1105 (honorary inscription for athlete M(arcus) Aurelius Demostratos Damas, citizen of Smyrna and many other cities; found at Rome); ISardis 79.A, ll. 3, 13 (honorary inscription for athlete [Marcus Aurelius Demostratos Damas,] citizen of [Smyrna] and elsewhere and victorious at Smyrna and elsewhere; found at Sardis); Robert, Doc. As. Min. 101%19`105, l. 7 (honorary inscription by [b]oule and demo[s] (of Seleukeia Kalykad.) for Pu(blius) Aelius Heliodoros athlete victorious at Smyrna and elsewhere; found at Seleukeia Kalykad.); SEG 13, 540 (%6 Moretti no. 69) (%6 Bean, Belleten 17, 1953, 175%19`176, no. 12) (honorary inscription for M(arcus) Iu[2s]2tius Marcianus Rufus, athlete victorious at Koina Asias at Smyrna, and elsewhere; found at Sinope); ISmyrna 656 (honorary inscription for tragedian G(aius) Iulius Iulianus by pol[is] of S%1myrna; found near Sparta); Tralles 87 (%6 ISmyrna 370) (%6 ITralles 269) (%6 Syll. Konstantin. philol. hetair. 15, 1884, 59, no. 8) (fragment of honorary (or funerary?) inscription for Publius Calpurnius Concordius; found at Tralles, later at Smyrna); Tralles 95 (%6 ITralles 113) (%6 CIG 2935) (%6 LW 598) (%6 Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 83) (honorary inscription for Gaius Lic[iniu]s Inventus of Smyrna and other cities; found at Tralles); Tralles 98 (%6 ITralles 114) (honorary inscription for M(arcus) Valerius Septim[i]us Prepon of Sm[yr]n[a] and other cities; found at Tralles); Tralles 104 (%6 ITralles 135), ll. 14%19`15 (honorary inscription for T(itus) Fl(avius) Philagros, &3salpiktes& victorious at Olympia at Smyrna, and elsewhere; found at Tralles); Tralles 108 (%6 ITralles 136), ll. 14%19`15, 18%19`21 (honorary inscription for [&3ke&]&3ryx& Serapion Serapionos, victorious at Hadriana O[l]ympia, Koinon Asias, and Sipyleneia at Smyrna, and elsewhere; found at Tralles); IGRR IV 1254 (%6 1423) (honorary inscription by &3patris for Ulpia Marcella, &3archiereia& of Asia of temples in Smyrna; from Thyateira). @ @@@@Section: 10b2. Name Fragmentary or Lost (174%19`192) @ @@`174. Honorary (?) inscription for Alka[ ... ] (?); c. 1; found at Smyrna: Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 65, no. 30; *ISmyrna 671. @ @@`175. Honorary inscription for athlete [ ... ]aton (?) of [Th]yate%1[ira] and Smyrna, by [polis of Sm]y%1rn%1[a]; AD 133%3`200?; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 30, no. 257; Robert, Et. anat. 123%19`124; Petzl, ZPE 13, 1974, 117%19`119 (PH); BE 1974:472; *ISmyrna 668. @ @@`176. Honorary inscription for &3s&[&3t&]&3rategos& Ei[ ... ]inos Men[o]d[o]tou, by those in fortress; c. II&4`1&?; found at Bel Kahve: Bean, AnAr 1, 1955 (%6 JKAF 3) 45 (PH); SEG 19, 703; *ISmyrna 610. @ @@`177. Honorary inscription for M%1a%1[ ... ], &3agonothetes& of Nemesea; 1%3`2?; found at Smyrna: Stark, Arch. Ztg. 11, 1853, 368; Jung, Arch.%19epig. Mitt. aus O+st. 16, 1893, 14; Espe/randieu, Inscr. ant. Mus. Calvet d'Avignon 180%19`181, no. 239; Robert, RPh 18, 1944, 35%19`36 (%6 OM 1401%19`1402, no. B); *ISmyrna 650 (PH). @ @@`178. Honorary inscription for athlete [ ... ]s Alexandrou of Hierokaisareia, Smyrna, Ephesos, Kyzikos, and Pergamon, on base; 2%3`4; found at Smyrna: Miltner %9 Sela=hattin, Tu+rk Tarih, Arkeologya ve Etnog. Dergisi 2, 1934, 239, no. 4 (PH); Robert, Et. anat. 432%19`433; Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 62, no. 19 (PH); *ISmyrna 660. @ @@`179. Honorary inscription for (no name) Artemidorou (?) by (no name), [&3ta&]&3mias& (?); 2&4`2&; found at Smyrna: ILeyden 62, ll. 4%19`10 (PH); Dunst, Gnomon 31, 1959, 677%19`678; SEG 18, 495; *ISmyrna 647, ll. 4%19`10. @ @@`180. Honorary inscription for (no name), son of Claudius Kleandros, on base; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 1, 1875%19`6, 31, no. 134; *ISmyrna 643. @ @@`181. Fragment of inscription on statue%19base, for (?) [&3agoranomos&] (no name); late Hellenistic%3early imperial?; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, REG 13, 1899, 386, no. 14; *ISmyrna 780. @ @@`182. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (no name), set up in term of M(arcus) A(urelius?) Bion, on base; c. 1%3`2; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 678 (PH). @ @@`183. Fragment of honorary inscription mentioning Ti(berius) Cl[audius ... ], on base; prob. 1; found at Smyrna: Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 59, no. 14 (PH); *ISmyrna 677. @ @@`184. Honorary (?) inscription for (no name), victorious at Hadrianeia of Tarsos; 2%3`4; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, REA 4, 1902, 194, no. 2; AnnEpig 1902, 232; IGRR IV 1443; *ISmyrna 670. @ @@`185. Honorary inscription for (no name) mentioning &3agonothetes L(ucius) Iulius Bassus; 2%3`3; found at Smyrna: C%25ak#1221rog%27lu, Amaltheia Jun. 17%19`30, 1915 (non vidi); Walter, JO+AI 21%19`22, 1922 Beibl. 256, no. 12; AnnEpig 1923, 43; SEG 2, 654; *ISmyrna 651. @ @@`186. Honorary inscription for athlete (no name), victorious in Pankration at Ephesos and elsewhere; 2?; found at Smyrna: CIG 3209; IGRR IV 1442; *ISmyrna 664. @ @@`187. Honorary inscription by [dem]o%1s%1 of [Smyrna] for de[mos] of (no name), moved by Marcus A%1[ntonius P]olemon, on base; AD 117%3`138; found at Smyrna: Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 58, no. 11 (PH); *ISmyrna 676. @ @@`188. Fragment of honorary inscription for &3euergetes& (no name); prob. 2&4`2&; found at Smyrna: Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 63%19`64, no. 22 (PH); *ISmyrna 675. @ @@`189. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (no name) mentioning Hermogenon (?); 3; found at Smyrna (?): ILeyden 56 (PH); SEG 18, 497; *ISmyrna 679. @ @@`190. Fragment of honorary inscription for victor (?) (no name); AD 214?%3c. 300; found at Smyrna: CIG 3197; IGRR IV 1426; *ISmyrna 673. @ @@`191. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for victor (?) (no name); AD 214?%3c. 300; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 674. @ @@`192. Honorary inscription for victor (?) (no name), mentioning Antioch, on base; no date; found at Smyrna: Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 63, no. 21 (PH); *ISmyrna 669. @ See also: Smyrna 5%19`7, 771, 773, 776, 780, 813; ISmyrna 672 (honorary inscription for [ ... ]os Loukiou (?), mentioning Smyrna; found at Haci Ko+y near Aizanoi); Ephesos 1696, ll. 5, 6, 18, 23, 29, 30 (%6 IEphesos 1131) (honorary inscription for athlete (no name), victorious at Koina Asias, Olympia, Sipyl[eia], and Hadriana Olympia at Smyrna, and elsewhere; found at Ephesos); Ephesos 1698, ll. 15%19`16 (%6 IEphesos 1615) (%6 GIBM 615) (honorary inscription for athlete (no name), victorious at Smyrna; found at Ephesos); Ephesos 1757 (%6 IEphesos 1608.b) (%6 GIBM 608b) (honorary inscription for athlete (no name), citizen of Smyrna and other cities; found at Ephesos); Ephesos 1758 (%6 IEphesos 1130) (honorary inscription for athlete (no name) records victory at Koinon Asias at Smyrna; found at Ephesos); IOlympia 234, l. 5 (honorary inscription for (no name), victorious at Zmyrna and elsewhere; found at Olympia); Rhodian Peraia 96 (%6 Robert, La Carie II 378 note 4) (honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Hypsikles Argada and wife Philokrateia Nikarchou, both of Rhodes; found at Pisye in Rhodian Peraia, later at Mobolla and at Smyrna); IG XIV 1102 (honorary inscription for athlete Marcus Aurelius Asklepiades, victorious at Zmyrna and elsewhere; found at Rome); IG XIV 1111 (honorary inscription for poet (no name), victorious at Smyrna and elsewhere; found at Rome); IG XIV 1113 (honorary inscription for (no name), victorious at Koin[on Asias] at Smyrna, and elsewhere; found at Rome); Tralles 111 (%6 ITralles 119), ll. 1%19`2 (honorary inscription for [ ... ]as of Smyr[na] and other cities, victorious at Tralles and elsewhere; found at Tralles); Tralles 121 (%6 ITralles 118), ll. 7%19`10 (honorary inscription for athlete (no name), victorious at Hadr[ian]ea and Olympia of Smyrna, and elsewhere; found at Tralles); Frisch, ZPE 15, 1974, 162 (honorary inscription for athlete (no name), victorious at Nemeseia and Barbilleia of S%1m%1[yrna?], and elsewhere; found in Troad). @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (193%19`218) @ @@`193. Inscription indicating &3amphodon& to defend part of city wall from tower of Agathe Tyche to tower of Eueteria; III%3II; found at Smyrna: Perrot, RA 32, 1876, 41%19`44; Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 51, no. 120; Syll&4`3& 961; Wilhelm, AAWW 61, 1924, 116%19`117 (%6 Akadschr. II 160); *ISmyrna 613.a (PH). @ @@`194. Inscription indicating [&3an&]&3phodon& to defend part of city wall from [tower] of Hera[kles] to tower of Diosk[ouroi]; III; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 5, no. 206; Wilhelm, AAWW 61, 1924, 116%19`117 (%6 Akadschr. II 160%19`161); SEG 4, 627; Robert, Et. anat. p. 29,1 (PH); *ISmyrna 613.c (PH). @ @@`195. Horos of &3temenos& of Aphrodite Stratonikis; III&4`2&?; found near P#1221narbas%25#1221: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 16, 1891, 133; Fontrier, REA 2, 1900, 251 (%6 RA 37, 1900, 160%19`161); Fowler, AJA 5, 1901, 90; *ISmyrna 723.a %7 II 2 p. 377 (PH, part). @ ê@@`195.5. Horos of &3temenos& of Aphrodite Stratonikis; III&4`2&?; found near Smyrna: CIG 3156; Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 16, 1891, 134%19`135; Michel 809; Fontrier, REA 2, 1900, 252; Syll&4`3& 990; *ISmyrna 723.b %7 II 2 p. 377 (PH, part). @ ê@@`195.7. Horos of &3temenos& of Aphrodite Stratonikis, on yellowish limestone; III&4`2&?; found at Halka P#1221nar: *ISmyrna 723.c (ISmyrna II 2, p. 377) (PH). @ @@`196. Inscription indicating &3anphodon& to defend part of city wall from tower of Artemis to tower of Leto; prob. II; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 28, no. 252; Wilhelm, AAWW 61, 1924, 149%19`150; SEG 4, 628; *ISmyrna 613.b. @ @@`197. Milestone in Latin dedicated to (?) Caesars; imperial; found at P#1221narbas%25#1221: Fontrier, Courrier de Smyrne, Mar. 24, 1900 (non vidi); Keil %9 von Premerstein, 3. Reise p. 8, note 1; *ISmyrna 816.a, l. 10 (PH). @ @@`198. Royal hor(os); imperial; found at Yamanlar Dag%27#1221: Fontrier, BCH 16, 1892, 398; Gre/goire, Rec. 89; *ISmyrna 831. @ @@`199. Milestone for fourth mile from Ephesos, in Latin, by Claudius, on pillar; AD 51; found near Halka P#1221nar: Bailie, Fasc. inscr. gr. II pp. 124%19`125, no. 153; LW 6; CIL III 476; *ISmyrna 825. @ @@`200. Inscription in Latin and Greek recording building of roads by Vespasian, on column; AD 75; found between Smyrna and Sevdiko+y: Fontrier, Mous. II 1, 1875%19`6, 1, no. 73; CIL III Supp. 7203; IGRR IV 1486; *ISmyrna 823. @ @@`201. Inscription in Latin and Greek recording building of roads by Vespasian, on column; prob. AD 75; found between Smyrna and Sevdiko+y: Fontrier, Mous. II 1, 1875%19`6, 2, no. 74; CIL III Supp. 7204; *ISmyrna 824. @ @@`202. Inscription in Latin and Greek recording building of roads by Domitian, on column; AD 92%3`93; found at Balc%25ova: *ISmyrna 826. @ @@`203. Horos of Sykameinos (?); late; found at Yamanlar Dag%27#1221: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 93, no. 19; Fontrier, BCH 16, 1892, 397, note 2; Gre/goire, Rec. 88; *ISmyrna 830A. @ @@`204. Horos of Sykaminos (?); late Roman; found at Yamanlar Dag%27#1221: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 93, no. 18; Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 336%19`337, no. 6; Bean, AnAr 1, 1955 (%6 JKAF 3) pl. 20 (PH); SEG 19, 701; *ISmyrna 830B. @ @@`205. Milestone for fourth mile set up by polis of Smyrna; AD 201%3`202; found near P#1221narbas%25#1221: *ISmyrna 814.I (PH). @ @@`206. Milestone in Latin and Greek dedicated to Septimius Severus, Caracalla, Geta, and Iulia Domna; AD 201%3`202; found at Hac#1221lar: CIG 3179.d (part); LW 8.A%19B; CIL III 471; IGRR IV 1482.a%19b; Kararas, Choria tou Bournova, 15%19`16, no. b (non vidi); SEG 17, 521; Yenim, Tu+rk Ark. Derg. 23, 1976, 147%19`148; SEG 26, 1297; *ISmyrna 815.a (PH) %7 II 2 p. 378. @ @@`207. Milestone for eighth mile, by polis of Smyrna (?); AD 201%3`202; found at Hac#1221lar: CIG 3180; LW 9; IGRR IV 1483; *ISmyrna 817. @ @@`208. Milestone dedicated to Trebonianus Gallus and Volusianus, by Hyrkanis, on pillar; AD 251%3`253; found at Sevdiko+y: CIG 3181; IGRR IV 1487; Hellenica 6, 17%19`18; *ISmyrna 822. @ @@`209. Milestone for sixth mile of Aurelian and Ulpia Severina; AD 270%3`275; found at Hac#1221lar: CIG 3179.c and e; LW 8.C; CIL III 472; IGRR IV 1482.c; Kararas, Choria tou Bournova, 15%19`16 (non vidi); SEG 17, 521; Yenim, Tu+rk Ark. Derg. 23, 1976, 168, no. c; SEG 26, 1298; *ISmyrna 815.b (PH). @ @@`210. Milestone for eighth mile dedicated to [Carus], Carinus, and Numerian; AD 282%3`283; found near P#1221narbas%25#1221: Fontrier, REA 3, 1901, 349%19`351; CIL III Supp. 14201 IGRR IV 1489.b; *ISmyrna 818.I. @ @@`211. Milestone for fourth mile of Diocletian and Maximian; AD 286%3`305; found near P#1221narbas%25#1221: *ISmyrna 814.II (PH). @ @@`212. Milestone in Latin dedicated to Diocletian and Maximian; AD 286%3`305; found near P#1221narbas%25#1221: Fontrier, REA 3, 1901, 349%19`351; CIL III Supp. 14201 IGRR IV 1489; *ISmyrna 818.II. @ @@`213. Horos in Latin dedicated to [Dioclet]ian and Maximian; AD 289%3`305; found at Hac#1221lar: CIG 3179.b; LW 8.D; CIL III 473; Kararas, Choria tou Bournova 15%19`16 (non vidi); SEG 17, 521; Yenim, Tu+rk Ark. Derg. 23, 1976, 168, no. d; *ISmyrna 815.c (PH). @ @@`214. Milestone for first mile in honor of Diocletian, with names of Maximian, Constantius (I), and Galerius later added; AD 293%3`305; found at Smyrna: CIL III Supp. 7197, 7199, 14201&4`6&; *ISmyrna 812.a (PH). @ @@`215. Milestone for fifth mile dedicated to Caesares; AD 293%3`305; found at Bornova: Calder, Studies 101, note; *ISmyrna 814A. @ @@`216. Milestone for eighth mile from Smyrna in Latin and Greek, dedicated to Diocletian, Maximian, Constantius (I), and Galerius; AD 293%3`305; found at Menemen, probably wandered: LW 1724f; Fontrier, Mous. II 1, 1875%19`6, 31%19`32, no. 135; Ramsay, JHS 2, 1881, 52%19`54; CIL III 6095, 7201, 7202; IGRR IV 1385; IKyme 28; *ISmyrna 827. @ @@`217. Milestone in Latin dedicated to Julian; AD 361%3`363; found at P#1221narbas%25#1221: Fontrier, Courrier de Smyrne Mar. 24, 1900 (non vidi); CIL III Supp. 14201 Keil %9 von Premerstein, 3. Reise p. 8, note 1; *ISmyrna 816.a, ll. 1%19`8 (PH). @ @@`218. Hor(os) inscription; no date; found near Smyrna: Fontrier, BCH 16, 1892, 394, note 2; *ISmyrna 834. @ See also: Smyrna 874%19`887. @ ۏ@@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (219%19`222) @ @@`219. Topos inscription for Iulius on theater%19seat; imperial; found at Smyrna: Berg %9 Walter, MDAI(A) 47, 1922, 19, note 1; *ISmyrna 810. @ ۪@@`219.3. (Topos) inscription of Qu(intus?) Canid(ius) Marcelinus, on column socle; 2%3`5; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 904.b (PH). @ ۪@@`219.6. (Topos) inscription of [ ... ] Phaidreina, on column socle; imperial; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 904.a (PH). @ @@`220. Bronze standard of &3synbiosis& of &3xystoplateitai&; 2&7e&; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna: Kubitschek, JO+AI 29, 1935, 44%19`48 (PH); Robert, Et. anat. 536, note 2; *ISmyrna 714. @ @@`221. Topos inscription for &3synergasia& of &3kyrtoboloi&; c. 3?; found at Smyrna: Gelzer, RhM 27, 1872, 464%19`465, no. II; Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 65, no. 7; Waltzing, Et. hist. III 53, no. 150; *ISmyrna 715. @ @@`222. Topos inscription for &3syner&[&3gasia ...& ]; no date; found at Smyrna: Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 66, no. 35; *ISmyrna 718. @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (223%19`286) @ @@@@Section: 15a. Laws in Verse (223) @ @@`223. Sacred law concerning cult of Dionysos and Orpheus, in hexameters; 2%3`3; provenance uncertain, perhaps from Smyrna: Keil, AAWW 90, 1953, 16%19`20, no. 1 (PH); Sokolowski, LSAM 84; SEG 14, 752; ILeyden pp. 90%19`93; Nock, HSCP 63, 1958, 415%19`421 (%6 Essays on Religion II 847%19`852); *ISmyrna 728 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 377. @ @@@@Section: 15b. Building Epigrams (_) @ See also: Smyrna 888. @ @@@@Section: 15c. Religious Epigrams (224) @ @@`224. Inscription in elegiacs in praise of River Meles; prob. AD 161%3`180; found at Bornova: CIG 3165; Bailie, Fasc. insc. gr. I pp. 107%19`108, no. 28; Barth, RhM 7, 1850, 261, no. 53; Slaars, Etude sur Smyrne 53, note 94; Kaibel 1030; Ramsay, JHS 3, 1882, 57, note 1; IGRR IV 1389; SEG 17, 519; Pfohl, Gr. Inschr.&4`2& no. 66; *ISmyrna 766 %7 II 2 p. 378. @ @@@@Section: 15d. Dedications in Verse (225%19`228) @ @@`225. Dedication in elegiacs to Apollo by Asklepiades Pleistarchou of Dokimeion; late Hellenistic; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`1875, 88, no. 69; Hirschfeld, Monatsber. Akad. Berl. 1875, 10, no. 4; Curtius, Monatsber. Akad. Berl. 1876, 348%19`350, no. 3; Kaibel 797; Wilhelm, GE 25; Robert, ATAM 242%19`244 (PH); SEG 30, 1367; *ISmyrna 750 (PH). @ @@`226. Dedication, partly in hexameters, to Asklepios &3ieter,& by Qu(intus) Valerius Iulianus of Smyrna; c. 2; probably from Smyrna, perhaps not: CIG 3159; Welcker, RhM 6, 1848, 104, no. 24; Kaibel 805; Ritti, Iscriz. e rilievi gr. 65, no. 28a; *ISmyrna 757 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 378; Moretti, RFIC 110, 1982, 505 (non vidi). @ @@`227. Dedicatory%3honorary inscription in elegiacs to Meter Theon Smyrnaike for Hermodoros, by Euchrotion, on base; c. 1%3`2; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, BCH 3, 1879, 328; Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 128, no. 166 (165); Hellenica 2, 109%19`113; Pleket, Epigraphica II 57%19`58, no. 59; Hellenica 11%19`12, 558%19`561; Petzl, ZPE 18, 1975, 315%19`316; Peek, ZPE 21, 1976, 146; SEG 26, 1303; *ISmyrna 743. @ @@`228. Dedication in elegiacs to Neike by Anenkletos; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 144, no. 187; *ISmyrna 763. @ See also: Smyrna 121; IG XIV 967 (dedication in elegiacs to Asklepios by Nikomedes of Smyrna, &3iatros&; found at Rome). @ @@@@Section: 15e. Honorary Epigrams (229) @ @@`229. Honorary inscription in hexameters for proconsul Eustathios, on base; 4%3`5?; found at Smyrna: Robert, Laodice/e 342%19`343 (PH); Peek, Philologus 116, 1972, 260; AnnEpig 1973, 524; Merkelbach, ZPE 14, 1974, 88; Merkelbach, ZPE 20, 1976, 276%19`277; SEG 26, 1302; *ISmyrna 636 (PH). @ See also: Smyrna 227, 231, 238, 239, 241, 252; Chios 267, III right 4 (%6 SEG 19, 589) (%6 SEG 14, 562) (honorary inscription in elegiacs and prose for athlete [M(arcus) A]urelius [Heras] mentions victory at Smyrna; found on Chios); Magnesia 322, ll. 10%19`11 (%6 IMagnesia 181) (%6 Moretti 71.b) (honorary inscription in elegiacs for athlete Aristomachos, victorious at Koinon Asias at Smyrna, and elsewhere; found at Magnesia Mai.). @ @@@@Section: 15f. Funerary Epigrams (230%19`279) @ @@`230. Funerary inscriptions in elegiacs for [Alk?]ippos [Phainipp?]ou; II; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 22, no. 236; Peek, GV I 635; SEG 15, 732; *ISmyrna 528 %7 II 2 p. 374. @ @@`231. Honorary%3funerary inscription in elegiacs for Ampelion Attalou and Lysi[machos] Lysimachou; III%3I; found at Bornova: Fontrier, BCH 18, 1894, 199; *ISmyrna 530. @ @@`232. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Anno; 1; found at Baradiz: Fontrier, Mous. V 2, 1885%19`6, 91, no. 583; Peek, GV I 642; Kararas, Ho Boutzas 17; Peek, Griech. Versinschr. aus Kleinas. 11, no. 3; SEG 30, 1369; *ISmyrna 529. @ @@`233. Funerary inscription in iambics for Apion Bionos; II?; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: CIG 3273; Kaibel 236; Cougny, Anth. Pal. Append. II no. 632; Sotheby's Cat., Apr. 30, 1915, 15, pl. 3 (PH) (non vidi); Peek, GV I 804; Peek, Griech. Grabged. 234; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1451; *ISmyrna 524 %7 II 2 p. 373. @ @@`234. Funerary inscription in verse for Artemidoros Apolonidou; imperial; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 556 (PH). @ ꪳ@@`234.3. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Basileides Patronos, on stele of blue%19gray marble; late Hellenistic?; perhaps from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: Amaltheia, Dec. 1904 (non vidi); *ISmyrna II 2, pp. 352%19`353, no. III. @ ꪶ@@`234.6. Funerary inscription, partly in hexameters, for Charition Metro[ ... ], on slab of bluish marble; II%3I; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, p. 358, no. XV. @ @@`235. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Daphnikos; 1; perhaps from Smyrna: Peek, GV I 1323; ILeyden 69 (PH); *ISmyrna 538 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 374. @ @@`236. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for (gladiator) Decoratus; 2%3`3?; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 88, no. 68; Kaibel, p. 525, no. 307a; Robert, Glad. 238; Hellenica 3, 144; Peek, GV I 624; Petzl, ZPE 14, 1974, 292, no. 10; Raffeiner, Sklaven und Freigelassene 71; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1221; *ISmyrna 546. @ @@`237. Funerary inscription in iambics for Demetrios and Sarapias; c. 100 BC; found at Smyrna: Tod, JHS 53, 1933, 54%19`56 (PH); Peek GV I 1315; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 878 (PH); *ISmyrna 514. @ @@`238. Honorary%3funerary inscription in elegiacs for Demokles Demokleous and Demokles Amphilochou, by demos; II%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3256; Kaibel 237; GIBM 1024; Peek, GV I 760; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 863 (PH); *ISmyrna 521 %7 II 2 p. 373; Cook, Greek Inscriptions 25%19`27 (PH). @ @@`239. Honorary%3funerary inscription in elegiacs for Dionysios Apolloniou by demos; II&7e&%3I; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna or vicinity: Peek GV I 874; ILeyden 66 (PH); SEG 18, 504; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 569; *ISmyrna 522.b. @ @@`240. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Dionysios Ploutarchou; I?; provenance unknown, now in Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 1, 1875%19`6, 56, no. 116; Kaibel 306a; Peek, GV I 763; *ISmyrna 517 (PH). @ @@`241. Honorary%3funerary inscription in elegiacs for Dionysios Poseidoniou by demos; II; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, BCH 7, 1883, 278%19`279; Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 59, no. 445; Peek, GV I 1000; *ISmyrna 515. @ @@`242. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Herais; I; found at Smyrna: Kaibel 238; Peek, GV I 846; *ISmyrna 526 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 374. @ @@`243. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Herakleides, son of Zmertomara; 1; found at Smyrna: CIG 3326; Kaibel 239; Peek, GV I 771; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 329; *ISmyrna 552 %7 II 2 p. 374. @ @@`244. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Hermianos; 1%3`2 or later; found at Smyrna: CIG 3310; Kaibel 309; Peek, GV I 477; *ISmyrna 542. @ @@`245. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Hermias, dead on Tmolos; III; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 90, no. 73; Hirschfeld, Monatsber. Akad. Berl. 1874, 727%19`728, no. 2; Kaibel 234; Hoffmann, Syll. epigr. 186 (non vidi); Cougny, Anth. Pal. Append. II no. 166; Peek, GV I 1745; Peek, Griech. Grabged. 129; Geffcken, Gr. Epigr. 179; *ISmyrna 512. @ @@`246. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Hermione Petrotiou; II&7m&; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 12, 1887, 246%19`247, no. 2; Leemans 1890, 18%19`19, no. 17; Peek, GV I 1540; ILeyden 67 (PH); SEG 18, 502; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 858 (PH); *ISmyrna 519. @ @@`247. Funerary inscription, partly in hexameters, for Hermogenes Charidemou, doctor and author; 1; found at Halka P#1221nar: CIG 3311; Kaibel 305; Wellmann, Jahrb. f. class. Philol. 145, 1892, 676%19`677 (non vidi); IGRR IV 1445; GIBM 1020; Peek GV I 458; *ISmyrna 536 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 374. @ @@`248. Funerary epigram in elegiacs for Hikesios Theudotou and Hermippos Theudotou; II%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3333; Kaibel 241; Cougny, Anth. Pal. Append. II no. 634; Michaelis, Anc. Marbles 577, no. 147; Peek, GV I 701; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1102 (PH); *ISmyrna 523 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 373. @ @@`249. Funerary inscription, partly in elegiacs, for husband Ti(berius) Cl(audius) Agathopous and son Ti(berius) Cl(audius) Iulianus by I(ulia) Tyrannion; 2; found at Kokluca: Weber, MDAI(A) 23, 1898, 496, no. 1; Peek, GV I 1879; *ISmyrna 551 (PH). @ @@`250. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Kopria, servant of Dorothea; 3%3`5?; found at Smyrna?: CIG 3344; Kaibel 313; Cougny, Anth. Pal. Append. II no. 636; Peek, GV I 1948; Raffeiner, Sklaven und Freigelassene 35%19`37, no. 15; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 2097; *ISmyrna 543. @ @@`251. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Kriton; III; found at Smyrna: Gelzer, RhM 27, 1872, 465, no. 3; Hirschfeld, Monatsber. Akad. Berl. 1874, 727, no. 1; Kaibel 235; Cougny, Anth. Pal. Append. II no. 167; Hoffmann, Syll. epigr. 187 (non vidi); Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 69, no. 17; Peek, GV I 1388; Peek, Griech. Grabged. 184; *ISmyrna 518. @ @@`252. Honorary%3funerary inscription in elegiacs for Lenaios Artemidorou by demos; II%3I; possibly from Smyrna: Welcker, RhM 6, 1848, 82, no. 2; Kaibel 111; GIBM 1025; IG II&4`2& 11965; Robert, RPh 18, 1944, 44%19`46 (%6 OM III 1410%19`1412); Peek, GV I 1710; Robert, Berytus 16, 1966, 9%19`10; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1488 (PH); *ISmyrna 516. @ @@`253. Funerary inscription, partly in trochaic tetrameter, for Lysinos Euboulou, dead on Tmolos; III; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: Wilhelm, SDAW 1932, 861 (%6 Akadschr. II 405); Peek, MDAI(A) 66, 1941, 80%19`81, no. 23; Peek, GV I 1175; Peek, Griech. Grabged. 229; *ISmyrna 511. @ @@`254. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Menodote and (?) Char%1[ ... ]; II?; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: Kontoleon, REG 14, 1901, 298, no. 4; Peek, GV I 753; *ISmyrna 531. @ @@`255. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Menogenes Apolloniou, on stele of whitish marble; AD 40%3`96; found at Smyrna, perhaps from Lydia: Fontrier, REA 2, 1900, 359%19`360; Pfuhl, AA 19, 1904, 186%19`187 (PH); Peek, MDAI(A) 56, 1931, 126, no. 9e; Peek, GV I 1884; Peek, Griech. Grabged. 435; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 788 (PH); *ISmyrna 541 %7 II 2 p. 374; **Moysey, ZPE 72, 1988, 89%19`92, no. 2 (PH) (ll. 14%19`15). @ @@`256. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Metrodoros Demetriou and Matreas Demetriou; II; found at Smyrna: Wolters, MDAI(A) 23, 1898, 267%19`270; Geffcken, Griech. Epigr. 217; Peek, GV I 1179; Peek, Griech. Grabged. 216; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 766 (PH); *ISmyrna 513 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 373. @ @@`257. Funerary inscription, partly in hexameter, for M(arcus) Modicus Asiaticus, &3iatros methodikos&; 2?; found at Smyrna: CIG 3283; Kaibel 306; Cougny, Anth. Pal. Append. II 641; Peek, GV I 1395; Richter, Portraits of Greeks III 282%19`283 (PH); SEG 28, 886; Inan %9 Alfo+ldi%19Rosenbaum no. 114 (PH); *ISmyrna 537; Goette, MDAI(R) 92, 1985, 314 no. II 30 and 316 no. III 3. @ @@`258. Funerary inscription, partly in verse, for Neike and others, by demos, gerousia, &3katoikoi, Romaioi,& and &3thiasotai&; II%3I; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, REG 14, 1901, 299%19`300, no. 10; IGRR IV 1484; *ISmyrna 534. @ @@`259. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Nikokra[tes ... ]; I%3`1; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 53, no. 123; Kaibel, RhM 34, 1879, 185%19`186, no. 302b; Peek, GV I 1817; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 978 (PH); Wilhelm, GE 70%19`71, no. 92; SEG 30, 1368; *ISmyrna 540. @ @@`260. Funerary inscription, partly in elegiacs, for Nikopolis Sarapionos; II&4`1&; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 6, no. 207 (part) and 9, no. 215 (part); Peek, GV I 1512 (part); Peek, Griech. Grabged. 228 (part); Page, WS 89, 1976, 174%19`176, no. 5 (part); SEG 26, 1300; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 392 (PH); *ISmyrna 520. @ @@`261. Funerary inscription in hexameter for Nysa; c. II%3I; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: LW 1535b; Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 67, no. 12; Kaibel 313a (p. 525); Peek, GV I 88; Peek, Griech. Grabged. 366; *ISmyrna 527. @ @@`262. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Onesime; 1?; found at Smyrna: CIG 3365; Kaibel 315; Peek, GV I 1761; *ISmyrna 554. @ @@`263. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Paula; 1%3`2; probably from Smyrna: Keil, AAWW 90, 1953, 20, no. 2 (PH); Peek, GV I 1545; SEG 14, 755; ILeyden 68; Peek, Griech. Grabged. 335; SEG 18, 501; *ISmyrna 549 (PH). @ @@`264. Funerary inscription in hexameters for Pistikos Phaidrou; imperial; found at Bornova: Hendriks, ZPE 40, 1980, 200%19`205, no. 1; Peek, 42, 1981, 34; SEG 30, 1371; *ISmyrna 550 %7 II 2 p. 374. @ @@`265. Funerary inscriptions in elegiacs and iambics for Polla of Smyrna by husband Victor; 3&7b&; found between Mersinli and Bornova: Fontrier, REA 2, 1900, 253%19`255; *ISmyrna 544 %7 II 2 p. 374. @ @@`266. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Sarapion Herodotou; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, REG 12, 1899, 388%19`389, no. 23; *ISmyrna 525 %7 II 2 pp. 369, 373; Peek, EA 2, 1983, 84; Merkelbach, EA 3, 1984, 38; SEG 33, 994; **Luppe, EA 11, 1988 (l. 2). @ @@`267. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Tryphon, &3threptos& of Trophimos; 1%3`2; found at Smyrna: CIG 3388; Kaibel 316; Peek, GV I 562; *ISmyrna 553 %7 II 2 p. 374. @ @@`268. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Zosime Atheni[ ... ]; imperial; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: Do+rner, Inschr. aus Bithynien 117; Peek, GV I 1666; Drew%19Bear, Arktouros 313; *ISmyrna 555. @ @@`269. Fragment of funerary inscription in elegiacs for (?) [ ... ]pos (?) &3iatros&; prob. II; possibly from Smyrna: Dain, ILouvre 52; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1045 (PH) and vol. II p. 570; SEG 27, 769; *ISmyrna 532. @ @@`270. Excised (identical with Smyrna 272). @ @@`271. Fragment of funerary inscription in verse for (no name); III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, BCH 16, 1892, 393, note 2; *ISmyrna 535. @ @@`272. Funerary inscription in verse for (no name); II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Smyrna: Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 632 (PH); SEG 27, 768; Peek, Griech. Versinschr. aus Kleinas. 11%19`13, no. 4; SEG 30, 1366; *ISmyrna 533. @ @@`273. Funerary inscription in verse for (no name), comparing her to Kypris (?); imperial; found at P#1221narbas%25#1221: Weber, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, 121; *ISmyrna 545 (PH, part). @ @@`274. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for &3pyktes& (no name), killed by Pardos; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3284; Welcker, RhM 6, 1848, 85, no. 8; Robert, RA 30, 1929, 27 (%6 OM I 694); Robert, Glad. 237; Hellenica 3, 144; Peek, GV I 619; *ISmyrna 547. @ @@`275. Funerary inscription in verse for (gladiator) (no name) by wife Asklepiodote; imperial; found near Sevdiko+y: CIG 3399; Kaibel 318; Robert, RA 30, 1929, 36%19`38 (%6 OM I 703%19`705); Robert, Glad. 239; *ISmyrna 548. @ @@`276. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for (no name), advising reader to expect neither long life nor quick death; 1%3`4; found at Smyrna: CIG 3397; Kaibel 303; Cougny, Anth. Pal. Append. II 638; SEG 4, 630; Robert, RPh 18, 1944, 54%19`55 (%6 OM III 1420%19`1421); Peek, GV I 1364; Jongkees, Greek Antiquities I 1%19`10 (PH); Peek, Griech. Grabged. 327; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 847 (PH); Jost, Drie stenen 91%19`100; SEG 30, 1370; *ISmyrna 558 %7 II 2 pp. 374%19`375. @ @@`277. Funerary inscription in hexameters for boy (no name); 1%3`2; found at Smyrna: CIG 3398; Kaibel 312; Cougny, Anth. Pal. Append. II no. 635; Peek, GV I 1765; Peek, Griech. Grabged. 39; *ISmyrna 539 %7 II 2 p. 374. @ @@`278. Funerary inscription in hexameters for (no name), calling death sleep; 2?; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 93, no. 79; Hirschfeld, Monatsber. Akad. Berl. 1875, 9, no. 2; Fontrier, Mous. II 1, 1875%19`6, 147; Kaibel 304; Nauck, Me/l. Gre/co%19Rom. IV 1880, 652%19`653 (non vidi); Peek, GV I 1133; *ISmyrna 557 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 374. @ @@`279. Funerary inscription in verse for (no name); late; found at Bornova: CIG 3287; Omont, RA 24, 1894, 201, note 0; *ISmyrna 572 %7 II 2 p. 375. @ See also: Smyrna 889; IG XIV 1860 (funerary inscription in hexameters for Moschianos of Smyrna; found at Frascati); IG XIV 1601 (funerary inscription in elegiacs for Euthales of Smyrna; found at Praeneste); IG XII 1, 148 (funerary inscription in elegiacs for De[m]etri[os] of Smyrna and wife Dam[atris]; found on Rhodes); IG XIV 1815 (funerary inscription in hexameters for Loukios Mithrou of Smyrna; found at Rome). @@@@Section: 15g. Artists' Signatures in Verse (_) @ See also: Smyrna 820. @ @@@@Section: 15h. Oracles in Verse (280) @ @@`280. Oracle (of Claros) in hexameters concerning refounding of Smyrna, on statue%19base (?); 2&4`2&; found at Smyrna: ILeyden 62, ll. 1%19`3 (PH); Cook, CR 75, 1961, 7%19`8; SEG 18, 495, ll. 1%19`3; SEG 26, 1296; *ISmyrna 647, ll. 1%19`3. @ @@@@Section: 15i. Epigrams of Dubious Nature (281%19`286) @ @@`281. Fragment in verse, with word [&3th&]&3alamous&; c. II; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 856. @ @@`281.5. Fragment of inscription in verse mentioning Philippos, on slab of whitish marble; II; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, pp. 361%19`362, no. XXV. @ @@`282. Fragment in verse (?); c. 1%3`2; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 86, no. 64; *ISmyrna 861. @ @@`283. Fragment in verse, perhaps with word &3ma&[&3kar&]&3on&; no date; found at Sarinc%25: LW 27; Kaibel 317; *ISmyrna 857. @ @@`284. Fragment in verse, with phrase [&3eu&]&3klea doxan&; no date; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, BCH 10, 1886, 453, no. 2; *ISmyrna 858 %7 II 2 p. 378. @ @@`285. Relief%19inscription in iambics referring to Myous; no date; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: CIG 3346.B; *ISmyrna 859. @ @@`286. Fragment in verse, with word &3pelorion&; no date; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 176, no. 359; *ISmyrna 860. @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (287%19`819.5) @ @@@@Section: 16a. Funerary Inscriptions_Name Preserved (287%19`766) @ @@`287. Funerary inscription for Achilleus, &3hippodioktes&; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3291; IGRR IV 1455; Robert, Glad. 246; *ISmyrna 404. @ @@`288. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Adrastos Dionysiou by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3216; *ISmyrna 69. @ @@`289. Funerary inscription for Agathokles Archelaou the Bithynian of Neikais, &3philologos,& with penalty for violating grave; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 28, no. 229; IGRR IV 1446; *ISmyrna 439 (PH). @ @@`290. Funerary (?) inscription for Agathangelos Herodou; no date; found at Smyrna: CIG 3257; *ISmyrna 168. @ @@`291. Funerary inscription by Sphrageis for &3threpte& Agathemeris; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3258; *ISmyrna 390. @ @@`292. Funerary inscription for Agathokleia &3threpte& by Mar(cia) Cl(audia) Iouliane; 2&7e&%3`5?; found at Is%25#1221kkent: LW 24; IGRR IV 1386; *ISmyrna 387. @ @@`293. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Agoratos Agoratou by de[m]os; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 96, no. 92; *ISmyrna 40 (PH). @ @@`294. Funerary inscription by Selene for Aiax; imperial; found at Smyrna?: ILeyden 48 (PH); SEG 18, 546; *ISmyrna 400. @ @@`295. Funerary inscription by Aelia Ammia for husband Aelius Chariton; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3396; *ISmyrna 388. @ @@`296. Funerary inscription by Ael(ia) Lasciva for self and family, with penalty for alienating grave; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 80, no. 491; IGRR IV 1458; *ISmyrna 233. @ @@`297. Funerary inscription by Pu(blius) Aelius Epiktetos for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3307; *ISmyrna 325 (PH). @ @@`298. Funerary inscription by Pu(blius) Ae(lius) Neikostratos for self and family, with penalty for violating grave; AD 150%3`180?; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 111, no. B; Ramsay, AJA 1, 1885, 141%19`142, no. II; Waltzing, Et. hist. III 54, no. 151; IGRR IV 1459; *ISmyrna 204 (PH). @ @@`299. Funerary inscription for Publius Aelius Tertius, &3bouleutes of Smyrna, and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; AD 161%3`169?; found at Smyrna: CIG 3384; *ISmyrna 246 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 372. @ @@`300. Funerary inscription for Akesteime Demagorou; II; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna: CIG 3262; Michaelis, Anc. Marbles 578%19`579, no. 150; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 898 (PH); *ISmyrna 127. @ @@`301. Funerary inscription by [ ... ]ria Akmazousa for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`80, 127, no. 164; *ISmyrna 285. @ @@`302. Funerary inscription by Aktiakos Hermogenous for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3264; GIBM 1029 (PH); *ISmyrna 196. @ @@`303. Funerary inscription by [ ... ]s Zosimou for self, wife [Al]exandra, and family, with penalty for alienating grave; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 84, no. 273; *ISmyrna 259. @ @@`304. Funerary inscription by Onesime Menneou for Alexandros; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3267; *ISmyrna 327. @ @@`305. Funerary inscription for Alexandros; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 6873; Janssen, Inscr. 28, no. 2; ILeyden p. 83, no. 1; SEG 18, 548; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 771 (PH); *ISmyrna 460. @ @@`306. Funerary inscription by Alexandros Sepeutes for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; AD 124%3c. 260; found at Smyrna: CIG 3266; *ISmyrna 199. @ @@`307. Funerary inscription by Alke Teimokratous for self and family; imperial; provenance unknown, perhaps from Smyrna: CIG 3268; *ISmyrna 195 %7 II 2 p. 371. @ @@`308. Funerary inscription for Publius Alfidius; imperial; found at Smyrna: Petzl, Talanta 8%19`9, 1977, 83, no. 9; SEG 27, 1224; *ISmyrna 481. @ @@`309. Funerary inscription by Dionysodoros for brother Amarantos, (&3retiarius&); imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3269; Robert, Glad. 248; Budde %9 Nicholls, Cat. Fitzwilliam Mus. Cambridge 83, no. 134 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1256 (PH); *ISmyrna 415. @ @@`310. Funerary inscription by Amerimnos Markou for self and family; imperial; probably from Smyrna: ILeyden 12 (PH); SEG 18, 532; *ISmyrna 294. @ @@`311. Funerary inscription by Amiantos Trophimou for self and family, with penalty for alienating grave; imperial; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 32, no. 262; *ISmyrna 255. @ @@`312. Funerary inscription for Amphipolis; II; found at Smyrna: CIG 3271; Hofmann, AA 19, 1904, 59%19`60, no. 51; Michon, MSNAF 63, 1904, 307%19`310, no. 2; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 753 (PH); *ISmyrna 149. @ @@`313. Funerary inscription for Amyntas Olympichou Makedon; III; provenance unknown, acquired in Smyrna: Conze, Beschr. 298, no. 781; *ISmyrna 183. @ @@`314. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Amynte Apolloniou; II; found at Smyrna: He/ron de Villefosse %9 Michon, AA 15, 1900, 155%19`156, no. 17; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 804 (PH); *ISmyrna 122. @ @@`315. Funerary inscription for Angelia; imperial; found at Smyrna: Thunell, Eranos 13, 1913, 86, no. 8; *ISmyrna 489 (PH). @ @@`316. Funerary inscription by Anna for self and son Ioudas; imperial; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna: *ISmyrna 297. @ @@`317. Funerary inscription by Ti(berius) Claudius Alexas the Cappadocian for &3threptos& Antas; imperial; found at Smyrna: ILeyden 9 (PH); Hellenica 11%19`12, 230%19`232; SEG 18, 523; *ISmyrna 363. @ @@`318. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Anthesterios Gorgiou; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 175, no. 357; Harmonia, Oct. 13, 1895 (non vidi); *ISmyrna 123. @ @@`319. Funerary inscription for Antigonos Herma; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 86, no. 62; *ISmyrna 178. @ @@`320. Honorary%3funerary inscription for (?) Antiochis Apolloniou and Apollonios Apolloniou, by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3220; *ISmyrna 68. @ @@`320.5. Funerary inscription by Antipas Te[ ... ] for self and family, on block of bluish marble; early imperial; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, pp. 353%19`354, no. V. @ @@`321. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Antiphila Dionysiou by demos; late Hellenistic; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 12, 1887, 245%19`246, no. 1; Leemans 1890, 16%19`18, no. 16; *ISmyrna 1 (PH). @ @@`322. Funerary inscription for Marcus Antistius Iunicus (?); imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3336; IGRR IV 1461; *ISmyrna 445. @ @@`323. Funerary inscription for Mar(cus) Antonius Alexandros and family, by grandfather Makedon; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 145, no. 190; *ISmyrna 501. @ @@`324. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for M(arcus) Antonius Bassus; imperial; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 473 (PH). @ @@`325. Funerary inscription by M(arcus) Antonius [ ... ] for self and family; imperial; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: *ISmyrna 340. @ @@`326. Funerary inscription by Apellion Pythionos and Elpis Apellionos for selves and family; imperial; perhaps from Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 4, no. 204; *ISmyrna 303. @ @@`327. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Apollas Dionysiou by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3218; Kararas, Choria tou Bournova (non vidi); SEG 17, 523; *ISmyrna 11. @ @@`328. Funerary inscription for Apollas Dionysiou; III%3I; from Smyrna or vicinity: *ISmyrna 12. @ @@`329. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Apollodotos Herakleidou and Metrodotos Apollodotou by demos; II; found at Smyrna: Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 868 (PH); *ISmyrna 98. @ @@`330. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Apollonia Apolloniou and Kallikrates Simou, by demos; III%3I; provenance unknown, probably found at Smyrna or in vicinity: Conze, Beschr. 297, no. 776; *ISmyrna 89. @ @@`331. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Apollonia Charetos by demos; III%3I; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna or vicinity: Conze, Beschr. 299, no. 783; *ISmyrna 31. @ @@`332. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Apollonia Kephisophontos by demos; II; from Smyrna: CIG 3219; Michaelis, Anc. Marbles 578, no. 149; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 409 (PH); *ISmyrna 9. @ @@`333. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Apollonia Potamonos by demos, on stele of white, black%19striped marble; 300%3`225 BC; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna or vicinity: Grosso, Riv. Ligure 39, 1912, no. 3 (non vidi); Reinach, REp 1, 1913, 402; *ISmyrna 30 %7 II 2 p. 370; Santi Amantini, Atti d. Soc. Lig. di sto. pat. 23, 1983, 37%19`48 (PH) (non vidi); SEG 33, 988. @ @@`334. Funerary inscription by Apollonides Deiotimou for self and family, with penalty for violating grave to be paid to Meter Sipylene; imperial; found at Smyrna, not Magnesia Mai. or Magnesia Sip.: de Longpe/rier, Bull. arch. de l'Ath. Fran. 1856, 80 (non vidi) (%6 Oeuvres II 390) (non vidi); Froehner, ILouvre no. 163; *ISmyrna 256 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 372. @ @@`335. Funerary inscription for Apollonides Tryphonos; imperial; found at Smyrna: Weber, MDAI(A) 22, 1897, 354, no. 3; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 851; *ISmyrna 490. @ @@`336. Funerary inscription for Apolloni[os]; c. 100 BC; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna or vicinity: Marconi, Dedalo 9, 1928%19`9, 252%19`254 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 559 (PH); *ISmyrna 173. @ @@`337. Funerary inscription by Apollonios Apollonio for father Apollonios; probably imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 82, no. 265; *ISmyrna 378. @ @@`338. Funerary inscription for (?) Apollonios (&3retiarius&), by (?) wife Zosime; 3&4`1&; found at Smyrna?: CIG 3275; Janssen, Inscr. 30%19`31, no. 7; Leemans, RA 9, 1852, 68%19`69; Robert, Glad. 242 (PH); ILeyden 1; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1252 (PH); *ISmyrna 412. @ @@`339. Funerary inscription by Apollonios Alexandrou for self and family, with prohibition of violating grave; imperial; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, REG 12, 1899, 385%19`386, no. 11; Salac%148, BCH 51, 1927, 394%19`396, no. 20 (PH); Marek, Greek %9 Latin Inscr.'s 18%19`19, no. 3; *ISmyrna 197. @ @@`340. Funerary inscription by Apollonios Hermodoros, for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I, 1873%19`5, 85, no. 61; *ISmyrna 254 (PH). @ @@`341. Funerary inscription for Apollonios Herodotou; II; found at Smyrna: CIG 3274; Janssen, Inscr. 30, no. 6; Janssen, Grafrel. 14%19`16, no. 12 (non vidi); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 729 (PH); *ISmyrna 169. @ @@`342. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Apollonios [K]a%1l%1listratou and Kallistratos Apolloniou; II; provenance unknown, probably found at Smyrna: Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 852 (PH); *ISmyrna 100. @ @@`343. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Apollonios Leukippou and Lysei(o)n Leukippou by demos; III%3I; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna or vicinity: CIG 3221, ll. 1%19`4; Janssen, Inscr. 31, no. 8, ll. 1%19`4; *ISmyrna 117 (PH). @ @@`344. Funerary inscription for Apollonios Menophilou and Artemous Apolloniou; II; probably from Smyrna or vicinity: Michaelis, Anc. Marbles 496, no. 54; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 555 (PH); *ISmyrna 162.a. @ @@`345. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Apollonios Metrodorou by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 79.b. @ @@`346. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Apollonios Nikolaou and Metrodoros Apolloniou; III%3I; probably found at Smyrna or in vicinity: ILeyden 35 (PH); SEG 18, 509; *ISmyrna 76. @ @@`347. Funerary inscription by Apollonios Symmac[chou] for self and family, with penalty for selling grave, to be paid to city of Smyrna; c. 1; found at Smyrna: CIG 3276; *ISmyrna 236.b (PH). @ @@`348. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Apollonios Thibron and Metronax Apolloniou; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, REG 14, 1901, 298, no. 5; ILeyden 37 (PH); SEG 18, 511; *ISmyrna 77. @ @@`349. Funerary insciprion by Menophilos Apollonidou for wife Aphphia; 2%3`3; found at Smyrna: Leemans 1890, 15%19`16, no. 14; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 798 (PH); Petzl, ZPE 37, 1980, 93%19`95 (PH); *ISmyrna 377.b. @ ݪ@@`349.5. Funerary inscription for Apphion by parents Kallias and Melitine, on round altar of white marble; imperial; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, p. 367, no. XXXIX. @ @@`350. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Arde Ambosyniou Galatissa; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 38, no. 249; *ISmyrna 75; Masson, EC 19, 1982, 131%19`132. @ @@`351. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Archippos Dionos by demos; II; from Smyrna or vicinity?: CIG 3224; Michaelis, Anc. Marbles 638%19`639, no. 67; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 149 (PH); *ISmyrna 67. @ @@`352. Funerary inscription for Aristea or Aristeas; III%3I; found at Cumaovas#1221: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 45, no. 264; *ISmyrna 137. @ @@`353. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Aristodikos Zeuxidos by demos; II; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna or vicinity: ILeyden 41 (PH); SEG 18, 514; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 256 (PH); *ISmyrna 70. @ @@`354. Funerary inscription by [Ar]sinoe for son Arogos; imperial; provenance unknown, sold in Smyrna: Leemans 1890, 11, no. 10; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1175 (PH); *ISmyrna 374. @ @@`355. Funerary inscription for Artemidoros and others, with penalty for violating grave; CIG 3281; *ISmyrna 212. @ @@`356. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Artemidoros Apollados by demos; III%3I; provenance unknown, probably found at Smyrna or in vicinity: Conze, Beschr. 297, no. 777; SGDI III 5618; *ISmyrna 88.a. @ @@`357. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Artemidoros Apolloniou by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3222.a; *ISmyrna 105.a. @ @@`358. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Artemidoros Dionysiou by demos; II%3I?; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, REG 12, 1899, 387, no. 20; Noll, Wien no. 36; *ISmyrna 74 (PH). @ @@`359. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Artemidoros Kaikou by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 7, no. 211; *ISmyrna 21. @ @@`360. Funerary inscription for Artemidoros Lapheida; II%3`3?; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: Conze, Beschr. 272, no. 727; *ISmyrna 189. @ @@`361. Funerary inscription by Artemidoros Menophilou and Artemidoros (Artemidorou) for selves and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3279; SEG 30, 1373; *ISmyrna 293 %7 II 2 p. 372. @ @@`362. Funerary inscription for Artemidoros Dioge[nous]; III%3I; found at Smyrna: LW 1533&3bis&; Bailie, Fasc. inscr. gr. I 109, no. 30; *ISmyrna 179. @ @@`363. Funerary inscription by Hermokrates Hermippos and Metrodoros Metrodorou for Artemidoros Metrodorou; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3312; *ISmyrna 284 (PH). @ @@`364. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Artemidoros Nikanoros by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 94, no. 86; *ISmyrna 42. @ @@`365. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Artemidoros Sosikratou and Artemidoros Sosikratou; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 36, no. 245; Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 133, no. 174 (175); *ISmyrna 110. @ @@`366. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Artemon Artemidorou; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 57, no. 135; *ISmyrna 20. @ @@`367. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Artemon Artemidorou by demos; II; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 50, no. 117; Papadopoulos%19Kerameus, BCH 2, 1878, 489%19`492; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 109 (PH); *ISmyrna 19. @ @@`368. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Artemous (%6 Artemo) Theodorou by demos; II; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, REG 12, 1899, 387, no. 18; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius II p. 565, no. XI (PH); *ISmyrna 4; SEG 29, 1147. @ @@`369. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Artemous (%6 Artemo) Apolloniou by demos; II; probably from Smyrna: CIG 3223; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 899; *ISmyrna 5. @ @@`369.5. Funerary inscription for Asiatikos Mithreou[s], on stele of bluish striped marble; c. II; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, p. 357, no. XIV. @ @@`370. Funerary inscription by Asinius Dion for self and children; imperial; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 12, 1887, 249, no. 8; *ISmyrna 339 (PH). @ @@`371. Funerary inscription by Gaius Asinius Nymphodotos for self; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3363; *ISmyrna 437. @ @@`372. Funerary inscription by Gaius Asinius Petasos for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3369; IGRR IV 1462; *ISmyrna 362. @ @@`373. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Asklepiades Apolloniou by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3226; *ISmyrna 66. @ @@`374. Funerary inscription by Ask[2l]2epiades Papylou for self and family, with penalty for violating grave; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3286; *ISmyrna 239. @ @@`375. Funerary inscription for Atellia Charition; imperial; provenance unknown, perhaps from Smyrna: CIG 3395; Janssen, Inscr. 35%19`36, no. 3, l. 1; CIL III 415, ll. 1%19`2; IGRR IV 1463, ll. 1%19`2; *ISmyrna 472.a (PH). @ @@`376. Funerary inscription in Latin by Cn(aius) Atellius Longus for self; imperial; provenance unknown, perhaps from Smyrna: CIG 3395; Janssen, Inscr. 35%19`36, no. 3, ll. 5%19`6; CIL III 415, ll. 6%19`7; IGRR IV 1463, ll. 6%19`7; *ISmyrna 472.c (PH). @ @@`377. Funerary inscription for Cnaius Atellius Polybios; imperial; provenance unknown, perhaps from Smyrna: CIG 3395; Janssen, Inscr. 35%19`36, no. 3, ll. 2%19`4; CIL III 415, ll. 3%19`5; IGRR IV 1463, ll. 3%19`5; *ISmyrna 472.b (PH). @ @@`378. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Athenaios Hikesiou and Nannion Athenaiou by demos; probably c. 100 BC; found at Smyrna: CIG 3217; Michon, MSNAF 63, 1904, 297%19`307, no. 1; Hofmann, AA 19, 1904, 57%19`58, no. 49; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 704 (PH); *ISmyrna 106 %7 II 2 p. 371. @ @@`379. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Athenais Ampelidou and Phanes Dionysiou by demos; III%3I; found at Kokluca: Weber, MDAI(A) 23, 1898, 497, no. 2; *ISmyrna 101. @ @@`380. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Athenais Metrodorou and Nymphis Artemidorou by demos; III%3I; provenance unknown, probably found at Smyrna or in vicinity: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 72, no. 27; *ISmyrna 95 (PH). @ @@`381. Funerary inscription for Athenodoros Athenodorou of Halikarnassos; imperial; found at Smyrna?: ILeyden 21 (PH); SEG 18, 528; *ISmyrna 498. @ @@`382. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]tene and Athenoklea Menodorou of Sardis; III%3I; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 32, no. 260; *ISmyrna 156. @ @@`383. Funerary inscription for Atilia Agele and Atilius Primus; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3259; *ISmyrna 505. @ @@`384. Funerary inscription by Attalos Gaios, oil%19merchant, for self and family, with prohibition of sale; 2%3`3; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna: CIG 3288; Pleket, EA 1, 1983, 103%19`104; *ISmyrna 245 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 371; SEG 33, 989. @ @@`385. Funerary inscription by Attalos Hermippou for self and family, with penalty for violating grave, to be paid to &3naos& of Smyrna; AD 26%3`124; found at Smyrna: CIG 3289; *ISmyrna 237. @ @@`386. Funerary inscription by Aur(elia) Felicissima for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found near Smyrna, on road to Magnesia Sip.: LW 25; GIBM 1026 (PH); IGRR IV 1465; *ISmyrna 202. @ @@`387. Funerary inscription by Aur(elia) Tryphaina for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3386; IGRR IV 1464; *ISmyrna 232 (PH). @ @@`388. Funerary inscription by Aur(elius) Asklepiades, &3boul&(&3eutes&) of Smyrna, for self and mother Aurelia M[e]l%1ite, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 24, no. 241; *ISmyrna 243 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 371. @ @@`389. Funerary inscription by Aur(elius) Dion[ysios] of [Smyrna?] for self and family, with penalty for alienating grave; imperial; found at Buca: Buckler, JHS 37, 1917, 112%19`113, no. 25 (PH); *ISmyrna 258. @ @@`390. Funerary inscription for Aurelius Eutychios &3balaneus&; imperial; found near Smyrna: CIG 3321; *ISmyrna 503. @ @@`390.5. &3Soros& inscription by Aur(elius) Iulianus for self et al., on fragments of sarcophagus of bluish marble; 2%3`3; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, pp. 355%19`356, no. IX. @ @@`391. Funerary inscription by M(arcus) Aur(elius) Moschas Poseidonios, &3bouleutes& of Smyrna, for self and family; imperial; found at P#1221narbas%25#1221: Walter, JO+AI 21%19`22, 1922 Beibl. 256, no. 13; SEG 2, 655; *ISmyrna 247. @ @@`392. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Theoktistos; late; found near Smyrna: CIG 3329; *ISmyrna 566. @ @@`393. Funerary inscription by Aur(elius) Tryphon for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found near Smyrna: CIG 3411; Bailie, Fasc. inscr. gr. II 120%19`121, no. 149; Heichelheim, JHS 62, 1942, 15%19`16, no. VIIa; IMag. Sip. no. 24 (PH); *ISmyrna 260 (PH). @ @@`394. Funerary inscription for Auxanon; imperial; provenance unknown, once at Smyrna: Conze, Beschr. 169, no. 429; *ISmyrna 450. @ @@`395. Funerary inscription for Axios Axio[u], &3paideutes&; probably 2; found at Halka P#1221nar: Conze, Beschr. 310, no. 811; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1348 (PH); *ISmyrna 466. @ @@`396. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Axiothea Glykonos and Menekles Menekleous &3ho neoteros& by demos; II; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 83, no. 54; Hirschfeld, Arch. Ztg. 33, 1876, 47; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 2314 (PH); *ISmyrna 91. @ @@`397. Funerary inscription by Baebia Apphi(o)n for self and family; imperial; once at Smyrna: CIG 3278; *ISmyrna 192 %7 II 2 p. 371; **Geissen, ZPE 56, 1984, 298, no. 1 (PH) (ll. 3, 6, 9%19`10); SEG 34, 1192. @ @@`398. Funerary inscription for Bassus, gymnasiarch; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 57, no. 137; *ISmyrna 470. @ @@`399. Funerary inscription for Bassus; imperial; probably from Smyrna or vicinity: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 50, no. 118; *ISmyrna 499. @ @@`400. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Biote Sotadou by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3227; *ISmyrna 65. @ @@`401. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Chares Perigenous; no date; found at P#1221narbas%25#1221: Weber, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, 121; *ISmyrna 431. @ @@`402. Funerary inscription for Charidemos Bionos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3393; *ISmyrna 143. @ @@`403. Funerary inscription by Chariti(o)n Hermippou for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3394.a; *ISmyrna 223.a. @ @@`404. Funerary inscription by Charmosynos Moschiou for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 67, no. 13; LW 1535d; *ISmyrna 315 (PH). @ @@`405. Funerary inscription for Chrestion Herakleidou; early imperial; found at Smyrna: He/ron de Villefosse %9 Michon, AA 15, 1900, 156, no. 25; Dain, ILouvre no. 50; *ISmyrna 456 (PH). @ @@`406. Funerary inscription by Lakaina for Chrysanpelos and self; 2; found at Halka P#1221nar: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 29, no. 254; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1356 (PH); *ISmyrna 433. @ @@`407. Funerary inscription for Daidalos Apolloniou, Nikias Daidalou, and Laudike Sarapionos; II; found at Smyrna: Leemans 1890, 14%19`15, no. 13; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 634 (PH); *ISmyrna 154. @ @@`408. Funerary inscription by Damas Telesphoros for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 79, no. 43; *ISmyrna 337. @ @@`409. Funerary inscription by Ammias Apolloniou for children Damokrates and Metrodoros; imperial; found at Smyrna?: ILeyden 24 (PH); SEG 18, 537; *ISmyrna 328. @ @@`410. Funerary inscription for Demetria; III%3I; found at Halka P#1221nar: Weber, MDAI(A) 22, 1897, 354, no. 1; *ISmyrna 141. @ @@`411. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Demetrio[s] by demo[s]; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, REG 12, 1899, 387, no. 19; *ISmyrna 50. @ @@`412. Funerary inscription for Demetrios grandson of Alex%1[andros]; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 81, no. 264; *ISmyrna 182. @ @@`413. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Demetrios Nikophontos, Stratonike Athenodorou, and Arissta Menodotou by demos; II; found at Smyrna: Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 545 (PH); SEG 27, 765; *ISmyrna 113. @ @@`414. Funerary inscription by Demetrios of Myra &3paradoxos& for father Demetrios; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 6, no. 208; *ISmyrna 309. @ @@`415. Funerary inscription by [ ... ]l%1e and Anthos for [Dem]etrios; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 2, 1885%19`6, 92, no. 264; *ISmyrna 336 (PH). @ @@`416. Funerary inscription by Demetrios for self and parents; imperial; once at Is%25#1221kkent: CIG 3294; *ISmyrna 354. @ @@`417. Funerary inscription for Demetrios Dionysiou; III%3I; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna or vicinity: Kontoleon, BCH 11, 1887, 297, no. 3; *ISmyrna 174. @ @@`418. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Demetrios Menophanous, Euphiletos Menophanous, and Metrous Diodorou; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, REG 12, 1899, 387, no. 16; *ISmyrna 109. @ @@`419. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Demous (%6 Demo) Dionysiou by demos; II; from Smyrna: CIG 3228; SGDI 5619; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 410 (PH); Ritti, Immagini onomastiche no. 7; *ISmyrna 8. @ @@`420. Funerary inscription by [Dem?]osthenes for self; imperial; found at Smyrna: Meritt, Hesperia, Supp. 8, 1949, 218; *ISmyrna 352. @ @@`421. Funerary inscription by (no name) for self, [wife? D]emosthenis Ger[m]anou, and family, with penalty for selling grave; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3295; *ISmyrna 240. @ @@`422. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Diaboulios by demos; II%3I; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 238.a (PH). @ @@`423. Funerary inscription by [P]ublius Didius Polybios for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3371; Hofmann, AA 19, 1904, 58%19`59, no. 50; Michon, MSNAF 63, 1904, 10%19`12, no. 3; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 854 (PH); *ISmyrna 219. @ @@`423.5. &3Taphos& inscription for Mar%1cus Di[di]us Potit[us, Ga]ius Vell[eius] Menandros, and Amarant%1[os,] on slab of blue%19gray marble; imperial; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, pp. 359%19`360, no. XIX. @ @@`424. Funerary inscription by Magna for Diodoros; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 28, no. 251; *ISmyrna 396. @ @@`425. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Diodoros Diodorou by demos; III%3I; provenance unknown, probably found at Smyrna or in vicinity: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 63, no. 3; *ISmyrna 96. @ @@`426. Funerary inscription for Diodotos of Kolossai, &3philologos&; imperial; found at Smyrna: He/ron de Villefosse %9 Michon, AA 15, 1900, 156, no. 24; Dain, ILouvre no. 53; Robert, RA 2, 1933, 132%19`133 (%6 OM III 1587%19`1588); *ISmyrna 440 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 373. @ @@`427. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Diodotos Diodotou &3ho &3neoteros& by demos; II; presumably from Smyrna: CIG 3229; Janssen, Inscr. 37, no. 5; Janssen, Grafrel. 11%19`13, no. 10 (non vidi); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 346 (PH); *ISmyrna 64. @ @@`427.5. [&3Mne&]&3mion& inscription for Diogas Antiphan%1[ous] of Amastris by Spendousa, on slab of bluish marble; imperial; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, p. 356, no. XI. @ @@`428. Funerary inscription by Asklepiades Diogenou for father Diogenes; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3296; *ISmyrna 392. @ @@`429. Funerary inscription for Diogenes Diogenous of Neikomedeia, with grave taken care of by Mousaios of Smyrna; imperial; probably from Smyrna: ILeyden 6 (PH); SEG 18, 522; *ISmyrna 224. @ @@`430. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Dio[g]enes Thrason[os] by demos; III%3I; found near Smyrna: LW 13; *ISmyrna 47. @ @@`431. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Diomedes Metrobiou by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 24 (PH). @ @@`432. Funerary inscription for Dionysios Andreou of Perperene; imperial; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 95%19`96, no. 26; IGRR IV 1437; ILeyden 15 (PH); SEG 18, 531; *ISmyrna 469 (PH). @ @@`433. Funerary inscription for Dionysios Apoloniou; II; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna or vicinity: ILeyden 42 (PH); SEG 18, 516; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 830 (PH); *ISmyrna 164. @ @@`434. Funerary inscription for Dionysios Diodotou and Apollonios Diodotou; II; found at Smyrna: CIG 3297; Janssen, Inscr. 37%19`38, no. 6; Janssen, Grafrel. 17, no. 13 (non vidi); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 730 (PH); *ISmyrna 170. @ @@`435. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Dionysios Dionysiou by demos; II; found at Smyrna: CIG 3231; Michaelis, Anc. Marbles 691%19`692, no. 109; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 693 (PH); *ISmyrna 63. @ @@`436. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Dionysios Epigonou and Melitine Tryphaina; prob. II&7e&; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna: CIG 3299; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 567 (PH); *ISmyrna 53 (PH). @ @@`437. Funerary inscription by Dionysios Hieronos for self and family; imperial; once in Smyrna: CIG 3300; *ISmyrna 292. @ @@`438. Funerary inscription by Dionysios Metrodorou by self and family, on funerary fragment of white marble; imperial; found at Smyrna: *Malay %9 Gu+l, ZPE 50, 1983, 284, no. 2 (PH); SEG 33, 991; ISmyrna 894. @ @@`439. Funerary inscription by Dionysios Ploutionos of Smyrna for self and family, with penalty for violating grave; AD 151%3`168; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: *ISmyrna 201 (PH). @ @@`440. Funerary inscription for Dionysodoros Dionysas of Perperene; imperial; from Smyrna?: ILeyden 14 (PH); SEG 18, 524; *ISmyrna 447. @ @@`441. Funerary inscription by (?) Marcus Aurelius Dionysios for (?) Dionysios Meliton (?); prob. 3&4`1&; found at Smyrna: CIG 3298; Froehner, ILouvre 173; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 2181 (PH); *ISmyrna 385. @ @@`442. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Dioskouris Metrodorou by demos, on stele of white marble; c. II%3I; found at Go+rece: *Atalay %9 Malay, EA 3, 1984, 59%19`60 (PH); SEG 34, 1195; ISmyrna 888. @ @@`443. Funerary inscription for M(arcus) Domitius Sabi[n]us &3philogos& by foster%19father Domitius Epaphroditos; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 26, no. 246; IGRR IV 1447; *ISmyrna 441. @ @@`443.5. Funerary inscription for Doros and Kaliope, on stele of gray%19white marble; I?; found at Is%25#1221kkent: Meric%25, Aras%25t#1221rma Son. Toplanatas#1221 1987, 248 (non vidi); *ISmyrna 890a (PH); SEG 37, 997. @ @@`444. Funerary inscription by Sextus Egnatius Strategikos for self and children; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 10, no. 218; *ISmyrna 308. @ @@`445. Honorary inscription for Lucius Eioutios Elis of Amisos in Pontus, on white marble base; 1?; found at Smyrna: *Malay %9 Gu+l, ZPE 50, 1983, 283%19`284, no. 1 (PH); SEG 33, 990; ISmyrna 893. @ @@`446. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Eirene Dionysiou; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, REA 4, 1902, 193%19`194, no. 1; Petzl %9 Linfert, RA 1974, 1, 33%19`41 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 543 (PH); *ISmyrna 48.a. @ @@`447. Funerary inscription by Elpis [ ... ] for self and family; imperial; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna: LW 1535e; Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 67, no. 11; *ISmyrna 222 (PH). @ @@`448. Funerary inscription by Epaphrodeitos Hermog[enous] for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 42, no. 259; *ISmyrna 351. @ @@`449. Funerary inscription by Rhosos for [2E]2phoros (?), &3synkellarios&; prob. 3%3`5; found at Smyrna: Keil, AAWW 90, 1953, 21%19`22; SEG 15, 737; *ISmyrna 417 %7 II 2 pp. 372%19`373. @ @@`450. Funerary inscription by Athenion and Hermias for mother Epiktesis; imperial; from Smyrna?: ILeyden 33 (PH); SEG 18, 543; *ISmyrna 360. @ @@`451. Funerary inscription for Epiktetos of Aizanoi, &3toreutes&; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3306; *ISmyrna 463. @ @@`452. Funerary inscription for Epiktetos &3paidagogos&; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3305; *ISmyrna 507. @ @@`453. Funerary inscription by Platanos &3praeco& for Euchrous, (&3retiarius&); imperial; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, REG 13, 1900, 497, no. 6; Robert, Glad. 249; Hellenica 3, 141, note 7 (PH); ILeyden p. 1, note 1; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1254 (PH); *ISmyrna 414. @ @@`454. Funerary inscription for Euhemeros; II%3I; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 143; SEG 27, 1217; *ISmyrna 434. @ @@`455. Funerary inscription for Euhemeros; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 85, no. 276; *ISmyrna 435. @ @@`456. Funerary inscription for Euklea Agathonos; III%3`1?; found at Smyrna: CIG 3316; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1980 (PH); *ISmyrna 171. @ @@`457. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Eumelos Menophanou and Demetria Menophanou; III%3I; found at or near Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 94, no. 85; *IErythrai 428; *ISmyrna 97. @ @@`458. Funerary inscription by Statilius Apollonios for friend Eumenes Dioskouridou the Cappadocian; imperial; found at Smyrna: He/ron de Villefosse %9 Michon, AA 17, 1902, 125, no. 67; Dain, ILouvre no. 51; *ISmyrna 359 (PH). @ @@`459. Funerary inscription for Euphrosyne and Atarachon Menogenou; III%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3323; *ISmyrna 160. @ @@`460. Funerary inscription for Euplous Eupora; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 102, no. 105; *ISmyrna 487. @ @@`461. Funerary inscription for [E]uporia of Kallatis; III%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3317; *ISmyrna 147. @ @@`462. Funerary (?) inscription for Eurotas, (gladiator); imperial; found at Smyrna?: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 71, no. 24; Stark, Nach dem griech. Orient 388; Robert, Glad. 226 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1216 (PH); *ISmyrna 421 %7 II 2 p. 373. @ @@`463. Funerary inscription for Eutaxia Hermonos and Artemisios Menekratou; II found at Smyrna: Ku+thmann, Kat. Gesamthauses Braunschweig%19Lu+neburg 45 (non vidi); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 532 (PH); *ISmyrna 152. @ @@`464. Funerary inscription by Eutychides Dionysiou for self and family; imperial; found at Halka P#1221nar: CIG 3319; *ISmyrna 323. @ @@`465. Funerary inscription by Zosime for husband Eutychos; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3322; *ISmyrna 393. @ @@`466. Funerary inscription for Eutychos; imperial; provenance unknown, later in Smyrna: *ISmyrna 455 (PH). @ @@`467. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Exakestes Androboulou and Metei(o)n Hermippou by demos; II; found at Smyrna: CIG 3232; GIBM 1022; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 872 (PH); *ISmyrna 81. @ @@`468. Funerary inscription by [Gai?]us Gaiou for self and family, with penalty for violating grave; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3292; *ISmyrna 213. @ @@`469. Funerary inscription for (no name), wife Georgia, and family; late; found at Smyrna?: ILeyden 51 (PH); SEG 18, 551; *ISmyrna 569. @ @@`470. Funerary inscription by Gaius Gessius Beryllos for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 313 (PH). @ @@`471. Dedication of (funerary (?) statue of) Gerontides Theodorou by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3225; *ISmyrna 3 (PH). @ @@`472. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Glykinna Apollodorou by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 36, no. 246; *ISmyrna 52. @ @@`473. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Glykinna Diogne[tou] by demos; III%3I; found at Halka P#1221nar: LW 16; *ISmyrna 44. @ @@`474. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Glykina Poseidippou and Pythion Artemidorou; III%3I; provenance unknown, probably found at Smyrna or in vicinity: Conze, Beschr. 297, no. 778; *ISmyrna 87. @ @@`475. Funerary inscription for G(l)yko(n) (?) Apolloniou of Einouda (?); Roman; found near Smyrna: Slaars, RA 11, 1854, 501%19`502; Kontoleon, REG 13, 1900, 497, no. 7; Kararas, Choria tou Bournova 13%19`15 (non vidi); SEG 17, 520; *ISmyrna 451. @ @@`476. Funerary inscription by Hamilla Matreou for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3270; *ISmyrna 211 (PH). @ @@`477. Funerary inscription by Argeia for husband Hapleros, gladiator; imperial; possibly from Smyrna: *ISmyrna 401 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 372. @ @@`478. Funerary inscription for Hapleros, (gladiator); imperial; probably from Smyrna: Petzl, ZPE 14, 1974, 285%19`286, no. 1; *ISmyrna 420 %7 II 2 p. 373. @ @@`479. Funerary inscription for Hedeia Apolloniou; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 12, 1887, 247, no. 3; *ISmyrna 172. @ @@`480. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Hedea Nikadou by demos; III%3I; provenance unknown, probably found at Smyrna or in vicinity: Conze, Beschr. 297, no. 777; *ISmyrna 88.b. @ @@`481. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Hedea Timonos by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3233; *ISmyrna 62. @ ᪵@@`481.5. Funerary inscription for Hegetor Antipatrou and Nannion Antipatrou, on stele of bluish marble; II%3I; prob. from Smyrna or vicinity, now at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 889 (PH). @ @@`482. Funerary (?) inscription for (?) Hemera; imperial; found at Smyrna?: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 28, no. 253; *ISmyrna 477. @ @@`483. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Herakleides Hera(i)ou and Demetrios Heraiou by demos; III%3I; found at Halka P#1221nar: Fontrier, Mous. II 1, 1875%19`6, 29, no. 127; *ISmyrna 111. @ @@`484. Funerary inscription for Herakleides Herakleidou of Hierokaisareia by sister Glykinna; imperial; perhaps from Smyrna: ILeyden 18 (PH); SEG 18, 526; *ISmyrna 355. @ @@`485. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Heraklides Matreou &3ho &3neoteros& and Nikopolis Posidoniou by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 112, no. 6; Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 49, no. 275; *ISmyrna 92 (PH). @ @@`486. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Herakleides Menekratou by demos; III%3I; found at Halka P#1221nar: LW 15; *ISmyrna 45. @ @@`487. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Herakleides Menophilou and A[ ... ] Kl[ ... ] [by demos]; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 64, no. 152; *ISmyrna 37. @ @@`488. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Herakleides Theomnestou and [Epich?]armos Theomnestou by demos; II; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 1, no. 195; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 419 (PH); *ISmyrna 114. @ @@`489. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Herakleitos Machatou by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 95, no. 87; *ISmyrna 41 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 370. @ @@`490. Funerary inscription for Herakleon; III%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3327; *ISmyrna 146. @ @@`491. Funerary inscription by Hygeia for husband Herakleon; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 133, no. 176 (176); *ISmyrna 395 (PH). @ @@`492. Funerary inscription for Hermes, &3threptos& of Flav(ius) Metrobios of Magnesia (prob. Sip.); prob. 2; found at Smyrna: Keil, AAWW 90, 1953, 20%19`21, no. 3; SEG 15, 735; *ISmyrna 495 (PH). @ @@`493. Funerary inscription by Hermes Diogenous for [self] and family (?); imperial; provenance unknown, now in Smyrna: *ISmyrna 333 (PH). @ @@`494. Funerary inscription in Greek and Latin for Hermias Litorius; AD 263; found at Smyrna: CIG 3309; CIL III 417; IGRR IV 1467; *ISmyrna 471. @ @@`495. Funerary inscription by Hermione Pauleines for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: Perrot, RA 32, 1876, 44%19`45; Fontrier, Mous. II 1, 1875%19`6, 54, no. 110; *ISmyrna 314. @ @@`496. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [Her]mod[2or]2os (?) Dionytados and [ ... ]odos (?) Dionytados by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3242; *ISmyrna 59. @ @@`497. Funerary inscription by [Herm?]odoros Kelsos and [ ... ]rion [ ... ]tike for selves and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 341. @ @@`498. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Hermogenes Menekleious by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3238.b; *ISmyrna 104.b. @ @@`499. Funerary inscription for Hermon; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 26, no. 247; *ISmyrna 135. @ @@`500. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Herodes Diosskouridou and Mata Diosskouridou, by demos; II; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna or vicinity: ILeyden 34 (PH); SEG 18, 508; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 604 (PH); *ISmyrna 107. @ @@`501. Funerary inscription for Herode[s Hero]dou; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 175, no. 356; *ISmyrna 502. @ @@`502. Funerary inscription by Hesperos Hesperou for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3314; *ISmyrna 291 (PH). @ @@`503. Funerary inscription for Hieroklea; II; found at Smyrna: Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1096 (PH); *ISmyrna 139. @ @@`504. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]e and Hikesia; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, REG 12, 1899, 387, no. 15; *ISmyrna 157. @ @@`505. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Hikesios Hikesiou by demos; III%3I; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna or vicinity: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 12, no. 222; *ISmyrna 35. @ @@`506. Funerary inscription by Hipparchikos Paramonou for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3337; *ISmyrna 290 (PH). @ @@`507. Funerary inscription for Ikios Ikiou and Trophime Kyrou; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3394.b; *ISmyrna 223.b. @ @@`507.5. Funerary inscription for Iol[as?] by Py[r]rhalion Apollophanou; II; provenance unknown, probably not from Smyrna: *Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1569 (PH); SEG 29, 1677. @ @@`508. Funerary inscription in Latin by Aur(elius) Maximinus, &3stat&(&3ionarius&) of Zmyr(na), for wife Iulia Marcella; imperial; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 382 (PH). @ @@`509. Funerary inscription by Iulia Onesime for foster mother Iulia Alexandra; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 2, 1885%19`6, 93, no. 265; *ISmyrna 305. @ @@`510. Funerary inscription by Iulia Prima for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 83, no. 270; IGRR IV 1470; *ISmyrna 301. @ @@`511. Funerary inscription by [ ... ]nos &3ne&(&3oteros&) for self, mother Iouliane, and family; with penalty for unauthorized burial to be paid to people of Rome; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3335; *ISmyrna 264. @ @@`512. Funerary inscription by Gaius Iulius Apollonios &3stratiotes for wife Iulia Maior; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 23, no. 240; IGRR IV 1451; *ISmyrna 389 (PH). @ @@`513. Funerary inscription for Lucius Iulius Moschion of Magnesia Mai.; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 53, no. 125; *ISmyrna 452. @ @@`514. Funerary inscription for Sextus Iulius Paralos, &3mimologos&; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 27, no. 250; IGRR IV 1450; Robert, REG 49, 1936, 239 (%6 OM I 675); *ISmyrna 468 (PH). @ @@`515. Funerary inscription in Latin for T(itus) Iulius Paternus; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, BCH 7, 1883, 408; Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 12, no. 223; ILS 2149; CIL III Supp. 7108; *ISmyrna 475. @ @@`516. Funerary inscription by Ti(berius) Iulius Pollion for self and family, with prohibition of unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3370; IGRR IV 1471; *ISmyrna 231. @ @@`517. Funerary inscription for Iulius Xystos; imperial; found at Smyrna: Roehl, Sched. epig. 4, no. 9; *ISmyrna 482 (PH). @ @@`518. Honorary%3funerary inscription by [poli]s for Gaius Iulius [ ... ]tos, &3tribunus militum& of Legio Sexta Ferrata; 2?; found at Smyrna: CIG 3192; IGRR IV 1422; Robert, Et. anat. 134%19`136; *ISmyrna 424 (PH). @ @@`519. Funerary inscription for Eisias Dionysiou of Perinthos; II; from Smyrna or vicinity: CIG 3338; Janssen, Inscr. 38, no. 7; Janssen, Grafrel. 8%19`9, no. 6 (non vidi); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 925 (PH); *ISmyrna 145. @ @@`520. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Isias Metrodorou of Laodikeia by Demos; II; found at Smyrna?: CIG 3234; GIBM 1023; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 376 (PH); *ISmyrna 10. @ @@`521. Funerary inscription for Isidoros Nikolaou of Miletos; no date; found at Smyrna, perhaps from Athens: CIG 3340; Petzl, Chiron 11, 1981, 305, note 18 (PH); *ISmyrna 453 %7 II 2 p. 373. @ @@`522. Funerary inscription for Eision; imperial; provenance unknown, once at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 1, 1875%19`6, 31, no. 132; *ISmyrna 486. @ @@`523. Funerary inscription by Isotes Ammiou for self and Metrodoros Metrodorou; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3355; *ISmyrna 320. @ @@`523.5. Funerary inscription for [E]italikos by Akla[n]or, on slab of bluish marble; imperial; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, p. 356, no. X. @ @@`524. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [Kal?]lias Kallippou; III%3I; found at Smyrna: LW 14; Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 113, no. 7; *ISmyrna 46. @ @@`525. Funerary inscription by Athenion Aeimnestou for wife Kalliope Hermonos; imperial; perhaps from Smyrna: CIG 3261; *ISmyrna 364 (PH). @ @@`526. Reclassified as Tralles 87. @ @@`527. Funerary inscription on grave for families of Castricius and Rarianu[2s]2; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3282; *ISmyrna 238.b (PH). @ @@`528. Funerary inscription for Cestillus (?), &3r&[&3eti&]&3arius&; imperial; probably from Smyrna: CIG 3263; Petzl, Talanta 8%19`9, 1977, 83, no. 8; SEG 27, 774; BE 1978:407; *ISmyrna 419. @ @@`529. Honorary%3funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for [Luc]ius Cestius Dolon by Cestia Helena and L(ucius) Cestius Philostorgos; imperial; found at Bornova: CIG 3302; CIL III 416 and Supp. p. 1284; IGRR IV 1466; *ISmyrna 426. @@`530. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Cl(audia) (?) Lysimache by foster%19father Thelymitres; imperial; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: CIG 3346.A; *ISmyrna 428. @ @@`530.5. &3Mnemeion& inscription by Claudia Tertylla for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial, on slab of bluish marble; c. 2; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, p. 361, no. XXIII. @ @@`531. Funerary inscription by Tiberius Claudius Anenkletos for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: Gelzer, RhM 27, 1872, 465, no. 5; Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 64, no. 4; *ISmyrna 299. @ @@`532. Funerary inscription by Ti(berius) Cl(audius) Hagnos for self and family, with penalty for violating grave; imperial; probably from Smyrna: Keil, AAWW 90, 1953, 21, no. 4 (PH); SEG 15, 734; *ISmyrna 190 (PH). @ @@`533. Funerary inscription for Marcus Claudius Castus, &3palaistes&; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 145, no. 191; *ISmyrna 467 (PH). @ @@`534. Funerary inscription by Ti(berius) Claudius Kelsos for parents Ti(berius) Claudius Eutychos and Grania Nymphike; imperial; found at Karatas%25: Fontrier, REA 4, 1902, 195, no. 5; *ISmyrna 302. @ @@`535. Funerary inscription for Ti(berius) Claudius Klados of Kibyra; imperial; from Smyrna?: ILeyden 16 (PH); SEG 18, 533; *ISmyrna 496. @ @@`536. Funerary inscription by [Ti(berius) C]l(audius) Culchius [Epai]netos for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 94%19`95, no. 23; *ISmyrna 207 (PH). @ @@`537. Funerary inscription by Ti(berius) Cl(audius) Cu(l)chius Eutaktos for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; probably from Smyrna: CIG 3318; *ISmyrna 206 (PH). @ @@`538. Funerary inscription by Ti(berius) Claudius Lathyros for self and children; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3303; *ISmyrna 326. @ @@`539. Funerary inscription for Claudius Melampos &3hymnodos& and Claudia Tryphosa; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3348; *ISmyrna 500. @ @@`540. Funerary inscription for Tiberius Claudius Metrodoros; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3362; IGRR IV 1472; *ISmyrna 508. @ @@`541. Funerary inscription for Ti(berius) Cl(audius) Philetos; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 82, no. 267; *ISmyrna 484. @ @@`542. Funerary inscription by Tiberius Claudius Phoibos for brother Tiberius Claudius Philophron; imperial; found at Smyrna: ILeyden 26 (PH); SEG 18, 538; *ISmyrna 356. @ @@`542.5. Funerary inscription by Ti(berius) Clau(dius) Phoibos for self and family, on &3tabula ansata& of white marble; 2%3`3&4`1&; now at Verona, from Smyrna or Ephesos: CIG 7011; Ritti, Iscriz. %9 rilievi gr. nel Mus. Maff. di Verona no. 86 (PH) (non vidi); *ISmyrna 897. @ @@`543. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Kleariste Achilleos by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 44, no. 261; *ISmyrna 39. @ @@`544. Funerary inscription for wife Quinta Quinti by Teles[pho]ros Men%1og%1[enous?]; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 83, no. 55; *ISmyrna 216. @ @@`545. Funerary inscription by Philadelphos and Paulus of Prousias Hyp., for brother Quintus; imperial; found at Smyrna: Baumeister, Monatsber. Akad. Berl. 1855, 196, no. 21; Henzen, Bull. Inst. 1860, 218, no. 1; *ISmyrna 443.a. @ @@`546. Funerary inscription for Kokkeia; imperial; found at Smyrna?: CIG 3343; *ISmyrna 366 (PH). @ @@`547. Funerary inscription by Papylos and Tryphon for father Konon of Adana; 2; found at Smyrna?: Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 848 (PH); SEG 27, 772; *ISmyrna 369. @ @@`548. Funerary inscription in Latin for M(arcus) Cornelius Quartus; imperial; found in St. Anna%19Tal: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 146, no. 194; CIL III supp. 7109; *ISmyrna 474. @ @@`549. Funerary inscription by Qu(intus) Corne(lius) A[ ... ] for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 93, no. 82; *ISmyrna 332. @ @@`550. Funerary inscription by [Ko?]smetos Her[monos?] for self and family, with penalty for alienating grave; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 84, no. 272; *ISmyrna 257. @ @@`551. Funerary inscription for Kratea Aristonos, on architectural piece of white marble; I%3`1?; found at Smyrna: *Malay %9 Gu+l, ZPE 50, 1983, 284, no. 4 (PH); SEG 33, 993; ISmyrna 992. @ @@`552. Funerary inscription for Krateinos Diophantos of Apollonia; imperial; from Smyrna?: ILeyden 20 (PH); SEG 18, 527; *ISmyrna 497. @ @@`553. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Kriton Kriton[os] by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 26, no. 225, ll. 1%19`2; *ISmyrna 116.a. @ @@`554. Funerary inscription for Krokos; II; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna or vicinity: Conze, Beschr. 295, no. 772; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 320 (PH); *ISmyrna 133. @ @@`555. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]es (?) Kyndalas (?); II%3I; found at Smyrna: Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 112 (PH); SEG 27, 764; Robert, BCH 102, 1978, 518%19`521 and 543 (PH); *ISmyrna 187. @ @@`555.5. Funerary inscription for Kyriake, on slab of whitish marble; imperial?; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, p. 360, no. XX. @ @@`556. Funerary inscription for Laodike; III%3I; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 230.a. @ @@`557. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Laodike Artemonos by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3235.a; *ISmyrna 79.a. @ @@`558. Funerary inscription for Lartidios; AD 98%3`117; from Asia Minor, but probably not from Smyrna: ILeyden 44 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 184 (PH); *ISmyrna 391. @ @@`559. Funerary inscription for Lenaia; c. I; provenance unknown, found at Smyrna: Conze, Beschr. 298, no. 782; *ISmyrna 131. @ @@`560. Funerary inscription for Leukaios Kallippou; II; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna or vicinity: LW 162b; Michaelis, Anc. Marbles 588%19`589, no. 206; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 178 (PH); IEph 2281; *ISmyrna 184. @ @@`560.5. Funerary inscription for L(ucius) Licinnius and family by mother Cornelia [ ... ]; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIL III 7110; *ISmyrna 383. @ @@`561. Funerary inscription by Marcus Livius Tyrannion for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Smyrna: Petzl, ZPE 9, 1972, 64%19`67; Roehl, Sched. epig. p. 3, no. 5 (part); Earinos, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, p. 37, no. 248 (part); *ISmyrna 191 (PH). @ @@`562. Funerary inscription for Marcus Lollius Agathopous by children; imperial; perhaps from Smyrna: ILeyden 29 (PH); SEG 18, 541; *ISmyrna 361. @ @@`563. Funerary inscription by Lucius Lollius Iustus, &3grammateus of (Jewish) &3laos& in Smyrna, for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: Leemans 1890, 13%19`14, no. 12; Hellenica 11%19`12, 259%19`262; *ISmyrna 296 (PH). @ @@`564. Honorary%3funerary inscription by Apphion and family for father Lucius; AD 158%3`213; found at Smyrna, perhaps from Phrygia: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 2, no. 196; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 2222; *ISmyrna 432 (PH). @ @@`565. Funerary inscription for Lucius Sotereichou of Ephesos; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3345; *ISmyrna 448. @ @@`566. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Lysandra Artemido[rou] by demos; II&4`2&; from Smyrna: CIG 3236; Guarducci, Riv. Ist. Arch. 9, 1942, 30, no. 5 (non vidi); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 443 (PH); *ISmyrna 61. @ @@`567. Funerary inscription for Lysimachis Hermonos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 12, 1887, 247, no. 4; *ISmyrna 148. @ @@`568. Funerary inscription by [Ma?]ker for self, wife Kestia, and freedmen; imperial; probably found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 89, no. 72; *ISmyrna 380. @ @@`569. Funerary inscription by &3philagrippai symbiotai& for Marion Maris of Adana; 1%3`3; found at Smyrna: ILeyden 5 (PH); Hellenica 11%19`12, 218, note 1; 226%19`228; 230, note 5; SEG 18, 518; *ISmyrna 331. @ @@`570. Funerary inscription by Melitine and Heraklas for son Marcus, gladiator (?); late imperial; found at Smyrna: Papadopoulos%19Kerameus, MDAI(A) 6, 1881, 266, no. 1; Leemans 1886, 22%19`24, no. 14; Polak, Mnem. 15, 1887, 253, no. 14; IGRR IV 1453; Robert, Glad. 240; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 737 (PH); *ISmyrna 416. @ @@`571. Funerary inscription by [ ... ]nia for husband Martialis, (&3retiarius&); 3; provenance unknown, perhaps from Smyrna: CIG 6959; Leemans, RA 9, 1852, 69%19`70; CIL VII p. 21; IG XIV 2545; Robert, Glad. 250; Vermeule %9 von Bothmer, AJA 63, 1959, 329 (PH); Collingwood %9 Wright, Rom. Inscr.'s of Brit. I 729%19`730, no. 2320; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1253 (PH); *ISmyrna 418. @ @@`572. Funerary inscription by Matidia Privata for self and mother Daphne; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 140, no. 185; *ISmyrna 311 (PH). @ @@`573. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Meles Herodou and Herodes Meletos by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, REG 13, 1900, 497, no. 8; *ISmyrna 49. @ @@`574. Funerary inscription by Melitea Stratoneikes for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3349; *ISmyrna 289. @ @@`575. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Melitine Demetriou; II; found at Smyrna: CIG 3350; Espe/randieu, Rec. ge/n. des bas%19rel. de la Gaule Rom. I 1907, 74, no. 92; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 416; *ISmyrna 118. @ @@`576. Funerary inscription for Melition Xenonos; prob. II; probably from Smyrna: Janssen, Inscr. 31, no. 8, l. 5; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 437 (PH); *ISmyrna 167. @ @@`577. Funerary inscription by Glykon Menandrou of Ankyra for son Menandros, &3nomikos& and &3stephanephoros&; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 25, no. 243; *ISmyrna 372. @ @@`578. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Menandros Menandrou by demos; II; found at Smyrna: CIG 3237; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 156 (PH); *ISmyrna 60. @ ª@@`578.5. Funerary inscription for Menandros by father Zosimos, on ªslab of bluish marble; imperial; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, p. 362, no. XXVII. @ @@`579. Funerary inscription by Menas Mena for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna?: CIG 3351; *ISmyrna 321 (PH). @ @@`580. Funerary inscription for Menekles Apollados; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 12, no. 221; *ISmyrna 181. @ @@`581. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Menekles Hermogenous by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3238.a; *ISmyrna 104.a. @ @@`582. Funerary inscription for Menekles Menekleou; II%3I; found at Is%25#1221kkent: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 121, no. 154; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 715 (PH); *ISmyrna 180. @ @@`583. Funerary inscription for Menekrates Biantos and Bias Menekratou; III%3II; presumably from Smyrna: Michaelis, Anc. Marbles 496, no. 55; Vermeule %9 Neuerburg, Cat. Getty Mus. 15, no. 28 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1538; *ISmyrna 185. @ @@`584. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Menekrates Dionysiou and Dionysios Menekratou [&3ho n&]&3eoteros& by demos; III%3I; probably from Smyrna or vicinity: Kontoleon, BCH 11, 1887, 297%19`298, no. 4; *ISmyrna 18. @ @@`585. Funerary inscription for Menodora and Antiochos; II; found at Smyrna: CIG 3354 and 6879; Froehner, ILouvre no. 224; Petzl, Talanta 8%19`9, 1977, 97%19`99; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1030 (PH); SEG 27, 778; *ISmyrna 158 %7 II 2 p. 375. @ @@`586. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Menodote [ ... ] by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 45, no. 266; *ISmyrna 38. @ @@`587. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Menophila Attalou by demos, on white marble stele; 175%3`150 BC; from Smyrna, now at Norwich, England: CIG 3239; *ISmyrna 15 %7 II 2 p. 370; Senff, Boreas 8, 1985, 81%19`85 (PH) (non vidi). @ @@`588. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Menophila Dionysiou [by demos]; III%3I; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 25 (PH). @ @@`589. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Menoph[2i]2los Dionysiou by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, REA 4, 1902, 193%19`194, no. 1; Petzl %9 Linfert, RA 1974, 1, 33%19`41 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 543 (PH); *ISmyrna 48.b. @ @@`590. Funerary inscription for Menophilos Hieronos of Kibyra; imperial; found at Smyrna?: ILeyden 17 (PH); SEG 18, 534; *ISmyrna 461. @ @@`591. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Metriche Herakleidou and Apollas Heraiou by demos; III%3I; found at Halka P#1221nar: Fontrier, Mous. II 1, 1875%19`6, 29, no. 128; *ISmyrna 112. @ @@`592. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Metrei(o)n Athenaiou by demos; III&4`2&; found at Smyrna: Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 907 (PH); *ISmyrna 83. @ @@`593. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Metri(o)n Hermogenou and A%1[thenodoros] M%1[ ... ] by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 30, no. 256; *ISmyrna 80 (PH). @ @@`594. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Metrei(o)n Poseidoniou by demos; II; found at Smyrna or in vicinity: ILeyden 38 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 749 (PH); *ISmyrna 82. @ @@`595. Funerary inscription for Metro; III%3I; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna or vicinity: Conze, Beschr. 298, no. 780; *ISmyrna 132. @ @@`596. Funerary inscription for Metro Demetriou of Thyateira; III%3I; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna or vicinity: ILeyden 19 (PH); SEG 18, 506; *ISmyrna 150. @ @@`597. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Metrous (%6 Metro) Phainylou and Sokles Apollodorou by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3241; *ISmyrna 6. @ @@`598. Funerary inscription for [M]etrobia Hermogenou and Metriche Artemidorou; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, REG 12, 1899, 386, no. 12; *ISmyrna 176. @ @@`599. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Metrobia Nikonos and husband Atta%1[l]os Atheno[do]rou%1; III%3I; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna or vicinity: ILeyden 36 (PH); SEG 18, 510; *ISmyrna 108. @ @@`600. End of funerary inscription allowing burial of relatives of Metrodoros and Syneros; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3332; *ISmyrna 221 (PH). @ @@`601. Funerary inscription for Metrodoros Apollados; III%3I; perhaps from Smyrna: ILeyden 25 (PH); SEG 18, 507; *ISmyrna 151. @ @@`602. Funerary inscription by &3neaniskarches& Metrodoros Orestes for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: Baumeister, Monatsber. Akad. Berl. 1855, 196, no. 21; Keil, Philologus 11, 1856, 292%19`293; Henzen, Bull. Inst. 1860, 218, no. 1; *ISmyrna 443.b. @ @@`603. Funerary inscription for Metrodoros Apollodorou; II&4`1&; provenance unknown, perhaps from Smyrna: *ISmyrna 188. @ @@`604. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Metrodoros Apolloniou &3ho &3neoteros& by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3240; *ISmyrna 78. @ @@`605. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Metrodoros Demetriou and Parmenousa Limnaiou by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 79, no. 45; *ISmyrna 93. @ @@`606. Funerary inscription for Metrodoros Hermippou and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 144, no. 187 (186); *ISmyrna 208. @ @@`607. Funerary inscription for Metrodoros (Zoilou) and Stratonike Zoilou; II; possibly from Smyrna: Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 540 (PH); *ISmyrna 165. @ @@`608. Funerary inscription by Tit%1us (?) Minu[cius Euta?]ktos for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3308; *ISmyrna 324. @ @@`609. Funerary inscription by [ ... ] Minucius Pollio for self and family; 2; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, REG 12, 1899, 387%19`388, no. 21; ILeyden 50 (PH); SEG 18, 521; *ISmyrna 193 (PH). @ @@`610. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Moirous (%6 Moiro) Dionysiou; II; found at Smyrna: LW 1526; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 415 (PH); *ISmyrna 119. @ ⪵@@`610.5. Funerary inscription for Moscha by husband Metrodoros Eutychides, on white marble slab; imperial; found at Bornova, provenance unknown: *ISmyrna 895 (PH). @ @@`611. Funerary inscription for Moschion; imperial; found at Kokluca: *ISmyrna 375 (PH). @ @@`612. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Moschion Kaikou by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3243; *ISmyrna 22. @ @@`613. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Moschos Moschou by demos; III%3I; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna or vicinity: *ISmyrna 26. @ @@`614. Funerary inscription for Lu(cius) Murdius Heraklas; 1%3`2; found at Smyrna: CIG 3325; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1360 (PH); *ISmyrna 459. @ @@`615. Funerary inscription for [Mousai?]os Eudemou and Eudemos Mousaiou; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 146, no. 267; *ISmyrna 161. @ @@`616. Funerary inscription by Firmena for husband Myron; imperial; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 94, no. 22; *ISmyrna 384. @ @@`617. Funerary inscription by Parnassos for brother Nablas; imperial; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 398 (PH). @ @@`618. Funerary inscription by Nais Hermou for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3356; *ISmyrna 241 (PH). @ @@`619. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Nannion Apolloniou by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3222.b; *ISmyrna 105.b. @ @@`620. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Nannion Nikolaou; III%3I; found near Kokluca: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 97, no. 29; *ISmyrna 126. @ @@`621. Funerary inscription for Neopoies Amphikratou; no date; found at Smyrna?: CIG 3358; *ISmyrna 458. @ @@`622. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Nikandros and Artem[ ... ] by demos; III%3I; provenance unknown, probably found at Smyrna or vicinity: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 15, no. 231; *ISmyrna 90. @ @@`623. Honorary(%3funerary?) inscription for Nikandros Apolloniou by &3demoi& of Mytilene, Temnos, Erythrai, Smyrna, and two other cities (no name); c. III; found at Smyrna: CIG 3214; *ISmyrna 2. @ @@`624. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [ ... ]neis [ ... ]andos and Nika[2n]2dros Herodou; II&7m&; found at Smyrna: Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 855 (PH); SEG 27, 1213; *ISmyrna 86. @ @@`625. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Nikandros Hypatodorou; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Ziebarth, MDAI(A) 22, 1897, 413, no. 25; Hendriks %9 Petzl, ZPE 40, 1980, 207%19`208; SEG 30, 1372; *ISmyrna 72. @ @@`626. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Nikandros Meniou by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 60, no. 446; *ISmyrna 155. @ @@`627. Funerary inscription by Platanos for Neike; imperial; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: LW 23; *ISmyrna 367. @ @@`628. Funerary inscription for Nike Meli%1[tonos?]; III%3I; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna or vicinity: *ISmyrna 186. @ @@`629. Funerary inscription for Nikephoros; II; provenance unknown, perhaps from Smyrna: CIG 3360; Michaelis, Anc. Marbles 579, no. 152; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 744 (PH); *ISmyrna 144. @ @@`630. Funerary inscription for Nikeso, wife of Theodoros; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, REG 12, 1899, 387, no. 17; *ISmyrna 177. @ @@`631. Funerary inscription for Neiketes Glykonos of Tieion, &3iatros,& with curse for violating grave; 1%3`2; found at Smyrna?: ILeyden 10 (PH); Hellenica 11%19`12, 233; SEG 18, 519; *ISmyrna 442.b (PH) %7 II 2 p. 373. @ @@`632. Funerary inscription by Neikias Diokleous for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3361; Petzl, Talanta 8%19`9, 1977, 86%19`87, no.'s 17 and 19; SEG 27, 770; *ISmyrna 319. @ @@`633. Funerary inscription by Neikias Terteiou and Metrodoros Artemidorou for selves and families; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 11, no. 220; IGRR IV 1473; *ISmyrna 230.b %7 pp. 369, 371. @ @@`634. Honorary%3funerary inscription by Nikogenes Menekratou by demos; III%3I; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna or vicinity: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 131, no. 171 (173); *ISmyrna 36. @ @@`635. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Nikomachos Hermogenou, Paramonos Hermogenou, and Stratonike Charikleous by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 138, no. 180; *ISmyrna 115. @ @@`636. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Nikopolis Metrodorou and Apollas Menekratou by demos; III%3I; found at Halka P#1221nar: Homolle, BCH 15, 1891, 681; Kontoleon, REG 13, 1900, 497, no. 9; von Prott, MDAI(A) 27, 1902, 269, no. 2; *ISmyrna 17. @ @@`637. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Nikostratos Sosthenou and Dionysios Nikostratou, by demos; III%3I; found at Vezir Aqueduct: *ISmyrna 99 (PH). @ @@`638. Funerary inscription by (no name) for self, father Neilos, &3oikonomos& of Asia, and family; 1&7e&?; found at Smyrna: CIG 3357; IGRR IV 1474; *ISmyrna 229 (PH). @ @@`638.5. Funerary inscription for [O]inanthe Demetriou of Antioch &3apo Daphnes,& on stele of white marble; II%3I; prob. from Smyrna or vicinity, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 890. @ @@`639. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Olympias Ploutogenou by demos; III%3I; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna or vicinity: *ISmyrna 23 (PH). @ @@`640. Funerary inscription by Onesimos Dionysodorou for self and family, with prohibition of sale; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3364; *ISmyrna 242 (PH). @ @@`641. Funerary inscription for Onesiphoros Chrysippou; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 82, no. 268; *ISmyrna 457. @ @@`642. Funerary inscription for Quintus Oppius Protos of Mytilene; prob. 2; found at Smyrna: Keil, AAWW 90, 1953, 21, no. 5; SEG 15, 736; *ISmyrna 494 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 373. @ @@`643. Funerary inscription by [ ... ] Orig[a]nion (?) for self, wife Thalea, and family, with penalty and curse for violating grave; imperial; found at Smyrna: Perrot, RA 30, 1875, 51%19`54, no. IV; Roehl, Sched. epig. 13%19`15; IGRR IV 1479; Robert, BCH 101, 1977, 43%19`54 (PH); SEG 27, 771; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 2237 (part)(PH); *ISmyrna 210 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 371. @ @@`644. Funerary inscription by Epitychia for husband Valerius, (gladiator); 2%3`3; found at Smyrna: ILeyden 3 (PH); SEG 18, 525; *ISmyrna 410. @ @@`645. Funerary inscription for Varia Ekloge; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 83, no. 269; *ISmyrna 483. @ @@`646. Funerary inscription for L(ucius) Verus Albanus; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3280; *ISmyrna 506. @ @@`647. Funerary inscription by Aulus Vettiarius Crispus and Aulus Vettiarius Epaphrodeitos for selves and families; imperial; found in Attica, wandered from Smyrna: Latischew, MDAI(A) 10, 1885, 129%19`130, no. 35; *ISmyrna 200 %7 II 2 p. 371. @ @@`648. Funerary inscription by Vinicia Euphrosyne for son Lucius Vedius; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3365b; *ISmyrna 358. @ @@`648.5. Funerary inscription by Viator &3presbyteros& for self; II; found at Smyrna: Pfuhl %9 Seylaz, AA 50, 1935, 15%19`19 (PH); Tho+nges%19Stringaris, MDAI(A) 80, 1965, 71, no. 15 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1535 (PH); *ISmyrna 446. @ @@`649. Funerary inscription by Ulpia Agrippina for self and family, with penalty for selling grave; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3260; *ISmyrna 235. @ @@`650. Funerary inscription by M(arcus) Ulpius Hilaros of Smyrna for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; AD 161%3`199; found at Smyrna: Weber, MDAI(A) 22, 1897, 355, no. 5; Cumont, Cat. sculp. mus. roy. 148%19`149, no. 130 (PH); *ISmyrna 251 %7 II 2 pp. 369, 372. @ @@`651. Funerary inscription by Ulpius Iuli(us) Trophimos, &3bouleutes& of Smyrna, for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3385; *ISmyrna 244 (PH). @ @@`652. Funerary inscription by Decimus Umbricius Secundus for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3375; *ISmyrna 318. @ @@`653. Funerary inscription by Marcus Volussenus Diophantos Iulianus of Mylasa and Smyrna for self; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3301; *ISmyrna 438. @ @@`654. Funerary inscription by Gna[i]us Optatus for self and son Gna[ius ... ] Lucius; imperial; provenance unknown, now in Smyrna: *ISmyrna 342. @ @@`654.5. Funerary inscription for Pankrateides by Tryphosa, on stele of grayish limestone; imperial; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, pp. 363%19`364, no. XXIX. @ @@`655. Funerary inscription for Panphilos and Alexandros; 1%3`2?; found at Smyrna: CIG 3366; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1459 (PH); *ISmyrna 492. @ @@`656. Funerary inscription for Papias &3gymnaste&[&3s&]; imperial; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 436. @ @@`657. Funerary inscription by Papias Molaseos for self and familyt, with penalty for violating grave; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 29, no. 255; *ISmyrna 253. @ @@`658. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Paramonos Menekleous by demos; II&4`2&; now in Smyrna, from Smyrna or Ephesos: Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 250 (PH); SEG 27, 767; *ISmyrna 28. @ @@`659. Funerary inscription by Gemella for Passerinus, (gladiator?); imperial; from Smyrna?: ILeyden 22 (PH); SEG 18, 535; *ISmyrna 411. @ @@`660. Funerary inscription for Perfectus, (gladiator), by wife (no name); imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3368; IGRR IV 1456; Robert, Glad. 247; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1262; *ISmyrna 406. @ @@`661. Funerary inscription by Pu(blius) Petronius Secundus for self and family, with honorary%3funerary inscription for Pu(blius) Petronius Achaikos; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3376; GIBM 1030 (PH); *ISmyrna 215. @ @@`662. Funerary inscription for Marcus Fabius Ionios; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3341; IGRR IV 1478; *ISmyrna 444. @ @@`663. Funerary inscription by Pistos for Phaeinos, (&3retiarius&); imperial; provenance unknown, now in Smyrna: Petzl, ZPE 14, 1974, 287, no. 3; *ISmyrna 413 (PH). @ @@`664. Funerary inscription by Secunda for husband Faustus and child Philainis; Roman; found at Smyrna, perhaps from Lampsakos: CIG 3389; Michon, MSNAF 63, 1904, 322%19`323; *ISmyrna 422. @ @@`665. Funerary inscription by Aphphe for husband Ferox; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3390; *ISmyrna 402. @ @@`666. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Phila Apollados; II; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna or vicinity: CIG 3253; Michaelis, Anc. Marbles 639, no. 68; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 906 (PH); *ISmyrna 55. @ @@`667. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Phila Menekratou by demos; II&4`1&; found at Halka P#1221nar: Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 407 (PH); SEG 27, 766; *ISmyrna 29. @ @@`668. Funerary inscription by Phileinos Athenaiou for self and family; imperial; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna: CIG 3391; *ISmyrna 288 (PH). @ @@`668.5. &3Heidryma& inscription of Phileros of Sardis by father Phileros, on slab of bluish marble; imperial; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, p. 357, no. XII. @ @@`669. Funerary inscription by Epiktesis Hermogenou for son Philippos; imperial; found at Smyrna: ILeyden 27 (PH); SEG 18, 539; *ISmyrna 357. @ @@`670. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Philista Memnonos by demos; II; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna or vicinity: CIG 3254; Michaelis, Anc. Marbles 587%19`588, no. 204; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 435 (PH); *ISmyrna 54. @ @@`671. Funerary inscription for Philokles Ammiou, &3trapezites,& and Alexandros Matreou; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 23, no. 238; *ISmyrna 464 (PH). @ @@`672. Funerary inscription by Prokla for Philonas, &3mirmillo&; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3392; Robert, Glad. 244; *ISmyrna 407. @ @@`673. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Flavia Aurelia Makaria by husband Aurelius Hygeinianos; imperial; probably from Smyrna: CIG 3347; Michaelis, Anc. Marbles 410, no. 366; *ISmyrna 427. @ @@`674. Funerary inscription by Flavia Tryphaina for self and family, with penalty for selling grave; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3387; *ISmyrna 248 %7 II 2 pp. 369, 372. @ @@`675. Funerary inscription by Dioskourides for cousin Flavius Antigonos Makedon from Doberos; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 27, no. 248; *ISmyrna 373. @ @@`676. Funerary inscription by T(itus) Fl(avius) Eueides for self and family; imperial; perhaps from Smyrna: CIG 3315; *ISmyrna 298. @ @@`677. Funerary inscription by Fl(avius) Iulius for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Kokluca: Fontrier, Mous. II 1, 1875%19`6, 30, no. 129; MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 297%19`298; *ISmyrna 250. @ @@`678. Funerary inscription for Ti(berius) Fl(avius) Parthe[nios?] and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 12, 1887, 249, no. 9; *ISmyrna 509 (PH). @ @@`679. Funerary inscription by Earine for grandchildren Phoibos and Metras; imperial; perhaps from Smyrna: Conze, Beschr. 301, no. 788; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 787 (PH); *ISmyrna 304. @ @@`680. Funerary inscription by Pu(blius) Fonteius for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 11, no. 219; *ISmyrna 334 (PH). @ @@`681. Funerary inscription in Latin by L(ucius) Furius Sarapio and Furia A[lk?]e for selves; imperial; found at Smyrna: LW 1535f; CIL III 6064; *ISmyrna 476. @ @@`682. Funerary inscription for Polla Perilia Isidote; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3339; Janssen, Inscr. 43%19`44, no. 6; Janssen, Grafrel. 9%19`10, no. 8 (non vidi); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 989 (PH); *ISmyrna 493. @ @@`683. Funerary inscription for Polla Tetteia; imperial; found at Buca: LW 1525&3bis&; *ISmyrna 488. @ @@`684. Funerary inscription by (no name) for self, wife Polliane, and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 103, no. 106; *ISmyrna 261 (PH). @ @@`685. Funerary inscription by Eteokles for brother Polynikes, &3essedarius&; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3372; IGRR IV 1468; de Ricci, REA 29, 1927, 46; SEG 4, 629; Robert, Glad. 245; *ISmyrna 403. @ @@`686. Funerary inscription by (and for?) Pompeia Chrysarion; imperial; probably from Smyrna or vicinity: Michaelis, Anc. Marbles 496, no. 54; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 555 (PH); *ISmyrna 162.b. @ @@`687. Funerary inscription by [ ... P]ontikos for self, son Lucius, and freedmen; imperial; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 88, no. 70; *ISmyrna 344 %7 II 2 p. 375. @ @@`688. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Lucius Publicius Ephesas; imperial; found at Karatas%25?: *ISmyrna 430 (PH). @ @@`689. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Poses Demonaktos by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3246; *ISmyrna 58. @ @@`690. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Posideos Demokleious and Hero%1phanta Timonos by demos; II; found at Smyrna: CIG 3245; Michaelis, Anc. Marbles 495, no. 52; Vermeule %9 Meuerburg, Cat. Getty Mus. no. 29 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 529 (PH); *ISmyrna 103. @ @@`691. Honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) and Posidonios Mena by demos; III%3I; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna or vicinity: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 84, no. 58; *ISmyrna 43. @ @@`691.5. &3Mnemion& inscription by Posidon%1[ios ... ] for self and family, on slab of bluish marble; imperial; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, pp. 358%19`359, no. XVII. @ @@`692. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Potamon Poseidoniou by demos; II; found at Smyrna: Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 158 (PH); *ISmyrna 27. @ @@`693. Funerary inscription by Praetoria Paula for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Smyrna: Nachmanson, MDAI(A) 35, 1910, 177; *ISmyrna 252 (PH). @ @@`694. Funerary inscription by wife Elea for Thrax Priscus; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3374; IGRR IV 1457; Robert, Glad. 243; *ISmyrna 408. @ @@`694.5. Funerary inscription for Prokla by husband Ioulis, on stele of bluish marble; imperial; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, p. 367, no. XXXVIII. @ @@`695. Funerary inscription by Numerius Prosius Stephanos for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: ILeyden 8 (PH); SEG 18, 529; *ISmyrna 234. @ @@`696. Funerary inscription for Prosodos Korneliou; imperial; found at Smyrna: MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 298; *ISmyrna 491. @ @@`697. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Protion Hermogenou and Hermogenes Protionos by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 84 (PH). @ @@`698. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Pytheos Hegetoros by demos; III%3I; found at Buca: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 19, no. 234; *ISmyrna 34. @ @@`699. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Pytheos Menados by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 82, no. 266; *ISmyrna 33. @ @@`700. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Pythion Zotionos and Zotion Artemidorou; c. 100 BC; found at Buca: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 45, no. 265; *ISmyrna 73. @ @@`701. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Rhadine [ ... ]; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 26, no. 225, ll. 10%19`13; *ISmyrna 116.c. @ @@`701.5. &3M&[&3nemeion&] inscription by Rhetorinos Asklepiadou and Equitia Kallianassa [for selves ... ], on block of white marble; early imperial; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, p. 357, no. XIII. @ @@`702. Funerary inscription by Philete for son Rufinus; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, REA 4, 1902, 194%19`195, no. 3; *ISmyrna 394. @ @@`703. Funerary inscription by Salvius Semnos for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 176, no. 360; *ISmyrna 214 %7 II 2 p. 371. @ @@`704. Funerary inscription by &3familia& for (Thrax) Saturninus; imperial; found at Smyrna: Robert, Glad. 241 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1242 (PH); *ISmyrna 409. @ @@`705. Funerary inscription by Satria Epikarpia for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 23, no. 239; *ISmyrna 371 (PH). @ @@`706. Funerary inscription by Quintus Seius Chrysogonos for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 127, no. 163; *ISmyrna 312. @ @@`707. Funerary inscription by Secunda Papiou for self and children; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3377; *ISmyrna 317 %7 II 2 p. 372. @ @@`708. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Seleukos Dema by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3247; Michon, MSNAF 63, 1904, 321%19`322; *ISmyrna 57. @ @@`709. Funerary inscription for Serapias Dionysio[u] of Thyatira; II%3I; found near Sevdiko+y: Kontoleon, BCH 11, 1887, 298, no. 5; ŃConze, Beschr. 530, no. 768a; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 448 (PH); *ISmyrna 175. @ @@`710. Funerary inscription by [ ... ] Serapion for self and Tere[nti ... ]; imperial; found at Halka P#1221nar: LW 19; *ISmyrna 349. @ @@`711. Funerary inscription for Servatus &3stephanas&; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3378; *ISmyrna 504. @ @@`712. Funerary inscription by Publius Sextilius Rufus for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 137, no. 178 (179); *ISmyrna 310. @ @@`713. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Simas Ischonidou and Amyntor Ischonidou; III%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3248; *ISmyrna 56. @ @@`714. Funerary inscription by L(ucius) Scribonius Menelaos for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 10, no. 217; *ISmyrna 220. @ @@`715. Funerary inscription for Sopatros Alexandrou; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 1, 1875%19`6, 31, no. 133; *ISmyrna 449. @ @@`716. Funerary inscription for Sopatros Dionysiou; 2; found at Smyrna: Leemans 1890, 15%19`16, no. 14; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 798 (PH); Petzl, ZPE 37, 1980, 93%19`95 (PH); *ISmyrna 377.a. @ @@`717. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Sopyrikos Apollokratous by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3249; *ISmyrna 14. @ @@`718. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Sositheos Sopyrikou by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3250; *ISmyrna 13 %7 II 2 p. 370. @ @@`719. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Sosos Herakleidou; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 60, no. 447; *ISmyrna 120. @ @@`720. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Soteira Menekratous and Antipatros Herakleidou; III%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3251; *ISmyrna 102. @ Ъ@@`720.5. Funerary inscription for Spendon by father Onesim[os] Metro%1[do]rou, on slab of blue%19gray marble; imperial; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, p. 359, no. XVIII. @ @@`721. Funerary inscription by Eutychia for husband Spinther, (gladiator); imperial; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: Petzl, ZPE 14, 1974, 286, no. 2; *ISmyrna 405. @ @@`722. Funerary inscription for Stlaccia Hilara and Stlaccius Menophilos; imperial; found at Smyrna: Roehl, Sched. epig. 3, no. 4; *ISmyrna 480 (PH). @ @@`723. Funerary inscription for Stlaccia Trophime; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 63, no. 150; *ISmyrna 479 (PH). @ @@`724. Funerary inscription for [S]trateia Zopyrou; II; found at Smyrna: Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 505 (PH); *ISmyrna 140. @ @@`725. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [Stratok]leides Strato[kleidou] by demos; I; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna or vicinity: CIG 3244; Janssen, Inscr. 45, no. 9; Janssen, Grafrel. 13, no. 11 (non vidi); ILeyden p. 83, no. 3; Hellenica 11%19`12, 217, note 5 and 601; SEG 18, 549; Robert, Berytus 16, 1966, 20; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 170 (PH); *ISmyrna 51. @ @@`726. Funerary inscription for Stratonike Apollados; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 175, no. 358; *ISmyrna 136. @ @@`727. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Str[at]o[ni]ke Dio[ny]siou by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 26, no. 225, ll. 3%19`9; *ISmyrna 116.b. @ ת@@`727.5. Funerary inscription for Stratonike Lenaiou, on stele of white, gray%19speckled marble; c. II; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, p. 360, no. XXII. @ @@`728. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Stratonike Menekratou and Menodotos Menekratou; III%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3379; *ISmyrna 124. @ @@`729. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Tatia Tryphonos by husband Perigenes and children; I%3`1?; found at Smyrna: Walter, JO+AI 21%19`22, 1922 Beibl. 258, no. 14 (PH); SEG 2, 656; *ISmyrna 429. @ @@`730. Funerary inscription by Tatias Herothemidos of Magnesia Sip. for self and family; imperial?; found at Smyrna: CIG 3381; *ISmyrna 368. @ @@`731. Funerary inscription by Telesphoros Iulianus, slave of Caesar, for self and family, on gray marble block; AD 69%3`138; found at Smyrna: CIG 3382; IGRR IV 1477; *ISmyrna 225 %7 II 2 p. 371; Geissen, ZPE 56, 1984, 299, no. 2 (PH); SEG 34, 1193. @ @@`732. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Teres Dionysiou and Phila Demetriou by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 85 (PH). @ @@`733. Funerary inscription by Tertullianus for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Smyrna: Leemans 1886, 26, no. 16; Polak, Mnem. 15, 1887, 254, no. 16; Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 12, 1887, 247%19`248, no. 6; IGRR IV 1485; *ISmyrna 249 (PH). @ @@`734. Funerary inscription for Thalea Athenagorou of Oroanna; II; found at Smyrna: Dain, ILouvre no. 49; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 413 (PH); *ISmyrna 128. @ @@`735. Funerary inscription by Theodoros Papiou for Theodoros Theodorou and family; imperial; found near Smyrna: LW 22; *ISmyrna 316. @ @@`736. Honorary%3funerary inscription by Theodote Attalou and Pyrrhos Pyrrhou by demos; III%3I; provenance unknown, probably found at Smyrna or in vicinity: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 72, no. 28; *ISmyrna 94. @ @@`737. Funerary inscription for Theodote Metrobiou; III%3I; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 129. @ @@`738. Funerary inscription by (no name) for self, Theodotos, and others, with prohibition of unauthorized burial imperial; found near Smyrna: LW 26; Heichelheim, JHS 62, 1942, 16, VIIb, no. 1; *ISmyrna 226 (PH). @ @@`739. Funerary inscription for Theodoule Asklepiadou; III%3I; said to be from Smyrna: Roehl, Sched. epig. 5, no. 10; *ISmyrna 134 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 371. @ @@`740. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Theophila Attalou; III%3I; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna: CIG 3331; *ISmyrna 16. @ @@`741. Funerary inscription for Theophilos and Hermodoros Lenaiou; III%3I; found at Smyrna: CIG 3330; Petzl, Talanta 8%19`9, 1977, 88, no. 23; SEG 27, 775; *ISmyrna 159. @ @@`742. Funerary inscription for Threptos; imperial; found at Smyrna?: ILeyden 31 (PH); SEG 18, 542; *ISmyrna 462. @ @@`743. Funerary inscription by Teimon for son Timon; imperial; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 93%19`94, no. 20; *ISmyrna 338. @ @@`744. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [Ti]mothea Heraiou; III%3I; found at Smyrna: LW 17; *ISmyrna 121. @ @@`745. Funerary inscription by [Titinia Luci]i &3filia& for father [Lucius Titi]nius and son [Lucius T]itinius; I%3`1; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 103, no. 107; *ISmyrna 381.a (PH) %7 II 2 pp. 369, 372. @ @@`746. Honorary%3funerary inscription in Latin for L(ucius) Titinius; I%3`1; found at Smyrna: Perrot, RA 33, 1877, p. 57; CIL III Supp. 7111; *ISmyrna 381.b %7 II 2 pp. 369, 372. @ @@`747. Funerary inscription for Marcus Tu%1[ccius] Hesperos; imperial; found at Smyrna?: CIG 3313; *ISmyrna 365. @ @@`748. Funerary inscription by Marcus Tuccius Iulianus for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3334; *ISmyrna 322. @ @@`749. Funerary inscription by Tertia Volumnia for Quintus Tullius Rufus; imperial; found at Smyrna?: ILeyden 23 (PH); SEG 18, 536; *ISmyrna 329. @ @@`750. Funerary inscription by Iulia Tyche for mother Tryphaina; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 19, no. 233; *ISmyrna 307. @ @@`751. Funerary inscription by Tryphaina Melassou for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 85, no. 275; *ISmyrna 306. @ @@`752. Funerary inscription by Menophilos Apollonidou and Apphias Apolloniou for children Tryphaina and Menophilos; 2%3`3; from Smyrna: Kubitschek, JO+AI 29, 1935, 51%19`52 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 524 (PH); Petzl, ZPE 37, 1980, 93%19`95; SEG 30, 1374; *ISmyrna 376. @ @@`753. Funerary inscription for Tryphera Demetriou; II; found at Smyrna: Leemans 1888, 21%19`22; Polak, Mnem. 15, 1887, 253, no. 13; Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 12, 1887, 247, no. 5; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 397 (PH); *ISmyrna 142. @ @@`754. Funerary inscription by Tyche Eisiou for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, REG 12, 1899, 385, no. 10; *ISmyrna 343. @ @@`755. Funerary inscription for Tychikos Tychikou of Smyrna for self and family; imperial; probably from Smyrna: Leemans 1890, 11%19`13, no. 11; *ISmyrna 287 (PH). @ @@`756. Funerary inscription for Tyrannis; II; found at Smyrna: Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 434 (PH); *ISmyrna 130 %7 II 2 p. 371. @ @@`757. Funerary inscription for Xenomedea Apollophanou; II; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna or vicinity: LW 1525; Stark, Nach dem griech. Orient 385; Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 72, no. 25; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 564 (PH); *ISmyrna 138. @ @@`758. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Xenon Pytheou; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, REA 4, 1902, 193%19`194, no. 1; Petzl %9 Linfert, RA 1974, 1, 33%19`41 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 543 (PH); *ISmyrna 48.c. @ @@`759. Funerary inscription for Xerxes Pyrrhou; prob. I; probably from Smyrna: ILeyden 39 (PH); SEG 18, 513; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 160 (PH); *ISmyrna 166. @ @@`760. Funerary inscription by Zenon Gnaios for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: Weber, MDAI(A) 22, 1897, 354%19`355, no. 4; Cumont, Ann. Soc. arch. Brux. 15, 1901, 250%19`251 (PH); Cumont, Cat. sculp. mus. roy. 149%19`150, no. 131 (PH); IGRR IV 1469; *ISmyrna 300. @ @@`761. Funerary inscription for Zosime; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 7, no. 210; *ISmyrna 454. @ @@`762. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Zosime by demos, gerousia, boule, &3neoi,& and &3epheboi,& on marble stele; late Hellenistic%3early imperial?; found at Smyrna: *Malay %9 Gu+l, ZPE 50, 1983, 284, no. 3 (PH); SEG 33, 992; ISmyrna 891. @ @@`763. Funerary inscription for freedman [Zo]simos and other(s); imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 126, no. 160; *ISmyrna 423. @ @@`764. Funerary inscription by M(arcus) Aur(elius) Zenon and M(arcia) Cl(audia) Iouliane, Asiarchs, for &3pragmateutes& Zotikos, on base; 2&7e&%3`5?; found at Bornova: CIG 3324; LW 20; IGRR IV 1481; *ISmyrna 386 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 372. @ @@`765. Funerary inscription by mother Tates and others for Zotikos; late imperial; found at Smyrna: Walter, JO+AI 21%19`22, 1922 Beibl. 258%19`259, no. 15 (PH); SEG 2, 657; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 777; *ISmyrna 397 %7 II 2 pp. 369, 372; BE 1983:325. @ @@`766. Funerary inscription for Zotion Artemidorou by &3synbiotai and &3synmystai&; imperial; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`1885, 14, no. 228; *ISmyrna 330. @ See also: Smyrna 230%19`268, 890%19`899, 989, 990; IG II&4`2& 10369%19`10371 (funerary inscriptions for individuals from Smyrna; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 10372 (funerary inscription for Stratonike, daughter of Metrodoros of Zmyrna; found in Attica); Ephesos 2524 (%6ISmyrna 465) (%6 IEphesos 2299) (%6 ILeyden 28) (funerary inscription for Papias Epikratou; more probably from Ephesos than from Smyrna); IG XII 2, 562 (funerary inscription by Aurelius Pinytos of Eresos and Methymna, Asiarch of temples in Smyrna, for self and wife; found at Eresos on Lesbos); Erythrai 220 (%6 IErythrai 430) (%6 CIL III 7112) (funerary inscription for Lucius Marius Caiata with honorary inscriptions by various associations and cities, including Smyrna and &3gerousia& of Smyrna; found at Erythrai); Robert, CRAI 1974, 529 (funerary inscription for Sokr[a]tes by Gaius Aelius Rheginus of Zmyrna; found at Homonadeis in Isauria); Klazomenai 22 (%6 IErythrai 527) (funerary inscription for Plotias Herodou of Smyrna and others; found at Klazomenai); IG IX 2, 969 (funerary inscription for Modestus by father Tiberius Claudius Logikos of Smy[r]na; found at Larisa in Thessaly); Metropolis 92 (%6 IEphesos 3472A) (%6 Meric%25, Metropolis ST11) (funerary inscription for Sarapion Stratonos of Smyrna; found at Metropolis); Chios 474.5 (%6 Horos 3, 1985, 122) (memorial inscription by Sulpicius Pollio &3komoidos& of Zmyrna for &3patris&; found on Psyra near Chios); Maiuri, Nuova silloge, p. 94, no. 195 (funerary inscription for Akte of Smyrna; found on Rhodes); IG XII 1, 468 (funerary inscription for Menekrates of Smyrna; found on Rhodes); Samos 500 (%6 Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 2178) (%6 Stamatiades, Samiaka 56) (funerary inscription for Apleros Hermogenous of Zmyrna; found on Samos); Hellenica 3, p. 122, no. 310 (funerary inscription for &3secunda rudis& Epagathos of Smy[r]na; found at Synnada); IG X 2, 320 (funerary inscription for Abaskantos Theomnest[2ou]2 of Zmyrna; found near Thessalonike); Tralles 177 (%6 ITralles 203) (%6 CIG 2942) (%6 CIG 3290) (&3kaustra inscription of Gaius Iulius Aphrodeisios; found at Tralles, not Smyrna); Tralles 179 (%6 ITralles 191) (%6 Athena 20, 1908, 259, 131) (%6 MDAI(A) 25, 1900, 125, 9) (%6 RPh 18, 1944, 50) (funerary inscription for Quintus Caecilius Demetrios et al.; from Tralles, not Chios, later wandered to Smyrna). @@@@Section: 16b. Funerary Inscriptions_Name Fragmentary or @@@@Lost (767%19`819) @ @@`767. Funerary inscription by (no name) for (?) [ ... ]a Herakleonos (?); imperial; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: LW 1523&3bis&; Eitrem, Griech. Rel. in Kunstmus. 14, no. 9 (PH) (non vidi); *ISmyrna 353. @ @@`768. Funerary inscription by [ ... ]as for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 2, 1885%19`6, 93, no. 266; *ISmyrna 350. @ @@`769. Fragment of funerary inscription by [A]ur(eli ... ) Eue[ ... ] for self and family, with penalty; imperial; found near Bornova: CIG 3404; *ISmyrna 283. @ @@`770. Funerary inscription by Numerius Ba[ ... ] for self and family, with penalty for violating grave; imperial; found at Is%25#1221kkent: *ISmyrna 198 (PH). @ @@`770.5. Funerary inscription for Dema[ ... ] and &3tekna,& by Meilet%1[os Pro]tomacho%1[s] et al., on marble slab; imperial; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 896 (PH). @ @@`771. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [ ... ]e%1as Mena; II; probably found at Smyrna: ILeyden 43 (PH); Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 114 (PH); *ISmyrna 71. @ @@`772. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]era and [ ... ]ene; III%3I; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna or vicinity: *ISmyrna 153. @ @@`773. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [ ... ]es [ ... ]; II; found at Smyrna: CIG lemma to 3244; Janssen, Inscr. 47, no. 13; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 831 (PH); *ISmyrna 125. @ @@`774. Funerary inscription by Gaius K[ ... ... ]doros for Iu[li ... ]; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 44, no. 262; *ISmyrna 345. @ @@`775. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]ippos [Apol]loniou; III%3I; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 9, no. 216; *ISmyrna 163. @ @@`776. Honorary%3funerary inscription for L[ ... ]ia [ ... ]phanous by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Roehl, Sched. epig. 4, no. 6; *ISmyrna 32 (PH). @ @@`777. Funerary inscription by [ ... ]nikos Glykon[os], with prohibition of alienating grave; imperial; perhaps from Smyrna: CIG 3402; *ISmyrna 265. @ @@`778. Funerary inscription by [ ... ].os Euta[ktou] for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna; Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 146, no. 193; *ISmyrna 348. @ @@`778.3. Fragment of funerary inscription of (?) [ ... ]onia Posidoni[ ... ], on block of bluish marble; 1?; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, p. 365, no. XXXIV. @ @@`778.6. Funerary inscription for (?) [ ... ]ponpos (?) et al., on fragment of white marble sarcophagus; imperial; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, p. 360, no. XXI. @ @@`779. Funerary inscription by (no name) for self, mother S[ ... ], and family, with penalty for alienating grave; prob. 2; found at Smyrna: Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 66%19`67, no. 36; *ISmyrna 272. @ @@`779.5. &3Mne&[&3meion&] inscription by [ ... ]s Menandrou for self and family, on fragment of slab of blue%19gray marble; prob. imperial; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, p. 355, no. VIII. @ @@`780. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [ ... ... ]kleidou by demos; III%3I; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 236.a (PH). @ @@`781. Fragment of inscription on funerary relief; III%3I; found at Smyrna: Petzl, Talanta 8%19`9, 1977, 83%19`84, no. 10; SEG 27, 1239; *ISmyrna 7. @ @@`782. Funerary inscription for (no name); II&7m&; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna or vicinity: Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 569 (PH); *ISmyrna 522.a. @ @@`783. Funerary inscription for (no name) and family; imperial; perhaps from Smyrna: Hammerson, Transactions London %9 Middlesex Arch. Soc. 26, 1975, 248%19`249 (PH); *ISmyrna 194. @ @@`784. Funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty for violating grave, dated by &3steph&(&3anephoros&) Fl(avia) Diogeneia; imperial; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 12, 1887, 248, no. 7; *ISmyrna 203 (PH). @ @@`785. Inscription on grave of (no name) stating that &3synodos& of &3neoi& cares for it; imperial; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 209. @ @@`786. Penalty for violating grave to be paid by &3synodos& of &3hieroneikoi& at end of funerary inscription for (no name); imperial; perhaps from Smyrna: *ISmyrna 217 (PH). @ @@`787. Funerary inscription by Epaphrodeitos Hapalou for &3symbiosis& of &3syppinades&; imperial; provenance unknown, perhaps from Smyrna: CIG 3304; Buckler, JHS 54, 1934, 75%19`77 (PH); *ISmyrna 218 %7 II 2 p. 371. @ @@`788. Funerary inscription by (no name) for self and family, with penalty to be paid to Me[ter Theon Sipylene]; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3401; *ISmyrna 227. @ @@`789. Fragment of funerary inscription for (no name) with penalty for unauthorized burial to be paid to polis of [Smyr]na; imperial; found at Halka P#1221nar: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 82, no. 52; *ISmyrna 262. @ @@`790. Fragment of funerary inscription for (no name) mentioning &3plad&[&3imai kamarai&]; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3196; *ISmyrna 263. @ @@`791. Funerary inscription cared for by G(aius) Furnius Capito; imperial; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, BCH 10, 1886, 335; *ISmyrna 266. @ @@`792. Curse for anyone violating grave; imperial; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 267 (PH). @ @@`792.5. Funerary inscription for (no name), with curse for anyone violating grave, on block of gray marble; imperial; possibly from Smyrna: *Geissen, ZPE 56, 1984, 300, no. 3 (PH); SEG 34, 1194; ISmyrna 898. @ @@`793. Funerary inscription by (no name) for self and family, with penalty for alienating grave and with copy deposited at &3archeion& in Smyrna; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3400; GIBM 1028 (PH); *ISmyrna 268. @ @@`794. Penalty for unauthorized burial to be paid to &3thea &3Sipylene&; imperial; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: Plassart %9 Picard, BCH 37, 1913, 243%19`245, no. 50; *ISmyrna 269 %7 II 2 p. 372. @ @@`795. Penalty for unauthorized burial, with copy deposited at &3archeion& of Smyrna; imperial; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, REG 14, 1901, 300, no. 11; *ISmyrna 270. @ @@`796. Penalty to be paid to &3hierotaton tameion&; imperial; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: Petzl, Talanta 8%19`9, 1977, 87, no. 18; *ISmyrna 271. @ @@`797. Penalty for alienating grave to be paid to fisc%1[us]; imperial; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 32, no. 261; *ISmyrna 273. @ @@`798. Penalty for alienating grave; imperial; found at Smyrna: Petzl, Talanta 8%19`9, 1977, 89%19`90, no. 26; SEG 27, 777; *ISmyrna 274. @ @@`799. Funerary inscription by (?) [T]rophimos for family; imperial; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: Petzl, Talanta 8%19`9, 1977, 89, no. 25; SEG 27, 776; *ISmyrna 275. @ @@`800. Penalty for violating grave; imperial; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 131, no. 172 (174); *ISmyrna 276. @ @@`801. Fragment of funerary inscription by (no name) for family with penalty; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 129, no. 168 (169); *ISmyrna 277. @ @@`802. Fragment of funerary inscription, with penalty; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3403; *ISmyrna 278. @ @@`803. Funerary inscription mentioning [ ... ]osa of Smyrn[a]; imperial; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 279 (PH). @ @@`804. Fragment of funerary inscription for family, with prohibition of unauthorized burial; imperial; perhaps from Smyrna: ILeyden 11 (PH); SEG 18, 530; *ISmyrna 280 (PH). @ @@`805. Fragment of funerary inscription by (no name) for parents; imperial; once in Smyrna: LW 1535a; *ISmyrna 281. @ @@`806. Funerary inscription cared for by Gaius Fufius Tertius, with threat for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 286 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 372. @ @@`807. Fragment of funerary inscription by (?) Artem[ ... ] and mentioning Charide%1[m ... ]; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 86, no. 63; *ISmyrna 282. @ @@`808. Funerary inscription by Strat[ ... ] Euphro[ ... ] for brother (no name); imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 22, no. 237; *ISmyrna 335 (PH). @ @@`809. Funerary inscription by (no name) for self and family; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 126, no. 162; *ISmyrna 346. @ @@`810. Funerary inscription for (no name), freedmen, and children; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 145, no. 189; *ISmyrna 347. @ @@`811. Funerary inscription by A[2r]2tem[2eis]2 [ ... ]adou for husband (no name); imperial; found at Smyrna: Petzl, Talanta 8%19`9, 1977, 88%19`89, no. 24; SEG 27, 1241; *ISmyrna 379. @ @@`812. Funerary inscription by Maximinus for wife (no name); imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 60, no. 448; Petzl, ZPE 14, 1974, 289%19`290, no. 5; *ISmyrna 399 (PH). @ @@`813. Honorary%3funerary inscription by Cl(audius) Marcianus for foster%19father (no name); imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 26, no. 226; IGRR IV 1438; *ISmyrna 425. @ @@`814. Funerary inscription for (no name), freedwoman of Di[o]ph[a]ne[s]; imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 27, no. 249; *ISmyrna 485. @ @@`815. Funerary (?) inscription for (no name), mentioning (Sipy?)lene; imperial; found at Smyrna: Hasluck, ABSA 20, 1913%19`4, 89, note 12; *ISmyrna 510. @ @@`815.2. Funerary inscription by (no name) for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial, on slab of bluish marble; imperial; perhaps from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, p. 353, no. IV. @ @@`815.5. End of funerary inscription, with penalty for unauthorized burial, on slab of white marble; imperial; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, pp. 354%19`355, no. VII. @ @@`815.8. Fragment of funerary inscription for (no name) and family, with penalty (?) for unauthorized burial, on slab of bluish marble; imperial; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, p. 358, no. XVI. @ @@`816. Funerary inscription by Rufina, the Jewish &3archisynagogos, for freedmen and &3thremmata,& with penalty for unauthorized burial; 2%3`4?; found at Smyrna: Reinach, REJ 7, 1883, 161%19`6; IGRR IV 1452; Frey, CIJ II 741; *ISmyrna 295 %7 II 2 p. 372; Horsley, New Documents 4, p. 215, no. 22. @ @@`817. Penalty for unauthorized burial at end of funerary inscription for (no name), mentioning &3phortegion& at harbor; 2%3`3; found at Smyrna: Petzl, Talanta 8%19`9, 1977, 92%19`6, no. 32; SEG 27, 1235; *ISmyrna 205. @ @@`818. Funerary inscription by Titus Ulp(ius) Isidoros for freedmen, freedwomen, and their families; 2?; found at Bornova: LW 1527; IGRR IV 1475; ILeyden 49 (PH); SEG 18, 520; *ISmyrna 228 %7 II 2 p. 371. @ @@`819. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Smyrna?: ILeyden 10; SEG 18, 519, note; *ISmyrna 442.a (PH). @ See also: Smyrna 269%19`279, 889, 900, 950, 957; Bradeen, Ath. Agora Fun. Monuments 667 (funerary inscription for [ ... ]arion [Dem]etriou of [Smy]rna; found in Attica); Ephesos 1699, ll. 1, 13 (%6 IEphesos 2072) (Forsch. in Eph. II 72) (%6 Moretti 75) (honorary%3funerary inscription for athlete (no name), victorious at Koina Asia at Smyrna, and elsewhere; found at Ephesos); Erythrai 253 (%6 IErythrai 422) (%6 JO+AI 13, 1910, 71, no. 56) (honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) by various cities, including Smyrna; found at Erythrai). @ @@@@Section: 16c. Memorial Inscriptions (819.5) @ @@`819.5. Memorial inscription for &3th&[&3r&]&3e%1&[&3ptos&] (no name) by Gn(aius) Fabius Saturninus, on slab of greenish trachyte; imperial; perhaps from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, p. 351, no. I. @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (820%19`821) @ @@`820. Artist's signature, possibly in verse, by Istrokles, on &3dinos&; 640%3`630 BC; found at Smyrna: Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 45, no. 1 (PH); Guarducci, Epig. Grec. I 270%19`272, no. 11 (PH); Heubeck, Schrift 126, no. 12a; SEG 29, 1147 &3bis&; Akurgal, Alt%19Smyrna I Taf. 124f (PH); *ISmyrna 805. @ @@`821. Artist's signature by Telesinos; c. III%3II; found at Smyrna: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 12, 1887, 250, no. 11; Leemans 1890, 9, no. 6; *ISmyrna 806 (PH). @ See also: Smyrna 39.5, 115, 931.6. @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ See also: Smyrna 280. @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ See also: Smyrna 631, 643, 792, 792.5. @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (822%19`870) @ @@@@Section: 20a. Graffiti on Vessels and Pottery (822%19`870) @ @@`822. Letter upsilon on pottery sherd; 767%3`700 BC; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 40, no. 1 (PH). @ @@`823. Letter epsilon on handle of Chian wine amphora; VIII&7e&%3VII&4`1&; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 40, no. 5 (PH). @ @@`824. [ ... ]&3psi&[ ... ] on sherd of Chian wine amphora; VII; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 40, no. 8. @ @@`825. Owner's or merchant's mark on sherd of Chian wine amphora; VII; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 40, no. 9. @ @@`826. &3AB&(?) on sherd of Chian wine amphora; VII; found at Smyrna?: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 40, no. 10 (PH). @ @@`827. Sign like E scratched on bottom of disk%19 foot of bird%19bowl type; VII; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 42, no. 15. @ @@`828. Graffito &3mu& (?) or monogram on bottom of disk%19foot of bird%19bowl type; VII; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 42, no. 16. @ @@`829. Branch%19like sign scratched on sherd of bowl; VII?; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 42, no. 17. @ @@`830. &3Dei&[ ... ] on sherd of bowl; VII; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 42, no. 18. @ @@`831. Graffito [ ... ]&3xyn&[ ... ] on sherd of cup; VII?; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 43, no. 27 (PH). @ @@`832. Closed eta (?) on pottery sherd; VII&4`1&; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 40, no. 3 (PH). @ @@`833. Owner's mark (?) on pottery sherd; VII&4`1&; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 40, no. 4. @ @@`834. Sign (perhaps closed eta) on neck of local amphora imitating Chian; c. VII&4`1&; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 40, no. 6. @ @@`835. Closed eta on handle of Chian wine amphora; c. VII&7m&; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 40, no. 7 (PH). @ @@`836. Monogram &3Eud&(?) on handle of amphora; VII&4`2&?; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 40, no. 11. @ @@`837. Pentalpha scratched on sherd of dish; VII&4`2&; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 40, no. 12. @ @@`838. Sign scratched on foot of bowl; VII&4`2&; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 42, no. 13. @ @@`839. Graffito identifying bowl as gift of Gorgos; VII&4`2&; found at Smyrna: Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 42, no. 21 (PH); *ISmyrna 804. @ @@`840. Two letters &3ya& on disk%19foot fragment of bird%19bowl type; VII&4`2&; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 42, no. 22. @ @@`841. Graffito [ ... ]&3eitach&[ ... ] on sherd of striped ware; VII&4`2&?; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 43, no. 25. @ @@`842. &3Bi& sign on sherd of Attic amphora; VII&7e&%3VI&4`1&; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 43, no. 31. @ @@`843. [ ... ]&3ey&[ ... ] on sherd of Attic amphora; VII&7e&%3VI&4`1&; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 43, no. 32. @ @@`844. [ ... ]&3io&[ ... ] on sherd of Attic amphora; VII&7e&%3VI&4`1&; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 43, no. 33. @ @@`845. Part of &3mu& (?) on neck of Attic amphora; VII&7e&%3VI&4`1&; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 43, no. 34. @ @@`846. Miscellaneous illustration (?) on fragment of Attic amphora; VII&7e&%3VI&4`1&; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 43, no. 34a. @ @@`847. Inscription identifying &3kylichne& of Dolion; VII&7e&?; found at Smyrna: Cook, JHS 71, 1951, 249%19`250; SEG 12, 480; Woodhead, Study of Gk. Inscriptions 51, no. 28; Jeffery, Local Scripts, pp. 341, 345, 415, no. 69; Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 42, no. 20 (PH); Guarducci, Epig. Grec. I 272, no. 12; S%25ahin, EA 1, 1983, 40; Heubeck, Schrift 126, no. 12b; S%25ahin %9 Akurgal, Alt%19Smyrna I 131 (PH); *ISmyrna 800 %7 II 2 p. 378; Gallavotti, BollClass 3.8, 1987, 16%19`17. @ @@`848. Graffito [ ... ? &3ane&]&3thek&[&3en&] on sherd of cup; VII&7e&?; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 43, no. 28. @ @@`849. &3Iphi& on sherd of oinochoe; 625%3`600 BC; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 42, no. 19 (PH). @ @@`850. Graffito [ ... ]&3eikeo&[ ... ] on disk%19foot of cup; 625%3`600 BC; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 43, no. 24. @ @@`851. Graffito [ ... &3e&]&3phetme&[ ... ] on sherd of bird%19bowl type; c. 600 BC?; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 43, no. 26. @ @@`852. Graffito &3ois& (in Greek or Lydian) on part of bird%19bowl type; c. 600 BC; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 43, no. 29. @ @@`853. Start of abecedarium &3abg,& on sherd of foot of bowl; VI?; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 43, no. 29a (PH). @ @@`854. [ ... ]&3ytimo& (part of owner's name) on sherd of washbasin; VI; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 43, no. 35. @ @@`855. Traces of two letters on sherd of kylix%19foot of Attic vessel; VI; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 43, no. 36. @ @@`856. Swastika scratched on sherd of kotyle; prob. VI; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 44, no. 42. @ @@`857. Sign on foot of cup; prob. VI; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 44, no. 43. @ @@`858. Branch%19like sign on small dish; VI; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 44, no. 44. @ @@`859. Sign on small dish; VI; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 44, no. 45. @ @@`860. Owner's or merchant's mark on foot of bowl; 567%3`500 BC; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 43, no. 38. @ @@`861. Sign scratched on bottom of foot of bowl; 567%3`500 BC; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 44, no. 41. @ @@`862. &3Ly&[ ... ] on fragment of neck and lip of lydion, in Lydian or Greek; c. 550 BC?; found at Smyrna: Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 43, no. 37; *Gusmani, Kadmos 14, 1975, 152. @ @@`863. Sign on outside of small dish, above foot; VI&4`2&%3V&4`1&; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 44, no. 47. @ @@`864. Sign (perhaps in Lydian) on foot of rosette%19bowl; VI&4`2&; found at Smyrna: Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 44, no. 46; *Gusmani, Kadmos 14, 1975, 152. @ @@`865. Letter sampi scratched on handle of jug; V?; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 44, no. 49. @ @@`866. Inscription identifying tray as belonging to Herakle%1[i]d%1es; 400%3`333 BC; found at Smyrna: Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 44, no. 51 (PH); *ISmyrna 803. @ @@`867. Inscription identifying cup as belonging to Artemo; IV; found at Smyrna: Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 45, no. 52 (PH); *ISmyrna 802. @ @@`868. Start of abecedarium &3abg& on sherd of plain brown ware; c. IV; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 45, no. 53. @ @@`869. &3Nika& (?) on bottom of foot of black%19glazed cup; IV&4`1&; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 44, no. 50 (PH). @ @@`870. Letter delta on fragment of tile; IV&4`1&; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 45, no. 54. @ See also: Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 40, no. 2 (%6 Gusmani, Kadmos 14, 1975, 149%19`150, no. 96) (inscription in Lydian on pottery sherd; found at Smyrna); Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 42, no. 14 (%6 Gusmani, Kadmos 14, 1975, 152) (%6 Meier%19Bru+gger, Labraunda II 4 p. 10, no. 22) (Carian trident sign scratched on sherd of vase; found at Smyrna); Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 42%19`43, no. 23 (%6 Gusmani, Kadmos 14, 1975, 152%19`153) (%6 Meier%19Bru+gger, Labraunda II 4 p. 10, no. 22) (Carian message on disk%19foot of bird%19bowl type; found at Smyrna); Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 43, no. 30 (%6 Gusmani, Kadmos 14, 1975, 152) (%6 Meier%19Bru+gger, Labraunda II 4 p. 10, no. 22) (Part of sign, probably Carian &3m,& on on sherd of shoulder of Attic amphora; found at Smyrna); Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 43%19`44, no. 39 (%6 Gusmani, Kadmos 14, 1975, 150%19`151, no. 97) (remains of graffito in Lydian on lip of dinos; found at Smyrna); Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 44, no. 40 (%6 Gusmani, Kadmos 14, 1975, 151%19`152, no. 98) (four short graffiti in Lydian on fragments of Ionic column%19crater; found at Smyrna); Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 44, no. 48 (remains of three letters, probably start of Carian abecedarium, on neck of amphora; found at Smyrna). @ @@@@Section: 20b. Other Graffiti (_) @ See also: Smyrna 131.5. @ 檵@@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (870.5%19`902.5) @ @@@@Section: 21a. Christian Letters (_) @ See also: Ephesos 2914 (%6 IEphesos 1352) (%6 Gre/goire, Rec. 100) (letter of proconsul forgiving Smyrna because of protestations of Ephesos; found at Ephesos). @ 檵@@@@Section: 21b. Christian Building Inscriptions (870.5%19`873) @ @@`870.5. Christian building inscription for &3kankelloi,& under Bishop Euethios; Christian; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, pp. 365%19`366, no. XXXV. @ @@`871. Building inscription for &3naos& (?); late imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3145; SEG 27, 779; *ISmyrna 850. @ @@`872. Building inscription for &3perithyron& of church by Glaukos; 5%3`6; found at Bornova: CIG 8941; Omont, RA 24, 1894, 200, note 3; Gre/goire, Rec. 73; *ISmyrna 849 (PH). @ @@`873. Building inscription by &3adelphoi& and family for &3oikos, beginning with words of the Sign of the Cross; 6%3`7; found at Is%25#1221kkent: CIG 8852; LW 32; Gre/goire, Rec. 75; *ISmyrna 848. @ See also: Smyrna 61%19`63, 888. @ @@@@Section: 21c. Christian Honorary Inscriptions (_) @ See also: IG XIV 1106 (honorary inscription in Latin and Greek for athlete Ioanes of Smyrna; found at Rome). @@@@Section: 21d. Christian Horoi and Milestones (874%19`887) @ @@`874. Milestone in Latin dedicated to Crispus, Licinius (II), and Constantine (I), on base; AD 317%3`324; found at P#1221narbas%25#1221: Keil %9 von Premerstein, 3. Reise p. 8, note 2; *ISmyrna 820.I (PH) %7 II 2 p. 378. @ @@`875. Milestone for first mile in Latin, of Constantine (I), Constantine (II), Constantius (II), and Constans; AD 334%3`337; found at Smyrna: CIL III Supp. 7198; *ISmyrna 812.b (PH). @ @@`876. Milestone in Latin of Constantine (I), Constantine (II), Constantius (II), and Constans; AD 334%3`337; found two miles from Smyrna: CIG 3179[f]; CIL III 477; *ISmyrna 813. @ @@`877. Milestone for second mile in Latin, of Constantine (I), Constantine (II), [C]on[stantius] (II), and Con[stans]; AD 334%3`337; found at Kokluca: LW 7; CIL III 478; *ISmyrna 813A. @ @@`878. Milestone for sixth mile in Latin, of Constantine (I), Constantine (II), Constantius (II), and Constans; AD 334%3`337; found at Hac#1221lar: LW 8.E; CIL III 474; Kararas, Choria tou Bournova 15%19`16 (non vidi); SEG 17, 521; Yenim, Tu+rk Ark. Derg. 23, 1976, 168%19`169, no. e; *ISmyrna 815.d (PH). @ @@`879. Milestone for eighth mile in Latin and Greek, dedicated to [Constan]tine (I), Constantine (II), Constantius (II), and Constans; AD 334%3`337; found at P#1221narbas%25#1221: Fontrier, REA 3, 1901, 349%19`351; CIL III Supp. 14201 IGRR IV 1489.a; *ISmyrna 818.III. @ @@`880. Milestone for Valentinian and Valens; AD 364%3`367; found near P#1221narbas%25#1221: *ISmyrna 814.III (PH). @ @@`881. Horos in Latin dedicated to Valentinian and Valens; AD 364%3`367; found at Hac#1221lar: CIG 3179.g; LW 8.f; CIL III 475; Kararas, Choria tou Bournova, 15%19`16 (non vidi); SEG 17, 521; Yenim, Tu+rk Ark. Derg. 23, 1976, 169, no. f; *ISmyrna 815.e (PH). @ @@`882. Milestone in Latin dedicated to [Theo]dosius (?); AD 378%3`438; found at P#1221narbas%25#1221: Fontrier, Courrier de Smyrne, Mar. 24, 1900 (non vidi); *ISmyrna 816.a, l. 9 (PH). @ @@`883. Milestone for sixth mile in Latin and Greek, dedicated to Gratian, [V]alentininan (II), [T]heodosius (I), and Arcadius; AD 383; found at P#1221narbas%25#1221: Fontrier, Courrier de Smyrne, Mar. 24, 1900 (non vidi); CIL III Supp. 14201 Keil %9 von Premerstein, 3. Reise p. 8, note 1; *ISmyrna 816.b (PH). @ @@`884. Milestone in Latin, dedicated to Theodosius (I) and Arcadius, on base; AD 383; found at P#1221narbas%25#1221: CIL III Supp. 14201&4`7&; Keil %9 von Premerstein, 3. Reise p. 8, note 2; *ISmyrna 820.II (PH). @ @@`885. Milestone in Latin, dedicated to Gratian, Valentinian, Theodosius (I), and Arcadius; AD 383; found at Kavakl#1221dere: CIL III Supp. 7200; Keil %9 von Premerstein, 3. Reise p. 8, note 2; *ISmyrna 821. @ @@`886. Horos of Mormonda and Mormonda Mikra; c. 5; found on Yamanlar Dag%27#1221: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 92%19`93, no. 16; Fontrier, BCH 16, 1892, 397, note 2; Gre/goire, Rec. 86; Bean, AnAr 1, 1955 (%6 JKAF 3,) 1955, pl. 18 (PH); *ISmyrna 828. @ @@`887. Horos of Helos and Mormonda; c. 5; found on Yamanlar%19Dag%27#1221: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 93, no. 17; Fontrier, BCH 16, 1892, 397, note 2; Gre/goire, Rec. 87; *ISmyrna 829. @ See also: Smyrna 217. @ @@@@Section: 21e. Christian Epigrams (888%19`889) @ @@`888. Building inscription for walls in elegiacs, by proconsul An(a)tolius, on base?; AD 395?; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`5, 58, no. 443; Reinach, RA 7, 1886, 155; Walter, JO+AI 21%19`22, 1922%19`4 Beibl. 231; Gre/goire, Rec. 65; Hellenica 4, 61; Malcus, OpAth 7, 1967, 121; *ISmyrna 845. @ @@`889. Christian funerary (?) inscription in verse for (no name), mentioning tents of Lord; Christian; found at Smyrna?: ILeyden 52 (PH); SEG 18, 552; *ISmyrna 571 %7 II 2 p. 375. @ @@@@Section: 21f. Christian Funerary Inscriptions (890%19`900) @ @@`890. Christian funerary inscription for Aitherichos &3archiepiskopos&; 5&7m&; found between Smyrna and Sevdiko+y: CIG 8618; LeBas RA 13, 1856, 10; LW 30; Gre/goire, Rec. 66; ILeyden 47 (PH); SEG 18, 550; *ISmyrna 559. @ @@`891. Christian funerary inscription for Am[mias?] Eulogou; 6%3`7; provenance unknown, once at Smyrna: Gre/goire, Rec. 76; *ISmyrna 564. @ @@`892. Christian funerary inscription for Hierios; Christian; found at Is%25#1221kkent: CIG 9282; Gre/goire, Rec. 77; *ISmyrna 570. @ @@`893. Funerary inscription for &3parthenos& Lampadia and &3diakonos Paktolios; Christian; found near Smyrna: Kontoleon, BCH 10, 1886, 453, no. 1; Weber, MDAI(A) 22, 1897, 354, no. 2; Gre/goire, Rec. 67; *ISmyrna 567. @ @@`894. Christian funerary inscription for &3dom&(&3esticus&) Fidelius, slave of God; AD 534; found at Smyrna: CIG 9276; Gre/goire, Rec. 69; *ISmyrna 560. @ @@`895. Christian funerary inscription for Philippos; Christian; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`8, 44, no. 263; *ISmyrna 568. @ @@`896. Funerary inscription for Polykarpos &3hypodiakonos& and wife Palladia; Christian; found near Smyrna: CIG 9281; Aigrain, Man. epig. chr. II 118 (non vidi); Gre/goire, Rec. 68; *ISmyrna 565. @ @@`897. Christian funerary inscription for &3com&(&3es&?) Stratigios, slave of God; AD 541; found at Smyrna: CIG 9278; Gre/goire, Rec. 71; *ISmyrna 561. @ @@`898. Christian funerary inscription by Ioannes Rouphinou of Smyrna for grandson Theodoros; Christian; found at Smyrna: CIG 8855; Aigrain, Man. epig. chr. II 128 (non vidi); Gre/goire, Rec. 74; *ISmyrna 563 (PH). @ @@`899. Christian funerary inscription for Timostrate Fidelii, slave of God; AD 541; found at Smyrna: CIG 9277; Gre/goire, Rec. 70; *ISmyrna 562. @ @@`900. Christian inscription, perhaps funerary inscription for (no name); Christian; found at Smyrna: CIG 9280; Bailie, Fasc. inscr. gr. II 120, no. 148; LW 31; Gre/goire, Rec. 72; *ISmyrna 852. @ See also: Smyrna 816, 889. @ @@@@Section: 21g. Christian Inscriptions of Doubtful @@@@Classification (901%19`902.5) @ @@`901. Fragment mentioning &3epi&(&3s&)&3ko&(&3pos&) [Alexand]dros (?); 5%3`6?; found at Smyrna: Roehl, Sched. epig. 4, no. 7; Gre/goire, Rec. 82&3ter&; *ISmyrna 855 (PH). @ @@`902. Fragment with word &3aidesim&[&3os&]; c. 5; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`1875, 113, no. 8; *ISmyrna 887. @ @@`902.5. Byzantine (?) fragment, on fragment of blue%19gray marble; prob. Byzantine; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 905. @ See also: Smyrna 974, 975; Ephesos 3161, l. 3 (%6 IEphesos 1343) (fragment mentioning defender of [Smy]rna and Ephesos; found at Ephesos). @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (903%19`947) @ @@@@Section: 22a. Weight Inscriptions (903%19`927) @ @@`903. Weight inscription of &3agor&[&3a&]&3nomos& Crispus Didymos; Roman; found at Smyrna: He/ron de Villefosse %9 Michon, BSNAF 1903, 355, no. 47; Michon, AA 19, 1904, 189, no. 47; *ISmyrna 784. @ @@`904. Weight inscription of &3agor&[&3anomos&] Lucius; Roman; found at Smyrna: Papadopoulos%19Kerameus, MDAI(A) 4, 1879, 120, no. 83; *ISmyrna 785. @ @@`905. Weight inscription of &3agorano&(&3mos&) Frontonianus; Roman; found at Smyrna: Lemerle, BCH 58, 1934, 510, no. 3 (PH); *ISmyrna 786. @ @@`906. Weight inscription of &3ag&[&3or&]&3a&[&3no&]&3mo&[&3s&] M(arcus) Audi[u]s Proclus; Roman; found at Smyrna: Papadopoulos%19Kerameus, BCH 2, 1878, 30, no. 10; *ISmyrna 788. @ @@`907. Weight inscription of &3agoranomos& Nikomachos; 81%3`26 BC?; found at Smyrna: Daremberg %9 Saglio %9 Pottier, Dict. des ant. gr. %9 rom. IV pp. 554 and 558 s.v. pondus; *ISmyrna 798A (PH). @ @@`908. Weight inscription of &3agoranomos& Iulius Celsus; imperial; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 787. @ @@`909. Weight inscription of &3agoranomos& Aurelius Perperes; poss. AD 81%3`96; found at Smyrna: Papadopoulos%19Kerameus, Smyrn. Stathma p. 18 (non vidi); Papadopoulos%19Kerameus, BCH 2, 1878, 29, no. 3; Papadopoulos%19Kerameus, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 67%19`8, no. 1; *ISmyrna 794. @ @@`910. Weight inscription of &3agoranomos& Aur(elius) Flavius Eraseinos; 2%3`4; provenance unknown, probably from Smyrna: Lemerle, BCH 58, 1934, 506 (PH); Empereur, BCH 105, 1981, 542%19`543, no. 9 (PH); *ISmyrna 795. @ @@`911. Weight inscription of &3agoranomos& Aur(elius) Dionysios; 2?; found at Smyrna: Papadopoulos%19Kerameus, BCH 2, 1878, 29%19`30, no. 6; Lemerle, BCH 58, 1934, 509%19`510, no. 1 (PH); Guarducci, Epig. Grec. II 482%19`483, no. 8 (PH); *ISmyrna 793. @ @@`912. Weight inscription of &3agoranomos& Claudius [P]auleinus; AD 121%3c. 300; found at Abdera, probably from Smyrna: Pernice, Griechische Gewichte 181%19`182, no. 707; *ISmyrna 789. @ @@`913. Weight inscription of &3agoranomos& M(arcus) Au(relius?) Livius Pollianos; 2&4`2&%3`4; found at Smyrna: Papadopoulos%19Kerameus, Smyrn. Stathma 19%19`20 (non vidi); Papadopoulos%19Kerameus, BCH 2, 1878, 29, no. 5; Papadopoulos%19Kerameus, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 69, no. 7; *ISmyrna 790. @ @@`914. Weight inscription of Asiarch M(arcus) Au(relius) Erase%1i%1nos (?); 2&4`2&%3`4; found between Smyrna and Sevdiko+y: Papadopoulos%19Kerameus, BCH 1, 1877, 55%19`56; Papadopoulos%19Kerameus, BCH 2, 1878, 30, no. 8; Papadopoulos%19Kerameus, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 69, no. 8; Michon, MSNAF 51, 1890, 17%19`18; *ISmyrna 791. @ @@`915. Weight inscription of &3agoranomos& M(arcus) Aur(elius) Metiochos; 2&4`2&%3`4; found at Smyrna: Papadopoulos%19Kerameus, BCH 2, 1878, 30, no. 7; Lemerle, BCH 58, 1934, 511, no. 4 (PH); *ISmyrna 792. @ @@`916. Unpublished weight inscription of &3agoranomos& Aur(elius) Flavius Eraseinos; 2&4`2&%3`4; now in Athens: ISmyrna II p. 283, commentary to no. 795. @ @@`917. Weight inscription of &3agoranomos& Aur(elius) Onesiphoros; 2&4`2&%3`4; probably from Smyrna: Michon %9 Daremberg %9 Saglio %9 Pottier, Dict. des ant. gr. %9 rom. IV p. 558, fig. 5743; *ISmyrna 798B (PH). @ @@`918. Weight inscription of &3agoranomos& Theseus; no date; found at Smyrna: Papadopoulos%19Kerameus, Smyrn. Stathma 18%19`19 (non vidi); Papadopoulos%19Kerameus, Mous. III 1878%19`1880, 59, no. 2; Papadopoulos%19Kerameus, BCH 2, 1878, 29, no. 4; *ISmyrna 781. @ @@`919. Weight inscription of &3agoranomos& [M]enodoros; no date; found at Smyrna: Papadopoulos%19Kerameus, BCH 2, 1878, 30, no. 9; *ISmyrna 782. @ @@`920. Weight inscription of &3agoranomos& Asklepiades; no date; found at Smyrna: Lemerle, BCH 58, 1934, 510, no. 2 (PH); *ISmyrna 783. @ @@`921. Weight inscription of &3agoran&(&3omoi&?) and demos (?) of Smyrna; no date; found at Smyrna: Empereur, BCH 105, 1981, 543%19`544, no. 10 (PH); *ISmyrna 796.G&4`1&; SEG 31, 982. @ @@`922. Weight inscription of &3agoran&(&3omoi&?) and demos (?) of Smyrna; no date; found at Smyrna: Michon, MSNAF 51, 1890, 6%19`9, no. 1; *ISmyrna 796.G&4`2&. @ @@`923. Weight inscription of &3agoran&(&3omoi&?) and demos (?) of Smyrna; no date; found at Smyrna: Papadopoulos%19Kerameus, Smyrn. Stathma 19 (non vidi); *ISmyrna 796.G&4`3&. @ @@`924. Weight inscription of &3agoran&(&3omoi&?) and demos (?) of Smyrna; no date; found at Smyrna: Papadopoulos%19Kerameus, Smyrn. Stathma 19 (non vidi); *ISmyrna 796.G&4`4&. @ @@`925. Weight inscription of Dionysios; no date; found at Smyrna: Papadopoulos%19Kerameus, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 61, no. 15; *ISmyrna 797. @ @@`926. Weight inscription of &3agoranomos& Dion[ys]ios; no date; possibly from Smyrna: Michon, MSNAF 51, 1890, 23%19`24; *ISmyrna II p. 285, commentary to no. 797. @ @@`927. Weight inscription of [ ... ]stratos; no date; found at Smyrna: Papadopoulos%19Kerameus, MDAI(A) 4, 1879, 120, no. 80; *ISmyrna 798. @ @@@@Section: 22b. Inscriptions on Vessels and Pottery (928%19`937) @ @@`928. Painted &3alkthla& on fragment of Corinthian pottery; archaic?; found at Smyrna: SEG 18, 488; *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 45%19`46, no. 2. @ @@`929. Names Awos and Aithiops painted on vase, possibly Corinthian; archaic?; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 46, no. 3 (PH). @ @@`930. [ ... ]&3ob&[ ... ] painted on sherd of amphora; VI%3V; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 46, no. 7. @ @@`931. Inscription identifying &3lekythos& of Derippos; VI; found at Smyrna: S%25ahin %9 Akurgal, Alt%19Smyrna I 131%19`132 (PH); S%25ahin, EA 1, 1983, 40; *ISmyrna 799 %7 II 2 p. 378; SEG 33, 995; Gallavotti, BollClass 3.8, 1987, 16%19`17; SEG 37, 998. @ @@`931.3. Names Poly[deu]k[es], [K]astor, and Helen[e] on Attic vessel; VI; found at Smyrna: *Boardman, ABSA 53%19`54, 1958%19`1959, 154%19`162, no. 1 (PH); SEG 18, 489.a. @ @@`931.6. Artist's signature by Tl[eson Nearcho] on fragment of Attic vessel; VI; found at Smyrna: *Boardman, ABSA 53%19`54, 1958%19`1959, 166, no. 49 (PH); SEG 18, 489.b. @ @@`932. Inscription identifying &3lekos& of (no name); c. VI&7b&; found at Smyrna: S%25ahin, EA 1, 1983, 39%19`40 (PH); *ISmyrna 801 %7 II 2 p. 378; SEG 33, 996; Gallavotti, BollClass 3.8, 1987, 16%19`17; SEG 37, 998. @ @@`933. Names [ ... ]yses and Per%1[ ... ] painted on sherd of East Greek vase; VI&4`2&; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 46, no. 4 (PH). @ @@`934. Name Aini%1e%1 (?) painted on sherd of East Greek vase; VI&4`2&; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 46, no. 5 (PH). @ @@`935. Sampi (?) painted on sherd of neck of amphora; c. 530%3`500 BC?; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 46, no. 6 (PH). @ @@`936. &3DP& painted on sherd of neck of wine%19 amphora; prob. IV; found at Smyrna: *Jeffery, ABSA 59, 1964, 46, no. 8. @ @@`937. Inscription on bronze seal of &3mystai Breiseis&; AD 247%3`249; found at Smyrna: LW 248; Walters, Cat. of Bronzes, p. 165, no. 887; Hasluck, ABSA 19, 1912%19`1913, 89%19`94 (PH); Klose, Jahrb. f. Numism. %9 Geldgesch. 33, 1983, 41%19`43 (PH); *ISmyrna 729 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 377; Klose, Die Mu+nzpra+gung von Smyrna 125 (PH) (non vidi). @ See also: Smyrna 822%19`870; IEph VII 2, p. 405 (unpublished lead seals of Smyrna; found at Constant%25a in Dobrudscha); IG XIV 2405.5 (inscription of Asia[r(ch)] Aur(elius) [Ap]ol[lo]phanes of Sm[y]rna on lamp, possibly spurious; found at Naples). @ @@@@Section: 22c. Gladiatorial Inscriptions (938%19`946.5) @ @@`938. Relief%19inscription for second day of hunting bulls; imperial; found at Smyrna: CIG 3212; Michaelis, Anc. Marbles 573%19`574, no. 136; Evans, JHS 41, 1921, 257; Robert, Glad. 234 (PH); Evans, Palace of Minos III 230, fig. 161 (PH); Robert, JS 1982, 152%19`154; *ISmyrna 835. @ @@`939. Relief%19inscription for three days of games; imperial; found at Smyrna or Erythrai: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`1875, 73, no. 30; Stark, Nach dem griech. Orient&4`2& 383; Weber, RA 17, 1891, 48; Preuner, MDAI(A) 49, 1924, 147; Robert, Glad. 233; Petzl, ZPE 14, 1974, 292, no. 9; *ISmyrna 836. @ @@`940. Relief%19inscription commemorating slaughter of beasts at games; imperial; found at Halka P#1221nar: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`1875, 83, no. 56; Robert, Glad. 230; Petzl, ZPE 14, 1974, 290%19`291, no. 7; *ISmyrna 837. @ @@`941. Relief%19inscription commemorating slaughter of beasts at games; imperial; found at Halka P#1221nar: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`5, 83, no. 57; Robert, Glad. 229 (PH); *ISmyrna 838. @ @@`942. Relief%19inscription for gladiator Nikephoros; imperial; provenance unknown, possibly from Smyrna: Robert, Glad. 252 (PH); Petzl, ZPE 14, 1974, 292%19`293, no. 11; *ISmyrna 839. @ @@`943. Relief%19inscription for gladiator (?) Epiktetos; imperial; provenance unknown, possibly from Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 64, no. 153; Robert, Glad. 231 (PH); Petzl, ZPE 14, 1974, 291%19`292, no. 8; *ISmyrna 840. @ @@`944. Fragment of relief%19inscription concerning gladiator; imperial; provenance unknown, possibly from Smyrna: Robert, Glad. 232 (PH); *ISmyrna 841. @ @@`945. Inscription for &3familia& of gladiators of [C]l(audius) Timon; imperial; between Smyrna and Sevdiko+y: CIG 3213; IGRR IV 1454; Robert, Glad. 225; *ISmyrna 842. @ @@`946. Relief%19inscription for four gladiators Seleinis of Neikome[dei]a, Cestillus of Zmyrna, Lykophontes of Pergamon, and Castor of Laodikeia; imperial; found at Halka P#1221nar: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`1875, 79, no. 44; Petzl, ZPE 14, 1974, 287%19`289, no. 4; AnnEpig 1976, 650; *ISmyrna 843. @ @@`946.5. Relief inscription for gladiator Tyde[us]; Roman; now at Smyrna, provenance unknown: *Robert, Glad. 253 (PH). @ See also: Smyrna 236, 274, 275, 287, 309, 338, 453, 462, 528, 570, 571, 659, 660, 663, 672, 685, 694, 704, 721, 950; Miletos 644.8 (%6 Hellenica 5, 82%19`91, no. 319) (%6 MDAI(I) 35, 1985, 136, no. 10) (inscriptions identifying (gladiators) Hapleros and Genesis in gladiatorial relief; now at Smyrna, but from Miletos, not Smyrna). @ @@@@Section: 22d. Lists of Persons (947) @ @@`947. List of &3philoi,& including Demosthenes; no date; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 40, no. 255; *ISmyrna 720. @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (948%19`985) @ @@`948. Fragment of inscription on relief; good period; from Smyrna or Attica: Roehl, Sched. epig. 4, no. 8; Michaelis, Anc. Marbles 561, no. 85; *ISmyrna 807 (PH). @ @@`949. Fragment referring to freedom of Hell[enes?]; Hellenistic; found at Smyrna: LW 1522&3ter&; *ISmyrna 576. @ @@`949.5. Fragment with word [&3diacheiro&]&3t%1onousin,& on slab of white marble; c. II; perhaps from Smyrna, now at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, pp. 351%19`352, no. II (PH). @ @@`950. Fragment on base, perhaps of funerary inscription for gladiator; Roman?; found at P#1221narbas%25#1221: *ISmyrna 820.III. @ @@`951. Inscription mentioning polis of Einouda (?), on column; c. Roman; found near Hac#1221lar: Latris, RA 11, 1854, 502; Slaars, Etude sur Smyrne 8, note 15; *ISmyrna 833. @ @@`952. Fragment mentioning [Ar]temi[doros?]; Roman?; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: Petzl, Talanta 8%19`9, 1977, 86, no. 13; SEG 27, 1240; *ISmyrna 872. @ @@`953. Fragment referring to P(ublius) Corneliu[s ... ]; Roman; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: Kontoleon, REG 14, 1901, 299, no. 9; *ISmyrna 882. @ @@`954. Fragment mentioning Eumelos; II%3I; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 864 (PH). @ @@`955. Fragment mentioning Dionysios, on base; c. I%3`1; provenance unknown, now at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 865 (PH). @ @@`956. Fragment, probably of document, mentioning Arsinoeia; imperial; probably found at Smyrna: CIG 3139; *ISmyrna 863. @ @@`957. Fragment, perhaps of funerary inscription; probably imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`1875, 80, no. 47; *ISmyrna 875. @ @@`958. Fragment; probably imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`1875, 81, no. 49; *ISmyrna 876. @ @@`959. Fragment containing name Ti(berius) Iu[lius?]; probably imperial; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`1875, 87, no. 65; *ISmyrna 878. @ @@`960. Fragment; probably imperial; found at Smyrna: Berg %9 Walter, MDAI(A) 47, 1922, 18; *ISmyrna 881. @ @@`960.3. Fragment referring to [Askle]piades, on fragment of white marble; imperial; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, p. 362, no. XXVI. @ @@`960.6. Fragment of inscription in Latin mentioning tribe Quir[ina], on fragment of white marble ledge block; imperial?; presumably from Smyrna, later at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, p. 365, no. XXXIII. @ @@`961. Fragment, probably of document concerning &3systema&; 1%3`2?; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 139, no. 182; *ISmyrna 710. @ @@`962. Fragment, perhaps of official document; 1%3`2; found at Smyrna: Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 65, no. 29 (PH); *ISmyrna 883. @ @@`963. Fragment of inscription on statue%19base referring to Claudia (?); 1?; found at Smyrna: Spon, Voyage d'Italie I 305 (non vidi); Dapper, Beschreibung p. 253 (non vidi); Walter, MDAI(A) 47, 1922, 23, note 2; *ISmyrna 809. @ @@`964. Fragment; c. 1; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`1875, 87, no. 66; *ISmyrna 867. @ @@`965. Fragment, perhaps referring to Marc%1[us ... ]anus; c. 1; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 126, no. 161; *ISmyrna 869. @ @@`966. Fragment perhaps referring to &3top&[&3os&]; c. 1; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 129, no. 169 (172); *ISmyrna 870. @ @@`967. Fragment referring to Gaius Vibius; c. 1; provenance unknown, once in Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`1885, 15, no. 230; *ISmyrna 871. @ Ǫ@@`967.5. Fragment mentioning Hermokles%1 and [St]ephanos, on white marble block; 1; found at Smyrna: von Prokesch%19Osten, Jahrb. d. Lit. 68, 1834, 63 (non vidi); Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`1885, 86, no. 277; *ISmyrna 899 (PH). @ @@`968. Fragment giving part of titulature of Nero (?); AD 54%3`68?; found at Smyrna: *ISmyrna 621. @ @@`969. Fragment mentioning &3ago&[&3n&]&3oth&[&3etes&?]; c. 2; found at Smyrna: Bailie, Fasc. inscr. gr. I pp. 110%19`112, no. 31; LW 1523; Fontrier, Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 128, no. 167 (171); *ISmyrna 874. @ @@`970. Fragment referring to de[mos] and [bo]ule; c. 2&7b&; found at Smyrna: Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 65, no. 31; *ISmyrna 884. @ @@`971. Fragment, probably containing titulature of Hadrian; AD 117%3`138?; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`1875, 81, no. 51; *ISmyrna 877. @ @@`972. Fragment; c. AD 117%3`138; found at Smyrna: Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 66, no. 52; *ISmyrna 885. @ @@`973. Fragment on base, dated by [&3stephanephoro&]&3s& M(arcus) Anton[ius ... ], possibly of list of magistrates; c. AD 121%3`138; found at Smyrna: Keil, Ist. Forsch. 17, 1950, 64, no. 26 (PH); *ISmyrna 778 %7 II 2 p. 378. @ ͪ@@`973.5. Fragment referring to [M(arcus) Aureli]us Antoninu[s], on base of whitish marble; AD 161%3`222?; presumably from Smyrna, ͪlater at Smyrna: *ISmyrna II 2, p. 364, no. XXXI. @ @@`974. Monogram of unclear meaning on column; probably Byzantine; now in Bornova, provenance unknown: *ISmyrna 832.a (PH). @ @@`975. Monogram of unclear meaning on column; probably Byzantine; now in Bornova, provenance unknown: *ISmyrna 832.b (PH). @ @@`976. Fragment on step of theater; no date; found at Smyrna: Berg %9 Walter, MDAI(A) 47, 1922, 19, note 1; *ISmyrna 811. @ @@`977. Fragment, perhaps of decree, mentioning [ ... ]ios Makedon; no date; found at Smyrna: CIG 3138; *ISmyrna 862. @ @@`978. Fragment mentioning Arkesil%1a[os]; no date; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. V 1, 1884%19`1885, 6, no. 209; *ISmyrna 866. @ @@`979. Fragment; no date; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`1875, 87, no. 67; *ISmyrna 868. @ @@`980. Fragment; no date; found at Smyrna: CIG 3405; *ISmyrna 873. @ @@`981. Fragment containing word [&3ps&]&3ephisma&; no date; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 52, no. 122; *ISmyrna 879. @ @@`982. Fragment; no date; found at Smyrna: Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`1875, 80, no. 48; *ISmyrna 880. @ @@`983. Fragment; no date; found at Smyrna: CIG 3171b (vol. II, p. 1126); *ISmyrna 886. @ @@`984. Excised (identical with Smyrna 157). @ @@`985. Unpublished inscription of unclear meaning; no date; found on Yamanlar Dag%27#1221: *Bean, AnAr 1, 1955 (%6 JKAF 3,) pl. 20, fig. 11 and p. 52. @ See also: Smyrna 281%19`286, 901, 902, 902.5; IG XII 2, 520 (name [S]myrna on stele; found at Methymna on Lesbos). @ ڏ@@@@Section: 24. Spuria (986%19`990) @ @@`986. Spurious honorary (?) inscription identifying head as of Ammonios, dated by 229th Olympiad; spurious; found at Smyrna: CIG 3230; *Michaelis, Anc. Marbles 688, no. 80. @ @@`987. Forged honorary inscription for Marcus Artorius Asklepiades, by boule and demos of Smyrna; spurious; found at Smyrna: CIG 3285; IGRR IV 1444; *Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 867 (PH); ISmyrna I p. x, note 20. @ @@`988. Spurious honorary(?)%3dedicatory inscription for (?) Ulpia Marcellina, &3archiereia& of Aphrodite Ourania, to Eros Ouran(ios), by demos of Smyr(na) and Magn(esia); spurious; now at Verona: CIG 3157; SEG 15, 730; *Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 414 (PH); ISmyrna II p. ix, note 1. @ @@`989. Spurious funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for Pompeia Magna; imperial; found at Smyrna?: CIG 3373; CIL III no. 18*; Michon, MSNAF 63, 1904, 322; IGRR IV 1476; *ISmyrna 478. @ @@`990. Spurious (?) funerary inscription for Publius, proconsul and governor of Ionia, etc.; spurious?; found at Smyrna: CIG 3188; *IGRR IV 1416; ISmyrna I p. x, note 13. @@@@{1Teichioussa}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Sites of discovery in the area of Kaz#1221kl#1221 considered as belonging to ancient Teichioussa and named: @@Bo+zbu+k @@Dog%27anbeleni @@#1222c%25me Su @@#1222lmin Kuyu (#1222lmin Ko+yu+) @@#1222skele @@Kapakl#1221 Kuyu @@Kaz#1221kl#1221 @@Ko+rekli @@O+rtu+lu+ @@Yenikuyu. @ Inscriptions found at the following site are now thought to come from the territory of Didyma (not Teichioussa) and are catalogued under Didyma: @@Karakuyu (Kara%19koyun, Karakuja). @ See also the rubrics for Miletos and the following sites dependent upon Miletos, as references to Teichioussa on inscriptions of these sites are not catalogued here: @@Didyma @@Lepsia @@Leros @@Myous @@Patmos. @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (_) @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (_) @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (_) @ See also: IG I&4`3& 71, 259%19`290 (Athenian tribute lists, with frequent mention of Milesians in Teichioussa). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Amyzon 51 (%6 Robert, Amyzon no. 33) (%6 Paton, JHS 16, 1896, 225, 18) (%6 Paton, JHS 16, 1896, 233, 35B) (fragment of list of citizens, including Iason N[iko]machou; found at Amyzon, not at Teichioussa). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (1) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (1) @ @@`1. Dedication (?) to Echo; no date; found at Ilb#1221ra Dag%27#1221 near Kaz#1221kl#1221: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, p. 115, no. 14a. @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (_) @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (2%19`7) @ @@@@Section: 15a. Funerary (2%19`7) @ @@`2. Funerary inscription in hexameters for Euterpe; Roman; found at O+rtu+lu+ near Kaz#1221kl#1221: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, pp. 113%19`4, no. 8; SEG 18, 459. @ @@`3. Funerary inscription in hexameters for Eutychos; Roman; found at #1222c%25me Su near Kaz#1221kl#1221: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, p. 113, no. 7; SEG 18, 458. @ @@`4. Funerary inscription in iambics for Posidonios; Roman; found at Erenler, near Kaz#1221kl#1221: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 112%19`3, no. 5 (PH); SEG 18, 456. @ @@`5. Funerary inscription in hexameters for (no name); Roman; found at #1222c%25me Su near Kaz#1221kl#1221: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 113, no. 6; SEG 18, 457. @ @@`6. Funerary epigram in hexameters for (no name); 2%3`3; found at Kaz#1221kl#1221: Diest, Petermanns Mitt. 55, 1909, 268; Quandt, De Baccho 196%19`7; Peek, GVI I 1144; SEG 16, 702; *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, p. 111, no. 2; **Robert, RPh 31, 1957, 15%19`22 (l. 1); SEG 18, 460. @ @@`7. Funerary epigram (?) for member of family of Posidonios; no date; found at #1222skele near Kaz#1221kl#1221, not in terr. of Iasos: *Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 20%19`1, no. 10; GVI I 1144. @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (8%19`23) @ @@`8. Funerary inscription by Apollonas and Aras for selves and others, with penalty for unauthorized burial; Roman; found at Ko+rekli near Kaz#1221kl#1221: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 112, no. 4; SEG 18, 463. @ @@`9. Unpublished funerary inscription for Aur. Zosimos, with penalty for unauthorized burials; late Roman; found near Kaz *Robert, REJ 101, 1937, p. 85, no. 2; Hellenica 3, 107, note 1. @ @@`10. Funerary inscription for Eirenaios; Roman; found at Kaz#1221kl#1221: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 111, no. 1; SEG 18, 461. @ @@`11. Funerary inscription for Euaretos; Roman; found at #1222skele near Kaz#1221kl#1221: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 112, no. 3; SEG 18, 462. @ @@`12. Funerary inscription by Hekat[on] for self and family; Roman; found at #1222lmin Kuyu near Kaz#1221kl#1221: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 114, no. 10; **SEG 18, 464 (l. 2). @ @@`13. Funerary inscription for Iason; no date; found at Kapakl#1221 Kuyu near Kaz#1221kl#1221, not in terr. of Iasos: *CIG 3471; Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, p. 21, no. 12; Robert, Et. Anat. 439%19`440. @ @@`14. Unpublished funerary inscription for Menitas Poseidoniou and Epiktesis Apolloniou; late Hellenistic%3imperial; found at Kapakl#1221 Kuyu near Kaz#1221kl#1221: *Robert, RPh 31, 1957, 15. @ @@`15. Funerary inscription for Neikarin, Antiochos, and Eros; Roman; found at Kapakl#1221 Kuyu near Kaz#1221kl#1221: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 114, no. 11; Robert, RPh 31, 1957, 15; SEG 18, 465. @ @@`16. Funerary inscription by Phil[ias], Phileros, Hermias, and Poseidonios for selves and families; imperial; found at #1222skele near Kaz#1221kl#1221, not in terr. of Iasos: LW 311; *Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 21, no. 11; **Robert, AC 32, 1963, 7, note 18 (l. 1). @ @@`17. Funerary inscription by Phokas for self and family; Roman; found at Bozbu+k near Kaz#1221kl#1221: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 114, no. 12; SEG 18, 466. @ @@`18. Funerary inscription for Posidonios, Hermias, Arete, Charito, Posidonios, and Aphroditos; no date; found at #1222skele near Kaz#1221kl#1221, not in terr. of Iasos: LW 310; *Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 20, no. 9; Robert, RPh 18, 1944, 50; BE 1943:69. @ @@`19. Funerary inscription for C. Seius Attikos Moschas &3optio& of 6th &3legio& and Milesian; imperial; found in Kapakl#1221 Kuyu near Kaz#1221kl#1221: *CIG 3932; LW 1685; AHierapolis no. 324; Robert, BCH 60, 1936, 202%19`5; **Robert, Et. anat. 437%19`9 (ll. 2%19`3). @ @@`20. Funerary inscription by [ ... ]&3arios Ioulias T&[ ... ] (?) for self and family; 1%3`2; found at Dog%27anbeleni near Kaz#1221kl#1221: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 114, no. 13; SEG 18, 467. @ @@`21. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]odotos; late imperial; found in #1222skele near Kaz#1221kl#1221: *Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius no. 2224 (PH); SEG 29, 1148. @ @@`22. Funerary inscription for (no name); Roman; found at Yenikuyu near Kaz#1221kl#1221: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 115, no. 14; SEG 18, 468. @ @@`23. Funerary (?) inscription for (no name); Roman; found at #1222lmin Kuyu near Kaz#1221kl#1221: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 114, no. 9; SEG 18, 469. @ See also: Teichioussa 2%19`7. @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (_) @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (24) @ @@`24. Fragment mentioning &3Milesios&; no date; found between Miletos and Iasos: *CIG 2894; former Miletos 531. @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @@@@{1Teos}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@Anadolu 1965: Herrmann, Anadolu 9, 1965, pp. 29%19`160. @@Arch. Ztg. 1876: Hirschfeld, Arch. Ztg. NF 8, 1876, pp. 23%19`30. @@BCH 1880: Pottier %9 Hauvette%19Besnault, BCH 4, 1880, pp. 47%19`59 @@@@`110%19`121, 164%19`182. @@BCH 1922: Be/quignon %9 Laumonier, BCH 46, 1922, pp. 307%19`353. @@BCH 1925: Be/quignon %9 Laumonier, BCH 49, 1925, pp. 281%19`321. @@BPhW 1892: Ruge, BPhW 12, 1892, pp. 707%19`8. @@MDAI(A) 1891: Judeich, MDAI(A) 16, 1891, pp. 291%19`9. @@MDAI(I) 1977%19`1978: Petzl, MDAI(I) 27%19`28, 1977%19`1978, pp. 301%19`8. @ Sites of discovery considered as Teos and not named: @@Bodrum @@Sevrihisar (%6 Seferihisar) @@Sig%27ac#1221k. @ Sites of discovery named: @@As%25ag%27#1221 Demircili (%6 Nea Demircili) @@Benler @@Hereke @@Ulam#1221s%25 @@Yukar#1221 Demircili (%6 Palaia Demircili) (%6 Airai?). @ References to the following nearby city, of unknown precise location, are also listed here: @@Oroanna. @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`47) @ @@@@Section: 1a. Decrees on &3Asylia& (1%19`23.5) @ @@`1. Decree of Aitolia renewing friendship with Teos and confirming &3asylia& of Teos; 205%3`1 BC; also found at Delphi: CIG 3046 and p. 1125; *LW 85; FD III 2, no. 134a; Syll&4`3& 565; **IG IX 1&4`2&, 1, no. 192 (l. 16). @ @@`2. Decree of Delphi confirming friendship with and &3asylia& of Teos; 205%3`1 BC; also found at Delphi: *LW 84; FD III 2, no. 134c; Wilhelm, GGA 160, 1898, pp. 216%19`220; **Syll&4`3& 565 (ll. 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15). @ @@`3. Decree of Allaria confirming friendship with and &3asylia& of Teos; c. 200 BC; found near Hereke: *LW 73; **ICret II Allaria no. 1 (ll. 4, 12). @ @@`4. Decree of Apollonia on Crete according honors (prob. &3asylia&) to Teos; c. 200 BC: *LW 69; **ICret I Apollonia no. 1 (ll. 1%19`2, 4%19`5, 9%19`10). @ @@`5. Decree of Aptera according &3asylia& to Teos; c. 200 BC: *LW 68b; Syll&4`3& 563; **ICret II Aptera no. 1 (ll. 6, 9, 12%19`3). @ @@`6. Decree of Arkades on Crete confirming kinship and &3asylia& of and according honors to Teos; c. 200 BC; found near Hereke: *LW 72; **ICret I Arcades no. 52 (ll. 4, 9, 18, 21, 22, 29, 35, 43, 45). @ @@`7. Decree of Axos according kinship and &3asylia& to Teos; c. 200 BC: CIG 3050 and p. 1125; *LW 65; **ICret II Axos no. 17 (ll. 8, 14, 17). @ @@`8. Decree of Biannos according &3asylia& to Teos; c. 200 BC: *LW 68c; **ICret I Biannos no. 1 (ll. 1, 3, 7%19`8). @ @@`9. Decree of Eleutherna establishing friendship with and &3asylia of Teos; c. 200 BC: CIG 3047; *LW 71; **ICret II Eleutherna no. 21 (ll. 5, 9, 12, 22). @ @@`10. Decree of Hierapytna according friendhsip to Teos: *LW 68a; **ICret III Hierapytna no. 2 (ll. 2, 6). @ @@`11. Decree of Istron establishing friendship with and &3asylia& of Teos; c. 200 BC: CIG 3048 and p. 1125; *LW 70; **ICret I Istron no. 1 (ll. 15, 18). @ @@`11.5. Decree of Knossos according &3asylia& to Teos; c. 200 BC: *LW 61; **ICret I Cnosos no. 8 (ll. 2, 8, 9, 12%19`4). @ @@`12. Excised. @ @@`13. Decree of Lappa according friendship and &3asylia& to Teos; c. 200 BC: CIG 3057; *LW 68; **ICret II Lappa no. 3 (ll. 8%19`11). @ @@`14. Decree of Lato according friendship and &3asylia& to Teos; c. 200 BC: CIG 3058 and p. 1125; *LW 67; **ICret I Lato no. 2 (ll. 9%19`12, 18%19`20). @ @@`14.5. Decree of &3Lato pros Kamara& confirming kinship and &3asylia of Teos; c. 200 BC: *LW 74; **ICret I Lato no. 15 (ll. 4, 5, 9, 18%19`20, 25, 30, 31). @ @@`15. Decree of Rhaukos according &3asylia& to Teos; c. 200 BC: CIG 3051; *LW 63; **ICret I Rhaucos no. 1 (ll. 2, 5, 9%19`11, 13, 15). @ @@`16. Decree of Aptera confirming friendship with and &3asylia& of Teos; c. 170%3`140 BC; found near Hereke: *LW 75; **ICret II Aptera no. 2 (ll. 15, 30, 38, 58). @ @@`17. Decree of Arkades on Crete confirming previous decree for Teos and establishing isopolity with it; c. 170%3`140 BC: CIG 3052; *LW 80, ll. 3%19`38; **ICret I Arcades no. 53 (ll. 10, 13, 18%19`9, 23%19`8, 29, 38, 40). @ @@`18. Decree of Biannos confirming friendship with Teos and establishing isopolity with it; c. 170%3`140 BC; found near Hereke: *LW 77; **ICret I Biannos no. 2 (ll. 7, 17, 18, 23, 35%19`9). @ @@`19. Decree of Erannos confirming friendship with and &3asylia& of Teos; c. 170%3`140 BC; found near Hereke: *LW 76; **SGDI 5182 (l. 29); not in ICret. @ @@`20. Excised. @ @@`21. Excised. @ @@`21.5. Decree of Knossos honoring envoys from Teos; c. 170%3`140 BC: CIG 3053 and p. 1125; *LW 81; ICret I Cnosos no. 11. @ @@`22. Decree of Palla (Malla?) confirming &3asylia& of Teos and granting it isopolity; c. 170%3`140 BC; found near Hereke: *LW 78; **ICret I Malla no. 2 (ll. 2%19`10, 13%19`8). @ @@`23. Decree of Priansos honoring envoys from Teos; c. 170%3`140 BC: CIG 3056; *LW 82; **ICret I Priansos no. 1 (ll. 5, 6, 9, 18). @ @@`23.5. Fragment of honorary (?) decree of Dorian city; c. 200%3`140 BC (?): CIG 3052; *LW 79. @ See also: Teos 49%19`55; FD III 2, no. 134b (decree of Amphiktyons confirming &3asylia& of Teos and giving citizens of Teos same privileges as Dionysiac artists; found at Delphi). @ @@@@Section: 1b. Decrees concerning Dionysiac Artists, Kraton @@@@of Chalkedon, and Attalistai (24%19`27) @ @@`24. Decree honoring Dionysiac artists and granting them &3ateles land; 229%3`205 BC: *BCH 1922, pp. 312%19`9, no. 2 (PH); SEG 2, 580; SEG 4, 617; **Robert, Et. anat. 39%19`44 (ll. 2%19`3). @ @@`25. Honorary decree of Dionysiac artists and others for Kraton of Chalkedon; II&7m&: *CIG 3068 and p. 1125. @ @@`26. Honorary decree of Attalistai; II&7m&: *CIG 3069; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 4, 1901, Beibl. p. 22 (l. 9). @ @@`27. Honorary decree of Dionysiac artists and of &3synagonistai for Tib(erius) Claudius son of Masimachos; imperial: *CIG 3082; **IGRR IV 1568 (l. 2a). @ See also: Teos 56%19`8, 88; Aphrodisias 5 (%6 MAMA 8, no. 417) (%6 LW 1620) (%6 IEphesos 11A) (honorary decree of [&3synodos&] and &3xyston of those &3peri& [Dionysos] and Hadrian for athlete Kallikrates Dioge[nous of Aphrod]eisias; found at Aphrodisias); Aphrodisias 6 (%6 IEphesos 11B) (second copy of honorary decree of athletic [&3synodos& and &3xyston&] for athlete Kalli[krates Diogenous] of Aphro[deisias]; found at Aphrodisias); Aphrodisias 9 (%6 MAMA 8, no. 418.c) (%6 LW 1619) (honorary decree of &3hiera synodos peri Dionysos and Hadrian for [Gaius Iulius Longi]anos (of Aphrodisias); found at Aphrodisias); CIG 3067 (%6 IG XI 4, 1061) (honorary decree of Dionysiac artists mandating placing copy of decree in Teos; found at Delos); FD III 2, no. 134b (decree of Amphiktyons confirming &3asylia& of Teos and giving citizens of Teos same privileges as Dionysiac artists; found at Delphi); Iasos 65 (%6 IIasos 152) (%6 LW 281) (%6 Michel 1014) (honorary decree of Dionysiac artists for Iasos; found at Iasos); ICos 24 (honorary decree of Dionysiac artists; found on Kos); Magnesia 22 (%6 IMagnesia 54) (decree of Dionysiac artists accepting invitation to &3agon&; found at Magnesia Mai.); Magnesia 23, 98 (%6 IMagnesia 89) (honorary decrees of Dionysiac artists for Magnesia (Mai.) and of Magnesia (Mai.) for Dionysiac artists; found at Magnesia Mai.); IEphesos 22 (honorary decree of Dionysiac artists of Ephesos for T(itus) Aelius Alkibiades of Nysa and mentioning similar honors by Dionysiac artists of Rome; found at Nysa). @ @@@@Section: 1c. Other Honorary Decrees (28%19`38.5) @ @@`28. Honorary decree of Airai; V&4`1&; found at Yukar#1221 Demircili: *Keil, JO+AI 15, 1912, Beibl. pp. 75%19`6, no. 15. @ @@`29. Honorary decree of Bargylia for Teos and Tyron of Teos; 270%3`261 BC: *LW 87; Michel 457; Syll&4`3& 426; **Robert, BCH 49, 1925, p. 230 (ll. 7, 13); IIasos 608. @ @@`30. Honorary decree(s?) for Antiochos III and Laodike and giving citizenship to Antioch, Seleukeia, and Laodikeia; c. 204%3`203 BC: *Anadolu 1965, pp. 33%19`6 (PH); **Oliver, GRBS 9, 1968, p. 321 (l. 29); **Merkelbach, ZPE 3, 1968, p. 173 (l. 38). @ @@`31. Honorary decree (?) for Antiochos III; c. 203%3`190 BC: *Anadolu 1965, pp. 36%19`41 (PH); **Oliver, GRBS 9, 1968, pp. 321%19`2 (section II, ll. 51, 52%19`3); **Dunst, ZPE 3, 1968, pp. 170%19`2 (section II, ll. 26%19`7, 83, 100); **Merkelbach, ZPE 3, 1968, pp. 173%19`4 (section II, l. 99); **Daux, ZPE 12, 1973, pp. 235%19`6 (section II, ll. 77%19`8); SEG 26, 1307; **BE 1977:405 (section II, l. 8); SEG 27, 780; SEG 28, 887. @ @@`32. Honorary decree of &3symmoria&; II: *CIG 3065; **Michel 1006 (ll. 36%19`41); Guarducci, Fratria 24; BE 1987:288. @ @@`33. Honorary decree of &3symmoria&; II: *CIG 3066; **Michel 1007 (ll. 24, 27); Guarducci, Fratria 25; BE 1987:288. @ @@`34. Honorary decree (of &3symmoria&?) (in Teos?); II?; provenance uncertain: *CIG 6818. @ @@`34.5. Honorary decree of &3symmoria& of Echinos for Naukrates Klytou and others; II&4`1&; found at Teos: *S%25ahin, EA 5, 1985, 13%19`17 (PH); BE 1987:288. @ @@`35. Honorary decree of Abdera for envoys from Teos supporting Abdera in Rome; 166 BC: *BCH 1880, pp. 47%19`52; **Syll&4`3& 656 (l.20); **Robert, BCH 59, 1935, 507%19`513 (%6 OM I 320%19`326) (ll. 18, 21, 24, 26%19`7, 47); SEG 19, 687; **Herrmann, ZPE 7, 1971, pp. 72%19`7 (ll. 12%19`4, 19%19`20, 22%19`3, 26, 30, 35, 37%19`9, 42%19`8). @ @@`36. Honorary decree of &3Dionysiastai& for priestess; I&4`2&: **GIBM 1032 (ll. 27%19`9, 31, 33); *SEG 4, 598. @ @@`37. Honorary decree for A(ulus) Vibius Habitus (or Avitus); AD 6%3`9(?): CIG 3084; *LW 103; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkma+ler 245. @ @@`38. Honorary decree of &3boule& for Tib(erius) Claudius son of Masimachos; imperial: CIG 3083; *LW 108 (See Teos 121.) @ @@`38.5. Unpublished decree of Abdera for Teos; no date: Herrmann, ZPE 7, 1971, 76; Herrmann, Chiron 11, 1981, 26, note 78. @ See also: Teos 268; Robert, CRAI 1974, 508%19`29 (decree of Prasaiboi honoring Chairias of Teos; found at Bouthrotos); IG XI 4, 786 (honorary decree of Delos for [ ... ]tos Kleophantou of Teos; found on Delos); IG XI 4, 698 (honorary decree of Delos for Agatharchos of Teos; found on Delos); FD III 2, no. 134d (honorary decree of Delphi for envoys from Teos; found at Delphi); Ephesos 65 (%6 IEphesos 1437) (%6 JO+AI 16, 1935, 235, IIp) (honorary decree of E[phesos] for Hagnon Kaballa of Teos; found at Ephesos); Ephesos 64 (%6 IEphesos 1465) (%6 GIBM 465) (honorary decree [of Ephesos] for [Aristo]phanes Aristeidous of Teos; found at Ephesos); Galles, AAA 5, 1972, 275%19`9 (honorary decree of Thessalian League for foreign judges from Teos; found at Larisa); Magnesia 57, 58, 101 (%6 IMagnesia 97) (honorary decree of demos (of Teos) for Glaukos of Magnesia (Mai.) and related decrees; found at Magnesia Mai.); Mylasa 30 (%6 IMylasa 634) (%6 BCH 58, 1934, 307, no. 5) (honorary decree of &3demos& of T[eos] for &3dikastes& Theodoros Theodorou of [Myl]asa; found at Mylasa); IG VII 522 (honorary decree of Tanagra for Apollonios Menekratios of Teos; found at Tanagra). @ @@@@Section: 1d. Other Decrees and Laws (39%19`47) @ @@`39. Decree of Teos according &3ateleia& and other privileges to another city; IV&4`2&; found at Ulam#1221s%25: MDAI(A) 1891, 291%19`5, no. 17; BCH 1922,, 307%19`12, no. 1 (PH); SEG 2, 579; *J. %9 L. Robert, JS 1976, 175%19`88 (PH); SEG 26, 1305. @ @@`40. Decree of Temnos on isopolity with Teos; III&4`2&%3II&4`1&: *Herrmann, MDAI(I) 29, 1979, 242%19`9; SEG 29,1149. @ @@`41. Law regulating education of children; II: CIG 3059 and p. 1125; *Hirschfeld, Hermes 9, 1875, 501%19`3 (for ll. 1%19`34); *BCH 1880, 110%19`21 (for ll. 35%19`68); **Syll&4`3& 578 (ll. 1%19`2, 13, 15, 20, 22, 31, 37, 47, 51, 67); SEG 14, 751. @ @@`42. Law regulating education of children; II?: *CIG 3060. @ @@`43. Law concerning competition; II?: *CIG 3061. @ @@`44. Decree concerning friendship with Tyre; II&7m&: *BCH 1925, 305%19`8, no. 3 (PH); SEG 4, 601. @ @@`45. Decree instituting religious ceremonies in honor of Queen Apollonis of Pergamon; 166%3`159 BC: **LW 88 (l. 16); *OGIS 309 (for l. 1); SEG 4, 619; *Robert, Et. anat. 9%19`20 (for ll. 2%19`16); **Anadolu 1965, p. 62 (ll. 2%19`4). @ @@`46. Law regulating ceremonies for Dionysos; AD 14%3`37: CIG 3062; *LW 90; **Robert, Et. anat. 20%19`36 (ll. 3%19`4, 7%19`9, 12%19`4); **Sokolowski, LSAM 28 (ll. 11, 18%19`9); SEG 15, 718. @ @@`47. Fragment of decree (?); 1 or later: *BCH 1922, 333, no. 15; SEG 2, 593. @ See also: Teos 267, 281; IG II&4`2& 682 (decree of Athens mentioning Hagnon of Teos; found in Attica); Pomtow, Klio 14, 1915, 271, no. 2 (%6 FD III 1, no. 481) (decree of boule and d[emos of Teos] accepting invitation of Aitolians to &3agon& of Soteria; found at Delphi); Magnesia 32, l. 75 (%6 IErythrai 507) (%6 IMagnesia 53) (decree of Klazomenai followed by list mentioning Teos among cities accepting invitation to &3agon&; found at Magnesia Mai.); Miletos 37 (%6 Milet I 3, 143a) (decree of Miletos praising Seleukeia (%6 Tralles) and granting it isopolity mentions land of Tean woman; found at Miletos); Miletos 39 (%6 Milet I 3, 150) (%6 Syll&4`3& 633) (%6 SEG 34, 1173) (decree of Miletos ratifying peace with Herakleia settling dispute concerning land alleged to belong to Tean woman; found at Miletos). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (48) @ @@`48. Treaty between Teos and Kyrbissos concerning &3sympoliteia&; III: *J. %9 L. Robert, JS 1976, 153%19`235 (PH); SEG 26, 1306; Sokolowski, ZPE 38, 1980, 103%19`106; **SEG 30, 1376 (ll. 7%19`8, 18, 28). @ See also: Teos 1%19`23, 29, 40, 44, 49%19`55, 59; Miletos 60 (%6 Mezger, Inscriptio Milesiaca) (%6 Syll&4`3& 588) (%6 Milet I 3, 148) (treaty of peace between Miletos and Magnesia (Mai.) with Teos one of mediating states; found at Miletos). @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (49%19`62) @ @@@@Section: 3a. Letters on &3Asylia& (49%19`55) @ @@`49. Letter of king of Athamania confirming friendship with and &3asylia& of Teos; 205%3`1 BC: *LW 83; Wilhelm, GGA 160, 1898, 216%19`220; **Welles 35 (ll. 1%19`14, 17%19`20). @ @@`50. Letter of Kydonia according &3asylia& to Teos; c. 200 BC: CIG 3055; *LW 64; **ICret II Cydonia no. 2 (ll. 15%19`7, 19, 25). @ @@`51. Letter of Polyrrhenia according &3asylia& to Teos; c. 200 BC: CIG 3054; *LW 62; **ICret II Polyrhenia no. 3 (ll. 5, 7, 13). @ @@`52. Letter of Sybrita according friendship and &3asylia& to Teos; c. 200 BC: CIG 3049; *LW 66; **ICret II Sybrita no. 1 (ll. 1, 4%19`5, 8%19`10, 12%19`9). @ @@`53. Letter of Roman praetor M(arcus) Valerius Messalla conferring immunity and &3asylia& on Teos; 193 BC: CIG 3045; *LW 60; Syll&4`3& 601; **Sherk 34 (ll. 4, 12, 16); SEG 30, 1377. @ @@`54. Letter of Hyrtakina confirming kinship and sacredness of Teos; c. 170%3`140 BC: *BCH 1925, 298%19`303, no. 1 (PH); **ICret II Hyrtacina no. 2 (ll. 3%19`7, 18). @ @@`55. Letter of town on Crete (name lost) confirming friendship with and &3asylia& of Teos; c. 170%3`140 BC: *BCH 1925, 303%19`5, no. 2 (PH); **SEG 4, 600 (ll. 1%19`5, 10, 23); not in ICret. @ See also: Teos 1%19`23. @ @@@@Section: 3b. Letters on Dionysiac Artists, Kraton @@@@of Chalkedon, and Attalistai (56%19`58) @ @@`56. Letter to (or concerning?) Dionysiac artists; II?: *LW 89. @ @@`57. Letter (of Laodike or Antiochos III?) to Dionysiac artists; II?: *Anadolu 1965, 159, ll. 11%19`5. @ @@`58. Letter from Kraton of Chalkedon to Attalistai; 152 BC: *CIG 3070; OGIS 325. @ See also: Teos 24%19`7, 88. @ @@@@Section: 3c. Other Letters from Royal Personages (59%19`62) @ @@`59. Two letters to Teos from Antigonos I ordaining &3synoikismos of Teos and Lebedos; c. 303 BC: *LW 86; Syll&4`3& 344; SEG 4, 618; **Welles 3%19`4 (ll. 2%19`4, 6%19`27, 29%19`37, 41%19`52, 54, 56%19`8, 60%19`9, 71%19`90, 94, 96%19`100, 102%19`8, 112, 115, 119%19`123, 125%19`6); SEG 15, 717; **Wilhelm, Klio 28, 1935, 280%19`293 (ll. 2, 5, 7, 13%19`15, 27, 37, 72, 76, 105%19`108, 113%19`114, 123%19`124); **Migeotte, L'emprunt public no. 86 (ll. 109%19`114, 116, 118). @ @@`60. Letter of [Laodike]; c. 203%3`190 BC: *Anadolu 1965, 159, ll. 1%19`10. @ @@`61. Letter of Antiochos III to Teos; c. 203%3`190 BC: *Anadolu 1965, 41%19`2, IV 3%19`19 (PH); **Dunst, ZPE 3, 1968, pp. 172%19`3 (ll. 11%19`2). @ @@`62. Two letters of Antiochos III(?) to &3boule& and [&3demos&] of [Teos]; c. 203%3`190 BC: *Anadolu 1965, 157%19`9. @ See also: Welles 53 (letter of Eumenes II resolving conflict between Teos and Dionysiac artists; found at Pergamon). @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (63%19`69) @ @@`63. Accounts for building walls; III&4`2&%3II; found at Teos, not Tralles: *CIG 2923; BCH 1922, 325, no. 5 (PH); SEG 2, 583; **Maier 63 (ll. 1, 3%19`10); SEG 19, 689; ITralles p. 223, no. 20*. @ @@`64. Accounts for building walls, tower, and battlement; III&4`2&%3II: LW 1557; Maier 65; SEG 19, 691; *S%25ahin, EA 5, 1985, 17%19`18 (PH); BE 1987:48. @ @@`65. Accounts for building walls; III&4`2&%3II: *LW 1560; **Maier 67 (l. 3); SEG 19, 693. @ @@`66. Accounts for building wall; III&4`2&%3II: LW 111; *Lastres, Mouseion Smyrn. II 2%19`3, 1878, 35, no. 242; **Maier 64 (ll. 1%19`3, 5, 7%19`9); SEG 19, 690. @ @@`67. Accounts for building walls; III&4`2&%3II: Fontrier, Mouseion Smyrn. II 2%19`3, 1878, 35, no. 243; MDAI(A) 1891, 295, no. 18; Maier 66, 68; SEG 19, 692 and 694; *Robert, Gnomon 42, 1970, 593. @ @@`68. Accounts for building walls and vault; III&4`2&%3II: *BCH 1922, 323%19`5, no. 4 (PH); SEG 2, 582; **Maier 62 (ll. 4, 9%19`10); SEG 19, 688. @ @@`69. Fragment (account?) concerning house and money; no date; found between Yukar#1221 Demircili and As%25ag%27#1221 Demiricili: *Mouseion Smyrn. II 2%19`3, 1878, 34, no. 240. @ See also: IG I&4`3& 71, 259%19`290 (Athenian tribute lists with frequent mention of Teos and Airai; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 2, 1492B (accounts of &3tamiai& at Athens mentioning Teos; found in Attica); Smyrna 35 (%6 CIG 3142) (%6 ISmyrna 689) (list of contributors mentioning Metrodoros of Teos; found at Smyrna); Smyrna 91 (%6 Mous. II 1, 1876, 47, 166) (%6 Syll&4`3& 996) (%6 ISmyrna 753) (catalogue of gifts, including Tean stone, made to Apollo; found at Smyrna). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ Ə@@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (70%19`77) @ @@`70. Fragment of architrave; III&4`2& or later: *BCH 1925, 309%19`10, no. 5; SEG 4, 602. @ @@`71. Fragment of architrave; I or later: *BCH 1925, 310, no. 6. @ @@`72. Fragment of architrave; 1 or later: *BCH 1922, 330, no. 9c. @ @@`73. Fragment on epistyle; 1 or later: *MDAI(A) 1891, 299, no. 27; BCH 1922, 330, no. 9b; SEG 2, 587. @ @@`74. Inscription on epistyle mentioning &3autokrator&; 1&4`2& or later: *BCH 1880, 180%19`1, no. 42; BCH 1922, 329%19`30, no. 9a; SEG 2, 587. @ @@`75. Dedication to Hadrian on architrave; AD 117%3`138; possibly found at Hereke: LW 96%19`97; BCH 1880, 180, no. 42; *BCH 1922, 329%19`30, no. 8; SEG 2, 586. @ @@`76. Dedication on architrave of temple of Dionysos by Hadrian; AD 132%3`8: BCH 1922, 330%19`1, no. 10; SEG 2, 588; BCH 1925, 309, no. 4; *Hellenica 3, 86%19`9. @ @@`77. Fragment on piece of architrave; no date: *BCH 1922, 331, no. 11; SEG 2, 589. @ See also: Teos 63%19`9, 266. @ Ώ@@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (78%19`89) @ @@`78. Excised. @ @@`79. List of magistrates; III%3II?: *CIG 3064 and p. 1125; SEG 4, 620; Hunt, JHS 67, 1947, 68%19`75. @ @@`80. List of victors in poetic competitions; III%3II: *LW 93. @ @@`81. Announcement of appointment as priest of Roma and &3Pistis&; II: *Dragoumis, BCH 19, 1895, 554%19`5. @ @@`82. List of victors in children's musical and rhetorical competitions; II: *CIG 3088 and p. 1125. @ @@`83. List of victors in musical competitions; II?: *CIG 3089; **Brinck, Inscr. graec. choreg. 212%19`214, no. 103 (l. 6). @ @@`84. List of victors in musical competitions; II?: *CIG 3090; **Brinck, Inscr. graec. choreg. 214, no. 104 (ll. 1, 5). @ @@`85. List of victors in dramatic festivals; II?: *LW 91. @ @@`86. List of victors at poetic and musical competition; II?: *BCH 1880, 176%19`7, no. 37. @ @@`87. List of men's names; II: *BCH 1922, 319%19`23, no. 3 (PH); **SEG 2, 581 (col. 2, l. 6). @ @@`88. Will of musician Kraton of Chalkedon bequeathing possessions to Attalistai; II&7m&: *CIG 3071 (see also Teos 24%19`27, 56%19`58, 120, and 122). @ @@`89. Foundation of library (?); I?: *BCH 1922, 327%19`8, no. 6; **SEG 2, 584 (ll. 4%19`5, 8%19`9, 13, 15%19`7). @ See also: Teos 270; Charneux, BCH 90, 1966, p. 157, col. II, l. 4 (list of &3thearodokoi& includes Eukle[ ... ] in Teos; found in Argos); IG II&4`2& 1011, col. V l. 111 (list of ephebes appended to ephebic decrees includes A[t]talos Menodorou of O[r]oanda; found in Attica); Chios 53 (%6 Athena 20, 1908, 213, 12) (%6 RPh 11, 1937, 327) (list of Chian &3proxenoi,& including [ ... ]thenaios of Teos; found on Chios); Chios 52, l. 14 (%6 RPh 11, 1937, 326, 6B) (list of Chian &3proxenoi,& including [ ... ]eis Herakle[itou] of Teos; found on Chios); Robert, BCH 70, 1946, 506%19`13 (fragment of list of &3theorodokoi& mentions Antioch[os] Demeou at Teos and Z[e]nis Herakleitou and Dionysios [Th]arsionos at Oroanna; found at Delphi); Erythrai 264 (%6 IErythrai 151) (%6 EA 9, 1987, 138, 4) (list of roads in Erythrai with references to Chalkideis; found at Erythrai); ICos 49b (list of foreigners, including one from Teos; found on Kos); Klee, Gymnische Agone p. 4 (list of victors at Asklepeia of Kos, including individual from Teos; found on Kos); Pugliese Carratelli, PP 33, 1978, 153%19`6 (decision of foreign judges from Kos in boundary dispute between Klazomenai and another city (cities?), defining land of individuals, including individual from Teos, and mentioning another individual from Teos; found on Kos); Miletos 117 (%6 Milet I 3, 79) (record of grant of citizenship of Miletos to Timon of Oroanna and others; found at Miletos); CIG 6829 (%6 Merkelbach, ZPE 58, 1985, 136%19`138) (document of &3hiera synodos& of Dionysiac Artists concerning payment for adornment of statue of Dionysos; now at Florence, prob. from Rome); IG XII 8, 163 (list of pairs of individuals from cities of Ionia and Hellespont, including Teos, and from Dionysiac artists; found on Samothrake); IG XII 8, 171 (list of &3theoroi& from eastern Aegean cities, including Teos; found on Samothrake); Samothrace II 1 no. 22 (list of &3theoroi, including two individuals from Teos; found on Samothrake). @ ڏ@@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (90%19`104) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Inscriptions on Cave%19Walls at Benler (90%19`95) @ @@`90. Inscription by &3basileus& Antiochos; late imperial; found at Benler: *MDAI(I) 1977%19`1978, 305%19`6, no. 1 (PH); SEG 27, 724. @ @@`91. Inscription by Apollonis (?); no date; found at Benler: *MDAI(I) 1977%19`1978, 306, no. 2 (PH); SEG 27, 725. @ @@`92. Inscription by Melissos &3hieronikes&; no date; found at Benler: *MDAI(I) 1977%19`1978, 306, no. 3 (PH); SEG 27, 726. @ @@`93. Inscription by Theophilos &3para to kyrio&; no date; found at Benler: *MDAI(I) 1977%19`1978, 306%19`7, no. 4 (PH); SEG 27, 727; Horsley, New Documents 2, p. 35. @ @@`94. Dedication by Metras to &3he agathe& (?); no date; found at Benler: *MDAI(I) 1977%19`1978, 307, no. 5; SEG 27, 728. @ @@`95. Inscription by Poudes (%6Pudens), raised &3para tois theois&; no date; found at Benler: *MDAI(I) 1977%19`1978, 307%19`8, no. 6 (PH); SEG 27, 729. @ ߪ@@@@Section: 9b. Other Dedications (95.5%19`104) @ @@`95.5. Dedication to Antiochos and Stratonike; 294%3`261 BC: *CIG 3075. @ @@`96. Dedication of altar to Zeus Ktesios; II: *CIG 3074. @ @@`97. Dedication to Seleucid and possibly other kings; 160%3`120 BC; found in Teos, but possibly a wandering stone: *Arch. Ztg. 1876, 26, note 22; **OGIS 246 (ll. 1%19`2, 5, 7%19`12, 14%19`5); Mastrocinque, EA 3, 1984, 83%19`6; SEG 34, 1197. @ ᪵@@`97.5. Dedication to Teiades by Herodotos Antialkidou and fellow &3prytaneis&; prob. II&4`2&; now at Leyden, prob. from Teos or Klazomenai: CIG 3168; *Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 1521 (PH). @ @@`98. Excised. @ @@`99. Mark of possession by (or dedication to?) emperors on epistyle; imperial: *BCH 1922, 331, no. 12; **SEG 2, 590 (l. 1). @ @@`100. Dedication to family of emperors, Dionysos &3kathegemon,& and &3demos& of Erai (%6 Airai) by &3strategos&; 1 or later: LW 94; *BCH 1880, 169%19`70, no. 24. @ @@`101. Dedication to Augusta Sabina; AD 118%3`138: *BCH 1922, 333, no. 16; **SEG 2, 594 (ll. 1%19`2). @ @@`102. Dedication to two Augusti; AD 285 or later: *LW 100. @ @@`103. Dedication by victorious actors at festival of Dionysos; no date: *LW 92. @ @@`104. Dedication by listed individuals to Prauchos and &3demos&; no date: *BCH 1880, 168%19`9, no. 23. @ See also: Teos 75%19`6; OGIS 86 (dedication on behalf of Ptolemy (IV) and family by Alexandros Syndaiou of Oroanna and another officer; found at unknown site in Egypt); Ephesos 740 (%6 IEphesos 239) (%6 AAWW 102, 1985, 103, 2) (dedication to Domitian by demos of Teos; found at Ephesos); Naukratis I 700 (dedication to Aphrodite by man from Teos; found at Naukratis); Naukratis II 779 (dedication to Aphrodite by man from Teos; found at Naukratis); Naukratis II 876 (dedication to Apollo by man from Teos; found at Naukratis). @ @@@@Section: 9c. Other Religious Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Teos 36, 45%19`6, 136, 263%19`5. @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (105%19`134) @ @@@@Section: 10a. For Royal Personages (105%19`110) @ @@`105. Honorary inscription for &3princeps& by &3boule& and &3demos&; 6 BC or later: CIG 3076; *LW 99; **IGRR IV 1563 (ll. 2, 4); **Robert, BCH 54, 1930, p. 324, note 9 (ll. 5%19`6). @ @@`106. Honorary inscription for &3princeps& (?); 2 BC%3AD 14 or 87%3`95 AD: *LW 95; **CIL III 420 (ll. 2%19`3). @ @@`107. Honorary inscription for Titus and Vespasian by &3demos&; AD 79%3`81: *MDAI(A) 1891, 295, no. 19. @ @@`108. Honorary inscription for Antoninus Pius; AD 138 or later: *LW 98. @ @@`109. Honorary inscription for Augusta by women; AD 285%3`305(?); found at Ulam#1221s%25: *BCH 1922, 331%19`2, no. 13 (PH); **SEG 2, 591 (ll. 6, 10, 12). @ @@`110. Honorary inscription for Augusta Galeria Valeria; AD 306%3`311; found at Ulam#1221s%25: *BPhW 1892, 707, no. 6. @ See also: Teos 30%19`1, 45. @ @@@@Section: 10b. For Others_Name Preserved (111%19`124) @ @@`111. Honorary inscription for ephebarch Aischrion by &3epheboi, &3neoi,& and users of gymnasium; no date; found at Hereke: *CIG 3085. @ @@`112. Honorary inscription for gymnasiarch Aristoboulos by &3demos, epheboi,& and &3neoi&; 1 or later: CIG 3086; *LW 105; **BCH 1922, 335, no. 22 (PH) (col. 3, l. 3); SEG 2, 600. @ @@`113. Honorary inscription for Aur(elia) Technike by &3boule& and &3demos&; c. AD 170 or later: CIG 3094; *LW 1559. @ @@`114. Honorary inscription for gymnasiarch Demokrates; III%3II: CIG 3087; *Ro+hl, Beitra+ge 9. @ @@`114.5. Honorary inscription for Ti(berius) Claudius Kalobrotos by son Claudius Pheseinos; imperial: *IEphesos vol. II p. 38. @ @@`115. Honorary inscription for &3archiereia& Claudia Magna; AD 41 or later: *CIG 3093. @ @@`115.5. Honorary inscription for Ti(berius) Claudius Pheseinos &3archiereus&; imperial: *IEphesos vol. II p. 38. @ @@`116. Honorary inscription for P(ublius) Claudius Ph[ ... ]; 1 or later: *BCH 1925, 312, no. 11; SEG 4, 607. @ @@`117. Honorary inscription for Ti(berius) Claudius Pius Pisoninus by &3mystai& of Dionysos Setaneos; imperial: *LW 106; Hamilton, Researches no. 239; SEG 17, 515. @ @@`118. Honorary inscription for &3archiereia& of Asia Claudia Tryphaina by &3boule& and &3demos&; 1 or later: CIG 3092; *LW 110; **Robert, Et. anat. pp. 24%19`5 (l. 4). @ @@`119. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Cocceius Neroua (%6Nerva) by &3demos&; 38%3`7 BC: *BCH 1925, 310%19`1, no. 8; SEG 4, 604; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkma+ler 244. @ @@`120. Honorary(%3funerary?) inscriptions for Kraton (of Chalkedon) by &3epheboi, strategoi,& and &3demos&; II&7m&: *LW 1558 (see also: Teos 24%19`7, 56%19`8, 88, and 122). @ @@`121. Honorary inscription for Maiandrios by &3phyle&; no date: *CIG 3078 (See Teos 38). @ @@`122. Honorary inscription for Peisandros A[ut]ogenous by Dionysiac artists; no date: *CIG 3072 (see also: Teos 24%19`7, 56%19`8, 88, and 120). @ @@`123. Honorary inscription for P(ublius) [Stat?]ilius Postumus by &3demos&; 2%3`3: *LW 104. @ @@`124. Honorary inscription for Zenodotos by &3demos&; no date; found at Hereke: *LW 101. @ See also: Teos 24%19`9, 32%19`8, 139, 149, 154, 165%19`6, 168, 181, 185, 192%19`3, 255; IG XI 4, 1109 (honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Epigenes of Teos by Attalos I to Apollo; found on Delos); IDelos 1967 (honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Theodora of Teos by son Titos to Apollo, Artemis, and Leto; found on Delos); IG XIV 1132 (honorary inscription for Anakreon of Teos; found at Rome); IG XIV 1133 (honorary inscription for Anakreon of Teos; found at Rome). @ @@@@Section: 10c. For Others_Name Fragmentary (125) @ @@`125. Honorary inscription for [Philo]patris; no date: *LW 102. @ See also: Teos 228, 230%19`1. @ @@@@Section: 10d. For Others_Name Lost (126%19`133) @ @@`126. Honorary inscription (for no name); I?: *BCH 1925, 311, no. 9; SEG 4, 599 and 605. @ @@`127. Honorary inscription (for no name) (referring to &3legio XIII?); probably imperial: *BCH 1925, 312, no. 10; **SEG 4, 606 (ll. 2%19`4). @ @@`128. Honorary inscription (for no name); 27 BC%3AD 14: CIG 3080; *LW 107. @ @@`129. Honorary inscription (for no name); 1 or later: *MDAI(A) 1891, 299, no. 26; **BCH 1922, 334%19`5, no. 21 (PH) (ll. 1, 3, 4, 6); SEG 2, 599. @ @@`130. Honorary inscription (for unnamed master) by &3threptos Cl(audius) Preimigenes; AD 41 or later: CIG 3124; *LW 109. @ @@`131. Honorary(%3funerary?) inscription (for no name) by Panathenaistai and Dionysiastai; no date: *CIG 3073. @ @@`132. Honorary(%3funerary?) inscription (for no name) by &3neoi, &3epheboi,& and &3phyle&; no date: *CIG 3079. @ @@`133. Honorary inscription (for no name) by &3boule& and &3demos&; no date; found at Lamisch (%6 Ulam#1221s%25?): *LW 131. @ See also: Teos 235%19`6, 237, 239, 241%19`3, 246, 249; ICos 104 (%6 Syll&4`3& 1065) (%6 Moretti 61), ll. 21%19`22 (honorary inscription for victor at many athletic competitions, including Dionysia of Teos; found on Kos). @ @@@@Section: 10e. Not for Persons (134) @ @@`134. Honorary inscription for &3demos& (of Teos) by &3demos& of Abdera; II?: *Herrmann, ZPE 7, 1971, 76%19`7. @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (135%19`138) @ @@`135. Horos (of Teos?); classical: *BCH 1922, 334, no. 20; **SEG 2, 598 (l. 1). @ @@`136. Stone marking place sacred to Apollo Koureos; II: *BCH 1880, 168, no. 22. @ @@`137. Milestone five miles from Teos; AD 285%3`305; found at U+c%25ku+yu+ler half%19way between Teos and Klazomenai: *Chapot, RPh 28, 1904, 72%19`4, no. 2; *IErythrai 521. @ @@`138. Milestone one mile from Teos; AD 305%3`6: *BCH 1922, 328%19`9, no. 7 (PH); SEG 2, 585. @ See also: Teos 269; Klazomenai 15, 16 (%6 IErythrai 520) (milestone gives distance of 9 miles from Teos; found at Urla near Klazomenai). @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (139%19`149) @ @@@@Section: 15a. Honorary (139) @ @@`139. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]os Aristobiou by [Cla]udius Antisthenes in dactylic hexameter; 2?; found at Benler: *MDAI(I) 1977%19`1978, 301%19`3; SEG 27, 723. @ @@@@Section: 15b. Funerary (140%19`149) @ @@`140. Funerary inscription in hexameters and Doric dialect for Apias and Herostratos; II: *LW 115; **Fro+hner, Me/langes 28%19`9 (ll. 5, 8%19`9). @ @@`140.5. Funerary inscription partly in elegiacs for Ambibia (%6Ambivia) with honorary inscriptions by &3demos& and &3gerousia& of Teos, &3demos& of Lebedos, &3neoi, demos& of Klazomenai, and &3Rhomaioi&; II or later: *BCH 1880, 179%19`80, no. 40 (for prose); **IGRR IV 1579 (l. 1); **Roussel, REG 29, 1916, p. 172 (l. 2); *Peek, GVI 1762 (for verse); Wilhelm, GE 73%19`76, no. 96; **SEG 30, 1378 (l. 8). @ @@`141. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Apollodoros; no date: *BCH 1880, 170%19`1, no. 25. @ @@`142. Funerary inscription in Greek and Latin elegiacs for Iope; II or later: CIG 3111; *LW 114; Kaibel 298; **CIL III 423 (part a, ll. 4, 10 and part b, ll. 4%19`5, 8). @ @@`143. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Olympias; no date: *CIG 3118; **Kaibel 227 (ll. 4%19`5). @ @@`144. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Stratonike; I?: *BCH 1922, 344%19`6, no. 36 (PH); SEG 2, 615. @ @@`145. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Theiophanes; I?: *BCH 1922, 346, no. 37; **SEG 2, 616 (l. 5). @ @@`146. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for young man (no name); no date: *CIG 3123; **Kaibel 226 (ll. 1%19`2, 4%19`7, 10). @ @@`147. Funerary inscription in elegiacs (for no name); no date: *CIG 3127. @ @@`148. (Funerary?) inscription in elegiacs (for no name); no date: *CIG 3128. @ @@`149. Reclassified as Teos 140.5. @ See also: Halikarnassos 130 (%6 GIBM 916) (%6 Peek, GVI I 1425) (%6 Kaibel 206) (funerary inscription in elegiacs for Hermokrates Moschou, who died at Chalkis or Chalkideis near Teos; found at Halikarnassos). @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (150%19`260) @ @@@@Section: 16a. Full Name Preserved (150%19`218) @ @@`150. Funerary inscription for Agathokles, Onesimos, Megakles, Aristoboulos, and Neokles; no date: *BCH 1880, 171, no. 26. @ @@`151. Funerary inscription for Agele; no date: *BCH 1922, 347, no. 43; SEG 2, 621. @ @@`152. Funerary inscription for &3verna& Alexandros; II or later: *CIG 3095. @ @@`153. Funerary inscription for Alexandros; no date: *BCH 1922, 350, no. 61; SEG 2, 639. @ @@`154. Funerary inscription for Apollodoros with honorary inscriptions by &3thiasos&; no date: *BCH 1880, 176, no. 36. @ @@`155. Funerary inscription for Apollonis and Symphoris; no date: *CIG 3096. @ @@`156. Funerary inscription for Aristoboulos, Gorge, and Aristoboulos; no date: *CIG 3097. @ @@`157. Funerary inscriptions for Auxibios, Eukte, and Karpilla; no date: *BCH 1922, 347, no. 41; SEG 2, 619. @ @@`158. Funerary inscription for Barchis; no date: *CIG 3099; **Ro+hl, Beitra+ge 9 (l. 1). @ @@`159. Funerary inscription for Damasippos Neoteros; no date: *BCH 1880, 181, no. 43. @ @@`160. Funerary inscription for Daphnos; no date; found at As%25ag%27#1221 Demircili: *Mouseion Smyrn. II 2%19`3, 1878, 35, no. 241. @ @@`161. Funerary inscription for Demetria; no date: *BCH 1925, 313, no. 16; SEG 4, 612. @ @@`162. Funerary inscription for Demosthenes; III&4`2& or earlier: *BCH 1922, 348, no. 48; SEG 2, 626. @ @@`163. Funerary inscription for (name lost), Dionysios, Hediste, Eleutherion, and Kallistion; no date: *CIG 3103. @ @@`164. Funerary inscription for slave and &3pragmateutes& Dionysios of &3hypatike& Fl(avia) Demetria Flacilla for himself and family; 3 or later: *CIG 3104. @ @@`165. Funerary inscription for Doryphoros, Syntyche, Ioulia Pollitta by Atimetos with honorary inscriptions by &3demos, boule, &3gerousia,& virgins of &3hierateia, neoi,& and &3epheboi&; 40 BC or earlier: *CIG 3098; **Ro+hl, Beitra+ge 9 (col. c1, l. 4). @ @@`166. Funerary inscription for Egilaknos with honorary inscriptions by &3epheboi, neoi,& and &3thiasoi pantes&; III&4`2& or later: *BCH 1922, 342, no. 32; **SEG 2, 610 (l. 1). @ @@`167. Funerary inscription for Eisidora; no date: *CIG 3120; **BCH 1922, 351, no. 63 (l. 1); SEG 2, 641. @ @@`168. Funerary inscriptions for Eleutherike, Panteimia, and Kleitos with honorary inscription by &3demos&; I or later: CIG 3105; *LW 117; **BCH 1922, 347, no. 39 (part a, l. 1); SEG 2, 618. @ @@`169. Funerary inscription by Erennia Olympike for herself, her son Merkourios (%6Mercurius) Markellos (%6Marcellus), and her &3threptoi& Zosimos and Elpis; no date: *BCH 1880, 178%19`9, no. 39. @ @@`170. Funerary inscription for Euchomene; no date: *MDAI(A) 1891, 298, no. 23. @ @@`171. Funerary (?) fragment for Euryarkades; no date; found at Ulam#1221s%25: *BPhW 1892, 707, no. 5. @ @@`172. Funerary inscription for Eutychis; no date: *CIG 3106. @ @@`173. Funerary inscription for Gaius; II or later: *LW 124. @ @@`174. Funerary inscription for Germanus; II or later: *CIG 3100. @ @@`175. Funerary inscription for Glaukos, Philainos, and Poseidonios; no date; found near Hereke: *LW 118. @ @@`176. Funerary inscription for Herakleides; no date: *CIG 3110. @ @@`177. Funerary inscription for Herkeios; no date: *BCH 1922, 349, no. 52; SEG 2, 630. @ @@`178. Funerary inscription for Hermas; no date: *LW 126. @ @@`179. Funerary inscription for Hermosilos; III&4`2& or later: *BCH 1922, 333%19`4, no. 18; **SEG 2, 596 (ll. 2%19`5). @ @@`180. Funerary inscription for Herodotos; no date: *BCH 1922, 350, no. 55; SEG 2, 633. @ @@`181. Funerary inscriptions for Hikesie, Patris, Apollodoros, Kallei[a], Herostratos, and Dionysia with honorary inscriptions by &3demos& and &3paides&; no date: *MDAI(A) 1891, 296%19`7, no. 20; **SGDI 5640 (ll. 1%19`2, 4). @ @@`182. Funerary inscription for Kalleia; no date: *BCH 1922, 348, no. 47; SEG 2, 625. @ @@`183. Funerary inscription for Kallikles Mikros; III&4`2& or later: *BCH 1922, 348, no. 45; SEG 2, 623. @ @@`184. Funerary inscription for Leukios (%6Lucius) Kanurios (%6Canurius); II or later: *LW 127. @ @@`185. Funerary inscription for Kapitoleinos (%6Capitolinus) and Bassos (%6Bassus) Betranos (%6Veteranus) with honorary inscriptions by &3epheboi, neoi, demos, gerousia,& and &3thiasoi&; II or later: *CIG 3112. @ @@`186. Funerary inscription for Cl(audius) Anankletos and Neike Ammas; 1&4`2& or later: *BCH 1880, 178, no. 38. @ @@`187. Funerary inscription for Cl(audius) Diodoros, Cl(audius) Agathopous, and Cl(audius) Meidas; AD 41 or later: CIG 3102; *LW 119. @ @@`188. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek by &3Augusti liberta Claudia for Laetus; AD 41 or later: *CIG 3077; **CIL III 422 (ll. 1%19`4). @ @@`189. Funerary inscriptions for Lysandra and Sosikles; no date: *CIG 3114. @ @@`190. Funerary inscription for Lysandra; no date: *BCH 1880, 172, no. 29. @ @@`191. Funerary inscription for Mania with graffiti; no date: *BCH 1922, 349, no. 53; **SEG 2, 631 (ll. 3, 5). @ @@`192. Funerary inscriptions for Mato and Demarche with honorary inscriptions by &3epheboi, neoi,& and &3thiasoi&; II or later: *CIG 3101; **Robert, JS 1968, pp. 204%19`5 (l. 3) @ @@`193. Funerary inscriptions for Menandros, Kallista, and Hagnon with honorary inscription by &3demos&; no date: CIG 3115; *LW 122. @ @@`194. Funerary inscription for Menekrates; no date: *CIG 3116. @ @@`195. Funerary inscription for Menodotos; no date: *CIG 3117. @ @@`196. Funerary inscription for Onesimos; no date: *CIG 3119. @ @@`197. Funerary inscription by (name lost) for herself, Onesimos, and Manieme; 1&4`2& or later: *BCH 1922, 336%19`7, no. 24; **SEG 2, 602 (ll. 1%19`2, 4%19`5). @ @@`198. Funerary inscriptions for Onesiphoros and Phoinix; 1 or later: *BCH 1922, 347, no. 42; **SEG 2, 620 (l. 2). @ @@`199. Funerary inscription by Paresia for herself, Alexandros, and Grap[tos]; 2 or later: *BCH 1922, 337%19`8, no. 25; **SEG 2, 603 (ll. 3%19`5, 7%19`9). @ @@`200. Funerary inscription for Perigenes; no date: *LW 121. @ @@`201. Funerary inscriptions by Polla for herself, her family, Athenais, and Athenais's children and by Aur(elius) Klymenos for Rhoupheina (%6Rufina), himself, and children; AD 161 or later: *CIG 3113. @ @@`202. Funerary inscription for Pisidike; no date: *Plassart %9 Picard, BCH 37, 1913, 193, no. 19. @ @@`203. Funerary inscription for Primos (%6Primus), Phila, and Theophila; I or later: *BCH 1922, 350, no. 57; SEG 2, 635. @ @@`204. Funerary inscription in Latin for [ ... ]us Priulleius Pius; II or later: *BCH 1925, 314, no. 19. @ @@`205. Funerary inscription for Prosodos; no date: *LW 116. @ @@`206. Funerary inscription for &3archisynagogos& P(ublius) Rhout(ilios) (%6Rutilius) Ioses and wife Bisinnia Demo; 3: *BCH 1880, 181, no. 44; **Hellenica 1, 27%19`8 (l. 1); CIJ II 744; Lifshitz, Donateurs no. 16; Horsley, New Documents 4, p. 216, no. 24. @ @@`207. Funerary inscription for Stolis; no date: *CIG 3121. @ @@`208. Funerary inscription for Sympherousa and children; no date: *Gelzer, RhM 27, 1872, 467, no. 8. @ @@`209. Funerary inscription by Tatias for himself, [Ap]ollonios, T[ ... ]ios, and S[i]toria; no date: *LW 128. @ @@`210. Funerary inscription for Teimokles; no date: *BCH 1922, 348, no. 46; SEG 2, 624. @ @@`211. Funerary inscription for Theomnestos; II or later: *BCH 1922, 348, no. 49; SEG 2, 627. @ @@`212. Funerary inscription for Theophila; no date: *BCH 1880, 172, no. 28; @ @@`213. Funerary inscription for Timesianax and Charmes; no date: *BCH 1880, 180, no. 41. @ @@`214. Funerary inscription by Tryphon for himself, Artemo, and children; no date: *CIG 3122. @ @@`215. Funerary inscription for Tryphon; no date: *BCH 1880, 173, no. 32. @ @@`216. Funerary inscription for Venusta; II or later: *BPhW 1892, 707, no. 7; BCH 1922, 349, no. 50; SEG 2, 628; Engelmann, ZPE 20, 1976, 156; SEG 26, 1309. @ @@`217. Funerary inscription by Zosime for herself, Diogenes, Artemas, and Alexandros; AD 14 or later: *CIG 3108; **Robert, Et. anat. p. 24 (ll. 8%19`9). @ @@`218. Funerary inscription by Tib(erius) Claudius Hermeias for Zotikos; AD 41 or later: *CIG 3109. @ See also: Teos 140%19`6, 271%19`2; IG II&4`2& 10031 (funerary inscription for Theophile Pharou of Oroanda; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 10032 (funerary inscription for Mateis Barakou of Oroanda; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 10442 (funerary inscription for Apollon[ia] of Teos; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 10443 (funerary inscription for Theodoros of Teos; found in Attica); Erythrai 220 (%6 IErythrai 430) (%6 CIL III 7112) (funerary inscription with honorary inscriptions by associations and towns, including Teos; found at Erythrai); Priene 1106 (%6 IPriene 290) (funerary inscription for [A]ntipatros Boiethou of [O]roanna and daughter; found at Priene); Smyrna 734 (%6 ISmyrna 128) (%6 Dain, ILouvre 49) (%6 Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 413) (funerary inscription for Thalea Athenagorou of Oroanna; found at Smyrna). @ ۏ@@@@Section: 16b. Name Fragmentary (219%19`234) @ @@`219. Funerary inscription for family, including son (?) of Antenos; III or later: *BCH 1922, 341, no. 29; **SEG 2, 607 (ll. 1%19`4). @ @@`220. Funerary inscription for daughter of Ap[ollo]doros; no date: *LW 125. @ @@`221. Funerary inscription in Latin for &3Augusti libertus Cati(us); 23 BC or later: *BCH 1922, 352%19`3, no. 67. @ @@`222. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]donios and [ ... ]nossa; no date; found at Yeni Demircili: *BPhW 1892, 708, no. 10. @ @@`223. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]gamikos; no date; found at Hereke: *BCH 1922, 350, no. 58; **SEG 2, 636 (l. 1). @ @@`224. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]iades; no date: *BCH 1922, 350, no. 59; SEG 2, 637. @ @@`225. Funerary inscriptions for [ ... ]iste[ ... ], Hermogenes, and [ ... ]chneon son of Demetr[ ... ]; no date: *BCH 1925, 313%19`4, no. 18; **SEG 4, 614 (ll. 2, 6, 7). @ @@`226. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]kataios; no date: *MDAI(A) 1891, 297%19`8, no. 22. @ @@`227. Funerary inscription for [Her]mogenes and Midas; 1 or later: *BCH 1922, 349, no. 54; SEG 2, 632. @ @@`228. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]leides with honorary inscription by &3demos&; Hellenistic: *Conze, Beschr. ant. Skulpt. 771; SEG 26, 1308. @ @@`229. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]s Mounat[ ... ]: II or later: *BCH 1922, 349, no. 51; **SEG 2, 629 (l. 1). @ @@`230. Funerary inscriptions for [ ... ]ndoros with honorary inscriptions by &3Diastai&; III&4`2& or later: *BCH 1922, 341%19`2, no. 31; **SEG 2, 609 (ll. 1, 7). @ @@`231. Funerary inscription with honorary inscriptions by &3thiasoi and &3gerousia& for [ ... ]pagatho[ ... ]; no date: *BCH 1925, 312%19`3, no. 14; **SEG 4, 610 (col. 3, l. 2). @ @@`232. Funerary inscriptions for [Hermo]thestos and Herod[ ... ]; no date: *BCH 1922, 350, no. 60; **SEG 2, 638 (col. 2, l. 2). @ @@`233. Funerary inscriptions for [E]ukles and [Eukleid]es; VI%3IV: *BCH 1922, 347%19`8, no. 44; SEG 2, 622. @ @@`234. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]usikles with honorary inscriptions by &3demos, paides, epheboi,& and &3neoi&; no date: *BCH 1925, 313, no. 15; SEG 4, 611. @ See also: IG II&4`2& 10444 (funerary inscription for [ ... ]xenos son of Kaletor of Teos (or son of Teios); found in Attica). @ @@@@Section: 16c. Name Lost (235%19`250) @ @@`235. Funerary inscription (for no name) with honorary inscriptions by &3symmoria, demos& of Erai (%6 Airai), &3paraprytaneis, and &3thiasos&; no date: *BCH 1880, 175%19`6, no. 35; **S%25ahin, EA 5, 1985, p. 15, note 3 (l. 1). @ @@`236. Funerary%3honorary inscriptions (for no name) by &3boule, &3demos, gerousia,& and &3neoi&; no date; found at Hereke: *MDAI(A) 1891, 297, no. 21. @ @@`237. Funerary inscription (for no name) with honorary inscription; no date: *MDAI(A) 1891, 298, no. 24. @ @@`238. Funerary%3honorary inscription (for no name) by &3thiasoi&; no date: *Plassart %9 Picard, BCH 37, 1913, 193, no. 18. @ @@`239. Funerary%3honorary inscriptions (for no name) by &3gerousia, etc.; Hellenistic or imperial: *BCH 1922, 343, no. 33&3bis&; SEG 2, 612. @ @@`240. Funerary inscription (for no name); III&4`2& or later: *BCH 1922, 343%19`4, no. 35; **SEG 2, 614 (ll. 0%19`8). @ @@`241. Funerary inscription (for no name) with honorary inscriptions by &3strategoi,& [&3gram&]&3matophylakes,& and another group; II or later: *BCH 1880, 173%19`4, no. 33. @ @@`242. Funerary inscription (for no name) with honorary inscriptions by &3synarchontes, thiasos, orgeones, paraprytaneis, &3Samothrakiastai, mystai,& and &3Attalistai&; II&7m&: *BCH 1880, 164%19`7, no. 21. @ @@`243. Funerary inscription (for no name) in Latin and Greek with honorary inscription by &3demos&; 30 BC or later: *CIG 3125; **CIL III 421 (l. 5); **IGRR IV 1580 (ll. 2, 7%19`8). @ @@`244. Funerary inscription (for no name); 1 or later: *BCH 1922, 347, no. 38; SEG 2, 617. @ @@`245. Funerary inscription (for no name); 1 or later: *BCH 1922, 340%19`1, no. 28; SEG 2, 606. @ @@`246. Funerary%3honorary inscriptions (for no name) by &3demos, &3apalaistroi, epheboi, neoi,& and &3gerousia&; 1 or later: *BCH 1922, 342%19`3, no. 33; SEG 2, 611. @ @@`247. Funerary inscription (for no name); AD 41 or later: CIG 3126; *LW 123. @ @@`248. Funerary inscription for family (no name); 1&4`2& or later: *BCH 1922, 335%19`6, no. 23 (PH); **SEG 2, 601 (ll. 1, 3). @ @@`249. Funerary inscription (for no name) with honorary inscription by &3thiasoi&; 2 or later: MDAI(A) 1891, 298%19`9, no. 25; *BCH 1922, 338%19`9, no 26 (PH); SEG 2, 604. @ @@`250. Funerary inscription (for no name); 2 or later: *BCH 1922, 339%19`40, no. 27 (PH); **SEG 2, 605 (ll. 2, 6, 8%19`10). @ See also: Teos 146%19`9; Erythrai 253 (%6 IErythrai 422) (%6 JO+AI 13, 1910 Beibl. 71, 56) (funerary inscription with honorary inscriptions by various associations and cities, including Teos; found at Erythrai). @ @@@@Section: 16d. For Foreigners (251%19`260) @ @@`251. Funerary inscription for Menias of Ankyra; no date: *BCH 1925, 313, no. 17; SEG 4, 613. @ @@`252. Funerary inscription for Epigonos of Apamea; no date: *BCH 1880, 172, no. 31. @ @@`253. Funerary inscription for Hermip[pos] of Apamea; III or later: *BCH 1880, 172, no. 30. @ @@`254. Funerary inscription for Anthesterios of Athens; no date: *LW 120. @ @@`255. Funerary inscription for Euboula of Athens with honorary inscription by Sabaziastai; III&4`2& or later: *BCH 1922, 341, no. 30; SEG 2, 608. @ @@`256. Funerary inscription for Euphron (of Heraklea?); no date: *CIG 3107. @ @@`257. Funerary inscription for Apollonides of Kolophon; no date: *BCH 1880, 171, no. 27. @ @@`258. Funerary inscription for Demetrios of Marathos; no date: *BCH 1922, 350, no. 56; SEG 2, 634. @ @@`259. Funerary inscription for Dionysia of Sardis; III or later: *BCH 1922, 351, no. 62; SEG 2, 640. @ @@`260. Funerary inscription in Latin for &3Augusti libertus& C(aius) Venuleius Flaccinus from Tungri in Gaul; 23 BC or later: *BCH 1922, 352, no. 66. @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ See also: Halikarnassos 100 (%6 BCH 4, 1880, 401, 12) (%6 Loewy 305) (%6 JO+AI 8, 1905, 238) (artist's signature by Daimenes Daimenou of Oroanna after honorary%3dedicatory inscription; found at Halikarnassos). @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (261%19`262) @ @@`261. Curse against rebels, etc.; 469%3`459 BC; found at Hereke: CIG 3044; *LW 59 (for part A); IGA 497; Syll&4`3& 37%19`8; SEG 4, 616; Tod I 23; SEG 19, 686; *ML 30 (* for part B, ** for part A, ll. 10%19`1); SEG 26, 1304; ** Merkelbach, ZPE 46, 1982, p. 213 (part B, ll. 3, 5) (See also Teos 262). @ @@`262. Curse against rebels, etc., perhaps identical with Teos 261; 480%3`450 BC: *Herrmann, Chiron 11, 1981, 1%19`30; **Merkelbach, ZPE 46, 1982, pp. 212%19`3 (part A, ll. 21%19`2). @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (263%19`265) @ @@`263. Inscription on Christian votive monument; 4%3`5; found at Hereke: *LW 113; **BCH 1880, 182, no. 45 (l. 1). @ @@`264. Christian votive inscription by &3naukleros&; 4%3`5; found at Yukar#1221 Demircili: *BPhW 1892, 708, no. 9; Gre/goire, Recueil 64. @ @@`265. Christian dedicatory inscription; 5 or later; found at Yukar#1221 Demircili: *BPhW 1892, 707%19`8, no. 8. @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (266) @ @@`266. Inscriptions in Latin on marble blocks indicating date, use, and payer; AD 163%3`165: LW 112; CIL III 419; *Be/quignon, RA 28, 1928, 203%19`8, no.'s 2%19`10. @ See also: Syll&4`3& 1 (signatures in Nubia of mercenaries from Greek towns, including Teos; found at Abu Simbel); CIG 8537 (legend of lead weight containing reference to Teos; found on Aigina); IG XII 5 no. 444 XXVII (Marmor Parium mentions founding of Teos; found on Paros); CIG 8536 (legend of lead weight containing reference to Teos; unknown provenance). @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (267%19`284) @ @@`267. Fragment of decree (?) concerning temple; IV%3III: *BCH 1922, pp. 332%19`3, no. 14; SEG 2, 592. @ @@`268. Honorary decree (?) of Airai; IV; found at Yukar#1221 Demircili: *BPhW 1892, p. 739, no. 11. @ @@`269. Horos (?); III or later (?): *BCH 1922, p. 351, no. 64; **SEG 2, 642 (l. 1). @ @@`270. List of names with fathers' (?) names in genitive, including one (father?) from Kindye; II or later: *LW 130. @ @@`271. Roman citizen's full name in nominative; AD 41%3`200: *CIG 3081; SEG 4, 620. @ @@`272. Roman citizen's full name in nominative and his daughter's name in nominative; AD 41%3`200: *BCH 1880, 174%19`5, no. 34; Hunt, JHS 67, 1947, 68%19`75. @ @@`273. Inscription dated by &3strategos$;& or later: *CIG 3129. @ @@`274. Fragment; 3: *BCH 1925, 312, no. 13; SEG 4, 609. @ @@`275. Fragment; no date: *LW 129. @ @@`276. Fragment; no date: *LW 1561. @ @@`277. Fragment; no date: *LW 1562. @ @@`278. Fragment; no date: *LW 1563. @ @@`279. Fragment; no date: *BCH 1922, 334, no. 19; SEG 2, 597. @ @@`279.5. Fragment; 1 or later: *BCH 1922, 333, no. 17; SEG 2, 595. @ @@`280. Fragment; no date: *BCH 1922, 343, no. 34; **SEG 2, 613 (l. 1). @ @@`281. Fragment of decree (?) of &3neoi& and &3epheboi& (?); no date: *BCH 1925, 310, no. 7; SEG 4, 603. @ @@`282. Fragment; no date: *BCH 1925, 312, no. 12; SEG 4, 608. @ @@`283. Unpublished inscription mentioning queens of Lagidai; no date: Robert, Anatolian Studies 6, 1956, 25. @ @@`284. Fragment; no date: *Anadolu 1965, 29%19`157, III (PH). @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_)