@@@@{1Alabanda}1 @@@@{1(Compiled by Donald F. McCabe)}1 @ Local bibliography: @@Kubitschek %9 Reichel: Kubitschek %9 Reichel, AAWW 1893, @@@@`92%19`105. @ Almost all the inscriptions listed were found at sites identified as being within the territory of Alabanda or Alinda. Inscriptions were found at the following sites, of which those which have not been located on a map are identified with a question mark: @@Alabanda (Arab%19Hisar, Araphisar) @@Alinda (Demircidere, Karpuzlu) (prob. %6 Kapraklar) @@Ancinko+y (?) (Augin%19keui+) @@C%25ine (Tchinar, Tschinat) @@Cumal#1221 (Zhumarlee%19Cooe, Zoumarli%19Keui) @@Eski C%25ine @@Gerga (Giaur Pazar, Gavurdamlar#1221, Giaour Ev, Giaour%19ew) @@Kahraman (Karaman%19Keui+) @@Kapraklar (prob. %6 Alinda) @@Karakollar (%6 Karaullar, Karavolar?). @ Epigraphic references from outside the territory of Knidos to the following sites are listed here (those with a question mark have not been located): @@Alabanda (Araphisar) @@Alinda (Karpuzlu) @@Gerga. @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`2) @ @@`1. Honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& (of Alinda?) for Dionytas and Apollas, mentioning Olympichos, on marble; III&4e&%3II&4b&; found at Alinda: *Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 291%19`298, no. 1 (PH); BE 1936:384; BE 1944:167; BE 1970:541. @ @@`2. Honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& (of Alabanda) for (?) Pyrrha[kos (?)], on marble slab; II%3I&4b&; found at Kahraman: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 10, 1886, 299%19`306, no. 1; *Holleaux, REG 11, 1898, 258%19`266; BE 1900:133; BE 1938:407; BE 1939:363; BE 1969:535. @ See also: Amyzon 2 (%6 IAmyzon no. 14) (honorary decree of Amyzon for Chi[onis ... ,] governor of Alinda; found at Amyzon); Amyzon 8, ll. 11%19`14 (%6 IAmyzon no. 15) (honorary decree of Amyzon for &3epistates& Menestratos Agathok[2l]2eious of Phokaia mentions his writing to Chionis, governor of Alinda, and his recovering property of Amyzon from Alinda; found at Amyzon); Pounder, Hesperia 47, 1978, 49%19`51 (%6 BE 1979:448) (honorary decree of Athens for &3demos& of Antiocheia (of the Chrysaorians) and for &3presb&[&3eis&] Pausimachos Iatrokleous and Aristophanes Iatrokleous accepting &3asylia& of territory consecrated to [Z]eus Chrys[ao]reus and Apollo Isotimos; found in Attica); AE 1901, 155 (%6 AE 1901, 90) (%6 BE 1903:100) (honorary decree of Alabanda for foreign judges (no name); found at Chalkis); OGIS 234 (%6 FD III 4, 163) (honorary decree of &3koinon& of Amphiktions for Antiocheia of Chrysaoreis; found at Delphi); Ephesos 18 (%6 IEphesos 2004) (honorary decree of Ephesos for Hieron Leontiskou of Alabanda; found at Ephesos); CIG 2152b (p. 1018) (%6 LW 1609) (%6 AE 1901, 150) (%6 BE 1903:100) (honorary decree of Alabanda for foreign judges Agathopous [ ... ] et al. of Karystos; found at Karystos); Mylasa 41, l. 15 (%6 IMylasa 118) (honorary decree of &3phy&[&3le& of Otorkondeis] for (no name) mentions his visiting (?) Al%1[ab]anda; found at Mylasa); Panamara 7 (%6 IStratonikeia 7) (honorary decree of &3koinon& of Panamara for Leon Chrysaoros (of Alabanda?) giving him citizenship; found at Panamara near Stratonikeia); Priene 106, l. 33 (%6 IPriene 121) (honorary decree [of Priene] for (no name), mentioning embassies to Alabanda and other cities; found at Priene); Theangela 3 (%6 ZPE 34, 1979, 213, no. 2) (honorary decree of Theangela for Minnion of Antiocheia (%6 Alabanda?); found at Theangela). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (_) @ See also: Miletos 64 (%6 Priene 137) (Alabanda among addressees of letter of Roman praetor; found at Miletos and Priene). @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (3) @ @@`3. Fragment of public accounts; no date; found at Alabanda: *LW 581.a. @ See also: IG I&4`3& 71, 259%19`290 (two mentions of Alinda in Athenian Tribute Lists; found in Attica); Didyma 66 (%6 IDidyma 66) (inventory of donations mentions &3phiale& from Alabanda; found at Didyma); Iasos 130, ll. 7%19`8 (%6 IIasos 192) (%6 LW 293) (list of choregic donations mentions Menes Papiadou of Alinda; found at Iasos); Iasos 136, l. 10 (%6 IIasos 187) (%6 LW 288) (list of choregic donations mentions Menoitas Proteos of Alinda; found at Iasos); Iasos 137, ll. 8%19`9 (%6 IIasos 188) (%6 LW 289) (list of choregic donations mentions &3metoikos& Theodoros Theodorou of Alinda; found at Iasos); Iasos 150, ll. 19%19`21 (%6 IIasos 175) (list of choregic donations lists payment by Dionysios Antigonou of Alabanda; found at Iasos). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (4%19`6) @ @@`4. Reclassified as Hyllarima 8. @ @@`5. Dedication to Augusti, Apollo Isotimos, and Demos by Tiberius Claudius Napes; imperial; found at Alabanda: *Edhem Bey, CRAI 1906, 419; BE 1907:82; Robert, BCH 49, 1925, 228. @ @@`6. Dedication to Apollo Isotimos by Menippos Kobes, on column; no date; found at Karakollar: *Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 298%19`299, no. 2 (PH); BE 1936:384. @ See also: Hyllarima 8 (%6 former Alabanda 4) (%6 LW 1583) (%6 Ann. Inst. Arch. 1852, 146, I) (%6 BCH 18, 1894, 41, 5%19`6) (%6 SDAW 1894, 918, no. III) (dedication of &3pronaos lithinos& to Antoninus Pius, Zeus Hyllos, and &3patris& by Tiberius Claudius He[r]akleitos and Cl(audia) Aristogenis, with artist's signature by (no name), on architrave; found at Hyllarima and at Kapraklar nearby, not at Orthosia, not at Eski C%25ine near Alabanda) @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (_) @ See also: IG II&4`2& 2313, col. II, l. 54 (list of victors includes [ ... ]on Paioniou, &3Chrysaoreus& from Antioc[cheia]; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 2314, col. I, ll. 15, 23 (list of victors includes Basileides Herakontos and Proteas Protomenou of Alabanda; found in Attica); Chios 53, l. 2 (%6 Athena 20, 1908, 213, no. 12) (list of Chian &3proxenoi& includes [Ni]keas Gorgiou of Alabanda; found on Chios); Plassart, BCH 45, 1921, 6, no. IC(a), l. 13 (list of &3theorodokoi& includes (no name) at Ant[iocheia] of Chrysaoreis; found at Delphi); SGDI 2587 (record of grant of &3proxenia& and other privileges to Artemidoros Menyllou of Alabanda and brothers Agemon and Sisyphos; found at Delphi); Syll&4`3& ll. 189%19`190 (%6 SGDI 2581) (list of &3proxenoi& of Delphi includes Ammonios Ammoniou of Alabanda; found at Delphi); Lagina 13, l. 215 (%6 IStratonikeia 508) (%6 OGIS 441) (Alabanda listed among cities accepting &3asylia& of temple of Hekate in Stratonikeia (Lagina); found at Lagina near Stratonikeia); IG IX 2, 534, l. 17 (list of victors includes Apollonios Menophilou of Alabanda; found at Larisa in Thessaly); Miletos 187 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 104) (record of appointment as &3proxenos& of Miletos of Pausanias of Alabanda; found at Miletos); Miletos 200 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 116) (record of appointment as &3proxenos& of Miletos of Sarapion of Alabanda; found at Miletos); Mylasa 157.9, ll. 9%19`11 (%6 EA 16, 1911, 32%19`34) (%6 IMylasa 12) (treaty between Mylasa and (no name) concerning sale of land, with list of witnesses including [P]aos Artemonos, Memakos Panamyo, Artimes Samou, and &3ker&[&3yx&] Manes, of Alabanda; found at Sek near Mylasa). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (7%19`8) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (7%19`8) @ @@`7. Inscription of Apollo Eleutherios Se[b]asto[s,] on base; 27 BC%3AD 14?; found at Cumal#1221: Fellows, Discoveries 52 %7 362 no. 75; CIG 2903f (p. 1122); *LW 549. @ @@`8. Dedication to Hermes Agoraios by Moschion Moschionos &3agoranomos&; Hellenistic; found at Kahraman: *Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 10, 1886, 308, no. 3; Reinach, REG 5, 1892, 411, no. 6BE 1893:287. @ See also: Alabanda 4%19`6, 19, 23%19`24; Labraunda 87 (%6 ILabraunda 37) (dedication by [ ... ... ]o%1to[u t]ou Pythea of A%1labad%1a (&3sic&) on statue%19base; found at Labraunda); Stratonikeia 64 (%6 IStratonikeia 1005) (%6 Robert, Glad. no 167) (%6 BCH 15, 1891, 424, no. 5) (%6 MDAI(A) 27, 1902, 270, 3) (%6 Kubitschek %9 Reichel 98) (dedication to Zeus, Heka[te,] and Nemesis by [&3st&]&3rategoi&; from Stratonikeia (or Lagina?), later near Alabanda). @ @@@@Section: 9b. Other Religious Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Alabanda 97. @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (9%19`22.7) @ @@`9. Honorary inscription for Julius [Caesar] by &3demo&[&3s,&] on base of white marble; 48%3`45 BC; found at Alabanda: Pappakonstantinou, MDAI(A) 27, 1902, 269, no. 1; Hellenica 10, 259; BE 1956:247; SEG 15, 662; *Tuchelt, Alabanda01. @ @@`10. Honorary inscription for Germanicus Caesar [by &3dem&]&3os,& on round altar; AD 4%3`19; found at Alabanda, later at Eski C%25ine: *LW 550; Briot, BCH 18, 1894, 543; BE 1895:459. @ @@`11. Deleted: reclassified under Alabanda 10. @ @@`12. Honorary inscription for Marcus Antonius Mel[e]agros, descendant of &3basileis,& by &3demos,& on base of white marble; 27 BC%3AD 14; found at Kahraman: *Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 10, 1886, 305%19`307, no. 2; Reinach, REG 5, 1892, 411%19`412, no. 7; BE 1893:287; Robert, Laodice/e 309, note 0; BE 1970:540. @ @@`13. Honorary inscription for [A]ristogenes Meniskou, &3hiereus& of Hygieia and [S]oteria of emperor and of Helios; 27 BC%3AD 14; found at Eski C%25ine: *Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 300%19`303, no. 3 (PH); BE 1936:384; Ehrenberg %9 Jones no. 114. @ @@`14. Honorary inscription for [Aristolaos Gorgiou] by [&3syngeneia&] (no name); no date; found at Karakollar: *Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 10, 1886, 308%19`309, no. 4, ll. 1%19`4. @ @@`15. Honorary inscription for Aristolaos Gorgiou by &3syngeneia& of [P]ityeis (?); no date; found at Karakollar: *Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 10, 1886, 308%19`309, no. 4, ll. 5%19`11. @ @@`16. Honorary inscription for Aristolaos Gorgiou by &3demos& of Stratonikeia; no date; found at Karakollar: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 10, 1886, 308%19`310, no. 4, ll. 12%19`17; *IStratonikeia 1022. @ @@`17. Honorary inscription for [Aris]tolaos Gorgiou by &3dem&[&3os&] of [ ... ]ioi; no date; found at Alabanda: *Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 10, 1886, 308%19`311, no. 4, ll. 18%19`23. @ @@`18. Deleted: reclassified under Alabanda 12. @ @@`19. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Chrysaor Kalikleous Gaius by &3demos&; imperial; found at Alabanda, not at Alinda: *CIG 2900. @ @@`19.5. Honorary inscription for Euphrantis Myos by son Apollonios Iatrokleious, on statue%19base; no date; found at Alabanda: *Edhem Bey, CRAI 1905, 454. @ @@`20. Honorary (?) inscription for Menippos Dionysiou; no date; found at Alinda: Be/rard, BCH 15, 1891, 540, no. 6; *Hula %9 Szanto 3. @ @@`21. Honorary inscription for Ouliades Menippou &3gymnasiarchesas by &3neoi& and &3epheboi&; no date; found at Alinda: *Be/rard, BCH 15, 1891, 540, no. 5; BE 1892:364. @ @@`21.5. Honorary inscription for [ ... ] Dionysiou and Ar%1t%1e[midor ... ] by &3demos& of Ala%1[banda (?),] on fragment of base; no date; found at Eski C%25ine: *Kubitschek %9 Reichel 99. @ @@`22. Reclassified as Hyllarima 19. @ @@`22.2. Unpublished honorary inscription, on statue%19base; no date; found at Alabanda: Edhem Bey, CRAI 1905, 454. @ @@`22.5. Unpublished honorary inscription, on statue%19base; no date; found at Alabanda: Edhem Bey, CRAI 1905, 454. @ @@`22.7. Unpublished honorary inscription, on statue%19base; no date; found at Alabanda: Edhem Bey, CRAI 1905, 454. @ See also: Alabanda 1%19`2, 26, 93%19`94; IAssos 9 (honorary inscription for Lanthes Prodikou, &3dikastes,& by Mylasa, Alabanda, et al.; found at Assos); FD III 3, 192, ll. 7%19`8 (honorary inscription of Delphi for Artemid[o]r[os] Menyllou of Alabanda et al.; found at Delphi); FD III 3, 193 (honorary inscription of Delphi for Dionysikles Iatrokleous of Alabanda; found at Delphi); Herakleia Salb. 16 (%6 ILS 9471) (%6 La Carie II no. 78) (%6 JO+AI 13, 1910, 200) (%6 BE 1955:199) (honorary inscription for [L(ucius) (?)] Aburnius Tuscianus; said to be from Alabanda, but from Herakleia Salb.); Hyllarima 19 (%6 former Alabanda 22) (%6 LW 1583&3bis&) (%6 Ann. Inst. Arch. 1852, 146, II) (%6 former Alabanda 120) (%6 former Hyllarima 33) (%6 BCH 18, 1894, 42, 7) (%6 BCH 18, 1894, 340) (%6 BE 1895:460) (fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (no name), with artist's signature by (no name), on base; prob. found at Hyllarima, poss. at Kapraklar near Hyllarima, not at C%25ine or Eski C%25ine near Alabanda, nor at Orthosia); Rhodian Peraia 114 (%6 ABSA 52, 1957, 79, 11) (%6 SEG 18, 446) (honorary inscription for (no name) by Nikada of Alabanda et al.; found at Idyma in Rhodian Peraia). @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (23%19`25) @ @@`23. Dedication in Latin to Diocletian, Maximian, Constantius (I), and Galerius, on milestone; AD 293%3`305; found near Alabanda: *LW 551.a. @ @@`24. Dedication in Latin to Constantine (I) and Licinius, on milestone for fifth mile; AD 312%3`324; found near Alabanda: *LW 551.b. @ @@`25. Inscription dated under &3hegemo&(&3n&) Fulvius Astikos, on milestone for fifth mile from Alabanda; late imperial; found near Alabanda: *LW 551.c. @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (26%19`28) @ @@`26. Honorary (?) inscription in elegiacs for athlete Polyneikes, on stone with relief; imperial?; found at Karakollar: *Pappakonstantinou, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, 125; BE 1902:89; Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 299%19`300 (PH); Robert, Glad. no. 169. @ @@`27. Funerary inscription for [N]ereus &3didask&[&3alos,&] in hexameters; no date; found at Alabanda: LW 587; *Kaibel 294. @ @@`28. Funerary inscription in attempted verse for (?) Tryphon; imperial?; found at Kahraman: *Reinach, REG 5, 1892, 410, no. 5; BE 1892:287. @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (29%19`96) @ @@`29. Funerary inscription of Anton[ius ... ]; Roman; found at Alabanda: *LW 578. @ @@`30. Funerary inscription of Ant(onius) Z[ ... ] &3pyrapte&[&3s&], on sarcophagus; imperial; found at Alabanda: *Bean, AnAr 1 (%6 JKAF 3) 1955, 53, no. 5; BE 1958:452; SEG 19, 661. @ @@`31. &3Angeion& inscription for Apollodora; no date; found at Alabanda: *LW 558. @ @@`32. Funerary inscription for wife Apona Euodia by Cl(auidus) Trophimos; imperial; found at Alabanda: *Pappakonstantinou, MDAI(A) 24, 1899, 92%19`93. @ @@`33. Funerary inscription of Aurelius Alkibiades and wife Aurelia Kaliope; imperial; found at Alabanda: Fellows, Discoveries 57; *CIG 2903b (p. 1122). @ @@`34. Funerary inscription of Aur(elius) Boudios (?); imperial; found at Alabanda: *LW 555. @ @@`35. Funerary inscription of Aur(elius) Chryseros Manius; imperial; found at Alabanda: *CIG 2902. @ @@`36. Funerary inscription of Aur(elius) Demetrios; imperial; found at Alabanda: *LW 552. @ @@`37. Funerary inscription of Aur(elius) Hermeio[s]; imperial; found at Alabanda: *LW 571. @ @@`38. Funerary inscription of Aurelius Hierokles Thearides; imperial; found at Alabanda: *CIG 2901. @ @@`39. Funerary inscription of Aur(elius) Menand[ros,] &3oikios& of Aristolaos; imperial; found at Alabanda: *LW 574. @ @@`40. Funerary inscription of Aur(elius) Neikepho[ros]; imperial; found at Alabanda: *LW 566. @ @@`40.5. Unpublished funerary inscription of Aur(elius) Philometoris; imperial; found at Alabanda: Kubitschek %9 Reichel 98. @ @@`41. Funerary inscription of Aur(elius) Tatianus &3dida&[&3skalos&]; imperial; found at Alabanda: *LW 553. @ @@`42. Funerary inscription of [M]ar(cus) Aur(elius) Tatianus; imperial; found at Alabanda: *LW 556. @ @@`43. Funerary inscription of Aur(elius) Thallos &3iatros,& on sarcophagus; imperial?; found at Alabanda: *Nutton, PBSR 37, 1969, 97%19`98, no. C; BE 1973:402. @ @@`44. Funerary inscription of Aure(lius) Tryphon &3byrseus,& on sarcophagus; imperial; found at Alabanda: *Bean, AnAr 1 (%6 JKAF 3) 1955, 53, no. 2; BE 1958:452; SEG 19, 658. @ @@`45. &3Angeion& inscription of Diog[enes]; no date; found at Alabanda: *LW 561. @ @@`46. Funerary (?) inscription of Dionysikles &3heima&[&3tiourgos&]; no date; found at Alabanda: *LW 554. @ @@`47. Funerary inscription of Dionysios; no date; found at Alabanda: *LW 579. @ @@`48. Funerary inscription of Dionysios &3kepouro&[&3s&], on sarcophagus; imperial; found at Alabanda: *Bean, AnAr 1 (%6 JKAF 3) 1955, 53, no. 3; BE 1958:452; SEG 19, 659. @ @@`49. Funerary (?) inscription of Epagathos &3gna&[&3pheus&]; no date; found at Alabanda: *LW 564; BE 1955:199. @ @@`49.5. Funerary inscription of Epaphras Philoumenou &3trapezeites&; no date; found at Alabanda: *LW 557. @ @@`50. Funerary inscription of Ephebos Neikanoros (or of son of Neikanor (?)), on sarcophagus; imperial?; found at Ancinko+y: *Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 34. @ @@`51. Funerary inscription of Eukarpos &3oikeios& of Aristogenes (?); no date; found at Alabanda: *LW 563. @ @@`52. Reclassified as Hyllarima 24. @ @@`53. Funerary inscription of Eutyches [D]o[x]ipatros (?); no date; found at Alabanda: *LW 562. @ @@`54. Funerary inscription of Gennadios Nereos, &3didaskalos&; no date; found at Alabanda: *LW 586. @ @@`55. Inscription Gergas on door of Carian tomb (or temple); imperial?; found at Gerga: Cousin, BCH 24, 1900, 28; Laumonier, BCH 60, 1936, 294 (PH); *Bean, AS 19, 1969, 181 (PH); BE 1972:416. @ @@`56. Inscription Gergas on slab of tomb (or fountain%19house); imperial?; found at Gerga: Cousin, BCH 24, 1900, 29; *Bean, AS 19, 1969, 181, no. 3. @ @@`57. Inscription Gergas on slab in tomb (or fountain%19house); imperial?; found at Gerga: *Cousin, BCH 24, 1900, 30. @ @@`58. First of three Gerga Kome inscriptions on interior wall of tomb (or fountain%19house); imperial?; found at Gerga: *Bean, AS 19, 1969, 181, no. 1. @ @@`59. Second of three Gerga Kome inscriptions on interior wall of tomb (or fountain%19house); imperial?; found at Gerga: *Bean, AS 19, 1969, 181, no. 1. @ @@`60. Third of three Gerga Kome inscriptions on interior wall of tomb (or fountain%19house); imperial?; found at Gerga: *Bean, AS 19, 1969, 181, no. 1. @ @@`61. First of three Gerga inscriptions on tomb (or fountain%19house,) on right interior wall; imperial?; found at Gerga: *Bean, AS 19, 1969, 181, no. 2. @ @@`62. Second of three Gerga inscriptions on tomb (or fountain%19house,) on edge of roof%19slab; imperial?; found at Gerga: *Bean, AS 19, 1969, 181, no. 2 (PH). @ @@`63. Third of three Gerga inscriptions on tomb (or fountain%19house,) on roof; imperial?; found at Gerga: Laumonier, BCH 60, 1936, 288; *Bean, AS 19, 1969, 181, no. 2. @ @@`64. Inscription Ger on left interior wall of tomb (or fountain%19house); imperial?; found at Gerga: *Bean, AS 19, 1969, 181, no. 4. @ @@`65. Inscription Gerga on block of tomb (or fountain%19house); imperial?; found at Gerga: *Laumonier, BCH 60, 1936, 290; Bean, AS 19, 1969, 181. @ @@`66. Inscription Gergau (?) on stone inside tomb; no date; found at Gerga: *Cousin, BCH 24, 1900, 29, no. 1. @ @@`67. &3Angion& inscription of [Hekat]omnon and children; no date; found at Alabanda: LW 581.b; *Robert, Et. anat. 436. @ @@`68. Funerary inscription of [children] of Hermeros &3archiatros and Aur(elius) Dionysios; imperial; found at Alabanda: *LW 568. @ @@`69. Funerary inscription of P(ublius) Honor(ius) Eutyches &3enporos&; imperial; found at Alabanda: CIG 2903; *LW 584. @ @@`70. Funerary inscription for Iason Phosasao (?), on sarcophagus; imperial?; found at Ancinko+y: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 34; *Cousin, BCH 24, 1900, 26. @ @@`71. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Iatrokles Iatrokleous, on marble stone; II&4`2&%3I; found at Karakollar: Hauvette %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 180, no. 1, col. 3; *Syll&4`3& 1226.III. @ @@`72. Funerary inscription for wife Iulia by Strategikos; imperial; found at Mylasa, from near Eski C%25ine: Briot, BCH 18, 1894, 543; BE 1895:459; *Robert, Et. anat. 515, note 1; Robert, La Carie II p. 279, note 4. @ @@`73. &3Angeion& inscription of [G(aius)] Iul(ius) Diogenianos &3phasiana&[&3r&]&3ios&; imperial; found at Alabanda: Fellows, Discoveries 57; CIG 2903e (p. 1122); LW 559; *Robert, Et. anat. 434%19`436; BE 1938:408. @ @@`74. Funerary inscription of Ti(berius) Cl(audius) Deionysios &3sakkoplokos,& on stele; imperial; found at Kahraman: *Bean, AnAr 1 (%6 JKAF 3) 1955, 52, no. 1; BE 1958:452; SEG 19, 657. @ @@`75. End of funerary inscription for Cl(audius) Mel[ ... ] et al., with penalty for unauthorized burial, on stone used as step; imperial; found at Kahraman: *Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 33, no. 1; BE 1895:459. @ @@`76. Funerary inscription of &3didaskalos& and &3g&(&3yne&) (?) Leimia (?); no date; found at Alabanda: *LW 582. @ @@`77. Honorary(?)%3funerary inscription for Leon (?) et al.; imperial?; found at Karakollar: *Pappakonstantinou, MDAI(A) 27, 1902, 270, no. 2. @ @@`78. Inscription Mar[i]og%1 (?), on stone in tomb; no date; found at Gerga: *Cousin, BCH 24, 1900, 29, no. 2. @ @@`79. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Menekl[es M[eni[os (?),] &3strategos epi choras,& by &3demos,& on marble stone; II&4`2&%3I; found at Alabanda: Hauvette %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 180, no. 1, col. 2; *Syll&4`3& 1226.II. @ Ϫ@@`79.5. &3Mnemion& inscription of Mousaios Mousaiou; no date; found at Alabanda: *Kubitschek %9 Reichel 98. @ @@`80. Funerary inscription of Oxiokholkos (?); no date; found at Alabanda: *LW 567. @ @@`81. Funerary inscription for (?) Straton and &3teknon Arch[2i]2eratike Phile, on stone with funerary relief; imperial?; found at Alabanda, later at Thyateira: *Pappakonstantinou, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, 126. @ @@`82. [&3Ange&]&3ion& (?) inscription of [ ... ]tos and Potos (?); no date; found at Alabanda: Fellows, Discoveries 57; *CIG 2903d (p. 1122). @ @@`83. Funerary inscription of Samo[s ... ]; no date; found at Alabanda: *LW 565. @ @@`84. Funerary inscription for Severinus by father Soter, on slab; Roman; found near Eski C%25ine: *Briot, BCH 18, 1894, 543; BE 1895:459. @ @@`85. Funerary inscription of Sopatros; no date; found at Alabanda: *LW 580. @ @@`86. Funerary inscription for (gladiator) Sphekas, on marble stone; imperial; found at Karakollar: Hauvette %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 181%19`182, no. 2; *Robert, Glad. no. 170. @ @@`87. Funerary inscription for Tyche Ktesiou; no date; found at Alabanda: *LW 577. @ @@`88. Funerary inscription of Tyche Dos[ ... ]inou; no date; found at Alabanda: *LW 560. @ @@`89. Funerary inscription for Zenon Zo[ ... ]oklou; no date; found at Alabanda: *LW 572. @ ٪@@`89.5. Unpublished funerary inscription of Z[o]simos &3baph&[&3e&]&3us&; no date; found at Alabanda: *Kubitschek %9 Reichel 98. @ @@`90. Funerary inscription of [ ... ]os (?), &3sophistes&; no date; found at Alabanda: *LW 573. @ @@`91. Funerary inscription for (?) [ ... ]otos &3tareicho&[&3poles& (?),] on sarcophagus; imperial; found at Alabanda: *Bean, AnAr 1 (%6 JKAF 3) 1955, 53, no. 4; BE 1958:452; SEG 19, 660. @ @@`92. Funerary inscription for children (?) of Crispinus &3sophistes&; imperial?; found at Alabanda: *LW 575. @ @@`93. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [ ... ] Arte[ ... &3st&]&3rategos [&3epi chor&]&3as& by &3dem&[&3os,&] on marble stone; II&4`2&%3I; found at Karakollar: Hauvette %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 180, no. 1, col. 1; *Syll&4`3& 1226.I. @ @@`94. Honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name), recording honors by Miletos, Iasos, Parion, Bargylia, Heraklea (Latm.), Kos, Hyllarima, and M[ ... ]; no date; found at Kahraman: *Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 10, 1886, 311%19`314, no. 4 (* for ll. 1%19`16, 24%19`29); *Cousin, BCH 32, 1908, 203%19`204 (* for ll. 17%19`23, 30%19`39); BE 1909:316; **Gre/goire, BCH 33, 1909, 170 (l. 34); BE 1910:332. @ @@`95. &3Angeion& inscription of [ ... ]; imperial?; found at Alabanda: Fellows, Discoveries 57; *CIG 2903c (p. 1122). @ @@`96. Funerary inscription of (no name), &3oikeios& of Aur(elius) Zo[simos]; imperial; found at Alabanda: *LW 570. @ See also: Alabanda 27%19`28, 98, 120; Attouda 25, no. B, l. 14 (%6 MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 103) (honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) by &3demoi& of [Alaban]da (?) and other cities; found at Antiocheia Mai.); Hyllarima 24 (%6 former Alabanda 52) (%6 BCH 18, 1894, 42, 8) (%6 BE 1895:460) (funerary inscription for Euporion by parents Euporion and Tatia; found at Kapraklar near Hyllarima, not at Alinda); Maiuri, Nuova silloge no. 138 (funerary inscription of Pytheas of Alabanda; found on Rhodes); Stratonikeia 156 (%6 BCH 5, 1881, 184, no. 7) (funerary inscription for Teiberius Claudius Nikephoros and Hermes Ko(liorgeus) &3balaneus&; from Stratonikeia, later at Alabanda); Stratonikeia 190 (%6 IStratonikeia 1264) (%6 BCH 15, 1891, 427, 13) (funerary inscription for Tychike by husband Epitynchanon; found at Stratonikeia, now at Alabanda). @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ See also: Alabanda 22. @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (97%19`98) @ @@`97. Reclassified as Hyllarima 26. @ @@`98. Reclassified as Hyllarima 29. @ See also: Alabanda 24; Hyllarima 26 (%6 former Alabanda 97) (%6 BE 1895:460) (%6 BCH 18, 1894, 42, 9.1) (Christian inscription addressing Christ as &3dynamis& of Theos, on stone; found at Kapraklar near Hyllarima, not from Alinda); Hyllarima 28 (%6 BCH 11, 1887, 310, 6) (%6 Gre/goire, Rec. 244) (%6 Rec. Mus. Hist. Art Princeton IV 1, 1945, 9) (BE 1944:170a) (Christian funerary inscription for empress Theodora, Nonnos, Agathopolia, etc.; found at Kys, not at Alabanda); Hyllarima 29 (%6 former Alabanda 98) (%6 BCH 18, 1894, 42, 9.a) (%6 BE 1895:420) (Christian inscription for &3skene& of Erpidianos; found at Kapraklar near Hyllarima, not at Alinda). @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (99%19`111) @ @@`99. Inscription of Okeanos; no date; found at Alabanda: *LW 585. @ @@`100. First Gerga rock inscription; imperial; found at Gerga: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 304 (PH); Laumonier, BCH 60, 1936, 287 (PH); *Bean, AS 19, 1969, 180. @ @@`101. Second Gerga rock inscription; imperial; found at Gerga: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 304 (PH); Laumonier, BCH 60, 1936, 288 (PH); *Bean, AS 19, 1969, 180. @ @@`102. Third Gerga rock inscription; imperial; found at Gerga: *Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 304; Bean, AS 19, 1969, 180. @ @@`103. Inscription Gerga on block in wall; imperial?; found at Gerga: *Laumonier, BCH 60, 1936, 288 (PH). @ @@`104. First Gerga Kome rock inscription; imperial; found at Gerga: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 304; *Bean, AS 19, 1969, 180 (PH). @ @@`105. Second Gerga Kome rock inscription; imperial; found at Gerga: *Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 304; Bean, AS 19, 1969, 180. @ @@`106. Gerga rock inscription in Latin (Roman letters); imperial?; found at Gerga: *Bean, AS 19, 1969, 180; BE 1972:416. @ @@`107. Rock inscription of Gergas &3enbolos&; imperial?; found at Gerga: *Bean, AS 19, 1969, 181 (PH); BE 1972:416. @ @@`108. Numerous unpublished Gerga rock inscriptions; imperial?; found at Gerga: Bean, AS 19, 1969, 180. @ @@`109. Inscription Gergas on first stele; imperial?; found at Gerga: *Laumonier, BCH 60, 1936, 290 (PH). @ @@`110. Inscription Gergas on second stele; imperial?; found at Gerga: *Laumonier, BCH 60, 1936, 290 (PH). @ @@`111. Unpublished inscription Gergas (?) on colossal statue; imperial?; found at Gerga: Laumonier, Cultes indige\nes pl. 8; Bean, AS 19, 1969, 180; BE 1972:416. @ See also: Alabanda 55%19`66, 116%19`119; Hellenica 8, p. 10, no. 5 (%6 Deroy no. 5) (inscription in Carian; found at Ancinko+y); Hellenica 8, pp. 16%19`17, no. 13 (%6 Deroy no. 13) (inscription in Carian; found at Eski C%25ine). @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (112%19`120) @ @@`112. Fragment; no date; found at Alabanda: *LW 569. @ @@`113. Fragment; no date; found at Alabanda: *LW 576. @ @@`114. Fragment; no date; found at Alabanda: *LW 583. @ @@`115. Inscription at white stone; no date; found at Ancinko+y: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 34; *Cousin, BCH 24, 1900, 26. @ @@`116. Inscription TH%1IG%1ES (?), on stone; no date; found at Gerga: *Cousin, BCH 24, 1900, 30. @ @@`117. Second inscription on stone; no date; found at Gerga: *Cousin, BCH 24, 1900, 30. @ @@`118. Third inscription on stone; no date; found at Gerga: *Cousin, BCH 24, 1900, 30; Laumonier, Cultes indige\nes 447. @ @@`119. Inscription Gergas next to dolphin, on stone in building; no date; found at Gerga: *Cousin, BCH 24, 1900, 30. @ @@`120. Reclassified as Hyllarima 19. @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @@@@{1Amyzon}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@Robert, Amyzon: J. %9 L. Robert, &3Fouilles d' Amyzon en Carie, &3@@@@Tome I.& Paris 1983. @ Many of the inscriptions listed were found at Maz#1221n Kalesi (%6 ancient Amyzon.) Others were found nearby, but their provenance from Amyzon can be deduced. Following sites are given, of which those which have not been located are followed by a question mark: @@Amyzon (Assar Kalesi, Maz#1221n Kalesi, Mazyn%19Kalessi) @@Yag%27c#1221deresi (Yag%27c#1221dere). @ Epigraphic references from outside the territory of Amyzon to the following sites are listed here: @@Amyzon (Maz#1221n Kalesi). @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`38) @ @@@@Section: 1a. Honorary Decrees (1%19`24) @ @@`1. Honorary decree of Amyzon for Bagadates and son Ariarames, giving citizenship, etc., on block of white marble; 321%3`320 BC; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 2 (PH); BE 1984:418; SEG 35, 1080; BE 1987:293. @ @@`2. Honorary decree of demos (of Amyzon) for Chi[onis ... ], governor of Alinda, on anta%19block of white marble; 202 BC; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 14 (PH); BE 1984:421; Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 614. @ @@`3. Honorary decree [of demos (of Amyzon)] for Dionysios, on block of marble; Hellenistic?; found at Amyzon: Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 231, no. 35.A; BE 1898:336; Wilhelm, Hermes 44, 1909, 46%19`47; BE 1910:332; *Robert, Amyzon no. 37; BE 1984:428; Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 621; SEG 33, 852. @ @@`4. Honorary decree of boule and d[emos] (of Amyzon) for [Dion]ysios Hierokleious, on fragment of white marble; c. 190%3`180 BC; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 22 (PH); Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 616%19`617. @ @@`5. Honorary decree of demos (of Amyzon) for Hermias Pankratou, on anta%19block of white marble; 203%3`190 BC; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 18 (PH); BE 1984:423. @ @@`6. Honorary decree of demos [of Amyzon] for Hierok[les ... ], on anta%19block of marble; Hellenistic; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 20 (PH); BE 1984:423; Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 616. @ @@`7. Honorary decree of demos of Amyzon for &3strategos& Margos, on block of white marble; 273 BC; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 3 (PH); BE 1984:419. @ @@`8. Honorary decree of demos of Amyzon for Menestratos Agathokk[2l]2eious of Phokaia, &3epistates,& giving him citizenship, etc., on anta%19block of white marble; 201 BC; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 15 (PH); BE 1984:421; Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 614. @ @@`9. Honorary decree of demos for Menippos Melaineo[s], on anta%19block of white marble; II&4`1&?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 24 (PH); Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 618. @ @@`10. Honorary decree of boule and demo[s] (of Amyzon) for Myonides Chrysaoros, on block of white marble; II&4`2&%3II&4`1&; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 35 (PH); BE 1984:428; Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 620. @ @@`11. Honorary decree of A[myzon] for Nikomed[es], on anta%19block of marble; c. 200 BC; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 16 (PH); BE 1984:423; Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 615. @ @@`12. First honorary decree [of demos (of Amyzon)] for [Pankrates] Melaineos and [Menip]pos Melaineos, on block of white marble; c. 190%3`180 BC; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 23, ll. 1%19`30 (PH); BE 1984:424; Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 617%19`618, ll. 1%19`30. @ @@`13. Second honorary decree [of demos of Amyzon] for [Pankrates] Melaineos and [Menippo]s Melaineos, on block of white marble; c. 190%3`180 BC; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 23, ll. 30%19`35 (PH); BE 1984:424; Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 617%19`618, ll. 30%19`35. @ @@`14. Honorary decree of [Amy]zon for (no name) &3Aka&[&3r&]&3nan, [&3phr&]&3ourarchos,& on block of white marble; c. III&4`1&; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 4; BE 1984:419; Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 609. @ @@`15. Honorary decree of demos for (no name), on fragment of marble; Hellenistic?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 25 (PH); Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 618%19`620. @ @@`16. Honorary decree of demos (of Amyzon) for (no name), on anta%19block of marble; Hellenistic?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 38 (PH). @ @@`17. Honorary decree of [demos] for (no name), on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 43. @ @@`18. Decree of demos for (no name), on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 45 (PH). @ @@`19. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name), with form of word &3nom&[&3os&], on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 48. @ @@`20. Beginning of (honorary) decree of Amyzon, dated under [Basileus P]tolemy (II), on block of white marble; 285%3`247 BC; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 5; Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 609. @ @@`21. Honorary decree of [demos of Amyzo]n for (no name), on anta%19block; 203%3`190 BC?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 21 (PH); BE 1984:423; Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 616. @ @@`22. Honorary decree of demos for soldiers under Ophelandros, on anta%19block of marble; 203%3`193 BC; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 19 (PH); BE 1984:423; Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 615%19`616. @ @@`23. Honorary decree (of Amyzon) for (no name), official of [&3basile&]&3us,& on anta%19block of marble; c. 200 BC?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 17 (PH); BE 1984:423; Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 615. @ @@`24. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name), with word &3eunoi&[&3a&], on fragment of white marble; late Hellenistic; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 49 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 1b. Other Decrees (25%19`38) @ @@`25. End of decree, with provision for posting, on block of marble; Hellenistic; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 7, ll. 1%19`3 (PH); BE 1984:420; Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 609%19`610, ll. 1%19`3. @ @@`26. Provisions for enrolling new citizens, on block of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 26 (PH); BE 1984:425. @ @@`27. Decree (of Amyzon) concerning agreement with Miletos, on fragments of marble; Hellenistic?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 27 (PH); BE 1984:425; Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 620. @ @@`28. Decree of demo[s] of Amyzon concerning money given to Apollonios Iatrokleious, on anta%19block of marble; Hellenistic; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 36 (PH); BE 1984:428. @ @@`29. Beginning of decree of boul[e and demos of Amy]zon under [&3ste&]&3phanephoros the&[&3os ...& ], on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 39. @ @@`30. Fragment of decree of d[emos], on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 40. @ @@`31. Fragment of decree of dem[os], on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 41. @ @@`32. Fragment of decree mentioning &3drape&[&3tai& (?)], on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 42. @ @@`33. Fragment of decree, with word [&3k&]&3athot&[&3i&], on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 44. @ @@`34. Fragment of decree, with phrase &3to thei&[&3on&], on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 46. @ @@`35. Fragment of decree, with word &3anag&[&3rapsai&], on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 47. @ @@`36. Fragment of decree, with word &3neopoias,& on block of marble; Hellenistic?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 50 (PH). @ @@`37. Beginning of decree of Amyzo[n], dated under Ptol[e]my (I), on block of white marble; 305%3`283 BC; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 6; BE 1984:419. @ @@`38. Decree [of boule and demos] of Amyzon concerning money advanced to Chrysaoreis, with list of contributors, on block of white marble; III&4`2&%3II&4`1&; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 28 (PH); BE 1984:426. @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ See also: Amyzon 27; Priene 131 (%6 IPriene 51) (%6 Robert, Amyzon 277%19`278) (treaty between Herakleia Latm. and Amyzon; found at Priene). @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (39%19`44) @ @@`39. End of letter of [King Antiochos (III) (?)] confirming privileges [of Amyzon], on anta%19block of white marble; Hellenistic; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 13 (PH); BE 1984:420; Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 613%19`614. @ @@`40. Letter of [Basileus Antioch]os (III) to de[mos] of Amyzon, on block of marble; 203%3`190 BC; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 7, ll. 4%19`16 (PH); BE 1984:420; Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 609%19`610, ll. 4%19`17. @ @@`41. Letter of Antio[chos] (III), on small fragment of marble; 203%3`190 BC; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 8; BE 1984:420. @ @@`42. Letter of Basileus Antiochos (III) to army concerning &3hieron& in [Amyzon,] on part of anta%19block; 203%3`190 BC; found at Amyzon: Hula %9 Szanto p. 2; Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 231, no. 34; BE 1898:336; OGIS 217; BE 1921:450; Welles no. 39 (PH); BE 1936:385; *Robert, Amyzon no. 10 (PH); BE 1984:420; Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 612. @ @@`43. Letter of [Basileus Antiochos (III) to de]mos of [Amyzon], on plaque of white marble; 203 BC; found at Amyzon, not at Ephesos: GIBM 1035; BE 1917:422; Wilhelm, AAWW 1920, 40%19`57 (%6 Akadschr. II 39%19`56); BE 1921:450; Welles no. 38 (PH); BE 1936:385; IEphesos 223; Robert, RPh 55, 1981, 9%19`12; BE 1981:437, 525; *Robert, Amyzon no. 9 (PH); SEG 31, 897; BE 1984:420; Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 610%19`611. @ @@`44. Letter of [Zeuxis] to Amyzon; 203%3`190 BC; found at Amyzon: CIG 2899; BE 1921:450%19`451; Welles no. 40; BE 1936:385; *Robert, Amyzon no. 11; BE 1984:420; Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 613. @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (_) @ See also: Amyzon 38; ATL I&4`3& 71, 259%19`290 (frequent mention of Mydones (%6 Amyzon (?)) in Athenian Tribute Lists; found in Attica). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (45%19`46) @ @@`45. Dedication [to Artemis] by Idrieus Hekato[mno] of [&3pylon&], on marble architrave; 351%3`341 BC; found at Amyzon: Fabricius, SDAW 1894, 915%19`917, no. 1, l. 1; OGIS 235.I; *Robert, Amyzon no. 1, l. 1 (PH); BE 1984:418; Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 609; SEG 33, 853. @ @@`46. Dedication of &3agroi& by Zeuxis Kynagou Makedon, on marble architrave; 203%3`187 BC; found at Amyzon: Fabricius, SDAW 1894, 915%19`917, no. 1, l. 2; OGIS 235.II; *Robert, Amyzon no. 1, l. 2 (PH); BE 1984:418; Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 609; SEG 33, 853. @ See also: Magnesia 296 (%6 JO+AI 13, 1910, 76%19`79, 1) (%6 Robert, Amyzon 31) (inscription recording building by &3polis& of Amyzon of its share of the Trachon; found at Naiblii near Magnesia Mai.). @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (47%19`61) @ @@`47. List of citizens, including [L]eon Menedemou, on block of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 29 (PH). @ @@`48. Fragment of list of citizens, including [ ... ]os Artem[idorou], on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 30 (PH); Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 620. @ @@`49. Fragment of list of citizens, including [Artemi]doros Pausaniou, on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 31 (PH). @ @@`50. Fragment of list of citizens, including Sokr[ates ... ], on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 32. @ @@`51. Fragment of list of citizens, including Iason N[iko]machou, on block of marble; Hellenistic?; found at Amyzon, wrongly said to have been found at Teichioussa, i.e. at the Karakuyu in the terr. of Didyma: Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 225, no. 18; Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 233, no. 35.B; *Robert, Amyzon no. 33. @ @@`52. Fragment of list of names, including [ ... ]s Hekataiou, on fragment of marble; Hellenistic?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 55 (PH). @ @@`53. Fragment of list of names, including [ ... ]des Myonido[u], on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 56. @ @@`54. Fragment of list of names, beginning with [Di]onysi[os ... ], on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 57. @ @@`55. Fragment of list of names, including [ ... ]as Mela.[ ... ], on fragment of marble; Hellenistic?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 58. @ @@`56. Fragment of list of names, including Simalion Artemidorou, on slab of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 59 (PH). @ @@`57. Fragment of list of names, beginning with Killion Ar[ ... ], on marble stone; Hellenistic?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 60 (PH). @ @@`58. Beginning of list of &3stephanephoroi,& from freeing of [K]ares, on slab of white marble; c. 140 BC; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 51 (PH); BE 1984:429. @ @@`59. Fragment of list of &3stephanephoroi,& including [Chion]is Chionidos, on block of white marble; II&4`2&%3I; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 52 (PH); BE 1984:429. @ @@`60. Small fragment, probably of list of &3stephanephoroi&; II&4`2&%3I?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 54; BE 1984:429. @ @@`61. Fragment of list of &3stephanephoroi,& including Menophilo[s ... ], on block of white marble; I; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 53 (PH); BE 1984:429. @ See also: Ephesos 600, col. I, ll. 33%19`34 (%6 IEphesos 13) (%6 JRS 65, 1975, 64) (Amyzon listed among ethnics of province of Asia; found at Ephesos). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (62) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (62) @ @@`62. Dedication to Claudius, on plaque of white marble; AD 41%3`47; found at Amyzon: BE 1959:114; Pflaum, Carrie\res I 32%19`33, no. 13&3bis,& no. 4; *Robert, Amyzon no. 69 (PH); BE 1984:431. @ See also: Amyzon 45%19`46. @ @@@@Section: 9b. Other Religious Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Amyzon 74; Macridy, JO+AI 15, 1912, 52, no. 22 (record of visit to Klaros of group from [Am]yzon; found at Klaros); Lagina 13, l. 8 (%6 IStratonikeia 508) (%6 OGIS 441) (Amyzon mentioned in list of cities recognizing &3asylia& of temple of Hekate at Lagina; found at Lagina near Stratonikeia). @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (63%19`69) @ @@`63. Honorary inscription for Gaius, by Antigonis Apolloniou, &3stephanephoros,& on marble base; AD 37%3`41; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 68 (PH); BE 1984:431. @ @@`64. Honorary inscription for Antoninus Pius [by &3polis& (of Amyzon)], on two fragments of bluish marble; AD 138%3`161; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 70 (PH); BE 1984:431. @ @@`65. Honorary inscription for Salonina Chrysogone Augusta by &3polis& of Amyzon, on block of white marble; AD 260%3`268; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 71 (PH); BE 1984:431. @ @@`66. Honorary inscription for Balagros Hekaton[ ... ] by Iason Hieronym[ou], on fragment of white marble base; II; found at Amyzon, not at Ephesos: Smith, Cat. Sculpt. Br. Mus. III 2622; GIBM 1037 (PH); IEphesos 629A; Robert, RPh 55, 1981, 12%19`13; BE 1981:456, 525; *Robert, Amyzon no. 34 (PH); SEG 31, 898; BE 1984:427. @ @@`67. Honorary inscription of [dem]o[s] for [Mel]aine[us Menippou (?)], on block of white marble; c. 160 BC; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 62 (PH); Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 621. @ @@`68. Honorary inscription for (?) Arte[ ... ] (?) by [d]emos, on block of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 61. @ @@`69. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name) [&3agoran&]&3omos,& on block of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 63. @ See also: Amyzon 1%19`24. @ Ə@@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (70) @ @@`70. Inscription recording &3basileis& (Antiochos (III) and son Antiochos) making [&3hier&]&3on asylon,& on fragment of column of white marble; 204%3`193 BC; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 12 (PH); BE 1984:420; Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 613. @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (71) @ @@`71. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Demetrios Pankratou, on stele of white marble; II; found at Amyzon: GIBM 1036 (PH); Robert, Et. anat. 388, note 2; Peek, GVI I 1120; Peek, GG 150; *Robert, Amyzon no. 65 (PH); BE 1984:430. @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (72%19`73) @ @@`72. Funerary inscription for (no name), on block; no date; found at Yag%27c#1221deresi: *Robert, Amyzon no. 66. @ @@`73. Funerary inscription for (no name), on fragment; no date; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 67. @ See also: Amyzon 71; Magnesia 331 (%6 Robert, Amyzon 35) (%6 SEG 33, 468) (%6 MDAI(A) 36, 1911, 294, 2) (funerary inscription for Artemisie Hermia of Amyzon; found near Magnesia Mai.) @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ ʏ@@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (74) @ @@`74. Christian prayers on Byzantine tower; Byzantine; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 72 (PH); BE 1984:431. @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (_) @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (75) @ @@`75. Fragment, on fragment of bluish marble; Hellenistic?; found at Amyzon: *Robert, Amyzon no. 64. @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @ @@@@{1Aphrodisias}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@Bailie, Fasc.: J. K. Bailie, &3Fasciculus Inscriptionum &3@@@@Graecarum,& London %9 Dublin 1846; @@Fellows, Acct.: C. Fellows, &3An Account of Discoveries in &3@@@@Lycia,& London 1841; @@Liermann, O. Liermann, &3Analecta epigraphica et agonistica, @@@@Halle 1889. @ Many of the inscriptions listed were found at Aphrodisias. Others were found nearby. In any case, the place of discovery is listed. Following sites are given, of which those which have not been located are followed by a question mark: @@Aphrodisias (Bag%27aras#1221, Geyre, Havouz) @@Ataeymir (Eymir) @@Avdan (?) (between Aphrodisias and Tabai) @@Bingec%25 (Yai%19ken, Yai%19ken, Yaikin, Yaik#1221n, Yengec%25) @@Bozdog%27an (?) (west of Karacasu) @@Emirler (?) (prob. %6 Ataeymir) @@Go+rle @@Karacasu (Karadja%19su, Karasu) @@Kavakl#1221 Kahvesi (Kavakli%19Kavessi) (between Karacasu and @@@@Aphrodisias) @@Palamutc%25uk (Palamuc%25uk) @@Pirlibey (Perlepe) (near Nazilli) @@Turkish cemetery between Aphrodisias and Hierapolis. @ Epigraphic references from outside the territory of Aphrodisias to the following sites are listed here: @@Gordiouteichos (perhaps %6 Go+rle) @@Plarasa (perhaps %6 Bingec%25) @@Aphrodisias (Geyre). @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`34) @ @@@@Section: 1a. Laws and Decrees Not of Aphrodisias (1%19`11) @ @@`1. Honorary decree [of boule and demos] of Plyareis for Agroitas Kallikrat[ous] of Gordiouteichos; II%3I&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: Erim, PBSR 37, 1969, 92%19`93, no. 1 (PH); Drew%19Bear, ZPE 8, 1971, 286%19`288, no. II; BE 1972:413; *Drew%19Bear, BCH 96, 1972, 435%19`436; BE 1973:398. @ @@`2. Honorary decree of koinon of Hellenes in Asia for Dionysios Iasonos and Hierokles Iasonos of Aphrodisias and Tralles; I; found at Aphrodisias: Erim, PBSR 37, 1969, 94%19`95, no. 2 (PH); Oliver, AJP 93, 1972, 195%19`197; Drew%19Bear, ZPE 8, 1971, 286%19`287, no. IV; BE 1972:413; *Drew%19Bear, BCH 96, 1972, 443%19`445; BE 1973:398%19`399; Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 5 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:366; SEG 35, 1081. @ @@`3. First extract from Roman &3lex& concerning Plarasa%3Aphrodeisias; 39%3`38 BC, reinscribed 2%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 9, ll. 1%19`6 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:370; AnnEpig 1984, 863. @ @@`4. Second extract from Roman &3lex& concerning Plarasa%3Aphrodisias; 39%3`38 BC, reinscribed 2%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 9, ll. 10%19`15 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:370; AnnEpig 1984, 863. @ @@`5. First copy of honorary decree of [&3synodos&] and &3xyston& of those &3peri& [Herakles] and Hadrian for athlete Kallikrates Dioge[nous] of [Aphrod]eisias; AD 117%3`138; found at Aphrodisias, text identical with Aphrodisias 6: Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 112%19`113, no. 4; LW 1620; Liermann 70%19`71 (non vidi); MAMA 8, no. 417 (PH); Hellenica 13, 134%19`147; BE 1966:388; Merkelbach, ZPE 6, 1970, 47%19`49; BE 1971:614; BE 1974:535; SEG 28, 834; BE 1979:447; *IEphesos 11A; BE 1981:518. @ @@`6. Second copy of honorary decree of athletic [&3synodos& and &3xyston&] for athlete Kalli[krates Diogenous] of Aphro[deisias]; AD 117%3`138; found at Aphrodisias, text identical with Aphrodisias 5: *IEphesos 11B (PH); BE 1981:518. @ @@`7. Honorary decree of (no name) for [Gaius Iulius] Longia[nos] (of Aphrodisias); AD 127; found at Aphrodisias: LW 1618.a; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 96, no. 10.a; *MAMA 8, no. 418.a; **Hellenica 13, 173%19`174 (ll. 1%19`3, 7, 21%19`24); BE 1966:389. @ @@`8. Honorary decree [of Halikarnassos] for Gaius Iulius Longianos of Aphrodisias; AD 127; found at Aphrodisias: LW 1618.b; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 96, no. 10.b; *MAMA 8, no. 418.b; BE 1966:389. @ @@`9. Honorary decree of &3hiera synodos peri& Dionysos and Hadrian for [Gaius Iulius Longi]anos (of Aphrodisias); AD 127; found at Aphrodisias: LW 1619; Lu+ders, Dionysische Ku+nstler 183, no. 95 (non vidi); Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 96, no. 10.c; *MAMA 8, no. 418.c; BE 1966:389. @ @@`10. Honorary decree of athletic association for athlete T(itus) (?) Aelius Aurelius Menandros, &3xystarches& of &3agones& in colony Antiocheia (in Pisidia); AD 161%3`169; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 306%19`311, no. 21; CIG 2811b (pp. 1113%19`1114); Leake, TRSL 1843, 236%19`237 and 293%19`294, no. 12; Bailie, Fasc. ii 256%19`258, no. 248; Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 109, no. 7; Henzen, Ann. d. Inst. 23, 1852, 119%19`120, no. 2; LW 1620a; Liermann 86%19`88, no. 15 (non vidi); Moretti no. 72; Cormack, Notes 13 and 58, fig. 6; SEG 14, 732; *MAMA 8, no. 421 (PH, part); **Hellenica 13, 147%19`154 (ll. 15, 38, 43); BE 1966:392. @ @@`11. Honorary decree of Ephesos for athlete Aur(elius) Achilleus of Aphrodeisias, on base; AD 212%3`263; found at Aphrodisias: Robert, Anat. Studies Buckler 230%19`245 (%6 OM I 614%19`628); BE 1939:357; Merkelbach, ZPE 14, 1974, 91%19`96; BE 1974:534; IEphesos 12 (PH); BE 1981:518; *Jones, HSCP 85, 1981, 107%19`119 (PH); SEG 31, 903; BE 1982:358; SEG 34, 1045; BE 1984:411. @ @@@@Section: 1b. Honorary%3Funerary Decrees (12%19`27) @ @@`12. Honorary%3funerary decree of boule and demos for Titus Antonius Lysimachos Grypos; Roman; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2767 (part); Henzen, Ann. d. Inst. 23, 1852, 118%19`119, no. 1; LW 1604; Buresch, RhM 49, 1984, 430%19`431; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 102, no. 15; *MAMA 8, no. 408; @ @@`13. Honorary%3funerary decree for Apphias Timo[the]ou; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 407; **Hellenica 13, 229 (ll. 15%19`17). @ @@`14. Honorary%3funerary decree of [boule] and demos for Artemi[doros] A[rte]midorou and Praxiteles Aristeou; AD 222%3`235; found at Aphrodisias: Kubitschek %9 Reichel, AAWW 1893, 101%19`102, no. 7; Buresch, RhM 49, 1894, 431; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 90%19`92, no. 7; Abbott %9 Johnson no. 137; Robert, Et. anat. 101; *MAMA 8, no. 414 (PH) (PH). @ @@`15. Honorary%3funerary decree of [boule] and demos for [Dio]nysios Menodotou; c. 2; found at Bingec%25: *Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 604%19`605, no. 1 (* for ll. 7%19`15); *Paton, JHS 20, 1900, 74, no. 2 (* for ll. 1%19`7). @ @@`16. Honorary%3funerary decree of boule and d[emos] for Eudamos Kalliou; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 320%19`321, no. 27; CIG 2775d; Leake, TRSL 1843, 241%19`242 and 300%19`301, no. 20.c; Bailie, Fasc. ii 25%19`29 and 283%19`289, no. 54; Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 613%19`614, no. 13; *MAMA 8, no. 412.c. @ @@`17. Honorary%3funerary decree (of boule and demos) for Kallias K[alli]ou; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 317%19`318, no.'s 25%19`26; CIG 2775c; Leake, TRSL 1843, 241%19`242 and 300%19`301, no. 20.b; Bailie, Fasc. ii 25%19`29 and 283%19`289, no. 53; Texier, As. Min. iii 165, no. 1; *MAMA 8, no. 412.b. @ @@`18. Honorary%3funerary decree (?) for Menandros [G]lykon and [ ... ]; no date; found at Bingec%25: Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 607%19`610, no. 4.C; Paton, JHS 20, 1900, 74%19`75, no. 3; *Robert, Et. anat. 99%19`102; BE 1938:397. @ @@`19. Honorary%3funerary decree of [b]oule and demos for Menippos Menippou; c. 2; found at Bingec%25: Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 605%19`607, no. 2; *Paton, JHS 20, 1900, 73%19`74, no. 1. @ @@`20. Honorary%3funerary decree of [demos] for Tatia Attalis; 2&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 93%19`96, no. 9. @ @@`21. Honorary%3funerary decree of boule and demos for Zenon Kalliou; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 316, no. 24; CIG 2775b; Leake, TRSL 1843, 241%19`242 and 300%19`301, no. 20.A; Bailie, Fasc. ii 25%19`29 and 283%19`289, no. 52; *MAMA 8, no. 412.a. @ @@`22. Honorary%3funerary decree for (no name) Gortyniou (?); imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 321%19`322, no. 28; CIG 2776 and p. 1111; Bailie, Fasc. ii 29%19`31 and 290, no. 55; LW 1633.b; Buresch, RhM 49, 1894, 428%19`429; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 96%19`97, no. 11.b; *MAMA 8, no. 409 (PH); **Hellenica 13, 231 (ll. 3%19`4, 9); BE 1966:383. @ @@`23. Honorary%3funerary decree for (no name), father of Molossos and Menodotos; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2837; *Hellenica 13, 164%19`166; BE 1966:416. @ @@`24. Honorary%3funerary decree for (no name), with record of restoration by Kallikrates Molossou added; I (for ll. 1%19`13), 1 (for ll. 14%19`17); found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2796 and p. 1112; LW 1601.B; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 147, no. 79; Liermann 17%19`19, no. 3; MAMA 8, no. 406; Lane, Berytus 15, 1964, 27, no. 1; Lane, Corpus Mon. Dei Menis I no. 118 (PH); Reynolds, PCPS 206, 1980, 72 (PH); SEG 30, 1245; *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 29 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:387. @ @@`25. Fragment of honorary%3funerary decree (?) for (no name); I; found at Aphrodisias, same text as for Aphrodisias 26: Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 74%19`76, no. 5; Liermann 9%19`14; Robert, Et. anat. 312%19`314; BE 1938:396; Robert, AC 35, 1966, 422; SEG 30, 1245; *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 28; **Bowersock, Gnomon 56, 1984, 52 (l. 2); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:387. @ @@`26. Fragment of honorary%3funerary decree (?) for (no name); I; found at Aphrodisias, same text as for Aphrodisias 25: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 30 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:387. @ @@`27. Fragment of honorary%3funerary decree for (no name); imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 76%19`77, no. 6; **Robert in Holleaux, Et. d' e/pig. VI 7, no. 6 (l. 2); BE 1969:542. @ See also: Knidos 11 (%6 GIBM 791) (%6 Newton, Discoveries II 762 no. 48) (%6 SGDI 3506) (honorary%3funerary decree, prob. of Aphrodisias, for (no name) of Knidos, daughter of Athanagoras; found at Knidos). @ @@@@Section: 1c. Other Decrees (28%19`34) @ @@`28. Decree of boule and demos (of Plarasa%3Aphrodisias) to give military help to Quintus Oppius, Roman praetor pro consule; 88 BC; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 2 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:363; AnnEpig 1984, 858; SEG 34, 1043. @ @@`29. End of honorary decree for (no name) stipulating that &3eikones& of him be set up; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: LW 1594; *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 100%19`102, no. 14. @ @@`30. Decree (?) listing &3archontes& (?) Diogenes Dio[genous] et al.; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 97%19`98, no. 12. @ @@`31. Fragment, perhaps of honorary decree; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 17, no. 7; **Robert, AC 35, 1966, 424, note 3 (l. 2). @ @@`32. Honorary decree of boule and demos for Aristokles Molossos ordaining that distributions of money according to his will should take place in perpetuity, with fine for failure; 1&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias, part later found at Pirlibey near Nazilli: Leake, TRSL 1843, 239 and 296%19`298, no. 14; Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 111%19`112, no. 3; Henzen, Ann. d. Inst. 23, 1852, 120%19`126, no. 5; LW 1611; Homeros 3, 1875, 80 (part); Papadopoulos, MDAI(A) 5, 1880, 340, no. 12 (part); Liermann 24; *Laum, no. 100; Robert, RPh 56, 1930, 27, note 1; Wilhelm, Gr. Inschr. Rechtl. Inhalts 106%19`107 (non vidi); SEG 13, 491; **BE 1953:187 (l. 25); SEG 30, 1244. @ @@`33. Honorary decree for Dionysios Papylou, &3hiereus& of Nineudios Zeus; 3&7e&%3`4&7b&; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 92%19`93, no. 8; *MAMA 8, no. 410 (PH). @ @@`34. Honorary decree (?) by (?) [bou]le and [demos] for (?) [ ... M]enan[drou]; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 217, no. 108; *MAMA 8, no. 422. @ See also: Aphrodisias 253. @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (35) @ @@`35. Extract from oath in treaty between Rome and Plarasa%3Aphrodisias; 39%3`38 BC, reinscribed 2%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome doc. 9, ll. 7%19`9 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:370; AnnEpig 1984, 863. @ See also: Aphrodisias 179. @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (36%19`71) @ @@@@Section: 3a. Royal Letters (36%19`62) @ @@`36. Letter of [King Nikom]edes (IV) (?) [of Bithynia] to boule and d[e]mos of [Plarasa and A]phrodeisi[a]s; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 4 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:365; **Jones, EMC 29, 1985, 309%19`317 (ll. 1, 2, 4, 18, 20%19`21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30%19`31); SEG 35, 1083. @ @@`37. Subscript of Octavian to Samos expressing wish to give &3eleutheria& only to Aphrodeisias; 39%3`19 BC, reinscribed 2%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: Millar, Emperor in the Roman World 243, 431%19`432. *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 13 (PH); SEG 32, 833; BE 1983:374; AnnEpig 1984, 867; SEG 34, 1044; SEG 35, 1081. @ @@`38. Letter [of Octavian &3imperator& and consul] designate to &3archontes,& boule, and demos of Plarasa%3 Aphrodeisias, praising embassy of Solon Demetriou; 39%3`38 BC, reinscribed 2%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2737.a; Texier, As. Min. iii 52%19`53; Viereck, Sermo Graecus no. 5 (non vidi); OGIS 453%19`454; Ta+ubler, Imperium Romanum 177%19`179; Abbott %9 Johnson, no. 29; Bruns, Fontes, no. 43; Riccobono, FIRA no. 38; BE 1950:32; Ehrenberg %9 Jones&4`2& no. 297.A%19B; Sherk 28A; *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 6 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:368; AnnEpig 1984, 860. @ @@`39. Letter of Octavian to Stephanos concerning Zoilos and Aphrodisias; 39%3`38 BC, reinscribed 2%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 10 (PH); Orth, EA 3, 1984, 62; SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:371; AnnEpig 1984, 864; SEG 34, 1044. @ @@`40. Letter of Octavian to &3archontes,& boule, and demos of Ephesos asking that it restore stolen (statue of) Eros and other property to Plarasa%3 Aphrodisias; 39%3`38 BC, reinscribed 2%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 12 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:373; AnnEpig 1984, 866; SEG 34, 1044. @ @@`41. Fragment of royal letter (?); imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, p. 145, no. A.5.a. @ @@`42. Fragment of royal letter (?); imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, p. 145, no. A.5.b. @ @@`43. Fragment of royal letter (?); imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, p. 145, no. A.5.c. @ @@`44. Fragment of royal letter; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, p. 145, no. A.5.d. @ @@`45. Fragment of royal letter (?); imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, p. 145, no. A.5.e. @ @@`46. End of royal letter (?); inscribed 2%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 23 (PH). @ @@`47. Fragment of royal letter (?); inscribed 2%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, p. 144, no. A.2. @ @@`48. Fragment of royal letter (?); inscribed 2%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, p. 144, no. A.3. @ @@`49. Fragment of royal letter (?); inscribed 2%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, p. 144, no. A.4. @ @@`50. End of letter of emperor (?) (no name) to official for recovery of money due to &3polis&; prob. 2; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 83%19`84, no. 3; *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 50 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:391. @ @@`51. Subscript of Trajan to Smyrna exempting citizens of free cities, especially Aphrodeisias, from liturgy at Smyrna; AD 100%3`102, reinscribed 2%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: Millar, Emperor in the Roman World 438%19`439; Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 14 (PH); SEG 32, 1202; BE 1983:375; AnnEpig 1984, 868; SEG 35, 1081; *ISmyrna 593. @ @@`52. Letter of Hadrian to &3archontes,& boule, and demos of Aphrodeisias exempting city from tax on nails; AD 119, reinscribed 2%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: Millar, Emperor in the Roman World 429; *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 15 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:376; AnnEpig 1984, 869; SEG 33, 855. @ @@`53. Letter of Commodus to [&3a&]&3rchon&[&3tes&], boule, and demos of [Aphrod]eisias concerning visit of proconsul of Asia; AD 189, reinscribed 2&7e&%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 16 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:377; AnnEpig 1984, 870. @ @@`54. Letter of Septimius Severus and Caracalla to &3archon&[&3tes&], boule, and demos of Aph[r]o[d]eisias confirming &3dikaia&; AD 198, reinscribed 2&7e&%3`3?; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 17 (PH); **Mitchell, CR 34, 1984, 296 (l. 10); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:378; AnnEpig 1984, 871. @ @@`55. Letter of Septimius Severus and Caracalla to &3a&[&3rchontes,&] &3b&[&3oule,&] and [&3demos&] of [Aphro]deisias confirming &3politeia& and &3nomoi&; AD 198, reinscribed 2%3`3?; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 18 (PH); BE 1983:379. @ @@`56. Letter of Severus Alexander to [&3archontes&] and demos of [Aphrodeisias] confirming &3dikaia& of city; AD 224; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 19 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:380; AnnEpig 1984, 873. @ @@`57. Letter of Gordian III to Aurelius Epaphras concerning case of Polydoros; AD 238%3`244; found at Aphrodisias: Erim %9 Reynolds, JRS 59, 1969, 56%19`58 (PH); AnnEpig 1969, 599; BE 1970:536; Oliver, GRBS 11, 1970, 137%19`138; BE 1971:612; Wieling, ZRG 91, 1974, 364; *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 22 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:383; AnnEpig 1984, 876. @ @@`58. Beginning of letter of Gordian III to [&3archontes,& boule, and demos of Aphrodeisias (?)]; AD 238%3`244; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 24 (PH); SEG 32, 1097. @ @@`59. Letter of Gordian III to &3archontes,& boule, and demos of Aphrodeisias confirming &3dikaia& of city; AD 239; found at Aphrodisias: Millar, Emperor in the Roman World 417; *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 20 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:381; AnnEpig 1984, 874. @ @@`60. Letter of Gordian III to &3ar&[&3cho&]&3ntes,& boule, and demos of Aphrod[eisia]s confirming &3eleutheria& of city and exempting it from &3bouleuma& of Asia concerning Laodikeia; AD 243; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 21 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:382; AnnEpig 1984, 875. @ @@`61. Letter of Decius and Herennius Etruscu[s] (Caesar) to &3archontes,& boule, and demos of Aphrodeisias confirming &3eleutheria and &3dikaia& of city; AD 250; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 302%19`303, no. 16; CIG 2743 and p. 1109; Bailie, Fasc. ii 14%19`16 and 269%19`272, no. 44; Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 110, no. 9; Texier, As. Min. iii 154; LW 1624; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 82%19`83 no. 2; Abbott %9 Johnson no. 145; MAMA 8, no. 424 (PH); Millar, Emperor in the Roman World 417; *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 25 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:384; AnnEpig 1984, 877. @ @@`62. Letter of Valerian and Gallienus to Flavius [ ... ]; AD 254%3`256; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds in Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 1 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 3b. Other Letters (63%19`71) @ @@`63. Letter of Quintus Oppius, Roman praetor pro consule, to &3archontes,& boule, and demos of Plarasa%3Aphrodisias; c. 85 BC; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 3 (PH); **Bowersock, Gnomon 56, 1984, 51 (l. 24); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:364; AnnEpig 1984, 859; SEG 34, 1043; **Jones, AJP 106, 1985, 264 (ll. 33a%19`35); SEG 35, 1081. @ @@`64. Letter of Stephanos to &3archontes,& boule, and demos of Plarasa%3Aphrodeisias handing over slaves and punishable free men; 39%3`38 BC, reinscribed 2%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 11 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:372; AnnEpig 1984, 865; SEG 33, 854. @ @@`65. End of letter, probably of official, concerning taxes; 2%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 51 (PH); BE 1983:391. @ @@`66. Beginning of letter of Iulius Celer, quaestor pro praetore, to &3archontes& of Aphrodisias; 2; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 52.a (PH); BE 1983:391; AnnEpig 1984, 881.a. @ @@`67. Fragment of letter (?) of proconsul (?) to [Aphrodisias] (?); 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: MAMA 8, no. 419 (PH); Hellenica 13, 125%19`126; BE 1966:390; *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 49; SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:391. @ @@`68. End of letter (?) concerning &3agones& (at Aphrodisias) followed by list of &3themata&; AD 180%3`192; found at Aphrodisias: Leake, TRSL 1843, pp. 243 and 302%19`303, no. 21; LW 1620c; Ziebarth, ZVRW 16, 1903, 293%19`294, no.'s 66%19`67; Liermann 130%19`136, no. 21 (non vidi); Laum, no. 101; *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 59; SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:392. @ @@`69. Letter of Marcus Ulpius Apuleius Eurykles, &3archiereus& of &3naoi& in Smyrna for second time, to &3archontes,& boule, and demos of Aphrodis[ia]s concerning &3agon& of Flavius Lysimachos and other &3agones&; AD 180%3`190; found at Aphrodisias: Texier, As. Min. iii 157; CIG 2741; Ziebarth, ZVRW 16, 1903, 293, no. 65; OGIS 509; Liermann 114%19`115, no. 20 (non vidi); Laum, no. 103 (part); Pickard%19Cambridge, Dramatic Festivals&4`2& 320, no. 16a; *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 57; SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:392. @ @@`70. Report concering &3theorika chremata& and &3agon&; AD 180%3`190; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2742; Renier, Me/langes d' e/pig. 126 (non vidi); Liermann 114 (non vidi); Robert, Et. anat. 314%19`319; BE 1938:396; Cormack, Notes 7 and 55 fig. 2; BE 1970:538; *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 62 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:392. @ @@`71. Letter of proconsul [Sulpicius Priscus] to &3polis& (of Aphrodisias) concerning proposed visit; AD 222%3`235; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach,REG 19, 1906, 84%19`87, no. 5; Abbott %9 Johnson, no. 137; Robert, Et. anat. 303; *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 48; SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:391. @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (72%19`77) @ @@`72. Senatus Consultum concerning &3asylia& of Plarasa%3Aphrodeisias and temple; 39%3`38 BC, reinscribed 2%3`3; found at Aphrodisias, prob. same text as Aphrodisias 73: Texier, As. Min. iii 155 (part); CIG 2737.b (part); Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 113, no. 5 (part); LW 1627 (part); Viereck, Sermo Graecus no.'s 5, 19 (part); Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 81%19`82, no. 1 (part); Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 102%19`103, no. 16 (part); OGIS 455 (part); Abbott %9 Johnson, no. 29 (part); Bruns, Fontes no. 43 (part); Schlesinger, Die griechische Asylie 79 (non vidi); MAMA 8, no. 405 (part); Ehrenberg %9 Jones no. 299.C (part); Sherk 28B and 29 (part); BE 1970:536; *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 8 (PH); **Bowersock, Gnomon 56, 1984, 52 (l. 14); **Badian, ZPE 55, 1984, 101%19`111 (ll. 7, 9, 11); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:367,370; AnnEpig 1984, 862. @ @@`73. Fragment, probably of Senatus Consultum concerning Aphrodisias; prob. 39%3`38 BC; found at Aphrodisias, prob. same text as Aphrodisias 72: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 8a (PH). @ @@`74. Triumviral decision of Octavian and [Marc Antony] concerning freedom of Plarasa%3Aphrodeisias and other states; 39%3`38 BC, reinscribed 2%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 7 (PH); BE 1983:369; AnnEpig 1984, 861. @ @@`75. Edict of proconsul Tiberius Catius Asconius Silius Italicus, on marble base; c. AD 77; found at Aphrodisias: Calder, CR 49, 1935, 216%19`217; BE 1938:395; Campbell, CR 50, 1936, 56%19`58; MAMA 8, no. 411; BE 1966:384; Sokolowski, LSAM no. 86; SEG 15, 660; Robert, JS 1971, 81%19`97; BE 1971:613; BE 1976:90; *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 46 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:391. @ @@`76. Edict of Diocletian on coinage, in Latin; AD 301; found at Aphrodisias: Erim %9 Reynolds, JRS 60, 1970, 121 no. 1, 139 no.'s VI, VII, 141 (part); Erim, Reynolds, %9 Crawford, JRS 61, 1971, 171%19`177 (PH); AnnEpig 1973, 526; AnnEpig 1981, 764; *Reynolds in Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 230 (PH). @ @@`77. Edict of Diocletian on prices, in Latin; AD 301; found at Aphrodisias: CIL III Suppl. pp. 2208%19`2209 (part); Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 87%19`90, no. 6 (part); BE 1939:358; Jacopi, MonAL 38, 1939, 202%19`225, no.'s 1%19`5 (part); BE 1948:211; MAMA 8, no. 425 (part); Erim %9 Reynolds, JRS 60, 1970, 120%19`141 (PH); BE 1972:415; Lauffer, Diokletians Preisedikt; Erim %9 Reynolds, JRS 63, 1973, 99%19`110 (PH); BE 1977:460; Giacchero, Edictum Diocletiani; Reynolds, ZPE 33, 1979, 46; Crawford %9 Reynolds, ZPE 34, 1979, 197, 203, 206 (part); Reynolds, ZPE 42, 1981, 283%19`284 (part); SEG 31, 911; BE 1981:518; *Reynolds in Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 231 (PH). @ See also: Keramos 63 (%6 Henzen, Ann. d. Inst. 23, 1852, 136, no. 3) (%6 LW 1628) (%6 Gre/goire, Rec. 281&3bis&) (%6 IKeramos 65) (edict of &3praefectus praetorio& Fl(avius) Illus Pusaeus Dionysios; found at Keramos, not Aphrodisias). @ Ώ@@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (78%19`79) @ @@`78. Lists of &3the&[&3mata&] for [&3agon&] of &3synodos&; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2758; Liermann 168%19`174, no. 37 (non vidi); Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 61; BE 1983:392. @ @@`79. Lists of &3themata& for &3agon& of Flavius Lysima[chos]; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Leake, TRSL 1843, 244%19`245 and 303, no. 22; CIG 2759 %7 p. 1109; LW 1620d; Liermann 115%19`116, no. 20a (non vidi); Frei, De certaminibus thymelicis 77, no. 14; MAMA 8, no. 420 (PH); BE 1966:391; *Pickard%19Cambridge, Dramatic Festivals&4`2& 321, no. 16b; Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 60; BE 1983:392. @ See also: Aphrodisias 68. @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ See also: Aphrodisias 35, 179. @ Џ@@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (80%19`136) @ @@`80. Dedication of &3prodomos& to [Thea Aphrodeite (?)] by Artemid[o]ros My[onos] et al., in large letters; I%3`1&7b&; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2754. @ @@`81. Building inscription of &3naos& of Aphrodeite by Gaius Iulius Zo[i]los, &3hiereus& of Aphrodeite, on architrave (of West Gate of Temple); I&7e&%3`1&7b&; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 37 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:388; AnnEpig 1984, 878; **Reynolds, Aphrodisias Papers 38 (l. 2). @ @@`82. Inscription by (?) [Gaius Iulius Zoilos, &3hiereus& of] Eleutheria, on architrave; I&7e&%3`1&7b&; found at Aphrodisias: ҃*Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 39 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:388; AnnEpig 1984, 878. @ @@`83. Inscription on architrave mentioning &3archiereus& of [Augustus]; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 432 (PH). @ @@`84. Dedication of &3epistylion& and &3kosmos& to demos by Hermogenes, on epistyle block; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 301%19`302, no. 15; CIG 2751; Bailie, Fasc. ii 43 and 306%19`307, no. 70; LW 1590; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 225, no. 129; *MAMA 8, no. 439 (PH). @ @@`85. Honorary (?) inscription for [M(arcus) Fl(avius) Anto]n(ius) Lysimachos, &3sophistes& and &3archiereus,& on architrave; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 80, no. 11; *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 134, no. 63. @ @@`86. Fragment on architrave dated by [&3stephanephoros ...& ]ios Attalos Iulianus &3heros& and [ ... ]; imperial; found at Bingec%25: Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 607, no. 3; *Robert, Et. anat. 101, note 1. @ @@`87. Dedication to Thea Aphrodite and demos of &3kion& by [Eu]machos Diogenes Philokaisar and Amias Olypias; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 220%19`221, no. 122. @ @@`88. First inscription by Cl(audia) Antonia on column; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Jacopi, MonAL 38, 1939, 226, no. 7 (PH); BE 1948:211; *Robert, AC 35, 1966, 399%19`400. @ @@`89. Second inscription by Cl(audia) Antonia on column; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 23, no. 24.1. @ @@`90. Third inscription by Cl(audia) Antonia on column; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 23, no. 24.2. @ @@`91. Dedication to demos of four columns with &3speirai& and &3kephaleis& by [M]en[ipp]os and Papianos &3Kodioi& (?) on column%19plinth; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Jacopi, MonAL 38, 1939, 227, no. 8; BE 1948:211. @ @@`92. Dedication of &3logeion, proskenion,& and &3proskosmemata& to [Aphrodite] and Demos by Gaius Iulius Zoilos, on architrave and frieze; c. 28 BC; found at Aphrodisias, text same as Aphrodisias 93: BE 1971:609; *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 36.a (PH); Orth, EA 3, 1984, 63; SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:388; AnnEpig 1984, 878. @ @@`93. Dedication to Aphrodite and [Demos] of &3log&[&3ei&]&3on, &3prosken&[&3i&]&3on,& and [&3p&]&3roskosmemata& by Gaius Iu[liu]s Zoilos, on blocks of masonry; c. 28 BC; found at Aphrodisias, text same as Aphrodisias 92: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 36.b (PH); Orth, EA 3, 1984, 63; SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:388; AnnEpig 1984, 878. @ @@`94. Architrave inscription mentioning [Eusebe]s (?) Menandrou; 1?; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2773; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 290, no. 191; *MAMA 8, no. 433. @ @@`95. Unpublished dedication of North Portico of Sebasteion by Apphias Menandrou, daughter Tata, and grandsons Eusebes and Menandros; 1; found at Aphrodisias: Erim, Britannia 13, 1982, 278, note 8; Smith, JRS 77, 1987, 90. @ @@`96. Unpublished inscribed fragments of architrave connected with monumental west propylon of Sebasteion and mentioning Eusebes Menandrou &3philopatris&; 1?; found at Aphrodisias: Erim, Britannia 13, 1982, 278, note 8. @ @@`97. First unpublished copy of dedication to Aphrodite, &3theoi &3Sebastoi,& and demos of &3propylon& and &3timai& (of Sebasteion); 1; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, StudClas 24, 1986, 111; Smith, JRS 77, 1987, 90. @ @@`98. Second unpublished copy of dedication to Aphrodite, &3theoi &3Sebastoi,& and demos of &3propylon& and &3timai& (of Sebasteion); 1; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, StudClas 24, 1986, 111; Smith, JRS 77, 1987, 90. @ @@`99. Dedication to [Aphrodeite, Augusti, and demos of &3k&]&3erkeis and &3pselides& by Arist[okles Molossos]; 1; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 305, no. 19; CIG 2755 %7 2808 %7 add. p. 1109; Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 110, no. 13; Bailie, Fasc. ii, 40%19`41 and 305%19`306, no. 67; LW 592 %7 1586; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 226, no. 132; *MAMA 8, no. 435 (PH); **Hellenica 13, 127%19`128 (l. 3); BE 1966:396. @ @@`100. Dedication to Aphrodeite, Augusti, and Demos of &3analemmata by Aristokles Molossos; 1; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 301, no. 14; CIG 2747 %7 p. 1109; Bailie, Fasc. ii 39%19`40 and 304%19`305, no. 66; Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 110, no. 12; Texier, As. Min. iii 163%19`164; LW 1585; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 226%19`227, no. 133; *MAMA 8, no. 436 (PH). @ @@`101. Dedication to Aphrodeite and demos by Attalos Menandrou and Attalis Apphion, &3hiereis& of Aphrodeite, on column%19drum; 1; found at Aphrodisias: Leake, TRSL 1843, 234 and 288, no. 1; Bailie, Fasc. ii, 42%19`43 and 306, no. 69; LW 589; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 222%19`223, no. 125; *MAMA 8, no. 450 (PH). @ @@`102. Dedication to Augustus by Antipatros &3primipilarius,& on architrave block from West Portico of Agora; 1?; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, PCPS 206, 1980, 78, no. 7; SEG 30, 1255; AnnEpig 1980, 871. @ @@`103. Dedication to Livia [and Tiberius by Diogenes] on marble architrave block (of temple); AD 14%3`37; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, PCPS 206, 1980, 79, no. 10; SEG 30, 1248; AnnEpig 1980, 872; **Reynolds, StudClas 24, 1986, 110, note 12 (l. 2). @ @@`104. Dedication to Aphrodite, Augustus, Tiberius, Livia, and Demos by Diogenes Menandrou and Menandros, on epistyle of portico; AD 14%3`29; found at Aphrodisias: Jacopi, MonAL 38, 1939, 86%19`96 (PH); BE 1948:211; *Reynolds, PCPS 206, 1980, 77%19`78, no. 6; SEG 30, 1244; AnnEpig 1980, 870. @ @@`105. Dedication to Aphrodeite, &3theoi Sebastoi,& and [demos (?)] by [Attalis Menekratous (?)] on entablature (of North Portico of Sebasteion); AD 41%3`68; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, ZPE 43, 1981, 318%19`320, no. 2 (PH); SEG 31, 914; BE 1982:356. @ @@`106. Dedication to Aphrodite, &3the&[&3oi&] &3Sebast&[&3oi&], Claudius, and demos, by Tiberius Claudius Diogenes Philopolites, on entablature (of South Portico of Sebasteion); AD 41%3`54; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, ZPE 43, 1981, 317%19`318, no. 1 (PH); SEG 31, 913; BE 1982:356; Erim, RA 1982 I, 165; **Erim, Britannia 13, 1982, 278 (l. 1). @ @@`107. Dedication to Aphro[deite, Domitian,] whole house [of Augusti,] and [demos,] by Adrastos Apo[lloni]ou, &3hiereus& of Helios and &3arch&[&3ier&]&3eus& of Vesp[asian, of &3hydregdocheia,&] &3dexamenai, hyda&[&3ta,&] and [&3amphoda,&] on marble block; AD 81%3`96; found at Aphrodisias: Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 611%19`613, no.'s 7%19`10; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 223%19`224, no. 126; Cormack, ABSA 49, 1954, 9%19`10; SEG 14, 731; BE 1956:276; *MAMA 8, no. 449 (PH). @ @@`108. Dedication of &3kion& to Aphrodite and Demos by Eumachos Diogenes, on column%19drum; 2%3`3&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: Bailie, Fasc. ii 41%19`42 and 306, no. 68; LW 590; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 221%19`222, no. 123; *MAMA 8, no. 437 (PH). @ @@`109. Dedication of &3kion& to Aphrodite and Demos by Eumachos Diogenes, on column%19drum; 2%3`3&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 34 and 301, no. 13; CIG 2748 and p. 1109; Texier, As. Min. iii 161, no. 1; LW 591 %7 1587; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 222, no. 124; *MAMA 8, no. 438. @ @@`110. Dedication of southern [&3stoa&] of &3grammatophylak&[&3ion,&] [by Iason Prabreus,] on marble entablature; c. 2?; found at Aphrodisias: MAMA 8, no. 498&3bis& (part); Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 26, no. 34 (part); *Robert, AC 35, 1966, 391%19`394; BE 1967:548. @ @@`111. Dedication to Hadrian and Demos, by Aphrodeite, on architrave of East Portico of Baths of Hadrian; AD 117%3`138; found at Aphrodisias: *Mendel, CRAI 1906, 167; Boulanger, CRAI 1914, 49, note 2. @ @@`112. Dedication to Aphrodeite, Hadrian, and Demos by Pereitas Attalos, on south gate of Baths of Hadrian; AD 117%3`138; found at Aphrodisias: *Mendel, CRAI 1906, 168, note 1. @ @@`113. Dedication to Aphrodeite, Hadrian, and Demos by Pereitas Attalos, on northeast gate of Baths of Hadrian; AD 117%3`138; found at Aphrodisias: *Mendel, CRAI 1906, 168, note 1. @ @@`114. Dedication to Aphrodeite, Hadrian, [and Demos (?),] on architrave of Great Hall of Baths of Hadrian; AD 117%3`138; found at Aphrodisias: *Mendel, CRAI 1906, 171%19`172; *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 16, no. 1 (* for part f); Robert, AC 35, 1966, 391; BE 1967:548. @ @@`114.5. Unpublished dedication to [Aphrodite,] Hadrian, [and Demos,] partly erased, on architrave of &3peribolos& of Hadrian in &3temenos& of Aphrodite; AD 117%3`138; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, Aphrodisias Papers 39%19`40; Doruk, Aphrodisias Papers 73%19`74 (PH, part). @ @@`115. Unpublished dedication to Aphrodeite, Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius Caesar, whole house of Augusti, and &3patris,& of &3keiones, kosmos, skoutlosis,& and &3edaphos&; AD 138%3`161; found at Aphrodisias: *MacDonald, Greek %9 Roman Coins from Aphrodisias, p. 20, no. 1; **BE 1977:459 (l. 1); SEG 26, 1220. @ @@`116. Dedication of [&3epist&]&3ylion& and [&3kosmos& to De]mos by [Hypsikles Adrastou,] on epistyle block; no date; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2752; *MAMA 8, no. 440. @ @@`117. Dedication of [&3epistylia&] and [&3kosmos& to Demos] by Menandros Attalou, on architrave; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 441. @ @@`118. Dedication [of &3epistylion&] and &3kosmos& to Demos, on epistyle block; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 225, no. 131; *MAMA 8, no. 442. @ @@`119. Dedication [of &3epistylion&] and &3kosmos& to Demos, on epistyle block; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 225, no. 130, l. 1; *MAMA 8, no. 443. @ @@`120. Dedication of [&3epistylion& and] &3kosmos& to Demos, on epistyle block; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 225, no. 130, l. 2; *MAMA 8, no. 444. @ @@`121. Building inscription for &3andriantothekai& etc., by Aphrodeite; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Texier, As. Min. iii 161%19`162; *CIG 2749 and p. 1109; Oikonomos, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 292, no. 1. @ @@`122. Dedication of &3epistylion& and &3kosmos& to Demos by [ ... ... ip]pou; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 302; CIG 2753; *LW 1589. @ @@`123. Dedication of &3epistylion& and &3kosmos& to [Dionys]os (?) and Demos by Menandros Menodotou; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *LW 1591. @ @@`124. Dedication of &3epistylion& and &3kosmos& to Demos by Antipatros Menidos, on architrave; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Kubitschek %9 Reichel, AAWW 1893, 101, no. 4; *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 224, no. 127. @ @@`125. Dedication of &3pyrgos& to Demos by Eupolemos Artemidorou, on block; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Kubitschek %9 Reichel, AAWW 1893, 101, no. 5. @ @@`126. Dedication to Demos of &3epistylion& and &3kosmos& on it by Dionysios Adrastou; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 224%19`225, no. 128. @ @@`127. Dedication [to Thea Aphrodite (?)] and [Demos] by (no name), on facade of baths; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 227, no. 134. @ @@`128. Dedication of six &3keiones& to Demos by Artemon Adrastou; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Mendel, CRAI 1906, 172 no. a. @ @@`129. Unpublished example of dedication of six &3keiones& to Demos by Artemon Adrastou; no date; found at Aphrodisias; Mendel, CRAI 1906, 172 &3infra. @ @@`130. Dedication of fourteen &3keiones& to Demos by Nestor and Zenon; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Mendel, CRAI 1906, 172%19`173, no. b. @ @@`131. Unpublished example of dedication to Demos of fourteen &3keiones& by Nestor and Zenon; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Mendel, CRAI 1906, 173 &3supra. @ @@`132. Dedication to [ ... ] and Demos, on architrave of West Portico of Baths; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Boulanger, CRAI 1914, 49. @ @@`133. Dedication of &3keion& with &3speirokephalon& to &3patris& by Attalos Pereitou, on column; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Haussoullier, RPh 44, 1920, 74. @ @@`134. Fragment on architrave; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 19, no. 12.a. @ @@`135. Dedication of &3epist&[&3ylion&] to Nineudios [Zeus]; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 22, no. 19; *Robert, AC 35, 1966, 394; BE 1967:548. @ @@`136. Dedication of &3stoa& to Aphr[odeite] on architrave stone; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 23, no. 27; *Robert, AC 35, 1966, 391. @ See also: Aphrodisias 140%19`142, 146, 365, 593%19`632, 657, 704%19`709, 714%19`715, 717%19`718, 726, 730%19`731, 857, 861; Keramos 12 (%6 Henzen, Ann. d. Inst. 23, 1852, 135, no. 1) (%6 LW 1592) (%6 IKeramos 19) (building inscription for &3balaneion& and &3erga& by Hierokles Hermophantou and wife Aristoneike Aristokratous; found at Keramos, not Aphrodisias). @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (137%19`142) @ @@`137. Unpublished list of names, partly erased, including Artemidoros Apolloniou; prob. I; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, p. 149, no. 3; Reynolds, Aphrodisias Papers 39. @ @@`138. Testament of Attalos Adrastos; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 243%19`248, no. 142. @ @@`139. Introduction to petition to Trajan by [Gaius Iul]ius [ ... ]; AD 102%3`116; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 52.b (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:391; AnnEpig 1984, 881.b. @ @@`140. First foundation document by [Attalos] Adrastos, with dedication of money to Thea Aphrodite and promise to build &3thyepoleion&; AD 117%3`138; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 231%19`243, no.'s 138%19`141.a%19c; BE 1956:277; Laum, no. 102.1%19`3; Robert, La Carie II 232%19`234, no. 148; BE 1955:200; *MAMA 8, no. 413.a%19c (PH); BE 1966:385. @ @@`141. Second foundation document by Attalos [A]drastos adding money to previous dedication to &3theos& (Aphrodite) and recording previous promise to build &3thyepoleion& and &3oikemata& to Thea Aphrodite and &3patris&; AD 117%3`138; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 231%19`243, no.'s 138%19`141.d; Laum, no. 102.4; SEG 15, 659; *MAMA 8, no. 413.d (PH). @ @@`142. Third foundation document by Attalos Adrastos contributing additional funds for [&3thyepo&]&3leion&; AD 117%3`150 (?); found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 231%19`243, no.'s 138%19`141.e; Laum, no. 102.4; *MAMA 8, no. 413.e; **Hellenica 13, 119%19`125 (ll. 22%19`25); BE 1966:385. @ See also: Aphrodisias 32, 633; Lagina 13, ll. 50, 63 (%6 IStratonikeia 508) (Aphrodeisias among cities listed as recognizing &3asylia& of temple of Hekate at Lagina; found at Lagina near Stratonikeia); Panamara 33, l. 6 (%6 IStratonikeia 21) (Aphrodei[sias] in list of cities at end of document; found at Panamara near Stratonikeia). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (143%19`188) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Royal Dedications (143%19`152) @ @@`143. Dedicatory inscription by (?) Ti(berius) Cl(audius) Apoll[o]nios Aurelianus, &3archiereus& and &3hiereus& of Dionysos, on marble base; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2784; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 116, no. 36; *MAMA 8, no. 454 (PH). @ @@`144. Fragment of dedication (?) to [S]ebastoi by Kallikr[ateia (?)]; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 218, no. 113. @ @@`145. Dedication of (statue of) Hygea to Augustus and Dem[os] by [M]olossos Chrysa[or]os (?), &3hiereus& of Hy[gea], on base; 27 BC%3 AD 14; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, PCPS 206, 1980, 76%19`77, no. 4 (PH); SEG 30, 1246; **BE 1982:355 (ll. 3%19`4); AnnEpig 1980, 869. @ @@`146. Dedication to Theos Sebastos Kaisar [ ... ], seen to by [Eusebes (?)] Menandrou and [ ... ] Eunikos, in large letters; 1?; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2738; Reynolds, PCPS 206, 1980, 78, no. 8; SEG 30, 1244. @ @@`147. Dedication of Nike to Caesar; 1?; found at Aphrodisias: MAMA 8, no. 446, ll. 1%19`2 (PH); Lane, Berytus 15, 1964, 27%19`28, no. 3; Hellenica 13, 128%19`131; BE 1966:397; Lane, Corpus Mon. Dei Menis I no. 120, ll. 1%19`2 (PH); Reynolds, PCPS 206, 1980, 71%19`73, no. 1, ll. 1%19`2 (PH); SEG 30, 1244%19`1245, ll. 1%19`2; BE 1982:355; AnnEpig 1980, 866, ll. 1%19`2; *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 32, ll. 1%19`2 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:387. @ @@`148. Dedication of resoration of Nike and [&3l&]&3eon& to Augusti and Demos by Kal[likrates M]olossou, &3hie&[&3reus& of Men As]kainos and He[rmes Agoraios]; 1?; found at Aphrodisias: MAMA 8, no. 446, ll. 3%19`9 (PH); Lane, Berytus 15, 1964, 27%19`28, no. 3; Hellenica 13, 128%19`131; BE 1966:397; Lane, Corpus Mon. Dei Menis I no. 120, ll. 3%19`9 (PH); Reynolds, PCPS 206, 1980, 71%19`73, no. 1, ll. 3%19`9 (PH); SEG 30, 1244%19`1245, ll. 3%19`9; BE 1982:355; AnnEpig 1980, 866, ll. 3%19`9; *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 32, ll. 3%19`9 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:387. @ @@`149. Dedication of (statues of) Hermes, &3epichrysos& Aphrodeite, Erotes &3lampadephoroi,& and Eros &3marmarinos,& by Artemidoros Dionysiou, to Aphrodeite, Augusti, and Demos, on marble base; prob. 1; found at Aphrodisias: Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 78%19`79, no. 8; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 107, no. 22; *MAMA 8, no. 448 (PH); Hellenica 13, 118. @ @@`150. Dedication to &3theotes& of Emperors, Aphrodeite Gene[teira,] Senate and Demos of Rome, and citizens, by Marcus Iulius Attalos; prob. 1; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, PCPS 206, 1980, 73%19`74, no. 2 (PH); SEG 30, 1253; BE 1982:355; AnnEpig 1980, 867; *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 54 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:391. @ @@`151. Unpublished dedication to emperor, &3theoi Olympioi,& and Aphrodeite Epiphanes, &3prometor& of Augusti; prob. 1&4`2&; found at Aphrodisias: Robert, AC 35, 1966, 416%19`417. @ @@`152. Inscription for eternal survival of Emperors and Caesars, on rectangular base; AD 293%3`311; found at Aphrodisias: Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 79, no. 9; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 9 (PH). @ See also: Aphrodisias 97%19`100, 102%19`107, 111%19`115; Ephesos 745 (%6 IEphesos 233) (%6 Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 42) (dedication to Domitian (to Vespasian, after erasure) by &3demos& of Aphrodeisi[as], in temple of Augusti at Ephesos; found at Ephesos); Keramos 25 (%6 Henzen, Ann. d. Inst. 23, 1852, 136, no. 2) (%6 LW 1622) (%6 IKeramos 16) (dedication to Trajan, on epistyle; found at Keramos, not Aphrodisias). @ @@@@Section: 9b. Other Dedications (153%19`187) @ @@`153. Dedication to Aph[r]odit[e] by Artemid[or]os Artemidorou, on base; prob. I&7m&; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 26 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:386. @ @@`154. Fragment of dedication to &3theos& [Aphrodite]; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 291, no. 201. @ @@`155. Dedication to Prometor Aphrode[ite] and Demos by Trajan, on base; AD 102%3`116; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, PCPS 206, 1980, 74%19`76, no. 3.a (PH); SEG 30, 1254.A; BE 1982:355; AnnEpig 1980, 868.a; *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 55.a (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:391. @ @@`156. Dedication to [Aphrodeite and Demos] by [Attalo]s M[enandro]u and At[talis Apph]i[on], &3hier&[&3eis&] of [Aphrod]e[ite]; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 27, no. 37. @ @@`157. Unpublished dedication to Aphrodite and Demos by Apollonios [Artemi]dorou (?); I%3`1&7b&?; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, p. 150, no. 6. @ @@`158. Dedication to Aphrodeite and &3patris,& of Horai, by Zenon Zenonos et al., on base; Roman; found at Aphrodisias, same text as Aphrodisias 159: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 105%19`106, no. 19. @ @@`159. Dedication to Aphrodeite and &3patris,& of Horai, by Zenon Zenonos et al., on base; Roman; found at Aphrodisias, same text as Aphrodisias 158: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 105%19`106, no. 20. @ @@`160. Dedication to Demos, of [N]ike, by [Kal]likrates [Py]thodorou, on base; I; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 31 (PH); BE 1983:387. @ @@`161. Dedication to Demos by Cl(audia) Seleukeia, on base; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 109, no. 28. @ @@`162. Dedication to Demos by Attalis Menodotou &3hiereia& of Arete; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Jacopi, MonAL 38, 1939, 225, no. 6; BE 1948:211. @ @@`163. Dedication to Demos of (statues of) Asklepios and Hygeia, together with &3bomoi,& by [Titus Flavius Sta]berianos, on marble statue%19base; 2&4`2&; found at Aphrodisias: *Nutton, PBSR 45, 1977, 192, no. 1 (PH); SEG 27, 716; Horsley, New Documents 2, p. 11, &3ad no. 2.a. @ @@`164. Dedication of &3euche& to (Hekate) Euantetos by Zotikos, on altar; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Hellenica 13, 285 (PH); BE 1966:417; BE 1968:507. @ @@`165. Dedication of [&3tra&]&3peza& to Herakles and [De]m[os] by Kallikrates Molo[ssou, &3hie&]&3re&[&3us&] of Men A[sk]ainos and Hermes [Ago]raios, on marble block; 1?; found at Aphrodisias: MAMA 8, no. 445; Lane, Berytus 15, 1964, 27, no. 2; *Lane, Corpus Mon. Dei Menis I no. 119 (PH); SEG 30, 1245. @ @@`166. Unpublished dedication to &3patris& by Gaia Tatia [Chr]esteina, &3archiereia& and daughter of &3polis&; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Robert, Laodice/e du Lycos 317%19`318, note 8. @ @@`167. Artist's signature and dedication to &3patris& by Fl(avius) Zenon, on marble columnar base; prob. 4&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: Erim %9 Roueche/, PBSR 50, 1982, 103, no. 1 (PH); SEG 32, 1105; BE 1984:405; SEG 35, 1082; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 11 (PH). @ @@`168. Artist's signature and dedication to &3patris& by Fl(avius) Zenon, on rectangular block; prob. 4&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: Erim %9 Roueche/, PBSR 50, 1982, 103%19`104, no. 2 (PH); SEG 32, 1106; BE 1984:405; SEG 35, 1082; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 12 (PH). @ @@`169. Artist's signature and dedication to &3patris& by Fl(avius) Andronikos, on rectangular marble base; c. AD 337%3`350; found at Aphrodisias: Erim %9 Roueche/, PBSR 50, 1982, 104, no. 3 (PH); SEG 32, 1107; BE 1984:405; SEG 35, 1082; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 13 (PH). @ @@`170. Dedicatory%3honorary inscription to &3patris& for (?) (no name), [&3archierei&]&3a, thygater poleos,& on marble base; no date; found at Aphrodisias: MAMA 8, no. 455 (PH); *Robert, Laodice/e du Lycos 317%19`318. @ @@`171. Dedication to &3pa&[&3tris& (?)], on fragment of white marble; no date; found at Go+rle: *Paton, JHS 20, 1900, 79, no. 9. @ @@`172. Dedication to &3ho theos& of &3hagiasm&[&3a&] by Polychronios, on marble block; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 457 (PH). @ @@`173. Dedication to &3theoi epekooi& by Euanthes Hermiou and Philete Hermiou, on marble bomos; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 108, no. 23; Weinreich, MDAI(A) 37, 1912, 20, no. 94; *MAMA 8, no. 456. @ @@`174. Dedication to [&3th&]&3eos hypsistos& by Tatas, on altar; I%3`1?; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds %9 Tannenbaum, Jews %9 God%19Fearers 138%19`139, no. 12; BE 1988:888; SEG 37, 854. @ @@`175. Dedication to &3theos hypsistos& by Markia[n]os, on altar; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds %9 Tannenbaum, Jews %9 God%19Fearers 138, no. 11 (PH); BE 1988:888; SEG 37, 853. @ @@`176. Inscription of Zeus Labraundos and Zeus Megisstos, on small altar; no date; found at Turkish cemetery between Aphrodisias and Hierapolis, now at Oxford: *CIG 2750. @ @@`177. Dedication by [Dionysios Dionys]iou, &3hiereus& of [Zeus] Nineudios; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 79%19`80, no. 10, col. 1. @ @@`178. Dedication of (statue of) &3theos& to &3theos& by Dio[nysios] Pa[p]ylou, &3hiereus& of Zeus Nineudios; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 79%19`80, no. 10, col. 2. @ @@`179. Dedication to Zeus Philios, Homonoia, and Thea Rome, by demoi of Plarasa%3Aphrodisias, Kibyra, and Tabai, on occasion of swearing of alliance, with curse for violations; II%3I&7b&; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 1 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:362; BE 1984:406; **Hendriks, EA 3, 1984, 33%19`34 (ll. 7%19`8); BE 1984:408; SEG 37, 844. @ @@`180. Dedication to Zeus Spaloxios by Philomousos, on altar; no date; found at Avdan between Aphrodisias and Tabai: *Robert, Amyzon 166, note 27; SEG 33, 857. @ @@`181. Dedication of (statue of) Aeneas, on statue%19base; 1&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, StudClas 24, 1986, 112 (PH); BE 1988:884; SEG 36, 989. @ @@`182. Dedication of (statue of) Aphrodite, &3prometor& of &3theoi &3Sebastoi,& on marble base; 1&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, StudClas 24, 1986, 111%19`112 (PH); BE 1988:884; SEG 36, 988. @ @@`183. Dedication (?) of Erotes, on base; no date; found at Aphrodisias: LW 1588; *Robert, Laodice/e du Lycos 257; BE 1970:539. @ @@`184. Dedication of statues (of Cyclopes) by demos of Aphrodisias; AD 102%3`116; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, PCPS 206, 1980, 74%19`76, no. 3.b (PH); SEG 30, 1254.B; BE 1982:355; AnnEpig 1980, 868.b. @ @@`185. Dedication by demos of (statues of) Troilos, [the horse,] and Achilleus; no date; found at Aphrodisias: MAMA 8, no. 415 (PH); *Hellenica 13, 126%19`127; BE 1966:386. @ @@`186. Fragments of document referring to decision of Iunius Maximus, quaestor, and to restoration of statues by [Gr]ypos Artemidorou; 2&4`2&; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 53 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:391; AnnEpig 1984, 882. @ @@`187. Fragment of dedication on behalf of Menesthenes Marsiou; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2757. @ See also: Aphrodisias 80, 83%19`84, 87%19`93, 95%19`96, 101, 108%19`110, 116%19`120, 122%19`133, 135%19`136, 140%19`142, 593, 602, 606%19`607, 622, 627, 634%19`637, 709, 775; Apollonia Salb. 7 (dedication to Meter Theon Oreia and &3patris& by [2S]2tephanion Stephaniou, &3paraphylax&; found near Apollonia Salb., not at Aphrodisias); Didyma 167 (%6 IDidyma 92) (dedication of statue of Aphrodite to Apollo by Pytheas Lysimachou of Aphrodeisias; found at Didyma); Ephesos 929 (%6 IEphesos 1258) (thanksgiving offering by men of Aphrodeisias, on base; found at Ephesos); Mylasa 217 (%6 IMylasa 363) (%6 LW 351) ((dedication to Zeus Osogo) by delegations from Aphrodisias and Side; found at Mylasa). @@@@Section: 9c. Other Religious Inscriptions (188) @ @@`188. List (or lists?) of Jews belonging to &3dekania,& other Jews, and &3theosebeis&; 2&7e&%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds %9 Tannenbaum, Jews %9 God%19Fearers, &3passim& (PH); BE 1988:888; SEG 36, 970. @ See also: Aphrodisias 81, 379%19`380, 590%19`592, 638%19`656, 710, 753, 767%19`774, 776, 779; Macridy, JO+AI 8, 1905, 170%19`171, no. 6 (list of visitors to Klaros from Aphrodisias; found at Klaros); S%25ahin, EA 9, 1987, 63, no. 9 (%6 SEG 37, 976) (list of visitors to Klaros from Aphrodisias; found at Klaros); Robert, REG 70, 1957, 370 note 4, Robert, Laodice/e du Lycos 303 note 4, Robert, OM IV 161 (unpublished lists of visitors to Klaros from Aphrodisias; found at Klaros). @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (189%19`378) @ @@@@Section: 10a. Royal Honorary Inscriptions (189%19`212) @ @@`189. Honorary inscription for emperor (?) by [Di]onys[ios] Pa[pylou,] on statue%19base; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 20, no. 13.a. @ @@`190. Honorary inscription for Atia Balbou, mother of Augustus, on base; I&7e&%3`1&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, PCPS 206, 1980, 80, no. 12 (PH); SEG 30, 1247; BE 1982:355; AnnEpig 1980, 873. @ @@`191. Honorary (?) inscription for Zeus Patroos Augustus Caesar, on base; 27 BC%3AD 50; found at Aphrodisias: Kubitschek %9 Reichel, AAWW 1893, 103, no. 13; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 108, no. 24; Robert, RPh 4, 1930, 26, no. 2; Robert, RPh 8, 1934, 49, note 1; Buckler, RPh 9, 1935, 187; MAMA 8, no. 431 (PH); *Reynolds, PCPS 206, 1980, 77, no. 5; SEG 30, 1244; BE 1982:355. @ @@`192. Honorary inscription for [I]ulia Augusta, daughter of Augustus and identified as Hera (%6 Livia (?) ), on marble base; 1; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, PCPS 206, 1980, 82, no. 17 (PH); SEG 30, 1249; BE 1982:355; AnnEpig 1980, 877. @ @@`193. Unpublished honorary inscription for Gaius Caesar; 1; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, StudClas 24, 1986, 112; Smith, JRS 77, 1987, 95. @ @@`194. Unpublished honorary inscription for Lucius Caesar; 1; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, StudClas 24, 1986, 112; Smith, JRS 77, 1987, 95. @ @@`195. Unpublished honorary inscription for Drusus Caesar son of Tiberius; 1; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, StudClas 24, 1986, 112; Smith, JRS 77, 1987, 95. @ @@`196. Unpublished honorary inscription for Julia, daughter of Drusus Caesar son of Tiberius; 1; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, StudClas 24, 1986, 112; Smith, JRS 77, 1987, 95. @ @@`197. Unpublished honorary inscription for Agrippina the Younger; 1; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, StudClas 24, 1986, 112; Smith, JRS 77, 1987, 95. @ @@`198. Unpublished honorary inscription for Ti(berius) Claudius Drusus, first%19born son of Claudius; 1; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, StudClas 24, 1986, 112; Smith, JRS 77, 1987, 95. @ @@`199. Honorary inscription for Germanicus Caesar, (adoptive) son of Tiberius, on base; AD 14%3`41; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, PCPS 206, 1980, 81, no. 14 (PH); SEG 30, 1252; BE 1982:355; AnnEpig 1980, 875. @ @@`200. Honorary inscription for Tiberius by [I]ulia Paula and Iu[lia ... ], on base; AD 14%3`37; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 108, no. 25; *MAMA 8, no. 434 (PH). @ @@`201. Honorary inscription for Agrippina, daughter of Agrippa and mother of Caligula, on base; AD 37%3`41; found at Aphrodisias: #1222nan %9 Alfo+ldi%19Rosenbaum, 78%19`79, no. 24 (PH); *Reynolds, PCPS 206, 1980, 80%19`81, no. 13 (PH); SEG 30, 1250; BE 1982:355; AnnEpig 1980, 874; SEG 32, 1098; SEG 35, 1082. @ @@`202. Honorary inscription for Marcus (Aemilius) Lepidus (husband of Drusilla); AD 37%3`41; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, PCPS 206, 1980, 81, no. 15 (PH); SEG 30, 1251; BE 1982:355; AnnEpig 1980, 876. @ @@`203. Honorary inscription for Claudius by [d]emos and Menandros Diogenous, &3archiereus& of Claudius and Dionysos, on marble base; AD 41%3`54; found at Aphrodisias: Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 110, no. 10; CIG 2739; LW 1621; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 109, no. 26; *MAMA 8, no. 447; SEG 30, 1244. @ @@`204. Dedication of (statue of) Antonia Augusta by Hermias &3hiereus,& on marble base; AD 41%3`54; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, ZPE 43, 1981, 322%19`323, no. 5 (PH); SEG 31, 915; BE 1982:356. @ @@`205. Honorary (?) inscription naming Nero; AD 54%3`69; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2740; *Reynolds, PCPS 206, 1980, 81%19`82, no. 16; SEG 30, 1244; BE 1982:355. @ @@`206. Honorary inscription for Domitian by demos, on statue%19base; AD 83%3`96; found at Aphrodisias: Erim, ORom 9, 1973, 135%19`142 (PH); *#1222nan %9 Alfo+ldi%19Rosenbaum, 91, no. 38 (PH); SEG 32, 1099; SEG 35, 1082. @ @@`207. Unpublished honorary inscription for Septimius Severus; AD 193%3`211; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity, p. 52, &3ad& no. 28. @ @@`208. Honorary inscription for Caracalla by demos, on marble base; AD 198%3`217; found at Aphrodisias: Leake, TRSL 1843, 234 and 289 no. 4; LW 1623; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 106%19`107, no. 21; *MAMA 8, no. 451 (PH). @ @@`209. Honorary inscription for Iulia (Domna) &3euergetis& by demos, on marble base; AD 193%3`217; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 452 (PH). @ @@`210. Honorary inscription for [Iulia Corne]lia Solon[ei]na Augusta by &3po&[&3lis&] of Aphrodeis[i]as, on marble base; AD 253%3`260; found at Aphrodisias: Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 113, no. 6; LW 1625; MAMA 8, no. 453; Roueche/, JRS 71, 1981, 103%19`104, no. 1 (PH); BE 1982:357; AnnEpig 1981, 765; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 2 (PH). @ @@`211. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]us Li[cinius] Va[lerian]us, brother of Gallienus (or Valerian the Younger,) [by &3polis,&] on marble base; AD 253%3`260; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 210, no. 90 (part); MAMA 8, no. 509 (part) (PH, part); Roueche/, JRS 71, 1981, 104%19`106, no. 3 (PH); SEG 31, 906; BE 1982:357; AnnEpig 1981, 767; Christol %9 Drew%19Bear, Travaux %9 Recherches 1982, 35 no. 32 (non vidi); Zaccaria, ӈSodalitas (Fs. Guarino) vol. 2, 697%19`709; AnnEpig 1984, 884; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 4 (PH). @ @@`212. Honorary inscription for (no name) Caesar (one of Gallienus's two sons) by &3polis& of Aphrodeisias, on base; AD 256%3`260; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, JRS 71, 1981, 104, no. 2 (PH); SEG 31, 907; AnnEpig 1981, 766; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 3 (PH). @ See also: Aphrodisias 657%19`663. @ Տ@@@@Section: 10b. Honorary Inscriptions for Cities (213%19`221) @ @@`213. Honorary inscription for demos of Aphrodeisias by &3archontes& of &3polis,& including Aurelius Ant[o]nius Neikomachos Blastos; AD 233%3`300; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2760. @ @@`214. Dedication of (statue of) demos (of Aphrodisias); 3; found at Karacasu: Paton, JHS 20, 1900, 77%19`78, no. 6; Robert, RPh 4, 1930, 27 (%6 OM II 1127); *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome doc. 43 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:390. @ @@`215. Honorary inscription for demos of Apollonia Salbak. by demos of Aphrodeisias; AD 233%3`300; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2761; Liermann 162%19`163, no. 31 (non vidi); *Robert, La Carie II 232, no. 147; BE 1955:200. @ @@`216. Honorary inscription for demos of Heraklea (Salbak.) by demos of Aphrodeisias; AD 233%3`300; found at Aphrodisias: Texier, As. Min. iii 156, no. 2; CIG 2762; Liermann 163, no. 32 (non vidi); *Robert, La Carie II 202%19`203, no. 131; BE 1955:200. @ @@`217. Honorary inscription for demos of Hierapolis by demos of Aphrodeisias; AD 233%3`300; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2763; Liermann 163%19`164, no. 33 (non vidi); Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 290, no. 194 (part); *Cormack, Notes 9 and 56, fig. 3. @ @@`218. Honorary inscription for d[emos] of [K]ereta[pa] by demos of [Aphrod]eisia[s], on marble fragment; AD 233%3`300; found at Aphrodisias: Kubitschek %9 Reichel, AAWW 1893, 102, no. 12; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 112%19`113, no. 32; Robert, Villes d'Asie Mineure 107; *MAMA 8, no. 512. @ @@`219. Honorary inscription for demos of Kibyra by demos of Aphrodeisias; AD 233%3`300; found at Aphrodisias: Texier, As. Min. iii 156, no. 3; *CIG 2764; Liermann 164, no. 34 (non vidi). @ @@`220. Honorary inscription for demos of Tabai by demos of Aphrodeisias; AD 233%3`300; found at Aphrodisias: Texier, As. Min. iii 156, no. 1; CIG 2765; Liermann 164%19`165, no. 35 (non vidi); *Robert, La Carie II 115, no. 23; BE 1955:200. @ @@`221. Honorary inscription for demos [of (no name)] by demos of Aphrodeisias; AD 233%3`300; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 358, no. 62; *CIG 2765b (p. 1109). @ @@@@Section: 10c. Other Honorary Inscriptions (222%19`378) @ @@`222. Honorary inscription for Adrastos Neikoteimou by &3neoi,& on marble base; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Leake, TRSL 1843, 235 and 290%19`291, no. 6; LW 1602a; Liermann 101%19`102, no. 19 (non vidi); Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 113%19`114, no. 33; *MAMA 8, no. 484 (PH). @ @@`223. Honorary inscription for [Adrastos Neiko]teim[ou] by [boule, demos, and gerousia,] on marble fragment; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 216, no. 105; *MAMA 8, no. 485 (PH). @ @@`224. Honorary inscription for Aelia Iulia Apphia, &3matrona &3stolata,& by boule and demos; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *LW 1606. @ @@`225. Honorary inscription for Aelia La[i]billa, &3archiereia& of Asia, by daughters Septimia Laibilla et al.; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2823. @ @@`226. Honorary inscription for Ael(ius) Aur(elius) Ammianus Papias; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2787. @ @@`227. Honorary inscription for Aelius Aurelius Ammianus Paulinus; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2788. @ @@`228. Honorary inscription for Aelius Aurelius [Menandros,] victorious athlete, by [boule, demos, and gerousia]; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 311%19`315, no. 22 (part); CIG 2810b (p. 1112); Leake, TRSL 1843, 238 and 296, no. 13.A%19B; Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 109, no. 8; *LW 1620b; Liermann 88%19`99, no. 16 (non vidi); BE 1965:364. @ @@`229. Honorary inscription for [Publius Aelius Hi]larianos, &3hippikos,& by father Publius Aelius [A]pollonianos, on marble block; 2%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2792; LW 1617; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 129, no. 57; *MAMA 8, no. 518; SEG 31, 902; BE 1981:517. @ @@`230. Honorary inscription for Publius Aelius Hilarianos, &3hippiko&[&3s&], by mother Tiberia Iulia Antonia L[e]t[o]is (?); 2%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 329%19`331, no. 40; CIG 2793 %7 p. 1112; Bailie, Fasc. ii 37%19`38 and 301%19`304, no. 63; Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 109, no. 5; *LW 595; SEG 31, 902; BE 1981:517. @ @@`231. Honorary inscription for Ammia Attalou by boule, demos, and gerousia, on marble fragment; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2814; Henzen, Ann. d. Inst. 23, 1852, 120, no. 3; Liermann 100%19`101, no. 18 (non vidi); Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 214%19`215, no. 102 (part); Cormack, Notes 13%19`14 and 59 fig. 7; **MAMA 8, no. 528 (PH) (ll. 3%19`3a, 5). @ @@`232. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Antonius Apellas Severinus for &3familia& and &3kynegesiai,& on marble stele; Roman; found at Aphrodisias: Robert, Glad. no. 156; MAMA 8, no. 507 (PH); *Hellenica 13, 154%19`155; BE 1966:402. @ @@`233. Honorary inscription for L(ucius) Ant(onius) Cl(audius) Dometeinos Diogenes by &3patris,& on statue%19base; AD 200%3`225; found at Aphrodisias: Erim, AJA 69, 1965, 145 (PH, of statue); Erim, Archaeology 20, 1967, 26, fig. 15 (PH, of statue); Reynolds, Belleten Tu+rk Tarih Kurumu 32, 1968, 23%19`24, no. 6; BE 1969:541; *#1222nan %9 Alfo+ldi%19Rosenbaum, 212%19`213, no. 186 (PH); SEG 32, 1101; SEG 35, 1082; PIR&4`2& C, 853. @ @@`234. Honorary inscription for Ant[o]nius Flav(ius) Antiochos, athlete victorious at Philemoni[ea]; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2812; Liermann 137%19`138, no. 24 (non vidi); Oikonomos, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 293, no. 8; BE 1972:414. @ @@`235. Honorary inscription for Marcus Antonius Popillius Androneikos Flavianus, &3archineopoios& of Aphrodite; 3; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 139%19`140, no. 71. @ @@`236. Honorary inscription for [L]u[ci]u[s] Antonius Zosas [by boule and demos,] on white marble base; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 610%19`611, no. 6; Ziebarth, ZVRW 16, 1903, 292, no. 62; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 128, no. 55; *MAMA 8, no. 524 (PH). @ @@`237. Honorary inscription for Apphia Theodorou by boule and demos, on marble block; 2?; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 116%19`117, no. 38; *MAMA 8, no. 478 (PH). @ @@`238. Honorary inscription for Sextus Appuleius, proconsul, by d[e]mos (of Aphrodisias), on base; 23%3`15 BC; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 44 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:390; AnnEpig 1984, 879. @ @@`239. Honorary inscription for [A]r%1[istok]les Molo[ss]os by boule and demos, on marble base; c. AD 25%3`50; found at Aphrodisias: Radet, BCH 14, 1890, 236%19`237, no. 11; *MAMA 8, no. 468. @ @@`240. Honorary inscription for Artemidoros Apolloniou, with dedication of &3eikon& by Kotas and demos, on base; 27 BC%3`1; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 27 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:386. @ @@`241. Honorary inscription for Artemon Andronos [by boule and demos]; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 117%19`118, no. 39. @ @@`242. Honorary inscription for Athenagoras Athenagorou by boule and demos, on marble panels; 2; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 114, no. 34; *MAMA 8, no. 475. @ @@`243. Honorary inscription for [A]ttalis Apphio[n], on marble base; 1; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, ZPE 43, 1981, 320%19`321, no. 3 (PH); SEG 31, 900; BE 1982:356. @ @@`244. Honorary inscription for Attalos by brother Diogenes; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2805.b; Bailie, Fasc. ii 38%19`39, no. 65. @ @@`245. Honorary inscription for Attalos Makedonos by boule, demos, gerousia, and &3neoi,& on white marble base; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 324%19`325, no. 32; CIG 2781 %7 p. 1111; Bailie, Fasc. ii 18%19`19 and 278, no. 47; LW 1600; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 120, no. 43; *MAMA 8, no. 479. @ @@`246. Honorary inscription for [Attalos P]ytheou by [boule, demos, and gero]usia, on marble block; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: Henzen, Ann. d. Inst. 23, 1852, 127%19`131, no. 7, col. 1; LW 1602.a; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 143%19`144, no. 76; *MAMA 8, no. 492.a (PH). @ @@`247. Honorary inscription for Attinas Theodorou by [b]oule, demos, and ge[ro]usia, on marble block; 2?; found at Aphrodisias: Henzen, Ann. d. Inst. 23, 1852, 126%19`127, no. 6; LW 1599; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 120, no. 45; *MAMA 8, no. 477 (PH); Hellenica 13, 178%19`180; BE 1966:398. @ @@`248. Honorary inscription for Aurelia Messuleia Saturnina Chrysaoris; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2821. @ @@`249. Honorary inscription for Aur(elia) Flavia Messuleia Diogeneia; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2822. @ @@`250. Honorary inscription for [Aurelia Messuleia Diogeneia,] daughter of F[lavius] Hephaistion and Messuleia Saturnina, on marble base; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 208%19`210, no. 88; *MAMA 8, no. 516 (PH). @ @@`251. Honorary inscription for Aurelia [ ... ] by [bo]ule and [d]emos, on marble base; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 208, no. 87; *MAMA 8, no. 515 (PH). @ @@`252. Inscription on name%19plate of bust identifying M(arcus) Aur(elius) Apollonios; AD 235%3`250; found at Bozdog%27an, west of Karacasu: *#1222nan %9 Rosenbaum 175%19`176, no. 235. @ @@`253. Honorary inscription for Mar[cus] Aur(elius) Attalos, decreed by [b]oule and demos; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Leake, TRSL 1843, 235 and 291, no. 7; *LW 1609a. @ @@`254. Honorary inscription for Marcus Aurelius Diogenes, legate of Augusti &3pro praetore,& by [boule and] demos, on base; AD 253%3`260; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, JRS 71, 1981, 106, no. 4 (PH); SEG 31, 908; BE 1982:357; AnnEpig 1981, 768; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 5 (PH). @ @@`255. Honorary inscription for Marcus Aurelius Diogenes, &3hegemon,& by [&3polis& (?),] on base; AD 253%3`260; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, JRS 71, 1981, 106%19`108, no. 5 (PH); SEG 31, 909; BE 1982:357; AnnEpig 1981, 769; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 6 (PH). @ @@`256. Honorary inscription for [A]ur(elius) Gaius, [&3heka&]&3tontarchos phroumentarios,& by [&3polis& (?),] on marble base; 3&7m&; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 145%19`147, no. 78; ILS 9474; MAMA 8, no. 508 (PH); *Roueche/, JRS 71, 1981, 113%19`117, no. 7; SEG 31, 905, col. 1; BE 1982:357; AnnEpig 1981, 771. @ @@`257. Honorary inscription for Mar(cus) Aur(elius) Gaitylikos, &3epitropos& of emperor; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2800; Oikonomos, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 293 and 296, no. 6; *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 56; SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:391. @ @@`258. Honorary inscription for Mar(cus) Aur(elius) Cl(audius) Ktesias by boule, demo[s, and gerousia,] on marble base; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 132, no. 61; Robert, RPh 3, 1929, 126, no. 5; SEG 4, 399; *MAMA 8, no. 503. @ @@`259. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Aur(elius) Stato[ri]us Argyrios by boule and demos; AD 233%3`300; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2799. @ @@`260. Honorary inscription for [Claudius Aurelius Zelos,] by [boule and demos]; 2&4`2&%3`3&4`1&; found at Pirlibey near Nazilli: *Leake, TRSL 1843, 235 and 289%19`290, no. 5; LW 1598&3bis&; Homeros 3, 1875, 80. @ @@`261. Honorary inscription for Mar(cus) A[ur](elius) [ ... ]os of Aphrodeisias, [N]eikomedea, and Ankyr[a,] athlete victorious in several cities, on marble base; 2&7e&%3`3&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 68%19`71, no. 1; Liermann 146%19`148, no. 28 (non vidi); Hellenica 11%19`12, 360; MAMA 8, no. 521; *Moretti no. 80; SEG 14, 733; BE 1972:414. @ @@`262. Honorary inscription for Bakchios Popliou by sister Artemeis Popliou, on marble block; Roman; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2806; LW 1616; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 120%19`121, no. 46; *MAMA 8, no. 463. @ @@`263. Honorary inscription for [Ch]aireas &3ste&[&3ph&]&3anephoros,& on marble base; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 466 (PH). @ @@`264. Honorary inscription for &3sophistes& Chaireas; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2798. @ @@`265. Honorary inscription for Demetrios Pyrrhou by boule, demos, and gerousia, on marble base; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2775; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 121, no. 48; Laum, no. 105; Ziebarth, ZVRW 16, 1903, 292, no. 63; *MAMA 8, no. 482. @ @@`266. Fragment of honorary inscription for Dio[doros (?)] by son (no name), on marble base; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 210, no. 89; *MAMA 8, no. 493 (PH). @ @@`267. Honorary inscription for [Diodo]ros Diodorou by [boule, de]mos, and [gerousi]a, on marble block; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Henzen, Ann. d. Inst. 23, 1852, 127%19`131, no. 7, col. 3; LW 1602.c; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 143%19`144, no. 76; *MAMA 8, no. 492.c (PH). @ @@`268. Honorary inscription for Diogeneia &3archiereia&; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2818. @ @@`269. Honorary inscription for Diogenes by brother Attalos; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 329, no. 39; CIG 2805.a; Bailie, Fasc. ii 38%19`39, no. 64; Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 110, no. 11; *LW 1615. @ @@`270. Honorary inscription for Diogenes Menandrou, &3hiereus& of Aphrodeite and &3Amerimnia& of Augusti, by boule and demos; 1?; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2778; Liermann 63%19`65, no. 11 (non vidi); SEG 30, 1244. @ @@`271. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]teinos Diogenes, &3archiereus& of Asia, by &3patris&; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2777 %7 p. 1111; Liermann 58%19`63, no. 10 (non vidi). @ @@`272. Honorary inscription for Dionysios Artemidoro[u] by [boule and demos,] on marble base; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 325, no. 33; CIG 2769 %7 p. 1109; Bailie, Fasc. ii 36, no. 62; LW 1608; *MAMA 8, no. 480 (PH). @ @@`273. Honorary inscription for [Dio]nysios [ ... by boule and demos]; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: Ramsay, Cities %9 Bishoprics p. 189, no. 72; Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 12, no. 4; BE 1948:211a; *MAMA 8, no. 520&3bis. @ @@`274. Fragment of honorary inscription for [ ... Dome]teina; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 218, no. 111. @ @@`275. Unpublished honorary inscription for Euphron Itharou by [&3chry&]&3sophoroi neopoioi& of Aphrodite; 2&4`2&%3`3&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: *Robert, Et. anat. 299, note 2. @ @@`276. Honorary inscription for Eusebes Menandrou by [boule (?),] on white marble base; 1?; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 127, no. 53; *MAMA 8, no. 489. @ @@`277. Honorary inscriptions for Heraios Attalou and wife Geis by [boule] and de[mos,] on marble epistyle block; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 326%19`327, no. 36; CIG 2809 %7 p. 1112 (part); CIG 2820.B %7 p. 1115 (part); Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 110%19`111, no. 18; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 121, no. 47; *MAMA 8, no. 465. @ @@`278. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]os Hieratikos, &3hippi&[&3k&]&3os and &3hekatontarchos legionarios,& by friends Lucius Aurelius [Z]enon and Lucius Aurelius Hypsi[k]les; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2803; von Richter %9 Ewers 596, no. 48 (non vidi). @ @@`279. Honorary inscription for Iason Prabreus for good deeds, including activity in building, by boule and demos, on white marble base; c. 2; found at Aphrodisias: Kubitschek %9 Reichel, AAWW 1893, 100%19`101, no. 1; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 98%19`100, no. 13 (part); Wilhelm, JO+AI 28, 1933, 57%19`61; *MAMA 8, no. 498 (PH); **Robert, AC 35, 1966, 392%19`394 (ll. 1%19`2). @ @@`280. Honorary inscription for Iulia Paula, &3archiereia& and &3anthephoros,& with artist's signature by Androneikos, on statue%19base; c. 1&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 136%19`137, no. 69; Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 11, no. 2. @ @@`281. Honorary inscription for [Iulius (?)] Aureliu[us Charidemos (?),] &3sophistes&; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 26, no. 35; **Robert, AC 35, 1966, 395%19`398 and 424 note 2 (ll. 1%19`2); BE 1967:549. @ @@`282. Honorary inscription for G(aius) Iulius Philippos; 2&4`2&; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2790; LW 1609; *OGIS 500. @ @@`283. Honorary inscription for Gaius Iu(lius) Poleitianos by [demos,] &3neoi,& [gerou]sia, and [b]ou[le]; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2786, ll. 1%19`20; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 211 no. 94, 212 no. 95, 214 no. 101, and 220 no. 121 (parts); *Cormack, Notes 11 and 57 fig. 5. @ @@`284. Honorary inscription for [Ga]ius Iulius Zoilos, [&3hier&]&3eus of Aphrodite and [Ele]utheria, by [boul]e and demos; I&4`2&%3`1&7b&; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 127%19`128, no. 54; Giuliano, ASAA 27%19`28, 1959%19`1960, 392; Robert, AC 35, 1966, 414 (PH); *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 33; SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:388; AnnEpig 1984, 878. @ @@`285. Honorary inscription for Gaius Iulius Zoil[os] by demos; I&7e&%3`1&7b&; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 38 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:388; AnnEpig 1984, 878. @ @@`286. Honorary inscription for (no name) Kallimorphos, &3hiereus of &3thea Nike& and victorious &3auletes&; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2810. @ @@`287. Honorary inscription for Kallipos Xenokratous by b[oule and de]mos, on marble panel; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 130, no. 58; *MAMA 8, no. 474 (PH). @ @@`288. Honorary inscription for &3stephanephoroi& Cal%1pu[2r]2nius Paulinus and Flavia Pythodoris; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Leake, TRSL 1843, 241 and 299, no. 17; *LW 1612; Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 111, no. 1. @ @@`289. Honorary inscription for Claudia Antonia Tatiane, on base; 3&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 328%19`329, no. 38; CIG 2819b (pp. 1114%19`1115); Leake, TRSL 1843, 236 and 272, no. 10; Bailie, Fasc. ii, 291%19`292, no. 58; Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 109, no. 4; Henzen, Ann. d. Inst. 23, 1852, 120, no. 4; *LW 1597. @ @@`290. Honorary inscription for Claudia Antonia Tatiane, by boule and demos, on statue%19base; AD 200%3`225; found at Aphrodisias: Erim, Archaeology 20, 1967, 22%19`24 (PH, of statue); Reynolds, Belleten Tu+rk Tarih Kurumu 32, 1968, 21%19`23, no. 5; BE 1969:541; *#1222nan %9 Alfo+ldi%19Rosenbaum 215%19`216, no. 187 (PH); SEG 32, 1100; SEG 35, 1082. @ @@`291. Honorary inscription of Claudia Apphia Chairemonis, &3archiereia,& on base; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 116, no. 37. @ @@`292. Honorary inscription for [Ti]berius Cl[audius A]ntonius D[ok]imianos Hermio%1[s] by demos, on white marble base; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 359, no. 66; CIG 2781c (p. 1112); *MAMA 8, no. 496 (PH). @ @@`293. Honorary inscription for [Tiber]ius Claudius Attalos, senator, by [demos,] on marble base; c. 3&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 327%19`328, no. 37; CIG 2781b (p. 1111); Leake, TRSL 1843, 236 and 292 no. 9; Bailie, Fasc. ii 33%19`34 and 292%19`296, no. 59; Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 109, no. 3; LW 1596; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 120, no. 44; *MAMA 8, no. 502 (PH). @ @@`294. Honorary inscription for rhetor Tiberius Cl(audius) Aurelius Ktesias by &3patris&; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 322, no. 29; CIG 2797; Bailie, Fasc. ii 31%19`32 and 290%19`291, no. 57; *LW 1598. @ @@`295. Honorary inscription for [Ti(berius) Cl(audius)] Diog[enes] and [Cl(audia) Tatia]ne; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 122, no. 49. @ @@`296. Honorary inscription for [Ti(berius) Clau]dius Diogenes, &3archiereus& of Asia, etc., [by boule and demos (?)]; 1&7m&; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, ZPE 43, 1981, 320%19`322, no. 4 (PH); SEG 31, 901; BE 1982:356. @ @@`297. Honorary inscription for L(ucius) Cl(audius) Ibereinos Eudaimon, by boule and demos, on base; 2&4`2&; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2791. @ @@`298. Honorary inscription for Tib(erius) Cl(audius) Ktesias and wife [ ... ]ia by [boule, demos,] and gerousia, on marble block; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Henzen, Ann. d. Inst. 23, 1852, 132%19`133, no. 8; LW 1603; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 131%19`132, no. 60; Laum, no. 110; Ziebarth, ZVRW 16, 1903, 292, no. 63; *MAMA 8, no. 497 (PH). @ @@`299. Honorary inscription for (no name), &3hiereus,& with [Ti]berus Claudius Menandros in charge of setting up statue; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2789; Liermann 45%19`47, no. 7 (non vidi). @ @@`300. Unpublished honorary inscription for Tiberius Claudius Zelos, &3archiereus& and &3hiereus& of Aphrodeite, by boule, demos, gerousia, and &3neoi,& on pediment blocks; 2&4`2&; found at Aphrodisias: *MacDonald, Greek %9 Roman Coins from Aphrodisias, p. 20, no. 2; **BE 1977:459 (l. 1); SEG 26, 1219. @ @@`301. Honorary inscription for Melito[n], victorious &3kitharist&[&3es&]; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 255, no. 148&3bis&; **Robert, RPh 4, 1930, 29%19`30, no. 5 (ll. 3%19`4). @ @@`302. Honorary inscription for [Menand]ro[s] M[enandrou,] athlete victorious at Philemoniea, by [boule (?)]; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2811; Bailie, Fasc. ii 19%19`21 and 278%19`279, no. 48; Liermann 139%19`144, no. 26 (non vidi); BE 1972:414. @ @@`303. Honorary inscription for Men[ekrates] by [demos,] on marble base; II&7e&%3I?; found at Aphrodisias: Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 111, no. 2; LW 1595; Liermann 14%19`16, no. 2 (non vidi); *MAMA 8, no. 460 (PH). @ @@`304. Honorary inscription for Menogenes Glykon Ask[lepiades,] by demos; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *LW 1614. @ @@`305. Honorary inscription for Metrodoros Demetrios, by boule and demos, on marble block; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 323, no. 30; CIG 2779 %7 p. 1111; Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 109 no. 1; Bailie, Fasc. ii 24%19`25 and 281%19`283, no. 51.h; LW 1605.b; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 134%19`135, no. 65; *MAMA 8, no. 473 (PH). @ @@`306. Honorary inscription for [Aristokles] Molossos, &3hiereus& of [Caes]ar, Ammia Anniou (?), &3hiera& of &3Thea Iulia& (%6 Livia,) and their son Phan[ias,] by [ge]rousia and de[mos]; I&7e&%3`1&7b&; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2815, ll. 2%19`10 (part); *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 114%19`116, no. 35; Buckler, RPh 38, 1914, 211%19`214; **Robert, RPh 4, 1930, 26%19`27, no. 3 (for col. 1, ll. 8%19`9, 11); SEG 30, 1244. @ @@`307. Honorary inscription for Molossos Pereitou, &3hiereus& of Herme[s] Agoraios; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2770. @ @@`308. Honorary inscription for Myon Menandros by demos; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 325%19`326, no. 34; CIG 2772; Bailie, Fasc. ii 34 and 296%19`298, no. 60; *LW 1613. @ @@`309. Honorary inscripton for Neaira Ammia [by boule and demos,] on marble block; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 323%19`324, no. 31; CIG 2816 %7 p. 1114; Bailie, Fasc. ii 24%19`25 and 283, no. 51.i; Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 109, no. 6; LW 1605.a; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 135, no. 67; *MAMA 8, no. 472 (PH). @ @@`310. Honorary inscription for [Neikoteimos] Hiera[x], by [boule and demo]s, on marble fragment; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 215, no. 103; *MAMA 8, no. 483. @ @@`311. Honorary inscription for T(itus) Opp(ius) Aelianus Asklpeiodotos, former &3hegemon& of Caria and Phrygia, proconsul of Asia, by &3patris,& on base; AD 284%3`301; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, JRS 71, 1981, 108%19`113, no. 6 (PH); SEG 31, 910; BE 1982:357; AnnEpig 1981, 770; AnnEpig 1982, 893; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 7 (PH). @ @@`312. Honorary inscription for Marcus Valerius Epaphrodeitos, &3kitharodos,& by [boule, demos,] and gerousia; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2813; BE 1972:414. @ @@`313. Honorary inscription for Marcus Vinicius, proconsul, by demos (of Aphrodisias); I&7e&%3`1; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 45.a (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:391; AnnEpig 1984, 880.a. @ @@`314. Honorary inscription for Publius Vinicius, proconsul, by demos (of Aphrodisias); c. AD 5; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 45.b (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:391; AnnEpig 1984, 880.b. @ @@`315. Honorary inscription for Mar(cus) Ul(pius) Car(minius) Claudianus, responsible for much building, by boule, demos, and gerousia of Aphrodisias; 2&4`2&; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2782 %7 p. 1112; Ziebarth, ZVRW 16, 1903, 292, no. 64; Liermann 73%19`86, no. 14 (non vidi); Laum, no. 108; **Derenne, AC 2, 1933, 74 (l. 27); BE 1939:358; **BE 1972:475 (p. 183) (ll. 25%19`26); **Macro, AJP 100, 1979, 94%19`98 (ll. 9%19`10); SEG 29, 1068; BE 1980:472; AnnEpig 1980, 865. @ @@`316. Honorary inscription for Papylos Iasonos by gerousia, boul[e], and demos, on marble block; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 136, no. 68; *MAMA 8, no. 488; BE 1966:400. @ @@`317. Honorary inscription for Antonia Flaviane, by boule, demos, and gerousia; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2786, ll. 21%19`32; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 212 no.'s 95%19`96, 213 no.'s 97 and 99 (parts); *Cormack, Notes 11 and 57 fig. 5. @ @@`318. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Fl(avius) Antonius Lysimachos &3sophistes,& on marble base; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2785; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 134, no. 64; Liermann 116%19`117, no. 20b (non vidi); *MAMA 8, no. 501 (PH). @ @@`319. Honorary inscription for Titus Flavius Apollinarios, by [boul]e, d[emos, ge]rousia, and &3neoi&; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *LW 1601.A. @ @@`320. Honorary inscription for T[itus] Fl[a]vius Athenagoras Agathos by Milon Milonos (or Hermiou?), on marble block; 2; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 517.b. @ @@`321. Honorary inscription for Mar(cus) Fl(avius) Carm(inius) Athenagoras Livianus, &3synkletikos&; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2783. @ @@`322. Honorary inscription for [Gaius (?)] Pyrrhos Papia[s], by boule, [de]mos, and [gerousi]a, on marble fragment; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 140%19`141, no. 72; *MAMA 8, no. 481 (PH). @ @@`323. Honorary inscription for Sallusti[a] Frontina by Milon Milonos, on plain marble block; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 517.a, col. 1. @ @@`324. Honorary inscription for Titus [S]allust[ius] Sanctus, by Milon Milonos (or Hermiou (?)), on marble block; 2; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 517.a, col. 2. @ @@`325. Honorary inscription for Sokrates Theophrastou, by boule and demos, on white marble block; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 326, no. 35; CIG 2780 %7 p. 1111; Bailie, Fasc. ii 31, no. 56; *MAMA 8, no. 461 (PH). @ @@`326. Honorary inscription for [Solon Demetriou (?)]; I&4`2&?; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 41 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:390. @ @@`327. Honorary inscription for Sulpicius Priscus, proconsul, by demos of Aphrodeisias, on base; AD 222%3`235; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 84, no. 4; Abbott %9 Johnson, no. 138; Veyne, Me/l. Piganiol 1395%19`1396; BE 1967:554; *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 47; SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:391. @ @@`328. Honorary inscription for Tata Diodorou by boule, demos, and gero[usia,] on marble block; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2820.A; Henzen, Ann. d. Inst. 23, 1852, 127%19`131, no. 7, col. 2; LW 1602.b; Liermann 99%19`100, no. 17 (non vidi); Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 143%19`144, no. 76; *MAMA 8, no. 492.b (PH). @ @@`329. Honorary inscription for Temokles Apolloniou, by boule and demos; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2766; Liermann 19%19`23, no. 4. @ @@`330. Honorary inscription for Tryph[o]n Menodotou &3stephanephoros&; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 613, no. 11. @ @@`331. Honorary inscription for Tryphe Menodotou, &3stephanephoros, on marble base; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 467 (PH). @ @@`332. Honorary inscription for (no name) Zenas, with statue put up by wife Aurelia Amazonis, on marble base; imperial; part found at Karacasu and part at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 300, no. 12 (part); CIG 2851c (p. 1119) %7 2768; Cormack, Notes 4, 9%19`10, and 55 fig. 1; *MAMA 8, no. 520 (PH). @ @@`333. Honorary inscription for [Zen]on Aenea[s], athlete, by Menestheus Isobounos; 3&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: Leake, TRSL 1843, 236 and 293, no. 11; LW 1616a; Liermann 145, no. 27 (non vidi); Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 211 no.'s 91%19`92, 218 no. 112, 219 no.'s 115, 118, 248 no. 143; Cormack, Notes 20 and 63 fig. 12; *MAMA 8, no. 513 (PH). @ @@`334. Honorary inscription for [Zeno]n [Hypsi]kles by [boule and demos,] on marble fragment; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 500 (PH). @ @@`335. Honorary inscription for Zenon Zenonos, victorious athlete; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 250%19`251, no. 146. @ @@`336. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]nios (?), who went on embassy to emperor, on marble base; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 525; **Hellenica 13, 210 (ll. 6%19`7); BE 1966:403. @ @@`337. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]xia, by &3hiero&[&3tate&] &3boule&; imperial: found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 511 (PH). @ @@`338. Honorary inscription for (no name) Apolloniou, &3archiereus, etc., by boule and demos; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Kubitschek %9 Reichel, AAWW 1893, 102, no. 9; *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 114%19`115, no. 77. @ @@`339. Honorary inscription for (?) (no name) [Apollo]niou, victorious at &3agon& of &3agalmatopoioi,& on marble base; 2&7e&%3`3&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: Liermann 116%19`118 (non vidi); Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 251%19`253, no. 147; Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 11, no. 1; MAMA 8, no. 519; *Ritti, RAL 26, 1971, 189%19`197; BE 1972:414. @ @@`340. Honorary inscription for (no name) Artemidorou (?), by mother Aurelia Ammia, on marble fragment; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2774; Liermann 53, no. 9 (non vidi); Ziebarth, ZVRW 16, 1903, 291 no. 60 and 292 no. 63; Laum, no. 104; *Cormack, Notes 10 and 56 fig. 4. @ @@`341. Honorary inscription for (no name) [Ar]temidoro[u], athlete, by [boule and demos,] on marble base; 2&7e&; found at Aphrodisias: Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 71%19`73, no. 2; Liermann 136%19`137, no. 22 (non vidi); Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 249, no. 144; *MAMA 8, no. 505; BE 1972:414; Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 58; BE 1983:392. @ @@`342. Honorary inscription for (no name) [ ... ]lianou, wife of Septimius Chares Aeneas, honored by Alexander (Severus), on marble base; 3&7m&; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 147%19`149, no. 80; *MAMA 8, no. 514 (PH). @ @@`343. Honorary inscription for (no name), wife of [Athen]agora[s] Athenag[orou,] on marble panels; 2; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 205, no. 82; *MAMA 8, no. 476 (PH). @ @@`344. Honorary inscription for (no name), athlete, on marble base; Roman; found at Aphrodisias: Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 73%19`74, no. 3; Liermann 137, no. 23 (non vidi); Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 249, no. 145; *MAMA 8, no. 506 (PH); BE 1972:414. @ @@`345. Fragments of honorary inscription for (no name); Roman; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 529 (PH). @ @@`346. Honorary inscription for (no name), athlete, victorious in &3pankration& at &3koinon Asias& of Sardis and elsewhere; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 253%19`255, no. 148; *MAMA 8, no. 423. @ @@`347. Honorary inscription for (no name) by [boul]e, demos, and gerousi[a,] on marble base; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 495 (PH). @ @@`348. Honorary inscription for (no name), victorious athlete at [Ph]ilemoniea, set up by Iulius Krateros, father; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Bailie, Fasc. ii 21%19`22 and 279%19`280, no. 49; *LW 596; Liermann 138%19`139, no. 25 (non vidi). @ @@`349. Honorary inscription for (no name), relative of Tiberius Cl[au]dius Aurel[ius] K[ap]etoleinos; imperial; found at ݃Aphrodisias: Bailie, Fasc. ii 35%19`36 and 298%19`301, no. 61; *LW 1596&3bis. @ @@`350. Honorary inscription for (no name), &3logistes&; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 149%19`150, no. 81. @ @@`351. Honorary inscription for (no name), &3hiereus& of Athena P[olias]; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 206, no. 83. @ @@`352. Honorary inscription for (no name), &3ar&[&3chiereus&] of Se[bastoi]; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 216, no. 106. @ @@`353. Fragment of honorary inscription [by boule, demos, and gerousia] for (no name); imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 291, no. 199. @ @@`354. Honorary (?) inscription for (no name) by [ ... ] Euphron, &3hiereus& of Asklepios; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 109%19`110, no. 29. @ @@`355. Honorary inscription for (no name), &3p&[&3a&]&3lais&[2&3t&]2&3es victorious at Aphrodeisia Adonia by Tiberius Claudius Aurelius Mucianus Beroneikianos Apollonios; 1&7m&; found at Aphrodisias: *Kubitschek %9 Reichel, AAWW 1893, 102, no. 11; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 251, no. 146&3bis&; BE 1967:541. @ @@`356. Unpublished series of texts honoring public benefactors of Aphrodisias, on &3scaenae frons&; c. 2; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, ZPE 43, 1981, 320%19`321. @ @@`357. Unpublished inscription on statue%19 base, set up by (?) Flavius Andronikos; 3; found at Aphrodisias: Erim, Archaeology 20, 1967, 25. @ @@`358. Unpublished honorary inscription for &3agalmatopoios&; 3; found at Aphrodisias: Erim %9 Roueche/, PBSR 50, 1982, 113, note 57. @ @@`359. Unpublished honorary inscription on same base as inscription honoring Valens (%6 Aphrodisias 658); 3&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity, p. 40, &3ad no. 21. @ @@`360. Honorary inscription for (no name), &3hekaton&[&3t&]&3archos &3phroumentarios&; 3&7m&; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2802; *Roueche/, JRS 71, 1981, 113%19`117, no. 8; SEG 31, 905, col. 2; BE 1982:357; AnnEpig 1981, 771. @ @@`361. Honorary inscription for athlete (no name); c. AD 258; found at Aphrodisias: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 20%19`21, no. 14. @ @@`362. Honorary inscription for (no name), &3bouleutes,& who contributed money to boule and &3synedrion,& on marble base; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 208, no. 86; Laum, no. 115; *MAMA 8, no. 523. @ @@`363. Honorary inscription for (no name) mentioning &3horiothe&[&3sia&], on marble fragment; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 215, no. 104; *MAMA 8, no. 526. @ @@`364. Honorary inscription for (no name), who was [&3argyrota&]&3mias and held other offices, on marble fragment; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 207, no. 85; *MAMA 8, no. 527 (PH). @ @@`365. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name), on marble architrave; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 530 (PH). @ @@`366. Honorary inscription for (no name), &3tamias,& etc.; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2795. @ @@`367. Honorary (?) inscription for (no name) by &3patris,& on seat in stadium; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 358, no. 64; *CIG 2809c (p. 1112). @ @@`368. Honorary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Leake, TRSL 1843, 234 and 288, no. 3. @ @@`369. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (no name), former [&3gymnasiar&]&3ch& (?); no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 211, no. 93. @ @@`370. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (no name); no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 214, no. 100. @ @@`371. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (no name); no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 218, no. 110. @ @@`372. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (no name); no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 219, no. 117. @ @@`373. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name) [&3gymnasiar&]&3ch& (?); no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 219, no. 119. @ @@`374. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription mentioning Hypsikl%1[es]; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 220, no. 120. @ @@`375. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription by boule; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 291, no. 196. @ @@`376. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription by &3patris&; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 291, no. 200. @ @@`377. Honorary inscription for (no name) by boule and demo[s ... ]; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 29, no. 43. @ @@`378. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (no name); no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 29, no. 45; **Robert, AC 35, 1966, 424, note 3 (l. 5); BE 1967:552. @ See also: Aphrodisias 1%19`2, 5%19`27, 29, 31%19`34, 85, 170, 396%19`397, 404, 413, 425%19`426, 432%19`433, 435, 441, 444, 446, 453, 473, 475, 477, 485, 488%19`489, 494, 501, 503, 510%19`511, 522%19`523, 534, 536, 546, 578%19`581, 609, 664%19`672, 712%19`728, 730%19`731; Robert, La Carie II no. 157 (%6 Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 130, no. 59) (%6 Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 346, no. 29) (honorary inscription for Kallip[pos] Kor[dos (?),] by [boul]e%1 and demos; originally at Apollonia Mai., later at Aphrodisias); Moretti, Iscr. agon. no. 90, ll. 31, 34%19`35 (honorary inscription for Valerius Eklektos, athlete victorious at Kapetolia of Aphrodeisias and elsewhere, under named &3archigrammateus& at Aphrodeisias; found in Attica); Ephesos 1283, l. 2 (%6 IEphesos 1106) (honorary inscription for &3kitharodos& [Tiberius] Claudius Epigonos, citizen of Aphrodisias, Ephesos, and other cities; found at Ephesos); Keil %9 von Premerstein, Reise no. 46 (honorary inscription for [Gaius Iu]l%1ius Long[ianos] (of Aphrodisias); found at Philadelphia); Robert, AE 1966, 113%19`115 (honorary inscription for (no name), victorious at Aphrodeisia Isolympia at Aphrodisias and elsewhere; found on Rhodes). @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (379%19`380) @ @@`379. [Horos] of [topos] of asylum as defined by Caesar, Augustus, Senate, and Roman [Demos]; I&4`2&%3`1&7b&; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 35 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:388; AnnEpig 1984, 878. @ @@`380. Horos inscription [of asylum, as defined by Caesar, Augustus,] Senate, and Roman D[emos]; I&4`2&%3`1&7b&; found at Aphrodisias: Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 22, no. 16; *Robert, AC 35, 1966, 401%19`412; BE 1967:552; BE 1983:388. @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (381%19`395) @ @@`381. Unpublished inscription on seat in Stadium mentioning Ailianos; Roman; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity, p. 17. @ @@`382. Unpublished topos inscription for people of Mastaura on seats in Stadium; Roman; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity, p. 236. @ @@`383. Inscription of &3topos& where &3desis& of iron is prohibited; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 430 (PH); Hellenica 13, 171%19`172; BE 1966:395; Robert, BCH 107, 1983, 510%19`511; SEG 33, 855; Robert, BCH 108, 1984, 457; BE 1984:409. @ @@`384. Topos inscription of &3neotero&[&3i&], on seat of Odeon; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 180.i. @ @@`385. Unpublished topos inscriptions for ephebes and officials of &3neoteroi&; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity, p. 222. @ @@`386. Topos inscription of Theodoros, on column in Theater Baths; late imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 192 (PH). @ @@`387. (Topos) inscription of Aelianus, on stylobate of Theater Baths; late imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 193. @ @@`388. Topos inscription on statue%19base at Theater Baths; late imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 194. @ @@`389. First topos inscription of men of Hierapolis, on column in Tetrastoon; late imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 196. @ @@`390. Second topos inscription of men of [Hi]erap(olis) (?), on column in Tetrastoon; late imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 197. @ @@`391. (Topos) inscription of Philip(pos), on column in Agora; late imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 198. @ @@`392. [T]opos inscription of Eugraphios &3phylarchos,& on column in Agora; late imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 201.a (PH). @ @@`393. Topos inscription of Zotikos, on column in Agora; late imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 201.b (PH). @ @@`394. (Topos) (?) inscription of Kes( ... ), on column in Agora; late imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 203. @ @@`395. (Topos) (?) inscription of Theok(tistos), on column in Agora; late imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 204. @ See also: Aphrodisias 379%19`380, 454, 517, 673%19`703, 765%19`766, 780%19`781, 787. @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (396%19`401) @ @@`396. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for athlete [Aurelius Achilleus], on base; AD 212%3`263; found at Aphrodisias: *Jones, HSCP 85, 1981, 119%19`129 (PH); **Ebert, Stadion 7, 1981, 203%19`210 (ll. 1%19`2, 4, 8, 12%19`13, 15, 17, 21); Merkelbach, ZPE 49, 1982, 282%19`283; SEG 31, 904; BE 1982:358; BE 1984:410. @ @@`397. Honorary inscription in hexameters in Latin for governor (?) (no name), on columnar base; 3%3`4?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 8 (PH). @ @@`398. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Thesseus &3kteneites, on marble slab; Roman; found at Aphrodisias: MAMA 8, no. 569; *Hellenica 13, 184%19`192; BE 1966:409. @ @@`399. Unpublished funerary epigram; Roman; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity, p. 199. @ @@`400. Funerary inscription, doubtfully Christian, in elegiacs, for (no name), on marble block; prob. 3; found at Aphrodisias: LW 1648; Ramsay, Cities %9 Bishoprics 556, no. 430; Kaibel 429; Gre/goire, Rec. 279; Cabrol, Dict. vol. 14, col. 796, no. 24; *MAMA 8, no. 601; **Peek, GVAK 28, no. 12 (ll. 0%19`1); SEG 30, 1256; BE 1982:359. @ @@`401. Fragment of epigram (?) mentioning [Th]eoudes (?); no date; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 359, no. 65; *CIG 2851b. @ See also: Aphrodisias 704%19`740; IGUR 1222 (%6 Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 15, no. 23) (%6 Lo+wy no. 549) (%6 CIG 6233) (funerary inscription in hexameters by artist Zenon of Aphrodisias for self and family; found at Rome). @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (402%19`584) @ @@`402. Funerary inscription for Aba Artapatou, on marble block; late Hellenistic; found at Aphrodisias: Radet, BCH 14, 1890, 237, no. 12; *MAMA 8, no. 532 (PH); Robert, BCH 107, 1983, 505. @ @@`403. Bomos inscription of Achilleus, &3pragmateutes& of Ti(berius) Claudius Attalos, senator, and family, with curse for unauthorized burial, on plain marble slab; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2831 %7 p. 1115; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 264, no. 158; *MAMA 8, no. 570; **Hellenica 13, 131%19`133 and 173 (l. 10); BE 1966:410. @ @@`404. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Adrastos Adrastou by [b]oule, de[mos,] gerousia, and &3neoi,& on base; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: *Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 74, no. 4; Liermann 167, no. 36 (non vidi). @ @@`405. Funerary inscription for Adrastos Adrastou by parents Adrastos and Rhodine; no date; found at Karacasu: *Paton, JHS 20, 1900, 79, no. 8. @ @@`406. Soros inscription of Adrastos Alexandrou et al.; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2850; *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 257%19`258, no. 150. @ @@`407. Platas inscription of Adrastos Polychronios for self and family, with curse and penalty for unauthorized burial, on urn; imperial; found at Aphrodisias, part later at Smyrna: Fellows, Acct. 39%19`41 and 331%19`332, no. 41; CIG 2824 %7 p. 1115; Bailie, Fasc. ii 53%19`55 and 319%19`322, no. 78; *Cormack, Notes 15 and 61 fig. 9. @ @@`408. Funerary inscription for (no name), Aelia Antonia Neike, et al., with curse and penalty for unauthorized burial, on marble sarcophagus; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Texier, As. Min. iii 165%19`166; Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 114%19`115, no. 10; LW 1631; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 258, no. 151; *MAMA 8, no. 568 (PH); BE 1966:408. @ @@`409. Funerary inscription by Aelia Tatia Paulina for self et al., on marble block; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2833; *MAMA 8, no. 549 (PH). @ @@`410. [Pl]atas inscription of Publius A[elius Aurelius ... ] for self and family, with curse and penalty for unauthorized burial, on marble block; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 263%19`264, no. 157; *MAMA 8, no. 579 (PH). @ @@`411. Funerary inscription of Titus Aelius Epaphrodeitos and family on white marble block; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 266%19`267, no. 161; *MAMA 8, no. 548 (PH). @ @@`412. [Mnemeion] (?) inscription of Aelius Claudius Philetos et al., with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2841. @ @@`413. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Aelius Cl(audius) [ ... ] by [ge]rousia, on marble fragment; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 494 (PH). @ @@`414. Soros inscription of Aemiliea Meltine, on sarcophagus; imperial; found at Karacasu: *Salac%25, BCH 51, 1927, 396%19`397, no. 22 (PH); SEG 4, 400. @ @@`415. Mnemeion inscription of [Aeneas] Chares for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 352%19`353, no. 54; CIG 2837b; Bailie, Fasc. ii 49%19`50 and 317%19`318, no. 76; *LW 1634. @ @@`416. Platas inscription of Al[y]pos Adrastou and family, on marble block; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 356%19`357, no. 58; CIG 2825b (p. 1115); Bailie, Fasc. ii 64%19`65 and 333, no. 85; LW 1644; *MAMA 8, no. 535. @ @@`417. [Hypos]orion inscription for (no name), wife Ammia, and family; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 258%19`259, no. 152. @ @@`418. Funerary inscription of married pairs, beginning with Amyntas Menetos; II%3I&7b&; found at Emirler: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 24, no. 31; **Robert, AC 35, 1966, 384%19`385 (ll. 1%19`2); BE 1967:544. @ @@`419. Soros inscription of Antiochos Antiochou and family, with curse and penalty for unauthorized burial and violating grave; imperial; found near Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 260%19`261, no. 154. @ @@`420. Funerary inscription for (no name) and Antonia Kalliane Cha[ ... ], on moulded marble block; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: MAMA 8, no. 583; *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 279%19`280, no. 174. @ @@`421. [Soros] inscription of Ant(onius) Antiochos, Ant(onia) Eiphianassa, and family, with curse and penalty for unauthorized burial on sarcophagus; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 261%19`262, no. 155; *MAMA 8, no. 565 (PH). @ @@`422. Funerary inscription by Marcus Antonius Molo[ssos] for self et al., with penalty for unauthorized burial, on white marble block; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 346, no. 49; CIG 2850b (pp. 1117%19`1118); LW 1643; *MAMA 8, no. 544 (PH). @ @@`423. Soros inscription of [Apol]lonios Alypou et al.; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: Leake, TRSL 1843, 241 and 300, no. 18; *LW 1640a. @ @@`424. [B]omos inscription of Apo[llon]ios Apo[llon]iou; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias?: *Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 113, no. 7. @ @@`425. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Apphia Hermiou by boule and demos, on marble block; Roman; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 125%19`127, no. 52.III; *MAMA 8, no. 469. @ @@`426. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Apphia Menestheos by boule and demos, on marble block; Roman; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 125%19`126, no. 52.II; *MAMA 8, no. 470. @ @@`427. Funerary inscription for Aris[tokles Aristokleous] et al., on white marble block; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 350%19`351, no. 52; CIG 2836 %7 p. 1116; LW 1633.a; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 96, no. 11.a; *MAMA 8, no. 541 (PH). @ @@`428. Mnemeion inscription by Arogos Philemon for self and &3kleronomos&; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 113, no. 8; *LW 1635. @ @@`429. Platas inscription by Artemidoros Artemidorou of Aphrodeisias for self and family, with prohibition of unauthorized burial, on marble block; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 262, no. 156; *MAMA 8, no. 534. @ @@`430. End of funerary inscription for [A]r[te]midor[o]s (?) and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial, on marble sarcophagus; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 345, no. 48; CIG 2850c (p. 1118); Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 284, no. 180; *MAMA 8, no. 550 (PH). @ @@`431. Unpublished funerary inscription mentioning Asklepiodotos; 3; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity, p. 17. @ @@`432. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Ateimetos Peringas by demos, on column; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 119, no. 41. @ @@`433. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Atimetos Petingas, by demos, on sarcophagus; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 119, no. 42. @ @@`434. Funerary inscription for Athiktos &3heros& by wife and children; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 118%19`119, no. 40. @ @@`435. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Aur(elia) Ammia Myrton [by boule and demos]; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2817; Laum, no. 106; **Robert, RPh 4, 1930, 25%19`26, no. 1 (ll. 34%19`35); BE 1976:633. @ @@`436. Soros inscription of [A]u%1r%1(elia) (?) Dionysia, with penalty for unauthorized burial, on sarcophagus; 3&4`2&?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 148.b. @ @@`437. Soros inscription of Aur(elia) Leontis, on marble sarcophagus; imperial; found near Ataeymir: *MAMA 8, no. 586.b (PH). @ @@`438. [Soros] inscription of Aur(elia) Meltine for self and family, with curse and penalty for unauthorized burial, on marble sarcophagus; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 571. @ @@`439. Mnemeion inscription of Aurelia Menandris and family, with curse and penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2843. @ @@`440. [Sor]os inscription by Aurelia Papiane for self and family, on marble block; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 340%19`343, no.'s 45%19`46; CIG 2840 %7 p. 1117; Bailie, Fasc. ii 47%19`49 and 315%19`317, no. 75; Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 110, no. 16; LW 1637; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 285, no. 181 (part); *MAMA 8, no. 560 (PH). @ @@`441. Honorary%3funerary inscription for A[ur(elia) Phron]teinia[ne,] with statue put up by son [M(arcus)] Aur(elius) Zoilos; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *LW 1610; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 219, no. 114 (part). @ @@`442. Heroon inscription by M[ar(cus)] Au(relius) Adrastos for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial, on sarcophagus; imperial; found at Bingec%25: *Paton, JHS 20, 1900, 76%19`77, no. 5. @ @@`443. Soros inscription for Aur(elius) Ant(onius) Demosthenes and family, on marble sarcophagus lid; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 582. @ @@`444. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Marcu[s Aur(elius) (?)] Apollonios, &3hippikos archiatros,& by wife Aur(elia) Fl(avia) Ant(onia) Elpis, on marble slab; 3&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: *Nutton, PBSR 45, 1977, 192%19`193, no. 2 (PH); SEG 27, 717; AnnEpig 1977, 803; Horsley, New Documents 2, pp. 11%19`12, &3ad& no. 2.a. @ @@`445. Soros inscription of [A]ur(elius) Aroulios, on marble sarcophagus lid; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 587. @ @@`446. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Mar(cus) Aurelius Diodoros Kallimedes, on marble sarcophagus; 2&7e&%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: Kubitschek %9 Reichel, AAWW 1893, 102, no. 8; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 137%19`139; *MAMA 8, no. 499.b (PH). @ @@`447. Isoste inscription of Marcus Aurelius Dionysios; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Leake, TRSL 1843, 234 and 288, no. 2; LW 1643a; *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 265%19`266, no. 160. @ @@`448. Funerary inscription by [Aurelius] Eumachos for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial, on marble block; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 336%19`339, no. 44; CIG 2834 %7 p. 1116; Bailie, Fasc. ii 45%19`47 and 307%19`315, no. 74; Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 110, no. 15; LW 1632; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 267, no. 162; *MAMA 8, no. 559; **Hellenica 13, 211 (l. 16); BE 1966:406. @ @@`449. Eisoste inscription of Mar(cus) Aur(elius) Zenon for Mar(cus) Aur(elius) Eutychos et al., with penalty for removal of Eutychos and for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Leake, TRSL 1843, 241 and 300, no. 19; *LW 1641a. @ @@`450. Soros inscription of Marcus Aurelius Glykon &3agalmatoglyphos& and Alexandros &3pimentarios,& on marble sarcophagus; AD 150%3`212; found near Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 264%19`265, no. 159; Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 11, no. 3; *MAMA 8, no. 574; BE 1961:666. @ @@`451. [Platas] inscription of Marcus Aurelius Iulianus et al. with curse for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 19, no. 10. @ @@`452. Heroon inscription of Marcus Aur(elius) Cl(audius) Kastor et al., on marble fragments; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 272, no. 167; *MAMA 8, no. 561 (PH). @ @@`453. Honorary%3funerary inscription for M(arcus) Aur(elius) Kal[ ... ]s, veteran of [&3le&]&3gio Severiana Antoniniana& in Singara, on sarcophagus; AD 198%3`217; found at Aphrodisias: Homeros 2, 1874, 38 (non vidi); Perrot, RA 32, 1876, 39%19`40, no. 5; Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 81%19`82, no. 12; ILS 9477; MAMA 8, no. 522 (PH); *Speidel %9 Reynolds, EA 5, 1985, 31%19`35 (PH); SEG 35, 1084; BE 1988:883; AnnEpig 1985, 800. @ @@`454. Soros%3topos inscription of M(arcus) Aur(elius) Leontius Auchenios, &3didaskalos& of &3philoi,& et al., on sarcophagus; 3&4`2&%3`4&4`1&?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 15 (PH). @ @@`455. Funerary inscription for Marcus Aurelius [M]enandros et al., with curse and penalty for unauthorized burial, on sarcophagus; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 24%19`25, no. 32; BE 1967:545. @ @@`456. Soros inscription by [Aur(elius)] Menekrates for self and family, on marble sarcophagus lid; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 581. @ @@`457. Funerary inscription of Marcus Aurelius Messuleius Chrysaor[2eu]2s and wife Aurelia Sokratis, et al.; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 355, no. 56 (part); *CIG 2847; **SEG 33, 856 (ll. 4%19`5). @ @@`458. Eisostai inscription of Ma[2rc]2us Aurelius Neikephoros, father [Mar]cus Aurelius Diomedes, et al., with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2835.B. @ @@`459. Soros inscription of Mar(cus) Au(relius) Papias Meliton, on marble sarcophagus; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 277, no. 171; *MAMA 8, no. 556c. @ @@`460. Soros inscription of Marcus Aurelius [Peri]tianos et al., with penalty for unauthorized burial, on marble sarcophagus lid; 3&4`2&; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 360, no. 67; CIG 2850e (p. 1119); MAMA 8, no. 580; BE 1966:412; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 149 (PH). @ @@`461. Soros inscription by Mar(cus) Aur(elius) Polychronios Charmides for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial on marble sarcophagus; AD 212%3c. 250; found near Ataeymir: *MAMA 8, no. 576; BE 1966:411. @ @@`462. Funerary inscription of Mar(cus) Aur(elius) Tatianos, on marble sarcophagus; imperial; found near Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 563. ΄@ @@`463. Soros inscription for Marcus Aurelius Zenon and family, on marble sarcophagus; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2828 %7 2838; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 269%19`270, no. 164 (part); *MAMA 8, no. 575 (PH). @ @@`464. Funerary inscription for (no name), Aur(elius) Zenon, et al., with curse and penalty; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 267%19`269, no. 163; **Robert, AC 35, 1966, 385 and 390 note 1 (ll. 0%19`1). @ @@`465. [Eis]o[s]te inscription for Mar(cus) Aur(elius) Zenon and family, with curse and penalty for unauthorized burial; prob. 2; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2839; SEG 30, 1244. @ @@`466. Soros inscription of Marcus Aurelius [ ... o]s Adrastos; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 256%19`257, no. 149. @ @@`467. Platas inscription of Chresimos Herm[o]u et al.; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 537. @ @@`468. Funerary inscription for Chrys[a]phios (?) &3a&[&3r&]&3chiatro&[&3s&], on marble block; late imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Nutton, PBSR 45, 1977, 193, no. 3 (PH); SEG 27, 718. @ @@`469. Soros inscription by (no name) for [self (?),] son Diomed[e]s, et al., with penalty for unauthorized burial or disturbing grave; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2835.A. @ @@`470. Funerary inscription for Diony(sios) et al., with curse and penalty for unauthorized burial, on marble block; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 557 (PH). @ @@`471. Funerary (?) inscription for Eidaios; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 288%19`289, no. 188. @ @@`472. Mnemorin inscription for Epagathos by brother Attalos; imperial; found at Emirler: Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 29, no. 42; *Robert, AC 35, 1966, 383; BE 1967:543. @ @@`473. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Epainetos Philodemou by boule and demos, on marble block; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Kubitschek %9 Reichel, AAWW 1893, 102, no. 10; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 123, no. 50; *MAMA 8, no. 464 (PH). @ @@`474. Funerary inscription for Epandios (?), son (no name) Epandiou, et al., with curse and penalty for unauthorized burial, on marble sarcophagus; imperial; found at Ataeymir: *MAMA 8, no. 566 (PH). @ @@`475. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Epicharmos Chrysaoros, by boule and demos, on sarcophagus; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 123%19`124, no. 51. @ @@`476. [Mnemeion] inscription of [Eu]arestos Acheou and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial, on funeral stele; 3 or later?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 147.a (PH). @ @@`477. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [Eu]nostos Apol[loniou]; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 17%19`19, no. 8; **Robert, AC 35, 1966, 398%19`399 (ll. 2, 10); BE 1967:549. @ @@`478. End of funerary inscription for (?) Eutyches et al., with curse for unauthorized burial; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 283, no. 178. @ @@`479. [Platas] inscription of Gaius [Apolloniou,] on marble block; Roman; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 585 (PH). @ @@`480. [Soros] inscription for Genethlios et al., with penalty for disturbing grave; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 23, no. 25; **Robert, AC 35, 1966, 386%19`388 (ll. 4%19`5); BE 1967:546. @ @@`481. Platas inscription by Genethleios Herma for self and family, with prohibition of unauthorized burial; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2825. @ @@`482. Platas inscription by (no name), father of Kallikrates, for [self (?)] and family, including Helen[e Menod]oto[u] (?), with curse and penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2827. @ @@`483. Plates inscription by Heraklides Zenonos and brothers for selves and families; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 270%19`271, no. 165. @ @@`484. Funerary inscription for [ ... ] Hermas (?) Nardou, with penalty for unauthorized burial, on marble block; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 281%19`282, no. 176; *MAMA 8, no. 543 (PH). @ @@`485. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Hermias Glykon by boule and demos, on marble block; 1?; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 124%19`126, no. 52.I; *MAMA 8, no. 471. @ @@`486. Mnemeion inscription by Hermogenes Menodor[ou] for self and family, with penalty for alienation of grave; imperial; found at Pirlibey near Nazilli: Leake, TRSL 1843, 240%19`241 and 299, no. 16; Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 113%19`114, no. 9; *LW 1639; Homeros 3, 1875, 80 (part). @ @@`487. Stegnon inscription by Hermolaos &3porphyras,& on marble slab; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Kubitschek %9 Reichel, AAWW 1893, 101, no. 6; Robert, RPh 18, 1944, 53; BE 1943:68; *MAMA 8, no. 562 (PH); BE 1966:407. @ @@`488. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Hypsikl[eia] Apphia; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 216%19`217, no. 107. @ @@`489. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [ ... Iulia]nus &3heros and Flav[i]a Apph[i]a Iouliane &3herois,& on marble base; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 510 (PH). @ @@`490. Mnemeion inscription of Iulius Aurelius Charidemos Iulianus for self and family, including Claudius Aurelius Zelos, &3archiereus& and &3ktistes& of &3megista erga& in city, with prohibition of unauthorized burial on marble slab; 3&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 343%19`344, no. 47; CIG 2845 %7 p. 1117; Bailie, Fasc. ii 58%19`59 and 325%19`331, no. 81; Liermann 144, n. 3 (non vidi); Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 279 no. 173 and 291 no. 197; Cormack, Notes 17 and 62 fig. 11; *MAMA 8, no. 564 (PH). @ @@`491. Soros inscription of T[ib(erius) Iulius] Glykon et al., with penalty for unauthorized burial, on white marble block; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 333%19`336, no.'s 42%19`43; CIG 2829 %7 p. 1115; Bailie, Fasc. ii 50%19`52 and 318%19`319, no. 77; LW 1630; *MAMA 8, no. 554 (PH). @ @@`492. Bomos inscription by Tiberius Iulius Iulianus for [self (?)] and family, with penalty (?) for unauthorized burial, on marble block; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 357, no. 59; CIG 2832b (p. 1116); Bailie, Fasc. ii 63%19`64, no. 84; Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 10; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 276%19`277, no. 170; *MAMA 8, no. 551 (PH). @ @@`493. Soros inscription for [ ... ]enios Kallimorphos et al., with curse and penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2848. @ @@`494. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Claudia Tryphosa Paulina &3archiereia& by boule and demos; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Texier, As. Min. iii 158; Fellows, Acct. 39 and 315, no. 23; CIG 2819 %7 p. 1114; Bailie, Fasc. ii 23 and 280%19`281, no. 50; Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 109, no. 2; *LW 1607. @ @@`495. Funerary inscription of Claudia [ ... ], on marble lintel; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Bailie, Fasc. ii 43, no. 71; LW 1638; *MAMA 8, no. 540. @ @@`496. Platas inscription of Tib(erius) Cl(audius) Anteros et al., on marble block; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 259, no. 153; *MAMA 8, no. 539. @ @@`497. Platas inscription of Tiberius Claudius Diadoumenos et al., with curse for disturbing grave; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 24, no. 29; **Robert, AC 35, 1966, 385%19`386 (l. 10); BE 1967:545. @ @@`498. Funerary inscription for Tib(erius) Clau(dius) l%1ani (?) Aelius Heliodoros et al., with prohibition of unauthorized burial, on sarcophagus; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 23, no. 28. @ @@`499. [Soros] inscription for (?) [Ti]b(erius) Cl(audius) Philo[ ... ] et al., with curse and penalty for unauthorized burial, on marble fragment; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 572 (PH); **Hellenica 13, 196 (l. 1). @ @@`500. Bomos inscription of Cl(audius) Tatianos and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial, on marble block; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 348%19`349, no. 51; CIG 2832 %7 pp. 1115%19`1116 %7 2815, l. 1; Bailie, Fasc. ii 55%19`56 and 322%19`324, no. 79; LW 1636; *MAMA 8, no. 545 (PH). @ @@`501. Honorary%3funerary inscription for M(arcus) Quintilius A[ ... ] by boule and [demos]; Roman; found at Aphrodisias: *Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 77%19`78, no. 7. @ @@`502. Funerary inscription of L(ucius) [ ... ], &3speculator& of &3legio III Gallica,& on ossuary of white marble; Roman; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 558. @ @@`503. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [L]ykidas Zenon by boule, demos, gerousia, and &3neoi,& on block; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Kubitschek %9 Reichel, AAWW 1893, 103, no. 14; *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 132%19`134, no. 62. @ @@`504. Funerary inscription mentioning [M]arikian[os] (?) and [wife (?) Me]ltine, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 26%19`27, no. 36. @ @@`505. Funerary inscription for (?) Marcus [ ... ], on marble sarcophagus; imperial?; found near Ataeymir: *MAMA 8, no. 586.a (PH). @ @@`506. Funerary inscription of (?) Maron (?), on sarcophagus lid; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 360, no. 68; *CIG 2850f. @ @@`507. Soros inscription for Meltinianos and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial, on plain sarcophagus; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 595; BE 1966:413. @ @@`508. Platas inscription of Menandros Menandrou et al., on marble block; no date; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2844; *MAMA 8, no. 536. @ @@`509. Funerary inscription for (no name), Menippos Menippou, et al., with penalty for unauthorized burial, on marble sarcophagus; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 274%19`276, no. 169; *MAMA 8, no. 555 (PH). @ @@`510. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Mithradates Athenagorou by boule and demos, on marble base; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 135, no. 66; *MAMA 8, no. 462 (PH); Robert, BCH 107, 1983, 505%19`506. @ @@`511. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Myon Peritou, with penalty for unauthorized burial; 2; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2771.I; Liermann 47%19`52, no. 8 (non vidi). @ @@`512. Platas inscription of Naikos Hieros and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial, on tabula ansata; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 538. @ @@`513. Funerary inscription by Ne[ikomachos] for [self (?), Men]odotos N[eiko]machou, et al., with penalty for unauthorized burial, on marble block; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 546 (PH). @ @@`514. Funerary (?) inscription for Neikomachos Blastos and son [Anto]nius [ ... ]; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 289, no. 189. @ @@`515. [S]oros inscription of Val(eria) Cl(audia) Aur(elia) Casta et al., with prohibition of unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Kavakli%19Kavessi: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 17, no. 3. @ @@`516. Funerary inscription of Victorinus, former &3protector,& on sarcophagus; 3&4`2&%3`4&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no 152 (PH). @ @@`517. Topos%3platas inscription of Vitus (?) Asterios, &3cursor& of &3phylai,& on stele; 3&4`2&%3`4&4`1&?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 150 (PH). @ @@`518. Bomos inscription of Ulpius Cl(audius) Chariton, &3iatros, and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial, on white marble block; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Walpole, Memoirs 462, no. 11 (part) (non vidi); Fellows, Acct. 354%19`355, no. 55; CIG 2846 %7 p. 1117; Bailie, Fasc. ii 61%19`63 and 332%19`333, no. 83; LW 1640; *MAMA 8, no. 552 (PH). @ @@`519. Funerary inscription for (?) Paulinus and Dion[ysios] (?), with penalty [for unauthorized burial] on sarcophagus; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 588 (PH). @ @@`520. Fragment of funerary inscription for [ ... ] Pedieus(?), on marble block; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 227, no. 135; *MAMA 8, no. 598. @ @@`521. Funerary (?) inscription of (?) Peritas, on base or altar; no date; found at Karacasu: *Paton, JHS 20, 1900, 78, no. 7. @ @@`522. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Pereita[s] Adrastou; 1&7e&%3`2; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2771.II; Liermann 47%19`52, no. 8 (non vidi). @ @@`523. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Pereitas Kallimedes by boule and demos, on marble sarcophagus; 2&7e&%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: Kubitschek %9 Reichel, AAWW 1893, 102, no. 8; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 137%19`139, no. 70.a; *MAMA 8, no. 499.a (PH). @ @@`524. Mnemeion inscription by Philo[2x]2enos Panther for son Philo[2x]2enos et al.; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2842. @ @@`525. Soros inscription of Titus Flavius Ariston and family, with curse and penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Henzen, Ann. d. Inst. 23, 1852, 133%19`134, no. 9; *LW 1641. @ @@`525.3. Funerary inscription for Fla(vius) Kallineikos &3apeleutheros,& on blue%19white marble altar; 1; found at Aphrodisias (?): Berges, HRK 183%19`184, no. 11 (PH) (non vidi); *SEG 36, 971.a. @ @@`525.6. Funerary inscription of Fla(vius) Sidetos Tyronianos &3xystarchos,& on blue%19white marble altar; 1; found at Aphrodisias (?): Berges, HRK 183%19`184, no. 11 (PH) (non vidi); *SEG 36, 971.b. @ @@`526. Mnemeio[n] inscription by [Tit]u[s] Flaviu[s ... ]s for self et al.; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 356, no. 57; CIG 2850d; *Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 110, no. 17. @ @@`527. Funerary inscription for Gnaius Pollius Zenon and wife Meltine, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 277%19`279, no. 172. @ @@`528. [Mnemeion] inscription by (no name) for [self (?),] wife Polychronia (?), and family, with curse and penalty for unauthorized burial, on marble fragment; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2826; Laum, no. 107; Cormack, Notes 15 and 61 fig. 9; *MAMA 8, no. 577 (PH). @ @@`529. Soros inscription for Polydeukes Kamissenos et al.; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 27, no. 41. @ @@`530. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [Py]rrhos [Papi]as by [boule,] d[emos,] and gerou[sia]; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 140%19`141, no. 73. @ @@`531. Funerary inscription for (gladiator) Skirtos; Roman; found at Aphrodisias: Erim, Tu+rk Arkeoloji Dergisi 25, 1980, 21 (PH) (non vidi); *SEG 30, 1257. @ @@`532. [Soros] inscription of [So]teira et al., with curse and penalty for unauthorized burial, on plain marble block; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 280%19`281, no. 175; *MAMA 8, no. 556b (PH). @ @@`533. Funerary inscription for Tati Perigenou and Herodotos Apolloniou, on plain marble block; late Hellenistic; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 533. @ @@`534. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Tatia Diogenous by boule and demos, on marble sarcophagus; 2&7e&%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: Kubitschek %9 Reichel, AAWW 1893, 102, no. 8; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 137%19`139, no. 70.c; *MAMA 8, no. 499.c (PH). @ @@`535. Funerary inscription for Theodotos et al., with penalty for unauthorized burial, on marble block; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 9; *MAMA 8, no. 547; **Hellenica 13, 198%19`204 (ll. 9%19`10); BE 1966:405. @ @@`536. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Theodotos Andr[o]nikou &3heros,& on marble base; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 128%19`129, no. 56 (part); *MAMA 8, no. 490. @ @@`537. Platas inscription for [ ... ] Theseus et al.; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 271%19`272, no. 166. @ @@`538. Mnemeion inscription by Zenon Apolloniou for self et al., with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 351%19`352, no. 53; *CIG 2836b (p. 1116); Bailie, Fasc. ii 56%19`58 and 324%19`325, no. 80; Laum, no. 109. @ @@`539. Funerary (?) inscription for (?) Zenonis Pausaniou and family; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *LW 1629. @ @@`540. Platas inscription of Zoilos Apolloniou et al.; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 22, no. 15. @ @@`541. Funerary inscription for Zosime et al., on fragment of marble sarcophagus; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 597; **Hellenica 13, 13 and 133%19`134 (l. 2); BE 1966:414. @ @@`542. [Soros] inscription of Men[ ... ] Zenonos, Zenon Zenonos, et al., with penalty for unauthorized burial, on white marble block; 1&7e&%3`2&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 272%19`274, no. 168; *MAMA 8, no. 556a (PH). @ @@`543. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]s Neikopole[os] and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial, on sarcophagus (?); imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 542 (PH). @ @@`544. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]stor et al., on marble entablature; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 600 (PH). @ @@`545. Fragment of funerary inscription mentioning [ ... ]s Kalliou; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 287%19`288, no. 186.1. @ @@`546. Honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) by father Aur(elius) Tryphon; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2794. @ @@`547. Funerary inscription for (no name) Phoibou and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial, on marble sarcophagus; imperial; found near Ataeymir: *MAMA 8, no. 553 (PH). @ @@`548. Funerary inscription for (no name), with curse and penalty for unauthorized burial, on marble block; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 567 (PH). @ @@`549. [Mnemeion] inscription for (no name), with penalty for unauthorized burial, on marble fragment; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 115, no. 11; LW 1642; *MAMA 8, no. 573 (PH). @ @@`550. Funerary inscription for (no name), with curse and penalty for unauthorized burial, on marble sarcophagus; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 584 (PH). @ @@`551. [Soros] inscription for (no name), with clause for &3hierotate boule& to take care of grave, on marble sarcophagus; imperial; found near Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 285, no. 182; *MAMA 8, no. 589. @ @@`552. Sori[on] inscription for (no name), on marble block; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 590 (PH). @ @@`553. Funerary inscription for (no name), with curse and penalty for [unauthorized burial,] on marble fragment; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 591 (PH). @ @@`554. [Bomos] inscription for (no name), with curse and penalty for [unauthorized burial,] on block; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 592. @ @@`555. Funerary inscription for (no name), mentioning Potitianu[s,] with penalty for [unauthorized burial,] on moulded marble fragment; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 593. @ @@`556. Funerary inscription for (no name), with curse and penalty [for unauthorized burial,] on marble sarcophagus; imperial; found at Seki: *MAMA 8, no. 594 (PH). @ @@`557. Funerary inscription for (no name), with prohibition of unauthorized burial, dated by [&3stephan&]&3ephoros& Titus [ ... ], on moulded marble block; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *MAMA 8, no. 596 (PH). @ @@`558. Soros inscription for (no name), wife of Flavia Ant[o]nia Abaskanteina, with curse and penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 347%19`348, no. 50; CIG 2830 %7 p. 1115; *Leake, TRSL 1843, 240 and 298, no. 15; Bailie, Fasc. ii 60%19`61 and 331%19`332, no. 82; Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 110, no. 14. @ @@`559. Beginning of bomos inscription [of (no name)]; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2849. @ @@`560. Barely legible inscription on sarcophagus lid; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 360, no. 69; *CIG 2850g. @ @@`561. Fragment of funerary (?) inscription with word [&3di&]&3apheri&; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 115, no. 12; *LW 1645. @ @@`562. Fragment of funerary inscription; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 115, no. 13; *LW 1646. @ @@`563. End of funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty for [&3tym&]&3borychos,& dated by &3stephanephoros& Attalos Adrastou; imperial; found at Pirlibey near Nazilli: Homeros 3, 1875, 80, no. 4; *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 29, no. 46; BE 1967:547. @ @@`564. End of funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty, under &3stephanephoros& Zenon Zenonos; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: *Perrot, RA 32, 1876, 40%19`41. @ @@`565. End of funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 282, no. 177. @ @@`566. End of funerary inscription for (no name), with curse and penalty; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 283%19`284, no. 179. @ @@`567. Fragment of soros inscription for (no name), under &3stephanephoros& Attalos Adrastou; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 286, no. 183. @ @@`568. End of funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty, under [&3stephanephoros ...& ]os Apolloni[os]; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 287, no. 185. @ @@`569. End of funerary inscription with curse and penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 287%19`288, no. 186.2. @ @@`570. End of funerary inscription, with curse and penalty; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 17, no. 4. @ @@`571. Fragment of funerary (?) inscription mentioning Claud(ius(?)); imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 17, no. 6. @ @@`572. Fragment of sarcophagus lid; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 22, no. 17. @ @@`573. Fragment of funerary inscription, with penalty, dated by [&3stephanephoros&] Cl(audius) Diogenes Me[ ... ]; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 22, no. 20. @ @@`574. End of funerary inscription, with curse, on sarcophagus; imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 27, no. 39; *Robert, AC 35, 1966, 386; BE 1967:545. @ @@`575. Funerary (?) inscription for (no name) on sarcophagus; 2%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 148.a. @ @@`576. Funerary inscription for (no name), with curse and penalty for unauthorized burial, on marble sarcophagus; late imperial?; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 286%19`287, no. 184; *MAMA 8, no. 578. @ @@`577. Funerary inscription of &3taber&[&3narius& (?) ... ], on funerary stele; prob. 3&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 147.b (PH). @ @@`578. Honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) [&3synkleti&]&3kos (?) and &3agonothetes& of Megala Gordianea Attalea of Aphrode[isia]s, with &3ptomation& cared for by friend Tib(erius) Cl(audius) Eutychianos; 3&7m&; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2801; Liermann 152, no. 29 (non vidi). @ @@`579. Honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) [&3e&]&3uergetes&; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *CIG 2807. @ @@`580. Honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name), set up by mother [ ... ]ation Menip[pou]; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 142, no. 74; Laum, no. 114. @ @@`581. Honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 217%19`218, no. 109. @ @@`582. End of funerary inscription; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 288, no. 187. @ @@`583. Fragment of funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 291, no. 198. @ @@`584. Fragment of [b]omos inscription; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 292, no. 202&3bis. @ See also: Aphrodisias 12%19`27, 398%19`400, 682, 729%19`761; Attouda 25 (%6 MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 102%19`103, col. A, l. 5) (%6 RhM 49, 1894, 424) (%6 Kubitschek %9 Reichel 96) (honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) by demos of Aphrodeisias and other cities; found near Antiocheia Mai.); Reinach, RA 1885 II, p. 110, no. 2, ll. 7%19`9 (%6 Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia p. 7, note 2) (testament making arrangements for son's death includes setting up &3andriantes aphrodeisiakoi&; found at Apateira); IG II&4`2& 8398 (funerary inscription for Gaius Poppaeus Attalos of Aphrodisias; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 8399 (funerary inscription for Dionysios Dionysiou of [Aphr]od[e]is[ias]; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 8400 (funerary inscription for Lucius Seppius of Aphrodisias; found in Attica); Ephesos 2231 (%6 IEphesos 2227a) (%6 Petzl, EA 13, 1989, 127) (&3heroon& inscription of Aurelius Eutyches Philetos of Aphrodeisias and Ephesos and family; found at Ephesos); Stratonikeia 121 (%6 Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 29, no. 44) (%6 IStratonikeia 1224) (%6 Robert, AC 35, 1966, 379) (funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Iulianus; found at Stratonikeia, not Aphrodisias). ɏ@@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (585%19`589) @ @@`585. Artist's signature by Alexandros Zenonos, on plinth of statue of Claudia Antonia Tatiane; AD 200%3`225; found at Aphrodisias: Erim, Archaeology 20, 1967, 22%19`24 (PH, of statue); Alfo+ldi, Erim, %9 #1222nan, Belleten Tu+rk Tarih Kurumu 32, 1968, 8%19`10, no. 5 (PH); *#1222nan %9 Alfo+ldi%19Rosenbaum 214, no. 187 (PH, of statue); SEG 32, 1103; SEG 35, 1082; @ ɪ@@`585.5. Unpublished artist's signature by Apelles, on sandaled foot and base; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Erim, Aphrodisias Papers 20, note 16; Erim %9 Reynolds, Fs. #1222nan (non vidi). @ @@`586. Artist's signature by [A]pollonios, on plinth of state of woman, probably of Sabina; AD 117%3`138; found at Aphrodisias: Tu+rk Arkeoloji Dergisi 19.2, 1970, 69; *#1222nan %9 Alfo+ldi%19Rosenbaum 101, no. 49 (PH). @ @@`587. Artist's signature by Apollonios Aster, on helmet of one of group of five statues; 2&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: *#1222nan %9 Alfo+ldi%19Rosenbaum 101, &3ad& no. 49. @ @@`588. Artist's signature by Polyneik[es of Aphro]deisias, on base of statue of athlete; 3&7m&; found at Aphrodisias: #1222nan %9 Alfo+ldi%19Rosenbaum 217%19`220, no. 190 (PH); SEG 32, 1104; SEG 35, 1082; *Erim %9 Roueche/, PBSR 50, 1982, 102%19`103 (PH). @ @@`589. Artist's signature by [ ... ] Apolloniou; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 20, no. 13.b; *Robert, AC 35, 1966, 400%19`401; BE 1967:551; Ritti, RAL 26, 1971, 194, note 23. @ See also: Aphrodisias 167%19`169; Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 17, no. 32 (%6 CIL X 4668) (artist's signature in Latin by L(ucius) Atin(as(?)) Syneros (of Aphrodisias (?)); found at Calvi); CIG 1105 (%6 IG IV 202) (%6 Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 12%19`13, no. 7) (artist's signature (?) by P(ublius) Licinius Priscus, &3hiereus& of [Aphrod]is[ias] (?); found at Corinth); Notiziario arch. del. Min. delle Colonie 1916 II p. 299 (%6 Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 17, no. 35) (artist's signature by Zenon Zenionos (of Aphrodisias); found at Cyrene); Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 16, no. 28 (artist's signature by Antonianus of Aphrodeisias; found near Lanuvium); Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 18, no. 36 (unpublished artists' signatures by artists (of Aphrodisias); found at Lepcis Magna); Erim %9 Roueche/, PBSR 50, 1982, 102, note 2 (unpublished artist's signature by (no name) of Aphrodisias, on statue%19base; found at Lepcis Magna); Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 13, no. 9 (%6 Lo+wy no. 366) (%6 Alfo+ldi, Erim, %9 #1222nan, Belleten Tu+rk Tarih Kurumu 32, 1968, 9) (artist's signature by Zenon Alexandrou of Aphrodizas; found at Lyttos on Crete); Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 12, no. 6 (%6 IOlympia 643) (%6 Lo+wy no. 368) (artist's signature by Cornelius of Aphrodisias, on base; found at Olympia); Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 13, no. 8 (%6 IG XII 5 &3Paros& 1049 (p. 315)) (artist's signature by Marcus Cossutius of Aphrodisias; found on Paros); Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 16, no. 30 (%6 Lo+wy no. 370) (%6 IG XIV 1256) (artist's signature by Menestheus Menestheos of Aphrodisias; found at Pesaro); Priene 1141 (%6 IPriene 214) (artist's signature by Polyneikes of Aphrodeisias; found at Priene); Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 13, no. 10 (%6 Bollettino della Comm. arch. com. di Roma 1886, 319, no. 7) (%6 Erim %9 Roueche/, PBSR 50, 1982, 106, no. 5.2) (artist's signature by Fl(avius) Chrysero[s of Aphro]deisi[as]; found at Rome); Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 13, no. 11 (%6 Bollettino della Comm. arch. com. di Roma 1886, 319, no. 6) (%6 Erim %9 Roueche/, PBSR 50, 1982, 106, no. 5.1) (artist's signature by Fl(avius) Chryseros of Aph[rodisias]; found at Rome); Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 13, no. 12 (%6 Bollettino della Comm. arch. com. di Roma 1886, 319, no. 8) (%6 Erim %9 Roueche/, PBSR 50, 1982, 106, no. 5.3) (%6 IG XIV 1275) ((artist's signature) by (Flavius) [Chrys]eros of Aphrod[isias]; found at Rome); Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 14, no. 13 (%6 Bollettino della Comm. arch. com. di Roma 1886, 319, no. 9) (%6 Erim %9 Roueche/, PBSR 50, 1982, 106, no. 5.4) (%6 IG XIV 1276) (artist's signature by (Flavius) [Chrys]eros (of Aphrodisias); found at Rome); Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 14, no. 14 (%6 Bollettino della Comm. arch. com. di Roma 1886, 320, no. 12) (%6 Erim %9 Roueche/, PBSR 50, 1982, 106, no. 6.1) (%6 IG XIV 1266) ((artist's signature) by Fl(avius) Androni[kos] (of Aphrodisias (?)); found at Rome); Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 14, no. 15 (%6 Bollettino della Comm. arch. com. di Roma 1886, 320, no. 11) (%6 Erim %9 Roueche/, PBSR 50, 1982, 106, no. 6.2) (%6 IG XIV 1267) ((artist's signature) by Fl(avius) And[ronikos] (of Aphrodisias (?)); found at Rome); Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 14, no. 16 (%6 Bollettino della Comm. arch. com. di Roma 1886, 318, no. 4) (%6 Erim %9 Roueche/, PBSR 50, 1982, 105, no. 4.5) ([artist's signature] by Fl(avius) Zenon, &3arch&[&3iereus&] of Aphrodis[ias]; found at Rome); Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 14, no. 17 (%6 Bollettino della Comm. arch. com. di Roma 1886, 318, no. 3) (%6 Erim %9 Roueche/, PBSR 50, 1982, 105, no. 4.4) (%6 IG XIV 1270) (artist's signature by Fl(avius) Zen[on, &3archiereus&] of Aph[rodisias]; found at Rome); Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 14, no. 18 (%6 Bollettino della Comm. arch. com. di Roma 1886, 318, no. 2) (%6 Erim %9 Roueche/, PBSR 50, 1982, 105, no. 4.3) (%6 IG XIV 1269) (artist's signature by Fl(avius) Zenon, &3archiereus& of Aphrodi[s]ias; found at Rome); Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 14, no. 19 (%6 Lo+wy p. 258) (%6 Bollettino della Comm. arch. com. di Roma 1886, 317) (%6 Erim %9 Roueche/, PBSR 50, 1982, 105, no. 4.2) (%6 IG XIV 1268) (artist's signature by Fl(avius) Zeno(n), &3archiereus& of Aphrodisias; found at Rome); Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 14, no. 20 (%6 Lo+wy no. 364) (%6 Erim %9 Roueche/, PBSR 50, 1982, 105, no. 4.1) (%6 CIG 5899) (artist's signature by Fl(avius) Zeno(n), &3archiereus& of Aphrodisias; found at Rome); Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 15, no. 21 (%6 Lo+wy no. 372) (%6 Bollettino della Comm. arch. com. di Roma 1886, 318, no. 5) (%6 IG XIV 1279) (artist's signature by [ ... ]os of Aphrodisias; found at Rome); Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 15, no. 22 (fragment of [artist's signature (?)] by (no name) of [Aph]rodisias; found at Rome); Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 15, no. 24 (%6 Lo+wy no. 365) (%6 CIG 6151) (artist's signature by Zenon Attin[a] of Aphrode[i]sias; found at Rome); Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 15, no. 25 (%6 Lo+wy no. 383.a) (%6 CIG 6149) (artist's signature by Zenas Alexandrou (of Aphrodisias); found at Rome); Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 15, no. 26 (%6 Lo+wy no. 383.b) (%6 CIG 6150) (artist's signature by Zenas Zena (of Aphrodisias); found at Rome); Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 16, no. 27.a (%6 Lo+wy no. 369.b) (%6 CIG 6140.a) ((artist's signature) by Aristeas and Papias of Aphrodisias; found at Rome); Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 16, no. 27.b (%6 Lo+wy no. 369) (%6 CIG 6140.b) ((artist's signature) by Aristeas and Papias of Aphrodisias; found at Rome); Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 16, no. 29 (%6 Lo+wy no. 373) (%6 Erim %9 Roueche/, PBSR 50, 1982, 109%19`110) (artist's signature in Latin by Atticianus of Afrodisias; found at Rome); Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 17, no. 34 (%6 Lo+wy no. 371) (%6 Bollettino della Comm. arch. com. di Roma 1886, 321, no. 17) (%6 #1222nan %9 Alfo+ldi%19Rosenbaum 217%19`221) (artist's signature by Polyne[i]kes of Aphrodeisias; prob. from Rome); Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 16, no. 31 (%6 IG XIV &3add.& 697b) (artist's signature by Koblanos of Aphrodisias; found at Surrentum); Squarciapino, La scuola di Afrodisia 17, no. 33 (%6 Lo+wy no. 367) (%6 CIG 5374) (artist's signature by Zenon of Aphrodeisias; found at Syracuse). @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ See also: Aphrodisias 179, 407%19`408, 419, 421, 438%19`439, 451, 455, 464%19`465, 470, 474, 478, 482, 493, 497, 499, 525, 528, 532, 548, 550, 553%19`554, 556, 558, 566, 569%19`570, 574, 576, 762%19`763. @ Ώ@@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (590%19`592) @ @@`590. Jewish graffito, with prayer for &3oikos& and menorah; 2%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds %9 Tannenbaum, Jews %9 God%19Fearers 133, no. 2 (PH); BE 1988:888; SEG 37, 848. @ @@`591. Possibly Jewish graffito containing acclamation of victory of &3tyche& of &3hoi hode& and (?) Eusebios, on marble panel; late?; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds %9 Tannenbaum, Jews %9 God%19Fearers 134%19`135, no. 7.a (PH); BE 1988:888; SEG 37, 849.A. @ @@`592. Possibly Jewish graffito containing acclamation of [victory of &3ty&]&3che& of &3hoi hode,& with list of persons, beginning with Zenas; late?; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds %9 Tannenbaum, Jews %9 God%19Fearers 134%19`135, no. 7.b (PH); BE 1988:888; SEG 37, 849.B. @ See also: Aphrodisias 764%19`805. @ я@@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (593%19`894) @ @@@@Section: 21a. Christian Building Inscriptions (593%19`632) @ @@`593. Christian inscription recording &3euche& of Theodoros, on column; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 296, no. 210; Gre/goire, Rec. 258; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 114 (PH). @ @@`594. Building (?) inscription on column of Temple%19Church; Christian?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 128.i (PH). @ @@`595. Building (?) inscription on column of Temple%19Church; Christian?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 128.ii (PH). @ @@`596. Inscription of Michael Zerk(ou)nes, on game%19board, outside Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 217 (PH). @ @@`597. Fragments of inscription concerning renovation (of Baths) mentioning Ioann[es], on revetment paneling; 4%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 48. @ @@`598. Fragment of inscription concerning renovation of Baths, on revetment paneling; 4%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 49 (PH). @ @@`599. Fragment of inscription concerning renovation of Baths dated by Fl(avius) [ ... ], on revetment paneling; 4%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 50 (PH). @ @@`600. Fragment of inscription concerning renovation of Baths dated by Fl(avius) He[ ... ], on revetment paneling; 4%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 51. @ @@`601. Fragment of inscription concerning renovation of Baths, on revetment paneling; 4%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 52. @ @@`602. Fragment of dedication (?) to (?) saint, on fragment of architrave block; 4%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 104 (PH). @ @@`603. Inscription on column mentioning Menandros &3po&(&3liteuomenos&); 4?; found at Aphrodisias: Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 22, no. 21; Robert, AC 35, 1966, 381%19`382; BE 1967:542; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 30 (PH). @ @@`604. Building inscription by Helladios on cornice%19block; 4&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: Hellenica 11%19`12, 25 (non vidi); *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 17 (PH). @ @@`605. Building inscription by Helladios, on rectangular block; 4&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 18 (PH). @ @@`606. Possibly Jewish or Christian building%3 dedicatory inscription of first or third &3diastylon& to &3theos epekoos& by Fl(avius) Eusebios, on marble panel; AD 325%3`350?; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds %9 Tannenbaum, Jews %9 God%19Fearers 136%19`137, no. 9 (PH); BE 1988:888; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 10 (PH); SEG 37, 851. @ @@`607. Dedication (?) by Fl(avius) Quint(us) Eros Monaxios &3hegem&[&3on&], on behalf of Constantius (II), emperor, and Julian (?) Caesar; AD 351%3`360; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 304, no. 18; CIG 2744; Bailie, Fasc. ii 17%19`18 and 274%19`277, no. 46; Texier, As. Min. iii 159, no. 1; LW 1626; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 230%19`231, no. 137; Jacopi, MonAL 38, 1939, 170 (PH); MAMA 8, no. 426 (PH); Hellenica 13, 158%19`167 (PH); BE 1966:393; BE 1968:507; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 19 (PH). @ @@`608. Inscription of Fl(avius) Pelagios Ioannes &3hegemon,& on column; AD 360%3`450; found at Aphrodisias: Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 23, no. 22; Robert, AC 35, 1966, 381; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 29. @ @@`609. Honorary inscription for Fl(avius) Kostantios (&3sic&), &3hegemon,& by boule and demos, for setting up &3teichos& etc.; AD 365%3`370?; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2745; Bailie, Fasc. ii 16%19`17 and 272%19`274, no. 45; Texier, As. Min. iii 159, no. 2; LW 593; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 227%19`230, no. 136; Gre/goire, Rec. 270; Hellenica 4, 61 note 2 and 130 note 5 (PH); BE 1949:178; MAMA 8, no. 427, ll. 1%19`2; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 22 (PH). @ ᪵@@`609.5. Building inscription for [&3e&]&3rgon& by [Fl(avius) C]onstantius [&3he&]&3gemon,& on mosaic; AD 365%3`370?; found at Aphrodisias: *Erim, Aphrodisias Papers 27 (PH). @ @@`610. Christian donor (?) inscription for Anatolis; 5%3`7; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 296, no. 208; Gre/goire, Rec. 256; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 98 (PH). @ @@`611. Christian building inscription by Heliodoros on marble lintel or cornice block; 5%3`7?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 106 (PH). @ @@`612. Fragments of inscription by benefactor Io[annes], from parapet rim; 5%3`7?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 107 (PH). @ @@`613. Building (?) inscription of &3oikos& by Fl(avius) Epipha[nios] et al., on thick panel; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 72 (PH). @ @@`614. First box%19monogram of Symbatikios (?), on capital of Triconch Church; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 101.1 (PH). @ @@`615. Second box%19monogram of Symbatikios (?), on capital of Triconch Church; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 101.2. @ @@`616. Third box%19monogram of Symbatikios (?), on capital of Triconch Church; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 101.3. @ @@`617. Fourth box%19monogram of Symbatikios (?), on capital of Triconch Church; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 101.4 (PH). @ @@`618. Box%19monogram of Theochares (?), on large console; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 102 (PH). @ @@`619. Christian inscription recording restoration of &3pyle& under Fl(avius) Ampelios &3scho&(&3lastikos&) and &3pater&; 5&7m&?; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 35%19`36 and 303, no. 17; CIG 2746; Texier, As. Min. iii 159, no. 2; Bailie, Fasc. ii 16%19`17 and 272%19`274, no. 45; LW 594; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 227%19`230, no. 136; Gre/goire, Rec. 270; Hellenica 4, 61 note 2 and 130 note 5 (PH); BE 1949:178; BE 1956:277; MAMA 8, no. 427, ll. 3%19`4; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 42 (PH). @ @@`620. Inscription recording building of &3palestra& [under Flavius Ampelios] &3sch&[&3olastikos&] and &3p&[&3ater&]; 5&7m&?; found at Aphrodisias: Erim, ILN 21 Dec. 1963, 1028 (non vidi); Roueche/, GRBS 20, 1979, 176, no. 2; BE 1980:473; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 43 (PH). @ @@`621. Inscription referring to Ampe[lios (?),] from Theater Baths; 5&7m&?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 44. @ @@`622. Christian building%3dedicatory inscription under Fl(avius) Photios &3scho&(&3lastikos&), on game%19board; 5&4`2&%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 297, no. 213; Gre/goire, Rec. 264; Roueche/, GRBS 20, 1979, 176, &3ad& no. 1; SEG 29, 1071; BE 1980:473; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 68 (PH, part). @ @@`623. Christian building inscription on game%19board, dated by Fl(avius) Photios &3scho&(&3lastikos&) and &3pater&; 5&4`2&%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, GRBS 20, 1979, 176, no. 1; BE 1980:473; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 69 (PH). @ @@`624. Christian building inscription dated under O[ ... ]getos, &3exceptor,& on game%19board; 5&4`2&%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 70 (PH). @ @@`625. Building inscription dated under (no name) &3megalop&[&3repestatos&], on game%19board; 5&4`2&%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 71. @ @@`626. Christian inscription of Dionysios Photeinou &3iatros,& on architrave; 5&4`2&%3`6&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: Gre/goire, Rec. 272 (part); *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 67. @ @@`627. Christian building%3dedicatory inscription by Philippos Herodian(ou) for two &3diachora& to &3patris,& on architrave block; 5&4`2&?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 66 (PH). @ @@`628. Fragment dated by O[ ... ], [&3pa&]&3ter,& on fresco in Baths; AD 491%3`518?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 61.iii. @ @@`629. Cross%19monogram of Mamas, on capital; 6?, or later; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 103.a (PH). @ @@`630. Cross%19monogram of Pakos (?), on capital; 6?, or later; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 103.b (PH). @ @@`631. Building inscription by Orthago[ras] &3ep&[&3iskopo&]&3s& (?), on slab; 6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 90 (PH). @ @@`632. Christian building inscription dated by [&3episkopos& (?) Euph]emios, on revetment fragments; 6&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 60 (PH). @ See also: Aphrodisias 657, 704%19`709, 714%19`715, 717%19`718, 726, 730, 742, 857, 861; Buckler, ByzZ 28, 1928, 98%19`101 (inscription on cross recording dedication of church of Saint Nicholas by Leo, Metropolitan of Stauropolis, on bronze cross; found near Ainos in Thrace). @ @@@@Section: 21b. Other Public Inscriptions (633) @ @@`633. End of document recording legal proceeding before judge Theophylak[t]os; 6&4`2&%3`7&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 8644; Ramsay, Cities %9 Bishoprics 556, no. 431; Gre/goire, Rec. 247; Cabrol, Dict. vol. 14, col. 796, no. 25; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 91. @ @@@@Section: 21c. Christian Dedications (634%19`637) @ @@`634. Dedication by Ant(onius) Priscus, &3heg&(&3emon&), on base; c. AD 388%3`392; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 28 (PH). @ @@`635. &3Euche& inscription of Asterios &3pandouros,& on block of Temple%19Church; 5%3`6 or later; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 113.i (PH). @ @@`636. &3Euche& inscription of Theodoros Kodon, on block; 5%3`6 or later; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 115. @ @@`637. Christian (or possibly Jewish?) &3euche& of Fl(avius) Damocharis &3cursor,& on block of blue marble; c. 5; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds %9 Tannenbaum, Jews %9 God%19Fearers 137%19`138, no. 10 (PH); BE 1988:888; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 116 (PH); SEG 37, 852. @ See also: Aphrodisias 593, 709, 711, 775. @ @@@@Section: 21d. Other Christian Religious Inscriptions (638%19`656) @ @@`638. Prayer to Lord to help Theoph(i)l(os) &3makelare&(&3os&), on door of Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 361, no. 72; CIG 8905; Texier, As. Min. iii 167, pl. 156; Ramsay, Cities %9 Bishoprics 555, no. 428; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 296, no. 206, ll. 1%19`3; Gre/goire, Rec. 261.a%19b; Cabrol, Dict. vol. 14, col. 796, no. 22; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 117.i (PH). @ @@`639. Christian prayer to God to help &3kosmos&; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: Texier, As. Min. iii 159, no. 3; CIG 8919; Gre/goire, Rec. 250; Ramsay, Cities %9 Bishoprics 554, no. 425; Cabrol, Dict. vol. 14, col. 795, no. 19; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 141. @ @@`640. Dedicator's prayer (?), on Ionic capital; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: Bailie, Fasc. ii 44, no. 72; LW 1649; Gre/goire, Rec. 251; Ramsay, Cities %9 Bishoprics 554, no. 423; Cabrol, Dict. vol. 14, col. 795, no. 17; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 109. @ @@`641. Inscription referring to &3analepses& of Lord, on door of Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 361, no. 71; Texier, As. Min. iii 118.ii; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 295, no. 204.1; Gre/goire, Rec. 260.1; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 118.ii. @ @@`642. Christian inscription of Petro(s), on door of Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 295, no. 204.2; Gre/goire, Rec. 260.2; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 118.i. @ @@`643. Prayer to Lord to help slave Trophimos, on door of Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: Texier, As. Min. iii p. 156; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 295, no. 205; Gre/goire, Rec. 257&3bis&; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 118.iii. @ @@`644. Christian inscription of Konsta(ntinos?) &3deakon&(&3os&), on door of Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 296, no. 206, ll. 4%19`5; Gre/goire, Rec. 261.c; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 117.ii (PH). @ @@`645. Christian inscription of Nekitis &3pr&(&3esbyteros&) (?); Christian; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 296, no. 209; Gre/goire, Rec. 257; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 130. @ @@`646. Prayer to protect [ ... ] with [God's &3d&]&3ynamis&; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Gre/goire, Rec. 278. @ @@`647. Prayer to Lord to help, mentioning Leon, on column of Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 125. @ @@`647.5. Prayer to one &3Theos& to save Kostante (?), on marble block; 4%3prob. 7&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 84, no. 14; Ramsay, Cities %9 Bishoprics 554, no. 424; Gre/goire, Rec. 253; Cabrol, Dict. vol. 14, col. 795, no. 18; Peterson, Heis Theos 78 (non vidi); MAMA 8, no. 459; Hellenica 13, 157; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 140 (PH). @ @@`648. Christian prayer to [Gabr]iel (?) to help &3douloi Theodoretos and Kyriakos, at Temple%19Church; 5%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 92 (PH). @ @@`649. Prayer to [ ... ] to help Theodoretos and Kyriakos, at Temple%19Church; 5%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 93 (PH). @ @@`650. Christian prayer by Anastasios to Lord to help, at Temple%19Church; 5%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 94 (PH). @ @@`651. Fragment of prayer (?) mentioning Anastasios, at Temple%19Church; 5%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 95 (PH). @ @@`652. Christian prayer to Lord God, at Temple%19Church; 5%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 96 (PH). @ @@`653. Christian prayer to Lord to help T[ ... ], on blue marble panel, at Temple%19Church; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 97 (PH). @ @@`654. Prayer to (?) Leo, on block of Temple%19Church; 5%3`6 or later; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 113.ii (PH). @ @@`655. Prayer to God to help, on marble head; 5; found at Aphrodisias: Cumont, Cat. sculptures 52, no. 41 (non vidi); Graindor, Marbres %9 textes, Rec. de trav. de la fac. de phil. de Gand, fasc. 50, pp. 18%19`19 (non vidi); Gre/goire, Rec. 248&3bis&; #1222nan %9 Alfo+ldi%19Rosenbaum 232%19`234, no. 204 (PH, of head); SEG 32, 1108; SEG 35, 1082; Spa+tantike %9 Fru+hes Christentum, Ausst. Frankfurt (1984) 454%19`456, no. 62 (PH); Goette, MDAI(R) 92, 1985, 318, no. IV.3; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 145 (PH). @ @@`656. Acclamation that all &3kosmos& has one God, on column; 6; found at Aphrodisias: Gre/goire, Rec. 271; Roueche/, JRS 74, 1984, 191, no. 1 (PH); SEG 34, 1046; BE 1987:466; AnnEpig 1984, 883; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 83.ii. @ See also: Aphrodisias 710, 753, 767%19`774, 776%19`779; Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 139 (%6 Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 297, no.'s 214%19`215) (%6 Gre/goire, Rec. 265 %7 266) (%6 MAMA 8, no. 458) (%6 Hellenica 13, 157) (inscription mentioning &3phos& and &3zoe, on marble block, prob. 7&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias). @ @@@@Section: 21e. Christian Honorary Inscriptions (657%19`672) @ @@`657. Honorary inscription for Julian by Antonius Tatianos, &3hegemon,& who built Tetrastoon and &3kosmos,& on columnar base; AD 361%3`363; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 20 (PH). @ @@`658. Honorary inscription for Valens by Ant(onius) Tatianos, &3hegemon,& on rectangular base; c. AD 364; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 21 (PH). @ @@`659. Christian honorary inscription for Augusta Aelia Flavia Flaccilla (wife of Theodosius I), by Kares, on columnar base; AD 379%3`386; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 110%19`111, no. 30; Gre/goire, Rec. 280; ILS 9466; Hellenica 4, 14 (PH); *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 23. @ @@`660. Honorary inscription for Fl(avius) Honorius [Caesar], on columnar base; AD 388%3`392; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 111, no. 31; Gre/goire, Rec. 281; Gre/goire, Anat. Studies Ramsay 151%19`154; SEG 4, 398; Gre/goire, Byzantion 4, 1928, 342; Hellenica 4, 49%19`50 (PH); BE 1949:178; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 25 (PH). @ @@`661. Honorary inscription for Arcadius, on statue%19base; AD 388%3`392; found at Aphrodisias: Mendel, Cat. sculptures 201, no. 506.1; Gre/goire, Rec. 275; Hellenica 4, 50%19`51; BE 1949:178; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 26 (PH). @ @@`662. Honorary inscription for Valentinian (II), on statue%19base; AD 388%3`392; found at Aphrodisias: Mendel, Cat. sculptures 201, no. 506.2; Gre/goire, Rec. 276; Hellenica 4, 50%19`51; BE 1949:178; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 27. @ @@`663. Christian honorary inscription for emperor [Justinia]n (?), on panel; 6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 81 (PH). @ @@`664. Honorary inscription for &3comes& (no name), friend of &3basileis,& on rectangular base; 4&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 14 (PH). @ @@`665. Honorary (?) inscription for (no name), friend of &3ba&[&3sileis&] (no name), on block; 4&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 15. @ @@`666. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (?) Fl(avius) Sep[timius (?)]; 4?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 35 (PH). @ @@`667. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for Eustochios, on revetment plaque; 5?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 46 (PH). @ @@`668. Fragments of honorary (?) inscription for (?) [Eus]tochios, on revetment paneling; 5?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 47 (PH). @ @@`669. Christian (?) honorary inscription for Vitianus, &3scho&(&3lastikos&) and &3consularis,& by metropolis of Aphrodisias, on rectangular base; 5&4`2&%3c. AD 566; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 65 (PH). @ @@`670. Christian honorary inscription for Fl(avius) Palmatos &3hypa&(&3tikos&) by Fl(avius) Atheneos, on statue%19base; 5&4`2&%3`6&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, GRBS 20, 1979, 173%19`185 (PH); SEG 29, 1070; BE 1980:473; AnnEpig 1977, 605; #1222nan %9 Alfo+ldi%19Rosenbaum 238, no. 208 (PH); SEG 32, 1102; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 62 (PH). @ @@`671. Christian honorary inscription for Rhodopaios, on columnar statue%19base; 6; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 142%19`143, no. 75; Hellenica 4, 127%19`128; BE 1949:178; Roueche/, GRBS 20, 1979, 182; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 86 (PH). @ @@`672. Honorary inscription for Rhodopaios by [&3polis&] recording building, on marble base; 6; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2804; Hellenica 4, 128; BE 1949:178; MAMA 8, no. 504 (PH); BE 1966:401; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 87 (PH, part). @ See also: Aphrodisias 712%19`728, 730%19`731. @ @@@@Section: 21f. Christian Horoi and Milestones (672.2%19`672.8) @ @@`672.2. Dedication in Latin to Constantine (I), Constantius (II), and Constans, on milestone; AD 333%3`337; found between Yenice and Karacasu: *Radet, BCH 14, 1890, 235, no. 8. @ @@`672.4. Dedication in Greek to Constantius (II) and Constans, on milestone for half mile; AD 340%3`350; found between Yenice and Karacasu: *Radet, BCH 14, 1890, 235%19`236, no. 9. @ @@`672.6. Dedication in Greek to Constantius (II) and Constans, on column (used as milestone?); AD 340%3`350; found between Yenice and Karacasu: *Radet, BCH 14, 1890, 236, no. 10, ll. 4%19`8. @ @@`672.8. Dedication in Latin to Jovian, on column (used as milestone?); AD 363%3`364; found between Yenice and Karacasu: *Radet, BCH 14, 1890, 236, no. 10, ll. 1%19`3. @ @@@@Section: 21g. Christian Topos Inscriptions (673%19`703) @ @@`673. Christian topos inscription of Alexandros &3koureus,& on column in Theater Baths; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 191. @ @@`674. Topos inscription of Athanasios and Eusebios on theater seat; Christian?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no 181.vi. @ @@`675. Christian topos inscription of Epiktetos &3kanpsarios,& on panel reused in flooring of Hadrianic Baths; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 190 (PH). @ @@`676. Possibly Jewish or Christian topos inscription of Heortasios &3koniortos,& on column%19base; 4&7m&%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds %9 Tannenbaum, Jews %9 God%19Fearers 135%19`136, no. 8 (PH); BE 1988:888; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 195; SEG 37, 850. @ @@`677. Christian topos inscription of Heptamenios et al., on column; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 297, no. 216; Gre/goire, Rec. 267; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 207 (PH). @ @@`678. Topos inscription of Ioan(nes), on column in Agora; 5%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 205. @ @@`679. Christian topos inscription of Kallinikos, on column in Agora; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 200 (PH). @ @@`680. Christian topos inscription of Kyriakos &3brakarios,& on door%19jamb; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 298, no. 219; Gre/goire, Rec. 262; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 189 (PH). @ @@`681. Topos inscription of Loukas &3philoponos,& on column; 4%3`7; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 360, no. 70; CIG 9273; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 297, no. 217; Gre/goire, Rec. 268; Ramsay, Cities %9 Bishoprics 554, no. 427; Cabrol, Dict. vol. 14, col. 795, no. 21; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 187 (PH). @ @@`682. Topos inscription of Philothe[os], possibly funerary, on large block; Christian (?); found at Aphrodisias: CIG 9272; Bailie, Fasc. ii 44, no. 73; LW 1650; Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 115, no. 15; Ramsay, Cities %9 Bishoprics 554, no. 426; Gre/goire, Rec. 249; Cabrol, Dict. vol. 14, col. 795, no. 20; MAMA 8, no. 599; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 209 (PH). @ @@`683. Cross%19monogram of Postum(ius) (?), on block; 6 or later; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 210.ii. @ @@`684. Christian topos inscription of Spandi(os), on theater seat; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 181.iv. @ @@`685. Christian inscription of Theoktistes, on column (?); late imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 23, no. 23.1; Robert, AC 35, 1966, 381; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 202 (PH). @ @@`686. Christian inscription of Theoktistes, on column (?); Christian; found at Aphrodisias: Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 23, no. 23.2; *Robert, AC 35, 1966, 381. @ @@`687. Christian topos inscription of Tryphon &3archideka&[&3nos&]; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 298, no. 218.1; Gre/goire, Rec. 269.a; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 188, ll. 1%19`4. @ @@`688. Christian inscription of Zotikos &3kapelos,& on block in Agora; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 206. @ @@`689. Christian topos inscription of M( ... (?)), on column in Agora; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 199 (PH). @ @@`690. Topos (?) inscription of Beneton, on seat in Odeon; 5%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: Cameron, Circus Factions 315; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 180.iv. @ @@`691. Unpublished topos inscription of Bene(toi), on seat in Odeon; 5%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: Cameron, Circus Factions 315; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 180.v. @ @@`692. [Topos(?)] inscription of Benetoi and Aur(elius), on seat in Stadium; late imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 179.i. @ @@`693. Inscription for Eut(ychitai) (?), on bench; 4%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 212.ii (PH). @ @@`694. First inscription for Herak(leitai) (?), on bench; 4%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 212.iii (PH). @ @@`695. Second inscription for Herak(leitai) (?), on bench in Theater; 4%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 212.iv (PH). @ @@`696. Third inscription for Herak(leitai) (?), on bench; 4%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 212.v. @ @@`697. Fourth inscription for Herak(leitai) (?), on bench; 4%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 212.vi. @ @@`698. Topos inscription of &3makellitai,& with acclamation of &3nike of &3tyche& of Benetoi; 5%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: Cameron, Porphyrius the Charioteer 276 (part); *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 181.vii. @ @@`699. Christian topos inscription of &3mydrostasia,& on block; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 208. @ @@`700. [Topos (?)] inscription of Prasin[oi], on seat in Stadium; late imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 179.ii. @ @@`701. Inscription for Theod(oritai) (?), on bench in Theater; 4%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 212.i. @ @@`702. Christian top(os) inscription on Theater seat; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 181.v. @ @@`703. Unresolved cross%19monogram, on block; 6 or later; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 210.i. @ See also: Aphrodisias 765%19`766, 780%19`781, 787. @ @@@@Section: 21h. Christian Epigrams (704%19`741) @ @@`704. Building inscription in elegiacs by Dulcitius, on Agora Gate; 5&7m&; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 39 (PH). @ @@`705. Christian building inscription in elegiacs by Hermias for Baths; 5&4`2&%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: Gre/goire, Rec. 277; Hellenica 4, 130 (PH); BE 1949:178; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 74. @ @@`706. Fragments of building inscription in verse by Ioannes, [&3hegemon&] of Karia, on marble architrave; 5?; found at Aphrodisias: MAMA 8, no.'s 429 (PH) and 604 (PH) (parts); Hellenica 13, 158 (part); BE 1966:394; Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 27, no. 40 (part); *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 45 (PH, part). @ @@`707. Fragment of building (?) inscription in iambics (?) of [P]ytheas, on revetment; 5&4`2&; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 57 (PH). @ @@`708. Fragments of building inscription in elegiacs by Pytheas, on architrave; 5&4`2&; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 58 (PH). @ @@`709. Dedicatory poem for Triconch Church; 6%3`7; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 296, no. 207 (part); Gre/goire, Rec. 263 %7 264&3bis& (part); MAMA 8, no. 603 (part); *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 100 (PH). @ @@`710. Christian inscription in dodecasyllables bidding people approach &3pyle& in fear, painted on block of Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 129.i. @ @@`711. Christian inscription, possibly dedication to God and angels, possibly in dodecasyllables, on fragment of upper edge of marble panel; 5%3`6? or later; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 105 (PH). @ @@`712. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for Albinus, on columnar base; 6; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 82 (PH). @ @@`713. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for statue of Alexandros sent by metropolis of Phrygia to metropolis of Caria on octagonal base; 4&4`2&%3`5?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 32 (PH). @ @@`714. Christian honorary inscription in elegiacs for Ampelios for adapting Agora Gate as fountain, composed by Pythiodoros of Tralles, on Agora Gate; 5&7m&?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 38 (PH). @ @@`715. Fragment of honorary inscription in verse for Androkles, perhaps for building activity in Theater, on cornice below rim of stage: 4?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 34. @ @@`716. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for Anthemios by &3phalanx of Carians (?), on rectangular base; AD 405%3`414; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 36. @ @@`717. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for Dulcitius &3hegemon& for restoring Agora Gate, on Agora Gate; 5&7m&?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 40 (PH). @ @@`718. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for Dulcitius for work on Baths by Valerianus, on rectangular base; 5&7m&?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 41 (PH). @ @@`719. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for Eugenios, on base; 6; found at Aphrodisias: Hellenica 4, 133 (PH); BE 1949:178; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 88 (PH); Drew%19Bear, REA 82, 1980, 163. @ @@`720. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for Eupeithios, sophist (?), on rectangular base; AD 333%3`400; found at Aphrodisias: S%148evc%148enko, Synthronon 38, note 55; BE 1969:543; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 33 (PH). @ @@`721. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for &3hegemoneus& Helladios тby [C]arians, on marble base; 4&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: MAMA 8, no. 531 (PH); Hellenica 13, 157%19`158; BE 1966:404; Roueche/, GRBS 20, 1979, 175, note 9; SEG 29, 1069; Drew%19Bear, REA 82, 1980, 161%19`164, no. 3 and 182; SEG 31, 912; AnnEpig 1981, 763; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 16 (PH). @ @@`722. Christian honorary inscription in hexameters for Ioannes by &3patris,& on rectangular base; 5&4`2&%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 13 (PH). @ @@`723. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for Menandros by boule, on columnar base; AD 385%3`388; found at Aphrodisias: Hellenica 4, 133 (PH); BE 1949:178; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 24 (PH). @ @@`724. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for Oikoumenios &3hegomeneus,& by boule of Aphrodisias, on statue%19base; 4&4`3&%3`5&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: #1222nan %9 Rosenbaum 181, no. 244; Erim %9 S%148evc%148enko, DOP 21, 1967, 286; BE 1968:508; S%148evc%148enko, Synthronon 29%19`41 (PH); BE 1969:543; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 31 (PH). @ @@`725. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for (Flavius Eutolmios) Tatianos, on rectangular base; 5&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: Hellenica 4, 47%19`53 (PH, part); BE 1949:178; Peek, WZHalle 4, 1954, 528 (non vidi); SEG 15, 661; Merkelbach, ZPE 6, 1970, 132; BE 1971:616; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 37 (PH). @ @@`726. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for Pytheas, for building, on base; 5&4`2&; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 56 (PH). @ @@`727. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for Rhodopaios, on statue%19base; 6; found at Aphrodisias: Hellenica 4, 127 (PH); BE 1949:178; BE 1972:473; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 85 (PH). @ @@`728. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for (no name), governor of Caria (?), who ended strife, on columnar base; 5?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 64 (PH). @ @@`729. Funerary inscription, partly in hexameter, for Arkimos Damocharidos, on panel; 4 or later?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 162. @ @@`730. Honorary%3funerary inscription in elegiacs for Asklepiodotos, recording building (?), on marble block; 5&4`2&; found at Aphrodisias: Anth. Pal. 9, 704 (part); Welcker, RhM 4, 1836, 416%19`418, no. 31; CIG 2851; Kaibel 889; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 206%19`207, no. 84; Hellenica 4, 115%19`126 (PH); BE 1949:178; MAMA 8, no. 486 (PH); *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 53 (PH). @ @@`731. Honorary%3funerary inscription in elegiacs for Asklepiodotos recording building, on marble pyramid; 5&4`2&; found at Aphrodisias: MAMA 8, no. 487 (PH); Hellenica 13, 170%19`171; BE 1966:399; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 54 (PH). @ @@`732. Funerary inscription, partly in hexameters, for Euphemios, on plain block; AD 528%3`558; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 157 (PH). @ @@`733. Christian &3tymbos& inscription in hexameters of Io%1[r]d[a]nes Eulaliou, on slab; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 156 (PH). @ @@`734. First Christian (?) funerary inscription in elegiacs for Claudius, on sides of plain block; 4 or later; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 153.a (PH). @ @@`735. Second Christian (?) funerary inscription in elegiacs for Claudia, on second side of plain block; 4 or later; found at Aphodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 153.b. @ @@`736. Christian funerary inscription for Makedonios, probably in verse, on rectangular slab; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 158 (PH). @ @@`737. Christian &3sema& inscription in hexameters for Stephanos, on plaque; 5%3`6; found at Palamutc%25uk: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 155 (PH). @ @@`738. Funerary inscription in hexameters for Thea[ ... ] (?), on block; 4 or later; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 154 (PH). @ @@`739. Christian funerary inscription in verse, on sarcophagus front; 4 or later; found near Aphrodisias: Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 19, no. 9.b.2; Robert, AC 35, 1966, 381; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 160.b. @ @@`740. Fragment of funerary inscription in verse mentioning &3phthonos& on fragments of block; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 159 (PH). @ @@`741. Fragment, probably of funerary epigram, mentioning &3psyche, from plaque or sarcophagus front; 4 or later?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 161. @ See also: Aphrodisias 400; Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 63 (%6 Anth. Pal. 16, 35) (%6 Hellenica 4, 14) (honorary inscription in elegiacs for (Flavius) Palmatos by Carians; no provenance given, presumably once at Aphrodisias); Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 99 (%6 Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 296, no. 211) (%6 Gre/goire, Rec. 259) (poem in dodecasyllables decorating feature of Temple%19Church, 10; found at Aphrodisias); Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 108 (inscription in dodecasyllables dedicating &3naos& to (Saints) Barbara and [A]nastasia, on lintel blocks, 9%3`10?; found at Aphrodisias); Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 110 (fragment of dedication in dodecasyllables, 12; found at Aphrodisias); Keramos 69 (%6 Henzen, Ann. d. Inst. 23, 1852, 137, no. 4) (%6 LW 1593) (%6 CIG 8633) (%6 Gre/goire, Rec. 246) (%6 Kaibel 1067) (%6 IKeramos 66) (Christian building inscription in hexameters by Philagrios; found at Keramos, not Aphrodisias). @@@@Section: 21i. Christian Funerary Inscriptions (742%19`761) @ @@`742. Christian funerary inscription of Ar(i)stolaos, wife Theodoreta, and daughter Philosophia; AD 551; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 292%19`295, no. 203; Gre/goire, Rec. 255; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 164 (PH). @ @@`743. Christian funerary inscription of [A]sklepiodotos on panel; 4 or later?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 175 (PH). @ @@`744. First Christian funerary inscription of Athanasios, on first face of panel; 4 or later?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 163.a (PH). @ @@`745. Second Christian funerary inscription of Athanasios, on second face of panel; 4 or later?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 163.b. @ @@`746. Funerary inscription of Charito wife of Narses, on panel; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 170 (PH). @ @@`747. Christian funerary inscription of Eutychia and children, on panel; 5%3`6? or later; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 172 (PH). @ @@`748. Funerary inscription of Ioa[nnes] et al., on block; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 171. @ @@`749. &3Enbaseis& inscription of Kyriakos &3presbyteros,& on sarcophagus; 4 or later?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 168 (PH). @ @@`750. Funerary (?) inscription of Polychro[nios (?),] on panel; 4 or later?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 176. @ @@`751. Funerary (?) inscription of [R]ufinia (?), on panel; 4 or later?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 177. @ @@`752. Christian funerary inscription for Theodonros &3keramotites, on plain pillar; 4%3`7; found at Aphrodisias: MAMA 8, no. 605; Hellenica 13, 167%19`170; BE 1966:415; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 169. @ @@`753. Christian funerary inscription of Theod[o]kios (?), with prayer to Lord, on slab; 6 or later?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 174. @ @@`754. Christian funerary inscription of Theoprop[io]s &3epis%1k%1&[&3opo&]&3s,& on lintel block; 5 or later?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 166 (PH). @ @@`755. Funerary inscription for Theopropios &3episkopos,& on coarse marble block; 5%3`7?; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 298, no. 221; Gre/goire, Rec. 254&3bis&; MAMA 8, no. 602 (PH); *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 165. @ @@`756. Funerary (?) inscription of Mag[ ... ] (?), on panel; 4 or later?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 178. @ @@`757. Fragment mentioning month, on sarcophagus front; 4 or later?; found near Aphrodisias: Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 19, no.'s 9.a %7 9.b.1; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 160.a. @ @@`758. Christian funerary (?) inscription, on panel; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 226 (PH). @ @@`759. Christian funerary inscription; 4%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 227. @ @@`760. Fragment of Christian funerary inscription, on panel; 4%3`5; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 228. @ @@`761. Fragment of Christian funerary inscription, on panel; 4%3`5; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 229. @ See also: Aphrodisias 400, 682, 729%19`741; Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 167 (%6 Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 16, no. 2) (%6 Robert, AC 35, 1966, 381) (Christian funerary (?) inscription of [&3epi&]&3sko&(&3pos&) of St[r]atonikeia, 7 or later; found at Karacasu); Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 173 (%6 Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 19, no. 11) (%6 Robert, AC 35, 1966, 381) (funerary inscription of Nikolas, 10 or later; found at Aphrodisias). @ @@@@Section: 21j. Christian Curses (762%19`763) @ @@`762. Christian curse for those throwing earth; 5%3`7; found at Aphrodisias: Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 83, no. 13; Ramsay, Cities %9 Bishoprics 555, no. 429; Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 10, no. 18; Gre/goire, Rec. 248; Cabrol, Dict. vol. 1, col. 193 and vol. 14, col. 796, no. 23; MAMA 8, no. 428 (PH); *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 112. @ @@`763. Christian curse for anyone stealing anything from &3topos painted on column%19drum; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 111. @ @@@@Section: 21k. Christian Graffiti (764%19`805) @ @@`764. Rough, private graffito listing commodities and quantities on wall; 4?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 213 (PH). @ @@`765. Topos graffito of Hebreoi, on seat in Odeon; 6?; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds %9 Tannenbaum, Jews %9 God%19Fearers 132%19`133, no. 1.b (PH); BE 1988:888; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 180.ii; SEG 37, 847. @ @@`766. Topos graffito of &3Hebreoi hoi paleioi& belonging to Benetoi, on seat in Odeon; 5%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: Cameron, Circus Factions 79, 150, 315; BE 1977:82; Reynolds %9 Tannenbaum, Jews %9 God%19Fearers 132%19`133, no. 1.a (PH); BE 1988:888; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 180.iii; SEG 37, 846. @ @@`767. Christian prayer to Lord to help &3doulos& Philip, scratched on block of Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 129.iii (PH). @ @@`768. Christian prayer to Lord to help, scratched on fragment of balustrade of Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 132.ii, col. 2 (PH). @ @@`769. Christian prayer to Lord scratched on column; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 134.i. @ @@`770. Christian prayer to Lord scratched on column; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 134.ii. @ @@`771. Prayer to Lord to help, on wall of Theater; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 135. @ @@`772. Prayer to Lord to help, scratched on block of Theater; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 136 (PH). @ @@`773. Prayer to Lord to help, scratched on seat in Theater; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 137.i. @ @@`774. Alpha and omega scratched on seat in Theater; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 137.ii. @ @@`775. Christian graffito mentioning &3euche& of Stephanos, on seat in Theater; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 137.iii.a. @ @@`776. Prayer to help &3doulos& Geo(rgios), scratched on seat in Theater; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 137.iv. @ @@`777. Prayer to Lord to remember (?) [ ... ], scratched on seat in Theater; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 138, ll. 2%19`4. @ @@`778. Prayer to Lord God to help Kerekokkios Koureos, scratched on column in Theater Baths; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 142 (PH). @ @@`779. Christian phrases cut on statue%19base; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 144 (PH). @ @@`780. (Topos (?)) inscription of Frontinus, scratched on seat in Theater; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 137.v, l. 1. @ @@`781. Christian topos (?) graffito of Leon, on block; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: Gre/goire, Rec. 257&3ter&; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 211.i. @ @@`782. Graffito insulting Kar[m]idianos (?), in Odeon; 4%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 218.ii. @ @@`783. Christian graffito of Karmiliainos, in Odeon; 4%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 218.i (PH). @ @@`784. Graffito of M(arcus) Au(relius) Kometis et al.; 4%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 218.iv. @ @@`785. Graffito of Nymphero[s], in Odeon; 4%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 218.v. @ @@`786. Graffito concerning souls, in Odeon; 4%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 218.vi (PH). @ @@`787. Christian topos (?) graffito of Philipp(os), on block; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: Gre/goire, Rec. 257&3ter&; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 211.ii. @ @@`788. Acclamation of &3nike& of &3tyche& of &3polis& and writer, scratched in Odeon; 4%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 218.iii (PH). @ @@`789. Acclamation of &3nike& of [ ... ], scratched on block of Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 129.iv (PH). @ @@`790. Christian graffito mentioning Georgeos Georgeou, on fragment of balustrade of Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 132.ii, col. 1 (PH). @ @@`791. Christian names, beginning with [Ni]keph(oros), scratched on fragment of panel (?) of Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 133.i. @ @@`792. Christian names, beginning with Io(annes), scratched on fragment of panel (?) of Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 133.ii. @ @@`793. Christian names, including Ko(nstantinos), scratched on fragment of panel (?) of Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 133.iii. @ @@`794. Graffito mentioning Theophanes, on column; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 134.iii. @ @@`795. Christian graffito mentioning Rom(a)n(os), on column; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 134.iv. @ @@`796. Graffito mentioning Philippos, on column; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 134.v. @ @@`797. Christian acclamation of &3nike& of J(esu)s Ch(rist), scratched on column; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 134.vi. @ @@`798. Acclamation of &3nike& of &3tyche& of [ ... ], scratched on seat in Theater; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 137.iii.b. @ @@`799. Acclamation of &3nike& of &3tyche& of cross, scratched on seat in Theater; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 137.v, l. 2. @ @@`800. Acclamation of &3tych&[&3e& of ... ], scratched on seat in Theater; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 138, l. 1. @ @@`801. Acclamation of &3nike,& scratched on column; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 143. @ @@`802. Inscription mentioning Theophylaktos, scratched on fragment of balustrade of Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 132.i (PH). @ @@`803. Christian graffito mentioning Io(annes) et al., on fragment of balustrade of Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 132.iii (PH). @ @@`804. Unintelligible unpublished Christian graffito on block of Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity, p. 178 &3infra. @ @@`805. Unintelligible unpublished graffito on entrance in Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity, p. 178 &3infra. @ @@@@Section: 21l. Christian Acclamations (806%19`865) @ @@`806. Christian acclamation of &3nike& of J(esu)s Ch(rist), on block of Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 129.ii. @ @@`807. Acclamation in Latin for Scholast[icius (?)] on capital; 4%3`5?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 79 (PH). @ @@`808. Fragment of acclamation (?) painted on column; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 75.i. @ @@`809. Acclamation of [&3e&]&3parcho&[&3i&] painted on column; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 75.ii. @ @@`810. Fragment of acclamation of [&3nike&] of &3tyche& of [ ... ] painted on plaster at Theater; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 76.a. @ @@`811. Fragment of acclamation of &3nike& of [ ... ] painted on plaster at Theater; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 76.b. @ @@`812. Fragment of acclamation painted on plaster at Theater and mentioning [&3euse&]&3bes& O%1[ ... ]; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 76.c (PH). @ @@`813. Fragment of acclamation (?) painted on plaster at Theater; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 76.d. @ @@`814. Fragment of acclamation of [&3ty&]&3che& (?) of [ ... ], painted on plaster at Theater; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 76.e. @ @@`815. Fragment of acclamation of [&3mega&]&3lopr&(&3epestatos&) (?) [ ... ], painted on column; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 77.i.a. @ @@`816. Fragment of acclamation (?) painted on column; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 77.i.b. @ @@`817. Fragment of acclamation painted on column; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 77.ii.a. @ @@`818. Fragment of acclamation (?) painted on column; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 77.ii.b. @ @@`819. Fragment of acclamation (?) painted on column; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 77.ii.c. @ @@`820. Fragment of Christian acclamation for [ ... ]; 5%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 77.iii.a (PH). @ @@`821. Christian acclamation for [ ... ] painted on column; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 77.iii.b (PH). @ @@`822. Fragment of acclamation painted on block; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 78.i.a. @ @@`823. Fragment of acclamation of [&3nike&] of &3tyche& of [ ... ], painted on block; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 78.i.b. @ @@`824. Fragment of acclamation painted on block; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 78.ii. @ @@`825. Acclamation of &3nike& of &3tyche& of &3sellophoroi& cut on long block; 5%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 80 (PH). @ @@`826. Acclamation of &3nike& of &3tyche& of [ ... ] (erased) and Prasinoi, on theater%19seat; 5%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 181.i. @ @@`827. Christian acclamation of &3nike& of &3tyche& of Benetoi, on theater%19seat; 5%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: Cameron, Porphyrius the Charioteer 276; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 181.iii. @ @@`828. Inscription decrying Prasinoi, on theater%19seat; 5%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: Cameron, Circus Factions 315; BE 1977:460; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 181.ii. @ @@`829. Acclamation of &3nike& of &3tyche& of [ ... ], on theater%19seat; 5%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 181.viii. @ @@`830. Acclamation of &3nike& of &3tyche& of Prasin(oi), on theater%19seat; 5%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 181.ix. @ @@`831. Acclamation of &3nike& of &3tyche& of Prasinoi and &3mimoi,& on theater%19seat; 5%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: Cameron, Porphyrius the Charioteer 276; BE 1973:400; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 182. @ @@`832. Acclamation of &3nike& of &3tyche& of &3polis& and [P]rasinoi, on theater%19block; 5%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 183. @ @@`833. Acclamation of &3nike& of &3tyche& of Prasinoi on column; 5%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 184 (PH). @ @@`834. Acclamation of &3nike& of &3tyche& of Prasinoi, in boxed monogram; 5%3`6&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 185 (PH). @ @@`835. First unpublished acclamation of &3tyche& of Prasinoi (?), in boxed monogram, on seats in Theater; 5%3`6&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity, p. 227, &3ad& no. 185. @ @@`836. Second unpublished acclamation of &3tyche& of Prasinoi (?), in boxed monogram, on seat in Theater; 5%3`6&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity, p. 227, &3ad no. 185. @ @@`837. Acclamation of &3nike& of &3tyche& of Prasinoi (?), in boxed monogram and normal writing, on column base; 5%3`6&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 186.i (PH). @ @@`838. Acclamation of &3tyche& of &3po&(&3lis&), on column%19base; 5%3`6&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 186.ii (PH). @ @@`839. Acclamation of &3nike& of &3tyche& of Benetoi (?), in boxed monogram and normal writing, on column%19base; 5%3`6&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 186.iii (PH). @ @@`840. Acclamation for Pytheas, on base; 5&4`2&; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 55 (PH). @ @@`841. Christian acclamation of &3nike& of &3tyche& of Mardaetos, on panel; 5&4`2&?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 59.a (PH). @ @@`842. Acclamation of [&3nike& of &3ty&]&3che& of Pytheanitai, on panel; 5&4`2&; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 59.b (PH). @ @@`843. Acclamation of &3ni&[&3ke&] of &3tyche& of emperor (Anastasius (?)) new Theodosius and empress, on fresco in Baths; AD 491%3`518?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 61.i (PH). ˅@ @@`844. Acclamation of &3nike& of &3pis&[&3tis&] of Christians, on fresco in Baths; AD 491%3`518?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 61.ii. @ @@`845. Acclamation wishing many years to &3basileis&; 6; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, JRS 74, 1984, 191, no. 2 (PH); SEG 34, 1047; BE 1987:466; AnnEpig 1984, 883; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 82.ii. @ @@`846. Acclamation wishing many years to &3eparchoi&; 6; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, JRS 74, 1984 191, no. 3 (PH); SEG 34, 1048; BE 1987:466; AnnEpig 1984, 883; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 83.iii. @ @@`847. Christian inscription wishing for many years of &3synkletos, on column; 6; found at Aphrodisias: Gre/goire, Rec. 274; Roueche/, JRS 74, 1984, 191, no. 4 (PH); SEG 34, 1049; BE 1987:466; AnnEpig 1984, 883; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 83.iv. @ @@`848. Acclamation wishing many years to &3metropo&(&3lis&); 6; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, JRS 74, 1984, 191, no. 5; SEG 34, 1050; BE 1987:466; AnnEpig 1984, 883; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 83.v (PH). @ @@`849. Acclamation for Albinus; 6; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, JRS 74, 1984, 192, no. 6 (PH); Daniel, ZPE 61, 1985, 127%19`130; SEG 34, 1051; BE 1987:466; AnnEpig 1984, 883; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 83.vi (PH). @ @@`850. Acclamation for &3philopatris kyrios&; 6; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, JRS 74, 1984, 192, no. 7 (PH); SEG 34, 1052; BE 1987:466; AnnEpig 1984, 883; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 83.vii (PH). @ @@`851. Christian acclamation for Albinus &3philoktistes& on column; 6; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 358, no. 63; CIG 2809b (p. 1112); Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 297, no. 212; Gre/goire, Rec. 273; Roueche/, JRS 74, 1984, 192, no. 8 (PH); SEG 34, 1053; BE 1987:466; AnnEpig 1984, 883; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 83.viii. @ @@`852. Acclamation for Albinus &3lampr&(&3otatos&); 6; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, JRS 74, 1984, 192, no. 9 (PH); SEG 34, 1054; BE 1987:466; AnnEpig 1984, 883; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 83.ix. @ @@`853. Acclamation for Albinus; 6; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, JRS 74, 1984, 192, no. 10 (PH); Daniel, ZPE 61, 1985, 127%19`130; SEG 34, 1055; BE 1987:466; AnnEpig 1984, 883; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 83.x (PH). @ @@`854. Acclamation by whole &3polis& against &3ekthroi&; 6; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, JRS 74, 1984, 192, no. 11 (PH); SEG 34, 1056; BE 1987:466; AnnEpig 1984, 883; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 83.xi. @ @@`855. Acclamation for [A]lbinus &3lanpr&(&3otatos&) to join Senate; 6; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, JRS 74, 1984, 192, no. 13; SEG 34, 1058; BE 1987:466; AnnEpig 1984, 883; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 83.xiii (PH). @ @@`856. Acclamation saying that &3phthonos& does not overcome &3tyche&; 6; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, JRS 74, 1984, 192, no. 14 (PH); SEG 34, 1059; BE 1987:466; AnnEpig 1984, 883; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 83.xiv. @ @@`857. Acclamation for Albinus, &3ktistes& of this &3ergon&; 6; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, JRS 74, 1984, 193, no. 15; SEG 34, 1060; BE 1987:466; AnnEpig 1984, 883; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 83.xv. @ @@`858. Acclamation for [Albi]nus &3lanpro&(&3tatos&); 6; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, JRS 74, 1984, 193, no. 16 (PH); SEG 34, 1061; BE 1987:466; AnnEpig 1984, 883; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 83.xvi (PH). @ @@`859. Acclamation for &3philopatris& Albinus &3lampr&(&3otatos&); 6; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, JRS 74, 1984, 193, no. 17 (PH); SEG 34, 1062; BE 1987:466; AnnEpig 1984, 883; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 83.xvii. @ @@`860. Acclamation for [Albinus]; 6; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, JRS 74, 1984, 193, no. 18 (PH); SEG 34, 1063; BE 1987:466; AnnEpig 1984, 883; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 83.xviii. @ @@`861. Acclamation for Albinus &3philopatris,& honoring him for building; 6; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, JRS 74, 1984, 193, no. 19; SEG 34, 1064; BE 1987:466; AnnEpig 1984, 883; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 83.xix (PH). @ @@`862. Acclamation by whole &3po&[&3lis&] for Albinus &3lanpr&(&3otatos&); 6; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, JRS 74, 1984, 193, no. 20.1 (PH); SEG 34, 1065.a.1; BE 1987:466; AnnEpig 1984, 883; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 83.xx.1 (PH). @ @@`863. Address to &3papas&; 6; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, JRS 74, 1984, 193, no. 20.2; SEG 34, 1065.a.2; BE 1987:466; AnnEpig 1984, 883; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 83.xx.2 (PH). @ @@`864. Acclamation of victory of &3tyche& of &3polis&; 6; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, JRS 74, 1984, 193, no. 20.3; SEG 34, 1065.b; BE 1987:466; AnnEpig 1984, 883; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 84 (PH). @ @@`865. [Christian (?)] acclamation for Theopompos on panel; 6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 89 (PH). @ See also: Aphrodisias 656, 698, 788%19`789, 797%19`801. @ @@@@Section: 21m. Christian Varia (866%19`880) @ @@`866. Inscriptions on portable bronze sundial%19disc; late imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *de Solla Price, Centaurus 14, 1969, 242%19`266; Buchner, Chiron 1, 1971, 457%19`482; Field %9 Wright, Annals of Science 42, 1985, 87%19`138. @ @@`867. Names, beginning with Georgeos, on paving block of Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 131. @ @@`868. Inscriptions on sundial; 4%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: *Pattenden, JHS 101, 1981, 101%19`112 (PH); SEG 31, 931; BE 1982:360. @ @@`869. Christian inscription of Polychronios &3pyktes& on storage jar; 4%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 214. @ @@`870. Inscription &3YL& on storage jar; 4%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 215 (PH). @ @@`871. Inscription on fragment of disc or table%19top; 4%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 223 (PH). @ @@`872. Christian inscription on fragment of dish; 4%3`6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 224. @ @@`873. Inscription of fragment of curved rim; 4%3`5?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 225. @ @@`874. Prayer to Theotokos Maria to help, on small clay pot; 5 or later; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 146. @ @@`875. Inscription on fragment of dish or table; 5%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 221. @ @@`876. Inscription referring to [E]ulamios, on fragment of dish or table; 5%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 222.a. @ @@`877. Inscription referring to Mos[chos (?)], on fragment of dish or table; 5%3`6; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 222.b. @ @@`878. Inscription identifying (Saint) Michael in fresco at Theater; prob. 6; found at Aphrodisias: Erim, AJA 75, 1971, 178 (PH, of fresco); *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity p. 118 &3ad& no. 76. @ @@`879. Christian inscription with cross on column near Temple%19Church; 6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 219.i. @ @@`880. Inscription identifying &3eisodos& on column near Temple%19Church; 6?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 219.ii. @ See also: Aphrodisias 782%19`786, 790%19`796, 802%19`805, 932. @ @@@@Section: 21n. Christian Dubia (881%19`894) @ @@`881. Christian (?) fragment; Christian?; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 298, no. 220; *Gre/goire, Rec. 254. @ @@`882. Christian fragment on door of Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 117.iii (PH). @ @@`883. Christian fragment on door of Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 117.iv (PH). @ @@`884. Christian inscription by Mechael &3doulos& on paving%19stone of Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 119 (PH). @ @@`885. Christian inscription by Stepha[no]s &3hypo&[&3diakonos&], on underside of architrave block of Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 120. @ @@`886. Inscription of Stephan(os) on marble column of Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 121.i (PH). @ @@`887. Christian inscription of Leon on blue marble column of Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 121.ii (PH). @ @@`888. Christian inscription of Phili[p]os, on block of Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 122. @ @@`889. End of inscription of [ ... ]S%1risios (?) on panel fragment of Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 123 (PH). @ @@`890. Inscription of Mechae(l), on column of Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 124. @ @@`891. Inscription of Onesimos on column in Temple%19Church; Christian?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 126. @ @@`892. Inscription of &3Hagios,& on column in Temple%19Church; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 127. @ @@`893. Christian fragment [ ... ]&3psanou&; Christian; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 298, no. 218.2; Gre/goire, Rec. 269.b; *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 188, ll. 5%19`8. @ @@`894. Fragment of fresco in Baths; AD 491%3`518?; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 61.iv. @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (895%19`932) @ @@@@Section: 22a. Inscriptions Identifying Reliefs and the Like (895%19`921) @ @@`895. Inscriptions identifying Polis, Demo[s], Andrea, Ar[ete], Time, Mneme, Aion, and Zoilos on frieze; I&7e&%3`1&7b&; found at Aphrodisias: Do+nmez, ILN 25 Apr. 1959 (non vidi); Giuliano, ASAA 37%19`38, 1960, 389%19`401 (PH); SEG 20, 3; Erim, Archaeology 15, 1962, 58 (PH, part); ILN 13 Jan. 1962 (non vidi); ILN 27 Feb. 1965 (non vidi); BE 1963:249; Robert, AC 35, 1966, 427%19`432; Erim, Tu+rk Arkeoloji Dergisi 17, 1968, 43%19`57 (PH); BE 1970:537; BE 1971:609; Alfo+ldi, Erim, %9 Reynolds, Aion 35%19`40 (PH); SEG 29, 1067; *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, doc. 34 (PH); SEG 32, 1097; BE 1983:388; AnnEpig 1984, 878; SEG 35, 1082. @ @@`896. Inscription identifying relief of victory of Augusti; 1; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, ZPE 43, 1981, 323, no. 6 (PH); SEG 31, 916; BE 1982:356; *Erim, Britannia 13, 1982, 279, note 13; SEG 35, 1082. @ @@`897. Inscriptions identifying reliefs of Rome and Ge; 1; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, ZPE 43, 1981, 323, no. 7.a%19b (PH); SEG 31, 917; BE 1982:356; SEG 35, 1082. @ @@`898. Inscription identifying relief of Armenia; 1; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, ZPE 43, 1981, 324%19`325, no. 11 (PH); SEG 31, 921; BE 1982:356; *Smith, JRS 77, 1987, 118, note 93; SEG 35, 1082. @ @@`899. Inscription identifying relief of Hemera; 1; found at Aphodisias: *Reynolds, ZPE 43, 1961, 325, no. 12; SEG 31, 922; BE 1982:356; SEG 35, 1082. @ @@`900. Inscription identifying relief of Okeanos; 1?; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, ZPE 43, 1981, 325, no. 13; SEG 31, 922; BE 1982:356; SEG 35, 1082. @ @@`901. Inscription identifying relief of Krete; 1; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, ZPE 43, 1981, 325, no. 14 (PH); SEG 31, 923; BE 1982:356; *Smith, JRS 78, 1988, 57, no. 14 (PH); SEG 35, 1082. @ @@`902. Inscription identifying relief of Kypros; 1; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, ZPE 43, 1981, 325%19`326, no. 15 (PH); SEG 31, 924; BE 1982:356; *Smith, JRS 78, 1988, 57, no. 15 (PH); SEG 35, 1082. @ @@`903. Inscription identifying relief of Sikelia; 1; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, ZPE 43, 1981, 326, no. 16 (PH); SEG 31, 925; BE 1982:356; *Smith, JRS 78, 1988, 57, no. 16 (PH); SEG 35, 1082. @ @@`904. Inscription identifying relief of &3ethnos& of Dakoi; 1; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, ZPE 43, 1981, 326, no. 17 (PH); SEG 31, 926; BE 1982:356; *Smith, JRS 78, 1988, 55, no. 6 (PH); SEG 35, 1082. @ @@`905. Inscription identifying relief of &3ethnos& of Bessoi; 1; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, ZPE 43, 1981, 326, no. 18 (PH); SEG 31, 927; BE 1982:356; *Smith, JRS 78, 1988, 55, no. 4 (PH); SEG 35, 1082. @ @@`906. Inscription identifying relief of &3ethnos& of Rhaitoi; 1; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, ZPE 43, 1981, 326, no. 19 (PH); SEG 31, 928; BE 1982:356; *Smith, JRS 78, 1988, 55, no. 12 (PH); SEG 35, 1082. @ @@`907. Inscription identifying relief of &3ethnos& of Trounpeiloi; 1; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, ZPE 43, 1981, 326, no. 20; SEG 31, 929; BE 1982:356; *Smith, JRS 78, 1988, 55, no. 13 (PH); SEG 35, 1082. @ @@`908. Inscription identifying relief of &3ethnos& of [Ara]boi (?); 1; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, ZPE 43, 1981, 326%19`327, no. 21 (PH); SEG 31, 930; *Smith, JRS 78, 1988, 55, no. 3 (PH); SEG 35, 1082. @ @@`909. Inscription identifying relief of &3ethnos& of Aigy[ptoi]; 1; found at Aphrodisias: *Smith, JRS 78, 1988, 55, no. 1 (PH); SEG 35, 1082. @ @@`910. Inscription identifying relief of &3ethnos& of Andizetoi; 1; found at Aphrodisias: *Smith, JRS 78, 1988, 55, no. 2 (PH); SEG 35, 1082. @ @@`911. Inscription identifying relief of &3ethnos& of Bosporoi; 1; found at Aphrodisias: *Smith, JRS 78, 1988, 55, no. 5 (PH). @ @@`912. Inscription identifying relief of &3ethnos& of Dardanoi; 1; found at Aphrodisias: *Smith, JRS 78, 1988, 55, no. 7 (PH). @ @@`913. Inscription identifying relief of &3ethnos& of Iapodoi; 1; found at Aphrodisias: *Smith, JRS 78, 1988, 55, no. 8 (PH). @ @@`914. Inscription identifying relief of &3ethnos& of Ioudaioi; 1; found at Aphrodisias: *Smith, JRS 78, 1988, 55, no. 9 (PH). @ @@`915. Inscription identifying relief of &3ethnos& of Kallaikoi; 1; found at Aphrodisias: *Smith, JRS 78, 1988, 55, no. 10 (PH). @ @@`916. Inscription identifying relief of &3ethnos& of Piroustai; 1; found at Aphrodisias: *Smith, JRS 78, 1988, 55, no. 11 (PH). @ @@`916.5. Inscription identifying relief tondo of Pindaros; 1; found at Aphrodisias: Richter %9 Smith, Portraits of the Greeks 177 (PH) (non vidi); Hafner, RArch 11, 1987, 7%19`12 (PH) (non vidi); *SEG 37, 845. @ @@`917. Inscriptions identifying reliefs of Claudius and Bretannia; AD 44%3`54; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, ZPE 43, 1981, 323, no. 8 (PH); SEG 31, 918; BE 1982:356; *Erim, Britannia 13, 1982, 277%19`281 (PH); SEG 35, 1082; BE 1983:393. @ @@`918. Inscription identifying reliefs of Nero and Helios; AD 54%3`68; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, ZPE 43, 1981, 324, no. 9 (PH); SEG 31, 919; BE 1982:356; SEG 35, 1082. @ @@`919. Inscriptions identifying reliefs of Nero and Armenia; AD 54%3`68; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, ZPE 43, 1981, 324, no. 10 (PH); SEG 31, 920; BE 1982:356; *Smith, JRS 77, 1987, 117%19`120, no. 7 (PH); SEG 35, 1082. @ @@`920. Inscription identifying Euphrosyne, Aglaia, and Th[aleia]; c.2&4`2&%3`3&4`1&; found at Aphrodisias: CIG 2756; MAMA 8, no. 416 (PH); *Hellenica 13, 116%19`119; BE 1966:387; BE 1968:507. @ @@`921. Unpublished inscriptions identifying Apollo, Ninus, Semeiramis, Bellerophon, Pegasus, and Gordis in relief sculpture; 3&7m&; found at Aphrodisias: Erim, AJA 82, 1978, 324%19`325; Roueche/, JRS 70, 1980, 118; BE 1981:516; Erim, Aphrodisias 100%19`101 (PH, part); Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity, pp. 2%19`3. @ See also: Aphrodisias 878. @ @@@@Section: 22b. Gladiatorial Inscriptions (922%19`928) @ @@`922. Inscription identifying gladiator Kaistillos, on base or altar; Roman; found at Aphrodisias: *Erim, AJA 71, 1967, 243, no. 4; BE 1968:507. @ @@`923. Gladiatorial inscription of Margareites, on altar; Roman; found at Aphrodisias: Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 613, no. 12; Kubitschek %9 Reichel, AAWW 1893, 101, no. 2; *Robert, Gladiateurs no. 161; Hellenica 5, 93%19`95, no. 161; BE 1968:507. @ @@`924. Gladiatorial inscription of [Margar]eites (?), on altar; Roman; found at Aphrodisas: Kubitschek %9 Reichel, AAWW 1893, 101, no. 2; *Robert, Gladiateurs no. 160; Hellenica 5, 93%19`95, no. 160; BE 1968:507. @ @@`925. Gladiatorial inscription of Patroklos, on altar; Roman; found at Aphrodisias: Kubitschek %9 Reichel, AAWW 1893, 101, no. 2; *Robert, Gladiateurs no. 159; Hellenica 5, 93%19`95, no. 159. @ @@`926. Fragment mentioning Podenemos (?) and Hermas, &3paloi&; Roman; found at Aphrodisias: Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 289%19`290, no. 190; *Robert, Gladiateurs no. 162. @ @@`927. Gladiatorial inscription of Xantho[s], on altar; Roman; found at Aphrodisias: Kubitschek %9 Reichel, AAWW 1893, 101, no. 2; *Robert, Gladiateurs no. 158; Hellenica 5, 93%19`95, no. 158; BE 1968:507. @ @@`928. Inscription of &3familia& of Zenon Hypsikleous; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Fellows, Acct. 305%19`306, no. 20; CIG 2759b (p. 1109); Liermann 163, no. 32 (non vidi); *Robert, Gladiateurs no. 157. @ See also: Aphrodisias 232, 531; ITralles 101 (%6 Robert, Glad. no. 151) (%6 Mous. I 1875, 75, no. 38) (gladiatorial inscription for Istros &3pa&(&3los&); from Tralles, not Aphrodisias). @ @@@@Section: 22c. Other Varia (929%19`932) @ @@`929. Signs on listel; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Jacopi, MonAL 38, 1939, 176%19`177. @ @@`930. Inscription disavowing responsibility for stolen money (?); 2%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: Kubitschek %9 Reichel, AAWW 1893, 101, no. 3; *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 103%19`105, no. 17. @ @@`931. Second, unpublished copy of inscription disavowing responsibility for stolen money (?); 2%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity, p. 234 &3infra. @ @@`932. Inscription with word &3lape,& on sewer%19cover (?); late imperial%3Byzantine; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 216 (PH). @ See also: Aphrodisias 137, 591%19`592, 656, 698, 764, 782%19`786, 788%19`877, 879%19`880; Carruba, JHS 90, 1970, 195%19`196 (retrograde inscription in Lydian, on marble fragment; found at Aphrodisias). @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (933%19`966) @ @@`933. Unpublished inscription mentioning enfranchised Asconius; Roman; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, p. 173, &3ad& doc. 46; BE 1983:391. @ @@`934. Unpublished inscription referring to Antipatros Artemidorou; I%3`1&7b&?; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, p. 150, no. 7. @ @@`935. Fragment mentioning Cl(audius) Ant(onius) Hermeios; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 290, no. 195.1. @ @@`936. Unpublished inscription referring to &3archiereus Nikomachos; imperial; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, JRS 71, 1981, 105, note 10; Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity, p. 10. @ @@`937. Fragment mentioning [Hip]pokrat[es (?)]; 1?; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 290, no. 192. @ @@`938. Unpublished inscription referring to M(arcus) Cocceius Antipatros Ulpianus &3primipilarius&; 1?; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, PCPS 26, 1980, 78, &3ad& no. 7. @ @@`939. Unpublished inscription showing that Attalis Apphion died before or during reign of Titus; 1&7e&; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, ZPE 43, 1981, 320. @ @@`940. Fragment of heading (?) of document referring to Romans, probably from Archive Wall; inscribed 2%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome p. 144, no. A.1. @ @@`941. Unpublished inscription on cornice below rim of stage of Theater; 2; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity, p. 58, &3ad& no. 34. @ @@`942. Unpublished inscription mentioning M(arcus) Ulpius Carminius Claudianus; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: Halfmann, Die Senatoren, p. 130 and no. 144a; Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, p. 165, no. 19. @ @@`943. Unpublished inscription referring to wife of Marcus Aurelius Gaitylikos as daughter of &3polis&; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Aphrodisias: Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, p. 184; BE 1983:391. @ @@`944. Two unpublished inscriptions mentioning Tib(erius) Claudius Apollonios Marcianus; c. 3&7m&; found at Aphrodisias: Roueche/, JRS 71, 1981, 108. @ @@`945. Fragment in Latin, possibly of regulation; late imperial; found at Aphrodisias: *Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 220 (PH). @ @@`946. Fragment; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Fellows, Acct. 357, no. 60. @ @@`947. Fragment; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Fellows, Acct. 357, no. 61. @ @@`948. Dated inscription indicating &3prothesmia& of &3kleros&; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Leake, TRSL 1843, 236 and 291, no. 8; *LW 1628a. @ @@`949. Fragment mentioning [Ar]istoneik[os]; no date; found at Aphrodisias: Franz, Ann. d. Inst. 19, 1847, 115, no. 14; *LW 1647. @ @@`950. Fragment mentioning Menodotos; no date; found at Bingec%25: *Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 607%19`610, no. 4.A. @ @@`951. Fragment mentioning &3kome&; no date; found at Bingec%25: *Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 607%19`610, no. 4.B. @ @@`952. Fragment mentioning &3prophetes,& on stele; no date; found at Bingec%25: Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 607%19`610, no. 5; *Paton, JHS 20, 1900, 75, no. 4. @ @@`953. Fragment with word &3apethemen&; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 109, no. 27. @ @@`954. Fragment; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 219, no. 116. @ @@`955. Fragment mentioning Phaid[ra (?)]; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 290, no. 193. @ @@`956. Fragment mentioning &3d&[&3emos& (?)]; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 290, no. 195.2. @ @@`957. Fragment; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 291, no. 202. @ @@`958. Fragment &3kape&; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 17, no. 5. @ @@`959. Fragment &3asi& in large letters; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 20, no. 12.b. @ @@`960. Fragment; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 22, no. 18. @ @@`961. Fragment mentioning Eidaios (?); no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 23, no. 26. @ @@`962. Fragment; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 24, no. 30. @ @@`963. Fragment; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 27, no. 38. @ @@`964. Fragment, possibly from Archive Wall; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, p. 146, no. B.1.a. @ @@`965. Fragment, possibly from Archive Wall; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, p. 146, no. B.1.b. @ @@`966. Fragment, possibly from Archive Wall; no date; found at Aphrodisias: *Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome, p. 146, no. B.2. @ See also: Aphrodisias 401, 881%19`894. @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @ @@@@{1Apollonia Salbake}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@MAMA VI: W. H. Buckler %9 W. M. Calder, &3Monumenta Asiae Minoris &3@@@@Antiqua,& vol. VI, Manchester 1939. @@Robert, La Carie II: L. %9 J. Robert, &3La Carie, Tome II: Le &3@@@@plateau de Tabai et ses environs,& Paris 1954. @ Many of the inscriptions listed were found at Medet (%6 ancient Apollonia Salbake.) Others were found nearby. Following sites are given, of which those which have not been located are followed by a question mark: @@Garipko+y @@Medet (Apollonia Salbake) @@Solmaz (Soulmas) @@Tilkili (Dilkily) @@Uluko+y @@Uzunp#1221nar. @ Epigraphic references from outside the territory to the following sites are listed here: @@Apollonia Salbake (Medet). @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`3) @ @@`1. Honorary decree for Philo[ ... ] by boule and demos of Apollo[nia] Salb., on marble block; c. 250%3`190 BC; found at Apollonia Salb.: *Robert, La Carie II no. 166 (PH); BE 1955:203; SEG 35, 1085. @ @@`2. Superscript of decree, with dating formula under Basileus S[eleukos] (II), on block of white marble; 242 BC; found at Apollonia Salb.: MAMA VI 154 (PH); BE 1939:362; *Robert, La Carie II no. 165. @ @@`3. Honorary decree for Pamphilos by boule and demos of Apollonia (Salb.), on block of white marble; 188%3c. 100 BC; found at Apollonia Salb.?: *Robert, La Carie II no. 167 (PH); BE 1955:203; **Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 618 (l. 32); SEG 35, 1086. @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (4) @ @@`4. Letter of Caracalla to [&3archontes,&] boule, and [demos of Apollonia] &3apo Salbakes,& on marble plaque, with mention of plundering of Herakleia (Salb.); AD 214%3`216; found at Apollonia Salb.: Kubitschek, Fs. Th. Gomperz 434%19`435 (non vidi); von Domaszewski, SHAW 1918, 3, 141%19`142; Reusch, Der historische Wert d. Caracallavita, Klio Beih. 24, 41%19`42; *Robert, La Carie II no. 149. @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (_) @ See also: Kaunos 10 (%6 JHS 73, 1953, 23, no. 6) (list of contributors to [&3thia&]&3sos,& including individuals from Apollonia (perhaps Salb.); found near Kaunos). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (5%19`6) @ @@`5. Dedication by Attalos Dama, on fragment of column; no date; found at Apollonia Salb.: *Robert, La Carie II no. 160 (PH); BE 1955:203. @ @@`6. Dedication by Damagor[as (?)] Iason, on fragment of column; no doubt; found at Apollonia Salb.: *Robert, La Carie II no. 161 (PH); BE 1955:203. @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Aphrodisias 140 (%6 MAMA VIII 413.c) (%6 Robert, La Carie II no. 148) (foundation document of Attalos Adrastos mentions Diodoros Mousaiou and other individuals from Apollonia &3apo &3Salbakes&; found at Aphrodisias); Panamara 33, l. 6 (%6 IStratonikeia 21) (%6 SEG 4, 262) (%6 BCH 51, 1927, 68, 7) ([Apolloni]a in list of cities at end of document; found at Panamara near Stratonikeia). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (7%19`8) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (7%19`8) @ @@`7. Dedication to Meter Theon Oreia and &3patris& by [2S]2tephanion Stephanou, &3paraphylax,& on marble block; 2&4`2&%3`3&4`1&; found between Apollonia Salb. and Tilkili, not at Aphrodisias: Reinach, BCH 22, 1908, 499%19`513; BE 1912:63; Robert, Et. anat. 106%19`108; BE 1938:403; *Robert, La Carie II no. 162. @ @@`8. Dedication (?) by [M(arcus) Au]relius Dionysios Peleides, [&3hiere&]&3us& of Ares; imperial; found at Uluko+y, later at Denizli: *Robert, La Carie II no. 159; BE 1955:203. @ See also: Apollonia Salb. 5%19`6. @ @@@@Section: 9b. Other Religious Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (9%19`17) @ @@`9. Honorary inscription for (no name), &3despotes& of land and sea, on marble base; imperial; found at Garipko+y: *Robert, La Carie II no. 154 (PH). @ @@`10. Honorary inscription for Nero as Caesar, by his &3hiereus Artemidoros Artemi[dorou,] on block of stone; AD 51%3`53; found at Apollonia Salb.: Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 344, no. 27; MAMA VI 156 (PH); BE 1939:362; *Robert, La Carie II no. 150 (PH). @ @@`11. Honorary inscription for Commodus by Ammianus Tydeos and fellow &3archontes,& on marble block; AD 185%3`192; found at Apollonia Salb.: Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 345, no. 28; MAMA VI 157; BE 1939:362; *Robert, La Carie II no. 152. @ @@`12. Honorary inscription for Lucius Antonius Zenon, on marble base; AD 14%3c. 54; found at Apollonia Salb.: Ritti, Epigraphica 49, 1987, 77%19`98 (PH) (non vidi); *Malay, EA 9, 1987, 73%19`75 (PH); SEG 37, 855. @ @@`13. Honorary inscription for Dionysios Medeiou by demos, on stone block: c. 150 BC; found at Apollonia Salb.: MAMA VI 155 (PH); BE 1939:362; *Robert, La Carie II no. 155. @ @@`14. Honorary inscription for Kallip[pos Me]trodorou by [boul]e and demos; no date; found at Apollonia Salb.: Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 346, no. 29; *Robert, La Carie II no. 157. @ @@`15. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name) mention [&3legeon&] &3tetarte Sk&[&3ythike&]; imperial; found near Solmaz, perhaps from Herakleia Salb.: Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 342, no. 25; *Robert, La Carie II no. 151&3bis. @ @@`16. Honorary inscription for (no name), [&3hiereus&] of A[pol]lo and [Ser]apis by &3archonte&[&3s&], on block of white marble; imperial; found at Apollonia Salb.: Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 343, no. 26; MAMA VI 158 (PH); BE 1939:362; *Robert, La Carie II no. 156 (PH, part). @ @@`17. Fragment of honorary inscription mentioning M(arcus) Aur(elius) Peleides Menandros; 3; found at Apollonia Salb.: *Robert, La Carie II no. 158. @ See also: Apollonia Salb. 1, 3, 20; Aphrodisias 215 (%6 CIG 2761) (%6 Robert, La Carie II no. 147) (honorary inscription for demos of Apollonia &3apo Salbakes& by demos of Aphrodisias; found at Aphrodisias); Robert, La Carie II no. 186, ll. 5%19`8 (honorary inscription for Nana Menandrou by demos (of Kidrama) and by demos of Apollonia (Salb.); found at Kidrama). @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (_) @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (_) @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (18%19`19) @ @@`18. &3Soros& inscription by Midas for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial, on sarcophagus; imperial; found between Uzunp#1221nar and Tavas: MAMA VI 141a (PH); Arangio%19Ruiz, FIRA III p. 270, no. 83aa; *Robert, La Carie II no. 164 (PH). @ @@`19. Funerary inscription of Phybos &3magiros& on sarcophagus; imperial; found near Apollonia Salb.: MAMA VI 158a (PH); BE 1939:362; *Robert, La Carie II no. 163. @ See also: Smyrna 552 (%6 ISmyrna 497) (%6 ILeyden 20) (%6 SEG 18, 527) (funerary inscription for Krateinos Diophantos of Apollonia; found at Smyrna?). @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (20) @ @@`20. Honorary inscription for Constantine (I), on base of white marble; AD 307%3`337; found at Garipko+y: *Robert, La Carie II no. 153 (PH); BE 1955:203. @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (_) @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (_) @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @ @@@@{1Attouda}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@MAMA 6: W. H. Buckler %9 W. M. Calder, &3Monumenta Asiae Minoris &3@@@@Antiqua,& Vol. VI, Monuments and Documents from Phrygia and @@@@Caria, Manchester UK 1939. @ Almost all the inscriptions listed were found at sites identified as being within the territory of Attouda and neighboring cities. Inscriptions were found at the following sites, of which those which have not been located on a map are identified with a question mark: @@Ali Ag%27a C%25iftlik (?) (Agha%19Tschiftlik) @@Antiocheia Mai, (Bas%25aran) @@Attouda (Hisar, Assar, Hisarko+y, Ipsili) @@Bucak (Bucakko+y) @@Horsunlu (Korzumlu) @@Sarayko+y @@Trapezopolis (Bol#1221, Bolo) (%6 Beylerbeyi (?)). @ Epigraphic references from outside the territory of Attouda and adjoining cities to the following sites are listed here (those with a question mark have not been located): @@Antiocheia Mai. (Bas%25aran) @@Attouda (Hisar) @@Trapezopolis (Beylerbeyi(?)). @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (_) @ See also: Erythrai 4 (%6 LW 41) (%6 IErythrai 116) (honorary decree [of Antiocheia Mai.] for foreign judge (no name) from Erythrai; found at Erythrai); Erythrai 5 (%6 ADAW 1909, 56%19`59, no. 13) (%6 IErythrai 117) (%6 BE 1973:375) (honorary decree of Antiocheia for foreign judges from Erythrai; found at Erythrai); Magnesia Mai. 12 (%6 IMagnesia Mai. 90) (honorary decree of Antiocheia (Mai.?) for foreign judge Pythodotos Charisiou of Magnesia (Mai.) and for Magnesia (Mai.); found at Magnesia Mai.); Magnesia Mai. 42, ll. a.17, b.26 (%6 IMagnesia Mai. 59) (Antiocheia (Mai.) listed as site of Pantheon where decree of Laodikei[a Lyk.] accepting invitation of Magnesia (Mai.) to [Leuko]phryena was to be posted and listed in subscript among cities voting to accept invitation; found at Magnesia Mai.); Samos 12 (%6 MDAI(A) 72, 1957, 242%19`252, no. 65) (%6 BE 1960:365) (decree of Antiocheia Mai., with decree of Samos in reply; found on Samos). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (1) @ @@`1. Part of letter of Attalid king, on marbel fragment; II; found at Attouda: *MAMA 6, 65 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (_) @ See also: Iasos 112, ll. 11%19`12 (%6 IIasos 199) (list of choregic donations mentions &3metoikos& Nikanor Dio[panto]u of Antiocheia; found at Iasos); Iasos 114, ll. 12%19`13 (%6 IIasos 201) (list of choregic donations mentions Lysimachos Iasos of Antiocheia; found at Iasos); Iasos 132, l. 7 (%6 IIasos 194) (list of choregic donations mentions He[ ... ]phon Pol[y]timou of A[nt]iocheia; found at Iasos); Iasos 137, l. 8 (%6 IIasos 188) (list of choregic donations mentions Symmachos Demarchou of Antiocheia; found at Iasos). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (1.3) @ @@`1.3. Building inscription by [Carminius Claud]ianus &3stephane&[&3phoros&], on fragment of white marble; imperial; found at Attouda: *Sheppard, AS 31, 1981, 25%19`26, no. 6 (PH). @ See also: CIG 3947 (%6 Ramsay, Cities no. 68) (%6 MAMA 6 p. 142) (dedication of [&3bomos& (?)] and &3naideion& by Epaphrodeitos [2He]2rm%1a; found at Sardis, not in terr. of Attouda or Trapezopolis). @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (1.5) @ @@`1.5. List of magistrates, including &3stephanephoro&[&3i,&] beginning with Menstra[tos ... ], on marble stone used as step; no date; found at Ali Ag%27a C%25iftlik: *Radet, BCH 14, 1890, 234%19`235, no. 7; BE 1891:333. @ See also: Plassart, BCH 45, 1921, 6, IC(a) 1, l. 23 (list of &3theorodokoi& includes (no name) at Ant[iocheia] among Carian cities; found at Delphi); Miletos 117, 125, 139, 144, 203, 134.2, 156.5 (%6 Milet I 3, no.'s 79, 89, 41, 45, 91 %7 Chiron 18, 1988, 399 no. 7 %7 403 no. 11) (records of grant of citizenship to individuals including individuals from Antiocheia (Mai.); found at Miletos); Tralles 28, ll. A.8, 33 and B.5 (%6 LW 599) (%6 ITralles 33) (list of mercenaries includes Attalos Athenagorou and [ ... ... ]ou of Antiocheia; found at Tralles). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (2) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (2) @ @@`2. Dedication to &3patris& by [Aur(elius) Ad]drastos [&3agonoth&]&3etes,& on marble slab; 3?; found at Denizli, from Attouda: Anderson, JHS 17, 1897, 400, no. 5; *MAMA 6, 79 (PH). @ See also: Attouda 26; IOlympia 211 (dedication by Demokra[tes of Antiocheia (?)] Mai. to [Zeus Olympios]; found at Olympia); CIG 3946 (%6 MAMA 6 p. 142) (dedication of five Erotes to &3patris& by Aur(elius) Chryse[2r]2os; found at Sardis, not in terr. of Trapezopolis or Attouda). @ @@@@Section: 9b. Other Religious Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Attouda 27%19`28. @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (3%19`21) @ @@`3. Honorary inscription for Livia, on marble slab; AD 3%3`10?; found at Attouda: *MAMA 6, 66 (PH). @ @@`4. Honorary inscription for (?) Adrastos Adr[as]tou; no date; found at Korzumlu near Antiocheia Mai., not from Herakleia Salb. or Tralles: Mous. IV 87 (non vidi); Mous. V 1885, 80, no. 490 (non vidi); Fontrier, MDAI(A) 10, 1885, 278; Ramsay, Cities 190 no. 73 and pp. 366 and 786; Robert, OM 1099%19`1100 (%6 RPh 3, 1929, 133%19`134); Robert, RPh 8, 1934, 49, note 1; Robert, Et. anat. 430 (PH); *ITralles p. 216, no. 1*. @ @@`4.5. Honorary inscription for Adrastos Tychi[k]os, [&3hiereus& (?) of Thea Meter Adrastos, by &3demos& (?),] on white limestone capital; imperial; found at Attouda: *Sheppard, AS 31, 1981, 24%19`25, no. 5 (PH). @ @@`5. Honorary inscription for Apolloni[des (?) Abas]kantou by &3boul&[&3e& and &3demos,&] on marble base; no date; found at Attouda: Anderson, JHS 17, 1897, 400, no. 6; *MAMA 6, 71 (PH). @ @@`6. Honorary inscription for Apollonios Papias by [&3boul&]&3e& and &3demos,& on block of red marble: Roman; found at Bucak near Antiocheia Mai., not at Kidrama: Kubitschek %9 Reichel 96; Anderson, JHS 17, 1897, 397, no. 1; *Robert, La Carie II pp. 351%19`352. @ @@`6.5. Honorary inscription for Gaius Att[ius] Clarus &3eparchos, by &3demos&; imperial; found at Trapezopolis: *Anderson, JHS 17, 1887, 403%19`404, no. 9; RA 1898 II 446, no. 128; MAMA 6 p. 143 no. 54a*. @ @@`7. Honorary inscription for Aurelia Tyche, &3archiereia,& [by &3demos& (?),] on marble base; imperial; found at Attouda: *MAMA 6, 77 (PH). @ @@`8. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription mentioning Mar[cus Aurel]ius [Achilleus] Mode[stus Macr]obius [&3archiere&]&3us,& on marble block; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Attouda: *MAMA 6, 78. @ @@`9. Honorary inscription for Mar(cus) Aur(elius) Apelles by [&3bou&]&3le& and &3demos,& on moulded marble base; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Attouda: Radet, BCH 14, 1890, 239, no. 15; *MAMA 6, 73. @ @@`9.3. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Aur(elius) Attikos Alexandros, victorious athlete, on white marble statue base; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Attouda: *Sheppard, AS 31, 1981, 26%19`27, no. 7 (PH). @ @@`9.6. Honorary inscription for Mar(cus) Aur(elius) Carminius Kataplous, victorious athlete; imperial; found at Attouda: *Radet, BCH 14, 1890, 238, no. 13; MAMA 6 p. 143, no. 58*. @ @@`10. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Aur(elius) Lydios, &3epitropos& of Augusti, by &3boule& and &3demos& of [A]ttouda, on marble base; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Attouda: CIG 3950; Anderson, JHS 17, 1897, 399, no. 2; RA 1898II p. 445, no. 126; IGRR IV 843 (non vidi); *MAMA 6, 72. @ @@`11. Honorary inscription for Demokritos Metrodorou, on marble base; no date; found at Attouda: *MAMA 6, 70 (PH). @ @@`12. Honorary inscription for Herm[o]genes%1 Chari[nou (?)] by &3neo&(&3i&), on base; II%3I; found at Attouda: Anderson, JHS 17, 1897, 397, no. 3; *MAMA 6, 67 (PH). @ @@`13. Honorary inscription for Carminia Ammia by [&3bo&]&3ule& and &3demos,& on marble base; imperial; found at Attouda: *MAMA 6, 75 (PH). @ @@`13.1. Honorary inscription for Tiberius Claudius Beryllianos by &3demos,& on small tablet; imperial; found at Attouda: *Anderson, JHS 17, 1897, 399, no. 4; MAMA 6 p. 143, no. 59*. @ @@`13.3. Honorary inscription for (?) [&3a&]&3leiptes& [Long]inianus [Poly]chroniou; imperial; found at Attouda: *Ramsay, AJA 3, 1887, 354; Ramsay, Cities p. 183, no. 71; MAMA 6 p. 143, no. 57*. @ @@`13.6. Honorary inscription for Makarios Makariou, victorious athlete, by &3patris&; imperial?; found at Attouda: *CIG 3951; MAMA 6 p. 143, no. 60*. @ @@`14. Honorary inscription for Neikias Pausaniou [by &3demos& (?),] on marble base; no date; found at Attouda: Bailie II pp. 241%19`244, no. 238; CIG 3952 %7 III p. 1106; LW 743; JHS 8, 1887, 223%19`224; Ramsay, Cities p. 182, no. 70; IGRR IV 844 (non vidi); *MAMA 6, 76 (PH). @ @@`14.5. Honorary inscription for Nikolaos Apolloniou by &3demos,& on piece of marble broken from top to bottom; imperial?; found at Attouda: *Clerc, BCH 11, 1887, no. 4; MAMA 6 p. 143, no. 55*. @ @@`15. Honorary inscription for Oreion son of Claudius Adeimantos [by &3demos& (?),] on marble base; imperial; found at Attouda: *MAMA 6, 80 (PH). @ @@`16. Honorary inscription for Marcu[s] Ulpius Damas Catullinus, Asiarch, by [&3boule&] and &3demos,& on marble pedestal; imperial; found at Trapezopolis: Anderson, JHS 17, 1897, 402, no. 8; RA 1898II 446, no. 127; OGIS 492; Weber, Unters. z. Gesch. d. K. Hadrians 223, note 793; *MAMA 6, 60 (PH). @ @@`17. Honorary inscription for [M(arcus) Ulpius Car]minius [Claudianus] &3neoteros,& by &3boule& and &3demos&; imperial; found at Attouda: Clerc, BCH 11, 1887, 348%19`351, no. 5; *MAMA 6, 74 (PH). @ @@`17.5. Honorary inscription for &3agonothetai& [2Ph]2lor[ia]nos and [A][2ndr]2eas, sons of A[ndr]eas; imperial?; found at Attouda: Bailie, Fasc. II p. 244; CIG III p. 1106; LW 744, ll. 8%19`25; *Buckler, JHS 56, 1936, 79; MAMA 6 p. 143, no. 62*. @ @@`18. Honorary inscription for Solon Attalou by &3demos,& on marble block; II; found at Attouda: *MAMA 6, 68 (PH). @ @@`19. Honorary inscription for [ ... Athena]gorou [by &3damos,&] on marble base; c. I; found at Attouda: *MAMA 6, 69 (PH). @ @@`19.5. Honorary inscription for (no name), victorious athlete at Charmi[deia,] on square marble base; imperial; found at Ali Ag%27a C%25iftlik: Sterrett, Epig. Journey no. 5; *Robert, RPh 3, 1921, 134. @ @@`20. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (no name), victorious at O[lym]pia, Herakleia, and Adrastea, on marble base; imperial?; found at Attouda: Radet, BCH 14, 1890, 238%19`239, no. 14; *MAMA 6, 81 (PH). @ @@`20.3. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name), by [&3boule of Attouda]; no date; found at Attouda: *Radet, BCH 14, 1890, 239, no. 16; MAMA 6 p. 143, no. 61*. @ @@`20.6. Honorary inscription for (no name) by [&3gerousia& (?)]; imperial?; found at Attouda: *Anderson, JHS 17, 1897, 400, no. 7; MAMA 6 p. 143, no. 56*. @ @@`21. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (?) (no name), victorious at Nea [Adrastea] et al., on marble base; imperial?; found at Attouda: *MAMA 6, 82 (PH). @ See also: Attouda 22, 23.3, 23.6, 25; Aphrodisias 315 (%6 CIG 2782) (%6 Laum 108) (%6 BE 1980:471) (honorary inscription for Mar(cus) Ul(pius) Car(minius) Claudianus, whose family came from Attouda; found at Aphrodisias); Didyma 235 (%6 IDidyma 148) (honorary inscription for Caligula by thirteen &3neopoioi, including Sochares of Antiocheia (prob. Mai.); found at Didyma); Nysa 40 (%6 BCH 7, 1883, 270, 14) (honorary inscription for M(arcus) Aur(elius) Aphrodeisios, &3bouleutes& of Antiocheia, &3architekton,& by sons; found at Nysa); Tralles 102, ll. 10%19`11 (%6ITralles 110) (%6 LW 1652b) (honorary inscription for Fla(vius) Alexandros Oxeidas of Neikomedeia, &3bouleutes& of Antiocheia (Mai.); found at Tralles). @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (_) @ See also: Aphrodisias 672.2%19`672.8 (%6 BCH 14, 1890, 235%19`236, 8%19`10) (milestones; found near Aphrodisias between Yenice and Karacasu, perhaps closer to Antiocheia Mai. than to Aphrodisias). @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ See also: CIG 3953 (%6 MAMA 6 p. 143) (seating inscription of Sacerdos Pompo[nia]no[u]; found at Laodikeia, not at Attouda). @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (22) @ @@`22. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for wrestler Hermes, on cylindrical limestone pedestal; AD 198%3`209; found at Trapezopolis: Robert, Villes d'Asie Min. 208, note 6; RE viA ii 2212; MAMA 6, 61 (PH); Merkelbach, ZPE 19, 1975, 301%19`302; BE 1976:632; Ebert %9 Luppe, ZPE 23, 1976, 49%19`56; BE 1977:458; *SEG 26, 1233. @ See also: Robert, Et. anat. 416 note 7 (graffito in iambics mentions richness of Antiocheia Mai. in figs and water; found on Delos); IG XII 5, 677 (%6 Kaibel 272) (%6 Peek, GVI I 2030) (funerary inscription in elegiacs for Nikokrates mentions mother [Chrysio]n from Antiocheia Mai.; found on Syros). @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (22.5%19`25) @ @@`22.5. &3Mnemeion& inscription of Apollonios Apolloniou; imperial?; found at Ali Ag%27a C%25iftlik: *Sterrett, Epig. Journey no. 6. @ @@`23. Funerary (?) inscription for (?) Apollonios Menekratou Pho%1[ ... ], on marble panel with reliefs; no date; found at Trapezopolis: *MAMA 6, 62 (PH). @ @@`23.3. Honorary%3funerary inscription by [&3demos&] for [Diotrephes Diotrephou]s &3rhetor,& on plaque of white marble; I&4`2&; found at Denizli, perhaps from Antiocheia Mai.: Sheppard, AS 31, 1981, 20%19`22, no. 2 , ll. 1%19`11 (PH); *Jones, Chiron 13, 1983, 369%19`380, ll. 1%19`11; BE 1984:412. @ @@`23.6. Honorary%3funerary inscription by [&3gerousia&] for [Diotrephes Dio]trephous [&3rhetor&], on plaque of white marble; I&4`2&; found at Denizli, perhaps from Antiocheia Mai.: Sheppard, AS 31, 1981, 20%19`22, no. 2, ll. 12%19`15 (PH); *Jones, Chiron 13, 1983, 369%19`380, ll. 12%19`15; BE 1984:412. @ @@`23.8. &3Syngenikon& inscription of Megas Mega, below relief on tombstone; imperial?; found at Sarayko+y, provenance from Attouda doubtful: *Ramsay, AJA 3, 1887, 353%19`354, no. 10; Ramsay, Cities pp. 181%19`182, no. 69; MAMA 6, p. 143. @ @@`24. &3Mnemeion& inscription by Papias Adrastou for self and &3kleronomoi,& with penalty for unauthorized burial, on marble slab; imperial?; found at Attouda: *MAMA 6, 83 (PH). @ @@`25. Honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) by &3demos& of Antiocheia and many other cities; AD 20%3`55; found at Antiocheia Mai.: *Buresch, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 102%19`132; Buresch, RhM 49, 1894, 424; Kubitschek %9 Reichel 96. @ See also: IG II&4`2& 8239 (%6 Robert, Et. de/l. 445) (funerary inscription for Menophila Menophilou of Antiocheia (poss. of Antiocheia Mai.); found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 8245 (%6 Robert, Et. de/l. 445) (funerary inscription for Mystes Iatr[2o]2kle[2o]2us of Antiocheia (Mai.); found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 8324 (funerary inscription for Philokrates Simonos of Antiocheia Mai.; found in Attica); Rhodian Peraia 166 (%6 AJP 34, 1913, 454, 3) (%6 AE 1913, 1, 82) (funerary inscription of Damas Lykaonos, wife Antiochis Antiochissa, and son; found between Loryma and Phoinix in Rhodian Peraia). @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (26%19`28) @ @@`26. Dedication of &3trapeza& by Eutychianos, on flat marble slab; Christian?; found at Attouda: *MAMA 6, 84 (PH). @ @@`27. [&3E&]&3uche& inscription of Eutro[pios] Genadea and Eutychia[nos] Genadea, on marble stele; Christian; found at Attouda: *MAMA 6, 85 (PH). @ @@`28. &3Euche& inscription of Euethio[s] and Theodora, on marble stele; Christian; found at Attouda: *MAMA 6, 86 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (_) @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (29) @ @@`29. Fragment; no date; found at Ali Ag%27a C%25iftlik: *Sterrett, Epig. Journey no. 7. @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @@@@{1Bargylia}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@IIasos: Blu+mel, &3Die Inschriften von Iasos,& Bonn 1985, no.'s @@@@`601%19`640. @ The bulk of the inscriptions listed were found at Bargylia. Others were found nearby. In any case, the place of discovery is listed. Following sites are given, of which those which have not been located are followed by a question mark: @@Bargylia (Assarl#1221k, Hassanba, Hisar, Varvoulia, Varvul) @@C%25o+mlek Ko+y (Tchomlek%19Keu) (?, between Iasos and Kindya) @@Kemer @@Kindya (Kemikler, Kindye, S#1221g%27#1221rtmac%25, Yemikler) @@Tepecik (Tepedje, Tepedschi, Tepedschik, Tepeje) @@Tuzla (?) @@Yar#1221k Kuyu Kahvesi (?, near Kindya). @ Epigraphic references to the following sites are listed: @@Bargylia (Hisar) @@Kindya (Kyndya) (S#1221g%27#1221rtmac%25). @ Note that, although the original insular site of Karyanda may well have been in the later territory of Bargylia, perhaps on Salih Adas#1221, references to Karyanda are listed in the Myndos list, as the later continental site of the city was in the territory of Myndos. In addition, modern Kuzyaka (%6 Kuzkaya) (%6 ancient Kildara) is included in the list for Mylasa, even though this site may have been in the territory of Bargylia. @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`5) @ @@`1. Honorary decree of boule and demos for Exekestos Diodotou; Hellenistic?; found at Bargylia: LW 496; SEG 4, 210; *IIasos 616. @ @@`2. Honorary decree of Bargylia for Poseidonios; c. 127 BC; found at Bargylia: Foucart, CRAI 37, 1904, 326%19`335 (non vidi); OGIS II p. 551; Holleaux, REA 21, 1919, 1%19`19 (%6 Et. e/pig. II 179%19`198); *IIasos 612. @ @@`3. Decree of Bargylia in answer to letter of city (no name); c. 250%3`150 BC; found at Bargylia: CIG 2670, ll. 18%19`29; Graindor, Mus. belge 7, 1903, 296%19`300, ll. 18%19`29; *IIasos 606, ll. 18%19`29. @ @@`4. Honorary decree for (no name), moved by Poseidonios Menandr[ou]; c. 129%3`127 BC; found at Kindya: Homolle, BCH 18, 1894, 199 (part); Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 218%19`219, no. 8.B; Robert, Et. anat. 459%19`465, no. 3; SEG 4, 211; *IIasos 613. @ @@`5. Provision for posting of decree; no date; found at Kindya: Homolle, BCH 18, 1894, 199 (part); Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 218%19`219, no. 8.A; *IIasos 611. @ See also: IG II&4`2& 496 %7 507 (%6 IIasos T61.1) (honorary decree for Solon Stratonos of Bargylia; found in Attica); Ephesos 4.5, l. 25 (%6 EA 8, 1986, 10%19`31) (Roman port%19tax of province of Asia mentions Bargylia among harbors; found at Ephesos); Iasos 28 (%6 IIasos 35) (%6 BCH 13, 1889, 23, 1) (honorary decree for Olymp[ichos Oly]mpicho[u], giving him proxeny and citizenship; found at Bargylia, presumably from Iasos); Iasos 12 (%6 IIasos 76) (%6 BCH 13, 1889, 23, 1) (honorary decree (of Iasos) for Rhodes and for foreign judges A[u]tophilos Pausik[ ... ] et al. of Rhodes; found at Bargylia, presumably from Iasos); TKalymna 34.b (%6 IIasos T61.2) (honorary decree mentions [A]thenaios Apolloniou of Barg[yli]a; found on Kalymna); TKalymna 54, ll. 5%19`6 (%6 IIasos T61.3) (honorary decree (of Kalymna) for Asklepiodoros E[upol]emou of Bargylia; found on Kalymna); Pugliese Carratelli, PP 233, 1987, 120%19`123 (decree [of Bargylia] honoring envoys (no name) from Kos and giving them citizenship and proxeny; found on Kos); IKyme 2 (%6 IIasos 610) (%6 SEG 4, 208) (honorary decree of demos of Bargylia for foreign judges (no name) from Kyme; found at Kyme); Mylasa 41, ll. 15%19`16 (%6 IMylasa 118) (%6 Hula %9 Szanto 16, no. 5) (%6 BCH 12, 1888, 16, no. 5) (honorary decree for (no name) by [&3phyle& of Otorkondeis] mentions Bargy[lia]; found at Mylasa); Mylasa 71 (%6 former Myndos 0.5) (%6 IMylasa I pp. 269%19`270) (%6 LW 499) (%6 Froehner, ILouvre 45) (honorary decree for (no name), &3tauraphetes&; said to have been found at alleged site of Karyanda, therefore possibly from terr. of Myndos or Bargylia, more likely from Mylasa); Mylasa 111, l. 5 (%6 IMylasa 4) (%6 Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 35) (%6 Robert, E/t. anat. 571) (%6 Hornblower, Mausolus M3) (fragment of decree mentions [Bargyli]a (?); found at Mylasa); Priene 2 (%6 IIasos 607) (%6 IPriene 47) (honorary decree of Bargylia for foreign judges from Priene and mentioning &3agon& of Artemis Kindyas; found at Priene); Samos 13 (%6 IIasos 609) (%6 Curtius, Inschriften no. 13) (%6 SEG 4, 207) (%6 Stamatiades&4`2& pp. 311%19`312) (%6 MDAI(A) 49, 1924, 38) (honorary decree [of Bargylia] for Samos and three foreign judges (named) from Samos and mentioning [&3agon& of Artemis Kindyas]; found on Samos); Teos 29 (%6 IIasos 608) (%6 LW 87) (%6 Michel 457) (%6 Syll&4`3 426) (%6 SEG 4, 206) (honorary decree of Bargylia for Teos and Tyron of Teos; found at Teos). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (6) @ @@`6. Letter of city (no name) to Bargylia thanking city for receiving &3architheoros& Damat[rios ... ] et al.; c. 250%3`150 BC; found at Bargylia: CIG 2670, ll. 1%19`17; Graindor, Mus. belge 7, 1903, 296%19`300, ll. 1%19`17; *IIasos 606, ll. 1%19`17. @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (7) @ @@`7. Fragment in Latin of Edict of Diocletian on prices; c. AD 301; found at Bargylia, fragments of these parts of the edict found in Latin at Stratonikeia, Sand#1221kl#1221, Ptolemais, Aphrodisias, Herakleia Salb., Knosos, Eumeneia, Aizanoi, and Mylasa and in Greek at Aigira, Lebadea, Megara, Atalante, Argos, and Pherai: CIL III Suppl. 1 p. 1919 GG; Lauffer, Diokletians Preisedikt 104%19`112; *Giacchero, Edictum Diocletiani I 142%19`151, no.'s 4 and 6. @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (_) @ See also: IG I&4`3& 71, 259%19`290 (frequent mention of Bargylia and Kindye in Athenian Tribute Lists; found in Attica). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (8%19`11) @ @@`8. Dedication to emperor (no name) on architrave fragment; AD 37%3`375; found at Bargylia: Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 252, no. 1; *IIasos 604. @ @@`9. Dedicatory inscription of [&3pyl&]&3on& by Hermias Samiadou to Homonoia and Dionys[os], on architrave fragment; no date; found at Bargylia: LW 484 %7 485; Newton, Halikarnassos II 607 and 802; Texier, Asie Mineure III 144 (non vidi); *IIasos 621. @ @@`10. Dedicatory inscription of &3pylon& to [&3theoi p&]&3antes& and [demos], on architrave fragment; no date; found at Bargylia: LW 487; Newton, Halikarnassos II 607 and 802; *IIasos 623. @ @@`11. Fragment referring to setting up &3keione&[&3s&] in same year; no date; found at Kemer: *Hula %9 Szanto p. 27. @ See also: Bargylia 38%19`40; Iasos 173 (%6 IIasos 260) (%6 CIG 2680) (%6 MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 155, 3) (building (?) inscription on column%19base mentioning [M(arcus) Aurelius] Samos of Bargyl%1[ia]; found at Iasos). @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (12) @ @@`12. List of names in nominative (of &3stephanephoroi& of Bargylia?); late Hellenistic; found near Kindya: Cook %9 Blackman, JHS 85, 1985 Suppl. 56 (PH); *IIasos 624. @ See also: Chios 53 (%6 Athena 20, 1908, 213, 12) (%6 RPh 11, 1937, 327) (list of Chian &3proxenoi& includes Hermogenes Hipparchou of Bargylia; found on Chios); Plassart, BCH 45, 1921, 6, no. IC(a), l. 3 (list of &3theorodokoi& mentions E[ ... ] of Bargylia; found at Delphi); Ephesos 600.II, l. 15 (%6 JRS 65, 1975, 64) (%6 IEphesos 13) (list of ethnics of province Asia includes Bargylia in diocese of Halikarnassos; found at Ephesos); Klee, Zur Gesch. d. gymnisch. Agone 14, ll. 26%19`27 (Menodotos Meness[tra]tou of Bargylia listed in list of victors at Asklapeia; found on Kos); IKos 49.b, ll. 3%19`4 ([ ... ]xandros Damea of [B]argy[li]a listed in list (of &3proxenoi&?); found on Kos); Miletos 137, 144, 149, 153, 166 (%6 Milet I 3 no.'s 50, 45, 51, 76%19`78, 90) (records of grant of citizenship of Miletos to individuals from Bargylia and other cities; found at Miletos); Mylasa 157.7 (%6 EA 16, 1991, 30%19`32) (%6 IMylasa 11) (treaty between Mylasa and Kindya, concerning purchase of land; found at Sek near Mylasa); Lindos II no. 275.5 (%6 IIasos T61.8) (list of names includes [Dion]ysios of [Bargy]lia; found on Rhodes); IG XII 8, 170, ll. 31%19`33 (%6 IIasos T61.4) (list of &3theoroi& includes Hierokles Samiadou and Bryon Hierokleious of Bargylia; found on Samothrace); Lagina 13, l. 4 (%6 IStratonikeia 508) (%6 OGIS 441) (%6 BCH 9, 1885, 444) ([B]argylia listed among cities accepting &3asylia& of temple of Hekate at Lagina; found at Lagina near Stratonikeia). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (13%19`16) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Other Religious Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Bargylia 21, 31, 41%19`42. @ @@@@Section: 9b. Dedications (13%19`16) @ @@`13. Inscription for new statue of Theos Alexandros; 2%3`3; found at Bargylia: LW 490; OGIS 3; *IIasos 620. @ @@`14. Dedication to Titus by Exekestos Diodorou; AD 79%3`81; found at Bargylia: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 191%19`193, no. 14; Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 25, no. 21; SEG 4, 209; *IIasos 602. @ @@`15. Dedication to Hermes and Herakles; no date; found at Bargylia: LW 488; *IIasos 622. @ @@`16. Dedication of &3xoa&[&3non&] of Apollo to &3patris& by Mar(cus) Aur(elius) [S]amos; imperial; found at Bargylia: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 13, 1889, 40, no. 7; *IIasos 618. @ See also: Bargylia 8%19`10, 16, 20, 24, 28; IG XII 1, 114 (%6 IIasos T61.6) (dedication to &3theoi& by Chryso of Keramos on behalf of husband Thargelios of Bargylia; found on Rhodes). @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (17%19`25) @ @@@@Section: 10a. Royal Honorary Inscriptions (17%19`19) @ @@`17. Honorary inscription for emperor Augustus; 27 BC%3AD 14; found at Bargylia: LW 492; *IIasos 601. @ @@`18. Honorary inscription for Marcus Aurelius as Caesar by boule and demos; AD 138%3`161; found at Bargylia: LW 494; *IIasos 603. @ @@`19. Honorary (?) inscription for Caes[ar] (no name); imperial; found at Bargylia: LW 493; *IIasos 605. @ @@@@Section: 10b. Other Honorary Inscriptions (20%19`25) @ @@`20. Dedication of [&3eiko&]&3n& of Dionysios A[rt]emidorou to Theoi by brother; no date; found at Bargylia: LW 489; *IIasos 619. @ @@`21. Honorary (?) inscription for (?) [Exe]kestos, concerned with cult of Isis, [S]arapis, and [Anoubis?]; III; found at Bargylia, taken to Smyrna: Keil, JO+AI 14, 1911 Beibl. 57%19`58 (PH); Fraser, OAth 3, 1960, 35 note 7 and 52 no. 6; Vidman, Sylloge 273; *IIasos 627. @ @@`22. Honorary inscription for [Me]nodotos Mene[2s]2[st]ratou, victorious at [So]teria at Delphi, by demos; II&7b&; found at Bargylia: Hauvette %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 193, no. 15; Robert, Et. anat. 455%19`457; *IIasos 615. @ @@`23. Honorary (?) inscription for (?) Mysaios Philonoou; no date; found at C%25o+mlek Ko+y (?): *Be/rard %9 Fouge\res, BCH 15, 1891, 548, no. 16. @ @@`24. Honorary(?)%3dedicatory inscription to [ ... ] and other [theoi] for (no name), [&3archiereus&?]; 1; found at Bargylia: Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1921%19`1922, 475, no. 23; SEG 4, 203; *IIasos 617. @ @@`25. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name) of (no name); no date; found at Kindya: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 327, no. 12; Robert, RA 6, 1935, 160 (PH); *IIasos 614. @ See also: Bargylia 1%19`2, 4, 28; IG XIV 1584.a (honorary inscription for Hermias of Bargylia; found at Rome). @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (_) @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (26) @ @@`26. Fragment in Greek of funerary inscription in verse, with line in Carian; IV%3III; found at Yar#1221k Kuyu Kahvesi: Laumonier, RA 2, 1933, 49%19`50; Robert, Hellenica 8, p. 10, no. 6; *Deroy, AC 24, 1955, 314, no. 6. @ See also: Bargylia 42. @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (27%19`36) @ @@`27. Funerary inscription for Artemisia Poseidoniou; no date; found at Kindya: *Hula %9 Szanto p. 27. @ @@`28. Honorary%3funerary%3dedicatory inscription for Aster[is M]etrodorou by demos, to Artemis Kindya[s]; no date; found at Bargylia: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 13, 1889, 37%19`38, no. 5; Robert, OM 381 note 3, 392 note 2; *IIasos 628. @ @@`28.5. &3Soros& inscription of Hermeros Artemonos et al., with curse and penalty for unauthorized burial, on sarcophagus; imperial; found at Tuzla: *Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 11%19`12, no. 4 (PH). @ @@`29. Funerary inscription for Hermokrates Hermokratous; imperial; found at Kindya: Laumonier, RA 2, 1933, 49; *IIasos 630. @ @@`30. Funerary (?) inscription for Melas Hermaiskou; no date; found at Bargylia: GIBM 1039; *IIasos 631. @ @@`31. Funerary inscription for [M]inias Leontos, priestess of Nymphs; no date; found at Bargylia: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 13, 1889, 38%19`40, no. 6; *IIasos 632. @ @@`32. Funerary inscription for [ ... ] Dionysiou; no date; found at Kemer: *Be/rard %9 Fouge\res, BCH 15, 1891, 548, no. 18. @ @@`33. Funerary inscription for (no name), &3neos Euphranor&; imperial; found at Bargylia: LW 495; Robert, Et. anat. 457%19`459, no. 2; Merkelbach, EA 1, 1983, 29%19`32; SEG 33, 858; *IIasos 633. @ @@`34. End of funerary inscription for (no name) and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial?; found at Bargylia: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 24, no. 20; *IIasos 634. @ @@`35. Funerary inscription, with reference to Iasos and penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial?; found at Bargylia, not Iasos: LW 304; *IIasos 636. @ @@`36. End of funerary inscription, with fine to be paid to Artemis of Kindya; prob. 2; found at Bargylia, later at Smyrna: LW 497; GIBM 1038; *IIasos 635. @ See also: Bargylia 26, 43%19`44; Alabanda 94, ll. 10%19`11 (%6 BCH 10, 1886, 312, 4) (%6 BCH 32, 1908, 203) (honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) by &3demoi& of Bargylia and other cities; found near Alabanda); Mylasa 302.5 (%6 Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 10%19`11) (funerary inscription of M%1[ ... and Her]meias includes penalty to be paid to [Kin]dya; found at Kuzyaka (%6 Kildara?) in territory of Mylasa (?)); Myndos 24.5 (%6 IIasos 629) (%6 SEG 4, 212) (funerary inscription for Furius Attalos and family, with fine to be paid to Artemis Kindyas for unauthorized burial; found at Turgutreis near Myndos, perhaps from Bargylia or vicinity); Maiuri, Nuova silloge no. 165 (%6 IIasos T61.11) (funerary inscription for Artemisia of Bargylia; found on Rhodes); Lindos II no. 683 (%6 IIasos T61.9) (honorary%3funerary inscription for [Ch]rys[2i]2ppos of Bargylia and others; found on Rhodes); Clara Rhodos 2, 221, no. 71 (funerary inscription for Melanthios Solonos of Bargylia; found on Rhodes); Porro, ASAA 2, 1916, 129, no. 12 (funerary inscription for Melanthos Metrodorou of Bargylia; found on Rhodes); Maiuri, Nuova silloge no. 401 (funerary inscription for Peitho of Bargylia; found on Rhodes); CIL VI 35438 (funerary inscription in Latin by Heraclitus Hermiae for self and family; found at Rome). @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (37) @ @@`37. Unintelligible rock graffito, with phalluses; no date; found at Kindya: Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 219, no. 10; *Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 327%19`328, no. 13 (PH); **Robert, BCH 58, 1934, 514, no. 13; IIasos p. 5, no. 7. @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (38%19`44) @ @@`38. Christian building inscription for &3diakonikon& under bishop (no name); Christian; found at Bargylia: CIG 8827; LW 498; Gre/goire, Recueil 228; *IIasos 637. @ @@`39. Thank offering for health of self and family by (no name), on architrave fragment; Byzantine?; found at Bargylia: LW 491; Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1921%19`1922, 476, no. 24; SEG 4, 204; *IIasos 638. @ @@`40. Christian building inscription for &3e&[&3ukterion&]; Christian; found at Tepecik: Be/rard %9 Fouge\res, BCH 15, 1891, 548, no. 17; *Gre/goire, Recueil 230 bis. @ @@`41. Prayer to Lord to help Christodoulos; 5%3`6; found at Bargylia: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 24, no. 19; Gre/goire, Recueil 229; *IIasos 640. @ @@`42. Christian inscription in iambics concerning cross; Christian; found at Tepecik: *Gre/goire, 230 ter. @ @@`43. Christian (?) funerary inscription for bishop (no name); Christian?; found at Tepecik: Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 217, no. 7; *Gre/goire, Recueil 230 quater. @ @@`44. Christian funerary (?) inscription for &3p&(&3resbyteros&) Eutychios; 5?; found at Bargylia: *Gre/goire, Recueil 230&4`5&. @ See also: IIasos 639 (late (?) Byzantine building inscription by Ioanes &3pr&(&3esbyteros&) et al., on architrave fragment; found at Kindya); Halikarnassos 188.5 (%6IIasos I, p. 5, no. 8) (Christian building inscription for &3thekeon&; found at Ortakent near Halikarnassos, not in territory of Bargylia); Myndos 28.5 (%6 IIasos I p. 5, no. 8) (prayer to God to have pity on us; found at Gu+ndog%27an near Myndos, not in territory of Bargylia). @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (45) @ @@`45. &3Philoi& inscription for [Apollo]nios et al.; imperial; found at Bargylia: Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1921%19`1922, 476, no. 25; SEG 4, 205; *IIasos 625. @ See also: Bargylia 26, 45. @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (46) @ @@`46. Fragment mentioning [Hadr]ian[os?]; 2?; found at Bargylia: LW 486; *IIasos 626. Labraunda 190, l. 3 (%6 IIasos T61.5) (%6 ILabraunda 110) (document concerning contribution mentions Bargylia; found at Labranda). @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @ @@@@{1Euromos}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@None. @ All the inscriptions listed were found at sites identified as being within the territory of Euromos. Inscriptions were found at the following sites, of which those which have not been located on a map are identified with a question mark: @@Euromos (Ayakl#1221, Iakli, Iakly) @@Selimiye (K#1221z#1221lc#1221k%19ko+y, Mendelia, Mendeliat). @ Epigraphic references from outside the territory of Attouda and adjoining cities to the following sites are listed here (those with a question mark have not been located): @@Euromos (Ayakl#1221) (Europos, Hyromos, Yromos). @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`4) @ @@`1. Unpublished honorary decree of Euromos for Amyntes Aineou, mentioning temple of Zeus Lepsynos; Hellenistic; found at Euromos: Harper, Fs. Do+rner 384%19`385; SEG 28, 835. @ @@`2. Unpublished decree of 58 lines for Kallisthenes Polycharou, which mentions alliance with Iasos, on column; no date; found at Euromos: Robert, AJA 39, 1935, 337; BE 1936:385. @ @@`3. Honorary decree for (no name), who acted as representative (of Euromos) in trial against Mylasa; 189%3`100 BC?; found at Selimiye: Hula %9 Szanto 9, no. 1; Robert, BCH 102, 1978, 517, notes 63%19`65; Robert, Amyzon I 203%19`204; *SEG 33, 861. @ @@`4. Dating formula, at beginning of decree (?); no date; found at Selimiye: *Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 373, no. 12. @ See also: Iasos 10.5 (%6 SEG 36, 982.B) (%6 RAL 40, 1985, 152%19`154) (proxeny decree of Iasos for Arlissis Idyssollo of Yromos; found at Iasos); Iasos 66 (%6 IIasos 151) (%6 ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 576, 41) (%6 Harper, Fs. Do+rner 385) (%6 BE 1964:458) (honorary decree [of Euromos] for Pantainos of Iasos; found at Iasos); Labraunda 17 (%6 ILabraunda 84, l. 9) (fragment of decree (?) concerning Mylasa and Europos (%6 Euromos); found at Labraunda); Magnesia Mai. 42.b l. 27 (%6 IMagnesia Mai. 59) (Europos (%6 Euromos) listed in subscript among cities voting same after decree of &3demos& of Laodike[ia Lyk.] accepting invitation of Magnesia (Mai.) to [Leuko]phryena; found at Magnesia Mai.); Mylasa 25, ll. 14%19`15 (%6 IMylasa 102) (%6 Michel 472) (%6 Froehner, ILouvre 56) (%6 SEG 28, 847) (honorary decree of Mylasa for Mos[chio]n Aristeidou, who got back from Herakleia (Lat.) property taken from Euromos during time of sympolity with Mylasa; found at Mylasa); Mylasa 116.3 (%6 IMylasa 913) (%6 JHS 16, 1896, 229, 29) (%6 BCH 22, 1898, 376, 16) (%6 Chiron 12, 1982, 119) (%6 REA 36, 1934, 585) (%6 BE 1983:401) (fragment of decree concerning sympolity between Chalketor and [Euromos (?)]; found at Chalketor near Mylasa). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (5) @ @@`5. Agreement between &3Philippeis& and Zeuxis, under which &3Philippeis& are to be &3symmachoi& of Antiochos (III), on white marble block; *Errington, EA 8, 1986, 1%19`7 (PH); BE 1987:294. @ See also: Miletos 61 (%6 Milet I 3, 149) (%6 Maier 74) (%6 SEG 19, 678) (%6 SEG 37, 984, 987) (treaty between Pidasa and Miletos, with provision for citizens of Pidasa, with property in territory of Euromos; found at Miletos). @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (_) @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (_) @ See also: IG I&4`3& 71 col. II l. 99 ([Hy]romes in Athenian Tribute Lists; found in Attica); Iasos 111, l. 8 (%6 IIasos 198) (%6 LW 283) (list of choregic donations mentions Melas Demetriou of Euromos; found at Iasos); Robert, BCH 70, 1946, 512 ll. 4%19`5 (list of &3theorodokoi& mentions Dion[ysios (?)] Prot[eou (?) Ei]renaios of [Eu]roma; found at Delphi). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (6%19`12) @ @@`6. Dedication to (Zeus) Le[psynos,] on doorway of cella of Roman temple; Roman; found at Euromos: *Harper, Fs. Do+rner 384. @ @@`7. Dedication of &3keion& with &3speire& and &3kephale& by Leon Quintus, on column; Roman; found at Euromos, not at Labraunda: CIG 2713; *LW 313. @ @@`8. First (of five) dedications of &3keion& with &3speire& and &3kephale by Menekrates Menekratous &3archiatros,& on column; Roman; found at Euromos, not at Labraunda: CIG 2714; *LW 314. @ @@`9. Second (of five) dedications of &3keion& with &3speire& and &3kephale& by Menekrates Menekratous &3archiatros,& on column; Roman; found at Euromos, not at Labraunda: CIG 2714; *LW 315. @ @@`10. Third (of five) dedications of &3keion& with &3speire& and &3kephale& by Menekrates Menekratous &3archiatros,& on column; Roman; found at Euromos, not at Labraunda: CIG 2714; *LW 316. @ @@`11. Fourth (of five) dedications of &3keion& with &3speire& and &3kephale& by Menekrates Menekratous &3archiatros,& on column; Roman; found at Euromos, not at Labraunda: CIG 2714; *LW 317. @ @@`12. Fifth (of five) dedications of &3keion& with &3speire& and &3kephale& by Menekrates Menekratous &3archiatros,& on column; Roman; found at Euromos, not at Labraunda: CIG 2714; *LW 318. @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (13) @ @@`13. (Unpublished?) short document of eight lines concerning distribution to &3systema& of &3presbyteroi&; no date; found at Euromos: Robert, AJA 39, 1935, 337. @ See also: Lagina 13 (%6 OGIS 441) (%6 IStratonikeia 508) (%6 BCH 9. 1885, 444%19`451) (Euromos listed among cities accepting &3asylia& of temple of Hekate at Stratonikeia; found near Lagina); Miletos 169, 129, 153 (Milet I 3 no.'s 59, 66, 77) (record of grant of citizenship of Miletos to individuals from Euromos and elsewhere; found at Miletos); Olymos 41, l. 11 (%6 MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 374, no. 3) (%6 BCH 22, 1898, 400, no. 48) (%6 IMylasa 814) (document concerning transaction in land mentions road to Euromos; found at Olymos); Olymos 824, l. 1 (%6 IMylasa 824) (%6 Hula %9 Szanto 6, no. 3) (document concerning transaction in land mentions Euromos; found at Olymos). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (14%19`15) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (14%19`15) @ @@`14. Dedication to Zeus Lepsinos by Polykritos, on altar; Hellenistic?; found at Selimiye: *LW 319. @ @@`15. Unpublished altar of Zeus Lepsynos; no date; found at Miletos, but from Euromos: 6. Milet%19Bericht p. 27; Harper, Fs. Do+rner 385; former Miletos 305. @ See also: Euromos 6%19`12. @ @@@@Section: 9b. Other Religious Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (16) @ @@`16. Honorary inscription for Polla Terentia and son Aulus Terentius Varro &3legatus,& on round statue%19base; 82 BC; found at Selimiye, brought from Euromos: LW 320; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 374, no. 14; ILS 8773; *Tuchelt, Fru+h. Denk. Euromos01. @ See also: Euromos 1%19`3. @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (_) @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (_) @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (_) @ See also: Robert, Hellenica 8, p. 13, no. 8 (%6 Deroy no. 8) (inscription in Carian; found at Euromos); Robert, Hellenica 8, p. 8, no. 3 (%6 Deroy no. 3) (Friedrich no. 42) (inscription in Carian; found at Euromos). @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (17%19`21) @ @@`17. Unpublished inscription dated by Pleistarchos; III&4b&; found at Euromos: Merkelbach, ZPE 16, 1975, 163; BE 1976:631. @ @@`18. Unpublished inscription calling Zeus &3Kretagenes&; no date; found at Euromos: Harper, Fs. Do+rner 384. @ @@`19. No Euromos 19. @ @@`20. Renumbered as Euromos 17. @ @@`21. Renumbered as Euromos 18. @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @ @@@@{1Halikarnassos}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@None. @ The bulk of the inscriptions listed were found at Halikarnassos (Bodrum, Bodrun, Boudroum, Boudroun, Budrum). Others were found nearby. In any case, the place of discovery is listed. Following sites are given, of which those which have not been located are followed by a question mark: @@Bitez (Pedasa?) @@C%25apa Tatil Ko+yu+ (Yal#1221cuma, west of Bodrum) @@Dag%27belen (Belen, Telmissos?) @@Go+kc%25eler (Pedasa?, once falsely thought Theangela) @@Gu+mbet (just west of Bodrum) @@Gu+mu+s%25yeri (Jeni%19Kio+i) @@Halikarnassos (Bodrum, Bodrun, Boudroum, Boudroun, Budrum) @@Ortakent (Episcopi, Mu+sgebi) @@Yokus%25bas%25#1221. @ Epigraphic references to the following ancient sites are listed: @@Halikarnassos (Bodrum) @@Krosa (?) @@Pedasa (Bitez?, Go+kc%25eler?) @@Taramptos (?) @@Telmissos (Dag%27belen?). @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`29) @ @@@@Section: 1a. Laws (1) @ @@`1. Law of &3syllo&[&3g&]&3os& of Halikarnassos and Salmakis and of Lygdamis concerning disputed property; 465%3`450 BC?; found at Halikarnassos: Newton, Halikarnassos II 671%19`686, no. 1; Ru+hl, Philologus 41, 1882, 254%19`277; IGA 500; Michel 451; Syll&4`2& 10; GIBM 886; Schwyzer, DGE 744; Syll&4`3& 45; SGDI 5726; Buck 2; *ML 32; SEG 33, 862; **SEG 37, 856 (ll. 8%19`9). @ See also: Ephesos 4.5 l. 89 (Roman law concerning port%19tax of Asia mentions &3dioikesis& of Halikarnassos; found at Ephesos). @ @@@@Section: 1b. Religious Decrees (2%19`3) @ @@`2. Decree ordaining reinscribing list of priests of Poseidon, followed by list; I; found at Halikarnassos: CIG 2655; Michel 877; Syll&4`2& 608; *Wilhelm, JO+AI 11, 1908, 64%19`69, no. 5; Syll&4`3 1020. @ @@`3. Decree of [boul]e and d[e]mos (of Halikarnassos) concerning priesthood of Artemis Per[ga]ia; III, inscribed I?; found at Halikarnassos: CIG 2656; Syll&4`1& 371; Michel 453; Syll&4`2& 601; *GIBM 895; **Syll&4`3& 1015 (ll. 4, 21, 25, 28, 34%19`35); Sokolowski, LSAM 73; SEG 15, 636; SEG 16, 701. @ See also: Halikarnassos 188. @ @@@@Section: 1c. Honorary decrees (4%19`23) @ @@`4. Fragments of decree of Greek cities of Asia concerning celebration of birthday (or arrival?) of Gaius Caesar (?); c. 1 BC; found at Halikarnassos: Newton, Halikarnassos II 695%19`698, no. 6; *GIBM 894; **Buckler, CR 41, 1927, 120 (ll. 7%19`8); SEG 4, 201. @ @@`5. Part of decree concerning announcement of honors for (?) Antiphon; IV?; found at Halikarnassos: *GIBM 890; **Robert, Et. anat. 150 (ll. 2%19`6). @ @@`6. Honorary decree of boule and dem[os] (of Halikarnassos) for Diodotos Philonikou for contributions towards building &3gymnasion &3Philippeion&; 275%3`250 (?) BC; found at Halikarnassos: Paton, CR 8, 1894, 217%19`218; Michel 456; *Wilhelm, JO+AI 11, 1908, 53%19`56, no. 1 (PH, part); **Migeotte, L'emprunt public no. 102 (l. 32); BE 1987:221 (p. 309). @ @@`7. Honorary decree for Drakon; c. AD 4; found at Halikarnassos: *GIBM 892. @ @@`8. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Halikarnassos) for Epikouros [ ... ]omenous of Rhodes, giving him proxeny; III?; found at Halikarnassos, later on Chios, not from Chios or Erythrai: *Haussoullier, BCH 4, 1880, 395%19`396, no. 2; Michel 454; SGDI 5723; Zolotas, Athena 20, 1908, no. 43; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 11, 1908, 57 (l. 1); **Picard %9 Plassart, BCH 37, 1963, 231, no. 34 (ll. 11%19`13); **Robert, BCH 107, 1983, 502 (PH) (l. 4). @ @@`9. Honorary decree of de[mos] (of Halikarnassos or Theangela) for Iason Minnionos, &3strategos&; III%3II; found at Halikarnassos, perhaps from Theangela: *Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 14, 1890, 90%19`93, no. 1; Marek, Chiron 12, 1982, 119%19`123; SEG 32, 1111%19`1112. @ @@`10. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Halikarnassos) for Leontiskos Leontos of Alexandria; III&4`1&; found at Halikarnassos: *S%25ahin, ZPE 20, 1976, 19%19`20, no. 1 (PH); SEG 26, 1222. @ @@`11. Honorary decree for Papylos of (no name); II; found at Halikarnassos, or possibly at Mylasa: *S%25ahin %9 Engelmann, ZPE 34, 1979, 217%19`218, no. 5 (PH); SEG 29, 1072. @ @@`12. Honorary decree (of Halikarnassos) for board (of &3strategoi&?), including [Phil]odemos [Dr]akonto[s?]; 1&4`1&; found at Halikarnassos: *GIBM 893. @ @@`13. Fragment of honorary decree (of Halikarnassos) for [Philodemos Drakontos?], who served as envoy; 1&4`1&?; found at Halikarnassos: *Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 14, 1890, 97%19`99, no. 4. @ @@`14. Unpublished document (concerning Philodemos Drakontos?); 1&4`1&?; found on Kos, from Halikarnassos: J. Robert, BCH 102, 1978, 459, note 40. @ @@`15. Honorary decree of &3koin&[&3on&] of Telmissos for Posideos Posideou; II&4`1&; found at Dag%27belen: *Hicks, JHS 14, 1894, 377%19`380; Michel 459; Oppermann, Zeus Panamaros p. 13, no. 2; **S%25ahin %9 Engelmann, ZPE 34, 1979, 220, no. 7 (ll. 7%19`8, 15, 17, 22%19`25); SEG 29, 1087. @ @@`16. Honorary decree of boule and [demos] of Halikarnassos for Praxago[ras ... ] of (no name), giving citizenship; III&4`2&; found at Halikarnassos: Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1924, 465%19`466, no. 5; Robert, RPh 1, 1927, 122, no. 6 (ll. 7%19`10, 15, 17%19`18); *SEG 4, 183. @ @@`17. Honorary decree (of Halikarnassos) for Zenodotos Baukideos for services to Troizen, with rider for posting decree concerning Troizen; 303%3c. 290 BC; now at Cambridge UK, presumably from Halikarnassos: CIG 106 %7 I p. 900; *Hicks, JHS 2, 1881, 98%19`101; Michel 452. @ @@`18. Honorary decree of b[oule] and demos [of Halikarnassos] for [ ... ... ]nous of Knido[s]; IV%3III; found at Halikarnassos: *GIBM 887. @ @@`19. Honorary decree for (no name), probably of Athens, mentioning King Ptolemy (II); 281%3`266 BC; found at Halikarnassos: *Frost, Anat. Studies 21, 1971, 167%19`172 (PH); SEG 28, 837. @ @@`20. Honorary decree of boule and [demos] (of Halikarnassos) for (no name) of Myn[2d]2os; Hellenistic?; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 107%19`108, no. 35; SEG 16, 643. @ @@`21. Fragment of decree of Halikarnassos granting proxeny and citizenship to (no name) of (no name); I?; found at Halikarnassos: *S%25ahin, ZPE 20, 1976, 20, no. 2 (PH); **SEG 26, 1224 (l. 6). @ @@`22. Decree (of Halikarnassos) granting &3ges enktesis& to (no name) of (no name); III; found at Halikarnassos: *S%25ahin, ZPE 20, 1976, 20%19`21, no. 3; SEG 26, 1223. @ @@`23. Fragment of honorary decree of boul[e and demos] (of Halikarnassos) for (no name); no date; found at Halikarnassos: *Paton, CR 8, 1894, 218, no. 2. @ See also: Aphrodisias 7, l. 23 (%6 MAMA 8 no. 418.a) (%6 LW 1618.a) (%6 REG 19, 1906, 96, 10.a) (%6 Hellenica 13, 173) (honorary decree of Apa[mea] for [Gaius Iulius] Longia[nos] (of Aphrodisias) mentions honorary decree by [demos of Halikarnas]sos; found at Aphrodisias); Aphrodisias 8 (%6 MAMA 8 no. 418.b) (%6 LW 1618.b) (%6 REG 19, 1906, 96, 10.b) (honorary decree [of Halikarnassos] for Gaius Iulius Longianos of Aphrodisias; found at Aphrodisias); IG II&4`2& 136 (proxeny decree of Athens for Apollonides [ ... ] of Hal[ikar]nassos; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 142 (honorary decree of Athens for Halikarnassos; found in Attica); Shear, Kallias of Sphettos ll. 70%19`82 (%6 Austin, Hellenistic World no. 44) (honorary decree of Athens for Kallias Thymocharou of Sphettos mentions his being posted by Ptolemy (II) to Halikarnassos and his diplomatic activity there; found in Attica); IG I&4`3& 156 (%6 IG I&4`2& 56, Syll&4`3 54) (honorary decree of Athens for Leonides of Halikarnassos; found in Attica); IG I&4`3& 103 (%6 IG I&4`2& 110a) (honorary decree of Athens for Halikarnassos; found in Attica); SEG 19, 54 (fragment of honorary (?) decree for (no name) of [Ha]likarna[ssos]; found in Attica); SEG 28, 68 (honorary decree of Athens for Kallias Thymocharou speaks of his being in Halikarnassos; found in Attica); IG XI 4, 528 (honorary decree [of &3boule& and &3dem&]&3os& [of Delo]s for [Ph]anostratos [Hera]kleidou of Ha[likarnassos]; found on Delos); IG XI 4, 565 (honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& of Delos for Hermias D[ . . ]ou of Halikarnassos; found on Delos); IG XI 4, 581 (honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& [of Delo]s for Theodotos of Halikarnassos; found on Delos); IG XI 4, 610 (honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& of Del[os] for Phanodemos of Halikarnassos; found on Delos); IG XI 4, 775 (honorary decree of &3boule& and &3de&[&3mos&] of Delos for Nikandros Parmeniskou of Halikarnassos, &3iatros&; found on Delos); IG XI 4, 1046 (honorary decree (of Delos) for Peleus and (no name) [ ... ]iou of Halikarnassos; found on Delos); Iasos 8 (%6 IIasos 37) (%6 ASAA 29, 1967, 453, 3) (honorary decree for Antiochos Brikonos of Halikarnassos; found at Iasos); Iasos 26 (%6 IIasos 48) (%6 REG 6, 1893, 154, 1) (honorary decree for Menodoros Iatrokleious of Halikarnassos; found at Iasos); Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 211%19`216, no. 6, ll. 1%19`22 (%6 Michel 455, IKos 13) (honorary decree [of Halikarnassos] for Hermias Emme[nidou] of Kos; found on Kos); Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 209%19`211, no. 5 (decrees (of Halikarnassos?) for [ ... ... ]ou of Kos; found on Kos); IG VII 9 (honorary decree of Megara for Diokritos Diokritou of Halikarnassos; found at Megara); IG VII 14 (honorary decree of Megara for Aristandros Thargeliou of Halikarnassos; found at Megara); Miletos 40 (%6 Milet I 3, 138) (%6 Migeotte no. 97) (decree of Miletos honoring Knidos and individuals, including two from Halikarnassos, for loan; found at Miletos); Mylasa 41, l. 15 (%6 IMylasa 118) (%6 Hula %9 Szanto 12, no. 1) (%6 BCH 12, 1888, 16, 5) (honorary decree for (no name) by [phyle of Otorkondeis] mentions Halikarnassos; found at Mylasa); IG VII 280 (honorary decree for Theomnastos Skylakos of Halikarnassos; found at Oropos); Demetrias V 307, no. 1 (honorary decree of Pharsalos for Pausimachos Noumeniou of Halikarnassos; found at Pharsalos); Samos 63 (%6 MDAI(A) 44, 1919, 21, 9) (%6 Austin, Hellenistic World 135) (honorary decree of Samos for foreign judges from Myndos mentions foreign judges from Miletos and Halikarnassos; found on Samos); IG XII Suppl. 304, l. 12 (decree appointing proxenoi includes [ ... ]eios Nikiou of Halikarnassos; found on Tenos); Theangela 2 (%6 BCH 14, 1890, 93, 2) (%6 Robert, Coll. Froehner 92%19`93) (honorary decree [of boule] and demos for Hyllarima; found at Theangela, not Halikarnassos). @ @@@@Section: 1d. Other Decrees (24%19`29) @ @@`24. Prescript to decree of boule and d[em]os (of Halikarnassos) under Mene[ ... ]os (?); Hellenistic; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 97%19`98, no. 1; SEG 16, 642. @ @@`25. Decree of boule and demos for building gymnasion with permission of King Ptolemy (II?); 275%3`250 (?) BC; found at Halikarnassos: **Newton, Halikarnassos II 687%19`689, no. 2 (l. 11); *Wilhelm, JO+AI 11, 1908, 56%19`61, no.'s 2%19`3; **Migeotte, L'emprunt public no. 101 (ll. 15%19`16, 32); BE 1987:221 (p. 309). @ @@`26. Decree ordaining posting names of those who donated money for stoa which demos would erect for Apollo and King Ptolemy (II?); 279%3`221 BC; found at Halikarnassos, not Knidos: Newton, Halikarnassos II 689, no. 3; Dareste, BCH 4, 1880, 341%19`345; *GIBM 897; Michel 595; OGIS 46; Pleket, Epigraphica I no. 26; Austin, Hellenistic World no. 100; Migeotte, L'emprunt public no. 103; BE 1987:221 (p. 309). @ @@`27. Opening of decree mentioning Skylax; II; found at Halikarnassos: *GIBM 888. @ @@`28. Part of decree of boul[e and demos] of Halikarnass[os]; II?; found at Halikarnassos: *GIBM 889. @ @@`29. End of decree providing for posting, followed by addendum; no date; found at Halikarnassos: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 14, 1890, 95%19`97, no. 3; *Wilhelm, NBeitra+ge VI 7%19`9. @ See also: IG XII 5, 723, l. 19 (Ha[l]ikarnass[os] included in list of cities presumably subscribed to decree; found on Andros). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ See also: Miletos 60 (%6 Mezger, Inscription Milesiaca) (%6 Milet I 3, 148) (%6 Syll&4`3& 588) (%6 Anatolia 4, 1959, 15) (%6 SEG 19, 677) (%6 SEG 34, 1172) (peace treaty between Miletos and Magnesia Mai. involves mediation by envoys from Halikarnassos; found at Miletos). @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (_) @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (30) @ @@`30. Fragment in Latin of Diocletian's Edict on Prices; c. AD 301; found at Halikarnassos, fragments of this clause found on Samos and at Aphrodisias (in Latin) and at Megara, Delphi, and Elatea (in Greek): Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 14, 1890, 108%19`111, no. 10; CIL III Suppl. 1 p. 1924, no. MM; Lauffer, Diokletians Preisedikt p. 186; *Giacchero, Edictum Diocletiani I 202%19`207, no. 27. @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (31%19`36) @ @@@@Section: 5a. Accounts (31%19`33) @ @@`31. List of purchases of sacred land; V%3IV&4`1&; found at Halikarnassos: *Haussoullier, BCH 4, 1880, 295%19`320, 522%19`524; **Newton, Essays, Appendix (part b, ll. 7, 26, col. 1 ll. 38, 48); Syll&4`2& 11; Michel 835; SGDI 5727; **Syll&4`3& 46 (part a ll. 13%19`14, 26, 38, 53%19`54, 59, part c ll. 27, 29%19`31, 35, part d ll. 1%19`2, 3%19`8, 12%19`13, 26, 43%19`44, 49). @ @@`32. List of contributors to &3phrear& under &3hiereus& Poleites Androsthenou; II%3I&7b&; found at Halikarnassos, not Theangela: *Wilhelm, JO+AI 11, 1908, 61%19`63, no. 4 (PH); @ @@`33. Superscript to list of those donating money for ship sent to consul Publius Val(erius) Crassus; 132 BC; found on Kos, prob. from Halikarnassos: CIG 2501; *Wilhelm, JO+AI 11, 1908, 69%19`70, no. 6. @ See also: Halikarnassos 26; IG I&4`3& 71, 259%19`290 (frequent mention in Athenian Tribute Lists of Halikarnassos, Pedasa, Krosa, and Taramptos; found in Attica). @ @@@@Section: 5b. Inventories (34%19`36) @ @@`34. Inventory of sanctuaries of Asklepios (et al.?); IV%3III; found at Halikarnassos: *Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1924, 464%19`465, no. 4; **SEG 4, 188 (ll. 7%19`8). @ @@`35. List of votive gifts to Athena; IV&4`1&?; found at Halikarnassos: *S%25ahin, ZPE 20, 1976, 21%19`22, no. 4 (PH); SEG 26, 1221. @ @@`36. Inventory of sanctuaries of Apollo, Demeter, Demeter Demosia, Asklepios, and Hestia Boulaia; III; found at Halikarnassos: *Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1924, 463%19`464, no. 3; **Robert, REG 37, 1924, 179%19`180 (ll. 32%19`33); **Wilhelm, Glotta 14, 1925, 78 (l. 24); **SEG 4, 187 (ll. 9, 10, 20%19`21). @ See also: Didyma 28 (%6 IDidyma 437) (inventory of donations mentions donor Aspasios Aristokleous of Halikarnassos; found at Didyma). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (37%19`42) @ @@`37. Dedicatory inscription of &3andron& and &3kataskeue& to Zeus Akraios by Melas Pyrgonos; IV&4`1&; found at Halikarnassos: *Jeppesen, AArch 35, 1964, 202%19`203 (PH); **BE 1966:421 (l. 1). @ @@`38. Dedication to Apollo and King [Ptolemy (II?)] of stoa, on architrave fragment (?); 285%3`221 BC; found at Halikarnassos: *Newton, Halikarnassos II 693, no. 3a; Migeotte, L'emprunt public pp. 323%19`324. @ @@`39. Building%3dedicatory inscription for temple for King Ptolemy (II) and Ptolemy (I) to Sarapis, Isis, and Arsinoe Philadelphos by [ ... ] Cheiremonos; 271%3`246 BC; found at Halikarnassos: Haussoullier, BCH 4, 1880, 400, no. 10; GIBM 906; Wilcken, GGA 1895, 140 (non vidi); Karst, RhM 52, 1897, 49; Michel 1198; OGIS 16; *Greipl, Philologus 85, 1929%19`1930, 159%19`174; Wilcken, APF 9, 1930, 223%19`225; Vidman, Sylloge 270. @ @@`40. Fragment of building inscription concerning stoa; c. II?; found at Halikarnassos: *GIBM 897a; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 11, 1908, 61 (ll. 1%19`3, 5%19`6). @ @@`41. Dedication of four &3bathra& to Herme[s], Herakles, and demos, by Neon Demetriou and son Dionsyodoro[s]; I?; found at Halikarnassos: LW 502; *French, EA 4, 1984, 82, no. 1. @ @@`42. Inscription recording building of &3telonion& and gilding of Aphrodite by [K]alokairos and Eutych[es], [&3p&]&3ragmat&(&3eutai&) of M(arcus) Aur(elius) Mindi[os] Matidianus Polli[o], &3procurator &3Augusti&; imperial; found at Halikarnassos: *Rostowzew, Arch.%19epig. Mitt. aus O+st. 19, 1896, 127; ILS 8858; OGIS 525; Pflaum, Carrie\res 523, no. 4. @ See also: Halikarnassos 6, 25%19`26, 188.5; Be/quignon, BCH 59, 1935, 514%19`519 (building%3dedicatory inscription of &3stoa& to polis by Leonides Proteou of Halikarnassos; found at Pharsalos). @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (43%19`52) @ @@@@Section: 8a. Lists of Young Men Entering Class of &3Andres& (43%19`47) @ @@`43. List of young men entering class of &3andres& under priestess Aurelia Mene[ ... ]; imperial; found at Halikarnassos: Newton, Halikarnassos II 701%19`702, no. 12; *GIBM 898. @ @@`44. List of young men entering class of &3andres& under priest I(ulius?) Fl(avius) Demetrios; imperial; found at Halikarnassos: *Newton, Halikarnassos II 702%19`703, no. 12a. @ @@`45. List of young men entering class of &3andres& under priest Ti(berius) Cl(audius) Marcus, with notation &3nike&; imperial; found at Halikarnassos: *Newton, Halikarnassos II 703%19`704, no. 12b. @ @@`46. List of young men entering class of &3andres& under &3stephanephoros& T[it(us)] Fl(avius) Demetrios Iulianus, with notation for [&3nike&] of &3hiereis adelphoi&; imperial; found at Halikarnassos: *Newton, Halikarnassos II 704%19`705, no. 12c; **Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 14, 1890, 115 (l. 7); **Robert, Et. anat. 468%19`469 (l. 4). @ @@`47. List of young men entering class of &3andres& under priest Tit(us) Fla(vius) Maximus; imperial; found at Halikarnassos: *Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 14, 1890, 103%19`106, no. 7. @ See also: IDelos 5, 2598 col. II l. 34 (ephebic list includes among &3pareutaktoi& Apollodoros of Halikarnasos; found on Delos). @ @@@@Section: 8b. Other Lists of Names (48%19`51) @ @@`48. Dedication to Aphrodite by listed &3agoranomoi,& including Anaxidemos Gerontidou; IV; found at Halikarnassos: *Haussoullier, BCH 4, 1880, 399%19`400, no. 9; GIBM 901; Michel 1196. @ @@`49. Official list of names in nominative, including [Iatro]kles Arist[okleous]; II%3I; found at Halikarnassos: *Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 14, 1890, 99%19`102, no. 5. @ @@`50. List of names in nominative, including [Me]lan[thios?]; Roman; found at Halikarnassos: *Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1924, 468, no. 8; SEG 4, 189. @ @@`51. (Official?) list of names in nominative, including [Me]nekrates Menekratou; no date; found at Halikarnassos: *Haussoullier, BCH 4, 1880, 404, no. 16. @ See also: Halikarnassos 2; IG XII 3, 168, ll. 43%19`60 (list of proxenoi includes several men of Halikarnassos; found on Astypalaia); IG II&4`2& 1937 l. 15 (list of &3hieropoioi& for Athenaia includes [Aris]tomen[es of Halika]rnassos; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 1956, ll. 147%19`148 (list of mercenaries includes Moschion of Halikarnassos; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 2313 col. II ll. 22, 26 (list of victors at Panathenaia includes [A]lkaios Leukippou of Halikarnassos for two victories; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 2316 col. I l. 4 (list of victors at Panathenaia includes Diod[o]ros Antigenou of Halik[arnas]sos; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 3073 l. 3 (list of victors at dramatic festival includes tragic poet [Phanostrato]s Herakleidou of Halikarnassos; found in Attica); Chios 50, Chios 52 (%6 RPh 11, 1937, 325, 6.A%19B) (lists of &3proxenoi& contain individuals from Halikarnassos; found on Chios); Chios 53 (%6 Athena 20, 1908, 213, 12) (%6 RPh 11, 1937, 327) (list of Chian &3proxenoi& includes [Me]nekrates Hermonaktos of Halikarnassos; found on Chios); IDelos 4, 1958 col. III ll. 1%19`6, col. IV ll. 1%19`6 (list of victors includes Philombrotos Philombrotou of Halikarnasos for &3philoponia& and &3eutaxia&; found on Delos); FDelphes III 1, 440 (document recording grant of &3proxenia,& etc. to Pa[u]simachos Leonidou of Halikarnassos and family by Delphi; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 1, 448 (document recording grant of [&3proxenia,&] etc. to M[2e]2n[o]kles [ ... ] of Halik[a]rnas[sos and family] by Delphi; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 4, 107 (document recording grant of [&3p&]&3olitei&[&3a, &3p&]&3roxe&[&3nia,&] etc. to (no name) of [Ha]likarn[assos, &3phil&]&3oso&[&3phos (?) by Delphi; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 4, 125 (list of victors includes &3tragoidos& Antimedes Herakleidou of Halikarnassos; found at Delphi); Plassart, BCH 45, 1921, 6, IC (a), l. 2 (list of &3theorodokoi& mentions (no name) at Halik[ar]nass[os]; found at Delphi); SEG 27, 1114, l. 12a (list of victors includes Dionysios Stephanou of Halikarnassos; found at unknown site in Egypt); ICrete 4 Gortyn 209 part A (list of &3proxenoi& of Gortyn includes Dios Lyda[mi]os and Diomedes E[ ... ]no of Halikarnassos; found at Gortyn on Crete); Syll&4`3& 492, ll. 24, 26 (%6 IG XII 9, 1187) (list of proxenoi includes Pausimachos and Herakleitos of Halikarnassos; found at Histiaia); IG XII 5, 1073, l. 25 (list of names includes [ ... ... ]mou of Halikarnassos; found on Keos); IKos 49b ll. 5%19`6 ([Xe]nokritos Simaliono[s] of [Halik]arnassos listed in list (of proxenoi?); found on Kos); IG XII 1, 766, l. 16 (list of names includes Phormion of Halikarnassos; found on Rhodes); IG XII 8, 160, l. 5; 161, l. 7; 162.b, l. 17; 164 (lists of &3theoroi& include men of Halikarnassos; found on Samothrace). @ @@@@Section: 8c. Other Inscriptions (52) @ @@`52. Document relating to sale of properties mentioning Archippos; Hellenistic; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 98%19`99, no. 3; SEG 16, 645. @ See also: IDelos 3, 1416 face B, col. II l. 25 (list of leases mentions Theophilos Dionysiou of Halikarnasos; found on Delos); Ephesos 600.II ll. 12%19`16 (%6 JHS 65, 1975, 64) (%6 IEphesos 13) (list of ethnics of province of Asia includes those of diocese of Halikarnassos; found at Ephesos); Miletos 119, 120, 129, 134.2, 144, 152 (%6 Milet I 3, no.'s 82, 84, 66, 45, 75 %7 Chiron 18, 1988, 399, 7) (records of grant of citizenship of Miletos to individuals from several cities, including Halikarnassos; found at Miletos); Mylasa 157.7, ll. 15%19`16 (%6 EA 16, 1991, 30%19`32) (%6 IMylasa 11) (treaty between Mylasa and Kindya concerning sale of land, with list of witnesses, including Herakleides Demetriou, [ ... ]archos Kondmalo, Pyrkeas Imbrassidos, and &3keryx& Pylades; found at Sek near Mylasa). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (53%19`84) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Royal Dedications (53%19`59) @ @@`53. Dedication in honor of King [Pto]lemy (IV) and Queen [Arsi]noe; 217%3`209 BC; found at Halikarnassos: *GIBM 907. @ @@`54. Dedication to Augusta, Aphrodite Demosia; imperial; found at Halikarnassos: *Haussoullier, BCH 4, 1880, 398, no. 6. @ @@`55. Dedication to Tiberius Iulius Caesar and Drusus Iulius Caesar, with artist's signature by Archidamos Nikomachou; AD 4%3`14; found at Halikarnassos: *CIG 2657; Hamilton, Asia Minor, Appendix no. 283; Loewy 356. @ @@`56. Dedication to Claudius and Artemis Delia, by demos; AD 41%3`54; found at Halikarnassos: *Newton, Halikarnassos II 698, no. 6a. @ @@`57. Dedication to Hadrian [O]lympios; c. AD 130; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 105, no. 29; SEG 16, 655. @ @@`58. Dedication to Antoninus Pius; AD 138%3`161; found at Halikarnassos: *CIG 2658. @ @@`59. Dedication to [Jupiter O(ptimus) M(aximus)] and G[enius and Ma]iestas of Augusti Diocletian and Maximian and Caesars Consta[ntius (I)] and Galerius; AD 293%3`305; found at Halikarnassos: *CIL III 449; ILS 635. @ See also: Halikarnassos 39, 115%19`116, 165. @ @@@@Section: 9b. Other Dedications (60%19`84) @ @@`60. Dedication to Anaktes of Nymphs, Naiads, etc., by Apelles of Myndos; II; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 99, no. 4 (PH); BE 1958:442; SEG 16, 648. @ @@`61. Dedication of altar to Aphrodite, Erotes, and Charites; imperial; found at Halikarnassos: Robert, Me/l. Is. Le/vy 569; *SEG 15, 638. @ @@`62. Dedication to Apollo by Metrodoros Leontiad[ou], on votive base; III; found at Halikarnassos: *Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1924, 462%19`463, no. 2; SEG 4, 185. @ @@`63. Dedication to Apollo Archeget[es] and Asklepios by Halikarnassians serving in trireme; I; found at Halikarnassos, prob. not from Kos: *LW 504; Michel 1200; Segre, Clara Rhodos VIII 242%19`243. @ @@`64. Dedication (?) to &3parthenos& (Artemis) by priestess Nossis Theokleous; no date; found at Halikarnassos, not from Leros: *CIG 2661b; Keil, Philologus 9, 1854, 457; SGDI 5733; BE 1965:301, pp. 143%19`144. @ @@`65. Dedication to Artemis and Herakles by D[e]metrios Exekestou and three other victors in &3eutaxia& (?); Hellenistic; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 98, no. 2; SEG 16, 647. @ @@`66. Dedication to Athenaie by [He]biade[es Te]l[e]machou of M[ali]a et al., with artist's signature by Makedon Dionysiou of Herakleia; V; found at Go+kc%25eler: *CIG 2660 (* for ll. 1%19`2); *Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 215%19`216, no. 4 (** for l. 2, * for ll. 3%19`6); SGDI 5731. @ @@`67. Dedication to [De]meter, Kore, and the demos by Pantainete Diotimou; no date; found at Halikarnassos: *Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 217, no. 6. @ @@`68. Dedication to Dionysos Bakcheios by Dioteimos Drakontos, on altar; imperial; found at Bitez: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 135, no. 42; SEG 16, 679. @ @@`69. Dedication to Hermes by Deinomenes Mytonos, gymnasiarch and &3paidonomos&; III; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 101, no. 10; SEG 16, 649. @ @@`70. Dedication to Hermes and Herakle[s] by Melan[thios Drakontos], on behalf of Metrophanes Euaionos, with &3nike inscription of .orysos Zenan[ ... ]; Hellenistic; found at Halikarnassos: Newton, Halikarnassos II 705%19`706, no. 63; *GIBM 905 (* for main text); *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 100 (* for col.'s 1%19`2). SEG 16, 653. @ @@`71. Dedication to Hermes and Hera[k]les by Melanthios Drakontos, on behalf of Antigenes Ar[is]togenou, with &3nike inscriptions of Di[ ... ] and Menodoros; I&4`1&?; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 100, no. 8; **BE 1958:442 (l. 8); SEG 16, 652; French, EA 4, 1984, 83, no. 7; BE 1987:353; SEG 36, 974. @ @@`72. Dedication to Hermes and Herakles by Aristeides Neonos; II%3I; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 101, no. 11; SEG 16, 650. @ @@`73. Dedication to Hermes and Hera[kles] by &3paidonomos& Melantas Antilochou, with passage in verse; II; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 100%19`101, no. 9 (* for prose); SEG 16, 651; Peek, GVAK 18, no. 9; *BE 1982:367 (* for verse); SEG 30, 1260. @ @@`74. Dedication (?) to Heros Patroios Theo[ ... ] (?) by [ ... ]odoro[s] [ ... ]leos, with relief of snake; no date; found at Halikarnassos: *Haussoullier, BCH 4, 1880, 400%19`401, no. 11. @ @@`75. Dedication to Eisis, Sarapis, and the demos by (no name), gymnasiarch; II%3`1; found at Halikarnassos: Hula %9 Szanto 29, no. 4; *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 99, no. 5; SEG 16, 654; Vidman, Sylloge 272. @ @@`76. Dedication to Leto and Artemis by Sparte Arkados; no date; found at Halikarnassos: *Haussoullier, BCH 4, 1880, 398%19`399, no. 7. @ @@`77. Dedication of Nemesei[s] by Ias%1on Nikanoros; Roman; found at Halikarnassos: CIG 2662.c; *Robert, Glad. no. 180.c. @ @@`78. Dedication to Nemeseis by &3retiarius& Stephano[s]; Roman; found at Halikarnassos: CIG 2663; *Robert, Glad. no. 179. @ @@`79. Dedication to Poseidon by victorious athlete Dionysios Diodotou; no date; found at Halikarnassos: *Hula %9 Szanto 29, no. 2. @ @@`80. Dedication to Sarapis and Isis by Poseidippos and Alkyo on behalf of selves and children; IV&7e&%3III&7b&; found at Halikarnassos; GIBM 908; Fraser, OAth 3, 1960, 34, note 1; *Vidman, Sylloge 269. @ @@`81. Dedication to Zeus Akraios by Dionysios; no date; found at Halikarnassos: *LW 501. @ @@`82. Dedication to Zeus Labraundos, on altar; no date; found at Halikarnassos: *GIBM 904. @ @@`83. Dedication to Zeus Patroios by Athenagores Paryssoldou and Akarmomeldon Paraus[s]oldou; IV; found at Halikarnassos: *Benndorf %9 Niemann, Reisen in Lykien und Karien I p. 11, no. 2; Michel 1197. @ @@`84. Dedication to Zeus Plouteus, on altar; no date; found at Halikarnassos: *CIG 2655.b; Michon, BCH 17, 1893, 413, note 1; Michel 800; SGDI 5732. @ See also: Halikarnassos 37%19`38, 41, 93, 98, 100, 103, 109, 110, 121%19`124, 190; Robert, BCH 60, 1936, 201, note 4 (dedication to &3theos& Mandoulis Apolo by Zosimos Narkisou, citizen of Halikarnassos and Myndos; found in Nubia); IG VII 431 (dedication by Diogenes Asklepiadou of Halikarnassos; found at Oropos). @ @@@@Section: 9c. Other Religious Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Halikarnassos 2%19`3, 31, 34%19`36, 119%19`120, 188%19`189; Myndos 5 (%6 REJ 42, 1901, 1) (%6 CIJ II 756) (%6 Lifshitz no. 29) (%6 ABSA 50, 1955, 106, 32) (%6 SEG 16, 691) (%6 New Documents 4, no. 25) (Jewish insciption mentioning [&3ar&]&3chisyn&(&3agogos&) [Th]eopempte; now at Gembas%25#1221, formerly at Myndos). @ Տ@@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (85%19`113) @ @@@@Section: 10a. Royal Honorary Inscriptions (85) @ @@`85. Honorary inscription for Julia Sabina Augusta, &3nea Hera,& by demos of Halikarnassos; AD 79%3`81; found at Halikarnassos: *Haussoullier, BCH 4, 1880, 396, no. 3; Loewy 300.b. @ See also: Halikarnassos 4; Didyma 235 (%6 IDidyma 148) (%6 AD 7, 1921, 299) (%6 Hellenica 7, 206) (honorary inscription for Caligula by 13 &3neopoioi,& including Aspasios of Halikarnassos; found at Diydma). @ ֏@@@@Section: 10b. Other Honorary Inscriptions_Name Complete (86%19`105) @ @@`86. Honorary inscription by demos for Quin[tus Ae]milius Lepidus; 15%3`13 BC; found at Halikarnassos: *LW 506; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkm. 148. @ @@`87. Honorary (?) inscription for (?) Antiochos Asklepiadou; no date; found at Halikarnassos: *Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 14, 1890, 106%19`107, no. 8, ll. 3%19`6. @ @@`88. Honorary inscription by demos for Areus N[eo]nos; no date; found at Halikarnassos: CIG 2659 (part); *LW 505; **Haussoullier, BCH 4, 1880, 403, note 1 (l. 2); **Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 14, 1890, 107 (l. 2). @ @@`89. Honorary inscription for Athenodoros Antigenou by demos (of Halikarnassos); I; found at Halikarnassos: *Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1924, 467, no. 6; SEG 4, 184. @ @@`90. Honorary inscription for Drakon [Neo]kleous by parents Neokles and Melantho; I?; found at Halikarnassos: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 14, 1890, 111, no. 11; *French, EA 4, 1984, 82, no. 4. @ @@`91. Honorary inscription for athlete [Dr]akontomenes Hierokleous; c. I&7m&; found at Halikarnassos: *Rayet, RA 24, 1872, 109%19`111; **Syll&4`3& 1064 (l. 1); Moretti 56; SEG 14, 728; **Robert, Praktika 8th Congress 38, note 2 (l. 7); SEG 34, 1066. @ @@`92. Honorary inscription by demos for [L]uciu[s C]ornelius S[u]lla; 85%3`84 BC; found at Halikarnassos: *Hula %9 Szanto 29, no. 1; ILS 8771; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkm. 147. @ @@`93. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for [ ... ]mo[.] Aineou and Lasthenes Aineou to gods, with artist's signature by Talestes A[r]tem[i]dorou; I; found at Halikarnassos: Newton, Halikarnassos II 699%19`700, no. 9; *GIBM 900; Loewy 299. @ @@`94. Honorary inscription by demos for Quintus Lollius &3eparchos&; II%3I; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 100, no. 6; SEG 16, 656; Ann. Epig. 1959, 5. @ @@`95. Honorary inscription for Menandros Menodorou by &3neoi&; II&7m&%3I; found at Halikarnassos: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 14, 1890, 102%19`103, no. 6; Robert, RPh 14, 1940, 234; *French, EA 4, 1984, 82, no. 3. @ @@`96. Honorary inscription for Menophilos Athe[n ... ] by &3neoi&; no date; found at Halikarnassos: *Haussoullier, BCH 4, 1880, 402%19`403, no. 14. @ @@`97. Honorary inscription for Moschos Moschou by Sara[p]ias Apolloniou and others, with artist's signature by Artemidoros Menodotou of Tyre; II&7m&%3I; found at Halikarnassos: LW 507; Loewy 309; Robert, RPh 14, 1940, 230; *French, EA 4, 1984, 82, no. 2. @ @@`98. Honorary(?)%3dedicatory inscription for Nannion Kallikleous by children to Demeter and Kore; IV%3III; found at Halikarnassos: *Newton, Halikarnassos II 694%19`695, no. 5. @ @@`99. Honorary inscription by [dem]os for [Neo]n Aristeidou, with artist's signature by [ ... ... ]os; II%3I; found at Halikarnassos: Haussoullier, BCH 4, 1880, 397, no. 4; Loewy 300.a; *Wilhelm, JO+AI 8, 1905, 238%19`239. @ @@`100. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Neon Aristeidou by Theodot[o]s Phania, to Apollo Archegetes, with artist's signature by Daimenes Daimenou of Oroanna; II%3I; found at Halikarnassos: Haussoullier, BCH 4, 1880, 401, no. 12; Loewy 305; *Wilhelm, JO+AI 8, 1905, 238. @ @@`101. Honorary inscription by demos for Neon Aristeid[ou]; II%3I; found at Halikarnassos: *Wilhelm, JO+AI 8, 1905, 241. @ @@`102. Honorary inscription by Diophantos Arkados for mother Pantas Satyrou and wife Spart[e Arkados?]; no date; found at Halikarnassos: *Haussoullier, BCH 4, 1880, 399, no. 8. @ @@`103. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Paryinna Antigenou by brother Athenodoros, priest of Isis; III%3II; found at Halikarnassos: *Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 14, 1890, 111, no. 12, col. 2; Vidman, Sylloge 271, col. II. @ @@`104. Honorary inscription for [Theodotos Ph]ania by [Aristeides Ne]onos; II%3I; found at Halikarnassos: Haussoullier, BCH 4, 1880, 402, no. 13, ll. 1%19`2; *Wilhelm, JO+AI 8, 1905, 239, ll. 1%19`2; **Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 101 (ll. 1%19`2, 5%19`6). @ @@`105. Honorary (?) inscription for Tolmidas Kleodamou Achaios, of Melitaia; no date; found at Halikarnassos: *Newton, Halikarnassos II 708%19`709, no. 76. @ See also: Halikarnassos 5%19`17, 125%19`126; Mylasa 257 (%6 IMylasa 401) (%6 BCH 5, 1881, 95, 1) (honorary inscription by Halikarnassos and other cities for Sibilos; found at Mylasa); Michel 1099 (honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Herakleitos Asklepiadou of Halikarnassos to Amphiaraos by brother Diogenes; found at Oropos); APergamon VIII 1 no. 199 (honorary inscription for Herodotos of Halikarnassos; found at Pergamon); IG XII 1, 156 (honorary inscription for Stratonika of Halikarnassos by koinon of Haliadai and Haliastai; found on Rhodes). @ @@@@Section: 10c. Other Honorary Inscriptions_Name Not Complete (106%19`113) @ @@`106. Honorary inscription for (?) [ ... ]n Aristomachou by (?) son [ ... ]on Bionos; Roman?; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 100, no. 7; SEG 16, 657. @ @@`107. Inscription on (statue?%19)base by [Hege]str[atos?] for daughter (?); no date; found at Halikarnassos: *Newton, Halikarnassos II p. 308. @ @@`108. Honorary inscription for [ ... Menodorou] by [Sarapias Apolloniou], with artist's signature by Heliodoros Heliodoro[u]; II&7m&; found at Halikarnassos: Keil, RhM 20, 1865, 538; *Loewy 403 (* for l. 5); *Robert, RPh 14, 1940, 233 (* for ll. 0%19`4). @ @@`109. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for (no name) by wife [Paryinna Antig]enou, to gods; III%3II; found at Halikarnassos: *Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 14, 1890, 111%19`112, no. 12, col. 1; Vidman, Sylloge 271, col. I. @ @@`110. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for (?) g[ymnasiarch?] (no name) to Apollo Arch[egetes] by Theodotos Phania; II%3I; found at Halikarnassos: Haussoullier, BCH 4, 1880, 402, no. 13, ll. 3%19`6; *Wilhelm, JO+AI 8, 1905, 239, ll. 3%19`6; **Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 101 (l. 5). @ @@`111. Honorary inscription (decree?) for (no name) [&3eue&]&3rgetes and &3sote&[&3r&] of city; Roman; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 107, no. 34a; SEG 16, 644. @ @@`112. Honorary inscription by [demos of Halikarnassos] for (no name) [priest?] of Augusti and Apollo [A]rchegetes; imperial; found at Halikarnassos: *Haussoullier, BCH 4, 1880, 397%19`398, no. 5. @ @@`113. Honorary inscription for (?) (no name), &3hieronikes&; imperial; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 102, no. 14, col. 1; SEG 16, 660.a. @ See also: Halikarnassos 18%19`23; IG II&4`2& 2794 (honorary inscription for Phanostratos Herakleidou by &3demos& of Halikarnassos; found in Attica); Rhodian Peraia 114 (%6 ABSA 52, 1957, 79, 11) (%6 SEG 18, 446) (honorary inscription for (no name) by several individuals, including Hekatai[2o]2s, Myonides, and Neon of Halikarnasos; found near Idyma); IKos 105 (%6 Syll&4`3& 1066) (%6 Moretti 61) (honorary inscription for [ ... ]to[s ... ]odorou, victorious at Archege[sia] of Halikarnassos and elsewhere; found on Kos); IKos 104 (%6 Syll&4`3& 1065) (%6 Moretti 60) (honorary inscription for (no name), victorious at Kaisarea of Halikarnassos and elsewhere; found on Kos); Robert, RPh 3, 1929, 128%19`131, no. IX (%6 SEG 17, 628) (%6 Pace, ASAA 6%19`7, 1923%19`1924, 443%19`444, no. 153) (%6 SEG 6, 727) (%6 Bean, Belleten 22, 1958, 52%19`54, no. 54) (honorary inscription for (no name), victorious at [Apol]loniea in Hal[ikarnassos] and elsewhere; found at Perge). @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (114%19`116) @ @@`114. Horos of temple of Apollo, with curse for unauthorized entry; Hellenistic; found at Halikarnassos: *S%25ahin, ZPE 20, 1976, 22%19`23, no. 5 (PH); SEG 26, 1225. @ @@`115. Milestone for first mile (from Halikarnassos) dedicated to Septimius Severus, Caracalla, Geta, and Julia Domna; AD 194%3`211; found at Yokus%25bas%25#1221: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 106%19`107, no. 33.b; SEG 16, 665.b; Ann. Epig. 1959, 6. @ @@`116. Milestone for second mile from Halikarnassos, dedicated to Diocletian, Maximian, Constantius (I), and Galerius; AD 293%3`305; now at Halikarnassos: *French, ZPE 43, 1981, 173; SEG 31, 932. @ See also: Halikarnassos 191. @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (117) @ @@`117. Manumission inscription for female gladiators Amazon and Achillia; Roman; found at Halikarnassos: Gerhard, Arch. Ztg. 1848, 202; CIG 6855f; *GIBM 911; Robert, Glad. no. 184 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (118) @ @@`118. Contract involving house, field, and Epikrates; no date; found at Halikarnassos: Be/rard, BCH 15, 1891, 550%19`551, no. 22; *Robert, Et. anat. 466%19`468. @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (119%19`135) @ @@@@Section: 15a. Religious Epigrams (119%19`120) @ @@`119. (Funerary?) inscription in elegiacs put under figure of Priepos, set up by Nymph[agores] and father; III%3II&7b&; found at Halikarnassos: Newton, Halikarnassos II 707, no. 65; Kaibel 782; GIBM 910; Wilhelm, SB Wien 224, 4, 1947, 20%19`25; *Peek, Fs. Do+rner 692%19`694, no. 3 (PH); SEG 28, 840. @ @@`120. Inscription in elegiacs concerning mystic worship of Dionysos; II?; found at Halikarnassos: GIBM 909; *Peek, Fs. Do+rner 694%19`695, no. 4 (PH); Wilhelm, GE 19, no. 19; SEG 28, 841. @ @@@@Section: 15b. Dedicatory Epigrams (121%19`124) @ @@`121. Dedication in elegiacs to Aphrodite by Phaeinos Zenodorou; IV%3III; found at Halikarnassos: *Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 216%19`217, no. 5; **Peek, Fs. Do+rner 690%19`691, no. 1 (ll. 2%19`4); SEG 28, 838. @ @@`122. Dedicatory inscription in elegiacs to Apollo of altar by Panamyes Kasbollios; V; found at Halikarnassos: Wilamowitz %9 Karo, MDAI(A) 45, 1920, 157%19`160 (PH); SEG 1, 424; *Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1924, 461%19`462, no. 1; SEG 4, 191. @ @@`123. Dedication in elegiacs (to Dionysos) by victorious contestant Prytanis, on altar; III&4`1&; found at Halikarnassos: GIBM 902; *Peek, Fs. Do+rner 691%19`692, no. 2 (PH); Wilhelm, GE 18, no. 18; SEG 28, 839. @ @@`124. Dedication in elegiacs to Phoibos Agyeus of (statue of) Artemis by Nossos Myrmidonos; no date; found at Halikarnassos: CIG 2661; *Kaibel 786; Peek, EA 6, 1985, 87 (non vidi); **SEG 35, 1088 (ll. 5%19`6). @ See also: Halikarnassos 73. @ @@@@Section: 15c. Honorary Epigrams (125%19`126) @ @@`125. Inscription in elegiacs praising Andron, Herodotos, and Panyassis; late Hellenistic; found on Rhodes, from Halikarnassos: IG XII 1, 145; Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 21, 1896, 61%19`62; Geffcken, GE 203; Hiller von Gaertringen %9 Peek, Hermes 76, 1941, 220%19`223; Wilhelm, AAWW 1947, 73%19`86; Merkelbach, ZPE 11, 1973, 274; Peek, ZPE 31, 1978, 256%19`258 (PH); SEG 28, 842; Ebert, Philologus 130, 1986, 37%19`43 (PH) (non vidi); *SEG 36, 975. @ @@`126. Honorary (?) inscription in hexameters for (no name); I?; found at Halikarnassos: *LW 508; Peek, GVI I 906; Robert, Gnomon 31, 1959, 9%19`10. @ @@@@Section: 15d. Funerary Epigrams (127%19`135) @ @@`127. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Antiochos Antiochou of Antiocheia; II; found at Halikarnassos: *Van Buren, JHS 28, 1908, 180%19`181, no. 1; **Peek, GVI I 1469 (l. 7). @ @@`128. Funerary inscription for Chimairos, Aelia Karpime, and family, with inscription in iambics for Melanopos of Patara; II; found at Halikarnassos: *Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1924, 468, no. 9; **SEG 4, 192 (l. 10); **Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 103, no. 19 (ll. 6%19`7); Peek, GVI I 1922; SEG 16, 670. @ @@`129. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Eukleitos and Theodoros of Thourioi; IV; found at Halikarnassos: *Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1924, 467, no. 7; SEG 4, 190; Vogliano, RFIC 53, 1925, 226; Peek, GVI I 748. @ @@`130. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Hermokrates Moschou, who died at Chalkis; 1%3`2; found at Halikarnassos: Newton, Halikarnassos II 700, no. 10; Arch. Ztg. 1859, p. 55*, no. 1; Kaibel 206; *GIBM 916; Peek, GVI I 1425. @ @@`131. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Melanthios Demetriou, &3iatros&; c. I; found at Halikarnassos: Newton, Halikarnassos II 706, no. 64; Arch. Ztg. 1859, p. 55*, no. 2; Kaibel 202; *GIBM 915. @ @@`132. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Myrton Euboulou of Myndos; II; found near Halikarnassos: *Newton, Halikarnassos II 709%19`710, no. 77; Kaibel 205; Wescher, RA 10, 1864, 133%19`142; Geffcken, GE 204; Peek, GVI I 1079. @ @@`133. Funerary inscription in hexameters for Sa[l]vius (?) Aristeidou; 2%3`3; found at Halikarnassos: *Hausoullier, BCH 4, 1880, 406%19`407, no. 22; Robert, RPh 14, 1940, 232, no. 1; Peek, GVI I 616. @ @@`134. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for [Th]eiogenes Theodorou; 1%3`2; found at Halikarnassos: Newton, Halikarnassos II 699, no. 8; Kaibel 207; *GIBM 914; **Peek, GVI I 714 (l. 3). @ @@`135. Funerary (?) inscription in elegiacs by Posis for (no name), woman of family of Antheadai; III%3I; found at Halikarnassos: Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 103%19`104, no. 21; SEG 16, 666; *Peek, GVAK 19%19`22, no. 10; SEG 30, 1261. @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (136%19`185) @ @@@@Section: 16a. Funerary Inscriptions_Full Name Preserved (136%19`177) @ @@`136. Funerary inscription for Aelius Dionysios [&3phi&]&3losophos &3apo Mouseiou&; 2?; found at Halikarnassos: *Haussoullier, BCH 4, 1880, 405%19`406, no. 21. @ @@`137. Funerary inscription for Akademos, on altar; imperial; found at Halikarnassos: *Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1924, 472, no. 16; SEG 4, 198. @ @@`138. Funerary inscription for Apollonios; no date; found at Halikarnassos: *Haussoullier, BCH 4, 1880, 405, no. 19. @ @@`138.5. Funerary inscription of A%1[s]k%1l%1epiades Meneou, on gray%19white cylindrical marble altar; I; found at Halikarnassos: Berges, HRK 164%19`165, no. 71 (PH) (non vidi); *SEG 36, 978.b. @ @@`139. Funerary inscription for Athenippos Iatrokleous; no date; found at Halikarnassos: *Haussoullier, BCH 4, 1880, 404, no. 18; SGDI 5734. @ @@`140. Funerary inscription for Marcus Audius and son of same name; II%3I; found at Halikarnassos: CIG 2665; *Fraser, Rhodian Funerary Monuments 118, note 157 (PH); SEG 27, 719. @ @@`141. Funerary inscription recording purchase by Mar(cus) Aur(elius) Threptos, with penalty for unauthorized burial; 3; found at Halikarnassos: Be/rard, BCH 15, 1891, 548%19`550, no. 19; *Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1924, 469%19`470, no. 10; **SEG 4, 194 (ll. 4%19`5, 9); SEG 29, 1073. @ @@`142. Funerary inscription for Bereneike Paulou; Roman; found at Halikarnassos: *Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 25, no. 23. @ @@`143. Funerary inscription for Chrysion Charmidou; no date; found at Halikarnassos: *LW 1571 &3bis. @ @@`144. Funerary inscription for Deme[tria] Philokalou and family; imperial?; found at Halikarnassos: *Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1924, 470, no. 12; SEG 4, 193; **Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 103, no. 20 (l. 7); SEG 16, 671. @ @@`144.5. Funerary inscription for D%1i%1odor%1ides, on gray%19white cylindrical marble altar; I; found at Halikarnassos: Berges, HRK 164%19`165, no. 71 (PH) (non vidi); *SEG 36, 978.a. @ @@`145. Unpublished funerary inscription for Diodotos Dionysiou; no date; found at Halikarnassos: Newton, Halikarnassos II 270, note e; Fraser, Rhodian Funerary Monuments 118, note 157. @ @@`146. Funerary inscription for Dionysios Apollodorou; Roman; found at Halikarnassos: *Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1924, 472, no. 15; SEG 4, 186. @ @@`147. Funerary inscription for [Dio]n%1ysios Diodorou; Hellenistic; found at Bitez: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 136, no. 43 (non vidi); SEG 16, 680. @ @@`148. Funerary inscription for Diotemo[s] and Sostrate (?); no date; found at Halikarnassos: *Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 14, 1890, 112, no. 13. @ @@`149. Funerary (?) inscription for (?) Erene &3meter& by Artemidoros and Menophilos; no date; found at Halikarnassos: *Be/rard, BCH 15, 1891, 550, no. 20. @ @@`150. Funerary inscription for Epaphrodeitos Epanodou and family, with curse for unauthorized burial; imperial?; found at Halikarnassos: *Haussoullier, BCH 4, 1880, 407%19`408, no. 24. @ @@`151. Funerary inscription for Epharmostos Apollodotou and [Q]uintus Lucceius Euno[2o]2s; Roman; found at Halikarnassos: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 14, 1890, 113%19`114, no. 15; *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 104, no. 24 (PH); SEG 16, 673. @ @@`152. Funerary inscription for Epiktetos Ne[i]kephorou and Zenarion [ ... ]gna, with curse; no date; found at Halikarnassos: *CIG 2667. @ @@`153. Funerary inscription for Eros; no date; found at Gu+mbet: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 106, no. 31; SEG 16, 678. @ @@`154. Funerary inscription for (no name) of [Ha]lik[2a]2rnassos (?) and Euantike Dio[ge]nou; no date; found at Halikarnassos: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 26, no. 26; *Be/rard, BCH 15, 1891, 550, no. 21. @ @@`155. Funerary inscription for Hedyonoos et al.; Roman; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 105%19`106, no. 30; SEG 16, 676. @ @@`156. Funerary inscription for Hekatea Theuda; Roman; found at Halikarnassos: Newton, Halikarnassos II 708, no. 75; *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 104, no. 23; SEG 16, 672; Fraser, Rhodian Funerary Monuments 118, note 157. @ @@`157. Funerary inscription by Hermes and Thoiodote Apollodorou for selves and family, with curses for unauthorized burial and disturbing grave; 2%3`3; found at Halikarnassos: CIG 2664; GIBM 918; *Cook, Greek Inscriptions 29, no. 22 (PH). @ @@`157.5. Funerary inscription of Hierokles [ ... ]i%1a%1rou, on gray%19white cylindrical marble altar; imperial?; found at Halikarnassos: Berges, HRK 140, no. 18 (PH) (non vidi); *SEG 36, 976. @ @@`158. Funerary (?) inscription for gladiator Hilaros; Roman; found at Halikarnassos: CIG 8655e; Gerhard, Arch. Ztg. 1848, 202; GIBM 912; *Robert, Glad. 183 (PH). @ @@`159. Funerary (?) inscription of Gaius Iu(lius) Hermoneikos; imperial; found at C%25apa Tatil Ko+yu+: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 136, no. 45; SEG 16, 682. @ @@`160. &3Hyposte& inscription for [I]ulius Zosimos and daughter [Iu]lia; Roman; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 105, no. 26; SEG 16, 674. @ @@`161. Funerary inscription for (no name), daughter Karpime, and family; Roman; found at Halikarnassos: *Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 14, 112%19`113, no. 14. @ @@`162. Funerary inscription for Ktesikles Nysiou, on white marble altar; c. IB; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 105, no. 28; SEG 16, 677; Berges, HRK 147, no. 32 (PH) (non vidi); SEG 36, 979. @ @@`163. Funerary inscription for Metrophile Antiochou and family; no date; found at Halikarnassos: *Haussoullier, BCH 4, 1880, 405, no. 20. @ @@`164. Funerary inscription for Medon Phileou; no date; found at Halikarnassos: *Haussoullier, BCH 4, 1880, 407, no. 23. @ @@`165. Funerary%3dedicatory inscription for [Melanthios?] Drakontos by demos [of Halikarnassos]; II%3I; found at Halikarnassos: **GIBM 899 (l. 2); *French, EA 4, 1984, 83, no. 5; BE 1987:353; SEG 36, 974. @ @@`166. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Menestrate Melanthiou, by demos and Roman &3pragmateuomenoi,& with artist's signature by Menophanes Lysaniou of Sinope; c. I&4`1&; found at Bitez: *French, EA 4, 1984, 75%19`83; SEG 34, 1067; BE 1987:71. @ @@`167. Funerary inscription for Mnasea Eunike; no date; found at Halikarnassos: CIG 2666; *Woodward, ABSA 28, 1926%19`1927, 127, no. 23; Fraser, Rhodian Funerary Monuments 118, note 157. @ @@`168. Funerary inscription by Nannion Demetriou for self and family, with prohibition of unauthorized burial, on sarcophagus; imperial?; found at Halikarnassos: *Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 14, 1890. 114, no. 16. @ @@`169. &3Hyposte& inscription for Narkissos &3artokopos&; no date; found at Halikarnassos: *Newton, Halikarnassos II 710, no. 77a. @ @@`170. Funerary inscription for Nikandros Castricius; Roman; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 105, no. 27; SEG 16, 675. @ @@`171. Funerary inscription for Neikias, on altar; Roman; found at Halikarnassos: *Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1924, 471%19`472, no. 14; SEG 4, 197. @ @@`172. Funerary inscription for Perpernia Helene; Roman; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 105, no. 25; SEG 16, 669. @ @@`173. Funerary inscription for T(itus) Fl(avius) Antigenes Pantaleon; imperial; found at Halikarnassos: *LW 510. @ @@`174. Funerary inscription by [F]lavius Eros for self and family, with curse for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 104, no. 22; SEG 16, 667. @ @@`175. &3Hyposte& inscription for Stephanos Athenaiou, wife, and family, with prohibition of unauthorized burial; imperial?; found at Halikarnassos: *Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1924, 470, no. 11; SEG 4, 195. @ @@`176. Funerary inscription for Theotime Euphemou of Chalkis and Histiaios of Sardis; c. II; found at Halikarnassos: Newton, Halikarnassos II 694 no. 4; *GIBM 917. @ @@`176.5. Funerary inscription of Trypheia Dioskourid[ou], on gray%19white cylindrical marble altar; c. 100 BC; found at Halikarnassos: Berges, HRK 149, no. 36 (PH) (non vidi); *SEG 36, 977. @ @@`177. Funerary inscription for Tryphera Dioskouridou and Tryphera Hy[ge]inou; no date; found at Halikarnassos: *CIG 2669. @ See also: Halikarnassos 119, 127%19`135; IG II&4`2& 8028a, 8039%19`8043, 8045 (funerary inscriptions for named individuals from Halikarnassos; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 8044 (funerary inscription for Peristera, daughter of Andron of Halikarnassos; found in Attica); Bradeen, Fun. Monuments Agora 403 (funerary inscription for Menophilos Aristonos of Halikarnassos; found in Attica); Bradeen, Fun. Monuments Agora 812 (funerary inscription for Eud[ ... ] Eud[ ... ] of Hali[karnassos (?)]; found in Attica); IG XII 9, 834 (funerary inscription for Philista Hegesippou of Halikarnassos; found at Eretria); IG XII 8, 133 (funerary inscription for [Phi]lemon [Phi]lemonos of Halikarnassos; found on Imbros); Knidos 201 (%6 MDAI(A) 36, 1911, 101, 10) (funerary inscription for Syngen[ei]a of Halikarnassos and [So]sitheos of Samos; found at Datc%25a, site of Old Knidos); IKos 216 (funerary inscription for Antigenes Philonos of Halikarnassos; found on Kos); IKos 215 (funerary inscription for Lampon Hermonos of Halikarnassos; found on Kos); IKos 248 (funerary inscription for Menophilos Menodotou of Halikarnassos; found on Kos); IKos 209 (funerary inscription for Mysta Menekratou of Halikarnassos; found on Kos); Miletos 534 (%6 1. Milet%19Bericht 111) (unpublished funerary inscription for man from Halikarnassos; found at Miletos); Porro, ASAA 2, 1916, 126, no. 1 (funerary inscription for Dosithea Euangelou of Halikarnassos; found on Rhodes); Maiuri, Nuova silloge, pp. 83%19`84, no.'s 141%19`143 (funerary inscriptions for named individuals from Halikarnassos; found on Rhodes); IG XII 1, 250a and 396%19`398 (funerary inscriptions for named individuals from Halikarnassos; found on Rhodes); Smyrna 381 (%6 ISmyrna 498) (%6 ILeyden 21) (%6 SEG 18, 528) (funerary inscription for Athenodoros Athenodorou of Halikarnassos; found at Smyrna?). @ @@@@Section: 16b. Funerary Inscriptions_Full Name Not Preserved (178%19`185) @ @@`178. Funerary inscription for (?) [ ... ]a%1 Philai[ ... ] [ ... ]ranoros; Hellenistic?; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 108, no. 37; SEG 16, 668. @ @@`179. Funerary inscription for [ ... S]tratonos, mother of Archelaos, et al.; no date; found at Halikarnassos: CIG 2668; Hamilton, Asia Minor App. no. 281; *Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 253, no. 3. @ @@`180. Curse at end of funerary inscription for (no name), on sarcophagus; imperial?; found at Halikarnassos: *LW 509; Hamilton, Asia Minor App. no. 279. @ @@`181. Fragment of funerary inscription for (no name) prohibiting unauthorized burial; imperial?; found at Halikarnassos: *Hausssoullier, BCH 4, 1880, 408, no. 25. @ @@`182. Funerary inscription for (no name), referring to curse, on sarcophagus; imperial; found at Halikarnassos: *Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1924, 470%19`471, no. 13 (PH); SEG 4, 196. @ @@`183. End of funerary inscription for (no name), giving fine to be paid; imperial; found at C%25apa Tatil Ko+yu+: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 136, no. 44; SEG 16, 681. @ @@`184. Funerary fragment for (no name); very late; found at Halikarnassos: *GIBM 919. @ @@`185. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Halikarnassos: *Newton, Halikarnassos II 707%19`708, no. 74. @ See also: IG XII 1, 399.a (funerary inscription for [ ... ]na of Halikarnassos; found on Rhodes); IG XII 1, 250b (funerary inscription for Py[th ... ] Str[ ... ] of Halika[rnassos]; found on Rhodes); IG XII 5, 889 (funerary (?) inscription for man of [Ha]likar[nassos?]; found on Tenos); NS 76 (funerary inscription for Neikagoras Neikagora of Amos and wife Chariassa of Halikarnassos; found on Rhodes); Teos 228 (%6 Conze, Beschr. antik. Skulpt. 771) (%6 SEG 26, 1308) (honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) [ ... k]leidou by demos; found at Teos, not Halikarnassos). @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (186%19`187) @ @@`186. Artist's signature by Daidalos; IV&7b&?; found at Halikarnassos: *Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 14, 1890, 107%19`108, no. 9; Marcade/, Signatures I 24; SEG 13, 487. @ @@`187. Unpublished artist's signature by Lysanias; no date; found at Halikarnassos: Robert, Me/l. Is. Le/vy 568. @ See also: Halikarnassos 66, 93, 97, 99%19`100, 108, 166; IG XII 3, 213, ll. 8%19`9 (artist's signature by Phyles Polygnotou of Halikarnassos following honorary inscription; found on Astypalaia); Syll&4`3& 455 (%6 IG XI 4, 1128) (honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Agathostratos of Rhodes to all gods by &3koinon& of Nesiotai, with artist's signature by [Phy]les of Halikarnassos; found on Delos); IG XI 4, 1191 (artist's signature by [Phy]les of Hal[ik]arnass[o]s following honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Herais to gods by father Philon Diodorou &3Achaios&; found on Delos); IG XII 1, 85, 103, 809, 810, 825 (artist's signatures by Phyles of Halikarnassos; found on Rhodes); SEG 28, 688 (dedication to &3theoi& by [ ... ]on Astymedeu[s], with artist's signature by [Phyl]es Polyg%1[notou] of [Hali]k%1ar[rnassos]; found on Rhodes); BE 1987:69 (dedication by Polyaratos Anaxikratou, with artist's signature by Phyles of Halika(rnassos); found on Rhodes); Rhodian Peraia 17 (%6 Cook %9 Plommer, Sanctuary no. 2) (architect's signature for &3naos& by Letodoros and Ph[ ... ]ni[ ... ] of Halikarnassos; found at Kastabos in Rhodian Peraia); Theangela 17 (%6 BCH 14, 1890, 375) (%6 Robert, Coll. Froehner 19) (artist's signature by Philistides of Athens; found at Theangela, not Pedasa); Tralles 12, ll. 31%19`32 (%6 EA 11, 1988, 53%19`54) (letter of proconsul Taurus concerning Pylitai, with artist's signature by Aur(elius) Iulianus of Halikarna[s]sos; found at Tralles). @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (188) @ @@`188. Question of Poseidonios to Apollo and answer of oracle that he should honor and propitiate Zeus Patroios, Apollo of Telemessos, Moirai, Mother of Gods, and Agathos Daimon of himself and his mother Gorgis, with decreee of family of Poseidonios on details of how to do so, with mention of Taramptos; c. 300 BC; found at Halikarnassos: GIBM 896; *Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 234%19`236, no. 36; Syll&4`2& 641; Michel 854; Syll&4`3& 1044; **Daux, RPh 15, 1941, 13%19`17 (l. 1); Sokolowski, LSAM 72; SEG 15, 637. @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ See also: Halikarnassos 114, 150, 152, 157, 174, 180, 182. @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ See also: Halikarnassos 45%19`46, 70%19`71, 209%19`229. @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (188.5%19`192) @ @@`188.5. Christian building inscription for &3thekeon&; Christian; found at Ortakent: Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 215; *Gre/goire, Recueil 231. @ @@`189. Prayer to Th(eoto)kos to protect Kalokyryx; Byzantine; found at Halikarnassos: *Feissel, BCH 104, 1980, 516, note 96; SEG 30, 1262. @ @@`190. (Pagan) dedication for &3euploia& of Theodoulos and Pedios Psycharios; Christian; found at Halikarnassos: *GIBM 1037a; SEG 14, 729. @ @@`191. Milestone of kom(es) and &3hypatik&[&3os&] Fl(avius) Ioanes under Anastasius (I); AD 491%3`518; found at Yokus%25bas%25#1221: Gre/goire, Recueil 236; *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 106, no. 33.a; SEG 16, 665.a; Ann. Epig. 1959, 6. @ @@`192. Unpublished traces of Christian painted inscription; Christian; found at Halikarnassos: *Paton, CR 8, 1894, 218. @ See also: CIG 8698 (penalty for entry in 11th century AD inscription; found at Halikarnassos). @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (193%19`233) @ @@@@Section: 22a. Gladiatorial Inscriptions (193%19`195) @ @@`193. Fragment mentioning four [gladiators] killed; Roman; found at Halikarnassos: *Robert, Glad. no. 182. @ @@`194. Fragments of list of gladiators, including Zmaragdos, Strenos, and Celer; Roman; found at Halikarnassos: CIG 2662.a %7 b (part); Hamilton, Asia Minor App. no. 282 (part); Haussoullier, BCH 4, 1880, 404, no. 17.a %7 b; *Robert, Glad. no. 180.a %7 b. @ @@`195. &3Mnema monomachon& made by Publius Vedius Asi[aticus]; Roman; found at Halikarnassos: *Hula %9 Szanto 29, no. 3; Ramsay, Phrygia I 343; **Robert, Glad. no. 181 (ll. 1%19`2). @ See also: Halikarnassos 77%19`78, 117, 158. @ ď@@@@Section: 22b. Mosaic inscriptions (196%19`208) @ @@`196. Mosaic inscription identifying bust as of Alexandria; very late; found at Halikarnassos: *Newton, Halikarnassos II 289. @ @@`197. Mosaic inscription identifying bust as of Berytos; very late; found at Halikarnassos: *Newton, Halikarnassos II 289%19`290. @ @@`198. Mosaic inscription identifying bust as of Halikarnassos; very late; found at Halikarnassos: *Newton, Halikarnassos II 289. @ @@`199. Mosaic inscription identifying figure as Atalante; imperial?; found at Halikarnassos: *Newton, Halikarnassos II 283. @ @@`200. Mosaic inscription identifying figure as Meleagros; imperial?; found at Halikarnassos: *Newton, Halikarnassos II 284. @ @@`201. Mosaic inscription identifying figure as Deido; imperial?; found at Halikarnassos: *Newton, Halikarnassos II 284. @ @@`202. Mosaic inscription identifying figure as Aineas; imperial?; found at Halikarnassos: *Newton, Halikarnassos II 284. @ @@`203. Mosaic inscription identifying figure as Spring; imperial?; found at Halikarnassos: *Newton, Halikarnassos II 285. @ @@`204. Mosaic inscription identifying figure as Summer; imperial?; found at Halikarnassos: *Newton, Halikarnassos II 286. @ @@`205. Mosaic inscription identifying figure as Winter; imperial?; found at Halikarnassos: *Newton, Halikarnassos II 286. @ @@`206. Mosaic inscription identifying figure as Dionysos; imperial?; found at Halikarnassos: *Newton, Halikarnassos II 292. @ @@`207. Mosaic inscription listing health and other good things; imperial?; found at Halikarnassos: Newton, Travels II p. 80; *Newton, Halikarnassos II 298%19`299. @ @@`208. Unpublished mosaic inscription with word &3oikos&; 3%3`4?; found at Halikarnassos: Newton, Halikarnassos II 302. @ @@@@Section: 22c. Nike Inscriptions (209%19`229) @ @@`209. [&3Nike&] inscription of Amar[antos] et al.; imperial; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 101, no. 12.b; SEG 16, 658.b. @ @@`210. &3Nike& inscription of &3hiereis& Apatourios and Aristeas; imperial; found at Halikarnassos: *Haussoullier, BCH 4, 1880, 403, no. 15. @ @@`211. [&3Nike&?] inscription of Daphnaios; imperial; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 103, no. 18; SEG 16, 664. @ @@`212. [&3Nik&]&3e& inscription of [&3adel&]&3phoi& [&3hie&]&3reis& [ ... ]odoros and [Dioge]nes (?); imperial; found at Halikarnassos: LW 503.a; *Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 14, 1890, 117%19`118; Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1924, 472, no. 17, col. 1; SEG 4, 199.a. @ @@`213. &3Nike& inscription of [&3adel&]&3phoi hiereis& Drakon and Hekataios; imperial; found at Halikarnassos: *LW 503.b; **Haussoullier, BCH 4, 1880, 403 (l. 3); Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1924, 472, no. 17, col. 2; SEG 4, 199.b. @ @@`214. [&3Nike&] inscription for Euremon Di[ ... ] et al.; no date; found at Ortakent: *Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 215, no. 2. @ @@`215. &3Nike& inscription of Hierokles et al.; late imperial; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 102, no. 14, col. 2; SEG 16, 660.b. @ @@`216. [&3Nike&] inscription of Kalleas, Maxi[m]us, and Damarion, &3adelphoi kataphronetoi&; late; found at Halikarnassos: *Benndorf %9 Niemann, Reisen in Lykien %9 Karien I p. 11, no. 1, col. 1. @ @@`217. &3Nike& graffito of Melanthios, Herakleitos, and Lucius; very late; found at Halikarnassos: *GIBM 920. @ @@`218. &3Nike& inscription mentioning Melanthios; imperial?; found at Halikarnassos: *Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 25, no. 22. @ @@`219. &3Nike& graffito of Neon Korrha%1[ ... ]; I?; found at Halikarnassos: *Paton, CR 8, 1894, 218. @ @@`220. &3Nike& inscription of Neon and [ ... ]; imperial; found at Halikarnassos: Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1924, 473, no. 18; SEG 4, 200; *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 102, no. 15; SEG 16, 661. @ @@`221. &3Nike& inscription of Valens, Lupercus, and Timolaos, &3adelphoi&; late; found at Halikarnassos: *Benndorf %9 Niemann, Reisen in Lykien %9 Karien I p. 11, no. 1, col. 2. @ @@`222. &3Nike& inscription of Valens et al.; imperial; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 102, no. 16; SEG 16, 662. @ @@`223. [&3Nike&] inscription of Rhodokles et al.; imperial; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 101, no. 12.a; SEG 16, 658.a. @ @@`224. &3Nike& inscription of Trophimos, Gaius, and Lucius, &3adelph&[&3oi&]; imperial; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 103, no. 17; SEG 16, 663. @ @@`225. &3Nike& inscription of Ape[ ... ]; imperial; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 102, no. 13; SEG 16, 659. @ @@`226. [&3Nike&] inscription of [ ... ]imon; imperial; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 102, no. 12.d; SEG 16, 658.d. @ @@`227. [&3Nike&] inscription of [ ... ]odo[ros] et al.; imperial; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 102, no. 12.c; SEG 16, 658.c. @ @@`228. List of names in genitive, including [ ... ]ros Charidemou, with reference to &3nike&; imperial?; found at Halikarnassos: Hamilton, Asia Minor App. no.'s 275%19`278; *CIG 2656b (p. 1106). @ @@`229. Unpublished &3nike& inscription; no date; found near Ortakent: Hula %9 Szanto 30. @ See also: Halikarnassos 45%19`46, 70%19`71. @ @@@@Section: 22d. Other Lists of Names (230%19`232) @ @@`230. &3Philoi& inscription of Hermonax Diodorou et al., in genitive; no date; found at Halikarnassos: *Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 26, no. 25. @ @@`231. List of names in nominative, including [Tend]essis Lyxeo; V%3IV&4`1&; found at Halikarnassos: *Clerc, BCH 6, 1882, 191%19`193. @ @@`232. List of names in nominative, beginning with [Mene]kles An[ ... ]; no date; found at Halikarnassos: *Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 252, no. 2. @ See also: Halikarnassos 194. @ @@@@Section: 22e. Other Inscriptions (233) @ @@`233. Letters pi and lambda carved on lions of pyramid of Mausoleum as instructions to painters; IV&4`1&; found at Halikarnassos: *Hornblower, Mausolus 270. @ See also: Halikarnassos 192; Kent, Old Persian p. 115, no. XVs.b (inscription of King Xerxes in Old Persian, Elamite, Akkadian, and Egyptian hieroglyphics, on alabaster vase; found at Halikarnassos). @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (234%19`241) @ @@`234. Fragment referring to gift of money; II%3I; found at Halikarnassos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 108, no. 36; SEG 16, 646. @ @@`235. Fragment referring to Aur(elius) Iu[lius] (?); imperial?; found at Halikarnassos: *Hamilton, Asia Minor App. no. 280. @ @@`236. Subsumed under Halikarnassos 70. @ @@`237. Fragment mentioning son of Mela[nthios]; no date; found at Halikarnassos: *Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 14, 1890, 106%19`107, no. 8, ll. 1%19`2. @ @@`238. Fragment mentioning &3gami&[&3ete&]; no date; found at Halikarnassos: *Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 25, no. 24. @ @@`239. Fragment mentioning [Troi]zen; no date; found at Halikarnassos: *GIBM 891. @ @@`240. Fragment; good period; found at Halikarnassos: *GIBM 913. @ @@`241. Barely legible inscription to right of Halikarnassos 1; no date; found at Halikarnassos: *GIBM IV p. 54. @ See also: Halikarnassos 14. @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @ @@@@{1Herakleia Latmia}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@None. @ Almost all the inscriptions listed were found at sites identified as being within the territory of Herakleia Latmia and neighboring cities. Inscriptions were found at the following sites, of which those which have not been located on a map are identified with a question mark: @@Gunei (?) @@Herakleia Latmia (Baf#1221, Giaour%19Kiri Assar, Go+lyaka, @@@@Kap#1221 K#1221r#1221, Kapi%19Kere, Kapu+kru+) @@#1222kizce Adas#1221 (Ekisia%19Assar, Ikis Ada) @@Menet Adas#1221 (Menent) @@P#1221narc#1221k (Mersenet%19Yaila, Mersinet). @ Epigraphic references from outside the territory of Herakleia Latmia and adjoining cities to the following sites are listed here (those with a question mark have not been located): @@Herakleia Latmia (Latmos) (Go+lyaka, Kap#1221 K#1221r#1221). @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`3) @ @@`1. Honorary decree for Amphikles [T]eisandrou (?) of Athens, official of Basileus Pto[lemy (II or III), on stele; 250%3`200 BC; found at Herakleia Lat.: *Wo+rrle, Chiron 18, 1988, 435%19`436 (PH); SEG 37, 857. @ @@`2. Honorary decree of [&3bou&]&3l&[&3e& and] &3demos& (of Herakleia Lat.) for Apollonios Apolloniou of [Ka]lymnos and brother Philippo[s] Apolloniou, on marble tablet; 200%3`190 BC; found at Herakleia Lat.: Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 395, no. 1; SEG 2, 536; Robert, Istros 2, 1935%19`1936, 2%19`3 (non vidi); BE 1938:379; *TCalymna Test. XXIII; BE 1958:262; **Wo+rrle, Chiron 18, 1988, 432%19`437 (ll. 1%19`2); SEG 37, 858. @ @@`3. Honorary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& (of Herakleia Lat.) for Glaukos [ ... ]mou, on motion of &3neoi&; no date; provenance unknown, must be from Herakleia Lat.: *Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, 284%19`286, no. 7; BE 1900:131. @ See also: Amyzon 12, l. 9 (%6 IAmyzon 23) (%6 Gnomon 57, 1985, 617) (honorary decree of Amyzon for Pankrates Melaineos and Menippos Melaineos mentions Hera[kleia] (Lat.); found at Amyzon); IG IX 1&4`2& 173 (%6 FDelphes III 3, 144) (%6 BE 1976:95) (%6 Gawantka, Isopolitie no. 3) (%6 BCH 102, 1978, 477) (decree of Aitolians granting isopolity to Herakleia (Lat.); found at Delphi); Keramos 5, ll. 18%19`19 (%6 IKeramos 6) (honorary decree for (no name), who served as envoy to [Herakl]eia (Lat.); found at Keramos); Miletos 39 (%6 Milet I 3, 150) (%6 Syll&4`3& 633) (%6 SEG 34, 1173) (%6 Gawantka, Isopolitie no. 24) (decree of Miletos accepting offer from Herakleia (Lat.) of isopolity containing oracle; found at Miletos); Mylasa 25, ll. 16%19`23 (%6 IMylasa 102) (%6 SEG 28, 847) (%6 LW 394) (%6 Froehner, ILouvre 56) (%6 Michel 472) (%6 BCH 102, 1978, 515) (honorary decree of Mylasa for Mos[chio]n Aristeidou, who got back from Herakleia (Lat.) property taken from Euromos during time of sympolity with Mylasa; found at Mylasa); Robert, Amyzon pp. 124%19`127 (honorary decree of Xanthos for Pandaros Nikiou Herakleotes, &3phrourarchos& of King Ptolemy Philadelphos; found at Xanthos). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ See also: Miletos 60 (%6 Syll&4`3& 588) (%6 Milet I 3, 148) (peace treaty between Miletos and Magnesia (Mai.) includes Herakleia (Lat.), which had fought on side of Miletos; found at Miletos); Priene 131 (%6 IPriene 51) (peace treaty between Herakleia Lat. and Amyzon; found at Priene). @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (4%19`6) @ @@`4. Letter [of King Antiochos III to Herakleia Lat.] mentioning his sons Seleukos (IV) and Mithridates, on anta blocks; 196%3`193 BC; found at Herakleia Lat.: S%25ahin, EA 9, 1987, 55%19`56, no. 1; *Wo+rrle, Chiron 18, 1988, 421%19`470 (PH); SEG 37, 859.A. @ @@`5. Letter of Zeuxis to &3boule& and &3demos& of Herakleia (Lat.), on anta blocks; 196%3`193 BC; found at Herakleia Lat.: S%25ahin, EA 9, 1987, 55%19`59, no.'s 2%19`3; *Wo+rrle, Chiron 18, 1988, 421%19`470 (PH); SEG 37, 859.B%19D. @ @@`6. Letter of [Lucius Cornelius Scipio,] consul, and brother [Publius Cornelius Scipio,] to Herakleia (Lat.), on anta block; 189 BC; found at Herakleia Lat., not at Herakleia Pont.: CIG 3800; Henzen, Ann. Inst. Corr. Arch. 24, 1852, 138%19`145, no. I; LW 588; Hicks 193 (non vidi); Syll&4`2& 287; Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 255%19`258, no. 7; Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, 275%19`281, no. 2; Syll&4`3& 618; Holleaux, REA 19, 1917, 237%19`254; BE 1920:425; De Sanctis, AAT 57, 1921%19`1922, 242%19`249; BE 1924:355; SEG 2, 566; *Sherk 35; Robert, BCH 102, 1978, 501 (PH); **SEG 37, 860 (l. 1). @ See also: Labraunda 43, ll. 10%19`11 (%6 ILabraunda 45) (%6 BE 1973:410) (letter [of Olympichos to Chrysaoreis (?)] regulating economic conditions at Labraunda includes list of lenders of money including Menandr[os K]leisthenous of Herakleia (Lat.); found at Labraunda). @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ See also: Edict of Diocletian, section 33, l. 15 (edict of Diocletian refers to marble of He[rakleia]; found at Geronthrai). @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (_) @ See also: IG I&4`3& 260%19`280 (repeated mention of Latmioi in Athenian Tribute Lists; found in Attica). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (7) @ @@`7. Dedication to A[pollo (?)] by Herakleides Dio[ ... ], on marble architrave; no date; found at Herakleia Lat.: *Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, 282%19`283, no. 4. @ See also: Didyma 103, l. 25 (%6 IDidyma 40) (%6 RPh 50, 1926, 67, 39) (building document mentions Herakleia (Lat.); found at Didyma). @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (8) @ @@`8. List (of &3stephanephoroi,&) beginning with Menedemos Apo[ ... ], on broken stone; 27 BC%3AD 7; found on Menet Adas#1221: Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 368%19`369, no. 6; *Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, 288%19`291, no. 11; BE 1900:131; **Wo+rrle, Chiron 20, 1990, 27%19`29 (ll. 3, 6, 18). @ See also: Robert, BCH 70, 1946, 512, l. 8 (list of &3theorodokoi mentions N%1[ ... ]ros Hermia at [He]rakleia (Lat.); found at Delphi); Lagina 13 (%6 OGIS 441) (%6 IStratonikeia 508) (Herakleia Lat. listed among cities accepting &3asylia& of temple of Hekate at Stratonikeia; found at Lagina); Miletos 102.3, 102.6 (%6 BCH 102, 1978, 489, note 55, no.'s A%19B) (unpublished lists (of officials (?)) under named &3stephanephoroi&; prob. found at Miletos, not at Herakleia Lat.); Miletos 134.2, col. II l. 7 (%6 Chiron 18, 1988, 399, 7), Miletos 134.5, col. I ll. 2%19`3 (%6 Chiron 18, 1988, 401, 8), Miletos 158.5, ll. 6%19`7, 9, 12 (%6 Chiron 18, 1988, 390, 3), Miletos 188.7 (%6 Chiron 18, 1988, 410, 14), Miletos 139 (%6 Milet I 3, 41), Miletos 144 (%6 Milet I 3, 45), Miletos 148 (%6 Milet I 3, 46), Miletos 159 (%6 Milet I 3, 54), Miletos 111 (%6 Milet I 3, 64), Miletos 129 (%6 Milet I 3, 66), Miletos 113 (%6 Milet I 3, 113), Miletos 114 (%6 Milet I 3, 72), Miletos 153 (%6 Milet I 3, 76%19`77), Miletos 117 (%6 Milet I 3, 79), Miletos 118 (%6 Milet I 3, 81), Miletos 121 (%6 Milet I 3, 85), Miletos 122 (%6 Milet I 3, 86), Miletos 124 (%6 Milet I 3, 88), Miletos 125 (%6 Milet I 3, 89) (records of grant of citizenship of Miletos to individuals from Herakleia (Lat.) and elsewhere; found at Miletos); Mylasa 157.9, l. 11 (%6 EA 16, 1991, 32%19`34) (%6 IMylasa 12) (treaty between Mylasa and (no name) concerning sale of land, with list of witnesses including &3Latmioi& Samoos Artimeo, Hyarkelas Pelaou, Artemidoros Samoou; found at Sek near Mylasa); Tralles 28, sect. B, ll. 11, 21 (%6 ITralles 33) (%6 LW 599) (list of mercenaries includes Poseidonios Hermolaou and Korax Charidemou of Herakleia (Lat.); found at Tralles). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (9%19`18) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (9%19`16) @ @@`9. Dedication to Basileus Ptolemaios (II?) by Apoll[o]nios Apollodotou, on sundial, with artist's signature by Themistagoras Meniskou of Alexandria; III&4`1&; found at Herakleia Lat.: Rayet, CR Ac. Sciences Paris 23 Mar. 1874 (non vidi); Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, 275, no. 1; BE 1900:131; *OGIS 24; Wo+rrle, Chiron 18, 1988, 434 (PH); SEG 37, 861. @ @@`10. Inscription of [Ba]sileus [Atta]los (I) [Sot]er, on altar; 241%3`197 BC; found at Herakleia Lat.: *Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, 283%19`284, no. 6. @ @@`11. Dedication to Augustus, on altar; 27 BC%3AD 14; found at Herakleia Lat.: *Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, 287, no. 10; BE 1900:131. @ @@`12. Dedication of &3bomos& to Aphrodita by Mikkeas Aitolos, on altar; no date; found at Herakleia Lat.: *Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, 282, no. 3; BE 1900:131. @ @@`13. Dedication to Hekate by Herakleides Sotadou; no date; found at Herakleia Lat.: *CIG 2897. @ @@`14. Dedication to Herme[s] by &3neokoros& Herakleides Sotadou; no date; found at Herakleia Lat.: Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 371, no. 9; *Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, 283. @ @@`15. Dedication to Sarapis, Isis, and Anoubi[s] by Nestor [ ... ] and members of &3thiasos&; no date; found at P#1221narc#1221k: *BE 1954:52 (p. 110); SEG 13, 496. @ @@`16. Inscription of Zeus Labraundos, on two stones with axe%19marks; no date; found at Herakleia Lat.: *CIG 2896. @ See also: Herakleia Lat. 7, 21%19`22; Didyma 211 (%6 IDidyma 12) (%6 CIG 2861) (%6 IGA 487) (archaic dedication of statues by [&3La&]&3tmioi&; found at Didyma). @ @@@@Section: 9b. Other Religious Inscriptions (17%19`18) @ @@`17. First list of &3hiereis& (of Athena Latmia,) appended directly to oracle, on anta blocks; I; found at Herakleia Lat.: *Wo+rrle, Chiron 20, 1990, 24%19`25, SIIA l. 17%19SIVA (PH). @ @@`18. Second lists of &3hiereis& of Athena (Latmia,) on anta blocks; I&4`3&%3`1&4b&; found at Herakleia Lat.: Hula %9 Szanto 11 (part); Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, 281, no. 2B (part); BE 1900:131; Robert, BCH 102, 1978, 488, note 55; *Wo+rrle, Chiron 20, 1990, 25, no. SIB%19SIIIB (PH). @ See also: Herakleia Lat. 25, 40. @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (19%19`24) @ @@`19. Honorary inscription for Basileus Attalos Soter, on statue%19base; 241%3`197 BC; found at Herakleia Lat.: *Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, 283, no. 5; BE 1900:131. @ @@`20. Honorary inscription for Trajan by &3demos,& on large square pedestal; AD 102%3`117; found at Herakleia Lat.: *Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, 291%19`292, no. 12; BE 1900:131. @ @@`21. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Agathon Andronos by [&3koinon&] of &3eisporeuomenoi& (?), on marble plaque; no date; found at Herakleia Lat.: *Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, 286%19`287, no. 8. @ @@`22. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Hekataios Menekr[atous] &3stephanephoros& to Apollo by &3demos&; Hellenistic?; found at P#1221narc#1221k: *Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 365%19`366, no. 1; BE 1900:131. @ @@`23. Honorary inscription for Melanippos Hikesiou by Diodotos Oikodamantos of Kalynda, on columnar base of blue%19gray marble; no date; found at Herakleia Lat.: *Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 253, no. 4. @ @@`24. Honorary inscription by [&3de&]&3mos& for (no name), victorious athlete; no date; found at Herakleia Lat.: *Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 367, no. 3. @ See also: Herakleia Lat. 1%19`3; Miletos 350 (%6 MDAI(I) 15, 1965, 121, 5) (honorary inscription by &3boule& and &3demos& of Miletos for Antipatros Apella Iulianus; found on island Kaiwe Asar Adas#1221 near Herakleia Lat., but prob. wandered from Miletos). @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (_) @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (25%19`27) @ @@`25. Hymn in lyric meter describing festival of (Athena) Tritogenes, on rectangular block of white marble; no date; found at Herakleia Lat.: *Dain, ILouvre no. 60; **Robert, BCH 102, 1978, 483%19`489 (PH) (l. 6); BE 1981:499. @ @@`26. Funerary inscription in elegiacs and hexameters for Ptole[mai]os Seleukou; no date; found at Herakleia Lat.: CIG 2898; *Kaibel 292. @ @@`27. Question addressed to oracle (of Didyma) by &3demos& of Herakleia (Lat.) concerning priesthood of Athena Latmia, followed by answer (of Apollo Didymeus) in hexameters, on anta block; c. 100%3c. 75 BC; found at Herakleia Lat.: *Wo+rrle, Chiron 20, 1990, 23%19`24, no. SIIA ll. 1%19`16 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (28%19`38) @ @@`28. Funerary inscription of Aristeides, on altar; imperial?; found at Herakleia Lat.: *Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, 284 &3ad& no. 6. @ @@`29. Funerary inscription of Aurelius Eirenaios and family; imperial; found between P#1221narc#1221k and Herakleia Lat.: Paton, JHS 16, 1896, 227, no. 25; *Robert, Et. e/p. 190%19`191; BE 1939:348. @ @@`30. &3Heroon& inscription of Aureli[us Meni]ppos, Dionyse[os,] and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Herakleia Lat.: Paton, JHS 16, 1896, 226, no. 23; *Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 372%19`373, no. 11. @ @@`31. &3Heroon& inscription by Aurelius Tatianos and Aurelius Zosimos for selves and families, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Herakleia Lat.: Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 253%19`254, no. 16; Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 629, no. 33; BE 1891:334; *Paton, JHS 26, 1896, 226%19`227, no. 24. @ @@`32. Funerary inscription for Deionysios &3heros& and Mis &3heros,& on stele; no date; found at P#1221narc#1221k: *Paton, JHS 26, 1896, 228, no. 27. @ @@`33. Funerary inscription for Eirene; no date; found near Mersinet Skelessi: Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 253, no. 5; *Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 366, no. 2. @ @@`34. Funerary inscription for Eutychos; imperial; found at P#1221narc#1221k, but from Herakleia Lat.: *Astro+m, OAth 1, 1953, 206%19`207, no. 2 (PH); SEG 12, 478b. @ @@`35. &3Heroon& inscription of Claudius Flavius Epiktetos and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Herakleia Lat.: *Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 628%19`629, no. 32. @ @@`36. Funerary inscription for Zelotos; imperial; found at P#1221narc#1221k, but from Herakleia Lat.: Astro+m, OAth 1, 1953, 206%19`207, no. 1 (PH); SEG 12, 478a. @ @@`37. &3Heroon& inscription of [ ... ]chos, wife [ ... ]xia, and family; imperial?; found at P#1221narc#1221k: *Paton, JHS 16, 1896, 228, no. 26. @ @@`38. End of funerary inscription for (no name) and &3pai&[&3des&]; no date; found at Herakleia Lat.: *Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 371%19`372, no. 10. @ See also: Herakleia Lat. 26; IG II&4`2& 8554 (funerary inscription for Ada of Herakleia (Lat.); found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 8732 (funerary inscription for Mys Menandrou of Herakleia (Lat.); found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 8753 (funerary inscription for Xouthos Asteou of Herakleia (prob. Lat.); found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 8548%19`8553, 8555%19`8731, 8733%19`8752, 8754%19`8824 (other funerary inscriptions for individuals from Herakleia, some pres. from Herakleia (Lat.); found in Attica); Magnesia Mai. 363 (%6 IMagnesia Mai. 261) (%6 BCH 15, 1891, 684, 4) (funerary inscription for Menekrates Dionysiou of Herakleia (Lat.); found at Magnesia Mai.) @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (39) @ @@`39. Artist's signature (?) by [ ... ]ios Iasonos, on large statue%19base; no date; found at Herakleia Lat.: *Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, 287, no. 9. @ See also: Herakleia Lat. 9. @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ See also: Herakleia Lat. 27. @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (40%19`44) @ @@`40. Prayer to K(yrio)s Th(eo)s, on Byzantine marble fragment; Byzantine; found on Menent Adas#1221: Wiegand, Milet III 1 p. 59; *Gre/goire, Rec. 226&4`10&. @ @@`41. Numbers on Byzantine sundial; Byzantine; found at Herakleia Lat.: Wiegand, Milet III 1 p. 91; *Gre/goire, Rec. 227. @ @@`42. Christian inscription IS with cross, perhaps mason's mark; Christian; found at Herakleia Lat.: *Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 371, no. 8.1. @ @@`43. Inscription IA, perhaps mason's mark; Christian; found at Herakleia Lat.: *Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 371, no. 8.2. @ @@`44. Inscription IM, perhaps mason's mark; Christian; found at Herakleia Lat.: *Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 371, no. 8.3. @ See also: Gre/goire, Rec. 226&4`12& (%6 CIG 8861) (%6 Milet III 1, p. 91) (7th(?)%19century prayer for Georgios &3hypodiak&(&3ono&)&3s& et al.; found at Herakleia Lat.); Gre/goire, Rec. 227&3ter& (%6 Milet III 1, p. 93) (11th%19century building inscription for &3euktirion,& with prayer; found near Herakleia Lat.); Gre/goire, Rec. 227&3quater& (%6 Milet III 1, p. 94) (11th%19century prayer; found at Herakleia Lat.); Gre/goire, Rec. 226&4`9& (%6 Milet III 1, pp. 35, 37) (13th%19century prayer to &3Parthenos& in iambics by Methodios; found on #1222kizce Adas#1221); Gre/goire, Rec. 226&4`11& (%6 Milet III 1, p. 90) (7th(?)%19century prayer of Sanctus; found at Herakleia Lat.); Gre/goire, Rec. 227&3bis& (7th(?)%19century biblical exegesis; found at Herakleia Lat.) @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (45%19`47) @ @@`45. List of names, including Charmip[pos,] on blue marble fragment; no date; found on Menent Adas#1221: *Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 7, 1986, 75, no. 1; SEG 36, 980. @ @@`46. Inscription giving date (?) &3tie&; no date; found at Herakleia Lat.: *Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 367, no. 4. @ @@`47. Inscription giving year &3tie& and month; no date; found at Gunei: *Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 367 &3ad& no. 4. @ See also: Herakleia Lat. 9, 41%19`44. @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (48%19`49) @ @@`48. Fragment OU%3ON; no date; found on Menent Adas#1221: *Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 368, no. 5. @ @@`49. Fragment &3NOMES,& on molding, in large letters; no date; found on #1222kizce Adas#1221: *Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 369, no. 7. @ See also: Labraunda 173, ll. 3%19`4 (%6 ILabraunda 51) (document concerning some economic%19judicial question mentions [Mena]ndros Kl[ei]sthe[nou]s of Herak[leia] (Lat.); found at Labraunda). @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @ @@@@{1Herakleia Salbake}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@MAMA VI: W. H. Buckler %9 W. M. Calder, &3Monumenta Asiae Minoris &3@@@@Antiqua,& vol. VI, Manchester 1939. @@Robert, La Carie II: L. %9 J. Robert, &3La Carie, Tome II: Le &3@@@@plateau de Tabai et ses environs,& Paris 1954. @ Many of the inscriptions listed were found at Herakleia Salbake (%6 Vak#1221f.) Others were found nearby. Following sites are given, of which those which have not been located are followed by a question mark: @@C%25iftlikko+y (Ali Pascha Tschiflik) @@Herakleia Salbake (Makouf, Makuf, Vak#1221f) @@H#1221rka @@Karahisar (Kara Hissar) @@K#1221z#1221lca Bo+lu+k @@Tavas (Yerengu+me) @@Tilkili. @ The town presently called Tavas (formerly Yerengu+me) must be distinguished from Kale, formely Davas Kale, the site of ancient Tabai. @ Vak#1221f, the site of ancient Herakleia Salbake, was formerly and incorrectly identified as the site of ancient Trapezopolis. @ Epigraphic references from outside the territory to the following sites are listed here: @@Herakleia Salbake (Ulpia Heraclea) (%6 Vak#1221f). @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`3) @ @@`1. Fragment of decree or other public document concerning finances, on fragment of white marble; c. II; found at Herakleia Salb.: Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 330, no. 16; *Robert, La Carie II no. 39; **Grandjean %9 Rougemont, BCH 96, 1972, 109%19`110 (ll. 8, 10, 13, 16); BE 1973:397. @ @@`2. Fragment of decree of consolation for (no name); 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: Henzen, Ann. Ist. Arch. 24, 1852, 155 no. II; LW 1697; Hellenica 3, 28%19`31; BE 1948:212; *Robert, La Carie II no. 41. @ @@`3. Honorary decree for T(itus) St(atilius) Apollinario[s by boule and demos,] on block of marble; AD 170; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 97 (PH); BE 1939:361; Hellenica 3, 10%19`28; BE 1948:212; *Robert, La Carie II no. 40. @ See also: IG I&4`2& 1043, l. 117 (honorary decree for ephebes, with list including one individual from Herakleia; found in Attica); Samos 31 (%6 MDAI(A) 44, 1919, 29, 14) (%6 SEG 1, 368) (honorary decree of Samos for Epikrates Demetriou &3Herakleotes &3peripatetikos&; found on Samos); Samos 33 (%6 MDAI(A) 72, 1957, 192, 23) (honorary decree of Samos for Epinoides [Eud]emou Herakle[otes]; found on Samos); Samos 48 (%6 MDAI(A) 87, 1972, 197, 3) (%6 Horn, Samox XII 102c) (honorary decree [of Samos] for Nikias Demetriou &3Herakleotes&; found on Samos). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (_) @ See also: Aphrodisias 68, ll. 14%19`15 (%6 Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome doc. 59) (%6 LW 1620c) (%6 Laum 101) (mention of Herakleia (Salb.) in letter concerning &3agones&; found at Aphrodisias). @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (4) @ @@`4. Fragments in Latin of Diocletian's Edict on Prices; AD 301; found at Herakleia Salb. and C%25iftlikko+y: *CIL III Suppl. p. 2210, no. VV; *MAMA VI 102; BE 1939:361; Robert, La Carie II no. 125. @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (_) @ See also: Herakleia Salb. 1, 98; Kolophon 6 (%6 Maier, Mauerbauinschriften 69) (%6 AJP 36, 1935, 363 no. I) (%6 SEG 19, 698) (list of persons contributing money for walls of Kolophon includes &3Herakleotes&; found at Kolophon); Smyrna 35, col. III, ll. 15, 17%19`19 (%6 ISmyrna 689) (%6 CIG 3142) (list of contributors, including Bakchios Perigenou &3Herakleotes&; probably from Smyrna). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (5%19`7) @ @@`5. Dedication to Zeus [ ... ], on part of marble architrave; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 88 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 44. @ @@`6. Dedication of [ ... ]&3ion& by [ ... ]es Praxa et al.; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 147a; *Robert, La Carie II no. 45. @ @@`7. Dedication of [&3bybliothe&]&3ke& and [&3kosmos&] to &3p&[&3atr&]&3is& by [ ... ]os, on marble frieze; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: CIG 3953g (part); MAMA VI 98 (PH); BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 46; BE 1987:27. @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (_) @ See alos: Ephesos 600.I, l. 31 (%6 IEphesos 13) (%6 JRS 65, 1975, 64%19`91) (list of ethnics of province of Asia included &3Hera&[&3kleotai &3apo S&]&3albakes&; found at Ephesos); Panamara 33, l. 6 (%6 IStratonikeia 21) (%6 SEG 4, 262) (%6 BCH 51, 1927, 68, 7) (Herakle[a] (Salb.) in list of cities at end of document; found at Panamara near Stratonikeia). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (8%19`10) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (8%19`10) @ @@`8. Inscription referring to Trajan and Hadrian, possibly dedication to their [Tyche,] on block of marble; AD 117%3`138; found at Karahisar: MAMA VI 93 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 50. @ @@`9. Inscription for Zeus Ktesios Patrios, on marble altar; 1%3`3; found at Tavas, from Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 87 (PH); BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 42. @ @@`10. &3Euche& offering by (or to) Adrast[os,] on fragment of white marble; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 89 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 43. @ See also: Herakleia Salb. 5%19`7, 14, 49. @ @@@@Section: 9b. Other Religious Inscriptions (_) @ See also: S%25ahin, EA 9, 1987, 66%19`67, no. 16 (%6 SEG 37, 967) %7 Robert, La Carie II no.'s 132%19`146, 194%19`196 %7 Robert, OM IV 140, 153, 154, 161, 173 (lists of visitors from Herakleia Salb. to Klaros; found at Klaros). @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (11%19`46) @ @@`11. Honorary inscription for Lucius Caesar by boule and demos, on block of gray stone; 2 BC%3AD 2; found at Herakleia Salb.: CIG 3953e; LW 1693a; *Robert, La Carie II no. 47. @ @@`12. Dedication of (statue of) Nerva, on base of white marble; AD 97; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 90; BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 48. @ @@`13. Honorary inscription for Trajan, on block of marble; AD 102%3`117; found at Karahisar: Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 13; Buckler, JO+AI 30, 1936 Beibl. 5%19`8; BE 1938:399; MAMA VI 91 (PH); BE 1939:361; Hellenica 3, 7%19`10; BE 1948:212; *Robert, La Carie II no. 49. @ @@`14. Dedication of (statue of) Hadrian [Olym]pichos by demos, on fragment of marble; AD 117%3`138; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 92 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 51. @ @@`15. Honorary inscription for Hadrian by Titus Statilius [Frontonia]nus, on block of white marble; AD 129%3`130; found near Solmaz, from Herakleia Salb., not Apollonia Salb.: Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 341, no. 24; Robert, La Carie II no. 151 (PH); *Holtheide, ZPE 38, 1980, 125%19`126; SEG 30:1264; BE 1981:515. @ @@`16. Honorary inscription for [L(ucius) (?)] Aburnius Tuscianus; 2&4`1&; said to be from Alabanda, but from Herakleia Salb.: Premerstein, JO+AI 13, 1910, 200%19`209 (PH); AE 1911:161; ILS 9471; *Robert, La Carie II no. 78; BE 1955:199. @ @@`17. Honorary inscription for [P]ublius [Aeli]us Eukrito[s], &3epitropos& of Augusti, by boule and demos, on base of white marble; 2; found at Karahisar: *Robert, La Carie II no. 53 (PH); **BE 1955:202 (l. 2). @ @@`18. Honorary inscription for Ammia Cha[r]mido[u by demos,] on marble base; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 119 (PH); BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 66. @ @@`19. Honorary inscription for [L]ucius Anto[nius] Zenon &3chilia&[&3rchos&] and &3archiereus& of A[si]a, on marble base; prob. 1; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 104 (PH); BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 54. @ @@`20. Honorary inscription for [A]pollonios Ty[d]eos; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 339, no. 22; Laum 118 (part); *Robert, La Carie II no. 81. @ @@`21. Honorary inscription [for Apollonios Tydeos by boule and demos]; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: CIG 3953f; Buckler, JHS 56, 1936, 80; BE 1938:400; *Robert, La Carie II no. 82. @ @@`22. Honorary inscription for Archelaos Eunikou [by boule and demos,] on fragment of marble plaque; 1%3`3; found at Karahisar: MAMA VI 114 (PH); BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 70.B. @ @@`23. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Aur(elius) Kalleas, victorious athlete, on block; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 116 (PH); BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 84. @ @@`24. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Aur(elius) Tat[ia]nus by boule and demos, on marble altar; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 113 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 62. @ @@`25. Honorary inscription for [Ch]armides &3prytanis& and &3stephanephoros,& on base of white marble; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 337, no. 20; *Robert, La Carie II no. 57. @ @@`26. Honorary inscription for Diogen[es ... , by boule and de]mos, on marble base; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 111 (PH); BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 61. @ @@`27. Honorary inscription for [G]lykon Pard[al]a by [bo]ule and d[emo]s, on marble base; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 115 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 59. @ @@`28. Honorary inscription for Glykon Sosthenous by boule and demos, on marble block; 1%3`3; found at Acarlar near Tralles, from Herakleia Salb., not Tralles: CIG 3953b.a; Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 23; Kontoleon, BCH 10, 1886, 519, no. 11; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 16; MAMA VI 106.I (PH); BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 63.A; ITralles p. 217, no. 4*. @ @@`29. Honorary inscription for Hieronis Menestheos by boule and demos, on marble block; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 338, no. 21; *Robert, La Carie II no. 79. @ @@`30. Honorary inscription for Hieron[i]s Menestheos by boule [and demos,] on rectangular base; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 15; Laum 119 (part); *Robert, La Carie II no. 80. @ @@`31. Honorary inscription for Claudius Iulius &3presbeutes& and &3antistrateg&[&3o&]&3s,& on marble plaque; prob. 1; found at K#1221z#1221lca Bo+lu+k: MAMA VI 103 (PH); BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 52. @ @@`32. Honorary inscription for Titus Claudius Statilius Frontonianus Lykidas &3archiereus,& on marble base; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 118 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 55. @ @@`33. Honorary inscription for Melition Char[mi]dou by boule and demos, on marble block; 1%3`3; said to have been found at Acarlar near Tralles, but from Herakleia Salb., not Tralles: CIG 3953b.b; Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 24; Kontoleon, BCH 10, 1886, 519, no. 12; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 22; MAMA VI 106.II; BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 63.B; ITralles p. 218, no. 5*. @ @@`34. Honorary inscription for [S]tatilia Ammia%1[2n]2e by son St(atilius) Attalos &3archiatros&; 2&4`2&; found at Herakleia Salb.: Henzen, Ann. Ist. Arch. 24, 1852, 154, no. I; *Robert, La Carie II no. 76. @ @@`35. Honorary inscription for St(atilia) Markiane Tate [by b]oule and demos, on altar of marble; 1%3`3; found at K#1221z#1221lca Bo+lu+k: MAMA VI 109; BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 68.A. @ @@`36. Honorary inscription for St(atilia) Markiane Tate by boule and demos, on altar of white marble; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 110; BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 68.B. @ @@`37. Honorary inscription for Statilius Artemidoros &3archiatr&[&3os&] by great%19nephew St(atilius) Att[a]l%1o[s] &3archiatros& of Augusti, on marble block; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 117 (PH); BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 77. @ @@`38. Honorary inscription for [T(itus) Statilius Kriton] by son Statilius Marcianus; 2&4`1&; found at Herakleia Salb.: *Robert, La Carie II no. 75 (PH); BE 1955:202. @ @@`39. Honorary inscription for Tate Glykonos [by boule,] de[mos,] and &3gerousia,& on block of white marble; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb., later at H#1221rka: CIG 3953c (part); *Robert, La Carie II no. 67; BE 1955:202. @ @@`40. Honorary inscription [ ... ]ia A[sklepi]adou; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: CIG 3953d; *Robert, La Carie II no. 69. @ @@`41. Honorary inscription for (no name), son of [ ... ]os Charmides Mena[n]dros, on block of white marble; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 336, no. 19; Sterrett, Epigraphy Journey no. 17; *Robert, La Carie II no. 58. @ @@`42. Honorary inscription for [ ... Gly]konos, on marble base; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb: MAMA VI 107 (PH); BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 64. @ @@`43. Fragment of honorary inscription mentioning Titus Statil[ius]; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: *Robert, La Carie II no. 72; BE 1955:202; **Robert, Amyzon 30, note 3 (l. 3); BE 1984:404; SEG 33, 864. @ @@`44. Fragment of honorary inscription mentioning [Me]nandros; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb. (?): *Robert, La Carie II no. 73. @ @@`45. Fragment of honorary inscription mentioning setting up [&3an&]&3dria&[&3s&]; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 121 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 74. @ @@`46. Honorary inscription mentioning Sopo[lis,] on marble fragment; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 120 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 83. @ See also: Herakleia Salb. 3, 8, 59, 68, 83, 86; ITralles p. 216, no. 1* (%6 Ramsay, Cities 190, no. 73) (%6 Robert, La Carie II p. 185) (honorary inscription for Adrastos Adr[as]tou; found at Umurlu near Tralles, from Antiocheia Mai., not from Herakleia Salb.); Aphrodisias 216 (%6 CIG 2762) (%6 Robert, La Carie II no. 131) (honorary inscription for demos of Herakleia (Salb.) by demos of Aphrodisias; found at Aphrodisias); Tralles 102 (%6 ITralles 110) (%6 Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 1) (honorary inscription for Fla(vius) Alexandros Oxeides of Neikomedeia, &3bouleutes& of Herakleia (Salb.); found at Tralles). @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (47%19`49) @ @@`47. Horos of &3agros& of &3gerousia,& on altar of white marble; 1%3`3; found at Tavas: *Robert, La Carie II no. 87 (PH); BE 1955:202. @ @@`48. Milestone in Latin and Greek for third mile from Herakl(eia), dated by Diocletian, Maximian, Constantius (I), and Galerius, on column; c. AD 292%3`305; found at Karahisar: Kubitschek %9 Reichel, AAWW 1893, 103; CIL III p. 2236, no. 13688; MAMA VI 96 (PH); BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 122. @ @@`49. Dedication to [Cae]sars, on milestone of white marble; c. AD 292%3`305; found at Karahisar: MAMA VI 94.II (PH); BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 123.D. @ See also: Herakleia Salb. 91%19`94. @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ See also: Herakleia Salb. 95. @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (50%19`57) @ @@`50. Funerary inscription in hexameters for Artemeisia, on marble stele; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 137 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 91; **Bean, AJA 60, 1956, 197; SEG 15, 657. @ @@`51. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Apollonides, on altar of gray stone; 2; found at Herakleia Salb.: LW 1696; Kaibel 289; *Robert, La Carie II no. 88 (PH); Peek, GVI I 1543. @ @@`52. Funerary inscription partly in hexameters of Eutyches Polemonos, on altar of white marble; AD 172; found at Herakleia Salb.: *Robert, La Carie II no. 93 (PH); BE 1955:202; Peek, GVI I 1183. @ @@`53. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Neike Xenios, on stele; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 22; MAMA VI 138, ll. 1%19`4 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 89.A. @ @@`54. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Papias, on stele; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 138, ll. 5%19`11 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 89.B. @ @@`55. Funerary inscription for Papias by wife Tate, partly in verse; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 138, ll. 12%19`20 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 89.C. @ @@`56. Funerary inscription for (?) Tatias in hexameters, on block of white marble; 1%3`3; found at Karahisar: *Robert, La Carie II no. 90 (PH). @ @@`57. Funerary inscription in hexameters for [ ... ]os &3enporos,& on marble block; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 18.A; Wilhelm, SDAW 1933, 856%19`857; MAMA VI 139.I (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 92.A. @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (58%19`90) @ @@`58. [&3Mn&]&3eme&[&3i&]&3o&[&3n&] inscription by T(itus) Ae[l](ius) Appian[us and wife,] for family, with penalty for unauthorized burial, on marble block; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 134 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 103. @ @@`59. Honorary%3funerary inscription for P(ublius) Aelius Iuventianus Hermogenes &3neoteros& by boule and demos, on base of white marble; 2%3`3; found at Tilkili: *Robert, La Carie II no. 60 (PH); BE 1955:202. @ @@`60. Funerary inscription for Ammia Diogenou by demos, on marble block; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 112 (PH); BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 71. @ @@`61. Funerary inscription for Apollon[ios] by father, on marble stele; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 143 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 98. @ @@`62. Funerary inscription Apollo[nios (?)] et al., on column; 1%3`3; found at K#1221z#1221lca Bo+lu+k: MAMA VI 145 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 99. @ @@`63. [&3Thek&]&3e& inscription by Aur(elia) Agrip[pi]na for self et al., on fragment of sarcophagus; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 340, no. 23; Sterrett, Epigraphy Journey no. 19; MAMA VI 127 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 109. @ @@`64. Funerary inscription by Mar(cus) Aur(elius) Attalos Tatas for self, on marble block; AD 225; found at Herakleia Salb.: Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 340, no. 23&3bis&; Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 18.B; Wilhelm, SDAW 1933, 856%19`857; MAMA VI 139.II (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 92.B. @ @@`65. &3Theke& inscription by Mar(cus) Aur(elius) Kallikles, for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial, on pediment of base; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 126 (PH); BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 111. @ @@`66. &3Theke& inscription by M(arcus) Aurelius Ap[ ... ] et al. for selves, with penalty for unauthorized burial, on marble block; 1%3`3; found at K#1221z#1221lca Bo+lu+k: MAMA VI 128 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 106. @ @@`67. Funerary inscription for Demetria Charmidou; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: LW 1698&3bis&; *Robert, La Carie II no. 100. @ @@`68. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Eunei[k]os Archelaou by d[em]os, on fragment of marble plaque; 1%3`3; found at Karahisar: MAMA VI 114.I (PH); BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 70.A. @ @@`69. &3Soros& inscription for Euneikos Diogenianos, with penalty for unauthorized burial, on marble altar; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 133 (PH); BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 101. @ @@`70. Funerary inscription for Hermogenis and Glykon, on pediment; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 144 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 97. @ @@`71. End of funerary inscription for (?) Eiphianasa et al., with penalty for unauthorized burial; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: Henzen, Ann. Ist. Arch. 24, 1852, 155 no. IV; *Robert, La Carie II no. 116. @ @@`72. Funerary inscription for (?) [Me]litine and family; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 20; *Robert, La Carie II no. 118. @ @@`73. &3Mnemeion& inscription for Neikephoros &3pa&(&3los&) by wife Marcellina, on altar; imperial; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 123 (PH); BE 1939:361; Robert, Glad. no. 153 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 86. @ @@`74. &3Theke& inscription of Neikias Mel[t]ines with penalty for unauthorized burial, on marble block; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 21; MAMA VI 131 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 102. @ @@`75. Funerary inscription for Olynpeina, on marble stele; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 136 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 96. @ @@`76. End of funerary inscription for Pappias et al., with penalty for unauthorized burial; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: CIG 3953h; *Robert, La Carie II no. 115. @ @@`77. &3Theke& inscription of Philon Philonos, on block; 1%3`3; found at K#1221z#1221lca Bo+lu+k: MAMA VI 132 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 95. @ @@`78. &3Theke& inscription by Flavius Androneikos for self and wife Melitine, on stele; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 125; *Robert, La Carie II no. 104. @ @@`79. [&3The&]&3ke& inscription by Sta(tilia) Zotike for self and Ammia Chry[s]ou, with penalty for unauthorized burial, on block of σwhite marble; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 129 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 105. @ @@`80. &3Theke& inscription by Titus Statiliu[s] Metiochos for self et al., with penalty for unauthorized burial, on rough stone; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: Sterrett, Preliminary Report pp. 4%19`5 (non vidi); Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 331%19`332; Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 14; *Robert, La Carie II no. 107. @ @@`81. &3Theke& inscription by Titus Statilius Nostos for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial to be paid to boule of Herakleia (Salb.), on stele of white marble; 3; found in environs of Denizli, presumably from Herakleia Salb.: Walter, JO+AI 21%19`22, 1922%19`1924 Beibl. 259%19`260, no. 16 (PH); SEG 2, 567; Wilhelm, MDAI(A) 51, 1926, 12%19`13; *Robert, La Carie II no. 108. @ @@`82. &3Mnemeion& inscription of M(arcus) St(atilius) Tryphon, on altar; 2; found at Herakleia Salb.: Kubitschek %9 Reichel, AAWW 1893, 103; MAMA VI 105 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 94. @ @@`83. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [St(atilius) ... ], son of [T]ryphon by [boule and d]emos, on cippus of marble; AD 73%3`74; found at Herakleia Salb.: Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 16; Wilhelm, SDAW 1933, 855%19`858; *Robert, La Carie II no. 56. @ @@`84. [&3Sor&]&3os& inscription by Zos[i]me Kallippou for self and Kall[e]as Dexiou, with penalty for unauthorized burial, on marble block; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 130 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 110. @ @@`85. End of funerary inscription for Andro[ ... ] et al., with penalty for unauthorized burial, on marble base; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 135 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 114. @ @@`86. Honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name), &3herois,& on marble fragments; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 108 (PH); BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 65. @ @@`87. End of funerary inscription, with penalty for unauthorized burial, on marble fragment; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 141 (PH); BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 113. @ @@`88. End of funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty for unauthorized burial, on marble block; 1%3`3; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 142 (PH); BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 117. @ @@`89. End of funerary inscription, mentioning Menestheus, on fragment of white marble; AD 171; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 146 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 119. @ @@`90. End of funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty for unauthorized burial and record of deposit of copy in &3archeion,& on stone block; AD 222; found at K#1221z#1221lca Bo+lu+k: MAMA VI 140 (PH); BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 112. @ See also: Herakleia Salb. 2, 50%19`57; Bradeen, Athenian Agora Fun. Monuments 519 (funerary inscription for Nanous Diou and Bo[id]as [Di]ou of Herakleia and others; found in Attica); Bilkei, Alba Regia 17, 25, no. 3 (%6 BE 1980:336,470) (%6 CIL III 11034) (%6 IGRR I 531) (funerary inscription in Greek and Latin for &3alumnus Epaphrodeitos by T(itus) S[t]a[til]ius Solo (of Herakleia Salb.); found at Brigetio); Priene 1125 (%6 IPriene 300) (funerary inscription for Perigenes Aischri[o]no[s] &3Herakleot&[&3es&]; found at Priene). @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ See also: Halikarnassos 66 (%6 CIG 2660) (%6 SGDI 5731) (%6 JHS 16, 1896, 215, 4) (artist's signature by Makedon Dionysiou &3Herakleotes& after dedication to Athenaie by [ ... e]us and others; found at Go+kc%25eler near Halikarnassos). @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ ۏ@@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (91%19`94) @ @@`91. Dating under Constantine (II), Constantius (II), and Constans Caesars, on milestone of white marble; AD 337%3`340; found at Karahisar: Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 332, no. 18.b; CIL III 7207; MAMA VI 94.I.b (PH); BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 123.B. @ @@`92. Acclamation for Arcadius and Honorius on milestone for 6th (?) mile from Heraklia (Salb.), on milestone of white marble; AD 395%3`408; found at Karahisar: Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 332, no. 18.c; CIL III 7207; MAMA VI 94.I.c (PH); BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 123.C. @ @@`93. Acclamations for [Arca]di[u]s and Ho[n]orius, on milestone for 8th mile (from Herakleia Salb.); AD 395%3`408; found at K#1221z#1221lca Bo+lu+k: MAMA VI 95 (PH); BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 124. @ @@`94. Inscription of Theodosius (II) and Valentinian (III), on milestone for 2nd mile; AD 435%3`450; found at Karahisar: Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 332, no. 18.a; CIL III 7207; MAMA VI 94.I.a (PH); BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 123.A. @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (95%19`97) @ @@`95. Inscription recording release of (gladiator) Eidomeneus, on marble altar with relief of gladiator; imperial; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 122 (PH); BE 1939:361; Robert, Glad. no. 155; *Robert, La Carie II no. 85. @ @@`96. Inscription pointing way to &3andriantes& of Frontina, on marble column; imperial; found at K#1221z#1221lca Bo+lu+k: MAMA VI 99 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 128. @ @@`97. Inscription identifying relief of Hieros Potamos (prob. Timeles,) on brown marble slab with relief; 2; found at Herakleia Salb.: *Sheppard, AS 31, 1981, 29 (PH); SEG 31, 933. @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (98%19`101) @ @@`98. Fragment referring to amounts of money, perhaps of catalogue of distributions; imperial?; found at Herakleia Salb.: MAMA VI 100 (PH); BE 1939:361; *Robert, La Carie II no. 129. @ @@`99. Fragment mentioning &3tekna& on marble altar; 1%3`3; found at K#1221z#1221lca Bo+lu+k: MAMA VI 124 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 127. @ @@`100. Fragment mentioning [Statil]ius Kriton; 1&4e&%3`2&4`1&; found at Herakleia Salb.: Henzen, Ann. Ist. Arch. 24, 1852, 155, no. III; LW 1694; Buckler, JO+AI 30, 1936 Beibl. 7%19`8; *Robert, La Carie II no. 126. @ @@`101. Fragment on marble seat; no date; found at K#1221z#1221lca Bo+lu+k: MAMA VI 101 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 130. @ See also: CIL VII 568 (%6 Robert, La Carie II p. 383) (%6 BE 1980:336) (inscription in Latin mentions &3cohors& of Statil%1(ius) Solo (of Herakleia Salb.); found near Portgate in Wall of Hadrian in Britain). @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @ @@@@{1Hyllarima}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@None. @ Almost all the inscriptions listed were found at sites identified as being within the territory of Hyllarima and neighboring cities. Inscriptions were found at the following sites, of which those which have not been located on a map are identified with a question mark: @@Bargasa I (Kavakl#1221) @@C%25and#1221r (?) (near Hyllarima) @@Harpasa (Arpas) @@Haydere @@Hyllarima (C%25ayboyu, Mesevle, Mesevli, Mesevliah) @@Kapraki=ar (Tschinat) (near Hyllarima) @@Kys (Beli%19Pouli). @ Epigraphic references from outside the territory of Hyllarima and adjoining cities to the following sites are listed here (those with a question mark have not been located): @@Bargasa I (Kavakl#1221) @@Harpasa (Arpas) @@Hyllarima (C%25ayboyu) @@Kys (Beli%19Pouli). @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`5) @ @@`1. Sacred law concerning [pentet]eric festival of Zeus Am[ ... ]; no date; found at Hyllarima: *Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 376%19`378, no. 40, ll. 7%19`12 (PH). @ @@`2. Fragment of honorary decree for Aristeas Myonidou by &3koinon of Lagnokeis; no date; found at Kys: *Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 11, 1887, 308%19`309, no. 2. @ @@`3. Honorary decree of &3demos& for Di[2o]2nysios Dionysio[u] and family; no date; found at Hyllarima: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 39%19`41, no. 4; *Wilhelm, NBeitr. III 43%19`48; **Robert, Et. anat. 513 note 1 (ll. 12, 17); BE 1938:405; Roos, MDAI(I) 25, 1975, 338 (PH); **BE 1976:640 (ll. 9, 12, 15%19`16). @ @@`4. Honorary decree of &3polis& of Hyllarima for Epainetos Phaneo Ko[r]anzeus, dated in third year of Pleistarchos; c. 294 BC; found at Hyllarima: Roos, MDAI(I) 25m 1975, 338%19`340; BE 1976:631,639; *Hornblower, Mausolus M11. @ @@`5. End of honorary decree for (no name) and &3paides&; no date; found at Hyllarima: *Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 376%19`378, no. 40, ll. 1%19`6 (PH). @ See also: Theangela 2 (%6 Robert, Coll. Froehner 92%19`93) (%6 BCH 14, 1890, 93, no.2) (%6 BE 1983:401) (honorary decree for Ar[ ... ] Aristeidou and Leon [ ... ] of Hyllarima at for &3koinon& of Hyllarima; found at Theangela, not at Halikarnossos). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (_) @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (_) @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (6%19`10) @ @@`6. Building inscription for [&3s&]&3tyloparastades& and [ ... ] by Dionysikles Artemidorou, &3gymnasiarch&; II; found at Haydere: *Robert, A Travers L'Asie Mineure 368 (PH, part). @ @@`7. Dedication to [Th]eoi Sebastoi and [epek]ooi (?), Thea Rome, and Demos, on column; imperial; found at Hyllarima: *Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 379, no. 43. @ @@`8. Dedication of &3pronaos lithinos& to Antoninus Pius, Zeus Hyllos, and &3patris,& by Tiberius Claudius He[r]akleitos and Cl(audia) Aristogenis, with artist's signature by (no name), on architrave; AD 138%3`161; found at Hyllarima and Kapraklar, not at Orthosia, not at Eski C%25ine near Alabanda: LW 1583 (part); Henzen, Ann. Inst. Arch. 1852, 146, no. I (part); Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 41, no.'s 5%19`6 (part); *Fabricius, SDAW 1894, 918, no. III; former Alabanda 4. @ @@`9. Dedication on door%19lintel to &3hagiotate synagoge,& by Aur(elius) Eusanb[2a]2tios and Aur(elia) Epitynch[2an]2oussa, for own health and that of family; late imperial; found at Hyllarima: *Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 379%19`380, no. 44; **Robert, BCH 58, 1934, 516%19`517 (l. 3); BE 1954:24 (p. 103). @ @@`10. Dedication to [Apollo,] Hekate, and &3synnaoi& [&3theoi&] by (no name), with mother Neikoboule, on architrave; no date; found at Hyllarima: *Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 378, no. 41. @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (11) @ @@`11. Record of lease of land by Hermokrates Artemidorou et al.; prob. III; found at Hyllarima: *Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 372%19`376, no. 39.C (PH); **Robert, BCH 58, 1934, 516 (ll. 14%19`15). @ See also: Lagina 13 (%6 IStratonikeia 508) (%6 OGIS 441) (%6 BCH 9, 1885, 444%19`451) (Kys in list of cities accepting &3asylia& of temple of Hekate; found at Lagina); Panamara 33 (%6 IStratonikeia 21) (%6 SEG 4, 262) (%6 BCH 51, 1927, 68, no. 7 ([Hyllarim]a and Bargasa in list of cities at end of document; found at Panamara). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (12%19`16) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (12%19`15) @ @@`12. Inscription of Artemis Hekaerge, on marble altar; no date; found at Kapraklar: *Robert, RA 1981, 73 (PH); BE 1982:363. @ @@`13. Inscription of Kanebos, with double%19bladed axe, on altar; no date; acquired at Smyrna, pres. from Kys or vicinity: Raubitschek, Record Mus. Hist. Art Princeton Univ. IV 1, 1945, 9%19`10 (non vidi); *BE 1944:170a. @ @@`14. Inscription of Metesilaos, with double%19bladed axe; no date; found at Kys: *Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 11, 1887, 310, no. 5. @ @@`15. Dedication by [ ... ... ]nos and wife [ ... ] Aristeou, on fragment of &3entablement&; no date; found near Haydere: *Robert, A Travers l'Asie Mineure 368. @ See also: Hyllarima 7%19`10, 18. @ @@@@Section: 9b. Other Religious Inscriptions (16) @ @@`16. Record of purchase of priesthoods by Leon Theudorou; c. 188 BC; found at Hyllarima: *Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 345%19`376, no. 39, col. b, ll. 7%19`25; BE 1936:384; Segre, RIL 3, 1, 1937, 83%19`89; BE 1938:405; BE 1944:170a. @ See also: Hyllarima 1, 26%19`27, 31%19`32; Robert, StudClas 16, 1974, 75 (inscription of Bargasa dated by &3prytanis& of Kolophon; found at Klaros). @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (17%19`20) @ @@`17. Honorary inscription for Claudius by Eratophanes Chareinou of Rhodes; no date; found at Kys: *Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 11, 1887, 306%19`308, no. 1. @ @@`18. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription by &3koinon& of &3eranistai& for &3gromeos& of Zeus Panamaros, on marble cube; prob. II&4`2&; found at Hyllarima: *Robert, Et. anat. 513%19`515 (PH); BE 1938:405. @ @@`19. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (no name), with artist's signature (?) by (no name), on base; imperial?; prob. found at Hyllarima, not at C%25ine, Eski C%25ine (near Alabanda,) or Orthosia: *Henzen, Ann. Ist. Arch. 1852, 146, no. II (for l. 1); *LW 1583&3bis& (for ll. 2%19`6); Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 42, no. 7; Homolle, BCH 18, 1894, 340; BE 1895:460; former Alabanda 22; former Alabanda 120. @ @@`20. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (no name) and family, mentioning [K]leon of Rhodes and woman (no name) of Rhodes and Straton[ikeia (?); no date; found at Kys: *Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 11, 1887, 309, no. 3. @ See also: Hyllarima 2%19`5, 23; Maiuri, Nuova silloge no. 18, ll. 34%19`36 (honorary inscription for Polykles (of Rhodes) honored by &3polis& of Hyllarima and &3polis& of Kys, with &3proxenia,& etc.; found on Rhodes). @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (21) @ @@`21. Fragment, probably of horos%19inscription, on column; no date; found at Hyllarima: *Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 379, no. 42. @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (22) @ @@`22. Funerary inscription in iambics for Sa[bina (?)]; 1?; said to be from C%25and#1221r, from Hyllarima, not from Kaunos: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 43, no. 11; *Peek, GVI I 1644; Robert, Gnomon 31, 1959, 19; BE 1959:398; former Kaunos 89. @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (23%19`25) @ @@`23. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Asklepiodoros Aristodemou, by &3demos&; no date; found at Kys: *Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 11, 1887, 310, no. 4. @ @@`24. Funerary inscription for Euporion by parent Euporion and Tatia; imperial?; found at Kapraklar, not from Alinda: *Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 42, no. 8; BE 1895:460; former Alabanda 52. @ @@`25. Fragment of funerary inscription, on funerary base; no date; said to be from C%25and#1221r, from Hyllarima, not from Kaunos: *Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 43, no. 10; former Kaunos 83. @ See also: Hyllarima 22, 28%19`29; Alabanda 94 (%6 BCH 10, 1886, 331%19`334, no. 4) (%6 BCH 32, 1908, 203%19`204) (honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) recording honors by Hyllarima and other cities; found at Kahraman near Alabanda); Attouda 25 (%6 MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 102%19`103) (%6 Kubitschek %9 Reichel 96) (honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) by &3demos& of [Harpasa,] Bargasa, and other cities; found near Antiocheia Mai.); BCH 18, 1904, 399 (%6 REG 14, 1904, 211, no. 7) (funerary inscription of Onasandros of Hyllarima and wife Pottion (?) Kabalissa; found on Rhodes); Tralles 215 (%6 ITralles 31) (%6 MDAI(A) 26, 1901, 238, no. 2) (honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) mentions Hy[2l]2larima and Bargasa; found at Tralles). @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ See also: Hyllarima 19. @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (26%19`29) @ @@`26. Christian inscription addressing Christ as &3dynamis& of Theos, on stone; Christian; found at Kapraklar, not from Alinda: *Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 42, no. 9.1; BE 1895:460; former Alabanda 97. @ @@`27. Prayer to Saint Michael; Christian; found at Hyllarima: Robert, AB 71, 1953, 84%19`85 (non vidi); *BE 1954:26. @ @@`28. Christian funerary inscription for empress Theodora, Nonnos, Agathopolia, etc.; c. AD 548; found at Kys, not at Alabanda: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 11, 1887, 310%19`311, no. 6; Gre/goire, Rec. 244; Raubitschek, Record Mus. Hist. Art Princeton Univ. IV 1, 1945, 9%19`10 (non vidi); *BE 1944:170a. @ @@`29. Christian inscription for &3skene& of Erpidianos, on stone; Christian; found at Kapraklar, not from Alinda: *Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 42, no. 9.a; BE 1895:420; former Alabanda 98. @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (30%19`32) @ @@`30. Inscription identifying figure of Homeros on bronze cup, with figures of twelve gods and artist's signature by Nikome(des?); no date; found near Hyllarima: Robert, RA 1981, 71%19`73 (PH); *BE 1982:363. @ @@`31. Bilingual inscription in Carian and Greek, prob. beginning of list of &3hiereis& of &3theoi pantes&; IV%3III?; found at Hyllarima: *Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 345%19`376, no. 39, frag. a (PH); BE 1938:405; Robert, Hellenica 8, 11 no. 7. @ @@`32. Bilingual inscription in Carian and Greek, naming &3hiereis of &3theoi pantes&; IV%3III?; found at Hyllarima: *Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 345%19`376, part b ll. 1%19`6 (PH); BE 1936:384; BE 1938:405; Robert, Hellenica 8, 11 no. 7. @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (33) @ @@`33. Deleted: included under Hyllarima 19. @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @ @@@@{1Iasos}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@IIasos: Blu+mel, &3Die Inschriften von Iasos,& Bonn 1985. @ The bulk of the inscriptions listed were found at Iasos. Others were found nearby. In any case, the place of discovery is listed. Following sites are given, of which those which have not been located are followed by a question mark: @@Gu+llu+k @@Iasos (Asin, Asin Kurin, Asin Kalessi, Assen, Assyn, Kuren, @@@@Kurin) @@Narlu+ (?). @ In addition, many inscriptions of Iasos were transported to and found at other coastal sites, especially Karakuyu in territory of Didyma. This Karakuyu is to be distinguished from the inland Karakuyu near Milas (%6 Mylasa) which is to be identified with the ancient site of Chalketor. @ Inscriptions found at or near Sak#1221z (formerly called Taliani,) at the mouth of the Sar#1221 C%25ay, were formerly classified under Iasos. However, this site is to be identified with the ancient Passala in the territory of Mylasa, and inscriptions found there are put in the Mylasa list. @ Epigraphic references to the following site are listed: @@Iasos (Asin Kurin). @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`92) @ @@@@Section: 1a. Sacred Laws and Decrees (1%19`2) @ @@`1. Sacred law concerning priest of Zeus Megistos; V&7e&%3IV; found at Iasos: GIBM 440; Hoffmann, Gr. Dial. III no. 131 (non vidi); Michel 724; SGDI 5517; Syll&4`3& 1016; Sokolowski, LSAM 59; SEG 15, 639; *IIasos 220; Laviosa, BA 31%19`32, 1985 Suppl. 47%19`54 (non vidi); SEG 36, 981. @ @@`2. Regulations concerning priesthoods and cult of [Zeus Meg]istos; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 387%19`388, no. 9 (PH); BE l973:425; *IIasos 219. @ See also: Iasos 212. @ @@@@Section: 1b. Honorary Decrees of Iasos (3%19`64) @ @@`3. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Iasos) for (dynast) Eupolemos Potalou Makedon; c. 333%3`314 BC; found on Chios, from Iasos: CIG 2675.b; Robert, Coll. Froehner I 75; *IIasos 32. @ @@`4. Honorary decree of demos (of Iasos) for King Antiochos (III) and Queen Laodike (III); 195%3`190 BC; found at Iasos: Hicks, Manual 174 (part); GIBM 442 (part); Michel 467 (part); OGIS 237 (part); Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 443%19`453, no. 2, col. I, ll. 33%19`50 and col. II (PH); BE 1971:621, pp. 504%19`509; Sokolowski, GRBS 13, 1972, 173%19`175; BE 1972:423; Garlan, ZPE 13, 1974, 197%19`198; BE 1973:436,438; BE 1974:544; SEG 26, 1226; *IIasos 4, ll. 33%19`110; BE 1987:18 (pp. 272%19`273). @ @@`5. Honorary decree of phyle (no name) for King Antiochos (III), Queen Laodike (III), children, and &3polis&; 195%3`190 BC; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 578, no. 5; BE 1964:456; BE 1971:621, p. 508; Sokolowski, GRBS 13, 1972, 175%19`176; BE 1973:439; Piejko, PP 38, 1983, 205 (non vidi); **SEG 33, 865 (ll. 2, 4); *IIasos 5. @ @@`6. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Iasos) for [King Eumenes (II)] in answer to his letter concerning N[ikephoria]; 182 BC; found at Iasos: BE 1928:379; Lambrino, RA 1929 I, 107%19`120, ll. 12%19`20 (PH); BE 1930:208; Herzog, Hermes 65, 1930, 455%19`471, ll. 12%19`21; Robert, BCH 54, 1930, 334%19`343 (%6 OM I 153%19`162); BE 1932:222; Welles 49, p. 199; BE 1936:385; Segre, Hellenica 5, 102%19`128; BE 1949:173; BE 1973:77 (p. 70); *IIasos 6, ll. 12%19`20. @ @@`7. Honorary decree of bo[ule] and demos for [Ante]nor Euandridou of Miletos; 224***%3`223 BC; found at Iasos: Haussoullier, BCH 8, 1884, 454%19`455, no. 1; Hickes, JHS 8, 1887, 101; Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 13, 1889, 34%19`35; Jost, Iasos 15 (non vidi); *IIasos 36. @ @@`8. Honorary decree of Iasos for Antiochos Brikonos of Halikarnassos, giving him proxeny and citizenship; IV&7e&%3III&7b&; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 453, no. 3 (PH); BE 1971:622; *IIasos 37. @ @@`9. Honorary decree for Antipatros Le[on]tos of Miletos; IV&7e&%3III&7b&; found on Chios, from Iasos: CIG 2677.b; *IIasos 39. @ @@`10. Honorary decree of demos (of Iasos) for Aristodemos; IV&7e&%3III&7b&; found on Chios, from Iasos: CIG 2676; SEG 4, 219; Robert, Coll. Froehner I 75%19`76; *IIasos 33. @ @@`10.5. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Iasos for Arlissis Idyssollos of (E)uromos, granting proxeny, on marble block; V&4`1&; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, RAL 40, 1985, 152%19`154 (PH); *SEG 36, 982.B. @ @@`11. Honorary decree of demos of Iasos for Athenagoras Teleia of Rhod[es] and (no name) [of Rhodes]; IV&7e&%3III&7b&; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 456%19`457, no. 7 (PH); BE 1971:622; *IIasos 40; **BE 1987:18 (p. 273) (l. 3). @ @@`12. Honorary decree [of boule and demos] (of Iasos) for Rhodes and foreign judges A[u]tophilos Pausik[ ... ] et al. of Rhodes; III&7e&; found at Bargylia, presumably from Iasos: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 13, 1889, 23%19`34, no. 1, ll. 21%19`36; BE 1889:202; van Gelder, Gesch. d. alten Rhodier 450%19`451, no. 82b; Robert, REA 65, 1963, 303 (%6 OM III 1498), notes 1 and 3; *IIasos 76; **BE 1987:13 (p. 274) (l. 8). @ @@`13. Honorary decree of boule and dem[os] (of Iasos) for foreign judges (no name) [He]g[e]silao[u] and [D]aios Alkimou of (no name) and demos of (no name); Hellenistic; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 575%19`576, no. 3 (PH); Robert, REA 65, 1963, 298%19`302 (%6 OM III 1493%19`1497); BE 1964:454; BE 1973:431; *IIasos 78. @ @@`14. Honorary decree of [boule] and demos of Iasos for Diodoros Her[akleidou] and Heliodoros Her[akleidou] of (no name); IV&7e&%3III&7b&; found on Chios, from Iasos: CIG 2674; *IIasos 41. @ @@`15. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Iasos for Glaukos Theopropou and Aristonikos Theopropou of Athens, giving them proxeny and citizenship; IV&7e&%3III; now in Istanbul, from Iasos?: Hicks, JHS 9, 1888, 342, no. 4; BE 1889:202; Michel 465; *IIasos 42. @ @@`16. Honorary decree for [Go]rgos Theodot[ou] and Minnion Theodot[ou]; 332%3`330 BC; found on Chios, from Iasos: CIG 2672; Hicks 132; Bechtel, Inschr. ion. Dial. 105; Hicks %9 Hill 165; Michel 461; SGDI 5516; Syll&4`1& 116; Syll&4`2& 157; Syll&4`3& 307; Jost, Iasos 13 (non vidi); Tod II 190; Heisserer, Alexander 171%19`179; SEG 30, 1268; *IIasos 30. @ @@`17. Honorary decree of Iasos for Hermophantos Noumeniou of Kal[ ... ]; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 375%19`376, no. 3a (PH); BE 1973:418; *IIasos 43. @ @@`18. Honorary decree of demos of Iasos for Hestiaios Boiskou of Kaunos, giving him proxeny and citizenship; IV&7e&%3III&7b&; found on Chios, from Iasos: CIG 2673.b; *IIasos 45. @ @@`19. Honorary decree of [dem]os for Gaius Iulius Capito, &3paidonomos,& on column; imperial; found near Gu+llu+k, presumably from Iasos: Kontoleon, BCH 11, 1887, 216%19`217, no. 9; Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 168%19`169, no. 5; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 99. @ @@`20. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Iasos for Kallias of (no name), giving him proxeny and citizenship; IV&7e&%3III&7b&; found on Chios, from Iasos: CIG 2678; *IIasos 46. @ @@`21. Honorary decree of [boule and de]mos for [Gaiu]s Caninius Synallas[son], with regulations of foundation which he established for gymnasium of &3neoi&; AD 117%3`138; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 157%19`166, no. 3; BE 1894:393; Laum, Stiftungen II 124; Wilhelm, NBeitr. 4, 43%19`53 (%6 Akadschr. I 217%19`227); Robert, REG 70, 1957, 361%19`375 (%6 OM III 1479%19`1492); BE 1959:395; SEG 18, 448; *IIasos 248. @ @@`22. Decree of demos (of Iasos) accepting honorary decree of Kalymna for foreign judges Kleandros Diodorou et al. (of Iasos) and honoring them; c. 270%3`260 BC; found at Iasos: CIG 2671, ll. 1%19`28; Cobet, Mnem. 6, 1857, 447%19`450; Hicks 130; Michel 462; SEG 4, 217; TCalymnii (%6 ASAA 6%19`7, 1944%19`1945) 19%19`24, ll. 1%19`29; *IIasos 82, ll. 1%19`28. @ @@`23. Honorary decree of &3presbyteroi& for Kritios Hermophan[tou], on column; Hellenistic; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 169%19`170, no. 6; BE 1894:393; Robert, Et. anat. 450%19`454; BE 1938:416; *IIasos 93. @ @@`23.5. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Iasos for Lykinades Leonideo of Kni[d]os, giving proxeny, on marble block; V&4`1&; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, RAL 40, 1985, 152%19`154 (PH); *SEG 36, 982.C. @ @@`24. Honorary decree for Melanion Theodorou, &3ephebarchos&; I; found at Karakuyu, from Iasos: GIBM 925.b; *IIasos 98. @ @@`25. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Iasos) for Melesias Strombichou of (no name), giving him citizenship; IV&7e&%3III; found at Iasos?: Hicks, JHS 9, 1888, 341, no. 3; BE 1889:202; Michel 464; *IIasos 47. @ @@`26. Honorary decree of [boule] and demos (of Iasos) for Menodoros Iatrokleious of [Hali]karnassos; Hellenistic; from Iasos?: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 154%19`156, no. 1, ll. 1%19`12; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 48. @ @@`27. Honorary decree of Iasos for Menyllos Nossou of Theangela, giving him proxeny and citizenship; IV&7e&%3III&7b&; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 454, no. 4 (PH); BE 1971:622; *IIasos 50. @ @@`27.5. Honorary decree of [boule] and demo[s] of Iasos for Myrmex Peldemios and brothers Manes and Targelios, giving proxeny, on marble block; V; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, RAL 40, 1985, 154%19`155 (PH); *SEG 36, 983. @ @@`28. Honorary decree for Olymp[ichos Oly]mpicho[u], giving him proxeny and citizenship; III&7e&; found at Bargylia, presumably from Iasos: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 13, 1889, 23%19`32, no. 1, ll. 1%19`20; BE 1889:202; BE 1970:559; *IIasos 35; Laviosa, BA 31%19`32, 1985 Suppl. 47%19`54 (non vidi); SEG 36, 981. @ @@`29. Honorary decree of [bo]ule and demos [of Iasos] for Theodoros Hegyl[lou] of (no name), giving him [citizenship?]; IV&7m&%3III&7m&; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 371%19`372, no. 1 (PH); BE 1973:417; *IIasos 52. @ @@`30. Honorary decree (of Iasos) for Theodoros Sotada of Rhaukos on Crete; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 381%19`382, no. 6a (PH); BE 1973:422; *IIasos 53. @ @@`31. Honorary decree of Iasos for Theokles Thersiou of Meliboia, giving him proxeny; IV&7e&%3III; found at Iasos?: Hicks, JHS 9, 1888, 340%19`341, no. 2; BE 1889:202; Michel 463; *IIasos 54. @ @@`32. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Iasos for Theophilos Iatragorou of Hydisos; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 378%19`379, no. 5a, ll. 3%19`16 (PH); BE 1973:420; *IIasos 56. @ @@`33. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Iasos) for foreign judges (no name) Alexandrou, Krat[ ... ... ] of [Myla]sa (?); no date; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 573, no. 1 (PH); Robert, REA 65, 1963, 302%19`303 (%6 OM III 1497%19`1498); BE 1964:452; *IIasos 77. @ @@`33.5. Honorary decree [of boule and demos] of Iasos for [ ... ]ssos Artaou of Chalketor, giving proxeny, on marble block; V&4`1&; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, RAL 40, 1985, 152%19`154 (PH); *SEG 36, 982.A. @ @@`34. Honorary decree of [boule] and de[mos] (of Iasos) for (no name) [Mel]anopo[s] of Gom[phoi] in [Thes]saly; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 382%19`383, no. 6b (PH); BE 1973:422; *IIasos 57; **BE 1987:18 (p. 273) (l. 3). @ @@`35. Honorary decree [of boule and demos] (of Iasos) for (no name) [ ... ]imou of Arados; III; found on Kos, from Iasos: Robert, REA 65, 1963, 320 (%6 OM III 1515), note 1; BE 1964:338; Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 382, no. 7; BE 1973:423; *IIasos 58. @ @@`36. Honorary decree of boule and demos of [I]asos for (no name) of Kallipolis; IV&7e&%3III&7b&; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 379%19`381, no. 5b; BE 1973:421; *IIasos 59. @ @@`37. Honorary decree of [bou]le and [demos of Iasos] for (no name) of A[ ... ], Makedon, giving him [proxeny] and [citizenship]; IV&7e&; found at Iasos?: *IIasos 60. @ @@`38. End of honorary decree of Iasos for (no name) of (no name), giving him citizenship; IV&7e&%3III&7b&; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 454%19`455, no. 5 (PH); BE 1971:622; *IIasos 61. @ @@`39. Fragment of honorary decree [of Iasos] for (no name) of (no name), giving him pro[xeny] and citizenship; IV&7e&%3III&7b&; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 460, no. 16 (PH); BE 1971:622; *IIasos 65. @ @@`40. Fragment of honorary decree of [de]mos [of Iasos] for (no name) of (no name), giving him [p]roxeny [and citizenship]; IV&7e&%3III&7b&; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 459, no. 13 (PH); BE 1971:622; *IIasos 66. @ @@`41. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name) of (no name), giving him [citizenship]; IV&7e&%3III&7b&; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 460, no. 15 (PH); BE 1971:622; *IIasos 67. @ @@`42. Fragment of honorary decree of boule and [demos] (of Iasos) for (no name) of (no name), [&3pr&]&3oxenos&; IV&7e&%3III&7b&; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 459, no. 12 (PH); BE 1971:622; *IIasos 68. @ @@`43. Fragment of (honorary?) decree [of demos] (of Iasos) for (no name); IV&7e&%3III&7b&; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 457%19`458, no. 9 (PH); BE 1971:622; *IIasos 69. @ @@`44. Fragment of honorary decree (of Iasos) for (no name), a powerful individual, to be crowned; IV&7e&%3III&7b&; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 458, no. 10 (PH); BE 1971:622; *IIasos 70. @ @@`45. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name), granting him citizenship; IV&7e&%3III&7b&; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 458, no. 11 (PH); BE 1971:622; *IIasos 71. @ @@`46. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name); IV&7e&%3III&7b&; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 461, no. 17 (PH); BE 1971:622; *IIasos 125. @ @@`47. Honorary decree for (no name); IV&7e&%3III&7b&; found on Chios, from Iasos: CIG 2675.a; *IIasos 31. @ @@`48. Honorary decree for (no name) of (no name), naval officer, granting him proxeny and citizenship of Iasos; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 376%19`377, no. 4a (PH); BE 1973:419; *IIasos 34. @ @@`49. Honorary decree for (no name) of (no name), dated by [stephanephoros Apollo for second time]; no date; found on Chios, from Iasos: CIG 2677.a; *IIasos 38. @ @@`50. Honorary decree (of Iasos) for (no name); IV&7e&%3III&7b&; found on Chios, from Iasos: CIG 2673.a; *IIasos 44. @ @@`51. Beginning of (honorary?) decree, dated by stephanephoros Apollo after [Dion]ysios; no date; from Iasos?: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 154%19`156, no. 1, ll. 13%19`14; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 49. @ @@`52. End of (honorary?) decree; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 378%19`379, no. 5a, ll. 1%19`2 (PH); BE 1973:420; *IIasos 55. @ @@`53. Honorary decree (of Iasos) for (no name) of (no name), giving proxeny and citizenship and mentioning Hegyllos; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 380%19`381, no. 5c (PH); BE 1973:422; *IIasos 62. @ @@`54. End of decree, mentioning Thargelion; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 377%19`378, no. 4b, ll. 1%19`4 (PH); BE 1973:420; *IIasos 63. @ @@`55. Beginning of honorary (?) decree of [d]emos (of Iasos) for (no name), dated by stephanephoros Diodoros; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 377%19`378, no. 4b, ll. 5%19`9 (PH); BE 1973:420; *IIasos 64. @ @@`56. Honorary decree [of boule] and demos (of Iasos?) for foreign judges (no name) of (no name); no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 461%19`462, no. 18 (PH); BE 1971:623; *IIasos 75. @ @@`57. Fragment of honorary decree (of Iasos) for foreign judges (no name) of (no name); no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 578, no. 6 (PH); *IIasos 79. @ @@`58. Fragment of (honorary?) decree referring to temple of Zeu[s]; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 464, no. 20 (PH); BE 1971:623; *IIasos 126; Laviosa, BA 31%19`32, 1985 Suppl. 47%19`54 (non vidi); SEG 36, 981. @ @@`59. Fragment of (honorary?) decree; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 465, no. 21 (PH); BE 1971:623; *IIasos 127. @ @@`60. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name); no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 465, no. 22 (PH); BE 1971:623; *IIasos 128. @ @@`61. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name); no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 466, no. 24 (PH); BE 1971:623; *IIasos 129. @ @@`62. Fragment of (honorary?) decree; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 466, no. 25; BE 1971:623; *IIasos 130. @ @@`63. Fragment of honorary (?) decree for [&3e&]&3uerg&[&3etes&] (no name); no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 466, no. 26 (PH); BE 1971:623; *IIasos 131. @ @@`64. Fragment of honorary (?) decree for (no name); no date; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 598, no. 37 (PH); *IIasos 135. @ See also: Iasos 82, 637, 650; IIasos 21 (%6 SEG 12, 382) (decree of Iasos accepting &3asylia& of [K]os; found on Kos); IIasos 51 (%6 Michel 470) (%6 SEG 4, 218) (honorary decree of boule and demos of Iasos for Teleutias Theudorou of Kos, giving him proxeny and citizenship; found on Kos); Priene 8 (%6 IIasos 73, ll. 1%19`37) (%6 IPriene 53I) (%6 GIBM 420) (honorary decree of Iasos for foreign judge Herokrates Andriou of Priene; found at Priene); Priene 9 (%6 IIasos 74, ll. 1%19`34) (%6 IPriene 54) (honorary decree of Iasos for foreign judge Isod[oros] of Priene; found at Priene). @ @@@@Section: 1c. Decrees of Other States (65%19`76) @ @@`65. Decree of Koinon of Dionysiac &3technitai& in Ionia and Hellespont for Iasos; II&7m&; found at Iasos: LW 281; Michel 1014; Robert, Et. anat. 445%19`450; BE 1938:416; Pickard%19Cambridge %9 Lewis, 316, no. 11; *IIasos 152. @ @@`66. Fragment of honorary decree [of Euromos] for Pantainos of Iasos; Hellenistic; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 576%19`578, no. 41 (PH); BE 1964:455; BE 1971:623; SEG 28, 843; BE 1979:452; *IIasos 151. @ @@`67. Honorary decree of demos of Kalymna for foreign judges Kleandros Diodorou et al. of Iasos and for demos of Iasos; c. 270%3`260 BC; found at Iasos: CIG 2671, ll. 29%19`64; Cobet, Mnem. 6, 1857, 447%19`450; Hicks 130; SGDI 3585; Michel 417; Cauer, Delectus 157 (non vidi); TCalymnii (%6 ASAA 6%19`7, 1944%19`1945) 19%19`24, no. 16, ll. 30%19`65; *IIasos 82, ll. 29%19`64. @ @@`68. Honorary decree of b[o]ule and demos of Kolophon for foreign judges Philemon Philotou et al. of Iasos, giving them citizenship; no date; found at Iasos; Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 384%19`386, no. 8 (PH); BE 1973:424; BE 1974:546; *IIasos 80. @ @@`69. Honorary decree [of Kolophon] for foreign judges (no name) [of Iasos]; III&4`2&%3II; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 573, no. 2 (PH); Robert, REA 65, 1963, 304%19`307 (%6 OM III 1499%19`1502); BE 1964:453; *IIasos 81. @ @@`70. Decree of demos of Rhodes for receiving envoys from Iasos; 220%3`213 BC; found at Iasos: CIG 2679 (part); Texier, As. Min. III 140 (part); LW 251, ll. 1%19`27; Hicks 182, ll. 1%19`27; GIBM 441.A; SGDI 3750.a; Michel 431.I; Holleaux, REG 12, 1899, 20%19`37, no. A; Holleaux, REA 5, 1903, 223%19`228 (%6 Et. IV 146%19`162), no. A; BE 1952:3; BE 1973:433; *IIasos 150, ll. 1%19`27. @ @@`71. Decree of [boule] and demos of Rhodes for sending envoys to Iasos; 220%3`213 BC; found at Iasos: LW 251, ll. 28%19`38; Hicks 182, ll. 28%19`38; GIBM 441.B; SGDI 3750.b; Holleaux, REG 12, 1899, 20%19`37, no. B; Holleaux, REA 5, 1903, 223%19`228 (%6 Et. IV 146%19`162), no. B; BE 1952:3; *IIasos 150, ll. 28%19`38. @ @@`72. Decree of [boule and d]amos of Rhodes answering request of Iasos for help against Olympichos; 220%3`213 BC; found at Iasos: LW 251, ll. 39%19`46 (part); Hicks 182, ll. 39%19`65 (part); GIBM 441.C; SGDI 3750.c; Michel 431.III (part); Holleaux, REG 12, 1899, 20%19`37, no. C; Holleaux, REA 5, 1903, 223%19`228 (%6 Et. IV 146%19`162), no. C; BE 1952:3; *IIasos 150, ll. 39%19`94. @ @@`73. First honorary decree of boule and demos (of Samothrake) for &3poetes& Dymas of Iasos, giving citizenship; II&4`1&; found at Iasos: GIBM 444, ll. 1%19`13; Michel 352.I; IG XII 8, p. 38, ll. 1%19`13; BE 1958:397; BE 1964:385; *IIasos 153, ll. 1%19`13. @ @@`74. Second honorary decree of boule and demos (of Samothrake) for &3poetes& Dymas of Iasos; II&4`1&; found at Iasos: GIBM 444, ll. 14%19`36; Michel 352.II; IG XII 8, p. 38, ll. 14%19`36; SEG 4, 216; BE 1958:397; BE 1964:385; *IIasos 153, ll. 14%19`36. @ @@`75. Honorary decree of demos [of (no name)?] for &3theoroi& (no name) of [Iasos?]; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 156%19`157, no. 2; BE 1894:393; Robert, RPh 1, 1927, 120 (%6 OM II 1075); SEG 4, 221; *IIasos 72. @ @@`76. Honorary decree of (no name) for foreign judges Pindaros Demopho[nto]s et al. of Iasos; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 462%19`464, no. 19 (PH); BE 1971:623; Garlan, BCH 98, 1974, 116%19`118; BE 1974:545; *IIasos 83. @ See also: Iasos 22; IG II&4`2& 3 (honorary decree for [ ... A]rtemonos and (no name) of Iasos; found in Attica); IG XI 4, 529 (%6 IIasos T60.3) (honorary decree of boule and demos of Delos for Diophantos Dionysiou of Iasos; found on Delos); Didyma 6 (%6 IDidyma 483) (honorary decree for Aigyptos of Iasos; found at Didyma); Ephesos 4.5, l. 25 (%6 EA 14, 1989, 10%19`31) (Roman law concerning port%19tax of Asia mentions Iasos; found at Ephesos); Robert, AJA 39, 1935, 337 (unpublished honorary decree (of Euromos) for Kallisthenes Polycharou mentions alliance with Iasos; found at Euromos); Benedum, ZPE 25, 1977, 265%19`270 (%6 SEG 27, 510) (honorary decree of [Samos] (not of [Iasos]) for Philistos Nikarchou of Kos; found on Kos); Mylasa 119 (%6 IMylasa 177) (%6 LW 392) (fragment of decree makes several mentions of Iasos; found at Mylasa); Priene 52 (%6 IIasos 73, ll. 38%19`75) (%6 GIBM 420) (%6 IPriene 53II) (%6 BCH 31, 1907, 383) (honorary decree of Priene for Iasos; found at Priene); Priene 53 (%6 IIasos 74, ll. 35%19`70) (%6 IPriene 54) (%6 BCH 31, 1907, 383) (honorary decree of Priene for Iasos; found at Priene); Samos 76 (%6 BCH 5, 1881, 485, 6) (%6 MDAI(A) 72, 1957, 193, 26) (honorary decree of Samos for [ ... ]s Melainio[nos], possibly of Iasos; found on Samos); Samos 35 (%6 IIasos T50) (%6 Curtius, Urkunden 3) (%6 Syll&4`3& 312) (%6 Heisserer, Alexander 182) (%6 SEG 30, 1076) (honorary decree of Samos for Gorgos and Minneon Theodotou of Iasos; found on Samos). @ ͏@@@@Section: 1d. Other Decrees (77%19`92) @ @@`77. Decree [of boule and demos] for daily pay for those taking part in &3ekklesia&; IV&7e&; found on Tarandos (%6 Salih Adas#1221?), from Iasos: *Haussoullier, BCH 8, 1884, 218%19`222; Hicks, JHS 8, 1887, 103%19`109 and 116%19`118; Michel 466; BE 1906:48; Jost, Iasos 22, 25 (non vidi); Weiser, Kat. d. bith. Mu+nzen 127 (non vidi); *IIasos 20 (* for ll. 5a, 21, ** for ll. 2%19`5, 6, 8%19`9, 12%19`19); **BE 1987:18 (p. 273) (l. 3). @ @@`78. Decree of boule and demos banishing those who had plotted against Maussollos and the city of Iasos and confiscating their property, with list of purchasers and purchases; 367%3`354 BC; found at Narlu+: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 491%19`506; Bechtel, Inschr. ion. Dial. 104 (part); SGDI 5515 (part); Hoffmann, Gr. Dial. III 460 (part) (non vidi); Michel 460 (part); Syll&4`1& 77; Syll&4`2& 96; BE 1909:316; Syll&4`3& 169; *IIasos 1; Laviosa, BA 31%19`32, 1985 Suppl. 47%19`54 (non vidi); SEG 36, 981. @ @@`79. Beginning of decree, dated by [stephanephoros] Gorgos Theodo[tou]; 334%3`330 BC; found on Kos, from Iasos: ICos 21; Pugliese Carratelli, PP 19, 1964, 459%19`460; Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 381; Heisserer, Alexander 179%19`182; SEG 30, 1267; *IIasos 24; BE 1987:18 (p. 273). @ @@`80. Beginning of decree of boule and demos, dated by stephanephoros Hierokles Iasonos; IV&7e&%3III&7b&; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 455%19`456, no. 6 (PH); BE 1971:622; *IIasos 25. @ @@`81. Beginning of decree dated by [st]ephanephoros Ion Iasonos; IV&7e&%3III&7b&; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 457, no. 8 (PH); BE 1971:622; *IIasos 26. @ @@`82. Beginning of decree dated by stephanephoros Minnion Theodotou, perhaps honorary decree for Xenokle[s ... of Z]akyn[thos]; 325%3`300 BC; found at Iasos: Laviosa %9 Mellink, AJA 83, 1979, 38 and Taf. 54,4 (PH); *IIasos 27. @ @@`83. Decree containing treaty among Iasos, Ptolemy (I), and leaders of mercenaries, with oaths; 309%3`304 BC; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 437%19`445, no.'s 1.A and 1.B ll. 1%19`6 (PH); BE 1971:620, pp. 106%19`107; Garlan, ZPE 18, 1975, 193%19`198; SEG 31, 936; BE 1976:651; *IIasos 2; Laviosa, BA 31%19`32, 1985 Suppl. 47%19`54 (non vidi); SEG 36, 981; SEG 37, 862. @ @@`84. Decree of boule and demos (of Iasos) authorizing &3presbyteroi& to collect money; II; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 166%19`168, no. 4; BE 1894:393; Michel 469; SEG 4, 224; *IIasos 23. @ @@`85. Decree authorizing building by Chares; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 372%19`374, no. 2 (PH); BE 1973:417; *IIasos 22. @ @@`86. End of decree, with provision for posting at temple of Hera; no date; found at Iasos?: Dain, ILouvre 61, ll. 1%19`6; *IIasos 28. @ @@`87. Beginning of decree dated by stephan[ephoros ... ] Aphthone[tou]; no date; found at Iasos?: Dain, ILouvre 61, ll. 7%19`15; *IIasos 29. @ @@`88. Fragment of inscription mentioning [ste]phaneph[oros] (no name); no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 471, no. 35 (PH); BE 1971:624; *IIasos 132. @ @@`89. Fragment of decree mentioning [Me]nand[r ... ]; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 472, no. 37 (PH); BE 1971:624; *IIasos 133. @ @@`90. Fragment of decree mentioning [An]axidemos; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 478, no. 49 (PH); BE 1971:627; *IIasos 134. @ @@`91. Fragments of decree, with mention of selection of [&3presbeutai&]; no date; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 598, no. 40 (PH, of part a); BE 1964:467; *IIasos 136. @ @@`92. Fragment of decree mentioning Diogenes; no date; found at Iasos: *IIasos 137. @ See also: Iasos 54. @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ See also: Iasos 83; Miletos 60, ll. 14%19`15 (%6 Syll&4`3& 588) (%6 IMylasa II T86) (%6 Milet I 3, 148) (%6 Chiron 19, 1989, 283) (peace treaty between Miletos and Magnesia (Mai.) may mention [Ias]os; found at Miletos). @ ݏ@@@@Section: 3. Letters (93%19`96) @ @@`93. Letter of Queen Laodike (III) to boule and demos of Iasos; 195%3`190 BC; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 445%19`453, no. 2 (PH); BE 1973:432, 437; Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 400%19`402 (PH, part); BE 1974:544; SEG 26, 1226; BE 1976:652; BE 1977:465; Pomeroy, Mnem. 35, 1982, 120%19`123; *IIasos 4, ll. 1%19`32 (* for ll. 3%19`32); BE 1987:18 (pp. 272%19`273); *Fischer, Fs. Lauffer 237%19`243 (* for ll. 0%19`2); SEG 36, 984. @ @@`94. Letter of [King Eumenes (II) concerning Nikephoria]; 182 BC; found at Iasos: BE 1928:379; Lambrino, RA 1929 I, 107%19`120, ll. 1%19`11 (PH); BE 1930:208; Robert, REG 42, 1929, 432 (%6 OM I 220), note 4; Herzog, Hermes 65, 1930, 455%19`471, ll. 1%19`11; BE 1932:222; Welles 49, p. 198; BE 1936:385; BE 1946:187; BE 1973:77 (p. 70); *IIasos 6, ll. 1%19`11. @ @@`95. Letter of Aristoboulos to boule and demos of Iasos, with oath of Aristoboulos; 304%3`282 BC; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 437%19`445, no. 1B, ll. 7%19`24 (PH); BE 1971:620, pp. 501%19`502; Garlan, ZPE 9, 1972, 223%19`224; BE 1973:435, 437; *IIasos 3, ll. 1%19`18; SEG 37, 862. @ @@`96. Letter of Asklepiodotos to boule and demos of Iasos, with oath of Asklepiodotos; 304%3`282 BC; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 437%19`445, no. 1B, ll. 25%19`34 (PH); BE 1971, 620, p. 502; *IIasos 3, ll. 19%19`28; SEG 37, 862. @ See also: Labraunda 43, ll. 11%19`12 (%6 ILabraunda 45) (%6 IIasos T60.7) (letter [of Olympichos to Chrysaoreis (?)] mentions loan by He[stiaios] Diodorou of Iaso[s] et al.; found at Labraunda); Panamara 22 (%6 IStratonikeia 32) (%6 IIasos T57) (%6 BCH 51, 1927, 77, 19) (%6 SEG 4, 255) (%6 SEG 34, 1073) (letter of priest of Zeus to people of Iaso[s] inviting them to festival of Zeus; found at Panamara near Stratonikeia). @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (97%19`155) @ @@`97. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Kydias Hierokleious; prob. III&7e&%3II&7b&; found at Iasos: LW 254; Brinck 224%19`225, no. 109; *IIasos 162. @ @@`98. List of choregic donations [under &3stephanephoros& (no name), mentioning Poseidoni[os] Dionysiou; II%3I; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 582, no. 12, ll. 1%19`5; BE 1964:459; *IIasos 167. @ @@`99. List of choregic donations under [&3stephanephoro&]&3s& Apollo after [Leontiades Herakleidou]; II%3I; found at Iasos: LW 274; Brinck 235, no. 129; *IIasos 178. @ @@`100. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Apoll[o] for second year after L[eo]ntiades Herakleidou; II%3I; found at Iasos: LW 275; Brinck 235%19`236, no. 130; *IIasos 179. @ @@`101. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Apoll[o] for third year after Leontiades Herakleidou; II%3I; found at Iasos: LW 276; Brinck 236, no. 131; Robert, RPh 1, 1927, 129%19`132 (%6 OM II 1084%19`1087); SEG 4, 224; *IIasos 180. @ @@`102. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Apollo for fourth year after [Leon]tiad[es Herak]leidou; II%3I; found at Iasos: LW 277; Brinck 236, no. 132; *IIasos 181. @ @@`103. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Apollo for second year after Leontiades Herakleidou (for second time?), for construction of theater; II%3I; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 476, no. 44 (PH); BE 1971:626; *IIasos 182. @ @@`104. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Hermias Aristeou, for construction of theater; II%3I; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 476, no. 43 (PH); BE 1971:626; *IIasos 183. @ @@`105. List of choregic donations under &3steph&[&3a&]&3ne&[&3phor&]&3os [Her]m[i]as [Aristeo]u; II%3I; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 475%19`476, no. 42 (PH); BE 1971:626; *IIasos 184. @ @@`106. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros [Her]mo[d]otos Hermiou; II%3I; found at Iasos: LW 291; Brinck 241, no. 145; *IIasos 190. @ @@`107. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Hekataios Chrysaorou; II%3I; found at Iasos: LW 292; Brinck 241%19`242, no. 146; *IIasos 191. @ @@`108. List of choregic donations under &3ste&[&3phan&]&3e&[&3pho&]&3ros Hekataios Antigenou; II%3I; found at Iasos: LW 296; Brinck 243, no. 150; *IIasos 195. @ @@`109. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Theaitetos Thea[itetou] for second time; II%3I; found at Iasos: LW 297; Brinck 243, no. 151; *IIasos 196. @ @@`110. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Apollo after Theaitetos; II%3I; found at Iasos: LW 298; Brinck 243%19`244, no. 152; *IIasos 197. @ @@`111. List of choregic donations under [&3stepha&]&3nephoros& Apollo after Klean[ax Kle]anaktos; II%3I; found at Iasos: LW 283; Brinck 237%19`238, no. 137; *IIasos 198. @ @@`112. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Apollo for second year after Kleanax Kleanaktos; II%3I; found at Iasos: LW 284; Brinck 238, no. 138; *IIasos 199. @ @@`113. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Apollo for fourth year after Kleanax Kleanaktos; II%3I; found at Iasos: LW 285; Brinck 238%19`239, no. 139; *IIasos 200. @ @@`114. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Apollo for sixth year after Kleanax Klean[a]ktos; II%3I; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 582%19`584, no. 12, ll. 6%19`18 (PH); Robert, REA 65, 1963, 309%19`311, 320, note 3 (%6 OM III 1504%19`1506, 1515, note 3); BE 1964:459; *IIasos 201. @ @@`115. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Astiades [Pindarou]; II%3I; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 477, no. 45 (PH); BE 1971:626; *IIasos 202. @ @@`116. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Apollo for ... th year after [As]tiades Pindarou; II%3I; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 584%19`585, no. 13 (PH); BE 1964:459; *IIasos 203. @ @@`117. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Euthiades [M]elan[th]iou and &3agonothetes& Helenos Theodotou; II%3I; found at Iasos: LW 267; Brinck 232%19`233, no. 122; *IIasos 204. @ @@`118. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Euthiades Melanthiou and &3agonothetes& Dr[a]kontides Hermodor[o]u; II%3I; found at Iasos: LW 270; Brinck 234, no. 125; *IIasos 205. @ @@`119. List of choregic donations under &3stepha&[&3n&]&3e&[&3phor&]&3os O[mpha]l[ion E]u[boulidou]; II%3I; found at Iasos: LW 271; Brinck 234, no. 126; *IIasos 207. @ @@`120. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Archelaos Dra[kon]tos; II%3I; found at Iasos: LW 272; Brinck 235, no. 127; *IIasos 208. @ @@`121. Fragment of list of choregic donations mentioning Obrimos; II%3I; found at Iasos: LW 273; Brinck 235, no. 128; *IIasos 209. @ @@`122. List of choregic donations mentioning (no name) Philonos of Selge II%3I; found at Iasos: LW 278; Brinck 236%19`237, no. 133; *IIasos 210. @ @@`123. Beginning of list of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Apollo after Iason; II%3I; found at Iasos: LW 279; Brinck 237, no. 134; *IIasos 211. @ @@`124. Fragment of list of choregic donations mentioning payment by Hermias; II%3I; found at Iasos: LW 280; Brinck 237, no. 135; *IIasos 212. @ @@`125. Fragment of list of choregic donations mentioning [Ap]ol[lo]do[tos?]; II%3I; found at Iasos: LW 282; Brinck 237, no. 136; *IIasos 213. @ @@`126. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Obrimos [Lyk]ido[u]; II%3I; found at Iasos: LW 299; Brinck 244, no. 153; *IIasos 214. @ @@`127. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Drakon Herodou; II%3I; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 582%19`584, no. 12, ll. 19%19`29 (PH); BE 1964:459; *IIasos 215. @ @@`128. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Paionios Apolloniou; II%3I; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 477, no. 46 (PH); BE 1971:626; *IIasos 216. @ @@`129. Fragment of list of choregic donations mentioning [Kal]likrates; II%3I; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 478, no. 48 (PH); BE 1971:626; *IIasos 218. @ @@`130. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Antigonos Antigonou; II; found at Iasos: LW 293; Brinck 242, no. 147; *IIasos 192. @ @@`131. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Apollo after Antigonos Antigonou; II; found at Iasos: LW 294; Brinck 242 no. 148; *IIasos 193. @ @@`132. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Apollo for second year after Antigonos Antigonou; II; found at Iasos: LW 295; Brinck 242%19`243, no. 149; *IIasos 194. @ @@`133. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Apollo after Nemertes; II&4`1&; found at Iasos: LW 252; Brinck 223 no. 107; Michel 908; SEG 4, 225; BE 1965:371; *IIasos 160. @ @@`134. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Kydi[as] Menexenou; II&4`1&; found at Iasos: LW 286; Brinck 239, no. 140; *IIasos 185. @ @@`135. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Apollo after Kydias Menexenou; II&4`1&; found at Iasos: LW 287; Brinck 239%19`240 no. 141; Michel 912; *IIasos 186. @ @@`136. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Apollo for second year after Kydias Mene[xe]n[ou]; II&4`1&; found at Iasos: LW 288; Brinck 240, no. 142; *IIasos 187. @ @@`137. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Apollo for third year after Kydias Menexenou; II&4`1&; found at Iasos: LW 289; Brinck 240, no. 143; *IIasos 188. @ @@`138. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Apol[lo] for fourth year after K[ydias] Me[n]exenou; II&4`1&; found at Iasos: LW 290; Brinck 241, no. 144; *IIasos 189. @ @@`139. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Pantainos Hierokleious; prob. 196%3`193 BC; found at Iasos: LW 253; Brinck 223%19`224 no. 108; *IIasos 161. @ @@`140. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Apollo for second year after Menippos; prob. 190%3`180 BC; found at Iasos: LW 255; Hicks, JHS 8, 1887, 98%19`99 (part); Brinck 225%19`226 no. 110; Michel 909; *IIasos 163. @ @@`141. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Apollo for third year after Menippos; prob. 189%3`179 BC; found at Iasos: LW 256; Brinck 226%19`227 no. 111; *IIasos 164. @ @@`142. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Apollo for fourth year after Menippos; prob. 188%3`178 BC; found at Iasos: LW 257; Brinck 227%19`228 no. 112; Michel 910; *IIasos 165. @ @@`143. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Apollo for fifth year after Menippos; prob. 187%3`177 BC; found at Iasos: LW 258; Brinck 228 no. 113; *IIasos 166. @ @@`144. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Sopatros Epikratou; 175%3`150 BC; found at Iasos: LW 268; Brinck 233, no. 123; *IIasos 206. @ @@`145. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Apollo for second year after Kleanax Theokleous; prob. 175%3`150 BC; found at Iasos: LW 259; Brinck 229 no. 114; *IIasos 170. @ @@`146. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Apollo for third year after Kleanax Theokleious; 174%3`149 BC; found at Iasos: LW 260; Brinck 229 no. 115; *IIasos 171. @ @@`147. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Apollo for fourth year after Kleanax Theokleious; 173%3`148 BC; found at Iasos: LW 261; Brinck 229%19`230 no. 116; *IIasos 172. @ @@`148. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Apollo for fifth year after Kleanax Theokleious; 172%3`147 BC; found at Iasos: LW 262; Brinck 230 no. 117; Michel 911; *IIasos 173. @ @@`149. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Apollo for sixth year after Kleanax Theokleious; 171%3`146 BC; found at Iasos: LW 263; Brinck 231 no. 118; *IIasos 174. @ @@`150. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Apollo for seventh year after Kleanax Theokleious; 170%3`145 BC; found at Iasos: LW 264; Brinck 231%19`232 no. 119; *IIasos 175. @ @@`151. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Apollo for eighth year after Kleanax Theokleious; 169%3`144 BC; found at Iasos: LW 265; Brinck 232 no. 120; *IIasos 176. @ @@`152. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Apollo for ninth year after Kleanax Theokleious; 168%3`143 BC; found at Iasos: LW 266; Brinck 232 no. 121; *IIasos 177. @ @@`153. List of choregic donations under &3stephanephoros& Menes Tyrtaiou; II&7m&; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 477, no. 47 (PH); BE 1971:626; *IIasos 217. @ @@`154. List of donations by individuals for [&3sitonia&], starting with [Me]nestheus Kleant[os]; II&7m&; found at Iasos: Haussoullier, BCH 8, 1884, 455%19`456, no. 2; Hicks, JHS 8, 1887, 100%19`101; Wilhelm, Me/l. Glotz II 899%19`908; BE 1934:245; *IIasos 244. @ @@`155. List of contributors to &3oikodomia& for Meter Phryge[ie]; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 470, no. 33 (PH); BE 1971:624; Robert, BCH 106, 1982, 361 (non vidi); *IIasos 229. @ See also: IG I&4`3& 71, 259%19`290 (frequent mention of Iasos in Athenian Tribute Lists; found in Attica); IG I&4`3& 476 ll. 370, 403 (accounts of prytany twice make mention of Iasos; found in Attica); Didyma 32, 36, 39, 44, 45, 46, 66, 78 (%6 IDidyma 449, 444, 427, 431, 432, 433, 464, 475) (inventories of donations include some by Iasos; found at Didyma). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (156) @ @@`156. Fragment of oath; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 393, no. 15 (PH); *IIasos 240. @ See also: Iasos 83, 95%19`96. @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (157%19`176) @ @@`157. Dedication of &3kion& to Artemis Astias by Metrophantos Apollonidou, on column; IV; found near Karakuyu: Haussoullier, RPh 20, 1896, 96, no. 2; Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 225, no. 19; BE 1897:93; Robert, REA 65, 1963, 316%19`317 (%6 OM III 1511%19`1512); *IIasos 259. @ @@`158. Building inscription by Potens, in charge of building, on architrave; Roman; found at Iasos: Be/rard, BCH 15, 1891, 545, no. 9; BE 1892:364; Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 23, no. 16; *IIasos 253. @ @@`159. Dedicatory%3building inscription to Homonoia and the Demos, by &3epimeletai& of &3bouleuterion& and &3archeion&; II; found at Iasos: GIBM 443; Michel 1203; *IIasos 252; Cook, Greek Inscriptions 22 (PH). @ @@`160. Building%3dedicatory inscription of &3analemma, kerkis,& and &3bema& (of theater) to Dionysos and demos by Sopatros Epikratou; 175%3`150 BC; found at Iasos: CIG 2681; Texier, As. Min. III 138; LW 269; Brinck 233%19`234 no. 124; Levi, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 543 and Abb. 60 (PH, part); BE 1964:471; de Bernardi Ferrero, Teatri IV 229 no. 24; *IIasos 249. @ @@`161. Building%3dedicatory inscription of &3stoa& to &3neoi& and &3presbyteroi& by Sopatro[s Epik]ratou, on architrave fragments; II&7m&; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 187, no. 32; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 250. @ @@`162. Dedication to emperor (no name) on architrave fragments; imperial; found at Iasos: Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 155, no. 4; *IIasos 17. @ @@`163. Building (?) inscription in Latin by [ ... ] Leonis dated by consuls; AD 26; found at Iasos: Haussoullier, BCH 8, 1884, 457, no. 6; CIL III Suppl. 1 7153; CIL III Suppl. 2 12258; de Laet, Portorium 279, note 5; BE 1950:36; *IIasos 415. @ @@`163.5. Dedication to emperor (prob. Hadrian) of scaenae frons in bouleuterion, on fragment of lower order of scaenae frons; prob. AD 117%3`138; found at Iasos: Parapetti, BA 31%19`32, 1985 Suppl. 122 (PH) (non vidi); *SEG 36, 986. @ @@`164. Dedication to [Artemis Astias, Had]rian, and &3patris& of Iasos by [Di]o%1nysios Theophilou, on architrave fragments of Eastern Stoa of Roman agora; AD 135%3`136; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 483, no. 59 (PH) (part); BE 1971:629; Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 394%19`396, no. 18 (PH); BE 1973:428; AnnEpig 1979, 607; IIasos 8; Pugliese Carratelli, BA 31%19`32, 1985 Suppl. 151%19`154 (PH) (non vidi); *SEG 36, 987.A. @ @@`165. Building%3dedicatory inscription of two &3exedrai& and &3orophos of &3stoa& to Artemis Astias and Commodus; AD 180%3`192; found at Iasos: CIG 2683; Texier, As. Min. III 139; LW 300; Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 469%19`470, no. 32 (PH); BE 1971:624; *IIasos 251. @ @@`166. Dedication to [ ... ]os Germanicus Max[imus], on architrave; AD 235%3c. 375; found at Iasos: LW 302; *IIasos 16. @ @@`167. Dedication to Artemis Astias, Antoninus Pius, and &3patris Iasos by Hiero[kles] Argaios, on architrave fragments of Eastern Stoa of Roman agora; AD 138; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 396, no. 18&3bis& (PH) (part); BE 1973:428 (part); IIasos 254 (part); Pugliese Carratelli, BA 31%19`32, 1985 Suppl. 151%19`154 (PH) (non vidi); *SEG 36, 987.B. @ @@`168. First dedication to &3neoi& and &3demos& by Diodoros Thargeliou, on column; no date; found at Karakuyu: GIBM 924.a; *IIasos 255. @ @@`169. Second dedication to &3neoi& and &3demos& by Diodoros Thargeliou, on column; no date; found at Karakuyu: GIBM 925.a; *IIasos 255. @ @@`170. Building inscription on &3stoa& and &3kiones,& on column; no date; found at Karakuyu: GIBM 926; *IIasos 256. @ @@`171. Building%3dedicatory inscription of &3kion& to Artemis Astias, by Nikokrateia Dieuchous, on column; no date; found at Gu+llu+k, presumably from Iasos: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 108, no. 62; *IIasos 257. @ @@`172. Building%3dedicatory inscription of &3kion& to Artemis Astias, by Simon Polemarchou, on column; no date; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 587%19`588, no. 17 (PH); Robert, REA 65, 1963, 316%19`317 (%6 OM III 1511%19`1512); BE 1964:463; *IIasos 258. @ @@`173. Building (?) inscription on column%19base, mentioning [M(arcus) Aurelius] Samos of Bargy[lia]; no date; found at Iasos: CIG 2680; Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 155, no. 3; *IIasos 260. @ @@`174. Dedication to demos and [ ... ] on architrave; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 187, no. 32(6); BE 1894:393; *IIasos 424. @ @@`175. Fragment of dedication on architrave fragments; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 187, no. 32(5) and (10); BE 1894:393; *IIasos 425. @ @@`176. Dedication to d[emos] on architrave fragment; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 187, no. 32(11); BE 1894:393; *IIasos 426. @ See also: Iasos 85, 103%19`104, 155, 257, 404%19`405, 638. @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (177%19`200) @ @@@@Section: 8a. Lists of Ephebes (177%19`191) @ @@`177. List of ephebes under gymnasiarchs Hierokles Hierokleous and Sosipatros Hierokleous, including Marcus Vedius Paulinus, on column; Roman; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 193%19`194, no. 41; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 277. @ @@`178. List of ephebes, including [Marcus Annius] Pollio, on column; Roman; found at Iasos: GIBM 924.c; BE 1897:94; *IIasos 280. @ @@`179. List of ephebes, including Dokimos Ptolemaiou, on column; Roman; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 197, no. 43; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 281. @ @@`180. List of ephebes, under gymnasiarch S[ido]n Sidonos, including Lucius Munatius Diogenes, on column; I?; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 194%19`196, no. 42A; BE 1894:393; BE 1897:93; *IIasos 278. @ @@`181. List of ephebes, including [Marcu]s Mussius Apollonios, on column; I?; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 194%19`197, no. 42B; BE 1894:393; BE 1897:93; *IIasos 279. @ @@`182. List of ephebes, under gymnasiarch Aristeas Aristeou, on column; 87BC?; found at Karakuyu: GIBM 924.b, ll. 1%19`25; *IIasos 269. @ @@`183. List of ephebes, under gymnasiarch Qui[n]tus Lechaios M[el]iton, on column; 78BC?; found at Karakuyu: GIBM 925.c; *IIasos 270. @ @@`184. First list of ephebes, under gymnasiarch Gaius Pompeius Piso, including Protas Protou, on column; 47 BC?; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 190%19`191, no. 38; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 271. @ @@`185. Second list of ephebes, under gymnasiarch Gaius Pompeius Piso, including Aristeas Perikleous, on column; 47 BC?; found at Iasos: Kontoleon, BCH 11, 1887, 217, no. 10 (part); Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 190%19`191, no. 38&3bis&; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 272. @ @@`186. Third list of ephebes, under gymnasiarch Gaius [Pompeius Piso], including [Hekaton Phil]agrou, on column; 47 BC?; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 191%19`192, no. 38&3ter&; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 273. @ @@`187. List of ephebes, under gymnasiarch [ ... ]am[ ... ]aitou, including Ari[steas] Theaitetou, on column; 27 BC; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 192%19`193, no. 39; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 274. @ @@`188. List of ephebes, under gymnasiarch Hermes after Asklepiades Heronos, including Logos Euelpistou, on column; AD 2?; found at Didyma, must be from Iasos: Rehm, IDidyma 580; *IIasos 275. @ @@`189. List of ephebes, under gymnasiarch Phoibos Ammoniou, including Diomedes Theogenous, on column; AD 5?; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 193, no. 40; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 276. @ @@`190. List of ephebes, under [gymnasiar]ch Satyros [Br]yaxidos, including [Bry]axis Satyrou; no date; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 590%19`591, no. 20 (PH); BE 1964:464; *IIasos 283. @ @@`191. List of ephebes, including Dionysios Dionysiou, on column; no date; found at Iasos: Robert, REJ 101, 1937, 85%19`86 (non vidi); BE 1938:415; Robert, Hellenica 3, 100%19`101 (part); *IIasos 284. @ See also: Mylasa 193.5 (%6 IMylasa 910) (list of ephebes; found at Avs%25ar near Hydai in terr. of Mylasa, perhaps from Iasos). @ @@@@Section: 8b. Other Lists of Names (192%19`197) @ @@`192. List of names, including Publius [ ... ], in accusative; Roman; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 589, no. 19 (PH); Robert, REA 65, 1963, 317%19`318 (%6 OM III 1512%19`1513); BE 1964:464; *IIasos 282. @ @@`193. List of magistrates under (&3stephanephoros&) Apollonios Apolloniou; II&4`1&; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 579, no. 7 (PH); BE 1964:457; *IIasos 264. @ @@`194. List of &3gymnasiarchoi,& starting with &3stephanephoros Hegemon Hegemonos; imperial; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 189, no. 37; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 265. @ @@`195. Fragment of list of names, including [Phili]stion B[ ... ]; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 393%19`394, no. 16 (PH); BE 1973:427; *IIasos 266. @ @@`196. List of names, including Hermias Art[em ... ]; no date; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 579, no. 8 (PH); BE 1964:457; *IIasos 267. @ @@`197. List of names, including [A]pollonides O[ ... ]; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 394, no. 17 (PH); BE 1973:427; *IIasos 268. @ See also: Iasos 78, 275, 412; IG II&4`2& 1956, ll. 145%19`146 (list of mercenaries includes Samiades of Iasos; found in Attica); SEG 21, 630 (list of victors includes [ ... ... ]n%1os of Iasos; found in Attica); Plassart, BCH 45, 1921, 6, IC(a) l. 4 (list of &3theorodokoi& mentions Mor[ ... ] at Iasos; found at Delphi); Amyzon 51 (%6 Robert, Amyzon no. 33) (%6 JHS 16, 1896, 225, 18) (%6 JHS 16, 1896, 233, 35B) (%6 old Didyma 700.5) (fragment of list of citizens, including Iason N[iko]machou; found at Amyzon, not at Karakuyu near Didyma, therefore not from Iasos); SEG 34, 362, l. 7 (list of victors includes &3keryx& Ploutiad[es] Ploutiadou of [I]aso[s]; found at Oropos); IG XII 8, 171, ll. 70%19`71 (%6 IIasos T60.4) (Billaros Hermiou and Antileon Menekratou of Iasos listed among &3theoroi&; found on Samothrake); Lagina 13, l. 17 (%6 IStratonikeia 508) (%6 BCH 14, 1890, 363) (%6 OGIS 441) (Iasos listed among cities accepting &3aylia& of temple of Hekate at Lagina; found at Lagina near Stratonikeia). @ Ə@@@@Section: 8c. Other Inscriptions (198%19`200) @ @@`198. Regulations of foundation of Phainippos for gymnasium of &3pre&[&3sbyteroi&]; Hellenistic%3imperial; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 170%19`175, no. 7; BE 1894:393; Ziebarth, Zeitschr. f. vergl. Rechtswiss. 16, 1903, 278, no. 39 (non vidi); Laum, Stiftungen II 120; Jost, Iasos 33 (non vidi); Sokolowski, LSAM 60.A; SEG 15, 640; *IIasos 245. @ @@`199. Regulations of foundation of Hierokles Ktesi[ppou for gymnasium of &3presbyteroi&]; imperial; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 172%19`175, no. 7&3bis&; BE 1894:393; Sokolowski, LSAM 60.B; SEG 15, 640; BE 1958:5; *IIasos 246. @ @@`200. Fragment of document of foundation of Aulus Mussius Aper for gymnasium; imperial; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 188, no. 36; BE 1894:393; Robert, Epigraphik d. klass. Welt Taf. 8 (PH) (non vidi); Robert, RPh 3, 1929, 142%19`143 (%6 OM II 1108%19`1109); SEG 4, 222; *IIasos 247. @ See also: Iasos 21; Labraunda 173, l. 4 (%6 ILabraunda 173) (%6 IIasos T60.7) (document concerning finances mentions He[s]tiaios [Diod]orou of Iasos et al.; found at Labraunda); Miletos 118 (%6 Milet I 3, 81) (record of grant of citizenship of Miletos to individuals from several cities, including (no name) of [Ias]os (?) and wife Moiro; found at Miletos); Miletos 139 (%6 IIasos T60.8) (%6 Milet I 3, 41) (record of grant of citizenship of Miletos to individuals from several cities, including Hermophantos and wife Basilis of Iasos; found at Miletos); Mylasa 157.7, ll. 12%19`13 (%6 EA 16, 1991, 30%19`32) (%6 IMylasa 11) (treaty between Mylasa and Kindya concerning sale of land has list of witnesses, including Krates [ ... ], [Ou]liades Paneo, and &3keryx Thasios; found at Sek near Mylasa). @ ɏ@@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (201%19`218) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Royal Dedications (201%19`202) @ @@`201. Inscription of altar of victory of Augustus Caesar; 28 BC; AD 14; found at Iasos: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 107, no. 60; *IIasos 239. @ @@`202. Dedication to Germanicus Iulius Caesar; c. AD 18; found at Iasos: Be/rard, BCH 15, 1891, 545, no. 10; BE 1892:364; *IIasos 7. @ See also: Iasos 162, 164%19`166, 254%19`255. @ ˏ@@@@Section: 9b. Other Dedications (203%19`218) @ @@`203. Dedication to [A]noubis, Isi[s Pel]agia, and Isis Bou[bastis], by Gaius Caninius [Syna]llasson, on altar; imperial; found at Iasos: BE 1954:52 (p.110); Robert, REG 70, 1957, 368%19`371 (%6 OM III 1485%19`1488); BE 1959:395; SEG 18, 449; Vidman, Sylloge 274; *IIasos 241. @ @@`204. Dedication to Aphrodite &3epakouousa& and &3epekoos,& on altar; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 396%19`397, no. 19 (PH); BE 1973:429; *IIasos 221. @ @@`205. Dedication to [A]phro[dite S]tra[te]a, on marble block; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 468%19`469, no. 30 (PH); BE 1971:624; *IIasos 222. @ @@`206. Dedication to Aphrodeite Stratea on marble block; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 469, no. 31 (PH); BE 1971:624; *IIasos 223. @ @@`207. Dedication to Apollo by &3stephanephoros& Phormion Exegestou, on statue%19base; II; found at Iasos: *IIasos 224. @ @@`208. Dedication to Apollo Stephanephoros of statue by Phormion Exegestou, with artist's signature by Herakleitos Thoantos of Iasos, on statue%19base; II; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, Є186, no. 30; BE 1894:393; Michel 1202; *IIasos 225. @ @@`209. Dedication to Asklepios for &3soteria&; imperial; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 473, no. 39 (PH); BE 1971:624; *IIasos 226. @ @@`210. Dedication to Asklepios Apobaterios by Menes Tyrtaiou of Iasos, on altar; II&7m&; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 587, no. 16 (PH); Robert, REA 65, 1963, 314%19`316 (%6 OM III 1509%19`1511); BE 1964:462; *IIasos 227. @ @@`211. Dedication to &3demos& by Demokles Diokleious of statue of Dikaiosyne, on statue%19base; no date; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 586%19`587, no. 15 (PH); Robert, REA 65, 1963, 312%19`313 (%6 OM III 1507%19`1508); BE 1964:461; *IIasos 228. @ @@`212. Dedication to S[arapis, Isis, and An]oubis by &3neokoros Menekrates Menekratou of Alexan[d]ria, at end of fragmentary sacred law (?); imperial; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 585%19`586, no. 14 (PH); Robert, REA 65, 1963, 311%19`312 (%6 OM III 1506%19`1507); BE 1964:460; Vidman, Sylloge 274a; *IIasos 242. @ @@`213. Dedication to &3theoi& of statue of Pan by Omphalion Demetriou, on statue%19base; no date; found at Iasos: Be/rard, BCH 15, 1891, 546%19`547, no. 12; BE 1892:364; Robert, RPh 1, 1927, 119 (%6 OM II 1074); *IIasos 230. @ @@`214. Dedication to &3theoi patroioi&; imperial; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 582, no. 11 (PH); Robert, REA 65, 1963, 309 (%6 OM III 1504); BE 1964:458; *IIasos 231. @ @@`215. Dedication to &3theoi soteres& and &3demos& by &3phyle& of Epikreidai; no date; found at Iasos: Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 34, no. 61; *IIasos 238. @ @@`216. Inscription of altar (?) (or horos?) of Zeus; no date; found at Iasos: Haussoullier, BCH 8, 1884, 456, no. 3; *IIasos 232. @ @@`217. Dedication to [Zeus] Hypsis[tos]; no date; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 588, no. 18 (PH); *IIasos 237. @ @@`218. Dedication to Zeus Olympios by athlete Titus Flavius Metrobios, victor at Iasos and Rome; AD 89; found at Iasos: CIG 2682; LW 301; Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 34, no. 13; Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 22, no. 15; Moretti 66.b; SEG 14, 730; *IIasos 107. @ See also: Iasos 157, 159%19`161, 167%19`169, 171%19`172, 174%19`176, 245, 276; Didyma 172.5 (%6 REG 6, 1893, 186%19`187, no. 31) (%6 RPh 20, 1896, 98) (dedication to Apollo Didymeus on altar; now in Istanbul among inscriptions of Iasos, but prob. from Didyma); Stratonikeia 42.5, ll. 12%19`13 (%6 IStratonikeia 1317) (%6 EA 12, 1988, 90, 17) (dedication to Nemesis by &3strategoi,& including Kallikrates Chrysip[2p]2ou Ia(seus?); found at Stratonikeia). @ @@@@Section: 9c. Other Religious Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Iasos 1%19`2, 250%19`253, 405%19`406, 408. @ ۏ@@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (219%19`249) @ @@@@Section: 10a. Royal Honorary Inscriptions (219%19`225) @ @@`219. Honorary inscription for Antoninus Pius by Hierokles Polykratous, with family, on marble block; AD 138%3`161; found near Gu+llu+k, presumably from Iasos: Kontoleon, BCH 11, 1887, 218, no. 11; *IIasos 9. @ @@`220. Honorary inscription for Julia (Domna) by &3polis& on marble block; c. AD 215?; found near Gu+llu+k, presumably from Iasos: Kontoleon, BCH 11, 1887, 216, no. 8; Jost, Iasos 20 (non vidi); *IIasos 10. @ @@`221. Reclassified as Mylasa 246.6. @ @@`222. Reclassified as Mylasa 246.3. @ @@`223. Honorary inscription for Valerian (II), son of Gallienus, by &3polis& of Iasos, on base; AD 253%3`256; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 467, no. 27 (PH); BE 1971:623; AnnEpig 1974, 624; AnnEpig 1979, 608; *IIasos 13. @ @@`224. Honorary inscription for emperor [Maximian?], on base; AD 286%3`305?; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 175, no. 8; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 15. @ @@`225. Honorary inscription for Emperor Julian by boule and demos of Iasos, on base; AD 361%3`363; found at Iasos: Mous. V 1884%19`1885, 61, no. 450; Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 13, 1889, 35%19`36, no. 2; BE 1889:202; OGIS 520; ILS &3ad& 751; Bidez, Julian der Abtru+nnige 239 and note 12 (non vidi); Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 580, no. 8&3bis& (PH); BE 1964:457; *IIasos 14; **SEG 37, 863 (ll. 10%19`12). @ See also: Iasos 3%19`6; Mylasa 246.3 (%6 IMylasa 928) (%6 IIasos 12) (%6 BCH 18, 1888, 458) (%6 former Iasos 222) (honorary inscription for (Septimius) Severus; found near Passala, in terr. of Mylasa, not of Iasos); Mylasa 246.6 (%6 IMylasa 927) (%6 IIasos 11) (%6 BCH 18, 1888, 458) (%6 former Iasos 221) (honorary inscription for Caracalla; found near Passala, in terr. of Mylasa, not of Iasos). @ @@@@Section: 10b. Other Honorary Inscriptions (226%19`249) @ @@`226. Honorary inscription for Alexandros Alexandrou by boule and demos, on statue%19base; I?; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 175%19`176, no. 9; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 84. @ @@`227. Honorary inscription for Alexandros Aineou, &3hiereus,& by boule and demos; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 390%19`391, no. 13 (PH); BE 1973:426; *IIasos 85. @ @@`228. Honorary inscription for [App]ius Sabinus, &3consularis,& by [&3polis& of Ias]os, on statue%19base; c. AD 250%3`255; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 467, no. 28 (PH); BE 1971:623; AnnEpig 1974, 627; Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 389, no. 11 (PH); BE 1973:426; AnnEpig 1979, 609; *IIasos 86. @ @@`229. Honorary inscription for Aristeas Theaitetou &3stephanephoros& by boule, demos, and &3gerousia,& on statue%19base; Roman; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 176%19`177, no. 10; BE 1894:393; Laum, Stiftungen II 121; *IIasos 87. @ @@`230. Honorary inscription for Artemidoros Quintus by Diokles Deokleos and Eirena[i]os Epikourou, on statue%19base; Roman; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 187%19`188, no. 33; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 104. @ @@`231. Honorary inscription for Bryon Apella, &3paidonomos,& on column; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 180, no. 17; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 101. @ @@`232. Honorary (?) inscription for Diogenes, on herm; no date; found at Iasos: LW 303; *IIasos 243. @ @@`233. Honorary inscription for Dionysios Melanthou, &3hiereus& of Agrippa Postumus, on statue%19base; AD 4%3`7; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 391%19`392, no. 14 (PH); BE 1973:427; AnnEpig 1974, 628; AnnEpig 1979, 606; *IIasos 90. @ @@`234. Honorary inscription for Dokimos Demokritou, &3paidonomos, on column; AD 16?; found at Iasos: BE 1961:671; *IIasos 100. @ @@`235. Honorary%3funerary (?) inscription for Eupom[pos] Eupompou by &3patris,& on base; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 388%19`389, no. 10 (PH); *IIasos 91. @ @@`236. Honorary inscription for Her[ma]iskos Hermais[kou], &3paidonomos,& on column; AD 4?; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 180, no. 18; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 102. @ @@`237. Honorary inscription for Hierokles Hierokleous, &3archiereus of Augusti, by boule and demos, on statue%19base; 1; found at Iasos: Hicks, JHS 9, 1888, 338%19`340, no. 1; BE 1889:202; *IIasos 92. @ @@`238. Honorary inscription for [C]laudia Artemeisia, &3hiereia& of Artemis Astias, by demos, on statue%19base; Roman; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 390%19`391, no. 12 (PH); BE 1973:426; *IIasos 88. @ @@`239. Honorary inscription for Gaius Cornelius Hekataios, &3iatros,& by demos, on statue%19base; Roman; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 180%19`181, no. 19; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 89. @ @@`240. Honorary inscription for Aulus Mussius Aper, rhetor and poet, by demos, on statue%19base; imperial; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 181, no. 20; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 94. @ @@`241. Honorary inscription for Aulus Mussius Aper by Marcus Mussius Leon and Marcus Mussius Helix, on statue%19base; imperial; found near Gu+llu+k, presumably from Iasos: Kontoleon, BCH 11, 1887, 215%19`216, no. 7; Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 181, no. 21; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 105. @ @@`242. Honorary inscription for Marcus Mussius Helix, &3paidonomos&; AD 14?; found near Gu+llu+k, presumably from Iasos: Kontoleon, BCH 11, 1887, 215, no. 6; Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 179%19`180, no. 16; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 103. @ @@`243. Honorary inscription for O[3m]3bri[2m]2os Asteiadou, by demos, on statue%19base; no date; found at Iasos: Be/rard, BCH 15, 1891, 547, no. 14; BE 1892:364; Robert, REA 65, 1963, 310 (%6 OM III 1505), note 1; *IIasos 95. @ @@`244. Honorary inscription for Phanias Dama, &3ephebarchos& and victorious as &3kitharodos& at Ephesos and elsewhere, by boule, demos, and &3gerousia,& on statue%19base; 1&7m&; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 182%19`183, no. 25; BE 1894:393; Robert, Epigraphik d. klass. Welt, Taf. 2 (non vidi); *IIasos 110. @ @@`245. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for athlete Titus Flavius Metrobios to Herakles Pr[2o]2ph[2y]2lax; c. AD 90; found at Iasos: Paton, CR 3, 1889, 333; BE 1889:426; Moretti 66.a; SEG 14, 730; *IIasos 108. @ @@`246. Unpublished inscription for Titus Flavius Metrobios; c. AD 90; found at Iasos: Robert, REG 70, 1957, 366 (%6 OM II 1483), note 1; BE 1959:395; IIasos 109. @ @@`247. Honorary inscription for [Quint]us Samiario[s] Cheilon, victor at Pyth[ia] and elsewhere, by [demos]; 2?; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 183%19`184, no. 26; BE 1894:393; Robert, Et. epig. 27%19`29 BE 1939:371; Pleket, Epigraphica II no. 37; *IIasos 111. @ @@`248. Honorary inscription for Quintus Servaeus Alexander by boule and demos, on statue%19base; Roman; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 181, no. 22; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 96. @ @@`249. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription by &3patri&[&3s&] for (no name); imperial; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 468, no. 29 (PH); BE 1971:623; *IIasos 106. @ See also: Iasos 7%19`71, 73%19`76, 268, 274, 276, 282, 284, 287%19`288, 292, 296, 298, 307%19`308, 310%19`311, 410%19`411, 413, 426; IIasos T58 (%6 Syll&4`3& 1065) (honorary inscription for (no name), athlete victorious at Heraklea of Iasos and elsewhere; found on Kos); IIasos T60.5 (%6 AD 25, 1970, Chron. 524) (honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Dorion by Krokos of Ia[2s]2os, to &3theoi&; found on Rhodes); Lindos II no. 361, l. 8 (%6 IIasos T60.6) (honorary inscription for (no name) by Deios of Iasos et al.; found at Lindos on Rhodes); Samos 329 (%6 IIasos T56) (%6 Bull. e/c. franc%25. 11, 1871, 230, 7) (honorary%3dedicatory inscription for trierarch Dionysios of ship sent by Samos to aid Iasos in accordance with alliance, recording that he was honored by Iasos; found on Samos). @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (250%19`255) @ @@@@Section: 11a. Horoi (250%19`253) @ @@`250. Horos of Zeus Hypsistos; no date; found at Iasos: Haussoullier, BCH 8, 1884, 456, no. 4; *IIasos 235. @ @@`251. Horos of Zeus Hypsistos; no date; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 581, no. 10 (PH); Robert, REA 65, 1963, 309 (%6 0M III 1504); BE 1964:458; *IIasos 236. @ @@`252. Horos of temenos of Zeus Megistos; IV; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 580, no. 9 (PH); Robert, REA 65, 1963, 309 (%6 OM III 1504); BE 1964:458; *IIasos 233; Laviosa, BA 31%19`32, 1985 Suppl. 47%19`54 (PH) (non vidi); SEG 36, 981. @ @@`253. Horos of t[e]menos of Zeus Megistos; no date; found near Iasos: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 108, no. 61; BE 1891:334; Hoffmann, Gr. Dial. III no. 133 (non vidi); SGDI 5518; Robert, REA 65, 1963, 309 (%6 OM III 1504); *IIasos 234; Laviosa, BA 31%19`32, 1985 Suppl. 47%19`54 (non vidi); SEG 36, 981. @ See also: Iasos 216. @ @@@@Section: 11b. Milestones (254%19`255) @ @@`254. Milestone for first mile from Iasos, dedicated to emperor (Decius?), on column; c. AD 249%3`251; found near Iasos: Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 615, &3ad& no. 14; Prosop. Imp. Rom.&4`2& C 1160%19`1162; *IIasos 18; Frei%19Korsunksi, EA 8, 1986, 94%19`95 (non vidi); **SEG 36, 985 (l. 4). @ @@`255. Milestone for [first mile?] from Iasos, dedicated to [Dio]cletian, Maximian, Constantius (I), and Gal[erius], on column; AD 293%3`305; found near Iasos: Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 614%19`615, no. 14; BE 1891:334; *IIasos 19. @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (256%19`258) @ @@`256. Topos inscription of Diogenes; late Roman; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 397, no. 20 (PH); BE 1973:429; *IIasos 261. @ @@`257. Topos inscription marking six &3bathra& of (?) A[ ... ], in theater; no date; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 632, no. 1 (PH); Robert, REA 65, 1963, 327%19`329 (%6 OM III 1522%19`1524); BE 1964:470; Pugliese Carratelli, PP 19, 1964, 463; *IIasos 262. @ @@`258. Topos inscription of (?) Epik[ ... ], on column; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 202, no. 60f; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 263. @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (259%19`260) @ @@`259. Funerary inscription (partly in hexameters) for Claudia Polla by Dosas; 2%3`3; found on Leros, from Iasos: Buerchner, MDAI(A) 21, 1896, 36%19`38; Peek, GVI I 2032, ll. 3%19`7; *IIasos 380. @ @@`260. Funerary inscription (partly in hexameters) for Gaius; 2%3`3; found on Leros, from Iasos: Buerchner, MDAI(A) 21, 1896, 37; Peek, GVI I 2032, ll. 1%19`2; IIsolMil 17; *IIasos 386. @ See also: IIasos T51 (%6 IG IV&4`2& 1, 616) (honorary inscription in elegiacs for Gorgos of Iasos, by [&3polis&] of Epidauro[s]; found at Epidauros); IIasos T52 (%6 IG IV&4`2& 1, 617) (honorary inscription in elegiacs for Gorgos; found at Epidauros); Teichioussa 7 (%6 GVI I 1144) (%6 BCH 18, 1894, 20, 10) (funerary epigram (?) for member of family of Poseidonios; found at #1222skele near Teichioussa, not in territory of Iasos). @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (261%19`317) @ @@@@Section: 16a. Funerary Inscriptions_Name Complete (261%19`317) @ @@`261. Funerary inscription for Agathino[s] Iasonos of Apamea; II%3I; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 592%19`593, no. 23 (PH); Robert, 65, 1963, 318 (%6 OM III 1513); BE 1964:466; *IIasos 370. @ @@`262. Funerary inscription for Amenpos Myrinou; no date; found at Iasos: CIG 2687; Texier, As. Min. III 142 and Taf. 146, Fig II; LW 312; *IIasos 371. @ @@`263. Funerary inscription for Ammia; no date; found on Leros, from Iasos?: Buerchner, MDAI(A) 21, 1896, 36; *IIasos 372. @ @@`264. Funerary inscription for Apollodoros Demetriou and wife Hekataia Dionysodorou; no date; found at Iasos: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 13, 1889, 36, no. 3; *IIasos 373. @ @@`265. Funerary inscription for Artemisia Basileidou and [Ba]sileides [Alex]androu; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 188, no. 34; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 374. @ @@`266. Funerary inscription for Artemeisios Artemeisiou by boule and demos, on statue%19base; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 184%19`185, no. 28; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 112. @ @@`267. Funerary inscription for Artemo Hikes[iou]; no date; found at Iasos: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 107, no. 59; *IIasos 375. @ @@`268. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [Ati]lios Theuda, &3ephebarchos,& by boule and demos, on statue%19base; AD 117%3`138; found near Gu+llu+k, presumably from Iasos: Kontoleon, BCH 11, 1887, 214, no. 3; Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 179, no. 14; BE 1894:393; Foucart, BCH 11, 1887, 214, no. 3; BE 1976:653; *IIasos 113. @ @@`269. Funerary inscription for M(arcus) Aur(elius) Hekataios, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Iasos: CIG 2688; Texier, As. Min. III 141; *IIasos 376. @ @@`270. Funerary inscription for L(ucius) Aure(lius) Papias Iudas, on architrave; imperial; found at Iasos: LW 307; Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 153, no. 1; BE 1891:334; Robert, Hellenica 1, 28%19`29; BE 1941:135; *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 597. no. 34 (PH); Robert, Hellenica 1, 28%19`29; Robert, REA 65, 1963, 327 (%6 OM III 1522); BE 1964:466; IIasos 377. @ @@`271. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Sota[d]es Allogenes and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 595%19`596, no. 30 (PH); *IIasos 378. @ @@`272. Funerary inscription for M(arcus) Aur(elius) Stephano[s]; imperial; found at Iasos: BE 1924:355; Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1921%19`1922, 477, no. 28; SEG 4, 215; *IIasos 379. @ @@`273. Funerary inscription for (no name) and family, including Charidemi[s], with prohibition of unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 480%19`481, no. 53 (PH); BE 1971:628; *IIasos 411. @ @@`274. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Diodotos Diodotou by boule and demos; imperial; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 177%19`178, no. 12; BE 1894:393; Laum, Stiftungen II 123; *IIasos 114. @ @@`275. Funerary inscription for group of metics from Antiocheia, Galatia, Media Bizone, Tyras, Cilicia, Scythia, Sinope, Arados, and Sidon, including Dorion Dorionos of Antiocheia; c. 150 BC; found at Iasos: Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 105%19`106, no. 1 (PH); SEG 18, 450; Robert, 65, 1963, 318%19`320 (%6 OM III 1513%19`1515); BE 1964:473; *IIasos 408. @ @@`276. Funerary%3honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Drakontides Philemonos, to &3theoi pantes,& by mother Aischron Drakontidou; no date; found at Iasos: Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 35, no. 69; Be/rard, BCH 15, 1891, 547, no. 15; BE 1892:364; *IIasos 382. @ @@`277. Funerary inscription for Euphrosynos Antiochidos, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Iasos: Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 106, no. 3; SEG 18, 453; Robert, REA 65, 1963, 321%19`322 (%6 OM III 1516%19`1517); BE 1964:473; *IIasos 383. @ @@`278. Funerary inscription for Eutyches Deiou; no date; found at Iasos: CIG 2689; *IIasos 384. @ @@`279. Funerary inscription for Gami[kos]; imperial?; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 482, no. 55 (PH); BE 1971:628; *IIasos 387. @ @@`280. Funerary inscription for Hellanion of Tarsos; prob. II; found at Iasos?: GIBM 445; Hicks, JHS 8, 1887, 95; *IIasos 388. @ @@`281. Funerary inscription for (no name), Herobios, et al., with curse for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Iasos: Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 154, no. 2; BE 1891:334; *IIasos 389. @ @@`282. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Iatrokles Apolloniou by boule and demos, on statue%19base; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 184, no. 27; BE 1894:393; Robert, RPh 32, 1958, 57 (%6 OM I 392); *IIasos 115. @ @@`283. Funerary inscription for [I]atrokles Stratonos and wife Demetria; III; found at Iasos: Wiegand, MDAI(A) 33, 1908, 160, no. 18; BE 1909:316; BE 1924:355; Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1921%19`1922, 476, no. 26; SEG 4, 213; *IIasos 390. @ @@`284. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Isokrates Menedemou; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 479%19`480, no. 52 (PH); BE 1971:628; *IIasos 116. @ @@`285. Funerary inscription for Claudius Eitharos; imperial; found at Iasos: CIG 2685; Texier, As. Min. III 141; LW 306; *IIasos 381. @ @@`286. Funerary inscription for Klidon &3neokoros,& on base; no date; found at Iasos: Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 34, no. 62; Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 22, no. 13; *IIasos 391. @ @@`287. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Kydias Neikon by boule and demos, on statue%19base; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 182, no. 24; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 117. @ @@`288. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Laetus Dionysiou by demos, on statue%19base; Roman; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 185%19`186, no. 29; BE 1894:393; BE 1973:455; *IIasos 118. @ @@`289. Funerary inscription of Lupercus Threptou and wife, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Iasos: CIG 2690; *IIasos 392. @ @@`290. Funerary inscription for Lysimachos and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; 2 or later; part found on Chios, wandered from Iasos, other part found at Iasos: CIG 2686; Zolotas, Athena 20, 1908, 274, no. 182; Plassart %9 Picard, BCH 37, 1913, 234%19`235, no. 39; Robert, BCH 59, 1935, 465%19`470; BE 1938:414; Robert, REA 65, 1963, 322%19`324 (%6 OM III 1517%19`1519); Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 593%19`594, no. 25 (part) (PH); *IIasos 393. @ @@`291. Funerary inscription for Me[n]ippos [ ... ]anou and family; no date; found at Iasos: Haussoullier, BCH 8, 1884, 456, no. 5; Robert, Et. anat. 470%19`471; BE 1949:174; *IIasos 394. @ @@`292. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Menyta[2s]2 Menytou by boule and demos, on statue%19base; no date; found at Iasos: Be/rard, BCH 15, 1891, 546, no. 11; BE 1892:364; *IIasos 119. @ @@`293. Funerary inscription for Nauklerike Menipou and family; Roman; found at Iasos: LW 309; Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 106, no. 2; SEG 18, 452; Robert, REA 65, 1963, 320%19`321 (%6 OM 1515%19`1516); BE 1964:473; *IIasos 395. @ @@`294. Funerary inscription for Nikephoros et al., with curse for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 596%19`597, no. 32 (PH); Robert, REA 65, 1963, 325%19`327 (%6 OM III 1520%19`1522); BE 1964:466; *IIasos 396. @ @@`295. Funerary inscription for Nikias Hekataiou; no date; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 594, no. 26 (PH); Robert, REA 65, 1963, 324 (%6 OM III 1519); BE 1964:466; *IIasos 397. @ @@`296. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Obrimos Artemo[nos] by demos, on statue%19base; no date; found at Iasos: Be/rard, BCH 15, 1891, 547, no. 13; BE 1892:364; Pleket, Epigraphica II no. 35; SEG 4, 220; BE 1970:5; *IIasos 120. @ @@`297. Funerary inscription for [Oly]mpos [Olym]piadou; no date; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 594, no. 27 (PH); *IIasos 398. @ @@`298. Honorary%3funerary inscription for G(aius) Vetu[r]ius Artemidoros by &3gerousia,& on statue%19base; Roman; found near Gu+llu+k, presumably from Iasos: Kontoleon, BCH 11, 1887, 215, no. 5; Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 178, no. 13; BE 1894:393; Robert, REA 65, 1963, 317%19`318 (%6 OM III 1512%19`1513); BE 1964:473; *IIasos 124. @ @@`299. Funerary inscription in Latin for M(arcus) Papirius Carus of Bononia by brother M(arcus) Papirius Proculus; 2?; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 481, no. 54 (PH); BE 1971:628; AnnEpig 1974, 626; AnnEpig 1979, 611; *IIasos 399. @ @@`300. Funerary inscription for Paramone and family; no date; found at Iasos: LW 308; *IIasos 400. @ @@`301. Funerary inscription for Parmeniskos Melanos; bonne e/poque; found at Iasos: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 22, no. 14; *IIasos 401. @ @@`302. Funerary inscription by Titus Fulc[i]nius Epaphroditos for self and family; I%3`1; found at Iasos: Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 106, no. 14 (PH); SEG 18, 451; Robert, REA 65, 1963, 326 (%6 OM III 1521); *IIasos 385. @ @@`303. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for Publius Ploticius; prob. I; found at Iasos: Haussoullier, BCH 8, 1884, 457, no. 7; CIL III Suppl. 1, 7154; *IIasos 402. @ @@`304. Funerary inscription for Polydeukes; no date; found at Iasos: Wiegand, MDAI(A) 33, 1908, 160, no. 19; BE 1909:316; BE 1924:355; Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1921%19`1922, 476, no. 27; SEG 4, 214; Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 595, no. 28 (PH); BE 1964:466; *IIasos 403. @ @@`305. Funerary inscription for Pulcher, &3oikonomos& of &3limenes& in Asia; 1%3`2; found at Iasos, later on Rhodes and Symi: Chariaras, Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 49, no. 276; Durrbach %9 Radet, BCH 10, 1886, 267, no. 5; Hicks, JHS 8, 1887, 113; ILS &3ad& 1862; OGIS 522; Landvogt, Epigr. Untersuch. 30%19`31, 46; de Laet, Portorium 279 and note 5, 280 note 1; BE 1950:36; BE 1964:160; BE 1971:624; *IIasos 416. @ @@`306. Funerary inscription for Ptolemaios and Laod[ike]; no date; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 595, no. 29 (PH); *IIasos 404. @ @@`307. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Servaea Metrodora Tatia, by boule and demos, on statue%19base; Roman; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 182, no. 23; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 97. @ @@`308. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Theaitetos Leon by boule and demos, on statue%19base; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 177, no. 11; BE 1894:393; Laum, Stiftungen II no. 122; *IIasos 121. @ @@`309. Funerary inscription for Theudas Artemeisiou; no date; found at Iasos: CIG 2684; LW 305; Bechtel, Inschr. ion. Dial. 106; SGDI 5519; Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 398, no. 22; BE 1973:430; *IIasos 405. @ @@`310. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Theudas Bebaiou, by boule and demos; no date; found near Gu+llu+k, presumably from Iasos: Kontoleon, BCH 11, 1887, 213, no. 2; *IIasos 122. @ @@`311. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Theudas Theuda, by boule and demos, on statue%19base; no date; found near Gu+llu+k, presumably from Iasos: Kontoleon, BCH 11, 1887, 214%19`215, no. 4; Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 179, no. 15; BE 1894:393; BE 1976:653; *IIasos 123. @ @@`312. Funerary inscription for Zenas of Kos; no date; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 593, no. 24 (PH); Robert, REA 65, 1963, 318 (%6 OM III 1513); BE 1964:466; *IIasos 406. @ See also: Iasos 235, 259%19`260, 407; IG II&4`2& 8931 (%6 IIasos T60.2) (funerary inscription for Apollonides of Iasos; found in Attica); Mylasa 345 (%6 IMylasa 476) (%6 Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epig. 54) (funerary inscription for Theodotos Dionyta of Iasos and Magnesia; found near Mylasa); IMylasa 924 (%6 Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 13, 1889, 36, no. 4) (funerary inscription for Theophilos Eirenaiou and family; found at Alanbahc%25e in territory of Mylasa, not of Iasos); Teichioussa 13 (%6 BCH 18, 1894, 21, 12) (%6 Robert, E/t. anat. 439) (%6 CIG 3471) (funerary inscription for Iason; found at Kapakl#1221 Kuyu near Teichioussa, not in territory of Iasos); Teichioussa 16 (%6 LW 311) (%6 BCH 18, 1894, 21, 11) (funerary inscription by Phil[ias] et al. for selves and families; found at #1222skele near Teichioussa, not in territory of Iasos); Teichioussa 18 (%6 LW 310) (%6 BCH 18, 1894, 20, 9) (funerary inscription for Poseidonios et al.; found at #1222skele near Teichioussa, not in territory of Iasos). @ @@`313. Funerary inscription in Latin for (no name), daughter of Potens; Roman; found at Iasos: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 23, no. 17; CIL III Suppl. 2, 13684; *IIasos 407. @ @@`314. Funerary inscription for (no name) and family of [ ... ]icinus, with prohibition of unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 596, no. 31 (PH); *IIasos 409. @ @@`315. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for (no name), [&3vilicus&] of &3portus& of Asia; Roman; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 72%19`73, no. 38 (PH); BE 1971:624; AnnEpig 1974, 625; AnnEpig 1979, 610; *IIasos 417. @ @@`316. Fragment of funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 597, no. 33 (PH); Robert, REA 65, 1963, 324 (%6 OM III 1519); BE 1964:466; *IIasos 410. @ @@`317. Fragment, probably of funerary inscription, mentioning payment of [&3d&]&3rachmai&; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1867%19`1968, 471%19`472, no. 36 (PH); BE 1971:624; *IIasos 442. @ See also: Iasos 408; Alabanda 94, ll. 5%19`6 (%6 BCH 10, 1886, 312, 4) (%6 BCH 32, 1908, 203) (honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) by &3demoi& of Iasos and other cities; found near Alabanda); Bargylia 35 (%6 IIasos 636, col. I, l. 4) (%6 LW 304) (funerary inscription for (no name) and family contains reference to Iasos; found at Bargylia, not Iasos); Samos 642 (%6 IIasos T60.1) (funerary inscription for [ ... ]idora [Hek]ataio of Iasos; found on Samos). @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ See also: Iasos 208; Stampolides, Horos 4, 1986, 89%19`98 (artist's signature by [ ... ]okles Melanippou of Iasos; found on Kos). @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (318%19`403) @ @@@@Section: 20a. Nike Graffiti (318%19`402) @ @@`318. Nike inscription of Euchares; 325%3`300 BC; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 592, no. 22a (PH); Levi, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 525, Fig. 31 (PH); BE 1964:465; *IIasos 355. @ @@`319. Nike inscription of Bassus et al.; Roman; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 201, no. 56a; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 335. @ @@`320. Nike inscription of Dec[imus], on tile; Roman; found at Iasos: BE 1964:465; Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 479, no. 51 (PH); BE 1971:627; *IIasos 358. @ @@`321. Nike inscription of Gaius et al.; Roman; found at Iasos: Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 35, no. 67; *IIasos 368. @ @@`322. Nike inscription of Hippokrates et al.; Roman; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 201, no. 55c; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 332. @ @@`323. Nike inscription of Calvius; Roman; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 200, no. 52b; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 320. @ @@`324. Nike inscription for Capito et al.; Roman; found at Iasos: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 234, no. 18; *IIasos 361. @ @@`325. Nike inscription of Cato; Roman; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 198, no. 46f; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 304. @ @@`326. Nike inscription of Quintus; Roman; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 198, no. 46e; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 303. @ @@`327. Nike inscription for Lucius; Roman; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 198, no. 46a; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 299. @ @@`328. Nike inscription of Lucius; Roman; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 201, no. 55e; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 334. @ @@`329. Nike inscription of Numerius; Roman; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 199, no. 51c; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 315. @ @@`330. Nike inscription of P[a]u[lus]; Roman; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 201, no. 56b; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 336. @ @@`331. (Nike) inscription of Paulus et al.; Roman; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 202, no. 61b; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 350. @ @@`332. Nike inscription of Mundus, on column; 86 BC?; found at Iasos: GIBM 924b, ll. 26%19`28; *IIasos 353. @ @@`333. Nike inscription of &3philoi& Philogeorgos et al., on column; I&7m&?; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 197%19`198, no. 44a; BE 1894:393; Hula, Fs. Benndorf 239; Ziebarth, Schulwesen&4`2& 106, note 1; *IIasos 286. @ @@`334. Nike inscription of &3philoi& Philogeorgos et al., on column; I&7m&?; found at Iasos: Ziebarth, Schulwesen&4`2& 106, note 1; *IIasos 287. @ @@`335. Nike inscription of Aineas, on column; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 199, no. 50e, ll. 5%19`6; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 295. @ @@`336. Nike inscription of Aineas, on column; no date; found at Iasos: *IIasos 366. @ @@`337. Nike inscription of Anaxandros; no date; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 592, no. 22b (PH); BE 1964:465; *IIasos 356. @ @@`338. Nike inscription of Antiochos et al.; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 201, no. 60a; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 344. @ @@`339. Nike inscription of Apellas, on column; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 199, no. 50c; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 291. @ @@`340. Nike inscription of Apellas et al.; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 198, no. 46c; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 301. @ @@`341. Nike inscription of [Arch]estra[tos]; no date; found at ՂIasos: Reinach, REG 6 1893, 201, no. 58a; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 340. @ @@`342. Nike inscription of Aretaios, on column; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 199, no. 50a; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 289. @ @@`343. Nike inscription of Aretaios; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 198, no. 45a; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 296. @ @@`344. Nike inscription of [Aris]teas; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 201, no. 57b; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 338. @ @@`345. Nike inscription of Athenion (?) et al.; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 201, no. 60b; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 345. @ @@`346. Nike inscription of Charid[emos] et al.; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 200, no. 51e; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 317. @ @@`347. Nike inscription of Demetrios; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 199, no. 51d; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 316. @ @@`348. Nike inscription of Dem[etrios]; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 201, no. 55a; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 330. @ @@`349. Nike inscription of Demetrios et al.; no date; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 591%19`592, no. 21 (PH); BE 1964:465; *IIasos 354. @ @@`350. Nike inscription of Diodotos; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 201, no. 59a; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 342. @ @@`351. Nike inscription of Diodotos Theodorou, on column; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 199, no. 50e, ll. 1%19`2; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 293. @ @@`352. Nike inscription of Diokles et al.; no date; found at Iasos: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 23%19`24, no. 18; *IIasos 362. @ @@`353. Nike inscription of Dionysios; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 198, no. 46g; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 305. @ @@`354. Nike inscription of Dionysios; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 200, no. 54d; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 328. @ @@`355. Nike inscription of Dionysios et al.; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 202, no. 61a; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 349. @ @@`356. (Nike) inscription of Dionysios Antiochou; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 201, no. 55d; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 333. @ @@`357. Ni[ke] inscription of Dioskourides, on column; no date; found at Iasos: *IIasos 364. @ @@`358. Nike inscription of Eirenaios; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 201, no. 55b; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 331. @ @@`359. Nike inscription of Eisidotos; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 202, no. 61d; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 352. @ @@`360. Nike inscription of Epaph[r]as et al.; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 398, no. 21; BE 1973:429; *IIasos 359. @ @@`361. Nike inscription for Epaphras et al.; no date; found at Iasos: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 23%19`24, no. 18; *IIasos 360. @ @@`362. Nike inscription of Epaphrodeitos et al.; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 200, no. 51f; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 318. @ @@`363. Nike inscription of E[p]igenes et al.; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 198, no. 45b; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 297. @ @@`364. Nike inscription of Epinikos Theophilou; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 198, no. 45c; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 298. @ @@`365. Nike inscription of Eupolemos et al.; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 201, no. 57c; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 339. @ @@`366. Nike inscription of Hekat[aios] et al.; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 198, no. 46b; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 300. @ @@`367. Nike inscription of Hermias; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 199, no. 51b; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 314. @ @@`368. Nike inscription of Hierokles et al.; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 199, no. 49a; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 310. @ @@`369. [Nike] inscription of Hierokles et al.; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 200, no. 54a; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 325. @ @@`370. Nike inscription of Iatrokles; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 202, no. 61c; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 351. @ @@`371. Nike inscription of [Ka]llikrates; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 201, no. 58b; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 341. @ @@`372. Nike inscription of [Ke]pheision (?) et al.; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 200, no. 54c; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 327. @ @@`373. Nike inscription of Klaros et al., on column; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 199, no. 50b; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 290. @ @@`374. Nike inscription of Klaros; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 199, no. 49c, col. 2; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 312. @ @@`375. Nike inscription of Kydias et al., on column; no date; found at Iasos: *IIasos 363. @ @@`376. Nike inscription of Leon, on column; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 199, no. 50d; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 292. @ @@`377. Nike inscription of Menandros et al.; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 201, no. 60d; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 347. @ @@`378. Nike inscription of [M]enekra[tes] et al.; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 199, no. 51a; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 313. @ @@`379. (Nike) inscription of Menes et al.; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 202, no. 60e; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 348. @ @@`380. [Nike] inscription of Ouliades et al., on column; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 197%19`198, no. 44b; BE 1894:393; SEG 4, 223; *IIasos 285. @ @@`381. Nike inscription of Pamphilos et al.; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 199, no. 48b; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 309. @ @@`382. (Nike) inscription of Pantainos Thalieuktou, on column; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 199, no. 50e, ll. 3%19`4; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 294. @ @@`383. Nike inscription for Perigenes et al., on column; no date; found at Iasos: *IIasos 365. @ @@`384. Nike inscription of [Ph]ain[eas]; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 200, no. 52a; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 319. @ @@`385. Nike inscription from (?) Philippos; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 199, no. 48a; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 308. @ @@`386. Nike inscription of Prosdokim[os]; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 200, no. 53a; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 322. @ @@`387. Nike inscription of Skymnos et al.; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 200, no. 54e; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 329. @ @@`388. Nike inscription of [S]osibios et al.; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 200, no. 54b; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 326. @ @@`389. Nike inscription of [S]osikrates et al.; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 198, no. 47b; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 308. @ @@`390. Nike inscription of Sostratos et al.; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 198, no. 47a; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 306. @ @@`391. Nike inscription of Strateas et al.; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 198, no. 46d; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 302. @ @@`392. Nike inscription of Th[eai]t[e]tos et al.; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 199, no. 49b, col. 1; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 311. @ @@`393. Nike inscription of Theodorros et al.; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 201, no. 57a; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 337. @ @@`394. Nike inscription of Theophilos et al.; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 200, no. 53b; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 323. @ @@`395. Nike inscription of Theudas et al.; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 201, no. 59b; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 343. @ @@`396. Nike inscription of Theudas; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 201, no. 60c; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 346. @ @@`397. Nike inscription for Theusias (?); no date; found at Iasos: Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 35, no. 68; *IIasos 369. @ @@`398. Nike inscription of Thodotos; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 200, no. 52c; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 321. @ @@`399. Nike inscription of Threptos; no date; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 200, no. 53c; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 324. @ @@`400. Nike inscription of Ai[ ... ], on column; no date; found at Iasos: *IIasos 288. @ @@`401. Nike inscription (for (no name)), on column; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 479, no. 50 (PH); BE 1971:627; *IIasos 357. @ @@`402. Nike inscription for (no name); no date; found at Iasos: Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 35, no. 66; *IIasos 367. @@@@Section: 20b. Other Graffiti (403) @ @@`403. Graffito from theater mentioning Protog[en ... ]; no date; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 598, no. 35 (PH); *IIasos 427. @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (404%19`409) @ @@`404. Fragment of Christian building inscription dated by (no name) Caesar and bishop (no name); Christian; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 601, no. 49 (PH); BE 1964:468; *IIasos 420. @ @@`405. Fragment of Christian building inscription by [&3d&]&3ouloi& of God, with prayer; Christian; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 602, no. 50 (PH); BE 1964:468; *IIasos 421. @ @@`405.5. Fragment of dedicatory mosaic inscription at entrance of nave of basilica in Roman agora, ELIOS; 6; found at Iasos: Berti, BA 31%19`32, 1985 Suppl. 156 (PH) (non vidi); *SEG 36, 990. @ @@`406. Prayer to Lord to help Ioannes &3chalkas&; Christian; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 474%19`475, no. 40 (PH); BE 1971:625; *IIasos 422. @ @@`407. Christian funerary inscription for Hesychios; 5%3`6; found at Iasos: Wiegand, MDAI(A) 33, 1908, 157%19`159, no. 17; BE 1909:316; Gre/goire, Rec. 227.6; *IIasos 419. @ @@`408. Prayer to Lord to help those buried here; Christian; found at Iasos: Reinach, REG 6, 1893, 188, no. 35; BE 1894:393; *IIasos 418. @ @@`409. Fragment of Christian mosaic inscription mentioning Artemisios; Christian; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 475, no. 41 (PH); BE 1971:625; *IIasos 423. @ See also: Iasos 225. @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (410%19`636.5) @ @@@@Section: 22a. Gladiatorial Inscriptions (410%19`412) @ @@`410. Honorary inscription for victorious &3mur&[&3mil&]&3lo& Tyrannos; Roman; found at Iasos: Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 34, no. 64; Robert, Glad. 179%19`180, no. 176; BE 1940:151; *IIasos 412. @ @@`411. Honorary inscription for victorious &3ess&[2&3e&]2&3darius& Halykes; Roman; found at Iasos: Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 35, no. 65; Robert, Glad. 179%19`180, no. 177; BE 1940:151; *IIasos 413. @ @@`412. List of victors in gladiatorial games; imperial; found at Iasos, not Miletos: CIG 2889; Robert, Glad. 180%19`182, no. 178; BE 1940:151; *IIasos 414; **SEG 37, 864 (part G, col. 1, l. 1). @ See also: Iasos 318%19`402, 409, 655. @ @@@@Section: 22b. Amphora Stamps (413%19`616) @ @@`413. (Chian?) amphora%19stamp of Aristok[rat]es (?); no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 623, no. 89; BE 1964:469. @ @@`414. Amphora%19stamp with ethnic of Iasos; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 623, no. 88 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`415. (Corcyrean?) amphora%19stamp with monogram AG; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 625, no. 96 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`416. Knidian amphora%19stamp dated by Agathokles Agatheinou; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 621, no. 77 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`417. Knidian amphora%19stamp dated by Agathok[les] Charmokrate[us]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 621, no. 76 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`418. Knidian amphora%19stamp dated by Andromenes Euphrantid[a]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 621, no. 78 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`419. Knidian amphora%19stamp naming Aristi[on,] dated by &3da&(&3miourgos&) [Philam(pelos)] (?); no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 621, no. 79 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`420. Knidian amphora%19stamp dated by Bi[on]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 622, no. 80 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`421. Knidian amphora%19stamp dated by [Dionysi]os As[klepi]odorou; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 559, no. 46; BE 1969:536. @ @@`422. Knidian amphora%19stamp dated by Kallistos Mormios; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 559, no. 47 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`423. Knidian amphora%19stamp dated by Leon Theugene[us]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 559, no. 48 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`424. Knidian amphora%19stamp dated by Lysanias Aristionos; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 561, no. 49 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`425. Knidian amphora%19stamp dated by Philtato[s] Eirenida; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 622, no. 81 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`426. Knidian amphora%19stamp dated by Timakle[s] Nikasigeneus; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 561, no. 50 (PH); BE 1967:536. @ @@`427. Knidian amphora%19stamp APE; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 561, no. 51 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`428. Knidian amphora%19stamp; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 561, no. 52 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`429. Knidian amphora%19stamp; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 561, no. 53; BE 1969:536. @ @@`430. Koan amphora%19stamp naming Agatha[nax] (?); no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 617, no. 60 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`431. Koan amphora%19stamp [Ch]arme; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 559, no. 43 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`432. Koan amphora%19stamp of Deme[trios]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 617, no. 61 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`433. Koan amphora%19stamp Demonomos; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 617, no. 64 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`434. Koan amphora%19stamp of Diogenes; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 617, no. 62 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`435. Koan amphora%19stamp of Hekat(aios), retrograde; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 619, no. 65 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`436. Koan amphora%19stamp of Kerdos; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 558, no. 41 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`437. Koan amphora%19stamp of Minnios; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 619, no. 67 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`438. Koan amphora%19stamp of Minnios; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 558, no. 42 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`439. Koan amphora%19stamp of [Pa]norm[os]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 559, no. 44 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`440. Koan amphora%19stamp of [Pol]emon; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 619, no. 69; BE 1964:469. @ @@`441. Koan amphora%19stamp of Poseidanio[s]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 619, no. 70 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`442. Koan amphora%19stamp of Sim[alion]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 619, no. 71 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`443. Koan amphora%19stamp of Sopat[ros]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 619, no. 72 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`444. Koan amphora%19stamp naming Xenokri[tos]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 619, no. 68 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`445. Koan amphora%19stamp naming Dioge[ ... ]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 617, no. 63 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`446. Koan amphora%19stamp of Eu[ ... ]ndas, retrograde; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 626, no. 74 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`447. Koan amphora%19stamp naming Theu[ ... ]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 619, no. 66 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`448. Koan amphora%19stamp TO; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 619, no. 73 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`449. Illegible Koan amphora%19stamp; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 621, no. 75; BE 1964:469. @ @@`450. Koan amphora%19stamp with club; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 559, no. 45 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`451. Pontic amphora%19stamp dated by [&3astynom&]&3os& [Apoll]onides Poseidoniou; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 623, no. 86; BE 1964:469. @ @@`452. Pontic amphora%19stamp dated by &3astynomos& Hera[kl]eides [Mik]rio[u]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 623, no. 87 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`453. (Pontic?) amphora%19stamp with monogram ARME; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 625, no. 97 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`454. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Agathoboulos; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 548, no. 1 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`455. Rhodian amphora%19stamp naming Agemon; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 548, no. 2 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`456. Rhodian amphora%19stamp dated by Agestratos; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 607, no. 1 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`457. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of [Ai]nesidamos; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 607, no. 3 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`458. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Antimachos; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 607, no. 4 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`459. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Apollodoros; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 548, no. 3 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`460. Rhodian amphora%19stamp naming Apollonidas, retrograde; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 607, no. 5 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`461. Rhodian amphora%19stamp dated by Archidamos Hyakinthio[u]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 549, no. 10 (PH); BE 1964:536. @ @@`462. Rhodian amphora%19stamp dated of Aristanax; II; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 607, no. 6 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`463. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of [Ar]istarch[os]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 607, no. 7 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`464. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Aristarchos; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 549, no. 4 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`465. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Aristion, retrograde; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 609, no. 8 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`466. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Aristion; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 609, no. 9 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`467. Rhodian amphora%19stamp naming Aristi(on); no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 549, no. 5 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`468. Rhodian amphora%19stamp dated by [Aris]toge[n]e[s]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 609, no. 10 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`469. Rhodian amphora%19stamp dated by Aristogenes Agrianou; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 549, no. 6 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`470. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Arist[okles]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 609, no. 11; BE 1964:469. @ @@`471. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Aristokrates; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 609, no. 12 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`472. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Arist[okrat]es; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 609, no. 13 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`473. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of [Aristo]k(rat)es; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 549, no. 7 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`474. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Aristokrat(e)s; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 549, no. 8 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`475. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of [Aris]tokrat(e)s; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 549, no. 9; BE 1969:536. @ @@`476. Rhodian amphora%19stamp dated by Ariston Dios[thy]ou; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 609, no. 14 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`477. Rhodian amphora%19stamp dated (?) by Ari[s]ton (?); no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 609, no. 15 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`478. Rhodian amphora%19stamp naming Archagathos; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 611, no. 16 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`479. Rhodian amphora%19stamp dated by Archidamos Hyakinthio; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 611, no. 17; BE 1964:469. @ @@`480. Rhodian amphora%19stamp naming Daemon; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 611, no. 19 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`481. (Rhodian?) amphora%19stamp naming Dalia; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 623, no. 90; BE 1964:469. @ @@`482. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Damosthenes; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 611, no. 20 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`483. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of [D]amos[the]nes; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 611, no. 21 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`484. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of [Dam]os[thene]s; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 611, no. 22; BE 1964:469. @ @@`485. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of D[amo]sthenes (?); no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 551, no. 11; BE 1969:536. @ @@`486. Rhodian amphora%19stamp naming Diokleia (?), retrograde; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 551, no. 12 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`487. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Dios; c. 200%3`180 BC; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 611, no. 23; BE 1964:469. @ @@`488. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Eukleitos; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 611, no. 24 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`489. (Rhodian?) amphora%19stamp naming Exakes(tos); no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 623, no. 91 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`490. Rhodian amphora%19stamp naming Exakes(tos) (?); no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 551, no. 13 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`491. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Eukrat(es) (?), boustrophedon; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 551, no. 14 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`492. Rhodian amphora%19stamp dated by Hegesippos; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 607, no. 2 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`493. Rhodian (?) amphora%19stamp naming Heroi(das); no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 612, no. 25 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`494. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Hieroteles; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 612, no. 31 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`495. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Hieroteles; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 612, no. 32 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`496. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Hieroteles; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 612, no. 33; BE 1964:469. @ @@`497. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Hieroteles; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 612, no. 34; BE 1964:469. @ @@`498. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Hieroteles; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 612, no. 35; BE 1964:469. @ @@`499. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Hieroteles; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 612, no. 36; BE 1964:469. @ @@`500. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Hieroteles; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 612, no. 37; BE 1964:469. @ @@`501. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Hippokrat[es]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 613, no. 38 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`502. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of [Hi]ppokra[tes]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 613, no. 39; BE 1969:469. @ @@`503. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of [Hip]pokr[a]te[s]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 613, no. 40; BE 1964:469. @ @@`504. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Hip[p]okrat[es]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 613, no. 41; BE 1964:469. @ @@`505. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of [Hippokr]a[tes]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 613, no. 42; BE 1964:469. @ @@`506. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of [Hip]po[krat]es (?); no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 551, no. 16 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`507. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Iason; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 612, no. 29; BE 1964:469. @ @@`508. Rhodian amphora%19stamp dated by Iason Ag[ri]aniou; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 612, no. 30 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`509. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of [Ka]llikrate(s); no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 553, no. 17 (PH); BE 1964:536. @ @@`510. Rhodian amphora%19stamp naming Kl[ea] (?); no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 558, no. 40 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`511. Rhodian amphora%19stamp dated by Kleonymos [Ba]dromiou; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 553, no. 18 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`512. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Kleony[mo]s; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 553, no. 19; BE 1964:536. @ @@`513. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Kreon Badromiou; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 553, no. 20 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`514. Rhodian amphora%19stamp naming [K]re[on]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 553, no. 21 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`515. Rhodian amphora%19stamp dated by [L]apheides Daliou; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 613, no. 43 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`516. Rhodian amphora%19stamp dated by Leontidas Hyakinthiou; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 553, no. 22 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`517. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Nikagis; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 555, no. 23 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`518. Rhodian amphora%19stamp dated by Nikasag[oras] Agath[obou]lou; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 613, no. 45 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`519. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Olympos; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 615, no. 48 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`520. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Olympos; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 615, no. 49; BE 1964:469. @ @@`521. Rhodian amphora%19stamp dated by [Pe]is[istra]tos Hyakin[thiou]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 555, no. 27 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`522. Rhodian amphora%19stamp dated by Philinos; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 557, no. 34; BE 1969:536. @ @@`523. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Philistas; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 557, no. 33 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`524. Rhodian amphora%19stamp dated by Phi[lodamos] Panamou; c. 220%3`180 BC; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 557, no. 35 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`525. Rhodian amphora%19stamp dated by Philokrates; IV&7e&%3III&7b&; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 617, no. 58; BE 1964:469. @ @@`526. Rhodian amphora%19stamp naming Philokrates; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 558, no. 36 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`527. Rhodian amphora%19stamp naming Phil[oni]d[a]s; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 617, no. 59 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`528. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Philophron; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 558, no. 37 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`529. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Philophron; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 558, no. 38; BE 1969:536. @ @@`530. Rhodian amphora%19stamp naming Polykles; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 555, no. 28 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`531. Rhodian amphora%19stamp dated by Polykra[tes]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 615, no. 50 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`532. Rhodian amphora%19stamp naming Sarapion; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 615, no. 51; BE 1964:469. @ @@`533. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Sarapion; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 615, no. 52 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`534. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Sokrate(s); no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 615, no. 53 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`535. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Sokrate[s]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 555, no. 29 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`536. Rhodian amphora%19stamp dated by Sosikles Hyakinthiou; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 557, no. 30 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`537. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Sot[e]ridas; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 557, no. 31 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`538. Rhodian amphora%19stamp dated by Thestor; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 551, no. 15 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`539. Rhodian amphora%19stamp dated by Thestor Artamitou; c. 220%3`180 BC; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 612, no. 26 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`540. Rhodian amphora%19stamp naming Theu[dor]os Karneiou; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 612, no. 27 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`541. Rhodian amphora%19stamp dated by [&3hiereus&] Theud[or]os (?); no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 612, no. 28; BE 1964:469. @ @@`542. Rhodian amphora%19stamp dated by Timagoras Daliou; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 557, no. 32 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`543. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Timar[chos]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 615, no. 54; BE 1964:469. @ @@`544. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of Tim[o]xenos; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 617, no. 57 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`545. Rhodian amphora%19stamp naming Xenaretos; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 613, no. 46 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`546. Rhodian amphora%19stamp dated by Xenophan(tos) Sminthiou; 220%3`180 BC; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 555, no. 25 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`547. Rhodian amphora%19stamp dated by Xenophan(es) (?) Diosthyou; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 555, no. 24 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`548. Rhodian amphora%19stamp dated by Xenophon Hyakinthiou; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 555, no. 26 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`549. Rhodian amphora%19stamp naming Xenotimos; c. 220 BC; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 613, no. 47 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`550. (Rhodian?) amphora%19stamp with monogram AR; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 626, no. 104 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`551. Rhodian amphora%19stamp BOGA; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 611, no. 18 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`552. Rhodian amphora%19stamp of [ ... ]les; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 615, no. 55 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`553. Rhodian amphora%19stamp LY; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 613, no. 44 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`554. Rhodian amphora%19stamp with symbol; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 615, no. 56; BE 1964:469. @ @@`555. Rhodian amphora%19stamp with monogram; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 558, no. 39 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`556. Rhodian amphora%19stamp with monogram; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 558, no. 39&3bis&; BE 1969:536. @ @@`557. Thasian amphora%19stamp naming Kleit[os]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 622, no. 83 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`558. Thasian amphora%19stamp naming [K]riti[as]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 561, no. 54 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`559. Thasian amphora%19stamp naming Thraso[ni(des)]; before 340 BC; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 622, no. 82 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`560. Thasian amphora%19stamp; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 622, no. 84; BE 1964:469. @ @@`561. Thasian amphora%19stamp; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 622, no. 85; BE 1964:469. @ @@`562. (Thasian?) amphora%19stamp with amphora; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 565, no. 75 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`563. Amphora%19stamp naming Agrei[as]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 561, no. 55 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`564. Amphora%19stamp of Maiandrios; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 625, no. 92 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`565. Amphora%19stamp of Nisodos (?); no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 627, no. 116 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`566. Amphora%19stamp of Teiseus (?); no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 627, no. 115 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`567. Amphora%19stamp A and ivy leaf; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 564, no. 64; BE 1969:536. @ @@`568. Amphora%19stamp ALSE; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 563, no. 56 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`569. Amphora%19stamp with monogram AN; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 625, no. 95 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`570. Amphora%19stamp with monogram APMO; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 625, no. 94; BE 1964:469. @ @@`571. Amphora%19stamp of Aristok( ... ); no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 563, no. 57 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`572. Amphora%19stamp with monogram AT (?); no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 626, no. 102 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`573. Amphora%19stamp with monogram AT (?); no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 626, no. 103 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`574. Amphora%19stamp with monogram AY; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 625, no. 98 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`575. Amphora%19stamp AYTOK; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 563, no. 59 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`576. Amphora%19stamp AYXE; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 563, no. 58; BE 1969:536. @ @@`577. Amphora%19stamp with monogram D; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 627, no. 110 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`578. Amphora%19stamp D inside circle; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 564, no. 66 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`579. Amphora%19stamp D inside triangle; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 564, no. 67 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`580. Amphora%19stamp of D[ ... ]tos (?); no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 629, no. 123; BE 1964:469. @ @@`581. Amphora%19stamp DI inside heart; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 564, no. 68 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`582. Amphora%19stamp DIA.TH; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 629, no. 120 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`583. Amphora%19stamp with monogram E; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 626, no. 106; BE 1964:469. @ @@`584. Amphora%19stamp E (?); no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 564, no. 71 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`585. Amphora%19stamp naming [ ... ]eus; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 565, no. 76; BE 1969:536. @ @@`586. Amphora%19stamp [ ... ]ID; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 629, no. 127; BE 1964:469. @ @@`587. Amphora%19stamp K; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 564, no. 70 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`588. Amphora%19stamp with monogram KT (?); no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 626, no. 100; BE 1964:469. @ @@`589. Amphora%19stamp KA.[ ... ]KR[ ... ]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 629, no. 117; BE 1964:469. @ @@`590. Amphora%19stamp with monogram KL; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 625, no. 99 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`591. Amphora%19stamp with monogram ME; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 626, no. 101 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`592. Amphora%19stamp MO (?); no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 565, no. 73 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`593. Amphora%19stamp MOLO, retrograde; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 563, no. 61 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`594. Amphora%19stamp with monogram MT (?); no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 626, no. 107 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`595. Amphora%19stamp with monogram N; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 627, no. 108; BE 1964:469. @ @@`596. Amphora%19stamp with monogram N, retrograde; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, ԃ627, no. 109 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`597. Amphora%19stamp NISO; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 563, no. 60 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`598. Amphora%19stamp PH; IV; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 565, no. 72 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`599. Amphora%19stamp PHO[ ... ]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 629, no. 121 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`600. Amphora%19stamp of Phr[ ... ]inios; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 627, no. 114 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`601. Amphora%19stamp [ ... ]RTAN[ ... ]; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 629, no. 119; BE 1964:469. @ @@`602. Amphora%19stamp with monogram TAR; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 563, no. 63 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`603. Amphora%19stamp THRI; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 563, no. 62 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`604. Amphora%19stamp Tim[ ... ]os; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 625, no. 93; BE 1964:469. @ @@`605. Amphora%19stamp K; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 564, no. 70 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`606. Amphora%19stamp with monogram; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 626, no. 105; BE 1964:469. @ @@`607. Amphora%19stamp with monogram; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 627, no. 111; BE 1964:469. @ @@`608. Amphora%19stamp with bunch of grapes; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 627, no. 112 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`609. Amphora%19stamp with fleur%19de%19lys; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 627, no. 113 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`610. Illegible amphora%19stamp; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 629, no. 118 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`611. Amphora%19stamp; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 629, no. 122 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`612. Illegible amphora%19stamp; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 629, no. 124; BE 1964:469. @ @@`613. Illegible amphora%19stamp; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 629, no. 125; BE 1964:469. @ @@`614. Illegible amphora%19stamp; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 629, no. 126; BE 1964:469. @ @@`615. Amphora%19stamp with monogram; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 564, no. 65; BE 1969:536. @ @@`616. Amphora%19stamp with bunch of grapes; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 565, no. 74 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ See also: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 623, &3ad& no. 88 (unedited amphora%19stamp with ethnic of Iasos; now in Museum of Athens). 課@@@@Section: 22c. Other Stamps on Vessels (616.2%19`636.5) @ @@`616.2. Stamp Damei on Eastern Sigillata Ware from Samaria; I&4`2&; found at Iasos: Michelucci, BA 31%19`32, 1985 Suppl. 96, 101 (non vidi); *SEG 36, 989.A. @ 誴@@`616.4. Stamp Doron on Eastern Sigillata Ware from Samaria; I&4`2&; found at Iasos: Michelucci, BA 31%19`32, 1985 Suppl. 96, 101 (non vidi); *SEG 36, 989.A. @ 誶@@`616.6. Stamp Doson on Eastern Sigillata Ware from Samaria; I&4`2&; found at Iasos: Michelucci, BA 31%19`32, 1985 Suppl. 96, 101 (non vidi); *SEG 36, 989.A. @ 誸@@`616.8. Stamp Eisidoros on Eastern Sigillata Ware from Samaria; I&4`2&; found at Iasos: Michelucci, BA 31%19`32, 1985 Suppl. 96, 101 (non vidi); *SEG 36, 989.A. @ @@`617. Vessel%19stamp of Hekataios; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 629, no. 128 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`618. Stamp in Latin of [G(aius) Iu]l(ius) Clem(ens) on vessel%19fragment; Roman; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 567, no. I948; BE 1969:536. @ @@`619. Stamp of Koiranos on fragment of Samian vessel; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 630, no. 129 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`620. Stamp of [Koi]r[a]nos (?) on cup%19fragment; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 567, no. I949; BE 1969:536. @ 쪵@@`620.5. Stamp Menemachos on relief bowl of Megarian type; Hellenistic; found at Iasos: Pierobon, BA 31%19`32, 1985 Suppl. 87 (PH) (non vidi); *SEG 36, 988. @ @@`621. Stamp in Latin of G(aius) Murius on cup; Roman; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 631, no. 135; BE 1964:469. @ @@`621.1. Stamp of Nikodemos on bottom of lamp from Asia Minor; I&4`2&; found at Iasos: Michelucci, BA 31%19`32, 1985 Suppl. 96, 101 (non vidi); *SEG 36, 989.B. @ @@`621.3. Stamp of Oinos on Eastern Sigillata Ware from Samaria; I&4`2&; found at Iasos: Michelucci, BA 31%19`32, 1985 Suppl. 96, 101 (non vidi); *SEG 36, 989.A. @ @@`621.5. Stamp of [Phi]lon on bowl of Megarian type; Hellenistic; found at Iasos: Pierobon, BA 31%19`32, 1985 Suppl. 87 (PH) (non vidi); *SEG 36, 988. @ @@`621.7. Stamp of Spaton on Eastern Sigillata Ware from Samaria; I&4`2&; found at Iasos: Michelucci, BA 31%19`32, 1985 Suppl. 96, 101 (non vidi); *SEG 36, 989.A. @ @@`621.9. Stamp of Straton on Eastern Sigillata Ware from Samaria; I&4`2&; found at Iasos: Michelucci, BA 31%19`32, 1985 Suppl. 96, 101 (non vidi); *SEG 36, 989.A. @ @@`622. Stamp naming Timokletos on fragment of vessel; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 567, no. I1023; BE 1969:536. @ @@`622.3. Stamp Charis on Eastern Sigillata Ware from Samaria; I&4`2&; found at Iasos: Michelucci, BA 31%19`32, 1985 Suppl. 96, 101 (non vidi); *SEG 36, 989.A. @ @@`622.6. Stamp of Hyakinthos on bottom of lamp from Asia Minor; I&4`2&; found at Iasos: Michelucci, BA 31%19`32, 1985 Suppl. 96, 101 (non vidi); *SEG 36, 989.B. @ @@`623. Stamp AC (in Latin?) on cup%19fragment; Roman?; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 567, no. I947 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`624. Stamp in Latin on fragment of clay of G(aius) BSLI[ ... ]; Roman; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 631, no. 134; BE 1964:469. @ @@`625. Stamp CAOS in Latin on cup%19fragment; Roman; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 565, no. I946 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`626. Stamp with monogram AMR on Samian cup%19fragment; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 567, no. I950 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`627. Stamp ANDROY (?), retrograde, on fragment of Samian vessel; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 567, no. I990 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`628. Stamp D on vessel%19fragment; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 565, no. I763; BE 1969:536. @ @@`628.5. Stamp D on bowl of Megarian type; Hellenistic; found at Iasos: Pierobon, BA 31%19`32, 1985 Suppl. 87 (PH) (non vidi); *SEG 36, 988. @ @@`629. Stamp DO[ ... ]ION on cup; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 630, no. 130 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`630. Stamp DORON on fragment of Samian vessel; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 567, no. I1006 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`631. Stamp DORON on fragment of Samian vessel; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 567, no. I1015; BE 1969:536. @ @@`632. Stamp IEKL on fragment of pottery; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 631, no. 131; BE 1964:469. @ @@`633. Stamp on clay vessel KSY; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 565, no. I482 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`633.5. Monogram RA (?) stamped on some bowls of Megarian type; Hellenistic; found at Iasos: Pierobon, BA 31%19`32, 1985 Suppl. 87 (non vidi); *SEG 36, 988. @ @@`634. Stamp RO(?) RL(?) on fragment of vessel; no date; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 631, no. 132 (PH); BE 1964:469. @ @@`635. Stamp ROY on fragment of Aretine ware; Roman; found at Iasos: *Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 631, no. 133; BE 1964:469. @ @@`636. Stamp on fragment of vessel with monogram SIR (?); no date; found at Iasos: *Levi, ASAA 27%19`28, 1965%19`1966, 565, no. I506 (PH); BE 1969:536. @ @@`636.5. Stamp YKS on bottom of lamp from Asia Minor; I&4`2&; found at Iasos: Michelucci, BA 31%19`32, 1985 Suppl. 96, 101 (non vidi); *SEG 36, 989.B. @ @@@@Section: 22d. Other Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA, 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 632, no.'s 2%19`3 (%6 Meier%19Bru+gger, Labraunda II 4 p. 10, no. 20) (%6 Pugliese Carratelli, RAL 40, 1985, 151%19`152) (graffiti in Carian on pottery fragments; found at Iasos); Pugliese Carratelli, RAL 40, 1985, 149%19`151 (%6 Laviosa, AJA 87, 1983, 438) (inscription in Carian on pottery vessel; found at Iasos). @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (637%19`664) @ @@`637. Marble fragment (perhaps of honorary decree); IV&7e&%3III&7b&; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 459, no. 14 (PH); BE 1971:622; *IIasos 439. @ @@`638. Remains of inscription, on architrave; late; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 597, &3ad& no. 34 (PH); Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 153, no. 1; *IIasos II p. 76 (&3ad& no. 377). @ @@`639. Marble fragment from theater; no date; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 598, no. 36 (PH); *IIasos 428. @ @@`640. Fragment; no date; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 598, no. 38; *IIasos 429. @ @@`641. Marble fragment; no date; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 598, no. 39 (PH); *IIasos 430. @ @@`642. Marble fragment from theater; no date; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 599, no. 41 (PH); *IIasos 431. @ @@`643. Fragment of marble stele from theater; no date; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 599, no. 42 (PH); *IIasos 432. @ @@`644. Marble fragment; no date; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 599, no. 43 (PH); *IIasos 433. @ @@`645. Fragment of marble block; no date; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 600, no. 44 (PH); *IIasos 434. @ @@`646. Marble fragment TIB; no date; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 600, no. 45 (PH); *IIasos 435. @ @@`647. Limestone fragment &3ro&; no date; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 600, no. 46; *IIasos 436. @ @@`648. Marble fragment; no date; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 600, no. 47; *IIasos 437. @ @@`649. Marble fragment mentioning [&3dra&]&3chma&[&3i&]; no date; found at Iasos: Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 23%19`24, 1961%19`1962, 600%19`601, no. 48 (PH); *IIasos 438. @ @@`650. Fragment (perhaps of honorary decree) mentioning Iasos; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 465, no. 23 (PH); BE 1971:623; *IIasos 440. @ @@`651. Marble fragment; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 471, no. 34 (PH); BE 1971:624; *IIasos 441. @ @@`652. Marble fragment mentioning [Pr]oklos; Roman; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 482, no. 56 (PH); BE 1971:629; *IIasos 443. @ @@`653. Marble fragment; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 483, no. 57 (PH); BE 1971:629; *IIasos 444. @ @@`654. Marble fragment; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 483, no. 58 (PH); BE 1971:629; *IIasos 445. @ @@`655. Inscription, possibly mason's mark, &3ieia&; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 484, no. 60 (PH); BE 1971:629; *IIasos 446. @ @@`656. Marble fragment &3mour&; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 484, no. 61 (PH); BE 1971:629; *IIasos 447. @ @@`657. Fragment; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 484, no. 62 (PH); BE 1971:629; *IIasos 448. @ @@`658. Fragment on red stone; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 484%19`485, no. 63 (PH); BE 1971:629; *IIasos 449. @ @@`659. Fragment &3ouspha&; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`30, 1967%19`1968, 485, no. 64 (PH); BE 1971:629; *IIasos 450. @ @@`660. Fragment on marble block; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 376, no. 3b (PH); *IIasos 451. @ @@`661. Marble fragment; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 398, no. 23 (PH); *IIasos 452. @ @@`662. Fragment; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 398, no. 24 (PH); *IIasos 453. @ @@`663. Marble fragment; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 398, no. 25 (PH); *IIasos 454. @ @@`664. Fragment; no date; found at Iasos: Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 398, no. 26 (PH); *IIasos 455. @ See also: Iasos 403. @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @ @@@@{1Kaunos}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@None. @ Almost all the inscriptions listed were found at sites identified as being within the territory of Kaunos. Inscriptions were found at the following sites, of which those which have not been located on a map are identified with a question mark: @@C%25and#1221r @@Dag%27dibi @@Horozlar @@Il#1221ca @@Kaunos (Dalian, Dalyan) @@Kemaliye @@Okc%25ular @@Pasanda (near Go+kbel) @@Sultaniye @@Yank#1221. @ Epigraphic references from outside the territory of Knidos to the following sites are listed here (those with a question mark have not been located): @@Imbros @@Karpasyanda (Karbasyanda) @@Kaunos (Dalyan) @@Pasanda (near Go+kbel). @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`10) @ @@@@Section: 1a. Honorary Decrees (1%19`4) @ @@`1. Honorary decree of [&3demos& of] Z%1myrna for Kaunos and foreign judges Antigenes Apolloniou et al. from Kaunos, on large stele; II; found at Kaunos: Hellenica 7, 171%19`188, ll. 0%19`42 (PH); BE 1950:179; Bean, JHS 73, 1953, 27, no. 7; SEG 12, 461.i; *ISmyrna 579.I. @ @@`2. Honorary decree (of Z%1myrna) for &3grammateus& Pythion Demetriou of foreign judges from Kaunos, on large stele; II; found at Kaunos: Hellenica 7, 171%19`188, ll. 43%19`59; BE 1950:179; Bean, JHS 73, 1953, 27, no. 7; SEG 12, 461.ii; *ISmyrna 579.II. @ @@`3. Honorary decree of &3bou&[&3le&] and &3de&[&3m&]&3os& (of Smyrna) for [ ... ... ]os and Z[e]non K[ ... ], foreign judges from Kaunos, on stele; II?; found at C%25and#1221r: Bean, JHS 73, 1953, 27%19`28, no. 8 (PH); BE 1954:229 (p. 160); SEG 12, 462; *ISmyrna 580. @ @@`4. Honorary%3funerary decree of &3boule& and &3demos& for Agreophon Agreophontos of Perdei[k]ia, on two marble blocks; imperial; found at Kaunos: Roos, OAth 8, 1968, 161%19`162, no. 5 (PH) (part); BE 1969:545; *Herrmann, OAth 10, 1971, 36%19`39 (PH); BE 1972:430. @ See also: Iasos 18 (%6 IIasos 45) (%6 CIG 2673.b) (honorary decree of Iasos for Hestiaios Boiskou of Kaunos; found on Chios, from Iasos); Magnesia Mai. 42 (%6 IMagnesia 59) (list of cities at end of honorary decree of Laodike[ia Lyk.] accepting invitation to [Leuko]phryena includes Ptolemais; found at Magnesia Mai.). @ @@@@Section: 1b. Other Laws and Decrees (5%19`10) @ @@`5. Fragment, probably of sacred law, on limestone stele; no date; found at C%25and#1221r: Bean, JHS 73, 1953, 28%19`29, no. 9 (PH); BE 1954:229 (p. 160); SEG 12, 478; *Sokolowski, LSAM no. 87; SEG 15, 633. @ @@`6. Decree [of &3synodos& (?)] of Euxine[i]s concerning [&3sy&]&3nodoi and &3th&[&3yasoi,&] on block; II; found at Okc%25ular: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 87%19`88, no. 22 (PH); BE 1956:274b; SEG 14, 656. @ @@`7. Decree of Kaunos accepting decree of Zmyrna, on large stele; II; found at Kaunos: *Hellenica 7, 171%19`188, ll. 60%19`95; BE 1950:179; Bean, JHS 73, 1953, 27, no. 7; SEG 12, 461.iii. @ @@`8. Decree of Kaunos concerning posting decree of Zmyrna on stele, on large stele; II; found at Kaunos: *Hellenica 7, 171%19`188, ll. 96%19`103; BE 1950:179; Bean, JHS 73, 1953, 27, no. 7; SEG 12, 461.iv. @ @@`9. Law concerning fishing (?), on stele; I; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 85, no. 20 (PH); BE 1956:274a; SEG 14, 638. @ @@`10. Roman law concerning customs, on blocks; I; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 97%19`105, no. 38 (PH); BE 1956:274d; SEG 14, 639; Pleket, Mnemosyne 11, 1958, 128%19`135; BE 1959:403; **SEG 16, 632 (section B, ll. 13%19`14); Purpura, ASGP 38, 1985, 273%19`331 (non vidi); SEG 36, 991; SEG 37, 865. @ See also: Hornblower, Mausolus M9 (%6 Fouilles de Xanthos VI) (trilingual inscription containing decree of Xanthos concerning cult of Basileus Kaunios and Arkesimas; found at Letoon of Xanthos). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ See also: Miletos 60, ll. 12%19`13 (%6 Syll&4`3& 588) (%6 Milet I 3 no. 148) (peace treaty between Miletos and Magnesia Mai. involves mediating envoys from [Kaun]os; found at Miletos). @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (_) @ See also: Kaunos 89. @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (11) @ @@`11. List of contributors to [&3thia&]&3sos,& including individuals from Pandaxa, Polyara, Apollonia (perhaps Salb.), Perdikia, Pasanda, Parablia, Ptolemais, Kalynda, Karpasyanda, and Symbra, on limestone stele; II%3I?; found at Sultaniye, later at Ko+yceg%27iz: *Bean, JHS 73, 1953, 23%19`27, no. 6 (PH); BE 1954:229 (p. 170); SEG 12, 473. @ See also: IG I&4`3& 71, 259%19`290 (frequent mention of Kaunos and Pasanda and sporadic mention of Karbasanda and Imbros in Athenian Tribute Lists; found in Attica); Knidos 20, col. 1, ll. 15%19`16 (%6 Michel 1005) (%6 GIBM 795) (%6 SGDI 3510) (%6 Newton, Discoveries II no. 41) (list of contributors to &3thiasos& includes [ ... ].e.genes of Kau[nos]; found at Knidos). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (12) @ @@`12. Honorary inscription for Nerva or Trajan, on fragment of epistyle block; 1%3`2; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 107, no. 50; SEG 14, 640. @ See also: Kaunos 90; ICos 53 (building inscription for &3hieron& of Basileus Kaunou by Phileratos Aristeida; found on Kos). @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (13%19`14) @ @@`13. List of [&3ar&]&3chontes,& from Pasanda, Perdikia, Ptolemais, Imbros, and Karpasyanda, on plain block of purple limestone; early Hellenistic; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 73, 1953, 21%19`23, no. 5 (PH); BE 1954:229 (p. 169); SEG 12, 463. @ @@`14. List of names, on stele; II; found at Pasanda: *Roos, OAth 10, 1971, 31%19`35 (PH); BE 1972:431; Bean, Turkey Beyond the Maeander p. 150. @ See also: Chios 52 (%6 RPh 11, 1937, 326, 6B) (list of &3proxenoi includes individual from Kaunos; found on Chios); Plassart, BCH 45, 1921, 6, no. IC(a) l. 7 (list of &3theorodokoi& includes Athen[ ... ] at Kaunos; found at Delphi); Lagina 13, l. 145 (%6 IStratonikeia 508) (%6 OGIS 441) ([K]aunos among cities listed as accepting &3asylia& of temple of Hekate at Stratonikeia (Lagina); found at Lagina near Stratonikeia); Miletos 158.5, l. 4 (%6 Chiron 18, 1988, 390, no. 3) (record of grant of citizenship (of Miletos) to individuals from Kaunos and elsewhere; found at Miletos); Mylasa 157.7, ll. 18%19`19 (%6 EA 16, 1991, 30%19`32) (%6 IMylasa 11) (treaty between Mylasa and Kindya concerning sale of land, with list of witnesses, including Orideymis Xermedyrou, Nytar Hyssaldomou, [Yrgilos ... ]rouessios, and Neterbimos Pithekou of Kaunos; found at Sek near Mylasa); Mylasa 157.9, ll. 5%19`7 (%6 EA 16, 1991, 32%19`34) (%6 IMylasa 12) (treaty between Mylasa and (no name) concerning sale of land, with list of witnesses, including Yrgilos [.]ryassios, Nytar Hyssaldomou, Oridymis Zermedyberou, Neterbymos, and &3keryx& [Hy]ssaldomos; found at Sek near Mylasa). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (15%19`23) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (15%19`21) @ @@`15. Inscription of Apollo, on block; I&4e&%3`1&4`1&; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 73, 1953, 33, no. 16; BE 1954:229 (p. 171); SEG 12, 469. @ @@`16. Dedication to Sarapis by [ ... ] Kallistratou, on rectangular block; no date; found at Dalyan: *Bean, JHS 73, 1953, 32, no. 15 (PH); BE 1954:229 (p. 171); SEG 12, 468. @ @@`17. Dedication to &3theoi& by &3tamiai& from Karpasyanda and Pasanda and by &3grammateus& Attalos Apolloniou &3Kysereus,& with artist's signature by [Theo]n of Antioch%1e%1ia, on stone; II&4`1&; found at Eskiko+y: *Roos, OAth 8, 1968, 165, no. 15 (PH); **BE 1969:545 (l. 8). @ @@`18. Dedication by Hieronymos Apolloniou, victorious at Delia, on marble block; II?; found at #1222l#1221ca: *Bean, JHS 73, 1953, 31, no. 12 (PH); BE 1954:229 (p. 170); SEG 12, 465; SEG 14, 675. @ @@`19. Dedication by Polyxenos Philagrou, victorious poet, with artist's signature by Klearchos Klearchou of Kaunos, on limestone block; II; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 73, 1953, 31%19`32, no. 13 (PH); BE 1954:229 (pp. 170%19`171); SEG 12, 466; BE 1974:458. @ @@`20. Fragment of dedication (?) by (?) [ ... ... ]androu, victorious at Nemea, on limestone block; no date; found at Okc%25ular: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 108, no. 53; **BE 1956:274e; SEG 14, 671. @ @@`21. Dedication (?); no date; found at Kaunos: Collignon, BCH 1, 1877, 343; *Bean, JHS 73, 1953, 11, note 3. @ See also: Kaunos 24%19`25. @ @@@@Section: 9b. Other Religious Inscriptions (22%19`23) @ @@`22. Inscription marking &3hieron& of &3meter,& on rock; no date; found nea Ku+c%25u+kkale: Roos, OAth 8, 1968, 160, no. 2; *BE 1959:545. @ @@`23. Inscription marking &3hieron& of Zeus Xenios, with dedication by &3thiasita&[&3i&], on rock; no date; found near Ku+c%25u+kkale: Roos, OAth 8, 1968, 159%19`160, no. 1 (PH); *BE 1969:545. @ See also: Kaunos 5%19`6, 11. @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (24%19`47) @ @@`24. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Hekatomnos Hyssallomou by Kaunos, stoichedon, on plain rectangular base; IV; found at Kaunos: Bean, AJA 51, 1947, 198; BE 1949:177; *Bean, JHS 73, 1953, 20, no. 3 (PH); BE 1954:229 (p. 169); SEG 12, 470. @ @@`25. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Mausollos Hekatomno by Kaunos, stoichedon, on plain rectangular base; IV; found at Kaunos: Bean, AJA 51, 1947, 198; BE 1949:177; *Bean, JHS 73, 195, 20, no. 4 (PH); BE 1954:229 (p. 169); SEG 12, 471. @ @@`26. Honorary inscription for Aulus Afr[ani]us by &3demos& of Kaunos, on base; I&4e&?; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 90%19`91, no. 26 (PH); BE 1956:274c; SEG 14, 644; Tuchelt, Kaunos05. @ @@`27. Honorary inscription for [Dion]ysia Agreophon[tos] of Kaunos [by &3demos& of Kaunos (?),] on plain rectangular block; I&4e&; found at Horozlar: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 95%19`97, no. 37.a (PH); BE 1956:274c; SEG 14, 649.a (PH). @ @@`28. Honorary inscription for [Iulia Polla,] sister of Iulius Quadratus by &3boule& and &3demos& of Kaunos, on statue%19base; 2&4b&; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 92%19`93, no. 29 (PH); BE 1956:274c; SEG 14, 648; **Habicht, Gnomon 30, 1958, 317; BE 1959:402. @ @@`29. Honorary inscription for Quintus Cascellius Geminus by &3demos& of Kaunos, on round base; c. 1&4`1&; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 93, no. 30 (PH); BE 1956:274c; SEG 14, 647. @ @@`30. Honorary inscription for Gaius Cassius Salamalla, &3epitropos of Trajan, by &3boule& and &3demos& of Kaunos and &3gerousia&; AD 98%3`117; found at Kaunos: *Hoskyn, Journ. Roy. Geogr. Soc. 12, 1842, 158, no. 1; PIR&4`2& II 121, no. 519; Bean, JHS 73, 1953, 10, note 3; BE 1954:229 (p. 169). @ @@`31. Honorary inscription for Gaius Licinius Murena by &3demos& of Kaunos, on statue%19base of white marble; 83%3`63 BC; found at Kaunos: *Bernhardt, AS 16, 1972, 117%19`128, no. 2 (PH); BE 1976:660; Tuchelt, Kaunos02. @ @@`32. Honorary inscription for Lucius Licinius Murena by &3demos& of Kaunos, on large statue%19base of white marble; 83%3`63 BC; found at Kaunos: *Bernhardt, AS 16, 1972, 117%19`128, no. 1 (PH); BE 1976:660; Tuchelt, Kaunos01. @ @@`33. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]us Magul[nius] Neik[ ... ] by [&3de&]&3mos& [of Kaunos,] on base; I; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 90, no. 25 (PH); BE 1956:274c; SEG 14, 643. @ @@`34. Honorary inscription for [Me]nophanes (?) Menophontos by Menophon Zenonos, on base; no date; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 73, 1953, 32, no. 14; SEG 12, 467. @ @@`35. Honorary inscription for (?) [ ... ]a Festa (?), on rectangular stone; Roman; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 95, no. 35; SEG 14, 654. @ @@`36. Honorary inscription for Tit[us Flavius] Mettianu[s] by &3demos& of Kaun[os,] on stone which is prob. part of statue%19base; imperial; found near Su+lu+klu+ go+lu+: *Roos, OAth 8, 1968, 160%19`161, no. 3 (PH); BE 1969:545. @ @@`37. Honorary inscription for Gaius Fufius Geminus by &3demos& of Kaunos, on base; I%3`1; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 91, no. 27 (PH); BE 1956:274c; SEG 14, 645. @ @@`38. Honorary inscription for Plautia, wife of Publius Petronius, proconsul, on statue%19base; AD 33%3`34; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 91%19`92, no. 28 (PH); BE 1956:274c; SEG 14, 646. @ @@`39. Honorary inscription for [Gaius Scrib]onius [Curio by &3demos of Kaunos,] on base; c. 54%3`52 BC?; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 89, no. 23 (PH); BE 1956:274c; SEG 14, 641. @ @@`40. Honorary inscription for Zenon Agreophontos of Kaunos [by &3demos& of Kaunos,] on plain rectangular block; *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 95%19`97, no. 37.b (PH); BE 1956:274c; SEG 14, 649.b. @ @@`41. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]erate by [ ... ]s Zenonos, on stone; Hellenistic; found between Eskiko+y and Tepearas#1221: *Roos, OAth 8, 1968, 166, no. 18 (PH). @ @@`42. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]IOS by &3demos& of Kauno[s,] on block; no date; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 94, no. 32; SEG 14, 651. @ @@`43. Honorary inscription for MARTI[ ... ]KIOU (?) [by &3demos& of Kaunos,] on rectangular base; 1?; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 93%19`94, no. 31 (PH); SEG 14, 650. @ @@`44. Honorary inscription for (no name), wife of [Gaiu]s S[c]ribonius [Curio by &3demos&] of Kaunos, on base; c. 54%3`52 BC; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 89%19`90, no. 24 (PH); BE 1956:274c; SEG 14, 642; Tuchelt, Kaunos03. @ @@`45. Honorary inscription for (no name), with artist's signature by Epicharmos Meli[ ... ] and Epicharmos Epichar[mou of Rhodes (?),] on round base; II%3I&4b&; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 73, 1953, 30%19`31, no. 11 (PH); BE 1954:229 (p. 170); SEG 12, 464. @ @@`46. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (?) (no name), [&3epitr&]&3opos& of Augusti, on limestone fragment; imperial; found at Kemaliye: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 108, no. 54 (PH); SEG 14, 672. @ @@`47. Honorary inscription for (no name) [by &3demos& of Kaunos,] on large block; no date; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 94, no. 33; SEG 14, 652. @ See also: Kaunos 1%19`4, 12, 49, 74, 92; OGIS 68 (%6 BCH 3, 1879, 368, no. 9) (honorary inscription for Sostratos Dexipha[no]us [of Knidos] by &3demos& of Kau[nos]; found on Delos); Priene 285 (%6 IPriene 257) (honorary inscription for (no name) by &3demos& of Kaunos; found at Priene); Robert, AE 1966, 114, no. C, l. 8 (%6 BE 1967:568) (%6 PP 5, 1950, 77%19`78, no. 5.c, l. 9 (%6 BE 1951:154) (honorary inscription for athlete (no name), victorious at Letoa Kaisareia at Kaunos and elsewhere; found on Rhodes). @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (_) @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (48) @ @@`48. Inscription of Gaius, on epistyle block; Roman; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 95, no. 36; SEG 14, 667. @ See also: Kaunos 22%19`23. @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (49%19`50) @ @@`49. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for Antileon Menandrou by [&3dem&]&3os& of Kaunos, on statue%19base; III; found at Kaunos: Bean, JHS 73, 1953, 29%19`30, no. 10 (PH); BE 1954:229 (p. 170); *SEG 12, 472; Moretti, Athenaeum 33, 1955, 32%19`37; SEG 15, 631; BE 1956:274; **Peek, GVAK 28%19`29, no. 13 (ll. 5, 11). @ @@`50. Answer in hexameters of oracle of Gryneion to Menodios Sosikleous of Imbros, who asked on behalf of Kaunos how to obtain good crops, on stele; I; found at C%25and#1221r: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 85%19`87, no. 21 (PH); SEG 14, 655; Lloyd%19Jones, JHS 75, 1955, 155; Morel, JHS 75, 1955, 155; BE 1956:274a; Peek, Philologus 100, 1956, 139; BE 1958:458; SEG 15, 632; **Hommel, Philologus 102, 1958, 84%19`92 (l. 16); BE 1959:401; SEG 17, 493; Merkelbach, ZPE 5, 1970, 48; BE 1970:563. @ See also: Hyllarima 22 (%6 former Kaunos 89) (%6 Peek, GVI I 1644) (%6 BCH 18, 1894, 43, 11) (%6 Gnomon 31, 1959, 19) (funerary inscription in iambics for Sa[bina (?)]; said to be from C%25and#1221r, from Hyllarima, not from Kaunos); Ephesos 2069, ll. 15%19`16 (%6 IEphesos 1548) (honorary inscription, partly in elegiacs, by Mettianu[s] of Kaunos et al.; found at Ephesos). @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (51%19`83) @ @@`51. Funerary inscription for Agreoph[on Agreophontos of Perdeikia, on marble block forming front of sarcophagus; imperial; found at Kaunos: *Herrmann, OAth 10, 1971, 36 (PH). @ @@`52. Funerary inscription for Alexandros Iasonos of Myra, &3techneit&[2&3a&]2&3rches,& on statue%19base; imperial?; found at Kaunos: *Roos, OAth 8, 1968, 163, no. 10 (PH); BE 1969:545. @ @@`53. Funerary inscription for [A]rtemisia Neoptolemou, on block; imperial; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 105, no. 40; SEG 14, 658. @ @@`54. &3Taphos& inscription of [M(arcus) Aur]e(lius) Epigonos, with penalty for unauthorized burial, on blocks forming part of Doric tomb; imperial; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 105, no. 41.b (PH); SEG 14, 659.b. @ @@`55. Funerary inscription for Basilis Gaiou, on entrance to tomb; Roman; found at Kaunos: *Maiuri, ASAA 3, 1916%19`1920, 268; SEG 2, 535; Roos, Rock%19Tombs of Caunus 93; BE 1973:446. @ @@`56. &3Mnemeion& inscription of [ ... Phi]lodamou of Kaunos, wife [B]ouleutike, et al., with penalty for unauthorized burial, on broken stone; imperial?; found at Kaunos: *Roos, OAth 8, 1968, 164, no. 12 (PH); BE 1969:545. @ @@`57. Funerary inscription for Damas, on tombstone; no date; found at Kaunos: *Roos, OAth 8, 1968, 163, no. 8 (PH); BE 1969:545. @ @@`58. Funerary inscription for Demetria Diokleous, on marble block; imperial; found at Dalyan: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 105, no. 39; SEG 14, 657. @ @@`59. &3Mnemeion& inscription of Epitynchanon Epitynchanontos of Kaunos, on tombstone; no date; found at Kaunos: *Roos, OAth 8, 1968, 164%19`165, no. 14 (PH); BE 1969:545. @ @@`60. Funerary (?) inscription for Euphanes Aristionos et al., &3Sikimitai,& on rectangular block; imperial?; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 73, 1953, 33%19`34, no. 17 (PH); BE 1954:229 (p. 171); SEG 12, 474. @ @@`61. Funerary inscription for Gaios Hegestratou, on tombstone; Roman; found at Kaunos: *Roos, OAth 8, 1968, 162, no. 6 (PH); BE 1969:545. @ @@`62. Funerary inscription of Hedista Ptolemaiou et al., on lintel block; II%3I; found at Dag%27 Dibi: Collignon, BCH 1, 1877, 346; *Bean, JHS 73, 1953, 34%19`35, no. 19 (PH); BE 1954:229 (p. 171); SEG 12, 477. @ @@`63. Funerary inscription of Hermonax Theonos, on end of lid of rock%19cut tomb; imperial; found at Kaunos: *Astro+m, OAth 8, 1968, 168%19`169 (PH); BE 1969;546. @ @@`64. &3Mnemeion& inscription of Claudius Deios, on block; imperial; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 105, no. 41.a (PH); SEG 14, 659.a. @ @@`65. Funerary inscription of [ ... ] Iasonos of Imbros and [Kleup]atra Oikodaman[tos,] on fasciae of lintel block; I; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 73, 1953, 34, no. 18 (PH); BE 1954:229 (p. 171); SEG 12, 475. @ @@`66. First &3mnem&[&3a&] inscription of Letodoros et al., Kysereis, on entrance to first tomb; imperial; found at Kaunos: *Collignon, BCH 1, 1877, 345%19`346; Maiuri, ASAA 3, 1916%19`1920, 267; SEG 2, 534; Robert, Et. anat. 455, note 1; Bean, JHS 73, 1953, 11, note 3; BE 1954:229 (p. 169); Roos, Rock%19Tombs of Caunus 93; BE 1973:446. @ @@`67. Second &3mnema& inscription of Letodoros et al., Kysereis, on entrance to second tomb; imperial; found at Kaunos: LW 512; Maiuri, ASAA 3, 1916%19`1920, 267; BE 1954:229 (p. 169); *Roos, Rock%19Tombs of Caunus 93; BE 1973:446. @ @@`68. &3Mnia& inscription of Menandros Menandrou et al., on small tombstone; no date; found at Kaunos: *Roos, OAth 8, 1968, 164, no. 11 (PH); **BE 1969:545 (l. 1). @ @@`69. &3Mnemeio&[&3n&] inscription by Menekrates Iatro[kleous] for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial, on block; imperial; found at Yank#1221: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 106, no. 42 (PH); SEG 14, 660. @ @@`70. Funerary inscription for Naukratis Kleiniou and Letodoros Dokimou, on left%19hand upright of door of tomb; Roman; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 73, 1953, 34, no. 18a; SEG 12, 476. @ @@`71. Funerary inscription of Theron Theronos, on door of reused rock tomb; imperial; found at Kaunos: Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 106, no. 43; SEG 14, 661; Astro+m, OAth 8, 1968, 167; BE 1969:546; *Roos, Rock%19Tombs of Caunus 93; BE 1973:446. @ @@`72. Funerary inscription for Zenias Pamphilou, on door of rough chamber%19tomb; Roman; found at Kaunos: *Roos, OAth 8, 1968, 161, no. 4 (PH); BE 1969:545; Roos, Rock%19Tombs of Caunus 93, col. 2; BE 1973:446. @ @@`73. Funerary inscription for [ ... ] and Zotikos, on marble plate; imperial?; found at Kaunos: *Roos, OAth 8, 1968, 164, no. 13 (PH); BE 1969:545. @ @@`74. Honorary%3funerary (?) inscription for Demo[ ... ... ]eas (?) [by &3demos,&] on rectangular base; I; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 94, no. 34 (PH); BE 1956:274c; SEG 14, 653. @ @@`75. &3Mnemeion& inscription of Hy[ ... ... ]o%1i%1ou, on fragment; imperial; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 107, no. 45; SEG 14, 663. @ @@`76. Funerary inscription of [ ... ]ke Kaikili[ou,] on block of yellow stone; imperial; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 107, no. 46; SEG 14, 664. @ @@`77. Funerary inscription of [ ... ]N[ ... ], on block of dark limestone; imperial; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 107, no. 47 (PH); SEG 14, 665. @ @@`78. &3Heroion& inscription of (no name), wife, and children, with penalty for unauthorized burial, on block; imperial; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 106, no. 44; SEG 14, 662. @ @@`79. End of funerary inscription, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at C%25and#1221r: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 108, no. 52; SEG 14, 666. @ @@`80. Funerary inscription for (no name), without his wife, on lower part of tile; imperial?; found at Kaunos: *Roos, OAth 8, 1968, 163, no. 9 (PH); BE 1969:545. @ @@`81. End of funerary inscription for woman (no name), on stone; no date; found at Kaunos: *Roos, OAth 8, 1968, 162%19`163, no. 7; BE 1969:545. @ @@`82. Ends of lines of funerary inscription, on rock%19tomb; Roman?; found at Kaunos: *Roos, Rock%19Tombs of Caunus 93, col. 1. @ @@`83. Reclassified as Hyllarima 25. @ See also: Hyllarima 25 (%6 former Kaunos 83) (%6 BCH 18, 1894, 43, 10) (fragment of funerary inscription, on funerary base; said to be from C%25and#1221r, from Hyllarima, not from Kaunos); Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 109, no. 58 (%6 SEG 14, 673) (funerary (?) inscription of [ ... ]s of Ko[s,] [A]phrodesio[s of K]os, and children; found at Okc%25ular near Kaunos, but from Rhodes). @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ See also: Kaunos 17, 19, 45. @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ See also: Kaunos 50. @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (_) @ ԏ@@@@Section: 22. Varia (84%19`86) @ @@`84. Amphora stamp ARN; no date; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 108, no. 55; BE 1956:274e; SEG 14, 674.1. @ @@`85. Amphora stamp Kot[e]u[s] (?); no date; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 109, no. 57; BE 1956:274e; SEG 14, 674.3. @ @@`86. Tile stamp Tymnia; no date; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 108, no. 56; BE 1956:274e; Cook %9 Plommer, Sanctuary p. 60; BE 1967:50, 569; SEG 14, 674.2. @ See also: Bean, JHS 73, 1953, 19, no. 1 (%6 Hellenica 8, 18, no. 14) (%6 Deroy no. 14) (Carian inscription on tomb; found at Mezargedig%27i); Bean, JHS 73, 1953, 19%19`20, no. 2 (%6 Hellenica 8, 20%19`21, no. 16) (%6 Deroy no. 16) (%6 JKAF 1, 1953, 330%19`333) (Carian inscription, possibly in rhyming verse; found at Kaunos); Masson, Anadolu 17, 1973, 123%19`131, no. D (inscription in Carian; found at Kaunos); Roos, Rock%19Tombs of Caunus 93 (%6 BE 1973:446) (Carian inscription on rock%19tomb; found at Kaunos); TL 44c 6%19`9 (%6 Friedrich VII no. 44) (inscription largely in Lycian on stele has provision for Kaunos erecting stele in connection with cults of Maliya, Artemis, and the Basileus Kaunios; found at Xanthos). @ ׏@@@@Section: 23. Dubia (87%19`92) @ @@`87. Fragment; no date; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 107, no. 48; SEG 14, 668. @ @@`88. Fragment mentioning &3boule&; no date; found at Kaunos: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 107, no. 49; SEG 14, 669. @ @@`89. Reclassified as Hyllarima 22. @ @@`90. Fragment referring to &3ergon,& on lower part of base; no date; found at C%25and#1221r: *Bean, JHS 74, 1954, 107, no. 51; SEG 14, 670. @ @@`91. Unpublished illegible inscription, on stone; no date; found at Eskiko+y: *Roos, OAth 8, 1968, 165, no. 16. @ @@`92. Fragment, possibly honorary, on small stele; no date; found at Eskiko+y: *Roos, OAth 8, 1968, 165, no. 17 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @ @@@@{1Keramos}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@IKeramos: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, &3Die Inschriften von Keramos, @@@@Bonn 1986. @ The bulk of the inscriptions listed were found at Keramos. Others were found nearby. In any case, the place of discovery is listed. Following sites are given, of which those which have not been located are followed by a question mark: @@C%25o+kertme @@Go+kbel (Bargasa?) @@Hurma (As%25ag%27#1221 Maz#1221, C%25es%25mebas%25#1221, Hoolah) @@Kilisearas#1221 (near Hurma) @@K#1221rmevki (?) @@Keramos (Akyap#1221, C%25amalt#1221, Gereme, Kemerdere, O+ren) @@Ovac#1221k (near Kayao+nu+) @@Tu+rkevleri (?). @ Epigraphic references to the following sites are listed: @@Bargasa (II) (Pargasa, Go+kbel?) @@Keramos (O+ren). @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`6) @ @@`1. Honorary decree for L[yki]skos Apollokleus; I; found at Keramos: Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1921%19`1922, 473, no. 19; SEG 4, 180; *IKeramos 7; **Crampa, Gnomon 60, 1988, 606 (ll. 1%19`2); SEG 36, 992. @ @@`2. Honorary decree of Keramos for [ ... ]mos Arch[ ... ] and [ ... ]os Maronos of (no name), giving citizenship; Hellenistic; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 3 (PH). @ @@`3. Honorary decree of boule and de[mos] (of Keramos) for [ ... ]ophantos Dionysiou; AD 14%3`37; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 14 (PH). @ @@`4. Honorary decree for [ ... ]s Drakontos; Hellenistic; found near Keramos: *IKeramos 9 (PH); SEG 35, 1090. @ @@`5. Honorary decree for (no name), who was a good citizen in time of &3sympoliteia& and later served as envoy to Rhodes and [Herakl]eia; 167%3`133 BC; found at Keramos: Paton %9 Hicks, JHS 11, 1890, 113, no. 1; Michel 458; *IKeramos 6; **Crampa, Gnomon 60, 1988, 606%19`606 (ll. 2, 11, 23); SEG 36, 992. @ @@`6. Fragment of honorary decree (probably of Bargasa (II)) for (no name); II; found at Go+kbel: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 142, no. 67 (PH); SEG 16, 637. @ See also: Keramos 76; Ephesos 16.A, l. 4 (%6 IKeramos T8) (%6 IEphesos 16) (honorary decree for Marcus Aurelius or Commodus mentions Keramos; found at Ephesos); Ephesos 30 (%6 IKeramos T1) (%6 IEphesos 1447) (honorary decree of Ephesos for Philon and three other men of Keramos; found at Ephesos); Samos 16 (%6 SEG 1, 539) (honorary decree [of Samos] for Apollodoros and two brothers from Keramos; found on Samos). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (_) @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ See also: Keramos 63; Lagina 10, l. 55 (%6 IStratonikeia 505) (%6 IKeramos T4) (%6 Sherk 18) (%6 LW 543 %7 544) (%6 OGIS 441) (Senatus Consultum on Stratonikeia contained in letter of Sulla awards Keramos and (neighboring?) Themessos to Stratonikeia; found at Lagina). @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (7%19`8) @ @@`7. List of contributors for building of Sarapeion; III&7e&%3II&7b&; found at Keramos: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, ZPE 44, 1981, 51%19`62, no. 1 (PH); SEG 31, 937; *IKeramos 4; **Crampa, Gnomon 60, 1988, 605 (ll. 36, 38, 39); SEG 36, 992. @ @@`8. List of contributors, including Maiandros Keretos, on architectural fragment; late Hellenistic; found at Kilisearas#1221: *IKeramos 81; **Crampa, Gnomon 60, 1988, 608 (ll. 3, 5, 6). @ See also: IG I&4`3& 71, 259%19`290 (frequent mention of Keramos and Pargasa in Athenian Tribute Lists; found in Attica). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ See also: Keramos 28. @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (9%19`23) @ @@`9. Dedication to [&3theoi meg&]&3aloi& of Ke[ramos], on architrave fragment; imperial; found at Keramos: Robert, AJA 39, 1935, 341; *IKeramos 22 (PH). @ @@`10. Dedication to emperor (no name) and [&3theoi megaloi& of Kera]mos, on white marble; imperial; found at C%25amalt#1221 near Keramos: *IKeramos 23. @ @@`11. Dedication to Trajan, &3theoi& [&3megaloi&] of Kera[mos], ad &3patris,& by Hermophantos Dionysiou and Hermophantos Lykiskou, &3agoranomoi,& of [ ... ]&3rion,& on architrave; AD 98%3`117; found at Keramos: Paton %9 Hicks, JHS 11, 1890, 123, no. 6; *IKeramos 18. @ @@`12. Dedication of &3balaneion& and associated &3erga& by Hierokles Hermophantou and wife Aristoneike Aristokratous, on architrave; 2; found at Keramos, from Akyap#1221: Henzen, Ann. ist. arch. 23, 1852, 135, no. 1; LW 1592; Liermann, Analecta p. 38, no. IV (non vidi); Paton %9 Hicks, JHS 11, 1890, 126, no. 9; *IKeramos 19 (PH, part). @ @@`13. Dedication of [&3balaneion& and associated &3erga&?] by [Hierokles Hermophantou and wife Aristoneike A]ristokratous, on architrave (?); 2; found at Keramos: Paton %9 Hicks, JHS 11, 1890, 125, no. 8; *IKeramos 20 (PH, part). @ @@`14. Dedication to Trajan, &3theoi megaloi& of Keramos, and &3patris by [L]ykiskos Apollokleous, of &3krene&; AD 102%3`117; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 17 (PH); **Crampa, Gnomon 60, 1988, 607 (l. 8). @ @@`15. Dedication to Antoninus Pius and [&3theoi meg&]&3aloi& of Keramos, on architrave fragments; AD 138%3`161; found at Keramos: Newton, Halikarnassos II 630 (part); *IKeramos 21 (PH, part). @ @@`16. Dedication to [&3theoi megalo&]&3i& of Keramos, by [Theodoros Hieronos and Eukleia] Artemeisi[a], on architrave fragment; 2&4`2&?; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 28 (PH). @ @@`17. Fragment of architrave; no date; found at Keramos: Newton, Halikarnassos II 630; *IKeramos 50. @ @@`18. Fragment of building inscription; no date; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 52. @ @@`19. Architrave fragments referring to Apphion; no date; found at Keramos: Paton %9 Hicks, JHS 11, 1890, 127, no. 10; *IKeramos 53. @ @@`20. Fragment of building inscription; no date; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 54. @ @@`21. Fragment of architrave referring to Hekatomnos; no date; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 57. @ @@`22. Fragment of architrave referring to &3stoa&; no date; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 60. @ @@`23. Fragment of architrave referring to [&3euerget&]&3es& (?); no date; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 63B. @ See also: Keramos 7, 8, 25%19`26, 64, 69%19`70. @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Keramos 7%19`8, 75%19`76; Mylasa 157.9, ll. 13%19`14 (%6 EA 16, 1991, 32%19`34) (%6 IMylasa 12) (treaty between Mylasa and (no name) concerning sale of land, with list of witnesses Hyliatos [N]otrassios, Senyrigos Tryseo, and &3keryx& Kotelemos; found at Sek near Mylasa); Panamara 33, l. 6 (%6 IStratonikeia 21) (%6 SEG 4, 262) (%6 BCH 51, 1927, 68, no. 7) ([Apolloni]a (Salb.), not [Keram]os, in list of cities at end of document, and the Bargasa mentioned is presumably the inland Bargasa (I); found at Panamara near Stratonikeia); IG XII 8, 160 (%6 IKeramos T3), ll. 17%19`21 (list of &3theoroi& includes Hierokles Demetriou and Aristomenes Aristomenous of Keramos; found on Samothrace). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (24%19`29) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Other Religious Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Keramos 65%19`68, 71. @ @@@@Section: 9b. Royal Dedications (24%19`26) @ @@`24. Dedication to Agrippa and Iulia; 21%3`12 BC; found at Keramos: Babington, Transactions Roy. Soc. Lit. X (non vidi); Hicks, JHS 11, 1890, 128, no. 15; *IKeramos 13. @ @@`25. Dedication to Trajan, on epistyle; AD 98%3`117; found at Keramos: Henzen, Ann. ist. arch. 23, 1852, 136, no. 2; LW 1622; *IKeramos 16. @ @@`26. Dedication to Antoninus Pius; AD 138%3`161; found at Keramos: Babington, Transactions Roy. Soc. Lit. X (non vidi); Hicks, JHS 11, 1890, 128, no. 13; *IKeramos 24. @ See also: Keramos 10%19`11, 14%19`15. @ @@@@Section: 9c. Other Dedications (27%19`29) @ @@`27. Dedication to [ ... ] Ak[r]ai[a] by Herakleitos Aristeou; Hellenistic; found at Ovac#1221k: Paton %9 Hicks, JHS 11, 1890, 119, no. 2; *IKeramos 10 (PH). @ @@`28. Dedication to &3thios epekoos& by Kalliphanes Leontos &3archiereus,& in accordance with vow at Ephesos, on altar; 3&7b&; found at K#1221rmevki: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, ZPE 44, 1981, 62%19`66, no. 2 (PH); SEG 31, 938; *IKeramos 32. @ @@`29. Fragment of dedication by [gym]nasiarch (no name); no date; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 63A. @ See also: Keramos 9, 12%19`13, 16, 34%19`35, 39; IG XII 1, 114 (%6 IKeramos T2) (dedication to &3theoi& by Chryso of Keramos on behalf of husband Thargelios of Bargylia; found on Rhodes). @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (30%19`50) @ @@`30. Honorary inscription for Caesar Gaius Valens Hostilianus Quintus; AD 249%3`252; found at Keramos: Babington, Transactions Roy. Soc. Lit. X (non vidi); Hicks, JHS 11, 1890, 127, no. 11; ILS 520: *IKeramos 33. @ @@`31. Honorary inscription for Pu(blius) Aelius Iason &3hiereus& and wife [ ... ]; imperial?; found at Keramos: Robert, AJA 39, 1935, 342; *IKeramos 38. @ @@`32. Honorary inscription for Pu(blius) Ael(ius) Pamphilos &3hiereus& and wife Parthenike; imperial; found at Keramos: Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 143, no. 69; SEG 16, 635; Robert, Monn. gr. 45; *IKeramos 40. @ @@`33. Honorary inscription for [ ... ] Epaphrodeitou &3hiereus,& son [ ... ] &3neokoros,& and daughter Amaranto[n]; imperial?; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 42 (PH). @ @@`34. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Aristokrates Drakontos by wife Hedeia Metrophanou, to gods; Hellenistic; found at Keramos: Paton %9 Hicks, JHS 11, 1890, 119, no. 3.b; Michel 1201; *IKeramos 5.b. @ @@`35. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Artemous Aristo[kratou] by mother [Hedeia Metrophanou], to gods; Hellenistic; found at Keramos: Paton %9 Hicks, JHS 11, 1890, 119, no. 3.a; *IKeramos 5.a. @ @@`36. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Aur(elius) Chrysantas &3hiereus&; 3?; found at Keramos: Bean, Turkey Beyond the Maeander&4`2 35; *IKeramos 36 (PH). @ @@`37. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Auri(lius) Themistokles &3hiereus&; 3?; found at Keramos: Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1921%19`1922, 474, no. 20; SEG 4, 181; Robert, Monn. gr. 45, note 2; *IKeramos 35 (PH). @ @@`38. Honorary inscription for Eirenaios Drakontomenous &3hieroskopos,& by &3patris&; s&4`2&; found near Keramos: Paton %9 Hicks, JHS 11, 1890, 121, no. 5; *IKeramos 31 (PH). @ @@`39. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Euandros Themistokleous by brother Themistokles Themistokleous, to gods, on base; 3?; found at Keramos: Paton %9 Hicks, JHS 11, 1890, 120, no. 4; *IKeramos 29. @ @@`40. Honorary inscription for [Hieron Hermodoros]; 2&4`2&?; found at Keramos: Paton %9 Hicks, JHS 11, 1890, 124, no. 7; Derenne, AC 2, 1933, 77%19`79; *IKeramos 26; **Crampa, Gnomon 60, 1988, 607 (ll. 1, 4%19`5, 12). @ @@`41. Honorary inscription for Iatrokles Antandrou &3hiereus& and wife Philoumene; imperial?; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 41 (PH). @ @@`42. Honorary inscription for [Ly]kiskos Apollokleous, gymnasiarch; Hellenistic; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 8 (PH). @ @@`43. Honorary inscription for Salvi[u]s Aristeus &3hiereus& and wife Aur(elia) Chrysea; imperial; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 44A. @ @@`44. Honorary (?) inscription for (no name) [Dionysiou] and wife Strato[nike]; no date; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 62. @ @@`45. Honorary inscription for Themistokles Themistokleous &3hiereus&; 3?; found at Keramos: Robert, Monn. gr. 45, note 2; *IKeramos 34. @ @@`46. Honorary inscription for &3stephanephoroi& Theodoros Hieronos and Eukleia Artemeisia; 2&4`2&?; found at Keramos: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, ZPE 44, 1981, 66, note 46; SEG 31, 939; *IKeramos 27. @ @@`46.5. Honorary inscription for Ag[ ... ]o[s?] Menestratou by de[mos]; Hellenistic; found at Keramos: *C%25. S%25ahin, EA 10, 1987, 2, no. 2 (PH); SEG 37, 866. @ @@`47. Fragment of honorary inscription listing victories of athlete [Polites?]; 1&4`2&?; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 15 (PH); **Crampa, Gnomon 60, 1988, 607 (part b, l. 3). @ @@`48. Honorary inscription for (no name) &3hiereus&; imperial?; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 37. @ @@`49. Honorary inscription for &3neokoros& (no name); imperial?; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 39. @ @@`50. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for athlete (no name); imperial?; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 59. @ See also: Keramos 1%19`6; IG II&4`2& 3310 (%6 IKeramos 25) (%6 CIG 337) (honorary inscription for Hadrian by boule and demos of Keramos; found in Attica); Ephesos 1109 (%6 IKeramos T6) (%6 IEphesos 618) (honorary inscription for [M(arcus) Ulpius] Aristokrates of Keramos by [gerousia of Ephesos]; found at Ephesos); Mylasa 257, l. 7 (%6 IMylasa 401) (%6 IKeramos T5) (honorary inscription for Sibilos by Keramos and other cities; found at Mylasa). @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (_) @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Ephesos 2031 (%6 IKeramos T7) (%6 SEG 34, 1168) (%6 JO+AI 55, 1984, 126) (topos inscription for Keramietai; found at Ephesos). @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (51) @ @@`51. Inscription in elegiacs for sundial by Philistos; Hellenistic; found at Keramos: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 3, 1984, 133%19`135, ll. 4%19`7 (PH); SEG 34, 1069; *IKeramos 11, ll. 4%19`7. @ See also: Keramos 69%19`70. @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (52%19`62) @ @@`52. Funerary inscription for Ael(ius) Zopyros and Theodote; Roman; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 48 (PH). @ @@`53. Funerary inscription by Andronikos Markou for self and family; imperial?; found near Hurma: *IKeramos 82 (PH). @ @@`54. Funerary inscription by M(arcus) Aur(elius) Themistokles (?) for self (and family?); imperial?; found at Kilisearas#1221: *IKeramos 83. @ @@`54.5. Funerary inscription for (?) Dionysios Antag[2or]2as of [2Rh]2odes, by (?) Mene%1strate%1 Dionysiou of Rhodes et al.; imperial?; found at Hurma: *CIG 2736b (p. 1108). @ @@`55. Funerary inscription for M(arcus) Aure[lius ... ] and family; imperial; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 46 (PH). @ @@`56. Funerary inscription for Hermodoro[s] Herodou; no date; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 49 (PH). @ @@`57. Funerary inscription for [ ... d]otos D[eme]triou and family, including son Nasiotas; imperial?; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 49A. @ @@`58. Funerary inscription for Salvius Aristeus and Aur(elia) Chrysea; imperial; found near Keramos: *IKeramos 45 (PH). @ @@`59. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]a (?) Eumenous by mother [ ... ] Menandrou and brother [ ... ]tos Eumenous; imperial; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 30 (PH). @ @@`60. Funerary inscription for (no name) and family; imperial?; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 47; **Crampa, Gnomon 60, 1988, 608 (ll. 1%19`3, 5). @ @@`61. Fragment of funerary (?) inscription for (no name) and family; imperial?; found at Keramos: Babington, Transactions Roy. Soc. Lit. X (non vidi); Hicks, JHS 11, 1890, 128, no. 14; *IKeramos 51. @ @@`62. Funerary inscription for family; imperial?; found at C%25o+kertme: *IKeramos 84 (PH). @ See also: Theangela 16 (%6 ABSA 50, 1955, 142, 66) (%6 SEG 16, 639) (funerary inscription for (no name); found at Hurma, from Amynanda in territory of Theangela); Tralles 215, l. 4 (%6 ITralles 31) (%6 MDAI(A) 26, 1901, 238, 2) (honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) by &3demoi& of several cities, including Bargasa, presumably Bargasa (I), not Bargasa (II); found at Tralles). @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ See also: Keramos 71; IKeramos T8A (graffito by visitor Aristokles Apolloniou of Keramos; found at Thebes in Egypt). @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (63%19`73) @ @@`63. Edict of &3praefectus praetorio& Fl(avius) Illus Pusaeus Dionysius concerning Domus Placidiae; AD 465%3`473; found at Keramos, identical with texts found at Mylasa and Stratonikeia: IMylasa 613; Mylasa 362; IStratonikeia 1019; Stratonikeia 200; Henzen, Ann. ist. arch. 23, 1852, 136, no. 3; LW 1628; Gre/goire, Recueil 281 bis; *IKeramos 65 (PH); SEG 35, 1091. @ @@`64. Christian building inscription for church by bishop Hermon, on architrave; Byzantine; found near Keramos: Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1921%19`1922, 474%19`475, no. 2; SEG 4, 182; *IKeramos 64. @ @@`65. Prayer to Lord to help bishop Theoprepios; Christian; found at Keramos: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, Tu+rk Ark. Derg. 26, 1, 1982, 78, no. 6.2.1. (PH) (non vidi); SEG 32, 1118; *IKeramos 69. @ @@`66. Prayer to Lord to help bishop The(o)prepios; Christian; found at Keramos: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, Tu+rk Ark. Derg. 26, 1, 1982, 78, no. 6.2.2 (PH) (non vidi); SEG 32, 1119; *IKeramos 70. @ @@`67. Prayer to Lord to remember bishop Theoprepios; Christian; found at Keramos: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, Tu+rk Ark. Derg. 26, 1, 1982, 78, no. 6.2.3 (PH) (non vidi); SEG 32, 1120; *IKeramos 71. @ @@`68. Prayer in name of martyr Stephanos; Christian; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 68 (PH). @ @@`69. Building inscription in hexameters by Philagrios and wife Theodora; 4%3`5; found at Keramos, not Aphrodisias: Henzen, Ann. ist. arch. 23, 1852, 137, no. 4; LW 1593; CIG 8633; Kaibel 1067; Cougny, Epigr. Anth. III p. 58, no. 360; Ramsay, Phrygia II 554, no. 422; Gre/goire, Recueil 246; Robert, Hellenica 4, 134; *IKeramos 66 (PH, part). @ @@`70. Fragment of Christian building inscription in elegiacs; Christian; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 67. @ @@`71. Graffiti with prayers to Lord; Christian; found between Keramos and Tu+rkevleri: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, Tu+rk Ark. Derg. 26, 1, 1982, 77, no.'s 6.1.3 and 6.1.4 (PH) (non vidi); SEG 32, 1116%19`1117; *IKeramos 73. @ @@`72. Inscription identifying figure in fresco as Mother of God; Christian; found between Keramos and Tu+rkevleri: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, Tu+rk Ark. Derg. 26, 1, 1982, 77, no. 6.1.1 (non vidi); SEG 32, 1114; *IKeramos 72.a. @ @@`73. Inscription identifying figure in fresco as J(esu)s ɂ[Ch(rist)]; Christian; found between Keramos and Tu+rkevleri: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, Tu+rk Ark. Derg. 26, 1, 1982, 77, no. 6.1.2 (non vidi); SEG 32, 1115; *IKeramos 72.b. @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (74%19`75) @ @@`74. Inscription for sundial by Theon of Alexandria; imperial?; found at Keramos: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 3, 1984, 133%19`135, ll. 1%19`3 (PH); SEG 34, 1069; *IKeramos 11, ll. 1%19`3; BE 1987:154. @ @@`75. List of names, including Aristeas Her%1m%1[ ... ]; Hellenistic; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 12 (PH). @ See also: Keramos 51, 72%19`73; IKeramos 1%19`2 (identical inscriptions in Phrygian; found near Keramos). @ ̏@@@@Section: 23. Dubia (76%19`83) @ @@`76. Fragment, perhaps of decree, referring to [F]lav[i ... ]; Roman; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 63. @ @@`77. List of names, including [He]rmodoros and others; imperial; found at Keramos: Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 143, no. 70; SEG 16, 634; Robert, Monn. gr. 43, note 7; *IKeramos 43 (PH). @ @@`78. Fragment dated by &3hiereus& (no name); imperial; found at Keramos: Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 142%19`143, no. 68; SEG 16, 636; *IKeramos 44. @ @@`79. Fragment referring to &3epitropos& Appianus Clarus, on column; imperial; found at Keramos: Babington, Transactions Roy. Soc. Lit. X (non vidi); Hicks, JHS 11, 1890, 128, no. 12; *IKeramos 58. @ @@`80. Fragment referring to Euboulos; no date; found at Keramos: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 27, no. 5; *IKeramos 55. @ @@`81. Fragment referring to &3protos arch&[&3on&]; no date; found at Keramos: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 27, no. 4; *IKeramos 56. @ @@`82. Fragment referring to [Di]ognetos, on column; no date; found at Keramos: *IKeramos 61. @ @@`83. Fragment referring to &3hieroi limen&[&3es&]; no date; found at Hurma: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 141%19`142, no. 65 (PH); SEG 16, 638. @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @ @@@@{1Kidrama}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@MAMA VI: W. H. Buckler %9 W. M. Calder, &3Monumenta Asiae Minoris &3@@@@Antiqua,& vol. VI, Manchester 1939. @@Robert, La Carie II: L. %9 J. Robert, &3La Carie, Tome II: Le &3@@@@plateau de Tabai et ses environs,& Paris 1954. @ Many of the inscriptions listed were found at Kidrama (near Yorga.) Others were found nearby. Following sites are given, of which those which have not been located are followed by a question mark: @@Bahc%25eko+y (Bag%27c%25e Ko+y) @@Kidrama (near Yorga) @@Nikfer @@Yorga. @ Epigraphic references from outside the territory to the following sites are listed here: @@Kidrama (near Yorga). @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (_) @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (_) @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (_) @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (1) @ @@`1. Dedication to Thea Aphrodeite and Demos of &3ekthetosis, &3kosmos, chreisis,& and &3graphai,& by Menandros Nearchou, on stone block; no date; found at Kidrama: *Robert, La Carie II no. 185 (PH); BE 1955:205. @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (2%19`4) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (2%19`4) @ @@`2. Dedication (?) by Philotas Artemidorou and Posidonios Attalou, &3hiereis& of Augusti, on block of white marble; imperial; found at Nikfer: *Robert, La Carie II no. 184; BE 1955:205. @ @@`3. &3Euche& dedication to Artemis Ky[ ... ]ndi of &3bomos& and &3libanotris,& by Lucius Acirius Myon; Roman; found at Bahc%25eko+y: *Robert, La Carie II no. 183 (PH); BE 1955:205; BE 1959:394. @ @@`4. Dedication by (?) Straton (?), on round altar; no date; found at Kidrama: *Robert, La Carie II no. 182. @ See also: Kidrama 1. @ @@@@Section: 9b. Other Religious Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Robert, REG 70, 1957, 370, note 4 (%6 BE 1959:393%19`394) (unpublished list of visitors to Klaros from Aphrodisias includes Myon son of L(ucius) Acirius Myon (of Kidrama); found at Klaros). @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (5%19`7) @ @@`5. Honorary inscription for Valerian by &3polis& of Kidrama, on stone base; AD 253%3`260; found at Yorga: *Robert, La Carie II no. 189; BE 1955:205. @ @@`6. Honorary inscription for Nana Menandrou by demos (of Kidrama) and by demos of Apollonia (Salb.), on column of reddish stone; no date; found at Yorga: *Robert, La Carie II no. 186 (PH); BE 1955:205. @ @@`7. Honorary inscription for (no name), [&3hiere&]&3us& of [Meter Theo]n Sparzene, on block; imperial?; found at Bahc%25eko+y: Robert, Villes d'Asie Min. 226 (PH); BE 1936:385; *Robert, La Carie II no. 188 (PH). @ See also: Robert, La Carie II pp. 351%19`352 (%6 Kubitschek %9 Reichel, AAWW 1893, 97) (honorary inscription for Apollonios Papias; found at Bucakko+y near Attouda, not at Kidrama). @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (_) @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (_) @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (8) @ @@`8. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [ ... ]llas Papou &3heros& by [bo]ule, d[emos,] and &3geraioi,& on base of white marble; imperial?; found at Yorga: *Robert, La Carie II no. 187 (PH); BE 1955:205. @ See also: Robert, La Carie II no. 181 (%6 IG XII 1, 987) (funerary inscription of Xenokratea of Ephesos and Kalikles of Kidrama; found on Karpathos). @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (9) @ @@`9. Funerary inscription for (no name), with penalty for unauthorized burial; Christian?; found at Bahc%25eko+y: Robert, Villes d'Asie Mineure 225, note 2; *Robert, La Carie II no. 191; BE 1955:205. @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (_) @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (10) @ @@`10. Inscription &3ODEKA& on stone block; no date; found at Yorga: *Robert, La Carie II no. 190. @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @ @@@@{1Knidos}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@Newton, Discoveries II: C. T. Newton, &3A History of Discoveries &3@@@@at Halikarnassos, Knidos, and Branchidae& II, London 1863. @ Almost all the inscriptions listed were found at sites identified as being within the territory of Knidos. Inscriptions were found at the following sites, of which those which have not been located on a map are identified with a question mark: @@Barkaz @@Baterna (?) (2 km. w. of Datc%25a) @@Burgaz (Pourgazou) (not Akanthos) @@C%25es%25me (C%25es%25meko+y) @@Cumal#1221 (Cumal#1221ko+y) @@Datc%25a (Datscha, Stadia, Tatsa) (perhaps %6 Old Knidos) @@Emecik (Chatzousoula) (%6 Akanthos) @@H#1221z#1221s%25ah @@Karako+y @@K#1221zlan @@Knidos (Tekir) @@Kumyer (perhaps %6 Triopion) @@Palamutbu+ku+ @@Res%25adiye @@Stephanea (?) (bit e. of Knidos) @@Yakako+y @@Yaz (Yaz#1221ko+y @@Zeytincik. @ Epigraphic references from outside the territory of Knidos to the following sites are listed here (those with a question mark have not been located): @@Akanthos (Emecik) @@Knidos (Tekir) @@Triopion (Chioi Kares) (perhaps %6 Kumyer). @ 1. Decrees %9 Laws @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`18) @ @@@@Section: 1a. Honorary Decrees (1%19`16) @ @@`1. End of honorary decree for Artemidoros, on block of blue marble; I&4`2&%3`1&4`1&; found at Knidos: Hamilton, Researches II 459%19`460 no. 294; Newton, Discoveries II pp. 766%19`768 no. 52; LW 1572&3bis&; SGDI 3502; *GIBM 787. @ @@`2. Letter to Knidos from &3athletai& from &3oikoumene,& containing honorary%3funerary decree for Euboulos Apollodorou by &3athletai from &3oikoumene,& on pedestal of gray limestone; 2%3`3?; found at Knidos: GIBM 794; BE 1969:537; Pleket, ZPE 10, 1973, 197%19`227 (PH); BE 1973:75; *Merkelbach, EA 2, 1983, 33%19`36; BE 1984:445. @ @@`3. Honorary decree of Knidos for Iphiadas of Abydos, giving proxeny, stoichedon; IV&4`1&; found at K#1221zlan: Paton, REG 9, 1896, 420, no. 9 (part); BE 1897:94; Michel 449 (part); Syll&4`2 475 (part); Schede, MDAI(A) 36, 1911, 97, no. 1 (part) (PH, part); BE 1913:484; Wilhelm, AAWW 1911, 14, 1, 170%19`176 (%6 AkadSchr II 23%19`29) Roussel, MDAI(A) 36, 1911, 285%19`286; *Syll&4`3 187; Robert, Monn. gr. 24 (non vidi); BE 1968:504. @ @@`4. Honorary decree of boule and [d]amos for Lykaithion Ar[isto]kleida, on slab of white marble; I%3`1; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II pp. 762%19`764 no. 49; SGDI 3505; *GIBM 788. @ @@`5. Part of honorary decree of (no name) for [Lykaithi]on Aristokleida of Knidos and [Hie]rapoleis (?), on fragment of slab of white marble; I%3`1?; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 758 no. 45; *GIBM 790. @ @@`6. Preamble and beginning of honorary decree of &3boula& for [Lykaithion (?)] Aristokleida, on fragment of slab of white marble; I%3`1?; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II pp. 764%19`765 no. 50; *GIBM 789. @ @@`7. Honorary decree for Parasitas, on marble; Hellenistic; found at Datc%25a, later on Nisyros: *Dubois, BCH 7, 1883, 485 (* for ll. 18%19`22); *SGDI 3501 (* for ll. 1%19`17); **Robert, RPh 53, 1927, 117 note 5 (ll. 9%19`10); SEG 4, 174. @ @@`8. Honorary decree of [Knidos] for Parmenon [ ... ]psios of Lampsakos, giving proxeny, stoichedon, on limestone stele; IV?; found near Res%25adiye: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 185%19`187, no. 2 (PH); SEG 12, 418; BE 1954:228 (p. 165). @ @@`9. Honorary decree (of Smyrna) for Xenokritos Xenokritou and Hagesikrates [ ... ], foreign judges from Knidos, on limestone stele; III&4`2&%3II&4`1&?; found at Knidos: Schwarzenberg, BJ 169, 1969, 89%19`92; Engelmann, ZPE 5, 1970, 289%19`291; Herrmann, ZPE 7, 197169%19`72 (PH); BE 1971:630; *ISmyrna 578. @ @@`10. Honorary%3funerary decree for (no name) Artemidorou, on slab of white marble; AD 117%3`138; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II pp. 760%19`761 no. 47; SGDI 3504; *GIBM 792. @ @@`11. Honorary decree, probably of [Aphrodisias,] for (no name) of Knidos, daughter of Athanagoras, on slab of white marble; I%3`1; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 762 no. 48; SGDI 3506; *GIBM 791. @ @@`12. Fragment of [p]roxeny decree mentioning native of Halika[rnassos,] on fragment of yellow limestone; IV&4`2&%3III; found at Knidos: *GIBM 786a. @ @@`13. Heading of transcription of honorary decrees, with beginning of one such decree, mentioning Aulus, on fragment of slab of white marble; Roman; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II pp. 758%19`759 no. 44; *GIBM 793. @ @@`14. Fragment, prob. of honorary decree, mentioning Aulu[s,] on fragment of white marble; Roman; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II pp. 759%19`760 no. 46; *GIBM 793a. @ @@`15. First (of two) decrees for [Cha]l%1ke by K[nidos,] on fragment of stele of dark gray limestone; IV&4m&; found near Datc%25a, not from Chalke: Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 187%19`188 no. 3, ll. 1%19`8 (PH); *SEG 12, 419, ll. 1%19`7; BE 1954:228 (p. 165); Klaffenbach, Fs. Weickert 94%19`96, ll. 1%19`8; BE 1956:273; **SEG 14, 727 (ll. 2%19`3). @ @@`16. Second (of two) decrees for Cha%1lke [by Knidos,] on fragment of stele of dark gray limestone; IV&4m&; found near Datc%25a, not from Chalke: Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 187%19`188 no. 3, ll. 9%19`10 (PH); *SEG 12, 419, ll. 9%19`10; BE 1954:228 (p. 165); Klaffenbach, Fs. Weickert 94%19`96, ll. 9%19`10; BE 1956:273; SEG 14, 727. @ See also: Foucart, BCH 7, 1883, 409%19`410 (decree (of Amphiktyons) giving &3pro&[&3di&]&3kia& and other privileges to Sokrates Telesia of Knidos et al,; found at Delphi); FD III 1, 298 (decree (of Amphiktyons) giving [&3pr&]&3odikia& and other privileges to P[thokles and Sostratos Dexiphanous of Knidos]; found at Delphi); FD III 1, 308 (honorary decree of [&3po&]&3lis& of Delphi for [&3damos& of Knidos]; found at Delphi); FD III 1, 318 %7 p. 400 (honorary decree of [&3polis& of Delphi] for (no name), perhaps of Knidos; found at Delphi); FD III 1, 480 (honorary decree of Amphiktiones for Kallistos Epigenous of [K]nidos; found at Delphi); Halikarnassos 18 (%6 GIBM 887) (honorary decree [of Halikarnassos] for [ ... ... ]nous of Knidos; found at Halikarnassos); Lykinades Leonideo of Kni[d] Iasos 23.5 (%6 RAL 40, 1985, 152%19`154) (%6 SEG 36, 982.C) (proxeny decree of Iasos for Lykinades Leonideo of Kni[d]os; found at Iasos); Pugliese Carratelli, PP 233, 1987, 115%19`118 (decree (of Kos) accepting invitation of Knidos to festival of Artamis Hiakynthotrophos and praising Knidos; found on Kos); Magnesia Mai. 33 (%6 IMagnesia 15.a) (honorary decree of Knidos for Magnesia and foreign judges; found at Magnesia Mai.); Magnesia Mai. 34 (%6 IMagnesia 56) (decree (of Knidos) accepting invitation of Magnesia to Leukophryena and giving honors to Magnesia and envoy; found at Magnesia Mai.); Magnesia Mai. 99 (decree of Magnesia accepting honorary decree of Knidos and honoring envoys from Knidos; found at Magnesia Mai.); Miletos 40 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 138) (decree of Miletos honoring Knidos and individuals, mainly from Knidos, for loan; found at Miletos). @ @@@@Section: 1b. Other Laws and Decrees (17%19`18) @ @@`17. Decree of Knidos concerning &3hiaron& of Dionys[os] Bakchos, on slab of gray limestone; IV&4m&%3III&4m&; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II pp. 753%19`754 no. 36; GIBM 786; SGDI 3500; Michel 450; *Syll&4`3& 978; Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 206 %9 pl. 41.a (PH); SEG 12, 459.a; **Sokolowski, LSAM no. 55 (l. 13); SEG 15, 635; Nilsson, Dion. Myst. 9 (non vidi); SEG 17, 494. @ @@`18. Roman law concerning piracy; 101%3`100 BC; found at Knidos, copy also found at Delphi: FD III 4 no. 37; SEG 3, 378; *Hassall %9 Crawford %9 Reynolds, JRS 64, 1974, 195%19`220 (PH); BE 1976:658; Lintott, ZPE 20, 1976, 65%19`82 (non vidi); BE 1977:467; **SEG 26, 1227 (col. 5, ll. 14%19`25. 27%19`33, 35%19`42, 44%19`45); Ferrary, MEFR 89, 1977, 619%19`660 (non vidi); SEG 27, 720; BE 1978:93; **Oliver, ZPE 32, 1978, 279 (col. 3, line 31); BE 1979:468; Martin, ZPE 35, 1979, 153%19`160; BE 1980:482; SEG 28, 844; **SEG 29, 1075 (col. 2 l. 8, col. 4 ll. 6, 30, 33, col. 5 l. 13); SEG 37, 867. @ See also: Bargylia 3 (%6 CIG 2670, ll. 18%19`29) (%6 IIasos 606, ll. 18%19`29) (decree of Bargylia in answer to letter of city (no name) (perhaps Knidos); found at Bargylia); Bousquet, BCH 80, 1956, 579, no. 7 (%6 BE 1958:262) (decree of &3koinon& of Asklepiadai of Kos and Knidos concerning consulting oracle of Delphi; found at Delphi); Halikarnassos 26 (%6 BCH 4, 1880, 341) (%6 GIBM 897) (%6 Michel 595) (%6 OGIS 46) (decree ordaining posting of names of those who had donated money for stoa which demos would erect for Apollo and King Ptolemy (II?); found at Halikarnassos, not at Knidos); TCalymnii 79 (%6 SGDI 3592) (%6 Ross, Inscr. gr. ined. no. 182) (%6 Herzog, RF 1942, 1, no. 1) (honorary decree of boula and damos of Kalymnos for foreign judges from Knidos who settled dispute between Kalymnos and Kos; found on Kalymnos); (decree [of Knidos] appointing &3presbeutai& to invite Pugliese Carratelli, PP 233, 1987, 114%19`115 (decree [of Knidos] appointing &3presbeutai& to invite cities tp festival of Artamis Hiakynth[otrophos]; found on Kos). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (19) @ @@`19. Two fragments of treaty of alliance between Rome and Knidos, with oaths, on two fragments of stele of white marble c. 45%3`29 BC; found at Chalkis, presumably from Knidos: Matsas, Athena 11, 1899, 283%19`288, no.'s 3%19`4 (non vidi); BE 1902:77%19`78; Wilhelm, Beitr. 124; *Jarde/, Me/l. Cagnat 51%19`57; Ta+ubler, Imperium Romanum 450%19`454; **Wilhelm, Berl. Philol. Woch. 1914, 894 (part a, l. 2); BE 1915:471; Cichorius, RhM 76, 1927, 327%19`329 (non vidi); BE 1928:379; Love, AJA 76, 1972, 401; Love, PICCA 10, 1973II 1130; Jehne, Staat des Diktators Caesar 336. @ See also: Miletos 60 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 148) (%6 Syll&4`3& 588) (peace treaty between Miletos and Magnesia Mai. involves mediating envoys from Knidos; found at Miletos). @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (_) @ See also: Knidos 2; Sherk 67 (%6 Syll&4`3& 780) (letter of Augustus to Knidos; found at Astypalaia); Bargylia 6 (%6 CIG 2670, ll. 1%19`17) (%6 IIasos 606, ll. 1%19`17) (letter of city (no name) (perhaps Knidos) to Bargylia; found at Bargylia). @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (20) @ @@`20. List of persons promising to contribute to &3thiasos,& on upper part of stele of bluish marble; II; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II pp. 756%19`757 no. 41; Foucart, Associations 233 no. 57; SGDI 3510; *GIBM 795; Michel 1005. @ See also: IG I&4`3& 71, 259%19`290 (frequent mention of Knidos and Chioi Kares in Athenian Tribute Lists; found in Attica). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ See also: Knidos 19. @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (21%19`22) @ @@`21. Dedication, partly in hexameters, of &3oikos& and &3agalma& to Koura and Damater by Chrysina, on block of blue marble; IV&4`2&%3III; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 714 no. 15; Kaibel 785; *GIBM 813; Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 207 %9 pl. 41.f (PH); SEG 12, 459.c. @ @@`22. Honorary inscription for [Artemidoros (?) Th]eupompou by &3damos,& on fragment of architrave; I%3`1?; found at Knidos: LW 1574; Hamilton, Researches II 458 no. 284; Newton, Discoveries II p. 771 no. 78; *SGDI 3503. @ See also: Knidos 272; FD III 1, 289 (%6 Syll&4`3& 8) (%6 BCH 20, 1896, 582 %9 591) (dedication of &3thesauros& and the &3agalma&[&3ta&] to [Apollo] Pythios [by Knidos]; found at Delphi); Syll&4`3& 290 (dedication of &3analamma& to Apollo by &3damos& of Knidos; found at Delphi). @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (22.5) @ @@`22.5. Unpublished document (possibly letter?) related to piracy law (?); c. 100 BC?; found at Knidos: Hassall %9 Crawford %9 Reynolds, JRS 64, 1974, 195, col. 1. @ See also: Plassart, BCH 45, 1921, 6, IC(a) ll. 5%19`6 (list of &3theorodokoi& includes Timos[ ... ] Theogneto[u (?)] at Knidos; found at Delphi); Klazomenai 3 (%6 SEG 29, 1130&3bis.&A) (%6 BE 1987:287) (%6 BE 1980:438) (%6 SEG 36, 1040.A) (decision of foreign judges from Knidos concerning dispute between Temnos and Klazomenai; probably found at or near Klazomenai, now in Berlin); Miletos 194 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 194; record of appointment as proxenoi of [ ... ]nes and [Mo]schion of Knidos; found at Miletos); Mylasa 157.7, ll. 17%19`18 (%6 EA 16, 1991, 30%19`32) (%6 IMylasa 11) (treaty between Mylasa and Kindya concerning sale of land, with list of witnesses, including Pantaleon Apollonideo, Metris Thessalou, and &3keryx& Apollonides of [Knid]os; found at Sek near Mylasa). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (23%19`52) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (23%19`52) @ @@`23. Inscription of Augustus, on base; 27 BC%3AD 14; found at Knidos: Hamilton, Researches II 459 no. 290; *LW 1573. @ @@`24. Dedication to Agathe Tycha by three &3astynomisantes Spinikidas Kallipou et al., with artist's signature by Zenodotos Mennippou of Knidos, on rectangular column; II&4`1&?; found at Knidos: *Love, AJA 77, 1973, 418 (PH); BE 1974:549; Love, PICCA 10, 1973 II 1129%19`1130; SEG 29, 1074.1,4. @ @@`25. Dedication to Anaktes by Alki[m]acha, on base of gray limestone; III; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 718 no. 24; SGDI 3524; *GIBM 804. @ @@`26. Dedication to Aphrod[ita] by (?) Aris[ ... ] Prax[ ... ], on small fragment; Hellenistic?; found at Knidos: *Love, AJA 76, 1972, 397 (PH); BE 1973:444; Love, Tu+rk Ark. Derg. 20, 1973, 118, fig. 27 (PH). @ @@`27. Dedication to Aphrodita and Peitho, on upper part of marble stele; IV%3III; now at Res%25adiye, provenance unknown: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 189%19`190, no. 10 (PH); SEG 12, 423; BE 1954:228 (p. 165). @ @@`28. Dedication to Apollo Pythios by &3damiorgos& Kaphisodoros Epikrateus, on round marble cippus; II%3I; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II pp. 765%19`766 no. 51; SGDI 3526; *GIBM 816. @ @@`29. Dedication to Athana, on marble block of altar; no date; found at Knidos: *Love, AJA 76, 1972, 75. @ @@`30. Dedication to Athana Nikaphoros and Hestia Boulaia by Hagias Hestieiou, &3grammateus& for &3boula,& with artist's signature by Zenodotos Menippou of Knidos, on slab of white marble; II&4`1&; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II pp. 771%19`773 no. 79; Loewy no. 161; Maurer, De aris p. 74 (non vidi); SGDI 3511; *GIBM 820. @ @@`31. Dedication to [&3atha&]&3natoi& by [&3d&]&3amiourgos& Akras (?), on marble altar; no date; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II pp. 755%19`756 no. 40.1; *GIBM 817, ll. 1%19`5. @ @@`32. Dedication to Damater by Agesiklea, on base of blue marble; II&4m&%3I?; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 718 no. 25; SGDI 3521; *GIBM 802. @ @@`33. Dedication to Damater by Diokleia Nikagora, on pedestal of white marble; III&4e&?; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 713 no. 13; SGDI 3514; *GIBM 805. @ @@`34. Fragment of dedication to Dam[ater,] on fragment of blue marble base; III?; found at Knidos: *Newton, Discoveries II pp. 716%19`717 no. 20. @ @@`35. Dedication to Damater and Koura by Adinna Sopolios and children, on base of white marble; III&4e&?; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 715 no. 16; SGDI 3515; *GIBM 803. @ @@`36. Dedication to Dama[ter and Koura] by Ariate (?) wife of L[y]kor%1tos (?), under niche; III?; found at Knidos: *Newton, Discoveries II p. 713, no. 80. @ @@`37. Dedication to Damater and Koura by Plathainis wife of Platon, on limestone base; III&4e&?; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 715 no. 17; SGDI 3516; *GIBM 809. @ @@`38. &3Euche& dedication to Demeter and Koura by Xeno, on base of blue marble calathus; 300%3`150 BC?; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 717 no. 22; *GIBM 807. @ @@`39. Dedication to Damater, Koura, Plouton, Epimachos, and Hermas by Sostratos Lachartou, on base of fine Parian marble; 300%3`150 BC; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 714 no. 14; SGDI 3520; *GIBM 811. @ @@`40. &3Eucha& dedication to Damater, Koura, and associated &3theoi& by Nikokleia Nikochorou, on base of white marble; III&4e&?; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 717 no. 21; SGDI 3519; *GIBM 806. @ @@`41. Dedication to Damater, Koura, and associated &3theoi& by Plathainis wife of Platon, on block of blue marble; III&4e&?; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II pp. 715%19`716 no. 18; SGDI 3517; *GIBM 810. @ @@`42. Dedication to Dioskouroi by Euarchos, on circular limestone base of statuette; VI&4`1&; apparently from Burgaz: AA 1894, 177 (non vidi); Homolle, BCH 20, 1896, 591; SGDI 5788; *GIBM 1033; Jeffery, LSAG p. 357 no. 31. @ @@`43. Dedication to Eleithyia (or funerary inscription for Eleithyias (?)) by [ ... ]rchis Timaithou, on fragment of stone slab; no date; found at Knidos, later on Megiste: *Diamantaras, BCH 18, 1894, 333, no. 34. @ @@`44. Dedicatory (or funerary (?)) inscription referring to Hera, on small cista of blue marble found in tomb; no date; found near Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 769 no. 55; *GIBM 831a. @ @@`45. Dedication to Hermas by [Ti]makles Timasikrateus &3damiorgos, on base; no date; found at Knidos: *Patsch, AEM 14, 1891, 49, no. 2; GIBM IV p. 48 no. 7.2. @ @@`46. Dedication to Koura by Philis &3hiereia,& on footstool of coarse white marble; 300%3`150 BC; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 718 no. 23; SGDI 3522; *GIBM 812. @ @@`47. Dedication to [Kou]ra by Plathainis wife of Platon, on base of small marble boar; III&4e&?; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 716 no. 19; SGDI 3518; *GIBM 808. @ @@`48. Dedication to Koura by &3hiereia& [ ... ]leia, on limestone base; Newton, Discoveries II p. 718 no. 26; *GIBM 814. @ @@`49. Inscription of Kourotrophos, on fragment of cista, found in tomb; no date; found near Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 769 no. 56; *GIBM 831b. @ @@`50. &3Charisteia& dedication to Sarapi[s,] Isi[s,] and all &3theoi by Apollonidas of Alexandreia, on marble; II%3I; found at Knidos: LW 511; Bailie, Fasc. no. 89; Newton, Discoveries II p. 751 no. 32; SGDI 3528; *GIBM 818. @ @@`51. Inscription of Zeus Meil[ichios,] on marble altar; no date; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II pp. 755%19`756 no. 40.2; *GIBM 817, ll. 6%19`7. @ @@`52. Fragment of dedication (?) by [ ... ]getis, wife of Da[ ... ] and &3paid&[&3es,&] on round cippus of blue marble; 300%3`150 BC; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 719 no. 27; SGDI 3523; *GIBM 815; **Woodward, ABSA 28, 1926%19`1927, 126, no. 14 (l. 1). @ See also: Knidos 56, 58%19`62, 65%19`66, 69%19`71, 73, 75, 80, 273, 275; Syll&4`3& 14 (dedication to Apollo [by &3Knidioi&] on Lipara of spoils from Tyrsan[oi]; found at Delphi); FD III 1, 137 (%6 Syll&4`3& 140) (dedication to Apollo (of statue of Dionysos (?)) by Knidos; found at Delphi). @ @@@@Section: 9b. Other Religious Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Knidos 17, 20,274; McCredie, Hesperia 48, 1979, 17 (%6 BE 1980:357) (list of &3mystai& and &3hypoptai& from Knidos; found on Samothrace). @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (53%19`75) @ @@`53. Honorary inscription for Caesar Britannicus, by Isthmioitai, on slab of white marble; AD 50%3`54; found on Nisyros, prob. from terr. of Knidos: *Diamantaras, AE 1914, 3. @ @@`54. Honorary inscription for Hadrian, on left angle of cornice of white marble; AD 123%3`124; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 754 no. 37; *GIBM 798. @ @@`55. Honorary inscription for [Apo]llo[ni]s by children Di[o]nysid[o]ros and [D]iodo[to]s, stoichedon; early; found at Burgaz: *Chaviaras, BCH 34, 1910, 426, no. 3; BE 1912:63. @ @@`56. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Aurelia Eirene by &3boule and &3damos,& to &3theoi&; 2&4`2&%3`3&4`1&; found at Knidos: Leake, Asia Minor p. 226 note; CIG 2653; *SGDI 3509. @ @@`57. Unpublished honorary inscription for Damoxenos, priest of &3thea& Erate Knidia (Aphrodite), on large column; no date; found at Knidos: Love, AJA 77, 1973, 418; Love, PICCA 10, 1973II 1130; SEG 29, 1074.3. @ @@`58. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Dion Xenophon to Artamis Iakynthotrophos Epiphanes by grandmother Damatria Eirenaiou, with artist's signature by Zenodotos Menippou of Knidos, on block of blue marble; II&4`1&; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II pp. 745%19`746, no. 28; Loewy no. 162; SGDI 3512; *GIBM 821. @ @@`59. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Epikrates Philonos to Asklepios by children Antikrates and Philokrates, on base of blue limestone; c. III; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II pp. 752%19`753 no. 35; SGDI 3525; *GIBM 825. @ @@`60. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Euphranor [Euphra]noros, to &3theoi,& by adopted son [Eu]phranor Thersimachou, on block of blue marble; no date; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 754 no. 38; SGDI 3529; *GIBM 827. @ @@`61. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Glykinna to Mousai by father Hippokritos Polystratou and rest of family, with artist's signature by Epikrates Apollon[2i]2ou, on slab of white marble; II%3I; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II pp. 757%19`758 no. 43; Loewy no. 301; SGDI 3513; *GIBM 823. @ @@`62. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Iulia Epianassa to &3theoi& by &3damos,& on pedestal of blue marble; imperial; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 755 no. 39; SGDI 3508; *GIBM 800. @ @@`63. Honorary inscription for [Gaius] Iulius [Theupompos by &3demos& of Knidos,] on marble slab; I&4`2&; found at Knidos: *Love, AJA 76, 1972, 401%19`402 (PH); BE 1973:444; Love, Tu+rk Ark. Derg. 20, 1973, 114, fig. 15 (PH); Love, PICCA 10, 1973II 1130; SEG 29, 1074.2. @ @@`64. Unpublished honorary inscriptions for Gaius Iulius Theupompos and sons, on marble slabs; I&4`2&; found at Knidos: Love, AJA 76, 1972, 401; Love, PICCA 10, 1973II 1130. @ @@`65. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Gaius Iulius Theupompos to Apollo Karneios by father Marcus Aeficius Apollonios, on plaque of marble; I&4e&%3`1&4b&; found at Knidos: LW 1572; Hamilton, Researches II 459 no. 287; Hirschfeld, JHS 7, 1886, 288; *SGDI 3527. @ @@`66. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for [Gaius Iul]ius [Theupomp]os to Apollo Karneios by Romans living in [&3pol&]&3is,& on fragment of dark stone; I&4e&%3`1&4b&; found at Emecik: *Chaviaras, BCH 34, 1910, 425, no. 1; BE 1912:63. @ @@`67. Honorary inscription for Gaius Iulius Theupo[m]pos by [&3demos&] of &3Laodikeia pro thalasse& (in Syria), on block of dark stone; I&4`2&?; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 711 no. 11; Hirschfeld, JHS 7, 1886, 288; *GIBM 801. @ @@`68. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Klearchos Anaxidorou to Apollo Karneios by grandchildren Timoxenos Aristokleous et al., with artist's signature by Theon of Antiocheia; Hellenistic?; found at Knidos: *Love, AJA 77, 1973, 422, note 27; BE 1974:549; Love, Tu+rk Ark. Derg. 20, 1973, 115, fig. 18 (PH). @ @@`69. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Publius Vinicius proconsul to &3theoi& by &3damos,& on round base; AD 3%3`10?; found at Knidos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 199, no. 47; SEG 12, 452; BE 1954:228 (p. 167); Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkm., Knidos01 (p. 170). @ @@`70. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Sosibios Dioskouridou of Alexandria to &3theoi& by Agathoboulos Neonos, with artist's signature by [Ze]nodotos and Menippos of Chios, on marble tablet; III&4e&; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 770 no. 57; Loewy no. 160; GIBM 819; *OGIS 79. @ @@`71. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Servius [Sul]picius Hekataios &3iatros& to &3theoi& by &3d&[&3amos,&] on column of white marble; 2%3`3?; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 711 no. 7; SGDI 3507; *GIBM 799. @ @@`72. Fragment of &3euche%19&offering inscription on behalf of (?) Theu%1damo[s,] on fragment of oblong base; no date; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 752 no. 33; SGDI 3531; *GIBM 824. @ @@`73. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for (no name), Stra[ ... ] Hermo[phan]tou, and The[udoros (?)] Hermo[phantou,] by [A]pollodoros Hermophantou to &3theoi,& with artist's signature by [T]imocharis of Eleuthernai and Theudoros P[ ... ], on two slabs of white marble; c. 200 BC; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 752 no. 34; Loewy no. 166; *GIBM 822. @ @@`74. Honorary inscription for [ ... t]ion by parents Eukrates and Chryso, on fragment of cornice of blue marble; no date; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 749 no. 30; SGDI 3530; *GIBM 826. @ @@`75. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for (no name) Athenaiou, who held office of &3strate&[&3gos&] and other offices, to &3theoi&; no date; found at Knidos: *CIG 2654. @ See also: Knidos 1%19`16, 22, 81, 105, 118, 123, 135%19`136, 151, 155%19`156, 160, 162, 177, 180, 182%19`183, 186, 191, 199.5, 205, 222, 224%19`227, 229, 234, 252; OGIS 68 (%6 BCH 3, 1879, 368, 9) (honorary inscription for Sostratos Dexipha[no]us [of Knidos] by &3demos& of Kau[nos]; found on Delos); Foucart, BCH 7, 1883, 415 (grant of proxeny to Sokrates Telesia of Knidos by Delphi; found at Delphi); FD III 1, 296 (%6 BCH 20, 1896, 583) (%6 Inv. 2514) (grant of proxeny to Ampelion Mikylou of Knidos by Delphi; found at Delphi); FD III 1, 290 (grant of proxeny to Telesiphro[n ... ] of Knidos by Delphi; found at Delphi); FD III 1, 299 (%6 BCH 20, 1896, 584) (grant of [p]roxeny to Sostr[atos Dexiphanous] of Knidos by [D]elphi); FD III 1, 300 (%6 BCH 20, 1896, 585) (grant of pr[oxeny] to Pythokl[s ... of Knid]os by D[e]lphi; found at Delphi); FD III 1, 301 (%6 BCH 20, 1896, 585) (grant of pro[x]eny to [Ar]chidam[os ... of K]nidos by Delphi; found at Delphi); FD III 1, 314 (%6 BCH 20, 1896, 636) (grant of proxeny to Stratonikos Nikostratou of Knidos; found at Delphi); FD III 1, 327 (grant of p[roxeny] to Epikrates D[ ... of K]nidos by Delphi; found at Delphi); FD III 1, 527 (hon.dedicatory inscription [by Amphiktiones] for [G(aius) Iuliu]s Theopompos Artemi[dorou of Knidos] to [Apollo Py]thios; found at Delphi); Ephesos 1898 (%6 IEphesos 2054) (honorary inscription for Knidos by Ephesos; found at Ephesos); Rhodian Peraia 101 (%6 Moretti, Iscr. agon. 50) (%6 Syll&4`3& 1067) (honorary inscription for athlete Onasiteles Onasistratou mentions victories at Dorieia at Knidos; found at Kedreai in Rhodian Peraia); Foucart, RA 13, 1866, 157, no. 9 (%6 JHS 7, 1886, 288) (honorary inscription for Gaius Iulius Theupompos (of Knidos); found on Rhodes). @ ̏@@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (76%19`78) @ @@`76. Inscription marking &3temenos& of Asklapios, on limestone block; IV%3III; found at Kumyer: Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 194%19`195, no. 28 (PH); SEG 12, 437; *BE 1954:228 (pp. 165%19`166); Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 42, 1957, 86%19`87. @ @@`77. Horos inscription of &3limen,& on architectural block; IV; found at Karako+y: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 188%19`189, no. 4 (PH); SEG 12, 420; BE 1954:228 (p. 165). @ @@`78. Horos inscription, on outcrop of rock; no date; found at Cumal#1221: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 195, no. 30 (PH); SEG 12, 439; BE 1954:228 (p. 166). @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (79%19`92) @ @@`79. Inscription in elegiacs marking &3temenos& of &3heros& Antigonos Epigonou, on block of hard limestone; 281%3`200 BC; found near Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II pp. 747%19`749 no. 29; Bergk, Arch. Ztg. 1860, p. 93* (non vidi); Curtius, Go+tt. Nachr. 1862, 376 (non vidi); Usener, RhM 29, 1872, 25%19`50; Kaibel 781; *GIBM 797; Robert, Et. e/pig. 43%19`44 (non vidi); BE 1939:379; Holleaux, Et. III 390 n. 1 (non vidi); Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 208; BE 1954:228 (p. 169); BE 1955:178 (p. 249); BE 1958:226; BE 1959:71; BE 1979:463; BE 1982:40. @ @@`80. Inscription partly in verse for (statue of) Hermas, &3paredros& of Aphrodita, with list of &3prostatai,& on block of blue marble; c. IV; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II pp. 749%19`750 no. 31; Kaibel 783; *GIBM 796; Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 206%19`207 (PH); SEG 12, 459.b; BE 1954:228 (p. 169). @ @@`81. Honorary inscription in hexameters for (?) Pantason%1; c. 500 BC; found at Kumyer: Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 193%19`194, no. 27 (PH); SEG 12, 436; BE 1954:228 (p. 165); Jeffery, LSAG p. 357, no. 36; Peek, Fs. Do+rner II 695%19`696; *SEG 28, 845. @ @@`82. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Athis by husband Theios, on slab of white marble; c. I; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II pp. 768%19`769 no. 54; Kaibel 204; *GIBM 829.b. @ @@`83. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Dosios Theudotou; IV; found at K#1221zlan: Paton, REG 9, 1896, 420%19`422, no. 11; BE 1897:94; *Peek, GVI I 496. @ @@`84. &3Mnama& inscription in hexameter of Epitadeios by grandchildren, on block; III; found at Res%25adiye: Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 190, no. 11; SEG 12, 424; BE 1954:228 (p. 165); *Peek, GVI I 178. @ @@`85. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Kallikrate[s,] with artist's signature by sone of Apollonio[s,] on block of bluish marble; c. III; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II pp. 770%19`771 no. 58; Kaibel 203; Loewy no. 159; *GIBM 828 (* for l. 5); *Peek, GVI I 222 (* for ll. 1%19`4). @ @@`86. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Preimeros, on sepulchral cippus of white marble; 1%3`2; found near Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 757 no. 42; Kaibel 287; GIBM 830; *Peek, GVI I 716. @ @@`87. Funerary inscription in elegiacs, stoichedon, on block of limestone; c. IV&4m&; found at K#1221zlan: Paton, REG 9, 1896, 421, no. 10 (part); BE 1897:94; *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 189, no. 5 (PH); SEG 12, 421; BE 1954:228 (p. 165). @ @@`88. Fragment of funerary inscription in verse; c.IV&4m&; found at Datc%25a: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 189, no. 8. @ @@`89. Fragment of funerary inscription in verse; imperial; found near Knidos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 200, no. 52.a. @ @@`90. Fragment of funerary inscription in verse; imperial; found near Knidos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 200, no. 52.b. @ @@`91. Fragment of funerary inscription in verse; imperial; found near Knidos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 200, no. 52.c. @ @@`92. Fragment of funerary inscription in verse; imperial; found near Knidos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 200, no. 52.d. @ See also: Knidos 21. @ ݏ@@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (93%19`252) @ @@`93. Funerary inscription for Agathopous by wife Epiktesis, on stele of blue marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 849, ll. 4%19`8. @ @@`94. Funerary inscription for Akindynos Epiktetou &3heros& on stele of blue marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 849, ll. 1%19`3. @ @@`95. Funerary inscription for Aphrodas Aphrodou (?) by father (?) [Ag]athoang[elos,] on marble fragment; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 848. @ @@`96. Funerary inscription for A[ph]rodas (?), on fragment of white marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 851, ll. 3%19`5. @ @@`97. Funerary inscription of [Aph]o%1r%1[d]e%1isia (?) [Ch]rysaoros, on fragment of stele of white limestone; imperial?; found at Datc%25a: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 193, no. 26; SEG 12, 435. @ @@`98. Funerary inscription for husband Aphrodisios and children by Sotere, on funerary slab; imperial?; found at Datc%25a: *Schede, MDAI(A) 36, 1911, 102, no. 11; BE 1913:484. @ @@`99. Funerary inscription of Aphthonetos wife of Tiberius Iulius Trophimos, on square base of dark marble; 2%3`3?; found at Knidos: LW 1582; Hamilton, Researches II 458 no. 285; *GIBM 852.a. @ 㪵@@`99.5. Funerary inscription of (?) Apollodora, on white marble cylindrical funerary altar; c. 100%3`75 BC; now at Datc%25a: Berges, Hellenistische Rundalta+re 144%19`145 no. 27 (PH) (non vidi); *SEG 36, 996. @ @@`100. Funerary inscription of Apollodoros Timokleus, on small block of limestone; no date; found at Knidos: *Shear, AJP 34, 1913, 459, no. 9. @ @@`101. Funerary inscription of Aristaine[t]a, wife of E[u]teles, on marble funerary monument; IV?; found at Datc%25a: Schede, MDAI(A) 36, 1911, 97, no. 3 (PH); BE 1913:484; Chaviaras, BCH 36, 1912, 531, no. 11; Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1921%19`1922, 481, no. 34.b; BE 1924:355; *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 205. @ @@`102. Funerary inscription of (or honorary inscription mentioning (?)) Aristoboulos Eumeneus, on square base of pedestal; no date; found at Knidos: *Woodward, ABSA 28, 1926%19`1927, 127, no. 19; BE 1929:201. @ @@`103. Funerary inscription of Artemisia Apollodorou; no date; found at Emecik (?): *Chaviaras, BCH 34, 1910, 425%19`426, no. 2; BE 1912:63. @ @@`104. Funerary inscription for Au(relia) Aphrodeisia by husband Au(relius) Epaphrodeitos, on tablet of white marble; 3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 854 col. 2. @ @@`105. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Mar(cus) Aur(elius) Dexiphanes &3heros& by &3damos,& on tablet of white marble; 2&4`2&%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 833, ll. 7%19`10. @ @@`106. Funerary inscription of (no name) and &3syn&(&3tr&)&3ophos Chrysarion, on funerary stele; imperial?; found at Cumal#1221: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 197, no. 36; SEG 12, 445. @ @@`107. Funerary inscription for Damo, on stele; no date; found at Knidos, later at Smyrna: LW 513; Bailie, Fasc. II no. 90; *SGDI 3535.a. @ @@`108. Funerary inscription of (?) Damokrates, on limestone base; imperial?; found at Res%25adiye: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 191, no. 17; SEG 12, 430. @ @@`109. Fragment, perhaps of funerary inscription, referring to Delia%1, on fragment of white marble; no date; found at Knidos: *GIBM 831c. @ @@`110. Funerary (?) inscription mentioning Deme%1t%1rios, on block; imperial?; found at Mesudiye, from Palamutbu+ku+: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 197, no. 40. @ @@`111. Funerary inscription for Diodoros by wife Epiktesis, on stele of blue marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 856.1. @ @@`112. Funerary inscription of (?) [D]iodor[os] mentioning wife, on funerary altar; no date; found at Knidos: *Schwarzenberg, BJ 169, 1969, 93, no. 2d. @ @@`113. Funerary inscription of Diodoros Theudotou, on funerary stele; imperial?; found at C%25es%25me: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 198, no. 43 (PH); SEG 12, 449. @ @@`114. Funerary inscription for Dionysas Dionysados of Knidos from Rhodes, on stele; no date; found at Knidos, later at Smyrna: LW 513; Bailie, Fasc. II no. 91; *SGDI 3535.b. @ @@`115. Funerary inscription for (?) Dionysas Tha(llou) (?) et al., on stele; imperial?; found at Yakako+y: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 198, no. 41; SEG 12, 448. @ @@`116. Funerary inscription for Elpis by mother Herais, on stele of dark marble surmounted by pediment; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 864, ll. 1%19`3. @ @@`117. Funerary inscription for Epaphrodeitos Epaphrodeitou by father Epaphrodeitos, on tablet of white marble; 3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 854 col. 1. @ @@`118. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [E]perastos &3heros& by &3damos,& on tablet of white marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 834. @ @@`119. Funerary inscription of Eratokratea, wife of Timoteles, almost stoichedon, on funereary stele of fine limestone; IV; found at Datc%25a: *Schede, MDAI(A) 36, 1911, 98%19`99, no. 2; BE 1913:484. @ @@`120. &3Mnama& inscription of Eubolos Nikasio, on stele of gray limestone; IV%3III; found at Datc%25a: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 189, no. 9; SEG 12, 422; BE 1954:228 (p. 165). @ @@`121. Funerary inscription for Eucharis by husband Gai[2u]2s, on upper part of stele of blue marble surmounted by pediment; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 861. @ @@`122. Funerary inscription for Euphro[synos (?)] by wife Kallista, on fragment of white marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 866. @ @@`123. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Euporia Noniou &3heroissa by &3damos,& on stele of dark marble surmounted by pediment; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 836. @ @@`124. Funerary inscription of [E]uporia Tyche and Glaukia, on square base of dark marble; 2%3`3?; found at Knidos: LW 1582&3bis&; Hamilton, Researches II 458 no. 286; *GIBM 852.b. @ @@`125. Funerary inscription of Euporo[s] by husband [ ... ... ]do[s,] on funerary stele; imperial; found at Karako+y: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 192, no. 22; SEG 12, 433. @ @@`126. Funerary inscription for Eutaxia, on funerary stele; imperial?; found at Datc%25a: *Schede, MDAI(A) 36, 1911, 101, no. 6; BE 1913:484. @ @@`127. Funerary inscription of Eutaxia and Eutychos, on upper part of stele of blue marble surmounted by pediment; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 858. @ @@`128. Funerary inscription of Euteles on funerary monument; IV?; found at Datc%25a: *Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1921%19`1922, 481, no. 34.a; BE 1924:355; SEG 4, 169.a. @ @@`129. Funerary inscription of Eutychia daughter of Soter, on cippus; no date; found at Knidos: Hamilton, Researches II 460 no. 296; *LW 1581. @ @@`130. Funerary inscription of Eutychi%1[s] Euty[ch ... ]; imperial; found at Datc%25a: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 190, no. 13; SEG 12, 426. @ @@`131. Funerary inscription of Eutychis wife of Hermas, on upper part of stle of white marble surmounted by pediment; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 859. @ @@`132. Funerary inscription of (no name), Eutychis, et al., on block; imperial; found at Datc%25a: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 190, no. 14; SEG 12, 427. @ @@`132.5. Funerary inscription of [ ... ]ios Gaius et al., on base of funerary altar; Roman; found at Knidos: Berges, Hellenistische Rundalta+re 195, col. b (PH) (non vidi); *SEG 36, 998.b. @ @@`133. Funerary inscription of Publius [G]avius (?), on block; Roman; found at Knidos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 201, no. 53; SEG 12, 455. @ @@`134. Funerary inscription for (?) [ ... ]sikon [Gl]ykinna [Eu]nomidos, on fragment of stele; imperial?; found at Datc%25a: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 191, no. 16; SEG 12, 429. @ @@`135. Honorary%3funerary inscription of Halias Kall%1ikratous, wife of Gaius Iulius Achaios, on marble block; imperial; found at Knidos: Hamilton, Researches II 459 no. 288; *LW 1577. @ @@`136. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Helios Am[ ... ] &3heros& by &3damos,& on fragment of white marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 837. @ @@`137. Funerary inscription of Herag[ora (?),] on limestone block; III%3II; found at Datc%25a: *Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1921%19`1922, 481, no. 35; BE 1924:355; SEG 4, 170. @ @@`138. Funerary inscription of Hermas, on upper part of stele of white marble surmounted by pediment; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 857. @ @@`139. Funerary inscription of [ ... ] Hermia &3heroissa,& on fragment; late; found near Knidos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 200, no. 51. @ @@`140. Funerary inscription of Hippodamos Hippokratida, on block; Hellenistic; found at Zeytincik: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 195, no. 31; SEG 12, 440. @ @@`141. Funerary inscription of Iason (or Iason's son,) on stele of white marble; imperial?; found at Datc%25a: *Chaviaras, BCH 36, 1912, 531, no. 9. @ @@`142. Funerary inscription of Iason Asklepiadeus, on tomb; no date; found near Knidos: Hamilton, Researches II 459 no. 289; LW 1578; *SGDI 3532. @ @@`143. Funerary inscription of Iatrike Hermou, on funerary stele; imperial; found at Cumal#1221: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 196, no. 35; SEG 12, 444. @ @@`144. Funerary inscription of Iulia Letois, on funerary stele; imperial; found at Cumal#1221: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 196, no. 33, ll. 1%19`6; SEG 12, 442, ll. 1%19`6. @ @@`145. Funerary inscription for (?) Iulia Tertia (?), on lower part of stele of white marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 875. @ @@`146. Funerary inscription of Iulia Zosime, on funerary stele; imperial; found at Cumal#1221: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 196, no. 33, ll. 7%19`8; SEG 12, 442, ll. 7%19`8. @ @@`147. Funerary inscription for (?) [G]aius Iulius [ ... ], on slab with relief; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 476; *GIBM 867. @ @@`148. Funerary inscription of Gaius [Iulius] Dionysios by Gaius Iulius Diod[ ... o]s, on block; imperial; found at Datc%25a: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 190%19`191, no. 15; SEG 12, 428. @ @@`149. Funerary inscription for Gaius Iulius Niger, on stele of blue marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 869. @ @@`150. Funerary inscription of Gaius Iulius Rufus Dionysios, on funerary stele of white marble; imperial; found at Datc%25a: Chaviaras, BCH 34, 1910, 427, no. 7; BE 1912:63; *Schede, MDAI(A) 36, 1911, 101, no. 8; BE 1913:484. @ @@`151. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Iulius Ga[ ... ]rotos [&3heros&] by &3damos,& on fragment of white marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 835. @ @@`152. Funerary inscription for Iunius Sozomenos, on lower part of stele with relief; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 872. @ @@`153. Funerary inscription for Kerdon et al., on funerary slab; imperial; found at Datc%25a: *Schede, MDAI(A) 36, 1911, 102, no. 12; BE 1913:484. @ @@`154. Funerary inscription for Claudius by son Molon, on slab of limestone; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 862, ll. 5%19`7. @ @@`155. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Tiberius Clau%1[dius] and daughter, on triangular piece of white marble slab; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 841, ll. 3%19`6. @ @@`156. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [Ti]beriu[s Claudius ... , &3heros& (?)] by &3d&[&3amos,&] on fragment of white marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 842. @ @@`157. Funerary inscription of Tiberius Claudius Aphrodas, on altar of white marble; imperial; found at Knidos: *Chaviaras, BCH 36, 1912, 532%19`533, no. 14. @ @@`158. Funerary inscription for [Cl]audius Gaius (?), on slab of white marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 868, ll. 3%19`4. @ @@`159. Funerary inscription for [Ti]berius Claudius Neon, on slab of white marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 868, ll. 1%19`2. @ @@`160. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [Kl]eitos K[l]eitou &3iatros heros,& by &3damos,& on slab of white marble; imperial?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 838. @ @@`161. Funerary inscription of Knidia by husband [Pr]axinos, on marble block; late; found at C%25es%25me: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 198, no. 44; SEG 12, 450. @ @@`162. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Gaius Cottius Pas[ ... ] by &3damos,& on tomb; Roman; found at Knidos: *Woodward, ABSA 28, 1926%19`1927, 127, no. 21; BE 1929:201. @ @@`163. Funerary inscription of Krates [ ... ] and wife (no name); no date; found at Knidos: Hamilton, Researches II 459 no. 291; LW 1579; *SGDI 3533. @ @@`164. Funerary inscription of Kritagorea Komogen%1eos (?), on slab of fine limestone; prob. IV; found at Datc%25a: *Schede, MDAI(A) 36, 1911, 100, no. 4; BE 1913:484; Chaviaras, BCH 36, 1912, 531, no. 10. @ @@`165. Honorary%3funerary inscription of Publius Crusius, on base; Roman; found at Knidos: Hamilton, Researches II 459 no. 292; *LW 1575. @ @@`166. Funerary inscription for Laudika, on funerary stele; imperial?; found at Datc%25a: *Chaviaras, BCH 34, 1910, 427, no. 6; BE 1912:63; Schede, MDAI(A) 36, 1911, 101, no. 9; BE 1913:484. @ @@`167. Funerary inscription for (?) Melinna Aristoboulou, on base; Roman; found at Knidos: Hamilton, Researches II 459 no. 293; LW 1580; *SGDI 3534. @ @@`168. Funerary inscription of Meliton Dexikrateus of Antiocheia &3metoikos,& on slab of white marble; no date; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 768 no. 53; *GIBM 829.a. @ @@`169. Funerary inscription of Menas Euphranoros, on funerary stele; imperial; found at Datc%25a: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 192%19`193, no. 24, ll. 8%19`10; SEG 12, 434, ll. 8%19`10. @ @@`170. Funerary inscription of son Morchos and &3threpte& Epagatho by Ape[2l]2ion, on funerary stele; imperial; found at Cumal#1221: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 191, no. 34, ll. 4%19`9; SEG 12, 443, ll. 4%19`9. @ @@`171. Funerary inscription of Moscheion by husband Neikomas, on funerary stele; imperial; found at Yaz, from Knidos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 197, no. 39; SEG 12, 447; BE 1954:228 (pp. 166%19`167). @ @@`172. Funerary inscription for Mousa[2i]2os by wife Euphrosyne, on stele of white marble surmounted by pediment; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 860, ll. 1%19`5. @ @@`173. Funerary inscription for Neike by husband Aberos, on funerary stele; imperial; found at Datc%25a: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 192%19`193, no. 24, ll. 5%19`7; SEG 12, 434, ll. 5%19`7. @ @@`174. Funerary inscription of Neikephoros Philomousou, on funerary stele; imperial; found at Cumal#1221: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 196, no. 34, ll. 1%19`3; SEG 12, 443, ll. 1%19`3. @ @@`175. Funerary inscription of Neikys son of Gaius and Tyche, on round funerary altar; no date; found near Knidos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 200, no. 50; SEG 12, 454. @ @@`176. Funerary inscription for Onasima by husband Sopatrion, on stele of dark marble surmounted by pediment; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 864, ll. 4%19`7. @ @@`177. (Honorary)%3funerary inscription for family of Ofellius (?) [by &3damos,&] on side of sarcophagus of white marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 839. @ @@`178. Funerary inscription of Quintus Veranius Nynphios Flavianus &3heros,& on funerary stele of bluish marble; imperial; found at Knidos: *Patsch, AEM 14, 1891, 46%19`49, no. 1; GIBM IV p. 48 no. 7.1. @ @@`179. Funerary inscription for (?) Marcus [Vi]bullius (?), on block; Roman; found at Knidos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 201, no. 55; SEG 12, 457; BE 1954:228 (p. 167). @ @@`180. Honorary%3funerary inscription of [P]a%1nkrates Anaxandrou &3heros& by &3damos,& on funerary stele; no date; found at Zeytincik: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 195%19`196, no. 32; SEG 12, 441. @ @@`181. Funerary inscription for Parthenis Epaphrodeitou, on stele of white marble surmounted by pediment; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 870. @ @@`182. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Paulinus &3heros& by [&3da&]&3mos,& on slab of white marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 840. @ @@`183. Honorary%3funerary inscription of Phileinos son of Rufus by &3damos& on cippus; Roman; found at Knidos: Hamilton, Researches II 460 no. 295; *LW 1576. @ @@`184. Funerary inscription for Phileros Philerotos, on rectangular ostotheca; imperial?; found at Yaz: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 197, no. 38; SEG 12, 446. @ @@`185. Funerary inscription for Philetos by wife Knidia, on tablet of white marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 833, ll. 1%19`6. @ @@`186. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Philoumenos Theophilou &3heros& by &3damos,& on slab of white marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 843, ll. 3%19`6. @ @@`187. Funerary (?) inscription mentioning Photinas, on fragment of moulded block; imperial?; found at Res%25adiye, from nearby: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 193, no. 25. @ @@`188. Funerary inscription for [P]oly[klei]das Cha[ri]laou of L[ind]os, stoichedon, on stone; IV?; found at Burgaz: *Chaviaras, BCH 36, 1912, 532, no. 13. @ @@`189. Funerary inscription for Titus Flavius Aneiketion, on stele of white marble surmounted by pediment; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 850. @ @@`190. Funerary inscription for Pollion, on slab of gray limestone; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 871. @ @@`191. Honorary%3funerary inscription of Posido[nios Tryphon[os] and wife Ero[tis D]ionysio[u] by &3d&[&3amos,&] on base of funerary altar; imperial; found at Knidos: *Schwarzenberg, BJ 169, 1969, 92%19`93, no. 2b. @ @@`192. Funerary inscription of Prima Pakouia and Dalias, on rectangular funerary altar; I&4e&%3`1&4b&; found near Knidos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 200, no. 49; SEG 12, 453; BE 1954:228 (p. 167). @ @@`193. Funerary inscription of Primus by son Primus, on funerary stele; imperial; found at Karako+y: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 191, no. 20; SEG 12, 431. @ @@`194. Funerary inscription of [Ru]fina by husband [Z]opyros, on block; imperial; found at Karako+y: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 192, no. 21; SEG 12, 432. @ @@`195. Funerary inscription of Lucius Ru[fus] Betra[nion] Sebo[ ... ] &3heros& and family, on tablet of white marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 853. @ @@`196. Funerary inscription for Seleukos by mother Panthia, on stele of blue marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 856.2. @ @@`197. Funerary inscription of Soter by wife Hygia, on funerary stele; imperial; found at Cumal#1221: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 196, no. 33, ll. 9%19`11; SEG 12, 442, ll. 9%19`11. @ @@`198. Funerary inscription of Soteria Epaphrodeitou of Kos, on limestone stele; imperial; found at K#1221zlan: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 190, no. 12; SEG 12, 425. @ @@`199. Funerary inscription of Stephanos Erotos, on base of funerary altar; late; found at Knidos: *Schwarzenberg, BJ 169, 1969, 93, no. 2c; Berges, Hellenistische Rundalta+re 170 (non vidi); SEG 36, 994. @ Ǫ@@`199.5. Honorary%3funerary inscription of Stephanos Stephan[ou] and Kall[iope] by &3de&[&3mo&]&3s,& on blue marble cylindrical funerary altar; II%3I?; found at Knidos: Berges, Hellenistische Rundalta+re 170 no. 85 (PH) (non vidi); *SEG 36, 994. @ @@`200. Funerary inscription of Stratonikos, on funerary stele; imperial?; found at Datc%25a: *Chaviaras, BCH 34, 1910, 426%19`427, no. 5; BE 1912:63; Schede, MDAI(A) 36, 1911, 101, no. 7; BE 1913:484. @ @@`201. Funerary inscription for Syngen[ei]a of Halikarnassos and [So]sitheos of Samos, on funerary stele; Hellenistic; found at Datc%25a: *Schede, MDAI(A) 36, 1911, 101, no. 10; BE 1913:484. @ ɪ@@`201.5. Funerary inscription of Syntrophos Rhouphou and husband Zosimos, on white marble funerary altar; c. 100 BC; found at Knidos: Berges, Hellenistische Rundalta+re 143%19`144 no. 25 col. 1 (PH) (non vidi); *SEG 36, 995, col. 1. @ @@`202. Funerary inscription of Tarseas and Olynpiades, sons of Aristagoras, on block; Roman; found at Knidos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 201, no. 54; SEG 12, 456. @ @@`203. Funerary inscription for Telesias Diognetou by brother Diogenes, on rectangular base; Hellenistic?; found at Knidos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 199, no. 46 (PH); SEG 12, 451. ˄@ ˪@@`203.5. Funerary inscription of Terentia Rufa, on white marble funerary altar; c. 100 BC; found at Knidos: Berges, Hellenistische Rundalta+re 143%19`144 no. 25 col. 2 (PH) (non vidi); *SEG 36, 995, col. 2. @ @@`204. Funerary inscription for Theonis by Hilaros, on tablet of blue marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 865. @ @@`205. Honorary%3funerary (?) inscription for (?) Theophilos Theophilou, on slab of white marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 843, ll. 1%19`2. @ @@`206. Funerary inscription of (?) Tite (?) by mother Tyche, on stone stele; imperial?; found at Datc%25a: *Chaviaras, BCH 36, 1912, 531%19`532, no. 12. @ @@`207. Funerary inscription for [ ... (?) Tr]ophimos by (?) [ ... ]e [T]yche, on slab of white marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 873, ll. 1%19`4. @ @@`208. Funerary (?) inscription of [Tr]yphon (or of his son); no date; found at Burgaz: *Chaviaras, BCH 34, 1910, 426, no. 4; BE 1912:63. @ @@`209. Funerary inscription for Tyche by husband Alexas, on stele of white marble surmounted by pediment; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 860, ll. 6%19`10. @ @@`210. Funerary inscription for [ ... ] Tyche (?) by mother [ ... ]e Tyche (?), on slab of white marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 873, ll. 5%19`8. @ @@`211. Funerary inscription of Ty[r]anos (?) by wife Ty[r]ani (?), on funerary stele; imperial; found at Datc%25a: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 192%19`193, no. 24, ll. 1%19`4; SEG 12, 434, ll. 1%19`4. @ @@`212. Funerary inscription of Zenodotos Nikasiboulou &3heros,& on base of funerary altar; Hellenistic; found at Knidos: *Schwarzenberg, BJ 169, 1969, 92, no. 2a. @ @@`213. Funerary inscription for Zephyros by father Claui[2u]2s, on slab of limestone; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 862, ll. 1%19`4. @ @@`214. Funerary inscription of Zosi[me] by daughter [Theod]osia, on marble slab; imperial?; found at Datc%25a: *Schede, MDAI(A) 36, 1911, 100%19`101, no. 5, ll. 6%19`9; BE 1913:484. @ @@`215. Funerary inscription for daughter Zosime by Agathous, on funerary stele; imperial?; found at Baterna: *Schede, MDAI(A) 36, 1911, 102, no. 13; BE 1913:484. @ @@`216. Fragment of funerary inscription of (?) Zosim[os] &3threptos et al.; imperial; found near Knidos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 200, no. 52.e. @ @@`217. Funerary inscription for Zosimos and Euphranor by father Zosimos, on upper part of stele of white marble surmounted by pediment; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 863. @ @@`218. Funerary inscription of Anax[ ... ] Ana[ ... ], &3heros,& on limestone block; imperial; found at Res%25adiye: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 191, no. 18. @ @@`219. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]ea (?) by [ ... ]ea (?), on stele of white marble surmounted by pediment; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 876. @ @@`220. Funerary (?) inscription for (?) [ ... ]es Karneada et al., on block; imperial; found at Palamutbu+ku+: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 197, no. 37. @ @@`221. Funerary (?) inscription of (?) [ ... ]es Timach[ida,] on block of milky limestone; c. IV&4m&; found at Res%25adiye: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 189, no. 6. @ @@`222. Honorary%3funerary (?) inscription for Eud[ ... ] E[ ... ] by [&3damos& (?),] on block; imperial; found at Yakako+y: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 198, no. 42. @ @@`223. Funerary inscription for (?) Krat[ ... ] (?), on fragment of stele of dark gray limestone; archaic; found at K#1221zlan: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 185, no. 1 (PH); Jeffery, LSAG p. 357 no. 37. @ ߪ@@`223.5. Funerary inscription for (?) [ ... ]machos (?), erased, on gray marble cylindrical funerary altar; I; found at Knidos: Berges, Hellenistische Rundalta+re 171 no. 87 (PH) (non vidi); *SEG 36, 997. @ @@`224. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [ ... ]ogos (?) by [&3d&]&3amos,& on fragment of white marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 844. @ @@`225. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [ ... ]onios (?) by &3dam&[&3os,&] on fragment of white marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 845. @ @@`226. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [ ... ]ony[ ... ] by &3dam&[&3os,&] on marble fragment; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 846. @ @@`227. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [ ... ... ]os, &3heros,& [by &3damos,&] on marble fragment; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 847. @ @@`228. Funerary inscription for (?) [ ... ]os [Aph]rodi[si]ou, on stele of white marble; no date; found at Stephanea: *Chaviaras, BCH 34, 1910, 427, no. 8; BE 1912:63. @ @@`229. Honorary%3funerary inscription for (?) [ ... ]os Arist[ ... ] by &3damos,& on two fragments; imperial; found at Res%25adiye: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 191, no. 19. @ @@`230. Funerary inscription of [ ... ]os Dali[ ... ] &3heros,& on tomb; no date; found at Knidos: *Woodward, ABSA 28, 1926%19`1927, 127, no. 20; BE 1929:201. @ 檵@@`230.5. Funerary inscription of (?) [ ... ]os [ ... ]phantou, on blue marble cylindrical funerary altar; II%3I; found at Knidos: Berges, Hellenistische Rundalta+re 167 no. 78 (PH) (non vidi); *SEG 36, 993. @ @@`231. Fragment of funerary (?) inscription of (?) [ ... ]ousa Phil[ ... ]; Hellenistic; found at Barkaz: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 201, no. 56. @ @@`232. Funerary inscription of [ ... ]ysaos by wife [Eu]p%1h%1raino[usa,] on marble slab; imperial; found at Datc%25a: *Schede, MDAI(A) 36, 1911, 100%19`101, no. 5, ll. 1%19`4; BE 1913:484. @ @@`233. Fragment of funerary inscription for (?) [ ... Kour]otrophou (?); no date; found at Barkaz: Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 201, no. 58; *BE 1954:228 (p. 167). @ 骵@@`233.5. Funerary inscription of (?) son of [ ... ]itas (?), on base of cylindrical funerary altar; Hellenistic?; found at Knidos: Berges, Hellenistische Rundalta+re 195, col. a (PH) (non vidi); *SEG 36, 998.a. @ @@`234. Honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name), stoichedon, on two fragments; III; found near Knidos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 199%19`200, no. 48 (PH). @ @@`235. Fragment mentioning daughter, on marble stele; imperial?; found at H#1221z#1221rs%25ah: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 192, no. 23. @ @@`236. Fragment of funerary (?) inscription, with word Ikari[ ... ]; imperial; found near Knidos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 200, no. 52.f. @ 쪵@@`236.5. Unpublished funerary inscriptions on white marble funerary altar; imperial; found at Knidos: Berges, Hellenistische Rundalta+re 143%19`144 &3ad& 25 (non vidi); SEG 36, 995. @ @@`237. Funerary inscription for (no name), on fragment of white marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 851, ll. 1%19`2. @ @@`238. Fragment of funerary (?) inscription mentioning Epaphro[deitos (?)] on fragment; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 855. @ @@`239. Funerary inscription on upper part of stele of white marble surmounted by pediment; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 874. @ @@`240. Fragment of funerary inscription on upper part of stele surmounted by pediment; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 877. @ @@`241. Fragment of funerary inscription, on fragment of marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 878. @ @@`242. Fragment of funerary inscription, on fragment of marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 879. @ @@`243. Fragment of funerary inscription, on fragment of marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 880. @ @@`244. Fragment of funerary inscription, on fragment of marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 881. @ @@`245. Fragment of funerary inscription, on fragment of marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 882. @ @@`246. Fragment of funerary inscription, on fragment of marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 883. @ @@`247. Fragment of funerary inscription, on fragment of marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 884. @ @@`248. Funerary inscription for woman (no name), on fragment of white marble; 2%3`3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 885. @ @@`248.5. Funerary (?) inscription for (no name), &3philok&[&3aisar&], on left corner of white marble slab; late imperial; found at Knidos: *GIBM 841, ll. 1%19`2. @ @@`249. Fragment of funerary inscription for (no name) by Z[ ... ], on tablet of white marble; 3?; found near Knidos: *GIBM 854 col. 3. @ @@`250. Fragment NOUG; no date; found at Barkaz: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 201, no. 57. @ @@`251. Unintelligible inscription on tomb%19front; no date; found near Knidos: *Bent, JHS 9, 1888, 82. @ @@`252. Honorary%3funerary inscription by &3damos,& on funerary altar; no date; found near Knidos: *Bent, JHS 9, 1888, 82. @ See also: Knidos 2, 10, 79, 82%19`92; Ephesos 2184 (%6 IEphesos 1658) (funerary inscription for [Art]emon Artemonos of Knidos; found at Ephesos); Rhodian Peraia 204 (%6 ABSA 52, 1957, 76, 6) (%6 SEG 18, 441) (funerary inscription of Apollodote Dionysiodorou of Knidos et al.; found at Kedreai in Rhodian Peraia). @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (253%19`255) @ @@`253. Artist's signature by Theon of Antiocheia for three &3zoidia,& on block with figures of three ladies, from monumental altar; Hellenistic?; found at Knidos: *Love, AJA 77, 1973, 422; BE 1974:549. @ @@`254. Unpublished, fragmentary artist's signature by Theon of Antiocheia; Hellenistic?; found at Knidos: Love, AJA 77, 1973, 422, note 37. @ @@`255. Artist's signature by Boulis of Paros, on marble slab; c. II&4m&; found at Knidos, later on Nisyros: Hiller, AA 17, 1902, 24; *Rubensohn, JDAI 50, 1935, 49%19`50 (PH); BE 1936:385. @ See also: Knidos 24, 30, 61, 68, 73, 85. @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (256%19`271) @ @@`256. Curse by Antigone against whoever has accused her of poisoning Asklapiadas, on lead tablet; III%3II; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II pp. 719%19`731 no. 81; Wachsmuth, RhM 18, 1863, 570, no. $A&; *SGDI 3536. @ @@`257. Curse by Artemeis against whoever refuses to return garments, on lead tablet; 2%3`3?; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II pp. 732%19`734, no. 82; Wachsmuth, RhM 18, 1863, 570%19`571, no. $B&; *SGDI 3537. @ @@`258. Curse by Nanas against those who have not returned deposit, on lead tablet; III%3II; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II pp. 734%19`735 no. 83; Wachsmuth, RhM 18, 1863, 571, no. $G&; *SGDI 3538. @ @@`259. Curse by [Nanas] against Emphanes and Rhodo, on lead tablet; III%3II; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II pp. 734%19`735 no. 84; Wachsmuth, RhM 18, 1863, 571, no. $D&; *SGDI 3539. @ @@`260. Curse by Prosodion against whoever seduces husband Nakon or receives him, on lead tablet; III%3II; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 739 no. 87; Wachsmuth, RhM 18, 1863, 572, no. $H&; *SGDI 3542. @ @@`261. Curse by wife (no name) against (no name), who accused her of preparing poison for husband, on lead tablet; III%3II; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II pp. 735%19`736 no. 85; Wachsmuth, RhM 18, 1863, 571, no. $E&; *SGDI 3540. @ @@`262. Curse by female (no name) against person who stole &3spatale,& on lead tablet; III%3II; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II pp. 736%19`738 no. 86; Wachsmuth, RhM 18, 1863, 572, no. $Z&; *SGDI 3541. @ @@`263. Curse against person who did not return &3himation,& on lead tablet; III%3II; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 740 no. 88; Wachsmuth, RhM 18, 1863, 572%19`573, no. $Q&; *SGDI 3543. @ @@`264. Curse against person who failed to return [&3him&]&3a&[&3ti&]&3on,& on lead tablet; III%3II; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 740 no. 89; Wachsmuth, RhM 18, 1863, 572%19`573, no. $Q&; *SGDI 3544. @ @@`265. Curse concerning Trophimos and Philosthenes, on lead tablet; III%3II; found at Knidos: *Newton, Discoveries II pp. 741%19`742 no. 90. @ @@`266. Curse involving poison, on lead tablet; III%3II; found at Knidos: *Newton, Discoveries II pp. 742%19`743 no. 91 (* for ll. 1%19`13, 19%19`24); *SGDI 3545 (* for ll. 13%19`18). @ @@`267. Curse concerning &3paidion& of [Menek]lea (?), on lead tablet; III%3II; found at Knidos: *Newton, Discoveries II p. 743 no. 92 (* for ll. 1%19`4); *SGDI 3546 (* for ll. 5%19`13). @ @@`268. Curse concerning Dorothea, on lead tablet; III%3II; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II pp. 743%19`744 no. 93; Wachsmuth, RhM 18, 1863, 573, no. $I&; *SGDI 3547. @ @@`269. Curse for failure to return things, on lead tablet; III%3II; found at Knidos: *Newton, Discoveries II p. 744 no. 93a. @ @@`270. Curse against person who stole &3kerata,& on lead tablet; III%3II; found at Knidos: *Newton, Discoveries II pp. 744%19`745 no. 94. @ @@`271. Curse against those who had assaulted, whipped, and bound man, on lead tablet; III%3II; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 745 no. 95; Wachsmuth, RhM 18, 1863, 573, no. $IA&; *SGDI 3548. @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (272%19`276) @ @@`272. Christian inscription recording making of mosaic by Kleopatra &3lanprotate,& on mosaic; Christian; found at Knidos: *Love, AJA 77, 1973, 418 (PH); Love, PICCA 10, 1973II 1132; BE 1980:481; SEG 29, 1074.5. @ @@`273. &3Euche& inscription of Rhodo[2p]2ios, on column of church; Christian; found at Knidos: Newton, Discoveries II p. 477; *Gre/goire, Rec. 237. @ @@`274. Blessing quoted from Psalm, on block of dark stone; Christian; found at Knidos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 201, no. 59; SEG 12, 458; BE 1954:228 (pp. 167%19`168). @ @@`275. &3Eucharist&[&3erion&] dedication, on architrave fragment; Christian; found at C%25es%25me: Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 199, no. 45; *BE 1954:228 (p. 167); SEG 37, 868. @ @@`276. Inscription KLETO inlaid with porphyry; Byzantine; found at Knidos: *Love, PICCA 10, 1973II 1123 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (277%19`286) @ @@`277. Inscription recording possession of jug by Antimenes; V&4`2&; found at Knidos: Chaviaras, BCH 36, 1912, 533, no. 15 (PH); *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 208, no. vii; SEG 12, 460. @ @@`278. Inscription on bronze mna weight, dating it under &3agoranomos& Menexenos; 350%3`3250 BC; provenance unknown, poss. from Knidos, now in Brunswick, Maine: *Herbert, AJA 66, 1962, 382%19`383, no. 4 (PH); BE 1963:36. @ @@`279. List of names, beginning with Stratoniko[s,] on corner of stele; early Hellenistic; found at Kumyer: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 195, no. 29; SEG 12, 438. @ @@`280. Inscription identifying Nymphai, on block of monumental altar; Hellenistic?; found at Knidos: *Love, AJA 77, 1973, 422 (PH); BE 1974:549. @ @@`281. Inscription identifying Inopos, on block of monumental altar; Hellenistic?; found at Knidos: *Love, AJA 77, 1973, 422 (PH); BE 1974:549. @ @@`282. Amphora stamp with dating in month Thesmophorios; c. II; found at Knidos: *Schwarzenberg, BJ 169, 1969, 93%19`95, no. 3 (PH). @ @@`283. Unpublished amphora stamp; no date; found at Knidos: Love, Tu+rk Ark. Derg. 16, 1967, 147, fig. 15 (PH); BE 1970:561. @ @@`284. Inscription THEOIS LABE on thymiaterion; no date; found at Knidos: *Love, AJA 77, 1973, 415 note 7; Love, PICCA 10, 1973II 1118%19`1119 (PH). @ @@`285. Unpublished masons' marks in form of Greek letters for joining blocks of altar; no date; found at Knidos: Love, AJA 76, 1972, 75. @ @@`286. Unpublished monumental marble sundial; no date; found at Knidos: Love, AJA 72, 1968, 138 (PH). @ See also: Knidos 276; Lazaridis, Praktika Arch. Et. 1954, 168%19`169 (%6 BE 1959:248) %7 Lazaridis, AD 17, 1961%19`1962, Chr. 248 (%6 BE 1964:266) (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found at Abdera); CIG III pp. xiv%19xvi, no.'s 1, 19, 21%19`22, 33, 37, 39, 43, 45, 50, 54, 56, 63, 78, 80b%19`80c, 81, 83, 86, 91, 94%19`95, 100%19`101, 103, 105%19`106, 111, 117%19`119, 122, 124, 132, 134%19`135, 139, 142%19`143 %7 Grace, Year book Amer. philos. soc. 1955, 321%19`326 (%6 BE 1958:29) (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found at Alexandria and region); Dumont, Inscr. ce/r. de Gre\ce 394%19`395 %7 Marangou, Praktika Arch. Et. 1981, 318 (%6 BE 1984:312) (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found at Minoa on Amorgos); Mercando, Hellenismus in Mittelitalien 165 (%6 BE 1984:536) (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found at Ancona); Mano, Buletin Univ. Tiranes 17, 1963II, 86%19`122 (%6 BE 1967:341) (Knidian amphora%19stamp; found at Apollonia in Illyria); Lenger, BCH 81, 1957, 160%19`180 (%6 BE 1958:30) %7 Bommelaer %9 Grandjean, BCH 96, 1972, 193 (%6 BE 1973:182) (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found at Argos); CIG III pp. xiv%19xv, no.'s 2%19`18, 20, 23%19`32, 34%19`36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46%19`49, 51%19`53, 55, 57%19`61, 64%19`77, 80, 82, 85, 87%19`90, 93, 96%19`99, 102, 104, 107%19`110, 112%19`114, 120%19`121, 125%19`131, 133, 136%19`138, 140%19`141, 144%19`177 %7 Dumont, Inscr. ce/r. de Gre\ce 125%19`386 %7 391%19`392 %7 Pridik, MDAI(A) 22, 1897, 149%19`154 (%6 BE 1898:336) %7 Grace, Small objects II 117%19`189 (%6 BE 1958:28) %7 Grace, Hesperia 32, 1963, 136%19`137 (%6 BE 1964:148) %7 Stavropoulos, Praktika Arch. Et. 1963, 16 (%6 BE 1967:202) %7 Pritchett, Studies in anc. Gk. Topography 138 (%6 BE 1967:232) %7 Platon, AD 20, 1965, Chron. 33 (%6 BE 1968:193) %7 Stavropoulos, AD 20, 1965, Chron. 47 (%6 BE 1968:194) (%6 Daux, BCH 92, 1968, 733) (%6 BE 1969:195) %7 Langdon, Sanctuary of Zeus (%6 BE 1977:468) %7 Grace, AAA 9, 1976, 37 (%6 BE 1977:182) %7 Charitonidis, Arch. Et. 1979, 161%19`187, pl. 56a (%6 BE 1982:163) (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found in Attica); Andriomenou, AD 27, 1972, Melet. 173%19`174 (%6 BE 1974:442) (Knidian amphora%19stamp; found at Chalkis); Chios 512.81 (Knidian amphora%19stamp; found at Emporio on Chios); Tudor, Arheologia Moldovei 5, 1967, 52%19`78 (%6 BE 1969:37) (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found in Danube region); Marcade/, BCH 78, 1954, 218%19`220 (%6 BE 1955:7) %7 Bruneau, BCH 92, 1968, 652 (%6 BE 1969:408) %7 Grace, Pergamon XI 1, 1, 773%19`775 (%6 BE 1970:413) %7 Grace, L'ilot de la Maison des Come/diens 317%19`354 (%6 BE 1971:461) (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found on Delos); Brashinskij, Import. de ce/r. gr. dans le Don (%6 BE 1982:238) (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found in Don region); Dunant, AD 20, 1965, Chron. 284%19`285 (%6 BE 1968:415) %7 Themelis, Praktika Arch. Et. 1978, 31 (%6 BE 1981:372) (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found at Eretria); Roeder, Hermopolis 1929%19`1939, 134%19`135 (%6 BE 1960:434) (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found at Hermoupolis Magna); Iasos 416%19`429 (%6 Levi %9 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 39%19`40, 1961%19`1962, 621%19`622 (%6 BE 1964:469) %7 Levi, ASAA 43%19`44, 1965%19`1966, 547%19`567 (%6 BE 1969:536)) (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found at Iasos); Gramatopol %9 Poenaru Bordea, Dacia 13, 1969, 127%19`282 (%6 BE 1972: 22) %7 Poenaru Bordea, Studii s%25i cerc. ist. vech. 22, 1971, 501%19`505 (%6 BE 1972: 23) Bounegru %9 Chiriax, Pontica 14, 1981, 249%19`254 (%6 BE 1983:275) (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found at Kallatis and vicinity); Grace, Yearbook Amer. philos. soc. 1959, 472%19`477 (%6 BE 1961:57) (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found on Kos); Grace %9 Empereur, Bull. du Centen. 81, 1981, 409%19`426 (%6 BE 1983:23) %7 Criscuolo, Bolli d'anfora, coll. Univ. Milano (%6 BE 1983:23a) (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found at Krokodilopolis%19Arsinoe in Fayyum); Servais, BCH 85, 1961, 143%19`144 (%6 BE 1962:155) (Knidian amphora%19stamp; found at Kyllene); Grace, Anat. coll. Charles Univ., Kyme I 89%19`98 (%6 BE 1980:38) (Knidian amphora%19stamp; found at Kyme); Alexiou, AAA 5, 1972, 232%19`234 (%6 BE 1973:357) (Knidian (?) amphora%19stamp; found at Kytaion on Crete); Labraunda 133 (%6 Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2) (%6 BE 1983:21) (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found at Labraunda); CIG 5497b (Knidian amphora%19stamp; found at Lilybaion); CIG 5619e (Knidian amphora%19stamp; found at Messana); Sadurska in Irmscher, Gr. Sta+dte 109%19`111 (%6 BE 1962:25) %7 Gaidukewitch, Mirmeki II 114 (%6 BE 1963:179) (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found at Myrmekion on Crimea); Jeffery, LSAG p. 357 no. 32 (%6 Petrie, Naukratis I pl. 33) (graffiti on three fragmentary cups; found at Naukratis); Kontoleon, Praktika Arch. Etair. 1969, 146 (%6 BE 1971:494) (Knidian amphora%19stamp; found on Naxos); Mirc%148ev, Timbres de Varna (%6 BE 1960:22) (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found at Odessos and vicinity); CIG IV pp. 257%19`258 no.'s 3%19`5, 11, 20%19`21 (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found at Olbia); Chelov, Pantikapaea 202%19`226 (%6 BE 1959:25) (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found at Pantikapaia); Makaronas, AD 16, 1960, 82 (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found at Pella); Grace, Pergamon XI 1, 1, 773%19`775, no. 50 (%6 BE 1970:413) (Knidian amphora%19stamp; found at Pergamon); Levi, ASAA 43%19`44, 1965%19`1966, 570%19`588 (%6 BE 1969:468) (Knidian amphora%19stamp; found at Phaistos); Chelov, Phanagoria 128%19`153 (%6 BE 1959:24) (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found at Phanagoria); Maiuri, Not. scav. 1951, 257%19`258 (%6 BE 1955:300c) (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found at Pompeii); Siebert, BCH 92, 1968, 433%19`435 (%6 BE 1969:415) (Knidian amphora%19stamp; found on Rhenaia); Grace, Yearbook Amer. philos. soc. 1959, 472%19`477 (%6 BE 1961:57) (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found on Rhodes); Jeffery, LSAG p. 357 no. 34 (%6 Blinkenberg, Lindos I no. 2806) (graffito dedication on cup; found at Lindos on Rhodes); Samos 681.5 (%6 Hesperia 40, 1971, 52) (%6 BE 1972:20) (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found on Samos); CIG III pp. xiv%19xvi no.'s 41, 62, 84, 115%19`116 (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found on Sicily); Grace, Yearbook Amer. philos. soc. 1959, 472%19`477 (%6 BE 1961:57) (%6 BE 1984:25) (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found on Syme); CIG 5380b (Knidian amphora%19stamp; found at Syracuse); Ro+mer, ZPE 50, 1983, 268, no.'s 8%19`9 (%6 BE 1983:24) (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found at Taposiris Magna); Lenger, BCH 81, 1957, 303%19`321 (%6 BE 1959:20) (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found on Thasos); CIG 2449 (Knidian amphora%19stamp; found on Thera); Gramatopol %9 Poenaru Bordea, Studii s%25i cercet. de ist. vech. 19, 1968, 41%19`61 (%6 BE 1968:362) %7 Buzoianu, Pontica 24, 1981, 133%19`151 (%6 BE 1983:276) (Knidian amphora%19stamps; found at Tomis); CIG IV pp. 257%19`258, no.'s 1%19`2, 6%19`10, 12%19`15, 17%19`19, 22%19`25 (Knidian amphora%19stamps; provenance unknown). @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (287%19`293) @ @@`287. Fragment, stoichedon, on block of milky limestone; c. IV&4m&; found at Res%25adiye: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 47, 1952, 189, no. 7. @ @@`288. Fragmentary inscription on circle marble monument; III%3II; found at Knidos: *Love, AJA 76, 1972, 72 (PH). @ @@`289. First (of three) unpublished short texts on marble slabs; I&4`2&?; found at Knidos: Love, AJA 76, 1972, 401. @ @@`290. Second (of three) unpublished short texts on marble slabs; I&4`2&?; found at Knidos: Love, AJA 76, 1972, 401. @ @@`291. Third (of three) unpublished short texts on marble slabs; I&4`2&?; found at Knidos: Love, AJA 76, 1972, 401. @ @@`292. Fragment, on fragment of slab of white marble; imperial?; found at Stephanea: *Chaviaras, BCH 36, 1912, 533, no. 16. @ @@`293. Fragment referring to Pyrindos, on fragment of white marble; no date; found at Knidos: *GIBM 832. @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @ @@@@{1Labraunda}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@ILabraunda: W. Crampa, &3Labraunda III 1&: &3The Greek Inscriptions, @@@@Lund%3Stockholm 1969%19`1972. @ Many of the inscriptions listed were found at Labranda (%6 ancient Labraunda.) Others were found nearby. Following sites are given, of which those which have not been located are followed by a question mark: @@Beyp#1221nar @@Labraunda (Karghedjak Yaila, Labranda). @ Inscriptions from the following sites within the territory of Mylasa are not included here but in separate lists: @@Mylasa @@Olymos @@Sinuri. @ Epigraphic references from outside the territory of Mylasa to the following sites are listed here: @@Labraunda (Labranda). @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`30) @ @@@@Section: 1a. Honorary Decrees (1%19`10) @ @@`1. Honorary decree by Mausollos and Artemisie for people of Knosos, granting them proxeny, on stele; c. 357 BC; found at Labraunda: ILabraunda 40 (PH); BE 1973:407; BE 1977:54; *Hornblower, Mausolus M7. @ @@`2. Honorary decree of Chrysa[orei]s for Apollonios Diodot[ou (?) ... ]s%1, on anta%19block of North Stoa; 267 BC; found at Labraunda: Crampa, Labraunda I 2 p. 122 (PH); BE 1970:552; *ILabraunda 43 (PH); BE 1973:409; BE 1987:280; Piejko, OAth 18:9, 1990, 142%19`143. @ @@`3. Honorary decree of (no name) for [Dionysios (?) Timonaktos of Mylasa (?),] on stele; II; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 48, ll. 1%19`8 (PH); BE 1973:411; Piejko, OAth 18:9, 1990, 147. @ @@`4. Honorary decree of [Erythrai (?]) for [Dionysios (?)] T%1i%1m%1o%1naktos of Myl[asa,] on stele; II; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 48, ll. 8%19`12 (PH); BE 1973:411. @ @@`5. Honorary decree (of Mylasa) for Olym%1[pichos,] &3stra&[&3tegos& of Basile]us Seleukos (II), on stele; c. 235 BC?, inscribed II; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 9 (PH); BE 1970:550; Piejko, OAth 18:9, 1990, 138%19`139. @ @@`6. Honorary decree by &3hie&[&3r&]&3eus& Korris and [&3sy&]&3ngeneis& for (no name), on anta%19block; c. 250%3`225 BC; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 11 (PH); BE 1970:551. @ @@`7. Honorary decree by [&3hiereus& Korris and &3sy&]&3ngeneis& for (no name), on anta%19block; c. 250%3`225 BC; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 12 (PH); BE 1970:551; Piejko, OAth 18:9, 1990, 141. @ @@`8. Honorary decree of (no name) for (no name), on stele; II&4`2&; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 49 (PH). @ @@`9. Portions of heading and motivation of honorary decree of (no name) for (no name), &3hiereu&[&3s&], on fragment of plaque; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 94 (PH). @ @@`10. Small portion of motivation of honors in honorary decree for (no name), on fragment of architectural block (?); 1&4`1&; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 93 (PH). @ See also: Labraunda 48. @ @@@@Section: 1b. Other Decrees and Laws (11%19`30) @ @@`11. First copy of regulations concerning yearly festival at Labraunda, on fragment of plaque; perhaps IV, inscribed in imperial period; found at Labraunda, text identical with that of Labraunda 12: *ILabraunda 53 (PH); BE 1973:412; Piejko, OAth 18:9, 1990, 147%19`148. @ @@`12. Second copy of regulations concerning yearly festival at Labraunda, on fragment of plaque; perhaps IV, inscribed in imperial period; found at Labraunda, text identical with that of Labraunda 11: *ILabraunda 54.A (PH); BE 1973:412; Piejko, OAth 18:9, 1990, 148. @ @@`13. Fragment of decree (?) referring to [Zeu]s Lam[braundos] and [Hekat]omno[s], on plaque; IV; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 83 (PH). @ @@`14. Decree [of Chrysaoreis,] occasioned by command of Basileus Ptolemy (II), granting immunity and regulating economic questions at Labraunda, on part of reused (statue%19)block; 267 BC?; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 44 (PH); BE 1973:409; Piejko, OAth 18:9, 1990, 143%19`145; SEG 37, 869. @ @@`15. End of decree (of Mylasa) on dedication of lands to Zeus Os[ogo,] on stele; c. 235 BC?, inscribed II&4`2&; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 8.A (PH); **BE 1970:549 (l. 9); Piejko, OAth 18:9, 1990, 137. @ @@`16. Dating [under &3stephanephoros ...& ] Iatrokleio[us] and under &3s&[&3tephanephoros ...& ] at beginning of decree, on stele; 200%3`133 BC; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 95 (PH). @ @@`17. Fragment of decree (?) concerning Mylas[a] and Europ%1os (%6 Euromos), on ashlar; c. 200 BC; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 84 (PH); BE 1973:415. @ @@`18. Decree [of Mylasa (?)] regarding renewal of lease of lands, on fragment of stele; II&4`2&; found at Labraunda: Crampa, Labraunda III 1, p. 68, note 2 (PH); *ILabraunda 50 (PH). @ @@`19. Fragment of regulation (?) concerning conditions in shrine on architectural block; Republican; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 89 (PH). @ @@`20. Decree of Mylasa dated under proconsul P[ ... ,] on fragment of plaque; I%3`1; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 54.B (PH); BE 1973:412. @ @@`21. Small portion, probably of decision to engrave, on fragment of plaque; I; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 86 (PH). @ @@`22. Small portion, possibly of two dates [under &3stephan&]&3ephoroi (?) at beginning of decree (?), on fragment of plaque; I; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 96 (PH). @ @@`23. Portion of heading of decree with dating under &3st&[&3ephanephoros&] and mentioning Eiren[aios,] on stele; I; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 97 (PH). @ @@`24. Decree (?) regarding care of belongings at Labraunda, on fragment of plaque; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 55 (PH). @ @@`25. Decree (of Mylasa) concerning sacred works in shrine (of Labraunda), on architectural block; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 56 (PH); BE 1973:412; **Poilloux, AC 42, 1973, 548%19`549 (l. 2); BE 1987:233. @ @@`26. Decree of Mylasa concerning some contribution to [&3hi&]&3eron of Ze[us Labraiyndos,] on fragment of plaque; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 91 (PH). @ @@`27. Dating under [&3d&]&3emarchos& Mosch%1os, at beginning of decree (?), on architectural block; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 98 (PH). @ @@`28. Decree of [&3boule& and &3demos&] (of Mylasa) concerning preservation of order in shrine (of Labraunda), on fragment of stele; 2; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 58 (PH); BE 1973:413. @ @@`29. Decree (of Mylasa) regarding services to be performed in shrine of Labraunda by high magistrates and servants, on fragments of stele; 2; found at Labraunda: BE 1961:673; *ILabraunda 59 (PH); BE 1973:413. @ @@`30. Decree (of Mylasa) stating some prohibitions in shrine (of Labraunda) and penalties in case of transgression, on fragments of stele; 2; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 60 (PH); BE 1973:413; **Pouilloux, AC 42, 1973, 549 (ll. 3, 13). @ See also: Labraunda 172. @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (31%19`47) @ @@`31. First copy of letter of [Basileus Seleukos (II) to Olympichos] concerning complaints of Korris against Mylasa, on anta%19block; 240 BC?; found at Labraunda, same text as that of Labraunda 32: *ILabraunda 1 (PH); BE 1970:543; Piejko, OAth 18:9, 1990, 134%19`135. @ @@`32. Second copy of letter of [Basileus Seleukos (II) to Olympich]os, concerning complaints [of Korris against Mylasa,] on plaque; 240 BC?, inscribed in imperial period; found at Labraunda, same text as that of Labraunda 31: *ILabraunda 1B (PH); BE 1970:543; Piejko, OAth 18:9, 1990, 134%19`135. @ @@`33. Letter of [Basileus Philip (V) to boule] and demos [of Mylasa] on status of Labraunda, on anta%19block; c. 220 BC; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 5 (PH); BE 1970:546; **Roesch, RA 1971, 354 (ll. 2, 47%19`48); **Habicht, Gnomon 44, 1972, 165 (ll. 5, 17%19`18); BE 1972:419,422; Piejko, OAth 18:9, 1990, 136. @ @@`34. Letter of Basileus Philip (V) to Olympichos concerning Mylasa, on anta%19block; c. 220 BC; found at Labraunda: Persson, Illustrated London News Jan. 1949, p. 85 (PH) (part) (non vidi); Vogliano, Acme I 1948, 389%19`390 (part); BE 1950:182 (part); *ILabraunda 7 (PH); BE 1970:548; BE 1972:422; Piejko, OAth 18:9, 1990, 137. @ @@`35. Letter to b%1o%1[ule (?)] (of Mylasa) concerning Labraunda (?) on plaque; Hellenistic, inscribed in imperial period; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 10 (PH); BE 1980:550; Piejko, OAth 18:9, 1990, 140%19`141. @ @@`36. Small portion of end of letter to governor (?), on fragment of plaque; Hellenistic, inscribed in early imperial period; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 88 (PH); Piejko, OAth 19:8, 1990, 150%19`151. @ @@`37. Letter of Olympichos introducing letter of Seleukos (II), on plaque; 240 BC, inscribed in imperial period; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 2 (PH); BE 1970:543; **Roesch, RA 1971, 354 (ll. 16%19`17); Piejko, OAth 18:9, 1990, 134%19`135. @ @@`38. First copy of letter of Olympichos to Mylasa confirming city's right to Labraunda, on anta%19blocks; 240 BC?; found at Labraunda, text same as that of Labraunda 39: *ILabraunda 3 (PH); BE 1970:544; **Roesch, RA 1971, 354 (ll. 26, 31); **Habicht, Gnomon 44, 1972, 164%19`165 (l. 9, 21%19`23); BE 1972:419,422; Piejko, OAth 18:9, 1990, 135. @ @@`39. Second copy of letter of Olympichos to Mylasa confirming city's right to Labraunda, on stele fragment; 240 BC, inscribed II&4`2&%3I?; found at Labraunda, text same as that of Labraunda 38: *ILabraunda 3B (PH); BE 1970:544; Piejko, OAth 18:9, 1990, 135. @ @@`40. Letter of Olympichos to Mylasa announcing dedication of lands to Zeus Osogo, on stele; c. 235 BC, inscribed II&4`2&; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 8.B (PH); **BE 1970:549 (l. 20, 24); Piejko, OAth 18:9, 1990, 137. @ @@`41. Letter of Olympichos to Mylasa granting it Labraunda, on anta%19block; c. 220 BC; found at Labraunda, text same as that of Mylasa 132: LW 389.b; Crampa, Labraunda I 2 pp. 127%19`130, no. 7 (PH); BE 1965:368 (p. 160), 369; *ILabraunda 4 (PH); **BE 1970:545,556 (ll. 15%19`16); **Roesch, RA 1971, 354 (ll. 7%19`8); **Habicht, Gnomon 44, 1972, 165 (l. 5); BE 1972: 422; IMylasa 23; Mylasa 132; Piejko, OAth 18:9, 1990, 135. @ @@`42. End of letter of Olympichos to Mylasa concerning status of Labraunda, on anta%19block; c. 220 BC; found at Labraunda: Persson, Illustrated London News Jan. 1949, p. 85 (PH) (part) (non vidi); Vogliano, Acme I 1948, 389%19`390 (part); **BE 1950:182 (part) (part B, ll. 3%19`4); Crampa, Labraunda I 2 pp. 130%19`132, no. 8 (PH) (part); BE 1965:368; *ILabraunda 6 (PH); BE 1970:547; **Habicht, Gnomon, 44, 1972, 165%19`166 (part B, ll. 4%19`5); BE 1972:422; BE 1984:437; Piejko, OAth 18:9, 1990, 136%19`137. @ @@`43. Letter [of Olympichos to Chrysaoreis (?)] regulating economic conditions at Labraunda, on architecture%19block; c. 220 BC; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 45 (PH); BE 1973:410. @ @@`44. Covering letter [by Zeuxis (?),] minister of Basileus [A]ntiochos (III) to army regarding protection of Labraunda against soldiers, on block; c. 203 BC; found at Labraunda: Labraunda III 1 pp. 134%19`135; BE 1970:553; *ILabraunda 46 (PH); BE 1973:411; Robert, Amyzon 139%19`141; BE 1984:437; **SEG 33, 870 (l. 9); Piejko, OAth 18:9, 1990, 145%19`146. @ @@`45. Letter of individual mentioning [&3epange&]&3lia& regarding status of some group, on anta%19block (?); I&4`2&; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 85 (PH). @ @@`46. Small portion of beginning of letter, on small fragment of plaque; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 87 (PH). @ @@`47. Letter by (no name) regarding lease of his hereditary property and announcing an &3epangelia& of a foundation, on fragments of stele; prob. 2; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 57 (PH); BE 1973:413. @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (48%19`49) @ @@`48. Decision of [strate]g%1o%1s%1 Eupolemos regarding &3ateleia& for Diokles Dionos of Kos and referring to proxeny decree of Plataseis, on anta%19block; III&4`1&; found at Labraunda: BE 1961:673; ILabraunda 42 (PH); BE 1973:408; BE 1977:54; Daux, BCH 102, 1978, 606; BE 1979:450; BE 1980:480; SEG 28, 846 %7 1665; *Hornblower, Mausolus M8; Piejko, OAth 18:9, 1990, 141%19`142. @ @@`49. Decision of Roman officials regarding &3asylia& of inhabitants of sacred land, on ashlar and block; 3&4`1&; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 61 (PH); BE 1973:413; Piejko, OAth 18:9, 1990, 149%19`150. @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (50) @ @@`50. Record of donation of vessels made of silver on fragment of block or list; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 92 (PH). @ See also: Labraunda 26. @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (51) @ @@`51. Citizens' oath in Mylasa, on ashlar; II; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 47 (PH); BE 1973:411; Piejko, OAth 18:9, 1990, 146%19`147. @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (52%19`68) @ @@`52. Dedication of &3stoie& by [M]au%1s%1s%1o%1l%1l%1o%1s%1 Heka[tomno] to Zeus Lambraundos, quasi%19stoichedon, on anta%19block of North Stoa; 377%3`353 BC; found at Labraunda: Crampa, Labraunda I 2 pp. 121%19`122, no. 1 (PH); BE 1965:368; *ILabraunda 13 (PH); BE 1973:404. @ @@`53. Dedication to Zeus Lambraundos of [&3a&]&3ndron& and &3eneonta& by Maussollos Hekatomno, on architrave of Andron B; 377%3`353 BC; found at Labraunda: Crampa, Labraunda I 2 pp. 122%19`123, no. 2 (PH); BE 1965:368; *ILabraunda 14 (PH); BE 1973:404. @ @@`54. Dedication of &3a%1ndro&[&3n& to Zeus Lambraun]dos [by Idrieus Hekatomno of Mylasa,] on architrave of Andron A; 351%3`344 BC; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 15 (PH); BE 1973:404. @ @@`55. Dedication of [&3naos&] to [Zeus Lambrau]ndos by Idrieus Heka%1[tomno of Mylasa,] on architrave of Temple; 351%3`344 BC; found at Labraunda: Crampa, Labraunda I 2 pp. 123%19`124, no. 3 (PH); BE 1965:368; ILabraunda 16 (PH); BE 1973:404; *Hornblower, Mausolus p. 279 note 51 and p. 281 note 76; Hellstro+m %9 Thieme, Labraunda I 3 p. 34 (PH). @ @@`56. Dedication to Zeus Lambraundos of &3oikoi& by Idrieus Hekatomno of Mylasa, on architrave; 351%3`344 BC; found at Labraunda: Persson, Illustrated London News Jan. 1949, p. 85 (non vidi); Calabi, Acme I 1948, 388%19`389; BE 1950:182; *ILabraunda 17 (PH); BE 1973:404. @ @@`57. Dedication [of &3pylon& to Zeus Lambraiyndos (?)] by Idrieus Hekatomno of Mylasa, on architrave of South Propylaia; 351%3`344 BC; found at Labraunda: Jeppesen, Labraunda I 1 pp. 26%19`27 (PH, part); SEG 16, 705; BE 1958:451; *ILabraunda 18 (PH); BE 1973:404. @ @@`58. Dedication [to Zeus Lambraundos of &3hieros oikos& by Idrieus Hekat]o%1mno of My[lasa,] on architrave; 351%3`344 BC; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 19 (PH); BE 1973:404. @ @@`59. Dedication of &3balaneon& to [Augusti and Zeus Labraiyndos So]ter and &3demos& by [ ... us Claudius M]enelaos, on part of reused lintel of bath; 1&4m&; found at Labraunda: Crampa, Labraunda I 2 pp. 124%19`125, no. 4 (PH); BE 1965:368; *ILabraunda 20 (PH); BE 1973:405. @ @@`60. Dedication of roof of &3stoa& to Zeus Labraundos by Titus Flavius Neon, &3hiereus,& on capital of anta; 1&4e&%3`2; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 21 (PH); BE 1973:405. @ @@`61. Dedication of &3apodyterion& to [Zeus Lab]raundos by Titus F[lavius Neon, &3hiereus,&] on part of lintel; 1&4e&%3`2; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 22 (PH); BE 1973:405. @ @@`62. Dedication to Trajan by (no name), [&3hier&]&3eu%1&[&3s&], on architrave fragments; AD 98%3`117; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 24.A (PH). @ @@`63. Dedication of &3keiones& and &3ep&[ ... ] by (no name), &3hiereus,& on architrave fragments; AD 98%3`117; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 24.B (PH). @ @@`64. Fragment of dedication, on architrave fragment; AD 98%3`117; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 24.C.1 (PH). @ @@`65. Fragment, on architrave fragment; AD 98%3`117; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 24.C.2 (PH). @ @@`66. Dedication of [ ... ] and [&3keiones& (?),] on architrave fragments; AD 98%3`117; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 25 (PH). @ @@`67. Dedication to The[os] Z%1[eus Labraundos,] on architrave fragments; AD 98%3`117; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 26 (PH). @ @@`68. Dedication to Trajan and Zeus Labraundos and Hyps[i]stos by Poleites Ari[s]teou Korrha[ ... ] of stylobate, &3keiones,& etc., on architrave of Mausolus's Stoa; AD 102%3`117; found at Labraunda: Crampa, Labraunda I 2 pp. 125%19`126, no. 5 (PH); BE 1965:368; *ILabraunda 23 (PH); BE 1973:405. @ See also: Labraunda 181, 192, 194; Euromos 7 (%6 LW 313) (%6 CIG 2713 %7 p. 1108) (dedication of &3keion& with &3speire& and &3kephale& by Leon Quintus, on seven columns; found at Euromos, not at Labraunda); Euromos 8%19`11 (%6 LW 314 %7 315 %7 316 %7 317 %7 318) (%6 CIG 2714 %7 p. 1108) (five dedications of &3kion& with &3speire& and &3kephale& by Menekrates Menekratous &3archiatros,& on five columns; found at Euromos, not at Labraunda). @ ŏ@@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (69%19`71) @ @@`69. List of lands dedicated to Zeus Osogollis by Olympichos, on stele; c. 235 BC, inscribed II&4`2&; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 8.C (PH); BE 1970:549; **Debord, REA 71, 1969, 387 (ll. 30%19`31); **Habicht, Gnomon 44, 1972, 166 (l. 27); BE 1972:420,422; Piejko, OAth 18:9, 1990, 137; **Blu+mel, EA 16, 1991, 35 (l. 30). @ @@`70. Catalogue of lands (belonging to Zeus Osogo,) on stele; ƂII&4`2&; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 69 (PH); BE 1973:415. @ @@`71. Donation of land(s) mentioning [&3de&]&3ndr&[&3a,&] on anta%19block; c. 100 BC; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 90 (PH). @ See also: Labraunda 15, 18, 40, 45, 47, 69%19`71, 170, 173, 188. @ ȏ@@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (72%19`88) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (72%19`88) @ @@`72. Dedication of Nike of Claudius by &3demos,& on base; AD 41%3`54; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 33 (PH); BE 1973:406. @ @@`73. Dedication to (?) Iulia Domna Augusta, &3mater castrorum,& on base; AD 195%3`217; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 38 (PH); BE 1973:406. @ @@`74. Dedication of &3thymele& of Histie, on fragments of moulding; c. 2&4`2&; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 36 (PH). @ @@`75. Dedication to T%1h%1e[os Zeus Labraiyndos,] on base; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 34 (PH). @ @@`76. Dedication to [Zeus L]abraundos by [Anti]patros (?) Naukra[tous,] on fragment of moulding; c. III&4m&; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 30 (PH). @ @@`77. Dedication to Zeus Lambraundos by A[ri]a%1r%1ame[s] (?) Mau%1sso%1l%1[lou,] on statue%19base; c. 300 BC; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 28 (PH); BE 1973:406. @ @@`78. Dedication (of exedra) by Demetrios Pythonos, on block; III; found at Labraunda: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 330%19`331, no. 16; *ILabraunda 29.a (PH). @ @@`79. Dedication (of exedra) by [Demetri]o%1s [Pytho]nos, on block; III; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 29.b (PH). @ @@`80. Dedication (of exedra) by [Demetrios] Pythonos, on block; III; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 29.c. @ @@`81. Dedication to [Zeus] Labraiyn%1[d]os by D%1i%1o[n]y[s]i%1o%1s%1 Phil%1e%1[r]o%1t%1[o]s, on stele; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 32 (no PH). @ @@`82. [Dedication to Zeus Lambraundos] by Hekatomnos Hyssaldom[ou,] on statue%19base; c. 391%3`377 BC; found at Labraunda: Crampa, Labraunda I 2 pp. 126%19`127, no. 6 (PH); BE 1965:368; *ILabraunda 27 (PH); BE 1973:404. @ @@`83. Dedication to [Z]eus [Lambraundos] by [ ... ]i%1kles Kal[li]kleiou%1[s] of Herakleia (Latm.), victorious athlete, on Panathenaic amphora; prob. III&4m&; found at Labraunda: *Hellstro+m, Labraunda II 1 pp. 7%19`9, no. 1 (PH); BE 1966:420. @ @@`84. Dedication by Myon%1i%1d%1e%1[s,] &3hiereus& of Zeus L[ab]raundos, on statue%19base; I; found at Labraunda: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 329%19`330, no. 15 and fig. 16 (PH); *ILabraunda 31 (PH). @ @@`85. &3Euche& dedication by Ones[i]mos, &3doulos& of Ma(rcus) Aur(elius) M%1e%1nodo[to]s, on plaque; AD 212%3c. 300; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 39 (PH); BE 1973:406. @ @@`86. Dedication by [ ... ]ys Eutychou, on base; c. AD 117%3`138; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 35 (PH). @ @@`87. Dedication by [ ... ... ]o%1to[u t]ou Pythea of A%1laba(n)d%1a, on statue%19base; c. AD 200; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 37 (PH); BE 1973:406. @ @@`88. Traces of dedication (?) (of exedra,) on block; III; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 29.d (PH). @ See also: Labraunda 15, 40, 52%19`64, 66%19`69, 170%19`173, 182. @ @@@@Section: 9b. Other Religious Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Labraunda 11%19`13, 19, 25, 28%19`30, 103%19`106, 171.5%19`171.9. @ ُ@@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (89%19`93) @ @@`89. Honorary inscription for [Gnaius] D%1om[i]t%1[ius,] legate (?), on statue%19base; c. 129 BC; found at Labraunda: ILabraunda 62 (PH); BE 1973:414; *Pouilloux, AC 42, 1973, 550; BE 1974:542; Piejko, OAth 18:9, 1990, 150. @ @@`90. Honorary inscription for Ti(berius) C[l(audius)] Anteros by Athens and (no name), on stele; AD 127%3`200; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 66 (PH); BE 1973:414. @ @@`91. Honorary inscription for [Tiberi]us Claudius Mene[laos] by &3demos,& for building, including &3balaneion,& on base; 1&4m&; found at Labraunda: Crampa, Labraunda I 2 pp. 132%19`133, no. 9 (PH); BE 1965:368; *ILabraunda 65 (PH); BE 1973:414. @ @@`92. Honorary inscription for [L(ucius) Corneliu]s Lentulu[s,] proconsul, by d%1e%1[mos,] on statue%19base; I&4`1&; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 63 (PH); BE 1973:414. @ @@`93. Honorary inscription of consul (?) [ ... ] Secundus by [de]mos, on statue%19base; AD 9%3`105; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 64 (PH). @ See also: Labraunda 1%19`10, 48, 171.1. @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (_) @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Labraunda 96%19`97. @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (_) @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ ޏ@@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (94%19`102) @ @@`94. Graffito Soballo[ ... ], on architectural block; imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 73.A (PH). @ @@`95. Monogram AR, on architectural block; imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 73.B (PH). @ @@`96. [T]opo%1s%1 graffito of children (?) of Mo[ ... ], on fragment; imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 75 (PH); BE 1973:415. @ @@`97. Topos graffito of [.]osime, on block; imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 74 (PH); BE 1973:415. @ @@`98. Nik[e] graffito of Abradatas (?) p(resbyter)os, on anta%19block; imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 79 (PH); BE 1973:415. @ @@`99. Nike graffito of Demetrios et al., on anta%19block; imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 76 (PH); BE 1973:415. @ @@`100. Nike graffito of Menippos, on anta%19block; imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 78 (PH); BE 1973:415. @ @@`101. Nike graffito of Mot%1h%1[o]n and T%1h%1[e]o%1k%1l%1e[s], on anta%19block; imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 80 (PH). @ @@`102. Nike graffito of Phrathethne%1[s,] on ashlar; imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 77 (PH); BE 1973:415. @ See also: Labraunda 104%19`106, 109, 127, 136, 150%19`152, 154%19`155, 161, 163, 165%19`166. @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (103%19`106) @ @@`103. Incised cross on fragment from wall of amphora; Christian?; found at Labraunda: *Hellstro+m, Labraunda II 1 p. 47, no. 407 (PH). @ @@`104. Christian cross graffito, on architectural block; Christian; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 81 (no PH). @ @@`105. Christian cross graffito, on architectural block; Christian; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 82 (PH). @ @@`106. Graffito addressed to [J]esus Christ, on cup of Eastern Sigillata ware; Christian; found at Labraunda: *Hellstro+m, Labraunda II 1 p. 34 %7 p. 69, no. 239 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (107%19`171.9) @ @@@@Section: 22a. Inscriptions on Instrumenta (107%19`166) @ @@`107. First stamp of Adaios, on Koan amphora%19handle; 108%3`80 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 17, no. 24 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`108. Second stamp of Adaios, on Koan amphora%19handle; 108%3`80 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 17, no. 25 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`109. Graffito of Agap[2e]2t[os] (?), on rim of jug or small container; no date; found at Labraunda: *Hellstro+m, Labraunda II 1 p. 48, no. 408 (PH). @ @@`110. Stamp of Agathokles, on Rhodian amphora%19handle; c. 220%3`180 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 13, no. 1 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`111. Stamp of Agoranax, on Rhodian amphora%19handle; c. 220%3`180 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 13, no. 3 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`112. Stamp [A]lexa[n]dros, on Rhodian amphora%19handle; *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 15, no. 16.a (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`113. Stamp of [Anax]ippidas, on Rhodian amphora%19handle; *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 15, no. 17 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`114. First stamp of Aristeas and Phanias, on Koan amphora%19handle; 108%3`80 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 18, no. 27 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`115. Second stamp of Aristeas and Phanias, on Koan amphora%19handle; 108%3`80 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 18, no. 28 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`116. Stamp of Aristokles, on Rhodian amphora%19handle; c. 220%3`180 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 15, no. 18.a (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`117. Stamp of A[skla]p[iadas,] on Rhodian amphora%19handle; no date; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 15, no. 15 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`118. Stamp of Damo[krates,] on Rhodian amphora%19handle; c. 220%3`180 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 16, no. 20 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`119. Stamp of [D]amastes and Pheidippos, on Thasian amphora%19handle; c. 400%3`340 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 21, no. 40 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`120. Graffito of D(io)t(imos) (?), on plate of black%19glazed pottery; IV&4`2&; found at Labraunda: *Hellstro+m, Labraunda II 1 p. 48, no. 50 (PH). @ @@`121. Stamp of Diskos, on Rhodian amphora%19handle; c. 220%3`180 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 13, no. 5 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`122. Stamp of [K]ychris, on Thasian amphora%19handle; 331%3c. 300 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 21, no. 39 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`123. Stamp L%1eon%1, on Koan amphora%19handle; 108%3`80 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 18, no. 29 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`124. Stamp of Ma%1[r]on, on Koan amphora%19handle; 108%3`80 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 19, no. 34 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`125. Stamp of [M]enandros, on Koan amphora%19handle; 108%3`80 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 18, no. 30 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`126. Stamp of Menekrates, on Rhodian amphora%19stamp; c. 275%3`180 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 14, no. 8 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`127. Graffito of Menod[o]tos, on rounded%19rim fragment of pottery; no date; found at Labraunda: *Hellstro+m, Labraunda II 1 p. 47, no. 402 (PH). @ @@`128. Stamp of Nysios, on Rhodian amphora%19stamp; c. 220%3`180 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 14, no. 10 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`129. Stamp of Oniades, on Koan amphora%19handle; 108%3`80 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 18, no. 31 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`130. Stamp of (?) Pan[amos] (?), on Rhodian amphora%19handle; no date; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 15, no. 14 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`131. Stamp Polite[s], on Koan amphora%19handle; 108%3`80 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 18, no. 32 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`132. Stamp of Sminthios, on Rhodian amphora%19stamp; 146%3`108 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 13, no. 4 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`133. Stamp of [X]anthos, on Knidian amphora%19handle; 180%3`146 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 20, no. 37 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`134. Stamp of Xeinis, on Koan amphora%19handle; IV%3Hellenistic; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 19, no. 36 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`135. Stamp of Aristar[ ... ], on Koan amphora%19handle; 180%3`146 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 17, no. 26 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`136. Graffito Mane%1[ ... ], on rim of unglazed bowl; no date; found at Labraunda: *Hellstro+m, Labraunda II 1 p. 48, no. 404 (PH). @ @@`137. Stamp of Strat[ ... ], on Koan amphora%19handle; prob. 180%3`146 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 19, no. 33 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`138. Stamp dated under Aglokritos, on Rhodian amphora%19handle; c. 220%3`180 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 13, no. 2 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`139. Stamp dated under Damaine[tos,] on Rhodian amphora%19handle; 180%3`146 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 16, no. 19 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`140. Stamp dated under Kallikrates, on Rhodian amphora%19handle; c. 220%3`180 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 13, no. 6 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`141. Stamp dated under Klearchos, on Rhodian amphora%19handle; c. 220%3`180 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 14, no. 7 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`142. Stamp dated under Mytion, on Rhodian amphora%19handle; c. 275%3`220 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 14, no. 9 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`143. Stamp dated under Pytho[gen]es and in month A[g]rianios, on Rhodian amphora%19handle; 180%3`146 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 14, no. 11 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`144. Stamp dated under Xenophon, on Rhodian amphora%19handle; c. 220%3`180 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 16, no. 21 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`145. Stamp dated by month Karneos, on Rhodian amphora%19handle; 275%3`220 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 15, no. 13 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`146. Graffito list of names (?) [Thar]sybio%1[s] (?) et al., on sigillata sherd; 1; found at Labraunda: *Hellstro+m, Labraunda II 1 p. 48, no. 403 (PH). @ @@`147. Stamp Charites and graffiti on plate of Eastern Sigillata B pottery; 1; found at Labraunda: *Hellstro+m, Labraunda II 1 pp. 32%19`33 and 47, no. 217 (PH); Hornblower, Mausolus p. 343. @ @@`148. Stamp Hermes, on cup of Eastern Sigillata B cup; late Hellenistic?; found at Labraunda: *Hellstro+m, Labraunda II 1 p. 33 no. 222 (PH). @ @@`149. Stamp Kerdos, on cup of miscellaneous Eastern Sigillata ware; no date; found at Labraunda: *Hellstro+m, Labraunda II 1 p. 34, no. 250 (PH). @ @@`150. Graffito [&3a&]&3nen&[2&3en&]2&3ke D%1&[&3ii&], on fragment of lid (?); no date; found at Labraunda: *Hellstro+m, Labraunda II 1 p. 78, no. 405 (PH). @ @@`151. Graffito &3epoiy%1koo,& on plate of Eastern Sigillata B pottery; Roman; found at Labraunda: *Hellstro+m, Labraunda II 1 p. 48, no. 259.a (PH). @ @@`152. Graffito &3r%1os%1et,& on plate of Eastern Sigillata B pottery; Roman; found at Labraunda: *Hellstro+m, Labraunda II 1 p. 70, no. 259.b (PH). @ @@`153. A on handle of coarse ware; no date; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 24, no. 48 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`154. Graffito A, on bowl of black%19glazed pottery; IV&4m&; found at Labraunda: *Hellstro+m, Labraunda II 1 p. 47, no. 42. @ @@`155. Graffito A, on plate of black%19glazed pottery; IV&4`2&; found at Labraunda: *Hellstro+m, Labraunda II 1 p. 58, no. 54 (PH). @ @@`156. Stamp K, on Rhodian amphora%19handle; 146%3`108 BC?; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 15, no. 16.b (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`157. Second stamp O, on Rhodian amphora%19handle of Aristokles; 180%3`146 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 15, no. 18.b (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`158. &3Ze,& on stamped amphora%19handle; 220%3`180 BC; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 22, no. 44 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`159. Letters AN incised on salt%19cellar of black%19glazed pottery; V&4b&; found at Labraunda: *Hellstro+m, Labraunda II 1 p. 12, no. 22 (PH). @ @@`160. IE (retrograde), on stamped amphora%19handle; IV%3Hellenistic; found at Labraunda: *Sa+flund, Labraunda II 2 p. 23, no. 46 (PH); SEG 30, 1271. @ @@`161. Graffito MM, on plate of black%19glazed pottery; IV&4`2&; found at Labraunda: *Hellstro+m, Labraunda II 1 p. 58, no. 51 (PH). @ @@`162. Stamp MOS, on cup of miscellaneous Eastern Sigillata ware; Roman?; found at Labraunda: *Hellstro+m, Labraunda II 1 p. 34, no. 249 (PH). @ @@`163. Incised graffito PA, on floor of bowl of black%19glazed pottery; IV&4m&; found at Labraunda: *Hellstro+m, Labraunda II 1 p. 47, no. 37 (PH). @ @@`164. Complicated ligature ... LP ... , on plate of black%19glazed pottery; IV&4`2&; found at Labraunda: *Hellstro+m, Labraunda II 1 p. 58, no. 53 (PH). @ @@`165. Graffito of double axe (?), on floor of plate of black%19glazed pottery; IV&4m&: found at Labraunda: *Hellstro+m, Labraunda II 1 p. 48, no. 38 (PH). @ @@`166. Scribbles, on rim of bowl; no date; found at Labraunda: *Hellstro+m, Labraunda II 1 p. 48, no. 406 (PH). @ See also: Labraunda 83. @ @@@@Section: 22b. Other Varia (167%19`171.9) @ @@`167. List of names, including [ ... ]o%1s Mennidos, on stele; IV&4m&; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 67 (PH); BE 1973:415. @ @@`168. List of names, including Philippos Are[ ... ]; c. 200 BC; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 68 (PH). @ @@`169. List of names, including [ ... ]e%1[i]des Antipatrou, on block of base; I; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 70 (PH); BE 1973:415. @ @@`170. List of names, including [ ... ]s Iatrokl%1e%1i%1o%1u%1s, possibly of persons making dedication to Zeus Labraiyndos, on anta%19block (?); I; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 71 (PH). @ @@`171. List of names, including persons from [M]ylasa and Karyanda, on plaque; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 72 (PH); BE 1973:415. @ @@`171.1. Rock inscription for Andronikos; no date; found near Labraunda: *Roos, ZPE 50, 1983, 222 (PH); BE 1983:399; SEG 33, 871. @ @@`171.3. Rock inscription to Zeus Soter by Hippo[ ... ]; no date; found between Labraunda and Beyp#1221nar Valley: *Roos, ZPE 50, 1983, 222%19`223 (PH); BE 1983:399; SEG 33, 866. @ @@`171.5. Rock inscription &3hi&(&3eron&); no date; found in Beyp#1221nar Valley: *Roos, ZPE 50, 1983, 223 (PH); BE 1983:399; SEG 33, 866. @ @@`171.7. Rock inscription &3hi&(&3eron&), with triangle; no date; found in Beyp#1221nar Valley: *Roos, ZPE 50, 1983, 223 (PH); BE 1983:399; SEG 33, 866. @ @@`171.9. Rock inscription with &3hi&(&3eron&) repeated; no date; found in Beyp#1221nar Valley: *Roos, ZPE 50, 1983, 223 (PH); BE 1983:399; SEG 33, 866. @ See also: Labraunda 94%19`95, 98%19`102; Meier%19Bru+gger, Labraunda II 4 pp. 15%19`22 (Carian or para%19Carian inscriptions; found at Labraunda). @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (172%19`209) @ @@`172. Document (possibly decree) regarding democratic constitution of Mylasa (?), on fragment of architectural block; IV&4`2&; found at Labraunda: ILabraunda 41 (PH); BE 1973:407; *Hornblower, Mausolus pp. 70%19`71. @ @@`173. Document concerning some economic%19juridical question, on anta%19block; II%3I?; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 51 (PH). @ @@`174. Small fragment ODI%1; Republican?; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 123 (PH). @ @@`175. Small fragment SAIN; Republican?; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 124 (PH). @ @@`176. Small fragment; Republican?; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 125 (PH). @ @@`177. Small fragment referring to Zeus [Labraundos,] on fragment of stele (?); Republican?; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 126 (PH). @ @@`178. Unclassifiable small fragment, on fragment of plaque; I%3early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 99 (PH). @ @@`179. Unclassifiable small fragment, on fragment of plaque; I%3early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 100 (PH). @ @@`180. Unclassifiable small fragment, on fragment of stele; I; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 101 (PH). @ @@`181. Unclassifiable fragment mentioning &3hiere&[&3us,&] on fragment of architectural block (?); I; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 108 (PH). @ @@`182. Document concerning offerings to Zeus Labraundos by (no name), on right front block of foundation%19structure; I&4`2&; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 52 (PH); BE 1973:411. @ @@`183. Unclassifiable small fragment, on two joining fragments; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 102 (PH). @ @@`184. Unclassifiable small fragment, on fragment of plaque; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 103 (PH). @ @@`185. Unclassifiable small fragment, on fragment of plaque; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 104 (PH). @ @@`186. Unclassifiable small fragment, on fragment of plaque; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 105 (PH). @ @@`187. Unclassifiable small fragment, on fragment of plaque; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 106 (PH). @ @@`188. Small fragment of important document, on fragment of plaque (?); early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 107 (PH). @ @@`189. Unclassifiable fragment mentioning [Autok]r%1a%1tor, on fragment of stele; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 109 (PH). @ @@`190. Unclassifiable document concerning contribution and mentioning [B]argylia, on fragment of plaque; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 110 (PH). @ @@`191. Unclassifiable fragment mentioning [ ... ]s%1 Iasono[s], on fragment of plaque; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 111 (PH). @ @@`192. Unclassifiable fragment mentioning Mela[s], on fragment of architectural block; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 112 (PH). @ @@`193. Unclassifiable fragment mentioning Quintu[s ... ] Lepidus, on reused (statue%19)block; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 113 (PH). @ @@`194. Unclassifiable fragment mentioning Hipp[ ... ], on architectural block; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 114 (PH). @ @@`195. Unclassifiable fragment mentioning Nero, on anta%19block (?); early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 115 (PH). @ @@`196. Unclassifiable fragment mentioning Menipp[os], on fragments of plaque; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 116 (PH). @ @@`197. Unclassifiable fragment in large letters; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 117 (PH). @ @@`198. Unclassifiable fragment referring to [Diony]sodoros, on part of reused (statue%19)block; 2; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 118 (PH). @ @@`199. Small fragment with end of name (?) [ ... ]nos; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 119 (PH). @ @@`200. Small fragment AS, on fragment of plaque; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 120 (PH). @ @@`201. Small fragment T, on fragment of plaque; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 121 (PH). @ @@`202. Small fragment RID, on fragment of architectural block; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 127 (PH). @ @@`203. Small fragment, on fragment of stele; early imperial?; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 128 (PH). @ @@`204. Small fragment [ ... ]d%1ou, on upper right corner of stele; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 129 (PH). @ @@`205. Two small fragments of plaque EE and O%1; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 130 (PH). @ @@`206. Small fragment O%1D, on two joining fragments; early imperial; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 131 (PH). @ @@`207. Small fragment YR, on fragment of plaque; 2 or later; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 122 (PH). @ @@`208. Small fragment, on fragment of stele; 2; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 132 (PH). @ @@`209. Mark IA; pre%19Christian?; found at Labraunda: *ILabraunda 133 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @ @@@@{1Lagina}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@IStratonikeia: M. C%25. S%25ahin, &3Die Inschriften von Stratonikeia, @@@@Bonn 1981%19`1982. @ All of the inscriptions listed were found at Lagina (Turgut, Leyne, Ileyne.) Inscriptions found in nearby villages and references to Lagina in inscriptions from outside the territory of Stratonikeia are given in the list for Stratonikeia. It has been argued that Lagina was identical or had a close relationship with Koranza (Koarenda, Koarrhenda, Koarrheza, Koranza, Koraza) or with Hiera Kome. Cross%19references to these place%19 names are also given in the list for Stratonikeia. References to Lagina and related places in inscriptions in the lists for Panamara and Stratonikeia are not given. @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`9) @ @@`1. Fragment of decree dated by &3s&[&3tephanephoros&] Apol[lodotos] Chrys[aoros Ko(raieus)]; Hellenistic; found at Lagina: *IStratonikeia 550 %7 II 2 p. 31; M. C%25. S%25ahin, EA 3, 1984, 32; SEG 34, 1073; BE 1987:196. @ @@`2. Decree of Koarendeis concerning &3ateleia& granted by Maussollos and Koarendeis to [ ... ]is Osarteymou, to be posted in temple of [L]agin[a]; 323 BC; found at Lagina: Petersen %9 von Luschau, Reisen I 156, no. 135; Syll&4`2& 160; Syll&4`3& 311; Rostoftzeff, Studien z. Gesch. d. ro+m. Kolonates 253; Robert, Et. anat. 570 (PH); *IStratonikeia 501; Hornblower, Mausolus M2. @ @@`3. Honorary decree of Koaranzeis for Konon Poseidippou; 318 BC; found at Lagina: M. C%25. S%25ahin, Anadolu 17, 1973, 187%19`189, no. 1 (PH); SEG 26, 1228; BE 1979:466; *IStratonikeia 503 (PH); Hornblower, Mausolus M12. @ @@`4. Honorary decree of [koinon (?)] of Korazeis for [ ... k]rates Paroitou; II&7b&; found at Lagina: *IStratonikeia 549 (PH). @ @@`5. End of decree, with provision for posting list of cities, etc. which recognized the &3asylia& of temple of Hekate; prob. 81 BC; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 9, 1885, 443 and 450 (Frag. I); OGIS 441, ll. 130%19`142; *IStratonikeia 507. @ @@`6. Decree of boule and demos (of Stratonikeia) in honor of Hekate; I?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 161%19`163, no. 71 (part); Hula %9 Szanto p. 35, no. 3, col. 1 (part); Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 70%19`72, no. 1 (part); Schober, Fries des Hekateions 14 Abb. 3 (PH) (part); Robert, Et. anat. 461%19`462; *IStratonikeia 512. @ @@`7. Decree of boule (of Stratonikeia) protecting sacred precinct of Hekate, with penalties for violations; 3&7m&; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 78%19`81, no. 11; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 277 &3supra&; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 283; *IStratonikeia 513. @ @@`8. Fragment of sacred law concerning dividing victim (?); no date; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 159, no. 65; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 280, note 1; *IStratonikeia 520. @ @@`9. Beginning of decree; no date; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 9, 1885, 442, Frag. K, l. 13; *IStratonikeia 546. @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (_) @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (10) @ @@`10. Letter of Sulla to boule and demos of Stratonikeia containing Senatus Consultum giving privileges to Stratonikeia for support in war against Mithradates; prob. 81 BC; found at Lagina: Newton, Discoveries II 795 no. 99 (part); LW 543 %7 544 (part); Petersen %9 von Luschau, Reisen I 155, no.'s 131%19`133 (part); Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 9, 1885, 437%19`474; OGIS 441, ll. 1%19`129; Abbott %9 Johnson no. 17; SEG 19, 654; *Sherk 18; SEG 29, 1076; **IStratonikeia 505 (PH, part) (ll. 17, 17a, 46, 48a, 78, 88). @ See also: Lagina 10. @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (_) @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (11%19`12) @ @@`11. Building inscription on lintel of main gate to precinct of Temple of Hekate, by Augustus; 28 BC%3AD 14; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 151%19`152, no. 56; Schober, Fries des Hekateions 15 Abb. 4 (PH); Robert, Et. anat. 521, note 4; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 244; *IStratonikeia 511. @ @@`12. Building inscription for [&3hydragogion&] by Chrysaor Iasonos [Ko(raieus)]; no date; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 96, no. 34; *IStratonikeia 522. @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (13) @ @@`13. List of cities, etc., recognizing &3asylia& of temple of Hekate; c. 81 BC; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 9, 1885, 444 and 450%19`451, frag.'s M2, N2, and incertain; Foucart, BCH 14, 1890, 363, col.'s 5%19`6 (part); OGIS 441, ll. 143%19`218; *IStratonikeia 508. @ See also: Lagina 42, 44, 55, 57, 79, 96%19`97, 102. @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (14%19`170) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Hiereus and Related Inscriptions (14%19`136) @ @@`14. [&3Hiereu&]&3s& inscription of Diogenes [Di]ogenous Ko(raieus); 1%3`2?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 18, no. 18; Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 100, no. 51; *IStratonikeia 623. @ @@`15. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [ ... ]s Menippou; 1%3`2; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 100, no. 54; *IStratonikeia 624. @ @@`16. &3Hiereus& inscription of [N]e[2i]2kandros [M]enipp[ou] Loboldeus and Dorotheos Iasonos Korazeus; 2&4`2&; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 97, no. 38; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 276; *IStratonikeia 625. @ @@`17. &3Hiereus& inscription of Neikandros Menippou Lo(boldeus); 2&4`2&; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 27, no. 39.a; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 276; *IStratonikeia 626. @ @@`18. &3Hiereus& inscription of Aristeas Menekleous Londargeus and [My]onides Zoilou Hierokome[tes]; 1?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 24%19`25, no. 35; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 261; *IStratonikeia 627. @ @@`19. &3Hiereus& inscription of [Heka]taios Menippou Hie(rokometes) et al.; 1&4`1&; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 30%19`31, no. 44; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 262; *IStratonikeia 628. @ @@`20. &3Hiereus& inscription of (?) [ ... ]as Panaitiou; 2?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 27%19`28, no. 40.a; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 260 note 1, p. 268, and p. 270 note 1; *IStratonikeia 629. @ @@`21. [&3Hiereu&]&3s& inscription of [Hekata]ios (?) Hermokrato[us] et al.; I%3`3?; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 99 no. 43 and 100 no. 55; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 260 note 1; *IStratonikeia 630. @ @@`22. &3Hiereus& inscription of [Hierokl]es Ia[sonos]; 2&4`2&?; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 91 no. 21; SEG 4, 242; Robert, RPh 55, 1929, 147, note 5 (%6 OM II 1113); Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 271, note 4; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 275; *IStratonikeia 631. @ @@`23. &3Hiereus& inscription of Chrysaor Mnesitheou Hierokometes et al.; I&7e&%3`2; found at Lagina: Newton, Discoveries II 800, no. 102; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 260 note 1 and 265; *IStratonikeia 632. @ @@`24. &3Hiereus& inscription of [Arist]eas (?) [2D]2ionysiou Loboldeus; I&7e&%3`2?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 9%19`10, no. 3.a; *IStratonikeia 633. @ @@`25. [&3Hier&]&3eus& inscription of Dionysios Euklidou K(ora)z(eus); imperial?; found at Lagina: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 189, no. 11, col. 2; *IStratonikeia 634. @ @@`26. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [Epa]inetos [ ... ]togen[ous] [ ... ]os Hie(rokometes); imperial?; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 99, no. 48; *IStratonikeia 635. @ @@`27. &3Hiereus& inscription of [E]uboulides Diogenous Loboldeus; imperial?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 16, no. 13.a; *IStratonikeia 636. @ @@`28. &3Hiereus& inscription of Hekatomnos Epainetou Ko(liorgeus) Magidon; imperial?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 27, no. 38; *IStratonikeia 637. @ @@`29. &3Hiereus& inscription of Heraklitos Zoilou Hiero[kometes]; imperial?; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 99, no. 45; *IStratonikeia 638. @ @@`30. &3Hiereus& inscription of Iason Orthosiou Koliorgeus Abersi et al.; imperial?; found at Lagina: Foucart, BCH 14, 1890, 366%19`367, no. 6; *IStratonikeia 639. @ @@`31. &3Hiereus& inscription of [ ... ] Iatrokleous Ko(liorgeus) and [M]enippos Kotylon; imperial?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 19, no. 21; *IStratonikeia 640. @ @@`32. [&3Hier&]&3eus& inscription of K[le]onymos Leontomeno[us Ko]liorgeus; imperial?; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 99, no. 44; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 242, no. 24; *IStratonikeia 641. @ @@`33. &3Hiereus& inscription of Menandros Diony[siou] Londargeus; imperial?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 24, no. 34.b; *IStratonikeia 642. @ @@`34. &3Hiereus& inscription of Menippos Men[ippou] Kotylon; imperial?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 19%19`20, no. 22(a); *IStratonikeia 643. @ @@`35. &3Hiereus& inscription of Menippos Me[nippou] Kotyl[on]; imperial?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 20, no. 23.b; *IStratonikeia 644. @ @@`36. &3Hiereus& inscription of [Hi]erokles Mentoros Koraieus Aristophanes Paspalas and [Aris]teides Hierokleous; imperial?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 18%19`19, no. 19, col. 1; *IStratonikeia 645. @ @@`37. &3Hiereus& inscription of Nikan[dros ... ]krates and (no name) Apollodotou Ko(raieus); imperial?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 19, no. 20.b; *IStratonikeia 646. @ @@`38. &3Hiereus& inscription of [Ph]anias Hekataiou Lo(boldeus) Kantharion; imperial?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 25, no. 36, ll. 6%19`8; *IStratonikeia 647. @ @@`39. &3Hiereus& inscription of Zoilos [Ph]anode[mou] and Hierokles Bakch[iadou]; imperial?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 25, no. 36, col. 2, ll. 1%19`5; *IStratonikeia 648. @ @@`40. &3Hiereus& inscription of Dionysios [ ... ]; imperial?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 20, no. 22; *IStratonikeia 649. @ @@`41. &3Hiereus& inscription of Hermokra[tes ... ] et al.; no date; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 20, no. 24, ll. 5%19`8; *IStratonikeia 650. @ @@`42. &3Hiereus& inscription of Kleinomachos Drakontos Korazeus, mentioning donation of money for &3stoa&; 1&4`1&; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 94, no. 29; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 260; *IStratonikeia 651. @ @@`43. &3Hiereus& inscription of [Kleinomachos Drak]ontos Korazeus and [Ar]isteas Aetionos K(ora)z(eus); 1&4`1&; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 15, no. 12.a; Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 94, &3ad& no. 30; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 260; *IStratonikeia 652. @ @@`44. &3Hiereus& inscription of Ariste[as Aeti]onos Korazeus, mentioning donation for &3dysmike stoa&; 1&4`1&; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 94, no. 30; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 260; *IStratonikeia 653. @ @@`45. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of Leon Chrysaoros et al., mentioning [dedication] of &3alysis&; 1&4`1&; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 21, no. 25; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 261, note 2; Robert, Et. anat. 551%19`552, no. 9; *IStratonikeia 653a. @ @@`46. &3Hiereus& inscription of (?) [Aristo]menes Aristodemou Themeseus; 1&4`1&; found at Lagina: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 189, no. 11, col. 1; Robert, Et. anat. 562%19`563; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 242, no. 23; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 261; *IStratonikeia 654. @ @@`47. &3Hiereus& inscription of Demetr[ios Damy]las Hierokomete[s]; 1; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 18, no. 17; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 282%19`283, no. 115; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 167 note 1, p. 262; *IStratonikeia 655. @ @@`48. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [Men]ippos Leontos Lob[oldeus]; 1; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887 11%19`12, no. 6, ll. 1%19`2; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 262; *IStratonikeia 656. @ @@`49. &3Hiereus& inscription of [L]eon Menestheos Loboldeus et al.; 1; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 15, no. 11; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 262%19`263; *IStratonikeia 657 %7 II 2 p. 35. @ @@`50. &3Hiereus& inscription of Pammenes Aristokleous Ko(raieus); 1; found at Lagina: Foucart, BCH 14, 1890, 368%19`369, no. 8, ll. 1%19`4; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 246, no. 29; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 263; *IStratonikeia 658, ll. 1%19`4. @ @@`51. &3Hiereus& inscription of Phanias Aristeou; 2&4`2&; found at Lagina: Foucart, BCH 14, 1890, 368%19`369, no. 8, ll. 5%19`10; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 276; *IStratonikeia 658, ll. 5%19`10. @ @@`52. &3Hiereus& inscription of [P]olites Leontos Koliorgeus; 1; found at Lagina: Foucart, BCH 14, 1890, 366, no. 5; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 248, no. 44; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 263; *IStratonikeia 659. @ @@`53. &3Hiereus& inscription of (no name) Apelleious Korazeus, Chrysaor Iasonos Koraieus, et al.; 1; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 14, no. 10.a (part); Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 17%19`18, no. 16.a (part); Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 263; *IStratonikeia 660. @ @@`54. Fragment of &3hiereus& inscription of Chrysaor Me%1[ ... ]; 1?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 21, no. 28.b; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 248, no. 45; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 263%19`265; *IStratonikeia 661. @ @@`55. &3Hiereus& inscription of [Chr]ysaor Menelaou Hie(rokometes) and Panphile Paioniou Ko(raiis), mentioning their donations, including for temple and theater, on architrave of &3pronaos&; 1&4`1&; found at Lagina: Newton, Discoveries II 799%19`800 no. 101; Benndorf, Arch%19epig. Mitt. aus O+st%19Ung. 6, 1882, 164%19`165; Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 35, no. 4, col. 2 (part); Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 96, no.'s 35%19`36 (part); Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 264; BE 1982:364; *IStratonikeia 662. @ @@`56. &3Hiereus& inscription of Tiberius Flavius [Sabinianus Di]omedes Menippos Hie(rokometes); 2&7b&?; found at Lagina: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 191, no. 12 (part); Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 146%19`147, no. 47 (part); Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 149, no. 52 (part); Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 154%19`155, no. 60 (part); Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 91, no. 22 (part); Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 244 note 5, pp. 253%19`255 no. 59, and p. 257 no. 64; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 265%19`267; *IStratonikeia 663 (PH, part). @ @@`57. [&3Hiereu&]&3s& inscription of Tib(erius) Fla[vius Menandros] Diokles Ko(liorgeus) and Fl[avia Leontis], mentioning their building &3atreion& of upper gymnasium; 2&7m&; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 145%19`146, no. 46; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 244 note 3, p. 257 no. 64, and pp. 258%19`259 no. 65; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 268 and 279; *IStratonikeia 664. @ @@`58. &3Hiereus& inscription of Ti(berius) Flavius Diom[edes]; 2; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 154, no. 58.b; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 256, no. 60; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 267; *IStratonikeia 665. @ @@`59. &3Hiereus& inscription of Tib(erius) Fl(avius) Aeneas The[oph]anes [Hi]e(rokometes); 2&7m&; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 152%19`153, no. 57; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 259%19`260, no.'s 66, 68%19`69; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 267; *IStratonikeia 665a (PH). @ @@`60. &3Hiereus& inscription of (no name), with daughter Tation Hedia; 2&7m&?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 148%19`149, no. 51; Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 159, no. 66; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 268; *IStratonikeia 666. @ @@`61. &3Hiereus& inscription of Thrason Leon Hier(rokometes) and Apphias Artemidorou K[(ora)z(is)]; 2; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 31%19`32, no. 45, ll. 5%19`16; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 270, no. 98; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 268%19`269; *IStratonikeia 667 (PH). @ @@`62. &3Hiereus& inscription of M(arcus) Ul(pius) (Alexandros) Herakleitos Ko(liorgeus) and Ul(pia) Ammion Ko(liorgis); 2&7m&; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 156%19`158, no. 63; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 244 note 3 and p. 274 no. 104; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 269; *IStratonikeia 668. @ @@`63. &3Hiereus& inscription of [Theodoros] K[i]nximos and Theophilos Theophilou Hie(rokometes); 2; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 29%19`30, no. 42; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 285, no. 121; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 269%19`270; BE 1973:77 (p. 72); *IStratonikeia 669. @ @@`64. &3Hiereus& inscription of [Th]eodoros Kinximos et al.; 2; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 30, no. 43; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 285, no. 121; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 269%19`270; *IStratonikeia 670. @ @@`65. &3Hiereus& inscription of Theodoros and [Th]eodoros &3ne&[&3oteros&]; 2?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 17, no. 14.c; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 270; *IStratonikeia 671. @ @@`66. &3Hiereus& inscription of [Myonides Damylas (Menekles) Hierokometes and Tryphaina Drakontis]; 2&7e&; found at Lagina: Petersen %9 von Luschau, Reisen I 155%19`156, no. 134.b; Quandt, De Baccho 194%19`195; Wilhelm, Akadschr. II 428; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 280%19`282, no. 114; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 168 note 0, pp. 271%19`272; *IStratonikeia 672 (PH). @ @@`67. &3Hiereus& inscription, possibly of [Myonides Damylas and Tryphaina Drakontis]; 2&7e&; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 92%19`93, no. 27; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 271, note 2; *IStratonikeia 673. @ @@`68. &3Hiereus& inscription of [Damylas Myonidou and Demetrios ĂMyonidou]; 2&7m&; found at Lagina: Petersen %9 von Luschau, Reisen I 155%19`156, no. 134.a; Wilhelm, Akadschr. II 428; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 252 no. 56 and p. 282 no. 115; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 173 no. 115&3bis& and 272; *IStratonikeia 674 (PH). @ @@`69. &3Hiereus& inscription of [Demetrios Myonidou]; 2&7m&; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 148, no. 49; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 272 note 2; *IStratonikeia 675. @ @@`70. &3Hiereus& inscription of Dionysios Epaphras Thrason and wife Sescennia Polla; 3&4`1&?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 28%19`29, no. 41; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, pp. 282%19`283 no. 115, p. 286 no. 130, p. 289 no. 133, and p. 289 no. 156; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 272 and 282; *IStratonikeia 676. @ @@`71. &3Hiereus& inscription of [Aristeas] Minnionos [Koraieus]; 2&4`2&; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 27%19`28, no. 40.c; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 272%19`273; *IStratonikeia 677. @ @@`72. &3Hiereus& inscription of Arist[eas] Minnionos Ko(raieus), with family; 2&4`2&; found at Lagina: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 189%19`190, no. 11, ll. 4%19`13; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 273 and note 1; *IStratonikeia 678. @ @@`73. &3Hiereus& inscription of (no name), mentioning Artem[ido]ros Artem[ido]rou; 2&4`2&; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 31, no. 45, ll. 1%19`4; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 273, note 3; *IStratonikeia 679 (PH). @ @@`74. &3Hiereo&[&3us&] inscription of And[ronikos] Leon K(ora)z(eus) and Theog[one]; 2&4`2&; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 25%19`26, no. 37, ll. 8%19`13; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 285, no. 123; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 273; *IStratonikeia 680 %7 II 2 p. 32. @ @@`75. [&3Hie&]&3reus& inscription of Aristeides Leontos Ko(liorgeus) Kapparis; 2&4`2&; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 25%19`26, no. 37, ll. 1%19`7; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 283%19`284, no. 116; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 168 note 0, p. 273; *IStratonikeia 681. @ @@`76. &3Hiereus& inscription of (no name) and Tatias Hedinna Ko(liorgis); 2&7e&; found at Lagina: Newton, Discoveries II 789 no. 62; Reinach, REG 5, 1892, 412, no. 8; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 252, note 2; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 278; *IStratonikeia 682 %7 II 2 p. 32. @ @@`77. &3Hiereus& inscription of Dionysios Eumollonto[s] K(ora)z(eus) and wife Artemeis Argyrou K(ora)z(is); 2&4`2&; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 11%19`12, no. 6, ll. 3%19`10; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 273%19`274; *IStratonikeia 683. @ @@`78. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of Epainetos Ouliade[s Ko(liorgeus)] and others, mentioning decoration of &3stoa&; 2&4`2&; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 87%19`89, no. 19; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 267 no. 89 and p. 284 no. 119; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 274; *IStratonikeia 684 (PH). @ @@`79. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [Epainet]os [Pam]philos Ko(liorgeus) and wife Fla(via) Artemon Hie(rokometis), mentioning decoration of &3stoa&; 2&7e&; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 89%19`90, no. 20; SEG 4, 241; BE 1924:355; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 267 no. 89 and pp. 284%19`285 no. 120; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 274; *IStratonikeia 685 (PH). @ @@`80. &3Hiereus& inscription of Hekataios Sosan[d]rou Ko(liorgeus) and Aph[phi]on Hierokleous Ko(raiis); 2&4`2&; found at Lagina: LW 537; Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 13, no. 8; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 274; *IStratonikeia 686. @ @@`81. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [Hierokl]es Hierokleous Hie(rokometes) and Tryphaina [ ... ]ou Ko(raiis); 2&4`2&; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 158%19`159, no. 64; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 271, note 4; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 274%19`275; *IStratonikeia 687. @ @@`82. End of [&3hiereus&] inscription of (no name), &3archie&[&3r&]&3e&[&3us&] of Augusti; imperial; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 155, no. 61, ll. 1%19`3; *IStratonikeia 688, ll. 1%19`3. @ @@`83. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of Iason [Diony]sios K(ora)z(eus), who served as envoy to Rome and emperor; 2&4`2&; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 155, no. 61, ll. 4%19`7; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 271, note 4; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 275; *IStratonikeia 688, ll. 4%19`7. @ @@`84. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of Cnaius Vale[rius Heraklei]tos Ko(liorgeus); 2&4`2&; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 154, no. 59; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 276 note 3; *IStratonikeia 689. @ @@`85. &3Hiereus& inscription of [Chrysaor] Hera Hie(rokometes), with wife [A]phphion Lobion Ko(raiis); 2&7m&?; found at Lagina: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 185%19`189, no. 10, ll. 1%19`11; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 276%19`277; *IStratonikeia 690. @ @@`86. [&3Hie&]&3reus& inscription of Demetrios Chrysaoros Hie(rokometes) and mother Apphion Epai[net]ou Ko(raiis); 2&7e&%3`3&4`1&?; found at Lagina: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 185%19`189, no. 10, ll. 12%19`16; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 277; *IStratonikeia 691. @ @@`87. &3Hiereus& inscription of Epainetos Epainetios Ko(raieus) Lobi[o]s, with wife Ada Dama Ko(raiis); 3?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 16%19`17, no. 14.b (part); Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 149, no. 53, ll. 1%19`5 (part); Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 277 note 3; *IStratonikeia 692. @ @@`88. &3Hiereus& inscription of (no name), with daughter Iuli[a ... ]sene; 3; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 12%19`13, no. 7; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 278; *IStratonikeia 693. @ @@`89. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [ ... A]rtemidorou Hie(rokometes); 3; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 27%19`28, no. 40.b; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 278%19`279; *IStratonikeia 694. @ @@`90. [&3Hi&]&3ereus& inscription of [L]u(cius) Ru(tilius) Epainetos and Sem(pronia) Apphion Artemisia; imperial; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 150, no. 54 (part); Robert, RPh 14, 1940, 234%19`236; BE 1940:155a; *IStratonikeia 695 (PH). @ @@`91. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of (no name); 3; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 150, no. 55; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 279, note 1; *IStratonikeia 695a. @ @@`92. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of (no name), who served as envoys to Ro[me]; 3?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 156, no. 62; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 279; *IStratonikeia 696. @ @@`93. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of (no name), mentioning his feeding people of Nysa; 3?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 148, no. 50 (part); Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 92, no. 23 (part); Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 279; *IStratonikeia 697. @ @@`94. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of Ael[ianus (?)]; 3?; found at Lagina: LW 539; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 279, note 4; *IStratonikeia 698 (PH). @ @@`95. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [I]ulius [ ... ]ios; 3?; found at Lagina: LW 542; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 280 and 283, note 2; *IStratonikeia 699. @ @@`96. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [Aeli]anus (?) and [wife] Arria, with dedication of &3parape&[&3tasm&]&3ata& in temple; 3?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 154, no. 58.a; Robert, Et. anat. 552; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 280; Robert, Hellenica 11, 470; BE 1961:668; *IStratonikeia 700. @ @@`97. &3Hiereus& inscription of Tib(erius) Cl(audius) Aristeas Menandros and Aelia Glykinna, who gave money for constructing &3balaneion&; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Lagina: Newton, Discoveries II 792%19`793, no. 97; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 249 note 2, pp. 251%19`252 no. 55, p. 262 no. 71, and p. 277 &3supra&; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 280; Robert, Glad. no. 163; *IStratonikeia 701 (PH). @ @@`98. [&3Hiereus&] inscription mentioning &3hie&[&3reia&] and mother Ul(pia) Leontis; 3?; found at Lagina: LW 547; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 290, no. 136; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 278 note 1, 281 note 1, 282 note 2; *IStratonikeia 702. @ @@`99. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [I]ulius Ul(pius) (?) Epaph[r ... ]; 3?; found at Lagina: LW 538; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 281, note 1 below; *IStratonikeia 703. @ @@`100. &3Hiereus& inscription of T(i)b(erius) Fla(vius) Aeneas Hieroko(metes) and Ul(pia) Leaena; 3; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 84%19`85, no. 18; SEG 4, 240; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 250 note 3, p. 263 no. 75, p. 290 no. 136, and p. 292 no. 143; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 282; BE 1973:77 (p. 72); *IStratonikeia 704. @ @@`101. &3Hiereus& inscription of Publius Ael(ius) Aur(elius) Neon, with wife Sul(picia) Trophime; 3?; found at Lagina: Newton, Discoveries II 790%19`791, no. 96; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 296, no. 171; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 283; *IStratonikeia 705. @ @@`102. &3Hiereus& inscription of [Titus Flavius Aeneas] and (no name), who built women's &3balaneion&; 2?: found at Lagina: *IStratonikeia 706 (PH). @ @@`103. [&3Kleidophoros&] inscription of [Try]phain[a Dra]k%1[ontis] Ko(liorgis); 2&4`1&; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 84, no. 17; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 273%19`274, no. 104; *IStratonikeia 707. @ @@`104. &3Kleidophoros& inscription of [Hekat]aia Hekato[n]o[s] Ammias Ko(raiis) and Chotarion Argyrou K(ora)z(is); no date; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 100, no. 56; *IStratonikeia 708. @ @@`105. &3Kleidophoros& inscription of Kallineike Leontianou Ko(raiis); imperial?; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 100, no. 53; *IStratonikeia 709. @ @@`106. &3Klidophoros& inscription of [Stra]t%1onike Tatias Ko(raiis); imperial?; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 74, no. 5, col. 1; Oliver, Sacred Gerusia 148, no. 35, ll. 1%19`4; *IStratonikeia 710. @ @@`107. Inscription for &3eikon& of Chotarion Iasonos Ko(liorgis) by boule and demos; no date; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 72, no. 2; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 246, no. 27; *IStratonikeia 711. @ @@`108. [&3Kleid&]&3ophoros& inscription of [ ... M]yrtale Ko(raiis); imperial?; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 72, no. 3, col. 1; Oliver, Sacred Gerusia 155, no. 42, col. 1; *IStratonikeia 712. @ @@`109. [&3Kl&]&3eidophoros& inscription of [C]laudia Nymphidia; imperial; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 16%19`17, no. 14.a; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 252 note 2; *IStratonikeia 713. @ @@`110. [&3Hiereus& (?)] inscription of (no name) [ ... ]onos Koraieus Kednos; no date; found at Lagina: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 191, no. 13; Robert, Noms indige\nes 161; *IStratonikeia 714. @ @@`111. &3Hiereus& inscription of Leo[n ... ] and Archa[gath ... ] (?); no date; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 18%19`19, no. 19, col. 2; *IStratonikeia 715. @ @@`112. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of (no name) [Ari]steou; no date; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 20, no. 24, ll. 1%19`4; *IStratonikeia 716. @ @@`113. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of (no name) Kolobos; no date; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 27, no. 39.b; *IStratonikeia 717. @ @@`114. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [Eu]phrates; no date; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 26, no. 37, l. 11 (left); *IStratonikeia 718. @ @@`115. [&3Hie&]&3reus& inscription of (no name) [Meni]ppou K(ora)z(eus) and (no name) [M]enippou; no date; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 20, no. 23.a; *IStratonikeia 719. @ @@`116. [&3Hiereus&] (?) inscription of [ ... ]nd[ ... ] (?), mentioning [Mene]stratos; no date; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 23, no. 32, col. 1; *IStratonikeia 720. @ @@`117. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription of (no name); no date; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 25, no. 36, col. 1; *IStratonikeia 721. @ @@`118. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription of Hekaton Men[ ... ]; no date; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 149, no. 53, l. 6; *IStratonikeia 722. @ @@`119. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription of [Phanias Ariste]ou Koliorg[eus]; 2&4`2&?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 160, no. 69; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 276; *IStratonikeia 723. @ @@`120. &3Hiereus& inscription of (no name); no datel found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 92, no. 25; *IStratonikeia 724. @ @@`121. [&3Hier&]&3eus& inscription of [Melas?] Demetriou Hierokometes; no date; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 92, no. 26; *IStratonikeia 725 %7 II 2 p. 32. @ @@`122. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] (?) inscription of (no name) [Ko]liorg[eus]; no date; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 100, no. 52; *IStratonikeia 726. @ @@`123. Fragment of &3hiereus& inscription of [ ... ] Leontos D[ ... ]; no date; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 100, no. 49; *IStratonikeia 727. @ @@`124. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription of (no name); no date; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 99, no. 47; *IStratonikeia 728. @ @@`125. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription (?) of (no name); no date; found at Lagina: LW 540; *IStratonikeia 730. @ @@`126. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription of (no name); no date; found at Lagina: LW 545; *IStratonikeia 731. @ @@`127. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of (no name); no date; found at Lagina: LW 546; *IStratonikeia 732. @ @@`128. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription, mentioning Leon; no date; found at Lagina: LW 548; *IStratonikeia 733. @ @@`129. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of (no name) Menippou; late; found at Lagina: Hula, Arch%19epig. Mitt. aus O+st%19Ung. 12, 1887, 779; *IStratonikeia 734 (PH). @ @@`130. &3Hiereus& inscription of (no name); imperial?; found at Lagina: *IStratonikeia 735 (PH). @ @@`131. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription of (no name); no date; found at Lagina: *IStratonikeia 736. @ @@`132. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription, mentioning [Di]omedes; no date; found at Lagina: *IStratonikeia 737. @ @@`133. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription of (no name); no date; found at Lagina: *IStratonikeia 738. @ @@`134. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription of (no name); no date; found at Lagina: *IStratonikeia 739. @ @@`135. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription of (no name) [Men]ippou K(ora)z(eus); no date; found at Lagina: *IStratonikeia 740. @ @@`136. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription of (no name) [ ... ]u Korazeu[s]; no date; found at Lagina: *IStratonikeia 741. @ See also: Lagina 193%19`195. @ @@@@Section: 9b. Lists of Priests (137%19`159) @ @@`137. List of priests, beginning with Leontiskos Artem[idorou]; II&7e&%3I&7m&; found at Lagina: Foucart, BCH 14, 1890, 367, no. 7; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 255; *IStratonikeia 601. @ @@`138. List of priests, beginning with Hie[rokl]es Menekratou Koraieus; II&7e&%3I&7m&; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 7%19`8, no. 1; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 255; *IStratonikeia 602. @ @@`139. List of priests, beginning with (no name) Melanos [Lob]o[l]deus; II&7e&%3I&7m&; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 97, no. 39; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 284, no. 118; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 255; *IStratonikeia 603 %7 II 2 p. 31. @ @@`140. List of priests, beginning with Dion[ys ... ]; II&7e&%3I&7m&; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 15%19`16, no. 12.b; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 252 and 255; *IStratonikeia 604. @ @@`141. List of priests, beginning with Artemi[dor]os [ ... ]; II&7e&%3I&7m&; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 9%19`10, no. 3.b; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 255; *IStratonikeia 605. @ @@`142. List of priests, beginning with (no name) [ ... ]ou Lobolde[us]; II&7e&%3I&7m&; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 98, no. 42; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 252 and 255; *IStratonikeia 606. @ @@`143. List of priests, beginning with Diodoros Pol[itou ... ]; II&7e&%3I&7m&; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 16, no. 13.b; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 238, no. 1; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 255; *IStratonikeia 607. @ @@`144. List of priests, beginning with [Boli]on Hierokleous [ ... ]; I&7m&?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 8%19`9, no. 2; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 252, 256, 262 note 2; *IStratonikeia 608. @ @@`145. List of priests, beginning with (no name) Leonnat[ou Ko]liorgeus, for years 38%3`37 BC to 28%3`27 BC; inscribed 28%3`27 BC?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 10, no. 4 (part); Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 15%19`16, no. 10.b (part); Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 17%19`18, no. 16.b (part); Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 238 no. 7 and p. 242 no. 15; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 167 note 1, pp. 256%19`257; Robert, Et. anat. 563%19`564; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 244; *IStratonikeia 609. @ @@`146. List of priests, beginning with (no name) [Str]atokl[e]ous; I&7e&%3`1; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 98, no. 40; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 257; *IStratonikeia 610. @ @@`147. List of priests, beginning with [A]ristomenes Chrysaoros Kora[.eus]; I&7e&%3`1; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 13%19`14, no. 9; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 258 and 260 note 1; *IStratonikeia 611. @ @@`148. List of priests, beginning with (no name) [ ... ]tou Koliorgeus; I&7e&%3`1; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 19, no. 20.a; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 258; *IStratonikeia 612. @ @@`149. List of priests, beginning with (no name) [Hi]erokleious Hi[erokometes]; 1&4`1&; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 11, no. 5; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 242, no. 21; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 258 and 261; *IStratonikeia 613. @ @@`150. List of priests, beginning with Menippos Andr[onos ... ]; I&7e&%3`1; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 17, no. 15; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 258%19`259; *IStratonikeia 614. @ @@`151. List of priests, beginning with (no name) [K]oliorgeus; 1&4`2&%3`2&4`1&?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 22, no. 30; Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 98, no. 41; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 239 note 2 and p. 270 note 1; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 259; *IStratonikeia 615. @ @@`152. List of priests, beginning with (?) Apollophanes [A]pollon[i ... ]; I&7e&%3`1?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 21, no. 27 (part); Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 23, no. 32, col. 2 (part); Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 259; *IStratonikeia 616. @ @@`153. List of priests, beginning with (no name) [Kor]azeus; I&7e&%3`1?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 21, no. 26; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 259; *IStratonikeia 617. @ @@`154. List of priests, beginning with (no name) [ ... ]chou Hieroko[metes]; I&7e&%3`3?; found at Lagina: *IStratonikeia 618. @ @@`155. List of priests, beginning with (no name) Phaniou Koraieus; I&7e&%3`1?; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 99, no. 46; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 259; *IStratonikeia 619 %7 II 2 p. 32. @ @@`156. List of priests, beginning with [Leon] Chrysaoros Ko(liorgeus); I&7e&%3`1?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 21%19`22, no. 28.a; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 261, notes 1 and 3; *IStratonikeia 620. @ @@`157. List of priests, beginning with Menestrate; I&7e&%3`1?; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 23, no. 31; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 260, note 1; *IStratonikeia 621. @ @@`158. List of priests, beginning with (no name) [Apol]loniou Ko(liorgeus); I&7e&%3`2?; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 100, no. 50; *IStratonikeia 622. @ @@`159. Fragment of list of priests (?), including [Dion]ysi[ ... ]; no date; found at Lagina: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 35, no. 4, col. 1; *IStratonikeia 729. @ @@@@Section: 9c. Other Dedications (160%19`170) @ @@`160. Dedication to Apollo and Artemis by Koranzeis, Skoaranos, and wife Te[ ... ] of wooded land in Koarbonda; c. 350 BC; found at Lagina: M. C%25. S%25ahin, Anadolu 17, 1973, 189%19`192, no. 2 (PH); SEG 26, 1229; BE 1979:466; *IStratonikeia 502 (PH); Hornblower, Mausolus M13; SEG 35, 1092. @ @@`161. Fragment of dedication of hair to [Dem]eter; 3?; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 95, no. 33; *IStratonikeia 545. @ @@`162. Dedication to He[kate] of &3othonia& by Manilius Kalliou; 2&4`2&; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 23, no. 33; Robert, Et. anat. 552; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 275, note 3; *IStratonikeia 514. @ @@`163. Dedication of (statue of) He[kate] by demos and boulai under &3stephanephoro&[&3s&] Ulpius Asklepiades; 3; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 78, no. 10; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 290, no.'s 136%19`137; Robert, RPh 14, 1940, 236%19`238; BE 1940:155a; *IStratonikeia 515. @ @@`164. Dedication to Hekate Soteira of &3charisterion& by demos (of Stratonikeia); c. 39 BC; found at Lagina: Newton, Discoveries II 793%19`795, no. 98; Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 11, 1887, 238; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 241; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 256, note 2; M. C%25. S%25ahin, Stratonikeia 40; SEG 26, 1231; *IStratonikeia 510 (PH). @ @@`165. Dedication to Hekate Soteire and demos of (statue of) Hermes by Eros Menandrou Ko(raieus); no date; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 159%19`160, no. 68; *IStratonikeia 516. @ @@`166. Dedication to &3theoi& of [&3eikon&] of father (?) (no name); no date; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 97, no. 37; *IStratonikeia 534. @ @@`167. Dedication to &3theoi& of &3eikon& of brother Dionysios Leontos by [M]enippos Leontos; 1; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 94%19`95, no. 31; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 238, no. 6; *IStratonikeia 535. @ @@`168. Inscription of altar of Tyche, on base; no date; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 95, no. 32; *IStratonikeia 521. @ @@`169. Dedication to Zeus Ardyreus of &3charisterion& by demos, according to decree; no date; found at Lagina: Foucart, BCH 14, 1890, 364, no. 2; *IStratonikeia 518. @ @@`169.5. Dedication of &3eucharisterion& to [Z]e%1u%1s Hy%1[psis]tos and Thion by Tryphosa, for &3idioi,& on altar of white marble; no date; found at Lagina: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 87%19`88, no. 11; *IStratonikeia 552 (II 2 p. 1). @ @@`170. Dedication to Zeus Hypsistos and Theion [Ba]silikon of &3eucharisteri&[&3on&] by S[te]phanion; no date; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 159, no. 67; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 296, no. 166; Robert, Anatolia 3, 1958, 115 (%6 OM I 414); *IStratonikeia 519; SEG 31, 946. @ See also: Lagina 45, 96, 175. @ @@@@Section: 9d. Other Religious Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (171%19`192) @ @@`171. Honorary inscription [by demos, boulai,] and gerousia for [ ... ] Agrippiane, &3klidopho&[&3ros&]; imperial; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 78, no. 9; Oliver, Sacred Gerusia 156 no. 43; *IStratonikeia 538. @ @@`172. Honorary inscription for Ammion Apphion &3hiereia& by demos, boulai, and &3hiera gerousia&; 2&4`2&; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 77%19`78, no. 8; Oliver, Sacred Gerusia 156 no. 44; *IStratonikeia 536. @ @@`173. Fragment of honorary inscription for [Apollonides] Hermias and [Myonides] Damylas [Hi]e(rokometai); 2&4`2&; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 24, no. 34.a; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, pp. 279%19`280 no. 112, p. 280 note 1 and no. 114, and p. 283 note 1; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 271, note 1; *IStratonikeia 528. @ @@`174. Honorary inscription for [Ariste]as Aristeou [Kor]aeus et al. [by demos and boule]; 1&4`1&; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 22, no. 29; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 242, no. 21; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 261, note 1; *IStratonikeia 533. @ @@`175. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Euboulos Iasonos, victorious athlete, to Hekate, by sons Euboulos and Timodemos; imperial; found at Lagina: *IStratonikeia 547. @ @@`176. Honorary inscription for He[rakleitos] Eudemos De[met]rio[s Hie(rokometes)] and wife Tatarion Polynike A[pph]ia, &3hiereis,& and family; 2&7m&; found at Lagina: Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 147, no. 48 (part); Foucart, BCH 14, 1890, 369, no. 9 (part); Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 243 note 1, pp. 277%19`280 no. 112, and p. 283 note 1; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 270 note 1 and 271 note 1; *IStratonikeia 527 (PH, part). @ @@`177. Honorary inscription by boule, demos, and inhabitants of &3peripolion& for Hermias Chrysaoros Ko(raieus); 2&4`2&; found at Lagina: Newton, Discoveries II 797%19`798, no. 100; Robert, Et. anat. 546%19`547, no. 6; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 275, note 4; *IStratonikeia 524. @ @@`178. Honorary inscription by demos (of Stratonikeia) for consul Marcus Cocceius Nerva; 36 BC; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 73, no. 4; ILS 8780; AnnEpig 1922, 30; Abbott %9 Johnson no. 67; SEG 1959:66; Smallwood, Documents Illustrating Nerva ... no. 495; BE 1973:68; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkm. 172; *IStratonikeia 509. @ @@`179. Honorary inscription [by demos and boul]ai for [Menandros (?)] Apollodotou K(ora)z(eus); no date; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 77, no. 7; *IStratonikeia 526. @ @@`180. Honorary (?) inscription for Menophilos Leontos, &3hiereus of Hekate; 197%3`166 BC; found at Lagina: Foucart, BCH 14, 1890, 365, no. 4; Schober, Fries des Hekateions 13%19`14, Abb. 2 (PH); Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia 135 note 2; *IStratonikeia 504. @ @@`181. Honorary inscription by demos, boule, gerousia, and those living in the [&3hier&]&3on,& for Neikand[ros] Menippou Lo(boldeus) and [ ... ]os (?) Dionysiou Ko(liorgis), &3hiereis,& and family; 2&4`2&; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 75, no. 6.A; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 276 and 279; Oliver, Sacred Gerusia 149%19`150, no. 36, col. 1; *IStratonikeia 539. @ @@`182. Honorary inscription by demos, boule, and gerou[sia] for M(arcus) Ulpius Alexandros Herakleitos Ko(liorgeus) and Ulpia Ammion Ko(liorgis), &3hiereis&; 2?; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 74, no. 5, col. 2; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, pp. 273%19`274, note 0 and no. 104; Oliver, Sacred Gerusia 148%19`149, no. 35, ll. 5%19`18; BE 1944:170; *IStratonikeia 530. @ @@`183. Honorary inscription by demos, bo[ule], and gerousia for Phanias Aristeou Ko(liorgeus), &3hiereus& of Hekate; imperial?; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 72, no. 3, col. 2; Oliver, Sacred Gerusia no. 42, col. 2; BE 1944:170; *IStratonikeia 523. @ @@`184. Honorary inscription for Fl(avius) Aur(elius) Andreas and Aur(elia) Ammia by &3patris&; 3?; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 81, no. 12; *IStratonikeia 531. @ @@`185. Honorary inscription for [Fla(vius)] Vettius Dionysi[os], &3hiere&[&3us&], et al. by &3patris&; Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 81, no. 13, ll. 2%19`8; *IStratonikeia 532, ll. 2%19`8. @ @@`186. Honorary inscription for [Thras]on (Leon) Hierokleous, &3hiereus&; 2; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 93, no. 28; *IStratonikeia 531a. @ @@`187. Honorary inscription by boule, demos, and those living in the &3hieron& for Zenonis Ammia &3klidophoros&; imperial?; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 75%19`77, no. 6.B; Oliver, Sacred Gerusia 149%19`150, no. 36, col. 2; *IStratonikeia 540. @ @@`188. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (?) [ ... ]kios, eunuch of goddess (Hekate); imperial?; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 84, no. 16; *IStratonikeia 544. @ @@`189. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]s Pelagontianos (?); imperial?; found at Lagina: LW 541; Robert, Et. anat. 542; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 282 note 1; *IStratonikeia 529. @ @@`190. Honorary inscription by [boule] and demos for (no name), giving statue and [&3proedri&]&3a&; no date; found at Lagina: Foucart, BCH 14, 1890, 365, no. 3; *IStratonikeia 525. @ @@`191. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription mentioning (no name) [Kolio]rgeus; no date; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 81, no. 13, l. 1; *IStratonikeia 532, l. 1. @ @@`192. Honorary inscription for (no name), [&3hiereia& (?)]; imperial?; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 92, no. 24; *IStratonikeia 537. @ See also: Lagina 193%19`195. @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (_) @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (193%19`195) @ @@`193. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for (no name) &3hiereus, wife Moschion &3hiereia,& and daughter Klodiane &3kleidouchos&; II%3I?; found at Lagina: Cousin, BCH 11, 1887, 160%19`161, no. 70; Hula, Arch%19epig. Mitt. aus O+st%19Ung. 12, 1887, 77%19`79; Hicks, CR 2, 1888, 289%19`290; Peek, GVAK no. 11; SEG 30, 1272; BE 1982:365; *IStratonikeia 543 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 35. @ @@`194. Honorary inscription in hexameters for Myonides (Damylas Menekles Hierokometes) and Tryphaina (Drakontis), &3hiereis& of Hera, by demos, boulai, and gerousia; 2&4`2&; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 81%19`82, no. 14; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 280%19`281, no. 114; Oliver, Sacred Gerusia 152%19`153, no. 39; *IStratonikeia 541. @ @@`195. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for [So]ter &3hiereus,& wife Tatia &3kleidophoros,& and son [So]ter; 2&4`2&; found at Lagina: Hatzfeld, BCH 44, 1920, 82%19`84, no. 15; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 276, note 4; *IStratonikeia 542. @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (196) @ @@`196. Funerary inscription for Soterios by [Ari]stokra[t]es; no date; found at Lagina: *IStratonikeia 551. @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (197) @ @@`197. Christian fragment mentioning [&3e&]&3piskopos& (no name) Kleo[nymou] (?); Christian; found at Lagina: *IStratonikeia 548 (PH). @ See also: Lagina 198. @ Ə@@@@Section: 22. Varia (198) @ @@`198. Unpublished alphabet through &3sigma&; Byzantine; found at Lagina: Foucart, BCH 14, 1890, 364, &3ad& no. 2; IStratonikeia II p. 20, &3ad& no. 518. @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (_) @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @ @@@@{1Magnesia on the Maeander}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@IMagnesia: O. Kern, Die Inschriften von Magnesia am Maeander, @@@@Berlin 1900. @ The bulk of the inscriptions listed were found at Magnesia. Others were found nearby. In any case, the place of discovery is listed. Following sites are given, of which those which have not been located are followed by a question mark: @@Argavl#1221 @@Bag%27aras#1221 @@Balatc%25#1221k (Balatchyk, Balatzikio) @@C%25aml#1221k (Azizie) @@Germencik (Deirmendjik, Dsjermanscheik, Yermensik) @@Gu+mu+s%25yeri (Jeni%19Kio+i) @@Magnesia (on the) Mai(ander) @@Mandragoreis (Karaag%27ac%25) @@Moral#1221 (Moreali, Moreali%19Deirmen, Mousalu%19Dermen) @@Mursall#1221 (Mousalu, Musaly) @@Naipli (Naiblii) (?) @@Pounta (?) @@Tekin (Tekke, Tekke Tschiftlik) @@U+zu+m (Kaduie?, Ouzoumli, Uzumli). @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`108) @ @@@@Section: 1a. Religious Laws and Decrees (1%19`6) @ @@`1. Sacred law establishing &3temenos& of Sarapis; II&7b&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 99 %7 p. 295; Syll&4`2& 554; SEG 4, 509; Sokolowski, LSAM 34; SEG 15, 669; SEG 16, 707; Vidman, Sylloge no. 294; **Sokolowski, GRBS 15, 1974, 445%19`448 (ll. 1%19`20, 24%19`31). @ @@`2. Decree of boule and demos (of Magnesia Mai.) concerning festival of Zeus Sosipolis; 197%3`196 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 98 %7 p. 295; Syll&4`2& 553; Syll&4`3& 589; Sokolowski, LSAM 32; SEG 15, 667. @ @@`3. Decree of boule and demos (of Magnesia Mai.) concerning celebrating festival of Artemis Leukophryene, with prescript; inscribed II&4`2&, perhaps composed earlier; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 100.a %7 p. 296; Syll&4`2& 552; **Syll&4`3& 695.a (ll. 42%19`43, 45%19`48); Sokolowski, LSAM 33.A; SEG 15, 668. @ @@`4. Decree (of Magnesia Mai.) concerning celebration of festival of Artemis Leukophryene Nikephoros; II&4`2&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 100.b %7 p. 296; Syll&4`2& 512; Syll&4`3& 695.b; **Wilhelm, NBeitra+ge VI 49 (ll. 14%19`15); Sokolowski, LSAM 33.B; **Pe/le/kidis, BCH 80, 1956, 480%19`482 (ll. 24%19`25); SEG 15, 668. @ @@`5. Fragment of decree (of Magnesia Mai.) [concerning festival of Artemis Leukophryene,] with postscript; II&4`2&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 100.c %7 p. 296; Syll&4`2& 512; **Syll&4`3& 695.c (ll. 2%19`4). @ @@`6. Foundation document for Leukophryena; 208%3`207 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 16 %7 p. 295 (* for ll. 1%19`10); Syll&4`2 256; Kern, Hermes 36, 1901, 491%19`496; Syll&4`3& 557; *Ebert, Philologus 126, 1982, 198%19`216 (* for ll. 10%19`35, ** for ll. 1%19`8); SEG 32, 1147. @ @@@@Section: 1b. Other Laws (7) @ @@`7. Addition to &3nomos& concerning polemarchs; III&7e&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 14; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 4, 1901 Beibl. 23%19`25 (ll. 1%19`3, 5, 8). @ @@@@Section: 1c. Decrees of Foreign States and Organizations (8%19`81) @ @@`8. Dogma of koinon of Achaians, accepting invitation of Magnesia Mai. to Leukophryena and giving &3xenia& to &3presbeutes Philiskos Pythagorou from Magnesia Mai., with subscript listing Elis as voting likewise; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 39; **DeDecker, RPh 29, 1905, 160 (l. 45). @ @@`9. Decree of koinon of Ai[tol]oi in honor of Sosikles Diokleious and Aristodamos Diokleious of Magnesia Mai.; 193 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: Pomtow, Jahrb. f. class. Philol. 1894, p. 457 (non vidi); *IMagnesia 91.c %7 p. 295; Syll&4`2& 927; Syll&4`3 598.D; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 4, 1901 Beibl. 32%19`33 (l. 6). @ @@`10. Decree of boule and &3chilioi& of Akarnanians accepting invitation to Leukophryena, with subscribed list of states voting the same; III&7e&%3`189 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 31; IG IX I&4`2& 582; **Habicht, Hermes 85, 1957, 110, note 2 (l. 48). @ @@`11. Honorary decree of Amphiktiones for [Sosikles Dio]kleos, &3hieramnamon& from Magnesia (Mai.); 194 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: Pomtow, Jahrb. f. class. Philol. 1894, 657 (non vidi); *IMagnesia 91.a %7 p. 295; Syll&4`2& 927; **Syll&4`3& 598.B (ll. 0%19`2, 4%19`5, 12%19`13, 15); **Kolbe, Hermes 75, 1940, 59%19`62 (ll. 9%19`11); **Nachtergael, Les Galates en Gre\ce 470, no. 49 (ll. 9%19`11); SEG 27, 757. @ @@`12. Honorary decree of boule of Antiocheia (Mai.?) for foreign judge Pythodotos Charisiou of Magnesia (Mai.) and for Magnesia (Mai.); III&7e&%3II&7b&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 90; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 4, 1901 Beibl. 31%19`32 (ll. 9%19`10, 19%19`20); **Holleaux, REA 5, 1903, 218%19`219 (ll. 18%19`19). @ @@`13. Decree of boule and demos of Antiocheia P[ersidos] accepting invitation of Magnesia Mai. to Leukophryena and giving honors to Magnesia Mai. and theoroi from Magnesia Mai., with subscript listing cities voting likewise; III&7e&%3`193 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 61 %7 p. 295; **OGIS 233 (ll. 13, 45, 55%19`56, 59, 64, 65, 67%19`73, 79%19`80, 82, 86%19`87, 88, 89, 93, 94%19`95); **SEG 4, 504 (l. 111); **Robert, Laodice/e 330%19`331 (l. 1); **Robert, Amyzon 168, note 40 (ll. 74%19`75); SEG 32, 1148. @ @@`14. Decree of Ant[ioch]eia (of Pisidia? or Alabanda?) accepting invitation of Magnesia (Mai.) to [Le]uko[ph]ryena; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 79 %7 80 %7 p. 295; **Holleaux, REA 3, 1901, 126%19`127 (80: ll. 2, 5%19`6, 9, 17, 21, 22, 23); **Robert, RPh 1, 1927, 116%19`117 (79: ll. 8%19`9, 23; 80: ll. 7, 15); SEG 4, 505; **Oguse, BCH 53, 1929, 129%19`140 and 148%19`150 (79: ll. 2%19`8, 10%19`11, 12, 13%19`14, 15%19`22, 26%19`28); **Robert, RPh 10, 1936, 124 (80: l. 2). @ @@`14.5. Decree of bou[le] and demos of Antio[cheia] (of Pisidia? or Alabanda?) accepting invitation of Magnesia [Mai.] to L[e]ukophryena; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 81 %7 p. 295; **Boesch, Theoros 65, note 1 (l. 9). @ @@`15. Decree of demos of Apollonia (Epidamni) accepting invitation of Magnesia Mai. to Leukophryena and giving honors to presbeutai from Magnesia Mai.; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 45 %7 p. 295; **DeDecker, RPh 29, 1905, 160%19`161 (ll. 33%19`36); Boesch, Theoros 72, note 1 (l. 47). @ @@`16. Decree (of Argos) accepting invitation of Magnesia Mai. to Leukophryena and giving honors to presbeutai from Magnesia Mai.; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 40, ll. 10%19`19 %7 p. 295. @ @@`17. Decree of boule of Athens accepting invitation of Magnesia Mai. to Leukophryena and honoring theoroi from Magnesia Mai.; III&7e&%3II&7b&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 37. @ @@`18. Decree of koinon of Boiotia accepting invitation of [Ma]gnesia Mai. to [Leukophryena]; 208%3`205 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 25.a%19b %7 p. 295; **Feyel, Contribution a\ l' e/pigr. be/ot. 5%19`14 (part2, ll. 2, 12%19`15, 18%19`19, 25%19`27); SEG 15, 666; **Etienne %9 Knoepfler, Hyettos p. 311, note 170 (part 2, l. 1). @ @@`19. Decree of boule and demos of Chalk[i]s accepting invitation of Magnesia Mai. to Leukophryena and giving honors to theoroi from Magnesia Mai. in accordance with letter of King Philip (IV); III&7e&%3`199 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 47; Syll&4`2& 260; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 4, 1901 Beibl. 26 (l. 6); IG XII 9, pp. 166%19`167; Syll&4`3& 561; **Picard, Chalcis 275, note 6 (ll. 1); SEG 29, 1132. @ @@`20. Decree of boule and demos of [Delos] accepting invitation of Magnesia (Mai.) to Leukophryena and honoring envoys from Magnesia (Mai.); III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 49; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 4, 1901 Beibl. 26%19`27 (l. 2); **Holleaux, REA 5, 1903, 213 (ll. 10%19`11). @ @@`21. Honorary decree [of Demetrias (Thessaly)] for foreign judges Pleistainos Pollidos &3et al.& from [Magnesia Mai.] and [Magnesia Mai.]; II&4`2&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 104 %7 p. 296; **Robert, RPh 1, 1927, 118 (ll. 7%19`9, 21, 23%19`26); SEG 4, 511; **Helly, BCH 95, 1971, 550 (ll. 28%19`29). @ @@`22. Decree of koinon of Dionysiac &3technitai& accepting invitation of Magnesia (Mai.) to [Leukophry]ena and giving honors to [demos] of Magnesia (Mai.) and &3presbeutai& from Magnesia (Mai.); III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 54. @ @@`23. Decree of koinon of Dionysiac &3technitai& accepting invitation of Magnesia (Mai.) to Leukophryena and giving honors to Magnesia (Mai.) and to &3theoroi& from Magnesia (Mai.); III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 89, ll. 1%19`51. @ @@`24. Decree of Epeiros accepting invitation of Magnesia Mai. to Leukophryena and honoring &3presbeutai& from Magnesia Mai., with subscribed list; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 32; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 4, 1901 Beibl. 26 (l. 37). @ @@`25. Decree of boule and demos of Epidamnos accepting invitation of Magnesia Mai. to Leukophryena and giving honors to Magnesia Mai. and to &3presbeutai& from Magnesia Mai.; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 46 %7 p. 295; Syll&4`2& 259; **Syll&4`3& 560 (ll. 2, 30, 39%19`46). @ @@`26. Decree of (no name) ([Epidauros]?) accepting invitation of Magnesia (Mai.) to [Leukophryena] and giving honors to Magnesia (Mai.); III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 78; **Boesch, Theoros 27, note 2 (ll. 26%19`27). @ @@`27. Decree of boule and demos of Eretria accepting invitation of Magnesia Mai. to Leukophryena and honoring Magnesia Mai. and &3theoroi& from Magnesia Mai., with subscript listing Hestiaia as voting likewise; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 48. @ @@`28. Decree of &3polis& of Gonnoi accepting invitation of Magnesia Mai. to Leukophryena and honoring &3presbeutai& from Magnesia Mai., with subscribed list of states voting likewise; c. 206%3`203 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 33; Helly, Gonnoi II no. 111. @ @@`29. Decree of Gortyn in honor of foreign judges [ ... ]os Mikionos and [Chari]sios Nikomacho from Magnesia (Mai.), for trying to settle dispute between Gortyn and Knosos; III&7e&; found at Magnesia Mai.: IMagnesia 65.a %7 75 %7 p. 295; *Deiters, RhM 59, 1904, 566%19`568; **ICret IV Gortys no. 176 (ll. 10, 12, 22%19`24, 33%19`36, 38.) @ @@`30. Decree of ekklesia of Ithaka accepting invitation of Magnesia Mai. to Leukophryena and honoring &3thearoi& from Magnesia Mai.; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 36 %7 p. 295; Syll&4`2& 257; **Syll&4`3& 558 (l. 1). @ @@`31. End of decee of [Kalydon?] receiving &3theoroi& from Magnesia Mai. and appointing &3thearodokos,& with subscribed list of Aitolian cities voting the same; c. 206 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 28; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 4, 1901 Beibl. 25%19`26 (ll. 3, 4); IG IX&4`2& 186. @ @@`32. Decree of boule and demos of [Klazomenai] accepting invitation of Magnesia [Mai.] to Leukophryena and giving honors to Magnesia (Mai.) and &3theoroi& from Magnesia (Mai.), with list subscribed of cities voting likewise; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 53; IErythrai 507. @ @@`33. Honorary decree of demos of Knidos for Magnesia (Mai.) and foreign judges Aigyptos Anaxenoros and others from Magnesia (Mai.); 221%3`220 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 15.a; **DeDecker, RPh 29, 1905, 153%19`158 (ll. 2%19`3, 9%19`31); **Wilhelm, WS 29, 1907, 3 (ll. 20%19`21); **Robert, RPh 1, 1927, 113 (ll. 11%19`12, 23); SEG 4, 497; **Engelmann, ZPE 10, 1973, 278 (ll. 1%19`2, 4). @ @@`34. Decree of da[mos] (of Knidos) accepting invitation of Magnesia (Mai.) to Leukophr[y]ena and giving honors to Magnesia (Mai.) and to envoy Lampon Phani[o]u from Magnesia (Mai.); III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 56 %7 p. 295; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 4, 1901 Beibl. 28 (ll. 22%19`23); **DeDecker, RPh 29, 1905, 162%19`163 (ll. 1%19`3, 28, 35%19`37). @ @@`35. Decree of [kor]moi and [po]lis of Knosos in honor of foreign judges [ ... ]os Mikionos and Charisios Niko[macho] from Magnesia (Mai.), for trying to settle dispute between Gortyn and Knosos, with subscript noting that Eleutherna and Kantanos voted likewise; III&7e&; found at Magnesia Mai.: IMagnesia 65.b %7 76 %7 p. 295; *Deiters, RhM 59, 1904, 567%19`569; **ICret I Cnossus 9 (ll. 26%19`32). @ @@`36. Honorary decree of kos[moi] and polis of Knosos for Theogeiton Simou and Iophon Iophontos of Magnesia Mai.; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 67, ll. 9%19`19; **ICret I Cnossus 10, ll. 9%19`19 (l. 16); SEG 16, 706. @ @@`37. Decree of ekklesia of Korinthos accepting invitation of Magnesia Mai. to Leukophryena and giving privileges to Magnesia Mai.; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 42. @ @@`38. Decree of Korkyra accepting invitation of Magnesia Mai. to Leukophryena and giving honors to &3thiaroi& from Magnesia Mai. and to Magnesia Mai., with subscript listing Orikos as voting likewise; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 44; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 4, 1901 Beibl. 26 (l. 41); **Holleaux, REA 3, 1901, 123 (ll. 42%19`43). @ @@`39. Decree of demos of (no name) (Kos?) accepting invitation of Magnesia (Mai.) to [Leukophryena] and giving honors to envoys from Magnesia Mai.; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 57 %7 p. 295; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 4, 1901 Beibl. 29%19`30 (ll. 28, 30). @ @@`40. (Forged) decree of koinon of Cretans approving settlement of Magnesia (Mai.); inscribed III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kern, Gru+ndungsgeschichte p. 14 (non vidi); Michel 438; Sakolowski, Mythogr. gr. II 1 p. xxiv; *IMagnesia 20. @ @@`41. List of Cretan cities [which accepted invitation, at end of lost decree], beginning with [M]ilat[os]; c. III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 21. @ @@`42. Decree of demos of Laodike[ia Lyk.] accepting invitation of Magnesia (Mai.) to [Leuko]phryena and giving honors to demos of Magnesia (Mai.) and to &3presbeutai& from Magnesia (Mai.), with subscript listing cities voting same; III&7e&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 59 %7 p. 295; **Holleaux, REA 5, 1903, 214 (b ll. 11%19`12, 16); SEG 4, 503; **Robert, RPh 10, 1936, 123%19`126 (a ll. 9, 11%19`13, 17; b ll. 2%19`3, 6%19`10). @ @@`43. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Larbenoi) for foreign judges Philokrates Dionysiou et al. from Magnesia (Mai.) and for Magnesia (Mai.); II&4`2&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 101, ll. 1%19`62; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 4, 1901 Beibl. 33 (ll. 42, 45); **Holleaux, REA 3, 1901, 129 (l. 46). @ @@`44. Decree of [Megalopolis (Arkadia)] accepting invitation of Magnesia Mai. to Leukophryena and honoring theoroi from Magnesia Mai., with subscribed list of Arcadian cities, voting likewise; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 38; Syll&4`2& 258; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 4, 1901 Beibl. 25 (l. 8); **Syll&4`3& 559 (ll. 10, 13, 23, 25, 45); Laqueur, Epigr. Untersuch. 33 (non vidi); **SEG 4, 499 (l. 1); Maier, Mauerbauinschr. I no. 34 (PH) (non vidi); SEG 19, 662. @ @@`45. Decree of koinon of Messenians accepting invitation of Magnesia Mai. to Leukophryena and giving honors to &3presbeutai from Magnesia Mai.; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 43; **Holleaux, REA 3, 1901, 123 (ll. 21%19`22). @ @@`46. Decree (of Mylasa) concerning dispute between Magnesia Mai. and Priene, with following dedication to [patri]s and Artemis [Leukophryen]e; 190%3`140 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 93.c %7 93.d ll. 1%19`2 %7 p. 295 (* for c); Syll&4`2& 928; IPriene 531.III; **Syll&4`3& 679.IV (* for d ll. 1%19`2; ** for c ll. 9, 13%19`14, 18%19`19, 20); Wilhelm, Gr. Inschr. rechtl. Inh. 67%19`68 (non vidi); **SEG 13, 494 (c ll. 15, 17). @ @@`47. Decree of damos [of Mytilene?] accepting invitation of Magnesia [Mai.] to Leukophryena and giving honors to Magnesia (Mai.) and to &3theoroi& from Magnesia (Mai.), with subscribed list of cities voting same; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 52; **Robert, REG 38, 1925, 41, note 2 (ll. 1%19`2); SEG 4, 500. @ @@`48. End of decree of North Greek city (no name), possibly Oiniadai; III&7e&%3`189 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 30. @ @@`49. Decree of boule and demos of Paros accepting invitation of Magnesia Mai. to Leukophryena and giving honors to Magnesia Mai. and to &3theoroi& from Magnesia Mai., with subscribed list of cities voting same; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 50 %7 p. 295; Syll&4`2& 261; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 4, 1901 Beibl. 27 (l. 8); **Holleaux, REA 5, 1903, 213%19`214 (l. 33); **Syll&4`3& 562 (ll. 3, 9, 14, 27, 62, 69, 84); **Oguse, BCH 53, 1929, 140 (ll. 14%19`17). @ @@`50. Decree of koinon of Phokians accepting invitation of Magnesia Mai. to Leukophryena and honoring &3theoroi& from Magnesia Mai.; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 34; **Robert, RPh 1, 1927, 114%19`115 (l. 33); SEG 4, 498. @ @@`51. Decree of boule and demos (of Rhodes) accepting invitation of Magnesia (Mai.) to Leu[ko]phryena and giving honors to envoys from Magnesia (Mai.); III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 55; **Robert, RPh 1, 1927, 115 (l. 11); SEG 4, 501. @ @@`52. Decree of polis of Same (on Kephallenia) accepting invitation of Magnesia Mai. to Leukophryena and honoring &3theoroi from Magnesia Mai., with subscribed list of cities (on Kephallenia) voting the same; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 35. @ @@`53. Decree of demos of Samos appointing &3presbeis& to communicate decision to honor Telestratos Diogenous of Magnesia Mai.; II&4`2&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 103, ll. 1%19`19; **Holleaux, REA 5, 1903, 222%19`223 (ll. 9%19`14, 16%19`18); **Wilhelm, WS 29, 1907, 9%19`10 (l. 6); **Robert, BCH 50, 1926, 257%19`258 (l. 7). @ @@`54. Honorary decree of demos of Samos for Telestratos Diogenous of Magnesia [Mai.]; II&4`2&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 103, ll. 19%19`35; **Wilhelm, WS 29, 1907, 9%19`10 (l. 23); **Robert, BCH 50, 1926, 257%19`258 (ll. 24%19`28, 30%19`33); SEG 4, 510. @ @@`55. Decree of [de]mos of Sikyon accepting invitation of Magnesia Mai. to Leukophryena and giving honors to [&3presbeutai&] from Magnesia Mai., with subscribed list of cities voting same; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 41; **Holleaux, REA 3, 1901, 122%19`123 (l. 15). @ @@`56. Decree of &3s&[&3y&]&3nkletos& and [&3dem&]&3os& of Syracuse accepting invitation of Magnesia Mai. to Le[ukophryena] and giving honors to Magnesia Mai. and &3presbeut&[&3ai&] from Magnesia Mai.; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 72 %7 p. 295; **Holleaux, REA 5, 1903, 215%19`216 (ll. 7, 21%19`24, 25%19`26, 31, 33, 34, 39%19`41). @ @@`57. Honorary decree of demos (of Teos) for Glaukos Admetou of Magnesia (Mai.); prob. II&4`1&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 97, ll. 1%19`28 %7 p. 295; **Holleaux, REA 5, 1903, 221%19`222 (ll. 25%19`26); **Ebert, Philologus 126, 1982, 203 (ll. 19%19`20). @ @@`58. Honorary decree of demos (of Teos) G[laukos] Admetou of Magnesia (Mai.); prob. II&4`1&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 97, ll. 29%19`47 (PH); **Holleaux, REA 3, 1901, 129 (l. 37). @ @@`59. Decree of demos of Tralles accepting invitation of Magnesia (Mai.) to Leukophryena and giving honors to [Magnesia (Mai.)] and &3theoroi& from Magnesia (Mai.); II&7m&?; found at Magnesia Mai.: **IMagnesia 85 (l. 17); Holleaux, REA 5, 1903, 218; DeDecker, RPh 29, 1905, 164%19`166; SEG 4, 507; *ITralles 21. @ @@`60. Heading of decree of Ap[ ... ]; III&7e&%3II?; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 74. @ @@`61. Decree of (no name) (Cretan city) accepting invitation of Magnesia (Mai.) to Leuko[phryena]; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 70. @ @@`62. Decree of (no name) (in Thessaly) receiving &3theoroi& from Magnesia (Mai.); III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 26. @ @@`63. Fragment of beginning of list of states [at end of decree]; c. III%3I; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 29.b. @ @@`64. Heading of decree of (no name); III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 25.c. @ @@`65. Fragment of decree (?) referring to [&3th&]&3eoro&[&3dokos&]; III&7e&%3II?; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 27. @ @@`66. Decree of demo[s] of (no name) accepting invitation of Magnesia [Mai.] to Leukophryena; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: IMagnesia 58 %7 73.a; **Boesch, Theoros 79, note 4 (l. 32); *Oguse, RPh 2, 1928, 313%19`319; SEG 4, 502. @ @@`67. Decree of demos of (no name) accepting invitation of Magnesia (Mai.) to Leukophr[yena] and giving honors to demos of Ma[gnesia (Mai.)] and [&3presbeutai&] from Magnesia (Mai.); III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 62; **Holleaux, REA 3, 1901, 125%19`126 (ll. 20%19`23, 38%19`40); **Wilhelm, JO+AI 4, 1901 Beibl. 30 (l. 32); *Oguse, BCH 53, 1929, 140%19`141 (* for ll. 0%19`0a, ** for ll. 1%19`4). @ @@`68. Decree of [boule and de]mos of (no name) accepting invitation of Magnesia (Mai.) to [Leukophryena] and giving honors to Magnesia (Mai.) and to envoys from Magnesia (Mai.); III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 63 (* for ll. 1%19`17); **Holleaux, REA 3, 1901, 126 (ll. 15%19`17); *DeDecker, RPh 29, 1905, 163%19`164 (* for ll. 18%19`29). @ @@`69. Decree of (no name) accepting invitation of [Magnesia Mai.] to [Leukophryena]; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 64; **Boesch, Theoros p. 9 note 4, p. 79 note 4, p. 97 note 3 (ll. 11, 13, 21%19`22). @ @@`70. Decree of (no name) accepting invitation of Magnesia (Mai.) to [Leukophryena]; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 66. @ @@`71. Fragment of decree of (no name) accepting invitation of [Magnesia Mai.] to [Leukophryena]; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 68. @ @@`72. Decree of boule and de[mos] of (no name) accepting invitation of Magnesia (Mai.) to [Leukophryena]; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 73.b; **Boesch, Theoros 55, note 3 (l. 3); **Robert, RPh 10, 1936, 124 (ll. 12%19`16). @ @@`73. Deleted. @ @@`74. Decree of (no name) accepting invitation of Magnesia (Mai.) to Leukophryena and giving honors to &3theoroi& from Magnesia (Mai.); III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 82 %7 p. 295. @ @@`75. Decree of (no name) accepting invitation [of Ma]gnesia (Mai.) to [Leukophry]ena and mentioning King [A]ntiochos (III or son); III&7e&%3`187 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 60. @ @@`76. Decree of (no name) accepting invitation of Magnesia (Mai.) to L[euko]ph[ryena] giving honors to [&3theoroi&] from Magnesia (Mai.) and referring to King Eum[enes] II and Queen [Stratonike]; 188%3`172 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 83 %7 p. 295 (PH, part); **Holleaux, REA 3, 1901, 127%19`128 (ll. 7%19`9, 10). @ @@`77. Decree of [de]mos of (no name) accepting invitation of Magnesia (Mai.) to [Leukophryena], giving honors to &3theor&[&3oi&] from Magnesia (Mai.) and to Magnesia (Mai.), and referring to King Eumenes (II) and Queen Stratonike; 188%3`172 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 86 %7 p. 295; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 4, 1901 Beibl. 30 (ll. 7%19`8); **Holleaux, REA 3, 1901, 129 (l. 15). @ @@`78. Decree of demos of (no name) accepting invitation of Magnesia [M]ai. to Leukophryena, giving honors to &3presbeutai& from Magnesia (Mai.), and mentioning King Attalos (II) and Queen Stratonike; 159%3`138 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 87 %7 p. 295; **OGIS 319 (ll. 25%19`27). @ @@`79. Fragment of one or two decrees; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 51. @ @@`80. Fragment of decree; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia p. 54. @ @@`81. Fragment at end of decree; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 77. @ See also: Magnesia Mai. 115, 116, 160; Oliver, Marcus Aurelius 94%19`95, no. 5 (%6 IG II&4`2& 1091) (honorary decree of Panhellenes for [Magnesia] Mai.; found in Attica); Couve, BCH 18, 1894, 84%19`85, no. 8 (honorary decree of &3polis& of Delphi for Mousaios Apolloniou of Magnesia Mai.; found at Delphi); Van Effenterre, BCH 77, 1953, 168%19`169, no. 4A (decree of [Aitoloi] accepting invitation of [Magnesia] Mai. to Leukophryena; found at Delphi); Van Effenterre, BCH 77, 1953, 169, no. 4B (decree of [&3polis& of Delphi] accepting invitation of Magnesia Mai. to [L]euk[ophryen]a; found at Delphi); FDelphes III 4 no. 427.IV (decree of [&3polis&] of Delphi giving proxeny to Leontios Leontiou and Neoptolemos Leontiou of [Magnesia M]ai.; found at Delphi); Ephesos 33 (%6 IEphesos 1468) (%6 GIBM 468) (honorary decree of Ephesos for Apol[l ... ] Kononos of Magnesia; found at Ephesos); Ephesos 34 (%6 IEphesos 1450) (%6 GIBM 450) (honorary decree of Ephesos for Thras[ ... P]oseidoniou of Magnesia; found at Ephesos); Ephesos 115, ll. 27, 50 (%6 IEphesos 27A) (%6 GIBM 481, 481*) (decree of boule and demos of Ephesos for Gaius Vibius Salutaris mentions Magnesian Gate of Ephesos; found at Ephesos); Ephesos 153, l. 424 (%6 IEphesos 27E) (%6 GIBM 481, 481*) (decree of [boule] (of Ephesos) concerning procession mentions Magnesian Gate of Ephesos; found at Ephesos); ICret III Hierapytna 3.C (decree of Hiarapytna accepting proposals of envoys from Magnesia (Mai.) and giving privileges to Magnesia; found at Hierapytna on Crete); Priene 33, l. 45 (%6 IPriene 113) (honorary decree of Priene for Zosimos includes provision for feeding visitors to city, including citizens of Magnesia; found at Priene); Priene 60 (%6 IPriene 14) (%6 GIBM 401) (%6 OGIS 11) (honorary decree for Lysimachos praises him for sending force against &3Magnetes& and other &3Pedieis&; found at Priene); Priene 61 (%6 IPriene 61) (honorary decree of &3strategoi& of [Priene] for Magnesia; found at Priene); Priene 66, l. 160 (%6 IPriene 108) (%6 SEG 4, 491) (honorary decree of Priene for Moschion Kydimou mentions his serving as &3theoros& at Magnesia; found at Priene); Priene 106, ll. 25, 31 (%6 IPriene 121) (honorary decree for (no name) mentions embassies to Magnesia and other cities; found at Priene); Priene 108, l. 6 (%6 IPriene 124) (honorary decree [of Priene] for (no name) mentions dispute with Magnesia (Mai.); found at Priene); Samos 45 (%6 SEG 1, 353) (honorary decree of Samos for Mikon [ ... ]nos of Magnesia; found on Samos); IMagnesia LIVa (decree of Aitolians accepting proposals of envoys from Magnesia Mai.; found at Thermon). @ ҏ@@@@Section: 1d. Other Honorary Decrees (82%19`102) @ @@`82. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Magnesia (Mai.) for Aischrion A[m]ynta Make[don] of Aigai, giving him proxeny; III&4`1&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 10; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 8, 1905, 5 (l. 1). @ @@`83. Honorary decree [of Magnesia (Mai.)] for Alexandros of (no name); III&4`1&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 12. @ @@`84. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Magnesia (Mai.) for ԂApollonophane[s] [2L]2ysaniou Makedon from Lete, giving him proxeny; IV&7e&%3III&4`1&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 2. @ @@`85. Honorary decree of demos (of Magnesia Mai.) for Apollophanes Apollophanou, authorizing setting up new statue of him in theater, in honor of his role in building theater, on base; II&7b&; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 10, no. 2; Michel 487; *IMagnesia 92.b; **Holleaux, REA 5, 1903, 219%19`220 (ll. 0, 2, 5); **Migeotte, L'emprunt public no. 91 (ll. 1, 6). @ @@`86. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Magnesia (Mai.) for Archelaos Airopou Makedon, giving him proxeny; III&4`1&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 5; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 4, 1904 Beibl. 21%19`22 (ll. 7, 16, 29). @ @@`87. Honorary decree of boule [and demos] of Magnesia (Mai.) for Ba[k]chios Thras[ ... ] of no name, giving him proxeny; III&4`1&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 7.c %7 p. 295. @ @@`88. Honorary decree of &3gerontes& for Euboul[ides]; II&4`2&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 102; **Wilhelm, Hermes 41, 1906, 69%19`71 (ll. 1%19`2, 6%19`20); **Derenne, AC 2, 1933, 72%19`73, no. 6 (ll. 3%19`5). @ @@`89. Honorary decree of boule and demos (of Magnesia Mai.) for doctor Tiberius Claudius Tyrannus, &3libertus& of Augustus (Claudius); AD 41%3c. 100; found at U+zu+m: Foucart, BCH 12, 1888, 328%19`330; Kondoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 317%19`319; *IMagnesia 113 %7 p. 296; Syll&4`2& 371; Syll&4`3& 807. @ @@`90. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Magnesia (Mai.) for Maussolos Plou of Gerdina, giving him proxeny; III&4`1&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 4 (PH, part). @ @@`91. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Magnesia (Mai.) for Ouli[a]de[s] and Me[no]n of Lia%1[ ... ], giving them proxeny; III&4`1&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 9 %7 p. 295; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 4, 1901 Beibl. 21, 27 note 6 (l. 26); **Wilhelm, JO+AI 8, 1905, 4%19`5 (ll. 1, 10). @ @@`92. Honorary decree [of Magnesia Mai.] for Pausimachos Ouliado[u] of Alinda, [giving him proxeny], stoichedon; IV&4`1&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 3. @ @@`93. Honorary decree of boule and demos of Magnesia (Mai.) for Polemarchos Athenagorou of Samos, giving him proxeny; III&4`1&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 6. @ @@`94. Honorary decree of [boule] and de[mos] [of Magnesia (Mai.)] for Thessalos E[ ... ] and others; III&4`1&?; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 13 %7 p. 295. @ @@`95. Honorary decree of [boule and] demos of Magnesia (Mai.) for [ ... ] Euktemonos of Abdera, giving him proxeny; III&4`1&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 11 %7 p. 295; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 8, 1905, 5 (l. 1). @ @@`96. Honorary decree of demos (of Magnesia Mai.) for (no name) for contribution towards building of theater, on base; II&7b&; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 8, no. 1; *IMagnesia 92.a; **Holleaux, REA 5, 1903, 219%19`220 (ll. 1%19`4). @ @@`97. Honorary decree of [demo]s for (no name), citizen of (no name) (?), giving him proxeny; IV; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 1 (PH). @ @@`98. Honorary decree of demos of [Magnesia] (Mai.) for &3theoroi from [Magnesia] (Mai.) to Dionysiac &3technitai& in Teos, for koinon of Dionysiac &3technitai,& and for &3presbeutai& from Dionysiac &3technitai&; III&7e&%3II&7b&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 89, ll. 52%19`87; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 4, 1901 Beibl. 30 (ll. 57, 67); **Wilhelm, Hermes 41, 1906, 71 (ll. 76%19`77). @ @@`99. Decree of Magnesia (Mai.) accepting honorary decree of Knidos and honoring envoys from Knidos; 221%3`220 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: IMagnesia 15.b; *DeDecker, RPh 29, 1905, 158%19`159; **Robert, RPh 1, 1927, 113%19`114 (ll. 20%19`21); SEG 4, 497; **Ebert, Philologus 126, 1982, 203 (ll. 7, 16); SEG 32, 1146. @ @@`100. Decree of demos (of Magnesia Mai.) accepting honors from Samos for Telestratos [Diogenous] (of Magnesia Mai.) and praising Samos; II&4`2&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 103, ll. 36%19`68; **Holleaux, REA 3, 1901, 130 (ll. 48, 53); **Robert, BCH 50, 1926, 258%19`259, note 6 (ll. 55%19`58); SEG 4, 510. @ @@`101. Honorary decree of demos (of Magnesia Mai.) for Teos and agreeing to accept honors for Glaukos Admetou; prob. II&4`1&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 97, ll. 48%19`93 (PH, part); **Holleaux, REA 3, 1901, 129 (ll. 71%19`72). @ @@`102. Fragment of honorary decree (?) for (no name); prob. IV; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 360. @ See also: Magnesia Mai. 9, 11%19`13, 15%19`17, 19%19`30, 32%19`39, 42%19`45, 47, 49%19`59, 67%19`68, 74, 76%19`78, 106%19`107, 115%19`116; Sterrett, Papers Amer. School Ath. 1, 1882%19`1883, 11%19`17, no. 7 (honorary decree [of Magnesia Mai.?] for foreign judges Echelaos Athenagorou and Latimos Kleomorgou of Assos; found at Assos); Priene 17 (%6 IPriene 61) (honorary decree of Magnesia Mai. for foreign judges from Priene; found at Priene); Samos 33.5 (%6 IMagnesia 94) (honorary decree of d[emos] (of Magnesia Mai.) for [Euphemo]s Pausaniou &3neoko&[&3ros&]; found at Anaia of Samian Peraia). @ @@@@Section: 1e. Other Decrees (103%19`108) @ @@`103. Beginning of decree of boule [and demos of Magnesia (Mai.)] in stephanorate of Airs[t]a[goras]; II&4`1&?; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 7.d. @ @@`104. Decree (of Magnesia Mai.) calling for posting of documents concerning boundary dispute between Magnesia Mai. and Priene; 190%3`140 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 93.a; Syll&4`2& 928; IPriene 531I; **Syll&4`3& 679.I (ll. 2%19`3, 7, 8, 13, 14, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32); **Wilhelm, NBeitra+ge VI 33 (ll. 31%19`32). @ @@`105. Fragment of decree; II&7b&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 96. @ @@`106. Decree of demos (of Magnesia Mai.) accepting honors from Larbenoi; II&4`2&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 101, ll. 63%19`90; **Holleaux, REA 3, 1901, 129%19`130 (l. 77); **Oguse, BCH 53, 1929, 141%19`142 (l. 65a). @ @@`107. Decree of boule and de[mos] (of Magnesia Mai.) answering Samos concerning decision of Samos to honor Telestratos [Diogenous] (of Magnesia Mai.); II&4`2&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 103, ll. 68%19`80. @ @@`108. Decree of &3systema& of &3presbyteroi& (of Magnesia Mai.) concerning giving oil to city, with list of allowances for three officials; AD 117%3`138; found at Magnesia Mai.: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 204%19`223; *IMagnesia 116 %7 p. 296. @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ See also: Miletos 60 (%6 Syll&4`3& 588) (%6 SEG 19, 677) (%6 SEG 34, 1172) (peace treaty between Miletos and Magnesia (Mai.); found at Miletos); Nysa 3 (%6 Welles p. 178) (%6 IMagnesia LXVIII) (%6 Dietl, Nysa 67) (%6 MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 281, 32) (decree (prob. of Magnesia Mai.) concerning [Nysa]; found at Nysa); Smyrna 14 (%6 CIG 3137) (%6 Michel 19) (%6 OGIS 229.II) (%6 ISmyrna 573.II) (treaty of &3sympoliteia& between Smyrna and Magnesia Sip. has provision for posting in temple of Artemis Leukophryene in Magnesia Mai.; probably from Smyrna). @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (109%19`122) @ @@@@Section: 3a. Royal Letters (109%19`114) @ @@`109. Letter of King Darius to Gadatas, with later imperial document; 492%3`486 BC, inscribed 2&4`1&; found at Germencik: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1889, 529%19`542; Condoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 103%19`104, no. 47; Cousin, BCH 14, 1890, 646; Michel 32; *IMagnesia 115 %7 p. 296; Syll&4`2& 2 %7 p. 640; Wilamowitz, Griech. Leseb. Erl. 252%19`253; Syll&4`3& 22; van den Hout, Mnemosyne 2, 1949, 144%19`152; Brandenstein %9 Mayrhofer, Handb. d. Altpersischen 91%19`98; **ML 12 (col. 1, ll. 25, 28); SEG 26, 1291; SEG 36, 1042. @ @@`110. Fragment of letter of King (no name) to [boule and demos of Magnesia (Mai.) concerning Leukophryena]; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 24. @ @@`111. Letter of King Antiochos (III) to boule and demos of Magnesia (Mai.) concerning Leukophryena; 205 BC; found at Magnesia: *IMagnesia 18 (PH, part); OGIS 231; **Welles 31 (l. 6). @ @@`112. Letter of younger King Antiochos (i.e., son of Antiochos III) to boule and demos of Magnesia (Mai.) concerning Leukophryena; c. 205 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 19 %7 p. 295; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 4, 1901 Beibl. 25 (l. 21); **OGIS 232 (ll. 18); Welles 32. @ @@`113. Letter of King Attalos (I) to boule and demos of [Ma]gnesia (Mai.) concerning Leukophryena; 208%3`197 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 22; **Holleaux, REA 3, 1901, 122 (l. 18); **OGIS 282 (l. 13); Welles 34. @ @@`114. Letter of King Ptolemy (prob. IV) to [boul]e and demos of Magnesia (Mai.) concerning Leukophryena; 208%3`204 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 23; **Welles 33 (ll. 7, 18%19`21). @ See also: Magnesia Mai. 19; Priene 133 (%6 IPriene 15) (%6 GIBM 402) (%6 OGIS 12) (%6 Welles 6) (letter of Lysimachos to Priene mentions sack of territory of &3Magnetes& [and &3Pedieis&; found at Priene). @ @@@@Section: 3b. Other Letters (115%19`122) @ @@`115. Letter (of Argos) introducing decree of damos (of Argos) accepting invitation of Magnesia Mai. to Leukophryena and giving honors to &3presbeutai& from Magnesia Mai.; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 40, ll. 1%19`9. @ @@`116. Letter of [Knosos] to [Magnesia Mai.] introducing honorary decree of Knosos for Theogeiton Dimou and Iophon Iophontos of Magnesia Mai.; III&7e&%3II&7b&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 67, ll. 1%19`8; **ICret I Cnossus 10, ll. 1%19`8 (ll. 1, 3%19`4). @ @@`117. Fragment of letter of (no name) to [Magnesia Mai.]; III&7e&%3II?; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 69. @ @@`118. Letter of (no name) to [Magnesia Mai.] accepting invitation to [Leukophryena]; III&7e&%3II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 71. @ @@`119. Letter of [&3archontes&] and &3polis& of [D]elphi to [boula and damos] of Magnesia (Mai.) praising Sosikles (Diokleos), [&3hieromnamon&] (of Magnesia Mai.); 195%3`193 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: Pomtow, Jahrb. f. class. Philol. 1894, 657 (non vidi); *IMagnesia 91.b %7 p. 295; Syll&4`2& 927; **Syll&4`3& 598.C (ll. 6%19`7); **Wilhelm, NBeitra+ge VI 48%19`49 (ll. 4%19`5). @ @@`120. Letter of [Dika]iarchos, &3strategos& of Ait[oloi], to boula and damos of Magn[e]sia (Mai.), praising [Sosikle]s (Diokleious), &3hieromnamon& (of Magnesia Mai.); 195%3`194 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: Pomtow, Jahrb. f. class. Philol. 1894, 657 (non vidi); *IMagnesia 91.d; Syll&4`2& 927; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 4, 1901 Beibl. 33 (ll. 2%19`4, 8); Syll&4`3& 598.E (ll. 5, 8). @ @@`121. Letter of praetor Marcus Aemilius [to boule and demos of Mylasa] introducing Senatus Consultum concerning dispute between Magnesia Mai. and Priene; 190%3`140 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: IMagnesia 93.b, ll. 1%19`14; Syll&4`2& 928 (non vidi); IPriene 531II ll. 1%19`14; Syll&4`3& 679.II, ll. 35%19`51; SEG 4, 508; FIRA III 162, ll. 34%19`50; *Sherk 7, ll. 34%19`51. @ @@`122. Letter of &3kome& Mandragoreis to proconsul [Qu(intus) Caecil(ius) Secundus Servilianus] requesting market privilege; AD 209; found at Mandragoreis: *Nolle/, Nundinas instituere 13, ll. 1%19`19; SEG 32, 1149. @ See also: Magnesia Mai. 160; Ephesos 212, l. 211 (%6 IEphesos 27B) (%6 GIBM 481%7) (%6 SEG 15, 698) (letter of Gaius [Vibius Salutaris] to Ephesos mentions Magnesian Gate of Ephesos; found at Ephesos); Miletos 64 (%6 Priene 137) (%6 IPriene 106) (%6 Sherk 52) (%6 Milet I2 no. 3) (two ambassadors from Magnesia convey letter of Roman praetor; found at Miletos and Priene); Tralles 12, ll. 32%19`34 (%6 EA 11, 1988, 53%19`54) (%6 EA 15, 1990, 121%19`125) (letter of proconsul Taurus concerning Pylitai contains thanksgiving by Aur(elius) Tryphon &3Magnes&; now at Tralles, prob. from Tralles, perhaps from terr. of Mag. Mai.). @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (123%19`124) @ @@`123. Senatus Consultum concerning boundary dispute between Magnesia Mai. and Priene, authorizing praetor Marcus Aurelius to choose city to arbitrate; 190%3`140 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: IMagnesia 93.b, ll. 14%19`30; Syll&4`2& 928; IPriene 531II ll. 14%19`30; Syll&4`3& 679.II, ll. 51%19`63; FIRA III 162, ll. 51%19`63; *Sherk 7, ll. 51%19`63. @ @@`124. Edict of proconsul Qu(intus) Caecil(ius) Secundus Servilianus, granting Mandragoreis market privileges, with subscribed document recording opening of market; AD 209; found at Mandragoreis: *Nolle/, Nundinas instituere 13, ll. 20%19`50; SEG 32, 1149. @ See also: Magnesia Mai. 121, 160; Ephesos 231 (%6 IMagnesia 114) (%6 IEphesos 215) (%6 SEG 4, 512) (%6 SEG 28, 863) (edict of proconsul (no name) to Ephesos concerning bakers' strike, with decree of boule; found at Magnesia Mai., prob. wanderered from Ephesos); Sherk 14, ll. 23%19`24, 27, 75%19`88 (document containing Senatus Consultum concerning dispute between Itanos and Hierapytna refers to arbitration by demos of Magnesia (Mai.) and includes letter of consul Lucius Calpurnius Piso to Magnesia; found at Itanos on Crete); Priene 139 (%6 IPriene 16) (%6 GIBM 410) (%6 Welles 8) (edict of King [Lysimachos?] concerning Priene, Magnesia, &3Pedieis,& and villages; found at Priene). @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (125%19`128) @ @@`125. Document concerning lease of public land in prytany of Aris[t]eus; III&4`1&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 8; **Robert, Noms indige\nes 311 (l. 27). @ @@`126. List of bequests to &3mystai,& dated by stephanephoros Cl(audia) Ap(pia) Tatiane; 2&4`1&; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, BCH 17, 1893, 31%19`34; Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18m 1894, 13%19`14, no. 13; *IMagnesia 117; SEG 17, 496. @ @@`127. List of donations of &3kiones& and &3kosmoi& to building; 2&4`2&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 118 %7 p. 296. @ @@`128. List of revenues from market; 2&7e&?; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 121. @ See also: Didyma 29 (%6 IDidyma 455) (inventory of donations mentioning &3Magnetes& (?); found at Didyma); Iasos 151, ll. 15%19`16 (%6 IIasos 176) (%6 LW 265) (list of choregic donations mentions payment by Eirenaios Mandrogenou of Magnesia; found at Iasos); Iasos 113, ll. 8%19`9 (%6 IIasos 200) (%6 LW 285) (list of choregic donations mentions payment by Herakleitos Kallisthenou[s] of [M]agnesia [M]ai.; found at Iasos); Smyrna 35, col. III, l. 46 (%6 ISmyrna 689) (%6 CIG 3142) (list of contributors, including [ ... ]ton Menekr[atou] of Magnesia; probably from Smyrna); IG XII 3 no. 31, l. 24 (list of donors mentions Glaukos of Magnesia; found on Telos); Tralles 14 (%6 IMagnesia p. 107, to no. 118) (%6 ITralles 150) (%6 Pappakonstantinou, Tralleis 57, no. 88) (list of donations of &3keiones& to building; found near Tralles, prob. not from Magnesia Mai.). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (129%19`138) @ @@`129. Dedication of &3thol&[&3o&]&3s& to Athen[a Poliouch]os by Apol[lonios E]pera[tou], on architrave fragments; IV%3I; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 46%19`47, no. 49; *IMagnesia 216. @ @@`130. Honorary inscription for Aulu[s], on frieze and architrave of building; Roman; found at Magnesia Mai.: Doerpfeld, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 44%19`45, no. 47; *IMagnesia 154. @ @@`131. Fragment referring to [&3sto&]&3a& (?), on architrave; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 254. @ @@`132. Inscription recording establishment of &3krene, zodia,& and water from &3pege,& under &3ergepistates& Aelius Demoneikes; AD 117%3`138; found at Magnesia Mai.: Wendland %9 Kern, Beitr. z. Gesch. d. gr. Philos. %9 Rel. 95, note 3; *IMagnesia 251. @ @@`133. Inscription recording building, together with &3kosmos& and &3hyd&[&3or&], on epistylion; prob. AD 117%3`138; found at Moral#1221: *IMagnesia 253. @ @@`134. Building inscription for column, on column; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 120. @ @@`135. Fragments of one or more dedications of building by (?) Metrodoro[s]; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 47%19`48, no.'s 50%19`54; *IMagnesia 224. @ @@`136. Fragments of architraves of West Portico; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 238. @ @@`137. Inscription for &3kalliparthenios pege,& on base; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 252 (PH). @ @@`138. Architrave fragment &3kai to&[&3u ...& ]; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 46, no. 48; *IMagnesia 389. @ See also: Magnesia Mai. 85, 96, 145%19`146, 296, 436, 446. @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (139%19`164) @ @@@@Section: 8a. Lists of Victors (139%19`151) @ @@`139. Fragment of list of victors at [&3Rhomaia&]; II%3I?; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kern, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 97, no. C1; *IMagnesia 88.h. @ @@`140. Fragment of list of victors at [&3Rhomaia&]; II%3I?; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kern, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 97, no. C2; *IMagnesia 88.i. @ @@`141. Fragment of list of victors at [&3Rhomaia&], including [Ar]istain[etos Pol]lidos; II%3I?; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kern, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 97, no. C3; *IMagnesia 88.k. @ @@`142. Fragment of list of victors at [&3Rhomaia&]; II%3I?; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kern, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 96, no. C5; *IMagnesia 88.l. @ @@`143. Fragment of list of victors at [&3Rhomaia&]; II%3I?; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kern, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 96, no. C4; *IMagnesia 88.m. @ @@`144. List of victors in competition of boys; II&7b&; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kondoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 11, no. 17; *IMagnesia 107. @ @@`145. List of victors at &3Rhomaia& in stephanephorate of Apollodoros, on architrave; 167%3`100 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kern, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 96%19`97, no. A1; Michel 914; *IMagnesia 88.a (PH); Syll&4`2& 699; Syll&4`3& 1079. @ @@`146. List of victors at &3Rhomaia& in stephanephorate of Sokrates, on architrave; 167%3`100 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kern, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 97, no. A2; *IMagnesia 88.b; Syll&4`2& 699; Syll&4`3& 1079. @ @@`147. List of victors at &3Rhomaia& in stephanephorate of Attalos; prob. I&7b&; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kern, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 97, no. B1; *IMagnesia 88.c; Syll&4`2& 699; Syll&4`3& 1079. @ @@`148. List of victors at &3Rhomaia& under &3agonothetai& Eukles Aristokratous and Euandrides Euandridou; prob. I&7b&; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kern, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 97, no. B2; *IMagnesia 88.d (PH); Syll&4`2& 699; Syll&4`3& 1079. @ @@`149. List of victors at &3Rhomaia& under &3agonothetes& (no name) Onesonos; I&7b&; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kern, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 97, no. B3a; *IMagnesia 88.e; Syll&4`2& 699; Syll&4`3& 1079. @ @@`150. Fragment of list of victors at [&3Rhomaia&] under &3agonothetes Hipponikos [ ... ]; prob. I&7b&; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kern, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 97, no. B3b; *IMagnesia 88.f; Syll&4`2& 699; Syll&4`3 1079. @ @@`151. Fragment of list of victors at [&3Rhomaia&], including Theud[otos], in satyr plays; prob. I&7b&; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kern, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 97, no. B4; *IMagnesia 88.g. @ See also: Samos 170 (%6 Michel 901) (list of victors at Heraia includes Aristeus Zenodotou of Magnesia Mai.; found on Samos); Samos 175 (%6 MDAI(A) 54, 1929, 93, no. 3) (fragment of list of athletic victors, naming (no name) Demetriou of Magnesia Mai.; found on Samos); Teos 103 (%6 LW 92) (list of victors at musical competition includes Hermotimos Archikleiou and Diotimo[s] Diotimou of Magnesia; found at Teos). @ @@@@Section: 8b. Other Lists (152%19`156) @ @@`152. Fragment of list of names, beginning with [Aris]tagora[s]; II&7b&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 108. @ @@`153. List of &3egdikoi& chosen by Magnesia Mai. in dispute between Magnesia Mai. and Priene; 190%3`140 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 93.d, ll. 3%19`16; Syll&4`2& 928; IPriene 531IV; Syll&4`3& 679.V. @ @@`154. List of &3cheirokritai& of phyle Hestias; I&7b&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 110.a. @ @@`155. List of &3cheirokritai& of phyle Hephaistias; I&7b&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 110.b. @ @@`156. List of names of magistrates (?); no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: CIG 2915; *IMagnesia 350. @ See also: Magnesia Mai. 8, 10, 13, 27%19`28, 31%19`32, 35, 38, 41%19`42, 44, 49, 52, 55, 63, 191%19`192, 435; ICret II Aptera no. 7.C (list of &3proxenoi& includes Theogeiton Simou of Magnesia; found at Aptera on Crete); Charneux, BCH 90, 1966, 157, col. II, l. 11 (list of &3thearodokoi& includes Strato[ ... ] in Magnesia; found at Argos); Robert, BCH 70, 1946, 512, l. 2 (list of &3theorodokoi mentions Pol[ ... ... ]ychou at [Magnes]ia; found at Delphi); IMagnesia LXI (list of &3proxenoi& lists (no name) [ ... ]rou for [Magnesia] Mai.; found at Narthakion); Lindos II 275, l. 37 (list of names includes (no name) of [Ma]gnesia; found on Rhodes); Lagina 13, l. 19 (%6 OGIS 441) (%6 IStratonikeia 508) (Magnesia (Mai.) listed among cities accepting &3asylia& of temple of Hekate at Lagina; found at Lagina near Stratonikeia); Tralles 28.B, ll. 6%19`8 (%6 LW 599.b) (%6 ITralles 33) (%6 CIG 2919b) (%6 Robert, Coll. Froehner 94%19`97) (list of names, probably of mercenaries, includes Apollonios Apolloniou of Magnesia and two other individuals from Magnesia; found at Tralles). @ @@@@Section: 8c. Other Inscriptions (157%19`164) @ @@`157. Grant of &3ateleia& and other privileges by Magnesia (Mai.) to Phokaia; III&4`1&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 7.b; Syll&4`2 480; Syll&4`3& 941; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 4, 1901 Beibl. 22%19`23 (l. 1). @ @@`158. Document giving history of founding of Magnesia (Mai.), with oracles of Delphi in hexameters; composed c. 221%3`220 BC, inscribed III&7e&%3c. II; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kern, Gru+ndungsgeschichte (PH) (non vidi); Sakolowski, Mythodgr. gr. II 1 p. xxi; Michel 855; *IMagnesia 17 (PH, part); **Dus%148anic/, Epigraphica 45, 1983, 11%19`48 (l. 2: p. 20); SEG 33, 966. @ @@`159. Fragment of document mentioning &3synhedrio&[&3n&]; Roman; found at Mursall#1221: Cousin %9 Deschamps , BCH 18, 1894, 10, no. 4; *IMagnesia 363. @ @@`160. Decision of foreign judges from Magnesia Mai. concerning dispute between Hierapytna and Itanos, containing Senatus Consultum, decrees of Itanos and Praisos, and letters of Gortyn; 111 BC; found at Magnesia Mai., identical text found at Itanos on Crete: CIG 2561b; *IMagnesia 105 %7 p. 296 (PH, part) (* for ll. 1%19`72 and 95%19`114); Syll&4`2& 929; *Holleaux, Hermes 39, 1904, 78%19`83 (* for ll. 73%19`94); **Syll&4`3& 685 (l. 72); IGRR I 1021; *ICret III Itanos no. 9 (* for ll. 0%19`0aa, ** for ll. 70, 77%19`80, 82, 85%19`86, 89%19`96, 98%19`113). @ @@`161. Inscription naming Publius Patulcius and &3proboulos&; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 111. @ @@`162. Cadastral inscription; 3&7e&%3`4; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 122 %7 p. 296 (PH, part); **De/le/age, Capitation 194%19`196 (PH, part) (f ll. 2, 5, 9); SEG 13, 495; **Robert, Noms indige\nes 15, note 2 (d ll. 4%19`8); SEG 16, 708; **Robert, ATAM 318 (f l. 4); SEG 30, 1335. @ @@`163. Byzantine document (?); Byzantine; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 359 (PH). @ @@`164. Fragment of document mentioning &3grammateus&; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: CIG 2917; *IMagnesia 362. @ See also: Magnesia Mai. 104, 109, 124; Ephesos 600, l. 31 (%6 IEphesos 13) (%6 JRS 65, 1975, 64) (Magnesia Mai. among cities of &3dioikesis& of Miletos in list of &3conventus& of Asia; found at Ephesos); Ephesos 602, l. 564 (%6 IEphesos 27G) (%6 GIBM 481%7) (%6 Forschungen in Ephesos II no. 27G) (%6 Laum 9) (document of benefaction of Gaius Vibius Salutaris mentions Magnesian Gate of Ephesos; found at Ephesos); Miletos 120, 130, 134.2, 139, 144, 148, 150 ( %6 Milet I 3, no.'s 84, 67, 41, 45, 46, 65a %7 Chiron 18, 1988, 399, 7) (records of grant of citizenship of Miletos to individuals from Magnesia (Mai.) and several other cities; found at Miletos); Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 281, no. 32, l. 5 (%6 IMagnesia LXVIII) (fragment of document refers to Magnesia; found at Nysa). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (165%19`192) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (165%19`190) @ @@`165. Dedication to [Artemis (?) and] Demos by (no name), [stephane]phoros; prob. I&7b&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 207. @ @@`166. Dedication to Artemis Leukophrye[n]e and Demos by [A]ristagoras Demetri[o]u, on base; prob. I&7m&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 205. @ @@`167. Dedication to [Artemis Leuko]phrye[ne] by [Dem]etrios Dio[ ... ] &3et al.& (?), on base; I&7m&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 204. @ @@`168. Fragment of dedication (?) to [Artemis Leuko]phry[ene (?)]; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 385. @ @@`169. Dedication to [Artemi]s Leuk[ophryene] and Dem[os] by [ ... ]enbe[ ... ] (?), on base; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 206. @ @@`170. Dedication to &3he theos& by (no name), &3chrysophoros&; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 225. @ @@`171. Dedication by Theophilos Theophilou, priest of Demos; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 208. @ @@`172. Dedication to Dionysos by Apollios Mokolles, &3mystes,& of altar with oracle; 1&7m&; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kondoleon, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 332; Reinach, REG 3, 1890, 352; Maas, Hermes 26, 1891, 182%19`183; Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 16, 1891, 248%19`249; Kern, Beitra+ge z. Gesch. d. gr. Philos. %9 Rel. 83; Pomtow, Jahrb. f. class. Philo. 1896, 754, 767 (non vidi); Michel 856; *IMagnesia 215.b; SEG 17, 495. @ @@`173. Dedication by Herakleitos Dionysiou, priest of Dionysos, as &3agonothetes&; c. 1&7m&; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 37%19`41, no. 37, col. 1; *IMagnesia 213.a. @ @@`174. Dedication to Dionysos and Semele by Aristeus Zenonos, on altar; IV%3I; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kondoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 8, no. 8; Wendland %9 Kern, Beitra+ge z. Gesch. d. gr. Philol. %9 Rel. 96%19`97; *IMagnesia 214. @ @@`175. Marble block of Dioskoroi; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 229. @ @@`176. Dedication of Hermes by &3komaktores, kerykes,& and &3diakonoi&; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 217. @ @@`177. Dedication to Hy[gieia (?)] by K[ ... ]a (?), on base; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 42, no. 41; *IMagnesia 219. @ @@`178. Dedication to Men by Philetos; prob. 2&7e&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 227; Lane, Corpus Mon. Dei Menis I no. 29. @ @@`179. Dedication to Met[er theon], by [A]rtemisia; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: Conze, MDAI(A) 13, 1888, 203; *IMagnesia 217a. @ @@`180. Dedication to [T]yche of city by (no name) &3philosebastos, on base; imperial; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 218. @ @@`181. Dedication by Phanes Herostratou, priest of Zeus, on base; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 35, no. 33; *IMagnesia 209. @ @@`182. Dedication by Phanes Herostra[tou], priest of Zeus, as &3agonothetes,& on base; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 35%19`36, no. 34; *IMagnesia 210. @ @@`183. Dedication of &3satyris&[&3koi&] by [Phan]es Herostratou, priest of Zeus, as &3a&[&3g&]&3o&[&3nothet&]&3es&; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 36, no. 35; *IMagnesia 211. @ @@`184. Dedication of eagle to Zeus Megistos by Diodoros Theophilous &3strateuomenos&; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *Villefosse, BSAF 1900, 264%19`265. @ @@`185. Dedication by Athenagoras X%1e%1[ ... ] &3antigrapheus,& on base; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 41, no. 39; *IMagnesia 223. @ @@`186. Dedication of &3hydria& by Kleainos Kleainou, &3archiereus&; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 41%19`42, no. 40; *IMagnesia 221. @ @@`187. Dedication by Pantauchos Dionysiou, &3agonothetes,& on base; 1; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kondoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 6, no. 4; Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 41, no. 38; *IMagnesia 222. @ @@`188. Dedication of &3hestia& by Themison Apolloniou and son Nikanor, on altar; II&7e&%3I&7b&; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kern, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 94; *IMagnesia 220. @ @@`189. Fragment of dedication of [&3k&]&3erkides& by (no name); c. I%3`1; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 36%19`37, no. 36; *IMagnesia 212. @ @@`190. Dedication of [&3ki&]&3on& by (no name); I; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 226. @ See also: Magnesia Mai. 46, 129, 135, 320, 458%19`460; Didyma 146 (%6 IDidyma 97b) (dedication by athlete victorious at Leukophryneia and other games; found at Didyma); IOlympia 211%19`212 (dedicatory inscriptions by victor Demokra[tes of Magnesia?] Mai. and by Demo[ ... ], possibly the same man; found at Olympia); Panamara 216, l. 7 (%6 IStratonikeia 283) (%6 BCH 12, 1888, 269) (dedication to various gods and goddesses, including (Artemis) Leukophryne, by &3hiereis& Kleoboulos Iason and Strateia Artema; found at Panamara near Stratonikeia). @ @@@@Section: 9b. Other Religious Inscriptions (191%19`192) @ @@`191. Fragment of list of religious officials; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 42, no. 42; *IMagnesia 109. @ @@`192. List of cult officials; prob. 3&4`1&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 119. @ See also: Magnesia Mai. 1%19`6; IKyme 41 (aretalogy of Isis copied from that in Memphis dedicated to Isis by Demetrios Thraseas of Magnesia Mai.; found at Kyme in Aiolis). @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (193%19`286) @ @@@@Section: 10a. Royal Honorary Inscriptions (193%19`218) @ @@`193. Honorary inscription by demos (of Magnesia Mai.) for Queen Glaphyra, mother of King Archelaos (of Kappadokia); 36 bC%3AD 17; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 138 (PH); **Wilhelm, JO+AI 4, 1901 Beibl. 34 (l. 4); OGIS 361 %7 p. 658; Robert, Noms indige\nes 440. @ @@`194. Fragment of honorary inscription by [boule and demos] for emperor (no name); imperial; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 379. @ @@`195. Honorary inscription for [ ... Cae]sar (Claudius?) by Tiberius Claudius Demokrates and Tiberius Claudius Teimon; 1&7m&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 157.a (PH). @ @@`196. Honorary (?) inscription for (no name), emperor (?), by [T]iberius C[laudius ... ]; 1&7m&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 157.c. @ @@`197. Honorary inscription for [Dr]us[i]lla, [&3n&]&3ea thea &3Aphrodeite& by boule and demos (of Magnesia Mai.), on base; AD 37%3`41; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 156. @ @@`198. Honorary inscription for Nero; AD 54%3`68; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 157.b (PH). @ @@`199. Honorary inscription for Ve[spa]sian by demos (of Magnesia Mai.); AD 69%3`79; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 27%19`28, no. 20; *IMagnesia 167. @ @@`200. Honorary inscription for Nerva by Ti(berius) Cl(audius) Charidemos, on base; AD 97; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 168 (PH). @ @@`201. Honorary inscription for Nerva by boule and demos, on base; AD 97; found at Magnesia Mai.: Texier, Asie min. III p. 94 (non vidi); CIG 2911; Franz, Elementa epigr. gr. 277 no. S 120 (non vidi); *IMagnesia 169. @ @@`202. Honorary inscription for Tra[jan]; AD 98%3`117; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 172. @ @@`203. Honorary inscription for Tra[jan] by bo[ule] and demos (of Magnesia Mai.), on base; AD 98%3`102; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 170. @ @@`204. Fragment of honorary inscription for emperor (?), on base; 2?; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 177. @ @@`205. Honorary inscription for Aelia Charidemis by boule [and demos] (of Magnesia Mai.), on base; 2?; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 178. @ @@`206. Honorary inscription for Trajan by boule and demos (of Magnesia Mai.), on base; AD 104; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 171 (PH, part). @ @@`207. Honorary inscription for emperor (?), on base; AD 117%3c. 150; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 176 %7 p. 296. @ @@`208. Honorary inscription for [Hadrian] by b[oul]e and dem[os] (of Magnesia Mai.), on base; AD 119%3`138; found at Tekin: *IMagnesia 173. @ @@`209. Honorary inscription for Hadrian by boule and demos (of Magnesia Mai.): AD 120%3`121; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 28%19`29, no. 21; *IMagnesia 174. @ @@`210. Honorary inscription for Hadrian by boule (of Magnesia Mai.); AD 120%3`121; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 29%19`30, no. 22; *IMagnesia 175. @ @@`211. Honorary inscription for Antoninus Pius, on base, by Tiberius Claudius Charidemos Tatianus; AD 138%3`161; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 183. @ @@`212. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Antoninus Pius by [b]oule and demos (of Magnesia Mai.), on base; AD 138%3`161; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 184. @ @@`213. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Marcus Aurelius as Caesar by boule and demos (of Magnesia Mai.); AD 139%3`161; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 30%19`31, no. 23; *IMagnesia 185. @ @@`214. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Marcus Aurelius Caesar by boule and demos (of Magnesia Mai.), on base; AD 139%3`161; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 186. @ @@`215. Honorary inscription for Marcus Aurelius by bo[u]le and demos (of Magnesia Mai.), on base; AD 161%3`162; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia Mai. 187; Keil, JO+AI 44, 1959, 145%19`146; SEG 19, 663. @ @@`216. Honorary inscription for Caracalla by M(arcus) Aur(elius) Stratoneikos and fellow magistrates, on base; AD 198%3`217; found at Magnesia Mai.: CIG 2912; Texier, Asie min. III p. 95 (non vidi); Leake, Journal 245%19`246, no. 1; *IMagnesia 197 (PH, part). @ @@`217. Honorary inscription for Caracalla by Gn(aius) Dom(itius) Ael[i]anus; AD 198%3`217; found at Magnesia Mai.: CIG 2913; Leake, Journal 246, no. 2; *IMagnesia 198. @ @@`218. Honorary inscription for emperor Julian by city of Magnesia (Mai.), on base; AD 361%3`363; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 201 (PH); **Syll&4`3& 906.B (l. 8). @ See also: IG II&4`2& 3305 (%6 IMagnesia LXV) (honorary inscription by [bou]l[e] and [d]em[os] of Magnesia [Mai.] for Hadrian; found in Attica). @ ۏ@@@@Section: 10b. Other Honorary Inscriptions: Full Name @@@@Preserved (219%19`268) @ @@`219. Honorary inscription for Ael(ia) Claudia Fl[avi]a[n]a Appa Philokleia, on base; 2; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 182. @ @@`220. Honorary inscription for Pu(blius) Aelius Aristomachos, victorious athlete, on base; c. AD 138; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 180; Moretti, Iscriz. agon. 71.a; SEG 14, 737. @ @@`221. Honorary inscription by demos (of Magnesia Mai.) for [Ais]chylinos [An]axenoros, victorious athlete, on base; c. I&7b&; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 105, no. 49; Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 17%19`18, no. 6; *IMagnesia 132.a. @ @@`222. Honorary inscription by boule and demos (of Magnesia Mai.) for Amyntas Myonidou; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 131. @ @@`223. Honorary inscription by demos (of Magnesia Mai.) for Lucius Afranius; 25%3`1 BC?; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 143 (PH); SEG 14, 644; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkm. 181. @ @@`224. Honorary inscription for Aphrodeisia N[eu?]monos, priestess of Artemis Leukophryene; 2; found at Magnesia Mai.: CIG 2914.a; Texier, Asie min. III p. 95 (non vidi); Leake, Journal 246, no. 3a; *IMagnesia 196. @ @@`225. Honorary inscription for (or by) [Ap]ollodo[ros], on base; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 128. @ @@`226. Honorary inscription by demos (of Magnesia Mai.) for Apollonios Epigonou, on base; c. I&7e&; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 17%19`18, no. 7; *IMagnesia 132.b. @ @@`227. Honorary inscription for Aristagore Nannichou by mother Demo Zenodotou, on base; II&7e&%3I&7b&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 125. @ @@`228. Honorary inscription by boule and demos (of Magnesia Mai.) for Aristodemos Philiou, on base; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kondoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 6, no. 3; Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 19, no. 9; *IMagnesia 133. @ @@`229. Honorary inscription by demos (of Magnesia Mai.) for Athenagoras Pammenou, victorious athlete, on base; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kern, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 94; *IMagnesia 127. @ @@`230. Honorary inscription for Aur(elia) Lais, on base; 2; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 193. @ @@`231. Honorary inscription for Baebia, daughter of Quintus Baebius and mother of proconsul (&3sic&) Lucius Valerius Flaccus, on base; 62%3`61 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 144; Mendel, Cat. Sculpt. II 274, no. 550; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkm. 174. @ @@`232. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for [Demokrates De]mokrat[ous], on base; 27 BC%3AD 14; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 149.a; Moretti, Iscriz. agon. 62; SEG 14, 736. @ @@`233. Honorary inscription for [Demo]krates Demokratous, victorious athlete, on base; 2; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 149.b; Moretti, Iscriz. agon. 62; SEG 14, 736. @ @@`234. Honorary inscription for Diophantos (Nannichou) by Anaxenor Nannichou, on base; I&7b&; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 18%19`19, no. 8; *IMagnesia 126. @ @@`235. Honorary inscription for Epikra[tes Epikratous] by father Epikrates Timarch[ou]; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 134. @ @@`236. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Hegesippos Hegolochou by demos (of Magnesia Mai.); I; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 19, no. 10; *IMagnesia 135. @ @@`237. Honorary inscription by boule [and demos] (of Magnesia Mai.) for Iouliane, &3ar&[&3chie&]&3reia& of Asia; 1&7m&; found at Magnesia Mai.: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 12, no. 11; *IMagnesia 158; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 4, 1901 Beibl. 34 (l. 9). @ @@`238. Honorary inscription by boule and demos (of Magnesia Mai.) for Gaius Iulius [I]ulianus, &3archiereus& of Asi[a], on base; imperial?; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 27, no. 19; *IMagnesia 151. @ @@`239. Honorary inscription by boule and demos (of Magnesia Mai.) for Gaius Iulius Carus, on base; imperial?; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 150. @ @@`240. Honorary inscription by boule and demos (of Magnesia Mai.) for Claudia Diophantis, on base; 2?; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 161. @ @@`241. Honorary inscription by Tiberius Claudius Charidemos Philometor by boule and demos (of Magnesia Mai.), on base; AD 161%3`180; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kondoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 5%19`6, no. 2; Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 23, no. 15; *IMagnesia 188. @ @@`242. Honorary inscription for Ti(berius) Cl(audius) Eukles Polydeukes Marcellus by &3patris&; AD 161%3`180; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kondoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 5, no. 1; Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 24%19`25, no. 16; *IMagnesia 189. @ @@`243. Honorary inscription by boule and demos (of Magnesia Mai.) for Tiberius Claudius Myrismos, citizen of Smyrna and Magnesia (Mai.), on base; 1; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kondoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 7, no. 5; Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 22, no. 13; *IMagnesia 165. @ @@`244. Honorary inscription by boule, demos, and gerousia (of Magnesia Mai.) for Tiberius Claudius Pollio; 1; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kondoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 8, no. 7; *IMagnesia 162. @ @@`245. Honorary inscription by [b]ouke and demo[s] (of Magnesia Mai.) for [Ti]berius Cl[au]dius [T]ati[a]nus, on base; AD 117%3`138; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 166. @ @@`246. Honorary inscription by [boule] and demos (of Magnesia Mai.) for Nume[r]ius Cluvius, on base; I&7e&; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kondoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 8, no. 9; Be/rard, BCH 15, 1891, 539; Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 26, no. 18; *IMagnesia 139; Robert, Noms indige\nes 434, note 1. @ @@`247. Honorary inscription by demos (of Magnesia Mai.) for [C]oelia Polla, on base; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 148. @ @@`248. Honorary inscription by boule and [demos] (of Magnesia Mai.) for [P]ublius Curtius Propinquus, on base; I; found at Moral#1221: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 12, no. 10; *IMagnesia 141. @ @@`249. Honorary inscription for Lykourgos Lykophronos of Athens, on herm; *IMagnesia 349. @ @@`250. Honorary inscription for [M]arcu[s ... ], quaestor; I; found Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 155; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkm. 182. @ @@`251. Honorary inscription for Melitine Melitonianou [by demos], on base; 2&4`2&%3`3&4`1&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 200. @ @@`252. Honorary inscription for Menodoto[s] Men[o ... ]nous; 1&7m&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 159. @ @@`253. Honorary inscription by demos (of Magnesia Mai.) for Mithridates Iazemios; I; found at Mursall#1221: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 10, no. 3; *IMagnesia 137; Robert, Noms indige\nes 431%19`441. @ @@`254. Honorary inscription by boule and demos (of Magnesia Mai.) for Quintus Modiu[s], on base; AD 6%3`9?; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 25, no. 17; *IMagnesia 152; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkm. 183. @ @@`255. Honorary inscription by boule, demos, and gerousia (of Magnesia Mai.) for Moschion Moschionos; 2; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kondoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 46, no. 90; Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 12%19`13, no. 12; *IMagnesia 164; OGIS 485. @ @@`256. Honorary inscription by boule and demos (of Magnesia Mai.) for Pankratides Pankratidou, on base; 1; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 20, no. 11; *IMagnesia 160 %7 p. 296. @ @@`257. Honorary inscription by demos (of Magnesia Mai.) for Polla Valeria, daughter of proconsul Lucius Valeriu[s Fla]c[cus]; 62%3`61 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 146; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkm. 178. @ @@`258. Honorary inscription for Polydeukes by boule and demos, on base; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 22%19`23, no. 14; *IMagnesia 190. @ @@`259. Honorary inscription by [b]oule and d[emos] (of Magnesia Mai.) for [Mar]cus Popil[ius] La[enas], &3presbeut&[&3es&]; I&4`1&?; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 14, no. 4; *IMagnesia 123 (PH); Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkm. 173. @ @@`260. Honorary inscription by demos (of Magnesia Mai.) for [Pyroni]des Prytanidos, on base; II&7e&%3I&7b&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 124; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 4, 1901 Beibl. 34 (l. 3). @ @@`261. Honorary inscription for Saufeia, daughter of Lucius Saufeius and wife of proconsul Lucius Valerius Flaccus, on base; 62%3`61 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 145; Mendel, Cat. Sculpt. III 23%19`25, no. 822; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkm. 176. @ @@`262. Honorary inscription for Publius Servil[ius] Isauricus; 46%3`44 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 142; Hellenica 6, 39; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkm. 180. @ @@`263. Honorary inscription for Silikios Hierokles by sister Silikia Chairemonis; 2&4`2&%3`3&4`1&; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 31, no. 24; *IMagnesia 199. @ @@`264. Inscription for (?) Stephanos, on base; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 348. @ @@`265. Honorary inscription by boule and demos (of Magnesia Mai.) for [T]eison Pyrrh[i]chou, on base; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 153 %7 p. 296. @ @@`266. Honorary inscription for Sulpicia, daughter of Quintus and wife of Publius Terentius (Hispo); I; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kondoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 106, no. 54; *IMagnesia 140. @ @@`267. Honorary inscription for Zobios Dioskouridou by boule and demos (of Magnesia Mai.), on base; AD 138%3`192; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 191. @ @@`268. Honorary inscription for (?) Zosimos; imperial; found at Germencik: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 9, no. 1; *IMagnesia 194. @ See also: Magnesia Mai. 9, 11%19`13, 15%19`17, 19%19`25, 27%19`30, 32%19`36, 38%19`39, 43%19`45, 49%19`59, 74, 78, 82%19`94, 100%19`101, 107, 115, 119%19`120, 130, 320%19`323; FDelphes III 1 no. 551, ll. 10%19`11 (honorary inscription for Tib(erius) Iulius Apolaustos, &3bouleutes& of Magnesia (Mai.) and many other cities; found at Delphi); Didyma 242 (%6 SEG 27, 731) (%6 MDAI(I) 27, 1977, 297) (honorary inscription for athlete Aur(elius) Diokles of Miletos, with citizenships of Ephesos and Magnesia Mai.; found at Didyma); Ephesos 1221 (%6 IEphesos 2070 %7 2071) (%6 Hermes 55, 1930, 106) (%6 Forschungen in Ephesos II no.'s 70 %7 71) (honorary inscription for [&3hypokrites& Tib(erius) Iulius Apolaustos], &3bouleutes& of Magnesia Mai. and several other cities, and honored with statue at Magnesia (Mai.) and elsewhere; found at Ephesos); Ephesos 1295 (%6 IEphesos 1135) (%6 AAWW 82, 1945, 10) (honorary inscription for [&3bi&]&3ologos& [Ti]b(erius) Cl(audius) Philolo[gos The]seus of Marathon, Ephesos, Magnesia Mai., and many other cities; found at Ephesos); Ephesos 1454 (%6 IEphesos 676) (%6 JO+AI 52, 1980, 40) (honorary inscription for T(itus) Fl(avius) M[etro]doros, citizen of Magnesia Mai. and Ephesos; found at Ephesos); IG XII 1, no. 73.b, l. 6 (honorary inscription for athlete Aristolas E[u ... ] mentions victory at Leukophryena; found on Rhodes). @ @@@@Section: 10c. Other Honorary Inscriptions: Name Fragmentary @@@@or Lost (269%19`286) @ @@`269. Honorary inscription [by boule and demos (of Magnesia Mai.)] for [ ... ] Apollo[n]io[u]; 2; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 179; Kourouniotes, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 86%19`87 (PH, part); SEG 4, p. 419. @ @@`270. Honorary inscription for (?) [ ... ... ]oriou, on base; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 31%19`32, no. 25; *IMagnesia 130. @ @@`271. Honorary inscription naming [ ... ]os Theod[orou] (?); IV%3I; found at Magnesia Mai.: CIG 2916; *IMagnesia 351. @ @@`272. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) for (?) [ ... ]s, on base; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 32, no. 26; *IMagnesia 364. @ @@`273. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]s &3hyos&; 1; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 136. @ @@`274. Honorary inscription for (no name), by son Tiberius Claudius Zopas, on base; 1; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kondoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 7, no. 6; Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1994, 20%19`22, no. 12; *IMagnesia 163; Robert, Gladiateurs no. 152. @ @@`275. Honorary inscription for woman (no name) by demos (of Magnesia Mai.); c. 133%3`62 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 147.a; Humann, Magnesia 198 (PH); Mendel, Cat. Sculpt. II 273, no. 550; Linfert, Kunstzentren 30%19`31, 178 (PH); Bieber, Ancient Copies 133 (PH); Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkm. 175. @ @@`276. Honorary inscription for woman (no name) by demos (of Magnesia Mai.); c. 133%3`62 BC; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 147.b; Humann, Magnesia 198 (PH); Mendel, Cat. Sculpt. III 24, no. 822; Linfert, Kunstzentren 30%19`31, 178 (PH); Bieber, Ancient Copies 133 (PH); Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkm. 177. @ @@`277. Honorary inscription for (no name), priestess of Ar[temi]s Leukophry[ene]; imperial; found at Magnesia Mai.: CIG 2914.b; Texier, Asie min. III p. 96 (non vidi); Leake, Journal 246, no. 3; Froehner, Inscript. gr. du Louvre 139, no. 65; *IMagnesia 195. @ @@`278. Honorary inscription for pantomime (no name), victorious at Eusebeia at Puteoli and elsewhere; AD 161%3`169; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 192; **Robert, Hermes 65, 1930, 117%19`118 (A l. 6, B ll. 12%19`13). @ @@`279. Honorary inscription for (?) (no name), &3euergetes&; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 366. @ @@`280. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) by demos for (no name), on base; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 371. @ @@`281. Honorary inscription by demos for (no name); no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 33, no. 30; *IMagnesia 372. @ @@`282. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) for (no name), on base; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 376. @ @@`283. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) for (no name) by [b]oule and [demos]; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 377. @ @@`284. Fragment of honorary inscription (?) by boul[e]; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 378. @ @@`285. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for [st]epha[nephoros (?)] (no name); no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 380. @ @@`286. Fragment &3tes pole&[&3os&?], on base; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 32, no. 28; *IMagnesia 398. @ See also: Magnesia Mai. 42, 45, 67%19`68, 76%19`77, 95%19`99, 102, 458%19`460; IG II&4`2& 2808 (%6 IMagnesia LXVIII) (honorary inscription for (no name), son of Lenaios, by Magnesia [Mai.]; found in Attica); Frisch, ZPE 15, 1974, 162, ll. 6%19`7 (honorary inscription for athlete (no name), victorious at Leukophryneia of Magnesia (Mai.) and elsewhere; found somewhere in Troad). @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (287%19`299) @ @@@@Section: 11a. Horoi (287%19`294) @ @@`287. Horos of temple; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 44, no. 46; Michel 885 (p. 642); *IMagnesia 233. @ @@`288. (Horos) inscription of &3statarion&; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 240. @ @@`289. Horos of temple; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 230. @ @@`290. Horos of temple; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 231 (PH). @ @@`291. Horos of temple; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 232 (PH). @ @@`292. Horos of temple; no date; found at Pounta Station: Kondoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 10, no. 13; *IMagnesia 234. @ @@`293. Horos; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 235. @ @@`294. Inscription for &3toicho&[&3s&] and &3horos& of [ ... ]; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 236. @ @@@@Section: 11b. Milestones (295%19`299) @ @@`295. Milestone in Greek and Latin for 5th mile, dated by consul Manius Aquilius; 129 BC; found at C%25aml#1221k: Fontrier, BCH 4, 1880, 495; Ramsay, JHS 2, 1881, 45; Fontrier, Mous. V 1884%19`1885, 70, no. 470; CIL I&4`2& 649; CIL III 7205; IMagnesia 255; *IEphesos 3159. @ @@`296. Inscription recording building by city of Amyzon of its share of the Trachon; c. 2&7m&; found at Naipli: Kern, JO+AI 13, 1910, 76%19`79, no. 1; Robert, Amyzon 30%19`32; SEG 31, 973; *IEphesos 3157; SEG 33, 967. @ @@`297. Milestone in Latin and Greek for 20th mile from Ephesos, dated by Sep[ti]mius Severus, Caracalla, [Geta,] and Julia Domna; AD 200%3`201; found at Germencik: Pappakonstantinou, Tralleis 68, no. 161; Perdrizet %9 Jouguet, BCH 19, 1895, pp. 318a%19`320a; CIL III 13689 %7 14202&4`3&; IMagnesia 256; *IEphesos 3160; ITralles I p. 221, no. 12*. @ @@`298. Milestone in Latin and Greek for [ ... ]th mile from Ephesos, dated by emperor Julius Philippus and family; AD 244; found at Magnesia Mai.: CIL III Suppl. 4 no. 12270; IMagnesia 257; *IEphesos 3164. @ @@`299. Milestone (?) in Latin of Aug(ustus) Licinius and Caesar Licinianus; AD 317%3`324; found at Naipli: Kern, JO+AI 13, 1910, Beibl. 79, no. 2 (PH); *IEphesos 3158; SEG 31, 973. @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (300%19`319) @ @@`300. (Topos) inscription of Apreust[e]s &3doulos& of Kl%1[ ... ]onia; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 241. @ @@`301. Fragments of topos (?) inscription mentioning Gai[us C]la[ud]ius Veru[llanus Marcellus Polydeukes]; imperial; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 243. @ @@`302. (Topos) (?) inscription of Clau(dia) Phanostrate and [ ... ]; imperial; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 245. @ @@`303. Topos inscription of On[e]simos; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 242. @ @@`304. Topos inscription of Philotas; AD 117%3`138; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kondoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 105, no. 51; Be/rard, BCH 15, 1891, 539, no. 1; Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 43, no. 44; *IMagnesia 249. @ @@`305. Topos inscription of Trophimion; 2%3`3?; found at Balatc%25#1221k: Kondoleon, MDAI(A) 12, 1887, 257, no. 28; Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 43%19`44, no. 45; *IMagnesia 248. @ @@`306. Topos inscription of A[ ... ]; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 43, no. 43; *IMagnesia 247. @ @@`307. Topos inscription for &3triclinium& of holy &3auletrides& and &3akrobatai&; late; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 237. @ @@`308. Topos inscription of &3hyperetai oikodomoi&; AD 117%3`138; found at Magnesia Mai.: Reinach, RA 21, 1893, 95; *IMagnesia 239.a. @ @@`309. Fragment of topos inscription; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 246.a. @ @@`310. Fragment of topos inscription; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 246.b. @ @@`311. Fragment of topos inscription; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 246.c. @ @@`312. Fragment of topos inscription; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 246.d. @ @@`313. Fragment of topos inscription; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 246.e. @ @@`314. Fragment of topos inscription; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 246.f. @ @@`315. Fragment of topos inscription; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 246.g. @ @@`316. Fragment of top[os] inscription from theater; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 12, no. 9.; *IMagnesia 250.a. @ @@`317. Fragment of topos (?) inscription from theater; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 12, no. 9; *IMagnesia 250.b. @ @@`318. Fragment of topos (?) inscription from theater; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 12, no. 9; *IMagnesia 250.c. @ @@`319. Fragment of topos (?) inscription from theater; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 12, no. 9; *IMagnesia 250.d. @ See also: Magnesia Mai. 426%19`427. @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (320%19`325) @ @@`320. Inscription in hexameters identifying Hermes Tychon, with artist's signature by Antilochos, on base; III; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 203. @ @@`321. Honorary inscription, partly in hexameters, by [bou]le and demos (of Magnesia Mai.) for [Ana]xenor Anaxikratous [&3kitha&]&3roidos,& on base; I&7m&?; found at Magnesia Mai.: Strabo 14, 647%19`648; Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 147, no. 5; *IMagnesia 129 (PH); Syll&4`3& 766. @ @@`322. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for athlete Aristomachos, on base; imperial; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 181 %7 p. 296; Moretti, Iscriz. agon. 71.b; SEG 14, 737; Peek, Zeitschrift Halle%19Wittenberg 9, 1960, 200%19`201 (non vidi); SEG 19, 664. @ @@`323. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for Eutropios by boule and demos of Magnesia (Mai.), on base; 4&7e&%3`5; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 202. @ @@`324. Document recording question of Magnesia (Mai.) to Delphi concerning earthquake, answer of oracle in hexameters concerning cult of Dionysos and action of Magnesia, and obeying oracle; 1&7m, perhaps copy of earlier document; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kondoleon, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 330%19`332, no. 1; Reinach, REG 3, 1890, 350%19`351; Maas, Hermes 26, 1891, 183; Kern, Beitra+ge z. Gesch. d. gr. Philos. %9 Rel. 80%19`82; Pomtow, Jahrb. f. class. Philo. 1896, 754, 767 (non vidi); Michel 856 (p. 706); *IMagnesia 215.a; SEG 17, 495. @ @@`325. Fragment of epigram (?); I; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 369. @ See also: Magnesia Mai. 158; Didyma 573 (%6 IMagnesia 228) (%6 IDidyma 501) (oracle in verse concerning cult of Hera; found at Sar#1221 Kemer near Myous); IG XII 933 (funerary inscription in verse for (no name) from Magnesia; found at Rome). @ Ə@@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (326%19`397) @ @@@@Section: 16a. Funerary Inscriptions: Full Name (326%19`384) @ @@`326. Funerary inscription for Agesilaos Erasippou &3Achaios&; IV; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 258 (PH). @ @@`327. Funerary inscription for [P]ublia Aelia and family; imperial; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 288.a. @ @@`328. Funerary inscription for Apollonis Hedea; imperial; found Ȃat Magnesia Mai.: Condole/on, BCH 15, 1891, 684, no. 3; *IMagnesia 308. @ @@`329. Funerary inscription for (?) Apseu[stes?]; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 289. @ @@`330. Funerary inscription for Aristophon Timokratou and Nannis Timokratou; prob. IV; found at Germencik: Pappakonstantinou, Tralleis 61, no. 104; *IMagnesia 260; ITralles I p. 220, no. 11*. @ @@`331. Funerary inscription for Artemisie Hermia of Amyzon; early Hellenistic; found at Bag%27aras#1221: Wiegand, MDAI(A) 36, 1911, 294, no. 2; *Robert, Amyzon 35%19`36; SEG 33, 968. @ @@`332. Funerary inscription for Artemon Zosimou and family; 1; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 281. @ @@`333. Funerary inscription for [Ath?]enais Demetriou; prob. I; found at Balatc%25#1221k Station: *IMagnesia 268. @ @@`334. Funerary inscription for Atheno Prytanios of Samos; IV; found at Gu+mu+s%25yeri: *IMagnesia 259. @ @@`335. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Hedianos and family; imperial; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 307. @ @@`336. Funerary inscription for Aur(elia) Hermione; imperial; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, BCH 17, 1892, 33; *IMagnesia 309; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 4, 1901 Beibl. 36 (l. 1). @ @@`337. Funerary (?) inscription for [ ... ]otos and Gnaius Babbius Pam[philos?]; Roman; found at C%25aml#1221k: Mous. V 1884%19`1885, 71, no. 473; IMagnesia 286.a; *IEphesos 3151. @ Ѫ@@`337.5. &3Soros& inscription for Democharis Prokleous et al., with penalty for violating grave; imperial; found at Is%25#1221kl#1221 near Tralles, but from Magnesia Mai.: Hauvette%19Besnault, BCH 5, 1881, 344%19`345, no. 5 (non vidi); Pappakonstantinou, Tralleis 28%19`29, no. 26; Preuner, MDAI(A) 46, 1921, 22, no. 37 (non vidi); SEG 1, 439; *ITralles I pp. 221%19`222, no. 13*. @ @@`338. Funerary (?) inscription for Gnaius Babbius Pamphil[os?]; Roman; found at C%25aml#1221k: Mous. V 1884%19`1885, 71, no. 474; Contole/on, REG 13, 1900, 496; IMagnesia 286.b; *IEphesos 3150. @ @@`339. Funerary inscription by Epikrates Epikratous, allowing Charmosynos to be buried beside Agathodika; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kondoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 11, no. 19; *IMagnesia 283. @ @@`340. Funerary inscription for Gnaius Dekmios Phileros and Kasske[2ll]2ia Pola; Roman; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kondoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 105%19`106, no. 53; *IMagnesia 282. @ @@`341. Funerary inscription for (no name), Demetrios, and Alkimos, &3orthokopoi&; imperial; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kondoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 9, no. 12; *IMagnesia 290. @ @@`342. Funerary inscription for (?) [D]emetrio[s] and others; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kondoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 9, no. 10; *IMagnesia 291. @ ֪@@`342.5. Funerary inscription for [De]metrios [Art]emonos and [Ar]temidoros [De]metriou; no date; found at Germencik: *ITralles 196A. @ @@`343. Funerary inscription for Demo Mo[ps]ou and others; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kondoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 47, no. 92; *IMagnesia 271. @ @@`344. Funerary inscription for Dysas (?) Epigonou; imperial?; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 310. @ @@`345. Funerary inscription for Eperatos Melanippou and others; I; found at Tekin: *IMagnesia 266. @ @@`346. Funerary inscription for Epikouros Zoilou; no date; found at Argavl#1221?: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 14, no. 14; *IMagnesia 269. @ @@`347. Funerary inscription for Euporos Euporou, E[u]rytychis Eutychou, and family; imperial; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 292. @ @@`348. Funerary inscription for Eutyches, slave of Euphemos, and others; imperial; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 311. @ @@`349. Funerary inscription for (no name) and Glaphyra Apollodorou; imperial; found at C%25aml#1221k: Mous. V 1884%19`1885, 70%19`71, no. 472; *IMagnesia 279. @ @@`350. Funerary inscription for (no name), Hermippos, and others; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 277. @ @@`351. Funerary inscription by Hierokles Hierokleous for self and family; Mous. V 1884%19`1885, 70, no. 471; *IMagnesia 293. @ @@`352. Funerary inscription for Hierokles Menandrou; no date; found at Gu+mu+s%25yeri: *IMagnesia 299.b. @ @@`353. Funerary inscription for Hierokles and children; imperial; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 294. @ @@`354. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for S(ervius) Ius[t]us Optatus; Roman; found at Magnesia Mai.: CIL III Suppl. 4 no. 13671; *IMagnesia 285. @ @@`355. Inscription of &3streiphoma& of Claudia Dionysia; 1; found at Naipli: Kern, JO+AI 13, 1910, 80, no. 3; *IEphesos 3155; SEG 31, 973. @ @@`356. Funerary inscription for [Cl]audius Pankra[ ... ] et al.; imperial; found at Mursall#1221: *IMagnesia 280. @ @@`357. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for M(arcus) Quintius Diadoumenos, &3libertus& of Atticus, &3legatus Augusti,& by Epaphra, slave of Atticus; imperial; found at Magnesia Mai.: CIL III Suppl. 4 no. 12250; *IMagnesia 284. @ @@`358. Funerary inscription for Lo[uk]io[s?] Apol[l]o[n]iou and A[po]llonios; imperial?; found at Argavl#1221: *Malay, ZPE 48, 1982, 259, no. 9. @ @@`359. Funerary inscription for (?) Lucius Theu[ ... ]; Roman; found near Balatc%25#1221k: *IMagnesia 295. @ @@`360. Funerary inscription for Lykinos D[i]osko[u]rido[u]; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 296. @ @@`361. Funerary inscription for Lykios Theodorou and Theodoros Apollodotou; I; found at Naipli: Kern, JO+AI 13, 1910, 81, no. 4; *IEphesos 3156; SEG 31, 973. @ @@`362. Funerary inscription for Mena[2n]2dros; imperial; found at Gu+mu+s%25yeri: *IMagnesia 299.a. @ @@`363. Funerary inscription for Menekrates Dionysiou of Herakleia (Latm.); prob. III; found at Magnesia Mai.: Condole/on, BCH 15, 1891, 684, no. 4; *IMagnesia 261. @ @@`364. Funerary inscription for Metrodoros and Quartus; imperial; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 297. @ @@`365. Funerary inscription for Metrodoros Metrodorou and others; imperial; found at Mursall#1221: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 11, no. 6; *IMagnesia 298. @ @@`366. Funerary inscription for Nannion Artemidorou and others; II; found near Balatc%25#1221k Station: Kondoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 105, no. 50; *IMagnesia 262. @ @@`367. Funerary inscription for Nemones Herodotou and Themistokles Nemoneous; 1; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kondoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 11, no. 18; *IMagnesia 273 %7 p. 296. @ @@`368. Funerary inscription for Nympholochos Artemidorou; no date; found at Mursall#1221: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 11, no. 7; *IMagnesia 275. @ @@`369. Funerary inscription for Olympias Diokleious; I&4`1&; found at C%25aml#1221k: Keil, JO+AI 16, 1913, 178%19`182 (PH); Bammer et al., Fu+hrer Selc%25uk 168%19`169; *IEphesos 3152. @ @@`370. Funerary inscription for Onesimos Pausimachou and family; imperial; found at Magnesia Mai.: Condole/on, BCH 15, 1891, 684, no. 2; *IMagnesia 300. @ @@`371. Funerary inscription for Philiskos Zopyriono[s] and [A]ischylos Zopyriono[s]; no date; found at Mursall#1221: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 11, no. 8; *IMagnesia 274. @ @@`372. Funerary inscription for Fuficia Fausta, daughter of Gaius Fuficius Damas; Roman; found at Magnesia Mai.: Mous. V 1884%19`1885, 71, no. 475; *IMagnesia 287. @ @@`373. Funerary inscription for Poine; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kondoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 10, no. 15; *IMagnesia 276. @ @@`374. Funerary inscription for Posidippos Menekratou and Kallityche Pytharatou; I?; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 270. @ @@`375. Funerary inscription for Posidonios Posido[niou]; imperial?; found at Argavl#1221: *Malay, ZPE 48, 1982, 258%19`259, no. 7. @ @@`376. Funerary inscription for Posis Dio[skouridou] and Dioskourides [Posios]; no date; found at Pounta Station: Kondoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 10, no. 14; *IMagnesia 272. @ @@`377. Funerary inscription for Pythonax Pythonaktos; prob. II&7e&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 263. @ @@`378. Funerary inscription for (?) [ ... ]boros and mother Saturnina; imperial; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 301. @ @@`379. Funerary inscription for Syntychos Pythagorou and wife Elpis; imperial; found at Magnesia Mai.: Condole/on, BCH 15, 1891, 684, no. 1; *IMagnesia 302. @ @@`380. Funerary inscription for Marcus Turpilius Florus Diogenes of Miletos and Magnesia (Mai.) and brother; imperial; found at Magnesia Mai.: Froehner, Inscr. gr. du Louvre 301, no. 254; *IMagnesia 306; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 4, 1901 Beibl. 36 (ll. 3%19`4). @ @@`381. Funerary inscription for Trophima and others (?); imperial; found at Germencik: CIG 2918; *IMagnesia 305. @ @@`382. Funerary inscription by Tryphosa Abaskantou for self, husband Tryphon Demetriou, and family; imperial; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kondoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 47, no. 91; *IMagnesia 303. @ @@`383. Funerary inscription by Tryphosa Metrodorou for self and family; imperial; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 304. @ @@`384. Funerary inscription for Zopyrio[n] Pleist[ ... ]; prob. II; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 264. @ See also: IG II&4`2& 9238%19`9239, 9241%19`9242, 9244%19`9251 (funerary inscriptions for named individuals from Magnesia; found in Attica); Ephesos 2566 (%6 IEphesos 3201) (%6 LW 162c) (funerary inscription for Fuficia Fausta; found at C%25aml#1221k, earlier near Ephesos); IKos 190 (%6 CIG 2515) (funerary inscription for Apollonios Apolloniou of Magnesia; found on Kos); Mylasa 282 (%6 IMylasa 426) (%6 CIG 2937) (%6 LW 458) (%6 ITralles I p. 222, no. 14*) (funerary inscription for Aba Iatrokleious; found at Mylasa, not Magnesia Mai. or Tralles); Mylasa 345 (%6 IMylasa 476) (%6 Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 54) (funerary inscription for Theodotos Dionyta of Iasos and Magnesia; found at Mylasa); Maiuri, Nuova silloge, p. 92, no. 182 (funerary inscription for Philainos of Magnesia; found on Rhodes); Samos 519 (%6 BCH 15, 1891, 673) (funerary inscription for Chrysis Dionysiou of Magnesia; found on Samos); Smyrna 334 (%6 Froehner, ILouvre no. 163) (%6 ISmyrna 256 %7 II 2 p. 372) (funerary inscription by Apollonides Deiotimou for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial to be paid to Meter Sipylene; found at Smyrna, not at Magnesia Mai. or Magnesia Sip.); Smyrna 513 (%6 ISmyrna 475) (%6 ILS 2149) (%6 CIL III 7108) (funerary inscription for Lucius Iulius Moschion of Magnesia Mai.; found at Smyrna); Tralles 165 (%6 ITralles 188) (%6 CIG 2939) (&3soros& inscription of M(arcus) Aur(elius) Kosmion and &3ekgonoi&; found at O+merbeyli, either in territory of Tralles or of Magnesia Mai.). @ @@@@Section: 16b. Funerary Inscriptions: Name Fragmentary or Lost (385%19`397) @ @@`385. [&3Sor&]&3os& inscription for (?) [ ... ]chios (?) and family; imperial; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 316. @ @@`386. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]e Menekratous; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 278. @ @@`387. Funerary inscription ffor [ ... ]ios and family; imperial?; found at Argavl#1221: *Malay, ZPE 48, 1982, 259, no. 8. @ @@`388. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]itos Dionysiou; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 267. @ @@`389. Funerary inscription for (?) Lo[ ... ]; imperial?; found at Mursall#1221: *IMagnesia 315. @ @@`390. Funerary inscription for (?) Phila%1[ ... ]; no date; found at U+zu+m: *IMagnesia 265. @ @@`391. Fragment of funerary inscription for (?) [ ... ]sios (?); no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 317. @ @@`392. Funerary inscription for (no name) A[p]o%1[l]l%1[oni]o%1[u] and family; imperial?; found at Argavl#1221: *Malay, ZPE 48, 1982, 259, no. 10. @ @@`393. Funerary inscription for [&3g&]&3yne& (no name); Roman?; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 288.b. @ @@`394. Funerary inscription for (no name) &3mneia&[&3s cha&]&3rin&; imperial?; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 313. @ @@`395. Funerary inscription for (no name) &3ek diathekes&; 2&4`2&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 312. @ @@`396. &3Soros& inscription for (no name); 2&4`2&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 314. @ @@`397. Funerary inscription on sarcophagus; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 318. @ See also: Attouda 25 (%6 MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 102%19`103) (%6 IMagnesia LXVII) (honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) by &3demoi& of Magnesia (Mai.) and other cities; found at Antiocheia Mai.); IG II&4`2& 9240, 9243 (funerary inscription for individuals with fragmentary names from Magnesia; found in Attica); Bradeen, Ath. Agora Fun. Monuments 535 (funerary inscription for Aristo[ ... ] Aineo[u] of Magn[esia?]; found in Attica). @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (398%19`402) @ @@`398. Artist's signature by Apollonios Tauriskou of Tralles; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 36%19`41, no. 37, col. 2; *IMagnesia 213.b. @ @@`399. Artist's signature by Demetrios Dem[etriou], on base; prob. I; found at Magnesia Mai.: Doerpfeld %9 Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 52%19`53, no. 63; *IMagnesia 344. @ @@`400. Fragment of artist's signature (?) by (?) Hipponeik[os], on base; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 346. @ @@`401. Artist's signature by Myron, on rosette; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 53, no. 64; *IMagnesia 345. @ @@`402. Fragment of artist's signature (?) by (?) [Nik]anor Nik[anoros], on statue; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 347. @ See also: Magnesia Mai. 320; Loewy 211 (artist's signature by Apollonios of Magnesia; found on Delos); Erythrai 259 (%6 ADAW 1909, 60) (artist's signature by Demetrios Demetriou of Magnesia; found at Erythrai). @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ See also: Magnesia Mai. 158, 325. @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (403%19`428) @ @@@@Section: 20a. Graffiti for Individuals (403%19`423) @ @@`403. Graffito on column mentioning Alexion; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kondoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 9, no. 11; Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 51, no. 59; *IMagnesia 320. @ @@`404. Graffito for Apollas &3pragmatikos&; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: Kondoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 104, no. 48; *IMagnesia 326. @ @@`405. Graffito for M(arcus) Aur(elius) Nikanor (?); 3&4`1&?; found at Mursall#1221: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 11, no. 5; *IMagnesia 343; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 4, 1901 Beibl. 36 (l. 1). @ @@`406. Graffito for Chai[remon?] Pyth[odorou?], on tile; I&4`1&?; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 342. @ @@`407. Graffito for Diokles; prob. I; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 331. @ @@`408. Graffito for Eutropi[os], on column; late; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 332. @ @@`409. Graffito for Eutychianos, on base; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 51, no. 60; *IMagnesia 333. @ @@`410. Graffito for Kerdon Eso[ ... ]ou; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 334. @ @@`411. Graffito for Kerdon; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 335. @ @@`412. Graffito for Quintus; Roman; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 330. @ @@`413. Graffito for Longinus; Roman; found at Magnesia Mai.: Pappakonstantinou, Tralleis 58, no. 95; *IMagnesia 336; ITralles I p. 220, no. 10*. @ @@`414. Graffito for Marcus; Roman; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 337. @ @@`415. Graffito mentioning Mosch[io]n and others; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 319. @ @@`416. Graffito for Phanes and others, on column; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 50, no. 57; *IMagnesia 339. @ @@`417. Graffito for (?) Philokale; late; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 340. @ @@`418. Graffito for Polianos; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 325. @ @@`419. Graffito for Posidonios; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 324. @ @@`420. Graffito for Pythagoras and others, on column; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 49%19`50, no. 56; *IMagnesia 323. @ @@`421. Graffito for (?) Tryphon and others; late; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 338. @ @@`422. Graffito for Artemid[ ... ]; prob. I; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 51, no. 61; *IMagnesia 327. @ @@`423. Graffito for Dem[ ... ]; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 329. @ See also: Magnesia Mai. 429. @ @@@@Section: 20b. Miscellaneous Graffiti (424%19`428) @ @@`424. &3Philoi& graffito for Alleas and others; late; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 35, no. 32; *IMagnesia 321. @ @@`425. [&3S&]&3yzygoi& graffito for Baebius Kallippos; imperial?; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 50%19`51, no. 58; *IMagnesia 328. @ @@`426. (Topos?) graffito for Andron; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 51, no. 62; *IMagnesia 322. @ @@`427. Fragments of &3topo&[&3s&] graffiti of Artemon; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 244. @ @@`428. Graffito giving date; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: IMagnesia 341; *Robert, BCH 57, 1933, 482, no. 2. @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (429) @ @@`429. Graffito of Christian; Christian; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 239.b. @ See also: Magnesia Mai. 163, 307, 323, 408, 417, 424, 446. @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (430%19`436) @ @@@@Section: 22a. Inscriptions on Instrumenta (430%19`434) @ @@`430. Inscription on tile for [A]ristonous of (?) [P]riene; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 353. @ @@`431. Inscription for Artemas on amphora neck; no date; found at Magnesia Mai., poss. identical with inscription said to be from Tralles: Be/rard, BCH 15, 1891, 539, no. 2; *IMagnesia 354.a; ITralles 248; Tralles 240. @ @@`432. Pottery inscription of Rufus; Roman; found at Magnesia Mai.: Batouses, Nea Smyrne 1889 no. 3798 (non vidi); Kondoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 105, no. 52; *IMagnesia 355. @ @@`433. Inscription for Tryphon on amphora neck; no date; found at Magnesia Mai., poss. identical with inscription said to be from Tralles: Be/rard, BCH 15, 1891, 539, no. 3; *IMagnesia 354.b; ITralles 157; Tralles 235. @ @@`434. Inscription of Magnesia (Mai.) on lead weight; no date; acquired in Smyrna: Ko+rte, Arch. Ztg. 37, 1879, 104, no. 2; *IMagnesia 357. @ See also: Magnesia Mai. 406. @ @@@@Section: 22b. Other Inscriptions (435%19`436) @ @@`435. Fragment of list of names, including Nannis Mithridatou; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 352. @ @@`436. Inscription for &3architekton&; no date; found at Magnesia Mai., poss. identical with inscription found at Tralles: Kondoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 10, no. 16; *IMagnesia 356; ITralles 160B; Tralles 238. @ See also: Tubbs, JHS 12, 1891, 187%19`188, no. 34, l. 4 (list of names includes [ ... ]s Aristomenous of Magnesia; found at Salamis on Cyprus). @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (437%19`475) @ @@`437. Fragment of document; c. III%3I; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 29.a. @ @@`438. Fragment (of decree?); III&4`1&?; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 7.a. @ @@`439. Fragment (of document?); II&7b&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 95. @ @@`440. Fragment in Latin mentioning Magnesia (Mai.); Roman; found at Magnesia Mai.: CIL III 12249; *IMagnesia 358. @ @@`441. Fragment of document mentioning Diony[sia?]; II&7e&; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 106. @ @@`442. Fragment of document beginning with dating by [s]te[phanephoros] Aischine[s] Antiochos; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 112. @ @@`443. Fragment found in theater; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 368. @ @@`444. Fragment [&3kata te&]&3n diatheken&; I; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 393. @ @@`445. Fragment mentioning [L]ophia[s &3hi&]&3ereu&[&3s&]; 1; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 361. @ @@`446. Fragment referring to proconsul, on moulding; late Roman; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 388. @ @@`447. Fragment of document; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 84.a. @ @@`448. Fragment of document; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 84.b. @ @@`449. Fragment of document; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 84.c. @ @@`450. Fragment of document; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 84.d. @ @@`451. Fragment of document; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 84.e. @ @@`452. Fragment of document; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 84.f. @ @@`453. Fragment of document; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 84.g. @ @@`454. Fragment of document; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 84.h. @ @@`455. Fragment beginning with word [&3har&]&3modia&; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 9%19`10, no. 2; *IMagnesia 365. @ @@`456. Fragment; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 367. @ @@`457. Fragment; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 370. @ @@`458. Dedication to [Agath]e Ty[che] on base, beginning of honorary inscription (?); no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 374. @ @@`459. Dedication to Agath[e Tyche] on base, beginning of honorary inscription (?); no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 375. @ @@`460. Inscription on base naming Tyche, beginning of honorary inscription (?); no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 373. @ @@`461. Fragment mentioning &3poli&[&3s&]; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 381. @ @@`462. Fragment &3.ro.&; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 382. @ @@`463. Fragment; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 383. @ @@`464. Fragment beginning &3.oikos%1&; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 384. @ @@`465. Fragment beginning &3.orou&; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 386. @ @@`466. Fragment &3i%1si%1ou tou&; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 387. @ @@`467. Fragment beginning &3i%1anta&; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 390. @ @@`468. Fragment &3.x%1ia&; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 391. @ @@`469. Fragment &3o%1ro.,& on marble pinax; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 392. @ @@`470. Fragment beginning &3yp%1o%1&; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 394. @ @@`471. Fragments of marble pinax; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 395. @ @@`472. Fragment ending &3ol%1ou&; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 396. @ @@`473. Fragment beginning &3theo%1&; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 32, no. 27; *IMagnesia 397. @ @@`474. Fragment beginning &3di.&; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: Hiller von Gaertringen, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 32%19`33, no. 29; *IMagnesia 399. @ @@`475. Fragment beginning &3aga&[ ... ], on marble pinax; no date; found at Magnesia Mai.: *IMagnesia 400. @ See also: Priene 1267 (%6 IPriene 62) (fragment of document or dedication by Ma[gnesia?]; found at Priene); IMagnesia L (%6 MDAI(A) 21, 1896, 40, no. 6b) (fragment mentions Mag(nesia); found on Rhodes). @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @ See also: Magnesia Mai. 40; Smyrna 987 (%6 CIG 3285) (%6 IGRR IV 1444) (%6 Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 414) (spurious honorary(?)%3dedicatory inscription for (?) Ulpia Marcellina to Eros Ouran(ios) by demos of Smyr(na) and Magn(esia); now at Verona). @@@@{1Mylasa}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@Fellows, Acct.: Charles Fellows, An Account of Discoveries in @@@@Lycia, London 1841. @@Froehner, ILouvre: W. Froehner, Inscriptions grecques du @@@@Louvre, Paris 1865. @@Hula %9 Szanto: E. Hula %9 E. Szanto, SAWW 132, 1895 II. @@IMylasa: Wolfgang Blu+mel, &3Die Inschriften von Mylasa,& vol.'s @@@@I%19II, Bonn 1987%19`1988. @@Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr.: $*)A. *)E. *KONTOLE/WN, $@@@@*)ANE/KDOTOI MIKRASIANAI\ E)PIGRAFAI/,& Athens 1890. @@Robert, Sinuri: L. Robert, &3Le sanctuaire de Sinuri pre\s de &3@@@@Mylasa, 1. partie: Les inscriptions grecques,& Paris 1945. @ Many of the inscriptions listed were found at Milas (%6 ancient Mylasa.) Others were found nearby. In any case, the place of discovery is listed. Following sites are given, of which those which have not been located are followed by a question mark: @@Alanbahc%25e (Alambaxi, Alan bag%27c%25e) @@Asar Dag%27 (Asardag%27) @@Aslanyakas#1221 (Arslan Yakas#1221) (?) (few km. NE of Ulas%25) @@Avs%25ar @@C%25amko+y (?) (S of Ulas%25) @@Chalketor (Kara%19Kouyouk, Kara%19Koyun, Karakuya, Karakuyu) @@C%25iftlik (?) (S of Karacahisar) @@Dede Cami (?) (1 hr. from Mylasa) @@Go+kc%25eler @@Hydai (vicinity of Daml#1221bog%27az on Sar#1221 C%25ay) @@Hydisos (Karacahisar, Karadj%19Hassar, Karadj%19Hissar, @@@@Karadja%19Hissar, Karadjihissar) @@#1222ncirlikuyu (?) (near Daml#1221bog%27az) @@Kasossos (Ulas%25) @@Kildara (Kuzkaya, Kuzyaka) @@Ko+s%25k (Kiosk) @@Kuyruklu Kalesi (Kieroglu kale, Kio+rog%27lu kalesi, Kuyrukluhisar, @@@@Kuyruklukale) @@Mylasa (Melasso, Me/le\s, Milas, Mousalla) @@Passala (Sak#1221z, Taliani) (at mouth of Sar#1221 C%25ay) @@Pec%25in Kale (Bec%25in Mt., Bedjen%19kalessi) @@Sek (Sekko+y) @@S%25eyhko+y (?) (1 hr. east of Mylasa). @ Inscriptions from the following sites within the territory of Mylasa are not included here but in separate lists: @ @@Labraunda @@Olymos @@Sinuri. @ Epigraphic references from outside the territory of Mylasa to the following sites are listed here: @@Chalketor (Karakuyu) @@Hydai (Kydai) (Daml#1221bog%27az) @@Hydisos (Karacahisar) @@Kasossos (Ulas%25) @@Kildara (Killara) (Kuzkaya) @@Mylasa (Milas) @@Passala (Sak#1221z). @ The Karakuyu at which Chalketor was located should be distinguished from the Chalketor on the coast in the territory of Didyma. @ The identification of Kuzkaya with ancient Kildara is not absolutely certain, and the site may at least at one period have been in the territory of Bargylia. @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`127) @ @@@@Section: 1a. Religious Laws and Decrees (1%19`10.5) @ @@`1. Regulations concerning celebration of women's sacred festival; composed IV (?), inscribed later; found at Mylasa: Hula %9 Szanto 13%19`14, no. 5; Sokolowski, LSAM no. 61; SEG 15, 646; *IMylasa 303. @ @@`1.5. Fragment of religious regulation in Greek, with three inscriptions in Carian, on block; IV&4e&%3II; found at Chalketor: Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 229, no. 30; BE 1898:336; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 377%19`378, no. 17; BE 1900:131; Hellenica 8, 8%19`10, no. 4; Deroy, AC 24, 1955, 309%19`311, no. 4; Sokolowski, LSAM no. 70; SEG 15, 641; *IMylasa 914. @ @@`1.7. Fragment of decree of Kasossos concerning sale of priest of Zeus, on blue marble block; Hellenistic; found near Kasossos: Hula %9 Szanto p. 23, no. 2; Segre, RIL 69, 1936, 825%19`827, no. 9; BE 1938:413; LSAM no. 71; SEG 15, 642; *IMylasa 942. @ @@`2. Fragment of regulation concerning &3hiereus& and cult; II; found at Mylasa: LW 418; Sokolowski, LSAM no. 65; SEG 15, 647; *IMylasa 305. @ @@`3. Decree of &3phyle& of Hyarbesytai concerning offerings to Zeus of Hyarbesytai, with penalty for violating decree; II&4e&; found at Mylasa: Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 267%19`272, no. 20; BE 1891:334; Michel 725; BE 1944:169; Sokolowski, LSAM no. 62; SEG 15, 648; *IMylasa 301. @ @@`4. Decree of [&3syngeneia&] of Maunn%1[itai] concerning sale of priesthood; c. I; found at Mylasa: Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 407%19`409, no. 11 (part); SEG 2, 546; BE 1936:385; Segre, RIL 69, 1936, 828%19`829, no. 11 (non vidi); BE 1938:412; BE 1944:169; Sokolowski, LSAM no. 66; SEG 15, 649; *IMylasa 302. @ @@`5. Decree of [&3phyle& or &3syngeneia& (?) of ... ]deis concerning sale of priesthood; c. I?; found at Mylasa: Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 383%19`384, no. 27; Segre, RIL 69, 1936, 829%19`830, no. 12 (non vidi); BE 1938:412; Sokolowski, LSAM no. 63; SEG 15, 650; *IMylasa 304. @ @@`6. Decree of [&3bou&]&3le& and &3demos& concerning [Zeus Osog]o; I; found at Mylasa: LW 400; Swoboda, Griechische Volksbeschlu+sse 184 (non vidi); Robert, Sinuri 44, note 1; BE 1944:169; *IMylasa 306. @ @@`7. Fragment of decree (?) mentioning penalties; no date; found at Mylasa: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 105%19`106, no. 7; *IMylasa 307. @ @@`8. Fragment of decree (?) concerning rite, with word &3deipnon&; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 344 %7 II p. 4. @ @@`9. Fragment of decree (?) concerning competition and mentioning Zeus L[abraundos]; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 347; *IMylasa 345. @ @@`10. Fragment of sacred decree mentioning Melas Athe[n]ago[rou]; no date; found at Dede Cami (?) near Mylasa: *IMylasa 931. @ @@`10.5. Sacred regulation of Kasossos concerning temple of Zeus, on blue stone; no date; found near Kasossos: Hula %9 Szanto p. 22, no. 1; *IMylasa 941. @ @@@@Section: 1b. Honorary Decrees (11%19`79) @ @@`11. Fragment of honorary decree (?) for Aetion Phaniou; 5 BC%3AD 2; found at Mylasa: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 12, 1888, 15%19`16, no. 4; *IMylasa 135; **Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 13 (l. 4). @ @@`12. Honorary decree of &3phyle& of [Ot]orkondeis for Amyntas; II; found at Mylasa: Fellows, Acct. 73%19`74 and 365%19`366, no. 88; CIG 2693d %7 p. 1107; LW 407; Michel 475; *IMylasa 105. @ @@`13. Honorary decree of &3phyle& of Otorkondeis for [An]tiochos [Thargeliou]; II&4`2&%3I; found at Mylasa: CIG 2693c; LW 403; *IMylasa 106. @ @@`14. Honorary decree of &3phyle& [of Otorkondeis] for [Antiocho]s Thargeliou; II&4`2&%3I; found at Mylasa: LW 406; BE 1964:475; *IMylasa 107. @ @@`15. Honorary decree of [&3syngeneia& of] Aganiteis for Antiphanes Antipha[nou]; II; found at Mylasa: Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 397%19`398, no. 2; SEG 2, 537; Guarducci, MAL 6 Ser. 8, 1938, 125, no. 33; BE 1939:370; SEG 4, 237; Robert, Sinuri 27, note 9; *IMylasa 121. @ @@`16. Honorary decree of [&3de&]&3mos& (of Mylasa) for [Apol]lophanes Anaxipolis of Rhodes, foreign &3archidikastes&; III&4e&%3II&4b&; found at Mylasa: Hula %9 Szanto 12%19`13, no. 2, ll. 6%19`13; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 382, no. 23, ll. 6%19`13; *IMylasa 126 %7 II p. 1; Piejko, OAth 19:8, 1990, 151%19`153, no. 1, ll. 6%19`13. @ @@`16.5. Honorary decree (?) for &3paidonomos& Chrysippos, on marble block; no date; found at #1222ncirlikuyu: *IMylasa 909 (PH). @ @@`17. Honorary decree of &3phyle& of Konodorkondeis for Dionysios Iatrok[leio]us; II; found at Mylasa: Laumonier, RA 2, 1933, 38%19`39, no. 1; BE 1934:245; Wilhelm, CR 48, 1934, 210%19`211; Robert, AJA 39, 1935, 335%19`336; BE 1936:385; *IMylasa 119. @ @@`18. Honorary decree [of &3boule& and &3demos&] (of Tralles) for &3dikastes& [ ... ] Dionysios Melanos of Mylasa; II&4e&%3I&4b&; found at Mylasa: Be/rard, BCH 15, 1891, 543%19`544, no. 8; BE 1892:364; Robert, RPh 1, 1927, 102%19`113 (%6 OM II 1057%19`1068); SEG 4, 233; BE 1928:379; ITralles 22; *IMylasa 631. @ @@`19. Honorary decree of &3phyle& of Otorkondeis for Diophantos Hermophantou; II; found at Mylasa: LW 405; Michel 474; BE 1964:475; *IMylasa 108. @ @@`19.5. Honorary decree by Kildara for Hyss[ollos] Samoou, with (identical%1) text in Carian, on limestone block; 392%3`323 BC; found at Kildara: Robert, RA 6, 1935, 163; Hellenica 8, 14%19`16, no. 11 (PH); Deroy, AC 24, 1955, 318, no. 11; Hornblower, Mausolus M6; *IMylasa 961. @ @@`20. Honorary decree of &3syngeneia& of Ogondeis for Iatrokles Aristeou, Iason Heroidou, and Aristeas Iatrokleio[us]; III&4`2&%3II; found at Mylasa: S%25ahin %9 Engelmann, ZPE 34, 1979, 216%19`217, no. 4 (PH); SEG 29, 1078; BE 1979:457; *IMylasa 123. @ @@`21. Honorary decree of &3phyle& of Otorkonde[is] for Iatr[okles Dem]etriou, on marble; c. 76 BC; found at Mylasa: LW 409; Froehner, ILouvre no. 103; Wilhelm, AAWW 1901, 138 (non vidi); Laum II no. 129c; *IMylasa 109 (PH) %7 II p. 1. @ @@`22. Honorary decree of &3phyle& of Otorkondeis for Limnaios Ouliadou, on marble block; II&4e&; found at Mylasa: LW 408; Froehner, ILouvre no. 98; Michel 473; BE 1939:367; *IMylasa 110 (PH). @ @@`23. Honorary decree of &3phyle& [of Otorkondeis] for Menekrates Maunnitou; II&4`2&; found at Mylasa: LW 401; Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 12, 1888, 18%19`20, no. 6; BE 1888:118; *IMylasa 111. @ @@`24. Fragment of honorary decree by [&3phyle& of Otorkondeis] for (?) Menippo[s] Phil[ ... ], on marble block; II&4e&%3I&4b&; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 157 (II p. 2). @ @@`25. Honorary decree by &3boule& and &3demos& for Mos[chio]n Aristeidou; II&4e&%3I&4b&; found at Mylasa: LW 394; Froehner, ILouvre no. 56; Michel 472; Robert, BCH 102, 1978, 515%19`517 (PH); SEG 28, 847; BE 1979:451; *IMylasa 102 (PH). @ @@`26. Honorary decree for Ouliades; Hellenistic?; found at Mylasa: CIG 2693; LW 399 %7 398; SEG 4, 227%19`228; *IMylasa 101; SEG 36, 1000. @ @@`27. Honorary decree of &3boule& and &3dem&[&3os&] for Po[s]eidonios Polycharou[s of By]z[antion,] making him [&3proxenos&]; II&4`2&; found at Mylasa: Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 399%19`401, no. 4; SEG 2, 539; BE 1936:385; BE 1944:169; BE 1973:453; IMylasa 103; *Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 12%19`13, no. 103 (PH). @ @@`28. Honorary decree [of &3boule& and &3demos&] of (no name) for &3dikastes& [Theodoros Theodorou] of Mylasa, on orthostat; II&4e&%3I&4b&; found at Mylasa: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 307%19`318, no. 5.A (left column); BE 1936:384; Vidman, Sylloge no. 276; *IMylasa 632. @ @@`29. End of honorary decree of (no name) for [&3dikastes& Theodoros Theodorou]; II&4e&%3I&4b&; found at Mylasa: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 307%19`318, no. 5.B (right column), ll. 1%19`9; BE 1936:384; *IMylasa 633. @ @@`30. Honorary decree of &3demos& of T[eos] for &3dikastes& Theodoros Theodorou of [Myl]asa; II&4e&%3I&4b&; found at Mylasa: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 307%19`318, no. 5.B (right column), ll. 10%19`36; BE 1936:384; *IMylasa 634. @ @@`31. Honorary decree of &3boule& and &3d&[&3emos& of ... ]enoi for [&3dikast&]&3es& [Theodoros] Theodorou of Mylasa; II&4e&%3I&4b&; found at Mylasa: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 307%19`318, no. 5.B (right column), ll. 37%19`44; BE 1936:384; *IMylasa 635. @ @@`32. Unpublished fragment of honorary decree for military commander Xenodamos; no date; found at Mylasa: Robert, RA 6, 1935, 156; IMylasa I p. 267. @ @@`32.5. Honorary decree of Chalketor for Epa[ ... ] of Koarrheza, on marble architecture fragment; IV; found at Karakuyu: *IMylasa 911 (PH). @ @@`33. Fragment of honorary decree for [ ... ]on Apolloniou of Alexandria; Hellenistic; found at Mylasa: Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 263%19`265, no. 17 (center column); Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 37; *IMylasa 133. @ @@`33.5. Honorary decree for (no name), on marble block; IV; found at Hydisos: *IMylasa 951. @ @@`34. Fragment of honorary decree of Mylasa for (no name) of (no name); Hellenistic?; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 104. @ @@`35. Honorary decree of &3phyle& of O[t]o[r]k[ondeis] for (no name); Hellenistic; found at Mylasa: LW 411; *IMylasa 112. @ @@`36. Honorary decree of &3phyle& [of Otorkondeis] for (no name); Hellenistic; found at Mylasa: Hula %9 Szanto 13, no. 3; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 386, no. 34; SEG 4, 236; *IMylasa 113. @ @@`37. Honorary decree [of &3phyle&] of Otorkondeis for (no name); Hellenistic; found at Mylasa: LW 412; *IMylasa 114. @ @@`38. Honorary decree [of &3phyle&] of Otorkondei[s] for (no name); Hellenistic; found at Mylasa: LW 413; *IMylasa 115. @ @@`39. Honorary decree [of &3phyle&] of Otorkondeis for (no name); Hellenistic; found at Mylasa: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 12, 1888, 20%19`21, no. 7; BE 1888:118; SEG 4, 232; *IMylasa 116. @ @@`40. Honorary decree of [&3ph&]&3yle& of [Ot]orkonde[is] for (no name); Hellenistic; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 117. @ @@`41. Honorary decree of &3phy&[&3le& of Otorkondeis] for (no name); Hellenistic; found at Mylasa: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 12, 1888, 16%19`18, no. 5 (part); BE 1888:118; Hula %9 Szanto 12, no. 1 (part); *IMylasa 118 %7 II p. 1. @ @@`42. Honorary decree [of &3phyle& of Konodorkondeis] for gymnasiarch (no name); Hellenistic; found at Mylasa: LW 429; Robert, AJA 39, 1935, 336; *IMylasa 120 %7 II p. 1. @ @@`43. Honorary decree of &3syn&[&3geneia& of Ag]aniteis for (no name); Hellenistic; found at Mylasa: LW 430; Robert, Sinuri pp. 27%19`28; *IMylasa 122. @ @@`44. Honorary decree of [&3sygeneia&] of Ogond[eis] for (no name); Hellenistic; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 124. @ @@`45. End of honorary decree for foreign judges (no name); Hellenistic; found at Mylasa: Hula %9 Szanto 12%19`13, no. 2, ll. 1%19`5; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 382, no. 23, ll. 1%19`5; *IMylasa 125; Piejko, OAth 18:9, 1990, 151%19`153, no. 1, ll. 1%19`5. @ @@`46. Honorary decree of Mylasa for foreign judge (no name) and secretary (no name) of (no name); Hellenistic; found at Mylasa: LW 402; SEG 4, 229; *IMylasa 128. @ @@`47. Fragment of honorary decree for foreign judges (no name) of (no name); Hellenistic; found at Mylasa: LW 420; *IMylasa 129. @ @@`48. Fragment of honorary decree (?) for foreign judges (?) (no name) of (no name); Hellenistic; found at Mylasa: LW 432; *IMylasa 130. @ @@`49. Honorary decree of [Myl]asa for judge (?) (no name); Hellenistic; found at Mylasa: LW 391; *IMylasa 131. @ @@`50. Honorary decree for judge (no name) for decision involving sacred land of Aphrodite; Hellenistic; found at Mylasa: LW 419; SEG 4, 230; *IMylasa 132. @ @@`51. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name), mentioning Sarapis and Isis; Hellenistic; found at Mylasa: LW 395; SEG 4, 226; Vidman, Sylloge no. 275; *IMylasa 137. @ @@`52. Fragment of honorary decree [of &3phyle& (no name) (?)] for (no name); Hellenistic; found at Mylasa: Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 382, no. 22; SEG 4, 234; *IMylasa 140. @ @@`53. Fragment of honorary decree for &3di&[&3aitetes&] (no name); Hellenistic; found at Mylasa: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 109, no. 65; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 389, no. 28; SEG 4, 235; *IMylasa 141. @ @@`54. Fragment of honorary decree by &3phyle& (no name) for (no name); Hellenistic; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 142. @ @@`55. Honorary decree for (no name) referring to &3systema&; Hellenistic; found at Mylasa: Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 267, no. 19; Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 46; *IMylasa 144. @ @@`56. Fragment of honorary decree; Hellenistic; found at Mylasa: Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 401%19`402, no. 5.A&4`1&; SEG 2, 540.a.I; *IMylasa 145. @ @@`57. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name) mentioning [&3si&]&3todei&[&3a&]; Hellenistic; found at Mylasa: Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 401%19`402, no. 5.A&4`2&; SEG 2, 540.a.II; *IMylasa 146. @ @@`58. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name); Hellenistic; found at Mylasa: Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 401%19`402, no. 5.B; SEG 2, 540.b; *IMylasa 147. @ @@`59. Fragment of honorary decree of &3boul&[&3e& and &3demos&] for (no name) mentioning [Poseidon] Eisthmi[os]; Hellenistic; found at Mylasa: Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 401%19`402, no. 5.C; SEG 2, 540.c; *IMylasa 148. @ @@`60. End of honorary decree for (no name); Hellenistic; found at Mylasa: Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 23, no. 40; Laumonier, Cultes indige\nes 115, note 1; *IMylasa 149. @ @@`61. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name) mentioning Zeus L[abraundos]; Hellenistic; found at Mylasa: Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 24, no. 45; *IMylasa 150. @ @@`62. Fragment of honorary decree (?)for (no name); Hellenistic?; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 152. @ @@`63. Fragment of honorary decree (?) for (no name); Hellenistic?; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 153. @ @@`64. Fragment of honorary decree (?) for (no name); Hellenistic?; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 154. @ @@`65. Two fragments of honorary decree for (no name); Hellenistic?; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 155. @ @@`66. Fragment of honorary decree by [&3ph&]&3yle& (no name) (?) for (no name); Hellenistic?; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 156. @ ª@@`66.5. Honorary decree of Chalketor for (no name), on marble wall block; III; found at Chalketor: Paton %9 Myres. JHS 16, 1896, 228%19`229, no. 28; BE 1898:336; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 375%19`376, no. 15; BE 1900:133; *IMylasa 912. @ @@`67. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name), mentioning &3monoma&[&3choi&], on marble block; Roman; found at Mylasa: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 12, 1888, 11%19`12, no. 2; Robert, Glad. no. 171; BE Ä1940:149; BE 1973:414; *IMylasa 531. @ @@`68. Honorary decree for judge (no name) of (no name); II%3I; found at Mylasa: LW 397; *IMylasa 127. @ @@`69. Fragment of honorary decree of &3phyle& (?) (no name) for (no name); II%3I; found at Mylasa: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 101%19`105, no. 6; *IMylasa 134. @ @@`70. Fragment of honorary decree by &3phyle& (no name) (?); II%3I; found at Mylasa: LW 410; *IMylasa 136. @ @@`71. Fragment of honorary decree of &3phyle& (no name); II%3I; said to have been found at Karyanda, therefore presumably found at Gu+ndog%27an in territory of Myndos, perhaps from Mylasa: LW 499; Froehner, ILouvre no. 45; SEG 4, 202; *IMylasa I pp. 269%19`270, App. no. 1. @ Ǫ@@`71.5. Fragment of honorary decree of [My]lasa for (no name), on marble fragment; II%3I; found at Mylasa: *Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 1%19`2, no. 158. @ @@`72. Honorary decree for (no name) mentioning &3leitourgia&; II; found at Mylasa: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 318%19`320, no. 6 (PH); *IMylasa 139. @ @@`73. Fragment of honorary decree of (no name) for &3dikastai& (no name) [of Mylasa (?)]; II; found at Mylasa: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 320%19`321, no. 7.a (PH); BE 1936:384; *IMylasa 636. @ @@`74. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name); imperial; found at Mylasa: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 12, 1888, 35%19`36, no. 17; *IMylasa 151. @ @@`75. Honorary decree for (no name), &3archiereus& of Augusti, mentioning [Hie]rokles Protoleo[ntos]; 1%1; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 143. @ ˪@@`75.5. Fragment of honorary decree of Hydai for (no name), on block of bluish stone; no date; found at Hydai: *IMylasa 901 (PH). @ @@`76. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name), mentioning [S]tephanion Epheme[rou]; no date; found at Mylasa: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 12, 1888, 12%19`14, no. 3; Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 60; BE 1965:370; *IMylasa 138 %7 II p. 1. @ @@`77. Fragment of decree giving citizenship; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 360; *IMylasa 176. @ @@`78. Fragment of honorary decree (?) for (no name), mentioning Ephesos; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 446; *IMylasa 415 (PH). @ @@`79. Fragment of honorary decree (?) of &3phyle& (?) for gymnasia[rch] (?), mentioning Leon; no date; found at Mylasa: Homolle, BCH 18, 1894, 544; *IMylasa 416 %7 II p. 5. @ See also: Syll&4`3& 603 (%6 SEG 23, 307) (%6 IMylasa II T69) (honorary decree of &3hierom&[&3na&]&3mones& of Amphiktyons for Pixodaros Kratea of M[yla]sa; found at Delphi); Erythrai 12.5 (%6 SEG 31, 1969) (%6 IMylasa II T82) (honorary decree (of Erythrai) for Idrieus Hekatomneo of Mylasa; found at Erythrai); Erythrai 15 (%6 IErythrai 81) (%6 IMylasa II T81) (%6 LW 40) (%6 Syll&4`3& 168) (honorary decree of Erythrai for Mausollos [He]kat[omno] of Mylasa and wife Artemisie; found at Erythrai); SEG 33, 861 (%6 Hula %9 Szanto 9, no. 1) (%6 IMylasa II p. 13), (%6 Robert, Amyzon 203%19`204), ll. 7, 9, 17 (honorary decree (of Euromos) for (no name), who acted as representative (of Euromos) in trial against Mylasa; found at Euromos); Halikarnassos 11 (%6 SEG 29, 1072) (%6 ZPE 34, 1979, 217, 5) (honorary decree for Papylos of (no name); found at Halikarnassos, or poss. at Mylasa); Iasos 32 (%6 IIasos 56) (honorary decree of Iasos for Theophilos Iatragorou of Hydisos; found at Iasos); Iasos 33 (%6 IIasos 77) (%6 IMylasa II T53) (honorary decree (of Iasos) for foreign judges [ ... ] Alexandrou and Krat[ ... ... ] of [Myla]sa (?); found at Iasos); Iasos 33.5 (%6 SEG 36, 982.A) (%6 RAL 40, 1985, 152) (proxeny decree of Iasos for [ ... ]ssos Artaou of Chalketor; found at Iasos); Labraunda 2 (%6 ILabraunda 43) (honorary decree of Chrysa[orei]s for Apollonios Diodot[ou (?) ... ]s%1 mentions S%1[y]s%1[k]e[s (?) ... o]u of Mylasa; found at Labraunda); IG IX 2, 507 (%6 IMylasa II T54) (honorary decree of Thessaly for foreign judges (no name) of Mylasa; found at Larisa in Thessaly); Be/quignon, BCH 59, 1935, 67 (%6 IMylasa II T55) (honorary decree (of Larisa in Thessaly) for foreign judges Men[ ... ... ]ou et al. of Mylasa; found at Larisa in Thessaly); Miletos 49 (%6 IMylasa II T83) (%6 Chiron, 18, 1988, 384) (%6 SEG 31, 1643) (honorary decree of Miletos for Thys[sos ... of My]lasa; found at Miletos); Priene 106 (%6 IPriene 121) (%6 IMylasa II T58), ll. 29%19`30 (honorary decree [of Priene] for (no name), mentioning embassies to Mylasa and other cities; found at Priene); IG XII Suppl. p. 134, no. 305 (%6 IMylasa II T52) (%6 BE 1959:30) (fragment of honorary decree for (no name) (of Mylasa); found on Tenos). @ Џ@@@@Section: 1c. Decrees Concerning Land Transactions (80%19`91) @ @@`80. Decree of &3phyle& of Otorkondeis concerning leasing of land; III; found at Mylasa: LW 404; *IMylasa 201. @ @@`81. Decree of &3phyle& of Otorkondeis concerning sale of land of Iatrokles; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: CIG 2693f, ll. 3%19`11; LW 414, ll. 3%19`11; *IMylasa 203. @ @@`82. Fragment of decree of &3phy&[&3le& of O]to[r]kondeis concerning sale of land to Diodotos; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: CIG 2694.a; *IMylasa 205. @ @@`83. Decree [of &3phyle& of Otorkondeis] concerning purchase of land from Diodotos; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: CIG 2694.b; *IMylasa 206. @ @@`84. Decree of &3phyle& of Otorkondeis concerning purchase of land from Thraseas; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: LW 393 (part); Mous. II 1, 1875%19`1876, 50%19`51, no. 170.B; Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 107%19`119, no. 11.A; Dareste %9 Haussoullier %9 Reinach, Rec. inscr. jur. gr. no. 13&3quater& (non vidi); Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 22, 1888, 29%19`31; BE 1900:132; BE 1970:557; *IMylasa 207 (PH, part). @ @@`85. Decree of &3phyle& of Otorkondeis concerning lease of land to Thraseas; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: Kirchhoff, Hermes 15, 1880, 383%19`384; Nea Smyrne, 10 May 1880 (non vidi); Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 107%19`119, no. 11.C; Dareste %9 Haussoullier %9 Reinach, Rec. inscr. jur. gr. no. 13&3quater.&C (non vidi); *IMylasa 208. @ @@`86. Fragment of decree of &3phyle& of [O]torkondeis concerning land; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 12, 1888, 21%19`25, no. 8; *IMylasa 211. @ @@`87. Decree of &3phyle& [of Otorkondeis] concerning purchase of land from Thraseas; II&4`1&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: CIG 2693e; LW 416; Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 107%19`119, no. 11.B; Dareste %9 Haussoullier %9 Reinach, Rec. inscr. jur. gr. no. 13&3quater.&B (non vidi); *IMylasa 212; Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 14. @ @@`88. Decree of &3phyle& of Ot[o]rkond[eis] concerning lease of land to (no name); II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: Homolle, BCH 19, 1895, 558%19`559, no. 1; MDAI(A) 21, 1896, 119%19`120; Iordanides, Harmonia 14 Feb. 1896 (non vidi); *IMylasa 218. @ @@`89. Beginning of decree of [&3syngeneia&] of Ag[a]niteis concerning leased land; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: Hula %9 Szanto 15%19`16, no. 9, ll. 8%19`14; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 384%19`385, no. 29, ll. 8%19`14; BE 1900:132; Guarducci, MAL 6 Ser. 8, 1938, 125, no. 32; BE 1939:370; *IMylasa 222. @ @@`90. Fragment of decree of [&3phyle&] of Otorkonde[is] concerning leased (?) land; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa, perhaps part of same text as Mylasa 179: *IMylasa 231. @ @@`91. End of decree [of &3phyle& of Otorkondeis] concerning purchase of land, on marble slab; II&4`2&; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 207B (IMylasa II pp. 2%19`3), ll. 1%19`2 (PH). @ See also: Mylasa 116, 158%19`192. @ ܏@@@@Section: 1d. Decrees of Cretan Cities (92%19`110.5) @ @@`92. Fragment of decree of Cretan city (no name); II; found at Mylasa: LW 380; SGDI 5157; *IMylasa 641. @ @@`93. Fragment of decree of Cretan city mentioning (no name) of [Gort]yn and [Kn]osos; II; found at Mylasa: LW 381; Baunack, Studien auf dem Gebiete des Griechischen no. 1; SGDI 5158; ICret IV Gortyn no. 177*; *IMylasa 642. @ @@`94. Fragment of decree of Cretan city mandating treaty between Mylasa and Cretans, with small apices; II; found at Mylasa: LW ރ382; Baunack, Studien auf dem Gebiete des Griechischen no. 2; SGDI 5159 (non vidi); Wilhelm, Griech. Inschr. rechtl. Inhalts 85%19`86 (%6 Akadschr. III 479%19`480); SEG 13, 489; BE 1953:186; *IMylasa 643. @ @@`95. Fragment of decree of Cretan city concerning treaty between Mylasa and Cretans; II; found at Mylasa: LW 383.a; Baunack, Studien auf dem Gebiete des Griechischen no. 3.a; SGDI 5160.a; *IMylasa 644. @ @@`96. Fragment of decree of Cretan city concerning treaty between Mylasa and Cretans; II; found at Mylasa: LW 383.b; Baunack, Studien auf dem Gebiete des Griechischen no. 3.b; SGDI 5160.b; *IMylasa 645. @ @@`97. Fragment of decree of [Cret]an city concerning relations with [Mylas]a; II; found at Mylasa: LW 384.a; Baunack, Studien auf dem Gebiete des Griechischen no. 4.a; SGDI 5161; *IMylasa 646. @ @@`98. Fragment [of decree of Cretan city (?)]; II; found at Mylasa: LW 384.b; Baunack, Studien auf dem Gebiete des Griechischen no. 4.b; *IMylasa 647. @ @@`99. Fragment of decree [of Cretan city] (?); II; found at Mylasa: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 12, 1888, 8%19`11, no. 1 (left column), ll. 1%19`3; BE 1888:118; Baunack, Studien auf dem Gebiete des Griechischen no. 5.a; SGDI 5162.a, ll. 1%19`2; *IMylasa 648. @ @@`100. Decree [of &3kosmoi& and &3po&]&3lis& of Cretan city concerning relations with [Mylasa]; II; found at Mylasa: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 12, 1888, 8%19`11, no. 1 (left column), ll. 16%19`20; BE 1888:118; Baunack, Studien auf dem Gebiete des Griechischen no. 5.b; SGDI 5162.a, ll. 5%19`19; *IMylasa 649. @ @@`101. Decree of [&3kos&]&3moi& and &3polis& of Cretan city concerning relations with [Myla]sa; II; found at Mylasa: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 12, 1888, 8%19`11, no. 1 (right column); BE 1888:118; Baunack, Studien auf dem Gebiete des Griechischen no. 5.c; SGDI 5162.b; SEG 4, 231; *IMylasa 650. @ @@`102. Fragment of decree of Cretan city concerning relations with Mylasa, on marble block; II; found at Mylasa: Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 618%19`620, no. 17 (left column); BE 1891:334; SGDI 5163.a; *IMylasa 651. @ @@`103. Decree of Cretan city concerning relations with Mylasa, on marble block; II; found at Mylasa: Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 618%19`620, no. 17 (right column); BE 1891:334; SGDI 5163.b; *IMylasa 652 %7 II p. 6. @ @@`104. Fragment of decree of [Cret]an city concerning relations with [Mylasa,] on limestone fragment; II; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 653. @ @@`105. Fragment of decree of [Gortyn (?)] concerning relations between Cretans and [Mylasa,] on gray marble; II; found at Mylasa: Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 262%19`263, no. 16; BE 1891:334; SGDI 5164; ICret IV Gortyn no. 178*; *IMylasa 654 %7 II p. 6. @ @@`106. Fragment of decree of Cretan city concerning relations with [Mylasa]; II; found at Mylasa: Hula %9 Szanto 13, no. 4; *IMylasa 655 %7 II p. 6. @ @@`107. Fragment of decree of Cretan city [concerning relations with Mylasa]; II; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 656. @ @@`108. Fragment of decree of Cretan city concerning relations with Mylasa; II; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 657 %7 II p. 6. @ @@`109. Fragment of decree of Cretan city concerning relations with Myla[sa,] on bluish stone; II; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 658. @ @@`110. Fragment of decree of Cretan city concerning relations with Mylas[a]; II; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 659. @ @@`110.5. Fragment of decree of Cretan city; II; found at Mylasa: *Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 5%19`6, no. 660 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 1e. Other Decrees (111%19`127) @ @@`111. Fragment of decree dated by [Artax[erxes (II)]; c. 399%3`376 BC; found at Mylasa: Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 35; BE 1892:364; Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, 155, note 1; Robert, Et. anat. 571%19`573; Robert, Sinuri 100; Hornblower, Mausolus no. M3; *IMylasa 4 %7 II p. 7. @ @@`112. Decree of &3ekklesie& of &3polis& of Mylasa confiscating property of Arlissis Thyssollou for plotting against Maussollos, with curse for violators; 367%3`366 BC; found at Mylasa: CIG 2691.c %7 p. 473; LW 377; Froehner, ILouvre no. 96.A; Bechtel, Inschr. ion. Dial. no. 248.a; Michel 471.I; SGDI 5753.a; Schwyzer, DGEEP 746.A; Syll&4`2& 107 (non vidi); Syll&4`3& 167, ll. 1%19`16; Tod II no. 138, ll. 1%19`16; *IMylasa 1 (PH) %7 II p. 7. @ @@`113. Decree of &3ekklesie& of Mylasa against sons of Peldemos for damaging statue of Hekatomnos, with curse for violators; 361%3`360 BC; found at Mylasa: CIG 2691.d; LW 378; Froehner, ILouvre no. 96.B; Bechtel, Inschr. ion. Dial. no. 248.b; Michel 471.II; SGDI 5753.b; Schwyzer, DGEEP 746.B; Syll&4`2& 107 (non vidi); Syll&4`3& 167, ll. 17%19`31; Tod II no. 138, ll. 17%19`31; *IMylasa 2 (PH) %7 II p. 7. @ @@`114. Decree of Mylasa against Manitas Paktyo, Thyssos Sysko, and anyone else who plotted against Maussollos, with curse against violators; 355%3`354 BC; found at Mylasa: CIG 2691.e; LW 379; Froehner, ILouvre no. 96.C; Bechtel, Inschr. ion. Dial. no. 248.c; Michel 471.III; SGDI 5753.c; Schwyzer, DGEEP 746.C; Syll&4`2& 107 (non vidi); Syll&4`3& 167, ll. 32%19`50; Tod II no. 138, ll. 32%19`50; *IMylasa 3 (PH) %7 II p. 7. @ @@`115. Fragment of decree, with dating in seventh year of A[rtaxerxes (III)], on marble fragment; 353%3`352 BC; found at Mylasa: Szanto, JO+AI 2, 1899, 103%19`104; BE 1902:89; Syll&4`3& 170; Wilhelm, Beitra+ge 2; Robert, Sinuri 100; *IMylasa 5 %7 II p. 7; **Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 12 (l. 1). @ @@`116. &3Antigraphon& of decree (?) concerning grant of land to [Hermaios (?)] by King Philip (Arrhidaios); c. 317 BC, reinscribed c. 200 BC; found at Mylasa: CIG 2692 %7 p. 474; LW 387; Froehner, ILouvre no. 133; Wilhelm, Griech. Inschr. rechtl. Inh. 8%19`12 (%6 Akadschr. III 402%19`406); SEG 13, 488; BE 1953:185; *IMylasa 21 (PH) %7 II p. 7. @ @@`116.3. Fragment of decree concerning sympolity between Chalketor and (no name) (Euromos or Mylasa%1), on marble wall block; III; found at Karakuyu: Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 229, no. 29; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 376%19`377, no. 16; BE 1900:131; BE 1970:555; Robert, BCH 102, 1978, 517 (non vidi); BE 1979:451,455; Marek, Chiron 12, 1982, 119%19`123; BE 1983:401; SEG 32, 1109; *IMylasa 913; BE 1987:294. @ @@`116.6. Unpublished fragment of decree; III; found at C%25amko+y: Robert, RA 6, 1935, 162; IMylasa II p. 127. @ @@`117. Fragment of decree mentioning Tib[erius (?),] on altar; imperial; found at Mylasa: LW 444; *IMylasa 604. @ @@`118. Decree of &3boule& and &3demos& concerning coinage, on marble stele; AD 209%3`211; found at Mylasa: Homolle, BCH 18, 1894, 544%19`546; Reinach, BCH 20, 1896, 523%19`548; BE 1898:336; OGIS 515; Glotz, CRAI 1908, 585 (non vidi); Abbott %9 Johnson no. 133; Frank, Econ. Survey IV 895%19`897; BE 1962:297; Bogaert, Epigraphica III no. 24; Freis, Historische Inschriften no. 139; *IMylasa 605. @ @@`118.1. Unpublished fragment of decree of Kasossos; no date; found at Aslanyakas#1221: Robert, RA 6, 1935, 162; IMylasa II p. 127. @ @@`118.3. Beginning of decree, with dating under &3stephan&[&3ephoros ... The]ogenido[u]; no date; found at Chalketor: Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 230, no. 31, ll. 8%19`9; *IMylasa 919. @ @@`118.5. Fragment of unpublished decree of Hydai, on white marble block; no date; found at Hydai: Robert, AJA 39, 1935, 338; *IMylasa 902.1. @ @@`118.7. Fragment of unpublished decree mentioning Apollo [and Artem]is, on white marble block; no date; found at Hydai: Robert, Sinuri 34; *IMylasa 902.2. @ @@`118.9. Unpublished decree with phrase &3en tei parastadi&; no date; found at Kasossos: Robert, Sinuri 55; *IMylasa 949. @ @@`119. Fragment of decree mentioning Drakon and Iasos; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 392; *IMylasa 177. @ @@`120. Fragment of decree, dated by [&3grammateus&] of &3boule Men%1[ippos]; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 373; *IMylasa 178. @ @@`121. Beginning of decree, mentioning [Heg]emoneus Sotadou; no date; found at Mylasa: Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 57, ll. 4%19`9; *IMylasa 179. @ @@`122. Decree of &3syngeneia& concerning building in &3naos&; no date; found at Mylasa: Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 231, no. 33; BE 1898:336; Wilhelm, NBeitra+ge I 61%19`62 (%6 Akadschr. I 79%19`80); Robert, Sinuri 28%19`29; BE 1944:169; *IMylasa 502. @ @@`123. Fragment of decree (?) concerning &3erga& and spending for them; no date; found at Mylasa: CIG 2695; LW 421; Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 108, no. 63 (part); Homolle, BCH 18, 1894, 544; *IMylasa 503 %7 II p. 5. @ @@`124. Fragment of decree (?); no date; found at Mylasa: LW 428; *IMylasa 704. @ @@`125. Fragment of decree mentioning &3polemos&; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 431; *IMylasa 705. @ @@`126. Fragment of decree (?); no date; found at Mylasa: LW 439; *IMylasa 709. @ @@`127. Fragment of regulations (?); no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 759. @ See also: Magnesia 46 (%6 IMagnesia 93.c%19d) (%6 Syll&4`3& 679.IV) (%6 IPriene 531.III) (decree (of Mylasa) concerning dispute between Magnesia Mai. and Priene; found at Magnesia Mai.); Miletos 38 (%6 Milet I 3, no. 146A) (%6 IMylasa II T51.A) (%6 Staatsvertra+ge III 539.I) (decree of Miletos establishing isopolity with Mylasa; found at Miletos); Miletos 22 (%6 Milet I 3, no. 146B) (%6 IMylasa II T51.B) (%6 Staatsvertra+ge III 539.II) (decree of Mylasa establishing isopolity with Miletos; found at Miletos); IMylasa 863 (decree (of Mylasa) concerning division of Olymos and Labran[da] into &3phylai, syngeneiai,& and &3patrai&; found at Olymos); Stratonikeia 2 (%6 Robert, Amyzon p. 100), l. 3 (preamble of decree includes reference to Mylasa; found at Stratonikeia). @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ See also: Mylasa 94%19`96, 116.3; Miletos 60 (%6 Syll&4`3& 588) (%6 IMylasa II T86) (%6 Chiron 19, 1989, 283) (%6 Milet I 3, no. 148), ll. 13%19`15 (peace treaty between Miletos and Magnesia Mai. involves mediating envoys from [Mylas]a (?); found at Miletos). @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (128%19`135) @ @@`128. Fragment of royal letter (?) granting &3ateleia&; Hellenistic%1; found at Mylasa: LW 385; *IMylasa 24; Piejko, OAth 18:9, 1990, 155%19`156, no. 3; SEG 37, 871. @ @@`129. Fragment of royal letter (?); Hellenistic%1; found at Mylasa: LW 386; *IMylasa 25. @ @@`130. Fragment of royal letter (?); Hellenistic%1; found at Mylasa: Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 44; *IMylasa 26. @ @@`131. Fragment of royal letter mentioning Alexandros; 230%3`225 BC; found at Mylasa: Hula %9 Szanto 15, no. 7; Welles no. 29; BE 1936:385; Crampa, OAth 8, 1968, 171%19`178; Crampa, Labraunda III 1, 92%19`93; BE 1970:555; *IMylasa 22. @ @@`132. Letter of Olympichos [to Mylasa] giving to Mylasa rights to Labraunda; 220 BC, copied 1; found at Mylasa, text identical with that of Labraunda 41: LW 389.b; ILabraunda 4; BE 1965:368 (p. 160), 369; Labraunda 41; BE 1970:556; *IMylasa 23. @ @@`132.5. Letter (of Zeuxis) in name of King Antiochos (III); c. 197 BC; found at Kildara: Robert, Amyzon 181%19`187 (PH); Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 614%19`615; SEG 33, 867; *IMylasa 962. @ @@`133. Letter of Roman magistrate to Mylasa concerning &3phoros&; 38 BC%3AD 14; prob. found at Mylasa, not at Stratonikeia: Fellows, Acct. 72, 364 no. 87, 370 no. 94; CIG 2695b %7 p. 1107 %7 2700e; LW 443 %7 442 %7 437; Abbott %9 Johnson no. 32; Sherk 59; BE 1971:3; IStratonikeia 1023 (part); former Stratonikeia 201; *IMylasa 601 (PH). @ @@`134. Letter of Octavian to Mylasa in answer to representations of &3presbeutai&; 31 BC; found at Mylasa: LW 441; Froehner, ILouvre no. 72; Syll&4`2& 350 (non vidi); Syll&4`3& 768; Abbott %9 Johnson no. 30; Ehrenberg %9 Jones&4`2& no. 303; Malcovati, Imp. Caes. Aug. Operum Fragm.&4`5& 39%19`40, no. 65; Sherk 60; SEG 34, 1071; *IMylasa 602 (PH). @ @@`135. Letter of Roman magistrate concerning &3poroi&; imperial; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 603 (PH). @ See also: Mylasa 360%19`361; Magnesia 121 (%6 IMagnesia 93.b) (%6 Syll&4`3& 679) (%6 IPriene 531.II) (%6 Sherk 7) (letter of praetor Marcus Aemilius [to &3boule& and &3demos& of Mylasa] introducing Senatus Consultum concerning dispute between Magnesia Mai. and Priene; found at Magnesia Mai.); Miletos 63 (%6 Priene 137) (%6 Milet I 2, no. 3) (%6 Sherk 52) (letter of Roman praetor to Miletos, &3koinon& of Hellenes, and other cities, including Mylasa; copies found at Miletos and Priene); Panamara 20 (%6 IStratonikeia 30) (%6 IMylasa II T60) (letter of priest of Zeus to people of Myl[asa] inviting them to festival of Zeus; found at Panamara near Stratonikeia). @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (136) @ @@`136. Edict on prices of Diocletian in Latin; AD 301; found at Mylasa, copies found at many other sites: LW 451 %7 452 %7 453; CIL III 820 no. N, 1910 no. O, 2072 no. 12256, 2208, 2209 no. SS, 2328%3`57, 2328%3`60 no.'s CCC, DDD; Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 280, no. 31; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 386%19`391, no. 35; Lauffer, Diocletians Preisedikt 30%19`31; *Giacchero, Edictum Diocletiani 59%19`60, 127%19`129; IMylasa 606. @ See also: Mylasa 362. @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (137%19`138) @ @@`137. List of donors for building of &3stoa,& beginning with [He]katomonos Ouliadou; II&4e&%3I&4b&; found at Mylasa: Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 261%19`262, no. 15; *IMylasa 501. @ @@`138. Fragment listing sums of money, including [&3hemiob&]&3elion&; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 479; *IMylasa 716. @ See also: Mylasa 363; IG I&4`3& 263, 265, 266, 270 (frequent mention of Chalketor, Hydai, Kydai, Killara, and Mylasa in Athenian Tribute Lists; found in Attica); Didyma 78 (%6 IDidyma 475) (%6 IMylasa II T57) (inventory of donations mentions &3phiale& from Mylasa; found at Didyma); IDelos III 1442.A, l. 47 (%6 IMylasa II T72) (%6 BE 1974:540) (inventory includes &3phiale& donated by Ai%1thon Proteou of Mylasa; found on Delos); Iasos 115 (%6 IIasos 202) (%6 IMylasa II T79), l. 7 (list of choregic donations mentions donation by [ ... ]a[ ... ] Demetriou of Mylasa; found at Iasos). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (139%19`157.5) @ @@`139. Building inscription of &3keion& by Lu(cius) Furius Bassus, gymnasiarch, on fragment of column; Roman; found near Mylasa: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 109%19`110, no. 66; *IMylasa 505. @ @@`139.5. Dedication of &3kankellos& (?), on gray marble fragment; Roman; found at Hydisos: *IMylasa 957 (PH). @ @@`140. Dedication of &3oikos& and &3prodomos& to Meter Th[2e]2on by Kosinas Iasonos, &3hiereia& of Meter Theon, on stone block; II; found at Mylasa: Roos, Eranos 76, 1978, 179%19`186 (PH); SEG 28, 848; BE 1979:456; *IMylasa 336. @ @@`141. Dedication of [&3k&]&3ion& by Hermias Politou, [&3hiereus&] of Poseidon Isth[mios,] on column%19drum; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: Robert, Sinuri 31; BE 1944:169; *IMylasa 338. @ @@`141.5. Dedication of &3balanea& to &3demos& by Aetion Phaniou, on marble architectural fragment; I; found at Mylasa: *Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 5, no. 512. @ @@`142. Dedication to Zeus Osogo of eight &3kiones& by Pollis Hierokleous, priest of Zeus Osogo and Zeus Labraundos, and family, on column; I&4`2&%3`1; found at Mylasa: LW 348; Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 98%19`100, no. 2, ll. 7%19`17; Michel 1204.B; *IMylasa 326. @ @@`143. Fragment of dedication to emperor, on architrave fragment; imperial; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 38. @ @@`144. Dedication of Eros and surrounding &3thalame& by [Tib(erius) C]l(audius) Seleukos, on marble base; imperial; found at Mylasa: Homolle, BCH 18, 1894, 544; Hula %9 Szanto 18, no. 13; MDAI(A) 22, 1897, 230, no. 2; BE 1898:337; Iordanides, Harmonia 23 Jan. 1897 (non vidi); Robert, Laodice/e 255; BE 1970:557; *IMylasa 331. @ @@`145. Dedication to Augusti and Dea Roma by &3demos& on epistyle of temple of Augustus and Rome; 12%3`2 BC; found at Mylasa: CIG 2696; von Hesberg, Aufstieg und Niedergang 16.2, 956 (non vidi); *IMylasa 31 %7 II p. 1. @ @@`146. Dedication of &3bema, agalma,& and &3ta syn auto& to Nemesis and &3demos& by Artemeisia Pa[mph]ilou, &3hiereia& of Nemesis, on architrave fragment; 1; found at Mylasa: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 39; Hicks, CR 3, 1889, 137, no.'s 8%19`9; *IMylasa 337. @ @@`147. Dedication to Augusti by Aristomenes Matris Hyssaldomos, of &3krenai,& etc.; 1; found at Mylasa: Hula %9 Szanto 17, no. 11; *IMylasa 504. @ @@`147.5. Dedication to Titus by Aristophanes Deme[t]riou, on gray marble architrave: AD 79%3`80; found on Asar Dag%27: Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 627%19`628, no. 30; Fabricius, SDAW 1894, 917; *IMylasa 952. @ @@`148. Dedication to [A]pollo of &3kosmos& by Ision Philometoros, on architrave fragments, with apices; no date; found at Mylasa: Laumonier, RA 2, 1933, 39, no. 2; BE 1934:245; *IMylasa 328. @ @@`149. Dedication of &3pa&[&3r&]&3astas& by (no name) [Dio]nysiou, &3hiereus of Aphrodeite Sy[2ri]2a; I%3`1?; found at Mylasa: Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 259, no. 12; SEG 16, 703; *IMylasa 329. @ @@`150. Fragment of building inscription mentioning Diodoros D[ ... ], on bluish stone; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 506. @ @@`151. Fragment of building inscription concerning &3epistylia&; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 422; *IMylasa 507. @ @@`152. Fragment of building inscription mentioning Corinthian [&3kiones&]; no date; found at Mylasa: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 108%19`109, no. 64; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 391%19`392, no. 38; *IMylasa 508. @ @@`153. Fragment referring to &3pros&[&3ken&]&3ion,& on architrave fragment; no date; found at Mylasa: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 38; *IMylasa 509. @ @@`154. Fragment of building (?) inscription mentioning &3pylon,& on marble fragment; no date; found at Mylasa: Hula %9 Szanto, p. 17; Hornblower, Mausolus 292, note 174; *IMylasa 510. @ @@`155. Inscription fragment mentioning thirty &3kio&[&3nes&], on architrave fragment; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 511. Robert, RA 6, 1935, 156; @ @@`156. Fragment on architrave, with word [&3an&]&3dra&; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 758. @ @@`157. Unpublished fragment concerning construction; no date; found at Mylasa: Robert, RA 6, 1935, 156; IMylasa I p. 267. @ @@`157.5. Fragment of building inscription, on marble architrave fragment; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 956. @ See also: Mylasa 32.5, 122%19`123, 137, 364%19`366; Ephesos 410 (%6 IEphesos 2045) (%6 FiE II no. 45) (acclamation for proconsul Ambr[osi(o)s] (of Mylasa), who restored building; found at Ephesos). @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (157.7%19`197) @ @@@@Section: 8a. Documents Concerning Land (157.7%19`182.45) @ @@`157.7. Treaty between Mylasa and Kindya, concerning sale of land, with list of witnesses from Kasolaba, Kyblissa, Kildara, Iasos, Syangela, Halikarnassos, [Knid]os (?), Kaunos, and Pladasa; IV&7m&; found at Sek: IMylasa 11; *Blu+mel, EA 16, 1991, 30%19`32 (PH). @ @@`157.9. Treaty between Mylasa and (no name), concerning sale of land, with list of witnesses from Arlissos, Hydai, Kaunos, Koarenza, Hiera Kome, Alabanda, Latmos, Pladasa, Keramos, Armelitai (?), Ouranion, Koliorgos, and Koloneis; IV&7m&; found at Sek: IMylasa 12; *Blu+mel, EA 16, 1991, 32%19`34 (PH). @ @@`158. Document [of &3phyle& of Otorkondeis] concerning sale of land [of Iatrokles]; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: CIG 2693f, ll. 1%19`3; LW 414, ll. 1%19`3; *IMylasa 202. @ @@`159. Document of &3phyle& of Otorkondeis concerning taking possession of land of [I]atrokles; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: LW 415; *IMylasa 204 (PH). @ @@`160. Document of purchase of land from Thraseas; II&4`2&; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 207B (IMylasa II pp. 2%19`3), ll. 3%19`17 (PH). @ @@`161. Fragment of document [of &3phyle& of Otorkondeis] concerning lease of land to Thraseas; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: Hula %9 Szanto 16%19`17, no. 10, ll. 1%19`4; Buckler, ABSA 22, 1916%19`1918, 211%19`213, no. 8, ll. 1%19`4; *IMylasa 209. @ @@`162. Leasing contract between [&3phyle& of Otorkondeis] and [Thraseas]; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: Hula %9 Szanto 16%19`17, no. 10, ll. 5%19`17; Buckler, ABSA 22, 1916%19`1918, 211%19`213, no. 8, ll. 5%19`18; *IMylasa 210. @ @@`163. Fragment of document concerning lease of land, Thraseas, and &3phyle& of [Otor]kondeis; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 12, 1888, 26, no. 9 (left column); BE 1970:557; *IMylasa 213. @ @@`164. Document concerning possession by Otorkondeis of land of Thraseas; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: Mous. II 1, 1875%19`1876, 50%19`51, no. 170.A (part); Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 12, 1888, 25%19`31, no. 9 (center %9 right columns); SGDI 5755; BE 1970:557; *IMylasa 214. @ @@`165. Fragment of document of &3phyle& [of Otorkondeis] concerning land in &3Ombianon pedion&; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 272%19`275, no. 21.A; Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 39.A; *IMylasa 215. @ @@`166. Document of [&3phyle& of] Otorkondeis concerning lease of land to Alasta Prot%1[eou]; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 272%19`275, no. 21.B; Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 39.B; *IMylasa 216. @ @@`167. Document concerning taking possession of land sold; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: Robert, Sinuri 13; *IMylasa 217 (PH). @ @@`168. Fragment of document concerning leasing, with word &3nomophyla&[&3x&]; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: MDAI(A) 22, 1897, 230, no. 1, ll. 1%19`2; BE 1898:337; Iordanides, Harmonia 23 Jan. 1897 (non vidi); Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 398%19`399, no. 3, ll. 1%19`2; SEG 2, 538, ll. 1%19`2; *IMylasa 219. @ @@`169. Fragment of document of &3syngeneia& of Aganiteis concerning leased land; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: MDAI(A) 22, 1897, 230, no. 1, ll. 3%19`10; BE 1898:337; Iordanides, Harmonia 23 Jan. 1897 (non vidi); Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 398%19`399, no. 3, ll. 3%19`10; SEG 2, 538, ll. 3%19`10; *IMylasa 220. @ @@`170. End of document concerning leased land, with prohibition of violation; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: Hula %9 Szanto 15%19`16, no. 9, ll. 1%19`7; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 384%19`385, no. 29, ll. 1%19`7; *IMylasa 221. @ @@`171. Fragment of document concerning leased or sold land; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: LW 425; *IMylasa 223. @ @@`172. End of document concerning leased land mentioning Sindateis; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 106%19`107, no. 10; *IMylasa 224. @ @@`173. Fragment of document concerning leased land (?), with penalty for violation; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: LW 417; *IMylasa 225. @ @@`174. Fragment of document concerning leased land and mentioning (&3phyle& of) [Korm]oskoneis; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 226. @ @@`175. Fragment of document concerning leased (?) land and mentioning Menippos Glau[kou]; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: LW 426; *IMylasa 227. @ @@`176. Fragment of document concerning leased land; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 12, 1888, 31%19`32, no. 10; *IMylasa 228. @ @@`177. Fragment of document concerning leased (?) land and mentioning Phanias; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: LW 433; *IMylasa 229. @ @@`178. Fragment of document concerning leased (?) land and mentioning &3Ombianon pedion&; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: LW 450; *IMylasa 230. @ @@`179. Fragment of document concerning leased (?) land mentioning [&3phyle& of Otork]ondeis and Strat[ ... ]; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa, perhaps part of same decree as Mylasa 90: *IMylasa 232. @ @@`180. First unpublished document concerning purchase of land, referring to &3Ombianon pedion&; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: Robert, Amyzon I 101, note 25; *IMylasa 762. @ @@`181. Second unpublished document concerning purchase of land; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: Robert, Amyzon I 101, note 25; IMylasa I p. 267 &3ad& no. 762. @ @@`182. Third unpublished document concerning purchase of land; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: Robert, Amyzon I 101, note 25; IMylasa I p. 267 &3ad& no. 762. @ @@`182.1. Fragment of document doncerning acquisition of land at Hydai, on block of bluish stone; II&4`2&; found at Hydai: *IMylasa 903 (PH). @ @@`182.2. Fragment of document concerning lease of land, on white marble block; II&4`2&; found at Hydai: *IMylasa 904 (PH). @ @@`182.3. Fragment of document concerning lease of land, dated under &3stephanephoros& Leon, on white marble block; II&4`2&; found at Hydai: *IMylasa 905 (PH). @ @@`182.4. Fragment of document concerning lease of land; II&4`2&; found at Hydai: *IMylasa 906. @ @@`182.45. Fragment of document of [Kasos]sos dividing land, on bluish stone; II&4`2&; found at Kasossos: Hula %9 Szanto p. 24, no. 4; *IMylasa 943. @ See also: Mylasa 80%19`91, 116. @ @@@@Section: 8b. Documents Concerning Horoi (182.5%19`192) @ @@`182.5. Fragment of document concerning placement of &3horoi,& on fragment; II; found at Mylasa: *Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 2, no. 261 (PH). @ @@`183. Document concerning placement of &3horoi&; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 423; *IMylasa 251. @ @@`184. Document concerning placement of [&3horoi&]; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 427.a; *IMylasa 252. @ @@`185. Document concerning placement of [&3horoi&], with word &3sorobol&[&3ion&]; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 427.b; *IMylasa 253. @ @@`186. Document concerning placement of [&3horoi&], with word &3harpezos&; no date; found at Mylasa: Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 405, no. 9; SEG 2, 544; *IMylasa 254. @ @@`187. Document concerning placement of &3horoi,& with many references to &3oros&; no date; found at Mylasa: Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 405%19`407, no. 10; SEG 2, 545; BE 1976:645; *IMylasa 255. @ @@`188. Document concerning placement of [&3horoi,&] with uses of word &3sorobolion&; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 424; *IMylasa 256. @ @@`189. Document concerning placement of &3horoi& and mentioning river Kybersos; no date; found at Mylasa: Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 265%19`266, no. 18; BE 1939:366; *IMylasa 257. @ @@`190. Document concerning placement of [&3horoi&]; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 258. @ @@`191. Document concerning placement of &3horoi&; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 259. @ @@`192. Fragment concerning placement of [&3h&]&3oroi,& with name Phania[s]; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 435; *IMylasa 260. @ @@@@Section: 8c. Public Lists (193%19`197) @ @@`193. List of &3presbeis& from places in Caria; IV; found at Tralles, but from Mylasa: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis 65, no. 122; Robert, Et. anat. 567%19`571 (PH); BE 1938:411; Hornblower, Mausolus no. M1; ITralles p. 222, no. 15*; *IMylasa 8 %7 II p. 1; **Pugliese Carratelli, RAL 40, 1985, 153 (l. 4); SEG 36, 999. @ @@`193.5. List of ephebes, including [ ... ] Gessius Capito, on gray%19white marble column; Roman; found at Avs%25ar, prob. from Hydai, perhaps from Iasos: *IMylasa 910. @ @@`194. End of document, with list of men chosen, including [Theo]mnestos Hybre[ou]; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Mylasa: LW 434; *IMylasa 706. @ @@`195. List of &3hiereai,& including Menias Aristomenous; 1; found at Mylasa: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 12, 1888, 32%19`33, no. 12; Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 59; *IMylasa 523. @ @@`196. List of &3hiereis,& beginning with Mar(cus) Aur(elius) Apollonio[s], subscribed to (lost) decree; imperial; found at Mylasa: LW 372; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 383, no. 25; *IMylasa 522. @ @@`197. List of persons gaining citizenship selected for [&3phyle& of Otor]kondeis and &3syngeneia& of Tarkondareis, on slab; no date; found at Mylasa: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 321%19`326, no. 7.b (PH); *IMylasa 521. @ See also: Plassart, BCH 45, 1921, 6 no. IC(a)1, l. 21 (list of &3theorodokoi& includes Polit[ ... ] at Mylasa; found at Delphi); IG IV&4`2& 101, ll. 7%19`8 (%6 IMylasa II T63) (list of victors includes [ ... ... ]a.onikou of Mylas[a]; found at Epidauros); Lagina 13 (%6 IStratonikeia 508) (%6 OGIS 441), ll. 2, 10 (Hydisos and [My]lasa among cities listed as recognizing &3asylia& of temple of Hekate at Lagina; found at Lagina near Stratonikeia); Miletos 114, 129, 140, 144, 151, 188 (%6 IMylasa II T88, 87, 84, 85, 89, 90) (%6 Milet I 3, no.'s 72, 66, 180A, 45, 74a, 105) (records of grant of citizenship of Miletos to citizens of Mylasa et al.; found at Miletos); Miletos 193.5 (%6 Dunst, Acts 5. Cong. 101%19`102, no. I) (%6 former Samos 147) (record of grant of proxeny of Miletos to Menipos and (no name) of Mylasa; found on Samos, wandered from Miletos); IG VII 1667 (%6 IMylasa II T65), ll. 10%19`13 (list of victors includes &3salpist&[&3es&] Artemon Menippou and &3keryx& [Le]on Philotou of Mylasa; found at Plataia); IG XII 8, 169 (%6 IMylasa II T78), ll. 7%19`8 (list of [&3proxenoi& (?)] includes [ ... ]mos Philodemo[u] and [ ... ]es Hermiou of Mylasa; found on Samothrace); IG V 2, 34, l. 20 (%6 IMylasa II T64) (list of names includes [ ... ... ]ous of Mylasa; found at Tegea); Tralles 28 (%6 ITralles 33.A) (%6 CIG 2919b) (%6 LW 599) (%6 IMylasa II T80), ll. 4 and 7 (list of mercenaries (?) includes [ ... ... ]tos and [ ... Dion]ysiou of Mylasa; found at Tralles). @ @@@@Section: 8d. Other Public Documents (_) @ See also: FD III 1, no. 120 (%6 IMylasa II T68) (%6 SGDI 2808) (record of grant of proxeny etc. by Delphi to Leon Aischylou of Mylasa; found at Delphi); FD III 1, no. 133 (%6 SEG 23, 307) (%6 IMylasa II T66) (record of grant of proxeny etc. by Delphi to Moschion [Er]ida of Mylasa; found at Delphi); FD III 2, no. 180 (%6 IMylasa II T67) (record of grant of proxeny etc. by Delphi to Polites of Mylasa; found at Delphi). @ Ə@@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (198%19`243) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (198%19`237) @ @@`198. Dedication by &3gerousia& of (statues of%1) &3Eusebeia& of Claudius; AD 41%3`54; found at Mylasa: CIG 2697; *IMylasa 33 %7 II p. 1. @ @@`199. Dedication to &3daimones agathoi&; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 350 (PH) (IMylasa II p. 4). @ Ǫ@@`199.5. Unpublished dedication to Demeter by &3kathegetes heuron, on bas%19relief; no date; found at Kuyruklu Kalesi: Robert, AJA 39, 1935, 337; BE 1976:646. @ @@`200. Dedication of &3andrias& to Dionysos and &3demos& by (no name) [Aris]tonos, &3hiereus& of Sabazios and &3hoi As&[ ... ], on marble base; no date; found at Mylasa: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 106, no. 8; *IMylasa 330. @ Ȫ@@`200.5. Dedication of (statue of) &3epekoos thea& by [ ... ]phos Ouliades, on limestone base; no date; found at Hydisos: Hula %9 Szanto, p. 25; *IMylasa 953. @ @@`201. Dedication of &3aga&[&3l&]&3ma& to &3ge&[&3rou&]&3sia& by (?) Mar(cus) A[ur(elius) ... ], on base; imperial; found at Mylasa: Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 260, no. 14; *IMylasa 342. @ @@`202. Fragment of dedication (?) to [Her]a (?); no date; found at Mylasa: LW 474; *IMylasa 348. @ @@`203. Dedication of (statue of) Herakles as &3charisterion& to &3synergasia& by Papias Diogenes; Roman; found at Mylasa, not at Hierapolis: CIG 3912a (III p. 1105); LW 741 %7 1571; *IMylasa 334. @ @@`204. Dedication to Herakles and (?) &3hoi& [ ... ] by P%1(ublius) Tineius [ ... ]nus Leon; Roman; found at Mylasa: Fellows, Acct. 71 and 364 no. 85; CIG 2698c (p. 1107); LW 368; *IMylasa 335. @ @@`205. Dedication of &3eikon& to Hermes and Herakles by (no name), &3hieroneikes&; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 367; *IMylasa 332. @ @@`206. Dedication of &3eikon& of (?) [&3e&]&3pistates& Aristo[ ... ... ]odorou to [Hermes] and Herakles; no date; found at Mylasa: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 106, no. 9; *IMylasa 333. @ @@`207. Dedication to Gaius Marcius Censorinus by &3agonothetai& of Kensorinea; AD 2%3`33; found at Mylasa: CIG 2698b; Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 411, no. 14; SEG 2, 549; *IMylasa 410. @ @@`208. Dedication of (statue of) Zeus Labraundos to &3systema& by Lucius Vettonius Alexandros, on altar; Roman; found at Mylasa: Hula %9 Szanto 17%19`18, no. 12; Robert, Glad. no. 174; *IMylasa 533. @ @@`209. Dedication to Tyche Epiphanes by &3demos,& on white stone; тimperial; found at Mylasa: CIG 2693b.A; LW 370; Hornblower, Mausolus 253, note 241; *IMylasa 339. @ @@`210. Dedication to Tyche Epiphanes by &3demos&; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 369; *IMylasa 340. @ @@`211. Dedication to Zeus Hypsistos, on marble base; no date; found at Mylasa: Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 414, no. 18; SEG 2, 553; *IMylasa 310. @ @@`212. Dedication to Zeus Labraiyndos by &3chresmologos& Bryon, on votive altar; no date; found near Mylasa, prob. identical with stone later found at Alexandria, now in Copenhagen: Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 43; Gertz, OVDF 1906, 315%19`322 (PH); BE 1907:83; Schaefer, De Iove apud Cares 359%19`360; Robert, RPh 13, 1939, 183%19`184 (%6 OM II 1336%19`1337); BE 1939:369,540; *IMylasa 311. @ @@`213. Dedication to [Zeus] Labrauynd[os] by Demosthenes; no date; found at Mylasa: Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 259, no. 11; *IMylasa 312. @ @@`214. &3Euche& dedication to [Zeus Labra]undos, on marble fragment; no date; found near Mylasa: *IMylasa 313. @ @@`215. Inscription of Zeus Labrendos on marble altar; II; found near Mylasa: Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 30; Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 259, no. 10; Michel 810; *IMylasa 314. @ @@`216. Dedication to Zeus Olympios; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 364; *IMylasa 315. @ @@`217. (Dedication to Zeus Osogo) by delegations from Aphrodeisias and Side, on column; 1&4e&%3`2&4b&; found at Mylasa: LW 351; Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 415%19`416, no. 21; SEG 2, 556; *IMylasa 363. @ @@`218. (Dedication to Zeus Osogo) by delegations from Attaleia and Patara; 1&4e&%3`2&4b&; found at Mylasa: Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 621, no. 20; Meister, JO+AI 27, 1932 Beibl. 239, no. c; *IMylasa 367. @ @@`219. (Dedication to Zeus Osogo) by delegation from Erythrai; 2&4b&; found at Mylasa: LW 353; Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 112, no. 70; Meister, JO+AI 27, 1932 Beibl. 239%19`240, no. d; IErythrai 125.b; BE 1973:375; *IMylasa 368. @ @@`220. (Dedication to Zeus Osogo) by delegation of &3Asianoi Iones of Erythrai; c. AD 112%3`113; found at Mylasa: Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 621, no. 21; BE 1891:334; OGIS 487; Meister, JO+AI 27, 1932 Beibl. 241%19`242, no. 1; BE 1934:245; Smallwood, Doc.'s Nerva 203; IErythrai 125.a; BE 1973:375; SEG 27, 721; *IMylasa 365. @ @@`221. (Dedication to Zeus Osogo) by delegation from Lampsakos; 1&4e&%3`2&4b&; found at Mylasa: LW 356; Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 112, no. 70; Persson, BCH 46, 1922, no. 22.III %7 IIIb; SEG 2, 560%19`561; Meister, JO+AI 27, 1932 Beibl. 241, no. i; *IMylasa 371; Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 14. @ @@`222. (Dedication to Zeus Osogo) by delegation from Termessos Meizon; AD 93%3`94; found at Mylasa: LW 358.a; *IMylasa 364. @ @@`223. (Dedication to Zeus Osogo) by delegation of Lycians from metropolis Tlos; 1&4e&%3`2&4b&; found at Mylasa: Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 621, no. 19; Meister, JO+AI 27, 1932 Beibl. 238%19`239, no. b; *IMylasa 366. @ @@`224. (Dedication to Zeus Osogo) by delegation of Lycians from Tlos; 1&4e&%3`2&4b&; found at Mylasa: LW 357; Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 112, no. 70; Meister, JO+AI 27, 1932 Beibl. 241, no. k; Persson, BCH 46, 1922, no. 22.IV; SEG 2, 562; *IMylasa 372. @ @@`225. (Dedication to Zeus Osogo) by delegation from metropolis Xanthos in Lycia, including &3d&(&3ikastes&) Tlepolemos Tlepolemou; 1&4e&%3`2&4b&; found at Mylasa: LW 350; Habicht, Pausanias 86%19`87 (non vidi); *IMylasa 361 %7 II p. 4. @ @@`226. (Dedication to Zeus Osogo) by delegation from [metropolis Xa]nthos in Lycia, including Aichmon M[ ... ]; 1&4e&%3`2&4b&; found at Mylasa: LW 352; *IMylasa 362. @ @@`227. (Dedication to Zeus Osogo) by delegation of Lycians from metropolis Xanthos; 1&4e&%3`2&4b&; found at Mylasa: LW 354; Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 112, no. 70; Persson, BCH 46, 1922, no. 22.I; SEG 2, 557; Meister, JO+AI 27, 1932 Beibl. 240, no. f; *IMylasa 369. @ @@`228. (Dedication to Zeus Osogo) by delegation of Lycians from metropolis Xanthos; 1&4e&%3`2&4b&; found at Mylasa: LW 355, col. 2; Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 112, no. 70; Persson, BCH 46, 1922, no. 22.II; SEG 2, 558; Meister, JO+AI 27, 1932 Beibl. 240%19`241, no. h; *IMylasa 370. @ @@`229. (Dedication to Zeus Osogo) by delegation from (no name); 1&4e&%3`2&4b&; found at Mylasa: LW 349; *IMylasa 373. @ @@`230. (Dedication to Zeus Osogo) by delegation from (no name); 1&4e&%3`2&4b&; found at Mylasa: LW 358.c; *IMylasa 374. @ @@`231. (Dedication to Zeus Osogo) by delegation from (no name), on column, mentioning Alexandros; 1&4e&%3`2&4b&; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 375. @ @@`232. (Dedication to Zeus Osogo) by delegation from (no name), on column, mentioning Pharnakes; 1&4e&%3`2&4b&; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 376. @ 誵@@`232.5. Unpublished dedication to Zeus Osogo, on marble altar; 1&4e&%3`2&4b&; found at Aslanyakas#1221: Robert, RA 6, 1935, 162; IMylasa II p. 127. @ @@`233. Dedication to Zeus Stratios; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 343; *IMylasa 318. @ @@`234. Dedication of &3bomos& by [M]aussolos Hekatomno; 377%3`352 BC; found at Mylasa: CIG 2691.a; LW 340; Leake, Journal 338 (non vidi); *IMylasa 6 %7 II p. 1. @ @@`235. Dedication of &3bomos& by [Mausso]llos Hekatomno; 377%3`352 BC; found at Mylasa: CIG 2691.b; LW 341; Leake, Journal 338 (non vidi); *IMylasa 7 %7 II p. 1. @ @@`236. Dedication of (altar of) Gaius Iu[lius] Hybreas &3heros& by Straton Menippou et al., on round white marble altar; I&4`2&%3`1; found at Mylasa: Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 409%19`410, no. 12; SEG 2, 547; *IMylasa 535. @ @@`237. Dedication of (statue of) Gaius Iulius Hybreas &3heros& by Zosimos Philomousou and sons, on marble statue%19 base; I&4e&%3`1; found at Mylasa: Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 410, no. 13; SEG 2, 548; *IMylasa 536. @ See also: Mylasa 139.5%19`149, 248, 250%19`255, 260, 316; IG XI 4, 1243 (%6 IMylasa II T71) (dedication to Sarapis, Isis, and Anoubis by Iatrokles Menippou of Mylasa; found on Delos); Stratonikeia 61.5 (%6 IMylasa I p. 271 App., no. 2.2) (%6 Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 50) (%6 BE 1892:364) (inscription of Zeus Panamaros, on marble; found at Mylasa, prob. from Stratonikeia). @ @@@@Section: 9b. Other Religious Inscriptions (238%19`243) @ @@`238. Fragment of religious calendar; I%1; found at Mylasa: Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 391, no. 36; Sokolowski, LSAM no. 64; SEG 15, 651; *IMylasa 309. @ @@`239. Fragment mentioning [Zeus O]sogo; imperial; found at Mylasa: LW 359; *IMylasa 317. @ 蝹@@`239.5. Fragment of sacral inscription, on marble fragment; late imperial; found at Mylasa: *Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 3, no. 351 (PH). @ @@`240. Fragment of religious calendar (?); no date; found at Mylasa: Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 276, no. 22; *IMylasa 308. @ @@`241. [N]ike inscription (?) for Zeus Osogo; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 358.b; *IMylasa 316. @ @@`242. Fragment of religious text mentioning &3naos&; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 374; *IMylasa 346. @ @@`243. Fragment of religious text mentioning &3hiere&[&3us&] and [Demet]rios Apollo[niou]; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 375; *IMylasa 347. @ See also: Mylasa 1%19`10.5, 50%19`51, 59, 61, 195%19`196, 276, 348%19`350, 367%19`367.6, 431, 479; Syll&4`3& 1170 (%6 IG IV&4`2& 126) (%6 IMylasa II T61) (religious pronouncement of M(arcus) Iulius Apellas Idrieus of Mylasa; found at Epidauros). @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (243.5%19`273) @ @@@@Section: 10a. Royal Honorary Inscriptions (243.5%19`247) @ @@`243.5. Honorary inscription for emperor (no name) by &3boule& and &3demos& of Hydisos, on statue%19base; imperial; found at Hydisos: Robert, AJA 39, 1935, 340; *IMylasa 959. @ @@`244. Honorary inscription for Tiberius by &3demos,& on marble base; AD 14%3`37; found at Mylasa, not Mobolla: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 41; Hicks, CR 3, 1889, 139, no.'s 10%19`11; IGRR IV 1288; *IMylasa 32. @ @@`245. Honorary (?) inscription for (?) Claudius; AD 41%3`54; found at Mylasa: LW 445; *IMylasa 34. @ @@`246. Honorary inscription for Trajan by Flavia [P]olla, on statue%19base; AD 114; found at Mylasa: LW 448; *IMylasa 35. @ @@`246.3. Honorary inscription for (Septimius) Severus, father of emperor Caracalla, by &3boule& and &3demos,& on white marble column%19base; AD 212%3`217; found at Passala: Haussoullier, BCH 8, 1884, 458; IIasos 12; *IMylasa 928. @ @@`246.6. Honorary inscription for Caracalla by &3b&(&3oule&) and &3demos, on white marble column%19base; AD 212%3`217; found at Passala: Haussoullier, BCH 8, 1884, 458; IIasos 11; *IMylasa 927. @ @@`247. Honorary inscription for [Sa]lonin[a] Augusta; AD 253%3`268; found at Mylasa: Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 391, no. 37; *IMylasa 37. @ @@@@Section: 10b. Other Honorary Inscriptions (248%19`264) @ @@`248. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for (?) [De]metrio[s], with apices; no date; found at Mylasa: Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 402, no. 6; SEG 2, 541; *IMylasa 412. @ @@`249. Honorary inscription for Demetrios, by &3neoi&; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 365; *IMylasa 575. @ @@`250. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription to emperor (no name) and Zeus Olympos of &3bomos& for Dionysides Dionysidou by those from &3plateia,& on round altar; imperial; found at Mylasa, perhaps from Smyrna: LW 363; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 382%19`383, no. 24; Robert, Et. anat. 537%19`538; BE 1938:409; Moretti, Olympionikai 176, no. 957 (non vidi); *IMylasa 403 %7 II p. 4. @ @@`251. Dedication of [&3eikon&] of Hekatomnos, &3hiereus& of [ ... ] and Hestia (?); no date; found at Mylasa: LW 371; *IMylasa 409. @ @@`252. Dedication of [&3eikon&] of [I]atrok[le]s Kallisthenou, &3hie&[&3reus&] of Zeus Osogo, to Zeus, by [Hekato]mnos, &3hiereus& [of Zeus Labraundos]; I; found at Mylasa: LW 345; *IMylasa 406. @ @@`253. Dedication of (statue of) Gaius Iulius Hybreas &3heros& by &3kynegoi,& Demetrios Demetriou, et al.; I&4e&%3`1; found at Mylasa: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 110%19`111, no. 69; Be/rard, BCH 15, 1891, 540%19`543, no. 7; BE 1892:364; Robert, Glad. 179 no. 175 and 329%19`330; *IMylasa 534. @ @@`254. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Leon Theomnestou, &3hiereus& of Zeus Stratios and Hera, to Zeus Stratios, by son The[omne]stos Leontos; II&4e&; found at Mylasa: LW 342 (part); Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 7, 1986, 77, no. 4 (PH) (part); *IMylasa 405; SEG 36, 1001. @ @@`255. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription to Zeus for (?) [Leo]ntis by (no name); no date; found at Mylasa: LW 344; *IMylasa 408. @ @@`256. Honorary inscription for Menandros Ouliadou by &3demos,& on column; no date; found at Mylasa: Fellows, Acct. 70 and 363 no. 82; CIG 2698; Robert, REG 64, 1951, xiv%19xv; SEG 34, 1071; *IMylasa 402. @ @@`257. Honorary inscription for Sibilos by Halikarnassos, Hydisos, and other cities, on marble slab; II&4e&%3I&4b&; found at Mylasa: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 95%19`98, no. 1; *IMylasa 401. @ @@`258. Unpublished inscription of (?) Thargelios Aristomenous, on statue%19base; I&4`2&%3`1; found at Mylasa: Robert, Sinuri 13; *IMylasa 763. @ @@`259. Honorary (?) inscription for Tib(erius) Tullus Agapomenos, &3paidonomos&; Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 57, ll. 1%19`3; *IMylasa 418; **Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 14 (l. 2). @ @@`260. Dedication to Zeus of [&3eik&]&3on& of (no name) [I]atrokleous by son (no name); no date; found at Mylasa: *LW 346 (* for l. 0); *IMylasa 407. @ @@`261. Honorary inscription for (no name) [Tharg]eliou, &3hiereus of Tauropolos and Zeus, by [&3demos&]; no date; found at Mylasa: Chandler, Inscriptiones Antiquae p. IX (non vidi); CIG 2699; *IMylasa 404. @ @@`262. Fragment of honorary inscription for (?) (no name) [ ... ]darou; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 414. @ @@`262.5. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name), on marble fragment; II%3I; provenance unknown, now at Mylasa: *Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 2, no. 159 (PH). @ @@`263. Honorary inscription for [gymnasiarch] (no name); no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 413. @ @@`264. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name) mentioning &3polis&; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 476; *IMylasa 417. @ See also: Mylasa 11%19`79, 316; IAssos 9 (%6 IMylasa II T56) (honorary inscription for Lanthes Prodikou, foreign judge, by Mylasa, Alabanda, et al.; found at Assos); IG II&4`2& 2959 (%6 IMylasa II T61) (honorary inscription for son of M(arcus) Iulius Damianos of Mylasa by Eumolpidai; found in Attica); OGIS 136 (%6 IG XI 4, 1131) (%6 IMylasa II T75) (honorary inscription for Dionysios Timonaktos of Mylasa by &3damos& of Thera; found on Delos); Keramos 47, part b, l. 3 (%6 IKeramos 15) (%6 Gnomon 60, 1988, 607) (honorary inscription for athlete [Polites (?)] mentions victory at My%1[lasa (?)]; found at Keramos). @ @@@@Section: 10c. Hiereus Inscriptions (265%19`273) @ @@`265. &3Hiereu&[&3s&] (?) inscription of Diogenes [Di]ogenous, &3hiereu&[&3s&] of Gaius Marcius Censorinus; AD 2%3`33; found at Mylasa: S%25ahin %9 Engelmann, ZPE 34, 1979, 215%19`216, no. 3 (PH); SEG 29, 1079; AnnEpig 1979, 612; BE 1979:457; *IMylasa 341 %7 II p. 4; SEG 36, 1002. @ @@`266. &3Hiereus& inscription of Epitynchanon Hekataios Hekatomnos, &3hiereus& of Zeus Osogollis Zenoposeidon, on column; no date; found at Mylasa, text identical with Mylasa 267: LW 361; Henzen, Bull. Inst. Corr. Arch. 1849, 187%19`189 (non vidi); *IMylasa 319 %7 II p. 4; **Blu+mel, EA 16, 1991, 34 (l. 5). @ @@`267. &3Hiereus& inscription of Epitynchanon Hekataios Hekatomnos, &3hiereus& of Zeus Osogollis Zenoposeidon, on column; no date; found at Mylasa, text identical with Mylasa 266: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 100, no. 3; *IMylasa 320; **Blu+mel, EA 16, 1991, 34 (l. 6). @ @@`268. &3Hiereus& inscription of G(aius) Iulius Pyrsos Aelianus, &3hiereus& of Zeus Osogollis Zenoposeidon, on column; imperial; found at Mylasa: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 100%19`101, no. 4; *IMylasa 322; **Blu+mel, EA 16, 1991, 34 (l. 7). @ @@`269. &3Hiereus& inscription of Tib(erius) Cl(audius) Aurelius Hieron, &3hiereus& of Zeus Osogollis Zenoposeidon, on column; imperial; found at Mylasa: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 101, no. 5; *IMylasa 321; **Blu+mel, EA 16, 1991, 34 (ll. 3%19`4). @ @@`270. &3Hiereus& (?) inscription of [L]ucius Pi[narius ... ]i%1nos, twice &3hie&[&3reus& of Zeus Os]ogo Zano[poteidan]; Roman; found at Mylasa: LW 362; *IMylasa 327. @ @@`271. &3Hiereus& inscription of Symmachos son of Gaius Plotius Symmachos, &3hiereus& of Zeus Osogo Zeus Zenoposeidon, on column; I; found at Mylasa: Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 260, no. 13; *IMylasa 323. @ @@`272. &3Hiereus& inscription of Symmachos son of G(aius) Plotius Symmachos, &3hiereus& of Zeus Osogollis Zenoposeidon, on column; I; found at Mylasa, text identical with Mylasa 273: CIG 2700 %7 p. 1107; Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 55; BE 1892:364; Henzen, Bull. Inst. Corr. Arch. 1849, 187%19`188 (non vidi); *IMylasa 324; **Blu+mel, EA 16, 1991, 34 (l. 5). @ @@`273. &3Hiereus& inscription of Symmachos son of G(aius) Plotius Symmachos, &3hiereus& of Zeus Osogollis Zenoposeidon; I; found at Mylasa, text identical with Mylasa 272: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 98%19`100, no. 2, ll. 1%19`6; Michel 1204.A; *IMylasa 325; **Blu+mel, EA 16, 1991, 34 (l. 5). @ See also: Mylasa 75, 347. @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (274%19`274.5) @ @@`274. Milestone dated under tetrarchs, by &3polis& of Mylasa; AD 293%3`305; found at Mylasa: French, ZPE 43, 1981, 173%19`174; SEG 31, 940; *IMylasa 36. @ @@`274.5. Milestone in Latin and Greek with titles of Domitian erased and replaced by those of Nerva; AD 81%3`96; found between Mylasa and Passala: Robert, RA 6, 1935, 160%19`161; IMylasa 929; *Herrmann, Tyche 3, 1988, 122%19`125, no. d; Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 15. @ See also: Mylasa 183%19`192. @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (275) @ @@`275. Topos inscription of Akratetoi and &3kleronomoi&; no date; found near Mylasa: Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 48; Robert, Et. anat. 66; Robert, REA 65, 1963, 328 (%6 OM II 1523); *IMylasa 584. @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ See also: Mylasa 162. @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (276%19`281) @ @@`276. Inscription in iambics identifying altar as that of Herakles, with apotropaic line, on altar; no date; found at Mylasa: Robert, AJA 39, 1935, 334; Hellenica 13, 266, note 1; BE 1966:419; *IMylasa 343. @ @@`277. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Aristo[m]enes, on limestone; no date; found at Mylasa: Gomperz, Arch.%19epig. Mitt. O+sterr. 19, 1896, 158; BE 1898:337; Peek, GVI I 1674; Ve/rilhac, Paides Aoroi 190%19`191, no. 124 (non vidi); *IMylasa 493 %7 II p. 5. @ @@`278. &3Heroon& inscription, partly in hexameters, for Mar(cus) Au[r](elius) Perikles and family, on marble block; imperial; found near Mylasa: Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 278%19`279, no. 28; Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 34; BE 1892:364; Robert, BCH 59, 1935, 470 (%6 OM I 529), note 2; *IMylasa 468 (PH). @ @@`278.2. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for (?) Menippos et al., with curse for violating grave, on bluish limestone; 2%3`3%1; found at Kasossos: Hula %9 Szanto, p. 24, no. 5, ll. 1%19`6; Peek, GVI I 1379, ll. 1%19`2; *IMylasa 944. @ @@`278.4. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Menippos by son Menippos, on bluish limestone; 2%3`3%1; found at Kasossos: Hula %9 Szanto, p. 24, no. 5, ll. 7%19`12; Peek, GVI I 1379, ll. 3%19`8; *IMylasa 945. @ @@`278.5. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for athlete (no name), who killed himself; imperial; found at Mylasa: *Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 3%19`5, no. 496 (PH). @ @@`279. Fragment in elegiacs, with word &3halitermon&; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 456; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 383, no. 26; *IMylasa 585. @ @@`280. First of two unpublished epigrams; no date; found at Mylasa: Robert, RA 6, 1935, 155%19`156; IMylasa I p. 267. @ @@`281. Second of two unpublished epigrams; no date; found at Mylasa: Robert, RA 6, 1935, 155%19`156; IMylasa I p. 267. @ See also: IG XII 5, 1, 305 (%6 IMylasa II T59) (funerary inscription in elegiacs for Akrisios Iasonos, who went as foreign judge to Mylasa; found on Paros). @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (282%19`359) @ @@@@Section: 16a. Normal Funerary Inscriptions (282%19`356) @ @@`282. Funerary inscription for Aba Iastrokleious, &3hiereus& of Demeter, on altar; no date; found at Mylasa, not Tralles or Magnesia Mai.: CIG 2937; LW 458; ITralles p. 222, no. 14*; *IMylasa 426. @ @@`283. &3M&[&3nemeion&] inscription of Gaius Aemuli[us] and &3diado&[&3choi&]; prob. I; found at Mylasa: LW 454; *IMylasa 427. @ @@`284. Funerary inscription for Ale[ktry]one; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 460; *IMylasa 428. @ @@`285. Funerary inscription of Anteros Dionysiou and family, on column; no date; found at Mylasa: Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 276%19`277, no. 24; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 386, no. 33; Syll&4`2& 896 (non vidi); Syll&4`3& 1246; *IMylasa 429. @ @@`286. Funerary inscription for Antiochos Antiochou and family; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 471; *IMylasa 430. @ @@`287. Unpublished &3heroion& inscription of Marcus Antius Aurelius Apollonios et al.; imperial%1; found at Go+kc%25eler: Robert, BCH 57, 1933, 470 (%6 OM I 529), note 3; *IMylasa 925. @ @@`288. Funerary inscription of Apollonios Artema, on altar; no date; found at Mylasa: Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 411%19`413, no. 15.B; SEG 2, 550.b; *IMylasa 431. @ @@`289. Funerary inscription of Apollonios Glaukou, on marble funerary column; imperial; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 494 (IMylasa II p. 5); Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 14. @ @@`290. Funerary inscription for Artemeis[ia] Hermonaktos; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 459; *IMylasa 432. @ @@`291. Funerary inscription of Artemon Hierokleous and Titus Rhomanios Demetrios, on stele; Roman; found at Mylasa: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 110, no. 68; *IMylasa 433. @ @@`291.5. &3Stibas& inscription of Marcus Aurelius Alexandros and son; imperial; found at Chalketor: Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 230, no. 31, ll. 1%19`7; Kubin%148ska, Mon. fun. 112; *IMylasa 918. @ @@`292. &3Her&[&3oon&] inscription of Aurel[iu]s Balbus and wife; Roman; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 434. @ @@`293. &3Stibas& inscription of Marcus Aurelius Dionysios, on marble slab; imperial; found at Mylasa: LW 468; Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 33; Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 277, no. 26; Robert, OM I 529, note 2 (non vidi); *IMylasa 441. @ @@`294. Funerary inscription of (?) Marcus Aure[lius ... ] et al.; imperial; found at Mylasa: LW 467; *IMylasa 487. @ @@`295. Funerary (?) inscription for (gladiator) Aurigas (?) &3ne&[&3o&]&3teros& by [Char]mosyne (?), on marble slab; Roman; provenance unknown, now at Mylasa: *IMylasa 538 (PH). @ @@`296. Funerary inscription of Diogenes Eision, on altar; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 437. @ @@`297. Funerary (?) inscription for Diogenes Diogenou; no date; found at Mylasa: Wheler, Journey into Greece 279 (non vidi); *IMylasa 438. @ @@`298. &3Mnemeion& inscription of Dionysios, on cippus; no date; found at Mylasa: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 12, 1888, 34, no. 15 (right column); *IMylasa 439. @ @@`299. Funerary inscription of Dionysios and Glaukos, on sarcophagus; imperial%1; found at Mylasa: Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 10, no. 198.2; *IMylasa 440 %7 II p. 5. @ @@`300. Funerary inscription of (no name) Menandrou and wife Eleuthe[rion (?)]; no date; found at Mylasa: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 12, 1888, 36, no. 18; *IMylasa 480. @ @@`301. Funerary inscription of Epandros Leontos, on cippus; no date; found at Mylasa: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 327, no. 11; *IMylasa 443. @ @@`302. &3Heroon& inscription of Gerasimos and Anteros; no date; found at Mylasa: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 12, 1888, 37, no. 20; *IMylasa 447. @ @@`302.5. &3Mnemeion& inscription of M[ ... and Her]meias Dama et al., with penalty to be paid for unauthorized burial to [ ... Kin]dya, on gray stone; imperial; found at Kildara, provenance unknown: *Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 10%19`11 (PH). @ @@`303. &3Mnemeion& inscription of Hermes &3koureus& and Hieratikos &3onelates, douloi,& on marble altar; no date; found at Mylasa: Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 413, no. 16; SEG 2, 551; Hellenica 10, 99, note 4; Robert, JS 1976, 185, note 121; *IMylasa 449. @ @@`304. Funerary inscription of Hieroklea Menodotou, on marble column; no date; found at Mylasa: Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 277, no. 27; Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 53; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 385, no. 30; *IMylasa 450. @ @@`305. Funerary inscription of Hieroklys Popliou, on column; Roman; now at Mylasa: *IMylasa 495 (IMylasa II p. 5). @ @@`306. Funerary inscription of Iason and wife Tyche; no date; found at Mylasa: Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 10, no. 198.1; *IMylasa 451. @ @@`307. Funerary inscription of Iatrokles Hierokleou and Aineas Anti[2o]2chou, on round altar; no date; found at Mylasa: Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 277, no. 25; Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 32; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 385, no. 32; *IMylasa 452. @ @@`308. &3Mnemeion& inscription of Iatrokles Iatrokleous and children, on cylindrical marble gravestone; no date; provenance unknown, now at Mylasa: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 7, 1986, 78, no. 6; *IMylasa 453; SEG 36, 1003. @ @@`309. [&3Heroo&]&3n& inscription of Iulia Arte[mi]ou and children, on marble block; imperial; provenance unknown, now at Mylasa: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 7, 1986, 78, no. 5; *IMylasa 455; SEG 36, 1004; Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 14. @ @@`310. &3Mnemion& inscription of Iulius Onesimos and children; imperial%1; found at Mylasa: CIG 2700d; *IMylasa 466. @ @@`311. Funerary inscription of Eisidotos Eirenaiou, on marble column; no date; found at Mylasa: Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 276, no. 23; *IMylasa 454. @ @@`312. Fragment of funerary inscription, on marble fragment, mentioning Eisis and woman [ ... ]ion Antiochou; imperial; found at Mylasa: Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 615%19`616, no. 15; Vidman, Sylloge no. 277; *IMylasa 479. @ @@`313. &3Mnemeion& inscription of Gaius Iulius Karpeas; imperial; found at Mylasa: LW 466; *IMylasa 436. @ @@`314. [&3Ke&]&3n&[&3otaph&]&3io&[&3n&] inscription of Calpurnius Zosimou, on column fragment; Roman; found at Mylasa: LW 469; *IMylasa 435. @ @@`315. Funerary inscription for Karpos Zosimo[u], on marble gravestone; Roman; found near Mylasa: Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 279, no. 29; Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 31; *IMylasa 457. @ @@`316. Honorary%3dedicatory%3funerary inscription for [Ti]berius Claudius As[k]lepiodoros by &3demos&; 1&4e&; found at Mylasa: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 12, 1888, 36%19`37, no. 19; *IMylasa 411. @ @@`317. &3Mneme&[&3io&]&3n& inscription of Tiberius Claudius Epikte[tos] and family, with penalty for violating grave, on altar; imperial; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 444. @ @@`318. &3Stibas& inscription of Tibe(rius) Clau(dius) Euprosodos and children; imperial; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 445. @ @@`319. &3Soros& inscription of Tib(erius) Claudius Marcianus Kodros, on sarcophagus; imperial; found at Mylasa: Fellows, Acct. 71 and 363 no. 83; CIG 2710b (p. 1107); LW 457; Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 58; *IMylasa 461. @ @@`320. &3Mnemeion& inscription of Tiberius Claudius Seleukos and children; imperial; found at Mylasa: Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 10, no. 196; *IMylasa 473. @ @@`321. Funerary inscription of Tiberius Claudius Theodotos; imperial; found at Mylasa: Fellows, Acct. 71 and 364 no. 86; CIG 2709b (p. 1107); LW 465; *IMylasa 477. @ @@`322. Funerary inscription of Kleitos Artema; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 463; *IMylasa 458. @ ª@@`322.5. Funerary (?) inscription for Lampros Nierokleous, on rock; no date; found on Asar Dag%27: *IMylasa 958. @ @@`323. &3Mnem&[&3ion&] inscription of Leon [Me]nekratou (?); no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 459. @ @@`324. Funerary inscription for (?) Leontas Severus (?) &3paidion, on slab; Roman; found near Mylasa: Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 42; *IMylasa 460; Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 460. @ @@`325. &3Stibas& inscription of Gaius Marius Dionysios et al.; Roman; found near Mylasa: *IMylasa 442. @ @@`326. Funerary inscription for [Melas] Aristeou and wife [Me]nias Thraseo[u], on fragment of marble funerary relief; no date; found at Mylasa: Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 413%19`414, no. 17; SEG 2, 552; *IMylasa 462. @ @@`327. Funerary inscription of Menandros Kannabion and Epainetos Epainetou, on round limestone altar; no date; found near Mylasa: *IMylasa 463. @ Ǫ@@`327.5. Funerary inscription for Menias Melanos, on funeral stele; II%3I; found at Mylasa: *Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 5, no. 497 (PH). @ @@`328. Funerary inscription of Menippos [ ... ] et al., on round funerary altar; no date; found at Mylasa: Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 385, no. 31; BE 1959:100; *IMylasa 483. @ @@`329. Funerary inscription of Menogenes Andrikou and Nike Serapionnos of Antioch &3pros Daphne&; Hellenistic%3imperial; found at Mylasa: LW 461; *IMylasa 464. @ @@`330. Funerary inscription for (gladiator) Myrsinos by wife Elpis, on funerary stele; imperial; found near Mylasa, on Pec%25in Kale: Akarca, Belleten Tu+rk Tarih Kurumu 35, 1971, 37 (PH); BE 1972:418; *IMylasa 537 %7 II p. 5. @ @@`331. Funerary (?) inscription of Niketikos Menippou, on altar or base; no date; found near Mylasa: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 326, no. 8; Robert, BCH 58, 1934, 513%19`514; *IMylasa 465. @ @@`332. &3Heroon& inscription of T(itus) Orbilius Kallikles; Roman; found at Mylasa: CIG 2700b; *IMylasa 456. @ @@`333. &3Mnemion& inscription of Gaius Valerius Hekataios, on limestone block; Roman; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 448 (PH). @ @@`334. &3Mnemion& inscription of Papias AK.LONOU and son Pap[i]as; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 467. @ @@`335. &3Kenotaphin& inscription of Philetos; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 470; *IMylasa 469. @ @@`336. &3Thekain& inscription of Philippos, Philemation, et al., on marble grave stele; no date; provenance unknown, now at Mylasa: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 7, 1986, 76, no. 3 (PH); *IMylasa 470; SEG 36, 1005. @ @@`337. &3Mnemeion& inscription of Titus Flavius Valens and Dionysides Dionysidou, on marble altar, with apices; imperial; found at Mylasa: Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 411%19`413, no. 15.A; SEG 2, 550.a; *IMylasa 478. @ @@`338. Funerary inscription of [ ... Pompo]nius [E]paphroditos (?) et al.; imperial; found at Mylasa: LW 462; *IMylasa 485. @ @@`339. Funerary inscription of Pontius Antygos et al.; imperial; found at Mylasa: CIG 2700c; Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 12, 1888, 33%19`34, no. 14; Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 56; *IMylasa 471. @ @@`340. Funerary inscription of Proteas Mammakos, on limestone altar; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 472. @ @@`341. Funerary inscription of Seuthes Hekatonos and family, on round base; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 474 %7 II p. 5. @ @@`342. Funerary inscription of Lucius Sittius Eutyches and &3kleronomoi,& on altar; Roman; found at Mylasa: CIG 2709; LW 464; *IMylasa 446. @ @@`343. Funerary inscription of [S]minthis; no date; found at Mylasa: CIG 2711; *IMylasa 475. @ @@`344. Funerary inscription of Theodote et al., on cippus; no date; found at Mylasa: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 12, 1888, 34, no. 15 (left column); *IMylasa 484. @ @@`345. &3Mneme& inscription of Theodotos Dionyta of Iasos and Magnesia, with curse for violating grave; no date; found near Mylasa: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 12, 1888, 33, no. 13; Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 54; *IMylasa 476. @ @@`346. Funerary inscription for Theophilos Eirenaiou and family; imperial; found at Alanbahc%25e, in territory of Mylasa, not of Iasos: Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 10, no. 199; Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 13, 1889, 36%19`37, no. 4; Robert, BCH 57, 1933, 470 (%6 OM I 529), note 3; *IMylasa 924. @ @@`347. Funerary inscription of (no name) [&3philose&]&3bastos& (?) Aristou (?); imperial; found at Mylasa: CIG 2707; *IMylasa 486. @ ۪@@`347.5. Penalty for unauthorized burial at end of funerary inscription, mentioning Appia Alexandra; Roman; found at Ko+s%25k: *IMylasa 920. @ ۪@@`347.7. Fragment of funerary inscription mentioning [A]pia Alexandra, on white marble fragment; Roman; found between Ko+s%25k and Chalketor: *IMylasa 921 (PH). @ @@`348. Fragment of inscription concerning foundation for cult of dead man (no name) and mentioning Mouseia and Hermaia; no date; found at Mylasa: Hula %9 Szanto 14, no. 6; *IMylasa 421; **Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 14 (l. 10). @ @@`349. Fragment of inscription concerning foundation for cult for dead man and mentioning [M]elas Apolloniou; no date; found at Mylasa: Hula %9 Szanto 15, no. 8; *IMylasa 422. @ @@`350. Fragment of inscription concerning foundation for cult for dead man (no name) to be celebrated by [&3he&]&3roistai&; no date; found at Mylasa: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 12, 1888, 32, no. 11; *IMylasa 423. @ @@`351. Funerary inscription by Philoum[e]no for husband (no name), on small round limestone stele; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 481. @ @@`352. Fragment of funerary inscription; no date; found at Mylasa: CIG 2708; *IMylasa 488. @ @@`353. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Mylasa: CIG 2710; Fellows, Acct. 71 and 363 no. 84; *IMylasa 489. @ @@`354. Fragment of funerary inscription for (no name), with curse, on base; no date; found near Mylasa: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 326%19`327, no. 9; *IMylasa 490 %7 II p. 5. @ @@`355. Fragment of funerary (?) inscription mentioning Athenippos, on limestone fragment; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 491. @ @@`356. Fragment of funerary (?) inscription, with word &3sema&; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 455; *IMylasa 492. @ See also: Mylasa 277%19`278.5, 368%19`368.5; Bradeen, Ath. Agora Fun. Mon.'s 519 (%6 IMylasa II T62) (funerary inscription for Aristonike and Damos of Mylasa et al.; found in Attica); Mansel, Belleten 21, 1957, 407%19`409, no. 4 (%6 SEG 16, 418) (%6 IMylasa II T70) (funerary inscription for Iatrokles Ainetou of Mylassa; found at Byzantion); ILS 9344 (%6 IMylasa II T95) (%6 CIL XIII 8343) (funerary inscription in Latin for &3choraules& Ruphus of Mylasa by &3parens& Dionysius Asclepiades of Alexandria and Athens; found at Cologne); Maiuri, Nuova silloge 551a (%6 IMylasa T76) (funerary inscription for Athenais Leonida of Mylasa; found on Kos); ICos 428 (%6 IMylasa II T77) (funerary inscription for Aration Menoita of Myl[asa]; found on Kos); IG XII 1, 445 (%6 IMylasa II T73) (funerary inscription of Artemisia of Mylasa; found on Rhodes); Smyrna 653 (%6 ISmyrna 438) (%6 CIG 3301) (%6 IMylasa II T91) (funerary inscription for Marcus Volussenus Diophantos Iulianus of Mylasa and Smyrna; found at Smyrna); Stratonikeia 129 (%6 IStratonikeia 1243) (%6 BCH 5, 1881, 184, 6) (%6 IMylasa I p. 271 App., no. 2.1) (%6 EA 13, 1989, 130, 4.b) (%6 Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 52) (funerary inscription for Eirenaios by mother Eirenais; prob. found at Stratonikeia, not Mylasa). @ @@@@Section: 16b. Memorial Inscriptions (357%19`359) @ @@`357. Memorial inscription for Rufus and &3synagonistai& by Euanthes; late imperial; found at Mylasa: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 35 (middle column); *IMylasa 582. @ @@`358. Memorial inscription for O[ ... ]yx[ ... ] by Regulus; late imperial; found at Mylasa: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 35 (left column); *IMylasa 581. @ @@`359. Memorial inscription for &3hoi& [ ... ] by [ ... ]pinos; late imperial; found at Mylasa: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 35 (right column); *IMylasa 583. @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ See also: Clara Rhodos 6%19`7, 436, no. 55 (%6 Lindos II 1, 51, no. 10) (%6 IMylasa II T74) (artist's signature by Eukles of Mylasa; found on Rhodes). @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ See also: Mylasa 112%19`114, 278.2, 354. @ 窵@@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (359.5) @ @@`359.5. Unpublished illegible graffito on back of profiled architectural fragment; no date; found at Kildara: Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 11. @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (360%19`372) @ @@`360. Letter of emperor (Theodosius II) in Latin and Greek concerning harbor tax at Passala; AD 427%3`429; found at Mylasa: CIL III 448 %7 7151; Riemann, BCH 1, 1877, 32%19`33; CIG 2701 (part); Gre/goire, Rec. 241; Robert, Et. e/pig. 186; BE 1939:368; *IMylasa 611. @ @@`361. Letter of &3comes sacrarum largitionum& Fl(avius) Eudoxius to Fl(avius) Baralach, &3archon& of Caria, concerning (harbor) tax of Passala; AD 427%3`429; found at Mylasa: Riemann, BCH 1, 1877, 34; CIL III 7152; Gre/goire, Rec. 242; *IMylasa 612. @ @@`362. &3Forma generalis& of &3praefectus praetorio& Fl(avius) Illus Pusaeus D[ionysios]; AD 480; found at Mylasa, text identical with that of inscription found at Stratonikeia: CIG 2712; Ha+nel, Corpus legum II 280 (non vidi); Zacharias von Lingenthal, Monatsber. Kgl. Preuss. Akad. 1879, 159%19`169; Gre/goire, Rec. 240; BE 1938:410; BE 1960:120; BE 1966:419; Stratonikeia 200; *IMylasa 613 %7 II pp. 5%19`6; **Feissel %9 Kaygusuz, T%9MByz 9, 1985, 418, note 89 (l. 15); SEG 35, 1093. @ @@`363. Christian fragment referring to &3archiatros,& perhaps inventory of church objects; Christian; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 629 %7 II p. 6. @ @@`364. Christian inscription of &3stauros& of St. Nicholas &3archiastros& (sic), on marble slab; Christian; found at Mylasa: Halkin, AB 71, 1953, 99 (non vidi); BE 1954:26; *IMylasa 628. @ 쪵@@`364.5. Fragment referring to &3episskopos& The[ ... ], on profiled architectural fragment; Byzantine; found at Kildara: *Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 11. @ @@`365. Christian building inscription for (chapel of) God, J(esus) Ch(rist) and protomartyr Stephanos by &3episko&(&3pos&) Basilios, on marble; 6; found at S%25eyhko+y: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 113, no. 71; Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 616%19`618, no. 16; Gre/goire, Rec. 239; Halkin, AB 71, 1953, 84 (non vidi); BE 1954:26; *IMylasa 621 %7 II p. 6. @ @@`366. Christian building inscription by &3episko&(&3pos&) Basilios for &3eukterion& of Saints Ser[gios and Bacchos]; 6; found at Mylasa: Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 41; Gre/goire, Rec. 239&3bis&; Halkin, AB 71, 1953, 84 (non vidi); BE 1954:26; *IMylasa 622; Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 14. @ @@`367. Fragment of prayer to K(yri)os; Christian; found at Mylasa: Gre/goire, Rec. 239&3quater&; *IMylasa 624. @ 荒@@`367.3. Christian inscription referring to Jesus, prophets, and apostles, on white marble; Christian; found at C%25iftlik: Halkin, AB 71, 1953, 98%19`99 (non vidi); BE 1954:26; *IMylasa 954. @ 襁@@`367.6. Prayer to Christos Iesous, on gray limestone; 6; found at Kasossos: Gre/goire, Rec. 282&3ter&; *IMylasa 946. @ @@`368. Christian funerary inscription of Paregorios &3episkopos& and Eut[ych]es, &3Christi&[&3anoi&]; Christian; found at Mylasa: Gre/goire, Rec. 239&3ter&; *IMylasa 623. @ @@`368.5. Funerary inscription for (no name), &3hamartolos&; Byzantine; found at Kasossos: *IMylasa 947 (PH). @ @@`369. Inscription of &3hor&[2&3o&]2&3log&[2&3ion&]2 of &3ekkl&(&3esia&); Christian; found at Mylasa: Gre/goire, Rec. 239&4`5&; *IMylasa 625. @ @@`370. Christian fragment referring to [&3sot&]&3er&; Christian; found at Mylasa: LW 481; Gre/goire, Rec. 240&3bis&; *IMylasa 626. @ @@`371. Christian fragment referring to [&3episkopos&]; Christian; found at Mylasa: CIG 9271; LW 482; Gre/goire, Rec. 240&3ter&; *IMylasa 627. @ @@`372. Some unpublished Byzantine inscriptions; Byzantine; found at Mylasa: Robert, RA 6, 1935, 158; IMylasa I p. 267. @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (373%19`419) @ @@@@Section: 22a. Cadastral Inscriptions (373%19`384) @ @@`373. Fragment of cadastral inscription; AD 284%3`305; found at Mylasa: Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 402%19`403, no. 7.A; SEG 2, 542.a; De/le/age, Capitation 170, no. 1 (PH); BE 1946:22; *IMylasa 271. @ @@`374. Fragment of cadastral inscription; AD 284%3`305; found at Mylasa: Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 402%19`403, no. 7.B; SEG 2, 542.b; De/le/age, Capitation 170, no. 2 (PH); *IMylasa 272. @ @@`375. Fragment of cadastral inscription; AD 284%3`305; found at Mylasa: Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 402%19`403, no. 7.C; SEG 2, 542.c; De/le/age, Capitation, 171, no. 3; BE 1946:22; *IMylasa 273. @ @@`376. Fragment of cadastral inscription; AD 284%3`305; found at Mylasa: Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 279, no. 30; Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 403%19`404, no. 8; SEG 2, 543; De/le/age, Capitation 171, no. 4; BE 1946:22; *IMylasa 274. @ @@`377. Fragment of cadastral inscription; AD 284%3`305; found at Mylasa: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 12, 1888, 32; LW 449; De/le/age, Capitation 171, no. 5; BE 1946:22; *IMylasa 275. @ @@`378. Fragment of cadastral inscription; AD 284%3`305; found at Mylasa: LW 480; De/le/age, Capitation 171, no. 6 (PH); BE 1946:22; *IMylasa 276. @ @@`379. Fragment of cadastral inscription; AD 284%3`305; found at Mylasa: De/le/age, Capitation 172, no. 7 (PH); BE 1946:22; *IMylasa 277. @ @@`380. Fragment of cadastral inscription; AD 284%3`305; found at Mylasa: De/le/age, Capitation 172, no. 8 (PH); BE 1946:22; *IMylasa 278. @ @@`381. Fragment of cadastral inscription; AD 284%3`305; found at Mylasa: De/le/age, Capitation 172, no. 9 (PH); BE 1946:22; *IMylasa 279. @ @@`382. Fragment of cadastral inscription; AD 284%3`305; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 280. @ @@`383. Fragment of cadastral inscription; AD 284%3`305; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 281. @ @@`384. Fragment of cadastral inscription, on marble slab; AD 284%3`305; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 282 (IMylasa II pp. 3%19`4). @ @@@@Section: 22b. Nike Inscriptions (385%19`408) @ @@`385. Nike inscription of Apolloni[o]s, on fragment of marble block; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 556. @ @@`386. Nike inscription of Apol[l]on[io]s, on torso of limestone column; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 355, col. 1; Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 111%19`112, no. 70; Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 416%19`417, no. 22.IIb; SEG 2, 559; Meister, JO+AI 27, 1932 Beibl. 240, no. g; *IMylasa 545. @ @@`387. Nike inscription of Beryllos et al., on limestone column; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 541. @ @@`388. Nike inscription of Dionysios et al., on fragment of marble block; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 555. @ @@`389. Nike inscription of Dionysio[s]; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 562. @ @@`390. Nike inscription of Epaphras, on fragment of marble block; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 561. @ @@`391. Neike inscription of &3kaloi adelphoi& Euemos and Agathemeros, on limestone, inside &3tabula ansata&; no date; found at Mylasa: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 12, 1888, 34%19`35, no. 16; *IMylasa 544. @ @@`392. Nike (?) inscription of Hekataio[s], on limestone column; no date; found at Mylasa: Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 51; *IMylasa 548. @ @@`393. Nike inscription of [&3a&]&3delphoi& E[ ... ] and Hermes (?), on limestone sarcophagus; imperial%1; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 549. @ @@`394. Nike inscription of Konon et al.; Roman; found at Mylasa: CIG 2702; LW p. 109 &3ad& no. 366; *IMylasa 543. @ @@`395. Nike inscription of Laelius, on fragment; Roman; found at Mylasa: Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 36; *IMylasa 547. @ @@`396. Nike inscription of Pamphilos, on fragment of marble block; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 551. @ @@`397. Nike inscription of Perikle[s]; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 559. @ @@`398. Nike inscription of Philetairos, on torso of limestone column; no date; found at Mylasa: Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 416, no. 22.V; SEG 2, 563; Meister, JO+AI 27, 1932 Beibl. 240, no. e; *IMylasa 546. @ @@`399. [N]ike inscription of [Pr]otoleon et al.; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 550. @ @@`400. Nike inscription of &3philoi& Straton and Quadratus; Roman; found at Mylasa: LW 366; *IMylasa 542. @ @@`401. Neike inscription of [ ... ]a[ ... ]ys and Theokritos &3synepheboi,& on fragment of marble block; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 554; **Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 14 (ll 2%19`3). @ @@`402. Ni[ke] inscription of Arist[ ... ], on limestone fragment, inside &3tabula ansata&; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 563. @ @@`403. [Nik]e inscription of (?) Phil[ ... ], on fragment of marble block; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 557. @ @@`404. [N]ik[e] inscription of Zen[ ... ], on fragment of marble block; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 558. @ @@`405. Nike inscription of (no name), on fragment of marble block; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 553. @ @@`406. Nik[e] inscription of (no name), on limestone fragment, under &3tabula ansata&; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa I p. 211 &3ad& no. 563. @ @@`407. Nik[e] inscription of (no name), on limestone fragment; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 564. @ @@`408. Unpublished inscriptions of gymnasium of type &3nike Papiou&; no date; found at Mylasa: Robert, RA 6, 1935, 155%19`156; IMylasa I p. 267. @ See also: Mylasa 241. @ @@@@Section: 22c. Philia Inscriptions (409%19`412) @ @@`409. &3Philia& inscription of [&3ad&]&3elphoi& [Apoll]onios Epigonou et al.; no date; found at Mylasa: CIG 2706; *IMylasa 574. @ @@`410. &3Philia& inscription of Diodoros et al.; no date; found at Mylasa: CIG 2703; *IMylasa 571. @ @@`411. &3Philia& inscription of Epaminon Pythogeiton[os] et al.; no date; found at Mylasa: CIG 2704; *IMylasa 572. @ @@`412. &3Philia& inscription of Lucius et al.; Roman; found at Mylasa: CIG 2705; *IMylasa 573. @ See also: Mylasa 400. @ @@@@Section: 22d. Other Acclamations (413%19`414) @ @@`413. Acclamation of Melas, on fragment of marble block; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 552. @ @@`414. Acclamation with word &3hysteros&; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 560. @ @@@@Section: 22e. Lists (415%19`416) @ @@`415. Fragment of list of names, including [ ... a]ndrios Dioito[u], on marble fragment; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 524. @ @@`416. List of names, beginning with Leon, on limestone fragment; no date; found at Mylasa: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 110, no. 67; *IMylasa 717. @ See also: Mylasa 193%19`197. @ @@@@Section: 22f. Gladiatorial Inscriptions (417%19`418) @ @@`417. Inscription for Chrysopetasos &3essedaris,& under relief; Roman; found at Mylasa: Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 414%19`415, no. 20; SEG 2, 555; Robert, Glad. no. 172; BE 1940:149; *IMylasa 532. @ @@`418. Fragment under relief of gladiator; Roman; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 539. @ See also: Mylasa 67, 208, 236%19`237, 253, 295, 330. @ @@@@Section: 22g. Inscriptions on Instrumenta (419) @ @@`419. Stamp of Drakon on tile; no date; found at Mylasa: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 327, no. 10; Laumonier, BCH 60, 1936, 319; *IMylasa 586. @ @@@@Section: 22h. Other Varia (_) @ See also: Mylasa 1.5, 19.5, 238, 240, 369; Neumann, Kadmos 8, 1969, 152%19`157 (%6 Meier%19Bru+gger, Labraunda II 4 p. 11, no. 27) (inscription in Carian; found at Chalketor). @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (420%19`489) @ @@`420. Fragment referring to (Persian) King, on marble block; IV; found at Mylasa: CIG 2693b.B; LW 376; Wilhelm, JO+AI 1, 1898, 157 and note 27; Hornblower, Mausolus 253, note 241; *IMylasa 9. @ @@`421. Fragment referring to Carians, &3basil&[&3eus&], and satrap; IV, perhaps reinscribed later; found at Mylasa: LW 388; Hornblower, Mausolus no. M15; *IMylasa 10 %7 II p. 7. @ @@`421.5. Unpublished fragment of inscription mentioning &3polemarchos& Aristokritos Aetou; Hellenistic; found at Hydisos: BE 1976:506; *IMylasa 960. @ @@`422. Fragment mentioning Rom[ans (?)]; Roman%1; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 743. @ @@`423. Fragment referring to Octavius [ ... ]; Roman; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 752. @ @@`424. Fragment referring to [Ro]mans (?); Roman%1; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 754. @ @@`425. Fragment mentioning [Gla]ukos Hybr%1[eou], on fragment of bluish stone; II&4e&%3I&4b&; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 736. @ @@`426. Fragment mentioning Lakones, on limestone fragment; imperial; found at Mylasa: LW 390; *IMylasa 702. @ @@`427. Fragment dated by &3arch&[&3iereus&]; imperial; found at Mylasa: LW 447; *IMylasa 710. @ @@`428. Fragment referring repeatedly to Diodotos, on column; imperial; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 749. @ @@`429. Unpublished inscription of &3gerousia& mentioning cult of Drusus and of Marcus Vinicius; imperial; found at Mylasa: Robert, RA 6, 1935, 156; IMylasa I p. 267. @ @@`429.5. Fragment of inscription with word [&3me&]&3izono&[&3s&]; imperial; found at Mylasa: *Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 6, no. 767. @ @@`430. Unpublished inscription mentioning heroes Euthydemos and Hybreas; I&4e&%3`1; found at Mylasa: Robert, AJA 39, 1935, 335; Hellenica 8, 95%19`96; Robert, AC 35, 1966, 419%19`420; BE 1967:557; IMylasa I p. 202 &3ad& no. 534. @ @@`431. Fragment mentioning [A]noubi[s] (?); no date; found at Mylasa: Homolle, BCH 19, 1895, 558%19`560, no. 3; *IMylasa 349. @ @@`432. Fragment; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 389.a; *IMylasa 701. @ @@`433. Fragment mentioning &3demos&; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 396; *IMylasa 703. @ @@`434. Fragment mentioning [My]lassa; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 436; *IMylasa 707. @ @@`435. Fragment on limestone; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 438 %7 440; *IMylasa 708. @ @@`436. Fragment mentioning [ ... ]s of Hieropo[li]s; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 472; *IMylasa 711. @ @@`437. Fragment with word [&3ke&]&3llistois&; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 473; *IMylasa 712. @ @@`438. Fragment with word &3staasias&[&3tes&]; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 475; *IMylasa 713. @ @@`439. Fragment; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 477; *IMylasa 714. @ @@`440. Fragment; no date; found at Mylasa: LW 478; *IMylasa 715. @ @@`441. Fragment on white marble stone; no date; found at Mylasa: Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 263%19`265, no. 17; *IMylasa 718. @ @@`442. Fragment mentioning Iatro[kles (?)], on white marble stone; no date; found at Mylasa: Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 263%19`265, no. 17; *IMylasa 719. @ @@`443. Fragment concerning relations with Crete, on white marble slab; no date; found at Mylasa: Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 620, no. 18; *IMylasa 720. @ @@`444. Fragment mentioning Paparion, on white marble; no date; found at Mylasa: Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 414, no. 19; SEG 2, 554; Wilhelm, AAWW 1924, 154 (%6 Akadschr. II 196); *IMylasa 721. @ @@`445. Fragment with word &3skeno&[&3sis&]; no date; found at Mylasa: Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 47; *IMylasa 722. @ @@`446. Fragment metioning Diodotos, on marble; no date; found at Mylasa: Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 49; *IMylasa 723. @ @@`447. Fragment with word &3soter&; no date; found at Mylasa: Homolle, BCH 18, 1894, 544; *IMylasa 724. @ @@`448. Fragment mentioning &3leistrikos po&[&3lemos&]; no date; found at Mylasa: Homolle, BCH 18, 1894, 546; *IMylasa 725. @ @@`449. Fragment mentioning Hyiisos; no date; found at Mylasa: Homolle, BCH 19, 1895, 558%19`560, no. 2; MDAI(A) 21, 1896, 120; *IMylasa 726. @ @@`450. Fragment with word &3drosos&; no date; found at Mylasa: Gottwald, JO+AI 31, 1939 Beibl. 160%19`164, no. 1; BE 1939:365; *IMylasa 727. @ @@`451. Fragment mentioning Sibilos Ouliad[ou]; I%1; found at Mylasa: Pococke, Inscr. ant. p. 17, no. 13, bottom lines (non vidi); CIG 2701, ll. 14%19`15; Robert, Et. e/p. 186%19`187; *IMylasa 728. @ @@`452. Fragment; no date; found at Mylasa: Hicks, CR 3, 1889, 137, no. 12; *IMylasa 729. @ @@`453. Fragment mentioning Philostorgos; no date; found at Mylasa: Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 10, no. 197; *IMylasa 730. @ @@`454. Fragment; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 731. @ @@`455. Fragment mentioning [Th]ynnos, on marble; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 732. @ @@`456. Fragment mentioning &3basileis&; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 733. @ @@`457. Fragment mentioning &3pota&[&3mos&], on limestone fragment; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 734. @ @@`458. Fragment with word [&3katask&]&3eue& (?), on limestone fragment; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 735. @ @@`459. Fragment on limestone fragment; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 737. @ @@`460. Fragment, on marble fragment; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 738. @ @@`461. Fragment, on marble fragment; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 739. @ @@`462. Fragment, on marble fragment; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 740. @ @@`463. Fragment; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 741. @ @@`464. Fragment, on limestone fragment, with word [&3e&]&3pidosis&; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 742. @ @@`465. Fragment, on limestone fragment; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 744. @ @@`466. Fragment, on limestone fragment; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 745. @ @@`467. Fragment, mentioning Pammenes, on &3aedicula&; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 746. @ @@`468. Fragment, mentioning [ ... ]odoros, on marble fragment; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 747. @ @@`469. Fragment, with word [&3da&]&3neisa&[&3men&] (?); no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 748. @ @@`470. Fragment; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 750. @ @@`471. Fragment; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 751. @ @@`472. Fragment; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 753. @ @@`473. Fragment, with word &3physis&; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 755. @ @@`474. Fragment; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 756. @ @@`475. Fragment, with word &3polis&; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 757. @ @@`476. Fragment of inscription on round altar; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 760. @ @@`477. Fragment of inscription on white marble fragment; no date; provenance unknown, now at Mylasa: *IMylasa 761 %7 II p. 6. @ @@`478. Unpublished inscription referring to [&3ph&]&3ylai& and &3syn&[&3geneiai&]; no date; found at Mylasa: Robert, Sinuri 26; *IMylasa 764. @ @@`479. Unpublished inscription on column; no date; found at Mylasa: Robert, Et. anat. 132; *IMylasa 765. @ @@`480. Fragment mentioning Eir[enaios] (?), on marble fragment; II&4`2&; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 766 (II p. 6); Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 14. @ @@`481. Unpublished fragment mentioning priest of gods of Samothrace at Mylasa; no date; found at Mylasa: Robert, Sinuri 22; IMylasa I p. 267. @ @@`482. Fragment with word [&3el&]&3eutheri&[&3a&]; no date; found at Hydai: *IMylasa 907. @ @@`483. Inscription of (?) Trophos, on marble block; no date; found at Hydai: *IMylasa 908. @ @@`484. Fragment referring to [&3pse&]&3phisma& and &3ateleia&; no date; found at Chalketor: Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 378%19`379, no. 18; *IMylasa 915. @ @@`485. Fragment referring to [&3e&]&3leutherai doula&[&3i&]; no date; found at Chalketor: Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 230, no. 32; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 379, no. 19; *IMylasa 916. @ @@`486. Fragment referring to [Ch]alketor; no date; found at Ko+s%25k: Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 380, no. 20; *IMylasa 917. @ @@`487. Fragment referring to &3eparche&[&3ia&]; no date; found at Passala: *IMylasa 926 (PH). @ @@`488. Fragment; no date; found at Kasossos: *IMylasa 948. @ @@`489. Fragment of inscription, on marble fragment; no date; found at Mylasa: *IMylasa 955. @ See also: Mylasa 239, 279%19`281, 359.5, 370%19`372. @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @ @@@@{1Myndos}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@None. @ Many of the inscriptions listed were found at Myndos (Gu+mu+s%25lu+k, Mandrais, Mentza, Yumushlu). Others were found nearby. In any case, the place of discovery is listed. Following sites are given, of which those which have not been located are followed by a question mark: @@Akc%25aalan (Akchah, Ak%19shalleh, Tcherenda) @@Akyarlar (Akyerler, Fenerburnu) @@Arapmezarl#1221g%27#1221 (betw. Go+kc%25ebel and Gu+ndog%27an) @@Bag%27la (Balaas) @@Beyp#1221nar (Yaka?) @@C#1221f#1221t Kalesi (Strobilos, Tchifout%19Kalessi) @@Dereko+y @@Go+lko+y (As%25ag%27#1221 Go+l, Karyanda?, Madnasa?) @@Gu+ndog%27an (Barelia, Farelia, Farilya, once thought Karyanda) @@Ku+c%25u+k Tavs%25an Adas#1221 (Ko+nel Ada) @@Kuyucak (southwest of slamhaneleri) @@Myndos (Gu+mu+s%25lu+k, Mandrais, Mentza, Yumushlu) @@Pas%25a Liman#1221 @@Turgutreis (Karatoprak) @@Yal#1221kavak. @ Epigraphic references to the following ancient sites are listed: @@Karyanda (Go+lko+y?) @@Madnasa (Go+lko+y?) @@Myndos (Gu+mu+s%25lu+k) @@Ouranion (Burgaz?) @@Termera (Asarl#1221k). @ Karyanda had two sites, the first an insular one, perhaps on Salih Adas#1221 near Bargylia, and the second one on land, probably at or near Go+lko+y in what was later the territory of Myndos. Earlier scholars located Karyanda at Gu+ndog%27an (Barelia) in the territory of Myndos. @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (0.5) @ @@`0.5. Reclassified as Mylasa 71. @ See also: Mylasa 71 (%6 IMylasa I pp. 269%19`270) (%6 former Myndos 0.5) (%6 LW 499) (%6 Froehner, ILouvre no. 45) (%6 SEG 4, 202) (fragment of honorary decree of &3phyle& (no name) for (no name), &3tauraphetes&; said to have been found at Karyanda, therefore poss. from Gu+ndog%27an, more likely from Mylasa); Mylasa 25, ll. 25%19`26 (%6 IMylasa 102) (%6 LW 394) (%6 Michel 472) (%6 Froehner, ILouvre no. 56) (%6 BCH 102, 1978, 515) (%6 SEG 28, 847) (honorary decree (of Mylasa) for Mos[chio]n Aristeidou, &3hiereus,& mentions his serving as envoy to Myndos; found at Mylasa); Samos 63 (%6 MDAI(A) 44, 1919, 21, 9) (%6 SEG 1, 363) (honorary decree of Samos for foreign judges Theokles and Hierophantos from Myndos; found on Samos). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ See also: Miletos 60 (%6 Mezger, Inscriptio Milesiaca) (%6 Syll&4`3 588) (peace treaty between Miletos and Magnesia Mai. involves mediation by envoys from Myndos; found at Miletos). @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (_) @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (_) @ See also: IG I&4`3& 71, 259%19`290 (frequent mention in Athenian Tribute Lists of Myndos, Termera, &3Myndioi para Termera,& Tymnes, Karians ruled by Tymnes, Karyanda, Madnasa, and Ouranion; found in Attica); Iasos 139, ll. 10, 14 (%6 IIasos 161) (choregic lists mention kitharistes Apollonios Theogenou of Myndos; found at Iasos); Iasos 149, ll. 23%19`25 (%6 IIasos 174) (choregic lists mention payment by Libanios Amphikleious of Myndos; found at Iasos); Iasos 127, ll. 10%19`11 (%6 IIasos 215) (choregic lists mention payment by &3metoikos& Hierokles Hierokleou[s] of [M]yndo[s]; found at Iasos); Knidos 20, col. 1 ll. 10%19`11 %7 col. 2 ll. 6%19`7 (%6 Michel 1005) (%6 GIBM 795) (%6 SGDI 3510) (%6 Newton, Discoveries II no. 41) (list of contributors to &3thiasos& including Patroklos and Thoas of Myndos; found at Knidos); IKos 12b (subscription list attached to decree includes individuals from Myndos; found on Kos). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (1%19`2) @ @@`1. Fragment of dedication of building by (no name) [&3philoka&]&3isar&; imperial; found at Dereko+y: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 138, no. 52; SEG 16, 690. @ @@`2. Dedication of building to &3patris&; no date; found at Gu+mu+s%25lu+k: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 112, no. 38. @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (3%19`4) @ @@`3. List of priestesses, including Menias; no date; found at Turgutreis: *Paton, BCH 12, 1888, 277%19`278, no. 1. @ @@`4. List of priestesses, including Tertia Ofellia; Roman; found at Turgutreis: *Paton, BCH 12, 1888, 278%19`279, no. 2. @ See also: IG II&4`2& 2317, l. 43 (list of victors at Panathenaia includes [ ... ... ]s of Myndos; found in Attica); Ephesos 600 II l. 14 (%6 IEphesos 13) (%6 JRS 65, 1975, 64) (list of ethnics of province of Asia includes Myndi[o]i in diocese of Halikarnassos; found at Ephesos); Miletos 139.III (%6 Milet I 3, 41) (record of grant of citizenship of Miletos to individuals from several cities, including Stephanos of Myndos; found at Miletos); Miletos 185 (%6 Milet I 3, 102) (record of appointment as &3proxenos& of Matres of Myndos; found at Miletos); Mylasa 157.9, ll. 16%19`17 (%6 EA 16, 1991, 32%19`34) (%6 IMylasa 12) (treaty between Mylasa and (no name) concerning sale of land, with list of witnesses including Hyssollos Artaou and &3keryx& Semeuritos from Ouranion; found at Sek near Mylasa); Lindos II 276.III, l. 4 (list of names includes Demetrios of My[ndos]; found on Rhodes); IG VII 1765, l. 29 (list of victors includes Pantaleon Demophontos of Myndos; found at Thespiai). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (5%19`10) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Other Religious Inscriptions (5%19`6) @ @@`5. Jewish inscription mentioning female [&3ar&]&3chisyn&(&3agogos&); late imperial; found at or near Myndos: Reinach, REJ 42, 1901, 1%19`6 (PH); *CIJ II 756; Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 106, no. 32; SEG 16, 691; Lifshitz, Donateurs no. 29; Horsley, New Documents 4, p. 216, no. 25. @ @@`6. Religious inscription mentioning Plouteus, Hermes, and Menekrates; imperial; found at Bag%27la: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 136, no. 46; SEG 16, 683. @ See also: Myndos 3%19`4, 27%19`28, 28.5, 29%19`31, 35, 38. @ @@@@Section: 9b. Dedications (7%19`10) @ @@`7. Dedication to (or funerary inscription for?) (no name) &3heros by [ ... ]asias Dionysiou; c. 200 BC; found at Go+lko+y: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 140, no. 60; SEG 16, 699. @ @@`8. Dedication to &3theoi patroio&[&3i&] and Apollo Archegetes by Artemon Artemonos in thanksgiving for health of Marcus Ulpius Traianus and Artemon's family; c. AD 79%3`80; found at Myndos; *Paton, BCH 12, 1888, 281, no. 6. @ @@`9. Dedication to [&3theo&]&3i patroioi& and [A]pollo Archegetes by Deios Aratou in thanksgiving for health of Marcus Ulpius Traianus and Deios's family; c. AD 79%3`80; found on Kos, prob. from Myndos: Rayet, Ann. Assoc. Et. grecques 1875, 276%19`278, no. 4 (non vidi); *Robert, BCH 60, 1936, 199%19`200. @ @@`10. Dedication to &3theoi& [&3pat&]&3roioi& and Apollo Archegetes by [Dem]etrios Demetriou in thanksgiving for health of Marcus Ulpius Traianus and Demetrios's family; c. AD 79%3`80; found on Kos, prob. from Myndos: *Jacopi, Clara Rhodos II p. 212, no. 50; Robert, BCH 60, 1936, 199%19`200. @ See also: Myndos 1%19`2, 13; Halikarnassos 60 (%6 ABSA 50, 1955, 99, 4) (%6 SEG 16, 648) (dedication to Anaktes of Nymphs and Naiads by Apelles Apolloniou of Myndos; found at Halikarnassos); Robert, BCH 60, 1936, 201, note 4 (dedication to &3theos& Mandoulis Apolo by Zosimos Narkisou, citizen of Halikarnassos and Myndos; found in Nubia); Hula %9 Szanto 34 (%6 Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 45) (dedication by &3koinon& of &3kometai& for lives of Phanion and Gisste[ ... ] of Myndos; found at Pisye); IG XII 3, 1389 (dedication to [Sarapis, Isis, and Ano]ubis by [ ... ] of Myndos; found on Thera). @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (11%19`12) @ @@`11. Honorary inscription for (Marcus) [U]lpius Traianu[s]; c. AD 79%3`80; found at Myndos: Newton, Halikarnassos II 578; *Robert, BCH 60, 1936, 201%19`202. @ @@`12. Honorary inscription by demos for (no name), on pedestal; no date; found at Myndos: *Newton, Halikarnassos II 578. @ See also: Myndos 0.5; Rhodian Peraia 114 (%6 ABSA 52, 1957, 79, 11) (honorary inscription for (no name) by several individuals, including Nikia[s,] Demetrios, and Euporos of Myndos; found near Idyma in Rhodian Peraia); IKos 104 (%6 Syll&4`3& 1065) (%6 Moretti 60) (honorary inscription for victorious athlete (no name) at Apolloneia in Myndos and elsewhere; found on Kos); IKos 105 (%6 Syll&4`3& 1066) (%6 Moretti 61) (honorary inscription for [ ... ]to[s ... ]odorou, victorious at [Apo]lloneia in Myndos and elsewhere; found on Kos); Mylasa 257 (%6 IMylasa 401) (%6 BCH 5, 1881, 95, 1) (honorary inscription for Sibilos by Myndos and other cities; found at Mylasa); Rhodian Peraia 107 (%6 Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 45) (%6 Hula %9 Szanto 34, no. 1) (%6 SEG 14, 721) (honorary inscription for S[te]phanion of Myndos and wife of Myndos, by &3koinon& of &3kometai&; found at Pisye in Rhodian Peraia). @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (13) @ @@`13. Milestone dedicated to Caesars Constantius (I) and Galerius; AD 29%3`305?; found at Beyp#1221nar: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 138%19`139, no. 54.a; SEG 16, 694.a. @ See also: Myndos 32. @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (14%19`15) @ @@`14. Funerary inscription in elegiacs by Epaphrodeitos Menelaou for family; 2; found at Myndos: *Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 214, no. 1; **Peek, GVI I 1327 (l. 3). @ @@`15. Unpublished funerary inscription in verse; no date; found at Myndos: Hula %9 Szanto 30. @ See also: Halikarnassos 132 (%6 Kaibel 205) (%6 Peek, GVI I 1079) (%6 Newton, Halikarnassos II 709, 77) (funerary inscription in elegiacs for Myrton Euboulou of Myndos; found at Halikarnassos). @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (16%19`27) @ @@`16. Funerary (?) inscription for Alleas Archas Orthagora; early?; found at Dereko+y: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 137%19`138, no. 51; SEG 16, 688. @ @@`17. Funerary inscription for [As]klepiades Attina of Pergamon; no date; found at Akc%25aalan: *Paton, BCH 12, 1888, 280, no. 4. @ @@`18. &3Hyposte& inscription of Aur(elius) Hermes and wife, with penalty for unauthorized burial; no date; found at Akc%25aalan: *Paton, BCH 12, 1888, 279%19`280, no. 3; **Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 137, no. 48 (ll. 3%19`4); SEG 16, 685. @ @@`19. Funerary inscription by (no name) for self, wife Epigon[e], and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Arapmezarl#1221g%27#1221: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 139%19`140, no. 58; SEG 16, 698. @ @@`20. Funerary inscription for Menestratos [Menestr]atou; I; found at Myndos: *Paton, REG 9, 1896, 422%19`423, no. 12. @ @@`21. Funerary inscription for Menodotos Menestheos; late Hellenistic; found at Beyp#1221nar: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 138, no. 53; SEG 16, 695. @ @@`22. Funerary inscription for Nymphikos [ ... od]orou and family, with fine for unauthorized burial; imperial?; found at Akc%25aalan: *Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 14, 1890, 118%19`119, no. I; **Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 137, no. 49 (ll. 4%19`5); SEG 16, 686. @ @@`23. Funerary inscription for Paideros son of Aelius Stephanos; imperial; found near Myndos: *Paton, REG 9, 1896, 423, no. 13; SEG 16, 692. @ @@`24. Funerary inscription of Philostorgos and family; imperial; found at Akyarlar: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 137, no. 47; SEG 16, 684; Fraser, Rhodian Funerary Monuments 118, note 157 (PH). @ @@`24.5. Funerary inscription for Furius Attalos and family, with fine to be paid to Artemis Kindyas for unauthorized burial; imperial?; found at Turgutreis, later on Kos, formerly classified as Myndos 38, perhaps from Bargylia or vicinity: Newton, Halikarnassos II 580; Pantelides, Pandora 17, 1866%19`1867, 429 (non vidi); Paton, CR 8, 1894, 216%19`217; Maiuri, Nuova silloge 220%19`221, no. 127; SEG 4, 212; *IIasos 629. @ @@`25. &3Hyposte& inscription for Polla Athenaiou, Drakonti[s ... ], et al.; imperial; found at Geris%25: Paton, BCH 12, 1888, 280%19`281, no. 5; *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 139, no. 55; SEG 16, 696. @ @@`26. Funerary inscription for Sphairos of Arados (in Phoenicia); imperial; found at Myndos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 112, no. 40; SEG 16, 693. @ @@`27. Unpublished Jewish funerary inscription, with Jewish ornament; late?; found at C#1221f#1221t Kalesi: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 14, 1890, 120; CIJ II 756a. @ See also: Myndos 14%19`15, 33%19`34; IG II&4`2& 8963 (funerary inscription for Pistoxenos of Karyanda; found in Attica); Cahn, Knidos 121 (funerary inscription in Greek and Carian for Ty[mnes?] Skyl[akos?] the Karian, with artist's signature by [A]ristokles; found in Attica); SEG 27, 502 (funerary inscription for Hero Epaphryionos of Myndos by husband Pharnakes Antiphanou of Myndos; found on Nisyros); Rhodian Peraia 155 (%6 Robert, La Carie II 378 note 4) (funerary inscription of Arsinoe Menippou of Rhodes by Dion of Myndos and Agathe of Ladikeia (Lyk.); found at T#1221nas near Pisye in Rhodian Peraia); IG XII 1, 446 (funerary inscription for Philomousos of Myndos; found on Rhodes); IG XII, 1, 659 (funerary inscription for [ ... ]dora, relation of (no name) of Myndos; found on Rhodes); SEG 27, 476 (funerary inscription for Epaphrion of My[2n]2dos and others who died at sea; found on Rhodes); SEG 34, 798 (funerary inscription for Artemisia &3metoikos& of Myndos and family; found on Rhodes); Rhodian Peraia 204 (%6 ABSA 52, 1957, 76, 6) (%6 SEG 18, 441) (funerary inscription of Neikasion [Neikasionos] of Myndos, brother Hekaton Neikasionos of Myndos, et al.; found at Kedreai in Rhodian Peraia). @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (28%19`36) @ @@`28. Christian inscription referring to Lamb of God; Christian; found on Ku+c%25u+k Tavs%25an Adas#1221: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 140, no. 62; SEG 16, 700. @ @@`28.5. Prayer to God to have pity on us; Christian; found at Gu+ndog%27an: LW 500; CIG 8916; *Gre/goire, Recueil 230. @ @@`29. Prayer to Christ to help; Christian; found on Ku+c%25u+k Tavs%25an Adas#1221: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 141, no. 63; SEG 16, 700. @ @@`30. Prayer to God to forgive sins of &3mona&[&3ch&]&3os& Ioannes; Christian; found on Ku+c%25u+k Tavs%25an Adas#1221: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 141, no. 64; SEG 16, 700. @ @@`31. Prayer to Saint [Pet]er; Christian; found at Geris%25: *Gre/goire, Recueil 233&4`5&. @ @@`32. Milestone of Fl(avius) Ioanes &3kom&(&3es&) and &3hypatikos& under Anastasius (I); AD 491%3`518; found at Beyp#1221nar: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 138%19`139, no. 54.b; SEG 16, 694.b. @ @@`33. Christian funerary inscription for Nikolaos &3monachos&; 5; found at C#1221f#1221t Kalesi: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 14, 1890, 120, no. II; *Gre/goire, Recueil 233. @ @@`34. Christian funerary inscription for Pardos; 5%3`6; found at Kuyucak: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 137, no. 50; SEG 16, 687. @ @@`35. Fragment with word [&3the&]&3ophylakton&; Byzantine; found at Yal#1221kavak: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 139, no. 56; SEG 16, 697.a. @ @@`36. Fragment referring to those in house; Byzantine; found at Yal#1221kavak: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 139, no. 57; SEG 16, 697.b. @ See also: Myndos 27; Gre/goire, Recueil 232 (%6 Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 14, 1890, 120, no. II) (seventh%19century AD Christian building inscription for &3mone& of Panagia; found at C#1221f#1221t Kalesi); Gre/goire, Rec. 233 bis, ter, quater (other seventh%19century AD Christian inscriptions; found at C#1221f#1221t Kalesi). @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (_) @ See also: Labraunda 171 (%6 ILabraunda 72) (%6 BE 1973:415) (list of names includes individuals from Karyanda; found at Labraunda). @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (37%19`39) @ @@`37. Inscription &3mylisthe&; late; found at Pas%25a Liman#1221: *Newton, Halikarnassos II 592. @ @@`38. Reclassified as Myndos 24.5. @ @@`39. Fragment; no date; found on Ku+c%25u+k Tavs%25an Adas#1221: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 140, no. 61; SEG 16, 700. @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @ @@@@{1Nysa}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@Dietl, Nysa: W. v. Diest, &3Nysa ad Maeandrum,& JDAI, @@@@Erga+nzungsheft X, Berlin 1913. @ Almost all the inscriptions listed were found at sites identified as being within the territory of Nysa and neighboring cities. Inscriptions were found at the following sites, of which those which have not been located on a map are identified with a question mark: @@Anineta (?) (Bog%27dayl#1221k, Boghdaylik) (near Mastaura) @@Atc%25a (Akko+y, Ak%19keo+y, Aktse) @@Dall#1221ca (Dalza) @@Euhippe (Dalama) @@Kestel Dag%27 (?) (Keste/ri Dagh) (above Mastaura) @@Nazilli (Mastaura, Nasli, Nazli) @@Neapolis (Yenibolu, Ineboli, Yenibolou) @@Nysa (Sultanhisar, Eskihissar, Sultan Hissar) @@Orthosia (Arslanl#1221) @@Salabakl#1221 (Acheraka, Akaraka, Salavatli, Sar#1221%19su). @ Epigraphic references from outside the territory of Nysa and adjoining cities to the following sites are listed here (those with a question mark have not been located): @@Anineta (Bog%27dayl#1221k) @@Euhippe (Dalama) @@Mastaura (Nazilli) @@Neapolis (Yenibolu) @@Nysa (Sultanhisar) @@Orthosia (Arslanl#1221). @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`3) @ @@`1. Honorary decree for (Titus) Aeliu[s] Alkibiades by &3technetai of Dionysos from &3oikoumene&; AD 138%3`161; found at Nysa, later at Nazilli: Clerc, BCH 9, 1885, 124%19`127, no. A; Dietl, Nysa 7 no. C; Kourouniotes, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 84%19`85 (PH); BE 1924:355; SEG 4, 418; BE 1930:209; Robert, Et. e/pig. 45%19`53; BE 1939:356; Robert, Fs. Kontoleon 16%19`18 (non vidi); BE 1979:446; *IEphesos 22 (PH). @ @@`2. Honorary decree for Titus Aelius Alikibiades by &3boule& and &3demos& of Nysa; AD 138%3`161; found at Nysa, later at Nazilli: *Clerc, BCH 9, 1885, 127%19`128, no. B; Dietl, Nysa 7 no. C; **Kourouniotes, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 85 (l. 2) (PH); BE 1924:355; SEG 4, 418; **Wilhelm, JO+AI 24, 1929, 194 (ll. 10%19`13); BE 1930:209. @ @@`3. Decree (probably of Magnesia Mai.) concerning [Nysa]; c. II&4`1&; found at Nysa: Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 281%19`282, no. 32, ll. 1%19`10; Hiller in Dietl, Nysa 67; IMagnesia LXVIII; *Welles p. 178 &3ad& no. 43. @ See also: Nysa 69.7; Panamara 17 (%6 IStratonikeia 27) (letter of priest of Zeus to people of Nysa inviting them to festival of Zeus; found at Panamara near Stratonikeia); Priene 28 (%6 IPriene 71) (%6 BE 1976:634) (honorary decree, perhaps of Orthosia, for Priene and foreign judges Alexis and Lysias from Priene; found at Priene). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (4%19`10) @ @@`4. Letter of [Basile]us Seleukos (I) and Antiochos to Athymbria; 281%3`280 BC; found at Salabakl#1221, later at Smyrna: Clerc, BCH 11, 1887, 347, no. 3; Hiller in Dietl, Nysa 63, no. 1; BE 1914:473; Kourouniotes, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 78 %7 fig. 63 (ll. 9%19`11) (PH); BE 1924:355; SEG 4, 412; *Welles 9 (PH); BE 1936:384. @ @@`5. Letter of [Basileus Antiochos (III) to &3b&]&3oule& and &3demos& [of Nysa,] preceded by fragment referring to Athymbria; II; found at Salabakl#1221: Radet, BCH 14, 1890, 224, no. 1 (part); BE 1891:333; Hiller in Dietl, Nysa 64, no.'s b%19c; BE 1914:473; SEG 4, 413; BE 1930:209; *Welles 64; BE 1936:384; BE 1946:186; BE 1971:617. @ @@`6. Letter of Basileus An[tiochos (III)] to &3archontes& and [&3demos of Nysa]; II&4`1&; found at Nysa: Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 281%19`282, no. 32, ll. 11%19`14; BE 1891:333; Hiller in Dietl, Nysa 67; *Welles 43; BE 1936:384. @ @@`7. First letter of [Ba]sil[eus Mithrad]ates to satrap Leonippos concerning Ch[air]emo[n Py]thodorou; 88 BC; found at Atc%25a: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 82, ll. 14%19`26; Hiller, MDAI(A) 16, 1891, 96%19`98, no. C; BE 1891:333; Hiller, MDAI(A) 16, 1891, 441; BE 1892:364; Dietl, Nysa 9, no. D; *Syll&4`3& 741.III; BE 1936:384; BE 1970:533. @ @@`8. Second letter of Basileus Mithradate[s] to Leonippos concerning Chairemo[n] Pythodorou; 88 BC; found at Atc%25a: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 82, ll. 27%19`38; Hiller, MDAI(A) 16, 1891, 96%19`98, no. D; BE 1891:333; Hiller, MDAI(A) 16, 1891, 441; BE 1892:364; Dietl, Nysa 9, no. D; *Syll&4`3& 741; BE 1921:451; BE 1936:384; BE 1970:533. @ @@`9. Letter of Gaius C%1a%1ssius (?) to &3archontes& of [N]ysa, concerning [Ch]airemon Pyth[odor]ou; 88 BC; found at Atc%25a: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 82, ll. 3%19`13; Hiller, MDAI(A) 16, 1891, 96%19`97, no. B; Mommsen, MDAI(A) 16, 1891, 103%19`105; BE 1891:333; Hiller, MDAI(A) 16, 1891, 441; BE 1892:364; Dietl, Nysa 9, no. D; *Syll&4`3& 741. @ @@`10. Letter of proconsul [G]naius Lentulus Au[2g]2u[2r]2 to &3archontes& of Nysa; 1 BC; found at Nazilli: CIG 2943; Hiller in Dietl, Nysa 64%19`65; *Syll&4`3& 781; Robert, Et. anat. 519, n. 5 (non vidi); BE 1938:392; Ehrenberg %9 Jones no. 316. @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (11) @ @@`11. Edict of Gaius Gabinius Barbarus Pompeianus, proconsul, concerning &3polis& of Euhippe; AD 212%3`217; found at Euhippe: *Robert, CRAI 1952, 589%19`599 (PH); BE 1954:225; SEG 13, 492. @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (_) @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (12%19`15) @ @@`12. Dedication of &3t&[&3e&]&3menos& and &3hier&[&3a&] to Asklep[ios] by Samiades Menandrou &3iatros&; no date; found at Nazilli: Leake, TRSL 1843, 245 %7 304 no. 2; *LW 1663b. @ @@`13. Dedication of Aleimnadrakton, &3krene,& and (statue of) Hermes to [ ... ], &3demos,& [ ... ], Hermas, [ ... ], [He]rakles, and &3neoi, by [M]olossos Apollon[i]dou; imperial?; found at Nysa: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 77; *Kontoleon, BCH 10, 1886, 520, no. 19. @ @@`14. Building inscription for &3chreo&[&3phylakion&] by (no name) and wife, on architrave block; no date; found at Nysa: Hiller, MDAI(A) 18, 1893, 333%19`334, no. 2; BE 1894:393; Dietl, Nysa 9, no. D; *Kourouniotes, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 82 (PH); BE 1924:355; SEG 4, 414. @ @@`14.5. Inscription on architrave block recording building by &3polis&; imperial; found at Kuyucak near Anineta: *Malay, ZPE 48, 1982, 257%19`258, no. 5 (PH); BE 1983:395. @ @@`15. (Jewish) building inscription for &3topos&; imperial?; found at Nazilli: Iordanides, Harmonia 1 Nov. 1897 (non vidi); *Iordanides, MDAI(A) 22, 1897, 484, no. 2; BE 1898:336; **Hellenica 11%19`12, 261 (ll. 2, 4); BE 1961:664. @ See also: Nysa 18%19`19, 22, 67%19`69.5; Hyllarima 8 (%6 former Alabanda 4) (%6 LW 1583) (%6 BCH 18, 1894, 41, 5%19`6) (%6 SDAW 1894, 918, III) (%6 Ann. Inst. Arch. 1852, 146, I) (dedication of &3pronaos lithinos to Antoninus Pius, Zeus Hyllos and &3patris& by Tiberius Claudius He[r]akleitos and Cl(audia) Aristgenis, with artist's signature by (no name), on architrave; found at Hyllarima and Kapraklar nearby, not at Orthosia, not at Eski C%25ine near Alabanda). @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (16) @ @@`16. Reclassified as Attouda 1.5. @ See also: Chios 53, l. 10 (%6 Athena 20, 1908, 213, 12) (list of Chian &3proxenoi& includes Mnesimachos Apollodorou of Nysa and Marsyas Menestheos of Orthosia; found on Chios); Lagina 13, ll. 49, 62 (%6 IStratonikeia 508) (%6 OGIS 441) (Nysa among cities listed as recognizing &3asylia& of temple of Hekate in Stratonikeia (Lagina); found at Lagina near Stratonikeia). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (17%19`21) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (17%19`21) @ @@`17. Dedication to Kora and Plouton, &3theoi patrooi,& by &3demos& of Soloi; no date; found at Nysa: *Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 78; Kontoleon, BCH 10, 1886, 520, no. 18. @ @@`18. Dedication of Eros to &3patris& and &3phyle& Agrippeis Antiochis, on column; imperial; found at Nysa: *Kubitschek %9 Reichel 93, no. 1; Robert, Laodice/e 256; BE 1970:534. @ @@`19. Dedication of Eros to &3patris& and &3phyle& Germani[2ki]2s Seleukis, on column; imperial; found at Nysa: *Perrot, RA 31, 1876, 282%19`283, no. 13; Kubitschek %9 Reichel 93; Robert, Laodice/e 256; BE 1970:534. @ @@`20. &3Euche& dedication to Zeus Spaloxos, on small altar; no date; found at Nazilli: *Kubitschek %9 Reichel 93, no. 2. @ @@`21. Dedication (?) by (?) victorious athlete M(arcus) Aur(elius) Petron[2i]2us Celsus; imperial; found at Nazilli: *CIG 2949; **Robert, Et. anat. 430%19`433 (ll. 9, 12); BE 1938:393. @ See also: Nysa 12%19`13, 22; SEG 2, 529 (&3charisterion& dedication to Nymphai by Alkibiades &3apeleutheros& of Hadrian; found at Civita Vecchia in Italy); Didyma 196 (%6 IDidyma 561) (%6 Gnomon 31, 1959, 671) (%6 BE 1961:665) (dedication to Mastauros, eponymous hero (?) of Mastaura; found at Didyma); Tralles 21 (%6 CIG 2925) (%6 LW 1663a) (%6 ITralles 164) (dedication of eighteen Erotes and two Nikai to &3patris& by Mar(cus) Aur(elius) Andreas with wife, on stele; found near Tralles, not from Nazilli). @ @@@@Section: 9b. Other Religious Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Nysa 15, 68; Lagina 57, l. 10 (%6 IStratonikeia 664) ([&3hiereu&]&3s& inscription for Tib(erius) Fla[vius Menandros] Diokles Ko(liorgeus) and Fl[avia Leontis] mentions sending &3hiera& to Nysa; found at Lagina near Stratonikeia); Lagina 93, l. 3 (%6 IStratonikeia 697) (&3hiereus& inscription for (no name), who fed people of Nysa; found at Lagina near Stratonikeia). @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (22%19`54) @ @@`22. Honorary%3dedicatory (?) inscription for (?) Vespa[s]ia[n] by [2&3d&]2&3e&[2&3m&]2&3os,& on column; AD 69%3`79; found near Nysa: Fellows, Discoveries p. 57; *CIG 2943b (p. 1124). @ @@`23. Honorary inscription for Hadrian by Alkibiades &3apeleutheros&; AD 117%3`138; found at Dall#1221ca, perhaps identical with Tralles 57: Preuner, MDAI(A) 46, 1921, 21, no. 34; SEG 1, 441; *Kourouniotes, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 86 (PH); SEG 4, 417; Robert, Et. e/pig. 50. @ @@`24. Honorary inscription for Antoninus Pius by [Iulius Anton]inus [Pythodoros,] on fragment of base; AD 146%3`161?; found at Nysa: *Kourouniotes, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 246, no. 2; BE 1924:355; SEG 4, 408. @ @@`25. Honorary inscription for Marcus Aurelius as Caesar by Iulius Antoninu[s] Pythodoros, on base; AD 146%3`161; found at Nysa: *Kourouniotes, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 69, no. 1 (PH); BE 1924:355; SEG 4, 402. @ @@`26. Honorary inscription for Commodus Caesar by I(ulius) Antoninus Pythodoros, on base; AD 146%3`161; found at Nysa: *Kourouniotes, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 70%19`71, no. 2 (PH); BE 1924:355; SEG 4, 403. @ @@`27. Honorary inscription for Faustina (wife of Marcus Aurelius) by Iulius Antoninus Pythodoros, on base; AD 146%3`161; found at Nysa: *Kourouniotes, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 71, no. 3 (PH); BE 1924:355; SEG 4, 404. @ @@`28. Honorary inscription for Faustina (daughter of Marcus Aurelius) by I(ulius) Antoninus Pythodoros, on base; AD 146%3`161; found at Nysa: *Kourouniotes, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 71%19`72, no. 4 (PH); BE 1924:355; SEG 4, 405. @ @@`29. Honorary inscription for Septimius Severus by &3de&[&3mo&]&3s& of Orthosia, on marble block; AD 200%3`211; found at Orthosia: *Kubitschek %9 Reichel 93, no. 6. @ @@`29.5. Unpublished honorary inscription for Alexander Severus; AD 222%3`235; found at Orthosia: Kubitschek %9 Reichel 98. @ @@`30. Honorary inscription for younger Valerian by &3polis& of Nysa, on block of marble; AD 252%3`259; found at Nysa: *Ramsay, BCH 7, 1883, 274%19`275, no. 16; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 76; Dietl, Nysa 8, no. C. @ @@`30.3. Honorary inscription for Ulpia Severina Augusta, wife of Aurelian, by [&3polis&] of Anineta, on two blocks of white limestone; AD 270%3`275; found at Anineta: *Paton, JHS 20, 1900, 79%19`80, no. 10.a%19b. @ @@`30.6. Honorary inscription for [Aurelian (?)] by &3pol%1is& [of Anineta,] on block of white limestone; AD 270%3`275?; found at Anineta: *Paton, JHS 20, 1900, 79%19`80, no. 10.c. @ @@`31. End of honorary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Nysa: *Kourouniotes, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 73, no. 6; BE 1924:355; SEG 4, 409. @ @@`32. Honorary inscription for Pu(blius) Aelius Alkibiades, by &3phyle& Kaisareos; AD 117%3`138; found at Nazilli: CIG 2947; *Robert, Et. e/pig. 49. @ @@`33. Honorary inscription for [P(ublius)] Aelius Alikibiad%1e%1s, by &3phyle& Octavia Apollonis; AD 117%3`138; found at Nazilli: *CIG 2948. @ @@`34. Honorary inscription for P(ublius) Aelius Alki[2bi]2ades, by P(ublius) Aelius Hermodoros, on quadrangular stone; AD 117%3`138; found at Ko+s%25k, from Nysa: Fontrier, Mous. III 1880, 181, no. 370; LW 1652f; Sterrett, Epig. Journey no. 3; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis, 51, no. 81; ITralles 17*; *Robert, Et. e/pig. 49. @ @@`35. Honorary inscription for P(ublius) Aelius Alkibiades, by &3phyle& Sebaste Athenais, on marble block; AD 117%3`138; found at Nysa: *Ramsay, BCH 7, 1883, 269%19`270, no. 13; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 73; Dietl, Nysa 8, no. C. @ @@`36. Honorary inscription for [Titu]s (?) Aelius [Alk]ibiades [&3ne&]&3oteros& by son [Arte]midoros; 2; found at Nazilli: Hamilton, Researches II p. 444, no. 209; LW 1666; *Robert, Et. e/pig. 51, note 1. @ @@`37. Honorary inscription for Aelius Iulius Pro[bus (?) ... ] Euboulianos by wife Aelia Flavia Egnat[ia] Capitolina, on block; 3%3`4; found at Nysa: Fellows, Discoveries p. 23; CIG 2944b (pp. 1124%19`1125) (check source); *Hiller, MDAI(A) 18, 1893, 333, no. 1; BE 1894:393; Dietl, Nysa 9, no. D. @ @@`38. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Apollonios &3grammateus& by &3boule, demos, gerousia, neoi,& and &3synodos&; imperial?; found at Nysa: *Ramsay, BCH 7, 1883, 272%19`274, no. 15; Dietl, Nysa 8, no. C. @ @@`39. Honorary inscription for Aurelianu[s] Apellas &3cheiliarchos by son Apellas; imperial; found at Atc%25a: Kontoleon, BCH 10, 1886, 520%19`521, no. 20; Radet, BCH 14, 1890, 233%19`234, no. 6; BE 1891:333; *Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 80. @ @@`40. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Aur(elius) Aphrodeisios &3bouleutes& of Antiocheia, by Aurelius Aphrodeisios et al.; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Nysa: *Ramsay, BCH 7, 1883, 270%19`272, no. 14; Dietl, Nysa 8, no. C. @ @@`41. Honorary inscription for Iulia Iu[li ... ] by brother Iu[lius Anto]ninus Pyth[odoros,] on square tablet; 2; found at Nysa: *Kourouniotes, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 246, no. 1; BE 1924:355; SEG 4, 407. @ @@`42. Honorary inscription for [S]extus Iulius Maior Antoninus Pythodoros, on base; 2; found at Nysa: *Kourouniotes, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 72, no. 5 (PH); BE 1924:355; SEG 4, 406. @ @@`43. Honorary inscription for T(itus) Q(uintus) Caecilius Herakleides &3neoteros,& by &3boule& and &3demos&; Roman; found at Atc%25a, prob. from Nysa: *Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 79. @ @@`44. Honorary inscription for Ch[airem]o[n] Pythodoro[u] by [&3d&]&3e%1mos& and [&3bou&]&3l%1e& of [Nysa]; 88%3`50 BC; found at Atc%25a: Hiller, MDAI(A) 16, 1891, 96%19`97, no. A; Mommsen, MDAI(A) 16, 1891, 103; BE 1891:333; Hiller, MDAI(A) 16, 1891, 441; BE 1892:364; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 82, ll. 1%19`2; *Syll&4`3 741.I. @ @@`45. Honorary inscription for Tib(erius) Cl(audius) Sokrates by &3boule&; imperial; found between Nazilli and Akko+y: *CIG 2946. @ @@`46. Honorary inscription for Publius Licinius Crassus Iunianus by &3demos& and &3boule&; I&4`2&; found near Salabakl#1221: *Radet, BCH 14, 1890, 231%19`232, no. 3; BE 1891:333; Dietl, Nysa 8, no. C. @ @@`47. Honorary inscription for Neopatros Diophantous by &3boule, &3demos, gerousia,& and &3neoi&; imperial?; found at Nysa: Kontoleon, BCH 10, 1886, 520, no. 17; *Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 74. @ @@`48. Honorary inscription for [Pythok]les (?) Chaire[mo]nos, by [&3d&]&3em%1os&; I&4`2&?; found at Nazilli: *CIG 2945. @ @@`49. Honorary inscription for Marcus Servilius Euneikos by &3boule and &3demos,& on block of marble; 2; found at Nysa: *Ramsay, BCH 7, 1883, 275, no. 17; Dietl, Nysa 8, no. C. @ @@`50. Honorary inscription for [Ty]rannos Prosodou by &3boule, &3demos, gerousia,& and &3neoi& of Mastaura; imperial?; found at Nazilli: CIG 2944; *LW 1663c. @ @@`51. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]s &3boul&[&3arch&]&3os,& etc., by inhabitants of &3hiera& Akara[ka]; no date; found at Nysa: *Radet, BCH 14, 1890, 232%19`233, no. 4; BE 1891:333; Judeich, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 282, no. 33; Dietl, Nysa 8, no.'s C%19D; Kourouniotes, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 81 (PH); BE 1924:355; SEG 4, 411. @ @@`52. Honorary inscription for victorious athlete (no name), on stone; imperial?; found at Neapolis: Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 629%19`630, no. 34; *Robert, Et. anat. 433; BE 1938:394. @ @@`53. End of honorary inscription for (no name); 2; found at Nysa, later at Smyrna: *Kourouniotes, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 86%19`87 (PH); BE 1924:355; SEG 4, 419. @ @@`54. Honorary inscription for (no name) by [&3polis& of Nysa]; no date; found at Salabakl#1221: *Radet, BCH 14, 1890, 224%19`231, no. 2; BE 1891:333; Dietl, Nysa 8, no. C. @ See also: Nysa 1%19`2, 69.7; Hyllarima 19 (%6 former Alabanda 22) (%6 LW 1583&3bis&) (%6 Ann. Ist. Arch. 1852, 146, II) (honorary (?) inscription for (no name), with artist's signature by (no name), on base; found at Hyllarima, not at Eski C%25ine near Alabanda, not at Orthosia); Ephesos 615 (%6 IEphesos 1106) (honorary inscription for M(arcus) Antonius Pythodoros (son of Pythodoros II) of Nysa and Tralles; found at Ephesos); Ephesos 1221, l. 13 (%6 IEphesos 2070 %7 2071) (honorary inscription for [&3hypokrites& Tib(erius) Iulius Apolaustos, honored with statue at Nysa and elsewhere; found at Ephesos); IG IV&4`2& 684 (honorary inscription for Iulius Antoninus son of Maior (of Nysa) by &3polis& of Epidauros; found at Epidauros); Lagina 181, ll. 8%19`9 (%6 IStratonikeia 539) (honorary inscription for Neikandr[ros] Menippou &3hiereus& and family mentions their being honored also by &3demo&[&3s&] of Nysa; found at Lagina near Stratonikeia); Tralles 57 (%6 ITralles pp. 60%19`61 &3ad& no. 47) (honorary inscription for Hadrian by Alkibiades; once at Tralles, perhaps identical with Nysa 23 found at Nazilli); Tralles 63 (%6 ITralles 108) (honorary inscription for Marcus [A]urelius Hierokles of [N]ysa and Trall[es,] victorious athlete; found at Tralles); Tralles 86 (%6 IEphesos 615A) (%6 Sterrett, Epig. Journey no. 38) (%6 Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 38) (honorary inscription for Kallinoe, priestess of Artemis and mother of Chairemon (of Nysa), by &3demoi& of Asia; found at Tralles); Tralles 147 (%6 ITralles 144) (%6 CIG 2936) (%6 Kaibel 946) (honorary inscription, partly in hexameters, for Pollion Euboulou of Nysa; found at Tralles). @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (55) @ @@`55. End of unpublished inscription on milestone for 14th mile from Tralles, on milestone; no date; found at Campo Turkmanog%27lu: *Kubitschek %9 Reichel 93, no. 4. @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (_) @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (56%19`66) @ @@`56. &3Soros& inscription of Aur(elius) Meltinianos Tristos and family; imperial; found at Nazilli or Ankyra (?): *CIG 2951; SEG 4, 420. @ @@`57. &3Soros& inscription of Aur(elius) Neon; imperial; found at Nazilli: *LW 1666a. @ @@`58. Funerary (?) inscription for Marcus Aurelius Tauros; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Nysa, later at Smyrna: Kontoleon, BCH 10, 1886, 521, no. 21; *Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 75 (* for ll. 2%19`8); *Kourouniotes, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 86 (* for ll. 0%19`1); BE 1924:355; SEG 4, 416. @ @@`59. Funerary inscription for Eparatos et al., on marble; imperial; found at Neapolis: *Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 630, no. 35. @ @@`60. Funerary inscription for (?) Marcus Clodius; Roman; found at Nazilli: *LW 1666b. @ @@`61. Funerary inscription of Menekrate[s] Menippou and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; imperial; found at Nazilli: *CIG 2950 %7 p. 1125; Hamilton, Researches II p. 444 no. 208; LW 1665. @ @@`62. Funerary inscription for Menekrates by parents Moschas and Panphile, on marble; imperial?; found at Nazilli: Iordanides, Harmonia 1 Nov. 1897 (non vidi); *Iordanides, MDAI(A) 22, 1897, 484, no. 1. @ @@`63. Funerary inscription for [ ... Mo]lossianos, T(itus) Iu(lius) Z[2e]2nas (?), et al., with penalty for unauthorized burial, on columns; imperial; found at Nazilli: *CIG 2952. @ @@`63.5. [&3Mnem&]&3eion& inscription of Sostratos, brother Attalos, and mother Syntyche, on marble stele; imperial; found at C%25oban#1221sa near Anineta: *Malay, ZPE 48, 1982, 258, no. 6 (PH). @ @@`64. &3Mne&[&3me&]&3ion& inscription of Thyodotos, on fragment of marble; late; found at Nysa: *Ramsay, BCH 7, 1883, 275%19`276, no. 18; Dietl, Nysa 8, no. C. @ @@`65. [&3Soros&] inscription of (no name), wife Zosi[me,] and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial, to be paid to &3boule of Mastaura; imperial; found at Nazilli, later at Smyrna: Henzen, Ann. Ist. Arch. 1852, 147; *LW 1664; Kourouniotes, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 257 (PH); BE 1924:355; SEG 4, 420. @ @@`66. Fragment of funerary inscription mentioning [Ath]enagoras, on marble block; imperial?; found at Tralles, from Nysa: Sterrett, Epig. Journey no. 388; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 54; *ITralles 18*. @ See also: Attouda 25 (%6 MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 103, A ll. 6%19`7, 9%19`10) (%6 Kubitschek %9 Reichel 96%19`97) (honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) by &3demos& and &3gerousia& of Nysa and by other cities, including Anineta, Neapolis, and Orthosia (?); found at Antiocheia Mai.) @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ Ï@@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (67%19`69.5) @ @@`67. Christian building inscription by (no name); Christian; found at Eskihisar: Radet, BCH 14, 1890, 233, no. 5; Dietl, Nysa 8, no. C; Gre/goire, Rec. 123&3sexies&; *Robert, Sinuri I p. 103, note 1. @ @@`68. Prayer for success of &3latomoi& by &3kephalourgos& Zeuxis, on rock; Christian; found on Kestel Dag%27: *LW 1666c. @ @@`69. Inscription indicating end of &3ergon& of Praylos; Christian?; found at Nysa: Dietl, Nysa 10; *Kourouniotes, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 84 (PH); BE 1924:355; SEG 4, 415. @ Ū@@`69.5. Unpublished Christian inscription dated under Anastasius (I); AD 491%3`518; found at Orthosia: Kubitschek %9 Reichel 98. @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (_) @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (69.6%19`70) @ @@`69.6. Unpublished inscription giving titulature of emperor and naming [&3polis&] of Aurelia [Neapolis]; 3&4`2&%3`4&4`1&?; found at Neapolis: *Robert, 9. Cong. Internat. Num. 314; BE 1983:59,396. @ @@`69.7. Unpublished inscription by [&3bou&]&3le& and [&3de&]&3mos& of Nea[p]o[l]eis; no date; found at Neapolis: Kubitschek %9 Reichel 99. @ @@`70. Fragment; no date; found at Nysa: *Kourouniotes, AD 7, 1921%19`1922, 80%19`81 (PH); BE 1924:355; SEG 4, 410. @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @@@@{1Olymos}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@Froehner, ILouvre: W. Froehner, Inscriptions grecques du @@@@Louvre, Paris 1865. @@Hula %9 Szanto: E. Hula %9 E. Szanto, SAWW 132, 1895 II. @@IMylasa: Wolfgang Blu+mel, &3Die Inschriften von Mylasa,& vol.'s @@@@I%19II, Bonn 1987%19`1988. @@Robert, Sinuri: L. Robert, &3Le sanctuaire de Sinuri pre\s de &3@@@@Mylasa, 1. partie: Les inscriptions grecques,& Paris 1945.) @ Many of the inscriptions listed were found at Kafaca (%6 ancient Olymos.) Others were found nearby, but their provenance from Olymos can be deduced. Following sites are given, of which those which have not been located are followed by a question mark: @@Olymos (Hylimos) (Kafaca, Kaface, Kafadje). @ Inscriptions from the following sites which can be deduced to have come from Olymos are included here: @@Mumcular (Karaova) (in territory of Theangela) @@Mylasa (Milas). @ Inscriptions from the following sites within the territory of Mylasa are not included here but in separate lists: @@Labraunda @@Mylasa @@Sinuri. @ Epigraphic references from outside the territory of Mylasa to the following sites are listed here: @@Olymos (Hylimos) (Kafaca). @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`30) @ @@@@Section: 1a. Religious Laws and Decrees (1%19`5) @ @@`1. Decree of &3demos& of Olymos concerning purchase of land of Thargelios Hybreou for temple [of Apollo and Artemis,] on marble stone; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: LW 331; Froehner, ILouvre no. 49.C; Judeich, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 381%19`384; *IMylasa 801 (PH). @ @@`2. Beginning of decree concerning use of temple money, on marble fragment; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: Hula %9 Szanto, p. 6, no. 3, ll. 7%19`9; *IMylasa 825. @ @@`3. Decree of &3de&[&3mos&] of Olymos concerning sacrifices to Apollo and Artemis, on marble block; II&4`2&; found near Mumcular, presumably from Olymos: LW 339; Froehner, ILouvre no. 40; Judeich, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 390%19`393; Michel 476; Wilhelm, GGA 1900, 90 (non vidi); Guarducci, MAL 6. Ser., 8, 1938, 102 (non vidi); Sokolowski, LSAM no. 58; SEG 15, 645; *IMylasa 861 (PH). @ @@`4. Decree [of &3demos& of Olymos] ordaining that [&3agalma& (?)] of Leto should be made and put in &3naos& of Leto, on marble block; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: *Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 7%19`8, no. 895 (PH). @ @@`5. End of decree, with provision for posting names of people making &3epangelia,& on marble block; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: *Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 8, no. 896 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 1b. Decrees Involving Land (6%19`10.5) @ @@`6. Decree of &3demos& of Olymos authorizing payment of money for purchase of land of Thargelios Hybreou, on marble stone; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: LW 332; Froehner, ILouvre no. 49.D; Judeich, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 383; *IMylasa 802 (PH). @ @@`7. Decree concerning purchase of land dated under [&3stephanephoros ...& The]od[o]tou, on marble fragment; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: LW 328; Froehner, ILouvre no. 53.C; Judeich, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 387%19`388; *IMylasa 819 (PH). @ @@`8. Decree concerning use of money for purchase of land, on marble fragment; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: Buckler, ABSA 22, 1916%19`1918, 195%19`200, no. II.$B&; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 393, no. 40 (left col., ll. 5%19`17); *IMylasa 827. @ @@`9. Fragment of decree concerning use of money for purchase of land, on marble fragment; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: Hula %9 Szanto, pp. 6%19`7, no. 4, ll. 13%19`21; Buckler, ABSA 22, 1916%19`1918, 195%19`200, no. II.$D&; BE 1921:450; BE 1980:156; *IMylasa 829. @ @@`10. Decree concerning loan for purchase of land, on architectural fragment; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 420%19`426, no. 24 (PH); SEG 2, 565; SEG 4, 239; Pleket, Epigraphica I no. 33; Migeotte, L'emprunt no. 105; Plassart %9 Haussoullier, BCH 47, 1923, 547; Wilhelm, AAWW 1924, 142.b, 151 (%6 Akadschr. II 186%19`190, 193); *IMylasa 864. @ @@`10.5. Decree concerning purchase of land, dated by [&3stephanephoros ...& M]enestheos, on marble; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: LW 336; Froehner, ILouvre no. 51; Judeich, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 389; *IMylasa 816.A (PH). @ @@@@Section: 1c. Honorary Decrees (11%19`21) @ @@`11. Fragment of decree (?) of &3demos& of Olymos giving citizenship to Hestiaios Demetriou et al., on gray marble; Hellenistic; found at Olymos: Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 398%19`399, no. 47 (left col.); *IMylasa 876. @ @@`12. Honorary decree of [&3d&]&3em&[&3os&] of Olymos for Hestiaio[s] Diodorou; Hellenistic; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 867. @ @@`13. Honorary decree of &3demos& of Olymos for &3hiereus& [Phaidros M]oschionos, on architectural fragment; I; found at Olymos: Persson, BCH 46, 1922, 417%19`420 no. 23; SEG 2, 564; *IMylasa 869. @ @@`14. Fragment of honorary decree for [&3hiereus&] Phaidros Mo[schionos], on gray marble; Hellenistic; found at Olymos: Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 398%19`399, no. 47 (right col.); *IMylasa 870. @ @@`15. Honorary decree of Olymos for Polites Thyssou of Terssogassos (?), on marble block; III; now at Mylasa, presumably from Olymos: *IMylasa 866. @ @@`16. Fragment of honorary decree for [Sibilos Dio]dorou, &3hiereus of D[ikaiosyne], on marble fragment; II&4e&%3I&4b&; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 871. @ @@`17. Fragment of honorary decree of &3demos& of Olymos for [ ... ... ]ou, on block of reddish marble; III; found at Olymos: Hula %9 Szanto, pp. 7%19`8, no. 5 (right col.); SEG 4, 238; BE 1939:370; *IMylasa 868. @ @@`18. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name), on reddish marble block; Hellenistic; found at Olymos: Hula %9 Szanto, pp. 7%19`8, no. 5 (left col.); *IMylasa 872. @ @@`19. Fragment of honorary decree of &3demos& of [Olymo]s for (no name), on marble block; Hellenistic; provenance unknown, now at Mylasa, presumably from Olymos: *IMylasa 873 (PH). @ @@`20. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name), on marble fragment; Hellenistic; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 874. @ @@`21. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name), on fragment of block; Hellenistic; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 875 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 1d. Other Decrees (22%19`30) @ @@`22. Fragment of decree mentioning &3demos& of Olymos; Hellenistic; found at Olymos: LW 333; Froehner, ILouvre no. 41.A; Judeich, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 388; *IMylasa 862 (PH). @ @@`23. Fragment of decree concerning loan, on block; Hellenistic; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 865 (PH). @ @@`24. End of decree of (?) Olymos, on two fragments of marble block; Hellenistic; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 877 (PH). @ @@`25. Beginning of decree of &3demos& of [Olymos] under [&3stephanephoros& L]eon Iatrokleious; Hellenistic; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 878 (PH). @ @@`26. Fragment of decree, on fragment of gray marble slab; Hellenistic; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 879 (PH). @ @@`27. First of three unpublished decrees; III; found at Olymos: Robert, RA 6, 1935, 158%19`159; IMylasa II p. 98. @ @@`28. Second of three unpublished decrees; III; found at Olymos: Robert, RA 6, 1935, 158%19`159; IMylasa II p. 98. @ @@`29. Third of three unpublished decrees; III; found at Olymos: Robert, RA 6, 1935, 158%19`159; IMylasa II p. 98. @ @@`30. Decree of Mylasa concerning division of Olymos and Labran[da] into &3phylai, syngeneiai,& and &3patrai&; II%3I; found at Olymos: LW 334; Froehner, ILouvre no. 41.B; Judeich, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 388; Szanto, Ausgew. Abh. 281, no. 213 (non vidi); Guarducci, MAL 6. Ser., VIII 1938, 103; *IMylasa 863 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (_) @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (30.3) @ @@`30.3. List of persons (making &3epangeliai&), beginning with Me[noi]tes Aristonos, on marble block; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: *Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 9, no. 897 (PH). @ See also: IG I&4`3& 263, col. II l. 39 (mention of Hylimos in Athenian Tribute Lists; found in Attica). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Olymos 10, 13, 57%19`60, 91. @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (30.6%19`92) @ @@@@Section: 8a. Documents Involving Land Transactions (30.6%19`84) @ @@`30.6. Document concerning taking possession of land [of Thargelios Hybreou,] on marble block; II&4`2&%3I&4`1&; found at Olymos: Judeich, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 378%19`380, no. 5; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 394%19`395, no. 42, ll. 1%19`17; Vidman, Sylloge no. 278; *IMylasa 803. @ @@`31. Document concerning purchase of land [dated by &3stephanephoros& Limnaios Dionysiou]; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: Judeich, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 378%19`380, no. 6; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 394%19`395, no. 42, ll. 18%19`22; *IMylasa 804. @ @@`32. Document concerning taking possession of land in O[l]ymis, on marble fragment; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: Judeich, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 389%19`390; LW 337 (part); Froehner, ILouvre no. 50.B; *IMylasa 805 (PH). @ @@`33. Document concerning purchase of land, dated by &3stephanephoros& [D]ionysios Melanos, on marble fragment; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: LW 338; Froehner, ILouvre no. 50.A; Judeich, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 390; *IMylasa 806 (PH). @ @@`34. End of document concerning purchase mentioning Abas Aristeou, on white marble block; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: Judeich, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 369%19`370, no. 1; *IMylasa 807; **Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 14 (l. 1). @ @@`35. Beginning of document concerning taking possession of land, on white marble block; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: Judeich, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 369%19`370, no. 2; *IMylasa 808. @ @@`36. End of document concerning taking possession of land, on marble fragment; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: LW 326; Froehner, ILouvre no. 53.A; Judeich, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 372; *IMylasa 809 (PH). @ @@`37. Document concerning lease, on marble fragment; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: LW 327; Froehner, ILouvre no. 53.B; Judeich, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 371; Buckler, ABSA 22, 1916%19`1918, 200%19`202, no. III; *IMylasa 810 (PH). @ @@`38. Document concerning purchase of land of Adas, on bluish marble block; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: Hula %9 Szanto, pp. 5%19`6, no. 2, ll. 1%19`10; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 398, no. 46, ll. 1%19`10; *IMylasa 811. @ @@`39. Document concerning taking possession of land, dated under &3stephanephoros& Demetrios Dionysiou, on bluish marble block; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: Hula %9 Szanto, pp. 5%19`6, no. 2, ll. 11%19`19; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 398, no. 46, ll. 11%19`19; *IMylasa 812 (PH). @ @@`40. Document concerning lease of land dated under [&3s&]&3tephanephoros& Demetrios Dionysiou, on bluish marble block; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: Hula %9 Szanto, pp. 5%19`6, no. 2, ll. 20%19`23; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 398, no. 46, ll. 20%19`23; *IMylasa 813. @ @@`41. Document concerning taking possession of land, on marble; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: Judeich, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 374%19`377, no. 3; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 400%19`402, no. 48, ll. 1%19`18, %7 pp. 421%19`427; Laumonier, Cultes 148; *IMylasa 814. @ @@`42. Beginning of document concerning lease of land, on marble; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: Judeich, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 374%19`377, no. 4; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 400%19`402, no. 48, ll. 19%19`21; *IMylasa 815. @ @@`43. Reclassified as Olymos 10.5. @ @@`44. Document concerning purchase of land [in Olymis], on gray marble block; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 816.B (PH). @ @@`45. Beginning of document concerning taking possession of land, on gray marble block; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 816.C (PH). @ @@`46. End of document concerning taking possession of land, on gray marble block; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 816.D (PH). @ @@`47. Beginning of document concerning purchase of land, on gray marble fragments; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 816.E (PH). @ @@`48. End of document concerning taking possession of land, on marble fragments; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: LW 323 (left part) ll. 1%19`4 %7 324 (right part) ll. 1%19`5; Froehner, ILouvre no. 52 (left part) ll. 1%19`4 %7 no. 54 (right part) ll. 1%19`5; Buckler, ABSA 22, 1916%19`1918, 210%19`211, no. VII ll. 1%19`5; Judeich, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 387; Guarducci, MAL 6. Ser., VIII 1938, 103; *IMylasa 817 (PH). @ @@`49. Document concerning leasing of land, dated under [&3st&]&3ephanephoros& Ouliades Poll[ios], on marble fragments; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: LW 323 ll. 5%19`13 %7 324 ll. 5%19`15; Froehner, ILouvre no. 52 ll. 5%19`13 %7 no. 54 ll. 6%19`15; Buckler, ABSA 22, 1916%19`1918, 210%19`211, no. VII ll. 5%19`16; *IMylasa 818 (PH). @ @@`50. Fragment of document concerning leasing of land, on marble block; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: LW 325 (left col.); Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 396, no. 44 left col.; *IMylasa 820. @ @@`51. Fragment of leasing contract, on marble block; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: LW 325 (right col.); Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 396, no. 44, right col.; Buckler, ABSA 22, 1916%19`1918, 195; *IMylasa 821. @ @@`52. Leasing contract of Diogen[es], on fragments; II&4`2&; part found at Mylasa, part found at Olymos: Hula %9 Szanto, p. 4, no. 1, ll. 5%19`13; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 380%19`382, no. 21 (right col., ll. 6%19`19) %7 p. 396; Buckler, ABSA 22, 1916%19`1918, 191%19`195, no. I.$B&; *IMylasa 822. @ @@`53. Fragment of leasing contract for five years, on fragments; II&4`2&; part found at Mylasa, part found at Olymos: Hula %9 Szanto, p. 4, no. 1, ll. 1%19`4; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 380%19`382, no. 21 (right col., ll. 1%19`4) %7 p. 396; Buckler, ABSA 22, 1916%19`1918, 191%19`195, no. I.$A&; *IMylasa 823. @ @@`54. Document concerning transaction in land, mentioning Abas, on marble fragment; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: Hula %9 Szanto, p. 6, no. 3, ll. 1%19`7; BE 1976:506; *IMylasa 824. @ @@`55. End of document concerning leasing, on marble fragment; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 393, no. 40; Buckler, ABSA 22, 1916%19`1918, 195%19`200, no. II.$A&; *IMylasa 826. @ @@`56. Lease contract for five years with Diodotos, on marble fragment; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: Hula %9 Szanto, pp. 6%19`7, no. 4, ll. 1%19`12; Buckler, ABSA 22, 1916%19`1918, 195%19`200, no. II.$G&; BE 1921:450; BE 1940:150; *IMylasa 828. @ @@`57. End of document concerning lease, on architrave fragments; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 396%19`397, no. 45.a ll. 1%19`9 %7 no. 45.c ll. 1%19`9; Buckler, ABSA 22, 1916%19`1918, 204%19`207, no. V.$A&; *IMylasa 830. @ @@`58. Document concerning cession of land to Asklepiades Arist%1[eou], on architrave fragments; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 396%19`397, no. 45.a ll. 10%19`14 %7 no. 45.c ll. 10%19`17; Buckler, ABSA 22, 1916%19`1918, 204%19`207, no. V.$B&; *IMylasa 831. @ @@`59. Other document concerning lease (?), on architrave fragment; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 396%19`397, no. 45.b, ll. 1%19`3; Buckler, ABSA 22, 1916%19`1918, 207%19`210, no. VI.$A&; *IMylasa 832. @ @@`60. Contract concerning lease, dated under [&3stephanephoros&] Menipp[os] Glaukou, on architrave fragment; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 396%19`397, no. 45.b, ll. 4%19`17; Buckler, ABSA 22, 1916%19`1918, 207%19`210, no. VI.$B&; *IMylasa 833. @ @@`61. Fragment of document concerning lease, on marble; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: Judeich, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 386, no. 9; Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 395, no. 43; *IMylasa 834. @ @@`62. Fragment of document concerning land, on fragment of block; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 835, ll. 1%19`11 (PH). @ @@`63. Fragment of document concerning taking possession of land, on fragment of block; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 835, ll. 12%19`14 (PH). @ @@`64. Fragment of document concerning taking possession of land, on marble fragment; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 836 (PH). @ @@`65. Fragment of document concerning leasing, on marble fragment; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 837 (PH). @ @@`66. Fragment of document concerning leasing, on marble fragment; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 838. @ @@`67. Fragment of document concerning land (?), on gray marble fragment; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 839 (PH). @ @@`68. Fragment of document concerning land (?), on gray marble fragment; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 840 (PH). @ @@`69. Fragment of document concerning taking possession of land, on fragment of block; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 841 (PH). @ @@`70. Fragment of document (concerning land), on marble fragment; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 842. @ @@`71. Fragment of document concerning taking possession of land, on gray marble fragment; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 843 (PH). @ @@`72. Fragment of document (concerning land), on white marble fragment; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 844. @ @@`73. Fragment of document (concerning land), on fragment; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 845 (PH). @ @@`74. Fragment of document (concerning land), on fragment; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 846. @ @@`75. Fragment of document (concerning land), on fragment; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 847. @ @@`76. Fragment of document (concerning land) mentioning Menek%1le[s], on gray marble fragment; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 848. @ @@`77. Fragment of document (concerning land), on marble fragment; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 849. @ @@`78. Fragment of document (concerning land), on stone block; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 850; **Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 14 (l. 4). @ @@`79. Fragment of document (concerning land), on stone block; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 851; **Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 14 (l. 6). @ @@`80. Fragment of document (concerning land); II&4`2&; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 852. @ @@`81. Fragment of document (concerning land), on marble fragments; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 853 (PH). @ @@`82. Fragment of document concerning land, on fragments; II&4`2&; found at Olymos: Cousin, BCH 22, 1898, 380%19`382, no. 21, left col.; *IMylasa 854 (PH). @ @@`83. Unpublished leasing document mentioning &3hiereus& of &3basileis Melas Eirenaiou; Hellenistic; found at Olymos: Robert, CRAI 1946, 582; Robert, Amyzon I 167; Hellenica 10, 225, note 3 (non vidi); *IMylasa 894. @ @@`84. Unpublished fragments of leasing documents; II&4`1&; found at Olymos: Robert, RA 6, 1935, 158; IMylasa II p. 98. @ See also: Olymos 1, 6%19`10. @ Տ@@@@Section: 8b. Public Lists (85%19`91) @ @@`85. List of names, including Melas Ouliadou; no date; found at Olymos: LW 335; Froehner, ILouvre no. 41.C; *IMylasa 880 (PH). @ @@`86. List of names, including [Ariste]as Menippou; no date; found at Olymos: LW 329; Froehner, ILouvre no. 49.A; *IMylasa 881. @ @@`87. List of names, including Iason Aristeou; no date; found at Olymos: LW 330; Froehner, ILouvre no. 49.B; *IMylasa 882 (PH). @ @@`88. List of names, including Asteas Melanos, on bluish marble block; no date; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 883. @ @@`89. List of names, including Meniepos Poseidon[iou], on fragment of block; no date; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 884 (PH). @ @@`90. List of names, including [ ... ] Menip[pou], on marble fragment; no date; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 885. @ @@`91. Fragment of list of names (?), on architectural fragments; no date; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 886. @ See also: Olymos 30.3. @ ܏@@@@Section: 8c. Other Public Documents (92) @ @@`92. Fragment, on marble fragment; no date; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 889. @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (93) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (_) @ @@@@Section: 9b. Other Religious Inscriptions (93) @ @@`93. List (?) of cult personnel (?) under Polla, on marble block; Roman; found at Olymos: *Blu+mel, EA 13, 1989, 10, no. 898 (PH). @ See also: Olymos 1%19`5, 30.3; ILabraunda 69, l. 34 (document mentions (&3syngeneia&) of Kendebeis; found at Labraunda); Mylasa 167, ll. 4, 27 (%6 IMylasa 217) (document concerning taking possession of land sold mentions &3syngeneiai& of Kendebeis and Mosseis; found at Mylasa). @ ޏ@@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (94) @ @@`94. Fragment of honorary inscription for &3ekdikos& (no name); no date; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 891. @ See also: Olymos 11%19`21. @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (_) @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ See also: Olymos 51%19`53, 56, 60. @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (_) @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (_) @ ߏ@@@@Section: 23. Dubia (95%19`101) @ @@`95. Fragment, on marble fragment; no date; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 887. @ @@`96. Fragment mentioning month Gorpiaio[s], on fragment; no date; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 888. @ @@`97. Fragment in two columns, on marble fragment; no date; found at Olymos: *IMylasa 890. @ @@`98. Unpublished inscription, with word &3sympo&[&3liteia&]; no date; found at Olymos: Robert, Villes d'Asie Min. 55 note 3; *IMylasa 892. @ @@`99. Unpublished inscription mentioning [&3syngen&]&3eia& of Kandebeis; no date; found at Olymos: Robert, Sinuri 27; *IMylasa 893. @ @@`100. Unpublished fragment mentioning &3parthenon&; no date; found at Olymos: Robert, RA 6, 1935, 159; IMylasa II p. 98. @ @@`101. Unpublished fragment for Soloneis; no date; found at Olymos: Robert, RA 6, 1935, 159; IMylasa II p. 98. @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @ @@@@{1Panamara}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@IStratonikeia: M. C%25. S%25ahin, &3Die Inschriften von Stratonikeia, @@@@Bonn 1981%19`1982. @ All of the inscriptions listed were found at Panamara (next to Bag%27yaka.) Inscriptions found at nearby villages and references to Panamara in the inscriptions of sites outside the territory of Stratonikeia are given in the list for Stratonikeia. References to Panamara in the inscriptions given in the lists for Stratonikeia and Lagina are not given. @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`12) @ @@@@Section: 1a. Religious Decrees (1%19`4) @ @@`1. Decree of demos of S[tratonikeia] concerning temple of Panamara; III?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 58, no. 1; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 243; *IStratonikeia 19. @ @@`2. Decree of [boule and demos of Stratonikeia] concerning miracle of Zeus Panamaros at time of attack of Parthians; c. 39 BC; main part found at Panamara, small part found at Pisye but from Panamara: Hula %9 Szanto 35, no. 3, col. 1 (part); Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 220, no. 13, col. 1 (part); Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 52, &3ad& no. 39 (part); Roussel, BCH 55, 1931, 70%19`116; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 241; BE 1968:506; *IStratonikeia 10 %7 II 2 p. 35. @ @@`3. Fragment of decree concerning temple of Zeus [Karios]; 2?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 58, no. 2; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 244; *IStratonikeia 20. @ @@`4. Decree [of boule] and demos concerning mysteries celebrated after death of priest; 2&7e&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 62, no. 5; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 245; Robert, Et. anat. 517 note 3, 521 note 5; *IStratonikeia 14. @ @@@@Section: 1b. Honorary Decrees (5%19`12) @ @@`5. Honorary decree of [koinon] of Panam[ara] for [King] Philip (V); 201 BC; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 345, no. 1; Holleaux, BCH 28, 1904, 354%19`356, no. 1 (%6 Et. IV 205%19`207); BE 1906:48; BE 1952:3; *IStratonikeia 3. @ @@`6. Honorary decree of koinon of [Panamar]a for [Askle]piades As[klepiadou?] of Peuma; 198 BC; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 346%19`348, no.'s 2%19`3; Holleaux, BCH 28, 1904, 356%19`359, no.'s 2%19`3 (%6 Et. IV 207%19`210); BE 1906:48; Oppermann 4, 18%19`21; SEG 4, 387; BE 1952:3; *IStratonikeia 4 %7 II p. viii. @ @@`7. Honorary decree of koinon of Panamara for Leon Chrysaoros (of Alabanda?), giving him citizenship; c. 300%3`166 BC; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 350%19`351, no. 6; BE 1906:48; SEG 4, 388; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 238, no. 1; *IStratonikeia 7. @ @@`8. Honorary decree of boule and demos [of Stratonikeia] for Tiberius Fla(vius) Me[nandr]os and wife Fl(avia) Leontis; 2&7m&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 63, no. 6; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 263; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 239 note 1, p. 242 no. 20, p. 244 note 4, p. 257 no. 64, p. 258 no. 65, and p. 259 no. 66; BE 1973:77 (p. 72); Drew%19Bear %9 Schwertfeger, ZPE 36, 1979, 198 no. 2 ll. 1%19`11 (PH); SEG 29, 1080, no. 2; *IStratonikeia 15. @ @@`9. Honorary decree of koinon of Panamara for Po[ly]kr[atida]s [D]ailochou of Rhodes; 197%3`166 BC; found at Panamara: Holleaux, BCH 17, 1893, 54%19`55, no. 5 (%6 Et. I 411%19`412); Michel 479; van Gelder, Gesch. d. alten Rhod. 445, no. 29; Roos, MDAI(I) 25, 1975, Tafel 60, 3 (PH); *IStratonikeia 9. @ @@`10. Honorary decree of [koinon] of Londar[geis] for Le[ ... ... ]onos of Londar[ga]; II?; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 352, no. 7; BE 1906:48; Robert, RA 1926 II, 186%19`187 (%6 OM I 245%19`246); SEG 4, 396; BE 1928:380; *IStratonikeia 8 %7 II 2 p. 31. @ @@`11. Honorary decree of koinon [of Panamara] for (no name) of Rhodes, making him proxenos; 197%3`166 BC; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 348%19`349, no. 4; BE 1906:48; *IStratonikeia 5. @ @@`12. Honorary decree of [koinon] of Panamara for (no name) of Rhodes, giving him citizenship; 197%3`166 BC; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 349%19`350, no. 5; BE 1906:48; SEG 4, 395; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 238, no. 2; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 167, note 1; *IStratonikeia 6. @ See also: Panamara 406, 407. @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (13%19`30) @ @@`13. Letter of priest of Zeus to Rhodians, inviting them to festival of Zeus; 2; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 73, no. 11; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 247; *IStratonikeia 22; **M. C%25. S%25ahin, EA 3, 1984, 22 (l. 1); SEG 34, 1073. @ @@`14. Letter of priest of Zeus to (no name), inviting them to festival of Zeus; 2; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 74, no. 12; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 248; *IStratonikeia 23; SEG 34, 1073. @ @@`15. Letter of priest of Zeus to (no name), inviting them to festival of Zeus; 2; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 74, no. 13; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 249; *IStratonikeia 24; SEG 34, 1073. @ @@`16. Letter of priest of Zeus to people of [Alin]da, inviting them to festival of Zeus; 2; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 74, no.'s 14%19`15, l. 1; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 250; *IStratonikeia 25; SEG 34, 1073. @ @@`17. Letter of priest of Zeus to people of Nysa, inviting them to festival of Zeus; 2; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 74%19`75, no.'s 15%19`15&3bis&; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 251.a%19b; *IStratonikeia 27; SEG 34, 1073. @ @@`18. End of letter (of invitation to festival of Zeus?); 2?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, p. 76; BE 1928:380; *IStratonikeia 28; SEG 34, 1073. @ @@`19. Letter of priest of Zeus to (no name), inviting them to festival of Zeus; 2; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 76, no. 16; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 252; *IStratonikeia 29; SEG 34, 1073. @ @@`20. Letter of priest of Zeus to people of Myl[asa], inviting them to festival of Zeus; 2; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 76, no. 17; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 253.a%19b; *IStratonikeia 30; SEG 34, 1073. @ @@`21. Fragment of letter of priest of Zeus to (no name), inviting them [to festival of Zeus]; 2; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 76, no. 18; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 254; *IStratonikeia 31; SEG 34, 1073. @ @@`22. Letter of priest of Zeus to people of Iaso[s], inviting them to festival of Zeus; 2; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 77, no. 19; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 255; *IStratonikeia 32; SEG 34, 1073. @ @@`23. Letter of priest of Zeus to (no name), inviting them to festival of Zeus; 2; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 77, no. 20; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 256; *IStratonikeia 33; SEG 34, 1073. @ @@`24. Letter of priest of Zeus to (no name), inviting them [to festival of Zeus]; 2; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 77, no. 21; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 257; *IStratonikeia 34; SEG 34, 1073. @ @@`25. Letter [of priest of Zeus] to (no name), inviting them to festival of Zeus; 2; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 77, no. 22; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 258; *IStratonikeia 35; SEG 34, 1073. @ @@`26. Letter [of priest of Zeus] to (no name), inviting them to festival of Zeus; 2; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 78, no. 23; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 259; *IStratonikeia 36; SEG 34, 1073. @ @@`27. Letter [of priest of Zeus] to people of Miletos, inviting them [to festival of Zeus]; 2; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 78, no. 24; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 260; *IStratonikeia 37; SEG 34, 1073. @ @@`28. Letter [of priest of Zeus] to people of Smyrn[a], inviting them to festival [of Zeus]; 2; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 78, no. 25; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 261; *IStratonikeia 38; SEG 34, 1073. @ @@`29. Fragment of letter (?) of invitation (?); 2?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 87, no. 40; BE 1928:380; *IStratonikeia 39; SEG 34, 1073. @ @@`30. Fragment of letter of invitation; 2?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 69, no. 9b, ll. 10%19`12; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 266, ll. 20%19`22; Sokolowski, LSAM 67.B, ll. 11%19`13; *IStratonikeia 39a; SEG 34, 1073. @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (31%19`32) @ @@`31. Senatus Consultum concerning services of Stratonikeia in war; I; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 59%19`61, no. 3; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 246; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 239, note 1; Sherk 30; *IStratonikeia 12. @ @@`32. Senatus Consultum [concerning Panamara]; 39 BC; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 11, 1887, 225%19`238; Viereck, Sermo Graecus 41, no. 20 (non vidi); Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 240 no. 11 and p. 241; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 167, note 1; BE 1973:77 (p. 72); Sherk 27; **Badian, AJP 101, 1980, 471%19`477 (l. 10); SEG 30, 1273; *IStratonikeia 11. @ See also: Panamara 45%19`46, 78, 89, 138, 157, 160%19`161, 201, 226. @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (_) @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (33%19`34) @ @@`33. Document closing with list of cities, beginning with Miletos; 39 BC?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 68, no. 7; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 262; *IStratonikeia 21. @ @@`34. List of names belonging to two tribes Hie(rokometai) and Ko(raieis); no date; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 119, no. 135; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 265; *IStratonikeia 45. @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (35%19`405) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Hiereus and Related Inscriptions (35%19`289) @ @@`35. Dedication to Zeus Karios by Androsthenes Zoilou &3hiereus&; II%3I; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 251, no. 25; Oppermann 5, 43; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 238, no. 3; *IStratonikeia 101. @ @@`36. Dedication to Zeus, Hera, and [demos] by Hekaton Le[ontos] Korai[eus], &3hiereus&; II%3I; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 251%19`252, no. 27; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 238, no. 4; *IStratonikeia 102. @ @@`37. Dedication to Zeus Karios and Hera by Menippos Leontos Korazeus, &3hiereus&; II%3I; found at Panamara: Deschamps %9 Cousin, BCH 12, 1888, 250, no. 23; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 238 no. 6 and p. 247 no. 40; *IStratonikeia 104. @ @@`38. Thank offering to Zeus Panamaros under &3hiereus& Chairemon Hekataiou Koraieus, according to &3psephisma& of demos; I&4`2&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 61, no. 4; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 286; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 238 no. 7 and p. 241; BE 1973:77 (p. 72); *IStratonikeia 105. @ @@`39. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [Chairem]on Hekataiou Kora[ieus] (?); I&4`2&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 92, no. 56; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 287; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 238, no. 7; *IStratonikeia 106. @ @@`40. Dedication to Zeus and Hera by Menippos Dionysiou and Arista Apollonidou Koliorgis, &3hiereis&; I&4`3&%3`1&4`1&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 253%19`254, no. 30; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 240, no. 8; *IStratonikeia 107 (PH). @ @@`41. Dedication to [Zeus, Hera,] and the dem[os] by [L]eon Phi[lagrou] Ko(raieus) and Myr[tale Philagrou Ko(raiis)], &3hiereis&; I&7e&%3`1&4`1&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 259, no. 83; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 240, no. 9; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 167; *IStratonikeia 108. @ @@`42. Dedication to Zeus Karios and Her[a] by [ ... ]os Leonotos Hierokometes and mother Myrtale Philagrou Ko(raiis), &3hiereis&; I&7e&%3`1&4`1&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 250%19`251, no. 24; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 240, no. 10; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 168; *IStratonikeia 109. @ @@`43. &3Hie&[&3reus&] inscription of (no name) and sister Menias Philagrou [Korai]is; I&7e&%3`1&4`1&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 90, no. 53, ll. 1%19`12; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 284; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 240, no. 10&3bis&; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 167%19`168; *IStratonikeia 110. @ @@`44. Dedication to Zeus Karios of [&3st&]&3oai& and [&3er&]&3gasteria& by [ ... ] Hekataiou, &3hiereus&; I&7e&%3`1&4`1&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 36, no. 35, ll. 1%19`5; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 279; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 240, no. 11; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 168; *IStratonikeia 111. @ @@`45. Building%3dedicatory inscription for &3psalis,& etc. to Zeus Karios, [He]ra, and demos, by [Pos]ittos Apellou [&3hiereus&]; I&7e&%3`1&4`1&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 79%19`81, no. 28; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 270; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 239 no. 7 and 240%19`241 no. 12; *IStratonikeia 112. @ @@`46. Honorary inscription for [Posittos &3hiereus&], wife Korithia, and family, for building temple of Hera; I&7e&%3`1&4`1&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 81%19`82, no. 29, ll. 1%19`12; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 272; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 240%19`241, no. 12; *IStratonikeia 113. @ @@`47. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of (no name) (?); no date; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 82, no. 30, col. 1; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 271.a; *IStratonikeia 114, col. 1. @ @@`48. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription of (?) [Posittos] Apel[lou (?)]; I&7e&%3`1&4`1&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 82, no. 30, col. 2; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 271.b; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 240%19`241, no. 12; *IStratonikeia 114, col. 2. @ @@`49. &3Hiereus& inscription (?), with mention of [Thrason] Leontos; I&7e&%3`1; found at Panamara: Drew%19Bear %9 Schwertfeger, ZPE 36, 1979, 204, no. 13, col. 1 (PH); SEG 29, 1081, col. I; *IStratonikeia 115. @ @@`50. Dedication to Zeus Karios and [He]ra by Artem[ido]ros Arte[mi]dorou Hie[rok]omete[s], [&3hier&]&3eu&[&3s&]; I&7e&%3`1&4`1&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 251, no. 26; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 241, no. 13; *IStratonikeia 116. @ @@`51. &3Hiereus& inscription of Apelles Apello[u] Koraieus and Artem[isi]a Philippou Loboldi[s]; 1; found at Panamara: Foucart, BCH 14, 1890, 370, no. 10; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 241%19`242, no. 14; *IStratonikeia 117. @ @@`52. &3Hiereus& inscription of Aristeas Mentoros Loboldeus, &3hiereus&; 1; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 181, no. 122; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 242, no. 15; *IStratonikeia 118. @ @@`53. &3Hiereus& inscription of Artemidoros Chrysaoros Koliorgeus and Tatas Menippou Koliorgis; 1; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 52, no. 40.B; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 242, no. 16; *IStratonikeia 119. @ @@`54. &3Hiereus& inscription of Le[on] Hippias [Ko]raeus, with children; 1%3`2&7b&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 28, no. 8; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 242 no. 17 and p. 247 no. 35; *IStratonikeia 120. @ @@`55. &3Hiereus& inscription of Menand[ros] Menesthe[os] Koliorg[eus] and Nanne Phil[ ... ] Hierokom[etis]; 1; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 251, no. 66; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 242 no. 18 and p. 270 no. 100; *IStratonikeia 121. @ @@`56. &3Hiereus& inscription of Men[ ... ]os Men[e]kleous Koraze[us] and Art[e]misia Apo[llon]i[ou] Korazis; 1; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 183, no. 126, ll. 1%19`7; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 242, no. 19; *IStratonikeia 122. @ @@`57. &3Hiereus& inscription of Phanias Leontos Koliorgeus and Leontis Phaniou; 1; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 208, no. 148; Oppermann 36%19`37; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 242, no. 20; *IStratonikeia 123. @ @@`58. &3Hiereus& inscription of [S]osan[dros Demai]netou Kor[azeus] and [ ... ]ine E[ ... ]; 1; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 89, no. 48; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 297; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 242, no. 21; *IStratonikeia 124. @ @@`59. &3Hiereus& inscription of Thrasymachos Aineou Hierokometes and Metrodoris Aristeidou [L]oboldis; 1; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 251, no. 67 (part); Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 251, no. 69 (part); BE 1906:48; Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 89, no. 51 (part); BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 298 (part); Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 242, no. 22; *IStratonikeia 125. @ @@`60. &3Hiereus& inscription of [Aristomenes Arist]ode[m]ou Themeseous and Aph[i]on Euboulou; 1; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 48, no. 35; BE 1906:48; Robert, Et. anat. 564; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 242, no. 23; *IStratonikeia 126. @ @@`61. &3Hiereus& inscription of [ ... ] Chrysaoros Koliorgeus and [ ... ... ]nymou Koliorgis; 1; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 88, no. 43; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 293; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 242, no. 24; *IStratonikeia 127. @ @@`62. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [ ... ], grandson of Dionysokles and [ ... Ko]razis; 1; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 78, no. 26; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 269; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, pp. 242%19`243 no. 25 and p. 284 no. 118; *IStratonikeia 128. @ @@`63. Dedication to Aphrodite &3epekoos& by Apelles Apellou Ko(raieus) &3hiereus&; 1%3`2&7b&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 270, no. 55; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 242 no. 14, p. 245 no.'s 26%19`27, and p. 250 note 1; *IStratonikeia 129. @ @@`64. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [Apelles Apellou] Ko(raieus) and [ ... ]; 1%3`2&7b&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 87, no. 39; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 295; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 245 no. 26 and p. 283 note 2; *IStratonikeia 130. @ @@`65. &3Hiereus& inscription of Apel[les Apellou Koraieus] and [ ... Ko]rais; 1%3`2&7b&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 89, no. 49; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 343; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 245, no. 26 and note 1; *IStratonikeia 131. @ @@`66. Honorary inscription by boule and demos for Apelles Dandomos Ko(raieus) and Ada Herakleitou, &3hiereis&; 1%3`2&7b&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 249, no. 62; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 242 no. 14 and pp. 245%19`246 no. 27; *IStratonikeia 132. @ @@`67. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription (?) of [ ... ] Ko(liorgeus); no date; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 183, no. 127, col. 1; *IStratonikeia 133, col. 1. @ @@`68. &3Hiereus& inscription of Apelles Myonidou [Ko(raieus)] and Adas Herakleitou; 1%3`2&7b&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 183, no. 127, col. 2; Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 249, no. 63; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 241 no. 14 and pp. 245%19`246 no. 27; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 171 note 1; *IStratonikeia 133, col. 2. @ @@`69. [&3Hi&]&3ereus& inscription of [Ap]ollodotos [Di]onysiou K(ora)z(eus) and Apphion [ ... ]oklidou Ko(liorgis); 1%3`2&7b&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 28, no. 9; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 246, no. 28; *IStratonikeia 134. @ @@`70. &3Hiereus& inscription of Pammenes Aristokleou[s] Ko(raieus) and Tatias Apollodotou K(ora)z(is); 1%3`2&7b&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 181, no. 121; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 246, no.'s 28%19`30; SEG 29, 1080, no. 9; Drew%19Bear %9 Schwertfeger, ZPE 36, 1979, 202, no. 9 (PH); *IStratonikeia 135. @ @@`71. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [Aristokl]es Pam[menous] Ko(raieus) and [Tatias A]pollo[dotou K(ora)]z(is); 1%3`2&7b&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 29, no. 10 (part); BE 1906:48; Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 89, no. 52 (part); BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 291 (part); Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 246, no.'s 28%19`30; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 169; *IStratonikeia 136. @ @@`72. &3Hiereus& inscription of Artemido[ros Leon]tos; 1%3`2&7b&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 90, no. 53, ll. 13%19`15; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 327; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 246, no. 31 and note 1; *IStratonikeia 138. @ @@`73. &3Hiereus& inscription of [A]rtemid[oros] Leontos [Ko(liorgeus)] and [ ... ]o[n] Dionys[io]u Ko(liorgis); 1%3`2&7b&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 20, no. 1.A; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 246, no. 31; *IStratonikeia 139. @ @@`74. &3Hie&[&3reus&] inscription of [Dionysi]os Mela[nos Hie(rokometes)] and Menes[trate Hekatai]ou Lo(boldis); 1%3`2&7b&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 30, no. 12.A (part); Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 250, no. 65, ll. 8%19`18; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 246, no. 32; Drew%19Bear %9 Schwertfeger, ZPE 36, 1979, 201, no. 7, ll. 8%19`18 (PH); SEG 29, 1080, no. 7; *IStratonikeia 140 (PH). @ @@`75. &3Hiereus& inscription of Dionysios Mela[nos] Hie(rokometes) and Menestrate Hekata[i]ou Lo(boldis); 1%3`2&7b&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 182%19`183, no. 125; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 246, no. 32; *IStratonikeia 141. @ @@`76. &3Hiereus& inscription of Hekaton Kleuboulou [K](ora)z(eus) and (no name); 1%3`2&7b&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 251, no. 68, ll. 2%19`4; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 247, no. 34; *IStratonikeia 142. @ @@`77. &3Hiereia& inscription of [Hekaton Demetriou Ko(liorgeus) and] Tatas [Art]em[idorou] Ko(liorgis), with children; 1%3`2&7b&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 249, no. 61; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 246, no.'s 29%19`30 and note 2; *IStratonikeia 143. @ @@`78. &3Hiereus&%3building%3dedicatory inscription by Dionysios Pythonos Ko(raieus) and Abbas Menelaou Ko(liorgis), to &3ho theos, of &3apotheke& and &3argyromata&; 1%3`2&7b&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 30, no. 12.B; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 247, no. 35; *IStratonikeia 144. @ @@`79. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of Dio[ ... ], with children; 1%3`2&7b&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 255, no. 76, ll. 1%19`4; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 247, no. 36; *IStratonikeia 145. @ @@`80. &3Hiereus& inscription of [Herak]leitos Leonto[s] [K]o(raieus) and Leontis Le[ontos (?)]; 1%3`2&7b&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 254, no. 74, ll. 1%19`3; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 247 no. 37 and p. 283 note 2; *IStratonikeia 146. @ @@`81. Dedication of &3charisterion& by Herakleitos Herakleitou to Theai Eleuseiniai; 1%3`2&7b&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 268%19`269, no. 53; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 247 no. 38 and p. 283 note 2; Roos, MDAI(I) 25, 1975, Taf. 60, 1 (PH); *IStratonikeia 147. @ @@`82. Dedication to Zeus Panamaros and Hera by Herakleitos Herakleitou Ko(raieus); 1%3`2&7b&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 260, no. 43; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 247 no. 38 and p. 283 note 2; *IStratonikeia 148. @ @@`83. &3Hiereus& inscription of Menippos Leontos Lo(boldeus) and Papiaina Menestheos; 1%3`2&7b&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 181%19`182, no. 123; Laumonier, BCH 61, ӄ1937, 238 no. 6 and 247 no. 40; *IStratonikeia 149. @ @@`84. &3Hiereu&[&3s&] inscription of Mentor Hierokle[ous Ko(raieus)] and Glykonis Phan[ ... ]; 1%3`2&7b&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 255, no. 76, ll. 5%19`9; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 247 no. 41, p. 271 note 4, and p. 275 no. 105; *IStratonikeia 150. @ @@`85. &3Hiereus& inscription of [Hierokl]es Mentoros Ko(raieus) and Artem[on?] Apphion Ko(raiis); 1%3`2&7b&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 90%19`91, no. 54; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 289; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, pp. 247%19`248 no. 42, p. 271 note 4, and p. 275 no. 105; *IStratonikeia 151 %7 II p. vii. @ @@`86. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of (?) [ ... Hier]okleo[us (?)] and children; 1%3`2&7b&?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 88, no. 46; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 340; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 247 no. 41, p. 248 no. 42, p. 271 note 4, and p. 285 no. 122; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 167, note 1; Drew%19Bear %9 Schwertfeger, ZPE 36, 1979, 199, no. 4a (PH); SEG 29, 1080, no. 4a; *IStratonikeia 152. @ @@`87. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription (?) mentioning [Hi]erok[les (?)]; 1%3`2&7b&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 111, no. 91; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 342; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 271, note 4; *IStratonikeia 153 %7 II p. viii. @ @@`88. Fragment of dedication (?) mentioning [Hi]erok[les (?)] and Hermas; 1%3`2&7b&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 86, no. 36; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 274; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 271, note 4; *IStratonikeia 154. @ @@`89. [&3Hie&]&3reus& inscription of (?) Arist[ ... ] and Hierokl[es], on fragment of architrave; 1%3`2&7b&?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 86, no. 34; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 278; Laumonier, RA 1933 II 55; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 271, note 4; *IStratonikeia 155. @ @@`90. &3Hiereus& inscription of Polites Leontos Ko(liorgeus) and Chotis Sosandrou Ko(raiis); 1%3`2&7b&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 48, no. 33; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 248 no. 44 and p. 250 note 1; *IStratonikeia 156. @ @@`91. &3Hiereus& inscription of Chrysaor Menippou Ko(liorgeus) and Apphion Menelaou Lo(boldis); 1%3`2&7b&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 48, no. 34; BE 1906:48; Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 88, no. 44 (part); BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 292 (part); Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 248, no. 45; *IStratonikeia 157. @ @@`92. [&3Hiereu&]&3s& inscription of [Chrysa]or Me[nippou Ko(liorgeus)] and (no name); 1%3`2&7b&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 88, no. 45; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 321; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 248, no. 45; *IStratonikeia 158. @ @@`93. Dedication of &3charisterion& to Zeus Panamaros by Artemidoros De[m]etriou Ko(liorgeus); no date; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 259, no. 42; *IStratonikeia 160. @ @@`94. Dedication by [ ... ... ]otos Dionyso[ ... ] and Artemis[ia], &3hiereis&; no date; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 101, no. 69; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 273; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, no. 43; *IStratonikeia 161. @ @@`95. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [Dion]ysios [ ... ]; no date; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 111, no. 93; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 322; *IStratonikeia 162. @ @@`96. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [ ... ] Hermesianax Lo(boldeus) and (no name); no date; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 259%19`260, no. 84 (part); BE 1906:48; Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 89, no. 50 (part); BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 332; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 277 no. 111 and p. 283 note 1; M. C%25. S%25ahin, ZPE 38, 1980, 157, no. 2; SEG 30, 1276; *IStratonikeia 163 %7 II p. viii. @ @@`97. Honorary inscription (?) for P[ ... Hera]kleitou (?), [&3thygater& (?)] of &3pat&[&3ris&]; imperial; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 86%19`87, no. 37; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 282; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 283, note 2; *IStratonikeia 164 %7 II p. viii. @ @@`98. Dedication to [Pan]emerios Zeus by (no name); no date; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 103, no. 76.B; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 333.b; *IStratonikeia 165. @ @@`99. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [ ... ] Menandro[s (?)]; 2; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 99, no. 67; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 317; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 259, no. 65 and note 1; *IStratonikeia 166. @ @@`100. &3Hiereus& inscription of Menandro[s ... ]ou and (no name) [P]aioniou; no date; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 88, no. 47; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 296; *IStratonikeia 167. @ @@`101. &3Hiereus& inscription of [Tiberius Claudius] Theo[phanes] and wife [Claudia Ma]malon; 1&4`2&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 82%19`83, no. 31; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 275; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 248%19`249, no. 47; Roos, MDAI(I) 25, 1975, 337, no. 1 (PH) (part); Drew%19Bear %9 Schwertfeger, ZPE 36, 1979, 203, no. 12 (part); SEG 29, 1080, no. 12; *IStratonikeia 168. @ @@`102. Dedication of &3eucharisterion& [to Zeus Panamaros and Hera] by [Ti(berius) Cl(audius) Laenas] and Cl[aud]ia Macrina, &3hiereis&; 1&7e&%3`2&4`1&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 256%19`257, no. 38; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 249%19`250, no. 49; *IStratonikeia 169. @ @@`103. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of Claudia M[acrina], [&3thyg&]&3ater &3poleos&; 1&7e&%3`2&4`1&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 206, no. 146; *IStratonikeia 170. @ @@`104. Honorary (?) inscription for (?) [T(itus) Flavius] Diomedes, [&3neokoros&]; 1&7e&%3`2&4`1&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 99, no. 66; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 318; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 249 no. 49, p. 251 no. 52, and p. 253 no. 58; *IStratonikeia 171. @ @@`105. Honorary (?) inscription for (?) Ti(berius) Claudius Laenas, &3hiereus&; 1&7e&%3`2&4`1&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 23%19`24, no. 2; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, pp. 249%19`250 no.'s 48%19`49, p. 250 note 1, p. 251 no. 50, and p. 253 note 3; Drew%19Bear %9 Schwertfeger, ZPE 36, 1979, 200%19`201, no. 6 (PH) (part); SEG 29, 1080, no. 6; *IStratonikeia 172. @ @@`106. Dedication of &3chari&[&3sterion&] by [Tib(erius) Cl(audius) Laenas, &3hiereus&]; 1&7e&%3`2&4`1&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 83, no. 32; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 276; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 250 no. 49 and note 3; *IStratonikeia 173. @ @@`107. &3Hiereus& inscription of [Tiberius Claudius Laenas] and Claudia Mamal[o]n; 1&4`2&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 204%19`206, no. 145; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, pp. 249%19`250 no.'s 47%19`49, p. 251 no. 50, p. 253 note 3, and p. 255 no. 59; *IStratonikeia 174. @ @@`108. Dedication of &3charisterion& to &3theai megistai& Nemeseis by Ti(berius) Cl(audius) Laenas, &3hiereus,& on base; 1&4`2&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 84, no. 33; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 277; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, pp. 249%19`250 no. 49 and p. 250 note 3; *IStratonikeia 175. @ @@`109. Dedication by Clau(dius) [Laenas K(ora)z(eus)]; 1&4`2&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 239, no. 45; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 72, no. 49; *IStratonikeia 176. @ @@`110. Dedication of &3charisterion& to Zeus Panamaros and Hera by Ti(berius) Clau(dius) [ ... ]ias Sabinianus and Clau(dia) Apphion Tatias Hie(rometis), &3hiereis&; 1&7e&%3`2; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 256, no. 37; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 239 note 1 and 251 no. 51; *IStratonikeia 177. @ @@`111. &3Hiereus& inscription of [Ti]berius Cl[audius] A[risteas (?)] and wife Tat[ia ... ]ous Ko(liorgis); 1&7e&%3`2; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 239, no. 43; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 251, no. 54 and note 3; *IStratonikeia 178. @ @@`112. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of (?) [Tiberius Claudius Aristeas Menandros] Fl(avius) Paeonius and family; 2; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 254, no. 72; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, pp. 251%19`252 no. 55, p. 262 no. 72, p. 268 &3infra,& and p. 290 no. 137; *IStratonikeia 179. @ @@`113. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [T]ib(erius) Cla[udius] Pa[ ... ]; 1&4`2&%3`2; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 112, no. 94; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 324; *IStratonikeia 180. @ @@`114. &3Hiereus& inscription of [G]aius Flavius Leonides Aeneas Hie(rokometes) and Ulpia [B]aebia Ko(raiis); 2; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 49, no. 36 (part); Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 250, no. 64, ll. 4%19`13 (part); BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 252 no. 57, p. 263 no. 77, p. 266 no. 87, and p. 276 &3infra&; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 170 no. 77 and note 1; *IStratonikeia 181. @ @@`115. &3Hiereus& inscription of [Tiberius Flavius] Sabinian[us Diomedes Menippos Hie(rokometes)] and mother [Claudia Leontis]; 2&4`1&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 36, no. 20; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 250 no. 49, p. 251 no. 52, p. 253 no.'s 58%19`59 and note 3, and p. 256 no.'s 60%19`61; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 168, note 0; *IStratonikeia 183. @ @@`116. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of T[iberius Fl]avius Sab[inianus Di]omedes [Menippos Hie(rokometes)]; 2&4`1&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 35%19`36, no. 19; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 253 no. 59 and p. 255 no. 59 and note 2; and note 3; *IStratonikeia 184. @ @@`117. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [Tiberius Flavius Sabinianus Diomedes Menippos] and family, including daughter Fla(via) Mamalon Hie(rokometis); 2; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 244, no. 53 (part); Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 248, no. 60.A (part); BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 248, pp. 249%19`250 no.'s 48%19`49, p. 250 note 4, p. 251 no. 52, p. 253 no.'s 58%19`59 and note 3, p. 255 no. 59, p. 256 no. 60, and p. 257 no. 63; *IStratonikeia 185. @ @@`118. Dedication by (?) [Ti(berius) Fl(avius) Sabinianus Diomede]s Menippos Hie(rokometes) and Ulpia [Apphias Ko(liorgis)]; 2&4`1&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 245, no. 54; BE 1906:48; SEG 4, 389; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 249 no. 48, p. 251 no. 52, p. 253 no. 59, p. 255 no. 59 and note 4, p. 256 no. 60, 62 and p. 257 no.'s 63%19`64; *IStratonikeia 186. @ @@`119. Dedication by (?) [Tib]erius Flavius Sabinianus Diomedes Menippos Hie(rokometes) and Ulp(ia) Ap[phia]s Ko(liorgis); 2&4`1&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 35 no. 18; BE 1906:48; SEG 4, 390; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 249 no. 47, p. 251 no. 52 and note 2, pp. 253%19`255 no. 59, p. 255 no. 59 and note 3, p. 256 no. 62 and p. 257 no. 63; *IStratonikeia 187. @ @@`120. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of (no name), with Tib(erius) Fl(avius) Sabinianus Di[omedes Me]nippos Hi(erokometes); 2&4`1&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 103, no. 75; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 338; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 256 no.'s 59, 61; *IStratonikeia 188. @ @@`121. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of (?) Flavius Diomede[s]; 2; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 246, no. 56; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 256, no. 60; *IStratonikeia 189. @ @@`122. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of (no name) and [Flavi]a Aris[tolais]; 2; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 245%19`246, no. 55; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 256, no.'s 60, 62; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 169; *IStratonikeia 190. @ @@`123. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [Tib(erius) Fl(avius)] Theo[phanes Hie(rokometes) and [Flavia] Tat[ia]; 2; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 103, no. 77; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 325; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 256 no. 62 and note 3 and p. 260 no. 69; *IStratonikeia 191 %7 II p. vii. @ @@`124. [&3Hier&]&3eus& inscription of Ti(berius) Fl(avius) [ ... ] and Fl(avia) Mamalon Hie(rokometis); 2; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 246%19`247, no. 57; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 256 no.'s 60, 62, p. 257 no. 63, p. 265 &3supra,& and p. 266 note 1; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 169; *IStratonikeia 192. @ @@`125. Dedication of &3charisterion& to Zeus Kannokos, Hera, and Neike by T(i)b(erius) Fl(avius) Menandros Ko(liorgeus) and Fl(avia) Leontis, &3hiereis&; 2; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 261, no. 47; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 257%19`259, no.'s 64%19`65; Roos, MDAI(I) 25, 1975, 336, Taf. 59, 4 (PH); *IStratonikeia 193. @ @@`126. Dedication of &3charisterion& to Zeus Kannokos, Hera, and Nei[ke] by T(i)b(erius) Fla(vius) Menandros and Fl(avia) Leontis, &3hiereis&; 2; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 261%19`262, no. 48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 250 note 3 and pp. 257%19`259 no.'s 64%19`65; *IStratonikeia 194. @ @@`127. Dedication of &3charisterion& to Artemis Korazon, Leto, and Apollo by Tib(erius) Fla(vius) Menandros and Fla(via) Leontis, &3hiereis&; 2; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 266%19`268, no. 51; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 257%19`259, no.'s 64%19`65; *IStratonikeia 194b. @ @@`128. Dedication of &3charisterion& by [Tiberius Flavius Menandros] and Fla(via) Leontis, &3hiereis&; 2; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 254, no. 34; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 257 no. 64 and p. 258 no. 65; *IStratonikeia 195. @ @@`129. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [Fla(via) (?)] Leontis and other &3hiereis&; 2; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 102, no. 73 (part); Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 102, no. 74 (part); BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 323 (part); SEG 4, 328 (part); Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 257 no. 64 and 258 note 3; *IStratonikeia 196. @ @@`130. &3Hiereus& inscription of Tib(erius) Fla(vius) [Th]eophanes; 2; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 258, no. 81 (part); Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 260, no. 85 (part); BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 244 note 4, p. 256 no. 62, p. 257 no. 64, p. 258 no. 65, and p. 259 no. 66; *IStratonikeia 197 %7 II p. viii. @ @@`131. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of (no name) and (no name), with family, including Eudemis; 2; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 257, no. 80; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, pp. 257%19`259, no.'s 64%19`65 and p. 277, no. 111; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 171; Robert, Glad. no. 166 (part); *IStratonikeia 199. @ @@`132. Dedication to Zeus Karios and Hera by Titus Flavius Aeneas Ko(liorgeus) and Flavia Leonis Ko(liorgis), &3hiereis&; 2; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 209, no. 151; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 241, p. 243, and p. 259 no. 67; *IStratonikeia 200. @ @@`133. &3Hiereus& inscription of T(itus) Flavius Aeneas Ko(liorgeus) and Flavia Leonis Ko(liorgis), &3hiereis&; 2; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 208, no. 150; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 259, no. 67; *IStratonikeia 201. @ @@`134. &3Hiereus& inscription of T(i)b(erius) Fl(avius) Aeneas Theophanes Hie(rokometes) and Fl(avia) Paulina Ko(liorgis); 2; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 11, 1887, 375%19`379, no. 1; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 244 note 2, p. 259 no.'s 66%19`67, pp. 259%19`260 no. 68, and p. 260 no. 70; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, note 0; *IStratonikeia 202. @ @@`135. &3Hiereus& inscription of T(i)b(erius) Fl(avius) Theophanes Hie(rokometes); AD 164%3`166; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 11, 1887, 379%19`383, no. 2; SEG 4, 397; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 244, p. 249, p. 259 no. 68, and p. 260 no. 69; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 167, note 1; *IStratonikeia 203. @ @@`136. Dedication by Ti(berius) Fla(vius) [ ... ], &3hiereus&; 2; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 81%19`82, no. 29, ll. 13%19`14; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 326; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 260, no.'s 69%19`70; *IStratonikeia 204. @ @@`137. Dedication by (?) T(i)b(erius) Fl(avius) Iason (Aeneas) Hie(rokometes) and Ael(ia) Statilia Pythiane Hie(rokometis), &3hiereis&; 2; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 11, 1887, 383%19`387, no. 3; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 260 no. 70 and p. 277 &3supra&; *IStratonikeia 205 %7 II p. viii. @ @@`138. Dedication to Zeus Panamaros and Hera by Tib(erius) Fl(avius) Iason Aeneas and Ael(ia) Statilia Pythiane of (statues of) Sarapis and Isis and of their &3neos& and &3bomos&; 2&4`2&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 11, 1887, 389%19`390, no. 6; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 260, no. 70; Vidman, Sylloge no. 279; *IStratonikeia 207. @ @@`139. Dedication of &3charisterion& to Zeus Panamaros and Hera Teleia by Tib(erius) Fla(vius) Iason and Ael(ia) Statilia Pythiane &3hiereis&; 2&7e&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 11, 1887, 389, no. 5; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 260, no. 70; Roos, MDAI(I) 25, 1975, Taf. 60, 2 (PH); *IStratonikeia 208. @ @@`140. Dedication to Zeus Kapetolios, Moirai, Tyche, Charites, Mousai, and Mnemosyne by Tib(erius) Fl(avius) Iason and [Ael(ia) Statilia Pythiane], &3hiereis&; 2&7e&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 272%19`273, no. 59; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 260, no. 70; Roos, MDAI(I) 25, 1975, Taf. 59, 3 (PH); *IStratonikeia 209. @ @@`141. Dedication by [Titus] Flavius [Aeneas, &3hiereus&]; 2&4`2&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 108, no. 83; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 308; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 249 note 2, p. 262 no. 71, and p. 263 no. 77; *IStratonikeia 210. @ @@`142. Dedication of &3charisterion& to Zeus Panamaros and Hera by Titus Flavius Leon Ko(liorgeus) and Flavia Tatias Ko(liorgis), &3hiereis&; 2&7e&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 254, no. 35; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 262 no. 70, pp. 262%19`263 no. 72, and p. 266 no. 82; *IStratonikeia 211. @ @@`143. Dedication of &3charisterion& to Zeus Panamaros and Hera by Ti(berius) Fl(avius) Aeneas &3hiereus& with wife Fl(avia) Leontis; 2; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 253%19`254, no. 33; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 249 note 2, p. 263 no. 73, and p. 265 no.'s 78%19`79; Roos, MDAI(I) 25, 1975, Taf. 59, 1 (PH); *IStratonikeia 212. @ @@`144. Dedication to [Zeus Panem]erios under &3hiereis& Fl(avius) Aeneas and Fl(avia) Mama[lo]n; 3; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 114, no. 104; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 350; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 263 no. 74 and p. 298; *IStratonikeia 213. @ @@`145. Dedication to Zeus Panamaros and Hera by Fla(vius) Aristo[la]os and Claudia Tatias, &3hiereis&; 2&4`1&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 253, no. 32; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 251 no. 53 and 265 no. 78; Drew%19Bear %9 Schwertfeger, ZPE 36, 1979, 202%19`203, no. 10 (PH); SEG 29, 1080, no. 10; BE 1980:476; *IStratonikeia 214. @ @@`146. [&3Hiereu&]&3s& inscription of Ti(berius) Fl(avius) Diokl[e]s Ko(liorgeus) and Fl(avia) Nikolais Hie[rokometis]; 2; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 28, 1904, 51, no. 38.A; BE 1906:48; Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 92, no. 58; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 294; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 263 &3infra,& p. 265 &3supra,& and pp. 265%19`266 no.'s 80%19`81, and p. 266 no. 84; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 167, note 1 and p. 174; *IStratonikeia 215 %7 II p. viii. @ @@`147. &3Hiereus& inscription of Ti(berius) Fl(avius) Aristolaos Ko(liorgeus) and daughter Fl(avia) Aristolais Ko(liorgis); 2; found at Pisye, wandered from Panamara: Hula %9 Szanto 35, no. 3, col. 2; Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 220, no. 13, col. 2; Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 51%19`52, no. 39; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 265 no. 80 and p. 266 no. 83; *IStratonikeia 216. @ @@`148. Dedication to Zeus Panamaros, Hera, Hekate Sotire, and Tyche &3enoikid&[&3ios&] by Ti(berius) Fla(vius) Phaidros Hie(rokometes) and Fla(via) Aris[to]lais Ko(liorgis), &3hiereis&; 2; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 264, no. 49; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, pp. 263%19`265 and p. 266 no.'s 84, 86; *IStratonikeia 217. @ @@`148.5. &3Hiereus& inscription of Ti(berius) Fla(vius) Phaidros Hier(okometes) and Fla(via) Aristolais; 2; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 42, no. 27.A; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, pp. 263%19`265 and p. 266 no.'s 84 and 86; *IStratonikeia 218. @ @@`149. Dedication by Ti(berius) Fla(vius) Leon Phaidros Hie(rokometes), &3hiereus&; 2; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 42%19`43, no. 27.B, ll. 12%19`18; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 266 no. 87 and p. 281 note 4; *IStratonikeia 219. @@`150. &3Hiereus& inscription of Ti(berius) Fla(vius) [Eude]mos K(ora)z(eus) and Fla(via) Heraeis; 1; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 255%19`256, no. 77 (part); BE 1906:48; Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 98%19`99, no. 65 (part); BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 329 (part); Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 267, no. 88; Drew%19Bear %9 Schwertfeger, ZPE 36, 1979, 202, no. 8 (part) (PH); SEG 29, 1080, no. 8; *IStratonikeia 220a. @ @@`151. [&3Hiereia&] inscription of [Fla(via)] Heraeis [&3hieria&]; 1&7e&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 256, no. 78; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 267, no. 88; *IStratonikeia 220b. @ @@`152. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of (?) (no name) and (no name), [&3hiereis&], together with Gaius M[ ... ] and family; imperial; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 110%19`111, no. 89.B; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 311.B; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 267, no. 89; *IStratonikeia 221. @ @@`153. &3Hiereus& inscription of [Fl(avius)] Eleutherion and [ ... ]akla, &3hiereis,& according to the wish of the god; 3?; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 238, no. 42; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 267, no. 90; *IStratonikeia 222. @ @@`154. Dedication of &3eucharisterion& by (Tiberius) Fla(vius) Artemisios and Cl(audia) Eupraxia, &3hiereis&; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 253, no. 31; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 267, no. 91; *IStratonikeia 223. @ @@`155. &3Hiereus& inscription of [T]i(berius) Flav(ius) Artemis[i]os and Clau(dia) Flav(ia) Tatias Eupraxias, according to the pleasure of the god; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 199, no. 141, ll. 2%19`13; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 267 no. 91, p. 286 no. 124, and p. 295 no. 160; *IStratonikeia 224. @ @@`156. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [Tiberius Flavius Artemisios,] together with Cla(udia) Eup[raxia]; 3; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 102, no. 72; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 331; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 267, no. 91; *IStratonikeia 225. @ @@`157. &3Hiereus& inscription of Flav[ianus] Hekatodorou Ko(liorgeus) and Apphia [Hie]rokleia Ko(liorgis), on occasion of giving silver to building &3stoa Flaviane&; 3?; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 24, no. 3; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 268 no. 94 and p. 281 note 4; *IStratonikeia 226. @ @@`158. &3Hiereus& inscription of Hierokles [Panaitiou Hie(rokometes),] together with wife Ada Pa(namaris) and family; 2; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 26, no. 6; BE 1906:48; Laum II no. 133 (part); Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 239 note 2, p. 268 note 1, and p. 269 no. 97; *IStratonikeia 227. @ @@`159. &3Hiereus& inscription of Thrason Leon; 2; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 27, no. 7; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 270, no.'s 98%19`99; *IStratonikeia 228 (PH). @ @@`160. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [Leon Thrason,] together with wife [Ap]phion K(ora)z(is), for activities including &3strosis& of &3leukolithos& in &3agora&; 2; found at Panamara, identical with Stratonikeia 161: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 200, no. 142; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 270, no.'s 98%19`99; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 170; *IStratonikeia 229a. @ @@`161. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [Leon Thrason, together with wife Apphion K(ora)z(is),] for &3s&[&3t&]&3rosis& of &3leuko&[&3lithos& in &3agora&] and other activities; 2; found at Panamara, identical with Stratonikeia 160: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 39, no. 23.A; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 270, no. 99; *IStratonikeia 229b. @ @@`162. Dedication to Zeus Panamaros and Hera by Theoxenos Theoxenou Hie(rokometes) and Menestrate Berthas Hie(rokometis); 2&4`2&?; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 201%19`202, no. 143; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 270, no. 100; *IStratonikeia 230a. @ @@`163. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [Theoxenos Theoxe]nou [Hie(rokometes)] and [Menestrate] Berthas [Hie(rokometis)]; 2&4`2&?; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 248, no. 58 (part); Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 248, no. 59 (part); Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 248, no. 60.B (part); BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 270, no. 100; *IStratonikeia 230b. @ @@`164. &3Hiereus& inscription of (no name) and Kleopatr[a]; 2?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 87, no. 38; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 283; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 271, no. 101; *IStratonikeia 231. @ @@`165. &3Hiereus& inscription of Hierokles Leon Thrason Kypriakos Ko(liorgeus) and Hierokleia Neonis Ko(liorgis); 2?; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 25%19`26, no. 5; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 271, no. 102; *IStratonikeia 232. @ @@`166. &3Hiereus& inscription of [Hierokle]s Leo[n Thrason Kypriakos K]o(liorgeus) and Hie[rokleia Ne]onis Ko(liorgis); 2?; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 250, no. 65, ll. 1%19`7 (part); BE 1906:48; Oppermann 37 (part); SEG 4, 290 (part); Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 91, no. 55 (part); BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 337 (part); Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 271 no. 102 and p. 275 no. 105; Drew%19Bear %9 Schwertfeger, ZPE 36, 1979, 201, no. 7, ll. 1%19`7 (PH) (part); *IStratonikeia 233. @ @@`167. &3Hiereus& inscription of Hierokles En[ ... ] [Ko(liorgeus)] and Abaskai[ ... ]; 2?; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 239, no. 44; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 271, no. 103; *IStratonikeia 234. @ @@`168. [&3Hiereus&] (?) inscription of [ ... ]oios and Tryphaina Drakontis Ko(liorgis), &3kle&[&3id&]&3ophoros&; 2&4`1&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 196, no. 139; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 273%19`274, no. 104 and note 2; *IStratonikeia 235. @ @@`169. Dedication by (?) [M(arcus) Ulpius] Ariston (?) and [Aelia Tryphaina Drakontis (?)]; 2&4`1&?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 101%19`102, no. 71; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 312; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 273%19`274, no. 104; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 170; *IStratonikeia 236. @ @@`170. &3Hiereus& inscription of M[arcus Ulpi]us [Ariston] Ko(liorgeus) and Aelia Tryphaina Drakontis; 2&4`1&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 194%19`195, no. 138, ll. 1%19`19 (part); Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 31, no. 12.C (part); BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 244 note 2, p. 247 no. 39, and pp. 273%19`274 no. 104; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia no. 34; M. C%25. S%25ahin, ZPE 39, 1980, 214; SEG 30, 1275; *IStratonikeia 237. @ @@`171. [&3Hiereu&]&3s& inscription of Mar(cus) Ulp(ius) [Dionysokles] Mentor [Ko(liorgeus)]; 2&4`1&?; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 49, no. 37; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 243 note 2, p. 244 note 5, p. 273 note 0, and p. 274 no. 105 and note 3; *IStratonikeia 238. @ @@`172. &3Hiereus& inscription of (Marcus) [Ul(pius) Di]onysokles Mentor Ko(liorgeus); 2?; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 42, no. 27.B, ll. 1%19`11; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 243 note 1 and p. 274 no. 105 and note 4; Pleket, Epigraphica II no. 38; *IStratonikeia 239. @ @@`173. &3Hiereus& inscription of Alexandros Leontos Ko(liorgeus) and Chotarion Aristidou Ko(liorgis); 2; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 192%19`193, no. 137, ll. 4%19`17; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 275%19`276, no.'s 104, 106, 110; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 168, note 0; *IStratonikeia 240. @ @@`174. &3Hiereu&[&3s&] inscription of Pu(blius) Ael(ius) Ph(aidros); 2; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 40, no. 25; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 275, no. 108 and note 1; Drew%19Bear %9 Schwertfeger, ZPE 36, 1979, 205; SEG 29, 1082, apparatus; *IStratonikeia 241. @ @@`175. [&3Hiere&]&3us& inscription of Pu(blius) Ae(lius) [Phaidros]; 2; found at Panamara: Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 275%19`276, no.'s 108%19`109; Drew%19Bear %9 Schwertfeger, ZPE 36, 1979, 204%19`205, no. 14 (PH); SEG 29, 1082; *IStratonikeia 241a. @ @@`176. &3Hiereus& inscription of Aristippos Alexandrou Ko(liorgeus) and Hegemonis Apphion Ko(raiis); 2; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 196%19`199, no. 140; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 244 note 2 and p. 275 no. 107; *IStratonikeia 242. @ @@`177. Dedication of &3charisterion& to Zeus Panamaros, Hera, Hekate, and all the other &3theoi,& by Pu(blius) Ael(ius) Hekatomnos Phaidros Ko(liorgeus) and Apphias Tryphaina Drakontis Hie(rokometis), &3hiereis&; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 15, 1891, 192%19`193, no. 137, ll. 1%19`3 (part); Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 32%19`33, no. 14 (part); BE 1906:48; SEG 4, 393; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 275, no. 109; *IStratonikeia 244. @ @@`178. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of Pu(blius) Ael(ius) [Hekatomn]os Phaidros Ko(liorgeus) and [Apphias Tryphaina Drakontis Hie(rokometis)]; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 260%19`261, no. 86, ll. 7%19`17; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 276, no. 109 and note 1; *IStratonikeia 245. @ @@`179. End of [&3hiereus&] inscription of [Publius Aelius Hekatomnos Phaidros Ko(liorgeus)]; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 94, no. 60; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 310; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 275%19`276, no. 109; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 170; *IStratonikeia 246. @ @@`180. Dedication by [Publius Aelius Hekatomnos (Phaidros Koliorgeus), &3hiereus&]; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 104%19`105, no. 79; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 319; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 243 note 2 and pp. 275%19`277 no.'s 109%19`110; *IStratonikeia 247. @ @@`181. Dedication by (?) [Publius Aelius Hekatomnos (Koliorgeus), &3hiereus&] (?) and (no name); 3&7b&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 105%19`106, no. 80; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 306; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 276, no. 110; *IStratonikeia 248. @ @@`182. &3Hiereus& inscription of Herakleit[os] Eudemos Demetrios Hie(rokometes) and Tatarion [Po]lyneike Apphias Lo(boldis); 2&7m&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 193%19`196, no. 138, ll. 20%19`38; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, pp. 277%19`279 no. 112, p. 279 note 1, and p. 283 note 1; *IStratonikeia 249. @ @@`183. &3Hier&[&3eus&] inscription of [He]raklei[tos Eudemos Demetrio]s Hie(rokometes) and [ ... ]n Ap[ollo]nidou Hiero[ko]metis; 2&7m&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 255, no. 74, ll. 4%19`13; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, pp. 277%19`280 no. 112 and p. 279 note 3; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 168, note 0 and p. 169 no. 38&3bis&; *IStratonikeia 250 %7 II p. viii. @ @@`184. [&3Hiere&]&3us& inscription of Herakli[2t]2[os] Eudemo[s Demetrios] Hie(rokometes) and Tatarion Polynike Ap[phias Lo(boldis)]; 2&7m&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 41, no. 26; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 250 note 3, pp. 277%19`280 no. 112, and p. 279 note 2; *IStratonikeia 251. @ @@`185. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [Herakleitos Eudemos Demetrios Hie(rokometes) and Tatarion Poly]neike Apph[ias]; 2&7m&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 101, no. 70; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 305; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 277%19`280, no. 112; *IStratonikeia 252. @ @@`186. &3Hiereus& inscription of Demetrios Damylas Hie(rokometes); 2&7m&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 192%19`193, no. 137, ll. 18%19`24; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 280 no. 113 and p. 283 note 1; *IStratonikeia 253. @ @@`187. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of Demetrios [Damylas Hie(rokometes)]; 2&7m&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 38, no. 22 (part); BE 1906:48; Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 97%19`98, no. 64 (part); BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 303 (part); Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 280, no. 113; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 172; *IStratonikeia 254. @ @@`188. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of Myonides [Damylas (Menekles) Hie(rokometes) and Try]phaina [Damy]la D[rakont]is Hier(okometis); AD 164%3`169; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 94%19`96, no. 61; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 301; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 244 and pp. 280%19`282 no. 114; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 170%19`171; BE 1973:77 (p. 72); *IStratonikeia 255 %7 II 2 p. 31. @ @@`189. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [Myonides Damylas Menekles Hie(rokometes) and T]ryphaina Da[2m]2yla Drakontis [Hie(rokometis)]; 2&4`2&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 91%19`94, no. 57; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 302; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, pp. 280%19`282 no. 114 and p. 281 note 2; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 171; *IStratonikeia 256. @ @@`190. [&3Hier&]&3eus& inscription of Myonides Damylas [Menekles Hie]ro(kometes) and [Tryphaina] Damyla [Drakontis Hie(rokometis)]; 2&4`2&; found at Panamara, identical with Stratonikeia 191: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 24%19`25, no. 4 (part); Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 241, no. 49 (part); BE 1906:48; SEG 4, 392; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 280 no. 114 and note 2 and p. 283 note 1; *IStratonikeia 257(a) %7 II p. viii. @ @@`191. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [Myonides Damylas Menekles Hiero(kometes) and Tryphaina Damyla Drakontis Hie(rokometis)]; 2&4`2&; found at Panamara, identical with Stratonikeia 190: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 104, no. 78; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 339; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 276 no. 110 and p. 281 no. 114 and note 3; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 167, note 0; *IStratonikeia 257(b). @ @@`192. &3Hiereus& inscription of Demetrios [Myo]nidou and Stakte Menekleous; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 190%19`191, no. 135; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, pp. 282%19`283 no. 115 and p. 283 note 1; M. C%25. S%25ahin, ZPE 38, 1980, 157%19`158, no. 1, col. 2; SEG 30, 1274, col. 2; *IStratonikeia 258 %7 II p. viii. @ @@`193. &3Hiereus& inscription of [Damylas Myoni]dou and Claudia Nikolais; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 241, no. 48; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 252 no. 57&3bis& and p. 283 no. 115; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 169 no. 57&3bis& and pp. 173%19`174 no. 115&3bis&; *IStratonikeia 259. @ @@`194. [&3Hier&]&3eus& inscription of Aristeides Leon[tos] K[o](liorgeus) and [Hel]iodora Hermesiana[ktos] K(ora)z(is); 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 182, no. 124; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 283, no. 116; *IStratonikeia 260. @ @@`195. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [A]ris[teid]es Leontos Ko(liorgeus) and Heliodora Hermesianaktos K(ora)z(is); 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 34, no. 16; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 270 &3supra& and p. 283 no. 116; *IStratonikeia 261. @ @@`196. Dedication to [Arte]m[is and Apollo Koliorgon?] by [Aristeides Leontos Ko(liorgeus) and Heliodora Hermesia]naktos [K(ora)z(is), &3hiereis&] of [&3charisterion& (?)]; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 34, no. 17; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 283, no. 116; *IStratonikeia 262 %7 II p. viii. @ @@`197. Dedication of &3charisterion& to Artemis and Apollo Koliorgon by Aristeides Leontos Ko(liorgeus) and Helidora Hermesianaktos K(ora)z(is), &3hiereis&; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 266, no. 50; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 283, no. 116; Roos, MDAI(I) 25, 1975, Taf. 59, 2 (PH); *IStratonikeia 263. @ @@`198. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [Diomed]es Sosandr[os Hie(rokometes)]; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 96%19`97, no. 62; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 281; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 284, no. 117; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 168, note 0; *IStratonikeia 264 (PH) %7 II p. viii. @ @@`199. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of Diomede[s Sosandros Hie(rokometes)]; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 97, no. 63, ll. 5%19`8; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 320, ll. 1%19`4; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 284, no. 117; *IStratonikeia 265 %7 II p. viii. @ @@`200. Dedication by [Dio]medes Sosandros Hie(rokometes) and Tatias [Am]mion Apphion, &3hiereis&; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 20%19`22, no. 1.B; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 284, no. 117; BE 1961:667; BE 1972:417; *IStratonikeia 266 %7 II p. viii. @ @@`201. (&3Hiereus&) inscription of [Dr]akon Leontos K(ora)z(eus), who built &3philotrophion& for Zeus Panamaros and Hera; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 79, no. 27; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 268; Oppermann 2%19`3; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, pp. 242%19`243 no. 25 and p. 284 no. 118; *IStratonikeia 267. @ @@`202. Dedication to [Zeus P]anemerios and Hera by [Epainetos] Pamphilos and Fl(avia) Artem[on Hie(rokometis),] &3hiereis&; 2&7e&%3`3; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 100, no. 68; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 304; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 267 no. 89 and p. 284 no. 120; *IStratonikeia 268. @ @@`203. Dedication of &3charisterion& by Theophilos Theophilou Hie(rokometes) and Tryphera Gaiou Ko(raiis), &3hiereis&; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 184, no. 128; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 285, no. 121; *IStratonikeia 269 (PH) %7 II p. viii. @ @@`204. &3Hiereus& inscription of Theophi[los Theoph]ilou Hie(rometes) and Try[phera] Gaiou Ko(raiis); 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 184, no. 129; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 285, no. 121; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia no. 47; *IStratonikeia 270. @ @@`205. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [Theophilos Theophilou Hie(rokometes) and Tryphera Gaiou Ko(raiis) (?)]; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 97, no. 63, ll. 1%19`4; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 314; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 285, no. 121; *IStratonikeia 271. @ @@`206. &3Neo&[&3koro&]&3s& inscription of Hierokles Dionysiou Ko(liorgeus), former &3hiereus&; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 31, no. 13; BE 1906:48; Oppermann 55%19`56; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 271 note 4 and p. 285 no. 122; *IStratonikeia 272 (PH). @ @@`207. Dedication to Zeus Panemerios of &3charisterion& by Iason Leontos K(ora)z(eus) and Mousa Aristeou Ko(liorgis), &3hiereis&; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 260, no. 44; Oppermann 44; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 285, no. 123; *IStratonikeia 273. @ @@`208. &3Hiereus& inscription of Iason Leontos K(ora)z(eus) and Mousa Aristeou Ko(liorgis); 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 50%19`51, no. 38.B; BE 1906:48; Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 93, no. 59; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 300; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 285, no. 123; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 174; *IStratonikeia 274. @ @@`209. &3Hiereus& inscription of [K]leoboulos Iason Ko(liorgeus) and Strateia Artema Ko(raiis); 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 43%19`44, no. 28; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 285, no. 124; *IStratonikeia 275. @ @@`210. Dedication to Zeus Pa[n]emerios and Hera by Kleoboulos Iason Ko(liorgeus) and [S]trateia Artema Ko(raiis), &3hiereis&; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 44%19`45, no. 29; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 285, no. 124; *IStratonikeia 276. @ @@`211. Dedication to Zeus Panemerios and Hera by Kleoboulos Iason Ko(liorgeus) and Strateia Artema Ko(raiis), &3hiereis&; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 257%19`258, no. 39; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 285, no. 124; *IStratonikeia 277. @ @@`212. Dedication to [Zeus Panemerios] and Hera by Kleoboulos [I]ason Ko(liorgeus) and Strat[eia Arte]ma [Ko(raiis),] &3hiereis&; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 258%19`259, no. 40; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 285, no. 124; *IStratonikeia 278. @ @@`213. Dedication to [Zeus Panemerios and Hera] by Kleoboul[os I]ason and Strateia Artema Ko(raiis), [&3hiereis&]; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 259, no. 41; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 285, no. 124; *IStratonikeia 279. @ @@`214. Dedication to [Zeus Panemerios and Hera] by [Kleoboulos Iason Ko(liorgeus)] and Strateia Artema Ko(raiis), [&3hiereis&]; 2&7e&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 45%19`46, no. 30 (part); Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 46%19`47, no. 31 (part); BE 1906:48; SEG 4, 394; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 244 and p. 285 no. 124; BE 1982:364; *IStratonikeia 281; SEG 31, 942. @ @@`215. Dedication to [Arte]mis Phagle[ki]tis by Kleoboulos, [&3hie&]&3reus&; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 268, no. 52; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 285, no. 124; Laumonier, Cultes 217, note 4; *IStratonikeia 282. @ @@`216. Dedication to Tyche patridos, Demeter, Naryandis, Artemis ؂Peldekeitis, Artemis Leukiane, Artemis Korazon, Artemis Ephesia, Artemis Leukophryene, and the other &3enoikidioi theoi,& Zeus Ktesios, Tyche, and Asklepios, by &3hiereis& Kleoboulos Iason Ko(liorgeus) and Strateia Artema Ko(raiis); 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 269, no. 54; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 285, no. 124; *IStratonikeia 283. @ @@`217. &3Hiereus& inscription of Neikandros Stratonos K(ora)z(eus); 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 29, no. 11; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 286, no. 125 and note 1; *IStratonikeia 284. @ @@`218. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [A]ris[t ... ] Drakon Ko(raieus) and Apphion Diopeithou K(ora)z(is); 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 47, no. 32; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 286, no. 126; *IStratonikeia 285. @ @@`219. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of Chrysaor Diognetou; imperial; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 239%19`240, no. 46; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 174, no. 126&3bis&; *IStratonikeia 286. @ @@`220. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of Luciu[s Thoranias] Ko(liorgeus) and Cerellia [ ... ]; 2&4`2&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 260, no. 86, ll. 1%19`6; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 286, no. 128; *IStratonikeia 287. @ @@`221. Dedication by [Iulius &3hiereus&] to Zeus Panama[ros, Her]a, and all the gods; 2&7e&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 259, no. 82; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 286, no. 129; *IStratonikeia 288. @ @@`222. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of Marcus Sempronius Clemens; 2&4`2&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 83%19`85, no. 9; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 253 note 3, p. 268 &3infra,& p. 287 no. 131, and p. 289 no.'s 132%19`133; *IStratonikeia 289. @ @@`223. End of [&3hiereus&] inscription of (no name), along with children, including M(arcus) Sem(pronius) Clemens Iulius; 2&7m&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 99, no. 17; Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 206%19`207, no. 147; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 263 no.'s 72, 75, p. 268 &3infra,& p. 287 no. 131, p. 289 no.'s 132%19`133, p. 290 &3supra,& p. 290 no. 137, p. 291 note 1, and p. 292 no. 143; *IStratonikeia 290. @ @@`224. &3Hiereus& inscription of M(arcus) Sempronius Clemens; 2&4`2&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 82%19`83, no. 8; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 287, no. 131; *IStratonikeia 291. @ @@`225. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [Marcus Sempronius Clemens (?)], honored with [&3al&]&3eitourgesia&; 2&4`2&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 107%19`108, no. 82; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 285; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 287 no. 131 and p. 292 no. 145; *IStratonikeia 292. @ @@`226. Honorary inscription by demos, boulai, and ge[rou]sia for Marcus Sempronius Clemens, &3hiereus,& commemorating building; 2&4`2&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 85%19`87, no. 10; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 287, no. 131; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia no. 40; *IStratonikeia 293. @ @@`227. &3Hiereus& inscription of [Marcus Sempronius Clemens K(ora)z(eus)]; 2&4`2&; found at Panamara, identical with Stratonikeia 228: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 37, no. 21; BE 1906:48; SEG 4, 391; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 287 no. 131 and p. 292 no. 145; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 176; *IStratonikeia 295(a) %7 II 2 p. 35. @ @@`228. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [Marcus Sempronius Cle]mens K(ora)z(eus)]; 2&4`2&; found at Panamara, identical with Stratonikeia 227: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 242%19`243, no. 50 (part); Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 256%19`257, no. 79 (part); BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 287 no. 131 and p. 292 no. 145; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 176; *IStratonikeia 295(b). @ @@`229. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [Marcus Sempronius Clemens Iulius and Fla(via)]; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 107, no. 81; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 307; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 267 no. 92, p. 268 note 1, and p. 289 no. 132; *IStratonikeia 296(a). @ @@`230. Dedication by Marcus Sempronius [Clemens Iulius and Flavia, &3hiereis&]; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 98%19`99, no. 16; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 289, no. 132; *IStratonikeia 296(b). @ @@`231. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [Marcus Sempronius Clemens Iulius (?)], along with father Ulpius Ask[lepiades]; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 253, no. 71.B; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 289 no. 132 and p. 291 no. 138; *IStratonikeia 296(c). @ @@`232. &3Hiereu&[&3s&] inscription of Aur(elius) Simon and Sempronia Aristonike; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 100%19`101, no. 20; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 268 &3infra& and p. 289 no. 133; *IStratonikeia 297. @ @@`233. Dedication of &3charisterion& to [Zeus Pa]nemeros, Hera, [Hekat]e, Artemis, and [A]pollo Kolior[gon] by [Aur(elius)] Simon and [S]empronia Aris[tonik]e, &3hiereis&; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 101, no. 21; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 289, no. 133; *IStratonikeia 298. @ @@`234. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [Aurelius (?)] Tatianus and A[ris]ton[ike Ma]malon Hie(rometis); 3; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 243, no. 51; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 289, no. 134; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 168, note 0; *IStratonikeia 299 %7 II 2 p. 35. @ @@`235. Dedication by Lucius Rutilius Epa[in]etos and Sempronia Apphion, &3hiereis&; 2&4`2&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 100, no. 18; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 289 no. 135 and p. 290 &3supra&; *IStratonikeia 300. @ @@`236. Dedication by [&3hiereis& L]ucius Rutilius Epainetos and Sempronia Apphion, on fragment of column; 2&4`2&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 100, no. 19; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 289 no. 135 and p. 290 &3supra&; *IStratonikeia 301. @ @@`237. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of Marcus [Ulpius] Asklepi[ades Iu]lius and [Cl(audia) Ailiane Bresion]; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 254, no. 73; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 290, no. 137; *IStratonikeia 302. @ @@`238. [&3Hiereu&]&3s& inscription of [Mar(cus)] Ulp(ius) Asklepiades Iulius and Cl(audia) [Ailiane] Bresion; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 243, no. 52 (part); Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 252%19`253, no. 70 (part); BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 252 no. 55 and note 1 and p. 290 no.'s 136%19`137 and note 1; Robert, Glad. 165; *IStratonikeia 303. @ @@`239. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription of (?) son of [Ulpius Asklepia]des; 2%3`3?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 97, no. 63, ll. 9%19`11; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 320, ll. 5%19`7; *IStratonikeia 305. @ @@`240. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [Flavius ... ] and [Ul]pi[a ... ]; 2%3`3; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 240, no. 47; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 290 no. 136 and p. 291 note 1; *IStratonikeia 306. @ @@`241. &3Hiereus& inscription of [Ulpius ... ] and U[l(pia)]; 2%3`3; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 253, no. 71.A; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 290, no. 136; *IStratonikeia 307. @ @@`242. &3Hiereus& inscription of Marcus U[lpius ... ] and [ ... ]milla; 2%3`3; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 253, no. 71.C; BE 1906:48; *IStratonikeia 308 %7 II p. viii. @ @@`243. Dedication to Zeus Panemerios by Cl(audius) Ul(pius) Ael(ius) Asklepiades and Ul(pia) Ael(ia) Plautilla, &3hiereis&; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 202%19`204, no. 144; Oppermann 36; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 291 no. 140; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 168, note 0; *IStratonikeia 309. @ @@`244. [&3Hier&]&3eus& inscription of [Ma]r(cus) Sem(pronius) Aurunc(ius) Theodotos and Sem(pronia) Aurunc(ia) [Ar]riane; AD 305%3`313; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 101%19`104, no. 22; Syll&4`3& 900; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 244, p. 287, p. 289 no. 131, p. 292 no. 144, and p. 294 no.'s 151%19`152; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 178; Robert, RPh 14, 1940, 236; *IStratonikeia 310 %7 II 2 p. 35. @ @@`245. Dedication of &3charisterion& to [Zeus P]anemeros Argyrou and He[ra] by Mar(cus) Aur(elius) [2A]2rrianus Chotarion, &3hiereis&; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 185%19`187, no. 130; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 292%19`294, no. 146; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 178; *IStratonikeia 311. @ @@`246. Dedication of &3charisterion& [to Zeus Panemeros Argyrou and Hera] by [Mar(cus) Aur(elius) A][2r]2rianus Ar[byles] and [Aur(elia) Chotarion, &3hiereis&]; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 187%19`188, no. 131; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 292, no. 146; *IStratonikeia 312. @ @@`247. Dedication of &3charisterion& to Zeus Panamaros and Hera by Aurelius Iason Damylas Arbyles and Fla(via) Aur(elia) Stratonik[e], &3hiereis&; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 188%19`189, no. 132; Roos, MDAI(I) 25, 1975, Taf. 60, 1 (PH); Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 268 no.'s 95%19`96 and p. 294 no. 147; *IStratonikeia 313. @ @@`248. &3Hiereus& inscription of Aur(elius) Damylas Arbyles and Aur(elia) Menippiane; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 189%19`190, no. 133; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 256 no. 61, p. 268 &3infra,& and p. 294 no. 148; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 168, note 0; *IStratonikeia 314. @ @@`249. &3Hiereus& inscription of Mar(cus) Aur(elius) Gamos and Ael(ia) Aristol[ai]ne; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 190%19`191, no. 134; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 277 &3supra& and p. 294 no. 149; *IStratonikeia 315. @ @@`250. &3Hiereus& inscription of Marcus Aurelius Hekataios Antio[ch]os &3paradoxos& and Flavia Tatia; 2&7e&%3`3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 191%19`192, no. 136 (and no. 135, col. 1); Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 268 no. 93 and p. 295 no. 158; M. C%25. S%25ahin, ZPE 38, 1980, 157%19`158, no. 1, col. 1; SEG 30, 1274 col. 1; *IStratonikeia 316. @ @@`251. &3Hiereus& inscription of M(arcus) Aur(elius) Cornelius Aristeas and Aur(elia) Ammias; 3&4`2&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 208, no. 149; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 252 no. 56 and p. 295 no. 161; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 281; *IStratonikeia 317. @ @@`252. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [M(arcus) Aur(elius) Cornelius Aristeas and Aur(elia) Am]mias; 3&4`2&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 110, no. 87; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 309; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 295, no. 161; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 281; *IStratonikeia 318. @ @@`253. Dedication of &3eucharisterion& to [Zeus] Panamaros and Hera Telia by (Marcus) Aure(lius) Menandros and Aure(lia) Polla Ko(liorgeis), &3hiereis&; imperial; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 256, no. 36; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 295, no. 162; Drew%19Bear %9 Schwertfeger, ZPE 36, 1979, 196%19`197, no. 1 (PH); SEG 29, 1080, no. 1; *IStratonikeia 319. @ @@`254. Dedication of &3charisterion& to Zeus Pa[n]emerios and Hera by (Marcus) Aure(lius) Sopatros, &3hiereus&; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 209, no. 152, ll. 1%19`11; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 296, no. 164; Roos, MDAI(I) 25, 1975, Taf. 60, 2 (PH); *IStratonikeia 320. @ @@`255. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of M(arcus) Aur(elius) Sopatro[s]; 2&7e&%3`3; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 112, no. 97; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 316; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 296, no. 169; *IStratonikeia 321. @ @@`256. &3Hiereus& inscription of (Marcus Aurelius) Sopatros Diophantos and Aur(elia) Apphion; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 209, no. 152, ll. 12%19`16; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 296, no. 165; Roos, MDAI(I) 25, 1975, Taf. 60, 2 (PH); *IStratonikeia 322. @ @@`257. &3Hiereus& inscription of Ael(ius) Aur(elius) Neon and Ael(ia) Cl(audia) Tychike; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 33%19`34, no. 15; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 296, no. 171; *IStratonikeia 323. @ @@`258. Dedication to Zeus Panemerios and Hera Telia by Publius Aelius Aurelius Theodoros Lob(oldeus) and Baebia Polychryson, &3hiereis&; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 53, no. 41; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 296, no. 172; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 179; *IStratonikeia 324. @ @@`259. Dedication to Tyche of Rome, Zeus Ka[pe]tolios, Tyche of Straton[i]kia, and Tyche of Antiochei[a] by &3hiere&[&3us&] (no name); imperial; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 272, no. 58; *IStratonikeia 325. @ @@`260. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of (no name) Ko(liorgeus), who went as envoy to [R]ome, and (no name); imperial; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 111, no. 92; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 330; *IStratonikeia 326. @ @@`261. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of (no name) [ ... ]&3os huios& and [Apphia?] Tatias; imperial?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 111, no. 90; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 341; *IStratonikeia 327 %7 II 2 p. 31. @ @@`262. Fragment of [&3hi&]&3ereus& inscription of Le[on (?) ... ] and [ ... T]atias K(ora)z(is); Roman; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 112, no. 96; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 299; *IStratonikeia 328. @ @@`263. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of (no name), mentioning Amm[i ... ]; imperial?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 110, no. 88, ll. 1%19`4; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 335, ll. 1%19`4; *IStratonikeia 329, ll. 1%19`4. @ @@`264. One or more (?) [&3hiereus&] inscriptions of (no name), mentioning [Diome]des; imperial?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 110, no. 88, ll. 5%19`13; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 335, ll. 5%19`13; *IStratonikeia 329, ll. 5%19`13. @ @@`265. Dedication to [Zeus] Hypsisstos, Hekate So[tire], Zeus Kape[tolios], and Tyche of Antoninus Pius [by &3hiereus& (no name) (?)]; AD 138%3`161; found at Panamara: **Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 271, no. 57 (l. 1); *IStratonikeia 330. @ @@`266. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [Mene]kra[t ... (?)] and (no name); imperial?; found at Panamara: Drew%19Bear %9 Schwertfeger, ZPE 36, 1979, 200, no. 4b (PH); SEG 29, 1084; *IStratonikeia 331. @ @@`267. Dedication to Zeus, Hera, and the demos by [ ... ]antos Hyd[2a]2sou Hie(rokometes), &3hiereus&; c. 300%3`166 BC?; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12. 1888, 252, no. 29; *IStratonikeia 332. @ @@`268. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription of (no name); no date; found at Panamara: Drew%19Bear %9 Schwertfeger, ZPE 36, 1979, 200, no. 5b (PH); SEG 29, 1085; *IStratonikeia 333. @ @@`269. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription of (no name) (?); no date; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 199, no. 141, l. 1; *IStratonikeia 334. @ @@`270. End of [&3hiereus&] inscription of (no name); no date; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 52, no. 40.A, l. 1; BE 1906:48; *IStratonikeia 335. @ @@`271. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription (?) mentioning Aris[ ... ]; no date; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 250, no. 64, ll. 1%19`3; BE 1906:48; *IStratonikeia 336. @ @@`272. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription of (no name) (?), mentioning Ammio[n]; no date; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 15, 1891, 183, no. 126, l. 0; *IStratonikeia 337. @ @@`273. End of [&3hiereus&] inscription of (no name); no date; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 251, no. 68, l. 1; BE 1906:48; *IStratonikeia 338. @ @@`274. Fragments of [&3hiere&]&3us& inscription of (no name); no date; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 28, &3ad& no. 9; *IStratonikeia 339. @ @@`275. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription of (no name); imperial?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 112, no. 98; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 315; *IStratonikeia 340. @ @@`276. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of (no name); imperial?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 109, no. 84; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 313; *IStratonikeia 341. @ @@`277. [&3Hiereu&]&3s& inscription of (no name); imperial?; found at Panamara: Drew%19Bear %9 Schwertfeger, ZPE 36, 1979, 205, no. 15 (PH); SEG 29, 1083; *IStratonikeia 342. @ @@`278. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription of (no name); imperial; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 109, no. 86; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 334; *IStratonikeia 343. @ @@`279. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription of (no name); imperial?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 109, no. 85; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 336; Drew%19Bear %9 Schwertfeger, ZPE 36, 1979, 200, no. 5a (PH); SEG 29, 1080, no. 5a; *IStratonikeia 344. @ @@`280. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription of (no name); imperial?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 110%19`111, no. 89.A; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 311.A; *IStratonikeia 345. @ @@`281. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription of (no name), mentioning [I]ulianus; imperial; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 112, no. 95; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 344; *IStratonikeia 346. @ @@`282. Fragment of [&3hiereu&]&3s& inscription of (no name), mentioning gifts to citizens, Romans, etc.; imperial?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 103, no. 76.A; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 333.a; *IStratonikeia 347. @ @@`283. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription of (no name); imperial?; found at Panamara: Drew%19Bear %9 Schwertfeger, ZPE 36, 1979, 204, no. 13, col. 2 (PH); SEG 29, 1081, col. 2; *IStratonikeia 348. @ @@`284. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription of (no name) (?); imperial?; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 40, no. 24, col. 2; BE 1906:48; *IStratonikeia 349 %7 II 2 p. 35. @ @@`285. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription (?) of (no name) (?); no date; found at Panamara: Roos, MDAI(I) 25, 1975, 337, no. 2 (PH); *IStratonikeia 350. @ @@`286. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription of (no name), mentioning [ ... ]kles; no date; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 87, no. 41; BE 1928:380; Drew%19Bear %9 Schwertfeger, ZPE 36, 1979, 203, no. 11 (PH); SEG 29, 1080, no. 11; *IStratonikeia 351. @ @@`287. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription of (no name), mentioning gifts to women and men; imperial?; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 39, no. 23.B; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 286, no. 125 and note 1; *IStratonikeia 352. @ @@`288. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription of (no name), along with [Tyn]daris Ko(liorgis); imperial?; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 40, no. 24, col. 1; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 248 no. 46 and p. 286 no. 125 and note 1; *IStratonikeia 353 %7 II p. vii. @ @@`289. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription (?) mentioning [Cl]au(dia) Mamalon; imperial; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 116, no. 112, l. 1; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 358, l. 1; *IStratonikeia 354 %7 II 2 p. 35. @ See also: Panamara 406, 413. @@@@Section: 9b. Dedications of Hair (290%19`387) @ @@`290. Dedication of hair of Chairemon et al., under &3hiereus Tib(erius) Fla(vius) Aeneas Iason; 2&7e&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 11, 1887, 390, no. 7; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 260 no. 70 and p. 298; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 168, note 0; *IStratonikeia 401. @ @@`291. Dedication to Zeus Panemerios of hair of Achilleus et al., under &3hiereus& (Tiberius) Fla(vius) Aeneas and Ul(pia) Leaina; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 490, no. 109; Oppermann 69, no. 12; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 263 no. 75, 292 no. 143; *IStratonikeia 402. @ @@`292. Dedication of hair of Euprosdektos et al. under [&3hiereus&] Ti(berius) Fla(vius) [2L]2eon; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 489, no. 95; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 263 no. 76 and p. 268 no. 95; *IStratonikeia 403. @ @@`293. Dedication of hair of Drakon under &3hiereus& (Tiberius) Fl(avius) Leon; 2&7e&%3`3&7b&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 489, no. 96; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 263 no. 76 and p. 281 note 4; *IStratonikeia 404. @ @@`294. Dedication (of hair?) to Zeus Panemerios by Agathopous under &3hiereus& Fl(avius) Diokles; 3?; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 490, no. 120; Oppermann 68, no. 3; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 266, no. 85; *IStratonikeia 405 (PH). @ @@`295. Dedication of hair of Artemisios under &3hiereus& (Flavius) Diokles; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 488, no. 85; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 266 no. 85 and p. 281 note 4; *IStratonikeia 406. @ @@`296. Dedication of hair of &3familia& of &3hiereus& Fl(avius) [El]eutherion; 3; found at Panamara: Foucart, BCH 14, 1890, 370, no. 11; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 267, no. 90; *IStratonikeia 407. @ @@`297. Dedication to Zeus Panemeros of hair of Eros et al. under &3hiereus& Fla(vius) (Aurelius) Straton; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 490, no. 110; Oppermann 68, no. 7; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 268, no. 95; *IStratonikeia 408. @ @@`298. Dedication of hair of Heka[to]n et al. under [&3hiereus Fl(avius) Aur(elius)] Stra[ton]; 3; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 119, no. 124; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 371; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 268, no. 95; *IStratonikeia 409. @ @@`299. Dedication to Zeus Panemerios of hair of Dionysios et al., under &3hiereus& Fl(avius) Aur(elius) Straton; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 489, no. 101; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 268, no. 95; *IStratonikeia 410. @ @@`300. Dedication of hair of Philippos et al. under &3hiereus (Flavius Aurelius) Straton; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 489, no. 96; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 268, no. 95; *IStratonikeia 411. @ @@`301. Dedication of hair of &3n&[&3eanis&]&3koi& of &3hiereu&[&3s&] Hierokles Kypriakos and &3hiereia& A[risto]time; 3; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 113, no. 101; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 347; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 271 no. 102 and p. 298; *IStratonikeia 412. @ @@`302. Dedication to Zeus Panemerios of hair of Philoumenos under &3hiereus& (Marcus) Sem(pronius) Clemens; 3; found at Panamara: Deschamps %9 Cousin, BCH 12, 1888, 97, no. 12; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, pp. 287%19`289 no. 131 and p. 298; *IStratonikeia 413. @ @@`303. Dedication of hair of Hierokles and Demetrios under (Marcus) Sempronius Clemens, &3hiereus& for second time; 3; found at Panamara: Deschamps %9 Cousin, BCH 12, 1888, 97, no. 13; Oppermann 69, no. 20; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, pp. 287%19`289 no. 131 and p. 298; *IStratonikeia 414. @ @@`304. Dedication of hair of Demetrios under (Marcus) Sempronius Clemens, &3hiereus& for third time; 3; found at Panamara: Deschamps %9 Cousin, BCH 12, 1888, 97, no. 14; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, pp. 287%19`289 no. 131 and p. 298; *IStratonikeia 415. @ @@`305. Dedication of hair of Demetrios under (Marcus) Sempronius Clemens, &3hiereus& for fourth time; 3; found at Panamara: Deschamps %9 Cousin, BCH 12, 1888, 98, no. 15; Oppermann 69, no. 20; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, pp. 287%19`289 no. 131 and p. 298; *IStratonikeia 416. @ @@`306. Dedication of hair of Zotikos under [&3hiere&]&3us& (Marcus Ulpius) Iu(lius) [Ask]lepiades; 3; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 118, no. 116; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 362; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 290%19`291, no. 137; *IStratonikeia 417 %7 II p. viii. @ @@`307. Dedication to Zeus Panemeros of hair of Epainetianos and Philon under &3hiereus& (Claudius Ulpius Aelius) Eirenaios; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 490, no. 108; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 291, no. 139; Rolland, RPh 65, 1939, 333%19`334; BE 1940:155; *IStratonikeia 418. @ @@`308. Dedication of hair of Epiktetos and Arist[o]nikos [under &3hiereus& (Claudius) Aelius Ulpius] Eirenaios; 3; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 118, no. 123; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 370; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 291, no. 139; *IStratonikeia 419. @ @@`309. Dedication of hair of Eleutherios under &3hi&[&3e&]&3reus (Claudius) Aelius Ul(pius) Eirenaios; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 488, no. 67; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 291, no. 139; *IStratonikeia 420. @ @@`310. Unpublished dedication of hair of Epainetos and Straton under &3hiereus& (Claudius Aelius Ulpius) Irenaeus; 3; found at Panamara: Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 291, no. 139 and note 3; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 168 note 0; IStratonikeia 421. @ @@`311. Dedication of [hair] of Pasiades to Zeus Panemeros under &3hiereus& Cl(audius) Ul(pius) Ael(ius) Ar[isteas]; 3; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 118, no. 118; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 365; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 291, no. 141; *IStratonikeia 422. @ @@`312. Dedication to Zeus Panemeros of hair of Arteme[i]sianos under &3hiereus& Cl(audius) U[l](pius) (Aelius) Aristeas; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 488, no. 84; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 291, no. 141; *IStratonikeia 423. @ @@`313. Dedication to Zeus Panemeros of hair of Gelasiu[s] under &3hiereus& Cl(audius) Ul(pius) Ael(ius) Aristeas; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 488, no. 83; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 291, no. 141; *IStratonikeia 424. @ @@`314. Dedication to Zeus Panemeros of hair of Asklepiades and Zotichos under &3hiereus& Cl(audius) Ul(pius) (Aelius) Strat[o]neikos; 3; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 119, no. 131; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 378; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 291, no. 142; *IStratonikeia 425. @ @@`315. Dedication to Zeus Panemerios of hair of Artemeisios under &3hiereus& Clau(dius) Ulp(ius) Ael(ius) Stratoneikos; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 487, no. 64; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 291, no. 142; *IStratonikeia 426. @ @@`316. Dedication to Zeus Panemeros of hair of Eutyches under &3hiereu&[&3s&] Clau(dius) Ulp(ius) Ael(ius) Stratoneikos; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 487, no. 65; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 291, no. 142; *IStratonikeia 427. @ @@`317. Dedication of hair of M(arcus) Aur(elius) Galates et al. under &3hiereus& Cl(audius) Ul(pius) Ael(ius) Stratonikos; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 490, no. 111; Oppermann 69, no. 13; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 291 no. 142 and p. 298 note 0; *IStratonikeia 428. @ @@`318. Dedication to Zeus Panemeros of hair by Fla(vius) Ael(ius) Aur(elius) Theodoros under &3hiereus& Cla(udius) Ul(pius) Ael(ius) Stratoneikos; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 487, no. 66; Oppermann 68, no. 2; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 291 no. 142 and p. 296 no. 172; *IStratonikeia 429. @ @@`319. Dedication to Zeus Panemeros of hair of Zenon under Cl(audius) Ul(pius) Aelius Stratoneikos; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 487, no. 63; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 291, no. 142; *IStratonikeia 430. @ @@`320. Dedication to Zeus Panemerios of hair of M(arcus) Aur(elius) Synesios under Cl(audius) Ul(pius) Aelius Stratoneikos; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 487, no. 62; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 290 note 2 and p. 291 no. 142; *IStratonikeia 431. @ @@`321. Dedication of hair of Eupas et al. under &3hie&[&3reus&] (Marcus Aurelius) Damylas (Arbyles); 3?; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 489, no. 103; Oppermann 68, no. 9; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 294, no. 148; *IStratonikeia 432. @ @@`322. Dedication of hair of Dionysios under &3hiereus Stratonikianos; 3?; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 487 no. 61; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 294, no. 150; *IStratonikeia 433. @ @@`323. Dedication to Zeus Panemerios of hair of Aurelius Eucharistos et al. under [&3hiereus& S]tratonei[kianos]; imperial; found at Panamara: Foucart, BCH 14, 1890, 370%19`371, no. 12; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 294 no. 150 and p. 298 note 0; *IStratonikeia 434. @ @@`324. Dedication of hair of Modestus [under &3hiereus& Vit]alis; 3; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 118, no. 122; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 369; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 294, no. 152; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 178; *IStratonikeia 435. @ @@`325. Dedication of hair of Korinthos under Vitalios; 3?; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 488, no. 81; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 294, no. 152; *IStratonikeia 436. @ @@`326. Dedication of hair of Zotikos under &3hiereus& Vitalios; 3?; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 488, no. 82; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 294, no. 152; *IStratonikeia 437. @ @@`327. Dedication to [Zeus P]anem[er]os of hair of Aur(elius) Alexan[d]ros under &3hiereus& Mar(cus) Aur(elius) Diophantos; 3?; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 488, no. 71; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 294 no. 151 and pp. 294%19`295 no. 152; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 178; *IStratonikeia 438. @ @@`328. Dedication to Zeus Panemerios [of hair of (no name)] under &3hiereus& M(arcus) Aur(elius) Diophantos; 3?; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 488, no. 70; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 294, no. 151; *IStratonikeia 439. @ @@`329. Dedication to Zeus Panemeros [of hair of (no name)] under &3hiereus& Mar(cus) Aur(elius) [Di]ophan[to]s; 3?; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 488, no. 72; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 294, no.'s 151%19`152; *IStratonikeia 440. @ @@`330. Dedication of hair of Eutyches under &3hiereus& (Marcus Aurelius) Diophant[os]; 3?; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 488, no. 73; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 294, no.'s 151%19`152; *IStratonikeia 441. @ @@`331. Dedication to Zeus Panemerios of hair of Aur(elius) Menekrates under &3hiereus& Mar(cus) Aur(elius) Diophantos; imperial; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 488, no. 68; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 294 no. 151 and pp. 294%19`295 no. 152; *IStratonikeia 442. @ @@`332. Dedication to Zeus Panemerios of hair of Zotikos and Dionysios under &3hiereus& M(arcus) Aur(elius) Diophantos; 3?; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 490, no. 105; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 294, no. 151; *IStratonikeia 443. @ @@`333. Dedication to Zeus Panemerios of hair by Euethis under &3hiereus& Mar(cus) (Aurelius) Diophantos; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 488, no. 69; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 294, no. 151; *IStratonikeia 444. @ @@`334. Dedication to [Zeus P]anemerios of hair of Daidalion and Trypanios under &3hiereis& Ti(berius) [A]ur(elius) Diophantos and Fl(avia) Aure(lia) Magna; 3; found at Panamara: Foucart, BCH 14, 1890, 371, no. 13; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 295, no. 153; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 178; *IStratonikeia 445. @ @@`335. Dedication [of hair] by Aur(elius) Epitynchanon under &3hiere&[2&3us&]2 Mar(cus) Aur(elius) Demetrios; 3; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 119, no. 129; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 376; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 295, no. 154; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 178%19`179; *IStratonikeia 446. @ @@`336. Dedication of hair of Synesius Markou under &3hiere&[&3us (Marcus Aurelius) Deme]trios; 3; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 113%19`114, no. 102; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 348; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 295, no. 154; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 178%19`179; *IStratonikeia 446a. @ @@`337. Dedication to Zeus Panemeros of hair of Theodoulos under &3hiereus& Mar(cus) Aur(elius) Demetrios; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 488, no. 75; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 295, no. 154; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 178%19`179; *IStratonikeia 447; SEG 31, 941. @ @@`338. Dedication of hair of Leon and Aristeas under [&3hier&]&3eus (Marcus Aurelius) [De]metrios; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 489, no. 92; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 295, no. 154; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 178%19`179; *IStratonikeia 448. @ @@`339. Dedication to Zeus Panemeros of hair of Epiktetos and Synt[r]ophas under &3hiereus& M(arcus) (Aurelius) Demetrios; 3; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 115, no. 108; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 354; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 295, no. 154; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 178%19`179; *IStratonikeia 448a. @ @@`340. Dedication [of hair] of Aurelius Dionysios et al. [under &3hiereus& M(arcus) A]ur(elius) Deme[t]rios; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 489, no. 93; Oppermann 68, no. 6; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 295 no. 154 and p. 298 note 0; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 178%19`179; *IStratonikeia 449. @ @@`341. Dedication to Zeus Panemeros of hair of Zotikos et al. under &3hiereus& Mar(cus) Aur(elius) Demetrios; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 489, no. 94; Oppermann 69, no. 14; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 295, no. 154; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 178%19`179; *IStratonikeia 450. @ @@`342. Dedication to Zeus Panemeros of hair of Eucharistos et al. under &3hiereus& Mar(cus) Aur(elius) Menekles; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 489, no. 98; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 295, no. 155; *IStratonikeia 451. @ @@`343. Dedication of hair of Alphios and Antiochos under &3hiereus (Marcus Aurelius) Menekles; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 489, no. 99; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 295, no. 155; *IStratonikeia 452. @ @@`344. Dedication of hair of &3paidia& of S[e]renus under &3hiereu&[&3s&] (Marcus) Aur(elius) Menekles; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 489, no. 100; Oppermann 69, no. 10; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 295, no. 155; *IStratonikeia 453. @ @@`345. Dedication of hair of Aur(elius) Epiktetos under (&3hiereus&) M(arcus) Aur(elius) Menekles; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 488, no. 76; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 281 note 4 and p. 295 no. 155; *IStratonikeia 454. @ @@`346. Dedication of hair of M(arcus) Philem[on] under (&3hiereus&) Mar(cus) (Aurelius) Menekles; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 488, no. 77; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 281 note 4 and p. 295 no. 155; *IStratonikeia 455. @ @@`347. Dedication to Zeus Panemeros of hair of Aur(elius) Telestor Menippo[s] under &3hiereus& Mar(cus) Aur(elius) Menekles; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 488, no. 78; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 295 no. 155 and p. 296 note 2; *IStratonikeia 456. @ @@`348. Dedication to Zeus Panemeros of hair by Epiktetos Gelasis under &3hiereus& M(arcus) Aur(elius) Dionysios; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 489, no. 89; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 295, no. 156; Roos, MDAI(I) 25, 1975, Taf. 60, 4 and p. 636 (PH); *IStratonikeia 457. @ @@`349. Dedication of hair of Kleidys and Flavianus under &3hiereu&[&3s&] (Marcus Aurelius) Dionysios; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 489, no. 102; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 295, no. 156; *IStratonikeia 457a. @ @@`350. Dedication to Zeus Pane[meros] of hair of Eutychos under &3hiereus& Aur(elius) Zenon; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 489, no. 87; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 295, no. 157; *IStratonikeia 458. @ @@`351. Dedication of [hair] of [A]ur(elius) Pra[ ... ]sd[ ... ] under &3hiere&[&3us&] Aur(elius) Leo[n]; 3; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 118, no. 120; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 367; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 295, no. 159; *IStratonikeia 459. @ @@`352. Dedication of hair of Boukolos under &3hiereus& (Marcus Aurelius) Cornelius; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 489, no. 86; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 295, no. 161; *IStratonikeia 460. @ @@`353. Dedication of hair of Onesimos under &3hiereus& (Marcus Aurelius) Cornelius; 3; found at Panamara: Foucart, BCH 14, 1890, 372, no. 14; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 295, no. 161; *IStratonikeia 461. @ @@`354. Dedication of hair of Eros [and Arg]yros [under &3hier&]&3eus (Marcus Aurelius) [Me]nan[d]ros; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 489, no. 88; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 295, no. 162; *IStratonikeia 462. @ @@`355. Dedication of hair of Hekataios and his sons under &3hiereus (Marcus Aurelius) Sopatros; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 489, no. 104; Oppermann 69, no. 11; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 296, no. 164; *IStratonikeia 463. @ @@`356. Dedication of hair of Lucius and Aelius under &3hiereus (Marcus) Aur(elius) Stephani[o]n; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 489, no. 97; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 296, no. 166; *IStratonikeia 464. @ @@`357. Dedication to Zeus Panemeros [of hair of (no name)] under &3hiereus& M(arcus) Aur(elius) Tryphon; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 488, no. 79; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 296, no. 167; *IStratonikeia 465. @ @@`358. Dedication to Zeus Panemeros of hair of Demosthenes Dama under &3hiereus& (Marcus Aurelius) Euboulos; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 488, no. 80; Oppermann 68, no. 4; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 296, no. 169; *IStratonikeia 466. @ @@`359. Dedication to [Zeus Pane]meros [of hair of (no name)] under (&3hiereus&) Heraklitos L%1i[ ... ]; 3; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 119, no. 127; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 374; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 296, no. 170; *IStratonikeia 467. @ @@`360. Dedication of hair of Demetrios and Straton under &3hiereus Pub(lius) (Aelius) Aur(elius) Neon; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 490, no. 107; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 296, no. 171; *IStratonikeia 468. @ @@`361. Dedication of hair of Damalios and Chrysaor (under &3hiereus (?)) (Aurelius) Artemidoros; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 489, no. 91; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 296, no. 164; *IStratonikeia 469. @ @@`362. Dedication of hair of Ar[g]yros under [&3hiere&]&3us Di[o]nysi[os] Epaphras; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 487, no. 60; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 286 no. 130 and p. 295 no. 156; *IStratonikeia 472. @ @@`363. Dedication of hair of Ammianus et al. under (&3hiereus Aurelius) Iason (Damylas Arbyles); 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 490, no. 106; Oppermann 68, no. 5; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 294, no. 147; *IStratonikeia 473. @ @@`364. Dedication to Zeus Pan[emerios] of hair of Monot[ ... ] (?) as &3char&[&3isterion&] under &3hier&[&3eus&] Metroph[ilos] Herakle[itou]; 3?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 114, no. 103; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 349; *IStratonikeia 474. @ @@`365. Dedication of hair of Rhodipos [under &3hiereus ...& ]ile (?) Theophanou; 3?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 119, no. 130; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 377; *IStratonikeia 475. @ @@`366. [Dedication of hair of (no name) (?) under (no name), &3hiereus&] for second time, and Flavius Nikeros; 3?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 115, no. 107; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 353; *IStratonikeia 477. @ @@`367. Dedication to Zeus Panemeros of hair of KDLAMIOTES (?) Antigonou under &3hier&[2&3e&]2&3us& Gai[us] Antigonos; 3?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 116, no. 111; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 357; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 296, note 1; *IStratonikeia 478 %7 II p. viii. @ @@`368. Dedication to [Z]eus Panemeros of hair of Euty[chos and P]anama[rikos under] &3hiereus& Aur(elius) [ ... o]n; 3?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 117, no. 113; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 359; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 295, no. 157; *IStratonikeia 480. @ @@`369. Dedication of hair of Eutyches Karpophoros, under &3hiereus [Aurelius (?) ... o]n Po[ ... ]; 3?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 119, no. 128; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 375; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 179, no. 157; *IStratonikeia 481. @ @@`370. Dedication of hair of Philodespotos [under] &3hi&[&3e&]&3reus [ ... ip]pos (?); 3?; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 488, no. 74; *IStratonikeia 483. @ @@`371. Dedication of hair of Aur(elius) Soter Severinus [under &3hiereus ...& ]des; 3?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 114%19`115, no. 105; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 351; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 298, note 0; *IStratonikeia 484. @ @@`372. Dedication to Zeus Panemeros of hair of daughter Apphion and of statue of Perseus with Gor[go] by Sosandros Hekataiou; 3?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 113, no. 100; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 346; Robert, BCH 60, 1936, 197%19`199 (PH) (%6 OM II 904%19`906); Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 298; *IStratonikeia 485. @ @@`373. Dedication of [hair] of &3familia& under &3hiereis& (Marcus) [U]lp(ius) A[el(ius) Iu]l(ius) As[klep]iade[s] and Clau(dia) Bresion; 3?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 117, no. 115; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 361; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 290%19`291, no. 137; *IStratonikeia 486 (PH). @ @@`374. Dedication of hair of &3familia& of &3hiereis& Ulpius Asklepiades and (Ulpia) Leontis; 3?; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 490, no. 115; Oppermann 69, no. 18; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 290, no. 136; *IStratonikeia 487. @ @@`375. Dedication of hair of &3fami&[&3lia& under &3hiereis&] Marcus [Aure]lius Iuli[anus He]rakleitos and [Cl]audia Le[onti]s; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 490, no. 119; Oppermann 69, no. 19; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 252 no. 56, p. 296 no. 170, and p. 298 note 0; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 179, no. 170; *IStratonikeia 488. @ @@`376. Dedication to Zeus of hair of &3oiketai& of F[2l]2(avius) (?) Antiochos and Chryseros; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 490, no. 117; Oppermann 69, no. 16; *IStratonikeia 489. @ @@`377. Dedication of hair of (no name) and Asklep[ia]des, &3oiketai of Euandro[s]; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 490, no. 116; Oppermann 69, no. 15; *IStratonikeia 490. @ @@`378. Dedication of hair of &3douloi& of &3hiereus& Diogenes; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 490, no. 118; Oppermann 69, no. 17; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 296, no. 168; *IStratonikeia 491. @ @@`379. Dedication of hair of Achilleus; 3?; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 489, no. 90; Oppermann 68, no. 1; *IStratonikeia 492. @ @@`380. Dedication of [hair of ... ]neikos, Achilleus, et al. [under &3hiereus& (no name)]; 3?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 117, no. 114; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 360; *IStratonikeia 493 (PH). @ @@`381. Dedication of hair of (no name) and Demetrios [under &3hiereus& (no name)]; 3?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 118, no. 121; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 368; *IStratonikeia 494. @ @@`382. Dedication of hair of (no name) and Diok[les]; 3?; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 47, no. 32, ll. 11%19`13; BE 1906:48; Oppermann 71; *IStratonikeia 495. @ @@`383. Dedication [of hair] of Menandros [under &3hiereus& (no name)]; 3?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 119, no. 125; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 372; *IStratonikeia 496. @ @@`384. Dedication of hair of &3a&[&3delphoi&] Panamarikos et al.; 3?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 112, no. 99; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 345; *IStratonikeia 497. @ @@`385. Dedication to Zeus Panem[eros of hair?]; 3?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 119, no. 126; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 373; *IStratonikeia 498 %7 II p. vii. @ @@`386. Dedication to the god of hair [of children?] by [Me]mnon under &3hiereus& [ ... ]erios; 3?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 116, no. 112, ll. 2%19`6; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 358, ll. 2%19`6; *IStratonikeia 499. @ @@`387. Dedication of hair of Aur(elius) [ ... ]tios Zosimou under &3hiereus& (no name); 3?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 119, no. 132; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 379; *IStratonikeia 500. @ See also: Panamara 411. @ @@@@Section: 9c. Other Dedications (388%19`403) @ @@`388. Inscription of Caesar Augustus &3theos& on statue%19base; imperial; found at Panamara: Deschamps %9 Cousin, BCH 12, 1888, 271, no. 56; *IStratonikeia 13. @ @@`389. Dedication to Helios by (?) Fl(avius) Aur(elius) Synchai[r]eous[ ... ]; imperial; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 118, no. 119; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 366; *IStratonikeia 48. @ @@`390. Altar inscription of Zeus Karios, on stele; no date; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 118, no. 117.a; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 363; *IStratonikeia 47. @ @@`391. Dedication to Zeus Panamaros by Artemon; no date; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 260, no. 45; *IStratonikeia 52. @ @@`392. Dedication to Zeus Panemeros by Drakon; no date; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 115, no. 106; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 352; *IStratonikeia 54. @ @@`393. Dedication to Zeus Panemeros by Artemisi[os?] and Ep[i]kteto[s]; no date; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 115%19`116, no. 109; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 355; *IStratonikeia 51 %7 II p. viii. @ @@`394. Thanksgiving offering to [Zeus P]anamaros and Hera by Melanto[s Melan]tou Ko(raieus); no date; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 86, no. 35, ll. 6%19`8; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 280; *IStratonikeia 55. @ @@`395. Dedication by (?) Menandros Hekaton[os]; no date; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 119, no. 134; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 382; *IStratonikeia 56. @ @@`396. Dedication to Zeus Panemeros by Aur(elius) Neikephoros Geraseimos; 3; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 116, no. 110; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 356; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 291 no. 140 and p. 298 note 0; *IStratonikeia 57. @ @@`397. Dedication by (?) Marcus Ulpius Theopropianos; imperial; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 255, no. 75; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 277 &3supra&; *IStratonikeia 59. @ @@`398. Dedication by (?) [Ma]rcus Sempronius Clemens; 2&7e&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 122, no. 139; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 384; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 287, no. 131; *IStratonikeia 58. @ @@`399. Dedication to [Zeus P]anemeros under priest Cla(udius) Ul(pius) Ael(ius) [ ... ], on stele; 2&7e&%3`4&7b&; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 118, no. 117.b; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 364; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 291, no.'s 141%19`142; *IStratonikeia 46. @ @@`400. Dedication to Zeus Panemeros and &3kyrios& [ ... ]; no date; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 87, no. 42; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 288; *IStratonikeia 40. @ @@`401. Dedication by (?) Abas Aristeou, Demostrate Apollophanou, and Menandros; no date; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 119, no. 133; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 381; *IStratonikeia 50 %7 II p. vii. @ @@`402. Thank offering by Demosthenes; no date; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 261, no. 46; *IStratonikeia 53. @ @@`403. Dedication by (?) Marcus Ulpius Attalus; 2?; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 122, no. 138; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 383; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 277 &3supra&; *IStratonikeia 49. @ See also: Panamara 35%19`38, 40%19`42, 44%19`45, 50, 78, 81%19`82, 88, 93%19`94, 98, 102, 106, 108%19`110, 118%19`119, 125%19`128, 132, 136%19`145, 148%19`149, 154, 162, 169, 177, 180%19`181, 196%19`197, 200, 202%19`203, 207, 210%19`216, 221, 230, 233, 235%19`236, 243, 245%19`247, 253%19`254, 258%19`259, 265, 267, 290%19`387, 409%19`412. @ @@@@Section: 9d. Other Religious Inscriptions (404%19`405) @ @@`404. Calendar of sacrifices; III; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 69, no. 9.a and b, ll. 1%19`9; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 266, ll. 1%19`19; Sokolowski, LSAM 67.A and B, ll. 1%19`9; SEG 15, 653; Drew%19Bear %9 Schwertfeger, ZPE 36, 1979, 198%19`199, no. 3 (PH); SEG 29, 1080, no. 3; *IStratonikeia 1. @ @@`405. List of prohibitions at entrance to temple; no date; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 70, no. 10; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 267; Zingerle, JO+AI 31, 1939 Beibl. 151%19`154; BE 1939:376; Sokolowski, LSAM 68; SEG 15, 654; *IStratonikeia 2. @ See also: Panamara 1%19`4, 414%19`415. @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (406%19`408) @ @@`406. Honorary inscription [by demos and boulai (of Stratonikeia)] for &3hiereus& (no name) and wife Demostrate Apphion; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Panamara: Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 261%19`262, no. 87; BE 1906:48; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 286, no. 127; *IStratonikeia 17. @ @@`407. Honorary inscription by [dem]os and boulai (of Stratonikeia) for Marcus Sempronius Clemens; c. AD 200; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 87, no. 11; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 287%19`289, no. 131; *IStratonikeia 16. @ @@`408. Beginning of honorary inscription (?) by demos and boulai (of Stratonikeia); no date; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 68%19`69, no. 8; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 264; *IStratonikeia 18. @ See also: Panamara 5%19`12, 46, 66, 97, 104%19`105, 226. @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (_) @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (409%19`415) @ @@`409. First epigram in elegiacs of dedication of statue of Athena; no date; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 120, no. 136.a; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 385.a; Wilhelm, GE 28, no. 32; SEG 30, 1277; *IStratonikeia 41.a. @ @@`410. Second epigram in elegiacs of dedication of statue of Athena; no date; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 120, no. 136.b; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 385.b; *IStratonikeia 41.b. @ @@`411. Inscription in iambic trimeters concerning dedication of hair to Zeus by [ ... ]ton; no date; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 120, no. 136.c; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 380; *IStratonikeia 42. @ @@`412. Dedication of (statue of) Hermes, partly in hexameter, to Ze[us], Hera, and demos by [M]enandros Apoll[odo]tou &3hiereus&; II%3I; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 252, no. 28; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 238, no. 5; *IStratonikeia 103. @ @@`413. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of (Tiberius Flavius) Iason (Aeneas), mostly in hexameters; 2&7e&; found at Panamara: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 11, 1887, 387%19`389, no. 4; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 260, no. 70; *IStratonikeia 206. @ @@`414. Fragment of inscription in elegiacs concerning cure from [&3tek&]&3edon&; no date; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 121, no. 137, ll. 1%19`7; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 386, ll. 1%19`7; *IStratonikeia 43. @ @@`415. Fragment of inscription in elegiacs concerning cure of foot; no date; found at Panamara: Hatzfeld, BCH 51, 1927, 121, no. 137, ll. 8%19`15; BE 1928:380; SEG 4, 386, ll. 8%19`15; *IStratonikeia 44. @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (_) @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (_) @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @ @@@@{1Rhodian Peraia}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia: P. M. Fraser %9 G. E. Bean, &3The &3@@@@Rhodian Peraia and Islands,& Oxford 1954. @@van Gelder, Geschichte: H van Gelder, &3Geschichte der alten &3@@@@Rhodier,& The Hague 1900. @ Almost all the inscriptions listed were found at sites identified (in Fraser %9 Bean's &3Rhodian Peraia&) as being within either the Subject Peraia or the Incorporated Peraia of Rhodes. Inscriptions were found at the following sites, of which those which have not been located on a map are identified with a question mark: @@Akyaka (near Idyma) @@Amnistos (So+g%27u+t) @@Amos (Hisarburnu) @@Avlana (?) (45 min. inland from Loryma) @@Chalkikerou (?) (near Loryma) @@Daidala (near #1222nlice) @@Duran C%25iftlik (Turan C%25iftlik) (near Kallipolis) @@Eski #1222skele (Djowa, Giova, Scalo di Giova) (near Idyma) @@Euthena (Alt#1221nsivrisi) @@Gelibolu (near Kallipolis) @@Gerbese (Gerbekilise) (5 mi. from Kad#1221rga Burnu, near @@@@Syrna) @@Go+kova (near Idyma) @@Go+lenye (near Amos) @@Hisaro+nu+ (near Kastabos, not Erine) @@Hyla (Selimiye, Aulai (?), Hyda, Losta) @@#1222c%25me (near Amnistos) @@Idyma (Kozlukuyu, Goslukuyu, Kuzlukuyu, not Bargasa) @@#1222nis%25dibi (near Idyma) @@Kallipolis (Asar, Kyllandos (?), not Gelibolu) @@Karamaka (near Loryma) @@Kasara (Asardibi, Sersa) @@Kastabos (Pazarl#1221k on Eren Dag%27) @@Kedreai (S%25ehir Ada, Sceir%19oglu, Schehir%19Olyn, Shehir%19Olgou) @@K#1221rbas%25#1221 (?) (20 min. south of Tymnos) @@K#1221z#1221lko+y (near Hyla) @@Krya (Tas%25yaka) @@Kyr%19Vasili (?) (near Hyla) @@Loryma (Bozuk, Aplothik, Haplothekas, Oplasikabu+ku+, Oplothiki) @@Loumboukki (?) (near Loryma) @@Loumbounea (?) (island near Tymnos) @@Miniko (?) (between Kasara and Loryma) @@Ortaca (Ortadje, Ortadschi) (near Thyssanous) @@Ovac#1221k (near Euthena) @@Patrichta (?) (1%3`4 hr. west of Phoinix) @@Phoinix (Fenaket, Alessa, Phe/nikeh, Phineket, Phiniki) @@Physkos (Marmaris, Marmara, Marmarice, Marmaritza) @@Pirnari (?) (1%3`2 hr. from Phoinix) @@Pisye (Yes%25ilyurt, Pisikio+i, Pisiko+y) @@Selvilic%25es%25me (near Pisye) @@So+g%27u+tkahvesi (near Thyssanous) @@Syrna (Bay#1221r, Bai+r, Bai+r%19keui+) @@Thera (Yerkesik, Therai, Yerkesen, Yerkessen) @@Thyssanous (Saranda) @@T#1221nas (T#1221naz) (near Pisye) @@Tschairaulu (?) (near Kastabos?) @@Turgut (near Hyla) @@Tymnos (Bozburun, Borrhodysmon, Pousbournou, not Bosporos) @@Ula (near Idyma). @ Epigraphic references from outside the territory of Rhodes and the Rhodian Peraia to the following sites are listed here (those with a question mark have not been located): @@Amnistos (So+g%27u+t) @@Amos (Hisarburnu) @@Bybassos (?) @@Chersonesioi (Cherronesioi) @@Daidala (near #1222nlice) @@Euthena (Alt#1221nsivrisi) @@Hygassos (?) @@Hyla (Hyda, Aulai?) (Selimiye) @@Idyma (Kozlukuyu) @@Kallipolis (Kyllandos) (Asar?) @@Kasara (Asardibi) @@Kedreai (S%25ehir Ada) @@Kelimara (?) @@Kryassos (?) @@Krya (Tas%25yaka) @@Loryma (Bozuk) @@Megiste (Megista) (Kastellorrhizo) @@Mobolla (Mug%27la) @@Phoinix (Fenaket) @@Physkos (Marmaris) @@Pisye (Yes%25ilyurt) @@Pladasa (?) (%6 Plataseis (?)) @@Prinassos (?) @@Pyrnos (?) @@Syrna (Bay#1221r) @@Tarmianoi (?) @@Thera (Therai) (Yerkesik) @@Thyssanous (Saranda) @@Tymnos (Bozburun). @ Erine, formerly thought to be at Hisaro+nu+, is now thought to have been on Rhodes. It was once thought that there was a place Bosporos at present%19day Bozburun, but it turns out that this site was ancient Tymnos and that there was no site called Bosporos in the Rhodian Peraia. @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`11) @ @@`1. Decree [of &3bola& and] &3damos& (of Lindos) concerning sacrifices to Enyalios, almost stoichedon, on stele; c. 440%3`420 BC; found at Hyla: Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1921%19`1922, 482%19`485, no. 37; BE 1924:355; SEG 4, 171; *Accame, Clara Rhodos 9, 211%19`229 (PH); BE 1939:377; BE 1946:159; BE 1958:5. @ @@`2. Honorary decree for (no name); III%3II; found at Physkos, presumably from Amos: S%25ahin %9 Engelmann, ZPE 34, 1979, 218%19`219, no. 6 (PH); BE 1979:471; *SEG 29, 1064. @ @@`3. Sacred law concerning sacrifices to [Z]e[us Atabyrios,] on altar base; III; found at Loryma: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 52%19`54, no. 17.b. @ @@`4. Regulations concerning dedications, on altar base; III; found at Loryma: Chaviaras, AE 1911, 54, no. 18 (PH); Zingerle, JO+AI 31, 1939 Beibl. 154%19`157, no. 2; BE 1939:378; *Sokolowski, LSAM 74; SEG 15, 634. @ @@`5. Honorary decree of Syrna for Euagis Kleustheneus, on gray limestone stele; II; found near Syrna, later at Physkos: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 16 (PH); BE 1955:212; SEG 14, 691; SEG 28, 850; BE 1978:23. @ @@`6. Honorary decree (?) for Xenom%1enes Onasandrou of Physkos by &3p&[&3l&]&3ethos& of A[mo]s, on stele of gray limestone; II; found at Amos, later at Physkos: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 13 (PH); BE 1955:214; SEG 14, 686. @ @@`7. Decree of [&3mastroi&] and Lindos concerning sacrifices at Physkos; II; found at Physkos: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 31, no. 10; BE 1895:459; Hiller, MDAI(A) 21, 1896, 63%19`66; BE 1897:94; Ziehen, Leges Graecorum Sacrae II 150; SGDI 4156; van Gelder, Geschichte 441, no. 10b; Sokolowski, TAPA 89, 1958, 138%19`141; *SEG 18, 435; BE 1961:675. @ @@`8. Honorary decree of &3damos& (of Rhodes) for Leonidas (?) (of Amos) concerning &3temenos& (of Hemithea) in Kastabos, moved by [Bas]ileidas Kleumbrotou of Bybassos, on marble stele; c. II&4m&; found near Go+lenye, presumably from Amos: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 15 (PH); SEG 14, 690; BE 1955:214%19`215; Cook %9 Plommer, Sanctuary 61%19`65; BE 1967:567; S%25ahin %9 Engelmann, ZPE 34, 1979, 219 (part); **SEG 29, 1065 (ll. 67%19`73). @ @@`9. Decree of &3koinon& of Tymnos concerning &3hiera,& on block of pinkish stone; I; found at Tymnos: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 26 (PH); SEG 14, 702; BE 1955:210; Sokolowski, TAPA 87, 1956, 47%19`50; BE 1958:456; **SEG 16, 633 (ll. 5%19`6). @ @@`10. Honorary decree by [&3koinon&] of Eranistai for (no name) Philiou and family, moved by [ ... t]es of Kyrene, on fragment of dark marble; no date; found at Ortaca: *Chaviaras, AE 1907, 213%19`215, no. 9. @ @@`11. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name) (?), mentioning honors by Adoniastai, Apolloniastai, Soteriastai, and Asklapiastai Aristodameioi, on slab of local stone; no date; found at Ortaca: *Chaviaras, AE 1907, 215%19`217, no. 13. @ See also: Rhodian Peraia 36; Aphrodisias 10, l. 43 (%6 MAMA 8, 421) (%6 CIG 2811b) (%6 LW 1620a) (%6 Moretti 72) (%6 Robert, Hellenica 13, 147%19`154) (honorary decree of Aphrodisias for athlete T(itus) (?) Aelius Aurelius Menandros, &3bouleutes& of Thera (?) and elsewhere; found at Aphrodisias); Iasos 36 (%6 IIasos 59) (%6 ASAA 31%19`32, 1969%19`1970, 379, 5b) (honorary decree of [I]asos for (no name) of Kallipolis; found at Iasos); Segre, Mem. Ist. FERT 3, 1938, 37 (%6 Robert, La Carie II 92) (honorary inscription for Moschion Moirichou of Thera mentions Mogla; found on Kalymna); Magnesia Mai. 49, l. 79 (%6 IMagnesia 50) (%6 Syll&4`3 562) (Thera listed in subscription among cities acccepting invitation to Leukophryena after decree of Paros; found at Magnesia Mai.); Panamara 2 (%6 IStratonikeia 10 %7 II 2 p. 35) (%6 Hula %9 Szanto 35, no. 3, col. 1) (%6 JHS 16, 1896, 220, 13 col. 1) (%6 BCH 28, 1904, 52) (decree of [&3boule& and &3demos& of Stratonikeia] concerning miracle of Zeus Panamaros at time of attack of Parthians, mentions camp of Parthians in territory of Pisye; main fragment found at Panamara, small part found at Pisye but from Panamara). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (_) @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ See also: Labraunda 48 (%6 ILabraunda 42) (%6 Hornblower, Mausolus M8) (decision of &3strategos& Eupolemos mentions proxeny decree of Plataseis for Diokles Dionos of Kos; found at Labraunda). @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (12%19`16) @ @@`12. Beginning of list of donors to Asklapion; III%3II; found at Syrna, prob. part of same inscription as Rhod. Peraia 13: Hula %9 Szanto p. 32; *Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 30, no. 9; van Gelder, Geschichte 442, no. 10d; BE 1955:212; SEG 14, 693. @ @@`13. List of donors, on block of white marble; III%3II; found at Syrna, prob. part of same inscription as Rhod. Peraia 12: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 17; BE 1955:212; SEG 14, 692. @ @@`14. Beginning of list of contributors to [&3naos&] of Athana [K]am[eiras,] on fragment of stele of dark marble; III; found at Ortaca: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 63%19`64, no. 56. @ @@`15. Subscription list for &3naos& of Diony[sos]; III; found at Phoinix: Durrbach %9 Rader, BCH 10, 1886, 252%19`258, no. 2; van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 184%19`187, no. 1; SGDI 4262; van Gelder, Geschichte 441, no. 3; *Shear, AJP 34, 1913, 455%19`459, no. 7. @ @@`16. Fragment of temple inventory, on stele of gray limestone; II; found at Amos, later at Physkos: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 11.a; BE 1955:214; SEG 14, 687.a; SEG 28, 832. @ See also: IG I&4`3& 71, 259%19`290 (mention of Amos, Chersonese, Idyma, Kedreai, Krya, Kyllandos, Loryma, Pyrnos, and Tymnos in Athenian Tribute Lists; found in Attica). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (17%19`22) @ @@`17. Architect's signature for &3naos& by Letodoros and Ph[ ... ]ni[ ... ] of Halikarnassos, on block of gray limestone; IV&4`2&%3III&4`1&; found at Kastabos: *Cook %9 Plommer, Sanctuary no. 2 (PH); BE 1967:562. @ @@`18. Dedication of &3naos& to Hemithea by Philion Philonda of Hygasos, on limestone block; c. 320%3`280 BC; found at Kastabos: *Cook %9 Plommer, Sanctuary no. 1 (PH); BE 1967:562. @ @@`19. Fragment of dedication to [Hemithe]a, on block of gray stone, in fragment of epistyle; II; found at Hisaro+nu+, from Kastabos: Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 40 (PH); SEG 14, 717; *Cook %9 Plommer, Sanctuary 61, 65; BE 1967:566. @ @@`20. Dedication [of &3exedra&] to [Ze]us Helios Me[gas,] Augustus, and &3demos& [of Rhodes by &3koinon& of Amox (?) and &3demos&] of Physkos, on broken block; 27 BC%3AD 14; found at Physkos: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 3 (PH); BE 1955:216; SEG 14, 678. @ @@`21. Building (?) inscription mentioning &3exedra&; no date; found on Megiste: *Diamantaras, BCH 18, 1894, 332, no. 30; van Gelder, Geschichte 446 &3ad& no. 32e. @ @@`22. Fragment of dedication (?) of [&3kion&] to [Hemithea (?),] on column%19base; no date; found at Kastabos: *Cook %9 Plommer, Sanctuary 59%19`60, no. 4 (PH). @ See also: Rhodian Peraia 245. @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (23%19`27) @ @@`23. List of names, perhaps of priests, on stele of gray limestone; late Hellenistic%3early Roman?; found at Amos, later at Physkos: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 11.b; SEG 14, 687.b. @ @@`24. First lease document for land dated [under &3hiereus& (of Helios)] A%1r%1isteidas, on stele; II; found at Amos: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 8; BE 1955:214; SEG 14, 683; SEG 28, 833; BE 1978:23. @ @@`25. Second lease document, on stele; II; found at Amos: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 9 (PH, part); BE 1955:214; SEG 14, 684; SEG 28, 833; BE 1978:23. @ @@`26. Third lease document, on stele; II; found at Amos: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 10; **BE 1955:214 (part B, l. 6); SEG 14, 685; SEG 28, 833; BE 1978:23. @ @@`27. Fragments of list of victorious athletes, on fragments of stele; no date; found at Loumboukki: *Chaviaras, AE 1907, 209%19`211, no. 2. @ See also: Rhodian Peraia 12%19`15, 76%19`78; Miletos 114 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 72) (record of grant of citizenship of Miletos to individuals from Thera and elsewhere; found at Miletos); Mylasa 157.7, ll. 19%19`20 (%6 EA 16, 1991, 30%19`32) (%6 IMylasa 11) (treaty between Mylasa and Kindya concerning sale of land, with list of witnesses including Thyssos [Sambaktyo, ... , and Mi]skos (?) of Pladasa; found at Sek near Mylasa); Mylasa 157.9, ll. 12%19`13, 21%19`22 (%6 EA 16, 1991, 32%19`34) (%6 IMylasa 12) (treaty between Mylasa and (no name) concerning sale of land, with list of witnesses including Thyssos Sambaktyo, Imrassis [2S]2esko, Sanortos Saurig[ou, He]rmapis Saussollou, &3keryx& Kylaldis of [P]ladasa, and Manes [ ... ] and &3keryx& Hermaios of Koloneis; found at Sek near Mylasa); Tralles 28.B, l. 4 (%6 ITralles 33) (%6 CIG 2919b) (%6 LW 599) (%6 Robert, Coll. Froehner pp. 94%19`97) (list of mercenaries includes Artemidoros Menippou of Thera; found at Tralles). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (28%19`80) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (28%19`75) @ @@`28. Inscription of Claudius, on rectangular stone base; AD 41%3`54; found at Tymnos: Chaviaras, AE 1913, 6, no. 105; *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 27; BE 1955:210; SEG 14, 703. @ @@`29. Dedication to [Domitian] and Domitia by Iason Aristogenous &3hagemon,& under whom &3patrios politeia& was reestablished by &3damos of Thyssanous, inhabitants of Thyssanous, and &3ktoina& of Strapiatai, on base of white stone; AD 81%3`96; found at Ortaca: Chaviaras, AE 1911, 60%19`63, no. 52.B; Wilhelm, NBeitr 3, 50%19`52; *Syll&4`3& 819. @ @@`30. Inscription of Hadrian, on cylindrical stone base; AD 117%3`138; found at Tymnos: *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 5, no. 104. @ @@`31. Inscription for &3neike, hygeia,& and &3aionios diamone& of Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus, on circular altar; AD 163%3`164; found at Physkos: *Bean, Tu+rk Ark. Derg. 9, 1959, 43%19`44, no. 3 (PH); BE 1962:298. @ @@`32. Dedication (?) to [&3heros&] Abraiko%1[s] (?) by &3hiereus Diodotos Diodo[rou,] on small rectangular altar; no date; found at Pisye: *Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 220, no. 12; BE 1898:336. @ @@`33. Dedication to Ammon by (?) &3strateg&[&3os&] (?) Aurel[ius,] on fragment of stele; imperial; found at Kedreai: *Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 10, 1886, 428, no. 4. @ @@`34. Dedication to Aphrodi[ta] by [&3hier&]&3eus& [ ... ]omeneus; III%3II; found at Phoinix: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 20; BE 1955:208; SEG 14, 696. @ @@`35. Dedication (?) to (?) Aphrodita; no date; found at Physkos: *Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 32, no. 12; van Gelder, Geschichte 442, no. 10c. @ @@`36. Dedication to [Aph]rodita Karneios and [Aph]rodita [Ag]rianios (or sacred law concerning offerings to them,) on block; Roman; found at K#1221z#1221lko+y: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 39; BE 1955:211; SEG 14, 715. @ @@`37. Dedication to Apollo by Timasitheos Aristyllou, on rectangular limestone base; c. III&4`1&; found at Loryma: *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 1, no. 78; Shear, AJP 34, 1913, 452, no. 1. @ @@`38. End of dedication to [Apoll]o by (no name), [gymnas]iarch; no date; found at Loumboukki: *Chaviaras, AE 1907, 211, no. 3. @ @@`39. [&3Euch&]&3aristerion& dedication of (statue of) A[poll]o by A[r]iston, on marble; no date; found at Pisye: *Hula %9 Szanto 35, no. 2. @ @@`40. Unpublished fragment of inscription mentioning Apollo; no date; found at Loryma: Shear, AJP 34, 1913, 452 &3ad& no. 1. @ @@`41. Dedication to [Ap]ol[l]o Ka[rneios,] on slab of local stone; no date; found at Tymnos: *Chaviaras, AE 1907, 218, no. 14. @ @@`42. Dedication to Apollo Megisteus by &3epistatai& Aischinas Diandrou and Timostratos Eukrateus, on marble slab; no date; found on Megiste: CIG 4301b; Holleaux, BCH 17, 1893, 52, no. 3; van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 248%19`249, no. 27; *SGDI 4330; van Gelder, Geschichte 446, no. 30. @ @@`43. Inscription of Apollo Pe[dageitnios,] on rectangular block; no date; found at Phoinix: Durrbach %9 Radet, BCH 10, 1886, 258, no. 4; van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 188, no. 4; *van Gelder, Geschichte 441, no. 9. @ @@`44. Dedication to [Ar]tami[s] by [ ... ] Apo%1llo%1d%1o%1[rou,] on rectangular base of dark stone; no date; found at Hyla: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 68, no. 69. @ @@`45. Inscription Soteira, on statuette of Artemis; no date; perhaps from Loryma, later in Paris: Collection Bommeville, Catalogue 25, no. 105 (non vidi); *Benndorf, Reisen I 22, note 2. @ @@`46. Dedication to Sot[eira B]akchia by Ari[sto]g%1enes (?), on base of bluish marble of statuette of Artemis in white marble; no date; found at Loryma, later in London: *Benndorf, Reisen I 22 &3ad no. 7; GIBM 1040. @ @@`47. Dedication to (Artemis?) Soteira by Sophon, with artist's signature by Athanodoros%1, on block; c. 167%3`100 BC; found at Loryma: Parnassos 4, 1880, 834 (non vidi); Benndorf, AEM 6, 1882, 156%19`157; Benndorf, Reisen I 22, no. 7; Lo+wy 302; Fo+rster, JDAI 6, 1891, 194, no. 6 (PH); van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 190, no. 9; *van Gelder, Geschichte 440, no. 2. @ @@`48. &3Euche& dedication to Asklepios &3ho en Epidauroi& by Antimachos, on part of votive altar; early Hellenistic; found at Akkaya near Pisye: *Roos, MDAI(I) 25, 1975, 337%19`338 (PH); BE 1976:643. @ @@`49. Dedication to Asklepios and Hygieia by Chrysaoris, on altar; no date; found at Idyma: *Robert, E/t. anat. 485, no. 6. @ @@`50. Dedication to [Dam]at[e]r; imperial; found at Tymnos: Chaviaras, AE 1911, 64, no. 58, ll. 1 %9 7 (PH); *Fraser, JHS 103, 1983, 137%19`139, ll. 1 %9 7 (PH); BE 1984:443; SEG 33, 859, ll. 1 %9 7. @ @@`51. Dedication to [Dam]ater and [Kora] by Peisianax A[pollodorou,] of Tym[nos,] on large rectangular base of dark stone; no date; found at Hyla: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 68, no. 70. @ @@`52. Dedication to [D]ioskoroi by Epikratidas Anaxikrateus &3epistates& and fellow soldiers, on marble base; no date; found on Megiste: Diamantaras, BCH 16, 1892, 304; Holleaux, BCH 17, 1893, 52 no. 1 %9 639; Holleaux, BCH 18, 1894, 394 note 2; van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 249, no. 27a; *SGDI 4331; van Gelder, Geschichte 446, no. 31. @ @@`53. Inscription of (?) Eleithya (or funerary inscription for Eleithyas (?)), on rectangular block of black marble; no date; found at Phoinix: Durrbach %9 Radet, BCH 10, 1886, 258%19`259, no. 5; van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 188%19`189, no. 6; *SGDI 4265; van Gelder, Geschichte 441, no. 8. @ @@`54. &3Euche& dedication to Hekata by Hieroklea, on marble statue%19base; II; found at Physkos: *Shear, AJP 34, 1913, 459, no. 8. @ @@`55. &3Euchari&[&3st&]&3erion& dedication to Heka[te] by Demetrios, on gray marble; no date; found at Tschairaulu, from near Hisaro+nu+?: *Hula %9 Szanto 32. @ @@`56. Dedication to Helios, Hermes, Herakles, and &3koinon& of Tarmianoi by [ ... ]les [Le]ontos and Antipatros Hekataiou of Kenendolaba; II%3I; found at Mobolla: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 10, 1886, 490, no. 3; Lo+wy, MDAI(A) 11, 1886, 327, no. 2; van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 197, no. 24; *van Gelder, Geschichte 444%19`445, no. 25; Robert, E/t. anat. 563. @ @@`57. Dedication to Herakles by [ ... ]tis Damopheideus, on rectangular stone with relief; no date; found at Pirnari: *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 3%19`4, no. 88. @ @@`58. Dedication to Hermes, Herakles, and &3koinon& of Tarmianoi by Nikolaos Leontos of Rhodes; II%3I; found at Mobolla: Ross, Hellenika I p. 67 (non vidi); Newton, Travels II p. 43; Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 10, 1886, 491, no. 4; van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 197, no. 23; van Gelder, Geschichte 444, no. 24; *Robert, E/t. anat. 563. @ @@`59. &3Charisterion& dedication to Hermas Propylaios by Sosikles Nikagora[3s]3 of Amos, &3epistates& in Kastabos and Megista; no date; found on Megiste: CIG 4301; LW 1268; Holleaux, BCH 18, 1894, 390%19`395; van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 249, no. 29; *SGDI 4332; van Gelder, Geschichte 446, no. 32a. @ @@`60. &3Charisterion& dedication to Hypsistos by Ariston, on small base; no date; found at Pisye: *Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 220, no. 14; BE 1898:336. @ @@`61. Dedication to Kreontis (?) by Boulagoras, on block of gray limestone; III; found at So+g%27u+tkahvesi: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 24 (PH); BE 1955:209; SEG 14, 700. @ @@`62. Dedication to Lato by D%1[o]rikles Doricharios and brothers, partly stoichedon; IV; found at Physkos: Benndorf, AEM 7, 1883, 147; Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 32, no. 13; van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 189, no. 7a; SGDI 4266; van Gelder, Geschichte 441, no. 10; *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 7 (PH); BE 1955:216; SEG 14, 679. @ @@`63. Inscription of Lato, on stele of dark stone; no date; found at K#1221z#1221lko+y: *Chaviaras, AE 1907, 218, no. 16. @ @@`64. Inscription of Mousai; late; found at Syrna: *Hula %9 Szanto 32. @ @@`65. Dedication to &3theoi& by Nikasimenes Pythippou &3prytanis,& on stone base; II; found at Phoinix: *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 4%19`5, no. 95. @ @@`66. Dedication to &3the&[&3o&]&3i pantes& by Rhodippos Phodonos &3prytanis,& on stone base; III; found at Phoinix: *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 5, no. 96. @ @@`67. Dedication to &3theoi pantes& by magistrates, including Timasitheos Timasianaktos &3prytanis&; III?; found at Phoinix: Durrbach %9 Radet, BCH 10, 1886, 248%19`252, no. 1; van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 187%19`188, no. 2; *SGDI 4263; van Gelder, Geschichte 441, no. 4; BE 1955:208. @ @@`68. Dedication to Tyche Agathe and Aphrodita by Gorgon Androcharios, on small base at Doric temple%19tomb; no date; found on Tersana, from near Daidala: *TAM 2, 163; Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia pp. 55, 87. @ @@`69. Inscription for [&3bomos&] of Z[e]us Atabyri[o]s set up by S[okra]te[s] Philodamou and fellow soldiers; III; found at Loryma: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 52%19`53, no. 17.a. @ @@`70. Inscription of Zeus Kataibatas, on base of white stone; I; found at Tymnos: *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 5, no. 101 (PH). @ @@`71. Dedication to [Zeus Patroi]os by [Peisianax A]pollo[dorou] of [T]ymnos, on fragment of rectangular base of dark stone; no date; found at Hyla: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 68, no. 71. @ @@`72. Dedicatory inscription by victorious athlete [Bou]lakle[s] ȂBoulakrineu[s,] on rectangular stone base; II; found at Phoinix: *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 4, no. 94 (PH). @ @@`73. Dedication for &3eueteria& by Timon Timonos; no date; found at Kasara: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 59, no. 43 (PH). @ @@`74. Fragment on stone base mentioning [Eu]a%1nthas (?) T.[.]e[ ... ]; no date; found at Phoinix: *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 5, no. 99. @ @@`75. Dedication by &3epistates& [ ... ]asilon Exa[k]estionos Lelios; no date; found on Megiste: Diamantaras, BCH 16, 1892, 395; Holleaux, BCH 17, 1893, 52, no. 2; *van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 249, no. 28; van Gelder, Geschichte 446, no. 32. @ See also: Rhodian Peraia 18%19`20, 22, 83, 95%19`96, 103, 106, 126%19`127; Diamantaras, BCH 18, 1894, 333, no. 34 (dedication to Eleithuia by [ ... ]rchis Timaithou; found at Knidos, later on Megiste); Stratonikeia 43 (%6 IStratonikeia 831) (%6 BCH 58, 1934, 344, 38) (dedication to Nymphai by Androneikos; found at Bozarmut near Stratonikeia). @ ̏@@@@Section: 9b. Other Religious Inscriptions (76%19`80) @ @@`76. List of &3hiereis,& on large stele; II%3I; found at Ortaca: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 23; BE 1955:209; SEG 14, 699; **Pouilloux, AC 24, 1955, 239%19`240 (part a ll. 11, 36, 45, part b l. 45, part c ll. 3, 4, 26, 30, part e l. 25); Pugliese Carratelli, SCO 3, 1955, 129%19`133; BE 1956:272. @ @@`77. Fragment of list of priests of [Leto] and Aphrod[ite,] including [ ... ]s Menekratou Pedie[us,] on base; 2?; found at Eski #1222skele, prob. part of same inscription as Rhodian Peraia 78: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 10, 1886, 430, no. 6; van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 193, no. 16; van Gelder, Geschichte 443, no. 17; Robert, E/t. anat. 474%19`476, no. 2; *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 79 &3ad& no. 10. @ @@`78. List of priests of Leto and Aphrodite; 2; found at Akyaka, prob. part of same inscription as Rhodian Peraia 77: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 78%19`79, no. 10; SEG 18, 445. @ @@`79. Acclamation that name of &3ho theos& is great, on block; 2; found at Physkos: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 4; BE 1955:216; SEG 14, 680. @ @@`80. Inscription declaring &3topos hieros&; no date; found at Loryma: *Chaviaras, AE 1907, 209, no. 1. @ See also: Rhodian Peraia 1, 3%19`4, 7%19`9, 12%19`17, 23, 36, 246%19`248; Plassart, BCH 45, 1921, 6, IC(a) l. 9 (list of &3theorodokoi includes Meno[ ... ] of Kallipolis; found at Delphi); Lagina 145 (%6 IStratonikeia 609) l. 7 %9 Lagina 149 (%6 IStratonikeia 613) l. 6; ([Aris]teas Herodou Tarmianos and [Herodes] Aristeou Tarmianos listed in lists of priests; found at Lagina near Stratonikeia). @ я@@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (81%19`125) @ @@`81. Honorary inscription for Vespasian by &3koinon& of Idyma, on base; AD 69%3`79; found at Eski #1222skele: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 10, 1886, 429, no. 5; van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 192, no. 15; van Gelder, Geschichte 442%19`443, no. 16; *Robert, E/t. anat. 474, no. 1. @ @@`82. Honorary inscription for Ve[spasian] by [&3koi&]&3non& of Ther[a,] on fragment; AD 69%3`79; found at Thera: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 47 (PH); BE 1955:218; SEG 14, 723. @ @@`83. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Vespasian to &3theoi& by &3damos& of Kedreai; AD 69%3`79; found at Kedreai: Paton, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 440; Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 30, no. 8; BE 1895:459; *van Gelder, Geschichte 442, no. 13a. @ @@`84. Honorary inscription for [Domi]tia by [&3da&]&3mos& of Kallipolis, on altar; AD 81%3`96; found at Duran C%25iftlik: Hula %9 Szanto 34; Robert, E/t. anat. 493; *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 81. @ @@`85. Honorary inscription for Iulia Domna, Septimius Severus, Caracalla, [and Geta,] with reference to &3strategos& of Cherronesos and Syme, on bases; AD 210%3`211; found at Thyssanous: Chaviaras, AE 1911, 59%19`60 no. 46 %9 61%19`63 no.'s 52.$*G %9& 54 (PH, part); *Wilhelm, NBeitr 3, 52%19`53. @ @@`86. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for emperor by &3dem&[&3os&] on fragment of stone; imperial; found on Megiste: *Diamantaras, BCH 18, 1894, 333, no. 32; van Gelder, Geschichte 446 &3ad& no. 32e. @ @@`87. Honorary inscription for Alexandros Kephallan and other individuals from Kos and Ephesos by Adoniastai Aphrodeisiastai Asklapiastai in Aulai; no date; found at Kyr%19Vasili: Hamilton, Researches II 76 %9 no. 301; van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 190%19`191, no. 10; SGDI 4274; Lu+ders, Dionysische Ku+nstler 169, no. 64 (non vidi); Ziebarth, Griechisches Vereinswesen 54; Poland, Griechisches Vereinswesen 566 no. 304; van Gelder, Geschichte 442, no. 12; Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1921%19`1922, 481%19`482, no. 36; *SEG 4, 168. @ @@`88. Honorary inscription for [Arist]agore (?) Aristeida of Rhodes by husband Dionysios Menippou of Rhodes, on base of white marble; imperial; found at Pisye: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 44; BE 1955:219; SEG 14, 722. @ @@`89. Honorary inscription for Aristeidas Aristeida by parents Aristeidas and Demostrate et al.; no date; found at Mobolla: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 335, no. 3; Paton, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 440; Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 29, no. 7; van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 195, no. 25; *SGDI 4272; van Gelder, Geschichte 444, no. 22. @ @@`90. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for [A]thenagoras M[ ... ] of Rho[des] (?) to &3theoi& by &3koinon& of Sosigeneio[i]; I; found at Eski #1222skele: Hula %9 Szanto 31; Poland, Griechisches Vereinswesen 567 no. 311; Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1921%19`1922, 477, no. 29; SEG 4, 175; *Robert, E/t. anat. 476%19`477, no. 4. @ @@`91. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Chrysippos Apollonida of Rhodes, &3hagemon& over Artouba and Parableia, to &3theoi,& by &3koinon& of Tarmianoi, on base; 167%3c. 80 BC; found at Mobolla: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 10, 1886, 486, no. 1; Loewy, MDAI(A) 11, 1886, 202, no. 1; van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 195, no. 20; *SGDI 4275; van Gelder, Geschichte 443, no. 21; Robert, E/t. anat. 563. @ @@`92. Honorary inscription for Dionysios Antagora of Rhodes by daughter Menestrate Dionysiou of Rhodes et al., on statue%19base; II%3I; found at Mobolla: Fellows, Discoveries, German translation 223 (non vidi); *van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 196, no. 22; van Gelder, Geschichte 444, no. 23. @ @@`93. Honorary (?) inscription for (?) (no name) and Epikrates Elpinikou, for &3embama,& with artist's signature by Dionysios of Naukrat[i]s; no date; found at Loryma: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 56, no. 26. @ @@`94. Honorary inscription for [Eua]ratos Theudor[ou &3strata&]&3gos over Cherso[nasos] and Syma, by inhabitants of Thyssanous, on base of dark marble; later imperial; found at Thyssanous: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 63, no. 53. @ @@`95. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription to Apollo for Hagemon &3hiereus,& by Hagemon Damatriou and Moschion Kyranaios, with artist's signature by Technon, on circular base; II; found at Loryma: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 55, no. 25. @ @@`96. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription to &3theoi& for Hypsikles Argeada of Rhodes and wife Philokrateia Nikarchou of Rhodes by Sosos Lykonos and Dionysios Lykonos of Laudikeia (Lyk.), on marble altar; Hellenistic; found at Pisye, later at Mobolla, later at Smyrna: *Robert, La Carie II 378 note 4; BE 1955:220. @ @@`97. Honorary (?) inscription for (?) Kallixeinos Neik[a]gora, &3hage&[&3m&]&3on& over Apeiros, Physkos, Chersonas[os,] and Syma, on rectangular plinth; I; found at Physkos: *Bean, Tu+rk Ark. Derg. 9, 1959, 42, no. 1 (PH); BE 1962:298. @ @@`98. Honorary inscription for Kasareates (?) Peisianaktos [by &3demos& (?),] on statue%19base; no date; found at Kasara: Hicks, JHS 10, 1889, 49, no. 2; *SGDI 4261b; van Gelder, Geschichte 441, no. 2a. @ @@`99. Honorary inscription for Moschos Antipatrou of Rhodes by &3koinon& of Pisye and Plad[assa] and &3koinon& of [Tarmian]oi; II%3I; found at Pisye: Benndorf, AAWW 29, 1892, 64, 1 (non vidi); van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 193%19`194, no. 18; *van Gelder, Geschichte 443, no. 19; Robert, E/t. anat. 563; Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia pp. 73 %9 75 note 3. @ @@`100. Honorary inscription for Nikagor[2a]2s P[am]philida by &3d&[&3am&]&3os& of Kedreai, with mention of &3koinon& of Kedreai, on statue%19base of gray marble; prob. 201%3`197 BC; found at Kedreai: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 10, 1886, 426%19`428, no. 3 (part); Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 334%19`335, no. 3; BE 1891:334; Hiller, AEM 16, 1893, 103%19`104, no. 2; van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 191%19`192, no. 12; *SGDI 4269; van Gelder, Geschichte 442, no. 13. @ @@`101. Honorary inscription for Onasiteles Onasistratou, victorious athlete, by &3koinon& of Chersonasioi, on statue%19base of marble; II&4m&; found at Kedreai: Paton, CR 3, 1889, 422%19`423; BE 1889:426; Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 27, no. 6; BE 1895:459; SGDI 4271; van Gelder, Geschichte 442, no. 14a; Poland, Griechisches Vereinswesen 567 no. 309; Syll&4`3& 1067; *Moretti no. 50; SEG 14, 720; Merkelbach, ZPE 3, 1968, 190; BE 1969:540. @ @@`102. Honorary inscription for Philoumenos &3metoikos& by &3koinon& of &3ptoina& (?); very late; found at Phoinix: Durrbach %9 Radet, BCH 10, 1886, 261%19`263, no. 7; van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 189, no. 7; *SGDI 4264; van Gelder, Geschichte 441, no. 5. @ @@`103. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Polykrates Menekrateus Plarios, &3archon& over Physkos and Kedreai, by inhabitants of Physkos, to &3theoi,& on circular base; Hellenistic?; found at Physkos: *Bean, Tu+rk Ark. Derg. 9, 1959, 42%19`43, no. 2 (PH); BE 1962:298. @ @@`104. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription [by &3koinon& of Idyma (?) for] Pratophon [ ... ]phontos of Rhodes, to &3theoi,& on limestone fragment; I; found at Idyma: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 78, no. 9; SEG 18, 444. @ @@`105. Honorary inscription for &3damos& of Rhodes by inhabitants of Physkos, on circular base; imperial?; found at Physkos: *Bean, Tu+rk Ark. Derg. 9, 1959, 44%19`45, no. 4 (PH); BE 1962:298. @ @@`106. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Sosikrates Sosinikou of Rhodes, &3epistatas,& by &3archontes& from Tabai, Loma (?), Mobolla, and Mniesytai, on round marble plaque; 188%3`167 BC?; found at Mobolla: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 10, 1886, 488%19`490, no. 2; Lo+wy, MDAI(A) 11, 1886, 202%19`204; Holleaux, BCH 17, 1893, 53, no. IV (%6 Et. I 410); van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 194%19`195, no. 19; Michel 1189; SGDI 4276; van Gelder, Geschichte 443, no. 20; *Robert, La Carie II no. 2 (PH); BE 1955:221. @ @@`107. Honorary inscription for S[te]phanion of Myndos and wife of Myndos, by &3koinon& of &3kometai,& on block; I%3`1; found at Pisye: Hula %9 Szanto 34, no. 1; *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 45; BE 1955:219; SEG 14, 721. @ @@`108. Honorary inscription for Teisias Theudama by &3damos& of Kedreai, on base of gray marble; II&4`1&; found at Kedreai: *Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1921%19`1922, 478%19`479, no. 32; SEG 4, 177. @ @@`109. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Teisias Theudamou by family, mentioning crowning by K[a]llipolis, to &3theoi,& with artist's signature by Pythokri[tos,] on rectangular block of gray limestone; II&4`1&; found at Kedreai: Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1921%19`1922, 479, no. 33; SEG 4, 178; BE 1940:155b; *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 42 (PH); BE 1955:217; SEG 14, 719. @ @@`110. Honorary inscription for [Tele]stas Telesonos Kasareus, by &3koinon& of &3eranistai,& on rectangular block; imperial?; found on Syme, from Loryma: Durrbach %9 Radet, BCH 10, 1886, 259%19`261, no. 6; Ziebarth, Griechisches Vereinswesen 54; van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 189%19`190, no. 8; *SGDI 4260; van Gelder, Geschichte 440, no. 1; Poland, Griechisches Vereinswesen 566 no. 305. @ @@`111. Honorary (?) inscription for (?) Thrasy[machos] Apollo[niou,] &3hagemon& of Ape[iros,] Physkos, [Che]rso[n]a[2s]2os, and Syma; prob. I; found near Physkos: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 31, no. 11; Holleaux, BCH 18, 1894, 395%19`400; BE 1895:459; *SGDI 4267; van Gelder, Geschichte 441, no. 10a. @ @@`112. Honorary (?) inscription for (?) [ ... ]s%1kos Iatrok%1l[eus,] &3hiereus& of Ap[ollo] Samnaios, on marble fragment; Roman; found at Amos, later at Physkos: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 12 (PH); BE 1955:214; SEG 14, 688. @ @@`113. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for (no name) [ ... ]eos to &3theoi& by [ ... ,] on block of rough stone; no date; found at Thera: Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 221, no. 15; *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 49 (PH); BE 1955:218; SEG 14, 725. @ @@`114. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for (no name) by Zenon Artemo[n]os et al., including individuals from Halikarnasos, Myndos, Laodikeia, Byszantion, Kallipolei[s,] and Alabanda, to &3theoi,& on block of yellowish stone; II; found at Go+kova: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 79%19`80, no. 11 (PH); SEG 18, 446; BE 1973:421. @ @@`115. Honorary inscription for (no name) by &3koinon& of Dioskouriastai, with artist's signature by Simias Pythokritou of Rhodes, on statue of white marble; c. 140 BC; found at Kedreai: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 10, 1886, 424%19`426, no. 2; Paton, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 441; Ziebarth, Griechisches Vereinswesen 53; van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 192, no. 13; Michel 1305; *SGDI 4270; Poland, Griechisches Vereinswesen 567 no. 310; van Gelder, Geschichte 442, no. 14. @ @@`116. Subsumed under Rhodian Peraia 85. @ @@`117. End of honorary%3dedicatory inscription, to &3theoi,& on base converted into column; Roman; found at Physkos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 75, no. 1.a; SEG 18, 436.a. @ @@`118. Fragment of honorary%3dedicatory inscription for (no name), [&3pry&]&3tani&[&3s,&] to &3theoi,& on base converted into column; Roman; found at Physkos: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 75, no. 1.b; SEG 18, 436.b. @ @@`119. End of honorary%3dedicatory inscription for (no name), to &3theoi,& on part of base; I%3`1; found at #1222nis%25dibi: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 80%19`81, no. 12 (PH); SEG 18, 447. @ @@`120. Honorary%3dedicatory (?) inscription for (?) (no name), [&3hiereu&]&3s& of Apol[lo] Pythios and Apollo Kedrieus, to &3theoi,& on base of gray marble; I; found at Kedreai: *Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1921%19`1922, 478, no. 31; BE 1924:355; SEG 4, 179. @ @@`121. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for (no name), [&3hagemon,&] to &3theoi,& by population in Physkos, on round base; I?; found at Physkos: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 1 (PH); BE 1955:216; SEG 14, 676. @ @@`122. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for (no name) by population [in Physkos,] to &3theoi,& on round base; I?; found at Physkos: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 2 (PH); SEG 14, 677; **Bean, Tu+rk Ark. Derg. 9, 1959, 43 (ll. 1%19`2, 4); BE 1962:298. @ @@`123. End of honorary%3dedicatory inscription for (no name) of Pa[t]ara by [&3koinon& of Aphrode]isiastai Soteriastai [ ... stai], to A[pollo] Dalios, on fragment of limestone; no date; found at Tymnos: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 66, no. 66 (PH). @ @@`124. End of honorary%3dedicatory inscription for (no name), to &3theoi,& on fragments of white marble; no date; found at Hyla: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 69, no. 75. @ @@`125. Unpublished honorary inscription for Rhodian referring to Kelimara; no date; found at Pisye: Robert, CRAI 1948, 430%19`431; BE 1952:4 (p. 129); Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia p. 75. @ See also: Rhodian Peraia 2, 5[`6], 8, 10%19`11; IG XII 1, 1036, ll. 8%19`10 (%6 CR 3, 1889, 333%19`334) (honororary inscription for [N]ikagoras Pamph[ilida,] &3stratagos& who acquired &3chora& of Pisye, [I]dymia, and Kyllandia; found on Karpathos); Panamara 147 (%6 IStratonikeia 216) (%6 Hula %9 Szanto 35, no. 3, col. 2) (%6 JHS 16, 1896, 220, 13 col. 2) (%6 BCH 28, 1904, 51, 39) (&3hiereus inscription of Ti(berius) Fl(avius) Aristolaos Ko(liorgeus) and daughter Fl(avia) Aristolais Ko(liorgis); found at Pisye, wandered from Panamara); SGDI 4288 (%6 Robert, La Carie II 94 note 4) (honorary%3dedicatory inscription for [E]uphrosyno[s] of [S]idyma, not Idyma, &3metoikos,& to &3theoi,& by Samothraki[a]stai A[ph]ro[disiast]ai Borboritai; found on Syme). @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (_) @ See also: Rhodian Peraia 80. @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (126%19`137) @ @@`126. Dedication to Herakle[s by K]ratida[s E]uarato[u] and Damonaktidas Kallianaktos, partly in elegiacs; III; found at Thyssanous: Chaviaras, AE 1911, 61, no. 52.A; Wilhelm, NBeitr 3, 50, no. 2; *Hiller, AE 1923, 117; SEG 4, 167. @ @@`127. Dedication in elegiacs of &3eikon& by Nikon Kleippida, on base of white marble; no date; found at Kedreai: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 10, 1886, 424, no. 1; Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 335, no. 3; van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 192, no. 14; *van Gelder, Geschichte 442, no. 15. @ @@`128. Funerary inscription in hexameters for Agora[n]ax Phil[ ... ], on block of pinkish marble; III; found at Loryma: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 19; BE 1955:207; SEG 14, 695. @ @@`129. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Apollodoto[s] Hagenaktos, stoichedon, on large base of limestone; IV; found at Kasara: Chaviaras, AE 1911, 58, no. 40; *Wilhelm, AE 1912, 251. @ @@`130. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Apollo[ni]os [ ... ]onos; II; found at Tymnos: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 65%19`66, no. 63 (PH); **Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 27a (l. 8); SEG 14, 704. @ @@`131. Funerary inscription in elegiacs on tomb; III%3II; found at Turgut: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 41; BE 1955:212a; SEG 14, 718. @ @@`132. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Eurykrates [He]ra[k]lionos, on limestone base; III%3II; found at Karamaka: *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 1, no. 80 (PH); Shear, AJP 34, 1913, 452%19`454, no. 2. @ @@`133. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Simias Iasios, on base of limestone; no date; found at Thyssanous: *Chaviaras, AE 1907, 213, no. 7. @ @@`134. Funerary inscription, partly in elegiacs, for wife and daughter of [X]enopha[nes,] stoichedon; IV; found at Kasara: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 58%19`59, no. 41 (PH). @ @@`135. Funerary inscription in elegiacs (?) for family; no date; found on Megiste: *Diamantaras, BCH 18, 1894, 331%19`332, no. 26; van Gelder, Geschichte 446 &3ad& no. 32e. @ @@`136. Fragment in elegiacs, on fragment of base of dark local stone; no date; found at Ortaca, perhaps part of same inscription as Rhodian Peraia 137: *Chaviaras, AE 1907, 215, no. 10. @ @@`137. Fragment in elegiacs, on fragment of base of dark stone; no date; found at Ortaca, perhaps part of same inscription as Rhodian Peraia 136: *Chaviaras, AE 1907, 215%19`216, no. 11. @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (138%19`242) @ @@`138. Funerary inscription for Abas Aristeou, Demostrate Apollophanou, and Menandros; no date; found at Mobolla: Benndorf, Reisen I 153, no. 2; *van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 197, no. 24b; van Gelder, Geschichte 445, no. 27. @ @@`139. Funerary (?) inscription for (?) Agathanax Agathanaktos, on cubical base; no date; found on Megiste: *Diamantaras, BCH 16, 1892, 305; van Gelder, Geschichte 446, no. 32e. @ @@`140. Funerary (?) inscription for (?) [A]grais[t]is (?) Dositheou, on stone base; no date; found at Phoinix: *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 5, no. 100 (PH). @ @@`141. Funerary inscription of Aemilia [He]katonyma Romilia; Roman; found at Loryma: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 57, no. 33. @ @@`142. [&3Mnemeion&] inscription by [ ... ] Polydorou for self and son Alexandros; imperial?; found on Megiste: *Diamantaras, BCH 18, 1894, 331, no. 25; van Gelder, Geschichte 446, no. 32b. @ @@`143. Funerary inscription for Alexis Polyzalou, on funerary stele of white marble; II; found at Hyla?: *Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1921%19`1922, 485, no. 39; SEG 4, 173. @ @@`144. Funerary inscription for Alexos; IV?; found at Phoinix: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 22; BE 1955:208; SEG 14, 697. @ @@`145. Funerary (?) for (?) Anaxikrate Simou et al., on stone base; no date; found at Phoinix: *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 5, no. 97. @ @@`146. Funerary (?) inscription for Anaxikratea [S]opatrou of Idyma, wife of Menekrates Menekrateus of Rhodes; no date; found at Phoinix: *Robert, E/t. anat. 489, no. 9. @ @@`147. Inscription of [ ... Damo]naktos of [Tymn]os and wife Apollonia, on marble altar; no date; found at Hyla: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 69, no. 77. @ @@`148. Funerary inscription for Apollonios Chairemonos and Charmylos Chairemonos; Roman; found at Phoinix: Durrbach %9 Radet, BCH 10, 1886, 258, no. 3; van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 188, no. 3; van Gelder, Geschichte 441, no. 6; *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 21; BE 1955:208; SEG 14, 698. @ @@`149. Funerary inscription of Apollonis, on ostotheca; Hellenistic; found at Hyla: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 35; BE 1955:211; SEG 14, 711. @ @@`150. Funerary inscription of Aristodamos, on fragment of base of limestone; no date; found at Thyssanous: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 60, no. 50 (PH). @ @@`151. Funerary inscription of Aristokl[es] Timokrate[us]; IV; found at Miniko: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 58, no. 39. @ @@`152. Funerary inscription of Aristokrates Alexandrou of Euthena, on base; III; found at Ovac#1221k: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 76, no. 4; SEG 18, 438. @ @@`153. Funerary inscription for Aristomachos Telesarchou Kasareus; no date; found at Loryma: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 56, no. 29. @ @@`154. Funerary inscription for Arsine, on small block of limestone; no date; found at Phoinix: *Shear, AJP 34, 1913, 455, no. 5. @ @@`155. Funerary inscription of Arsinoe Menippou of Rhodes by Dion of Myndos and Agathe of Ladikeia (Lyk.); II%3`2; found at T#1221nas: *Robert, La Carie II 378 note 4; BE 1955:220. @ @@`156. Funerary inscription of Artemas Artema of Amo[s,] on block of yellow stone; no date; found at Amos: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 14; BE 1955:214; SEG 14, 689. @ @@`157. Funerary inscription of Auerpis (?); no date; found at Loryma: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 57%19`58, no. 37. @ @@`158. Funerary inscription of Au(relia) Lysimachia; imperial; found at Loryma: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 57, no. 36 (PH). @ @@`159. Funerary inscription of Aur(elia) Posidoneia; imperial; found at Loryma: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 57, no. 34 (PH). @ @@`160. Funerary inscription of Au(relius) Isarous; 3?; found at Loryma: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 57, no. 35 (PH). @ @@`161. Funerary inscription of Aur(elius) Soter, on circular altar; 3?; found at Pisye: *Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 344, no. 37. @ @@`162. Funerary (?) inscription for (?) Aut%1olykos Epilykou, on limestone base; no date; found at Thyssanous: *Chaviaras, AE 1907, 214, no. 8. @ @@`163. Funerary inscription of Damainetos of Ephesos, on child's sarcophagus; imperial?; found at Phoinix: *Hula %9 Szanto 33. @ @@`164. Funerary inscription for Damokrates Damatriou, on stone base; no date; found at Hyla: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 32; BE 1955:211; SEG 14, 709. @ @@`165. Funerary (?) inscription of (?) [ ... ... ]la of Soloi and [Da]mokrates Soterid[a] of Soloi, on base; no date; found at Hyla: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 69, no. 74. @ @@`166. Funerary inscription of Damas Lykaonos, wife Antiochis Antiochissa, and son Damas of Kos, on round marble base; III%3II; found at Kasara: *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 1%19`2, no. 82 (PH); Shear, AJP 34, 1913, 454, no. 3. @ @@`167. Funerary inscription of Damostratos Pythodorou Kasareus, on ostotheca of dark marble; no date; found at Kasara, later on Syme: *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 1, no. 81. @ @@`168. Funerary inscription of Deinokles &3heros& on great rectangular altar of dark stone; no date; found near K#1221z#1221lko+y: Chaviaras, AE 1907, 218, no. 15; *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia p. 43 &3ad& no. 39. @ @@`169. Funerary inscription for Demetria Demosthenou and Demostrate Drakontos; no date; found at Mobolla: Benndorf, Reisen I 153, no. 1; *van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 197, no. 24a; van Gelder, Geschichte 445, no. 26. @ @@`170. Funerary (?) inscription for (?) Demetrios Ph[ ... ], on marble fragment; no date; found at Hay#1221tl#1221 near Idyma: *Roos, MDAI(I) 25, 1975, 341, no. 2 (PH); BE 1976:657. @ @@`171. Funerary inscription for Diokles Dionysi[ou] of Thera, on square block; Roman; found at Thera: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 46; SEG 14, 724. @ @@`172. Funerary inscription of Dionysia on ostotheca; Roman; found at K#1221rbas%25#1221: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 30; SEG 14, 707. @ @@`173. Funerary inscription for Dionysios Termesseus and wife Menias Synnadis on slab of limestone; no date; found at Tymnos: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 65, no. 62. @ @@`174. Funerary inscription for Dorieus Dorimachou; no date; found at Loryma: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 56, no. 28. @ @@`175. Funerary (?) inscription for (?) Dorimachos Doritim[ou]; no date; found at Phoinix: *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 4, no. 93. @ @@`176. Funerary inscription of Doros of Tenos; no date; found at Loumboukki: *Chaviaras, AE 1907, 211, no. 4. @ @@`177. Funerary inscription of Euaratos Hagesagora; no date; found at Loryma: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 55, no. 22. @ @@`178. Funerary inscription for Euphaniskos Peisagora, on slab of dark stone; no date; found at Tymnos: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 66, no. 64. @ @@`179. Funerary (?) inscription for (?) Euphraneidas Euphranoros, on large stone, with large letters; no date; found at Thyssanous: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 63, no. 55. @ @@`180. Funerary (?) inscription for Euphranoris Aristophonos, on block of limestone; no date; found at Phoinix: *Shear, AJP 34, 1913, 454%19`455, no. 4. @ @@`181. Funerary inscription for Euphrantis, wife of Diogenes, on small rectangular base; Roman; found at So+g%27u+tkahvesi: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 25; BE 1955:209; SEG 14, 701. @ @@`182. Funerary inscription for Europa Aigyptia, &3hierea& of Artamis Pergaia; no date; found at Loryma: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 55, no. 23 (PH). @ @@`183. Funerary (?) inscription for (?) [E]uth[a]r[s]os [E]uphranoros, on stone base; no date; found at Phoinix: *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 4, no. 90. @ @@`184. Funerary inscription of Hagesandros Hagenakto[s] Kasareus, on marble block of tomb; II; found at Kasara: Chaviaras, Eikosipentaeteris Konst. Hell. Phil. Syll. 255 (non vidi); Hicks, JHS 10, 1889, 49, no. 1; SGDI 4261a; van Gelder, Geschichte 441, no. 2b; *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 2%19`3, no. 85 (PH). @ @@`185. Funerary (?) inscription for (?) Hagesinikos Mnasistratou, on limestone base; no date; found at Loryma: *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 1, no. 79. @ @@`186. Funerary (?) inscription for (?) Ha[2g]2ia Hagesidamou, daughter by adoption of Hagesarchos of Thyssanous; no date; found at Ortaca: Durrbach %9 Radet, BCH 10, 1886, 263%19`264, no. 81; van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 191, no. 11; *SGDI 4268; van Gelder, Geschichte 442, no. 11; Chaviaras, AE 1907, 212%19`213 &3ad& no. 6. @ @@`187. Funerary inscription of Hekaton Eutychidos; Roman; found at Hyla: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 34; BE 1955:211; SEG 14, 712. @ @@`188. Funerary inscription of Hestiodoros Hestiodorou Pon(toreus) and family; imperial; found at Tymnos: Chaviaras, AE 1911, 64, no. 58, ll. 2%19`6 (PH); *Fraser, JHS 103, 1983, 137%19`139, ll. 2%19`6 (PH); BE 1984:443; SEG 33, 859, ll. 2%19`6. @ @@`189. Funerary inscription of [Ias]on (?) of [A]mnistos, son by adoption of Herakles, on limestone block; Hellenistic; found at #1222c%25me: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 75, no. 2; SEG 18, 437. @ @@`190. Funerary inscription of Eisidoros and Eisias, on ostotheca; Roman; found at K#1221rbas%25#1221: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 31; SEG 14, 708. @ @@`191. Funerary inscription for Kallistratos Gor[2go]2p[2a]2 of Amos; no date; found at Loryma: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 57, no. 30. @ @@`192. Funerary (?) inscription for Kl[eagoras (?)] Kleagora, on limestone base; no date; found at Phoinix: *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 4, no. 89; Shear, AJP 34, 1913, 455, no. 6. @ @@`193. Funerary (?) inscription for (?) Kleandridas Charmonos on stone base; no date; found at Phoinix: *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 4, no. 91. @ @@`194. Funerary inscription for Kleno Hagesagora, on tombstone; no date; found at Tymnos: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 65, no. 61. @ @@`195. Funerary inscription for (?) [Kl]eonym[os of Ke]dreai, on fragment of base; IV?; found at Kedreai: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 76, no. 5; SEG 18, 440. @ @@`196. Funerary inscription for Lysimachos &3heros, desposynos,& by Polema, on funerary altar; later; found on Megiste: CIG 4301c; LW 1270; *SGDI 4334; van Gelder, Geschichte 446, no. 32d. @ @@`197. Funerary inscription for Megakles Me[ ... ], on tombstone; no date; found at Tymnos: *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 6, no. 107. @ @@`198. Funerary inscription of Menandros of Selge, on rectangular base; no date; found at Avlana: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 29; BE 1955:210; SEG 14, 706. @ @@`199. [&3Somatoth&]&3ek&[&3e&] inscription of Menandros Menandrou of Hygassos and family; no date; found at Syrna: *Hula %9 Szanto 33. @ @@`200. Funerary inscription for Menesth[2eus]2 Xinios of Nisyros et al., on square block of gray Rhodian stone; 2%3`3; found at Physkos: *Rice, JHS 104, 1984, 184%19`186 (PH); SEG 34, 1072. @ @@`201. Funerary inscription for Menoitios Peisagora, on stone base; no date; found at Tymnos: *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 6, no. 108. @ @@`202. Fragment of funerary (?) inscription for (?) [Mou]saios &3archeranis&[&3tas,&] on fragment of white stone; no date; from Tymnos, later on Syme: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 65, no. 59. @ @@`203. Funerary inscription for Nasiotas Nikasidamou; no date; found at Loryma: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 56, no. 27. @ @@`204. Funerary inscription of Neikasion [Neikasionos] of Myndos et al., with penalty for unauthorized burial; 2; found at Kedreai: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 76%19`77, no. 6 (PH); SEG 18, 441; Hellenica 13, 101, note 2; BE 1966:422. @ @@`205. Funerary inscription for Nikainetos Athanodorou, on blackish tombstone; no date; found at Tymnos: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 65, no. 60. @ @@`206. Funerary inscription for Nikomachos Epinikou, on stone base; no date; found at Tymnos: *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 6, no. 106. @ @@`207. Funerary (?) inscription of Nikomachos Niko.a%1[ ... ], on large base; no date; found at Thyssanous: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 60, no. 49. @ @@`208. Funerary (?) inscription of (?) Onasillos Dosa and children, on stone base; no date; found at Hyla: *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 6, no. 110. @ @@`209. Funerary inscription of Onesiphoros Theodotou Ne(ttidas) and Neike Diony[si]ou Ami(a), by Cl(audius) Didymis et al., on round base; imperial; found at Physkos: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 5; SEG 14, 681. @ @@`210. Funerary inscription for Palam%1edes; no date; found at Loryma: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 57, no. 32. @ @@`211. Funerary (?) inscription for (?) Panito (?) S%1okrateus (?) of Kedreai, on stele; no date; found at Eski #1222skele: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 10, 1886, 430, no. 7; Paton, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 441; van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 193, no. 17; SGDI 4273; van Gelder, Geschichte 443, no. 18; *Robert, E/t. anat. 476, no. 3. @ @@`212. Funerary inscription of [Ph]annis (?) of Knido[s]; no date; found at Loryma: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 58, no. 38. @ @@`213. Funerary (?) inscription for (?) Phaon; no date; found at Loryma: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 54, no. 19. @ @@`214. Funerary inscription for Philippos of Xanthos et al., on marble fragments; no date; found on Loumbounea: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 64, no. 57. @ @@`215. Funerary inscription for Philokrates Euanoros, on funerary stele; no date; found at Phoinix: Durrbach %9 Radet, BCH 10, 1886, 246%19`247; van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 188, no. 5; van Gelder, Geschichte 441, no. 7; *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 59, no. 44 (PH). @ @@`216. Funerary (?) inscription of [P]olykrates Kon[ ... ], on epistyle block; no date; found at Ula: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 343%19`344, no. 36; *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 43. @ @@`217. Funerary inscription for Polystratos Xenokleus, on white marble stele; no date; found at Thyssanous, later on Syme: *Chaviaras, AE 1922, 52; SEG 4, 166. @ @@`218. Funerary (?) inscription for (?) Pythokritos Pythokritou, on small cubical ostotheca; no date; found at Physkos: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 6; SEG 14, 682. @ @@`219. Funerary inscription for Rhoda; no date; found at Loryma: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 57, no. 31. @ @@`220. Funerary (?) inscription of Rhodokles Dionysiou of Rhodes by parents, on marble block; no date; found at Idyma: *Robert, E/t. anat. 487%19`488, no. 8. @ @@`221. Funerary (?) inscription for (?) Rhodokles%1 Eustheneus, on stone base; no date; found at Phoinix: *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 5, no. 98. @ @@`222. Funerary (?) inscription for (?) [S]imondas Dam[okl]eu[s,] on large base; no date; found at Thyssanous: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 60, no. 51. @ @@`223. Funerary inscription for Simos Damaratou, on block; Roman; found at K#1221z#1221lko+y: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 38; BE 1955:211; SEG 14, 716. @ @@`224. Funerary inscription for Skopas Pisidas, on block of dark stone; no date; found at Tymnos: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 66, no. 65. @ @@`225. Funerary (?) inscription of Sodamos, on stone base; no date; found at Kasara: *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 2, no. 83. @ @@`226. Funerary inscription for [S]ymmachi[a] Pasikl[eus,] on marble fragment; no date; found at Hyla: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 68%19`69, no. 73. @ @@`227. Funerary inscription for Symma[cho]s Thrasydamou, on funerary stele; III%3II; found at Hyla: Chaviaras, AE 1911, 69, no. 76; *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 33; BE 1955:211; SEG 14, 710. @ @@`228. Funerary inscription for Thais, on funerary stele; no date; found at Hyla: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 36; BE 1955:211; SEG 14, 714. @ @@`229. Funerary inscription for T%1h%1arsyn[o]n &3heros,& on stone base; no date; found at Tymnos: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 67, no. 68. @ @@`230. Funerary inscription for Theon Odassita (?), on stele; Roman; found at Hyla: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 37; BE 1955:211; SEG 14, 713; Robert, RPh 33, 1959, 189; BE 1960:369. @ @@`231. Honorary%3funerary (?) inscription of Th[e]ssalia of Eph[e]sos and husband X[e]non of S[e]lg[e,] honored by &3koinon& of As[kla]pi[astai,] on stone base; no date; found at Kasara: Hicks, JHS 10, 1889, 49%19`50, no. 4; *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 3, no. 87 (PH). @ @@`232. Funerary inscription of Thrasydamos Damatriou of Tymnos, on base of dark stone; no date; found at Hyla: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 68, no. 72. @ @@`233. Funerary (?) inscription of Timapoli[s] Hieronos, on base of dark marble; good time; found at Kasara: Chaviaras, Eikosipentaeteris Konst. Hell. Phil. Syll. 256 (non vidi); Hicks, JHS 10, 1889, 49, no. 3; SGDI 4261c; van Gelder, Geschichte 441, no. 2c; *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 2, no. 84 (PH). @ @@`234. &3Mnema& inscription of Timothe[os] by [Timo]the[a,] priestess of Ze[us M]eg[i]steu[s] and &3ho Daimon&; late; found on Megiste: CIG 4301d; LW 1269; *SGDI 4333; van Gelder, Geschichte 446, no. 32c. @ @@`235. Funerary (?) inscription for Zosimos &3kybe&[&3r&]&3ne&[&3tes&]; imperial; found at Go+lenye: Bean %9 Akarca, Tu+rk Ark. Derg. 6, 2, 1956, 20%19`22 (PH) (non vidi); *BE 1958:457. @ @@`236. Funerary (?) inscription for (?) [ ... ]atis, on marble fragment; no date; found at Hay#1221tl#1221 near Idyma: *Roos, MDAI(I) 25, 1975, 340, no. 1 (PH); BE 1976:657. @ @@`237. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]imis Archinomou, on stone base; no date; found at Tymnos; *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 5, no. 102. @ @@`238. Fragment of funerary (?) inscription for (?) [ ... d]a%1m%1os Nik%1onos, on fragment of base; no date; found at Thyssanous: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 60, no. 48. @ @@`239. Funerary (?) inscription for [ ... ] Hermoleontos Loseus, on small altar; no date; found at Eski #1222skele: Hula %9 Szanto 31, no. 2; Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1921%19`1922, 477, no. 30; SEG 4, 176; *Robert, E/t. anat. 477, no. 5. @ @@`240. Funerary inscription for wife (no name) by Nossos, on base of altar; no date; found at Hyla: Maiuri, ASAA 4%19`5, 1921%19`1922, 485, no. 38; Vogliano, RFIC 53, 1925, 230; *SEG 4, 172. @ @@`241. Fragment of funerary inscription for (no name), wife of Py[th]odoros; no date; found at Kasara: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 59, no. 42. @ @@`242. Fragment of funerary (?) inscription mentioning A%1nd%1rot[ ... ,] on base; no date; found at Phoinix: *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 4, no. 92. @ See also: Rhodian Peraia 53, 128%19`135, 249; Ephesos 2325 (%6 IEphesos 2533) (funerary inscripion for Herakleides Menoitou of Thera; found at Ephesos); IG XII 5, 977 (funerary inscription of Hekatomnos Demetriou, &3Chrysaoreus& from Thera; found on Tenos). @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (243) @ @@`243. Artist's signature by [Arch]estratos (?) of Athens, on statue%19base; III&4`1&; found at Kastabos: *Cook %9 Plommer, Sanctuary no. 3 (PH); BE 1967:562. @ See also: Rhodian Peraia 17, 93, 95, 115. @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (244) @ @@`244. Graffito of Nikokles; no date; found at Euthena: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 75%19`76, no. 3; SEG 18, 439. @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (245%19`249.5) @ @@`245. Christian inscription for &3ergon& dated under &3diakonos Kyriakos; 6%3`7; found at Physkos: Benndorf, AEM 7, 1883, 148; Cumont, Me/l. d'arch. 15, 1895, 288, no. 78 (non vidi); *Gre/goire, Rec. 238. @ @@`246. &3Euche& of Georgios &3oikon&(&3omos&), at left side of door of church; Byzantine; found at Gerbekilise: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 18.a; SEG 14, 694.a. @ @@`247. Prayer for &3euche, soteria,& etc. of Georgios &3diakono&[&3s&] et al., on lintel of door of church; Byzantine; found at Gerbekilise: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 18.b; BE 1955:213; SEG 14, 694.b. @ @@`248. Christian prayers, on block; Christian; found at Tymnos: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 28; BE 1955:210; SEG 14, 705. @ @@`249. Christian fragment [&3a&]&3napauseos&; Christian; found at Gelibolu: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 78, no. 8; SEG 18, 443. @ @@`249.5. Letters &3omega& and &3alpha& with cross, on stone; Christian; found near Mobolla: *Cousin, BCH 24, 1900, 41. @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (250%19`261) @ @@@@Section: 22a. Tile%19Stamps (250%19`255) @ @@`250. Tile%19stamp SIM (?), in rectangular frame; no date; found at Kastabos: *Cook %9 Plommer, Sanctuary 60, no. 9. @ @@`251. Tile%19stamp TA, in circle; no date; found at Kastabos: *Cook %9 Plommer, Sanctuary 60, no. 8 (PH). @ @@`252. Tile%19stamp Tymnia, on twelve tiles; no date; found at Kastabos: *Cook %9 Plommer, Sanctuary 49%19`50 %9 60 no. 10 (PH); BE 1967:50. @ @@`253. First of two tile%19stamps Tymnia, mentioning Nikasandros Sminthiou, retrograde; no date; found at Kastabos: Cook %9 Plommer, Sanctuary 61, no. 11.a (PH); *BE 1967:50. @ @@`254. Second of two tile%19stamps Tymnia, mentioning Nikasandros Sminthiou; no date; found at Kastabos: Cook %9 Plommer, Sanctuary 61, no. 11.b; *BE 1967:50. @ @@`255. Tile%19stamp of Thoas; no date; found at Kastabos: *Cook %9 Plommer, Sanctuary 48%19`49 %9 60, no. 7 (PH); BE 1967:50. @ cf See also: JHS 74, 1954, 108, 56 (%6 Cook, %9 Plommer, Sanctuary 60) (%6 BE 1967:50,569) (tile%19stamp Tymnia; found at Kaunos). @ @@@@Section: 22b. Other Inscriptions on Instrumenta (256%19`258) @ @@`256. Rhodian amphora%19stamp Dionysios; c. III&4m&; found at Kastabos: *Cook %9 Plommer, Sanctuary 34 %9 55, no. 13 (PH); BE 1967:565. @ @@`257. Stamp of Hemithea, on handle of clay vase; prob. III; found at Kastabos: *Cook %9 Plommer, Sanctuary 48%19`51 %9 60, no. 6; BE 1967:563. @ @@`258. Position%19marks on blocks of circular red limestone base; II?; found at Kastabos: *Cook %9 Plommer, Sanctuary 60, no. 5 (PH); BE 1967:564. @ @@@@Section: 22c. Other Varia (259%19`261) @ @@`259. Reclassified as Carian inscription. @ @@`260. Inscription indicating &3thyrai& of grave, on slab of stone; no date; found at Chalkikerou: *Chaviaras, AE 1907, 211, no. 5. @ @@`261. Monogram ST; no date; found at Loryma: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 55, no. 21. @ See also: Robert, Hellenica 8, 18 no. 15 (%6 JHS 10, 1889, 50, 5) (%6 TAM I 151) (%6 Friedrich no. 41) (%6 Deroy no. 15) (funerary (?) inscription in Carian, on tomb; found at Krya). @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (262%19`277) @ @@`262. Fragment mentioning [&3koi&]&3n&[&3on&] of Haliasta[i] Polemakleioi, on marble stone; Hellenistic; found at Gelibolu: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 77%19`78, no. 7; SEG 18, 442. @ @@`263. Fragment of document naming magistrates, with reference to &3ko&[&3inon&] of [Idy]ma; II%3II&4`1&; found at Idyma: *Robert, E/t. anat. 485%19`487, no. 7. @ @@`264. Fragment; Roman; found near Thera: *Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia no. 48; BE 1955:218; SEG 14, 726. @ @@`265. Fragment mentioning [A]ndrag[athos]; imperial?; found at Loryma: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 54%19`55, no. 20. @ @@`266. Fragment; no date; found on Megiste: *Diamantaras, BCH 18, 1894, 332, no. 27; van Gelder, Geschichte 446 &3ad& no. 32e. @ @@`267. Fragment, possibly of dedication; no date; found on Megiste: *Diamantaras, BCH 18, 1894, 332, no. 28; van Gelder, Geschichte 446 &3ad& no. 32e. @ @@`268. Fragment, mentioning [ ... ]s, gymnasiar[rch] (?); no date; found on Megiste: *Diamantaras, BCH 18, 1894, 332, no. 29; van Gelder, Geschichte 446 &3ad& no. 32e. @ @@`269. Fragment on ring%19stone; no date; found on Megiste: *Diamantaras, BCH 18, 1894, 332, no. 31; van Gelder, Geschichte 446 &3ad& no. 32e. @ @@`270. Letter T, on limestone base; no date; found at Ortaca: *Chaviaras, AE 1907, 216, no. 12. @ @@`271. Fragment referring to [Euphr]anor (?); no date; found at Loryma: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 55, no. 24. @ @@`272. Inscription mentioning [Th]ras[on Hi]pp[okr]a[teus,] on limestone base; no date; found at Patrichta: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 59, no. 45. @ @@`273. Fragment possibly mentioning emperor, on fragment of dark marble; no date; found at Thyssanous: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 60, no. 47. @ @@`274. Fragment AGIDOS, on marble fragment; no date; found at Tymnos: *Chaviaras, AE 1911, 67, no. 67. @ @@`275. Fragment of stone; no date; found at Tymnos: *Chaviaras, AE 1913, 5, no. 103. @ @@`276. Fragment LENAIO; no date; found at Ovac#1221k: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 52, 1957, 76, no. 4a. @ @@`277. Unpublished inscription mentioning at least eight &3koina&; no date; found at Selvilic%25es%25me: Fraser %9 Bean, Rhodian Peraia 74%19`75. @ See also: Diamantaras, BCH 18, 1894, 333, no. 33 (indecipherable inscription on marble slab; brought from East by Ottoman, later on Megiste). @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @ @@@@{1Sebastopolis}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@MAMA VI: W. H. Buckler %9 W. M. Calder, &3Monumenta Asiae Minoris &3@@@@Antiqua,& vol. VI, Manchester 1939. @@Robert, La Carie II: L. %9 J. Robert, &3La Carie, Tome II: Le &3@@@@plateau de Tabai et ses environs,& Paris 1954. @ Many of the inscriptions listed were found at Sebastopolis (near K#1221z#1221lca and Aydog%27du.) Others were found nearby. Following sites are given, of which those which have not been located are followed by a question mark: @@Aydog%27du (Abbas) @@K#1221z#1221lca (Kisildjeh, Kizildje) @@Sebastopolis (near K#1221z#1221lca and Aydog%27du). @ Epigraphic references from outside the territory to the following sites are listed here: @@Sebastopolis (near K#1221z#1221lca and Aydog%27du). @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (_) @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (_) @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (_) @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (1) @ @@`1. Dedication of building by (?) (no name), wife Elpis and family, on fragment of red marble; imperial?; found at Aydog%27du: *Robert, La Carie II no. 179 (PH). @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (2) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (2) @ @@`2. Dedication to Trajan and demos of Sebastopolis by P(ublius) Statius Hermas, on marble; AD 116%3`117; found at K#1221z#1221lca: Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 346, no. 30; Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 25; Robert, Et. anat. 339%19`341, no. 1 (PH); Hellenica 3, 37 (non vidi); BE 1948:214; *Robert, La Carie II no. 168. @ See also: Sebastopolis 1. @ @@@@Section: 9b. Other Religious Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Robert, La Carie II no. 180 (list of visitors to Klaros from Sebastopolis; found at Klaros). @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (3%19`8) @ @@`3. Honorary inscription for [Julia Do]m[na] &3meter kastron,& by boule and demos of Sebastopolis, on block of red marble; AD 193%3`217; found at Aydog%27du: Robert, Et. anat. 341%19`342, no. 2 (PH); BE 1938:404; *Robert, La Carie II no. 170 (PH, part). @ @@`4. Honorary inscription for Severus Alexander by polis of Sebastop[ol]is, on block of red marble; AD 222%3`225; found at Aydog%27du: *Robert, La Carie II no. 169; BE 1955:204; Avotins, CSCA 4, 1971, 68; BE 1973:396. @ @@`5. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Aur(elius) Apellas [A]pellianos, on block of white marble; 2&4`2&%3`3; found at Aydog%27du: Robert, Et. anat. 342%19`343, no. 3 (PH); BE 1938:404; *Robert, La Carie II no. 171. @ @@`6. Honorary inscription for (no name), as well as for brother Artemidoros Phaniou et al., on block of white marble; imperial?; found at Aydog%27du: Robert, Et. anat. 343%19`350, no. 4; SEG 15, 658; *Robert, La Carie II no. 172 (PH). @ @@`7. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name), high official, by [demos of Sebastopo]lis, on fragment of red marble; imperial; found at K#1221z#1221lca: Robert, Et. anat. 351, no. 5 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 174. @ @@`8. Honorary inscription for (no name), on block of red marble; no date; found at Aydog%27du: *Robert, La Carie II no. 173 (PH); BE 1955:204. @ See also: Sebastopolis 9%19`10, 14. @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (_) @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (_) @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (9%19`14) @ @@`9. Honorary inscription for Ammia Marsyou by husband Sadalas Aristodemou, on architrave of heroon; imperial?; found at Sebastopolis: Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 348, no. 31.b; Robert, Et. anat. 351%19`352, no. 6.b; *Robert, La Carie II no. 175.b. @ @@`10. Honorary inscription for Aristod[emos] by son Sadala[s], on architrave of heroon; imperial?; found at Sebastopolis: Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 348, no. 31.c; Robert, Et. anat. 351%19`352, no. 6.c; *Robert, La Carie II no. 175.c. @ @@`11. Funerary inscription by (?) Aur(elius) Mithren for self and family, with penalty for unauthorized burial; AD 44%3`244; found at K#1221z#1221lca: Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 26; Robert, Et. anat. 353%19`354, no. 9 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 176. @ @@`12. Funerary inscription for Diogenes and Preima by sons Menandros and Menas, on marble altar; Roman; found at K#1221z#1221lca: Robert, Et. anat. 352, no. 7 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 178. @ @@`13. Funerary inscription for Eutychos et al., with penalty for unauthorized burial, on sarcophagus; imperial?; found at Sebastopolis: Robert, Et. anat. 352%19`353, no. 8; *Robert, La Carie II no. 177. @ @@`14. Honorary inscription for Marsyas [ ... ]agathou by demos, on architrave of heroon; imperial?; found at Sebastopolis: Paris %9 Holleaux, BCH 9, 1885, 348, no. 31.a; Robert, Et. anat. 351%19`352, no. 6.a; *Robert, La Carie II no. 175.a. @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (_) @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (_) @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @ @@@@{1Sinuri}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@Robert, Sinuri: L. Robert, &3Le sanctuaire de Sinuri pre\s de &3@@@@Mylasa, 1. partie: Les inscriptions grecques,& Paris 1945. @@Sinuri II: P. Devambez, &3Le sanctuaire de Sinuri pre\s de Sinuri, &3@@@@`2. partie: Architecture et ce/ramique,& Paris 1959. @ Many of the inscriptions listed were found at Kal#1221nag%27#1221l (%6 ancient Sinuri.) Others were found nearby, but their provenance from Sinuri can be deduced. Following sites are given, of which those which have not been located are followed by a question mark: @@As%25ag%27#1221da Kal#1221n Ag%27#1221l @@Sinuri (Kal#1221nag%27#1221l). @ Inscriptions from the following sites within the territory of Mylasa are not included here but in separate lists: @@Labraunda @@Mylasa @@Olymos. @ Epigraphic references from outside the territory of Mylasa to the following sites are listed here: @@Sinuri (Kal#1221nag%27#1221l). @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`45) @ @@@@Section: 1a. Honorary Decrees (1%19`37) @ @@`1. Decree of &3syngeneia& of Pormounos in honor of Dionysios Leontos Kosetios and concerning sacred &3chora& of Sinuri, on block of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 11 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`2. Decree in honor of Leon Iasonos et al. concerning building of &3stoa,& on block of pink marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 9 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`3. Honorary decree for Leon Iasonos Kosetios et al., on block of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 15 (PH); Wilhelm, SAWW 224, IV, 1947, 7 (%6 Akadschr. III 255); **BE 1948:215 (l. 14). @ @@`4. Honorary decree for Melas by &3syngeneia,& on fragments of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 18 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`5. Fragment of honorary decree for [Me]las, on fragment of block of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 22 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`6. Fragment of honorary decree for (?) Melas, on fragment of marble block; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 35 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`7. Fragment of honorary decree for Mena[ndros (?),] on fragment of marble block; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 21 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`8. Honorary decree of &3syngeneis& of Pelekos for [ ... ]s (?) Nesaios, with curse for violation, on two fragments of white marble; 350%3`344 BC; found at Sinuri: Robert, Sinuri no. 73 (PH); BE 1944:168; Wilhelm, SAWW 224, IV, 1947, 3%19`5, 11%19`20 (%6 Akadschr. III 251%19`253, 259%19`268); BE 1948:215; Hellenica 7, 63%19`64; BE 1950:181; *Hornblower, Mausolus M5. @ @@`9. Honorary decree by [&3syngeneia&] of Pormounos for [Ou]liades Po[ ... ], on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 16 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`10. Honorary decree of &3syngeneia& of Pormounos for Samiades Theudotou dated in seventh year of Pleistarchos, on block of white marble; c. 290 BC; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 44 (PH); BE 1944:168; BE 1976:631. @ @@`11. Fragment of honorary decree (?) of [&3synge&]&3neia& of [Pormounos] for M[ ... ], on fragment of marble block; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 31 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`12. Honorary decree of [&3syngeneia& of Pormounos] for [ ... ] Iasono[s], on block of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 25 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`13. Fragment of honorary decree for [ ... Menan]drou (?) by [&3synge&]&3neia,& on fragment of marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 20 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`14. Fragment of honorary decree for [ ... ... ]dou, on white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 14 (PH). @ @@`15. Fragment of decree in honor (?) of (no name), on fragment of marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 12 (PH). @ @@`16. Fragment of honorary (?) decree for (no name), on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 13 (PH). @ @@`17. Fragment of honorary decree of &3syngeneia& for (no name), on block of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 17 (PH); BE 1944:168; Wilhelm, SAWW 224, IV, 1947, 7%19`11 (%6 Akadschr. III 255%19`259); **BE 1948:215 (ll. 6%19`8). @ @@`18. Fragment of honorary (?) decree for (no name) mentioning &3ta &3Kot%1&[ ... ], on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 17a (PH); BE 1944:168; Wilhelm, SAWW 224, IV, 1947, 8%19`11 (%6 Akadschr. III 256%19`259); BE 1948:215; BE 1950:181. @ @@`19. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name), on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 19 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`20. Fragment of honorary (?) decree mentioning [Sin]uri, on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 23 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`21. Beginning of honorary decree by [&3syngeneia& of Pormounos] for (no name), on block of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 24 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`22. Fragment of honorary (?) decree of &3kyria& [&3ekklesia&] mentioning [ ... ] Leo%1[ntos], on block of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 24a (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`23. Fragment of honorary decree of [&3syng&]&3eneia& for (no name), on fragment of marble block; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 29 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`24. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name) mentioning [&3phi&]&3lagathia& of [&3s&]&3yng&[2&3en&]2&3eia& (?), on fragment of block of marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 30 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`25. Fragment of honorary (?) decree for (no name), on fragment of marble block; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 32 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`26. Fragment of honorary (?) decree for (no name) mentioning &3p&[&3arastas&], on block of gray marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 33 (no PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`27. Fragment of honorary (?) decree for (no name) mentioning [&3philanthrop&]&3ia,& on fragment of block of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 34 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`28. Fragment of honorary (?) decree for (no name), on fragment of block of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 36 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`29. Fragment of honorary (?) decree for (no name), on fragment of block of gray marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 37 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`30. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name), on fragment of marble block; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 38 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`31. Fragment of honorary (?) decree for (no name), on fragment of marble block; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 39 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`32. Fragment of honorary (?) decree of &3syngen&[&3eia&] of [Pormou]nos, on fragment of marble block; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 40 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`33. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name), on fragment of marble block; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 41 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`34. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name), on fragment of marble block; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 42 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`35. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name), on block of gray%19blue marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 42a (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`36. Fragment of honorary (?) decree for (no name), on fragment of marble block; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 43 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`37. Fragment of honorary (?) decree for (no name), on fragment; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 43a (PH); BE 1944:168. @ See also: Sinuri 43%19`45. @ @@@@Section: 1b. Decrees Concerning Land (38%19`41) @ @@`38. Decree concerning lease of land of Demetrios; II%3I; found at Sinuri, prob. part of same decree as Sinuri 39: LW 483.a (part); Buckler, ABSA 22, 1916%19`1918, 203%19`204, no. IV.a (part); *Robert, Sinuri no. 46.A%19C (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`39. Fragment of decree concerning lease of land of Demetrios (?); II%3I; found at Sinuri, prob. part of same decree as Sinuri 38: *Robert, Sinuri no. 46.E (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`40. Decree concerning lease of land of Maia[ndria]; II%3I; found at Sinuri, prob. part of same decree as Sinuri 41: LW 483.b; Buckler, ABSA 22, 1916%19`1918, 203%19`204, no. IV.b; *Robert, Sinuri no. 46.B (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`41. Fragment of decree concerning lease of land of [Maiandria]; II%3I; found at Sinuri, prob. part of same decree as Sinuri 40: *Robert, Sinuri no. 46.D (PH); BE 1944:168. @ See also: Sinuri 48%19`77. @ @@@@Section: 1c. Other Decrees (42%19`45) @ @@`42. Fragment of decree concerning sacrifices and building of &3stoa,& on block of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 10 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`43. Dating by &3stephan&[&3ephoros ...& ] at beginning of honorary (?) decree, on fragment of block of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 26 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`44. Dating by &3stephan&[&3ephoros ...& ] at beginning of honorary (?) decree, on fragment of block of marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 27 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`45. Fragments of honorary (?) decree, with dating by &3stephane&[&3phoros ...& ] and mention of [&3hi&]&3ereus&; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 28 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (46) @ @@`46. Letter of [Basileus] Antiochos (III) to [My]lasa, on large architectural block; c. 200 BC?; found at Sinuri: Robert, Sinuri p. 12; Hellenica 7, 67; Crampa, Labraunda III 1 p. 135; Robert, Amyzon p. 187; SEG 33, 867; *Piejko, OAth 19:8, 1990, 153%19`154, no. 2. @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (_) @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (47) @ @@`47. Dedication of [&3th&]&3y%1romata& and &3trapeza& by Hekatomnos Hyssaldomou, on two fragments of white marble; 392%3`376 BC; found at Sinuri: Robert, Sinuri no. 76 (PH); BE 1944:168; Wilhelm, SAWW 224, IV, 1947, 4%19`5 (%6 Akadschr. III 252%19`253); Sinuri II 29, note 1; *SEG 19, 653; BE 1960:366. @ See also: Sinuri 2, 42, 88%19`89. @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (48%19`80) @ @@@@Section: 8a. Documents Concerning Land (48%19`77) @ @@`48. Document concerning land, dated under [&3stephanephoros& (no name)] and mentioning Hysarbida and Hiera Kome, on block of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 47a (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`49. Document concerning land mentioning Mosouna, Hiera Kome, and Xerassos, on two fragments of marble block; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 47b (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`50. Fragments of document concerning land mentioning [Hys]arbida, on two fragments of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 48 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`51. Document concerning land dated [under &3stephanephoros& (no name)] and mentioning [Dio]dotos T[auriskou,] on three fragments of block of bluish (?) marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 49 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`52. Document concerning land and mentioning [D]iodoto[s T]auriskou, on one of faces of parastas; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 50 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`53. Document concerning land (?) and mentioning Sinu[ri and &3syngeneia,&] on two marble fragments; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 50a (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`54. Document concerning land and mentioning Melas Apo[lloniou (?)], on marble fragments; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 51 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`55. Fragment of document concerning land (?) and mentioning Aine[as,] on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 51a (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`56. Fragment of document concerning land and mentioning Leon Iasono[s], on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 51b (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`57. Fragment of document concerning land and mentioning &3sykin%1&[&3e&], on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 52 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`58. Document concerning land and mentioning Hiera [Kome,] on fragments of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 53 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`59. Fragment of document concerning land and mentioning Arist[eas,] on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 54 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`60. Fragment of document concerning &3oikopedon,& on fragment of marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 55 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`61. Document concerning land and mentioning [Hiera Kome,] on three fragments of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 56 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`62. Document concerning land and mentioning Le[on] Iasonos, on marble fragments; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 57 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`63. Document concerning land and mentioning [Hiera] Kome, on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 58 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`64. End of document concerning land and mentioning Hybre[as,] on fragment of marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 59 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`65. Document concerning land and mentioning [Mel]as L[eontos (?)], on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 60 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`66. Fragment of document (?) concerning land (?) and mentioning Hy[sarbida (?)], on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 61 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`67. Fragment of document concerning land and mentioning [Ias]on (?) [A]pol%1[loniou], on marble fragments; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 62 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`68. Fragment of document concerning land and mentioning Aineas Ia[sonos,] on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 63 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`69. Document concerning land (?) and mentioning Aine[as,] on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 64 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`70. Fragment of document concerning land and mentioning Aineas, on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 65 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`71. Fragment of document concerning land and mentioning (no name) [Kos]etios, on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 66 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`72. Document concerning land and mentioning (no name) [Lan]priou, on fragment of gray marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 67 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`73. Fragment of document concerning land and mentioning Leo[n,] on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 68 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`74. Fragment of document concerning land and mentioning Melas, on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 69 (PH). @ @@`75. Fragment of document concerning land and mentioning [Apo]llonio[s,] on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 70 (PH). @ @@`76. Fragment of document concerning land and dated under [&3stephaneph&]&3oros& (?) Menipp[os,] on fragment of white marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 71 (PH). @ @@`77. Fragment of document concerning land, on block of gray marble; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 72 (PH). @ See also: Sinuri 38%19`41; Robert, Sinuri pp. 13%19`14 (document concerning lease of land by Hermokrates Artemidorou mentions property of Si[nuri] in Sinuri; found at Hyllarima). @ Ώ@@@@Section: 8b. Other Inscriptions (78%19`80) @ @@`78. Record of grant of [&3atel&]&3eia& (?) by (?) [A]da, on stele; 351%3`323 BC?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 75, ll. 1%19`4 (PH). @ @@`79. Record of grant of &3ateleia& by [Id]rieus and Ada, on stele; 350%3`344 BC; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 75, ll. 5%19`10 (PH). @ @@`80. Testament, dated under &3stephan&[&3ephoros ... ...& ]u; Hellenistic?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 45 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (81%19`87) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (81%19`86) @ @@`81. Dedication to Sinuri by [Hie]r%1eus Hiereos, on fragment of block; II%3I?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 6 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`82. Dedication to [Sinu]r%1i (of statue of) wife (no name) by [Hiereus Hiere]os, on white marble base; II%3I?; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 7 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`83. Dedication of &3bomos& to Sinuri by [La]m%1prias [Ia]sonos and other &3tamiai& of &3alsos,& on marble block; early Hellenistic; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 2 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`84. Dedication to Sinuri by Moschos Nesa[iou,] on fragments of white marble; IV; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 3 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`85. Dedication to Sinuris (?) by &3polis& (of Mylasa), on fragment of marble stele; III; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 4 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`86. Dedication of &3charist&[&3erion&] to &3theoi& [&3soter&]&3es& by [&3hier&]&3eus& [Meni]ppos Hieronymou, on fragments of marble; II%3I; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 8 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ See also: Sinuri 47. @ ׏@@@@Section: 9b. Other Religious Inscriptions (87) @ @@`87. List of &3hiereis& of Sinuri, including Pellekos, on white marble block; II%3I?; found at Sinuri, on same stone as Sinuri 97: *Robert, Sinuri no. 5 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ See also: Sinuri 1, 42, 91%19`92, 96. @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Sinuri 1%19`37, 43%19`45, 82. @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (_) @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ See also: Sinuri 38%19`41. @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (_) @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ ؏@@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (88%19`93) @ @@`88. Christian inscription on architectural fragment of white marble; Christian; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 79 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`89. Christian fragment, on architectural fragment of white marble; Christian; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 80 (no PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`90. Christian mosaic inscription by (no name) and &3ad&(&3e&)&3rphe Chrysogone; Christian; found at Sinuri: *Sinuri II p. 45, plate 19 (PH); BE 1960:366. @ @@`91. Christian prayer, on plaque; Christian; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 77 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@`92. Christian prayer to Lord to remember (no name), on mosaic; 5%3`6; found at Sinuri: Robert, Sinuri no. 78 (PH); BE 1944:168; *Sinuri II p. 45, plate 18 (PH); BE 1960:366. @ @@`93. Byzantine fragment, on two fragments of white marble; Byzantine; found at As%25ag%27#1221da Kal#1221n Ag%27#1221l: *Robert, Sinuri no. 1 (PH); BE 1944:168. @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (94) @ @@`94. Unpublished musical fragment; no date; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 81 (PH). @ See also: Sinuri 90. @ ߏ@@@@Section: 23. Dubia (95%19`97) @ @@`95. Unpublished fragments; no date; found at Sinuri: Robert, Sinuri p. 11, note 3. @ @@`96. Fragment dated under Nesaios and mentioning Syennia, on stele of white marble, togeher with two religious (?) inscriptions in Carian; IV; found at Sinuri: *Robert, Sinuri no. 74 (PH). @ @@`97. Unpublished inscription in Greek (formerly thought to be in Carian) mentioning Pele[kos]; no date; found at Sinuri, on same stone as Sinuri 87: Robert, Sinuri pp. 19, 102; Hellenica 8, 67. @ See also: Hellenica 8, p. 13, no. 9 (%6 Deroy no. 9) (religious (?) inscription in Carian; found at Sinuri); Hellenica 8, pp. 13%19`14, no. 10 (%6 Deroy no. 10) (two religious (?) inscriptions in Carian, on same stone as Sinuri 96; found at Sinuri). @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @ @@@@{1Stratonikeia}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@IStratonikeia: M. C%25. S%25ahin, &3Die Inschriften von Stratonikeia, @@@@Bonn 1981%19`1982. @ Many of the inscriptions listed were found at Stratonikeia. Others were found nearby. In any case, the place of discovery is listed. Following sites are given, of which those which have not been located are followed by a question mark: @@Aharo+nu+ (?) (west of Stratonikeia) @@Akc%25ehisar (Aktche%19Assar) (near Kafaca) @@Aldag%27 (?) @@Berber Kahve @@Beybag%27#1221 @@Bozarmut (Bosarmit) @@Bozo+yu+k (Bozu+yu+k) @@Dikiltas%25 (Dikil%19tasch) @@Elekc%25i @@Elmac#1221k (Almac%25ik, Almadjik) @@Hac#1221bayramlar @@Kabasak#1221z (?) @@Kap#1221bag%27#1221 @@Karakuyu @@Kargu+l Karyas (Kargouil%19Karias) @@Kouradj Agatch (?) (perhaps in terr. of Stratonikeia) @@Kurbet Ko+y @@Sec%25toprag%27#1221 @@Stratonikeia (Eskihisar, Manast#1221r) @@Su+leyman Bey C%25iftlik (Su+leiman%19Bey tchiflik) @@S%25ahinler @@Tas%25kesik @@Tatar Harumi (near Nebi Ko+y) @@Yatag%27an (Ahir Ko+y, Akhyr%19keui) @@Yava @@Yes%25ilbag%27c#1221lar (Bag%27c#1221lar, Djibeyeh, Gibye). @ Inscriptions of Panamara (Bag%27yaka) and Lagina (Turgut) are listed in the lists for those ancient sites. Epigraphic references from outside the territory of Stratonikeia to the following sites are listed here: @@Hiera Kome @@Koranza (Koarenda, Koarenza, Koarrhenda, Koarrheza, Koranza, @@@@Koraza) @@Lagina @@Panamara @@Stratonikeia. @ In addition, because Stratonikeia may have had as earlier designations Idrias and Chrysaoris, references to Edries and the Chrysaoreis (except for Chrysaoreis from cities other than Stratonikeia_Alabanda, Alinda, Mylasa, and Therai are attested) are given here. @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`6) @ @@`1. Sacred law (?) of Zeus [Chrysaoreus]; Hellenistic; found at Yes%25ilbag%27c#1221lar: *IStratonikeia 809 (PH). @ @@`2. Beginning of decree (?) dated by [sixth (?)] year of King Philip (III); 323%3`317 BC; found at Stratonikeia: *Robert, Amyzon 99%19`100 (PH) (for l. 8); SEG 33, 872; BE 1984:444; *Piejko, Gnomon 57, 1985, 609 (for ll. 1%19`7). @ @@`3. Decree of koinon of [ ... ]eis; II; found at Kurbet Ko+y: Foucart, BCH 14, 1890, 372%19`375, no. 15; Michel 478; Oppermann 13%19`14; *IStratonikeia 801. @ @@`4. Decree concerning appointment of foreign judges; prob. I; found at Stratonikeia: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 331%19`335, no. 17; *IStratonikeia 1038 (PH); SEG 34, 1073. @ @@`5. Decree of boule for appointment and training of &3hymnodoi&; 2&7e&; found at Stratonikeia: CIG 2715 %7 p. 1108; LW 519 %7 520; Robert, Et. anat. 516%19`523 (PH); Sokolowski, LSAM 69; SEG 15, 655; Vidman, Sylloge 281 (part); *IStratonikeia 1101. @ @@`6. Fragment of honorary decree of Stratoneike[ia]; no date; found at Stratonikeia: LW 528; *IStratonikeia 1055. @ See also: Robert, Amyzon no. 16 (honorary decree for Nikomedes gives him all rights that people of A[myzon] enjoy in &3pol&[&3eis&] of Chrysaoreis; found at Amyzon); Robert, Amyzon no. 28 (decree of [boule and demos] of Amyzon concerning contributions to Chrysaoreis; found at Amyzon); IStratonikeia 1039 %7 II 2 p. 35 (%6 Michel 477) (%6 IAssos 8) (honorary decree of demos of Stratonikeia for foreign judge Amynamenos Bresikleious of Assos; found at Assos); Bargylia 2, ll. 45%19`46 (%6 IIasos 612) (%6 REA 21, 1919, 1) (honorary decree (of Bargylia) for Poseidonios mentions his persuading Rhodes to set aside hostility to Stratonikeia; found at Bargylia); Mylasa 32.5, l. 6 (%6 IMylasa 32.5) (fragment of honorary decree of Ch[alketor] for Epa%1[ ... ] of Korarrhez[a]; found at Chalketor); OGIS 234 (honorary decree of koinon of Amphiktiones for Antiocheia of &3ethnos& of Chrysaoreis (%6 Alabanda); found at Delphi); FD III 4, 69 (honorary decree of &3polis& of Daulis for Hermias Isodotou of Stratonikeia, with provision for sending notice to &3Stratonikeis hoi apo Chrysaoreon&; found at Delphi); Ephesos 129 (%6 IEphesos 1388) (%6 JO+AI 52, 1980, 20, 5) (fragment of decree mentioning &3koinon& of Chry[saoreis]; found at Ephesos); Hyllarima 4 (%6 MDAI(I) 25, 1975, 338%19`340) (%6 Hornblower, Mausolus M11) (honorary decree of &3polis& of Hyllarima for Epainetos Phaneo Ko[r]anzeus; found at Hyllarima); Keramos 5, l. 4 (%6 IKeramos 6) (%6 Michel 458) (%6 JHS 11, 1980, 113, 1) (honorary decree for (no name), who was good citizen in time of &3sympoliteia& (with Stratonikeia?); found at Keramos); Labraunda 2 (%6 ILabraunda 43) (%6 BE 1970:552) (%6 BE 1973:409) (honorary decree of Chrysa[orei]s for Apollonios Diodotou [ ... ]s; found at Labraunda); Labraunda 14 (%6 ILabraunda 44) (%6 BE 1973:409) (decree [of Chrysaoreis] granting immunity and regulating economic questions at Labraunda and mentioning Panamara; found at Labraunda); Mylasa 111, l. 5 (%6 IMylasa 4) (%6 Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 35) (%6 RPh 23, 1899, 155, note 1) (%6 Robert, E/t. anat. 571) (%6 Hornblower, Mausolus M3) (fragment of decree mentioning Koranz%1[eis]; found near Mylasa); Mylasa 26, ll. 16%19`17 (%6 LW 398 %7 399) (%6 CIG 2693) (%6 IMylasa 101) (honorary decree for Ouliades mentions his having been sent as &3eklesiastes& and &3theoros& [to Stratonikeia] and his having spoken on behalf of &3ethnos& of Chrysaoreis; found at Mylasa); Mylasa 41, l. 15 (%6 IMylasa 118) (%6 BCH 12, 1888, 16, 5) (%6 Hula %9 Szanto p. 12, no. 1) (honorary decree for (no name) by [phyle of Otorkondeis] mentions Stratonikeia; found at Mylasa); Mylasa 69, l. 2 (%6 IMylasa 134) (%6 BCH 5, 1881, 101, 6) (fragment of honorary decree mentions decision of Senate concerning dispute (?) with Stratonikeia; found at Mylasa); Mylasa 66, l. 10 (%6 IMylasa 156) (fragment of honorary decree mentions Stratonikeia; found at Mylasa); Smyrna 5 (%6 IStratonikeia 1040) (%6 ISmyrna 585) (honorary decree of [bo]ule and demos (of Stratonikeia?) for (no name) [Apo]llados, foreign judge from Zmyrna; found at Smyrna). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (7) @ @@`7. Letter of King Seleuk[os (I)]; III&7b&; found at Stratonikeia: M. C%25. S%25ahin, ZPE 39, 1980, 211, no. 1 (PH); SEG 30, 1279; BE 1981:520; *IStratonikeia 1001. @ See also: Labraunda 33 (%6 Labraunda 5) (%6 BE 1970:546) (letter of [King Philip (V) (of Macedon) to Mylasa] denies possession of Labraunda to Chrysaoreis and Kares and gives it to Mylasa; found at Labraunda); Labraunda 43 (%6 ILabraunda 45) (%6 BE 1973:410) (letter [of Olympichos to Chrysaoreis (?)] regulating economic conditions at Labraunda; found at Labraunda); Mylasa 133 (%6 IMylasa 601) (%6 IStratonikeia 1023) (%6 old Stratonikeia 201) (%6 CIG 2695b %7 2700e %7 2717b %7 p. 1107) (%6 LW 437 %7 442 %7 443) (%6 Fellows, Acct. 87 %7 94) (%6 Sherk 59) (letter of Roman magistrate to Mylasa concerning &3phoros&; found at Mylasa, prob. not at Stratonikeia). @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (8) @ @@`8. Fragments of Diocletian's edict on prices, in Latin; c. AD 301; found at Stratonikeia: LW 535; CIL III 2 pp. 804%19`811; Lauffer, Diokletians Preisedikt 36%19`37; *Giacchero, Edictum Diocletiani 66%19`67, no. 2 (PH); IStratonikeia 1000. @ See also: Stratonikeia 200%19`201; Labraunda 48, l. 1 (%6 ILabraunda 42) (%6 BE 1973:408) (%6 Hornblower, Mausolus M8) (decree of [&3strate&]&3g%1o%1s%1& Eupolemos encamping at Koranza; found at Labraunda). @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (_) @ See also: IG I&4`3& 71, 259%19`290 (one mention of Edries (%6 Idrieis (?)) in Athenian Tribute Lists; found in Attica); Iasos 141, ll. 13%19`14 (%6 IIasos 64) (%6 LW 256) (list of choregic donations mentions payment by Hekataios Athenodorou of Stra[to]nikeia; found at Iasos). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (9%19`15.5) @ @@`9. Dedication of &3kion& to Dionysos and demos of Stratonikeia, on architrave in theater, by Minnion Leontos and sons; II?; found at Stratonikeia: Laumonier, RA 1933 II 54; Robert, AJA 39, 1935, 333; Robert, Et. anat. 525 (PH); *IStratonikeia 1013. @ @@`10. Fragments of dedicatory inscription mentioning son of Leon, on architrave; 1?; found at Stratonikeia: LW 522 %7 523; Laumonier, RA 1933 II 53; Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 340, no. 25; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 249 note 2; *IStratonikeia 1012. @ @@`11. Dedication to Antoninus Pius and &3patris,& on architrave; AD 139; found at Stratonikeia: CIG 2718 %7 p. 1108; LW 1584; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 244; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 168 note 0, pp. 269%19`270 note 2; Robert, BCH 102, 1978, 402; *IStratonikeia 1009. @ @@`12. Fragment of building inscription mentioning [&3them&]&3eliosis&; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Cousin, BCH 15, 1891, 426, no. 10; *IStratonikeia 1014. @ @@`13. Fragment of architrave, with apices; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 340, no. 26; *IStratonikeia 1045. @ @@`14. Fragment of frieze; no date; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1047 (PH). @ @@`15. Fragment of architrave; no date; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1065. @ @@`15.5. Dedication of &3krene& to Zeus Pan[amaros,] on altar of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 88%19`89, no. 14; *IStratonikeia 1314. @ See also: Stratonikeia 35, 202. @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (16%19`19) @ @@`16. Inscription indicating territory of one division of city for defense, marked by &3rhopalon&; Hellenistic; found at Stratonikeia: LW 527; Wilhelm, Beitr. 183%19`187; Robert, Et. anat. 530%19`531; *IStratonikeia 1004. @ @@`17. Inscription indicating territory of one division of city for defense, marked by Herakl[es]; III&7e&%3II&7b&; found at Stratonikeia: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 339%19`340, no. 24; Robert, Et. anat. 529%19`536, no. 1 (PH); *IStratonikeia 1003. @ @@`18. Document for sale of vineyard; 276 BC; found at Stratonikeia: Robert, Me/l. Le/vy 556; SEG 15, 652; BE 1956:270; S%25ahin, Stratonikeia 4%19`5; SEG 26, 1230; BE 1979:466; Robert, Amyzon 120%19`121 (PH); BE 1984:444; *IStratonikeia 1002. @ @@`19. Fragment of list of names, including Leon Melanos; no date; found at Dikiltas%25: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 38, no. 13; *IStratonikeia 805. @ See also: Stratonikeia 32%19`33; Plassart, BCH 45, 1921, 6, I(1a) l. 12 (list of &3theorodokoi& mentions Pa[ ... ] at Stratonika; found at Delphi); Oppermann, Zeus Panamaros 8%19`9, no.'s 7, 12 (several Chrysaoreis from Stratonikeia and Mylasa and with city unspecified listed in lists of victors; found on Kos); Labraunda 69, ll. 32%19`33 (%6 ILabraunda 8.C) (list of lands dedicated to Zeus Osogo mentions Hiera Kome; found at Labraunda near Mylasa); Miletos 117, 186 (Milet I 3 no.'s 79, 101) (records of grants of citizenship of Miletos to individuals from Stratonikeia and elsewhere; found at Miletos); Mylasa 157.9 ll. 7%19`9, 18%19`21 (%6 EA 16, 1991, 32%19`34) (%6 IMylasa 12) (treaty between Mylasa and (no name) concerning sale of land, with list of witnesses including Paos Metebidos, Artimes Hyssollou, [S]anourtos Misko and &3keryx Chasbos of Koarenza, and Hekatomnos Chasbo, [I]mbres Derso, Manes Arlissios, and &3keryx& Hekatomnos of Hiera Kome, and Manes Paktyo, Arlissis I%1[ ... ], [ ... ] Arlissios, Artimes Pyrkeo, Pisky[ ... ], [ . ]o%1rlemis Karxados, Manes K%1[ ... ], and &3keryx& [M]anes of Koliyrgos; found at Mylasa); Mylasa 193, l. 9 (%6 ITralles no. 15*) (%6 IMylasa 8) (%6 Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 122) (%6 Robert, E/t. anat. 567) (%6 Hornblower, Mausolus M1) (list of &3presbeis& includes those of Koarrhenda; found at Tralles, but from Mylasa); Samothrace 2, 1, no. 24.b, ll. 12%19`14 (list of &3theoroi includes (no name) of Strato[nikeia]; found on Samothrake); Sinuri 48, l. 10 (%6 Robert, Sinuri no. 47a), Sinuri 49, l. 4 (%6 Robert, Sinuri no. 47b), Sinuri 58, l. 7 (%6 Robert, Sinuri no. 53), Sinuri 61, l. 3 (%6 Robert, Sinuri no. 56), Sinuri 63, l. 2 (%6 Robert, Sinuri no. 58) (documents concerning land and mentioning Hiera Kome; found at Sinuri near Mylasa); IG VII 1765, l. 19 (list of victors includes Ouliades Artemisiou Chrysaoreus; found at Thespiai). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (20%19`66.7) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Hiereus and Related Inscriptions (20%19`33) @ @@`20. &3Hiereus& inscription of Artemidoros A[ ... ] et al.; no date; found at Akc%25ehisar: Cousin, BCH 24, 1900, 35; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 240, no. 9; *IStratonikeia 844. @ @@`21. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of (no name) [ ... ]ou Ko(liorgeus) and Arte[m]eis Apolloniou Lo(boldis); no date; found at Akc%25ehisar: Cousin, BCH 24, 1900, 37; *IStratonikeia 848. @ @@`22. &3Hiereus& inscription of Damonikos Herodou Pa(namareus) and Stratonike Menedemou Ko(liorgis); imperial; found at Akc%25ehisar: Cousin, BCH 24, 1900, 35%19`36, ll. 13%19`22; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 239, note 2; *IStratonikeia 846. @ @@`23. &3Hiereus& inscription of Menekra[tes] Menandrou [ ... ], Nanne [ ... ], et al.; no date; found at Akc%25ehisar: Cousin, BCH 24, 1900, 36%19`37; *IStratonikeia 847. @ @@`24. &3Hiereus& inscription of [M]yonid[es] Chrysaoro[s] K(ora)z(eus) and Philissta He[r]molochou Hie(rokometis); Roman; found at Akc%25ehisar: Cousin, BCH 24, 1900, 34; *IStratonikeia 842. @ @@`25. &3Hiereus& inscription of Theodoros Leontisskou Ko(raieus) on column; no date; found at Su+leyman Bey C%25iftlik: Cousin, BCH 24, 1900, 40; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 296, no. 163; *IStratonikeia 830. @ @@`26. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of [The]oklidas Menandrou Ko(liorgeus) and [A]pphion Antipatrou Ko(liorgis); no date; found at Akc%25ehisar: Cousin, BCH 24, 1900, 33; *IStratonikeia 841, col. 1. @ @@`27. &3Hiereus& inscription of Theoxenos Philiskou Hie(rokometes) and Damostrate Chrysogonou Ko(liorgis); no date; found at Akc%25ehisar: Cousin, BCH 24, 1900, 35%19`36, ll. 1%19`12; *IStratonikeia 845. @ @@`28. &3Hiereus& inscriptions mentioning Hekaton Menippou Ko(liorgeus) Mochlon; no date; found at Akc%25ehisar: Cousin, BCH 24, 1900, 34%19`35; *IStratonikeia 843. @ @@`29. [&3Hiereus&] inscription of (no name) [E]painetou Koliorgeus; no date; found at Elmac#1221k: Cousin, BCH 24, 1900, 39; *IStratonikeia 836. @ @@`30. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription (?); mauvaise e/poque; found at Akc%25ehisar: Cousin, BCH 24, 1900, 33%19`34; *IStratonikeia 841, col. 2. @ @@`31. Fragment of [&3hiereus&] inscription(s) (?); late Roman; found at Stratonikeia: M. C%25. S%25ahin, ZPE 39, 1980, 211, no. 2 (PH); SEG 30, 1281; *IStratonikeia 1063. @ @@`32. Fragment of list of [&3hiereis&] (?) including (no name) [Heka]taiou Loboldeus; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 184%19`185, no. 9; *IStratonikeia 1049. @ @@`33. Reclassified as Stratonikeia 74.5. @ See also: Stratonikeia 64.5, 66.5. @ @@@@Section: 9b. Dedications (34%19`66.7) @ @@`34. Dedication to [&3The&]&3oi Sebastoi& and &3patris& by [Ti(berius) F]lavius [Dio]medes Hie(rokometes) of [&3agal&]&3ma& of Demos, on base; 1&7e&; found at Stratonikeia: Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 256, no. 60; Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, ZPE 41, 1981, 189%19`192, no. 1 (PH); BE 1981:521; *IStratonikeia 1026; SEG 31, 944. @ @@`34.2. Dedication (?) by [&3strategoi&] Artemid[oros] et al., on altar of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 91%19`92, no. 19; *IStratonikeia 1319. @ @@`34.5. Dedication of &3euche& to Hekate by Nearchos, on altar of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 89, no. 15; *IStratonikeia 1315. @ @@`35. Dedication to [Heka]te Soteira and emperor (no name), on architrave block; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: LW 521; *IStratonikeia 1108 %7 II 2 p. 34. @ @@`36. Dedication of &3chari&[&3s&]&3terion& to [The]os Sote[r] Asklepios by M(arcus) Ul(pius) Dionysios, on altar; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1122 (PH). @ @@`37. Dedication to &3daimones& by [Epa]inetos (?) Menip[p]ou; no date; found at Stratonikeia: CIG 2734; *IStratonikeia 1123. @ @@`38. (Altar) of Demeter &3do&[&3teira&?] Eleusinia; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Hula %9 Szanto 19, no. 2; *IStratonikeia 1124. @ @@`39. (Altar) of Hera Teleia; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Cousin, BCH 15, 1891, 426, no. 8; *IStratonikeia 1125. @ @@`40. (Altar) of Hera Teleia, on statue%19base; no date; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1125a (PH). @ @@`40.5. Dedication (?) by &3Karitamiai& Chrysaor Menelaou Hie(rokometes) &3et al.,& on marble stele; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 92, no. 20; *IStratonikeia 1320. @ @@`41. Dedication to Marsyas by Aristolaos according to &3prostagma&; bonne e/poque; found at Berber Kahve: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 35, no. 3; *IStratonikeia 822. @ @@`42. Dedication to Nemesis by [&3s&]&3trategoi& Antiochos Sokratous K(ora)z(eus) &3et al.&; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Cousin, BCH 15, 1891, 423%19`424, no. 4; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 247, no. 41; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, p. 167, note 1; *IStratonikeia 1006. @ @@`42.5. Dedication to Nemesis by &3strategoi& Leonides Leonidou Ko(liorgeus) &3et al.,& on stele of white marble; imperial?; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 90, no. 17; *IStratonikeia 1317. @ @@`43. Dedication to Nymphai by Androneikos; Roman; found at Bozarmut: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 344, no. 38 (PH); *IStratonikeia 831. @ @@`44. Dedication to Nymphai by Philologos; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Hula %9 Szanto 20 no. 4; *IStratonikeia 1126. @ @@`45. Dedication of &3eucharisterion& to Theion Angelikon for &3soteria,& on altar; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 337, no. 22 (PH); Robert, Anatolia 3, 1958, 115 (%6 OM I 414); Robert, Hellenica 10, 57, note 2; *IStratonikeia 1119. @ @@`46. Dedication of &3eucharisterion& to Theion Angelikon, on altar; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Robert, RA 1935 II 154%19`155 (PH); Robert, Anatolia 3, 1958, 115 (%6 OM I 414); Robert, Hellenica 10, 57, note 2; *IStratonikeia 1120. @ @@`47. Dedication of &3charisterion& to &3ho theos& by [A]ur(elius) Zenon; 3; found at Stratonikeia: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 339, no. 23 (PH); Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 295, no. 157; *IStratonikeia 1121. @ @@`47.5. Dedication to Theios Basileus and Hypsistos, by Ae(lius) Hekatomnon for self, family, and &3polis,& on altar of white marble; Roman; found at Aharo+nu+: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 86%19`87, no. 9; *IStratonikeia 1309. @ @@`48. Dedication to Theos Hypsistos and Thion by Hekatas, on altar; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Robert, Hellenica 10, 57, note 2; *IStratonikeia 1113 (PH). @ @@`48.5. Dedication of &3charis&[&3terion&] to [The]os Hyps[ist]os and [Th]eion Angelon, by Fla(vius) Diokles and (Flavia) Mamalon, on altar of white marble; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 86, no. 8; *IStratonikeia 1308. @ @@`49. Dedication to Zeus Hypsistos by Euangelos; no date; found at Yes%25ilbag%27c#1221lar: *IStratonikeia 815. @ @@`50. Dedication of &3charist&[&3e&]&3rion& to Zeus Hypsistos and Agathos Angelos by Claudius Achilleus and Galat[i]a; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: LW 515; Cumont, Rev. de l'hist. des rel. 195, 1915, 161, note 3 (non vidi); *IStratonikeia 1118. @ @@`51. Dedication of &3charisterion& to [Z]eus Hypsist[os] and Theion by Eutyches et al.; no date; found at Yes%25ilbag%27c#1221lar: Cousin, BCH 15, 1891, 418, no. 1; Robert, Anatolia 3, 1958, 115 (%6 OM I 414); *IStratonikeia 814 (PH). @ @@`52. Dedication of &3charisterion& to [Zeus] Hypsistos and Theion by Phronimos and Peitho; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 182, no. 4; Robert, Anatolia 3, 1958, 115 (%6 OM I 414); *IStratonikeia 1110. @ @@`53. Dedication of &3charisterion& to [Zeu]s [Hypsistos and Th]eion Mega by Karpos Artemeous with family, on altar; no date; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1111. @ @@`54. Dedication of &3eucharisterion& to Zeus Hypsistos and Theion, on altar; no date; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1112. @ @@`54.5. Dedication of &3eucharisteri&[&3on&] to Zeus Hypsistos and Thion, on altar of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 84%19`85, no. 6; *IStratonikeia 1306. @ @@`54.7. Dedication to Zeus Hypsistos and Theion, by Thre[pt]os, for self [and ... ], on altar of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 87, no. 10; *IStratonikeia 1310. @ @@`55. Dedication to [Z]eus Hypsi[s]tos and Th[ei]on Agathon by [I]sokrate[s], on base; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 337, no. 21 (PH); Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 268 note 2; *IStratonikeia 1114. @ @@`56. Dedication to Zeus Hypsistos and Theion Angelon by Neon and Euphrosyne; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 182, no. 3; Cumont, Rev. de l'hist. des rel. 195, 1915, 161, note 3; Robert, Anatolia 3, 1958, 115 (%6 OM I 414); *IStratonikeia 1117. @ @@`56.5. Dedication of &3charisterion& to Zeus Hypsistos and Theion Angelon Ouranion, by Boethos and Menippos, on altar of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 85%19`86, no. 7 (PH); *IStratonikeia 1307. @ @@`57. Dedication of &3charisterion& to Zeus Hypsistos and Thion Basilikon by Fl(avius) Phaidros, on altar; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1115 (PH). @ @@`58. Dedication of &3e&[&3u&]&3ch&[&3a&]&3risterion& to Zeus Hypsistos and Thion Basilikon by Leontiskos et al., on altar; no date; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1116. @ @@`59. Dedication to Zeus Labraundos by Demetrios and Hermias; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Hula %9 Szanto p. 19, no. 1; *IStratonikeia 1109. @ @@`60. Dedication to Zeus Labraiyndos by Diomedes; no date; found at Yes%25ilbag%27c#1221lar: *IStratonikeia 813 (PH). @ @@`61. (Altar) of Zeus Panamaros; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Petersen %9 von Luschau, Reisen I 154, no. 130; Cousin, BCH 15, 1891, 426, no. 7; *IStratonikeia 1105. @ @@`61.5. Inscription of Zeus Panamaros, on marble; no date; found at Mylasa or Stratonikeia, prob. from Stratonikeia: Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. no. 50; Robert, E/t. anat. 525, note 1 (non vidi); *IMylasa I p. 271, App. no. 2.2. @ @@`62. Dedication to Zeus Panamaros and Hekate by Domesticus; Roman; found at Stratonikeia: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 336%19`337, no. 20 (PH); *IStratonikeia 1106. @ @@`62.5. Dedication to Zeus Panamaros and Hera, on altar of blue%19white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 88, no. 12; *IStratonikeia 1312. @ @@`62.7. Dedication to [Zeus Pa]namaros and [ ... ] by [S]tephanos (?), on blue%19white marble fragments; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 88, no. 13; *IStratonikeia 1313. @ @@`63. Dedication of [&3chari&]&3steri&[&3o&]&3n& to Zeus [Pan]emeros by [Fl]a(vius) (?) Ei[ka]dios; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1107. @ @@`63.5. Dedication of &3charisterion& to Zeus Strateios and Nemesis by &3strategoi& Iason Neonos Lo(boldeus) &3et al.,& on white marble stele; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 91, no. 18; *IStratonikeia 1318. @ @@`64. Dedication to Zeus, Heka[te], and Nemesis by [&3st&]&3rategoi&; Roman; from Stratonikeia (or Lagina?), later near Alabanda: Cousin, BCH 15, 1891, 424%19`425, no. 5; Kubitschek, AAWW 1893, 7 (non vidi); von Premerstein, MDAI(A) 27, 1902, 270, no. 3; Oppermann 87; Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 301, fig. 4, note 8 (PH); Laumonier, Cultes 303 (PH); Robert, Glad. 172, no. 167; *IStratonikeia 1005. @ @@`64.5. Dedication by Artemon [Leon]tos K(ora)z(eus), &3hiereus& of Augusti and &3stephanephoros,& on block of white marble; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 83%19`84, no. 5; *IStratonikeia 1305. @ @@`65. Beginning of dedication (?) by &3strategoi& [Chr]ysaor Dionysiou K(ora)z(eus); no date; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1006a (PH). @ @@`65.5. Dedication (?) by gymnasiarchs Hierokles Hierokleous Lo(boldeus) &3et al.,& on marble base; 3?; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 96%19`99, no. 25.A, ll. 17%19`23; *IStratonikeia 1325A, ll. 17%19`23. @ @@`66. Dedication (?) by [Iulius P]elagon; 1&7m&; found at Stratonikeia: CIG 2735; Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 38, no. 11; Robert, Et. anat. 540%19`541; *IStratonikeia 1011. @ ª@@`66.5. Dedication (?) by Melas Dem%1e%1t%1[riou Hie(rokometes),] &3arch&[&3iereus&] of Augusti and &3stephanephoros,& on marble fragments; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 84, no. 5a; *IStratonikeia 1305a. @ ª@@`66.7. Dedication of &3charisterion& by Menelaos Paioniou Koraeus, &3archiereus, stephanephoros,& and &3hiereus& of Sebasteon, on profiled marble base; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 89%19`90, no. 16; *IStratonikeia 1316. @ ªSee also: Stratonikeia 9%19`11, 15.5, 67%19`68; Ephesos 751 (%6 IStratonikeia 1041) (%6 IEphesos 237) (dedication to Domitian by demos of Stratonikeia; found at Ephesos); OGIS 111 (dedication to Ptolemy (VI) et al. on behalf of Boethos Nikostratou Chrysaoreus; provenance unknown, now in Paris). @ @@@@Section: 9c. Other Religious Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Stratonikeia 1, 5, 97. @ Ï@@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (67%19`87) @ @@`67. Dedication of (statue of) Titus by &3demos,& on marble base; AD 79%3`81; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, ZPE 41, 1981, 192, no. 2 (PH); BE 1981:521; *IStratonikeia 1007; SEG 31, 943. @ @@`68. Dedication of (statue of) Domitia as &3nea Hera& by demos, on marble base; AD 81%3`96; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, ZPE 41, 1981, 193, no. 3 (PH); BE 1981:521; *IStratonikeia 1008; SEG 31, 945. @ @@`69. Honorary (?) inscription for [&3hierei&]&3s%1& [Apoll]onios [Achi]lleos and [Hie]rokles Apollonio[u]; early imperial; found at Stratonikeia: J. Robert, RPh 14, 1940, 238%19`240, no. 1a; *IStratonikeia 1033 %7 II 2 p. 33; Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 79%19`82, no. 1, ll. 21%19`31 (PH). @ Ū@@`69.5. Honorary inscription for Demet[rio]s Leon Dam%1ylas Apollo%1[n]ides Hie(rokometes) by &3demos& and &3boule,& on rectangular statue%19base; 2&7e&; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 93%19`94, no. 22; *IStratonikeia 1322. @ @@`70. Honorary inscription for [Hierokles] Panaitiou [Hie(rokometes)] by [boule, de]mos, and gerousia; 2; found at Stratonikeia: CIG 2720; Cousin, BCH 28, 1904, 27; Laum, Stiftungen II 133 (part); Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 269, no. 97 and p. 270 no.'s 98%19`99; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 268; Oliver, Sacred Gerusia 151%19`152, no. 38; BE 1944:170; Robert, BCH 102, 1978, 402, note 57; BE 1979:467; SEG 28, 849; *IStratonikeia 1028; SEG 37, 872. @ @@`71. Honorary inscription for Lucius Calpurnius Piso by demos; I&7e&%3`1&7b&; found at Stratonikeia: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 183, no. 5; Tuchelt, Fru+he Denkm. 242; *IStratonikeia 1010. @ Ǫ@@`71.5. Honorary inscription for Tiberius Cl[audius] Men[ippos] &3hyios& of &3polis,& by &3hiera gerousia,& on yellowish marble base; 2; Ǫfound at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 94%19`95, no. 23; *IStratonikeia 1323. @ @@`72. Honorary inscription for Tib(erius) Cla(udius) Teimodemos Ko(liorgeus), boxer, on statue%19base; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1043. @ @@`73. Honorary (?) inscription for [T]iberius Claudius Theophanes by son Tiberius Claudius Laenas; 1&4`2&; found at Stratonikeia: LW 525; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 239 note 1 and 249%19`251 no.'s 47 and 49; *IStratonikeia 1024. @ ɪ@@`73.2. Honorary inscription for Tibe[ri]us Claudius Zenon by mother Flavia Leontis, on white marble base; 2%3`3?; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 95%19`96, no. 24; *IStratonikeia 1324. @ ɪ@@`73.5. Honorary inscription for Publius Cornelius Lentulus Marcellinus, &3patron, euergetes,& and &3soter,& by &3demos,& on white marble column; I&7e&%3`1&7b&; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 92%19`93, no. 21; *IStratonikeia 1321. @ @@`74. Honorary inscription for [N]onnous [Ar]rhis[si]os Koliorgeu[s]; 268 BC; found at Yatag%27an, prob. from Stratonikeia: M. C%25. S%25ahin, ZPE 39, 1980, 211%19`212, no. 3 (PH); SEG 30, 1278; BE 1981:520; *IStratonikeia 1030. @ ʪ@@`74.5. Honorary (?) inscription for [Ouliad]es Ouliadou Ko(liorgeus) et al.; 2; found at Stratonikeia: LW 517 (part); Wilhelm, Akadschr. II 429%19`430 (part); Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 251 no. 55 and p. 262 no. 72; Laumonier, BCH 62, 1938, 280, note 3; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia 157, no. 45 (part); BE 1944:170; J. Robert, RPh 14, 1940, 238%19`242, no. 1b (part); J. Robert, RPh 14, 1940, 240%19`241 (part); *IStratonikeia 1050 %7 1034 %7 II 2 pp. 32%19`33; Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 79%19`82, no. 1, ll. 32%19`35 (PH). @ @@`75. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Ulpius Asklepiades Iulius by wife Claudia Aeliane Bresion Glykinna and children; 3&4`1&; found at Stratonikeia: LW 526; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, pp. 290%19`291 no. 137 and p. 291 no. 139 and note 2; *IStratonikeia 1031. @ @@`76. Honorary inscription for Flavianus Hekatodoro[u] by &3patris&; 3?; found at Stratonikeia: Laumonier, RA 1933 II 54; Robert, Et. anat. 528 (PH); Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 268, no. 94; *IStratonikeia 1027. @ @@`77. Honorary inscription for Titus Flavius Aeneas by brother Titus Fla(vius) Aristo[laos]; 2&7m&; found at Stratonikeia: CIG 2719; Robert, Glad. 171%19`172, no. 164; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 259 no. 67, p. 260 no. 70, and p. 262 no.'s 71, 72; *IStratonikeia 1025. @ ͪ@@`77.5. Honorary inscription for Paideros Hekatonos K(ora)z(eus) and sons by &3demos, boule,& and &3gerousia,& on marble base; 2&4`2&%3`3?; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 96%19`99, no. 25.A, ll. 1%19`16; *IStratonikeia 1325A, ll. 1%19`16. @ @@`78. Fragment referring to [Prote]silaos on statue%19base; no date; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1062. @ @@`79. Reclassified as part of Stratonikeia 74.5. @ @@`80. Honorary inscription for (?) (no name) Aristeou Kora(zeus), victorious athlete; 1&4`1&; found at Stratonikeia: CIG 2723; Finley %9 Pleket, Olympic Games Taf. 2(b) (PH); *IStratonikeia 1042 %7 II 2 p. 32. @ Ъ@@`80.5. Honorary inscription for (no name) [ ... ]ou &3philopatris by [&3demos, boule,& and &3hi&]&3era gerou&[&3sia,&] on marble base; 3?; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 96%19`100, no. 25.B; *IStratonikeia 1325B. @ @@`81. Honorary inscription for (no name), Hestia of the &3pol&[&3is&]; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: Cousin, BCH 15, 1891, 426, no. 9; *IStratonikeia 1035. @ @@`82. Honorary inscription for [gymnasiarch] (no name); early imperial; found at Stratonikeia: J. Robert, RPh 14, 1940, 239%19`243, no.'s 2 and 3; *IStratonikeia 1032 %7 1046 %7 II 2 p. 33; Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 79%19`82, no. 1, ll. 0%19`20 (PH). @ @@`83. Honorary inscription for [Hierokles Panaitiou Hierokometes (?),] who went as envoy to Antoninus Pius; AD 138%3`161; found at Stratonikeia: CIG 2721; Hu+ttl, Antoninus Pius I 333 and II 308; Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 37%19`38, no. 10; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 244, p. 269 no. 97, and p. 270 no.'s 98%19`99; BE 1979:467; *IStratonikeia 1029 (%6 1036) %7 II 2 p. 32; SEG 37, 872; Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 83, no. 4. @ @@`84. Identical with Stratonikeia 83, and so now classified with it. @ @@`85. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (no name) by &3p&[&3atris&]; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Laumonier, RA 1934 II 54; Robert, Et. anat. 529 (PH); *IStratonikeia 1037. @ @@`86. Included in Stratonikeia 82. @ @@`87. Honorary inscription for [&3hiereia&] (no name); Hellenistic; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1048 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 34; Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 82%19`83, no. 2 (PH). @ See also: Stratonikeia 6, 114, 116, 176, 182, 184, 189, 192, 205, 215; IStratonikeia 1022 (%6 BCH 10, 1886, 308, no. 4, ll. 12%19`17) (honorary inscription for Aristolaos Gorgiou by demos of Stratonikeia; found near Alabanda); Diehl %9 Cousin, BCH 10, 1886, 308%19`310, no. 4, ll. 1%19`11 (honorary inscriptions for Aristolaos Gorgiou by &3syngeneia& [P]ityeon and [&3syngeneia&] (no name) for benefactions to &3syngeneiai& and to all Chrysaoreis; found near Alabanda); IKos 105, ll. 9%19`10, 15 (%6 Moretti 61) (honorary inscription for athlete (no name) [Pyth]odorou, victorious at Hekatesia of [S]tratonikeia and elsewhere; found on Kos). @ ؏@@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (88%19`93) @ @@@@Section: 11a. Horoi (88%19`89) @ @@`88. (Horos?) of Aphrodeite &3epekoos&; no date; found at Yava: *IStratonikeia 849 (PH). @ @@`89. Fragment of [horo]s of Kran[ ... ] (?); no date; found at Elmac#1221k: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 343, no. 35; *IStratonikeia 840. @ See also: Stratonikeia 204. @ ڏ@@@@Section: 11b. Milestones (90%19`93) @ @@`90. Milestone for seventh mile from Stratonikeia; no date; found at Yes%25ilbag%27c#1221lar: *IStratonikeia 810 (PH). @ @@`91. Milestone for eighth mile (from Stratonikeia) in Latin and Greek; AD 201; found at Yes%25ilbag%27c#1221lar: Cousin, BCH 15, 1891, 419%19`423, no. 3; *IStratonikeia 811. @ @@`92. Milestone for [ninth mile] (from Stratonikeia) in Latin and Greek; AD 201; found at Yes%25ilbag%27c#1221lar: LW 536.a; Newton, Discoveries I p. 572 (non vidi); Cousin, BCH 15, 1891, 420%19`423, &3ad& no. 3; *IStratonikeia 811a. @ @@`93. Milestone dated by sons of Constantine; AD 337%3`340; found at Yes%25ilbag%27c#1221lar: LW 536.b; *IStratonikeia 812. @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (94%19`96) @ @@`94. Topos (?) inscription for (?) [&3archi&]&3ereus& of Augusti (no name); imperial; found at Stratonikeia: Hula %9 Szanto p. 20, no. 3; *IStratonikeia 1017 %7 II 2 p. 32. @ @@`95. [Topos (?)] inscription for Plataitai; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 335, no. 18; Robert, Et. anat. 536, note 1; *IStratonikeia 1021. @ @@`96. No Stratonikeia 96 in list. @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (97%19`104) @ @@`97. Inscription in hexameters expressing thanks to Zeus Pane[meri]os and Helios Zeus Sarapis; 2%3`3; found at Stratonikeia: CIG 2716; LW 516; Kaibel 834; Vidman, Sylloge 280; *IStratonikeia 1104. @ ᪵@@`97.5. &3Sema& inscription in elegiacs for Chrysaor, on stele of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 101%19`102, no. 27; *IStratonikeia 1327. @ @@`98. Funerary epigram in elegiacs for Diogenes, on column; no date; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1201 (PH). @ @@`99. Funerary inscription in hexameter and elegiacs for doctor Epaphrode[2i]2tos; 2&4`2&; found at Stratonikeia, not Smyrna, not at Stratonikeia in Lydia: Peek, MDAI(A) 56, 1931, 123%19`124, no. 7; Peek, GVI I 1934; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 2112 (PH); Robert, Gnomon 30, 1959, 19 (%6 OM III 1658); BE 1959:397; Parlasca, MDAI(R) 77, 1970, 130, Taf. 59, 2 (PH); BE 1971:618; Wilhelm, GE 78%19`79, no. 100; SEG 30, 1280; *IStratonikeia 1202. @ @@`100. Funerary inscription in hexameters for Glaphyra by Hermo[genes] Chrysippou; 1?; found at Yatag%27an: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 39, no. 3; Peek, GVI I 87; Robert, Gnomon 30, 1959, 22, note 4 (%6 OM III 1661); BE 1959:397; *IStratonikeia 833. @ 䪵@@`100.5. &3Sema& inscription in elegiacs for Lysimachos and wife Meniska, on bluish white marble base; Hellenistic; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 100%19`101, no. 26 (PH); *IStratonikeia 1326. @ @@`101. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Phanias Antipatrou; no date; found at Elekc%25i: *IStratonikeia 835 (PH). @ @@`102. Funerary inscription in elegiacs for Theagenes, on column; 2%3`3; found at Stratonikeia: Cousin, BCH 15, 1891, 429, no. 19; Peek, GVI I 1787; BE 1959:397; *IStratonikeia 1203. @ 檵@@`102.5. Funerary inscription in iambics for (no name), young athlete, on round altar of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 102%19`103, no. 28; *IStratonikeia 1328. @ @@`103. Inscription in iambics concerning number of days in months; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: CIG 2722 %7 p. 1108; LW 514; Kaibel 1096; Robert, Et. anat. Pl. XIX (above) (PH); *IStratonikeia 1044. @ @@`104. Fragment of epigram (?); no date; found at Stratonikeia: LW 530; *IStratonikeia 1051. @ See also: Stratonikeia 205%19`206. @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (105%19`198.5) @ @@@@Section: 16a. Funerary Inscriptions_Name Complete (105%19`193) @ @@`105. Funerary inscription for Achilleus by parents Achilleus and Elp[is], on stele; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 37, no. 8; *IStratonikeia 1211. @ @@`106. Funerary inscription for (?) Agathangelos; no date; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1212 (PH). @ ꪰ@@`106.05. Funerary inscription of Agathias and Plousia by sons, on stele of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 115, no. 60; *IStratonikeia 1360. @ ꪰ@@`106.07. Funerary inscription for child Agathoboulos by Klidophorike, on marble stele; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 120, no. 75; *IStratonikeia 1375. @ ꪱ@@`106.1. Funerary inscription of Agathon by wife, on stele of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 112%19`113, no. 53; *IStratonikeia 1353. @ @@`106.2. Funerary inscription for Aelius Onesimos by Gaius on round altar of white marble; Roman; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 108%19`109, no. 42; *IStratonikeia 1342. @ ꪵ@@`106.5. Funerary inscription for Alexandros by sons Alexandros and Dionysios, on stele of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 106, no. 34; *IStratonikeia 1334. @ ꪷ@@`106.7. Funerary inscription for child Alexandros by parents Alexandros and Elpis, on round altar of yellowish marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 107, no. 36; *IStratonikeia 1336. @ @@`107. Funerary inscription for Andr[on] by father Andr[on (?)]; no date; found at Stratonikeia: LW 532; *IStratonikeia 1215. @ 몵@@`107.5. Funerary inscription of Antylaos &3sy&[&3ntro&]&3phos& by Tychike, on marble stele; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 118%19`119, no. 71; *IStratonikeia 1371. @ @@`108. Funerary inscription for Aphion by Gamikos; no date; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1214 (PH). @ @@`109. Funerary inscription for Apphian[e] by mother Galatia; no date; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1216 (PH). @ @@`109.5. Funerary inscription of Apphion Artemidorou by son Artemidoros Panphilou, on marble stele; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 119, no. 73; *IStratonikeia 1373. @ @@`110. Funerary inscription in Latin for Ael(ius) Pius, cent(urion); imperial; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1224a (PH) %7 II 2 p. 34; Speidel, EA 6, 1985, 76 (non vidi). @ @@`111. Funerary inscription for Aristeas by Aristarche Menekleous; no date; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1218 (PH). @ @@`112. Funerary inscription for [Aris]steas [Hekat]edorou Hie(rokometes) by [He]katedoros; no date; found at Stratonikeia: CIG 2727; Cousin, BCH 15, 1891, 427%19`428, no. 15; *IStratonikeia 1217. @ @@`113. Funerary inscription for Aristeides Hippikontos Ko(liorgeus) and Melitine Aristidou by Drakon Aristeidou Ko(liorgeus), on base; basse e/poque; found at Stratonikeia: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 340%19`341, no. 27; *IStratonikeia 1219. @ @@`114. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Aristippos Artemidorou by demos, boule, and gerousia; imperial?; found at Stratonikeia: CIG 2724; Oliver, Sacred Gerusia 150, no. 37; *IStratonikeia 1205. @ @@`115. Funerary inscription for Artemidoros Chrysippou Ko(liorgeus) by wife Mousa; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Cousin, BCH 15, 1891, 426, no. 11; *IStratonikeia 1220. @ @@`115.5. Funerary inscription for wife Artemisia by Musais, on marble stele; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 119, no. 72; *IStratonikeia 1372. @ @@`116. Honorary%3funerary inscription for [Artemi]sia (?) Hekataiou Ko(raiis) by demos; no date; found at Sec%25toprag%27#1221: *IStratonikeia 806 (PH) %7 II 2 p. 35. @ @@`117. Funerary inscription for Artemisios, Dionysios, and Apollonios; no date; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1221 (PH). @ @@`118. Funerary inscription for Artemo Iasonos Ko(raiis) by demos; Roman; found at Stratonikeia: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 341, no. 29; *IStratonikeia 1222. @ @@`119. Funerary inscription for Artemon Hekatonos Ko(liorgeus) by Theodoros Artemonos; no date; found at Dikiltas%25: *IStratonikeia 804 (PH). @ @@`119.5. Funerary inscription of [ ... ]ynos Askle[piades] by [Asklepi]a%1d%1e%1s%1 [Asklepi]a%1d%1o%1u%1 Kora[ieus], on marble block; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 122%19`123, no. 86; *IStratonikeia 1386. @ @@`120. Funerary inscription for Asklepis Leontos by Leon Pamphilos, husband; no date; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1223. @ @@`120.5. Funerary inscription for Athenion Menippou K(ora)z(eus), by &3demos,& on round altar of bluish marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 103, no. 29; *IStratonikeia 1329. @ @@`121. Funerary inscription for Aur(elius) Iulianus, on column; imperial; found at Stratonikeia, not Aphrodisias: Cormack, ABSA 59, 1964, 29, no. 44; Robert, AC 35, 1966, 379; BE 1967:540; *IStratonikeia 1224. @ @@`121.2. Funerary inscription of child Bioporistes by Mousa, on stele of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 114%19`115, no. 59; *IStratonikeia 1359. @ @@`121.5. Funerary inscription for wife Chresime and Trophime by Threptos, on rectangular base of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 110, no. 45, ll. 1%19`4; *IStratonikeia 1345, ll. 1%19`4. @ @@`122. Funerary inscription for Chryse by husband Dionysios; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Cousin, BCH 15, 1891, 430, no. 21; *IStratonikeia 1225. @ @@`123. Funerary inscription for Chrysin A[2r]2isteiou; no date; found at Karakuyu: *IStratonikeia 854. @ @@`124. Funerary inscription for wife Deidamie and son [Hy]gia[2i]2non by [ ... ]ikos; 3; found at Stratonikeia: Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 2136 (PH); *IStratonikeia 1229. @ @@`125. Funerary inscription for Demetria Demosthenou; spa+tgriechisch; found at Bozo+yu+k: Petersen %9 von Luschau, Reisen I 153, no. 126, col. 1; *IStratonikeiea 829.a. @ @@`126. Funerary inscription for Demostrate Drakontos; spa+tgriechisch; found at Bozo+yu+k: Petersen %9 von Luschau, Reisen I 153, no. 126, col. 2; *IStratonikeia 829.b. @ @@`127. Funerary inscription for Diodotos Hekatedorou K(ora)z(eus) by Dionysios Eukleidou K(ora)z(eus) and Menas Neikandrou Lo(boldeus); no date; found at Stratonikeia: CIG 2728; *IStratonikeia 1230. @ @@`127.2. Funerary inscription for &3syntrophos& Diogenis by Zosimos; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 122%19`123, no. 85, ll. 4%19`7; *IStratonikeia 1385, ll. 4%19`7. @ @@`127.5. Funerary inscription of Dioklianos, on stele; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 115%19`116, no. 62; *IStratonikeia 1362. @ @@`127.7. Funerary (?) inscription for (?) Dionysios, on herm; no date; found at Kabasak#1221z: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 121, no. 79.1; *IStratonikeia 1379.1. @ @@`127.9. Funerary (?) inscription for (?) Dionysios, on herm; no date; found at Kabasak#1221z: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 121, no. 79.2; *IStratonikeia 1379.2. @ @@`128. Funerary inscription for Dionysios by Elpi[s]; no date; found at Yes%25ilbag%27c#1221lar: *IStratonikeia 819, ll. 1%19`3 (PH). @ @@`128.1. Funerary inscription of Dionysios and Orea, on marble stele; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 122, no. 83; *IStratonikeia 1383. @ @@`128.2. Funerary inscription for Dionysios [2L]2eontos Ko(liorgeus) by &3demos,& on round altar; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 105, no. 32; *IStratonikeia 1332. @ @@`128.25. Funerary inscription for Dionysodoros by &3syntrophoi&; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 122%19`123, no. 85, ll. 1%19`3; *IStratonikeia 1385, ll. 1%19`3. @ @@`128.3. Funerary inscription of husband [Dra]kon by Flavia, on stele of white marble; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 117, no. 68; *IStratonikeia 1368. @ @@`128.5. Funerary inscription for Drakontis Theo[pha]nous Korais by &3demos,& on block of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 104%19`105, no. 31; *IStratonikeia 1331. @ @@`129. Funerary inscription for Eirenaios by mother Eirenais, on funerary stele with relief; no date; prob. found at Stratonikeia, not at Mylasa: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 184, no. 6; Kontoleon, Anekd. Mikras. Epigr. 26, no. 52; *IStratonikeia 1243; IMylasa I p. 271, App. no. 2.1; Petzl, EA 13, 1989, 130%19`131, no. 4.b. @ @@`130. Funerary inscription for Elpis by Artemeseos, on stele; no date; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1231 (PH). @ @@`131. Funerary inscription for Epaphras Epaphra and Antigonos Antigonou, by Dionysios Epaphra; no date; found at S%25ahinler: M. C%25. S%25ahin, ZPE 39, 1980, 210 (PH); *IStratonikeia 803. @ @@`132. Funerary inscription for Ephesas by Paeoneis, on altar; no date; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1232 %7 II 2 p. 35. @ @@`133. Funerary inscription for Erakntos (?) Artemediro (?); no date; found at Yes%25ilbag%27c#1221lar: *IStratonikeia 802 (PH). @ @@`134. Funerary inscription for Euodia Antiochou Korazis, on stele; basse e/poque; found at Stratonikeia: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 342, no. 32; Kubin/ska, Monuments 18; *IStratonikeia 1233. @ @@`135. Funerary inscription for Euporos by son Leon, on stele; no date; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1234 (PH). @ @@`136. Funerary inscription for Eupraxia by Ty[r]anos; no date; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1234a. @ @@`137. Funerary inscription for child Euprosektos by [E]paphrodito[s] and Eupraxi[a]; imperial; found at Elmac#1221k: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 342%19`343, no. 34; SEG 16, 704; Pleket, Mnemosyne 10, 1957, 143; BE 1958:454; *IStratonikeia 839. @ @@`137.5. Funerary inscription for child Eutaxia by Eutychos, on stele of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 112, no. 50; *IStratonikeia 1350. @ @@`138. Funerary inscription for Eutyches by wife Niketiane; Roman?; found at Manast#1221r: *IStratonikeia 1235 (PH). @ @@`139. Funerary inscription for Eutyches and Panphile; 2&4`2&; found at Stratonikeia: Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 2192 (PH); SEG 29, 1086; *IStratonikeia 1268. @ @@`139.5. Funerary inscription for Eutychion by Fla(vius) Ktesiphon Sphekas, on stele of white marble; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 116, no. 63; *IStratonikeia 1363. @ @@`140. Funerary inscription for Eutychos by father Ale[xi]dios (?); basse e/poque; found at Stratonikeia: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 342, no. 33; *IStratonikeia 1235a. @ @@`141. Funerary inscription for Eutychos by Apellas; no date; found at Stratonikeia : Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 623%19`624, no. 23, ll. 5%19`8; *IStratonikeia 1238, ll. 5%19`8. @ @@`141.5. Funerary inscription for husband Eutychos by Aspasia, on stele of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 114, no. 58; *IStratonikeia 1358. @ @@`142. Funerary inscription for Gamikos by wife Epikarpia; no date; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1240. @ @@`143. Funerary inscription for [Harm]odios Ep[agath]ou by son [To]lmides Harmodios; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Cousin, BCH 15, 1891, 427, no. 14; *IStratonikeia 1241. @ @@`143.5. Sarcophagus inscription of Hekataios Dionysiou Lo(boldeus) and family, on round altar of white marble; imperial?; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 109, no. 43, l. 1; *IStratonikeia 1343, l. 1. @ @@`144. Funerary inscription for Hermes by wife Thallousa; no date; found at Yes%25ilbag%27c#1221lar: *IStratonikeia 817 (PH). @ @@`144.5. &3Mnemion& inscription of Hermoleon Hekatomno Koliorgeus on round altar of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 108, no. 41; *IStratonikeia 1341. @ @@`145. Funerary inscription for Hermophilos by Pothos; no date; found at Yes%25ilbag%27c#1221lar: *IStratonikeia 818 (PH). @ @@`146. Funerary inscription for Hesperos by mother Artemisia; no date; found at Hac#1221bayramlar: *IStratonikeia 820 (PH). @ @@`147. Fragment of funerary inscription (?) for (?) Hierokles; no date; found at Beybag%27#1221: *IStratonikeia 808 (PH). @ @@`148. Funerary inscription for Hierokles; no date; found at Manast#1221r: *IStratonikeia 1242 (PH). @ @@`149. Funerary inscription for (?) Iason Philagrou (?); late Hellenistic; found at Stratonikeia: Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 651 (PH); SEG 27, 722; *IStratonikeia 1242a. @ @@`149.5. Funerary inscription for wife Kallikra%1[teia] by Apollonio%1s, on marble stele; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 116%19`117, no. 65; *IStratonikeia 1365. @ @@`150. Funerary inscription for Kallikratie by father Agathon; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Cousin, BCH 15, 1891, 429, no. 18; *IStratonikeia 1244. @ @@`150.5. Funerary inscription for Kallistion by husband Pothos, on round altar of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 108, no. 40; *IStratonikeia 1340. @ @@`151. Funerary inscription for child Karpos by Argyros; no date; found at Elekc%25i: *IStratonikeia 834 (PH). @ @@`151.5. Funerary inscription for Karpos by Hippolyte, on stele of yellowish marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 111, no. 49; *IStratonikeia 1349. @ @@`152. Funerary inscription for Karpos by parents Komyriakos and Artemi[s]i[a]; imperial?; found at Stratonikeia: CIG 2729 %7 p. 1108; LW 1584&3ter&; *IStratonikeia 1245. @ @@`153. Funerary inscription for Clau(dia) Artemisia by husband Clau(dius) Dionys[i]os; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: Cousin, BCH 15, 1891, 428, no. 16.1; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 252, note 2; *IStratonikeia 1226, ll. 1%19`8. @ @@`154. Funerary inscription for Tiberius Claudius Alexandros, on sarcophagus; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1226a (PH). @ @@`154.5. Funerary inscription of Claudius Leon by wife Claudia Apollonia, on block of white marble; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 107, no. 35; *IStratonikeia 1335. @ @@`155. Funerary inscription for Ti(berius) Cl(audius) Leon Ko(raieus) by father Cl(audius) Dionysios; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: Cousin, BCH 15, 1891, 428, no. 16.2; *IStratonikeia 1226, ll. 9%19`14. @ @@`155.5. Funerary inscription of Clau(dius) Nikephoros Ko(raieus), on column; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 111, no. 48; *IStratonikeia 1348. @ @@`156. Funerary inscription for Teiberius Claudius Nikephoros and Hermes Ko(liorgeus) &3balaneus,& on sarcophagus; imperial; found at Stratonikeia, later at Alabanda: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 184, no. 7; *IStratonikeia 1227; Robert, La Carie II p. 279, note 5. @ @@`157. Funerary inscription for Tiberiu[s] C[l]audius Philokalos and Claudia Labraindis, on altar%19like stone; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: CIG 2731b; LW 531; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 252, note 2; *IStratonikeia 1228. @ @@`157.5. Funerary inscription for (?) Krateia Dionysiou &3et al., on marble stele; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 121, no. 78; *IStratonikeia 1378. @ @@`158. Funerary inscription for Leonis by father Ouliades; no date; found at Stratonikeia: CIG 2730; *IStratonikeia 1246. @ @@`159. Funerary inscription for Lucius; Roman; found at Elmac#1221k: *IStratonikeia 837 (PH). @ @@`160. Funerary inscription for Mamalon by parents Aeneas and Mamalon; Roman; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1246a. @ @@`160.5. Funerary inscription for mother Melisa by Stephanos, on stele of black marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 114, no. 57; *IStratonikeia 1357. @ @@`161. Funerary inscription for Melitine by husband Hermes; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 184, no. 8; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 2137; *IStratonikeia 1252. @ @@`161.5. Funerary inscription for Menandros by wife Ammias, on round altar of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 108, no. 39; *IStratonikeia 1339. @ @@`162. Funerary inscription for father [Mena]ndros (?) by son [Mena]ndros (?); no date; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1247. @ @@`162.5. Funerary inscription for Menandros by wife Plousia, on rectangular base of white marble; late imperial; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 110%19`111, no. 46; *IStratonikeia 1346. @ @@`163. Funerary inscription for [Menan]dros and Eisochry[son]; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 37, no. 9; *IStratonikeia 1248. @ @@`164. Funerary inscription for Menan[2d]2ros; no date; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1249 (PH). @ @@`165. Funerary inscription for Menippos Mene[d]emou Ko(liorgeus); no date; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1250 (PH). @ @@`165.5. Funerary inscription for parents Meniskos and Euphrosyne by sons Hekatodoros &3et al.,& on stele of white marble; II&7e&%3`3?; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 120%19`121, no. 77; *IStratonikeia 1377. @ @@`166. Funerary inscription for Meniskos Pidra; no date; found at Elmac#1221k: *IStratonikeia 838 (PH). @ @@`167. Funerary inscription for Menophilos Aristoxenou, on altar; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 624, no. 24; *IStratonikeia 1251. @ @@`168. Funerary inscription for Miltiades by mother [Epa]gato; no date; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1253. @ @@`169. Funerary inscription for Myndia Aristodemou of Rhodes, by son%19in%19law Euporos Aristeou; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 624, no. 25; *IStratonikeia 1254. @ @@`170. Funerary (?) inscription for [M]yonides Dionysiou Ko(raieus); no date; found at Beybag%27#1221: *IStratonikeia 807 (PH). @ @@`171. Funerary inscription for Neikephoros Hierokleous of Tral(les) and Mousa Hierokleous Ko(liorgis); no date; found at Stratonikeia: CIG 2731; Kubin/ska, Monuments 70; *IStratonikeia 1256 %7 II 2 p. 35. @ @@`172. Funerary inscription for Neikephoros by parents Andromachos and Chotarin, on column; no date; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1257 (PH). @ @@`173. Funerary inscription for Neik[ias] by father Fla(vius) Geneth[2l]2ios; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: CIG 2732; *IStratonikeia 1258. @ @@`174. Funerary inscription for Neophytos by son Theodoros; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 342, no. 31; *IStratonikeia 1255. @ @@`174.2. Funerary inscription of son Nonianu[s] by [Art]emisi[os,] on marble stele; Roman?; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 119%19`120, no. 74; *IStratonikeia 1374. @ @@`174.5. Funerary inscription for Olympias by Archeratikos, on stele of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 113, no. 55; *IStratonikeia 1355. @ @@`175. Funerary inscription for Onesimos by father Kallinikos et al.; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Bean, Turkey Beyond the Maeander Plate 20 (PH); *IStratonikeia 1259. @ @@`176. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Philinnos Sosandrou Korazis wife of Andron by demos; no date; found at Stratonikeia: CIG 2726 %7 p. 1108; LW 1584&3bis&; *IStratonikeia 1208. @ @@`177. Funerary inscription for Philothea by husband Demetrios and brother Zosimos; no date; found at Yes%25ilbag%27c#1221lar: *IStratonikeia 819, ll. 4%19`10 (PH). @ @@`178. Funerary inscription for Tiberia Flavia Artemis; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1236 (PH). @ @@`178.5. Funerary inscription of Fla(via) Philoumene Hie(rokometis) by &3synmetochos& Fla(vius) Philomousos Hie(rokometes), on rectangular base of white marble; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 111, no. 47; *IStratonikeia 1347. @ @@`179. Funerary inscription for (Tiberius Flavius) Antiochos by father Ti(berius) Fla(vius) Apellas; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 623%19`624, no. 23, ll. 1%19`4; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 268 note 3; *IStratonikeia 1238, ll. 1%19`4. @ @@`180. Funerary inscription for Fl(avius) Arche%1it[ri]kos by wife Thalia; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1237 (PH). @ @@`180.2. Sarcophagus inscription of Fla(vius) Karpos, on round altar of white marble; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 109, no. 43, ll. 2%19`4; *IStratonikeia 1343, ll. 2%19`4. @ @@`180.5. Funerary inscription of Fla(vius) Olympos, on round altar of white marble; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 107, no. 38; *IStratonikeia 1338. @ @@`181. Funerary inscription in Latin for Flavius S[e]v[e]rus &3miles&; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 624%19`625, no. 26; CIL III 12257; Speidel, TAPA 106, 1976, 347; *IStratonikeia 1239 %7 II 2 p. 34; Speidel, EA 6, 1985, 76 (non vidi). @ @@`181.5. Funerary inscription for husband Pithoxenos by Kallista, on stele; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 120, no. 76; *IStratonikeia 1376. @ @@`182. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Pos[eid]ippos Dionysodorou Korazeus by demos; II%3I; found at Stratonikeia: CIG 2725; *IStratonikeia 1206. @ @@`183. Funerary inscription for Proklos by son Euphrates; no date; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1260 (PH). @ @@`184. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Pytheas Alexandros Ko(liorgeus) by demos, [boule,] and sacred [gerousia]; 2; found at Stratonikeia: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 36, no. 6; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, p. 275, no. 107; Oliver, Sacred Gerusia 158, no. 46; *IStratonikeia 1207. @ @@`184.5. Funerary inscription for Rhode Dionysiou Ko(liorgis) by &3demos& and family, on round altar of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 103%19`104, no. 30; *IStratonikeia 1330. @ @@`185. Funerary inscription for Soteris &3thremmation& by Petronius and Apphion; Roman; found at Stratonikeia: CIG 2733; *IStratonikeia 1261 (PH). @ @@`185.1. Funerary inscription for Soteris by son Zosimos, on stele of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 115, no. 61; *IStratonikeia 1361. @ @@`185.2. Funerary inscription of Stephanion by Hekaton, on stele; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 116, no. 64; *IStratonikeia 1364. @ @@`185.3. Funerary inscription for father Synchairon by Synchairon, on altar of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 117, no. 67; *IStratonikeia 1367. @ @@`185.4. Funerary inscription for wife Tatiane by (?) Septimius Lucius &3lithopristes,& on stele of white marble; imperial; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 118, no. 70; *IStratonikeia 1370. @ @@`185.5. Funerary inscription for son Tatianus by Zosimos, on stele of white marble; Roman; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 112, no. 52; *IStratonikeia 1352. @ @@`185.7. Funerary inscription for father Theodoros by Theodoros and Aristeas, on stele of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 113%19`114, no. 56; *IStratonikeia 1356. @ @@`185.8. Funerary inscription of Cl[ ... ] (?) Theodotos by Dionysia, on marble stele; imperial?; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 122, no. 82; *IStratonikeia 1382. @ @@`186. Funerary inscription for Theophila by father Zosimos et al.; 3; found at Stratonikeia: Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius 2135 (PH); Jucker, Das Bildnis im Bla+tterkelch 28; Abb. 3 (PH); *IStratonikeia 1262. @ @@`187. Funerary inscription for Theophilos Sotionos; no date; found at Yes%25ilbag%27c#1221lar: Cousin, BCH 15, 1891, 419, no. 2; *IStratonikeia 816. @ @@`188. Funerary inscription for Threptos by Epagathos; no date; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1263 (PH). @ @@`189. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Threptos Kalpon Koraeus by boule, demos, and sacred gerousiai, on base; imperial?; found at Stratonikeia: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 341, no. 28; Oliver, Sacred Gerusia 155, no. 41; *IStratonikeia 1209. @ @@`189.5. Funerary inscription of wife [T]yche by [O]nesimos, on stele of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 112, no. 51; *IStratonikeia 1351. @ @@`190. Funerary inscription for [T]ychike by husband Epitynchanon; no date; found at Stratonikeia, now at Alabanda: Cousin, BCH 15, 1891, 427, no. 13; *IStratonikeia 1264. @ @@`191. Funerary inscription for Zogone and Zotikos; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Cousin, BCH 15, 1891, 427, no. 12; *IStratonikeia 1266. @ @@`191.5. Funerary inscription of mother Zosime by Theodoro[s and] Artemidoro[s], on stele of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 118, no. 69; *IStratonikeia 1369. @ @@`192. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Zotichos Mylekoras K(ora)z(eus) by [demos and ... ]; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 36%19`37, no. 7; *IStratonikeia 1210. @ @@`193. Funerary inscription for Zotike by Glaphyra and Chrysippos, below funerary relief; no date; found at Yatag%27an, later at Smyrna; Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 221, no. 16.a; Robert, Gnomon 30, 1959, 22, note 4 (%6 OM III 1661); *IStratonikeia 832.a; Petzl, EA 13, 1989, 130, no. 4.a. @ See also: Stratonikeia 98%19`102, 206; IG II&4`2& 10383 (funerary inscription for Athena[g]oras of Stratone[i]ke[ia]; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 10384 (funerary inscription for Tryphon Rhodonos of St[2r]2atonikeia; found in Attica); IKos 207 (funerary inscription for Merops Asklepiad[ou] of Stratonikeia; found on Kos); CIG 2646 (funerary inscription for Apollonis Leontos of Stratonikeia; found at Lapethos on Cyprus). @ @@@@Section: 16b. Funerary Inscriptions_Name Fragmentary or @@@@Lost (193.5%19`198.5) @ @@`193.5. Funerary inscription by &3demos& for And[r ... ] (?), who died in war against King [Mithradates (?)], on marble block; I?; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 105%19`106, no. 33; *IStratonikeia 1333. @ @@`193.7. Funerary inscription for husband Ia[trik]os by [El]pis, on marble fragment; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 121%19`122, no. 81; *IStratonikeia 1381. @ @@`194. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]odoto[s ... ]dorou Ko(raieus); no date; found at Stratonikeia: Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 623, no. 22; *IStratonikeia 1267. @ ª@@`194.2. Funerary inscription of [ ... ]s by [ ... ]nika [ ... ]imonon (?) of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 122, no. 84; *IStratonikeia 1384. @ ª@@`194.5. &3Mnemion& inscription of (no name) Diog%1[ne]tou Hie(rokometes), on round altar of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 107, no. 37; *IStratonikeia 1337. @ ª@@`194.7. Funerary inscription for son (no name) by Neikandros, on stele of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 113, no. 54; *IStratonikeia 1354. @ @@`195. Funerary inscription for father (no name) by son Alkibiades; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Cousin, BCH 15, 1891, 428, no. 17; *IStratonikeia 1213. @ ê@@`195.5. Funerary inscription for (no name) by wife Zotike, on rectangular base of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 110, no. 45, ll. 5%19`7; *IStratonikeia 1345, ll. 5%19`7. @ @@`196. Funerary inscription of [Mar]c%1us Ulpius Zo[simo]s, Ulpia Tr%1yph[ ... ], and children, on altar of white marble; imperial?; found at Stratonikeia: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 342, no. 30; *IStratonikeia 1265 %7 II 2 p. 35; Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 83, no. 3. @ @@`197. Funerary inscription for (no name); no date; found at Tas%25kesik: *IStratonikeia 821 (PH). @ Ū@@`197.5. Funerary inscription for (no name), on marble stele; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 121, no. 80; *IStratonikeia 1380. @ @@`198. Funerary (?) graffito for child (no name); no date; found at Yatag%27an, later at Smyrna: Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 221, no. 116.b; *IStratonikeia 832.b; Petzl, EA 13, 1989, 130, note 11. @ ƪ@@`198.2. Funerary inscription for wife (no name) by Aniketos, on stele of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 117, no. 66; *IStratonikeia 1366. @ ƪ@@`198.5. End of funerary inscription for (no name), with prohibition of unauthorized burial, on round altar of white marble; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 109%19`110, no. 44; *IStratonikeia 1344. @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ Ǐ@@@@Section: 18. Oracles (199) @ @@`199. Oracle of Zeus Panemeros answering question about whether &3barbaroi& will attack city; AD 265?; found at Stratonikeia: CIG 2717; LW 518; Vidman, Sylloge 282; *IStratonikeia 1103. @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (200%19`210) @ @@`200. Fragment of edict of &3praefectus praetorio& Pusaeus; AD 465%3`473; found at Stratonikeia, identical with texts found at Mylasa and Keramos: IMylasa 613; Mylasa 362; IKeramos 65; Keramos 63; LW 529 (part); Petersen %9 von Luschau, Reisen I 154, no. 129 (part); Cousin, BCH 15, 1891, 425, no. 6 (part); Robert, Et. anat. 542%19`546, no. 5; *IStratonikeia 1019. @ @@`201. Reclassified as Mylasa 133. @ @@`202. Removed: 19th%19century inscription. @ @@`203. Omega, alpha, and cross; Christian; found at Kouradj%19Agatch, perhaps near Stratonikeia: Cousin, BCH 24, 1900, 41; Gre/goire, Rec. 243&3quater&; Robert, Hellenica 10, 233, note 0; *IStratonikeia 853. @ ˪@@`203.1. Prayer to Lord to help &3do&(&3u&)&3l&(&3os&) Constantine, on stele of white marble; Christian; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 125, no. 89; *IStratonikeia 1389. @ @@`203.2. Quotation from Psalms on door%19stop of white marble; Christian; found at Aldag%27: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 124, no. 88; *IStratonikeia 1388. @ ˪@@`203.5. Christian honorary inscription for Maximus &3thaum&(&3asios&) by boule and demos, on marble block; Christian; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 123%19`124, no. 87 (PH); *IStratonikeia 1387. @ @@`204. Horos%19stone of apostles; 6; found at Stratonikeia: CIG 8844; LW 534; Gre/goire, Rec. 243; *IStratonikeia 1059. @ ̪@@`204.5. Christian horos%19stone of &3ekklesia& of (?) God, on marble block; Christian; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 125, no. 90; *IStratonikeia 1390. @ @@`205. Honorary inscription in elegiacs for governor Eutheios, on architrave; 4%3`6; found at Stratonikeia: LW 524; Kaibel 1052; *IStratonikeia 1018. @ @@`206. Christian funerary inscription in elegiacs for Maximus; Christian; found at Stratonikeia: Cousin, BCH 15, 1891, 429%19`430, no. 20; *IStratonikeia 1204. @ @@`207. Christian (?) inscription mentioning &3diakonos& Keo[ ... ]; Christian?; found at Kargu+l Karyas: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 38, no. 2; *IStratonikeia 852. @ @@`208. Acclamation for &3tyche& of &3prasinoi&; 5&4`2&%3`7; found at Stratonikeia: Hula, Fs. Benndorf 241; Gre/goire, Rec. 243&3bis&; Cameron, Porphyrius the Charioteer 74; *IStratonikeia 1020. @ @@`209. Fragment mentioning [ ... ]phanes; Christian?; found at Kargu+l Karyas: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 38, no. 1; *IStratonikeia 851. @ @@`210. Fragment, with cross (?); Christian?; found at Stratonikeia: Gre/goire, Rec. 243&3ter&; *IStratonikeia 1057. @ See also: IStratonikeia 1060 %7 II 2 p. 34 (%6 former Stratonikeia 202) (19th%19century building inscription for church of Theotok[os]; found at Stratonikeia). @ ӏ@@@@Section: 22. Varia (211%19`213.5) @ @@`211. Memorial of gladiatorial contests given by [O]uliades Me[tr]odorou; Roman; found at Stratonikeia: Robert, Glad. 172%19`173, no. 168; *IStratonikeia 1015. @ @@`212. Inscription for (gladiator) Leandros; Roman; found at Stratonikeia, now at Kap#1221bag%27#1221: *IStratonikeia 1016 (PH). @ @@`213. Inscription on weight; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 335%19`336, no. 19 (PH); *IStratonikeia 1061. @ ժ@@`213.5. Unpublished document in Greek with Carian names, together with inscription in Carian; III: found at Stratonikeia: Robert, Hellenica 8, 16, no. 12; Deroy, AC 24, 1955, 318%19`319, no. 12; M. C%25. S%25ahin, ZPE 39, 1980, 206%19`207. @ ժSee also: Stratonikeia 104, 208; M. C%25. S%25ahin, ZPE 39, 1980, 205%19`206, no. 1A (%6 IStratonikeia II 1 p. 125, &3ad& no. 1001) (%6 Meier%19Bru+gger, Labraunda II 4 p. 11, no. 36) (Carian inscription; found at Stratonikeia); Hanfmann %9 Masson, Kadmos 6, 1967, 128%19`129, no. 7 and 133%19`134, no. 7 (%6 Meier%19Bru+gger, Labraunda II 4 p. 11, no. 26) (Carian graffito on clay tablet; found at Stratonikeia); Halikarnassos 219 (%6 CR 8, 1894, 218) (&3nike graffito for Neon Korrha%1[ ... ]; found at Halikarnassos). @ ֏@@@@Section: 23. Dubia (214%19`222) @ @@`214. Fragment; no date; found at Tatar Harumi: Cousin, BCH 24, 1900, 33; *IStratonikeia 850. @ @@`215. Inscription for (?) Ameinias Dionysiou; no date; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1058. @ @@`216. Fragment; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 38, no. 12; *IStratonikeia 1052. @ @@`217. Fragment; no date; found at Stratonikeia: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 35%19`36, no. 5; *IStratonikeia 1053. @ @@`218. Fragment; no date; found at Stratonikeia: LW 533; *IStratonikeia 1054. @ @@`219. Fragment; no date; found at Stratonikeia: CIG 2736; *IStratonikeia 1056. @ @@`220. Fragment; no date; found at Stratonikeia: *IStratonikeia 1064. @ @@`221. Omega on round altar of white marble; Roman?; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 108, &3ad& no. 42; *IStratonikeia II 2 &3ad& 1342. @ @@`222. Chi and lambda on round altar of white marble; Roman?; found at Stratonikeia: Var#1221nl#1221og%27lu, EA 12, 1988, 108, &3ad no. 42; *IStratonikeia II 2 &3ad& 1342. @ See also: Robert, Gnomon 35, 1963, 64, note 5 (unpublished inscription of unspecified genre mentions proxenos [Hi]erokles Menoitou of Stratonikeia; found at Sybrita on Crete). @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @ @@@@{1Tabai}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@MAMA VI: W. H. Buckler %9 W. M. Calder, &3Monumenta Asiae Minoris &3@@@@Antiqua,& vol. VI, Manchester 1939. @@Robert, La Carie II: L. %9 J. Robert, &3La Carie, Tome II: Le &3@@@@plateau de Tabai et ses environs,& Paris 1954. @ Many of the inscriptions listed were found at Kale (%6 ancient Tabai.) This site, formerly called Davas or Davas Kale, must be distinguished from the present Tavas (formerly called Yerengu+me,) which is near Herakleia Salbake. Other inscriptions were found nearby. Following sites are given, of which those which have not been located are followed by a question mark: @@H#1221rka @@Karako+y @@Tabai (Davas, Davas Kale, Dawas, Kale, Tabae) @@Varal#1221 (in Karayayla). @ Epigraphic references from outside the territory to the following sites are listed here: @@Tabai (%6 Kale). @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1) @ @@`1. Beginning of decree, with dating under Basilei[s] Ant[iochos (I) and Seleukos]; 269%3`268 BC; found at Tabai: Robert, Et. anat. 321, no. 1; BE 1938:398; *Robert, La Carie II no. 3. @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (_) @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (2) @ @@`2. Senatus Consultum in favor of Tabai; 81%3`80 BC; found at Tabai, later at Denizli: Doublet, BCH 13, 1889, 503%19`508; BE 1889:427; Viereck, Hermes 25, 1890, 624%19`631; OGIS 442; Abbott %9 Johnson no. 16; MAMA VI 162 (PH); BE 1939:359; Robert, La Carie II no. 5; BE 1955:201; SEG 15, 1958; Sherk, GRBS 6, 1965, 295%19`300; BE 1967:555; Maier, Mauerbauinschriften no. 75; BE 1971:608; SEG 19, 655; *Sherk 17. @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (_) @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (_) @ Panamara 33, l. 6 (%6 IStratonikeia 21) (%6 SEG 4, 262) (%6 BCH 5, 1927, 68, 7) (Tabai in list of cities at end of document; found at Panamara near Stratonikeia). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (3) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (3) @ @@`3. Dedication to Helios Theos by Mousaios Mousaiou, &3grammateus of &3thiasos,& on altar of white marble; no date; found at Varal#1221: *Robert, La Carie II no. 35 (PH); BE 1955:201. @ See also: Aphrodisias 179 (%6 Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome doc. 1) (%6 BE 1977:76) (%6 BE 1983:362) (dedication to Zeus Philios, Homonoia, and Thea Rome, by &3demoi& of Plarasa%3Aphrodisias, Kibyra, and Tabai, on occasion of swearing of alliance, with curse for violation; found at Aphrodisias); Robert, La Carie II no. 4 (%6 IGRR I 63) (%6 BE 1939:360,570) (%6 IG XIV 695%19`696b) (%6 CIL I&4`2 730b) (%6 CIL VI 30922b) (%6 BE 1955:288) (%6 BE 1958:550) (dedication by d[emos] of Tabai, not Abai; found at Rome). @ @@@@Section: 9b. Other Religious Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Robert, La Carie II no.'s 24%19`34, 192%19`193 %7 Robert, OM IV 153 (lists of visitors to Klaros from Tabai; found at Klaros). @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (4%19`17) @ @@`4. Honorary inscription for Augustus by demos, on fragment of column: 27 BC%3AD 14; found at Tabai: Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 626, no. 29; BE 1891:335; Hellenica 3, 36; BE 1948:213; *Robert, La Carie II no. 16. @ @@`5. Honorary inscription for Antipatros Pyrrhou, &3soter& and &3euergetes,& by demos, on block of white marble; II?; found at Tabai: MAMA VI 165 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 8. @ @@`6. Honorary inscription for Apollonia Aris[t]oleou by husband Papylos Xouthou, on marble block; II%3I; found at Tabai: MAMA VI 168 (PH); BE 1939:359; *Robert, La Carie II no. 15. @ @@`7. Honorary inscription for [Ap]ollonios Marsyou by [d]emos, on column; c. I%3`1; found at Tabai: Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 626, no. 28; BE 1891:335; *Robert, La Carie II no. 11. @ @@`8. Honorary inscription for [Apoll]onios Meli[tonos] by demos, on column; imperial; found at Tabai: Hellenica 3, 33%19`34; BE 1948:213; *Robert, La Carie II no. 13. @ @@`9. Honorary inscription for Attalos Solonos, gymnasiarch of &3geraioi,& by demos and &3geraioi&; I%3`2?; found at Tabai: MAMA VI 164.III (PH); BE 1939:359; *Robert, La Carie II no. 10.B, ll. 5%19`12. @ @@`10. Honorary inscription for S[osa]nd[2r]2os Agathodor[ou], on cube of red marble; no date; found at Tabai: Doublet %9 Deschamps, BCH 14, 1890, 625, no. 27; BE 1891:335; *Robert, La Carie II no. 9. @ @@`11. Honorary inscription for [ ... ] Marsyou, gymnasiarch, on marble block; II%3I; found at Tabai: MAMA VI 167 (PH); *Robert, La Carie II no. 12. @ @@`12. Honorary inscription for (no name) Phaidrou, on marble base; II%3I?; found at Tabai: Hellenica 3, 32; BE 1948:213; *Robert, La Carie II no. 14. @ @@`13. Honorary inscription for (no name), who performed &3presbeiai in Asia; Roman; found at Tabai: Robert, Et. anat. 322%19`324; BE 1938:398; *Robert, La Carie II no. 7. @ @@`14. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name), mentioning Attalos, on marble half%19column; II%3I?; found at Denizli, from district of Tabai: MAMA VI 161; *Robert, La Carie II no. 38. @ @@`15. Honorary inscription for (no name), [g]ymnasiarch of [&3geraioi&], on block of stone; I%3`2?; found at Tabai: MAMA VI 164.II (PH); BE 1939:359; *Robert, La Carie II no. 10.A. @ @@`16. Honorary inscription for (no name), [gymnasiarch of &3geraioi,&] by demos (?), on block of stone; I%3`2?; found at Tabai: MAMA VI 164.I (PH); BE 1939:359; *Robert, La Carie II no. 10.B, ll. 1%19`4. @ @@`17. Honorary inscription for (no name), &3synedros& of Dolabe[l]la, on stump of column; c. 43 BC; found at Tabai: Robert, Et. anat. 324%19`328; BE 1938:398; *Robert, La Carie II no. 6. @ See also: Aphrodisias 220 (%6 CIG 2765) (%6 Robert, La Carie II no. 23) (honorary inscription for demos of Tabai by demos of Aphrodisias; found at Aphrodisias); Robert, La Carie II no. 2 (honorary%3dedicatory inscription on behalf of Sosikrates Sosinikou of Rhodes, &3epistates,& by &3archontes& and &3agoranomoi& from Tabai and elsewhere, to &3theoi&; found at Mobolla); Mylasa 257, l. 10 (%6 IMylasa 401) (%6 BCH 5, 1881, 95, 1) (honorary inscription by Tabai and other cities for Sibilos; found at Mylasa). @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (_) @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (_) @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (18%19`21) @ @@`18. Funerary inscription of P(ublius) Aelius Parthenokles, wife Aelia Zodarion, and mother Nana, on sarcophagus; imperial; found at Tabai: MAMA VI 170 (PH); BE 1939:359; *Robert, La Carie II no. 18. @ @@`19. Funerary inscription for Aurelius At%1al%1[os] Bonbei et al., with penalty for unauthorized burial, on sarcophagus of white marble; 3?; found at H#1221rka: *Robert, La Carie II no. 19 (PH); BE 1955:201. @ @@`20. Funerary inscription of Pereitas Diogenou, on rock tomb; no date; found at Tabai: *Robert, La Carie II no. 1. @ @@`21. Memorial inscription by Demetrios P%1[ ... ], on fragment of white marble; no date; found at Karako+y: *Robert, La Carie II no. 17 (PH); BE 1955:201. @ See also: Tabai 23; SGDI 4345 (%6 MDAI(A) 23, 1898, 400, no. 90) (%6 BE 1955:201) (%6 PP 1, 1946, p. 140 note 3 and p. 399) (funerary inscription for Diphilos of Tabai; found on Rhodes). @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (22%19`24) @ @@`22. Christian text, on white marble block; Christian; found at Tabai: *MAMA VI 163.a; BE 1939:359; Robert, La Carie II &3ad& no. 37. @ @@`23. Christian funerary inscription for Kyriakos &3presb&(&3yteros&) et al., on marble plaque; 5%3`6?; found at Tabai: MAMA VI 171 (PH); BE 1939:359; Halkin, AB 71, 1953, 96 (non vidi); *Robert, La Carie II no. 36. @ @@`24. Christian inscription, on white marble block; Christian; found at Tabai: Gre/goire, Rec. 281&3bis&; MAMA VI 163.b (PH); BE 1939:359; *Robert, La Carie II no. 37. @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (_) @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (25%19`27) @ @@`25. Fragment referring to demo[s], on marble block; I%3imp.; found at Tabai: MAMA VI 166; *Robert, La Carie II no. 20. @ @@`26. Fragment referring to [A]ur(elius) Kallip[pos (?)]; imperial; found at Tabai: MAMA VI 169; *Robert, La Carie II no. 22. @ @@`27. Fragment referring to &3kos&[&3mos&], on marble fragment; no date; found at Tabai: *Robert, La Carie II no. 21. @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @ @@@@{1Theangela}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@None. @ The bulk of the inscriptions listed were found at Theangela. Others were found nearby. In any case, the place of discovery is listed. Following sites are given, of which those which have not been located are followed by a question mark: @@Ala=kilise (Alakischli, Alakishla, Amynanda) @@K#1221z#1221lag%27ac%25 @@Mumcular (Karaova) @@Orak Adas#1221 (Orak Ada) @@Theangela (Derince, Etrim, Kenier, Kenyer). @ Epigraphic references to the following sites are listed: @@Amynanda (Ala=kilise) @@Side (Alazeytin?) @@Syangela (Kaplan Dag%27#1221?) @@Theangela (Derince). @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`7) @ @@`1. Honorary decree of boula and damos of Trozan for Aristeides Neonos of Theangela; III&7e&%3II; found at Theangela: Hicks, CR 3, 1889, 234%19`235, no. 1; Wilhelm, JO+AI 11, 1908, 72%19`75, no. 8; Rostovtzeff, REA 33, 1931, 210, no. II (PH); *Robert, Coll. Froehner no. 53 (PH). @ @@`2. Honorary decree [of boule] and demos for Ar[ ... ] Aristeidou and Leon [ ... ] of Hyllarima, &3presbeutai,& and for [&3koi&]&3non& of Hyllarima; II&7b&; found at Theangela, not Halikarnassos: Cousin %9 Diehl, BCH 14, 1890, 93%19`95, no. 2; *Robert, Coll. Froehner 92%19`93 (PH); SEG 32, 1111; Piejko, Epigraphica 48, 1986, 15 (non vidi); **SEG 36, 1007 (ll. 10, 13%19`15). @ @@`3. Honorary decree of Theangela for Minnion of Antiocheia (%6 Alabanda?), giving proxeny and citizenship of Theangela; prob. I?; found at Theangela: *S%25ahin %9 Engelmann, ZPE 34, 1979, 213%19`215, no. 2 (PH); SEG 29, 1089; SEG 33, 873. @ @@`4. Honorary decree (of Theangela) for (no name) of (no name); III&7m&; found at Theangela: Rostovtzeff, REA 33, 1931, 215, no. III (PH); *Robert, Coll. Froehner no. 54 (PH). @ @@`5. Honorary decree for royal official; Hellenistic; found on coast of Asia, prob. at Theangela, later on Syme: *Robert, Coll. Froehner 97%19`101; SEG 37, 873. @ @@`6. Close of decree granting honors to (no name), benefactor of city; no date; found at Theangela: Gardner, JHS 6, 1885, 251; Hicks, CR 3, 1889, 236%19`237, no. 3; *Robert, Coll. Froehner 90%19`91. @ @@`7. Honorary decree of [Troizen] for Theangela; III&7e&; found at Theangela: *Wilhelm, JO+AI 11, 1908, 70%19`72, no. 7 (PH). @ See also: FD II Terrasse du Temple 1, p. 224, l. 23 ([Deme]trios Hierokleious of Theangela listed among soldiers being given citizenship of Lilaia, after honorary decree; found at Delphi); Ephesos 66 (%6 IEphesos 1408) (%6 JO+AI 46, 1961, 19) (honorary decree (of Ephesos) for Melanthios Hermiou of Theangela, officer in command of watch at Phygela; found at Ephesos); Halikarnassos 9 (%6 BCH 14, 1890, 90, 1) (%6 Chiron 12, 1982, 119) (%6 SEG 32, 1111%19`1112) (honorary decree of de[mos] (of Halikarnassos or Theangela) for Iason Minnionos &3strategos&; found at Halikarnassos, perhaps from Theangela); Iasos 27 (%6 IIasos 50) (%6 Pugliese Carratelli, ASAA 29%19`3, 1967%19`1968, 454, no. 4) (honorary decree of Iasos for Menyllos Nossou of Theangela; found at Iasos); Benedum, ZPE 27, 1972, 229%19`235 (%6 SEG 27, 571) (end of honorary decree of Theangela for T[ ... ] &3iatros,& with related decrees of Kos; found on Kos); Olymos 3 (%6 IMylasa 861) (%6 LW 339) (%6 Froehner, ILouvre no. 40) (%6 MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 390) (%6 Michel 476) (%6 Sokolowski, LSAM 58) (%6 SEG 15, 645) (BE 1984:436) (decree of Olymos concerning sacrifices to Apollo and Artemis; found near Mumcular, presumably from Olymos); Schwyzer, DGEEP no. 812&7a& (honorary decree of Oropos for Mikythion Sphangeilaios; found at Oropos). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (8) @ @@`8. Peace treaty between Theangela and Eupolemos, with oath safeguarding peace, as well as curse; c. 310 BC; found at Theangela: Hicks, CR 3, 1889, 235%19`236, no. 2; Rostovtzeff, REA 33, 1931, 8, no. I (PH); Robert, AC 1935, 157 (non vidi); *Robert, Coll. Froehner no. 52 (PH); Staatsvertra+ge III 429; Austin, Hellenistic World no. 33. @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (_) @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (_) @ See also: IG I&4`3& 71, 259%19`290 (frequent mention in Athenian Tribute Lists of Syangela, Amynanda, and Pigres of Syangela; found in Attica); Halikarnassos 32 (%6 JO+AI 11, 1980, 69, 6) (list of contributors to &3phrear&; found at Halikarnassos, not Theangela). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ See also: Theangela 8. @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (9%19`10) @ @@`9. Dedication by demos to King [ ... ] of &3palaistra,& on architrave; Hellenistic; found at Theangela: Judeich, MDAI(A) 12, 1887, 334; *Robert, Coll. Froehner 65. @ @@`10. Dedication by [ ... ] Philagrou of &3koiton& in &3hier&[&3a&]&3tikos &3oikos&; I; found on Orak Adas#1221: *Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 26%19`27, no. 1; Michel 1199. @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (_) @ See also: IG II&4`2& 1956, ll. 98%19`103 (%6 Michel 605) (list of mercenaries includes Hermogenes and four other men of Theangela; found in Attica); Plassart, BCH 45, 1921, 6, IC(c), l. 10 (list of &3theorodokoi& mentions Pan[ ... ] at Theangela; found at Delphi); IKos 4 (list of &3proxenoi& includes [E]upole[mos] and Aris[tok]les Me[ ... ]s of Thean[gela]; found on Kos); Mylasa 157.7, ll. 13%19`15 (%6 EA 16, 1991, 30%19`32) (%6 IMylasa 11) (treaty between Mylasa and Kindya concerning sale of land, with list of witnesses including Parmymis Arliomou, [ ... ]lis Hyssaldou, Artemidoros from Temoessos, &3keryx& Metris [ ... ]o, all of Syangela; found at Sek near Mylasa); Tralles 28.B, l. 14 (%6 ITralles 33.B) (%6 LW 599.b) (%6 CIG 2919b) (%6 Robert, Coll. Froehner pp. 94%19`97) (list of names, probably of mercenaries, includes Menekrates Leonidou of Thyang[ela]; found at Tralles). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (11) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (_) @ See also: Theangela 9%19`10. @ @@@@Section: 9b. Other Religious Inscriptions (11) @ @@`11. Sale of priesthood of Zeus Nemeios in Theangela to [Ari]steid[e]s Iatrokleos; III; found at Theangela: *S%25ahin %9 Engelmann, ZPE 34, 1979, 211%19`213, no. 1 (PH); SEG 29, 1088. @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Theangela 1%19`7, 12%19`13. @ @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (_) @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (12) @ @@`12. Inscription in elegiacs for &3eikon& of Athenais Thoantos, by sons; III; found on Kos, from Theangela: Gardner, JHS 6, 1885, 259, no. 15; *Wilhelm, GE 28%19`29, no. 34; SEG 30, 1282. @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (13%19`16) @ @@`13. Honorary%3funerary (?) inscription for Harmodios Harmodiou, on square base; no date; found on road between K#1221z#1221lag%27ac%25 and Mumcular: *Paton %9 Myres, JHS 16, 1896, 199. @ @@`14. Funerary inscription for Poleitas and Trochimos; no date; found at Ala=kilise: *Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 27, no. 3; Hula %9 Szanto 30%19`31. @ @@`15. Funerary inscription by (no name) for self and family; imperial; found at Theangela: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 116, no. 41; SEG 16, 640. @ @@`16. End of funerary inscription for (no name), with curse and fine for unauthorized burial; imperial; at Hurma (%6 As%25ag%27#1221 Maz#1221) near Keramos, from Ala=kilise: *Bean %9 Cook, ABSA 50, 1955, 142, no. 66; SEG 16, 639. @ See also: Theangela 12%19`13; IG II&4`2& 8831 (funerary inscription for Menekrates Menekratou of Theangela; found in Attica); Polemon 4, 1949, 8, no. 248 (funerary inscription for Menandris Bithyos of Theangela; found at Demetrias). @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (17) @ @@`17. Artist's signature by Philistides of Athens; IV&4`2&; found at Theangela: Foucart, BCH 14, 1890, 375%19`376; *Robert, Coll. Froehner 93%19`94. @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ See also: Theangela 8, 16. @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ See also: Robert, Coll. Froehner 94, no. 19 (graffito by mercenary Antipatros of Theangela; found at Abydos). @ @@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (_) @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (_) @ See also: Grace, Yearbook Amer. Philos. Soc. 1955, 324 (unpublished stamp on handle of jar of honey from Theangela; now in Alexandria). @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (18) @ @@`18. Fragment referring to &3naukleros&; no date; found at Ala=kilise: *Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 27, no. 2. @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @ @@@@{1Tralles}1 @@@@{1Compiled by Donald F. McCabe}1 @ Local bibliography: @@ITralles: Fjodor B. Poljakov, &3Die Inschriften von Tralleis und &3@@@@Nysa,& vol. I, Bonn 1989. @@Kubitschek %9 Reichel, Bericht: W. Kubitschek %9 W. Reichel, @@@@"Bericht u+ber eine Reise in Karien und Phrygien," &3Anzeiger &3@@@@der O+sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften,& 1893, @@@@`92%19`105. @@Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis: M. Pappakonstantinou, Hai @@@@Tralleis etoi Sylloge Trallianon Epigraphon, Athens 1895. @@Rayet %9 Thomas, Milet: O. Rayet %9 A. Thomas, &3Milet et le &3@@@@Golfe Latmique& I, Paris 1877. @@Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey: J. R. S. Sterrett, "An @@@@Epigraphical Journey in Asia Minor," &3Papers of the American &3@@@@School of Classical Studies at Athens& II, 1884. @@Sterrett, Inscriptions of Tralles: J. R. S. Sterrett, "The @@@@Inscriptions of Tralleis," &3Papers of the American School of &3@@@@Classical Studies at Athens& I, 1883, 93%19`120. @ Many of the inscriptions listed were found at Ayd#1221n (%6 ancient Tralles.) Others were found nearby. In any case, the place of discovery is listed. Following sites are given, of which those which have not been located are followed by a question mark: @@Acarlar (Acarko+y) @@Bekiorou (?) (near #1222ncirliova) (%6 Aptyratheitai (?)) @@Dedeko+y (?) (c. 2 mi. west of Ayd#1221n) @@#1222ncirliova (Karabounar, Karabunar) @@Is%25#1221kl#1221 (Ishikli, Isikli) @@Kato Atzem Khanion (?) $[1KA/TW *)ATZE\M *XANION]1& (along river Eudon) @@Kemerko+y (?) (near Ayd#1221n) (prob. identical with Kimer) @@Kimer (?) (prob. identical with Kemerko+y) @@Ko+s%25k (Kioskeui+, Kio+sk) (%6 Hiera Kome (?)) @@Man%19keui (?) @@Merkeme Mahalesi (?) (near Ayd#1221n) @@O+merbeyli (Omarbeili) @@Ovaeymir (Emir%19ko+y, Ovaeymiri) @@Tralles (Ai+di=n, Ayd#1221n, Gu+zelhisar, Toprak Kazan, U+c%25 Go+zler) @@Umurlu. @ Germencik is not included here, as it is considered to belong to the territory of Magnesia on the Maeander. Those inscriptions found at Germencik which any editor has classed with the inscriptions of Tralles are listed in cross%19references in this list, but the main reference is in the list for Magnesia on the Maeander, and other inscriptions found at Germencik are only given in that list. @ Epigraphic references from outside the territory of Tralles to the following sites are listed here: @@Aptyratheitai @@Hiera Kome @@Tralles (Kaisareia, Seleukeia, Traldeis). @ @@@@Section: 1. Decrees and Laws (1%19`7) @ @@`1. Honorary decree for Alexandros; c. III; found at Ovaeymir: Fontrier, BCH 31, 1879, 466%19`468; Mous. III 1880, 131%19`133, no. 173; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 41; SEG 4, 422; BE 1928:380; Merkelbach, ZPE 17, 1975, 163%19`166; BE 1976:636; *ITralles 25. @ @@`2. Honorary decree by demos of Seleukeia (%6 Tralles) by Leonides; no date; found at #1222s%25#1221kl#1221: Mous. II 1, 1876, 53, no. 172; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 42; SEG 4, 423; *ITralles 26. @ @@`3. Honorary decree of [boule] and dem[os] for Artem[ ... ], &3agora&[&3nomos,&] on marble fragments; no date; found at Tralles: MDAI(A) 26, 1901, 237%19`238, no. 1; BE 1903:100; BE 1939:355; *ITralles 32. @ @@`4. Honorary decree for (no name); c. III; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 92; *ITralles 28. @ @@`5. Honorary decree for (no name); Hellenistic; found at Tralles: Contole/on, BCH 10, 1886, 326; Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 385; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 59; Robert, RPh 8, 1934, 286%19`287 (%6 OM II 1185%19`1186); BE 1936:384; *ITralles 29. @ @@`5.5. Fragment of honorary decree (?) for deceased woman (no name), on fragments of slab of white, gray%19striped marble; 1; found at Tralles, later at Smyrna: LW 607 (part); Fontrier, Mous. I 1873%19`1875, 89, no. 71; *ISmyrna 592 %7 II 2 p. 376; ITralles 253 (part). @ @@`6. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name) of (no name), giving him citizenship, on marble fragment; no date; found at Tralles: Contole/on, BCH 10, 1886, 516, no. 4; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 32; *ITralles 30. @ @@`7. Fragment of honorary decree for (no name); no date; found at Tralles: LW 603; *ITralles 251. @ See also: Tralles 139, 248; Aphrodisias 2, l. 11 (%6 ZPE 8, 1971, 286, 4) (%6 BCH 96, 1972, 443) (%6 Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome Doc. 5) (%6 SEG 32, 1097) (%6 SEG 35, 1081) (honorary decree of &3koinon& of Hellenes in Asia for Dionysios Iasonos and Hierokles Iasonos of Aphrodisias and Tralles; found at Aphrodisias); ITralles p. 219, no. 8* (%6 Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 21) (%6 OGIS 495) (honorary inscription for Tiberius Claudius Polemon in accordance with decree of boule and demos of Kibyra; text identical with that of inscription found at Kibyra, inscription perhaps also identical); IKyme 9 (%6 Michel 513) (%6 SGDI 313) (%6 BE 1978:401) (honorary decree of damos (of Kyme) for Themison Patronos of Seleukeia; found at Kyme); Magnesia 59 (%6 ITralles 21) (%6 IMagnesia 85) (%6 REA 5, 1903, 218) (%6 RPh 29, 1905, 164) (decree [of demos of T]ralles accepting invitation to festival of Artemis Leukophryene; found at Magnesia Mai.); Miletos 20 (%6 ITralles 20) (%6 Rehm, Milet I 3 no. 143B) (decree of Seleukeia (%6 Tralles) giving &3isopoliteia& to Miletos; found at Miletos); Miletos 37 (%6 Rehm, Milet I 3 no. 143A) (decree of Miletos granting &3isopoliteia& to Seleukeia; found at Miletos); Mylasa 41, l. 15 (%6 IMylasa 118) (%6 Hula %9 Szanto 12, no. 1) (honorary decree of &3phy&[&3le& of Otorkondeis] for (no name) mentions [Tr]a%1lles; found at Mylasa); Mylasa 18 (%6 ITralles 22) (%6 IMylasa 631) (%6 SEG 4, 233) (honorary decree [of Tralles] for Mylasa and foreign judge Dionysios Melanos (of Mylasa); found at Mylasa); Notion 1 (%6 JO+AI 15, 1912, 59, A) (honorary decree of Kolophon for &3presbeis& from Tralles; found near Notion, from Notion); Phokaia 2 (%6 ITralles 23) (%6 RPh 8, 1934, 279) (honorary decree of Tralles for [&3dikastes& and &3gram&]&3mateus& (no name) of Phokaia, on stele; found at Phokaia); Priene 32, l. 45 (%6 IPriene 113) (honorary decree of Priene for Zosimos includes provision for feeding visitors to city, including citizens of Tralles; found at Priene); Priene 66, l. 160 (%6 IPriene 108) (%6 Migeotte 94) (%6 BCH 31, 1907, 385) (%6 WS 29, 1907, 19) (%6 MB 11, 1907, 127) (honorary decree of Priene for Moschion Kydimou mentions his serving as &3theoros& at Tralles; found at Priene); Priene 106, l. 127 (%6 IPriene 121) (honorary decree [of Priene] for (no name) mentions embassies to Tralles and other cities; found at Priene); ITralles 27 (%6 SEG 11, 471) (%6 Woodward %9 Robert, ABSA 29, 1927%19`1928, 68%19`72, no. 86) (honorary decree (of Tralles) for (no name) Lakippidou of Lakedaimon; found at Sparta); ITralles 24 (%6 IG XII 5 Tenos 869) (%6 CIG 2334b) (%6 BE 1980:359) (%6 Grandjean, &3Thasiaka 404%19`406) (honorary decree of [boule and] demos of Tralles for &3dikastai& Menekrate[s] and Xenokrates Xenophantou and &3grammateus Kalliphon Kalliphantos of Tenos; found on Tenos); Grandjean, &3Thasiaka& 401%19`406, no. 4 (%6 SEG 29, 772) (%6 BE 1980:359) (honorary decree of boule and demos (of Tralles) (?) for demos of Thasos, &3dikastes& (no name), and [&3grammateus&] (no name); found on Thasos). @ @@@@Section: 2. Treaties (_) @ @@@@Section: 3. Letters (8%19`12) @ @@`8. Letter of [King Antio]chos (III) to [boule and dem]os of [Seleukeia]; c. 212%3`211 BC; found at Merkeme Mahallesi near Tralles: Contole/on, BCH 10, 1886, 515%19`516, no. 3; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 97; Welles no. 41; BE 1936:384; *ITralles 17. @ @@`9. Letter of [King Atta]los (III) concerning Hiera Kome; after 138 BC; found near Ko+s%25k: Hamilton, Researches II 444, no. 210; LW 1652; Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 4; Welles no. 69; BE 1936:384; Robert, Et. anat. 559%19`560; *ITralles 18. @ @@`10. Letter of Hadrian in Latin; c. AD 128%3`130; found at Tralles: CIG II p. 583, &3ad& 2919; CIL III 444; Du+rr, Die Reisen des Kaisers Hadrian 107 no. 24; Weber, Untersuchungen z. Gesch. d. Kaisers Hadrianus 222; *ITralles 19. @ @@`11. Letter of Marc Antony and other documents of [&3hiero&]&3neikai&; 42%3`32 BC, reinscribed 2%3`3; found at Tralles, copy of letter also found on papyrus in Egypt: Mous. I 1875, 69, no. 16 (part); Mous. II 2%19`3, 1878, 56, no. 134 (part); Keil, JO+AI 14, 1911 Beibl. 123%19`134 (PH); Sherk 57; Ebert, APF 33, 1987, 37%19`42; *ITralles 105; SEG 37, 874. @ @@`12. Letter of proconsul Taurus concerning Pylitai, with acclamations by boule and artist's signature (?) by Aur(elius) Iulianus of Halikarnassos; 3&4`2&; now at Tralles, prob. from Tralles, perhaps from territory of Magnesia Mai.: Malay, EA 11, 1988, 53%19`57 (PH); *Nolle/, EA 15, 1990, 121%19`125. @ See also: Tralles 246.5; Priene 137, l. 44 (%6 IPriene 106) (%6 Sherk 52) (%6 Miletos 64) (%6 Milet I 2, no. 3) (letter of Roman praetor to Miletos, koinon of Hellenes, and other cities, including Tralleis; found at Miletos and Priene). @ @@@@Section: 4. Edicts (_) @ See also: Aphrodisias 72, ll. 63%19`65 (%6 CIG 2737.b) (%6 LW 1627) (%6 OGIS 455) (%6 Reynolds, Aphrodisias %9 Rome Doc. 72) (%6 MAMA 8, 405) (%6 Sherk 28B %7 29) (Senatus Consultum concerning Aphrodisias exempts from taxes livestock moved from Tralles to Plarasa%3Aphrodeisias; found at Aphrodisias); Stratonikeia 8, sect. 8, ll. 1, 3 (Diocletian's Edict on Prices mentions &3pellis &3Tralliana&; relevant sections found at Stratonikeia and Aizanoi). @ @@@@Section: 5. Accounts and Inventories (13%19`14) @ @@`13. List of donations by [C]laudianus et al., on marble slab; 1%3`2; found at Tralles: Contole/on, REG 13, 1900, 501%19`502, no. 12; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 101; Quandt, De Baccho 193; ILeiden no. 65 (PH); SEG 18, 455; *ITralles 168. @ @@`14. List of donors of &3keiones,& beginning with [ ... ]ios Aristodemou and son Diophantos; no date; found at #1222ncirliova: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 7%19`8, no. 5; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 88; Kern, IMagnesia p. 107; *ITralles 150. @ See also: Teos 63 (%6 ITralles p. 223 no. 20*) (%6 CIG 2923) (accounts for building walls; found at Teos, not Tralles). @ @@@@Section: 6. Oaths (_) @ @@@@Section: 7. Building Inscriptions (15%19`27) @ @@`15. Building inscription for two &3plethra& of &3teichos& by Metrodoros Metrodorou; II%3I; found at Tralles: Rayet %9 Thomas, Milet 47; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 130; Maier, Mauerbauinschriften II 121 no. 72&3bis.&A; *ITralles 153. @ @@`16. Dedication of &3horologion& by Marcus Sitrius Thyrsos, on marble base; Roman; found at Tralles: Contole/on, BCH 10, 1886, 517%19`518, no. 9; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 57; Waltzing, Et. hist. III 63, no. 171; *ITralles 162. @ @@`17. Reference to emperor on marble fragment, possibly of building inscription; imperial; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 107; *ITralles 43. @ @@`18. Dedicatory inscription for &3kryptos peripatos, agoranomion, etc., to &3Sebastoi& and demos, by Artemidoros Diogenous and Diogenes [ ... ], &3agoranomoi&; imperial; found at Tralles: Papadopoulos%19Kerameus, BCH 1, 1877, 55 no. II; Rayet %9 Thomas, Milet 51; Hirschfeld, Ztschr. f. d. o+st. Gymn. 33, 1882, 499%19`503 (non vidi); Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 24; Laum II no. 98; *ITralles 146. @ @@`19. Dedication by Flavia Secunda on epistylion; imperial%1; found near Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 98; *ITralles 149. @ @@`20. Inscription of T(itus) Fl(avius) Pythion, on column; imperial%1; found at Tralles: MDAI(A) 26, 1901, 240, no. 8; *ITralles 151. @ @@`21. Dedication of eighteen Erotes and two Nikai to &3patris& by Mar(cus) Aur(elius) Andreas with wife, on stele; imperial; found near Tralles, not from Mastaura: Leake, TRSL 1843, 245 and 304 no. I; CIG 2925; LW 1663a; Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 5%19`6, no. 1; BE 1895:459; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 124; Robert, Laodice/e 255, notes 6%19`7; BE 1970:532; *ITralles 164. @ @@`22. Dedicatory inscription for &3eikones& by Aurelia Tatiane, on base; imperial; found at Tralles: Mous. I 1873%19`1875, 95, no. 90; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 20; *ITralles 165. @ @@`23. Fragment on epistyle; imperial%1; found at Tralles: LW 601; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 121; *ITralles 255. @ @@`24. Dedication in Latin and Greek to Nerva by &3Augusti libertus and procurator of part of Baths; AD 96%3`98; found at Tralles: Sterrett, MDAI(A) 8, 1883, 334%19`335, no. 15; Sterrett, Inscriptions of Tralles no. 15; CIL III 7146; Mommsen, Ephem. Epigr. 5, 61, no. 163; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 15; Liermann, Analecta 42%19`43; Derenne, AC 2, 1933, 74%19`75; BE 1934:245; *ITralles 148; Herrmann, Tyche 3, 1988, 119%19`121, no. b. @ @@`25. Building inscription by Alexandros Nikiou, for roof of stoa, etc., on base; no date; found at Tralles: Edhem bey, BCH 28, 1904, 78%19`79, no. 1; BE 1906:46; *ITralles 147.A. @ @@`26. Building inscription for two &3plethra& of &3ergon& by Paionios Dionysidou; no date; found at Kimer: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 125; Maier, Mauerbauinschriften II 121 no. 72&3bis.&B; *ITralles 154. @ @@`27. Fragment of building inscription for road; no date; found at Tralles: Papadopoulos%19Kerameus, Syll. K%3pol. philol. hetair. 15, 1884 Beil. p. 53, no. 6; *ITralles 161. @ See also: Tralles 14, 82, 222, 230, 256; Moretti, Athenaeum 36, 1958, 109%19`111, no. 4 (%6 IG XIV 1079 %7 1064) (%6 BE 1959:525) (%6 SEG 14, 448) (dedication by [ ... ].ia Galene of &3statio& of [Kaisa]r%1eia Tralleis Philosebasta[i]; found at Rome). @ @@@@Section: 8. Other Public Inscriptions (28%19`30) @ @@`28. List of mercenaries from [Kyzi]kos and elsewhere; III; found at Tralles: CIG 2919b (pp. 1122%19`1123); LW 599; Robert, Coll. Froehner 94%19`97 (PH); *ITralles 33. @ @@`29. List of victorious athletes, on base; c. III; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, MDAI(A) 13, 1888, 410, no. 1; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 99; Michel 907 (part); Syll&4`2& 672 (part); Syll&4`3& 1060 (part); *ITralles 106. @ @@`30. List of victorious athletes, on base; c. II%3I; found at Tralles: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 343%19`344, no. 4; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 40; Michel 906; Syll&4`2 674; Syll&4`3& 1062; *ITralles 107. @ See also: Tralles 11; SEG 32, 449 (%6 IG VII 2726), ll. 2%19`3 (list of victors includes Aur(elius) Agrippas of Kais[ar]eia; found at Akraiphia); Chios 51 (%6 Athena 20, 1908, 214, 13) (%6 RPh 11, 1937, 329) (list of &3proxenoi& or mercenaries (?) includes (no name) of [Se]leukeia; found on Chios); FD III 4 no. 111 (grant of &3politeia& etc. by [Delph]i to [Ap]oll[oni]os Men[ ... ] of Kaisa[reia Tra]lles; found at Delphi); FD III 4 no. 116 (grant of &3politeia& et al. by Delphi to G(aius) Pompeius Paullus of Kaisareia Tralles; found at Delphi); Robert, BCH 70, 1946, 512, l. 1 (%6 BE 1948:89) (list of &3theorodokoi& includes [ ... ... ]tonos in [Se]l%1eukeia; found at Delphi); Peek, Gnomon 9, 1933 (%6 Hellenica 7, 214) (%6 BE 1950:105) (%6 SEG 11, 61) (%6 Meritt, Corinth, Gk. Inscr.'s no. 14.a), ll. 45%19`46, Meritt, Corinth, Gk. Inscr.'s no. 14.c (%6 BE 1950:105) (%6 Hellenica 7, 214), ll. 92%19`93 (lists of athletic victors include citizens of Kaisareia; found at Corinth); ICos 49.b, ll. 1%19`2 (list of &3proxenoi& includes [Dio]nysodoros of Sele[uk]eia; found on Kos); Wiegand, MDAI(A) 26, 1901, 123, l. 35 (list of &3mystai& includes Quintus Fabricius of Tralles; found at Kyzikos); Lagina 13, l. 20 (%6 IStratonikeia 508) (%6 OGIS 441) (Tralles among cities listed as recognizing &3asylia& of temple of Hekate; found at Lagina near Stratonikeia); Syll&4`3& 1079, l. 35 (%6 Magnesia 148) (%6 IMagnesia 88.d) (%6 Syll&4`2 699) (%6 MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 97, 32) (list of victors at &3Rhomaia includes Hierokles Hierokleous of Tralles; found at Magnesia Mai.); Miletos 111 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 64), Miletos 116 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 74), Miletos 117 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 79), Miletos 121 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 85), Miletos 123 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 87), Miletos 125 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 89), Miletos 134.5 (%6 Chiron 18, 1988, 401, 8) Miletos 135.5 (%6 Chiron 18, 1988, 396, 5) Miletos 137 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 50), Miletos 138 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 43a), Miletos 150 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 65a), Miletos 153 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 76), Miletos 157 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 80), Miletos 158 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 52), Miletos 160 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 49), Miletos 166 (%6 Milet I 3 no. 90) (records of grant of citizenship of Miletos to persons from Tralles (usually called "Seleukeia," once "Seleukeia apo Maiandrou," and twice "Tralles") and elsewhere; found at Miletos); IMylasa 8 (%6 ITralles p. 222, no. 15*) (%6 Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 122) (%6 Hornblower, Mausolus M1) (%6 Robert, Et. anat. 567%19`571) (list of &3presbeis&; found at Tralles, but from Mylasa); IG XIV 2499 (list of victors mentions Kaisareia Trall[eis]; found at Nemausus in Gaul); IG VII 420, ll. 19%19`20 (list of victors includes &3kitharistes& Zeuxis Demetriou of Tralles; found at Oropos); Lindos II 275 l. 20 (list of names, including [ ... ]ias of T[ralles (?)]; found on Rhodes); Samos 170, l. 3 (%6 Michel 901) (list of victors at Heraia includes ... ... ]ous of Tralles; found on Samos); IG XII 8, no. 190, l. 36 (%6 CIL III 12323) (individuals from Tralles in list of &3mystai& in Latin and Greek; found on Samothrace); IG IX 1&4`2& 17, l. 100 (%6 Robert, Et. de/l. 461, note 161) (list of persons granted citizenship includes [ ... ]antos Meno[it]o[u] of [S]e[l]eukeia apo M[aiandr]o[u]; found at Thermus). @ @@@@Section: 9. Religious Inscriptions (31%19`49) @ @@@@Section: 9a. Dedications (31%19`49) @ @@`31. Dedication to emperor by Ti(berius) Claudius Diad[2o]2umeno[s]; imperial; found at Tralles: CIG 2921; *ITralles 42. @ @@`32. Dedication to Augustus [&3k&]&3tistes& and his Tyche by &3gerousia, on stele; prob. 26%3`25 BC; found at Tralles: Kontoleon, BCH 10, 1886, 516, no. 5; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 58; *ITralles 35. @ @@`33. Dedication to Hadrian &3soter& and &3ktistes&; AD 127%3`138; found at Tralles: Kubitschek %9 Reichel, Bericht 93, no. 7; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 113; *ITralles 45. @ @@`34. Dedication to Ha[drian] &3soter& and [&3kti&]&3stes&; AD 127%3`138; found at Tralles: Kubitschek %9 Reichel, Bericht 93, no. 7; *ITralles 46. @ @@`35. Dedication to Hadrian &3soter& and &3ktistes& and Sabina Augusta; AD 127%3`137; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 147; *ITralles 47. @ @@`36. Dedicatory inscription by Theon E..poleos, on marble fragment; imperial; found at Tralles: Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 390; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 90; *ITralles 166. @ @@`37. Dedication by (no name) and Thebaios Gorgou; imperial; found at Tralles: Mous. I 1873%19`1875, 98, no. 99; *ITralles 167. @ @@`38. Dedication to [A]pollo, on white marble fragment; no date; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, BCH 13, 1889, 280, no. 2; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 106; *ITralles 9. @ @@`39. &3Euche%19&dedication to Asklepios Soter by L(ucius) Salvius Epaphrodeitos et al., on altar; Roman; found at Tralles: Mous. II 2, 1878, 42, no. 258; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 27; *ITralles 10. @ @@`40. Dedication by Pausanias, &3hiereus& (of Dionysos), on base; no date; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, BCH 13, 1889, 280, no. 1; BE 1889:202; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 105; *ITralles 13. @ @@`41. Dedication of (statues of) Hermes by &3hiereus& of Tiberius and Hekate Augusta, on marble base (?); AD 14%3`37; found at Tralles: Rayet %9 Thomas, Milet 106; Contole/on, BCH 10, 1886, 516, no. 6; BE 1976:637; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 11; *ITralles 11. @ @@`42. Dedication of (statues of) Hermes by (no name), &3grammateus of Hekate, on base; no date; found at Tralles: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 347, no. 11; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 35; Merkelbach, ZPE 16, 1975, 237; BE 1976:637; *ITralles 12. @ @@`43. Dedication of (images of) [Ny]mphs to [Pan,] below marble relief; c. II&4`1&%3early imperial; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 116; Wiegand, MDAI(A) 36, 1911, 295%19`296, no. 5 (PH); Schro+der, AA 1919, 109%19`110; BE 1920:425; Robert, Et. anat. 408; BE 1938:389; Blu+mel, Fs. Schuchhardt 24%19`26 (PH); BE 1976:556; *ITralles 15. @ @@`44. Dedication to &3Theos Hypsistos,& on base; no date; found at Tralles: Mous. I 1873%19`1875, 95, no. 89; *ITralles 14. @ @@`45. Dedication of two eagles to Zeus as thanksgiving%19 offering by Diogenes Orthios (?), on base of statue of eagle; Roman%1; found at Tralles: Fellows, Account 19, no. 5; CIG 2923b (p. 1123); LW 597; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 64; Schaefer, De Iove apud Cares 458; Cook, Zeus II 958; *ITralles 4. @ @@`46. Dedication to Zeus by L(ucia) Aurelia Aemilia &3pallake,& on statue%19base; imperial; found at Tralles: Mous. I 1873%19`1875, 130, no. 49; Ramsay, BCH 7, 1883, 276%19`277, no. 19; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 33; Schaefer, De Iove apud Cares 457; Cook, Zeus II 959%19`960; Robert, Et. anat. 406; BE 1938:389; BE 1940:147; *ITralles 6. @ @@`47. Dedication to Zeus by Meltine Moscha &3pallake,& on base; imperial; found at Tralles: Robert, Et. anat. 407 (PH); BE 1938:389; BE 1940:147; *ITralles 7. @ @@`48. Dedication to Zeus of (statue of) Dionysos by Agathemeros &3hieros,& on statue%19base; no date; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 150; Schaefer, De Iove apud Cares 458; Cook, Zeus II 958; *ITralles 5. @ @@`49. Dedication to Zeus Larasios Sebastos Eumenes by Claudi[2u]2s Meliton &3hiereus&; imperial; found at Tralles: Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 381; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 89; *ITralles 8. @ See also: Tralles 16, 18%19`19, 21%19`22, 24, 50%19`51, 223; FD III 1, no. 550, l. 21 (dedication by athlete victorious at Pythia in Tralles, and elsewhere; found at Delphi); Ephesos 756 (%6 IEphesos 1124) (%6 JO+AI 52, 1980, 32, 34) (dedication to [Artem]is [Ephesia], Nerva, and demos of Ephesos by athlete Tib(erius) Cl(audius) Artemidoros of Tralles and other cities; found at Ephesos); ITralles p. 218, no. 7* (%6 GIBM 1034) (%6 BE 1938:389) (dedication to &3Apollon epekoos& by Marcus Salvius Aviscus; from Isbarta (in Pisidia,) not Tralles); ICos 407 (dedication (?) by &3thiaseitai& and Agathostraton Minnionos of Tralles; found on Kos); Miletos 304 (%6 6. Mil.%19Ber. 27) (unpublished altar of Zeus Larasios; found at Miletos); SEG 22, 350 (%6 Habicht, Olympia 7. Ber. 1961, 218), l. 27 (dedication by athlete Leon Myonidou, victorious at Dieia of Trall[e]s, and elsewhere; found at Olympia). @ @@@@Section: 9b. Other Religious Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Tralles 139, 246. @ @@@@Section: 10. Honorary Inscriptions (50%19`138) @ @@@@Section: 10a. Royal Honorary Inscriptions (50%19`58) @ @@`50. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Pleistarchos Antipatrou by Korylas Iasonos &3hiereus,& on base; 300%3`290 BC; found at Tralles: Kontoleon, BCH 10, 1886, 455%19`456, no. 6; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 50; Merkelbach, ZPE 16, 1975, 163; BE 1976:631; *ITralles 34. @ @@`51. Honorary%3dedicatory inscription for Agrippina Augusta (either the elder or the younger) by Iulia Apphias her &3hiereia, on marble slab; 1; found at Tralles: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 342%19`343, no. 2; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 134; *ITralles 36. @ @@`52. Honorary inscription for Claudius (?) by [de]mos of [Kaisareia] Tr[alleis]; 1; found at Tralles: Sterrett, MDAI(A) 8, 1883, 336, no. 16; Sterrett, Inscriptions of Tralles no. 16; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 138; Merkelbach, ZPE 16, 1975, 216; AnnEpig 1974, 622; BE 1976:637; *ITralles 38. @ @@`53. Honorary inscription for Claudius by demos; AD 41%3`54; found at Tralles: CIG 2922 %7 p. 1123; Bailie, Fasc. ii 81%19`82, no. 108.a; LW 600; Fellows, Account 299, no. 6; *ITralles 37. @ @@`54. Honorary inscription for Nero, on statue%19base; AD 54%3`68; found at O+merbeyli: Kern, MDAI(A) 16, 1891, 148%19`149; Kern, IMagnesia p. 123; *ITralles 40. @ @@`55. Honorary inscription for Nero by [de]mos of Kaisareia, on pedestal; AD 55%3`56; found at Ko+s%25k: CIG 2942d (p. 1124); LW 600a; Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 2; *ITralles 39. @ @@`56. Honorary inscription for Trajan by &3gerousia& of Kaisareia Tralleis; AD 98%3`102; found at Tralles: Kontoleon, BCH 10, 1886, 516%19`517, no. 7; Buresch, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 110%19`111, no. 11 and 116 note 2; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 8; *ITralles 41. @ @@`57. Honorary inscription for Hadrian by Alkibiades; AD 117%3`138; once at Tralles, perhaps identical with Nysa 23, found at Dall#1221ca near Nazilli and from Nysa: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 51; Ruge, RE s.v. Nysa 1632%19`1633; Ruge, RE s.v. Tralleis 2098; SEG 1, 441; Robert, Et. e/pig. 50 and note 1; *ITralles pp. 60%19`61 &3ad& no. 47. @ @@`58. Honorary inscription for Alex[ander Severus,] on base; AD 222%3`235; found at Tralles: LW 1652d, l. 9; *ITralles 48. @ See also: Tralles 224; Didyma 235 (%6 IDidyma 148) (%6 Hellenica 7, 206%19`238) (%6 BE 1950:177), ll. 16%19`17 (honorary inscription for Caligula by 13 &3neopoioi,& including Hierokles Artemidorou of Kaisareia; found at Didyma). @@@@Section: 10b. Other Honorary Inscriptions (59%19`138) @ @@`59. Honorary inscription for [A]pollonios Demetriou, &3archiereus of &3sy&[&3nodos,&] by Asia, the demos, and Dionysiac &3technitai&; c. 1; found at Tralles: Kontoleon, BCH 10, 1886, 455, no. 5; Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 387; Ramsay, REG 2, 1889, 27%19`28, no. 4; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 39; Waltzing, Et. hist. III 63, no.'s 172%19`173; *ITralles 65. @ @@`60. Honorary inscription for [Art]emo[n] Thessalou by demos, on marble base; no date; found at Tralles: Edhem bey, BCH 28, 1904, 79%19`80, no. 2; *ITralles 147.B. @ @@`61. Honorary inscription for Asklepiakos Diogenous of Pergamon, victorious athlete, [by polis according to decree]; c. AD 156%3`160; found at Kato Atzem Khanion: Kontoleon, BCH 11, 1887, 298%19`300, no. 7; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 29; *ITralles 127. @ @@`62. Honorary inscription for victorious athlete Asklepiakos Diogenous of Pergamon [by polis according to decree]; c. AD 156%3`160; found at Tralles: Sterrett, Inscriptions of Tralles 102%19`103; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 30; *ITralles 130. @ @@`63. Honorary inscription for Marcus [A]urelius Hierokles of [N]ysa and Trall[es], victorious athlete; 2&4e& or later; found at Tralles: MDAI(A) 21, 1896, 113, no. 2; Moretti, Olympionikai 170, no. 92 (non vidi); *ITralles 108. @ @@`64. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Aur(elius) Ones[i]mos; imperial; found at Tralles: LW 612; MDAI(A) 22, 1897, 484%19`485; *ITralles 67. @ @@`65. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Aurelius Soter by father [M(arcus) Aur(elius) ... ]; 2&4e&%3`3&4b&; found at Tralles: Sterrett, MDAI(A) 8, 1883, 330%19`332, no. 11; Sterrett, Inscriptions of Tralles no. 11; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 25; *ITralles 141. @ @@`66. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Aur(elius) Soterichos; imperial; found at Tralles: CIG 2928 %7 p. 1123; LW 608; Sterrett, MDAI(A) 8, 1883, 320%19`321, no. 4; Sterrett, Inscriptions of Tralles no. 4; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 70; *ITralles 68. @ @@`67. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Aur(elius) Zosimos, Asiarch, by demos of Aptyrathetai; c. 3&4m&; found at Bekiorou near #1222ncirliova: BCH 19, 1895, 560; MDAI(A) 21, 1896, 114%19`116, no. 4; *ITralles 69. @ @@`68. Honorary inscription for Berenicianus; imperial; found at Is%25#1221kl#1221, not Eumeneia: Mous. II 1, 1875%19`1876, 49, no. 168; Ramsay, Cities 378, no. 203; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 14; IGRR IV 740; *ITralles 73. @ @@`69. Honorary inscription for Dionysios [ ... ] of Laodikeia, victorious athlete, [by polis according to decree]; prob. 2; found at Tralles: CIG 2934; LW 611; Sterrett, MDAI(A) 8, 1883, 325%19`326, no. 8; Sterrett, Inscriptions of Tralles no. 8; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 71; *ITralles 140. @ @@`70. Honorary inscription for [D]ionysios So[ ... ] of Seleukeia, victorious athlete, by polis; c. AD 136%3`137; found near Kimer: Mous. II 1, 1876, 48, no. 167; Sterrett, MDAI(A) 8, 1883, 324%19`325, no. 7; Sterrett, Inscriptions of Tralles no. 7; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 4; Robert, Et. anat. 425%19`426; BE 1938:389; *ITralles 125. @ @@`71. Honorary inscription for Pu(blius) Ducenius Dionysios, &3isagogos& of Olympia, by boule, demos, and &3olympike synodos,& on marble base; AD 180%3`190; found at Tralles: Edhem bey, BCH 28, 1904, 80, no. 3; BE 1906:46; Robert, Et. anat. 419; BE 1938:389; *ITralles 133. @ @@`72. Honorary inscription for (Lucius Egnatius Victor) Lollianus, proconsul of Asia, by polis of Kaisareia Tralleis; AD 244%3`249; found at Tralles: Sterrett, MDAI(A) 8, 1883, 316%19`318, no. 1; Sterrett, Inscriptions of Tralles no. 1; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 67; *ITralles 55. @ @@`73. Honorary inscription for Euphiletos Euphiletou of Tralles, victorious athlete, [by polis according to decree,] on marble base; AD 180%3`190; found at Tralles: *ITralles 139 (PH). @ @@`74. Honorary inscription for Eutyches by &3syntechnia& of &3linyphoi&; no date; found at Tralles: LW 606; Sterrett, MDAI(A) 8, 1883 319%19`320, no. 3; Sterrett, Inscriptions of Tralles no. 3; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 72; Waltzing, Et. hist. III 63, no. 174; *ITralles 79. @ @@`75. Honorary inscription for Gaius Philadel[ ... ], victorious athlete, [by polis according to decree]; c. AD 156%3`160; found at Tralles: LW 1652c; Sterrett, Inscriptions of Tralles 103; Robert, RPh 4, 1930, 33 (%6 OM II 1133); *ITralles 129. @ @@`76. Honorary inscription for Hermogenes Antiochou of Laodikeia and Tralles, on base; no date; found at Tralles: Edhem bey, BCH 28, 1904, 90, no. 16; BE 1906:46; *ITralles 111. @ @@`77. Honorary inscription for Hippodamianos Agathionos, by polis, on marble fragment; no date; found at Tralles: Edhem bey, BCH 28, 1904, 90, no. 14; BE 1906:46; *ITralles 84. @ @@`78. Honorary inscription for G(aius) Iulius by boule and demos; I&4`2&%3`1&4b&; found at Tralles: Clerc, BCH 11, 1887, 346, no. 1; Merkelbach, ZPE 16, 1975, 238; BE 1976:637; *ITralles 85. @ @@`79. Honorary inscription for Iulius Amyntianus, &3hiereus& of Eisis and Saraapis by &3mystai&; Roman; found at Tralles: Mous. II 1, 1875%19`1876, 28%19`29, no. 125; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 37; Vidman, Sylloge no. 295; *ITralles 86. @ @@`80. Honorary inscription for Qu(intus) Iu(lius) Artemidorion, victorious athlete; AD 156%3`160; found at Tralles: Sterrett, MDAI(A) 8, 1883, 322%19`324, no. 6; Sterrett, Inscriptions of Tralles no. 6; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 31; *ITralles 128. @ @@`81. Honorary inscription for Ti(berius) Iulius Aurelianus by [ ... ], &3gerousia, neoi,& and &3synodos& of &3hieroneikai& and &3stephaneitai&; c. 3; found at Tralles: CIG 2931; *ITralles 112. @ @@`82. Honorary inscription for T[i](berius) (?) Iu[li]us Claudianus, partly for building activity; 1%3`3&4b&; found at Tralles: Mous. I 1873%19`1875, 126, no. 38; Pappakonstantinou %9 Sterrett, MDAI(A) 8, 1883, 328%19`330, no. 10; Sterrett, Inscriptions of Tralles no. 10; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 36; Laum II no. 95; *ITralles 145. @ @@`83. Honorary inscription for G(aius) Iulius Philippos, &3procurator Augustorum& by &3synodos& of (Dionysiac &3technitai&) from Ionia and Hellespont; 2&4`2&; found at Tralles: CIG 2933; Bailie, Fasc. ii 86%19`87, no. 102; LW 605; Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 380; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 86 (part); OGIS 501; IMagSip T32; *ITralles 50. @ @@`84. Honorary inscription for G(aius) Iulius Philippos; 2&4`2&; found at Tralles: Loewy, MDAI(A) 11, 1886, 203%19`204, no. 1; Contole/on, BCH 10, 1886, 456%19`457, no. 8; Foucart, BCH 10, 1886, 457%19`458; Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 379; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 102; OGIS 499; Schaefer, De Iove apud Cares 456; Cook, Zeus II 959; *ITralles 51. @ @@`85. Honorary inscription for Ti(berius) Iulius Valens of Ephesos, victorious athlete, by polis (of Tralles) according to decree, on base; AD 180%3`190; found at Tralles: Edhem bey, BCH 28, 1904, 83%19`84, no. 6; BE 1906:46; *ITralles 138. @ @@`86. Honorary inscription for Kallinoe, chosen &3hiereia& of Artemis by demos of Ephesos, by demoi of Asia, on marble slab; no date; found at Tralles: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 348, no. 12; Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 384; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 38; IEphesos 615A; *ITralles 87. @ @@`87. Fragment of honorary (or funerary%1) inscription for Publius Calpurnius Concordius; Roman; found at Tralles, later at Smyrna: Homeros 1874II 39; Papadopoulos%19Kerameus, Syllogos K%3pol. philol. hetair. 15, 1884, p. 53, no. 8; ISmyrna 370; *ITralles 269. @ @@`88. Honorary inscription for Claudia Apphia &3archiereia& by boule and demos, on base; imperial; found at Tralles: MDAI(A) 26, 1901, 239%19`240, no. 5; RA 41, 1902, 443, no. 178; *ITralles 71. @ @@`89. Honorary inscription for Tiberia Claudia Eupatoris Mandana Atticilla, on base; imperial; found at Man%19keui: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 7, no. 3; BE 1895:459; Pappakonstantinou, MDAI(A) 24, 1899, 92, no. 1; *ITralles 53. @ @@`90. Honorary inscription for [Claudia Capitolina] by [T(itus) Fl(avius)] Kleitosthen[es] and [T(itus) Fl(avius) Capi]tolinus, on fragment of marble slab; 3&4m&; found at Tralles, not Magnesia Sip.: MDAI(A) 21, 1896, 113%19`114, no. 3; Gardner, JHS 6, 1885, 349, no. 94; Groag, JO+AI 10, 1907, 282; IGRR IV 1340; BE 1930:209; *ITralles 72. @ @@`91. Honorary inscription for Ti(berius) Cl(audius) Glyptos by &3mystai&; 3; found at Tralles, not Magnesia Sip.: CIG 2926; Bailie, Fasc. ii 87%19`88, no. 113; LW 604; Gardner, JHS 6, 1885, 348, no. 93; IGRR IV 1341; Robert, RPh 3, 1929, 139 (%6 OM II 1105); BE 1930:209; *ITralles 74. @ @@`92. Honorary inscription for Pu(blius) Claudius Menetianos Kentaurianos, &3hiereus& of Helios, by &3patris,& on marble base; AD 180%3`190; found at Tralles: Edhem bey, BCH 28, 1904, 81 no. 4 and 90 no. 13; BE 1906:46; Robert, Eos 48II 1957, 231%19`238 (%6 OM I 646%19`653) (PH); BE 1958:453; SEG 20, 5; *ITralles 134 (PH). @ @@`93. End of honorary inscription mentioning Cl(audius) Mithridates, on base; imperial; found at Tralles: Sterrett, Inscriptions of Tralles 120; Loewy, MDAI(A) 11, 1886, 204, no. 2; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 48; Contole/on, REG 14, 1901, 304, no. 4; *ITralles 76. @ @@`94. Honorary inscription for Tib(erius) Cl(audius) Panychos Eutychos Koibilos by [boule, demos,] &3gerousia, neoi,& and Romans in Tralles; c. 2; found at Tralles: CIG 2930; Rayet %9 Thomas, Milet 51 (part); Oliver, Sacred Gerousia no. 50; BE 1970:532; *ITralles 77. @ @@`95. Honorary inscription for Gaius Lic[iniu]s Inventus of Smyrna and other cities, athlete; 3 or later; found at Tralles: CIG 2935; Bailie, Fasc. ii 85%19`86, no. 111; LW 598; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 83; Contole/on, REG 14, 1901, 305, no. 5; *ITralles 113. @ @@`96. Honorary inscription for Lucilia Laudike, &3archiereia,& by boule, demos, and &3gerousia&; c. 2; found at Tralles: Contole/on, BCH 11, 1887, 218, no. 12; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 93; Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 383; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia no. 49; *ITralles 88. @ @@`97. Honorary inscription for Menandros &3dittos,& [gy]mnasiarch and strategos; no date; found at Tralles: Contole/on, BCH 10, 1886, 456, no. 7; Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 389; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 85; Poljakov, EA 4, 1984, 73; BE 1987:197; SEG 34, 1074; *ITralles 89. @ @@`98. Honorary inscription for M(arcus) Valerius Septim[i]us Prepon, on marble base; imperial; found at Tralles: Robert, Et. anat. 422%19`423; BE 1938:389; *ITralles 114. @ @@`99. Honorary inscription for Marcus Nonios Eutyches &3grammateus, etc., by polis of Kaisareia Tralleis; imperial; found at Tralles: CIG 2929; *ITralles 90. @ @@`100. Honorary inscription for Aulus Fabricius Priscianus Charmosynos by [boule, demos,] and Romans [in Tralles]; c. AD 129%1; found at Tralles: CIG 2927; Du+rr, Die Reisen des Kaisers Hadrian 107 no. 23; *ITralles 80; **Migeotte, L'emprunt public no. 100.a (l. 9). @ @@`101. Honorary inscription for Philon Philonos, on slab; no date; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, MDAI(A) 24, 1899, 92, no. 3; *ITralles 91. @ @@`102. Honorary inscription for Fla(vius) Alexandros Oxeidas of Neikomedeia, by boule and demos, on column; imperial; found at Tralles: LW 1652b; Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 1; Robert, REG 49, 1936, 244%19`246 (%6 OM I 680%19`682); *ITralles 110 (PH). @ @@`103. Honorary inscription for Flavius Diadoumenos by boule and demos of Kaisar[eia Tralles,] on base; AD 211%3`217; found at Tralles: Kubitschek %9 Reichel, Bericht 94, no. 10; Buresch, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 111%19`113, no. 12; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 112; Contole/on, REG 14, 1901, 303%19`304, no. 1; *ITralles 81. @ @@`104. Honorary inscription for T(itus) Fl(avius) Philagros of Laodikeia and Tralles, victorious &3salpiktes,& [by polis,] on marble base; AD 180%3`190; found at Tralles: Edhem bey, BCH 28, 1904, 84%19`86, no. 7; BE 1906:46; *ITralles 135. @ @@`105. Honorary inscription for [T(itus) Flavius] Stasikles Metrophanes, &3hiereus& of Zeus Larasios, on marble base; 3&4m&; found at Tralles: MDAI(A) 26, 1901, 239, no. 4; BE 1903:100; RA 41, 1902, 443, no. 177; Groag, JO+AI 10, 1907, 284; *ITralles 82. @ @@`106. Honorary inscription for T(itus) Flavius Stasikles Metrophanes, on marble base; 3&4m&; found at Tralles: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 343, no. 3; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 49; *ITralles 83. @ @@`107. Honorary inscription for Popl[i]anos Poplianou of Prousa, victorious athlete, [by polis,] on marble base; AD 180%3`190; found at Tralles: Edhem bey, BCH 28, 1904, 86, no. 8; BE 1906:46; Robert, RPh 4, 1930, 34%19`35 (%6 OM II 1134%19`1135); BE 1931:227; *ITralles 137 (PH). @ @@`108. Honorary inscription for Serapion Serapionos of Magnesia Sip. and Tralles, victorious [&3ke&]&3ryx,& by polis according to decree, on marble base; AD 180%3`190; found at Tralles: Edhem bey, BCH 28, 1904, 81%19`83, no. 5; BE 1906:46; *ITralles 136. @ @@`109. Honorary inscription for Tryphosiano[s]; c. 2&4e&; found at Tralles: CIG 2932; Robert, HSCP Suppl. 1, 1940, 510%19`511 (%6 OM I 634%19`635); BE 1944:166; *ITralles 143. @ @@`110. Fragment of honorary inscription for (?) Anton[in ... ], by [polis of Kaisare]ia Trall[eis]; c. 3; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 132; *ITralles 59. @ @@`111. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]as of Smyr[na,] Trales, [Ar]gos, and [Sardi]s, victorious at [Trall]es and elsewhere; 2%3`3; found at Tralles: LW 609; Sterrett, MDAI(A) 8, 1883, 326%19`328, no. 9; Sterrett, Inscriptions of Tralles 106%19`107, no. 9; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 69; Robert, RPh 4, 1930, 31%19`32 (%6 OM II 1131%19`1132); BE 1931:227; *ITralles 119. @ @@`112. Fragment of honorary inscription for (?) Leuki[ ... ], on white limestone; Roman; found at Tralles: *ITralles 98. @ @@`113. Fragment of honorary inscription for consular Maxim[ ... ] (?); imperial; found near Tralles: Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 395; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 45; *ITralles 60. @ @@`114. Honorary inscription for [ ... ]pos of Adramy[tteion,] victorious athlete, [by polis according to decree,] on marble block; AD 180%3`190; found at Tralles: Robert, Et. anat. 423%19`425; BE 1938:389; Oliver, The Ruling Power 966; SEG 15, 663; *ITralles 132. @ @@`115. Honorary inscription for (no name) Galenou, victorious athlete, [by polis according to decree]; c. AD 160%3`161%1; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, BCH 29, 1905, 361; *ITralles 131. @ @@`116. Fragment of honorary inscription for son (?) of [Capito]lin[us] by boule and [demos]; imperial; found at Tralles: LW 602; *ITralles 57. @ @@`117. Honorary inscription for (no name), sister of Flavius Antoninus, by Gaius &3pragmateutes,& on statue%19base; 3; found at Tralles: MDAI(A) 21, 1896, 112%19`113, no. 1; AnnEpig 1896, 106; ILS 8836; Groag, JO+AI 10, 1907, 290; *ITralles 54. @ @@`118. Fragment mentioning &3hiereus& of &3thea synkletos,& on base; Roman; found at #1222ncirliova: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 8%19`9, no. 6; BE 1895:459; Merkelbach, ZPE 16, 1975, 300; BE 1976:637; Forni, Il culto del Senato di Roma, Tituli 4, 1982, 32, no. 49b; *ITralles 16. @ @@`119. Honorary inscription for athlete (no name), victorious at Koriasia at Kleito[r], with artist's signature by Philotechnos Herodou of Samos, on slab; c. 130 BC; found at Dedeko+y: Contole/on, BCH 10, 1886, 326%19`327; Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 394; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 87; Marcade/, Rec. II 88; SEG 18, 454; *ITralles 116. @ @@`120. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name) by boule, demos, and &3gerousia&; imperial; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 135; *ITralles 95. @ @@`121. Honorary inscription for athlete (no name) of [Tralle]s (?), on base; imperial; found at Tralles: Edhem bey, BCH 28, 1904, 89%19`90, no. 11; BE 1906:46; *ITralles 118. @ @@`122. Honorary inscription for (no name) by boule, demos, &3gerousia, neoi,& and [Romans] in Tralles, on base; c. 2; found at Tralles: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 347, no. 10; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 34; Oliver, Sacred Gerousia no. 51; *ITralles 93. @ @@`123. Honorary inscription for (no name), victorious athlete, [by polis according to decree,] on slab; c. AD 156%3`160; found at Tralles: MDAI(A) 26, 1901, 239, no. 3; BE 1903:100; RA 41, 1902, 443, no. 176; *ITralles 126. @ @@`124. Honorary inscription for (no name), victorious athlete, by father (no name); 2&4e&%3`3&4b&; found at Tralles: Sterrett, MDAI(A) 8, 1883, 332, no. 12; Sterrett, Inscriptions of Tralles no. 12; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 12; *ITralles 142. @ @@`125. Honorary inscription for athlete (no name), citizen of [Tralle]s (?) and Ephesos, on base; AD 192%3c. 275; found at Tralles: Edhem bey, BCH 28, 1904, 87%19`89, no. 10; BE 1906:46; Moretti, Iscr. agon. no. 78; SEG 14, 735; *ITralles 117 (PH). @ @@`126. Honorary inscription for (no name) by [demos] of Kaisareia Tral[les] and [&3gerousia& (?)]; c. 3; found at Tralles: LW 1652a; Rayet %9 Thomas, Milet 186%19`187; *ITralles 94. @ @@`127. Honorary inscription for (no name), proconsul, by polis of Kais[a]reia Tralleis; AD 211%3`217; found at Tralles: Sterrett, MDAI(A) 8, 1883, 333, no. 13; Sterrett, Inscriptions of Tralles no. 13; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 7; *ITralles 52. @ @@`128. Honorary inscription for (no name), consular, by [polis of Kaisareia Tralleis; AD 211%3`217; found at Tralles: MDAI(A) 26, 1901, 240, no. 6; RA 41, 1902, 443, no. 179; *ITralles 58. @ @@`129. Fragment of honorary inscription by polis mentioning Euare[tos]; no date; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 108; *ITralles 78. @ @@`130. Fragment of honorary inscription on column; no date; found at Tralles: Amaltheia 27 Jun. 1901 (non vidi); Tachydromos 30 Jun. 1901 (non vidi); *ITralles 91A. @ @@`131. Honorary inscription for (no name), &3strategos&; no date; found at Tralles: Salac%148, BCH 51, 1927, 394, no. 18; BE 1929:201; *ITralles 92. @ @@`132. Fragment of honorary inscription by polis for (no name), on white marble; no date; found at Tralles: Edhem bey, BCH 28, 1904, 90, no. 15; BE 1906:46; *ITralles 96. @ @@`133. Fragment of honorary inscription for (no name) by boule and demos, on base; no date; found at Tralles: *ITralles 97. @ @@`134. Honorary inscription for (no name), who served as &3strategos& and in other offices, on column; no date; found near Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 148; *ITralles 120. @ @@`135. Honorary inscription for athlete (no name), on fragment of stele; no date; found at Tralles: MDAI(A) 26, 1901, 240, no. 7; Robert, Et. anat. 423; BE 1938:389; *ITralles 121. @ @@`136. Fragment of honorary inscription for victor (no name); no date; found at Tralles: Edhem bey, BCH 28, 1904, 91, no. 17; BE 1906:46 *ITralles 122. @ @@`137. Fragment of honorary inscription by polis for victor (no name), according to decree; no date; found at Tralles: Edhem bey, BCH 28, 1904, 90, no. 12; BE 1906:46; *ITralles 123. @ @@`138. Fragment of honorary (?) inscription for (no name), mentioning Pythia, on marble slab; no date; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 100; *ITralles 144A. @ See also: Tralles 1%19`7, 146%19`148, 164, 170, 182, 215, 225%19`226, 231 (?), 254 (?); BE 1972:366 (honorary (?) inscription for athlete mentions &3koinon Asias& at Tralles; found at Abydos); Mitchell, AS 27, 1977, 75, no. 8, l. 23 (%6 SEG 27, 843) (honorary inscription for Q(uintus) Iul(ius) Dionysios, athlete victorious at Pythia of Tralles, and elsewhere; found at Ankyra); ITralles p. 216, no. 1* (honorary inscription for Adrastos Adr[as]tou; found at Umurlu, but from Antiocheia Mai.); Aphrodisias 252 (%6 #1222nan %9 Rosenbaum no. 235) (%6 MDAI(R) 92, 1985, 307, I12) (honorary inscription of M(arcus) Aur(elius) Apollonios, on bust; now at Tralles, but from Bozdog%27an near Aphrodisias); Aphrodisias 282 (%6 CIG 2790) (%6 LW 1609) (%6 OGIS 500) (honorary inscription for G(aius) Iulius Philippos (of Tralles); found at Aphrodisias); FD III 1, no. 557, l. 8 (honorary (?) inscription for (?) [ ... Aurelius Dam]as, athlete and [citizen (?)] of [Kaisareia Tral]les et al.; found at Delphi); FD III 1, no. 551, l. 12 (honorary inscription for Tib(erius) Iulius Apolaustos, &3bouleutes& of Tralles and other cities; found at Delphi); Syll&4`3& 802.A (%6 FD III 1, no. 534) (honorary%3dedicatory inscription to Apollon Pythios for Tryphosa, Hedea, and Dionysia, victorious at Isthmia, by father Hermesianax Dionysiou of Kaisareia Tralleis, Athens, and Delphi; found at Delphi); Syll&4`3& 802.B (%6 FD III 1, no. 533) (honorary inscription for Hermesianax Dionysiou of Kaisareia Tralleis and daughters by &3polis& of Delphi; found at Delphi); FD III 1, no. 555, l. 16 (honorary inscription for (no name), victorious at Pythia in Tralles, and elsewhere; found at Delphi); Ephesos 1106 (%6 IEphesos 615) (honorary inscription for M(arcus) Antonius Pythodoros (son of Pythodoros II of Nysa and Tralles); found at Ephesos); Ephesos 1131, l. 8 (%6 SEG 26, 1260) (BE 1977:419) (%6 IEphesos 1113) (honorary inscription for athlete [M]arcus Aur(elius) Chresi[mos] of Kaisar[eia T]ralleis and Ephesos; found at Ephesos); Ephesos 1151, l. 7 (%6 SEG 26, 1259) (BE 1977:419) (%6 IEphesos 1111) (honorary inscription for athlete [Marcus] Aur(elius) Zotikos of Kaisarei[a Tral]leis and Epheso[s]; found at Ephesos); Ephesos 1221, ll. 2, 4, 12 (%6 IEphesos 2070 %7 2071) (honorary inscription for [&3hypokrites Tib(erius) Iulius Apolaustos,] &3bouleutes& of Tralles, Kaisareia (different city,) and other cities; found at Ephesos); Ephesos 1236 (%6 IEphesos 3049) (%6 Forsch. in Ephesos II no. 49) (honorary inscription for G(aius) Iulius Philippus (of Tralles); found at Ephesos); Ephesos 1244 (%6 IEphesos 1147) (honorary inscription for &3komodos& [I]ul(ius) Tryphonianus, of Tralles and Ephesos; found at Ephesos); Ephesos 1279 (%6 ITralles p. 216, no. 2*) (%6 Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 10) (%6 IEphesos 1599) (honorary inscription for Claudius Bassus; found at Ephesos (?), not Tralles); Ephesos 1511 (%6 IEphesos 4340) (%6 BE 1953:177) (%6 Forschungen in Ephesos IV 3 no. 40) (honorary inscription for [ ... ]l%1i%1[us] Secundin[us] of Tralles, Platonic &3philosoph&[&3os&], by student; found at Ephesos); Ephesos 1698 (%6 IEphesos 1615) (%6 GIBM 615) (honorary inscription for athlete (no name), victorious at Olympia at Tralles; found at Ephesos); Ephesos 1746, l. 8 (%6 IEphesos 1611) (%6 GIBM 611) (honorary inscription for athlete (no name), victorious at Olympia at Tralles; found at Ephesos); Ephesos 1757 (%6 IEphesos 1608.b) (honorary inscription for athlete (no name), citizen of Se[leukeia (?)] and other cities; found at Ephesos); Ephesos 1758, parts 7 and 9 (%6 IEphesos 1130) (honorary inscription for athlete (no name), victorious at [O]l[ym]pia and Pythia at Tralles and elsewhere; found at Ephesos); ITralles p. 217, no. 4* (%6 Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 16) (%6 Herakleia Salb. 28) (%6 CIG 3953b.a) (%6 MAMA VI 106.I) (%6 Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 23) (%6 La Carie II no. 63.A) (honorary inscription for Glykon Sosthenous by boule and demos; found at Acarlar, but from Herakleia Salb., not Tralles); ITralles p. 218, no. 5* (%6 Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 22) (%6 Herakleia Salb. 33) (%6 CIG 3953b.b) (%6 MAMA VI 106.II) (%6 Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 24) (%6 La Carie II no. 63.B) (honorary inscription for Melitia Char.dou by boule and demos; found at Acarlar, but from Herakleia Salb., not Tralles); IGRR IV 160 (%6 CIG 3674) (honorary inscription for athlete M(arcus) Aurelius Koros of Tralles and other cities, victorious at Olympia of Tralles, and elsewhere; found at Kyzikos); Magnesia 278.b ll. 8%19`9 (%6 IMagnesia 192) (%6 Hermes 65, 1930, 117) (honorary inscription for (no name) by Ka[isa]reia and other cities; found at Magnesia Mai.); IG XIV 746, ll. 11%19`12 (honorary inscription for T(itus) Flavius Artemidoros, athlete victorious at Tralles and elsewhere; found at Naples); ITralles 17* (%6 LW 1652f) (%6 Mous. III 1880, 181) (%6 Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 3) (%6 Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 81) (honorary inscription for P(ublius) Aelius Alki[2bi]2ad%1es; found at Ko+s%25k, from Nysa); OGIS 498 (honorary inscription for G(aius) Iuliu[s] Philippos of Tralles by &3Olympik&[&3e&] &3boule&; found at Olympia); SEG 17, 628 (%6 SEG 6, 727) (%6 Bean, Belleten 22, 1958, 52) (%6 RPh 3, 1929, 128, 9) (%6 ASAA 6, 1923, 443, 153) (honorary inscription for athlete (no name), victorious at [Pythia (?)] in Tralles, and elsewhere; found at Perge); ITralles p. 223, no. 19* (%6 Foucart, RA 13, 1866, 363) (%6 Gelzer, RhM 27, 1872, 467, no. IX) (%6 Ruge RE s.v. Tralleis 2099,61%19`2100,5) (honorary inscription for Alkimedon Alkistratou of Hygassos by &3koinon& of Hermaistai; found at Tralles, but from Rhodes or its territory); IG XIV 1079 (fragment perhaps of honorary inscription by [Kaisa]r%1eia Trall[eis]; found at Rome); Robert, Doc. As. Min. 101%19`105, ll. 14%19`15 (%6 BE 1967:538) (honorary inscription by [b]oule and demo[s] (of Seleukeia Kalykad.) for Pu(blius) Aelius Heliodoros, athlete victorious at Tralles and elsewhere; found at Seleukeia Kalykad.); SEG 17, 628 (%6 SEG 6, 727) (%6 Moretti no. 69) (%6 Bean, Belleten 17, 1953, 175%19`176, no. 12) (honorary inscription for M(arcus) Iu[2s]2tius Marcianus Rufus of Sinope, athlete victorious at Tralles and elsewhere; found at Sinope); Smyrna 144, ll. 4, 10 (%6 ISmyrna 662) (honorary inscription for athlete Agathopous Dionysiou of Tralles and elsewhere, victorious at Tralles and elsewhere; found at Smyrna); Smyrna 145 (%6 ISmyrna 659) (%6 CIG 3208) (%6 IGRR IV 1432) (honorary inscription for G(aius) Ant(onius) Septimius Publius, &3kitharoidos,& victorious at Pythia at Tralles, and elsewhere; found at Smyrna); Smyrna 186, ll. 4%19`5 (%6 ISmyrna 664) (%6 CIG 3209) (honorary inscription for athlete (no name), victorious at Pythia at Tralles, and elsewhere; found at Smyrna); Frisch, ZPE 15, 1974, 162, ll. 5%19`6 (honorary inscription for athlete (no name), victorious at &3Koinon Asias& at Tralles, and elswhere; found somewhere in Troad). @@@@Section: 11. Horoi and Milestones (139%19`144) @ @@@@Section: 11a. Horoi (139%19`140) @ @@`139. Horos of asylum of Dionysos Bakchos, with curse for violators, with reference to decree of Traldeis; c. 350 BC, reinscribed 1; found at Tralles: CIG 2919; LW 1651; Michel 804; Syll&4`2& 573; Quandt, De Baccho 192; Robert, Coll. Froehner no. 96 (PH); BE 1938:390; Sokolowski, LSAM no. 75; SEG 15, 665; Hornblower, Mausolus no. M4; *ITralles 3. @ @@`140. Boundary%19stone with prohibition of entering &3elaion,& on black block; no date; found at Tralles: Robert, Et. anat. 415 (PH); BE 1938:389; *ITralles 245. @ @@@@Section: 11b. Milestones (141%19`144) @ @@`141. Milestone in Latin and Greek for 29th mile (from Ephesos); 128%3`126 BC; found between O+merbeyli and Tralles: CIG 2920; CIL III 479 %7 14201&4`11&; Ramsay, JHS 2, 1881, 45%19`46; Haussoullier, RPh 23, 1899, 294%19`295; IEphesos 3161; *ITralles 170. @ @@`142. Milestone in Latin and Greek for 31st mile (from Ephesos); AD 41%3`54; found near Tralles: Ramsay, JHS 2, 1881, 47 (part); Mommsen, Ephem. Epigr. 5, 65, no. 175 (non vidi); Sterrett, MDAI(A) 8, 1883, 333%19`334, no. 14; Sterrett, Inscriptions of Tralles no. 14; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 66; CIL III 7206; IEphesos 3163; *ITralles 172. @ @@`143. Milestone in Latin and Greek for 30th mile from Ephesos; AD 254; found at Dedeko+y: LW 1652e; Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 48, no. 273; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 46; CIL III 6094; IEphesos 3162; *ITralles 171.A. @ @@`144. Milestone for second mile from Tralleis; AD 293%3`305; found at Dedeko+y: LW 1652e; Mous. II 2%19`3, 1876%19`1878, 48, no. 273; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 47; CIL III 6094 %7 14202; IEphesos 3162; *ITralles 171.B. @ See also: Magnesia 297 (%6 ITralles p. 221, no. 12*) (%6 Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 151) (%6 IEphesos 3160) (milestone for 20th mile from Ephesos; found at Germencik, in territory of Magnesia Mai., not Tralles). @ @@@@Section: 12. Topos Inscriptions (_) @ See also: Tralles 227. @ @@@@Section: 13. Manumissions (_) @ @@@@Section: 14. Contracts (_) @ @@@@Section: 15. Epigrams (145%19`151) @ @@`145. Oracle of Pythian (Apollo) in hexameters concerning founding of cult of Poseidon, on same stone as Tralles 246.5; 2%3`3; found at Tralles: Mous. III 1%19`2, 1878%19`1880, 181, no. 369; Hauvette%19Besnault, BCH 5, 1881, 340%19`342, no. 1; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 52; BE 1904:255; Kern, Genethliakon C. Robert 98%19`101; BE 1920:425; *ITralles 1. @ @@`146. Honorary inscription for (Caelius) Montius, proconsul, in elegiacs, for building activity, on marble slab; AD 340%3`350; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, REA 11, 1909, 296%19`300; AnnEpig 1910, 58; Hellenica 4, 112%19`114; SEG 15, 664; BE 1949:172; *ITralles 152. @ @@`147. Honorary inscription, partly in hexameters, for Pollion Euboulou of Nysa; imperial; found at Tralles: CIG 2936; Bailie, Fasc. ii 84%19`85, no. 110; Kaibel 946; *ITralles 144. @ @@`148. Honorary inscription in verse for athlete (no name), victorious at Priene; c. II&4b&; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 149; IPriene 216, no. 532; *ITralles 115. @ @@`149. Funerary inscription in hexameters for gladiator Victor, on white marble stele; 2; found at Tralles: Fellows, Account 298%19`299, no. 4; CIG 2942c (p. 1124); LW 613; Kaibel 290; Caetani%19Lovatelli, MDAI(R) 15, 1900, 99%19`105; Mendel, Cat. sculpt. III 287%19`288, no. 1061; Robert, Glad. no. 148; Peek GVI I 981; Pfuhl %9 Mo+bius no. 1197 (PH); *ITralles 103. @ @@`150. Funerary inscription for Seikilos Euter(pou), partly in hexameters, with song given with musical notation, on column%19base; c. 1; found at Tralles: Ramsay, BCH 7, 1883, 277%19`278, no. 21; Cougny, Anth. Pal. III 595, 607 (non vidi); Wessely, REG 5, 1892, 266%19`267; Crusius, Philologus 52, 1894, 160%19`173; BCH 18, 1894, 365 (non vidi); Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis, plate 16; C. von Jan, Musici Scriptores Graeci 450%19`452; BCH 48, 1924, 507 (PH); SEG 4, 421; BE 1926:282; Robert, Et. anat. 412, note 4; BE 1954:224; Peek GVI I 1955; Po+hlmann, Denkma+ler alter. Musik no. 18 (PH); Vogt, Gr. Literatur 136 (non vidi); *ITralles 219; Solomon, AJP 107, 1986, 455%19`479 (non vidi); SEG 36, 1008. @ @@`151. Funerary inscription in hexameters for (no name), gladiator, on marble stele; 2; found at Tralles: Fellows, Account 18 no. 3 and 298%19`299; CIG 2942b (p. 1124); LW 614; Kaibel 291; Caetani%19Lovatelli, MDAI(R) 15, 1900, 105%19`107; Mendel, Cat. sculpt. III 285%19`287, no. 1060; Robert, Glad. no. 149 (PH); *ITralles 102. @ See also: IG IX 2, 637 (funerary inscription in elegiacs of Herakleides of Tralles; found at Larisa in Thessaly); CIL XIV 480 (funerary inscription in elegiacs in Latin for Socrates Astomachi from Tralles; found at Ostia); ITralles 70 (%6 SEG 1976:637) (honorary inscription in elegiacs for Chairemon seen by Agathias; once at Tralles). @ @@@@Section: 16. Funerary Inscriptions (152%19`221) @ @@`152. Funerary inscription of Pu(blius) Aelius Antiochos; Roman; found at Tralles: Contole/on, REG 13, 1900, 500, no. 7; *ITralles 175. @ @@`153. Funerary inscription by Akeso[n ... ]simeinous for self et al., on marble fragment; no date; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 53; Merkelbach, ZPE 21, 1976, 156; SEG 26, 1232; BE 1977:462; *ITralles 176. @ @@`154. Funerary inscription for Alexandros et al.; no date; found at Tralles: *ITralles 237. @ @@`155. &3Bomos& inscription of Gaius Anthestios Philoxa[ ... ] et al., on marble column; Roman; found at Tralles: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 348, no. 13; Lewis, The Academy 22, Jan%19Jun 1883, 31 (non vidi); Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 43; *ITralles 177. @ @@`156. Funerary inscription of Antiochos Metrophanou; no date; found at Tralles: *ITralles 178. @ @@`157. &3Mnemeion& inscription by Antonia Meandrionos for self and family; Roman; found at Tralles: Mous. II 1, 1876, 32, no. 136; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 23; *ITralles 179. @ @@`158. &3Heroon& inscription of Apphion Metra et al.; no date; found at Tralles: *ITralles 180. @ @@`159. Dedicatory inscription for &3agalma& of deceased Apollonios Sokratous by wife Stratoneik[e] Apolloniou; no date; found at Tralles: Mous. I 1875, 97, no. 94; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 2; *ITralles 181. @ @@`160. Funerary inscription for Artemidoros Menodorou et al.; no date; found at Tralles: Sterrett, MDAI(A) 8, 1883, 337, no. 19; Sterrett, Inscriptions of Tralles no. 19; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 6; *ITralles 182. @ @@`161. Funerary inscription for Askle[pio ... ] (?) Dionys[ios] et al.; no date; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 61; *ITralles 183. @ @@`162. &3Heroon& inscription of Aurelius Apollonios and family; imperial; found at Tralles: Salac%148, BCH 51, 1927, 393%19`394, no. 17; BE 1929:201; *ITralles 186. @ @@`163. &3Mnemeion& inscription of M(arcus) Aur(elius) Aristoneikos and Aur(elia) Aphion; imperial; found at Kemerko+y: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 96; Contole/on, REG 13, 1900, 500, no. 6; *ITralles 187. @ @@`164. Honorary%3funerary inscription for M(arcus) Aur(elius) Euarestos by boule and demos; 2&4`2&%3`3&4`1&; found at Tralles: Fellows, Account 17; CIG 2930b (p. 1123); Bailie, Fasc. ii 82%19`84, no. 109; LW 610; Sterrett, MDAI(A) 8, 1883, 321%19`322, no. 5; Sterrett, Inscriptions of Tralles no. 5; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 68; Laum II no. 99; *ITralles 66. @ @@`165. &3Soros& inscription of M(arcus) Aur(elius) Kosmion and &3ekgonoi&; imperial; found at O+merbeyli: CIG 2939; *ITralles 188. @ @@`166. Funerary inscription of &3stratiotes& Aur(elius) Onesimos by brother Aur(elius) Rh....linos Kountoubeiaris; prob. 3&4e&; found at Tralles: CIG 2941; ILS 8875; *ITralles 189. @ @@`167. &3Heroon& inscription of Mar(cus) Aur(elius) Tryphon and family; imperial; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 114; *ITralles 190. @ @@`168. Funerary inscription for &3stratiotes& Aurelius Agath[ ... ] by brother Aurelius Pro[ ... ]; imperial; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 143; *ITralles 185. @ @@`169. Funerary inscription for Marcus Aurelius [ ... ] and family; imperial; found at Acarlar: Contole/on, BCH 10, 1886, 518, no. 10; Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 386; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 56; *ITralles 184. @ @@`170. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Chariton Menippou et al., by &3hieroneikai, stephaneitai,& and &3gerousia&; imperial; found at Tralles: MDAI(A) 21, 1896, 263; *ITralles 109. @ @@`171. &3Soros& inscription of Dadouchos, &3doulos pragmateutes& of G(aius) Iu(lius) Philippos and family; 2; found at Tralles: Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 346, no. 8; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 131; *ITralles 194. @ @@`172. &3Soro&[&3s&] inscription of (?) [De]metrios et al.; no date; found at Tralles: CIG 2938; *ITralles 196. @ @@`173. Funerary inscription for Hekataia Xenonos, with curse for unauthorized burial; no date; found at Tralles: Salac%148, BCH 51, 1927, 394, no. 19; BE 1929:201; *ITralles 199. @ @@`174. Funerary inscription for [He]rennia Nousarin; Roman; found at Tralles: LW 1652h; *ITralles 200. @ @@`175. &3Mnemeion& inscription of Hermas Philemonos and family; no date; found at Tralles: Contole/on, REG 13, 1900, 500, no. 5; *ITralles 201. @ @@`176. &3Mnemeion& inscription of Iason Archeteimou and family; no date; found at Tralles: Sterrett, MDAI(A) 8, 1883, 336%19`337, no. 17; Sterrett, Inscriptions of Tralles no. 17; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 17; *ITralles 202. @ @@`177. &3Kaustra& inscription of Gaius Iulius Aphrodeisios; imperial; found at Tralles, not Smyrna: CIG 2942 %7 3290; Robert, RPh 13, 1939, 212 (%6 OM II 1365); *ITralles 203. @ @@`178. &3Mnema& inscription of Gaius Iulius Epaphroditos et al.; imperial; found at Tralles: *ITralles 204. @ @@`179. Funerary inscription of Quintus Caecilius Demetrios et al., on marble altar; Roman; found at Tralles, not on Chios: Keil %9 Weber %9 Fontrier, MDAI(A) 25, 1900, 125, no. 9; Zolotas, Athena 20, 1908, 259, no. 131; Robert, RPh 18, 1944, 50%19`51 (%6 OM III 1416%19`1417); BE 1943:52; *ITralles 191. @ @@`180. Fragments of funerary inscription for family mentioning Keladio[n]; no date; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 128; *ITralles 229. @ @@`181. &3Mnemeon& inscription of Klarion Daphnou &3libanopoles&; imperial; found at Tralles: Robert, Et. anat. 412%19`413; BE 1938:389; *ITralles 205. @ @@`182. Honorary%3funerary inscription for Tiberius Claudius Ep[i]gonianos by boule, demos, and &3gerousia,& on marble base; 1%3`2; found at Tralles: Sterrett, MDAI(A) 8, 1883, 318%19`319, no. 2; Sterrett, Inscriptions of Tralles no. 2; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 18; *ITralles 75. @ @@`183. Funerary inscription for (?) Quintus [ ... ] and family; Roman; found near Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 110; *ITralles 228. @ @@`184. Funerary inscription for Kolotes Hekataiou; no date; found at Tralles: *ITralles 207. @ @@`185. Funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for &3accensus Publius Cornelius Gentius, on column; Roman; found at Tralles: Kubitschek %9 Reichel, Bericht 93, no. 3; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 144; CIL III 13682; Salac%148, BCH 51, 1927, 392%19`393, no. 16.2; BE 1929:201; *ITralles 192. @ @@`186. &3Mn&[&3emeion&] inscription of [ ... ]klas Krystallos, on marble slab; no date; found at Tralles: Malay, ZPE 48, 1982, 257, no. 4 (PH); SEG 32, 1123; BE 1983:397; *ITralles 193. @ @@`187. &3Mnemeio&[&3n&] inscription of Lesbios [Dia]doumenou and family; no date; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 94; *ITralles 206. @ @@`188. &3Mnemeon& inscription of Lykiskos Perigenou and Pamphilos Athenagorou &3sitopolai&; no date; found at Tralles: Kubitschek %9 Reichel, Bericht 93, no. 8; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 111; *ITralles 208. @ @@`189. Funerary inscription for Maiandria Hierophontos and Apollonios Artemidorou; no date; found at Tralles: Sterrett, MDAI(A) 8, 1883, 337, no. 18; Sterrett, Inscriptions of Tralles no. 18; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 9; *ITralles 209. @ @@`190. Funerary inscription for Maiandria Menekratou et al.; no date; found at Tralles: CIG 2940; *ITralles 210. @ @@`191. &3Mnemeo&[&3n&] inscription of Menandros [D]emetriou et al.; no date; found at Tralles: *ITralles 210A. @ @@`192. Funerary inscription of M(arcus) Valerius Vitalius, on column; Roman; found at Tralles: Sterrett, MDAI(A) 8, 1883, 337%19`338, no. 20; Sterrett, Inscriptions of Tralles no. 20; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 136; *ITralles 224.A. @ @@`193. Funerary inscription in Latin for [C]n(aius) Vergilius Nysios by [T]halamus; Roman; found at Tralles: Hauvette%19Besnault, BCH 5, 1881, 346%19`347, no. 9; CIL III 7147; *ITralles 223. @ @@`194. Funerary inscription for Marcus Vitellius Rufus, on marble sarcophagus; imperial%1; found at Tralles: Ramsay, BCH 7, 1883, 277, no. 20.b; *ITralles 215.B. @ @@`195. Funerary inscription for Pamphilos Aphrodisiou and Aphrodisios Pamphilou, on column; no date; found at Tralles: Contole/on, BCH 10, 1886, 519, no. 13; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 3; *ITralles 211. @ @@`196. Funerary inscription for [ ... ]os Partheno[s] (or (no name) son of Partheno[s]) and family; no date; found at Tralles: Mous. I 1875, 95, no. 88; *ITralles 236. @ @@`197. Funerary inscription for Philaios Philaiou et al.; no date; found at Tralles: Contole/on, BCH 10, 1886, 519, no. 14; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 5; *ITralles 212. @ @@`198. Funerary inscription for Philomousos Epigonou; no date; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 123; *ITralles 213. @ @@`199. [&3Mne&]&3meion& inscription in Latin and Greek of Gaius Fregellianus One[sylos] by Gaius Fregellianus Diomedes; Roman; found at Tralles: Salac%148, BCH 51, 1927, 392%19`393, no. 16.1; BE 1929:201; *ITralles 214. @ @@`200. Funerary inscription of Pollion Doryphoros and family, on marble sarcophagus; imperial%1; found at Tralles: Ramsay, BCH 7, 1883, 277, no. 20.a; *ITralles 215.A. @ @@`201. Funerary inscription for Pyrrhos Dionysiou; no date; found at Tralles: LW 616; *ITralles 216. @ @@`202. Funerary inscription in Latin for G(aius) Reius Priscus, &3evocatus Augusti&; imperial; found at Tralles: CIL III 446; ILS 2140; *ITralles 217. @ @@`203. &3Memorion& inscription of Sanbathios Eutropiou; no date; found at Tralles: Contole/on, REG 13, 1900, 500%19`501, no. 10; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 118; *ITralles 218. @ @@`204. Funerary inscription for Tation Agroitou, on marble base; imperial; found at Tralles: LW 1652g; *ITralles 221. @ @@`205. Funerary inscription for Tettios Skartos, on column; no date; found at Tralles: Sterrett, MDAI(A) 8, 1883, 337%19`338, no. 20; Sterrett, Inscriptions of Tralles no. 20; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 137; *ITralles 224.B. @ @@`206. &3Soros& inscription of Thaitetos Thaitetou and Eros Thaitetou; no date; found at #1222ncirliova: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 7, no. 4; *ITralles 222. @ @@`207. Funerary inscription for Zopyrion Metrodorou and Mandron Zopyrionos, on funerary stele; no date; found at Tralles: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 345, no. 6; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 133; *ITralles 225. @ @@`208. &3Mnemeion& inscription of Zosimos Athenion and family, on funerary slab; no date; found at Tralles: *ITralles 226. @ @@`209. &3Mnemeion& inscription for [ ... ]m[ ... ]s [Dem]etriou et al.; no date; found at Tralles: Contole/on, REG 13, 1900, 501, no. 11; *ITralles 195. @ @@`210. Funerary inscription of [ ... ]ores (?) [S]ogenou; no date; found at Tralles: Mous. II 2%19`3. 1876%19`1878, 55, no. 133; *ITralles 197. @ @@`211. Funerary inscription of [ ... ]os Teimarcho[u]; no date; found at Tralles: Fellows, Account 299%19`300, no. 7; CIG 2940b (p. 1124); Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 391; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 55; *ITralles 198. @ @@`212. Funerary inscription for (no name) by father [Sot]erichos, with provisions for foundation; imperial; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 115; Contole/on, REG 14, 1901, 304, no. 2; Laum II no. 96; Robert, Et. anat. 413%19`414; BE 1938:389; *ITralles 220. @ @@`213. Funerary inscription for (no name), daughter of Teimo[ ... ], et al., on sarcophagus; imperial%1; found at Tralles: Cousin %9 Deschamps, BCH 18, 1894, 6, no. 2; BE 1895:459; *ITralles 232. @ @@`214. &3Heroon& inscription for (no name), on sarcophagus fragment; imperial%1; found at Tralles: Hauvette%19Besnault %9 Dubois, BCH 5, 1881, 345%19`346, no. 7; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 13; Kubin/ska, Monuments 126; *ITralles 233. @ @@`215. Honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name), on marble slab; no date; found at Tralles: MDAI(A) 26, 1901, 238, no. 2; *ITralles 31. @ @@`216. Marble fragment of funerary inscription for (no name), [&3phil&]&3ometo&[&3r&]; no date; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 127; Contole/on, REG 13, 1900, 500, no. 8; *ITralles 227. @ @@`217. Fragment of &3soros& (?) inscription; no date; found at Tralles: Sterrett, MDAI(A) 8, 1883, 338, no. 21; Sterrett, Inscriptions of Tralles no. 21; *ITralles 230. @ @@`218. Marble fragment of funerary inscription; no date; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 126; Contole/on, REG 13, 1900, 500, no. 9; *ITralles 231. @ @@`219. Fragment of funerary inscription, on stele fragment; no date; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 119; Contole/on, REG 13, 1900, 499, no. 2; *ITralles 234. @ @@`220. Fragment of funerary inscription for (no name), on marble slab; no date; found at Tralles: Contole/on, REG 13, 1900, 499, no. 1; *ITralles 235. @ @@`221. Reclassified as Tralles 5.5. @ See also: Tralles 5.5, 149%19`151, 159, 228, 231 (?); Buresch, RhM 49, 1894, 424 (%6 Buresch, MDAI(A) 19, 1894, 102%19`103) (honorary%3funerary inscription for (no name) by demos of Kaisar[ei]a and other cities; found at Antiocheia Mai.); IG II&4`2 10249%19`10257 (funerary inscription for named individuals from Seleukeia; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 10456 (%6 IG III 2940) (funerary inscription for Apollonios Dionysiou of Trales; found in Attica); IG II&4`2& 10457 (%6 IG III 2941) (funerary inscription for Isthm[ ... ] of Tral[les]; found in Attica); Andreomenou, AD 23, 1968 A 139 no. 26 (%6 SEG 25, 288) (%6 BE 1969:208) (funerary inscription for Ti[me]ris ... of Seleukeia; found in Attica); SEG 14, 202 (%6 Meritt, Hesperia 23, 1954, 271, no. 106) (%6 Bradeen, Ath. Agora vol. 17, no. 509) (funerary inscription for (no name) of Kaisareia; found in Attica); CIL III 285 (funerary inscription in Latin for Symphoros Antiochi of Caesarea Tralles; found near Barium); Ephesos 2173 (%6 ITralles p. 217, no. 3*) (%6 IEphesos 2213) (%6 Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 84) (%6 Waltzing, Et. hist. III 63%19`64, no. 175) (funerary inscription for Appius Arellius Diadochos, on sarcophagus; found at Ephesos, later at Tralles); ITralles p. 218, no. 6* (%6 Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 44) (%6 Waltzing, Et. hist. III 63, no. 170) (%6 CIG 3924b) (%6 LW 742) (%6 IHierapolis no. 50) (&3heroon&%3honorary inscription for (no name); from Hierapolis, not Tralles); ITralles pp. 219%19`220, no. 9* (%6 IGRR IV 921, ll. 6%19`8) (%6 Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 28) (%6 SEG 6, 277) (funerary inscription for (no name) and family; found at Kibyra, later at Tralles); Klazomenai 20 (%6 IErythrai 528) (funerary inscription for Nikeso Stratonos of Seleukeia; found at Drymussa near Klazomenai); ILS 2828 (funerary inscription in Latin for L(ucius) Octavius Elaites by &3scriba& Dionysius Plestharchi of Tralles; found at Colonia Agrippina); Magnesia 330 (%6 ITralles p. 220, no. 11*) (%6 IMagnesia 260) (%6 Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 104) (funerary inscription for Aristophon Timokratous and Nannis Timokratou; found near Germencik, prob. in territory of Magnesia Mai., not Tralles); Magnesia 337.5 (%6 ITralles pp. 221%19`222, no. 13*) (%6 Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 26) (%6 SEG 1, 439) (&3soros& inscription for Democharis Prokleous et al., with penalty for violating grave; found at Is%25#1221kl#1221 but from Magnesia Mai.); Magnesia 342.5 (%6 ITralles 196A) (funerary inscription for [De]metrios [Art]emonos and [Ar]temidoros [De]metriou; found at Germencik, prob. in territory of Magnesia Mai., not Tralles); ITralles p. 222, no. 14* (%6 CIG 2937) (%6 IMylasa 426) (%6 LW 458) (funerary inscription for Aba Iatrokleious; found at Mylasa, not Tralles or Magnesia Mai.); ITralles 18* (%6 Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 54) (%6 Sterrett, Epigraphical Journey no. 388) (fragment of funerary inscription mentioning [Ath]enagoras; found at Tralles, from Nysa); SEG 31, 885 (%6 IG XIV 666) (%6 IGRR I 473) (%6 CIL I 1256) (%6 ILLRP 799) (%6 ILS 7791) (funerary inscription in Latin and Greek for L(ucius) Manneius, by birth Menekrates Demetriou of Tralles, for self et al.; found near Volcei in Italy); IG XII 1, 475 (funerary inscription of [Aga]th[a]nor of [T]rall[ei]s and wife; found on Rhodes); Maiuri, Nuova silloge, p. 93, no. 190 (funerary inscription for Apollonios of Seleukeia; found on Rhodes); Maiuri, Nuova silloge, p. 95, no. 201 (funerary inscription for Artemidoros of Tralles; found on Rhodes); Zervoudaki, AD 25, 1970 B 515 (%6 BE 1974:403) (funerary inscription for Asia of Seleukeia; found on Rhodes); Porro, ASAA 2, 1916, 131, no. 20 (funerary inscription for Asia of Trales; found on Rhodes); Maiuri, Nuova silloge, p. 96, no. 204 (funerary inscription for [Eut]ycho of [Tralle]is (?); found on Rhodes); Maiuri, Nuova silloge, p. 210, no. 589 (funerary inscription of Glaukos Pausaniou of Tralles; found on Rhodes); Maiuri, Nuova silloge, p. 95, no. 202 (funerary inscription of Iatrokles of Tralles; found on Rhodes); IG XII 1, 463 (funerary inscription of Kraton of Seleukeia; found on Rhodes); Porro, ASAA 2, 1916, 128, no. 7 (funerary inscription for Menodora of Seleukeia; found on Rhodes); Zervoudaki, AD 32, 1977 B 366 (%6 SEG 34, 801) (funerary inscription for Nikandros of Tralles; found on Rhodes); IG XII 1, 476 (%6 SGDI 4043) (funerary inscription for Patrophila of Tralles; found on Rhodes); Maiuri, Nuova silloge, p. 232, no. 668 (funerary inscription for Tanais Apolloniou of Tralles; found on Rhodes); Maiuri, Nuova silloge, p. 96, no. 203 (funerary inscription for Kl[ ... ] of Tr[alles (?)]; found on Rhodes); IG XIV 1680 (funerary inscription for [Gai]us Iulius Themison, &3iatros& of [Tr]alleis; found at Rome); IG XIV 2092 (funerary inscription for Flavia Aphrodeisia of Tralles; found near Rome); Stratonikeia 171 (%6 IStratonikeia 1256) (funerary inscription for Neikephoros Hierokleous of Tral(les) and Mousa Hierokleous Ko(liorgis); found at Stratonikeia); IG XIV 2489 (funerary inscription for Eutychia &3apeleuthera& by Krates of Tralleis; found at Vienna in Gaul (?)). @ @@@@Section: 17. Artists' Signatures (_) @ See also: Tralles 12, 119. @ @@@@Section: 18. Oracles (_) @ See also: Tralles 145. @ @@@@Section: 19. Curses (_) @ See also: Tralles 139, 173. @ @@@@Section: 20. Graffiti (_) @ See also: Magnesia 413 (%6 ITralles p. 220, no. 10*) (%6 IMagnesia 336) (%6 Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 95) (graffito for Longinus; found at Magnesia Mai., later at Tralles). @ ޏ@@@@Section: 21. Christian Inscriptions (222%19`229) @ @@`222. Building inscription by Capetolina, &3axiolog&(&3otate&) and &3theoseb&(&3estate&), Christian or Jew; Christian%1; found at Tralles: CIG 2924; Robert, Et. anat. 409%19`412; BE 1938:389; BE 1954:24 (p. 103); Lifshitz, Donateurs no. 30; BE 1965:366; *ITralles 240. @ @@`223. Christian dedication of mosaic on behalf of Anastasios, &3diakonos& of Alexandria and &3iatros&; 4%3`5; found at Tralles: Edhem bey, RA 4, 1904, 352; BE 1906:46; Gre/goire, Rec. no. 123&3quater&; Schultze, Altchristliche Sta+dte II 2, 128; *ITralles 244. @ @@`224. Honorary inscription in Latin for Constantius (II) by Fl(avius) Magnus, proc(onsul) of Asia; AD 354%3`359; found at Tralles: CIL III 445 %7 Nachtrag p. 982; ILS 733; *ITralles 44. @ @@`225. Honorary inscription for Fl(avius) Caesarius, &3praefectus &3praetorio,& by metropolis of Tralleis; 4&4e&%3`5&4b&; found at Tralles: LW 1652d, ll. 1%19`8; BE 1987:404; *ITralles 56.I. @ @@`226. Honorary inscription for Fl(avius) Caesarius, &3praefectus &3praetorio,& by metropolis of Tralleis; 4&4e&%3`5&4b&; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 19; *ITralles 56.II. @ @@`227. Christian topos inscription; Christian; found at Tralles: CIG 9274; Gre/goire, Rec. 123&3ter&; *ITralles 243. @ @@`228. Christian funerary inscription for (no name), on slab; Christian; found at Tralles: *ITralles 238. @ @@`229. Fragment of pottery mentioning Constanti[nus]; Christian; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 109; Contole/on, REG 13, 1900, 500, no. 4; Gre/goire, Rec. no. 123&4`5&; *ITralles 242. @ See also: Aphrodisias 714 (%6 Roueche/, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 38) (Christian honorary inscription in elegiacs for Ampelius for building, composed by Pythiodoros of Tralles; found at Aphrodisias); ITralles 2 (%6 BE 1961:663) (Byzantine, ostensibly ancient oracle in dodecasyllables concerning future of Tralles; found at Tralles). @ @@@@Section: 22. Varia (230%19`244) @ @@@@Section: 22a. Gladiatorial Inscriptions (230%19`231) @ @@`230. Inscription of &3monomachai& of Publius Lucilius Pisoninus; Roman; found at Tralles: LW 615; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 103; Robert, Glad. no. 147; *ITralles 100. @ @@`231. Gladiatorial inscription of Istros, gladiator, on marble slab; Roman; now at Smyrna, prob. from Tralles and not Aphrodisias: Mous. I 1873%19`1875, 75, no. 38; Robert, Glad. no. 151 (PH); *ITralles 101. @ See also: Tralles 149, 151. @ @@@@Section: 22b. Tile Inscriptions (232%19`239) @ @@`232. Tile inscription of Agathopolis; no date; found at Tralles: Contole/on, BCH 10, 1886, 327; *ITralles 156. @ @@`233. Tile inscription of Anthopolis; no date; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 63; *Contole/on, REG 13, 1900, 499, no. 3.b; ITralles 158. @ @@`234. Tile inscription of Eunous; no date; found at Tralles: Contole/on, REG 13, 1900, 499, no. 3.c; *ITralles 155. @ @@`235. Tile inscription of Tryphon; no date; found at Tralles, poss. from Magnesia Mai., identical with or with same text as inscription of Magnesia Mai.: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 14, 1889, 106, no. 55; IMagnesia 354.b; *ITralles 157; Magnesia 433. @ @@`236. Tile inscription of Tyrannos; no date; found at Tralles: Contole/on, BCH 10, 1886, 327, no. 3; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 62; Contole/on, REG 13, 1900, 499, no. 3.a; *ITralles 159. @ @@`237. Tile inscription of Tyrannos; no date; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 129; *ITralles 160A. @ @@`238. Tile inscription of &3architekton&; no date; found at Tralles, identical with or with same text as inscription found at Magnesia Mai.: IMagnesia 356; Magnesia 436; *ITralles 160B. @ @@`239. Tile inscription mentioning Demeter and Kore; no date; found at Tralles: *ITralles 160C. @ @@@@Section: 22c. Other Inscriptions on Instrumenta (240%19`242) @ @@`240. Inscription of Artemas on clay; no date; said to have been found at Tralles, identical with or with same text as inscription of Magnesia Mai.: Contole/on, REG 12, 1899, 382, no. 1; BE 1900:132; IMagnesia 354.a; Magnesia 431; *ITralles 248. @ @@`241. Inscription of Eukarpos &3archiatros,& on iron seal; no date; found at Tralles: Contole/on, REG 12, 1899, 382, no. 3; BE 1900:132; Po+hl, De Graecorum medicis publicis 38, no. 64; *ITralles 246. @ @@`242. Inscription in Latin of G(aius) Cornelius Euporus and G(aius) Cornelius Pharnaces, with new year's wish, on metal tablet; Roman; found at Umurlu: Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 336, no. 5; CIL III 12273; *ITralles 247. @ See also: Tralles 229. @ @@@@Section: 22d. Other Varia (243%19`244) @ @@`243. Cadastral inscription; 3&4e&%3`4&4b&; found near Tralles: Fontrier, BCH 4, 1880 336%19`338; Mous. III 1880, 133, no. 176(170); Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 65; De/le/age, Capitation 187%19`190; BE 1946:22; SEG 13, 493; *ITralles 250. @ @@`244. Inscription of Elpis on marble fragment; no date; found at Tralles: Contole/on, REG 12, 1899, 382, no. 2; BE 1900:132; *ITralles 249. @ See also: Tralles 12, 223; Magnesia 162 (%6 IMagnesia 122) (cadastral inscription includes several mentions of persons of Tralles; found at Magnesia Mai.); Hellenica 8, p. 6, no. 1 (%6 Friedrich no. 64) (%6 BE 1891:335) (%6 Deroy no. 1) (%6 Kontoleon, MDAI(A) 15, 1890, 337, no. 7) (%6 Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 1) (Carian inscription; found at Tralles); Hellenica 8, p. 7, no. 2 (%6 Friedrich no. 63) (%6 Deroy no. 2) (funerary (?) inscription in Carian, on tombstone; found near Tralles). @ @@@@Section: 23. Dubia (245%19`260) @ @@`245. Fragment mentioning [S]kythinos, on base; prob. Hellenistic; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 142; *ITralles 259. @ @@`246. Fragment mentioning [&3a&]&3rchisynag&[&3ogos&]; imperial; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 146; *ITralles 241. @ @@`246.5. Unpublished, largely unreadable fragmentary document in Greek and Latin (?), prob. royal letter, on same stone as Tralles 145; imperial%1; found at Tralles: ITralles p. 2 &3ad& no. 1. @ @@`247. Fragment mentioning Philas; no date; found at Tralles: Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey no. 392; Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 120; *ITralles 252. @ @@`248. Fragment mentioning &3choiros,& perhaps of sacred law; no date; found at Tralles: Sterrett, MDAI(A) 8, 1883, 338, no. 22; Sterrett, Inscriptions of Tralles no. 22; *ITralles 254. @ @@`249. Fragment mentioning [&3st&]&3ephanephoros,& on slab; no date; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, MDAI(A) 24, 1899, 92, no. 2; *ITralles 256. @ @@`250. Fragment mentioning Apollodoros; no date; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 141; *ITralles 257. @ @@`251. Fragment mentioning Charid[emos]; no date; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 145; *ITralles 258. @ @@`252. Fragment mentioning [&3ba&]&3silikon& (&3denarion&); no date; found at #1222ncirliova: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 91; *ITralles 260. @ @@`253. Fragment mentioning Agathino[s], on block; no date; found at Tralles: Pappakonstantinou, Hai Tralleis no. 60; *ITralles 261. @ @@`254. Fragment of base, mentioning Tauris; no date; found at Tralles: *ITralles 262. @ @@`255. Fragment of slab, mentioning Hekataio[s]; no date; found at Tralles: *ITralles 263. @ @@`256. [ ... ]ER, on architrave fragment (?); no date; found at Tralles: *ITralles 264. @ @@`257. Marble fragment with word &3eisagag&[&3on&]; no date; found at Tralles: *ITralles 265. @ @@`258. Fragment of letter (?), on stele; no date; found at Tralles: *ITralles 266. @ @@`259. Fragment mentioning [Li]banius (?); no date; found at Tralles: *ITralles 267. @ @@`260. &3DK& on white marble fragment; no date; found at Tralles: *ITralles 268. @ @@@@Section: 24. Spuria (_) @